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Full text of "FACTS & DOCUMENTS Brigitte Macron Investigation"

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No. 499 €8 


(AND wutcu tlM Era /vtA.cRON?) (P.3) 


The f-O'v \ OSEXUALITt (p.6) 




Algalanondo H .... p.9 Liberati S . 
Askolovitcb C. ... p.9 Louis É. . 
Augier J.-J ........ p.7 Macron B 
Bertrand X . 
Bommel S .. 
Can! Eloup N . 
Carréle E. ... 
Crasset M .. 

p.6 Macron E .. 

p.9 Macron J.- 

Dartevelle R . 10 Molins F ... 
Descoings R . 7 Noguès F. 
Deshayes J.-B ... p. 10 Noguès J.-M . . 
Dumoorct J.-M ... p.7 Noguès M.-C..... p.12 
Dupond-Momti ¢ .p.6 Orlinski R........... p. 
Fairey S p.9 Percheron D .. 
Falcon C .. p.10 Pigasse M. 
Fogiel M.-O p.7 Renaud L. .. p.7 
Froment J.-B. de. p.8 Robien G. de .... p.11 

Gallet M. .. 
Girier J.-M 

.. P. 7 Rubinstein A. ..... p. 7 
p.3 Servant A „n.n... p.7 

Page 1 




After our dive behind the scenes of the Elysée, here is the rest of our 

exclusive investigation into " Brigitte", the first unauthorized real portrait of this 

a character as intriguing as he is influential. As it took for all 

world, the right-wing Catholic teacher to classical literary scholarship 

was at the same fime presented as a "pin-up in a mini-skirt" teacher making your mouth water 

boys going through puberty ... And if, as for his meeting with 

"Emmanuel" and his diplomas, was everything bogus? 

" Thérèse, you are sure that Proust was 
homosexual !? " 

Pierre Mortez, The Father Christmas is a junk, 

"When it's blurry, it's because there is a wolf!" 

Martine Aubry, RTL, October 13, 2011 

Kk k 

" My husband, addicted to work, is a 

knight, a character from another planet 

which mixes a rare intelligence with a humanity 
exceptional. Everything is in the right place 

in her head. He's a philosopher, an actor 
became a banker and a politician, a 

writer who hasn't published anything yet. And I 

keeps his manuscripts. " 

Brigitte Macron, Paris Match, April 14 

" In reality the couple works at the front 
reversed from the official story: it is 

not "Brigitte who softens Emmanuel", 
like the obsolete chromo sold to the media 
would let it hear, but rather the first 

lady who teaches the president how 

to be without qualms in moments 

crucial. The affective is Emmanuel, the 
hard is Brigitte. " 

The policy is a job behind the scenes 
of the Elyos machine, Michaël Darmon, 
Humensis, 2019. 

“We won't know more. They won't say 

no more. The storytelling is well framed. And 

there is no question of trying to find out 

more, except to torture some of their intimate friends. 

They built this family romance well. " 

Brigitte Macron, a French novel, 
Virginie Linhart, France 3, 2018. 

«Emmanuel Macron is elusive. 

Multiple. Determined to give only this 

that he wants from his part intimate but to expose 
generously what he wishes to highlight. 

No one really knows him. He has little 

friends. Emmanuel needs everyone 

and no one. We never fit in 

perimeter. He puts them at a distance ", assures his 
woman. [...] A personal story brought to the fore 
service of obvious ambition. Even if it means being 

a little retouched. Magnified ”. 

Such a perfect young man, Anne Fulda, 
Pawn, 2017. 

“ I don't show off my private life. The only 
times I mentioned it, it's in my book and 

I assume. " 

Emmanuel Macron, Cà vous, France 5, 24 
November 2016. 

“In November 2019, two men with nothing 
does not unite, except their links with Macron, 
have lunch together. Alain Mine and Philippe 
Barn. The specimen of the French elite 

and I militant of the second left. The 

two do not agree on much, 

Hermsandi p12 Vallaud Be! KatsmN. p.10 RES cocant de anxthing yeithow asking Re opinion. pinko tamane ih aanataivg pappened to 
Houellebecq M .. p.8 Vasquez Osorio vp2 

. " 
a costume or a hairstyle. President burglar, Corinne Lhaik, 

L'Obs, September 1, 2016. Fayard, 2020. 

.. p.8 Vasseur P 

Page tags 2 from June 15 to July 15, 2021 FACTS & DOCUMENTS 


The CV of " Brigitte " (continued) 

Without any diploma to teach in high school, and after three 
sabbatical years separating her from a previous position where her 

passage had been marked by a minor hijacking, 

"Brigitte" therefore becomes, at the start of the 2007 school year, a professor of 

letters to Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague, the most prestigious high school 
private of the capital which welcomes the offspring of the gratin of 
gotha ... Did "Brigitte" benefit from a piston to 

get there? 

By deduction, we immediately think of the course of his 

husband and his accession to the "Inspection". Placing his offspring 
at "Franklin", this network very established in the establishment 
could well have encouraged the recruitment of the wife of 

one of theirs. So his arrival comes at the same time 

the appointment of Emmanuel Macron as rapporteur 

deputy of the Attali Commission. Strangely, the hypothesis 

a recruitment of "Brigitte" made possible by the career 

of her husband has not been mentioned or even implied and 

the question was never put to the presidential couple. 

When recruiting to "Franklin" occurs, the couple 

no longer hesitates to appear in public. Until very recently, 

it was understood that Emmanuel Macron had presented 
"Brigitte" to her classmates from ENA for the first time 

in September 2006. This disclosure of his private life was 
produced in Burgundy, at Clos de Vougeot on the occasion of 
marriage of two "Senghors", Sébastien Veil (grandson of 
Simone Veil, at least acquainted with Emmanuel Macron 
since Henri-IV, became a banker at PAi Partners and 
member, alongside Mare Schwartz and Dorothée 

Stik from the “Culture and Media” pole of En Marche!) And Sibyle 
Petitjean (appointed CEO of Radio France in replacement 
by Mathieu Gallet). 

But in more recent biographies, these presentations 

this time would go back to the marriage of another Senghor, 
Aurélien Lechevallier (cf. Les Grands fauves, F&D 494 and 
495) with Monica Vasquez Oso rio: “The mysterious Amiens 
will wait until the end of their training and the marriage of Aurélien 
Lechevallier, in 2004, to present Brigitte to her friends ” 

(Macron, Vérités Légendes, Arthur Berdah, Perrin, 2021). 
However, we notice in the notice provided by the groom 

to the Who's Who that the happy event is dated October 25 

2003, ie six months before the end of the training at the ENA. From 
more significant or more anecdotal, the slightest episode of the 
biography of Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron was written then 

rewritten, each time carrying its share of inconsistencies ... 

