Full text of "PLAYBOY"
APRIL 50 cents
| ш
Maren. эз тик cir month,” said Shepherd Mead's tips оп selecting м
md аһы! fist wile-these need по dn
‘Shakespeare on this
ed rather ко along. with Christopher
Morley happy image. “April prepares
her green Мк не word
m In
mt be an Арий foot and loiter up
front here—open, already
1 was very pleased to see all the pre
vious Playmates together in one ss
Though all dhe young ladies were wo
dert charming: to mp mind two stood
hove the others,
for Marguerite.
head and shoulders al
How about am encon
co FPO, San Francisco, Calif,
Your January sue succesfully main-
tind a brillant andando wet
he collection of past Playmates was
Obviously Не ment א feature.
Howe, as a comparatively recent ad-
diet ol your magazine, „i, was die
Sppointed” Exe Meyer, Madeline Саш
Маце Page, La Monroe, et als do in.
deed play havoc with any male's hormone
balance, but 1 was dismayed to nd them
lsc as past Playmates Beauties such
as these Are encountered regularly on
the pages of publications raging trom
Hie Cat type magazines slanted toward
he por panis trade to common 10c and
23e бойт al cheesecake,
1 would prefer to think of rtavno as
taking pride in being America's reses,
ost fut magazine. Obviously, photos
S Bettie Page do bring our de bust
fone, bur are they "reso" 2 much
eler model ol the Barbara Cameron
iner Prim variety. Any properly ap-
preciative reader ої таво should
have а good deal ol the voyeur in him.
за L amame the editors do. Accordingly
Teet that the boulevandier who finds a
Playmate in a Ей shop в
reat playboy than the m
merchant who locks up a С
in a directory and buys мине poses
PIC Edward Lerner
Fort Bragg МС.
1 would like to take this opportunity
to shout the merits of your. Playmates.
hull ВИсен minuten since
с Holiday Issue and I'm due
er go at it.
Dove Hunt
Vineland, N. J.
ay ama was мөн of
praise, one of the most for
מש thingy 1 have ever had the
[ие voy wy eyes om. (rhe ий
favent returned to their sockets) But
who the bell i she? Her name, dimen-
sions and social security number are no-
‘where to be mund in your magazine,
How can a шап play with his Playmate
EJ rooms marnor maoazme
Miss January's пете is Lynne Turner;
she’s а 20 year old model from Southern
California; 38" 2/"37^ top to bottom,
Which maxim doc this illustrate —
“great minds run on the same track” ог.
"imitation s thesincerest formo! flattery?”
Allen Glasser
Brooklyn, New York
Great! Whot does she de for en ence?”
Fee es ме the encore”
Since 1 am an admirer of your maga-
ine. 1 feel free to criticize it. 1 regard as
unhealthy the overtones of physical vio-
Hence Мей sprinkled through the
January issue. Specifically, ludcd.
bes ^
1. Threats to cook Candide in a pot.
2. Nero's liquidation of unwanted
3. Two Ance lovelies in [ull color
being shoved in a lire,
4. Story wherein a man from Mars
coc lod eder to cat them,
5. Рош радо ballad ви а lady who
cooks her Войо before eating tem
Wired Lew
Hloomingion, ind:
Figured we'd get all the violence out
of the way in the first issue of the year,
so we could get on to more leisurely play-
boy pursuits.
You dever, clever, clever mew
Of ribald wit and facile pen,
Your humor his a subtlety
Which truly, truly taketh me,
And maketh me to want to dance,
Cavort. co habit, and to prance
And bc a sensual Jezebel
Raising filty kinds of hell!
(Mas! A woman over forty
Only thinks herself cıvarty,
And while she cuts a wicked caper—
Oh me! She cuts it all on paper!)
О Cole, you're king, you na
Who maketh me to 1,
Та sharpen up my ch and purr!
White Yam mos sedatciy ih
Reading ruavnoy at my iting!
And as for Caldwell, Bloch and Gold
Never were such stories told
With sharper brilliance and ен
To glad the feline heart of
Their humor has a “Frenchy” Hair,
Urban. cool and debon
Yet certainly, it docs not lack
"The meat that brings the Tom cat back
And has him sniffimg at the door.
Yowling that Ве wanteth more.
1 hape it be not mortal sin
Tp let OM Aan пі in
he sacred portal of this page
Adorned with wit, rou? nd
То (ruda veri) be play
Тейри уши make me ely mérry—
Fic me Playmate n
net me ир the pri
К p the p
That sory, Love, the Healer, by Herb
Gold in the January issue of my Lavorive
CREW CUT witha
Continental 4
your crew cut with the very best
‘when you keep и neor with
The best for eve cu, burrs, ob ops ond
all short heir eun-
This compact
soe ited ыз
oe okie tal
Ша, Un аркы, Т инн c ny
SO ME on ml של ar
Mum Мызы с»
oo jos
tuo eup al
Sorry, we Сб. бл
is very nice, and
v» when Herb and
E used to hunt “wimmen” together in
Cleveland, Ohio, amd other strange
places. When I found one, all 1 had was
1 woman; but when Herb found one. he
got himself a poem out of her. Ger him
10 do the story of Black Lil, if you с
Dr. Donald P. Shapiro
Cleveland, Olio
anatomical journal
reminds me ol th
ave been an ardent fan of мідувоу
been available on
my area, As far as Im
was tops. Alter readi
of Guys and Dolls
for the past 12
ind you that Fr
an forgot
надува and municiones will apec
Sh me
AS Tor Brando, you сап have him and
һә voice "with so much warmth and o
much ине” | have not yet seen Gupt
tend Dolls bw 1 am positive that Brando
Could never make Fran
Sil competing on Major Mower Ama:
John Harman
Virginia Beach, Va.
As anyone who has send the November
December After Hours knows, we're
ardent fans of Frank Sinatra, too. We
jest don't happen to think Guys and
Dolls was his picture and we suggest you
oit till you've seen it before deciding
whether you agree with our review.
especially enjoyed your Januar)
ite tan d lie кек heer F
Dent of a Salesman Cuce וו cart
nd Lee Univ.
1 finished reading your Jamas
оп my way back to camp and 1 w
to know that I alm
laughing at the salesman
Addison North. 1 started talking about
it to з couple of salesmen in the clu
and 1 showed them the magazine, which.
fone of them bought for $2.00!
PEC Donald F, Cı
Battle Creek, Mich.
Alter repeatedly hearing of wavsov,
tever about the actual content, our
s aroused to
ly (and wi
chased the January ise
Mier reading that issue. we were both
dismayed and disgruntled 10 find that
the innocent minds of our boyiriends
d with such. wicked
с the minds of all
college men that have not already
seriorated to such low depths will
doubtedly do so now and и
completing the ruin of all
moral standards have, in spite of all
‘other evil influences, remained h
Beside that, how are we ever going 10
get married when all of our secrets are
revealed? How can we ever satisfy Ши
when you tempt their virile minds a
bodies with such voluptwousnesst What
we mean to say is we дини think ifs fart
"Two Unhappy Coeds
niversity ol Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
are bein
The girls im our sorority [ed that
ving altogether too much
publicity to models and chorus girls. 10
you took a look at our girls, you
tome ol your Playmates oll to ihe Old
Maid Home.
Barbara Frank.
Univ. of Southern С
Los Angeles, Californ
So send us some pictures
Jules Anchers quas ad
он Tahaning а womans sexual p
ise reads a lile tou much like a
magazine are. Archer, who apparently
‘iets the art of sedition san elaborate
iy game, gives the reader ho stati
Ei Liens no empirical trance,
thot his dubious methods will work. Arc
we ш presume that Archer has observed
Me тош of his ив in controlled
Situations — and has therelore аненей
cs reliability? Has it occured to him
that his female рыша pigs answers may
imply fac, even anti ка! indicanons
оГ Ша willingness ло climb into ba
n. in Keeping with the rest ul the
Woman race, have never been mou for
ч Tack Dypocriy
1 would suggest 10 Archer that
ber of methods of seduction i eq
number of con
parlor gam
woman's seducibility is as valid а me
as that suggested by the article's accom-
ing illustration: picking petals from
or Ellis would
value to Archer's "true playboy.”
Ron Riddle
Yellow Springs, €
finitely greater
In regard to your Will She or Won't
She? story in the January isme, ГА lik
ло inform the author that he comp
ised the boat on one important li
facior which consequently 181 io an
extremely amazing, but quite pleasure
able, episode,
Upon questioning a vol
neue and finding all her answers nega
Apni. нес уа 2 Me סמ
בצ צר
RET uas $ MS. рше im USA
A published mery
Knien сз second clo mower Augest $, TEE. cl de,
Stents corrales 1
p Ad
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2 pen cach "incisa, ds
uit page wih te ram Wig ner
i, Beng й аит ds ка
йа mma gn, Nos uh fo
саман vor, ва md
ל E
Pane Sn" anien
ode a he
Eso de anat
ийет thawed of DUE
genet al els et eves Cheers at
ד naw se yout 1:4 ed The
[d Hal sad the Male
Ever Offered for *1 £
аркан Cne pelar ен
Frese anale a Bole
fen a e e a
For Men of Good Taste
The me
tu rr d
[D uut
pi о
Dean са
joo aran
rss МО МОК е
зоне: Vacanono зсноокен,
Sunscnruz TO PLAYBOY
New Way
Y To Sleep!
VLDE cami
me ass
spring fling:
| | | сет. лоз, stowe, PA.
tive (от virginal). I was very confused
when 1 wok her ї seems his
shrewdie was so experienced that she was
No complaints,
M. Riley
Fon Lex, N J.
1 read your antiche Will She or Won't
she? iy Jules Archer in the January
шой the ten questions on à
fe nl layout Thing час
omg along В, well мий Y cane to
Е No. 9 amd asked И she would
ced to spend the night with а
Would imare world peace. Her
reply. wa in thc maga, then rc
aed. "Not ас to preserve world
peace?” She replied: “But what чини.
Му peace?” Ar this point, Y prompuy
cracked up- 3
IL LT. Sam
My date tonight was a bit startled
when I answered his question, “Suppose
you had a choice to stare lile over again.
is a man or woman — which would you
choose?" with a hearty laugh. You see,
Tread pavor, too.
1, and many of my girlfriends, find
magazine as refreshing as a dry
However. we find your statc-
‘All of reavuoy's readers are
capable of handling three, four or more
women at a Gime without taxing ıhem-
selves” vastly amusing. Maybe y all need
а Southern vacation!
Cynthia Moore
Emory University
Atlanta, Ga.
Our bogs are packed, Cynthia,
Alas. Mr. Archer's Will She or Won't
She? may bring disastrous consequences.
Since you are cognizant ol the act that
scads amd scads of girls, women and
ladies read your publication. Tm sure
Mlusive feminine set more wary Шан
Per. ча that articles ol this mat
be mailed out under separate cover,
marked "For Playboys Only." This pro-
fective measure would aeurc our gender
ЭП too often meded one jump
head, necessary in scoring points,
Louis H. Mloussard, Jr.
Jacksonville, Florida
T recently had occasion to look
sour January issue of rwv.
the least, 1 am quite shocked that
would make d at you
entertaining and a ива
teach men how to seduce girl
Girly—even the somewhat n
are the same precious bits of
hat other girls risked their lives по give
birth to and on whom much love and
are has been expended,
Did you have а mother? Did you have
a father? Do you know who he was?
Naturally, you must have had з mother,
but the man who fathered you might
have prefer to remain anonym
Yod ought 1o be spanked, AS cannot
тай ou xb m e ick uid
Taschen spanked by Candia Carell
а rad. part of your ami
1 vil better able ta alere my precio
chide about the
еп who go lurking abou
member bl society.
a С. Carrell
Cincinnati, Ohio
Succes! 1 have applied your Will She
‘or Wow! She? questions around campus
and Таш extremely happy to report the
overwhelming suecos which 1 ex
enced. The playboys here at Marq)
have voted this article the best method
ever developed for finding playmates.
Robert Conroy
Marquette University
Milwaukee, Wise
1 read your article Will She or Won't
She? in ihe January issue and I must
сопун vw on зм ere
каюм and answer game. It just hap
pened that the same Evening 1 read the
Brice, 1 was invited to a cocktail рану
Ay thanks go to you for a very enjoy
ablê evening and the hours after
San Diego,
You've done it again! Another master.
десс ol practical Femininology. Will
She or Won't She? is one of the best
we've scen in т лувоу in two years, but
it is also a blemish om your record, 1
iow you wrote it in jest, but my naive
brother (two years my junior) read your
article and was so snowed by your
нас mein that he wid your vo
it psychenmalysis on our sister's room
тг at our post New Years рау.
“This doll was spending the меден.
with my sister and as far as 1 brother.
was concerned, there could bc no better
Set up for this particular adventure,
1 had the pleasure of hearing the fist
lial d ше lies жн vor femi
surprised when our fiend convinced thin
young lady that she would like to hear
Les Fart on his new hif set, Ой they
went holding hands like your September
Playmate pose (though her ature wasn't
quite the Sime).
From what he told me at the hospital,
Brother Ted was researching for bi
Ribald Classic when th
decided чо clout
tuition told her it would be most elle
pparently you led the boy to
woman could sce through
the line of questioning.
Tor my money, Mr, Archer has a we-
mendous sense of humor and a great way
with the ladies (om paper). Hot, in the
future, please, for the sake of my bro-
ther and his thousand or so brothe
innocence scattered through our Во
10 scc your work is only in jest
Richard V. Неги,
Dartmouth College
Hanover, New Hampshire
Hay e NE:
We can’t exactly say that TV is better
than ever, but not too many Sundays ago
we found ourselves torn between a James
Barrie fantasy on one channel and a
Visit with sexeral tribes of South Ameri-
сап cannibals on another—both shows
with excellent casts. Our joy was unbri-
illod, and we began to have high hopes
for the cultural future of These United
States. Another evening, however, several
twists of the dial restored us to sam
wor previous Tukewan
the m We had Ви. jarringty
few mote of these chrome plated
dramas of the “Playhouse” genre-you
know, the Studio One-Robert. Mont
gomery Presents axis, whose ideal seems
to be a terribly bad play about a terribly
good haker, broker, butcher or Bucks
County commuter,
There lanalized charades have mur.
tured a couple ol fashionable schools of
acting: the Vague school of females and.
the claven brow school of misunderstood
males b grabbing rides оп that
мем named Desire, The gallery of
nervous eccentrics includes moms who
Understand, wives who Don't, guwky
girls who behave as though puberty were
remotely book hoy. who ו
“кой undoubtedly have fewer problem
Зі Mey actually read bok fr time to
ше, There yao the heise bunc
man in his Executive Biter Suite, and
We've choked on his из so often й looks
ж И е Napoleonie complex, has те
placed Oedipus as the backbone of tle
Wn guls and critics agree that good
denen. Probably э bur until m
ent televison playwrights are
lets get back to comedy ihe
мо whimsical md 1
a diverting moment or two. Lets have
plenty of skits, bits, gags and wags—cip-
able, clever guys like Johnny Carson
and that happy, twoheaded monster,
On February 11, 1957, George Ger
hwîn was pummeling away at his Com
certo in Е with the Los Angeles
Philharmonie. Suddenly. he lost con
sciousness and missed a few bars; а frac
tion of a minute later he regained
control of himself and finished the per
formance as if nothing had happened
Five day he was
de of a tumor
өп а section of his brain that could no
‚perating, чиксон.
he had
п his head than he could eve
fon paper was dead
on arhed
put down
tt John
~ Journey
(Ной. $5) is trumpeted on
acket as the “definitive” bi
raphy of Mr. Gershwin, but we don't
have to believe й if we don't want to
And yet, maybe it is. for no c
than ie is certainly. the
plete biography ef uh.
poer. Either way. author
Ewen (Music for the Millions,
Story of Irving Berlin, ete.) has do
creditable job fe
known facts and
the life of America's Johann Strauss, and
fof special interest is a section that lists
all of Gershwin's stage productions, lead
ing stars, premiere dates, motion picture
Best-known songs and а recom-
mendal list of recordings
ly hallway
Robert Benchley was the kind of a
man who could unflinch
"Don't be silly
quite blank, except for his chilling
qpiotion-to the Deparment of Internal
Revenue, with six cents postage due
the envelope, He did it and he got away
with it. We didn’t sce him do it but
же know he did it and got away with it
because his son, ‘Nathaniel, told us
about it in а book, and were not sur-
prised he did it and got away with it
because Robert Benchley was remark.
able—and besides, the guy he sent it to
at the Department was з personal friend
he (Benchley)
ne he posted the
по: Robert
Benchley (Ме ), the hi
ography written by his son, was origin
aliy published several monile. Невис
the birth o Playboy After Пон to we
yet we certainly кат to send you Sen
Tying to the booksellers. Seurying, that
is if you enjoy the antiex of the bum
bling, bewildered boulevardier as much
as we do. Stud hor, editor, critic,
lecturer. actor, Bob Benchley was cer
tainly one of the funniest men who ever
lived, and here в collected much of the
blotterdiy wit that came fom a too
A Pictorial History of Jazz (Crown,
$5.95) is a glittering gallery of persons,
places and things (Ibis death cerah
Jelly Roll Morton's busines card, the
sign outside Bop Сиу) Ши have
stumped some sort of indelible impres
sion on American
ic since the tum
of the century. Та addition to over 625
illustrations and aworted oddments.
knowledgeable caption. commentary by
Orrin Keepnews and Bill Grauer, Je,
both of whom step lively and lovingly
io from Playboy,
your all-new PLAYBOY ANNUAL
distills the festive finest in mascu-
line entertainment from the magazine's
second year of publication. You'll find
cartoons by X ding all the.
famous Females), V
Arv Miller,
Shulmanand Cha
m and Ray Russell; plus
ne collection of sophis-
pages, 32 in color—
ly bound for your permanent
library. You'll want a copy for yourself,
and several far your appreciativecronies,
Playboy Book Dept.
$375 tss
Chicogo 11, Minois
Pleose send me.
through the more fascinating Босев of
There is а rather
Vadis (8225 Su
cur back, Preston Sturges chuck wagon
Innetioned om that spot за chet
colony hangout, then for some
а lont, Мин noie
de. Adolph Repp (ol Adolph» Meat
Tenderizer! lame] took up Ihe зор.
майні cudpel and, alment before you
Could say "Rabbit Hourguigonne pro-
Cede to los his ik shire The place
remained boarded up until yet another
Culinary Hector decided to mount а пей
antach, with neon banners fying uh
Somewhat peripatetic Ваше шу. The
Tabichoppers "We're sorry бо report
that tha Пом barely got out ol it with
‘iver paid for
The child of battle, Versailles Quo
is three stories high, nestled against а
Will and, as the тише might imply, is
realy two restaurant: ung French,
ciber Hatin (
in white with Black ו and pre
tumed with Dorie pillars and а emey of
well placed рома, Robust Roman ovals
Tine the side walls abone а palane ol
white leather booths and pt. is a low
бг sad with comlortable chats, Up
stare the Устае, rally two roo
the fis i log with tables ов
ємї side, opening inta another bar: be
ancient Roman, were
ably known as Gino, and we're happy to.
report that he is the antithesis ol the
bombastic, dictatorial halian chet Gino.
is silent amd sensitive and looks like
Ernest Treux, His Маат specialty is
Sultimbocca Romane nocchi, whi
in Tree wheeling comes
through as "melt.
then covers it with
> Gnocchi, of
couse, is a potatotype dumpling, with
the same sauce Ladled over. In his more
Gallic moods, Gino dotes lovingly оп
Boned Squab ax Nid (whic breaks apart
under just the lightest lark риси his
equally popular licel баори oc Є
Tin. The Versailles i closed o
Quo Vadis on Monda
You can ind fend
с patio с
to the Quo Vadis stays open
St Louisa while back, we squired
a knowing la who savons the gar Ше
tu the Rone o the better
utercapeely um te
tees «lee ol Forest Park {Clayton
Rood and Shanker Bovlevant). RR Cs
dixor в bathed oy glow ol
иче again a background o hal
нота ur base рабо
2 mellow sod. The fod o ми i it
for the mon Tania: we chos pun
5 ico Shrimp. Ate
ss ps. MI thi
a virile 1953
^s available to canh
d mortals every night of the week,
The Caine Mutiny Court Martial,
Witness for the Prosecution, Inherit the
Wind, and now Time Limit: we may
тин have кей all the recent си.
plays, bur we think weve corallel
Enough to make our point uam, that
ploy vns бшш шар are aim
Sure o be popular. We оой ours
“ly and cime up with th
ten and
вик syle. Ва
court procedure
tural framework. is
amd this perfectly ва
рома framework.
perhaps, be мото
` Time Limit, a nerseopera by Denker
and Berkey now at the Воо
West 45th, NYC, poses the
seems to mind. The action of the play
akes place in the Judge Advocates ОШ
ol an Army Ром in the United States
in August 1955, amd (sia flashback)
тал expect this new restaurant, meras (а
the abe ut Sh Sut tobe уму, нас ар
Аш. и won't орип on May Tate
Chicago's Top Jazz Showcase
RCA-Victor's “Lonesome Gal"
Sensational Progressive Jazz
Every Monday & Tuesday right
Hotel Maryland
900 N. Rush
| ביא
DINNER From 5:30 P.M. + OPEN TO 4 AM.
