No. 497 €8
> THE MEETNG (p.4)
Auali J... p.3 Lacresse E. ......
Bab'bar p.3 Lafay Q....
Bérard-Andricu M. p.3 Lagardère A ..
Bembeim G........ p.3 Le Vaillant L.
Bolloré V .12 Lelouch C ..
p.5 Level M....
Macron E uu... P-
O! Ain E.
Couturier B
Danevelle R.
Delespierre B. . ... p.9 Proto $ .
Dmi Y .... . p-11 RicoeurP .
Dupon! G .. p.10 ...... p.6
p.4 Rothschild D. de p.3
p.5 Ruquier L.. ....... p.10
Scbooberg B ....... ps
Ferracci M .......... p.8 Stayed S „....... p.7
Page 1
Here is our exclusive survey on "Brigitte", the first real portrait
unauthorized by this intriguing character with too little known influence
that at the Elysée we simply call “Madam President” «++
"When child protection coincides
with the staff crisis, more is needed
understand, must pray ! "
Michel Audiard, Les Tontons flingueurs,
" The problem with Emmanuel Macron,
is that no one, except his wife, does
can tell this day who he is. "
L'Obs, January 5, 2017.
“ We were talking about everything. And I discovered that
we had always known each other. [ ... ] One
sensitive continent to which only the fragile
have access and where they can meet ”.
Emmanuel Macron about his wife,
Revolution, XO Editions, 2016.
“ She is very important in her life.
Verry much. It is a form of reference
psychological. "
David de Rothschild, quoted by Anne Fulda
in Un Jeune homme si pa, fait, Pawn, 2017.
“ Brigitte is essential to understand
Emmanuel Macron. She plays a role
particularly important at his side. "
Alain Mine, cited by Marc Endeweld in
The Great Manipulator, Stock, 2019.
" Emmanuel Macron relies on two
pillars, two manholes, two landmarks: one
emotional pillar, his wife, and a pillar
professional, Alexis Kohler. If these
pillars were wavering, then the president would be
“ A legend all in proximity. [ ... ] The
the most inventive authors were not there
thought, the Macrons did. She is the
emotional quotient, it is the intel-
lectual. But the brain integrates things by
emotion. [...] Emmanuel Macron likes
shine in his wife's eyes. For
perfect his score, he relies on his
sharp look, as in the days of the club
Amiens theater. His comments are
precious. Implacable, she criticizes him,
corrected. [...] Do they play the comedy constantly
is lying? When are they sincere? Those who
rubbed shoulders with Emmanuel Macron in his
old life have little doubt: [...]
" If we don't have the key to reading the theater,
we don't understand anything. " [...] Safe from
prying eyes, far from his image very
smooth, she is a unique advisor
special whose presidential cabinet seeks
methodically to reduce the weight. It is
with her, however, that the President is testing
many of his ideas. She is the only one to dare
talk to him so frankly, to have the last
word on the agenda. [...] Much more political
than it seems, it the chapter without mena-
when a trip is missed, a
laborious speech, that an intervention
television leaves something to be desired, that its authority
is eroding. [....] We will have to get used to it
and deal with. During the meeting, the
guests, political supporters of the first
hour, elected Socialists for the most part,
discover not without surprise that she is
aware of everything, of the slightest rallying,
the exact level of fundraising.
" Madame Macron", as they call her
Finthidiein-c: Pp iS Baht: BA destabilized. "
Frugier B .... .p. 7 Slr & U $ -Kabn D. p.11 iq $ 7
SINDEN p.7 Taubmann A. p.11 Philippe Grangeon, cited by Nathalie
Holland F ..... - .. - p. 7 Taubmann F. _ p. He
Jcudy B .
Klliroun R.
p.3 Taubmann M .... p.11
President, Pawn, 2019.
April 15 to May 15, 2021
Schuck and Ava Djamshidi in Madame la
again, receive all strategic notes
counselors who surround her husband >>.
Madam President, athalie Schuck and
Ava Djamshidi, Pion, 2019.
"Everyone knows: Brigitte Macron was present at
each stage of its political evolution [...]. She is the one
to whom he turns when he needs criticism without
complacency. He treats her like a partner, equal to
equal. For some, Mr. Macron is a welcome antidote to
hyper masculine politicians of the past ”.
New York Times, May 12, 2017.
“She would be the cornerstone of the couple. Its base, its rock.
Some believe that it would rather be the flaw. His own flaw.
[...] To the French, it was said that they embodied the "transgres-
sion ”, that it would be“ disruption ”. They are a bit of all that,
Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron. [...] In this fall 2015, he
has its personal solution. So imposes his wife on his staff,
as in front of the world, with the same confusing naturalness
"We need to be together, it's our mutual oxygen",
Brigitte pleads almost banally when asked
on this constant promiscuity of yesterday and today. She
“accompanies” it, that's all”.
Les Macrons, Caroline Derrien and Candice Nedelec, Fayard,
"The" debriefing queen ", as she calls herself, is
more than ever at work. The place of choice in a meeting? It is
next to Brigitte, not her husband, some even mock.
The one who was committed to "preserve their life together" is
especially a highly listened advisor. She is so involved
in the recruitment process, talking more and more
more often with job applicants. [...] Coach,
repeater, planner, messenger, hunter
heads, spin doctor ... All these attributes are, at a time
or to another, become his. From the corridors of Bercy to
premises of En Marche !, she was even one of the only women
influence of those around him ”.
Brigitte Macron. L'Affranchie, Maélle Brun, The Archipelago,
“To tell the truth, many advisers do not exist. Everything goes
by Brigitte. Everyone knows it and calls it. [...] Brigitte
Macron is not one adviser among others. She's there
first. If not more ... A "vice-president" of
The shadow. [...] At the palace, the first lady is afraid of
advisers and ministers. " If she's got you in the sights, you
are dead, ’says an employee of the President. She hesitates
not to invite themselves to meetings with ministers that deal with
subjects close to their concerns or areas
of interest. "It freezes the ministers who see her as the eye
of Moscow ", confesses an adviser of the Elysee".