Anyway, "Brigitte" left Franklin in June 2015 for 

devote himself fully to Emmanuel's ministerial activities 

Macron and at the launch of his campaign: “ Michel Sapin and 

Christian Eckert do their calculations: in total, according to them, twenty- 
five people then work behind the scenes for the destiny of 

their younger brother in such a hurry. When the couple leave the place, they 
will discover a printed e-mail with the exhaustive list of all 

the names ” (Madam President, Nathalie Schuck and A will 
Djamshidi, Pion, 2019.). In this mixture of germs assumed 

ce Brigitte ° is she (really) 

ce right °? 
According to an over-repeated antiphon - and that the 
couple helped to spread - " Brigitte " 
would be " on the right "," clearly on the right " 
(L'Ambigu Monsieur Macron), having " no 
left-wing ideas ” (Brigitte Macron. L 'Affranchie). 
In fact, while Emmanuel Macron was raking in 
left, " Brigitte " took care to leave 
to hear that she had voted Nicolas Sarkôzy in 
2007 and Philippe de Villiers in 1995. Eager to 
the recognition he never obtained (y 
understood from his political family), the latter 
will fall miserably and 
will soon serve as a “ traditional ” deposit for the couple. 
Also " Brigitte " never misses 
to send signals on the Islamic veil to 
laicards, in both doubtful about to indifference 
of her husband on the subject - even worse, her vision 
communitarian in Anglo-Saxon - and number- 
shaped by his teaching career 
Catholic. In reality, in front of their interlocutors, 
the couple divide the roles as for better 
occupy the entire political spectrum, their 
personal opinions matter little in reality: 
"Ts Brigitte Macron aware of embodying, 
in the eyes of left-wing activists, all 
clichés of the provincial big bourgeoisie? the 
Touquet, Biarritz, the Catho and Réac family, the 
large private establishments where she taught. 
"She's not his right-wing conscience," retorts 
Mare Ferracci. [...]. I know she voted at 
left to right " " (The Obs, 1 e, September 
2016). Very similar, their views are in fact 
aligned with the single thought: " It is a 
woman of the right, but the right MoDem in one 
a little more liberal, ” says an intimate. [...] .Qe 
right, yes, but not on societal issues. 
If it ensures to never speak publicly 
ment on medically assisted procreation 
{PMA> or the right to euthanasia. to avoid any 
form of political recovery. Brigitte Macron 
does not understand that we can impose a 
choice of life tO others. Fundamentally liberal. 
she herself chose to live her life in broad daylight. 
relationship with Emmanuel Macron, principal 
the most trans [iressive act of his life. " For the Feast 
music at I lysée, when she discovers the 
drag queens in fishnet top jiggling at the 
the sound of DJ Kiddy Smile [...], she sways her 
too, without thinking about harm. "She thought it was funny and 
fun, culture clash, ’reports one of 
his confidants ". [...]" When I saw the trans- 
genres on the porch, I thought of Yvonne De 
Gaulle and to Bernadette Chirac. There are sixty 
years, Mm * De Gaulle prohibited the divorced to 
Elysée, and we bring in a queer DJ with his 

Page 3 

(but that would have earned anyone else a 
denigration in the mainstream press), the Macrons multiply 

receptions at Bercy (editorialists, show business, etc.) hesitating 

FACTS & DOCUMENTS from June 15 to July 15, 2021 

tanseendsr dance s... ", panics an advisor" 


not to organize several receptions each evening: “Besides 

the private apartment, all the spaces on the * 7th floor of Bercy, which 
include the meeting and reception rooms of the ministry, 

were involved simultaneously. A strategy that 

allowed Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron to have an aperitif 

in a reception at the ministry, to start a first dinner more 

official with other guests on the * 7th floor, then continue 

a second at the apartment! A double dinner, in short. [...] 

In 2016, during the first eight months, the credits for the year 
whole were consumed in representation expenses! ". On 

the last two months before Emmanuel's resignation 

Macron, more than three quarters of the costs incurred by the five 
members of the government housed in Bercy were responsible 

to Macron alone (cf. L'Express, November 16, 2016, In 

Hell of Bercy, Frédéric Says and Marion L'Hour, JCLattés, 
2017 and A Minister shouldn't say that ..., Christian Eckert, 
Robert Laffont, 2018). " It is about everything but politics to 

unless some host has requested it. Brigitte lingers 

sometimes on one of those soulless meals to which she must have consented: 

"We had dinner with so and so the other night, it was boring; we prefer 
really be with you! "" (Les Macron, Caroline Derrien and 
Candice Nedelec, Fayard 20/7). 

Which teacher was " Brigitte "? 
(And which student was Macron?) 

We have seen it, to make the general public accept a sordid 
history of hijacking a minor, the communicators of Havas 
initially redistributed roles by giving 

that of the active to the adolescent and that of the passive to his 
theatrical worker. In the storytelling recited by "Brigitte" face 
camera in The Strategy of the Meteor (France 3, November 21 
2016), Emmanuel's “I will come back and I will marry you” 
Macron echoes the description of a student "always with the 
teachers ”, who“ was not a teenager ”,“ had never respected these 
age scales ", having thus" conquered all my resistances, 

one by one, with patience ”, says “ Brigitte ”. Two months before 
the presidential election, we will find this presentation of 

made by Caroline Derrien and Candice Nedelec: 

MEMORIES: We ~ the tbnotgnages of ClroloM Ldlmam, J - .. rt,., Lairfflt, Cynthio 
6assMr-l., Uni „ gu d AM Rech-Som's si qa" thno'9" "9" a., Mtii "- fltSabeth p.,,., ..,. 

G ~- -» ~ boarding school} DallS " Mulld, n ZOUI po & n" ot it, -., ptbW.s des som: m's des Vayage: s 
scobres, ~ . Comaltus de .5œr Lifla 8nula..,_. S this game d .. id, ge, - ses 

SGWallr-s (with ralœ œ -ur Danide). We asaytrofis CIUS s1 d..ntrer en Clifitact with 

Madai! III Mocrott qu, a ensGgni saus i .. dwarf said Bi-, grtt "Auzière in the ONNUS 90 

-les act, Yitis rl pro.) Cts d .. retabhSHIMIIt scobre 

- ricrts "" ~ Œ ~ d classes vuta (Mæ-t, ne 0) 
- the ac: tMtés ex rCIUN! IÔla'i .. C Ene s.) 

Reading the Bulletin of Alumni and Friends of Lucie Berger 
(2017), the establishment presented as having seen the start of the 
of "Brigitte", shows that this so "solar" professor did not have 

left an unforgettable memory. Indeed, while she would have left 
the establishment in June 1991 - tells us his official biography - we 
reads that she taught there " in the 1990s ". We ignore 

if the former Lucie Berger found the" Brigitte Auzière " 

which they then sought to contact. 

"Ms. Macron reiterates how much it was necessary to 'walk in her head', 
confronted with this adolescent of the age of his children. It 

repeat tirelessly. "Ms. Auziére had absolutely no 

profile to skid with a student. There was never the slightest 

ambiguity "observes Nicolas, a student now in his thirties" 
(Op. Cit.). 

But this story has since largely crumbled when was little 

gradually admitted the impossibility of attributing the initiative to a 
14- year-old teenager , erased moreover: " " He [Emmanuel 
Macron] has always aspired to the light, confirms his former 
campaign director Jean-Marie Girier [NDA: young 

homosexual freemason of the Lyon networks of Gérard 

Collomb, promoted prefect of the Territoire de Belfort]. "Always? 
The testimonies corroborating this thesis are rare. Because the 

long companionship of Emmanuel Macron can be counted on 

the fingers of the hand ’notes Arthur Berdah from Figaro ( Op. 
cit.). On January 23, 2015, Le Parisien reported that to Henri-IV, 
Emmanuel Macron "remains in the background. Elusive. "He cultivated 
a part of mystery, a parallel life about which we knew nothing ". 
[...] Nobody knows him of a close friend among his forty- 

eight classmates. [...] "He had a very striking chameleon side, 

note Jean-Baptiste de Froment "". 

In the same vein, Sylvie Bommel explains that “the boy 

that some will describe later as "charismatic" like 

of an internship supervisor during his years at ENA, is in 
reality a loner ”, which he“ does not unite in his wake ”. 