161 Е. 54". NYC + PL 9-3228
Make а date with the
az the LONDON house
the best in food, 100
Маан b Wacker + Секе
з Korean PW camp in December. 1951
Upstanding Major Cargill (Richard Ki-
ley) admits right off having played ball
with the Reds. Judge Advocate Lt. Col.
Edwards (Arthur Kennedy) wants to
know why. Edwards! general. whose son
died in the same PW camp. preses
the colonel to recommend specdy, strin-
martial. But the colonel, with
AC corporal (and
comic relie sergean
the facts. A combination Father
fessor und Jack Webb, the colonel
pertinent act or two out ol the
mars wite й Benoit) in a briet
And very human scene. As the play
Sido een Moon fot a
maxes, the general gets the shock ol his
Tile and the audience has the time of is.
То reveal more would spoil the fun.
Director Windsor Lewis has his hands
full, what with melodrama, the tradi-
tions of the service, the Red menace,
moody traitors, and eternal verities, but.
the result has unity, integrity and sock
Big bands that swung Ше crazy
reached their apex in the сапу and mid
die Forties, and one combination that
could shoot a decibel rating up 200 рег.
cent was the Gene Krupa crew, which
Toasted, in addition to Gene's zany tub
thumping. the ану, rhyıhmpacked
Noct ol Аана O'Day and the Байат,
piercing mumpet ol Roy Eke: Je
Nas a chucklcheaded hipster (I911 vin
tage) indeed who didn't know what
"омой, Roy, Божої meant. or
where, exactly, "Uptown" was situated.
logical Slanguage put forth by
Roy and Anite on their recon busting
recording of Let Me Off Uptown. Even
tually, the big Krupa band, like most
others, simmered down and broke up
Shortly after the dose of World War I
‘Anita and Roy took off on their own
even before that time, never again to
scale such heady heights, but they're all
lack together on Gene Krupa (Colum
bia C1. 799), a re sue of the band's mast
лк о moments from 1940 to 1947.
en before Krupa's heyday, the
Renny Goodman band was raising
several inches of insulated roof at a
string of dance halls and big hotel ball
rooms across the country, starting at the
Roosevelt in New York City, on to
Elitch's Gardens in Denver, then to the
arin LA, That, of course, Ва
¢ saga. and you сап read some of
Benny s own rellections on it (and other
things) in this issue of rrAvnev. D.
brand of socky, solid swing is hack with
us stronger than ever, and you've prob-
а the whole rabble of “com
horse” LPS popping up at your
Men! dealers One ol the rst, and
bese of these в. Mr. Benny Goodman
(Capitol 5700), which в mot а reissue of
ltr Goodman waxings, but а fresh
fathering of the BC. alumni asciation
deliver the old wallop to several, of
ines and arrangements that
"made him famous (all featured im the
Hollywood оданы, The Benny Good-
an Story)
as wildly. On Lonesome Gal (Victor
РМА!) she shows off a winsom
warm contralto voice that has made h
a talkobthetown favorite at Chi
Cloister Ian for several year's running,
and we Шу revel im her dec
toned treatments of Its You or No One,
Stranger in Town and But Not for Me.
This is gimmickless, honest singing at
its very, very best.
During a lifetime that stretched across
62 years, Luigi Boccherini turned out a
staggering stack of nearly 500 інки
mental works, including 97 string quar
ters, 123 quintets and 90 symphonies
At one time, he held the title of ана.
Poser amd virtuoso” to the king of
Spain's brother. the Infante Luis at
Madrid. Tater became “chamber com-
por" to King Frederick William I
Df Prussia, then fell under the forebod
ing wing of Lucien Bonaparte. who
exentially led him down the path
poverty laced with obscurity. Boccherini
ed in Madrid, Мах 28, 1808. a most
miserable and misunderstood man. АЕ
though he has never been accorded a top
ppesiticn in the towering hierarchy of
tomics, several of his chamber works
have guaranteed him a full measure of
esteem and immorality. Не lyrical,
Searing died quamet are рії
throughout imt tone-colars
and a wealth of inventiveness we
heard four of his best played exci
the New Music Quartet: the B
Minor. Op. 58; the BFlat Major, Op.
1: and two in E-Flat Major, Op. 40 and
за (Columbia MI. 5017).
Jackie Gleason is pu footing around
the bedroom again with his tepid brand
‘of moody mcanderings. this one en-
led Music го Change Her Mind (Ca
itol W639). We doubt whether it will,
but in case you'd like па try youll get
some help from Bobby Hacket’s syrup-
sweet cornet flitting in and out of a
honeycomb of fiddles and making gushy
such pleasantenough ballads as Take
Me In Your Arms, It's the Talk of the
"Town and I'm Glad There I5 You, all
played, of coure, at the exact sume
deathmasch cadence.
We've enjoyed Doris Days dulcet
tones since her band vocalist days with
Les Brown. Like other frecklefaced,
Panel. качає moppet (Betty
jutton, Liberace, et oL) Doris
wound up im Hollywood assigned по a
colorful cluster of filrausicals wi
tered roles ranging in depth Iron
Gus Kahn to Calamity Jane. Day in
Hollywood (Columbia CL 749) culls
some ol Doris most successful sound
track stylings, including her lovely
Secret Love, lilting Lullaby of Bond:
way and tender Till We Meet Again,
The, fannie thin’ about Forever
m, sarrin’ Lucille Ball amd Dest
plays а research
‘chemist, Ain’ thot rich? Of course, Lu.
e makes a lot of fonny faces. an’
James Mason looks embarrased шик of
the time os if he's wonderin’ how he pot
into the picture, what he's doin’, ow
where the hell is the way out. Thurs the
way we felt, tno.
One of Europe's busiest and best
sareen lovers isa shortish, chunky. gr
haired, middleaged Tali
Vitiorio De Sica, That he's also
the world’s finest Вин. directors (The
Bicycle Thiel, Umberto D.) is certainly
worthy of mention but beside the in.
mediate point. because we fel like t
ing, about this fellow as an actor, Hes
З damned good onc. Hes stylish and
itive, virile and vigorous: am im
Spired comic and a powerful interpieter
Of more serious roles. One of the ма
fous roles was in The Earrings of Mad-
ane Der where Бо portrayal а mature
lover got us о speculating om how fine
hed be as that most mature of lovers
the older Mark Antony ol Shakespea
Antony and Cleopatra. Just in case this
Tole never occured to Signor De Sic,
we intend to пай him next time he
comes through town and put the hug in
his car. The Shakespeare Antony would
be a natural for the screen, anyway:
among other good reasons, it contains
Scenes so short it's next 10 imposible to
фо them justice on the stage, But back
to De Sica: in Times Gone Пу amd
Bread. Love and Dreams, he was teamed
with Gina Lollobrigida. In Too Bad
She's Und, bis partner was that othe
месо of cleavage, Sophia Loren
аву, Gina's back and Vittorio‘ got
her. les а sequel to Bread, Love and
Dreams, concerns the same, Malian
village, the same people, the sane den
суы its charming and. pastoral and
pleasant. Gina, whom we love amd
Cheri, is the only fiy in the spaghetti
sauce: as the earthy peasantgirl of the
title, she's not actress enough to throw
off hee middle class urban background,
And consequently, she comes acros at
юну as а S3 bill, Of course, a $3 bill,
fashioned well, can be a thing
ful to behold,
ich goed lor anything el
however, althongh his name may not be
quite as big as Gina's on the marquee,
Fuere ту sei o T
navet 2
MISS APRIL pleyboy's playmate of the month es
оо IN 30—pieteriet = GRAHAM ASHER 46
TASTE—tetlon хомо DAML 51
PLAYBOY'S BAZAAR—buying guide E
Ween м. neo editor und publisher
WAY RUSSELL executive editor xu PA ан di
IMJ, Kit associate editor האמו xus амосішіє art director
הסור sss advertising manager Joni тск assistant avt director
vicon Lows m promotion manager {JOHN маятко production manager
Playboy а published поли
Пен Ps men
materiale, Entered ca
ER AL дыш
ine CS.
Rican World Airwave:
vol. 3, no. 4—april, 1956
fiction BY н. E. HECKELMANN
wre wine ori at Non Avenue Beach,
‘ating peanuts and watching pretty girl
ting sleepy and careless in the sun-
Sinc. My fend, Marty, waved his hand
graciously towards the water amd said
solemnly, "I see а new fate in store for
ten, Honey.” be sid slowly, ©
tried to get you to understand this many
mes. You have to have big ideas to as
sociate with dassy women. You have to
want o cat caviar and drink cham-
„тө... not" he motioned vio-
- [mot be satisfed with pea
21 paid for these peanuts Мапу, You
were broke, remember?”
“That has nothing to do with it." he
said as he dug into the bag for а fstfull.
T squeezed my hand together around the
bag зо he couldn't get too many out.
He continued, "One has to develop
an air of succes and hobnob with be
upper set if one hopes to enjoy the com
ation of high class dmca
“How about being waiters in some
Migh as dump aa,
Ко, по, по, по” he said, strai
fo control hs калорике. "Wehen art
servants. not equals
"Chuck Meyers was a waiter,” I si
“He's got two cars а big house, a beaut
ful wife and a jelly. plump maid."
“He is a poseur” Marty declared.
“Not socially acceptable. ИЗ not how
much money you have. It is the scope of
way of life. Personally. I enjoy
lavish leisure, I'm not sure about you,
He маз silent
“What's the deal?" 1 asked.
With dignity and careful pronounce
ent he said, "We should become yachts-
T know how to row."
“1 don’t mean the Lincoln Park La
goon! 1 mean out there. Big white boat.
“Would you please take over?” said Marty as he turned green
caps Tall drinks. Pretty” цій
light parties. Invigorating Worms.
Strange lands. Trading beads with the
natives for an island of fruit. Trading
“It's а chance to rub elbows with peo-
ple of wealth and culture.”
“АП right," T suid with some irrita
tion, "I guess I'd like to be a yachtsman,
Where do we get fifty thousand dol
"That" Marty said archly, “is why
most men do not have yachts. They
suffer from the grand delusion that
yachts cost fortunes. It is merely a clever
тапет годе by present yechamen
to he sport from being crowded
and to board women” ^
He pulled a crumpled piece of news-
paper out of his pocket and squinted at
it carefully. In a monotone he read,
"For sale. Fortyíoot schooner. Sleeps
eight. Three hundred dollars.”
"Where is it? At the bottom of the
Chicago River?”
Here's another, Thirty-foot cabin
cruiser. Excellent for handyman. Wil
trade for banjo or best offer." Не rap-
рей the paper with his fst "With some
Shite paint and an engine uncup
can save ourselves thousands of dollars’
"D think wed do better with the
"We can take a look,” Marty said. "In.
case we find а steal, how much money
хап you borrow?"
"Not enough to pay off what 1 already
"Forget your past. In a short time we
might be wealthy. Do you realize what
а tip from some financier’ loveable
daughter could do for un om the stock
market? We'll borrow capitol and live
off your investments. Compared to that,
the cost of a slightly used yacht is mere.
He dug his hand into the bag and
scraped ош the last crumbs.
A high power boat cruised close to the
shore А ану set man was sae оп
fi Two curvy girls in pla
fits lunged onthe Iront deck А
The Cruise of the Aphrodite
a tale of fearless men who brave the myriad terrors of the deep
steward came from the cabin with a tray
of sandwiches and cocktails Малу pat
his fingers in his mouth and gave а
ров whistle, Everyone оп board
fooked over. Marty jumped up and
"he heavy set man stared quietly-
The two gil wared sullen. The мек.
мй waved back
Marty vas excited. "You see how easy
it is to make contacts?"
"That was only the steward.”
"Looked like the owner to me. They
would have all waved il we had been
în а ош. We are just hndlubbere We
are not a part of the sporting world.”
Marty 1 mid, "E got a fend with
a Ние Boat and an outboard motor we
can borrow. 1 know how to start the
Mary got up sternly. He hook his
head in silent disgust and walked away.
7Where're you going. Marty?”
“To the boat yard.”
"Can I come along?"
“You can,” he sud condescendingly.
if you will make every effort to conceal
your peasant blood."
The boat yard didn't look good. AIL
the best boats were gone. The ones left
had a weatherbeaten, ancient look. The
bleached blonde in the yard овес was
the same way. but it looked like she had
more trips in her than the boats Marty
Вай a weakness for any kind of blonde.
“Му good woman,” he said in careful
accents, “allow me to introduce us. Lam.
Martin’ Smedley the third and this is
ay secretary and reli companion,
Mr. Horace Forester
“My паше is Waldsehmidter;" Т cor-
א ed nudge
je gave me a guarded nudge as he
eyed her rather hefty figure. АП this
time he was holding his hand out sf.
"The woman looked at it suspiciously
and then gave it a limp touch.
ter dort do the buying” ве sid de-
Dea? madam, we are not salesmen"
Мапу assured her with jving
Haugh, "We are interested in purchasing
a suitable yacht with which to enjoy the
pleasures of Lake Michigan and the hos-
Drill ol this co's gracious yacht
а FYE Marty а nudge wot to overdo
"The woman looked at us uncertainty
for a few moments and then shouted
a loud voice, “Мах!”
“There were strange noises in another.
room. A thin man came shufliny into
the office. He looked like he had been
sleeping it oll,
They want a boat." the woman said
ond walked ош.
The yardman sed us up. Marty
straightened his faded tie and picked a
speck of lint from his sagging tweed suit.
ot an old one for Ву bucks,” the
yardman sa
"Let me assure you that money is no
object." Marty told him. "Although we
would be interested in a moderately
priced vessel since it would allow us to
invest more in remodelling to suit our
“You can sink a wad into this one,”
the yardman sid. He led us to a far
comer of the boat yard.
Propped up with rotting tubers was
the warped hull of а boat, Marty те.
garded it thoughtfully. 1 climbed up a
Shaky ladder and looked inside, It had
по cabin, no deck, no motor and a hole
the bottom,
Съ been recently worked on,” the
yardman sid.
Someone had built a crude framework
of two-by-fours over it and tacked on a
ragged piece of canvas to keep off the
"а wer e ва le in de
A ade кошу ау. Only be
Couldn't really ay. Only been work-
iw here cight years”
what Happ o бе engine?” i
“Dropped out. We cut her u
ae mdiumayed. "Weil es
[ary was undiumayed. “Wel
bly have to pay a bit more,” be stated,
"but їп the Wong run it will save money
"Thé yardman thought for a moment.
“Could you go as high as three hun
dred?” he asked. "This one Heats” he
added hurriedly.
"Price В not really an object.” ма
repeated, "but . . xd ри
їз got to be cash” the yardman in-
tempted. “The owner в forced to leave
We walked down a row of empty boat
cradles and descended a short Fight of
Steps to the dock. It was only sging
planks nailed to the tops of rowing рії
бох Floating low in the water was a
dirty boat hung wich automobile tires
Tes paint was pecling off
ESTEE nay ca
“Tt needs pumping out,” the ardran
она yan
“It looks strange. Almost has the
T sid. “ies and of
here Ва custom made boat.
"The fellow that owns it built it him-
“ls he а carpenter?” Marty asked.
“No, but he likes to work with wood.
He's à shoemaker.”
TM bont ти биеш. 1 eked
1 boat roci то
into the doorlew cabin. It was only four
lect high with part of it under water.
"What are the specifications of Из
power plant?” Marty asked.
"The engine was tore out of a ‘34
Ford. Makes it nicer than boat engines.
You can crank it when your battery's
A gear shift ever and knob stuck out
of ae cemer of the dock. The yardman
ted it. "Gives you three speeds Гог.
V an coe in crore: Rit som i
ша needs fixin’ so ¡ell only go in re-
verse. Runs nice:
‘Seems ik
he's oat maila” the
! boat nails.” sia
E yardman
С 100 small.” Marty said,
“Two cows would sink it.” I added,
“Well, il you want something bigger
you got to pay more. How about a
just been mailed to-
hey usually use screw"
тс 204
Marty раа me і “Well take
was roomy, but old, lt had a cabin un
бышы EE
ста и
рз усу
“This is elegant, Really elegant.” He
tempered his enthusiasm in front of the
yardman. “Ic will need extensive fur
hishings and redecoration,” he toll him.
The yardman said, "It makes a nice
тоюшу shack on the river. Guy that owns
‘sed tu bring women here. You an
ur friend con have some good ti
“a couple of solt mattresses. You са
haul water from the yard office. ICs
about а hundred yards”
“We are interested in extensive cruis
ing” Marty laughed.
"Suit yoursell.” the yardı
flatly, “You want her?"
“Well.” Marty said, "lets
financial aspects of your offer:
и didn’t seem that he could do it, but
Marty talked the yardman down two
hundred buds To maie money we
"it two days pawning things and visit.
ig all our екю friends. Ву the
sheer force of his threatening, black-
mailing, swindling personality, he man
d to borrow sil but four hundred
lla He tricd every thinkable scheme
for the rest of it, including зоте
schemes that were not thinkable, like
tying to sell bartenders future cruising
privileges at twenty fie dollars a throw.
“They have no imagination, Marty
said bitterly. "They are enslaved to peas
Socata, I eter dar we de mox
Sec wih de жийи ди
"hey maybe would have kicked in
а pony of beer,” 1 speculated,
PARI" Mary sid “les called ale
Only the poor drink beer. Ale comes in
small boules"
“Speaking of drinking," 1 said,
“there's Lefty across the street. Tt looks
like he's having a party.”
Lefty was sitting slecpily in a doorway
holding а halLempty pint of port wine
in one hand,
Marty slapped me on the back,
“That's it. А Ine suggestion, Lefty just
ко discharged, Maybe he’s loaded
We made a fast, dangerous crossing of
the strect. He approached Lefty wit
his arms extended like he was going to
hug him. “Lefty, my old comrade,” he
ssid wanniy.
Lefty looked at him gropgily and tried
to get up and leave, He couldn't quite
make it
Marty grabbed a limp arm and began
to pump it up and down. “Lefty, we
have so much to talk over. So many old
times to remember and so many new
experiences to share with each още
You must be my guest for a welcome
home party.”
“1 need
some sleep" Letty wid
(continued on page 31)
a school teacher in a red ferran is a man with verve
Tur sros CAR FAN is a lover,
She is expensive,
ies Sh
Ernie Erickson opens up his D-Type Jaguar in the big roce at Elkhart Loko, Wisconsin.
₪ ще,
Briggs Cunningham in his Cunningham Special (left) and William C. Spear driving his Maserati.
2. Jefford ван up dirt in Sth roce between Jaguars, | Corvette and 1 T-Bird.
night,” she says. "Not till you buy me those new school teacher in a red Ferrari is a man with verve. А
cams." Hut dovallebug Renault or growling Masera, banker cornering tightly in a Triumph has по paunch
he is an adventure in pure pleasure at all. An accountant in a Fiat is a gay rogue indeed.
Something there is about a sports car that can send ^ Nor does there seem to be any immunity to the
а chairman of the board sprawling in his Brooks Bros. virus An official of a midwest sports car dub tells of
suit to tighten a bolt or oil a bearing the day a motorcycle policeman spent 20 minutes
‚mething there is that can drive a cartoonist like catching up with his Jaguar on the New Jersey Tum
Charles Addams or a television personality like Dave pike. "Say, Bud, 1 docked you at 100," the trooper
rroway to affix goggles to face and ко tooling down said. "This little thing goes that fast
the road like a highachoc
Whats the lure? Scrate
you get а dozen answer
likes to speed. He likes u
Sure,” the owner said, climbing out. "Give it a
nen the road and returned in
is face а picture of joyous
mechanical and see them obeyed. He likes to look surprise. "Okay. Bud,” he said, “I don't blame you.
over his shoulder and wave goodbye ко his fellows. He This n frees a man of
likes to be different, stylish, cour y car and not
aculous machine which
us, heroic. A his inhibitions is not purely a tou
Normand К. Patton fakes о sharp curve in his Thunderbird in the Sth ro
Benett, in Cunningham Maserati, pulls ohead of one of Kimberly's Ferraris.
