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‘All The Boys 
Say I Blow 
Uke A Pro 


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Every month, ight dere He isane ; 

, 1 like to tale a look and see whats in 
store por you! This month, / gotta admit my 
tight teen cunny Was dripping wet and 41 
didn't slam three мет up my twat right 

around the centerfold, there was going to be | 
a pussy juice flood in my office! 1 just had to 8 Victoria Rose 

gef opp—and quick! The point is, ip there has 
7 E E Lana Williams 
to be q point, ie that the just legal babes in 
fhis issue are guaranteed to gel your dicks 

Sophie Martin 
af pull attention really fucking past! Just furn 


Jewel verone 

the page, get some issues and see what | 


mean! Ури don't have to thank ие, pea keep 

on cumming back! Love yal Victoria Anna Friedman 


С Arnold Held 
| : E Honig 
Fulvio Brito 


Linda danson 



Marty Puntus 

JUST 18 (ISSN 1091-0670) No. 114, DECEMBER 2004. Nel monti, 
тін ns, by О Patrons, ис. Contents copied © 2006. M ник rsen 
Nothing leen noy be reproduced in нісі а рот witout мен paso af Не pbs 
etm postoge пай aconpany аі паті, dings, and photographs É ey i o be 
ved, ad pir e т ee ost na Ay ka le 
pede nd ploces in hs magazine см amy ей people ad laces pc ode. People 
деан 6 magozine cre madek, except where heise noted, ond ore used for state 
passe nk ond nei бе ps nor wards usel 1o deci Неп are пеші o depict models 
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Publisher and the Distributor are the producers or dis- 
tributors of material depicting actual sexually explicit 
conduct. Published 10/11/2006. 

Get Online: 
^ 25675 com 

е edi 


writing to a maga- 
last night! 



{ came home from work 

and told 


exy and naughty at the 

why I ended up flat on my 



Kom зе! 

back on the couch with my blouse off. But, gosh, David was kis 

my boobies and acting like my teeny tiny tits were so yummy, wt 

totally turned me on. I mean, by the time he lifted up irt and 

felt my panties, I was so wet. Is that аге r what? 

But then David took my hand and put it on his 

ick and it was 
you know, doing me, but he just kept rubbing my clitty under my panties. 

way hard, so I knew he still е. That's why I figured 

Man, I was freaking out. squirming all over the 

bh and acting like a total 

‘ho. And then, I could not belie 

e this, but he made me cum! I totally didn't 

want to do it in front of him but I couldn't help it. An 5 he liked it, 

cuz that's when he put his penis in my hole. 

Okay, so I freaked a little when he started pushing, it kinda felt like my 

pussy was gonna split wide open. But pretty eling all 
аооец inside, especially when he started going in and out really fast. I 

oly cow. that's when he 

squeezed my pu: 
started cumming, pumping so ۵ 

sy real hard around him and, 

into me that it was drib- 

bling out and tickling my asshole! Totally bizarre, huh? But what | 
an awesome way to pop my cherry! 

Afterward, when he paid me (plus the extra $20!) he “A 
asked me out for dinner. Of course I said yes. But а 4 
totaly don't care about dinner, I just want to ~ 

Skyla R. 

(Continued on page 27) 

42 T € 

do the sex stuff again! 








Wouldn't you 
like striped 
socks wrapped 
around your back 
and a teen pussy 
wrapped around 
your cock? 

ӨӨӨ GV a e 


used to go to private school and it was awful! We had to wear these dumbhead wool 
| skirts and white shirts buttoned all the way up. So, of course I'm way excited that my 
mom finally let me go to a regular high school! I can dress however I want, and I love 
it! Plus, there are guys around and they're always looking at me! I can tell they're wonder- 
ing what's under my dress. Sometimes - this is so bad! — 1 give ‘ema peek. Like, Ill bend over 
and pretend I'm picking something up, but I'm really just letting them see my panties! And 
— this is the nastiest of all! — my underwear gets all wet and sticky after ۱ show off like that! I 
It's totally weird to say, but I really love going to school now! 


