Full text of "PLAYBOY"
» WORLDS : |
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Ў | "You're some tomato.
We could make beautiful Bloody Marys together.
I'm different from those other fellows.”
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You’ve got taste.”
Wolfschmidt Vodka has the touch of taste that marks genuine old world vodka. Wolfschmidt in a Bloody Mary is a tomato in
triumph. Wolfschmidt brings out the best in every drink. General Wine and Spirits Company, N.Y. 22. Made from Grain, 80 or 100 Proof. Prod. of U.S.A.
for people who haven't forgotten
how to laa} fun
Remember when you had fun? Real fun? Fun as brash and bold as a klaxon horn. Pigtails flying. Betcha can't catch me!
That’s the kind of fun the Sunbeam Alpine is. Now you're doing a V4 mile at Bonneville in 9 seconds, roaring
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kids in back. With roll-up windows and the snuggest-fitting top of all, you're having fun in any weather. $ Everybody
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Great to feel its power. Great to feel the safety of unitary construction and aircraft-type disc brakes. Mainly, though,
you're having fun. Yours is the happiest. fun-lovingest sports car of all—and for hundreds of dollars less: only $2595*.
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Nothing wishy-washy about a 7-Up highball! Here’s where you
get to taste the whiskey you like. Ошу it tastes better than you
ever remember it—because 7-Up flatters it, rounds out flavor.
Seven-Up puts sparkle in your glass, too. Enough sparkle so
your drink stirs itself. Try a 7-Up highball—and enjoy it!
PLAY BILL “<o hinese calendar, this is the Year
of the Rabbit, a fact which we celebrate with a full
report on The New York Playboy Club — the sixth and largest link in our
ever-lengthening key chain. When we opened our first Club three short
years ago, we had only 31 Bunnies (including cover girl Kelly Collins).
But Bunnies — like Playboy Clubs — prolite ate and we now have 404
ol them in our Clubs in Chicago, Mia ami, New Orleans, St. Louis, Phoenix
and New York. Still more Bunnies g for our upcoming Clubs
in San Francisco, Washington, D. it, Baltimore and L.A. All of
which keeps Kelly (now our chief Training Bunny) hopping — via jet.
Starting in this issue, we present a three-part ization of the
latest James Bond novel, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, by that master
of intrigue, Ian Fleming. The Ith Bond thriller in as many years, this
is the first ever to debut in a magazine. President Kennedy and other
Fleming fans will find that Service serves up all the sophisticated suspense
found in other Bond books, being compounded of damsels (both dis-
tressing and distressed), chilling chases, ingenious escapes, extravagant
gambling scenes, epicurcan episodes of wining and dining and, of course,
a monstrously diabolical plot that threatens the free world.
To help artist Robert Weaver (who is doing the illustrations for
three installments of Service), we asked Fleming to send us a precise physi-
al description of Bond. From his Jamaican hideaws mr he was
working on next year's novel, Fleming sent us the following, as meticu-
lously detailed as а James Bond dossier: Height: 6 ft., | in. Build: Slim
hips, broad shoulders. Eyes: Steely bluc-gray. Hair: Black, with comma
over right forehead. Weight: 12 stone, 8 lbs. Age: Middle 30s. Features:
Determined chin, rather cruel mouth. Scar down right cheek from cheek-
bone. Clean shaven. Apparel: Wears two-button, single-breasted suit in
dark-blue tropical worsted. Black belt. White sea-island cotton shi
short sleeves. Black casual shoes, square toed. Thin black knitted silk t
no pin. Dark-blue socks, cotton lisle. No handkerchief in br
М Rolex Oyster Perpetual wrist watch.
ntly, a Los Angeles businessman ran a classified ad for a
h read: “Must be attractive, single, intelligent and have r
Helen Gurley Brown's book." The required reading was Sex and the
Single Girl, whose author is the subject of this issue's Playboy Interview.
Publication of Sex, incidentally, nearly snagged on a three-letter word.
Mrs. Brown's own choice of tide was Sex for the Single Girl but her pub-
lishers feared that it sounded "too racy.” So a good, clean and was
substituted, thereby making for a dirty word. While word watching is
only a minor symptor sexual squeamishness, there are plenty of others.
In Part V of The Pla Philosophy, Editor-Publisher Hugh M. Hefner
examines these influ and their role in shaping the nation's oft-
conflicting laws and attitude:
The Brubeck Qu
tary м
um of
rtet's unique position in the таіти"
modern American jazz mined in Take Four, by jazz expe
Hentoff. The DBQ, as you may know, is a seventime winner of the
Playboy Jazz Poll Instrumental Combo Medal.
Readers who raved about Fredric Brown's. triple-twister Puppet
Show (praynoy, November 1962) will be pleased to see he's back again,
this time with Double Standard, hode: w of love in the living
room. Brown's latest short-story collection, Nightmares and Geezenstacks,
includes two tales originally published in rrAvmov, Nasty (April 19
and The Hobbyist (May 1961). Back again, too, is satirist Û
who, in Wunderkind Galahad, takes a poke at Hollywood fight Hic
In Meanwhile, Back at Teevee Jeebies, Shel Silverstein has concocted
new batch of Бої or far more of the same, we suggest you invest a
dollar in Playboy's Teevee Jeebies, the first paperback offering from our
newly founded Playboy Press.
Our April shower of information and entertainment also offers
10-page photo-and-text tribute to The Girls of Africa; A Real Approach
to Real Estate by J. Paul Getty, our Consulting Fditor on Business and
Playboy's Spring and Summer Fashion Forecast by Fashion
Director Robert L. Green: the return of the Demon Tailor of Columbus
Avenue in ld Kersh's Ghost Money; more [rom Shepherd Mead on
How to Succeed with Women Without Really Tr superb
wheys to Cheese 11 by Food and Drink Editor Thomas Ma : апо
satiric adventure with Little Annie Fanny; and a scenic cruise with
Playmate Sandra Settani. As the Bunnies at 5 East 59th Street in New
York say: “Welcome to the Club.”
African Girls
Ployboy Club 76
James Bond р. 70
GENERAL Orricts: млүтот tUlLCING, 232 E
Pouro posa: P. 109 puoro BY тыт
PLAYBOY, APRIL. 163. VOL. 10. wo. 4. тув.
vol. 10, no. 4 — april, 1963
torial - = 76
CHEESE IT—food. =
SHIP'S BELLE—playboy's playmate of the month. _ 92
THE GIRLS OF AFRICA—pictorial essay... n2
нм. н
r editor and publisher
А. ©. SPEEIORSKY associate publisher und editorial director
ARTHUR PAUL art director
JACK J. KESSIE managing editor VINCENT T. TAJIRE picture editor
edilors; ROMRI L. GREEN fashion director; DAVID LALOR asociale fashion edito
THOMAS MARIO food & drink editoi; влак CHASE Gavel editor; J. AU
cerry consulting editor, business and france; CHARLES. BEAUMONT, RICHARD
сору editor; клу мадам» assistant editor; MEV CHAMBURLALN associate picture
photographers; wew AUSUIN. амосице art director; r KAPLAN, JOSEPH Gd
raczek assistant art direclürs; WALIE KkNDINVOH, ELLEN PACZEK art assistants;
jons MASINO production manager; FERN A. UUARTEL assistant production man-
ager © HOWARD W. LEDERER advertising directi s KANE caslern advertising
ў ALL midwestern adiertisin, eser GUENTHER Detroit
NELSON m promotion director; охх CZURSK promotion
оки publicity manager: WAX DENN public relations man-
er; ANSON MOUNT college bureau; 1. WWO FREDERICK personnel director; JANET
зам reader service: wiir now subscription fulfillment manager; алох
SELLERS special projects; won кеу business manager and circulation director
manager; pos
For men on the go. The Crew-saders.
Crew-saders come in twenty distinctly individual colors for
your casual or dress wear. They are incredibly soft, they
feel wonderful, yet they hold your foot firmly, really stay up.
Crew-saders are knit of hi-bulk Orlon” acrylic and nylon.
Wash them again and again by machine or hand, they never
lose shape. Crew-saders are stretch-knit. One size fits you,
and everyone else. Crew-saders are Interwoven* to their
toes, They are not just ordinary socks. Try a pair. $1.50.
Xnter woven
Virtually unknown 10 years ago, accepted 5 years ago. now a must in everyone's repertoire
ae of cocktails. Incomparable Margarita is preferred by bon-vivants for its unique exotic
ов flavor...brought out splendidly by Cuervo ‘Tequila, the brand which outsells all others
eue combined. ‘Tequila Sunrise, Sour and Martini are magnificent too with Cuervo brand.
ве Cuervo Tequila, a versatile spirit, is delicious with your favorite mixer. Send for Cuervo
"Tequila recipe booklet. Tequila Margarita: 1% oz. white Cuervo Tequila. ог. Triple
Sec; 1 oz fresh lemon juice, Shake with shaved ice. Serve in а salt-rimmed glass. Salud!
Your photographs of Eli
, but the
tained an ir
Roddy was her friend and costar
National Velet. He starred, and
upported him in Lassie Come Home
National Velvet. That was
2. Incidentally — despite the notori-
insecurity of the movi — four
veterans of Lassie were deep in film
making at Cinecità last fall — Liz.
Roddy, Hugo Вий
had written the scr
I was the producer.
Samuel Marx
Beverly Hills,
Producer Marx was in Romes Cine-
città supervising a somewhat less grandi-
ose ancient epic, “Damon and Pythias”
and myself. Hugo
nplay of Lassie
Just saw
layout on Liz It's
Jerry A. Olshane
Beverly Hills, California
Re Liz as Cleo in January's PLAYBOY
— what nude scenes?
Blake Illingworth
Montreal, Quebec
as Cleo set
re's no de-
excitement to peer-
iple charm
the first time in my life 1 would like to
have made an asp of myself.
Jack Mertes
Metamora, Illinois
We like a man who Sphinx for him-
self, Jack,
Let's face
you goofed in you
ary issue. How can any of your Playmates
look good after enjoying Elizabeth
Tony M. Goi
Los Angele
You certainly started 1963 off on the
right foot by
formed Judi Mo
If this is any indi
еу grace your page:
tion of what can be
expected in the coming year, mLAvmov
should have one of the most enjoyable
and relaxing years ever. Congratulati
to you and your little Miss January.
Richard R.
I believe Judi Monterey in your Jan-
vary issue is the most lively. gorgeous,
pulchritudinous, ravishing, adorable, ex-
quiste, personable, stuns
in person, Jud
promise her
but give her
A whiskey Sour is an absolutely magnificent drink if
you just remember three simple things. Lemon makes a
Sour sour, Sugar makes a Sour sweet. And Old Crow makes
a Sour great.
Please. This is not commercial puffery. Kentucky bour-
bon-especially Old Crow—makes Sours behave! The fresh
lemon is a headstrong fruit. It tends to swamp Canadian
and similar whiskies. It is not exactly compatible with the
smoky taste of Scotch. But it respects the natural inborn
character of Old Crow Kentucky Bourbon—just as people do.
Only rhyme can properly express our feelings on the
excellence of a Crow Sour:
The way to improve your cocktail hour
Is to use Old Crow for your whiskey Sour!
Old Crow makes other marvelous mixed
drinks, too, And the simplicity of Old Crow with
“branch” water is classic.
Of all the bourbons of Kentucky, more peo-
ple prefer light, mild Old Crow 86 proof to any
other. It’s that good. Tonight, try historic.
Light. Mild 86 Proof
Kentucky Bourbon
свом SOUR—2 tsps. sugar, 4 tsps. fresh lemon juice, 2 oz. Old Crow.
Shake with ice until chilled. Strain into glass. Garnish with cherry.
that I'm 30 years old and don't want to
get married.
Joe Walker
Wichita, K:
rrAYnOY's exposure of Judi Monterey
a devotee of the hobby of kings wa
the most exciting news to hit philately
since the invention of the postage stamp.
Т. Jacob
I wish you hadn't billed the debate
1. a revolutionary.
Bolshevik, an
even a left cor
se don't ever call me
Norman Mailer
Brooklyn, New York
On December 10, William. Buckley
t the University of North Caro-
bees es catch gative reaction
to his lecture. In the first place, he was
eduled to speak about the “Welfare
ad he read his article in
the January issue of rAvmOv. By far,
riaynoy is more acceptable оп the
U.N.C. campus than Wi Buckley.
Christopher B. Fink
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Mr. Buckley evidently was employing
some of that good old right-wing Yankee
free enterprise in getting additional mile-
age from his vtayuoy material.
Ralph W. merson must have had
Norman M. п mind when, in his
Essay on Social Aims, he wrot
“Don't say things. What you are
stands over you the while and thun-
ders so that I cannot hear what you
say to the contra
I. for one.
bipartisan li e to-
ward comm cannot peacefully
coexist with someone who is out to
bury you. 1 beseech you, Mr. Mailer,
John Lofton, Jr-
Washington. D. C.
А the article by Norman
Mailer on the American Right, | feel
compelled to w Why is it that
as the
doesn't even begin to qua
lectual liberal. Hubert Humphrey G:
Мба bert Harrison or Gerald
Johnson could have easily contributed
more to the exchange than Mailer could
ever hope to. Mailer, unfortunately, is
an apolitical idiot with no sense of pro-
portion in relation to the issues as they
x a N S washable miracle fibres.
s for the c - pocke h lo Zipper by Talon. Only $4.95 tt 38. 95
cut, All-Ame approach. Wh ai › = - at stores that feature ae h.i.s* label.
bachelors with savvy wear ЇЇ Йа! S post-grad slacks
À 4
ER —
* Gin *
pronase ано borrero ey
I make magic
with martinis
Want a martini that's out of this world? Try
а Calvert martini. I'm not just "extra dry" . .
I'm 100% dry.
today. The point is that you might
че. W
Welch against Buckley. In a case like
this, there can be no truc com)
and thus the debate’s wue pou
never achieved.
John Gabusi
Tucson, Arizona
rest congratula
ions for your pub-
ing i always co aide myself a
edingly shocked by my
argue with Buckley's 1
come to...
1 hope he'll be prepared when it finally
comes to us.
W. J. Gyor
1 enjoyed very much rca
Buckley's view on the /
Wing. I found it logical. intelligent and
highly enert As to Norman
Mailer’s view — it lelt me with much the
same feeling as the Jabberwocky poem in
Through the Looking Glass — " Twas
toves/Did gyre and
gimble in the wabe,”
What did he say?
Ed Holland
Chicago Tribune
Ed Holland’s comments on the politi-
cal scene most often take shape as edi-
torial cartoons in “The World's Greatest
to see which one
own bung first.
Mailer declares we don't have to hold
every piece of real estate on earth to
1 can imagine Robert
sample of "Left
the Monroe Doctrine not Rem to C
but to East Berlin. Poland, Laos
even China. The Senator's ghost prob-
ably gave up the ghost with that
Га say those fellows are confused
about which side theyre on. But it
Шу doesn't make any difference. you
see, because Hugh М. Ней
that PLavuoy with its n
salvation. Floop! There he went — T
P. E. Palmer, M.D.
Defiance, Ohio
1 arrogate to myself the title of “con-
structive consery and thus should
not be, but am, unhappy at the great
disservice you have done "liberals" by
To pin down the fleeting, feathered ders and narrows down to lean, lithe — toggery may be spotted by keen-eyed
friend—follow the rules, but cool. Stay Post- Grad slacks. Your debonair air — buck-watchers in ""Dacron" polyester
in the shade of a suit that feels like brings the unwary flutter up close. (Re- — blends, crisp Tropicals or 100% Cotton.
buttoning on a breeze. Flash awell-cut sist the salt-on-the-tail bit—that’s really — ZipperbyTalon. Only $19.95 to $39.95
profile that starts at neat, natural shoul- for the birds.) Such splendid summer at stores that feature the h.i.s' label.
birds, bees and babe watchers wear? all summer suits
© Reg. U.S. Pot. Office “DuPont Rec. TM
...Wears Cricketeer “White Traditional” Sportcoats
He knows this fresh, Cricketeer-look harks back to the days when stocks
were high, sports cars larger and the Twenties roaring! He knows that slim
ticking stripes, wider blazer stripes, or Cricketeer-endorsed checks, all
drawn on clean white backgrounds, were meant for this look. In a crisp,
rumple-proof blend of 55% Dacron* polyester and 45% worsted that keeps
the trim, natural lines of the coat in shape. Cricketeer White Traditionals:
$45.00. Other Cricketeer sportcoats from $35.00 to $50.00.
At your favorite store or write: Cricketeer & Trimlines,* 200 Fifth Ave., №. Y.
matching Mailer against Buckley.
Logic, economics, history and politi
theory are not, quite obviously. ar
ler hi
with which М nodding,
acquaintance. use Rostow or
Stevenson. ] am опе conservative who
wants to win, but not by default.
Frederick С. Bahr
Birmingham, Michigan
Та a recent issue of National Review.
William) Buckley. says, “White South
Mrica is a free. nation.”
This ought to tell us about as much
as we netd to know about Mr. Buckley
and the freedom he loves so well
ive an ide
(ry we will have here if
It ought to too, of whit
Lind of à €
Buckley and his cronies get in.
John Holt
Boson, Massachusetts
Buckley for President and Mailer for
Julian B.C
La Jolla, С
Frankly I do not know what either
Buckley or Mailpouch is talking about.
Is there a key? I kept returi
picture of Miss January but she
impure thoughts with her low neckline.
1 am engrossed in a new art called
oatmeal writing. I write with my finger
in my oatmeal. | swiped this method
from Bobby Kennedy
s to the
Westbrook Pegler
‘Tucson, Arizona
In vegard to The Playboy Coloring
Book, V have only one thing to say: “
crayons kept melti from this
happening, 1 thought it was very cle
‚ Missouri
Color your Playboy Coloring Book
olor all others dull.
Vere M
Phoenix, Arizona
iks much for The Playboy Color-
in the J
ing Book iry issue. 1 could
wot resist presenting it to my young-
executive boss with several personal
olis, Indiana
My husband and 1 thought your Play-
boy Coloring Book was the best. But
may make a s hing
in bed of an aftemoon reading it and —
wall, please next. ti
s? We didn’t have any handy.
Fran Glander
New Sullolk, New York
Who nerds crayons?
c could you supply
the eri
comfort... looks...
start are
where a step
shoes ahead of
leave off
Cross a shoe with a slipper and you get a shoepler...er...a slipoe...er... Jiffies. Jiffes are a combination of the best features
found in shoes and slippers. Take comfort for instance. Jiffies Air-Flite cushioned soles are more fun than walking barefoot.
Jiffies are practical too. Indoors, they're slippers. Outdoors, they're shoes. They come in plenty of cool colors and wild styles
(some tame ones, too). Above: Skipper, $5.95 pair. Tif styles from $3.00 pair. Another fine product of |? Kayser-Roth
ji 18$
ғов Ё men
The lock ie Lord West... and the lady approves.
Dinner jacket, forty-five dollars at authoritative stores.
Lord West, 101 West 21st Street, N.Y.C.
Lord West
The pairing of the erudite giants of
the pen — Budd Schulberg ad Gerald.
Kersh — dwarfed any activity that oc
curred at the ball park during the
Patterson-Liston encounter (with the
possible exception of my cape twirling).
It should be the desire of any learned
boxer to be written up by these two
Congratulations to
literary experts
Archie “Mongoose” Moore
San Diego, California
The championship boxing presenta-
tion in the January issue was of particu-
lar interest to me since I've dabbled in
the pugilistic arts myself in times past.
Especially keen was Gerald Kersh's
eclectic analysis of Doc Kearns’ keep em
y theory; when Doc was ma ag
me he emploved the theory extensively.
Kersh was superb. Budd Schulberg
was good. but would have been better
had he not insisted upon punctuating
his fight narrative with personal apologia
and Hemingway пате drops. What
Makes Sammy Digress?
One last thought. Though Liston was
—and is-
ency to explain Patterson's defeat psy
chologically leaves one cold. Floyd was
simply outclassed. Other than Liston and
Johansson, 1 was the only fighter to
defeat Patterson.
superb fighter, the tend-
Jocy Maxim
Miami Beach, Florida
I would like to point out that a cham-
pion has no responsibility to his public,
and frequently no respect for it, This is
only as it should be, and largely as it has
been ever since the first Greek. pugilist
downed а cestus. It is only of late that
such erroneous prerequisites for the
championship as a "clean record" a
charming disposition. and a keen sense
of responsibility to America’s youth
have been so highly touted.
А champion must be a successful com-
inst all rivals. If he happens
petitor ag
to be а sullen, black-mooded individual.
that doesn't make him апу more or less
of a champion. Joe Louis’ pleasing per
sonality didn't win a single fight lor him
in the ring,
squared circle are his business and cer-
tainly no criteria of behavior for cham-
pions. To quote the late Мах Baer
"Nothing can change the fact that I
was... heavyweight champion of the
In short, all that took place in Chicago
last September was a matter of record
not personalities.
Richard Herbst
Woodmere, New York
nd his actions outside the
Ernest Hemingway's A Man's. Credo
featured in your January 1963 issue was
To distract her completely, wear a pure wool suit. Weightless lightweight
wool with the amazing new plus. The trouser crease that will never cease,*
permanent but natural. She knows at once, it must be wool by the great cut of
the suit. No other fabric tailors like wool. Wear this Eagle wool worsted suit.
At fine stores or write Eagle Clothes. 1280 Avenue of the Americas. Rockefeller Centor, N. Y. 19 EA LE CL THE
The Wool Bureau, Inc., 360 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, New York *Certification Mark G О S
If you’re between the ages
of 17 and 70, you'll
want the Ban-Lon Viking.
by Esquire Socks.
If you're younger (or older), what are you doing reading Playboy in the first place?
excellent, Keep pri such. outstand-
ing features.
N. C. Anderson
ston, North Carolina
For what it is worth, I would
time telling me of his
author, that if she w
m to really арр
ing herself - e did not do so,
and thus та self all of the
emotions likely 10 occur under such
ces, her description would be
Spruille Braden
New York, New York
Т do not sce rravsox regularly, but
T went through the January issue last
might, aml it is certainly an eye-opener
Тог an old man lil
was a good
d went
е for the
or Alliance, 1
am one of his many admirers. Therefore.
d with great interest A Man's Credo,
which should interest. men —even old
guys like me.
John N.
North +
New York, New York
I must tell you how much I enjoy
Dedinís paintings—they are а great
deal more d toons. In my opinion
he is a fine a ıd his work reflects
а cultured — isticated — back-
ground. s many
КПШ? the living-room
the portrait
wall does not represent. Henry
burn's Mos. William Urquhart done
t Scottish painter about 1815.
Dedini must have seen this beautiful
Am I right?
МУС L. A. Yellowlees, RCAF
mp Borden, Ontario
Right, Commander. Dedini says, “She
seemed. just the girl for the wall and I
picked her from the May 1934 issue of
The Connoisseur magazine (British). On
rechecking I see that actually the print
1 was looking at is "А Mezzotint in color
by Ellen Jowett [vom the picture by Sir
Henry Racburn, RA? Ht seems, then,
I'm at least third in line to redo his
favorite colors, $22.95. With zip
You'll always look your best in an Alligator coat! Available in smart styles and
colors in fabrics of the finest all wool worsted gabardines, finest colorful wools. finest
yarn dyed multicolor cottons in gabardines, poplins and woven patterns—also blends
of natural and polyester fibers—all water repellent—and waterproofs, too.
See America's most wanted coats, from $11.95 to $70.75 at better stores everywhere.
The Alligator Company - St. Louis, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles.
7 М
a Vic ^N
89 У
DYNAGROOVE is not a single effort to improve
sound. It’s a completely new kind of recording—in both
stereo and monaural—it's the most significant advance
in the recording art since the introduction of the L.P.!
A Dynagroove record will deliver to your sterco or
monaural phonograph (with no additional equipment)
all the clarity, beauty and absolute brilliance of the
original performance completely free from distortion.
The development of the Dynagroove recording process
began three years ago with a research program at the
RCA Victor studios in New York and the David Sarnoff
Research Center in Princeton, N. J.
New techniques and new equipment for “tuning” both
the concert hall and the recording studio were developed.
• Fourteen different kinds of super-
sensitive microphones were perfected
for selective reproduction of vocal
and instrumental solos and groupings.
• High-powered electronic equip-
ment was developed for Dynagroove.
e Additional experimentation led to
advances such as doubling the re-
cording speed of original tapes and
exclusive new methods of transfer.
e Each of these advances by RCA Victor engineers
brought the fidelity of recorded sound to the very brink
of “live performance” quality. The art of capturing
sound on master tapes had been virtually perfected. One
hurdle remained: how to transfer this pure undistorted
sound to an L. P. record? The answer: the development
of an “electronic brain” which directs the cutting of the
groove in the Dynagroove master record.
This astonishing “brain” predicts the tracking problems
that your phonograph needle will encounter in the гес-
ord grooves. It eliminates virtually all false turns, unnec-
essary zig-zags and shocks. For the very first time in the
science of recording, your phonograph needle can move
in a true dynamic track making the sound from a
Dynagroove recording like a clear window which per-
fectly reveals all the other excellences of the new RCA
Victor sound process.
ELS. In either stereo or monaural, you will hear the
original sound of voices and instruments with startling
definition even when played at low volume levels.
2. PERFECTED PRESENCE. You will have the star-
tling impression that you are right inside the concert
hall or recording studio itself —whether you play the
new Dynagroove records loud or low or in-between.
3. GREATER CLARITY. You will notice orchestral
passages of such contrast and scope that it will be like
hearing familiar musical selections for the first time.
You will hear without distortion—
clean, free sound, even near the cen-
ter of the record, where the diameter
becomes smaller and smaller.
Two more remarkable features of
Dynagroove records: you do not need
special equipment to play it, every-
thing is on the record itself. Secondly,
new Dynagroove records are in the
same manufacturcr's nationally advertised price cate-
gorics as our conventional records in cither monaural
or stereo. But words can’t convince as well as listen-
ing at home.
Play your best recording (any label) and compare the
sound with that on any new Dynagroove record!
1. Play both at normal level, then at full volume. (The
Dynagroove recording is a stunning experience. )
2. At low level—note the Dynagroove record bass re-
mains full-bodied and the whole spectrum of sound is
complete, not thinned out!
3. Play inner grooves—at normal, high and low levels.
Note how the magnificent new Dynagroove sound is
undistorted — even when you play it at low volume!
“Jalousie and Other Favor-
ites in the Latin Flavor.”
Orchestra: | "Soundpowe
‘You must hear it to believe i
PHONY/Ravel “Bolero.” Conquering Ner
New excitement iscaptured! — DYNAGROOVE sh
че Huge & ei Chorus”
DRAMIN and Orchestra:
“New Thresholds in Sound.”
е nye E
Voies of SYMPHONY / Mahler
“Symphony No. 1.” Superb!
"Thi: ly Coun-
.à classic!
Price, Tucker. First opera
in DYNAGROOVE system.
sion Pops Or. Su
percusion.” thm!
conquered the West . . . in this superb variation of the natural Continental, tai-
lored by designer Amore Pace from the season's finest imported fabrics. The
Playboy by Raleigh is trimly styled—with side vents, cloverleaf notched lapels and
self-belted pleatless trousers—magrificently tailored for the man who ventures
adventure. From about 69.50 at GIMBELS, New York and Milwaukee; J. L.
HUDSON CO., Detroit; SILVERWOOD'S, Los Angeles; HEESEMAN, Sacramento,
and at fine stores everywhere or write Raleigh Clothes, 1290 Avenue of the
Manufacturers of Naturaieigh ang Raleigh Clothing
work. Гое taken great liberties with my
version and if someone spotted the like-
ness he is most alert.”
"Swear not at all; for, for thy curse
Thine enemy is none the worse.
— croucu
So Wylie is the master of name call-
ing. What clse does he say? Very little
I can determine. E am basically in
pathy with his theories, but such
hysterical verbal scream) 1 do no
more than grate upon the car of reason.
He voice opinions as fact and
totally ignores any attempt a
irresponsibility is c
pronouncement: "And all of a sud-
den, the figures who had always domi
mated society and received its utmost
respect — the men of God, the school-
masters, the professors and artists —be-
came nobodies, relegated to the bottom
of the social heap.
Unfortunately, cach of the said groups
has been frowned upon at various times
act brought out
y 18th or 19th
ad situation,
about by
but not, in this case,
women, or at least not rec Y
Such emotionalism as floods the article
nearly destroys any acceptance hi i
cal writings have built up in the past
and can only serve to alienate logical.
intelligent. readers.
I have the greatest respect for Wylic
as а nov . but feel that he should
stick to fiction. and not try to dash such
aldi auldrons of contumely upon
his reade pecting them to be ac
cepted as gospel bec
aegis of Philip Wylie.
ase they bear the
Charles. Wood
Hays, Kansas
cc 1 came to this country а few
months a a number of
ies The Career
ary PLAYBOY has for
ind of question.
Obi Wali
Evanston, Illinois
society. But Phi
Woman in the
once raised the right
In my opinion, and with all duc re
s found:
hould be presented
ns im logic Blatant
ping generalities, and а
nauseating disregard for rational thought
have no place in your publication. Psy
chological interpretations of Mr. Wylic's
muddled fixations border on the croti
cally neurotic.
May I presume to note, M
that we all belong to the hun
to typify any group or cati
gender as а mass of ogres is to invite
the disaster of ridicule.
Deep cushion insoles:
You don’t put these shoes
on; you sink into them
If that finger stays there much longer
it's liable to fall asleep. It's sinking into.
the silkiest cushion that ever softened
the bottom of a shoe. Abcveit all, famous
Johnsonian styling. This time in a side-
gore, sport-dress slip-on in black.
“Living (Formula X-500)*" Leather.
This style is made with “Living” Leather
uppers, the miracle leather that stays
newer-looking, soft and supple, 500%
longer than ordinary leather. Find out
about Johnsonian. You have nothing to
lose, but some extravagant ideas, about
how much a good pair of shoes should
cost. Most Johnsonians, less than $10.
Trademark Registiation Pending/Incolos made of synthetic materiala
I and rraysoy (by rravnov's own ad-
mission) derive an abiding delight from
female antics.
Robert К. Allgeier, Jr.
Las Cruces, New Mexico
I don't think Phil Wylie could have
thought of a more thorough description
of what is indeed the dilemma of man-
kind. Unfortunately, it is already dif-
ficult to distinguish the girls from the
carcer women.
Dwight E. Rexworthy
Seattle, Washington
Career women — yes, we are carcer
1 because you men have lost that
kes а woman sit back and
quality that
take notice.
We women want men that are men.
EOD Not just a male ıl (of course, we
$00 want that, too), but an honest-to-gosh
n! One who will see beyond the so
; alled perfect figure and face.
Sep Until all you so-called men give us
girls the security of your love and prove
to us you need us to stand behind you,
there will be more and more carcer
women to boss your working life. (What
else can we do?)
Career women are not happy in this
role they arc forced to play, so it is up
to you to get your backbones st
ened and prove to us you are men!
LEMAN (Name withh
Kentucky Straight Bourbon • 86 proof * Distilled and Bottled by Barton Distilling Company, Bardstown, Nelson County, Kentucky
Rome, Georgia
Mr. Wylie's bile-filled article concern-
ing career women just about fried me.
Who the hell does this guy think he is?
I mean, really men, the ladi
over half of the world and if w
ready to give the Negroes, the Ја
the Jews, the Germans and the rest of
the world an equal share of the toil and
pleasures of life, position and love,
what's so wrong with giving the women
their due?
І have been working in big-company
business for quite a number of years and
have noted a great many more back
stabbing, brow politicking, gall-
filled men than I have ever known
women of this nature. I have seen a hell-
oLalot more walnutwalled, plush-car-
peted contemporary-art-filled olfices for
men than | have for women. And I won't
say “Righthully so" because 1 believe
stable cgotists who fear the
г position out of a lack of
I \ loss of the
: || resourcefulness. would say “Ri
so.” 1 dare say, Mr. Wylie
wolf at the puppy at his feet.
‘Then again, maybe I haven't been to
the same source that Mr. Wylie has and.
maybe his research was carried on for
the most part in his own home. As for
bl И
Who wants to go ona country drive...
when you're wearing a ‘417’?
He likes to drive off the beaten track. Women like that idea. They love
his shirt for the same reason. It's one of many authentically styled dress Ee Ny HET jore Белш
and leisure shirts from Van Heusen's "417" Collection. Note the tasty GEL do жос QT.
stripe, button-down collar, and new “Trimline” cut. Special "Saddle" тарма ofen, Etay are mons Шен
shoulder gives him plenty of freedom for one-arm driving and those ТЕЈМИМЕ in corridors of walnut-topped desks (and
wicked turns, (She chooses a Lady Van Heusen for her drives.) Check by VAN HEUSEN this probably is the rock that Mr. Wy
the complete "417" Collection. Wherever fine men's wear is sold. y
KING ceo cuum stone Pac DEAN MARTIN
GUITARS, T еен! Fenton, Coroso Po. Meon To Me, Someday. FANTASIE. mler Kon Linton Alou, Cherry бетм Irom roont o
po ebony. tin bot lat intima, imoginalien, conducts, Teheikoraky, Pin more wih swing”
Fekete She” Flows’, total oi Te ove. mare VE eie, treo отан
onLy 97€ «—
ih fouch Ot our
ol se Leng Aoo. ма
ion, 1 Remember You, л when you become a trial member of the Capitol Record Club and agree
to buy only six future selections from the several hundred. available
sew ics Capitol and Angel Albums to be offered you, during the next 12 months.
Sa E ; потен ER
pP xs xpo
DRUMS a nese E re : 8
DRUMS! Baty Moy, Lae
Boxter ond her “in,
КИШИ ENCORE Songs, spools, DOWNMOMEIA swingin’
поена Wer oon River” бшк of the Suny. South
Ор sit cb ЫШ eae
ites ' Heartaches, Selbert the Merrin. TO
CAROUSEL an, na mopso. дн "О
mort [o
Sliven leads re Orch,
Sum A ie
Moreh numbers
узала 7760. тие miano.
ate Sutivan. heor
{the biting FERES] аи. кн торно. тне
тз. санх, Movie
Ard Coles
Hocker ond Shiley ives” tms re An Grek
IOS, Worker, fee vet qum as
Werte IRSE NU оа Siti.
аз лм штем, л ае, famous ogres
Bho ten Ure SvE т
i Be Senay You dn
the Sit Gt Yno Miah
Bror remontit bole
West Side Story
эе. STAN eneaene рес
SEs THe unite stares
fia of the
ssa | | CAPITOL RECORD CLUB | ss ме, ton
1 PEGGY LEE. "The Record Club of the Stars” the Club works
cari rs Dept. 5405. Scranton 5. Pennsylvania
1. Each month
Rush me the FIVE hit albums I have listed by num- | receive Key Notes.
ber in the boxes below, те only 97¢ plus a small | the Club's colorful
shipping charge. magazine, which
| | describes new selec-
2. From the several
Enroll me in the following division under the terms | hundred available
Then Thats Fy
Indeed, V more М 2:
| set forth to the right. However, I may select records | Capitol and Angel
THE 320. KINGSTON ти. from any division І wish, Albums to be offered
РЯ KINGSTON CLOSE-UP. 12 songs never
sea Vis E ешт you dere e vet
к C] ANGEL-CAPITOL CLASSICS T] кхитшв MZ | purchase just ene
| но тк -зено нр MONEY! If not delighted with my | Yeu can resign any
| ums 1 сап тена them within 7 days and all | tine after that.
ze. SYMPHONY нага лБ capes E 3, Depending on the
pU | [с тїнє, creck perc if you own о, sereo prono | | records you bur, you
Philhormania Orchestra in graph and want all your records in STEREO. You рау only the Club
Страната Sil be billed $1.92 with your membership. The Club | | price of $3.98 er
sells stereo records for $1 more than monaural. || $498. (occasionally
С | $5.98), plus a small
— shipping charge.
EI 4. After you buy
these six, you
choose a 12" FREE
time you buy two
enm JONE — STATE more records.
* CANADA: Sightly higher prices. Mall to—
Capite! Record Club of Canada, 41 Bertal Road, Torento 15. Ontario. PR-4
EL T T T MEE MM ems mmm natn tn эрине auper ome Lc, nsi
EJ m^ & солк,
World’s Finest Lager!
ego is chew
more power to their beaut
nd efliciency.
Let me remind Mr. Wylie that this is
a competitive world and to me he sounds
scared and unable to m
g оп), then bless 'em all —
‚ courage
intain his posi-
tion as а male by normal procedures.
My dad used to tell me never to hit a
Mr. Wylie, you are not only
women, you are hit
low the hip!
g way be
Donald Van Der Linden
Phoenix, Arizona.
An item from your January 1963 issue
has just reached me, which reads: “The
blockbuster news from the women's
fashion salons that ‘breew (brown with
h cast?) will be the color this
season should warm the cockles of every
copywriter’s heart. This freshly minted
color contraction opens up wide new
enues . x
It may interest you to know that the
word “Breen” was coined by Mademoi-
selle, and is copyrighted, as is, of course,
the entire contents of our publication.
Betsy Talbot Blackwell, Editor-in-Chief
New York, New York
Tell you what, Betsy: you want to re-
serve the use of Breen for your magazine,
that's OK with us. You want to claim its
invention? That's OK with us, too. We
hereby send Breen back to ils native
heath, only slightly Вихеа. That's a copy-
righted combination of used and abused
and you're welcome to it.
This may amuse you: T had to go to
France to be properly introduced. to
yoy. As you know, it is much ad-
“The most intellige
edited, etc, America azine,
Paris publish i 1
“Really?” Came d
haven't missed а month since.
M. Kendig. Director
Tustime of General Sem
Lakeville, Connecticut
I said,
a copy,
At the outset, God bless you. I've read.
many articles that attempted to get at
the root of this country’s sickness where
sex is concerned, but never have E en-
joyed any so thoroughly as your coverage
in the first part of The Playboy Phi-
losophy [December 1962]
You may be interested Tittle
dent that occurred while 1 was a clergy-
man. T had stopped by the dru
ick up some medicine for ou
store to
son who
was very ill. As 1 passed the newsstand,
I picked up a copy of rravmoy and
included it with the medicine when I
paid my bill. The clerk
church, “Oh, Mr. Campbell,
blushing, “don't tell me you r
iended my
4 “Yes, | know —
interesting thi
She nearly died — fumbling — turning
stored and then white. P felt sorry
then that Fd been so abrupt. 1 remem
bered something that a professor ol
mine had once roll а young girl in an
English class because she refused to read
Chaucer aloud in the classroom when
her turn came. The passage over which
she balked contained some rather choice
guage concerning sexual intercourse.
He told her that if it was because of the
references t0 sex that she was
would do well to remember t
wasn’t ashamed or upset ove
ause He created it.
1 passed his comment on to the embar
rassed clerk with my amen. She looked
thoughtful for а moment, finally say
You know. 1 hadn't thought of it that
way.” Soon after that, she and her hus-
band came to me for counseling on a se-
problem, which turned out
rious mari
to be a severe case of Purit
And it was because of such attitudes,
in part, that 1 finally gave up the
uy in defeat. Oh, there were other r
sons, but basically it all boiled down to
the same old
Puritanism: c. some of my parishioners
thought | was surely going to hell be-
cause I smoked and wore Bermuda shorts
the summertime
I must agree with
writen about your magazine b
setier of tastes. в луоу does g
people and Fm glad. Perhaps, if you
keep at it long cnough, you'll be able to
break down the “vote dry, drink wet
approach to ife diat is so prevalent
today. We desperately need to bring
vg out into the fresh air and
sunshine. You do.
iovable, conservative
those who П
Joe Campbe!
оп, D.C.
to have a
all the time Vd
avboy merely to be one ol
commercial ventures in
Gee wh
the shrewdest
history, with good fiction and thoughtful
articles for the intellectually inclined:
pieces on food, drink, clothing. travel
and entertai for the would-be
ticles on jaz
for those who feel the need to “appreci-
ate an art form". without the need of
ties for those who с
all. a сапу. calculated combination of
features aimed at ph ı some way
ly every п tly good may
inc business.
And now look! You would
‚ would you? Is thi
te need for а philosopl
t be kid-
e such a des
Or for
DESIGN: Four cylinder engine. Dual carburetors. Four speed
gear box. Independent suspension on all wheels. Disc brakes.
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STYLING: Body created by the noted Italian designer
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Leather grained upholstery. Full-scale, competition tested
instrument panel including tachometer,
“Suggested retail price Р.О. E. plus state and/or local taxes. Slightly higher in West. Standard-Triumph Motor Co...
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owe са 3 :
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You own it for only $2199:
PERFORMANCE: Top speed over 90. Accelerates 0-60
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TEST DRIVE a real live Spitfire at your Triumph dealer's.
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Discover a new standard of sports-car value
Triumph Spitfire ,,
563. FAIL-SAFE ly
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D = "1
Clove and Cinna:
mon $y JORGE
Амлро. (Publish-
er's retail pri
THe Buss OF |
AUGUST jy nan.
Illustrated. (Pub
lishers retail price
lwol abridgment
(Publ. ret. price $8)
(Publisher's retail
price $5)
OPERA Jy avin,
EWEN. (Publisher's.
сезй price $7.50)
fy mmc stone iy MAI чат
(Publishers “tend — (Pubichers real
price $595) Price $195)
503. MILA 18 by CITIZEN
IFON, ши. (Pub. HEARST Jy w A
lisher's retail price SwANbERG. lllus-
$495) trated. (Publisher's
read price $750) |
==. r
Bruce Catton |
BS |
COMING | anre
FURY | =
E { —
(Publisher's rera JOURN UPDIKE
price $7.50) (Publisher's retail
pace $4) i
a |
The Wer Years by LOCK rus 2 vols, — JOHN CANADAY. ll.
CARL SANDHUNG, |- (Publisher's real lustrated. (Publ.
уо]. сё. Illus. (Publ. price $15) retail price $12.50)
retail price $7.50) Each vol. $1
pack Talks,
| wilh Mothers
504. DR. SPOCK
(Publisher's "retail
price $5)
534. THE AMA-
1962 edition. Шыз-
trated. Publisher's
retail price $5.95)
Mustrated. (Publ.
retail price $895)
PORTER. (Publish-
ers ret. price $6.50)
540. THE ROTH-
trated. (Publisher's
retail price $5.95)
Nen. (Publisher's
Tcal (price $355)
Au nian to Сабоа
158. GOREN'S
GOREN. (Publisher's
retail price $495)
Moscrated. (Publ.
retail price $195)
MORRIS risnoriN
мур. Ilustrated
(Publishers retail
pice $4.95)
526. MAN AND
His BODY Ûy nrN-
M.D., and RUTH
MON SENSE ETL поп (Publishers
Goop. Hlustraed — QUETTE. (Publish. — retaü price $10)
(Publisher's retail — er's retail price
price $595) $9.95)
HEAD. Illustrated
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price $5.95)
Book-of-the-Month Club
of the бой heun on bhae paga
161. JOY OF
Mluytrared. (Publ
remi price $595)
RIAGE їз Physi-
ology and Tech-
nigue Jy TIL H1. VAN
lusrated. (Publ. re-
tad price $730)
FROST. (Publisher's
fetal price $4)
by THOMAS в. Cos
TAIN. Maps, (Pub-
Usher's rerail price
GERALD /y ane
Fisher's retail price
| оне |
559. YOUNG-
(Publisher's retad
rice $7.99)
By novan DILAS
ibishers retail
price $3.93)
550. UHURU ly
(Publisher's retail
price $5.95)
1735-1826 by PAGE
змити. Ilustrated
2 vols. (Publisher's,
кш price 51130)
Each vol. $1
SADNESS by ro-
(Publisher's retail
price $5)
(Publishers recall
price $6)
(Publisher's retail
price $5.95)
DURANT. Illustrated
(Publ ret_price $10)
Uhustrated, (Publ.
rcd price $3.95)
by OGDEN млн. TE
lustrated. (Publ.
retail price $395)
(Publishers retail
price $4.99)
Nex. (Publisher's
retail price $495)
—1960 by THEO-
(Publisher's retail
price $695)
541. THE AUTO-
VELT, Illustrated
QPubliherk retail
Price $6.95)
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price $6.50)
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REICH Ly woa
L sum. (Publ.
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435. TO КШ А
retail рпсе $3.95)
Illustrated, (Publ.
таай price $7.50)
sconen. Illus-
traced. (Publisher's
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A Covalcade of
the 1920s end
1930s. illustrated
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446. THE FAS-
хом. Illus. (Publ.
|. aunt
m |
a i
Enen. (Publishers pruny. (Publishers By CONAN povie MAUGHAM. 2vols.
fcil price $695) real price $5.75) 2 vols. (Publisher's (Publishers retail
retail price $4.50) Tet price $7.50) расе $1250)
Exch vol. $1 Each vol. $1
пг purpose of this suggested trial
шеше hip i; to demonstrate two
things by your own experience: first, that
you can really keep yourself from missing,
through oversight or overbusyness, books
you fully intend to read; second, the ad-
vantages of the Club's unique Book. Divi
dend system, through which members can
regularly receive valuable library volumes
—at a small fraction of their price—simply
by buying books they would buy anyway.
Ж The three books you choose from
those pictured on these pages will be sent
to you immediately and you will be billed
one dollar for cach volume (plus postage
and handling). For the additional books
you agree to buy you will pay, on the
average, 20% less than the publishers"
retail prices (plus m:
example, the members’ р
and Fall of the Third Reich (publisher's
retail price $10), is only $5.95—a saving
in this case of over 40%.
Ж During this trial and thereafter, if
you continue, you will receive, with
every Club choice you buy, a Book-Divi-
dend Certificate. Each certificate, together
with a nominal sum—usually $1.00-can
be redeemed for a valuable Book-Di
which you may choose from a catalog
which lists more than a hundred fine
library volumes whose publishers’ retail
prices now average $7. This is probably
the most economical means of building a.
well-rounded personal library сусг de-
sed. Since the inauguration of the Rook-
Dividend system, more than $280,000,000
worth of books (retail value) has been
received by Club members through this
unique profit-sharing plan,
Ji |
retail price $595)
lisher'stet. price $7)
HENRY. 2 vols
(Publisher's retail
price $10)
Eoch vol. $1
189. THE NEW OX-
(Publisher's retail
price $7.50)
345 Hudson Street, New York 14, N. Y.
Plenso enroll me as a member of the Book-of.
club" апа send me tne three volumes Whose
have Indicated in boxes below. billing me 51.00 for ench
volume. T arree. to purehace nt least three additional
monthly Selections—or niternates—during the first yenr
I am a member. The price! will never be nore than the
publisher's price, ana frequently iess. 1 have the TIEDE
То cancel my membership any time after buying three Ciub
choices (in addition to these included In this introductory
offer). During the triai and thereafter, if T continue. 1 am.
to receive n Book-Dividend Certificate with every Selection
Sor ulternite--E buy (not bicindinr the books Тог St ench
chosen їп this enrollment offer). Each certificate, together
With a nominal sum- usually $1 00— enn be redeemed Tor a
Book-Dividend* which 1 may choose from n Wide variety
always nvallable, PLEASE NOTE: Whenever LWo or morc
books are offered together at a special combined price, such
m purchase is counted as п single book In earning Book-
Dividend Сегийса! е and. in fuifiliing the membership
obligation to buy three Club choices.
TA small change te mide * tege and nailing expenses
Address. P
alternates for Слим members are wimi
‘Sha Ste fed trons Porania dur fee
"Tratemurk Reg. U. $. Pet. Off. and in Canada.
*"...in the booth you could
sense a whole new kind of
Sinatra! Loose, easy, driving,
ebullient, relaxed, buoyant...&
style and mood and provocation
you never heard or felt before.
When it was over, Sinatra said
to someone:'Man, I waited
twenty years to do this one!..."
“I've always wanted to meet
а Wall- Streeter shoe.
You're wonderful! Why do they
make you for men only?"
In shoe business, Wall-Streeter of North Adams is synonymous with line shoe-
making. There, in the unhurried pace of the Berkshires, men still take pride in their
workmanship — and know what to do with the selected cuts ol fine leathers
tanned lo Well-Streeter's specifications. И the shoes you now wear leave anything
to be desired in fit, style or comfort, its time you went to the fine store in your
Write for name of nearest dealer, North Adams, Massachusetts
you to prove you have one? Are you
equipped — qualified — to formulate onc?
Go on — make money! Don't worry about
me! I've had a philophy — (How do you
spell it?) — for quite some time. Seldom
use the word though — can't spell it cor
rectly three times in a row
Fred Scifers
w York, New York
Most regular readers have long been
aware that тълувоу is something more
than just a commercial enterprise for us
and we suspect that that is one of the
reasons for the magazine's commercial
success. We believe in PLAYBOY and get
a thorough sense of satisfaction and en-
joyment out of editing it. Too many
other U. publications have suffered
in recent years, because the publishing
control has passed from the hands of
the editors into those of the business and
advertising departments. PLAYBOY 16-
mains, first and foremost, an editorial
product and we hope and expect that
that will always be true. An interesting
example of that editorial control in. ac-
tion: What other major American maga-
zine would give up so important an
advertising position as the inside frout
cover, іп the Christmas Gift. Issue, ах
rtAYbOY did last December to create a
special editorial effect?
As for whether or not we ате qualified
to formulate our own philosophy — every
man is and no man should leave the job
to anyone else. If “The Playboy Philos-
oplry" offers certain ideas and ideals that
others are able to identify with and
accept as their own. we'll be pleased, of
course. But they will remain our own
particular set of principles and convic-
lions in any case. The unexpected size
of the response to the first two parts of
the editorial has prompted our expand-
ing it info more issues than was orig-
intended and we also plan to set
aside several columns in “Dear Playboy"
in the months ahcad for readers’ reac-
lions, both positive and negative, on the
numerous subjects touched upon in
“The Playboy Philosophy." Whatever
your reactions, we'd like to hear about
them, for it is just this kind of free ex
change of divergent ideas that makes a
democracy work.
How are you using the term philos
pu Donald P. Verene
Dept. of Philosophy
Washington University
St. Lou Missouri
Pretty much as defined by Webster's
“The body of principles underlying . . -a
human activity" — in this case, the edi
torial ideas, ideals, guiding principles
and credo of this publication
I used to wonder how rLaynoy’s
Editor-Publisher Hugh Hefner ever be-
came successful so quickly im ma
publishing, when others seem to be hav-
special sem
showmanship permitted him to th
Turn around and do exactly the same
thing in the nightclub. business, which
has also fallen upon lcan years, Bur
alter perusing the first part of his edi
torial, The Playboy Philosophy. in the
December 1962 issue, 1 know the
swer He is an exwaordinaril
aml thoroughly talented mi
Fhe case di ts on behalf of
maveoy should have
poring for the bushes, if they've any
sense whatever. His points are sound. go
right to the heart of the mater and
simply defy rebui
ing difficulty ji ir publi-
nd wl
he prese
s critics scam-
John Reppa
Fast Chicago. Indi
cally enjoyed the first installment
of mavwiov’s philosophy, not only be-
б explain more dearly to
nds why E read
cause Û HOW €
mv parents and their
your publication, but alo because it
expresses so well my own concept of life
and represents. in a sense. what 1 hope
хө do with my talents when T uate,
The concept of а soph ed. open
minded. ambitious. individual appe:
10 me g as Û believe it does 10
most. colle dents today. T was es-
pecially pleased to see the hypocrisy
with which most other publ 1
print. Te is
ions ire;
nized: Here on campi
for example.
110 by the nick
Roy C. N
Corncll University
Ithaca, New York
1 more extensive consideration of
Imerican magazines and their. editorial
altitudes on the subject of sex will be
included in an upcoming installment of
The Playboy Philosophy”
I want you to know how impressed 1
ım with Part Lo. The Playboy Philos-
phy, Ws a neatly witen piece —as
enter is it is thoughtful. And, of
course properly reflects the maga-
лие dows —1 liked the опе
about the visiting editor from New York
who co ed upon the Playmates after
their pictures over Hefner's bar —
were just right: they were mighty те
it’s not vindictive or petty—a la
Nixon's recent bitter press confe
And theres nothing defensive about
пев review of comment. positive
attention m
T was not aware of the
religions and quasireligious magazii
have been giving to And here,
Hefner talks about the publi
be a lion in a Spring-weight Ros
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APPEARANCES"... a morsel of philosophy from an cighteenth
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Their concern is not with "Sunday" good looks but with your every-
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mains highly readable
there was one point
zine. A fair statement, if I'm quoting
you correctly, although there are so
m tot n—or any
generation — that it should excite a lot
of discussion.
Burt Zollo
‘The Public Relations Be
Chicago, Ilinois
s a totally
pagan м s different
from his own
story ever told was the life of Christ: it
ideals and how He fostered them
in His every action that made His life
philosophy that
ul they should
ument from
deed. ban male can't be flat-
tered into believing that the pl
of the body don't have their time and
The Sixth of the Ten Commandments
of God commands purity in thought
modesty in all our looks, words and ac-
tions; the Ninth Commandment forbids
unclraste desires. Christ,
on the Mount, told u
not commit adultery” and Matthew
5:27, “But T tell you that everyone that
looketh upon a woman so as to lust after
her hath ly committed adultery
with her in his heart.”
We all cannot live as Christ did. but
we should be conscious of the fact that
Не did and others should strive to be
like Him. We hold His ideals high. Was
He "cockeyed," Mr. Hefner, or is your
philosophy maybe a lite too selfccen-
tered and mainly for the Hefner gen-
Ray Phillips
Lynwood, California
You're тае loose in your use and
interpretation of quotations, Ray — both
from “The Playboy Philosophy” and the
Holy Bible. vraynoy Editor-Publisher
Hefner neither presupposes nor person-
ally endorses a “pagan world," when he
expresses the need for the same separa
tion of church and state that our found-
ing fathers endowed in the U.S.
Constitution and Bill of Rights, empha-
sizes thal true religious freedom means
freedom from, as well as freedom of.
ion and speaks out against the
hypocrisy and. dehumanizing aspects of
Puritanism and antisex in our history
and in society today. Hefner called no
one "cockeyed" for holding to a particu-
lar viewpoint, referred only to the ideas
themselves (America's Puritanical view of
sex) as cockeyed.
Entertainment realizes its most provocative expression in an unparalleled scope and dimension of music
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You, plus a collection of
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that reaffirm his reputation
for being the singers"
Here is the definitive ac-
knowledgement of the cool
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bum everyone's been wait-
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cluding Dave's vastly pop-
ular Bossa Nova U.S.A.
B шен
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Eydie Gorme sings her la-
test hit, the fabulously
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Bossa Nova—based on the
captivating new beat—and
follows through with a
wonderful collection of
bossa nova ballads and
The Barbra Streisand Album
From warm to wallop to
whimsy . . . Barbra Strei-
sand—delightful young
star of Broadway's “I Can
Get It for You Wholesale”
—goes the vocal gamut in
her exciting Columbia al-
bum debut.
Folk ballads, fun 2008 D
all performed with the
resistible, youthful buoy-
ancy of the New Christy
Minstrels, the fabulous
group featured on TV's
papules Andy Williams
p Eg
jazz premiere: washington
The wonderful wailing that
wowed them at the White
House. Jazz saxophonist
Paul Winter exhibits the
swinging style that earned
him the distinction of be-
ing the first jazz artist to
concert at the White
A swingin’ summit meet-
ing. The greatest names in
jazz give definitive expres-
sion to their medium in an
album that ranges from
Dixieland to the most ab-
stract modern.
No рене
gives the big protection,
stroke for stroke, you get
with Brake. It's the big
protection a big man Needs
And you appear to be even freer in
your interpretation of the Scriptures than
you have been with our editorial. The
of the Ten Commandments
differs for Protestants and Roman Catho-
lies, though the total content is the
same, and none of them includes your
own personal “Sixth Commandment” те
quiring "purity in thought and modesty
in all our looks, words and actions"; the
Sixth Commandment for Catholics is
"Thou shalt not commit adultery” and
for Protestants, “Thou shalt not kill."
The Ninth Ray Phillips Commandment
“forbids unchaste desires," but the Ninth
Christian. Commandment is concerned
with the coveting of a neighbors posses-
sions: For Catholics, a neighbor's wife
and for Protestants, a neighbors house
wife, manservant, maidservant, ox. ass
or an
bor. The ass referred to isa donkey, Ray.
б other thing that belongs to a neigh-
As the wife of a recent PLAYBOY sub-
scriber, but а longtime reader of your
magazine, I must congratulate Hugh
Hefner on his superbly written editorial
The Playboy Philosophy. in the Jan
wary issue. In trying to decide how to
describe the all-encompassing material
discussed and clarified so perfectly, 1 can
othing better than “brill
Lam not a gushing, enthusiastic Hugh
Hefner fan, though I admit the previous
paragraph sounds like it. He simply de
serves every word, The editorial helped
me to straighten out some of my own
muddled thinking regarding religion. 1
am the wife of a man who fulfills every
need of the emotional, intellectual and
artistic parts of my nature; last and
nt, he is my lover. For
the first three qualities mentioned, I
would need а book to describe the extent
to which he complements the uneven
sides of my own
equally impor
ure; for the fourth,
all I need say is that we have shared the
greatest physical pleasures, had all the
sometimes hilarious fun one can have in
bed, and no matter what, he has always
shown that great tenderness only а truly
strong man can
What docs this rapturous pacan of
praise for my husband have to do with
religion? Lately, 1 have contrasted. my
thorough enjoyment of sex-lovc, my ma
terialism and creature comforts, with
the goals and ideals rel
I started to have guilt f
my whole method of existence. Hugh
Hefner's explanation of lth Century
20th Century world made
ion preaches.
lings regarding
dogma in а
me realize that | was muddling my mind
with the ideas of other people instead of
trying to think for myself. In fact. your
editorial cleared up sever:
fuzzy dhinki for me, for which I sim
cerely thank you.
Ruth Goldman
Holbrook, Massachusetts
areas ol
WHO ARE HUSH PUPPIES® MADE FOR? Hush Puppies casuals have cushion crepe soles. Weigh less than
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(a division of ASPC), Dept. WW-963, 1270 Avenue of the Americas, New York 20, N.
f those of you who are planning to
visit the New York Metropolitan
area are ready for our third annual tour-
ist report. we shall proceed. Now then.
the New Jersey Briar Pipe Company
at 18 E, 54th, in New York. The New
York Cutting and Gumming Co. is in
South Hackensack, N. J. Looking for a
town called West New York? That's in
New Jersey, too, The Times Square
Window & House Cleaning Company is
just off Union Square: while the Union
Square Painting Company is at 152 W.
42nd, in the heart of Times Square. Be
honest now, wouldn't you like to visit
the Harlem River Produce Company?
c. Start at the Harlem River and
head south, go about 10 miles, and in a
building somewhere near where the
Hudson and East Rivers тест, vou H find
it— 50 Pearl асет. The Bronx
County Dental Society is at the Hotel
Statler. in. Manhattan. Manhattan. Col-
lege is at W. 212nd St. in the Bronx
The Brooklyn Foundry Company is in
Long Island City, in Queens, while the
Queens Machine Corporation is at 280
Starr Sticet, in Brooklyn. What was il
When you get to New York you'd like
to buy a new Rambler? Go sce one of
the gest. Rambler
Charles Kreisler, at
lers in town —
41 Park Avenue.
A pet owner advertises thus in the
Victoria, Columbia, Colonis
Pups for SI0. Mother
cocker spaniel, father а dog
sale small
Who remembers: Alison Skipworth?
Uncle Don's autogyro? . . . balsawood
gliders? reddie Fischer and his
Schnickelfritz Band? . . . sterco reverbera-
tion units Ed Thorgerson and
the Movietone sports newsreel . . .
Der Fuhrer's Face? . . . Crepe paper
singing lariats? . . . Scattergood Baines?
... Young Widder Brown? . . . "Nov
Shmoz Ka Pop’? . .. Ken Maynard? . . .
Lew Lehr and “Monkeys is the Cwaziest
People? . . . Veda Ann Borg? .. .
Dave O Bri iu Pete Smith Specialties?
- Raymond Gram Swin " West
brook van Voorhes? ... Leon Errol one-
reclers? . . . Faith Domergue .. . Jack
Beutel Claude Jarman. Jr? . . .
