August 2006 #110
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AZ tobas our last issue war, bey, е өте is
like pucking- molton Aot. lava 1 fen s gizl in hore
ie 4 first time cream geen waiting fo ge
reamed! And ij they re not waiting to дей agi
nally invaded, ifs cause We ve get te ox ok
fheir ina ugural ( lit 4 banging! Every hole ie
ging: ty be used, and for He most рат, Mese
galz gel Heir wishes!
Plus, we ve ge He (ере (zen confessions in
zur senior écrapbook! Heyra girls zlill a vie
7 7
ginig she only fabes ib up the ass, right? Right!
At least. that 4 wha Jat. we think here! Check if all
out, especially our Porno Pajama Party yA and ge
some issues! Enjoy! pe Editors
Lauren Keerer
Karina Johnson
kely Demetri
Alyssa Myers
colleen O'Neal
Arnold Held
F. Honig
Fulvio Brite
Linda Hangon
JUST 18 (ISSN 1091-06
The records, if eM required to be main-
tained by 18 U.S.C. 8 2257 ond 28 СЕК.
8 75 are located at the office of the pub-
lisher, OBT Publications, Inc., 210 Route
4 East, Suite 211, Paramus, New Jersey
07652-5103, R. Еетаой, Custodian of
Records. The maintenance of these records
and the notice hereby given Is not to be
deemed on-admission that ће Publisher
and the Distributor are the producers or dis-
tributors of material depicting actual sexual
ly explicit conduct. Published 8/03/2005
Get Online:
gers, and it only took a min
ming all over the place. It 1
was quivering all the way from tt
That made me think maybe I shoul
dildo, so I kind of t: d my hole and
then all the sudden the head of the dil
pussy! Man, it was so tight! The t
and I don’t know why, but it’s li
open up or something. I kept pushing and pretty soon I
а litt
and I hade to squish it in and out to get it ғ
tle more of it shoved in and tt
1 lubed
I had t
with my
hole fat
goo, but it worked! In about five mi
thing wedged up my virgin cunn
<now what? It felt
dildo was all greased ur
I could put it back in 1
when 1 mom found out it was m
“good girl” Ha hal Now I ju
sure she doesn’t find it in my room or el
she’ll know how bad I reall
t, got
Sandy P.
Denver, CO
(continued on page 27)
(gg ои те totally going to think I'm a dweeb, but I just got my first
Ww | boyfriend and I am so excited! I always felt like such a loser
шесі! because nobody even asked me out until my senior
year. But now | have a guy who likes me! It's only
been a week but Nate and I are practical-
ly going together, and we've even
done some sex stuff. Like, ! jacked
him off in the car last night
when he took me home,
which was totally weird.
All spoogy and stuff.
But he loved it and so
1 told them that
hext time maybe
Ml suck him. Ha
ha, just thinking
t that m
all hard `
for sure
he likes
Vanessa's ХО
a late bloomer,
but she's definitely
ready to make up
for lost time!
I bet
he'll like her
even better
when her wet
tongue is licking
his swollen
This little
teen fuck
machine is every
horny school
boy's dream!
Wet dream,
I mean!
| y
hat do you think? Do | look like а slut? Ең
totally thinks Га ecause |
d t wi
off Kyle i
know v?
iy not Њу:
- i shi
anybody can
see Holly's one
dirty little 'ho,
just look at
that зеху
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time. I’m not &
cause Pm more grown up than tk
all about how “J” and me did it.
s right up front at his show and I was,
те n Ir ging this song
and I thought
>. And guess
came up and told me to
. Omigosh! I was sc . I total-
y didn ow what to say or how to act. But it
didn’t matte! e J just started kissing on
me as soon as 1 walked into his dressing room.
Before I knew it, we were making out on this
ratty old couch, his hand was down my panties
апат g on my hole!
1” he said then, and I
knew that I was
‘erence did it make?