Current Values, July 20, 2017.
“On several occasions, Brigitte Macron has affirmed that she
had never experienced her affair with Emmanuel as a
transgression. If she really thinks it, we can measure the gap
which separates the feeling from the real. Whether she likes it or not,
First, the biographical resources relating to " Brigitte"
and Emmanuel Macron are very limited, unlike this
suggested by the intense propaganda deployed around the couple.
Spreading everywhere in the public space, on the walls, in mind
gondola from stations and supermarket shelves, this
incessant newspaper cover poster campaign
and books has subliminally entered the minds of a
storytelling thought out by the créme de la créme of Parisian communicators.
Endlessly repeated, this rose-watered novel tells the story
of a high school student as brilliant as precocious, Emmanuel Macron
(generally compared to " Mozart "), having conquered his
teacher, "Brigitte", a dynamic woman, beautiful and
charismatic (the women's press generally uses the
term "solar").
From the triumph of this clandestine love over the
one will say of a narrow province and ordinary machismo
common to the elite and to the small people necessarily Poujadiste.
Emmanuel Macron would have forged an extraordinary destiny. Of
his perseverance in imposing this extraordinary couple by
age difference, Emmanuel Macron would have drawn resources
extraordinary to set out to conquer France.
The problem is that between 2012, when began to be
told about the Macronian gesture, and today, the story has
has been rewritten many times, rewritten, giving a glimpse of
archivists that we are the workshop of the authors of this
"Legend". Write a biography of Brigitte and Emmanuel
Macron therefore turns out to be a very special exercise, since it becomes
the traditional method of compiling
the information available - drawing up the state of the art say the
academics -before delving into the little or no explored aspects.
We therefore had to proceed "in negative", that is to say,
factual contradictions, chronological inconsistencies:
and other crude fakes.
Once this work is done, the Macronian gesture slips away. 1
events cancel each other out, and in doing so, leave
appear unknown areas, populated with puzzles and per-
ghost bells. From then on, the Harlequin novel that we n
had served turns into a thriller panting in the vein
best Roman Polanski movies .
As a reminder
It should be noted here that the gray areas, inconsistencies and
anomalies in the biography of Emmanuel Macron do _
not specific to his marriage and his green years. Recall
that he is not officially a member of the Inspec
General Finance, Sedar Senghor promotion
ENA, “his” promotion being the only one in the history
the school whose classification was canceled - "without influence on the
individual situation of the agents resulting from the promotion ”-
the Council of State for "excess of power" of the direction
school following a request grouping together less than
75 students out of the 134 in this promotion. Only the initi
of the applicants appear on the decree of the Council of State. The
Brigitte has indeed ticked all the prohibited boxes. "
He had just turned seventeen, Sylvie Bommel, JC Lattés,
Bages April 15 to May 15, 2021
Emmanuel Macron's initials do not appear there and this error
has never been explicitly presented as one of
"Mutineers of Senghor".
placement on availability for the public service during his
slipper at Rothschild & Cie, and therefore a non-
reinstatement in the public service upon appointment
successive at the Elysée (2012) then at Bercy (2014). Functions
where he will constantly serve the interests of Rothschild & Cie,
while bravely assuming its preserved interests
with the bank in its declarations to the High Authority for
transparency of public life (HATVP), without any
journalist does not report or ask any questions about
these facts, however easily verifiable in the statements
official and other legal publications ... Why a
such preferential treatment? How to explain this blackout
general media? And if the answer was on the side of
his wife or his " green years"?
The encounter
Constituting one of the most explosive episodes of the biography
Emmanuel] Macron, his meeting with " Brigitte " was
placed at the center of the Macronian gesture by the spin doctors.
One way to take the lead and master this story
to make the French swallow it gradually. Declination
from the fable of the frog to propaganda techniques
modern times, this strategy involved modifying history by
small touches and therefore to lie while playing as often
on the chronology of events.
Although identified since then, this media manipulation
of great magnitude left behind a sheet of fog
in the minds of the general public, allowing people to accept
subliminally a story that could never have been
if it had been made clear from the start.
In Operation Macron (Editions du Cerisier, 2019), Eric
Stemmelen was the first to lift this hare by realizing
an interesting chronology of the media coverage of the couple
Macron. Formerly director of studies at Safres, director
head of studies at France Télévisions and director of the antenna
and the programs of France 2, the latter highlighted
that from the appointment to the Elysee of Emmanuel Macron
to Francois Hollande in May 2012, “ the press will repeat
at will that his wife is " almost twenty years" older than
him, when in reality nearly twenty-five years separate them.
It will be claimed everywhere that, when they got to know each other, she
would have been " 36 and he 17". However, in 1992, Emmanuel Macron
is 14 years old (born December 21, 1977) and finishes his third in
La Providence d'Amiens high school when he plays in the play
Jacques and his master from Milan Kundera, which he rode
with her boyfriend Renaud Dartevelle. Brigitte Auziére, then
39 years old (born April 13, 1953), says she is enthusiastic
by the talent of the boy - who will never be in his class
of French - and, at the start of the school year, she welcomes him in the workshop
theater that she directs, and in which he will participate for two
year. [...] Brigitte Auziére was not therefore 36 years old when they
got to know each other, especially since she was living in Strasbourg at the time.
And when Emmanuel turns 17, he has already left
Amiens and is a student at the Lycée Henri-IV in Paris. These facts are
fairly easy to verify, even for a French journalist.
The distilled lie is therefore not a mistake or a detail
cause: a 36-year-old woman and a young man of 1-
it can become a romantic idyll worthy of the pl
of a Stendhal; a 39 year old woman and a boy of -
years, that would arouse a suspicion of pedophilia. e .. e
Acclimatize the good people to this unusual couple, in;;r
a too crude truth, which will only be revealed little by little.
successive snippets in 2016 ”.
