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No. 498 €8 




> THE 0 /OF " BRIGITTE > (p.11) 


Archer C oo... p.6 Jouyet J.-P ......... 
Aaali J. * pJ I Lagarde C. wa pS 
Benenson J. p.6 Lapresle-Tavaa R p.10 
Besson P. ... p.9 Le Goff V 
Bio-Flour. ...... p.7 LeMaireB 
Bolloré V.. ........ p.10 Le Texier P. ----- -p.8 
Bolloré Y ............p.3 Macron E. = -p2 
BouJos M . + p.4 Marchand M. - - : p. JO 

Oialeer K. .. p.6 Me: uling B. +7 + = - p.4 

Olaka L 
Coben D... 

. p.6 Obadia L - - -p.5 
p-4 Obama M. __ p.6 

Costa P.-0 . «p: 
Dargnat C p. 

Descamps A. .. 
Descrol aille 

p-4 the roll C. = -p7 

Doumid C 
Dutrcil R .. . p-7 Rambourg G..... * p.7 
El Yousfi H. . ....... p.4 Rader E. ........... * .. P- 7 

Page 1 




Here is the continuation of our exclusive investigation on "Brigitte", first true 

unauthorized portrait of this intriguing character with too much influence 

unrecognized that at the Elysée we simply call "Madame la 

President +++ A look behind the scenes at the Elysée ooo 

"The old world is dying, the new 
world is slow to appear and in this light 
obscure arise the monsters. " 

Antonio Gramsci, Prison Notebooks, 1948 


"The intimate, what I am in the deepest, 
is separated from my public activities? 
This was already true in my childhood. " 

Emmanuel Macron, Vanity Fair, February 2017. 

"Brigitte is me and me is her." 

Emmanuel Macron quoted by Maëlle Brun, 
Brigitte Macron. The Freedoms, The Archipelago, 

" The phrase I have heard the most from 
president during the campaign, it is: "Where 

is Brigitte? He was looking for her all the time. " 

Marlène Schiappa, cited by Nathalie 
Schuck and A goes Djamshidi in Madame la 
President, Pawn, 2019. 

"She never had an official role 

because she didn't want it. But she 

is indispensable to Emmanuel [...]. He 
associates it with all the things he considers 
important ”. 

Bertrand Delais, CEO of LCP, quoted by 
Maëlle Brun in Brigitte Macron. 
L'Ajfranchie, L'Archipel, 2018. 

“ They keep touching each other. If he goes to 
toilet on the plane, he squeezes his shoulder 

by the way. He smiles at her, she lifts her head and he 

seeming so long and all the time. You 

can endlessly discuss authenticity 

of Macron's personality, but a 

half an hour with him and his wife is enough 
to know that there is a part of him that 

is as authentic as it is possible to 

being - and that element of truth is her. " 

Emmanuel Carrère, The Guardian, 
October 20, 2017. 

"Does she really understand the French 

of the "working classes", as his 

husband clumsily? She always have 

taught in institutions of 

prestige and is, like her husband, the most 
often entrenched in the ivory tower of 

the Elysee. After eighteen months of this diet, 
she in turn gives disturbing signs, 

not to say narcotics, disconnection 

with the daily life of his compatriots. [...] 

In the midst of the “yellow vests” revolt [...], 
Brigitte Macron and her husband receive 
journalists from Le Monde to present 

the renovation work undertaken at the Élysée 
for a period of six weeks. Rising 

of the invoice 600,000 euros, paid by the 
taxpayer. [...] "We had the impression 

that the Elysee had become a fortress 

who protected themselves from the outside ”, explains the 
first lady, without realizing the incongruity 
of his words in these tragic hours when the 
Republic trembles for its future and where 
the presidency has become the symbol of 
most protected power in France, the building 
that the most virulent of Jeurs detractor 
dream of storming and putting to 

Ernelien 1... p -7 -p10 orit in return. Their eyes seek each other, 
Emelien J.- p-4 Ribault H. pA 

PEE sp. Sque Le 2 pia e find, they hold hands open. 

Gallieow G. - = p.9 Sinclair A. == - => p.3 This remarkable and even moving t. 

Gu6don C. . p-7 Strauss-Kalm D. . p.3 : 

SaaS pea iis ahi Ay iepa [...] It is clear that no one can do 

Hanffou P.-E ... 

. p-8 Toulmel P. -+++ -P7 

Earth. “We will lighten, purify. It is necessary that the 
light enters ”. for it. ethereal. " 

Madam President, athalie Schuck and 
Ava Djam hidi, Pion, 2019. 

Page Page 2 from May 15 to June 15, 2021 FACTS & DOCUMENTS 


The shadow of Dominique Strauss-Kahn (continued) 

Most biographies agree to trace the 

meeting between Gilles Finchelstein and Emmanuel Macron at 
2009, within the Jean Jaurés Foundation, a think tank to which 

the young investment banker has just joined. For Macron, this 
engagement offers direct access to the " elephants" of the PS while 
by doing without the base: "Him the socialist intermittently 

who only took his card from the PS in 2006 [... ] sulks meetings 
activists, but consults in all directions and does not skimp on 
expense reports ” (Les Macron). Emmanuel Macron will not give 
that one and only meeting under the socialist banner, the 

first of his career, in March 2015. 

In the meantime, the Jean Jaurés Foundation also allows him 
to expand its international address book with a 

participation, in the wake of Laurent Fabius, in the Forum 
progressivism annual organized in Chile in September 2009. 
So banker at Rothschild & Cie, it is behind the 

mask of Jean Jaurés that Emmanuel Macron will introduce himself 

to the Society of Editors of the World as a man of 

left, concerned about the freedom of the press and ready to represent them 

senter pro bono when the group was acquired in 2010 (cf. F&D 
492). In the same way, Gilles Finchelstein intervenes 

publicly almost systematically on behalf of the Foundation 

Jean Jaurés while his functions at Havas Worldwide 

(ex-Euro RSCG), of which he has been the director of studies since 
2003, represent 80% of its activities (cf. Les Gourous de la 

corn '. Thirty years of political and economic manipulation, 
Aurore Gorius, Michaél Moreau, La Découverte, 2011). 

It is with the Havas-Euro RSCG label that Finchelstein 

was the main spin doctor of Dominique Strauss-Kahn 

until 2011, before unofficially serving 

by Emmanuel Macron, from 2012: “Finchelstein 

will work with the managing director of the IMF to 

prepare, step by step, his presidential candidacy. He retained the 
name of the kid [NDA: Emmanuel Macron], which he will consider 
to integrate into the DSK team if it were to triumph over the 
socialist primary. A few years later, it's Macron 

who listens to the analyzes of the intellectual, who has become 

one of the secret hosts of his retreat dinners. 

Appointed Deputy Secretary General of the Elysée Palace, he will receive 

frequently the Gilles Finchelstein-Ismaél Emelien duo , 
reconstituted at Euro RSCG, now Havas. " We were 

his trusted brainstormers ”, recalls the first who 

denies being "his advisor", retaining his loyalty to 

Francois Hollande. "We were his eyes and his ears", 

said the second. [...] Since his arrival in Bercy, he animates in 
his ministry apartment secret dinners with the 

center-left researchers who count in Paris, sometimes 
right-wing guests, various personalities ... [...] All are 

kept silent after leaving the premises. Often it is 

Gilles Finchelstein, the head of the Jean-Jaurés Foundation, who 
introduces the discussion ” (Emmanuel Macron, walking towards 
the Elysée, Nicolas Prissette, 2016, Pion). 

“Tt was at the end of 2012 that “ Isma ”[NDA: Ismaël Emelien] 
really got closer to Emmanuel Macron. This last, 

political - officially on behalf of the president 
Francois Hollande. Finchelstein, regular guest of these 
feast, proposed that his protege Emelien consign the 
reviews ” (Le Monde, February 2, 2019). 

