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Full text of "FACTS & DOCUMENTS Brigitte Macron Investigation"

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No. 500 



Banlol B. 

Berdah M..... p-6 Wool M. ... 
8ommel S. . p.10 Leonarduui C 
Boucau H. . p.2 Uvy B.-H. 
Boulogne family ... p.8 UVY Mr 

Mr. Benin . p.5 Louvrier P. . 
Carlier G ... p.6 Macron E. p3 
Carlier R. . 6 M6wx A... ps 
Coscas 0. p.6 Micbalak J. p.6 
Cosla P.-0 2 Mine A isinin 
Courbit $ sess p.6 Nogees G p.2 
Courbot H. p.11 Nogæs J p2 
Deledicquc A.-0. pJ 1 Nogub, J.-M........ p.4 
Deledicque R. ... p. He Obama B 
Deliens P. p.6 Pigozzi Cw... p-6 
D6y R...... p.7 Pujol S .. ......... 
Deprez L ps Sarklizy N......... 
Dé6Jaable liu se PO 

... p.5 Haquin C. . 
p.10 Man! AT. ... 

Haquin B.. ... 




soos De He 

1 p8 

Page 1 




The photographs of "Brigitte" during her years in the business 

ment were beaten in breach descriptions of "pin-up" mini-skirt 
completely bogus, invented from scratch in order to create a 

continuity with the media product “Brigitte” launched in 201 S. From this 

strategy of systematic lying emerges in fact a manipulative relation 

latrice to the outside world; a well-established, perfected operating mode 

year after year and relentlessly executed by an evil couple. 

"The whole of history was a palimpsest 
scratched and rewritten as often as it was 

necessary. " 

George Orwell, 1984, 1949. 


" When I read things about our relationship, 
I always feel like I'm reading history 
from someone else. Yet our 

story is so simple. " 

Brigitte Macron, Elle, August 18, 2017. 

" Yes to magazine covers with 
Brigitte. Almost nothing on the real 
history of their couple. " 

Two French Youth, Herve 

Algalarrondo, Grasset, 2021. 

" It was during a dinner at Alain Mine's, in 

the summer of 2014, that the future first lady 
felt that her husband should throw himself into the 
big bath of the presidential election in 2017, and 
do not wait until 2022, like many 

people advised him then, because his 

age, she said, would become a handicap 
unsurpassable for the couple: "We cannot 

not wait until 2022. Because we have a huge 
problem. The problem is me, it's my 

mouth. So we have to speed up. "[...]" They are 
only one, ”remarks a close friend of the couple. 
"She surely has a political ambition 

stronger than him ", dares another. 

confidences say a lot about its true 

role, far from the "corn plans" developed 

created man, envy, the being he is. the 

phenomenon, the Macron machine, it has 

hink. She felt a potential when he was 

young, and gave him a destiny. He owes him 
everything. "Emmanuel Macron does not say other 
hing, when he thanks his wife in the evening 

of the first round by these words that one would believe 

from a soap opera: "To Brigitte, always 

present and even more, without which 

I wouldn't be me "". 

The Great Manipulator, Marc Endeweld, 
Stock, 2019. 

" Starting with many false 

nformation, deemed more acceptable by 

opinion, Operation Macron was carried out by 

true communication professionals, 

who rewrote the story and delivered it to 
complacent and lazy daubers, 

who have not carried out any verification. Beautiful 

example of the systematic dissemination of 

falsifications intended to deceive public opinion, 
Falæ news, as the policemen of 

thought ... [...] We are the witnesses 

of an unprecedented operation in history 

French electoral campaign, a monstrous fraud, and 
I weigh my words: I would go overboard if 

I was talking about organized gang fraud. [...] 
For two years, all the media offered the 

Macron candidate free advertising space, 
equivalent to dozens and dozens of 

million euros of editorial advertising, 

reinforced by comparative advertising, all 

also free, that constitute the various articles 

Page Page 2 

Doussot P....... 10 Squarcini B............ a iovi 

Belton 1 8 Tonale NË for the people and audiovisual press. Of 
Faiq M. p-12 Trogneux B. ..... p. He many campaign participants 

Faiq p.12 Trogneux J.-M. ... p.9 ‘ 

Parey P. p12 Zimel J... are quickly seen. One of them even goes 

O. Fasquelle . .... pl O Yaffa É. p.6 
Gueudel liuniJJe .. p.8 Y w: rt family ...... p.8 

15 Jul. at 1 « seven. 2021 

even further in the analysis: "Brigitte has 

and reports systematically demolishing 
some of its competitors ”. 

Operation Macron, Eric Stemmelen, 
Editions du Cerisier, 2019 



Macron before Brigitte 

By investigating the "green years" of Emmanuel Macron, 

as part of his survey Deux Jeunesses Frangaises ( Op. 

cit.), the journalist Hervé Algalarrondo wasted no time in 

each step: "It is then that I believe I have" the "right 

idea, contact Brigitte. [...] It is she who manages the 

relationship with the Macron family. An elected Bigourdan told me 
his surprise, during a visit by the president to Bagnéres. Through 
kindness, he asked her for news of his sister, Estelle, 

who lives nearby. Emmanuel Macron turned to Brigitte 

to know what to answer. " 

Algalarrondo says he turned to "Brigitte" in turn, 

but to be faced with the wall put in place by the Elysée: 

"I get a date with Pierre quite easily- 

Olivier Costa, Brigitte Macron's chief of staff. 
Surprisingly, our interview will not take place at the Elysée but 
in a nearby cafe. I don't remember ever having 

met an Elyos collaborator outside the presidential palace. 
[...] By rising, Pierre-Olivier Costa slips me however: 

"Of course the president will not be able to see you without 
speak first with the president "[...] Joseph Zimet [NDA: 
then director of communications for the Elysée] begins 

by saying to me: "So, it is you who prepare a biography 
unofficial of the President. "" 

It is therefore, according to the official biography, at his grandmother's 
kindergarten, Germaine Noguès, born Arribet on October 5 

1916 in Tarbes (Hautes-Pyrénées), then settled in Amiens 

a few streets away from his parents, that Emmanuel Macron 
would have spent most of his childhood. She would have it 
initiated into reading, acting as a tutor and ensuring 

his excellent academic results. It's still at her place 

that Emmanuel Macron says he has "spent all [his] 

summer and winter holidays in Bagnéres-de-Bigorre in the 

family house. I learned to walk, to fish, to play 

rugby with my grandparents ” (La République des 

Pyrenees, April 11, 2017). 

Which contradicts the assertions of his parents about their 

holidays, with their children, in different regions of 

France and in several countries. Sylvie Bommel presents her 

husband Jean Noguès (1914-2002) as a teacher, while 

that Hervé Algalarrondo describes a bridge engineer and 

Chaussées working in Rouen. Still according to Algalarrondo, 

Germaine Nogués would have been stationed in Nevers, then in Poix-de- 
Picardy before ending her career in Amiens as director 

of the Sagebien college to the south of Henriiville, the Amiens district 
Macron and Trogneux. 

The character of " Controller" has several uses. First of all, 

it essentially explains the absence of photos and 

childhood memories of Emmanuel Macron: "So did I 

spent my childhood in books, a little out of the world. 