It depicts a high school student " quite alone", " little socialized" 
with " so few very close friends" appearing as 

" Always a little elsewhere". As for "Brigitte " that the gesture 

macronienne presented as an " exceptional teacher", 

"Unanimously" (Brigitte Macron. L 'Affranchie, 

Maélle Brun, L 'Archipel, 2018), she ends up betraying herself in the face of 

to Pierre Hurel by revealing his determination: “When I 
decide something, I do it because otherwise it's over ” 
(The Meteor Strategy). 

The contradiction being flagrant, and the role of the active 

being able to return to the isolated minor, it was therefore necessary to relate 

the story of a "Brigitte", active certainly, but oh 

how desirable. By seducing "Brigitte", the " little 

Macron would thus have satisfied the fantasy of everything 
boy worked by puberty having crossed his path. 

And as the communicators have done tons of it, 

the young mother who had resisted the charm 

of a charismatic student, turned into a teacher at the 

behavior, to say the least, inappropriate ... 

"In the morning, the Macron and the Fir cross 

in the elevator that serves the private apartments 

[NDA: in Bercy]. We greet each other politely, we promise 
to organize a dinner with neighbors who will never have 
place. Above all, Sapin's cabinet, located on the sixth 

floor, overlooks the entrance to the Macron's accommodation. 
Regularly, his advisers observe prams 

in front of the door, a scooter, the grandchildren of 

Brigitte. Occasionally. it is she who escorts the students of the 
Franklin high school where she still teaches ” (Madame 

the president). "It's this cool teacher who invites 

students to drink the aperitif [sic] on Friday evening, which is 


Page Sages 

June 15 to July 15, 2021 

tutoyer ” (Brigitte Macron. L'Affranchie). 



For communicators, this is about getting across two ideas: 

the first is that, at all times, " Brigitte " has received 

high school students at home. The second is to present "Brigitte" 
as an object of male desire. Emmanuel Macron would be 
therefore simply the one who went to the end. Here is told the 

new scenario developed through some descriptions 

statements of Professor "Brigitte". 

- Les Macron, 2017: "" Ah! Brigitte, she was really very 

owl ", slips a former colleague of letters who paces 

high school for 30 years, however avoiding the evocation of this 
dangerous affair with the young Macron. "All high school students 
were in love with her ", spontaneously frees Frédéric, of the 

same promotion as Emmanuel. "When I was little, I was even jealous of 

all those students who wrote to him or called him at home " 
confides his youngest Tiphaine ”. 

- Brigitte Macron. L'Affranchie, 2018: "" His current goal 

was not to pour out knowledge, but to create something 
passionate, exciting and participatory. It's someone 

with whom we could discuss everything "[...]." She did not have 
a totally academic way of teaching. She had 

understood that she had to dust off literature, and she 

therefore injected modernity by multiplying the parallels 

with our times. She used the news, 

his life or ours. She indeed knew a lot about us: 

people confided in her easily ". [...] Because the charm 

of the teacher undeniably acts on his audience. "On the 

boys particularly, I think! "[...] The elegance of 

the one who would write only with a chalk holder does not let 
indifferent teens. "At the start of her career, she was already very 
flirtatious, continues his colleague. It is an effort that the students 
were enjoying it. "One of them remembers it fondly. 

"We were several to have cracked! Explains this former 
Providence. The year I got it in French, I was very 

attentive, I must say! "." There was a particular exchange with 
the boys. a form of seduction, with all due honor, 

resumes Claire Pasquier. There were good vibes in 

his class and many were charmed. ”A craze for which 

As a picture is better than a long speech, here is 

one of the oldest known adult “ Brigitte ” photos , 
photo unveiled only once in 2018 on France 3, 

in the documentary Brigitte Macron, a French novel. 
Where did the "pin-up" go in "mini-tailor" not "doing 

not his age ” that we had been sold ? 

her daughter Tiphaine herself testifies. The lawyer admits to having 
been "jealous of all those students who wrote to her or called her 

at home. "Some even came to dine with the Auziéres, 

bouquet of flowers in hand. For Brigitte, teaching is not 

not confined to classrooms ”. 

- Brigitte Macron, a French novel, 2018: " The 1st day,, 
when she arrived on 4-5 cm heels with a slim fit 
leather, it stood out compared to the other teachers. " 

-He had just turned 17, 2019: "Spring 1993," Forty 

years? But it's old! "On Tuesday April 13, Brigitte's class 

can't get over learning that the French teacher is celebrating 
today its entry into the forties. She seems 

so young with her short skirts and laid back manners. 

[...] Basically, it scrupulously respects the program 

but on the form, it deviates from the beaten track. From the day 
from the start of the school year, Mm * Auzière becomes Brigitte for her students. 
We have the right to interrupt and talk to her. She urges 

those who express themselves to base their reasoning on a 
personal experience. Or, even better, to do the reverse, 

starting from their emotions to arrive at the analysis. Herself 
does not hesitate to confide sometimes. The French course takes 
the appearance of a support group. Result: Ms. Auzière is 
adored by her students. [...] To capture the attention of the most 
dissipated, the teacher has another asset, less 

academic: his legs. highlighted by very 

short. Brigitte did not wait to be first lady to 

pay! [[and care for its appearance. "She was nice to 

to watch, not just to listen. Always well-groomed, 

made up and perfumed, "recalls one student. The boys 

are seduced, the girls take her as a model. " 

- Two French Youths, 2021: “Another teacher is going 

further: "Brigitte arrived at Providence with rnini- 

tailors, beautiful, pin-up. "A student assures us:" We 

was all in love with her. "Summary of the forces involved. 

On the one hand, a teenager who is already physically adult, 

on the other, a professor who is approaching quarantine but who 
does not look his age. " 

Let's skip over these mind-blowing course descriptions that 
far exceed everything that the most stupidly pedagogical 
leftist and the most demagogic had been able to propose until 
the; which, by the way, contradicts the too widespread idea according to 
which “Brigitte” would be “on the right” (cf. Box p.2) ... 

To finish convincing ourselves of this story, we had to 
consult photos of "Brigitte" at the turn of the 

quarantine. An opportunity, let's face it, to rinse your eye 

in front of this " beautiful pin-up" in " mini-tailor", not "doing 
not his age ”. Alas, there are very few photographs of 

« Brigitte” at the time. However, a series of snapshots were 
published in the documentary by Virginie Linhart, Brigitte 
Macron, a French novel broadcast on France 3, June 13 

2018 (cf. The “ Brigitte” scarf). 

Definitely contradicting the attraction that 

the teacher on adolescent males going through puberty, 

this undated photo ( left) of " Brigitte" in a cardigan in 

the woods, disturbing individual of the undetermined sex, has, to our 
knowledge, never been released since then. Instead of 

Playboy number we were looking for, here we are 

of what is similar to an unpublished of Bring the accused in. 

Page 5 

FACTS & DOCUMENTS from June 15 to July 15, 2021 


Ce Brigitte's scarf » 

"In the class photos, she radiates with her 

hair as blond as the wheat fields of 

Picardy, his light suit with wide shoulder pads 

as fashion wanted at the time and its 

huge smile that reveals teeth that have 

not yet realigned by an orthodontist. 

In one of these photos, a tall, lanky boy 

put his arm on the shoulders of his teacher who did 
not seem to take offense. No, it does not 

shovel not Emmanuel ” obsequiously written 
Sylvie Bommel (// had just turned 17, IC Lattés. 
2019) by describing these class photos not 

dated " Brigitte". Issued by the communi- 

cants of the Elysée Palace, these pictures form the backbone 

from the documentary Brigitte Macron, a French novel 
here it is. Evacuated the disappointment of not having been able 
admire the " beautiful pin-up not doing her age ", 

the only question that comes to mind is the following 
boasts: Why in all these photos, including 

those which appear to be taken in spring or summer, 
"Brigitte " she said. for a period of time 

quent of his life. hid his neck by means of a 

scarf or scarf? On one of the few 

photos without a scarf, the individual presented as 
being " Brigitte " has a much smaller volume of 
head and features much more feminine. Once the 
restored photograph, it appears to be a 

other person. 