Eloise MacElhone? Kenny Delmar?
. Cass Daly? .. . Kato? the Ap-
person Jackrabbit Six? Cremo
Cigars? .. . Dolly Dawn? . . . Cinecolor?
22. Моё Mystery Theale’ Nila
ack and Let's Pretend? . Captain
Tootéei... water wings? .. . magnet
Toby W:
imon toothpicks?
FYI to enterprising unde
ing registration week at UCLA
100 cocds dutifully filled out cards
requesting their names.
telephone numbers at a table w
the block-lettered sigu, FROS WOMEN
REGISTER HERE. Tt was Later learned that
the two unidentified young men niu-
addresses: inel
ich bore
ning the table were nor associated with
the registration program in any way.
To whom it may concern: a want ad
in the North Reading, Massachusetts,
Register for “Additional Female
nicians at the FastExpanding Charles
River Breeding Laboratory. No pre
experience. necessary."
Louclla Parsons informs us in a recent
Dallas Times Herald. column that Scan
Flynn, Errol's man-child, set to star in a
trio of cinematic swashbucklers, is “even
teaching his hore, Trianero, how to per-
form in action pictures."
The armaments race, it would seem,
casts its ominous shadow everywhere.
The defense budget of Andorra, а
peanutsized state nestled in the Pyrenees
between France and Spain, has vaulted
this year to a peacetime high of $4.90 —
which will be allocated for the purchase
of blank dges to be fired on na-
tional holidays.
Disquieting sign seen in a Chicago
то $1.98.
From the Help Wanted page of the
Spokane, Washington, Spokesman-Re-
view: “I Clean-Cut, Neat-Appearing
Men between 2 and 4 years of age to
work in expanding local factory branch.
Must be able to get along on 518 first
month." Which is fine [or guys who
live at home, but how about those who
have to pay for their own formula,
diaper service, toys, etc?
Add i0 our list of Unlikely Couples
Hunt and Carnegie Hall, Pat and D. Т.
Suzuki, Grant and. Natalie Wood, Shit
ley and Medinah Temple, Gogi and
Ulysses Grant, Hayley and General
Mills, Hope st Hampton, Veron
іса and Great Salt Lake, Polly and
Alfred Adler, Barrie and Chevy Chase,
Helen and Gabby Hayes. Grace and
Machine Gun Kelly, Evelyn and Florida
Keys, Princess and Albert Anastasii,
Chili Soapy Williams, Robert
and Sara Lec, Turhan and Hudson Bay,
Vera Hruba and Instant. Ralston, Peter
and Salt Sellers, Saul and Large Mouth
Bass, Dick and Pope Gregory. Julia and
Lake Mead, Eva and Béla Bartok, се
d Bob Cummings, Pearl and Old
Bailey, Steve and Rosser Reeves, Richard
with the DIRECTION of Rooster ties
Michigan « FAMOUS-BARR, St. Louis e YOUNKERS, Des Moines and other fine stores
Modelli di
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"At eose" опу place in the world
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$12.95 to $19.95
a “SS For name of store nearest you ond free style booklet, please write:
~ VERDE SHOE CO., Brockton 31, Mass.
and Robert W:
pont Morgan. and that promising new
team, U.S. and U.S. Bonds.
The limp-wrist persuasion has found а
new champion in a Provincetown, М
sachusetts, landlady who rents exclusively
to homosexuals and defends her fondness
for them touchingly story from the
Provincetown Advocate: “IL love my
fairies. They pay their rent. They are
well-dressed gentlemen, They keep their
. They even save water be-
cause they bathe together.”
rooms ne:
Appropriate prize in a contest for ad-
men run by Home State Farm Publica-
tions: a Tü-bushel manure spreader.
мо =
Most of America’s low-budget movies
have been low in quality, too. But now
comes Dovid and tise, a simple but not
simpleminded story about a boarding
school for emotionally disturbed. adoles-
cents. David is а high-strung teenager of
high intelligence who cannot bear to be
touched by anyone. Lisa is a shy, айсс-
tion-hungry schizophrenic with the
schizo's oft-observed compulsion to speak
in rhyme. These two, mutually attracted,
beco) frm friends; they are able to
trust and help each other because they're
both afflicted — as if their psychoses were
their means of communic n. It’s th
movie, and in the main, Eleanor Perry's
script and Frank-Perry’s direction sym-
pathize, dramatize and realize. Keir
Dullea (the young convict in The Hood-
lum Priest) and Janet. Margolin make
the distressed duo truthfully touching.
The 1962 Venice m Festival voi
David and Lisa best picture by a
new director,” t wasn't talki
through its Grand С.
Sophia Loren and Anthony Perkins
star in а suspense picture called Five Miles
to Midnight, but the only real suspense lies
in whether Perkins is going to fracture
an arm trying to hag Loren. In this re
turn bout with Sophia, after intervening
matches with Melina Mercouri and In-
still junior trying
a no-good
a livii
judo on Juno.
is worried, but
now that Tony can't be
— not at the
aw him
we're not; we
Killed off in the second т
salary he gets. Besides, sinc
take out fight insurance, the gimmick
is glaring. Sure enough. he turns up, cons
her into hiding him and collecting the
insurance, and then blackmails her into
fleeing with him. The fuzzy ending leaves
both Sophia and the audience confused
N i
= Г.
Flavour unsurpassed makes J & В Rare Scotch Whisky the favourite bot-
tle almost anywhere you go these days. After all, the venerable house of
Justerini & Brooks has been guarding J & B's sterling quality with typical
British determination for many, many years. Try J & B yourself.
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42 hidden changes to date but looks the same every year?
The London Fog Maincoat. Calibre Cloth! body in 65% Dacron*/35% cotton.
Holds 1 adult, mole or female, and at 32.50 costs no more than unconventional models.
London Fog
Baltimore 11
Gig Young as a Y.
to bright
Viertel’s script gays €
Liwak, who put the goo i
Again (Perkins vs. Bergma
any possible excitem
Sophia is further on view (quite а
bit further) in a fon ich
Revolution rouser c: whose
first scene shows her as Taun-
dress. low-cut blouse, That's
the way the blouse bounces.) The out
going laundress falls in love with a
soldier of the Revolution and
follows his campa
and they get married. Mie Napoleon
becomes “Boss of Europe”
subtitle), he m
and wants to m
a different. wif
plays h
from taki
Technicolor and im Empire costumes,
s a dish too fit for her king,
yed by Robert Hossein, who's а
lumpy as the script is Iabby. Its
based. on
бо says a
id а duke
Тһе washerwoman-
ace to keep her would-
ther queen. In
principally, by Victorien $ whose
Berna Sardoodle-
dom." The scr ers are true to the
«а by Jack Sher, has Hope as
York drama critic whose wile decides to
write a play. (With P ances to
il persons Ке
series of hoo-ha ha every bit as
credible as the fabulous duplex apart
t in which this newpaper critic lives,
play that's a dog, and man bites dog.
Aside from Hope, with whom no farce
is quite hopeless, the film's zaniest asset
is Lucille Ball as the wife. But the script
proves that even. farce. needs dr
conllict and you don't get it just b;
andspouse quarrels. The director
Don Weis, whose sense of pace would
id-by-the-hour pallbearer. The
n with
time to kill a
in Technicolor.
. The embalming is
is a Hindu di:
n Heaven,
in color-
ol its ext
Delhi, Jan. 30, 1948: the young Гапа
stoking his fury with drink and desp:
the police superintendent trying to con-
vince Gandhi to c his public prayer
meeting that afternoon because watched
ip 2
Arresting! New shirts in Dan River Wash & Wear Cottons with roguish good loo
They "cop" the prize for wash and wear ease. They're "wanted" everywhere for travel
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If you want to make home movies of a premiere,
International Film and Television Star, Monique van Vo
turn on the new G-E Portable Cinema Light!
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eight-page booklet tells how. Your dealer has yours now.
Progress ls Our Most Important Produet
and take
home movies anywhere
plots are boiling: Gandhi unwilling to
disappoint his followers and firmly те
fusing to be protected by force. All the
ingredients are here for taut. progress to
catastrophe, but the script, by Nelson
Gidding out of Stanley Welpert’s book
y with
Clubber, fills the assassin's day
flabby flash backs and with playtime in
а prosty's pad, and the nine hours soon
seem like 90. Handsome Horst Buchholz
plays the brown-skinned murderer, and
this Horst of a different color rides off
in all emotional directions at once. Jost
Ferrer, the head cop, looks bizarrely at
home in the bazaars, but as for Diane
Baker as а Delhi doll, it’s sari — wrong
number. Harry Andrews (an Indian gen
eral) makes a healthy Sikh, and J. S.
Casshyap, in his screen debut at 61, is
a dandy Gandhi
Bert Lahr speaking S. J. Perelman's
lines, as he docs in The Beauty Port, pro:
vides а gaggle of laughs. Perelman has
forcibly sewn the play together from a
series of New Yorker pieces in which he
panned America’s cultural *
— ihe deception that anyone can paint
sculpt, make music or write New Yorker
articles апа in it he follows the prog
ress, onward and downward in the arts,
of a naive young Yale lad named Lance
Weatherwax (Larry Hagman). Lance
encounters at least five Lahr
know behind which potted palm he may
be lurking next. Bert plays: Milo Leo
ста Allardyce DuPlessis Weatherwax,
Lance's father
Avenue lecher; Hyacinth Beddoes Lal
foon, the manly lady publisher of а
string Harry
Hubris, а big Hollywood movie mangler
(and he poses — don't ask why the
father of a Cambodian houseboy)
Nelson Smedley, the richest, crankiest
creakiest old gink in the world: and
hammy Judge Herman. J. Rinderbrust,
who has опе eye on the ТУ cameras and
the other on а defendant accused of "con
ou never
nd notorious Park
of horror
spiracy to come out of a pie and dance
with а gorilla.” Perhaps the nutticst
thing about this nutty show is its title
which is good for one gag aud has noth
ing whatever to do with anything else
on stage. But then not much on stage
has anything to do with anything else
on stage. The beauty part is, who needs
sense when you have such funny foolish
ness? At the Music Box, 239 West 45th
Suddent the last summer for
Flora Goforth, the dying bawdy heroine
of “Tennessee Williams The Milk Train
Doesn't Stop Here Anymore. But before the
aging Flora goes forth, she decides to
pounded and softened up for that Flexaire feeling
Bostonian starts with the young calf
leather. This luxury leather is pounded,
kneaded and folded again and again
until it feels soft, supple, and ready for
your foot to relax in.
Even the Flexaire soles are “tender-
ized" in a special seasoning mixture.
These softened-up soles are then rolled
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write her Little Me-ish memoirs. She
wires every room of her many-roomed
villa on the Italian Divina Costiera so
that she can dictate whenever she feels
а memory coming on. But nostalgia is
not enough to liven up her dying: Flora
wants some n. When а handsome
young poet n Flanders bums
by in Lederhosen she stashes him in the
villa next door and refuses to give him
board until he
In short, feels Flora, everything is ur-
gentissimo this summer. Unfortunately
со d to Williams’ 11. previous full-
length. plays. this one must. be rated a
routincissimo. Flora, as played robustly
by Hermione Baddeley, does have a few
boisterously clownish scenes. but hei
death. which is the climax of the play,
is pretty baddeley handled. As for the
hero. he is not only а bad рост (“Life is
something: death is nothing"), he is also
a religious nut dedicated to saving old
cones. He has better luck with them
than with the play. Little of it is very
convincing, and the dialog has none of
Williams’ poetic, humorous
Milk Train, when he
holds onto it (“You're the heart of a
world that has no heart.” “She had you
you were һай). Like the lines, Milf
Train doesn't go anywhere. At the Mo
Theater, 217 West 45th Street
ees to share her bed.
pace. In
ets the word he
In Never Too tate a meck, mellow ma-
tion (Maureen O'Sullivan) finds. to her
delight and to the chagrin of her quick-
boiling husband (Paul Ford), that she is
pregnant — for the first time in several
decades, “How could yo
ter asks the new fatherto-be, and he
stares back blankly. After his head cle:
a bit, the min docs some computing
“When he gets out of college, ГЇЇ be
going on 83 —if he's smart.” When his
spouse starts lousing up his lile with
baby things, he realizes that soon Ford's
fort will fall. He flusters,
blusters, bleats, snorts, shakes his jowly
jaw and stomps his fect. To no avail.
"Go to hell,” his wile tells him. Instead,
he goes to the nearest saloon with his
hated sowin-law (Orson. Bean), а hired
Ford's lumber mill. Ordi-
narily, he'd like to string Bean, but they
find a mutual distaste for bringing up
baby. They stigger home,
mother flics the coop. Foggily, Ford hur-
ries to the police station, only to return
bewildered. “I'm looking for a pregnant
woman — they give me а vagrant wom-
ın.” He doublescowls and. tiple-chins:
“How could they think | was marricd
to her?" How, indeed, could anyone think
droopyeyed. pearshaped Paul Ford,
Sergeant Bilko's long-time, long-sullering
commanding officer, was married to any
thing besides another basset hound? As
expected, all ends. happily for the ex-
pectant parents, As unexpected, their
one-gag comedy, breezily directed by
their daugh
fumes, [revs
bumbler in
nd now.
George Abbott, pulls in a lot of laughs
At the Playhouse Theater, 137 West 481
Lionel Bart's Oliver, а “free adapta
tion" of Oliver Twist, and an interna
tional musical hit of some proportions
is a kind of Snow White for the carriage
trade. Jolly, childish, overstated and as
doggedly lovable as any good Walt
Disney cartoon, it skims the sweet cream
off Dickens, following orphan Oliver
from the public workhouse, where he
wants more food, to apprenticeship with
undertaker Sowerberry, where he wants
more respect, to enrollment in F
purseahirsty band of infantile
quents, where he finds food, respect
a hand-picked occupation, Before Oliver
can make his first snatch, he is snatched
» by the Taw, and after assorted plot
twists, he finds himself not Twist ar all,
but the long-lost grandson of moneybags
Brownlow. Herolet Oliver is the goody
goody we remember from the book, but
villain Fagin has been much softened.
The sim mindedness of Bart's book is
з Scan Kenny's sets, which
miraculously — in full view of the audi-
ence — into a market place, a thieves’ den,
h man’s town house, and London
Bridge standing up. Oli
7's other ma-
jor merit is its instantly infectious score.
ах Nancy, the
is a knockout
— physically v Clive Revill,
agin. has hardly enough to do. Bruce
Prochuik as Oliver and. David [ones as
Dodger are appealing. but who wouldn't
be in their torn The other
kids, thats who, As hammy a baich of
tykes hasn't been in public since the last
days of the Hom & Hardait Children's
Honr. Even mators would
have roned down these mugging mop
pets. At the Imperial Theater, 249 West
1th Street.
Disney's au
The name of the game is blackjack:
the abject is to draw a higher total than
the dealer but not to exceed 21. Simple
enough — except that even the most.
wishlul fish knows that the house would
not play unless the house expected. to
win. But that was belore Beat the Dealer
Blaisdell, S195) by Edward O. Thorp,
rkable inquiry into the Laws ol
probability as they have never been ap
plied to the game before and will never
need to be again, Dr. Thorp. а mathe
matics professor at New Mexico State
University, did his investigating with the
which. in a few brief hours, looked into
the possibilities of some 10,000 man-years
а rem
aid of an highspeed computer
suit by College Hall
Are you enjoying the pleasure of princes, prime ministers...and presidents?
Great men are great cigar smokers. You discover this as you leaf through the pages of history. There’s
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why so many men smoke cigars today. They start young. And stay young. Even presidents.
Cigar Institute of America, Inc.
I kept ‘taking it on the chin’ from
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Great new formula soothes. ..zesty new
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New afta soothes razor-rawness, helps
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Also available in Canada
In handy new squeeze-flask! V. NO STING - МО BURN: MENNEN afta.
the most math-
minded t they boil down
lo ds a ul card count. by
which the player becomes e ol cer
tain decisively favorable situations when
he should bet the limit. But they also
boil down to several dozen complex
charts, graphs and tables,
which the would-be expert must memo:
rize cold. the book
issued by ly handles
) 15 it worth all the effort, or arc
we faced here with some academic hy
am atop the
the dealer's
number of
by two millionaires, the prolessor him.
self went to ada and put his calcula-
tions to the test. He ran а $10,000 bank
roll up to 521,000 in 30 hours before thc
bell rang calling him back to class.
John Updike's latest book. The Centaur,
(Knopf, $1), is a. presumably autobio-
graphical novel about himself as a high
school student in 1917 aud his relations
with his father, a science teacher in the
small-town Pennsylvania school.
bolizes the beloved father as
k mythology
doomed to ete
death, he ga
kind of Last Angry Teacher), who sus
pects he has a serious illness. That. of
course, is the wound. Prometheus is
Youth generally and his son specifically
The chapters done from the son's view-
t descr the d
with his nicely nutty father, con
n much fine Updike: piercingly per-
ceptive, emotionally evocative. fixing
sensory experiences in small
But most of the other
ly drama of
father sell-pitying
almost reconstruct
се, as huge in tears, it begged a
н whose very patterns had
= her from the decree,
the Hundred-handed
dito..." The sen-
more lines.) Thes
wound The
ght sections
cence go
«пову chapte
Centaur. Even
globe against his chest" If there's any
unexplored territory left in the Novel
of Sensibility, Updike is well upcountry
by now — but he risks being stranded
in the Enfatuation-with-the-T hrob-olHis-
motions. Department.
James Baldwin strikes plangent chords
ol wrath in The Fire Next Time (Dial, 53.50)
most of them directed against American
whites. The book consists of two essays
— a short one addressed to his teenage
nephew. and a long one addressed to
white readers. “There is no reason for you
to пу to become like white people,
Baldwin tells the nephew, "and there is
no basis whatever for their impertinent
assumption that ey must accept yon
The really terrible thing. old buddy. is
that you must accept them.” In the sec
ond essay, which caused much stir when
it appeared in The New Yorker. Baldwin
really gets down to cases: The white
American is jam. Morally he’s a
hypocrite; psychologically hes an in-
valid; sexually he's in a deep freeze. “I
cannot accept the proposition," writes
Baldwin, “that the 400-vear travail of the
Negro should result merely in
his attainment of the present level of the
American civilization . .. White people
cannot be taken as models of how to live
.. Why, for example — especially know
ing the family as I do — I should want to
marry your sister is a great mystery to
me." Baldwin sees the liberation of the
American Negro as the key to liberation
of the American white. “The only way he
[the white man] can be released from
the Negro's tyrannical power over him
is ıo consent . - . to become black him-
self. to become a part of that suffering
and dancing country which he now
watches wistfully from the heights of his
lonely power ..." There is in all this a
measure of truth: but it is the truth. of
the poct, not of the objective reporter
Baldwin speaks of love in the rhythms
of hate, and of forgiveness in а tone of
anger. He is at his best when he relates
his own experiences
PLaynoy’s graphic-literary satirist, Jules
Feilfer. the most collectible as well as the
most delectable of ¢
honors the hard-cover scene. His latest
assortment of assaults on our society's
ways, byways and mores—a healthy
number of which were first launched. in
these pages — may be found in Held Me!
(Random House, $1.95). It will old you
In this slim volume are gathered inci-
sive insights enough for a company of
lesser satirists. Bittersweet on the outside,
with tart and chewy centers, Feiller's
creations remain the most stimulatin:
toonists, once again
and nuuitious cartoons on the market
Latest in the apparently endless caval-
cade of erstwhile novelists of protest to
egy Ми! NTHROP
slip on a pair of these playtime casuals and
really relax. Suppla glova laathar outsida,
laather-covered foam cushion insida.
Smart, flexibla platform sola.
Get both jet black and honay tan to
coordinate with all your casual
outfits. Winthrop shoes
from $10.95 to $19.95. A product
of the International Shoe
Company, St. Louis
News about
How importing in original
casks from our distillery
in Scotland results in
considerable tax sa
It may scem surprising that the news
we have to tell you should come from
the quiet hamlet of Bowling-By-Glas-
gow, Scotland. But then our story is
full of surprising twists and turns.
The Art of “Gentleing.” Centuries
ago the Wealthy wine merchants of the
Old World sent their wines on an ocean
voyage in original casks, and then
shipped them back again to their point
Of origin. This process came to be called
“gentle-ing” and it was accepted as
being the best way there was of blend-
ing wine. And now this same method
holds true for our Scotch Whiskys.
Like other quality Scotches, House
of Stuart and Highland Mist are each
blends of more than 20 of the finest
Scotch distillations. They each are
blended and aged in our own Distillery
in Bowling-By-Glasgow, Scotland.
Big Difference! But there is where
our Scotches differ from other quality
Scotches. For after aging, as the final
step in our perfect blending process,
we send these two fine Scotches out to
sca in their original casks to be
"t genil-ce."
Because of this "'gentle-ing" process,
contnted right-hand column, next page
House of
depending on.
Individual state taxes
86 proof—the traditional proof
of fine Scotch Whiskys in the
U. $. А.
Imported in original casks by Barton
Distillers Import Co., New York City
turn public scold is Nelson Algren, whose
Whe Lost An American? (Macmillan, $4.50)
is less climactic than climacteric. The
man with the still sometimes golden type-
writer corded here his ment
maunde опей by meande
globe viewing "The Scamier
v York City, Inner London,
Dublin, Barcelona, Seville, Al-
Istanbul, Crete and Chicago, Il
nois,” The description is apt: the book
is more seamy than scemly, a sort of
delaved-adolescent. Wanderjahy that ap-
to have been undertaken with a
1 sneer, a kind of intellectual, pre-
fab mucker pose bent on finding the
mote in every neighbor's eye — and re-
placing it with a ground-in cinder.
In this guise, Algren equates luxury with
frivolity, taste with the effete, comfort
with moral decay. From his self-con-
structed pedestal of rectitude һе sees
America as a place where Easy Street is
the superhighway to nowhere. It
new posture and he brings little fresh-
ness to it Only occasionally does the
wonderful wild side ol his nature re-
assert itself; when that happens, the
book si nd there are vintage Algren
touches of Mashing insight and mordant
wit. But for the most part the heady
wine of his art has gone flat and turned
egary, to be sweetened with sentimen-
tal cele! ions of ast that couldn't
have been all that rosé. Which is a shame,
for Algen must be remembered as a
strong and original voice in contempo-
тагу American letters. In this book, the
voice is too seldom and too faintly heard;
it has become part snarl, part whine.
ying degrees may be
found оп Explosion!/Terry Gibbs ond His
Exciting Big Bond ( гу) and Explosion!
The Sound of Slide Hampton (Atlantic). The
Gibbs gig is just what the tide impli
With Terry's torrid vibes in the 5
the troops jump frenctically imo the
fray. The battleground is evenly
divided between origi tage
reprises, with the Gibbs g ring
nostalgic memories of the great He
Herds and Kemon contingents.
попу horde, amplified from hi
Octet into 10 (or 11 when Latin percus-
sion is added) men, is still founded on
funk. Their unison rills a y much
soul-inspired, whether the base of opera-
tions is a Latin lilt, a show ballad such
as Maria or the countryand-westernish
Your Cheatin’ Heart.
The ubiquitous Bobby Scott, whose
diverse talents been chronicled in
these columns before, has taken. "root
in Bobby Scott/When the Feeling Hits You!
(Mercury). Hf Bobby is almost a Ray
Charles sound-alike, we're sure it's i
tentional, and he could do a lot worse
for a vocal soul springboard. Bobby's
piano is in the same basic vein. On tap
are a number of Scott originals. aid
adaptations, but the high point is some
great Scott on. Bobby Timmons’ classic
uck Israels threads his way
r of wio LPs that are en
ing. Moon Beams/The Bill Evans
(Riverside), with drummer. Paul
Motian as the third man, is what has
come to be expected from. Evans & Co.
— introspec genious, cerebral сх
ercises with Evans produ
ously fresh
bottomless 1
performing with a technique that is as
fragilely solid as a prestressed concrete
llying buttress. Circle Woltz/Don Friedman
Trio (Riverside) has for its number three
man, drummer Pete Roca. th
Friedman, Israels is given more of his
head, and it proves a rewarding free
dom, especially on the tide tune
Friedman, who is strikingly similar to
Evans iu certain areas, is still his own
man creatively; he proves it conclu
ely on a solo track, So in Love, Cole
Porter's anthem on the eccentricities of
Ella Swings Gently with Nelson (Verve)
in joins the Fivgerald-Riddle forces
п felicitous un
The расе is oue at
which we most enjoy Miss Fitz — slightly
up-tempo in most instances — where
even the more poignant ballads have a
modicum of lilt to them, As usual, Ella
makes even the most overdone ever
green а refreshing aural experience
Among the oftrepeated airs to have
some of the dust shaken out of them —
Body and Soul, 1 Can't Get Started and
Just often enough to sustain our
in the recording biz, alot comes au
album which constitutes such a felicitous
blending of music, performance and en
gineering excellence that we find our
self tempted to use superlatives like
“exalting” in describing its aural effect
A п point is the Budapest String
Quarters recording of Beethoven's
crowning chamber-music achievements.
Opuses 127, 130, 131, 132, 133 and I
The Late Quartets (Columbia). It is a base
less cliche to describe this music as dith
cult of access to. the
ie whose only foundation may exist
n the inadequacies of previous per
formances and recordings. As played by
nd as recorded in this
set — the id purity of these works
should prove rewarding even on first
- The exaltation we spoke ol
arises as subsequ
— or, rather, list
neither is it solemn:
to that one would have to be
equipped with the tinniest of tin cars to
miss the mounting joy engendered by
repeated listening to this unique con-
junction of composition, performance,
t playings are heard
is not
round music But
in fact, we venture
itone of Billy
tinues with unabated au-
thority on Don't Worry ‘Bout Me (Mercury).
Mr. Bt arc of a
dozen ditties—most оГ which are
worthy of ions. Principal ex-
ception is Exodus, which comes over as
pretentious. The rest are mostly top-rung
tunes attractively arranged by Billy
Byers and Torrie Zito.
s the romantic mea
For the serious collector of jazz in all
gated forms, we heartily recom-
mend Swing Street ( -LP resur-
id Sereen, once the
zz being. The album
th pangs of the Street
roups of guitarist
ol New York's
heart of America’
tunes in on the 1
in 1933 with the
"Teddy Bunn and banjo-impresario Eddie
Condon, continues on through the
Golden Days of the late Thirties and.
carly Forties with Basie, Billie Holiday,
oleman Hawkins and John Kirby, and
on through the middle Forties (wh
the Street’s luster was beginning to dim
in the neon glare of strip joints), with
Dizzy Gillespie and Woody Herman.
The voluminous liner notes on the era
have the poignant air of a eulogy about
Like oysters, the voice of Joao Gil-
berto takes a bit of getting used to. For
one thing, to rs, Portuguese (or
its Brazilian equivalent) has a rather
odd sound; for another, Gilberto's voice
rarely rises much above a whisper. Be
that as it may, a few hearings of The Boss
of the Bossa Nova/Joao Gilberto (Atlantic)
pur us firmly in his corner. Gilberto, who
is often given credit for getting bossa
nova off the ground, es most of the
other bossa novitiates sound like they're
doing the twist. The tunes are, of course,
all authentically Brazi and nc;
hypnotically fascinating.
We do not recommend Essence/Don Ellis
(Pacific Jazz) to the faint of heart and
blithe of spirit. T
one to let well е
ry Peacock’s
Gene Stone
and Nick Martinis on drums, trumpeter
Ellis explores atonality, odd tempos and
nontempos to the listeners limits. ТЕ
n his reach exceeds his grasp,
up as failure that is
still ig despite its shortcom
Ellis, а man with a musical mission, is a
ened to.
The sound produced by the Buddy
DcFranco- Tommy Gumina Quartet on
Kaleidoscope (Mercury) is unique. The
blend of Clarinet and accordion is unlike
anything you've ever heard before —
fascinating tonality that adds fresh luster
to the familiar strains of Softly as in a
Morning Sunrise, Stella by Starlight,
Summertime and Speak Low. DeFranco
and Gumina are exempl
it is in the ensemble pass
Quartet sparks something
ferent, Words, of course, are insufficient;
they have to be heard to be wuly ap-
voice to be
y soloists but
The basic vocalise of Jimmy Wither-
spoon is excitingly tipped in Roots (Ri
prise), wherein Spoon’s blues shouting
finds its instrumental counterpart in the
ood earthy tenor of Ben Webster. With
hythm section and an occasional assist
er Gerald Wilson, Jimmy
and Ben share the honors on such low-
down lieder as I'd Rather Drink Muddy
Water, Im Gonna Move to the Outskirts
of Town and Cherry Red.
Desafinado/Pat Thomas (MGM) into-
duces a refreshingly fine vocal talent.
Miss Thomas, with pianist-conductor-
anger Lalo Schifrin at the reins, sup-
plies deli unfrilled phrasing to a
number of bossa nova stand-bys. The
ulis, in 1 instances, bear up
admirably under repeated listenings.
from trumpet
A crisp cookie is tes Elgart/Best Band on
Campus (Columbia). The welldrilled E
gart Woops мер smartly out on а doze
dance-directed ditties that have been
designated as campus favorites since the
Twenties. Among them you'll find such
oddments as Show Me the Way lo Go
Home, Let's Face the Music and Dance
and Michael Row the Boat Ashore.
A topllight songbird deserves Grade
A material, Such, happily. is the case
On Anita O'Day Sings the Winners (Verve).
Anita performs a dozen dandy opuses
that have become associated with a like
number of Included are Early
Autumn (Stan. Getz, Four Brothers
(Woody Herman), My Funny Valentine
(Geny Mulligan) and Body and Soul
(Coleman Hawkins). Sharing the chart-
ing chores аге Marty Paich and Russ
The material is splendid, the
vocalizing superb.
Sea Voyage in
Original Casks
"Gentl-es" the
Т! ГР re PR n)
Creates perfectly-blended
Scotch Whiskys with the
unique combination of
elegant taste and thrifty price
continued from left-hand column, preceding page.
House of Stuart and Highland Mist
are perfectly blended Scotch Whiskys
with a perfect taste,
But this is where the surprise comes
in, This long ocean voyage in original
casks, which so perfects the taste and
blending of our Scotches, also consid-
erably reduces their price.
$2.00 Less Per Fifth. You scc, because
they are shipped to the United States
in original casks, House of Stuart and
Highland Mist do not have to pay
taxes and duties as high as those paid
by other Scotches that arc bottled over-
seas. Also, there is a substantial savings
on transportation costs because no
money need be spent for the shipment
and protection of fragile glass contain-
ers and cartons. This all means that
we can sell—and you can enjoy —our
imported quality Scotches at almost
$2.00 less per fifth than many popular
So, that's our story. АШ that remains
for you to do is ask for House of Stuart
or Highland Mist... depending
upon your proof preference. Ifyou do,
you'll soon sce what we mean when
we say, “It's smart to buy right!"
abat $450
depending na
Individual state taxes,
80 proof—the traditional proof of
these same fine Scotch Whiskys in
the United Kingdom.
Imported in original casks by Barton
Distillers Import Co., New York City
Pik ¥ 20 YF
sl 3» U
\ \
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Every time 1 get down to basics with
she insists that our alfec
deepest expression in pitch
ıce 1 personally would prefer to have
at least one light on, these pleas for
complete obscurity are beginning to bug
me, E mean, is there somethin:
wrong with ha
Or is there perhaps something wrong
with her?— О. Philadelphia, Penn-
Your attitude is entirely normal — as
is hers. According to Kinsey, "In general,
more men prefer to have intercourse in
the light and more women prefer it in
the dark.” Patient persuasion on your
part should lead to а brighter tomorrow.
guy cor
I th
idered hip by most of my
I'm ally
going on. Usually when I go out
with some interesting dy, we
stop at a cozy place for à drink or two.
I don't drink liquor, so most often I
Order а Coke or something clse non-
alcoholic. Up till now, in all the better
clubs that I go to this has been accepta
ble — ог at least nothing has been said
However, I recently entered a
ooking bar in New York City with
I was dating for the first time,
ordered her a drink, and then ordered
а Coke for myself. The reply I wa:
. and I quote exactly: "This ain't no
soda fountain, fella." Could it be I've
been in so ordering. or was just
in the wrong place this particular time?
— R. H, Trenton, New Jerse
I's a customers prerogative to elect a
soft drink in lien of sauce in any bar or
club. (In some of the better spots, the
charge is ihe same whether the drink is
alcoholic or not, so your teetotaling order
represents no financial loss to the
management.) You weren't wrong in
requesting a Coke — just unlucky in en-
countering boorish hired help.
ware of
Bi the January Playboy Advisor you
said that most modern sports cars do not
require double-clutching, except occa-
ly for first га like
ion on this point, please:
ng is а necessity for the
pros in big-time competition, why not
lor a sports-car jockey like me? — G. W.,
Columbus, Ohio.
Double-clutching is the only easy way
to make a fast, silent gear change in a
nonsynchromesh, or straight-tooth, or
“crash” transmission. The object of this
action is lo balance or synchronize the
speeds of the two gears being used, the
driving and the driven. If this is done
precisely, the gears ате — relative to each
other — stationary and will mesh with-
out difficulty. The various types of syn-
chromesh devices are designed to accom-
plish this end automatically, or without
effort or attention on the driver's part.
Because synchromesh is ап additional
piece of machinery subject to malfunc-
lion, designers of racecar gearboxes have
usually preferred to do without it, the
skill of the driver making it unnecessary
in any case. The race driver tries to keep
his car under power as much as he pos-
sibly can. He can't afford to take his
fool off the throttle and coast up to a
corner. He stays on the gas for as long
as he dares; then he goes down one gear,
cases up on the throttle and allows some
of the forward momentum of the cay to
be dissipated against the compression of
the engine. If the upcoming comer is
severe enough he may do this twice or
even three times, braking heavily at the
same time. To make these gear changes
surely and swiftly on а nonsynchyomesh
box, the driver must double-clutch. It
Jollows that double-clutching is point-
less in anything but very fast driving in
a nonsynchromesh car.
Tea months from now 1 plan to set ott
on а oncein-lifetime journey: a long.
Icisurely wip around the world. Prior to
booking accommodations, I have been
assembling [rom books and conversations
list of the world’s finest hotels. As а
check to see if I've forgotten апу, I'd
appreciate your giving me your own se-
lection of the 10 best —that is, the 10
hotels that oller the most. luxurious ac
commodtions in conjunction with excel-
lence of service, excellence of site and
high caliber of clientele. I want to ar-
my itinerary so that T will hit as
possible. — J. D., New York,
New York.
The word "best" is, to some extent, a
matter of personal preference; our choice
of 10 would be drawn from this list
The Copacabana Palace at Rio de Janci-
70; Claridge’s in London; The Ritz in
Lisbon; Fstoril Palace Hotel at. Estoril;
Reids at Madeira; The Palace in Madrid;
The Hostal de los Reyes Catolicos at
Santiago de Compostela. Spain; The
Formentor in Majorca; The Crillon in
Paris; The Negresco in Nice; La Verniaz
at Evion-les-Bains, France; Baur au Lac
in Zurich; The Beau Rivage in Geneva:
The Excelsior in Rome; The Ashoka in
New Delhi; The Okura in Tokyo; and
the Beverly Hills Hotel in Beverly Hills.
WA nite 1 suppose that anything
sible where the female mind
cerned, I would like to ask if
Yes, Art,
there was
Jim Beam
And he gave his name to
Beam Bourbon—the
bourbon watched over
by the Beam family
for six generations. Jacob
Beam started it all 168
years ago. Today the
same Beam family
still makes the lighter,
smoother bourbon that
Jacob created. Have a
taste of The World’s
Finest Bourbon Since 1795.
[та тт.
| финно]
ble to you that a female (82
and divorced) would meet and oblige a
married male for 13 months, anywhere
he desi; ed, without feeling at least
some emotional involvement akin to
love. In this relationship, no affection
has ever been expressed verbally by
her; the only reason she gives for the
is: "You're a fine lover and Т need
Perhaps Tm beg: ticular
answer but it scems unbelievable to me
1 attractive female would drive for
miles to be with one particular male
unless she felt something more than
And if she does feel
mor why doesn't she admit
Female pride? Hell, I have readily ad
mitted my love for her and thereby stand
to lose Таг more than pride. = B. M.,
Norfolk, Vi
unlikely your female friend
would commence and continue this ob-
viously inconvenient affair if she didn't
feel a strong emotional attachment for
you, Her reluctance to concede any non-
sexual involvement may be due to a
ly of factors. Perhaps she feels a
certain empathy with your wife and —
despite her own deep feelings — doesn’t
want to be responsible for your own
marital. breakup. Perhaps. having been
hurt before in a relationship where she
more openly displayed her emotions, she
veels she would not only make herself
vulnerable. by becoming more
deeply dependent upon you, but also
would тип a greater risk of losing your
affection, if she allowed her relationship
with you to take a more romantic turn.
And perhaps she is right. As the married
member of this affair, you are in à more
advantageous position than you care lo
recognize, and you actually stand to lose
very little by having admitted your love
for her. If you were single ar separated
and in the process of becoming sin
her reactions would have to be viewed
far differently than in the present case.
Let's face it — you have very little to offer
ihis woman in return for the expression
of love you desire.
"How did үш remember
FRecently, 1 received a pearl tie tack as
a business gift, and am a bit puzzled as
on the tie it should co
A friend insists that it should
‚ between the first and sec
ond t buttons below the collar. I
lavor a lower position, What's your view?
— P. V., Madison, Wise
п all depends on the size, I[ a tie
tack is miniature and can double as а
stichpin, it may certainly be worn high.
However, if it is comparatively large, it
should be worn lower on the tic where i
can property fulfill its tacking function,
of your middle jacket
ectly be
Great reserves of
light, dry mountain rums
give Merito an
unmatched delicacy and
dryness. Taste Merito
and you'll never forget it.
ie. in the vicini
AS a hunting tyro, Tm а bit confused
about the 5 d
un chokes, such
"modified." Which
1 which
F., Chicago, Mlinois.
Shoguns of the shotgun abide by the
following list, which designates barrel
chokes in terms of wideness of spread of
shol. from the widest pattern {for short
range) to the tightest (for long range
Improved cylinder
Improved modified
Full choke
air. at which 1 want to be impeccably
turned out. I believe that Т e all the
necessary gear, save for one item: shoes.
A friend tells me that opera pumps arc
essential when a man weirs a tuxedo.
Trouble is, I object to the bows that one
finds on opera pumps — they strike me as
swish rather than swank. Would I be
committing a serious faux pas if | wore
plain black shoes? — L. C., St. Louis, Mis:
No. While opera pumps are de rigueur
with tails, they are optional with a Inx
edo. Either a plain formal dress shoe or
a plain black shoe is an acceptable com-
invitation to a very formal
He you сап top this опе—ог even an
swer it— TIl buy a lifetime subscription
to PLAYBOY at once. The other night |
friend with whom I've
satisfying relationship, of its kind. That
is, we like cach other hugely, get on
beautifully, are uninhibited about doi
what comes naturally. freely date others
(and never discuss it afterward), yet each
of us knows and doesn't care that it’s
not for keeps and no strings will be left
As I said. the othe LE had a date
with her and it went like so: I called for
her at her apartment, found a note to me
Dung on her doorbell saying her mother
(who lives out of the city and whom ГА
never met) was upstairs, that she (the
girl) had had а command performance,
Tastminute dinner invite from her bos
to dine with an important. client, and
that I should go on up and have a drink
with the old lady and wait for my girl to
get back if 1 wished. Up 1 went and
used the bell, not my key, and got the
surprise of my life. This mother is like
по mother you ever ам very youthful
305, but looks like 25. Her 18-year-old
daughter takes after her, but it's Mom
who has the looks and the sophistication
to a degree that makes her daughter
seem а dim carbon сору by comparison
Mom and I got on . had some
drinks, talked a lot. I swear 1 could feel
the elecuic tension building between us,
and 1 did ow what to do, so I
asked her to come on out for somet
to eat. We went to an Italian resta
rant (candles and chianti) and 1 was
preity sure this wonderful hunk of
woman was feeling the way I did. I
tested it by asking her to the pad I
share with my bachelor dad (who nt
duc home that wight) for a brandy, she
nd — аз it tumed out. pretty
quickly — my bunch was right. In fact.
we had а torrid session compared to
which my previous experience, which 1
thought was extensive, is kid stuff. Along
about three 4.11, we sort of came to and
1 took her back to her daughter's pad.
1 figured it would be best not to wake
ing she was asleep — and
, the
the girl — assu
her mother agreed, so I used my ke
idea being that her mother would tiptoe
to bed and tell her in the morning that
Td decided not to wait. Boy, did I get
a shock when I opened that front door!
There, on the bearskin rug before the
dying embers in the fireplace was my girl,
in her birthday suit, sound asleep in
the arms of my snoring dad, who was
similarly dressed
them, there was а moment of stur
embarrassment, then we all started
ing at once, accusing each other of every
breach of faith and propriety, raising our
voices, threatening, ct cetera. I gave up
d went to a hotel,
where I now sit writ this. What to
do now? — L. G.. New York, New York
You are too talented a fellow to be
asting such fiction on а magazine col.
umn that doesn't pay апу money. Of
course, your imaginary tale is а bit too
cliché-vidden for the slick market — at
Our entrance woke
at last and just split a
least without some additional embellish
ments — but it sounds as though it might
be just the thing for one of the sex
zines, and you may be able to earn
enough from it to pay that 5150 for the
Lifetime Subscription you awe us
АП reasonable questions — from fash
ion, food and drink, hi-fi and sports cars
to dating dilemmas, taste and etiquette
= will be personally answered. if the
writer includes a stamped, self-addressed
envelope. Send all letters to The Playboy
Advisor, Playboy Building, 232 E. Ohio
Street, Chicago 11, Mlinois, The most
provocative, pertinent queries will be
presented on these pages cach month.
Obviously authentic - S
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e out of Imported О.Е.С., Tm going on the wagon?
People with pull just won’t touch anything but Imported O. F. C. It’s the Oldest, Finest
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s half its age. And O. F.C. 8 year old is priced with Canadians years younger.
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When you're out, ask for Imported O. F. C.—i
86.8 PROOF, © 1953, SCHENLEY DIST. CO., N.Y С.
а candid conversation with the openly outspoken author of “sex and the single girl”
Within the past year, a Los Angeles
advertising woman who used to spend
most of her lime tub-ihnmping bras and
pancake make-up has metamorphosed
into a pundit for millions of lonely and
bewildered American women. With the
publication of “Sex and the Single Girl,
Helen Gurley Brown became the first
in a new school өр lovelorn literati to
parlay sexually candid advice into a hefty
hank account. Her little Baedeker of
bedmanship, 267 pages of beauty hints,
recipes and pithy exploration of male-
female relationships, has sold 150,000
hardcover copies. Warner Brothers paid
$200,000 Jor the right to transform. this
grab bag into a Technicolor, career-girls-
in New York film, the second highest
price Hollywood has ever delivered for
а work of nonfiction. An LP tilled "Les-
"with the 40-year-old au
sons іп Low
thor reciting breathless homilies on how
to love a gil and haw to love a man,
was one of the Christmas season's heavier
syndicated newspaper
sellers. Her пе
column, “Woman Alone sex
Jor spinslers in the Her
happy husband quit his film-producer
job to counsel and advise her. She, in
Turn, left the ad agency to write more
books. The next in line, “Sex and the
Office,” appears in the fall. Pocket Books
shelled ont $125,000 for its reprint rights
after seeing a bare, 20-page outline.
“Tm always careful to say that Im not
Jor promiscuity ...1 just know what goes
on. Aud 1 know it isn't the end of the
world when а girl has an affair”
In a series of interviews conducted
in her Hollywood-and-Vine office and
her expansive Pacific Palisades home,
PLAYBOY captured. Mrs. Brown's more
outspoken personal views on. pregnancy,
abortion, affairs, jame and matrimony.
PLAYBOY: How did you happen to write
Sex and the Single Gil?
BROWN: My husband thought up the
He used to be editorinchicl of Liberty
and Cosmopolitan. V was ош of
visiting my mother and sister and David
found some old letters of mine, letters 1
wrote to an old boyfriend. 1 always kept
carbon copies of those letters He sat
down and read them from beginning to
end. And when I
really have a delightful writing style I'd
like to think of something for you to
write.” This was the spring of 1960. We
were talki 1
might be able to write а few month
later and he said: “I had an idea the
other day about how a single gi
about having an affair, how she clears
the decks for action. What does she do
the guy she's already seeing? What's
the best place for her to consummate
this айай? Whats her life like? What
kind of person is she? My God,
that's my book, that’s my book!" When
1 got into writing the book, it became
iot home he said: °
1 goes
а Шы
“I don't know of anything more ruthless,
more deadly or more dedicated than any
normal, healthy American girl in search
of a husband.
much more serious and sincere than we
ever thought it would be. It got to be
not tongue in check, but quite sincere —
with a little light touch.
ғілувоү. What was the thinking behind
book's sincere litle title?
BROWN: Originally it was called Sex for
the Single Girl, which 1 liked better. It
was my husband's title. The publishers
felt that it was too racy, that it sounded
like we were advocati lc
girls. So they changed Jor to and. J sup-
pose it’s faintly misleading: however I
think if we said Sex and the Single
Woman, without justifying it, it might
indicate it was а sex tome dealing with
life of the female in
America, The fact that we called a girl
a one justification for the
title. Another, every single chapter al
ways refers to sex. In the chapter on
moncy, it says that being solvent is sexy
and there's nothing less sexy than a gil
who has the shorts, And it’s sexy 10 be
able to balance a checkbook and not to
spend a boy blind. We made sure that
all the chapters did tie back in. 1 don't
think of sex as the act of sex exclusively.
1 don't think sex appeal exists only be
tween two people who are lovers. There
fore. | would consider part of a single
ін arsenal of sex appeal her apart
ment and her clothes and. the fact that
sex for all si
зех unmarried
irl was
“When а man is making love to you. the
United Nations building could fall down
and if he’s really a man, he won't stop
fora minute . . . it's pretty exhiluraté
she can giv timate litle dinner.
тдүвоү; Have you received much m
from readers of the book?
BROWN: Yes, and the preponderance of
mail is very happy stuff, The large
proportion of it comes from single
women who s k you, Helen
Gurley Brown" or “You're what we've
needed” or "You've ch:
now 1 can hold my he:
stopped seeing my psychiatrist."
very happy about these letters because
that’s whom the book was for. The neg
tive letters complain that I'm suggesting
e girls should be doing something
Us immoral. 1 didn't suggest anybody
do anything. 1 qualify it 92 times in the
book. I just said this is how it is. I'm
always careful to say that I'm not for
promiscuity. What business is it of mine
to be for it or against it? 1 just know
goes on. And I know it isn't the end
of the world when a girl has an affair.
letters say: "t you just vying
to justify the kind of life you lead:
Real snotty ones. It hurts me because far
om trying to write something not up-
Tor single girls, Fm so sincere
m. 1 suppose critics complain
ounds that this kind of writing
is available to young people, and yet
there's all the erotica in the world avail-
able to any young person who wants it in
the public library. But most of my mail
seems to be from people who love me
BROWN: Oli, I got a hysterical one from
а chap who said he was a homosexual
ida very firstrate homosexual but he
also adored women. He heard that I was
in New York and he wanted very much
to meet me. Tt was quite a sincere little
leuer. He felt quite seriously that I
would be interested in meeting him. I
get a iot of mail about how to keep Пот
having a baby. 1 wrote a whole section
on that and felt very strongly that it
should be in the book, My publisher felt
we were taking a pretty bold stand about
Ш this stufl anyway without going so
ır as to tell people how not to have
babies. So he took it out. And I fought
for it, but it came out anyway. This mail
I get is from girls who are quite sincerely
interested in knowing. For some reason
they feel they can't talk it over with their
doctor. My inclination is to tell people
exactly what 1 think they should do:
They should get fitted for a diaphragm
What else would you do? I was never
pregnant. Nobody has to get pr
it's so very silly. 1 was just as silly
girl as everybody else was, I was no great
Drain, I'm still not. Except I always did
have the good sense to try not to have
a baby. It shouldn't be that much of a
problem. As married girls who are try
g to have babies know, it's quite d
culi. You can only conceive 12-18 hours
duri th. Therefore it’s uot all
a moi
that simple, although I've had
pregnant girlfriends.
ptaysoy: How do you feel about abor-
tions for these pregnant friends?
BROWN: Having an abortion isn't that
difficult either. It's really not that. dan-
gerous anymore, since penicillin. Now
they shoot you full of 95,000 volts of
penicillin and you сап go back to work
оп Monday. It was once a very dangerous
thing because of infection, because these
operations had to be done in the backs
of g: es or somebody's office. H a girl
were able to go to а hospital now, there
would be practically no danger to her.
There is some chance of becoming b;
ren, but if the operation isn't performed
somcone who
it’s hideously expensive. It's like dope.
1 understand the going rate now in Los
Angeles is $500, aud it has to be cash and
right then. Well, kids don't have that
kind of money. Career girls don't, either.
PLAYBOY. Did your pregnant friends fol-
low your abortion advice?
BROWN: | had а roommate who was prey
nant and who wouldn't admit she was
It was an immaculate conception. It
hadn't happened to her, boy. She was
throwing up every morning before she
went to work. She was get s fat as
Patty's pig. She said she had
other roommate ly
bara, don’t you think you ought to sec a
doctor, maybe?" Finally she went to a
doctor and wouldn't admit to him that
she'd had intercourse. After she
ting fatter and fatter and sicker
sicker, he said: “You're pregnant,
you?” And she said: “I guess I am."
Then she started doing things at home
to try to unload this baby. It x
quite touching. OF course, nothin
any good. She was young and healthy
She had an abortiou — the wer
5300 then. The boyfriend got the money
and a few months alter that they were
married. They now have two children.
PLAYBOY: Well, that’s a happy ending.
What about American abortion laws?
BROWN: The whole thi haul
g- H's a shame girls have to go to Mex
со or Europe to be operated on. It's
outrageous that girls can't be aborted
here, 1 guess the rule as of the moment
is that it must endanger the moth
life, But never mind that this little child
doesn't have а father. And never mind
that its mother is a flibbertigibbet who
has no business having a baby, Abortion
is just surrounded with all this hush-
hush and horror, like insanity
The whole country is going to be ove
run by people. Charles Darwin's nephew,
who writes on anthropology, says that by
the year 2030, we're going to be stacked
up on top of cach other. So from that
anthropological viewpoint
silly to. prevent abortions. Ot
g needs охе
sed to be.
ol my
good friends was pregnant a couple of
years ayo. and her own doctor gave her
the usual party line: “Marry the guy.
I think that’s hysterical. It's wrong for
a chap to get married when he
ready to get married, when it's goi
ing an
until 1 was 33 yems old. If you like
someone, and he likes you, he’s really not
interested in getting you pregnant. My
God, it’s the last thing in the world he
wants to do. The few times when some-
body just can't wait, you just put your
foot down. I'm as highly sexed as the
next girl. Bur it doesn't matter how
much of a hurry you're in. You say:
“This isn't going to happen until . . ."
No problem. Girls who get pregnant arc
careless little jerks.
PLAYBOY: Your publisher deleted all this
from the bool
BROWN: Yes, hc felt it might hunt sales.
that | was going pretty far, anyway, in
talking about the sexual lile of unmar-
ried women. And if I went so far as to
tell а girl how not to have a baby, we
would he thrown out of the Authors
League, or sometl as à commer-
cial consideration. The publisher didn't
ıt to kibosh the whole thing by mak-
people furious.
praveoy. Did you run into any additional
censorship problems with vour publisher?
BROWN: There was one line that they cut
out in the first chapter. It was exhorting
irl to be proud of herself and
"I think you should have a quietly
- You’ attitude about the whole
thing." In the leys, my publisher
changed it to “Frig You" attitude ana I
got up as fast as I could and said: “Are
you mad? A lady would say 'F--— Yow
but she would never say that other
thing.” So he said: "Well, I don't th
you ought to say that, It just dow
sound We chan it to “a
quietly ‘Drop Dead’ auitude.” We also
had a little go-round about the word
pushover. In the chapter describing why
a girl has айай», 1 said there are girls
who only feel secure when they're in bed
is is the greatest gift that
а man can give them. Aud they feel u
unless they're. getting this from a
man. And then 1 said this may пос be
the clinical. definition, this i
definition of а nympho: c. My pub-
lisher corrected. this and said: "Look.
you're not a doctor, vou don't know
t а nymphomaniac is, so why don't
we say this girl obviously is a pushover
1 just hit the roof. I hate that word. I
think a pushover is a pushover.
though she м ase
don't do it to me, please dowi, I wish
you wouldu't, please don't, Oh well, Fm
100 w 1u con
with a man, TI
necds it
is making love to you, the United Na-
tions building could fall down and if
he's really а man, he won't stop for
а minute. Therefore it's pretty exhila-
rating. [t docs give you a feeling of
power. Men, in most cases, would be
more like wild, uncaged beasts if they
were stopped in the middle of a sex act,
more than a woman would. I understand
a nymphomaniac in that respect. Any
1 who gocs to bed with а man has а
ason. Г don't think one of them is that
she just doesn't know how to say no. A
few, maybe, are so socially inept that
they don't want to hurt anybody's feel-
ings so they go through with it. But
very few. T absolutely insisted on getting
that word pushover out of there.
PLAYBOY: isorship aside, how can your
expositional hook be translated into a
dramatic film?
BROWN: When Warner Brothers first
started working on it, the producer had
me meet with the screenwriters. He
thought 1 could be very helpful. It was
а very drunken night and they started
telling me the story line and I
and more depressed so I just didn't s
anything. The opening of the picture i
where this onc
pursued by this burly fellow. She tur
around and clobbers him over the he;
nd he chases
partment and
id there is her
roommate bres
her boyfriend and the room:
up а couple of very heavy books and
throws them at the guy. I just threw up
my hands. I didn't tell them how upset
is. Nobody hits anybody with a hand-
bag or throws a book. It’s like out of the
days of tea dancing. But then again, if
they left me alone with it, I would proba-
bly improve it right пио a Пор.
PLAYBOY: Arc you suggesting Warner
Brothers paid $200,000 just for a success-
ful title?
Brown: Not exactly. The book runs all
through the screenplay. It's supposed to
be the girls’ bible. And they use all the
terms that are the book: The A
ables, The Impossibles, and so оп.
Theyre also picking up some of the
characters from the book, like the mar-
ried woman who fixes up the single girl
with a date, she won't let her
get near the ase she’s interested
in him herself. You can imagine that
would be kind of a cute little sequence
ic. And there's the chapter that
has the mother who is in love with her
daughter's date, too. But I don't care
they do. Its a big miracle. And
1 think I deserve I worked
like a sonofabitch all my life, I had no
education and no confidence until a few
years ago. 1 always 1 that T
would go under. The fact that all this is
happening now, | don't think anybody
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should mi
ıd very much. T can't seem to
touch anything now that doesn’t pan
out for те, Like the movie. and the
paperback reprints, and the record and
the column. I think ics a An abso-
lute gas. But Em still a neurotic worrter
in that I'm not able to lie down
wallow in it
PLAYBOY: Does the continuing criti
have anything to do with this feeling?
BROWN: Гус had cri turally,
Em still not enough of hardenes
criminal not to have had this affect me.
t. Nobody wants to be not loved.
spend all our lives trying to be loved.
Mostly people say; “Why did you
n't you take that
ized my emphasis
importance of being solvent and
"s an awfully crass, commerc
lile picture of thi But this book
reflects me. E had a ghastly timc, so of
course Т was influenced by that 1 can't
write somebody else's book. I keep saying
in every third paragraph: “This is how
it was for me. This is how I played
It’s just а pippy-poo little book and peo-
ple come back with this diatribe about
its t social significance. Well that’s
just because nobody ever got olf
horse long enough to write to single
women in any form they could associate
with. If they had, somebody else would
be the arbiter for single women at thi
point instead of me. Г get very annoyed
with these people.
PLAYBOY: There are other critics who
ject to your language as well as
book's content. Norm Porta
for an Olympia, Washington.
says: "The book never quite
high level of smut by innuendo accom-
plished in the Sp: id Sheet a
There's more polish and tone than most
of the deodorant or laxative copy." What
do you think he means by thai
BROWN: He hates the book. It’s not his
book. And there prol
erence to the fact that it sounds like
advertising copy. If it sounds like ad
copy, I'm delighted. That's good writin;
PLAYBO' Are phrases like litle bitty,
teeny-weeny amples of
good writing?
BROWN: Those phrases seem to have an
uoyed some people, especially the word
“pippy-poo” — they just climb walls. I
bl; Dack-
ground. I write letters that way. Let's
just say I've made a thing out of writing
very girlishly. 1 just didn't pick out 20
ridiculous, silly, girlish words aud si
“OK. FU drop them in like eggs into an
Easter basket and sec wh in
1 doit think these words offended
body but men.
PLAYBOY: A female reviewer. writing for
the Miami News, said: “The style is over-
breezy. IE Миз. Brown never italicizes
another word or uses another excla
tion point, she'll sull have used both
ism, 1
ply is some sly
id рірруроо c
it on шу copywriti
t comes
device one woman should in
a lifetime.
BROWN: If this woman doesn't like my
style, she shouldn't read my book. Thats
just her interpretation of it, that its
breezy and too girlish and it just babbles
on and on. Most people feel it’s a very
casy book to read.
PLAYBOY: Some readers have accused. you
of regarding males as little more than
setups for exploitation and manipula
tion. In the book, you speak of us vari
ously as pawns. slaves. toys, pets and
seven-year-olds, You use terms like
ging а man.” Your own courtship is de-
sided as "a year's battle with trident
and net." You say: "Let your friends help
vou rope him, you tie him." Is this a pos-
ture you've adopted to appeal to the
popular female conception of me
to sell books, or do you actually т
men as inferior beings?
Brown: Гуе been through analysis and as
far as I know. I do like men, And 1 don't
like them as something to exploit. Гус
never exploited a man. I'm all for equal
gle st ges. Women
should pull their own weight. In fact. T
don't even blame men for not getti
married. My gosh, if [ were a man, be
fore I married I would have to be so
sure, because I know what сап happen.
I testified for a good friend in a divorce
case and Га always liked his wife, but it
grinds me. She got all the community
property. Ies just as though he hadn't
done a thing for the last 13 years, as
though he just didn't exist. She gets un
believable alimony and child support. I
go absolutely аре when I think about
What happens in these situations, This
business of competing with men, also, is
пе. People should be judged or
what they are. what they have to con
tribute, not on how they're constructed.
PlAYBOY- But you have deprecated me
haven't you?
Brown: | don't think so. If a man were
writing such a book, he would probably
pick on the foibles of girls. I think if a
girl did all the things that ате recom-
mended in this hook; a man would be
very happy with her.
PLAYBOY: You say in the book that female
man-haters may be suffering from what
is know 1 you clab
orate on u
Brown: Well, I'm tread
that l'm not competent to talk about or
probably even to mention in my book.
e presumptuous, However, in a
study of Lesbianism, among the reasons
iven for this condition is the fact that
s to be an Her father
ly hoped that he'd have a son and
dl a girl so all her Ше she has been
cht to envy and to wish that she were
a man. And 1 think this penis envy is
very commonplace thing. It comes up in
most analyses. [Us supposed to exist with
IL little girls, even if they don't become
ity, a si rd of w
so asi
ag in an a
Lesbians, because a man is built differ-
ently than they and you can see what
he has. It’s very showy and she doesn't
have anything like that.
тлүвоү: Why did you deal with this sub-
ject when you admit you are unqualified
to talk about it?
BROWN: Well it’s in the chapter called
"How to Be Sexy.” And Т indicate you
c men. You
can't be sexy if you don't li
may be jealous of them. You may be jeal
ous of a job they hold or of their so-called
superior advantages. In. psychiatry they
find that little girls like this thing а
man has. It’s fun. Penis envy usually is
1 finds out how
cradicated when а gi
respect to her.
PLAYBOY: Have you found its proper use?