It was a still life ” (Revolution). Although he has 

never officially lived in her home, Emmanuel Macron 

sows doubt: "I remember those early mornings when I used to go 
join her in her room and where she told her anecdotes 

sometimes prepare in the middle of the night. And my door 
room ajar at seven in the morning when I 

had not yet come to join her, exclaiming with a 

feigned worry: "Are you still asleep?" ". "According to many 
witnesses, Manette lived her cloistered retirement at home, at 
middle of the books. She hardly ever comes out, the parts are 
dives in the semi-darkness. [...] In Bagnéres-de-Bigorre - 
also, the shutters often remained closed, we could not see it 
never outside ” (Two French Youths). 

This story of a "grandmother whose journey is assimilated 

to a perfect image of Epinal to illustrate the ascent 
republican of a daughter of the people ” (Un Jeune homme si 
perfect, Anne Fulda, Pawn. 2017) served, in a first 

time, to reassure François Hollande and the Socialists on the 
makes “Emmanuel be on the left”. The "Maman Ninie" of 
Did the Mitterrandian gesture inspire communicators to 

role assigned to "Controller"? 

At the turn of the 1940s and 1950s, Germaine Nogués, 
perfect contemporary of François Mitterrand, has moreover 
co-wrote, for Ratier editions, several textbooks 

of additional courses - the current college -, signed by his 
double name of wife and young girl, Germaine Nogués- 
Arribet: History of France from Clovis to Henri N (class 

de SC), Discovery of the earth (6 ° class) and Geography 

of mainland France and of the French union (class 

of 3 °). Emmanuel Macron has obviously not read the latter 
work, supervised by geographer Henri Boucau, 

inspector general of public education under Vichy, where his 
dear "Manette" wrote: "When they are few, the 

foreigners assimilate quite quickly. But when they are 

very numerous, they retain their language and nationality and 
they form real foreign islands in the country: there are 

Polish villages in the north, and Italian villages in 

the Gers. " Without falling into anachronism, we can do anything 
even wonder if this "Joystick" is not as much "of 

left "that" Brigitte "is " right"... 

After being used to give Emmanuel a patent of 

socialism, the story of "Manette" will reverse the 

roles in the episode of the betrayal of Francois Hollande by 
Emmanuel Macron. We pinch ourselves when reading the story 
of the episode of the death of "Manette" by Nathalie Schuck and 
Ava Djamshidi: " A drama will break the friendship between François 
Hollande and his young advisor. April 13, 2013, at the age of 
96-year-old Emmanuel Macron's beloved grandmother dies in 
his arms. He went to his bedside in Amiens. [...] Devastated 

by his death, the young man warns the Elysee that he 

is absent for a few days to attend the funeral. 

The following Monday he's back for a morning meeting 

chaired by François Hollande. The Head of State opens the 

door, calls out to his advisor, seated among others. "Ah, 

he throws at her. You are there, you ... ". In the background the reproach emerges 

prolonged absence. Emmanuel Macron remains banned. 
Francois Hollande continues: "Ah yes, it's true, you had 
a family affair. "Awkward words that burn the 

heart of this grieving man. A "family story"? East- 

of war, his friendships. As a child, I took over the this is how the disappearance of one of the 

thread of discussion interrupted and I was traveling through his life most important figures of his life? Grief and anger 
like taking over a novel. And the smell of the coffee she was going overwhelm him. The political adviser Aquilino Morelle, 
(Continued on page 4) >> 
pagsa FACTS & DOCUMENTS rom sul 151 Sep 1,2021 


Emmanuel Macron's (rare) childhood photographs 

From the 150th anniversary album of the Association of Former Students of La Providence, these three photographs 
phies, presented everywhere as the first three known by Emmanuel Macron, show it 

left to right at his baptism, the rogue's gallery of his class is and during a lesson. Or 

are the traditional photos of toddlers in short panties gone? And those on the tricycle, surrounded 

of his parents? So there would be no photo of Emmanuel Macron as a child with the family? Tells us- 

Will we soon be told that a fire at the Macron's house will have destroyed everything? 

By searching well, we have 
found three other photogra- 
phies of Emmanuel Macron in 
the 1980s (still without 

his family). Released only one 
and only once in no.3547 of 
Paris Match (1 0 May 201 7, page 
reproduced opposite), these photos 
spellings were not broadcast 

on the Internet as it is now 

but the use. Inexplicably 

they have not been incorporated 
to authorized biographies 

picked up later. 

To be completely complete, the 
first photograph of Em- 

Manuel Macron with his family 
was broadcast in the same 

copy of Paris Match. No 

dated, it seems taken during 
during his time at the ENA, then 
that he has already left home since 
ten years. 

Page Pages 

>> (Continued from page 2) 
who has made friends with him, takes him for a coffee. 
Macron gets angry: "What he did to me there, I will not forgive him 
never ! »So empathetic, his wife is amazed at this 
lack of humanity [sic]. Friends of François Hollande, 
who hear about the episode, relativize. "Losing a child, 
it is terrible. Her partner is atrocious. A mother is very 
hard. But a grandmother over 80, that's in order 
things ... », apologizes a Dutch historic canal, in 
rolling their eyes: "We weren't going to have a ceremony 
at the Elysée and put the flags at half mast! " (Madam 

Anne Fulda briefly touched on the possibility that Emmanuel 
Macron "was almost adopted by his grandmother", "goddess 
of her enchanted world ”,“ queen of her childhood and even 

of his adult life ” (Un Jeune homme si parfait) and Hervé 
Algalarrondo, still on the subject of this non-adoption, 

to imagine an Ending with Emmanuel Arribet, mirror of 

the “autofiction” of Edouard Louis ... 

In this relationship which is akin to family education 

(today violently fought by the government), 

we may be surprised at the literature that would have recommended 
"Manette" to his grandson. According to Candice Nedelec and 
Caroline Derrien, " teenager, the young Macron escapes in 
reading. [...] André Gide or the King of the Alders by Michel 
Tournier are on his bedside table. Authors whom its well- 
beloved maternal grandmother [...] gave her to share ”. 

Strange team that the one made up of this "adolescent", 

his "beloved grandmother" and the King of the Alders, work 

that Claude Askolovich quotes no less than twice in 

his account of Emmanuel Macron's childhood (Vanity Fair, 
February 2017), as if to signify its importance ... 

Let's move on to André Gide (“families, I hate you!”), To 

focus on Le Roi des Aulnes, Prix Goncourt 1970, 

chemically pure synthesis of the intelligentsia's obsessions 

at the time of its publication, where Michel Tournier manipulated 
pompously signs and symbols (the concept of "phoria"), 

plays on the ambiguity between Hitler youth and camps of the 

death ("malignant inversion"), to rewrite the myth of the ogre 

and, ultimately, deliver a radically pedophile work: 

"The children's buttocks alive, quivering, always in 

awakening, sometimes haves and hollows, the next moment smiling 
and naively optimistic, expressive as faces. " 

The very strange mention of this work in the biography 

official of Emmanuel Macron would it be one of these signs 

that he loves so much? A key to reading? His "legend 

official ”would it consist of“ malignant inversions ”? 

What character would the saved little Jew in the middle correspond to? 
other children sacrificed during the outcome? Who in 

the Macronian gesture, would therefore be the ogre Abel Tiffauges, 
"Old as the world, immortal like him", unable to 

to have "only a putative father and mother, and children 

adoption ”? 