“Every Sunday evening, secret meetings are organized 

by the couple in a room in the east wing of the Elysée. [...] ° 
"How do I manage to exist? That is the real question. 

On the table: its popularity, its media strategy and its 

report to the press, its relations with the bosses. His wife 

" Brigitte " is almost always present. The teacher of 
French is not there to furnish. She gives her opinion, leads 
the course of the meeting, and allocates speaking turns. 

The few initiates present at these meetings realize very 
quickly of his importance alongside Emmanuel ” (Le Grand 
manipulator, Mare Endeweld, Stock, 2019). 

It goes without saying that neither the complete hitch nor the main subject of 
discussion ( " Brigitte") are never clearly described by 

the press. Explain that the guardians of the unbridled life of the future 
former President of the Republic (and their students and successors) 

were, almost continuously, assigned to the propulsion 

of the “ Macron rocket” from 2012, is indeed deep- 

disturbingly, the central presence of these teams inducing 

instantly a questioning of what the couple would have to 

to hide. Was it simply a matter of transforming a 

ment of a minor ”in “ force of evidence ”? 

Provided to the press, in relation to their "almost twenty years 

gap ”, to this relationship which was forged when she had 

“36 years old, him 17”, on this “ troubled” teacher , “sub- 

judged ”by this“ brilliant ’student , these elements of 

languages will evolve when the phase of overstraining begins. 
diatization of the couple after the announcement of the date of birth 

of "Brigitte" in spring 2016. 

As Le Monde explains : " Their atypical love story, 

romantic, has become one of the cornerstones of the 

swimming that he "sells" to the French, a new and disruptive man. 

Modern, necessarily modern, since having defied the taboos 

to live his mad passion. [...] To the curious who question him, 

she is content to slip, in the tone of secrecy, the same three 

anecdotes that sum up his romance with "Emmanuel ": his 

second daughter who, the first, at the Lycée La Providence d'Amiens, 
speaks to him of a "madman who knows everything about everything"; departure to Paris 
of the young prodigy who swears to her to return to marry her; his certainty 
finally, as soon as they met, that she would live her whole life with him ” 

(Presidential campaign, April 18, 2017). 

Appears behind the three elements of language underlined here, the 
leg of Gilles Finchelstein that we had seen at the work of time 

of DSK, already at the time of the MNEF affair: “Gilles 
Finchelstein watches to report that many believe 

still in them, in him. Familiar with militant arguments, 
communicators already experts in language elements, they repeat 
the same word to excuse their boss: levity. The adjective 

is not only a fault: it evokes the one who, gifted, 

bright, carefree, does not have the taste or desire to be embarrassed 

too material details. "Dominic may have sinned by 

then Deputy Secretary General of the Elysée, organized at least lightness, but justice will whitewash it, it will come back "they repeat 

once a month dinners where business leaders meet, all the way ”. Ten years later, during the Piroska Nagy affair : 
academics and senior officials for brainstorming “On October 19, 2008, Anne Sinclair published in her blog a 
Page 3 

FA 11s & oo ~ UME N Ts d_ul_smru_-a_ul_sJ _eluin 2 02 1 

text largely inspired by communicators. "You have been Supervised by Gilles Finchelstein, the Havas system is expanding 
many to send me very kind messages yesterday after and becomes institutionalized with the "surprise" arrival of Emmanuel 
the Wall Street Journal article and the echo it had in France, Macron in Bercy. In addition to Ismaël Emelien, is named, in 
can we read under his signature. It touched me. "[...] Happens from Havas, Anne Descamps to oversee 

finally the piece of bravery. "Everyone knows that these are media communication with three press officers. 

things that can happen in the life of all couples. For Previously, the latter had worked within Havas at 

my part. this one-night stand is now behind us. lobbying by Patrick Drahi during the takeover of SFR ... It was in + 
We have turned the page. May I add to conclude that direct line with the latter that Ismaël Emelien will manage more 

we love each other like the first day? "" Frankly, we late the empty shell that the Republic will never cease to be 

assured "welcomes Gilles Finchelstein. " Then, after the affair working. Subsequently, the presence of a 

from the Sofitel: "Why did they choose these words which they repeat mysterious "contractual advisor", paid 181,395 euros 

one after the other? "At this time, I don't gross in 2015 by Bercy (cf. The State Intouchables: 

neither want nor can draw hasty conclusions from the indictment Welcome to Macronie, Vincent Jauvert, Robert Laffont, 

by Dominique Strauss-Kahn, assures Jean-Christophe 2018). Recall here that, controlled by the multibillionaire 
Cambadiélis, but this whole story is not like him. " Vincent Bolloré, Havas has been managed since 2013 by his son 
Jean-Marie Le Guen: "We must beware of any conclusion Y annick Bolloré. Married to Martin Bouygues" niece 

before Dominique Strauss-Kahn has spoken. And then, (sworn enemy of the father), chairman of the supervisory board 

and above all, this case is nothing like DSK, man by Vivendi, member of the Le Siécle club, administrator of the 

that we all know. " Pierre Moscovici: " Let's wait French-American Foundation, Young Global Leader of the Forum 
DSK's version of events. I've known him for thirty years, from Davos, recipient of a Golden Menorah from B'nai B'rith 

it doesn't sound like what I know of him. " François (for his defense of "universal or individual values 

Pupponi: "Caution must be the watchword on this ethics, philosophical and religious morals ”), Yannick 

case. All I can tell you is that what we are Bolloré showed himself openly in support of the Macron, 

described absolutely does not correspond to Dominique Strauss- having been introduced to the couple by veteran Jacques Séguéla, 
Kahn whom I know. "The same disbelief in the form of denial. main relay of "Brigitte" within Havas. 

And the same element of language: "It does not look like him". " 

(The Strauss-Kahns, Raphaélle Bacqué and Ariane Chemin, Around Emmanuel Macron is set up a unit of 

Albin Michel, 2012). We are only talking about the elements here reflection fueled by the studies of Havas and the society of 

of languages. The pre-chewed notes sent to the editors, CSA survey, a subsidiary, like Havas, of the Bolloré group. Studies 
and for the most recalcitrant journalists the threats and kindly provided and commented by Gilles Finchelstein. 
intimidations, also link, in the methods employed, the Around him are also active personalities already crossed 
strauss-kahniens to macronists ... in our investigation into The Corruption Pact, such as 

Attalian commissioners Erik Orsenna 

THOSE WHO COUNT ABOUT EMMANUEL MACRON and Eric Le Boucher, as well as Olivier 

S unl: alas Mini dp, 1> 

LREM rill» p, 

Mongin, former director of the review 
Spirit, Thierry Pech the successor 
Olivier Ferrand at the head of 

Terra Nov !!, Laurent Bigorgne, the 
Director of the Montaigne Institute, 

as well as the communicator Claude 
Posternak, president of the agency La 
Matrix, designer of the barometer 
Postemak / Ipsos, owner of 

Neguebouc castle (Armagnac) 

who will become a member of the board 

executive of La République en Marche. 

Revenge of the D SK b Oys Later, part of the communication from En Marche! 

will be subcontracted to the Jesus agency 

and Gabriel, created in January 2013 

The revenge of the DSK boy headlines the JDD of July 2, 2017, once the election has been recorded by two advertisers, Gabriel 

by Emmanuel Macron. Pounant, on November 13, 2015, Le Monde ensured Gautier and Adrien Taquet. Pure 
Emmanuel Macron " is held at a distance of powerful networks that are themselves Havas product where he started 
backed by its predecessors, such as DSK. [...]. The strauss-kahnie, decidedly, is not his career and worked ten years 

not his family. " (Le Fantasme Macron). Despite the officialization of the renewal during the latter, that Emmanuel 

of the same teams, reality is largely watered down thanks to the legends of the Macron knew at Sciences- 
photograph: Quid de Ram ~ i Khiroun (first from right), the man Po Paris in 2001, will become, in 
of" special operations " ? And Gilles Finchelstein? Does his role boil down to a 2019, his ghostly secretary 

simple participation in a weekend of integration of LREM deputies? State in charge of the Protection of 

Page 4, 

aged May 15 to June 15, 2021 

childhood ... 



