Fall 1989
Software and Peripherals
We at NeXT have tried to make the information
contained in this paper as accurate as possible. We
cannot, however, guarantee its at curacy NeXT reserves
the right to make changes to the plans we describe
without obligation to notify you. In no event shall
NeXT be liable for any damages, including any indirect,
special, incidental or consequential damages,
resulting from your reliance on the information eon-
mined m this paper.
©1989 NeXT, Inc. All rights reserved.
ted in the 1 V
N'eX'l, the NeX I' logo \pplicarion kit, Digital
Librarian, Interface Builder, Sound kit. Music Kit, and
Next Bus are trademarks of NeXT, hit. NcxtStcp is a
registered trademark of NeXT, Inc. Object Oriented
FORTRAN is a trademark of Absoft Corporation. Who's
Tailing is a trademark of \damarion Inc. MET\E()VJ
is a trademark of Addison-Wesicy Publishing (Company
Vlohe PostScript. l )ispla\ PostScript, and Stone ate
registered trademarks of \dobc Systems hieorpoiared.
Carta, Illustrator, Sonata. Stone Informal, SttmeSans, and
StoneSerif are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc.TpX
is a trademark of the American Mathemat ical Society
UNIX is a registered trademark of AT& 1. A/l IX, Apple,
Macintosh, LaserWriter, and HyperCard are registered
trademarks of Apple Computer. Inc. AppleShare and
LocalTalk are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Bl G-
56 is a trademark of Ariel Corporation. MaeWrive is a
trademark of Claris Corporation. Finale and Music Prose
are trademarks of C X)I)A Music Software. MaeLmk is a
registered trademark of DataViz Inc. DataVi/ is a
trademark of DataVi/. Inc. Dayna is a registered
trademark of Das na Communications Ine. DaynaEH.E
DavnaNET, DavnuMAIL, and DaynaTALK are
trademarks of i>ayna Communications. GEMS and
ini )ia are tiademarks of Decision hocus, hit..
VAX is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corp.
Klectrohome is a registered trademark of Elcetrohome
Limited. ESP ESPRIT is a trademark of Electronic
Svsrems Produt ts. 1 hsplaytaik and Smart Art are
trademarks of Emerald City Software, Ine. Abaton is a
registered trademark of Evercx Systems, Inc. IntcrFax
anil Sean 500/GS arc rrademarks of Eveiex Systems, Ine.
RGB 111, RGB 202, and RGB 108 are trademarks of
Extron Electronics. PhoncNE l and Mat Ret oidcr ire
registered trademarksnfhiiullnnComputing, Inc
'! iinbukni is a trademark of Farullon Computing. Ini.
Flash Graphics is a trademark of Flash Graphics.
FrameMaker is a registered trademark of Frame
’technology Corporation. ErameMarh. ErameViewer, and
International 1 ramcMakci itc trademarks of Frame
Technology Corporation. Allegro CL is a registered
trademark of Fran/ Inc. i utura is a legi.sfcretl tratlemark
of Funihciou I ipografica Neufville S V. E.lectromc
Encyclopedia is a registered trademark of Groiier, Inc.
Hayes is a registered trademark of Hayes Microcomputer
Products, Inc. Flexible 1 .icense Manager is a registered
trademark of 1 lighland Software, Inc. IBM is a registered
trademark of IBM Corporation. Gailiard, Garamond,
ITC Bookman, !TG Zapf Chancery, EEC Avant Garde
Gothic, and EEC Zapf Dingbats are registered
trademarks of international Typeface Corporation.
McdiaSration is a tradenuuk of Imagine Software. Ine.
Informix and i IypcrScript are registered trademarks ol
Informix Software, Inc. Wing/ is a trademark of Informix
Sokwaie, hie EtherPoit is .«legistetetl trademark i 1
Kinetics, a division of Exclan, Inc. Dreams and MaeDraft
are registered trademarks of Innovative Data Design,
lm . KnowledgeSet and knowledge Retrieval System arc
registered trademarks of KnowledgeSet Corporation.
Helvetica, Palatine, PeignotDemi, and Times Roman are
trademarks of 1 Jnorype AC and/or its subsidiaries. Lotus
and 1-2-3 are trademarks of Lotus Dev elopment
Corporation. Performer and Professional Composer are
registered trademarks of Mark of the 1 mcorn. Inc.
Artisan and 'Top Draw- are trademarks of Media Logic
Incorporated. Rich Text Format is a registered trademark
ofMcri urv Wirt Produi ts. Ine. Webster's Ninth New
Collegiate Dictionary and Collegiate are registered
trademarks of Merriam-Webster, Inc. and are used herein
pursuant to license. Digital Ears, Digital Eye,
1 )1 .Recorder, and IW Recorder arc Trademarks ol
Mctarcseareh, Incorporated. WordStar is a registered
trademark of Micro Pro International Corporation. MS
and MS-DOS arc registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation. DSP56001. SIM56000, M( 168882,
ASM56000, SIM96000. and ASM96000 are trademarks of
Motorola, hie. MiilnMatc is a trademark of MultiMare
International, a subsidiary ot \shtoh late Corporation
NEXPERT Object and NEXPKRT Al 1 library are
trademarks of Neuron Data, Inc. NV1 is a trademark of
New Vision 'Technologies, Ine. Offieewriter is a
icgistered nademark or Office Solutions, hit. Oxford and
()xford 1 niversits Press are trademarks oft Kford
University Press and are used herein pursuant to license.
JETSTREAM is a trademark of Personal Computer
Peripherals Corporation. INGRES is a trademark of
Relational 'technology, Inc. A/D64x is a trademark of
Singular Solutions. Objective^ I is a registered trade ¬
mark of the Stepstone (Corporation. Sun and Net¬
work File System (NFS) are trademarks of Sun
Microsystems, Inc. MicroPhonc 1! is a trademark of
Software Venture's (Corporation. Transact-SQL is a
trademark of Sybase, Inc, LattisNet is a registered
trademark of SynOpties Communications, Inc.
SynOptics is a trademark of SynOpties Communications,
Inc. ClickArt is a registered trademark of '1 '/Maker
(Company Wore Now is a trademark of E/Maker
Company Mac220. Mac240, and Mac241 are trademarks
of \\ hue Pine Software Inc. Wathwtitim is a legisteied
trademark of Wolfram Research, Inc WordPerfect La
registered trademark oi WordPerfeu (lorpoiation.
Xanadu Hypermedia Information Server is a trademark
of Xanadu Operating Company. OASYS is a trademark of
AEL. Ine. NyWrite is a trademark of XYOUEST, Ine.
This catalog was created by the NeXT design team. All
photos ate b\ John (Irccnleigh. except for the cover h\
Cheryl Rossnm.
Software and Peripherals
for the NeXT “Computer System
Table of Contents
5 Raising the Standard to a
New Level
The Hardware and System Software
7 MegaPixel Display
7 Optical Disk
8 Digital Signal Processor
8 Connectivity
8 Mach Operating System
8 Display PostScript
11 Bundled Software
Bundled Applications
14 Mail
16 WriteNow
18 Digital Webster
18 Digital Quotations
20 Digital Librarian
22 Radical Eye Software
t e x
24 Wolfram Research, Inc.
Bundled Programming Environment
28 Interface Builder and the
Application, Sound, and Music Kits
30 Ariel Corporation
32 Motorola, Inc.
33 NeXT, Inc. and Free Software
Foundation NeXT Objective-C
Compiler and Debugger
34 Sybase, Inc.
NeXT SQL Database Server
35 Franz Inc.
Allegro Common LISP
37 Directory of Available and
Announced Third-Party Products
40 Abaton
Scan 300/GS
41 Ariel Corp.
DM-N Digital Microphone
42 Dayna Communications, Inc.
43 Extron Electronics
Video Monitor and Projector
44 Metaresearch, Inc.
Digital Ears
46 Metaresearch, Inc.
Digital Eye
48 New Vision Technologies, Inc.
NVT High Density Video Drive
49 Personal Computer Peripherals Corp.
JETSTREAM Tape Backup System
50 Singular Solutions
A/D64x Analog/Digital Interface
53 Adamation, Inc.
Who’s Calling
54 Ashton-Tate Corp.
55 Data Transforms, Inc.
56 Data Transforms, Inc.
57 Informix Software, Inc.
58 KnowledgeSet Corp.
Knowledge Retrieval System
60 Lotus Development Corp.
An Analytical Software product
61 Microstat Development Corp.
62 SouthWind Software, Inc.
Workstation Publishing and Graphics
64 Adobe Systems Incorporated
Adobe Illustrator
66 Adobe Systems Incorporated
Adobe Type Library
68 Emerald City Software, Inc.
Smart Art
70 Frame Technology Corp.
FrameMaker 2.0
72 Media Logic Inc.
74 Media Logic Inc.
76 Stone Design Corp.
78 T/Maker Company
Encapsulated PostScript ClickArt
80 Flash Graphics
Flash Graphics
82 Abaton
InterFax 24/96N
83 Cayman Systems, Inc.
84 DataViz Inc.
86 Farallon Computing, Inc.
Ethernet PhoneNET
87 Kinetics Inc.
EtherPort NL
88 Software Ventures Corp.
MicroPhone 11
89 White Pine Software, Inc.
DEC terminal emulation
91 Informix Software, Inc.
92 Relational Technology, Inc.
INGRES Relational Database
Management System
34 Sybase, Inc.*
NeXT SQL Database Server
Mathematics and Statistics
95 Triakis, Inc.
99 Innovative Data Design, Inc.
100 Lighthouse Design, Ltd.
A Schematic Entry product
103 CODA Music Software
104 Mark of the Unicorn, Inc.
Multimedia and Hypertext
106 Imagine, Inc.
108 Xanadu Operating Company
Xanadu Hypermedia
Information Server
110 Halchin & Fleming
112 Halchin & Fleming
Rubik Algebra
Development Tools and
System Software
114 Absoft Corporation
Absoft FORTRAN 77
30 Ariel Corp.*
118 Emerald City Software, Inc.
Display talk 1.0
35 Franz Inc.*
Allegro Common LISP
120 Highland Software, Inc.
Flexible License Manager
32 Motorola, Inc.*
121 Motorola, Inc.
Macro Cross Assembler, Simulator
122 Neuron Data, Inc.
OASYS FORTRAN, C, and Pascal
124 Pacific Microelectronics, Inc.
NeXT Developer Programs
and Resources
127 The NeXT Registered Developer
127 The NeXT Internet Archive Sites
128 Demo Programs
133 NeXT Registered Developers
135 Specifications of the NeXT
Computer System
# Bundled with the NeXT Computer
DAN—The Data Analyzer
96 Triakis, Inc.
24 Wolfram Research, Inc.*
Raising the Standard to
New Level
Welcome to the second catalog of
Software and Peripherals for the
NeXT™ Computer. Its primary purpose
is to present the 51 companies and 69
products listed on pages 14 through 124.
The companies responsible for these
products are the pioneers, the first
settlers in the new computing territory
made available for the first time to
ordinary computer users by the NeXT
Computer System.
As you’ll see in the following review of
the hardware and software features that
come with every machine, the NeXT
system represents a significant jump in
the level of power and functionality
available to buyers in search of indivi¬
dual computing solutions. To software
and peripheral developers, this jump
means opportunities for better features,
more useful applications, and even
more productive programming practices
than were possible on platforms that
preceded NeXT’s.
One more thought to keep in mind as
you read: The products listed in this
directory are only the tip of the iceberg.
More than 400 commercial and aca¬
demic developers have completed their
training and begun work on products,
and their ranks are swelling at a
steady, steep rate. More than 60 new
developers are going through our
software development course each
month. Also, at least two textbooks on
NeXT-based object-oriented
programming are in development, as are
several general trade books on
programming and using the system.
Stay tuned; the future is happening
here first.
The Hardware and System Software
A computer platform is defined
by the set of capabilities built into the
standard model—e.g., how much
graphic resolution and acoustic fidelity,
how much removable storage, how
much meaningful speed, how much
memory, how capable an operating
system, what kind of imaging
model, and how much and what kind
of bundled software. The NeXT
Computer System offers significant
leaps forward in each of those categories
when compared to the desktop com¬
puting platforms that have preceded it.
Separately and together, these advances
make possible whole new levels of
performance for both users and
developers. Here’s just some of what
users and developers can count
on in every NeXT Computer System:
MegaPixel Display
The MegaPixel Display has more
than three times as many pixels and
almost 30% higher pixel density
than today’s standard personal comput¬
ing platforms (which have 640-by-480
resolution at 72 dots per inch).
Additionally, each pixel on the NeXT
screen can display four shades
(black, dark gray, light gray, and white)
and four levels of transparency
(opaque, 2/3 opaque, 1/3 opaque, and
transparent). In practical terms,
this means enough pixels to display a
full 8 1/2 by 11 inch page on the screen
with room left over for direct access
to tools and other applications. And it
means enough pixel density to fill
the page with real 12-point Helvetica™
type instead of an approximation
of Helvetica designed for 72 dpi resolu¬
tion. Additionally, the gray scale and
transparency give texture and depth to
images such as icons, and allow
objects such as molecular models to be
displayed with transparent shells.
(See the demo application called
Molecule, included with every system.)
Optical Disk
A single read/write/erasable optical disk
holds 256 megabytes of data—more
than 180 times as much as the 1.4-mega¬
byte floppies standard at the high end
of personal computer platforms. For
example, the complete works of William
Shakespeare take up less than l/75th of
the optical disk bundled with each
NeXT system. Yet NeXT’s optical disk
is as removable and transportable as
those earlier disks, and significantly
more secure. It’s now possible to carry
your entire electronic world with
you - literally.
Digital Signal Processor
The built-in Motorola 56001™ Digital
Signal Processor (DSP) helps the
NeXT system be almost unimaginably
better at sound, speech, music, and
image processing than any other personal
computing or workstation platform.
Work is already underway to use the
DSP for everything from real-time
analysis and control of factory processes
to speech recognition and other tasks
that conventional processors cannot
begin to approach. The DSP can also
perform as an extremely powerful music
synthesizer, as demonstrated by a
bundled demo application called
ScorePlayer. Among the individual
scores, for instance, are pieces that use
the sounds of string instruments. The
DSP actually generates these sounds by
using a mathematical model of the
physical behavior of a plucked string.
The NeXT system was designed for an
unprecedented level of connectivity
and expandability. Ethernet circuitry is
built in (along with full TCP/IP and
NFS™ support), and there’s a thin-cable
Ethernet connector on the system
board of every machine. The system has
two Macintosh® pin-compatible serial
ports, so modems or other serial devices
can be attached to the NeXT machine.
There’s also a Macintosh-compatible
SCSI port, which can sustain data trans¬
fer up to 4 megabytes per second - more
than double what’s available on current
platforms. The Digital Signal Processor
has its own port on the system board
as well, a port that can carry power as
well as a signal. (For a first look at
the kinds of products this port makes
possible, see page 44 for a description of
Digital Ears™ and Digital Eye™
from Metaresearch.)
Mach Operating System
The Mach operating system is
compatible with Berkeley 4.3 UNIX®
and brings true multitasking, virtual
memory, and powerful, fast interprocess
communication to individual comput¬
ing. And it delivers these capabilities
today, not at some promised point in the
future. If, for example, the electronic
mail system needs a word processor to
display the text attachment to a message,
Mach lets it communicate directly with
WriteNow™. Similarly, if users need to
know the meaning of a word in that text,
they can use WriteNow’s Define in
Webster command to automatically call
on Digital Webster for the definition, all
without leaving the original program.
Display PostScript
The NeXT Computer uses a version of
PostScript®, called Display PostScript®,
to talk to both the screen and the printer,
as well as to other PostScript-compat¬
ible devices. Neither users nor pro¬
grammers need worry about the low-
level mechanics of shrinking, growing,
and manipulating images; they get
dynamic scaling without loss of screen
resolution, automatically. Also, the
computer and Display PostScript ensure
that what users see on the screen
matches what they see when they print.
For a practical demonstration of the
advantages of this approach, type in
some text, select it, and begin increasing
its font size. For comparison, and to
appreciate fully just how clear the larger
font sizes look on the NeXT screen, try
this same exercise on any other
Bundled Software
902 AA
© 1988,1989 NeXT, Inc, All Rights R@86i
Release 1.0
The NeXT Computer comes equipped
with an unprecedented amount of
user and programmer functionality built
in. Included are a UNIX mail-compatible,
easy-to-use, multimedia electronic
mail application; a complete writing envi¬
ronment consisting of the WriteNow
word processor, digital access to Webster s
Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary™,
Webster s Collegiate® Thesaurus , and The
Oxford™ Dictionary of Quotations', a
powerful Digital Librarian™ text search¬
ing tool, plus NeXT documentation and
the complete works of William
Shakespeare on-line; TgX™, a technical
document preparation system; and
Mathematica® , a tool destined to revolu¬
tionize the teaching, learning, and
practice of mathematics.
