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Arnold Held 

ur my class think l'm a 
"re just jealous “cause | snagged ot 

‚And they don't even know the good stuff; 
spends hours licking me, until his face is all shiny wi 
juice! Or, that sometimes Не?! bury his tongue in my ass crack 
and fuck my butt with it while he diddles my clit. Man, that 
makes me cum until I scream! Those stupid little schoolgirls 

would hate me even more if they knew that! 

ng and 

Туе always been kind of an exhibitionist, My dest Friend says Im 
a tease, but I dom! think so. Let me give you and example and yod 
oan decide 

have this neighbor. Mr. Baird. He's old Ike 30 on something. but 
he's kind of cute, One day, 1 was sunbathing nude in ny bockyard 
and he wos next door mowing his lawn ond stuff. I was rubbing 
suntan oll on ny skin, and well I sort of got carried oway It feels 
good. you know? My hands sliding through ali that warn, slippery 
oil. spreading it aver ny tifa. my belly. between my thighs. Can't have 
those sensitive areas getting sonburned. right? 

‘Anyway, I started Touching myself. teasing ту alt with ту ойу fin- 
gertips, siding them in and out of my pussy, even Teasing that naughty 
ittie hole behind My eyes were closed and 1 was just sort of touching 
and enjoying. getting more and more turned on, when надво I realized 
E couldn't hear the nower angnona! E kaw If ha come night up to the 

he'd be able to see ne. зо 1 sort of opened my eyes just enough to 
look through my lashes and sure enough. there he was. right dp against 

sliding fi 
hips were sort of lifting up to meet my ha 

mixing with sweat and giel juices. running down my thighs. I wriggled 
around a bit. trying to maka it ook natural until T was dimed right at hin. 
letting him ses everything right between my legs as 1 frigged myself. 1 
wondered If he was jacking off while he wofched me. ard that just 
turned пе on al the more. 

1 couldn't help the soft Не moans and whinpers as I got close to 
coming. IE wras hard to Keep my thighs apart, būt T wanted him to 

¡eryiting, especialy when I squeezed 
was very fight but if went in kind of easy with ol the ой and wetness. 

Т didn't realize af first that my eyes were wide open and looking 
right of him, bat suddenly redīzīng he knew I knew he моз watching wos 
oll ît took to push me right over the edge. T arched on my towel hips ор. 
thighs wide apart, fingers thrasting in and out of my pussy ord just 
screamed ав I came and come! When I was able to think again, I was 
curled up on mu side, ny hand clanped between ny thighs and he was 
gone. Bot I know he saw, and I think he е I know I cia! E can't wait 
todo it again! So, what do you think? Does that make na a tease, or jost 
a hungry e 18-yeor-old who likes to be watched? Bobby]. 

Cleveland OH 

“anna know what | fan- 

tasize about when | 

do myself? It's really 
dirty, but it makes me so 
horny! See, I imagine I'm on 
this bed while this dude is 
fucking me from behind. There 
are these guys around the bed 
watching and they're, like, 
cheering us on while they jack 
off. They're yelling stuff like, 
“Do her harder!” and, “Make 
her cum!” and their cocks are 
way hard! Then they start E 
spraying me with jizz 7 
and I cum like crazy! 

hen I turned 18, my 
mama said, “Baby, you 
t a face like a hook- 

stuff. And Il tell you what, my 
mama ain't seein' none of that 
cash; l'm gonna save it 
for college! 


wo guys 
have already 
tried to get 

into my pussy 
and I'm only just 
turned 18, can 
you believe it?” 
But no Way, lm. 
not going to ſet 
some dumb high 
schoof guy in“ € | 
there. I'm going 
to stay pure a54.. 
the driven'snow 
until my wedding 
night. As a mat“ 
ter of fact.. 
won't even put 
my own fingers” 
up my pussy. It'd 
be like popping 
my Own cherry. 

be a real vif- 
gin when I get” 三 
= married: 22 


future husband 
is going to go 
where no man 
(or finger!) 
has ever gone 

Miss Any 


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| cybersex! But that's Rot a. 
When we finally got 
together, well, we couldnt 
keep our hands off each 
| other. So | ended up doing 
some buttfucking (with my 

iustīs com 

TA erde тоса 



= e 



7.00 % 

„ĝe ég] 

2n = 

ТЕ had a real big problem and it was all because of my American History teacher, | 
Mrs. Bartiett. When she handed out the final term paper assignments and | saw 

that mine was on the sexual 

volution of the 1960s, | wanted to die! How iron- 

ic that the only remaining virgin in the entire senior class should have to write a 

report on the history of fucking! 1 

ace this paper, 

idn't have a clue where to begin, and if I didn't | 

wouldn't be able to graduate. Then my mom suggested that I visit 

an old friend of hers named Sledge who had actually lived through the whole event. 
Mom refused to elaborate on her relationship with this guy, but she claimed that he 

| could provide a personal background that would guarantee me an A, so | braided 
my long brown hair into a ponytail, slipped into my nicest blouse and best denim | 
mini skirt, and hopped the bus over to the address my mother gave me. 

