Are Jews Reptilians?
Hyperborean Publishing Co.
Are Jews reptilians?
Cohen Gene
Reptilian Rabbis
Akhenaton and ‘The One'
Orion and the Gods
Reptilians are an extraterrestrial species that are working to destroy humanity. They felt threatened
and endangered with the idea of humanity evolving and becoming gods. Their goal is to enslave and
keep us from advancing into higher beings. By doing this they generated a parasitic race with a
purpose to enslave, manipulate, and control us humans--that is the jews. Reptilian genes were
passed on to the jew and their DNA remains within them. There is obvious proof that jews can relate
to reptilians just by seeing their purpose in zionism and world domination.
Many of you are familiar with stories that mention reptilians coming to earth and stealing genes of
individuals in order to shape shift. You'll mainly hear this kind of garbage from a public speaker named
David Icke who promotes ‘conspiracy theories’. This is a myth! They use these kind of scare tactics in
order to distract you from seeing that jews are the actual reptilian hybrids. The shape-shifting videos
you see on you see on social media such as the lizard eyes and face changing can be easily photo-
shopped. David Icke had a purpose to make it appear that whites were the reptilian hybrids, when it's
the Jews.
Jews do have reptilian genetics and this is obvious if one recognizes the features of a jew. Their facial
features such as nose, eyes, ears, etc can relate to reptilians. There were reptilian statues found in
graves by the Ubaid people in Iraq which dates back to 4,000 B.C.E.; this is about the time when jews
claim their beginnings. Gentiles go back much further than that.
Everything the jews do can relate to reptilians such as animal mutilation, blood drinking, and human
sacrifices that are involved in their cultural rituals. Other enemy E.T's such who work with the
reptilians such as grey's do the same activities. Cattle mutilation, abduction, sacrifices are proven to
be responsibilities of grey and reptilians. You see jews having the same intentions and pursuit. Even in
the Jewish made religions include sacrifices that symbolize canniblism such as ‘eating the flesh and
drinking the blood of christ’. And in the bible it talks nothing but gore, blood and violence that are fed
to little children. The truth is that it's in their nature to do such, they were created for this purpose.
Jews, even on an unconscious level, will naturally feed off your vital energy and life force. They were
born what is called a "psychic vampire" with the ability to drain gentiles, even without knowing they
are doing so. This is how they survive and regain their energy. Like vampires, they attach to their
victim with the need to feed on a daily basis. This comes natural to them. Remember that they are
programmed and designed for this purpose, as it's in their subconscious to do such.
Jews have reptilian genes and they're created to remove knowledge and fool us. Their so called
masters (what we know as reptilians) have helped these parasites and gave them the knowledge to
defeat us. Jews are NOT of the human race and most definitely not of the white race! And this is
obvious if one will open their eyes and keep aware of whats going on.
And since whites are descendants of the Hyperboreans, this gives them more of a reason to demolish
Are Jews Reptilian?
Back in 2001 a Jewish woman, out of anger, hissed at me - like a snake! It freaked the hell out of me.
Her jewish consort quickly said to her, “Don’t show your poisons!”
| also witnessed a Jew drinking blood - pig’s blood, no less! He came over as my “grandfather” was
slaughtering a pig, which he hung by it’s hind legs, upside-down and slit it’s throat, letting the blood
collect in a bucket.
The jew came over and unwrapped a special ceremonial cup - it was golden and embedded with
jewels - something you may see at communion in a catholic church. He then proceeded to collect the
outpouring pig’s blood in the cup, sniffed it as one would a glass of wine, then with drooling
anticipation took a sip and with the utmost gusto smacked his lips and said, “Now this is delicious!”
Back in 2003, | witnessed a jewish woman eating raw meat (liver)! She pulled back the cellophane
wrapping and started eating the raw meat! | stood there in horror and disgust and asked her if that
was raw meat she was eating and she just cackled, said, “Yeah!”, and kept on eating. A white woman
came by and told her that eating raw meat was dangerous and could make her sick, but she just
ignored her and kept stuffing herself with the raw meat! She even offered me some, but | declined.
Was she insane? Could be...but | Know for a fact she was a jew.
Then a couple years later, | was sitting in a coffee shop and a jew | knew walked in and we started
talking. The subject of kosher slaughter came up and he vehemently tried to convince me that hanging
an animal upside down, cutting its throat, and letting it bleed to death was “humane”! As | was
responding to his twisted jew “logic” he jumped up and screamed, “Did you just say, ‘Jews drink
blood'‘!?” | had said nothing of the sort - not even close! But, he was apparently verbalizing his inner
thoughts, associating kosher slaughter with blood-drinking. This is something jews vehemently deny.
They claim it is a ‘blood libel“. They know it would cause people to think of them as some kind of
inhuman monsters - which they are!
Also, whenever | would catch a glimpse of a certain Jew eating, it would make me sick to my stomach
because his mouth - and especially his tongue - movements looked lizard-like! And this was before |
even knew he was a Jew and became educated on the Jewish question!
Are Jews reptilians?
| know for a fact they are demonic. | have lived around Jews most of my life and | can tell you for a fact
they do not have human natures. Their natures and ours are polar opposites, alien to each other.
Christian Identity adherents consider Jews to be the Satanic offspring of Eve and the Serpent.
A sculpture of Adam, Eve and the Serpent at Notre Dame de Paris. In the sculpture, the serpent is
depicted as a half human.
In Egyptian mythology, Apep (also spelled Apepi, and Aapep, or Apophis in Greek) was an evil god, the
deification of darkness and chaos (isfet in Egyptian), and thus opponent of light and Ma’at
(order/truth). This perfectly summarizes Jewish nature.
Apep was depicted as a snake
Jehovah, the god of the Jews, also translates into ‘god of mischief’, by the way, described in the
following way in the Bible:
Psalm 18:8, 2 Samuel 22:9
... smoke went out of his [Yahweh’s] nostrils. ... Gone up hath smoke by His [Yahweh’s] nostrils, And
fire from His [Yahweh’s] mouth consumeth, Coals have been kindled by it. ...!
Sounds like a dragon to me!
And Yahweh is described in the Bible as the Leviathan - the piercing serpent, that crooked serpent,
the dragon that is in the sea - which is a perfect description of the Midgard Serpent!
Yahweh the Leviathan - the piercing serpent, that crooked serpent, the dragon that is in the sea!
Zechariah 10:8 ... | [Yahweh] will hiss for them Jews], and gather them; for | have redeemed them,
and they shall increase as they have increased. ...
