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ighteen with a bullet. Got my finger on 
the trigger, I’m gonna pull it. Does this 

sound familiar? Well, even if it doesn't 
you've got an issue of Just 18 that's packed 
with plenty of pics of those passionate 
prime-of-life pretties! 

Look at these girls. Young and free spirit- 
ed. Willing to experiment. Nothing is too wild 
for them. Everything is up for grabs. They 
yearn to experience life and all its sexual 
adventures. And this is their first salacious 
journey—right here on these pages! 

Roll out the red carpet for this one— 
Roxanne. She's just learned about the plea- 
sures of being touched. With her beautiful 
blonde hair and long legs surrounded by 
black stockings, you'll surely want to touch 
her heart and her hole! 

Take a walk into the garden of 
Christine—don't be fooled by her innocent 
appearance, she's giving in to temptation 
and wants to taste the forbidden fruit. If you 
come to visit this lovely creature, be pre- 
pared to eat more than an apple! 

Everyone has a twin out there, someone 
who looks just like them. Well this month we 
have a Drew Barrymore look-alike. 
Samantha is a true "firestarter", so be care- 
ful—if it gets too hot, she may pop! 

Next up is the seductive Brandi—what a 
body! Legs that never end—dark, smooth, 
and worth the climb! Turn to page 34 and 
sneak-a-peek at her firm and tasty features. 

You'd be lucky to have detention with this 
one—Nicolette. A school girl by day and a 
naughty, lustful woman by night. Don't bring 
any books to the house because there won't 
be any studying in her bedroom! 

Teenage boys aren't the only horny hip- 
sters; read Jimmy's Bad Girl and discover 
the wanton desires of the average 18 year- 
old neighborhood slut! 

The Editors 

STAG'S JUST EIGHTEEN, STAG (USPS 517300), SUMMER 1995, published 16 times per year by Stag Publications, Inc., under license from Violet Media Corp. Second class postage 
paid at Poughkeepsie, NY and additional offices. Contents copyrightedO 1995. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted in whole or part without prior written permission from 
the Publisher. Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings, and photographs if they are to be retumed, and no responsibility can be assumed for unsolicited material. Any 
similarities between people and places in this magazine and any real people and places is purely coincidental. All models are 18 years of age or older. Editorial offices at 210 Route 4 
East, Suite 401 Paramus, NJ 07652-5116. Advertising Representative: Gramercy Advertising Agency, Inc., 1700 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. PRINTED IN USA. 

She's a big girl now! 

Confessions from a pair of perverted 

She gets a great big “A” for effort! 

Looking for some teenage kicks tonight! 

A bewitchingly beautiful young babe! 

You're a fine girl. What a good wife 
you would be. 

She may be young, but she knows how to use it! 

A natural born sex kitten! 


just want to tell you guys one thing— 

girls like good sex as much as you 

do! | love to fuck, and | dont mind 
asking for what | want. Right after | 
turned 18 | decided it was time to get 
my cherry popped, and | knew just the 
guy to do it. It was summer, and when 
my older brother came home from col- 
lege to visit he brought his friend Ray 
along. Ray was hot; a real hunk, and | 
was wet for him right away. One day | 
was sunning myself out by our pool, 
wearing my teeniest bikini, when Ray 
joined me. He said my brother had 
gone somewhere with my parents and 
we were all alone. | don't think he 

expected what came next... 


۱9 anal m — — 



slipped out of my bikini, gave him a good look at my naked 

bod, and slid into the water. Ray pulled off his shorts and 

dove in to join me. His hands moved below the surface to 
caress my tits, and | reached out for his cock. It was hard and 
warm, and | pulled him closer. “| want you to be my first,” | 
whispered. “| want you to be the first to fuck me.” Wrapping 
my legs around Ray's waist | kissed him hard before he could 
answer. He guided me over to the pool steps, and when he 
pressed against me | felt the most amazing sensation 
between my legs. My pussy yielded to his thrusts, which 
were gentle at first, then harder as | urged him on. He filled 
me up over and over again until we both exploded, splash- 
ing water everywhere. | liked it so much | couldn't wait to do 

it some more, so when Ray got hard again ! told him to fuck 

me on one of the lounge chairs. Take this age-old advice from 

a youngster—the direct approach always works! 






