Fingers Up
My Slit!
Just (о y
4 7 | = T
/ j 9 J N FIRS
E JP Mj cher
ЈА y Cherry
UNA d те On
° i My Back!’
WI | || A
| E ANAL | i
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As we get some new teen blood in the
абду, we'd lite to say this everything that
you love about Just 1% іє going to stay the
same! All the tight (НИР virgin twats, all the
anal cherry Popping falos, all the pirat lime
swallewings will remain! And, rather than
gef into a whole introductory thing, lets
just gef fo what matters: sweet teen pussy!
This month has got to be the hottest one
ever! check out the Genior Gerapbook and
see how many loads you can Spill! Then, as if
we even have to say thie, check out all the
cutie pies we've unwrapped—thoy re sweet
and 22774 Just the way you lite ‘em! —Lana
Vietoria Rose
Lana williams
Art Director
Sophie Martin
Assistant Editor
Jewel Verone
Copy Editor
Anna Friedman
Director 2} Manupachuring-
Arnold Held
Circulation Manager
£. Honig š
Production Ma ager
Fulvio Brito
Account Executive
Linda Hansen
Advertising Executive
Marty Puntus
YUST 18 ISSN 1091-0570) No. 113 NOVEMBER 006 A mante
kez, by OB Асай, Inc, Contents copied © 2006. М igh reserved., Notting here
im be pole ne pt wt v mic d ft she, am ange
т! tangan al mamas, ds, ond photographs й they се Y be std ond pb:
ө ses пероні fr uso otr Му sim between people nd Tres is
торле mí oy te perle nd places is ри} coincidental. Peale opening in this magozine
ate dels, еке! where otherwise пові, nd ae used for este papes oh nmd пей Не
photos nr rd sd Y dsc бп пе пеш o degie mds п] nd, тт nd
persons. M modek пе 18 yes of ope и okle, Al ets send o the publisher vil be heot
ed uch sg fs pain an copy purposes an пе sia pas ight
to ed and comment ому, Те ређа sore по espana for ony advertisements or
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ond the notice hereby given is not to be deemed an admis-
sion that the Publisher and the Distributor are the produc-
ers or dishibutors of material depicting actual sexually
explicit conduct. Published 8/03/2006.
— оо
осма РВОС
_ to the editor
E 7
a7 Су!
#7222 / À” 7
id I pull
it my
His dick nud,
me, I held my breath unti
hole, spreading me wide. I clu
me, my pussy on fire, feeling
asked. All I c
Josh pulled
realized that it felt even rn
nting this all the time
Jenna C.
Dumas, TX
(Continued on page 29)
This girl
was all innocent
at first, but the
| camera turned
her into a
little slut!
This girl
is definitely
ready to doit,
just look at
that "come
fuck те"
his 15 totally pathetic, but
| I'm almost 19 and I've only
been kissed once by some
lame guy that ! didn't even like!
Even worse, l'm totally ready to
have sex, but 1 don't have a
boyfriend who'll do it! There is
this guy next door to my mom's
house, and he's totally hot but
he's, like, 10 years older than me
and I'm sure he thinks Мт а total
dweeb-mainly because every
time I see him! get all stupid and
tongue tied! | mean, why would
he like a dumb teenager like me?
But still, I think about him, and it
makes me so hot that! gotta run
in the house and do myself. See?
I told you І was pathetic!
Girl, run
next door and
get that cherry
of yours popped
right this
e was like a sun-bronzed statue, a thin
H sheen of sweat coating his beautiful bare
back. Vince was watering Mom's backyard
roses in baggy shorts, the garden hose snaking E
over ће lawn, the water pouring onto the roots in о —
a quiet rush. | felt like drooling at his big bare feet.
Vince is my neighbor. Sorta more than a neighbor, really. Му тот and Vince's
dad go at it every chance they get. In fact, even with the patio door closed, |
could hear Mom grunting in rhythm with the thumps of her headboard. Vince's
dad was fucking her good and hard upstairs. hr
They live next door, Vince in a room above their garage. Before I'd left Y
for college last fall, | used to watch the windows of his little love shack;
almost every night Vince had some woman over. He and his dad have that
in common, both regular lotharios.
| stepped off the patio into the cool grass. Because of the heat, | was in
nothing but panties and a thin sundress, and still | was way too hot. Vince
seemed oblivious to both me and the temperature, He just stood there in the а
blazing afternoon and glowed.