Because these tools and applications
are bundled with every computer, the
market for commercial software for the
NeXT system simply begins at a higher
level. For example, WriteNow is already
bundled, so other word processors
should add built-in page layout capa¬
bilities to join the fray. Similarly, mail
packages need to handle code attach¬
ments, stylized text, graphics, and voice,
for instance. To aid the software devel¬
opers tackling those challenges, we
made programmability one of the key
design goals from the system’s inception.
We are the first desktop computing
platform to adopt an object-oriented
approach to software development as the
standard, and we’ve included a full set
of supporting tools and prewritten code
modules designed to make program¬
ming the NeXT Computer significantly
faster and more efficient than is possible
with other existing platforms. Addi¬
tionally, we include an extensive set of
commented source code files (in the
Examples directory) that significantly
shortens the learning curve for using
those tools and objects. Taken together,
the bundled tools, objects, and appli¬
cations will translate into more
productivity more quickly, regardless
of whether you buy the system to write
software, to learn to write software, or
to run software others are writing.
Bundled Applications
NeXT, Inc.
Mail, a multimedia electronic mail application, is bundled with every system, because
having no mail program in a UNIX-compatible computer with built-in Ethernet
support would be like having your telephone handset glued to its base: The equip¬
ment would be in place, but you’d be unable to call. Similarly, electronically mailed text
without boldface and italics is analogous to substituting a robot voice for a speaker’s
personality over the telephone. And not being able to send on-screen pictures
actually gives traditional paper mail systems an advantage over electronic mail.
To make its multimedia electronic mail application truly the best of both worlds,
NeXT built support for the WriteNow and RTF text format standards, and
for the Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) standard, directly into the Mail application.
Grabbing a graphic file’s icon and dropping it in a message feels reassuringly like
putting a picture into an envelope. And adding a voice message is like mailing
the letter and photo and talking on the phone, all at the same time.
Mail is compatible with standard UNIX mail but is a lot easier to use. Among its
many features are:
The ability to send documents, graphics, and sound files by simply dragging their
icons into the message.
Multiple mailboxes with easy transfer between them.
Voice messaging through a microphone connected to the built-in microphone jack.
One-button reply, forwarding, and address book access.
Graphic display of the sender’s picture and the date and time the message was sent.
Full find and replace capabilities from within Mail.
Bundled Applications
Window r
Edit r-
Font r-
Print,., p
Find r-
Request r-
Hide hi
new office
Mar £9 Max_Henry
Mar £9 Su$an_Leinberger
Mar £9 Dave Norman
Mar £9 Barry„Siiverman Monitored Messages
Date: Wed, £9 Mar 89 06:16:55 PST
From: Dave_N orman
To: sjobs
Subject: Success
Dear Steve:
Using your Digital Library, I looked up the word "success"
and found a quote that sums up Businessland's mainstream
UNIX hardware strategy:
"Out of two, I should
Choose one and Pray for his success"
Shakespeare, The Two Noble Kinsmen
For Businessland, the choice was obvious. NeXT is the only
computer we evaluated that meets all of the criteria we
established for power, connectivity, and ease
The NeXT Computer will not only fit in.
It will stand out.
by imamoto
cal Jhixton
Active, mb ox
User Interface.rnbo;
Best Regards,
Name: Active,mbox
Transfer <’~ r
Pause j Record
Sp2 PS. Can't resist the opportunity to try out your voice mail
feature. This aime should save executives a lot of time.
Lip Service
1 Utilities
| Sort by Date
j Sort by Name
1 Sort by Number |
| Compact
| New Mail
Bundled Applications
NeXT, Inc.
WriteNow is a powerful, easy-to-use word processor. Its standard features include
everything users have come to think of as indispensable: full cut, copy, and paste edit¬
ing; full font selection, size, and style control; full direct control over margins with
immediate visual feedback; the ability to paste and resize graphics in a document, and
much more. It also has a number of not-so-standard features as well, including:
Automatic messaging to the built-in Digital Webster dictionary and thesaurus,
the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, and any documents available through
Digital Librarian.
On-screen multiple columns. You can write, edit, and print your documents with up
to four columns.
Full mail merge, including conditional selections.
Automatic numbering and display of footnotes.
Updating page number, date, and time markers anywhere in a document.
Built-in fast, comprehensive spell checking.
Immediate character, word, and paragraph count at any time.
Multiple headers and footers assignable to every page, or even, odd, or specific pages.
Bundled Applications
I7FFF ijnr"jj. Fixed Flexible
Window r-
Check Spelling
Format r-
Request F
Place Graphic-
Change Case;
Select All
Font Panel
Times Italic 36.0 p
Bold Italic
Font Panel... t
Superscript /
Subscript V
Write No w
Insectawn — /private/tmp
Hie fossil record for precambrian time is quite scanty, but
by the Cambrian period marine arthropods were present,
consisting of trilobites, cmstaceans, and xiphosurans. The first
terrestrial arthropods-scorpions and millipedes-appeared later,
in the Silurian period, and the firt insects appeared in the
Devonian. Relatively few insects fossils are known from the
Devonian, but many are known from the Carboniferous and later
Bundled Applications
NeXT, Inc.
Digital Webster and Digital Quotations
The complete writing environment of the NeXT Computer includes, in addition
to the WriteNow word processor, digital access to Webster's Ninth New Collegiate
Dictionary, Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus, and The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.
These reference volumes contain all the information available in their printed
versions (including pictures); they display it in a cleaner, more readable form, and they
add to it all the convenience, power, and efficiency of electronic access. Among
their features:
Complete on-line access to all the dictionary and thesaurus apparatus, including a
handbook of style.
The ability to follow a cross-reference thread by pointing and clicking.
Full word, bold word, and prefix search capability.
Full direct communication between WriteNow, Digital Webster, Digital Quotations,
and Digital Librarian.
With the dictionary and thesaurus, you can look up word meanings, spellings,
synonyms, antonyms, and pronunciations, without exiting from the word processor.
Simply select a word in a document in progress, or type in a questionable or interest¬
ing word. The quality of the on-screen dictionary - with its original definitions,
illustrations, punctuation, and appearance intact — ensuros that you sacrifice nothing
by abandoning your shelf-bound dictionaries.
Similarly, the on-line book of quotations lets you choose a quotation to spice up a
document or speech, or find out who uttered a particular phrase or idea. As with
Digital Webster, you can look up quotes by selecting a word in a document and
searching all possible matches, or by typing in a word or words.
In the NeXT writing environment, the electronic references plus WriteNow make
writing easier, richer, and more fun.
Bundled Applications
156 Found
Digital Webster
r- I
Contents |
Preferences.. ]
Find r-1
Request r j
h i
"'forge vi forged; forg*mg
[origin unknown]
( 1611 )
1: to move forward slowly and steadily (die great ship forged ahead through the
2: to move with a sudden increase of speed and power (the horst forged into the
lead in the homestretch)
§ Thesaurus:
forge vo
syn make 3, build, construct, fabricate, fashion, form, manufacture, mold,
put together, shape
rel beat, pound, turn out; copy, imitate
The flowers anew, returning seasons bring!
But beauty faded has no second spring,
rfte First Pastoral <1709), nothin, 1
Helen, thy beauty is to me
Like tho s e Miceari b arks of yore.
That gently, o'er a perfumed sea,
The weary, wayworn wanderer bore
To his own native shore.
forge i
On desperate seas long wont to roam.
Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face,
Thy Naiad airs have brought me home
To the glory that was Greece
And the grandeur that was Rome.
To Helen. 1.1
Bundled Applications
NeXT, Inc.
Digital Librarian
Digital Librarian™, which includes the Oxford University Press™ Edition
of William Shakespeare: The Complete Works, is a very capable built-in searching and
indexing tool, providing the basic capabilities you need to make on-line access
to documents efficient and productive. It can build a fast-search index for any book
or folder whose icon you drop into the application. It can then look up whatever
you ask it to, displaying the relevant part of the document in seconds or less.
Digital Librarian comes with the system documentation and the complete works of
Shakespeare already indexed.
Its usefulness is not confined to material acquired from others. Correspondence,
design notes, business records, contract files, experimental observations, downloaded
search results, and even something as simple as a phone list are all useful grist for
Digital Librarian’s mill.
Its features include:
Access to information on a local disk or over the network in seconds through a simple,
direct interface.
Customizable settings for adjusting the thoroughness of the index.
Full word and prefix searching.
Ability to sort found entries by date, description, or weight.
Separate font selection and size control over the entry summary and the document
display area.
Bundled Applications
02 JJserlntf.wn
Mu It iple- C licMug
UNI". Manual
Shakespeare «*■*
8 The Merry Wives of Windsor: 5.1: Enter Sir John Falstaffand
8 Henry V: 1.1: Enter the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop Ely
8 Hamlet: 4.5: Enter Queen Gertrude and Horatio QUEEN GERTRUDE ! will
8 Pericles, Prince of Tyre: Sc.i9: [A brothel sign.] Enter two
Digital Librarian
The Merry Wives of Windsor
Enter Sir John Falstaffand Mistress Quickly
SIR JOHN Prithee, no more prattling; go; I'll hold. This is
the third time; 1 hope good luck lies in odd numbers.
Away, go! They say there is divinity in odd numbers,
either in nativity, chance, or death. Away!
MISTRESS QUICKLY I'll provide you a chain, and I'll do
what I can to get you a pair of horns.
SIR JOHN Away, I say! Time wears. Hold up your head,
and mince.
Exit Mistress Quickly
Enter Master Ford , disguised as Brooke
How now, Master Brooke? Master Brooke, the matter
will be known tonight or never. Be you in the Park 10
about midnight at Heme’s Oak, and. you shall see
. . jgpn ds r s,
•-clicks an object by positioning the cursor over it, tb|
Jmouse button twice in succession. Themouse buttor
f hin a short interval of the first; or the action will courj
m a double-dick. In addition, the cursor can’t move
is to guarantee that the double-dick remains focused
ences application, users can set the maximum length
iual needs,
dicks an object by rapidly pressing and rdeasing am
I ;ion. The time interval between successive dicks anc
I ebetvveen die first and the last dick are subject to die
: louble-dick.
\ should beused. only for actions that logically extend
Itriple-dieking only for actions that extend a double-
rul e, one phil osoplti cal, the other programmed c
ouse actions arebest remembered and understood wi
ally out of simpler actions,
Bundled Applications
Radical Eye Software
The TgX typesetting system is a document preparation system designed for
technical documents, reports, and books. Written by Donald E. Knuth and ported by
Radical Eye Software, it features full support for PostScript fonts and graphics.
It typesets complex equations and tables gracefully and beautifully. Powerful macro
facilities and full typographic control allow the easy creation of beautiful documents.
NeXT TgX includes a full implementation of TgX, as described in The TjfXbook
by Donald E. Knuth. Also included is METAFONT,™ the font design system
described in The METAFONTBOOK by the same author, and LaTeX, as described in
LaTeX User’s Guide and Reference Manual by Leslie Lamport. All three of these
books are published by Addison-Wesley. The distribution also includes a PostScript
printer driver, a TgX previewer, a bibliography database program, and various
other utilities.
Bundled Applications
Bundled Applications
Wolfram Research, Inc.
Mathematica is a comprehensive software system for mathematical computation,
widely used by scientists, engineers, analysts, students, and others. Thanks to the
inclusion of Mathematica with every system, the NeXT Computer can perform nearly
any numerical, symbolic, or graphical mathematical manipulation users are likely
to ask of it, no matter how sophisticated their mathematical needs. And because the
Mathematica kernel can be up and running in less than a second when called
from another program, its calculating powers are almost instantly available to any
program that needs to use them for results.
Mathematica performs several kinds of computations:
Numerical computations, allowing arbitrary precision, including matrix manipulation
and evaluation of more than 400 mathematical functions.
Symbolic computations, including algebraic solution of equations, polynomial
factorization, symbolic integration and differentiation, and power series expansion.
Graphics, including 2D and 3D plots of functions and data, 3D object modeling,
and animation.
Mathematica can be used both as an interactive calculational tool and as a high-level
programming language. It supports procedural and functional programming, as well as
transformation rules based on pattern matching.
On the NeXT Computer, Mathematica has a front end that supports Notebooks, which
are interactive documents that mix text, graphics, and Mathematica input and output.
Mathematica can be connected to external programs, and can generate output
for PostScript, TgX, C, and other languages. The Mathematica kernel on the NeXT
Computer is fully compatible with all other versions of Mathematica.
Bundled Applications
■ Harmonic Transformations
Following is an animation of a transformation between two spherical
harmonics, Y(4,l) <--> Y(4,2). This animation is generated entirely in
mathematics, using a command defined in the" Implementation" section,
About Mathematica.
Make Template
W Two-Dimensional Waves
Waves in two dimensions axe often represented in terms of Sin Waves. Combination!
of such waves can be used to represent simple traveling waves in two dimensions.
Following is an example of a traveling wave, animated in Mathematica. The command
below generates the entire animation automatically.
Do[Plot3D[S±n[x+n] Cosly+n], (x, -Pi, Pi), {y, -Pi, Pi}],
(n, 0, Pi-Pi/16, Pi/16}];
Stack Windows
Tile Windows Wide
Tile Windows Tall
Show Network
Show Defaults
Show Styles
Show Clipboard
J Action
| Help Cursor
1 Styles
r- j
1 Why the Beep?
r- |
j Explain Selection
I Windows
i j
1 Complete Selection
■; k
3 Help
f j
I File
x ]
I Edit
r |
J Cells
Bundled Applications
Bundled Programming
NeXT, Inc.
Interface Builder and the
Application, Sound, and Music Kits
Every NeXT system includes a full object-oriented programming environment and
tool set designed to make developing software dramatically easier, more efficient, and
more productive. By choosing an object-oriented platform, we alleviated the need
for every programmer to reinvent every wheel for each new program.
The centerpiece of the NextStep® development environment is a unique new
application program called Interface Builder. Memorizing several hundred program
calls just to put the interface on the screen is a waste of developer brain power;
Interface Builder makes building an application’s interface feel more like shuffling
through and choosing toys from a box and less like remembering formulas for a
physics test.
Instead of remembering the code incantations to draw the pieces of a slider at a
particular location in a particular window, programmers need only point to the picture
of a slider and drag a copy of it to the panel or window where they need it. Their
energy can go into thinking about how the interface looks and what it’s meant to let
the user do, instead of into how to create it on the screen. And when the interface
is ready, a single command empowers the objects and methods that do the work.
We have built more than 30 objects into the bundled Application Kit to support
Interface Builder and to supply developers with prebuilt, fully reusable, extensible
code for such basic functionality as displaying editable, scrollable multifont,
multistyle text in a window; reading from and writing to disk; printing, and so on.
Similarly, we have built the objects in the bundled Music and Sound Kits to
provide prebuilt, fully reusable, extensible code for controlling the built-in Motorola
DSP56001 Digital Signal Processor.
Bundled Programming
Gas Molecule Chamber
by Pierre LeBounce
Ver Mor i i .0
C Radio -
C Radio 1 j :
Window Inspector
Title: j Panel 1
-Backing -
C None
C' Retained
C Buffered
— Controls
Miniaturize j
Close yj
Resize Bar j
Same Size
-Options -
Free When Closed I
Hide On Deactivate_|
Visible at Launch Time_|
Deferred yj
3now Grid
Resize Window R
4»rivate/Net/k9/dps/keith/ Molecule
File’s Owner
Bundled Programming 29
Ariel Corporation
BUG-56, Digital Signal Processor Debugger
BUG-56™, which comes with every NeXT Computer System, is a symbolic
debugger designed to assist in developing applications for the Motorola DSP56001
Digital Signal Processor, which is also standard with each NeXT Computer.
Ariel’s BUG-56 is the first symbolic debugger for Motorola’s DSP56001. Data
and registers can be modified or viewed at any time. BUG-56 supports multiple
breakpoints, single stepping, symbolic disassembly, and a patch assembler.
Bundled Programming
X |$010000 |$FFFFFF
|$00 j$000000 j$000000
Ctrl Panel.
Host Port r-
$000000 $000000
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To Port.
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A Use id Display
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ViavTaBte Rose!
Reset | X| mt Inhibitor
1 Data ROMs
IRQB (bits 4,3)
I'P'S.~~ NegEdge_j
IRQA (bits 1 JO)
BUG-56 DSP56001 Debugger Control Panel
|$0000 |
j$oooo ■
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$0000 :
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X :$0002
X:$0004 » $004000
High [$oT ff
:$CI0B2 < $0000334>
<DC $0000B4>
:$00B3 <$606000>
RO, X: (RO)
.$00B4 <$685800>
RO, Y: (RO) +
:$00B5 <$000000> loop
:$00B6 <$0C00B6> sats
:$00B7 <$G00000>
:$00B8 <$000000>
:$00B9 <$0003BA>
#$03, OMR
:$00BA <$0004FA>
#$04, OMR
: $00BB < $000000 > sudbrl
:$0QBC <$000000>
:$00BD <$000000>
:$00BE <$0BF080>
:$0000 <$000000>
:$0001 <$0000Q0>
: $0002 <$000000
:$0058 <$08706B
:$005A <$087069
:$0050 <$08706B
:$005E <$073830
X:< < %HRX,P
X:< < %HSR,P
X;<<%HRX, P
Bundled Programming
Motorola, Inc.
