WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:03.720 Hong Kong for way we love your way 00:08.920 --> 00:10.920 Number one super guy 00:23.280 --> 00:25.380 Well first of all I have to say 00:25.380 --> 00:32.260 By by the time Hong Kong food was in production we were all quite seasoned 00:32.740 --> 00:38.460 So we were able to meet the challenge. You know they they want to show a week and 00:39.180 --> 00:41.020 It was really 00:41.020 --> 00:45.900 Cranking it out, but you know I see well. No we met the death 00:46.420 --> 00:50.060 I think you know Hannah Barbera definitely had it down to a science 00:50.060 --> 00:51.860 They had certain guys that worked on certain shows 00:51.860 --> 00:57.160 And then you had evil who was overseeing the design and the layout portion of that and then you had you know 00:57.340 --> 01:02.060 Pretty pretty strong writers at the time too. It was just a huge collaboration as far as 01:02.580 --> 01:08.380 What everybody did of course had a staff of very talented artists to help me along with this too 01:08.380 --> 01:13.260 You know I think three artists Jerry Eisenberg Willie Eto 01:14.100 --> 01:15.580 Marty Murphy 01:15.580 --> 01:17.580 Were the ones that I think? 01:17.580 --> 01:22.900 contributed the most heavily to the conceptual design of the characters and I 01:23.500 --> 01:28.820 Sort of stuck my two cents in there here there wherever I would do three or four or five 01:29.500 --> 01:30.860 variations and 01:30.860 --> 01:33.220 People or somebody would pick the one they liked 01:33.460 --> 01:38.500 But it was basically the same process as as any other drawing 01:38.500 --> 01:41.660 You know you draw until you get you think you have it right and it fits with 01:42.220 --> 01:46.580 Hong Kong and of course that the drawings that I make will eventually be changed 01:46.580 --> 01:50.500 I mean there'll be another character designer, but I never worried about that 01:50.500 --> 01:52.900 I'm sure all of us that were working on development 01:53.820 --> 01:56.540 You know we would talk amongst ourselves sometimes 01:56.860 --> 02:04.780 You know maybe sharing thoughts or whatever just general kidding around there was always bantering going on. It was just quick ideas 02:05.420 --> 02:08.900 Ideas could come at any time from anywhere 02:09.780 --> 02:11.780 almost from anybody 02:11.980 --> 02:14.940 All of these things are all collaborative efforts 02:14.940 --> 02:16.940 We had a friendship group 02:18.180 --> 02:19.660 that 02:19.660 --> 02:21.660 really enjoyed 02:21.660 --> 02:23.300 our 02:23.300 --> 02:24.580 camaraderie 02:24.580 --> 02:26.580 socially and working 02:26.740 --> 02:32.380 Place so we never bucked heads or anything we laughed about everything we did 02:33.220 --> 02:39.140 Whatever Jerry did putting a toilet plunger on top of one of the characters we laughed and laughed 02:39.500 --> 02:42.900 We didn't say oh gee. I wish I had that idea now 02:42.900 --> 02:45.860 We just had a jolly old time so basically 02:46.300 --> 02:52.140 Developing these shows were all just a good fun time for all of us. I have a sneaking hunch 02:52.740 --> 02:57.260 that Joe Barbera in the back of his mind probably had a catalog of 02:58.180 --> 03:03.020 Scores of different ideas and the germs of different shows 03:03.580 --> 03:08.420 That was always constant. It was rolling around the already modifications 03:08.420 --> 03:11.860 They underwent was whether they were contemporary enough 03:11.860 --> 03:16.220 You know Hannah Barbera is very much into the pop culture of the day 03:16.220 --> 03:18.220 You know, whatever was was big at the time 03:22.660 --> 03:28.260 Of course Hong Kong fui was a natural because Bruce Lee and the kung fu 03:28.860 --> 03:35.480 Series was quite hot. And so what do you do? You just kind of jump in and develop it 03:35.480 --> 03:39.940 Joe Barbera always liked dogs almost every show had a dog in it 03:39.940 --> 03:45.340 Not all of them, but but I think he was smart because I think a dog is the number one pet in the world 03:45.340 --> 03:47.340 Probably get a load of this profile 03:50.340 --> 03:54.640 We always remember that he'd say, you know, let's get a dog in there too 03:54.640 --> 03:59.060 You know, that was the kind of thing that he enjoyed and they and they usually worked, you know 03:59.060 --> 04:04.720 But you gotta admit the power of Hong Kong. Fui is really something just the name Hong Kong fui 04:04.720 --> 04:09.260 I think that was actually you're gonna be kung fu at first and they changed the name but just that play