1 00:00:07,76 --> 00:00:10,08 Which is which is which is. 2 00:00:18,96 --> 00:00:23,09 Just beyond the edge of life. From the deep 3 00:00:23,10 --> 00:00:30,07 a doc knows no living being has ever walked come the terror of those who have given 4 00:00:30,08 --> 00:00:36,65 their soul depo. This is the story of one such creature. 5 00:00:38,13 --> 00:00:45,11 This is the story about we. Across the pages 6 00:00:45,12 --> 00:00:51,23 of history look the Army said those were the sorcerers the witches. 7 00:00:52,66 --> 00:00:58,59 Through the ages man has known the evil that walks in the shadows of the night. And 8 00:00:58,60 --> 00:01:04,19 his fear the dark spirits of the unknown. What lies behind these months of the 9 00:01:04,20 --> 00:01:10,83 spheres that is chilled the hearts of men from the beginning of time. To these 10 00:01:10,84 --> 00:01:15,55 sinister creatures live only in the superstitious minds of ignorant people. 11 00:01:17,59 --> 00:01:23,45 Those who have studied the history of the ages and who know the dark secrets locked 12 00:01:23,46 --> 00:01:30,36 in the vaults of time. To bend the word which is brings up 13 00:01:30,40 --> 00:01:33,60 friendly fear and the shattering terror. 14 00:01:39,73 --> 00:01:44,70 Great minds have sucked with babies things and then the great museums of the world 15 00:01:44,71 --> 00:01:49,33 hang the work of the master artist of another age giving new testimony to the 16 00:01:49,34 --> 00:01:56,30 horrors of sorcery and witchcraft as they saw it in their day. To tell you this 17 00:01:56,31 --> 00:02:01,62 hideous tale. And to better help you understand these murderous creatures Let's go 18 00:02:01,63 --> 00:02:07,31 back five hundred years that will bring us back to the time known as the duck ages 19 00:02:07,71 --> 00:02:12,69 when the witches hild much of Europe in their black grip of fear and let us study 20 00:02:12,70 --> 00:02:16,35 some of the paintings by the great master artists who lived in the age of 21 00:02:16,36 --> 00:02:21,73 witchcraft and through their eyes and the genius of their art let us try to 22 00:02:21,74 --> 00:02:28,61 understand these strange creatures and the evil forces behind them. In the old 23 00:02:28,62 --> 00:02:30,35 books we read that 24 00:02:30,36 --> 00:02:37,33 a witch is one who has given his soul to the devil to do that they must renounce 25 00:02:37,34 --> 00:02:42,71 God and all other things that are decent and good it is said that they make 26 00:02:42,72 --> 00:02:48,92 a pact with Satan written in their own blood. In return for this evil deed the 27 00:02:48,93 --> 00:02:54,67 devil gave them supernatural powers of magic and evil they could make their bodies 28 00:02:54,68 --> 00:03:00,37 disappear or change into any kind of beast or animal that will they were given the 29 00:03:00,38 --> 00:03:05,44 power to cast their ominous shadows across the lives of others they could cast evil 30 00:03:05,45 --> 00:03:09,99 spells upon their victims causing them to go blind or lose the use of their limbs 31 00:03:10,91 --> 00:03:16,67 or even lose their mind. They could turn the victims' lives into manners of. 32 00:03:18,56 --> 00:03:24,16 All the devil is their master and they must go froth upon the earth serving only 33 00:03:24,17 --> 00:03:29,43 the powers of evil. The witches with meat in the night at 34 00:03:29,44 --> 00:03:35,59 a prearranged run table usually an old secret dungeons or in the black death of 35 00:03:35,60 --> 00:03:41,78 a forest. These meetings were called Separate. And were always held during the 36 00:03:41,79 --> 00:03:46,77 night all the devils greatest power was believed to be from sundown to cock crow 37 00:03:48,00 --> 00:03:50,46 and many of the finest paintings by the great artist 38 00:03:50,47 --> 00:03:56,01 a bad period tell the story more eloquently than words of the strange and evil 39 00:03:56,02 --> 00:04:02,70 things that took place at the seven. Which