Isaiah 5:26... And he [Yahweh] will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and will hiss unto them
[Jews] from the end of the earth: and, behold, they shall come with speed swiftly: ...
Now, as jews are the seed of an evil serpent god, it wouldn’t be far-fetched if they actually contained
reptilian D.N.A underneath their human veneer!
Yeah, | know that’s what Jews want people to think, with Icke’s ridiculous theory about 12-ft shape-
shifting reptilians, etc...but | know what | know from personal experience. | have witnessed jews drink
blood, eat raw meat, hiss, among many, many other observations. Jews are reptilian demons
(masquerading as humans)
| think you are on to something, having studied this myself, and my own experiences with Jews. Most
people have been so subliminally dumbed down by Holohoax propaganda, that they will defend their
jew slave-masters vehemently.
Oh, it’s nothing out of the ordinary Jew racism. | moved a Jewish “friend” from Vancouver (which he
calls Goy-Town) to Toronto at a very cheap price, and when we got there | was asked to leave the
building in Bathurst area (Jewish) after one night b/c word got out that a non-jew was staying there.
(me) This same Jew told me how he eats chicken bones. | caught him stealing from me a few times,
and he broke into my garage X-Mas Eve, which | couldn’t prove, but | KNEW it was him. He had
nothing but contempt for non-jews, and called goy women whores. A typical messed up Jew. His
father did circumcisions. | can see thru a lot of these Demon Jews on TV. They look like
Reptilians/Gargoyles, and behave very cold-bloodedly. It’s in their eyes, men and women. The only
ones with any physical beauty at all are the ones who inter-bred with goyim. other-wise they have
very reptilian features.
The jew in my post who disgusted me because of his lizard-like tongue movements also ate chicken
bones! Must be a reptilian thing! He also ate apple cores and was proud of it for some reason.
Are you familiar with the 80s TV show ‘V’? It was about reptilian aliens who looked human on the
surface and wanted to take over the world. It was produced by jews and I’m sure they based it on
themselves - figuring no one would figure out it was really about jews!
I’ve also noticed that Jews have dead soulless eyes. Looking into their eyes is like looking into a
Also, jews don’t just act cold-blooded - they really are - literally!
This one jew bitch | used to know - her hands were always ice cold - even in the summer! And they
just love hot temperatures! Notice how all the jews retire to Florida.
And you’re right about all your observations - those aren’t just ‘stereotypes’ - that’s how they really
Jews are reptilian hybrids; reptilians are an extraterrestrial species that are working to destroy
humanity. Their goal is to enslave all Gentiles and keep us from advancing into higher beings. By doing
this they generated a parasitic race with a purpose to enslave, manipulate, and control us humans--
that is the jews. Reptilian genes were passed on to the jew and their DNA remains within them. There
is obvious proof that jews can relate to reptilians just by seeing their purpose in zionism and world
domination. Jews do have reptilian genetics and this is obvious if one recognizes the features of a jew.
Their facial features such as nose, eyes, ears, etc can relate to reptilians. There were reptilian statues
found in graves by the Ubaid people in Iraq which dates back to 4,000 BCE.; This is about the time
when jews claim their beginnings. ‘Gentiles’ go back much further than that.
Everything the jews do can relate to reptilians such as animal mutilation, blood drinking, and human
sacrifices that are involved in their cultural rituals. Other enemy ET’s such who work with the
reptilians such as grey’s do the same activities. Cattle mutilation, abduction, sacrifices are proven to
be responsibilities of grey and reptilians. You see jews having the same intentions and pursuit. Even in
the Jewish made religions include sacrifices that symbolize cannibalism such as ‘eating the flesh and
drinking the blood of christ’. And in the bible it talks nothing but gore, blood, violence that is fed to
little children. The truth is that it’s in their nature to do such; they were created for this purpose.
Jews, even on an unconscious level, will naturally feed off your vital energy and life force. They are
born “psychic vampires” with the ability to drain gentiles, even without knowing they are doing so.
This is how they survive and regain their energy. Like vampires, they attach to their victim with the
need to feed on a daily basis. This comes natural to them. Remember that they are programmed and
designed for this purpose, as it’s in their subconscious to do such.
Also you can see that Israel is a race based state, where the government even forces all immigrants
applying to take a D.N.A test to prove their racial Jewishness. They introduced DNA testing to ensure
that no non-jews from Russia enter the country, according to an announcement from the Prime
Minister’s office in Tel Aviv made at the end of July 2013.
Jews have reptilian genes and they’re created to remove knowledge and fool us. Their so called
masters (what we know as reptilians) have helped these parasites and gave them the knowledge to
defeat us. Jews are NOT of the human race and most definitely not of the white race!
- Teloc Vovim
Jews Are the “People of the Serpent”
Not batting an eye, the man answered, and, frankly, his answer set me aback for a moment. “We are
not the same,” he said. “Jews are a separate species. We were put on this planet by super-intelligent
reptilians from another dimension. Our rabbis say that we jews are the People of the Serpent.”
“Even you christians have admitted how wise and intelligent is our God, the Holy Serpent.”
The Holy Serpent? Was this jewish man actually claiming to serve a Serpent deity? Was he confessing
that it was this Holy Serpent who first “seeded” the jewish people on earth and that the jews were,
therefore, chosen as his people—the “People of the Serpent?”
Yes, that was exactly what he was telling me. And what he said caused me to initiate a great search for
the truth about today’s strange doctrines being taught by jewish rabbis.
Is this a weird teaching accepted by only a few rabbis? Or is the Holy Serpent doctrine a widespread
teaching universally held by most jews, though unreported to the gentile world?
The Cohen Gene
Many people do not really see the "reptilian" thing, which you need to look closely to identify in jews.
So | have brought together isolated some examples of prominent Jews so you can see it evidently.
Himmler stated that the isolated jew is more difficult to be understood as an alien element, but when
you see them all together, you can figure out they are alien pretty quickly.
The Cohen Gene is actually a part of the jewish DNA that is however affecting the whole person and
making them jewish. It appears that in some jews, this manifests on their phenotype, obviously, but
subtly. While other jews more look like merchants and have a particular look, some of the more
‘higher up’ and intelligent jews, do actually have a reptilian phenotype that is observable.
Many people also brush away these theories, but | have found testimonies which | will be posting
very soon of a Rabbi admitting that the Reptilians run the show with the Jews, and that the reptilians
also are the 'angels' of the enemy, actively in war with "Demons" (Our Pagan E.T gods and
progenitors), helping Jews in meditations by guiding them, and way more. The Truth will out on the
shrinking minds of the foolish as a ton of bricks.