DSP56000 Family Macro Cross Assembler (ASM56000)
The full-featured ASM56000™ macro cross-assembler program translates one or
more source fields containing DSP instruction mnemonics, operands, and assembler
directives into relocatable object modules that are relocated and linked by the
DSP56000 Linker. In the optional absolute mode, the cross-assembler will generate
absolute load files. The ASM56000 recognizes the full instruction set and all
addressing modes of the DSP56000, including support for separate X and Y data
memory spaces and data transfer macros with support for macro libraries (via
the MACLIB directive).
A similar Motorola macro cross-assembler product - the ASM96000™, which operates
on the DSP96000 family - is available separately from Motorola.
Bundled Programming
NeXT, Inc. and Free Software Foundation
NeXT Objective-C Compiler and Debugger
The Objective-C® compiler provided with the NeXT Computer System is a high-
performance optimizing C compiler that is fully compliant with the draft
proposed standard for ANSI-C. The compiler is an enhanced version of the GNU C
Compiler (GCC), developed by the Free Software Foundation, which has been
extended by NeXT to directly compile Objective-C programs. The Objective-C
language adds object-oriented features to the standard C language. These
features allow programmers to:
Build modular, extensible software systems.
Achieve a high degree of code sharing by making it easy to reuse and specialize
existing Objective-C classes.
Because Objective-C is a small superset of the C language, programmers can
integrate existing C programs into the NextStep environment easily. It also virtually
eliminates the time normally required to learn a new object-oriented language
and environment.
The GNU C Compiler is well known for producing highly optimized object code that
provides uncompromised performance. GCC also provides such powerful features
as inline function expansion, which can make the Motorola MC68882™ Floating-
Point Coprocessor achieve even greater mathematical performance.
The GNU Source-Level Debugger (GDB), created by the Free Software Foundation,
has been extended by NeXT to support the special features of the NeXT development
environment. These extensions provide complete source-level debugging of
Objective-C programs using standard Objective-C syntax. Debugging of programs
with multiple Mach threads is also fully supported. In addition, NeXT has
added an Emacs-style command line interface to GDB.
Bundled Programming
Sybase, Inc.
NeXT SQL Server
The NeXT SQL Server is based on Sybase, Inc.’s field-tested, industry-standard
relational database management system (version 4.0). The NeXT SQL Server
is a powerful and flexible solution for single or multiuser database needs, from simple
decision support to large transaction processing systems.
Developers can use the engine as the basis for database applications, without having
to start from scratch. Users can count on underlying data compatibility among
these applications, and can cut, copy, and paste data as cleanly as they now cut, copy,
and paste text and graphics. Support for up to five simultaneous users is built in,
and the engine is fully compatible with, and transparently upgradable to, the full-
powered network version, which supports an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
NeXT SQL Database Server provides:
Client/Server architecture, separating database management functions into a “front-
end” client component, where data is manipulated, and a “back-end” server
component, where data is managed.
DBMS-enforced integrity, allowing data integrity and transaction logic to be
stored in the database itself, accessed by all database applications. SQL Server
evaluates the client’s request and rejects unauthorized changes. This intelligence
simplifies application design and maintenance.
Transact-SQL™ commands, combining industry-standard SQL with Sybase
enhancements (for creating and storing precompiled commands using if-else logic,
and so on).
Distributed data management, permitting both distributed access (a central
SQL Server supporting applications running on different machines) and distributed
databases (an application accessing data from multiple SQL Servers in a single
High availability, featuring on-line utilities to handle diagnostics, changes, and more,
while applications continue to run.
Performance, built in at the design stage.
Bundled Programming
Franz Inc.
Allegro Common LISP
For 25 years, Common LISP has been the lingua franca of artificial intelligence
research. Including Franz Allegro Common LISP with every NeXT system acknowl¬
edges the importance of giving NeXT developers access to a high-quality LISP
programming environment.
The NeXT version of Franz Allegro Common LISP is fully compatible with
Objective-C, so it delivers to LISP the best of both worlds in a single environment:
the full power of LISP plus the full power and efficiency of Interface Builder and
the bundled kits. Application Kit objects are fully available from the LISP environ¬
ment, enabling users to subclass Application Kit objects from LISP
Allegro CL is a complete implementation of Common LISP as defined in Guy
Steele’s Common LISP: The Language, and contains extensions for increasing
programmer productivity. For example, powerful debugging tools, including a tracer,
a stepper, and extensible top level with history, are included for saving time and
effort when debugging applications.
Bundled Programming
Directory of Third-Party Products
What follows is a directory of publicly
announced third-party software
and hardware products available and/or
under development for the NeXT
Computer System. The products are
grouped into several categories: peri¬
pherals, general business applications
(such as spreadsheets), workstation
publishing and graphics (page layout,
graphic tools and art), communications
(network and modem), database,
mathematics and statistics, computer-
assisted design, music, multimedia and
hypertext, education, and developer
tools (languages, etc.).
Taken together, the products described
in this directory bear eloquent tes¬
timony to the range of peripheral and
software possibilities the platform is
inspiring from day one of its availability.
For additional information about par¬
ticular products beyond what’s included
here, we encourage you to contact
the vendors directly via the addresses
and phone numbers they have
provided for you.
A final note: Because this directory
includes only applications that have
been publicly announced by third-party
developers, it lists only a small subset
of the total number of development
projects currently underway. For a more
extensive (though not complete)
listing of developers who have attended
the NeXT Developer’s training class,
refer to page 133.
NeXT, Inc. does not warrant the valid¬
ity of any claims made in these
descriptions of third-party products.
These product descriptions were
taken from information provided by
each vendor.
Scan 300/GS
Abaton®’s Scan 300/GS™ is a 300 dpi, 8-bit scanner that offers the superb clarity of 256
levels of true gray-scale scanning. With its scanning capability, the 300/GS produces
scanned images that retain much of the richness and detail of the originals.
The flatbed design of the 300/GS lets you accurately align and scan books, magazines,
and other documents that sheetfeed scanners cannot handle. The removable lid
allows you to easily scan oversized drawings and maps.
The software interface kit for the 300/GS contains software that gives you accurate
control of scanning brightness and contrast. Documents can be quickly previewed
and portions of the document selected for a full 8-bits-per-pixel scan. Scanned
documents can be saved as TIFF files for later use. Using the NeXT Computer’s
multitasking, other applications can invoke the 300/GS software and directly
incorporate the scanned image.
Price: Contact Abaton Availability: Contact Abaton For more information:
A Division of Everex Systems, Inc.
48431 Milmont Drive
Fremont, CA 94538
415 683-2226
Ariel Corporation
DM-N Digital Microphone
Ariel specializes in supplying high-quality audio domain digital signal processing
hardware and software development tools. The DM-N is a digital microphone
accessory for the NeXT Computer with lab-quality data acquisition capabilities.
The DM-N is a high-fidelity stereo microphone with integral Analog-to-Digital
converters, volume controls, and level indicators. It connects to the NeXT’s DSP port
and provides software-selectable sample rates from 88.2 kHz to 5.5 kHz per channel,
with tracking linear-phase anti-alias filters. DM-N offers true 16-bit performance,
which complements the NeXT Computer’s compact disc-quality audio outputs.
The DM-N also accepts differential line-level signals from CD players, tape
recorders, mixing consoles, or other analog audio equipment.
Ariel Corporation, founded in 1982, also designs and manufactures DSP-based
boards for the IBM® PC and compatibles and Hewlett-Packard Series 200/300 engi¬
neering workstations. In addition, the company supplies application software
for acoustic testing; digital recording, editing, and playback; spectrum analysis; and
digital filter design.
Price: $495 (North America) Availability: Contact Ariel For more information:
Mark Clayton/
Anthony Agnello
Ariel Corporation
433 River Road
Highland Park, NJ 08904
201 249-2900
201 249-2123 fax
Dayna Communications, Inc.
Dayna Communications, Inc., designs and manufactures innovative, high-quality
connectivity and networking products, including the first MS-DOS® co-processor
product available to Apple® Macintosh users. The company’s current offerings
include DaynaFILE , an external disk drive that lets Macintosh computers read
from and write to MS-DOS disks.
Dayna is developing an external, SCSI floppy disk drive for the NeXT Computer.
This drive will read from and write to standard UNIX-formatted diskettes, as
well as all of the MS-DOS formats. Subsequent product enhancements can provide
direct access to Macintosh formatted diskettes.
The Dayna drive will facilitate the publishing, distribution, and transfer of
applications, databases, and other data on low-cost, floppy diskettes. It will also
provide seamless access from NeXT Computers to data generated on computers
running non-UNIX operating systems, such as MS-DOS.
In addition to DaynaFILE, the company has also created DaynaTALK™,
DaynaNET™, and DaynaMAIL™.
Price. Contact Dayna Availability: Contact Dayna For more information:
Deanne Waltz
Dayna Communications, Inc.
50 South Main Street,
Fifth Floor
Salt Lake City, UT 84144
801 531-0600
Extron Electronics
Video Monitor and Projector Interfaces
Extron offers three video monitor and projector interfaces for the NeXT Computer:
the RGB 111™ NeXTComputer Interface, the RGB 202™Universal Analog/ECL/TTL
Interface, and the RGB 108™ Universal Analog/ECL Interface.
The RGB 111 interface is designed to isolate and buffer the NeXT Computer’s
analog signal output to provide simultaneous local monitor viewing and a separate
red, green, blue, and composite sync output for displaying the computer video on a
compatible data monitor or data projector. The RGB 202 and RGB 108 interfaces
allow the black-and-white video of the NeXT Computer’s analog signal output to be
displayed on compatible large-screen projectors and monitors, while also providing
simultaneous local monitor viewing.
With all three products, the result is a black-and-white video display on a large-screen
data monitor or data projector. The black-and-white video is created by mixing the
red, green, and blue channels within one of the RGB interfaces. A separate
monochrome composite video output is also provided for monochrome (green)
display of the computer video on a compatible monitor or projector.
Supported monitors and projectors include:
Barco Graphics Series.
Electrohome® Graphics.
Hitachi Graphics Projector.
Contrac 7550 (19").
Mitsubishi 6605 (16").
Mitsubishi 6905 (19").
Monitronix MX-210 (19").
Price: $370 for the RGB 111; Availability: Now
$1,150 for the RGB 202;
$795 for the RGB 108
$125 for the cable required
with RGB 202 and 108
Quantity pricing is also
For more information:
Extron Electronics
13554 Larwin Circle
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
213 802-8804
800 633-9876 (outside CA)
213 802-2741 fax
Metaresearch, Incorporated
Digital Ears
Digital Ears provides the means to enter and record compact disc-quality sounds
on the NeXT Computer. Digital Ears, along with the included DERecorder™
software, turns the NeXT Computer into a digital tape recorder for sound and data.
Digital Ears (DE-1) converts audio-line level signals into true compact disc-format
digital information-16-bit, 44.1 kHz stereo-and sends this information to the
NeXT Computer via the NeXT’s digital signal processor (DSP) port. Digital Ears is
designed to take full advantage of the built-in CD-quality audio playback capabilities
of the NeXT Computer.
The Digital Ears comes with software for both audio recording and data acquisition.
This software consists of:
DERecorder, a digital tape recorder application that allows you to:
Set input levels using VU meters Perform basic sound editing
Record sounds and data onto SCSI or Queue up soundfiles for playback in
optical disk at 8 kHz, 22 kHz, or the background
44.1kHz sampling rates
MonsterScope, a three-channel oscilloscope/spectrum analyzer that looks at data or
sound as it comes into the NeXT Computer from either a Digital Ears or the CODEC
input and displays the spectrum of the signal(s).
The Digital Ears has many uses. With Interface Builder and the NeXT operating
system, recorded sounds can be incorporated into application interfaces, training/
education software, business presentations, and reports. Digital Ears can serve as a
platform for digital recording, speech recognition, language/linguistics labora¬
tories, voice therapy and diagnosis, and other voice, speech, and audio applications.
As a laboratory A/D converter, Digital Ears can be used in physics and electrical
engineering labs, for instrumentation, and for any application that requires the
real-time recording and analysis of signals that vary over time. In addition, Meta¬
research actively supports developers who want to implement custom applications
using the Digital Ears.
The complete Digital Ears package includes a Digital Ears audio input device,
DERecorder software, an optical disk with software, and a DSP connector cable.
1. oooooo
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Mr . SR'.
bjf) .
DE Recorder
| Set Record j
— V Scale —
J 0.0010
1 lniV
0.1m V
C03iS« I
7 ine
Price: $795 (Quantity/OEM Availability: Now
pricing available)
For more information:
Kim Orumchian
Metaresearch, Incorporated
516 SE Morrison, Suite M-l
Portland, OR 97214
503 238-5728
503 294-1409 fax
Metaresearch, Incorporated
Digital Eye
Digital Eye provides a means to enter and record NTSC video images on the
NeXT Computer. Digital Eye is a frame-grabber that takes advantage of the NeXT’s
DSP port to bring high-resolution images into the NeXT software environment.
Digital Eye can digitize images from a variety of devices, including laserdisc players,
Camcorders, CCD cameras, and VCRs. With the DYRecorder™ software that is
included with the Digital Eye, video images can be quickly and easily brought into
the NeXT Computer, manipulated, and stored to disk.
The Digital Eye features variable image quality ranging from 640 by 480 pixels
at 256 shades of gray to 160 by 120 pixels at two shades of gray The user can set image
quality, contrast, and brightness in software. The lower the image quality, the
greater the number of frames per second the Digital Eye is able to grab.
The Digital Eye package includes DYRecorder, an application for recording single or
multiple successive frames of images. It allows you to:
Specify image characteristics in software.
Save images to optical or SCSI disk in either TIFF or EPS formats.
Perform basic manipulation and editing of images.
The Digital Eye has many uses. In conjunction with its audio counterpart,
Digital Ears, it can be used to create audiovisual courseware and training materials.
It can be used to import images from laserdisc players to aid in the development
of laserdisc front end interfaces. Along with a CCD camera, the Digital Eye turns the
NeXT Computer into an electronic darkroom. For desktop publishing, the Digital
Eye is an indispensable tool for getting images into the NeXT Computer. As with
Digital Ears, Metaresearch actively supports developers who want to implement
custom applications using the Digital Eye.
The complete package includes a Digital Eye DSP frame-grabber, DYRecorder
software, optical disk with software, and a DSP connector cable.
^ I,
Ojob' i oW
Frame File Info
Windows r-
Frame Name: Office Snap shot
Size; 793,400 bytes
0.25 seconds
Prepare to Take Snapshot
Prep are to Grab Frame S equence
Stop Grabbing
Play Frames
1 DVRecorder 1
Price: $975 Availability: December 1989 For more information:
Kim Orumchian
Metaresearch, Incorporated
516 SE Morrison, Suite M-l
Portland, OR 97214
503 238-5728
503 294-1409 fax
New Vision Technologies, Inc.
NVT High Density Video Drive
NVT™ High Density Drive is a new video playback device for interactive multi-
media applications. Versions are available for the NeXT Computer, along with
Macintosh, IBM PC, and other personal computers.
The NVT High Density Video Drive is designed to be used with NTSC TV
monitors and emerging HDTV RGB monitors, or in conjunction with third-party
video overlay and frame-grabbers for the NeXT Computer. The drive’s high-quality,
long-playing audio capability is useful for random retrieval and playback of large
prerecorded sound libraries or real-time digitization by third-party sound devices that
use the DSP port on the NeXT Computer.
The NVT High Density Video Drive can be connected as an external computer
peripheral controlled through a serial port, or installed internally as a half-height drive.
Interactive multimedia development tools will be included to control, via
programming, dynamic playback of high-density video and CD-quality stereo
audio from the drive.
NVT High Density Video Drives use prerecorded 5" video floppies that can store
27,000 randomly accessible still frames of analog video or 30 minutes of full-motion
video with dual-channel CD-quality sound. The video floppy could be dedicated
to audio, providing a capacity of more than four hours of randomly accessible
44.1 kHz stereo sound.
In addition to actual interactive multimedia development, NVT provides audio/video
production, pre-mastering, mastering, and duplication services for the video floppy
format. The NVT High Density Video Drive and Video Floppy ate powerful tools for
the development and delivery of the next generation of image retrieval systems,
interactive training, simulations, education, and entertainment.
Price: Contact Availability: Contact For more information:
New Vision Technologies New Vision Technologies Gordon Clarke
New Vision Technologies, Inc.
447 Burnett
San Francisco, CA 94131
415 285-8744
415 821-6471 fax
Personal Computer Peripherals Corporation
JETSTREAM Tape Backup System
The JETSTREAM™ is a high-performance tape backup system for the NeXT
Computer System. Capable of archiving up to 2.3 gigabytes of data per tape at speeds
up to 14.4 megabytes per minute, the JETSTREAM is the logical complement to
the high-capacity magneto-optical and very high-capacity SCSI disk drives
used with the NeXT Computer. The JETSTREAM uses low-cost, standard 8mm
removable and rewritable video tape cartridges.
