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68-zuzi = 

Il through high school 
1 was way chubby; it 
was gross. | mean, my 

thighs were all jiggly and my 
belly was like blubber. Of 
course, everybody made fun 
of me and I didn't have any 
friends. But I started working 
‘out when I was 18 and pretty 
soon girls were talking to me 
and boys were looking at 
me! Then Nate, the cutest 
guy in Chem, asked me out. 
| By the time I was 18-and-a- 
half 1 was all buff and Nate 
and } were totally together. 

Ч And Î mean totally, like he 

М popped my cherry right 

19th birthday. From 

My топ ойнор rags on me to ер рау the bils. 
so I have to work al the tine. Bommen: But now Те 

working at this greerhoase and it's the best even 

Even though it's pretty hard work, al hot and hamid ond 

Stuff. #5 okay because I love git things ike Rowers and gardening 
ard al that 

But here's mother reason Tike # tee right away I noticed this gog 
Raoul ooking at ne Lie. Td be watering the African Violets ond he'd be 
stang right through ту sweaty dress ike ot where ê was ingng tony 
boobies, but (ower too Р was ike he codd see right through fo ту 
peres ord I swear he codd practico sml my hot pass 

Твен he totaly wanted it And you know what? ven though the 
оңу sex Td ever done was a blowjob. I wanted i+ too ] was totaly 
ready for Raoul to pop ту cherry. even though we'd never even 
tokad on anything (wel dah, he doesn even speak Engish) 

So this one day we were n the back room sweeping ap. He was 
зо close I could элей his sweat from working with Ње det ond 
plants So fuck t ost went right ap and pressed ny rips up against 
his shirt I could feel his dick ll hard andemeath his jeans so I was 
pretty sure something was goma happen and it dd Rec fast tool 

He dicht even kiss me or anything just grabbed my tits and 
sqpeezed And then al of а sudden На hand was in my pontes ord his 
finger was op ту snatch! I should have been pissed, bat ту passy 
was nating and when he poled his finger out and sid it up 40 ту cit 
1 dnost fel down Oriy cort because by then he'd turned me 
around, pushed me up against the Zrria table ond started rabbing 
his ick — which was кеду out of his ponts! — on ту skt 

T pashed ny Бан into he crotch because it føl so good but I 
wasn't ready for what happened next he jast stuck his dick ol the 
way up ny curry I could hardy breathe ай frst but then his fingen 
cal dety and greasy (fron ny com) was ddding те. He totaly knew 
how to do if because # ony took a minate before I was Купа not 
10 serean while I creamed. No shit 

When I was done frecking oot I grabbed hold of his sick bals 
and squeeged ‘em while he rammed ne and pretty soon he was 
grunting and spooging at the same tine The Zonas were fying off 
he toble because he was punping so hard and my pussy was drob- 
ing jaz. Gosh we were al sweaty and dety and # нода have been 
30 gross Fit hadn't been so facking hot 

erword 1 taoght hi two Engish words: "Fuck ne So now he 
can ask for it-ond 30 con] 


— Uma 

& ont ya think Im hot? Every single 

p ) suy at school thinks so and the girls 

are all so jealous that they hate my 

guts. Like I give a shit. I hang with the guys 
and of course I get to choose who I do it with, 
But! don't fuck just anybody. Like, they have to be 
able to keep up with me. St ге too fucking 
lazy and Goths are all pale and skinny, Gross! 
But the jocks have hard bodies (and hard 
cocks!) and they can go for hours. 
Plus, they like hot girls and they 
take one look at me naked and 
practically cum all over them- 
Selves. Then they fuck me 
real hard, which is totally 
the way I 
like itt 

don't believe in fucking around when it 
comes to sex. Wait, 1 guess 1 do believe in 
А fucking around! Whatever. I figure I got one 
cunt and one asshole and | might as well use 
‘em. Shit, I'll even do both at once. Like, I've got 
this fuck-buddy, Tony, and his friend wanted to 
do me, too. | told ‘em to bring it on. First Tony 
lubed me up and poked it to my ass while his 
buddy stuck his boner down my throat. But 
then they wanted to do me at once, like 
DP, you know? Holy shit, it was like 1 ~ 
was gonna explode when | came 
with their dicks wedged all the 
way up me! But when they 
both blew their wads? 
Fucking awesome! N 
2 IR 


