Full text of "PLAYBOY"
na annt
working at the гилуу Build
locks away, putting
Г ‘of producing a w ls May
ated and always (we tr
img publication, another department
sued with reminding thor.
y jokes come
The rich humor that ts t» blue
who contral Tor any printed page? A Kellow tells vou
"hot eramos is the а joke some other fellow told him. But
bo toll that other fellow? And if you
conl trace the joke all the way back o
hat would you hnd? Th
puzzle Richard Matheson
sete himsel tor solving im his highly
к un. The Splendid Some
the. young
ad mar aan. catus
We reminded a gre
Teile amd понеся
sí completed at the Palmer
MARY, пох, MARY ANN, ie in Chicago! and hod a lor ol fun And having traced the bows jest hack
سو جور hn the process. Th Wal ساسا to its beginnings (surely a noble си
‘of Retail Clothiers and Furnishers halds
‘ach year. bu this was
the fs سم as nd, баа Бу converting شا don
So i the won popu wc m The Shrinking Man, int
College ¡compases ٨٤ the ووس amd script
our cloning ата amd merchand Tico موه favorites are here with
around the al haian for this May issue, 10o:
leout campus c ls the story ol The
dresses right lor every occasion.” Hand 1 Judge Price amd Charles
some window: displays are available for u ollers a sizzling satire of tele
هاس ond we constructed د are win. Visión in The Monster Show. Cartoonist
de sober for
The 2 Амон
dew ‘our display room to show
how the material сена be exl.
TLAVROY promotion manager
Lownes Ш n
for the convention
ing manager Eldon Sellers and €
and western od managers Filis Me
and Ralph Bolander o
to tell Pravnoy s ade
ising story
bush thrush Meg N په
ucholy Dane of Broadway,
ау about the magic of
that we neglected to fanfare the
first of د series of globeiotumg articles
by our new travel editor, Patrick Chase,
но mean image-enmeshey himsell. Better
the woners dae than never der us wow proudly
Aser rua
with reaynoy symbol
d hey prompted Tony Weitz to se pet the fat that for this iur.
tk in hin nthe Cheasa Daily has whomped up some jewelled
News, "Re mob at عا knowledgeable prose about the pleasures
Palmer Howse i glared ly ix او Portugal, and for future issues he will
dolls Suppned ta be ١
portsal call
This suc also includes an appetizing
essay on applejwk by Thomas Mario; a
ead ol а person рање anios on anie
Nother dla by Frank Cash: a wey Rial Clic
so well attended — when other rooms [re Е
really trying by Shepherd Mead; another
tripleypage, مه للها Playmate: د host اه
were empty. AROS was filled to
overflowing On the last af one
vihe NARCE Patty Jokes a LP ри
Contention i as next year. Ре amd some poignant prose on the
1 want to be sure we get the room MY state OF am exbull amd à bald
icm perme Imm PLAYBOY gain vest umes headed man. AI of which should add
LEY AND MARY ANN be cid, “We eid real well dus year with abundantly
yur лено (a Shakespearea
While all this was going om at the month while enmeshed in all those
Palmer Howe, سه editorial st was appalling April images.)
Imagine my surprise and pleasure in
tuning in on Arthur Godfrey and his
Friends the other morning and finding
from your Party Joke. He
covered the magazine on a news
m the way to the studio and spent
about ten minutes raving, about it on
and television, Не all but st
Tarter in e mide of a eng
"when he shoved your February Play
او the Month under his nose, Frank took
опе Took, ulped and uttered, "Don't do.
that ۱١ mel Tve a weak heart!” Need
Jess to say, all this was very much a
لسنهو by the audience. =
Richard Stealey
Chicago, Штом
Many thanks for the Kenton coverage.
Bill Ruso, a talented trombonist and
composerarranger, has added another
dimension to his versatility: a chronicler
of the passing jazz scene. Bill's account
of Stan was one of the finest Ive exer
read. And the unusual photographs of
the Kenton Band on the road, taken
during one of my favorite Kenton years,
‘were excellent,
Congratulations to зтлувоу and Bill
Ruso for a job well done in x tribute
10 the most exciting influence in modern.
jus, Stan Kenton.
Pete Grillin
WDOD Browleasting Corp.
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Good article on Kenton; interesting
set ol pictures. Suggestion: Drop the
tiresome Playmate and the stale Party
Jokes and youll have د damned fine
Bill Mermer
Music Director, КАСУ
College Station, 5.
T want to thank you for the continually
excellent, articles you publish on jazz.
Being د lover of ро o ٨-0
favorite feature in the magazine, Td
very much enjoy more articles on dixie-
land, We dont hear much about the
‘musicians playing in New Orleans and
КС. today, And what about more on the
واا of the music during the carly
port of the century: the story of Story-
Sille and the move to the north? T would.
enjoy seeing more written about such
{greats as Buddy Bolden, Bunk Johnson,
Manuel Perez, Jimmy Noone, Buddy
EJ مر mavsoy MAGAZINE
Petit, King Oliver, Kid دوه could go
on for NM =»
up the good work, men. a
youll rive الد dhe Ice pany "men
magazines right out of business
john Hilgerdt
Jnivenity of N. C.
Chapel Hill, N. C.
Tre mn an ale n New Osean
Storyville and the bawdy house begim-
ning of jazz (Red Lights and Hot Music)
in our August, 1954 issue: PLAYBOY will
print a piece on the musical more to
Chicago, where jazz got its mame, later
this year.
In our office, the pleasant habit of
birthday gifts [or everyone prevails. On
ور birthday, 1 was asked if | preferred
a botte of whiskey or a sports shirt. My
answer was “Get me a year's subscrip-
tion to AYO."
As an advertising agency account man,
Tam concerned over your lack of ad:
vertising. Either your representatives
aren't doing а good job or advertisers
don’t appreciate a top notch book.
Carl B. Friedman
Samuel Schindler Advertising
Cincinnati. Ohio
We appreciate your concern, Carl, but
it is unwarranted. Short cuts to adver-
ising revenue have always been вті
able: we could have hastened the entry
of many conservative advertisers by
simply making the magazine lex sophisti-
ented and we could fill our pages with
advertising if we were willing to take
‘everything submitted, уво turns
down four ads for every one accepted.
Dy maintaining the highest posible
editorial and advertising standards, we
hope to make موند the smartest,
‘est, most interesting men's magazine.
in America and the best possible adver-
ising medium for anyone selling the
dass male market. It is a somewhat
longer, but far more satisfying approach.
1 ean really appreciate Jules Archers
article, Dont Hate Yourself m the
‚Morning. After spending M years with
а woman who sull hated herself cach
morning, 1 called it quits and am now
(after two happy years) still married to
One who purrs like a kitten on cream
and wants to stay in bed in the morning.
She also buys ravaov for me and gives
it to me just as soon as she has read it.
marsoy, 1 mean.
11 ٤ SUPERIOR ST, CHICAGO 11, шко.
1 have never taken a firm grip on my
typewriter amd written to à 6
before, but something of an emergency
аз arisen and ١ mus speak up. 1 feel
the beautiful, God forsaken, wind
ср. Mood ridden, drought ridd
frozen оли, fried ont, proud Republ
state we live im needs all the pul
it can get. Noble amd Averbuch (in
their article, The Long Blue Nose of the
Lam, in the February issue) erred greatly
amd ‘hurt our pride much when they
alluded to Judge Twain Michelsen’s
cousin Gutzon Borglum and his sculp
turing on the “granite hills of North
That “hill” they are referring to is
in the state of South Dakota, It is a
mountain ol solid rock, 6:300 leet above
sea level, in the highest range of moun:
tains between the Rockies and the Coast
On this mountain is the shrine of
democracy. the Mount Rushmore Na-
tional Memorial. ‘The heads of Lincoln,
Jefferson, Washington and T. Roosevelt
are carved 450 feet high.
Forest Elliow
Sioux Falls, S. D.
Your very entertaining magazine is
certainly not best known as а geography
text, but 1 would think that Messrs.
Noble and Averbuch could locate the
sculpturing of Borglum in South rather
than North Dakota.
lim Noe
h Bend, Indiana
+++ T wouldn't be a bit surprised it
You receive a leer trom the desk ol Joe
Foss, Governor of South Dakota
Mrs. R. Goble
Rapid City, 5. D.
mering story,
but the author was guilty of one un
pardonable enor, which I'm cenam
many other poker players caught. Umil
the last с that fateful hand
opening bet! One of the first rules a
poker novice learns is that high man on
board opens the betting — usually an-
nounced by the dealer. Clinker's three
tens showing could not buck Mason's
three ladies and I'm certain every poker
player will agree with me when say
a double shot of sophisticated pleasure
Here, in two handsome, hanl-cover volumes,
are all the best, most sophisticated, most provocative features
from the fist two years of PLAYBOY,
Cartoons by Jack Cole, Gardner Rea, Al Stine and Vip;
stoties by Erskine Caldwell, Charles Beaumont and Thorne Smith:
mor by Ray Russell, Fal Wilson and Max Shulman;
plus a choice selection of Ribald Classics and a host of
Party Jokes, ballade, toasts and limericks.
You'll want both books for your permanent library,
and several extra copies for deserving friends,
51 h—both hooks for $1— Send check or money order to
Chicago'11, Ilinois
И opened correctly, ې
would never have resulted in Clinker
being taken for all his marbles,
Joseph Т. Mysak
Brooklyn, New York
Since it ix оне that the high man on
hoard opens the belting, we can only
asume Hat Mason checked to the three
tens а not too illogical move, since he
wanted to convince Clinker, as the bid-
ding developed that he was bluffing. As
‘Clinker losing his shirt, he probably
would have dene so, no matter how the
betting was started, since the author
makes И clear Clinker did believe Mason
wax 01١٩ right wp to his $9,500 raise,
when Clinker threw in his hand,
Lin not in د habit of writing sage and
notan agazines,
in this case 1 am compelled to! I just
finished reading The Crack of Doom
and tie tension amd.
force ol ill feel. IL 1
able to put down my fall reaction, it
wold sound like an advertise
simply that 1 think it was a terrific story,
superbly written,
Fairfield, Towa
BS, Okay if 1 give vtaxuoy a plug on
any shaw?
1 have never read an article that
súned me like Thomas Mario's Stenk
For Two in the February issue of Ptax-
1 was on a wain еми
ld hardly wait to سا a scat hole
io put your recipe on a later belare
me teak tie а Jewel ht demands
1 you people relly knew how i
shoot he donc
T enjoy alo your articles on [shi
and Tuning Tr men. М
Vat wil they ever succes
AR Bishop
Redondo Bench Calit.
Please res like the
delicious 1 teak For Two
in your February issue. We got so
Hungry looking at it that oar boytriends
took us out for a steak dinner. How
about pheasant under glass next?
Bobbie and Lynda
Chicago, Minos
The askances looking juvenile sporting,
the weskit and twenty cent cigar on your
February Playbill page has all the inno-
cente of a man with a weekend pass to
Smith College. Take away the trappings
and what have you got? One helluva
intellect — that’s what
Ray Russell's “obscure” satire has all
the finese of a well wickled straight
тали. Obscure! His satire was about ay
obscure as the locker room at the YMCA.
Since rLavuoy doesn't especially cater
ic silk hankie crowd, 1 don't imagine
Dick Morgan
Manhattan Beach, Cali.
Your Ray Russell is an absolu
loll. А man is a beautiful thing
jis weird age of ret
rogression, د man is as rare as a tender
button in the
what did 1 find but that priceless
fabulous, divi
Hot Tin Roof.
1 hope | haven't formed a pattern,
gem, Playwright on а
by that time 1 was madly in love سا
with him. Apparently ов the assembly
inc, he was given a physique that would
make Paris or Apollo groan in envy, but
something went askew, for thrust m his
head was an uncomplementary set ol
rains, completely devoid af a space for
was rushed to the head healers, but 1
for all of that 1 could give only lip and
teeth service 10 a smile and my heart
forgot how to laugh.
ter reading Playwright on a Hot
wiously. И
And 1 told.
story. Me sid, =
needed و release
Funny side to ev
hanka, م۸١! Thanks, you terrific
Ray Russell,
San Francisco, Cali.
You didn't do Mis Felnuary j
I you're going to have breablast in bad
Jets have the main dish uncovered.
nl Olive
Springfield HI
photographer Russ
de more time
CREW CUT with a
Continental Air
Rote your crew cul with the very best
when you keep it neo! with
Cs lu
aye сл bum, Sopa and
PARR or con
ihe ot of March, 100, Printed
FANBOY, May, TE, Vel QNS. Parker y peblaled mel by НИН eg Cr. ع
eked Be
D Ef ee
"mr ва Bib > Ten au) هم
armi would naturally have become tired
trom holding the cup and wast, shed
ac lowered thems shen ‘imap! — all
savaoy readers would really have been
Fewarded with an “outstanding” picture.
Regretful two good points were iin
ui ren 5
Montreal, Que. Canada
our latest Playmate is the most.
Га Tike to be her piece of toast,
But if that job is taken up,
Td seule lor her coflee cupi
Harold Browne
Warwick, R. 1.
1 have just finished reading your
February issue. 1 thought the Playmate
pene of Marguerite Empey was one of
the best yet.
1 have а complete collection of Play:
mates, and Margaret Sent (Miss Feb.
сту. 1954) is still my favorite. How
about a rerun for Maggie?
Jack Harding
Chicago, Ill.
We thought you'd enjoy this i
Carnival weekend this Febr مس
AYIOV fe the пи popular maga:
ur tracery and, as а matter
Hanover, New Hampshire
erytime 1 read a fight report on the
nous Robinson-Masim bout, the
akes a point about Sugar Ray
collapsing, Irom heat exhaustion and not
from Maxim's punches. So where was
Maxim during this heat wave? Was he
in a cooler part of the state or was he
а portable air conditioner? L
give Maxim seme credit.
E. H. Bolda
Detroit, Michigan
Joey Maxim wasn't doing much fight-
ing that evening, so he was less effected
by the heat than Robinson. Sugar had
alvendy won the bout when he collapsed
from heat exhaustion; had he simply
Leen able to stay om his feet through the
remaining roumdend-e hell, he would
have token the lightheavyweight tlle.
Even referee Ruby Goldstein was busier
in the ring than Maxim and the 110 de-
gree temperature got him in the fourth.
viavnoy is wonderful,
that way 1 get to read it first. Im an
exPTA President and د Sunday School
teacher, but think you publish ane of
the best, mist entertaining magazines
md. ы
Mrs. Katherine E. Williamson
Penney Farms, Florida
Your mag has come across the ocean
fi ote For Pob
Td like two ساسا
London, England.
You have the damnedest magazine T
have ever seen. | must boast a bit and
say that I have read them all, from
Sexology 10 Richards Almanac,
Take it from د "Mousewife.” yours is the
greatest thing since diaper service.
Entertainment for men? Debatable,
Alter parting with my hall a buck, 1 then
part the pages of riaynoy. 1 view the
Playmate and after finding ne figure
flaws, 1 console myself with the thought
that she is probably a horrid cook. Please
do not disillusion me.
At this unfortunate time of year, my
husband is vacationing in Korea. Г de
ated to great extent before 1 decided to
send him cach month's copy. Jt was my
Juchy day when ١ mailed one to him.
The gesture has endeared me to his heart
more than ever before. Hasn't aid a
word about being discontented with my
Warren J. Suaub/s Playmate
Hampton, Virginia
My son who has returned from Korea
serving with Unde Sam's army lar
brought a copy of vtov home, 1 have
looked through it and am thoroughly
disgusted to think men in this wonderful
country of curs would be guilty of عم
lishing such a magazine. Have you no
respect lor womanhood?
Mrs, Ruby Carpenter
Rockville, Missouri
Even the name "PLAYBOY" sounds
irresponsible. Do you folks really feel
you are doing any good, any service 10
anyone, including yourselves, publishing
a magazine like млувот? Have any of
you ever really
کس donen deep in the he
im erms of morality, ри
dignity of woman? 1 really feel sorry lor
the likes of y c somehow, same-
time, good
people like you, before it is to late.
‘Mrs, Eva Printz
Т predict that your magazine,
‘other fads, will die out quickly
good riddance. Trash is the word.
s. C. W. Potter
1 believe this poem is an appropriate
answer to those who read your magazine
and write letters ol outraged! indignation,
Ie was originally published in The Point
ој View, dated 1905:
M aught indelicate has jarred
the sense,
aught of sophistry has brought از
a Пом,
Perhaps а counter charge might
be ct down
And leave the reader with a sad
10 aught of flighty verse or tale
Has led you on, this final page
о crown
With comment critical, some
slight renown
Accrucs to me through that same
For were you not, yourself, on
pleasure bent,
‘You surely bad nor read as far
as here.
1 pray you judge me by my good
To bring a smile or chase away
a tear,
And if my methods must for
pardon sue,
1 first must bid
Point of View.
A project begun nine months ago was
culminated. for me ه٥ February sth in
the shape of a small, loud daughter. As
my wile is an avid reader of MAvNOY, 1
dropped the latest off at the hospital for
her to enjoy. Visiting hours the next d
Drought a barrage of where and how and
from whence cometh, etc, from doctors,
mures and patients,
Considering the fact that the inhabi
tants of maternity wards are usually
female (those who are able to read, any-
how) 1 feel that it is an answer to the
indignant ladies who occasionally annoy
us cultural types with their complaints.
Congratulations to la в.лувоу and keep
it up.
Rob Merolla and family
Waukegan, Illinois
PS. Have a cigar.
am almost unelieved note of sardonic
سا Sir Laurence Olivier i jus such a
i batese
سا a delight to watch. There are other
reasons, af course: the bracing bustle of
"le bale комы the Machiavellian
machinations اه the plot; the visual
beauty of the sets کوس and Claire
he perfect performances of auch
actor as Ral
John Giclgul- but ts Oliviersshow. and
le kisi. From the tme he fist faens
Wis eye on the camera and هسلا
directly to the audience (making us as it
were د to یا arme}, Olivier i
he mic of the whole she
virtuoso. Mis Richard is
intelligent, unscrupulous, efficient, per-
suave, ironic: no more, по less. This
may not he the welbrounded Richard
one might wish (we missed the sug
gestion of a cripples Inner anguish), but
it ia legitimate and devilishly entertain
ing one — and one who can make cu
ing that badl-written, unbelieval
where Richard woos and wins
utes, the widow of
He is aided here 3
у the home truth that women find evil
and also by the fact tha
wisely divides the scene into two scenes,
allowing the lady at least one "
fore the heavy breathing sets in. Olivier,
besides playing the lead, directed the
film and, with Alam Dent, wrote the
screenplay, Ic is based on د а
سين histories by Shakespos
Doctor ot Sea В a pleasant British
farce емитира ships doctor (Dük
Magie) د ips "captain. (Jam
Roberton Јака) amd a shipshape
mademoscile (Brigine Bardo). Juke
оа pounds of ted bearded rage —
is преса funny ze 2 sort ol comic
Query, and Mia Bardot, though will а
Wile shaky in the speaks da Engl
sinet the
live piece of French وسم our jaded old
yo have seen on the sereen فا many a
واس But then were райна
Meet Me in Las Vegas,
Foam Jig)
Vegas in the ln
fertible weve ever setn and won dis
en tat whenever he and د te
at ballerina (Oud Ci
eerie wittheraft pre
nc cough up јадра, di
but seven, roce اسا
1 м
dean" up, then lo, ка wi
Ра (lve). Heiden this, yo
ng ol the famous enter
hie Laine, et al) on deck at
plush palaces as the Desert In
the Golden Nu
jary hall
Johnny. нат
Davis, Jr. hoofed si
Charisse and other sli
ied amd sung by Sammy
Sy by Mie.
skirt types.