Once the general framework has been presented, here is a brief (e
exhaustive) chronology of the accounts of the meeting between Bri.:. -
and Emmanuel Macron. The lying passages are underlined-
Strictly factual lies are emphasized only ~
arising from the manipulation highlighted by Eric Stemmelec
(we'll tackle the rest of the lies next). VS
chronology is also a way of presenting the bibliog: rapm
that we will meet again during our investigation:
- September 18, 2012, Liberation: " A former Hean-1 \
remembers: “ He was incredibly mature. He was c
with all the prep teachers and very few with us. L
year ago. in high school, he falls in love with his teacher ~
French, twenty years older and mother of a family.
will become his wife. ”; - October 28, 2012, Le Monde:
married in 2007 a woman of twenty years his eldest, profe
French and mother of a family. He had met her at Ami
when he was in premiere, during a theater internship .
-27 August 2014, lemondejr: "EmmanuelMacrons - et
with Brigitte Trogneux, twenty years her eldest, renco ~
while she was her first year French teacher.
Lycée Henri-IV. ”; -September 5, 2014, Gloser: " Emm
Macron in a relationship with his ex-teacher! Photos exclusiv. _
she is twenty years older. [...] The one who holds firm
hand down the steep streets of Montmartre, -
other than the teacher he had when he was in first year
at the age of 17 he fell in love with Brigitte, de. . ,.
his eldest ”; - October 19, 2014, Le Parisien: “ C
this period that begins an idyll with his teacher ~
French, Brigitte Trogneux, 36 years, twenty more q
[...] Among the elders of Providence, we have fun
of this " budding love affair between the teacher and her pupil ~
who met in evening classes. “ In class, she does.
all the time as an example, "remembers an elder." She :: -
totally captivated by her writing skills. He writes:
the time of poems and she read them in front of everyone
continues another. ”; October 25, 2014, L'Express:
twenty year old that his wife, Emmanuel 1
dashing Minister of the Economy, embodies, in his own way. the -
of freedom that blows over couples. "; -December 27: -
Gloser: "Unknown to the general public before its norninati
Ministry of the Economy, Emmanuel Macron becomes,
new media darling. Married to his old «
of French twenty years his eldest, this former finan e
but a scheme intended to deceive public opinion. And for
F AI Ts = & = Do fay _UME — NTs __ tu l s avril -au l s mru :2 0 21.
a heavy task to straighten out France's economy. "
- June 3, 2015, Madame Figaro: “ Almost twenty years separate them.
[...] When they met, Emmanuel Macron and
BrigitteTrogneux was passed away from the Providence in Amiens.
This mother of three was a French teacher and
him, his first year student. [...] Brigitte Trogneux, 56 years old, and
Emmanuel Macron, 36, have always wanted to preserve their
privacy from the media hustle and bustle. Since Tuesday , June 2 ,
the mysterious wife of the Minister of the Economy finally has a
face, which she showed all smiles at the dinner
given in honor of the King of Spain Felipe and the Queen
Letizia at the Elysée Palace. ”; - June 3, 2015,
“A first official appearance noticed. She was
his teacher at the Lycée La Providence in Amiens, he was his
student in first class. In love since that time,
Brigitte Trogneux, 56, and Emmanuel Macron. old
37 years old, got married in 2007. ”; -! * 'July 2015, Gala:
"When Brigitte Trogneux meets the young Emmanuel
for the first time, she is 36 years old. him 17. He is in first
and she is his French teacher. Classmates
clearly observe that he is her favorite since she reads all
his poems in class aloud. "; - July 9, 2015, VSD:
“Twenty years separate them. He was captivated by the beauty, the
smile and, already, the short skirts of her sparkling teacher
first. She, disturbed by the charm of this brilliant student
copies of which she read in class. It will take the teacher.
then 36 years old. and his 17-year-old student wait for a
little to live their passion ”; - October 28, 2015, L'Express:
"The youngest in a family of six, Brigitte Macron [...]
comes at the end of the 1950s, at the time of prosperity
found, yéyé madness and the first surprise parties.
[...] Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Trogneux cross paths
during the theater course she gives at Providence, at
Amiens. He is in first year, she is a teacher. Together,
they stage a text by the Italian playwright Eduardo
De Filippo - "Writing with him was extraordinary,"
she, more than twenty years later, to a friend who questions her
on their meeting. I felt like I was working with
Mozart. .. ’ They like each other. But in this provincial town,
where everything is known, where everything is seen, it is not easy for a
married woman, mother of three, to love a man of
twenty years younger than her. As he contemplates a career
as a writer, she insisted that he learn a trade, "otherwise
you will look like a gigolo ”, she explains in substance.”;
- November 18, 2015, L'Ambigu Monsieur Macron, Mare
Endeweld, Flammarion: “His relationship with Brigitte, his
former French teacher, twenty years her senior. [ ... ] And it's
to the Pro that he meets his future wife, Brigitte Trogneux.
“Madame Auziére” more exactly, because the person concerned is
then her French teacher in first class. She
is almost twenty years his senior: “In class. she was quoting him
all the time as an example. She was totally overwhelmed
by his writing skills. [. ..] He always wrote
poems and she read them in front of everyone ”, recalls
a former comrade. The teacher then seems fascinated
by his student, and gets closer to him within the theater club:
“They had decided to write a play together. There was
love dialogues, and they realized that they
did not dare to confess their feelings ”, explains a
close to the couple. She was then 36 years old. and him 17. A meeting
The animated banner that is automatically triggered
when you visit the site of the magazine Closer continues
to repeat the double lie of the 20-year gap and
of Emmanuel Macron's 17 years during the meeting.
who will mark Emmanuel Macron for the rest of his life, but
which does not fail to arouse speculation within
Parisian elites ..."
- March 20, 2016, Gala (written by Séverine Servat):
"Madame Macron: the real first lady is her!"
[...] Today, the wife of the pre identifiable minister of
! 'Economy seduces. A First Lady and possibly born. [...]