, becas
ed, spread my legs and grabbed his
ready sticking out of his pants. Then,
on my pussy, just like I was a lit-
st ‘cause he poked a little
Man, 1 almost started crying
there, I mean, talks about the stupidest gir
was inside! Yayı
x the tightest cunt ever,” he
me feel totally good because I knew
ucked, like, a million girls, and my
fucking me hard, like he
Ü е couldn't wait to get off and 1
есігі ‘cause 1 was doing it with this
= and he was totally liking it.
a coupla minutes and he
e time he
as an “awe-
virgin—I mean ex virgin—is
e lay! And the best part? I went
e next night and he got me into the
е, plus 1
ist lemme just rub it 0 pussy,
4 baby,” said Tommy, his voice all sweet.
“| promise | won't p okay?”
duh! | mean, no way w a let Tommy
ime | told him
, | did that whole promise thing with my parents
where they give you this ring and you swear you won't
do it “till you're married and all. | know it's totally lame,
but my folks are super religious and they pretty much
made me do it.
But hey, they never said anything about letting a guy rub
on you with his dick, which is what Tommy had been doing
that day for, like, а half hour! He'd started by putting it on my
belly and it was so soft and smooth that pretty soon | let
him slide it all over my titties. Whooee, my little baby nips
got so hard when he did that! That made
him all horny, and his dick started
drooling, which was kind of yucky,
but kind of hot, too, you know? |
| mean, just knowing that he was get-
| ting all excited from rubbing on my tit-
| ties made me feel real good
Like, okay-go-ahead-and-take-my-panties-off-and-
j play-with-my-clitty good! Yeah, | know it's dirty, but
< hey, my parents never said anything about that,
either! And damn, Тоттуз a good diddler, |
mean, he knows just how to find my sweet s|
with his fingers and pretty soon he had me
‘squirming all over the bed like a little
| mean, he was swirling his finger in
hole and getting it all wet and stuff and
then rubbing my clit back and forth. Plus his di WA ill rubbing up
against me and that was making me totally hot, too. So,
knew | wasn’t gonna let him put it up me, still n
about how it might feel, you know, with my pussy all
that fat thing filling me up.
So | guess that's why | told him okay wl
his wanker on my slit. | figured it would:
of slid it over my pussy lips and all. Lil
ingers, right?
But, oh man, it sure felt different! All
п though |
elp but think
etched out and
he asked if he could rub
big a deal if he just kind
lly any different than
and warm and hard and
BP w^
totally hot, if you know what | mean. And it felt
even better when his dick split open my pussy lips
and was sliding over my clit. Only it was embar-
| rassing, too, ‘cause my pussy was so wet, the
i gunk was getting all over him. It was like, coating
© his dick and my clit and everything, how gross!
But awesome, too. Weird, huh? That having a slick
dick rubbing on your clit would feel so good. I
mean, pretty soon | was getting all quivery and
squirmy again, ІІ ту hands down there
so | could open pussy lips even wider!
Tommy was totally into it, too. He had his eyes
closed and he was grunting and groaning like he
was fucking me for real. Not that | would know,
but my friends say that's how guys act when
they're doing you, all intense and stuff, and
Tommy was way into it, that's for sure.
Pretty soon he was rubbing his dick all the way
from my sopping wet hole to my clit. | mean, he
was so close to my cunny | could feel that big fat
head of his kind of pushing against my hole.
| “You аге totally not getting in there, Tommy
Jones!” | told him, even though his cock felt awe-
some tickling my cunny.
2 3 “| know, baby," he said, only his voice was all
хы tight and weird, “I won't do it, but damn, you feel
i а ооой, girl!”
> 2 Не kept rubbing, though, sliding his whole dick
Up and down my greasy slit like | was a banana
- split, and | was totally getting off on it, but
` then, holy shit, he started poking at my
+ `~ butt! Talk about gross! Like, if I’m not
- += q gonna open up my pussy for you, | sure
7-27 not gonna let you in my asshole, dude!
“You just make me so horny, Tina,” he
© said, all sorry-like, when | yelled at him. “I
mean you're so fucking hot that | can't
help but wanna do it, you know?”
Well, okay, that made me feel better, |
mean, it’s pretty cool when your boyfriend
1 thinks you're hot.
“Besides,” he said, and reached down to
kind of tickle my butthole with his fingers,
“Doesn't it feel good?”