Although | had always made it a rule 
not to date any of the students in my 
college English classes, from the first 
moment | saw Rachel | knew that rules 
were made to be broken. The way she 
would come into my class, so arrogant 
and self-assured, was actually nothing 
extraordinary; a lot of young coeds are 
like that these days. Years of listening to 
Madonna, | theorize, have taught them 
conclusively that women rule supreme. 
But no; what made Rachel irresistible 
and unique was her attitude combined 
with an impossibly large and round der- 
riere, always clad in the tightest slacks 
or jeans and emphasized by the highest 
heels. What added to her aura is that 
although she drove all the male stu- 
dents crazy, she acted untouchable to 
all of them. In fact, the girl didn't seem 
to have friends at all; or at least her per- 
sonal life was kept secret. Maybe she 
doesn't have any personal life, | conjec- 
tured; maybe she's just waiting for an 
ass-mad guy like me to give her one... 

The semester passed without inci- 
dent. | am not so stupid as to have tried 
anything while she was in my class— 
with the sexual harassment issue so 
paramount these days, | could have 
risked everything. Fear dampens my 
libido. But after she finished my course, 

when she was no longer my student, 
was another story! | managed to run 
into her at the college bookstore, and 
although she didn't let down her snooti- 
ness for a moment—after all, | was just 
a mere man, no better than the lads her 
own age, eighteen 一 | managed to get 
her to agree to a cup of coffee, "to dis- 
cuss her academic prospects." 

Well, she knew it was a line. In fact, | 
think that's why she agreed to come 
along with me, just to see where it 
would all lead. Obviously confident that 
she could handle herself, she agreed— 
after our coffee—to come back to my 
house where | said | would introduce 
her to an essential book that would 
guarantee success in her undergradu- 
ate career. | trailed her huge bottom in 
its tight jeans as we left the restaurant. 

"So where is this 'book'?" she said 
when we got to my place and | handed 
her a Dr. Pepper. "You know how seri- 
ously | take my education." 

"Yes, indeed," | said, even though I 
didn't know. Anyway, | reached over to 
a bound scrapbook on the highest shelf 
in my living room. | opened it up and 
displayed its contents—hundreds of 
candid photographs | had taken on the 
street over the years of unsuspecting 
girls and women, wearing tight skirts 
and jeans showing off their sizable bot- 
toms. "This is a well of true knowledge," 
| said, caressing a page of photographs 
with my right hand. “Study this book 
and fine-tune the conquering power of 
your ass! It's very educational.” 

“You perv,” she said, drinking her 
soda and flipping through the pages. 
“This is going to guarantee my academ- 
ic success?" 

"The explanation is roundabout but 
in the end obvious," | said, walking 
around and looking at her plump poste- 
rior which jutted out shelf-like in her 
denims. “| am obsessed with your ass, 
young lady. If | can have the pleasure of 
a relationship with you and enjoy der- 
riere delights, | will do anything | can to 
help you study for exams, Understand 
difficult concepts, and prepare for the 
world after college. Your ass could 

make me your most valuable academic 
mentor!" | paused. "Or perhaps | would 
be more like an apostle..." 

"What about financial help?" she 
said, draining the Dr. Pepper and 
putting the glass down on the mantel. 

"| could even assist you in paying 
back student loans..." 

She laughed, then nodded. *Sure, 
what the hell! There's probably a million 
ways you'll come in handy." She 
unsnapped the front of her jeans and 
opened the zipper with a sharp rasp. 
With a leaping in my heart I saw the tri- 
angle of her pubic hair come into view 
in the open vee of the fly and she was 
not wearing panties. 