“They still at it?”
| toed the length of hose. “Yup.”
“Pull it out for me, would you?”
The hose was at its limit so | straddled it and tugged out more from the spool
attached to the house. Suddenly the thing whipped up and tapped me lightly on my
‘twat. It didn't hurt; it was more like ittook me by surprise.
Vince smiled, no more the god-like statue. | hate it when he smiles
like he does. Makes me want to jump him. Not that | ever would. I'm м 1
worse than shy. I'm a big-time wimp. That's why I'm still a virgin,
| guess. But | think about it. A lot.
| flipped my hair over a shoulder and tried to look miffed,
the hose still strung between my long-legs. Vince stepped
closer and took up lengths of it while Keeping hold of the
gushing end. | sucked in a breath as the rubber slid up the inside
of опе of my thighs, hot as a brand.
“You've got дгеа legs, neighbor."
He smiled a little broader.
1 didn't know how to respond. | couldn't exactly say, ye
“Thanks, | would love to spread them for you!” But that's М
what | was thinking.
He stepped even closer, pulled the hose up near my twat
again, the dress edging up with it. The water streamed over my feet. It
felt good. Не kept looking me in the eye, like we were having а stare down
or something. | had to try real hard not to-look at his sweaty chest. Or rub
myself up against him. Or reach down and cup him... there. so wanted to
do all of that!
Then the water cascaded down from my knee... then from"my,thigh. It
still felt good but! knew he only wanted to get a reaction out of me: called
on every stubborn cell in my body not to give in first.
It hit my crotch, Soaked right through my cotton panties and most of the
dress. | gritted my teeth.
“Thought you needed a cooling off." His stupid smile taunted again:
Then he just stepped away, went to turn off the Water. | stood there, feel»
ing ridiculous, the lower half ot my dress sopping wet and glued to my
thighs, my heart thundering.
Stil the mute moron—that's me! watched him head back across the
driveway towards his place: Не was at the bottom of the stairs that led up to
his room before he looked back.
“C'mon,” he said and went up. Didn't even check if | would follow, Му
‘stomach did a whole lotta somersaults but | followed. I'm a wimp, like | said,
but I'd been way too curious for way too long. And if | didn't go for it now, I'd
probably be a virgin when | was eighty or something!
I'd always imagined his place plastered with posters of naked girls
sprawled on hotrods or something. It wasn't. It was plain and almost empty
except for a few chairs and a twin bed that looked exactly like mine from
when | was a kid.
“Hey, you've got a bed just like! used to have!”
"It was your sister's. | broke mine so your mom lent me this one."
In his oven of a love nest, one measly fan blew the heat around.
| stood beside the bed's footboard running my hand over the
oblong shapes that crown the corner posts. Thinking. About what
a guy does to break а bed. And remembering how last summer
I'd tried to make use of these corner pieces, rubbing my clit over
one of them. It had felt wonderful but l'd ended up more frus-
trated than ever.
“Interesting shape.” He was watching me touch the bed.
“Kinda like a short dildo.”
| snatched my hand away and tried not to blush any deeper
than | already had.
“Show me.”
1 choked on hot air. “What—?”
“You do use it, don't you? Show me how,”
Just like that. | was supposed to lift up my damp dress and
show him how | discovered my сій last year. “I'm not showing
you diddly."
He examined my red-as-a-candy-apple face for a minute.
“You're still a virgin."
He went straight for the buttons on his shorts. | couldn't
believe it. They were pooled at his ankles and he was shoving
his boxers down too before | had the brilliant idea of turning my
back on him. l'm such a chicken!
“Ah, c'mon," he groaned. “You've been watching me forever. So
take a good look. ГІЇ even let you cop a good feel.”
| shook my head fiercely. The tiny moment of bravery that had
gotten me up here was quickly passing.
“Lit-tle vir-gin,” he sang low in his throat as he came up behind
me. “You don't have to watch anymore.”
| felt something on my butt. He was gently
dragging his erection back and forth across my
wet, cotton-clad buns. | imagined leaning way
over so he could stick it in. Deep. God, this was
killing me!
“Touch it.” He took hold of one of my hands
and led it behind my back, urged my fingers to
curl around his cock. It was like a steel rod
clothed in something soft as velvet. And so
unlike what I'd thought it would be. He guided
me up and down it, had me tug on it, pinch the
ultra-soft tip, then glide my hand to the tender,
squishy balls.