هه هه A‏ ۵ ۵ ۵ ۵ 0 ۱ 


See what agood 
education means to 
а horny teen? It's 
got nothing to do 
with books! 

Кау, so І was just gonna lay out in the sun, you know, naked. Hey, I 

don’t want icky tan lines! But then my neighbor just, like, came over. 

y And see, I've always had the biggest crush on him, plus 1 guess the sun 
was making my brain mushy. All I know was that his dick was all hard and that 

I was creaming just thinking about doing it with him. So I did! Everything! Like, 
Пе him go down on me even though I was all wet and yucky. And I sucked his 
dick, too. Whoa! All salty and stuff. And then I let him do my cherry, right 
there in the backyard. Only next time, duh, Рт gonna take off my socks first! 

HT | ۳ TI 




Hey Brianna! 
You should slather 

some sunscreen on 
that bare pussy 
so it doesn't 
get burned! _ 

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Watch previews and 
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Watch our show RIGHT NOW on vi 
بارس‎ leo-on-demand! | 


| SuAK 

(Continued from page 17) 

Blowing Like a Pro! 

My best girlfriend just called me a slut! Al ‘cause of what 
happened last weekend. which was Kind of bad, but hey, 
it's not like I did the whole football team. Just two of 
them, and I didn't even go all the way! 

See, they'd just creamed South High so I got really 
brave and went up to Jay (the quarterback) to congrat- 

ulate him. Of course I acted al stupid and girly but he stil 
invited me to a party, whochoo! 

At first it was weird ‘cause I didn't know anybody, 

but then Jay and Tony (he's е guy or some- 
thing) took me on a tour of the house. It was, like, 
practically a mansion, and they showed me the 

а defen 

Jacuzzi and swimming pool and everything. And the 
master bedroom had this huge round bed with a mir- 
ror on top, totally retro! It even had a big screen TV. 
And you will totally not guess what was on the TV: 
Porn! I mean, there was this girl on her knees blowing 
two guys. We just stood there and stared, it was 
bizarre, But you know what, it made me hot! 

So. what the fuck, I got down on my knees just like the 
дї and unzi опу and Jay's jeans. (Hey, I said I was being 
brave!) Th 

cially when I grabbed 
hold of otally different. I mean, Tony's 
thing was all long ond skinny, but Jay's was fat and short, 1 totally 
had never given a BJ in my life. But all 1 да was watch the TV and 1 
knew just what to do! 

First I licked up and down their dicks, all the way to their balls, I 
even sucked on their ‘nads! Tony and Jay were moaning and groan- 
ing just like the guys on TV, especially when I started deep throat- 
ing them. It was way hard, I mean, Tony's went down my throat 
fall and Jay's was so fat 1 could barely fit it in my 
mouth! But pretty soon I was feeling like a pro, like when 
T Голум was fucking my mouth, Га jack Jay. It was awesome! 
— is this cool or what? — when one of the guys 
shot off, so did Tony. Right in my mouth! It was al 
satty and gushy, but I swallowed it just (Ке the porn 

and made r 

star. Then I started sucking Jay really hard and he 
popped a gallon of stuff in my mouth, too! But I 
squeezed really hard with my hand and kind of 
sopeeged it all out! He loved it! 
Then I looked at the movie and the girl was grin- 
ning up at the guys with cum dripping out of her 
mouth, just (Ке me! I was so proud! I mean, Td never 
even seen a dick up close and here Га sucked two 
totally gonna do it again! Tess J. 
Minneapolis, MN 

ff at once. So forget my (ex) girlfriend, I am 

man ... gotta find a man. I checked 

h my watch — only three hours left 

1 before I was disqualified ... should be 
more than plenty of time, if І found a man. 