passing grade, I would have i 
ed spira notebook close to my 
the dilapidated sofa and tred to figure out what was causing the strange nois- 
es | heard echoing throughout the cramped apartment. Suddenly, the creaks 
and groans and high-pitched cries battering my eardrums made sense. 
Sledge was having sex with someone—right here while I sat in his ĪNO 
room! How rude! And yet, | couldn't stop listening. | had never heard anyone 
actually doing f before and it made me feel funny al over Му puf pink nip- 
ples quickly blossomed inside the cups of my wie cotton bra and г layer of 
sticky moisture gushed beyond the leg bands of my panties to coat the insides 
of my thighs. I was about o sneak one hand down into my undies to rub ту 
cunt when the raunchy noises abrupty stopped. Everything grew quiet except 
for the faint creaking of foorboards somewhere off in the distance 
Embarrassed, | lowered my gaze to study my tiny, sneakered feet. 
“Hey! I'm Siedge! Who are you?” a raspy voice said. 
Hooked up to see а tall, skinny man with long, thinning hair that sprang 
‘ut around his head in a tangled mass of wiry waves. He was bare-chest- 
ed, and his faded jeans, carelessly unbuftoned, hung loosely around his 

non-existent waist 

"Кеп! Ker Walker" | poeped, trying to ignore the obvious bulge tenting 
his grimy crotch ares "My moms Andrea Walker, She sad that you might 
be able to help me wit my term paper.” 

“Oh, Andrea! Yeah! The sexual revoluton, right? Cool! What do you want 
to know?" 

“Yeah! Whatever you need, Sledge is your man, honey. а husky, female 
voice said. 

Turing slighty | saw a tall woman wearing nothing except а pair of 
faced blue bikin panties stride into the room. 1 grinned stupidly, and gulped 
out loud. Siedge's gal pal, who appeared t be п her early forties, was gor- 
geous. Her shoulder length, chestnut-colored hair hung freely down around 
her aristocratie tace in a mass of unruly ringlets that fel gracefully across the 
upper slopes of her ul, red-tippeg breasts which floated buoyanty above 
the sight curve of her tummy. Those breasts were a stark contrast to my own 
b-sized, undeveloped mosquito bites, and yet, fit in nicely with the firm, 
round swell of her hips and the sinewy contours af her ultra long legs. 

“tm Rose,” she said, fasting me a friendly smile, as she floated down 
beside me on the couch. “Nice to meet you, Kri.” 

1 nodded and locked my knees together, convinced that Sledge was trying 
to peek up my skirt. Before I could think of anything else to say, Sledge 
launched into a wer monologue of recollections that left me shocked, bewi- 

and aroused. 
young people screwing whomever they wanted, whenever they \ 

"What Sledge means, honey," Rose said, casually sipping her arm 
around my shoulders, "is that guys and chicks in those days dia that kind of 
kinky shit so that 21 century cuties like you would have the freedom to suck 
and fuck al the time! Gott?” 

"Nol" | peeped, frantically shaking my head, 

Rose gasped and sat upright. "You... .uck? Don’t you, Keri?” 

Folding my arms, | bowed my head in shame, 

"Holy shit A virgin)” Sledge chuckled. “But how?” 

think she's just shy!" Rose interjected. 
that the problem?” Sledge exclaimed. "Hell! We can tke care d that" 

LAJ = 
“Sledge is ight Keri. We can show you how. "| gabi you want” 

My head was spinning, making it impossible to think straight. as tumed 
‘on, thats for sure, and Siedge was kind of cute. but маз sort of confused about 
"What Rose пай o do witht Mel e таре..." 

‘Thats when Sledge leaned over to Kiss me. His lips were Ģentē, yet per- 
sistent, Ike his hands, which were everywhere. He broke away only once, lo 
skm my op up over my head while Rose si unsnapped my br and remove 
ту skirt. Everything was happening super fast! But It felt so good that just 
‘melted in their joint embrace. The instant Sledge ducked down to зиске on 
опе of my marshmalowy nips, Rose's ful. most, lips covered mine, and for 
some reason | still can't explain, | boldly stabbed my tongue into her waiting 
mouth. Then I heard the unmistakable thud of grungy denims ing the floor 
anc the sensation of something incredibly haro ang incredibly thick being 
placed in my hand, Акак o ook. 1 waited un Rose swooped around o take 
her boytriend's place on my tits before peering over her head to confirm that | 
was holding Sledge's raging penis. What a monster! The foot-long, tubular 
mestslab current throbbing in the tunnel of my small, curled fingers remind- 
ed me of fleshy battering ram held together by a bunch of intertwining veins, 
‘capped by а chubby, purplish crown that oozed a steady stream of clear Пик. 