Take the good
Rightful Rulcrto the T
The Black Fox, a
ired princess, secret birthmarks,
urneys and damsels in all sures
of distres, and you come up with a
standard castle drama, give or take a
simple or meo. But add just one more
ingredient — Danny. Kaye and you've
got اسر The اسم Jeder, à very
مسا Him. The magical Danny com
tributes د ew, multe favor to ihe eld
sew by Being the same muy nudnik it
سا always been bis wont to portray: د
angling bumpkin, caught im vicum
siames ar beyond bis simple under
andi — projected, of course, with al
the high att ار Ms fnhumaniy elastic
face, voice and body. Gis Johns a
ing for, wears the low cut medieval robes
with as and Nasal Basil Rathbone
is still, for our money, the undisputed
sultan of the supercilious sneer. Good
fun, this: a picture to please all devout
1 Shaw's Pygmalion, a
ever since we cay the
e of Third Bystander in an оси
Het, is now a musical comedy. We
rather expected dhe bust of کات om
muclpiece to lower at thi
o be
iio MY a L
of work. 1
شولک ногу of د only Codo
y girl
nuted into a fine lady by د
professor of speech is alter all
le. and therefore an admirable sub.
kf the mona sige idend.
Nic put wp the Lantan Wf Uer cor.
ایت سی به په le dieit
performances add the final touch. Julie
Andrews — the girl friend of The Boy
Friend — is a fetching. pathetic, demonic
Elia (he Coches gil: never vas dhe
jonetician Higgins more glacial, more
Eaustic, more suave than this Higgins of
Rex Harrison (the milk of human kind-
nes absolutely freezes over during his
cech lessons): and the relatively minor
solos اه Eis father and Colonel
Pickering are polished off with stumnin
authority by Stanley Holloway а
Robert Coote, respectively. No small
item in this production's success is the
happy fact that all the principal players
are Briunhers — апа chock full ob talent
Britishers, besides. Jolly good show,
uv nor; you'd best queue up (or tickets
straightaway; look sharp now: off you po.
(AL the Mark Hellinger, W. 51st. NYC).
Playwright Paddy Chayefsky, as anyone
whe saw Marty knows more а photogs
Tapher than a poet, but his photography
Mire gu tc has d of ete
Wee quality. In this vein is his cur
piece, Middle of the
rent Bro
peng vite (age
ut lonely widower of a bae (age 50.
Va anger vl موو In the Cajero
mode is that it tends to record life's drab,
dull, pedestrian side right along
‘everything else. This play is saved from
the error of artequalslife by the vibrant
presence of Edward G. Robinson. He is
د link between sidewalks and stars He
stands om Chayefsky’s shoulders and
heightens the authors camera-cye tech-
ique to the point of drama. Never
cornball, Robinson gestures in the grand
‘manner in the midst of an ever-soslightly
Seventh Avenue speech, and the two go
together to make a vital performance
and am exciting theatrical evening.
(ANTA Theatre, West 52nd St, NYC)
"We keep it always the same,” said
jalatojre, gesturing toward his
jenu. * Lrout marguery, shrimp remon
Ме, fillet marchand de vin; For 80
years, Galatoires in New Orleans has
served some of the finest French cuisine
in the entire U, $, ever since old Uncle
Jean Симоне came from France i
1876. For the last 50 years, Galatoire’s
has occupied. the same location at 209
Bourbon: the walls are lined with mir.
ror» graceful brass fans reach down from
the ceiling, the loor is عا the windows
heavily curtained, The door of the
dignified white structure just off Canal
Street are open noon to 9 РМ
closed Mondays. And Сашоне is
always crowded, being a favorite of
Orleanians as well as visitors, No reser-
vations can be made, Why? “It is a
tradition," says Leon. “There were no
reservations when we first opened and
ме keep it always the same.”
We were sitting in Orsuís Pump
Room (Ith and Locust) in Philadelphia.
checking up on a remarkable story we
heard Irom an actor pal, а hardbitien,
ice water for blood Kind of fell noted
lor his tough guy roles on stage and
screen. Claimed he had Кафето! to د
lark at Оган who warbled his favor
mediately dsolved into a
Jodi tears We hound the subterranean
onferente chamber to be a red drape,
ig sort of سو with
Nie d jme Mana отау of
the Shamrock in Houston) grecting us
اسر seeing ما it that we sumpled Chel
Oxars Chicken مس (chicken and
oms sauteed in white wine and
ce, with spices added). We were
well бете for the
Wy eie مه شم 4
uber into и
her piano almost hid
camir, amd singa all
away im one
Ihe songs from
to Tin Pan Alley in a bitter.
ice reminiscent of Mildred
Bailey's. What really got through to our
rend, we decided, i Des سل
Лаа in just the nostalgic way yo
sure the composer intended. We didn't
bawl, but the night hours melted away
pleasantly indeed. Closed Sundays.
There's more than an adequate cache
of comfortable chairs and white leather
Booths at Chicago's London House
(Michigan and Wacker Drive) in which
1o take in the current keyboard recitals
of Marian McPartland, a girl who pilots
her trio through some mansized, Tatier-
day arpeggios. You're apt to
Oscar and George Marienthal h
between pillars and posts roost any time,
and the entire green-wallel room (with
paneled bar of ın опе side) pulses
happily with tall. talk, talk about clients.
budgets, schedules, مه (L M. is the
hub for Chicago advertising nabob).
When thirst alates, as it must occasion
ally, all eyes wheel toward the open
hearth up front which dispenses giant,
ruddy sirloins, chops of all sorts, and د
line of plump. pampered chickens that
seem almost pleased with their char-
coaled fate. A wee, but wonderful
lis is at your constant call (recom.
mended: Pommard Hasenklever 1917).
Most flanneled patrons stick around um
1 closing: 5 A.M. on Saturday. 4 during
the rest of the week. Joh
'wesday; Miss McPartland and her slick
sidekicks have a go on other nights.
Whenever the tantalizing vision of ex-
traordinary food served in an atmosphere
of nearly monastic simplicity avails our
ner eye, we zip right over to Wash-
ington’s Occidental Restaurant (1411
Pennsylvania Ave, NW), just a
shot from the White House. Business
‘Arthur Riback was telling us
that Ulyses Grant used to hitch up his
hone to a post outside the door and
burst in for a few fast shots (at 25c
apiece, when the Occidental was called
the Thompson-Owens House). and it
дан mero or Abe Eolo 10
mel. Today, he went on, you're just ae
apt to spot د Cabinet member, Senator
Or tar of د current play running at the
National or Shubert theatres, Не mo
ione towards د wooden table in thc
comer and there, large as lile, st Labor
Secretary James Mitchell sticidhing his
legs and eming his Secretarial Iome
against he canvas back of a captis
hair When Mr, Michell works over
me. we were told. his chaleur drives
to the Occidental and picks up a steak
sandwich for him. We thanked Mr
formation and pro
a to take a closer look
the 2500 autographed photo
ie dining room walls!
Pásalo ll and Dv
looked down :
Tallulah Bankhead was grinning. Em
سشر at the Occidental سا been placed
"oen the decades on “hearty
are which means, we سل 0
seaks, lobsters and chops prepared v
the Mpineclear eye ol Swiss chel
Winia Bueller, Lunch, dinner and
supper hours merge gracchully into one
another from 11 AM. through 1 AM.
and it is wise to phone for reservations
for the simple reason that the dining
room's 300 seats seldom po beckoning,
The Olivier Richard is ako ou
for ears alone on three LPs hands
boxed by RCA Victor (LM 6126).
is the original sound track,
fanfare and footfall ۱١
and though the lack of selectivity gives
the listener the feeling he is sining in a
езе lobby overhearing tantalizing
chunks of an unseen film, the album
makes а fine permanent souvenir of an
‘excellent Hick,
Via, under, مه suddenly
soothing. amd easy voiced, Harry
Keene s غو سال login al de
vocal dramatics and brassy showmanship
so necessary 10 his special melange ol
ballads and folk music, A c ing
ros section of his repertoire is heard on
سا (Victor. LEN), win
catches, among other things, the
slave chant Jump Down, Spin Around,
the rumsoaked calypso caper Matilda
andl the haunting Waterboy.
"The first time Sammy Davis, Jr. heard
the Hilos, he supposedly stutered,
“Man! "They're د gas!” and we too are a
little dizzy from the effects. We don't
know who came first, the Hi-Lo's or The
Four Freshmen, but comparison is inevi-
table: both groups stun the ear with mile-
wide organ chords, weird phrasing and.
soupcdup delivery. Both quartets are
sharp as can be: listen 10 The HiLo's
Under Glass (Starlite 7005) and The
Four Freshmen aud Five Trombones
(Capitol TOSS).
Vaughan in HiFi (Columbia
у catches this most sophisticated.
ic mixture of slow blues,
jump tunes and ballads, each a gracious
Study of Sarah's divine warbling. An
extra dividend is Miles Davis’ introspec
ive trumpet foamed in a small jazz
group bucking Sarah up on such sterling
"el ugs ds The Nearness ој Yon
Gort Get Out of This Mood and End
a the Sun.
Frank Sinstra's new LP for Capitol.
Songs for Swingin’ Lovers (W633) is a
b paste of uptempo
1 3
МЕСТИ Be Together Again and the Cole
Porter emie Anything Goes, bristling,
lyrical gems as
knew heuer
LP collection for Capitol and every one
has been a waxen wonder. There is no.
tone else around today who handles a
pop tune as well as Frank.
When Margaret Whiting Sing for the
stay Eyed (Capitol TRS), sc docs ic
0 tate And an aime unnersing
٠٢ pet lve cog uni It pars
ене al the ppridden prose cn the
jacket aout “few loc" and ату.
E" وام Ms Whiting LP i an
ail, ear oe prevention of vae
Compelling songs luting They Di
leve Me Lefa Fall In Lane sud the
Чаты Tve Told Evy Dile Sr,
lor has ول int ds وسل archives
sid come up with The Golden Aer of
Tenny Goodman (LPM 1099 polig
ae original 198699 killer diller bami
Ting omt a barret of cto m
Sinmpin’ at the Sovoy, One O Clock
ro Bugle Call Коко And the
Sig. ас Con
rested ما month (Mr. Пенну Goor-
man. which featured new сни of
Practically he same tunes. The Golden
Ale tool ор honans,
Igor Stravinsky was د stripling of 27
when Serge Diaghilev, the stormy ballet
and opera producer, presented him with
"niic 10
neering a sen
Prince Ivan, King
Kauchei and 13 суу princes wha
owed allegiance 10 а bewitching Tear.
evna, The brooding, dissonant, swollen.
Score with its triumphant finale has Бест
Stel and recorded many times since
its first performance in 1910, but по.
where will you hear a more ebullient
Five Bird than that turned in by Ernest
uting L'Orchestie de la
London LL 1272). Two
contemporary American bullet scores we
like are Morton Gould's Full River
Legend and Leonard Bernstein's Fac-
simile (both on Capital P $520). The
first. of course, is based on the demi
cumie ax murder of Ми. amd Mrs
Borden by their dizzy daughter Lizzie.
the whacky lass who allegedly adminis-
tered 40 whacks to Mother and 41 to
dear old Dad. startling and
roaring. ar the climax is Mr. Gould’ in-
terpretation of the goingeon. Farsimile
is د pchological tone poem concerned
wih pont wa nameless مو (Woman,
First Man) in an episode ar the beach
thar is لما with fitful passion, jealousy
and disillusionment. all of which i
ly rellected in Mr. Bermuciws
aly neurotic sore The Ballet
Wheatre orchestra is conducted by
Joseph Levine.
ır on the campus. no doubt about
ft. ё a Nourishing fact. Most of it. for
some remon. seems to emanate Iron
tern or Midwestern schools. an
had the personal. pleasure
‘our bluchers to the Salis Dogs (Pus
weil as Stan Rubin's
0). Хо to be
rocken its own
нс clambukers
who have chosen tn call themselves Eli's
Chosen Six (Columbia СІ. 736), and a
fine mess of music they do cook up.
Gleverly concocted is the funny old
blues novelty. Ugly Chile ("Your teeth
are yellow, you don’t smell so mellow.
you're a uelle chile”), plus several
other solid Southland standards: 1٨
vevine Blues. "That's A-Plenty. Muskrat
Ramble. "he lads have a particularly
good time with Cole (Yale. 46) Porter's
Bulldog by sluicing in from time to time
د stream of other traditional Eli favor
he. Goodnight Poor Harvard, Boole
Brola, Bright College Years. сле. and it:
a fine romp from start to finish.
ın discern the influence of Schor
Milhaud and even Rossini cut
ally aos. nal bit.
а scholarly young fellow. div
cues on the LP cover the why and
wherclore of one of his own tunes, Bab-
theme comes it
Yoidks! Despite the
supersophistication, Johnny Eaton and
Princetonians manage to roll mer-
vily along, and “a Persian double har
ic scale over open fifths in the bas”
bother you onc whit.
Sis enstalpure male and female
voices. undiluted by instrumental non-
sense, warble their winged ways through
1 top tunes of 16th and I7th Century
England, on a platter called The English
Make a dete with the
ste LONDON house ¢
the best in food, too
Michigan Мое » Сене أ
You're darn right it в...
... A REAL restaurant.
We وعم it och ke the drawings ol the
es Fine Arts Building, And what could te
more appropriate? Ме think tat good cocking
i the finest of Fine Arts. And at MORTON'S
"Bat art kas been refined to the very peak of
Wat teer place culé the species hnc
sapiens کن وتام (Chicago variety) tae his
[ade tastebuds and his Playmate? An evening
‘of reed ding with special music designed
lo made Ме digestive juices flow t even ar
за execute’ mistreated storach.
Martinis of extraordinary mume velocity,
sine دا د September issue: hichory bartegued
FA that are a моћ of art in ther es; an
Woneric 26 ounce ct of prime гё of rast
eel that's right, 26 ances) that د کا many
splerdre tiag
All this is MORTON'S
Heres Wor he Museum of Scene and
سیا on Chicago's cuter ab shore.
3550 South Shore Drive Chicago
a restaurant?
In Person
rerum |
Madrigal School. Fol. 1 (Vanguard KG-
595) The tane is iui ее
flawless, the songs ding and the
pacing canny: ively, Jocular melodies
Buch as Mother, 1 Wil Hace a Husband
are alternated with the sustained, serene
ny of songs like Weep O Mine Eyes
Thee are dedicated, spirited singers,
nd, under the endy hem direction of
‘Altre Deller, a good time is had by al
ie Konitz with Warne Marsh (At
Tantic 1217) spotlights two of the bright-
est "thinking" saxophonists in captivity
Lee plays alto, Warne tenor), and the
سم comes at You like gamma ray» shot
in a Tine of tricky time and knife sharp.
tomes Lae cok oto his harmonie
training Irom Lennie Tristano, gras
mfi د اه brine contemporary jazz
School in which every note counts, so
you best keep tree or four cars cocked
At all times. Here are some ol the most
subile, whipsmart musicians around
these days, whose control over their in-
struments constantly amazes us. As just
‘one example, listen to Ома Petrilord
Don't Squawk (Oscar plays bass with the
group. which also includes Billy Dauer
Om guitar, Sal Mosca om piano and
Kenny Clarke on drums).
Lighthouse at Laguna (Contemporary
3509) casts a steady beam on a recent
West Coast jus concert that featured
Howard Rumseys Lighthouse All-Stars,
Barney Kessel guitar and the Hamp-
ton Hawes trio. Its د real fine race
through the world of light, polite jazz,
and we took particular pleasure in
Frank Rosoline's facile, free blown trom-
bone on Lady Jean, as well as Hampton
Hawes’ big, booming chord work on
Walkin’ and The Champ. Mr. Hawes is
the champ, a gent who placates 2 piano
as if he possessed at least seventeen
felicitous fingers.
EZ ==
"And then, in fiteen minutes in د
le sinking summer resort beside a
lake, the whole thing collapsed.” The
whole thing, in this case, happens ما
be the lives of three grade-À bunglers in
Irwin Shaw's painful, penetrating novel
of a sour marriage, Lucy Crown د
dom House, $8.95), and a coking good
‘one it ik Lucy is a SGycarold upper-
middle class knockout who chooses adul-
tery as her favorite form of self expres:
sion, gets caught between the sheets by
her sensitive son, is nailed to the wall by
a pompous husband. From then on, the
walis come tumbling down as Lucy
wanders from Simmons to Sealy “looking,
Tor د good opinion of myself in the arms
of other men.” Son Tony turns into а
4, sneering expatriate living im
Paris, husband Oliver goes completely
to seed and finally steps into a hail of
German machine gun slugs in د war he
should never have seen. What Shaw has
etched magnificently is د deadly, wo-
human pattern of insatiable egos, sell-
hatred, revenge and final expiation.
поко ха
UE a!
ونا e E
e p CAN
Lac yn ges
سنا е eT
لس نې eel
аа C ма е
deep pe
gc P
Батар ЕИ
VE we must go around the world in an
Fames chair, we'd rather do it under the
orage ol our own Patrick Chase or at
cast David Dodge, whose 1936 edition
of The Poor Man's Guide to Europe
(Random House, 53.50) turns out to be
د prize tipsheet for travelers. Mr. Dodge,
є nicklenunsery’ most revered peri
patetic, is a crafty young coot who once
paddled from the French Riviera to the
‘on a water bicycle while
lad in nothing but a bathing suit and
the inspiring effects of a bottle of Cognac.
Here. he offers some very funny and
| hints on packing, tipping, tip-
ing, chiseling. lodging, dodging, travcl-
ng and haggling your curate way
around the Continent,
int, Rose slept with Alexis. Then
she slept with Alesis uncle, George, who
had a mistress named Giullietta. Then
Rose slept with Alesis again. Then Rose
married George and they had a daughter
named Jenny. Then Rose slept with
Vincent, and Alexis almost slept with
Jenny, but slept with Giullieua instead.
Jt all sounds rather complex, but David
Garnett, in his slender novel Aspects of.
Love (Harcourt, Brace, SS), guides the
reader in and out of boudoir and haylolt
with agility, Keeping cach relationship
risp and sharp while spinning a delight
fal sory, This book اسان د
pagan: filled with the joy of lite, glow-
ing with appreciation for the pleasures
اه food, wine, mature and healthy
amality. Author Garnett, at 64, is ob-
viously a fervent believer in the line of
irgil’s which he quotes and which may
well be considered the theme of the
book: "Heres Death twitching my ear.
“Live! says he, "lor I'm coming’
“Innocence.” says Graham Greene in
his frst novel since 1951, "is like a dumb
leper who has lost his bell, wandering
the world, meaning no harm.” Alden
con (Viking, $8.50), is an
abroad in French Indochina, meani
по hann but causing a great deal and
‘coming to ultimate harm himself there
Caught up in Pyles futile, fatal ما
bling is the book's narrator (a disem-
chanted British war correspondent
strongly resembling the author) and
fragile Phuong, the Vietnamese mistress
of both men. This bitterest, if not best,
Greene novel is being publicized as his
а е ek
igion plays liule or no part" It makes
ood reading, for Greene کا one of the
Sols mest accomplished novels, In
when we remember The End othe
ран, The Heart of the Maite and The
Power andthe Glory (m all of which »
fion played د major pany, we cu
Mp whine Greene would rou tn
A trio of comedies that have been
raking in the Broadway shekchare now
available 10 armchair theatre gers: Will
Success Spoil Kock. Hunter, No Time
[or Sergeant, and Janus” (Random
Howse, SESS each). ack Hunter, by
George (Seven Yeu Itch) Axelrod. ul
oi anis llege oneens а
bashful young low; a ah young
"Monde, amd devi im the o
literary agent named Irving LaSalle
Ама هم literary agent is named
Irving Lazar). Sergeants is a series of
fantastic incidents involving an
ging, Lil Abnertype yokel and the
Army Air Force. Janus, taking its title
successful historical novels. All
tree plays make swift, lighthearted غه
ing lor these evenings when you don’t
want to wrinkle the gray matter.