Then | spotted my winning ticket. Now that was one flaw-free example of XY chromo-pairing 
if | ever saw one. The perky buns of a delectable male were presented to me in the hallway of 
the Biology building—where else? In white coveralls. Oooooh, very sexy! 

He was leaning over one of those bright yellow pail-on-rollers, his grip on a wet mop. Janitor, 
then. Sort of a youngish one, at least. Well, a janitor would still qualify, wouldn't it? The only. 
rules were as follows: no oversexed seniors and no professors—at least none that might tell 
оп you. And all my professors were musty-dusty. Besides, the sorority sisters didn't say | 
absolutely had to choose another student, now did they? 

Janitor it is! 

"Excuse me," | tapped my chosen male on the shoulder when he straightened up. 

He turned around and checked me out. Showing interest was definitely a point in his 
favor. This was going to be a cinch! а 

| posed, which | do so well, thank-you-very-much. | had my long brown hair straight- 
ened out (| hate my natural curls) and my dress was one of my faves—flowery and short- 7 
‚short-short. Just short enough so you can see the lacey tops of my thigh-high stockings. 
And, therefore, a little bit of forbidden upper thighness. | positively reeked of yumminess. 

He was a bit pale—the guy really should get out in the sun more—but his short hair 
was all over the place. Bed head. Verrry cute! And don't forget those tight buns. 

“Could | borrow you for a little while?” | remembered after a beat to say, "Please?" 
“What is problem?” Т 
0000000, foreign guy! Even better! Don't foreign guys do it with, like, anyone? Му. if 

not-so-educated guess 
had “nation of origin” as 
one of those Russian 
jobbies, with the way all 
his words came from 
way deep in his throat. 

Maybe he was an 
escapee from the 
Russian mob! Wow! How 
thrilling for me! 

“| have to borrow you for 
an hour, 'kay? You won't 
be sorry. Swear.” | posed 

again and held up my 

cellphone like | was 
swearing on trial. 

"Borrow. What is for?" 

"You'll see." | smiled 
wide and encouraging. 
"You'll really like it." 

He shook his head so | 
pouted like a teenager. 
Well, I'm technically still a 
teenager—18—but I'm a 
freshman and college 
makes you older real 
quick. | mean it was teach- 
ing me a whole bunch of 
stuff every single day. 

“| cannot leave post. | 
work.” He pointed to his 
filthy рай. 

| pinched up а handful of his coverall'ed arm 
(making him abandon said pail and mop) and 
dragged him over into an alcove where there 
weren't a gazillion students walking by. 

“Listen,” | whispered into his ear. "It's like this. 
It's pledge week and l'm trying to get into—" | 
couldn't tell him which house! That would break 
all the rules. "I have to take like a ... test for the 
sorority house l'm pledging. 

He nodded, but | knew he didn't get me at all. 

| leaned in super close. He stared down at my 
pushed up baby B-cups but that was fine by 
me. "The test is if | can make a guy hard and 
keep him hard for a whole hour, non-stop, with- 
out him losing it." 

That made him look me in the eye finally. 
"Hard?" he asked, very clearly. 

"Yup." | eyed his crotch pointedly. He totally got 
it then. “See, I've got my phone to take pictures 
and everything." | held up my cell again. "It has 
that handy timestamp feature, you know. We 
‚could do this practically anywhere!" 

| did a quick scan of the hall. Nothing here but 
in-session classes and booked up labs. The soror- 
ity house wouldn't let me do him there—not 



unless | was willing to have all of them watching us. | was- 
n'tsure | was ready for that. | didn't really want to get in trou- 
ble sneaking him into my dorm but it was looking like | might 
have to. 

“You want my penis for one hour.” He said then, inter- 
rupting my location quandary, and spoken a whole lot loud- 
erthan | would've liked. | covered his mouth and shh'ed him. 
But | nodded. 
He grinned under my hand. "Come," he mumbled under 
there and pulled my hand away. 

