EJ manors I
7 Nbre
Anissü с” ኳኳ
Kati N
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30-18۱ 6 DUKE
36- BARBIE, Aci
MADISON, وال Victoria fese
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Fulvio Brito
Linda Y/anson
JUST 18 (ISSN 1091-0670) No, 132, Octobar
7008 اش manti, иди ise, by lust 18 kat,
ክር Contents сориндней © 2008, Al rights reserved. Nothing
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og On: JUST18.C0M
'm trying to stay a vir
Really, | am! | know my par-
ents want me to, but every
time | get all wet and let my fingers
get down my panties, all | can think
about is what it's going to feel like to
fuck for the very first time! 1 mean,
when | get a couple of fingers or this
awesome dildo my older sister gave
me in my pussyhole, | go crazy! And
when I stick one up my asshole, it
sends me into an absolute frenzy! |
know my dad doesn't want to know
about any of it, and my mom thinks
that | shouldn't give my cherry away
easily, but with the way I'm feeling
lately, I think pretty soon I'm gonna
have a cock or two cumming in me!
Witha N
body like that,
I don't know how
long Chastity will
A stay true to
b her пате!
When | first met Todd,
there was no way | would
have considered screwing
him. | was still a virgin and
he was the kind of guy that
had worked his way
through most of the sluts in
town. He was totally hot but
| knew better than to mess
with a boy like him, or so |
thought, then ۱ started working nights at the grocery store he worked at
and was alone with him every night. He became impossible to resist.
It was a slow night and Todd and | were playing truth or dare.
Todd started and | said truth, he asked if I'd ever sucked cock. |
blushed and said no. Then he challenged me to dare him and | want-
ed to make him blush so | dared him to show me his dick.
Without hesitation Todd unzipped and pulled his long meaty tool out
of his pants. | couldn't take my eyes off it, his cock was so much big-
ger than | thought it would be. When | finally looked up, | realized that
he wasn't blushing whatsoever. He just had a great big grin on his face.
| was already feeling like a bad girl and | hadn't even done anything.
When he asked me truth or dare, | knew that | was done for. “Dare,” | said.
“| dare you to take off your clothes,” he said. | was blushing so bad,
but | did what he said. | slid my t-shirt over my head and stepped out of
my jeans. | stood there in white panties and bra, my nipples like hard
little pebbles straining against the cotton. | was feeling so hot, | could
feel my pussy getting all slippery. “And the rest,” Todd said.
“No, that has to be worth two dares,” | told him. He laughed at me
and stroked his cock, it grew harder and even bigger. | winced think-
ing about how that might feel inside of me.
“Well, how about we stop playing games and you come over here and
put my dick in your mouth?” he said. | looked at him playing with it and
really wanted to, it couldn't hurt could it?
“You won't tell anyone if | do, will you?”
| asked him, walking over.
“No way.”
| got down on my knees in front of him
and put the head of his dick in my mouth.
It tasted salty but sweet, and so warm in
my mouth. | licked around the head like it
was a Popsicle, and as Todd pushed it
deeper in to my mouth | sucked on 1
“That's good,” he told me as he rhythmi-
cally pushed in and out, shallow at first but
deeper all the time. | worked hard on it and
| swear his schlong seemed to get bigger
and bigger by the second!
His hands were on the back of my head
as he fucked my mouth, | just kept licking
and sucking while he grunted. His dick real-
ly started twitching then suddenly he came,
filling my mouth with his salty cum. | swal-
lowed; because | didn't know what else to
do and boy did he like that. We started laughing, because we were feeling
so tripped out then a customer came in to the store so Todd put his dick
away and went and served him. That night was crazy, and I've got a feel-
ing that things are going to get that way again real soon. At least | hope so!
Karina Hy
Уопкекз МУ.
Kelly Marie was x
|) head of the cheerlead- \
ing squad and when we
used to cheer together |
couldn't help notice how per-
Î fectly hot her body was. She had
great big boobs and a round ass,
but nobody ever got anywhere
with her and | never knew why,
until | slept over at her house
one night. It turns out that Kelly
Marie was a lesbo, and though
I'm totally in to guys, that night
| she tried pretty hard to convince un
me | should be one too.
| was in her parent's guestroom and already sleeping when she climbed
in to bed with me. | shrieked and asked her what she was doing. “I just want
to make you feel good," she said, and put her mouth on mine. When she
kissed me it felt awesome, 50 | just let her carry on.