The jew and the reptilian is great friends. The Jews at the top work with the same reptilians on the
higher levels that attack humanity and seek to actively suppress it. A Rabbi mentioned this in the
open in Ancient Aliens as well, revealing their identity as the so called "angels of God".
The jews only lately invented the "qlippoth" or the Pagan Gods as something evil. This was because
when their higher top rabbis were asked on why misfortunes and disasters followed the jews, their top
rabbis revealed to them that this is caused by our Gods to the jewish race. Tie that to the above as
Now, if one pays close attention, one will see something 'reptilian' in the face of these jews. It's
something looking alien, and soulless. There is no warmth, it's easy to feel and see but difficult to
verbally explain.
Zuckerberg is one of the most prime examples of this 'reptilian' thing, to the point that many people
ask him if he is a reptile or alien. This is not a joke, people are subconsciously picking up on this. It's
difficult to hide in his case.
A Difference of Minds: Jews and the Reptilian Brain
Bradford Hanson
Whites use their human and mammalian brains; jews use their human and reptilian brains.
A long enduring metaphor of European man describes the mind as consisting of two parts, each
competing for mastery. One is likened to man himself and is called by philosophers, in line with their
vested interest, reason. The other is likened to a brute mammal or beast.
In Plato this brute part of the mind or soul is divided into a good and bad beast, the former (the white
horse in Phaedrus, the lion in the Republic) innately siding with Reason, the latter (the black horse in
Phaedrus, the many-headed beast in the Republic) attempting to overthrow Reason. The same brute
mammal may display submission to man (as a horse obeys its rider) or unruliness and violence (a
horse throwing its rider).
Until fairly recently this enduring and pervading Western metaphor was no more than a figure of
speech. Dissection and the study of anatomy had revealed no internal man and no internal beast —
only flesh and bones and gray matter. In the last few decades, however, the electrical, chemical and
behavioral probings of neuroanatomists have demonstrated that man’s brain is really three brains,
each with its own particular sort of intelligence, sense of space and time, subconscious, memory and
other functions. These three brains even contain significantly different distributions of the
neurochemicals cholinesterase and dopamine (see Paul D. MacLean, A Triune Concept of the Mind,
Toronto Univ. Press.)
Each brain represents a separate evolutionary step in man’s development. When reptiles evolved
some hundreds of millions of years ago into higher life forms the reptilian brain was not discarded. It
was built on, added to, articulated. When higher life forms appeared, the more primitive part of the
brain went “underground.” The mammal possesses a peculiarly mammalian brain, but contains within
it, still exercising distinctively reptilian functions, a reptilian brain (the R-complex, comprising the
olfactor striatum and the globus pallidus). This brain is associated with such essentially reptilian traits
and activities as mindless territoriality, emotionless ritual, the establishment of implacable hierarchies
and coldblooded aggression (literally cold-blooded; not the often hot-blooded, uncalculated
aggression of the mammal).
The limbic system, that part of the brain which marks the transition of reptile to mammal, is
functionally related to such characteristically mammalian activities and emotions as parental care,
fear, anger, love and concrete memory and perception. By concrete memory and perception we mean
the ability to identify and remember selected individuals through long periods of time.
The most recently developed of man’s three brains, the outer neocortex, signals the change of brute
mammal into hominid, opening up such essentially human activities as abstraction, reasoning and
language. When higher mammals like gorillas and killer whales engage rudimentarily in such activities,
we say they are acting “human.”
The hominid and mammalian brain dominate European man’s metaphor of the mind. The outer
neocortex, functionally and evolutionarily, is the man within us or Reason. The limbic system is the
brute mammal still lurking inside our skull.
The midbrain, hindbrain and spinal column are called by Maclean “the neural chassis.” This neural
machinery is used by amphibians, fish and still lower forms of vertebrates for self-protection and
reproduction. The function of the neural chassis has a pervasive effect upon all other neural activity. In
fact, this oldest of our neural systems may be conceived as a sort of board upon which we play our
mammalian and hominid games.
The reptilian brain has no place in the Western metaphor of the mind. Consequently, we may ask,
How did European man, long before the discoveries of neuroanatomists, manage to capture in his
metaphor of the mind the existence of a hominid and a mammalian brain? Secondly, why did his
metaphor not include his reptilian part? If European man “felt” the presence of two brains, why was
he not aware of his third and earliest brain?
Certain relevant considerations suggest a simple answer. Let us suppose the three brains we have
been describing were functioning in perfect harmony within European man. If so, he presumably
would not have been aware of the tripartite division. A harmoniously functioning stomach that never
suffers cramps, pains or hunger does not batter its way into our consciousness.
Man may only become conscious that his mind is segmented if there exists some lack of harmony in
its function. As an illustration, we might imagine the case where the functioning of a reptilian brain
meshed perfectly with that of the two higher brains, the limbic and neocortical, but where the latter
two systems did not mesh with each other. The mammalian brain might then perceive individuals as a
concrete mass and the hominid brain perceive them as separate abstract entities. Detached from each
other, both brain components could conceivably enter into competition for mastery of the whole
brain. We could then, using the technical language of the neuroanatomists, refer to “inhibition centers
in the lower temporal lobe” alternately exercising or losing control of the entire neural system.
In the case just described, a person would be aware of possessing a peculiarly human mind-part and a
peculiarly mammalian mind-part, but would be unaware of possessing a reptilian mind-part. Strictly
speaking, he would not possess the latter mind-part at all, for when we speak of minds, as opposed to
brains, we speak of aspects of consciousness.
The peculiarly human brain and peculiarly mammalian brain would intrude as aspects of
consciousness, owing to their autonomous functionings and disharmonious competition, while the
reptilian brain would not—in the same way an upset stomach or a rapidly beating heart imposes on
our consciousness, while an undisturbed stomach or a regularly beating heart does not.
Though European man’s metaphor of himself does not project his tripartite brain, it does project his
bipartite mind. Do other peoples—the Chinese, for instance—entertain the same mental picture of
their mind? Since such pictures, seriously and literally understood, are the projections of
neuroanatomical disharmonies and autonomies, these projections stand in a one-to-one relation to
the mind and therefore to the nature of a people. As such, they provide a master key to understanding
racial behavior.
Consider, for example, the jew and his picture of his mind, or, equally important, the jew’s reaction to
European man’s picture.
