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Every month t sit here and try to figure out
new "ways to ge you guyê and. gala cut there
info this magazine! And, every month, all 1 have
bo do is fake a look al the issue before it
4725, and blammo! That 4 all it tales!
Every girl in Just 18 is a guy? wet fucking Lauren Keever
dream! You know what we're talking aboub—all
1 5 Karina Johnson
Hose teen babes walking ground, barely cor-
۵ ee e enê êê 0
esca by clothes, tite spilling out of their tops! kally Den zhi
well, you finally get bo seo mbabs under the
hood, as hey say; right here on out pages! IF = Alyssa Myers
VE PY y y
gonna make you cream, page after page: girl
after sweet teen girl! There's a lof of pussy colleen O Meal
© here thie month, 70 gel going!
z ; Arnold Held
Z Honig
Fulvio Brite
Linda Hangon
JUST 18 (ISSN 10914
jy. nds bı
e The records, if any, required to be main-
5 tained by 18-U:S.C: 8 2257-and-28 CER.
e 8 75 are located at the office of the pub-
lisher, OBT Publications, Inc., 210 Route
© 4 East, Suite 211, Paramus, New Jersey
e 076525103, ۵۲, Custodian of
© Records. The maintenance of these records
e and the notice hereby given is not to be
e deemed an ‘admission that the. Publisher
e and the Distributor are the producers or dis-
tributors of material depicting actual sexual
© yy explicit conduct. Published 6/28/2006
__ to the editor
thinking about how much he liked me. And man, did he
like me! As soon as we got to his apartment he started
touching me all over, sgueezing my big boobies and rub-
bing my fat butt like it was the hottest thing ever.
“Damn, girl, your fine ass is making me all hard.”
That freaked me out, ‘cuz way was I gonna do it with
him. But when I told him thai ust laughed.
“No problem, sweetheart, just let me have a taste of that
I totally didn’t know what he meant, but then he pulled down
my panties, turned me over and, oh my gosh, he put his face in
my butt crack! I know, is that gross or what? But the weird
part is, it didn’t feel gross, it felt wicked good. cially when j
he stuck his tongue up my hole. I had totally never heard of f
anybody doing anything like that, and it was really nasty, but |
good, too. And he was doing my pussy, too, sticking his fingers
up there and stuff.
Plus, he was totally getting off on it, slurping and slobbering
like crazy. It was making my pussy all wet and mushy, too,
and — can you believe it? — I came right there with his
tongue up my buttl
I felt so ernbarrassed, but then he said I had the
best asshole of any girl he'd ever been with, isn't,
that awesome?
So, guess what? I don't care if he is kind
of weird about asses, I'm gonna ditch
tomorrow and let him do me (and my big
ass) again! Kendra S.
Corpus Christi, TX
n Country Boy
There’s this guy, Chad, at school who— get this —
wrote a song for me! It flipped me out, especially
è 1770 because it’s a corny country song.
` a] “Baby, be my girl, you rock my world...” Shit like
3 that. I mean, give me Flogging Molly or Coldplay
any day! But then, you Know, I started thinking it
was kind of sweet in a geeky, countrified sort of
way. So, what the heck, I started flirting with him
and sure enough, he ked me to go to the movies.
Yhoohoo, my first real date!
At the theater he was all sweet, he bought me
popcorn and stuff, so when he put his arm
around me, I cuddled up against him. It felt
pretty awesome, especially when he started
fingers. Like, I was
getting goosebumps and tingles everywhere.
Is that pathetic or what? I mean, I’m such a
lame-ass about guys, I was getting all hot and
bothered already!
Him, too, though, because when I looked
down he had this big bulge in his jeans. I was so
freaked. Like, what was I supposed to do? But
then I remembered all the things I'd heard about
f BJs and I just decided I was going to do it!
a I reached down and unzipped his pants, and he
F was totally surprised, especially when his dick just
W popped right out. I'd never seen one before and it was
weird, all veiny and red, but I just grabbed onto it and
started licking. Whoa, it was so soft! Totally not what I
expected. But I could tell he liked it. So, I licked all the way
up and down the shaft and even kind of tickled his balls
with my tongue, ew! Then I just started sucking on the
very top, you know where it gets all big. Man, he was going
crazy by then, like I was really good at BJs or something!
I was feeling like a total slut so I bent down and took
almost the whole thing in my mouth. It made me gag a lit-
tle but I kept it in there and sucked really hard. Pretty
soon he was practically humping my mouth and then
he was groaning so loud I was scared we were
gonna get caught! Plus I knew he was about to
cum, which freaked me out. Like, should I swal-
low, should I stop? But he had his hand on my
head so I figured he wanted me to keep going.