Below: Kimberly Ferrari
gets а tire change and, а!
right: Briggs Cunningham
walks away from the frock
ofer his Special has
gone to pieces under him,
Phil Hill closes in on leader Sherwood Johnston.
The checkered flag of victory is held high by the winner and corried once oround the course.
In a state of near-shock after the race, Phil Hill describes how he drove the George Tilp Ferrari lo victory over
Cunningham's D-Type Joguor driven by Sherwood Johnston. Johnston ond Hill duelled for the lead during most of the
race and were never more thon 12 seconds орот. As Hill tolked he twisted and Бет с beer соп in his tense honds.
rey a racer, The sports car is a schizophrenic
Вим watch on wheels, tapible of the widest diver
gence in perlormanee. It wl
dub or Ано on the st
will make you feel at hom
Curves and in the tightest тай. on cobblestone alleys
and slick superhighways. Jt is not something you ride
5 И й sonsething You drive. A sporis car with atto
malic transmission would be like a ишем who
reser herselt. There are times when а man does not
Want to be helped.
From the pride of posesion comes the natural
desire to compete-tu е how your MC stacks up
against the Austin-Healey down the block. American
(continued on page 33)
“I had Mr. Stevens over for a few drinks Friday evening, and
when I suggested it was getting late, he made me promise to
let him stay till the end of the radio program we'd been
listening to. Ever hear a thing called ‘Monitor’?!
benny ad libs on jazz
WHEN тик біжи MILLER STORY played
то packed movie houses not long ago. 1
irure certain)
proach was the right one, and, beside
ш, the armed out to be э у
money-maker. When the sine company.
her and producer contacted me ier
and suggested they Elm The Benny
Goodman Story, 1 gave шу permission
in one minute fat.
‘Man, what memories were recreated
for me during some of the scene shoot
ings that האלה The big jam sion
at the Paramount Theatre in New York
had to be filmed inside the United Arc
iss Theatre in Los Angeles, but that
didn't make any difference: "Hundreds
of teenagers in short skiro. long hair
and saddle shoes were hired to fit the
feats Though most of these kids hadn't
ven been born when swing hrst became
© rage, once our band started blowing
су о crazily enthusiastic that
Donna Reed, who plays my wite, Alice
wound up on the casu
ked on the nore, Jabbed
vd kicked in the thigh.
of it swinging. right
in die ribs
Donna came o
along with the rest of them.
‘This same group of teenager gave
un another jolt wi
n we bn
(continued оп page 61)
she is charming all of gay paree
“They've got to see each other somewhere.
You won't let them go out together.”
lives in a Parisian car או א
toon world created by Monsieur
Jean Bellus, and her humorous
wisidventures appear regularly in
the newspaper France-Dimanche. She
is a secretary in an office and she
makes her home with a pair of un:
parents. Her moth
browd-mínded about,
antics of Clemen
and they welcome cach new suit
even though some are obviously
terested in something more thi
their daughter's hand. As for Clem:
entine, she goes from one affair to.
another with such maive sweetness
that even the prudish reader is more
apt to be charmed than shocked.
Clementine is the most popular car-
toon character in France and now a
new book, Clementine Cherie, pub-
lished by Grayson Publishing Cor-
poration ($295) will give Americans
а chance to get to know her. And
to know Clementine is to love her.
ly understanding, middleclass
d father are
"I think . . . | meon I hope, our little girl is going to.
announce her engagement very soon.”
“Don't Бе impotient . . . she con never decide
which dress goes with thot hat.“
“These youngsters! И doesn't take
much to amuse them!”
“Clementinel You might ot least comb your hair.”
exciting in cut and colors
rue гок тик мате wont: col and casual covering, Wit
ness the shirthappy gentlemen on the starboard page (each,
amic, just a ЗА of hi former sell). Packed with
fresh departures in cut, collars and colors, the sport shirt
shenanigans of the international fashion set are exciting to see.
Note the collar on the Blue Talian job: a shortpoint wide
spread with just a touch of roll, opening into a deep, der
TEX" No sho the Gloria lc el Stiga, Genere so
dashing on tigers, hot blooded Sioux and barber poles) blended
With a subtle, almost languid, effect. Whether you take your
Aprils in Pomona or Princeton, chances are your favorite sport
з кро се кро a аю, ра
at it clockwise, starting with the lunging for
the Collins cooler, we have, vil, a brown and black striped
affair in a ribbon weave of Egyptian cotton, with a Continental
mitered collar, washable, $15. Next, a Copen blue Italian shirt
‘of pure silk with half sleeves, horizontal stripes of red and
black, Italian collar, non-washable, $18.50. Following, a French
boatneck pullover fashioned of spun cotton with the Riviera
siceve, smoothly blended horizontal stripes of gold, ruset and
blue, washable, $5.95. Then, a classic British bootand saddles
pattern of Egyptian maiae colored cotton, trimmed in hunter
green and black, with half sleeves, washable, 51295. Finally,
the bicyclists’ bonanza: a bright crimson shirt of Acilan wi
racers’ collar piped in black and white, washable, $10.95.
further instructions on succeeding with women without really trying
уми ів de ais и в
‘on every lip: "Why marry?"
he reasons are countless. They are as
many as there are happy couples living.
in wedded bliss. Not every reason, bow
ever, would suit you.
Perhaps ме should thumb through a
working check list, Write down any rea-
sons that appeal to you.
сиртни COMFORT
(here is no question that marriage can
give a man greater creature comforts
The familiar picture of the devoted wife,
the pipe and slippers, and the tender
loving care в all too true in many caus,
and сап last for months.
Tt you have no good clubs service apart-
ments or hotels in your neighborhood
consider this seriously
‘Alter children arrive, of course, you
will have to shift for yourself. You will
then be physically uncomfortable a
greater part of the time. But in many
Cases the sacrifice is worth it.
mone comPantonstite
“The married man is never lonely.
There are people around all the time,
especially alter the arrival of children.
In fact, many husbands and fathers
Choose your own reason
have not had a moment to themselves for
The selfish husband who expects com-
panionship from his wife, however, will
be disappointed. The frst wi
hours a day and has liule time 10 be a
companion to her husband.
Don't be unreasonable. If you want
the companionship primarily of adult fe-
males, by all means мау single. You can
have as much as you like, and of far
ety. Find reliable unattached
imilar hobbies and you will
have companionship galore,
But will you be building a real founda-
tion. а way of ile that will last?
Children are certainly a great joy.
This is particularly true of other
^s children. И you want to give
Joy to others, by all means have lots of
For your own pleasure, however, it is
best 10 encourage brothers, sisters, or
dose friends to marry and procreate. It
is the unde or trusted friend who really
enjoys children. and sees them at their
best, wo. They will be dem, well-
dressed, well-behaved. and with their
company manner. A gift or two may
spoil them a little, but will go a long way
toward making the non-father loved and
admired. Romp with them freely. It will
до you no harm if the children are well
trained, and will be appreciated by the
‘Grandchildren are best. To the grand.
father go all the advantages of having
children without any of the drawbacks.
How о have grandchildren without
going through the occasionally mesy
process of having children first iy я tank
we have thrown to our researchers
You probably feel, as so many men do,
that your own qualities are unique and
wandetu, and hat there should be
some way of making more of you
There is.
If you can get used to children, you
will find that they often duplicate the
parent to a marked degree. If you have
‘enough of them you are bound to find at
least one which recaptures some of your
Бен point
“Though there are oiher ways of having
children: marriage isthe only one tiat в
Socially acceptable. Ger marvel and be
fare you know i the le ones will be
оп their way.
‘Any set of life insurance figures will
show you that married men live longer
lives than unmarried ones. This is true.
What it means de that Ше men who
choose to marry are the longer lived ty
ака Enough the lew adventur:
fous and more sedentary, This is because
ff the popular misconception that mar-
ried life is quieter and more settled.
Getting married will not actually make
you live longer, however. It will shorten
“The man who marries for sex alone
will surely regret it
И you are one of this stripe, you have
no ned lor marriage, since You wil ave
few scruples against taking advantage of
unmarried girls, and will find far more
sex outside of wedlock than within it.
‘Our instruction is not for your breed,
mor will you be welcome in any of our
discusion groups
Have you found a reason that suit
yout Doubtless пої. lor this is a matter
їп whieh you had best choose your own
If you are decent and honorable. you
may be swayed by the fact that getting
married is the right thing to do. This
alone will be enough for many of you.
‘Whatever your reason, if your choice is
marriage, do not enter it blindly. "The
the margin for error
If you decide to marry, your problems
will be to select your first wife, and to
татту her quickly, since she will not have
the qualities that make for a suitable
‘Before we list the qualities to look for,
we had best answer another frequent
SHALL маку вехвлти музи?"
We must all face this question squarely.
‘Try to look at yourself objectively.
‘Make an honest but accurate estimate of
your merits, charms, and abilities. Ве
sure to tally up your mental qualities, the
keen mind that is common to зо many
Add to this sum your basic, simple
maleness, which is so fine, You will prob-
ably be faced with this fact, as so many
men are: you must marry beneath your-
self. There В no other direction in which
to many.
‘The problem usually becomes one of
degree. How far beneath you should you
татту, and in what direction?
"This leads us to the qualities to look
Jor in the first wife.
"The first wife, as opposed to the fiancée,
must be practicable and serviceable, She
is neither 2 toy, an omament, nor a play-
mate. She will be your wile during the
carly, hard years before you can afford a
Staff of servants. She мій serve as mother,
cook, housemaid, chauffeur, nurse, and
charwoman. “Thi will allow her, if she is
imble, six or seven hours of sleep a
ight, ample for a sturdy girl.
ic is best, before deciding definitely,
to test for firmness. Few of us would
consider buying a grapefruit without
it yet how many make the
erant choice of а clove
companion in a sloppy, hitor miss
oe pp".
Using the thumb and forefinger, exert
gentle pressure along certain key mucles
AA girl with good muscular tonc will wear
‘well and last for years, even И neglected.
‘occasionally. She will not tire easily, and
will usually maintain а cheerful disposi
tion despite long hours and hard work.
“Davie, you pinched me!”
“Oh, som. Phoebe. Must have
“Well. мор”
Have you ever thought of taking
a bit more exercise?”
Though the fiancée, as we have seen
needs occasional bursts of strength, the
first wife must have endurance, must be
good over the long haul.
“There is no known method of testing
this accurately, mo way of telling by the
ut of her jib, зо to speak, how she will
Sl on з long beat to windward
However, careful observation during,
times of stress such as a marathon serie
of cocktail parties during Christmas week,
will give some indication. Observe not
the sparkle of personality nor the tinkle
of surrounding laughter, but signs ol
physical deterioration, sggiog of the dia-
phragm. and abnormal clinging 10 or
leaning upon door jambs or male guests
The fun-loving qualities of the perfect
who will be allowed little time for un-
productive merriment.
You will be looking for a girl who is
earnest, conscientious, and powessed of
dee devotion and з wrong seme of
She should be willing to follow you
through thick and thin, expecting lite,
yet happy for every favor you bestow,
gratelul for every pat or kind word.
Beware the schemer, the girl who pre
tends devotion only to trap you into таг
riage. Simple errands often point the
way to the right gi
“Davie, Т spent just hours trying
to get City Hall to answer your ques
Чоп. Must have been to fiwenty de
(City Hall is an excellent place to
test strength of character)
"Oh? Find the answer, Susie?”
“Well, no, Davie, I didn't, but—"
"Got a permanent today, too, ch?”
(Be quick to note evidence of per
sonal vanity or selfishness.) e
1 simply had to — I"
“Doesnt matter, pet, 1 don't mind
at all.” =
(No wie making an open display of
Keep looking. No effort is too great if
you are o find the girl of your dreams
Many men look for a gi
with a strong,
mind. This а mistake
и own mind.
will be strong enough for both of you.
Powerful mental equipment on the part
of the wife leads only to friction and un
pleasaneness. Sparks can fly and tears
The first wile should have a good bi
le mind, one that will bend easily
Keep bending it in the right direction,
and you will soon have з wile that is
the envy of all your frie
Many believe that education is harmful
to the good wile. Nothing could be f
ther from the truth, In hundreds of cases
girls with actual degrees have made fine
wives. Though there is little that the
classroom сап contribute to the work she
will have to do, most modern girls
schools encourage games and body build
ing sports. Field hockey, especially, is
good. ingeniously suplica sweeping
and mopping notions. Girls who marry
quickly following school can even retain
some of the same callousts, well-trained
muscles, and nirable athletic reflexes.
Her real educacion will begin the mo.
ment the two of you become man and
wife. АП during this period, which may
Tast for years, she will be learning, pluck-
ing the ripe fruit that hangs so heavily
from your mental branches.
coon вкритих
‘The influence of heredity, which
science tells us is so important, should.
mot be overlooked. А girl with a good
set of chromosomes is a prize indeed.
How. so many ask, can 1 check up оп
Look to her family. A father,
ample, who is on the Board of Directors
‘of a number of influential corporations
‘can be reasonably sure to have acceptable
chromosomes, Worldly honors do not
come by accident, and are only too often
the result of good breeding and а well.
chosen group of ancestors.
What are my chances" you may ask,
"of finding such a woman?” Very sinall.
But don't be discouraged. Remember
that the new wile is only the raw material
with which you will work. It wi
duty to wrain her, long and painlul as
the process may be.
1f you keep at it, with little thought
of self, but only a firm resolve to have a
fine wife, you will succeed!
FOLDING FAST to the handrail, Avis
hed herself up the narrow bank
She paused at the landing to un-
{nich the daar vo thereat Ae it rang
full, someone moved in the shadows.
Avis drew back, catching her breath.
The, figure lowered his gun with а
he song. “Thought you were
She stared at him sullenly. Не was
squatting with his back to the ledge, the
revolver cradled loosely in his lap. А
ragged cire ol cigarette buts
Founded him. Through the settling
a lifetime of running; and al the end, a nice little package named avis
dusk his features sumed those of the
new roomer,
hat wasn't very bright” Avis said.
“People have been killed by unloaded
His teeth shone in a grin. "А stupid
“Pull up a scat and
She stepped out on the roof hesitantly.
“Mind closing the door?”
Surprised, Avis turned and pushed the
door shut.
“That's better.” he saîd.
stand the draft”
‘Avis came forward, dragging her with-
ered right foot behind her with a quick
ЯДЕ дай. She was conscious ol his
сув following. her acros the tarred
pave to the weathered сатр stool.
Kating елей, she waited for him to
comment awkwardly on the weather,
fet to his sound normal fet in ен
Taument and leave her to the arriving
fight. Bur instead һе майс dium
"iion a chance 10 get some humi
this weekend," he wid. =
Como up for some air and clean m
TI dier think they hunted pheasants
(continued оп page 58)
SPORTS CAR (continued from реке 19)
sportscar clubs have lid down rigid
thier to. keep competition pure. То
quality in теорий event a spars
Фи тшм have по seats, door, והל
Spare wheel and tr, starter
fied” class, where its competitors also
have been tinkered with. The removal
оГ one bumper makes а car “modified.”
On paper, standard American awto-
mobiles seem to meet all the require
ments, but their own limitations keep
them from qualifying as spors car
Super: j. $. cars are not neces
vy “percibe ше ай.
springed, heavy, ponderous alongside
MEI ite сошш Matte э а
snippy Simen in а tortuous road race,
er" American limousine
toatl be towed out atthe ünt ue
The spon car craze bean a made
Europe label; the best cars are British,
French, German, Italian. American
industry has taken several cracks at the
marker, with uniformly unrewarding re-
sults, Production of Chevrolet's plastic
bodied Corvette has been cut to а trickle.
The Ford Thunderbird is handsomely
designed and commercially popular, but
im sports car competition has been
notable chiefiy for its large windshield
through which the driver can watch the
Ferraris And Japans diminiting in the
distance. Anicican manufacturem, hte
tomers Юю tbe Beli of Qe compet
miniature, hare not been able to sve
Ерера зику Ou cen
and ба on the suas To thcir
"Thé spart car fan revels in the things
he mus! d elt He doc na vant
pre brakes pont seeing, aon
hit He wants to fel ıhe car out for
Howell make the Coca and wp
shi at his own pace, communicate vite
the wheels nde ge ow se הד
forward a basis ss poste. A high pe
of the cult. John Wheelock. Freeman,
Fas observed: ^T lke to preserve a tle
autonomy in a car. _ The curent
trend toward euphoria ible
with the sponser a an
рога car la to be wed, ikea е”
Sports an range n uc o 91.00
по Whatever, уой vant to py, im
pie 70 175 ph, I ie om
the beetle ie German Voliswagens and
French Renaulis to the makah allan
Ferraris and Brith Bentleyn. They are
тавру lacking in рий, with
зба brand rg and
[ourspeed gearboxes opera a
Без Male: up, ыма bo
(Ford's inclusion of power brakes, power
"he Thunderbird struck mos sports
lans an equivalent to mizing а Mar
{ini onetoone) They are devoid of
such Hanky panky ax automatic window
Controls, Куйган sent adjustments jut.
ו “dagmars and other
comica filipe. Their body lines are
smooth, continuous uninterrupted. On
racers like the Jaguar, you can
a nn RE o ê o
X wich the gentlest push.
Вис despite thee point of similarity,
опе sports car may Фет from another
as much as a Nash Rambler diffe from
3 Mark IL Some are made for efficiency
‘miles on a gallon of gas is no (eat
Tor a Renault. Some are made for speed
=the Ferrari, Jaguar, Maserati, Mercedes:
Benz can top 100 in third gear, and
Teach 160 on a straightaway. Some ase
made for maneuverability ~ stock Lan.
das and Sciatas corner like custom built
racers, and indeed have beaten out their
speedier adversaries in road races where
‘maneuverability mattered. mos.
Spors car clubs have designed а
variety of races and events to test these
differences. Their aim is to match cars
‘of equal abilities. thus making the con-
tests true tests of driver skill. Racers are
divided into classes, like boxers, depend.
ing on cylinder displacements, sta
with the tiniest cars and running up to
the big roadsters. А typical sports car
race isa frantic phantasmagoria of many
Simultaneous rates. Roaring away Irom
the starting line are Porsches, Oscas,
Simes, MGs, Singers, each racing in its
own class, cach blithely unconcerned
about the cam in other chasses. The
neophyte soon
self thoroughly А ar which
appears to be running БИВ might be in
БЕ place —in im particular classifica.
ion. A car which has been lapped three
times might turn up 2 winner.
"The undisputed glamor event of the
sports car racers calendar is the wide-
‘Open road race, in which any type of car
may compete. ‘ars, some of them
highly тюбей, wil tangle with
ally built competition racers. The
Mold series of is type race is thc
Le Mans endurance contest, a 2hour
ו in which the winner is the
driver who covers the most miles. The
big automobile companies like Jaguar
and Ferrari spend months g for
such races, on the theory that the pres
tige of victory will sell cars. Mercedes-
Benz figured that the cost of the three
‘any traced in one year was 8200.000.
An American. Briggs Cunningham.
thrown $1.000000 of his own money
down the drain in a fruidess five-year
assault on Le Mans
Almost every country has developed its
ovn “Grand Tri ran а ae ovt
a meandering closed course at average
‘of more than 100 mph. Because
dich coumes requie maneuverability as
as speed. “big iron” of the Indian-
apolis type is at a major disadvan
and the sports car is in its native ele-
‘ment. Cornering efficiently, capable of
Tapid bursts of speed on straights, the
Ferraris Jaguar and Lancias regularly
leave the "big iron" behind.
Such races are as brutal as a bull fight,
as coldly serious as a forestglen pistol
duel. Drivers like the Argentine cham-
pion, Juan Fangio, think nothing of
deliberately deceiving their opponents
in an efor to run them ой he ack
"angio. has a particular of "si
streaming” diem who take advantage
fof the vacuum created by his car to in-
crease their own speeds by 13 to 20 mph.
Hie Jus E fo ake як
ivers at night by turning off his brak-
ing lights ¡A
tail lights for signs of braking, the trail-
ing driver sees nothing. enters a curve
at top speed, carens off the road.
aie до the Lin Cd often.
ies sli ers by waggling rom
EX ЖЕ и боя V. atout to loe
control. The parasite slips back to avoid
a сойнот, and Mom gives cr the gun.