She slipped my nightshirt off and started caressing my breasts, kissing
them and tugging at my nipples ever so gently with her teeth. My pussy was
juicing up way before her slim fingers found
| their way between my legs, and | was a bit
embarrassed when she sai ከ, you're so
wet.” | told her that | wasn't a dyke but she
just ignored me and then, oh my, | couldn't
believe what she did next.
Kelly Marie put her head between my
legs and dived into my muff. She sucked on
my button and lapped up all my juices and
| couldn't believe how freaking good it felt.
I'd had guys eat my pussy before, but holy
shit it had never been like that! | knotted my
fingers in her red hair and pulled her closer
in to me as | came off like never before.
She asked me if it was good and all | could
say was ‘Uh huh’ as | lay there recovering.
When | felt like | could breathe again | tumed
to her and looked at her beautiful titties and
her hairy little beaver. “Do you want me to
eat you?” | asked her, kind of afraid because
| didn’t know how. She just smiled so | went
down there, sticking a finger inside her as |
ሽ nibbled on her puffy lips.
| worked my finger in and out, twisting
it around to find her sweet spot they way
— c for myself at home when | really
needed release. | guess the same thing worked for her because soon |
was swimming in her girl juices. Kelly Marie clenched her thighs around
my hand and cried out as she came off. After | made her cum, she went
back to bed and left me thinking ‘what the fuck?’ But | didn't mind, |
actually quite enjoyed the experience, but | never stayed over there
again. | didn't want any guy to think | was a lesbo!
Lisa N.
Palmdale, CA
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EJ manors I
7 Nbre
Anissü с” ኳኳ
Kati N
last summer, my tits have grown like, four sizes! Seriously! Senior year and
my tits graduated to a way bigger cup size! Anyway, now all the guys I'm
friends with can barely put together a coherent sentence when we're talking. | know
they're just thinking of sucking on my tits, sticking their cocks in my hot wet сиппу,
and jizzing all over me! Well, let them think about it all they want. When I'm ready
10 give it up, | will! Until then, all my best girl parts are for me and me alone!
E very guy | know ads like a total weirdo around me. | think it’s because since
ight after high school graduation, some bitch
ee called me a totally stuck-up prude! It really
e e hurt, 'cause, for one, she was right, and two,
е e she was areal slutty cunt! So, to show her up, at least
в 6. in my mind, 1 figured | wasn't going to college being a
e е tight and innocent virgin! How fucking lame can you
© 6 get, right? So, | started to masturbate like crazy! By
е 9 the first week, | could get four fingers into my pussy
е е with no problem! So, then | started to fingerfuck my
е asshole, and by two weeks, the same deal: four fin-
Ф © gers crammed in, no sweat! By the end of the sum-
e © mer, 1 was stuffing my holes with everything | had
р ® and was totally ready for the onslaught of cock I was
€ € going to take at college! Hey, I guess | should thank
© @ that skanky twat, so, thanks, you fucking bitch!
با © 99 9 ө о 99 о оо 99 ө е
eee e ө ө о ооо е 9 ее „ 9 е ө о0о охе
"ое о د ። د د е оо ө өө €? е 6 е еве е е е
This hole-
cramming queen
А did |
е е се 8 е е гео е е е ге өө O 99 о 9 9 9699 е е 9 ге
eee е е е 9 е ө ө 9 با ө ө ө е е е е м А.
| 6 е 09 е በ 00 е 09 е GO е е ډوه о о о ге ይደ е وو
pl These
3 two were made
[{ for each other!
В Well, at least
А their sex parts
have to admit
that my boyfriend
is a serious ass-
hole. He drinks a ton, he
doesn’t get along with
anyone, and if you ask
him to do anything, he
just rolls his eyes. The
one thing he’s good at,
though, is fucking the
living shit out of me! The
first time we did it, it
lasted like, 45 minutes,
and he ate my slit and
asshole, fingered me ‘til
| came twice, and then
proceeded to pop my
cherry—both holes!—
while only dropping
one load himself! |
mean, he’s so fucking
good at it that even
though | can’t stand him
for more than 10 min-
utes, | know that at least
when | spread my tight
teen legs, my little pink
hole is going to get a
real good fucking!
EJ manors I
7 Nbre
Anissü с” ኳኳ
Kati N
Madisonloverifor/a JETER \welcouldftotally?getithemftoJmake) h
each other! Ses; 1 knew thatthe 5. ciiam \were\way/intoJeachfother. They
"TUTO 1. 1 CC еп: Need T0 7
TITS ^ A f on
wom ЕД
$42 N 342 pot 0 он | TEENS RER
A 5069
ኤፒ | 222 2 ACCEPTED MUST BE 18+
tem à 20.
