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Alright ladies and gentlemen, His issue 14 4n
eleven aul. oj ton-on the o erean moter! 1 had
my hands buried in my panties [ex every sch,
/ {
avery bek flick review, and especially during
7 й
He senior gerapbook! Actually, | came so puck
ing hard during the pirat half of it | had to ge Lauren Ёёдүёг
é é 2 ( 4
wash up Cno sense In having my Leyboard smell
d š Э И Karina Johnson
(ike pussy, trol > and recharge! But, once Í
фоогосбооебе ё
was composed, p finished Ha story...and туга koly Demetri
ofp one were time! Hey: gel yourself and your
dick ready fora great mag! Plenty of hot first Alyssa Myers
fimers and soni experienced babes waiting to
gel you opb! Let. Шет а? fheir thing by turning colleen 0 weal
@ the peg? and gelling it all started!
Arnold Held
£. Honig
Fulvio Brito
Marly Puntus
hur 2006
JUST 18 (IS:
The records, if any, required to be. maintained Бу
18 U.S.C. 8 2257 and 28 CER. 8 75 are locat-
ed ot the office of the publisher, ОВТ
Publications, Inc., 210 Route 4 East, Suite 211,
Paramus, New Jersey 07652-5103, R
Ferfiaoli, Custodian of Records. Тһе mainte-
попсе of these records and the notice hereby
given is not to be. deemed on admission that the
Publisher and the Distributor are the producers or
distributors of material depicting actual sexually
explicit conduct. Published 8/03/2005.
зе с0020.0000%4060 $e
panties с
gs and 1
my puss; Ї
me! I had no idea I could get so mi
cooch until that moment!
Mark lapped at me, running his tong
cunny lips and twirling over my bud. He even lick
butthole. I couldn’t believe what a dirty bo,
amazing! I was trying to be quiet, I didn’t want all his friends tc
know what we were doing, but I couldn’t help crying out!
Mark brought his head up and even
see how slick his face was with my cum and when he k
could taste it. “You ready, baby girl?”
that I was because, you know, I was |
So he got on top and I felt the ti
hole and I held my breath e
buried deep inside
dick I exhale. “You oka;
I oke I felt
under the stars with this hot guy I v
ping my cher “Uh-huh,” I said. I
slowly drove his dick in and out of me, «
tenderly I felt like I was floating. Whe:
we went back to the fire and sat for a v
e did it again in the back of
way home! Since then, whe
1 other we are at it non-stop. I
enough! Madison S.
Myrtle Beach, SC
(Continued on page 27)
at my
1t it felt
though it was dark I cc
ed and 1
his knot
against m
his dick
me and he stor
Wa Here
fucking amaz
we see ea
just can't ¢
just likes to have
fun—with herself!
And she sure
seems easy
to please!
looking hot! It’s fun to strip down in front of the mirror т just my
panties and “fuck-me” heels. Even if | wasn’t lucky enough to grab the
at the frat party, І can have an awesome time by myself!
ick one finger in my twat, get it nice and wet, then add
maybe one more! I'm still pretty tight down there, so
I can squeeze in. Watching my own pussy getting finger-
! | love looking at my pretty pink hole and imagining that
some guy's thick cock filling me up. Sometimes l am so horny
Т up my lips and just touching my clit once!
М ( P D
b A
— №
will get “first
lix" with Arlix?
I bet you wish
you were the
lucky one!
hen I'm really turned on my pussy lips get 50000
wet and swollen. Sometimes 1 can hardly stand to
even put my fingers in. 1 tried to fuck myself with
|| а dildo once, but I came so hard ! thought I broke the
thing! That was my hottest orgasm so far, | can't imagine
|| what it will feel like when 1 finally have a real cock in me.
I'll be so excited, I'll probably explode in two minutes. I
feel sorry for the poor guy who gets to be the first one
| to break my cherry. He won't have much to do because
| I'm sure I will be the one to take charge!
I want to control every inch of meat that slides into
my virgin twat. I think it will be so much better than
the time with the dildo. ! can't wait to feel an actual
live dick shoota load inside me!
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LETTERS) (Continued from page 7)
№ Team (Ask
Y } Me апа Louise always did everything together, во it
< didn’t seem weird that when we sucked a cock, we
„> did it together. Brad was the hottest guy at school, so
ME went off to college and we worked as cleaners at the
answered, wearing only a towel.