The PCPC JETSTREAM provides:
Effective head-to-tape speed of 150 inches per second and 256 Kb speed matching
buffer for data transfer rate up to 14.4 MB per minute.
A high-density helical scan recording technology that uses three heads (read/write,
servo, and error-correction heads) mounted to a spinning drum. The JETSTREAM
can archive up to 2.3 gigabytes of data on one standard 8mm tape cartridge.
Compatibility with standard UNIX tape utilities.
Data integrity ensured through Error Correction Code (ECC), automatic
error recovery procedures implemented by a dedicated read-after-write head,
guaranteeing a nonrecoverable error rate of less than one bit in 10 13 reads.
A 50-pin SCSI male connector on the JETSTREAM to interface with the NeXT
Computer System.
Price: $5,995 Availability: Now For more information:
Robert G. Leeds
4710 Eisenhower Boulevard,
Building A4
Tampa, FL 33634
813 884-3092
Singular Solutions
A/D64x Analog/Digital Interface
The Singular Solutions A/D64x™ Analog/Digital Interface extends the NeXT
Computer’s exceptional signal processing and reproduction capabilities to provide a
high-quality, flexible yet low-cost platform for sound recording, experimentation,
and analysis. The A/D64x sets new performance standards for analog and
digital signal capture.
The A/D64x features 16-bit delta-sigma conversion with exceptionally low
linearity error (0.2 LSB), 64 times oversampling, a three-stage linear phase digital
anti-alias filter, and error-cancelling self-calibration. Sampling is supported as 32,44.1,
and 48 kHz-equivalent rates from multiple analog sources, plus direct digital
(AES/EBU) data from compact disc (CD) players and digital audio tape (DAT)
recorders. The system also includes direct digital output to digital audio recorders or
mixers, and allows simultaneous analog/digital input and digital output as well as
optional sample rate conversion.
The A/D64x’s versatile analog front end supports balanced and unbalanced
inputs at both line and microphone levels. The integral high-quality microphone
preamp offers switchable +48 volt phantom (simplex) power, a defeatable low-cut
input filter, and variable gain. It doubles as a high-gain, low-noise DC or AC
differential instrumentation amplifier.
The Singular Solutions A/D64x is the first product in a family of high-performance
interface products for the NeXT Computer.
Price: $995 Availability: Now For more information:
Steve Klein
Singular Solutions
959 East Colorado Boulevard
Pasadena, CA 91106
818 792-9567
818 792-0903 fax
Adamation, Inc.
Who’s Calling
Designed specifically for the NeXT platform, Who’s Calling™ lets sales and
other business professionals keep track of phone calls and other client information.
It has four major components—Client Database, Dialer, Reports, and Tickler—
which combine to give the user an effective and efficient sales productivity tool.
Client Database. Keeps track of and quickly finds and updates client information.
The client database is the basic repository of information that can be used by other
parts of the program. ^ ui 3 **.
Dialer. Phone numbers can be selected directly from the database or typed in. With a
modem, phone numbers can be automatically dialed. The call time, duration, and
general comments are stored for reporting.
Reports. A niirfiber of reports and other printed matter can be generated (Call History,
/ Mailing Labels, and Form Letters are a few).
V _____
Tickler. Reminds the user to call back certain clients on the days specified from
the phone call module. The Tickler uses voice feedback to remind the user
of outstanding calls.
The program also features voice response, which is used throughout the program to
enhance the features and functionality. With its INGRES™ engine, Who’s Calling can
be multiuser, allowing several users to access information simultaneously. The
INGRES core will also enable Who’s Calling to be integrated easily into future busi¬
ness applications that are now under development by Adamation.
Price: To be determined Availability: Fall, 1989
^ ft*
For more information:
Stephan Adams
Adamation, Inc.
1435 Center Street
Oakland, CA 94607
415 452-5252
Ashton-Tate Corporation
Ashton-Tate is actively exploring software development opportunities for the NeXT
Computer System. Although it is the company’s corporate policy not to discuss
details of unannounced products, Edward M. Esber, Jr., Ashton-Tate chairman and
CEO, has stated, “The NeXT Computer System is an exciting platform for software
development. We expect to support NeXT with future software products.”
Ashton-Tate expects to ship several exciting new products in the near future.
Price: To be determined
Availability: To be determined
For more information:
Ashton-Tate Corporation
6411 Guadalupe Mines Road
San Jose, CA 95120
408 268-2300
408 927-5200 fax
Data Transforms, Inc.
GEMS (Generalized Equilibrium Modeling System)
GEMS™ provides a flexible way to model economic systems. It is widely used to
evaluate markets in manufacturing, minerals, forest products, and energy for corpora¬
tions, U.S. Government agencies, and foreign governments.
GEMS models are based on the fundamental structures of industries and are com¬
posed of a user-defined network of activities, each represented by process
models from the GEMS software library. Activities can hierarchically include any
number of economic functions occurring within an economic system, such as primary
resource extraction, manufacturing and conversion, market transactions, transporta¬
tion, transmission, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
GEMS software can capture the effects of interproduct competition, regional
differences, changing technology, and government and private supply decisions. The
information GEMS supplies has proved invaluable for developing insight and
answering “what if” questions required to evaluate strategic planning alternatives
and to analyze the impact of market uncertainties and government policy.
Price: Availability: For more information:
Contact Data Transforms Contact Data Transforms Ralph A. Phraner
Data Transforms, Inc.
616 Washington Street
Denver, CO 80203
303 832-1501
Data Transforms, Inc.
InDia (Influence Diagram Processor)
InDia™ is a graphical application for representing complex decision-making. The
conceptual basis underlying InDia is that one or several aspects of a decision may
have a bearing or “influence” on other aspects of the decision. Problems are
approached through a graphic interface and decomposed into a diagram of nodes that
represent various types of events including probability and outcome ranges, pre¬
determinations, expectations, and known and unknown values.
In a single picture, InDia software can communicate the sequence and uncertainty of
event occurrence, how these events depend on (or influence) each other, and how
they depend on the actors and decisions in a problem. Behind this picture, an InDia
diagram contains complete data on the alternatives available at each decision point,
the possible outcomes for each uncertain event, and the likelihood of each.
InDia summarizes and evaluates complex uncertain problems without losing track of
the important details needed to truly understand them.
Price: Availability: For more information:
Contact Data Transforms Contact Data Transforms Ralph A. Phraner
Data Transforms, Inc.
616 Washington Street
Denver, CO 80203
303 832-1501
Informix Software, Inc.
Wingz™, the graphic spreadsheet from Informix Software, has already established
itself as the largest, fastest, and most versatile spreadsheet for any micro¬
computer. Wingz features advanced charting, desktop presentation capabilities, and
HyperScript®, a powerful event-driven command language.
Size, Speed, Flexibility. Wingz is the largest spreadsheet for personal computers, with a
spreadsheet matrix of 32,768 rows by 32,768 columns. Despite its enormous size,
Wingz’ optimized performance makes it equally fast.
With Wingz, you can combine numbers, words, charts, and graphic images
on a single worksheet and then print your work to a single page. Whether you need a
dynamic-looking report or a motivating presentation, Wingz makes your ideas
more presentable.
Graphs. Wingz features an unmatched array of business, engineering, and scientific
graphs and charts, including three-dimensional graphs. The 3-D graphs feature
variable rotation, elevation, and perspective. Wingz also includes a slate of freehand
drawing tools, and allows users to import graphic elements such as clip-art or
scanned images. Wingz’ desktop presentation capabilities allow virtually unlimited
formatting options for color, pattern, style, and size of worksheet graphics,
data, and text.
Text Processing. Wingz’ full-function text processor can be used to annotate worksheet
data or to create entire reports, featuring adjustable tabs, line spacing, and string
search and replace. Wingz’ built-in database features allow users to query, sort, and
extract on worksheet data. Wingz’ “live data” links mean that changes in worksheet
data are automatically reflected in both graphics and text references.
HyperScript. The core of Wingz is HyperScript, an event-driven language that goes
beyond the macro languages found in other spreadsheets. Its intuitive, English-like
command structure makes it easy for users to build custom applications. With
HyperScript, you can create menu items, user-defined functions, and style sheets for
charts. You can even modify the entire user interface.
Contact Informix Software
Contact Informix Software
For more information:
Wingz Brand Marketing
Informix Software, Inc.
16011 College Boulevard
Lenexa, Kansas 66219
913 599-7100
913 599-7350 fax
KnowledgeSet, Corporation
Knowledge Retrieval System (KRS)
KnowledgeSet is developing a version of its Knowledge Retrieval System®
(KRS), which rapidly searches and retrieves information from large databases
of text and graphics, for the NeXT Computer System.
A pioneer in the development of CD-ROM software, KnowledgeSet created the
search engine for Grolier’s Electronic Encyclopedia®, one of the first commercially
available CD-ROMs.
The Knowledge Retrieval System is targeted primarily at technical documentation
applications. KRS provides full-text search, hierarchical browsing, and hypertext
links to graphics and cross references.
KRS is currently available for DOS, UNIX, and Macintosh environments.
Document Outline
Application r-
10) Screen Display Format Options
11) Look-up Word Function
12) D o cument Outline
13) Portability
14) Data Encryption
15) Text Display F eatures
16) On line Help System
The Graphic Knowledge Retrieval System
1) Vector and Bit Mapped Graphics
2) Icons, Windows, and the Mouse
3) Zooming and Panning of Graphic Images
4) Bookmarks
5) Full-Text Word Searching
6) Topic Searching or Browsing
7i Mnltinle Word Search Sp etifications
Xj rch Specifications"
ch Specifications
Words must appear.
C Within article
C* Within paragraph
Links from
Search for:
Links to
List of
oo km arks
C Exact order
C 1-10 words apart
C 1-50 words apart
C 1-100 words apart
The Knowledge Retrieval System
o The Text Knowledge Retrieval System
o The Graphic Knowledge Retrieval System
o Hot Links and Hyper-text System
The Knowledge Retrieval System (KRS) is a complete CD-ROM search
and retrieval software system specifically designed for use with optical
media. There are two versions of the KRS each designed for different
database applications. The Text KRS is designed for databases
consisting of only text information. The Graphic KRS is designed for
databases that combine text and graphic information.
The KRS has been engineered to simplify customisation for any
database application. The two main components of the KRS, the User
Interface and the Retrieval Engine, are s ep arate mo dules. The Retrieval
Engine consists of the fundamental search and retrieval -routines
necessary in every database application. The User Interface is the
software link between the Retrieval Engine and the person using the
KRS. It is the screen display and specific query structure required by a
specific database application. Has modular design enables software
engineers to customise the KRS for virtually any database search and
Search Fields
C All fields
Article text
r Article titles
f Headings
C Literals
C Footnotes
Search Categories
C Database Document Article
C Current History C Navigation Article
A 1 T | Show
The Knowledge Retrieval System
£ l .*1 &41 1
A | ? j Make |
Query j
Hold Window j
For more information:
Contact KnowledgeSet
Fourth Quarter, 1989
Chris Bowman
KnowledgeSet, Corporation
888 Villa Street, Suite 500
Mountain View, CA 94041
415 968-9888
Lotus Development Corporation
Lotus™ is actively developing a next-generation analytical software product
for the NeXT Computer System. Consistent with Lotus’ policy of not discussing
unannounced products, details and availability will be announced as the product
nears completion.
As stated by Lotus President and CEO Jim Manzi at NeXT’s announcement
last October, “We expect that the NeXT Computer System will gain immediate
acceptance among end users and will be a natural fit for Lotus products.”
Price: To be determined Availability:
To be determined
For more information:
Jeff Anderholm
Lotus Development Corp.
55 Cambridge Parkway
Cambridge, MA 02142
617 577-8500
Microstat Development Corporation
OMEN III is a leading-edge stock quotation and financial system designed to
answer all the needs of stockbrokers and serious investors. Receiving its real-time
data via satellite, phone lines, or cable TV, OMEN III provides not only up-to-the-
minute trade and quote information, but also complete technical analysis,
charting, and historical information retrieval for stocks, commodities, etc. The system
takes full advantage of the powers of the Sybase RDBMS, which is included
with every NeXT system. Advanced data security and fault tolerance have been
integrated into OMEN III. The object-oriented design of the system makes
it easy to customize the program and to connect to the back-office computers
in brokerage houses.
The prominent features of the system are as follows:
Quotes, summaries, indices, bulletins,
and trades updated in real-time.
Comprehensive report generation,
including full relational queries on the
history of equities.
Limit alarms for any security,
currency, index, or commodity.
Historical charting (bar, line, point and
figure, semilogarithmic).
Real-time dynamically updated charts.
Statistical reports (rankings by volume,
trades, % gain/loss, etc.).
User lists for monitoring portfolio
performance (dynamically updated).
Real-time tickers for all North
American exchanges, displayed in
horizontal or “waterfall” format.
News retrieval (e.g., Dow Jones
News Service).
Corporate and capitalization informa¬
tion (dividends, P/E ratio, etc.).
Automated order entry, client
management, international currency
converter, reminders, commission
calculator, and other broker tools.
OMEN III will be available both as a stock quotation system for the serious
investor and as a broker workstation complete with client management, broker
tools, and so on.
Price: Contact Microstat Availability:
First Quarter, 1990
For more information:
Microstat Development Corp.
2150 Western Parkway
Vancouver, BC V6T 1V6
604 228-1612
604 228-9793 fax
SouthWind Software, Inc.
TACTICIAN™ Plus, release 2.2, is a multi-user spreadsheet product that supports
high-level functions and adds built-in presentation graphics.
TACTICIAN Plus lets users create a spreadsheet with data provided by the
user or directly transferred from popular DBMSs. Existing spreadsheets can
be linked through the TACTICIAN Plus Macro Command Language to provide
spreadsheet-based “programs” that users can customize to their specific needs.
TACTICIAN Plus also features a Lotus 1-2-3™ and Multiplan translator.
Once the data is in place, the user can take advantage of the high-level calculation
speed, standard features, and wide variety of functions to produce a document
that can be used in spreadsheet or chart form.
With TACTICIAN Plus, users can graphically represent their data. By selecting
one of the many chart types, the user can create a “model” of data, annotation, and
labeling. This model is then used to create a chart that effectively represents the
spreadsheet in graphic form.
Standard features of TACTICIAN Plus include full or partial save, extensive
formatting characteristics, dual windowing, field/block replication, blanking, applica¬
tion interface, and single/multiple row and column insertion and deletion.
Charts created in TACTICIAN Plus can be output on a variety of printers, plotters,
and terminals by using “grafcap,” South Wind’s graphics interface.
The product also offers on-line help, range highlighting, a capacity of 255 text
characters per cell, 1,024 x 9,999 size, and menu command prompting.
There are more than 60 functions available for use in finance, educational, and
technical applications.
Price: Contact Availability: October, 1989 For more information:
SouthWind Software SouthWind Software, Inc.
3500 North Rock Road, #200
Wichita, KS 67226
316 636-5100
316 636-5105 fax
station Publishing
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe® Illustrator™ is a graphic design and illustration program for generating
high-quality artwork. Because it harnesses the power of Display PostScript,
the same high-quality text and graphics created on the NeXT Computer’s screen
will faithfully reproduce on the NeXT printer.
Adobe Illustrator has a variety of sophisticated features for creating advanced
illustrations. You can start from scratch with the freehand and pen tools, drawing
with more precision than you ever imagined, or begin with existing artwork
by automatically tracing scanned images. From there, text and graphics can be
easily transformed for artistic and perspective effects. Adobe Illustrator’s
multiple zoom levels allows you to examine your illustration from the big picture
to the smallest detail.
Workstation Publishing
and Graphics
Preview illustration
Artwork & Template e
Artwork Only
Copyright 1989 Adobe Systems Inc. All rights reserved.
Heart art:2
" Template Only
J Actual Size
| Fit in Window
| Hide Rulers
Adobe Illustrator
info . -
File ,
Pricing: Contact Adobe
Availability: Contact Adobe For more information:
Adobe Systems Incorporated
1585 Charleston Road
Mountain View, CA 94039
415 961-4400
Workstation Publishing
and Graphics
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Adobe Type Library
When it comes to communicating with electronic type, nothing does a better job
than the Adobe Type Library. Adobe offers more than 500 different typefaces,
all of which conform to the highest standards of quality. Traditional typefaces are
licensed from the original foundries, including ITC, Linotype, Monotype,
Agfa-Compugraphic, Varityper, Letraset, and Morisawa, so you get faithful reproduc¬
tions of classic designs. Adobe also offers original typefaces created at Adobe
specifically for electronic desktop publishing, such as the Stone® family and the
Adobe Originals™- Garamond™ and Utopia™.