In the first degree, the real mystery remains the virtual absence 
of pictures of Emmanuel Macron during his childhood. A 
childhood which nevertheless takes place in the 1980s and 1990s, 
era of the massive democratization of photography 

and the family film, golden age of the Polaroid, the camcorder, 

endless sessions of slides and albums 

from 15 Jul. to 1st seven. 2021 FACTS & DOCUMENTS 


bulky photos. Sylvie Bommel expresses perfectly 

the astonishment aroused by the examination of the "Macron file" and the 
flagrant contradiction between his corn 'plan based on intimacy 

and this lack of photographs which, logically, could have 

and had to make touching the "Macron product": "I had so much 
struggling to find Emmanuel's friends. [...] He did not speak 

never from his family, tells me his closest comrade 

High School. He was the only one in the class we didn't know 

nothing, neither the place where he spent his holidays, nor the profession 
of his parents [NDA: his closest high school friend is 

Renaud Dartevelle, the accredited witness over this period, 

who, moreover, explained to have gone to his parents ...]. 

[...] One is very badly besides to find photos of 

his younger years. When, having become an adult for good, he 

launched in the presidential campaign, several analysts 

politicians noticed that his communication was inspired 

Obama's. If so, he neglected the small part 

childhood. Anyone interested in the former President of the United States 
States of America can be moved by baby Barack in 

romper, the choupinet wielding his first bat 

baseball, the kid with two holes in place of the 

milk, in short seeing it grow. Our President's photo album 

to us begins the year of his ten years. The shot is taken 

in the choir of the chapel of La Providence, Emmanuel reads 

a passage from the Bible. On his neck, a medal shines, he 

worn for the first time, this day is the day of his baptism. 

[...] Françoise and Jean-Michel maintain a distant relationship 

with the things of religion. True, they got married to 

the church for the pleasure of decorum and their families but 

there is no question of having the baby baptized ” (Op. Cit.). 

Each episode giving rise to several versions 

contradictory, Sylvie Bommel is the only one to point out 

this baptism in the year of his ten years. According to most 
biographies, Emmanuel Macron would have wanted to be baptized 

At the age of 12. Therefore the episode is presented as 

prior to his entry into La Providence in Madame la 

President, which contradicts the source of the photograph at 

know the Album of 150 years of the Association of former students 
of La Providence (see Box The (rare) photographs 

childhood of Emmanuel Macron). Anyway, it is for 

the less surprising than the first pictures of the "legend 

official "Emmanuel Macron are these three photos taken 

in the school context (and not in the family), a series dated 

its year of 5 °, that is to say of the year 1989-1990, that is to say twelve 
years after birth. 

Having explained to La Croix that this baptism resulted from a 
"Personal choice", Emmanuel Macron specifies "not to have 

never been very assiduous to services, but I no longer attend 

to nothing. As President of the Republic, it goes 

oneself, but also individually ” (President burglar). 

On the baptism episode, are given as godmother and 

godfather Germaine Noguès, her grandmother and her uncle Jean- 
Michel Noguès. About the latter, Hervé Algalarrondo 

managed to glean some meager information from a 

certain " Martin", a "witness" of whom we know nothing ... 
Presented as the brother of Françoise Noguès, Jean-Michel 
Noguès would have been Germaine Nogués' disappointed hope of 
forge a success, which would explain why it would have 

years later, tried again with "Emmanuel". 

Page 5 

FACTS & DOCUMENTS of July 15 in the first seven 2021 


Born in 1940 and died in 2006, Jean-Michel Noguès would not be 
became "only" general practitioner " in case of a youth 

troublée ” (Two French Youths). A little light for 

an uncle to whom "Emmanuel" would have granted enough 

of importance to make him his late godfather ... 

We are therefore in the presence of a second character 

"Ghost" also bearing the first name of Jean-Michel. After 

Jean-Michel Macron, the father, here is Jean-Michel Noguès, the uncle. 
In a curious redundancy, it turns out that "Jean-Michel" 

is none other than Emmanuel's forgotten middle name , Jean- 

Michel, Frédéric Macron (see Box). 

“oe Nn: cogs L o etl ji ~e, cd. 

... 2AIA1-j 1: +4 ",. Wo 

go terres CHC CCOE 
The enigma of Emmanuel's biography 

Macron now has a first name " Jean-Michel", his 

second name forgotten in his registration form at 
Sciences-Po Paris (international section, 2001). One 

first name which, in a very strange redundancy, is 

found to be that of two " ghost " characters from 

macronienne the gesture to know her father, Jean-Michel 
Macron and his uncle and godfather Jean-Michel Noguès ... 

Brigitte before Macron 

Beautiful and rebellious gang leader or teenage girl 
overdue ? 

Trying to retrace Brigitte's life before Macron is revealed 
just as delicate as writing Macron's biography 

before Brigitte. Our attempt to precisely establish a CV 
of " Brigitte " gave a little insight into the difficulty of 
task. As for the "green years" of Emmanuel 

Macron, each episode seems to have its accredited witness 

unrolling what Le Monde calls the “official legend”. 

For his schooling with the sisters, at the Sacré-Cceur in Amiens, in 
lack of the usual class photos, Maélle Brun (Brigitte 

Macron. The Affranchie) produces only one testimony, that 
ofa" Béatrice Leroux", cross-checked with those of "a 

near ”and“ several friends of the Sacred Heart ”. Far from being 
stingy in clichés on "the evolution of society, of the place 

of women ”in the wake of May 68, the biography gives 

finally very few cookies to eat, in 

apart from the vague evocation of a “band a Brigitte”. 

Official biography, "proposed by Michel Taubmann ", 
Brigitte Macron. L'Affranchie is the work that went on 
further on in the reproduction of the phony CV of " Brigitte" 
(false mention very well in the bac, false CAPES, etc.). 


The problem of photographs 
of the child cc Brigitte ° 

We presented to a professional photographer 

sional (not aware of our investigation) 

these pictures of the child " Brigitte " published for 
the first time in 2018 by Virginie Linhart 

in her documentary Brigitte Macron, a 

French novel. Examining the first, supposed 
accredit the passage from "Brigitte " to the Sacred 
Heart in Amiens, our expert described a 

photo very worked by means of several 

filters, making precise dating complicated 

from the original. For the second (in color, this 

that we cannot restore here), the same 
photographer judged it to be quite authentic, 
without retouching, but dated it to the middle of the 
1980s. Would we take photos 

spellings of her daughter, Tiphaine Auzière, born in 

ï 1984, for photos of " Brigitte "? 

Page @age 6 

Page 7 

of July 15 in the first seven. 2021 FACTS & DOCUMENTS 


When the Macrons 
talk to teens 

At the secret meetings organized in 2012 by 

Gilles Finchelstein around the Macron couple at 

the Elysée, took part, surprisingly, Franck 

Louvrier who himself had just left the Elysee where 
he had served for five years as 

communication advisor to Nicolas Sarkézy. 