Cunningham, wealthy racing sports
man from Green Farms, Conn, has more
than held his own in such races, al-
though his dream of winning at Le Mans
apparently has slipped away lor good,
He is, by acclamation, king ofthe hill in
American sports car racing. A short, wiry
man, Cunningham has a prizefghter’s
resive face, the gentle manners ol a
זמ ו aristocrat, and the iron nerves
af a Merbont gamble Every тие
course has a "groove," a shortest wa
around, and Cunningham is usually the
first to find it. After the second or third
lap, his car will move like a train on à
rack. Spectator on tight curves have
noticed time and again that Cunning-
ham will enter at precisely the same
point, brake across the same distance,
and floorboard into the straight exactly
as he had on every previous Вр. He
Seems oblivious 10 the competition,
never deviating rom his track. never
locking over his shoulder or engaging
in gh drama. He drives Ike a obot
No less coldly efficient was Cunning-
hams campaign against the road race
Tecos previously the exclusive province
of the big European companies like
Cunningham formed his own compan
эта designed his own car ш 1950." Ob-
jet; victor) for the United States at
E Maus. Cunningham's car һай а па.
bular chassis, a Chrysler VS engine,
Cadi pions, dual Tuc pumps. mul-
erion, twin exhaust pipes
at the wheel
Porations whose every resource was
pitted against him, But this усаг
America’s blucandachite racing, colors
ill vanish from Cunninghams cars.
The old master has switched to Jaguars
-will represent them in America and
drive them in competition. И you can't
lick ет...
Although America has developed few
rond race of Cunninghams ture it
has turned out a first-rate grand prix on
Nhat may well be the world's finest en-
Closed tack. "Road America,” in Wir
comsin's brockwurstand-butter belt, ар.
as slated to become a sort of U. 5.
Le Mans. The race course, near Elkhart
Lake, isa blacktop strip snaking through
a series of Кеше moraine depressions
forming natural amphitheaters for spec
ators. The track was laid out hy engi
neers who must have been nursing deep-
Seated grudges against racers. There are
six degree comen and eight curves.
with altitude differences of nearh
leet. One of the curves is з 180.(сртсе
downhill killer of diminishing ra
хо designed that a car which does not
brake sharp
into the woods.
To this ser testing ground recently
came the elite of the sports car racing
feri for ae бем Road Amer
ind prx. Cunningham brought з
Mable trom Green Farm Millionaire
sportsma the 1954 U. 5.
tered his re engin
racing enthusiast George Tilp of Cali
fornia sent nervous young Phil Hill to
do battle in a white Mama Ferrari
‘Other big mames included Bill Spear
amd Gordon Benett in Maserati, Ernie
Erickson in his D Jaguar, Stewart John-
мон in à Cunninghanrowned Dag.
The entry list was a bluebook of Amer-
аз sports car racers.
1 some of the more experienced hands
‘were nonchalant about the homegrown
track, they soon had reason to treat it
with respect. In a practice session, Tom
Friedmann of Milwaukee lost control
of his Maserati and suffered fatal burns
in the resulting crash. Before a single
race was run, there had been so many
Spin-outs and crashes that starter Ben
Harris called all drivers together and
announced sternly: "Look. this ₪ a
hairy track. Get wise to it or we won't
be having any more races."
The next day а bevy of Porsches,
Renaults, MGs and ззаней small cars
away in the opening race, а
moler. As expected the race ооп settled,
down among the Porsches, classiest cars
entered, but not before there was spin
ning and whirling seldom seen outside
the Moslem world. The Germar-built
Porsche has its motor mounted in the
rear. As a result, the heavy rearend
mass tries to come up front whenever the
driver brakes. Thus the car has a wen-
dency to spin hindendio on curves.
One by one the Porches entered the
180degree diminishing radius curve and
spun out. Spectators were showered with
hay. Trafic came to a complete Вай:
Some of the Porsches recovered. only to
spin ош again. Ultimately the winner
was Bob Ballenger of Highland Park,
TIL, who had managed to leave the track
the Fewest times and run the distance at
the relatively slow speed of 67.7 mph.
Five other races followed quickly, but
none produced the арди! abandon
of the first. Then came the lineup for
the feature, Snapping and spitting. the
hig fourditer cars trundied out on the
track, dashed up and down the straight-
aways, screeched to braketcsting halts.
For the fist time, the Sten gun pound-
ing of the Maseratis was heard, and the
50.000 spectators tensed in anticipation.
‘je were on the Blucand white
ningham Special and the
bright red of Kimberly's Ferrari. This
was where the race figured to be. Only
а few knew that Kimberly was dı
ll have to go crashing
ап alternate car. His 45 stroked Ferrari
had gone tem tal, mistresslike,
just before the race. Cunningham, wo,
Was in trouble, His Special had been
Coughing and complaining al through
the warmup, and he realized he woul
have to bank on his stable mate, Sher-
johnston of Rye, N. Y, for a
Farms victory. As for baby-faced
he went through his warmup
Шу, calmly, attracting little at-
tention except among the few who knew
he would play Russian roulette with a
oneshot pistol to win a racc.
The cars lined up. A omeminute
bomb went off. The cars inched forward,
their engines throbbing wit and Jow in
unison. The starting bomb reverberated
across the countryside and the big cars
tatapulted Irom the line. They dis
appeared around the fist curve, and for
al While the spectators at the starting
и had to content themselves with the
A roar of 26 сиз carrying actos the
woods. “Then amplifiers began booming.
reports from way stations around the
track, Hill was in Ше lead, Johnston
was slipstrearsing him. The гем of the
pack was fading. Cunningham's Special
appeared to be in difheulty. Kimberly's
Ferrari was well back in the pack.
‘A the Toe mark, Hill shook Jahn.
ston out of his slipstream and opened и
2 Taccond lead. Now it was ау a
iwoman race. Бу the 68 mile mark, Hill
had widened the gap to 12 seconds.
Then an Allard went off the road and
the yellow flag of caution was drog
Оке ик ule. Johnson RO his
second place position. but he gobbled
up the distance between him and Hill
When Ben Harris waved again,
Johnston's D-Jag was framed in the cen-
ter ol Phil Hill's rearview mirror. Thats
when the deadly infghting started.
Hills Ferrari had the advantage on the
graighi. The Jaguar, considered to be
‘one of the best braked cars in the world,
held the balance of power on curves.
Hill inched away on the straight runs;
Johnston caught up on the bends.
Then Hill ran into heavy trafic, was
unable to take advantage of his cars
straightaway superiority. and low the
Jed to Johnston. Hill began to show
signs of the tremendous pressure of the
duel. He all but climbed Johnston's
car, but the raceswise New Yorker vig-
tagged like а blocking back and kept the
Californian from moving by. At the
108 mile mark, with every other car in
the feld lapped at least once by the two
frontrunners. Mill made a near-fatal
error. He followed Johnston 100 closely
into a curve and didn't have enough
brake power to corner properly, He
skidded ой the track, scattering the pro-
tective hay bales amongst the spectators.
A quick recovery put him back in the
race, but now Johnston was B seconds
ahead. Hill began to close the distance
Twenty miles before the finish, Hill
was riding Johnston's tail again. Не
tried to pass om the main straightaway,
drew nearly abreast, then had to (зії
back for the curve. On the next lap the
ко cars roared past the main grand
stand in a dead heat, Once again
Johnston was holding control on the
‘curves, waiting till the last second before
dining his powerful disc brakes.
am ie шэ bean the nal Бр,
Johnston held a carlength lead. Behind
him, Hill was feinting this way and that,
uying to get by. Now there were two.
urs to go. seven-tenths of a mile.
Johnston needed onc more downshilt
irom third to second at the northeast
Corner and ап upshift back to third at
the foot of che main slope and the race
would be his.
But where was Hill? Johnston couldn't
find him in the mirror. That meant
onl ng: Hill was in the blind
spe ight, making his move. Now
Johnston slammed ima the Jelthand
turve. Не came in high, to the left,
then started his normal outward drilt
hack to the right side of the track. Then
һе saw Hills Ferrari. It was inching
toward the space into which Johnston
Gar was ding The moment of truth
had arrived. 1f Johnston continued his
drift, Hill would have to give ground
‘or lurch off the track, Sl Hill came on.
А crash at that speed might have been
fatal to both men. There was a moment
‘of uncertainty, chen Johnston ified his
foot from the accelerator, Hill won by
‘wo car lengths. His average speed was
802 mph. Не had run the last lp in 2
minutes, 54 and 55/1000 seconds, fast
st time of the day and set a record that
may las for years.
"The two cars finished their sulety lap
and pulled into the pits. Hill accepted
the checkered flag and carried it for one
more turn around the course. Johnston
yanked the goggles from his eyes, ск.
posing two bloorl-red circles where they
had dug into him. His face appeared
wracked by tension. He smiled only
brielly, wiped at his eyes, ran his hand
across his grimy forehead. Reporters
‘crowded around. Not yet aware of the
cockpit battle of wills, they asked John-
son: How had Hill outsmarted him?
How had Hill forced Johnston to let
him pass?
Te ured racer blinked at them and
said, "Nobody has to let anybody pass."
Chief steward Roy Kramer grabbed
Johnston's sweaty hand. “И it» any
ion,” he said, "you drove a great
To а reporter, Kramer added,
You could watch racing for 100 years
and you'll never sce another like this.”
Hill finished his victory run and
led up. He shook hands with John-
Son and was helped ош of the car by
friends. Somebody shoved a can of beer
into his hand, and Hill drank, How do
you feel? he was asked. Tense? Nervous?
"Мо, m mor tense,” Hill sald. “I
was just thinking — 1 didn’t realize how
dosely matched the сиз are. We'll have
to do something about that belore the
next race” Не drained the can, then
gripped it between two шш hands
‘Tense? Nervous? The beer can lay
crumbled at his feet.
miss april
is from the hills
of colorado
‘ove Tastes rarely run to the rural, being.
city bred and all, but when а com4ed
Critter as cute as Rusty Fisher comes
down the pike, we feel obliged to make
to give us
some biographical data and she scrawled
what follows across two large sheets of
e paper, We didt mat ounelv to
edit a word
Hooxah Jor U! Pickin Rusty Fisher
Jor u're gal n Aprul. This here is a reel
mountain gal, yes sir. Вот n the great
state of Colorado 21 years ago. She thin
come to thet big city Jamus far it's holly
trees Hollywood! Thar to fight her way
10 the top n show buznen. A spekhin
of fightin — she can fight and vide dern
near us good as a man (once broke her
nose at it— fightin that is).
Now from what 1 here — she's 5 feet
5% tall — а 36 here, a 22 thar, and п 35
way down thar (sorla lack я big coke
bottle, huh?) She has also bin in several
movies and а доб а ordinary magazines
and calinders. 1 also here she jus become
Miss MG far 756. She also sings pert
and ant a bad dancer nether. Guess we'll
аЙ see her more reglar [rom now от.
April is the traditional. month for
moving and Rusty is just the sort to help
а young man get settled in new quarters,
so thats what we've set her to doing as
the April Playmate.
Several gentlemen at the Biltmore Bar
were discussing their troubles. Hard
Luck Harry topped them all when he
декчейу explained that he had a wife,
а secretary, and а note from the bank
all overdue.
We just heard about the street cleaner
who got fired because he couldn't keep
his mind in the gutter.
The geichbonni operator in з monk
Кек York hotel об а сй at a lie
Test Zin the morning iton a somewhat
аала man who wanted to know
hat tme the horel bar opened:
"ACT AM. i she spe
At 330 АМ. ine phode rang again
and йе Same man, ihe ime okay
fling vo pain asked th same question.
NS шй 9AM” she said 2 second
А 5:15 A M. the switchboard operator
recio sl another al othe me
Ter. now completely sio Once аып
EET E dne ape
More Han a lale irritated, she
The kindly old gentleman was visiting
the home of his daughter. He entered
found them busy studying at their
desks. The first boy was reading a book
"What do you want to be when you
asked the grandfather.
said the boy.
"And what do you want to be when
you grow up? the ok gentleman asked
the эсими
The boy looked up from the latest
issue of rravnov. "Nothing, sir,” he said
wistfully, "just growed up.
A table of im measures we came
upon the cher day inform ur dat М
takes two pints to make one cavort,
Mos. Applehotom grew angry with the
Frec ol и se ef inging
Poms regarding ihe young gifs bil
rre peel
tied her. Bul the gs Gli ancestry
коки міти weh abus ta go ud.
Kamere: "Your htbotd consider me
lene cook ad howecheyper Du ов,
Madame: Не has told me о Мамай”
ne Appichoton looked at the gi
scornflly тей made no comment,
"And furthermore” ъй Ше angry
girl, am beter than you in the БАЙР.
"ht pes my bond cd Jou
that ton sapped Mi. Applebotum.
“Ко, Madame sad the maid, “the
ашшы шй me thet”
А рит» conscience doesn't really keep
ha from doing anpihing wrong- Е
тау keeps het from enjoying i
Ier m Sener ore
ве. ir crite with making the
is mot wise 10 make love in the morning
‚ou never know whom youll mcet
der in the day.”
А dally prominent dowager from
Bostan was visiting friends in New York
and a dinner party was hdd in her
honor. She was seated next to another,
younger woman, and began discussing
relative meri ol Benton society
Boston.” she said, "we place all
‘our emphasis on good breeding”
Fin New York we think ics à ton of
fun, too,” agreed the other woman, "but
we also manage to foster other interests”
Heard any good ones lately? Send your
favorites do Party Jokes Editor, vtavmov,
11 E. Superior St, Chicago 11, Ш. and
eurn an easy fee dollars Jor each joke
cd. In cese of duplicates, payment росі
to first received. Jokes cannot be returned.
Atos кутлу vean some Frenchman falls
» one of the big fermenting vats in
the famous vineyards around Bordeaux.
"The accident is most likely to happen
right after the grape harvest when the
тей ый is ting and the
grape sugar d nto alcohol and
lor dioxide The gas hat aros m
the churning liquid is so heady that a
workman or watchman looking Ино а
Yat may become giddy and plunge hea
long into the seething mas. ‘The a
dent has two very grate төшә, In the
fni place the al may ыш the di
yer ої skins and pips on top. min
then carelendy with the liquidi on the
bottom. Secondly, И ће body is not re-
covered until the following morning,
the coments ol the vat with its untold
ша entially fne vintage wine
may have то be батса.
‘Old winemcn know that carbon dicx-
ide is mot the only product that arises
from the processing of grapes. There is
another form of vapor, never mentioned
in the chemistry texts which В more рег
sistent than simple carbon dioxide. I's
the poetic verbiage. the elaborate bocus-
pocus of certain self-appointed knights
Df the wine table. Listen to these fan-
nel mouths as they tell how one wine is
hospitable while another one is modest.
They are not content to enjoy a wine
for its sheer liquid goodness. They must
ascribe all kinds of human qualities to
ic One savant tells how his wine “curt
sied preti" when he lifted it to his
lips. Another detects in а certain vintage
the taste of Russian leather — not just
ordinary leather, mind you, but Russian
leather specifically. While onc of Ше
connoisseur raves about the cedarwood
taste of а Burgundy, another describes
the savor of an old Saint Emilion with
йз “perfume of dead leaves and taste ОГ
Autumn mushrooms” (1)
"To these critical gentlemen, the super-
bacchanalian test of anyone's judgment
regarding wines is whether опе сап
drink an unidentified wine and with um
erring accuracy tell the origin of the
«d its vintage year. Theyll look.
ir nose at you and му, "My
good fellow! You mean to say you don’t
recognize this 1921 Avehbacher Herren-
berg. Beeren Auslese, Funder Number
5058 Wachstum Weingut D. O. V? You
Now and then somebody cally th
мий C. W. Berry, а noted. wipe во:
thority, once invited а group of wi
fanciers to а dinner to let th
racy, Not a single опе of the critica
חא was able to identify che Chateau
Ausone 1923 which was served.
Even Louis Pasteur, the French cion
tia who demonstrated that wine vas a
living thing and explained the chan
that take place when rapes fei
жаз once moved to challenge the mem:
bers of the French expert commission
оп wine, Pasteur had been trying to
demonstrate that there might be certain
benefis И wine were heel during 10
proceming. "Although һе was merely
Waking 4 scientifc proposal. without
drawing any conclusion the experts
were horrified at his suggestion. The
laste of the wine would be irrevocably
lied by heat, they sud. Pasteur then
gave cach member of the commision
бо glasses of the unidentifed wine and
asked for their opinion. Each savant de
fected a differente between the two зат
jes submitted by Pasteur. The wine in
Ui gona es cal de eee. The
ilerences“ were all above the ears ol
the experts
“All bt this doesn't mean that there
is no distinction between good, bad and
indiierent wines, The tagnerons, who
work im the noted wine ewates in
France, are artists with a magnificent
background of experience, They, 100,
hase a profesion, jargon, vhi В
Sometime, pualing to outsiders, When
he mattre de chi ог foreman of a
novel wine cer, lor ийи, мус а
Wine is precocious, he simply means that
The wine has reached maturity before
the expected time. When he describes
а wine as nervous, he uses the French
word nerveux meaning. the wine has
Vigor or sulicien spirit ко withstand
Considerable handling. А nervous wine
is one that can be transported. without
But the vignerons are the firs vo
agree that the place for wines is deep in
ihe mouth and пос om the vintage
Chara When the verbal tiles are over
and the adjectives uncrambled, any
man with normal taste Гоф musi con-
(continued on next page)
it is a living and beautiful thing
BY THOMAS MARIO playboy's food E drink editor
purest forms of liquid pleasure
‘Wines aren't a static pleasure. Unlike
liqueur or whiskey whose quality is usu-
ally unchangeable, wine constantly
changes. The grapes on the vine change
from year to year and from day 10 day.
Wine continues to change in the vat
and in the bottle. Tt changes when it is
transported over the ocean, and finally
changes even in the glass as its perfume
Slowly rises in the ай. Because wine is
а living thing, it has the fascination of
anything that is born and matures. The
Frenchman regards his wine as an object
of beauty са changing beauty but not
an irresolute one, And to describe the
incredible finesse of this beauty he can
find only one simile in his language. His
wine, he says, В like а woman.
"The phrase "wine, women and song*
is the most worn collection of words in.
amy language, but this linking of
with women is justified by history.
reeks wanted to fashion the
When the
most beautiful wine cup, they used the
shape of the divine Helen's breast as
the model. In the Song of Solomon the
female breast is presented as a beauti-
ful cluster of grapes. Even Martin Lu-
ther was supposed to have penned the
well known German couplet,
Wer nicht hebt Wein, Weib und
Der bleibt ein Narr sein Lebelang.
(Who loves not wine, woman and
“Remains a fool hi whole Ме long.)
fe E шы сыы
= therelor, recomme
wine as one cf the mos hallowed and
Classical of war's pleasure.
Wine and food ave always been in
rable. One can drink а paw of
Bee] eran оре ne Alt or or
Joy a glam of vin rose during the after
noon. But, Tor the most part, wine be
Tongs on the festive board. Like bread
ihn be sve ra the beginning to
the end of the meal Bot unlike bead,
it's not mere ballast. It's the coaxer, the
аривсст counterpoint with fod.
'o regular wine drinkers, wine is not
just a beverage like cofee or milk. Irs
the magic that makes the plump oysters
more tangy, the onion soup more friend-
ly, the duck richer, the veal cutlet more
urbane and the melon more exotic.
“The average young man attempting
to explore this great Avenue of pleasure
is often frightened away because of the
aura surrounding the wine judge's art.
А man may hesitate to judge or even
drink a fine imported wine lest he make
a revealing fous pas. The same man
"ay eat а tropical fruit for the frst
time and will not hesitate to asert, "T
say it's mango and to hell with it” Bue
when he buys a bottle of Montrachet in
а restaurant, his judgement may sud-
"lenly become paralyzed. This needn't be.
То learn about wines and their dit
ferences one need only taste several
Wines at the same sitting. И works some-
thing like this Suppose a person were
Suddenly asked to Фа in words
taste of four diferent kinds of app
He'd be stumped. But suppose the same
individual sat down at a table, and then
slowly but carefully tasted each of four
different varieties of apple —a Ма
tosh, a Wineap, a Jonathan and a De
licious. After each bite he would detect
almost unbelievable variations in flavor,
several diferent wines arrayed alongside
each other. Now normally, of course.
wine drinker doesn't order three differ-
ent kinds of burgundy with his mutton
Chop. But as an educational lark, two
or three fellows might order several
pints of imported red wines and genu-
inely enjoy tasting and learning about
the differences.