He led me to one of those itty-bitty closets that only a рай and mop can 
fit into. Maybe—just maybe—it would do. 

He pulled a string to give us some 60-watt illumination. Then he locked 
us in, unzipped his coveralls and shoved them and whatever underwear he'd 
had on down past his knees. His penis was already zooming up into posi- 
tion. Man, this was really going to be a cinch! 

"Perfect!" | flipped open my phone and took a picture of his lovely егес- 
tion. Came out pretty good too. He was just as hunky cute down there. Not 
at all pale. Rosy red, actually. And very muscular. Did guys have to work that 
part of them out like they do all the rest of their fabuloso physiques? Well, 
this Russian bud's toy was getting longer and more muscular every second. 

| wiggled my hips to shake off the little surge of what was happening in 
response between my own legs. 

"We fuck now," he said and tossed up the hem of my dress. My almost- 
nothing panties were yanked down before ! could stop him. 

"Мо-по-по!" | hissed, trying to keep anyone in the hall from hearing. 
fucking. I'm—you know—still a virgin, actually. And this ... well, it's sup- 
posed to be just ... It's not about fucking. Okay? Ya?" 

He looked at me like | was crazy. "Is not Ya, is Da in Russian. Da.” 

"Fine! Just hard. Da? | keep you hard" 

He just kept looking at me like | was certifiably nutso. | decided to show 
him | could make this worth his while. A good sales job goes a long way. This 
is capitalism-on-steroids America, after all! 

| could barely fit, but | knelt down in front of him in that tiny space and 
kissed the tip of his penis. He was really big now. Really intimidatingly big. | 
got another one of those super-wonderful surges in my pussy area. 

"See what | mean?" | kissed his penis again, adding in a little tongue 
action. “ lick you or touch you for a whole hour 

He squinted at me, disbelieving, but then thrust his cock against my lips 
and said, “Suck, American girl." 

| took another quick phone picture because that thing was so money- 
shot beautiful | just had to capture it. 

“You're a little bigger than | thought you'd be, actually ...” 




= + 


Ё A 



It was making me steamy just looking at it. He held it by the base алі 
aimed it at my mouth. Well, here goes! 

It was like swallowing a whole fat sausage ... but tastier! A little salty 
and tangy and hot with tons of blood just under the surface. And so, so hard. 
He cupped the back of my head in his palm and gently pushed in and out of 
my mouth, all kinds of strange Russian words tumbling out from under his 
breath. | began to feel like some super talented, super powerful, yummy sex 
mistress who could make him so hard and ready with just my tongue and 
lips that he wouldn't possibly be able to keep from losing it in me. 

But he couldn't lose it! Not yet! 

| jerked back and watched his penis—slicked up with lots of my slippery 
saliva now—bob in front of my wide eyes while | fumbled for my phone. Don't 
get distracted now, girl. | checked—it had only been a few minutes. And | had 
to do this for a whole hour? Without just wanting him to put it inside me? | 
was beginning to understand the real challenge of this test. 

My hot Russian buddy skimmed 
himself across my lips ... Mmmmm, 
| kissed it again, licked it up and 
down from the balls to the fleshy | 
Cap on top, grazed it across my 
whole face—soft skin and hard 
underneath and thick as a police- 
man's baton. Such a thing, a guy's | = 
penis! | wanted to keep it, have | | 
one for my very own use, always 
available to me. 

“Oh, shit!” | pried myself away 
from it again. “Hold on there, bub ...” 

| tried to look cool and in control 
while | snapped another shot of it. 