On his heels ten to fifty- ninth year, the wife - of ten-
nine years her senior - from the mini tre of the Economy, gallops far
in front of Madame Valls, namely the violinist Anne Gravoin, in
terms of popularity. "; - May 2016, And Brigitte created Macron,
Pop Story (first large portrait dedicated to "Brigitte" by
Sylvie Bommel): “ In 1993, a teacher from a major high school in
province and its brilliant pupil, 24 years his junior,
crazy in Love. A transgressive passion that will never cease
to carry the young man. [...] The youngest of the Trogneux
was born on April 13, 1953, in Amiens [NDA: date of birth
official is given for the first time] [...] She liked the
short skirts and pumps. Probably it was her outfit
back to school since it was sunny and warm in Amiens,
September 7, 1993. [...] Yes, Brigitte's life was sure to
Page 5
Pag ~-du_1_sa_vril_a_ul_s mru_-2_02_1 _F AI Ts = & noc ... UME a NTs s
good tracks but, in this return to school in 1993, it was going to derail. the
boy who was going to divert her from the right path was only 16
year. His name was Emmanuel, as the name of the coming Messiah
in the Old Testament. ”; -13 September 2016, Release:
" Brigitte is 57 years old today, Emmanuel is 38."
February 16, 2017, Macron, Confidences littéraires, interview
by Emmanuel Macron with Jérôme Garein, /’Obs: “- To
16 years old, you say to yourself: " I will be a writer"? - Yes, I am
then convinced. It is my only vocation. A vocation
that, before being my wife, Brigitte, when she was my teacher
of French, had shared and encouraged. "; -8 March 2017 the
Macron, Caroline Derrien and Candice Nedelec, Fayard: “ He
you have to hear him delight in telling us about the beautiful hours of
his life. The crazy story of a quadra, admired teacher,
married, ventured out with a (very) young first. This pupil
born twenty-four years after her - and that she never had in
his class. [...] A fifteen year old boy registered with the theater club.
In this spring of 1993, he tasted for the second time
role play - this self-discovery by embodying the life of a
other. [...] Contrary to the Rimbaldien verse, Emmanuel is
perfectly serious when he dares to undress his heart near
of his teacher. He's not even seventeen yet. ";
-27 March 2017, Emmanuel Macron, Current Woman: “ When I
see some imitations, some cornish, some magazines:
it is ordinary misogyny. I often say: if the reports
age were reversed, it wouldn't shock anyone, people
would find that great. So she is beautiful and the fact that she
being 20 years older than me is terrible because he is an object
mockery, terrible incivility. ”; --6 April 2017, Emmanuel
Macron, a young man so perfect, Anne Fulda, Pawn: " The
years later, still in the momentum and the excitement of this meeting
extraordinary, Brigitte confides to one of their friends: “ You know, the
day when we wrote this piece together, I felt like
work with Mozart! »Brigitte, then thirty-nine years old,
tries to resist. "; -May 25 , 2017, Obs: « Brigitte and Emmanuel
meet in a Catholic high school in Amiens. She is 39 years old,
he is turning 15 [NDA: he is therefore 14]. She, admired teacher
by his students, spontaneous, direct, solar. Him, gifted who knows
everything about everything, allure of a poet. A few months of dating at
the theater workshop, and the bond turns into a romance. "
- January 17, 2018, Brigitte Macron. the Affranchie, Maélle Brun,
The Archipelago: " When they meet, in the middle of the
1990, it is already nourished by its own contradictions. [...]
When the fourteen-year-old adolescent enters the theater workshop, in
September 1992, Brigitte never had it in class. She has it
preview during an award ceremony for an internship report, in
third. Among the laureates, he had then disserted on vanity
of such an honor ... But she knows him above all by reputation.
" I have in my class a madman who knows everything about everything", he said.
reported his daughter Laurence. [...] Very quickly, the second grade student is
indeed very disturbed by his prof. And for her part, she appreciates her
difference. [...] The one we will laugh at two decades later
Christic staging already has a sense of dramaturgy.
He will begin to explore it in the Comedy of Language,
a play by Jean Tardieu that Brigitte Auziére
to disassemble. Her future husband plays a scarecrow there.
long hours of rehearsal, his interpretation
“ I thought he was amazing on stage. I myself
"What a presence!" "She continues. May 17, 199 ~.
confirmation during the end-of-year performance.
of La Providence. [...] His year of birth is
after having been an enigma for some for a long time } OR: rn:;!: sla.
who rejuvenated her by another five years in September
[...] With the Trogneux, one does not have the taste of the candale. And
is a thousand miles from imagining the vaudeville that takes place :: 1e
the family home, where the couple meet.
took advantage of the absences of Jean-Claude Trogneux
elder brother] to sneak past Brigitte who
by the family pool. And ran away in the b
his towel, as soon as he reappeared, "said a
2016, in the pages of Pop Story. The confrontation., ......, ~ -
yet when the eldest sibling suddenly falls
garden. It is the starting point of many quere
She will not be able to convince them of this born
first lady can well assure to have always perceived I: .n:! Dlea: 1.
Macron like a contemporary, his relatives, them. cn--
1 epoch each of the twenty-four years that
- January 31, 2019, Madam President,® "'® 111111 °
Schuck an Ma pian dir gen His twenty-four
difference with her husband remains her heel d".\ ..
May 2, 2019, He had just turned 17, Sylvie Bo
C. Lattés: “ He's in second grade. He knots
with her theater teacher, a married woman
his eldest. [...] Winter 1992-1993. The theater club
had been in decline for a few years, Brigitte Auziére
not prayed to revive him. A dozen of 1)
enrolled including this boy she had seen at the cem :: 0 ~
internship reports, Emmanuel Macron, who e t in=-~"-. + -
like his daughter Laurence ”.
- January 20, 2021, Two French youths .
