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Ever since 1 turned 18 last summer — ስርርር! = ፲ started coi
Kinds of sax things with my bogfrierc Like T leamed how fo Slow
him and 2 avan Ist him pop my cherry in tha backseat of hie son
Bat than - ህር ha Broke up with me Just Ше that One inate we
were cool and the next hs said he won too young” fo be fed down.
‘Shitheas! Г was royally pissed, 1 mean. who was he to difoh me
Ike Hhat Bot 1 got over И seal quick because then 1 met Andrew.
who's not “young.” he's 271 And the best thing la, he's way smart
whan it comes Го sar. Like, my pank would jast ise me а
couple of fines, stick it In. hamp For awhile ond then Ed be over. Et
made me wonder what the big ва! was 59? sex. you know? Bat
man, Andrew sare showad me how good i cor be. I mean. we
haven't even Fucked yet: nat 8 tally gate off on eating my
Pusay, he's already made me cam с kunch of Fines
And, holy abit, ከ a good! at it. Like, last night we were
apartment and Т a0 wanted hin to go down on ma. Bat
sneaky. at firat he woukin't even do IF For real he just
skint ond wtanted lopping on my elt mu po
going nuts: my pisay was deookng so bad that my
ponts were just one big; sopping meso. And 1 was
for his hot Tongue оп my ctf. Dat no, he
parles and ribbing cn mg bt free fte ala
al dirty on
bot he just hop alotibaring al over
a oF course T was way happy wh
and started leking on my pussy les, but even then he
Dawn, D took forevan before he stares In où пу
Tongue Plt 5 good or my poor: swollen pussy that T almost came ri
наге Espaciollg when he 57468 two fingers up mg ме? eno!
started facing ne with then while he wa;
Pretty soon he wos sucking ny fat
load me зо mach could boret) nove!
justas lang as he's wiling to stog with ne
McKenna J.
Boise. ID
you ever just know
for a fact that you
were going to be good
at something? Like you were
You going to ace an algebra
test or something? Well, 1
know for sure that I'm going
to be awesome at anal sex!
See, I've already done regular
sex with this guy from school
and were kind of like
boyfriend and girlfriend (but
not really ‘cause 1 totally
don't want to be tied down.)
But I've been practicing, and
1 can already stick a dildo all
the way up my butt and did-
at the same
onds. So I know I'm
ready and I can
hardly wait to feel
his cock wedged
up my asshole!
DE you think my boobs
lare sweet? All the. guys,
school think: so, ‘but
the girls are so jealous, Hey, its. ГЕ
not my fault they only have bite PA
size boobies! Mine are a mouth-
ful (ha hal) and they look awe- |М
some in a tight top. The guys at
school can't keep their eyes off
my chest ‘cause | love to wear tiny
tank tops and tight sweaters. Plus
my boobs are good for something ኝም
else, too. See, when I play with |М CS
my nipples — like if! squeeze ‘em ГИЯ
and rub ‘em and stuff — my pussy
gets all tingly and sticky and it
feels so yummy, So now Im always ሺ)
playing with both my boobs and
my pussy, I can't help it!
how amazing Wir
could blame it on boredom, Î ale Sn
I guess. 1 don't usüally do this vei hey за Peal baz.
when I'm babysitting but, while | пе зоупета ray heve
was lounging around waiting fór the E e
Carlsons to get home, | got to snoop- on fter [m not what үші
ing through their video collection, try-
ing to find a decent movie to watch. It
was way late, their kid had bee
zonked out upstairs for hours, and
they don’t have cable. So, why not? ጉተ ተኝ
"You pay her, dear. I'm ой for bed.
ese Spe o scream and conort herselt
„Вай | bet, with а meaty thing like Mr. ርህ
ef 104 па glos ке cubes cit,
area y 9:80 viewing. leven
bly ከ50 a damp pat
C rad in his 5995
0 much older thon
На came dose enough to hand me the cast for my siting services
551 right when | reached lo take ik he moved his hend 6088. He held
зе 585 попі in front of his trousers. Aight there.
“ haven t aken your eyes of ти cock since ие stoped nth
dec. Did you want some cock before you ge?"
Ha he Honesty asked me al To my fac ane
shake my head по again but! сохибй d nde
109 to se itin he flesh. Ва cod астӣ it Hi ue ua:
upstairs, probably waling for i us ike i the video,
“Tac Rout," На hand suche tne la
ing up and doum his Пе | could sure s
Sueno up በ55 there.
