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/ | г
7| ^j /
y? 4
p have te
admit sometimes event gel a lib
He excited by the Auf we run Lin His mag!
cea, lve been doing His jer a јем years, and
once youve geen | OOO pussies, YOu (ё
‘om all, right? / wrong! Each and every fen
መጋ we ve gef je a work of natural art! And
what about all Hose titties and sweet, fight
ሥመ #7”
Merced! with
the greatest quot legal girls in Ye-world-walk-
assholes? Why, they re nature 4
# ever day, 7 brow Г dm truly
ing around the office and spreading wide open!
ch, check out all of our ten babes, our
smolin' Fenior Gerapbook, Ye latest puck КК
9 in our Porno Pajama Party and more!
Lauren Keever
Karina Johnson
kelly Demetri
Alyssa Myers
colleen 0 veal
Arnold Held
# Honig
Fulvio Brito
Linda Hangon
The records, if any, required to be main-
tained by 18 U.S.C. 8 2257 and 28 СЕК.
በ 75 are located at the office of the pub-
lisher, OBT Publications, Inc., 210 Route
4 East, Suite 211, Paramus, New Jersey
07652-5103, R. Ferriaoli, Custodian of
Records. The maintenance of these records
ond the notice hereby given is not to be
deemed. an -admission that ће Publisher
ond the Distributor are the producers or dis-
tributors of material depicting actual sexuat
© ህ explicit conduct. Published 4/26/2006.
aS «Ra
= ЕВА. : 1% ብ. ILE
= dj
" Get Online: —74
| A. 4 RET መሃ
to the editor
my tiny 1
El ir
Then I couldn*
>, ‘CAUS
dick out of his
I got dov
end until i
nd on
ven ]
Steve put his he
&nd down his di
and he was
ng a whe
I didn't
filled rny mouth &
&nd licked him c
Katie L.
Des Moines, IA
(continued on page 27)
ou believe it, my
ast boyfriend said my
)boobs were too big!
What an asshole. Like, just
because I'm only 18 I'm sup-
posed to have ittie bittie tit-
ties? Of course I dumped him
right then and there and now
Im going out with this older
dude who thinks my tits are
just perfect, thank you very
much! And he likes my
pussy a lot, too! As a matter
of fact, he's been dying to get
a piece of it ever since we
started going out. He's good,
too; he diddles me until I cum
every single time we make
out and it feels so good that
Im thinking that pretty soon I
might let him do full sex!
when I play with myself, I
barely even touch my
pussy! Instead, 1 do
myself in the butthole. I
know, isn’t that weird? I
mean, girls aren't even
supposed to like doing
that, are they? But I
can't help it. It's like
my asshole is extra
sensitive or some-
thing. And so, even
though 1 know it's
nasty, I’m always
sticking my fingers
or a vibrator up
there. Then, and
this is totally gross,
1 get off on the way
my fingers smell
afterward. 1 know,
yuck! But man, it
gets me off. 1 used
to be afraid to tell
anyone my dirty lit- ኒ
tle secret but now
1 guess everyone's \
going to know,
huh?! Oh well!
| эт not like most girls. See,
Vicki's ፪
quite the butt
slut! Bet she'll
be a great
when she
grows up!
3 Times in One Night?!
“ ” E]
SECRET *Sex Serum" Exposed! i
Are you the type of guy that women brag about - THAT "One Guy", the one that "rocked H
her world"? Now be honest, is that guy you? If not, I may have the secret answer that's 5
been apparently keeping the "industry" guys at the top of their game for years. Check 3
out this letter I received (from a chick none the less). ፤
I don't usually write into magazines (especially mags like this), but after uncovering this amazing secret, 1
I just had to blow the whistle on this stud. I know every girl says this, but Гуе only been with a handful (ok, maybe two handfuls) of ፪
guys sexually. And to be honest, a one r
ght stand is a pretty rare occasion for me. But after partying with this guy for a couple of
hours and grinding up against him I just had to get a glimpse at what this guy was packing.
