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Februny 2008. Published полну, under knee, by
m ол wien paris ui Sons.
| | мода, ond onils Ней ае to be reme, ond Ќе assumes по spans for una
|| cen ay aniom between people and peces in is поре and ony real people mi pas is pure
coincidenta. Perla appearing in this magne ай madek, except wire otherwise rod, ond ою usad for
к} сайх cured perdite. moi ав 16 oors оро sidu M s sand o ob
| sher ай be nected шиний ged for РАК en opt puposes ам liec f pide
efit oe ond comment ей: Te phe assumes no responsi for ony namens or ony
changes: Magazine Services, Dept. Hometown, PO. Box 9863, Н. Lauderdale, FL 33310. Subailons (me
ува) US. $36.97, Canada 548.97, al thes 54.47, M ойи; must ba in US, funds. PRINTED IN USA
er OBT Publications, Inc., 2 ‚ Paramus,
New Jersey 07652-5103, R. Гетоой, Custodian of rds. The
to be deemed ап.
are the producers or distributors of material depicting actual sexu-
It's obvious
уоште the real
deal, darlin’, with
that pretty red
hair and fuzzy
orange pussy!
| (
Г ) oys are always teasing me about ту
PF hair! They used to call me a freak
BD because it was all orange. But now
they say naughty things, like, they want to
pull down my panties to see if it's orange
down there, too! Like I’m going to show
any boy my naughty bits! Unless I’m in love
with him, that is. Then I'll let him see and
touch and maybe even lick! Oh, and of
И course ГИ let him go all the way after
| awhile. | figure once you're in love you can
do anything because you can trust the guy.
| know that's corny but | don't care. | total-
‘ly believe in true love no matter what
those nasty boys at school say!
Jacqui and | look ®
so much alike with our ^
blonde hair and nice curvy
figures people think мете «E
twins even though we're not %
related. She and | and Rick have ™
been best friends forever! We know
everything about one another. For
instance, they know I'm still a virgin; | know
they're not. Until last weekend, anyway.
Rick's always had this fantasy
about making it with twins. Jac
and | were just joking when we started kissing each other, but when
she slid her hands under my sweater to play with my nipples, we both
started really going at it. When she nudged me back against Rick, my
ass against his hardening cock, he groaned and gripped my hips.
“Okay, joke's over, guys. You can stop now.”
Jac rolled my nipples between her fingers, making me squirm against
Rick. “Do you want to stop, Kris?”
“No!” It felt too good to stop!
“Then let's show her what she's been missing, Rick!”
| Jac pulled my sweater off, exposing my creamy breasts, then started
- А licking and sucking my dark nipples. | hadnt had а boyfriend for
awhile, so it didn't take much to get me really turned on! Jac pulled
off my shorts while Rick stripped down to his boxers, then he pulled me into his
| lap, nothing but my black thong and his boxers between my ass and his hard cock.
He started nibbling and kissing my neck while Jac played with my tits, and |
just melted back against him, moaning in pleasure. Jac stripped down to little red
panties, her pink nipples as tight as mine when she pushed my thighs wide apart
to kneel between them. Her soft hair tickled the insides of my thighs as she pulled
my thong aside and started licking my pussy and sucking at my clit, her fingers
sliding into my wetness to fuck me. Rick teased my nipples and ground his cock
against my ass while Jac ate me until | screamed in pleasure, my fingers tangled
in her hair to hold her mouth there.
| was still quivering when Jac reached under and released Rick's cock, guid-
ing it up between my thighs, along my wet slit. | writhed and squirmed, rubbing
against it, whimpering because it felt so good.
Then Rick asked, “Do you want me to fuck you,
“Oh god, yes, please!” Like | was gonna say no?
It was so hot, watching Jac guide Rick's cock
into my pussy. | thought it would be too tight the
first time, but | was so slick and wet, it just slid
right in! Rick started thrusting up under me,
deeper and deeper. It felt so good, | tried to make
it last, but Jac started sucking and licking my clit
again and | came so hard, | think | passed out!
They spent the rest of the night showing me
what I'd been missing. | guess Rick got to find
‘Out what it's like to make it with “twins,” after ај!
Kris A.
Chicago, IL
I'd fantasized about my
roommate's guy Keith
ever since | caught them
fucking one evening, His
big fat cock looked so
yummy, hard and slick
with girl juice. | just
wanted to taste it! They
got dressed really fast
and left, but after that,
all | could think about
whenever | saw Keith
* was his cock. I'm pretty
sure he knew, too! Then Sue went home one weekend to visit her folks.