Holy shit, I thought to myself. We chatted for a
minute then Brad announced, “You know I always
fantasized about getting it on with you and Louise
at once.” I coughed, blushed and moistened my
panties in about a second. Brad let the towel drop
| and flashed his big cock. I ran out of the room
and upstairs to find Louise, told her and we both
went back to Brad's room.
Brad was laying there with his cock in his
hand. He smiled real wide when we walked in.
у We went and sat on the bed and 1 couldn’t stop
№ giggling when he asked if we'd suck his dick,
ША but when Louise just sunk her head down and
Ё did it I gasped. She looked like she knew exactly
| what she was doing!
y Brad gently pulled my head down to where Louise's
was and I licked at the bottom of his shaft while she
sucked on the tip. His hand went up my skirt and rubbed
at my pussy through my panties, I thought I was gonna,
pass-out. I saw him do the same to Louise апа I was so
turned on! бо, this was a threesome!
Louise pulled back во I could have а suck. His plum
filled my mouth, it was so big and firm, salty and delicious. I
sucked hard as I could and it jerked іп my mouth. I felt
Louise’s tongue and we kissed briefly, Brad really liked that
and told us to make out.
We did, kissing each other while Brad pumped his huge
cock and muttered encouragement. Louise unzipped my
uniform and pulled it up over my head, then took off
her own, kissing me all the while. We sat on the bed
in our underwear, making out as Brad beat ой.
Brad pulled me down to suck on him again.
This time I took as much of him іп my mouth as I
could, sucking hard and flicking my tongue all
over it. Brad told me I was gonna bring him off,
like it was a bad thing and pushed me away.
Louise kissed me again and soon I felt a shower
of warm sticky goo flying all over us!
“Oh my,” I giggled again, this time Louise
| joined in. Brad didn’t care, he just lay there grin-
ning. “We'd better go,” I said, getting dressed and
almost pulling Louise away with me. I was scared
what might happen if I stayed in that room one
$ minute longer! I wasn’t ready to lose my virgini-
ty, no way! Jodi.
Marysville, CA
eewwww!” I squirmed out of Jason's reach, managed to flip the handle on
the backseat door, and tumbled out onto the dirt lane. | landed on my ass.
"What your problem?!" Jason roared over the squawk coming from the
drive-in speaker, his fuming face looming over me from the backseat. His
aroused cock was still looming between his legs too.
His tongue was what had grossed me out, though—an eel-like monstrosity that he'd spent the last few minutes trying to ram down my throat.
Supposed to get me in the mood, | guess. Like the horror flick splattering across the drive-in screen above us. Typical date movie. Aimed to scare a
gal into losing all sense, therefore letting a slime bucket like Jason into her pants.
Well, I've never been called easy. Why the hell I'd agreed to go out with him, | suddenly had no idea.
Á He'd succeeded in unzipping my skintight jeans and cramming my t-shirt up above my bra but at
7 least | was intact. | stood up, pulled my clothes into some kind of order.
" en ~ “l'Il find my own way home, jerk-off!" | spun оп my heel and headed down the line of cars,
к - all of them with tiny speakers emitting the movie's ridiculous soundtrack. Rows of steamed-up
det. , ` ni windows. Jason spewed some foul words after me but | shut him out and began to wonder
^ SR how | was going to make it home.
- ^ дА Fa | spotted а familiar faded pickup. Not necessarily a welcome site but at least Nicky would
~ let me ride with him.
“Hey,” | said.
He was propped up in the bed of the truck surrounded by a mountain of sleeping bags,
toolboxes, gas cans. Nicky was the kind of guy who always had grease under his fin-
gernails and a crooked, |-dare-you smile on his face.
“Hey, yourself,” he replied then took a slug from a can of beer.
Nicky and | used to be friends when we were little. He picked оп me a lot
but it was all in fun. Yanked on my mousy-brown curls, tickled me, dared
me to do crazy things. Nowadays he still picks on me, but it isn't much
fun anymore. He can be mean sometimes. Still, | trust him. He was
bound to complain about me hitching a ride but he'd take me.
“Can | bum a ride home?”
His eyes traveled down me then back up again. | knew | looked
good tonight. My legs are long and show off well in my tight den-
ims; my short-cropped t-shirt screamed “Las Vegas!” and showed
off my flat tummy. My hair was its usual cascade of curls. | copped
a pose, drumming my fingers on a thigh impatiently.
He took another slug of brew. “What happened? Romeo's dick
too soft for you?”
“You're disgusting, And you’re a bonehead.”