Well, after heading back to his place, let's just say it got a little crazy. He made all the right moves and the sex that followed may have
actually destroyed it for every other man! His cock was so completely hard and BIG. And his staying power was insane. Holy shit! I
must have had 5 or 6 orgasms after being ravaged 3 times in one night. Now I've been with a couple of guys that performed well in
the past. I know one of them was using Viagra, and the other a topical called Maxoderm (which also works pretty well). But hands
down this guy was the “champ”, I mean he performed sexually like a pro! So between the size of this guy's unit and the fact that he
pounded me for nearly 4 hours, I just had to ask what this super stud was using to rock my world
Well, after bribing him with some return "favors" he finally fessed up. Surprisingly enough, it was also a topical (like Maxoderm, but
better). He referred to it as his “secret sexual serum”, better known as And, get this, my super stud also owned up
to being an adult film star! He claims that he'd never be able to perform at his job without the help of and that
it maximized size while helping him to "recover" faster and do it more often (ГИ say!). He even said that ALL male
stars he knew in the industry use it — “What do you think, we have the super human ability to fuck like that naturally?”
ve not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not
So next time you think that these "super" studs are plugging away on screen with little or no help THINK AGAIN!
‘They obviously need help like everyone else. So now the secret is out of the bag! I recommend to any
man looking to perform like a porn star. I know that ГИ never let any man that I'm with have sex without it again
val results may vary. These
If I let a guy fuck my butt I'm still a virgin,
right? That’s why I let Gary do it, even though I
said ፲ቧ never give up my cherry to a loser like
him. Гуе been dating Gary forever but as soon as
I get to college in the fall I'll get a better boyfriend.
But for now, Gary does lick my pussy so good
that I wanted to give him something.
We were fooling around at my house and Gary
was giving me a massage with all this oil He was
rubbing it all over my butt then his finger “acciden-
tally” slipped into my butt. “Is that what you want
Gary?” I asked. “You want to put it up my butt?”
Gary just made the animal moan and 1 heard
his pants unzip. I told him that I'd let him but
he'd better get it greased up really good and if
he tried to put it in my pussy I'd kill him. He
seemed to think that was fair.
1 He poured more oil into my butt crack and
፤ worked it around my crinkled flower, letting his
fingers gently probe so shallowly inside my sen-
sitive hole. It felt fucking awesome, my pussy was
drooling buckets as he worked my bud open.
He climbed over me and I felt his thing hard
F against my butthole. “Not yet,” I told him. “Put your
finger in first!” He worked a finger into my hole, I
gasped as it pushed past that first ring of muscle and he
could get no further inside until I relaxed enough then
orgasm building up in me, which was crazy because he
hadn’t even touched my pussy and 1 didn’t think a girl
could cum through her ass. Greg realized he was about
to bring me off and shoved a finger in my cooch too,
then 1 came off like a firework.
“Okay, put it up my ass,” I said, half begging because
now I really wanted it bad. I pulled my asshole as
open as I could to meet his dick and he pushed it
hard against the hole. It was like it popped in, 1
was so open, it felt delicious as it climbed inside,
spreading me wide. I felt crammed full of his
meat. I couldn’t stop moaning.
I felt like such a wild animal, letting Gary
do me like that, hing in and out of my vir-
&in bung-hole. But I loved it and I knew that
I wanted him to cum up my 888, to feel it
spurting inside of me. It didn't take long, a
few more thrusts and he unloaded, feeling it
| drip out of my ass felt awesome. I told Gary
that if he was really good I might let him do
f it again sometime, like I was doing him а
favor but really I couldn't wait. I wanted it
again right away!
4 ኣኣ
Marissa C.
kay, so it all — because ו had to take my computer
into the shop, which 1 hate to do. See, I’m a geek, I can take
o Since my operating system was screwed up, though, | had to
get it checked out, even though | knew that the guys at the skanky
* mom and pop comp shop around the corner would treat me like a
total idiot ‘cause l'm a girl. They always think they're such hot shit
and they charge a ton of money, which | totally don't have. But |
sucked it up and got ready to deal with some know-it-all idiot.