Keith came over Friday night just to hang, and we talked about school
and stuff. Then out of the blue he said, "I bet you're still a virgin, huh?" |
was blushing like crazy when | told him | wasn't really interested in sex,
but he could tell | was lying. He slid his hand down ША Баск 10 сир ту
ass and whispered, “| could teach
you all about it, if you want.”
He kissed me slow and hungry,
and | just about creamed my white
lace panties right then and there!
He undressed me slowly, touching
me everywhere, and when he took
off his own clothes, my mouth just
watered at the sight of his big hard
cock! | reached out to touch it, and
he let me explore all | liked. Then he
moved closer and brushed the tip
against my lips, telling me to suck |
it! ГО definitely never done that
before, but | just opened my mouth
and he slid inside and, oh, fuck, the
taste was so good | couldn't get
enough! He grabbed my long brown
hair and started sliding in and out,
thrusting so deep | gagged, but |
didn't want to stop! | sucked and
licked until he started cumming,
and | still didn't stop! | just sucked and swallowed all that salty cream!
“Such a good little cocksucker, Lili.” Keith pulled his cock out of my
mouth and pushed me back on the bed. “Let's see what else you're a nat-
ural at!” He ran his hands all over my skin, sucked on my little pink nip-
ples, then pushed my thighs wide apart and licked along my creamy slit.
He sucked on my clitty, then started fucking me with his tongue until |
came so hard my juices just flowed all over his face!
Then he flipped me over onto my belly and started licking the crack
of my ass! It seemed really dirty, but felt so good especially when he starts,
ed tongue-fucking my tight pink rose. Then he slid two of his fingers into,
my virgin cunt and started fucking me there, too! I've never cum so пад
in my life! Then watching him lick all that creamy giricum off his fingers? :
almost made me cum again! | could taste myself on his lips Wh He’
kissed me, then he told me he couldn't wait to take both my @ йез!
Sue's gonna kill me for sure if she finds out, but | gotta tell ои can't
wait for the next tim&she goes home for theaweekend?
= 7 ША.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
A A (809; 99
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T ; оре: -
2н мн
Т вох оа ч QQ
Mine: > / .
“7 | РЛ \
4 РУ!
Y 1 er
Damn! My
pussy's drooling МУ г
all over the place
just watching Eva
do the bendy
IN N F | 3 ime meh T we gig ^ й Pe
SS bars. Mostly it’s ‘cause our music rocks, but it’s
| also ‘cause we're lesbos and that turns the guys on some-
ч оло шал
does that bendy shit. | mean, she turns herself inside out
A and i's so hot! It 5 me so horny that sometimes | fuck
ressing room.
aii TUN е € 2% зай
4» Ys ÛÎ ûû zîq older men SÊ e ÛÛ |
? / (deal?) school [boys fare]in (too писи fot [a]
: a ithe {self-centered [around]
“ШЭ {concentrate Jon {their flown rather Im
= [mine That's not,forjme'honey3ljwant a stud to take]
ーー L^ iB
ш 4 я 2 [time and gets me off! Like this guy]I met on пе Street
| e cee
3 face buried л u for,
X »
' р еп [other 2
pulis'out:of my cooze at the last minute
4 с:
myJvirginfasshofe, buti} е
Апп 15 зисћ
а bad girl! It seems Y
that this little vixen |
prefers more mature,
man meat!
У e ДЭ and | had best time
ever! You see, | live in very
до to America last summer for
small village in Germany and | do not
know everything about being grown up |
even though 1 am 18 years of аде. Му
mother and father take very good care of
me but they — how you say — make me
too safe? But when | go to America | found
out all about many things my mother and |
father not want me to know! 5
Му family was so nice. My American mom and dad were very,
um, cool, not like my parents. They talk funny and act crazy and
they like lots of noise and fun. They have loud American rock
music all the time and they are always saying Ше bad words and
drinking very much wine. It was like they are not even grown up!
But the daughter of the mom and dad, she was maybe too |
much grown up. She said the bad words, too and she took — 1
mean stealed? — some of her mother's wine! That was not big {
deal to me because in Germany | have one glass wine at dinner 9 2 да
every night. But I know in America that is по! so, and that police
con arrest teenager for doing it.