This participation in meetings around a 

simple adviser to a socialist president would not have 
could not be done without the approval of his new employer, 
Publjcjs Consultants. Subsequently, Emmanuel 
Macron would have tried twice and without success 
to poach him from Maurice Lévy, which 

Louvrier, current mayor of La Baule (Loire-Atlantique) 
had refused because its perimeter corresponded in 
made to the management of the press service. What 
gives an indication of the role of Clément 
Leonarduzzi, Executive Chairman of Publicis 
Consultants, trained by Anne Hommel at fyfQ 
.BS.CG., Former dircom 'of Bernard Spitz at the 
French federation of insurance companies 

(FFSA), arrived after an interregnum insured by 
Joseph Zimet, officially to replace the in- 

unboltable Ismaël Emelien ... and his " nudge " 

(cf. F&D 498). Outside the journalists (even at 
questions kindly prepared in advance), 

make way for social networks, Brut, TikTok and 
other " Youtubers ". With the culmination of 
distressing staging of stupidity with McFly and 
Carlito, from the name of this duo from the mold & ad.iQ 
.Eran.¢g (formed within the Mouv ?, composed of 
David Salomon Coscas (McFly) and Raphaël 
Carlier (Carlito), the son of Guy Carlier, donor of 
cathodic lessons of the years 1990-2000, from 

the ~. the African timber import company 

of Bernard-Henri Lévy, of whom he was during 
years the accountant. This strategy combining the 

" Nudge " and social networks are based in particular 
lies on the " influencer " Magali Berdah, 

affiliated with Stéphane Courbit via Shauna Events 
(cf. F&D 496). The latter is presented as 

"The number one agent of reality TV stars " 

(Vanity Fair, March 3, 2021), a half- 

salt that does not match in the sordid world 

Macron, this business being considered since 

twenty years as a screen to the 

prostitution (which Magali Berdah obviously defends herself 
demment), as had for example 

implied Laurent Baffie by presenting 

Jérémy Michalak, producer of Angels of the 

Reality TV, like " the cable pimp " (cf. 

Twitter 1 S June 2015). It is therefore up to "the patroness 
reality TV stars ” that the government has 

appeals to target adolescents for 

compliance with Covid-19 measures, while the former 
intelligence boss Bernard Squarcini was 
requisitioned to address the suburbs of 

lawless in a lunar video with the rapper 

Booba (born Elie Yaffa). 

FACTS & DOCUMENTS of July 15 at 1 «seven. 2021 

It is therefore not surprising that the proposed description of the 
youth of " Brigitte " is directly taken from her interview 

strategy given to Elle (August 18, 2017), shortly after her arrival 

at the Elysée and curiously titled Appelez-moi Brigitte! :" I 

was not a very good girl, I was often stuck for 

impertinence. Because at the school of the Sacred Heart of Amiens, I 
didn't look down, ever. And they didn't let me in 

in the skull something that I did not believe. " 

By writing He had just turned 17, Sylvie Bommel sought 

to give flesh to this story. She reports not 

to have found classmates (not even the " Beatrice 

Leroux ”by Maëlle Brun and Michel Taubmann ?), 

apart from a certain " Annie, identified through friends 

Picard ”, but the testimony, as general as it is succinct (eight 
lines on morning prayers), tell nothing personal 

and ultimately bring nothing new. To be 

complete, through an interview at Planet Paris Montmartre 
(December 2020), a certain Pascale Deliens indicated, without 
more details, to have "crossed Brigitte Trogneux in a 
religious boarding school in Amiens ”. In fact, the rare photos of 
the childhood of "Brigitte" (and not adolescence) were 
broadcast on France 3, on June 13, 2018, in Brigitte Macron, 

a French novel, the documentary by Virginie Linhart (cf. 

The problem of the photographs of the child “Brigitte”). Those 
photographs really present our “Brigitte”? 

After examination, nothing is less certain. .. 







™ -YIHOOHE#NOIM. '. DE~ - MaMssruct 

The only real witness authorized to speak on the "green 
years " of" Brigitte" is. .." Brigitte". Which holds 

moreover to what she is called "Brigitte" (Elle, August 18 
2017). We are well advanced ... 

On the first cover of Paris Match (April 14, 2016) 

devoted to the Macrons, we read from Caroline's pen 

Pigozzi, heiress of the Simca and “ Vaticanist” in his spare time 
lost, that Brigitte " likes to dance in surprise parties 

of the time, she wears tight mini skirts and, between 

two frenzied whiskey-coke and rocks, dare to flirt behind the 
hangings ”. Integrated into the official biography, the beautiful story 
will be repeated everywhere with closed eyes. 

In Les Macron, this gives: "" Since always, the little 

last of the Trogneux strikes the spirits with its good humor 
contagious, her taste for celebration and her real talk, often 
funny. " She had an ole-ole side and stood out for her style with 

Page 7 

Page Hise 8 


her brothers and sisters, "said an old acquaintance." She 

has always dressed quite mini [NES: false], walking her 

large, slender stumps, never leaving his glasses 

black, ”adds another resident of the station. 

midinette, not very shy ... which makes her tell the story, in her sixties 
started, his weakness for the "raw masculinity" of a 

Clint Eastwood. [...] In Touquet, as in "the Pro" or 

later in Paris, in Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague - "Franklin" 

for insiders - the future wife Macron is unanimous. 

At least among those who agree to say a little about it here ”. 

In Brigitte Macron. Ajfranchie, we obviously find 

this "inveterate party girl dressed in an ultra-mini kilt, [who] dances 
until the dawn of shock rocks on the notes of John Lee Hooker. 
When she does not listen to loop the 33 laps Johnny. A 

rather sassy adolescence unlike the wise Emmanuel. " 

"Rebel, shameless, she remembers that she was glued all the time 
time, especially by the aunt of singer Hugues Aufray. 

[...] "I will never fall into line" she laughs in 

remembering that her maternal grandmother, who lived in 

the house, passed everything to him. Because she is pretty, sexy, the young ONG ich as this enigmatic " 

Brigitte Trognetn: ” (4 Young Man So Perfect). It is well 
a pity not to have photographs of the youngster and 
resplendent "Brigitte". 

We notice in passing several inconsistencies, such as 
her very frequent use, when she speaks in private, 
expressions in English (type " it's a shame! "), tics 
language which suggests that she lived in a way 
extended in an English-speaking country. Yet in his 
"Official legend", his only known antecedent in this area 
is a simple stay in the United States with a family of 
undertaker as a teenager (reported episode 

in Madam President). 

In 2020, under the pen of Renaud Dély, the fossilized laicard of 
Grand Orient de France, the story of the youth of " Brigitte " 
becomes downright grotesque: “From the age of 14-15, Brigitte 
cowardly. She trades in her navy blue college uniform 

the austere Sacré-Cceur d'Amiens, pleated skirt, sweater and tights, 
for the casual dress code , mini-shorts and mini-skirt. She can 

a time forgetting his schooling corseted by the Catholic routine: 
the "Hail Mary, full of grace"; the "Our Father 

who art in heaven "; the sessions of confession; the lessons of 
maintenance; glue for impertinence ... " (Les Macron du 
Touquet Elysée-Plage, Seuil, 2020). A lack of work from the 
zealous Renaud Dély since the legend of the "Brigitte" pin-up 
charismatic has been markedly muted from 2018. 

This description which wanted at all costs to create coherence, 
a continuity between the "green 

years' and the character of 

"Brigitte" presented from 

2015-2016, worked creature 

with a scalpel, "branded" L VMH 

never taking off her miniskirt 

and his stilettos, no longer fit 

indeed with the "Brigitte" in 

cardigan in the woods, presented 

in Brigitte Macron, a novel 

French (cf. Which teacher was 

" Brigitte" ?). 