Jewish literature and philosophy, ancient and modern, reveal the total absence of the European image
of the mind. What appear as exceptions prove on closer examination to be more ornamental
borrowings, like Freud’s description of the ego as the rider of an unruly horse. Superficially, the Old
Testament’s conflict of the spirit and the flesh might be construed as a dichotomy of man and beast.
Clearly, though, it is not, for the flesh referred to is human flesh.
Spinoza conceived of man as a compound of pure intellect and pure body, with these two “modes” of
substance having no interaction at all (Spinoza’s psychophysical parallelism). In Ayn Rand, a
contemporary jewish philosopher and novelist, we find man defined simply as rational being (in
contradistinction to Aristotle’s rational animal).
We must infer that European man’s metaphor of the mind as part hominid and part mammal and
brute left no more impression on jewish thinkers than a sound on a deaf ear. This leads to the surmise
that jewish neuroanatomy differs fundamentally from the Western variety. For the jews there is no
separation of the limbic (mammalian) and neocortical (hominid) systems, and no disharmony of
functioning between them. The mammalian brain must be dissolved into the hominid. But does this
mean that the jew is activated entirely by Reason? We know better. Not only no jew, but no man of
any race can be conceived of in purely neocortical or purely rational terms. What has happened is that
the typical jewish image of the mind has failed to project the peculiarly jewish neuroanatomy.
But how can that be? Why do not jews have a metaphor of the mind that projects and illuminates
their own peculiar neuroanatomy? The answer should be instructive.
Prima facie there is the notorious imperceptiveness of jews when it comes to understanding concrete
realities, an imperceptiveness that would be precisely what one might expect should the limbic system
or mammalian brain of a people play a subordinate role to the other two brains, the neocortical and
reptilian. The neocortical brain of the Jews is apparently too abstract to be deeply impressed by
concrete structures, while their reptilian brain is indifferent to all but its genetic programming.
It may be assumed that a person with this kind of neuroanatomy would operate in a cold-blooded,
programmed way that relied heavily on bloodless attractions.
It is significant that, once neuroanatomists had described man’s brain in abstract terms as consisting
not only of a distinctively human and mammalian part but of a reptilian part as well, Jewish theorizing
at once filled in the mammalian gap with a reptilian conception of the mind. The reader is referred to
Carl Sagan’s “The Dragons of Eden” (Random House, 1977).
As Sagan projects this new and (to a European) basically unintelligible picture, the internecine strife
that takes place within man is not between mammalian beast and reason — that is, between the
limbic and neocortical systems — but between the neocortical and the R-complex or reptilian brain.
Thus, where European theorists describe political and bureaucratic behavior in terms of a struggle or
competition between man’s rational and brute natures, Sagan describes the struggles between a
rational and reptilian nature (op. cit., p. 63). In this peculiarly jewish scheme of things it is not man’s
mammalian nature that must be overcome, but his reptilian (p. 159).
The European conception of the mind is so foreign to Sagan and his Jewish consciousness that he can
only make sense of it by converting beasts into reptiles. He interprets Machiavelli's advice to the
Prince “knowingly to adopt the beast” as a recommendation to act in cold-blooded and therefore
reptilian ways, even though Machiavelli explicitly tells us that the Prince must act either as a fox or a
lion (p. 63). Then Sagan equates the Freudian id not with some sort of mammalian brute, but with the
R-complex or reptilian brain.
The conclusion is inescapable that European man’s reptilian brain is dependent and non-autonomous.
The active agents of his internal conflicts are his mammalian and distinctively human brains. His
neuroanatomy structured the way it is, he mixes reason and abstraction with the concrete insights and
warm emotions of the mammal.
In contrast, the jew’s mammalian brain is dependent and non-autonomous. The active agents of his
internal conflicts are his reptilian and hominid brains. Following the dictates of his neuroanatomical
structure, he mixes reason and abstraction with the cold instinctive responses of the reptile.
In these two different neural systems and their correspondingly different mind-sets we are finally able
to understand the specific traits, both mental and physical, that have always differentiated Europeans
and jews.
It is acommon observation that Europeans find it difficult to separate principle from practice. Where
and when such separations occur they frequently suffer intense feelings of guilt. But this close-knit
connection between European man’s practical life and his principles is exactly what one should expect
where the active agents of behavior are the rational (neocortical) and the mammalian (limbical) two-
thirds of his brain. Mammals, though they may be unable themselves to propose general principles,
are amenable in an appreciative way to rational exhortation and training.
A dog appreciatively obeys commands, associates itself with his master emotionally, and even shows
anxiety and concern when his master is in trouble or pain.
Acute observers have constantly been impressed by the way the Jew can separate principle from
concrete behavior and action so effectively that it often seems as if he were two separate beings. Who
has not seen and heard the very same jew in one breath espouse the highest-sounding principles —
universal fraternity, the abolition of nationalism, the absurdity of ethnic prejudice and a multitude of
other rhetorical abstractions — and in the very next breath applaud the bombing of Palestinian
refugee camps with all the single-mindedness of a crocodile? One moment he deplores capital
punishment. The next he engages in the torture, mock-trial and execution of Eichmann, all with the
heartless aplomb of a snake crushing a luckless mouse. This seemingly inexplicable, schizoid behavior
becomes remarkably fathomable when we think of the unbridgeable gulf between the human and
reptilian minds. To the ear of the reptile, unlike the ear of the mammal, the voice of reason and
reciprocity conveys no command or injunction — merely a noise. Mammals can be touched by human
affection and human beings by mammalian affection; but reptiles are as numb to affection as they are
void of it. This is not to say that jews are not affectionate. They, too, possess a mammalian brain. But
for the reasons already stated, they can be and often are purely reptilian in behavior.
The same difference of minds will explain why European man is so damaged by formal education,
whereas no matter how much education he acquires, the jew never loses sight of his race, culture and
— nowadays — Israel. Obviously, there remains an inner core that the ratiocinative acids of formal
education cannot dissolve his autonomous reptilian component. But these same ratiocinative acids
can touch and affect and sear European man’s autonomous mammalian brain.
Unsurprisingly, essentially different neuroanatomies also produce fundamental differences in
appearance. Europeans, when they assume grosser forms, acquire the aspects of mammalian brutes,
appearing pig-like, horse-like, or weasel-like. But who has not observed the strange expressions of
certain Jews, either in a crocodilian cast of mouth (a leading film star) or in a reptilian glassiness of the
eye (a foreign-born “statesman”). We are reminded of T. S. Eliot’s prescient description of Bleistein,
the “Chicago Semite Viennese,” who stares with a “lustreless protrusive eye” from “protozoic slime.”