And I was right, because in another second, he
was, like, doing it down my throat!
Talk about weird. It was all like creamy
and salty and there was so much that it
started dribbling out of my mouth. But hey,
Td just given my first BJ!
So now, well, me and him are kind of like a
couple. He even said he’d write me another
song. I told him if he writes me a punk song, I
might even let him get into my panties!
Susie L.
Nashville TN
Lai N
1 ١ a 4
Dr eê) Ye,
kay, I Know most guys out there are dying
to sample my little pink lips, and I don't
blame them! Anytime | stick my fingers
inside, I get off right away! But, my favorite thing
on me is my perfect round butt! I love showing it
off any chance I get, and I make damn sure I get a
lot of chances to show it! I love to have a guy slide
his tongue up and down my crack and gently poke
it into my butthole—especially if he's fingering my
pussy! Oooh, it makes cream when I think about it!
Well, guys,
what do you 6
think? Does she ۲
have an ass fai
to die for
or what? <€
Every girl
wants her first time
to be special and
Jenna's no different!
The thing is, if she
doesn't stop playing
with that sweet pussy
N of hers, there won't
be a cherry left
to pop!
can't help fucking
J| myself! See, I want
stay a virgin for as long
as possible! I used to want to
stay pure until I was married,
but once 1 hit 19, | knew I
couldn't wait forever! So I
started fingerbanging myself
every night, then every day
and night, and now I'm up to
every few hours! It’s hard to
stay 10096 pure, you know?
MW |
Jenna! Believe us,
we know! But we
| both know you can't
hold out forever!
| | Call us when you get
The only good thing is, Derek's pretty cool about it, he even stood
up for me and told her to stop being so mean! But of course, that just
made her hate me more since she figured I'd put him up to it. After
that, she started grounding him for stupid stuff and saying | couldn't
come over any more!
But Derek said, “No fucking way!” He wasn't about to let his
mom keep him from seeing me. So, since she works all day, he just
sneaks me into his place after school. Okay, so we can't go out on
dates, but at least we're together, you know? And anyway, we total-
ly got back at her for being such a snot!
See, before | started going over there, we'd never fooled around
much, mostly because I'm such dweeb about sex stuff. I've only had
one boyfriend and when he kissed me it was so gross I told him to
back off. After that, | totally didn't want to go out with guys, and |
especially didn't want them to do anything icky like stick a tongue
down my throat!
But Derek's different. First of all, he's like the cutest guy ever, |
mean, he even has dimples, can you believe it? And when he kiss-
es me, it's not icky, it's awesome. All soft and squishy, but nice,
especially the way he runs his tongue over my lips, yum!
So when we ended up alone in the apartment, well, things just
heated up, you know? Like, we'd make out, and | even let him feel
up my titties and stuff. But last week
| let him go even farther, all because of his bitchy mom.
He was showing me her bedroom, which is all prissy and girly and stupid. |
mean, you can tell that she never gets laid in that bed, with the comers tucked
just right and everything. But then, Derek pushed me into the room onto the shiny
pink bedspread and started tickling me, which he totally knows | hate. God, | was
screaming like a little girl and giggling so hard | couldn't hardly breathe. And even
though | yelled at
him to stop, he just
kept on going. |
swear, | just about
peed my pants, he was tickling me so hard.
Of course, that freaked me out because | knew.
his mother would have a cow if she Knew I did
something like that on her precious bed. But
still, Derek kept-messing with me: Pretty
soon he was straddling me, holding my
arms-dewn-and blowing raspberries on
my belly. What agoof! | mean, it was all
slobbery and everything. But you know:
what? Even though it's kind of gross
When he does that, it still makes me
feel all-shivery-and-stuff. So, by the
time he'd been tickling me for about
ten minutes, | was kind. of excited,
like when we-make out for a long
time. Just from tickling!
And, man, was hìs mom's-bed
was a mess, all scrunched up and
sloppy! I told-hím that we-should
totally go, even though | didn't want
to. Really, | wanted him-to just keep.
going and, lucky for me, he did; pret-
— ` “ty soon he was-getting all kissy and
He still had my arms pìnned to the
bed and at first he just gave me tiny little
kisses, almost like he was teasing me, But
it didn’t take long before he-was Frenching.
me good, and, oh, man, did his tongue feel
awesome! | could totally tell that the tickling
had made him kind of excited, too, you'know?