Boy, would | have to расе myself 
or ۱۵ just bury my face there until | 
made him cum in my mouth. Мау 
before the hour was up. Wouldn't it be 
cool, though, to make him spurt? Me, 
(continued on page 66) 


Girls are funny 
with their relationships! 
The smallest thing in the 
world can trigger the 
biggest problems! 

cuz | wear tight t-shirts that show off my boobies and shave my puss) 
1 nice and clean! But you know what? She's just jealous cuz her її 
bitty tits aren't gonna get any bigger and she's got this crazy huge muff! 
That's okay, | mean some guys might like little boobies and a fucking forest . 
between а girl's legs, but she shouldn't get mad at me! | mean, everyone's 
differnt, right? But, my tits and pussy are just right, don't you think? 

Гу Soy 

ІК: girlfriend can be such a bitch! Yesterday she called me a tramp ju: 

What do 
you think? Isn't 
Amis body just 
about perfect? 
Yeah, I thought 
so, tool 

See what 
happens when you 
send your girlfriend's 
pics to us? She turns 
into a slut! 


hen my boyfriend sent my 
pics to Just 18, I was so 
pissed! But when they 
called and said they wanted me in 
the mag, | got so excited I lethim do 
те up the ass that very night! But! 
guess that's because kind of 
slutty, anyway. Like, I him pop 
my cherry an hour after | met him. 
And man, after that | couldn't get 
enough sex! We've done itin ar 
and іп my backyard; we even didi 
on my bed while my parents were 
downstairs! And just last night | 
told him I wanted to do a threesome 

AFF DE مسر‎ with my best friend. He was freaked 
= i = \ 2 out, can you believe it? But I'm 
— 4.) E tally gonna convince him! 

I don't think it'll 
take long before 
she's fucking every 
guy and girl 
out there! 

«۳ ۲ 


89. Е 

ТОЯ 1: 0 


/ EW 

Moy major credit cards accepted, $1.98 to.$3.98 per/min. plus a small $2.98 connection fee. 

ке ада у А n 
7 — 2 

December м» 
20067114 e 

дъ lisson’s one tight teen | \ | 
, who loves to push the | 

limits of her nastiness! 2 у 
Check out her latest example 
of filth in our awesome DVD 
giveaway! It's all just a small 
sample of what's waiting for 
you in every Just 18 release! 

* p Ел 



Welcome to Camp Young Bung where 
head counselor, Ariana Jollee has gath- 
ered some of the sexiest young sluts in 
the рот business for a crash course in 
deep throating, cock riding, and ass 
banging. Naturally, these girls are eager to 
leam, and with Ms. Jollee in charge, you 
can bet there's going to be plenty of 
non-stop fuck action 

Scene one features lovely Jamie Elle, a 
slender, brown-haired cutie with a bub- 
ble butt that was made for ramming 
Using Bad Bob's impressive equipment 
as an instruction tool, Ariana guides 
Jamie through a messy, squelchy 
blowjob, and fondles her perky tits 
while the nubile newbie bounces her 
rectum on Bob's boomstick, prior to 
jumping in for some sphincter spearing 
herself and ordering her panting protégé 
to swallow Bob's load. 

Next, Kyle Stone is asked to evaluate 
Monique Madison to see if she might 
be counselor material. Kyle's examina- 
tion includes an in-depth cunt lapping, 
some wicked tonsil hammering, and a 
multi-angle bowel exploration that cul- 
minates in a messy facial. 

Sasha Knox is already having her pussy 


eaten by Trent T when Ariana arrives to 
check on her progress. Saucy Sasha is 
either anxious to show what she can do or 
is unable to control her lust because she 
enthusiastically sucks Trent's entire length, 
takes his rocket up her shitter reverse 
cowgirl and doggy style, then jerks his 
stinky stalk off on her extended tongue. 

The fourth set finds Ariana and Steve 
French testing 19-year-old Bailey in her 
cabin. This time Ariana is content to sit, 
watch, and masturbate while Steve 
shoves his prick down Bailey's gullet, 
feverishly pumps her twat, and screws 
her pucker like there's no tomorrow. 
Since Bailey is a buxom lass, the harder 
Steve hammers her rear hatch, the more. 
her boobs bounce, and when he coats 
those puppies in splooge, Ariana experi- 
ences a gut-wrenching climax. 