When you first drink wine, it will be
with a gulp. You will not bold the glass
tenderly between the thumb and fore
finger slowly twirling it to admire the
bright robe while waiting for its
bouquet to reach your nostrils. But alter
you've enjoyed several fine French
‘wines, you may become patient
10 wait for its хо spread in the
glass until the first faint evaporation
takes place. Winemen сай this the first
taste. The second one occurs when you
drink the wine slowly and your taste
buds enjoy the deep favor, the body.
the soft flow of the grape. Finally, you'll
experience the third sensation, the ma-
ture delight of the lingering aftertaste.
In time you'll come to look upon these
three as distinct flavor experi
is йө м A
rabbit, you experience first Ше aroma
of the bubbling cheese, then the eating
thereof and finally the slow tang of the
To serve wine and enjoy its color and
bouquet one needn't buy elaborate
glassware Simple clear white crystal, un-
Adorned and unetched, is the best
Avoid thick cut glass anil shun colored
glassware like the plague.
alten called caret аме 5
tuli | somewhat larger at
thal ahan at de ор. They dod, ef
«оше, always be sparkling clean.
When you draw the cork from a bot-
ue of wine, you should use a wide
three corkscrew or а corren of the
selfopening type. И you have шої
каб the кой, its а good idea to
hold the bottle between the knees and
ull with one hand while steadying the
ttle with the other.
‘When the cork is out, the bottle top
should be carefully wiped with a clean
towel to remove any loose cork or dust
around the rim. The first wine should
be poured, cavalier fashion, into the
hosts glass in case there is amy loose
cork floating about.
Оп rare occasions, wine is "ау"
that is, the cork may be defective caus
ing the wine to be spoiled. It happens
in such isolated паласа, however that
shouldn't bother the average wine
Very old wine will sometimes show а
sediment in the bottle. This is a natural
development in red wines as they age.
И there is а small amount of sediment,
it’s best to leave it alone. Remove the
cork about an hour before serving, The
‘sediment will then precipitate to
bottom of the bottle. Originally the sedi
ment, if present, was on Ше side of the
bottle since the wine was in a horizontal
ion on the shell. Opening wine be-
forchand permits its aroma to expand
in the ай. If there is an unusually la
amount of sediment, the wine should be
decanted. To decant wine, stand it up-
right for several hours. Then pour the
wine slowly into a decanter in one slow
‘motion, Do not tilt the bottle back and
forth during decanting. Stop pouring,
ое on сыш Tene. E neces
sory place a light behind the boule to
SX e caine more dine when
Most people do not have to go too
deeply into viniana esoterica to know
that red wines are served at room teni-
perature while white wines are chilled.
АС room temperature Ше bouquet of
develop to their fullest.
"The favor of many white wines, partic
ularly the sauternes, is зо extravagantly
fruity that chilling seems to set them
just right for the palate. White wines
needn't be freezing. One to two hours
in the refrigerator will be ик |
Ies customary to drink red wines wil
red meat and game, while white wines
are served with fish, seafood and poul-
try. Here again the strictures needn't be
taken too literally. For instance, veal is
a red meat, and yet И the veal is
fine. the meat is light in color and deli
cate in flavor, With а toast rack of veal,
The study of the great French wines
is a huge topic represented by thousands
Шы and ironico. For the
young man who i exploring this charm.
I. rtavnov expecially recon
mend Alexis Lichine's book, The Wines
of France, revised edition (Knopl, $A).
Caution should be sounded against
100 addicted to the
fave i
times а new wine will eem o bear great
promise of maturing beautifully and
toe wil deteriorate ці A par
m year may yield great white wines
üt the red wines (ll tar behind. For
Sich reasons the vintage charts may be
ined for reference but should not be
Taken as che final word.
“There are many areas in France pro:
ducing illustrious wines, such за the
concluded on page #9)
DD in 3D
a trick with mirrors starring england’s marilyn, diana dors
2 Diana photographs herself in 2.0, shows a variety of expressions and has fun mugging for the camera.
A small booklet titled Diana Dors in 3-D helped catapult this beauteous Briton to stardom, and on this and the
next right-hand page are three of the poses from the book that help explain why. These pictures were taken with
а stereo-camera and we have it on excellent authority that if you place a fair sized mirror directly between,
and at right angles to, the matching photogray
they will appear in three dimensions. Place your nose near the
mirror's top and with the reflecting side on the right, close your left eye and look at the mirror with your right
eye. Adjust so real picture and mirror image line up, then open the left eye and,
on the left-hand image. If you concentrate properly, all of Diana's delightful curves should арі
ith both eyes open, concentrate
ar in full,
rounded $D. If not, console yourself with two provocative 2D photographs—one for each tired eyeball.
лу cuu. were ALONDE им, a glistening lower lip and я
mobile fanny will sooner or later, be labelled The Marr
Iyn Monroe of Lower California, Upper State New York,
or Chagrin Fall, Ohio, by some unimaginative pro agent
час "Marilyn Monroe of Great Briain” эз applied to 2
aired, plsteninglipped, п
position prose path traveled by М
posing for photographers in a state quite close to nature.
And, what is more, doing it in three (count 'em) dimen-
Diana Dors was born Diana Fluck, a fme old English
name, though admittedly somewhat difheult for others to
pronounce, as Diana discovered upon reaching years of
Maturity came early for Miss Fluck: at the age of thirteen
she was squcezing her seventecnish convexities into a tight
swimsuit and winning beauty contests. Little more need be
told, if you are familiar with the classic concomitante of
beauty contests: Diana's fortune, if not Diana, was as good
as made. Alter tucking a few more years under her svelte
belt, modeling and film jobs began to come her way with
refreshing regularity: and, to make this short story even
shorter, she eventually emerged as Merrie England's merri
Miss Dors has been fortunate in receiving
enough to satiate five or six Marilyn Monroes. "Түп one of
those people Things happen to,” she has been known to
declare; adding, “but И they don't happen, I don't mind.
g them а litte help.” With Diana's help, these аге
pe of the Things that have happened:
With royalty: Bowing low before Queen Elizabeth, as
dictates, her natural gifts became so apparent th
rvative wing of the British press got hully abo
s whose dresses delve below "the Plimsoll line
urt for non payment of rent
and copping a plea as a minor (she hadn't yet turned 18),
her Gilbertand Sullivanesque judge ruled it was the courts
duty “to protect infants.” whereupon the notso-conserva
tive wing of the press ran a photo of a diapered Diana un-
With the censors: Instructed, in a Alm called Value for
Money, to reach from behind a bathroom door for a towel,
she reached with a good deal more than her arm, thus caus
ing that particular strip of celluloid to end up in the limbo
of lopped-off footage
With the Venice Film Festival: Interest swerved from cine
matic art to navel maneuvers as she fleated in a gondola
down the Grand Canal, clad in a Bikini made ої mink
With bibliophiles: Lovers of rare volumes plunked down
coin of the realm for a novelty photo booklet featuring
the ncarmude lineaments of Diana Dors in 3D, which soon
became an exceedingly rare volume indeed and convinced
ons that Diana possessed that indefinable
own as Star Quality
erpts from the 3D booklet are available for
оп these pages. And Diana Dors will be
available for your further inspection this year in a couple
of films due for US. release. They won't be in 3D, but they
will be in VistaVision and glisteninglipped Technicolor
Her mink Bikini was 2 hit in Venice.
She's neck-deep in suds in her latest movie.
а wager over wine, with a woman in the balance
1210: WEK six ol us to di
at Mike Scholield's ho
in London:
He was president ol a small сеу
he circulated privately to its members a
Jet on ood and win. Н
nes were served Не relused
to smoke for ear of harming his palate
and when discussing а wine, he had a
curious, rather droll habit of referring
to it though й were a living
A prudent vine" he would sj.
ditidentand evasive, but quite prudent
Or, "а good humored wine, benevolent
and cheerful — slightly obscene, perha
ue nonetheless good hutoored О r
1 had been to dinner at Mike's twice
before when Richard Pratt was there,
and on each occasion Mike and his wil
had gone ош of their way to produce a
special meal for the Таоа gourmet
And this onc, clearly, was to be no ex
ception. The moment we entered the
dining soon, 1 could scc tha the table
vas id Tor a feast. The tal candies, the
yellow roses, the quantity ої shining sik
the three wincglawes to each person,
above all the faint cent of roasting
rom the kitchen brought the &nt
warm oozings of saliva to my mouth.
As we sat down, 1 remembered that on
both Richard
replied that hat should not be u
©й provided И м
уса Mie had u
do i Pra
both mee. To
o take a grave
e in displaying his
restrained pl
The meal began with a plate of w
bait, fried very crisp in butter, and
(continued an page 6
“I want to see the label on that bottle,” said Pratt.
inspired sports wear with a continental flare
that matter, what was cooking with the
Roman legions crea 44 ВС.
‘Sunning. sailing, svimming and swill-
ing the contents of shaker of Frosty
inet cocktails seems more in the RIV
Era scheme of dhings and, between pulls,
fone cam glimpse many of the world’s
шом richly decorated aportumen
Well certainly admit that an awful
loc of m apparel has been
masquerading under the starry guise al
the Continental Look." А whole batch
of i frankly, was dreamed up many kil
meters from the continent of Eun
(or eny continent that we know ol) and
could more св and accurately be la
beled Neo Rober Hall Imprenioniam.
When you examine these
in the various men's stores.
Keep in mind dar true European ge
demen are traditionally a conservative
lot Color acceptance, for them, has
rogreved neither as or nor ss quick
Er бшк ín fac. not much beyond the
basic shades of gray. brown and Ыш,
and these, at heir wilden, can be ac
cepted only in neat geometric patterns
ог stripes. Much of what you ste worn
around the smartest spas on the French
or kalian Riviera (as well as such At
antic Coast тока as Biarritz, Dean-
ville or Le Touquet) was trundled there
by алкага of Americans, a small but
sturdy band of Bisher and just a
роп of dating Frenchmen and Teali-
ans A good 95 percent of the merchan
dic war produced right smack in the
garment center of New York City, but
(concluded on page 68)
Cruise of the Aphrodite (олие пон page М)
А shave, a shower and a good meal
and you'll feel tops again. Lefty, if vou
(он our yacht. The salt air will do
cooperate we can all take a refres
Marty ignored me. He pulled Lefty
Lefty resisted. Не fished in his pocket
lor a Ay cent piece and овен i to
Marty. "Get younell a pint of wine and
leave me alone.”
"Чаш ees of humor tt mot de
serted you,” Marty as he pock-
eted ie tall buck ads
‘We dragged Lefty over to а grill an
med. bb, cafe into him; He was
cling rough and ову heard halt of
‘what Marty told him. 1 guess the words
pretty girlies, wild paier and rich
friends got through w him, because he
became ‘interested.
‘We loaded him onto a street car and
helped him over to the boat yard. With
his blurred vision the boat looked im
pressive. He hada’ cashed his тымен
but pay. He also had a small wad he
been forced w save up while in an
amy hospital recovering from an ie
polite disease. It was а landfall. Marty
uided Lefty's shaky signature on the
ack of the check. The yardman made
out the bill of sale and transfer of title.
Marty bought a bottle of French wine
in celebration. Lefty complained tha
was too sour and mixed his with soda
pop. It was too much for Lefty. We ar
Ней him into the forward cabin and
Jit fam out on the bare spring of the
«Не not socially desirable”, Mary
reflected, "but companiorshi
D ger И s T
"So could a bath and some D.D.T."
^t morning Marty was up carly,
whistling and splashing white paint over
the hull Thé mooring ropes broke
twice and we had to buy ssh cord to
hold things down. Marty borrowed а
battery charger amd тап am extension
cable ош to the dock. Everyone was
‘eager to have a ride, especially Letty.
this tub is so wonderful why can't
it move?” he kept asking.
“Patience.” Many said. "Cruises are
not planned in a day.
То keep harmony we made sure Lefty
וי made
him more manageable, except that he
(ell overboard twice. After that we made
him wear а motheaten Ме jacket, "It
makes me feel like а fat slob,” he kept
That night there was a heavy rain. It
dribbled in through the cabin tops and
decks. Our blankets got soaked and
finally we all got up and sat huddled
together under а piece of canvas 1
boiled up some collec in a tin can by
holding lighted matches under it. Marty
kept telling us that a can of putty would
take care of everything.
When the boat was all painted it
looked a Jot better. From about a block
away it almost looked classy. When we
were ready to чан the engine the yard
Tam came over to gas us up.
How much do you want?”
ive of regular.”
"We only pump marine gas Five gal
Jons won't get you far."
“We won't be cheap about it" Marty
da, looking suspiciously in bis wallet.
А full tank would probably be better.
How much would that run?”
“Lets see." the yardman reckoned.
"There's two tanks amidships and onc
under the stern deck. ГА кау about 250
the big gong. Не stepped
ion engine,” the
ardiman continued. И burns about
[our gallons an hour."
Marty recovered his composure. "Very
well, well ake eight gallons, We lave
Other comunitimenss and won't be able
to spare more than а couple of hour.”
"The engine was hard to start. Lefty
was a jie He wok out the spark
plugs and poured in heavy oil to get up.
he compresion. He had us get 2%
worth. of ether to pour im the carbur.
tior. The engine coughed and smoked
and eventually started. Blue ame
Spurned oddly out of one side,
“its got a cracked block,” Lefty said
very matterobfacty. Не took these sc
hocks better than I expected. Не had
been, рака to be calm
about losing money.
We were only hitting on five of the
eight cylinders. Marty cast off and al
most ran aground turning around in the
river. He headed towards downtown. He
felt good at the wheel. As we ар.
proached another boat he reached up in
5 nautical manner and gave a tug on
the whistle cord. The compresor was
just about shot and the whistle made a
vulgar sound. The other boat gave а
blast on a siren and all the girls on
board laughed and pointed as we pasted
‘Many nudged me painfully in the
пъ "You же” he said loudly. "we
Tally belong. now. We'll soon enjoy
female companionship.”
Just then Lefty let out a holler. He
ва jump down from the cabin t
and his foot went through the deck,
helped him get it out. He was sore.
Mary shouted through the wind.
shield. "Ies all right. А piece of wood
lo up eveything”
fool with ту
foot.” Lefty ка
T helped Lefty back into the cabin.
"Honey" Marty said, “E think it's
time to awe a ration of grog to the
1 dug through a box of junk aud
handed Lefty his bottle of wine for the
day. He was mad at Marty and told
him hed better take on а cargo of
pretty girlies or give back his money
‘At Erie Street the rudder became
fouled. The railroad bridge had just
opened for us when suddenly we were
"out of control. Marty pulled too fast on
the reverse gear and killed the engine
A tuy pushing я sand targe came
жі towards us. We were drifung
roadside because ы Ше wind. Mary
рей on the wiisde and Й болей out
Ebo олій he outed,
T grabbed а boat pole and ran out
side Te wouldnt even reach o the wa-
serie, much Jem the ide of
Мапу came ош with a fae."
tote them и
in diren" he shouted. He lighted.
Tt jo ше brighe ашшы wer ninos
"The Dame dido slow down, We
duit Nal vo one side and it plowed
ран with only inches f бе, The
jot shook и fat and shouted some
"He doesn't like yachtsmen;" 1 ob
“He isa common seaman and socially
inferior." Marty explained
The wind was tuming us a
“Honey,” he sid, "you
have to
volunteer to dive overboard and clear
away whatever is fouling the rudder.”
1 re
“This is the drainage canal
inded him.
"This is the call to duty."
“Swimming gives me an car ache," 1
“We must all rally to the emergency.
1 will undertake to sober up Letty.”
“Why don't we just wait ший the
wind blows us close to shore and then
abandon this hunk of driftwood? We
fan take a trip to Texas or somewhere.”
1 was trying to tempt him. "You always
wanted to try your hand at the oil in-
He ignored my remarks. I stripped
down to my shorts and went over the
side. We had been carried downstream
to an automobile bridge. A crowd ol
e gathered along the railing and
Stared down at me. 1 nangled a piece
‘of burlap from the rudder and climbed
back in. Marty was holding а piece ol
wet rag to the back of Lefty's neck as
he swayed uncerainly over the engine
He clumsily pulled and adjusted things
and got it running.
“You сап retire о your quarters"
Marty said as he let Lefty sag down next
to the engine hatch,
1 dragged Lefty away from the cw
caping fumes. "Lets tum back”
We're almost to the locks and there's
Lake Michigan!"
We chugged along for another ten
minutes and got through the locks
Marty told the attendant that we vere
the V.S S. Aphrodite, home port Ch
садо. destination confidential. Не was
nettled when 1 asked the attendant how
far away the nearest Const Guard recue
boat was stationed.
When we were out on the lake И
have to admit that it was nice. Y had
never seen the skyline before, When
орела Гамат forgot amd waved
; even though Ману kept telling
me ihat it маз a breach ої yachting
this At North Avenue Marty got
pretty close по the shore
Tan the water kind of shallow here?"
1 asked. ey
"I we don't get in close enough how
боланга on page 73)
“He's my kind of man— the strong, solvent type.”
we can ovi warne about Rio de Janeiro
without tapping cur lect, jiggling at our
desks, samba swoying around the alice.
Tam mon tn ftom. There n
three words is Rios pulsing samba city
With а hooded look and the screaming
color of a parrot.
ЛС alae Шу to yin и Lima,
ти, straight up and over the craggy
Andes (ts like fying over the moon.
cold and dead), then actos the tangled
green, Jungle that hides some ot the
Коні most primitive people. The na
ll blast away at the weekly trains
with poisoned darts in over the
Unbelievable bay we spor Rio -mesld in
the ому cerifed genuine purple dusk
weve ever seen. Everywhere there are
Mountains, rocky Angers напр sheer
from the waters of cath scalloped init
and stretching around behind the lovely
Tis best to arrive when the street lights
going оп kr brilliant necklaces
ing along Ше shoreline. Once we
Tus right as floodlights sprayed
the huge white statue of the Christ, arms
Ouiseiched, atop Corcovade's 2366 foot
peak. At the same moment, Sugar Loaf
mountain burst into light out in the bay.
“Then, spreading inland, the lights lashed!
on in series, reaching back into the can-
yons between dark hills.
Night closes in fast in Rio. Grab a
taxi at the airport and chase the pearls
of light strung along palms the
dark sea, and soon you're in the center
of Rio's neon-lit smartness. Tam tam-tam
+ » the samba beat eddies out at you
roma sidewalk terraces and across the
pres lobby of е Copacabana Palace
you're not too bushed from your trip, ו
stop at the hotels Midnight (Meia-Noite)
Room for a quick pickmeup; also to
hear the new French blues singer and
admire the smooth, bronzed shoulders
and low-cut Paris creations of young cafe
society granfınas clustered around the
bar. Most of the girls are French-
educated Brazilian beauties who are both
pert and personable, but remember, it
is always best to В these ladies
with both tact and discretion.
Out in the city, the evening air is
spicetinged. Step across to the beach.
side walk paved in a pattern of black
mosaic waves. Keep pace with the smart
rio de janeiro: a paradise
stroller, chatting softly in a до
ferent tongues, until the crowd tl
toward the bay's crescent tip. Now, away
from the lights, you can hear the drum
beats filtering down from the favelas, th
lite shanty towns up in the black hill,
"The favelas originally gave us the samba,
a fetish dance of the West African slaves
Known as quizombo, but this sound is
different. This drumming is macumba-
the voodoo ritual of trance dancing and
animal sacrifice to the ancient gods
Xango and Ogun.
‘Morning in Rio is always special. We
wait until the waiter goes out on онт
Balcony to spread a breakfast of joltingly
se вон йы ora
custard apple and maman (papaya).
"The sun is already sizzling hot, the roat
ol the sea deafening. The nights tropical
fragrance has been replaced by a sun
drenched salt tang, mingled with the day
scent of eucalyptus. Outside, there's a
shock: a royal blue жа and whi
white sand: cream-and.chrome Бий
against dark green bills, On the be:
are dots of brightness from swimsuits
beach umbrellas. colorful straw hats
(continued on page 71)
of cream-and-chrome
1 хай y MES
NO MORE GIFTS (continued from page 21)
with a pistol” Avis said.
I guess it's against the rules here.
But I'm an outobtovner"
The sireetlamps, blinked on below.
Through their diffused halos she
watched the top floor tenant she had
limped lue evenings, ducking put
her basement window with a bag of
sandwiches from the coffee shop. He was
а slim bighstrung man in his сапу
twenties, with black hair strong against
his sallow features. In his muntard.col
red sport shirt and dark flannels, he
‘might have been any college boy her
‘own age. But she doubted it, he was a
little 100 mature and wary.
pe ant ever et my ВИ of рева”
e said. "Lun a sportsman from away
‘Avis smiled in spite of herself. Не
ves being patronining, bur at east he
wasn't bein thetic.
tou could have fooled me” she said.
