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emen or ‘andthe Dir
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ing them and especially getting
them! But that’s not all, I have a
mojor butt fetish. M hoppened one night
while | was masturbating. | wos a litle
extra horny so stuck a finger up my but-
hole, just to see if | liked it and d
reolly did! 1 came way harder ond woy
longer than usual. Allit took was that one
finger stroke and I was hooked on boch.
door action! Pretty soon | was jerking off
with three fingers up my tight backdoor.
Now I con't cum unless my butt gets some
treatment! | stil haven't let a guy put his
penis back there though, but I know |
will! | guess I'm waiting lo find a guy |
¿really like, but until then, it’s all mine!
I have an addiction to orgasms; giv-
is a butt slut!
We knew she
had a dirty
lan gel awa y,with whatever,
cage ete cl ued a shige
lace inna it sfokay with haus though because! |
E Ver kg my dan! nd enn
fing lucky y guess that’ n/ohways invited back There
ii act add o ol
of guys'st \
iy ts, | old another guy uni | EE
throated his meat nd he blew lod wihn minute o wo
Two loads for Ihe’price’of one! l'always get what | wont!
can get crazy
at my place any
day she wants!
This party girl
knows it's the
pussy that
BPE) is dick was so exciungh
AL Wich that be She racifg around my head. pretty soon
gor even more outrageous. | sat qn che Falling and
Pulled up m rt Cem agg checkme out” is what
1 was saying to the world ar large “Ive my body and
it makes me wet to show iE lo youl$o plégse take
along look at my private pars, Won't you?”
So Here | was pBsing for my riefid’s camera and fer-
fing riskler by the second. le was the ultimate challenge
yy Howemany Ways could | show off Iny bach f public? lay
down og che steps and pulled off my top. My naked fits
Lies. were exposed to anyone whio wanted to come and
Ble a, look. I spread my legs and'pulled up my skirt,
‘knowing that the: world could see my sexy pussy at
{hough these sheer panties. did some splits and leg lifts,
‘showing off my toned gams in so many ways.And | always
hoped that someone was enjoying the show.
„ becge n time, sipping’ slowly autd66rs. Once my
skirt and top were off, stärced co, cug at my panties, My
Hence eyes kind of bulged'iguk asıhe started shooting
‚extra fast while | showed off try haitless pussy. | pulled
er fanties to one side to really ive him a long look at
¿my deim I spréad my lips wide apart wich'my fingers,
then plunged) one finger deep! inside and wiggled it
„around. I felt 0000 fucking good to bé sa nasty in full
viewof thelpublic. And | bet ie fel justas good to any-
"one who dad to watch my performance.
Like | said,| went slowly, took my time. get com!
pletely naked eventually and really set in to fingering my
ity Fwas’so,wet and juicy just ffom exposing m Ache body hay
ing finger inside of mé was almost too much stimulus. | was pra.
ing my pussy with frantic abandon, the image of my boyfriend's cock
diving in and out my sl, spurring me on. My fingers were soaked
as] power stroked my hard dit of the way to a huge see 4
| Brought myself o a kneesbucklingintzasm after orgasm, right out
there for dhe werd to seg. Then | licked and sucked my fingers,
savoring each drop of my honey nese.
"All at once, from behind; fele someone'shands Of my breasts,
pinching my nipples with himble coarse fingers. Was SES: in my
fancigy and the orgasmicihaze that | didn’t open try eyes “Fuck
wer whispéred. “Please fuék me” The pressure on my nipples
inerested foría momendighahf felt wo hands cupping my naked
des aud slowl) squeeze. Soot my breasts, ywere-being sucked on
tenderly expertly, and a hand (racag'a line dByn my cumny to my
tingling wagt. could feel my mystery Jover Y ‘oh my neck,
and me the tangy aroma of his sweat and c
Opening my eyes I found my guy friend cafessing me up ahd
süring at mein opén jawedamazement, Gathering our senses for
the briefest of moments he pulled me behind some low bushes
so we were out of the public's direct sight. No doubt somebody
‘would see us hut at feast we weren't going at it like barn animals
in fontof everyb;
Without exchänginffäny words he was on top of me, practical
Y Sevouring me whole. His tongue leapt between my lips, and |
sucked at It hungrily. My stffnipples were aching with desire and
when he wrapped his soft lips around one | moaned in ecstasy
There was no stopping this carnalerüsadg, yanked down his pants.
Hig thick hard cock Mopped out and | grabbed ic shamelessly and
ssarted to pump it wich my fet A single drop of cum seeped out
followed by another: | rubbed his gooey cockhead against my hard
cit urgingjhim vo sticks rigid rod into my sopping wet pussy.
