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Marty Purtus
JUST 18 (ISSN 10910670) No, 120 ug 2007. Nei ah, na kan by
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аге the producers or distributors of material depicting actual sexu-
who'll stick it
to Sonia till
she cums! Any
did it with a guy once, but it wasn’t very good.
He just got on top and pumped, like, twice,
before he shot his stuff up my pussy. But I don’t
need a guy now ‘cause | got me this dildo online and
I can sit on it and fuck myself. | bounce up and down
and then I sit down hard, so it’s all the way up there,
and then I tickle my clitty till it explodes. My pussy
gets tight and squeezes the
dildo like it won't let go. So,
1 guess my dildo’s my
boyfriend now!
4 (2
Tammy! She so
desperately needs
a boy to protect
her from
her mean о!
just moved from Georgia to Colorado and everyone makes
fun of my accent. Му mama says not to worry, that they'll
stop if I just let it go, but it's hard. There is this one boy,
though, and he’s always real nice to me. Like once, he helped me
with this really hard math thing. And he's real popular. So I'm
hoping he'll be my boyfriend and then maybe everyone will be
hice to me. And I'll be nice to him for sure! Like maybe I'll let him
finger me or even do more stuff. Then everyone will be jealous!
guy. Chad, sometimes and he
zekend. I fig-
might get
in the mountains whe
ort, Like you can go in
1 whole hour! And you would
me this f Burning hot at first, until you
pples, and then you get goosebumps all over
> way in you can hardly bre 2 it’s so hot
tub till we wer
5 crazy, partly ‘cause if
о bizarre to have him
his tongue was all cold but
me uf in and started
"m 1, that hof
‘ally when he started d
1 from all tho:
ір (which wasn't hard, I was p
n in the water and all the sud:
ute I was
ing it doggy style.
nf, like alm
vell felt that!
заа been boil-
I want another under-
Karina D.
E وو =>» t ET. |
20 JUST EIGHTEEN, 1 7 = “г”
— Ш 3 x С „ 3 0 |
I just met the weirdest guy. Well on the outside he looks normal. all
business-y. with short hair and a suit and all that. But on the inside
he's a total perv. And I like the stuff he does. so I guess I'm a perv, too!
Which is kind of weird, too, seeing as how I won't even let a guy get
past second base cause I think that you shouldn't do if all the way
until you're in love. But I still do sex stuff like I've done two blow-jobs
(they both blew off in my mouth, ewl) and I can jack а guy. too.
But when George and me went out I was worried that he'd want
more, seeing as how he's so old. So after dinner. when we started
kissing on his couch. I told him that I wasn't into any funny business.
And he was totally cool with if, he didn't even ask те to touch his
wanker! I thought maybe he was queer or something but I could see
his dick was way hard under his jeans so I knew he was liking it.
Then he said that if I took off my shoes and socks he'd give me
a foot massage. Whoa, did it feel good! Until he asked if he could
suck my toes. Talk about freaked! But I don't know, he was so nice
I figured T'd let him
Good thing, too, cause it was the coolest: Like he sucked each toe
real slow and sexy-like until it kind of popped out of his mouth and
then he licked between them and it tickled but it was so hot!
When he was done he asked, real sweet, if I could give him a "foot-
Job.” Huh? 1 figured it was like real sex only with his foot gross! Bat it
was totally not like that.
See, he took out his dick and kind of wrapped my feet around it
then he started going in and oot. just like he was doing it in my pussy.
Can you believe it? It felt totally weird. but he was getting off on it so
much it made me excited, too. His face was all scrunched up and man,
his dick was so hard, And heck, all I had to do was lie back; it wasn't
nearly as much work as a blow job!
After only a little while he started groaning and I knew he was gonna
pop. 1 figured he'd wanna do it in my mouth but nope, instead he squished
my feet together real hard and then shot his stuff all over my toes! It
was way weird but not gross. cause afterward he cleaned my feet up
all nice and even rubbed some pretty-smelling lotion all over them
I'm totally not gonna tell my friends about my new weirdo
boyfriend but I am for sure going out with him again. Heck, I can't
wait to get another foot rub and give another “foot job!”
Dyanna L
Portland OR
already one hell
of a butt slut,
қ even though
L - | she's only done
| it опсе!
just let a guy
put it in my ass
and I don’t even
know his name!
See, I was at this
party and we were
dancing dirty—I
was rubbing my
butt on this guy’s
crotch. It totally
made me want to
fuck, so we went
into the bedroom.
I figured we’d fuck
regular, but instead
he rubbed spit on
my asshole and
then shoved his
dick up there! And
when he got all the
way up my ass, I
came like
all felt son
(but good nasty)
that I even let him
cum up my butt!
c" — M
қ | j L i
all over me and
it's scary because
I don't know any-
thing about sex.