After such an arousing day is it any 
wonder that our dedicated leader needs 
a good humping from Dirty Harry and 
Rick Masters in the finale. This clip is pure 
100% Ariana filth! She smokes both 
cocks at once, gets double penetrated in 
the cowgirl and reverse cowgirl posi- 
tions, and squirts three times. The money 
shot is an ultimately kinky piece of work. 
Ariana takes a branch bearing several 
toasted marshmallows, has the guys 
dump their spunk on the crispy confec- 
tions, and then gobbles them up! 

Who wins the gold star for best anal 
antics? I'm not telling. You'll have rent this 
bone-raising flick and find out for your- 

self. —Sophie 999 

Tounge that 
wet bung! 

Michelle Maylene may be the hottest thing to hit 
the porn market since Penny Flame. This petite all nat- 
ural cutie is an absolute performer when the camera 
light tums on. Girls take notice; Michelle has the pom- 
star vibe down perfectly, take notes. Enjoy it; you're 
watching a star in the making. 

The first of five scenes has the pom natural 
Michelle in a very sexy outfit as she lounges in an 
office setting. Michelle teases the viewer as she rubs 
her young body. A guy gives her his cock to play with 

E” ` 

and Michelle gives her a heart stopping blowjob. 
With all her clothes off, Michelle gets banged from 
behind and rolls on to her back for some more 
screwing and pussy rubbing. The guy pounds her on 
her back and she yelps and grunts in glee while being 
twisted around. Several shots of cum hit her in the 
mouth as she attempts to drink it all down. 

Teen Mindy gets outright nasty with cocksman 
Dez. They feast on each other until Ben English arrives 
with his cock out. There's no DP but the fucking is 
nice and long. Both guys cum on her cute face. 

Elisha Winters drops her top and has her nipples 
suckled as a bit of foreplay. Lying back Jenner eats her 
trim pussy getting her pussy nice and wet for his sch- 
long. After a couple of thrusts, Sascha joins in on the 
fun. With a pussy full of dick, Elisha wraps her lips 
around the other The guys trade holes with a flourish 
of pussy-to-mouth. Jenner pops first all over her face 
and Sascha pops across her healthy butt. —Jewel 

You're my idol 
if you do! 




You girls 
are so 

Ui BHO © 

can't believe I got 

asked to be an 
ntern at a sex 
magazine! I mean, | 
- totally don't think I'm 
sexy. Like, at school I'm 
way fat compared to all 
the other girls. They're ~ 
all super skinny апа! + 
they live on, like, gum 
and cigarettes. And I'm 
all big and curvy and 
round. But you know, 
when the photographer 
was shooting, he start: > 
ed talking about my 
puffy pussy and how — 
any guy would be luckyg 5 
to get a taste of it! | was 
so embarrassed! But it 
made me feel sexy, too, % 
and so I even diddled ^" 
myself for the nr & 
Vm pretty sure that 
made him excited, 

‘cause when we were all" 
done, I think I saw a 
boner under his jeans! 



Duhl You'd 
have to be out 
of it to not get 

turned on 

by those 

pussy lips! 

ê тел was saying things like, "We're 
ند‎ ns ДАР I'm supposed to dó- 
n "Lkriow why I'm still one anymore but | 

ing a virgin but .. maybe... it would 

“4 make you calm. Da?" 
oot thinking and rubbed my ass against his hot 

~ таның and ünelippéd and murmured at me in those strange words 
and my dress was head before knew it ... it and my bra down in 
“a pile on the floor with my panties. Now | was naked but for those thigh-highs 
“and my heels. | felt so naughty-sexy. Sex Mistress 101. First, find an itty-bitty 
= closet. 

| pushed my ass back against him again. 