"Well, you certainly don't lose any 

time," | said, not quite expecting things 
to progress quite so rapidly. 

"The world could blow up tomorrow," 
she said, tugging down the jeans until | 
saw her fleshy young thighs before me. 
"It's the end of the millennium, Prof.” 

Young people—with what wonderful 
speed they can adopt current social 
conditions as an excuse for depravity! 
Of course, | was not exempt from such 
solipsism. "You're right, of course," I 
said, as she pivoted on her heels, the 
jeans bunched up at her ankles most 
provocatively. | saw, at last, the nude 
wonder of her meaty moons. A very 
young woman with a big ass is, to me, 
the most erotic thing in the world. 

"Lay down on that couch," Rachel 
said, pointing her strong, aggressive 
right forefinger to my destination. ! scur- 
ried over there, feeling turtle-like in my 
shell of clothing. But she gave me no 
time to disrobe. "On your back, Prof." 

| lay down on the soft cushions. 
Hobbled by jeans at her ankles, but oth- 
erwise magnificent, Rachel sauntered 
over while playing with her pussy-lips. 
“Your eagerness is making me wet, you 

big kinko,” she said. “Now come on. 
Take out your pecker and show me 
what you got.” 

| unzipped immediately while she 
watched. She studied my hardening 
length and found it. adequate. 
Meanwhile | looked up at the deep dark 
crack of her olive-skinned ass, wanting 
to dive in there. 

"| expect to see you come while you 
lick my asshole," she said. 

"Expect nothing less." 

She had to pull off the jeans to strad- 
dle me on the couch. Sexily, though, 
she left her backless high heeled plat- 
forms on. Then she pressed those heels 
into the cushions as she climbed over 
and mounted my face. 

She gave me her asshole, not her 
pussy. Which was okay. 

"Taste good, Prof?" she asked, 
grinding her butt-cheeks against my 
face. "It might be a little funky from 
being trapped in those tight Calvins all 
day." She was right, but | certainly did- 
n't mind. | extended my tongue and 
probed and prodded the clenched 
pucker of her anus. 

"Oh-ho, you're good at this,” | could 
hear her say from far above. 

| held onto her cheeks and spread 
them so | could ream her with most effi- 
ciency My tongue moved up and down 
and in circles, and | interspersed this 
adoration with kisses all over her ass- 
crack and then the cheeks themselves. 
In fact, it actually turned me on the most 
just to kiss her cheeks, something she 
caught onto after a few minutes. 

"You're really just a guy who likes to 
kjss ass, kiss ass, kiss ass," she said, 
and | could see her looking down as 
she ran a hand through her wavy hair. 


“Well, | like to suck cock, so | think I'll 
do that while you have your favorite 

She leaned over and took my prick 
into her lips. It was incredible how wet 
her mouth felt, the saliva sloshing 
around my inches. It was probably the 
best blowjob | had ever experienced in 
my forty-one years, and I'd had my 
share. It was so arousing that although | 
became distracted from my ass-wor- 
ship, | didn't mind; but what was funny 
was that she did. 

"Did | tell you to stop kissing my 
backside, Prof?" 

“No, but your mouth—" 

"Then no blowjob for you. | want to 
be ass-kissed. If you can't do your part, 
then the blowjob will have to wait." 

Poor me. 

| returned to kissing and licking her 
ass, and because it was so marvelous | 
soon put her fellatio out of my con- 
sciousness. l'd get it another time. 
Meanwhile, | licked, lapped, kissed and 
worshipped. It was all | could think 
about; in that moment, all | wanted, too. 





"Make yourself come while you kiss 
my butt," Rachel said. 

| jerked my cock and lapped her 
cheeks. My kisses and licks became 
more rapid and hungry, more worshipful 
and devoted. Who knew where all this 
was going to lead? But Rachel was the 
girl for me. Again, it wasn't just that she 
had a great ass, but also the proper atti- 
tude to make it most erotic...ah, that's 
the pedagogue in me coming out, trying 
to distill my perceptions into useful 
knowledge for any young women who 
might be reading this letter. 

| began to shoot uncontrollably in my 
hand. As | relaxed, she settled herself 
gently against my face as if | were part 
of the cushions. | turned my head so 
that her buns rested against my left 
cheek; all | could see was the back of 
the couch. 