is what appears at this sinister ritual 40 00:04:02,71 --> 00:04:09,19 in the form of all kinds of hideous creatures such as beasts birds beast and half 41 00:04:09,20 --> 00:04:15,53 human. They would begin by celebrating what was known as the black mass. Which was 42 00:04:15,54 --> 00:04:20,50 always conducted by some excellent or of the church who had renounced God to serve 43 00:04:20,54 --> 00:04:27,28 the devil's black mass will live in infamy forever or hear 44 00:04:28,23 --> 00:04:33,43 some of the most terrible criminal acts took place such as the slaying of children 45 00:04:33,79 --> 00:04:35,53 whose warm blood was offered up as 46 00:04:35,54 --> 00:04:41,88 a sacrifice to save. Then the bodies were thrown to the dogs or roasted and 47 00:04:42,54 --> 00:04:48,26 by that which is following this ritual the entire gathering would throw themselves 48 00:04:48,27 --> 00:04:53,35 into the most depraved orgies of ill and obscenity conceivable to the human mind. 49 00:04:55,62 --> 00:05:01,19 These evil perverted creatures it was all terribly exciting and it provided an 50 00:05:01,20 --> 00:05:08,13 excuse for their unbridled lust and perverted sex the fact that it 51 00:05:08,14 --> 00:05:13,96 had to be carried out in the most secrecy made it all the more thrilling. Yet those 52 00:05:13,97 --> 00:05:19,10 same evil murderous creatures changed their body isn't all sorts of hideous beast 53 00:05:19,91 --> 00:05:26,20 and engaged in those unbelievable rituals by night lived by day as ordinary human 54 00:05:26,21 --> 00:05:32,69 beings such as shopkeepers Housewives or farmers and as the years went on. 55 00:05:33,73 --> 00:05:38,86 The bitches continued their murderous assault upon the people and it is said that 56 00:05:38,87 --> 00:05:45,80 they called all the legions of the dead back the souls of the living. This is the 57 00:05:45,81 --> 00:05:52,74 goal of the devil. From the beginning about thirteenth century through the 58 00:05:52,75 --> 00:05:59,13 eighteenth century witchcraft ran rampant through Europe and was practiced with all 59 00:05:59,14 --> 00:06:05,64 of its blasphemous and obscene rituals. So the Middle Ages exam but. 60 00:06:07,77 --> 00:06:14,70 The age of witchcraft. Age of the. Men 61 00:06:14,71 --> 00:06:20,45 and women who still had the courage to fight did so with all the weapons they knew 62 00:06:21,94 --> 00:06:28,25 and after five centuries but the tide of battle turned. In many European countries 63 00:06:28,69 --> 00:06:30,24 the practice of witchcraft was made 64 00:06:30,25 --> 00:06:35,26 a capital offense. Rumors decreed that their countries must be freed of this 65 00:06:35,27 --> 00:06:41,99 terrible scourge and that girl convicted of practicing witchcraft must die. Armies 66 00:06:41,100 --> 00:06:47,67 were called out to hunt down the which is. The fear was so great that I'm tired 67 00:06:47,68 --> 00:06:54,24 villages said to be infested by which is put to the talk the old records tell of 68 00:06:54,28 --> 00:06:58,99 flames rising high into the night sky and hideous creatures streaking across the 69 00:06:59,00 --> 00:07:05,95 burning heavens screaming all obscenities. When confronted with death many of 70 00:07:05,96 --> 00:07:10,29 the treacherous which is confessed to the most hideous crimes even the hardened 71 00:07:10,30 --> 00:07:15,48 soldiers who were trained to kill turned away sickened by some of their terrifying 72 00:07:15,49 --> 00:07:21,09 confessions one group of which is alone confessed to the murdering of about two 73 00:07:21,24 --> 00:07:26,99 thousand babies and small children booked from the brothels and slums of the big 74 00:07:27,00 --> 00:07:33,33 cities at last which is where no more old 75 00:07:33,34 --> 00:07:37,74 superstitions and taboos had yielded to the powers of light and knowledge. 