And - is this weird? - it Was even hotter
because we were on-his mom's bed! It's like | knew
she'd call the cops-or kill me if she found out, and that
made It even better somehow. So | started kissing him-back
hard, being all-slurpy and slutty-and stuff. Derek loved it, and pretty
soon he was rubbing up against me. Rubbing his you-Know-what up
against me, | mean. ١ know, totally freaky!
He'd never done that before, and | couldn't believe how big it was.
Like, monster big. Like, Scary-but-so-hot-l-about-freaked-out big. But |
— didn't freak, because by then my panties were all wet and | was feeling
all excited and sguirmy, just like | do, when "play with myself, That's how
Fknew that I wanted to do more than just tickle and make out. As a mat-
ter of fact, pretty soon.| knew that.l wanted Derek to pop my cherry on
his mom's bed!
Of course, Derek didn't Know that yet, but he was sure getting all
excited rubbing his wanker up against me, | knew he was dying to pull it
out, but Instead, | did it for him! You should have Seen his eyes-bug out
when-t grabbed hold and started kind of rubbing it-T know he was total-
ly freaked out that--was being so slutty. But-at-the same time, he was
totally digging what twas doing. So, even though 1 didn't have a clue, I
just kept kind of squeezing and rubbing" Like, jacking him, you know?
“Oh, baby,” he groaned, “that is so awesome, do it harder.”
I did, and faster, too. Whooee, was he Jiking that! I mean, he was get-
ting all-twitchy and everything. And you know-what? | was, too, only from
the inside: Like, totally horny. Like | was ready to feel what it was like to
actually do sex. Only, ha ha, Derek still didn't Know I was going to let him.
So, to show him, I wiggled out of my panties while | still held hold of
his dick. Man, you shoulda seen him when he got a-look at my pussy, he
was practically drooling and his eyes were all bugged out again.
“Oh, baby,” he said, “you gonna let me lick that?”
Whoa, lick it?:GrossH-mean, a pussy's all slimy and wet and icky! But
Derek didn't even wait for me to say, “No way!” Instead he just stuck his
face down there and started sucking on-me. Can you believe it? Here I'd:
barely let him get to-second base before, and now he was licking me on
his mom's bed. Too awesome.
And, holy shit, he was good: It Was like he-was doing these butterfly
Kisses right on my clit. Really fast and soft at first, but then his tongue
pushed harder until | couldn't hardly stand it. I Wasn't even thinking about
how.gross it was-any more, because his mouth was making me warm.
all the way from-my clit to the tips of my toes: Then he-slìd
down t0-my-sopping wet hole, which grossed-me
‚out at first, except that having his tongue shoved up there
also made me remember that really soon his-dick
would be there! Of course, that made me about a
thousand times hornier, and pretty soon | was
squirming around on his mother's bed like
the total slut she thinks ۱ am. It made me
giggle to think what she'd do if she saw us.
Her precious little boy with his face plas-
tered against-my snatch! Ha, she'd hate
me even worse.
But too bad, His tongue was flicking
back and forth faster by then, and my lit-
tle clitty was about to bust. I guess Derek
knew that, because all of a sudden he
‘stuck two fingers up my virgin pussy. |
mean, he Was practically fucking me
with them and, oh my-God, it felt so
good: {couldn't help but get into it,
and in another couple of seconds my
clit exploded. Then | was shoving my
pussy up against his face and every-
thing, like | couldn't get enough, | mean,
it felt so good that |-wanted it to go on
and on. The awesome thing was that
Derek kept licking, really hard at first,
then really soft, until | was totally done.
And then he looked up at me from between
my legs, his face all’smeary from my girl
juice, and grinned at me.
“Damn, that was fun!" He said.
I couldn't believe he thought it was fun to do
thatto me, and here he didn't even know how much.
more fun it was going to get! But he got the idea when |
pulled him up on top of me and grabbed hold of his wanker
again. I started rubbing it on my totally soaked pussy like | was some
little whore or-something and grinned at him.
“Wanna have some more fun?” I asked him.
“No:way! he said, like he totally didn't believe me. But then | took
the head of his dick and! pushed it up near my juicy hole. That's when
he started grinning and | knew he'd figured out that he was about to
get lucky.
Of course, when he started to stick it in, | got a little scared, | mean,
while he Was licking my pussy I'd forgotten that his dick was so huge.