Falling Backwards onto the soft green grass, | landed on my
back and every hard inch penetrated me n one purposeful chrust.
e my back to takt all of him into my pussy and lockpd my
ber, high around his shoulder blades”
Pumping away 2c fh we: hole lie man possessed, he fucked
the angadeeper an u en has ever down before, His
‘cock saileg in and out me with both military precision and steady
deep strokes of animal passjon. As our bodies parted and fell
togecher ¡again and again che chers el our controlled moans
began to get louder. Wave upont wave of girly cum flowed from my
pussy andl dreniched both oi dhe ground and'us as wel
We ace make 4 quick esche lter that bout of public bang-
ifg.| don’t know what we were thinking. or if were thinking at all.
I had suéh a Wonderful day Acme later chat day |frigzed myself
severallmorg times reliving every second in my mind. Thank good-
ess we weren't caught. dd have had a hard time explaining
that co my boyfriend.
Speaking of whieh: when my boyfriend got back from vacation
1 surprised him with a bunch of the pictures that his buddy took.
Of course | told him | did itll by myself Why bother hurting him?
‘What he döesnit know weng hurt fin.
This was the most exciting dare | hive ever actepted. But Im
Sire there args6lber things odt there just waiting for me.The kinki-
er the better as chers Just dont tell my boyfriend i fucked is pal.
hese panties ore so fucking sexy
T can't control myself when | wear
them! They fit so nice and snug
‘ond tight around my pussy, and the thong
part rubs my ass in just the right way.
But, they get me into too much trouble!
Lost lime | wore these, | had my first one
night stand. The lucky guy must hove
thought he had said all the right words,
hut I knew the real reason. | was out
dancing and my pussy was buzzing ond
wel from all the right friction! This guy
put his hands on my hips from behind
and | almost came! My whole body shud-
dered as my nipples got hard and a little
wet spot formed on my panties. |
longue kissed him ond took
him back to my place for
some sloppy hard fucking.
You guessed it, | kept my
panties on the whole time.
I'm such a little whore!
re is nothing nicer! than} taking a nature
ke on a hot Sunny, y ¡day! The sun kisses my
warm skin, máking every inch of my body
feel alive and tingly and hel s turned on hailmy,
pussy just Screams for, ‚for; same Ilo ome)
up to this one spot in the) ‘mountains that’sfnudist
friendly to reconnect eat nature [Bosically,?l get
totally naked and Finger 'my/pretly pussy until my
cunny runs over, vih my girl juice: Lost time f
here, | come so kudhya once, running and sow,
‘me putting my dates Hack on 1 wos still really bein
so | fucked him—he popped my cherry right e,
and there! Got poison ivy; but it. was, totally worth il
. >
my fovorite 21255
VV but also lovergetting fü
get so horny working oh
stretch, so much and m d my} skin] fight} yoga} pants}
resp up nd toca the is of my peach Misty
icky psy ell et datar
mh aro ida]
ae ae
going to] wosteYBeing]so_damned busy, between}
il esata apa oN
ng time to 600 (3 hard need Ta gel a real guy”
10 just fuck me deep and hard! If you guys only.
‘knew how easy it would be to eat this sweet fruit!
2) elp me! I’m so horny al the time, but sex tl kind of scares me. Nat really, i's
olching some skeevy disease From o dirty boy or even worse getting knocked
= up that scares me. | don't want any of that stuff. That's why | get my pussy off
with my fi The guy I'm seeing now wonts to fuck me, but there's no way it’s going
to happen! | might let him stick o finger or two of his in, if he washes his hands, and if
we stay together for a long time, I might let him lick it. Sure, I want a guy to really
pound me, but | hear that condoms sometimes break and | worked foo hard on my
body to give it up so soon. Instead, I'l keep flying to the moon solo, riding my fingers!
won't cum f
anyone, but she
loves to let everyone
see what theyre
love to show off my hot body! And when | show off,
1 get really turned on! Like, I rarely wear panties
anymore. | just love the way my pants feel all rough
and stuff against my clit. | was just walking and I saw this
hot guy and my mind started to wander. When | looked
down a little spot of girl juice was starting to form in my
crotch. | ran back to my cor, eased down my jeans u bit
ond fingered myself in the front seat. As | was zip-
ping up | saw a security guard just storing at me with
his mouth open! | smiled at him, licked my
fingers and drove away! Hee-hee!
Just $2.49-$4.99 per min. No CC Req'd 18+
Imy,virginity.| quess | was/'so | was“
Hops bl | preted ibe
‘foil pissed fond fkicked |himprogthe
With] revenge in mind, went
tojwhere]hs] friends bond|wos
playing’ Immediately after hisset)|
linked up 1 him’ put my tongue in
hisYear and told him |, wanted o
fuck: You could almost hear his cock
getting) instantly hard fond he!
asked if! v en
ripped his cock and purred int his
ar, Call t revenge” ond we were
screwing in his Yin seconds! let
ii Yoke’ al of my virgin holes tha
right Yeven|my jbutihole!| Boy wil
my ex be pissed when he reads this
(Who's a cocklease now dickweed?!
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