That Uncertain Feeling (Harcourt,
Brace, $8.50) busies elf with exter
ital sport among à chuch of comic
Welsh, each of whom wavers charmingly
‘on the brink of infidelity. John Lewi
an asistan librarian living in Cwym-
fryd, Wales, is riddled with a breast
fetish (Why did Т like women's breasts
so much? Т was dar on why I liked
them, thanks, but why did 1 like them
مر much”). Along tros Mis. Elizabeth
Gruffydd Willian, د coublowsed, tally
thing whose hubby is chairman of the
Library Committee, and tosses a wicked
Fas بد John, who happens to have د
wife and wants a better job. An awful
damned lot of English drawing room
chatter is flipped back and
(Cblocsly" this, “bloody” that) beto
affair picks up any sort of steam: they
kiss om page 77 (Well, that really was
nice") and finally take той in the sand
fon page 198 ("Tita was good, wasn't it,
"elg ds blondy well writen,
though, and author Kingsley Amis is a
bloody dever chap almost another
Bloody Huxley.
avant. E
MISS MAY—playbey's playmate ofthe month ^
HEADS, YOU нение Miss sa
PLAYBOY'S BAZAAR—buying guide a
сн м. هجو editor and publisher
hay RUSSELL executive editor маня Pav art director
лека коми asocia editor oman нак asociate ви director
пром stuuens advertising manager Jom PACTS assistant art director
Micron омана m promotion manag лонх astm production manager
тише © милая business manager
mabey le published monthly by the HMH Publishing Co. tne. 11 E Superior, Chico
еы Рр muat company په vomer Фр са
sena Entered ca weird sos Кан بر مقر د te pon ое of Ch
ie Aer o Men, IO ‘hinted in U. E ۸ Contents copyriahied Fst
Timm Are
vol. 3, no. 5— may, 1956
"Then spare me your slander,
apnd ae там hn
the daytime, and give it not to young
maiden there be any Batt
fear nothing for this book, since it is
extracted from a high and splendid
source, from which all that has issued
has had а great succew .
— Babac: Contes Drolatiques,
Gwar te one Unde Toman told Ta
the summer howe that did it. Talbert
yes jut coming up the path when he
heard the punch line: "Му God! cried
the aen, thought you sad rap
Gullavs exploded in the little house
Talbertatondmotdonies, looking
through the roe weile at dhe laugh
pues Im his contour sandals he
thor flexed tuminativey. He thought.
Tater he took د walk around! Lake
Bean and watched the ental sof Toki
سه amd observed. the Bing want
And stared at the Ком and ought
“re been thinking.” he said shat
"о 1 I
Eo" mid Unde Lyman
He di not commit himmel Кат Hi
Valid for the Bow.
Which fell.
"Di jos" sid Talbert Bean Ш
“I beg Jour pardon?" id Uncle Ly-
"indicas бек of them covering the
"I fal" mid Unde Lyman, "o grasp
ite point” Appecheation popped bb
"1 find the subject fraught with witch
ery” mid Taler
“Consider” aid Talbert. "Every day,
all through our land, men teli ool
jokes; im hars and at bull panes й
theatre lobbies and at places of bust
nes; om street comers and im locker
Toons. AC home amd away, а veritable
Talbert paused meaningfully
“Who makes them up?" he asked.
Unde Lyman stared at his nephew
with the Took of a fisherman who has
hooked a жа serpent alf awe,
Виена“ тем
"Em afraid — " he began.
“L want to know the source of these
jokes” said Talbert. “Their genesis
their fountainbead.”
“Wig?” asked Uncle Weakly,
yy Becas relevant aid Talbert
"Because these jokes are a part of a cul-
ture heretofore морат. Because
they are an anomaly: a phenomenon
PUR Lyman did no ped Hi pal
та in did not 1
На hands dried imply ou hi hall rend
Wall Street Journal, Behind the pol
یساسا of his glasses his eyes
were suspended berries i
At last he sighed.
“And what part.” he inquired, sadly.
einn وون
sid Talbert, "with
one Se baten a
poss Bean ماس
"spit? ei Talbert "Call Mm up
and خد him where he head i
Voce Lyman drew the her watch
trom pen nt 1 x
irs arly midnight Talbert” he
announced. и
"Taller waved away chronology
"Nowe le aid. This imp
Undc Lyman examined his مسل a
longer. Then. with a alle
rug while Uncle Lyman dialed, waited
and spoke
“Rulprit®” said Uncle Lyman. "Ly-
man Bean. Sorry to wake you but Tal-
bert wants ta know where you heard the
HUUSTRAVN او Frang هوسو
joke about the actress who thought the
director said sanaparilla."
Unde Lyman listened. "I said" he
began again.
А minute later he cradled the receiver
“Prentiss.” he said.
¿Call him up,” said Talbert
“Talbert.” Unde Lyman asked.
“Now” said Talbert,
A long breath exhuded between Un
Че Lyman's lips. Carefully, he folded his.
Wall Street Journal. He reached across
the mah
Prentiss heard it from George
er, CPA. Shan
Ackerman, M.
yer heard it from Abner
. Ackerman heard it
from William Copener, Prune Products
Cozener heard it from Rod Тае,
Mr. Cyprian Club. ‘Tassel heard it
from O. Wimerbouom. Winterbottom
heard it from H. Alberts. Alberts heard
it from D. Silver, Silver {rom B. Phryne,
Phryne from E. Kennelly,
By an odd twist Kennelly said he
heard it trom Uncle Lyman,
“There is complicity here,” said Tal-
bert, “These jokes are not sell genera
Jt was four A.M. Uncle Lyman slump-
ed, inert and dead eyed, on his chair.
There has to be a source,” said Tal-
Uncle Lyman remained motionless
“You're not interested,” said Talbert,
Uncle Lyman made a noise
7I don't understand,” said Taller.
“Here is a situation pregnant with div
ers fascinations. Is there a man or wom-
an who has never heard an offcolor
joke? Tsay not. Yet, is there a man or
‘woman who knows where these jokes
‘come from? Again 1 say not."
Talbert strode forcefully to his place
او musing at the twelvedooe fireplace.
talbert’s question was cosmic: where do dirty jokes come from?
“Why,” the eye demanded, “did the widow wear black garters?”
He poised there. staring in.
"f may be a millionaire,” he said,
ut Lam sensitive” He turned. "And
phenomenon excites me.”
Unde Lyman attempied to steep
while retaining the face of a man awake.
vays had more money than
said Talbert. "Capital invest
ment was unnecessary. Thus 1 tumed
to investing the other asset my father
left — my brain."
Uncle Lyman stirred: a thought shook
ever happened," he asked, “ta
society of yours, the SP.CSP.CA?”
Lh? The Society lor the Prevention
‘of Cruelty to the Society for the Preven;
tion of Cruelty to Animals? The past.”
md your interest in world problems.
What about that sociological treatise
A were writing -
нити a Роше View, you mean
ساد brushed i mide
A Rod fat there anything lef. of your
politica pariy. the Protest
“Oh, that!” Talbert smiled ruefully.
“Passé. dear Uncle. 1 had been reading
too many Victorian عا
The Cue of the Semicolon in Jane du
Stent Or Horatio سال the Misunder.
Stood Satirist? To say nothing ol War
Queen Ellnbeih Shakespeare?”
Was Shakespeare Queen Elisabeth:
corrected Talbert. "No, Uncle, nothing
doing with them They had momentary
interest nothing more...
"T suppoe the amc holds true for
"The Shoe Horn: Pro and Con, ch? And
those wientihe articles Reality Re.
Examined and 1s Evolution Enough?”
“ead and gone” mid Talbert, pa
end, "dead and gone. These projects
ded me once, Now T yo on tb berer
Like who writes dirty jokes” siid
Uncle Lyman,
“Talbert nodded
e that,” he ам
When the buuer set the breaklast
sry the اسا Talbert wid. “Reel
do you know any jokes?”
едит odd out. impamively
through the face an improvident nature
had neglected to animate.
“yokes si” he inquired,
"You know.” said ‘Talbert. "Jollities"
Redfield stood by the bed like a
corpse whose casket had been upended
and removed
fell, sir; he said, a full thirty sec
when 1 was a boy 1
"Yes?" said Talbert eagerly
"1 believe it went somewhat as fol-
lows." Redfeld sid. "When—uh—
When is a portmanteau not a
“No, no,” saîd Talbert, shaking his
head, “I mean dirty jokes”
Redfelds eyebrows soared. The ver
macular was like a fish in his face.
seg tos a مه
ESI tme ди ка
Y'A hat the chauficur в more likely
"You know any dirty jokes, Harri
а تسد سل
سات ږن ка
iceman et سه
3 en nii
eet bch p ما
to the tenth floor of the Gault Building.
Edo ee na
his life but had exacted a ise from
Gr. dM
ee پا سلو
tionist, Talbert was ushered into a spar-
БЫ of de Somes be
ux cul
E او
E ae i
“First of all.” said Talbert, "Do you
know any dirty نز
Recovering, Mr. Axe t Talbert
the one about the monkey and the ele-
Talbert joued it down. Then he hired.
the agency to investigate the men Un-
Че Lyman had phoned and uncover
anything that was meaningful.
After he left the agency, Talbert be-
gan making the rounds with Harrison.
Не heard a joke the first place they
“There's this midget in a frankfurter
suit, see?” it began.
Te was a day of buoyant discovery
Talbert heard the joke about the crow-
eyed plumber in the harem, the one
about the preacher who won an eel at
а таве, the one about the fighter pilot
do vin down ln lames at de one
about the two Girl Scouts who lest their
cookies in the laundromat.
Among others
“1 want.” said Talbert, "one round-
trip airplane ticket to San Francisco and
а reservacion at the Hotel Millard Fi
“May 1 ask.” asked Unde Lyman,
"why iR
"While making the rounds with Har-
rion today," explained Talbert, "а
‘slesman of ladies undergarments told
me that а veritable cornucopia of ofi-
color jokes exists in the person of Harry
Shuler, bellboy at the Millard Filmore.
This salesman said that, during a three
day convention at that hotel, he had
heard more new
es from Shuler than
те going to?
"mid Talbert
is strongest
"de Lyman. "Why
do you do these things?”
“am searching,” sald Talbert, sim
"For what, dammit!” cried Uncle Ly-
iur erning” sid Tate.
Uncle Lyman covered his eyes: "You
are the image of your mother” he de-
"Say nothing of her." charged Tal
beet “she war фе finest woman who
ever trod the earth.”
“Then how come she got ampled to
death at the funeral of Rudolph Valen-
tino?" Unde Lyman charged back.
"That isa base canard,” said Talbert,
“and you know it Mother just hap-
eed bes مه وسم ne
May to bringing food to the Orphans
of The Disolute Seamen — one of her
‘many charities — when she was acciden-
tally caught up in the waves of hysteri.
‘Gl women and swept to her awful end.
A pregnant silence bellied the vast
room. Talbert stood at د window look-
ing down the hill at Lake Bean which
his father had had poured in 1928.
"Think of ig” he said after د mo
ments reflection. "The nation alive
with offcolor jokes the world alivel
And the same jokes, Uncle, the some
jokes. How? How! By what strange
means do these jokes o'erleap oceans,
span continents? By what incredible
machinery are these jokes promulgated
over mountain and dale?
He turned and met Unde Lyman's
mesmeric stare.
“I mean to know.” he said.
At ten minutes before midnight Tal-
bert boarded ihe plane for San Fra
cisco and took a seat by the window,
Fifteen minutes later the plane roared
down the runway and nosed up into the
black sky.
Talbert tumed to the man beside
“Do you know any dirty jokes, sir
he inquired, pencil poised.
The man stared at him. Talbert
“Oh, T am som" he said,
When they reached the room Talbert
gave the bellboy a crisp fvedollar bill
and asked to hear a joke.
Shuler told him the one about the
man sitting by the runway eating an on-
ion, se? Talbert listened, toes kneading
inquisitively in his shoes. The joke com.
cluded, he asked Shuler where this and
similar jokes might be overheard, Shuler
said at a wharf spot known as Davy
(continued on page 26)
jester borge made $2,000,000 on broadway's longest solo
personality BY ALBERT C. LASHER
849 حا كميدي يديم usually considered
prety heathy lora Broadway show, For
healthy is historical. The one
ly chalked په ۱٠٨
are. greed ever two million bucks in
the bargain, amd is now accumul
tour, isa пој holy Dane who wi
Employed im a funeral parlor: Vict
е solo show has been red by others
Cornelis Oti Skinner, Maurice Cheva
Hier Joyce Grentel, Emlyn Williams
idees al), Dut never with the su
C enjoyed by the Baty Mr. Borge.
оа this in spite of (or because of) the
(aet tha he ened basically the same ma
Tel he lad been wing for years in
ght dubs, on radio, records and tele
Borge plays the piano. which is some
times funny He abo give short lectures
fan susie, which are always funny. In
fact he can scarcely open his mouth
Without provoking lighter
This dometis has very little to do
wid what he save, During hi SIU per
“There will be no curtain calls
because there is no cast, so we
don't have to weit fo see who
gets the most applause.’
VICTOR (continued)
"It was hard for me to learn to speak English. In Denmark we speak with a “The Baldwin plano people
ghahghghgh and here you speak with а thihththth. The translation from _ have asked me to announce
ghghghghgh to ththththth is quite a translation.“
“This is the second Hungarian Rhapsody by
Schlitz, the junior composer from Wisconsin.”
"| don't know this number
аз well as another I am not
too familiar with. In fact,
this one I don't know at all.”
that this is а Steinway.”
“Is this too drafty for you?“
for example, he announced
а straight face: my EIS
romance, law night vas my BIBth
Performance” He paused. "Tomorrow
Fil пу 820th performance” The
Audience laughed سماسس" For
mally aired Borge tted his well
tered head to ont sid, lild one eye
brow and shrugged almost imperceptibly,
as though he couldn't see what var so
fanny. Reading his words on paper, you
share we ledig. They aren't funny.
Thai ithe words arent funny. Boi
when Borge speaks then a myuerious
Sicheny парна them ino high ho
PHOTOGRAPHY RY WERNER WOLF "will now play some excerpts. There
are two reasons why | do excerpts.
One is I don't know the whole thing.
Thot is the other reason, too.”
Seated at the plano, he will announce going to have an intermision pretty ship to one another, When he notices
Chopin wrote the next number in four soon” The audience would tuer. Hed his audience is confused he attempts to
Macs, then mumble: “Because he had to hesitate а moment, smile some more, clear things up. The explanation com
move four times.” The audience breaks strike a sincere attitude and add: “I plicates matters even more and the re
up. И Red Skelton delivered the same thought you'd like to know that.” The sult is convulsing,
line, he'd get stony silence udience would roar. Any other top Вие two hours of this would have been
At the wart of his show he would ask comedian would cut off the heads of hs hard مر take, Borge divided his sh
for requests from the audience, explain- writers if they tried w oist such mate into three parts: straight piano, mono.
ing: “I do not usually do request num- rial on h logue without piano and “pianologues,
hers... unless I have been asked to do But Borge has по writer, He does a sort of stunted piano rectal with ver
#0” Then he'd turn to the keyboard not even write his own material. He just balized program notes,
and announce: "This request is froma makes it up as he goes along. He has — One of Hurge’s most famous sketches,
lady... at least 1 sincerely hope so.” mastered the art of putting together wo which, for the sake of a title, can be
jectly consiructed sentences that called The Borge Method of Punctua
ly connected and at the fon, had an origin typical of much of
ление no relation {continued on page 60)
texas taw and the men who make and
keep it have always been unique. In
witness to this fact is a legal
years back. The opi
stration of د farmer's bull yearling by
employees of the Agricultural and Me.
chanical College of Texas after the bull
had broken into the pasture of the Dairy
Husbandry Department and serviced sev
eral cows “The dairy hands lassoed
him and castrated him. He was hot and
mad and as а result was found dead in
the pasture the next day.” The farmer
demanded and received 5 1
"ment for the death of the bull. When
the College submitted this bill to the
Comptroller of Public Accounts for pay-
ment, the comptroller asked the Office
ol the Attorney General for an opinion
as to whether this was a proper charge
to be paid from State funds. The opin
ion, slightly edie and. abridged.
college а
State Tressurer for a like amount lo
reimburse local funds
vom available sources of informa
sion it appears that the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Texas, in addi
instructing the youth of Texas
Y ecg Vn inary.
سینا calle of various and diese
‘The particular department of
ge ene diy it а perci
the attorney general of texas grew eloquent
over an ex-bull’s deep despair
this beneficient work is the Department.
of Dairy Husbandry. In order to propa
fate and rear these fer and Detter
imens of cattle, it is necessary 10
He enclosures corrals, pens, cov Tot,
and pastures, wherein said caule may
feed وه nutritious grases and inhale
fresh air containing د cent of
cone, Alien еа
furnished this institution by the State of
“The eventful day on which occurred
the great tragedy which gave rie to
سور inquiry, several of these fine heifers
экпе by the State were in one ol the
tates pastures. In an adjoining pasture
(here dwelt an unpretentious bull just
budding into young bullhood. This bull
was just a common, ordinary, proletarian,
ball belonging to the ‘common herd.
Не could not and did not boast of an
illustrious ancestry. He had been born
and raised in an unpretentious, unsophis
ticated manner. Не knew nothing of
the ways of the world, had never heard
اد elite society. On this particular morn-
ing, he arose early as had been
om from early youth and, as
raised country bull should. “bellowed a
وشي o the dawning sin? lt was a
ght September worn. The air was
fragrant with autumn flowers, cool and
invigorating—just such a morning as is
calculated to fll any well-raised. well ed
bull. young or old. with “pep. His bel-
low was walted on the perfumeladened
autumn breeze to the adjoining pasture.
herein dit the well ed evet poomi,
deck and softeyed maidens of aristoc-
مور belonging to ‘of Texas and
particular pride of the Department of
Dairy Husbandry. These young “blue
bloods or at lc some of the, څه
dently паек the innocent сето
cence of this young bull as an attempt
fr an invitan to start د аон, vo
vom seres Ше way there came an an-
Swer, not د deep, Das, unmelodious roar
2 of distat thunder, but à tremulous,
Sympathetic. slt, cventoned mod
“This young bull had heard many ‘co?
before, but none such as this, Te seemed
مد if someone vas calling him, ес being
Soung and unacquainted with the ways
Of ehe world. he could not understand
Me stood as in د dream. ماو the call
ame. He felt himel! being irresistibly
Save in the direction from which this
wonderful sound emanated. He an-
سه the call. The пацов was on
He had not advanced lar belore he div
covered the cause for the peculiar fel
ing in his breast. There, just acros the
Tekee she sod a beautiful. young, sft
eyed heiter. iyi
She advanced 10 meet
lenge A asin va
im low tones wa
will never be known
unless that beauteous, prizewinning
heiter tells the моту. But evidently she
did mot ask for his Lamy tre
did, she cared not that
bost of any of his progenitors havin
won blue ribbons. She was in love, ane
Jt made no difference
these young and trusting hearts th
they were separated not only by an im-
amable social
Sande barbed lose
هلوک at кофа and knows no bar.
(eoneluded он page 4°)
warm weather tailoring for the man-about-business
Executive suits left to right: summer-weight dacron-wool blend in
gray-brown Glen plaid by Springweave (Palm Beach), in the new
"Savoy model,” natural cut, three button, about $50. Olive shade
spring-weight gabardine in Ivy League cut, three button, tapered
shoulder, pleotless trousers with belted back, tailored by Max-
well, about $70. A summer tradition, the cord suit interproted
in two new, natural models by Haspel, blended of 75% dacron,
25% cotton, tan, gray and blue, about $40. The elegance of silk:
a natural cut model in light beige Dupioni silk casting about $75.
suits” This advance ti
cation of whether the compound
of tailor and engineer will depend on
portable battery power or atomic energy
(or perhaps we will just plug ourselves
into any convenient outlet). All of
which tumbles us pell-mell into the bat
Че of survivalwidh-propriety through
the summer heat, and а stout brawl it's
going to be,
who ever
tical step is the
ih knee length.
оп the market, Mut the Боп
skish individualism in the of&ce
ence rooms of
and ing to make many
“No you don't, sister!" Bonnie cried.
there was nothing the
widow browning wouldn’t
do to win her man
yunet wane rcr was а disinctively
handsome man in is leisurely fifties, د
widower lor nearly a decade, amd lor
any more years than that he had been
prestling judge of the county court
Everyone who had eser known Judge
Price thought of him as being serupa
lously honest, Taieminded to а БМИ.
and, as he offen said to hinsell deer:
Ent to the honor of womanhood. It was
اسو if anybody could be found who
xl ever سم him lal to take oll his
Por wen бе phe to a woman or ung
girl of amy age
propr ore o e reasons hy Judge
rice was beloved by ao many propi
was because of his unfailing habit of
having د friendly ward lor everybody
he spoke to, mew and women alike. Be
ing tore than six feet tall with bushy
tiki turning ay and aking
ly nature,
Judge Price's five sons and daughters
had married and moved away, and he
а large red-brick house
lojed an elderly Negro maid.
who went to his howe carly
په and prepared his meals
Y went hone Alter supper at
{continued on Page 32)
“I made а deal with the Essex: they pay ту
rent and I keep their rooms filled.”