76 00:07:40,10 --> 00:07:46,74 We who live in the light of the twentieth Century see the witch only in fantasy as 77 00:07:46,75 --> 00:07:52,96 a hideous old woman sailing through the night sky on her broomstick. We are certain 78 00:07:52,97 --> 00:07:57,15 that these murderous creatures who walk the world in the dark ages committing their 79 00:07:57,16 --> 00:08:03,53 atrocious crimes and casting their evil spells never really existed except in the 80 00:08:03,54 --> 00:08:08,50 twilight zone of the mind. But I we mistaken. 81 00:08:10,86 --> 00:08:17,80 From deep beyond the edge of liked to from somewhere out there beyond the grave and 82 00:08:17,87 --> 00:08:24,73 beyond the dimensions of life. Do these ominous creatures still exist 83 00:08:24,77 --> 00:08:27,10 you see. 84 00:08:36,48 --> 00:08:43,02 The very witching time of night when churchyards is gone and hell itself gives up 85 00:08:43,03 --> 00:08:49,99 contagion to this world. Old. 86 00:08:53,54 --> 00:08:55,89 Old. 87 00:09:10,22 --> 00:09:15,82 The all. 88 00:09:17,18 --> 00:09:21,18 The what the. 89 00:09:34,93 --> 00:09:41,83 World. Verse. 90 00:10:02,09 --> 00:10:06,24 If I could have known of the strange and haunting experience that was waiting for 91 00:10:06,25 --> 00:10:11,41 me I never would have driven any further into the hill country of central Texas. 92 00:10:12,73 --> 00:10:14,52 There are those who say that it was all 93 00:10:14,53 --> 00:10:19,97 a dream and that it didn't happen at all nor could it happen in the twentieth 94 00:10:19,98 --> 00:10:23,80 century but I tell you it happened. 95 00:10:29,71 --> 00:10:33,58 Perhaps you'll be able to believe it if I tell you about where it happened and the 96 00:10:33,59 --> 00:10:39,99 people who live there to begin with It was early spring and there are few places in 97 00:10:39,100 --> 00:10:45,26 the whole world as lovely as central Texas in April but this is not the Texas of 98 00:10:45,27 --> 00:10:48,07 cowboy lore for here snug in 99 00:10:48,08 --> 00:10:54,93 a green valley rammed by evergreen hills are crim clannish early German 100 00:10:54,94 --> 00:11:00,72 villages the German settlers came in eight hundred forty six thinking religious 101 00:11:00,73 --> 00:11:06,100 asylum in America the green hills the rocky slopes and clear rushing streams 102 00:11:07,01 --> 00:11:13,47 reminded them of the hills beside the Rhine from limestone outcroppings and the 103 00:11:13,48 --> 00:11:18,45 encircling hills they built their thick walled homes most of them still standing 104 00:11:19,06 --> 00:11:24,89 mellowed to Amber by the sun still occupied by descendants of the settlers 105 00:11:26,94 --> 00:11:31,78 and they have kept the face that made their grandfathers brave sickness isolation 106 00:11:31,83 --> 00:11:35,31 and Indian raids so that it be kept alive 107 00:11:36,68 --> 00:11:42,63 a characteristic of the valley is the great number of bells church bells they are 108 00:11:42,64 --> 00:11:48,15 been blocking with the evening bells and there are the school veils which have rung 109 00:11:48,16 --> 00:11:48,32 for 110 00:11:48,33 --> 00:11:52,45 a hundred years calling the children to school houses that were built by their great 111 00:11:52,46 --> 00:11:58,45 grandfathers though English and German are spoken interchangeably German is taught 112 00:11:58,46 --> 00:12:02,26 in the schools and is still the language of social contact and of the home. 113 00:12:08,29 --> 00:12:09,40 And I sing in German. 114 00:13:01,42 --> 00:13:06,64 Yes this whispering the time of slang or. The singing festival 115 00:13:09,41 --> 00:13:12,93 I was trying to get to the village of Lucan vaquero singing festival was in 116 00:13:12,94 --> 00:13:13,41 progress. 117 00:13:20,83 --> 00:13:24,01 You can joke all you want to about how far a sports car can go on 118 00:13:24,02 --> 00:13:29,34 a gallon of gas but when they're out they'll sit there like any other. 