BROWN: Yes, I really like sex. But I feel
people who go around yapping about it
too much or those who are absolutely
preoccupied with sex and talk about
nothing else may have a bit of а prob-
lem. There are thousands of people who
are happily mated who don't talk about
it, either to cach other or to anyone else
PLAYBOY. [s it [air to say that women use
sex as a potent instrument in manipu
latius men
BROWN: 105 a
been used since antiquity
were equal, if we really did h
dard. if men and women held the
is to be used in its proper
very strong weapon. Its
y " ۲
If all things
e a sin,
same jobs and got the same things out
of being married, then 1 think it would
be very wrong. As things stand, there
aren't enough men, It is desirable to get
married im most people's view. А hus
band is a priceless commodity. Whatever
means you use to get a husband, outside
of blackmail and things that are illegal
1 think are all right. Practically every
gal that 1 know has slept with the man
she married before she married him.
Most of those people have had to take
along the line, like
C'mon now, cither
а stand. someplace
the girl who'll say
we're gonna get married or lm gonna
stop coming ing your
little geisha girl every night" A woman
desperately needs 10 get married. more
ms and needs
over here and h
than a man does. She w
the baby. So to get wh
uses every available weapon. Sex is onc
of them. T talked about this to my favor-
ite psychiatrist who thinks it's just out-
ragcous hat D sav that women do use
sex as a means of getting what they want.
He says people should never use sex for
anything except the sheer enjoyment of
it. I agree with him theoretically. It's
such a marvelous thing, you shouldn't
kick it around. It’s terrible when you
tamper with it. If you sleep with some-
body you don't like you get everything
out of kiker. But this is what happens.
Some women use sex to get material
things. Thats a liule wrong. Из so
much more fun if you get those things
її she wants, she
other ways, the legitimate ways
тдүвоү: Some of your readers have said
you encourage the tease, the flirt and the
charmer to nail their man with scientific
exactitude by string тару into his
eyes, flirting openly
h perfect strangers
telling him lics. You advise girls to “belt
below the belt.” Are these some of the
“legitimate” ways you have in mind?
BROWN: Well that’s the silliest thing 1
ever heard. 1 would defy anybody to
say that Tm for the cheat. Fm definitely
against cheats. And if Tve ever said, “Be
a liar,” Û would argue about that. I said
sometimes you have to use a tactful lie
10 get ош of something you absolutely
can't do. You have to say
attractive" and you may think he's a
toad. 1 definitely am for the compassion
ate lie. D defy you to say that mature
men are against women who flirt. The
kind of person you're talking about is
somebody E didn't describe at all As for
looking into a man's eyes, I don't think
thats anything to go climb up the ceil
ing about. Or that if 1 look at you that
I'm a tease. There is a kind of girl
who does that sort of thing. She
lutely drives а man to the jumping-oll
point by squirming all over him in the
front seat of an automobile, and then
‘Well, so long, Hank.” Now,
anything whatsoever to
across the room
w flattering him
“Look, you're
she says:
docs that have
do with what T discussed in my book?
1 don’t think so. I adore a woman lo be
feminine, to be female and to attract a
man so that he wants to sce her
That's the sole purpose of my book, not
to exploit men, but to be companions
to Шет.
PLAYBOY. Your book has been described
as lacking a sense of sensual joy, of
romance, in its approach to sex, И this
is so, yours would appear to be a cold
blooded. clinical attitude about one of
the warmest and most joyful of human
experiences. Do you, yoursell, view the
act of love with this clinical detachment,
this coldly predatory attitude?
BROWN: I don't think 1 ever talked about
the act of copulation in my book. I say
many times that getting there is half the
fun for a female, that she likes the letter
writing and the romantic build-up. I
say that there's а kind of clill-h
romance between people who are having
an айайт which doesn't exist in marriage
I'm not the great expert on how wonde
ful it is to go to bed with a man. Pm
not selling bednianship. I'm tying to
get men into a girl's life. When she gets
the men, she'll fall in love. I never
say just go to bed for bed's sake, How
ever, 1 do think there's too much of this
falling hopelessly, hideously, horribly in
love because you've been to bed with
man. Because of our mores in this coun
uy amd our conscience-stricken girls,
they feel that any man they sleep with
must be the man to end all men and
presumably must be the one that they
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marry, and the sooner the better.
Piaveoy: Have you personally used the
various snares and practiced the assorted
wiles you've preached in your book?
Brown: Yes, many of them
ptavsoy: Do they work?
srown: ОГ course they work, or I
wouldn't be recommending them. The
entire book is based upon personal c
periences or experiences of close friends.
Piavsov: Do some of your ground rules
for luring men — "mad" beach towels,
"orar" ski caps, "shocking pink" cars,
big-name matchbooks scattered around
the apartment — strike you as trivial or
BROWN: Oh, heavens по. I think
thing you can do to attract а
bsolutely OK. If we were talking about
lined bathtub, a zebrastriped.
er, 1 was going to say nightgown, but
sounds very interesting to me — if
were im some area where there was
some question about taste—1 can't
imagine why anybody can find fault
with crazy ski caps. Every time 1 talk to
a bunch of girls the "How do we
meet men? What cam we do to mect
” These are fairly off-beat ways of
meeting a man, but there are 4,000,000
too few men around. If a girl just
man is
nothing may Варре!
тдүвоү; Which techniques did you use
to bag your own husband?
Brown: | cooked dinner for him two or
hts a week. However, 1 don't
n or should bag a husband
Ш these lures, attractions,
t] have suggested are perfectly
girl to have men
fe z married is some-
thing else. ge should be predi-
cated on other things, of course, than
lures or bait. It should be predicated on
whether people have a lot in common.
ptayeoy. In your book you say, "If a
man, married for years, wants to take
a single girl to dinner, it can hardly
break up his marriage- He may even
arrive home a happier, more contented
man.” Also you speak approvingly of
“The many husbands and wives who
have understanding that he may
frisk about a bit without recriminations.
Suppose your husband, David, pulled
this frisky bit. Would you handle it
with the same lighthearted insouciance?
BROWN: Answering the first part, 1 was
talking about men in other cities on
business trips. I would stand by that.
1t does nor break up his marriage and
it was not anyplace where it would h
humiliated his wife. 1 can't imagine my
husband being in New York City and
mot being with somebody. 1 wouldn't
want him sitting alone in his hotel room.
If it were a у t be the end
of the world. | don't think he would
tell me, probably, and 1 don't think I
girl, it would
would w
don't go
by g
to. Civilized people
ound hurting their partners
g imo lascivious detail about
ir every death wish for the party
Further, I don't think I condoned hus-
bands and wives who have an under-
n understanding, a
tacit understanding that the husband
may frisk about a bit. There are such
situations, and 1 did not say it’s good,
1. it's horrible, irs right or wrong
g else. Now suppose the same
appened to my husband, I can't
sinc it happening to my husband,
"Му, because my husband did most of
his [risking during the years that he
was married twice, and during the years
between т
his third w
a great need to be frisky.
а sexy, sophisti
ited, man’s kind of woman. We're not
to have children, We a
grownup sort of hedonistic life. On the
other hand, 1 did most of my frisking
by the time 1 married him. I had been
dating for 28 years, so | had a great
deal of the play out of my system. Prob-
ably most of it. Now, if my husband
were frisking about like a spring lamb,
there would be something quite wrong
we. How I
would handle it I don't know. I'd
we were in trouble. The su
wouldn't come up unless— I'm
ОГ couse Гуе had much expe
ı unhappily married men,
ges. David is now 16. Um
je. 1 don't think he's fec
He mar
nce ob-
so I
think Fd be able to spot one. What
ht happen five or ten years from
now, 1 can't think. Most women who
allow their husbands to frik a bit — I
think those girls are the ones who a
kind of relieved not to be going to bed
with their husbands. The thing is never
discussed. but some of the m:
that I know have that kind of arrange-
ment. And their wives Шу quite
pleased to get rid of them. Their wives
are fond of them but they've just really
in the bed department, That's
how most frisking arrangements are
rived at. И а woman is really nutty
about the guy in bed, 1 don’t think there
is too much frisking
Ptaysoy. You make
rd men
had it
tement in the
hook g to masculinity. You say:
“Don't kid yourself that the man who
doesn't kiss you goodnight is restrain
himself out of respect. He isn't lor
that's all. Look south of the border. to
his maleness." Would you explain?
BROWN: | think there were a couple of
sentences before that which said after
you've gone out with him for a bit if he
doesn't try to kiss you then there's some-
thing wrong. And 1 firmly believe that.
You don't have to be kissed on the first
date or the second or the third, perhaps,
but after that if a boy doe:
T definitely think there's
wrong. I'm a very affectionate creature
and | pet and pat everybody like а
kite 1 love to be touched. I can hardly
talk to anybody without petting them
or something. Any kind of contact is a
very nice thing. Holding hands is won
Yt kiss you
derful and all that stuff. 1 have found
that а chap who never kissed me usually
had some kind of a homosexual situation
This has just been my experience with
guys who haven't made passes after a
few dates. | would look to their maleness.
As for kissing you and never any
v, alter having weeks and weeks
and wecks of doing this, I don't think
they're necessarily homosexuals, but I do
Kk they have psychosexual problems.
тлүвоү: Have you always looked for men
to go further?
Brown: It depends on wha
When you're in your teens, usually noth-
ing ever gocs beyond kissing. No matter
how excited you are. Usually if you
date someone, and there's quite a lot of
kissing, things do pr to the next
stage, if you are fairly casily aroused,
you're the kind of person who arouses
other people. I'm not saying that som
body who doesn't do that sort of thin
is a boob, I'm just sying if there
по attempted progression T"
Hy are physically attracted
to cach other and there is much kissing,
something's wrong.
руво: You keep mentioning kissi
Why do you stress it?
Brown: Probably b
There are lots of good fecli
your back rubbed is onc.
PLAYBOY: You didn't met
the book.
BROWN: Back rubs don't really come into
the situation very much. | might have
you are.
feels good.
gs. Havin
ion back rubs
gotten into an of saying that
ther sexy. When you're sitting at your
typewriter and someone comes and mas-
wes your neck, it’s the next thing to
heaven. 1 don’t know ecretary who
doesn't feel thi Us in the area
of whit feels nice to her. IC a girl asks
to ha her k rubbed, that is very
sexy, But that means lets get down to
Why don't I slip into somethi
comfortable, darling.” And if a
girl rubs a man's back, presumably that
might be an aphrodisiac, it might be
something to get him aroused, but that
isn’t what I was discussing in that chap-
ter. We ^t talk, about how to
to bed, 1 made that very
use I don't think it's much
trouble to get а man to bed.
тдүвоү. Would you amplify th
t state-
s found mi
pushover. It was some b
pany executive who spoke at a luncheon
one day and said that when a woman
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was putting on her make-up she did it
with exquisite care, she loved it, she did
Il of the things to her eyes because she
was saying to herself: “Boy, tonight I'm
going to get L.A.LD." There's no trick
to that. Most attractive gi pick
up the phone and call three or fou
attractive men who'd like to go to bed
with them.
PLAYBOY. Do vou feel it's truc that most
to go to bed than
c less €i
That m ot be tue in all
1 keep hearing about the raging
nymphomaniacs that are beating down
door. There aho marvied girls
who need the lationship very
much and aren't getting it ii home and
they aren't interested in too much except
the act of sex isell. You keep reading
about attractive 34-year-old married girls
who цо alter the mail boy or thi
Поу. In my own experience. the act of
умса r
love per se is not something that you
go out grabbing for, you don't need to.
10 do with th
ing to bed is ho
Maybe it has somethin
kind of background you come from
you're taught that g
rible until you get married. that it will
ruin your life, there's this built Te-
luctance to go to bed too quickly. I was
the kind of girl who always seemed to
be reluct nvolved
physically. My experience was always in
being the pursued onc. Now this doesn’t
mean that | wasn't pursuing in my own
way. the way that 1 mentioned in th
book, such as hanging on every word and
wearing low-cut dresses and all the rest
of it. I was being aggressive in my way.
but as far as actually being taken to bed,
1 was presumably resisting and someone
trying to talk me
тлүвоү. Apropos bed, in your hook vou
“Not having slept with the m
you're going to marry I consider lunacy
Docs this advice apply to all women?
BROWN: Md make o endment if E
were rewriting the book. That would be
right there. T might add: “if you're over
20.” 1 don't think teenagers should zo
around sleeping with cach other ev
if they are going to be married. Maybe
1 should have said if you're
1 consider it complete lunacy. But I
Гус never been
over 25
stand on the rest. We must. always re-
member that these are my biased. per-
nated, unqualified remarks
П € and 1 do
stand. I don't pussyfoot too m
iage should be for life if
d I do not
sce how you can know somcone in every
y without participating
PLAYBOY: Wh ysical types of men
have appealed 10 you most?
SROWN: I think there's kind of a physical
thrill of being with someone who's physi-
cally stronger than you. And 1 don't
ı that diminutive men can't be ab-
А mi
can possibly get it to be,
solutcly fabulous lovers, and just won-
derful and gentle and sensual and sexy
as all get ош. However,
а cer mount of pleasurc i
with someone who's quite strong-
happened. to
small boned, 1
mean it that
rilla or a King
just а very
me several times.
wasn't overpowered, 1 do
wav. that if
Kong Ud say: “Hooray
it was a g
nice feeling to be with someone very
mly so vou can't get loose.
PLAYBOY: What did you mean in the book
when vou said: "As for never literally
going to bed to preserve your technical
purity, that is to say vou make love with
out being together in a cool. comfy bed.
's хау You can get just as pregnant
nd have missed a great deal of fun.”
This is based on somethin
d to ту roommate, the
got pregnant. They never went to bed
She was so determined that she was going
to stay virginal, it must have happened
in chair. or something. There are
girls who will not lie down in bed with
somebody. but
they actually do have in-
tercourse. But its in a car it's in
chair, or standing up. It's doing some-
thing where they can say to themselves:
“1 was overpowered, I couldn't help my
sell.” where if they really took off their
clothes and piled into bed it would mes
that they were a willing accomplice.
PLAYBOY: Besides reassuring bachelor girls,
suggest a single girl should get ma-
from her marricd lover.
part 1 didn't think girls should be kept.
It wasn't a tenable relationship. I
worked. if it were happy. that would
be one thing. But it doesn’t work. I said
it's OK if a man is exceedingly wealthy,
and she's ballerina: that is
quite different from saving 1 urge a
single girl to get all she can out of her
ried lover. I think some pretty good
gifts on his part are in order to make
up for certain inequities. Весашзе it’s
a better relationship for him than for
her in almost. every. case.
What are the differences be-
these barter arrangements and
sional prostitution?
BROWN: Мапу things can be discussed in
terms of prostitution. Many
who is married is in a sense a prostitute
in that she accepts presents, money. auto
mobiles, country-club memberships, trips
to Europe and the good lile from a ni
she сап barely tole
now talking
called. prosti
mion, a girl who accep
things from а man sl partied to.
1 feel she's less of a prostitute than the
married woman who hates the bed rela
tionship. No, 1 don't consider this single
girl a prostitute. Her married lover
just somehow making her life
beuer than it is. In а way we
PLAYBOY: Is there a dividing line between
g around before marriage and
ad-out_ promiscuity
BROWN: Sleeping around isa very deroga-
wb promiscuity is obviously
bad. If you say where does
demarcation come between a girl
a decently sexed, healthy person
1 sleeping around — ОК. Th
ic den ion. 1 can't judge
I would have
io spec
thing qu
то know how old she is. how long she
was tied up with one person. For ex-
imple, 1 was involved with one partic
lar Don Juan for five years. 1 was very
laithful to him. so nothing went om
during that period. Who's 10 siy that's
better relationship. than if Га had
n айай with a different man every
year? It seems unlikely that you would
have two or 1
bed relationships а у some
thing being kind of skitterish. because
the most delightful thing in the world is
to have one real lover. Its more fun
to have one man at a time, When there
is multiple bedding down, and by tha
| vou sleep with more than one
t a time, that’s not bei
PLAYBOY: Your five-year relationship with
а Don Juan seems to have left its mark.
In the book, in commenting on Don
уси сіле their calculating
ving their “drive and attentioi
lare awe inspiring.” that “their
ruthlessness is to be pitied.” What is the
difference between those manipulating
men you put down and the manipulating
three or t
ny as
stand the term. is to prove
Jinity, about which there may he a great
deal of doubt in his mind. Most litera-
ture on the subject i tes that he
really doesn't love women at all. He
really loves himself, Far from really lov-
we know it, he exploits. Нез a
acter, gn book. |
ime said it wasn't wonderful to
have а man to be with, to lov
if vou want to. or if not. to have at least
for a loving friendship. Life without
men is a very а. unhappy
ion. Howeve rc are not enough
the under-
rst thing 1 hoped to do was
to convince her she not the under-
dog. She musur't think of herself that
my ever
men to go around. The gi
dog The
way. Inasmuch as society has put he
in that position — i. e, if you don't
have a husband you're some kind of
schmuck — to be able to get out of that
position and show society that you really
arewt a creep, here are some of thc
things you can do. 1 didn’t present men
as something to be exploited. Her goal
is to surround herself wi
At no time docs the book ever
‘em and leave "em, beat the hell out of
‘em, take their money away from them
make them unhappy. Always it suggests
h lovi:
g friends,
wy love
that the relationship be
However, this girl is the
does have to watch out.
ғідувоү. Are the two that dissimilar
in their methods?
The technical method is not that
The means have a similarity.
you could compare the pursuit
à loving one.
derdog. She
the methods of а Washington hostess
g to snare the most important
ambassador in the city to come to her
dinner party, No one has the corner
any normal. healthy American
uch of а husband.
Playeoy. In your book vou
and callous though it
seem, the de
more favora
ly disposed toward а man
who is solvent and successful than some-
опе without status.” Do you equate sex
appeal with money?
BROWN: I love money. D don't mean it
to be a crucial thing. although Гуе never
know ally loaded, wealthy guy who
didn we all the girls he wanted.
Maybe it’ n and horrible. But it's
definitely à пісе accessory, ОГ course
re more important thing
but I get bored with people who
constantly deprecating it all the
time, "They г i s
I do. And I don't think it can be denied
that a man who litte money can
attract more girls whether it’s to take
to bed or whatever he wants to
h them.
PIAYEOY: You now have considerable af-
ence of а result of one
you sum up the
ngs than
reasons for your success
BROWN: This whole thing that's hap-
pened to me is so ridiculous. It's a fluke.
Its cruy. But one thi that has be-
come most и is the
lousness of
we те
ра idicu
ying that we aren't like we
лувоу says we're Tike
d is OK to be like
psychologist, Albert
on this subject.
ıt nobody ever writes about
sex ds fun. Why do we
© to pretend that we love people
that we hate and that marriage isn't a
ple bore much of the time? The
son my book is successful is that
there's none of this crappiness about it
1 said as well as I could what it was
really like. Any time anyone can say
of your bool Я how it really
is" you're apt to have a hit on your
hands. if it isn't too grisly, You can
have verisimilitude and be commercially
successful if it’s a subject about which
people don't mind listening or look-
ing. And what could fit the bill better
Could Gordon's
be older than
the London Bobby?
Cursive enough, yes. It was in 1829
that Sir Robert Peel reorganized
the London Metropolitan Police, who
promptly became known as “Peelers” or
“Bobbies”. But this was sixty years afler
Alexander Gordon had introduced his
remarkable gin to London and given it
bis name. Happily, the Gordon's you
drink today is based on that original
1769 formula. That explains its unique
dryness and delicate flavour. Explains,
too, why Gordon’s is the biggest sell-
ing gin in England, America, the world.
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the fifth part of a statement in which playboy’s editor-publisher spells out—for friends
and critics alike—our guiding principles and editorial credo
torial stitement of our beliefs and pur-
poses, we had no intention of still be
at it rly spring. but there
buds pushing up through the sod а
we've just seen our first robin redbreast.
What better time to be writing about
Puritanism, sex suppression, lawlessness,
censorship, divorce, birth control. and
in the е
We expect to cover all of these sub-
jects — and more — in the next month or
two, and it may appear to some readers
that we are wandering rather far afield
in our delineation of this mag
editorial credo, but we have been en-
m by the considerable response
to the first parts of The Playboy Philos-
ophy, to the extent that we have broad-
ened the subject
ea to include
of the interrelated societal [actors we
feel have gone into the making of our
modern American culture, some per
sonal comment upon them, and an
attempt to show how we feel this mag
zine is involved
d. we have thus far
cussed and tried to answer some of the
criticism most commonly leveled at
PLAynoy’s content and concept. We have
waced the lineage of the Uncommon
Man through American history — with
the country ed accent on individ-
ualism and initiative: we have considered
the Depression-conceived concern for,
al eventual elevation of, the common
oting how the national emph:
shifted ао a on
conformity and security. We have com
mented upon the arrival of the post War
Upbeat Generation and the beginning
of what we feel may well become an
American Rena comparison of
capitalism and communism, with the
relative strengths and weaknesses the two
systems have displayed in countries
throughout the world since the end of
the War: the relationship between ong
ized religion and democracy in the U. S.
the sexual revolution taking place in our
society today: and last month, American
Puritanism and the importance of the
separation of church and sta
If we appear to have left some loose
ends dangling along the way, they will
Tot е dis-
editorial By Hugh M. Hefner
be tied together in subsequent
1 wc will explain rrAvsov's some-
misunderstood attitude toward
lysis of the shifting voles
e and female in our ever-
nore complex civil
1 expression of concern over the
United States to
ety: а vivisection
of Momism and the Womanization of
charting the manner in which
опе of the sexes has successfully wrested
rol of our culture from the oth
of the ellect Womanization has
had on our manners and morals. on busi
ness, advertising, books, newspapers,
television, movies and magazines: a com-
parison of the sex contents of this and
а number of other specific p
an attempt to establish who really is
confused, who sick and who well on the
our schizophrenic
consideration of the
curently exists т
auty and why we bel
the Pogue Woman is unfeminine, a
resultant. drift
subject of sex, in
order; a
sexual wnd competitive rather. than
complementing counterpart to the Amer-
ican malc ату of this
publication's views on the ideal inte
relationship between modern. Man and
Woman, Man and Society. Мап and Соу
and Man and Religion, in
Henge the cynics, the hypo-
westhetes, the clowns and the
critics with a selection of
own words on the subject of PLAYMOY.
We thus intend to end this editorial with
something of a feast — perhaps. mor
humbly described a ll repast: Call-
ing upon whatever culinar
possess, with ul
tion with Thomas M.
p à tasty dish — prepared with spice and
dash of vinegar—a fine fowl, well
suited to the gourmet appetites of our
most deserving detractors: fricassee of
crow. And we wish them bon appetit.
ites, the
choice their
a sn
sue, we pointed out
to have tue
In the previous
that no n he sa
religious freedom unless it possess
only freedom of. but also freedom from.
religion. There is nothing sacrilegious
tion c
es not
in this viewpoint —it is а cardinal con-
cept in our democracy and one that our
religious and patriotic founding fathers
took great care to spell out in both the
U. S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
They recognized that a complete sep
tion of church and state was the onh
п way of assuring that this coun
gion and its government would
free, one from the other. A free
democratic society and organized religion
need not be in conflict, but neither аге
they grounded on the sime bedrock:
igion is founded on faith and a be
its own democra
quires ah rely upon re
the relative nature of truth — the accept
ance of the notion that ultimate. truth
is unknown and that what we observe
as truth today may give way to а better
truth tomorrow. ud «
absolutes; a
tinct, our own gion and
our government 1 h
mony—we can be both religious and
good citizens at the same time: but il
cither power is allowed to intrude into
as rightlully the domain of the other,
erosion of our most fundamen
rights has begun and we will be, to tha
extent, less fre
Considering the emphasis that ou
ng fathers placed upon rel
freedom when writing
and the Bill of Rights. and the contin-
ing lip service we give the concept
today, there is real irony in the extent
to which various religious pressures and
ve infiltrated our Laws, our
of many of
the Constitutio
prejudices h:
court decisions. the т
secular aspects of our daily lives. This
strange state of allairs is only under-
standable when we remember that most
deeply rooted. traditions. come
from Europe and that throughout Euro-
pean history, church and state have been
intimately interinvolved. It matters not
at all that history thus supplies centuries
of docum
may result when religion
ment are not kept separate — cultural
traditions exist оп a nearly subconscious
level in society and they cannot be ex-
ed by logic alor
Though many of the first settlers came
to America to escape religious persecu-
tion, they were soon practicing them-
tion on the evil abuses that
ıd govern-
| here on a
rely male as
Take a peek at ““SNUG-DUDS” slacks by HAGGAR, sh
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selves what they had left Europe to
avoid. Early American Puritanism re-
quired the observance of a rigid religious
dogma that permeated every aspect of
life. And the Puritans had little respect
or tolerance for any beliefs other than
their own: dancing on the Sabbath meant
a night in the stocks or a session on the
ducking stool; heretics and witches (i.c.,
those who espoused unpopular beliefs
or acted too peculiarly) were hung. Trial
by jury was outlawed Zonnecticut
id several other New England colonies:
church elders could vote or hold
il law was drawn directly from
itan interpretation of Holy
The prejudice and prudery, bigotry
па boobery of Puritanism did have
one unintentionally beneficial effect,
however: the extreme importance our
fathers placed upon the ѕера-
of church and s But while
Americans in the time of the
Revolution fervently
found freedom, the roots of rel
favored this new-
Puritanism thrived and spread unde
ground, With two strokes—the Bill of
Rights and the Consi these first
merican patriots cut down the twisted
tree of Puritanism (and all other forms
of overpowering religious oppression),
but the roots remained alive in our
cultural carth,
Thi these United States today,
we speak of an ideal called religious
freedom as though it were a reality, but
an uncountable number of the
and privileges we might reason
pect in a truly free society ha
subverted, distorted ог taken
through the encroachment of re
aspect of Ameri
1f you bel
free o religiously inspired restraints
(restraints established. by other people's
religions, not simply your own), check
your state statutes for the number of
Sunday Blue Laws that force certain
nesses to close their doors on the
th, while allowing others to remain
open; place legal restrictions on what
you can and cannot do on Sunday: pro-
hibit the purchase and consumption of
alcoholic beverages at certain. times and
1 days, and in some communi-
s, at all times and on all days.
At the close of last month's editorial,
we expressed the belief that religion
ought rightly to be a personal matter
between man and God and should 1
nothing to do wi tionship
with government, n religion,
rather than reason, dictates leg
we cannot expect logic with our
you are г
are only a small fraction of religion's
continuing infringement upon our most
basic freedoms. We ke to e
plore now a number of other ways
which religion has become involved in
the nonreligious arcas of our society
and consider some of the consequences.
Religious influence in government can
produce a breakdown in law and order
through the enactment of laws that
many of the people do not believe in
and will not obey: Puritan-promoted
Prohibition turned previously respect-
ble, law-abiding citizens into lawbreak-
ers; а tremendous illicit liquor. trafic
developed. putting millions of dollars
into the hands of well-organized criminal
gangs; public officials were corrupted to
protect the illegal flow of alcohol and the
general administration of justice broke
down. National Prohibition, forced
upon an unwilling public by do-gooders
and religious л widely recog-
ed as xample of the harm
that even the most sincerely motivated
people can do when they attempt to
legislate the private lives and personal
als of their fellow citizens.
More than 30 years after Prohibition's
repeal, some scars from the nation's
“Noble Experiment" still have not
healed: Many Americans retain and un-
general disrespect for their
contempt for local law-enforcement of-
ficers as a direct result of the lawlessness
in which the ordinary citizen partici
pated during the ‘Twenties; and the
criminal gangs that developed to supply
the demand for illegal liquor have util-
wed the illicit organizations and profits
spawned by Prohibition to build gi
crime cartels that law-enforcement
des are largely unable to cope with
today. This is the Frankenstein monster
that we wrought as a nation when we
attempted to play God and create a
more perfect man — not through educa-
tion or moral persuasion, but by le
edict. Today we still suffer the mark
of а mistake that lasted. for liule morc
than a decade and ended in 1932. And
the saddest aspect of the "Noble
ment" is not that we attempted
ed. bur that m
Marriage is a legal relationship, but
the bonds of I y also
have deep religious The
marr of church and state differ
for many Americans, of course, but an
conflict that sc between them
is a matter of individual concern, which
is as it should be. The same is not true
for divorce.
In all too many states, divorce legi
lation has been religiously inspired. As
a result, there many
ng criteria for the dissolution
аре as there are states in the
In New Yor
for divorce is
the only legal ground
dultery. And since the
real reasons for the breakup of most
marriages are complex and varied,
couples desiring a divorce must be will
ing to swear under oath to something
that is not necessarily wue. Or as con
dian Dick Gregory has expressed
“The Bible says. “Thou shalt not cà
mit adultery.” But the State of New Yor
says, ‘You must!” And so respect for our
laws receives yet another serious setbac
In other countries, where the concept
of a separate church and state does not
exist, the results cin be far more dev
tating. The Rom: Catholic Church
does not recognize any justification for
divorce, though it may sometimes offer
the equiv nulme
under cert umscribed c
cumstances. In the U. S., a Catholic m
receive a civil divorce decree, but he
п the eyes of the Church
to marry anyone else.
aces no improper restraint upon
an American, because he has accepted
the Catholic Church and its doctrines
of his own free will and he can reject
them any time he chooses.
In Catholic-controlled Italy, however,
where religion dictates much of the
law, the only way а marriag
the death of onc or both of the ni
partners. It doesn't matter wha
an Italian may or may not want
own, this religious doctrine is the law
of the land. Thus there must be thou-
sands of tragedies involving unknown
couples for сусту well-publicized in-
justice like the one perpetrated against
nd his voluptuous w
is his
married before,
and his Mexican divorce had no legal
standing in Italy. The Italian Govern-
ment has therefore announced that Carlo
and Sophia are living in sin in the eyes of
both the Roman Church and State and
they were recently threatened with legal
prosecution for bigamy. The injustice
in all of this is not caused by the Catho-
lic dogma forbidding divorce, but by
the fact that religious doctrine is the
basis of Italian law, affecting Catholics
and non-Catholics equally
Religion can hinder as well as help
the educational progress of a society
Organized religion has played
role in the development of education
throughout history and is responsible
for the creation of many of our major
schools and universities here in America
and throughout the world, But when
organized religion moves outside its
proper spheres of influence, it can have
a Suppressive elfect upon edu
ion in
both the classroom and through the con-
trol exercised over a society's speech and
press. Since most religions are based
upon beliefs in certain absolutes, it is
easy to undersuund why the strongly r
ligious person might object to any ide
taught in school or expressed in a book,
magazine or newspaper that did not co-
incide with his own particular religious
orientation. From his viewpoint, why
permit the promulgation of a clearly
fraudulent doctrine when the simple
truth is so self-evident (to him).
But it is this very logic, bı
personal religious absolutes, that m
the curbing of any church inf
upon our public schools, our speech and
our press, so essential.
Last month we commented upon the
famous "Monkey Trial" of the Twenties,
in which a biology teacher named John
"Thomas Scopes was arrested i
sce for teaching Darwin's theory of evo-
in violation of a newly enacted
ше prohibiting anyone from
espousing a "theory that denies the
story of the divine creation of man as
taught in the Bible, and to teach instead
that m «ended. from а lower
order of animals." The prosecution, led
by religious fund William
Jennings Bryan, attacked the notion
that man was related to the monkey,
whereupon famed criminal lawyer С
ence Darrow procecded to ni
out of William Jennings Br)
prosecution. But the Tennessee court
found the teacher guilty just the same
and in the appeal the State. Supreme
Court upheld the consiitutionality of
the law, while finding the teacher not
guilty on a technicality.
‘There may seem to be no such blatant
restraints upon teaching today, but
how many public high schools in Amer-
ica have little or no sex education, be-
cause of religious influence expressed
through cithei laws or less formal
pressures? Р Puritanism has
made the public discussion of sex taboo
America for generations and all of
ristian and Hebrew tradition includes
à certain amount of antisexual folklore;
in addi many U.S. Catholics fear
that any comprehensive program of sex
education in the schools might soon i
dude information on birth control —
which it should, of course, and almost
never docs.
Another popular method of Puritan
control over education is through the
banning of books in school libraries and
on teachers’ prescribed reading lists. In
Tulsa, Oklahoma, a group of parents
demanded that a teacher in Edison High
School be fired because she assigned
J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Куе
to her llth ish. class;
Jose, California, obeying parental pro-
tests, Andrew Hill High School removed.
library and. from its
recommended reading lists for seniors —
The Catcher in the Rye, Ernest Heming-
ways The Sun Also Rises, Thomas
Wolle's Look Homeward, Angel, William
Saroyan's Human Comedy and Aldous
Huxley's Brave New World, prompti
the San Jose News to ei i
volved here is cultur
nd Ame
out for no reason at all and by people
who apparently have never read а hard-
over book since their adolescent years.”
In Miami, Florida, the Dade County
School Board approved the withdrawal
of Brave New World and 1981, George
Orwell's frightening contemporary. das-
about a future society subjected to
gorously enforced. thought control.
IL is still just as possible for a biology
acher to find himself vilified and ost
cized for expressing an unpopular point
of view in the Sixties as it was in Te
nessee in the Twenties. In 1960, at our
ow n mater, the University of
Illinois, Biology Profesor Leo Koch
responded to a student editori: in
the Daily Hlini on alized necking
and petting on campus with a letter that
stated: "With modern contraceptives and
medical advice readily available at the
nearest drugstore, or at least a family
physician, there is no valid reason why
sexual intercourse should not be con-
Bened among those suffici
to in it м
ithout violating their own
codes of morality and ethics.”
And then the Professor induded an
all-too-prophetic paragraph that попе
of the major newspapers or wire services
that reported on the incident cared to
iclude in their coverage: "the . . . im.
portant hazard is that a public discussion
of sex will offend the religious feelin
of the leaders of our religious institu-
ns. These people feel that youngster
should remain ignorant of sex for fear
that knowledge of i lead to tempta-
n and sin."
s though to prove the су of
that statement, Reverend Ira Latimer, of
the Bureau of Public Aff , Institute
of Economic Policy in Chicago and mem-
ber of the University of. Ilinois Dad's
Association, sat down and wrote a letter
to the parents of female students of the
University. The letter included:
"Profesor Leo F. Koch's exhorta
to sexu
to appear when
school students were visiti
for the annual basketball tou ment —
s an audacious attempt to subvert the
religiou and moral foundations of
America. It calls for immediate action
by the faculty of the University, the
board of trustees, the gov
all of these fail th
by the people of the state.
1 promiscuity — evidently timed
large number of high
“The standard operating procedure of
the Communist conspiracy is to demoral-
ize a nation as a necessary pre
to taking over . . . Professor Koch's letter
follows this formula point by point.
“. . . he [Koch] concludes [in his
leuer] that ‘the heavy load of blame
should fall on the depraved society
which reared them." This is also perfect
Communist party-line technique — to call
that which is good "bad" and that which
is bad ‘good.
^... Animal Koch would reduce us
to а subanimal level . . . All this, of
course, is a calculated appeal to the
appetites of young men who thought
suppose that a college campus
would be a paradise if coeds were no
more ‘inhibited’ than prostitutes. The
bait for women is the suggestion tha
they are discriminated against by ‘a
double standard of mor
The c
hy a С
саду decrepit in the days of Queen
Victoria. .
“Professor Koch's prool
that something is terribly wrong in the
University of Illinois. This is the uni
versity whose trustees recently voted U
students getting handouts from
Federal Treasury should not be asked to
zn statements that they are not engaged
conspiracy against the United States
It would seem that а majority of the
trustees believe that. Communists
ht to be supported by the
rewith offer to address any stu-
n or campus church on
the subject of ‘Koch and Subversion. "
With Biology Professor Lco Koch
clearly established as а part of the Com-
munist conspiracy (the next logical step
is to begin labeling sex itself as sub-
versive: with the old bugaboo sin having
lost much of its original potency, it may
not be too farfeiched to suspect that
sexual intercourse outside of marriage
l soon be attacked as а Commie
m of liberal. leftist.
hundred. distraught Illinois parents de
manded his dismissal. David D. Не
President of the University of Ili
hesitated hardly a moment: he prompt-
ly suspended his biology professor with
the statement that Koch's letter was
"offensive and repugnant, contrary to
accepted. standards of morality."
The Christian Century.
Protestant magazine, was di
the reason President Henry gav
suspension, considered it "deficient
that it was “humanistic”
state that the religious
by Koch are based on “
The nation’s newspapers had a field
day with distorted headlines PRO-
And the Illinois campus witnessed a stu-
dent demonstration that would have
warmed the hearts of those who have
criticized. American youth for be
passive and unresponsive to
issues: President David D. Henry was
hung in effigy— а well-dressed likeness
complete vith spectacles and mus
just outside the University YMCA, com-
plete with sign that read, “Hanged for
Killing Academic Freedom." (The ger
oral secretary of the Y said that the stu:
dents who had hung the dummy there
were “plotting against the YMCA.")
More than 2000 students held a rally
lo protest the professors suspension.
One poster held aloft by a student dur-
ing the demonstration expressed the
matter nicely: NOT "FREE LOVI
sPEECH. W. Thomas Moi
agent, who is now the University's chief
security officer, said the demonst
had been kept under close surveil
University photographers took a number
of pictures of the students closest to the
speaker's platform. (Apparently. based
upon some sort of theory of “guilt by
There were other, more literate pro-
tests. One student wrote to the Daily
Illini: "President. Henry felt that. Dr.
Koch's views were a reflection оп the
University. 1 feel u the University’s
action is a reflection on me. The cy
cism implied in the act must not be
allowed to speak for the students. . . ."
А report to President Henry from the
"University Committee on Academic.
Freedom" stated: “In this University . . «
21.8%, [of the students] are already mar-
ried and the remainder are at a stage
of development and maturity at which
they can and do weigh and debate ad-
vice on relations between It
is doubtful if the reading of the Koch
letter could have had any significant
clea on their sexual behavior."
The Ilinois Division of the Ameri-
can Civil Liberties Union —a national,
nization dedicated to pre-
freedoms guar-
nteed by the U.S. Constitution and
Bill of Rights, made up largely of law-
yers who donate their time without
charge and that also played a prom
part in the defense of biologist Scopes
in the “Monkey Trial” of the Twenties
— issued the statement: Koch's dismissal
will “leave the young with the impres-
sion that. conventional ality cannot
stand the scrutiny of public discussion.”
Dr. Leo Koch himself observed: “The
controversy here is over the definition
of Academic Freedom. My opponents
are working for a definition limited by
demic responsibility." In the п,
this means not embarrassing the Uni
versity administration by expres
views which are so controversial that
the sexe:
outside pressure is exerted on them. In
this view a professor has less freedom
of speech than a ditchdigger."
A few weeks later Professor Koch's
suspension was confirmed by the Univer-
sity Board of Trustees and he was offi-
ly fired. Such is sometimes the result
ion becomes too involved in
American religious beliefs have placed
unconstitutional curbs on our freedom
of speech, press and other media of
communication: Just as organized re-
ligion sometimes exerts an undue influ
ence on teaching and the administration
of our public schools, so it also affects
the free exchange of ideas among the
people themselves — whether spoken,
printed or projected on a movie or tele-
vision screen,
In Part Three of The Playboy Phil-
osophy (February 1903), we commented
on the sexual revolution presently
ing place in the U. S. and the effe,
is having upon the purity
ship that has for so long been
of our American culture. The se
naiveté of our nati iule more than
generation ago is almost beyond be-
lief: important books were banned (not
just in schools, but for the entire adult
population), movies were precensored,
the U.S. Post Office was the official
arbiter of taste in periodicals; a national
as outlawed in а number of
ics for publishing pictures of
the birth of a baby; venereal disease,
contraception. and abortion were sub-
jects taboo to the public press; а numb
of words common in our language were
never allowed in popular books and
limes have changed and today Amer-
enjoys a freedom of expression. un-
leled in its history still
1 very long way to go, for beneath
the surface of this freedom-loving nation
still runs a strain of comstockery waiting
to be exploited by the neurotic, the
ignorant, the misguided and the well-
Congresswoman Kathryn Granahan of
Pennsylvania fits at least three of the
forementioned — characterizations. As
Cha | of the House Subcommittee
on Postal Operations, she allows neither
snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of
night to stay her from her sell-appointed
task of hunting and exposi
and filth.” In her Subcommi
ings she has included, along with other
investigatory chores, the exposure of
"dirty" foreign movies. She sounded the
hunting horn in a speech she gave in
Washington, D.C., not long ago. "I am
st gravely concerned at the influx of
foreign films that evidence a sense of
moral values so remote from ours as to
be completely repugnant," she said, add-
But we
g "smut
tee hear-
the imported
English Gin that
doubles your
martini pleasure
of integrity in
British tradition
and in the finest
English Gin.
since 1820
ing that the “overemphasis and distor-
tion of sex" in those movies might well
be part of the C
U.S. moral str (Gosh darn, we
were right — Sex is subversive! Now
there's something Mother never told us.)
more aware Comment about sex
came from producer-<
Ei ‘Art should help v
and understand our own exp.
he said. “The issue is not one of makin:
immoral movies. Our problem is to pre-
vent moral values from being oversim-
plified. People sce a film that has a
phony happy ending, and they get a
distorted view which hurts them later.
expect life to be what it isn't."
Comedian Lenny Bruce, perhaps the
most percept and certainly the most
gentleman working on an
American nightclub stage today, whom
Allen recently called.
philosopher" on а recent TV р:
show, secks with his wit and verbal
shock therapy to provoke people into
g life very much as it really is. In
the past year he has been arrested and
jailed three times for his pains —
Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicago.
The charge has always been the same:
obscenity; for Lenny's act includes a dis-
sertation on so-called "obscene" words
nd an analysis of why they are con
ered obscene.
It didn't matter that a nights
ence is traditionally composed
exclusively of adults and that these same
words appear in considerable abundance
in dorens of popular books of fiction,
"yone in inexpens
perback editions at the nearest drug-
store. Lenny's San Francisco trial has
already ended; he was acquitted. The
cases in Los Angeles and Chicago are
still pending as this issue of PLAYBOY
to press; in Chicago the liquor
nse of The Gate of Horn, the club in
which Lenny appeared, is presently in-
volved in a revocation proceeding be
cause of the allegedly obscene act (the
revocation proceeding ag place
before the trial to determine if Bruce's
act really was obscene).
The Chicago arrest also had some un-
fortunate religious overtones. Lenny
Bruce explores the entire spectrum of
society's foibles and frailtics in his act
is perhaps inevitable that orga
m gets more than its sha
abuse in the process. One of his lines,
“Let's get out of the churches and back.
"is typical.
Bruce has been arrested or threatened
and dr out of other cities on
ber of previous occasions, but this is the
first time that the club in which he
worked has had revocation proceedings
brouy ist
Variety reported, alter the first day
of hearings on the liquor license revo-
cation: "After nearly a full day of hear-
g prosecution witnesses, it is evident
that, in essence, Bruce is being tried in
“Another impression is that the ci
is going to t deal of troubl
prosecute Allan Ribback. the owner
the club, although there have been no
i st the café
involves no violence or
i . [The Gate of
х most mportant cal
“folk music.)
ilicates tha
t the
prosecutor is а
cemed with Bruce's indictment of
nized religion as he is with the more
obvious sexual content of the comic’:
It’s possible that Bruce's comm
the Catholic Church have hit sensitive
nerves in Chicago's Catholic oriented ad-
па police department.”
A few days following the arrest, опе
of the arresting officers cornered club
owner Ribback and said, "I want you
to know that I'm a Catholic and the
things Lenny Bruce said in here are
offensive to my religion and to me. And
I want you to know he's not going to
get away with it and you're not going to
y with it cithe
Shortly after the Chicago arrest. Bruce
received a letter from the Reverend Sid-
ney Lanier, Vicar of St. Clement's
Church New York, which said
came to see you the other night because
1 had read about you and was curious
to see if you were really as penetrating
a critic of our common hypocrisies as I
had heard. | found that you are an hon-
cst man, sometimes a shockingly honest
man, and I wrote you a note to say so.
It is never popular to be so scathingly
honest, whether it is from a nightclub.
stage or from а pulpit, and T was not
surprised to hear you were having some
uble.’ This letter is w press
my personal concern and to say what I
saw and heard on Thursday ni
ist, I emphatically do not believe
your act is obs tent. The
method you use has a lot in common
with most serious critics (the prophet or
the artist, not the professional) of society.
Pages of Jonathan Swift and Martin
Luther are quite unprintable even now
because they were forced to sh
easy, lying language of the day
basic, earthy. vulgar idiom of ordi
people in order to show up the empti-
ness and insanity of their times. (It has
been said, humorously but with some
truth, that a great deal of the Bible is
not fit to be read in Church for the
same reason.)
vour intent is not to excite
şs ог to demean, but to
shock us awake to the realities of racial
hatred and invested absurdities about
sex and birth and death—to move
toward sanity and compassion. It is clear
that you are intensely angry at our
hypocisics (yours as well as minc) and
at the highly su mouthism
that passes as
“You may show this letter to anyone
you wish if it can be of help. Please
call me when you come back from C
у God bless you.”
gious leaders г
ers, in the best sense.
an a single word or phras
from its over-all meaning or
considered obscene? Some people seem-
agly still think so, despite the Supreme
Court ruling that obscenity must be
j ed within the context of the total
which it appears.
Just how much our att
in a name has changed over the
15 years may be seen by considering the
following: Life — the same magazine that
was outlawed in a number of cities
across the U.S. for publishing photo-
graphs of a n the late
Thirties — editorial nst the use
of four-letter words in the priz
novel From Here to Eternity
Jones, just 10 ws later. Life's editori:
was entitled "From Here to Obsce
and the editors objected to the strong
language included in the speech and
thoughts of the soldiers in the book.
They didn't suggest that the language
was not authentic — they knew it was
—but they expressed the notion that
the same words may have a different
effect when read in a novel and when
spoken by soldiers in barracks and
battle. They also pointed to The Red
Badge of Courage, the powerful novel
about men fighting in the Civil War,
written by Stephen Crane, who had
never been in battle himself, as proof
that it was possible to write about
war without the use of certain words
they found objectionable. And in th
they undoubtedly right, though it
hardly appears ny point. It
might also be possible to write a great
book without ever once usii
ude on what's
ng the letter
e” — but for what purpose? Their sug-
gestion, if taken seriously, would turn
the art of writing into a semantic parlor
game. No writing can capture completely
the full emotion of experience. But their
proposal would defeat one of the major
purposes of literature—to make the
world a bit more real and comprehen-
sible by exploring subjects and experi-
ences with which the reader may very
well not be personally familiar. Or, as
distinguished literary critic, lectu
acher and author Leslie A. Fiedler ex-
pressed it in his erAvnov article, The
Literati of the Four-Letter Word (June
1961): “The unexamined Ше, Socrates
once remarked, is not worth living; he
(concluded on page 130)
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Management Corp., 39% of PLAYBOY's male readers paid over $25 for their last pair of dress shoes. And
30% own over 5 pairs of dress shoes alone. Footnote: This audience means business for any shoe advertiser.
ADVERTISING OFFICES: New York • Chicago • Los Angeles » San Francisco * Detroit » Atlanta
cobbled streets.
Bond was only 50 yards
behind the girl at the
town's outskirts but,
with his big Bentley,
he couldn't overtake the
Lancia on the twisting,
in perilous quest of spectral prey, james bond finds friends
in a malevolent brotherhood, tenderness in compulsory love
IF WAS ONE OF THOSE SEPTEMBERS when it seemed that the summer would never end.
PART | The five-mile promenade of Royale les Eaux, backed by trim lawns emblazoned at inter-
vals with tricolor beds of salvia, alyssum and lobelia, was bright with flags and, on the longest beach
in the north of France, the gay bathing tents still marched. prettily down to the tideline in big, money-
making battalions. Music, one of those lilting accordion waltzes, blared from the loudspeakers around the
ісе announced over the
Olympic-size piscine and, from time to time, echoing above the music, a man's v
public address system that Philippe Bertrand, aged seven, was looking for his mother, that Yolande
Lefévre was waiting for her friends below the clock at the entrance, or that a Madame Dufours was
demanded on the telephone. From the beach, particularly from the neighborhood of the three playground
enclosures — “Joie de Vivre," “Hélio” and "Azur" — came a twitter of children's cries that waxed and
waned with the thrill of their games and, farther out, on the firm sand left by the now distant sea, the
shrill whistle of the physical-fitness instructor marshaled his teenagers through the last course of the day.
It was one of those beautiful, naive seaside panoramas for which the Brittany and Picardy beaches
have provided the setting — and inspired their recorders, Boudin, Tissot, Monet — ever since the birth
of plages and bains de mer more than a hundred years ago.
To James Bond, sitting in one of the concrete shelters with his face to the setting sun, there was
something poignant, ephemeral about it all. It reminded him almost too vividly of childhood — of the
velvet feel of the hot powder sand, and the painful grit of wet sand between young toes when the
time came for him to put his shoes and socks on, of the precious little pile of sea shells and interesting
wrack on the sill of his bedroom window ("No, we'll have to leave that behind, darling. It'll dirty up
your trunk!"), of the small crabs scuttling away from the nervous fingers groping beneath the seaweed
in the rock pools, of the swimming and swimming and swimming through the dancing waves — always
in those days, it seemed, lit with sunshine — апа then the infuriating, inevitable "time to come out.”
It was all there, his own childhood, spread out before him to have another look at. What a long time
ago they were, those spade-and-bucket days! How far he had come since the freckles and the Cadbury
milk-chocolate Flakes and the fizzy lemonade! Impatiently Bond lit a cigarette, pulled his shoulders out
of their slouch and slammed the mawkish memories back into their long-closed file. Today he was a
grownup, a man with years of dirty, dangerous memories—a spy. He was not sitting in this concrete
hide-out to sentimentalize about a pack of scrubby, smelly children on a beach scattered with bottle tops
and lolly sticks and fringed by a sea thick with sun oil and putrid with the main drains of Royale. He
was here, he had chosen to be here, to spy. To spy on a woman.
The sun was getting lower. Already one could smell the September chill that all day had lain
hidden beneath the heat. The cohorts of bathers were in quick retreat, striking their little camps and
filtering up the steps and across the promenade into the shelter of the town where the lights were going
up in the cafés. The announcer at the swimming pool harried his customers: “Allo! Allo! Fermeture
dans dix minutes! A dix-huit heures, fermeture de la piscine!” Silhoueued in the path of the setting sun,
the two Bombard rescue boats with flags bearing a blue cross on a yellow background were speeding
northward for their distant shelter upriver in the Vieux Port. The last of the gay, giraflelike sand yachts
fled down the distant waterline toward its corral among the sand dunes, and the three agents cyclistes
in charge of the car parks pedaled away through the melting ranks of cars toward the police station in
the center of the town. In a matter of minutes the vast expanse of sand — the tide, still receding, was
already a mile out—would be left to the seagulls that would soon be flocking in their hordes to
forage for the scraps of food left by the picnickers. Then the orange ball of the sun would hiss down
into the sea and the beach would, for a while, be entirely deserted, until, under cover of darkness, the
prowling lovers would come to writhe briefly, grittily in the dark corners between the bathing huts
and the sea wall.
On the beaten stretch of sand below where James Bond was sitting, two golden girls in exciting
bikinis packed up the game of Jokari which they had been so provocatively playing, and raced each
other up the steps toward Bond’s shelter. They flaunted their bodies at him, paused and chattered to
S.QBondshad'no idea whothese — ^.
gren vere... “Position yourshands = =~
behind your neck,” the silky
: voice said, The'git! had
said nothing. Now.she was standing
with her back to the group,
looking out to sea...
if he would respond, and, when he
didn't, linked arms and sauntered on
toward the town, leaving Bond wonder-
ing why it was that French girls had
more prominent navels than any others.
Was it that. French surgeons sought to
add, cven in this minute respect, to the
future sex appeal of girl babies?
And now, up and down the beach, the
lifeguards gave a final blast on their
horns to announce that they were going
off duty, the music from the piscine
stopped in mid-tune and the great ex-
panse of sand was suddenly deserted.
But not quite! A hundred yards out,
lying face downwards on a blackand-
white striped bathing wrap, on the pri-
vate patch of firm sand where she had
installed herself an hour before, the girl
was still there, motionless, spread-eagled
in direct line between James Bond and
the setting sun that was now turning the
left-behind pools and shallow rivulets
into blood-red, meandering scrawls across
the middle distance. Bond went on
watching her— now, in the silence and
emptiness, with an ounce more tension.
He was waiting for her to do something —
for something, he didn't know what, to
happen. It would be more true to say
that he was watching over her. He had
an instinct that she was in some sort of
danger. Or was it just that there was the
smell of danger in the air? He didn't
know. He only knew that he mustn't
leave her alone. particularly now that
everyone else had gone.
James Bond was mistaken. Not every-
one else had gone. Behind him, at the
Café de la Plage on thc other sidc of thc
promenade, two men in raincoats and
dark caps sat at a secluded table border-
ing the sidewalk. They had half-empty
s of coffee in front of them and they
didn't talk. They sat and watched the
blur on thc frostcd-glass partition of the
shelter that was James Bond's head and
shoulders. They also watched, but less
intently, the distant white blur on the
sand that was the girl. Their stillness,
and their unseasonable clothes, would
have made a disquieting impression on
anyone who, in his turn, might have
been watching them. But there was no
such person, except their waiter who had
simply put them in the category of “bad
news" and hoped they would soon be
on their way.
When the lower rim of the orange sun
touched the sea, it was almost as if a
signal had sounded for the girl. She slow-
ly got to her feet, ran both hands back-
ward through her hair and began to
walk evenly, purposefully toward the sun
and the faraway froth of the waterline
over а mile away. It would be violet dusk
by the time she reached the sca and one
might have guessed that this was probably
the last day of her holiday, her last bathe.
James Bond thought otherwise. He left
his shelter, ran down the steps to the
sand and began walking out after her
at a fast pace. Behind him, across the
promenade, the two men in raincoats
also seemed to think otherwise. Onc of
them briskly threw down some coins and
they both got up and, walking strictly
in step, crossed the promenade to the
sand and, with a kind of urgent mi
precision, marched rapidly side by side
in Bond's tracks.
Now the strange pattern of figures on
the vast expanse of empty, blood-streaked
sand was cerily conspicuous. Yet it was
surely not one to be interfered with!
"The pattern had а nasty, a secret smell.
The white girl, the bareheaded young
man. the two squat, marching pursuers
— it had something of a kind of deadly
Grandmothers’ Steps about it. In the
café, the waiter collected the coins and
looked after the distant figures, still our-
lined by the last quarter of the orange
sun. It smelled like police business — or
the other thing. He would keep it to
himself but remember it. He might get
his name in the papers.
James Bond was rapidly catching up
with the girl Now he knew that he
would get to her just as she reached the
waterline. He began to wonder what
he would say to her, how he would put
it. He couldn't say, "I had a hunch you
were going to commit suicide so I came
after you to stop you.” “I was going for
a walk on the beach and I thonght J rec-
ognized you. Will you have a drink after
ur swi would be childish, He fi-
nally decided to say, "Oh, Tracy!” and
then, when she turned round, “I was
worried about you." Which would at
least be inoffensive and, for the matter
of that, true.
‘The sea was now gunmetal below a
primrose horizon, A small, westerly off-
shore breeze, drawing the hot land air
out to sea, had risen was piling up
wavelets that scrolled in whitely as far
as the eye could see. Flocks of herring
gulls lazily rose and setiled again at the
girl's approach, and the air was full of
their mewing and of the endless lap-lap
of the small waves. The soft indigo dusk
added a touch of melancholy to the
empty solitude of sand and sca, now so
far away from the comforting bright
lights and holiday bustle of “La Reine
de la Cóte Opale," as Royale les Eaux
had splendidly christened herself. Bond
looked forward to getting the girl back
to those bright lights. He watched the
lithe golden figure in the white one-
piece bathing suit and wondered how
soon she would be able to hear his voice
above the noise of the gulls and the sea.
Her pace had slowed a fraction as she
approached the waterline and her head,
with its bell of heavy fair hair to the
shoulders, was slightly bowed, in thought
perhaps, or tiredness.
Bond quickened his step until he was
only 10 paces behind her. “Hey! Tracy!”
The girl didn't start or turn quickly
round. Her steps faltered and stopped,
and then, as a small wave creamed
in and died at her feet, she turned slowly
and stood squarely facing him. Her eyes,
puffed and wet with tears, looked past
him. Then they met his. She said dully,
“What is it? What do you want?"
“I was worried about you. What are
you doing out here? What's the matter?”
The girl looked past him agin. Her
clenched right hand went up to her
mouth, She said something, something
Bond couldn't understand, from behind
it. Then a voice, from very close behind
Bond, said softly, silkily. "Don't move or
you get it back of the knee.”
Bond swirled round into a crouch,
his gun hand inside his coat. The steady
silver сус of the two automatics sneered
at him.
Bond slowly straightened himself. He
dropped his hand to his side and the
held breath came out between his teeth
in a quiet hiss. The two deadpan, pro-
fessional faces told him even more than
the two silver eyes of the guns. They
held no tension, no excitement. The
half-smiles were relaxed, contented.
"The eyes were not even wary. They were
almost bored. Bond had looked into such
faces many times before. This was rou-
tine. These men were killers — pro
Bond had no idea who these men
were, who they worked for, what this
was all about. On the theory that worry
a dividend paid to disaster before it
is due, he consciously relaxed his mus-
cles and emptied his mind of questions.
He stood and waited.
“Position your hands behind your
neck.” The silky, patient voice was from
the south, from the Mediterranean. It
fitted with the men's faces —tough-
skinned, widely pored, yellow-brown.
Marscillais perhaps, or Italian, The
Mafia? The faces belonged to good se-
cret police or tough crooks. Bond's mind
ticked and whirred, sclecting cards like
an IBM machine. What enemies had hc
got in those areas? Might it be Blofcld?
Had the hare turned upon the hound?
When the odds are hopeless, when all
seems to be lost, then is the time to be
calm, to make a show of author
lcast of indifference. Bond smiled
the eyes of the man who had spoke:
don’t think your mother would like to
know what you are doing this evening.
You are a Catholic? So I will do as you
ask.” The man’s eyes glittered. Touché!
Bond clasped his hands behind his head.
‘The man stood aside so as to have a
clear field of fire while his number two
removed Bond's Walther PPK from the
soft leather holster inside his trouser
belt and ran expert hands down his sides,
(continued on page 162)
“Gad, don’t touch that
one, Miss Finchley — !
It’s a goddess of fertility.”
the grandest in our growing chain of key clubs opens to a dazzled and dazzling throng
leading to the a
the block toward Fifth and Madison Avenues. They had come in
limousines and t d some cven walked, in the blistery 25-
degree cold and the swirling winds. They were the biggest names
in the performing arts, converging (along with hundreds of only
slightly less-ilh us folk) for the preview premiere, on December
8, of the New York Playboy Club at 5 East 59th Street, just a Bunny
hop from Central Park and the Plaza.
By the time of the Manhattan opening, The Playboy Club concept
was demonstrably the most famous and the most successful in the
history of show clubs. That success started in the Windy City
(where the first Club was established in February 1960) and had be
joyfully echaed in New Orleans, Miami, St. Louis and Phoenix.
But — the cynics had asked — would it click in the biggest of the bigr
towns, sophisticated, blasé New York? (One Manhattan columnist
patronizingly suggested that everyone "give the boys an A for effort.”)
Showbiz prophets freely predicted that The Playboy Club would
have more appeal to whoopee conventioneers than it would to the
cosmopolites of Gotham. Hadn't Time magazine titled one of its
show business storics on Hugh M. Hefner e Boss of Taste City”
— with tongue stuck firmly in cheek? The skeptics might have revised Hast Hugh Hefner irigh) welcomes
(text continued overleaf) Shelley Winters at opening-nigh
Spectacular spiral stairway dominates glass-fronted entrance. Upper left foreground is Ployboy Club's intimate Cartoon Corner.
Above, left to right: Smiling arrivals are Steve Lawrence with wife Eydie Gormé; ond Monique Von Vooren, being interviewed
аз Bunny Virginia looks on; meanwhile, a keyholder ascends stairway to the living Room and The Playboy Club Gift Shop.