Ja y
the middle has come a powerful ong
ine John MeChrmack biu
Bered the sins of Mother Machree
Sheiks and Shebas dan ше
Charleston د مر windup Victrola in
the Roaring Twente, but during
the Depresion everyone took ta ТЕ
dio, where the music was ler, د
imple of brother named, Dorsey
billed their new orchestra as "Radio
Neat Name Band: and about the
ولت one Isining io ue phone
graph was RCA Vicors dog, In ihe
Ti Thirties records enjoyed a re
vival, wing became king and every
tne began Collecting recrdinp of Hs
favorite dance Band: کسه
fad. jun eliminated ihe crank and
ha did the same
swing 18 Бор, progrenive and the
cool fool, antl fellow named
Sinaua reminded folks that croo
Thymes with سم but nothing very
Special happened in the record bud
Ги In 1948 something
nos until
spectacular happened. In an accel
trated we. when man hal just
broken through the sound barrier,
was about to crack the four minute
mile, rated his automobile by is
horsepower, and tried w do every
from racing to reading and
little faster dan
Columbia Records re
1 ing speed from 78
RPM to 38. This permitte
lovers to read the labels on
ords while they were playing; the long
play microgroove recording also
ushered in a new era in high fidelity
recorded sound.
Full orchestras filled living rooms
wih full, living music: velvet toned
woubadars practiced their melodic
QU na а
topo een
en come es
Smart covers
help boost
LP sales
٢٢ o
SOURCE (continued trom page 14)
Jones Locker Room а
arly that evening, alter drinking
with one ol the Went Coast represent
tives of Bean Enterprises. Talbert took
a taxi to Davy Jones Locker Room. En-
tering its dim, woke fogged interior, he
took а place at the bar, ordered a Screw-
driver and began to listen.
"Within an hour's time he had written
down the joke about the old maid who
Caught her nose in the bathtub faucet,
the one about the three traveling sales.
men and the farmer's ambidextrous
dite, the one aout the nurse who
ought they were Spanish olives am
furter suit. Talbert wrote this last
under his original transcript
underlining changes in context attribut-
able to regional influence.
‘At 10:16, a man who had just told
‘Talbert the one about the hillbilly ewins
and their wohcaded sister said that
Tony, the bartender, was a virtual fau-
ces Ot لق ان jokes, limericks, عم
tes, epigrams and proverbs.
ree are EN
asked Tony for the major source of his
lewdians. After reciting the limerick
about the sex of the asteroid vermin, the
hartender referred Talbert to a Mr.
Frank Bruin, salesman, of Oakland, who
med not to be there that night.
albert, at once, retired to د tele
shone directory where he discovered
Eve Frank Bruits in Oakland. Eotcring
а booth with a coat pocket sagging
Shange. Talbert began dialing chert.
"Two of the five Frank Bruins were
salesmen, One of them, however, was in
Alcatraz at the moment. Talbert traced
the remaining Frank Bruin to Hogan's
Alleys in Onkland where his wife said
that, as usual on ‘Thursday nights, her
husband was bowling with the Moon-
light Mattress Company All-Stars
Quitting ihe bar, Talbert charred
a tx and started across the bay to Од
land, toes in ferment.
Veni, vidi, vici?
Bruin was not a needle in a haystack,
دون ea cab EE Iu
еу his eye was caught by a
huddle اه men encircling а portly. тоу.
domed sp Approaching, Talbert
was just ۱١ time to ear the punch line
{allowed by an explosion of composite
Tougher. It was the punch line that in-
"Му God" cried we acres" Mr.
Bruin had uttered. “ ‘1 thought you said
а banana splitt”
‘This variation much excited Talbert
who saw in it а verification of a new
element the interchangeable kicker.
When the group had broken up and
drifted, Talbert accosted Mr. Bruin and,
introducing himself, asked where Mr.
Bruin had heard that joke,
“Why d'ya ask, boy?” asked Mr. Bruin.
Ко reason,” said the crafty Talbert.
don't remember where 1 heard it,
boy” seid Mr. Bruin finally. “Excuse
me, will ya?"
Talbert tailed after him but received
mo satisfaction — unless it was in the
مسر definite impression that Bruin was
concealing something
Later, riding back to the Millard Fil
more, Talbert decided to put an Oak-
land ‘detective agency on Mr. Bruin's
trail to sce what could be seen.
"When Talbert reached the hotel there
as telegram waiting for him at the
Talbert's eyes ignited.
“Tally.” he murmured, “ho.”
‘An hour later he had checked out ul
سس ام که اسا ae صا
and caught a plane for Chicago.
Pr tunes Mer be had llt ie.
hotel, a man in a dark pinstripe ap-
proached the desk clerk and asked for
the room number of Talbert Bean Ш.
When informed of Talbert's departure
the man grew steelyeyed and immedi-
ately retired to a telephone booth. He
‘emerged ashen.
» sorry" said the desk clerk “Mix
ter Bullock checked out this morning”
"Oh." Talberts shoulders sagged. All
night on the plane he had been check-
ing over his notes, hoping to discern a
plier to the joker whith, would +
Compass type, area of genesis and
coc. He was weary with illes оп.
centration. Now chin
"And be left no forwarding address?"
he asked.
Following a bath and luncheon in his
room, a slightly refreshed Talbert set
ed down with the telephone and the
directory. There were EN
locks in Chicago. “Talbert checked them
off as he phoned.
At 3:00 o'clock he slumped over the
receiver in a dead slumber, At 4:21, he
regained consciousness and completed
the remaining eleven calls, The Mr.
Bullock in question was not at home,
said his housekeeper, but was expected
io that evening.
“Thank you kindly; sid a blenry
eyed Talbert and, hanging up, there-
upon collapsed on the bed only to
awake د few minutes past seven and
dress quickly. Descending to the street
he gulped down a sandwich and a glass
of mülk, then hailed a cab and made the
hour ride to the home of George Bu
Talbert introduced himself and sid
he had come to the Hotel Carthage
arly that afternoon to see him.
Wy?" asked Mr. Bullock.
Haast e سخب لس Во
ıt joke about the midget in the
Shani wit? aid Talbert ٢
ый —
“I heard what you sid sir," said Mr.
Bullock, “though 1 cannot say that your
oec doy meee ee
“I believe, sit.” challenged Таа
“that you are hiding behind fusu
“Behind fustian, sir?” retorted Bul-
km aad —
game is up, sin
bert in a ringing voice, "Why don't you
admit it and tell me where you got that
joke from?"
71 have not the remotest conception
ої what youre talking about, st!” anap-
ped Bullock, his words belied by the
pallor of his face.
‘Talbert flashed د Mona Lisa smite,
“Indeed?” he said.
‚And, turning lightly on his heel, he
left Bullock trembling in the doorway.
As he seitled back against the taxica
seat again, he saw Bullock still wand
ing there, staring at him. Then Bullock
whirled and was gone.
“Hotel Carthage,” said Talbert, satis
fed with hi blu
Riding bach, he though of Bullock's
agitation and د thin smile tipped uj
Seu a ee hes
а was being run to earth.
Naw it شا surmise war valid here
would likely be —
А lean man in а raincoat and a d
sing on de bed when Taller e
tered his room. The man's mustache,
like a muddy toothbrush, twitched.
“Talbert Bean?" he asked,
‘Talbert bowed,
“The same.” he said.
he man, a Colonel Bishop, retired,
looked at Talbert with metal blue eyes.
“What is your game, sir?" he asked
"I don’t understand,” toyed Talbert,
1 think you de. mid the Colonel,
"and you are to come with me.”
“OR?” mid Talbert.
He found himself looking down the
barrel of a 45 calibre Webley-Fotbery,
"Shall we?" said the Colonel.
But of course,” said Talbert coolly.
eve not come all this way to resist
The ride in the private plane was a
long one. The windows were blacked:
‘out and Talbert hadn't the faintest idea
in which direction they were flying.
Neither the pilot nor the Colonel spoke,
and Talbert's attempts at conversation
were discouraged by a chilly silence.
‘The Colonel's pistol, still leveled at Tal
berrs chest, never wavered, but it did
mot bother Talbert. He was exultant.
АШ he could think was that his search
was coding; he was. at last, nd
the headwaters of the dirty joke, After
a time, his head nodded and he dozed
= to dream of midgets in frankfurter
suits and actress who seemed obsessed
by заарага or banana splits or same-
times both. How long he slept, and what
boundaries he may have crossed, Talbert
pever knew. He was awakened by a swift
loss of altitude and the steely voice of
Colonel Bishop: “We are landing, Mr
"d lones grip tightened on
Mu rip igh
“Talbert offered no resistance when his
(continued overleaf)
“Oh, hello, dear—I thought 1 saw you go down
for the third time.”
SOURCE (continued rom page 26)
eyes were blindfolded. Feeling the Web-
ley-Fosbery in the small of his back, he
stumbled out of the plane and crunched
over the ground of a well-kept airstrip.
There was a nip in the air and he felt
а bit lightheaded: Talbert suspected
they had landed in a mountainous re-
gion; but what mountains, and on what
Fontinent, he could not guess, His cars
amd nose conveyed nothing of help to
his churning mind.
He was shoved — none too gently — in-
to an automobile, and then driven wilt-
ly along what felt like a dirt road. The
thes crackled over pebbles and twigs.
‘Suddenly the blindfold was removed.
“Talbert blinked and looked out the win-
dows, Te was a black and cloudy night:
he could see nothing but the limited
vista afforded by the headlights
"You are well isolated.” he said, ap-
preciatively, Colonel Bishop remained
helipped and vigilant
Alter a fftcenminute ride along the
dark road, the car pulled up in front of
a tall, unlighted house. As the motor
‘was cut Talbert could hear the pulsing
‘of crickets all arous
rasp, of crickets all around.
Colonel Bishop.
bent our of Ше
car and vas escorted up the vide porch
Steps by ihe Colonel. Behind. the car
pulled away into the nighe.
Inside the house, chimes bonged hol-
lowly ss the Colonel pushed a button:
They waited in the darknes and, in د
en moments, approsching footsteps
A tiny aperture opened in the bevy
سه Hacking = bape, Божа
Qe سم ور
سو воо ај
ee НА Она
‘The door opened.
The owner of the eye was tall, gaunt,
of indeterminable age and nationality,
his hair a dark mass wisped with gray.
His face was all angles and facets, his
piercing behind ar, hor rimmed هو
د glasses. He wore funnel trousers und
Checked jacket.
is is the Dean," said Colonel
How do you do," said Talbert
me in, come in,” the Dean invited,
extending his large hand to Talbert.
“Welcome, Mister Bean." He shafted a
scolding look at Bishop's pistol. "Now.
Colonel,” he said, “indulging in melo-
dramatics again? Put it away, dear fel-
low, put it away.
le can't be too careful," grumped
the Colonel
“Talbert stood in the spacious grace of
the entry ball looking around. His gaze
settled, presently, on the cryptic smile
of the Dem, who wid: е Р
"So. You have found us out, sir'*
Talberts toes whipped like pennants
in a gale.
"Have D” he covered his excitement
“Yes.” said the Dean. "You have. And.
a masterful display of investigative ima
ition it was"
“Talbert looked around,
So." he said, voice bated, "It is here.”
"Vex" said the Dean, “Would you
like to же й?"
“More than anything in the world.”
said Talbert, fervently.
“Come then,” said the Dean,
this wise?” the Colonel warned. عا
“Come,” repeated the Dean.
Бе three men started down the hall-
way. For a moment, a shade of premo-
nition darkened Talbert's mind. It was
being made so easy. Was it a trap? In د
second the thought had slipped away,
washed off by a current of excited curi-
They started up a winding marble
T How did you suspect" the Dean عا
low did you "
quired "That o wo sty — what prompted
you to probe the matter?”
just thought,” said Talbert mean- لد
ingfuly “Here are all these jokes yet no
опе seems to know where they come
from. Or care.”
“Ves” observed the Dean, “we count
upon that disinterest. What man in ten
se ee لطي سه bee
ıt joke? А in memorizing the
joke lor future use, he gives no thought
to its source. This, of course, is our pro-
The Dean sailed at Talbert, "But
mou" he amended, “from men such as
Talbert’s Hush went unnoticed
They reached the landing and began
walking along a wide corridor lit om
‘each side by the illumination of cande-
labra. There was по more talk. At the
end به the comidor they tured ight
in front of massive, iton-
his spine. What if it were а trap? He
swallowed, then squared his shoulders
The Dean had said it. It was too late to
Stop now.
reat door racked open.
“EL vola sald the Dean.
Des ipe was an اسنا دس
لوو الس carpeting sponged benca
Talbert's fcet as he wall MI A the
Colonel and the Dean. At репе in-
tervals along the ceiling Hong music.
Ttg speakers: Talbert سور
the Co Parisienne. Hin gue tuned
парон tapestry on ‘which
pan acts ensued shone the eche
moo, “Happy s the Man Who i Make
ing Something:
. he murmured.
the Dean.
Talbert shook his head wonderingly
"To think,” he said.
The Dean before د glass wall
and, braking. Talbert peered imo an
обо. Among its rich appointments
Sirode د young mam im د ripe lk
weskit with brass buttons, gesturing
meaningfully with a long cigar while,
‘rosslegged on a leather couch, sat a
happily sweatered blonde of rich dimen-
The man stopped briefly and waved
to the Dean, smiled, then returned to
his spirited dictating.
"One of our best,” the Dean said.
“But,” stammered Talbert, “I thought
that man was on the staff "ب إن
“He is.” said the Dean. "And,
spare time, he is alo one of us"
Talbert’ followed om echtem
numbed legs.
"But 1 had no idea,” he said. “I pre.
sumed the organization 10 be composed.
ol men like Bruin and Bullock."
“They are merely our means of pro-
tion,” explained the Dean. "Our
wordof-mouthers, you might say. Our
Creators come from more exalted ranks
— executives, statesmen, the better p
fesional comics, editors, novelists —
The Dean broke off as the door to
опе of the other ofices opened and a
barrely, bearded man in hunting clothes
‘emerged. He shouldered past them mut-
tering true things to himself,
"ОВ again?” the Dean asked pleas
ad, The big man granted, It vas a
true grum. He clumped off, lonely for
a veld :
“Unbelievable;" said Talbert. "Such
men as these?”
“Exactly,” said the Dean.
in his
Dean smiling his mandarin smile,
Colonel his lips as if antici
pating the kis of د коа
“But where did it a
Talbert asked.
"That is history's secret,” rejoined the
Dean, “veiled behind time's opacity. Our
venture does have its honored past,
however. Great men have graced ith
аме Ben Franklin, Mark Twain,
Dickens, Swinburne, Rabelais, Balac:
‘oh, the honor roll is long. Shakespeare,
‘of coune, and bis friend Ben Jonson
Sull farther back, Chaucer, Boccaccio
Further yet, Horace and Seneca, Demos:
thesenes and Plautus Aritaphanes
Apulieus Yea, in the palaces ol Futank.
hamen was our work done; in the black
templo of Ahriman, the pleasure dome
ubla Khan. Where did it begin?
Who knows? Scraped on rock, in many
a primordial cave, are certain drawings.
And there are those among us who be
lieve that these were lft by the earliest
members of the Brotherhood, But this,
of course, is only legend .
Now they had reached the end of the
hallway and were starting down a cusl
ioned ramp.
, "There must be vast sums of money
involved in this” said Talbert
"Heaven forfend,” declared the Dean,
sopping short. "Do not confuse our
Our workers
Forgive me; albert said. ‘Then,
(Cóptimued on page 70)
1d the pomegranate, have been red,
BY THOMAS MARIO playtoy's J red. وو
For a long time it had been common
knowledge in Agricola that Fem Brown-
ing. who had been a widow for the past
five years, had made up her mind to go
to any extreme that маз necessary in
order to get Judge Price to marry her,
and many people often wondered if
there could be a limit to what she would
do to gain what she had set her heart
оп. So far, as most people knew, Fern
had used every means she could think
ol to induce Judge Price о ask Per vo
be his wife, but she was both resource:
ful and persistent, and she had no
thought of failing for lack of effort and
“If there's а female in town who can
get what she wants, fair means or foul,”
fone of the married women said, “itll be
Fern Browning, You just wait and sec.
Shell find a way
ет was no longer a young woman,
but even at forie she was more
youthful and attractive in many ways
than some women half her age. She had
retained ber slender figure, she had cul-
tivated a pleasant personality, and her
eager smile was always provocative and
winsome. Besides, her clothes were al-
ways becoming to her and she was right-
fly proud of her chocolate colored ai,
Most of the people in Agricola
become accustomed to seeing Fem
Browning stroll along Main Street once
کو twice a week at the time when Judge
Price was m the habit of leaving thc
courthouse in the ate afternoon. He ak
wa on the white stone steps
Under cofrade o. te. Didi
and lighted а cigar before continuing
toward the street. If he bad been de
layed im court for some reason, Fern
went into the drug store and made a
small purchase at the cosmetic counter,
Amd alter that, if he still had not ap-
peared under the colonnade, she would
fo across the street to the post office and.
у a few stamps: Ву dat ime, Judge
Price was usually walking across the
tueeshaded courthouse lawn in his dig-
fel manner, sd Ferm would wave o
im in a gesture of surprise as thous
the had no iden that ae had expected
to see him. Then, while he was taking.
Off his hat, she would hurry to him.
“Tm so glad 1 happened to run into
you like this, Wade," Fern would say
athlesly when she reached him
“I've been trying to find time all day to
phone you and ask you to come to sup-
‚it. There won't be any other
int you and me, Wade,”
“Well, Fern,” Judge Price would usu-
ally му with a slight frown, “that’s a
very kindly invitation from a very
charming lady, and ١ do thank you. But
as a mater of fact, ١ had planned to
May at home tonight and review some
important briefs. 1 don't see how 1 —
Before he could say anything more,
Fern would come closer and put her
hand on his arm while she smiled at
him enticingly.
“Oh, Wade, those old briefs can wait
a itle while. Ive planned to have ev-
erything for supper that you like so
(continued from poge 23)
X roy m
mam ات شه
اس تس و لت и
fone to so much touble Just for you“
Se 1 E
Бака fe dhat he could not
gleaming brown hair. سنا without
ie Price would smile say that
مرن E
Iter that, Tem would squeeze his
PE) me he went to Fem Brown:
ing howe, which he had been doi
LEE سلا
Bore eem
‘meal and he was to have a chat
LED Ber.
Со gr
hen the weather was wild and on
the furor. Kcr in the evening, Fem
Se Eee
ايساد لتا ساسا لا سا peaceful
together ње that m
rr dam
aiia, Кор tat обет
cork سه ملس
Зет EI
Eit y
85 oe
سه سات Око
E eie а
WELT oe des
not begun to wonder why it was that
Judge Price was always firm and inalter-
able each time he said he would be un-
able to come to her house for supper on
a Friday might. The more she thought
‘about it, the more suspicious and upset
she became, and she miade up her mind
to find out where he went and what he
did every Friday night for week after
week and month after month
"The next Friday afternoon Fern was
walking slowly along the street in front
of the courthouse when Judge Price
crossed the lawn. As soon 23 he saw her,
he stopped and took of his hat. This
time she did not wave gaily, but went
directly to where he stood and, with
only a fleeting smile, aid that she would
like to have him conie to her house for
Supper that night. Judge Price thanked
her in his usual warm manner for her
invitation, but be alo shook his head
firmly and told her that it would not be
posible for him to visit her on that
particular evening.
That was exactly what she had ex
pected him to say, and for the frst time
she did not go closer and squeeze his
Band intimately, Ica, without even
a parting smile, Fern turned abrupt
and walked away before he could speal
lo her again. Standing there with his
hat in hand, mystified by her conduct,
he watched her with a perplexed frown
er Hi Tace mn u of so
"That night promptly at eight o'clock,
ash had been n e babit doing fr
many years, Judge Price left his house
and drove down the street in his autor
mobile. Fern had been sitting in her car
nearby since dark, and she followed him
as closely as she dared, Judge Price
Stopped at the drug store and bought
some cigars, and then he got back into
his car and drove up Flower Street for
three blocks. Не stopped the car in
front of Bonnie Tyler's house.