Ict, as Caroline Derrien and 

Candice Nedelec ("At least among those who accept 

here to say a little '), and as all the 

somewhat honest journalists, the real problem 

is the absence of witnesses and the impossibility of leaving the 
guided tour of the circuit marked out by communicators, guards 
devoted to the privacy of the couple. For he had just turned 17 
years old (published in 2019), Sylvie Bommel still had a blast 
by spending no less than "two days hanging out in bars, 

shops, casinos and other places of pleasure in Le Touquet ”in 
the search for people who would have known "Brigitte" 

in the prime of life. She eventually found three players of 

golf which, on condition of anonymity, bring back some 
banalities, explaining however that "Brigitte was not one of those 
girls around whom the boys crowd. She had 

not so successful, she was not among the prettiest 

besides, it was rather the good friend, always ready 

for fun, quite exuberant. "Have these" witnesses " 

been placed in the journalist's paws to tell the story 

new rewritten version of the "official legend"? 

Pascale, former friend of Brigitte 

two days older ”who will also cross Sylvie's path 

Bommel, but will not give him any information other than: 
"We were told that it was absolutely necessary to have children 
before our thirtieth birthday ”. 

In 2016, "Brigitte" mysteriously confided to Philippe 

Besson to have been a" suffering adolescent" (VSD, 

September 9, 2016). Later, she will specify in her interview 

to Elle (August 18, 2017): “ I did not appreciate adolescence 

and that's why i loved spending part of my life 

professional in the midst of teenagers, there are so many cracks in them. 
[...] They are never where they are. I remember 

to have experienced this feeling ”. What a crack "Brigitte" has 

she tried to cover up by inventing a rebellious teenage 

and sassy? A fictitious adolescence, impossible to support, including 
understood for his benevolent biographers ... 

"Brigitte" by explaining not to have been where she was? 

In Les Macron du Touquet Elysée-Plage Renaud Dély 

and Marie Huret angled on the couple's relationship with Le 
Touquet. As often, the floor is left to witnesses 

"Accredited", in this case Jean-Luc Van-Godtsenhoven, 
the heir to the VIC beach cabins, who tells how he 

formed as a child, in Le Touquet, a band with " Brigitte", 
Michel Sardou and Patrick Balkany (born respectively in 
1947 and 1948, which therefore does not add up ...). Anecdote recovery 
abundantly in Prisma / 6Médias content without 

or never asked Patrick Balkany or Michel Sardou to 

confirm or deny the information. 

In the same work, the authors also attempt to relate 

Touquettoises friendships linking "Brigitte" to some people 

of the small Paris of business communication. Especially 

the picturesque pair formed by the repentant ex-gudarde 

Anne Méaux and her golem, the multi-cap essayist 

Mathieu Laine. The case of Mathieu Laine quickly 

evacuated, the latter being, as often, irrelevant. All 

first, "the meeting with Brigitte occurs later, at all 

beginning of the year 2016, in Bercy ”. Then, “Mathieu Laine and 
Emmanuel Macron have never seen each other in Le Touquet ”. 

of July 15 in the first seven. 2021 FACTS & DOCUMENTS 


Page 9 

As for Anne Méaux, her testimony on " Brigitte " that she 
is supposed to have always known, gives the impression 

a frankly rough reconstruction. The scene 
is thus told: 

"Emmanuel Macron discreetly retains a guest by 

the arm. "Wait a minute, Anne, don't go like this, 

Brigitte will come and kiss you. You got to know each other well 
in Le Touquet. .. ". We are in March 2015, at the ministry 

of Economy and Finance, at Bercy. [...] Surprised by 

Emmanuel Macron's apostrophe, she waits a moment. 

And here is another blonde, mounted on stilts, emerging from the 
private apartments of the minister, Brigitte Macron: "Hello 
Anne, how are you, it's been a while! Since all this time .. . 

[...] The booms in the garages, do you remember? "Asks 

Brigitte. "What about Ascot Bar? What about Chatham? She wants to know. 

And the Bip-Bip. you too were going to the Bip-Bip? "All the kids 
friqués from the station danced there. Lip service, Anne 

nods: "Uh yes, yes, of course ..."". 

After this introductory story, the authors tell the interview 
granted to them by Anne Méaux at image 7, in the 

during the year 2019 to approach his common youth 

with "Brigitte". Which give: 

“Brigitte? Yes, we must have crossed paths a bit at the evenings of 
tennis ... [...] Brigitte is a year older than me. I do not have 

very specific memories. I used to hang out a lot with the 

my brother's tape, who is seven years older than me. We 

did a lot of stuff ... ” Regarding his relationship with Brigitte 

Macron, the interview stops there and deviates towards generalities. 

Why so little information delivered from the 
who was nevertheless municipal councilor of Touquet between 1977 
and 1983? Did she even meet "Brigitte" before 2015? 

Why all this cinema when a year before the pseudo- 

survey by Renaud Dély and Marie Huret, Nathalie 

Schuck and Ava Djamshidi wrote about "Brigitte" 

and Anne Méaux that "they each have, it brings closer, a 

house in Le Touquet. It was at Bercy, on March 8, 2015, that they 
got to know each other ” (Madam President). The tall 

reunion played by " Brigitte" that day was therefore, 

once again, pure theater ... 

When the time comes to approach the marriage between 

"Brigitte "and Emmanuel Macron, October 20, 2007 at 

Touquet, Caroline Derrien and Candice Nedelec report a 

even more surprising amnesia in the Touquettois past of 

"Brigitte", that of Léonce Deprez, cacique of politics 

local, mayor of Touquet between 1969 and 1995 and between 2001 
and 2008: "The city councilor who played dozens of tennis matches 
in doubles with Brigitte's father knows well the family of 

chocolate makers. Much less the youngest. " 

Strange testimony or rather absence of testimony which 
once again does not match the personality on the one hand 

"Solar" of this local girl, from a family of notables 

friends, whom he is supposed to have married for the first time in 1974, 

whose son Sébastien he married in 2001, and whom he knows 
well the new companion, since upon his arrival in the 
seaside resort tells us Liberation (May 8, 2017), "" Manu" 

plays tennis with the historic UDF mayor Léonce Deprez ”. 

The Trogneux 

The history of the Trogneux family is well documented. 
Originally from the village of Vaulx (Pas-de-Calais), this family 
peasant woman was qualified under the old regime of "farmers 
owners ”, suggesting a certain material ease. 

But, for some reason, this social status is collapsing under 
Louis XV with several generations of manual workers. In 1834, 
in two weeks, André's death certificates are recorded 
Trogneux, his wife and their nineteen-year-old son, the 
decimated family leaving behind an orphan, Horeillie 
Trogneux. Become a spinner, this daughter-mother will give birth 
to Mare Etienne Xavier Trogneux (1952-1911). Born from father 
unknown, this pastry chef in Amiens is considered to be the 
founder of the lineage in maintained family mythology 

by the clan. A Wikipedia page " Trogneux family" him 

is even consecrated, something quite unusual for this 

family not attached to the nobility (whatever it is), 

nor to the great dynasties of the bourgeoisie and the world of 
business. Les Trogneux are in fact successful traders 

(large SME), not having a priori any cultural capital, 

nor a real social surface. In short, Les Trogneux is 

belong to the category of " new rich" (without this 

or pejorative) and fully evolve in this environment. Also the 
father of "Brigitte", Jean Georges Trogneux, born April 26 
1909 in Amiens and died on January 15, 1994, he married, the 
September 26, 1931 in Amiens, Simone Pujol, born August 18 
1913 and died February 18, 1998 in Amiens, the daughter of a 

wine and spirits merchant from Ariége. 