But when | walked in | saw Phill, or | saw his ass, anyway. See,
he was bent over with his head stuck in a tower and he was
cussing something fierce. But all | could see was this awesome
butt under a tight pair of jeans. Until he stood up and | saw that he
was buff as hell, too. And cute, especially for an older guy; maybe
thirty? Plus - get this - his head was shaved! I totally never liked
bald guys but, holy shit was he hot!
So I'm standing there, stuttering like а moron and telling him
about my comp and all the diagnostic stuff l'd already done, and
before | even finished he totally freaked me out.
“Man, | love geek girls,” he said, grinning and flashing these
awesome dimples.
Shit, | just melted. Not only was he smiling at me like maybe he
actually thought | was cute, but
care of my own damn computers! I’m not a moron like most
girls: “Ooh, how do I plug in the VCR again?!”
he was taking me seriously. So, pathetic me, | got all weak at the
knees and simpery.
See, the thing is, | talk tough and everyone at school thinks l'm an
uber whore, but really l'm totally clueless about guys. | mean, l'm cute
and all, but none of the guys like me.
So, | couldn't tell, was Phill was coming onto me with the
whole geek girl thing and the smile or what? Fuck if | knew! But
I totally wanted him to like me, and just standing next to him was ;
making me all gushy inside and, well, gushy you know where,
too. | know, I'm so bad!
| totally didn't know how to act, but he was all cool and told me
to sit down on this huge bean-baggy thing so that we could fix ጠሃ []
comp together. And then he sat, like, right next to me! | mean, he
was squished against me and everything! | totally tried to pay
attention to what he was saying, something about bad sectors and
recovery versus reinstall, but | could barely hear him. | mean, | |
could think about was that maybe he liked me, whoo-hoo!
Of course, when he asked what | wanted to
(ту CVE
ጋ) ገ
| ME
(0000001900100) 1
שושיי аа атататетатето и Of
actually do about the comp, | acted like a total moron.
Like a damn cheerleader or something. And | thought,
shit, no way is this hot guy gonna like me when I'm
being such an idiot. But you know what? Instead of
rolling his eyes like | was stupid, well, he kissed me
instead! Right there on the floor in the middle of this
n ratty old shop, he started kissing me like | was the sex-
Ё lest girl on the planet. Totally freaked me out. But made
и me hot as hell, too, you know? Like | totally couldn't
wait to go farther with this guy, even all the way. Yeah,
| know, 1" just met him, but shit, | was already all wet
from the kissing and | was so happy that he liked me.
So when he reached up to undo my camo pants,
well, | wasn't about to stop him. Hell, | even pulled the
damn things down myself, and my wet panties, too
‘cause by then | was
dying to get laid for the first time!
But Phill had another idea. He scooted
off the chair thingy and turned around to
face me.
's okay, | won't bite," he said, laughing
at me, and that's when | realized that |
had my legs squeezed so tight together
that you couldn't have gotten them apart
with my dad's pry bar. What a moron!
Here | desperately wanted to get laid and
didn't even know enough to spread my
legs! | swear | turned about fifteen
Shades of red as | quick opened up my
knees, almost banging him in the head,
all the while wondering when he'd give
up and go find a girl who actually knew
how to fuck. But you know, Phill didn't
seem to mind, matter of fact he was
grinning at me from between my
legs and then, holy shit, his tongue
was smack dab on my clit!
| couldn't help it, | squealed like a
little girl as soon as his tongue
touched my privates. | mean, it
felt white hot and cold as ice all
at the same time, you know?
Plus it was all wet and soft and d
ittingled like the worst (or best!) —
tickling ever. But only for a sec- =
ond, then ጠሃ сій started to feel
way intense, like it was on fire.
So, | couldn't help it, | grabbed
hold of his bald head and
Shoved his face even deeper
into my snatch. That's when
he started lapping at my clit like he was starving to death and
I was a fucking banana split. | mean, he was slurping and slob-
* bering and my cunt was drooling all over the place and | swear |
was probably squealing like crazy by then, but | didn't care.