1 braved it pd he
aopped the money to the ear and
the selling. Kon growing ito
ard ክህ C took a heaitny sale
a offe ከህ rigut by us
“Take Най he repeated.
ህ fol ዘ got." ሃህ
shoved him out of his cones
ard, naked glory. Sf enough
video dd not do him justice,
той dena wet | swear | was lead
"Ge doum on your knees and teke
Jeez he was some Seet But |
Jav down ano балей о ck t Lin an ke
тод up to the oot head, over and over, as 1
There was а big hieh in Мс Cs breathing
tole nead into በዛ mouth and socked on hin li
hella awesome o da. could be his All Dey
зо tempting. | wanted to sea i shoot onto me Ik
He'd ribbed her face all over with his thick milk
"e grabbed one of my long bras in each of
Jo basicaly fuck my mouth. Hed done thal o his
ato copy what she had done: | cupped that pouch а
hand and sausezed just the tiniest bit.
“anna ክርር eer so gently “Tam over” пер emitting
He tumed me himself and pushed mento сова ilo me.
and knees and fided with my jeans tm
© even stronger now. I couldn't believe
ight alle shirt was twisted up around
und and pushing in est ite.
1056 ino his en.
to ከ6 finger, wanting him to poke 8 all
à up my 9065 win пу own pss
‘ey and пра was ng him ao
st belore he stuck that inger deep бе e, neve et
pusay again and рие back inthe
ely Бени intrusion. My ip were being
ist completely this іле, his balls
pussy. was ሸፎ nothing could have ever
lucky woman!
‘when | realized Нес plumbed my pussy
sale. "Мапе."
thik about his wife upstairs:
bt maybe you could istme have him д
way ће did her Wil vigor! | wiggled my bo hol, һе ዐክ Back and forth, again and again. Somewhere in there
He knelt down behind me. was "Mor but con ear 188 et i рід me ful any Way he wanted.
А сір of መህ was my any My ogs start o shake, I was
warring He traced that ке cube sa tumed on. reached down and
(ህበ the crack of my ass and | ев my wa ail cit
shivered something fierce. Не ‘and that sent me right over the
тен ît over the ont pucker ot my 5906. cumming in hot spasms 55
back door hole while, win һе d he fucked each hole faster and
ot папа, he toy with my cit. harder and deeper. | had to rest пу
“ህሽ He ከ JR | теңі down on Ве thick carpet, my
promise." And ho poked hat cube 255 stit nthe al stl ln grip. e
righ into my hl. 1 jumped a ile. ፳ዚ | fet ets oozing waves of hot
in surprise. "Easy now толеу out of every 90165, he
Hie tongue wes soon there, worked me so thorough.
lapping up my hole thoroughiy. "Dewistey ght oh. ie
ህክ ከ8 fingers startad o fuck Me C mute as ho ransomed ከ5
ту puy. and o በሃ shoulders and conoen-
Go sweet and ne." tatea solely on пу asshole пон.
The shock of cod wasnt so Then he started ከዩ hammering.
bad now 680% he wan warming ne way he'd dore rs C. | would
‘mo up. cul el me cube melting vs never dreamed up anything
thor, he watar cng out 6 whet fet he lor reai — пя
ту hole ono his busy tongue На за intra, Every part of me ከ8
ued boh of ту des win is | | (708 sensave ono Komm win
longue and his Angers atthe sume ‘cement, He surged in und out
time and | huned win pleasure. мит sun Песопес, is бі siap-
Ha wasn't Kidding, 19 o Ina ping my pusoy. Му clt seemed o
He eked and 86 my ase (በ n urson
ck, rubbed ту с. | leaned He aug deeper, | knew û nevar be
back no him, tying lo сер fom. the seme әріп Nothing, after this,
moaning во his wo uan coma would ever ከህ] tie way, ће
vm and interop s. When he cs stopped dripping—al meted oul on and | የና He rove in one nl re апа stayed, denn һе spent минен!
dur up—he iced is hips behind me, 85 cock crade in my 0 и my ender ass in vient waves: his hands locked ovr my shoulders
ach one fr. A ‘hough о а next time, but I shouldnt have—he had a wife, | shouldnt
He was вакт Ка Га done tis before, Ie Knew whet | watag. | 40 went bere lobe а በ time. Eventhough | did want ሺ
wanted him inside: ‘But Den he said the пай pertect Ping 55 he curled питав over me and
Pisa. | pushed back against him once more, "Just put Lin. hugge me back agent пе chest
He crew the ip of is cock doum along my crack: "Lets be up frst en "Ace you ne to st next weekend, JI? I'm sure my wits would ike іс
Holding my his send. he prodded my pussy. "Ya realy are Geiciows- ои batter acquainted with you ton.