During the five-year term, communicators from Havas 

will populate the ministerial cabinets: Véronique Le Goff, 
will be appointed press advisor to Jean-Yves Le Orian at 
Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Catherine 

Doumid will join Gérald Darmanin in Bercy, then Sibyle 
Veil to Radio France, Mayada Boulos, in charge of promoting 
Saudi Arabia within the agency will land in Matignon 

with Jean Castex after having been approached for 

the Elysee. In October 2018, Bruno Mettling, inspector of 
finances, close to Emmanuel Macron and former cabinet 

of Dominique Strauss-Kahn in Bercy, launched his cabinet 
Topics consulting in conjunction with the Havas group, but also 
Siaci Saint-Honoré, the insurance brokerage company of 
Pierre Donnersberg ... 

The Elysée of barbouzes and travelos 


Over time, Ismaël Emelien, Gilles' right-hand man 
Finchelstein., Will become, undoubtedly with Alexis Kohler and 
"Brigitte", one of Emmanuel's closest advisers 

Macron. "As warm as a sea fish 

arctic " (He had just turned 17), " almost always 

at the end of the table, discreet and laconic. Few appearances 

public, the art of making oneself invisible ” (Le Monde, 2 February 
2019), this extremely discreet thirty-something joined Bercy 

in 2014 as "special adviser", a title he will keep 

at the Elysée from 2017. 

At the start of the five-year term, Emelien was considered to be the 
quintessential of those that the media have dubbed "the 

Mormons ”(internally, Macron spoke of the Kibbutz ...), 

that is to say the close guard of Emmanuel Macron, those 

for whom "Brigitte" is at the same time an object of work, a 
potential danger to watch out for like milk on the fire but 

also a rival: " They dream that she dies. For them, this widower 
weeping, that would be great. They are in love with him. The night, 
they dream of making it disappear ...” (Madam President). 

His first meeting with Emmanuel Macron would go back, 

according to Ismaél Emelien's words in the fall of 2010, but Le 

World (February 2, 2019) specifies that they have known each other for 

2009, time of their joint participation in a long cycle 
studies on globalization under the aegis of Gilles 
Finchelstein and economist Daniel Cohen in the 
Jean Jaurés Foundation. 

Presented as " solitary "," rigid", " hermetic", 

"Ultra-cynical" and "having a big melon" (Le Grand 
manipulator), Ismaël Emelien was born on March 9, 1987 in 
Echirolles (Isère). Wondering about his first name, some 
speculated on a conversion to Islam of this former scout 

especially as his brothers and sisters (Mary, Timothy and Luke) 
bear first names from the calendar. On his blog Temps and 
Contretemps, the ultrasionist activist Jacques Benillouche, 
Slate's correspondent in Israel, even listed it - in 

breaking the law and arguably wrongly - among the " Arabs " 

by Macron ”. Without convincing, Vanity Fair explains that this 
first name was chosen by his mother because it was that of his pupil 

preferred when teaching in Africa. 

In his paternal ungmary family in Normandy, his 

grandfather, Jean-Jacques Emelien, was notably mayor 

from Fouras (Charente-Maritime). Engineer at Schneider, sound 
father, Jean-Pascal Emelien, launched his own company in 2003 
Eur 'Ohm, a manufacturer of electrical equipment. Like the father 
by Christian Dargnat, Jean-Pascal Emelien is one of the 

first “ major donors” of En Marche !. Nurse, her * 

mother Cristel Descrozaille is the sister of the LREM deputy of the 
1st constituency of Val-de-Marne Frédéric Descrozaille, 
agricultural engineer by training, former director 

of the Interprofessional Sports Horse Federation. of 

leisure and work (FIV AL) (2003-2008), general manager of 

| Inter: profession of fresh fruits and vegetables (Interfel) (2008) 
and consultant at the Selescope recruitment firm (2014). 

A time presented as the companion of Héléne Ribault, 

then in charge of the subsidiary organizing luxury events 

VIP at Havas, Ismaél Emelien married, on October 13, 2018, 
at Chateau Giscours in Labarde (Gironde), Hanane El Yousfi 
(we sometimes find Hanane El Yousfi Goldberg), a former 
of the Lille business school (EDHEC), engaged in 

Macronist ranks, a time assistant to Ruth Elkrief at 
BFMTYV. Strangely, this marriage is hardly remembered in the 
portraits dedicated to him. He is very close to Stanislas 
Guerini, another " DSK Boy", today LREM deputy of 

Paris, both having witnessed their respective marriages. 
Director General of La République en Marche, the latter 
partner in 2007 with Jean-Pascal Emelien within Watt & 
Home in the subsidized solar panel sector. And 

as politics is practiced in family, his younger sister, 

Marie Emelien, engineer at Bouygues Construction, was 
head of the En Marche committee! in Grenoble. 

“DSK is his idol; he chooses Sciences Po partly for himself 

after learning in Le Monde that the former minister of 

Economics taught there ” (Vanity Fair). Holder of a master's degree 
in public affairs obtained in 2010, he is committed to the 

European Constitutional Treaty, joining To the left in Europe 

the club founded by Michel Rocard, programmed to serve 

launch pad at DSK: " Emelien takes his card from the 

PS, thanks to the wave of memberships at 20 euros in 2006. 

But only in order to be able to vote in the primary for his 

champion, not to campaign ” (L ‘Obs, October 17, 2017). 

Passing at the time in the strauss-kabnien ranks for 

the polytechnician he is not, he climbs quickly 

the levels at the HQ of rue de la Planche, having obtained 

at the same time a postponement of its third year by the management 
from Sciences Po Paris where his then professor Olivier 
Duhamel, the giver of lessons from the left caviar fallen 

for pedophilia, does not hesitate to present it as " his 

best foal ” (Le Monde, January 15, 2021). 

After the defeat of DSK, Ismaél Emelien uses his 

year of mobility to learn Arabic. He travels to the Middle 

East, in Cairo and in Syria where he would have tried to establish 

his father's business. On his return to France, he was recruited 

in 2008 at the Saône-et-Loire general council by Benjamin 
Griveaux, known rue de la Planche where this provincial had been 
introduced thanks to his friendship with David Levai, the eldest son 
of Anne Sinclair, now the right-hand man of the 

global warming Laurence Tubiana. 

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FACTS & DOCUMENTS from May 15 to June 15 , 2021 


Ismaël Emelien did not stay long in Chalon-sur-Saône. 

In 2009, he joined Gilles Finchelstein who offered him 

to share his office in the studies department at Euro 

RSCG. " Alter ego of Gilles, his comrade, his brother" (Anne 
Sinclair), he was immediately entrusted with large files, such as 
the communication from Henri Proglio, CEO of EDF in the 
turmoil for a double pay affair. Then in 

as part of their activities at Havas, Emelien and Finchelstein 
leave for Mauritius to lead the re-election of the 

Labor Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam. This is where he 
binds to Laurent Obadia, mysterious reputable intermediary 
close to the intelligence community, having a time of 

office at Euro RSCG. So close advisor to Ramgoolam, 
Laurent Obadia has since become " the businessman 

reserved ”and one of Antoine's most influential advisers 
Brother at the head of Veolia. 

Then, direction Venezuela where Ismaél Emelien integrates 
the teams responsible for electing the driver 

of Chavist bus Nicolas Maduro. A contract obtained by 

the intermediary of Matthieu Pigasse, then boss of Lazard in 
France, which, flanked by economist Daniel Cohen, is negotiating 
the country's debt. Back in Paris, he finds Laurent Obadia 
with whom he teamed up to advise Antoine Frérot in his 

war against Henri Proglio, blacklisted by François Hollande 
and humiliated by Emmanuel Macron. Later, Emelien 

will directly advise the very macronist Antoine Frérot and 
will count among its customers Accor, Lafarge, SFR, etc. 