Page 6 

Page 7 

Page6 June 15 to July 15, 2021 



Above all, these photographs definitely undermine 

the descriptions of authorized witnesses of the type "old of La 
Providence produced by communicators. Testimonials 
bogus which we have already proved that some had 

was purely and simply invented then reproduced everywhere 
between 2012 and 2015, in the first version of storytelling, 

at the time when "Brigitte" was presented as the old 
Emmanuel Macron's French teacher , reading his 

poems in front of the whole class (cf. The Meeting). Widely 
dereferenced from the Internet (cf. Saturate Internet, F & D 498), the 
picture reproduced on page 4 is now almost invisible. 

valid for anyone not looking for it specifically. 

In the famous film of their meeting, that of the 

creation of the theater workshop of La Providence in the spring of 1993, 
“ Brigitte” and Emmanuel Macron never actually appear 

together. By cutting image by image, we observe in fact 

a cut (an " had ") between the sequence where the troop greets the 
public - Emmanuel Macron is visible there but not "Brigitte" - 
and the sequence showing " Brigitte" going on stage - ni 
Emmanuel Macron, nor the other actors in the pre- 

cedent are not present. There is therefore no common individual 
to both sequences. And contrary to what the 

editing the documentary, everyone can agree that whoever 

kisses here "Brigitte" is not Emmanuel Macron. 

Contrary to what the assembly suggests, Emmanuel Macron 
and "Brigitte" never appear together in the sequence 

of the theater premiered in November 2016 in 

The Meteor Strategy. Manipulative, these so-called images 

of their meeting are supposed to send a subliminal message 
transparency: " there is nothing to hide". And yet... 

Macron and homosexuality 

It is in fact mainly from the organized receptions 

in Bercy by the Macrons that the Mathieu rumor was broadcast 
Gallet, although, alongside Nicolas Sarkozy and Manuel 

Valls, the banker Philippe Villio was at the time accused 

to have been the main instigator (cf. Funny war 

against Macron, Le Monde, November 15, 2016). From a 

family of small employers from Compiégne (Oise), inspector 

of finances, fiis cursed by Robert Hersant having branched 
towards finance under the leadership of James D. Wolfensohn and 
by Paul Volker (via the Bilderberg Group) Philippe Villin 

is now the owner of the Libertel hotel group and 

acts as an adviser to a large part of the CAC40 

from his assigned table at the Bristol. Member of the Le Siécle club, 

former treasurer of the Association for the influence of 

! 'Paris Opera (AROP), both homosexual activist 

(we can consult his obituary of Pierre Bergé published in 
Le Monde of September 17, 2017) and eternal slayer 

euro (its influence is not unrelated to the emergence of 
"homo-sovereignty"), this lone wolf, adversary 

relentless Emmanuel Macron, appears today behind 

the candidacy of Xavier Bertrand. " Eminence gay cres 
big bosses ” (Le Monde, February 2, 2013), Philippe Villio 
had been made sustainably responsible for the dissemination of the 
rumor Mathieu Gallet after being publicly astonished that 
"The media [...] happily accept the staging of a 

private life (Le Figaro, April 26, 2016). 

In addition to the war led by Philippe Villin, the possibility of 
blackmail operated by Michéle Marchand in the dissemination of 

he famous rumor was also mentioned (cf. Madame la 

President, Ava Djamshidi and Nathalie Schuck, Plon, 2019). 
Note here that Mathieu Gallet, the main interested party has never 
denied said "rumor". Subsequently, during his setbacks 

judicial proceedings at the start of the five-year term, Mathieu Gallet 
will use the services of lawyer Christophe Ingrain. 

Lieutenant of Jean-Michel Darrois, the latter had introduced 
Emmanuel Macron within the Darrois Commission in 2009 

while he officiated as legal adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy. 

Ingrain is now defending Eric Dupond-Moretti. 

The purpose here is not to confirm or deny the 

the veracity of the rumor, nor of knowing who made it run 
(in reality the whole of France at the time ...), but 
understand that in this affair, Brigitte and Emmanuel 
Macron intentionally played arsonist firefighters. 

This is arguably the most glaring known example of the 
assumed perversity of this couple operating as a duo 
well-established actors: “Every dinner at Bercy is the occasion 
for Emmanuel and Brigitte to address the issue before 
their guests. "You know, they say that Emmanuel is 
homosexual ... but it is totally false! "is indignant 
Brigitte Macron who seems particularly affected. 
[...] For his part, when he receives editorialists in private 
or press bosses to prepare for its flight, 
Macron never forgets to mention "the rumor" in 
these political meetings. It is stronger than him: he is 
forced to talk about it. [...] This obsession for denial, 
in a private setting, ends up being counterproductive, 
because it relaunches the rumor even more. [ ... ] An old 
member of the Macron campaign will confide later: We 
have knowingly relayed the story to Mathieu Gallet ’(quoted 
by Marc Endeweld in Le Grand manipulator, Stock, 
2019). In short, a backfire, as had already perceived 
Caroline Derrien and Candice Nedelec: "We heard it all, 
sighs someone close to the candidate of En Marche !. That Emmanuel 
would have made mysterious trips to Africa or that he would choose 
her lovers at the Paris Opera! "Funny confidences come 
of a camp wishing to seize the rumor to better pose 

as a victim his champion? " (Op. Cit.). 

A rumor which it is now established that it was 

knowingly fed by "Brigitte and Emmanuel" and a 

ambiguity about homosexuality constantly maintained by 

the main interested party: " He has consciousness in his eye - and 
claim-, courteous but absolute, of its singularity. Her 

woman twenty years her senior [NDA: false]; the double ring 

FACTS & DOCUMENTS from June 15 to July 15, 2021 


interlaced which he wears on his right hand, in a symmetry 
perfect with its wedding ring; and this assertiveness always 
borderline explained Anna Cabana (Macron: and why 
pas lui ?, Le Point, December 31, 2015), in an allusion 
explicit to the double alliance adopted from 2004 by 
Richard Descoings during his marriage to Nadia Marik: 
"I am homosexual for those in the know and heterosexual 
for those who don't need to know! », Explained the 

boss of Sciences-Po Paris to justify his double alliance. 

Evoking his lonely childhood in Revolution, Emmanuel 
Doesn't Macron describe, in a deep wink, 

André Gide and Jean Cocteau as his "companions 
irreplaceable ”? Not very fine allusions reiterated 

as soon as the opportunity is given to him. When an onlooker 
opportunely asks him who is his favorite filmmaker 

(Daily, TMC, March 15, 2021), the answer bursts into a burst 
voice: " Pedro Almodovar". Give the name of the filmmaker 
homosexuality, pedophilia and transsexualism, 

participates in this strategy consisting in creating, supplying, then 
to maintain the rumor ... the better to deny it. 