"Enjoy yourself, Prof?" Rachel asked. 
The sound of her voice was indistinct 
because of her glute against my ear. 
And my words, because of the position 
of my face, came out muffled and dis- 
torted. "Mmm-yeth. Yeth.” 

"Good. Now let's discuss in detail 
how having an ass-licker in my corner 
will improve my education." 

It was a discussion | was more than 
willing to have—into eternity. 

Prof. Harold S., 


lm a resident in obstetrics and gyne- 
cology. You'd think that a guy who 
planned to spend his professional life 
around women and their genitals would- 
n't feel shy with them, but the fact is 
away from the work situation, | am often 
tongue-tied and nervous. Especially 
when I'm attracted to someone. 

There's a candystriper named 
Tiffany who works at the hospital, and 
she is so damn cute. Eighteen, red- 
haired, and petite, she makes me crazy. 
But | have never been able to have a 
personal conversation with her because 
of my shyness. Instead | just have fan- 
tasies about her, imagining what it 
would be like to take her out on a date, 

or make love to her. But having sex with 
Tiffany in reality? That's something that's 
reserved for the more aggressive mem- 
bers of the staff. How do | know this? 
Because | saw it the other day. 

It had finally slowed down on the 
maternity ward. I'd been up for 36 hours 
and was pretty tired, and thought I'd 
catch a few winks while | had the 
chance. Temporarily there was an 
empty private room because somebody 
had just checked out, so | thought I'd 
go in there and rest. 

Well, Tiffany had the same idea. 
Although | guess "rest" wasn't what she 
and her companion were looking for. | 
recognized the guy as a senior resident 
in neurosurgery from the third floor. | 
couldn't remember his name, but | knew 
his reputation. Big stud. Got any woman 
he wanted—nurses, doctors, adminis- 
trators. He was headed for a big career 
both leaning over beds and crawling 
into them. 

Tiff and this guy were in the far cor- 
ner of the room. They didn't see or hear 
me, but | got a good look at them 
before | quickly ducked into the closet 
to hide. Leaving the door open a crack, 
| could watch everything. Didn't they 
know that somebody else besides me— 
who wanted to watch and wouldn't 
tell—might come in and catch them? 

Tiffany and her man obviously didn't 
care. She was down on her knees, 
wearing the pink-striped uniform, and 
had the resident's cock in her hand. 
She was looking up at him with a big 
smile and jerking his meat slowly, with 
confidence. He was looking down at her 
and smiling, too. 

"Yeah, you're good for steadying my 
nerves, Tiffany," he said. Suddenly, just 
by hearing his voice, | remembered his 
name—Sid. Sid Krusterman. 

"| know you have a lot to do today, 
Doctor. That operation..." 

"A surgeon needs steady hands." 

"Well, let my hands steady your 
hands," Tiff said, laughing. And then, 
leaning her face over and about to take 
his meat in her mouth, added, "With a 
little help from my lips.” — . 

She slowly swallowed him. He 
reached down and held her red hair by 
the two pony-tails on either side. Using 
those ponytails, he regulated her suck- 
ing until it had just the right rhythm a 
neurosurgeon requires. She made a lot 
of slurping sounds. 

How | wished her mouth were on my 
cock...but in a way, this was exciting, 
too. | took my prick out of my pants and 
began masturbating. 

After seemingly adding three inches 
to his dength with her sucking, Tiffany 
took her mouth off his rod and began 
licking his balls. Watching that little 
pink-red tongue lapping. at Sid's hairy 
nuts looked so dirty, so obscene. This 

(continued on page 32) 


(continued from page 16) 


candystriper was really just a little slut...l 
loved it. | loved watching it... 