Algalarrondo, Grasset: « At La Providen.
pedagogical concerns prevail since Ivu, =
on religious proselytism. In the chapter “ Our mi
it is thus affirmed: Our responsibility is of cæXXI ~
students to discover their path, develop the
strengthen their character. ” A little further on, we link: ..
we make good students, but our success is
the formation of real beautiful people by eYet
justice, empowering them, and making them,
experiences adapted to their age [sic]. "[...] Alo _
center-right of Amiens, Gilles de Robien knows «
Trogneux family. The father, John, was one of th
support when he tore the town hall, he got wind of K
he told me. He even thinks he remembers that Le Glliiiil ,, ....,.
Picard has devoted an article to him. checking fai
inaccurate. But a journalist from the regional daily m
that he had heard it said, at the time, that an ele _
Providence "typed a teacher.
Page i,
Page 6
So this is how the truth came to be
slowly veiled, all in euphemisms,
the authors struggling on the end to mass-
quer some embarrassment. Why there
second survey by Sylvie Bommel
published in 2019 is called + elle He came
to be 17 years old when its conclusion
is he going on his 15 years? Why
Doesn't Anne Fulda deduce the age
by Emmanuel Macron after having
dique that " Brigitte " was 39 years old when
of their meeting. Why focus
attention to the age difference ("the
Achilles heel ') while there is no obvious
don't know the subject?
More intriguing: as shown
our timeline, characters
were invented to give substance to
the first version of the legend
Macron, in particular this "former
Providence *remembering again
poems of the pupil read in front of
all the first class by the
enamored French teacher.
Is this "elder of La Providence"
the only fictional character created for
the needs of the Macronian gesture?
Wouldn't the communicators back down
in front of nothing? Touching all subjects,
this systematic bogus sometimes turns
no matter what. In paris
Match (August 11, 2016), we read that "on
questions of Islam and secularism,
[Emmanuel Macron] talks with
Abdelwahab Meddeb "... who was
died two years ago when the
tion of infomercial ...
Emmanuel Macron followed very closely
the media coverage of "Brigitte" as
the press review that was revealed to him
sent on the day of publication of the
first cover that Paris Match
devotes to his couple, April 14
2016 [cf. Box 1. Taking that day
off guard Francois Hollande who
had to speak on television in the evening
even, he had blatantly lied, going
until discarding on "Brigitte"
(accomplice) by explaining: " My
wife to whom I care a lot [...]
does not know the media system.
She also deeply regrets ”.
We will find the same modus operandi
as for the documentary archives
more than hagiographic The Strategy
meteor broadcast on France 3, the
November 21, 2016, or five days
after the declaration of candidacy to
the presidential election.
ge 8 April 15 to May 15, 2021
FACTS & DOCUMENTS 15 to May 15, 2021 Page 7
From : GENIOLE Mathieu
Sent : thul April 14, 2016 14: 1 '>
To: 2M
Julian; CAZENAVE ThOll'as; EMELIEN Ismael; NOIAYE Sibeth; OESCALIPS Anne:
LAFAY Quentin; FRUGIER Barbara; LEVEL Maeva; HER DAY Stephane
Subject: Media alert monitoring (1/2)
Paris Match in the media
- In the press review of + evening 3 " at 11:20 pm: it is a couple in
m ~ rche, ~ they are together on the road to power, Brigitte Macron is
exclusively confided to the weekly111 <Idaire.
- Caroline Pigoui (Paris "1; Itrh) on RNC c: morning. FPA awn t 14/15 years old
when ILS will have meetings, and 35 years. Bourdin does not judge
"absolutely not +.
Pigozzi knew Brigitte through a deceased sister-in-law, she
had been tracking for a long time, she said yes because she had had enough
that we tell false things. concerning the PR interview this evening,
it's really a coincidence, it's the journalist who was chasing him,
they wanted to do it the week before and Brigitte said no.
Bourdin reads the sentence; 'Every evening we break! Efe ", Brigitte has a role
i ~ bearing, is not in the balance of power.
On the peoplol|sallon. it is Paris Match which has peoplolized, 11s have
not photog, aphié at home. She meowed a lot to get this ~
photos but there are no photos at home. The timing was good, no it
There has not of ~ 1SE en scene of the couple: she wanted to say
things, Match anise enormous pressure on the reporter to
come .
It's total love: she talks about it with shining eyes, it's
passionate. Emotionally she's leading the way, it seems, but she
is not dlrecLlve.
Bourdin said that is limited in rose water, walk together, they
play the tenni,;, make the piano: "It is 1110n c.tyle 11 mol, je ,; u\ç I
Match I fats of the match ".
We notice, at the helm of this press review, the name of Mathieu
Géniole, Emmanuel Macron's community manager at the time, that is
say responsible for communicating on" social networks". Géniole was
notably noted in his previous job as a media columnist
to the Nouvel Observateur by insulting the inhabitants of Orange when the
1 " Foreign cavalry regiment which had hit hard the economy of
the city ("nobody cares, and you deserve it. That's what you
awaits with the election of mayors from the National Front: the abandonment of a
commune by the State ”,, October 14 , 2013). Old
Casteur at Jean-Luc Delarue (Reservoir Prod), Géniole has since disappeared
radars after being cited as an affiliate of the LOL League, named after this
group of Parisian bobos of the corn ‘and the media who indulged in packs
online harassment with a distinctly misogynistic and anti-Semitic tone
(cf After the scandal of the "LOL League", why Macron's ex-CM
has he deleted hundreds of tweets ?,, February 22, 2019).
Everything is strange in the images of the wedding broadcast in The Strategy of the Meteor, of this sleeveless dress and
particularly short worn by "Brigitte", up to Emmanuel Macron's pink tie, not to mention the
mounted piece evoking the horns of a Baphomet. If Emmanuel Macron's witnesses are well known, his fellow student
at Sciences-Po Paris Marc Ferracci and his patron Henry Hermand, the wedding witnesses of" Brigitte", presented
simply as" childhood friends ", remain unknown. Strangely, this marriage does not appear in Les Echos
du Touquet which only mentioned a baptism as an activity at the town hall on October 20, 2007...