Opposite denial with the language elements of communicators 
Havas ("I don't have a double life"), the first time the 

November 2, 2016, during an interview at Mediapart 

(November 2, 2016) led by Mathieu Magnaudeix 

(homosexual). Then a second time, February 6, 2017 

("I hear people say that I am duplicitous, that I have a hidden life 

or something else [...] If you are told that I have a double life with 
Mathieu Gallet, c'est mon hologramme ”), on the stage of 

Bobino theater, property of Jean-Marc Dumontet, pygmalion 

by comedian Nicolas Canteloup, presented to the couple by Line 
Renaud, who will come to assist "Brigitte" in the production 

of "little Macron". In the process, a cover of 

Closed with "no, he's not gay" (February 10, 2017) as well 

than an interview with Têtu (" If I had been homosexual, I would say it 
and I would live it”, February 26, 2017). July 24, 2018, in the heart 
of the Benalla affair, Emmanuel Macron, visibly finding 

very fun exercise, will therefore deny for the fifth time 

publicly (unheard of!) his homosexuality: “Alexandre 

has never been my lover. " 

Denials that do not detract from the constant mobilization 

in favor of Emmanuel Macron of the pressure groups 
homosexuals. Like Albin Serviant, representative of 

French Tech in London, a “ pilot fish” for the lifting of 

En Marche fund! who, at the end of 2018, will join forces 

with Marc-Olivier Fogiel to relaunch Têtu with the help 

by Jean-Jacques Augier, socialist businessman (arm 

Right André Rousselet to Taxis G7), former shareholder 

de Têtu, treasurer of the campaigns of François Mitterrand and 
by Francois Hollande, who has since joined Emmanuel Macron. 

Columnist Nicolas Domenach nonetheless described a 
Emmanuel Macron "liberal in economics, liberal in matters 

de meeurs ” (La Nouvelle Edition, Canal +, April 7, 2016) and 
Alexis du Réau de la Gaignonniére has told in several 

videos posted on Youtube with their faces uncovered, how, in 
2013, during one of those popular private swingers parties 

by the "zelites" (politicians, lawyers, businessmen, show- 
business, etc.) to which he was invited as a film actor 
pornographic, he would have "sodomized " Emmanuel Macron. 

Page 8 June 15 to July 15, 2021 

Publicly, Emmanuel Macron denied no less 

of five times being a homosexual. Never seen before, before 
as long as the exercise seems particularly amusing. 

As if this little number, her favorite, was definitely 

a "pleasant derivative" ... 

Let us recall here that the gay scene is omnipresent in 

the entourage of Macron. What is not easy to describe, the 
unauthorized revelation of this belonging to what 

has formed a powerful network (perfectly described by 
the journalist Frédéric Martel), reporting for justice to 
invasion of privacy. However, this question constitutes 

the background of many recruitments, cooptations and 
ultimately, political facts, which cannot be explained 
without having integrated this indescribable parameter. How, by 
example, tell the story of the band members 

Poitiers, these activists of the Young Socialist Movement 
(MJS) constituted in current of the macronism, which had 
nicknamed " Mum " their mentor, the fabiusienne Anne 
Rubinstein, current chief of staff of Martin Hirsch 

at AP-HP, who was Emmanuel's first chief of staff 

Macron in Bercy? 

In fact, this ambiguity, that is to say the sincerity of the couple, and in 
at the same time the startling feeling that there is something, provokes 
among those who have dealt with " Brigitte and Emmanuel " a 

deep discomfort: " The young man tidy, capable of being mad 
passion, talks about him a lot, touches a lot, but 

said little. And does not necessarily betray what he feels. A 

elected socialist goes so far as to be surprised, paradoxically, at her 
way "of not looking at women like the others 

politicians. "[...]" He has an asexual side ", she dares. 

Same observation for men. "They don't look at them anymore", 



stresses, categorically, a journalist who follows him. Bluntly, 
an eminent socialist slices: "He has no affect" [...] 

a man always quick to charm, to delight his audience, but 
which would be terribly cold inside ” (Les Macron). 

“This unlikely couple is pretty perverse. "It's ambiguous. I 

don't understand this guy "", Sarkozy also said about 

de Macron ” (The Great Manipulator). And Nicolas Sarkozy 

to deliver: “What do you want me to think? He's cynical, 

a little man, a little woman, it's the fashion of the moment. 

Androgynous. What appeals to you about Macron is that you 

always love those who do not force you to choose ”(The 

Point, May 12, 2016). "However, despite the recurring display 

of [their couple's story] in hundreds of articles, 

of reports, of books - which obliges us to mention it - we do not 

know nothing of the exact nature of their relationship ("proximity 
sensitive ”?), neither at that time nor after,” writes Eric Stemmelen. 

"And if it is necessary to probe hearts and kidneys, the truth may come out 
to be from the mouth of Emmanuel's mother. When she wants 
demonstrate the stability of the couple and the fidelity of her son, she has 
this sentence more revealing than she thinks: "We could 

undress Laetitia Casta in front of him than it would do to him 

"" (Operation Macron). A mother in front of whom he 
would be exclaimed, when he was in khagne, "mum, I love 


always Brigitte! »(Reported by Anne Fulda in Un Jeune 

man if pa, done). And what to think of this confidence of Jean- 
Baptiste de Froment, his classmate to Henri-IV, who ensures 
that he "did not give the feeling of being interested in girls". 

The fact that "Emmanuel" is "not interested in girls", but 

that his relationship with "Brigitte" be unanimously described 

as authentic - the "element of truth" portrayed by 

Emmanuel Carrère - continues to constitute for many 

a riddle. To find the key to this enigma, would it suffice, 

as often, to seek the woman? 

The legend of the writer Macron 

This riddle creates a certain embarrassment among the interlocutors 

of the couple, a discomfort perfectly recounted by Michel 

Houellebecq on January 17, 2017 on France 2: “He's weird, 

we do not know where it comes from. I tried to do an interview 

with him ... People who speak very well, frankly, for 

get them to say something, some truth, 

it's hard." The interview in question was published in Les Inrocks 

in June 2016, the minister was legitimized by the writer at the 
internationally renowned who, in return, will be promoted to the rank of 
Knight of the Legion of Honor in February 2019. 

An interview meaning in passing, that at the time, in the manner 
of Grégoire Chertok, the operational boss of Rothschild & 

Cie (cf. F & D 496), Matthieu Pigasse, owner of Inrocks 

and boss in Paris of Lazard (investment bankers aspire 

always to be something other than “investment banker”), 

put himself, willingly or by force, at the service of Emmanuel Macron, 
his ultimate rival whom he knew would eclipse him 
definitively. This interview with Michel Houellebecq of which 
would no doubt have dreamed of Pigasse himself, part of a 
communication having always favored the great authors 

(let's put aside Philippe Besson in VSD and Marcela here 
Tacub in Closer .. . ), including a portrait of the couple 
appeared in The Guardian (October 20, 2017) under the pen 
by Emmanuel Carrère or a portrait of "Brigitte" 

FACTS & DOCUMENTS from June 15 to July 15, 2021 

signed by Simon Liberati in Grazia (March 8, 2019). A 
way to maintain the myth of the "Macron writer" and 
endorse the “legend ” from above. .. 

As we have seen, the Macronian gesture had, in its first 
grind, included an enamored "French teacher" 

"Reading in front of the class the poems" of his "pupil of 
first”, this“ madman who knows everything about everything ”. Once the first 
version thrown in the trash, Emmanuel Macron was, this time, 

featured as author of an unpublished novel. This improbable 

novel with the evocative title, Babylon Babylone, would have been written 
during his preparatory school years, but would have been 

refused by publisher Jean-Marc Roberts (unable to 

o deny since he died in 2013 ...), explains Claude 

Askolovich in Vanity Fair. It would be a great 

picaresque fresco on Latin America in Hernan's time 

Cortés, that Emmanuel Macron would have read to one of his friends 

of prep, necessarily "blown away" by "the extreme mastery 

anguage ":" There were terrible passages, scenes 

human sacrifices; everything was told with luxury of detail 

striking ”we read in Les Macron published in early 2017. Some 

months earlier, in The Strategy of the Meteor, " Brigitte " had been 
presented as the sole reader of these manuscripts (the friend 

of prep and Jean-Marc Roberts had not yet been added 

the storytelling .. . ) - "these" manuscripts, because there were some 
now a second, "thriller genre", to broaden the range. 