on words 04:09.260 --> 04:14.300 It was funny. The thing I like about it too is that stylistically they went a whole different direction 04:14.300 --> 04:17.120 but ideally they went back to 04:17.540 --> 04:22.720 Animals running around in a human world and nobody even made reference to the fact that it was a dog and there was a cat 04:22.780 --> 04:26.620 That were you know saving, you know the city from from villains 04:27.060 --> 04:34.420 The attitude as far as we're concerned is why not it's there. Let's use it. It's funny. It fits, you know 04:35.140 --> 04:36.660 two words 04:36.660 --> 04:39.660 cartoon license 04:39.660 --> 04:44.160 Now observing all as I, a super humble janitor in the flick of an eyelash 04:44.820 --> 04:47.440 Become the super scourge of the underworld 04:48.260 --> 04:51.640 What I loved about the the Hannah Barbera cartoons too is they would have these stock 04:51.860 --> 04:58.560 Transformation things that you just waited for every week and as Penry he would plow through these vending machines that would fly open like doors 04:58.560 --> 05:03.160 And then he would jump into a filing cabinet and he'd go in the bottom drawer and then the top drawer would rattle 05:03.160 --> 05:09.180 he couldn't get out so a spot would bang the side of it and he would jump out in the gi and the mask and 05:09.860 --> 05:11.860 Be transformed into Hong Kong Fui 05:11.860 --> 05:15.460 then after he jumps out he's springing over to an ironing board that would fly up into 05:15.740 --> 05:21.700 The wall and then he would slide down and then land in the trash bin outside and drive the Fui mobile out 05:21.900 --> 05:24.060 With spot already in the car 05:24.060 --> 05:28.060 Which I don't know how spot got from that point to that point and the funny thing about it is that 05:28.060 --> 05:33.900 Penry being this janitor that works in the police station all the time. He mean he puts a mask on they don't know who he is 05:33.900 --> 05:38.260 He's like, oh, it's Hong Kong Fui is a superhero. It's like Superman with his 05:39.140 --> 05:45.660 Glasses, you know, he takes his glasses off. It's Superman and and that was the same kind of thing like a mask would 05:46.620 --> 05:48.700 disguise a dog with a 05:50.180 --> 05:54.980 The Hong Kong outfit on I don't I don't think so I can see through any disguise 05:54.980 --> 06:00.080 I think that's amazing that you know the fact that again, it's just an animal walking around a human world 06:00.340 --> 06:02.340 It could have been a human character 06:02.940 --> 06:08.500 And the Ken spot was was treated more like a cat and he would you know, he didn't talk 06:08.580 --> 06:12.060 He was he walked around mostly on all fours, but he would pull him out of 06:12.700 --> 06:16.740 Whatever jammy he was in at the time, you know, he would be the one that would actually 06:16.740 --> 06:24.460 Make it all work out and then Hong Kong free look like he was a hero. That's a do your own spot when you want things 06:25.660 --> 06:27.660 Concentrate 06:27.660 --> 06:34.460 The fact that spot was a cat that had stripes, you know, that's a whole different way of thinking about it, too 06:36.460 --> 06:39.660 This is a rosemary if you want a date I'm off at eight 06:39.660 --> 06:42.940 Oh, Hong Kong 06:44.260 --> 06:47.820 My dream man for you I'll get off at 730 06:48.780 --> 06:52.500 Rosemary has a little bit of a crush on him, which was kind of a strange thing 06:52.500 --> 06:57.220 She'd always really speak highly of him and then he'd always cut to Penry either thinking to himself or talking if she really knew 06:57.220 --> 07:01.520 Who I was if she only knew rosemary was definitely Marty Murphy design 07:01.520 --> 07:10.040 Marty has a certain way that he draws women Marty gave her these real sexy long legs and his very tight short skirt and 07:10.680 --> 07:12.960 these dark rimmed glasses and 07:13.680 --> 07:15.680 short hair as I recall and 07:17.440 --> 07:19.440 It was just fun 07:21.440 --> 07:26.200 And then you know rosemary had her natural way that she'd answer the phone, you know, and 07:26.800 --> 07:27.760 There's a lot of yeah 07:27.760 --> 07:32.080 just a little play on words and then there would be something that Penry was trying to do or the stars was trying to 07:32.080 --> 07:36.520 Do and Penry would like inevitably block in and you know screw it up for him 07:38.520 --> 07:45.760 I think because of the Asian theme to it. They wanted to give it that sort of the Asian 07:46.520 --> 07:53.000 Watercolor background technique. There's a lot of watercolor a lot