65. T WAR
86 946 | UTE TRY-LOLA зот =
Adults oe 3
Bros 7
how noisy the people were in the cabin across the ways. | thought
‘Awesome, people who know how to party’ and couldn't wait to meet them.
The next day, | swung by their cabin to say hello, and boy was | surprised.
After | knocked, they took forever to come get the door, like they must
have still been asleep. The door opened slowly and this totally hot red-
headed woman stood there in a tiny white satin nightgown that clung to
every curve on her awesome body. She had the kind of grown up body |
dream of, | felt so flat chested and young next to her.
‘She gave me a funny smile and totally checked me out before calling
back in to the house to tell whoever was still in there that | had been the
one knocking. | kind of stammered “Hi”, and explained who | was, and then
| saw a guy emerge from one of the rooms zipping up his jeans.
“Well, come in, sugar,” the guy said, and the woman stood back to
let me in. Their cabin was still dark and smelled musky. “I’m Ted,” he
said, “And that’s my wife Rachel.” Ted pulled open the curtains and |
could see him clearly for the first time. He was super hot for an old guy,
muscular and wiry with a hairy chest. | was trying not to look, but there
was a definite bulge in his pants, | realized that they must have been
doing it when | knocked on the door.
“Is this your first time at the lake?” | asked, feeling dumb and not
knowing what to say. Rachel was bent over in front of the fridge and |
could see everything. She had red pubes too, but there was just a thin line
of them around her puffy pink lips. | could feel myself getting really wet
down there, but felt like WTF? | don't even like girls. Bad thoughts flashed
through my head, but | was such a virgin | couldn't even properly imagine
what it would be like to do it with either of these sexy people.
Rachel looked back over her shoulder, asked if | wanted a soda then
said “Whoops,” and pulled her nightgown down to cover her ass. She
winked at me and | blushed, she knew that I'd been checking her out.
| went so red.
Ted told me that it was their first time at the lake, and started asking
me questions about myself. | answered, but was having difficulty think-
ing straight because of the way he was looking at me. He was devouring
me with his eyes, and | felt naked. He was smiling, it seemed that he liked
what he saw, as different as | was from Rachel.
| felt Rachel's cold hands on my shoulders, “You should come by
‘tonight for some supper,” she said, then went and sat next to Ted. | could
see up her gown again, a little tuft of red hair at the top of her toned milky
thighs. Ted slid his hand up her thigh, giving me an even better show.
“Sure,” | stammered, getting up, figuring that if | didn't leave right
now | was going to pass out because | was getting pretty hot and
bothered, “What time?”
pushing against my ass. Ted's hands wrapped around my hips and he slid one
finger straight up inside me. | was so wet, there was no resistance, even in the
water. His finger probed deep inside me, they both kept kissing me and | came
off for the second time that day.
Ted turned me around then put the finger he'd had in my pussy to his lips.
“You want to bring me off now little one?” he said. All | could do was nod at
him, and he took my hand and placed it on his hard dick under the water. With
his hand over mine, | jerked him off slowly as he moaned and groaned, telling
me what a hot little piece of ass | was.
Rachel said she was getting cold, and left us there. Ted kissed me then picked
me up and carried me back to their cabin. Rachel was on a blanket in front of the
fire, and beckoned me over. | sat next to her and she lay me down, kissed me again
then moved her mouth down my body, trailing her tongue down my stomach and
stopped just above my bush, “I'm going to eat your pussy now, sugar,” she said.
Rachel looked me in the eyes as she licked.and sucked at my cooch, flick-
ing her tongue over my button and making me cry out. | was almost coming off
again when she stopped, and told Ted that now | was ready for him.
“You sure you want to lose that cherry?” he asked.
“Uh huh,” | said, biting my lip, eyes on his huge cock just bobbing there, a
glistening tear on its purple head.
Ted knelt down between my thighs and held his dick at the entrance to
my hole. | was throbbing down there, so ready to take it inside. | told him to
do it, to take me.
He thrust in an inch, breaking in to my virgin hole, then slowly pushed it
deeper inside as | gasped and clutched on to his butt. When he reached the
se very top of me | exhaled,
and felt more alive than
| ever before, so fucking
| awesome. It was like | final-
ly understood what | was on
the planet to do: fuck. |
moved my hips as he slid in
and out of me. | cursed loud,
until Rachel's mouth was on
top of mine and we kissed as
her husband screwed me.