“That feels fantastic, Ker,” Sledge groaned, ав | timidly stroked his thing, 
"Why don't you suck it?” 

Even though | wanted to try, | couldn't imagine being able to fit something 
that large in my mouth. Rose offered to give me a demonstration. Guiding me 
to my knees, she placed my right hand under Sledge's dangling, wrinkled tes- 
ticles, then wrapped пег satiny lips over his chunky tip and slowly siphoned 
"most of her boyfriend's enormous prick into her mouth. It was awesome! | 
couldn't believe what | was seeing! | almost fainted when Sledge jacked his 
angular backside, sending the remainder of his staff crashing down Rose's 
‘throat. Watching Rose bob easily on Sledge’ steely shaft was really making my 
pussy wet By the time he yanked his throbbing pecker out of Rose's suction- 
ing mouth, and lewdly poked it into my cheek, my panties were soaked. I cau- 
орзу got a fimsy grip on his rigid member and stretched my jaws wide, The 
Minute Siedge's oversized schlong siemed onto my fattened tongue Rose 
braved the back of my head with one hand, and sid the other down between 
my legs. His dum ben dobber skidded upward, grazed the roof of my 
moh, and bumped into my tonsils, temporaniy forcing the air from my lungs. 
п мас a bit scary. My eyes were walering, my cheeks were beet red, and a 
stream af spite hung off my lower p, but 1 didn't want to stop. Rose's danc» 
ing fingers were working me ino a sexual frenzy that increased my desire to 
taste the older man's spunk. Taking a shallow breath, | got a better grip on his 
thick, throbbing base, and impulsively siphoned his ene rod down my throat. 

"Yeah! That's И" Sledge bellowed, grabbing hold of my flying portals 
“Faster, Keri! Faster!” 

Suppressing my gag reflex | fell into а natural rhythm that coun- 
tered Sledge's lurching loins, gradually increased the vacuum around 
his rapidly expanding whopper until the aging hippie let out a long, 
drawn-out groan, and spewed a geyser of semen into my com- 
pressed mouth, | instinctively began gulping in order to catch every 
drop of his salty доор. and when he finaly stumbled backwards | 
folded against Rose's plush body. 

‘Man Great BJ, Keri" Sledge wheezed. 

Basking in his praise, smiled up at him. was very proud of myse 
\ had sucked a cock all the way, and swallowed my first load of iz Now 
| fgured | was as trashy as any of the gifs on the cheerleading squad ~ 
almost anyway. A 

"Want o play some more, sugar?” 
asked, ant Kissing my forehead. 

“Sure!” | peeped, hoarse) 
AL this pont | was зо поту that | 

couldn't wait 10 get my cherry popped. 

In a fash, | was sprawled out naked on 

Slodge's rumpled mattress with Rose 

crouched at the end of the bed gently 
spreading my віт legs. 
“So pretty," she murmured, carefully 

iting my delicate pink petals before 

leaning forward to sither her tongue up 

ide my tender opening. 

À surge of sensual energy traveled 
Тот my tummy straight up along my 
spine to short-circuit my brain. | hadn't 
expected her to go down on me, but | 
couldn't deny that her fluttering tongue 
følt fantastic! 

"00000! Rose!" | whined, gyrating 
uncontrollably as she eagerly licked and 
surabbed every exposed inch of my fragile 
vagina. "That feels fantastic! Ohhh, god! Uh- 
huh! Yes! On! Rose! Yes) Eat my сотту" 

Despite all the stories that fd heard 
around school about giris doing naughty 
stuff to other girls, nothing could have pre- 

red me for the incredible sensations 

ursino through my twitching body. Rose's 

ert technique soon had me teetering on 

e verge of an outstanding orgasm. 

“Mo more fooling around!" heard Sledge 
declare impatienty. “Tm going to take her” 

Shivering with desire, I watched the lanky freak nudge Rose aside, set my 
slim calves on his craggy shoulders, and dragged the length of his manhood 
along my drooling folds. I was amazed that his cock was hard again already - 
‘and it looked even bigger than before! While Rose knelt beside me to соо words 
‘of encouragement, Sledge circled both paws around my trembling thighs and 
eased fis shiny knob beyond the portal of ту Raming labes. | immediately 

itched my atiention lo Rose's smiling lace. A SE ripping sound echoed in 

виз, followed by an odd itching sensation in my pubic area. 

“On, god!” I yelped, unable to contain тузе. 

“Um in!" Sledge announced proudly. “Damn, she's tight" 

“Fuck her, Sledge!” Rose tiled, Полу kneading my fattened jugs. “Pop 
her good" 

He sure was doing that | had awareness that my lower body was being 
penetrated, but the minor discomfort made no difference. I ked it too much 
to notice! 