No way! | wanted to say. But | couldn’t
say that because, you know what? It did
{ feel good, in this kind of naughty, really bad
girl way. Like, really good. Especially when
/ he slicked up his fingers with my pussy
juice and popped a finger up my butthole. |
know, how disgusting! But it was weird, it
> felt almost better than when he fingered my
pussy hole, like all tight and squeezy and
YA [ stuff. And when he started kind of wiggling
his finger around, well, it made my сину.
get all swollen. So, kind of before | knew
it, he stuck his whole finger up my butt
and | didn't stop him!
| knew it was bad and gross and yucky
and everything but | sure didn't feel yucky,
! %
. Instead, | felt all and way hornier than I'd been before when we'd
So, can you believe it? | other finger up there and when he start-
‘em in and out like he e, well, | totally forgot about how nasty it
, my pussy was g is hand and his fingers were making all
squishy noises while he did nd | didn't even саге, а! | cared about was |
good it felt.
“You know,” he said, when | was squirming so hard | was about to fall off the bed.
you let me do it up your you'd still be a virgin.”
Mainly ‘cause | knew he was right. | mean, sex is about
doing it in the
was nasty and that my parents would be totally pissed off
а! if let Tommy stick it in my ass, | wouldn't be breaking
my promise. Talk about a sweet deal!
Man, you should've seen Tommy when | said okay and got up on my hands and knees
like a damn doggy ‘ho. ! mean, he was so flipped out and happy that | swear his dick got
about twice as big. Which kind of freaked me out, seeing as how he was gonna be putting
that huge thing up my butt. Shit, | thought, no way is this gonna work! But then he was
rubbing on my opened butthole, his dick all greased up from my juice, and | decided | did-
n't care how fat his wanker was, it was gonna go up my ass.
| kind of wiggled my cheeks at him while he grabbed on and started rubbing his wet
head all over my butthole, kind of pushing a little every time. And then, holy shit, that big
fat head of his was buried up my butt! Wow! It was tight for about a second. But then it
totally didn't feel weird—instead it was like the best thing ever. Better than Tommy's fin-
gers, that's for sure. Even though my butthole was all filled up to the max and | was wor-
ried that Tommy would think | looked all gross, it felt awesome. So | wiggled some more
and sure enough, more of his dick slid right in.
He was, like, going crazy, telling me that his dick was on fire and that my ass felt like
it was gonna eat him up. He was way more excited than the time | sucked him off in the
car or the times I'd let him do my clit. | mean, he was, like, slobbering all over me. And.
the whole time he kept pushing against me, so that his fat dick was going deeper and
deeper into my butt. All the sudden he grunted and, whoa, he was all the way in! | mean
| could feel his balls tickling my wet cunny and everything.
My ass felt like it was gonna bust wide open but it totally didn’t hurt, as a matter of
fact, it felt so good that | wanted more. ë
“Damnit, Tommy,” | said, acting all pissed of-like, even though | wasn't. “Do те!"
Tommy kind of giggled ‘cause | was talking so dirty and started to pull that big
wanker out. Man, it felt almost as good going out as it did going in! Only by the
time he’d got the whole thing out, it was like | was jonesing for it again, you
know? So, what the hell, | scooched my butt back real fast and all the sudden his
dick was wedged back up inside me. Tommy was freaking by then, but in a good
way, telling me what an awesome ass | had and stuff. And since he knew that |
wanted it bad he started fucking me for real, shoving his fat schlong in and out of
my butt like | was the biggest ‘ho on earth. | mean, his fat balls were slapping on
my pussy and making all these squishy noises and Tommy was grunting like a |
pig. ‘Course, | was probably squealing, too, ‘cause | had my fingers on my clitty
while he fucked me and it was the awesomest ever. Like | always figured sex |
would feel only way better. !
“Fucking-A,” Tommy said, while ће did me. “You got one tight asshole, baby!”
That made me feel good, too, since that meant he didn't think doing it up my
ass was gross; he liked it! | kind of squeezed my butt while he was pumping and
he groaned some more and | knew he was about ready to pop. | started rubbing
оп my clitty even harder while he slammed me and pretty soon my pussy was
gushing like crazy and | was cumming alll over the place. But man, it was weird,
it wasn't like when | usually cum. With Tommy's dick pumping in and out of my
butt, it felt like my clit and pussy ar re all on fire at once and | just kept
cumming and cumming, it's li
Especially when he starte , he hollered like his dick was
about to explode and then | could lirting all up inside my ass. Plus he
, So | kept clenching hard until he
gallon of jizz out of him. By the
time he pulled his dong out of my butt, it was drooling all over the place. But | did-
n't even care, ‘cause not only did | feel all soft and squishy and warm inside, | had-
n't broken my promise, | was still virgin!