Ted pulled out to finish and
Shot his thick white goo all
over my chest. Rachel eager-
ly lapped it off and cleaned
ту pussy up with her tongue,
and then while | recovered
from my first screw, |
watched them fuck each
other senseless. | don't know
how many times | came off
that night, or the rest of the
vacation that | spent in their
cabin. All | know is that | can't
wait to go back to Mooselake
next summer and see what
else | can get up to there. 18
Why don't you come by around eight?" she said,
leaning back in to the sofa as Ted's hand climbed up
her nightie.
| nodded and split. | felt like | couldn't even breathe
properly until | was a good 20 feet away. | found a quiet
spot in the trees and took off my shorts, | leaned against
a tree and rubbed at my button, thinking about what they
must be doing back at the cabin, picturing him fucking
her, her sucking his dick. My pussy was so wet; | got
myself off in seconds. | knew right then that if the oppor-
tunity came | would let Ted take my cherry. | was so horny
and ready to become a real woman.
That night | couldn't wait for eight. | dressed in a
white tank top that clung to my perky little titties and 0
bra. | wore short denim cut-offs and put on perfume and
fruity lip-gloss. | knew | looked good.
They were expecting me and were totally friendly
and just as flirty as they had been earlier. We ate bar-
beque and chatted, but the conversation turned quite
dirty and they got me to confess that | was still a virgin.
“Really?” asked Rachel, “Do you want to be?”
“No!” | shouted, blushing once more.
“Well, we'll have to do something about that,” Ted
said, and Rachel just said “Oh Ted,” like he'd just
offered to teach me to drive or something. Then Ted №
suggested that we go skinny-dipping and that's when
it got crazy.
Rachel stripped straight off and ran in to the water. Ted
stood in front of me and unbuttoned his shorts, let them drop
and stood there for a minute, letting me look at him before he
ran after his wife. His dick was long and thick, thinking about
having it inside of me, where nothing bigger than a finger had
ever been before made me clench up inside. | wanted him to
be my first so bad.
“Come on, cutie, don't be a square,” Rachel called, so |
Stripped off and ran in to join them. We splashed around and
then Rachel swam over to me and told me that she wanted to
kiss me. | said, “| guess,” and then we started making out. She
was such an awesome Kisser, and feeling her huge breasts
rubbing against mine was so incredibly sexy. 1
Then | feit Ted behind me, kissing my neck, his hard dick
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to him. At first, | was all against it, but once he
started eating my slit, | couldn't help but break
every rule 1 thought I would stick to! We'd never done
anything except get to second base, and ۱ grabbed his
crotch a few times, but when I let him go down on me,
it was like something clicked inside of me! Rule num-
ber one was sunk after 1 swallowed his cock, rule num-
ber two was erased after he crammed it in my pussy,
and number three was way gone after ۱ sucked his
cum straight into my throat! ۱ guess every rule,
especially the sexual ones, is made to be broken!
Bem had been begging me to give up my cherry
EJ manors I
7 Nbre
Anissü с” ኳኳ
Kati N
This girl
is like a super
It's time N
for every
ike taught me this awe-
some game! [ነ called
“Just The Tip” and he
said I'm really good at it! See, he
dares me to do stuff like take the tip
of his cock in my mouth and see if |
can just keep it there. Of course, |
can't, because the second he gets
his head in my mouth, | feel like |
have to suck it! Then, he sticks his
tip in my pussy, and | can’t help but
push my hot hole into his full length
until it goes deeper and deeper
inside me! The thing is, the more we
play, the more | think he knows that
| can’t wait to have his meat inside
me! Oh well, whatever! Next week
he said he was going to play the tip
game in my butthole! | can’t wait!
ook, I've had my boy-
Lies fuck me already
and yeah, it was nice, but
there's nothing like the feel of
my own fingers! | love the way
it feels when I slip my hands
down my panties and caress
my little shaved mound. I like
the way my pussy starts to get
all wet and mushy, calling to
my fingers to get inside me
right away! I love to tease
myself and go all slow down
my slit, gently massaging my
clit and circling my wet little
hole right before | stick my
Fingers in, knuckle after
knuckle! Then, when ۱ really
get going, | fingerbang myself
like crazy until I cum all over
my hands! The taste of my
cunny is all over my fingers,
waiting to be licked up by my
hot little tongue. Hey, if
anyone knows how to get me
off, it's definitely me!
For To-Whore, wit
Allipeople affiliated
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