Full text of "PLAYBOY"
Ask about the Volvo Overseas Delivery Plan
MUSIC HATH HAD CHARMS to soothe savage
breasts, soften rocks and bend knotted
even before m Congreve
ted it out back іп 1697. In 1959,
national magazine (outside the
music field) that is doing the most to
advance breastsoothing, rocksoftening
nd oak-bending in the modern manner
is rLaynoy. No other brings its readers
such complete and definitive coverage of
the 7 scene. PLAYBOY'S Jazz Editor,
noted authority Leonard Feather, regu-
larly contributes articles and reviews;
musicians Daye Brubeck and Benny
Goodman have written for us, and so
has Newport's skipper, George We
personality sketches of Sinatra, Satchmo,
Bernstein, Bird, Kenton, Mabel Mercer,
Johnny Mathis, Sammy Davis, The
Dorsey Brothers, André Previn and
other musical luminaries have appeared;
such powerful storytellers as James
Jones and Charles Beaumont have even
wrought strong, evocative fiction on jazz
themes for PLAYBOY — stories so authen-
tic that two were chosen for the book
Eddie Сопот Treasury of Ja
praynoy’s annual Jazz Poll is the biggest,
most successful music. poll ever con-
ducted, and certainly the most signifi-
cant statement on popular taste in jazz
available anywhere. Che Playboy All-
Star LPs (produced on rLayuoy's own
label) аге spinning on turntables all
over the country. For the results of the
third annual Playboy Jazz Poll — plus a
cw note, a polling of the All-Stars
themselves to pick the All-Stars! All-
Stars — please modulate to page 47 of
this swinging February number.
Remember the antic capers of The
Buttondown Boys in the Frozen North
(vtaynoy, November 1957)? They're
back again in a new misadventure by
^ Т
Stewart Pierce Brown, The Buttondown
Boys at Greepsoille High. which starts
off the issue with big, albeit у,
һап; rLavnoy-favorite Henry Slesar
(his Random House novel, The Gray
Лаптпе! Shroud—swe Playboy After
Hours — has been made a Mystery Guild
selection) teamed up with his crony Jay
Folb to write for us а tense and twisty
tale of bigcity perils, A Fist Full of
Money. Rounding out the fiction fare,
Avram Davidson contributes The Sensi-
ble Man, a story of the Iron Curtain
and the race for space.
Girls in Their Lairs is precisely what
its title implies — à bevy of beauts pho-
tographed in their characteristic habitats
by Jerry (History Revisited) Yulsman.
Beauteous also із Miss February — en-
chanting valentine Eleanor Bradley.
The ubiquitous umbilicus is the sub-
ject of Arnold Roth's droll cartoon
spread, Navel Engagement. Words1ype
humor is provided by Richard Armour,
who returns to dream about France
Nuyen, Brigitte Bardot, ad oth
dreamables. Still in the fertile field of
funniness, rising young club comic Lenny
Bruce is introduced to rLavnoy readers
by Larry Siegel.
“Well dost thou, Love, thy solemn
Feast to hold in vestal February,” wrote
a poet of the last century. Just why it is
so "well" of Love to signalize кей in,
of all things, a vestal month, and just
what is particularly vestal about Febru-
у anyway, we don't know, but we're
rather fond of the fact that these some-
what prim sentiments were uttered by а
chap name of Patmore, who also advised
fellows to t their heavy lids and
look." We suggest you do the same at.
the February issue — be you heavy of lid,
or light, or even welter.
Just released — 2 12" LPs featuring winners of the
1958 PLAYBOY Jazz Poll / 10 pages of notes, biographies,
photographs, up-to-date discographies
Still a best seller — PLAYBOY's first jazz album with
winners of the 1957 PLAYBOY Jazz Poll / 212" LPs plus10 pages
of complete info on the winning musicians
send check or money order to:
232 East Ohio Street, Chicago 11, Illinois
I have always admired the manner іп
which vLavuoy has handled subject mat-
ter which to some might be “delicate” or
“objectionable.” Alter having read The
Pros of Paris in the October issue, my
admiration of the high level of good taste
shown by your staff has increased ten
fold. In the hands of many another pub-
lication, the whole thing would have
become a cheap, vulgar exposé. You han-
dled it beautifully
Rod Santos
Oahu, Honolulu, Hawaii
“Those luscious beauties looked more
like Fifth Avenue models than pros!