Okay, so I’m not about to tell my parents what 1 did. | mean, they'd totally freak
and send me away to some school for bad girls or something, but hey, | didn’t do
anything wrong
And, best of all, since it: and not my pussy, Tommy can do me again
and again and l'Il still 's a pretty good way to keep a promise,
don't you?! ©
м P This horny
е Ef wench isn't satisfied
with опе dildo—nah,
ђе > she needs а couple
| jpop ту cherry till I'm on my wedding bed. That does-
n't mean | don't like sex though, I’ve always got my
"fingers іп my pussy! Once my boyfriend even caught me, can
you believe it? Talk about embarrassing, | was dying. But he
loved it; he grabbed one of my dildos, stuck it up my cunt
and started talking dirty. Stuff like, “What if this was my
dick, baby?” It made me so horny that my pussy got all
greasy with my girl juices! Ew! But then, holy cow, he made
me come! | totally never thought I'd be able to do that in
front of him, but it felt so good | wanna do it again!
G | kay, so maybe I'm old-fashioned, but nobody's gonna
| с
е 4
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Маси Wee
gross, but I don't
care, ‘cause it
makes me so wet
that I just have to
play with myself.
Like, my clitty
gets all juicy and
slick with sweat
and I can't help
but rub it until
it's swollen and
q ШЕ?! And that}
horny so | have
to stick my fin-
gers up my hole,
£ which always
It's obvious
that Addison
| loves her hot,
sweaty pussy!
But then again,
who wouldn't2,
ж. жы. жә.
= м. жə.
Дап you be addicted to dick when you're only 18? I total-
ly think | am, mainly because even when | masturbate
with dildos and stuff, it’s not enough— always need
more. So, as soon as my first boyfriend asked me to suck
his cock—on our first date!—of course, | did. Рт so into
dicks that | swear one of these days I’m going to let a guy
put one up my ass, too!
Check out more of Virginie’s cunny exploits in Just 18
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one big-boobed
teen who isn't
afraid to take it
up each and
every hole!
ат ча Ñ — е
rn Ari nun ~
| SAI ПЕН с (1Е ars ГО Ва с бъз! —
ТЕ you're
gonna be
addicted to
it might as
well bea
JUST 18 #5
STARRING: Nataly, Brenda, Liliane,
Alisson, Sonia
DIRECTED BY: Denys DeFrancesco
RUNNING TIME: 110 Minutes
Yummy, yummy, yummy. These young
cock chugging teens are way more than
you can possibly handle alone. Thankfully
we аге here to help you through this. We're
throwing down the gauntlet and challeng-
ing you to get through this entire movie
without showering your fist with dick seed
at least three times. Let's get it on!
Hottie blonde Liliane jumps on the
bed and let's the camera capture all of
her jiggling goodness. After a brief pillow
fight with Kamil Klein, the red hot action
begins. Liliane's juicy tits get sucked and
she returns the favor by hoovering his
cock like a true pro. Liliane mostly gets
fucked from behind, which is fine with
me, and she only pauses to do a little
pussy-to-mouth. The blonde's tiny ass-
hole gets reamed in doggie style and
more as she flicks her clit in ecstasy.
Following an ass-to-mouth blowjob
Kamil cums all over her tongue ring.
Alisson's scene starts off with some
great kissing and groping with Martin
Alisson get's her twat split open in a
bunch of different ways. She rides his
cock long and hard while playing with
her clit. Alisson pauses every now and
again to lick her pussy juice from his cock
before reinserting him into her pussy. A
slow weak cumshot dribbles on to her
chin and the skinny blonde cleans up the
spent sperm with her cute mouth.
Sonia is awakened by Martin as he rubs
her pussy through her panties and sucks
on her little tits. The brunette is so tumed
on she rips off his shorts and jams his cock
down her throat. The entire scene is fast
and delicious, you'll have to jerk harder
just to keep up. Not only is her pussy
plunged and pounded her asshole is as
well. Sonia closes her eyes and takes most
of the cumshot directly onto her tongue.