In conjunction with Stéphane Fouks, Emelien participates more 
discreetly to the organization of the Yalta European Strategy 
Conference (YES), a forum aimed at the full integration of 
Ukraine to globalism, launched in 2004 by the billionaire 
Viktor Pintchouk in the wake of the " orange revolution" 
(funded and orchestrated by the Soros Foundation and the CIA via 
Freedom House). Son-in-law of the former Ukrainian president 
Leonid Kuchma, owner of the company Inter: pipe 

(pipelines of pipelines), Pintchouk entrusted to Havas 

the organization of its platform of influence which hosted 
notably Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Tony Blair, Bill 

Clinton, Larry Summers, etc. 

" Pintchouk is friends with other oligarchs of his generation, 

the banker Mikhail Fridman or Viktor Vekselberg, based 

in the canton of Zug in Switzerland, both related to Mare 

Rich, the former international trader (now deceased), 

founder of the multinational Glencore, specializing in 
commodity trader, and friend of the Irish billionaire 

Thomas Francis Gleeson. But Pintchouk, a man 

formidable business, also knows the Russian oligarchs who 
appear in the folder Benalla, Farkhad Akhmedov 

and Iskander Makhmudov. The first is quite simply 

its direct neighbor in France at Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat (Alpes- 
Maritimes) where both have invested in villas for 

spend the beautiful days at the edge of the Mediterranean Sea. the 
second controls a coal company, Kuzbassrazrezugol, 

in which the Ukrainian businessman had invested 

Oleg Rozenberg who has been managing Inter: pipe since 2013, 
property of Pintchouk ” (The Great Manipulator, Mare 
Endeweld, Stock, 2019). 

Pag ~-d-ul_s mru_a u 1s ju in 20 2L 

Havas, Pénicaud and Business France 

While working pro bono for Emmanuel 

Macron, Havas was entrusted, in June 2015, 

by Business France, an agency supposedly favored 
ser the development of French companies 
internationally, then placed under the responsibility of 
ity of Muriel Pénicaud, the realization of Creative 
France for 13.2 million euros, a campaign 
communication loincloth remained imperceptible 
(cf. Le Canard enchaîné, July 25, 2018). Good 
more than the Las Vegas night, the bottom of the 
doing Business France would it be makeup 
compensation from Havas for the work 
accomplished with Emmanuel Macron with the 
complicity of Muriel Pénicaud? It is true that 

the latter's career acceleration since 

then has something to surprise: co-opted at Club Le 
Upstream Century (2013), appointed Minister of 
Travail (2017) then ambassador, represents 
permanent position of France with the OECD at 
Paris (2020), it also integrated, at the end of 2019, 

a few weeks before the launch of the Great 

Reset, the board of directors of the 

Davos (WEF) thus sitting alongside Klaus 
Schwab, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Mark Carney 
(UN Special Representative for the Climate), 
Larry Fink ŒlackRock), Orit Gadiesh (Bain & 
Company). Al Gore, David Rubenstein (Carlyle), 
Mark Schneider (Nestlé), Christine Lagarde 
OECE), etc. In his previous functions, 

Muriel Pénicaud was Director of Resources 

human resources of the Danone group (1993-2002 and 
2008-2014) where his most famous feat of arms 
was to achieve in a single day (April 30 

201 3), a capital gain of more than one million euros 
ros through acquisition and immediate resale 

of a share package by exercising its options on 
securities, taking advantage of the rise in prices that had 
followed the announcement of "operating economy 
ment ”, that is to say the elimination of 900 

(cf. L'Humanité, July 27, 2017). Very mysterious 
better journey than that of this Versaillaise with 
Genoese origins, photographer in his spare time 
lost, with a mediocre course (degree in history, 
DEA in clinical psychology), having started 

as director of the Lorraine Center for 

fance and youth and the local Mission for 

the integration of young people from Metz. She subsequently 

joined the Ministry of Labor (1985-1993) where 
she will end up joining Martine's office 

Aubry directed by Guillaume Pépy before 
recycle in human resources at 

Danone, with a detour to Dassault Systémes 
(2002-2008). In 2015, while she was the point 
junction between Business France, Havas and 
Operation Macron, Muriel Pénicaud had in 
additionally integrated the board of directors of the 
Bettencourt-Schueller Foundation, undoubtedly the 
the best endowed public utility foundation 

France with 800 million euros. 

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F AIT s & nov: 



When the Sofitel affair broke, while Gilles 

Finchelstein, Anne Hommel, Stéphane Fouks and Ramzi 
Khiroun are working in the United States to manage the crisis with 
Anne Sinclair, Ismaël Emelien takes over from the elements 
language in Paris. Now familiar with the art of secrecy, 

storytelling and crisis management, this " senior consultant" 

(2009-2013) will be promoted to “consulting director” in January 2014: 

" A Swiss army knife ... said Ramzi Khiroun who also uses it 

to manage the Gasquet affair , when the tennis player is accused 
for taking cocaine in Miami. Between demining on 

white powder and colloquiums on the history of socialism, 
Emelien is enjoying himself” (Vanity Fair). 

Reputed to be a member of the Grand Orient de France (Challenges, 
February 23, 2019), it is with a fairly extensive address book 
that Ismaél Emelien therefore joined Emmanuel Macron in Bercy 

Security Director of En Marche !. Subsequently, Chaker 

will personally oversee the Benalla team, as 

as a “mission manager” to the particular Chief of Staff 

to bind the President of the Republic, a first in history 

of the V * Republic in this sanctuary where the "secret 
defense". Until Le Monde reveals this information, 

the man had gone completely under the radar. Invisible 

in the official organization chart, his recruitment had not made 

the subject of the announcement in the Official Journal. 

Placed in the "heart of the heart of the regalien" (Le Grand 
manipulator), this simple reservist soldier (promoted to 

rank of "reserve commander in the army" in 

December 2017) remains one of the most mysterious characters 
of the Elysee. If, via the blog Secret Defense of Jean-Dominique 
Merchet (September 5, 2018), the DGSE wanted to inform 

in 2014. The one for whom he has been working behind the scenes for at leastthat she had ceased all collaboration with Chaker, that 

two years will present him even as his "closest 

collaborator ”to the influential spin doctor Joël Benenson during 
his visit to Bercy, in November 2015. Introduced by the sarkéizyste 
Julien Vaulpré via the French-American networks 

Foundation, Joël Benenson arrives crowned with his successes 

US presidential elections of 2008 and 2012, having drawn up 

the strategy of selling the Obama couple rather than a 

program. Note here that the suspicions more than supported on 
Michelle Obama's transsexuality (cf. F&D 487) is worth 

today it is the wife of Barack Obama to be listed 

in the register of "famous transgender and transvestites" established 
by the Internet site very informed on the question Double Genre 


Obviously " disruptive", Emelien swears by the nudge, 

a method inspired by behavioral sciences aiming to 

stimulate suggestion mechanisms to strongly encourage, 
without however giving the impression of constraining. New 
marketing and corn 'mantra, the nudge has earned its 

main promoter Richard Thaler, to receive the Nobel Prize 
savings in 2017. Imported into France by Eric Singler from 
the BVA institute via its BV A Nudge Unit, this technique of 
fabrication of consent has been used extensively in 
presidential communication to gain acceptance one by one 
the Covid-19 measures - that is to say the Great Reset -: "it is 
Ismaël Emelien who made the link between BV A Nudge Unit and the 
President of the Republic ”(cf. Smile, you are naked, 

Audrey Chabal, Editions du Faubourg, 2021). 