Barry Major
Kentucky Wesleyan College
Owensboro, Kentucky
Instead of being the glamorous, Тап-
guorous creature your beautiful color
photography tries to make of her, a pro:
fessional prostitute is the laziest, dirtiest,
most unimaginative female slob al
She will stop at nothing to make a few
dollars, nothing short of work, that is.
She is useless to society, in fact a menace
to health and morals.
John Smith, MD
Portland, Oregon
Have already applied for my passport
and visa for my trip to Paris.
С. 8. Malinka
Bartow, Florida
The Pros of Paris із а lulu, You will
probably receive the usual quota of let
ters criticizing you for running such
article, but my advice to you is to ignore
Richard F. E
Fort Bliss, Te:
The obyiously non-Parisian author of
The Pros of Paris writes ol the procuring
of a whore as if he were Cervantes com-
posing verse for Don Quixote de la Man-
а to Dulcinea del Toboso. It is no more
піс here than anywhere else. Tell-
ing us how to buy a woman in Paris is
like instructing us on the proper proce:
dure to follow if one wishes to succeed іп
buying a glass of vin ordinaire. Both are
available everywhere, In fact, your ^
pert” missed many of the best or largest
market places in town — the
Pigalle, Blvd. Clichy, Blvd. Wag
curbs of the Ave. de la Grande А
the teeming bars of the hioi
tourist hotels, the circle around the
Étoile, les Halles, the Folies-Bergére dis
trict, the working men's ar
Bois de Vincennes, etc., etc., etc. But for
the Parisian bachelorabouttown, the
most. desirable and available young wo
men arc visitors in the summer months
American tourist student innocents. Pres
ent the year round and looking for ex.
citement which they are usually able and
willing to finance are those many Parisi.
women who have succeeded in marrying
older men for security, moncy, etc. And
of course there are the many show girls
from all over the Continent who come
to Paris, the best place to display their
charms, and incidentally the best play
ground while on the way to stardom.
Now, obviously, with all this better stuff
around (quite as professional, each in
her own unique way) the experienced
d talented. fellows never рау —the
cliché being: "When milk is free, you
don't rent a cow.”
Milton Johns
is, France
The Pros of Paris brought back fond
d. Archamboult
New York
Although I'm not at all the "sort of
man who reads pLayuoy” (French news
papermen certainly not being included
among such distinguished people), 1
keep reading and enjoying it every
month, as I have studied Greek and
in long enough to understand your
lingo. 1 just have some trouble
with that special French for Americans
with which all your sophisticated maga
zines (and even the corny ones at that)
feel now compelled to sprinkle their
pages. Please tell writer Sam Boal that
French people do not start every sen
Greatest Band
and his musio
Heor From ick Yoursall Up: Blues, For
Peet tthe Heck Tela? TES iv Жош;
For Drums. Sero P$ 8 |
Enea Stern X
Т Sonny Б О the битен, Гуе
World On А Siring; My Blue Heoven,
Мете PS 117 Monourel.
М Noon ERE Tide, зан See Rop; Leve e
Ecce ани
Look for the blue on the back of the album.