Nataly and Frank M. start off with a
hard liplock as her clothes get pulled off.
These two work great together and you
can feel the passion. Nataly fucks with a
fierce passion and once again pauses
only to do а pussy-to-mouth. Good girl!
Nataly also gets ass fucked in this scene.
Is there anything she can't do? Just to mix
things up, Frank squeezes a nut off onto
her ass and goes back for more anal plug-
ging. Nataly does some deep ass-to-
mouth sucking to cap the action.
Brenda wastes no time in pulling out
Gerys cock and stroking him to fully
erect. With her panties still on, Gery
plows her slit. Brenda does some pussy-
to-mouth before he does her ass
Brenda's bubble butt shakes as Gery
pumps harder and harder up her butt. A
final ass-to-mouth is followed by some
thick shots of cum all over her tongue
This Just 18 series keeps getting bet-
ter. Grab it while you can! —Kelly
Td love to be
in one of
these videos!
STARRING: Alec Knight, Alyssa West, Claire
Robbins, Keanni Lei, Kelly Rose, Mark Wood,
Victoria Sweet
Nxt Lvl
120 Minutes
Claire Robbins finds a box of DVD's in Mark Wood's
garage. It’s a box орот! Claire goes inside with her nat-
ural curiosity and asks Mark about them. Naturally he sug-
gests they try out some of things she's seen and faster
than a dropping zipper Claire is hovering his cock for all
she is worth. After his cock is sufficiently coated with spit
she hops on his lap for some cowgirl banging. The sex
here is great as Mark pounds her cunt to a series of con-
secutive orgasms. Claire begs for some ass fucking and
Mark is pleased to oblige. Claire is outrageous in this
scene, really taking control and giving as hard as she gets.
Mark shoots his load into her open mouth and the filthy |
little cum slut licks up all the spunk. [T
Kelly Rose is a blonde in pink undies who looks a bit |l
like Bridgette Kerkove. Homework proves dull to her so
she starts finger banging herself on the floor. Mark sticks 0
his tongue into her holes and really gets Kelly started up. MES
These two fuck great on screen and Kelly keeps moaning
and talking dirty the whole time. Kelly take sit up the ass
in a piledriver and reverse piledriver positions. Kellys u
asshole hangs open after Mark does her doggy style and |
in a reverse cowgirl anal. Kelly cleans up his cock with
some ass-to-mouth before he explodes into her face.
Don't miss the final scene with Keanni Lei, it's a fuck- |
ing scorcher! —Alyssa 0999 N
Me too! My
pussy's always
very rea
Let's get
the cameras
rolling and the
cum flying!
Know) that; some:
€ when they have
c EU.
те I like to) do) all kinds;
Of different) positions,
heck, I think ие done it
every) single; мау you
can. And guys love: it.
intern loves То fuc
and she's very creative
about how she
` does it!
y This month's \
CABE E = <> ~“.
Bint “TA DIAN АУ 4
7 Lily
has a skill to
be proud of.
And look at
that puffy
is a total
innocent, but
T have a
feeling that's
gonna change
real soon!
s uess what?! | —
= [s made - - š
the cheer- >
leading squad and ~
l am so psyched!
Гуе been trying
for two years, but
all those clique-y
bitches kept me
from getting in!
But then, ha, this
one girl broke her
ankle and I finally
made it! Now all the
cute guys are going
to want to go out with
me! Not that I'm going
to let them go all the
way or anything, hey, I’m
not easy like some of the
other cheerleaders. But I
can’t wait to see what it
feels like to make out with a
guy and maybe I'll even let
him feel up my tits. Okay, so
maybe I'm a teensy bit easy,
but I swear РИ only let him
get to second base!
Second base?
No way! Some
guy's gonna
score a home
run up this
tempting teen's
L | ñ | =
YES!!! Make me | у A
4 your WHORE! DZ Š
⁄ ` -
; > А The teen pussy ` ч 4
/ juice continues to flow іп the А ya 4
mo = | next creamy issue of Just 181 |
\ Page after page of first-timer
babes all for you!
ЕФ а