"Shows you how tricky looks can be.
Tm strictly an outdoor character,” he
“Up with the birds, after a night
lan living. "Then into the words
‘my faithful pointer for a brace of
quail, and back in time to pose for the
whiskey ads" There was а contagious
nervous gaiety in his voice. "How about
you? How do you keep up your morale
in these hectic time?”
"Me? Oh, I endorse beauty soaps, Му
all the magazines. | gues
recognize me without my
father on.”
He grinned at her across the yellow
this dump
Why, this Isa very elegant adire
‚en the mice have pedigrees”
Are those just mice in the walls?
‘They sound more like cocker spaniels.”
Smiling, Avis got to her feet and
stretched. She limped over to the ledge
and Jeane di
Шу not so bad" she said
‘wistfully. "Not when you get used to it."
‘ince ores blow, die robb side
Yak ly smoothed by трів. А
Ben rete Oop dte v)
Distantly the block echoed with the so.
prano profanity of kids in flapping pur”
suit of à Gin can. Avis soothed her eyes
оп the park across the street.
It was nothing more than з swatch of
parched gras, with a few listless shrubs
Competing among the flaking iron
benches: but it was a green oasis in the
shingled gray monotone. An expensive,
older looking car was parked beside it.
One of those conservative kinds, maybe
belonging to some old resident who'd
made his mark in the world and come
back to reminisce. Maybe paying a call
in the neighborhood, because she'd no-
ticed it there most of the day
Just then a match Nared inside it. The
chauffeur, probably
"We even have a park.” Avis said.
“OL course its not much of a —
HI know. I've seen it”
Something in his voice drew her head
around. He'd lit another cigarette and
was studying her through the unfold:
ing smoke. She stood facing him with
her tar-colored hair loosely piled around
her shoulders. Her unmade lips parted
al, as И breathing had become more
Youre a preuy ий he id Ману,
“1 never бонды ofthat way, bur you
are, How long have you had that leg?
oo ב
"That leg of yours." he repeated. “Has
камар Без toe a
Туе, she said. “Al my life”
71 gues it bothers you a lot”
“What do you think?” Avis aid.
He started to crush his cigarette out,
then change ha mind, “Lock не wid
awkwardly, “ev ^ got one. One
tray or another. Nobody са ой rec
Limping back to the stool, Avis sat
heavily. She flattened her hands against
her thighs to still them.
“What are you running from?" she
pet lady, Fm abend
a running, lady. I'm already
there, as far as 1 can go. He glanced
the neighboring roof, a space of no
more than twenty-five fect. "I диск
Fm not about to tie any world record
for the broad j
“e's that car across the street. isn't it?”
He continued watching the next roof.
“Been running all Фе way from East
St. Louis. You'd think with a head start
Tike that, 1 almost could.” He turned
back to Бет. “What's your name, lady?”
‘She made henelf breathe evenly. "Are
you a gangster?”
He laughed, then considered it. “I
don’t think so. I'm just a bad business
71 don't know,” he smiled, "is there?"
The police?” she faltered.
“That's a thought. Give them a ring,
And il no one answers, iry the Boy
She turned her head away.
"I'm not putting you down. Really."
he said gently, “Its just that I guewed
wrong. and now I have to pay ofl”
“But there must be some way.
let you stay here and get —
Don't be cra. You better run on
home, if you got one.” He stared at her
in baled anger. "What the hell's wrong
with you, wanting to put your neck out?
You don’t know the first thing about
me. 1 could be any kind of public en-
emy oF something.”
What if vou are? 1 don’t owe the
public anything.”
He waited. expressionless
“I don't care,” she said desperately.
I'm пос going anywhere. What kind of
a life is this — watching the world from
а dirty cage?”
Half smiling, he said, "That bad?"
“How would you like it sometime,
coped up in a room no wider than
BAL ii
‘Avis dropped her eyes to the stool
"Even sn. the picked at the fraying
canvas, “even so, rs not the same thing,
Your bars were real. You knew where
you were, and you knew it wouldn't La
And besides, you're а man,” she said.
“You asked me bow I keep up my
marale: 1 keep it up over a sewing ma
Shine hemming (шр Tor oer women
to go dancing in
She could feel his eyes on her, dark
and equivocal
‘even before that, it was never
real. My father was an evangelical min
ister. Along with this.” she nodded at
her foot, "he gave me а nice set of rules
to explain it. He said it vas a gilt from
God, Who'd seen ft to test ruy worth
new. Well, Tim not a candidate any
more. Let Him recruit saints somewhere
ebe. ГИ settle lor а life, ihe smallest
Hitt Ме with people in
"The man nodded gravely. “AII right
lady. 1 got small Ме ct rs pretend
youre included. What do we do with i
Well you cercainly can't мау here
He shrugged.
Avis kept her eyes down, getting i
vet in one breathy “1 have а room
the basement, "heres ап entrance
around through the Back, they wouldn't
Hook fr you there
“Teli me about i he sid
oom and all. What's и lke?
She looked up, trying to read his face.
7I just want to picture you.
around in it, the things you do.”
“It's not much. Just one room and a
Kitchenette. ‘The walls are always damp.
But irs got a stove, You wouldn't have
10 sneak out at night for hamburgers.”
“You been keeping track of me.”
"Yes." she said.
"Where would 1 sleep? Tha
partant point, you know.”
Avis could feel the color rising w
her face,
"There's a май bed that lets down,”
she ай а:
“Pretty wide bed?”
She met his level gaze,
do talk about it?” she мй
control going. "Can't we
take care of themselves
Sure," he said, “sure ме can. Lets
give it a whirl.” He reached forward,
esting his band on her wrist, "Look,
what's your name again? Avis? Sit over
here a minute.” He handed her over to
the ledge beside him,
‘Together in the shadows, she could
{eel her shoulders trembling
“Listen, Avin he said, “Fm not sure
bow to put it. Guess 1 haven't traveled
in the right cirdes. But what Ги get
си never been with a man,
an im-
"Do we have
feeling her
t Jer things
she said.
Tm mo loverboy, myself. 1
m plates
mean, 1 was never in circul:
(concluded on page 68)
One of the most sophisticated tales of the French storyteller, Guy de Maupassant
in leaving the рон oli that his route
ould not, be Ton and therefore fl
ively delight
He had charge of the county around
Vireville und, when he returned in the
ug. he often found he had covered
тесту miles in his long march
Today the distribución would be easy:
he could even stroll along а lile and
be home by three o'clock in the alter
moon. What lui?
He went out along the Sennemare
read and commenced his work. Te was
une, the month of green things and
flowers, he true month of the fields and
The man, in his blue blouse and black
cap with red braid, crowed through by
ths, fields of millet. cats amd wheat
ried to the shoulders in their dept:
and his head, moving along above the
«ту waves, seemed to oat upon a
Jim ad vendant sea, which а light
reere caused to undulate gently. Не
entered the fas through wooden gate
ways built on the slopes and shaded by
{wo rows of beech шее greed che
mer by name: "Good. morning.
Monsieur Chico.” and passed him НЕ.
“The farmer would wipe his hand on
his trousers, receive the paper and slide
it into is pocket to read at his ease alter
the midday meal. The dogs экер in
tuming, pre
ary gal. sueco hi
limbs, the eft arm over his bag the
right "manipulating א which
matched ike Бін, in a continuous,
Не distributed his printed matier and
his Jura in the hamlet of Sennemare,
Then set out across the fields м
for the an collector who lived пай
isolated house а quarter of а mile from
the village
He was a new collector, this Chapuis,
rol but the week before and Patel
Ribald Classic
married. a clover field wo read и more slowly. г
Tre took a Paris paper, and sometimes deuils were fright. А woodeutier, in
Boniface, when he had time, would take paming the foresters house the morning
3 dook. ae before delivering eat iut atter, fad noted a
Now he opened his bag. took out the “Те keeper must hive
paper, slipped it ош of in wrapper, Killed a wolf tast might,” he thought, but
Unlolde M and began to read ‘while coming nearer, he p
walking. The first page did not interest door was left open and that th
him; politics did not arouse him: the been broken. Then, seized with fear, he
finance he always pased over; but the ran to the village, notified. the
general lac of We day he read eagerly. who took with hin asa но
That day they were very exciting, Me the Keeper of elds and Ше schoolmas
became so much Потоп the tory ter thee four men returned together
ol a aime executed im a gamekeepers The found the forester with his throat
lodge that he stopped in the middle of (continued on page 70)
He was sure some terrible crime was being committed,
GOODMAN (continued from poge 21)
it up” Thats exactly what they did, all
right, and everything seemed to ко fine
ший director Valentine Davies took his
first horrified look at the rushes. The
kids were sure "dancing it up” but most
of their dante steps Were completely
‘unknown in the late Thirties Next day.
when the big scene was reshot, Davies
dispatched а squad of “policemen” on
the dance Moor to weed out the cool
ones and keep the dancing hot and
wy. in the proper 1938 style.
Jazz will always be danced to, 1 guess
Bút more surprising is the way it is now.
listened. to, ‘There are jazz concerts in
New York's Carnegie Hall, Chicago's
Civic Opera House and countless other
auditoriums all over Americi and Eu
rope. Jazz festivals amd traveling jur
qv Continually expand the audience.
for a type of music that at one time was
considered special and highly unortho-
Чох. Hundreds of nightclubs in 1956 no
longer have amy dance, fears of any
, but still, thousands of people of
all ages gather to listen to music to
listen critically and intelligently. Cer-
tainly jazz is по longer the boisterous,
raw, brash upstart of the Twenties It
has come of ae right before our eyes
and sani. The change can be auri
Maybe the kids who danced the Lindy
Hop, the Shag. the Big Apple and the
cir fca. wide E
Now, perhaps, they are content to sit
around and listen.
During the early days, our audiences
almost entirely of other swing
and kids under twenty-five
"The kids’ reactions were direct, sensual
emotional. They found the music
Simulating, exciting and. wondertal to
dance to. They didn't criticize it, ana-
lye it or write books about it: they
simply responded to it and enjoyed it.
Grey nc о people who led
this new free and rollicking kind of mu-
sic grew in number and we played to
larger and larger crowds.
„Кок. I look around and see many to
whom swing is largely a matter of nos
ш. Y tales dci back to Шей own
youth which they relive through swing
music. But there is aho a new genera
tion of kids whose reactions are as direct.
as their parent” reactions before them.
Jazz is again alive to them, in a health-
Jer condition than ever before. In fact,
we can easily say that jazz В one of the
original and lasting contributions to
culture which America has made in the
‘whole Twentieth Century. In my opin-
ion, it may well go down in history as
the folk music of this country.
One of the features of jazz which 1
find most gratifying is the fact that from
its very beginning it has been complete-
ly democratic. А difference of race, creed
ог color has never been of the slightest
importance in the best of bands. Musi-
Gianship was the only consideration
when, with Teddy Wilson and Gene
Krupa, 1 formed the Benny Goodman
Trio and started what has since been
called “Chamber Music Jazz.” It was the
„yar in. year ош. never varying thei
only consideration also when 1 added
Lionel Hampton's vibes to tum the
small combo into the Benny Goodman
Quartet. Many years before the Major
League baschall teams used Negro play.
em, Negro and white musicians were
playing together all over the country.
‘This в hardly surprising when you те
member that most jazz originated with
the Negroes and, naturally, they are still
among its most creative exponents and
"undoubtedly always will be
During the pax twenty year, there
have been musicians and band leaders
of every kind and quality. ‘There have
been “greats,” like Duke Ellington and
Count Basie. to mention only two,
whose names have never los their bright
lustre, There have been some who have
been just good and who have held the
ablic favor for a while. then vanished
from view to drift into other occupa:
tions, “There also have been a couple —
who obviously shall have to be пате.
Kesh rh во apparent шем or
personality, have manag h some
ipely gimmick, to held, the publics
fancy. They are paid fantastic sums by
the recording companies as well as га
dio and television ‘networks. There are
also big bands like Guy: Lombardo's
who continue from decade to decade,
styles, never deviating from the straight
path of conventionality. They have
managed to hold a certain definite fol-
lowing of their own. thus maintaining
a steady and solid ity. To these
An amazing breed which has risen
with he growth of music is the recor
collector. 1 must admit to knowing very
little about them, although 1 am com
stanly awed by them and certainly am
indebted to a lot of them. For mam
jean, F was so busy playing music а
making records that somehow I never
got around to buying many disc, and
never my own. The result was, when 1
got married and my wife Alice wanted
я set of my old records, 1 found that
Фе were кюн sane Bom Не
to an ardent, wild haired collector, 1 was
able to buy a good many of them.
Some of these record collectors are
astonishing. Last year, 1 met the 17-year-
old son of the lax Count Bernadotte,
whose пате is Bertil. In some ways the
meeting verged on the embarrassing. He
asked me innumerable questions about
various records, recording sessions, who
played suchandsuch a chorus, etc, and
almost invariably be knew the answers
better than 1! The amount of informa:
tion about diss and jazz he carried in
his head was nothing less than startling,
and yet, although his mother is Ameri
сап, he had been brought up almost en-
tirely in Sweden.
1 had a similar experience with a
Greek boy, educated in Athens, who
саше to America for the first time at
the age of 21. He, too, knew more about
me than 1 could remember myself! 1 am
told that record collectors correspond.
in all parts of the world, exchanging
views and information on ай kinds of
diss. This interest is wonderful, of
course. because records are the very
bloodstream of the whole music indus-
Looking back, it scems to me that the
release of the fist Carnegie Hall Jazz
Concert LP helped to establish з new
trend in the record business. Thirteen
years after the concert, which took place
оп January 16, 1988, the Columbia long-
playing records of the concert were
placed on the market. made posible be-
cause an undiscovered transcription of
the music had come to light
Many people thought that the story
ding the acetate tapes tucked aw
lost was a publicity gag. but it
жам. The only inaccuracy in the re
[ers ya hat it was nor my daughter
chel who found them. but my sister.
inlaw, Rachel Speiden, and Im happy
to have the chance to present the cor.
rect facts now.
в album was released exactly as it
was taped over one single microphone
at Carnegie Най. 1 had no idea that we
‘were being recorded at Ше time. Since,
о far as Го mo album recorded at
а jazz concert with a live audience had
exer been offered to the public, no one
knew what the response would be. Well
the darn thing sold more than 300.000
albums, and has омет $1,500,000.
Four years after its relesase, it is still a
hot seller in the record shop, Since Шып
time, а lot of and jer groups
have followed the sme procedure In
preparing albums. It is fairly common-
place today, amd, wherever the music
fas been good, the recordbuying pub-
Jic has responded favorably
Т had а special interest in the success
‘of my first album of this kind because
1 thought it might possibly be bought
only by those of my generation. 1 was
dead wrong. Apparently, all over the
country, high whool and college kids
"discovered" this "new" music for them:
selves. I heard of many instances, even,
where youngsters were astonished and
chagrined when they found their par-
ems also knew of Benny Goodman ап
his band of the late Thirties!
Today there are many gentlemen of
the pres in this country writing com:
Ley about music (ny Drotherim
; John Hammond, в one of them)
But there are also а raft of critics who
seem to be trying to make the subject
into an occult science. I can think of
опе in particular who seems incapable
ol writing about jazz except in words
of four syllables or more. The word,
"tontrapointal" (or docs he mean “con:
trapuntal?’), which is not even in Weh
чета Unabridged, is onc of his favorites.
1 sometimes wonder what impression he
manages to get across to his readers. To
this reader, the invariable reaction is
опе of total bewilderment spiced with a
dash of horror — for in this critics out
pourings there по emotion whatev
expressed or implicit. The approach is
entirely intellectual. Many European
critics, too, have written monumental
(concluded on page 72)
“Don't worry, Mrs. Higgins—I'll have your
daughter in bed before midnight."
Gourmets and lesser chow hounds
know there's nothing more succalent
than fresh boiled lobster, steamed
ams and chilled Chablis, Cap'n
Joe Badger offers you everything but
the wine in one barrel: four 21b.
lobsters and а hall-peck of steamer
clams for $13.95, exp. coll. The lob-
sters are the "one claw" variety with
the giant right pincher, in which
Teposts the sweetest meat. Cap'ns
Corner, Dept. BN, Camden. Maine.
For those friends who own a velvet
lined bathtub and a pair of bearskin
walking shorts, here is the perfect
companion gift. It's carved from the
very finest Algerian briar and dev
erly covered with a rare type of
pony fur for cool, comfortable han
The famous French Long:
ps sportsman’ pipe sets you
back a laughable $12.50, and is sure
to be joylully received wherever
things like this are tolerated. Saks
Fifth Avenue, Humidor Shop. Dept.
CM, Sth Ave. & 49th St, N. Y N. Y.
All orders should be sent to the ad-
dresses listed im the descriptive
paragraphs and checks or mon
orders made payable to the indi-
vidual companies. With the excep-
tion of personalized items, all of
these products are guaranteed by
the companies and you must be
entirely satisfied or the com
purchase price will be refunded.
The аы African warrior figures
are imported from, of ll plac Ger
many. Approximately ten ferocious
inches in height and handcarved
from the choicest sort of mahogany.
they come complete with the munter
dy, ihe vani
tion for desk or mantel; in pairs, you.
couldn't find a more functional set
‘of book ends. They're not cheap, but
they are choice: $40 cach or $73 for
two. The spear and necklace are of
gold nish. Buyveys, Dept. LM, РО.
Box 469, Caldwell, New Jersey.
һ asheray attached, this is the
same type ol lighter you have in your
שי Lind that neatly eliminates
the frenied search for Matches and
the bothersome care required by
биа lighters At the samt time, М
serves ж а bandome, practical desk
piece while it low voltage element
Fakes ie safe and simple. Specify
whether you prefer black, green o
maroon, at $095 exch, рр! Blacks,
Dept I9HMM, Birmingham 3, Al
Now. your топи
sage can rekindle that night before.
sparkle. Why fight oral hygiene?
Enjoy it with these Фф ошке tubes
of toothpaste made memorable with
the real thing, a generous flavori
fof Scotch, bourbon or rye. The
‘easly the best argument ме
TASTE (continued from page 51)
go with it there was a Moselle. Mike got
Up and poured the wine himself, and
when һе ft down again, I could see that
he was watching Richard Pratt. He had
set the boule ín front of me so that 1
Suid red the label. ай. "Gens
igsberg, 1954." He leaned over
whispered to me that Geierlay was a
tiny village in Ше Moselle, almost un-
Known outside Germany. He said that
this wine we were drinking was some-
thing unusual, that the output of the
vineyard was o smal tha it vas amos
impossible for a stranger to get any of it
He had vied Geely penonall the
revious summer in order to obtain the
few doren bottles that they had finally
allowed him to have.
"I doubt anyone еве in the сом
ка any of i al the moment” he sad |
people serve a Rhine wine instead, but
that’s because they don’t know any bet-
ter. A Rhine wine will kill a delicate
claret, you know that? Its barbaric to
serve a Rhine before a claret. But a
is exactly
‘Moselle -ahl —a Moselle
fike Schofield was an amiable, middle-
agni man. Вы he was а stockbroker.
o be precise, he was a j 3
dock market and like a number of
kind, he scemed to be somewhat embar-
тамей, almost ashamed по find that he
so slight
vas not really mugh more than а book-
maker an unctuous, infinitely respect
able, secretly unscrupulous bookmaker
and he knew that his friends knew it,
100. So he was seeking now to become а
man of culture, to cultivate a literary
and aesthetic taste, to collect paintings,
music, books, and all the rest of it. His
Tittle sermon about Rhine wine and
Moselle was a part of this thing, this
culture that he sought.
“A charming little wine, don't you
think?” he suid. He was will watching
Richard Pratt, 1 could see him give а
rapid furtive glance down the table cach
time he dropped his head to take а
mouthful of whitebait, could almost
feel him waiting for the moment when
Pratt would take his first sip, and look up
from his glass with a smile of pleasure,
of astonishment, perhaps even of won
der, and then there would be a discus
ion and Mike would tell him about the
ще of Geierslay.