Watching from the corner, Fern saw
J Price get out of his car, light one
e canes
cigars, and then walk in his dig-
manner to the front of the house,
There he rang the bell, and after several
moments the door was opened and Judge
Price, taking off his hat and bowing,
stepped inside. All the rooms in Bonnie
Tylers house, both upstairs and down-
stairs, were lighted, but the shades had
been closed tightly over the windows
and Fern was unable to see anything
that was taking place
paket” did not know how much time
while she was trying to de
Gide what to do next, but her whole
body was trembling with the chill of the
might air when she ran to the front door
amd rang the bell. Almost at once the
door was opened by Bonnie Tyler, and,
before Bonnie could close and lock it
‘securely, Fern ran past her into the hall,
She had never been inside the house be-
fore, and she had no idea where she was
going, but at the end of the hall she
saw a wide stairway leading to the عم
‘ond floor and she ran toward it.
Fem had gone several steps up the
stairway when Bonnie caught her by the
arm and roughly jerked her backward
from the stairs.
lo you don't, sister" Bonnie said
determinedly, pulling her away from
the steps. "I don't know what you want,
but whatever it is, it's not what you're
going to do.”
“Take your hands off met” Fern cried
'pping at Bonnie's face.
Am instant later, flinging her arms
free from Bonnie's grasp, Fern took a
pistol from her handbag and began fir
ing it wildly. One of the bullets shat
tered the glass in the front door and
another one knocked plaster from the
ceiling, Immediately after that there
was complete silence in the house, and
then suddenly one of the girls upstairs
hat shows 1 know what I'm doing!"
Fern said, waving the pistol recklessly,
"Where is he?”
Just then, Judge Price, unhurried and
dignified, came down the stairway. Не
stopped when he was about hallway
and took off his hat and bowed to Fern
“What im the world, Fern?" he sid,
frowning slightly. "What does this
(continued on page 71)
glowing wine, fishing towns and high-society sands
vorrucar — bless its _
country we know in Europe where wine
the table d
fined our wine bibbing to meals only, of.
else that will tone up
ог do more for the
berhwed white port,
sipped of a sunny morning кот the
wicker depths of a chair on a cae ter
(continued on page #2)
BO un
Marion manages to look دمه
though Wed to a pest for magazine.
Marion strikes © graceful pose in
picture for girdle o
miss may's pictures illustrate a model's career
тне Mav HAYAT is a New York model
он ube со
ing trom fshion photog
vo posing for the covers ol dete ولو
he to this
parents al
them in New Jersey
all, with a striking
15" gure that helps ex
her success as a model, She considers
سوت په Karen har $
و سلې ac Ta бо ба
A py te arin nd | مل سومان اسان سوت
د ny tn соба e бе شه eram
SS سا a peus Scars سا may roe e
“advertising, essignments come turning point in her career.
for more frequently than the
fashion work models prefer.
A sheet of соно prints of Marion posing prettily before د mirror sug-
gests the action of a тойоп picture ond adds life to her photo album.
This candid зор on a tennis court token
by c friend is in sharp contrast lo the
formal photograph of Marion Scott, the
model. Marion would rather play tennis;
she enjoys sports ond Is good ol most.
the envioble job of
‘before shooting her ox Playmate for
Paul few to New York especially دا
took these informal pictures of the
\Wiple-page Playmate of the Month.
Preparation for Marion's pose ده
We weis enjoying one of De ore sce
tational Tale Bits the other evening,
Sha during» ord lore sene. ve heul
سل vile sux ws n Ua лета
theatre say, "Mommy, is this where he
puts the pollen on her
А psychologist is a man who watches
try dle when د beautiful gil
enters the room.
on ste bed, لست سو وسو اک
Mri e i
E "
"Who" raged the ar
"ld jou НН jas سا سه
you a few times you could loaf around
the обес and neglect your work?”
"My attorney,” coord his secretary.
А bachelor is a man who believes in life,
liberty and the happiness of pursuit.
He lion trainer had quit لسا notice
and the circus manager needed someone
do replace him for the next nights show.
He put an ad in the local paper and the
next morning two applicants showed up
‘outside his oce. One was a rather ord
пагу looking young man and the other a
ravishing, red. beauty. Neither
‘one of them looked very much like a lion
ў was desperate.
“Allright.” he said. “here's د whip.
and a chair, and د gun, Lets sce what
Jou can do with Mg Leo over there
Weil let you have the first try, mis, but
be careful hes a mean onc.
“The ravishing redhead strode past
the whip, and the chair, and the gun,
and empty handed, fearlessly entered the
ig Leo rue, snarling, then came
charging across the cage towards her
with a ferocious roar. When the lion
was almost upon her, the girl threw open
her coat, Underneath, she was stark
naked. Leo skidded to a stop and
‘crawled the rest of the way on his belly;
he muzzled the girl's fect with his nose,
purred, and licked her trim ankles.
“The astonished circus manager grinned
happily and tumed to the popeyed
young man. “Well, young (dar he
asked, “think you can top that?”
“Yeah,” breathed the man, "Just get
that stupid lion out of there."
"To me” said one, “he's a pain in the
ned” um
"Strange," sid the other, “I had a
much lower opinion of him."
"1 absolutely
she exclaimed.
“But. Gina,” explained the director,
“all you have to do is point out the
direction the outlaws wk when the
sheriff and his pose ride up to you.
1 know.” sald the sta, "but have you
شور the screen action in the scripti"
"What do you mean?”
‘Look how Pm supposed to point.”
snapped the star. "Позу here that 1 am
to place both hands behind my back,
take a deep breath, turn north and say.
“They went thatawayl ”
Heard any good ones lately? Send your
favorites to Party Jokes Editor, т AYUON,
11 E. Superior St, Chicago 11, И, and
earn an easy five dollars for each joke
used. In case of duplicates, payment poes
to frst received. Johescannot be returned.
Tace. It heightens your joy in the wig
fling walk of sturdy trina fahwile,
oily costumed as she passes with a head-
Grid basket of glistening, fresh غه
осори» or the green-water refections
3 feet of slantmasted, high!
fragata fishing boats. bright
Avabesques shimmering in the oily
Of a lite harbor.
As you might Rave gathered, we like
Portugal. In fact, we never go to Europe
our ‘staring ending eur iip
there, And if we were to go back tomor-
row (and tomorrow is the best possible
time) weld start the same way we always
do — with a cable to Senhor Jorge Rib-
eiro in Lisbon for a reservation at his
‘Aviz Hotel. Tt has only 26 double rooms
and everybody, but everybody, wants to
stay there, maybe because each room is
shed with genuine antiques, incad
ing the tapestried walls, all scrupulously
matched in period. The раја, by
contrast. ate modern —to make up for
which, perhaps, the walls are inser with
mosaic designs.
“The Aviz, as we discovered on our first
trip, used to be the home of the world's
richest man, an Armenian-born oil mag-
nate by the name of Gulbenkian. He
didn't own it; he stayed there by choice,
‘which will give you some idea of why the
place has earned a reputation as one of
ihe prot Jesi, Масе i al she
word. Quite properly, therefore,
Aviz serves what is probably the best
iced liver very specially seasoned)
its bartenders pour the driest Martinis
that side of the Atlantic. As if thats not
enough. the Aviz maintains 100 servants
مر minister to the comfort and whims of
за maximum of only 52 guests.
Our second stop in Lisbon is always
the Port Wine Institute on Rua Sao
Pedro de Alcantara. It's fortunate that
wwe have to give the driver that address
only on the way there, rather than after
several happy hours teaching our palates
the sible ілася o more than 300
varieties of Portugal's سور popular
product. It's an education that never
fends, and one that should begin with a
trip to Oporto and the terraced hillside
vineyards of the Douro Valley
Теа almost a joumey into another
lly during the October
vintage: Theres music everywhere, To
the gay tootings of a rural piper, lon
line! of men move out of the elled
vineyards at a dancing jog tror, lugging
140-pound baskets of grapes. То د taster
tune picked up by a guitar, other men
dance kneedeep in great stone tanks,
treading the cold, red grape mash in
breathless four-hour shifts, refreshed as
they jerk and jump by quick pulls of a
viciously raw brandy. The girls cheer.
the music gets Keener, the brandy passes
faster and the dancing becomes more
spirited until... but we digress.
Wine, of course, is lost without song.
and in Portugal, that means the fado.
Lisbon’s Adega do Machado is as good
a cellar spot as any 10 start listening, but
youre likely to find something even
(continued from page 33)
smote typical (or something from a recent
RES Ме наа i hae i
you try any of the spots in Bairro Alto
or in the Alfama, the hillside warren of
narrow streets, heavy with the ancient
е of the Moon. Theres a more
| classical jado sung at Coimbra,
il وسوسو ty long Mak کله
sul disti long
slashed (olen into Wen) every ите
they take on د new girl friend. But the
sireetsong fado, sot with African under
Tone — that belongs in Lisbon
Firs, the guitarists come into the can-
delit room that is heady with che
fragrance of wine. Two are strumming
small round guitars, sweet and high
pitched. A third man joins in, fingering
the سوه in د deeper tone Now the
Shaw Over Ber head, face drawn and
папса? Her eyo dose in د mask of
inner pain — and the mel ош.
ори, quiety a fni. undulating
ike е great Аал swel that course
ceaselessly up to Portugal's long coast
Her voice sobs and murmurs, cries out
at times, then pics delicately at the
words: And she tells of black despair at
of د prostitute with à beantifal love, د
peters temible, lament, the атй
ging for something that can never be
You sce why we will go to any pains
to hear the wel ings (And wt we
reserve p =
die aed Monte for cles n]
Teil [olo has am overpowering
beauty chat somehow explains Portugal
the Portuguese and their proud history
in a single fash of intimate insight.
taste in going there.
as there's another chair
somewhere in the room, theyll not get
up to make you welcome. "We like you."
they seem 10 say. “and thats that. Now
ome in and talk. And bring that wine
t would be a huckster tick am
else lor waiters at one of the better
restaurants to wear baggy blue overalls
whitened by many маі». Its the
most natural thing in the world at the
Monte Mar in Guincho where they wear
"em because they re easier. And wearing
white عن and tail, they might argue,
isn't going to add to your enjoyment of
their giant santola crabs, waiting for the
broiler in a seawater pool of slimy green
Don't mistake the casual manner of
the Portuguese for cold indifference; it
is a gradousness, a perfect courtliness
that you will see everywhere. As hosts,
they want you to feel Пее. unrushed to
savor the place: the walled cities of
hilly Estremadura and the gothic wine
cellars of Oporto, the almond groves of
moorish Algarve province and the smart
gambling resorts of the Costa do Sol, the
Title fishing villages like Nazaré and the
cosmopolitan capital, Lisbon, with its
pastel hillside villas and street elevators
that reach up to them.
JL the Portuguese are casual, it is prob
ably because they wish to mask a quiet,
Burning pride in their land and the vay
of life they've built through the cen.
turies, a rather solemn but painfully un-
obtrusive effort to see that you enjoy it
all as deeply as they do, whether your
tastes run to bull fighting in the amateur
ring at Lisbon's Feira Popular or loung-
ing on Estoril’ highsociety sands.
Estoril during the Inst war counted
more honesttogod and would-be spies
to the square inch than any other
neutral point on three continents. It vas
quic s place., شه any of the barkeeps
there about those days when murder
was committed ("accidenually." of course)
for a scrap of paper and les, when even
ме were questioned by police because
‘our typewriter late at night in a hotel
room sounded like а secret transmitter
key in fast operation. Today, however,
it’s just a grand resort with miles of awn-
ingdoued white sands, a lot of good
looking girls and unemployed kings liv
ing on very little money. This you can
do ss well as the kings since а good room
at the Estoril Palace will set you back
only $$ a day,
We always try to stay awhile and to
fan out from there, to Guincho for a
huge S1 lobster on buttered rice at the
Monte Mar, to Cascais, its bay doued
with bobbing, bright net floats, and the
Fim do Mundo restaurant near net
draped fshing wharves where owner
Antonio serves as عم a codfish bacalhau
as you'll ever meet and an even better
bottle of white local Porca de Мика, То
the orange groves and native markets of
Setubal and sweet local pastries at Ще
bakeshops on narrow side streets, to the
‘castle of Pamela, massive with the weight
оГ eight full centuries, and the lovely
beach of Portinho de Arrabida, am
further off, to Cape St. Vincent,
You follow a winding road there,
along which the fragrance of pine gives
ad way to the tang, ol heather
hen even that fades in the strong sea
wind and youre standing on a high
rocky point by a ruined hermitage with
ап inadequate compass traced in cobbles
‘on the grass, The sea sucks and howls
in tunnels and blowholes it has cut
under the diff and in its oponies you
hear again the cries of seamen tacking
tiny caravels past this point to push the
boundaries of the medieval world out to
America and across Asia,
Of an evening at Estoril, of course,
there's the Casino — with its night club
and bars, dining and dancing. And like
everybody ehe, when we've eaten as
much as we possibly can and marveled at
the slight bill, we go off to finish paying
for our meal in a more civilized way at
the gaming tables. These rooms are
nominally a private club so you'll present
your passport and pay a membership lee
for the privilege of tosing away your
‘money at roulette, baccarat or craps. Oh,
ity honest. mind you — theres no fiv
(concluded on page #2)
it would be
the biggest,
the greatest,
the most spectacular
television show
ever produced
ups sen?” the Big Man ٥
nervously, Нод taber
زا sack,” the Official Coordinator
of TV Prodiaion replied. It is wham
And bof. 1 give you my word.”
"T give i back to you. Werd mean
nothing. Is pictures that count. Flap
“Sine: Map, lap." the Oficial Coordi
nator aid, and dipped د small needle
into a lage vein But T tell you.
B. P, there da nothing to worry about
We have got thirty camera regular and
y m سنا For every dux, two
мапа In fac, we have even gor
Sri ims forthe standing. Nothing cn
ko wrong. Nothing O.
"The Big Man colaped imo a chair
sud د سه амбан ا
oa his neck. "1 dort know." he sid.
“Then, quos!” said the Oficial Coordinator. "Right in the old schwanzola!"
he Big Man bakket pr
и. en ns б
DRIN ساسا а
Pate he Big Man ait
SE ORAS адаи red و
Ed e et
لسا دسا کسام سلوا
POE un de EE
The Big Man
snbled slightly
Mr. Average World
Reety-0. Suddenly you sce that
minutes to eight. You jab the autoray
switch channels right away, il vou
are sucker enough to be on another
channel, which, thanks to these lousy
feels at OBC, maybe vou аге. But not
for long! Because for six months you
have been bearing about it. The biggest.
the greatest, the most spectacular, the
must expensive production ever to hit
the screen. Said 1 biggest? Said I great
est? Suid T most spectacular? Father,
this is a veritybobble mønster of a show!
So what do we call it? Natcheroony
The Monster Show! ‘eveevwooy wit. Ве
waren er wnt you? Thee word
Mr. Average World Family, are stampe
imo your brain. You've seen them every
‘where: billboards, leallets, sky-writing.
magazine ads, the regular 13 minute
daily commersh: and you've heard them.
everywhere, 100: im busses and planes
land eas, from your children —"
“Meant to tell you." the Big Man in
terrupted, "getting ai the children wis
а good move;
Vhat about the parrot?”
he parrots was also а good move.”
blush, B. P. But hearken O: There.
you are. Are you there?”
"Proceed om. Lam eas
"Kay. Tt В one minute to eight. You
аге shaking with excitement. Just like
All the rest of the Folks everywhere ehe
In the bars, in the theatres. in the hommes.
Some with 9000٤ curvo sercens, some
th modest Winchers, some even - like
the cops andl all — with nothing but ей
wiistpecpe But theyre with ya: you
know that. Get the image, B. P. AN
over the world, everytl
Everybody staring at И
“What about the competition?”
"The Ofical Coordinator sack his
Hands in his pockets and did د sor ol
donc. m. P, Undeo — there mut
Sny He grinned widely “And tho is
m) surprise
The hig Man opened his کي He
luted the arms Of the chain. ovs
that, hows atr
“You tell me no stories, РИ uell you
по untruth the Oficial Coordinator
Amirked. "Baby. dy have scratched
themselves Us they do mot choose m
buck. They are ووامله to the folis in
place of dici usual теор د Hy of
show — which 1 gota heit Map.
ich. Moher"
i. now,” said the Big Man, mil
ing ayy ال ot mse the ONE
boys a hide. 1 hope?”
“Truth, Unde. Nay. They plain
quit. "The eight spot is ours?” The Off
cial Coordinator slapped his hands to-
ther, "And whos to blame then?
What The Monster Show has not got you
can mount on the sharp end ol an
in with a
olor commercial roundup. adver
ing the producis of our 5
General Turbines, Sleep Neat Cap-
Chewey-Flakes, the Конт Ков
‘TV Furniture line and ck cetera. But arc
these ordinary commershes? Noo. We
have them tricked out so they look prez
actly like the show. Excavate?"
into the show. And what
you. Mr. Average World
ight when you're ال blasted
gu and ready Tar the ol ir at da you
10 get spooned a lot of mal
have get to think about, or do you Ike
The Dig Man made a solemn circle
with his finger.
"And what is the roundest? Something
long and complex and al дака ou?
КЕ Vener nct مل Ute rose
SS So we gire you a variety show. سب
ing ting. wich Kine, we bave а
movie footage, with the middle reel of د
Beis mystery for the copper, Then a
full hour of wrestling, male and female
“A mere starteroo, B. P. We punch
“em with twenty minutes of hillbillyatyle
Used Car comme, سح then we realy
start fighting. cass with Rev.
et el oo Hab to Lie Up to бе
Hilt: a left jab with the first installment
fa new deiergent opera. Jl صا
Tee Wife; an uppercut to ihe jaw will
Who's Zoo— keep moving: don't give
“em a chance to think, see = followed by
a flurry of lightning blows to the face
апа body: Chef Gaston Escargor's School
of Cookery! Mike Tometrist, Private Opt
A Ten-Year Roundup of Stock Tu
and Теор Racing! fweicl remake
the old motion picture Waterloo
Bridge, now called London Derriere!”
The Oficial Coordinator was warming
to his topic: his eyes were wide and his
lower lip moist. "Do we swing?”
The Big Man nodded. “Speaking as
Mr. Average World Family. he said, "1
am getting slightly interested. Wing on."
“Well, we got ‘em dizzy now, Вар?
Kay. We case off with a handercam com-
mensh: you know, the voodoo dance rou-
tinc? Thirty minutes. Then, ques!
Right in the old schwanzolal”
“What do we do, what do we de?" the
Big Man asked.
We let ‘em have it, POW!" The
Oficial Coordinator needled а vein
statically, and exploded: "Ihe old
hayınaker. The slamboreeno. Twenty
‘of the world’s greatest comedians on-
stage, going through their most famous
routings allot the me limet”
There was a pregnant pause.
"Then the Big Man shot ftum his chair,
extruded a hirsute hand and laid it
gently om the Oficial Coordinators
shoulder, "One thing.” he said, with
genuine concern,
"Ye?" the Oficial Coordinator qua
"По we have enough?"
7B. P, 1 think we do. 1 really and
truly think we do.” The Coordinator
quickly rolled three pellets into his
mouth and grimaced.
"Then." said the Big Man, "1 fee that
we ought to be mighty proud. And, Пар
te mighty humble, سم Because we are
giving the world public the thing ù
Mant and nerd most: Entertainment
He winked gravely. “Also, we are making
for ourselves د few draclunae. Excavate
The Offcial Coonlinator brushed a
tear ol satisfaction from his cheek.
“Bow,” be said, in cathedral tones, “I
promise you this. "This 1 promise you.
Everybody on Earth is going to be watch-
ing The Monster Show tonight. It i go
ing to be an experience no one will fr.
et. In fact, 1 will farcnoughgo to say
that it will be the mos important
moment in history!”
воо. Now powder: the mind must rest”
"The Coordinator nodded, tugged at
his forelock amd exited through ihe
bullet proof siding door.
When it was firmly shut, the Big Man
went over and locked it; then he re
moved {rom his pocket a Hat disc with
three knobs. He twidelled the knobs
There was a humming.