During his stay in the Middle East in 2007, Ismaél Emelien 
joined one of his classmates from Sciences Po Paris in Cairo, 

a certain Ludovic Chaker who will be found again, ten years old 
later, in the campaign flowcharts revealed by 

the MacronLeaks. Chaker is presented there as belonging 

to the military personnel of the DGSE, member of the 44 * regiment 
infantry, recently shaken by the case of the killers in 

pledges of the Athanor Lodge of the Grand Lodge of the Alliance 
French Masonic (GLAMF). According to Le Monde (July 25 
2018), Chaker would have been attached to the 

"Indirect actions" of the Operations Command 

special (COS). It is thanks to the duo that Emelien composes 
with Ludovic Chaker, also known as a Freemason, 

that Alexandre Benalla will become, in December 2016, the 

F Al rs_ & — o o0- al _UME — Nrs _ dulls m ruau l sj_ uin 2_02_1_~°7 

does not take anything away from questions about the precise function of that 

who hoped for a post of Emmanuel Macron's chief of staff, 

that Pierre de Bousquet de Florian had refused to integrate into 
within its newly installed National Coordination of 

intelligence and the fight against terrorism (CNRL T) and 

that Senators will not be allowed to hear in 

part of the commission of inquiry set up to make the 

light on the Benalla affair ... It is for example Chaker 

who gets confidentiality agreements signed by those who 
approaching the presidential couple, including the highest 

state figures. .. 

Ludovic Malik Chaker was born on July 15, 1979 in Saint-Jean- 
du-Bruel (Aveyron) between Causses and Cévennes. Propagated to 
Middle East and throughout the Maghreb from Yemen, 

his surname evokes Ahmed called "Charly" Chaker, 
Franco-Moroccan intermediary which was the very controversial 
President of the Association for the Development of Relationships 
Arab-French in the 1990s, or even Kaddour 

Chaker who sat on the LICRA executive committee and was 
member of the Lodge La Lumiére du Grand Orient de France. 
However, no family ties could be clearly 


He is the grand-nephew of former rugby international Claude 

Atcher, an important figure in rugby bodies 

French, to whom Bernard Laporte, the president of the federation, 
entrusted the management of the application and then the organization of 
the 2023 World Cup in France. 

Arrived in Paris at 18, Ludovic Chaker binds with Liang 

Chao Qun, a master of Shaolin Kung fu, Chinese martial art 

that the latter teaches in the XIX * arrondissement of Paris. 
Chaker has since kept in the habit of carrying a 

Kung fu knife . CELSA graduate (communication) 

and in Mandarin Chinese and international relations at Inalco 
(Languages O '), he became, in 2003, a reserve officer, 

attends the course of the Institute of Advanced Defense Studies 
national (IHEDN) - he will become an auditor in 2020 -, 

then obtained, in 2007, a master's degree in public affairs from 
Sciences-Po Paris. In the process, he joined the consulate general 
of France in Shanghai, occupying one of these positions serving 
traditionally cover (responsible for cooperation 

university) before being appointed “ island leader” in charge of 
take care of nationals in the event of a crisis. 


It was at this time that he contracted a PACS with a 

Bulgarian. Building his address book in the networks 
Franco-Chinese, he was noticed by the socialist mayor of 

Tours, the socialist Jean Germain, member of the Grand Orient 
from France, who will be found committed suicide in his garage on 
April 7 , 2015, on the first day of the trial of the so-called "des 
Chinese weddings ”in which he had been entangled since 2011. 

For 1 hour, it is the proximity between Jean Germain and Ludovic 
Chaker which is usually given as an explanation to 

his recruitment, in the summer of 2009, as chief of staff at 

the town hall of Joué-lés-Tours on his return to France. A 
personal decision of the socialist mayor Philippe Le Breton, 
vice-president in charge of tourism and development 

economy of the agglomeration, while Ludovic Chak: er 

has no experience of local authorities and is 

not inserted in the PS. Perfectly speaking Arabic, this connoisseur 
of the Islamic religion then works in conjunction with the DGSI 
on the functioning of the Salam mosque in Joué-lés- 

Tours and also takes care of the municipal police and "zones 
sensitive ”. However, his colleagues describe an individual 

"Very secret." and note his "repeated absences throughout 

of his two years of service "giving" the impression that 

he was a bit of a tourist ’(Op. Cit.). 

As the Chinese marriage affair explodes, Ludovic 

Chak: er leaves Joué-lés-Tours for almost two years to 

day after his arrival. Quickly, he was appointed responsible 
exchanges and partnerships with 1 Asia, the Pacific, 

Africa and the Middle East of Sciences-Po Paris at the time 
where the rue Saint-Guillaume school opened its campus 

Asia in Le Havre, the city of Edouard Philippe whose wife, 
Edith Chabre, was propelled to the executive management of 
Sciences-Po Paris law school. 

A hire made directly by Richard Descoings 

in the months preceding his death in a room 

hotel in New York: "I want to pay tribute to Richard 

Descoings who had a lot of influence in my career. 

He liked to surround himself with young people. I still remember the day 
where he explained to me: "Ludovic, it's people like you who 

should be candidates, and people like me who should 


advise them "" will write Ludovic Chak: er on his blog, the 1 s, June 

2012 in a tribute to the paroxysmal figure of power 

gay. In the process, he is a candidate "various left" to the 

parliamentary elections in 2012 in the 11th constituency 

French people living outside France, increasing the number of trips to 

the countries of the former USSR. Result: 1.99% of the votes and one year 

ineligibility (rejection of his campaign accounts). 

Then, indicates Mare Endeweld: “He would have worked at 
fle-de-France regional council, got to know a 

future figure of En Marche !, the regional councilor Patrick 
Toulmet, then at the UDI, which manages the Chamber of Trades 
in Bobigny in Seine-Saint-Denis, where Sébastien works 
Ménard, a former collaborator of Roger Karoutchi 

[NDA: who played a role within the French right 

similar to that of Richard Descoings in the formation of 
"Zélites"], who will become a close friend of the Elysée gang 
around Chak: er and Benalla. Toulmet like Ménard 

know Renaud Dutreil and are invested, in masonry, 

at GLNF, like Benalla. " 

Page 8 May 15 to June 15 , 2021 

On his return from Iraq: at the end of 2015 when he would have been charged 

of "temporary work alongside the French army", he 

integrates directly, probably through the intermediary of Ismaël 
Emelien, the preparatory group meetings for the launch 

d'En Marche !. Sign of its centrality in the device, 

he will become the first employee of the movement (responsible 
including the organization and security of meetings), 

then the first secretary general. 

With Emelien in strategy, Chak: er in operations and 

Benalla to security (comaged by the ex-gendarme of the Elysée 
Christian Prouteau known as the guardian of privacy 

and the secrets of François Mitterrand and by General Eric 
Bio-Farina, pillar of Frangois Hollande's “black cabinet” ), 
this cell, numbering a total of six individuals, will remain largely 
in the shadows until the Benalla affair broke out. 

To complete the picture, let's underline the profile of Christian 
Guédon, member of the Security Group of the Presidency of 
the Republic (GSPR) and "shoulder" of Emmanuel Macron. 
This former GIGN, recycled in the private sector in 2010 (past 
notably by Gallice and Triskel), joined the GSPR 

on direct intervention of the Elysée, his reinstatement in the 
gendarmerie having initially been deemed impracticable by its 
hierarchy. At GIGN, he notably created, in 2002, a 

"Fine opening cell", specialized in "the techniques 

discreet opening of the locks of buildings and 

vehicles for legal purposes ”, thus training officers 

in the "technical and tactical fields of burglary 

and infiltration ”. Would the Elysee cell have for 

true purpose of protecting the secrets of the private life of 
Macron couple? Lawyer Juan Branco for example pointed out 
having received an intimidating visit from Ludovic Chak: to his 
domicile on May 16 , 2020. 

