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t, ОВТ Publications, Inc., 210 Rout
New Jersey 07652-5103, R. Ferrio
to bo deemed on admission that the Publis
оге the producers or distributors of material depicting actual sexu-
LDO oo
Cl a tee
just got laid for the first time! See, | was at this party and I guess | got drunk on the
punch because | was dirty dancing with this cute guy and he was rubbing his
crotch against me. So we went outside and he backed me up against the
garage wall. Then he lifted up my skirt, pulled down my panties and just stuck
it in. Whoa, my cherry was popped! He did me real hard, too; | never knew a
guy could go so fast! After awhile he grabbed
my butt and started spooging. Some of it
dribbled on my panties so | keep them
in my drawer to remember him
by (even though | can't seem
to remember his
| And there is one ir
ши about her all the
hará апор ress my up ада!
dr n ир! Lu pussy paa lick all,
ГЕШ face, then 1d lick her elean and kiss hei
could „ own puss: juice. Sounds yun
т Ре!
I alway
ht my breasts were too big, but
just perfect, Perfect
d last week, he s
my boyfriend
evin says they’
Perfect mouthful месі
ect for-
^ night. and we were making out
h. He had me stripped down to
just my little pink thong and it was really wet because he was
pretty hot and |
he can almost
g with my breasts. My nipples are so sensitive,
m just playing with them! I get all wet and squirmy and
me want to let him go all the way. He
ig my tits until T was squirming
there and make me сит, But he
me back on the couch
m going to fuck you, Кайе"
j when he said thal! Hey, I wanted to say
le pulled of his Jeans and his big hard cock
35 he knelt across my hips with his knees
bother him. though. He ju:
1 told hin. "Not ge
rawled up a
throbbing cock rest mg boobs.
tits are pe
› making me squirm and whimper
3 around my tits and pushed them together
the head st just love the taste of his
ts when I lick it, so I leaned up and slid my
ngue along the little slit He just moc
ed and pushed my tits tighter
around his cock, tugging and teasing my
wpples as he slowly pulled
his cock back, then pushed it in again.
f like your sweet little cunt
caught the whole head
ongue dancing and licking just
ht me. My spit made it slick. and pretty soon he started
ut faster, hander, his cock sinking i my mouth on
was so hot: watching him get more and more turned
on, making me wetter by the minute! He moved faster and faster, then
“So tight hot" he groar
turned оп watching his cock appear and «
ween my breasts! 1 leaned др
is time, my
right at the end. let go of my tits and buried his cock in my mouth
while it urts of cum went right down my
lapping up every drop.
e until I came, too, and believe me, it
erked and those hot
throat! I just gulped it down, my tongue
After that.
omeday, ГЇ probably let him put his cock in there
didn't take much!
or now. my tits ane per
Кайе C.
Columbia. SC
М 04
ho! Carmen's
guy is so lucky,
but then again,
so is she!
think any girl who hasn't done it up the ass is totally
lame! | mean, guys always want to stick it up there, it's
like their biggest fuck fantasy. Plus, it's dirty as hell and
that gets girls off, too. Like, when my boyfriend and me do
it | stick my ass up in the air and first he uses this greasy
lube and does me with his fingers. How nasty is that?! But
then when his cock is in, it's fucking awesome. | feel like
some whore in a porno and | make him do me really hard
so his balls are banging on my wet cunt. Afterward, if he's
still horny, | give him a blowjob. See, | told you it was dirty!
rented this apart-
ment with this awe-
some tub. See, it's
got this spout that comes
out real far, so the first
time I took a bath, I just
stuck my cunny right under
it. Man, was it intense
“cause it, like, did my clitty
and my hole at the same
time! Everything got all
warm and squishy and
pretty soon my clitty was
all swollen and I start-
ed shaking, like 1 do
before 1 cum in all my
movies! Then it hits and 1
freak out, and all I can
feel is the water on my
cunny! I do it all the time
and the cool thing is that
no one knows, they just
think I'm taking a regular
bath! A nice, dirty bath!
See more exclusive photos of
Jackie and all the Just 18 girls!
Time М! ACC n Мееч-Т.
$4 2 рне $4 2 Get 0
IN am
Go Balls Deep,
Ё 1 сап take —
Е Ey vase ЕВЕ
Guy! те
1-4 Ane 879-5652
ts Only 000999
bol =
in my poolside flipflop
still soaking
y back.
don: te by the high-dive.And
into a hunksa-lici Vimmer from the state
been slumming it ghborhood pool. Which
t on his back with a long bloody scrape down one
! hip and impressively muscled thigh.
be fine, but because of the knock
M SET. rnight. For observation. |
"cause the reason | fe
at the bundle crammed
apologize for that
d of the corridor. | pushed open the
smile on my face.