The reptile’s lustreless, protrusive eye, it might be noted, is covered with a film that reflects,
depending on the light, a gleam of avarice or an unblinking ray of icy insensitivity.
Source: Instauration magazine, July 1979
Reptilian Rabbis
The jewish leadership is the rabbinical class. The top leadership are the ones who are selected from
the Yeshivas for training in the "Oral Torah", the occult teachings only passed down orally by adepts.
This is done after they make years of study of the Torah, Kabbalah, Talmud, and other related texts.
They study up to ten hours a day in these Yeshivas and the training starts early in their life. This is done
on the highest level so they can then be initiated into the actual meaning of the texts if they qualify
for such.
The qualification is where they show they are psychically open enough from the lower level practices
they are given to receive the higher teachings. These candidates are then sent to special programs in
specific locations many times in Israel and then given the higher teachings. To be the leadership of the
rabbinical class, one has to be a Sadok/Zadok, meaning they have strong psychic, spiritual abilities and
can demonstrate psychic powers at will.
The people on this level openly have stated something about the seraphim angels they contact
through the merkava/merkaba teachings, which is based developing the mental abilities to be able to
do such.
They state the seraphim are literally around seven feet tall, covered in golden scales and have lizard-
like facial features. They call them "reptilians" because they are. They communicate with these being
astrally, hence these beings appear to them in their astral bodies, but they exist physically. The Jewish
leaders call these beings the Teli, meaning "masters", and they are also called the "Hidden Tzadikim",
which are their hidden masters who influence the earth and direct the jewish People in secret from
behind the scenes. Note Tzadi...Kim". Kim means gold in the ancient language. This is probably due to
the appearance of these reptilians in their astral bodies, which from the Rabbis description of them
they appear like this:
These are the beings the jewish leaders call their "god" collectively, as they state they are one hive
mind. These are the beings they take orders from and these are the beings they state gave them the
22 letters and the oral and written Torah.
They also state in the teachings that there is another group called the Nishaya whom are described as
being literal grey aliens, and some Rabbis have openly admitted that is what they are. They also
summon and appear in what the rabbinical texts state are their astral bodies to help them and take
directions from the jews. The texts also state that these are physical beings as well. The greys are a
hive mind, a slave race who work like cyborgs for their reptilian masters. Masonic statements from the
masons who use the Kabbalah as their system report that these greys appear many times in the ritual
chambers in their astral forms when they summon the "angels of god". The rabbis state that the high-
level Jews are the ones who deal directly with the seraphim or Teli, the "Masters" of the jews. The Teli
are also the masters of the greys.
The Nishaya are stated in the jewish texts as appearing as this:
The rabbis state that the reptilians are to be collectively called "Y.H.V.H" by the jewish leadership and
they are referred to as "Yahweh" individually and collectively as a title.
The jewish religion states the jews are a special race that came from "out there beyond this world".
Rabbi Laitman openly states this in his famous talk to the nation of Israel. The jewish religion states
the jewish race was created by Y.H.V.H and has a special bloodline from Y.H.V.H, which only the Jews
have. The jewish racial gene is called the Cohen gene and has reptilian D.N.A in it. The Rabbis state the
jews share a special spiritual connection to these reptilians to their collective racial consciousness for
such reason. The jewish leadership writes on the fact that they received their entire religion from
these reptilians including all the qabbalah practices that form the whole of it. It’s simply a criminal
system of using the collective psychic power of the gentiles’ mass mind and connecting into this to
materialize the global rule of the jews and their "masters".
The jews state they are the only humans and the gentiles are animals to serve them. When jews,
especially the rabbis talk about “humanity” or "man", they are only talking about jews. The Talmud
which all jews study and learn from birth, the Talmud's teachings is that for a jew to have sex with a
gentile is bestiality and punished by death in religious law. Because gentiles are animals:
The jews are an alien program put here to take this planet over for their "god" as their Torah states.
They are the method in which the reptilians work to take over this world by conquering it from within
and enslaving us as cattle, which is the meaning of "goyim", the word the jews call non-jews. What do
you do with cattle..... That is why they call us cattle.
The former Rabbi, leader of Chabad, and proclaimed Messiah of the jewish race. Chabad is the jewish
organization that is run by the Rothschilds behind the scenes. His statements on us gentiles:
The jewish global media praised this rabbi to the jewish heavens:
The jewish Prime Minster of Israel stated in his speech to the Israel government in which he got a
standing ovation:
That is why Palestine is in the situation it’s now in. The Palestinians are ruled totally by a predatory
reptilian race that considers them nothing more then sub human cattle as non-jewish life. The entire
planet will look like Palestine if the jews are able to create their One World Government. Remember
what the Jewish Talmud states about gentiles.
Merkaba, Rabbis, and the Reptilian God of Judaism
In Kaballah, the highest and most holy teaching is the Merkaba which is based on (as the rabbis state)
how to ascend in their astral body to the physical realm of "god". This is dealing with the highest levels
of occult teachings in judaism.
The jews, in their secret teachings of the oral Torah, the qabballah, state and give instructions for
astral projection in their astral bodies. However, rabbis have mentioned that these are not magic
realms, but rather other physical worlds. In the teachings of rabbi Ishmael, the other physical world
that he goes to is the world of "god" who, as the rabbis literally state, are the extraterrestrial race in
this world of their "god" which they literally call their Teli (which means "Masters"). They are the
reptilians whom they state are in charge of things, and they are also called the seraphim. They literally
call these beings physical reptilians. However, this is also a single "god" as the Rabbis state they are a
collective hive mind. Remember rabbi Laitman stated the Jews physically came from another world of
their "god" to conquer this world. Well if you don't have a space ship anymore then astral projection is
the next best thing for the rabbis to return to this world and receive orders from "god."
The jewish rabbis state that the teachings of ascension are how the individual rabbi is to pass through
the gates which relate to the realms of the qaballastic world tree. Now, in qaballah each astral gate
that they are supposed to project their soul through to reach the physical world of "god" has specific
passwords in hebrew that only they know and must use to go beyond. They mention that angels guard
these gates, and the angels are thought forms, which they have created. This is because (as the rabbis
state) there is astral restriction around this world put here by their "god". This is the jewish Leviathan,
which is the prison grid they have created around this world with the Torah bindings. The rabbis state
that the skin of Leviathan is like a serpent and is made of light which is vibration, and has the mystical
writings in Hebrew upon it. In the ancient world the serpent is the symbol of vibration, and also of the
spoken word and the element of prana which is the astral aspect of existence. This is showing this is a
vibrational field in the astral they have created with the Torah.