The Adobe Type Library is the most extensive collection of high-quality typefaces
that exists for desktop publishing. From sincerity and sensitivity to power and
personality, you will find the right type of expression in the Adobe Type Library.
Adobe typefaces are compatible with all NeXT applications that use the
standard NeXT Font Panel.
The Adobe Plus-Pack Collection
The following typefaces are included on the optical disk as the Plus Pack:
Palatino™ (includes italic, bold, and bold italic).
ITC Bookman® (includes light, light italic, demi, and demi italic).
ITC Zapf Chancery® (includes medium italic).
ITC Zapf Dingbats®.
ITC Avant Garde Gothic® (includes book, book oblique, demi, and demi oblique).
New Century Schoolbook (includes italic, bold, and bold italic).
Helvetica Narrow.
Adobe Font Folio - NeXT \brsion
Adobe offers 103 typeface packages on a single optical disk, for professional
installations that require the utmost in typeface availability. Adobe also plans to
offer typeface packages on an individual basis in the near future. Details
will be announced in the fall of 1989.
Workstation Publishing
and Graphics
• Bl ; Mi i i 8 S ;
Hi I
HelveticaBold Bodoni
TimesRoman PEiqNOTDEivii
Hobo Stonelnformal
GalliardRoman STliNCIL
Sxud/uicicfrt PalatinoRoman
GaramondLight StoneSans
UiU FuturaExtraBold
StoneSerif A ^
Pricing: Contact Adobe Availability:
Fourth Quarter, 1989
v %°°
For more information:
Adobe Systems Incorporated
1585 Charleston Road
Mountain View, CA 94039
415 961-4400
Workstation Publishing
and Graphics
Emerald City Software, Inc.
Smart Art
The Smart Art™ package contains 50 text and graphics effects, which can easily
be customized and used in any NeXT word processor, desktop presentation, or page
layout program. The Smart Art effects include rotated text, text on an angle, text
on an arc, perspective text, drop-shadow and other types of shadow text, faded text,
fitted text, raised text, neon text, fountain-filled text, shaded spheres, cubes,
polygons, and stars.
Each Smart Art effect is a Display PostScript file with customizable controls
for modifying text, font, shading, rotation, and much more. Finished effects can be
copied and pasted into a document or saved in EPS format, making them readily
transportable to all NeXT graphics applications.
The Smart Art effects are compatible with all NeXT and Adobe fonts and
can be saved in either EPS or PostScript format, so they are suitable for use with
FrameMaker®, WriteNow, Illustrator, and most NeXT graphics application programs.
Smart Art Text and Graphics effects are available on a single optical disk directly from
Emerald City Software.
Workstation Publishing
and Graphics
Smart Art Demo i
k V*e» Spij
B «i [«ndS % '
Smatl Art Demo 2
Smart Art
Price: $595
December, 1989
For more information:
Emerald City Software, Inc.
1040 Marsh Road, Suite 110
Menlo Park, CA 94025
800 223-0417
415 324-8080 (inside California)
415 324-0316 fax
Workstation Publishing
and Graphics
Frame Technology Corporation
FrameMaker 2.0
FrameMaker 2.0 is powerful, cost-effective workstation publishing software.
FrameMaker combines full-featured word processing, graphics, page layout, and
book-building tools into one integrated package. Users have the flexibility
to write, design, and produce a wide range of documents, from lengthy technical
manuals to reports, newsletters, brochures, and presentations. Its easy-to-use,
WYSIWYG interface makes FrameMaker extremely accessible to both novice and
expert users. Encapsulated PostScript, Rich Text Format®, and TIFF files
in FrameMaker can be exchanged transparently with other NeXT applications.
Key features of FrameMaker 2.0 include:
Word processing features: spell checker, automatic hyphenation and justification,
automatic numbering, tab formatting, and powerful search-and-replace capabilities.
Flexible graphics creation and editing: a full set of integrated drawing tools for
creating, manipulating, and importing graphics.
Flexible document design and page layout capabilities: multiple and mixed-width
columns and text-flows, multiple master pages, anchored text and graphics frames,
advanced typographic control, various page sizes and orientations.
Automatic book-building: tools for managing lengthy documents, including auto¬
matic pagination; generation of tables of contents, indexes, and lists; cross-referencing;
running headers and footers; footnotes; and change bars.
FrameMath™ WYSIWYG equation editor.
RTU (Right-To-Use) License: allows economical sharing of FrameMaker licenses
across a network.
Sound annotation of documents.
International FrameMaker ™ supports hyphenation, fonts, and spell-checking
for UK English, French, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Italian,
and Norwegian.
FrameViewer ™ is an optional product license that allows economical, on-line access to
view-only documents created with FrameMaker.
Workstation Publishing
and Graphics
Chapter 1
_J Gravity
Paragraph Format
List of Figures
Keep With:
J Nertfl j
! _1 Previous flj
Next If Tag.
J Hyphenate
FrameFrame MakerSmth. frame
Workstation Publishing 71
and Graphics
Price: Contact your local Availability: Contact your local For more information:
Businessland representative Businessland representative Susan Gordon or Liz Osborne
Frame Technology Corp.
1010 Rincon Circle
San Jose, CA95131
408 433-3311
408 433-1928 fax
1 Info... 1
j Window i |
1 Edit i j
I Print
| Format
j Special
j View
| Page i • |
j Graphics
! |
1 Book
1 j
j Preferences... |
| Help.
j Hide
FrameMaker enables you to create documents
of any length. For longer documents, an integrated
book building function creates multiple-file books,
tables of contents, lists of figures and tables, and
indexes. You can open, save, and print all files in
a book as easily as individual files. Document tem¬
plates include the information needed to Ip
a table of contents and index.
After you generate a table of
contents or index, you can
change its format. That format
change is automatically applied
to each subsequent table of
contents or index you generate
for the same file.
To generate a personalized
table of contents from this
1. At the top of this window,
click at the end of the title
Books, and type your name
2. From FrameMaker’s
Window menu, choose
3. Notice that Table of Contents
is the defailt option in the
1. Create chapters
F.n ■{
Pen Ullj
sst. i
j . m
san m
None |
None |
Pt. 2.00 |
Ends ♦.|
— |
4 ..i
— $
4 -- ► |
Set.. |
Set. |
Paragraph Tag;
| instructions
9 0.0 pt
J 0.0 pt
1 o.o pt a
J 7 0 pt
Current fls
Jo o pt
J If s Tagged:
| instructions
Line Height:
.1 v;,..’-
__J ff Catalog
Default Font Size (12.0 pt)
J Ailf s
Widow/Orphan Lines: | 1
2. Create book, tile
Book File
3.Generate table of
contents and index
4. Completed book
Table of Contents
Media Logic Incorporated
Artisan™ is a high-resolution paint and image processing system for the
NeXT Computer. With Artisan, you can touch-up, crop, resize, enhance, and
composite images. Complete TIFF and Encapsulated PostScript support enables
the import and export of images with other NeXT applications. Artisan’s
scanning interface lets you scan flat art directly into the program.
Unlike traditional monochrome-only packages, Artisan provides an 8-bit continuous
tone grayscale environment that gives you the power to perform advanced image
processing. Sharpen, blur, arbitrary scale and rotate, gradients, variable opacity,
multiple cut and paste, and gamma correction are just some of Artisan’s features.
Image touch-up facilities include a selection of user-definable brushes, a copy brush,
custom brush, pencil, plot, sharpen, blur, and an adjustable airbrush. Area fill
and flood capabilities and a large selection of editable patterns in sizes up to 64 by 64
pixels are also provided.
Artisan’s cut-and-paste feature enables pasting into multiple images, scale-and-
rotate while pasting, even variable opacity for cut-and-paste operations using alpha
channel and image map functions. The preview mode lets you adjust the scale,
orientation, and position of the pasted images before you fix them into the image.
Artisan provides a complete set of objects for area definition and drawing purposes,
including rectangles, elliptical arcs, polygons, and Bezier curves. Any brush can
be used when drawing objects.
Masking and frisketing are supported for all operations, including brushing, area
filling, and image compositing. High-resolution monochrome images can be converted
to grayscale to enable image processing functions. Artisan also provides special effects
such as embossing, shade inverting, and a completely user-definable gamma map.
Workstation Publishing
and Graphics
Edit Brush.
Open Brush.
Edit Pattern.
Paint State
Open Pattern.
Save Pattern.
image Correct.
Current —»——
image Curve
Current Shade
Current Opa city
Match Color
Corrected Gray Ramp
lincorrected Gray Ramp
Gamma: 11 Level: |o
Base’|'o" ~~ Ceiling: [H
4- Jg
1 Replace
1 Artisan
[paint Tools
Brushes,.. ;
1 Transform S3
Image t.nart
I Move
- f*
Boundaries... 1 1
l| Process 0|
Price: Contact Media Logic Availability:
October, 1989
For more information:
Media Logic Incorporated
2501 Colorado Ave., Suite 350
Santa Monica, CA 90404
213 453-7744
213 453-9565 fax
Workstation Publishing
and Graphics
Media Logic Incorporated
TopDraw™ is the most complete and advanced page-based graphics software
available today. It is ideal for producing company newsletters, charts and graphs,
documentation, reports, advertising layouts, presentation slides or overheads, and
much more. In one package,TopDraw provides powerful tools for:
Object-based graphics.
Text processing.
Continuous tone painting.
Page layout.
TopDraw’s graphic objects include rectangles, squares, ellipses, circles, lines,
arbitrary polygons, and Bezier splines. All objects can be drawn with any line width,
filled with shades of gray or patterns, rotated to any angle, scaled, reflected,
and even skewed. TopDraw also includes infinite undo and zooming, grouping,
and layering, as well as partial transparency capabilities.
You can draw text at any size (even non-integer), at any angle, or along a path,
and you can edit it at any time. Characters can also be treated as splines for a variety
of special effects. Standard text capabilities - such as justification with variable
word/letter weighting, automatic and manual kerning, text wrap around irregular
shapes, and text flow across multiple pages - are also included.
Continuous tone raster images can be not only incorporated into documents you
produce with TopDraw, but also edited. You can adjust the contrast and brightness,
sharpen or blur, correct gamma, even perform touch-up usingTopDraw’s assort¬
ment of user-definable brushes, including a true anti-aliased airbrush.
For input and output, TopDraw supports PostScript, Encapsulated PostScript,
TIFF, and Rich Text Format for integration with flat art scanners, film recorders, the
NeXT laser printer, and high-quality image setters.
Workstation Publishing
and Graphics
Sales Brochure
Sales Brochure
Documents .top
VopMtozeixfwufc klo
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Printed words
have only a single
Although it may he
just gibberish to us
there is a guiding
principle to all of
the text that is en-
coded at the left.
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Now is the time for all good men to come to
the aid of their eountryment, showing us how
much they can give in times of need. Here we
show some text being typed in prigress
•N Condense
Horiz Skew
Vert Skew
Opiio tongue ztUhll Imped It dors
mncxiJtn jdaceat tfccer pussisa ami
MBMttendftest, crania dolor rcpelfe
ibud autumqnimisd et aitroffivr d<
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Price: Contact Media Logic Availability: October, 1989 For more information:
Media Logic Incorporated
2501 Colorado Ave., Suite 350
Santa Monica, CA 90404
213 453-7744
213 453-9565 fax
Workstation Publishing
and Graphics
Stone Design Corporation
TextArt, described as the ultimate graphic design artist’s text tool, gives users
easy access to an array of tools that allow immediate creation of outstanding PostScript
images. Ideal for creating letterheads, icons, logos, or other special text effects, this
package includes the following key features:
Complete control over:
Font style and size.
Outline text and fills.
Scaling in both dimensions.
Gray scales of component images.
Multiple copies.
Special effects that include skewing, shadows, radial text, fountains, reflection.
Save and read TIFF, PostScript, Draw, and TextArt formats.
Full kerning support, both pairwise and track.
Unlimited proportional zooming for precision.
On-line library of “Canned Art” for instant effects.
Customizable with user’s plug-in effects and preferences.
Comprehensive on-line help.
The library of “Canned Art” lets users load special effects to display their custom
messages. This provides a starting point to produce striking images, as well as
a teaching tool for unleashing the power of TextArt. The composition portion of the
software allows precise layout and layering of multiple images, including graphics
imported from TIFF, PostScript, and Draw formats.
Simple for the first-time user, yet powerful enough for professional graphic designers,
TextArt is economically priced and an essential tool for any NeXT owner.
Workstation Publishing
and Graphics
TextArt imaging Display
Multiple Options
Outline Width
Fill Options
Letter Kerning -I
'00 Hi Use jd Reset
Number Steps
C Fill
r Lines
ALvtfs Transformations
Text Rotation
— Mode —
C Basic
C Rose
r Circle
C Upper Arc
C Lower Arc
- Windo w -
| 100 F
C White
C Lt Gr
r Dk Gr
C Black
C Vert,
r Horiz
C" Radial
Y-Axis Scale
Redisplay _j| [
TextArt Image
/me/TextArt Example. textArt
Main Parameters
Start Gray
frr r
^jf f"' White
ill r Lt Gr
II r Dk Gr
li Black
r— Number Copies —
\- s nr- -
l— Drag to define offset: —
~tr |
AXf -4 AY| -S
r End Gray -
[’o o ■
t ~ White
H r Lt Gr
11 r Dk Gr
j if'’ Black
3 Outline and Fill Options Xj
|l 99
h 1
Times-Rom an
ig/ng Model
- Zoom -
p Effects —
Outline A
■ r2
Fill yj
■ r a
d r ’
Skew ^
5h3dow |
Save Effect
E 1
r I
Try These!
i 1
TextArt Image
Your Art
Compose Art
Preferences... ! |
Price: $275
Availability: Now
For more information:
Stone Design Corp.
2425 Teodoro NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107
505 345-4800
Workstation Publishing
and Graphics
T/Maker Company
Encapsulated PostScript ClickArt
T/Maker’s latest ClickArt® offering combines its top-selling ClickArt EPS
portfolios - EPS Business Art and EPS Illustrations — into a single collection of high-
quality Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) artwork. These professionally drawn
images take advantage of the high-resolution NeXT display and laser printer, and
are ideal for papers, presentations, newsletters, and documentation.
With nearly 400 illustrations, the collection includes a wide assortment of computers,
business equipment, desk items, industrial and occupational symbols, communica¬
tions, maps, people and lifestyles, presentation helpers (dingbats, borders, and bullets),
globes, food and drink, corporate icons, travel and transportation, and much more.
All images are available in the Encapsulated PostScript format so that they can
be used with WriteNow, FrameMaker, Adobe’s Illustrator, Emerald City Software’s
Displaytalk™, and many other applications and development tools.
ClickArt EPS Business Art/EPS Illustrations are available together on a single optical
disk directly from T/Maker Company.
Workstation Publishing
and Graphics
$295 (Introductory Price)
Third Quarter, 1989
For more information:
T/Maker Company
1390 Villa Street
Mountain View, CA 94041
415 962-0195
Workstation Publishing 79
and Graphics
ClickArt EPS Artwork
by T/Maker Company
Flash Graphics
Flash Graphics
Flash Graphics™ combines extensive charting, illustration, and text functions
in a versatile graphics package for producing screen, slide, and paper presentations.
It is designed for a broad range of business, scientific, and medical applications.
Images composed of chart, text, and graphic elements can be edited freely and
enhanced graphically to produce high-quality compositions and output.
Flash Graphics offers design guides and formats for users who are not primarily
graphic artists. In addition, however, its sophisticated design capabilities make it
equally useful for professional-quality volume production within dedicated graphics
environments. These environments can include institutional settings such as
university, medical, and research sites, as well as general corporate, government,
and commercial service bureau environments.
Price: Availability: For more information:
$495 (introductory price) Second Quarter, 1990 Marketing Director
Flash Graphics
PO. Box 1950
Sausalito, CA 94965
415 331-7700
Workstation Publishing
and Graphics
InterFax 24/96N
The InterFax™ 24/96 from Abaton combines a 9600 bps Group 3 fax modem with
a 2400 bps MNP 5, Hayes®-compatible data modem. It includes software enabling
users to send, receive, view, and print fax documents on the NeXT Computer.
InterFax leverages the power of the NeXT Computer to give the user features found
in only the most expensive fax machines:
Fax documents are created using PostScript, resulting in precise images of both
type and drawings. Fax documents created in software on the NeXT Computer are
far superior to scanned documents originating from a standard fax machine.
Received fax documents are printed on the NeXT 400 dpi Laser Printer - a significant
improvement over the thermal printer employed by most standard fax machines.
Complete scheduling features are provided: Unattended transmissions can be
scheduled for any time, so you can take advantage of off-peak phone rates. You can
create phone directories of frequently called individuals and their fax numbers.
For bulk transmission, individual entries can be grouped into distribution lists.
InterFax maintains a complete log of fax transmissions and receptions. Each
log entry provides vital information about a particular fax transmission, such as the
duration of the call and the fax document(s) involved. The actual fax document
can be viewed by clicking the specific log entry.