Above: Club's pedestaled Piono Bar, with Living Room behind it and Playmate Bar beneath. Below: Already one of Manhattan's
favorite male watering spots, the Playmate Bor features illuminated tronsporencies of PLAYBOY's Playmates on its walls.
Below, left to right: A chorus on trombone by Club Music Director Kai Winding enlivens an already spirited јот session at
Piano Bar, as Bunny-tended couple enjoys a tête-à-tête and another Bunny guides Peter Duchin, Carol lawrence and Bobby
Short to their table. Below right: Red Buttons greets Joan Collins and her date, World-Stopper Anthony Newley. Tony Bennett
was also on hand for the Club's launching, while Sammy Davis Jr. took in the scene the following night with Peter lawfoi
Below: Headquarters for both the affluent and influential in Manhattan, the Playmate Bar is eight steps down from the lobby
and perhaps the most intime of the multi-level Club's array of lounges, bars, gift shop, showrooms ond dining creas
their thinking had they known that more than
60,000 New Yorkers throughout the state had
bought keys to the Club months before its
planned opening. But a series of frustrating
delays held up completion of the building for
more than a year. and New York Daily Neus
columnist Robert Sylvester chided at the height.
of the Cuban crisis: “They've waited so long to
open the new Playboy Club, I hope it isn't open-
ing as the rest of the world is closing." Then, 24
hours before the gala night, printers on four
of Manhattan's metropolitan daily newspapers
went on strike, and the publishers of the other
five promptly closed shop, depriving the Club
of its anticipated share of nightlife publicity.
As if that weren't enough, a howling hailstorm
hit the cown and temperatures plummeted. Yet,
at eight o'clock on the night of December 8,
the Club's (text continued on page 62)
Their plates laden with delicacies, o keyholder ond his dote wend woy to their table in the living Room. The Ployboy Club's
famed buffet (fried chicken, shish kebab, broiled ribs, tossed salad) is priced сі $1.50, os are oll drinks —from cocktails, liqueurs
and cognacs to the finest vintage French champagnes. The Living Room's luxurious informality is cordial, inviting and reloxing.
Above, I to г: A gathering of friends in the Playmate
Bor; Ed Sullivon buffet while cortoonist She
Silverstein enjoys dote. Right: Bunny Elko waits on
PLAYBOY'S lone! Pilgrim, Publisher Hugh Hefner
Above: Most exclusive innovation in Manhattan night life is Playboy Club's smart VIP Room (for Very Important Playboys). Here,
under flickering candlelight, is served the finest in haute cuisine from 6 P.M. till 2:30 A.M. Below: VIP Jackie Cooper and date
are amused by cottontail on derriere of VIP Room Bunny Terry, one of 140 Bunnies (from 13 notions) at the New York Club.
doors were opened (at a $100-per person black-tie benefit that deliv-
ercd $52,000 to the Parkinson's Disease Foundation) to one of the
most glittering assemblages of affluence, influence, brains and beauty
arrayed in one setting since Kubla Khan held his soirees at Xanadu.
There had been other socko premieres in New York's night life,
but not since the International Casino opened on Times Square
in 1927 had such a notable coterie of celebrities turned out for the
premiere of a new dub— the $4,000,000 New York Playboy Club,
the most elegantly and elaborately appointed night spot in the city.
Rudy Vallee, dressed to his middle Cs in an angled shawl-collared
dinner jacket, was one of the first to arrive — and the first to dip into
the canapé tray, Zsa Zsa Gabor was there, in chinchilla and diamonds,
and Denise Darcel in a dress of noteworthy decolletage. Red Buttons
came in, and Hermione Gingold and Carol Channing. Tony Perkins
was present in а camel’shair coat thrown casually over his dinner
jacket, and Monique Van Vooren sported a diamond brooch the
size of a hub cap. Artists Dong Kingman and Russell Patterson, along
with composer Gian-Carlo Menotti were there. So were Al Capp,
David Susskind, Florence Henderson and Carol Lawrence. Amid
clusters of admiring males stood Shelley Winters, Eydie Gormé,
Barbara Britton and Betsy von Furstenberg. The comics turned out
en masse: Shelley Berman, Dick Gregory, Jack E. Leonard, Jack
Carter, Don Adams. Ed Sullivan was one of the last to arrive, followed
by Vallee making a return engagement (text concluded overleaf)
Right: Beneath a LeRoy Neiman oil painting of twisting Bunnies, keyholder makes a late-night call. Below, left to right: Hugh M.
Hefner, Cover Girl Cynthia Maddox, Comedian Dick Gregory; Carol Chonning with husband Charles Lowe; Columnist Maggie
Daly and David Susskind greeting Zsa Zsa Gabor and Hefner; and (bottom) Franchot Tone ond Betsy von Furstenberg. Bottom
right: Keyholders are silhouetted against а mobile mural of the Monhatton skyline thot dominates side wall of the Penthouse.
Right, top: A lote show, featuring the Kirby Stone Four and Jockie Gayle, packs the Playroam. Right, bottom: Manhattanites en-
joying o final drink at The Playboy Club, the end of on unforgettable evening and the start of a new era in New York night life.
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after his regular performance in How
to Succeed. “It's ттүт-еа-Йу magnificent,"
purred Ed. “Any canapés left?” asked
Also on tap were the Club's enter-
tainers, the Big Town's most talked-
about line-up of talent: The Kirby Stone
Four, vocalist Teddi King, the Bobby
Doyle Trio, The Three Young Men,
comedian Jackie Gayle, songthrush
Nichelle Nichols, comic Dick Havilland,
the Danny Apolinar Trio and top jazz
trombonist Kai Winding, the Club's
Music Director and seventime winner
in rrAvBoY's annual Jazz Poll.
Once inside, the guests were greeted
by host Hugh M. Hefner, PLAYBOY'S
Editor and Publisher and President of
Playboy Clubs International, and a
fetching corps of Bunnies In answer
to questions from curious guests, he
filled them in on the most glamorous
feature of the entire Club domain — the
140 Bunnies making their debuts in
New York. International in composition
(the New York Bunny warren includes
from Italy, England, Germany,
Sweden, Norway Belgium, Japan,
ance, China, Puerto Rico, Equador
and India— and from the Bronx and
taten Island, too), they are also varied
in background (32 have attended college,
11 have studied drama, seven were ac-
tresses, 25 were models, eight were pro-
fessional singers or dancers, three were
airline stewardesses, 16 speak one or
more languages in addition to English).
What are the girls like? The New York
Journal American had said: “They're
just plain, ordinary girls . . . except
curves, beautiful faces and
ner.” (“Everybody should
observed an admiring
quipster.) They had been discovered by
Bunny Scouts and hare-raised by Bunny
Mothers at Bunny Schools in New York,
Chicago and Miami. New York Mirror
Bill Slocum told what classes
‘or five hours a day, comely
wenches of good family and better em-
bonpoint are studying such subjects as
‘Standing with the hips well forward"
and ‘How to refuse to tell a guy your
last name without sending him off to
91'" One of the essential, and most
talked-about, maneuvers each girl must
master is called The Bunny
graceful knee bend permitting Bunnies
to serve drinks without bending over
the keyholders’ tables too far. Explained
the New York Bunny Mother: "In the
costumes the girls wear, if they leaned
over too far, they'd look awful from the
back — and much too good from the
Iront” New York Bunnies, statistics
show. are endowed with the most boun-
tiful bosoms in Bunnydom (while Chi-
cayo's boast superior derrieres). In New
York, as at all other Playboy Clubs.
the Bunnies may be admired, but only
Пот afar. As Art. Buchwald observed
while eying a butchful "There's no
hanky-panky permitted, alas.”
The New York Playboy Club's site is
itself possessed of a richly varied and
traditi hansoms, landaus
iolets drawn by matched teams
of horses once drew up to 5 East 59th
Street when it was the uptown manor
house of a succession of millionaires.
During the Roaring Twenties, gambler
Arnold Rothstein lived there with a
series of mistresses; still later, it housed
the Utrillos, Chagalls and Dufys of the
Savoy Art Gallery before it became the
sixth and most spectacular in the grow-
ing chain of Playboy Clubs.
‘The decor of the new Club is stunning.
Outside, eye-arresting precast black con-
crete panels frame the front portals and
the gleaming glass facade through which
may be seen the cantilevered grand stair-
case — with our identifying black-and-
silver Rabbit head on each side of the
entrance. (The unique facade has caused
a new phenomenon on 59th Street:
Bunny Watching. Passers-by congregate
on the sidewalk to glom the Bunnies
as they walk up and down the spiral
Inside, all is sophisticated richness
and discreet excitement. President-Pub-
lisher Hefner appraised it pridefully
when he said, “This Club is the culmi-
ation of the kind of intimate feeling we
е been searching for. I know of
nothing that can even approach it."
A few steps down from the lobby is
the Playmate Bar, with a circular open
hearth at its center and a roast-beef cart
— to offer ease and succulent sustenance
10 as many as 90 guests. Its walls are
softly aglow with back-lighted color trans-
parencies of Playmates from the pages
One level up is the Living Room,
with its raised Piano Bar sitting atop
а champagne-glassshaped pedestal. Here,
too, is the Club's famed buffet and its
engaging Cartoon Corner, so named for
s hundreds of framed FLAYBOY cartoons
lining the walls To the right of the
Cartoon Corner is the Playboy Gift Shop,
where а keyholder may purchase for his
date everything from an ounce of Play-
mate Perfume to her own engraved mar-
tini mixer and cocktail glasses for two.
On the next level is New York's newest,
most exclusive room — the VIP — for
Very Important Playboys. Seating only
50, this opulent redoubt, in shades of
decp blue accented in silver, serves
gastronomic delights in the leisurely
Continental manner, and features a
haute cuisine menu, The only Club
room that deviates from the standard
$1.50 price for all food and drink, dinner
is priced at $12.50 and midnight supper
at $7.50. In attendance: a troop of liv-
cried butlers and a special stall of velvet-
adorned Bunnies, each of whom speaks
at least two languages fluently. Reserva-
tions for the VIP must be made at least
two days in advance.
On the fourth and fifth levels are the
Playboy Club showrooms— The Play-
room and Penthouse, respectively — offer-
ing the largest and finest rostcr of
entertainers to be found anywhere in
the city. The Playroom is swank and
smart, featuring prime roast beef to
gratify the hungry gourmet, and full-
color reproductions of artist LeRoy
Neiman's Man at His Leisure illustra-
tions from PLAYBOY to gratify his artistic
eye. There are four shows nightly. The
Penthouse offers the earliest dinner show
in town (7:15) in a lavish setting that
includes a wall-sized mobile mural that
adds dazzling color and movement to
a lifelike facsimile of Manhattan's skyline
at night. Filet mignon is the specialty.
Statistically, the New York Playboy
Club is more than fulfilling its proi
of becoming the most successful night-
club operation in the entire world. Dur-
ing its first 100 days, keyholders and
their guests have numbered more than
300,000, have downed 900,000 glasses of
fine wines and spirits, consumed 75,000
filet mignons, 50,000 prime roastbeef
platters and 60,000 orders of fried chicken
and shish kebab. At year’s end, the New
York Club is expected to gross in excess
of $6,000,000.
Clues to what lies behind the Club's
financial success may be found in acco-
lades from such sagacious observers as
Variety (“A 20th Century Dreamworld"),
Newsweek (“A new pleasure dome caus-
ing considerable stir"), Show Business
("An instant smash .. . the Playboy Club
is teaching the New York club owners
how it should be done”), syndicated
columnist Earl Wilson ("New York's
going to have some night life again")
and columnistcommentator Barry Gray,
who wrote:
“Hefner has brought the slickest of
nightclub operations to this town of
Instead of mob-dor ted, sleazy,
adbare clip joints, Hefner has de-
veloped a beautiful set of rooms, setting.
off the attractiveness of his Playmates.
For all the expected sexy flamboyance,
t has turned out to be а first-class
Today, The Playboy Club ranks first
at minuscule list of New York
jes which bespeak the good life
fe of glamor, taste, sophistication
Buchwald paid it his own
brand of tribute in his syndicated col-
“The slogan of the Playboy,”
wrote Art, “is: Today girls, tomorrow
the world.”
For information about obtaining key
privileges to The Playboy Club, wrile
to Playboy Clubs International, Inc.,
Playboy Building, 232 E. Ohio Street,
Chicago 11, Illinois.
SHAKING ms FEATHERY gray head over
my old whipcord trousers, suppressing a
sigh in the manner of a family doctor at
the deathbed of a difficult but time-hon-
ored patient, Mr. Vara, the Demon
Tailor of Columbus Avenue, said, “We
must face it.” He was kind but firm. "I
should be the Jast man in the world to
belittle first-rate stuff somewhat the
worse for wear —" Here, he pushed up
his spectacles and looked at his reflection
in the fly-speckled mirror. “But if I draw
any more thread out of the waistband to
invisibly darn the bottoms, and vice
there will be nothing left of this
fiction By GERALD KERSH in which the demon tailor proves his
skill by stitching up the ravages
wrought by the two-edged sword of blackmail
garment but a G string and a pair of
spats. I am sorry.” He shrugged.
“I've had those trousers 20 years,” I
“An old coat is an old friend, as the
saying goes; but old pants are mere
hangers-on,” said Mr. Vara.
“Perhaps you could just try?" I begged.
“Well, get into the cubicle and let me
press your suit while I think.”
“It doesn’t need pressing
Mr. Vara gave me one of hi
lous, pitying looks. “Everything needs
pressing, all the time,” he said. “Espe-
tially trousers. This is the 20th Century.
Up to 1900, trousers were round, like
sleeves. Then one day my old teacher,
Schultz, of Savile Row in London, said
to King Edward the Seventh, ‘As from
now on all trousers are to have a knife-
cdge crease. Is this clear?’ The king said
"Yes, Mr. Schult’ — and so it was, even
after Schultz threw the king out of his
shop for criticizing the hang of a slecve.
Schultz even insisted that officers of the
Brigade of Guards have their bootlaces
pressed every morning. And you presume
to argue the point?
“That is where 1 should be today, in
Savile Row, (continued on page 132)
78-a-a-y, we've got about 20 minutes to kill
before the train arrives...”
Jazz BY NAT HENTOFF the dave brubeck quartet has disproved the musical
myth that pioneering and popularity can’t make the same gig
As difficult as jazz popularity
is to achieve. it is even harder
to sustain over a long period
of time. New comets continually
invade the firmament; new
listeners are added each year
and their quick enthusiasms alter
the popularity scales. Yet, after 11
years as leader of his own quartet,
Dave Brubeck is more firmly en-
trenched than ever in the often mercu-
rial esteem of the jazz public. q In this
year's seventh annual Playboy Jazz Poll,
for example, Brubeck's winning margin as
both pianist and combo leader was wider than
the year before. Of his sidemen, Joe Morello eclipsed
all other drummers; Paul Desmond was second again
among the altoists; and Gene Wright, almost entirely because
of his association with Brubeck, was third in the bass division. q Asa
harshly dissonant obbligato to this steadily climbing renown, there are the insistent
dissents of many of the critics. АШ jazzmen have to cope with some criticism, but Brubeck's career
has been unique in the ferocity and obduracy of the attacks on him. This past November, Brubeck toured
England with substantial success, but the jazz writers there were largely unconverted. “His keyboard technique
remains gauche," Benny Green wrote in The Observer, “and his jazz conception misguided, completely lacking in
the inventive power and melodic fertility that distinguish the great jazz musician." € The same persistent Green had
reacted to а previous Brubeck visit in this wounding manner: “To judge Brubeck's music by the highest jazz standards
is to marvel at the comparative neglect of so тапу more musical groups.” 4 Although he has tried, the prodigiously
energetic, drivingly optimistic Brubeck has never been able to develop a dense-enough armor to prevent these
onslaughts from exacerbating him. “It gets outrageous,” he complains, “in a case like that guy on The Observer.
‘The year he first attacked us was also the year he wrote — for pay — an ‘appreciation’ of us in the program book
for our English concerts. The critics keep talking about how jazz musicians should remain pure, but they'll praise
а man in any direction on assignment.” $ At the end of his most recent British tour, Brubeck finally exploded in
anguish against all his critics. “The critics,” he roared at a reporter from the Melody Maker, “are pulling to bits
а man who has devoted everything to his music. Jazz is a way of life. People shouldn't tell others how to run
their lives." @ Jazz has indeed been a thoroughly committed way of life for the tall, rawboncd, 42-year-old Californian
for more than 20 years, and he has paid more dues on the way up than most critics and even most of his admirers
realize. “If 1 wrote down all the things that happened to me in those waiting years,” he told a friend recently, “it
would be hard for anyone to understand why I stayed with it. I was 29 before I ever made more than $2000 a yea
One of the methods, in fact, by which Brubeck survived in his 29th year was by selling sandwiches for a time in San
Francisco office buildings during the lunch hour. $ It wasn't until four years later, moreover, that Brubeck's singular
jazz conception took hold after a long stretch of short pay, long road trips broken by cheap hotels, and a great deal
of derisory skepticisin from club owners, record company executives and, of course, critics. (continued on page 139)
from. gruyère to gorgonzola,
its savory variety and
culinary versatility add zest
to a host of hot delights
TEESE SPEAKS many lan;
from the redolent gratings of par-
mesan floating atop French onion
soup to the regal refulgence of a
moist and plump cheesecake. Dis-
ting gourmets, accustomed
to their cheese at the end of a
meal, hardly need an interpreter
to explain that roquefort from
France, blue from Denmark, stil-
ton from England and gorgonzola
from Italy are all branches of the
same aristocratic blue-veined fam-
ily. Cheese’s richest idiom, how-
ever, is on the fire — melted down
with kirsch, bubbling with ale,
fried in crunchy croquettes, tossed
into big onion pics. You may take
your virginal emmentaler or gru-
ère for granted, but the first timc
you dip a heel of French bread into
a hot Swiss fondue, your palate is
hercd into a vast new velvety
eld of flavor, an experience pos-
sibly the aesthetic equal of seeing
an alpenglow for the first time.
Reserves of cheese in the larder
have always provided staunch secu-
rity against unexpected onslaughts
of hunger or unplanned roistering.
Epicurus put it nicely: "Send me
some preserved cheese that, when
Ilike, I may have a feast" For a
gemütlich after-theater gathering,
Or as a culinary capper to a day
in the country, rich cheese melting
in the chafing dish offers the warm-
est welcome to the senses.
For centuries, cheese was mainly
eaten just as it came from the cave
or cellar, with little or no thought
given to its improvement. By the
17th Century, howevei Ken-
elm Digby was describing
Quick, fat,
ned for Louis XVI
though, through pure royal glut
ht in the dining
room of the Grand non, a
huge dining table was lowered
into the kitchen. Th
loaded to the groaning poi
the best of the haute cuisine
though the astronomical number
of different dishes didn't in itself
provide (continued on page 159)
ALMOST EVERY AMERICAN FAMILY has its tales of fabulous real estate
opportunities that were missed or ignored by one or another of its members at some time in the past.
“Forty years ago, my grandfather turned down a chance to buy 1000 acres of land at $10 per acre.
‘Today, that land is worth $30,000 an асте...”
“I could have bought an empty lot at the south end of Main Street for $750 in 1932. Last week, that
same lot sold for $20,000 . . ."
"We sold our house for $5000 just before World War II. Now the land on which the house stood is
alone worth more than 10 times that amount...”
Such stories are to be heard whenever real estate crops up as a subject for discussion. I have more
than a few to tell about my own family — and about myself.
In the 1880s, the city of Detroit, Michigan, had a population of about 116,000. My mother's brother-
in-law, Travers Leach, owned a 160-acre farm outside what were then Detroit's city limits. Sometime before
the turn of the century, Leach sold the farm for a few thousand dollars, making what he considered a fair
profit on the sale.
Unfortunately, Travers Leach could not foresee that by 1920 the population of Detroit would soar to
nearly one million and that a mushrooming urban arca would engulf his farmland, Had he held onto his
farm, he and his heirs would have become multimillionaires. By 1920, each of his 160 acres was worth many,
many times what the entire property had been worth in the 1890s. Today, of course, а 160-acre tract in what
has become virtually the heart of Detroit would fetch an astronomical sum.
In 1906, my father could have purchased all of 70-square-mile Santa Catalina Island off the Southern
California coast for only $250,000. He turned the offer down. Catalina Island was later purchased by the
Wrigley interests and transformed into one of the best-known and most profitable resort areas on the West
Coast. For years, the value of Santa Catalina Island has been calculated in the tens of millions of dollars.
During the Depression years, I could have picked up huge parcels of undeveloped land in Southern
California and elsewhere for only a few dollars per acre. In those days, the tracts were far outside the limits
of any incorporated town or city. Since 1945, the towns and cities have grown with lightning speed, spreading
out in all directions. The once practically worthless tracts have become thriving residential or industrial
areas. Much land that sold for as little as $500 an acre — and even less — in the Depression days now brings
$50,000 and even more per acre.
But, for every such story of missed opportunity, there is one that tells of opportunities which were
recognized and exploited to the full. It is obvious that someone ultimately reaped huge profits from Travers
Leach's Detroit farmland. The Wrigley interests recognized the potentials of Catalina Island, bought it and
profited accordingly. Other men purchased the tracts I turned down in the 1930s and eventually reaped
gigantic profits by subdividing and developing the property.
My father may have bobbled his chance to buy Catalina Island at a bargain price, but he made
many other shrewd and profitable real estate investments. In 1907, Father bought some land on Wilshire
Boulevard in Los Angeles for about $10,000 and built our family home on it. The land was then well outside
the city's built-up areas — so much so that it was surrounded on all sides by meadowland, and the nearest
paved road was more than a mile distant. In the 1920s, he was offered $300,000 for the property, but he
refused to sell. The property, which is still owned by “Getty interests,” is now worth somewhere in the
neighborhood of $2,000,000.
I, myself, have bought real estate at rock-bottom prices and have seen the (continued on page 100)
“She got a thorn in her lip.”
HOUCH BROWN-TRESSED Sandra Settani doesn't know a ship's Plimsoll mark from
a porthole, in the past year she has become one of Miami Beach's most sought-after deck hands— for the same
pleasantly seeworthy considerations that have led to her selection as our April Playmate. Born in Wisconsin and
raised and schooled in Illinois (she was a psychology major for two years at Southern Illinois University), Sandra
first visited Miami Beach on a vacation trip, and liked the local view of the good life so much that she stayed on to
work as a secretary in a real estate office; she now shares quarters with another ex-lHlinois girl in a pink-and-white
apartment "brimming with clothes and mirrors" which overlooks the bay and a panorama of the glittery hotel
strip. A refreshingly friendly and happy-go-lucky girl, Sandra thinks the keynote of her character is an insatiable
curiosity about "the mechanics of everyone's personality," and admits that her main shortcoming is a penchant
for procrastination ("Just call me the original disorganization girl"). Being a tall (5' 814”), green-eyed head-
swiveler, she naturally receives her share of attention from date-minded local bloods, and has developed a philosophical
attitude toward the necessity of keeping the wolves from her door: “I just try to be tactful, and hope that they respect
me for being courteous to them. As to men in general, my favorites are all well read, unassuming, self-made types,
and — most important — fun to be with.” Sandra is a moderately active outdoor girl, and like most young beachniks
on deck for april:
our well-rigged,
shipshape playmate
is fond of swimming, sunbathing and riding in power boats with masculine company on balmy weekend afternoons.
“Nighttimes,” she confides, “my idea of the ideal date is a long and leisurely dinner in a Polynesian restaurant, fol-
lowed by a quiet get-together with either his friends or mine, followed by a late visit to 1, romantic night
spot where there's good music and dancing and talk." On dateless c ings Sandra likes to cat out (“Why should 1
punish myself with my own cooking?"), then retire at 9:30 onto her gigantic bed, there to lazily read herself to sleep
(via Ayn Rand, John Steinbeck or Kahlil Gibran). Her daydreams are as unclouded and euphoric as the local weather
reports: "Mostly, I just let events come , with the only goal i good time. However,
someday I'd like to finish college — maybe in Europe — and then travel like those lucky girls in the st mship ads,
going to every exotic place there is. After that, I'd like to settle in Hawaii and live in a bikini and muumuu.”
агу seaman, yachtsmen should turn forthwith to the gatclold, where sleepy
ring nought but a suluy expression beneath her nautical hat.
For an unclad glimpse of our extraor
Sandra is shown playing it cool, w
Playmate Sandra Settani decorates the quarter-deck of o cabin cruiser, later dives in for о dip in the pellucid waters
of Miami's Biscayne Bay. Blessed with a notably shipshape shape, she logs in ot 37-24-36, reading from stem to stern.
An ingenious artist-friend of ours recently
gave us a foolproof method for sculpting an
elephant: "First, you get a huge block of gran-
ite; then you chip away everything that doesn't
look like an elephant.”
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines belly
dancer's agent as an abdominal showma
Then there was the band leader who spent all
weck working on a new arrangement and then
discovered that his wife wasn't going out of
town after all.
Learning that several of his employees were
tanking up on no-trace vodka martinis during
lunch hours, a wise company president issued
the following memo:
То all employees: If you must drink
during lunch, please drink whiskey. It is
much better for our customers to know
you're drunk than to think you're stupid.
We don't for a minute believe it, but we
have a friend who insists that he recently met
a girl who isso naive that when he asked her
if she knew the difference between а Caesar
salad and sexual intercourse she said she had
we asked.
“Did you explain it to he
nd. "But I have
"Hell no," said our fri
lunch with her every day.
Harry, a golf enthusiast if ever there was, аг.
rived home from the club to an irate, rant
ing wife.
“Im leaving you, Harry," his wife an-
nounced bitterly. "You promised me faithfully
that you'd be back before noon and here it
is almost nine р.м. It just can't take that long
y 18 holes of golf.”
id Harry. "Let me expl
1 know what | promised you, but I have a very
good reason for being late. I got up at the
crack of dawn, as you know, and picked up
Fred at six А.М. But on the way to the course
we had a flat tire and when | changed it I
discovered that the spare was flat, too. So
I had to walk three es LO à gas station to
get the tire fixed and then roll it a
back and. put it on the car. After that, we got
back into the car, drove a quarter of a mile
and ran out of gas. 1 had to trudge all th
way back to the gas station and back to the
car again. Finally we got to the course and
started to play. Everything was fine for the
first two holes and then, on the third tee,
Fred had a stroke. I ran back to the clubhouse
but couldn't find a doctor. And, by the time
1 got back to Fred, he was dead. So, for the
next 16 holes, it was hit the ball and drag
Fred, hit the ball and drag Fred . .
Then there was the guy who advertised for a
wife and got 200 replies, most of them from
men, who wrote: "You can have mine.
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines bedbug
as a nymphomaniac.
We agree that money can't buy love. But
it can put you in a very pleasant bargaining
The bank robbers arrived just before closing
and promptly ordered the few remaining de-
positors, the tellers, clerks and guards to disrobe
nd lie, face down, behind the counter. One
nervous blonde pulled off her clothes and lay
down on the floor facing upwards. “Turn over,
Maybelle,” whispered the girl lying beside her,
“this is a stick-up, not an office party.”
Heard any good ones lately? Send your favor-
ites to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY, 232
Ohio St, Chicago 11, Ill, and earn $25 for
each joke used. In case of duplicates, payment
gues to first received. Jokes cannot be returned.
“Just who does He think He is?!!"
valucs of the properties increase in my
own lifetime —often even within a few
years. I acquired the 42-story Hotel Pierre
in New York City in 1938, paying $2,350,-
000 — less than one fourth its original,
1929-30, cost — for it. Taking into con-
sideration current land values and con-
struction costs, the cost of duplicating
the Pierre today would be between
$25,000,000 and $30,000,000.
On another occasion some years ago,
I purchased several dozen acres of land
in Malibu, California, paying about
$150,000 for the property. Today, real
estate brokers tell me, I could probably
realize $4,000,000 on my investment. if
I were to subdivide and sell the land.
I'm seldom eager to sell simply for the
sake of making a quick profit. I always
remember how, in 1926, a friend of
mine bought a piece of land for $4000
on onc day and sold it to me on the
following day for $8000 because he was
overjoyed at the thought that he was
doubling his money overnight. Some
time later, I drilled four oil wells on
that property and, in the next 12 years,
those four wells showed an excess re-
covery—a net profit—of $800,000.
@ hardly expect to find oil under the
basement floor of the Hotel Pierre, and
1 have no intention of drilling oil wells
in Malibu Beach. I relate this anecdote
only to show that a quick profit is not
always the biggest profit.)
1 have not cited these examples of my
successful real estate dealings in order
to boast or gloat. 1 mentioned them
solely to show that real estate can be a
highly profitable form of investment.
At first glance, it might seem that 1
consider it easy to make money in real
estate. I probably appear to be expound-
ing a theory that one nceds only to buy
cheap land far outside a city’s expand.
ing limits and then wait until the city
grows out to meet the property, and
that the buyer will make money if he
can hold onto his property long cnough.
Unfortunately, it's seldom as simple
as that, The real estate investor can
never be certain that cities will mush-
room in any particular direction, nor
even that they will grow at all. If he
buys property within the city, called
income property, he has no assurance
that it will increase in value. It may, in
fact, lose value if, for example, a neigh-
borhood ceases to be fashionable.
‘Then, no matter how low the price
of an undeveloped property may be, its
purchase still entails a capital outlay —
and that capital sum may have to be
tied up for a very long time without
produ any income before property
values begin to rise. Also, there are
property taxes, assessments and other
expenses which must be paid, and these
100 can add up to large sums over the ycars.
(continued from page 90)
Some time ago. a friend of mine
bought 200 undeveloped acres at the
northern edge of a Midwestern city,
paying $100,000 for the land. He was
quite correct in his basic assumption
that the city would expand and grow —
but he could not foresee that when it
did, public taste and. preference would
cause the growth to take place in the
city's southern and castern sections.
My friend still owns the property,
which is worth no more today than it
was when he bought it. His $100,000
investment has brought him absolutely
no income for more than a decade, and
it has been necessary for him to pay
annual property taxes on the acreage. In
addition, he has spent sizable amounts
in efforts to attract buyers for the prop-
erty—all to no avail. He has already
suffered considerable financial loss. He
will continue to lose money on his in
vestment unless he can sell the land, for
there is no indication that the city's
northern suburbs will ever find favor
with homeowners or industrial firms.
In short, a prospective investor must
always bear in mind that while real
estate can be a highly profitable form
of investment, it can also prove quite
risky. Often there are many variable
factors which affect the value of a prop-
erty, and these factors are not always
obvious even to experienced eyes. It is
sometimes difficult to appraise the value
of a given property accurately, and
mistakes in appraisal can be costly. An-
other potential drawback to investing
heavily in real estate is that an individ-
ual who ties a large amount of his capi-
tal up in real property and then has a
sudden need for cash may well find it
difficult to sell and. realize cash quickly
without incurring considerable losses.
In real estate, as in the stock market,
it is the intelligent, patient investor
who is most likely to make money in
the long run. The real estate specula-
tor, like his stock market counterpart,
may make some short-term profits, but
he takes much greater chances, and his
profits will never be anywhere near those
of the investor.
Generally speaking, real estate im-
vestors can be divided into two broad
categories. The first includes those who
buy at very low prices before an upward
trend begins and hold onto their prop.
erties for many ycars, patiently waiting
for values to rise to high levels. They
may buy undeveloped 1
bly, a view to subdividing it, or they
may purchase income property which
they hope will eventually increase in
valuc, even while it produces regular re-
turns on their invested capi
The second type of real estate
vestor buys soon after a real estate boom.
has already begun. He pays more for a
property than investors in the first cau-
gory because prices are already on the
way up when he gets into the market.
On the other hand, he immobilizes his
capital for much shorter periods.
Naturally, everyone would like to be
long to the first category of investor. The
trouble is that not too many people
amounts of capital they can
allow to lie more or less fal.
low for long periods. Also, there aren't
many people who can foresee a boom
carly enough or gauge its dura i
sufficient accuracy to take full advantage
of it.
One man I know correctly anticipated
the postwar housing shortage and
bought several large apartment houses
at comparatively low prices in 1943. In
1950, he was offered 80 percent more
than he had paid for the properties.
“I'm going to sell out,” he announced
to his real estate broker. “I've made a
fairly good income on my investment
over the last seven years, but 1 figure I
had best take my profit now. 1 don't be-
lieve that property values can possibly
go any higher than they are."
“I think you're making a big mis-
take,” the broker cautioned. “If I were
you, I'd hold on. Property values will
go considerably higher in the next few
ycars. You're going to miss a wonderful
opportunity if you sell.”
The man ignored his brokers pro-
phetic advice and sold his apartment
houses in 1950. He has been regretting
his decision ever since. Today, the prop-
erties are worth at least three times
what he paid for them in 1943.
Many investors have made the same
error during the current real estate
boom. They sold out prematurely be-
cause they were convinced the pcak had
been reached or that it would be reached
within a very short time. They fearcd
the consequences of the bust they were
certain would follow. Their reasoni
and their fears were based on past сх-
periences or on recollections of the his-
torics of such ill-starred real estate booms
as those which drove real property
Prices into the stratosphere in Florida,
California and elsewhere in the 1920s.
1, personally, do not believe there is
any similarity between those booms and
the one which began at the end of
World War Il and is still continuing
today. The great real estate balloons
which were inflated — and then burst so
disastrously — during the Roaring Twen-
s were almost entirely fueled by
purely speculative buying and selling.
Despite all the frenzied activity of prop-
erty trading, there was little genuine
desire for ownership on the part of the
speculators those days, a piece of
property could — and often did —c
hands dozens of times. but not be
anyone anywhere along the line actually
(continued on page 156)
Left: Gentleman in
attracting attire will
be tropic topic: double-
breasted linen-Terylene
jacket with peak lapels,
side vents, striped
belt-loap trousers,
^ by Fashion Pork, $95;
catian broadcloth
Right: Man taking his ease
sits ond sips suovely Í
in collarless two-button ч
rayon-cctton jacket with
coordinated ascot, by
H.LS,, $17; Dacron-worsted Ern
trapical-weight slacks
with belt k id. body, barrel cuffs,
loops, side à
pockets, by YMM, $16; by Excella, $6.
аігуеруе cotton shirt with
medium-spread collar,
convertible cuffs, by
Van Heusen, $5.
Я 5 Above: Guy goes gladly to blazers in jaunty
the definitive statement on the coming jacket of striped Mexican cotton, with flap
trends in men’s wear and accessories [A кешет” БИС Зе аваг $35)
cotton broadcloth shirt with tapered body,
convertible cuffs, by Manhatian, $5.
MANCIPATION AND ECLECTICISM are the keynotes of the spring and summer silhouette: emancipation from the conserva-
E tive tradition of male attire, eclecticism in the vast variety of liberated styles that promise to infuse vernal fashions with a
mood of upbeat iconoclasm, a look of offbeat innovation. From lids to loafers, sportswear will dominate the sartorial
scene with the boldest burst of new departures in a month of sun-days— via styles sparked with uninhibited shades,
unorthodox patterns and unconventional fabrics. In the shape of things to come, the tailored lines of Ivy will be
trimmed to an ultraslim outline in every realm of casual wear. Only suit styles (text continued on page 107)
Above: Comfortobly occoutered for the jet oge, a trio of classic:plone enthusiasts revives the vintage yeors of flight. Pilot poses in
Arnel-cotton tennis jacket with tricolor border, two front pockets, by McGregor, $14; Docron-wool slocks with topered leg, extension
woistband, by Cracker Borrel, $21. Ground crew wings it no less winningly: middle man in cotton shirt-ocket, by Marlboro, $5; topered
Arnel-rayon slacks with zippered pockets, by Н.1.5., $7; man on right in alpaca cordigan with front pockets, ribbed bottom, $27.50,
Austrolian wool turtleneck bib, $4, both by Lord Jeff; Arnel-cotton slocks with tapered leg, full top pockets, by Cracker Borrel, $17.
In shade of thatch-roofed
umbrella, nature lover, first right, Stranded girl
basks in beauty of local flora Friday is bracketed by
and fauna in his cotton parka beachcombers in
with wide front pocket, gladdest of rags. First left:
drawstring hood and bottam, madras shirt-jacket with
zip front, by McGregor, $10; adjustable side tabs,
Howaiiantenath acetate- matching swim shorts
cotton-rubber trunks with with side tabs,
drawcord, elasticized waistband, square-knot buckle front,
by Jantzen, $6. by McGregor, $18.
Sharing shelter, next right: Next left: double-breasted
fellaw naturalist in cotton terry beach jacket
plaid cotton seersucker
buttondown by Wrea, $7;
tapered rayon-cofton.
shorts with quarteriop
pockets, by Н.1.5:7 $5.
with shawl collar,
patch pockets, by Catalina,
$9; square'leg lasiex
trunks with zipper
pocket, by Puritan, $5.
Above: Third man’s social grand
standing reaches new high in sump-
Tous olpaco-knit lominate cardigan
jacket with buttoned pockets, full
rayon lining, by H.I.S., $18; Docron-
worsted slacks, by Corbin, $21.
Winner of sartorial grand prix at right fallows race
in Antron-nylon pullaver, by Izod,
$12; shepherd-check Dacron-worsted slacks,
by YMM, $18. Shutterbug above snops action
оп track in his Orlon link-stitch V-neck cardigan with
cable-knit front, by Robert Bruce, $15; tapered Arnel-
rayon trousers, by Cracker Borrel, $17.
The understatement of classic black is indispensable to occasions which de-
mand a standard of unimpeachable correctness, a look of unobtrusive elegance.
Gentlemon at left exemplifies both in black wool-mohair suit with subdued
chalk stripe, three-button front, cloverleaf lapels, hacking pockets, by
Hanover Hall, $75; broadcloth shirt with medium-spread collar, convertible
cuffs, by Truval, $4; narrow-brimmed Panama hat, by. Dobbs, $11. In pursuit
of more informal pastimes, bloke above steps ovt no less stylishly in glen-
plaid wool worsted jacket with three-button front, flap pockets, side vents,
by Botany 500, $70; felt hat with low crown, narrow brim, by Knox, $16.50.
will attempt to preserve some
semblance of tradition in tone
and profile. Retaining the taste-
ful restraint of natural shoulders,
center vent, seatlength jacket,
full chest expansion and pleatless
beltloop trousers, three-button
models will remain indisputably
in charge—some with lapels
rolled to the middle button in
emulation of the two-button look.
With slightly shaped shoulders
and gently indented waistline,
this Presidentially inspired style
will continue to find favor among
Jims slim enough to do it justice.
"Though last year's renaissance in
double-breasted suits has since
played itself out, the venture-
some one-button model will be
back in force with conservatively
squared shoulders, Continental
coat lengths and enough waist
indentation to show light be-
tween the sleeves and jacket body.
In quiet contrast to the unfet-
tered shades and patterns which
prevail in both dress and sports-
wear, suits will be setting a styl-
ishly subdued pace in glen plaids
of medium gray, moss green and
fan; in nailhead and shepherd
checks of putty and black, olive
and navy, gray and olive, navy
and gray; in hairlines and pin
stripes of medium gray on black
or blue, and light gray on char-
coal; and in classic solids of black
and navy. Materially speaking,
bantamweight wool tropicals,
gabardines, Dacron mixtures and
polyester-worsteds will predomi-
(text continued on next page)
Breaking tastefully with formalweor
tradition, cocktail celebrant at
left introduces novel notion with
‘one-button dinner jacket of striped
Docron-cotton seersucker, orthodox
otherwise with shawl collar,
flap pockets, center vent, $45,
tapered Dacron-worsted formal
Trousers with satin side seams, $20,
black silk cummerbund ond tie, $12,
all by Lord West; Decron-cotton
formel shirt with narrow pleats,
by Hathaway, $12. Fellow in
foreground tries opposite approach
to equal advantage: in Dacron-
rayon dinner jacket of classic
white, with one-button front,
shawl collar, center vent,
$37.50, offbeat cotton madras vest
with matching clip tie, $11, all by
After Six; narrow-pleated cotton
broadcloth formal shirt,
by Van Heusen, $6.
nate; but watch for scersuckers to offset
the low-key look with pronounced pencil
Sports jackets will be going like '63
in a vast array of outspoken styles, shades
and patterns, Both traditional Ivy models
and countrysquire cuts will be coming
on strong in black-white, brown-white
and sand-toned plaids; pin-striped seer-
suckers, barstriped ducks and denims;
black-and-white hound’s-tooths; richly
tinted madras and batiks; bold gingham
checks in light tones and solid-toned silks
and linens. Blazers will be playing their
ordinarily blazing role with unaccus-
tomed understatement.
At the other end of the social spec-
trum — but kindred in sartorial spirit —
the classic black dinner jacket will be
complemented by a coaterie of three
colorful departures from tradition, Com-
bining offbeat elegance with feather-
weight comfort—a white formal coat
with contrasting madras vest and tic, a
black-and-white striped seersucker jacket
with shawl collar, and ап Arnel-rayon
solid-color model in denim blue and
maize will be offering maximum latitude
for outspoken individualism.
In chromatic contrast to the muted
tone of suits and dress shirts— but in
harmony with the liberated look of the
new sports coats— business shirts will
branch out in a new wave of shades and
patterns, The bi e, however,
will rcm the same; with bodies ta-
pered two to four inches for a trimmer
fit, regulation Ivy buttondown and snap-
tab-collared models will be running
neck and neck in popular preference.
Short-point buttondown, pin and regu
lation spread collars, meanwhile, will
rcmain the oddson favorites of those
with face and neck dimensions better
а to these second-running styles
(see From Collar to Cuffs, PLAYBOY,
February 1963). Barrel, French and con-
vcrtible cuffs will be equally acceptable
with any collar style— except for but-
tondown, which requires the barrel cuff.
‘Though white, as always, will be unques-
ably correct for any hour or occasion,
ted striped and solid-color shirts will
predominate for daytime office wear.
Stripings will range through thick and
from bread British block stripes to
hairline and pencil widths in bright
shades on white or tinted backgrounds.
Monotoned shirts will be trooping the
colors in light olives and sepias, medium
tones of mustard yellow, and even denim
shades of blue and red. From a material
t of view, this season's batch of
ness shirts will be the coolest ever —
and the most texturally attractive: they'll
be available in sleek broadcloths, loose-
weave oxfords, durable Dacron blends,
superfine Egyptian and Pima cottons
antamweight batistes.
An always significant finishing touch
108 for the urban wardrobe, the selection
of a suitable tie can bridge the chasm
between mere correctness and sartorial
distinction. This season's bountiful har-
vest of neckwear should enable the
discerning male to make this crossing
with dash and elegance. As elsewhere
on the vernal fashion scene, color will
be putting up a bold front with trad
tional rep and regimental stripes enliv-
ened by brighter pigments, particularly
two-tone blends of deep blue and black,
green and gold; and with the revival
of richly tinted paisleys, challis, ancient
madders and foulards.
The silhouette in slackwear will re-
main trimly tapered, neatly pleatless,
Continentally cuffless and — in the case
of trousers for ticand-jacket wear — tra-
ditionally tailored with belt loops and
vertical side pockets. Casual slacks,
mcanwhile, will be bidding both for
the conservative and liberal votes in
standard belt-loop styles and. in closely
fitted beltless models cut below the waist
ne —accoutered with unconventional
pocket treatments featuring flap- and
slicstyle openings, side zippers, curved
and frontier tops. Maritime-minded men
should Keep a lookout for a fashionable
ficet of slack styles: renascent white
ducks, bell-bottomed sea pants and fitted
deck pants with slit bottoms. Casual
slacks for seafarers and landlubbers alike
will be taking bold strides in denims,
ducks, chambrays and fine-lined twills;
toned Dacron-cotton. pinchecks;
ing seersucker stripes and
oxford-weave solids.
On the April-shower front, rainwear
will continue to perform the double duty
of protection from inclemency and
unseasonal winds. Acquiring the lines
as well as the functions of the traditional
topcoat, raincoats will be adopting a
trimmer, morc fitted silbouctte, and
many new models will be assimilating
such topcoat detailing as notched lapels,
deep V-dosures, split shoulders, set-in
sleeves, exposed button fronts, and full-
pauemed linings. Knee lengths will re-
main standard, but keep a weather eye
peeled for a breezy mid-thigh-length
modcl tailormade for the active outdoor
man about town and country. Borrowing
inspiration from classic trenchcoat styles,
these new raincoats will be designed
with such details as full- and half-belts,
slightly flaring bottoms, deep center
vents and accordion back pleats. Most
familiar as a suiting or topcoat material,
gabardine will be making its presence
felt in springweight versions as a stylish
raincoat fabric. So will an assortment of
durable Dacron mixtures, silk blends,
lightweight canvas and even weatherized
n characteristically faded blues,
grays and black. Though solid black
remain in charge, many of the new rai
coats will be braving the elements
black-and-white hound’stooth checks; in
navy, brown and gray glen plaids; and
in solid tones ranging from dassic gray
to bronze.
In the realm of informal outerwear
appropriate for highway, fairway or wa-
terway, the range of styles — each adapt-
ing a different silhouctte — will be as
varied as the pastimes for which they've
been designed. In lightweight, heavy-
duty ducks, chambrays, laminated terrys
and nylon slicker cloths that warm or
ventilate as needed, summerized ski
parkas — some reversible — will be ven-
turing out with hoods, drawstring necks
and waists, snapped and zippered pock-
ets Borrowing its basic design from
a classic sweater style, a cardigan-type
summer surcoat with collarless V-neck
and six- or seven-button front will be
ng a novel yarn in lightweight,
Tak aneha alpaca weaves. In both
sportscoat fabrics and laminated knits,
still another of the new models will be
revamping the military-academy coat
with crew necks aud piped button fronts.
Ranging westward for its inspiration,
one line of lightweight warmers will
rustle fashion ideas from the ranchers’
domain: short cowboy jackets in beefy
knits, denims and chambrays, appur-
tenanced with Western workshirt de-
tailing. But the most conspicuous —and
strikingly handsome — feature of the en-
tire alfresco wardrobe will be its array
of patterns and colors: the predominant
solids in moss greens, mustards, rust,
cream and powder blue; classic hound’s-
tooths, exotic batiks, brilliant slicker
cloths and kaleidoscopic stripes.
With the proliferation of wool, cotton
and synthetic fibers that warm without
weighing, sweaterwear has become a
year-round sartorial staple of the well-
dressed man for all seasons. Eye-catch-
ingly updated in pattern and. pigment,
the new crop of classic cardigans and
V-necks will be outdoors in link- and
cable-stitched shirtingweight alpaca, wool
and cotton blends—even in semibulky
mohair mixtures, headed for a comeback.
in both loop-stitched and fleecy weaves.
Pullover or button front, solid colors will
prevail but stripes will be causing the
biggest stir with all-over patterns meld-
ing as many as four coordinate colors in
one-inch stripings; and two or three
vi tints in 2g inch blazer widths.
The sportshirt scene will also be
splashed with color and. innovations in
design. Regulation button fronts and
pullovers with trimly tapered shapes in
tried-and-true tones and patterns will
buck a trail-blazing trend toward in
creasingly bright, unshirtlike styles. Knit
shirts, for example, will be heading thc
spring list with a cardigan model that's
virtually indistinguishable from the clas-
sic button-front sweater style, which in
turn is becoming increasingly more shirt-
like both weight and function. The
main distinction: In some models, the
(concluded on page 161)
fiction By FREDRIC BROWN he'd played many roles with professional aplomb,
but when a quirk of vision reversed tv viewing, his equanimity was shattered
APRIL 11 — I'm wondering whether what I'm feeling is shock, fear or wonder that the rules might be
different, the other side of the glass. Morality, I'd always thought, was a constant, And it must be; two sets
of rules wouldn’t be fair. Their censor simply slipped up; that’s all it could have been.
Not that it matters, but it happened during a Western. 1 was Whitey Grant, Marshal of West Pecos,
a fine rider, a fine fighter, an all-around hero. A gang of badmen came to town looking for me, real gun-
slingers, and since everyone else in town was afraid to go up against them, I had to take them on all by
myself. Black Burke, the leader of the outlaws, told me afterward (I'd only had to knock him out, not kill
him) through the bars of the jail that he thought it was a bit like High Noon and maybe it was, but what
does that matter? High Noon was only a movie and if life happens to imitate fiction, so what?
But it was before that, while we were still “on the air,” that 1 happened to look out through the glass
(we sometimes call it “the screen”) into the other world. One can do this only when one happens to be
facing the screen directly. In the relatively rare times when this happens we get glimpses into this other
world, a world in which people also exist, people like us, except that instead of doing things or having
adventures they are simply sitting and watching us through the screen. And for some reason that is a
mystery to me (one of many mysteries), never do we on two different evenings happen to see the same
person or group of persons watching us from this other world.
That’s what 1 was doing when 1 looked through last night. In the living room into which I happened
to be looking, a young couple sat. They were close together on a sofa, very close together, only a dozen feet
away from me, and they were kissing. Well, we allow kisses occasionally here, but only brief and chaste
ones. And this kiss didn't look to be either. They were simply twined in each other's arms, lost in and
holding what looked like a passionate kiss, a kiss with sexual implications. Three times in pacing toward
and from the screen I saw them, and they were still holding that kiss.
By the time I caught my third glimpse of them they were still holding it and 20 seconds at least must
have clapsed. 1 was forced to avert my eyes; it was simply too much. Kissing at least 20 seconds! Probably
longer if they started before my first look or continued after my last one. A 20-second kiss! What kind of
censors have they got over there, to be so careless?
What kind of sponsors to let censors be so careless?
After the Western was over and the glass op:
to talk it over with Black Burke and did talk q
quc again, leaving us alone in our own world, I wanted
е a while through the bars, but I decided no, I shouldn't
bring up what I had seen. They'll probably hang Burke soon, after his trial tomorrow. He's being brave
about it, but why should I put another worry on his mind? Killer or no, he
n't а really bad guy, and
hanging is enough for him to have to think about! Who knows what his next (concluded on page 148)
helpful hints on succeeding with women without really trying
EVERY MARRIAGE must have a home. A mar-
riage without walls around it is a flimsy thing
indeed. You will need a cozy nook for just
you two. This should include a kitchen, bath-
room and at least one room for living and
Choose a good, well-kept apartment build-
ing and you will find they have all these
rooms and as many others as you need or
can afford.
It takes a heap of living to make an apart-
ment a home, but it takes a heap less than
if you are driven into a freestanding house,
surrounded on all sides by constantly grow-
ing vegetation, with its own furnace, hot-water
heater, plumbing, storm windows, cesspools,
roofing, chimney, paint, calking, wiring and
snow-covered sidewalks.
You will discover, however, that every
woman wants a house of her own. From the
very moment you move into your apartment
she will make it clear that she thinks of it
only as a temporary expedient — until you
find your dream house.
You must not, however, stand in her way.
It is like telling a bird it cannot feather its
nest. You are fighting a basic instinct.
Таке the opposite approach. Be eager. This
creates better feelings around the house, and
is far more effective.
Open the Discussion, Make it seem you
are taking the initiative. When she begins
looking through the real-estate section, pre-
pare yourself. The first time she clips some-
thing out, but before she actually says
anything, fire the first shot.
“Oh, I love you, Phoeb, but sometimes
I wonder if we're rcally suited to each
the = 5
“Why, Davie, I —”
“You seem so (continued on page 145)
a salute to the
multicolored maidens of a
continent of contrasts
FROM THE IMPERIOUS Queen of Sheba to pert Juliet
Prowse, the African female has never ceased to
arouse wanderlust in even the most worldly out-
landers. Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, even wise
King Solomon — the number who have fallen vie
tim to the sensuality of African women is legion.
(And the legions range from Roman to Foreign)
"Today. a young man's idle dream of an idyl
among the girls on the Dark Continent can be jet-
propelled into reality in a matter of hours and
for as little as $600. For those who can swing a
safari, close examination of the customs and con-
tours of African girls, from Afrikaner to Zulu,
should prove most rewarding.
Like the continent itself, the girls of Africa are
a study in contrasts. In (text continued overleaf)
Above: Modishly Moorish Donoh Lyndrih, who
teaches French in her exotic home city of Morrokesh,
Morocco, hos big eyes for troveling (she's been os
for south os Johannesburg) ond skiing on the peren-
niolly snowy slopes of the rugged Atlos Mountains.
Left: Dressed in on African version of the traditional
sori, lovely Fotimo Hotim peers over the ornate,
orchid-trimmed balcony of her family's home in the
Arab-Asion sector of Tongonyiko's coastal copitol,
Dor es Soloom (Haven of Реосе). A 19-year-old
collegion, she considers herself “quite modern."
Above: A hip Egyption, 20-yeor-old Мета} Salem is a
happy hobitué of the Geziro Sporting Club on the lower
Nile, where she whiles the time swimming, dancing ond
socializing with other Club members. Nemat has but one
plon for the future: she hopes to marry а millionaire
Left: Stacked against a big-game gun rack in Richard von
Heerden's Kenya hunting lodge, Africon-born LindaMoore,
21, is clearly the finest trophy of the lot. A keen hunter
herself, linda hos mode the Kilimanjaro climb several
times, ond likes to swap cigarettes and safari stories
with visiting gome stalkers from America ond England. 113
!. Jd. a ^ 4
ч - u АРУУ
Above, left: Amelia Cooper, 18, is ће daughter of а wealthy Monrovia, Liberia, family. Although active in social circles, she
is also a graduate of Liberia's Booker T. Washington Institute and plons to come to the U.S. this year to pursue a career in
nursing. Above, center: Nombulelo Ngotshu applies yellow face point to Nomsa Miya in the cosmetic prelude to o ritual dance
in the Pondoland district of South Africa. Blue beads indicate that both girls are virgins and ready for marriage. Above, right:
Sultry Didi Daddoo of Mozambique is the Swiss-educoted daughter of a wealthy Indian merchant ond an Itolian mother.
Above: Marina Christellis, a pert Afrikaner, entered South Africa's Hibiscus Queen contest over the objections of her family,
in 1961, and won first prize (a trip through Europe). She's now o successful model. Right: Captivating Bes Kivan, 19, peruses
some prints on o leopard rug. An Angolan of Fronco-Dutch descent, she is coming to the U.S. this year to study design.
Above: Ebony-moned Jeon Wolker, 19, ond May Britt-ish Jill Chose,
20, both South Africon born, chot over coffee ot o Johonnesburg
sidewolk café. Both girls ore art students ot the Witwotersrand
Technicol College, oiming ct coreers in commerciol illustration. Jill's
parents ore both English, Jean's are French ond South African
color, they run from pure, rich Jersey cream to café-au-
lait; from gold to bittersweet chocolate; from almost
brick red to a lovely dark grape. Despite the common
than the contrast in color among African women is the
contrast in their cultures. In the hills of South Africa’s
term, there are no black women, Even more sti
back country, a gleaming half-naked Herrero girl, her
supple body arching to the pulse of a ritual dance, may
pause for a moment and tilt her head up to watch a
roaring plane streak south toward Johannesburg, where
her betrothed has gone to work in the gold mines. At
the same time, and only a few miles away at Johannes
burg's Jan Smuts Airport, the blonde, well-tanned daugh-
ter of a British mining engineer may click off a jangling
commercial, then straighten а nylon as she steps from her
Aston-Martin to meet an old friend j
ting in from
Contrasts among Africa's nati
tribes (as among
white settlers) are often equally sharp. A lithelimbed
Watusi maiden differs far more from an Ituri Pygmy
than a tall Norwegian does from a petite Parisienne; and
а Masai girl is less similar to а Somba than a sensuous
Sicilian to a sturdy Lapp. (text continued on page 120)
Above, left: Cute Vivienne Moots, a 20-year-old Rhodesian fashion stylist, peers from under a hand-woven straw hat bought
in the native market of her hometown, Salisbury. Above, center: Wearing her hair in the latest French styling, 19-year-old
Mona Abdulla, an Egyptian high school girl, enjoys o local brandy cboard the Отаг Khayyém, a floating restaurant-night club
moored near the Gezira Club. Mona has her heart set on a modeling career and dreams of a penthouse in Paris. Above, right:
Coffee-colored Peta de Wildt, a rising young Congolese dancer, is the daughter of a white hunter and an African mother.
Several million of the continent's most beautiful girls are half-breeds of various types. Below: This curious camel would
obviously walk a mile for an affectionate pat from fine-featured Khadiga Manbarak, с 20-year-old education major at
Cairo University. Rising in the background are the Giza pyramids, just a shodow's cast from the Great Sphinx of Khofre
Above: Luscious Dianah Frost, another of South
Africa's scenic wonders, is personal assistant to
the director of on import house, Footloose and
22, she spends her weekends boating near
Johannesburg. Right: It's Dianah in а diaphanous
nightie. Below: In a brilliant golden sari, Janeel
Hatim drinks milk from a green coconut on the
grounds of the Sultan's polace in Zanzibar.
Above: Tenderly trapped in an African fish trap is 19-year-old Gillian Tanner, an accomplished commercial artist. like the
braided Bes Kivan (page 115), Gill was in the queenly quintet of beauties featured in photographer Sam Haskins’ Five Girls,
on inspired photo study which is banned in South Africo. Right: Emancipated from ће Xosa tribal hut in which she was born,
South African Thandi Klaasen, 21, now lives in Johannesburg, works as a stenographer from 9 to 5 and as a cabaret singer
оғ night. This photograph of her was taken in a railroad terminal restaurant restricted to Negroes only. Although she speaks
English and French as well as her native tongue, apartheid laws wall her away from any social contact with European visitors.
Above: Beaded Momosi Mziza of Trans-
voal's artistic Ndebele tribe is seen within
her vividly painted hut. Below: Jyoti
Patel, an 18-year-old Hindu, weaves an
intricate sash on o Zanzibor rocftop.
Top, left: Swinging American ballads is o specialty of 21-year-old Pearl Ndlwana,
о Rhodesian night-club singer. Top, right: A ncturolly late riser, buxom Pearl brunches
‘on bonbons while checking a continental foshion magazine for new ideas. Directly
above: Wafoa Zaki, a popular Cairo fashion model, reflects ће agelessness of
Egyptian beauty os she glances up at a mural (reproduced from on ancient temple
rendering) in the rooftop night club of the artfully modern Nile Hilton Hotel in Cairo.
То widen the contrasts, Africa's 240,000,000 inhabitants share no common tongue, but speak more than 500 diales
leading language is imported Arabic, used by most of the Semitic peoples of the north, But the most beautiful is Swahili
(a precise yet expressively rhythi age in which the word for “car
Amid all its disunity, Africa
becomes a caressing kubembeleza).
at least most of it — has been suddenly seized by an overdue urge to assert its native might.
New nations emerge almost every month, proud and poor, growing to UN stature almost overnight.
Thrust into this march of progress, m
ny tribal African women secm uncertain of where they want to go. But most are
united in a desire to escape the bridal bondage and servitude that has often been their lot. They (text continued on page 150)
Above, loft: Chocolate-brown Khaidia Nyame, o 21-yeor-ald hair stylist, is typical of the beauties ta be found in the Republic
of Mali, site of that once-mysterious symbol af distant exotica, Timbuktu. Above, right: Egyptian-barn Fatima Shah enjoys “moon
bathing” on the desert sands of Tunisia where she now lives with her six Siamese cats and a calony of terrapins. Below: Getting
a kick from a ride in o Zulu rickshaw, bikinied Cloudie Somouilhan (left! ond Fiona Watherley live in the Indian Ocean-side
city of Durban, South Africo. Their chauffeur's fiercely tusked and arnately painted headdress weighs well over 50 pounds.
Above: Danish-born Helmi Jensen come to South Africa at the oge of six, is now a Johannesburg bonk teller. In her spore
time, Helmi is also a headstrong student of advanced Yogo, an avid reader of modern poetry and a promising young octres
“Darling, it's
my hat I want
your opinion on."
Ribald Classic
From Contes Populaires de Basse Bretagne
THERE ONCE RULED in France a king who
had a most unusual daughter. Not only
was she exquisitely beautiful, but she had
an almost uncanny skill in solving rid-
dies. When she came of age, it was pro-
claimed throughout the kingdom that the
Princess would marry the man who could
pose а riddle too difficult for her to un-
the event, however, that she
discovered the answer, the penalty for the
unfortunate suitor would be death.