ما planned,” the Big Man said, and
put the tripleknobbed disc back into hi
Hi face was curiously devoid of ex
“There was perhaps د trace of
ти about the mound as he
trem 10 the chromium ber and poured
د امسا shot of amber; perhaps
He ait the 1
реа set ihe p
Sie ab ١
cont." he sid, “pleme Kap me good.
trill sce по ue between now amd ihe
am. our
"ind over."
cat cadis.
"Tie ig Man st in the air en
and unmering cxpreionies ana jare
пои lr out and a hall bu,
t ten minutes to eight he pressed
seventeen levers on his de and Bened
fo seventeen yours
the voice of Miss Dove-
a celestial choir somewhat off key.
акна рање“
DIDI на ми oe
es coe
وه e
“tec ce a
TOME f oen
eee pe
m Sapo then became ed
eae Gee
د H
9. 30 get those taste buds une
timbered, follsies, and treat yourselves
lo the worlds favorite brew: Rocky
Mountain! Yes! That's absotively nghi!
1 suid Rocky Mountain! And .
In moments the giant man faded, and
there was a portentous pause.
"Then, the sound of a thousand trum-
рев. and an aerial shot ol 70 hand.
picked chorus girls, so arranged as to
Spell out:
‘The Big Man waited a moment, until
the Emcee had come onstage, then he
sapped the concealed button and the
alls became walls again.
He removed the tripleknobbed disc,
(concluded on poge 56)
“Why I'd love to meet you downtown for dinner, if you don't mind
waiting a little, darling . . . I have a couple of things to take
care of first...”
eevee voy vee
valuable tips for Your gir]
By Arv Millor
Be neat. A boss notices little =
keeping informed
The boss’ desk pod will often cid you №
° aks on his mind for the coming day:
LIQUID APPLE (continued from page 29)
bled for a marrias ceremony.
ng was going us slick as grease
uninvited law, Eris, threw an
apple imo the party. Three beauties —
fera, Atben and, Aphrodite = each
claimed possesion of in the
ensuing argument, Paris was asked to
referee the squabble, Paris gave the ap
ple to Aphrodite, thereby starting the
fuck that Je uo the Trojan war,
all of Troy, and several bad movies.
ће Greek могу was another one of
the classical apple myths. But the impli-
cation of such myths, namely, that all
the evil in the world is derived [rom an
apple (Бе, something pleasurable) is a
point of view that PLAYROY regards as
wt applesauce, The Greeks should
have blamed envy — not the sweet apple
= for their discord.
he Romans were а litle wiser than
the Greeks, They called the aj
тит, meaning something to drink, ap
alluding to its nectarlike خا
у were on the right track, but
never realized the full potenti
the ruddy frui
alites o
Tn the middle ages. 0
the Maypole, had become د popul
apple tee. like
tility symbol. English farmers didn't
merely prune and water their apple
trees, but poured ale over them in the
happy ritual known as wassailing, Even
among the primitives, the apple had be-
ome د symbol af love ава! impulsive
mes. Women of the Kara King tribe
ran to apple همه amd rolled under
their branches with admirable abandon
to make themselves fecund.
However, it was only after America
had been discovered for several cen
tures that the apple ally came into
its awn supreme form. In Europe, chem.
iiv and druggists had been developing
the art af distillation. All over the col
onies, farmers were crushing apples to
Wake cider. Some of the farmers, like
سنا Washington, bad been ferent
ing er apple juice ino hand cider, د
beverage with the alcoholic content of
wine. James Madison was за apprecia
five ol the nutritional value of hard
Cider that he drank د glass of it cach
moming before breaktast. Then some
body put hard cider ماما a still, and د
plejack was bom. I war called. و
vium ак ap mong the earliest
ا۰ر of the heady drink was Sam-
el E Laird of Monmouth County, New
Jerwy. to whom George Washington
‘wrote asking lor the Laird applejack
recipe. To this day the Laird lineage عا
Nil carrying on the amcrstral art of ap
ple масени,
Although the Apple of Discont is for
gotten, modera applejuck myths sul
kop lying thick and bst. The young
ladies. for instance, who made up the
corps off ballet swimmers in Guy Lom
tands’ Arabian Nights at Jones Beach
is sumar were noted oot only for
Weir grace amd shill in the water but
allo tor the considerable ocean of liquid
appie that they coomamel Nppicpuk
Mas the chosen drink. астана to cer
chronicler, for three reasons. In the first
place, the dink was 10 have
preserved en of the girls hair no.
ater how many times they dove into
the water. In the second place, apple-
jack kept them slim because it con-
tained less calories than other hard
liquor. In the third place, it did not
produce hangover effects. м думох э De-
tment of Press Agents’ Dreams has
investigated each of the above claims
Арка has سا caloric content than
whiskey. But the difference is so small,
two percent at the mow, аз to be in-
signihcant. The other claims are quite
Then there is the abmomal sale ol
a at Princeton, N.J. For over a
Tegaling local bartenders with stories of
the aphrodisiac eflects of applejack, e+
pecially the Algonquin cocktail contain-
Ing ounces of applejack, 2 tablespoons
of mashed baked apple and ] teaspoon
of sugar. After extensive inductive and
deductive observations made in its own
private laboratory, PLAYBOY has come to.
د definite conclusión. The Algonquin
is not an aphrodisiac, more's the pity.
But while the myths are unimportant,
applejack itself is a wonderful source of
Sheer flowing То those young.
men who haven't had extensive ex)
fence with the distillation of Eve's fruit.
we are happy now to offer a brief ori
entation course in the processing of the
liquid apple.
Like the first whiskey distilled й
America, the essence of apple was origi
mally mot the smooth apple drink we
Know today. According to legend, old
barflies spat it out and it burned holes
the floor. They called the 120 proof
ог “esence of lodkjw," "corpi re
viver” and “horn of gunpowder." It was
an extremely popular drink at funcrals,
so popular in ها that colonial heirs
امسا جاسم Tae DET
auc iantities of apple
that flowed dowa the مسل of mourn
ers Eventually the drink became known
as Jersey Lightning since том of it was
made in New Jeney and since it was
пекеноту wn distinguish.
Lightning, thc colorless o
in the South.
During Prohibition. apple}
tunately acquired د sigma اى
mow being lived down. In the Twenties
апу farmer with د few apple trees and
5 rusty sil could make his rough apple
тоци. Мом of it was uncut amd un
aged. except for the small private stock
that some venerable applemen Rept in
ре cler for their rn personel we
Sometimes the rough applejack was
mised with straight alcohol amd water,
Sometimes it vas a complete framl
made up of akobol. water and artificial
apple Bavoring, But it was easy 10 come
by. and during Prohibition la Bowed د
rely as bathtub gin.
Homemade applejack was sometimes.
made by simply freezing hand cider. The
water in the qaid turned to ice while
the akohol. which remained unfrozen,
‘was then siphoned off for a стаде form
КЕ Te was strict for squirrel
eig ly for sq
Because of this delinquent post, ape
Jk sometimes a misunderstood
liquor. people simply refuse
ко drink emen te مل ot
Pusyfoot Johnson and the snapneck ap-
ple peddied by Bootleggers For a few
bition lot of appie-
while carefully distilled, was sold
Comparative, nage. Yr bore Tiene
semblance to the four-year-old applejack
now available — a subtle, serious and
fine liquor,
Modern applejack is a brandy made
by crushing ‘straining the juice,
fermenting i until t becomes wine and
then divilling it until t is hard liquor.
When distilled, iti about 120 prol. It
is then aged in charred oak barrels in
bonded ‘warehouses for approximately
four هور After the aging proces it it
‘cut with pore well water down to 100
proof or M proof and bottled.
Any good ripe apple can be used to
male apple. At a matter of اسم
practice à number of apple varieties are
fombined in order to get a uniform
flavor year alter year. Since apples vary
from one year to the next and since twa
apples from the same tree will some:
mes be dissinilar in Bavor, the choice
of apples is one of the frst significant
Sept In applejach making. “The aroma
fof sweet apples must be balanced with
the tartness of acid apples Sometimes.
apples from orchards in two or three
dierent states are combined for the ini
"ial blend.
the distilleries, the professional ap-
plejack wasters, unlike wine tasters who
merely roll the wine around im their
mouth and then spit it out. must actu-
ally swallow the ard liquor to Judge i
apropristly. Applejack tasters perform
work in two sessions, one at 11
AM. and another at 4 PAL Ae each
مهد they are able to taste six types of
applejack. After the sixth swallow. any
Conclusions which they form arcu of
"much value.
‘The soul of a good applejak isa cer-
tain bien of unc amd mabe
While good د i mel, there's
د em Mie] سه Eje e
"lator from becoming exsotocous in
the sense that thick sweet confiar often
тл тоотон,
One of the mon intriguing things
about applejack à that t octal beats
the fragrance and Raver of the original
fruit. Rye whibkey doc tame like rye
pur does cam whiskey ume 18٨ com,
but арріеркё carries all tbe sultry fra-
prame Of à نت of Wi ‘iter
Now drink грејна. the alow glow of
the جسوولد fingers în dhe back of your
mouth Tike the vemembrance of à real
apple — with د mellow dißerence
A movie may sometimes have to edu-
cote سال and поль to the
"cw sensation. But cone Feared د
خر drinking етт a gl ad-
адот, Youll want to retum t» the
lively favor, like eating apples right olf
dhe uec. hard and bubbliag with iur
пой مه page 72
Eternal Purity there was once a famous
pray Tor ое This in tlf js not
Fenurkable The wonder is that, in al
том every case, the woman was de
لكك ‘of a healthy child, just nine
months alter her visit to the hal shrine
Here it he procedure they Поне
after praying and consulting the mered
sand. the отап سه of once
‘newly translated tale from the Chinese collection; Hsing shih heng yen
f | li f |
dm $
ing wiid вый Voll chainler همق وما by their husband as to the
she would spend the night alone pi 4 amd of the miracle which had tran
هه meditation and Seep. The: cha wired وز tbe temple,
her's single door was اوه azita mem- тапу and varied. Os
ber of her family stationed outside it all
might so that no one might enter
the morning, the woman was let cut
and she returned 10 her home to await
the frst Mutterings of life within. her
Now then, when the women were
answer that а spirit trom
the other world, in the form of a po
tent and superbly built man. appeared
before her and climbed
top level felts for spring,
straws for summer
THE MAIDENS OF MALL have never completely ac
cepted the blouses foisted on them by a prudish
Indonesian government. Today, on د sunbaked,
dusty path, you're sill liable to bump into several
bare ladies with their blouses wrapped
ening) around their noggin :
ете not going to suggest that warm weather
endear te more Import than the shirt on your
back, but the up-and-coming man rates extra atten-
tion from those around him if he has something
smart above his ears as well as between them. Our
office hat rack holds six neatly styled answers for
that light-headed feeling this spring and summer.
with modele ranging from strictly business 10 the
more casual types. Please note carefully.
"Top left: a good-looking combination of colors
همه up Ihe modified telescope crown of the
Mian straw in Torino brad (o loser bra than ie
wal with the popular Milan), double pleat
ean ioe c v o
about $750 (Knox)
Middle eft: even а hint of a summer breeze will
whip through this open mesh Hanokt straw with
puc done NEED.
via Ege, pleted band of cremate abut 35
Bonom left: for a more pronounced texture, a
rich brown Burita palm straw with tapered crown,
ical striping, about $5 (Mallory).
Top Fight: crush it, fold it, pack it away; this
‘one has all the practical values and a smart Com
rental look us well. A spring weight felt, itis the
"Double Life" سا with soft double brim and د
crown that will take any of the shapes you want to
mold into it, about $15 (Dobbs).
Middle right: another telescope crown, this time
in steel gray Burita palm with braided hemp band
for mote casual wear, about $5 (Mallory)
Bottom right: a telescope type crown for the man
‘ould never look or (eel right in this sha
the new "Flatterer" model in Milan
deep band to balance the higher rie found in
this lattopped job, about $10 (knox).
xt us sust you have found che ideal
girl, or at least one a» close to specifica
ions as was available
qu Yon are about o embark on he fe
happy voyage of your married lile
Young, wareyed and Tove, you
set sul on what must surely be a sca o
тие وص там
Once married you begin the careless,
rapturous days of Just You Two, before
you settle down 10 the serious business
of raising a family. Enjoy these blisful
days because they will never return.
jut remember, these first months were
mot intended solely for plucking rose
buds These are the vital топи
the foundations of a marria نا
continuing the series on how to succeed
with women without really trying
These are the critical months in the
mining of د rely serviceable wile
Friter them away il you will and she
be soft and flabby. Use thera wisely
to toughen her fibres and you will have
a helpmeet fit and ready to wand by
Your side in the more trying days to
Since you will probably move at first
into a small apartment, your wile may
think she bas little to do. Show her how
mistaken she کا
‘Tim sure it will simply take care
of isl
"Well =
(Give her a long stow look, as
tion the whole mariage
7 suppose you odd let ding
side adr ماب د Phoch, One
fou ge pepe cleaned up at
EH im me os
You vil вод а à iy imposi
for а اسا to vell shee or tr an
Sparten hu bec propery cloned. e
i gele simply to asume tit ie hast
Bean cid wet enough
The Roper mod ben for he
nore. Wipe one Enge on any bo
or vii че бо Too Look e he
Änger just a [ew seconds, almost absent.
دما Sate yur head Sly snd
to ques.
then shrog your shoulders
Davie, whats the mater?”
“Nothing, Phoeb, nothing."
(Never complain
"But I spent all day cleaning”
"Good, linc, рес"
(Go over and kiss her on the fore-
heod. Tenderness belongs in every
"But Y did, Davie!”
"I know, sweet. Remember,
Rome wasn’t built in a day
The sideways look at any polished
suslce, panieulariy something like د
lowtopped coffee table, iv a
elective and makes а nice variation.
QN ден er abe wpe ned of
jr own. Set her going at a good dli
And keep her out of trouble She wi
be building both muscle and character
for the years ahead.
By all means encourage and inspire
your wife with a good example. If you
be the good example yourself. But
your health and strength aren't quite
what they should be, or if you are sav
ing yourself, you can accomplish the
same result without string from your
easy chair, (This easy chair will soon
become the focal point of your house-
hold, the center of interest and the
mecra toward which your wile, and later
your whole family will turn for admira-
on. guidance, and encouragement)
A fine example is the model wife. И
you know some real woman whose life
сап be an inspiration, so much the bet
ter. If nor, don't be discouraged. Your
purpose is to Bre the imagination, not
present dull facts.
“Just talking to Joe at the office,
woman up against yours any day!
(Always be loyal. Defend your
wife hotly at all times)
ie te
for a dollar тура —and dete
“Just work. he says, maner of
Another way to keep ber alert and
busy is to bring home cook books. Dor.
ens of fine ones ate available. Before
bringing home each book, it is bes to
For a week or so, eat three or four
hamburgers before coming home to din-
mer. Avoid onions which may betray
you. Sit down hungrily at the table.
“Say, looks good, dear!"
"Toy with the food, engage in bright
oiu tn ket oe عع
АЦА ign Hl
cit dumm
PIbeu v عع
ac بس اس
په ER
پس اسان
سا مسا
ee A
MONSTER SHOW (continued from page 10)
"Now he said, and shumped into a
jours passed, but he did not move.
Finally, there was а sharp knock at the
bullciproof sliding door
"The Big Man went 10 the door and
opened it, cautiously. Eight lavender
Creatures with sliny skin and no noses at
all were at the threshold
"Well" the Big Man said. "How did
One of the creatures, slightly more.
lavender than the rest, stepped forward.
“Extremely well.” it sid, "In Inet per.
"The Earth people are all dead.
o. Volta tn yo.
mseme.” the Big Man said, turn-
y imo a lavender creature. with slimy
skin and no nose at all "1 have had
¿quite enough idolatry. 1 preter 10 think
al self merely as an agent who tried
so do bis job
Volshak^ the creature
wed, "such modesty is touching, and a
credit o our race; but there is no geuing
around it, You arc a hero. Why. أل there
had been the ‘slightest resistance, we
would have failed. We had few weapons,
а bare handlul of warriors — frankly, we
were very nearly ready to descend imo
The Great Abya. But even the gulls are
{ull of vanquished invaders: we did not
have. so to speak. a pit to pass in. But
now we may revel in the sunlight and
enjoy the blessings of propagation on a
mew world without having lost a single
thrimp.” The creature put a boneless
tentacle forward. "How did you man-
age it Volshak. hew did you manage to
put oll the Earth people to sleep at the
Sane ите“
Bot Volshak was blushing. He turned
his unprnboscidean [ace to the wall and
‘muttered, in a small, prod voice: “И
such as sitting in the laundromat or
ing for you at the station,
ls for daytime television, you have
only to glance at homes where itis per.
mitted to see ruined families, cold sup-
pers, men neglected and wndernour.
sed, and women who are ملا red.
eyed, abby, and mentally decayed.
However, do nat Ich the television
set. Rely either upon the honor system
fr if your wile is lacking in character,
ly remove a tube belore leaving, in
Allow all the radio listening she
سنا but suggest peppy and sing
music, Studies in some ol our large ine
dustrial plants show that music increases
‘ficiency, stimulates. morale, and rales
Grocery shopping can be a real dan-
ger to the hurran male.
Every man's fine sen cut ear,
and volatile nature are crushed by a
Super market Science estimates dut onc
hour in د large metropolitan food store
males week to ten days af a mans
Your wife may notat frst realize this,
and it your doty to her to make thi
point car
"he very first time your wife asks you
to accompany her to the super market,
accept easily and almost ecstatically,
“Will I? You bet 1 will, Phoeb!
(Be coger, bright of eye, brisk
and keen. Once inside the market,
breathe deeply, and swoop noisily
from item to Wem.)
“Davie, you're knocking over the
“Gosh, Phoeb, something hap-
pens to me every time T get into
one of hee placa”
“Put down those јат of
hart ра
“Y tell you, I'm going mad, mad!
Wheres the herring stad?”
"David, we don't need herring
"Never can tell who's going ما
drop in, Say, what's this? Lieder-
Мапи! Need five, six of these, huh
Haven't had so much fun in yearn
You may be sure your wile won't ask
you te tbe super market again son. The
few dollars you have spent will return
to you manyfold in future happiness,
and in longer Ме.
nonr cive ur
Time after time you will be discour-
aged, again and again you will wonder
if your wile enn be trained. But if you
keep at it you will find your епот
have not been in vain
хехе MONTI:
“now то KEEP YOUR wir
18 LOVE мети YoU"
meg myles’ voice is hardly half of it
“Oh, no—my wife understands me, and we get along
fine. It's just that she's old and fat.”
green soap and kerosene are not the answers
ened ше “you're losing your bait
Te was then 1 Knew the secret was out
"The whole world would soon know my
once cop ol Dick ie would
Shortly became د shiny bald pate. And
it revolted me. ii 8
From that night on 1 became more
anc mere awit ot the les and les 1
had. to comb. 1 pared my hair dier
emily and wore b hat more alten. 1
found lt staring ox more fortunate
young men who had wh wonderful
out Keeping their haic in place.
Talo وکن the wow 0
aspect of losing ones hair а going te
ihe barber, The embarrament ol going
to clip something that iat there i les
annoying than the hairsaving advice
Баай hacen throw in Wee
As T sat down in the chair, one of
these sors jockeys asked:
Shall | dip i short"
Yes" 1 answered sarcastically, “Give
dn't get my weak attempt at
ut after trimming and clipping
for a while he made a startling revels
(а getting kinda thin on top. You
ought uo do something about it
‘Anat would vou sugges”
“Tincture of green soap: works every
1 tipped him handsomely and bought
а bottle of tincture of green soap on my
night. 1 prepared to save my
With the meticulousness of a sur
peon. 1 laid out my vicus brush.
mah, towel and a Boule of the Great
Green Hope. Never one to go im lor
hali way measures, 1 used the وس liber.
ally. Alter thoroughly وسن abd dry-
ing my hair, | applied the comb -- hi
wes ghastly کنن the usual amount ol
Vis a on the مسا
T did the best 1 could to pat the re
mains in place. On my way out to din
ner, 1 toned the green кар imo the
выве рай
That weekend I paid a brief visit to
phe family homestead, My mother, who
had barely noticed the change in her
notsofairhaired boy during the past
few months was stad when she Dane
“Jackie, what did you do with your
Tes getting so ¿at Oh my
ملسو “you'd bener get” married
“Get married! 1 shouted, “What in
the world hos that got to do with my
Му mother was د lile a
having been so Blum. She
“Well а really боса mean much
but you know how agit
3 fellow to be handiome an
priant. Of course, alier you're mar
Tied И docur make any difference
“Mother, 1 will not succumb to the
افو nei ol any woman just beca
Ton lung my hair If she want но
marry د hairy ape, let her go to ihe
med for
fed to
"That was the last I beard of such taik
from The Old Folks At Home. Ne
Мен the problem will existed and al
though my mother idit mention hair
to me. [sull faced tbe barbers period-
اما They weren't reticient to discuss
зо sensitive a topie. Of course. 1 never
Tetumned to the green soap enthusiast
But there were هله — many, many
1 changed barbers often, more out of
curiosity about advice than didibe of
service war convinced early in my
hairdeing days of the social иены
ol barber advice om falling hair, Bot
Stat they advise umil the سا strand د
gone. Then they turn 10 skin care ad
Ту never forget one “expert” who ad
vised د kerosene. treatment (and one
Sucher who actually tied i). The bn
er argue
Look, you're long your hair, right?