е long sprawl of tasty fineness. And по
go. But | felt so bad and he was all alone.
from the pool, still in my wet bikini under
ррозе it would've been better if I'd cov-
о, A lot of guys had done a double take on my
here. But I'd been in such a guilt-ridden
Alucky victim was still alive.
оке up ! could fetch him stuff—jello or mor-
his little nubile whore for a day. Now, that
ig ti cking his gorgeously tanned feet in nothing
skirt, sliding my full tits with their perky points all
ppery, suntan-oiled chest, and flat abs, and
a crushed-out goner.
Ир against the bed,
Ж at my snoozing
his sleep too.
low across his belly
ospital gown was skewed.
s also that recently familiar
umthin special right where it
Leal should not!
ge! tan inch.
Slid it down just the littlest
It was like a jumble of beefy p
^n his thighs.
ting a hard-on. In
1 looked to В
Сари TWO
ошн AS
"оме 40 Мб
m i
and stepped away. His ге wide с
intently, while his boner: on boni
He shoved the sheet back down. |
again, thick and heavy now.
“Am I dreaming?" he
1 swallowed and здиеаКе!
His eyes traveled to my bi
meager bikini top then ti
“Come closer:
| stepped forward and his
in a flash, snaking under my swimsuit
found where I was getting all oozy:
apart to give him easy acces:
Without even a bit of hesi
over and wrapped around his p:
which gave me a surge too.
“Fist it,” he said while
into my cream. | gasped
squeezed his penis. Held it tig
flesh up and down. While his
same quickening rhythm.
His eyes were half closed watchin;
his erection. They spilled foi
bikini, and | inhaled extra
nipples would pop ир ov
His eyes got dark an
ver! He plucked at one bi
just the bulbous red
kept moving up
|, then the other, as I put
iim into my mouth. My fist
the thickened shaft below,
He made all kinds of chron
sounds and that hand of
his under my.skirt got rabid. Ё
around, circling the knob, then si
his hand on
h. Did that
bled onto the high
put your ass in my lap.”
de, toward me, and I got
his cock nudging my ass
th warming the back of
bikini bottoms. Then he
and his hand reached
striper?" He chuckled.
ond thoughts about putting
I told the truth. “I'm the
By the high dive?
put my basket of goodies."
ks against his cock.
of my back and prompted
п pussy lips were more
to.” 1 couldn't believe that
yen if it was exactly how
whore routine.
and had to yelp at how:
“Oh yeah... you like this fine,
| nodded frantically ‘ca
from falling off the bed
back in, nice and d
He may haye'b
didn't slow him down. He fixed my hips
against the mattress and pumped in and
out of me like he was pounding nails in
there. Determined and fast. And so won-
derfully deep.
I gulped breaths when I could, gripped
the side of the bed and let my tits jump
around like crazy with his pounding. My
pussy burned with slick friction. Hotter and
hotter, melting inside!
“Your young pussy is clinging to me so tight!
I tried to clench my inner muscles even tighter and he
grunted his pleasure.
“Play with your clit. Make yourself cum.”
Practically as soon as | put my finger down there, | came
in a rush. Roll after roll of pure hot goodness flooded me. I
felt my pussy clamp onto his cock in rhythm with my
orgasm and he started to spurt too. Held himself deep in
there and jerked his milk into me.
“Tight little hole. So fresh,” he growled into my neck.
“You take it all now.
“Yes,” | exhaled as he unloaded more and more. “Please,
Both of us годе the waves, trembling with jittery exertion.
“Oh, my
We both whipped our heads around to see one of the
hefty hospital nurses parked in the open doorway to his
room, mouth gaping, eyes bugged out.
“Look, Nurse Betty!” he taunted her: She made me all better?”
He flexed his hips against me, his softening cock still
deep inside. Moved like he was fucking me again, fake-
grunting to the beat.The lady sputtered and sped away.
1 nestled my ass against him as he relaxed, our mingled
fluids making us all slippery. He stroked my breasts in a lazy
Way; Guess my unspoken apology wasvery mich accepted! I
and ig if I promised to lick his
et me “apologize” again real
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M — Just
have lots of boyfriends. That's because
1 let ‘em do anything as long as they
don't stick it in. Like I'll do 69, ‘cause my
mouth doesn't count as a hole, and I'll
even swallow. And ! let 'em lick my
pussy or even my asshole; one guy
sucked on it for forever. At first it
was totally gross, but when I played
with my clitty at the same time, I
came, like, six times! No kidding! And
Ill even let guys rub thei icks don
there, like they kind of slide through mı
wet slit, you know? That makes 'em crazy
and they beg me to let them fue
me, but no way!
I ^m not ready to do it all the way, but I still
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