1 kept my eyes closed the whole time. What |
wanted | could never, ever ask for. Not in a mil-
{ion trillion years. But it was mind-blowing to be
touching him.
“How ‘bout | go lie down on the bed. And you |
come over and use me like you do that bedpost."
What an idea! | wanted to, more than any-
thing. Especially with him.
The bedsprings squeaked. | pried open my
eyes and peeked. He was flat out on the mat-
tress with his feet still on the floor and his cock
sticking straight up. Super hard. His hand
wrapped around the base of it,
A fondled his balls.
7 "Use it any way you like. l'm
> just a bedpost."
9 `° Envisioning such a thing
had me clenching muscles
deep inside. | felt a distinctive liq-
uid ooze from between my thighs.
“| won't take your cherry unless you want
me to. Swear.” He reached а finger up
and passed it over the end of his dick,
. which had me thinking about my clit
` doing that. About my wet pussy
drenching him‘.
Well, now or never! | snuck my
panties. down. Then: | crawled
onto the bed and straddled him,
the damp hem of my dress cov-
ering just enough so he could-
n't really see me. But the fabric clung. He was
looking at the way it molded to my tanned thighs
while | hovered over him.
«РИ just hold it steady for you, ok?" He had
that one hand gripping his cock while his other
slid up one of my legs. | leaned forward, held
onto his shoulders and descended.
It was so perfectly made, his cock. | slid my
clit gently across the swollen cap, making
myself tingle down to my toes. Sooo much bet-
ter than a bedpost!
“Feels good, doesn't it?”
“Yeah,” It felt glorious!
The hand on my thigh traveled. | leaned into
his palm as he cupped my breast then toyed
with the nipple through the fabric.
“Oh, my God,” | breathed. “That's really nice.”
“Very nice indeed,” he murmured but | guess
my trembling clit had my total attention because
when his fingers peeled down the shoulder
straps of my dress, | didn't notice until my
breasts were dangling out in the open, com-
pletely bared.
He skimmed the sensitive undersides with
long sweeping strokes of his fingers. It felt like
they got bigger for him, the nipples achingly
hard. A few drops of sweat trickled down in the
valley between them.
“Such beauties,” he said and before | knew it
he had pushed upright to lick up those trails of
sweat then suckle like a baby. A baby with teeth
and a naughty tongue, that is. | held his head to
one tit, wishing he would just keep sucking on
me forever. .
Right about then he let go of his cock and both
his hands started wandering. Bunching the dress
around my waist. Squeezing the globes of my ass.
Tracing the rim of my butthole with a finger.
Dipping another finger into my pussy at the same
time. | wanted him to touch me absolutely every-
where, inside and out.
“Do it," whispered.
| reached down to guide his cock to the place
| wanted him most. He lifted his head away from
my tits, his eyes gleaming up at me while he
pushed a finger into my asshole. | wanted to
faint or die or anything just to make this throb-
bing between my legs stop.
“Go on,” | pleaded. “Stick it in.”
His cock entered the barest inch as | pushed
myself down on it. Then | moved it up to rub over
my clit again and pushed it into me a second
time. No further in. Just that small amount of
penetration had all my nerves racing to cum all
over him.
He smiled but didn't help me out. | felt a bit
drunk with his finger poking further and further
into my ass, his other hand now plucking my
nipple, his cock teasing the entrance of my
gooey pussy.
“Please … put it in,” Я
But he still wouldn't help. | pushed myself
down оп his cock again but | was so tight. It
stretched my opening so much. And my clit kept
itching for another rub, faster, just one more
caress of his soft foreskin over and in and ..
Then | did it—came in a rolling rush of |
heat, juices dripping, muscles vibrating around
him. | think | yowled like a cat in heat—so
“I'll stick it in now, darlin’.” He
flexed his hips and finally prod- »
ded further into me. “I'll drive it —
all the way.” 3
"Yes, please!" 1
Не flipped me onto my back e
and pushed my knees up to my chest,
my tits squeezed between them. | lay u
there, spread wide, his cock suspended over b.
my still-pulsing slit. | felt drops of my cum juice
(continued on page 66)
E 2
1 ТЇЇ lose my
Bobbi J.