“Yeah, well thanks, Einstein. You gonna
gimme a ride or what?”
He was right— was a bonehead. Of all the
high school seniors | could've picked to give
my virginity to, Jason was the absolute worst
choice. | couldn't quite get the feel of his slimy
tongue out of my mouth. Bleeecchh!
Nicky polished off his can and chucked it
into a corner of the truck bed. “Climb on in,”
1 swung up and over by the wheel-well.
“The movie's crap,” | informed him as | set-
tled into the mounds of sleeping bags along-
side Nicky.
“No one comes for the movie, cupcake.”
“So why are you here? Got a hot gal hid-
den somewhere?” | stretched out and got
real comfy.
He ignored my question completely.
You were seriously gonna let that lame-
ass pop you?"
| cringed. Still a virgin at 19. And Nicky
knew it. He seemed to know everything. He'd
even caught me once examining my pussy in a
mirror. He'd lived next door then and, | found
out, had regularly spied on me through my
bedroom window. He'd teased me about that
for a whole year. That was about the time |
started hating him. And he started getting a lit-
tle mean with his teasing.
“Не didn't pop you, did he?" He leaned over
me, looking intent, like it meant a lot for me to
Say ‘по’.
Then he began to draw circles around my
exposed bellybutton with a finger. | watched
the grimed-up nail of that finger circling. A
chill—no, a thrill shot through me. He'd never
touched me like this before.
“No,” | managed to get out, my breathing
hitching up in my throat.
“Why is that, Katie?”
His finger was rough, his hand big. He
spread it out; it enveloped my ribs. Our eyes
‘snagged on each other's.
“Why didn't you?" The shifting lights from
the movie screen danced over his face. His
warm breath wafted over me with that friend-
ly, yeasty smell of beer.
I'd forgotten what he'd asked me.
Oh. Jason. Popping me. “I, uh — didn't real-
ly want him to be the one."
Nicky's hand traveled. | couldn't figure out
if | wanted it to or if | should stop him. It felt
mighty good, just now ... his calluses lightly
scraping across my belly, meandering under
my t-shirt to find the front fastener on my bra.
He snapped it open. The bra fell away.
| took a deep breath.
"You saw his dick, though."
| exhaled, "Yeah."
His fingers trapped a nipple and tugged. |
swallowed hard.
“He got a big one?”
Big one. My mind scrambled to find an
answer for him.
“Huge,” | lied.
“Yeah?” Nicky's hand pushed the bra and
t-shirt all the way up so he could take a good
look at my tits. The nipples were hard as peb-
bles. "You suck him off?"
| got into the swing of it, then. Maybe to rile
him for all the times he'd riled me over the
“tation of my entrance: =
a Na x
a Ж ج
ме always fantasized about fucking guys and sucking off big cocks, but I never thought about
doing a girl until last summer when I worked as а camp counselor. Kelly, my bunkmate was a col-
lege freshman like me. She had a really tight ass and wore super short camp shorts. She always
called me “Sam the Clam" and made it no secret that she wanted my clam. Can you believe that she
actually climbed into my bunk one night totally naked! I woke up to feel her wet girl-fur against mine.
We started sucking face and her tongue felt so good inside my mouth. Before ! knew it we were
knuckle deep in each others twats. Then Kelly crawled head first under the covers and when I looked
down, all | saw was her cute face buried іп my hairy muff I grinded my hips against her mouth until
I shook all over! 1 never knew sex could бе so much fun with a girl. 1 can't wait ‘til next summer!
Учтту! en
Sammi had her
first taste of
snatch and now
She's hooked
on chicks!
Oh, Sweety,
show us your hot
little tits! We all
know you're not
that innocent!
ops, it happened again! 1 always try
to be a good girl, but sometimes 1
just can't control myself! This time
1 ended up in the back seat of a car,
screwing my best friend's boyfriend. 1
was so horny I didn't even bother tak-
ing off my mini-skirt. 1 had no
panties on so 1 just jumped on his
lap and straddled his thick rod. 1
bounced up and down on it while
he squeezed my ass-cheeks with
both hands. I was feeling really
dirty then so I got up on ту
hands and knees and stuck my
Y little ass in the air.
I told Ryan to give it to me
hard and he knew exactly
what ! meant. He got
behind me and slid his
rock hard cock right up
my asshole! Mmmm, 1
love taking it deep in
my butt. I'm glad we
kept the windows
rolled up because
when I came, !
shrieked so
loud! Oh
well, so
much for
being a
good girl!
mw B
Alright, so
Sweety won't
win the "Friend-
of -the-Year"
award! She's just
too good at
being bad!