One of these rabbis openly came out and said "god" (as the Torah states) cursed humans to not live
more than 120 years. This means "god" genetically modified humans to not live more than 120 years,
and thus to die. If one studies the new genetic knowledge of aging, it is now known that there is a
gene in each cell which is only switched on in the reproductive cells.
This gene, when switched on in all the cells, produces an enzyme called telomerase that causes the
cell generation to be perfected and not lose any telomeres. This means a person would not grow old
or die. However, the switching off of this cell is what causes the cell reproduction to become flawed,
and this flaw causes physical aging into old age and death. When they lose too much of the Telomere
they die. As the rabbis and the Torah have stated, their "god" cursed humanity to suffer and die.
However, this might not be an actual genetic modification, but rather a consequence of the jewish
"god" cursing the soul of the gentiles and removing spiritual knowledge which holds the gentile in a
state of entropy. As a study done on elderly people who did Kundalini Yoga showed, it causes in some
people the activation of this enzyme telomerase and starts to roll back the aging process and heal
them physically. They were using the SATANAMA mantra as well which is the name of the “enemy”
who destroys the Hebrew "god.”
Also note the jewish rabbis teach reincarnation, but that jewish souls reincarnate into jewish bodies as
they have a different soul than the gentiles.
They even talk about the problem of the “mixed multitude of moses,” the souls of a mixture of gentile
and jew that cause all the problems in their race. They call these the evil half of the jewish soul group.
They are lazy in obeying the Torah and hold back the progression of the Jewish race's victory. This
might be conjecture on the jews part, but it shows they do acknowledge they are a soul unto their
own race and that mixing with the gentiles is disastrous to them. Only the most racially pure jews, the
Cohen, can be the highest priests and govern the jewish race. The Jews state that they have a specific
gene which makes them the chosen and the only “humanity,” and that they got this from their "god."
This is called the Cohen gene, and it has reptilian D.N.A in it. The jews are a reptilian hybrid race, and
their alien soul is linked to the hive mind or collective soul consciousness of the reptilians.
Akhenaton and 'The One'
The Egyptian ruler Akhenaton has been noted for his strange appearance and bizarre destructive
political movement to destroy the spiritual knowledge of Egyptian culture.
Akhenaton's actual appearance we can know from the fact the body of his son King Tut has been
found. Tut did have the elongated skull that his sisters and father were shown to have. Which means
the facial features of Akhenaton are his actual ones. Akhenaton demanded there was to be no
symbolism in art only show things as they were and that included him. Lloyd Pye the researcher was
famous for the "Star Child Skull" which was found buried in an ancient burial ground in the America's
in away that suggested something. He had D.N.A tests and other tests done on the skull. The body was
that of a grey human hybrid.
If one looks at the images of this skull you can see the truth. Akhenaton was a grey, human hybrid. His
son King Tut who died when he was young put next to the Star Child Skull they look identical.
Akhenaton destroyed Egypt from within and caused a civil war to erupt against him. Which was the
Egyptian royal house and people against Akhenaton and his foreign mercenary forces. Which he used
to impress his will on the people. The Egyptian culture was divine and handed down from our gods in
the time when they were on earth as the Egyptians stated.
Any deviation of the cultural teachings was not allowed as it would alter this information for future
generations and cause loss of true knowledge of humanity its origins and the cosmic, spiritual
teachings of the light body the magnum opus how to become perfected. The Egyptian people were all
taught this knowledge the entire nation was initiated into the teachings and People would in the off
season of farming spend six weeks in the temples being taught different levels of it. With the Priests
being called the "Serpents" and the Pharaoh the head Serpent. Who once a year would personally
initiate the new candidates with Shakti pat transmission to help awaken their spiritual centers and
kundalini power. The Pharaoh could only make a decree based upon natural spiritual law for his
People. And the Pharaoh was the guardian of the cultural teachings of the enlightenment methods.
The point of the Egyptian religion was to spiritually ascend into a star which is the eight pointed star
the symbol of the perfected soul and thus become a perfected being a Neter or divine being and join
the Gods in the Daut the milky way galaxy in the belt of Orion. The Egyptians in their texts that are
properly translated only mention the serpent energy and the light body symbolized as the Ankh as the
point of their religion. To raise the fire up the spine and open the inner eye of Osiris and obtain gnosis.
There is a chapel found under the sands of Egypt built by a Serpent Priest who finished the Light Body
process and became an immortal divine being. He left the chapel as a place of teaching and a
monument for future generations. This is why the ancients left spiritual instructions on their tomb
walls. They had a conscious understanding of things and knew the day might come when these tombs
are all that are left to transmit the instructions of history, spiritual knowledge and culture to lost
generations. There was a time in the golden age it was stated when humans didn't die they just
entered the light of immortality the light body.
Now why would this Akhenaton regime want to remove and destroy all this. Akhenaton order the
images of the Gods smashed apart and desecrated had the Temples shut down and destroyed and the
Priests persecuted and not allowed to teach the knowledge. This is outright violent cultural genocide
of the most sacred teachings and places. Akhenaton built a new capital which he made the center of
his violent cult. The bodies found buried there are shown to have died by brutal violence and suffered
hideous punishments by this regime. This place was a prison for the Royals to keep them under
control and to enforce his new insane and violent cult on the populace. After the civil war and uprising
was over the Egyptians removed any mention of this regime from history. Because they wanted to
erase the teachings of this insane cult from existence as pestilence so it could never return and
threaten the world. This cult destroyed the entire Egyptian culture and spiritual teachings and
imposed a monotheistic political cult on the populace were Akhenaton was now the supreme ruler of
this fake monotheistic god of Aton. This is the same cult of the christian Church of Rome the same
behaviour the same actions and the same purpose. Same with Zoroaster cult of Persia.
Note there is a lot of ancient evidence suggesting the Jews actually got their start in this regime in
Egypt. The Jews call their "god" Adon and Adonai which is the T and D are double letters ATON and
ATONAI. Even the name Levite was popular term of Egyptian Priests at this time. Judaism might just be
the morphing of what started in Akhenaton's regime. The Persian Zoroaster cult is totally full of jewish
ideology which is mentioned by many experts on the subject.
And christianity is the later version of both the Aton cult the Zoroaster cult and the jewish ideology.