Like, how long do
you kiss before
you take off your
clothes? And then,
do you just get on
your back and
wait for him to
put it in? I've only
done kissing
before, except
one time I
rubbed on a
guy's thing
over his jeans
until he got all
place to have
some good, clean
(dirty) fun!
finally learned how to |
cum! Руе been trying
=Z forever, like rubbing -
my finger оп my wet pussy
almost every night. It made |
me tingly, but | never reall ly
` got there. But last week
in the shower I used the
sprayer thing to rinse my
pussy. Holy shit, it felt
awesome! So I held it right
on my clit, and pretty soon
it hit, like there was fire ||
shooting from my clit | |
and I was shivering |"
and jerking and
stuff. Now I show-
er all the time.
` My mom thinks
I'm in there so
A —
los on:
ر۳ |
WEES hes
ہے 9
tie Tei
United Kingdom
United States
A 1
= ` —
t as an accident. That's what I
à He was holding a newspaper like
had thought at first. His fingers
skimmed over my nipple, acciden-
tally, making it bead up under my
tight blouse. It felt so tingly good. I
ма Мата my usual route to a sum-
mer job downtown, the bus way too
crowded. Which meant tons of us
how those commuter types hold
them, folded in some fancy accor-
dion fashion so it can be read with-
out taking up much room. And the
fingers holding one side of it were
just where my left nipple was.
Those sneaky fingers skimmed over
my eager bead again and I sucked in
a breath. And hung on tighter to the
bus’ swaying hand straps above, won-
dering how 1 could score my other
nipple some of this action.
Then my lucky lefty somehow ended
up between two of his knuckles and he
tweaked me! I kid you not!
1 looked. But his nose was buried іп
that paper, paying me not a blink of
attention. He was sorta handsome. In
that older school, expensive kind of
had Tó ‚stand. | was squashed т
between all the “suits”, with my try-
ing-to-look-conservative skirt and
my tiny pink backpack slung over
my shoulders. People kept bumping
into each other so, when this guy’s
fingers touched my nipple, І thought
nothing of it. Except that it felt
š M way. Bet he had his secretary creaming
righteously awesome! hê рч dally,
I let my eyes wander. He definitely had a bulge in his top-dollar trousers. Nothing mas-
sive but not exactly normal-sized. That’s what got rid of any last bit of doubt—he’d done
it on purpose, that nipple action. Bad Mr. Businessman.
Not that | minded—! wanted to unzip him right there and take a good long
look! Unfortunately, my stop was coming up—no more fun for me.
He was fumbling in the pocket of his suit jacket, extracting a business card.
He looked me in the eye for the very first time then. licked my lower lip just
for the naughty fun of it and his eyes followed it along its path.
Before | could move toward the exit he slipped his card under а strap of
my backpack—flicking it over my nipple along the way! Sooo naughty! I
grabbed the card and practically flew out the door.
Mr. К. Grayson. And his big-deal title at some financial company a | Í
dozen blocks from my job. took a long lunch that day and found it easy.
The receptionist at her glossy desk phoned him and sent me back. His
office door was wide open when I got there, him standing on the threshold. |
As draped as 1 passed into the room before him.
jake it.”
He closed, and locked, the door behind me.
“Have a seat,” he said and gestured toward some comfy
chairs by his desk.
1 thought about it. But instead, | strolled over and sat right
оп top of his desk blotter and whatever boring papers he'd
J been hunched over before I got there.
He just tilted his head and smiled. Then he strolled on
overtoo and sat in rolling desk chair, which of course was
yight in front of me. He reached across my thighs for the
phone, told the receptionist to hold his calls, etc, etc. Such a
E er he hung up, he placed his hands on my knees and
d them apart. Getting right down to it, then. | raised my
5 to hook over the chair's armrests. He was between my
ighs, his face almost right in my muff. Man, was this fun!
He was staring up at my big fat mouth as his hands mean-
dered along my legs, raised my skirt all the way. “Ever done any-
thing like this before?" he asked as tingles started assaulting me.
I shook my head no.
reached the tops of my thighs then drew designs over
ive suit, this guy!
4 i What I was sure was a large wet spot оп my hose. | hadn't worn TN
biz nder them because they show with this skirt so it was
7 ан too get for him. He just poked through the mesh, ripped SC
eno to totally expose my soaked pussy. One finger M Z
pushed in. A second struggled to join the first. РС
> — “Snug.” His eyes traveled to my
breasts for a few seconds then back
up to my mouth. “How old are you?”
He must've really liked my mouth
cause I'd never seen a guy so intent
on it. It’s a big pouty thing with huge-
ly full lips. | know exactly what men
think of when they look at it like that.
“Are you a virgin?”
His two fingers slid in and out of my
tight pussy, a little deeper with each
entry. It felt so awesome, him shoving
in there, arching a thumb up over my
clit with each stroke.
He reached to trace a free finger
over my lower lip. “That mouth... |
might have to take advantage of it
later. Would you mind?”
“I wouldn't mind,” 1 was willing to
give it a try.
| spread my knees wider. It felt
kinda wild, being with a total
stranger, my pussy throbbing in
his, face. He watched his fingers
loosen my opening and 1 took a
peek at his lap—another magnifi-
cent hard-on, courtesy of me, tent-
ing up his trousers. | couldn’t wait
to see it in the buff!