E E Fa
tie Ei
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ith classes all day and work every night,
when do I have time to fuck? It's not like
I don't have plenty of choices! There's
this older guy in my English class has been after my ass since
© orientation. Maybe I can squeeze him in for a quickie next
- < week before I go to the library to study. And when 1 say
> | “squeeze” I mean squeeze his meat stick with my tight little snatch.
> ^ T always catch him looking at my luscious titties when I don't wear a bra.
Ф — № Ç Im sure he's just dying to suck on them, along with every other guy in that boring class.
>. Everyone needs to take a stress day once іп a while, right? Yeah, well, mine will be a “suck
lots of dick and get my tight pink pussy filled with jizz” day!
All work
and no play makes
a college chick
very frustrated!
She needs to
blow off some
maybe a
few guys!
: AX > 4» ‚ - м ey ES
y (Continued from page 30)
"| know you don't like me anymore, Katie." He stroked up and
down my long legs. "But you'll like this—"
| was almost ready to admit out loud that | did like him, since
this was going so lusciously well tonight, but | lost that thought
ав ће pressed into me. The breadth of his thickness stretched me
beyond anything I'd ever felt before. | knew then that | had to
have it all. Now.
| cupped the flexing cheeks of his ass in my palms to urge
him deeper.
He gave me more, stretching and filling, all my wetness wel-
coming him deep. | felt the instant he poked through that pesky
membrane of mine. It was a little bit tight, but I still tried to pull his
ass to seat him deeper. | wanted Nicky occupying all of me.
"Slowly, now,” he murmured. "Just a little further."
It was more than a little. Every inch felt like the most intense
kind of taking ... to be penetrated so thoroughly.
| wiggled my hips and began to prompt him to really fuck me
now that he'd opened me up so expertly.
He cursed under his breath and grabbed my hands away
from his ass. "Just who's fucking who here?" he growled out and
pinned both my hands above my head with one of his own.
“| sorta thought it was mutual ...” | smiled sweet as | could and
he pulled back and slammed into me hard. The truck rocked. |
‘swallowed a cry but this was exactly what I'd been craving.
He did it again. A grindingly slow leave-taking followed by a
fast, burning stroke deep in. | was sure we were making sparks
fly from where we were joined. | tried to find leverage to shove
myself up when he was shoving himself down but my ankles up
on his shoulders gave him all the leverage. He'd done it on pur-
pose! He'd known I'd want to take control of this. He knew me all
too well.
“Settle down and let me do you properly.”
“Yes, sir,” | sassed. “Anything you—“ but | didn't finish that
weak-willed sentence. His pace doubled and my whole body
thrummed with it.
When his free hand made its way between us and touched
my clit, | about burst into flame.
Soon, | was begging. | heard myself plead and moan and
appeal to every overly-testosteroned instinct he had. He stroked
my tits with his tongue. He bit my chin. And kept fucking my super
tight opening with rough force, bumping his fingers against my clit
with a rhythm | could never have duplicated, even in my dreams.
“You've always liked me, Katie. Admit it.”
“You like me and you like this.” He rammed me vigorously
enough to shift us both.
“Just keep fucking me … please ..."
“| remember you touching your sweet little pussy all those
years ago ... “ He kept pistoning into me, hard. “Made me cream
my briefs, Katie. You always make me cream myself.”
| panted with his escalating rhythm, every limb trembling.
“Now | get to stir some of my cream into you—“
| exploded right when he propelled himself high up into me
and stayed there. | could feel him release into me as my pussy
muscles gripped him in waves.
"That's it. Suck all of me in there.” He demanded it of me.
“Take every ounce.”
My hands were free now 50 | wound my arms around his
chest, my lowered legs around his hips, vice-gripping him
against me while we both convulsed in pleasure.
“Do it again!” | hummed into his ear, my body a warm, cozy
chaos of satisfaction.
He flat out laughed. “You've always been wicked greedy, you
know that?” He tried to rise up out of my grasp enough, propped
on his arms, to look me in the eye.
“But you like me anyway,” | prompted.
He answered too quickly. “Just as much as you like me.”
1 grinned. Neither one of us was going to admit anything.
But if he liked me half as much as | truly liked him ... well,
let's just say we were probably going to rub along just fine from
now on. The sweetest kind of friction ...
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