The real success of Jean Trogneux was consecrated by his 
presidency of the Rotary Club of Amiens, founded in 1938 (District 
1520, located at 2, rue de Noyon at the Grand Hôtel de l'UUnivers) 
and bringing together about 70 members of the local bourgeoisie 
including representatives of the Yvert families (Yvert & 

Tellier), Désrable (the hardware store Mr Bricolage), Gueudet 
(Gueudet car dealers), Boulogne (the 

sanitary and heating wholesaler Ets Boulogne), etc. It's in 

this network that Jean Trogneux will marry his daughters, thus 

at the higher social level. 

His presidency of the Rotary Club of Amiens indeed crowns his 
economic success gained through a career as a trader 

prosperous which, apart from a failure to set up in Nantes, opened 
boutique in Arras, Saint-Quentin and Lille. His influence 

social is due to a commitment in local sports bodies 

- creation in 1971 of the Regional Olympic and Sports Committee 
(CROS) of Picardy then presidency of the Picardy Tennis League 
- which earned him a gold medal for Youth and Sports, 

a vermeil medal from the French Tennis Federation, a 

distinction of Academic Palms at the rank of knight and the 
sports leader of the year award from the Association des 

sports writers (founded in 1931 by Tristan Bernard). 

In Le Touquet, he chaired the UPRAT, a club operating by 
cooptation and bringing together the big fortunes of Touquettoises, 

that is to say two hundred families in total. In 2006, Emmanuel Macron 

will join the board of directors of UPRAT where he 

he will be offered to run for municipal elections 

of 2008, which he refused because such a candidacy had 
need to join the UMP (cf. The Straight Line of Picard 
Macron, Le Courier Picard, January 26, 2015). 

FACTS & DOCUMENTS from Jul 15 to Sep 1, 2021 


Page 9 

A brother and a child hidden in the genealogy of cc Brigitte - ? 

Let's skip over the bogus biographical details about 

to the “preparatory class teacher ” and to the 

wise at the Lycée Henri-IV to focus on 

four children born from a first marriage with 

André Auzière (officially "Brigitte" has only 

three children, Sébastien, Laurence and Tiphaine), 
mentioned on the left ( Geneanet page in September 

2017) as on the right ( Geneanet page in June 
2021). Between these two screenshots, "Brigitte " 

grew from four to five siblings. If the 
names of her sisters, Annie and Maryvonne were 
unveiled, it is indeed a second brother who is 

Brigitte TROGNEUX 
/ Bn9 +> „.. CROM 
Jinpnio-1-1 50 
BONAM Im yy ++ 499 IH- sar 

+A nWilnnfl 983 -"-, œœ. =T, see 
AL a 

+ Hof. l Inltdf: lirmo 111: lltkdtLalwnideDælAMia,,, -+ peu Rad-IV i P.-11 “scm 
Sni, LPS httt KDI L_, dt- G oanp+ 

Parents - - - 

TROONEUX 1a)9, 1994 

+ 119P 01191118 

Unlon (s) and child (ren) 

appeared, a certain " Jean-Michel ". In the base 
Roglo genealogy (below), a photograph 

of the eldest son, Jean-Claude, falsely illustrates the 
Father Jean's page . Two children appear there 

still not: Maryvonne and Jean-Michel. The exam 
biographies of the brothers and sisters of "Brigitte " 
will confirm that Jean-Michel Trogneux is indeed a 
new ghost character. That their surname 

either Macron, Nogués or Trogneux, all our "fan- 
tomes ” now respond to the first name of 
"Jean-Michel " ... The question of a 

hypothetical fourth child of " Brigitte " ... 

9 Brigitte TROGNEUX 

‘/Bn0dl&, VOCRON) 

ees gg o Aag soeg TROG/VEI) 
tatze BCTOrT TTN As e, Mada BAA 'Bo 


rl 11f63- ~ 30000! 

+ Age 68 years old 

= Pro! s au tycae oe u PrQITIQA te + AmieM: 

Pansel en ctasaes — dU, lose Salus de Gor: apie 

+18 22 JUW! 1914 La TOt, OFM, Pana Pioe 6 ~ 20 PD-ce-Ca- + -HWtee il"8C N'é AUNERE 1951-2019 dt'atit! in 20015 slesps 

* d Semstilln "UZiRE 1875 

+ AXAb) roftlt:.: Lliri) "- UZIERE1975 
nn: a AvZŒ.RE 19n 

+11... "LIMRE 103 

* Marl ée ar20 oaoore 201, MlileJ -+ LB Tuguet Pt» Page 62.20°, - A-ONi s ~ France avet E-mmard> MACRON 19n 

Brothers and sisters 

NAM? TROOP- [UX ~ 1912 
+- TROL «EU 


* of — 'EùXca 1944 

1 [Oean /! Grumpy / 0 / Jean Trognewc] 

(Jean Georges Trogneux) 

+ Founder of chocolatene Trognewe in Amiens 
, Born on 26 a ~ nl-Am in 1909, tog (Somme) 

* Died 15 Jarwler 1994 -Amiens (Somme) 
+ Age on death. 84 years old 


+ Jean TrW! Lfil !! 1887-1 ~ 1 
, Marouente Lucie Cha ~ IBr 1884-1973 

Weddings and children 

+ Mane on September 26, 1931, Am, ens (Somme) with Simone PujQ! 1913-1998. of which 
+ Ann ~ 
* Jéarl-Cl; n :(. E 
* Monigi & 
“IKI ~ 19 ~ 

Page 10. 10 15 Jul. at 1 « seven. 2021 FACTS & DOCUMENTS 

5 tee 


Very close to the Trogneux, lawyer Patrick Doussot is 

will ultimately be a candidate. Beaten by Daniel Fasquelle, he 
will be entrusted years later by Emmanuel Macron 

a mission within the framework of the Olympic Games from 2024 to 

Paris. Treasurer of the Republicans, support of Francois Fillon 

Remember here that the issue is not the age difference, 

but that of a diversion of a minor in the middle 

school. It is strange that the date of birth of "Brigitte" 

was not made public until May 2016, with the publication, 
in the short-lived Pop Story review (stopped at the second 


in 2017, Daniel Fasquelle who was at the National Assembly 
on the front line during the Alstom scandal while being 
notoriously cold with the Trogneux-Macron clan at the 

local (complaint filed for threats against the companion of 
Tiphaine Auziére), however remains publicly silent 

when it comes to evoking the President of the Republic. 

Would this neutrality result from an attitude of a loyal soldier? 
towards Nicolas Sarkozy? Daniel Fasquelle, whose wife, 
lawyer at the Boulogne-sur-Mer bar, is considered to have 
embroidered cuddly toys during the birth of the grandchildren of 
Brigitte, does he know about the well-kept secrets of private life? 
of the presidential couple? 

Note here that the date of arrival of Trogneux in Le Touquet 

given by Sylvie Bommel is 1950, year in which Jean 

Trogneux "invests in a second home". The 

Macron du T ~ uquet Elysée-Plage gives, according to 

"Brigitte", " 1958 or 1959 - I would have to find 

the deed of ownership ”. We are no longer at a small 

inconsistency, especially since the beginning of the media coverage of the 
couple, the Touquettoise villa was presented as the property 

by Emmanuel Macron ... 

The aforementioned work specifies that the brothers and sisters 

de Brigitte all have a house in Le Touquet. It is therefore 

" Brigitte" who would have inherited the first property acquired 

by the family, the Monéjan, valued at 1.4 million euros, without 

count the rent from commercial leases included in the villa. 