Then, in his interview with Jérôme Garein (“Gide shows me the 
path that leads from the cerebral to an overflowing sensuality ”, 
L'Obs, February 16, 2017), the list of Emmanuel's works 

Macron will lengthen further: "Confidence for confidence, I have 

wrote two other novels and also poems ... " 

In President Burglar, Corinne Lhaik has somewhat 

dented the legend of the "writer Macron": "When he discovered 

The Way of the Dead by François Sureau, he wanted to write a 
similar text, with the same approach of sincerity: in this 

book, Sureau speaks of a personal drama. [...] The publication of 
Revolution, at the end of November 2016, was preceded by an attempt 
remained secret: in spring 2016, he finished writing a 

book where he tells himself, talks about his roots, his grandmother, 

of its preparatory classes, of its relationship to education. They 

are four or five in the circle of intimate to see taken 

awareness. All consider the text to be very self-centered, without qualities 
literary obvious. The future candidate does not insist. [...] Elderberry 
recommend a personal book and a prestigious publisher, 

Antoine Gallimard. He will have neither. Macron prefers 

Bernard Fixot, better known in supermarkets; only the 

the first two chapters tell a little about the life of the candidate. 

The rest goes into the stack of expert collaborations, 

Africa, security, pensions ..." 

When it was admitted that for Emmanuel Macron, the theater had 
was a real "revelation" ( Un Jeune homme si paifait) and 

the opportunity to form a pair with its director 

scene ("Brigitte "), communication inevitably went 

on their writing work as a real meeting place, 

it being understood that it remains complicated for a president of the 

Republic of presenting himself as a simple actor. 

Here again, the Macronian gesture seems truly coded. 
The story goes that after playing the scarecrow in La 
Comedy of language by Jean Tardieu (images broadcast at 


television), Emmanuel Macron and the director are 
would be found, for the new season, every Friday 


Macron's (bad) tastes 
At the Elysée where he is the first since Jacques 
Chirac to be fully installed, Emmanuel 
Macron took up his quarters with "sesame", the 
comer office on the first floor which once had 
welcomed Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, Henri 
Guaino and Aquilino Morelle. Despite its reputation 
tion of "driving mad ", this office adjoining the 
"Golden salon", traditionally devoted to 
head of state, has the advantage of leading 
directly to private apartments, which 
allows to go unnoticed in the eyes of 
employees of the Palace, especially since it also offers 
ment access to a discrete secondary exit. 
Getting to share the tapestry of the Triumph 
Mordecai (cf. F&D 494), the Macrons have 
bolted all the decoration of the Elysée in the 
contemporary style with "cobra" tapestries 
by Pierre Alechinsky or even street art 
type forbidden diverted from Clet Abraham. 
With her pentalpha, the very noticed Marianne 
performed by Shepard Fairey (known by his 
artist name OBEY) did not fail to arouse 
questions on the Internet as to a symbol 
satanist bolique (see below). "Brigitte", 
who has set up an office in the "Madame" wing 
cream leather made by the androgynous designer 
Matali Crasset, do not hide his admiration 
for the sculptor of the nouveau riche Richard 
Orlinski, targeted by an investigation for money laundering 
of aggravated tax fraud (Le Parisien, 
July 25, 2019), who had been contacted by the 
Macron to animate, alongside the group of 
Ivorian zouglou Magic System, the organized party 
under the Louvre pyramid, after the speech 
victorious over Emmanuel Macron at the 
ostensibly Masonic scene (set square and 
compass, luminous delta, etc.). 

evening at the home of "Brigitte" in order to write the additional roles. 
so that the piece can coincide with the number 

of students enrolled in the theater workshop: “it was mostly roles 

of girls who were missing ”reported an accredited witness to the 
journalist Sylvie Bommel (He had just turned 17). After 

having stumbled over the close consonance between Macron and the Macaron 
Amiens marketed by Les Trogneux (the two being 

" Sweet on the outside and soft on the inside" to use a good word 
which circulated in 2015 to the National Assembly), almost all 
biographers were surprised at the quasi-disambiguation between 

the author of the play rewritten by the couple, the Italian playwright 
Eduardo De Filippo, and the future Prime Minister, Edouard 
Philippe. In the same vein, the theme of the play is total 

a little premonitory, since The Art of Comedy plays on the 

confusion maintained in the spectator between the notables of a 

city that a prefect must receive, and the members of a troop 

of actors who have usurped their identity. 

Invention of characters, identity theft ... 

have they been used by communicators to write 

the " green years", those of Macron before Brigitte and 

Brigitte before Macron? This is the question that emerges from the 
reading of the various works devoted to the couple, both 

vague, already thick as to the period covering 1992 to today, 

this time turns to full opacity ... 

Macron before Brigitte 

Contrary to what the 

multi-media blockbuster (press, books, documentaries, 

etc.), Emmanuel Macron's “green years” remain 

terribly complicated to tell, the documentation being 

extremely weak and ultimately very rare witnesses. Already, 

in 2015, Mare Endeweld remarked: “Picardy is a 

little the secret garden of the young Minister of the Economy. It does not 
never speaks, and his office regularly keeps a distance 

journalists from the local daily, Courrier Picard ” 
(L'Ambigu Monsieur Macron). 

To explain the biographical void of childhood 

by Emmanuel Macron, Sylvie Bommel (He had just turned 17 
years, JC Lattés, 2019) and Hervé Algalarrondo (Deux Jeunesses 
French, Grasset, 2021), two journalists each having 

for their part, tried to investigate outside the nails, have finished 
by falling back on the thesis of the “replacement child”, 

an unconvincing explanation provided, at the end of the year 
2016, to Anne Fulda (Un Jeune homme si parfait) and to Claude 
Askolovitch (The Secrets of Childhood by Emmanuel Macron and 
by Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Vanity Fair, February 2017). 

As for the sale of Alstom to General Electric, another 

key episode in Emmanuel Macron's biography, the story 
official of Emmanuel Macron's childhood was indeed lying 
on paper by Claude Askolovitch, a journalist who 

not hesitated, during his career, to play on his proximity to 
Ramzi Khiroun (cf. L'Ombre by Dominique Strauss-Kahn) 
in order to get the head of those who shaded him 

(cf. Les Gurus de la corn '. Thirty years of manipulations 
political and economic, Aurore Gorius and Michaél 
Moreau, La Découverte, 2012). 

Page 19... 10 June 15 to July 15, 2021 FACTS & DOCUMENTS 


At the time, shortly after the nomination 

Emmanuel Macron, his mutiques parents had been taken out 
of their formalin to distill a few messages to journalists 

and plug the storytelling holes a few months away 

Born December 21, 1977 in Amiens (Somme), Emmanuel 
Macron would have spent his childhood in the house that his 
parents, a couple of doctors, bought in the neighborhood 
crested d'Henriville in 1982, _ at the top of rue Gaulthier- 

the presidential election. Staging, Emmanuel's mother 
Macron, Françoise Noguès, a pediatrician by training who became 

medical adviser to Social Security, had explained to the 

portrait painter of Figaro and that of Vanity Fair that Emmanuel 
Macron was a" replacement child", that is to say a 

child prisoner of a conception occurring in the wake 

of a stillborn sister. Purely psychological justification, 

the " disappearance of this nameless little girl, of this little 
daughter Emmanuel's mission was to make people forget ” (A 
Young man so perfect) will serve as the answer to all 

questions that the first years ask desperately 

empty of Emmanuel Macron's official biography. 