But Richard Pratt did not taste his
wine. He was completely engrossed їп
conversation with Mike's eightcen-year-
old daughter, Louise, He was half turned.
toward her, smiling at her, telling her,
so far as 1 could gather, some story about
a chef in a Paris restaurant. As he spoke,
he leaned closer and closer to her, seem-
ing in his eagerness almost to impinge
upon her, and the poor girl leaned as
Kaas she could away from him, modding
politely, rather desperately, and looking
по at his face but at the topmost burton
of his dinner ў
Nt ied our fy nd ie maid
came around removing the plates When
She came to түм, de sav that be lad
Sox yet touched. his food, xo she Вей.
tated, and Prat noticed her. Не waved
her away, broke of his conversion, and
uly began to et, opp
isp Brown fah qu
rapid jabbi
n es he ind Sched, be
reached for his glass, and in two short
Swallows he tipped the wine down his
throat and turned immediately to re
Sume his conversation with Louise
Mike saw it all. 1 was conscious of him
sitting there, very still, containing hin
self, looking at his His round
jovial face seemed to. slightly and
10 sag, but he contained himsell and was
still and said nothing.
‘Soon the maid came forward with the
second course. This was a large roast of
it on the table in front
ing the slices very thin, laying them
fon the plates or
around. When he had served everyone,
including himself, he put down thé
carving knife and leaned forward with
both hands on the edge of the table.
"Now," he said, speaking to all of us
but looking at Richard Pratt. "Now for
the claret. 1 must go and fetch the daret,
if you'll excuse me.”
You go and fetch it, Mike?” Т eid.
“Where is i”
"In my study, with the cork out—
‘Why the study?"
és the best place in the house.
Richard helped me choose it last time
he was here.”
At the sound of his name, Pratt looked
“That's right, isn’t it?” Mike said.
"Yes." Pratt answered, nodding gravely
“That's right.”
"On top of the green filing cabinet in
my study.” Mike said. "That's фе place
we chose, A good draft-iree spot in a
toom with an even temperature, Excuse
me now, will you, while 1 fetch it.”
“The thought of another wine to play
with had restored his humor, and he
hurried out the door, to return a minute
later more slowly, walking softly, holding
in both hands a wine basket in which a
dark boule lay. The label was out of
sight, facing downward. “Now!” he cried
as he came toward the table, “What
about this one, Richard? You'll never
пате this one!”
Richard Pratt turned slowly and
looked up at Mike; then his eyes trav-
elled down to the bottle nestling in its
small wicker basket, and he raised his
eyebrows, a slight. supercilious arching of
the brows and with ita.
о the wet lower lip, suddenly imperious
and ugly.
“You'll never get it"
“Not in a hundred years.”
“A darei?" Richard Prat asked, con-
“OF course
“I assume, then, tha
the smaller vineyards?
i's from one of
"But its a good year? One of the
great years?”
"Yen, Т
"Then it shouldn't be too dificul,”
Richard Pratt said, drawling his words,
iarantee that.”
looking exceedingly bored,
to me, there was something
his drawli
Except that,
range about
‘and his boredom: between
the eyes a shadow of something evil, and
in his bearing an intentness that gave
me а faint sense of uneasiness as 1
‘watched him.
"This one is really rather difficult.”
Mike said, "I won't force you to bet on
this one.”
"Indeed. And why not?” Again the
slow arching of the brows, the cool, in
tent look.
“Because its difficult.”
"That's not, very complimentary to
me, you know."
“My dear man,” Mike said, “Il bet
you with pleasure, if that’s what you
ТИ shouldn't be too hard to name it."
“You mean you want 1o bei ro
'm perfectly willing to bet,” Richard
Pratt sad. за
“All right, then, we'll have the usual.
А case of the wine е.
"You don't think I'll be able to name
do your"
"As a matter of fact, and with all due
тореп. 1 dan" Mike eid. He was
ing some effort to remain polite, but
Pratt was not bothering overmuch to
conceal his contempt for the whole
ceeding. And yeu curiously, his ext
question seemed to betray a certain
“You like to increase the bet?”
“No, Richard. А case is plenty.
“Would you like to bet fifty cases?"
"That would be silly.”
Mike stood very still behind his chair
at the bead of the table, carefully hold-
img the boule in its ridiculous wicker
basket, There was a trace of whiteness
around his nostrils now, and his mouth
Vas shut very tight
Pratt was Tolling back in his chair,
looking up at him, the eyebrows raised,
the eyes half closed, a title smile touch
ing the comen of bis lips. And again
1 saw, or thought 1 saw, something dis-
tinctly disturbing about the man's face,
that shadow of intentness between the
eyes, and in the eyes themselves, right in
their centers where it was black, a small.
slow spark of shrewdness. hi
“So you don't want to increase the
incemed, old man, 1
dont give а damn,” Mike said. "I'l bet
anything you like.”
"The three women and 1 sat quietly,
watching the two men. Mike's wile was
becoming annoyed: her mouth had gone
sour and 1 ic as a any moment she
was going to interrupt. Our roast beet
lay bdore us on ош plates, slowly
“So you'll bet me anything I like?"
That's what | told you. ГИ bet you
anything you dama well please, if you
Want to make an issue out of i
ven ten thousand po
“Сунану Y will, И hats the way you
want it^ Mike was more confident now.
could call
cw quite well
Pratt cared to
slowly around the table,
the three wore
appeared to he reminding us thie we
^s to the oler,
Мик. Schol
stop this w
evenly, "Were making a
1 noticed! the maid standing.
back ‘al vegetables,
‘wondering whether to come forward with
th "
AIV right, then,” Pratt said. "IL vell
you what 1 want you tn bet.”
"Come on, then,” Mike said, rather
reckless, "I don't give a damn what it
Pratt nodded, amd again the tittle
lc moved the corners of his lips, and
then, quite slowly, looking at Mike all
the time, he said, 71 want you to het
the hand of your daughter in marriage:
Louise Schofield gave a jump. "Ней
she cried, "No! That's not funny! Look
here, Daddy. that’s not funny at all”
“No, dear.” her mother said. “They're
only joking”
“Tm not joking” Richard Pratt said.
ie ridiculous” Mike sid, He was
off alame again now.
"You san! you'd bet anything 1 lia
тез ey
“Tha what вези
ариу үш didn't sy
if you wat vo go back
your olier, what's quite al right wich
"Ics not a quest
my oler old man.
because you са
уонтан do
ус: And й
ol going back on
З з no bet anyway,
ip against mune in сазе you
you had, 1 wouldn't want
ng you like,
My howe, for example,
Bouse? ж
The country
“Why not the on
AI right thes, if you wish it. Both
тү home"
М that point T amw Mike pare, Me
took step forward and placed he honle
in its bantet gently down on the table
Te moved these o one sde then
the pepper, and then he picked up his
кас шидей the blade thoughitull for
3 moment, and put i down again. МВ.
daughter. too. had acen him pau.
"Row. Dali she eid. "Dow be
absurd! Tes oo silly for words. T refuse
ie be betel on їйє thi”
"Quite right dear” her mother sd
“stop itat once, Mike. and sit down and
са tour fond.
Mike ignored her. He looked over at
his daughter and he smiled, з slow,
fatherly. y e smile. Bur in his
eyes, suddenly, there glimmered a little
triumph. "You ha
as he spoke
ought w
7 he said,
You know, Louise,
about this a bit.”
Daddy! 1те
Why, Pre
mot me. And
16 hand over a
property. Now, wait a minute,
dom "The point is this, He
to me, because 1 know
Fm talking about. The expert,
ing а claret—s0 I
gota certain ма)
ard. He can, ol
course. tell you the Bordeaux district
from which the wine comes, whether it is
from St Emilion, Pomerol, Graves, or
Мейо. Ваг
comity has many, mas i
Teis imposible lor a man to differentiate
between them all by taste and smell
alone. 1 don't mind telling you that this
опе Ге got here is a wine from a small
Vineyard that is surrounded by many
‘other small vineyards, and heil never
(continued on next page)
i. И imposible”
You чш be sure of that” his
you 1 can Though 1 say
it myself, Г understand quite a bit about
this wine busines, you know. And any-
way, heavens alive, girl, Pia your father
and you don’t think Tû let you in lor
{or something you didn’t want, do you?
Tm trying to make you some money.”
“Mikel” his wife said sharply. "Stop
it now, Mike, please!
Again he ignored her юш will
take this bet,” he said to his daughter,
ten minutes you will be the owner
of two large houses.”
"Bur 1 don’t want two large houses,
“Then sell then. Sell them back to
him on the spot. ТЇЇ arrange all that
nd then, just think of it, my
be richt You'll be inde-
went lor the rest о your life"
“Ob, Daddy, I don't like it. I think
ics ll
So do 1, the mother vid. She jerked
her head briskly up and down as she
Tike a ben. "You ought to be
М о yourell, Michael, ever за
esting ah lil Your own dag
Mike didn’t even look at her. "Take
da” he said eagerly, staring hard at the.
gi. "Take it quick! TI guarantee you
Sont tose”
"hut 1 don't like it, Daddy.”
“Соме оп. girl. Take i
Mike was pushing her hard. He was
leaning toward hei, fxing her with two
hard bright eyes, and it was not easy lor
the daughter to resist him.
put what iE Loser”
ү BSD teling ou, you cart lnc
“бъ. Daddy. must 12°
T making you з fortune. So come
оп now. What do jou say, Louise? АШ
Fo heb time, she estat: Then
she pave a Ва
Shoulders and said, "Oh, ай righ
Just so long as you swear theres по
danger of losing.”
cried. "Thats finet
Immediately, Mike picked up the wine,
sipped the first thimbleful into his own
las, then skipped excitedly around the
table filling up the others, Now every-
one was watching Richard Pratt, waich-
ing his face as he reached slowly for his
glaw with his right hand and о it
fo his noe. The man was about бу
years old and he did not have a pleasant
face. Somehow, it was all mouth mom.
and lips-tbe full, wet lips of the pro
fewional gourmet, the lower lip hang-
ing downward in the center, а pendu-
ous. permanently open isters lip.
shaped open to receive the rim of a
¡las or a morsel of food. Like a keyhole,
T thought, watching it: his mouth is like.
a large wet keyhole,
Slowly he lifted the glass to his nose.
The point of the nose entered the glass
and moved over the surface of the wine,
delicately sniffing. He swirled the wine
rently around in the glass to receive the
juet. His concentration was intense.
He had closed his eyes, and now the
whole top half of his body, the head and
neck and chest, seemed to become a kind
fe smelling-machine, re-
‘other end of the table. looking. straight
ahead, her face tight with disspproval
“The daughter, Louise, had shilicd her
chair away а litte, and wdewise, facing
the gourmet, and she, like her father,
was watching closely.
For at least a minute,
his mouth full of wine, getting the бек.
» he permitted same of й to
tickle down МА throat and 1 зам his
Adam's apple move av it posed by. But
тюм of it he retained in his mouth. And
Sov without swallowing ain, he drow
in is lips з thin breath of ai
which mingled uh the fumes of ihe
ine in the mouth and раче on down
it out through his nose, and final
to roll the wine around under the
Tongue. and chewed it. actually chewed
הש имоти cu
Te was з solemn, impressive perform
ance, and I must say he did it well,
"Um." he said, putting down the glass,
running a pink tongue aver his lip
“Um-ves A very interesting little wine
gentle and gracious, almost feminine
in the aftertaste.”
There was an excess of saliva in his
mouth, and as he spoke he spat an oc
сопа! bright speck of it onto the table,
“Now we can start to eliminate.” he
said. “You will pardon me for doing
this carefully, but there is much at stake,
Normally Т would perhaps take a bit of
a chance, leaping forward quickly and
Tonding right in the middle of the vine
mw choice. But this ti
He looked up at Mike and he smiled. a
thi: lppet. wer sipped smile. Mike did
First. then. which district in Bordeaux
docs this wine come from? That is not
too І vo guess. It is far too light
in the body to be either St, Emilion or
raves. Tt is obviously a Médoc. There's
по doubt about Пай
"Now- from which commune in Médoc
does it come? That also, by elimination,
should not be too dificult to decide
fargaus? No. It cannot be Margaux.
has not the violent bouquet of a
‚aux. Pauillac? t cannot be Pawillac,
either. It is tno tender, too gentle and
wistful for a Pasillac The wine of
Pavillac has a character that is almost
imperious in its taste. And also, to me,
а Pauillac contains just a litle pith, a
curious, dusty, pithy flavor that the grape
acquires from the soil of the district. No,
то. This-this is a very gentle wine, de
тше and bashful in the first taste,
emerging shyly but quite graciously
the second. A ile arch, perhaps, in
the second taste, and a
also, teasing the
а trace of tan
taste, deightful—consoling and feminin
with à certain blithely generous quality
that one associates only w
Ше naughty
a trace, just
ol the c ЖТ
He leaned back iu his chair, held his
hands up level with his chest, and placed
the fingertips carchully together. He wis
becoming, ridiculously pompous, but 1
thought that some of it was deliberate,
simply to mock his host, T found myscll
Waiting rather tensely for him to go
"The gu Louise was lighting a cigarette.
Pratt heard ihe match мие and he
turned on her. faving suddenly with re
anger. "Please!" Не said. “Please don't
do that! Its а disgusting habit, to smoke
at taber"
She looked up at him. still holding the
burning match in one hand, the hig slow
eyes settling оп his face, resting there a
"fmi sorry, my dear” Pratt sid,
1 simply cannot have smoking at table:
She dido t look at him again
Now. let me scc where were we" he
mid. TAM, Nex This wine ї поп
Bordeaux. om iie commune of
Julien, im the district of Médoc, So lar
o коой. But now we come to die
it рап е name of the vin
ме. For in St Julien there are m
vineyards. and as ош how wo rightly
ו there often not
much difference between the wine ol
fone and the wine of another. But we
Soll ce
Te passed again, closing his eves, "I
am trying to establish che growth: he
эм, "M 1 can до that, й will bc ван
the boule, Now, let me see. This wine
is obviously not from a int growth vine:
Te is not a
nor even a second.
do you call it—the
is lacking. Bur a third
could be. And vet I doubt it, We know
i is a good vcar-our host has
IS is probably flattering it a tite
unt be careful, 1 mist be very
огаш here.”
He picked up his glos and took ane
other small sip,
he abd, sucking his ips. "I way
right, Ти is a fourth growth, Now
sure of it. A fourth growth from а very
good year—from а preat year, in Tacl.
growth wine. Good!
We are closing й
That's bener! Now
What are the fourth-
uci, took up bis glass;
amd held the vim айта diat saging,
pendulous lower lip of is. Then T saw
The tongue shoot out, pink and narrow,
the p ot it dipping imo the wm
drawing zwi, артса тери
When he lowered the glas, his
Cher remained бома, the face
trate only his lips moving. s
ach viher ike two pieces ol wet, spongy
There in iv again!” he re. "Tas
in the middle tatc, and the quick амгит
В taurse! Now 1 have id. Tha wine
ханиа Irom one of those mall vineyarık
lle. 1 remember now
Mescheslle district, and thc river
she Hite harbor that has sid up
he wine Ships can no longer we it
Beychevelle, could it actually he a
Reqshevelle ill? No, 1 don't think so.
ine again, and on
my eye noticed Mike Schofield and how
he was leaning farther and farther tor
ward over the table, his mouth slightly
‘open, his small eyes fixed upon Richard
No. 1 was wrong. И was not a Tal
bot. А Talbot comes forward to you
just a little quicker than this one; the
Inuit is nearer to the surface. Шива
gi. which 1 believe itis, then it couldn't
бе Talbot. Well, well) Let me think.
Xt is not a Beychevelle and it is not з
is o close to both.
ol them, so close, that the vineyard must
be almost in between. Now, which could
that ber"
He hesitated, and we waited, watch-
ing his fice. Everyone, even Mike's wile.
was watching him now. Theard the maid
ut down the dish of vegetables on the
Steel behind me, gi, о as not 10
b the silence.
hi" he cried. "I have itt Yes, I
think 1 have it”
For the Last time, he sipped the wine,
‘Then, stil holding the glass up near hi
mouth, he tumed to Mike and he smiled,
a slow, silky smile, and he said,
Mike sat tight, not
“And the year, 199
We all looked at Mike, w
to turn the battle around in its basket
and show the label,
“Is that your final answer?” Mike said.
“Yes, T think so.”
s itor cio
за Dranaire исти. Pretty
Lovely old château. Know it
Cant think why 1 didw't
miae it at once
‘Come om Daddy" the girl said.
[шп it rod and les have а peck
Me was sitting very
quiet, bewildered looking. and his кс.
was becoming pully and pale, as though
кс force was draining slowly out of
"Michael" his called sharply
From the other end of the table. “What's
the matter?”
Keep out of this, Margaret, will you
Richard Prat was looking at Mike,
smiling with his mouth, his eyes small
amd bright, Mike was пос looking at
Daddy!“ the daughter cried, sgonized.
"ur. Daddy. you don't mean vo ey he's
guesed it прі
Now. sop worrying, my dear,” Mike
ssid. “Theres nothing to worry about.
1 (нї it was more to get away Шон.
his family than anything ке that Mike
turned o Richard Prat and sad, "TII
tell you what, Richard. 1 think you and
K beter Slip off imo the nest ream and
have a е chat?”
“don't want a Тийе dit" Prat
said. "АП want по see the label on
that bottle” He knew he was a winner
тит; he had the bearing. the quiet апо
ance ol a winner, and 1 could sec that
[с was prepared to become thoroughly
nasty И there was any trouble. "What
are you wai
“Go on and.
Pratt glanced around, saw the pair of
thin hornedrimmel spectacles that she
held ош to him. and lor a moment he
hesitated. “Are they? Perhaps they are.
1 don't Eno
“Yes sir, they're yours” The maid
was an elderly woman—nearer seventy
than sixty—a faithful family retainer of
шапу years standing. She put the spec
pocket behind the wie Пітон
"at the maid diri go away, She
remained landing bese amd Mighty
Башай Richand Prat. and here wat
something vo anwenal in her manner and
VÀ she stood there, small, mo,
эла erect, that 1 for one found
ray ace Ба
the lips were
с lile chin was out, nd
ul the flash ої white down the front of
uniform made her seem Ме some
™ she said. Mer voice was um
deliberately polite. ^
ху thc geen Kling cabinet in М
Sir, when you happened to go
By ancl before dinner” ^
1 took a lew moments for the full
meaning of her words to penetrate, and
in the silence that followed 1 became
ape of Mike and how Me way slony
drawing himself up in his chair, and the
slo omg to hin re and he cs
pening wide, and the curl of the mouth,
and the dangerous Hle patch ol whit
Des Beginning to spread around Ше
arca of the nostrils
“Now, Michael!" his wife said. "Keep
calm now, Michael, dear! Keep cilmi*
NO MORE GIFTS continue лон poge 55)
where 1 could even get the right time
from well, say а ДИ ike jou. So
Here he, way dt wor Ai he id
ours ШШ things get well. You'll open a
Тап ol spaghetti and TI dry the ds
aed i weil in the al be
that eo own and the amp wall won't
tater, Well sick, well make ош. But
jer tonight
ie rum his palm along her arm
dimi. за make it tonight" hc
"cause the folla act the часа.
ht а friend. And ihe back door
ox ke the onc up
v» through ie i А
‘Avis sut like a board, trying not to
ive. “Then she slumped! against him
Ж shat жа the sta bug
ter that gradually became а harsher
sound, like tearing clo. She [elt his
am loosely around her, making futile
Soothing motions.
"You can't go up against the law of
averages, baby,” he sad. “This just
‘watt our night:
He sroked her into a sort of calmness,
“The sary continued hanging over them
like pale mihed torches.” His voice
probed the opaque night uncertainty.
Еконт nothing, nen for me, Та
ways med to have the bottom bunk in
Telora school. Always found myself on
the floor, running in my sleep. Used to
wonder what ГА find when 1 got dere,
there's nothing disheartening in that. A
"Continental Look" there is, but it does
mor impl
ig of apparel inspiration and
modified, ated and produced
to American sta Far your season
in the sun, whether you bask at Far
Rockaway or Rapallo, we've admired а
whole gaggle of sport shirts, swimming
gear, slacks, hats, caps, footwear —even
handkerchiefs and watch bands that
reflect, then interpret, all that is good
in Continental dunking.
Take, for example, the bathing suit
top sport shirt looking every bit like the
type so necessary on the modest beaches.
of the Twenties, but with several im-
mant changes. Quite popular in the
ו area this season, the
bathing suit top shirt D
surf, but rather as
item, as a top for walking shorts or co
ton slacks, We've seen it displayed
ап opendront denim sport shirt right
over it, so the stripe eflect comes through.
Te can even be donned as a sleeveless
sweater over a standard shirt for chilly
evenings, ог а sport jacket
for a dillerent, casual look. It retails
here for about $$, is made by such firms
as Van Heusen and Gantner in a hardy
nation of orlon and wool.