Judaism brags about the influence the jews had in the Persian courts and Empire. They even had a
whole city to themselves in Persia. Alexander the Great fought his war against the Persian Empire as a
spiritual war to destroy the Zoroaster cult. The only cultural he ordered destroyed was the Zoroaster
cult. As a destructive and evil program against the spiritual teachings of the Gods. Just like they fought
a civil war in the Persian Empire to stop this Zoroaster cult centuries before and a civil war was fought
in the Roman Empire to stop the christian cult just like in Egypt as well.
What this shows is the enemy E.T's the grey-reptilians have been trying to take over this planet since
at least the time of Akhenaton's regime. And they have been doing it by creating hybrids and then
working behind the scenes to use this Trojan Horse movement of infiltration and subversion to take
over the planet. What the victory of the leaders of Egypt and Alexander against them show is why
they need to remove spiritual knowledge to succeed in this as the document they ordered their
‘chosen people’ their hybrids to construct and directed them in doing so. That of the bible orders
them the key to enslaving humanity is the removal of spiritual knowledge and erasing of the true
origins of humanity. Which is what the Akhenaton, zoroaster, islamic, christian and jewish cult and
communist cult is all about doing.
Alexander was a highly ascended master he was made Pharaoh of Egypt by the decree of the Gods for
this reason. He also had a risen serpent. His family where the Serpents of the Dionysus tradition which
is also Egyptian. And he worked to destroy the Zoroaster cult and bring a rebirth of the original
spiritual teachings. Hence he made his capital Babylon the ancient head of the Enki teachings who was
Oannes to the Babylonians and loannes to the Greeks whom they also called Dionysus.
The enemy programs were defeated by individuals and organized groups of spiritually advanced
humans working with our Gods from the Serpents of Egypt to that of Greece.
"They tell how Quetzicoatl departed. It was when he refused to obey the sorcerers about making the
human payment, about sacrificing humans. Then the sorcers deliberated among themselves, they
whose names were Tezcatlipoca, Ihuimetcatl, and Toltecatl. They said, "He must leave his city. We shall
live there."
Codex Chimalpopoca of the Aztecs.
From the Aztec codex Chimalpopoca: "The Toltecs were engaged in battle at a place called Netalpan.
And when they had taken captives, human sacrifice also got started as Toltecs sacrificed their
prisoners. Among them and in their midst the evil YAOtI followed along. Right on the spot he kept
inciting them to make human sacrifices. And then, too, he started and began the practice of flaying
humans...Then he made one of the Toltecs named Ziuhcozcatl wear the skin and he was the first to
wear a Toltec skin. Indeed, every kind of human sacrifice that there used to be got stared then.
For it is told and related that during the and under his authority, the first Quetzalcoatl, whose name
was Ce Acatl, absolutely refused to perform human sacrifice. It was precisely when Huemac was ruler
that all those things that used to be done got stared. Huemas sacrificed a human streamer, thus
making payment."
The original culture the Gods installed in South America banned all blood sacrifices. And only stated
fruits and flowers this is the same custom that was offered to the Gods in Hinduism as well if one
studies. The later animal sacrifices are deviations from this. We see this again right in the jews bible
the Pagan God Baal refuses the blood sacrifice of animals but yahweh accepts. Cain offering of fruits
and plants was refused by yahweh but Abel's offering of blood and animals was accepted by yahweh.
In the Torah Abraham tells his fellow jews not to offer the animal sacrifices in Egypt. As the Egyptians
will punish them drastically for this is a serious offense to them. The Egyptians civilization also came
from the same Gods as did Quetzlcoatl our Gods the Nordics. Who as humans who have interaction
with the Nordic E.T's mention they look like this:
Which is how the ancients described them as well.
In the surviving religious records and artifacts of the America's we have a story that comes together in
South America we can see around the world. The above passage is reference in the descriptions to the
overturning of the culture of the Gods which Quetzlcoatl is the symbol and also the name of the
offices of the leaders of. And the replacement of this culture with a new religion that is based upon
human sacrifice to appease the new divinities. The records state the King Huemac made such a deal
with the god Yaolt the LT is a title its Yao which is the ancient name of yahweh in the Hebrew texts.
This led to the imposing of a new religion which the sorcerers lead. The ones in contract with Yao.
What is noted is the change in the religion here the language becomes the exact same one finds in the
jewish Torah that of making payments in blood sacrifices to Yao and the concept of debt payments as
blood sacrifice this is the language only found elsewhere in the jewish Torah which forms the christian
bible. The blood sacrifices of the new cult of Yao was massive hundreds of thousands were murdered
every year. And they were done along powerful lay line positions to influence the energy grid around
our planet.
From the Popol Vuh:
"It has turned out well, your lordships, and this is her heart. It's in the bowl."
"Very well. So I'll look." said One Death, and when he lifted it up with his fingers, its surface was
soaked with gore, its surface glistened red with blood.
"Good. Sir up the fire, put it over the fire, said One Death. After that they dried it over the fire, and the
Xibalbans savored the aroma. They all ended up standing here, they leaned over it intently. They
found the smoke of the blood to be truly sweet.!"
In the jewish Torah in the book of genesis:
“And Noah built an alter unto the Lord: and took of every Clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and
offered burnt offerings on the altar. And the Lord SMELLED A SWEET SAVOR."
Note the Popol Vuh:
"And this is the sacrifice of little Huanhpu by Xiblanque. One by one his legs, his arms were spread
wide. His head came off, rolled far away outside. His heart, dug out, was smothered in a leaf, and all
the Xibalbans went crazy at the site."
These new Gods are feeding on the energy of humans. They literally went crazy with delight and
ecstasy from feeding on this death energy. Note these new Gods are even called "Deaths" and
referred by numbers as they are a hive such as "One Death."
The ancient South American's all mentioned the racial traits of the original Gods as being Nordic when
the Spanish arrived they thought Quetzlcoatl had returned. And the same cultures recorded the
physical appearance of the new Gods Huemac imposed on them and chased out the previous religion
of the old Gods.
And we know now what the new Gods of the Aztec's and Mayan's who imposed this culture on South
America look like as well from the religious finds of the images of their Gods in their Temples and
religious sites.
Behold Yao, Yahweh:
What did the elite Rabbi Michael Latiman tell his fellow jews in Israel:
"We [jews] came here [to earth] to put things in order like in our home planet and now were gathering
in groups to prep ourselves to conqueror earth that's the mission [of the jews].
How do we do it? We are also sent the method its coming from our original planet and thanks to that
original natural force we have. We will take over those living on earth. "
The jews state they are genetically from this yahweh and are literally alien. We known yahweh is a
collection of reptilian aliens. The jewish Cohen their racial gene has reptilian D.N.A in it.