Montrose, CO
At a video store near you
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She may
be only 18, but
already Ana has per-
a million more
guys will get a
chance to experi- |
ence her tight, АА
teen twat! ‹
such a tease! She
lets the boys look,
but she won't
let ‘ет touch!
an you believe И, my lame ass
С booted те out of
school for wearing this skirt!
Of course, before | left, a
bunch of boys in my class told
me that they love my ass, so
there! And | know it's true, |
cause guys are always looking
at me at the mall! | can totally
tell that they want to do sex
stuff with me. But I'm not real-
ly ready to do it with a real guy,
so | do it with myself, like, all
the time! Sometimes | even put
stuff up my butt, and then I
wonder what it would feel like
to have a real dick up there. |
know it's totally nasty, But it
makes me so horny І cum /
really hard!
Mmm, would
you like to rub
your dick up that
crack and cum
really hard,
leg Ems
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tie ata
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Watch her V
cum on your
DVD! 4
renda's a cute
babe who sure
likes a lot of cock
in her teen ass! But
don't take our word for
it, pop in the disc and
watch the anal antics
unfold in our awesome
DVD giveaway! It's all
just a small sample of
what's waiting for you
in every Just 18
release! Available at a
store near you, online
or call 1-888-211-8110!
Anal at 18:
STARRING: Azalea Lee, D' Monica,
Dakota Cameron, Loretta Scars,
Michelle Maylene, Nicole Brazzle
RUNNING TIME: 102 Minutes
At last an honest boxcover! These
girls are “so young, so cute, so naked,
so brand new and 100% fuckable
and each one was selected from
actual naked photos sent to Hustler
Magazine! Nicole Brazzle is our
guide and the Tennessee native 15 an
excellent choice to help these new-
bies spread for the camera
Michelle Maylene may be an ama-
teur, but it is in name only. This chick
is a fucking professional. Or should |
say a professional fucker. The heat
emanating from her is very real and
will definitely spike your thermostat
at home. She is a brand new 18 year
old and this is her first ever scene
shot on video. After a brief interview,
Michelle loses her sexy outfit ad
begins strumming her clit and play-
ing with her pussy. Brett Rockman
slips a finger into her pussy to get in
on the digital action. Her pussy gets
eaten for bit and it's speedily on to
some cowgirl banging. Michelle is a
natural on camera and | think you'll
agree she has a future in this biz
My beaver ain't
Watching her is like watching a star
being bom. Check out the ease at
which she transitions from missionary
to reverse cowsirl as if it were part of
her sexual repertoire. When Rockman
finally blasts a thick nut on the side of
her face, Michelle very naturally uses
his cock to clean up the mess and
licks his rod clean of cum
Dakota is a very sexy tanned
blonde. Her scene with Chris
Charming and Nicole Brazzle is really
hot, You can tell Dakota was a bit
uncomfortable, but it was all good.
Don't miss Loretta's big scene. She
gets fucked so hard and for so long
that not even she could believe that
she could fuck like that. Nicole joins
the fun here too, getting involved a
fun game of stack up the pussies.
D'Monica reminds me of another
porn chick out there today. She not
only looks like a рот star, this cock
lover acts like one too! D'Monica
goes crazy with a dildo and takes a
cock as far down her throat as possi-
ble all in anticipation of getting her
pussy slammed on film. Nicole joins
in on the fun for a bit and then
leaves. Showing off her porn cred,
D'Monica 5 fucked in a piledriver
position. Finally, the guy cums on her
face in grand fashion coating her
entire lower half of her face. Make a
point to pick this one up. —Coleen
so amateur,
you know?
STARRING: Cytherea, Flower Tucci, Johny Zinn,
Kelly Wells, Lee Stone, Lilly Thai, Missy
Monroe, Nick Jacobs, Randy Spears, Tianna
Lynn, Tony Tedeschi
RUNNING TIME: 120 Minutes
It was only natural that Bad Seed put out a squirt-
ing movie. It seems like squirting pussies is all the rage
in porn right now, much like facials were a few years
ago. Bad Seed is a splinter of the venerable Adam
and Eve line, and their stuff is down right filthy! Is Bad
Seed a perfect fit to showcase some of the hottest
names on the squirting scene, read оп and find out!