‘Another item we saw and liked is the.
handsome West India regimental stripe
los D. and |. An-
он red, selling for around 512. Alio
available are
boser back
sell for $895.
A really hot idea straight [rom the
Riviera is the addition of a thin terry
cloth lining to sport shirts, whether they
be silk, cotton or one of the synthetic
fabrics. The beauty of it al
wonderful absorbent. quali
making the shirt far more comfortable,
shape retaining and better looking in a
hot. dampish climate. The towelling is
catching swim shorts with
а tailored Шу front that
(continued [rom page 53)
not incorporated for your beach wear
Only, but alo functions brilliantly dur.
mp those long afternoon drives when
our shirt — И not your driving compar
Ton — has an uncomfortable tendency to
м. What, we ask, could be les фев:
ing than з wet smear of perspiration
spread liberally across your shirt bach?
Contrary to what you might expect,
terry Mic sport shirts are not at all
bulky and we'd say thoyd be jus as
practical for goll, tennis ог just about
Any other hot weather outdoor sport.
Easily the mont popular type of boat
ог beach slacks worn’ on the Riviera is
the casual cotton job, and we've seen it
їп striped chambray” poplin ending. im
2 tight ft at the шай rea, not un-
Tike the female version of toreador pants
which were, after all ist worn by men
with a penchant for fighting bulls, These
new models lor men, interesting
Enough. are abo worn while surfboard:
"when coverage of
‘They um а
the rakish тайа model, which may be
worn untrimmed or brightly decorated
to fü the wearers whims. Leather san-
dals or canvastopped Italian. opadril-
les, with ог without thick rope soles
ще the footwear scene. Roman
designers have abo taken a new grip on
their own bambino, the mule, and re-
reduced the stubborn cuss for gen-
eral, outdoor sports wear — cut in cal
shin with thin, gently padded soles
We weren't Kidding about the Con-
inental influence even extending as far
as handkerchiefs and малан. The
Tormer includes some magnificent silks
done up in un-
wl, highly stylized tweed and pat
termed effects. Watchband ideas [rom re-
Vitalized Germany include solid color,
hand braided nylon affairs that are in-
expensive enough to warrant a change
of band with cach dominant shire color
you might be wearing from day to day.
when 1 finally reached the wall” He
nd what ds it but a
ке ile package
Avis smiled жецу. "And do your“
"Gentleman that 1 am. 1 do.
“E she better than the others?"
The best, We have the world by the
tail, me and Ше minister's daughter
"Teil me.”
Wal Tet ec. We've prety domos
бс people. Stick close to home, pla
the radio. and shoot э Шие рикойи.
Not too much action, пошу. But we
Dat we ever get bore
Impowible: The streets a free show.
Dog "ghis. londlaics gowiping, And
we got a box scat. right in the window
where we'll have those nice red lowers
"No. Can't remember, Из been so
They'll do fine in this hot weather
And nights like this, we sleep in the raw.
"lt sounds хау > happy.”
"li is We live happily ever ate
at ike the whiskey ads Avi mid.
ars the ea” He bruet her
lighüy on the check, "And now Im
ing for company. I think ГИ
Avi sa upright, the mood suddenly
awna doc disnei ор
round him and chong
Hie et her keep that way for a mo
ment, them gently pried her rte. Wh
һе climbed to his eet the revolver was
ia Ме hand ag
Here goes. There shouldn't be more
tion one ош Mak. he sib “Thats
prety even ens ГЇ drop you a letter."
Will you, wil! you
“HEL cam he smiled, "1 not, DI be
seeing yow” As if то Між, he added
сер raw.
He slipped through the door and was
Avis knelt in the gathering silence,
mot daring to breathe, to disturb a mole
cule of ай. And 1 don't even have his
mame to keep, she th Slowly she
raised her face, staring intently at а lar,
cold star.
Listen to me, she thought fiercely.
1 don't need any help. No more of your.
gifts with dirty little strings attached.
Keep ой, thats all. Give us a chance
for once please can't you
Suddenly she could mo longer sce
the star. Stll om her knees, holding
nothing at all between her clasped
palms, Avis waited for the sound ol
luck, the wide night cracking open to
let feet run safely through.
amd the
ol he
Burgundy, favorites lor gene
ибн ай over the world.
the Rhone valley
But lor the month of
cite a few
npagne see
mo would like t
4 win
low selling Tor as litte
а bottle in the United Sta
I гөй wines are produced.
sprightly in Mas
тло hore even the
uch ol which is known for its wines —
the Graves, төс, thi
and the
Medic пе
are the St Julien, the Chateau Margaux
dn the St. Estephe. Margau wines are
©чсстей lor their tangy По St
Julien wines for mice mellowness
The section of Bordeaux known as
ihe Graves produces both red and white
Ta dic United States the white
Graves is the most popular. 11
ih the grapes are grown is Know
й in gravelly. pebbly texture, not suit
able for any other Kim of husbandry
Tor a light delightful wine.
jovels for generations. In
white grapes
At times
nes are picked mot bunch by
tually grape by grape as
‘each part of the cluster reaches the cor
men stage of overripenew. Вақас is а
icularly delicious bottling from the
bunch but
Пу there are the
Pomerol wines. They
the b es of Bord
thet desp fine body and rich color
Та recent yenes the French government
мз taken sitive mps to aware the gem-
winenes of the labels on French wines
«n за. the Appellation ТО
fd strict regulacion on the
ames, Even the анинин
Laws ki
Rothschild а guides to illus
trious wines, Often you will see on the
label, Mis En Bouteilles an Chateau
'o the boule at the
original chateau. You may also buy a
wine with а ehate put on the
label by one of the famous shippers
. Eschena
may not
the name of a chateau but a trade
c and will have the word depose
(continued [rom page 11)
has been
pended upon for reli
among less expensive wines you will sec
merely the те on the label,
Such ау Sauterne ог Medoc Again il the
shipper or importer is well known, you
bility. Frequently,
need have no fear as to the authenticity
of the wine All of these
regul because
of the widespread fraud that once ex
aed in marketing French wines
1945, I
Burgundy wines are known for ul
m body and their rich earthy
intense Mavors The Burgundy arca is
ys the Cote FOr or opes ol
Cote de Nuits and the Cote de Beaune.
Ihrer other wine arcas an Burgundy —
Maconmais, Beaujolais and Chablis —
are almost as eminent in the wine world
Unlike the Bordeaux vineyards, cach of
li is owned by a wealthy private
the andy
vineyards may have as many as forty
owners each, So valuable is the chalky
soil that in one vineyard. Clos de Vou.
grot, the workmen are instructed 10
shake off the dirt from their shoes be
lore they leave the estate in onder not
to lose any ol the incomparable earth,
Because of the multiownership ol the
vineyards, most of the Burgundy wines
blends the wine is
"bear the name of the commune such as
the Cote de Nuits, From Burgundy one
Nuits Sai
roduces Corton, Сок
5 d. The Maconna
е lighter than
hurgundis but а extremely
Chablis &. undoubtedly
purpose white wine in Burg
rom Chablis are pale,
and can be served with anything йош
The best of the Burgu
1933, 1057.
develop some gre
“I didn't want a big wedding,
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(continued [rom page 59)
cut before the chirancy piece, his wile
the bed and their liic
is ed six years, stilled under
ace became so wrought up over
the thought of this horrible multiple
murder that he felt а weakness in his
limbs and he shuddered.
he replaced the journal i
nd went on, his head (н
Grime, He arrived sh
t Monsieur Chi
gate of che linde g
the bouse. Je was o
containing only one story and ma
Tool. lt was at least fivc hum
from its nearest neighbor,
The postman mounted the two Вени.
steps, placed his hand upon the knob.
uying to open the door, but found й
locked, "Then he perceived that the shut
fers had not been opened and that по
ове had come out that mornin
A feeling of alarm took possession of
him, for Monsieur Chapas, since his
val, had always been up rather carly
It was then only ten minutes alter seven
nearly an
earlier than he usualy
No mater. The tax collect
e up belore that
2 tour around ihe lave
walking with much precaution, as ih
scil might he it some danger He
ote тимш mpiriou быгы с
man's footprints on a strawberry” bed.
Then suddenly he мерей, Por as
he was passing 2 window he heard, un
misa, a groan ue from the hoc
Нео эку glued ин
ear to the window in order 0 hese he
ier Asmurediy someone war gran
He could platy Near long soul re
sighs and the sounds of
the groans became
quent ally chan
No longer оши at a violent erime
wn being com la
to his legh lew acro the ld ad
meadow Fun he cca о
зн and A
agaimi his ip, and а poing and
in dismay at the door ofthe ple he
rigadier Malautour was mending à
broken chair by means of some brad
and а hammer, Gendarme Ramer held
the damaged piece of furniture between
his knees and placed а nail at the eege
of the crack; then the brigadier, chewi
his mustache, his eyes round amd moist
with interest in his work, would pound.
blows which fell on the fingers of hi
When the postman saw them Ne
cried ош:
"Соте quick; someone is murdering
the tax collector, Quick! Quick!
The two men ceased their work and
raised their heads, the astonished hes
of people surprised and perplexed.
Boniface, seeing more surprise than
haste, repeated:
wick! Quick! The robbers are in
the house. 1 heard the cries, There is no
time ко he Jost."
The brigadier, placing his hammer on
the ground, remarked: "How was it you
ound out about this?”
The postman answered: "1 went to
the paper and two leners, when 1
the door was locked and
«tor had mot been out. 1
с house, trying го ac
suddenly f heard
groin as dl i
ul then 1 started as so
Theres по time
lp any
меце, re-
a number
Then the brigadier, convinced, said:
e me time to get into my uniform
and will follow you."
And he went into the building, fol-
lowed! by his subordinate who carried
the chair. They reappeared almost im.
hy née started in quick,
step for the scene of the crim
ag neat the house, they slack
through precaution, and
drew his revolver;
they went softly imo the garden and
ed the walls of the. dwell
нЕ to indicate that the
one away. The door
, palpitating with emo-
pass around to thc
other side and showed them an opening.
“Listen,” he sa
The brigadier advanced alone and
fixed his eat against the board. The two
others waited, ready for anything, warch-
y him closely.
He remained a long time, motionless,
listening. The beuer to bring his head
mear ШЕ. wooden shutter, he had re
moved his rhrce cornered hat and held it
» his right hand.
What did he hear? His face revealed
hing for some time, then suddenly hi
tache rose at the corners; his cheeks
took оп folds as in a silent Laugh and,
ing, Не came toward the two n
‘who were looking at him in a kind ot
Walking along on the tips of his woes,
he made the sign for them to follow,
nd when they came to the gute he ad:
vised Bonitace to slip the paper amd the
deuers under the door.
jared postman obeyed with per-
mers,” said
certainly a
low asked: "Why? 1 heard
groans, T tell you—groans and cries and
thrashing about as il someone were being
“Then the brigadier, no longer able to
rowan himself, Laughed aloud. He
laughed по suffocation, his two hands
holding his sides, doubling himself mp,
his eves full of tears.
"Ab" he said at last
cries. And your wile, do you murder her
that way, vou old prankster?”
My wile?
And lie stood reflecting a long time.
then he continued:
“My wile. Yes, she cries out И 1 strike
‘why Was Monsieur Chapatis be
his wile?”
ders as И he had been a puppet and
‘whispered in his ear.
The old man murmured in astonish
No! You can't mea
mean that Monsieur Chapatis and
wile were— But—but—my wile-she
never utters a sound . . ."
And con
sconcerted and
his way across the
hile the two policemen, laughing
liy and calling back to him from
alar with harrack-room wit, watched.
black cap as it disappeared in the wan-
quil sca of grain.
(continued from page 57)
deeply tanned bodies im che tumbling
Sic suri. The yelping horns ol bus and
Caron Avenida Донева along the beach
Cin barely be heard against the roar of
rest waves leaping, twice а mans
Веди before they crat against shore
and draw back to aca in a sheet of sh
Womarem. Swimming in such а surf
2 Е в incomparable
Rio's илим attractions, for tbose who
дим be interested dude the National
М in Quinta da Bon Ума, the
former residence of two emperors and
чийе magic sn teram of the Ше t
Фе know. Also the Botan
ош. Сама way, sporting э
не eti pino: Tht
monastery > it, nomene,
3 place of museums or mont
ment 3 pce oni, brain
ашу; lke Pique, perhaps the mot
‘harming of the blond in tbe bay. (The
Only odir pomiblc contender В Ih
Samta Tereza. crowned by the ponh vaca:
home of the fantastically ach Guinie
family, who pas the languid day on an
Estate where damingocs and iis and pea:
rs wander freely: The Guine wealth
trem awen the rarocens, which ie saying
3 pockettul n а city thar defines poor
mim as anyone who han to май his own
aces ike the sweeping
Sugar Loal mountain. The panora
Vista (rom the top is in many ways m
exciting than the one from Corcovado,
1000 feet higher. Stretching out at your
feet is the sweeping bay: the Pipe Organ
mountains behind you troop like rocky
battalions into the blue distance; and
(concluded on next page)
Name 8 Address
Labels $1.00
Exc ee оре
popad Sir orders hor 98.
Dor throw your old-tos
ioned double breosted
sign, rete, rect ever the color ond lop
SF you ой to conform perfectly 10 present
$ 50
\ 195
LE [o aa aen
reed ew eae
שת es ect
a p EI
Don’t Wet Car
To Wash It...
Hear архиа ask how you
“Faken cnl
keep your ear so
ion lee anys with
1 SUPER $3 Koraks
1 Н
1 1
i 1
Н 1
ו 1
i П
i 1
1 " ад {
a, поша |
“made by respi you can depend on
АЯ דצ
between the two the city Ње swarms
dom the narrow plain, through canyons
And up the sides at green hib, covering
2 woul arca greater dan Los Angeles: Or
шу a sail before dawn will a herman
for Cabo frio. About 100 mis irom
Rio, the settlement а one of the oldex
in America, discovered by Americo Ver
pueci in 1509. The ruins of ancient forts
nd missions mingle with an Eighteenth
Century quaintness that's almost as be-
miling as the fabulous seafood they serve
y gun home town features steak;
le pie with а slice
American chico, so when im Rio, ttv the
local fare. The Alba-Mar is an excellent
restaurant for lunch, and be sure to ask
for a check-clothed table acar a window
from which you can view the magnitcent
bay. IE youre up to it, order a shot of
din, cal rum with more bc than
ga, then the flaky empadinhas de
cama, Ai
olives and hearts ol palm. For your main
feast you'll want vatapd (one of the great
ihes from Bahía in northern Brazil), а
h caserole that's remarkably tasty
when you stop to consider that, bes
fish, it contains coconut. milk, peanuts.
amd thick palm oil Staying away from
the chichi restaurants (which you can
find listed in any guide book) you might.
uy the Reis on the Avenida Almirante
Barroso, where you'll choose your eve-
ning meal by lifting lids out in the
Kitchen. A native feijoada should prove
‘memorable: it's made of black beans and
rice with spiced sausages, and sprinkled
with roast manioc flour. Another worthy
spot is the Fuma da Onca, on Rua do
Ouvidor, specializing in oxtails, kidneys,
sweetbreads and other anatomical edibles
in a delicious mixed grill. Brazilian food
is about the tastiest in all Latin America,
so long аз you're careful not to inquire
What goes into cach dish and how it's
Shopping in Rio produces a glittering
selection. An especially asorable market
exists in amethyst and aquamarines,
alligator bags and antique silver, trays
‘of inlaid hardwoods, and coasters deco-
ed with the purple, black and blue
‘wings of giant jungle buuerllics. Many
‘of the narrow, shady side streets of Rio
Branco are kept entirely free of traffic
just for shoppers. At the end of Rua do
Ouvidor is an opensided wrought iron
shed that serves as the Flower Market,
ablaze with vivid green orchids slashed
uber markings. A stall near the
Market pedales macumba
charms: a clenched fist figa of vegetable
ivory for luck in love (this has proven
te elective) and a dried sea horse to
uld you be un-
‘sit to the Royal
tough Тара dis
ica, one of the many spots in the arca
where the fun gets pretty rough. But the
Lapa is not the toughest spot in Rio.
That's way over the other way—out by
the Canal do Mangue, where the police
patrol not in twos but threes.
And there—unless it’s been since razed
in a neve spurt of slum clearance—is one
ff the Tost of the Пон red ight
quarters Its quite а sight. The girls are
тта н
ае, инал door. To die
Чат wares, they may only open onc
Pid oi dos a eum. By abla!
order, the top and bottom of the door
way be opened together only to adiit
r flens а Customer.
"The picture there is like a Daumier
painting come to lie. Take any ot thc
ו alleys. There ва
streetlight only at cach end; the dark
mos between lit sporadically by
formal Washes of тей and orange tight
Че the gi stalls as they open
Ture in коте, The he
Surer way of ring him
able delights priced at the equivalent of
one US. quarter. The girls calls seem to
hang in the air long alter you've drawn
away from this grotesque scene, this dark
pit of flashing lights, weaving nakedness
End fantastic squeals. For contrast, the.
ean, chromed brightness of Rio is very
fear at hand.
tu question-
For further information on your
to Rio, write Pan American World
ways, 135 Fast 2nd St. New York 1
Moure-McCarmack Lines, 5 Broadway
New York 4, or the Brazilian Tourist
Bureau. 551 Fifth Avenue, New York.
The fare from New York to Rio is SRS
round-trip by air first class, or $525 onc
way by ship first class.
(continued from page 61)
volumes expressing the most didactic
opinions. amd they have almost
everything except create the actual mu-
sie well, which. with rare exceptions,
ies for various reasons to ema-
m this country. There is also, of
course, an enormous. amd appreciative
public in Europe which responds brightly
and enthusiastically to all the good
American bands which go on European
tours. E know I was amazed at the
derful reception the boys and I received
om our two tours of the Continent
“There have been many, many changes
music, both music
e the days when
such jan
becke and Frank Teschmaker. Whether
the style was New Orleans or Chicago,
the key qualities of u
enjoyment. Ш that's a definition of jazz
music, then E can go one better by quot-
ing Ше late, great
have to ash questions about it . .. don't
mess with id”
Cruise of the Aphrodite
(continued [vom роде 54)
are the girls on the beach goi
17" he asked back. "Well
so some of them can swi
"We don’t have an anchor.
had am anchor, the pretty ones never
kun how to swim. They can't get their
Тансу swimsuits wet.”
“You're a lt class wet blanket”
Marty said.
We were doing about four miles an
hour at full speed, leaving a trail ol
blue smoke behind ux А big white h
m green.
a thin voice,
He ran back t
А few minutes Вит Ше engine died,
1 shoved a mick into the gee hole and
found we were empty. We seemed wo
die н рій avi ie wind
and "Thor vara
Shader amd Qe Anand. of splint
wood. When it got
Y didn't have to look below the batch.
We were starting to sete. 1 went hack
to Mary, He жы so бшу he could
жый ме.
"ле sinking.” I sid,
He watt alie way а word. Не
cupped his hand uver Mis mouth and
‘Letty woke wp. He staggered over to
пета др and ا wih gic yes
жа бе bone
“An land full of naked women,” he
outed. "You know, Marty, youre ай
Fight, boy. Thi the life! Youre real
бие, Ману
As hc waved to the girls on the beach
in ри his balance ned he tumbled to
the deck.
А bunt with а large party of people
om board pulled up about Af уш
Sway in deep water, They all watched
Us In silent fascination ae ме slowly
Zink. it took them twenty minutes 10
деде what we needed help. Y jos st
there. Lety war too gone to move. 1
triad пос w Took at Marty. When the
water started lapping in over the deck
they sent a steward in а dinghy to take
"The owner of the yacht turned out to
be a mean drank, The steward kept i
sulting ш. There were a lot of fancy
Tooking да in skimpy clothes on board,
tot der Just giggled and kept way
from un ot a blanket to wrap around
Manty and he said, "Fm Martin Smed-
doy of die U.S $. Aphrodite and this в
mj secretary and traveling companion,
Me. Horace Forester
“rhe ame is Waldschmidter;” 1 cor-
rected. Me sagged bach. 1 had io k
Мт to steal а shaker of Martins for
Lefty who was getting the shakes
Yorre real genuine,” Lefty mid.
J was getting an car ache.
WHAT IS А rims
а worker in the
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possesses a cer
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he must be an al n. an ама , a man of
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can live life to the hilt, This is the sort of man we mean
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ГЭР а пе
CHICAGO 11, ичо
++ + There's a new story by Erskine
Caldwell; a cartoon satire on the per
fect uredntcrview
ictor Borge
and a tale about а lellow who tries
to find the source of dirty jokes.