In Amiens where they pride themselves on influencing local political life, 
the Trogneux are now supporting the mayor UDI Brigitte 

Fouré and are considered to have played a leading role, when, 

in 1989, Gilles de Robien dislodged the communist mayor René 
Lamps which had been running the town hall since 1971. 

In this family, according to her official biography, "Brigitte" 

is, like Jacques Chirac, "the child of the miracle", since 

her mother, when she gave birth on April 13, 1953, had 

39 years old, a very advanced age for the time. This difference 

age with his other siblings was roughly 

exploited and integrated into the couple's storytelling with 
considerations of the type: "Mm + Macron is already experiencing these 
generational differences before loving a man who is twenty 

four years separate from her." (The Macrons), “ At five years old, 
here she is already aunt. In family meals, it is seated with 

Martine and Nathalie, her nieces. Very early on, the age markers 
were scrambled for little Brigitte. His older sister, Anne- 

Marie, was twenty-one when she was born. Maryvonne, 

the third of the siblings, obtains her patent the year her 

little sister receives the anointing of baptism. At eight years old, when 
Brigitte plays with her doll, her brother Jean-Claude rocks 

areal baby, Jean-Alexandre. ” (He had just turned 17); 

"Such intergenerational imbroglios explain that, for 

Brigitte, the age criterion makes no sense. Essential point 

common with Emmanuel Macron ” (Les Macron du Touquet 

FACTS & DOCUMENTS from Jul 15 to Sep 1, 2021 

issue), from a long survey by Sylvie Bommel entitled 

And Brigitte created Macron. In the Macronian gesture, the 
"April 13" corresponds to the death of " Manette " which occurred 
three before the date of birth of "Brigitte" is 

given. In history, April 13, 1953 is the date of 

launch of MK-Ultra, the infamous 

CIA mind control. 

With He had just turned 17, published three years after his first 
portrait of "Brigitte", Sylvie Bommel noted that in 1953 

the first name had in fact been given well before the peak of 
"Brigitte" intervened in 1957, that is to say nine months after the wave of 
shock "BB" caused by the line of Roger Vadim, And God ... 
created the woman. Sylvie Bommel grateful in substance 

her mistake of 2016 when she wrote that "we called her 

Brigitte, name in the wind thanks to an ingenuous beauty 
provocative ”. Which was only a guess ... 

Sylvie Bommel recopies her second portrait of "Brigitte" 

the box published in Le Courrier picard of April 15, 1953 in 
which the Trogneux family announces the birth of "Brigitte". 


Anne-Made, Jean-Claude. Mary ° 
> Onnc. Monique ot Jean Michel 
TROG ~ They have the arande joy of 

do you announce the birth of their 
little BrJiltte heart. 
Amien. 1, rue Delambre. 

We also consulted this archive at the Library 

national of France. The civil status reproduced in the same 
number Courrier Picard well give birth to a 

" Brigitte Trogneux", but on April 14, 1953, and not on the 13th. 


nu ac AVRn ~ 

Naluantt . - TROONBUX Brla) tto, 

Atb, rk-lit ¢ Calonnt,.: U: LEJ'tOY 
MiA et Bie RIVE 

Mich It, rue: Riol-Morel, 1'7; TBTAZ 

RIJIIttC ', phwr \ Iklor • Plrn \ "hct: DUFL05 
Maryvonnt, pl ° '-' c Vktor-Pa, K'het; MEN ° 
TH>NJL "Rut Rhherr-1, .cnq, 260. 

Page 11 


Why did Sylvie Bommel not bring back this (small) 

inconsistency (one more ... )? It may, of course, be a 

birth occurred during the night of the 13th to the 14th, although the extract 
of birth certificate mentioned by Geneanet indicates a 

birth at 3:00 p.m. 

Trace the biographies of the different members of the clan 

Jean Claude 

Jean-Claude Marie Joseph Trogneux was born on August 14 
1933 in Amiens. In the early 1970s, the eldest of the fis 

will take over from his father at the head of Maison Trogneux 
as president of Jean Trogneux the House of Baptisms, 

but also in sports bodies with the presidency of the 


Hee SUT tt OARE Had Six chitdsen as 

This is shown in the Carnet mondain du Courrier picard, reproduced 
opposite. This is what we find at Caroline Derrien 

and Candice Nedelec (Les Macron), at Maélle Brun 

(“Youngest of six children”. Brigitte Macron. L'Affranchie), 

Sylvie Bommel ("sixth child, since two others were born 

during the Occupation ”, He had just turned 17), etc. 

Another biography, La Confidente, explains that her parents 

have "already raised three boys and two girls" when he was born. 
sance, but this version seems to fall under the gross error, 

since it is generally dna that the Trogneux would have had 

two boys and three girls before the arrival of "Brigitte". 

Now the very controlled Wikipedia page of the Trogneux family 
does mention five children. 

From this marriage, was born Jean Georges Trogneux on April 26, 1909 in 

Amiens + On September 26, 1931 in Amiens, he married Simone Marle 

Madeleine Pujol + From this marriage are born five children including Jean 
Claude in 1933 and Brigitte in 1953. He died in Amiens on 

January 15 , 19944 . 

Since the middle of the twentieth century, the Trogneux family has been "firmly 

rooted ,. at Touquet-Paris-Plage 5. 


Anne-Marie Giséle Marguerite known as “Annie” Trogneux, 
born July 9, 1932 in Amiens. The eldest, whose name was 
hidden at first, married Gérard Boulogne, 

member of the Rotary Club of Amiens, born as his future 

wife of a family of downtown merchants. A 

affair of which the latter prides himself on having made an "actor 
essential in the northern sanitary-heating sector 

from France". With its approximately 15 million euros of 

annual turnover and its 40 employees, the 

Establishments Boulogne are now run by their 

son, Thierry Boulogne, born February 28, 1968 in Amiens. 

His older sister, Christine Boulogne, born March 26, 1957 in 
Amiens married in 1983 Benoit Haquin, born May 4, 1954 in 
Brégy (Oise), large farmer (GAEC Raguin Rémi 

and Benoit), mayor of his native village since 1989 and president 
of the community of municipalities of the Pays de Valois from 2014 to 
2020. By the marriage of one of the couple's four children with 

a Reynal de Saint-Michel, the Trogneux are now 

allies to this famous family of bekes from Martinique, family 
itself an ally of the Hayots, among others. Although being 

his first known niece and despite their belonging to the 

same generation, Christine Raguin, Annie's eldest daughter 

Trogneux, was not incorporated into the storytelling. 


Amiens tennis club and the organization of the "Promenade", 
an annual cycle ride between Amiens and Le Touquet. 

Jean-Claude Trogneux first married, the 

June 14, 1960, in Amiens, Danièle Courbot, a very handsome 
gone since the latter is the youngest child 

Henri Courbot, boss of the construction company of the same 
name, at the time president of the Professional Union of 
public works contractors from France and overseas, 

member of the CNPF board (current MEDEF). President 

of the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry and of 
Assembly of the Chambers of Commerce of the Community 
European economy. 