And he was so good! Pretty soon he had me bucking up like
, 8 fucking bronco at [ከፀ Stock Show and | know | was screaming then,
5 ፲፻ ሥን mainly because my clit was exploding into his mouth and my whole body
3 was shuddering like cr:
He kept licking, too, until | couldn't hardly stand it, and even after
Him too, seeing as how pretty soon | felt his wanker rubbing on my
slick pussy lips. | grabbed hold, not that | really knew what to do, more just ÈJ
because | knew | was should, and Jesus, his dick was huge! | mean, |
freaky, big-as-a-fucking-python huge.
| pretended like | wasn't scared to death, like I'd jacked off about a
gazillion monster cocks before, but | think he could tell because he
grinned all sweet at me and rubbed his dick real slow against my little
clitty, which was still all quivery. | couldn't believe he was being so nice,
| mean, | thought guys just wanted to shove it in, you know? But he was
the sweetest, which made me want to do it with him even more, even В U
though | totally didn't want him to know | was a virgin. | figured he'd flip.
out and maybe even stop. J
And | was kind of freaked. Like, "9 heard about how it could hurt at |
first and what with his big ol' wanker, | figured it could be bad.
But | acted all cool and pretty soon he started rubbing that fat |
head on my slit, then up to my clit and back again, smearing all my
girl juices all over the place. God, | was so wet! Totally embarrass-
ing, what a slut! But what with what his tongue had done to my
snatch and the feel of his enormous schlong pressed up against my
cunny, | was totally gushing. He was gonna have to get another chair
for sure, | thought, but then he popped that monster head into ጠሃ
[| | was done cumming he kept his bald head down there, nib- A በርክ
ነ bling on ጠሃ sopping wet gash until | was all puddled up in that virgin hole and | wasn't thinking at all any more. г
fucking chair. i (а 50 it hurt sj а second, ща а ие ос ps теп
\ it's like my pussy got all warm and even gushier, you know'
And then he was grinning at me, his face all smeared È ה Y ра
| with my pussy ins eh totally freaked me out. But Like having a dick tickle my insides was all I'd ever want-
ed in the whole world. Like | really was an uber whore. ~. а
But fuck if | cared by then! А
When he started pushing his
fat pole in harder, | spread my
legs and grabbed hold of my
he acted like it was no big deal, just rubbed his mouth
on his sleeve and started kissing me again. Eww!
My own goo! At first | was totally grossed out, but
1 then | got into it, you know, like it was a totally big-
ass slut thing to do, which turned me on even more.
p a. 2124
knees like | was some slut in a рото or something, like |
couldn't wait to take his dick all the way up to my belly button. And
you know what? | couldn't! He was going all slow, being real careful not
to push it in too fast and here | was dying to have him balls deep in my cunt.
So much for little Ms. Virgin! | kind of wiggled my ass a little and he slipped in almost
halfway and, holy shit, did it feel good! Like, all crammed, but full and satisfied, you know?
Okay, so I've played around with a couple of dildos in my time, like once | used this big fat
[^ сике from the farmer's market, but Phill's dick was so much better. Mostly because it was
© real, and soft and hard and warm all at once.
By the time he got it worked almost all the way in, his face was all scrunched up, and
е he told те | had the tightest cunt of any girl he ever fucked which made me feel way good.
-/ Hey, he liked my pussy! That made me wiggle even harder and in another second, ከፀ was
all the way in and my cherry was done good and popped.