But | spread my legs wide for him and he started working-it in real
slow.and you know what? It wasn't all that hard, maybe ‘cuz | was all
wet? Sure, my pussy was getting hot like crazy, but hey, Itwas going
to Work! And each little bit filled me up more and more until | swore no
more would fit. But then he'd grunt and push again and more would
go in. My virgin hole was getting so-big and wide | couldn't believe-it.
And I couldn't believe how good it felt either. Especially when Derek
had that whole thing wedged up there all the way and he was kind
of pressing on my clitty at the same time, too. Damn, it was like
\.was.cumming again or something.
But then it got even better because he started humping me for
real, kind of slow-at first, then faster, until his mom's headboard.
was banging against the wall like crazy. I figured the neighbors were
‘going to know for sure what Was going on (not that they ever heard
it when his ice-queen mom was around!) But who cared? I was get-
ting laid! And | could tell-Derek loved it. To make it good for him, |
wrapped my legs around his back and kind of pushed up against his dick.
Man, that made it go in even deeper, it was like his thing was going to
come out my belly button or something!
That's when he really went crazy, you Know, grunting really loud and
pumping like mad. | mean, he was going in so deep his balls were slap-
ping against me. And, whoa;all the sudden | could feel his stuff going
up inside my pussy! Talk about awesome. | was so-not a virgin any-
more. And I had so gotten back at his bitch mom.
| didn't even care that I had gotten girly goo all over her bed. I
mean, what was she going to do? Go sniffing around my crotch to.
prove it was me? And it doesn't matter anyway. | mean, just the fact
that Derek did it with me on his mom's bed proves that he likes me.
better than her anyway, so there! 18
= FB = 1 dqdafQlIQQ û
ee Bootie: cam S Invitro single mothers | 099
ساك AL) q neat A * meso O! N 局
(ET 3
N I | ] IN
3 _ | 1
E ol a
of Sucking) SUCHE | 8887
! j. Yê PKR AR ET
j'm 18 and totally
ready to get laid!
Gal waited long
enough, and now its
time to get this pussy
working! l'm used to
playing with myself a
lot-I love to rub my
tits and slide my fin-
gers into my wet hole,—
but I just know having
the real thing inside
me is going to be so
much better! 1 just
can't wait!
Sweet, innocent,
Satival What can I say
about the cutest babe
we've had at our office,
except that she's still
totally cherry and
waiting for that
first fuck!
۱ Sz Fe
All right,
everyone! The
line to Sativa's
untouched virgin
pussy starts
right over
Holly is
one fun girl! She likes
to play all kinds of games,
like “Let's Fuck My Next-
Door Neighbor” and
“Hide The Dildo"!
\ Wow!
| T'm sure all
of our readers
| ) would love to
help Holly out
~ / with her little
problem! 4
WEES ۲ 6
tie ata
United Kingdom
United States
4 WOW ۸
۱۳13 WI N
kipping class to give up the
ass is nothing new for Tara!
She's always ready, willing,
and more than able to stuff a cock
deep in her mouth, pussy, and ass!
Watch as Tara and all her friends
take their holes to the limits in Just
18 #6! Available at a store near you,
online at, or
call 1-888-211-8110!
Can you
believe Tara
skipped a whole
day of senior year
exams to shoot
this scene?
We can!
7 n >
١ 5
y m. ۲
Te NE 2 - =
cl E HRH A
vie . . سس
Allee ^r $û ! ı a 11û1)zıalî Ka ~~
STARRING: Jolean, Katie Ray, Alicia
Angel, Sierra Sinn, Angel Amor,
Lindsay Lane
RUNNING TIME: 140 Minutes
Our cute blonde hostess Jolean
leads us through a series of newbie
bangs with a digital cam in one hand,
while diddling her swollen clit with
the other.
Katie Ray is recently legal and hun-
gry for cock. She opens the first scene
with a sexy strip dance that unveils her
bite-sized boobs and shaved teen
twat. Jolean joins Katie for a dildo mas-
turbation session, but soon enough a
man shows up and Jolean becomes a
spectator as the young Katie shoves the
male talent's rigid pipe down her
throat. This teen screen whore takes a
# major league pussy pounding, working
all of the major positions before tilting
her head back for the pearly facial that
brings the curtain down on this impres-
sive opening act
Dirty Little Vixens won't blow you
away with amazingly hot sex or inno-
vative hardcore action. Instead this
flick hangs it’s hat on stirring the
juices of porn fans who can't get
enough of hot teens trading in their
innocence for a taste of throbbing
Wow! They really
manhood and flowing gooey jizz
Round two features the smut
debut of Alicia Angel, a smoking hot
brunette with a modest rack and a J-
Lo butt. After Angel peels in a pre-
bang tease segment, her boy toy
arrives with a lump in his pants and a
desire to make this 19-year-old
screen virgin's maiden voyage a mem-
orable one. Alicia seems to have no
gag reflex as she experiences no dif-
ficulty accepting the full compliment
of her lover's mule between her
blood red lips. Jolean even returns to
fun by offering Angel's tongue a taste
of her pussy while the newcomer
gets plowed doggy style. Alicia rais-
es the bar even further by spreading
for a bit of anal love before taking a
hefty load on her pierced tongue.