Despite this unpleasant alternative,
young men flocked to the palace from
and near, drawn by the news of the Prin-
cess’ great beauty; and since no riddle
succeeded. in baffling her for even a sec
ond, the courtyard, which served as the
place of exccution, soon became a rather
unwholesome sight to behold.
Not far from the palace lived the
Countess of Kerbrinic with her son. Re-
turning alone one day from the hunt, the
handsome young nobleman came upon a
stocky little soldier walking along the
highway. Attracted by the soldier's jaunty
manner, he slowed his horse and the two
men struck up a conversation, in the
course of which the soldier inquired
whether the young lord had ever thought
of courting the Princess.
"Of course," Kerbrinic replied, "but
my mother forbids me to go."
What riddles do you know
Petit-Jean, for this was the soldici
Kerbrinic gave several, but
his comrade guessed them readily.
“Those will get you nowhere,” laughed.
the soldier, "but if you will set out with
me for the palace tomorrow, I promise to
help you win the Princess."
The young man accepted this offer
without delay and together they re
turned to the manor. The Countess said
little when she heard of their plans, foi
it was evident that lier son had made up
hismind. But she was determined to stop
them, and so after they had retired for
the night, she obtained a violent poison.
After the two men had mounted their
steeds the next morning, she came out
to bid them goodbye, carrying two
glasses of wine.
"If you must go,” she s
this wine as a parting gift.”
She looked down at the ground and
there was such a strange mixture of sad-
ness and anger upon her face that Petit-
Jean counseled the son in a whisper, “Do
not drink the wine. Pour it into the car
of your horse.
Both men did this, took their leave
and departed. As they rode off, the
mother waved after them, a look of su
prise on her face. Toward evening, the
ne sick and died.
the effect of the м
d, "accept
ne," said
They retraced their steps a few miles
to the nearest inn and spent the night.
Next day as they walked past their horses,
they saw four magpies lying dead nearby
“They were also killed by the poison,
the soldier remarked. “Let us cach take
two of the birds; they may be of use.
Nearing a great forest, they entered a
bakery to ask directions. The ker
warned them not to enter the forest, as
а band of six robbers made it un
But Petit-Jean scoffed at this advice.
“We shall go through the forest,
said, “and if you wish to help my mas
and me, you will give us some dough
so that we may have something to eat,
should we not reach an inn before dark.”
The baker € him dough and Petit
Jean made eight cakes, putting half a
magpie in each. The travelers entered
the wood and, toward nightfall,
some distance before them six m
ting around a campfire.
“Those are the robbers,” exclaimed
Kerbrinic, and пса to avoid them.
But Petit-fean went right up to the
lounging band and addressed them with
these words: "Gentlemen, permit us to
join you, as night is approaching and we
fear the robbers who roam this forest.”
The cutthroats winked and grinned at
h other until one, apparently their
leader, spoke. "You are welcome,” he
said with a strange smile.
And he offered the hungry pair some
of the great ham reasting over the fi
In retum, Petit-Jean gave each of the
men one of his cakes. Hardly had the
pastry been eaten —the travelers only
pretended to cat theirs— when the rob-
bers became violently sick and died.
Petit Jean took their money and the two
men continued on their way. Leaving
the forest, they purchased new horses and
rode toward the palace
"I have it!" cried Petit Jean.
"Have what?" asked his puzzled com-
“The riddle! The riddle for the Pri
cess!” replicd the soldier, elated, “You
will simply relate our experiences and
how she
accounts for them.”
“But that is too easy!” protested the
young lord.
“Do you think so? Li
paused for a moment and then, clearing
his throat, recited rapidly, "When we left
home we were four: of the four two died;
ten!" The soldier
of the two four died: of the four we
made eight; of the eight six died; and
now wc
e four How can this
nic was delighted, but it took
time to learn to say all this
correctly. By the time the walls of the
palace came into sight, however, he had
memorized the riddle perfectly.
The young
(concluded on page 126) 123
“You wanted the white horse, you lead the way!” “Hello, is this the baby sitter? Well, this is Mr.
aad Johnson and 1 was wondering .. . hello .. . hello. ..?”
“Well, how the hell was 1 supposed 10 know there “Mr. Baxter... Mr. Baxter ... you better wake up
were two 21 Clubs in New York . . . 22” пош... my daddy's coming up the walk . . . ""
“And if I say, ‘No’... ?” “Look, mister, there's lots of kids waiting. Another
time around is another ten cents.”
still more outrageously extemporaneous subtitles for the late-night flicks
“Say, I thought there were going to “No, no, Al — a good twister’s got to get
be girls at this party...” his hips into it, like this...”
Look at that he elastic
on his trunks broke again!”
“Apparently we should have talked a little “That's right, girls ... Ben Casey came down with
about the use of snowshoes before we started out it this morning. Now, I'm going to ask each of you
on this expedition . . ." a very frank question . . ."
126 the secret!
Ribald Classic (continued from page 123)
nobleman soon had his audience with
the haughty Princess. When he had fin
ished stating the riddle, a puzzled look
came over her pretty face.
“Would you mind repeating that?” she
But after several repetitions she was no
better off than before, and so she asked
for three days’ time in which to find the
answer; during this period the guests
were to be housed in the palace. That
evening, after all her books and all her
wit had been of no avail, the Princess
sent a comely lady ting to extract
the secret from the lord's servant, Petit
The little soldier rece
with great courtesy.
“What can I do for you?" he inquired
d the lady
tress sends me to ask if you
to the riddle.
Not for 100 ducats?” The girl waved
a heavy bag invitingly.
Moncy ——" the little man shrugged
his shoulders. He picked up a handful of
the coins he had taken from the robbers.
"Т have all that I need.’
What do you want, them:
п surveyed the dainty face
d questioningly to him. He smiled.
You are so charming that I will help
ou. Come to my room tonight at 10 and
1 will not only tell you the secret of the
riddle, but 1 will also let you keep the
100 ducats.”
The damsel made a pretense of ob-
ing, but finally consented to ask per-
mission of her mistress. When she had
left, the soldier went to Kerbrinic and
At 10 o'clock tonight I shall have
isitor. As your room is directly be-
neath mine, you will hear him enter if
you listen carefully, After, let us say, half
ап hour, I will cough loudly, whereupon
you are to cry out that you have been
robbed, and are to rage and storm about
your room. "Then, still pretending that
you are furious, noisily ascend the stairs."
The your п was at a loss to
understand the purpose of these instruc
tions, but he agreed to do as requested,
and Petit-Jean returned to his room
whistling a little tune.
At the stroke of 10 there was a knock
door. When he opened it, the
waiting slipped in.
You are very punctual.” He looked
at her with raised cyebrows.
The damsel blushed. “Now tell me the
answer to the riddle.”
"In due time. Do you know that you
are as alluring as you are demand
His arm slipped about her waist.
She drew back hastily. “No! No!"
“АП right, but then you won't le
The girl struggled with herself. “If it
must be,” she said blushing, and allowed
him to embrace her.
"Now, what is the sec
“Softly, softly, there is no great haste.
You сап be sure that I will tell you in
the morning when you leave."
“In the morning? I am going to leave
“As you w
learn nothing.
n the girl was tom by mixed emo-
the desire to keep the 100
ightly clutched in her hand,
th the fear of displeasing
her mistress, won out.
“I will stay." she said.
Petit-Jean insisted that she remove all
her clothes as, he avowed, he had taken
an oath never to touch a woman's
chemise. When, finally, this garment
joined its mates on the floor near the
bedside. the soldier extinguished the
candles and, making a bundle of
the dainty clothes, he threw them under
t way you will
the bed. He did this so quickly and
quictly that the girl was unaware of
what he had done. Then Pe
climbed into bed.
After a while — it was difficult to keep
t watch on the time — he coughed
loudly. Immediately а loud cursing and
es of “Robber! were heard below.
» heavy steps began to ascend the
What is that?" the girl asked іп mor-
tal fca
“It is my таме
" Petit-Jean replied.
“He always gets like this when he is
drunk. He is coming in here now. Save
The girl jumped out of bed. “Where
are my clothes?
“I do not know! But you have no time
to dress. Hurry, hurry!
Terrified, she rushed out the door and
ng money and clothes
behind. In the darkness she gained her
room unseen. Quickly she dressed and
went to her mistress.
“The man is a scoundrel
" she cried.
he carefully refrained, however, from
telling how she had spent the evening or
where she had left her clothes.
The next evening, the Princess de-
cided to send her most charming lady
waiting with 150 ducats. Petit-Jean found
it prudent to wa somewhat longer
time before coughing, but the outcome
was the same. The third night the Prin-
cess came herself and spent over an hour
with the amorous little soldier before
she, too, fled in complete humiliation.
The following morning, Kerbrinic ап
nounced that the three days were up,
gave the solution to his riddle and
claimed his reward. But the Princess had
one more request.
st fill this sack wi
said, extending a buskin bag.
Kerbrinic assented, his eye on Petit-
The entire court w: sembled when,
next morning, the two men entered
carrying the sack stuffed to the brim. The
Princess looked surprised.
“Now, let us see your truths,” cried
the K
“Here is the first, Sire.” Решен
tied the sack and drew out a woman's
th truths," she
ап un-
he asked innocently.
med it. After a few minutes
Petit-Jean turned with a smile to the
ladyin-waiting who had first come to
е, Mademe
"The poor girl blushed, lowered her
head and said nothing.
Then the litle rogue reached a
into the sack and drew out
several petticoats.
dainty chemise,
and then stating who the owner w
veryone began to laugh and joke and
with cach successive garment they
laughed harder, so that the unfortunate
girl almost died of shame and confusion.
“That is the first truth,” said the
soldier. "Now let us pass on to the sec-
He pulled a splendid robe of silk from
the sack, at the sight of which the pretti
est lady-inwwaiting grew very red and
rose to leave. But the Monarch stopped
her. "No one will leave this chamber
until the sack is empty,” he thundered.
PetitJean asked and then answered
his own merciless question, and in due
order the lady's other garments, includ-
ing her chemise, made their appearance
"And now to the third truth," he re-
The Princess stood up. "I command
you to stop.” she said imperiously.
“But you asked that the sack be filled
with truths,” he replied solemnly, “and
by far the best of these lies at the bot-
He reached into the sack, but the Pri
cess rushed over and seized his
"No further!" she said firmly.
your sack!
Everyone was greatly astonished at her
actions, and the King realized that it
would be imprudent to inquire further
s to the rem:
“Obey the Princess!” he ordered the
soldier. Then he turned to Kerbrinic.
"Scigneur de Kerbrinic,” he said with
dignity, ^I welcome you as my son-in-
A week later the marriage took place,
and a month later, after the old sover-
cign had died from too much celebrating,
Kerbrinic was made King; Petit-Jean, of
course, became his prime minister.
— Translated by William Н. Schad EQ
a slightly punchy screen-
play— with definite strings
attached—in which they
thought they had him
licked until the final round
THOSE OF Us who recall the great old boxing films of the
Thirties and Forties and who have been having our
memories refreshed by the TV late shows are naturally
quite caught up by what could be a current growing
trend. As we all know, ‘ed on
the screen and a new
Boy is on tap.
revival cycle which will include The Champion, Body
and Soul and a whole gaggle of other old ring films.
In view of this I too am anxious to jump on the band
wagon, but I realize that to reincarnate a boxing classic
nowadays one needs a fresh gimmick. Among other things,
the producers of the two aforementioned revivals have
resorted to updated dialog and the addition of music.
Both of these elements are fine, but I'm going to take
off on a different tack Гог my film. Rather than concen-
urate on any one old fight movie, I will cull basic plot
ingredients from all of them, shake them up well, and
then by means of an ingenious twist. .
FADE IN on а New York concert hall. An orchestra rehearsal
Kid Galahad has been re
idway musical version of Golden
This might very well be the start of a
is in progress. Slouched in an aisle seat is impresario
BORIS MYERS, By his side is CYNTHIA LAVANNE, his beautiful,
but hard-bitten companion, confidante and sometime
mistress. MYERS is visibly exasperated by the rehearsal
MYERS: That Siggie Hoffmann calls himself a cellist!
I've heard better music [rom a chorus of cats in my back
yard. No passion, no fire, no concert savvy! Cynthia, I'd
уе anything for a cellist with concert savvy.
Suddenly materializing in the aisle from out of no-
where is TOMMY САТАНАР, a dark, broodingly handsome
fellow, about 21 years of age, holding a cello case.
TOMMY: Mr. Myers, I'm Tommy Galahad, the greatest
young cellist in New York.
avers (hardly glancing at him): Beat it, kid, can’t you
ping here? I'm not running a
sec I've got a rchearsa
128 Nes
томму: But all 1 want is a ch
show you what 1
суктшд: Look, kid, you heard what
Mr. Myers said. Now beat it.
томму puts. down his cello, cockily
lifts cvxvinA out of her seat and hisses
her savagely on the mouth. Soft back-
around music up.
томму (gazing deeply into her сусу,
re for me a little bit, funny face?
сухта (warmly): You know it.
Myris: I've never seen such damn gall
in all my life. OK, junior, you. think
pretty handy with that cello of
у Get up there on the st
see how good you really are.
томму vaults up on the stage and
s over the chair of а stunned SIGGIE
ncc to
п do.
MyEKS (lo
show this s1
the conductor): Misch:
t kid no mercy.
sisena nods his head, gives the down-
beat, and the orchestra breaks into Schw
mann's “Cello Concerto in A” Although
driven furiously by the maestro, You wy
plays flawlessly, He finishes the move-
ment with a dazzling display of wirtu-
osity and the entire orchestia rises to
give him an ovation. TOMMY trots over
томму: Well, how did I do?
MYERS (Irving to conceal his excite-
ment): Not bad. But you still need plenty
of seasoning.
TOMMY: Seasoning, my foot. 1 want a
shot at Carnegie Hall.
мур: Look, kid, you want to sign up
with me, you let me handle the bookings.
Now I'm going to start you olf with a
soft touch — the Muncie, Indiana, Phil
harmonic. After that we'll play it by car.
Dissolve lo restaurant. томму and
exta are eating lunch.
хтша: Tommy, you don't know
what you're letting yourself in for in this
concert racket. Traveling on dirty trains,
sleeping in miserable hotel rooms, r
hearsing in halls with lousy acoustics,
dull cultural exchange trips to Moscow,
and then maybe if vou're really lucky, a
shot on the Sullivan show. Tommy, give
it all up. Give me up. Go back to that
irl next door.
Just then a ragged, while-haired old
MAN comes np to their table. He has a
vacant, faraway look in his watery eyes,
and he is carrying an armful of tattered
max: Miss Lavanne, would you like to
buy а copy of Musical America?
Suddenly а waiter draps an empty tray
that elatters noisily to the floor. The MAN
drops his publications, raises ат imagi
nary musical instrument to his lips and
simulates playin
2 Poor Felix. He used то be
one of the greatest bassoonists in the busi-
. But he sat too close to the percus-
sion section and. played oue concert too
many. Now every time he hears ану
that reminds him of crashi
well, you
Tommy, 57th St
g cymbals he
what happened.
et is loaded with poor
guys like Felix. Get out while you can.
rowwy: Baby, I'm on а one-way trip
to the Big Time and nobody takes away
my ticket.
Dissolve to dining room of ломму»
luxurious Sutton Place apartment. A
birthday party is in progress and ломмуЗз
FATHER is making a speech.
FATHER: Tommy, your 215 birthday is
n important milestone for both of us.
zver since your mother died I've tried to
be both a father and a mother to you.
Tt hasn't been easy running a steamship
company and taking care of a growing
ild at the same time. Of course the
burl the maids and the nurses have
helped, but it’s been no picnic. Still that’s
the way it is here on the Upper East Side,
and we try to make the best of thi
Tommy, I've always tau
one thing that really counts in this world
is money. Well, you have it in you to
make a lot of money . . . (Background
music up as he holds up а pair of mag-
nificent boxing gloves. One of the butlers
ht you that the
whistles at their splendor) . . . Son, 1
want you to have this as а birthday gift
from me.
томму: Why, Dad, they're beautiful.
пу kid would give his right arm to own
a pair of boxing gloves like this. But
you see, 1... Oh, what's the use in h
ing around the bush. Dad. I signed a
contract with impresario Bovis Myers.
I'm going to play the cello.
FATHER (gripping the lable tightly):
You're going to whal? My son is going to
play music, But theres no money in
томму: Dad. don't you see, it doesn't
matter. Music is my life!
raner (burying his head in his
hands) This is the thanks I get for
planning a brilliant ring career for you
Pe 1. АР ап! Oh, where have
1 failed? Where have I failed?
TOMMY: I'm sorry, Dad.
FATHER (through hot, angry tears):
Sorry? You're going out to ruin your
boxing hands on a cello and you're
sorry. Get out of my house!
Fade and cut to kaleidoscopic shots of
spinning train wheels, calendar leaves
falling, newspaper headlines: wuxvere-
TION IN DETROIT, shots of TOMMY playing,
more train wheels, more calendar lea
shots of TOMMY wawing his cella and bow
high over his head as the crowd ap-
plauds, more train wheels, more calendar
leaves, shots of concert posters with
rOMMY's name appearing in progres-
sively larger letters and rising closer and
closer to top billing.
Dissolve to томму embracing
in vivers’ office.
row My: [ve got it, С bv. The
thing Гуе waited for А crack
at Carnegie Hall.
cvv MA: Tommy, book at the price
you're paying for all this. You've broken
your poor father's heart, H
for voi + dreams for you... 14
ting partners... Oh, Tommy, stop
this madness. Go back to your father
+ and that sir next door.
TOM MY: Sorry, baby. Pin on a
rocket 10 the stars and nothing can
me off.
He starts for ihe door. She clings to
him. He coldly drags her along with him.
She kisses his shoes, his trouser cuffs, his
jachet pockets, the inside lining of his
lapels, his shirt buttons, his neck, his сатх,
his eyes, his mouth. He pushes her aside
and walks oul the
got hopes
door. Screaming, she
hurls herself at an open window. swres
intercepts her just in time.
myers: Cynthia, don't tell me уо
in love with that big lug!
Dissolve to Carnegie Hall. Thunderous
applause as зомму walks out on the
slage, Cut lo conductor giving the down-
beat. Kaleidoscopic shots: томму play-
ing; close-ups of his cello; various
orchestra members; cyxins and MYERS
in the audience; the numbers 1, 2. 3 =
gnifying various symphonic movements
— floating by in the air.
Dissoloe lo TOMMY, EVN and муки
in TOMMY's dressing room, M is int
mission time. The door opens and a
rough-looking fellow wearing a loud
double-breasted suit,and smoking a black
cigar, walks in.
Myers: Bruno Finster! What do you
nt here?
NsrER: The orchest
at the Met just
walked out. Another salary dispute with
management. The o "
other union musicians playing in tow
tonight walk out, too, in thy.
Right now.
tomy: Hold on. [m not walkin
on the biggest night of my...
этек (seizing him by the callary:
Look. Buster, when the union says walk
ош. vou walk ... Understand?
томмү looks pleadingly at Myers.
MYERS shrugs his shoulders sadly.
томму (falling into a chair): 1...1
never threw à concert in my lif
Fade and cut lo маде. An ox
addressing the audience.
OFFICAL: Ladies a „Кге
gret to inform you that beciuse of a
musicians strike this concert has been...
Suddenly томму walks out on the
stage, his cello in his hand. Excited
ing and. cheers from the audience.
rowwY motions the OFFICIAL off. the
Mage. He міх down in his chair, sets his
jaw grimly and resumes the recital with
no accompaniment.
Cut to муких and CYNTMIA.
муки: The stubborn fool! I knew he
wouldn't throw the concert.
cyrina (frantically): Oh, Boris, what ll
they do to
Disolve lo kalcidascopic shots of
Tow wy: overhead, looking down; from
the floor looking up; [vom the side.
fram the back: over his shoulder; under
his атту; close-up of perspiration on his
forehead. Dissolve to audience standing
and giving him a tremendous ovation ах
he bows and then holds his cello and
baw high over his head.
Fade and cui to муки office. TOMY,
his face covered with blood and his cloth-
ing torn, is lying on a couch.
evsta: 1 warned you, Tommy! But
no, you had to play the hero. Finster
d his c make up just
part of a fine union, but they'll stop at
nothing to get what they wa
гомму (painfully, through pale d lips):
Cynthia, will you marry пи
She makes a motion to
then checks herself,
mbrace him,
«улаш: No, Tommy, it would never
work out. | love you too much. (She
walks over lo the desk and opens a
drawer.) Tommy, a little while ago your
father dropped. in and left these . . .
(She holds up the boxing gloves as music
swells in background.) . . . He says you
can still have them if you want them.
He says he forgives you . .. Tommy, if
you really love me, will you make me
а pron
Anything you say, baby
ve this filthy racket. Be
nd... and... go back
irl next door.
zai. o that
(She sobs couvulsively in his arms as
he tenderly strokes her head.)
Fade and cut to apariment next door
An attrac
to Tony's on Sutton Place,
tive, but overly made-up саза. 4
томму at the dour. He is we а
turtleneck sweater and is carrying a
small gym bug
cma: Well, well, this is a surpri
Tommy € Ive w lo
time for you to show up
Hello, Vale
I made a proi
: Sure,
o the bedroom
honey, sure . -
d rel
Now you
. I'll be
right. with you Oh, that'll be $100,
in advance . . . You know, my regular
am Lune ۴
Yes...when they have the authority of Lee combed cotton twills
Nobody sees the price lag on his shoes
or his slacks. He looks great. And that's
that. He spends $25 for his shoes
because thats how much he has to
spend to get the kind of shoes he
likes...this look, this fit, this quality.
D. Lee Co., Ine.. Kansas City 41
But all he has to spend is $4.95 to get
the kind of slacks һе likes...this look,
this fit, this quality... Leel Extra-slim
continental cut in rich combed cotton
twill. Elephant-Brown, Sand, Black.
Sanforized-Plus for wash and wear.
LEesures by Lee
might have gone on to note further
that the unexpressed act is not fully
lived. What we cannot say we cannot
examine, and what we cannot exam:
we do not really experience. These are
iple truths which make clear why
ture h ning in our lives, and
lives total meaning only when they
have become also literature.
That a rose by any other name may
have a decidedly offensive odor was made
: мет
m, housewil:
and head of Atlanta's five-member movi
censorship board, in explaining why she
banned Never on Sunday in her. city
to the fact
s that have
r theme have not used the
she told the interviewer
and several million. television viewers.
“We've called them tramps; we've called
them ladies of easy virtue; we've called
them callgirls; "ve called them
girls of the night: but that is a word
that we have mot customarily allowed
on our screens in Atl. „ because we
der it just a little bit too rugged
udiences." (The good lady's
concern over what words were to bc
allowed on the screens of Adanta appar-
ently did not include screens.)
And the head of the Memphis censor
board, also a hou commented. a
while back: “I twice in
pictures a word I have never heard used
before: "s-l-u-t.
The Kansas Board of Review is typi-
cal of the groups that are appointed
watchdogs of public morality in movies
unexpurgated films
Zens 1
these good
to be driven to crime or deb
"The Chairn Kitty
MeMahon, who attended junior college
but did not graduate: other members
gr: ad Mrs. Cecile Ryan, who
attended Central College for Women in
All three were ap-
pointed by the Governor.
The following excerpts are quoted
verbatim from the Kansas Board's month-
ly reports: “Eliminate shouting of word
‘bitch’ (Tiger Bay); eliminate where
izabeth Taylor says to her mother. Tu
the slut of all times’ (Butterfield S);
eliminate last part of dance scene of
the first queen, showing the pelvic mo
tions (Esther and the King): eliminate
where Danny shouts to his mother, “Whi
you doing shacking up with him?
(The Young Savages): eliminate dia
log where wife says to husband, Har-
old, ‘Martin did (Last
Woman on Earth); eli
nant woma
inate where preg-
s to other woman, “Bas-
130 tards have only bastard children’...
(continued. from page 68)
also clim
ме rape scene (The Virgin
Spring): eliminate where Dominique is
in bed and turis over and exposes nude
buttocks (The Truth): eliminate where
guest says to girl “Hi, bitch; also where
Magdalena says to Marcello, "1 want to
use myself like a whore, also where
blonde sa That bitch
love with you. also where Emm:
Marcello, ‘Go back to your whore,’ also
where blonde says, "ve always been а
whore all my life and I'm not going to
change now" (La Dolce Vita).
None of this concentrated activity on
the part of the well-meaning ladies of
K pt to bring movies any closer
тірей as their more
to help us digest and un-
own experience."
too much to suggest that no
е word or phrase should be so objec-
ible, so repugnant to the normal
adult that. it cannot be spoken, printed
or projected on а motion picture or tele-
(And good s
nd the Supreme Court has confirmed,
complex contemporary society must be
run on terms suited to the normal adult,
not some perverted exception and not
children, lest the society thus be reduced
to the level of the pervert or the child.)
The very notion that a solitary word
could be vile and harmful enough to
warrant expurgating it from a book,
movie or a play appears preposterous оп
the face of it. These "filthy" and "ob-
scene re produced from the
me familiar 26 letters of our alphabet
s those suitable for the most proper
ıd polite society. How can inoffensive
letters produce an obscene word when
put together in a certa ? Even
the very same letters are impotent unless
ged in precisely the proper order
у the taint is
upon the word itself and not upon the
component letters. (Reassurance for any
of you who may inclined to
suspect those little letters of any mischief
on their own.)
Equally apparent, upon cor
is the more remarkable fact that it is not
the thought, the action or the object
described by an obscene word that m
obscene; for the idea. activity or en
tity сап almost always be described by
other "acceptable" words — "clean" words
that mean precisely the same thing as
the "dirty" ones. It is dear then that it
is the word — and the word alone — that
commits the offense.
An emotionally charged r
word rather than to its m
symbol rather than the thing symbolized
—is as primitive and illogical as totem
worship or other forms of idolatry (which
the Ten Commandments specifically for-
bids). The image of ?0th Century Man —
is in
10 m
se dic
“sponse to a
ng — to the
splitter of the atom, conqueror of space,
healer ol the world's most dread discases
—groveling on his knees before the
magic potency of a four-letter word may
be just ludicious enough to sway the
convinced of our readers. И may
hopefully raise doubts about the logic
underlying, society's commonly accepted
attitude toward not only obscene words,
but all so-called obsceni
Mortimer J. Adler, Director of the
Institute for Philosophical Research,
cently wrote, in response to а query on
the pro and con of censorship in а dem
ocatic society: “Censors today object to
certain words as well as to cc sub-
ject matters. They wish to ban the public
usc of common terms for sexual
excretory functions and organ
leads to а certain difficulty, since many
of the greatest writers in our tradition —
including Aristophanes, Rabel:
cer, Shakespeare and the translators
of the King James version of the
Bible— use some or all of the earthy
terms. If we are to follow the verbal ai
terion of obscenity
some of the greatest works in o
tion, or we must
in the classics of the past what we wi
not permit in contemporary works.
in, it 1 to determine the
moral effect of ordinary terms,
which, as Judge Woolsey remarked in his
[favorable] decision on James Joyce's
Ulysses, are in fairly common usage, For
one thing. their directness and simplicity
may be more wholesome than the snig-
gering indirectness of artful erotica."
» Arnold, past Assis
of the U.S.
Associate Justice of the
Court of Appeals. offered an obser
on the extent t0 which а sy
itself become obscene, i
the Playboy Panel on
then м
nd cele-
ship in Literature and the Arts” (pLaynoy,
book was widely
July 1961): “In 1911 а
sold named Three Weeks," said
i “in which the obscene passa
isted only of pages of aster
propriate places. The book was passed
from hand to hand in every colle;
Certainly it is unhealthy to be stimu
lated by asterisks. . . . A strict standard
of obscenity contributes to such un
thy [possibilities]. Judge Arnold
ted that when strong sexual connot
tions are given to symbols (such
words) it tends “to create attitudes to-
ward sex which are akin to fetishism.”
In the sixth part of “The Playboy
Philosophy.” which appears next month,
itoy-Publisher Hugh M. Hefner ex-
plores the legal and psychological aspects
of obscenity, the problems of censorship
in a democracy and whether so-called
hardcore pornography actually harms a
stops perspiration odor so effectively d
it actually keeps skin odor-resistant! —..—
Speed Stick—the deodorant for Men! Really helps stop odor! One clean
dry stroke lasts all day—so man-size it protects almost 3 times the area
of a narrow roll-on track. No messy drip, no tackiness. Never cracks or
crumbles, won't stain or irritate. Fast! Neat! Businesslike! (™)
Get the wide-oval deodorant for men...Mennen Speed Stick.
All it takes is one clean stroke daily!
" á EE 131
Mennen Speed Stick also available in Canada
GHOST MONEY (continua prom page 55)
laying down the law to heads of state.
But Fate, or Mrs. ame thi
decrees that | waste mys
hole of a shop. Rat holc?
Rats desert a sinking shop. 1 joke so as
not to weep. And you imply by your
attitude that 1 solicit your business!
I said, “E didn't mean to imply any
ng, Mr. Var:
He went right on. “I could be a rich
man if I were a chaser of customers. But
itle more than 1
have got — and proud of it! My temper-
m pillar to post.
ngs for д.
‚ assist. Th why children
like me — they c ize a sucker on
sight. So E cannot help being poor.
“And yet, if it were not for my pecul-
iar character, 1 should go hungry. Th:
is not a paradox — I mean to say that a
lot of people who have come to V
when they were in trouble remember
him, you'd be surprised how many years
Tater, Actually, 1 don't believe anybody
forgets you, ever —1 am talking about
people who enjoy remembering me, who
would cross a busy street to shake hands
with me. Others don't count. To this
very day I have as customers people who
used to Gill me Papa V:
when they were children,
hop like this on Tremont Avenue in
the Bronx. They were always coming to
me to mend their tom Clothes free of
char is the beating 1 saved
some of them by means of a few well
placed. stitches. I was also
ruptured golliwogys, ripped Teddy bears
ated rag dolls.
ere must have been three or four
hundred children, all calling me
you should have heard Mis. V.
subject! ... Did you ever hear of Gerda
Grithn, the actress?”
Vara paused. 1 nodded. Who had
ıd of Gerda Griilin? She played
Bibi in Claude. Willys Mad Apples of
Sodom, aud swept the world: failed i
motion pictures, but came fron
Hollywood several million dollars richer
— or so the Sunday supplements siid—
and even scored а succes d'estime with
volume of poetry entitled Insights.
“Dow's tell me you mended her rag doll,
I said, laughing
Mr. Vara said, "No. Т made her om
with a fur hat. She still keeps it a
cot. But her name was Gertie Green
md she was the poorest of the
Also, sli the
ament has driven me fn
шиге to do t oth
a 25 ye
ıs ago,
and 1 had
= man
surgeon for
and mu
was the ugliest of
ugly and the awkwanlest of he awk-
I. Her complexion was mud, her
hair was string. and she was so shy as to
seem almost an idiot, Her father had v
way. Her mother worked sometimes kite
"s. ag а sewing m:
1 a Seventh Avenue dressmake
loft. so the poor child was lonely — so
pitiful, with her lachkey tied on a string
around her scraggy Hule neck! 1 made
her welcome ım shop — à dump.
but cozy to h d told her storie
and gave her things to eat: and I showed
her how to hold her head so that people
could scc her eyes which were amber
flecked with gold like Danziger liqueur.
I told her how beauty is something bet-
ter than peach Melba — that it is of nerve
and spirit and intelligence, not stacked
and whipped cream — and 1 made
1 to me, to bring out her v
ıs soft. but powerful
So, with what was born in hei
became the great actress you
Gerda Grühn. And she is still like a
daughter to me. And there sill
Perversely, Mr. Vara stopped. One
deals diplomatically with the Demon
Tailor. If 1 had said “Well, go on,” or
something of that sort, he would have
finished pressing my suit and dismissed
ceremoniously. So I said, “I hate
to interrupt, Mr. Vara, but D have an
appointment with my publisher.” That
did it.
“Let him w
continued . ea
me u
jd Mr. Vara, He
. . . There are still times when my
urchins of Tremont Avenue come to
their Papa Vara to be spared a spanking
Now some of them wear $300 suits d
1000 watches: only the zippers of dis-
cretion get jammed, and the seams of
pride come undone. I am uot bein,
poetical — your. everyday sell is a kind
of suit of clothes you have stitched your
self into. So you speak of catching some
body with his pants down, etcetera. The
fact is, Fam also handy at invisibly darn
ing айайт as well as garments: anybody's
but my own —t ys go shabby
Now my little Gertic G
aying, always remembered me with af
fection, and for this I have always been
een, as ] was
grateful, That she came to me in the
days of her glory was good: but I liked
her best for comi
iu uc
10 me when she was
thle — that was a proof of love. 1
was happy for her sake when she came
sin 110 this shop and wanted to set
ine up on Fifth Avenue; but D was happ
for both our sakes when she crept in
struck with that dark night of the soul
which sometimes comes down over artists,
and cried for comfort, and | could give
it to her. She was happy when she fell
in love with
а nice icd
young man па
Cheyney Wood, but miserable when sl
thought that although he loved her 100,
his love was a kind of unearthly adoration
aspired by his reading а little. poctry
book she had published. 1 dont know if
you ever read it, She wouldn't р
copy — she said she was ashamed of that
c mea
hook —so | bought one for 51.85.
nickel a poem, and not worth it, 1 mean
to say—
In ecstasy of
osmosis bite, bite,
ho membranes of
each into each —
— how come? I remember these
ines be-
What sort
ated to know.
ase. Talked
week to an
herself into it and went for
I said to Gertie, "1 dare say when you
read it, this sull sounds good — you
could make an audience encore an
comets demand. 1 don't under
у. But if your young man lik
good luck to him!”
She said, "Papa Vara, I don't ever
want to talk about those awful poems
1 forget them,
body else will." I said. “H thi
ney Wood loves you for this
. Chie
uo. he loves me for
sweetheart" 1 said. And
so I met him. Gertie must have spoken
well of те — he seemed surprised that it
s only a hand I offered him, and not
А well-bred young fellow, Chey-
пеу Wood. very fair and delicate, high-
strung, sensitive. It was casy to sce that
this pair were in love. Well, if it was
my blessing they wanted. they had it.
They were nicely Not only did
he worship the ground Gertie walked
оп: he. also, lived for Art, and owned
one of these galleries on East 57th Street
where they have in the window sculpture
made of iron wire and pictures of tr
angles. Luckily, he had plenty of money
of his own, Gertie told me; he was not a
businessman, she said. ‘They were going
to live in that fine apartment house that
Stanford White built near the park in
the West 70s. . . and please, wasn't there
anything they could do for me?
“since we are practically neighbors,
you could give me your pressing,” I said.
So. as vou may have read in the news:
papers, Gerda Grithn and Cheyney Wood
were married, and there seemed no rea
son why they should not live happily
le, take a Tide
- ber of couples often
nage to do. 1 saw one or the other of
weck or so. There is a distinct
a wing
them ev
1 everyday speech, that yo
1 bliss. Û was beginning to find
Genies and СЇ ppiness just a
little bit repetitive. Then one afternoon
when Genie came to pay а milling bill
— she always liked to keep such matters
on g turning them
ito little soc sior
а sweet ca
упеу h
d bringing
e—it suddenly occurred. to
» ge
- qe
Career Club
New York
13962 Truvai Shin Ce , Inc.
“How would you like to spend three glorious,
fun-filled weeks in gay, sunny Acapulco?”
ed and
me that she was looking s
One feels а delicacy in ng
gs— you know? So I said noth
ed to make light conve
but she didn't want to stay а
kept looking at her watch. So — we all
have our off days, 1 thought to myself,
and tried to put her at her ease by pre
tending to be busy. It was her custom
to enclose whatever she happened to owe
me in an envelope with a comic greetit
card, Opening her purse, now, to take it
out, she fumbled so badly that the purse
slipped and emptied itself ото the
counter. There was a shower of compacts,
lipstick, keys and so forth —and a
manila envelope which, being unse:
spilled out in its turn а mass of mone
neat packets of five and ten-dollar bills,
all wı led and used.
1 picked up one packet of fives which
had fallen to the floor. You know how
опе notices trivial things in à moment
of surprise? I saw that some joker had
penciled face of
am Lincoln, on the topmost bill.
"5 a lot of moncy to be carryin
this neighborhood." I said.
© you paying ransom money to
mustache оп the
She laughed, and said, "You always
think the best of me, Papa Vara, How do
you know I haven't kidnaped somebody,
and this is ransom money Гус just col-
lected?" And then she was her confident,
vital self again; and if T had been sitting
in an auditorium instead of standing
face to face with her, even I should
never have guessed what hard work went
to hi mption of that attitude
So I was worried. It showed in my fac
1 told Mrs. Vara that I was working out
problem, and not to bother me. She
called me everything she could think of
— Charlie Chan, Perry Mason, Sherlock
Holmes, Einstein, The Thin Man, Nero
Wolf — but I kept wondering about
Gerda Grühn, my little Gertie. She was
а goodhearted girl: perhaps that bundle
of money was to help a frie
why not a check, or a draft
playing the horses? Again, why pay a
bookie in old bills of small denomina-
tion, which are harder to get than. new
money — if you can allord either? Was it
possible that she was enslaved by a drug
habit? 1 tried everything, but nothin;
fitted. “Eat!” Mrs. Vara told me,
1 said, “This is the nicest meat loaf
you've ever made, but I've got no appe-
tite.” She said, "It happens to be codfish
patties,” and left the i
I went to the shop carly next morning,
not having been able to sleep. My first
customer youngold man who
looked as if he, too, had not passed a
quiet night: only his had been a volun-
tary insomnia. He must have been a
good-looking fellow in a shoddy way, be-
was a
fore he contracted а dry-martini eye and
а bloodymaüry complexion. He had a
smile like opening а piano and sharp-
cut clothes — good fabric that had been
in bad company — Italian shoes, French
tie, and. on his curly great head one of
those stingy-brim hats. He put down a
mer suit, limp but still warm, and
“I ripped it a bit under the arm,
and somebody upset some champagne
in my lap. Could you fix it for this eve-
“Te will be 5175," I tell him.
“Td better рау you now,” says he, and
pulls our some loose money. You know
how, if you have several bills in your
hand, the first you will break will be the
oldest and dirtiest? Well. he drops a ve
crumpled fiver on the counter. 1 smooth
it out. And what do I see? The head of
Abraham Lincoln with a mustache pen.
ciled i
I thought fast. “1 may have to leave
the shop early," 1 said, “and 1 do not
employ a messenger. Better let me de-
this suit to your house Tittle
said this type, "the name
amish Lafferty, and the address is 15-A
Aldgate Arms, West 74th. Right”
bill very carefully.
about it— it was the same one 1
noticed thc before. My blood rau
faster. The mystery, such as it was,
got darker and the plot was thickening.
This Hamish Lafferty, evidently, must
be somehow dangerous, in that he w
not in the least reluctant to tell his
name and address. Everything about him
low Broadway type sitting
pretty on sale ground: somebody with
an ace in the hole or a writ of habeas
corpus up his sleeve, playing "heads 1
win, tails you lose
1 repaired his repulsive suit, It was a
degenerate kind of garment, too snug
at the waist, too narrow in the sleeves,
and just a shade too blue: the button
hole in the lapel was flabby and dead
from too m nl over it
lt hung а vague smell of somebody else's
wife and somebody clse’s wine. So I
steamed some of the hangover out of it,
and hung up the RETURN IMMEDIATELY
nd walked over to Ald Arms,
West 71th Street,
Thi good house before it went
to the dogs. Such buildings pass Irom
hand to hand, and cach successive pro-
prictor abuses them a little more and a
little more to squeeze the last penny of
nuc [rom them, giving them no rest,
painting and patching them to the last
There was no porter. A melancholy jan
lor was spraying the building's throat
with perfumed disinfectant — I me
cle: the lobby. E said to him, "Party
of the пате of Hamish Latlerty?”
wis a g
he Lafferty the bookie?” 1 asked.
n't Lalterty the nobody, far as
the m one of
those shrug; loose-mouthed, world-
weary, und. leged creatures that are
paid to haunt the cellars of old hou
What does he do for
“He don't do nothing for a living, far
as I know."
Not far as I know. He's smart. Why
Г you're friendly with the
winked. “You be surprised
what a nice class of dames goes for fell
like He stopped, and stared at me
ve him some of my cards, and
т, and said, “Any business you send
y. there's а little commission for
ls a,
two of my customers here . . .”
“I dare sa
y you've scen onc or
5 id wink.
big redhead comes to see Lafferty, 1 know
for a fact — she was here yester
He said. “Nah, not far as I know. You
mean a brunette.”
“No, she was a redhead.”
А brunette, in a veil. She had class!
I like a dame to wear a veil.” said he.
My heart sank, but 4. said, “I would
have bet she wa redhead in a
green sui
You'd lose, F:
r as T know, she w
I said. getting
nswered the
I caught a
door in a
impse of a dim room at the end of
tiny passage — half a dozen slices of
moldy sunl g through the slats
of Veneti ad lying half in and
half out of an overflow: гау on the
arm of an overstulled chair — and. a
whiff of gin mixed with shaving lotion
and stale ci: uc smoke, “Gertie, Gertic
— how could you so betray yourself and
me?" | cried. in my heart, Then Latlerty
took his suit and shut me out in the
pecling corridor.
Sick and bewildered, I went back to
the shop. 1 tried to reason with myself:
the last of the least of the
urchins of Tremont Avenue, is dead.
and buried; here is Gerda Grühn, a
grown woman who has made good the
hard way. She is 34 years old. Some-
where in her past there was this person
Lafferty — personable, possibly charming
once upon a time. And so now, out of
kindness and for old times’ sake, she
gives him some money.
To which, a nasty, knowi tle voice
the back of my head said, That’ s right
Meanwhile, Com-
sense told to mind my own
and 1 answered Common sense
sertie Green,
— in small used bills!
right back, No sir! When my mind sees
for a fact something my instinct says is
false, one or the other wants examining!
So I made a parcel of some pressing
1 was to be delivered to the Woods’,
and carried it over to their place. I said
to Gertie, “My child, you know that in
me you see somebody who, if he is a
friend, is a friend to the bitter end?”
“Why, yes. Whats the matter, Papa
“This is the matter. I am sick to the
heart. You have the right not to answer
me, but I have no right not to ask you —
Why are you giving money to Hamish
Her self-control was something mag-
nt, She said, “Because he is black-
ag me. It is not any ordinary
matter, Р: ‘a. It's almost impossible
to explai
*— You insult my understanding, child.
I was not an impossible man to explain
to 20-odd years ago when you were all in
picces like a broken puzzle, and alone
п the dark,” 1 said.
‘That got to her. She said, "You will
Taugh me. You would be right to
laugh at me — it seems so
1 said, "Very likely it is
. But
chilklren are never to be laughed
She went off at a tangent, "I love
Cheyney, and Cheyney loves me. I think
1 told you once before, I'm almost afraid
of the way he worships me, as a kind of
embodiment of artistic integrity. He has
goddess-image of me.
“So what then? Mrs. Vara has created
shrimp-image of me. Image!
you done wrong, or indiscreet, to
pay blackmail to that souse in the st
brim hat
“I it we the usual kind of foolish-
ness,” she said, “I could tell Cheyney
all about it. But it’s nothing like that
at all. Do you remember my book of
poems Insights? You remember that T
wouldn't give you а copy?”
“You said you were ashamed of it. It
was bad, but not all that bad," I said.
“L wa copy,
Papa Vara, because I didn't write those
poems,” said Gertie.
"Personally, I should be proud not to
ness about
hamed to give you
e written all that bu:
osmosi I said.
Yes, yes. But Cheyney thinks I did
write Jnsights. We first met on account
of that wretched book. And I've auto-
graphed hundreds of copies, and
cepted congratulations from all over the
world — all under false pretenses— and
some of the poems are in an anthology,
The Living End, A publicity man wrote
them for me, for a stunt: and I allowed
it, like a fool.”
is man
Lafferty has evidence of
“Let him," I said. day wonde:
In a fortnight, the world has forgotten.
“Yes, but Cheyney would never sec
me in the sime light á
Extraordinary, you think? F:
fetched? Not so. A financial genius Ti
Kreuger, like Insull, will go on digging
one hole to fill another, knowi he
must collapse in the end —yet relusing to
know. A crooked actuary will try to
outwit his own arithmetic. And an
actress will make a romance out of sell-
g her self-esteem to keep hopped up
‘Be ashamed, беги
on unearned pr
be ashamed
She replied, quietly, "I am ashamed.
And desperate.”
"How much are you paying this
“He asked for $5000 the first time. T
we it to him. Now he wants 51000 a
month,” she said.
Tax-free, of course. Do you
ize how much you must carn, to pay
somebody $12,000 а year?”
“1 know what taxation is, Papa Vara.
I'm not a 20th part as rich as I'm sup-
posed to be.”
“But Cheyney Wood has money?”
"Yes, but our incomes are kept sep-
arate. We don't mix our financial affai
Our relationship —"
— АН right, all right, спон
“He won't even take commission for
the sale of a picture,” said she, tenderl:
“Well,” 1 said, sighing — with relief,
I think, because I didn't want ti
to be messed up in a sordid romance;
although this was far more complicated
ad patting her on the head, "well,
nk a day or two. Who
Тат only a litle man, but a
* сап stop а power station. Wait.”
My heart is a lot lighter now," she
ing talked to you, Papa
s à sort of magic about you.
How could you possibly have found out
about all this?"
This was all very fine; but what was
I going to do about it all? In a stor
book T would no doubt Lallerty
into the shop, offer to press his suit free
of charge, get him undressed in a cubicle,
id then threaten to brand him with a
hot pressing iron unless etcetera, ct
But | am not Hopalong Cussid
T was thinking fruitlessly late that after-
noon when Cheyney Wood came in,
"You look a little tired," I said.
“Art is a hard mistre
wonder if you'd do me a favor,
Vara? Гуе got to get home and dress,
and take Gerda to a party, and I'm latc.
Т was supposed to leave this with a man
just around the corner —" He held up
one of those attaché cases with a combi
nation lock, like executives carry. “Do
you mind if 1 leave it with you and
have the man call for
lı of your
So long as it isn't full of cocaine,
I said.
He laughed, and said, "Only some
papers and stuli. May I use your phone
1 told him to go ahead, and he quickly
dialed a number and said, "Oh hello,
Cheyney Wood here. Yes, I know I'm
a little overdue, but I have it here. You
know Vara's tailor shop on Columbus?
I'm leaving it w Vara. No, I must
run now. Y П be right here I
tell you! No. Yes. Goodbye.
He was sweating when he hung up.
He said, ^ Y id get my
ase, Papa Vara. It's... rather impor-
Lunt, so you will be here, won't you?
He'll be here within the hour.
1 asked, "Do I give it to just anybody
who comes in and asks for it?
Gatie’s husband said, "Well, no. It
will be a person of the name of Latleri
I could only nod. Не shook my hand.
"Bless you, Papa Vara!" he c
was gone.
I looked at the attaché case. It was а
costly thing, of fine pigskin. The com-
bination lock had three numbers. Now
you know, 1 suppose, that a m
buys a pigskin attaché case for himself —
a thing of such limited usefulness
always comes to him And the
person who buys it, whe n
asks what number
combination — 1 sa
attaché cases bought by womei
almost invariably gives the birthd:
the man she intends to give the case to.
Cheyney Wood's birthday, 1 happened
10 know, was the same as George Wash-
ington’s, February 22nd. D turned the
litle wheels to 2-22. It worked. The
the орт
wants for
y "she" be
case opened. Just one little peep, I
Not such a little рсер—а shriek
vd of a kind of gorill
with bloodshot eyes:
and also a pair of scaly hands with
curved claws, horribly realistic. 1 had to
look twice before 1 realized that
objects were made of some kind of soft
ibber. Then I noticed that they bore
stamp. Lottalajfs. Sole Dist. Lully[un Inr.
And there was an envelope, fastened
with those little metal tags that bend.
I opened it. It was crammed with money
— used bills of small denomination!
I closed the case and sc abled the
combination. It is à natural Taw that,
when things become just a little too
queer your imagination switches itself
off. You banish conjecture and start
counting on your fingers. Or beads. You
something familiar, оте
There lay the he
a diseased gori
Now, to begin with T had the fact that
Lafferty was a blackmailer. Poor Gertie
was paying him $1000 a month not to tell
the world that she didn't write Insights.
But Cheyney, also, was paying money
to Lafferty. What for? Aud where was
{арбор Club News
VOL. II, NO. 33
APRIL 1963
National Chain Grows By
Bunny Hops and Bounds
CHICAGO — April generally
finds rabbits in profusion around
the country, but this year
they're not just limited to the
Easter varicty. With six Playboy
Clubs in operation, from New
York to Phoenix, our Bunnies
ere bounding about as much as
the hopping hares herolding the
spring. And more of the luscious
CLUBS OPEN—New York at 5
E. 59th St; Chicago ot 116 E.
Walton St.: St. Louis at 3914
Lindell Bivd.; New Orleans at
727 Rue Iberville; Phoenix at
3033 N. Central; Miami at 7701
Biscayne Blvd.
at 8580 Sunset Blvd.; San
Francisco at 736 Montgomery
Detroit at 1014 E. Jefferson
Pepper Light St.
NEXT IN LINE— Washington,
Dallas, Boston,
Playboy Club type are scheduled
to be seen as the year goes on.
Playboy Club expansion is
going full steam ahead and by
the end of the усаг it's hoped а
total of 10 Clubs will be in
operation. Planned for comple-
tion by January 1, 1964 are
Clubs in San Francisco, Balti-
more, Boston and a city to be
chosen from the following list:
Atlanta, Cincinnati, Denver,
Houston, In
City, Minneapolis-St.
Portland (Ore.), Sacramento
and San Diego.
Now, with the value of a
Playboy Club key increasing,
you'll want to join in on the fun
at the Playboy Club in your
area and at the same time be-
come eligible for key privileges
all across the country. Merely fill
out the coupon at the bottom of
the page and send it along with
your check today.
[ Bunny Life Packed with Glamor |
Bunnies Judy Lewis and
Nancy Dusina will soon be seen
in Operation Bikini, an Amer-
ican International film starring
Tab Hunter, Frankie Avalon
and Gary Crosby. This is just
one of the many exciting oppor-
tunities available to Playboy
Club Bunnies, Bunny life opens
doors in television, theater, high-
fashion modeling, etc. Bunny
Kelly Collins, on the cover of the
issue you are holding, was dis-
covered at the Chicago Playboy
Attractive girls between the
ages of 18 and 25 can get a free
copy of our brochure, Be a
Playboy Club Bunny, by
writing: Playboy Clubs Interna-
tional, Dept. 462A, 232 East
Ohio Street, Chicago 11, Illinois,
Backstage Bunnies Nancy Dusina (1) and Judy Lewis on the set of
Operation Bikini with director Tony Carras and star Frankie Avalon (r).
No joke to his fistic opponents, heavyweight king Sonny Liston shows no
alarm in the St. Louis Cartoon Corner with disarming Mound City Bunnies.
All Playboy Clubs from New York to Phoenix are now presenting
new talent lineups every two weeks instead of three. This means
that in any Club you can see 26 completely different show rosters
Larry Storch mimes his own funny
business on the Club circu
yearly compared to the 17 avail-
able previously. The new policy
heightens the excitement of dis-
covery that is always in the air
when the house lights dim for a
Playboy Club show — the same
feeling that gripped audiences
who watched today’s greats
when they broke in on the fabu-
lous old vaudeville circuits, A
total of 40 acts are being booked
biweekly across the country, a
figure that is always on the rise
as Club expansion continues.
Variety, in its review of the
New York Club, summed it up
when it called the Club a "super-
market of entertainment."
[Г] Check here it you wish only information about joining the Playboy Club.
c/o PLAYBOY Magazine, 232 Е. Ohio Street, Chicago 11, lllinois 1
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= - Н
the cance of the rubber gorilla face
and the claws?
William of Occam siys (more or less)
that when two guesses lead to the same
conclusion, the simpler of the two is the
true one
So. First guess: Cheyney Wood lived
а double life. His amiable, artistic, sens
tive exterior masked a monster: a crei-
inre of the shadowy bushes, who cept
out into Cental Park in the evening
amd frightened women and childr
Hamish Lallerty bad discovered. his se-
oret and w ag money from h
by threat of exposure.
Second guess: Cheyney Wood lived a
double life, He —
1 snatched up the telephone direc-
tory, looked up Lullvfun Ine., and diated
TM \ I said,
lease put me through to Mr. Cheyney
She replied. “Im sony. Mr. Wood
has gone for the day. Will you leave a
s estor
irl answered.
relief almost lifted me
That it — Gertie"
Cheyney got his living selling Halloween
masks. Ichy-Koo Powders, cushions that
gave out diss i i hen sat on,
\ sigh of pur
from the was
explosive cigars. stench bombs. nude fig-
mines that lit up. and apparatus lor
squirting water in your eyes and pullin
into your nostrils. Worshipin:
Gerda Grühn as embodiment of
pure An" ог whatever it was — how
could he admit 10 such a trade? So he
had vu art gallery. And Hamish Lallerty
ul was ex-
threat of
had discovered his secret
torting money from him by
1 had not quite planned. my line of
procedure when Lallerty cime in. sloppy
in flannels, and sid. “Hi there! Mr.
Wood left thing 10 be picked up.
I think. The name you know = Hamish
“Written any good poems larel
Enz” he said. Then, “Ом”
I said. “Enough is enough, Lafferty.
Ies all up.
To my surprise he merely shrugged,
and said, “Danm silly game. Couldn't
List, of course,"
71 suppose vou know what Fm talk-
ing about.” I said. "You have been tikin
money. with Irom both
1 Miis. Wood. Do von deny this
"Us a hell of a good story. if 1
the wit to write it" he said. and beg
һ. "But obvious One or the
s bound to get wise, and then —
Бойу! 1 "7 He sat on the
of the counter. "Here's your situa-
Beautiful per-
former but not very literate. signs hi
name to а book of verse by a publicity
man literate but not very talented. Get
actress, Gdented
? Now. stink-bomb and snceze-powder
jockey. in love with actress, shyly ap-
proaches her through her poe And
«ut olf my car and Gill me Van Gogh,
he opens an art gallery to win her
respect! See? Publicity man knows "em
both, slightly. Both boy and girl have
sot to keep up appearances, bur neither
is anvthing like as well to do as the
other thinks he is. Got me? Now all the
time he knows that she never wrote that
роу, and she knows the real nature
ol Dis extremely vul
neither thinks the other knows.
"Is not as complicated as it sounds.
really. One day. things getting a bit tight
one of them blackmails the other for
© thousand down and a thousand a
month, as а price for ke pi
1 this money, the black-
business — but.
mailer. And as it happens, they both
usc the sime go-between — myself — pay-
ing а small monthly commission for hi
ney the м
1 opened the case again, took S200 out
of the envelope and gave this sum to
Lafferty. “This is the last you get,” I
: ame is over. You must never
speak 10 either Mr. or Mis. Wood aga
Thanks" said he, sticki
in a side pocket. “I haven't
l'm not really cut out for talking tough.”
I said. “You are sure that both Gerda
and Cheyney came to you each of his
Dec will
Quite certain. They both got th
E . one after the other."
me ide
“Which of them started it?" I asked.
He looked at me closely — shrewdly,
but not with ill nature — and then said.
iling. "Give me another hundred and
] promise nol то tell vou
L blinked at him. For the moment I
was too astonished to move. Then — the
way vou do in a dream — I opened the
envelope in slow motion, and save him
another hundred dollars,
1 said, "Oddly enough D rather
your company, so T a
away and stay away." "
And so he did, and that was all...
sorry to say 7
2o. Mr. Vara handed me my suit.
“After all." he said, angrily, “who hasn't
а Ише something to conceal? And some.
times. between highstung people.
little bit of guilt can bring out a whole
lot of tender Геї i? They're
ı Rome now, they have two children,
they've happy, aren't they? What I dowt.
know Те Ik abour, can 1
EVE 1 said. “I dicht say any-
What did. you do with the other
8700, or however much it was?
“1 thought about it for weeks. 1
couldn't give it to one or the Y
without upsetting а very fine balance of
things. So I decided to abolish it. 1 gave
it to Mrs. V
So saying, he waved me out of the
What has been most remarkable about
Brubeck personally — then as now — has
been the inability of this thorny apprer
ticeship and the bastinadocs of the pres
ent to change his temperament. Most
juzmen are defensively opaque, even
those with swift smiles for the squares
and the writers. They tend to be suspi-
cious of day people, and gain most of
their emotional nutrition from the
row jazz world of their peers. Brubeck,
on the other hand. is astonishingly open.
It is even difficult for Brubeck to nurse
je yhem the worst pole
Chinese Communists against rev
within th iks. “If that guy was here
now,” Brubeck stiffened as he read the
picce, “I'd kill him. Fd really kill him.”
A few nights later, the critic, drunk, sat
through a Brubeck set at Basin Street
East in New York. Brubeck ignor
Ihe «тий. half. querulously
wafully, asked Brubeck’s sidemen to
bring their leader to his table. "I wanna
tell him,” he urged, "what I really
Brubeck finally came, and re
sympathetically to the disorganized
of the critic he talked patiently м
(continued from page 87)
him for а long time. “Can you imagine
that?” Brubeck shook his head hard
when the night was over. "The guy
ites someth I my
life, and 1 wind up humorin
Brubeck also differs from m
men in his p:
six children live in a large, white
frame house in Wilton, Connecticut, Be
hind the building
soothing stream and
house is rented, but Brubeck is about to
build his own home in the sime peaceful
Although Brubeck could work every
night in the year, he purposely limits
his concerts so that he can spend more
time with his family and in composing
at home he averaged 150
concerts. In 1968, he hopes to keep the
number down to 100.
To achieve the kind of life he wants,
Brubeck has now el
entirely from his itinerary. His is the first
jazz group to make a complete break
th the clubs, although the
Jazz Quartet ıs movi
i direction. Although he still
to travel a lot —a concomitant of the
jazz life which he increasingly dislikes —
he can get enough one-nishters in the
Northeastern states to be home more
often than ever before. Nor does Bru-
beck agree with Miles Davi:
ing, that night club:
to stretch. out more.
used to concerts.” Brubeck is convinced.
you get
ou can be much more at case tl
any club. Dy now everyone in
my group pl concerts u
sually did in clubs
Paul Desmond, who has been with
Brubeck since the formation of the quar-
tet in 1951, agrees: "Ву now I can get so
concerts that 1 €
iano and
it’s dark out there, There's nothing to
distract you. No cash registers out of
tempo." Desmond then reflected ruc-
fully, “And no finc, lovely chicks.”
Desmond and Brabeck could hardly
be more dissimilar. A wry intellectual —
with other less cerebral interests as well
—Desmond has a mordant sense of
humor and is considerably more so-
phisticated than Brubeck, whose tastes
remain essential
colic. “Every five years or so," Desmond
once told а New Yorker writer, “Dave
simple and rather bu-
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makes a major breakthrough, like
cover room service.”
Adding to the Quarters. diversity of
temperaments is Joe Morello, who has
member since 1956, A soft-spoken
but stubbornly prideful virtuoso, Mo-
rello's strength of musical purpose has
made him a third pocket of power in a
group in which primary audience att
tion used to be focuste
and Desmond. Occasionally,
ackling assertiveness drives
far into himself, At such times,
mond stands, hands folded, lool
a penitent for whom no absolution is
possible and apparently listening to the
exceedingly soft sound of distant. inac-
cessible drums while trying to shut out
those drums that arc all too near at hand.
Bassist Gene Wright, who joined t
heterogeneous crew in 1958, has a back-
ground almost entirely different from
those of his colleagues. Wright is a Chi-
with unalloyed affection for
rd-swinging, blues-rooted jazzmen
as Gene Ammons. Sonny Stitt and Art
Blakey. He has worked with all three,
s well as with Count Basie. But Wright
tirely at
vd only on Brubeck
the blues are often. present. but
in as fullstrci
combos h which Wright acquired 1
wz taining. "The reason I enjoy bei
with Dave," Wright has
he likes to play in every
an't get stuck in an
you're with him.”
Desmond also remains Беса
respect for Brubeck
expectation of unpredictable challenges.