Shayne said not to worry because Не police would not find out
but I was stil little bit afraid. But after three glasses wine, | was not ê
too worried anymore and | was having very much fun. Shayne was
saying all the things we would do in America, like go to a 'kegger”,
and meet all her very fun friends. She said that she would show me
good time and that | would be so happy | had come to America. >
When | went sleep that night, I was tired and litle bit dizzy, but ! Shayne took me many places, like the American mall where I bought jeans and $
was excited, too because | would learn so many new things. | did not even miss pretty things. We saw the movie, “Pirates of the Caribbean”, and Shayne 50
my mom and dad because | knew | was getting grown up already! Johnny Depp mode her panties wet. Oh! | knew that mean dirty things becau:
Next day my American mom gave me pancakes for breakfast, very sweet! Then when | touch myself | have wet panties foo! But | never said such a hing
ШИ по! about a boy. | think those things, though, and Johnny Depp wets my
Md panties too. | told Shayne and she said since | like boys we would have very
good time that night.
Й not know what she mean until we were си the ‘kegger’ in a frat house
basement and | saw so very many cute boys. Shayne knew very many of
j| them and said | should meet them. When | said | come from Germany, they
like me very much! One boy, Jordan, he say he get me a beer. Oh my, you
Ч Americans have very bad beer! But | drink it anyway because Jordan was
so nice. He say l'm pretty and speak good of English. After we talk forever |
he hug me and say I'm sexy, too! |
And | believe him because his sex was very hard when he hugged me. ў
1 have never felt a — what you call it? Penis? — so near and it was so |
|. big | was scared. But feeling it was making wet in my panties again!
| бо let him hug me more and then he kiss me. | am embarrassed to
say, but it was my first ever. And it was very much wet! But, ooh, | like it.
First it was soft and then Jordan lick my lips and that was very sexy. Then
Ч he was using his tongue in my mouth and at first | was not happy but soon
| began to like it very much.
| was brave and | kiss him back very sexy and that made him much
more, um, excited. | could feel it, And my panties were getting very much
stickier; | never know that could happen just from kissing!
After we do that for very long time, Jordan Ihen'was touching my, um,
boobies. If any other boy try that !would slap him, but Jordan was very
good. He put his hand in my bro and squeezed my little buds and it made j
Ч more girl juice come out. Plus my girl place, like the little button where 7777
21 I touch myself to cum, was very tingly. i H
That's why | let Jordan's hand go up skirt and down my cotton panties! $
A | was very red face at first, because of all my sex juice, but Jordan say |
Д he like it very much, like it was а good thing. And when he put his
ger in my girl hole it felt like very good thing, indeed!
1 knew | should do to him what he do їо me ond | was little scored but
then | got very brave and unzip his jeans. When his man thing popped
M out | made a noise because it was so big! And | had never had a penis
before so | did not know what to do. But then Jordan tell те.
| did exactly what he say and held it very tight. Then | start going up
ond down, slow first then fast. | was very proud because Jordan liked it
very much. He was making strange groaning noises and also doing his fingers very fast
in my girl hole.
My legs were becoming very weak and | want to sit down. But really | want to lay down $
because | knew what Jordan wanted to do. And | want it, too! I knew that he would stick his
| - 3 thing up in me and that | will not Бе virgin anymore. Yay! | never thought | would want to
because | had not felt the sexy thing with a boy, even though my friends have all done it
many times. But Jordan made my sex thing want it very badly.
Jordan's penis wanted it, too, and so we lay on a bed in some back room and he
pull my panties down. Then — you will not believe! — he put his face between my legs
| and his longue оп my sex button. | thought it must be so very, um, not good for him
but he acted like he like it. Не pulled my sex lips apart and was licking very fast on my
button. It feel so good that | forgot about it being bad and just did groaning noises like
Jordan. Only | was all squeaky and my breath was coming very fast. |
After he licked my button for many minutes, | feel the tingly thing and | knew | was
3 going 10 have, what you say, orgasm? | was scared Jordan would not like it but | could not
help it and soon | was doing the thing and my body was like fire all over, especially my sex
button. And it kept happening because he
licked me more, until | was so tired from
it | could not orgasm any more.