Righi? bj ја
"That means
wp there some place, right
ake i trom me, 1 hal the same
trouble when Y was your age. 1 took a
Hite kerosene, mixed Ш with weiter and
1 never had any trouble: with falling
hair again, Germs can't live in hero
sene. Rig”
L thought the idea was ridiculous and
1 told him s.
"Lock. وځ only giving you sone ad
vice, buddy. Alter all 1 don sell kero
ne here; | don't make any money И
you buy i” (continued on page 65)
erm working,
Temple of Fruitful Women
with her: still another woman might
lower her eyes and insist that she could
not speak of these holy matter. And
there is another thing of interest to be
told; some women would never return
to the temple, even when their husbands
commanded. them ما do so, yet others
went back again and again, impressing
the community with their piety and
senting their husbands with son alter
This state of things went on for many
years in the little town of Eternal Purity,
And everyone vas well content, For you
mut how that the people of that place
were of a quaint sort who placed much
faith in miracle
But it came to pass that a new gow
tror was appointed to the district,
Lord Wang by name. Lord Wang was
Young and. ful of ew ideas and his
faith in miraculous happenings was tem-
ered much by doubt and skepticism.
"hen tell of the babies that were born
as a result of prayer, he stroked his fine
black beard and sud to himself, "Now
then, this is all very well: but why may
not these women do their praying at
home inead of traveling for miles ما
the temple and spending the night in د
pure Th buen غا
Lord Wang paid a visit to the temple,
where he دب received with much خو
ta the sound of drums and bells,
corded every honor. When finally
Seated im audience with the Superior
ol the temple, he brought up the sub-
cet of the miraculous impregnations,
mul asked many questions about the
prayers the chambers and the
dure. Не
pected the chambers and
had but one deor, before
which he was told a member of the wom-
aws family stayed all night so that there
might be по question of any mortal man.
(continued [rom page 51)
negligent in her duties and has not yet
د child in her belly though we have been
wed already five months”
“Nay, Great One,” quickly said the
Superior, “that will mot be necesas
Your еместей and точ fragile lady
need pot make ihe long journey to this
temple, She may pray in your palace.”
"dor. sid Lord Wang. "My wile can
pray at home, but the wives of leser
men must needs the night here?
Why should this be?”
“Great Lord,” replied the Soperior
tail, “is e pot logical that you, who
ase die protector and benefactor of our
temple, should be looked upon with spe-
cial favor by the gods?"
"You speak wisely: it is indeed most
ting." And. after a ceremonious and
courtly farewell, the young governor
left the temple.
Returning to his palace, he sum-
moned his usan and mid, Find مه
oung harlots and bring them before me
dr once” The asian, hearing thee
or was ariken with admiration for
the lusty appetite and great of
his master, but he soon سه dat
Lond Wang wanted merely to talk to
the harlots and did not desire the bland-
ishments of their fesh.
When closeted alone with the harlots,
Lord Wang swore them to secrecy, gave
them certain instructions. and then pre-
sented each of them with а bottle of
ink. One received а bottle of black ink.
the other a boule of red. He then told
them to dress in the clothing of honest
women and go to the famous temple.
“These things they did. They consulted
the sere wands said heir prayers, amd
were conducted wo separate chambers
Certain of the governors май passed
themselves ofl a members of ihe gis
families, and spent the night in front
the sealed donre
entering and sowing seed cr in Мом then, you must be told that one
a more usual way. “I am satisfied,” said of these rwo harlots was prettier and
Lord Wang at list, "and will send mw beuerformed than the other. Though
own wile here, for she has been most both were comely, the one named Mei
PORTUGAL (оон from page 42)
the home gets is legitimate percentage.
The delicacy of this operation always
reminds us اه the Сепке between
Spanish and Portuguese bull fighting-
For the relatively bloodless Portuguese
version, rather than Spain's violence and
death, is the true survival from the orig
او fights of the Sixteenth Century. when
the nobles showed off the skill and grace
of their steeds against the stupid bro
tality Ы the bull. The مه gute in
ihe opening parade are mot the men
but the highly trained hores. And ње
light of dhe battle iw not the kill
but rather the opening
D اا A
Toureiro work on foot, making the clas
al Spanish pases. Even then, the bull,
whose horns are shortened and len
capped. is never killed. Instead. a tea
ol nen throws tell at the beast, drags
him down and then, his rage apparently
pent. they let him get up and bc driven
nt of the ring with د hend of other
The spectacle may lack modern excite
mem it may be Hle arte Bt its
in on taste: ir bas charm and grace
and meaning all its own. Аз а matter اه
fact. that goes for Portugal as a whole.
For oneway fares, New York Lisbon,
dow between SEDO and S390 by sea,
3300 to 00 by air, depending on cas
and season. For mere dil ere Com
de Portugal, 690 РОК Arcnuc. New
York 20. Trans Werld Alis. 350
Madison Avenue, New York 1. Nalin
Line, 24 State Street, New York 4
thich was like a tiny goddess, with hands
and fect of the most exquisite smooth.
mess and smallness, Moreover, in her
face there was that rare an
expression tha
all stations but most often in profes
Sional love-makers, that expression that
seems to speak of secret and subtle de
lights and which enkindles the blood of
all men who behold it, Such was the
beauty and magic of Meichich, to whom
Lord Wang had given a Боце of black
Meichich had not been locked within
her chamber very long when she heard
а gentle scraping of stone, felt a draft
and opened her هې ке a, hidden
Aperture opening in the wall. A youn
mouk eared. on silent fes "Who
“A god." replied the monk, "who has
come to bles you, lite housewife, with
a child” He pulled down the coverlet
‘of the bed and looked upon the fesh
that had enstared the hearts of count-
less men before him. “By the sun and
moon,” he cried softly, “this is a dish
truly fit for the gods!” And he took his
desire with her with such relish and
robustiousncss, and so many times, that
степ Meichich, to whom sach things
were commonplace. could not contain
ker rapture amd onere small sharp
ries of fulfillment. She was, however,
а business woman above all, and she did
not forget the instructions of Lord
Wang. At that point when the young
monk was senseless to all things ما the
world sve the bunting of hs souls
rocket, she finger in the bor-
ei bach id and remi ire scs
his shaven head -
Imagine the surprise of the temple's
sta ee a ee
morning he was awakened by a
from Lord Wang, "Great One," chat
tered the Superior, "what is your will?”
"Gall out your monks.” said Lord
Wang, “and line them up before me
words! Do as I tell you."
The monks were summoned, and all
fourteen stumbled sleepily into the pres
ence of the governor.
Lord Wang asked fur a lamp, Lifting
it, he walked down the line of monks
and inspected their hairless heads. As he
did so, he was shaken by two emotion
а boundless rage at the impious lechery
of these allegedly holy men, and an
equally boundless admiration for the
industry and devotedness of Mei chich.
For, although the head of every mo
was marked with ink, only three of the
marks were red. The other eleven, wil
‘out exception. were black
To finish this story, it is only needful
مر say that the monks and their Superior
went to the bebeading-block, and that
the temple was put to the flames. The
husbands of the town called Eternal
Purity rejoiced at the justice of Lord
Wang, but a great many wives, in the
quiet of the night, wept secretly; or so
at least itis written
Here's a comfortable, patted lid
armrest that fits cannily in center of
front seat, stows maps, gloves,
glasses, jar of pdté de foie gras,
crackers, doubles as د baby seat.
Washable, scuff proof, fully lined,
saddle stitched, | with alli
whisk brush thrown in, Measures 14%
by 614” by 6", costs 5798 (plus 50c
handling), in blue, leather tone or
green. Merrill Ann Creations, Dept
AA, 102 Warren St, New York 7, N.Y,
Your favorite folding wall bar
ures $1” wide by ост high
Binek iron rame vit bleached ma
hogany formica shelf (122 by 30%
edged in ng plastic. Comer
Complete with eight brightly colored
Mlesictippel glas holders. boule
Sener, trien, rack als
And plenty of space for juge. 52750.
Pp, Blue, yellow or pink паве
0950. Golan Gifts, Dept. BB. 15
‘West 41h St, New York, New York.
All orders should be sent to the
dresses listed in the descrip
paragraphs and checks cr money
made payable to the indi-
‚al companies. With the excep-
ion of personalized items, all of
these products are gueranteed by
the companies and you must be
entirely satisfied or the complete
purchase price will be refunded.
заш question? No we saying "Wou
thet not take sides” or Haven't
made up my mind” Do not prate
and mumble. The dinosaur came
Before the mageump, so the timc
n vor of diners s
to stand an omery 35 fect high. This
one's د six-inch scale model in full
Color porcelain, For two bucks, the
Abbeen Supply Co. Dept. DL
17935 unas Are- Jamaica; N V.
delivers him ppd. im a plain box
market "Сов епа Di
jal: Dinosaur”
А conning. Higher that maker a
mockery of oláfashioned fine and
pop eite
the cap, expose die platinum and
Silver lament o the alr and, eureka,
tip jumps د car, blue, gem
fame that won't blow out Hand
some gift bex contains ight
igh lem than 1 or). extra car
dee and special Mud SSS, post
uid. Foelie Co, Dept. CZ, 1116
ааст Ave, Green Bay. W
ase carries four
пен when not
pepe ipe bes
Ed C us
dab ictu
de A
ihe bed
رلم که وتا у
ee Ке ОЈ
(continued from page 19)
riers? 1٤ was love at fist sight. A scan-
{al was impending, but what eared they?
"Two hearts beat a5 one, but the posesor
‘of one stood still while the powesor of
{he other backed off about twenty paces,
summoned all his great strength, and
‘with lowered head made a charge on the
Тепке which alone stood between them
sind happiness. The fence fell before
the impact of the charge, and tbe bull
how shod! beside his new-found friend.
Пе was a respaser against the State of
Texas and more particularly against the
Department of Dairy Husbandry of the
cultural and Mechanical College of
esas But why should he worry? It was
a glorious day. He was in à new, a
ferent environment. He was in society.
Tis uoc was rapidly advancing, Не
امسر all that а young bull could
Мече a good pasture, heiter friends of
doubt social standing, and ast but
oi lease State's chaperones of these
Aristocratic belles were absent. The
world was his, He was introduced to
her young heifers, all members of this
exclusive set, and found favor in the eyes
ol several of them. In these happy sur-
rulings he was oblivious of the pase
y of time. The day was spent in fast
Company. lt was a great awakening, а
wonderful, an indescribable experience.
The world was a different place to live
im. But justas he was congratulating
himself upon his rapid rise in this brave
new world, the unexpected as it always
docs happened.
“There were shouts. cries, curses. The
bull was surrounded by the unfaichful
наша of the princesses” chamber. Не
Nas kicked and beaten, and before he
Tully realized what had happened. he
d himself a prisoner in one of фе
States basilles-an eight-foot corral.
Here he was again beaten, cursed, in-
employees of the Department of Dairy
Husbandry, subjected wo great indigni.
یا and by force, threats, amd fraud
compelled to submit to a surgical opera-
tion which caused him great physical
pain and mental anguish, since it tended
destroy his social standing in the
ity in which he resided.
"We here take occasion to say that
sion amd conduct of these said
ccs of the State who perpetrated
this foul and unseemly deed show that
they pass hearts that are regardless of
social duty and fatally bent on mischief,
"The bull was later releases. and led
hack through the breach he had made
his own premises. When his tor-
tors lad departed and he was alone
with his memories, he stood long as if
in а trance, His thoughts undoubtedly
happenings of iba eventful
ely ‘the way of the transgresor
Tie had lived too fast in 100
short a time. But hours hetore he seemed
по have succeeded in lile as well as any
young bull whether aristocrat or prole
{arian could. He had been in full pox
session of his faculties, both mental and
Тоде and was the pet and pride of
S herd of aristocratic, blued Silk.
Stockinged. young society heifers belong-
ing to the great State of Texas, Now,
ow different and how sad he was. Не
had been humiliated beyond measure by
the ueatmemt that he had received at
the hands of the States employees in
the presence of the very sume young
and winsome heifers in whose eyes he
had مد recently ound favor, He must
malized that in his present
1. he فلس wo longer play
the bull in society. that by the sud oper.
ation he had been made fit to serve onl
35 an bumble ox. This was the cause
anguish to his bullship to
Suy nothing of the unceremonious man-
ner in which he changed from Mr, Bull
to Mir. Suer, the latter name being per-
sally obnenion to him.
"hat night the stars came out in
myriads. ‘The moon shed its mellow rays
fon that outraged steer, who had been
50 recently deprived of that part of his
anatomy that makes a bull د Pull, an
act that was committed in violation of
the ‘ue proces of law” clauses of both
the State and the Federal constitutions.
‘The bull lay once again upon his downy
couch. Dew drops gathered upon the
end of his tail. With the coming of
dawn they glistened im the sunlight
Tike so many diamonds. The steer did
not, as the bull had done upon the pre-
ous morn, arise to greet the dawning
sum. For his grief was more than he
old bear, and his sorrow knew no
bounds, He refused w be comforted.
He ‘either of lood nor drink.
His though were only of his humilis
tion and sudden downfall. Thus he
anguished for several hours before جع
ing the way of all the earth. Не died
of 3 broken heart withour due benefit of
clergy. As he раме away. he may have
comforted himself with the thought that
love's labor may not always be lost.
"Now. the owner of this secer, erst-
while hull, has demanded of the
authorities of the A. and M. College of
Texas thot he be compensated for the
Joss of his animal, the value of which was
arbitrarily fixed at $20.00,
"Хом ask if this account is one which
may legally be paid out of any current.
appropriations made by the Legislature
to the A. and M. Colleg
We think thatthe correct rule of the
law applicable to this cav is laid down
in 25 Ruling Case Law, pages 407 and
408, and i as flows
"The vule is well established that
а state is not liable for the negli-
gence of its officers or agents, ех.
SCH when uch liability is سه
voluntarily Ву the Legislature. The
doctrine of respondent superior does
not prevail against the sovereign in
the necessary employment of public
‘agents. Where wrongs are done to
individuals by those who are serv.
их of the government, those in-
jured аге not remediless, as such
persons may be med as may other
iken for the torts which they
“In any event, the employees of the
"s. They
nsible for their unlawful
alone arc re
acts Perhaps the bull might have sur
vived if the College veterinarian had
been consulted to assist or to advise as
10 the fine points of the opcratio
we cannot speculate on that quest
"We can imagine the chagrin and dis
Refer واا لا
اما للم سا سب
poet ate عا ولس
voucher by your Department.”
(continued [rom page 61)
1 had to admit his approach was «in
cere. There was no kerosene in his shop,
and1 began to wonder if there was
Some validity to his treatment. One fate
ful might, after several weeks of mental
сова, 1 gathered enough courage to
сату out “Operation Kermene”
Needless 10 say, dear reader, kerosene
is mot the answer. As a fuel or chemical
for cleaning clothes, its tops. But as for
spring curly Jocks, it gets you nothing
but red splotches of irritated scalp and
barbed-wire hair. was
afraid to smoke a cigarette;
له bursting into Hames at any mom
1 could scc easily that ту hope did
not rest with the local barbers, I wa
termined to find a remedy from more
reliable sources, 1 went to science.
Т found that literature was plentiful
fon how to save hair, Most of it was ine
tering مسا vo say Ме leas, трэс
For example, Dr. R. E. С. Arnattoe
of the Lomeshie Research Center im
Londonderry, Ireland, made a study of.
baldheaded men in relation to ethnic
groups and geographic locations. Alter
years ol meticulous мајр pto
found more young Swedes were bald
than Frenchmen.
lw happy for the young men
of France, but 1 dive in New York. 1
suppose if I cared enough lor my hal
1 could sail or France and live a happy,
hairful life. But that did't appeal to
me, especially since my French was as
spotty as ту мајр.
However, Dr. Armattoe espoused! an-
other theory which may present the self-
conscious hair-losing male with a p
for rationalization. For some undeter-
(concluded on next page)
mined reason, he said, the most imel-
men arc likely to become bald.
ited, Тог example, a meeting of
the British Association for the Advance
iment of Science, held at Dundee, Scot
land, several years ago, where 77 per
cent of Britain's outstanding scientists
who attended were bald.
Well, T gloued to myself, onc could
take lace and alot pride ما sch am
Knien. No do Vi vri hne
ftn وفلس were T locking for peace
of mind, But T was looking for air
So 1 continued my sea for another
ا al nad onc
boning to De. N. Warn Noung of
Howard University. He claimed that
tension imr a tight hat, for ex-
mple — leads to baldness by cutting cir
culation, He abo said د study of aton
bomb victims in Japan revealed that ې
posure to atomic rays will lul to bald:
Clearly, Dr. Young's theories could
not apply to me, Г wore a hat rarely and
then only alter 1 began losing my hair.
е atom bomb, the closest Tve
fe маз during a سمل
او an experimental explosion at Yucca
Flats This was hardly convincing evi
‘Another unusual explanation for bald
mes came from Cincinnati. Originator
is Dr. Andre Alexis Cueto who main-
tined that ماما was cased by
faulty capillary circulation, He анис
a hood be placed over the head and
the creation of alternate vacuums د
pressures within the hood, the capillary
action would quicken. Just
gadget into the wall and
Would he gone forever.
Somehow, the method seemed dubi-
fous to me and I ruled it out. A more
зака! solution, however, was given
orman Hillier of New York City
In a National Beauty Congress in Seat-
tle some years ago, he recommended
that persons with thinning hair stand
fon their heads, for “standing on your
Нема brings blood to the scalp.” Blood
in the alps good Tor growing ماد
1t may sound unreasonable, but any-
‘one who woukl use kerosene моні rk
standing on his head for a while. So 1
Sod on my head. My friends caught
me doing this one afternoon and that
fended my upside down days 1 reasoned
that a reputation av a Без майст was
mare damaging socially than being bal
Scientific explanations. notwitlisand-
mg, it was time for another haircut, Te
vas dificult, but 1 braved it.
The barber tucked me
lug the
ling hair
and began
7 he эм gayly, “you're
ing your hair,
Where" T shouted with fale sur
"Right here on top. The best way to
sop ibis to tke two Engem and mas
Sue three times د day. Circulation, you
Eine i the bc th
"Yeah arid dryly, "wim my mur
tache.” 5 =e
(The wudtache was culated rece
to همه natures tick Fans
“Sure... when he pulled off that Brinks job, he was your son .. .
now he gets nabbed and he's my son! ...”
Ben m col, ve ling at a
fan the master of my upper lp
or some unknown fein, 1 became
very strong will alter that haircut. 1
Sot only resisted the two finger rub b
the suggested beer wach, lemon juice
Time, and hot towel treatments as well
Teast ase all tlk that wort.
in combat during the war or
ing too
much water on bair would lead to bald-
mos. Furthermore, I discovered that as
far back as 1916, د woman named Doro-
thy Osborn evidence that
baldness is
Reexamining my family tree, T dis
covered both my grandfathers were bald
my mother's brothers are bald, and my
father and his brother are bald, Tit
never know whatever possessed me 10
think 1 would have د lush crop of hair
‘with a background like that
"Ihe لس of my sory i that exin t
genns Vbi leis ar AN
Tres ea yo ca op a 1
give your barber د dirty look and how
(continued from page 21)
to figure out for himself bow to look
Sharp and be sharp while working in a
татом sam cabinet,
ete dle the question of summer
comfort "party from à poi of lax
And fasion and partly from he vantage
point of fairly نه هله الس ad c
Porchologr. 1e summer comfort purely a
nter of suit fabric weight? Does this
rule out tweeds from May о September?