of stuff is nebulous. You know, there's just kind of splashes of color 07:53.000 --> 07:59.720 Throughout that they use that and that had sort of an Asian feeling to it 08:00.160 --> 08:02.160 following on that idea 08:02.320 --> 08:04.320 You know, it's the design of the car 08:04.800 --> 08:10.000 We're sort of a pagoda like, you know design we did throw in 08:10.520 --> 08:14.960 Purposely this sort of a corny Asian type of feeling into the show 08:16.960 --> 08:19.440 Cleverly disguised as a free lounge 08:19.440 --> 08:24.920 That cotton pickin pocket picker will never escape the car could pretty much do anything it needed to do 08:24.920 --> 08:26.200 It'd be like Hong Kong food 08:26.200 --> 08:31.780 We would need to turn into a helicopter or a boat or whatever and he'd pick up the gong and and whack it 08:31.780 --> 08:34.920 You know do a karate chop on it and and it would just you know 08:34.920 --> 08:40.120 Have this little flurry of stuff and it would turn into whatever it needed turn into sometimes it would work. Sometimes it wouldn't 08:41.440 --> 08:44.880 You know, the other thing that was really really strong about this show was a theme song 08:44.880 --> 08:50.600 It had one of the strongest title sequences and theme songs of any Hannibal Bear show, I think 08:58.960 --> 09:00.960 And I think that's what 09:01.160 --> 09:03.480 probably people probably remember the theme song and 09:03.880 --> 09:06.680 The fact that scatman-crowther's did the voice and sang the song 09:06.680 --> 09:14.480 Probably more than they remember what the show was about in some cases 09:17.800 --> 09:19.800 Joe was going through 09:19.920 --> 09:25.440 Trying to cast a voice for Hong Kong fooey just couldn't 09:25.880 --> 09:30.600 Hit something that made real good sense and then on a hunch 09:30.600 --> 09:37.080 He had scatman read a few lines and then started to have people listen to it 09:37.080 --> 09:41.840 I remember him running in and saying what do you think? He said that's Hong Kong food 09:44.280 --> 09:46.280 Nice to know I got fans everywhere 09:47.160 --> 09:52.760 Scatman had this wonderful voice. I mean he was cast as the voice of Hong Kong fooey and 09:53.640 --> 09:54.760 I 09:54.760 --> 10:00.620 Remember I'd walk over to a coffee shop a couple of blocks away and sometimes scatman would be there 10:00.620 --> 10:07.240 It's hey Hong Kong and he'd stand up and start doing Hong Kong fooey for the whole restaurant was so funny 10:07.240 --> 10:12.540 It's amazing how meek little janitor can turn into the greatest crime fighter of all time 10:12.720 --> 10:16.080 They'd look at you like you're from Mars if you tried to pitch the show today 10:16.080 --> 10:19.720 Oh, you just sir because I thought of it before you did seriously 10:19.720 --> 10:25.840 It's just I don't know. It's a great. It's a strong idea. Like I said, they kind of went back to basics 10:25.840 --> 10:32.240 It's just amazing to me. Well number one all of us working at Hanna Barbera at that time love 10:32.920 --> 10:36.640 Doing what we were doing. I mean it was like I 10:37.080 --> 10:44.800 May sound like a cliche, but you know you pinch yourself saying gee, I'm making my living doing animated films, you know 10:44.800 --> 10:51.920 And so, you know, that's basically the love of the work that we were involved in 10:52.280 --> 10:58.640 And I I guess that sort of follows through with the popularity you could feel it in the shows 10:59.480 --> 11:01.920 With whatever Hanna Barbera did every year 11:01.920 --> 11:07.380 They would have one show that would be kind of a breakout show that would become a little more timeless than others 11:07.380 --> 11:10.720 You can take one that everybody just kind of like latches on to him 11:10.720 --> 11:14.800 like that was the one that you know that got me up on Saturday morning and my my 11:15.680 --> 11:21.700 Nephew and nieces and they all watched it and they liked it and that's the main thing if you get an audience that 11:22.480 --> 11:24.480 Seems to care for 11:27.960 --> 11:31.840 I was reminded that I worked on it from my grandkids 11:32.440 --> 11:37.360 and and so I could see there's a whole new generation of people that 11:37.360 --> 11:42.160 Is discovering Hong Kong food? So, you know, I could see where 11:42.760 --> 11:47.960 It's gonna go on forever. All of these shows that we've done all these years 11:50.200 --> 11:52.200 Make its Renaissance again 11:52.200 --> 11:54.200 Where's that wraps it up? 11:54.200 --> 12:11.440 The dream of every red-blooded American girl 12:24.200 --> 12:27.200 You