In 19/45 of M6, November 23, 2016, Macron explains, Young Balzacian or adolescent wolf
against all evidence, "not to have given archives
exfiltrated by his parents ?
personal ”, while director Pierre Hurel
affirms the contrary ("He gave me certain documents he and On November 13, 2015, Emmanuel's first attempt
nis wiley Wwhich-appear tn the threat like te images Macron out of the woods for the presidential election
of marriage [cf. Box J, those, he gave them to me ”). And of 2017 goes completely unnoticed due to the wave
Macron to feign annoyance once again: "It is not of attacks which struck Paris in the evening. On the occasion of a
not me who gave it to him, I do not have them besides! " (Cà
you, France 5, November 24, 2016).
praising portrait of the World dated today (Le Fantasme
Macron), Minister! 'Economy is set to honor by
Canal + 's flagship program , Le Supplément, recorded on
In fact, the documentary was co-produced by Emmanuel
N 13 but broz tth t day.
Chain and by journalist Béatrice Schéinberg, near ovemper 19: Dun broadcast thenextday
of "Brigitte" (and incidentally wife of Jean-Louis . À .
À a 7 When, presenting this “new face”, the voice- over of the
Borloo). The Macrons watched it before its broadcast during
; ; e bat rt from th l t that with " Brigitte Macron.
of a private screening organized in the Parisian theater of report from thy Supplement. says that Wi Bite Cron;
his wife, th t in high school. H i
director Claude Lelouch: "The former minister has just Se MNS EE PIERE ine erate a Nae
j . . í . first. She her teacher of letters ", Emmanuel Macron correct:
declare his presidential flame. The couple is at the premieres styshe hë Ee RENSE S a OE ene.
lodges. Alone facing the screen. The others behind. " (The Macrons). by:conceding:the’"to haye known a little before its. 16years"
while "she was [his] theater teacher". Before
"You absolutely have to watch The Meteor Strategy, line vigorously deny having been taken out of his home and
dedicated to him by director Pierre Hurel. Some expelled from the parental home, as indicated by the article in
scenes are so astonishing [...] that the spectator is World: “At 16. first year student, winner of the competition
ask at times if he is watching a documentary or French general, Emmanuel Macron fell in love
fiction, remake of A very discreet hero by Jacques Audiard, of her French teacher, Brigitte Trogneux, mother of
story of a man inventing a fate of resistance to the three children and twenty years his senior. All of France knows
Liberation ” (L'Obs, January 5, 2017). today the romance that appeals so much to the female electorate. We
Page Bee 10 April 15 to May 15 , 2021 FACTS & DOCUMENTS
of these, around these establishments or premises. This is how we must understand the grotesque article that appeared
[...] The penalties are increased to ten years imprisonment and in Closer (1 O February 2017) proclaiming "no, Brigitte and
to 150,000 euros fine when the acts were committed Emmanuel Macron did not have a carnal relationship when
against a fifteen-year-old minor ”. was a high school student: Brigitte Auziére, seduced by this dashing high school stuc
oe extraordinary, did not taste the sin of the flesh with Emmanuel
When Gaélle Dupont writes in Le Monde (May 19, 2017)
À Macron when she was running the theater club. ”
that "Ms. Macron breaks a taboo" because "she is past the age
to which women are allowed to appear in photos in Note that at the time of the publication of the article, the mention
magazines "and that she" dares to show herself, including in a swimsuit of the "theater club" is fully integrated into the narrative after
bath ”, she is wrong. The excessive media coverage of to have been camouflaged for four years. It must be said that a
the story of the Macron couple indeed breaks a taboo. That of biography starting a career in a theater club
pedophilia in general, and pedophilia in schools policy indexed on a sentimental adventure would have given
specifically. And the convictions of professors for the image of a simple actor Emmanuel Macron piloted by
similar facts appear from time to time in his theater teacher. A frame inevitably returning
the various news pages of the regional daily press ... to The Ghost Writer, the totally explosive masterpiece of
; ; Roman Polanski : “As if their roles were ultimatel
In their yet benevolent biography, Caroline Miser
ie ell distributed in this march to power: Emmanuel
Derrien and Candice Nedelec end up recognizing: “The y is Pew :
ore ` ‘ shows her reserves, and Brigitte, from the start, is starting.
sexual majority is, in fact, increased to eighteen years and not to Gs ‘ ý
) ; But both are so proud of their unique history, proud
fifteen when any person has authority over minors. The ; kesa
; to display [it] in the face of the world. [...] Happy to embody at
teachers are therefore not legally authorized to start à 7
i ; ia : 2 Biss the screen this couple ” (Les Macron).
an intimate relationship with their students. [...] This diptych
teacher-student, in certain aspects, sometimes borrows from In Closer's article , we notice the presence of two
tutelary relationship of a parent to his child ” (Les Macron). elements of language intended to disguise the facts, once
It was all drowned in the fog of age difference more.First Emmanuel Macron is described as a "dashing
a problem created on purpose by the communicators who, from the extraordinary high school student ”and “ Brigitte ”is presented as
at the beginning, distilled lies on the subject (cf. La Rencontre). "seduced". In short, the initiative would go to the adolescent. ..