Pricing: Contact Abaton Availability: Contact Abaton For more information:
A Division of Everex Systems, Inc.
48431 Milmont Drive
Fremont, CA 94538
415 683-2226
Cayman Systems, Inc.
The GatorBox™ is a LocalTalk™-to-Ethernet gateway that translates the Network
File System (NFS) protocol supported by the NeXT Computer into the Apple Filing
Protocol (AFP) used by AppleShare™, the file-sharing software that Apple ships
with every Macintosh computer. Macintosh users connected to the GatorBox through
a LocalTalk or Ethernet network can use AppleShare to share files with any NeXT
Computers on the inter-network.
The NeXT Computer can act as a high-performance, large-capacity AppleShare
server using the GatorBox’s “application-level translation” between the AFP
and NFS. Because no Cayman software runs on any Macintosh or NFS server, every
node runs only its native protocols. Cayman also provides terminal emulation
software that allows any Macintosh user to connect to the NeXT Computer using
Telnet and FTP protocols.
Cayman will offer two software additions that will enable the NeXT Computer,
which supports the BSD lpr printing protocols, to print to Apple LaserWriter® printers
and to transparently share mail with Macintosh computers.
Price: $2,795 Availability: Now For more information:
Cayman Systems, Inc.
University Park at MIT
26 Landsdowne Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
617 494-1999
617 494-9270 fax
DatdViz Inc.
MacLink®Plus/PC is a complete, easy-to-use kit for transferring and translating files
between the NeXT and Macintosh environments. Everything is provided: NeXT
software, Macintosh software, built-in communications, and a cable.
Two Macintosh file windows provide full visibility to files on both the NeXT
and Macintosh systems. A file or group of files from one window can be transferred
and translated to the other with just a few clicks of the mouse.
The full library of more than 60 MacLinkPlus/Translators is included to
translate files as they are being transferred. Some of these translators provide a data-
bridge between WriteNow for NeXT and many popular Macintosh word processors
(MacWrite™, MS® Word, MS Works, WordPerfect®, WriteNow). Options are
also included to exchange files in either direction between Macintosh TIFF and
NeXT TIFF, as well as for NeXT EPS and Macintosh EPS.
The connection can be established between your NeXT and a Macintosh phone
or printer port using the included cable or your own modems. For users with NeXT
and Macintosh systems on a network or shared file server, MacLinkPlus/PC
will translate files between the two systems that are visible to the Macintosh desktop.
Users with access to DOS files from their Macintosh desktop, through DOS drives
for the Macintosh or shared file servers, can use MacLinkPlus/PC to transfer
and translate directly from these devices to or from the NeXT system. Included in the
library are translators for most popular DOS formats, such as WordStar®, MultiMate™,
DCA/RFT, OfficeWriter®, XyWrite™ III, MS Works, WordPerfect, and more.
All MacLinkPlus/Translators convert format characteristics such as margins, para¬
graphs, indents, bold, italics, and so on.
DataViz "Intelligent" File Transfer
Connection Via
C Direct cable
r Plione/M'jilt'fri:
. 1 -i: uiiH. Pn- i*'nrii for Ac rIMACLIWK
-—-Status —
Waiting for conne i mu h mote System
I... Connected
Active Directory is/
; Active Directory is /MacUnkPlus
Save Settings
DataViz Bridge
C 300
led -
C 4000
C t£00
r oe.no
C £400
r 19200
Price: $199 Availability: Now For more information:
Margaret Martin
DataViz Inc.
35 Corporate Drive
Trumbull, CT 06611
203 268-0030
203 268-4345 fax
Farallon Computing, Inc.
Ethernet PhoneNET, Sound, and
Interpersonal Communications
Farallon Computing, Inc., the leader in twisted-pair networking, manufactures
the PhoneNET® System, which is used to build LANs over standard telephone cable.
The PhoneNET System includes hardware for creating large, reliable networks,
and software for managing and using the network. Large PhoneNET networks are
installed at the University of California at Berkeley, Stanford, Brown, University
of Michigan, Boston College, and Carnegie Mellon.
Other Farallon products designed to enhance interpersonal communications include
software for screen sharing, screen recording, group editing, and voice annotation.
Among these products, the MacRecorder® Sound System offers highly sophisticated
features to content originators who require an easy, natural method for incorporating
sound into teaching aids and presentations. Universities have employed the
MacRecorder Sound System in foreign language training, ESL, speech pathology, and
sound-cued educational modeling.
Farallon is committed to developing products for the NeXT Computer System and
has several projects currently underway in the following areas:
Twisted-pair Ethernet Networks. Farallon announced plans in January, 1989 for an
Ethernet version of the PhoneNET System, allowing NeXT Computers to be
networked with unused telephone wiring.
Sound. Drawing on experience with MacRecorder, Farallon will design products for
recording, displaying, and editing sound for use in business presentations and
educational materials.
Interpersonal Communications. Farallon is investigating extending its Timbuktu™
screen sharing to the NeXT Computer. In addition, group editing software applica¬
tions are being considered that will allow textual, graphic, and voice annotation.
Price: Availability: For more information:
Contact Farallon Computing Contact Farallon Computing Farallon Computing, Inc.
2201 Dwight Way
Berkeley, CA 94704
415 849-2331
415 841-5770 fax
Etherport NL
The Kinetics EtherPort® NL Ethernet controller, developed in conjunction with
SynOptics Communications, Inc., allows the NeXT Computer to connect
directly to standard and twisted-pair Ethernet networks. Software from Kinetics
and third-party developers allows the EtherPort-equipped NeXT Computer
to communicate with a diverse range of Ethernet-based computer systems, including
Sun computers, other UNIX systems, Digital VAX™ computers, Macintosh
computers, IBM PCs, and terminals.
The EtherPort NL controller board supports TCP/IP and other protocols.
The board has 32K of on-board memory and a built-in LattisNet® transceiver. It allows
connection to both standard (10BASE5) Ethernet and LattisNet, the twisted¬
pair Ethernet developed by SynOptics Communications, Inc.
Price: Contact Kinetics Availability: For more information:
Fourth Quarter, 1989 KC Sue
A Division of Excelan, Inc.
1340 Treat Blvd., Suite 500
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
415 947-0998
Software \fentures Corporation
MicroPhone II
Software Ventures is developing MicroPhone™ II, the leading telecommunications
package for microcomputers, for the NeXT Computer System. It will provide
the NeXT user with the same intuitive interface, depth of protocols, and scripting
that Macintosh users have enjoyed.
Price: Availability: For more information:
Contact Software Ventures Contact Software Ventures Sylvia Pauli
Software Ventures Corp.
2907 Claremont Ave.,
Suite 220
Berkeley, CA 94705
415 644-3232
White Pine Software Inc.
DEC terminal emulation
White Pine Software is a leader in the development of software that
provides communications between personal computers and Digital Equipment
Corporation systems.
White Pine currently offers a complete line of terminal emulation products for the
Apple Macintosh: Mac220™, Mac240™, and Mac241™ provide complete DEC VT200
series terminal emulation. NeXT versions of these products are under development.
As NeXT developers, the company will continue to develop software for the
DEC connectivity market.
Price: Availability: For more information:
Contact White Pine Software Contact White Pine Software Scott Darling
White Pine Software Inc.
94 Route 101A
PO. Box 1108
Amherst, NH 03031
603 886-9050
Informix Software, Inc.
INFORMIX®-TURBO is a high-performance database engine for on-line
transaction processing (OLTP). It includes an extensive array of performance tuning
features, so that each application can be tuned to maximum performance.
INFORMIX-TURBO is built on the client/server model, an architecture that
separates the user interface (application) from the database server (engine). This
method gives each user his or her own server process, which allows SQL requests to
be processed in parallel for greater throughput, especially on multiprocessor systems.
INFORMIX-TURBO also uses performance enhancers such as shared memory and
direct (raw) I/O, to exploit the full transaction processing potential of UNIX.
Data integrity is maintained in INFORMIX-TURBO through the most compre¬
hensive locking scheme available today. Developers can specify locking granularity at
the database, table, page, or row level. In addition, they can choose four different
ways to define the degree of isolation from other users’ transactions. In the event of a
system failure, INFORMIX-TURBO’s Fast Recovery automatically removes
incomplete transactions from the databases and restores the system to the state it
was in at the end of the last completed transaction.
The Turbo Monitor is a unique administrator’s tool that is included with
INFORMIX-TURBO to provide a totally integrated operating environment. With
the Turbo Monitor, you set up system parameters, observe the performance
of your applications, fine-tune shared memory usage, and administer the databases, all
from within a full-screen, menu-driven interface.
Price: Availability: For more information:
Contact Informix Software Contact Informix Software Informix Software, Inc.
4100 Bohannon Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025
415 926-6300
415 926-6593 fax
Relational Technology, Inc.
INGRES Relational Database Management System
Relational Technology is making the INGRES Relational Database Management
System available on the NeXT Computer System. INGRES is designed around three
concepts: tools to develop applications, power to handle transaction processing,
and access to data across an entire organization.
Tools. INGRES offers an unmatched integrated application development environ¬
ment providing 4GL, SQL, and visual programming methods. These aid the
prototyping and deployment of complex applications, while providing independent
end-user query and reporting capabilities. Applications are instantly portable
across multiple hardware platforms.
Power. The INGRES high-performance SQL database engine provides OLTP power
to support production applications in single- or multi-CPU and distributed environ¬
ments. A unique Al-based query optimizer maximizes processing efficiency.
Access. INGRES integrates existing data into your applications through
flexible access tools: gateways to existing data, networks to tie systems together, and
advanced distributed technology to integrate islands of information.
To run a highlighted command, place the cursor over it and
select the "Go” menu item.
History(F9) CommandMode(FI0)
Relational Technology INGRES
RUN simple or saved QUERY to retrieve, modify or append data
RUN default or saved REPORT
RUN saved GRAPH defined by VIGRAPH
Use QUERY-BY-FORMS to develop and test query definitions
Use REPORT-BY-FORMS to design or modify reports
Use VIGRAPH to design, modify or test graphs
Use APPLICATIONS-BY-FORMS to design and test applications
CREATE, MANIPULATE or LOOKUP tables in the database
EDIT forms by using the VISUAL-FORMS-EDITOR
ENTER interactive QUEL statements
ENTER interactive SQL statenents
SAVE REPORT-WRITER commands in the reports catalog
! Info...
'■ r-
Price: Availability: For more information:
Contact Relational Technology October, 1989 Relational Technology, Inc.
1080 Marina Village Parkway
Alameda, CA 94501-1041
800 4-INGRES
415 748-3434 fax
Relational Technology
International Limited
99 Kings Road
London, 5W34PA, UK
44(1)351 77 33
Mathematics and Statistics
Triakis, Inc.
DAN-The Data Analyzer
DAN is a data analysis package for reducing scientific and engineering data and
generating presentation-quality two-dimensional plots. It combines powerful analysis
capabilities with a user interface developed specifically to make the use of DAN
straightforward and intuitive.
Some of the major features of DAN include:
Easy to use.
Up to 100 simultaneous data tables of any size in memory.
Interactive plot scaling and re-sizing.
Multiple overlaid graphs.
Numerous curve fits for data function modeling.
Fast Fourier transforms.
Data sorting and merging of tables or files.
Calculator-type operations on data tables.
Numerous file input and output formats.
DAN provides the user with complete control of the appearance of every aspect
of the output plot, including tick marks, axis labels, title, Greek alphabet, symbols,
subscripts and superscripts, grid lines, text annotation, and legend. DAN can
generate numerous plot types including scatter and line plots in normal, semi-log, and
log-log formats. Multiple plots with distinguishing line styles and plot markers
can be overlaid on the same graphical display.
DAN can be used to sort and merge input data tables and manipulate data with
calculator-type functions, which can be chained together (add, subtract, multiply,
trig, and so on). The user can also enter functions for plotting or for comparison
with data. Several internal functions are available, including statistical distributions
and black-body spectra.
Price: $795 Availability: October, 1989 For more information:
Dwight Barrus
Triakis, Inc.
560 Bryce Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87544
505 672-3180
Mathmatics and Statistics 95
Triakis, Inc.
Math++ is a C-language math library of C-callable functions designed to make
significant mathematical power available for the popular and widespread C language.
The library comes with complete source code for both the math routines and the
examples. The library is designed as a toolkit to support the development of
numerical analysis applications. Math++ contains approximately 100 mathematical
functions designed specifically for scientific and engineering applications.
The library functions include:
Curve fitting and interpolation.
Roots of equations.
Complex mathematics.
Linear algebra, matrices.
Ordinary differential equations.
Fourier analysis.
Data smoothing.
It also includes special functions: gamma, beta, error, and bessel, including modified
bessel functions for synchrotron radiation calculation.
The library comes with documentation to explain the usage of each function,
optimal applications, and numerous complete program examples. The source code is
commented and written in a structured modular format to enhance under-
standability. Because it is written in the highly portable C language, there are almost
no machine-specific dependencies in the library. All Math++ routines have been
rigorously tested. Complete references for each function are given to provide whatever
level of follow-up detail a user desires.
Price: $295 Availability: Now For more information:
Dwight Barrus
Triakis, Inc.
560 Bryce Avenue
Los Alamos, NM 87544
505 672-3180
Mathematics and Statistics 96
Innovative Data Design, Inc. (IDD)
Dreams®, from the makers of MacDraft®, presents a powerful set of precision
drawing and drafting tools through an elegant, free-flowing human interface.
The program offers an enormous array of features that are accessible and usable.
Most tools are active at all times for free access while drawing, which maximizes
creativity and productivity while minimizing complexity. The transition from the
drawing board to the computer is extremely easy.
Once the drawing environment is set, all measurements, dimensions, area calculations,
and coordinates are presented in real-world units to the scale of the drawing. With
a full range of graphics features, Dreams enables even the casual user to create
conceptual and preliminary designs, illustrations, and precise working drawings.
Key Features
A rich set of geometrical drawing tools: lines (single and parallel), rectangles (squared
or rounded corners), arcs (by radius, 3-points, or elliptical), circles (radius, diameter,
or 3-points), polygons, ellipses, curves (Bezier or spline), and freehand shapes.
Zoom in to create fine detail, or zoom out to see a large portion of the drawing.
Save a series of views to be instantly recalled while drawing or for presentations.
For CAD and other graphics users: scaled drawings in real-world units, automatic
area calculation, true associative dimensioning with or without witness lines,
and a variety of end marks, custom line styles, and drawing layers. Rotate objects and
text in fractional degrees.
Full control over text. Change font, size and style of individual characters.
Advanced object-editing capabilities such as line extend, trim and fillets. Glue
edges together to create objects, unglue objects into their component edges, also add
or subtract objects to or from each other.
Save commonly used elements in on-line symbol libraries.
High-resolution output using PostScript-compatible devices or popular pen plotters.
Price: Contact Availability: Contact
Innovative Data Design Innovative Data Design
For more information:
Innovative Data Design, Inc.
2280 Bates Avenue
Concord, CA 94520
415 680-6818
Lighthouse Design
A Schematic Entry product
Lighthouse Design’s schematic entry application is a CAD tool for designing
electrical circuit schematics. It is the first of a series of electronics design tools being
developed by Lighthouse Design for the NeXT Computer. Future products will
include tools for simulation, printed circuit board design, automatic placement and
routing, protoboard design, and wire wrap board design.
The schematic tool will include the following features:
Support for hierarchical and modular design techniques, design reuse, group work,
and concept exploration.
Support for a variety of standards, including Spice, EDIF, FutureNet, Mathematica ,
and the NeXT graphics standards.
Very tight integration with our future tools, with instantaneous back annotation
(propagation of changes to all tool views).
An easily and rapidly extensible library.
A truly helpful help system, designed for the student as well as the professional.
And, of course, a skillfully executed user interface.
All Lighthouse Design products have unconditional money-back guarantees.
RLC circuit
•O Vout
AjsrA)rian/RLC 2D. math
Voufc / Vin
RLC circuit
Plot of voltage gain as a function of
frequency and the resistor value R.
Wm 1
....V J
AisrA)rian/R LC 3 D.math
t- 1
Edit f-i
• m
1 j
Part Catalog.
Help r|
Price: $500
Availability: For more information:
Contact Lighthouse Design Lighthouse Design
7100 Edgevale Street
Chevy Chase, MD
301 907-4621
CODA Music Software
CODA Music Software is actively developing a music notation software product for
the NeXT Computer, based on ENIGMA (Environment for Notation utilizing
Intelligent Graphic Music Notation), the company’s core technology. Finale™ and
MusicProse™ are two CODA music notation products currently built on ENIGMA.
All ENIGMA products will be file-compatible.
Price: Contact Availability: Contact For more information:
CODA Music Software CODA Music Software Gary Brunotte
CODA Music Software
1401 E. 79th St., Suite 2
Minneapolis, MN 55425
612 854-1288
612 854-4631 fax
Mark of the Unicom, Inc.
Mark of the Unicorn, Inc. is developing a version of its Performer® MIDI Sequencer
software for the NeXT Computer System.