119 00:13:47,43 --> 00:13:53,04 I was already late so I decided to leave the car and walk into the village this was 120 00:13:53,05 --> 00:13:56,72 the last day of the thing in festival and the last day I could take away from 121 00:13:56,73 --> 00:13:59,36 college I was writing 122 00:13:59,37 --> 00:14:03,62 a thesis on the early Germans and taxes and the festivals were important to my 123 00:14:03,63 --> 00:14:09,02 research as I walk through the countryside toward the village I thought to myself 124 00:14:09,03 --> 00:14:15,06 how lucky these people were to live in such peace and unspoiled beauty and yet as I 125 00:14:15,07 --> 00:14:19,80 approached the O'Byrne mill on the outskirts of the village an ominous feeling 126 00:14:19,81 --> 00:14:26,40 crept over me it seemed as if in the dark shade trees about the mill rain or about 127 00:14:26,41 --> 00:14:28,15 to swallow me up and take me back 128 00:14:28,16 --> 00:14:44,99 a hundred years as indeed they soon would. Follow 129 00:14:45,00 --> 00:14:46,95 their. The H. 130 00:14:47,79 --> 00:14:48,55 I'm looking for 131 00:14:48,56 --> 00:14:54,05 a place to stay for the night I wonder if you could help me. Improve Your Hunch 132 00:14:54,27 --> 00:14:57,60 good beer eaters this all sounds good enough for me. 133 00:15:02,14 --> 00:15:08,59 First though her name was scarce guess it was 134 00:15:08,60 --> 00:15:09,36 a pity that such 135 00:15:09,37 --> 00:15:12,81 a lovely creature would be the one to tell me that I was too late for the festival 136 00:15:14,28 --> 00:15:15,09 she was dressed in 137 00:15:15,10 --> 00:15:19,57 a costume of the old country and had taken some village children to the festival 138 00:15:20,49 --> 00:15:23,36 she said that her grandfather would be glad to have me at the end. 139 00:15:28,75 --> 00:15:33,11 As we turned to go I couldn't help thinking that the old miller could help me in my 140 00:15:33,12 --> 00:15:39,49 search so I turned to him. He seemed pleasant enough 141 00:15:40,07 --> 00:15:45,73 as I asked him if he could help me but when I mentioned the words superstitions and 142 00:15:45,74 --> 00:15:49,79 witchcraft he simply turned them continued with this guy may. 143 00:15:58,99 --> 00:16:03,02 Dismiss the old miller for my mind is overly sensitive and we started walking for 144 00:16:03,03 --> 00:16:07,89 the village store then I tried to ask your school questions about the village but 145 00:16:08,44 --> 00:16:14,91 she was interested in what she called the outside what it was like at college what 146 00:16:14,92 --> 00:16:21,25 kind of clothes were being worn by girls her age. Suddenly I realized that I was 147 00:16:21,26 --> 00:16:23,37 out of place in this village with 148 00:16:23,38 --> 00:16:32,54 a century old homes and clean swept walks. But 149 00:16:32,55 --> 00:16:38,53 as we approached the end her mood changed it was as if she wanted to help me but 150 00:16:38,57 --> 00:16:44,87 couldn't find words to explain how you must be careful the old ones do not like to 151 00:16:44,88 --> 00:16:49,88 speak of the Spirit sent to hex their grandfather's friends are probably glad to 152 00:16:49,89 --> 00:16:55,25 have you in our house he would talk of anything you wish as much of what you don't 153 00:16:55,25 --> 00:17:01,96 . That 154 00:17:01,97 --> 00:17:02,84 evening after 155 00:17:02,85 --> 00:17:09,60 a good German dinner by the fire. Keeper. And tried to 156 00:17:09,61 --> 00:17:11,43 find words to answer my question. 157 00:17:16,74 --> 00:17:22,55 They are afraid of those. Especially. 158 00:17:24,88 --> 00:17:31,84 The look in which I talk Surely after all these years I would be nothing if you 159 00:17:31,85 --> 00:17:38,85 told I would help you. But I promise you I'm not going to say 160 00:17:38,86 --> 00:17:45,67 anything to anyone I'm just not. Just about given up hope of any help from 161 00:17:45,68 --> 00:17:46,15 anybody. 