Amazing how much a girl can get 
into lapping a guy's scrotum. But she 
did it slowly and lovingly, lowering her 
face so her tongue could cover his sac 
from every angle. | wished | had a pic- 
ture of it. | wanted two pictures of 
Tiffany, in fact. One that showed her 
ready-to-do good deeds in her little 
pink-striped uniform, and another that 
showed her licking a man's balls. The 
angel and the nympho. My Tiffany. 

Sid was pretty hot after all this treat- 
ment. Finally he lifted her up and leaned 
her over the bed. He told her to pull up 
the hem of her uniform, which she did, 
and then he pulled her pink cotton 
panties down with his left hand while 
stroking his cock with his right. Tiff 
pressed her face into the freshly made 
bed and closed her eyes, waiting for 
Sid to plunge his prick inside. 

First he teased her. Those neurosur- 
geons, they know just what to do. He 
moved his cock up and down the crack 
of her young butt, toying with her. | saw 
Tiff reach her hands underneath herself 
and open the front buttons of her uni- 
form so that she could play with her 
breasts through her bra. Then suddenly 
Sid slid inside her cunt. She was so wet 
that the squish was audible across the 
room and right into the closet where | 
was hiding and beating off. 

He fucked her that way quite a while, 
and she moaned and bit her lips. | saw 
her fingers gripping the cover of the 
bed, digging into the beige fabric. She 
pressed her mouth against the cover so 
that her moans would be muffled. 

“I'm feeling steadier now, Tiff, but not 
quite as steady as ۱۱۱ have to be for that 
big operation this afternoon," he said. "I 
need your asshole for that." 

"Take it, Doctor," she whispered. 
"Take whatever you need." 

He came out of her pussy with a 
pop, and then stuffed himself slowly into 
her butt. She groaned and let out a hiss, 
but then when he began plunging back 
and forth in her rear with a steady 
rhythm, her horny moaning returned. 

“Can | shoot in your ass, Tiff? That'll 
really help me out," Sid said. "You'll 
probably help me save the patient's life 
if you steady my nerves by letting me 
shoot in your ass!" 

"Whatever, Doctor," she said. 

My cock was large and sticky in my 
hand as | watched my dreamgirl can- 
dystriper getting banged in the butt by 
this sleazeball surgeon. He had the gift 
of gab, the bullshit patter, that women 
liked. He was getting Tiffs ass, proba- 
bly all the way up to her colon with that 
huge thing of his, and | was just in a 
closet beating off. But hell, it was kinky 
and | really didn't mind in the end. 
(Hey—after reading this, don't you want 
me to be your wife's OB-GYN?) 

"Cum in my ass, Doctor," she 

| watched Sid leaning over her, hold- 
ing her by those two ponytails as he 
bucked back and forth in her behind. 
Finally it happened—he began squirt- 
ing, though | could see that he was still 
buried deep in her. So every drop went 
into her hot, funky, young ass. 

"Tiff, baby, Tiff," he panted, falling 
over her until they made a messy pile of 
each other on the bed. 

Suppressing all sounds, | came 
myself just moments later, filling my 
hand with a voyeur's sperm. 

There was a little sequel, though. 
They lay there for a few minutes, then 
finally Sid had to get up and go. Tiffany 
said she wanted to compose herself, so 
she'd see him outside a little later. He 
left the room, walking right past the 
closet | was hiding in. | watched Tiff as 
she stood and absentmindedly pulled 
her panties up. She looked out the win- 
dow, thinking about who knows what. 
Then the kinkiest little thing happened. 
She reached around under her uni- 
form's hem and felt the seat of her 
panties. "Oh, damn," she said, "damn!" 
It was Sid's juice, leaking out of her ass 
into her underwear. 