With a monster-sized rubber dick
rubbing between her sugar walls, Sierra
Sinn confesses her undying love of sex
to Jolean. Though only at the age of 18,
Sinn is no stranger to the horizontal bop
as she takes her boyfriend's dick into
her mouth like a seasoned cocksucker.
The male talent looks pretty foolish with
a shopping bag over his head, but for-
tunately the focus of this scene is on the
fuck/suck skills of Sierra Sinn
The disc boasts five teen vignettes
in all, and Jolean finished the flick with
a solo finger screw that allows this DVD
thrill ride to end on a high note.
—Alissa oee
stuff those
little asses!
STARRING: Misty May, Sierra Sinn, Annie Cruz,
Luscious Lopez, Keeani Lei
AVAILABLE FROM: Lethal Hardcore
RUNNING 145 Minutes
This is an all-anal extravaganza if the title was too
vague for you. Lethal Hardcore has put together a great
selection of cute and homy anal sex fiends. So, without
further ado, we present to you, “Cum in my Gaping
Misty May is an exceptionally cute chick with a per-
fectly proportioned body. She sucks dick like a champ
and can't wait to have a dick up her bum. She shows
off her pert little asshole and then crawls into frame to
suck some dick. Misty settles on to his cock for some
cowgirl screwing while her guy manhandles her ass
cheeks. From there it's all about the backdoor! Misty's
rump is filled with dick from all angles, really giving her
ass a workout. Misty May holds open her gaping butt
hole while he jerks off into it.
Long faced Luscious Lopez opens her wide mouth
to take as much dick down her throat as possible. This
lanky broad with the whorish good looks uses every
inch of her body to get her man off and she delivers
one of the hottest scenes of the movie. Luscious has
seriously long legs that look great spread far apart. The
dark haired Latina has her butt hole gaping open as the
guy dribbles his cum into her used-up a-hole.
Keeani Lei is a powder keg waiting to explode! The
pint sized sexpot rubs her clitty while getting fucked in
the asshole. Her guy keeps his cock inside as her fills her
rectum with cum. Lethal Hardcore has lived up to their |
reputation and hopefully will continue to deliver the ۳
hardcore goods! —Kelly
When are you
gonna try it?
in this
Hey, I'm
a little
butt slut!
that many naked girls in my life, and I was
1 “on the girl's track team taking showers and
stuff—I thought I'd seen it all! Anyway, after my first
few days, I got the hang of everything—writing,
filming, taking pictures—you name it, I did it!
TS 1 That's why when it was time for me to get my lay-
<< out taken, I was more than ready! I want every
reader out there to jack one off onto my hot slit
“and tight asshole! And when you're recharged, I
ù ant you to cum all over my face!
1 ١ Y E first day here was a blur! I'd never seen
po a N
Some girls
never guite get it and
some catch on real
quick! When it came to
working here at Just
18, Bailey was a very
guick learner!
Br ۳ 1 سس
en سي “fym y YECTO
'Thanks again,
Bailey, for all your
hard work! I'm sure
our readers will be
thanking you many
times, too!
= *
Kinga is
a beautiful blonde
who's not from around
here, but that has
stopped her from
making a lot
of friends!
hen I first came to the States, I was ner-
vous about meeting people! But
pretty soon, lots of guys were com-
ing up to me and asking me out on dates!
I didn't even have to try! Now, every few
nights, I have a new man slipping his
meat into my teen pussy and ass! I
didn't think American men loved
anal sex as much as we do in my
country, but I was surprised!
Every guy I’ve been with has
very happily taken my asshole!
What a country!
w i
LI als
YES!!! Make me N J 4
+ your WHORE! N Ò
” ۳۷۸۵2۱۷ FUCKIN
@ ii
= SE
| y
LJ 1
On sale August 22, 2006!
> The teen pussy
/ juice continues to flow in the
۳ next creamy issue of Just 18!
Page after page of first-timer
` babes all for you!
Be there!