What's a squirting movie without Cytherea? A
damn shitty one if you ask me! Thank goodness Bad
Seed included this queen of gush on this title. Not to
say that the other girls cannot hold their own (they
— | УФА
can and in spades) it’s just that Cytherea really made
aname for herself with the whole spraying pussy gag.
Tiana watches Cytherea get banged from the stairs
and fingerbangs herself t an explosive squirt! A guy
arrives who she starts sucking off and it's back to the
fucking, Tiana Lyn can give Cytherea a gushing run for
her money any day of the week. Tiana really is the
whole package. From her girl next door looks, to her
killer curves to those oh so naughty specs she wears,
Tiana sure gives me a boner! Watching her fuck is a
treat for any pom fanatic.
Flower Tucci gets nailed in a bathroom with typi-
cal gushing pussy results. Kelly Wells shakes like a
newbom colt after her pussy shoots girl goo all over
the place. Kelly has the last scene and really brings
the flick to a thunderous climax! Here’s to more of this
dirty little slut! —Alyssa 99000
Did you
learn how to
squirt yet?
P.0.V. #3
ТИ show
you a thing
or two!
hen 1 found my
boyfriend's copy
of Just 18, І was so
pissed! Why the hell does
he need to be looking at
other girls? | mean, I can do
anything they can do! I told
him that and he acted all
snotty and told me to prove
it. So І did! І sent my
(naked!) pictures in and
is editor called back and
we sure
didn't mind!
She sure
showed her
boyfriend, didn't
she? And every
single one of
our horny
eaders, too!
(continued from page 28)
leak down to the hole of my ass.
“Watch me take you,” he demanded.
Between my bent legs, | saw the glistening head jab into my pussy,
just a little past where | had pushed him before. At first, | wanted to
squirm out of his reach—he was stretching me too much.
“Relax. See how your pussy wants me?”
The slick pink flesh did suck at the tip of him when he touched my
opening. And oh man, how it felt! He pulled out and swiped over my clit,
which made my nerves twang. Then he went back for another go. It was
easier this time.
“That's it,” he hummed.
Each time he shoved in further, | felt myself open wider and wider. |
even began to silently beg him to ram all the way into me and finally he
did bury that perfect, hard length, poked straight through my barrier.
He lay still and heavy in there until | caught my breath. He was smil-
ing over me, one of those arrogant smiles of his, while his fingers flicked
my nipples into a frenzy. He leaned down to take one nipple into his mouth
again, which made his cock start to slip back out ...
But then he lunged back in and | sighed with relief. | loved him mov-
ing in there. Out and in. Long smooth strokes, each one promising more
than the last. At the end of each stroke he'd tilt his pelvis and nudge my
clit until | wanted to scream.
“Cum again," he urged. "I want you to break apart all around me.” He
pushed and pulled, faster and faster. Everywhere our bodies met, they slid
against each other like we were thoroughly greased up with our sweat. It
felt so incredibly good! I'm sure | sounded just like my mom too, practi-
cally howling with absolutely no restraint.
After | did just what he wanted—drifted again into a million pieces—
his whole demeanor changed. His pace punished me now, slamming and
grinding, that poor little bed whacking the wall something fierce. It was
the greatest ride in the world! All my muscles trembled around his thick-
ness as he plunged again and again, and when he shot into me | could
actually feel the pulses of his cum, right where we were joined. He arched
his back and basically roared. Like he'd just conquered the western hemi-
sphere or something!
He rolled over onto his back and | sprawled over him, both of us total-
ly swimming in sweat. Already | was thinking of how | was going to trick
him into doing me again and again.
He must've had the same idea because he lightly slapped my butt and
said, “Know what? Even if it takes all summer, | think we should do every-
thing we can to break this bed too.”
| grinned into his wonderfully sticky neck. "І sure hope it takes all
He hummed his approval.
Was | ever eager for more of this heatwave! 18
just learned that
that there's more
than one way to
bust a sweet
st did it for the first time with this guy | met at a party, and it was so weird. |
l expected to do it the regular way, you know, with the guy on top. But
wanted to do me from behind! Не told me to get up on my hands and knees,
osh, | was so embarrassed. But then he started licking my clit from upside
and it felt so good! By the time he was done, | was totally ready to do it,
slid it in real slow until his balls were squishing on my clit. № felt awesome.
he fucked me and came all over my back, it was way cool!
и ñ | =
YES!!! Make me | у A
4 your WHORE! DZ Š
RN FUG any
Ae =
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