On our side, part of Emmanuel Ratier's archives , 

stored at the very humid Templar farm in Saint- 
Martin-de-i3oscberville (Seine-Maritime), went up in smoke 

on the night of July 1 to 2 , 2017 (cf. France Info, July 2 

2017), in the days following the publication of our survey Un 

Palace for sale that asked the question, from a document 

taken out of the registry of the Commercial Court of Marrakech, of the 
possibility that Emmanuel Macron will be co-owner with the 
financier Guillaume Rambourg of the Dar Olfa palace located in 

the Palm grove. Has the Elysée cell been activated? 

Subsequently, in the wake of a statutory overhaul relocating 
Facts & Documents within the company Edition and 
Documentation Parisienne, the address of our editor in 
chief listed in the statutes was visited by three individuals 
on the night of December 12 to 13, 2018. A break-in 

which could only be the fact of professionals experienced in 
1 discreet opening of building locks', this apartment 
located in a building in the 11th arrondissement of Paris 
being equipped with a solid armored door. Awakened in full 
night, the occupants of the premises emphasized that these individuals 
seemed very calm and determined, that their exchanges 
voices suggested that it could be police officers 

and that they were obviously looking for something specific 
since they left the scene without stealing or searching after 
have been able to verify at first glance that the apartment 
was totally foreign to our professional activities. 


Page 9 

When we submitted different photos to them - without 
however, specify the ranks and qualities of the characters 
tested - the occupants of the premises, who had only glimpsed 
of the three individuals, paused for a long time on the profile of 
Ludovic Chaker, without formally identifying him 

100 % due, they told us of his "pretty physique 

master key". 

" Too much show off" 

Once highlighted for its key role at each stage of 

the Benalla affair (cf. Mediapart, January 31, 2019 and Le Monde, 
February 2, 2019), Ismaël Emelien will officially leave 

the Elysée in the spring of 2019, claiming the publication of an essay 
on "progressivism". A real flop despite an important 

media hype. The real reason for his exit from the device 

official are obviously the revelations on his hearing of the 
January 16, 2019 by the IGPN during which he recognized, 
sheepish, having carried out operations under a pseudonym 

" Trolling" and dissemination of Fake news on Twitter in 

liaison with Pierre Le Texier, a socialist activist who became 

“Responsible for the e-influence center” of En Marche !. 

In the process, Emelien launches Unusual, which allows him to 
invoice Veolia for an advisory role in its operation 

repurchase of Suez, but also to L VMH with an obscure position 
of "environmental adviser", two functions 

who struggle to hide that its influence and centrality 

in the Macronian system remained intact and that the 

Special "adviser" is being activated at full speed for 2022. 

With the increasingly thorny question of media coverage 

of "Brigitte" whom he never appreciated, and who, at Havas, 
relies more on Jacques Séguéla: “ At the start of 2016, 

the wife of the future president had gone so far as to canvass 
several profiles of communicators, and meet some 

of them, to replace Emelien [...]. Some months 

later, in the fall of 2016, this time it is the young advisor 
who, on the basis of qualitative opinion surveys, advised 

to his boss to put his wife less in the foreground. " She was 
considered too “ show off”, limit too “bling- 

bling " for Macron", deciphers an insider. The candidate 
Macron will never decide against his wife. [...] 

On the evening of the first round, when the campaign team 
finds at the La Rotonde brewery - an idea of " Brigitte " 
originally-, Emelien will not be able to access the floor where dines 
the future president. No question then for Brigitte Macron 
to bring up the one who tried to oust him at the beginning of 
campaign ... ” (Marianne, October 27, 2017). 

Nathalie Schuck and A va Djamshidi confirm that are 
completely bogus the elements of language constantly 

rehashed on the theme of an Emmanuel Macron " handsome " 
and of a" Brigitte, charming asset of her husband, incarnation of 
glamor à la française ":" Several of his advisers [...] 

highlight these opinion polls where French women 

interviewed explain that the almost forty [...] 

does not make them vibrate. Electorally dangerous. Jacques 
Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy were themselves perceived in their 
time by part of the voters as sex symbols. 

At the end of 2016, an extract from a qualitative study by the institute 

Ipsos on the presidential image of Macron comes to bring, 

INVES IG ATION or tte suture premiere 

lady. "The covers of Paris Match and the promotion 

by Brigitte Macron do not generate virulent reactions, 

but the agreement is made fairly quickly on greater discretion 
media regarding his private life, and in particular the visibility 
of his family ”, it is written, in very diplomatic language. Exit. 
Brigitte? " (Madam President, Pion, 2019). " In this 

new configuration of power, speculations are good 

train: " Brigitte Macron is all powerful there ", understands 

a boss. “Ismaél Emelien is always present in the game, 
especially with Alexis Kohler ”, thinks another (La 

Tribune, December 5, 2020). 

Presented by Laurent Bigorgne as nothing less than the 

“ Best strategist in Paris” (, December 19, 2016), 
inducted member of the supposed " trio which directs France" - 
with Emmanuel Macron and Alexis Kahler - by Le Monde 
(August 8, 2017), compared without laughing to Nicolas' Henri Guaino 
Sarkézy or Jacques Attali by François Mitterrand 

(L'Obs, October 19, 2017), it's good to Ismaél Emelien, perfect 
bohemian pretentious that we owe the calamitous equence of 
summer 2018, starting with the jacklangui te oirée techno 

of the Elysée for the festival of the mu igue with drag-queens and 
African homosexual DJ (Pierre-Edouard Hanffou alias 

Kiddy Smile) in a T-shirt with an " immigrant thread, black 

and queer ”. We will see the pre-identical couple, that we had 
presented as a lover of letters and poetry, to jiggle on 

the air of " tonight, let's burn this May on, burn it - it completely - 
',' don't sit down, bitch, 'please’, ' dance, 

enc ... of your mother, dance "," you revere because I 

makes suck the b ... and lick the c ...", etc. 

will he disappear 

Cover of the Catholic daily Pré ent from June 26, 2018. 

FACTS & DOCUMENTS from May 15 to June 15 , 2021 Page9 


Music festival followed, at the end of September, by 

The instructions also apply to friends, obviously. 

WAPPER CAE Abe CAMA AE GRREEHhic image of a 
President of the Republic indulging in his impulses, 

groping topless West Indian robbers in front of a France 
stunned ... A few weeks later, the 

movement of yellow vests. 

Between the exhibition of transgender people at the Elysée Palace in June and the team at the 
West Indian robbers in September, Emmanuel Macron, who did not hide his 

StagPAh PB eth eRe {BM Rii Pahv *reported 
thus in 2017. 

It must be said that when the media coverage of the couple was not 
not yet well established, the rare times when the word was not 
carefully filtered, "Brigitte", 
away from the elegant letters woman 
and refined officially presented, 
returned a completely different image, 
heavily chaining the sub- 
heard, to say the least, gravelly: 
" Montaigne said: we must always 
file his brain with that of others, 
it is very important to progress. 
So we file abundantly " 
(Canal +, November 14, 2015). 
"Why it's good Emmanuel 
Macron, politically? - But it is 
good everywhere, not just politically! 
You are very restrictive. I do not have 

still found an area where it is not 
not good ” (Daily, October 4, 2016). 

She seems in perfect harmony with 
her husband when he giggles 

fascination with footballer Paul Pogba during the World Cup on the anatomy of his bodyguard 

football, will make another trip to Lagos where this great fan of afrobeat 
take a getaway to the New Afrika Shrine, the hottest nightclub of the 

Congolese (whose links we will discover 
friendship with Jawad Bendaoud, 

Page 10 

Nigerian capital where he took up residence during his internship at ENA: 

«In the opinion of his friends and relatives, one of the major personality traits 
Emmanuel Macron is his extreme modesty ” (Hervé Algalarrondo, Deux 

French Youth, Grasset, 2021). 