“Yes! Ves! Yes!" | squealed, reaching above me to latch onto the 

board while | locked my апке behind Sledge's craned neck and 
tossed my ass off the bed to meet his mighty thrusts. "Fuck my cunny! 

fase keep fucking my ошту" 

It was all а fanciful dream to me - the heavy breathing, the yeam- 
ing moans, te incessant pounding that launched tremor after tremor 
throughout the rickety bed frame - even the orgasm that simmered 
deep in my belly seemed animated and wistful 

“Time to make a change, my precious flower child,” Sledge snort: 
ed, abruptly pulling his thing out of my gooey hole. 

| didn't understand. Strong hands elevated me above the bed, the 
room swung sideways, and I found herself perched on al tours peering 
down at the tangled forest ot Rose's dark, velvety, twat fur. 

"Jesus, Keri!" she purred, peering down at me over her heaving 
вот." can't stand it anymore! You're driving me crazy! Eat my pussy, 


Before I could ask any questions, Sledge re-ontared my ravaged quim, 
shoving my face straight into Roses mushy snatch. remember triling hap- 
pl at having my itching cunt filed again, and automaticaly stuck my 
tongue out to spear the panting woman's glistening pink portais. 

“Берерге! Ys!” Rose yelped, slapping her strong thighs shut around 
‘my burrowing head. “Oh, Sledge, baby! Give ft о пеп Ohhh! билна 
Oh, Кеп! Lick my cit 

| knew where my own cit was located - Sedge' balis were currently 
smacking it as he clulched my undulating hips and picked up the pace - 


but thanks fo the feathery tuts of 
hair tickling my nostrils and the 
excessive amount of sugary fuid 
filing my mouth, I was having trou- 
ble locating Rose's pearl. II was 
only after Sledge really starte 
banging me that | accidentally 
found my target and now that had 
it I didn't intend to lose î Trapping 
Rose's pulsating marble between 
her lips, I created a clumsy suction 
and concentrated on rebounding 
my wobbling fanny ой Socha 

“Holy shit 1 tm gonna make it 
Rosie!” Sledge growled. 

"Keep tucking her, baby!” Rose 
vihooped. "She's eating my pussy 
80000 good!” 

| was glad to hear hat. 1 want 
ed to get Rose off before my own 
pending orgasm overwhelmed 
me. Whimpering shrilly into 
Rose's lathery cooze, | pressed 
my swaying tits against the mat- 
tress and гап my tongue across 
the writhing woman's swollen 
button. The added stimulation 
did the trick for Rase 

"Alege! Yes! Yes! Ohhh, Kerll 
жези! Lick mel Lick me har 
esse im cumming! Oh, mi 

god! l'm cumming!” 

Auru Штити Uh-huh! Ohhhhh, yes! Me, toooo! | shrieked into 
Rose's dew-drenched ebony рей. “Ohhh! It's wonderful Oh, Sledge! Fuck 
me! Keep fucking ту dirty cunny! I'm cumming!” 

“Sory, babe!” Sledge huffed. 1. can't hold an! ададї! Im gonna 

Riding the crest of my pleasure, I didn't stop to think about the danger 
un Sledge cumming inside me. Lucky, he managed to remove his spurting 
cock at the last minute and splatter my smooth, round assmounds. 

“Do you get it now, sweetheart?" Rose coved affectionately as I snug- 
дей into her cushy bosom. 

“Yes, Rose,” | panted. *I finally understand what the sexual revolution 
was al about!" 

ТЕ was true | had been transformed into revolutionary and I couldn't 
walt to show all hose high school boys what I had learned. $ 

Gou don't know” 
Bro happy 1 $ 
am now that 1, 一 

got picked to be the . 
new intern of they” 
month! I mean, I was 
cheerleader of the 
month last year 
when | was a senior 
atHinckley High, but 
thatwas nothing like A 
this! Mainly ‘cause I 
got to take off my 
clothes this time, 
ha ha! But seriously, 了 , 
really l'm all excited 
because now | know 
that guys must think 
l'm pretty, even in all" 
my private places. = 
And they're all going 
to be looking at те." 
Gosh, now I'm very к 
nervous, | just hope p, 
they like me! 


y nips grew like crazy last sum- 

mer and now they look awe- 

some, don't you think? Plus 
they're super-sensitive! All | have to do is 
touch “em and | cum. My friend Kiki did- 
n't believe me, even after | showed her, 
so I told her to try it herself. And she did, 
only she used her tongue! She sucked my 
nipples so hard that l creamed my jeans 
right then and there. Hey, if this is what 
growing up is like, I am so there! 

You boys need 
to go find 

yourselves a Ҝ 
farm girl! 4 


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