162 00:17:57,34 --> 00:18:04,16 On the way. Thank you. All 163 00:18:04,17 --> 00:18:10,86 what do you have to go I mean well I'm not having too much luck with the 164 00:18:10,87 --> 00:18:16,81 others and I thought someone younger might be able to help someone like you. With 165 00:18:16,82 --> 00:18:18,64 my thesis I'm doing research for 166 00:18:18,65 --> 00:18:23,43 a thesis they want to help you if they could be sure it was 167 00:18:23,44 --> 00:18:30,12 a German immigration you were writing about but. OK so it's not just about the 168 00:18:30,13 --> 00:18:35,18 immigration story so it's also about customs and legends and strange oddities that 169 00:18:35,19 --> 00:18:40,38 we hear about and witchcraft and I didn't say anything you want to be honest with 170 00:18:40,39 --> 00:18:44,94 me all right so I'm interested in witchcraft and the sorcery and the all calling 171 00:18:45,48 --> 00:18:51,42 the harm in that folks do not take these things like me I didn't mean to upset your 172 00:18:51,43 --> 00:18:54,35 folks the way I did but what can be the harm in 173 00:18:54,36 --> 00:18:58,43 a guy researching something that happened over one hundred years ago you would have 174 00:18:58,44 --> 00:19:05,22 to live here to know it to understand. What we call friend from the outside. 175 00:19:10,35 --> 00:19:16,71 Are they trying to hide something do you use the word. It's 176 00:19:16,98 --> 00:19:21,00 just an academic hobby with me I know there's 177 00:19:21,01 --> 00:19:24,14 a lot of talk about witches and warlocks and stuff like that and 178 00:19:24,15 --> 00:19:27,39 a lot of people actually believe it but I've done 179 00:19:27,40 --> 00:19:32,04 a lot of research on witchcraft and I actually believe it can be boiled down to 180 00:19:32,05 --> 00:19:38,44 a simple mathematical and economic formula how do you mean look and any history 181 00:19:38,45 --> 00:19:45,12 book any age where there was widespread famine sickness want you find an outbreak 182 00:19:45,13 --> 00:19:51,73 of women being denounced as witches in the late Middle Ages. People were executed 183 00:19:51,74 --> 00:19:57,86 in Europe and England in Massachusetts twenty witches were put to death all of 184 00:19:57,87 --> 00:20:02,59 these were times of widespread disease and hunger but when your people first subtle 185 00:20:02,60 --> 00:20:07,08 in this country they had not only disease and hunger to contend with they had the 186 00:20:07,09 --> 00:20:12,91 Comanche Indian raids as well Little wonder then that the ugly word witchcraft was 187 00:20:12,92 --> 00:20:17,34 heard in the new colony but what pleasure can you get from studying about all this 188 00:20:17,92 --> 00:20:22,69 to better understand the which ones we have today which you would think that after 189 00:20:22,80 --> 00:20:26,40 the delusions of New England in early Texas the urge to hunt which is would have 190 00:20:26,41 --> 00:20:30,70 disappeared from the Western world but nothing of the kind of medieval idea 191 00:20:30,71 --> 00:20:37,40 witchcraft was replaced with things like race nationality can I do to help your 192 00:20:37,41 --> 00:20:43,18 grandfather mention the Luke and Bach which but call themselves when I try to find 193 00:20:43,19 --> 00:20:48,43 out more about it. I heard of this case before and you tell me something about her 194 00:20:49,02 --> 00:20:50,35 there was a woman called 195 00:20:50,36 --> 00:20:57,29 a looking back which grandfather and grand uncle will not talk of it because it 196 00:20:57,30 --> 00:21:01,66 was their grandfather Sharni could announce to the settler that built this in. 197 00:21:04,42 --> 00:21:05,49 This very room. 198 00:21:12,19 --> 00:21:18,32 Only now have an old book. Which will tell you all about it but you must not tell 199 00:21:18,33 --> 00:21:21,67 the others about the book you have my word just in that it. 200 00:21:25,40 --> 00:21:27,90 The sweetest smile. Like 201 00:21:27,91 --> 00:21:32,93 a college voices telling all the country girls this you know I really mean it I 202 00:21:32,94 --> 00:21:37,44 believe it's just that I don't ever really notice anyone until I get 203 00:21:37,45 --> 00:21:38,75 a little bothered lined up like 204 00:21:38,76 --> 00:21:44,33 a camel you know with your German good looks set up with something simple and black 205 00:21:45,06 --> 00:21:45,49 you look like 206 00:21:45,50 --> 00:22:05,59 a little cameo I better hurry. As 207 00:22:05,60 --> 00:22:10,92 I finish my packing I actually felt that my luck was changing for the better. 