Always with Anne Fulda and Claude Askolovitch, 

the parents of the future President of the Republic remember- 
a youthful sweetheart will suddenly emerge, a daughter of his 
class that came once at home in Amiens ( " her name is 

Anne Laure. She is Jewish, clarifies Claude Askolovitch). 

de-Rumilly. Her parents divorced in 1990 according to Sylvie 
Bommel, in 2010 according to the Roglo genealogical site , the 

of data founded by Daniel de Rauglaudre reputed to make « 

authority, and on which presidential communication seems 

very active. After their separation, the mother would have moved to 

Paris while the father would have remained in Amiens and would have had a 
fourth child, Gabriel, born of an affair with Héléne Joly, 

psychiatrist at the Somme medico-educational institute. 

In the official biography, the family is presented to the 
both as "in the Mendesist tradition" (Brigitte Macron. 
L'Affranchie), but also, by Emmanuel Macron, as 

a place where "there was a lot of prejudice to fight " 
(Revolution). All this remains terribly vague, gaseous ... 

Le Monde, which noted that Emmanuel Macron's parents 
"Hover like ghosts over his biography" (Le Vieil 
man and the (future) president, November 9, 2018), 

Neuropsychiatrist at the University Hospital of Amiens, the father, Jean-Michépently tried to produce a portrait of the father, Jean- 

Macron, would have even then counted it among his 

female medical students. This episode accrediting a 

original heterosexuality will become one of the " tubes" of 
content provided by 6Médias to the media of the Prisma group 
(cf. Saturate Internet, F&D 498) and will soon be embroidered, then 
feuilletée: " dreamy lover", it would have been thus 

run over by a car on leaving her house, reports 

Vanity Fair, while with Renaud Dartevelle, one of the 
accredited witnesses of Emmanuel Macron's education in La 
Providence (with Jean-Baptiste Deshayes and Cécile Falcon) 
and real Swiss Army knife to add a layer to the wire 
biographies without the contradictions between his testimonies 
successive winnings are a problem for anyone, this young 

girl " sometimes wore the headscarf, she explained to us, I 
food to be able to go to the synagogue ” (Deux Jeunesses 
French). Would accredited witnesses be used to 

send political signals? 

In Les Macron, it is stated that Emmanuel Macron was 

schooled in the elementary school of his district, the Delpech school. 
No class photo from those elementary school years is 

known. Then, when entering college, the child would have 

was educated at La Providence where he immediately became 

to Renaud Dartevelle (cf. La Rencontre), the main witness 

of his "green years" which nonetheless evokes a "relationship 

rather superficial ”, while specifying to Hervé Algalarrondo 

to have been "received by his parents". About his years of 

college, it was reported that Macron had completed his internship 
end of third in Paris, in publishing, at Bordas. And 

it is on the occasion of the submission of his internship report that he 
would have caught the eye of "Brigitte" ... 

For the record, Father Danicourt wrote in 1885, 

that " as far back as the acts of the vile state of Authie go 
(1663), as far back as the Macron family ”. At the time of 
genealogical research in Hesdin (Pas-de-Calais), La Voix 

du Nord (December 5, 2012) found traces of a marriage, 

on September 9, 1836, between an Honorine Trogneux and a 
certain Mr. Macron, named Narcisse ... 

Page 11 

FACTS & DOCUMENTS from June 15 to July 15, 2021 

Michel Macron. Confronted with the absence of a "cookie", the 
evening daily finally fell back on the relationship of 

the last three Presidents of the Republic with their father, or 
rather, on their absence of a father (cf. The Presidents and their 
father, a complicated story, Le Monde, January 2, 2021). 

In this article where Emmanuel Macron is presented as 

a "great actor" under "influence", his biography is very 
explicitly presented by the "benchmark daily" 

like an "official legend" ... 

The "green years" of Emmanuel Macron only holding out 
a few lines, Le Monde has therefore chosen to reorient its 
paper with elements relating to Nicolas Sarkozy and 
Francois Hollande, exactly like Claude Askolovitch 

had done by crossing his young years with those of Najat 
Vallaud-Belkacem and as Hervé Algalarrondo will do 
with those of Edouard Louis. 

Sylvie Bommel sums up the general impression that 

emerges from the distribution of roles in the description of his 
family provided by Emmanuel Macron: “In Revolution, 
Emmanuel devotes five pages to his maternal grandmother. 
Against barely one of his parents. And two lines to his brother, 
Laurent and his sister, Estelle. [...] No mention no 

more of his half-brother Gabriel, born in 2005, of the second 
union of his father, and even less of the companion of this 

last, Héléne, psychiatrist in a hospital of Amiens [...]. 

On the other hand, he takes care to quote the first names of the three children. 
of Brigitte and their spouses as well as those of her seven 
grandchildren (she has had an eighth since). The day of 

the investiture, moreover, we will only see them, the Auziéres, on 
the red carpet that leads to the steps of the Elysée. Tiphaine and 
Laurence, blondes, slim and elegant [...] and their brother 
Sébastien, all accompanied by their spouses 

and their children [...] The distance between Emmanuel and the 
his is a two-way street. One day in 2014, a colleague from 

his brother Laurent at the hospital asks him if this Macron who 
works with Francois Hollande at the Elysée is a member 

from his family. The youngest replies: "No, he's a vague cousin. 

Page 11 


even, halfway, that his angle may not have been the right one 
and that what characterized Macron was indeed "this repugnance 
for the province ”. Here is a brief overview of the 

Calvary of Hervé Algalarrondo, the only journalist to have 
thoroughly investigated the childhood of Emmanuel Macron. 

May 18, 2017, Paris Match (n ° 3548, page 66 here reproduced) 
published the family photos taken during the investiture 

by Emmanuel Macron. At the bottom, the latter appears fully 
with his family in" Brigitte" while in 

high, " his " family - with whom " Brigitte " does not pose 

not - more like an unnatural assemblage 

of heterogeneous strangers, extras ... 

Everybody's fucking upset me with this guy! ”’Same sound 
bell on the side of his sister Estelle: "As for the sister. Estelle. 
we have hardly ever seen her "assures Nicole, a cousin 
germaine of Françoise Noguès ”as reported by Hervé 
Algalarrondo on his holidays in the Pyrenees 

during his childhood. 

The one who went the furthest in his attempt to 

ter Emmanuel Macron's childhood is undoubtedly Hervé 
Algalarrondo in Two French Youths. His investigation 
ambitioned to cross the destinies of Emmanuel Macron and 
by Edouard Louis (" I realize that as a child 

gay, I am a born actor”), two Amiens having conquered 
Paris despite opposing social origins. A false maid 

idea for this former journalist of the Nouvel Observateur, a 
one of the few who honestly admitted in his work to be a 
Elector of Emmanuel Macron. 