A dick 
up each hole? 
Ally really doesn't 
fuck around when 
it comes to 

tty ay 


someone came right 


dE eid 
n iA 

im TM me i dome 
Tr Di ts MET IE 
Шыр СЗ INT non an 

т EA 
He md 4 oer 

out. I've touched myself before, but Idi 
банке that! In minutes, 1 was cumming, 

Jenna?" he asked, pulling his cock out of hi promised to help me with my pap 
le was huge, and hard, and Just lookigratz made my end. promis to lea my nae Rome. Kido it but 
mouth water. I didn't want to admit Pd neverevensseama, 1 dont really think we'll get much studying dongî w — —— 
eck before so хав of saying anything: Just sid — 
jown on my knees In front of him and started licking and 
„ако К lle t was a big meat lolipopt j > 
1 must have been doing It right, под é 
nr hi ie 
get closer. | wrapped my hand around his cock and took tho 

Shee | I on your 

иа res tto a: Portam renon ak 
E a Men ou hen ылан ШЫЙ - f 
ibn my auth made manche al over again. niet mobile phone 
and antoni стадия ens : \ › t dial 
у pig 
LE WI or just dia 
= dedit 
T et epos a 1-866-61 
Oe Ir раци | 
not to gag, but then I Just sort of gulped-and swallowed, and 
Dye li = | | SWA N K 
D e me 
A = ECU 
= ر‎ (toll free) 
ee Т 



"t all, Jenna. You're a natural 
1 sI ту other hand up under my skirt and started friggin 
myself while I started bobbing up and down om Les кс, 
ting It sink Into my tight throat over and over. 

Ñ So fucking good Cal groaned ten his пала мапа, 
In my hair and he Just started fuddng my mouth. After a 
couple of strokes, his cock swelled even bigger, then my ~ 
mouth was just flooded with his hot, salty cum! "Thats it, 
baby, take ай” He didn't have to worry about that. ! loved 
the taste, and sucked and ed up every drop, and feeling k ` 
spurting down my throat made me с гари! 

1 always thought guys got 



“You ever fucked In pubik 
1 could stil barely breathe, shaking and: 
зо wet from cumming so hard, But 1 Just Wanted, more! 
“Ive never done It anywhere before! 
Cal's eyes widened behind those nerdy glassés. 
gini I thought you were kinda tight! 
He leaned In and kissed me, hard,and- could taste 


'm very mature 
I for my age and 

very particular 
about the men I 
date; they have to 
be older leg men 
who make at least 
six figures. As I'm 
sure you can see, it's 
not a problem find- 
ing men to date 
like Zach, hes a 
lawyer. We went to 
his apartment, but I 
didn't let him fuck 
me right away. First 
he had to suck оп 
toes, and then lici 
up to my wet slit 
Then 1 made him 
slurp on my clit until 
1 came twice. When I 
finally let him fuck 
me he was so horny 
that he 

log on: 



Rashelle | 

cried for, like, days. But 
еп 1 got this idea to send my 
pictures into Just 18. And they 
picked me! Ohmigosh, I was so 
happy! ‘Cuz that means my 
pussy's pretty after all. 
And now all the guys 
at school will know 
it. Plus they'll know 
what а dojnkhead 

Marc ist 

р y friends and I are so imma- 

МІ ture, even though we're sen- 
AÛ iors. Like, we have sleep- 
overs and play hide and seek in my 

Wow, a 
secret diddler! 
‘And ¡Ys someone. 
who knows her 
way around 
а pussy, 


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Bop does at eet seo pea 
‘cause he stays down there 

АШ! cum, even. Then 1 let him ub on 
my st ЛИ he came all over ту bei 
But we do something even dirtier. See, 
now let him put his finger up my butt 
when he's licking me. It makes те, 
cum so hard, expecially when he. 

does me with two fingers. It's 

Ike our їйє cry эссе dl 

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