Then, while very little criticism had been expressed A Miarative" that we fidoi thé Rist Gaver
that Paris Match dedicates to the couple, on April 14, 2016 ("its
man's first decision was to 'marry’), at Sylvie's
publicly (a calambour by Laurent Ruquier, a line
ironic Luc Le V aillant in Liberation, a joke
Eric B t icat i je H A A $
by $ rie ne and some caricatnres tt Charie ehao) EPR Bomrnel taking again word for word and without quotes the words
the idea was installed that any remark would be "misogynistic"
; : š spoken by Brigitte Macron in The Strategy of the Meteor
since the age difference would have been accepted without problem
("Emmanuel's intelligence captivates her. For a boy who
as just turned sixteen, his abilities are extraordinary. It is
This process of guilt by victim blackmail was remembers everything and in his head everything is in the right place, well
coupled with the incessant reminder of the Gabrielle Russier affair , rangé ”), at Anne Fulda's (“ Brigitte, then aged thirty-
the name of this teacher who committed suicide after being nine years old, tries to resist ”), at Maëlle Brun's ( “ he had a
imprisoned for embezzlement and kidnapping of a minor. We relation to the adult, to all adults, as equals "," he who,
takes it up a notch with Sylvie Bommel who, zealously, three books under each arm, talks to his teachers like
writes that "in terms of gossip, the Picardy capital has never to his fellows ”), and so on.
was the last. In the early 1970s, it was one of the
t: : Once the roles were reversed, it became easy to use the item
cities of France where the rumor known as Orleans became encrusted
more sustainably. She claimed that dozens of young people scatdalto tien itto the advaniese ot Ermannel Macron
girls disappeared after being chloroformed in to make it a pillar of his biography, posing him as a conqueror,
; ; z ; and at the forefront of societal progressivism: "This is what we
changing rooms in clothing stores. Detail that does not prog
n : lived for fifteen years. The situation today, we
is not one, the rumor particularly targeted stores 7 y
belonging to Jews. [...]. Rue Saint-Simon, a neighbor Sonqueredat because We wanted tts Shedd not
des Auzière, hidden behind its curtain, records the pul overnight” Gepòrted by:Anne Fulda,
Emmanuel's whereabouts and decides that it is his duty Such a Rerfeer Young Man CEEOL married im
À : 2007. Thi the official tion of a love first
to inform the management of La Providence. At least that- Te Eins Was the otheial consecration of a-love firs
i, . 2 clandestine, often hidden, misunderstood by many before
she signs the letter with her name ”. Be surprised at the fact 5 y y
than the official biography of a President of the Republic impose themselves on them. I was undoubtedly opinionated. To fight
; 7 against the circumstances of our lives which had everything for
revolves around a relationship between an adult and a teenager 8 syng
Would it be anti-Semitism? move us away. To oppose the order of things that from
the first second, condemned us. [...] We have, everything
Further on, the same Sylvie Bommel ends up spitting at least hopefully built another family. A little to
the track: "During the presidential campaign, when share, admittedly different. But where the strength of what binds us is
we had to give some details on the circumstances more invincible still. [...]. There is not a day without
of their meeting, the Macron spouses did everything so that Sébastien, Laurence and Tiphaine don't call her, see her,
the three fatal words "misappropriation of a minor" are not consult it. It is their compass. Gradually, my
never spoken. " life was thus filled with her three children, their spouses,
Page 9
FACTS & DOCUMENTS fiom Aprit 15 to May 15 , 2021 Page 11
Christelle, Guillaume, Antoine and our seven grandchildren wake of September 11, 2001, one of the main " neocons"
Emma, Thomas, Camille, Paul, Élise, Alice and Aurèle. French. He was thus the animator of the Circle of the Oratory and of
It is for them that we are fighting ”. his magazine Brave New World, alongside his wife
Florence Taubmann (née Guillaume), pastor of the Church
reformed of France, president of the Judeo-Christian Friendship
The shadow of Dominique Strauss-Kahn of France and winner at this as a golden Menorah
f B'nai B'rith, Jewish F f. Mysteri d -
Widely revised over the course of successive rewritings (cf. BED ne Brith, Jewish: Ereëniasonty: (CE Mysteries dn
La Rencontre), the storytelling of "Brigitte" was lying on secrets of B'naï B'rith, Emmanuel Ratier, Facta, 1993).
paper at the same time as his installation at the Elysée Palace and then published in
Michel Taubmann, whose detailed portrait appeared in the
January 2018 in Brigitte Macron. The Freedman. If the author,
No. 327 of F&D, was especially noted for having been, in
Maélle Brown, Head of celebrity magazine Closer has
: i g N ahead of the 2012 presidential election, the hagiographer of
forbidden to have issued an authorized biography (AFP, January 11
g ; : . Dominique Strauss-Kahn, by first signing The True Roman
2018), the third page of this particularly hagiography A x A
r i by Dominique Strauss-Kahn, published by Editions du Moment
sycophantic betrays the substance of the maneuver since we i `
. ee ` y (now disappeared) founded by Yves Derai, an old
learns that the work, published by Editions de | 'Archipel, "is i . í a
g road of the Jewish community press recycled in the edition
proposed by Michel Taubmann ”. . 7 : à
with the financial support of the Ouaki family of stores
Tati. After the fall of the future former President of the Republic,
Taubmann will do it again with DSK Affair , The counter-investigation
(at the same publisher) where his attempt at rehabilitation will be
considered so " conspiratorial" that the "managing
director ”of the deposed IMF will end up distancing himself ...
This " counter-investigation" was moreover part of a
broader communication operation for which had
enlisted, in the United States, the journalist Edward J. Epstein.
On both sides of the Atlantic, the link had been established by
the sulphurous Al Taubmann, the former boss of Sotheby's
died 2015. Brief Biographies of Edward J. Epstein
and Al Taubmann appeared in our investigation of the Book
black by Jeffrey Epstein where both feature prominently ...
Michel Taubmann is far from being the only connection between
the " Macron operation" and the "communication" of Dominique
Strauss-Kahn, i.e. essentially the cover of
his lifestyle. Two other characters connect the two
entourage: the pair from Havas (ex-Euro RSCG)
composed of the publicist Gilles Finchelstein (accompanied
from his foal Ismaél Emelien) and the sulphurous Ramzi
Khiroun. As was the case with Rothschild Bank and
for McKinsey, the predominant place played by Havas and
those who had formed the backbone of the close guard
of DSK was obliterated from the golden legend of En Marche!