Orion and the Gods
Despite the cover ups of the enemy, the facts and Truth cannot be kept within a box of jewish
confinement of lies. The jews have spent all the time of their existence trying to cover up things and
make the facts of our past be lost.
Destroying one's roots and past is a necessity in rallying a people, or anyone, into enslavement.
This is done deliberately in whole countries, and sometimes based on beliefs and things one knows.
Imagine how easily one can control someone with Alzheimers, and this is how easy one can control or
ruin a country similary by wiping out it's memory, or replacing it with something else.
Our Gods are extraterrestrial beings. Behind what is called religion, there is only one thing, and this
thing is knowledge about the universe. This is why before the Abrahamic religions, the term ‘religion’
did not really exist. It came with Abrahamism and jewish crap, that they denounced our systems in the
degoratory name of 'make believe religions' and their own internal jewish system as the ‘truth’.
Gentiles also, have had the Truth.
The approach is different, however, the messages always overlap in all ancient cultures and show to
the same place. One example here is the Pyramids, all of which are aligned to Orion. In Egyptian, the
Serpent Kundalini was called "Aureos". This word existed also in Greek, where it was called "Ouraios"
which means "He of the Tail", or "He that exists or Resides in the Tail".
"Oura" means tail, and "Ouraios" simply means Tail Resider. "OUROS" means Guardian, or Protector.
Similarly, the Serpent was looked upon as the protector and guardian of the Pharaohs and those who
were spiritually on a high level, and had risen the Serpent. In the same language family, ORO means |
see in Greek. The Greeks called Horus (Sun God), Oros. Oros relates to Horus, and both deal with the
All-Seeing Sun, as the Sun rays touch the whole surface of the earth. Oros also means mountains, or
he of the mountain, the one who resides in the mountain. Even in India we have the story on how Adi
Yogi or Shiva came down from a mountain, and this is not in anyway different. Oros also means "The
Term", for which, we have the terms of the Gods, their spiritual inheritance, for which, if we follow, we
are blessed and protected.
Now, Ouraios also in a slight alteration means Beautiful. Orion is also a related word from the same
family tree, which is, what we all know, the Orion constellation.
Orion also sounds the exact same as the word Boundary. This is also called "The Limit of the Sky". This
limit does not have to do with us, but rather, the limits which the Gods have set interplanetary. It
appears from all the glorification and all the need to point all these meanings out, and keep them alive
in all our ancient history, that our planet is under some sort of protection, from those in the
The Pagan Gods, Satan and the Gods, are also the original "Ourei" or "Watchers" and "Guardians" of
humanity, and also, from the same word family, the "Serpents", "They Of the Tail", "The Beautiful".
Satan and the Demons are called by these names in all ancient Pagan literature, and even in the
literature of the enemy. The more pronounced word of all, being "Demons". Then they are called
"Serpents", then they are called "Those residing in Hell" (Tailbone=Base Chakra or ‘Hell’), and they are
also called "The beautiful", with Satan being called "The Most Beautiful" even in the slander book of
his enemies.
In the bible the jews, even during the middle ages, they knew and had analyzed of hidden Torah code
that had to do specifically with cursing the Gods, and also, other star systems. There are numerous
inhabitants of certain 'stars' or start systems cursed. As rabbis reveal their so called 'religions' which
are contrary and alien to our own ones, are simply, just another system of alien governance from
other aliens, meant for this planet, to enslave all living beings on it, or simply try to destroy the beings
if this fails.
The enemy has done everything they can to muddle the waters, which, when one knows the simple
facts, everything becomes too obvious. All the civilizations the jews have hated and attempted to
destroy were literally based around Orion in every way.
Then somehow all the jewish alien theorists say all the bullshit about how in Orion live the "evil guys"
who are a 'threat' to humanity, and how all the "good guys" reside in all sorts of cucked, "muh love"
systems around the galaxy.
The middle ground between who takes power and what influences there are, is decided by the
intermediate buffer of a spiritual level, which has physical manifestations. The Gods teach the
knowledge to take the enemy down, and so does the enemy conspire with their own servants to bring
about their desired system.
We can win this, we have the most powerful allies.
Orion, Jews, and White Genocide
Our Gods come from the Orion galaxy. This is why all the temples they built point to the galaxy of
Orion. The ancient term ‘Nephilim’ means "Sons of Orion" and the head God was also shown as the
constellation of Orion. The enemy bible states that "Yahweh" tried to genocide the ‘Nephilim’ (The
White Race) by attacking the planet with a flood. And these beings (The White Race) are attacked as
something to be exterminated through the entire enemy bible. Which is an occult jewish blueprint for
their creation of an Orwellian world government. In which the White Race is to be fully exterminated.
In the Torah, all the nations the jewish People attack, enslave, and mass murder, such as Egypt and
Persia, were Aryan Nations. The region of Canaan was also all White and the jews racially
exterminated the entire White Race in those regions. The Canaanites were lead by nobility that were
"Giants", which means they were White People. The ancient Phoenicians, a Canaanite People, were
White People with red haired and blue eyed Gods. It’s also known from modern D.N.A testing on
Phoenician graves that they were European genetically.
The ancient Philistines were also Aryan Peoples of Indo-Aryan stock, mainly Greek, and the jews such
as Samson spent their time attacking and murdering them. Note how the jews lie and claim the
Canaanites sacrificed their children to Moloch. However, it is known from modern archeology that the
children of the Canaanites the Phoenicians died of natural causes and were cremated in the pagan
custom after. They determined this by testing the remains found in urns.
The people actually sacrificing their children in the bible are the jews to yahweh, and Moloch is a
name of yahweh in judaism. Moloch yahweh means king yahweh. The murdered White People in
Canaan were ordered to be stacked in piles and burnt as ritually murdered blood offerings to yahweh
in the Torah. Orion is also Ari-on....Aryan.
This should not be surprising that the jews and their global power structure are behind the white
genocide program. It’s part of their alien racial religion agenda. The jewish global power structure is
responsible for the mass murder of almost two hundred million white people in the last century by
their world wars and communist regimes. Communism is just the jews moving the goal posts on their
christian program, and over fifty million white people were murdered with the jewish christianity
program, which was created and is still run by the jews.
Christianity is a jewish weapon aimed at the total destruction of whites on a spiritual, cultural, and
physical level. This along with the tens of millions of whites murdered with the jewish Islamic
program. Mohammed was a jewish man who declared he would force the world to convert to the
religion of the jews, that of Abraham, the first jew.
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