" The girls" 

The ford wars of influence internal to the communication of the 

presidential couple do not change anything at the root of the problem because 

if Ismaél Emelien had the idea of the techno evening at the Elysée, 
it is indeed the chief of staff of "Brigitte" who, without thinking 
wrong, uploaded the famous Jnstagram 

photograph of African transvestites sheathed in fishnet at the Elysée 
on the evening of June 21, 2018 (see Box). Nicknamed "the 

chicks ” internally, the office of“ Brigitte ”is made up of 
Pierre-Olivier Costa and his deputy Tristan Bromet who 
previously held similar functions at the town hall 

from Paris to Bertrand Delanoé. Today installed in 

Tunisia, the one who had carried his gay activism in banner 

will come out of his bizertine retirement to officially support 
Emmanuel Macron, while rereading the proofs of one of 

his countless hagiographies, the one signed by Philippe 

Besson, gay feather that the Elysée will reward with a post 

of Consul General of France in Los Angeles (appointment 

finally canceled by the Council of State). 

Usually, "the girls" form a real dyke between 
"Brigitte" and the journalists: "The speeches of 
the president's wife are under control. [...]. It is motus and 

stitched mouth, except on rare occasions, very framed. [.. - ~ 

Page 10 May 15 to June 15, 2021 

the "landlord" of the terrorists of 
November 13, 2015) in company 

of the homosexual writer Philippe 
Besson, with worthy intonations 
from Michel Serrault de la Cage to 
mad: "Besson - You have protection 
special tonight? - Macron: - I have Makao, a guy who 

chausse du 54. Besson - It's a dream on the rest! Macron: 

- Yeah! " (Daily, June 3, 2017). This contrasts with the 

description made in 2015 by L'Express which referred to "this 

fifty years old [NDA: she was then 62 years old] including all the 

tourage praises culture and finesse of mind. " 

Omnipresent in the entourage of Emmanuel Macron (symbolized 
by the couple formed by Gabriel Attal and Stéphane Séjourné 
which are but the tip of one ' iceberg), the medium homo- 

sexual is perhaps even more represented in those who 

relate directly to "Brigitte". Let us quote in particular Marc- 
Olivier Fogiel ( general manager of BFMTV), the former minister 
of Culture Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres or Pascal 

Houzelot, pillar of Gay All-Paris and founder of Pink TV, who 
will present Xavier Niel to the Macrons in 2010. 

It is visibly very touched that "Brigitte" surrendered 

at the bedside then at Michou's funeral , also 

native of Amiens, undisputed pope of transformism and 
cross-dressing died in January 2020. In the same vein, 

" Brigitte " does not hide her admiration for Guillaume 
Gallienne, social actor (member of the Club des Cent et 

of the club Le Siécle) having played the roles of homosexuals and 

disguise his specialty. 



While Mondadori France (Closer) and 

and very personal “coach”, Rosine Lapresle-Tavera. 

It is undoubtedly under the influence of the latter, whose 
father, Pierre Lapresle, was for thirty years the gynecologist 
of the Amiens bourgeoisie (based in Henriville, the 

Lagardére (Paris Match, France Sunday, etc.) 

des Macron and des Trogneux), which Laurence Parisot proposed 
allow the Macron couple to saturate the es- 

to Emmanuel Macron, from 2006, the general management of 
public space (stations, streets, supermarkets), Internet MEDEF, of which she had just taken the presidency ... 

is full of content every day 

jointly by 6Médias and Bestimage at 

cneckN ws 

No. that Phoro does not show Emmanuel 

Macron with marina lbramovlec 

This cliché. shared erroneously. actually shows the transidentltary artist 

Prisma group securities websites. 

Including in particular Gala, Current Woman, 
Here, Télé Loisirs, etc., this group has just been 
taken over by Vincent Bolloré (who also controls 
ment Havas) to the German Bertelsmann. On the Rouge Mary next to the President at the 2018 Music Festival 
brand content model (formerly 
editorial), every day is the occasion 

Rouge Mary is at Elysée - Presidency of the French Republic 

22 JUIO 2018 P. IS, France 

one or two " contents " relayed on all 
the group's media sites (the famous " syner- 

1 + @benoiLhamon +.: + + +.: +. © + ;; #rougemary #fetedelarnusic 

#palaisdelelysee #president #macron #electro # transident, silence #trigender 

gie ”); a small article, taking up an anecdote 
A . #french #arab #yaquoi #supporting #bff # kl ddysmlle Ilvivelafrance 
taken from one of the hagiographies devoted to 

# vivelarepubl, that 
presidential couple, reorganized according to i 
news by 6Médias and accompanied by a 

advantageous photo of " Brigitte " from the 

based on photographs from Bestimage, the agency 

by Michèle Marchand. Intended to control internal 
generally Google referencing, this 

maneuver, by its magnitude, is in fact 

unprecedented in the history of the Internet as the 
Maëlle Brun line : " Type Brigitte's name 

Macron on Google offers more than ten million 
results. Or twice as much as David 

Beckham, five times more than Jean Dujardin ... and 
thirty times more than Valérie Trierweiler or Julie 
Gayet! " (Brigitte Macron. L'Affranchie). Inspired 

of what was tested in the United States with the couple 
Obama, this permanent staging and 

this saturation of media space 

hide a total lockout of information 

and sidelining journalists. Thereby 

than a systematic cleaning of deranged pages 

giant since each research targeted on 

Macron from the Google bar gives rise to 

a warning that " results 

have been deleted in accordance with Euro- 

on data protection. " 

The Henriiville gynecologist 

Finally, few women in the entourage close to 
"Brigitte", apart from the former leader of the Line magazine 


by Jacaues Pezet 

pybiée 8n= bre ZO * g at hia 

Renaud (pillar of the galaxy Pierre Bergé as vice- 

president of Sidaction) or the heir to IFOP 

Laurence Parisot who already saw himself as Prime Minister in 
2017. As Director of BNP Paribas, the latter 

had played a driving role in Christian's career 

When internet users suspected Emmanuel Macron 

for welcoming the controversial artist Marina to the Elysée 

Dargnat, great architect of the fundraising of En Abramovic, the indispensable checknews of Liberation has 
2 7 

Marche !, by contributing in particular to making it climb rectified, telling us that they were in fact Red 

the MEDEF authorities at the time when it held with one hand 

of iron the employers! organization in duo with its " advisor " 

Mary, a “ transgender artist ” another one. 

nage FACTS & DOCUMENTS from May 15 to June 15 , 2021 Page 11 


The CV of" Brigitte " 

As with many facets of his biography, tell A strange Linkeclln page 

the course of " Brigitte " in teaching falls under Recruited by Emmanuel Macron to remove 

of the Chinese puzzle. Let's start from his last post, Saiot- the journalists of " Brigitte", Pierre-Olivier 

Louis-de-Gonzague where she taught French between Costa and Tristan Bromet are officially rat- 

2007-2008 school years (arrived a few months before assigned to the office of the President of the Republic, 
marriage with "Emmanuel") and 2014-2015. which makes the cost figures very opaque 

committed to the one they call soberly 

" The President". In 2019, the Court of Auditors 
still gave the amount of 5,200 euros 

Nicknamed "Franklin" (the name of the rue du XVI « arrondissement 

of Paris where it is located), this high school which welcomes the gratin of 
offspring of the gotha was for a long time led by Viviane Fradin 

de Belabre, the mother of Bruno Le Maire, defector of 

Republicans who will become Minister of the Economy not without 

per month (i.e. 62,400 per year) just for 
hairdressing and makeup costs. For the anec- 
endowment, there is on Linkedin the account of a 
Brigitte Macron, " chief of staff at 

Armed Forces Staff”, an account that was not 

having been co-opted into the Trilateral Commission in 2014, one of the 
main globalist circles where they were undoubtedly initiated into 

A " : " 
subtleties of "Operation Macron". reported or deleted despite system monitoring 

Franklin is not a trivial high school. Y study requires to both Hele of theiElysee-teams:and the hon ror 
very good academic results as well as belonging to false accounts engaged by thë platform. What 
the largest bourgeoisie, that of the heirs dear to Pierre is thè feal tole ot" Brigitte” 
Bourdieu. Having seen generations and generations pass 

future big bosses and politicians, Franklin 

counts, among its alumni, the governor of the Bank of 

France François Villeroy de Galhau, children and grandchildren 
children of Édouard Balladur, children of Dominique 

de Villepin, etc. "Brigitte" would therefore have been, by compiling 
the various information available over this period, the 

French teacher for children of many future supports 

by Emmanuel Macron: Jean-Pierre Jouyet, Henri de Brigitte Macron a ales 
Castries, Bernard Arnault (Alexandre and Jean, from his ri error 

second marriage to the pianist Héléne Mercier, while her Pans, Île-de-France, France * Contact details 

eldest daughter, Delphine Arnault will become her official costume designer Areata 

after a first meeting which would have occurred in New York 

in 2014 on the occasion of a dinner between Emmanuel Macron and 

Xavier Niel, her second husband), Renaud Dutreil (now 

boss of L VMH New York), François Sureau, lawyer 

J N . N ee E Activity 
advice, privatization specialist turned academician, etc. POE, 
z ; Posts that Brigitte has created, shared or commented on in the last 90 
A solid gold Rolodex that would have been put at the service of Emmanuel diya are displayed here. 