208 00:22:12,38 --> 00:22:17,44 Just how much better I couldn't describe it have to see or. 209 00:22:30,95 --> 00:22:37,52 That's something simple and black I did. Yeah I 210 00:22:37,53 --> 00:22:44,18 did I did shouldn't you close the door yeah of course. 211 00:22:50,07 --> 00:22:56,46 I'm not sure I've got you figured cuz I asked you to close the door Well yeah 212 00:22:57,43 --> 00:23:03,29 I knew when one grandfather to know we were alone. Wouldn't think I want to be 213 00:23:03,30 --> 00:23:08,80 alone you know to tell the truth I'm not sure what I thought at the moment. 214 00:23:10,96 --> 00:23:16,100 You didn't think the country girls ever thought of being. The wife but who knows 215 00:23:17,01 --> 00:23:23,91 more about life as things and being alone than. People don't talk about it 216 00:23:23,92 --> 00:23:25,87 too much too much. 217 00:23:32,00 --> 00:23:38,81 I better give you your book. And go. Back to giving your book I have no 218 00:23:38,82 --> 00:23:45,65 reason to stay cept on one condition I 219 00:23:45,66 --> 00:23:46,67 can be saved you. 220 00:23:52,48 --> 00:23:52,78 Know. 221 00:24:07,47 --> 00:24:07,70 Well. 222 00:24:27,79 --> 00:24:34,36 The early Germans in Texas to understand properly know how witchcraft and suspicion 223 00:24:34,37 --> 00:24:38,49 raised its ugly head in the early colony remember that in the first year of the 224 00:24:38,50 --> 00:24:44,31 supplements type sleeping sickness and other bitter hardships were climax by an 225 00:24:44,35 --> 00:24:48,96 epidemic that took the lives of two hundred of the six hundred settlers the 226 00:24:48,97 --> 00:24:53,62 villagers looked for someone on whom to blame the troubles what brought her subject 227 00:24:53,63 --> 00:24:57,07 than the widow who walked by moonlight the widow who was too 228 00:24:57,08 --> 00:25:01,75 a loop to speak to the women of the village the one who caused the whispers about 229 00:25:01,76 --> 00:25:02,58 a clandestine 230 00:25:02,59 --> 00:25:07,56 a prayer with the in people trying to get the word know what they called her with 231 00:25:08,45 --> 00:25:10,81 it must be remembered that this was a time when 232 00:25:10,82 --> 00:25:16,08 a man of power could conveniently denounce as well with any woman discovered with 233 00:25:16,09 --> 00:25:19,96 him in his bed such young man was our whole showing. 234 00:25:40,57 --> 00:25:41,23 Well after. 235 00:25:48,81 --> 00:25:55,31 What excuse is it this time or what excuse can you give me more. Giving you the 236 00:25:55,32 --> 00:25:58,71 time. You must decide between. 237 00:26:07,41 --> 00:26:14,27 You with my will and. The villages the talk I hear 238 00:26:14,28 --> 00:26:21,18 them nodding when I pass their door what are they saying is saying that I 239 00:26:21,19 --> 00:26:26,57 have taken the bed of an invalid why they need for their ministry. 240 00:26:29,80 --> 00:26:36,70 Is no spoiling of but. It is 241 00:26:36,71 --> 00:26:43,48 the curse of the widow which. I want you woman tells me that on 242 00:26:43,49 --> 00:26:48,17 Sunday best the preacher read from the Old Testament I shall not suffer 243 00:26:48,18 --> 00:26:54,56 a rich to live you must take me away from the I cannot but I charge you with my 244 00:26:54,57 --> 00:26:59,55 woman watches and for. You have broken checking with me. 245 00:27:02,26 --> 00:27:09,23 In the chapel to be used when convenient to function where 246 00:27:09,24 --> 00:27:15,57 your wife cannot. Read but not to morrow. 