He came up and kissed me —
with his mouth all wet from
X girl juice! — and he was
^ smiling like he happy that
he did thot for me. | wos
happy, too, and when I felt
his penis on my wet hole |
push up so a little go
inside. Oh! И was so dif-
ferent but it was very
good different. So I did it
again and more of his
thing go up me. Then he know | really want it and he pushed it all the way in.
lt did not even hurt, it felt like | was having the orgasm again, even! And when he started doing the real sex thing
, м — you know, when he push in and then come out? — it Гей very much good. | even grabbed his bottom so that he
De 1 could push more of it inside of me.
i | After awhile he was doing it so fast | could not keep up so 1 laid back and let him do it to me. Oh, my, it felt
« “a i so very good. So full and, um, sensitive, and very sexy. Jordan was happy, too, because he was groaning again,
only lot more now. | was little scared he was hurting himself but then he pushed extra hard and | could feel his man
| juice inside of me! Like it was going way up far. Не pushed harder and more and more of it filled me up all full.
? x Afterward, | felt so good for doing the sex thing! And proud, too. Jordan was very sweet
| X М and stayed with те — getting me those very bad beers! 一 until we leave. | gave him
fr | x N
ы: 1
ща 5
Warren TS:
E Nadkss1294a7
| Б
; РА =
Ф х = >
Вас“. E
v 2, 2<
Dg а А
gonna flip
if he finds out
his precious
little princess
is really a
DP slut!
ee these two big fat dildos? |
swear I'm gonna get те two guys
with dongs just like these. See,
Рт at Padre Island (because daddy paid
for Spring Break for his little princess)
and I've already seen about 20 guys I
wanna fuck! The kid who brought in my
bags was so hot, I could see his rod all
hard in his pants and I knew it would be
inside me! Рт wondering
a friend so they can do me
. Dirty, huh?! I was even think-
want one guy's dick in my
other guy's wanker in my
both fit, but | know itd be
just trying to put ‘em in!
y friend set me up With this GUY, ar
at first | thought it was cool “cause s
he was way hot and | Knew he
thought | was sexy. SO | invited him up to my
dorm room for a coupla beers (and maybe
more!). But then he started going on about my
computer. Don't get me wrong, | love geek talk,
but I wanted to get some meat into ту 18-уеаг-
old slice! | grabbed onto his crotch through his
pants and told him to either shut up and fuck me
onto,get-the fuck out! He went with the first half
of my offer, but after three min-
utes of eating my pussy and a
whopping two minutes sticking
it in my cunt, Mr. Geek was fin-
ished and | had to do myself with
my dildo! What a fucking пега!
Geek girls
are sexy as hell,
but you better
know your shit
YA before you take,
one on!
P а
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sweltering in
the summer
sun brings out
the sweaty slut
in all of us!
But I cel kind (бео исен со]
' [awhilefthe)hotlair]
"m me, well, hot)you]know?]Like]
— strip-off-my-clothes-
could hardly/stand]it4lfguess)
kind of dorky, but now
I'm {Ке the hottest
(haha) in school.
Pm thinking that
pretty soon | саке
one of|those cute
boys in my¿class
home to my, air-
conditioned) bed-
room ап let
him рор my/red-
hot cherry!
Var > |)
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—) «
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4 нинининининнининининимнн“ arcad ン
e е
и ү А
x d 5
и m
t felt so bizarre coming home from col-
/ EN lege on winter break. | mean, there |
Ж was, all grown up, but as soon as
1 got back home, it was like nothing had
changed. My room was all pink and girly,
which made me remember how much |
wanted to lose my virginity on my pretty
-— AS | bed! But, поре, | went to college with ту
я cherry still intact. It sure didn’t stay that
way, though! The first day | met Charles, a
fourth year law student, we started doing
it in my dorm room, his apartment, the
movie theatre, the back seat of some
~ / 4/ stranger’s car; pretty much everywhere!
А The girl who used to fan-
” tasize in her girly
bed could never
р have imagined
all that!
little Sophie took
Sex 101 in her
first semester at
school and got
an A+!
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еп сате ој Дтенса пет, would
Беда подефресапве Цашво pretty!
(So}now}I{am\working}hard{and [saving
money,to/get'a'nice portfolio for,the' modeling
agencies Г чата) [from|my, mother,
though* een I'm pole
(dancing, in\a'bar!|It'isyvery, fun'to/do/something
sol вехугапао)наче во тапу пет шНоте with
ше. And}because}l{am{so}pretty {шаке very
much money Апа ћатејуетујписћ|вех, too,
because when'I¡amidone'at night! Шат so damn
horny, that’sometimes'I;let‘one‘of thelcustomers
take me}home}My)boss|would|not}like that so
1 сап neverltellfhimfor\my/mother}about that!
id РЕН
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she slides her
pussy down one pole
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slip-slides it down
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