Performer is a music software program that enables recording and editing of
music compositions using electronic instruments that adhere to the MIDI specifica¬
tions. The program is the preeminent music sequencer among professional
recording artists and music educators.
Features of Performer include multi-track recording, precise editing of all musical
events, and total control of your MIDI keyboards. A high-resolution recording
clock of 480 parts per quarter note assures accuracy. Performer supports SMPTE
synchronization, frame-time display, and a markers feature that functions as a cue
sheet for film and video production. Advanced features include “drum machine style”
record while looping, support of 32 In and Out MIDI channels, multiple meters
within a sequence, and programmable tempo changes.
Founded in 1980, Mark of the Unicorn is the developer of Performer MIDI Sequencer
software and its companion score notation program, Professional Composer®.
Performer has been the leading software sequencer software application since its
introduction in November 1985.
Price: Contact Availability: Contact For more information:
Mark of the Unicorn Mark of the Unicorn Robert Nathaniel
Mark of the Unicorn, Inc.
222 Third Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
617 576-2760
617 576-3609 fax
Multimedia and Hypertext
Imagine, Inc.
MediaStation™ is an application for archival, retrieval, and processing of
multimedia information. MediaStation takes advantage of the NeXT Computer’s
high-capacity optical disk drive and unique sound and graphic capabilities,
allowing users to create, edit, search, and browse information files containing any
combination of images, sounds, music, and text.
Anyone who works with images and sound will find MediaStation useful.
Doctors can archive images of a fracture, or voice samples measuring the progress
of a speech disorder. Educators can create databases containing images, sounds, and
music relevant to a particular topic. Those in the art and entertainment industries can
do electronic storyboarding, review animation, or catalogue and archive artistic works.
MediaStation supports the following types of media:
Grayscale or color images, up to 32 bits per sample.
Monochrome and color PostScript images.
44.1 kHz (or 22.05 kHz) stereo and mono sampled sound.
8 kHz CODEC encoded sampled sound.
56001 DSP algorithmic sound.
MIDI encoded music.
Tools to manipulate and process stored data will include:
Image processing tools, to manipulate scanned or created images.
Sound editing tools, to digitally edit, filter, and alter sampled sounds.
Basic text editing tools.
Cataloging tools, for storage of large data files on multiple optical disks.
Desktop tools, to create audio-visual presentations or shows.
MediaStation includes graphic interface controls for audio digitizers and
image scanners, and it fully supports the NextStep environment, allowing transfer
of many types of data to and from other applications.
Multimedia and Hypertext 106
Planets - Earth
Format F
Patient Record: 34A61
February 3, 1988
. ■■
Zoom: 1
Width: 494
Level: 12 14
Field Diameter
Early Music - Florid Organum
Patient's Nam
Doctor’s Narr
A page from a St. Martial
manuscript showing the
organum Lux descendit.
Original plainsong is in lower
voice, with each note
augmented to allow time for the
upper solo voice to sing
contrapuntal phrases. This
type of organum is called
"florid," "meiismatic,"
"Aquitanian," or "St. Martial"
itjffunhvn mtjsk^
muttbum. I t\v %ittuihwf.
Architectural Rian
Aerial View
Jf lcxs \mmvm t-fictz fnvtk
The picture shown
at the left is the
outer wall of the
Colosseum. The
Colosseum is
sometimes called
the flavian
because it was
begun by
Previous Next
1 st Century Architecture -- Colosseum
ft 7
Price: Contact Imagine, Inc.
n/ pP
Fourth Quarter, 1989
For more information:
Imagine, Inc.
". \\X7
/O, a 1 5^' ^ 1
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
313 434-197#
H91 - “111 1
Multimedia and Hypertext 107
Xanadu Operating Company
Xanadu Hypermedia Information Server
The Xanadu Hypermedia Information Server™ is a powerful tool designed to
organize and manipulate unstructured, multimedia information (such as documents
with text, graphics, digitized video, audio, and so on). Xanadu manages documents
through selectable “Links” between documents and version comparison of
documents, instead of structured queries on data files. With Xanadu you can easily
answer the questions, “What happened to Document A to change it into
Document B?” or “Show me all the comments on the original draft and how they
were addressed in the final version.”
Key features of the Xanadu system include:
Support for all forms of digital data (text, graphics, video, audio).
Flexible “Linking” of related information, including automatic bi-directional links to
any size of information (from a byte to a library) and selectable link typing, permit-
ting users to filter a particular subset of links (and connected documents) for viewing.
Active Sensors that can be attached to documents, which send alerts to individuals
or to external processes when specified events occur to a document (such as a new link
being attached or a new version being made).
Document Version Control and Comparison. This allows users to see the changes
required to transform any version of a document into another version.
Full support for multiple concurrent users with security access privileges.
The Xanadu Server will be released along with a general-purpose application,
which will give users broad capabilities to create, share, and manage Hypermedia
information. The NeXT Computer can also act as a server for Xanadu-based applica¬
tions running on Macintosh computers or IBM PCs over the network.
Xanadu will vigorously support qualified third parties interested in building specific
applications for vertical or horizontal markets based on the Xanadu Server.
Price: Availability:
Contact Xanadu Contact Xanadu
For more information:
Joel Voelz
Xanadu Operating Company
550 California Ave. Suite 101
Palo Alto, CA 94306
415 856-4112
415 856-2251 fax
Multimedia and Hypertext 108
Halchin and Fleming
Orbit is a tool for exploring the dynamical system of periodic orbits by solving a
specific quadratic function, of the form fix) = Ax (1-x), 0< A <4. By changing the value
of the variable A, the system can exhibit attractive periodic orbits or chaotic behavior.
Users can view orbits, attractors, and compositions of the function and can easily set
the values for the initial point of the orbit and the number of iterations to be graphed.
They can also examine in detail the onset of chaos.
Halchin and Fleming specialize in mathematical software for higher education.
Current projects provide tools for use in mathematics and physics.
Parameter Bounds
Parameter A: 3.52795
Initial Value: 0.333
Number of Iterations: 7
Graph the Entire Orbit
Graph the Asymptotic Orbit
Limits for Parameter A
Lower Limit 3.0
Number of compositions: J4
Orbits of Points Under Iteration of a Quadratic Function
Price: Free with purchase of
Rubik Algebra
Availability: Now
(purchasers should send an
optical disk onto which both
Rubik Algebra and Orbit will
be installed)
For more information:
Halchin and Fleming
2122 Reynolds Drive
Charleston, IL 61920
217 348-0917
Halchin and Fleming
Rubik Algebra
Rubik Algebra uses Rubik’s cube as a tool for illustrating, motivating, and exploring a
variety of ideas and basic theorems from elementary group theory. Designed primarily
for individual student exploration and for classroom demonstrations, it is also very
useful for anyone interested in learning to solve the cube.
The program allows users to see the results of applying arbitrary sequences of face
rotations to Rubik’s cube. More important, however, is the ability to decompose
an arbitrary sequence of face rotations into disjoint cycles. By using the visual image
of Rubik’s cube along with cycle decompositions, users can illustrate ideas such
as: (a) the order of an element in a finite group, (b) how to calculate the order of an
element from its cycle decomposition, (c) the effect of conjugation on cycle
structure, and (d) even and odd permutations.
Sequences of face rotations useful for actually solving Rubik’s cube can be built
using the notions of commutators and conjugates. The impossibility of certain opera¬
tions on Rubik’s cube, such as a single transposition, can be illustrated.
Other features of Rubik Algebra include the ability to store on disk sequences of
face rotations for later use, the ability to “undo” rotations already performed, a random
scrambler, an unscrambler, and a help window.
Halchin and Fleming specialize in mathematical software for higher education.
Current projects provide tools for use in mathematics and physics.
Rubik Algebra
; r12u-r ~1-f-b 2ufb
Rubik Algebra Cycle Decomposition
Turn the cube
' Number of repetitions [T
face rotations -
i i i
Front 1 Back 1 Left Right
Sequence of face rotations
Sequence |ud~u~d
Rubik Algebra Library of Sequences
Rubik Algebra Control Panel
Price: $20.00 plus $5.00
Availability: Now (purchasers
should send an optical disk
onto which both Rubik
Algebra and Orbit will be
For more information:
Halchin and Fleming
2122 Reynolds Drive
Charleston, IL 61920
217 348-0917
Development Tools and
System Software
Absoft Corporation
Absoft FORTRAN 77
Absoft FORTRAN 77 is a globally optimizing FORTRAN compiler
designed for scientific, engineering, and educational users developing and porting
mainframe applications (especially VAX/VMS) to and from the NeXT Computer.
The compiler’s features include:
Full ANSI X3.9-1978 validatable.
Includes Department of Defense 1753 extensions.
IEEE P754 math.
Most VAX/VMS and several FORTRAN 8X extensions.
VAX/VMS Tab and Wide input format.
IBM/VS Fixed and Free input format.
Direct support for the Application, Sound, and Music Kits.
Object-Oriented FORTRAN™ provides object-oriented syntax extensions that allow
complete communications with the NeXT software kits.
Optimizations include:
Common subexpression elimination
Statement function inline expansion
Loop invariant movement
Static address elimination
Subprogram folding
Mathematical identity substitution
Peephole optimization
Automatic data alignment
Constant value propagation
Strength reduction
Register content scoreboard
Pipeline and coprocessor scheduling
Includes natural C interface for inter-language calling.
Extended Data Types.
Supports Hollerith constants for FORTRAN 66 compatibility.
Generates 68030/68882 assembler source code.
Creates stand-alone applications with full windowing, menus, panels, etc.
Limited technical support via hotline, BBS, BIX, telefax.
Update services available.
Development Tools and 116
System Software
Absoft PostScript Demo
hi fluai Kjn.uwt «. xmi/uiwt t rum*. wiuv
;t Absoft Absoft Aftft Abwft Ab s»f?W. isoftA®^. rftAHfth
kW B—T jW;r y-.i—, kAh:X<«|
]■■:> BB T 5 " Ab Jfe - 'Wm: "■
ftp 1 '’B§:' ft 1ft >
r lllj^ ^ ( f J ‘ y’ ftk *
■ajsSOUABs*. .jrUMMil/UIMMi.
IkAbsoftAfeaifs’Sw Absoft Absoft AE|
ibsoft Absoft
t Ab soft Absofj
Kb: -
b:> - ft;-
■■ Hi!
.ft Ab soft Ab sojhAb soft Ab soft
.y it},, iuuwy > v 'vwumt^ xevutuv
AbsoftCube, dir; Ane
do <i»l, 8)
ya - 1,0 / <10, 0 - pta(i, 2))
projpts(i, 1) « pts(i, 1) * . 2!ya
pro jp is (1,2) * pis (1, 3) * ,2iya
About Cube
Cube demo is written In FORTRAN using
Object-Oriented FORTRAN<TM) from
Absoft Corporation; >
i Modify scale facto:
scale * scale + step
if (scale > 1000. 0) step
if (scale < 30.0) step *
do (i*l , 8)
ippts (i, 1)
ippts <i, 2)
* scale + xoffset
* scale + yoffset
projpts <i, 1)
projpts <i, 2)
xoffset « xoffset + xinc
yoffset * yoffset + yinc
-xinc ! Change directions
if (xoffset > 480,0) xinc
if (xoffset < 80.0) xinc
if (yoffset > 280.0) yinc
if (yoffset < 100.0) yinc
Absoft Cube
| Pause
Single Step
i Thinner ■ -J
| Thicker
Price: $995 Availability: Now For more information:
$750 per CPU for universities Wood Lotz
(volume pricing also available) Absoft Corporation
2781 Bond Street
Rochester Hills, MI 48309
313 853-0050
313 853-0108 fax
Development Tools and 117
System Software
Emerald City Software, Inc.
Display talk 1.0
Displaytalk is a complete development environment for Display PostScript
programming on the NeXT Computer System.
Displaytalk provides all of the tools necessary to learn the Display PostScript
language, including:
Direct interactive (line by line) access to the PostScript interpreter in an Interactive
The capability to edit and execute Display PostScript programs.
Real-time display of PostScript language stacks and variables in a Status Window.
On-screen, scalable preview of the PostScript image in a Preview Window.
Complete on-line documentation for the Display PostScript language, accessible by
topic or keyword search.
A complete PostScript tutorial.
A source-level debugger (with tracing, stepping, and breakpointing).
A full-featured, multi-window programmer’s editor for writing, editing, and debug¬
ging code.
A code converter that simplifies conversions between C calls, pswrap, and pure
A powerful Dictionary Browser that provides rapid access to all Display PostScript
dictionaries and their contents.
Development Tools and 118
System Software
NXOldMask 3 -1 -roll—-put-152 NXOldMask-or—exch—seteventmask--/
toMouseWindowwinexec }{3 —index—userdict /NXOldMask-get—exch-—
seteventmask-ZtoMouseWindow winexec >null- -null- {3 -Index—dup-1 i i
--roll—mark--12 1 ~rGll-mouseWindow~rie--{7 -index-7 -index-11 -index
—■-currentwindowbounds—pop—pop-3 -1 -roll—add-3 i —roll—-add—
mouseWindow-currentwindowbounds—pop—pop-4 - r -roll—exch—sub
--3 i —roll—sub—10-1 -roll—pop-9 i -roll-8 -1 -roll—pop-7 l —roll—>-if-
- 4 -i --roll—pop-activeApp 4 i -roiMocalMouse -exch—pop-11 {-
postevent-}--stopped—{handieerrorif-—cleartomark->null- -null- -null- -
null- -null- -null- -null- -null-}
1 (/Users/mdiawond/Programming/Displaytalk/eye2. ps) run
I /Helvetica findfont 18 scalefont setfont
I 576 358 moveto
|l setgray
(Displaytalk) show
} repeat
I handlers'/
Remove from Stack
Show Value
Display talk
Dictionary Stack
Font Panel., |§j
p M
| |
1 1 |
Run File... | |
Help... 1
Find T H
Quit q j§ ]
Price: $995
Availability: For more information:
October, 1989 Emerald City Software
1040 Marsh Road, Suite 110
Menlo Park, CA 94025
800 223-0417
415 324-8080 (inside CA)
415 324-0316 fax
Development Tools and 119
System Software
Highland Software, Inc.
Flexible License Manager
The Flexible License Manager® (FLEX/w) is a network-wide multi-access
package that allows a software application to be licensed on a concurrent-usage, rather
than a per-computer, basis. Using FLE X/m software, developers can license their
applications to maximize both performance and ease-of-use. This product is easy to
integrate and offers simplified network administration, excellent application usage
reporting, increased application availability, and significant improvement in
end-user productivity, and provides access to applications from multiple vendors,
over both homogeneous and heterogeneous network environments.
Licensing can be extended to baseline products, as well as to individual product
capabilities or features. FLEX/w will allow the developer to restrict application
access to: 1) a single specified computer; 2) a specified number of users on a single
computer; or 3) a specified number of users in a network containing one or more
specified computer systems. Demonstration software can be shipped to customers
with only demo functionality enabled. Once the purchase has been made, the
full or purchased functionality can be enabled via a fax or phone message, eliminating
the need to ship additional media.
Key features and benefits of FLE X/m on the NeXT Computer System:
Enforces software expiration dates.
Simplifies software distribution and network administration..
Supports request queuing for “busy” applications.
Available today on a variety of UNIX platforms.
Price: $12,000 one-time
binary license fee
Availability: Contact
Highland Software, Inc.
For more information:
Bob Laughlin
Highland Software, Inc.
840 East Meadow Drive
Palo Alto, CA 94303
415 493-8550
415 493-4506 fax
Development Tools and 120
System Software
Motorola, Inc.
Simulator Programs (SIM56000 and SIM96000)
Macro Cross Assembler (ASM9600)
Simulator Programs.
The SIM56000™ and SIM96000™ software programs are useful in the development of
programs and algorithms to run on the Motorola DSP56000 and DSP96000 Digital
Signal Processors (DSP), respectively. The SIM56000 program exactly emulates all
of the functions of the DSP56000/1 on a clock cycle basis, including all on-chip
peripheral operations, the entire internal and external memory space, all memory and
register updates associated with program code execution, and all exception process¬
ing activity. The SIM96000 provides identical functions for the DSP96002.
Macro Cross Assembler.
The full-featured ASM96000 macro cross-assembler program translates one or
more source fields containing DSP instruction mnemonics, operands, and
assembler directives into relocatable object modules that are relocated and linked by
the DSP96000 Linker. In the optional absolute mode, the Cross Assembler will
generate absolute load files. The ASM96000 recognizes the full instruction set and all
addressing modes of the DSP96002, including support for separate X and Y data
memory spaces and data transfer operations in parallel with the data ALU operations.
A similar Motorola macro cross-assembler product - the ASM56000,
which operates on the DSP56000 family-is part of the software bundled with
every NeXT Computer.
Price: Contact Motorola Availability: Now For more information:
Motorola, Inc.
Digital Signal Processors
6501 William Cannon Drive
West Austin,
TX 78735-8598
512 891-2030
Development Tools and 121
System Software
Neuron Data, Inc.