She considered the problem for a 
moment, then took action. She pulled 
off the panties and, with a mischievous 
smile, dumped them in the wastebasket 
next to the dresser. Then she pulled 
down her uniform, straightened herself 
in the mirror, and walked right past the 
closet and me and out of the room. 

| was pretty sticky myself, not having 
had a chance to clean up while they 
were still there. But now | had an idea. | 
left the closet and went over to the 
wastebasket and picked up the dis- 
carded panties. They were still warm 
from her body, and moist from the load 
she'd taken. | wiped my prick off on the 
fabric that had been so close to her 
pretty little asshole and then quickly 
threw them back into the wastebasket. 

Dr. Don, 

hings are hard for a girl like me in a town like this. It's 
small and conservative, the kind of place where 
everybody knows your business. Going to church is 
like the big social activity around here. And like every other 
girl | want a boyfriend, but I've known all the guys around 
here since kindergarten and | just don't see them that way. 
My dream is to meet a man who's older and has some expe- 
rience in the world. I'd love to be able to please a guy like 
that, and | read a lot of books and magazines to learn about 

the "special" things that guys like... 


've been ordering sexy lingerie from a catalog, and when | 
put it on I think | look pretty hot. One day | was hanging out 
with my friend Matt and he lifted up my dress, just kidding 
around, and saw my thigh-hi stockings. We've known each 
other for years and it's never been sexual, but the way Matt 
looked at me right then changed that. We were alone in his 
back yard, and he pulled my dress up over my head. “Wow,” 

he said, as his hands cupped my breasts, "you've grown!" 


e lay on the grass and | unzipped his jeans to 
touch his cock. | wanted it inside me, and Matt 
got on top, spreading my legs wide so he could 
push in. First it was uncomfortable, but as | opened wider he 
was able to go further and then it felt good. It felt really good! 
We even tried a few different positions, and | liked it best 
when Matt gave it to me from behind. That's when he was 
able to fuck me the deepest. We've been fooling around a lot 

since then and I'm glad—now | have some experience for 

when | meet that special guy | really want to satisfy. 



ome guys tell me | look like a 

topless dancer. | take that as a 

compliment; they all have real- 
ly nice bodies and that's why | decided 
to bare it all for JUST EIGHTEEN. Guys 
also tell me that I’m the perfect combi- 
nation of sugar and spice—my face 
may look sweet and innocent, but l've 
got a slutty side, too. | like clothes that 
are cute and girlish, but | also love to 
take them off. Now that I'm legal | can 
get a job dancing. Its my fantasy to 
have a lot of guys watching me while | 
strip, and as | was posing for these pic- 
tures that's all | could think about. Men 
all over the country, maybe all over the 
world, opening this magazine to look at 
me. | think my tight little body could 

make most guys hard, don't you? 

SW 3 


may not have big tits like some girls, 

but | like the natural look. And | think 

my pussy is one of my best fea- 
tures—l like to keep the hair trimmed 
real neat so you can see my pretty pink 
lips. At this photo shoot we took some 
pictures where | was spreading my 
pussy wide open, and that turned me 
on so much | even got a little wet. | felt 
like such a bad girl, exposing my pri- 
vate parts like that, and | loved it! The 
photographer told me to imagine a 
scene that would make me feel sexy, so 
| pictured a bunch of guys standing 
around, urging me to pull up my shirt or 
show them my cunt. In my fantasy they 
would all be naked, with big erections 
pointing right at me, and after | finished 
undressing | would go around the room 
and satisfy each one of them. | wish I 

could do the same for all of you! 

vvv MS 

osh, | hope my 

daddy doesn't see 

these pictures! He'd 
pull me out of school and take 
away my allowance in a sec- 
ond. But daddy's little girl is 
learning a lot more than her 
ABC' at this expensive col- 
lege. Like for example, just the 
other day | learned how to go 
down on another girl. Shocking, 
right? Not to me— always won- 
dered what it would be like to 

be with another girl. 