Ay ght, Jil." Sa fight that he further he progressed, the mare I squrmed. | began to wonder d беу might heve an opening for an au pair nthe
Hu пак ива widening тео те breaking роте “Ға ohay. Fl go siwer” near ከድጠ А ክው au paf, of course. Wit al 5005 d benes! |
Young pussies drool for
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“to 2 the big
None of them
know it's only a
Sg FFE g Ti
y mama told me a long time ago
M": only dirty girls play
with themselves and 1 totally
believed her. ۱ mean, 1 was so good
that 1 wouldn't even let Tommy (my
boyfriend) get to second base, And I
sure never did nothin’ like touch
myself. Ick! But then this one day,
1 went to borrow something from
mama's bedroom and I found a bunch
of sex stuff in her drawer. Like fake
penises, even! 1 was so grossed out -
and hoppin' mad, too, ‘cause if my
тата was a dirty girl, why couldn't 1
have some fun, too? So 1 thieved
some of her toys and, holy moley, did
it feel good! And now, even if Im a
dirty girl, gosh, ۱ feel good!
— |
invite a friend; /
1100111101 y
ШЕН те
¡ess what? just did it! For real! See, theres this busboy, Raul, at the
Geen club where 1 work, and he's always flirting
Especially yesterday when Г was all pissed
because he stood me up the nig
asked me out for a d
‘a strawberry shaped рор Ike Wi bass It-
tie Dimbetis she soon proves to be. This pl
‘hari is hardly ክመ by
=> አሪ
= የ BY:
BR sroney coms
ከየ a deeply penetrating theme we can
a rito te: black guys ዘባ monster cocks
fucking the ing &h out o cute, pote white
fromen: hey, do tell me it sn every subur-
50 eolage 00565 secm wet dream!
"| Was Tight Yesterday 44" (a gei te)
‘explores the magical, miraculous, panty pasi-
fg eect king size bleck cock has on sala-
` ous stems Ike Charlotte Sil Kae Ras
ህድ ebony coch
Bishop, spare and sperm ara sure to fh
Me guys мелі just big - they give new
moaning to the erm humongous: and you cn
Тва the heat and practical taste dripping wet
pussy once ie girls get a gander at be auis
‚and thoir massive equipment,
p fist is nub 19-year-old rece faced
Charite, à sutry young cutie Мі ot Yi
aisen fec getting fucked by giant lack
በህ, Sho 886: down a staircase, ne tasty
[18 poured nto a mes top, her ps sucking on
Kayla Marie 855
in her ie pussy
ends up 1
Toles fo maximum capacity. Jewe!
‘one fno female specimen.
sex gem
es her pussy Кей out and is (40 on 10
er soe for some spooning sex. not long
fer this that Ram pops al vec her prety
Face and into hr wide opon mouth.
ie Haney does her own version of the Io
pop solo acon and T's пос and ol Liz Keeps
the evor present bubblegum in har по 85
She Bowe hor man, Spreading end wide
open Le is v sucked un sho cani
"rug сом, reverse 60፡9 and
Site Uz grebs a hod ol is sticky pussy coat-
d cock and Jas ከጠ dal over her ac
1968 shows ott her [loy Jugs and shoves
ብ down ber that nd al
Woodsman takes the
"es П 10 fuck hor
mess with የ8
ima in onjoy-
but and
0 me
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እ like | am т of being treated like
ክ 1 know 1 look like a
Been crazy for it ever
since! | mean I already done four guys!
My friends are #tally clueless, they re all
virgins, but еу act like know-italls
битове tct hey boyfriend yo to
thud base amd she
thinks shes all hot shit
But ዘ hardly counts
because he didn't even
амь аусар ber
anything, Мап the last
time 1 did it | had three
ngers shoved all the
way up ту eunt, and
that was at the drive
ın before the movie
even started!
Та в =
| ше
mW Le
Al 9 LU М Lë
YES!!! Make me 5 Аз
4 your WHORE! 88 መመመ <<
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