"A door-to-door campaign throughout France to
which 12,000 people volunteered (out of
It's Brigitte Macron. The Freedman who will serve as a basis the 50,000 members of the movement). To carry it out,
to the portrait Brigitte Macron, agent provocatrice, published Emmanuel Macron relied on the technology of a
September 11, 2018 by 1843, the supplement of the very French start-up. A mobile application will allow
elitist The Economist (controlled by the Agnelli families feed back the information gathered in the field by the
and Rothschild) consecrating " Brigitte" as a "Walkers" with their 100,000 interlocutors ". Of
leading international personality. Fini" BB" these so-called "information", the only traces will be pure
here is " Brigitte ", inducted " new model for demagogic evidence used for the En Marche!
French women ”and“ remedy for patriarchal society ”. where proposals such as "allow
each one to develop his capacities and to choose his life ”.
Vast program ... The misleading message got through: numbers
If this mention has gone unnoticed and the name of Michel huge memberships, popular base of volunteers, proximity
Taubmann says nothing to the general public, this detail has a and listening to others, young and techno language, small box
certain importance, since a journalist reappears here cool at the cutting edge of progress. However, the reality, otherwise
with a" very bad reputation" (Liberation, December 3 serious, is that Macron's communication is largely
2011), an activist from the Trotskyist ranks who, in the managed by Havas experts, under the leadership of Gilles
Page, 19 |, FACTS & DOCUMENTS © April 15 to May 15, 2021
Finchelstein, who meets with the minister every week. [...]
Some experts, priding themselves on critical thinking, will see in this There is no photo-
"Big march" a" marketing tool " or "a study well-known spelling of Ramzi
of demand “in order to build a program that meets Khiroun with the couple
to expectations, as one would launch a product. It's playing
knowing when we know nothing about marketing. Studies of
market are not carried out by amateurs asking, at
chance encounters, what consumers want!
It has been a long time since reliable methods of
collection (postal or on fine panel , questioning of a sample
representative face-to-face or by phone, focus group,
semi-structured interview, social listening, etc.) which have no
relationship with such a process, hence no interesting data
could not emerge. When the time comes, En Marche! - like
all other political formations - will do very strongly
use of these professional techniques (often expensive)
to guide and manage the electoral campaign on a day-to-day basis
day. [...] In general, the corn plan concocted by
Havas experts have always been about throwing elements
in the tabloid press, which makes it possible to test the reactions
and possibly backtracking by denying a
look outraged at the information that one has provided oneself. Yes
everything is going well, the communication elements are then
abundantly reproduced in all magazines, dailies,
radios and televisions. It's a profession ” (Operation Macron).
It is difficult to define precisely the scope of intervention
of Ramzi Khiroun with Emmanuel Macron, his role
having been very little covered, both because of the inclination very
litigator of the character, the fear he inspires and the
putting journalists at a distance by Emmanuel's teams
Macron. Former chief deminer of Dominique Strauss-
Kahn, a time contracted at Euro RSCG, he became,
since the business, a key figure
the small Paris of media, publishing, business and
politician as director of external relations
de Lagardére SCA and “special advisor” to Arnaud
Lagardère, also playing on his proximity to Vincent
Bolloré to influence the current media recomposition
(biography published in June 2015 in numbers 397 and 398
of Facts & Documents). His role with Emmanuel Macron
appeared in dotted lines in a Vanity Fair article in
December 2017: " For the first news and the first big
TV show on France 2 by Emmanuel Macron, Ismaél
Emelien calls the godfather Khiroun. The communicator,
now Arnaud Lagardére's right-hand man [NDA: who controls
Paris Match, the JDD, Elle, etc.], arrives in Bercy, settles down,
Macron calls out: "So why are you doing this show?"
Conspiratorial glances, Ismaél and he have fun around the
table: "We have the impression of going back ten years into
back! "" The article by Sophie des Déserts describes yet another
Ramzi Khiroun lurking in the shadows, below the stage,
during Emmanuel Macron's victorious speech, on May 7
2017, under the Louvre pyramid.
MATANE MNF refused
its service offerings. Corn
while the teams of
Daily queried
animator Bernard
Montiel in front of the HO
d'En Marche !, May 7
2017, insiders saw ap-
appear in the background,
the silhouette of the old
" Operations manager
special ” from the libidinous
Gilles Finchelstein's role with Emmanuel Macron is
somewhat better documented, although too rarely mentioned.
Born in 1963, the one who began as a collaborator of
Michel Rocard, then Pierre Mauroy, supervised the
writing of most texts, program and speeches
during the candidacies of Lionel Jospin in 1995 (in duet with
Vincent Peillon) and in 2002 (in duet with Pierre Moscovici).
Always behind the scenes, he will still participate in the drafting
of the speech delivered by François Hollande at Le Bourget in
2012 ("My adversary, he has no name, he has no face,
it is the world of finance ”) or to the one pronounced in
March 2017 under the vaults of the Vaux de Cernay abbey
for the sixty years of the Treaty of Rome.
Far from the base, its centrality within the PS was
consecrated from above, in November 1999, with a selection
to participate in the summit on economic policies
French and British members of the Fabian Society. main
society of political influence of the globalist left in
England. He was responsible for writing the summary of
this historic meeting, shortly after the Prime Minister
British Labor Tony Blair launched the ' Third
left "perfectly embodied by the current" progressivism "
by Emmanuel Macron (on this subject, consult Les Socialistes
French face in the Third British way, Thibaut
Rioufreyt, PUG, 2017). In the process, Finchelstein will be
promoted to CEO of the Jean-Jaurés Foundation, the think:
tank created in 1992 by Pierre Mauroy of which he was then the
adviser to the presidency of the Socialist International (1992-
1999) after having seconded him when he was First Secretary
of the Socialist Party (1988-1992).
(Continued on next issue)
Facts & Documents, review published by Faits & Documents, Box 37, 23 rue du Départ, 75014 Paris, Franc_e. Phone. 07 66 52 37 56
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