Macron. "Another connection of influence to be included in the prize list 
of Brigitte Macron, Jacques Attali, whom she introduced to See all! ‘Activity 
Emmanuel. It is also she who will personally ask 

the former adviser to François Mitterrand to present his ; 

young husband to François Hollande ”. Given by Marc Endeweld pugs 

(The Great Manipulator), this revelation of an earlier Chief of Staff 

"Brigitte" in the relationship of the couple with Jacques Attali is at Cee oe ere Cee 
put in relation with the information of Nathalie Schuck 

and A va Djamshidi according to which " Michel Rocard, Alain 
Mine, David de Rothschild or Jacques Attali had spotted the 

promising young man from ENA ” (Madam President). 


Statt of the Armed High Authority of Health 

With the Macron couple, the question who of the egg or the 51,780 subscribers HA 
a S 262070abont 
chicken?" remains in abeyance. And we'll see why eee 

DGSE + General Directorate, 

If the testimonies produced in the press regarding its passage eee ne Christine Laara TI]! 

'uropean Cer 

to Franklin are again totally rave, a 
question arises: how did "Brigitte" integrate a 

Air force and espa 

such a prestigious institution? Providence and Franklin have Mae tase ao D followers 
in common to be two Jesuit schools. He Civilians of Defense 

therefore seems impossible that Franklin's leadership does not have 
been informed of the embezzlement of a minor which had marked the 

passage of "Brigitte" in her previous post. 

Page 12 FACTS & DOCUMENTS from 15 May to 15 June 2021 


Recruitment all the more mysterious: that "Brigitte" - May 2018, Brigitte Macron. The Confident: “No one 

had not taught for three years. Indeed, to believe Sylvie no longer ignore it: the wife of the president of the 

Bommel, at the start of the 2004 school year, while Emmanuel République was prof. For a little over 30 years, equipped with 

Macron had just left the ENA, a letter had informed his Letters Capes, in three different establishments in 

the parents of students of La Providence in Amiens " from a Alsace, Picardy and Paris, she taught generations 

absence of Mme Auzière ”until March 2005 due to a high school students. [...] On the strength of her mastery of letters, Brigitte 
training leave. His replacement, Mr. Kazumba will eventually Auzière applies and his candidacy is accepted. She passes: 

be established because “ Brigitte” will never resume her post. then a literature diploma to become a teacher, then - 

These mysterious three sabbatical years (2004-2007) do not 

are nothing compared to the fact that " Brigitte" does not hold 
none of the diplomas required to practice the trade 

teacher. The question of the diplomas of "Brigitte" 

indeed constitutes a new gray area and rewritings 

successive, since in the manner of Emmanuel's age 

Macron during their meeting, the more time passes, the more his 
course is shrinking like hell. Are underlined here 

the diplomas indicated: 

- March 2017, Les Macron: “Brigitte asked by a 

friend, tried her hand for a while, a bit by chance at the job 
press officer at the Pas- 

de-Calais. Teaching? She doesn't think about it for a moment. 
Having fun telling in a great burst of laughter that she does not 
did not always manage a horde of children on birthdays of 
his! After her master's degree in modern letters, she imagines 
rather in human resources. But in the end, 

lets convince. Pass the Capes, and make his firsts 

arms in the Alsatian city [NDA: Strasbourg], in Lucie- 
Berger, a Lutheran-inspired establishment. It's a 

revelation. " 

- April 2017, A young man so perfect: « She arrives at 

Amiens in 1991, where her husband was assigned, and then finds himself 
quite naturally, with his Capes de lettres, professor of 

French and Latin. " 

- January 2018, Brigitte Macron. The Affranchie: " To 

spring 1972, she nevertheless focused on the perspective 

of her literary baccalaureate - she chose a section A. Direction 

Le Touquet, to hang out with a few friends. The revisions 

will be serious and productive: she obtains the exam with 

honors. [...] 1984, Brigitte Auzière is thirty-one 

one year. For two years she has been a press officer, but 

with the birth of Tiphaine came to him the desires of 

reconversion. Arrived in Alsace, she opens up to this desire to 

mothers of students in front of the school of his two eldest children. Cut 
lucky: one of them has an idea. "The diocesan direction 

looking for teachers. You should apply! ", She tells him. 

Brigitte has a master's degree in letters - she will later obtain her 
Capes; she does so ... While thinking of mounting her 

company, so as not to have a boss, if that doesn't work. 

She will not have the time to do so: her application is accepted, and she 
was immediately appointed to Lucie-Berger, an establishment 
Protestant from the center of Strasbourg ”. 

SELLA laa bie Rtgs gious establishment 

-May 2019: " She was already nineteen when she picked up her 
literary baccalaureate, which at the time was not considered 

as frankly in advance, especially for an outgoing student 

private. She obtains the mention fairly well and not very well 

as reported in a documentary from France 3. By magic 

of the covers, this mention has become fake news. [...] 

Despite everything, Brigitte succeeds in following the two years of university which 
he needs to get a master's degree in letters. Like 

dissertation topic. she chooses to treat love courteous. [...] 
Without Capes, however, impossible to land a post of 

holder in a public establishment. [...] The Lucie- college 

Berger de Strasbourg provided him with excellent letters from 
recommendation, this should help him find a position of 
professor. And then her maiden name is a sesame that 

opens many doors in Amiens. [...] In September 1991, this 

are four Auziéres making their comeback at La Pro, like 

the locals call it. Brigitte's candidacy was 

retained, she will be a French teacher in high school ”. While 
promotion of the book on RTL, Sylvie Bommel will indicate that 
not have found any trace of obtaining the Cafep, the Capes of 

private education. 

- January 2021, Two French Youths: « Brigitte is not 

became a teacher quite late, at the age of thirty. [NDA: therefore 

in 19837] [...] Brigitte experienced a more golden youth 

focused on dancing rather than studying. She gets her baccalaureate 
at nineteen, then contented himself with a certificate of letters. 

As she is not qualified enough to have a job 

in National Education. she enters teaching 

private, at the Lucie-Berger college in Strasbourg. [ ... ]When she 
returns with her husband and her children to settle in Amiens, she 
is going to knock on the door of La Providence which has nothing to refuse 
a lady Trogneux ”. 

In summary, between 2017 and 2021, Brigitte Macron lost her 
mention very well in the baccalaureate that she finally obtained 
one year late, then his master's degree in letters became a 
simple "certificate" then his Capes which we had been assured 
that she had obtained ... In short, "Brigitte" would have done 

a teaching career in the most 

prestigious without any of the required diplomas ... 

(Continued on next issue) 

Faits & Docu, runts, review published by Faits & Documents, Box 37, 23 rue du Départ, 75014 Paris, France. Phone. 07 66 52 37 56 
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