247 00:27:17,24 --> 00:27:20,17 Keep your time. Besides. 248 00:27:24,43 --> 00:27:30,95 Write this talk of witches was born with you if 249 00:27:31,14 --> 00:27:34,86 you who have wealth in this web of spectral evidence about me 250 00:27:37,90 --> 00:27:39,24 you would have called me 251 00:27:39,25 --> 00:27:46,15 a witch your face the lies 252 00:27:46,16 --> 00:27:50,11 you what would you have me good. 253 00:27:56,41 --> 00:28:03,34 Yes yes yes which is 254 00:28:03,35 --> 00:28:09,79 there. Your shocking woman yet make. 255 00:28:11,22 --> 00:28:11,46 Me. 256 00:28:21,32 --> 00:28:24,55 The elders and how you cast your doom money X. 257 00:28:24,56 --> 00:28:31,25 Spell over this house. I. Have 258 00:28:31,26 --> 00:28:32,63 told him how you passed you 259 00:28:32,64 --> 00:28:38,86 a span of my life to make I answer that. He has learned with the devil 260 00:28:40,54 --> 00:28:41,32 so why go is there 261 00:28:41,33 --> 00:28:47,79 a way. That same night under cover of darkness like took the widow to the 262 00:28:47,80 --> 00:28:54,62 graveyard there are those who said that she waited probably without fear and that 263 00:28:54,63 --> 00:29:01,35 she whispered over and over to talk oh all right make sure the death to all shining 264 00:29:02,47 --> 00:29:09,38 I will return. And with the self-same spire I will kill 265 00:29:09,81 --> 00:29:16,54 all who bear the name of. How convenient for auto Sharon eg that there could be 266 00:29:16,55 --> 00:29:22,61 no trial there would be by post oak spire a barrier not 267 00:29:22,62 --> 00:29:27,75 a hundred yards from where she had landed where the woman to set the auto Sharon. 268 00:32:14,69 --> 00:32:16,47 The the. 269 00:32:44,45 --> 00:32:47,26 The the. 270 00:32:51,80 --> 00:32:58,06 There it was. A mummy fied face of the widow with eyes sockets staring 271 00:32:59,66 --> 00:33:04,41 among the common bones the stake now petrified stone. 272 00:33:07,62 --> 00:33:11,88 If I could but take the stake and the temptation was too much. 273 00:33:30,79 --> 00:33:32,78 The same. 274 00:33:37,57 --> 00:33:38,44 The. 275 00:34:14,72 --> 00:34:14,83 Will 276 00:34:14,84 --> 00:34:23,86 rule 277 00:34:23,87 --> 00:34:29,44 a role. 278 00:34:40,40 --> 00:34:43,15 The Ood. 279 00:35:06,07 --> 00:35:09,40 Her Oh we. 280 00:35:13,58 --> 00:35:16,06 I have. 281 00:35:24,82 --> 00:35:31,71 No will all 282 00:35:31,75 --> 00:35:36,97 go will 283 00:35:36,98 --> 00:35:42,69 go. The 284 00:35:42,70 --> 00:35:48,31 OR. So. 285 00:35:50,91 --> 00:35:54,04 Low. 286 00:35:56,14 --> 00:35:58,76 Over. 287 00:36:15,75 --> 00:36:18,78 Thank. 288 00:36:52,93 --> 00:36:56,16 You. 289 00:37:56,53 --> 00:38:02,13 The No. 290 00:38:16,84 --> 00:38:22,31 One PI Why do. You. 291 00:38:49,50 --> 00:38:50,76 Reroll. 292 00:38:58,61 --> 00:38:58,92 But X. 293 00:38:58,93 --> 00:39:02,87 Morning the elders came to the end they had fished the body of the Miller out of 294 00:39:02,88 --> 00:39:08,30 the blood soaked mill pond there was no question of what had happened where they 295 00:39:08,31 --> 00:39:14,66 had also discovered the empty grave of the witch I tried to speak up but words 296 00:39:14,67 --> 00:39:18,01 wouldn't form in my mouth this was all 297 00:39:18,02 --> 00:39:24,85 a dream I wanted to tell them this thing didn't happen as the elder 298 00:39:24,86 --> 00:39:30,57 continued to talk the sudden realization came to me that it was true 299 00:39:31,81 --> 00:39:33,74 I hadn't covered a grave of 300 00:39:33,75 --> 00:39:39,78 a witch and now after one hundred years she had returned 301 00:39:40,69 --> 00:39:40,93 to 302 00:39:40,94 --> 00:40:02,76 a venture self. The 303 00:40:02,77 --> 00:40:07,42 elder warned that no one should leave or enter the village until the Witch be found 304 00:40:07,87 --> 00:40:14,81 and return to her grave surely the which would not stop at one death where 305 00:40:14,82 --> 00:40:21,13 would she strike next only to the