With my palms flat up against the narrow door, | let him touch me all 
over, He smoothed over my ass cheeks, up along my spine, tugged at my 
hips so ту а55 rested smack up against his hard-on. Не cupped my 
breasts and scraped a nail over the nipples, making me squirm. | have no 
idea all the things that came out of my mouth, but | was not as quiet as | 
should've been, that's for sure. 

His penis edged between my slightly parted thighs while he reached 
around and fiddled with my clit. | soon knew what he meant by calm. In no 
time | was convulsing against his fingers and spewing all kinds of juice, 
moaning to high heaven. So this was an orgasm! 

I felt like sobbing out loud, it felt so good. | rested my forehead on the door. 

“We fuck,” he said behind me, fiercer. “Now.” 

| was toasty warm and “calm” and dreamy and his penis was parked in 
all that juice, poking at my eager cherry. 

"Yessss, ” | managed to exhale as he pushed past that barrier and all the 

Dal” he shouted and began to thrust in and out, fast and furious. All 
of my calmness vanished and total action-packed block- 

buster took over. Each time he entered my tight little 

newbie pussy, he lifted me up onto my tiptoes. | felt 

like | was being hoisted on a flagpole. | barely 

held myself steady against the door while he 

filled me again and again. Why | had ever 

waited to do this was a complete fucking 

mystery now. 
From behind he squeezed my breasts 

~ together then gently rubbed the nip- 
ples. And kept lifting me onto my toes 
& and showering me with his X-rated 
= foreign nonsense. All of it kept 
making me want him all the 
more. | spread my legs wider, 

my heels jammed up against the limits of the space now, and tried to take 
him deeper at each entry. 

We made quite a racket, I'm sure, locked in that itsy bitsy place. He was 
pounding into me near the end and | know | squealed and cooed all the 
‘syrupy goodness | was feeling. | didn't care who heard us. | didn't give two 
thoughts to the pledge І was losing or the virginity I'd already lost. 

1 was one smitten kitten. My pussy was pleased as punch. | was going to 
learn Russian and make this guy come swab my decks with his mop until he 
couldn't see straight. Sex Mistress on duty. He was the exact right specimen 
of XY for me and | was going to take full advantage of him in every way, 
shape and form. 

I'm yummy, after all. Who could refuse such a delightful nummy-yummy 
female like me? 

When he lifted me all the way off my feet and shot his hot ju-ju all up in 
there deep—and after | got my breath back— couldn't shut up with ай my 
plans and how many times we would do it each day and each night and how 
much | liked his exquisitely rosy and muscular penis and plenty more. 

He kissed the back of my neck to shut me up—ooooh, that was so 
wild!—and whispered in my ear with his super sexy man-from-across-the- 
‘ocean voice ... "We fuck." 

“Da,” | answered, smitten kitten purring with utter elation. “We fuck. A lot. 

His penis still semi-hard inside me, he licked my ear. “Okay.” 

oing it with a girl 
is way different 

than doing it with 
a guy! It's all, like, soft 
and squishy and stuff. 
And girls just know 
about girls. See, my 
girlfriend keeps a cou- 
ple of fingers in my 
pussy while she sucks 
on my clit, because 
that’s what I like best. 
And she knows just 
when to shove in a 
dildo! She does it right 
before | cum because 
its awesome to have 
something nice and 
fat in my pussy when 
it gets all tight and 
squeezy. Plus she’ll 
stick her tongue way 
deep in my pussy (or 
my asshole!) and she'll 
lap up my girl juice like 
it's strawberry syrup. 
And the best part is 
that | get to do the 
same thing to her! 



These babes are so 
yummy they make me 
wish I had a squishy, 

soft, suckable 
girlfriend, too! _ Y ” 


L | als 
YES!!! Make me ASS у A 
4 your WHORE! N S 


SS Wo ДАТ vrl 

- ۸/۱ O UE 

and ги SS 
so HORNY! ey, 

| | 

I For Bored 
1-800-333- | 