Are the tct tube fers the cod al to the
problem? عا "wash W wear" شوه or
“The weight question is a hefty prob:
kw. ‘There's do debe that comfort
cours a ot in سس of ШИ
ing you are cool and geting a load lf
your shoulders—ven jux by они i
د goal statim; point. But given wo
abris of the same weight, you will sally
Eres ogni سه
prin fed hot Dons wi
puntes open season un
(A gabardine, for example, is among
the tightest of woven fabri
do dict a natural water те
Tightweight gab is excellent
spring or even for the first
даа PO ILU
al ‘or ls soft, summery colors,
this o weave fora hot weather war
Loosely woven tweed fabrics which
‘often have bulk without weight are good
(concluded oveilen])
'omeone's been spreading the story you've slept here.”
Det Рз, 1123 Meteor
‘Siler’ Aci peo hg idera ae
insulators and د good choice (or sj
wear but some of the coarse weaves with
mannish splinters of fiber may be د bit
rough lor cuddling, Conclusion: wy a
ta mere to impres her all the way
‘round (if 2 cashmere budget isn't your
way of figuring. try د wool and orlon
blend and she probably won't know the
ference). Moving into the dog days of
ner, tweeds are generally put to the
‘of the closet — they d
feel the м
green stall to pay or
make lightweight
tailors showpiece
the research of the war years
came the miracle tet tube Br. Here
wo» a chance to add a 25; strength in
reae o د blended fabric with each 1%,
(oylan in particular). Ol coun a
experimenters lost their hend
fou la too Бы The customer sonnet
found his new suit mehed Uke bauer
on the ironing board. became scorched
in dhe presing room ه returned Irom
ihe cleaner wich knifesharp cres
“welded” into the fabric. But, by gum,
ake weight ofthe Labrie went dw and
the وهه went up. and the poor gink
who ket out in the proces com take
loce in the knowledge that he aided
Science in it sterling سا هس the od
vay of Hie. Today, the value of the
Synthetic Ber is heightened in а blend
with natural ers
the 85% dacron 377 wool c
tion im د nineounce Labrie:
Unless you're blind or rate. you're
aware ol the rash of washand wear gare
ments in circulation. 1 the accumulated
impact o the ساناتصا for irs short
socks and sus were brought o li
GE would be oet of the iom business
and iato rexarch on the "wand ае
You wear manaiacd tumble laundromat.
We have yet to see the Madison Avenue
brigade bending an elbow over th
washable, Месецот trt. But with a
good suom lead by
Sling on modif dy
is definitely season.
Before you ра cont with the
thought of looking like a Neiman [ash
ion drawing for Авт, be forewarned:
this suit is always worn with a traditional
don'tgiveadanm, casually crushed air
which. indicates ‘you've just lost the
wrestling match with a new rea
assistant from Wellesley but had gn
(a marker
rundown shows blends trom 755 dacron
and 250%, cotton to the old fashioned but
strongly traditional all coton. models).
Some men wear cotton cords immacu.
lately: others just let them get baggy in
the knees and elbows, Lets say this—it's
not the suit for the heavy man.
almost all of the аана مها
wear sults are cur with pleats trousers
Tiree button caus, single breed, Some
Карен out are
sipped of vim and padding.
itt with mite u ©
tion (mall shoulder pads, м
oller effective ко E
ds or eave
die wear. They de oller чаті py
‘hokage Vk m that you'd swear you
јан dipped into е ing of your pe
Tor those with an eye ia sate
One ofthe бм summer faris wee
lad dhe pleasure ‘of packing, wearing
and epg i ile ano i
ing hat tren from the Palm Rech
falls "About ve or sis Years ago thi
fabric va ا under ihe name
"jua Weave The fric mo longer
ils major pet
carries that tag, but is
of the line w
ber content.
б the content is 250,
dacon, 15% mohair and 607; viscose.
With a full range of colors, the fabric has
a linen-like appearance and luxury lined
‘models (worth the few dollars over the
unlined models) of Palin Beach suits sell
nationally at about $10. The Spri
weave line (about $50) by the same
manufacturer has more of the look of
the tailored tropical worsteds with a
fabric blended of wool and moh
Best news of the season for the guy
who wants to look like a
lion bucks
S125 5135 on the rack
{and the custom houses were having а
field day). Last ycar there was joy in the
ssrtorially elegant world to sce the р
tag dwindle to а T
hatch of the famous Dupioni silk fn د
Italy was
jagged hot out of the dye vats
ic Scott of Chicago, соо
Lets face it: we all know that yo
even bend an atm over a Martini
bout creasing the silk fabric. And
well admit that the upkeep in terms of
a presing bill after cach wearing is
monstrous, but there's something in the
feel and look of د just can't be
matched by the highest lustre of mo:
is no more practi
mere, but well take two for the season,
even il we have to hock the souped-up
‘Vespa to pay the pressing bills,
(continued from page 17)
lis material-accidental. The sketch is
nothing more than а system of verbal
Wlan Each punetation mark has
"peca! saund. Fortune, the excl
lo point may be a wet splutter and
ame chee, commi an abrupt
Hering while and a period د ind ot
[me fune. According to Borge, ths
vien "arr verbal Kommunen.
ot ay фе ween. punctuation эрка
Hin ten communication. Ihe
seee "Came heres son the fer
Std and pickup th cete butt! ^
ugh sound lite i "Splutter putter
И Come here nee son tect spur
the futher said tweet splut and pick up
this cigarette butt grid sphut.splutter-
splutter” For the sake of improving
m ihe original story, Borge always
сле he developed Ihe sytem when
he fist arrived ја the U.S. and had dif-
ficulty understanding Americans. Не
ered Americans had trouble
derstanding themselves. The reason,
he felt, was that punctuation marks were
left ont of speech.
Actually, Borge
in, Copenhagen, city اه his
inal fame. Tle was rehcarsi
Gone a the actos had د bad cold.
While reading his lines, the man could
barely yet a phrase out without sneezing,
coughing, of clearing his throat, The
Elect was hilarious, and Borge, though
patei dissolved imo auger, ٤
veloped د sketch in which he imer
spersed د reading with coughs, throat
and sneezes, later refined it to
its present form.
Victor Borge was born Bing Roser-
baum in Copenhagen, Denmark. on
څ رس 1909, зот له a violinist in the
Royal Danish Opera orchestra. For some
سل perhaps because it was shinee
and made more noise, young Вир pre
ferred the piano to the violin
He was playing piano and reading
at age four; performed at a bene
ае ten; and made his important
Ilic debut at age 15 as soloist in Rach
пов Second Piano Concerto, with
the Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra.
Abou yen ae, playing with the
hundred man State Symphony in Copen-
agen, he succumbed to his comic sense
and launched himself as a pancturer of
overblown social sham. a satiric сеп
menor on customs and mores The
un way through a con-
cento, ong, iwo fingered will.
Borge told one biographer: "The sight
of those serious old musicians grinding
away for all they were worth while 1
سا with my two fingers was sud-
denly too much for me. 1 looked over
my shoulder at tbe audience andl winked
at them.” The audiences explosive
Taughter provided the cresendo to the
inl. Said Borge: "1 figured that even
كز | had spoiled it for a few musical
purists, the majority of the people had
had a better time than usual at a con-
Ever since, Borges aim has been to
abia fu
ан ts а ama th
E den
e وس سل يناسا
gs نس مک کل ope
СЕ ماګا por
Sr Da che de Lane, hell
pals Preset pee Cd do
the Kon سه Pela vct
cents a day, which paid
il his stomach.
Everglades Club which got د good
from vacationing Charles Ventur
New York World Telegram column.
"This inauspicious start plus the Eng-
lih he learned from attending double
for months in, New York got وسوا
Tam an opportunity o do a warmup Tor
radio show, originan وس Bing 2
in Lot Angeles, where Borge vat
the rounds of moxie sadios and adio
Nations To the chorus of uncontrolled
ier im Cry da lee,
regular om ihe show د مه e signed
and stayed 56 weeks, He once السا
aces as the Roxy, Waldorf and
New York and the Palmer
US and abroad a mixed blessing
presented with pianos that were
able eight out اه ten were mue
pieces which should never have been
played. "That is the reason for so much
comedy in my work. 1 used to do more
music in my performance. Wut the bad
pianos forced me to make fun of every-
p 7
"Today as always, Borge works almost.
wholly without props. He is a self-con
(concluded on nest page)
Made by Mesias Finest Bostacior
po ET:
daran Brown, Tan or Black Sizes io
хлап Guaranteed
а оС а
spring fling:
‘sumscrime то PLAYBOY
threw yout altea سا
toned double breasted i
coal by mail or send cool ond deck doy.
[rt As row
tained comedia, There is, of couse, his
piano. During his Broadway show a prop
{handelier was lowered as he did an unin-
hibited takeoff on Liberace. And finally,
there Б L'Amour, his tiny pet poodle.
L'Amour, whom Borge calls “Lammy”
for short, joined the show of his own
accord. One night he nosed
dires room deor, wandered down the
ste am
sniffed around,
lime bore
meandered un stage.
stalked olf with an air of su
Pig, pool on eran
Borge opened his
Seaule alter Anuckling
ion on a
E cad ol a percentage
tat. He was therc one week and proucd
$72.0 in two weeks. When he hit New
Yorks le collected د НА of rave
vues, pls his entre investment alter
ie tice работната ^
Borge i as competent د businessman
and producer as he iam entertaner. Не
"makes his own business decison a
tin of his show, He
Stied in New York the alterwoon ofthe
Ваау opening; سوه bough
lt complicated lighting schedule and
Vent through a full dres rebar
Direction of the show was complicated
by the fact that it was somewhat exten
porancous. Indeed” the theatre program
Fead: “Frankly we don‘ know what Mr.
Borge will do but were sure hell keep
us posted from time to time. PS. There
seo an mn... but only Me
¢ knows when" To guide the Suge
M Borge used а system of subtle
signals, much as а baseball catcher.
tees 10 communicate with his pitcher.
Since he oem sid whatever -
dnd (1 all Cort moet why
y Roosevelt signed that Teter")
a ing nad :
Toom taped every performance, jou in
t on someting he wanted
‘OL course, not everybody lids Norge
irresistible. Some folk find he pala on
them alter awhile. Others ve
hin again and again. One
show 53 times, A 92 yearold 1
mired his impeccable dros, asked him
the name of his tailor (Pucci, of Ch
go). A Riverdale, КУ. woman ended a
wildy enthusiastic letter sayi
really cold sober.”
Now that his fabulous oneman show.
has closed in New York, Borge is taking
it on the road--news that should gladden
the hearts of these who were unable to
catch it on the Great White Way.
This will undoubtedly create more
Borge enthusiasts, We would like to
assure these new addicis that, despite
Victor's seeming incoherency, irrele-
sancy and general confusion, they are
mot watching the antics of a plastered
performer. Not at all.
He's really cold sober.
(continued from page 39)
of interest even if she ровом لاطي
ede خم a, oie ike Aldo
Neg isa throm, throbbing contralto,
and it wasn't ta long before she lound
ама cast as the stcamy blues singer a
The Phenix Ci
From then
took the high ron, with د Асса en
agement at Las Vegas" Royal Nevada
Motel, a tour of the country's smarter
supper cn, and a Capitol recording
а fan and
ет her idol.
was really
ran was
report on
hat he turned In one
ircd recording sessions
good authori
OF the most.
al his carcer.
Meg is aware that men Tike the way
she ook. NBG was sufficiently im-
presed by the Myles of Meggin that
they selected her as their TVenus, what-
ever that means, and The Tuberculosis
Fund has named her il with the
Best Lungs in Calilorni:
exacly what that means. W
Gently impressed to give the
choice pages in PLAYBOY.
(continued from page 25)
rallying. he asked, “What Cause?”
The Dean's gaze fused on inward
things He ambled on slowly, anms be-
hind his hack
"The Cause of Love,” he said, "as op-
posed to Hate. ОГ Nature, as opposed
to the Unnatural. Of. Humanity, as op:
posed 10 Inhumanity. Of Freedom, as
posed to Constraint, OF Heal
opposed to Disease. Yes, Mr. Bean, dis
tax. The disease called bigotry; the
municable disease
stopped dra
“The Cause of Tile, Nr. Bean as په
poed to Deatht
"The Dean lift а ch
We se o
of etic warriors marching o
strongholds ol prudery. ‘Knights Tem:
ar wich a اسر aud joyous mision."
٢ 1 or? à lenem. Taler
Thy entered а large, cubicle bor
dered toon, Talbcr saw men: some typ-
ng some writing, some staring some on
telephones وسلا in a multitude of
tongues. Their expressions were, as one,
neatly alot. At the far end of the
Toon, expression unseen, man stabbed
many eyed switchboard ون
‘Apprentice Room," sid the
"wir we groom our do-
off asa young man ex-
ited one of the cubicles and approached
a smile tremulous
7 mid
the Dean, nodding
a joke, said Oliver.
May 1
"But of course,”
Oliver cleared’ viscid anxiety
his throat, then told à joke abon
said the Dean.
a it-
irl watching a doubles
dist colony tennis court
nodding. Oliver
Ue boy and
match on th
fag pen cud
looked p. panel
Not t
"Nonsense," said the Dean, add
kindly, "son. These shorter jokes are,
by all odds, the most difficult to master.
ust be cogent, precise; must say
"Ves, чи
‘Check with Woje
howskî and Sfor.
the Dean. "Abo Ahmed El-
ey ll brief you on use of the
A. Eh" He patted Oliver's
business.” he declared.
Бе ClassA, He really
the composing end of it
He gestured mean
there is sentiment involved.
aid the Dean. "ft was his great
grandíacher who, on June 25, 1848,
wrote the first Traveling Salesman joke,
The Dean and the Colonel lowered
their heads د moment in reverent com-
Talbert did the sume.
said the Dean.
airs, sitting
sherry having been
пара you wish to know mare,”
sald the Bean,
‘Only onc thing
und that is sir
"Why have you shown it to me?”
Yes" mid ihe Colonel, fingering, at
armpit holster, "why indeed?
"The Dean looked at Talbert carefully
said Talbert.
rd ol your work, your un-
flagging devotion ما sometimes obscure
but always worthy causes? What mar
can help but admire your selflessness,
your dedication, your proud defiance of
convention and prejudice?" The Dean
paused and leaned forward.
“Mr, Bean,” he said softly. “Talbert
may Т call you that — ше want you
он our team.”
"albert gaped. His hands began to
memble. The Colonel, relieved, grunted
and sank back
но his chair.
from the flustered Tal
over. Consider the merits of our work,
With all due modesty, I think I may say
that here is your opportunity to ally
Jowell with the greatest غه of your
Tm speechless." said
hardly — that ix — how
But. already, the li
was stealing im
(continued jrom page 32)
ТИ show you what it mem
cried in a loud, excited voice
Closing her eyes. she fired the pistol
at There was a deafening noise,
complete silence Tor and this
time all the girls upstairs screamed.
Judge Price slowly seated himself on
‘one of the steps.
Before Fern could aim the pistol at
him again, Bonnie jerked it from her
hand. As soon as that happened, Fern
in a heap on the hall floor.
Bonnie ran up the stairway to Judge
“Are you hurt, Judge Price?" she asked
ansiowly. “Did she shoot you:
felt his right leg from
After that he nodded.
Judge Price reaches
caught her by the arm.
don't do that,” he said calmly, shal
his head. “That won't do at all. As soon
as I can get to my car, TII drive home
then send for him. That would be
much more appropriate under the cit
cumstances. Fin sure you understand my
But you might bleed to death. Judge
ic said fearfully
‘s the risk ТИ
on her hands
and knees toward
"Wade — Wade - 1 do
made me do it." she «i
she reached him. "I
myself. And now you'l
Judge Price put his hand on her tow
sled brown hair amd stroked her ten-
derly. As soon as she felt thc touch of
his hand, Fern locked her arms around
him and hugged him with all her might.
"Fern." he said as he stroked her hair,
“Fern, with the experience of sitting on
the judicial bench for many years a
(concluded on next page)
"t know what
tearfully when
couldn’ help.
er marty те
Wear Staturaid Shoes
Sen En ا
Бер Ра Bex 27, Liste. N.C.
Name & Adress ME
Labels $1.00 >
Sie les рат paper, 100 ty
ipa Rte ander don 85. ТЫ
LURE OP t A Sesion |
which supports
Mire: CRUSADE FOR FREEDOM, ce Leal Pater
ent liberi Drei on
emote yu el cept event سيا
‘dour cade lst aly tm مه ee
[xS I ee
give me, Wade?" she asked hopefully
looking up into his lare.
leaned quer her
means more than that. Fern,” he
told her. "It maus that il you сте
enough about me to shoot me im a
whorchousc, you're going to be a loving
and devoted wile.”
(continued from pege 50)
at every 9
The biggest applejack producers in
the com are Lnd Со ање,
NI Jen Beene Laird, Jr, Reale ње
Erk dich for been isla apps د
New Jersey for 176 مکو HE Lad
and iii bela represent abou 99
enemy ۷د په ie applet maw
cet Dedes de ا سب appl
pack sold by Laind Cor In both IR 81
ина pot Veni Re eae
Pepa Te cues لب دمه مسا
1 See он املس د
الب aud e pipe
distillation. и
Unsoubtedty, the must distinguished
apple heard la the wand وسوی
M the Nebwandy ston of Frame
roa eru
cec as ute ана
action in ةمسا World War 11
Weed مسمتب ولا CURE ad
ply swore’ elim om the watt
ur day. due سه
ollars a bot.
icticulously prepared. brandy
ten years. )ل warms you wi
a mellow fr
in a brandy
f, Calvados is an incomparably
fine alter dinner drink. Heartily recon
mended is the Are De Triomphe im-
ported by Twenty One Brands
Applejack drinks like applejack high
ball, appleon the-rocks, apple and ginger
ale, ete, are prepared in the same man
ner as whiskey drinks Others (which
we'll describe in a moment) are a bit
more complex. Not too complex, how-
ever, for we're of the op
many applejack recipes
plethora of fruit favor. Suaight a
jack has such a rich fruity fragrance
almost a cocktail in itself. Accompani-
ments like lemon juice and grenadine
should be played down. Then when the
cocktail is poured into the glass, the na-
turalness of the drink will be preserved.
Almost any apple jack mixed drink is cn
hanced with د dash or two of bitters.
Angostura bitters or orange bitters not
only blend beautifully with applejack
but help to present it as a real apenil.
For Maytime drinking. امه sup-
gests the following versions of the liquid.
2 ounces of applejack
dashes of Angostura 7
Lemon pec
Tour bi
glass. A
well. Twist lemon peel over drink.
JACK Hose حم
ounces of applejack
icc of 14 large lie
Viempoos grenadine
Pour ingredients into cocktail shaker
woth cached ic Shake wel Stain ins
Cocktail سا Two. tablespoons. lemon
maj he submitted forthe linc
SOUR صمر
ounces of applejack 2
Sparkling water
Tot the applejack, lemon, juice and
gar in a cocktail shaker with cracked
XE Shake well Strain into a Delmonico
low, AM د dash of sparkling water. Do
Shot decorate the glass with added [rit
2 ounces of applejack
1 ounce of Halian vermouth
2 dashes of orange bitters
our ingredients into a cacktail shaker
with cracked icc. Stir well. Strain into
cocktail glass. Serve with a stem cherry
il desired.
gacr namur سا
ounces of applejack د
Т ublespoon En
Tablespoon orange ju
teaspoon maple дур 1
shake well with cracked. ice in cock
toil shaker. Stain imo cocktail gs
The applecar is, of course, a va
او the sidecar. Any white Curacao m.
be used in place of Cointreau,
2 ounces of applejack
teaspoon powdered sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juce
2 dashes of orange bitters
Sparkling water
Shake all ingredients except sparkling
water in a cocktail shaker with cracked
Ke: Pour unstrained into a Tom Collins
‘lass Fill with sparkling water and stir
Love reading. But most
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pect stimulating. How ob-
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pon. Write check. Mail.
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