But | was such a lame-ass about sex, | didn't even know how much better it was gonna
get, can you believe it? Like, | practically forgot about the fucking part! But | sure as hell
remembered when he pulled that monster thing out of my pussy with this big ol’ slurp and
then stuck it back in hard. His balls slapped on my ass and my pussy started quivering like
mad. Like | was cumming just from getting fucked, you know? Totally awesome. Pretty soon
he was practically slamming my pussy, | mean the chair was scooching across the floor and
everything! But Phill just kept pumping like | was the best lay ever and so | wrapped my legs
around his tight ass and held on for the ride. Man, his fat dick was, like, reaming me a new
pussy, and | knew | was so tight he could barely fit, but since | was still so gushy, he just kept
shoving the big thing in and out, groaning like it was both the tightest and best feeling ever.
| knew it felt good for him, ‘cause pretty soon he was grunting really loud and his jizz
was busting out of that fat wanker and filling up my totally fucked pussy. God, he was pump-
ing so hard by then that | thought ከፀ was gonna hurt himself! But | knew he liked it 'cause
he just kept cumming and cumming. fucking, it felt good! Both in my pussy and in my head
'cause | knew he liked fucking me, he really did! He kept doing it, too, until his spunk was
all squeezed out, and then he grinned at me again.
“Fucking-A!" he said, like he was all impressed and | felt so cool. I'd had my cherry
popped but good and the guy still liked me, yay! That's when | decided, hey, it's not so bad
to be a geek! 18
| uess what my best girl-
G friend gave me for my
18th birthday? Her
pussy! See, Katie's a lesbo,
but she never came on to me,
probably because I had a
boyfriend. But the truth is, I
always kind of wanted to try
it with her. And I guess she
knew that because after my
birthday party she took me
into the bedroom and start-
ed kissing me. At first I was
freaked, but, wow, it felt so.
awesome! And.-when^ she
icking on my pussy,
[, she was so good that !
came in about five seconds
flat. So, okay, I'm no dyke, but
after being with Katy, | know
I'm bi! And ! know 1 can't wait
to have sex with her again!
24 :
= ^
\ SPECIAL |E Down On The Farm
C Virgins In Bobbysox
Bonus |E Рев For Porvorts
O Beauties And The Beast
T ГА per fite |С In The Dog House
SHOWCOM BOX 69850 LA, CA 90069
Let's get together. College coed needs a
little help. Write to me and I'l send you a
personal hot letter and a bunch of my wild
photos. Please enclose a few dollars to
help with the postage. | also have a DVD
movie for $10. Write to:
Debbie Allison- Box 27041 Los Feliz, CA 90027
+ T: M
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Simply the
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centerfold this
month is every
guy's dream—hot
as hell and ready
- to fuck!
cent, but the truth is Im a total slut! I
mean, l've already done sex, like, a mil-
lion times; ! even did it with two guys at once
and they did me in both holes at the same
time! Of course all the girls at school hate
me 'cause 1 get all the guys, but they're just
jealous. See, all the cute dudes are always
coming on to me and asking me out
because they know that all they have to
do is kiss on me and tickle my clit and "И put
out. But I don't care because it feels so good
to have a dick up my pussy!
р tell me I look all young and inno-
This teeny
tiny girl isa
Just 18 fuck
machine, and
ove her
fests in.
he details
United Kingdom
United States
же ань ли ה
шо x m ми
— -— аа A
-— m мм
ኞ Fucking Cuties #5
uper sweet Liliane! A
young cutie that takes
/ it every which way she
| can! Her pierced pussy hole
and tight asshole are crying
4 out for a thick serving of dick
and Kermil is so very happy to
i ው # supply it to her! Hey, do your
part for Liliane's hungry
holes and grab Just 18
#5 today and dig every
een ass pounding, cum
drinking, pussy fucking second
of it! Available now at a video
store near you, or get it online
at www.buyswank.com, or
168 up the phone and
ዚህን ዚ8፡ 6 8 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
STARRING: Melissa Lauren,
Tory Lane, Lanna Lane,
Michelle Banks, Valerie
Herrera, Sunny Lane,
Jackie Ash
DIRECTED BY: Nick Orleans
120 Minutes
There's nothing better than a fine
piece of ass — and this brand new
production company has put togeth-
er some of the best backsides in the
business! With an emphasis on round,
ready rumps (and some serious anal
action thrown in for good measure),
this collection of butt-happy beauties
does not disappoint!