“Unbutton your blouse,” he said.
“Unzip your pants,” | said back,
which made him smile again, but
1 got to work on the blouse in a
hurry. The way he was touching
me, | was about to cum before
he even put his thing in. | was
sure gonna make a mess of his
fancy desk of papers.
He tugged at his zipper while I
had my blouse fully open,
unhooking my bra, my little
~~ juices—and so much of it! Í
breasts eager to get some of his attention. He ran wi >
eyes all over and stood, the trousers falling, his fingers f
leaving me. He slipped his boxers down and parted his shirt.
His chest was almost hairless. And his erection was more
than ready. ۱ leaned over and licked one of his nipples into a
tiny erection too.
“Taste this,” he said as he put a finger between my lips.
My tongue wrapped around it and I sucked my own juices
off while my eyes feasted on what jutted out down below. =
His dick was smooth and weighty and long. pet down the
underside then up to the crown where the skin seemed softer
than the rest of it. | followed a thick ropey vein down to the
base and gripped him there. He cupped his balls and our .
hands worked together, me pulling and pushing, he gen- /
tly caressing the sack. When | looked up into his face,
still frantically sucking his finger in and out of my
mouth, I guessed he might be feeling just like how Ра `!
felt a minute ago—one breath away from delirious.
“Put it where you want it,” he managed to say, con- er
templating my mouth again before he pulled his finger "~ í
out. “РИ put it where | want it later”
Sounded good to me. | scooted to the very edge of the B A
blotter and positioned glistening dick right at the =
hole he'd torn in my stockings. 4
He grasped my bottom, lifting me practically off the / | CES
desk, and slid into my dripping pussy in a slow, very у =
deliberate thrust. | cringed а bit when I felt my cherry
pop but he didn’t pause there, just pushed until he’d
buried himself completely.
“So... unbelievably... tight!” He was gasping for
- breath, just as I was gasping too.
He pulled almost all the way out, slipped a thumb between I = `
us to swirl around my clit then plunged the whole
length deep again. | bumped against him hard, wanting
him to drive into me faster. He did—faster and faster—
but too soon | felt my insides soften and clench, already
cumming, flowing around him in hot, desperate pulses.
“Yes,” he whispered as he held himself inside there,
letting my inner muscles urge him again and again to
let go too. {=
When 1 felt like melted pudding, lying back flat on the
desk now, he pulled out of me completely, still rock-hard,
and slicked up with my cum.
“You know where I want it,” he reminded те as he
slid the blotter—with me on it—toward the opposite
edge of the desk.
1 felt too dopey with satisfaction to answer.
Once my head was resting just over the other side of the
desk, he walked around and then | understood. | tilted my
head back till it was almost upside down so | could take him
in my mouth.
It shone with my juices. Smelled rich and tangy. He traced
the fat tip over ту lips, back and forth. His hands played with
my breasts, lifting and pinching as | wrapped my lips around the
inflamed cap. He pushed in and out but not very far. But by the
next time, when he pushed in further, | knew I could take it all.
He kept plunging deeper, quicker. My nose nuzzled his
balls when he was in all the way. | clamped my lips tighter
and he moved faster still.
1 felt the change, a rush of blood in that vein, a surge
moving up the length of him. 1 so loved the guttural sound
that came from my sexy suit man! I couldn't believe my
untutored mouth could make him do this! | grabbed
onto his hips while he emptied himself deep into my /
throat. Salty bursts—not at all like my tangy j
k e 22
Before I'd even swallowed іс all down, he had j ہے
me scooped up into his arms, murmuring all the
naughty things he had in store for me while he
licked those beady hard nipples of mine. Those
tender pink culprits had started this whole
thing. They sure came in super handy today! ж |
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just got ditched ‘cause I wouldn’t put out,
7 which is so mean. It’s not like I don't
wanna do sex stuff, I’m just not ready to
have full sex. But my dumb-head ex just wanted
_ to get laid so now he’s with Sheila, the slut from
math class. That’s okay, though, ‘cause when he
sees my pictures he’s gonna see what he was
missing. And even though I’m not gonna let my
next boyfriend do me, таубе I'll let him lick me
or even stick his finger up there. I'll make sure
my ex knows and he’ll be so bummed!
” Ea “aa
once Alisson's
+ pussy, he's
>. سے gonna dive
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у new boyfriend
is on this stupid
exchange stu-
dent thing in Germany
and he's been gone for
two weeks. And he's
hot coming back for
10 more days! Man, I
am so jonesing for
him, especially his
cock. See, after he
popped my cherry
about three months
ago we've been fucking `
almost every day. Like
after school in his
car, or even in the D
auditorium. That
was the best ever.
We didn't actually
fuck that night,
though, ! just
jacked him off
during this bor-
ing concert. It
was awesome; he
came right when
it was really loud
and those big
drums were
и ñ | =
YES!!! Make me | у A
d your WHORE! . بب 6 Š
Bt Suen
Ae =
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