NEXPERT OBJECT ™, the standard in expert systems technology, is a hybrid rule-
and object-based expert system for commercial and industrial application integration.
NEXPERT is written in C, thereby ensuring a very high level of performance
and integration. Its features include integrated forward and backward chaining using
the same symmetric rule format; automatic goal generation; pattern-matching;
dynamic creation of objects, classes, properties, methods, and demons; multiple and
user-defined inheritance; and non-monotonic reasoning.
NEXPERT is being used for a range of applications, including diagnostics,
finance, troubleshooting, simulation, decision support, planning, and process control.
NEXPERT’s comprehensive graphic interface allows developers and domain
experts to edit rules and objects as well as build control structures. Views of the rule
and object relationships are available at all times through a dynamic graphic
browsing mechanism.
The NEXPERT AI Library™ provides the capability to fully embed expert systems
within applications developed in the NeXT environment. These applications can be
written in any conventional programming language (Objective-C, FORTRAN, C,
Pascal, Cobol, Ada, Assembly, and so on). This open, event-driven architecture
permits the development of real-time, on-line applications that can directly access
standard spreadsheets, relational databases, and any other conventional software. In
addition, bridges to a number of third-party software packages are supported.
The NEXPERT OBJECT Development System and Runtime System are
available for NeXT machines with a minimum of 5 MB of free disk space. The
NEXPERT Development System requires an XI1 server. Knowledge bases
are completely cross-compatible and portable between all supported platforms,
operating systems, and windowing environments, allowing for completely
machine-independent development and delivery of applications.
Price: Availability: Now
Development System $8,000
Runtime Server $1,500
Special university discount
programs available
For more information:
Nick Halsey
Neuron Data, Inc.
444 High Street
Palo Alto, CA 94301
415 321-4488
Development Tools and 122
System Software
OASYS C Compiler
OASYS Pascal Compiler
The family of OASYS™ compilers is based on the Green Hills Software compilers.
They offer unsurpassed functionality and optimization as native compilers for the
NeXT Computer System. Green Hills is recognized as the industry leader in
compilers for UNIX-based systems. Each compiler is a combination of a language-
specific front end with target-specific code emitters (88000, 680x0, 80x86, etc.),
and is inter-language callable with the other two OASYS compilers.
OASYS FORTRAN is a complete implementation of the ANSI FORTRAN 77
compiler with VAX VMS extensions. Full 68881 floating-point support is provided,
as is support for DEC and IEEE floating-point formats. Optimizations include
numerous global optimizations and register allocation techniques.
The OASYS C compiler is a full implementation of Kernighan and Ritchie C and
ANSI standard C, with many of the Berkeley 4.2 pec (portable C compiler)
extensions. Optimizations include numerous global optimizations and register
allocation techniques. The compiler features the most extensive optimization
available in a Motorola-compatible compiler. Full 68881 floating-point support is
provided, as is support for DEC and IEEE floating-point formats.
The OASYS Pascal compiler is a complete implementation of BSI/ISO (level 0)
and adheres to the ANSI Pascal standard. It features the most extensive optimization
available in a Motorola-compatible compiler. Full 68881 floating-point support
is provided, as is support for DEC and IEEE floating-point formats. Optimizations
include numerous global optimizations and register allocation techniques.
The same OASYS FORTRAN, C, and Pascal compilers available for the NeXT
Computer System also are available with emitters for the Motorola 680x0 and 88000
and Intel 80x86 and i860 microprocessor families on more than 15 hosts, including
DEC VAX, Sun, Apollo, HP, and IBM systems. Applications developed using
standard F77, industry-standard C, industry-standard Pascal, or any of the OASYS/
Green Hills compilers on other hosts can easily be ported to the NeXT environment
Price: Contact OASYS Availability: Now For more information:
Ann M. Bischoff
230 Second Avenue
RO. Box 8990
Waltham, MA 02254-8900
617 890-7889
617 890-4644 fax
Development Tools and 123
System Software
Pacific Microelectronics, Inc.
COMPU-BRAIN is the first software development program combining a know¬
ledge-based expert system and a neural network. It allows users to customize neural
inter-connects to simulate biological functions and behavior. You can define input
values, select a suitable weighting function, and let COMPU-BRAIN do the rest.
You can also perform various tasks in a production rule-based expert system.
COMPU-BRAIN gives you control over three important aspects of the behavior in a
typical neural network simulation:
Provide a threshold value that controls the output of a cell.
Control communication over a link between two cells by providing a weight that is
applied to signals travelling over the link.
Create or delete links between cells.
COMPU-BRAIN provides visualization of the simulated interconnects in various
neural network models. A conventional production rule-based expert system
is fused into the COMPU-BRAIN simulation functions, giving users the flexibility
to perform neural network simulation and expert system functions separately.
Price: Contact Availability: Contact For more information:
Pacific Microelectronics Pacific Microelectronics Wun C. Chiou, Sr., Ph.D.
Pacific Microelectronics, Inc.
201 San Antonio Circle, C250
Mountain View, CA 94040
415 948-6200
415 948-9296 fax
Development Tools and 124
System Software
ibi ■■■ ^ u
NeXT Developer Program
and Resources
NeXT Registered
Developer Program
The NeXT Registered Developer
Program is designed to encourage and
support the development of software
and hardware products for the NeXT
Computer System.
Registered Developers are entitled to:
The cornerstone of the Developer
Program is the four-day training course,
Programming the NeXT Computer. More
than 400 developers have already taken
the course, which is taught on both the
East and West coasts. In addition to
! teaching developers how to write
NeXT applications, it covers basic
development strategies.
Equipment .
Registered Developers can purchase
I NeXT products directly from NeXT at
the same preferred prices as higher
education customers.
Technical support.
Technical support, both by
phone and electronic mail, is provided
to Registered Developers
who have attended Programming
the NeXT Computer.
Co-marketing programs .
NeXT publishes a quarterly catalog of
products for the NeXT Computer
System, and Registered Developers are
encouraged to submit entries. In
addition, NeXT includes Registered
Developers in many of its own marketing
and sales activities, as appropriate.
Public Relations .
Registered Developers can receive
assistance with press relations.
To qualify for the NeXT Registered
Developer Program, developers
must fill out a detailed application
outlining their background and
proposed products.
Interested developers should contact:
NeXT TeleBusiness
900 Chesapeake Drive
Redwood City, CA 94063
800 848-NeXT
The NeXT Internet
Archive Sites.
Three universities - Purdue, Oregon
State, and the University of
Maryland-have set up Internet archive
sites for NeXT-related software,
images, sounds, and documentation.
These sites are accessible on the
Internet via FTP The net addresses
and archive administrators are
as follows:
Purdue University
Gerrit Huizenga
Oregon State University
Bryce Jasmer
University of Maryland
Mark Feldman
Demo Programs
The demos listed here are shipped
with every computer. Most of them
were written at NeXT while the
computer was under development, to
explore programming on the system.
A neural network programming
example in which a seal learns how to
balance a pole on its nose. A good
demonstration of how to use graphics
and animation to make abstract ideas
more comprehensible.
A certain realism is obtained via the
PostScript composite operator,
sound effects, and floating-point dyna¬
mical loops.
A game program with resizable playing
field, clean sound, and efficient
animation. Source code is provided in
the Examples directory.
A front-end to gnuchess, in the NeXT
style. You can set many preferences
(including computer basal strength),
bring up time clocks, and so on. The
requisite GNU sources are included.
An analog circuit design system.
The idea is to build an analog circuit,
get the complete equations for same,
and paste them into Mathematica.
You get (for linear circuits) a solvable
system that yields symbolic
complex solutions.
A draw utility that exhibits expert
use of the Application Kit and
PostScript. Source code and addi¬
tional information are provided in the
Examples directory.
A Pixel Manipulation Device written
by a professional artist that lets you
create and edit icons, or load and save
them in Tag Image File Format
(TIFF) or Encapsulated PostScript
(EPS) format. Includes alpha
painting, detail blow-up view, and
special effects.
The obligatory graphical complex
plane calculation for Mandelbrot sets,
but with a nice surprise: DSP mode, in
which the Mandelbrot iteration is done
on the DSP Especially when the
iteration limit is very deep, the DSP
comes out way ahead.
A three-dimensional visualizer for
simple organic molecules. This demo
makes interesting use of alpha - the
technique whereby atoms in back can
be seen through their partially
transparent counterparts in front.
A laboratory oscilloscope application.
Using the built-in CODEC, you can
observe sounds captured by the
microphone. If you have a proper A/D
converter external to and driving your
DSP port, it gives you an additional
pair of 16-bit high-fidelity channels. A
surprise: There’s also a spectrum
analyzer that covers the full audio
range, with good resolution, db scale
option, frequency markers, and so on.
Demo Programs
This fiercely cybernetic
bluffing algorithm has a relaxing
casino interface.
This program uses .nff (Neutral File
Format) ray-trace databases to create
dazzling pictures in an output window.
It’s a good example of interfacing
a NeXT application to sophisticated
programs, such as the actual ray¬
tracing module.
This dynamical model of a Saturn-like
planet was written by a physicist to
test a gravitational-diffusive theory of
planetary rings. A menu mode lets
you watch as the author’s model of ring
perturbations actually gives rise
to gaps, like the ones seen in Saturn’s
ring system.
By the artist who developed Icon,
Scene is a utility for putting up full or
partial monitor screens. This
application also has an indispensable
feature: a Grabber window that
lets you grab anything you see on the
screen and save it as a TIFF file.
A player of scorefiles. DSP¬
generated sounds are computed in
real time, directed by the instruc¬
tions in a scorefile.
A simple program that lets you play
standard NeXT .snd soundfiles and
record CODEC microphone files.
An excellent example of a very small
application that’s nevertheless
quite useful.
The idea behind StatLab is to provide
virtually all of the most elementary
statistics functions on one instrument
The plane is actually being governed
by correct laws of aerodynamics. Many
tricks of rapid PostScript depth graphics
went into this simulator. Notice the
special effects of wind, visibility, and
other environmental options, and
especially the various selectable views
out the sides and back of the aircraft.
A simple demonstration of how a
voiced instrument can be played
smoothly and precisely in standard
interface modes. You’ll hear the pure,
high-fidelity voice of the DSP
Topology Lab
A visualizer for parametric, two-
dimensional shapes. The surfaces are
drawn with PostScript fill (in surface
mode) or lineto (in wireframe mode)
operators. Mathematical descriptions
are on-line for each shape.
Useful for learning PostScript. (“Yet
Another Previewer” is the source for
the mnemonic.) Just sit down with
official PostScript language documents
and watch this demo translate the code
into the graphics the code describes.
Graphics copied from Draw can be
pasted into Yap as PostScript code.
Demo Programs
Representatives from the
following organizations attended our
four-day seminar, Programming
the NeXT Computer.
Absoft Corp.
Addison-Wesley Publishing
Adobe Systems Inc.
Aldus Corp.
Ariel Corp.
Ashton-Tate Corp.
Bacchus Software
Cayman Systems, Inc.
Claris Corp.
CODA Music Software
Cricket Software
Data Transforms, Inc.
DataViz Inc.
Dayna Communications, Inc.
DayStar Digital, Inc.
Deep Thought Group
Deutsch Research
Dow Jones 6c Company
Eastman Kodak
Emerald City Software, Inc.
Encore Systems
Extron Electronics
Farallon Computing, Inc.
Flash Graphics
Foundation Publishing, Inc.
Frame Technology Corp.
Franz Inc.
Fusion Technologies
Gemini Software
Halchin and Fleming
Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
Highland Software, Inc.
ICOM Simulations
Imagine, Inc.
Informix Software, Inc.
Innovative Data Design, Inc. (IDD)
Kenneth Faw
KnowledgeSet Corp.
Lifetree Software, Inc.
Lighthouse Design
Lotus Development Corp.
Mark of the Unicorn, Inc.
Media Logic Inc.
Metaphor Computer
Metaresearch, Inc.
Microstat Development Corp.
Motorola, Inc.
Neuron Data, Inc.
New Vision Technologies, Inc.
Northern Software Ltd.
Novell, Inc.
Nth Graphics, Ltd.
ON Technology
Onset Computer
Pacer Software
Pacific Microelectronics, Inc.
Parcplace Systems
Perot Systems
Peter Norton Computing
Progress Software Group
Quantex Corp.
RasterOps Corp.
Relational Technology, Inc.
Res Nova Software
SAS Institute, Inc.
Segue Software
Singular Solutions
Software Ventures Corp.
SouthWind Software, Inc.
Stone Design Corp.
SuperMac Technology
Sybase, Inc.
Symantec Corp.
Systems Concepts
T/Maker Company
Thinking Machines
Triakis, Inc.
Ultre Corp.
Visix Software
VPL Research, Inc.
White Pine Software Inc.
Wolfram Research, Inc.
Xanadu Operating Company
Specifications of the NeXT
Computer System
MegaPixel Display
400 dpi Laser Printer
Motorola 68030 25 MHz CPU
Motorola 68882 25 MHz floating-point unit
Motorola 56001 25 MHz Digital
Signal Processor
Integrated Channel Processor
12 DMA channels
32 MB/sec bandwidth
Optical Storage Processor
Random Access Memory
8 MB to 16 MB of memory
User-expandable in 4-MB increments
Communications and Interfaces
Thin-wire Ethernet,
IEEE 802.3a-compatible
Two RS422 serial ports
SCSI interface with transfer rate of
4.8 MB/sec (burst rate)
Three NextBus expansion slots
Printer port (for NeXT 400 dpi Laser
Printer only)
Digital Signal Processor port
One-foot (305 mm) die cast
magnesium cube
Space for two full-height 5.25-inch
mass storage devices
29 lbs. to 37 lbs. (13 kg to 17 kg)
Powers up to four slots with 20 W each
90 V to 270 V, 47 Hz to 63 Hz
5 A, 300 W maximum (including
MegaPixel Display)
Operating Environment
Ambient temperature: 32° F to 104° F
(0° C to 40° C)
Relative humidity: 10% to 90%
Altitude: 0 to 15,000 ft. (0 to 4,572 m)
UL Listed and CSA Certified
Complies with FCC Part 15 Class A
17-inch monochrome, flat screen
1120 x 832 x 2 resolution (92 dpi)
Four colors (black and white and two
levels of gray)
Refresh rate of 68 Hz noninterlaced
Integrated tilt and roll
Keyboard jack
8-bit, 8012.8 Hz analog-to-digital
converter input via microphone
miniphone jack (mono)
16-bit, 44.1 kHz stereo digital-to-analog
converter output via:
Headphone miniphone jack (stereo)
Gold-plated RCA line-out jacks (stereo)
Integrated speaker (mono)
85 keys including:
Cursor keys, Numeric pad
Monitor brightness, Sound volume
Power on/off
Two-button opto-mechanical mouse
16 in. (w) x 17.3 (h) x 14 (d)
408 mm (w) x 440 (h) x 354 (d)
50 lbs. (23 kg)
Mass Storage
256 MB Optical Drive (formatted)
NeXT interface using Optical
Storage Processor
92 ms average seek time
18 ms average seek time within 3 MB range
4.6 MB/sec raw burst transfer rate
800 KB/sec raw sustained transfer rate
Magneto-optical technology
Read/write/erasable and removable media
Primary disk and/or backup
Internal 330 MB Hard Disk (formatted)
SCSI interface
14.8 ms average seek time
45 kB dual-ported FIFO buffer
4.8 MB/sec raw burst transfer rate
1.4 MB/sec raw sustained transfer rate
Internal 660 MB Hard Disk (formatted)
SCSI interface
16.5 ms average seek time
45 kB dual-ported FIFO buffer
4.8 MB/sec raw burst transfer rate
1.4 MB/sec raw sustained transfer rate
Resolution and Speed
300/400 dots per inch (software selectable)
8 pages per minute
Minimum top, bottom, and side
margins of 0.2 in.
High-speed serial interface
Duty Cycle
No monthly page limit
300,000-page life expectancy
Uses standard EP-S toner cartridge
150-sheet paper cassette
Adjustable width for A4, letter-size,
and envelopes
Auto and manual feed
Straight paper path
50-sheet output tray
14.3 in. (w) x 7 (h) x 16.7 (d)
32.3 in. (w) with paper trays
363 mm (w) x 180 (h) x 423 (d)
820 mm (w) with paper trays
38 lbs. (17 kg)
115/220 V switchable power supply
110 W at 115 V in standby mode
5 A, 640 W at 115 V peak power
while printing
Ambient temperature: 50 °F to 90 °F
(10°C to 32°C)
Relative humidity: 10% to 80%
Altitude: 0 to 8,000 ft. (0 to 2,438 m)
UL Listed and CSA Certified
Complies with FCC Part 15 Class A
Conforms with CDRH radiation
performance standard, 21 CFR
Chapter 1, Subchapter J
NeXT, Inc.
900 Chesapeake Drive
Redwood City, CA 94063
800 848 NeXT
Printed in U.S.A.