We feel in fact on each page that his investigation was a long 
series of setbacks, a succession of dead ends. Macron side, 
Algalarrondo has cut corners every step of the way, grateful 

Page 12 FACTS & DOCUMENTS de ofdbarfandliding a rear 
Emmanuel's grandfather, Henri, was the mayor. This is where he has 
his grave, just like André, his son, one of the grandfathers 

by Emmanuel. Not a single Macron has lived in Authie since 
decades, but "the cemetery is full of them", told me 

oddly the current mayor, Honoré Froideval. [ ... ] Before 

to enter politics in 2012, Emmanuel Macron has several 

thought of running for election, municipal or 

legislative. Never in Picardy, almost always in the Pas- 
de-Calais. Hence this lapidary judgment of Gilles de Robien, 
little unfavorable a priori to the President of the Republic 

since he is close to the Trogneux family: "Macron is not 

an Amiénois, it is a Touquettois! "[...] Macron president 

did worse. He dried up the commemoration of the centenary of 
the battle of Amiens, August 8, 2018. Macron | 'Amiénois has 
conspicuously absent while Theresa May, then Premier 
Minister of the United Kingdom, and Prince William, one of the 
grandsons of Queen Elizabeth were present, the English 

having been in numbers alongside the French in this battle 

of the war of 14-18 which marked the beginning of the off in si ve 
victorious ally. [...] Emmanuel Macron did not attend 

at the celebration as the cradle of his family, Authie, 

was on the front line in another famous battle, the 

Battle of the Somme, the village castle housed a hospital 

the country. While he knows full well, he mentioned it 

in several speeches, that Picardy keep the stigmata 

wars against Germany. Beyond the XX: . century. Dury, 

the town near Amiens where his godfather, Jean- 

Michel Noguès, erected a stele in memory of the battle 

it was the scene of November 27, 1870." 

- Pyrenean roots. “During a visit to Andorra, 

he presented himself as a neighbor, like "a child of the Pyrenees". 
[...] Emmanuel Macron does not manifest on the other hand that little 
of interest in Bigourdan culture and traditions. That 

expressed himself in a caricature in Corsica, on the occasion 

a dialogue with an elected nationalist, in February 2018, 

dialogue noted by a journalist from L ‘Express, Michel 
Feltin-Palais. "I had great-grandparents who 

were bigourdans, they only spoke Pyrenean, launched 

the president to Xavier Luciani. Their only goal in life 

was that my grandmother went to the school of the Republic to 
learn French. Think about it. ”In this case, Macron has 

shows an astonishing lack of culture. Several languages say 
regions are spoken in the Pyrenees, from Basque to the west 

in Catalan to the east. In Bigorre, we speak Bigourdan, a 

variant of Occitan. The Pyrenean does not exist. " 

- A family that cannot be found. "It's even more closed than 

I imagined it. Only his teachers and his rare friends 

la Providence [NDA: Renaud Dartevelle] are talkative and they 

have often already spoken to other journalists or biographers. 

[...] The Amiens family remains shut up. [...] Jean- 

Michel Macron did not respond to any follow -up email . I do not have 
not even access to Lucette, widow Jean-Michel 

from June 15 to July 15, 2021 


Daniel Percheron, Philippe Vasseur and the North 

Much more than with Amiens and the Somme, 
through the different biographies available, a 

very special link between Emmanuel Macron and the 
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, appearing to go far beyond the 

Crédit Mutuel Nord Europe (June 2000 and 
January 2016) corresponded to two loans 

granted to Emmanuel Macron, a first on 
November 25, 2011 - 350,000 euros out of fifteen 

Touquet. At the turn of a development, Mare 
Endeweld loose, without further details, that he is 

"Unrecognized that Macron admires Daniel Percheron, 
figure of the Socialist Party and long president 

of the regional council of Nord-Pas-de-Calais. the 
President of the Republic therefore has among his 
models a local baron in all his splendor ” 

(The Great Manipulator). On the other side of the echi- 
quier policy, the nature of the link between Emmanuel 
Macron and Philippe Vasseur also ask questions 

tion, because if they are of the same generation - Daniel 
Percheron is from August 1942 and Philippe Vasseur 
of August 1943 -, the two have a priori little 

in common. Born in Touquet, Philippe Vasseur 

was notably a journalist for Le Figaro (we owe him 
launch of the famous " salmon" pages ) before 

to be elected (then re-elected) UDF-Republican Party deputy 

of Pas-de-Calais from 1986. Minister of 

! 'Agriculture (1995-1997), this Chiraquian was 
appointed, in May 2016, Special Commissioner for 
revitalization of Hauts-de-France by decision 

spouse of Xavier Bertrand and Emmanuel 

Macron, declaring on this occasion to the Courier 
Picard: " If the mission had been entrusted to me by 
someone other than Emmanuel Macron, I would have 
hesitated. I know Xavier. I know Emmanuel 

[NDA: since when?]. And they know each other between 
them ". His previous post as President of the 

Nogués, Emmanuel's uncle and godfather. To achieve his 
Pavilion de Dury, you have to take a long driveway. So 
as I put my foot on the cement terrace, the door opens. 

A young woman appears, probably one of her two 

girls. No sooner do I introduce myself than she cuts me off: "We 
do not receive anyone. " Before adding, by sketching 

a smile, "on our side, you will get nothing", and 

close the door. The other maternal aunt, Marie-Christine 
Noguès, was just as expeditious. I passed 

unexpectedly at his ophthalmologist's office in the Valley 
des Singes, south of Amiens. " Oh ! I must ask 

if I can talk to you, ”she whispers when I approach her 

between two patients. When I call back - without much 

years for work at Villa Monéjan, the residence 
dence touquettoise of the couple - and a second, the 

September 4, 2012, in the amount of 600,000 euros 

for the refinancing of loans taken out in the 

in connection with the purchase of its main residence in Paris. 
To acquire this apartment in 2007 

well-off located in Cité Falguiére in Paris xvth for the 
exorbitant sum of 890,000 €uros, Emmanue 

Macron had in fact been able to count on a loan of 
550,000 euros granted by Henry Hermand then 

that he was still only a young inspector of 

finances penniless ... " Take a new loan 

to repay a previous loan carries a 

name, it's called bank cavalry. It is 

a common practice among over-indebted households 
tees and short-time crooks. Corn 

it's very unexpected from a young banker 

business that just won millions ”made 

note Eric Stemmelen. The latter recalls 

that the public prosecutor of Paris, 

Frangois Molins, who had explained, on March 30 

2017, about Emmanuel's statements 

Macron at the High Authority for transparency 

of life publishes that "no element known to 

this date is not likely to justify the opening 

of an investigation ”, will be appointed Attorney General 
at the Court of Cassation, in October 2018, it is 

that is to say the highest post of the Public Prosecutor's Office ... 

illusions - to know the result of your consultation, 

her secretary drily tells me that her boss doesn't want 

no longer "being bothered". [...] Françoise Noguès does not manifest 
no desire to meet me. Having unearthed his number 

cell phone, I sent her several texts to which she did not 

not answered. [...] It is then that I believe to have "the" good 

idea, contact Brigitte. [. ..] She's the one who manages the reports 
with the Macron family. An elected Bigourdan told me his surprise, 
during a visit of the president to Bagnères. Out of kindness, he 
asked him for news of his sister, Estelle, who lives no 

far. Emmanuel Macron turned to Brigitte for 

know what to answer ”. 

(Continued on next issue) 

Facts & Documents, journal edited by Faits & Documents, Box 37, 23 rue du Départ, 75014 Paris, France. Phone. 07 66 52 37 56 
Director of publication: Xavier Poussan !. Website: * / Facebook: Faits-et-Documents 
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Layout by Riwal Communication. Joint Committee N ° 1020187151. ISSN 1268-5690. Printed by Roto Presse Numeris, Livry-Gargan. 
Subscription (21 issues + 1 index): 80 € (support: 100 €) / 10 issues: 46 € / 5 issues: 31 €