The couple will have four children including Jean-Alexandre Trogneux, 
born April 26, 1961 in Amiens, who, in turn, took over the business 
family in July 2016, not hesitating to show itself in support 

of the presidential couple. This ESCP graduate opened a 

new boutique rue Saint-Jean in Le Touquet in April 2019. From 

his marriage on June 10, 1989 in Montigny-sur-l'Hallue (Somme) 

with Véronique Catteau, were born Jean-Baptiste Trogneux 

(1993), married to a Chinese woman from Hong Kong (one son, Sin Yin) 
and a daughter Margaux (1996). Installed in Essonne, his sister, 
Martine Trogneux, born April 12, 1964, general practitioner 

in Longjumeau, married Hacene Abbar, maxillofacial surgeon 

facial and stomatologist in Arpajon (four children: Maxime, 

Baptiste, Jules and Tom). As for the two other children of 

Jean-Claude and Danièle Trogneux, only the first name of a 

daughter, Nathalie, is known. 

On September 26, 1990 in Amiens, Jean-Claude Trogneux 

married in second marriage Brigitte Poillion. This remarriage creates 
a relative confusion since there are now two Brigitte 

Trogneux in the family, so that one does not know which is 

of both the "Brigitte Trogneux " present in the statutes of 

family companies. Is this our "Brigitte" as indicated 

his official biographer Maélle Brun (until 2007 specifies 

t-elle) where is it Brigitte Trogneux, née Poillion, as the 

reports Geneanet? 

From his first marriage to Alain-Georges Deledicque, 

doctor born January 17, 1944 in Roubaix (North), director of 
thalassotherapy centers successively in Oléron, Carnac, 
Quiberon, Dinard, Deauville and Siouville-Hague, former 
municipal councilor in Saint-Trojan (1976), member of the 

Rillfil: y and treasurer of the Société fran ~ aise de thalassotherapy, 
this Brigitte Trogneux is the mother of director Robin 
Deledicque, today involved in LREM. 

Jean-Claude Trogneux who, at the start, would have fought a war 

rude to "Brigitte and Emmanuel" before accepting her step- 

brother after entering the ENA (which, in this environment, everything 
quite "Chabrolian", seems quite credible) died on 

November 9, 2018. 

from 15 Jul to ter Sep 2021 


Surprisingly, it's Emmanuel Macron, usually so cautious 

to travel to Amiens in his role as Head of State, 

who delivered the eulogy for his brother-in-law on November 13 

2018 in the Saint-Martin church in the Henriville district 

completely sealed and banned the press that day (see "A 

moving speech by Emmanuel Macron ”, Le Courrier picard, 
November 14, 2018). 


The identity of this sister was not revealed until late by 

“Brigitte”, in her interview with Elle (August 18, 2017). It's been ages 
of birth is not known precisely. According to the basics of 

genealogical data, we find 1934 (Geneanet) or 1938 

(MyHeritage). She was 23 when she died as indicated 

the death notice published in Le Courrier picard of February 25, 1960 
where is related the road accident which took her, as well as her 

Socliti ANInJ "" 

A * û, pihu of 119 004 i'TOMS 

Sig, S «i, 1, RMe Del/Vilbn 


AS OF IARDI MAY 10, 1994 

The Year Mil Neuf Cau ~ 

At 18 Hours, 

+ Vift81 Quaton: e, 

Shareholders of the company "JEAN TROGNEUX LA MAISON DES BAPTEMES", 
Public limited company with a capital of 280,000 Francs divided into 2,000 shares of 12S Francs. his! riwlis 
at Head Office is Oénéralc Ordinary Assembly Annudle to the suile convening that Imr has been 

taile by letter. 


The AJaembléc Génénle decides to appoint as Director Mrs. Brigitte 
TROONEUX, Deji Shareholder in lieu of Jean TIOGNEUX, 

Cettt appointment is made for the period remaining t run the mandate 1on pr "ieceueur, 
until the end of tAssemblée G! nénle Ordinary Annual which will be held in 1999 and which sutuera 
on let ccenptu of the elapsed year 

This resolution, mist the voice is passed i the wwiimitt. 

Brigitte TROGNEUX here praente, has said accepting the function just to 

hri be eonférie, and n'Itre hit by any incapacity or prohibition pheasant! obstacle i rexerc: ice 
descliles fonotions. 

The agenda being épuilé and pe ,, onne not asking more of () 8n) on the Présiden! déclIR 
the coiled sitting . 

From all this that it has FTE prepared the présau proco-vabal that. apta lecture, + 6'é 
siSI'é by the m <mbru of the office. 

U President, The Serutateuri, The Secretary, 

„n, MI. UE CO> illfll€ 0 '-., 

GIER ~- 
"SOT 21JULY 19911 

— fr, 5 ', ~ is-s-ll ~s-,:- 

Which " Brigitte Trogneux " appears in the statutes 

by Jean Trogneux The House of Baptisms, company 
passed down from father to son? Our " Brigitte" or 
Brigitte Poillion, second wife of the head of the family, 
Jean-Claude Trogneux? 

husband Paul Farcy, son of Alphonse Farcy, founding president 
of a powerful agricultural cooperative in the region, La Solidaire, located 
in Albert, twenty kilometers from Amiens. With this fatal accident 
intervened on February 24, 1960 in Orvillers-Sorel, the couple left 
behind him a five month old baby girl, Nathalie Farcy. 

New inconsistency, the latter is presented by Geneanet 

as being born in 1955. The fact that she has the same first name 

that one of Jean-Claude Trogneux's daughters asks the question 

of a possible adoption by his uncle. This question returning 

to that of the nieces of "Brigitte", a question put on the table during 

the media coverage, by "Brigitte", of the death of Maryvonne. With a 
the key, a new biographical imbroglio ... 

In Elle, " Brigitte" ensures that during the premature death 
de Maryvonne, she “was 8 years old. [My sister] is with me all 

the days of my life. A year later, one of my 6 year old nieces is 
part. »Now Brigitte Trogneux born in April 1953 was 6 years old 
and not 8, February 24, 1960. At that period of life when 

the years are long and where the memories remain etched in 

memory, this error is incomprehensible to say the least. 

Especially since the revelation of the deaths of a sister, then of a 
niece, constitutes the substantive marrow of the interview with Elle. 
A more than controlled communication that we can not imagine 

that it has not been read, reread and verified by the presidential couple 
and their communication teams. The "mistake" (a lie?) 

was not rectified in Brigitte Macron. The Freed, the 

official biography of "Brigitte" published a few months later 

late: “In 1961, she was eight years old when her older sister, 

pregnant, kills herself with her husband in a car accident ”. In 

On the other hand, the cause of death of the six-year-old niece is this time 

given: "acute appendicitis". 

If she did not identify the niece "aged six", deceased "a 

year later ”- neither do we - Sylvie Bommel was the first to 

give the real date of death of Maryvonne Farcy and establish 

that "Brigitte" would have been six years old in truth. But the journalist has 
sought to justify the gross dating error of "Brigitte" 

by summoning a child psychiatrist called to discuss a 

"Confusion lasting all the life following an event 

traumatic ”. Note also that Sylvie Bommel indicates that the 

photo of the accident "is found the next day on the front page 

du Courrier Picard ”, which is not entirely correct, since, 
verification made, the photo has been published on the third page. What 
either way, here we are facing a new episode in the life of 

"Brigitte" having been rewritten ... 

(Continued on next issue) 

Facts & Documents, journal edited by Faits & Documents, Box 37, 23 rue du Départ, 75014 Paris, France. Phone. 07 66 52 37 56 
Director of publication: Xavier Poussard. Website: Facebook: Faits-et-Documents 
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Layout by Riwal Communication. Joint Commission N ° 1020187151. ISSN 1268-5690. Printed by Roto Presse Numeris, Livry-Gargan. 
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