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Lara а Moni” 

\MEAT! g 7, 



6 KEN 

34-YEARBOOK pem 
GO-LARA 6 MONICA. en tederia faze 
BOB & 

Sophie Martin 

JUST 18 (ISSN 1061-0870) No. 124, тату 2003. Міні пий, ای‎ 
DET hii Ін Сайт, ind C 2004. M LI и 
ا‎ холын 
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as ight cat ard мээн سیل‎ oo ایب سیا‎ 

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ОВТ Publications, 210 Route 4 East, Suite 211, Paramus, 
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oys at school see 1 | 
Br and they think 
I'm just a dumb girl, UN 
mostly because | look real | 
young and | have small Ш- 
ties. But | am so a grown 
up: l've done nine blow- 
jobs; | let two guys lick my 
pussy; and l've done full 
sex with four boys! Oh, » 
and | let this total stranger 
Stick it in my ass. Crazy, 
| huh? | was at this party 
| and everybody was totally 
wasted (me, too!) This guy 
came up behind me and 
reached around to squeeze 
on my boobies. Then he 
lifted my skirt and stuck his 
finger up my butt! Before | | 
knew it, he had his dick ир 
there and was spoogin' up 
1 my ass! And І still don't 
۴ know who he was! 

= 2 зы y == 
She looks so — 
sweet and innocent 

with those itty- 
bitty boobies..not! 
This girl is one 
serious 'ho! 


lotof girls hope they'll be famous when 

they grow up, but 1 know for sure that 

I'm going to be a supermodel and do the 
whole red carpet, catwalk thing. See, for one 
thing, Рт way hotter than most girls my age, duh! 
Plus I'm totally cool about showing off my body 
and І don't even care if people can see everything, 
you know? Like, I pulled a "Janet Jackson" at Prom 
last year (oops!) and ! wasn't embarrassed or any- 
thing, mainly because all the guys had hard-ons 
under their dress pants! And I'm pretty sure that 
most of them jack-off whenever they think of 
how 1 flashed my pretty little tittie. So, hey, І 
guess I'm already a little bit famous after ай! 


went out with this guy from my 
Trig class and he talked те into | 
blowing him. It was okay, but І 
found out later that he'd bet his 
buddy $20 that I'd suck him off. What 
a shit head! | was majorly pissed. But I 
got him back. My best friend went out 
with him and she got him all horny, 
like she licked on his dick through his 
jeans and rubbed on his sac and stuff. 
And she talked all dirty to him about 
the things she was gonna let him do. 
. After he was about ready to bust a 
nut in his jeans, she just took off. 
2222 Так about blue balls! And of 
RT course we told everyone about 
е it — һе was so embarrassed! 

love to have those 
pigtails bobbing up 





уч L A AS 



two are perfect 
for each other! No 
lovey-devey shit, 
Just good 

: fucking! l pee 
2 > ome 

et to do it once a week ‘cause he's mar- 
ried. You know, he has a wife and two 
kids and a goldfish or something. | don't 
give а shit about that, though, І just care 
about his tongue and his dick, in that order. 

See, when we're together the first thing 
does i is ПЕ my di 

|: this great fuck buddy, but we only 

ШЕ rom cute little brace- 
E faced buttsex bangin’ 
ШЕШ babes to real-life teen 
pornstars, Just 18 has deliv- 
ered one fuck of a year! To 
celebrate, we’re going to give 
you another peak at the best 
of the best of teen slits and 
tits! You'll want to sign this 
yearbook with your cock! 


Wie E 

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nothing like а 
nice, foot-long 
cucumber to 

get а girls 
ў cunt juice 

соЁ what ту friend 

Monica found in my 

mom's new garden! | 
dont even know exactly 
what it is (Monica says it's a 
mutant cucumber!) but | 
know she sure likes it up 
her cunny | stuck it up 
there and pretended to be 
a boy; you know, | was doin’ 
it in and out and stuff. She 
started touching her girly- 
button and pretty soon she 
was squirmin' and cummin’ 
like crazy Then she stuck it 
in me, only she used her 
tongue on my ditty, too, 
until | got all gooey and 
squirted my juice on her 
face! So I'm gonna hide the 
cucumber (or whatever 
the heck it is) in the fridge 

so we can use it next time 

we do а sleepover! 

"^. B = "миў а =- | ай 
Re E 


» au 445 

Jingle bell, 
jingle bell, jingle 
bell cock! Jingle 

balls swing and 
jingle balls 

birthday present ever! See, my birthday is on Christmas 
(that's why my name is Jingle, silly!) and he came over 
after my parents went to bed. І snuck him into my bedroom | 
and we started making out like always. Only it was differ- | 
ent, like, І was feeling way grown up and getting wet in 
my panties, you know? And when he unzipped his 
jeans so | could blow him, guess what? He had a red 
bow with jingle bells on his penis! Isn't that sweet? 
When | unwrapped his “present” it was like | was 
eady to go all the way, and it was awesome! Now 

L ast Christmas, my boyfriend gave me the bestest 18th 

whenever | hear jingle bells | get all tingly inside 
my tight pussy! 


Ў а 

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ули езент‏ ہیں 

En‏ یں ری وی 
ہیی ند ЖЭ ES t‏ 

hat's hotter than tight teen twat getting crammed? 

Seeing that fresh babe take two slabs of meat in both 

holes! Watch as Cherry and her pals stuff ‘em all in 

Swank XXX #13! You won't know where to stick your cock first! _ 
Available right now at a store near you, ог go online at کے‎, or call 1-888-211-8110! See what this / 
cherry-popping action is all about! 

not your fault, 
darlin! What you 
gotta do is get 
back to fucking! 
You'll see! 

never told anyone this before, 
but Г т not very good at sex. І 
_ did. it once, but I think І 
screwed it up so bad that no boy will 

t ever me! See, | went on a date 
with this guy from school and we 
started kissing and stuff in his car. It 
got me so excited that | let him take 
my panties off and finger me. Then 

kept sticking it in and out. | don't 
know what I did wrong but, after he 
shot his goo in me and dropped me 
home, he never called me again! 
Now I feel totally stupid about sex 
and | don't ever want to do it again! 

another picnic? 
> You know, hide the 

ін ня was‏ اط 
picnic, but ie sta‏ 
so bummed! But it was ока!‏ 
І made a picnic right in 1‏ 
ment. І had a blanket and tent ind‏ 
everything! And 1 had potato salad:‏ 
and weenies! I burned them, tho, so‏ 
instead, well, | ate his weenie! Plus 1‏ 
let him do full sex and everything. It‏ 
was my first time but I didn't want‏ 
him to know so І acted like І knew‏ 
what І was doing. | was way scared,‏ 
but I guess it worked ‘cause he asked‏ 
me out the next weekend!‏ 

the wel 