ledgers with the name of Sharon egg or the end 306 00:40:21,14 --> 00:40:28,01 keeper hons and care skin as the moon rose we 307 00:40:28,02 --> 00:40:31,15 did all we could do both the shutters and wait. 308 00:41:14,26 --> 00:41:16,01 The the. 309 00:41:41,08 --> 00:41:42,54 One by five. 310 00:42:05,97 --> 00:42:10,50 I was the guilty party just as surely as if I had held 311 00:42:10,51 --> 00:42:17,40 a stake I had killed them. I could no longer contain my guilt 312 00:42:18,78 --> 00:42:25,58 and yet some kind of power kept me from speaking up it was as if I was 313 00:42:26,17 --> 00:42:32,42 next by the witch yourself I made up my mind to find the witch and stop the killing 314 00:42:35,80 --> 00:42:40,15 the librarian must have wondered at my strange questions under the guise of 315 00:42:40,16 --> 00:42:44,33 research I asked her if there were some place people could hide in the hills by day 316 00:42:44,69 --> 00:42:49,79 maybe some place where they went to during the Indian raids yes she could help me 317 00:42:50,35 --> 00:42:56,56 there were some caves downstream from the mill I had my information. 318 00:43:04,78 --> 00:43:10,54 And so that night as the Moon Bay the hills with wind across the mill race and 319 00:43:10,55 --> 00:43:12,38 headed toward the caves down stream. 320 00:43:49,43 --> 00:43:50,07 To know. 321 00:43:55,73 --> 00:43:57,00 Him. 322 00:44:51,48 --> 00:44:58,46 As I watched fascinated by this beautiful creature I couldn't believe that here 323 00:44:58,47 --> 00:45:05,14 was a vengeful witch who had murdered two and was sworn to kill 324 00:45:05,15 --> 00:45:10,95 a third member moment I felt sorry for this lonely. 325 00:45:12,30 --> 00:45:18,09 Friends were water snakes on the moon. And she seemed to know every sound of the 326 00:45:18,10 --> 00:45:18,54 night. 327 00:47:08,16 --> 00:47:14,88 As her eyes met mine all her punishment her which drained from my mind I was 328 00:47:14,89 --> 00:47:21,07 hoping. For power and beauty in me and I found myself completely vain or well. 329 00:47:22,58 --> 00:47:24,75 I followed quietly as she pick up again. 330 00:48:05,53 --> 00:48:05,88 Her. 331 00:49:03,35 --> 00:49:06,70 The old. 332 00:49:18,62 --> 00:49:24,08 You you. You. 333 00:50:42,20 --> 00:50:48,79 But. I thought. 334 00:50:52,04 --> 00:50:54,63 That the the. 335 00:51:24,45 --> 00:51:28,87 Old. The Wall. 336 00:51:33,96 --> 00:51:35,50 And say. 337 00:51:40,72 --> 00:51:41,59 Hey. 338 00:52:17,38 --> 00:52:17,58 This is. 339 00:52:25,18 --> 00:52:26,94 The fifty. 340 00:52:33,00 --> 00:52:37,22 Fifty. Third two thousand. 341 00:52:51,79 --> 00:52:53,29 The fact. 342 00:53:11,74 --> 00:53:11,85 That. 343 00:53:44,48 --> 00:53:48,38 One fire but one by. 344 00:53:52,54 --> 00:53:55,47 Shout down by the same for. 345 00:54:22,56 --> 00:54:28,35 The. The 346 00:54:28,67 --> 00:54:32,40 the over the last. 347 00:54:53,88 --> 00:54:54,27 World. 348 00:55:45,00 --> 00:55:48,75 The. 349 00:55:53,36 --> 00:55:58,88 The. The 350 00:55:58,89 --> 00:56:03,67 the 351 00:56:03,68 --> 00:56:07,16 the you. 352 00:56:41,17 --> 00:56:46,88 The I'm. 353 00:56:50,92 --> 00:56:58,29 The 354 00:56:58,30 --> 00:57:02,86 of the 355 00:57:02,87 --> 00:57:06,86 Orwell 356 00:57:06,87 --> 00:57:11,66 the the the. 357 00:57:12,74 --> 00:57:19,46 The 358 00:57:21,35 --> 00:57:21,59 the. 359 00:57:30,96 --> 00:57:31,84 The the. 360 00:58:00,40 --> 00:58:02,22 He. 361 00:58:24,22 --> 00:58:29,94 Later in the cold gray light I spread the dirt over the widow my feelings were 362 00:58:29,95 --> 00:58:32,18 mixed here was 363 00:58:32,19 --> 00:58:38,95 a woman who had taken to know. Yet she had been denounced maliciously and killed by 364 00:58:38,96 --> 00:58:44,16 the same state but she which are wrong the widow. 365 00:58:46,51 --> 00:58:53,39 Is not for me to say. I am only glad that Tempest is over and she has returned 366 00:58:53,40 --> 00:58:54,87 to our hundred years.