“We've had a lot of differences musi-
y ys Desmond, "but there are
nights which make it to a degree I'd
hardly have thought possible. And aside
from the way he keeps on making you
arprise yourself, I
nonically. You can play the wrongest
note possible i ny chord, and he c
make it sound like the only right one
"p admit," Brubeck observes,
could hardly find four mor rent
uys than us. About the only times we
gree — when we do—is on stand. But
that’s when we're supposed to. My job
15 to prevent these guys from getting
bored and also to make them want to
and one
are nights when we've come to a
ter 50 one-nighters. On the
way, we'd be grumbling to ourselves and
not talking to one another. At those
times, I'd rather be whipped tha
to go out and play.
“But.” Brubeck begins to
sudden — sometimes — the guys come
to lile on stage. And I have to keep
them alive even if I ha
something 7 want to do. Somewhe:
ngth proportion as in the
d, "is that
ection. You
'o0ve while
e is
n have
€ to sacr
140 а set, for instance, Paul may drop to a
low level because the music has sone
too far im a direction he doesn't like.
Fl uy to bring it back to where he
wants it, Or the drummer doesn’t realize
he’s too loud and is bugging everybody
else. Rather than say anything, ГЇЇ call
tune in which loud drums would be
ridiculous. He gets the point and he
hasn't been censured in publ
Brubeck is similarly concerned with
his associates feelings during recording
sessions. He will not. dictate. He listens
and often accepts ideas from his side-
m ad in deciding on final takes, he
trades, If Desmond’ or Morello has
sounded particularly good on a tke and
splice isn't possible, that performance
is chosen even if Brubeck's solo could
have been better. Conversely. the other
men will yield if Brubeck is incan-
descent on a take in which the others
аге less than luminous. As ап index of
Paul Desmond's freedom to dissent,
there is the fact that he appears on only
on the second
urther Out
one of the five number
side of Brubeck’s Time
album. "Paul didn't like four of the
tunes,” Brubeck explains. “There wasn't
any point in forcing him to play them.”
Insuring the unpredictability of any
Brubeck performance — in a studio or
à concert — is his insistence on almost
nprovisation. Brubeck estimates
1 some 90 percent of any given night's
work is improvised. By contrast. there
are many jazmen who ju worite
licks and otherwise preset a sizable pei
centage of their solos. “That would be
a valuable job for а critic." Brubeck
says pointedly. "Find out who's really
improvising. Some of the most admired
in the business play as if they were
putting their hands in а bag and pulli
out things they know damn well
in there.
"Bur" Brubeck goes on, "if you're
playing jazz and you're not improvising,
what's the point? Some of the very best
things we've recorded were done еп.
tirely on the spot.” He cites Stompin’
for Mili and Audrey in the Brubeck
Time album; Calcutta Blues in the Ja:
Impressions of Eurasia albu d
Maori Blues in the Time Further Out
“Toward the end of Maori Blues,”
Brubeck points out, “the rhythms be-
came so complex that even Joe can't
figure out exactly what we were дой
But we were together. When that sort
of thing happens, it proves my strongest
belief — if you Пу go all out for im-
provisation, you won't let yourself down.
My experience with the Quartet has been
that the more chances we . the better
we play. And an audience's reaction is
the most intense when we're in
that role. I'm not saving you can't fool
s just aren't coming. you can't help
that. But we try very hard not to
work on that level, and I'm embarrassed
whenever one of us does descend to it
My poi pplause
we get by sure-fire devices is never equal
to the audience excitement when we our
selves don't know what's coming next.”
Brubeck’s urge to improvise has been
irrepressibly evident from the time h
was first drawn to music. He was born
on December 6, 1920, in the tow» of
Concord at the foot of Mount Diablo.
20 miles from San Francisco. His father
was a сашетап and his mother. a piano
teacher, had studied with Dame Myra
Hess and Tobias Matthay. (The kute
was one of the most influential theorists
in the history of piano pedagogy.) By
the time Brubeck could reach the piano
two older brothers were well along
in conventional coi in piano and
theory. Henry, 53, is now a high school
teacher of music in Santa bara: and
Howard, 46, is chairman of the Music
Department at Palomar Junior College
in California as well as a Classical
The third son thought he was going
10 become a rancher. His eighth year
had been marked by his father's presen-
tation to him of four cows. Nonetheless.
music fascinated the boy. He was play-
ng the piano by the time he was foi
and a year later had started pickin:
out tunes of his own invention. Although
his mother tried to drill basics into this
most individualistic of all her sous, he
continued to follow his own direction.
Brubeck did not, for example, learn to
read music fluendy until some y
later. At home he was too absorbed in
improvising bold variations on the tra-
ditional children's pieces assigne:
He also did not become — de
spite the presence of a resident. р
teacher — rtuoso on the instrument.
Technique for its own polished sake has
never interested him. "Dave," as Paul
Desmond notes, “has а телі aversion to
working things out. His tendency is to
take for granted the things he can do,
ng most of hi c trying
‚ however, is that the
while spend
to do new things.”
Like Thelonious Monk, Brubeck
through the years has developed а to-
tally pragmatic piano style. While eccen-
wic in the “legitimate” dassi 1
jazz senses, it ex
rhythms, churning harmonies and ex-
ballads he prefers.
Brubeck explains, "T
who plays the piano, Fm пог
a ist first. “Therefore, my style of
P ped by the material, the
ideas, I'm attempting to express, not by
а system or a search for an identifiable
‘sound.’ Inevitably, because of my own
approaches to harmony and т
Brubecki 5 come
but I never went looking for one. I've
п sound hi
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always tried to stay free of musical strait
jackets. 1 wy to retain freedom of choice
within the idiom of jazz so that, pri-
marily, my style is а su ion of all
musical experience to which Гуе be
In his formative years. that experience
neluded an unusually broad spectrum.
of music. There were the classical com
positions he heard his mother and
brothers play, the cowboy. songs of his
father and his father's friends, all man-
ner of pop music, and whatever jazz he
could find — from boogie-woogie and
Dixieland to swingera styles.
When Brubeck was 11, the family
moved to Ione, a small town in the foot-
hills of the Sierras. His father had become
ү of a 45,000-acre cattle ranch.
At 15, Brubeck began to play for dances
in Jone and neighboring towns. His am-
bition, however, was to rema the
ranch. With the idea of becoming a
veterinarian, he enrolled in a premedical
course at the College of the Pacific in
Stockton. After а r, he had.
ched to а music major and was play
Ii clubs where he set up.
his own seminars in improvisation.
Working in Stockton at the time was
Cleo Brown, a vintage boogic-woosi
ины. She encouraged the gawky
but, like some citics since,
she frowned at the thumping ferocity
with which he accompanied himself
with his sizable feet. “Dave,” she said,
ng over one evening as they were
g through a duet. "why don't you
let more of that music come out through
your hands instead of your fect?” In any
case, there were more musical drives —
1 questions — in Brubeck than could
be handled at the conservatory.
Brubeck almost didu't graduate. The
dean, perplexed and annoyed by Bru-
beck’s singularly nonacademic tempera-
ment, threatened to flunk him unless he
returned to the path of musi
cousness. Brubeck. unintimidated. re-
plied that if that was the way the dean
felt, he should follow his conscience,
route. Brubeck himself felt. compelled
to take. With reluctance, the dean re-
ted, and. Brubeck got his degre
One [aculty member, J. Russell Bodley
{now head of the music department at
the College of the Pacific). did become
intrigued by the refractory young man's
uncategorizable music. In Brubeck’s
senior year. Bodley firmly encouraged
him to continue in music, and Brubeck
finally abandoned the idea
life ministering to
ıl source of strength was a sophomore
at the college. lola Marie Whidock. an
aspiring actress and writer, Brubeck
married her in 1942, shortly after he had
entered the Army.
When Brubeck later went into
full time as a leader, Iola functioned for
many years as combination bookkeeper,
paymaster, publicist and answerer of fan
sorry! She's in the tub right now!”
ail — as well as cook, wife and rearer ol
dren. "She was indispensable,” Bru
beck says in recurring tribute to lol:
“If Vd had the money and could have
hired seven people to do everything she
did, they collectively wouldn't have done
nearly so good а job.” More recently
lola has incrcasin d as а lyricist
Tor Brubeck's ballads and such ambitious
works as The Real Ambassadors.
Wh th ıd stationed out
side Barstow in Southern
Brubeck tried to continue his musical
training, He decided to find out what he
could learn from Arnold Schoenberg.
19 tone
the compose
sponsible for introdu
row (and the consequent attack on
tonality) into classical music. A lesson
with Schoenberg cost 520, and Brubeck
king S21 а month. Nevertheless
was т
he hitchhiked to Los Angeles, was in
terviewed by the contentious composer
and, soon after, hitcbhiked back
his first and last lesson with Schoenbe
That lesson was short and stormy
Brubeck had brought along one of his
compositions. Schoenbenr asked him to
explain the reason for every note.
"They're there,” Brubeck explained. “be
cause they sound good.
That's not enough,
There has to be a musical т
Schoenberg in
al theory, for every note
vou write.”
Never one to he politic, Brubeck asked
Schoenberg what right he had to set up
the rules for all music composition. In a
rage, Schoenberg answered that he |
the right because he knew mor
yone else about music. Brubeck left
t in retrospect. he regards the 520 as
g been well spent. “Years hater.” he
s. "I realized Schoenberg hadn't been
entirely wrong. He probably did know
bout music than anyone else, and
perience did instill im me the
lization that 1 still had an enormous
amount to learn."
In the Army, Dave was able to con-
inue playing, first in California for
nearly two years, and then in Europe.
He had been sent ov
тушап, but his superiors considered hi
more val as a leader of bands
which played in combat areas for front
line troops. T 1 in 1916, Brubeck
returned to California and studied for
the GI Bil with
Mills College in
seas as an infa
three years under
Darius Milhaud at
The French composer was much more
suited temperamenally to Brubeck th
Schoenberg had bee
beck recalls, “was very strict when teach.
ing counterpoint and other elements of
theory: but once a pupil had absorbed
ct procedures, Milhaud expected
him to compose with as much individ
lity as he could muster. Milhaud
honed anyone who used a mathematical
iud." Bru
says famous
guitar teacher
5 LP records
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Sce the fabulous New York Club
story on page 76 and the Playboy
Club News on page 137.
formula or any other kind of
tem.” It was Milhaud, n
reinforced Brubeck’s basic preferen
for a jazz carcer, At one point, dis
couraged because no one would play his
d sys
“Do not give up jazz. Milhaud
advised him. "If you're going to say
anything. it will be through the music
that part of your roots. You're an
Ameri and jazz is the most important
1 culture.
product of American musi
Ouwide the classroom. Bru
acceptance on his own te
difficult 10 attain. Most ja
San Francisco Bay area couldw't fit him
into any familiar stylistic category
consequently refused to take hil
Gradually. however, Dave
to expe
as empirical and insatiably curious
as he. One of them in 1917 was Paul
Desmond, whom Brubeck had first met
three years before when both were in
the Army.
Desmond has desaibed
meeting im а dialog which has
wide currency in the international. jazz
press. He claims to have becu so stunned
by Brubeck’s eldritch I
approached the р
"Man. like wigsvillet You really grooved
me with those nutty changes.” In this
Linciful recollection, Brubeck. who. Des-
mond feels, has an Indian cast of face,
replied: “White man speak with forked
It is indicative of the remorseless dili-
gence of Brubeck’s critics that even that
apocryphal quote has been turned into a
tomahawk. Te was quoted in a 1961 rec
ord review in the prest ritish
journal The Gramophone.
continued: “The truth is th
does not play often enough with
tongue. He lacketh. you mix
subtlety of the serpent. By contrast.
ugly explicit ham-
ght fingers and two
ikes, T think, for
ent wi
Whatever reservations one might have
about Brubeck’s music, the charge of
monotony is strange in view of the wide
range of textures and ideas with which
Brubeck has experimented throughout
his career. s. for example. the
Octet he formed in 1916. Composed in
part of fellow students at Mills Colle
the unit explored the use in jazz of схе
tended counterpoint, polytonality, poly-
rhythms and several other devices before
such fusions were being attempted. al-
most anywhere else jazzmen,
Those original 1016 s». inc
dentally, are still available as part of
The Dave Brubeck Octet à
Three ter. Brubeck organized
a trio. and in 1951, Paul Desmond made
it a quartet. There was some local en
New York Yankee Star,
takes his
Barber’s advice...
and yow ll never have
Flaky Dandruff!’
Since Tom Tresh was a boy, he has
visited Fred Zuppa’s Barber Shop
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and heeds his professional advice on
how to care for his hair. Whenever
he has dandruff he uses Stephan's
Dandruff Remover Hair Lotion.
Ask your Barber to show you
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We guarantee you'll banish loose
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Tom Tresh
4 Voted Rookie of the Yeor
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A switch-hitter, Tresh hit
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In World Se
his 3-run
homer won the 5th game
and his spectacular catch
saved the 7th.
couragement, notably in San Fr
Пот KNBC disc jockey Jimmy
(now in charge of the Monterey Jazz
Festival, PLAYBOY, October 1962). The
st, however, where jazz reputa-
made. was long and rough. But
gradually, the Quartet's carly releases on
antasy, а label Brubeck had helped
form, attracted attention, particularly
in the colleges. By 1953, Brubeck had
college cir
nt source
r of jazz
ol work to a growing
r a couple of trips through the
ıl Midwest, Brubeck began to
volubly enthusiastic followi
s well. [t
source of pride to him that many of
those first partisans were Negro. "We
played a lot of Negi he re-
members, “and the customers somehow
seemed t0 expect — and get — more from
our group than thev did from many of
the others, These days, although we sup-
no longer appeal to hard-core
I bet we could play the
Apollo any time
By 1951, Brubeck was recording for
Columbia, had appeared on the cover
of Time, and was clearly in the ascend-
nt. Now his annual income average:
nore than $200,000; he has also had
a hit single (Take Five) in this country
nd in England; and his public con-
tinues to increase. Musically, however.
the pyramiding of fame and fortune in
the past nine years has not in the least
diminished Brubeck's restless preoccu-
pation with finding new ways to express
himself. In the carly and middle 1950s,
he and his sidemen emphasized. impro-
vised counterpoint with Desmond and
dense. bristling harmonies. During the
past couple of years, he has been focus
g on formidably difficult rhythms sel-
dom utilized by other jazzmen. In Time
Out. Time Further Qul and Countdown:
Time in Outer Space, Brubeck and his
colleagues have been improvising in
9/8. 5/1, 6/4, 7/4, 11/4 and various
tions of these and other meters.
There have been accusations that Bru
heck’s absorption in odd meters, like his
foraging in polytonality, represents little
more than problem-solving in publ
Brubeck cannot understand the ch
“Look,” he says with characteristic in
tensity, “jazz has been stuck in 4/4 much
too long. If it’s ever going to reflect its
Afro-American origins again, it can't
stay in so limiting a meter. Jazz has to
be freed from all unnecessary
if it's to continue to develop
pression of a free individual.
Because he is convinced he 1
so much to “Irec”
s the ex-
s done
jaz, Brubeck
puzzled that he and his Quartet have
received so little credit for his direction-
setting. “The use of so many different
144 lorms by the Octet in 1946," he says
‘ievedh somewhat ahead
of everybody else in jazz and was way
ahead of the ‘third stream’ approach.
I don't say we were always the very first,
but we certainly were working in jazz
adaptations of counterpoint before the
Modern Jazz Quartet. When I started
my goal was to introduce polyrhythms
and polytonality into jazz, At that time,
most jazz musicians | talked to didn't
even know what the terms meant.
“For another example,” Brubeck con-
linues, "we were playing 3/4 and 4/4
together years ago. Now nearly every
group in the world is doing it. and they
probably ascribe its origin to Miles Davis
or Bill E Then there's. Paul. Hc
kept lyrical playing alive in jazz for sev-
eral years when everybody else was hon!
ing and screaming and going to nutsville.
I suppose it's hard for musicians to think
of the most publicly recognized group :
also being the one that introduced the
most innovations.”
There have been, of course, prominent
jazzmen who have resisted the consensus
of their colleagues and have lauded
Brubeck. Duk ington was an
enthusiast, and was telling friends in the
ast about the pianist before the Quartet
made its first cross-country trip. Charlie
Parker expressed admiration of Brubeck
as “a perfectionist — he knows wh
м h is more than
of the other gu the follow
Similarly, the embattled Charles Mingus,
"s to do, whi
He has a sound of his own.
Miles Davis, also disinclined to be
liberal with his endorsement, has prai
Brubeck's way of playing ballads. Davis.
moreover, has recorded Brubeck's [n
Your Own Sweet Way as well as his
affectionate wibute to Ellington. The
Duke, ind is about to include Brubeck's
Strange Meadowlark in а forthcoming
bum. “Miles has done the most to i
toduce my tunes into other groups’
libraries.” says Brubeck, “Once he gives
his seal, they follow.”
Brubeck remembers with particular
gratitude the encouragement he received
from the usually laconic Coleman
Hawkins during one of Dave's first ap-
pearances in New York, The critical fusi
lades were already heavy when Нам
walked over one night, nodded m
terially, and said: "I dig what you
doing very much, No matter what anyone
says, you keep on doing it.
of fact, throug
career, the more Brubeck h
cized, the more daring he has become
musically. A proud as well as а vulner-
able man, he is constantly proving him-
self: and. it may be that the critics have
unwittingly done him a service by inten
sify his determination to follow his
fierce muse — wherever it leads him.
As а matter
Brubeck’s level of consistency might ev
be raised if the critics who irritate hi
most were to show up more often
concerts. Once, after reading an espe-
ng review, Brubeck plunged
cially sting
into a scarilyingly creative set. After
ward, still steaming, he wrote a poem to
extirpate the residual rage. “I still
don't like the bastard." he says, referring
to the critic in question, “but 1 suppose
I should have thanked him for having
ased me to write that It was
а pretty good one.”
Brubeck has lost the poem, but he
remembers that it compared. the work
of a dredger to that of а wholly
vising jazz musician, “We dredge,
explained the symbolism, "as far down
inside ourselves as we can go. And then
we bring it all up so that the whole
world can see it — without stopping to
polish what we find or to throw out the
nferior material. That takes guts.”
nother time, the photographer Gjon
Mili was thinking of making a film of
Brubeck in action. He attended a record-
g session and was unmoved by what he
first heard. “My first impression was
right" Mili volunteered. “You're no
ood.” Brubeck's reaction сап be heard
in Stompin’ for Mili in the Brubec
Time album. It is one of his most tur-
bulently stimulating performances.
“е Brubeck says, “be-
ase 1 got all my anger and frustration
out in it."
When he is in a calmer state and not
reacting to critics, Brubeck looks for-
ard to the years | when he will
have more time to write and will, there-
fore, see less of the critics. He currentl:
has five offers to do film scores, includ-
ng one for The Summer Music, a screen-
play by Richard Condon. There is also
а jazz opera im progress— а transmuta-
tion of Gertrude Ste Melanctha, on
which Brubeck i: ng with his wife
and Liz Blak nother writer.
Brubeck also wants to move his Quar-
tet into what he terms “a balanced sum-
extension of all we've done
r — the improvised counterpoint, the
polytonality and the work with rhythms.
I think we can now fuse those directions
and do more in all those areas simul-
ncously than we have ever done in any
onc of them before.’
As for the direction of jazz as a whole,
Brubeck is thoroughly sanguine about
the decades to come. “More and more
different cultures are coming into jazz,"
he says happily, “and cach one brings in
its own devices and forms on
which we can all draw. Jazz, Vm con-
vinced, is entering its most сте
period. There is going to be a
ordinary synthesis of the world’s music,
and jazz is bound to play а vital part
because it i and so open to all
ne out well.
well adjusted to this easy apartment
living, but 1 — well, I feel fenced in.
I want to get out — way ou
Daring as this may sound, it will put
ou in a good tactical position for the
alt maneuvering that will follow.
Your wife will now begin to read the
real-estate advertisements more openly —
and soon will even begin to read them
At first you w
simply counter
1 have little difficulty in
ng the advertisement
Listen to this one,
m house —' "
Il houses in the classified section
те built for artists, though you
1 never actually catch an artist
"Hand-hewn timbers, paneled liv-
com, mansard roof.’
“Himmnm. Pity.
For a minute 1 thought
you said ‘mansard rool.”
"p did."
"Oh, well, then."
“What's wrong with а mansard
(continued from page 110)
“Phoeb, do you know what a man-
sard rool is
“Well, no, not exactly.”
(If she does, you will have to play
the ball into some other court.)
“Just as E thought. Well, you know
what a thatched roof is, don't you
“Oh, David. not a thatched тоо!
“Almost as bad. Imagine livi
under а mansard roof!”
Easiest of all is to attack the location.
s only $19,000, Davie!”
"Where is it agai
npton or West Framp-
“It doesn't say."
“Well, then! If
they always sa
East Frampton. BI
for years.”
s West Frampton
so. Nobody lives in
ted. Has
the nest. or telephonii
will begin to call up the nu
ads — unless you act quickly.
"Let me call. Phocb. T want to
check on the tax and mortgage
“Oh, all right, Dav
ап occasion
“Well, what did he say, David?"
“Sounds pretty good, pet
you me: "You get
arrangement — in the basement, kind
ol Dry basement, though, he says,
water only comes through in ah
n. Beautiful apple trees.
This technique may stave off the ac-
tual expedition for many months.
your mind
simple rules.
1. Be Enthusiastic. Praise everything
extravagantly, but find some simple fault.
ally you will be forced into the
real-estate dealer.
¢ danger. Keep
and remember these
to tak
on a greedy expression.)
So comfortable you don’t take ‘em off to relax!
THE VIKING BOOT: Two feet closer to comfort
in glove soft calf with Marajo Grain top as shown; or all-
smooth calf. Daring touch—the red kid quarter lining!
Original styling for day or evening wear.
From the arom Col the St. Croix.
15 145
Leather °
after shave
after shower...
after hours
$2.00 $3.50 $6.50 plus tax
341 Fifth Avenue, New York
Whatever your game, the prize sportswear to
wear is Sedgefield. Shirt about $4. Walkers
about $5. Sedgefield, a division of Blue Bell
inc. Empire State Building, New York, N.Y.
y we can't just turn it around,
кал и?
“Turm it around. Davie?”
“We certainly wouldi't want а
house facing north, would we,
Phoeb? Spoils everything. Someday
we'll spot it, thought
2. Set Up a Yardstick. It is
ood to have a standard for comparison.
If it is ay one, so much the better.
“It î grand, isn’t it! You know,
Phovb, it’s almost as nice as Joe's
(sote: “place.” never “house.”)
“You must take me there, Davie
“This stonework isu't quite up to
Jocs, but—how much is this one,
Mr. Frammis?”
“They're asking 52. but I think
they may take 49.
“Honestly? Phocb, you know what
Joe paid? 99, with the pool
3. Have a Vague Yes Any rc
estate man is at your mercy if vou ha
а vague, nameless yearning
“Yes, it docs have ever
ervihing vou asked for, Mr.
"It's all there — and vet — E c
explain it, It just doesn’t seem to
call ош to me. Do you know what
I mean, Phoeb?"
“Well, E
"Somehow | just don't feel at
home here.”
ie, 1——
As lon he
s you don't pin it dows
is helpless and he knows it
1. Specify Modern. All modern houses
were designed for the original owners,
Lookii used ones is exciting and is
always perfectly s
“It is unusual, Davie!
“Very ingenious on the inside, too,
Phocb. АП built | a photo-
vaphic darkroom. Yo make
the whole house pitch dark!"
Or, perhaps:
Damned tricky, Phocb. Only опе
throom, but hot and cold vum
in the w
grow orchids in every room!”
idow boxes. Yon €
3. Be а Financial Expert. There will
come а time. when, in spite of all vou
can do, vou will feel wipped
“Have to admit it, Phoeb. it has
everything we've been looking I
all these years. И only it laced
Bur it
does ace south, Mr.
Only the morgage сан save you
now, И will always be your ace in the
hole. Pretend elation, bur keep your
head cool, your nerves steady
“Well, at last!
wel find ii! Why don't the two of
us go back into your office, Mr.
Frammis, and tilk over the financial
end of it
(Nole especially “the two of us.”
Women cannot be expected to un-
derstand this sort of thing.)
“What a damned. shame, Phocb!
You might k
“Ts that bad, Davie?
“And that’s not all! Its in escrow
— amd there's а strong possibility of
eminent. don . The 19 battle
alone could run for years!
What a јоу this expeditionary phase
can bet Weekend after weekend you will
spend out in the open a ked about
the countryside for nothing in the com-
fortable сату of reabestate dealers.
ow it has a second
One day, however, it will have to
come to an end.
If your wile is driven far enough. she
Why don't we just. build
moy su
one ourselves?
Do not be frightened. In this direction
lic vour best opportunities. It is truc.
оГ course. that sheer disaster. face
onc who ally builds, and the fate of
those who rebuild will not even be dis-
cussed here
However, the man who plans his
building program carefully can enjoy
years of happy, cuefree apartment livi
Plon Carefully. Dur loi
planning stage your m:
tinue to be one of cheerful cooperation.
Do your best to help. Pl
House сап be pleas
costs noth
away long winter ev
In the process you beth will be learn-
ing. The carly, rudimentary plans. will
be torn up cou
less times as you dis
cover all the daring possibilities.
“L think we've got it now, Phocb!
Just look at this latest House Bean-
(Keep bringing home these maga-
sines. They ате chock full of ideas.)
“L thought the plan wa
all set, Davi
“So did I — but wa
sketch! Makes our
hat Gives us а
UI vou sec this
plin look old
whole new аре
Be open to all ideas, no matter how
onc. Phoch.
^ ouside a
dua —"
“That would change everything,
"Don't ch
it yet. Just picture
А note of caution: Do not, at this stage.
consult an architect or builder. They will
try to rush. you into hasty action.
Join a Co-op. Once you have reached
the stage ac which you can. postpone
tion no longer, join a building coop
tive, some closely knit group that pl
to build many homes togethe
Your first talks with members of any
building coop will make it clear how
much money you can save, how mass
» of 1 s. and се
can cut. your
costs almost
This will not as you
will discover later. but remember your
purpose is nor pinchpenny economy.
You are buying
long. lazy усаг
Join a young group, one whose ides
are bright, but whose p e nebulous.
Together you will spend stimul:
years in cager, ar
a while, if you tire of the meet
your wife, She will be fired with enthu-
you are buying
“What was the meeting about to-
night. Phocb:
“We found the most wonderful
place to buy nails! Saves two dollars
а barrel. OF course there was one
faction that opposed it, but we
blocked them in a sort of parliamer
tary double play. Technic
the floor on a point of infor
11 talked for 45 minutes!"
Га have been proud of
Phocb! Did you buy the nails:
“No, but we appointed a com
we, action
theirs three to two on
“Gosh, we'll have that hous
Шу I had.
and ou
You will be lean
ing friends, too.
If plans become too
one of the indi
there will be several. They will soon split
off and take you with them.
and you will be
Sometime dur
erous |
ir this process the ge
band gives his w
rily. Try to find a
place that will give you — in a few short
jonths — а cross section of the many
teresting problems of home owning
One way is to rent a place for the s
mer months. Choose this spot carefully.
Some of the little telltale signs to look
Tor are: iron pipes, rust stains, а h
wat vk in the 1, evidences
of new concrete strips in the | nt
floor, screwdriver maiks on electrical out
lets, bits of friction tape lying about and
ceilings blistered or moist. No house will
c all of these, but s many
h little telltale sign will be
v a chance to
enjoy а house tempo
Make the entire summer a time of dis-
covery and. joyful experimentation. Let
your wife know how eager you are, too.
If, for example, you notice scum on her
“Golly, Phoeb, isn't it great havin
our own lile pl
“David. I want you to have a look.
at the cel
“L love every nook and cra
“Davie, this nook and cranny is
two [eet deep.
“Oh, well, that’s a house for you!
Take the bitter with the sweet!”
When she complains, as she may, al
s defend the house.
“Buc P like a dide rust in the
water, don’t you, Phoeb? Puts iron
in you
“It’s cold, though, Davi
“We'll bathe in the Sound! Makes
you feel like a million!
Choose a spot that is on an interesting
commuting line, one that will be a chal-
lenge to you. In ihe New York area пу
the Long Island Rail Road.
“Davie, you have to get home, the
roof is leaking!"
"Cet hold of a good bucket,
Phoch. May not see you for a day or
so. Third тайїз out altogether."
And make sure the house is out in
fine, open country.
"Gotta use the car today, Phoeb.”
“You can't, Davie! How will I go
“Pick up onc of those baskets with
the little wheels, Mighty handy gad-
is. You'll need one.”
But it’s almost two mile
“Do you a world of good"
Every day will have its own little prob-
lem and every day you wile
will find new ways of meeting the
Alter three or four months both of you
will look upon houses with a new and
more mature point of view.
One day, of course, after many litle
ones have arrived, a house may be a real
advantage. When this time comes you
should have the waining and experience
to act quickly and decisively.
Once you really want a house, the
whole process can easily be accomplished.
in а single
nd. your
"What's taking so long with the oysters, Pierre?"
Оядаилте 249UOQ (continued from page 109)
carnation will be — if any?
April 15 —1 am deeply disturbed now.
It happened ht. And it was
worse! This time most definitely a shock.
The few nights between that first time
and this even worse one, I'd been afraid,
almost, to look out. I'd turned toward
the glass as seldom and as briefly as pos-
sible. But when I had seen through it
there'd been nothing amiss. A different
living room cach time, but never one
with a young couple alone together i
it, violating the Code. People sitting
around behaving themselves. watching
us. Kids, sometimes. The usual.
But last night!
Really shocking. A young couple alone
again — not, of course, the кате couple
or the same living room. There wasn't
any sofa in this one, just two big ove
stuffed chairs— and they were both sit-
ting in the same chair; she was on his
That was all 1 saw my first glimpse. I
was a doctor and conditions at the hospi-
tal were pretty hectic and kept me rush-
ing from emergency to emergency, savin
lives. But near THE END (that's what we
call it when the final commercial comes
on and we can no longer see out nor can
those in the outside world any longer see
us) I was delivering some good advice to
er doctor and faced away from
him to do it, which put me looking into
the screen, or through the glass, and 1
saw them again.
And either they had moved or else I
saw something I had not noticed in my
first glimpse. Oh, they were watching the
screen all right and not kissi
"Ehe girl was wearing shorts, very
shorts, and his hand was on her thigh —
d not even just resting there, but mov-
g slightly. cares t sort of a
den of iniquity is it out there that such
a thing would be permitted? A man
caressing a woman's bare thigh! Anyone
in our world would shiver at the very
thought of it.
I am shiver
about it.
What's wrong with their censors any-
Is there some difference between
worlds that 1 do not understand? The
unkuown is always frightening. 1 am
frightened. And shocked.
April 22 — A full week has passed since
the second of the two disturbing epi-
sodes and until last night I had begun to
feel reassured. I had begun to think that
the two Code violations І had observed
isolated instances of indecency,
things that had slipped through by mis-
But last night 1 saw — or rather heard,
yg now, just thi
in this case — something that was а most
flagrant violation of a completely differ
ent section of the Code
Perhaps before describ it I should
explain the phenomenon of “hearing.”
Very seldom do we hear sounds from the
other side of the screen. They are too
faint to penetrate the glass, or they
drowned out by our own conversations
or the sounds we ma the music
that plays during otherwise silent se
quences. (1 used to wonder about the
source of that music since, except in
sequences that take place in night clubs,
dance halls or the like, there are never
any musicians around to produce it, but
finally I decided that it is simply а mys-
tery that we are not supposed to under-
stand.) For one of us actually to hear
identifiable sounds from the other world
requires a combination of circumstances.
Tt can happen only during а sequence in
which there is absolute silence, sans even
music, in our own world. And even then
it can be heard by only one of us at a
me, since опе of us must be vci
near the glass. (We call this
closc-up.") Occasionally, under
ke, or bı
ideal circumstances, one of us can hear,
or суеп an entire sentence spoke
world outside.
For a moment last night these ideal
circumstances prevailed for me and I
heard a complete sentence spoken, as
well as being able to sce the speaker.
the spoken-to. They were an ord
looking middle-aged couple sitting (but
to understand, a phrase
n the
decorously apart) on a sofa facing me.
The n id I am sure I heard
him correctly, for he spoke quite loudly,
as though the hard of
hearing: --, honey, that's awful. Let's
shut the d — —— thin o down to
the corner for a beer, hu
The first of the two words for which I
use dashes was the name of the Deity and
is a perfectly proper word when used rev-
crently and in context. But it certainly
didn't sound as though he was using it
reverently, and the second word was very
definitely profanity.
Lam deeply disturbed.
April 30 -
me to make an entry tonight to add to
the other notes I have made recently. 1
am more or less doodling and will no
doubt throw this page away when 1 have
finished with it. I am writing it simply
because I have to be writing something,
well do this as somethin
even more meaningless.
You sec, I am writing this "on sarcen,”
as we call it. Tonight I am a newspaper
reporter sitting in front of my typewriter
in the city room of a newspaper.
I have, however, already played my
woman was a bi
There i:
no real reason for
active part in this adventure, and am
now in the background, required only
to look busy and keep typing. Since 1
am a touch typist and do not need to
ch the keys toni
opportunity to take occasional glances
through the glass into the other world.
sceing a young couple
"set" ds in thei
bedroom and obviously they are married,
since they are watching from their beds.
Beds, plural, of course. I am pleased to
sce that they are following the Code,
which permits married couples to be
shown talking to each other from twin
beds a reasonable distance apart, but
more than understandably forbids their
be ther in a double bed;
no matter how far apart they lie, this
s definitely suggestive.
Just took another glance. Apparently
they aren't much interested in watchii
the sereen from their side. Instead, they
are talking. Of course, 1 cannot hear
what they are saying to cach other: even
if there were absolute silence on our
side, 1 am too far back from the glass.
But he is asking her a question and she
is nodding, smilingly.
Suddenly she sweeps back the covers
and swings her fect out of bed, sits up
on h ide of
She is naked.
Dear God, how can you permit this?
It is impossible. In our world there is
no such thing as a naked woman. lt
just cannot b
She stands up and I c
es away from the impossibly beauti
beautifully impossible, sight of her. Out
of the corner of onc eye I can see that
he has thrown back the covers on his
bed aud he, too, is naked. He is beckon
ing to her and, for a brief moment, she
ughing. looking at him
him look at her.
ange, somethi
never felt before, something | did not
know was possible is happening in my
loins. І try to tear my eyes away, but
Е cannot.
She crosses the two steps between the
beds and lies down beside him. Sud.
denly he is kissing and caressing her.
And now—
Can such things be?
ve ample
+ showu to;
Т have
It is true, then! There is no censor-
ship for them: they can and. do do th
things that in our world may be only
vaguely suggested as off-stage happe
ings. How can they be free when we
are not? It is cruel. We are being denied
equality and our birthright.
Let me out of here! LET
Help, anyone, HELP!
as long as you're up get me a Grant's’
Would you, darling? Say, did you know Grant's 8
is still made by the original Grant family and
they still age it at the original Glenfiddich distill-
ery in Scotland for 8 years and I still think it
takes that long to smooth out a Scotch. What? You |
haven't heard a word I said? Forget it, but don't
forget my Grants.
The choice and cherished B-year-old blended Scotch Whisky
in the triangular bottle. Eighty-six proof. Imported to the |
United States from Scotland by Austin, Nichols &Co. NewYork |
150 Капет, soc
ıt to be able to travel where they
‚ work as they plea
whom they ple:
Like Gaul, all Afric ided into
three parts. In each, the girls are star-
gly and pleasantly different.
The southern third of Africa — the dia-
mond and gold third — is the home of
the once-proud nation of the Hottentots,
of the copper-skinned, slanteyed. Bush-
men, of the dark-brown, Bantuspeaking
Southern Negroes, and most significantly.
of well over half. of Africa's 0,000,000
white settlers.
Some of the most beau
the world are found here — white Afri-
kaners, dark-eyed Indians, alluring С
mulattoes and the partPoly
ns of Malagasy. But the racial poli
that nate of southern
ı prevent the visitor from mi
with any but those within the confines
of his own color-determined class. Onl
in the impoverished Portuguese colonies
of Angola and Mozamt i
fully acceptable
to forestall revolution.
Color bars notwithstanding, the white
s curiosity about the ways ol Alrica's
ul wor
dom most
tive girls goss back to the earliest
explorations. (In 1704, an. pid trav-
eler named Peter Kolben greatly added
to this interest by noting in his Prefent
State of the Cape of Good. Hope: “I
have often been айигей by both Sexes
ol the Houemtots that they difler in the
al Embraces from Europeans,
this diference was, Kolben
remained discreetly silent.)
Although South Africa's early Dutch
settlers piously claimed. no sexual inter
est in the local ladies, more than a half-
million mulatto “Cape Coloreds" arc
descended from them.
For bachelor settler
to hold out for the k home, di
rectors of the Inc y wot per
mission from the Dutch Government ^to
wanfport to the Саре fuch young
Women from the Charitable Found.
tions and Orphans Houfes as were w
ing to go thither, Accordingly, a fine
‘Troup of young Females were quickly
levied for the Voyage; who, arriving
fafely at the Саре, were by the Gove
. beftow'd upon fuch as wanted
As to wh;
who were willi
nour .
Wives, with all the Indulgence and Re-
gard that could be hewn to their feveral
fuch an
Fancies and Inclinations on
Today the white
аге a far сту from those ra
house wails bound into wivery ne
300 years ago. Grown opulent with the
golden wealth of South African th,
the ruling whites live lives of power and
comfort that rival the Pharaohs’,
Among the parochial Dutch Afri-
ty is insuflerably stufly and
(continued from page 120)
inbred. The visiting male, despite impec-
cable background, will find that he needs
the equivalent of an ed introduc
tion to break into the icy isolation that
surrounds the fine-featured Dutch girls.
The high-spirited daughters of
South Africa's English gentry ave quite
another matter. Struggling 10 break out
of their all-dressed-up-and-no-place-to-go
provinciality, they are only too happy
10 treat the wayfarer to
display of pent-up wealth.
dude а Formal riding to hounds,
pagne brunch ander a spreading pepper
tree, or an all-night cock v around
a free-form pool, In the Rhodesias, the
partying is endless — beginnin:
nd it^ (dry gin and Tralian vermouth,
served unchilled) at 10 Алм, on Sunday.
Iu the evening, after a dinner or dance
at а fashionable South African country
dub, the landed English lass will want to
take you for a stroll around the family
estate to search the sky for the Southern
oss, that relatively obscure constellt
tion which “blazes” in so many Africa
novels. This star-crossed stroll will quick-
ly prove that there is more to these
comely colonists than mere money.
But no matter how modern the daush-
ters of Br may seem, the poten
visitor is well advised to avoid
i Not one
a liberal
Africans. Like
believe that
rather than
attitude to
«d native
familie: sull
few of South Africa's wellborn
white girls work. but they all shop and
can be found in profusion along the sky
scraper canyon of Johannesburg's im-
pressive Commission Street, darting in
nd ош of fashionable salons and show-
rooms in colorful hi; hemmed, low-
backed sun dresses. or poised over
cocktails at the Colony, Chez Sabaud or
Three Vikings restaurants. (In South
Africa, women may not enter bars.)
Among the girls who do work. secre-
trial jobs in mining and export fi
provide fair pay and air conditioning:
modeling provides better pay and a bad
reputation. Cabaret sin nd dancing
let to freewheeling bachelor girls
from other countries. (Ju
her start with Johannesburg's socially ac-
ceptable Festival Ballet Company.)
Reflecting the city’s wealth, Johannes-
1 Prowse got
burg has а burgeoning entertainment in-
dustry, Roadshow productions from
London's West End play to packed
houses and top American and English
acts— those not boycotting the country
because of apartheid — draw higl
ies at the elegant and expensive С
But, as in Australia, most of the imported
ts playing South Africa are cither over
the hill at home or still struggling to
remained in Johannesburg, Cape Tow
and Durban as callgirls, but they'll all
tell you they're going back into showbiz
— as soon as they work up a new routine.)
s their Afrikaner enforcers.
No Brigitte Bardot film has ever flickered
there. Five Girls, an artfully sensitive
nude photo study of five local beaut
by South African Sam На cannot
be sold in his own couni
called Rape of the Earth was
before the government found
dealt with soil erosion.
With this atmosphere prevai
visiting male with more than an ac
demic interest in the girls of South AL
rica will do well to consider — as South
Alricans do themselves — trekking to any
one of several modern seaside resorts. In
the summer. you can cool it in Cape
Town, South Africa's most cosmopolitan
ıd least restrained city: or in Рин
(‘the English city") where delicate In
dian girls grace the streets; or in tiny.
tidy Sca Point In the winter (May to
September) you and an inamorata ca
really get away from it all at the luxuri-
ous cliflset Polana Hotel on the warm
Indian Ocean in Lourenço Marques,
Mozambique. It’s an easy drive from
Also included in the general sphere ol
southern Africa is the giant island of
scar or, as it is now known, the
y Republic. Its women, exotic
n. Ewro
pean and the full
spectrum of coloring mong the
most beautiful in all Africa. In the ba
are as stern
le from stall to
al, they gi
ig delicate lambas, or shawls.
of silk. The girls speak French in a
dreamy singsong and those that will join
a Pernod at a Paristype si
ме will usually respond
vitation for
the city’s fashionable race track or, if
you're lucky, a weekend at Antsirabe,
the local resort version of Vichy.
Back on the mainland, north across
the rolling veld to the lush green jungles
of Central Africa, stashed by the Equator,
st Negroes, dark
iosal people of medium
heigl Tang is Bantu, Hau:
or Swah ‚ also, are the Caucasized
Negroes of Ethiopia and the Somali
Republic: tall, dark Niletes of Uganda:
yold-skinned Fulanis of the Republics of
you for
is the land of the E
white and mulitto dau
ters, clerks and other
Kenya and Tanganyika.
Skin color and. pl
settlers of
sical size, however,
are only the visible distinctions
the many contrasi
women of Central
“That will be all for today, Miss Bascomb. I’m out of pink.”
Africa, The principal differences are
bal customs, until recently kept dis-
ct by the barriers of mountains, rivers
and tribal w:
Polygamy is still widely practiced
among the jungle tribes, as it is in North
Africa. (Bope Mabinshe, octogenarian
king of the Congo's huge Bakuba tribe,
had, at his prime, em of 850 wives:
by 1960 it had dwindled to а mere 200.)
Unlike the women of the north, many
Central African women encourage their
husbands to take extra wives because
the newcomers must act as the older
wives’ servants until they bear children
of their own.
andry— the marriage of
to several men — also exi
but only
himas of Ugand: ck count
А tall, handsome people with European
eyes and probably one-fourth Caucasian
blood, the Bahima women cover them-
selves from head to foot, while their men
go naked. Outsiders know little about
the Bahima girls’ legendary talents as
lovers because they traditionally remain
faithful to their multiple husbands.
Although there is no official color bar
in Central Africa (except in Keny:
most of the region's self-governing na-
tives sternly object to fraternization be-
tween their girls and white men. Because
of this tacit apartheid-in-reverse, the only
native girls who will socialize with visit-
ng males are apt to be prosi
university students— and sometimes both.
Central Africa's pros are a
dependent lot, not at
pathetic sisters in
These brown-skit
in the markets of Kano, Ibadan
Enugu in Nigeria, Accra in Ghana, and
Léopoldville in the Congo. Here, too,
are the bungalow girls — educated, so-
ing an endless succession of с
They specialize in adventures with Tor-
cigners and often serve as companion-
housekeepers for lonely bachelors.
In this capacity, the fnelooking,
colfee-brown. Haya girls of Tanganyika
have earned an unusual reputation. as
excellent mistresses in every European
capital. Unlike most African girls (who
seldom stray far from home), the Hayas
are quite willing to travel overseas to
work as indentured ayas (servants) or
1f they lose their first jobs, they
have no tiouble finding employment as
live-in housekcepers for young bachelors.
Despite the angry efforts of their men
to keep them at home, restless. back-
country girls still flock to the casy frec-
dom of the big c But they
often need considerable ingenuity to get
there. Such was the case, not long ago,
for a group of lusty young ladies from
Bukoba, in che northwest corner of Tan-
ganyika. More than 20 of them, deciding
that hooking was easier than hocing. de-
termined to take off for the coastal capi-
tal, Dar es Salaam. But the young men
of their district were equally determined
to keep them at home. When the girls
arrived at Bukoba’s docks to catch the
ferry boat across Lake Victoria. a picket
line barred their way. Undaunted, the
girls secretly chartered a plane, flew to
the capital and set up their own bawdy-
house, complete with medical sta
less than twa years they had е
enough money to return to their tribe
comparatively wealthy, independent
women. They used their earnings to buy
thcir own plantations on the outskirts
of Bukoba and now employ a number
of the hotheads who picketed their fern
The girls of Central Africa are at their
best when unencumbered by clothes, but
only a few have remained untouched by
narv's zeal to hide all tha
1 of Jos
the missi
natural. Still, on the high plat
an Ў
“Miss Preston, bring me something to sign.”
can see high-breasted
s they are called, w.
h the markets dressed in
but two litle bunches of fresh
green leaves suspended from а thon
Although not ally beautiful, they
compelling in the milling crowd.
The Yorubas, а large Nigerian tribe,
particularly handsome and. remark
ous shades of blue only
headed: Го the
et becomes a
ich teenage
girls carrying three cigarettes and a [ew
lumps of sugar on head-borne
re up bold-eyed and demand 5
tip—as if they had given their
bodies with one sultry look.
A great many Central. African women
do not wear clothes as we know them:
rather, they wear cloths — wr
signs. The cloths are made in Eng
Belgium. Holland. Japan and India
their раце no particular cus-
tom except that in cx-British territories.
portraits of the Queen are popular and
the cloth is worn so that Her Majesty
stares out over the wearer's breasts and
is duplicated on her seat. In. Ghana,
sarong patterns feature the smiling visage
of Kwame Nkrumah.
Perhaps the most apparent affront to
good taste and sense to be foisted upon
Africans by overzealous missionaries is
the "Mother Hubbard" — that ugly neu-
tralizer that also infests the South Pacific.
The African version, called gomazi or
"boarding" (after a boarding school for
girls in Tanganyika). consists of at least
six yards of cloth and is designed to ob-
literate all evidence of the female anat-
оту. In the words of anthropologist
U. R. Ehrenfels, it makes even the pret-
tiest African. girl look "like single,
shapeless, waddling giant pe:
But men of the cloth cannot be blamed
must also share the white man's burden.
Aud they до by wearing layer aft
layer of totally unsuitable Western cloth-
ing. At Makerere College in Kampala,
Uganda, for example, only the Europe:
professors and their the
short-sleeved cotton shirts and walking
shorts clearly dictated by the country's
hot climate. Their students, in a stoical
display of Victorian modesty, swelter
under heavy wool clothes.
As with their clothing. Makerer
dents have also— for the most pa
Jopted a super Victorian morality. Only
nong the school's few Indi.
erated from strict parental control,
one find those who
American idiomatic verb ^i
wives sport
ters of British
jon owners in Kenya
Happily, the daug
ranchers and planı
nd Tanganyika are, like their cou
parts in South Africa, likely to be hos
pitable to visiting males. Their version
of hospitality, however, is apt to be as
athletic as it is romantic. Most of these
girls are crack shots, excellent. eques
wiennes and mountain climbers, and
require you to test your mettle
Mt. Kenya or Kilman
me — before testing it
themselves in other ways.
ist towering
jaro ог big g
A relatively more sophisticated ap
proach may be taken with city girls of
Nairobi, where the wild animal bit can
be limited to a visit to the local game
reserve. A date in Nairobi should defi.
nitely start with tall, cool drinks at the
New Stanley Hotel bar — the most
famous watering place in eastern Africa
— followed by a leisurely dinner at the
Equator Inn, just outside the city. From
there she may sue
tor Club, an African-style night club
where the native entertainment is excel
lent, the imported acts only fair. Later,
there is always the Southern Cross gambit
The traveler who finds himself smitten
with a Kenya colonial will find the many
small but splendid hotels and lodges in
Mombasa, Malindi and Nakuru to be
perfect weekend hideaways. Drinkin
а prime activity at these spots and the
vigorous girls of Keny
good at it.
Moving out of Central Africa through
the broad savannas of the southern
Sudan, one reaches the final third. of
Alrica— the vast and trackless desert.
Here live the dark Caucasoids. the
long-haired Caucasized Negroes and the
fair-skinned Tuaregs. These people, no-
mads and city dwellers alike, arc mostly
Moslems and their language. is Arabic.
Northern Africa is the land of the veil
— that wispy symbol of hidden beauty
and hidden fear. The beauty is that of
gest a visit to the Equa
are astonishingly
the women, their soft, olive skin
sensuous cu
Mowing djellabas which reveal ошу their
hands and great, gazclle-soft
eyes, darkened with kohl. The fea
s hidden beneath long
of their Moslem men, who go
home at midday for an hour ог two of
pleasure behind the ornate Moorish sun
screens that hide the bedrooms of their
whitewashed homes. With or without
reason, they fear to expose the bodies
and faces of their restive women to the
view of strangers — а view that can still
tam an outsider a sudden scimitar slash
But the winds of change are rending
the veils of North Africa, even in the
ageless monarchy of. Morocco, where the
feminist movement is led by Princess
Lalla Aisha, daughter of the late King
Mohammed V and sister of King Hassan
I. The efforts of Aisha and her follow
ers have resulted in a civil law which
makes Morocco's former four-wile polyg
Beau Brummell used it after
4711 is a mens after-lotion. Воп vivants have sought
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Frankly, what you use it after is your own affair.
ATLL... the cologne from Cologne. 4711 FOR MEN.
Sole Distributors: Colonia, inc...
41 East 42nd St, New York 17. М.Ү.
LN 24032/8N 76032 Stereo
You'll be quick to see the subtle
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For nome of dealer nearest you, write to
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my all but impossible except for the
very rich. (While her father's wife — or
wives, no one knew for sure which was
the case — remained veiled and hidden
from public life, Aisha often appeared
in a bikini on Rabat’s pleasant beaches,
much to the joy of the King’s enemies
who flashed beachside photos of her as
if they were dirty postcards.)
"Today, among Morocco's comely com-
moners, there is far more fraternization
with foreigners than even Aisl
possible. Some Moroccan coeds. quick to
dopt beatnik ways, have smoked their
way into the h and kif parties of
footloose American and Europ
rati living in Safi, Port Ly
other exotic Morocca ties. And Mo-
rocco, like Tunisia and Algeria, now
sends stunning candidates to both the
Miss World and Miss Universe contests.
These liberated lasses are constantly on
the lookout for good job (and marriage)
offers overseas, because they know the
have booted their chances with Morocco's
male traditionalists who still be
heard to say, “Yes, but would you marry
a girl who has gone to a movie with
other man:
In Algeria, both veil and veil-thinking
were ripped to shreds by the grim
necessities of the country’s recently won
revolution — a war in which countless
girls fought in the under-
ground. At the same time, another kind
of revolution has taken its toll of what
was once Algeria's greatest desert attrac-
tion — the sultry dancing girls of the
Ouled äl. These dark-skinned
madic beauties were the originators of
the serpentine belly dance that left
countless visitors to the oasis towns of
Biskra and BouSaada forever dissatis
fied with the girls back home. The Ouled
1 girls doubled in brass — or rather
in gold (in the form of coins that
adored their jingling headdresses and
necklaces) — as bed partners. for veil-
businessmen and They
we tourists,
were in
no way considered social out-
casts since they were “marabout” — de-
scended from Moslem holy men, and for
the purely pragmatic reason that men far
outnumber n in Africa's desert
lands. Today the belly dancers of the
Ouled Nail have pretty much gone to
pot and their dancing is not much better
tkan what can be seen at most
navel-waving parlors. But some of them
are still quite proficient at their alternate
art and cam be found in the pseudo
seragli along the back streets of Algerian
cities. Taxi drivers and street. peddlers
nerally know their whereabouts.
In neighboring Tunisia st
between old aud new is best witnessed in
1 office building at the end of the d:
Here, the secretaries, many with bleached
blonde coiffures, all in low-cut
and high heels, will prepare to leave for
the evening in two quite different ways.
the cont
Some, who live alone or with roommates,
will freshen their make-up and hurry to
meet a gentleman friend at a sidewalk
café in Tunis European sector; they
will have cocktails or Khalifa wine be-
fore skewered mechoui of
dining on
lamb at the Kortoba or Brasserie de la
Paix restaurant, as a prelude to а serious
cvening of gambling amid the magnifi-
cent. Moorish decor of the Casino du
Belcedere, At the same office, other girls
who live at home will remove the
make-up, dutifully don veils and «еШ
bas and return to their families, who still
demand respect for the old ways. "Our
young girls,” a Tunisian said recently,
“are fully in the Modern Age, while
their mothers are still in the Veil Age
and their grandmothers remain in the
Stone Age
Egypt, from whence the most exotic
tales of African women — and the Alex-
andria Quartet sprung, is no
longer the sexiest country on the conti-
nent In his zeal to rid the nation of
the excesses engendered by free-loving
Farouk, Gamal Abdel Nasser has
swung the pendulum far to the other
side — toward a kind of Moslem puri
ism. Cairo has been scrubbed creosote
an of the vice that reigned along with
Farouk. His international congress of
consorts—and there were hundreds of
them —have fled their plush apartments
for new arrangements on the R i
in South America and even in the
harems of oil-rich Arabia. So stringent
are Egypt's new blue laws that belly
dancers, while still allowed to churn, are
not permitted 1o expose their navels,
The oldest profession is strictly forbid-
den and those who still ply it are apt
to be, literally, the oldest professionals.
But rules cannot
romance and a
visitor to Egypt may still strike up a pleas-
ant liaison with an emancipated working
girl. At Cairo's towering Nile Hilton
hotel, for instance, many a wellborn
Egyptian girl can be found working as a
waitress. Egyptian girls prefer this kind
of work because it pays more than three
times as much as а government job and
it offers an excellent chance to
th-heeled visitor.
Despite Nasse ic. Egyptian girls
sull have a taste for luxury and will
usually welcome all that the itinerant
male can bestow. The sidewalk cafés of
both Cairo and fashionable Alexandria
c ideal places for striking up acquaint-
ances over aperitifs, and an invitation to
dinner at any of several elegant. restau-
rants will likely be met with immediate
ceptance. In Сайко, take her to the
Kursaal, Ermitage, Regent, Groppi's,
Le Grillion or Saint James for excellent
European cuisine or to the Khumais
for Egyptian specialties lavishly served
on huge brass trays. Night life in Cairo,
while no longer in its former Е
glory, is still lively. The
a w
Casino, Sahara City. Fontana, Abdine
Palace and Auberge des Pyramides all
feature dancing girls But if you are
more interested dancing with your
own date, the posh Belvedere Room atop
the Nile Hilton is recommended, as is
the Semiramis, the Meno House near the
Pyramids and — ironically — the Khassed
Kheir, Farouk's former yacht.
When it comes to being entertained
by Egyptian girls and their familie
you'll find that members of the military
dass are far more expansive than
wealthicr civilians Fam cally high
игу taxes plus a fear of revealing pri-
vate resources arc responsible for this.
ig southwest from Egypt into
the central Sahara, one finds the Гай
skinned Hamitic Tuaregs, a unique
nomadic tribe. The Tuaregs are the ex
ception that proves the тше of the vei
in North Africa: The women, who are
ul and often fair haired, go
faced while the men are masked
ind blue veils.
Iso provide another strange
exception by being the last people in
Africa to continue breeding their own
slaves, a Negroid group called the Bel-
lah. The Bellah girls are initiated sexu
ally before they 10 and se
concubines only until they are old
enough to conceive. Afterward they arc
bred with members of their own racc.
While this practice is officially con-
demned, it has never been stopped be
cause the Bellah docilely follow their
masters across the desert.
Less organized forms of slavery also
continue in North Africa, kept alive by
the demand for odalisques (harem girls)
among wealthy Arabians. The going
price for a white girl, often lured into
phony promise of a
t engagement, is
nned Egyptians, Tu-
and Syrians are also
slavery through
theatrical or
ormous. Fa
in great demand.
With the tightening. of international
control, the price of slaves has sk
rocketed. In 1947 the rate ranged from
5890 to 5030 for а fair-looking female,
but by 1953 a girl of 15 was fetching
more than 52000. Today the price for
any attractive fairskinned woman is а
minimum of 57000.
Ошу three years ago, according 10
Anti-Slavery Report of June 1960,
an Egyptian girl who looked like ex-
Queen Soraya of Iran accused her hus-
bandoa-weck of trying to sell her
for 510,000. The man confessed to ped-
dling his 65 former wives to agents of
various Persian Gull princes. but in
sisted that none of them had com-
plained, (If it seems strange that he w
able to wed 65 women, it must be re-
nbered that while Moslem law. per-
mits a time, it
Iso permits him to shed them by simply
aying, “I divorce you," three times)
n only four wives at
ght-colored slave girls rank
with Cadillacs as status symbols, Negro
girls are also in demand as bedroom
kijakazis (Swahili for slave girls) be-
cause of a belief that their skin remains
«ool in hot weather.
There remains in our survey of the
girls of Africa one clusive type not con-
fined to any single part of the con
This is the genus Peregrina Americana
=the traveling American. She will be
in good measurement on tour or
in Peace Corps units and Ameri
i arly all African
e it may scem like car-
ewcastle, the Made
rying coals to N
USA. miss can be a fine traveling
Conary to what you тау have
ard, there а clive girls in the
Peace Corps, but you may find among
them a kind of reverse snobbery, Post-
d writers notwithstanding, these ded
uted good-will girls are apt to have
itle int you you are
ther a Corpsman or a native Afric
Friendly, free and highly recom-
mended are the embassy girls. "They
st in unle:
the land around һе
the language, and most possess а
1 taste for adventure. Also, they ge
ally have their own apartment
Ш you are now ready to pack up and
take off for Africa, one or two additional
bits of information may be helpful.
First, never refer to any African
Although the term secms
harmless and is, by dictionary definition,
correct, Africins misinterpret it (just as
white settlers nterpret bwana) and
consider it a slur
Secondly, a knowledge of the local
language may speed rapport but it is
far from essential. Africa's girls, you'll
find, spe much with their eyes as
with their tongues. They'll enjoy help-
ng you to be understood and you will
enjoy their help.
Finally, remember they are not sim-
plex. They possess a proud awareness
of their desirability and — like desirable
girls the world over— must be tacked
and lured like the flighty gazelle. Bu
our accompanying photos indicate, the
girls of Africa are well worth that effort.
156 foreseeable fut
wanted to own land. build a home or
operate income property. Each momen-
tary "owner" of û picce of property had
but a single thought in his mind — to
sell as soon as he could and to make as
large a profit as possible.
For example, there were an estimated
2000 real estate offices and 25,000. real
estate salesmen M . Florida, alone
1925. Theoretically, they sold prop-
erty — ranging from single lots to huge
uacts of land. In actual practice, all
that most of them sold were “binde
‘The buyer paid a small percentage of
the agreed sales price of property and
ed a receipt which constituted a
binder; the property was then his un-
til the next ment fell due 30 or 60
days later. The overwhelming majority
ol buyers sold their binders just as soon
as they could realize a profit on them.
With prices spiraling wildly, they sel-
dom had to wa
or at most, a [ew w
ks — befoi
another feverish speculator who would
give them more moncy than they'd paid.
There was more wuth than humor in
the following tale that made the rounds
at the height of the 1920s Florida land
boom. According to the story, a. Miami
realtor had taken a prospective buye!
out to look at a dismal and utterly usc-
less s "he client stared at the
forbidding landscape in dismay
"No one could ever build anything
land!" he said. “It's worthless!”
So what?” the realtor shrugged.
here ain't for ownin'; is
ord War II real estate
boom is entirely different. from those
which took place during the Twenties.
There is a solid demand for buildi
sites, for homes, commercial and indus
and buildings and income
es. The people and the firms
re in the market for such prop-
erties are serious buyers. They want
10 buy or build houses, stores, factories
or whatever — for thí use or
for the purpose of leasing or renting
them to others in order to carn income
for themselves. In short, they really
ıt to own the properties they buy.