Things get off to a serious start as
exotic Melissa Lauren shakes her
perfect bonbon for her horny
admirers and then sucks them both
off. She guides her giddy guys in
both her pretty portals for a d.p.
E] frenzy that has to be one of the
hottest scenes of her career. This
Euro-babe is a one-woman fuck
machine! She drains her men dry
and is still ready for more.
Sweet-faced Sunny Lane bends
over and spreads her hot ass for
some rowdy rear viewing pleasure.
This too-cute newbie is a girl-next-
door gone bad! See her look of
determination as she opens her
sweet slot and straddles her man for
8 blistering bone-ride. Her pale, nat-
ural breasts bounce up and down as
she squeals with delight... and is
rewarded with a thick load on her
eager face!
After Valerie Herrera does a full
rotation atop Chris Cannon's sturdy
rod (in the movie's one slow spot), it's
Jacke Ash's delicious derriere that
begs for attention. She gets it with fin-
gers and tongue before climbing atop.
her lucky man's throbbing shaft and
inching him into her wet, ready pussy.
Her frenetic fellatio gets him anxious
for the pounding — and she willingly
bends over for some inspired dog-
gystyle drilling before opening her
mouth for her thick frosting.
The créme de la créme of this
assfest is a four-person free-for-all
featuring the always outrageous Tory
Lane and cum-guzzling up-and-
comer Lanna Lane. These competi-
tive cuties share more than sweet
lezbiantics: they don't stop until they
have their men's stiff dicks in every
tight hole. The cockfight climaxes
with a spray of semen on the gals'
listening glutes. They lick the pretty
mess off one another and share the
loads in a cum-soaked lip-lock that is
worth the price of admission alone!
Coleen ወወወወ
I want some of
that hot ass!
STARRING: Jasmine Byrne, Jennifer
Luv, Kathleen Kruz, Paola Rey, Sativa
Rose, Shy Love
DIRECTED BY: Mike Quasar
AVAILABLE FROM: Zero Tolerance
RUNNING TIME: 136 Minutes
Zero Tolerance has been one of my favorite com-
panies since their inception. They always seem to
gather the hottest nastiest girls onto one title with each
release. | don't know how they do it, but their casting
is always superb. Same thing with the second install-
ment of this series! Each scene begins with a deliber-
ate enticing strip tease from the female talent.
Jasmine does Mark Wood and Mick Blue in a room
at the same time. Jasmine takes on both cocks with a
no-hands blowjob and happily swallows both cocks.
The guys take tums fucking her pussy and her mouth.
Jasmine is fucked in a cowgirl, reverse cowgirl and on
her back. The horny tart even gets fucked in the ass
while she deep throats the other guy. The talented little
fucker even gets double penetrated [በ a reverse cowgirl
and doggie positions. Both guys pop at almost the
same time into her waiting face.
The final scene is incredibly passionate and
involves Paolo Rey doing her best to fuck her part-
ner stupid. She succeeds for the most part and
uses all of her orifices to coax a big load out her
man. Here's one incredible, sweaty and dirty
scene. Don't miss it! —Kelly 295269 .
I want
Some pink
e black stud. |
of the |
Let's just get
Some dick
over here!
veryone always thinks I’m shy
because I don't talk much. But do 8
you wanna know the truth? I'm
really just a bitch! See, 1 don't like all
that many people, especially girls. 1
mean, they're mostly just lame-asses,
and I figure I don't have to be nice just
to please them, you know? So I just
keep to myself and they leave me
alone. But luckily I’m hot, so the guys
are always following me around like
puppy dogs. Of course, a lot of them
are assholes, too, so I just hang with
the cute ones and diss the jerks. Then
if they get boring I just tell them to
fuck off. See I told you I was a bitch!
This intern didn't
make any friends
at Just18, but she
did suck off the
„ Photographer!
Okay, so Grace is Ч
uppity as hell, but
with a face and
body like that, I
think she can get
away with it!
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