d | 


on't get me wrong, | love guys 
and someday | want to get 
married, but in the meantime | 
want to experiment. When | met my 
roommate at the dorm | didn't think we 

would hit it off at all. | come from a priv- 

ileged family, and she was there on 

scholarship. She called me a rich little 
princess, and maybe | am. But some- 
how we got close, and we would hang 
out on our beds half-naked and talk 

about everything late into the night. 

started hoping something would 

happen, and one night it did. | don't 

remember how we started kissing, 
but her mouth was so soft and willing | 
never wanted to stop. Our hands found 
their way between each other's legs, 
and we were both wet. | had to taste 
her, and when | put my face down there 
| smelled the sweetest, juiciest fra- 
grance. It seemed so natural to start 
licking and sucking on her little cunt 
lips, and she sighed with pleasure 
when | found her clit. | knew just what to 
do ‘cause | know what | like. | made her 
cum and then she went down on me, 
fucking me deep with her tongue until | 

climaxed too. 



Pro mi o) vh s O 


e kept kissing and touching each other the 
whole night, and we even used a vibrator to fuck 
our pussies. She has a boyfriend who's real 
cute, and we told him we want to have a threesome soon. | 

guess I'm not daddy's little girl anymore! 


MER 1995 

ometimes | get so horny | don't kno 

what to do. I'm not ready to go all the 


way yet, so my boyfriend and | have 
to do other things. We kiss a lot, and he likes to lick my 
body all over. The first time he went down on me | was kind 
of nervous—no one had ever kissed me down there 
before and | didn't know how it would feel. But he told me 
to relax and | trusted him—my boyfriend's older and he's 
had a lot of experience. When his warm lips touched my 

wet pussy a shiver went straight up my spine... 

¿rt MS 


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e told me that | tasted so good he wanted to eat me 
for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! After he made me 
feel like the sexiest girl in the world | wanted to do 
something for him, so | asked him if | could give him head. 
Now | was really nervous—l had no idea how to give a guy a 
blowjob. But it sort of came naturally. | put his cock in my 
mouth and gave it my full attention, licking and sucking the 
swollen head and throbbing shaft. A little squirt of stuff leaked 

out, and | tasted it with my tongue... 

y boyfriend moaned when | told him he had a 
good flavor too! | wanted more, so | took a deep 
breath and put his whole big thing down my 
throat. It was throbbing like crazy, and | felt a gush of warm 
cum in my mouth. | had to gulp hard to swallow it all! Now my 
boyfriend can't believe how much | love to suck him off—he 
says some girls don't do it at all. Until | go all the way, oral sex 

is the next best thing—getting it and giving it! 


0# SS 




hen | looked for my first job after high school I 
didn't have much experience, but finally | found 
work as a waitress. | knew | was hired for my 

looks, but | didn't mind. Right away | had a crush on this bar- 
tender named Ken. After we closed for the night | would 
have a drink while he cleaned up. One night we were the 
only people left and | was feeling extra flirty. | leaned over the 
bar and planted a kiss right on Ken's cheek. He smiled and 
asked me if | would come upstairs while he locked up the 
money. | said sure, guessing what he had in mind. 


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hen we got upstairs Ken 

closed the door and took 

me in his arms. | was so 
excited | was shaking as he started 
kissing me and stroking my body. | had 
to tell him that | had never done "it" 
before, but he was cool and just told 
me to relax and enjoy myself. | sat up 
on the desk and he stood in front of me, 
taking his dick out of his pants and 
pointing it between my legs. | was 
scared, but | really wanted to know 
what it would feel like, so | pulled my 
panties off and wrapped my legs 

around his waist. 

His hard thing touched the outside 

of my pussy, then started to go inside. | 
gasped, and suddenly he was filling 
me up completely, holding me tight as 
he moved in and out. | got this unfamil- 
iar sensation all over, like a warm wave 
splashing over me, and | cried out—l 
was cumming! Ken penetrated me one 
more time, pouring a river of hot liquid 
into my pussy that seeped out over my 
thighs. | sighed and held on to him— 
every muscle in my body was trem- 
bling. Now | look forward to closing 

time more than ever! 









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