The number of out-and-out speculators
today is, as far as [ can sec, negligible.
Current real estate prices aren't high
because they have been driven up by
irresponsible speculation, so often
the case in the past. Prices have risen
because a constantly inc popul
tion with money to invest has created —
and continues to create—a great. de-
mand for real property of all kinds in
most every part of the county.
I, for one, do not anticipate any
major break in real estate values in ihe
. Some solt spots may
r own
(continued from page 100)
develop here and there, and there m:
be tendencies to oversell or overbuild in
some ar but I the overall
trend in real estate will continue to be
up for a considerable time to come.
OF late, the comp 1 control and
de sizable investments in r
estate. The Tidewater Oil Company
Building on Wilshire Boulevard in Los
s completed not long ago at
uly $10,000,000, This build-
fter re-
tive zoning regulations now in force
ve expired. Plans call for the addi-
tion of seven floors to the present six
story structure in the near future. The
new [5-story Skelly Oil С
ing in Tulsa, ОМ
а 510,000,000 investment. The even
newer 22story Getty Oil Company
Building in New York Gity involved an
investment of some $14,000,000.
I would imagine that these
other real estate investments com-
panies and I have undertaken in recent
years provide convincing demonstrations
of the confidence my nd 1
have in the reality of real estate valu
Investors can. find many potentially
profitable opportunities in real estate
today. They must, however. know what
they are doing before and after they
vest their money if they hope to reap
profits. I think that I've already indi-
cated that real estate is not always the
safest form of investment for the ines
perienced. This applies even to the sim-
plest, most common type of real estate
investment —home buying or building,
The home builder or buyer should
е great care in selecting the site or
house he buys. He should, for example,
cquaint himself thoroughly with the
zoning regulations which govern build
ing and the use of property in the
neighborhood or section in which the
property he wishes to buy is located. It's
not enough merely to ask the real estate
salesman or the neighbors.
happy family has moved into
covered dream cottage only to wake up
опе fine morning and discover that a
glue factory or sewage-disposal plant was
being built next. door
The home builder or buyer should
also know something — and the more the
better — about. building. He should Бе
able to judge — ас least within reason-
able limits — whether or not a house is
built well. If he doesn't know about
such things himself, he should most cer-
tainly have someone who does know
make an inspection of the house for
him before he buys, or keep an eye on
the progress of construction if he builds.
As lor the prolessional or semipro:
fessional real estate order
lo have any hope of success, he must
«d for expansion
also represents
d the
have knowledge of a vast range of sub-
jects running the alphabetical gamut
from architecture to zoning laws. He
should à much-better-than-
sion is nine points of the
uue that nine tenths of the problem
involved in the possession of real prop-
erty are legal ones.
its mot possible to list any speci
ide the
w, its equally
many different types of real property —
ranging from single lots in uninhabited
arcas to entire complexes of i
industrial or commercial build
rules investors. follow — or should fol-
low — vary widely according to the type
of property involved, the use which is
to be n nd local and even
individual considerations. To illustrate
what I mean, ГЇ pose four hypothetical
but valid — real estate situations:
1. A Cleveland, Ohio, salesman wants
to buy a home in the 515.000 price
bracket for himself and his family.
2. А South Carolina executive wants
to purchase а 24-unit apar
as an income-producing. investment.
3. An Oregon lumberman is consider-
ing the purchase of 1000 acres of virgin
4. А New York financier is planning
to buy an entire block of brownstone
houses, demolish them and build a
scraping office building on the site.
Save for the fact that all four of these
Individuals want to invest their money
in real estate, there is very little that
they have in common. Their intents and
purposes vary widely. They could not
usc precisely the same business yard-
sticks to measure the properties they
contemplate bu
most all real estate deals
its own set of variable factors and differs
from the next. Nonetheless, there ате
some general rules and pointers which
provide a valuable checklist of thi
do — and not to do — for a
thinking of making an
any kind of real estate
1. Make a thorough study of the real
estate market and its prospects in your
area before you buy. Naturally, you
should seck to buy when prices are low
and the indications are that. values will
rise. Always take into consideration such
factors as the rate of population incr
nent how:
iyone who
апа the general prospects of business in
y to lose
the area. There is no quicker w
money in real estate than by investit
in property located in declinit
2. Know or learn as much as possible
about every aspect of the particular use
to which you intend putting the prop-
erty you wish to buy. In other words,
don’t buy a house unless you're certain
that it’s suited to the requirements. ol
your family and that it’s well built. Don't
plan on having
house built unless you
know something about building — or at
the very least until you've found a
architect and a building contractor in
whom you have complete confidence.
Don't consider buying, say, a motel
unless you know enough about motel
management to have a fair chance of
operating it profitably — or again at the
very least, until you know enough to
efficiently supervise anyone you hire to
run the motel for you.
3. Deal only through licensed and rep-
utable real estat. brokers. Beware the
fast-talking, high-pressure real estate
salesman who promises everything — ver-
bally. He is probably a fly-by-night who
doesn't much care what he sells you or
QI else.
- If you buy a property with a view
to ane ag it or building on it, be cer
tain that you have adequate capital or
are able to obtain adequate financing to
complete the project.
5. И at all possible, always obtain at
least one impartial, third-party appraisal
of any property before you buy it
If buying a bı ш of any kind —
be it Cape Cod cottage, 1000-room hotel
or Willow Run-size factory — have it in-
spected carefully by qualified and dis-
interested architects or builders belore
entering into any binding commitments.
If buying an existing income property
such as an apartment house, have the
owner's books checked by a disinterested
accountant. If the owner of the building
or the income property balks at such
spections, look out.
7. Whether you're in the market for
a cabin site or а skyscraper, shop around
d cautiously. Unless you happen
across an irresistible bargain you
must snap up immediately, take you
time about making up your mind. Don't
low yourself to be s
ing any deposits or binders until you
absolutely certain you've found the prop-
erty you want. Remember that the pur-
chase of real property usually involves
l investment; don't take un-
necessary chances with your money
8. Make certain you have the
available legal advice before signi
contacts or othe
1 do not
agreements, docu
n the majority of such documents. On
the other hand, few laymen are able to
follow the labyrinthine mazes of legal
terminology which are used in th
avoid misunderstandings, it is always
һем to have an attorney translate. the
“whereas” studded fine-print clauses into
coherent everyday English. Even seasoned
real estate investors sometimes fail to
have this done — and the ensuing sq
bles between buyers and sellers usually
d up in courtrooms.
9. Always insure the title to any prop-
y you buy. Even die most meticulous
title search may fail to turn up all the
pertinent facts about the history of a
property. The cost of title insurance is
negligible. The expense of fighting a
lawsuit over a clouded title can be stag-
gering — as many real estate investors, I
among them, have discovered to thei
10. Once you've bought your property,
treat it as a long-term investment, not as
a short-term speculation. You'll find Ч
— 99 times out of a hundred — you'll
make much greater profits that way. In
fact, if you wish to ma money in real
estate, always think in terms of investing
and never in terms of speculatii
These 10 pointers do not, by any
means, comprise an all-inclusive guide
› successful real estate investment. Nor
docs the individual who follows them —
however faithfully — have any
that he will n profit when he
vests his money in real property.
observes these rules goes a long w
ng t portion
of the most common dangers inherent in
hy transaction involving real propi
And that, in itself, is sufficient. to
toward elimina signific
Cubist Rondé, 100% cotton. $5.00
Alia boy sue, boy priced. Male in Canada, ts, McGregor Donee, Tae., New York 19, N. Y. ©
surance that the royal taste buds would
ennui cach night, one appetite
bait was always guaranteed to work.
Louis cooks, who valued their necks.
melted cheese
variably served spiced
on toast. In the 19th Century, Robe
Louis Stevenson recalled, "Manys the
long night Гус dreamed of cheese —
tossed mainly.
toasted cheese in an age of redoubtable
wenchermen bore little relationship to
the anemic toasted cheese sandwich run
up on а lunchtime grill. Digby's recipe
for toasted cheese arti
cally freewheeling fashion, cheese, butter,
asparagus, bacon, onion, anchovies and
spices, cooked down and poured over
Hot toast.
iat was dubbed
ncluded, in
purists” clam that
only certain hard cheeses such as ched-
dar, Swiss and parmesan are suitable for
cooking, To submit others to heat, they
aver, b criminal. Like all dogmatists
they mistake their lack. of imagination
for insight. Any fair amount of gastro-
nomic meandering through a Europe
country — Italy, lor instance — soon den
onstrates that you can successfully cook
cheese From the softest ricotta, through
any of the semisoft dan, such as bel
paese, right up to the hardest romano
that you chop with an ax. Many of the
so-Gilled pasta dishes might just as well
be called cheese dishes when you cor
sider the cheeses that go into the
Compared to the job of cooking meat,
game and seafood entrees, conjuring up
а cheese dish is a comparative pushovei
No blanching, boning, braising. carving
or other stints are here to bedevil you
One notorious cheese tap, however,
always be avoided. All natural
s. that is, all those except. process
must never be subjected to high
atures. Woo them gently over thi
most caress
rebellious tough strands. When cheese
ng of fires or they turn
croquettes, for instance, ае fried in
deep fat, the breadcrumb coating must
provide protection [or the fragile cheese
within, When you place cheese in а
chati i, you lower it into a sauce
wine or other protective medium rather
than toss it directly into the hot pan.
The Itame underneath the chafing dish
should be the kind that can readily be
In the world of fine food, no eating
custom breaks the ice as fast as a happy
herd siting down at a fondue party.
The etiquette, from Swi nd, is ex-
tremely civilized. Everybody cats out of
the same dish. Cheese melted down with
white wine and kirsch is prepared in the
kitchen and brought to the table in a
sturdy carthenware casserole, the caque
lon. IVs heated on a trivet over
lamp. Actually, a metal chafing dish
with water in the bottom pan is just as
(continued [rom page 89)
good as. if not better than, the caquelon,
since the chafing dish prevents the Last
pool of fondue from drying and harden
ig over the heat. Each fondue fancier
is provided with a long, insulated. fork.
He spears а piece of French bread with
it, dips it into the bubbling cheese,
vids it "
from the fondue The
man who drops a piece of bread in the
fondue buys the wine if the party hap-
pens to be in a tavern. The smart money
keeps the bread intact by spewing it
through the soft part into the crust,
For chefs whose specialty is no cook
whatever, there arc two succulent ready-
made stand-bys—welsh rabbit in jars
(which. profits from the addition of sev-
cral drops of Tabasco) and Swiss fondue
ted. packages. (which usually
its from an extra lacing of kirsch).
and wine have always be
Both are judged by mel-
ss. fragrance, body and breed,
both are tests of
around, ıd then carries
1 to his mouth.
sessions, cheese
у pment [or
taste buds between sippings. Hot ch
dishes, unless theyre overpoweringly
spiced, perform the same job. When you
pop a picce of bread covered with hot
cheese into your mouth, a glass of wine
cools things pleasantly. Me and beer are
inevitable with dishes of cheddar or
cheshire cheese. With any of the informal
dishes that follow, Swiss neuchatel,
Rhine w ti spumante or Californ
chardonnay are great tablemates.
(Serves four)
Y Ib. Swiss emmentaler cheese
gruyère cheese
French bre
Y4 Ib. prosciutto ham, sliced paper thin
4 tablespoons flour
114 cups dry white wine
2 cloves garlic
Whole nutmeg
4 tablespoons kirsch
Salt, pepper
Cut bread into chunks about | in.
thick, taking care that cach chunk of
bread includes crust. Cut ham slices in
half. Roll ap cach half cornucopia fash-
ion. Pile bread in bread. basket. Arrange.
ham slices on. platter. Shred cheese by
it through large holes of square
ater. Put cheese and flour in
mixing bowl, tossing until cheese is
coated with По Heat wine in top
part of double boiler over direct flame
until bubbles appear around edge of
pan, Do not boil. Place over simmering
water in bottom section of double boiler.
Add cheese by handfuls to wine, st
well. When the cheese is dissolved,
another handful. stirring well until all
cheese is used. Squeeze garlic through
bout 1
garlic press over fondue. Grate
teaspoon nutmeg over fondue. Stir in
Kirsch, Add salt and pepper to taste.
Pour fondue into chafing dish or caque-
lon before bringing it to dining room.
Guests вре: ad or ham and dip.
(Serves four)
1 Ib. very sharp ched
3 large Delicious apples
Salad oil
1 cup ale
1 teaspoon grated onion
1 teaspoon cider vinegar
1 teaspoon prepared must
teaspoon Worcestershir
teaspoon paprika
L pepper, cayenne pepper
Peel and core apples and cut each one
crosswise into four
Heat oil to a depth of 4 in. in a large
skillet until first wisp of smoke appears.
Sauté apples until tender. Remove from
pan and ki warm place. Shred
cheese by forcing it through large holes
of square metal grater. In the top part
of a double boiler, over direct fame,
hear ale until bubbles appear around
edge of pan. Do not boil. Place ale over
simmering water in bottom section of
double boiler. Combine cheese
tablespoons Hour in bowl, tos
cheese is coated with flour. Add che
by handfuls to hot ale, stirring well. As
soon as one handful is melted, add an-
other. Stir frequently и
Add onion. vines
Worcestershire sauce, paprika
pepper and ciyenne to taste. Place
in individual shallow. heated ci
Pour welsh rabbit over apples.
Dip in How
atil all cheese is
ir, mustard.
id salt,
(Serves four)
1b. roquefort cheese
Ib. cheddar che
sspoon Worcestershire sdüce
spoon Dijon mustard
14 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon flour
14 cup hot milk
4 pieces French bread,
4 in. long
Put both kinds of cheese throu
meat grinder, using fine blade. In а mix-
ing bowl combine cheese, Worcestershire
sauce, mustard and cayenne pepper. Stir
until thoroughly blended. In a small
saucepan melt butter. Remove pan from
flame and add flour, stirring until no
lumps remain. Slowly add hot milk, stir-
ring constantly, Return pan to a low
ich. about
flame, and simmer 3 minutes. Avoid
Chill suce in refrig-
Add sauce to cheese mixture,
ding well. Cut cach piece of French
bread in hall lengthwise. Spread cheese
mixture on 1
in a shallow baki
pieces of bread
g pan or baking sheet,
Sprinkle generously with paprika, Bake
preheated oven at 370°, 10 m
Serve very hot. (The cheese mixture,
chilled, without the bread, may be used
as a cold cheese canapé spread.)
(Serves four in appetizer portions)
8 ozs. camembert cheese
2 egg yolks, beaten
%4 cup light cre:
Bread crumbs
Salt, pepper
1 egg
1 tablespoon salad oil
Deep fat for frying
‘Trim rind from camembert
in mixing bowl, and stir until cheese
is puréed. Add egg yolks, cream, 16 cup
bread crumbs and nd pepper to
taste. Blend well. I£ mixture is too stiff
to handle, add a little more cream. If
mixture is too thin, add more bread
crumbs. Shape into narrow cylinder-
shaped croquetes about 2 in. long and
thick. Dip in flour, coating thor-
whole egg and salad oil
together. Dip croquettes in egg mixture,
coating thoroughly. Dip in bread crumbs,
patting ends of croquettes flat. Heat deep
fat to 370°. Fry until light brown. Turn
croquettes while frying to prevent filli
from breaking outer shell.
Put cheese
(Serves four)
1 Ib. ricotta
6 ол. bel paese cheese
1 egg, beaten
1 egg yolk, beaten
Y Ib. crab meat
2 tablespoons minced onion
5 tablespoons minced green. pepper
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour
54 cup hot milk
1 tablespoon minced. parsley
2 tablespoons dry white wine
Salt, pepper
14 cup prepared tomato sauce
Parmesan cheese
Cut bel paese cheese into small dice
about 14 in. thick. Combine ricotta, bel
paese, whole egg and egg yolk, mixing
well. Remove any pieces of shell or car-
tilage from crab meat. Sauté onion and
pepper in butter until onion is yellow.
Remove from flame and stir їп flour.
Slowly add hot milk. Return to low
flame and simmer 5 minutes, stining
frequently. Combine crab meat and
sauce. Add parsley, wine and salt and
pepper to taste. Chill crab-meat mixture
in refrigerator. Spread half ricotta mi:
tune over a shallow 7-in. casserole
Spread crab meat over ricotta. Spread
balance of ricotta over crab meat. Pour
tomato sauce on top. Ме gener-
ously with parmesan cheese. Bake in pr
heated oven, 370°, until cheese browns,
about 20 to 25 minutes.
(Serves four)
in. unbaked pie shell
м, Ib. wensleydale or cheshire cheese
1 tablespoon flour
1 large Spanish onion
2 tablespoons butter
cup milk
1 egg yolk
4 teaspoon white pepper
If above cheeses aren't obtainable,
sharp moist American cheddar che
may be used instead. Force cheese throu
large holes of square metal
mixing bowl toss the cheese
together. Cut onion in half through
stem end, then cut into thinnest pos-
sible slivers. Sauté onion in butter over
low flame until limp but not browned.
Mix together the milk, egg, egg yolk,
salt and pepper, Place cheese and
sautéed onion in pic shell. Strain milk
ture into shell, and sprinkle with
i € in preheated oven at 100°,
15 minutes. Reduce heat to 325°, Bake
additional 25 to 30 minutes or until
knife inserted in pie comes out clean-
(Serves four)
34 Ib. cheshire cheese
2 cups milk
Salt, pepper, paptika
114 cups stale bread cubes, 14 in. thick
2 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon sharp prepared mustard
14 teaspoon dry English mustard
Heat milk until bubbles appear
around edge of saucepan. Combine
beaten eggs and milk in large mixi
bowl. Add 14 teaspoon salt, 14 teaspoon
pepper and 44 teaspoon paprika. Add
bread cubes. Shred cheese by forcing it
through large holes of square metal
grater. Add one third of the cheese to
bowl, mixing well. Divide the mixture
among flour-greased custard cups. Place
cups in a shallow baking pan with hot
water. Bake in preheated oven at 370°
bout 30 minutes, or until top of pud-
ding is firm when touched with spoon,
While pudding is baking, combi
two thirds of cheese wi
g h four
in mixing bowl. Toss until thoroughly
blended. Heat ale in top part of double
boiler over direct flame, until bubbles
appear around edge of pan. Place ale
over simmering water in bottom section
of double Add cheese in small
batches to ale, stirring well, until cheese
is dissolved. Add prepared mustard, dry
mustard, | teaspoon paprika and salt
nd pepper to taste. Keep warm until
c. Unmold pudding onto
serving dishes. Pour hot cheese sauce over
pudding. Sprinkle with paprika.
The variety of hot cheese dishes is lim-
ited only by the adventuresome scope of
your imagination. In terms of its adapt-
bility case of preparation,
cheese, truly, stands alon
and the
(continued [rom page 108)
traditional six-button cardigan front will
be supplanted by jacketstyle three-
bution fronts or by cleanlined. zippe
fronts. So close, however, is the sartorial
pport between these two types of top-
ır that they're going to be turning
up in matched sets of harmonizing
stripes and solids for spring and summe
wear: erew-neck pullover knits worn un
der coordinated cardigans, and collarless
buuon-front. knits worn over crewneck
pullovers. For more active leisurewear,
the new knits will be showing up also
collarless cardigans, hooded parkas,
a- and skistyled sweatshirt warme
and zip-front models in crew- and boat-
neck styles. Whatever the model, knit-
wear will be stepping out in emphatically
outspoken solid shades and stripes, In
liaison of
у spring. Result: unabashed
sports-coat designs in many of the new
sport shirts, giving birth to a brand-new
aride of informal attire a versatile
shirtjacket like the one we featured
last month.
Running a decided second
but still
either. zipp
with matching sn
emulation of an
An indispensable coordinate for the
entire leisure wardrobe, the new walk
shorts will be seen in styles tailor-made
for the slim physique and active pastimes
of the man who plays as hard as he works.
Emulating the lean lines and lively tones
of casual slackwear, many of the new
models will be cut below the waistline
with form-fitting t in beldess styles
ecoutcred with extension waistbands,
djustable side tabs and an assortment
of unorthodox pocket treatments. With
low-slung and standard waistbands, the
new shorts will be running the gamut
from classic boxers to mid-thigh Jamai
cans, knee-topping Bermudas and even
ditional golfing models with towel
loops and commodious bellows pockets.
And they'll be strati эш in a
choice multiple choice of ducks, denims,
chambrays, oxfords, l
predominate in shades both subdued
supercharged. But
checks and plaids will be по less con-
spicuous by th
Swimwear will be taking the plunge
with its perennial complement of trim
knit cotton briefs and boxer trunks,
which will be freestyling cleanly this
season in tailored models of denim,
madras and scersucker, But the biggest
fashion splash will be made by a neat
new model that mirrors the low-slung
look in slacks and walk shorts: a form-
fitting trunk style cut below the waistline
with extra-short squared legs. Available
in both knit and woven fabris, i
will join the standard swimwear styles
in brightening the briny —and. attract
ing distall admiration — with such un-
diluted shades as cardinal red, chrome
yellow, electric blue and. Kelly green in
an assortment. of solids, stripes, checks,
glens and madras plaids. In another
new wave of wetwear, Western styles
will be getting into the swim with a
blue-jean look in boxer trunks: denim
nd chambray converted tw lastex and
stretch-knit versions and detailed with
rope belts and rugged contrast stitching.
Cabana sets will be cresting in popu
larity with dozens of new coordinated
swim-suit-topwear combinations.
For a preview of pacesctting fashions
in footwear, backtrack briefly to last
month's rundown on upcoming shoe-in
favorites (Feet First). Then read on as
we round out our profile of the warm-
weather wardrobe with a few last words
on the latest word in headgear, tailored
to the lean lines of the seasonal silhou-
cue in trim shapes with ultanariow
brims and low, tapered crowns with
neat center creases. In dress models for
the workaday world and evenings on
the town they'll be a bit lighter than last
year — both in shade and weight. Feath-
erweight felts will be the order of the
day and night in archconservative tones
of beige, gray and blue with slightly
darker bands in one-inch ribbon widths.
There's also a suitable straw in the city
wind: the immaculate Milan hat,
streamlined version of the classic Pan-
ama in ivory white banded with black.
Topping the list of lids for leisurewear,
cotton poplin hats in dressfelt shapes —
some weatherized for rainwear — will
be disporting themselves in rich. glen
plaids, Indiam madras, houmd'stooths
and bright district checks. Headlining
the straw-hat circuit on beach and board.
walk: an S.R.O. cast of trim-brimmed,
low-crowned lids in soft woven coconut
fibers, braided palm leaves and hemp
cloths encircled by rep-striped bands in
muted shades to match the mellow nat-
ural hat tones. Our nomination for the
most improbable hat style of the year —
id the most likely to succeed without
really trying — is the “hobo” hat: a band-
Jess, brimless, one-size cone of felt so flexi-
ble that it can be shaped effortlessly into
almost any known or unknown hat styl
it's do-it-yourself haberdashery for tho:
who'd like to flip their lids to suit thei
whims and whereabouts — and. a fitting
capper for our forecast of the freewhee
ing fashions im store for the balm
months ahead.
You can see the difference . . . he can
feel the difference. Socks [ook better
wear longer . . When they're worn in
shoes made with Texon innersoles. Texon
won't harden, crack, or get scratchy . . .
just stays firm, clean, and comfortable longer
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Be Our Guest!
Ask for this “Coloring
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cu buy. Write Texon,
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Falls, Mass.
down his arms to the wrists and down
the inside of his thighs, Then number
two stood back, pocketed the Walther
and again took out his own gun
Bond glanced over his shoulder. The
d said nothing, expressed neither
suprise nor alarm. Now she way stand-
ing with her back to the group, looking
oul to sca, apparently relaxed, uncon
cerned. What in God's name was it all
about? Had she been used as a bait? But
for whom? And now what? Was he to
be executed, his body left lying to be
rolled back inshore by the tide? Tt
seemed the only solution. If it was а
question of some kind of a deal, the four
of them could not just walk back across
the mile of sand to the town and say
e goodbyes on the promenade steps.
al point. Or wi
north, through the deep
me the fast, rattling hum
of an outboard and, as Boud watched.
the cream of a thick bow wave showed
and then the blunt outline of one of
Bombard rescue craft, the flatbot-
inflatable rubber boats with a
So they had been spotted! By the
rds perhaps? And here was res
cuc! By God, he'd roast these two th
when they got to the harbor police at the
Vieux Port! But what story would he tell
about the girl?
Bond turned back to face the men. At
once he knew the worst. They had rolled
their trousers up to the knees and were
ting, composedly, their shoes in one
nd and their guns in the other. This
was no rescue. It was just part of the
ride. Oh well! Paying no attention to
the men, Bond bent down, rolled up his
trousers as they had done and. in the
process of. fumbling with his socks and
shoes. palmed one of his heel knives and,
half turning toward the boat that had
now grou the shallows,
ferred it to his right-hand touse
No words were exchanged. 7
climbed aboard first, then Bond,
single Thompson engine in the
lastly the two men who helped the re-
» engine with a final shove on the
The boatman, who looked like any
other French deep-sea fisherman, whirled
the blunt nose of the Bombard round,
changed gears to forward, and they were
oll northward through the bulfeti
waves while the golden hair of the girl
streamed back
Bond’s check.
sai |
d softly whipped James
icy. You're going to catch cold.
Here. Take my coat.” Bond slipped his
coat off. She held out a hand to help
him put it on her. In the process her
hand found his and pressed it. Now
what the hell? Bond edged closer to he
He felt her body respond. Bond glanced
at the hunched
inst the wind, their
two men. They sat
hands in
pockets, watchful, but somehow unin-
terested. Behind them the necklace of.
li that was Royale receded swiftly
until it was only a golden glow on the
horizon. James Bond's right hand felt for
the comforting knife in his pocket and
ran his thumb across the razor-sharp
While he wondered how and when he
might have a chance to use it, the rest
of his mind ran back over the previous
24 hours and panned them for the gold-
dust of truth.
Almost exactly 24 hours before, James
Bond had been nursing his car. the old
Continental Bentley—the “R” type
chassis with the big 6 engine and a
15:40 backaxle ratio— that he had
now been driving for three years, along
that fast but dull stretch of N.1 between
Abbeville and Montreuil that tikes the
uglish tourist back to his country via
Silver City Airways from Le Touquet
or by ferry from Boulogne ог Са
He was hurrying safely, at betwee
wd 90, driving by the automatic pilot
that i t into all rally-class drivers,
xd was totally occupied with
drafting his letter of resignation. from
the Secret Service.
The leucr, addressed "Personal for
had got ло the following stage:
I have the honor to request that
you will accept my resignation from
the Service, effective forthwith.
My reasons for this submi
which 1 put forward with
regret, are the following:
(1) My duties in the Service, until
some 12 months ago, have been con-
neded with the Double-O Section
and have ind
enough. from time to time, t0 ex-
press Your satisfaction with mv per-
formance of those duties, which I,
for my part, have enjoyed. To my
chagrin. [Bond had been pleased
with this line word], however, on the
successful completion of Operation
“Thunderball,” 1 received personal
instructions from you 10 cor
centrate all my efforts, without. а
terminal date [mother felicitous
phiase!], on the pursuit of Ernst
Stavro Blofeld and on his appre-
hension, together with any mem-
bers ol spectre — otherwise “The
Special Executive Гог Counter-In-
telligence, Rever d Extortion”
— if that organization had been re-
ted since its destruction at the
of Operation “Thunder-
(2) 1 accepted the assignment
with, if you will recall.
d 1 so expressed
Ir seemed to me
myself at
purely an
which could
dled, using
the time, that this was
investigatory matter
well have been h
straightforward police
by other sec of the
Service — local Stations, allied for-
cign secret services and Interpol.
My objections were overruled, and
for close on 12 months 1 have been
engaged all over the world in rou-
tine detective work which, in the
© of every scrap. of rumor, every
lead, has proved abortive 1 have
found no trace of this man nor of
a revived SPECTRE, if such exists.
(3) My many appeals to be re
ieved of this wearisome and fruitless
ssignment, even when addressed to
ou personally, Sir, have been
ignored ок. оп occasion, carly dis-
ised, and my frequent. animad-
versions [another good one!] to the
elect that Blofeld is dead have
been treated with а courtesy that
1 can only describe as scant. [N
that! Perhaps a bit too n
(4) The above unhappy circum
шу achi
climax. in my undercover. mission
(Ref. Station R/S PX 437/007) to
Palermo, in pursuit of a hare of
quite outrageous falsity, This ani-
mal took the shape of one 7 Blaueu-
felle" a perfectly | respectable
German citizen engaged in vinicul-
ture — specifically the grafting of Mo-
selle grapes onto the Sicilian strains
to enhance the sugar content of the
latter which, for your passing infor-
ion [Steady on, old chap! Bener
t all this!], are indiued to
sourness. My investigations into this
individual brought me to the atten-
tion of the Mafia and my departure
from Sicily was, to say the least,
(5) Having те to е
above and, specifically, to the con
ued misuse of die qualities, mod-
may be, that have
previously fitted me for the more
arduous, and, to me, more reward-
duties associated with Ше
the Double-O Section, 1
ive to submit
stances have ree eved their
est though the
to my resigua-
from the Service.
Тат, Sir,
Your Obedient Servant
reflected Bond, as he
loug bonnet of his car
builtup Sbend, he would
it. Some of it
ус to rewrite a lot of
pompous and there were one
or two cracks that would have to be
ironed out or toned down, But that
was the gist of what he would dictate
10 his secretary when he got back to
the office the day after And
if she burst iuto tears, t0 hell with her!
was a
BENTLEY AUTHENTICS are tailored as tradition dictates, of fine all cotton madras or broad-
cloth. There’s a wonderful choice of classic and contemporary plaids, checks and stripes, in
blended tones, both quiet and bright. Short and long sleeves, $4.50 to $5.00 Write for the
name of the fine store nearest you. Jayson Inc., 390 Fifth Avenue, New York 18
He meant it. By God he did. He was
fed to the teeth with chasing the ghost
of Blofeld. And the same went for
spectre, The thing had been smashed.
us, in the
impossible event that hc still existed,
could never get a. machine of that cali-
ber running а
It was the
п, on a l(mile straight
cut through a forest, that it happened.
‘Triple wind horns screamed their
shee discord in ear, and
white twoseater, a Lancia Flaminia
Zagato Spyder with its hood down, tore
past him, cut in cheekily across his bon-
net and pulled away, the sexy boom of
its twin exhausts echoing back from the
Jer of trees, And it was a girl driv-
ng. a girl with a shocking-pink scarf
tied around her hair, leaving а brief
pink tail that the wind blew horizontally
behind her.
c was onc thing that set James
Hy moving with the
ception of gunplay, being
passed at high speed by a pretty nd
it was his experience that girls who
drove competitively like that were al-
ways pretty —and exciting. The shock
of the wind horn's scream had auto-
matically cut out "George," emptied
Bond's head of all other thought, and
brought his back under manual
contol. Now, with a tight-lipped smile,
he stamped his foot to the floorboard,
held the wheel firmly at a quarter to
three, and went after her,
One-hundred, 110, 115, and he sull
wasn't gaining. Bond reached forward to
the dashboard and flicked red
switch. The thin high whine of machin-
cry on the brink of torment tore at his
eardrums and the Bentley gave an almost
perceptible kick forward: 120, 125. He
was definitely gaining: 50 yards, 40, 30!
up a
Now he could just see her eyes in her
rearview mirror. But the good road was
inning out. One of those exdamation
marks that the French use to denote
danger flashed by on his right. And now,
over a rise, there was a church spire,
the clustered houses of a small village
at the bottom of a steepish hill, the
snake sign of another S-bend. Both cars
slowed down — 90, 80, 70. Bond watched
her taillights briefly blaze, saw her
hand reach down to the floor si
most simultaneously with his own, and
change down. Then they were in the
Sbend, on pavé, and he had to brake
as he enviously watched the way her
de Dion axle married her r wheels
to the rough going, while his own live
axle wrenched at his arms, And then
it was the end of the village, and, with
a briel wag of her tail as she came out
of the S, she was off like a bat out of
hell up the long straight rise and he
had lost 50 yards.
And so the race went on, Bond
aiming a liule on the straights but los-
ing it all to the famous Lancia road-
holding through the villages — and, he
had to admit, to her wonderful, nerve-
less driving. And now a big Michelin
wondered about her destination and
debated with himself whether
shouldn't forget about Royale and the
night he had promised himself at its
famous casino and just follow where
she went, wherever it was, and find out
who this devil of a girl
Тһе decision was taken out of his
hands. Montreuil is a dangerous town
with cobbled, twisting streets and much
farm ur ond was 50 yards behind
t the outskirts, but, with his big
; he couldn't follow her fast slalom
through the hazards and, by the time
he was out of tie town and over the
Etaples-Paris level crossing, she had van-
ished. The left-hand turn for Royale
came up. Was there a little dust hang-
ing in the bend? Bond took the turn,
somehow knowing that he was going to
see her agai
rd and flicked down
ed switch. The moan of the blower
died away and there was silence in the
car as he motored along, easing his tense
muscles. He wondered if the super
charger had damaged the engine. Against
the solemn. warnings of Rolls-Royce, he
had had fied, by his pet expert at
the Headquarters’ motor pool, an Ar
nott supercharger controlled by а mag
netic dutch. Rolls-Royce had said the
crankshaft, bearings wouldn't take the
extra load and, when he confessed to
them what he had done regret
Tully but firmly withdrew their gu
tees and washed their hands of their
bastardized child. This was the fist
time he had notched 125 and the rev
counter had hovered dangerously over
the red Tine at 4500. But the tempe
ture md oil were OK and there were
no expensive noises. And, by God, it had
been fun!
James Bond idled through the pretty
approaches 10 Royale, through the
young beeches and the heavyscented
pines, looking forward to the evening
and remembering his other annual pil
grimages to this place and, particularly
the great battle across the baie he had
had with Le Chiffre so many yews ago.
He had come a long way since then
dodged many bullets and much death
and loved many girls, bur there had
been а drama and a poignancy about
that particu venture. that every
year drew him back to Royale and its
casino and to the small granite cross in
the litte churchyard that simply said
And now what was the pl
for him on this beautiful September
evening? A big win? A painful loss? A
beautiful girl — that beautiful girl?
To think first of the game. This wa
the weekend of the “clôture annuelle.
Tonight, this very Saturday night, the
Casino Royale was holding its last night
of the season, It was always a big event
and there would be pilgrims even from
Belgium amd Holland, as well as the
rich regulars from Paris and Lille. In
addition, the "Syndicat d'Initialive et
des Bains de Mer de Royale" tradition-
ally threw open its doors to all its local
contractors and suppliers, and there was
free champagne and a great groaning
bullet to reward the town people for
their work during the season. It was а
tremendous carouse that rarely finished
before breakfast time. The tables would
be packed and there would be a very
high game indeed.
i holding
Bond had one million francs of pr
capital — Old Francs, of course — a
500 pounds’ worth, He alw
private funds
the other |
1 expenses
made them look
de out his offic
Francs because tha
smaller — but probably not to the Chief
t Headquarters! One mil-
For that evening he was а
Might he so remain by to-
Aud now he was coming into thc
Promenade des Anglais and there was
frontage of the Hotel
le its step:
apron, was carrying two Vuit-
ases up the steps to the entrance!
James Bond slid his car into the mil
pound line of cars in the car park,
told the same bagagiste, who was now
ag rich, small stuff out of the Lancia,
» up his nd went in to the
reception desk. The manager impres-
sively took over from the clerk and
greeted. Bond with golden-toothed cffu-
sion, while making a mental note to carn
od mark with the Chef de Police by
reporting Bond's arrival, so that the Chef
could. in his turn, € a good mark
with the Deuxième and the SDT by
putting the news on the teleprinter to
Bond siid, "By the way, Monsieur
с. Who is the lady who has just
n the white Lancia? She is
to br
Mon Commandant.”
Bond recei ra two tecth in the
enthusiastic smile. “The lady is a good
friend of the house. The father is a
ig industrial tycoon from the south.
mtesse Teres:
1 of her in
the papers.
lady — how shall I put it" — the smile
became between men — “a lady,
shall we sty, who lives life to the full."
“Аһ, yes. Thank you. And how has the
season been?”
‘The small talk continued as the man-
ager personally took Bond up in the lift
та showed him into one of the hand-
some gray and white Directoire rooms
with the deep rose coverlet on the bed
s Bond wa
Bond м
indy disappointed. She
this. Perhaps, even less
t was that the famous ones
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were less easy to get.
His two tered suitcases came and
he unpacked leisurely and then ordered
from Room Service a bottle of the
Taittinger Blanc de Blanc that he had
made his traditional drink at Royale.
When the bottle, frosted
bucket, came, he drank a quarter of it
ather fast and then went into the bath-
room and had an ice-cold shower and
washed his hair with Pinaud xir, that
g shampoos, to get the dust
of the roads out of it. Then he slipped
on his dark-blue tropical worsted trou-
sers, sland cotton shirt, socks
and black casual shoes (he abhorred
and went and sat by the
window and looked out across the prom-
enade to the sea and wondered where he
would have dimer and what he would
choose to cat.
James Bond was not а gourmet. In
nd he lived on grilled soles, œufs
cocotte and cold roast beef with potato
salad. But when traveling abroad, gen-
erally by himself, meals were a welcome
break in the day, something to look
forward to, something to break the ten-
sion of fast drivi ith its risks take:
or avoided, the narrow squeaks, the per
manent background of concern for the
fitness of his machine. In fact, at this
moment, after covering Ше long stretch,
from the Italian fronti у i
in a comfortable three days (God knew
there was no reason to hurry back to
Headquarters!), he was fed to the teeth
with the sucker traps for gourmandising
tourists. The “Hostelleries.” the “Vieilles
Auberges,” the “Relais Fleuris" —he had
had the lot. He had had their "Bonnes
Fables" and their "Fines Bouteilles.
He had had their "Spécialités du cf"
— generally a rich sauce of cream and
wine and a few button mushrooms cor
in its silver
cealing poor quality meat or fish. He
had had the whole lip-smacking rit
winemanship and foodmanship and,
cidentally, he had had quite enough of
the Bisodol that went with i
Ie was to cfface all these dyspep
memories Ц Bond now
dow, sipped his 1
up the pros and cons of the local
places. and what dist
would be best to gamble on. He finally
chose one of his favorite restaurants in
France, a modest establishment, unprom-
isingly placed exactly opposite the raik
station of Étaples, та old
Friend Monsieur Bécaud for a table and,
two hours later, was motoring back to
the Casino with Turbot poché, sauce
mousse! best half roast pa
edu en in his life, under
his belt.
айу encouraged, and further stim-
ulated by half a bottle of Mouton
hild 53 and a glass of 10-year-old
dos with his three cups of colle,
he went cheerfully up the thronged steps
g up his
g to be a night to
of the Casino with the absolute cer
that this
(The Bombard had now beaten round
the dolefully clanging bell buoy and was
hammering slowly up the River Royale
against the The gay lights of
the Jitde marina, haven of cross-channel
yachtsmen, showed way up on the ri
bank, and it crossed Bond's mind to
ait until they were slightly above it
and then pl ife into the side
ıd bottom of the rubber Bombard and
swim Гог it. But he ady heard in h
mind the boom of the guns and he
i ash of the bullets rou
Luntil, probably, there came the
bright burst of light and the final flash
of knowledge that he had at last had
it. And anyway, how well could the
rl swim, and in this current? Bond
now very cold. He leaned clos
against her and went back to remember-
ight before and combing his
memories for clues.)
He paused for à moment by the caisse,
his nosuils faring at the smell of the
crowded, electric, elegant scene, then he
walked slowly across to the top chemin
de fer table beside the entrance to the
luxuriously appointed bar, and caught
the еус of Monsieur Pol, the Chef de Jeu
of the high game. Monsieur Pol spoke to
a huissier and Bond was shown to num:
ber seven, reserved by a counter from
the fruissier's pocket. The huissier gave
quick brush to the baize inside the line
famous line that had been the
n the Tranby Croft
Edward VII — pol
was ge
— tha
bone of contention
case involving Ki
ished an ashtray and pulled out the chair
for Bond. Bond sat down. The shoe was
at the other end of the table, at number
three. Cheerful and relaxed. Bond ex-
amined the faces of the other players
while the Changeur changed his notes
for a hundred thousand into 10 blood-
red counters of ten thou d cach. Bond
stacked them in a neat pile in front of
him and watched the play which, he saw
from the notice hanging between the
greenshaded lights over the table, was
for a minimum of one hundred New
Francs, or ten thousand of the old. But
he noted that the game was being
opened by each banker for up to five
hundred New Francs — serious money —
y forty pounds as а starte
‘The players were the usual
tio! — three Lille textile ty-
coons in overpadded dinner jackets, a
couple of heavy women in diamonds
who might be Belgian, a rather Agatha
Christie-style litle Englishwoman who
and successfully and
owner, two middle-aged
meri dark suits who appeared
cheerful and slightly drunk, probably
down from Paris, and Bond. Watchers
nd casual punters were two deep round
the table, No girl!
‘The game was cold. The shoe went
slowly round the table, each banker
шгп going down on that dread third
coup which, for some reason, is the
sound barier at chemin de fer which
must be broken if you are to have a run.
Each time, when it came to Bond's turn,
he debated whether to bow to the pat-
tern and pass his hank after the second
Each Gime, for nearly ап hour of
he obstinately told himself that the
неги would break. and why not with
him? That the cards have по memory
and that it was time for them to r
And each time, as did the other player:
he went down on the third coup. The
shoe came to an end. Bond left his
money on the table and wandered off
among the other tables, visiting the rou-
leue, the trente et quarante and the bac-
carat table, to sce if he could find the
girl. When she had passed him that eve-
ning in the Lancia, he had only c
a glimpse of fair hair and of a pure,
rather authoritative profile. But he knew
that he would recognize her at once, if
only by the cord of animal magnetisn
that had bound them together du
the race. But there was no sign of he
Bond went back to the table. The
croupier was marshaling the eight packs
into the oblong block that would soon
be slipped into the waiting shoe. Since
Bond was beside him. the croupicr
fered him the neutral, plain red ca
to cut the pack with. Bond rubbed the
card between his fingers and, with
amused deliberation, slipped it as nearly
halfway down the block of cards as he
could te. The croupier smiled at
him and at his deliberation, went
through the legerdemain t would in
due course bring the red stop card into
the tongue of the shoe and stop the
цате just six cards before the end of
the shoe, packed the long block of cards
into the shoe, slid in the met
that held them prisoner and
loud and clea
"Messieurs [the “mes-
Пу not me
that ladies do not gamble]. les jeux sont
faits. Numéro six à la main,” The Chef
de Jeu, on his throne behind the crou-
pier, took up the cry, the huissiers shep-
herded distant stragglers 1
James Bond confidently bancoed the
Lille tycoon on his left, won, made up
the cagnoite with а few small counters,
nd doubled the stake to two thousand
ew Francs — two hundred thousand of
the old.
He won that, and the next. Now for
the hurdle of the third coup and he
was olf to the races! He won it with a
tural nine! Eight hundred thousand
in the bank (as Bond reckoned it)! Again
he won, with difficulty this time — his six
nst a five. Then he decided to play
it safe and pile up some capital. OF the
one million, six, he asked for the six
hundred to be put “en garage,” removed
from the stake, leaving a bank of one
million. Again he won. Now he put a
million “en garage.” Once more a bank
of a million, and now he would have
fat cushion of one million, six coming to
him anyway! But it was getting difficult
10 make up liis stake. The table was be-
T4 y of this dark Englishman
who played so quietly, wary of the half-
smile of certitude on his rather cruel
mouth. Who was he? Where did he come
from? What did he do? There was a
murmur of excited speculation round the
So far of six. Would. the
Englishman pocket his small fortune and
pass the bank? Or would he continue to
run it? Surely the cards must change!
But James Bond’s mind was made up.
The ‘cards have no memory in defeat.
They also have no memory in victory.
Не ran the bank three more times, add-
million to his “garage,”
and then the little old English lady. who
ad so far left the running to the others,
stepped in and bancoed him at the tenth
turn, and Bond smiled across at her,
knowing that she was going to win.
And she did, ignominiously, with a onc
comi wi
table. а run
each time
wainst Bond's “biiche” — two kings,
making zero.
There was а sigh of relief round the
table. The spell had been broken! And
a whisper of envy as the heavy, mother-
gu сеу.
“Ij you
of. pearl plaques piled nearly a foot high,
four million, six hundred thousand
francs worth, well over three thousand
pounds, were shunted across to. Bond
with the Aat of the croupier's spatul
Bond tossed a plaque for a thousand
New Francs to the croupier, received the
traditional “Merci, monsieur! Pour le
personnel!” and the game went on.
ames Bond lit a cigarette and paid
little attention as the shoe went shunting
round the table away from him. He I
made a packet, damnit! A bloody packet!
Now he must be careful. Sit on it. But
not too careful, not sit on all of it! This
was a glorious evening. It was barely
past midn е didn't want to go
home vet. So be it! Пе would run h
bank when it came to him, but do no
bancoing of the others absolutely
none. The cards had got hot. His run
had shown that. There would be other
runs now, and he could easily burn his
fingers chasing them.
Bond was right. When the shoe gat to
number five, to one of the Lille ty
two places to the left of Bond, an ill-
mannered, loud-mouthed player who
smoked a cigar out of an ambe
holder and who tore at the cards with
heavily manicured, spatulate fi
slapped them down like
player, he quickly got through the third
coup and was off. Bond, in accordance
with his plan, left him severely alone
and now, at the sixth coup, the bank
ask me, you're looking for trouble!”
_ 49 PROOF • © 1962 SCHENLEY IMPORT CO., NEW YORK, N. Y. | stood at twenty thousand New Francs—
EN two million of the old, and the table had
Ы Everyone was sitting on
nd the Chef de Jeu
made their loud calls, “Un banco de
deux cent mille! Faites vos jeux, mes-
sicurs. IH veste à compléter! Un banco de
deux cent mille!”
And then there she was! She had come
from nowhere and was standing beside
the croupier, and Bond had no time to
more than golden arms, а bı
ful golden face with brilliant blue cyes
and shoc k lips, some kind of a
„а bell of golden hair
down to her shoulders, and then it came.
Everyone looked at her and there was
a moments silence. And then “Le banco
est fait” from the croupier, and the
monster from Lille (as Bond now saw
him) was tearing the cards out of the
shoe, and hers were on their way over
to her on the croupier's spatula
She bent down and there was а mo-
ment of disc e in the white V
of her neckli
"Une carte
Bond's heart sank. She certa
anything better than a fi
turned his up. Seven. And now he scrab-
bled out a card for her and flicked it
contemptuously across. A simpcring
The croupier delicately faced her
other two cards with the tip of his spat-
ula. A four! She had lost!
Bond groaned inwardly and looked
across to sce how she had taken it.
What he saw was not reassuring. The
girl was whispering urgently to the
Chef de Jeu. He was shaking his head,
t was beading on his checks. In the
silence that had fallen round the table,
the silence that licks its lips at the strong
smell of scandal now electric in the air,
Bond heard the. Chef de Jeu say firmly,
“Mais Cest impossible. Je regrette, mad-
ame, H fant vous аттап à la caisse."
And now that most awful of all whis-
pers in a casino was running among the
watchers and the players like a slithering
тер е coup du déshonnenr! C'est
PI UP ЖО ] le coup du déshonneur! Quelle honte!
Quelle honte?"
Oh, my God! thought Bond. She's
donc it! She hasn't got the money! And
for some reason she can’t get any credit
ly hadn't
. The monster
the end to a perfect Denmark’ liqueur delight |22
the difference between eating and dining
(Booze Is The Only Answer)
‘Absorb yours by the bucketful—with beer
stead of suds—in a draught schooner thats
size! Ideal for the guy well primed for fu
barbecues. beer busts or “bundling
Easy to personalize by individual—with fra-
ternal seal, group organization or the gal you
have in mind, Made of ron-breakable, high-
sheen metal
Salistaction guaranteed! Now only $2.06. post-
age-tree. Send check or money order (ro
ods please) lo
P.O. Box 788, Central Station, St. Louis 88, No.
at the cnisset
the casino would pay in the case of a
"The monster from Lille was making
the most of the situation. He knew that
«nnd save on import costs. Your VW can be waiting for you in Europe, if you order | default. He sat back with lowered eyes,
now. As your authorized dealer, we can deliver your Volkswagen with U.S. specifications. | put r, the inj
at his ci;
But Bond knew of the stigma the gi
Ч brochure and price list. Dept. PM-G3 Q would carry for the rest of her life. The
30 Northern Blvd., New York 77, N. Y. kannor ӨЁ Ётайса are $ Won
union. They have to be. Tomorrow the
telegrams would go out: “Madame la
Comtesse Teresa di Vicenzo, passport
X, is to be put on ше black
at would be the end of her
casino life ice, in Haly, probably
also in Germany, Egypt and, today, Eng-
land. It was like being declared а bad
risk at Lloyds! or with the City security
firm of Dun and Bradstreet. In Ameri
can gambling circles, she might even
have been liquidated. In Europe, for her,
the fate would be almost as severe. In
the circles in which, presumably, she
moved, she would be bad news, uncle
The “coup du déshonnew
wasn’t done. It w
thinking only about the wonderful girl
who had outcdiiven him, shown him her
il, between Abbeville and Montre
James Bond leaned slightly forward. He
tossed two of the precious pearly plaques
into the center of the table. He
th а slightly bored, slightly puzzled
intonation Forgive me. Madame has.
forgotten that we agreed to play in part-
nership this evening.” And, not loo
at the girl, but speaking with
to the Chel de Jeu, "I beg your pardon.
My mind was elsewhere. Let the game
The ter
d the table relaxed.
Or rath aged to another target
w Was it truc what this
Englishman һай said? But it must be!
One docs not pay two million francs for
a girl. But previously there had been no
relationship between them —so far as
one could see. They had been at oppo-
site sides of the table. No signs of com-
And the
plicity had been exchanged.
girl? She had shown no emotion
the table, toward the bar. There vas cer-
tainly something odd here — something
one did not understand. But the game
was proceeding. The Chef de Jeu had
surreptitiously wiped a handkerchief
across his face. The croupier had raised
his head, which, previously, had seemed
to be bowed under some kind of emo-
tional guillotine. And now the old pat-
tern had reestablished itself. “La partie
continue. Un banco de quatre cent
James Bond glanced down at the still
formidable pile of counters between his
curved, relaxed arms. It would be nice
10 get that two million francs back. It
might be hours before a banco of equal
size ollered the chance. After all, he was
playing with the casinos money! His
profits represented “found nd,
if he lost, he could still go away with a
small profit — enough. and to spare to
pay for his night at Royale. And he had
taken a dislike to the monster from Lille.
It would be amusing to reverse the old
fable — first to rescue the girl, then to
slay the monster. And for
the man’s run of luck to end. After all,
the cards have по memory!
James Bond had not enough funds to
take the whole banco, only half of it,
what is known as “avec la table,” mean-
ing that the other players could make
up the remaining half if they wanted
to. Bond, forgetting the conservation
strategy he had sworn himself to only
half an hour before, leaned slightly for-
ward and said, “Avec la table,” and
pushed twenty thousand New Francs
over the line.
Moncy followed his omo the table.
not the Englishman with the
n finger:
note that the
And Bond was pleased 10
iule old Agatha Christie
Englishwoman supported him with ten
thousand. That was a good omen! He
looked at the banker, the man
Lille. His cigar had gone out in its holde
ıd his lips, where they gripped the
were white. He was sweating
profusely. He was debating whether to
pass the hand and take his fat profits or
have one more go. The sharp, piglike
eyes darted round the table, estimating
if his four million was covered.
The crou wanted to hurry the
play. He said firmly, “Cest plus que
fail, monsieur.”
The man from Lille made up his
mind. He gave the shoe a fat slap, wiped
his hand on the baire and forced out a
card. Then one for himself, another for
Bond, the fourth for him. Boud did not
reach across number six for the cards.
He waited for them to be nudged toward
him by the croupier. He raised them
just off the table, slid them far enough
xırt between his hands to see the count,
edged them together again and laid
them softly face down again on the table
He had a five! That dubious jade on
which one can either draw or not! ‘The
chances of improving your hand toward
or away from a nine are equ
"Non," quietly, and looked across а
two anonymous pink backs of the cards
in front of the banker. The man tore
them up, disgustedly tossed them out
onto the table. Two knaves. A “biiche"!
Now the cards that
could beat Bond and only one, the five,
could equal him. Bonds heart
mped. The man scrabbled at the
shoe, snatched out the card, faced it. A
‚ the nine of diamonds! The cu
ad! The best!
lt was а mere formality to turn over
and reveal Bond's miserable five. But
there was a groan round the table. “I
fallait tirer,” said someone. Bur if
had, Bond would have drawn the nine
and disimproved down to a four. It all
aded on what the next card, its
pink tongue now hiding its secret in the
mouth of the shoe, might have beer
ad didn’t wait to see. He smiled а
rueful smile the table to
apologize to his fellow losers, shoveled
the rest of his chips into his coat pocket,
tipped the Inissier who had been so
busy emptying his ashtray over the hours
of play, and slipped away from the table
toward the bar, while the croupier tri-
umphantly announced, “Un banco de
huit cent mille francs! Faites vos jeux,
messieurs! Un banco de huit cent mille
Nouveaux Francs." To hell with itt
thought Bond. Half an hour before he
had had a small fortune in his pocket.
Now, through а mixture of romantic
quixotry and sheer folly he had lost it
all. Well, he shrugged, he had asked for
night to remember. ‘That was the first
half of it. What would be the second?
The girl was sitting by herself, with
half a boule of Pol Roger in front ol
P were Only four
“Gosh! I hardly
пош where to begin!"
Put your best foot forward in
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Playboys, the sock that rates
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epee as аы ا Mg dre
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ES йен tard кн сй ardoan Unde еби»
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Guaranteed to smoke dry and
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Extra long rise! Smart styles and
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"ноте ар te 399 Sies up to 521 | |
Brockton, Moss.
her, staring moodily at
barely looked
into the
nothing. She
p when Bond slipped
to hers and said,
afraid our syndicate
again. I tried to get it back. 1 went ‘aver’.
I should have left that brute alone. I
stood on a five and he had a biche
then drew a nine.
She said dully,
drawn on ihe fiv
Tm lost
I always do.” She re-
Ilected. “But then you would have had.
Tour. What was the next card?”
7] didn't wait to sec. 1 came to look
“You should
for you
She gave him а sideways, appr
glance, “Why did you rescue me w
T made the ‘coup du déshonnenr
Bond shrugged. 7Deautiful girl in dis-
tress. Besides. we made friends betwee
Abbeville and Montreuil this. evening.
You drive like 1 He
"But 1 don't think you'd have passed
me if Fd been paving auention. 1 was
bout 90 and not bothering 10
n eve on the mirror. And 1w
of other things.”
eb smiled.
bit succeeded. Vivacity c
imo her face and voice. “Oh, ves. Га
have beaten vou anyway. Fd have passed
vou in the villages. Besides” — there was
an edge of binterness in her voice — “I
would always be able to beat You
1 to stay alive
Oh. Lord! thought Bond. One of those
V girl with a wing, perhaps two wings.
down, He chose to let the remark hie.
The half-boule of Krag he had ordered
‹ After the huissier had half filled
the glas, Bond topped it to the brim,
He held it toward her without exa
tion, “My name is Bond. James Bond.
Please stay
He drank the glass down at оне long
lp and filled it again.
She looked at him gravely, consider-
ing him. Then she also drank. She
"My à Thar
all the names vou were told at the recep-
tion in the hotel. Teresa was a saint. 1
am not a saint. The manager is perhaps
omantic. He told me of vour inquir
So shall we g
ve, at any rate for to
is Tr is short [c
o пом? 1
And у
not intcicsted.
im conversatio п have earned
your reward.
She rose abruptly. So did Bond. con-
fused. “No. | will go alone. You can
come kuer The number is 45, There,
If you wish, you can make the most ex-
pensive piece of love of your lile. It will
have cost vou four million francs, 1 hope
it will »nh it.
She was waiting
pulled up te
һай was spread out like
under the single reading
that was the only light in the room, and
the blue eyes blazed with a fervor that,
other girls, in other beds, James Bond
the big double bed,
her ch
would have interpreted
was in the grip of stresses he could not
even guess at. He locked. the door be-
hind him and came over and sat on the
edge of her bed and put опе hand firmly
on the litte bill that. was her left breast.
“Now listen he began, me
to ask at least опе or two questions. find
out something about this wonderful
who did hysterical things like
without the
driving li
that she had had enough of life.
But the git) reached up at swift hand
that smelied of Guerlains “Ode” aud
across his lips. ^I said ^no conver-
7 Take oll hes. Make
10 me. коте md
strong. 1 want to remember what it can
be like. Do anything you like. And tell
me what you 1 you would
like from me. Be rough with me. Treat
me like the lowest whore in
Forget. everyih No
Take me.”
№» hour Tuer, James Bond slipped
out of bed without waking her, dressed
y the light of the promenade lights
filtering between the curtains, and went
back to his room
He showered and got in between. the.
cool, rough French sheets of his own
bed and switched olf his thinking about
her. АЙ he remembered, before sleep
took him, was that she
was all over, “That was heaven. James.
Will vou please come back when you
wake up? 1 must have it once more."
Then she had turned over on her side
way from him and, without answer
his last. endearments. one to sleep
— but not belore he had heard that she
was crying,
M сїрїн o'clock he woke her and it
was the same glorious thing again. Bue
this time he thought that she held him
to her more tenderly, kissed him not
Му with passion. but with affection.
But, after. when they should have been
those cle
You are ha
e and wl
{ else. questions.
d said w
making plans about the day, about
where to have lunch, whet the, she
was at first evasive and then, when he
pressed. her, childishly abusive.
“Get to hell away hom me! Do you
hon? You've had what у Now
1 out"
“Wasn't it what you wanted too?"
“No. Youre a lousy goddamn lover.
Get out!”
Bond recog
u wanted
f hysteria,
ation, He dressed slow-
ized the ed;
at Teast of despa
ly. waiting for the tans to come, for the
sheer that new covered her totally to
shake with sobs. But the tears didit
come. That was bad! In some way this
girl had come to the end of her tether.
of wo many tethers. Bond felt а wave
of alleetion for her, а sweepin,
protect her. to solve her problems, make
her happy. With his hand on the door-
kuob he said softly, “Tracy. Let me help
vou. Youve got some troubles. That's
not the end of the world. So have 1. So
has evei
one else.
The dull clichés fell into the silent,
sun-barred room, like clinkers in a grate.
"Go to hell!”
In the instant of opening and closing
the door, Bond debated whether to bang
it shut, to shake her out of her mood,
or to close it softly. He closed it softly.
Harshness would do по good with this
irl. She had had it, somehow, some-
where —too much of it. He went off
1 the corridor, feeling, for the first
time in his life, totally inadequate.
(The Bombard thrashed on upi Tt
sed the marina and, with the nar-
rowing banks, the current was stronger.
he two thugs in the stern still kept
their quiet eyes on Bond. In the bow,
the girl still held her proud profile into
wind like the figurehead on a sail-
ig ship. In Bond, the only warmth was
in his contact with her па his
hand on the haft of his knife. Yet, in a
he felt closer to her, far
Somehow he felt that she was as
prisoner as he was. How? Why?
1 the lights of the Vieux Port,
once close to the sca, but now left be-
k of the Channel cur-
rents that had built up the approaches
to the river, shone sparsely. Before many
years they would go out and а new har
bor, nearer the mouth of the river, would
hind by some qu
be built for the deepsea trawlers that
served Royale with their soles and Iob-
sters and crabs and. prawns. On this side
of the lights were occasional gaunt jet-
ties built out into the river by private
yacht owners. Behind them were villas
that would have names like “Rosalie,”
oi et Moi,” “Nid Azur" and “Nou-
velle Vague.” James Bond nursed the
knife and smelled the "Ode" that came
to him above the stink of mud and sea-
weed from the river banks. His teeth
had never chartered before. Now they
tered. He stopped them and went
back to his memories.)
Normally, breakfast was an important
part of. Bond's day, but today he had
barely noticed what he was cating, hur
ried through the meal and sat gazing
out of his window and across the prom-
enade, chainsmoking and wondering
about the gir. He knew nothing posi-
tive about her, not even her nationality.
The Mediterranean was in her name,
yet she was surcly neither Italian nor
Spanish. Her English was faultless and
her dothes and the way she wore them
were the products of expensive sur-
roundings — perhaps a Swiss finishing
school. She didn't smoke, seemed to
ingly, and there was no
n of drug taking. There had not even
been sleeping pills beside the bed or in
her bathroom. She could only be about
drink only spi
25, yet she made love with the fervor
nd expertness of a girl who, in th
American phrase, had "gone the route."
She hadn't laughed once,
smiled. She seemed in the g
deep melancholy, some form of spiritual
ассійіе that made life, on her own ad-
mission, по longer worth living. And
yet there were none of those signs that
One associates with the hysteria of fe-
male ncurotics — the unkempt hair and
sloppy make-up, the atmosphere of dis
array and chaos they create around them.
On the contrary, she seemed to possess
an ice-cold will, authority over herself
id an exact idea of what she wanted.
and where she was going. And where
that? In Bond's book she had des
perae intentions, most likely suicid
and last night had been the last fling.
He looked down at the little white
was now not far from his in the
parking lot. Somehow he must stick close
to her, watch over her, at least until he
was satisfied that his deadly conclusions
were wrong. As a first step, he rang down
to the concierge and ordered a drive
yourself Simca Aronde, Yes, it should
be delivered at once and left in the park
g lot. He would bring his internatio
driving license and green insurance card
down to the concierge who would kindly
complete the formalities.
Bond shaved and dressed
and took
Good Company . . .
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the papers down and returned to
ed there, watching the cn-
e little white car until 4:30
in the Then, ar last, she ap-
peared, in the black-and-white. striped
bathing wrap, and Bond ran down the
corridor to the lift. It was not dificul
10 follow her as she drove along the
promenade and. lei
the parking lots, and it was also no prob-
lem for the little anonymous 2CV Cit-
roen that followed Bond.
her ca 1 onc of
And then had been set up the train
of the watchers and the watched which
now drawing to its my
max as the litle Bombard thra
way up the River Royale under the stars.
What to make of it all? Had she been
а witing or unwitting bait? Was this a
kidnaping? If so, of one or of both? Was
it blackmail? The revenge of a husband
it to be murder?
s still raking his mind for
clues when the helmsman turned. thc.
Bombard in à wide curve across the cur-
toward battered, skeletal jetty
n the muddy bank
that projected f
into the stream, He pulled up under its
lee, a powerful flashlight shone down on
them out of the darkness, а rope dat-
tered down and the boat was hauled to
the foot of muddy wooden steps. One of
the thugs climbed out first, followed by
the girl, the white bottom of her bath-
ing dress lascivious below Bond's coat,
then Bond, then the second thug.
the Bombard hacked quickly away
continued upriver, presumably, thought
Bond, to its legitimate mooring
two more men, of much
the same build as the others, on the jetty.
re were
No words wei
small dust road. that led y
jeny through the sind dunes
dred yards from the river, tucked av
in а gully between tall dunes, there was
a glimmer of light. When Bond got
n aw that it came from one of
A hun-
those g ed aluminum trans-
port trucks that, behind an articulated
driver's cabin, roar down the arterial
of France belching diesel smoke
and ng angrily with their hydraulic
brakes as they snake through the towns
wd villages. This one glint
polished affair. It looked new, but might
be just well cared. for. As they ap-
proached, the man with the flashlight
gave some signal, and an oblong of yel.
low light prompuly blazed as the са
ke door in the rear was thrown open.
Bond fingered his knife, Were the odds
ny way within reason? Th
not. Before he climbed up the steps into
the interior, he glanced down at the
y were
Inside it was, thank God, warm.
passageway led between stacked rows of
ked with the famous names
of television manufacturers. Dummi
There were also folded chairs and the
signs of a disturbed game of cards. This
presumably used as the guard room.
on both sides, the doors of cabins.
ng at one of the doors.
coat to h 1 an ex-
тасу was wa
She held out hi:
pressionless ik you d closed the
door after Bond had caught а brief
glimpse of a luxurious interior. Bond
took his time putting on his coat. The
“Oh look, look at the funny dancing men.”
gle man with the gun who was fol-
lowing ently, "Allez!
Bond wondered. whether to jump him.
But, behind, the other three men stood
watching. Bond contemed himself with
a mild “Merde à vous!” and went ahead
10 the aluminum door that. presumably
sealed off the third and forwid. com-
partment in this strange vehicle. Behind
this door lay the answer. It was probably
one man — the leader. This might be
the only chance. Bond's right hand м
already grasping the hilt of h
his trouser pocket. Now he put ou
left hand and. in опе swirl of тосот
leaped through, kicked the door shut
behind him and crouched, the knife
held for throwing.
Behind him he felt the g
back to it and it held. The
away behind the desk, within
for the їс, called out something, а
order, а cheerful, gay order in some
nguage Bond had never heard. The
pressure on the door ceased. The man
smiled a wide, а charming smile that
cracked. his creased walnut of a face in
two. He got to his feet and slowly raised
his hands. "I surrender. And 1 am now
a much bigger t t. But do not kill
me, 1 beg of you. At least not until wi
have had a suff whiskey and soda and
talk. Then I will give you the choice
n. ОК?
Bond rose to his full height, He smiled
back. He couldn't help it. The man had
delightful face, so lit with humor
mischief and magnetism that, at
n the man’s present role, Bond
could no more have killed him than he
could have killed, well, Tracy.
There was a calendar hanging on the
wall beside the man. Bond wanted to let
oll steam against something, anything.
Hc said, "September the 16th," aud
jerked his right hand Гога: the
underhand throw. he knife flashea
across the room, missed the man by
about a yard, and stuck, quivering, hall-
way down the page of the calendar.
The man turned and looked inquisi-
tively at the calendar. He laughed out
loud. "Actually the 15th. But qu
spectable. L must set you against my men
опе of these days. And I might even bet
оп you. It would teach them it lesson.”
He came out from behind his desk,
a smallish, middle-aged man with a
brown kled face. He was dressed in
the sort of comfortable dark-blue si
Bond himself wore. The chest and arms
bulged with muscle. Bond noticed the
fullness of the cut of the coat under
the armpits. Built for
held out a hand. It was warm
and dry. "Marc Auge Dr,
You have he i
m said im
d throw
the door, but. Bond had his
an, 10 feet
te re
The man
nd firm
© is my name.
is Commander James Bond. You have
а decoration called the C.M.G. You are
а member, an important member, of
Her Majesty's Secret Service. You have
been taken off your usual duties and
you are on temporary assignment
abroad." "The impish face creased with
delight. “Yes?
James Bond, to cover his confusion,
walked across 10 the calendar, verified
that he had in fact pierced the 15th,
pulled out the knife and slipped it back
in his trouser pocket. He turned and
said, “What makes vou think s
The man «аша answer. He
“Come. Come and s
бо talk to you a
down. I have much
out. But first the
whiskey 2" He indicated
a comfortable armchair across the desk
from his own, put in [ront of it a large
silver box containing various kinds of
pareues, and went to а metal filing
et against the wall and opened it.
It contained no files. It was à complete
and compact bar. With efficient, house-
keeperly movements he took out a bot-
Че of Pinchbotle Haig, another of I.
W. Harper's bourbon, two pint glasses
that looked like Waterford, a bucket of
ice cubes, a siphon of soda and a flagon
of iced water. One by one he placed
these оп the desk between his chair and
Bond's. Then, while Bond poured him-
self a stiff bourbon and water with
plenty of ice, he w nd sat down
across the desk from Bond, reached for
the Haig and said, looking Bond very
directly in the eye, “I learned who you
are from a good friend in the Deusi¢me
aris. He is paid to give me such
information when I want it. 1 learned
it very carly this morning. 1 am in the
opposite camp to yourself — not directly
opposite. Let us say at a tangent on the
feld” He paused. He lifted his glass.
He said with much seriousness, "I am
now going to establish confidence with
you. By the only means. | am going
once again to place my life in your
He drank. So did Bond. In the filing
cabinet, in its icebox, the hum of the
generator broke in on what Bond sud
denly knew was going to be an impor
tant moment of truth. He didn't know
what the truth going to be. He
didn't think it was going to be bad
But he had an instinct’ that, some
па soda
how, perhaps because he had conceived
respect and affection for this man, it
was going to mean deep involvement
for himself.
The ge
The eves at face held his.
“I am the head of the Union Cor
"The Union Corse! Now at least some
оГ the mystery was explained. Bond
looked across the desk into the brow
сусв that were now shrewdly watch
his reactions while his mind flicked
through the file that bore the innocent
tide, “The Union Gorse
tor stoppe
the wa
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94.6 proot — Tanqueray
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Semele бат
and perhaps even older than the Unione
Siciliano, the Mafia, He knew that it cor
trolled most organized crime throughout
metropolitan France and her coloni
protection rackets, smuggl
tion and the suppression of
Only a few months O а certai
had been shot dead in a bar in Nice. А
year before that, a Jean Giudicelli had
been liquidated after several. previous
attempts bad failed. Both these men had
heen known pretenders to the throne of
Сари — the ebullient, cheerful n
wow sat so peacefully across the table
from Bond. "Then there was this mystcri-
outs business of Rommel's treasure, sup-
posed to be hidden beneath the se:
off Bastia. In 1948 а Czech
diver called Fleigh, who had been in the
\bwehr, and had got on the track of it,
was warned off by the Union and then
vanished olf the face of the carth. Quite
recently the body of a young French
diver, André Mattei, was found riddled
with bullets by the roadside near Bastia
He had foolishly boasted in the local
п who
bars that he knew the whereabouts of the
ueasure and had come to dive for
Did M. Ange know the secret of th
treasure Had he been responsible for
the killing of these two divers? The
Ue village of Calenzana in the B:
boasted of having produced more gang-
sters than other village in Corsica
and of being in consequence one of the
most prosperous. The local mayor had
held office for 56 years— the longest
reigning mayor in France, Mare-Ange
would surely be а son of that little com-
munity, know the secrets of that famous
mayor, know, for instance, of that big
American gangster who had just r
turned to discreet retirement in the vil-
highly profitable career in
lage after
the States.
Ir would be fun to drop some of
these names casually in this quiet litle
room — fun to tell М ge that Bond.
knew of the old abandoned jetty called
the Port of Crovani near the village of
Galeria, and of the ancient silver mine
called Argentella in the hills behind,
whose maze of underground tunnels ac
commodate the great world
junctions in the heroin traffic. Yes, it
would be fun to frighten his captor in
exchange for the fright he had given
Bond. But better keep this ammunition
in reserve until more had been revealed.
For the time being it was interesting to
note that this was MarcAnge Draco's
traveling headquarters. His contact in
the Deuxième Bureau would be an essen-
tial tip-off man. Bond and the girl had
been "sent for" for some purpose that
as still to be announced, The “borrow-
ing” of the Bombard rescue boat would
have been a simple matter of finance in
the right quarter, perhaps accompanied
ds to
one of
by a “pol de vin” for the coastgu
174 look the other way. The guards were
Corsic election, that was anyway
what they looked like. The whole oper
tion was simple for an organization as
powerful as the Union — as simple in
France as it would have been for the
Mafia in most of Ital And now for
more veils to be lifted! James Bond
sipped his drink and watched the oth
man’s face with respect. This was one
of the great professionals of the world!
(How typi sica, Bond thought,
that their top bandit should bear the
name of an angel! He remembered that
two other famous Со
been called "Gracieux^ and “Toussaint”
= "AllSaint: MarcAnge spoke. He
spoke excellent but occasionally rauu
clumsy English, as if he had been well
taught but had little occasion to use the
. He said, "Му dear Commander,
I am going to discuss with
will please rem: behind your
TIcikos Odonton. You know the expres-
sion? No?" The wide smile lit up his
face, "Then, if I may say хо, your cdu-
cation was incomplete. It is [rom the
classical Greek. It means literally ‘the
hedge of the wemh.’ It was the Greek
equivalent of your ‘top secret.’ [s that
Bond shrugged. “If you tell me secrets
that allect my profession, I'm afraid I
shall have to pass them on."
“That D fully comprehend. What I
wish to discuss is à. personal matter. Tt
concerns my daughter, Teresa.
Good God! The plot was indeed thick-
ening! Bond concealed his surprise. He
said, “Then | agree." He smiled. “ ‘He
kos Odonton' it is."
“Thank you. You a man to trust.
You would have to be, in your prof
but I sce it also in your face. Now
por: t back in
ir. He gazed at a point on the
wall above Bond's head, only
occasionally looking into Bond's eyes
when he wished to emphasize а point.
“I was married once only, to an En
girl, an English governess. She
romantic. She had come to Cor
look for bandits —" he smiled — "
like some English women adventure
the desert to look for sheiks. She ex-
plained to me later that she must have
been possessed by a subconscious desire
to be raped. Well —" this time he didn't.
smile — “she found me in the mount
nd she was raped — by me, The police
were after me at the time, they have been
for most of my life, and the girl was a
grave encumbrance. But for some reason
she refused to leave me. There wa
wildness i
а love of the
tional, and, for God knows what reason,
she liked the months of being chased
from cave to cave, of getting food by
y at night. She even learned to
3 mouflon, those are our
n sheep, and even eat the ani
which is tough as shoe leather and
s palatable. And in those crazy
months, | came to love this girl and I
smuggled her away from the island to
Marseilles and married her.” He paused
nd looked at Bond. "The result, my
dear Commander, was Teresa, my only
So. thou
curious mixture the gi
of wild "lady" that
ht Bond. That explained the
rl was the kind
puzzling in
her, What а complex of bloods and tem
peraments! Corsican English. No wonder
he hadn't been able to define her
"My wife died 10 years ago —" Маге
Ange held up his hand, not мали
sym nd E had the girl's edu
I was al
time I was elected
Capu, that is chief, of the Union, and
became infinitely richer — by means, my
dear Commander, which you can guess
but need not inquire into. The girl was
— how do you say?—that charming ex-
pression, ‘the apple of my eye,’ and I
gave her all she wanted. But she was a
wild one, a wild bird, without a proper
home, or, since 1 always on the
"Through her school in Switzerland. she
entered the fast international set that
one reads of in the new:
South American millionaire:
move, without
princelings. the Paris English
icans. the playboys of Cannes and
Gstaad. She was always getting in and
out of scrapes and scandals, and when
I remonstrated with her, cut off her
allowance, she would commit some even
grosser folly — to spite me, T suppose.”
He paused and looked at Bond and now
there was a terrible misery in the happy
face. “And yer all the while, behind her
bravado, the mother's side of her blood
was making her hate herself, despise
herself more and more, and as I now
see it, the worm of self-destruction had
somehow got a hold inside her апа, be-
hind the wild. playgirl facade. was c
ing away what Î can only describe as he
soul" He looked at Bond. "You know
this can happen, my friend — to men
and to women. They burn the heart ou
of themselves by livi y id
suddenly they examine their lives and
see that they are worthless. They hav
had everything, eaten all the sweets of
life at one great banquet, and there is
nothing left. She made what 1 now see
was a desperate attempt to get back о
the rails, so to speak. She went off, with-
out telling me, and married, perhaps
with the idea of settling down. But the
man, a worthless Italian called Vicenzo,
Count Ju enzo, took as much of
her money as he could lay his hands on
and deserted her, leaving her with a girl
child. 1 purchased a divorce and bought
a small cháteau for my dı мег in the
Dordogne and inst there, and
for once, with the ad a pretty
too greed
led her
“Now there’s a well-diversified portfolio of investments!”
176 Your g
garden to look after, she sce
peace. And then, my
months ago, thc baby died — died of that.
most terrible of all children's ailments,
spinal. meningitis.
There was silence in the little me
room. Bond thought of the girl a few
yards away down the corridor. Yes. He
had been near the truth. He had seen
some of this tragic story in the calm de:
peration of the girl. She had indeed
come to the end of the road.
MarcAnge got slowly up from his
chair and came round and poured out
y for himself and for Bond.
id, "Forgive me. I am a poor host.
But the telling of this story, which I
have always kept locked up inside me
10 another шап, has been a great relie
He put a hand on Bond's shoulder. “You
understand that?
Yes. 1 understand that. But she is a
fine girl. She still has nearly all her life
to live. Have you thought of psycho-
is? Of her church? Is she a Catho-
She Presbyterian. But wait while T
finish the story." Hc went back to his
chai nd sat down heavily. "After the
tragedy, she disappeared. She took her
jewels and went off in that little car of
hers, and I heard occasional news of her,
scling the jewels and living furiously
all over Europe, with her old set. Nat-
urally I followed her, had her watched
when I could, but she avoided all my
attempts to meet her and talk to her.
Then I heard from one of my agents
that she had reserved a room here, at
the Splendide, for last night, and I hur-
ried down from Paris—" he
hand — ause I h;
sentime gedy. You sce, this was
where we had spent the summers in her
childhood and she had always loved it.
She a wonderful si nd she
vas almost literally in love with the sea.
And, when I got the news, I suddenly
had a dreadful memory, the memory of
a day when she had been naughty and
had been locked in her room all after-
noon instead of going bathing. That
night she had said to her mother, quite
calmly, You made me very unhappy
keeping me away from the sca. One day,
if I get really unhappy, E shall swim out
into the sea, down the path of the moon
or the sun, and go on swimming un
I sink. So there!’ Her mother told me
the story and we laughed over it to-
gether, at the childish tantrum. But now
I suddenly remembered again the occa-
sion and it seemed to me that the childish
s ht well have stayed with her,
way deep down, and that now,
з to put an end to herself, she had
resurrected it and was going to act on it.
And so, my de: nd, 1 had her closely
watched from the moment she arrived.
atlemanly conduct in the ca
waved а
l а pre
for which —" he looked across at Bond
— "I now deeply thank you, was reported
to mc, as of course were your later move
ments together." He held up his hand
Bond shifted with embarrassment.
"There is nothing to be ashamed of, to
apologize for, in what you did last night.
А man is a man and, who Кпом but
1 shall come to that later. What you d
the way you behaved in general, may
have been the beginning of some kind
of therapy.”
Bond remembered how, in the Bom-
bard, she had yielded when he leaned
against her. It had been a tiny reaction,
but it had held more affection, more
warmth, than all the physical ecstasies
of the night. Now, suddenly he had an
inkling of why he might be here, where
nd he gave
1 walked over
Marc-Ange cont "So I put in my
inquiry to my friend from the Deuxième,
at six o'clock this morning. At eight
o'dock he went to his office and to the
central files and. by nine o'clock he had
reported to me fully about you — by
dio. I have a high-powered statio
this vehicle.” He smiled. “And that is
another of my secrets that I deliver
your hands. "The report, if I
was entirely to your credit, both
officer in your Service, and, more
portant. as a man —a man, that is,
the terms that I understand the word.
So I reflected. I reflected all through this
morning. And, in the end, I gave orders
that you were both to be brought to me
here.” He made a throwaway gesture
with his right hand. “I need not tell you
the details of my instructions. You
self saw them e
been inconvenienced. I apologize. You
have perhaps thought yourself in dange:
Forgive me. Т only trust that my men
behaved with correctness, wi
Bond smiled. "I am very glad to have
met you. If the introduction had to be
ellected at the point of two automatics,
that will only make it all the more me
orable, The whole affair was certainly
executed with neatness and expedition.”
s expression was rueful
“Now you are be stic. But be-
lieve me, my friend, drastic measu
were necessary. 1 knew they were.”
n operation. You hi
h finesse.
с sar
passed it over to Bond. "And now
you read that. you will agree with me.
That letter was handed in to the con-
cierge of the Splendide at 4:30 this alte
noon for posting to me in Marseilles,
when Teresa went out and you followed
her. You suspected something? You also
feared for her? Read it, plea
Bond took the letter. He s
К bout her. She is a girl
worth worrying about.” He held up the
letter. It contained only a few words,
written clearly, with decision.
1 am sorry, but T have had enough.
It is only sad because tonight I met
man who might have changed my
mind. He is an Englishman called
James Bond. Please find him and
pay him 20,000 New Francs which
I owe him. And thank him from me.
This is nobody's fault but my
Goodbye and forgive me.
Bond didn't look at the man who had
received this letter. He slid it back to
him across the desk. He took a deep
drink of the whiskey and reached for the
bottle. He said, “Yes, ] see."
“She likes to call herself Tr:
ks Teresa sounds too grand.
‘Commander Bond.” There was now a
terrible urgency in the man's voice —
urgency, authority and appeal. "My
friend, you have heard the whole story
and now you have seen the evidence.
Will you help me? Will you help me
save this girl? It is my only chance, that
you will give her hope. That you will
give her a reason to live. Will you?
Bond kept his eyes on the desk in
front of him. He dared not look up and
see the expression on this man's face. So
he had been right, right to fear that he
was going to become involved in all this
private trouble! He cursed under his
breath. The idea appalled He was
no Good Samaritan. He was no doctor
for wounded birds. What she needed,
he said fiercely to himself, was the psychi-
ist's couch. АП right, so she had taken
a passing fancy to him and he to her.
Now he was going to be asked, he la
it, to pick her up and carry her perhaps
for the rest of his life, haunted by the
knowledge, the unspoken black
that, if he dropped her, it would almost
certainly be to kill her. He said glumly,
“I do not sce that | can. help. What is
it you have in mind?” He picked up
his glass and looked into it. Hc drank,
10 give him courage to look across the
desk into. Marc-Auge's face.
The man's soft brown cycs glittered
with tension. The creased Фак skin
round the mouth had sunk into deeper
folds. He said, holding Bond's eyes, “I
wish you to pay court to my daughter
and marry her, On the day of the mar-
riage, I will give you a personal dowry
of one million pounds in gold."
James Bond exploded. angrily. “What
you ask is utterly impossible. The girl
is sick. What she needs is а psychiatrist.
Not me. Aud I do not want to marry,
not anyone. Nor do I want a million
pounds. 1 have enough money for my
needs, T have my profession.” (Is that
true? What about that letter of resigna-
tion? Bond ignored the private voice.)
y. She
“You must unders Sud
denly he could not bear the hurt in the
man's face. He said, softly, "She is a
wonderful girl. I will do all I can for
her. But only when she is well again
Then I would certainly like to see her
again— very much, But, if she thinks
so well of me, if you do, then she must
first get well of her own accord. T
is the only way. Any doctor would tell
you so. She must go to some clinic, the
best there is, in Switzerland probabl
and come to terms with her past. She
must want to live Then, only
then, would there be any point in our
mecting again," He pleaded with Mare
Ange. "You do understand. don't you,
Mare-Ange? 1 am a ruthless man. I ad.
mit it. And 1 have not got the patience
10 act as anyone's nurse, man or woman.
Your idea of a cure might only drive her
into deeper despair. You mu
I cannot take the responsibility, however
much I am attracted by your daughte
Bond ended lamely, “Which I am."
The man said resignedly, "I under-
stand you, my friend. And I will not
importune you with further arguments.
I will try and act in the way you su
But will you please do one further favor
for me? It is now nine o'clock. Will you
please take her out to dinner tonight?
t scc that
Talk to her as you please, but show her
that she is wanted, that you have affec-
tion for her. Her car is here and her
clothes. 1 have had them brought. IL only
you can persuade her that you would like
to see her again, T think 1 may be able
to do the rest. Will you do this for me?
Bond thought, God, what an evening!
But he smiled with all the warmth he
could summon. “But of course. 1 would
love to do that. But 1 am booked on the
first morning flight from Le Touquet
tomorow morning. Will you be respon-
sible for her from the
Certainly, my friend. Of course 1 will
do that." Mare-Ange brusquely wiped a
hand across his eyes. “Forgive me. But
you have given me hope at the end of a
* He straightened his shoul-
ders and suddenly leaned across the desk
and put his hands decisively down. “I
will not thank you. 1 cannot, but tell
me, my dear friend, is there anything in
this world that I can do for уоп, now at
this moment? I have great resources,
great knowledge, great power. They are
all yours. Is there nothing I can do for
Bond had a flash of inspiration. He
smiled broadly. “There is a piece of in-
formation 1 want. There is a man called
Blofeld, Ernst Stavro Blofeld. You will
have heard of him. I wish to know
is alive and where he is to be found.”
Marc-Ange's face underwent a remark-
able change. Now the bandit, cold, cruel,
avenging, looked out through the eyes
that had suddenly gone as hard as brown
opals, “Aha!” he said thoughtfully. “The
Blofeld. Yes, he is certainly alive. Only
recently he suborned three of my men,
bribed them away from the Union. He
has done this to me before, Three of the
members of the old seecrar. were taken
from the Union. Come, let us find out
what w
ngle black telephone on
the desk. He picked up the receiver and
at once Bond heard the soft crackle of
the operator responding. “Dammi и com-
mandu.” MarcAnge put the receiver
back. “I have asked for my local head
quarters in Ajaccio. We will have them
in five minutes, But 1 must speak fast.
The police may know my frequency,
though I change it every week. But the
Corsican dialect helps." The telephone
burred. When Marc-Ange picked up the
receiver, Bond could hear the zing and
crackle he knew so well MarcAnge
spoke, in a voice of rasping authority.
o и Сари. Avetie nuttizie di Blo
feld, Ernst Stavro? Duve sta?” A voice
crackled thinly. “Site sigura? Ma no
9f E Соо! С
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и?" Моге crackle
euntu indiri:
Sara tutto.”
Mare-Ange put back the receiver. He
spread his hands apologetically. “АШ we
know is that he is in Switzerland. We
have no exact address for him. Will that
help? Surely your men there ¢ find
him— il the Swiss Sécurité: will help.
But they are dificult brutes when it
comes to the privacy of a resident, pa
Ty if he is rich."
Bond's pule had
amph. Got you,
said enthusiastically,
Marc Ange. The rest shouldn't be
cult, We have good friends in Swi
Mare-Ange smiled happily at Bond's
reaction. He said seriously, “But if
things go wrong for vou. on this case or
пу other way, you will come at oi
- Yes?" He pulled open a dr
sheet of. notepaper over
to Bond. “This is my open address. Tele-
phone ог cable to me, but put. your т
quest or your news in terms that would
be used in connection with c lap-
pliances. A consignment of radios is
aulty. You will meet my representative
at such and such a place, on such and
such a date, Yes? You understand these
tricks, and anyway —" he smiled slyly —
“I believe you are connected w
international export firm. "Uni
port,” isn't it?
Bond smiled. How did the old devil
know these things? Should he warn Si
curity? No. This man had become a
friend. And a all this was Herkas
quickened with
vou bastard! He
That's wonderful,
Магс-Апде said diidently, “And now
may I bring in Teresi? She does not
know what w Let
have been discussin
us say it is about one of the South of
rance jewel robberies. You represent
the insurance comp 1 have been
making a private deal with you. You can
that? Good." He sot up and
over to Bond and pur his hand on
shoulder. “And thank you
auk vou for everything.” Then he
went out of the doos
Oh my God! thought Bond. Now for
my side of the bar
Tt was two months later, in London,
and James Bond was driving lazily up
from his Chelsea flat to his headquar-
Te way 9:30 ii
other bc
the morni
ишш! day of this beautiful
year, bur, in Hyde Park, the fr
of burning leaves meant that winter was
only just round. the corner. Bond had
nothing on his mind except the frustra-
tion of waiting foi Z somehow
to penetrate the the Swiss
Sécurité and come up with the exact ad-
dress of Blofeld. But their "friends" in
Zürich were coutinuing to prove obtuse,
or, more probably, obstinate. There was
ө trace of апу man, either tourist or
resident, called Blofeld in the whole of
Switzerland. Nor was there any evidence
of the existence of a reborn SPECTRE on
Swiss soil. Yes, they fully realized that
Blofeld was still urgently “wanted” by
the governments of the saro alian
reserves. of
“I know what he's trying to say—he's trying to
say that he can't paint worth a damn!”
and for the past v
stintly reconfirmed on the
lists at all frontier posts. They w
sorry, but unless the SIS could come up
with further inform. ог evidence
about this man, they sume that
the SES was acting on mistaken evidence.
Манон Z had asked for an examination
ol the secret lists at the banks,
through those
accounts which conceal the owners of
most of the fugitive money in the world.
This request had been per re
fused. Blofeld was certai
nL out
criminal, but the Sécurité must ро
such information could
lly obtained if the crim
guilty of some cri
ıl soil and indict
Federal Code. Tt was truc
fehl had held up Britain
to ransom by his illegal possession of
tomic weapons. Bur this could not be
considered а crime under the laws of
Switverlind, and particularly not having
regard to Article 47m of the banking
laws. So that was that! The Holy Franc,
nd the funds which backed it, where-
ever they came from, must remain
untouchable, Wir bitten héflichst um
Bond wondered if he should get in
touch with Marc-Ange. So far. in his
report, he had revealed only a lead into
the Union Gorse. which he gave, cor-
porately, as the source of his infor
tion, But he shied away from this course
of action. which would surely have. as
one consequence, the reopening with
that this Blo-
ıd America
MareAnge of the case of Tracy. And
that corner of his life. of his heart, he
wanted to leave undisturbed for the
time being, Their last evening together
had passed quietly, almost as if they h:
been old friends, old lovers. Bond h
that Universal Export. was sending
abroad for some time. They would
nly meet when he retumed lo
Europe. The girl had accepted this
agement. She herself had decided. to
go away for ат
too much. She had been on the verge
of a nervous breakdown, She would wait
for him. Perhaps they could go skiing
together around Christmastime? Bond
Had been enthusiastic. That night, after
. She had. been doing
wonderful dinner
tmrant, they had made love
nd this time without desper
out tears, Bond was sitished that the
cure had really begun, He felt. deeply
protect d her. But he knew that
thei d her equ
rested on a knife-cdge which must not
be disturbed.
Tt wi at this moment
ms that the Syncraphone i trou
pocket began to Bond
accelerated out of the park and drew
his reflec-
the prices
are off-season!
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beside the public telephone booth at
Marble Arch. The Syncraphone had re-
n introduced aid was Guried
cently be
by all officers attached to Head
u plastic radio
ibout the size of a pocket watch, When
ı ollicer was somewhere. in London,
within a vange of 10 miles of Headquar-
ters, he could be bleeped on the r
ceiver. When this happened. it was his
duty to go at once to the nearest tele
phone and contact his office. He was
ingently needed.
ang hi
exchange on the only
was allowed to use,
said “007 reporting.” and was at once
put through to his secretary. She was
number he
new onc. Ponsonby had at last
left lo ma dull. but worthy and
vic ember of the Baltic Exchange, and
confined her contacts with her old job to
rather. yearning Christmas and. birthday
rds to the members of the Double-O
Section. But the new one, Mary Good-
night, ап ex-Wren with blue-black hair,
id 37-22-3 honey and
there was a private five pound sweep in
the Section as to who would get her
м. Bond had been lying equal favor
ite with the ex-Royal Marine Comman
do who was 006 bul. since т
dropped out of the field and now. re-
sanded himself as a rank outsider.
though he still flirted with her. Now he
said to her, “Good morning. Goodnight
What can I do [or you? Is it war or
She gigeled
bluc eyes a
. was
v, had
unprofessionally. “It
sounds fairly peaceful, as peaceful. as
hurry message hom upstairs сап he
Youre t0 go at once 10 the College of
Aims and ask for Sable Basilisk. He's
of the Heralds. Apparenily they've
и some kind of a linc on "Bedlam."
“Bedlam” was the code name for the
pursuit. of Blofeld. Bond said respe
full. "Have they indeed? Then Га he
ter ger cracking. Goodbye. €
He heard her giggle before he put. the
receiver dow
Now what the hell Bond got
into his cui ied mercifully not vet
ted the police or the traffic: war-
dens, and motored: fast across. London
This way a queer one. How the hell did
the College of Arms, of which he knew
very Tine execpt that they hunted up
peoples family trees, allotted coats. of
ruis, and organized various royal cerc-
monies, get into the act?
The College of Arms is in Queen
„that |
Victoria Street on the fringe of the City
hi isa pleasant Title Queen. Anne back-
water in ancient red brick with white
sashed windows and a convenient col
bled courtyard. where Bond parked his
car. Phere are herseshoe-shaped stone
stairs leading up 10 an impressive
mt through the door into
1 whose dark panel
180 was lined with the musty portraits of
proud-looking gentlemen in rulis and
lace, and from whose cornice hung the
banners of the Commonwealth. “The
porter, a kindly, soltspoken man in a
cherry-colored à with brass bu
tons, asked. Bond what he could do for
him. Bond asked for Sable Basilisk and
confirmed. that he had an appointment.
Bond followed the porter along a
passage bung with gleaming coats of
arms in carved wood, up a dank. cob
webby staircase and round a corner to
а heavy door with a nightmare. black
monster. with a vicious beak. above it.
He was shown into a light, clean, ple
room with
anly Durnished attractive
prints on the walls and meticulous order
among its books. There was a faint smell
of Turkish tobacco. А young man, a few
yeas younger than Bond. got up and
сате across the room to meet him. He
was rapier slim. with a finc. thin. studi
ous face that was saved from seriousness
by wry lines at the edges of the mouth
and an ironical glint in the level eves.
"Commander Bond?” “The 1
was brief and firm. “I'd been expect
He sat down behind his desk, pulled
а file toward him, and gestured Bond to
а chair beside him, “Well, then. Lets
get down to business, First of all — " he
looked Bond very straight in the eye —
“I gather, E guess that is, that this is an
Intelligence matter of some kind. E did
my national service with Intelligence in
the Army of the Rhine, so please don't
worry about security. Secondly, we have
in this building probably as many secreis
ха government department — and па
tier ones at that. One of our jobs is to
jıles to people who've heen en
nobled in the Honors Lists
we're asked t0 establish ownership to
tide that has become lost or defunct.
Suobbery and vanity positively sprawl
through our files, Е my time, a cer-
tain gentleman who had come up from
nowhere, made millions in some. light
industry or another, and had been given
peerage ‘lor political and public serv-
suggested that he should take the title
of Lord Bentley Royal. after the villas
in Essex. We explained. that the word
Royal could. not be used except by the
ing family, In ily 1
‚ we said that Com
nt” He smiled. “See what
1 mem? H that about. this man
would become the laughingstock of the
country. Then sometimes we have to
chase up lost fortunes. Soandso thinks
the vightlul Du
ought to have his money. His name һа
pens to be Blank and his
migrated to Americi or Austalia or
somewhere, So avarice and greed come to
I vanity in these rooms.
se.” he added, putting the record
t, “that’s only the submerged
s and the 1y funds
rei L mher
mon was vac
he's ol BI
join snobbery a
th of our job. The rest is mostly offi
cial stat) for governments and embassies
s o]. precedence and protocol.
nd others, We've
d 500 years so 1
— probl
the G
been doi
suppose it's got its place in die scheme
ol things.”
ОГ course it has,” said Bond staunch
ly. “And certainly, so Гат as secu
concerned, m surc we сан be open with
cach other. Now this man Blofeld. Tru
of the matter is he’s probably the big
crook in the world. Remember tha
Thunderball айай about year 2
Only some of it leaked inte the papers,
but 1 can tell vow that this Blofeld w
at the bottom of it all. Now, how did
you come to hear of him? Every det
ter ceremonies
letter on the file he said thou
fully, 71 thought this might be the same
chap when I sot a lot of urgent calls
from the Forei wl the Ministry
of Defense yesterday, Павич occurre
ne before, Em afraid, that this
where our secrets have to come second
or Fd have done something about it
arlier. Now then. in. June last. the 10th,
м this confide al letter from a firme
ol respectable Zürich solicitors, dated the
day before. VII read it ou
“Honored Sirs,
"We have a valued client by the
name of Ernst Stavro Blofeld. This
gentleman styles himsell Monsieur le
Comte Balthazar de Bleuville in the
belief that he is the rightful heir to
this tile which we understand to be
extinct. His belief is based on stories
he heard from his parents in child-
hood тө the elect that his family
fled France at the time of the Revo-
lution. settled in Germany und
the adopted name of Blofeld, à
sumed in order to evade the Revolu-
` horities amd safeguard
fortune which they һай se-
б Augsburg, and. subse-
Iv. in the 1850s, migrated to
“Our client is now anxious to
have these [acts established in order
legally to obtain right to the de
Bleuville title supported by an Jete
de Notoriété which would in duc
mp of approval
course receive the
of the Ministère de la Justice in
“In the meantime, our client pro-
to adopt, albeit
provisionally. the title of Comte de
Bleuville together with the family
arms which he informs us are "Ar-
gent four fusils in fesse gules’ and
the de Bleuville motto. which, in
nglish, is ‘For Hearth and Home."
poses to cont
id conti
understand. that you
ае А . = aus if @
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огей Sirs, are the only body in the
world capable of undertaking this
research work and we have been in-
structed to get in touch with you
under the strictest conditions of can-
fidence, which, in view of the social
spects involved, we think we have
the right to request.
“The financial standing of our
client is impeccable and expense is
no object in th
ter, As а pre
honorarium and upon
ce of this commission, we
propose payment of one thousand
pounds sterling to your account in
such bank as you may designate.
“Awaiting the fa
reply, we remain, honored Sirs, etc,
or of an сапу
cbrüder Gui
ahnhofstrasse, Zürich."
Sable Basilisk looked up. James Bond's
eyes were glittering with excitement Sa-
ble Basilisk smiled. "We were even more
interested than you seem to be. You see,
to let you in оп a secret, our salaries are
extremely modest. So we all have private
means which. we supplement from fees
received for special work like thi
Tees rarely go above 50 guineas for a
piece of pretty tough research and all
the legwork at Somerset House and in
parish records and graveyards that is
usually involved in tacki
сету. So this looked like a real ch
lenge for the College. and as 1 was ‘in
waiting’ the day the letter came in. soit
of "officer of the watch,” the job fell into
my lap
Bond sail urgently, “So wh
pened? Have you kept the contact?
“Oh ves, but rather tenuously, Tm
afraid. ОГ course 1 wrote at once accepi-
g the comi
vow of secrecy which —
“you now force me to In
by invoki
man's an
rg to the
he smiled —
force majeure?
“You are indeed,” said Bond emphiati
ble Basilisk made а careful note on
the top paper in the file and continued.
OF course the first thing 1 had 10 ask
for was the man's birth certificate and,
after а delay, Û was told that it had been
lost and that T was on no account to
worry about it. The Count had in fact
been bor Gdynia of a Polish father
and a Greck mothe I have the names
here — on May 28th, 1908, Could I not
pursue my researches backward from the
de Bleuville end? 1 replied remporizing,
but hy this time I had indeed established
from our library that there had been a
Tam of de Bleuvilles, at least as lately
as the 17th Century, at a place called
Blonvillesur-Mer, Calvados, and that
their arms and motto were as claimed by
Blofeld.” Sable Basilisk paused. “This
of course he must have known for him-
self, There would have been no purpose
ı inventing a family of de Bleuvilles
and tying to stuff them down our
throats. I told the lawyers of my discov
сту and, in my summer holidays — the
North of France is more or less my pri
vate heraldic heat, so to speak, and very
rich it is too in connections м
land — 1 motored down there and sniffed
around. But meanwhile 1 had, as а mat
ter ol routine, written to our Amb
dor in Warsaw and asked him to contact
our Consul in Gdynia and request him
10 employ a lawyer to make the simple
researches with the Registrar and the
various. churches where Blofeld might
have been baptized. The reply, сапу in
September, was. but is no longer, sur
prising. The pages co ig the record
of Bloteld's birth neatly cut
our. ] kept this information to mwsell,
that is to say Û did not pass it on to the
Swiss lawyers because I had been c
tis so, ist under
had been
pressly instructed to make no inqu
in Poland. Meanwhile I had carried
out similar inquiries through а Таму
in Augsburg. There, there was indeed a
record of Blofelds, but of а profusion
of them, for it is a fairly common Ge
man name, and in кю
link any of them with the de Bleuvilles
from Calvados. So 1 was stumped, but no
more than I have been before, and Т
wrote a neutral report to the Swiss Faw-
yers and said that 1 was continuing
researches. And there =" Sable Basilisk
slapped the file shut — "until my tele-
phone began ringing yesterday, presum
ably because someone in the Northern
Department of the Foreign Office. was
checking the ble copies from Wars
and the name Blofeld rang a bell, he
case rests.
“But the ball's still in pl
Оһ ves. definitely.”
Сап you keep it in play? T take it you
haven't got Blofeld's present address?”
Sa k shook his head. “T
would there be any conceiv
Гог ап envoy from you?" Bond smiled.
“Me. for example, to be sent out from
the College to have an interview with
Blofeld — some tricky. point that cannot
be cleared up by correspondence, some-
thing that needs a personal inquiry from
ny case noil
1 scratched his hes
1 thoughtfully.
с Basil
ble excuse
“Well, ves, there is in а way.”
Basilisk looked rather dubious.
sec. im some families there is a strong
physical characteristic th in-
evitably from generation to generation.
The Hapsburg lip is a case in poi
is the tendency to hemophilia amongst
descendents of the Bourbons. The ha
nose of the Medici is another. A certain
royal family have minute, vestigial tails.
he original maharajahs of Mysore
th six fingers on each hand.
1 could go on indefinitely, but those are
the most famous cases. Now, when I was
around in the crypt of the
chapel at Blonville, having a look at
the old Bleuyille tombs, my flashlight,
moving over the stone Faces, picked out
а curious fact that 1 tucked away in my
mind but that your question has brought
10 the surface. None of the de Bleuvilles,
as far аз 1 could tell, and certainly not
through 150 years, had lobes to their
es о
were bor
id Bond, running over in his
mind the Identicast picture of Blofeld
and the complete, primed physiognomy
of the man in Records. “So he shouldn't
hs have lobes to his cars. Or at
: it would be а strong piece of
evidence For his cise if he hadn't?”
Phas right”
“Well, he Jus got lobes.” said Bond,
voyed. "Rather pronounced lobes
matter of fact. Where does that get us?
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"To begin with, added to what I
know anyway, that makes him probably
not a de Bleuville. But after all —
Basilisk looked sly — "there's no reason
why he should know wl
mind if Т got clearance
of Arms? He's my boss so to spea
under the Duke of Norfolk that is. the
ishal, and | can't remember
ed up in this
fore. Ac-
tually —" Sable Basilisk waved a depr
cating hand — "we are, we have to be,
damned meticulous. You do sce that,
don't you?"
And I'm sure there'd be
no objection. But, even if Blofeld agreed
to see me, how in hell could J play the
This stuff is all double Dutch to
He smiled. “I don't know the di
nce between а gule and а bezant and
never been able to make out wh:
a baronet is. What's my story to Blofeld
Who am Г exactly
Sable Basilisk was getting enthusi
He said cheerfully, “Oh that'll
right. ГИ coach you in all the dope
the de Bleuvilles. You can easily mug up
a few popular books on heraldry. It's not
difficult to be impressive on the subject.
Very few people know anything about
bc all
Maybe. But this Blofeld is a pretty
smart animal, He'll. want the hell of a
lot of credentials before he sees anyone
but his lawyer and his banker. Who
exactly am P”
You think Blofeld's smart be
you've seen the smart side of him,”
Sable Basilisk sapiently.
dreds of smart people from the City, in-
politics— famous people I've
been quite frightened to meet when they
walked into this room. But when it
comes to snobbery, to buying respectabil-
ity so to speak, whether it’s the tide
ag to choose or just a coat of
over their fireplaces in
Surbiton, they dwindle
front of you—" he made a downwar
Tve seen hun-
“until they're no b
Aud the women The
idea of suddenly becoming a ‘lady’ in
their small community is so intoxicating
that the way they bare their souls is
positively obscene. It's as if—" Sable
Basilisk furrowed his high, pale brow
seking for a simile — “these funda
mentally good citizens, these Smiths and
Browns and Joneses and —" he smiled
ded the
sort of lay-
across the desk — "Bonds, т
process of cnnoblement
ing on of hands, а way of ridding uh
selves of all the drabness of their live
of all their, so to speak, essential m
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gerness, their basic inferiority. Don't
worry about Blofeld. He has already
swallowed the bait. He may be a tremen-
dous gangster, and he must be from
what I remember of the case. He may
be tough and ruthless in his corner of
human behavior. But if he is trying to
prove that he is the Comte de Bleuville,
you can be sure of various things. He
vants to change hi hat is obv
He wants to become new, а
respectable personality. That is obvious
too. But above all he wants to become
a Count" Sable Basilisk brought hi
hand flat down on his desk for emphasis.
"That, Mr. Bond, is tremendously sig-
nificant. He is
his line of business — no matter wl
it is. He no longer admires the material
things, riches and power. He is now 54,
1 reckon it. He wants а new ski
T can assure you, Mr. Bond, that he will
receive you, if we play our cards right
that is, as if he were consulting his doc-
tor about —" Sable Basilisk's aristocratic
face took ori «pression of distaste —
"as if he were consultii is doctor after
contracting V.D." Sable Basilisk's eyes
were now compelling. He sat back in his
chair and lit his first cigarette. The smell
of Turkish tobacco drifted across to
Bond. “That's it,” he said with certitude,
“This man knows he is unclean, a social
pariah. Which of course he is. Now he
thought up this way of buying himself
а new identity. If you ask me, we must
help the hair to grow and flou
heel of Achilles until it is so luxu;
that he trips on it."
nd who the hell are you supposed
to be?”
M more or less repeated Bond's ques-
tion when, that evening, he looked up
from the last page of the report t
Bond had spent the afternoon dictating
to Mary Goodnight. M's face was just
outside dic. pool of yellow light cast 1
greenshaded reading lamp о
rich and successful man.
е was reflecting, arying
degrees, skepticism, irritation and im
patience. The "hell" told him so. M
rarely swore and when he did
nearly always at stupidity. М obviously
regarded Bond’s plan as stupid, and now,
away from the dedicated, minutely fo-
cused world of the Heralds, Bond wasn't
sure that M wasn't
I'm to be nissary from the Col-
lege of Arms, sir. This Basilisk chap
recommended that 1 should have some
ind of a title, the sort of rather high
fulutin’ one that would impress a ma
with this kind of be
Blofeld’s obviously got this bee or he
wouldn't have revealed his existence,
even to such a presumably secure and —
ег —sort of remote corner of the world
as the College of Arms. I've put down
there the arguments of this chap and
in his bonnet. And
they make a lot of sense to me. Snob.
bery's а real Achilles heel with people.
Blofeld's obviously got the bug badly.
I think we can get to him through it."
“Well, I think it’s all a pack of non-
sense,” said М tesüly. (Not many
years before, М had bee rded the
K.C.M.G. for his services, and Miss
Moneypenny, his desirable secretary, had
revealed in a moment of candor to Bond
that М had not replied to a single one
of the notes and letters of congratula-
tion. After a while he had refused even
to read them and had told Miss Money-
penny not to show him any more but
to throw them in the wastepaper basket.)
"AM n then, whats this ridiculous
с to be? And what happens next?”
If Bond had been able to blush, he
would have blushed. He said, "Er — well,
sir, it seems theres a chap called Sir
Hilary Bray. Friend of Sable Basilisk's.
About my age and not unlike me to look
at. His family came from some place in
Normandy. Family tree as long as your
arm. William the Conqueror and all
dı And a coat of arms that looks like
a mixture between a jigsaw puzzle and
Piccadilly Circus at night. Well, Sable
Basilisk says he can fix it with him. This
man’s got a good war record and sounds
a reliable sort of chap. He lives in some
remote glen in the Highlands, watching
birds and climbing the hills with bare
feet. Never sees a soul, No reason why
anyone in Switzerland should have
heard of him." Bond's voice became de-
fensive, stubborn. “Well, sir, the idea is
that I should be him. Rather fancy
cover, but ] think it makes sense.”
“Sir Hilary Bray, eh?" M tried to con-
ceal his scorn. "And then what do you
do? Run around the Alps waving this
famous banner of his?
Bond said patiently, obstinately, re-
fusing to be browbeaten, “First TIL get
Passport Control to fix up a good pass-
port. Then 1 mug up Bray's family tree
until I'm word perfect on the thing.
Then | swot away at the rudiments of
this heraldry business. Then, if Blofeld
akes the bait, I go out to Switzerland
with all the right books and suggest that
1 work out his de Bleuville pedigree
with him.”
“Then what
“Then I try and winkle him out of
Switzerland, get him over the frontier
t0 somewhere where we can do a kidnap
job on him, rather like the Israclis did
with Fichmann. But I1 ha ed
out all the details yet, sir. Had to get
your approval and then Sable Basilisk
has got to make up a damned attractive
fly ad throw it over these Zürich
“Why not try putting pressure on the
Zürich solicitors and winkle Blofekl's
address out of them? Then we might
think of doing some kind of а com-
mando job."
wi worl
“You know the Swiss, sir. God knows
what kind of a retainer these lawyers
have from Blofeld. But it's bound to be
millionaire size. We might eventually
get the address, but they'd be bound to
ир off Blofeld if only to lay their
hands on their fees before he vamoosed.
Money's the religion of Switzerland.”
“1 don't need а lecture on the quali-
tics of the Swiss, thank you, 007. At
least they keep their tra
cope with the beatnik problem [two
very rampant bees in M's bonnet!], but
I dare sav there's some truth in what you
ау. Oh. well." M wearily pushed the
file over to Bond. “Take it away. It's a
messy-Iooki st of a plan. But
1 better go ahead.” M.
ad skeptically. "Sir Hilar
! Oh, well, tell the
I approve. But relu у
you can have the facilities. Keep me
formed.” M reached for the Cabinet
telephone. His voice was deeply dis-
gruntled. "Suppose ГН have to tell the
P.M, we've got a line on the chap. The
kind of tangle it is, ГЇЇ keep to myself.
t's all, 007."
Thank you, sir. Goodnight.” As
t across to the door he heard
мо the green receiver, “М
T want the Prime Mini:
ally, please.” He might have been
sking for the mortuary. Bond went out
and softly closed the door behind him.
November blustered its way into.
James Bond went unwillingly
back to school, swotting up heraldry at
his desk instead of top-secret reports,
picking up scraps of medieval French
and English, steeping himself in fusty
ıd myth, picking the brains of
asilisk asionally learning
is that the found-
came from the de Gam-
aches in Normandy and that Walt
Disney was remotely descended from
the D'Isignys of the same part of
But these were nuggets in a waste
of archaisms, and when, one day, Mary
ht, in reply to some sally of his,
l him as “Sir Hilary" he nearly
bit her head off.
Meanwhile the highly delicate corre-
spondence between
the €
able Basilisk and
cbriider Moosbrugger proceeded
and ce. They, or
asked count-
irritating but, Sable Basilisk ad-
mitted, erudite queries, cach one of
which had to be countered h this
or that degree of heraldic obfuscation.
‘Then there were minute questions about
this emissary, Sir Hilary Bray. Photo-
graphs were asked for. amd, suitably
doctored, were provided. His whole
reer since his school days had to be
detailed and was sent down from Scot-
land with a highly amused covering
note from the real man. To test the
market, more funds wi
Sable k and, with
promptitude, were forthcoming in
shape of a further thousand pounds.
When the check arrived on December
15th Sable Basilisk telephoned Bond
delightedly. "We've got him,” he said.
"He's hooked!" And, sure enough, the
next day саше a letter from Zürich lo
say that their client agreed to à mee
with Sir Hilary. Would Sir Hi
ive at Zürich Central Airport by Sw
air flight Number 105, due at Zürich at
1300 hours on December 21st? On Bond's
prompting, Sable Basilisk wrote back
to a prior engagement
nadian High Commissioner
regarding a detail in the Arms of the
Hudson's Bay Company. Sir Hilary
could, however, manage the 22nd. Dy
return came a cable agreeing and, to
Bond, confirming that the fish had not
only swallowed the hook but the linc
and sinker as well.
The last few days were spent in a
Hurry of meetings, with the Chief of
Staff presiding, at Headquarters. The
main decisions were that Bond should
go to the meeting with Blofeld abso-
Tutely "clean." He would carry no
weapons, no secret gear of any kind,
and he would not be watched or fol-
lowed by the Service in any way. He
would communicate only with Sable
Basilisk, getting across such information
as he could by using heraldic double talk
(Sable Basilisk had been cleared by
M.L5 immediately after Bond's first
meeting with him), and Sable Basilisk,
who vaguely thought that Bond was
employed by the Minisuy of Defense,
would he given a cutout at the Ministry
who would be his go-between with the
Service. This was all assuming that Bond
ged to stay close to Blofeld for at
least а matter of days. And that was to
be his basic stratagem. [t was essential
to find out as much as possible about
Blofeld. his activities and his associates,
in order to proceed with planning the
next step. his abduction from Switzer-
land. Physical action might not be neces-
sary. Bond might be able to wick the
man into a visit to Germany, as a result
of a report which Sable Basilisk had
ı Blofeld family docu
sburz Zentral Archi
which need Blofeld's. personal
idei curity precautions would
include keeping Station Z completely in
the dark about Bond's mission to Swit-
zerland and а closure of the “Bedlam”
file a
nounced in the routine “Orders of the
Day.” Instead, a new code word for the
operation, known only to an essential
handful of senior officers, would be is-
sued. It would be "CORONA."
inally, the personal dangers to Bond
himself were discussed, There was total
prepared of cert:
ments at the Au
Headquarters which would be an.
ever talk to an
audiophile about
record players?
A real stickler for quality! Won't
even look at a unit unless it has a
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Frankly, most people get by with
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The Miracord will satisfy the most
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And, unlike cther quality players.
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out intrusion or interruption.
Model 10 with 4-pole induction
motor, $89.50; Model 10H with
Papst hystere: motor, $99.50
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your hi-fi dealer, or write
ВО Swalm St., Westbury, L. I.. N. Y.
Sole U.S. Distributor for Electroacustic®
Record Playing Components.
respect for Blofeld at Headquarters. No-
body questioned his abilities or his ruth-
lessness. If Bond's true identity somehow
became known to Blofeld, Bond would
оГ course instantly be liquidated. A
more dangerous and likely event would.
, once Blofeld had probed Bond's
low bottom
п proved that he was or
the Comte de Bleuville, Sir
Hilary Bray, hi fulness expended,
might “meet with an accident.” Bond
would just have to face up to these
hazards and watch out particularly for
tter. He, and Sable Basilisk behind
y Bray's continued exist-
ence important to Blofeld. In. conclu-
sion, the Chief of Staff said he considered
the whole operation “a lot of bezants"
and that "Bezants" would have been a
better code word than "Corona" How-
ever, he hed Bond the best of luck
nd said, coldheartedly, that he would
instruct the Technical Section to pro-
ceed forthwith with the devising of a
consignment of explosive snowballs for
Bond's protection.
It was on this cheery note that Bond,
on the evening of December 21м, rc-
turned to his office for a last run-through
of his documentation with Mary Good-
He sat sideways to his desk, looking
out over the triste wi ght of
Regent's Park under snow, while she sat
opposite him and ran through the items:
"Burke's Extinct Baronetage, property
of the College of Heralds. Stamped "Not
the Library. "The
printed Visitalions in the College of
Arms, stamped ditto. Genealogist's Guide,
by С. W. Marshall, with Hatchard's re-
ceipted bill to Sable Basilisk inserted.
Burke's General Armory, stamped ‘Prop-
erty of the London Library! wrapped
and [ranked December 10th. Passport in
the name of Sir Hilary Bray, con
various recently dated fronti
in and out of France, Germany and the
Low Countries, fairly well used and dog
d. One large file of correspondence
with Augsburg and Zürich on College
of Arms writing paper and the writing
paper of the addressees. And that’s the
lot. You've fixed your laundry tags and
so on?"
"Yes," said Bond dully. "I've fixed all
that. And I’ve got two new suits with
cuffs and double vents at the back and
four buttons down the front. Also a
gold watch and chain with the Bray
seal. Quite the little baronet.” Bond
turned and looked across the desk at
Mary Goodnight. “What do you think
of this caper, Mary? Think itll come
“Well, it should do,” she said st hly.
"With all the trouble that’s been taken.
ter tu
to be removed from
But —" she hesitated — "I don't li
taking this man on without a gun.” She
waved a hand at the pile on the floor.
“And all these stupid books about her-
aldry! It's just not you. You will take
care, won't you
‘Oh, ТИ do that all
reassuringly. "Now, be a good girl and
uL to the Universal Export
entrance. And put all that junk inside
it, would you? КЇЇ be down in a minute.
ГИ be at the flat all this eveni
smiled. sourly — “pack:
with the crests on them.” He got up.
"So long. M Or rather goodnight
Goodnight. And keep out of trouble till
I get back.”
She said, "You do that yo
bent and picked up the books and papers
from the floor and, keeping her face
hidden from Bond, went to the door
d kicked it shut behind her with her
heel. A moment or two later she opened
the door again. Her cyes were bright.
“I'm sorry, James Good luck! And
Happy Christmas!" She closed the door
softly behind her.
Bond looked at the blank face of the
Office of Works crcam door. What a
girl Mary was! But now there
He would be near her in Sw
It was time to make contact
had been missing her, wonder
her, There had been three noncommit
tab but cheerful postcards from the
Clinique de l'Aube at Davos. Bond had
made inquiries and had ascertained that
this was run by a Professor Auguste
Konimer, President of the Société Psy-
ique et Psychologique Suisse. Over
the telephone, Sir James Molony, the
nerve specialist by appointment to the
Service, had told Bond that Kommer
was one of the top men in the world at
l Bond
g about
had the letters posted from America. He
had said he would be home soon and
would be in touch with her. Would he?
And what would he do then? Bond had
luxurious moment feeling sorry for him-
self, for the cous burdens he
was carrying alone. He then crushed out
his cigarette and, banging doors behind
him, got the hell out of his office and
down in the lift to the discreet side
entrance that said. “Uni Ex por
The taxi was waiting. It was seven
o'clock. As the taxi got under way, Bond
made his plan for the evening. He would
first do an extremely careful packing job
of his single suitcase, the one that had
ho tricks to it, have two double vodkas
and ton at
arge dish of May's speciality — scram-
bled eggs fines herbes — have two more
vodkas and tonics, and then, slightly
drunk, go to bed with half a grain of
h а dash of Angostura,
Encouraged by the prospect of this cozy
selfanesthesia, Bond brusquely kicked
his problems under the carpet of h
The next day, at London Airport,
ames Bond, bowler hat, rolled umbr
neatly folded Times and all, felt fa
ridiculous. He felt totally so when he
treated with the deference due to
s title and shown into the V.1.P. lounge
before take-off. Ас the ticket desk, whe
1 been addressed as Sir Hilary, he
1 looked behind him to see who the
girl was talking to. He really must pull
himself together and damn well be Sir
Hilary Bray!
Bond had а double brandy and ginger
ale and stood aloof from the handful of
other privileged. passengers in the gra-
cious lounge, trying to feel like a bar-
t Then he remembered the real S
‚ perhaps now gralloching а
g with his bare hands somewhere up
in the Glens. There was nothing of the
baronet about him! He really must get
rid of the inverted snobbery t
its opposite, is ingrained in so many of
the English! He must stop acting a p:
being a stage nobleman! He would just
be himself and, if he gave the appear-
nce of being rather а rough-hewn bar-
onet, ng kind, well, that at
least was like the real one up in Scot-
land. Bond threw down the Times u
he had been carrying as an extra badge
of Top Peopleship, picked up the Daily
Express, and asked for another brandy
and ginger ale.
Then, with
, with
its win j
far back of the first-class cabin, the
Swissair Caravelle was airborne and
Bond's mind was ching forward to
the rendezvous that had been so briefly
detailed by the Zürich
Hilary would be met at the airport by
one of the Comte de Bleuville's secre-
He would he sceing the Count
that day or the next. Bond had a mo-
ment ol panic. How should he address
the man he met him? Count?
Monsieur le Comte? No, he would call
him nothing — perhaps an occasional
ng "my di in conte
What would Blofeld look like? Would
he have changed his appearance much?
Probably, or the fox wouldn't have kept
ahead of the hounds so efficiently. Bond's
excitement mounted as he consumed
delicious lunch served by a delicious
stewardess, and the winter-brown check-
crboard of Fr
tantly below.
This is the first of three installments of
"On Her Majesty's Secret Service,” a
new novel by lan Fleming. Part H will
appear next month.
KNOW, oN! come
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