539 W. 257н 57 NEW YORK, М, Y. i
tence with “Monsieur.” and particularly
not the prosti
body a мапа which makes
me wonder if Sam went all the way in the
completion of his journalistic duty. Any
way, he certainly did a lot of research on
the subject and. his article is the most
accurately documented. American work 1
have read on the subject. Now I have
some real hot news for Sam Boal, The
houses of prostitution are going back in
business in France. A dozen or so have
been legally reopened in the same num
ber of provincial cities: none in
yet. This is supposed to be an experi
ment for some new regulations governing
this interesting industry. The girls, of
course, have nothing new to offer, Just
why Vichy has been chosen among a few
privileged French cities would be too
long а story. 1t goes back to the time of
the German occupation, when Vichy was
the “capital” of France and when its
house” was an information center for
the anti-Nazi organizations
R. Delorme
Vichy, France
stereo. New 12"
Division of The Mut
if you want to delight the eye
6601 S. Loramie Ave., Chicogo 38, Illinois.
Your story on Paris pros strained my
credulity, but the pix were enticing.
R. W- Nekle
Palmyra, New York
e full, ciean, smooth separated sounds of the orchestra in
ound is for you
ulations on that superb article.
The Pros of Paris. It is really relreshing
to find that somebody in this prudish
puritanical U.S.A. can write about prosti
tutes without moralizing
Jay Mexander
Washington, D.C.
then Jensen's new TR-10 TRi-ette* 3-way speaker system is for you!
system, a pair for space-saving high quali
if you thrill to.
new high in low no!
Who gives а damn about а bunch of
French whores?
s Psellas
, Texas
NEW “TRi-ette
If space is a problem, but only true
(as well as the ear)
The Pros of Paris: c'est magnifique!
Joni С Rogers. |В Mp2" a
Kingsville. Texas
Tawny Ash or Mahogany. Net price $114.50. Table Base (illustrated) extra $5.45 Floor Stand $12.95
for 25-15,000 cycles response. Drives with good 10-watt or larger amplifier. Choice of Walnut,
«т.м. Write for Bulletin JH-1
Flexair* woofer complimented by matched special В” midrange and compression-horn tweeter,
Use one for your compact hi:
Brings the air suspension principle to a new реа!
performance, extends bass down to 25 cycles
Jensen's New Flex:
new low in
STACKED Smoochin' Timem
In the crazy pictorial, The Cards Are
Stacked, in vow November өше. uho, | AMES BROTHERS
pray. is the charmer in the arms of the Sid Ramin's Oróh.
knight? And isn't she Playmate potential?
Verne К. Snyder
Wooster, Ohio
We're way ahead of you, Verne: the
charmer is Betty Blue and she way а
Playmate back in November ој 1950.
Bless your long pointed ears and
wicked. whiskers: your November. pic- ү
torial, The Cards Are Stached, was sim y
ply magnificent! 1 admit to a slight
prejudice in my enjoyment ot the ink,
The Ames Brothers give a dozen love songs an excit-
inc. greeting card story inasmuch as
I'm so deeply immersed in ink, inc. as | 109 new-souna treatment. Hear Fools Rush In, А
to require frequent blotting. Fine Romance, Two Sleepy People, 9 more, On
Jack Roberts regular L P. or Living Stereo records.
ү Angeles California e RCA VICTOR e)
CMe Ming Фу f. ЖО between the hats... now tel de
Y 7 1 `
Regulor $20 ret
if you join the Club now — and agree to purchase 4 selections during the coming 12 months
RECOROS. Through more than 30.songs you share the emo-
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You hear songs rising ‘round a thousand campfires. Songs
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Yes, you тау have these two handsome
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Each month the Club's staff of musical ex-
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O. "ене" Ф arcas нир. © Columate Records Sol
TIONS. Literally scores of rare photographs
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After purchasing four records, you receive à
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Since the number of albums avallable for
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60 PAGES OF TEXT. Through the authoritative
articles and commentaries by Pulitzer Prize
Winners Bruce Catton and Allan Nevins and
novelist Clifford Dowdey you learn how thé
great war songs came to be sung, and meet
the men who sang them. You see the dust
rise from a dozen battlefields, and the tears
fall from the eyes of a great general, learn
the hopes, fears and prayers of Presidents,
generals and privates. All this and more in
ihe 2 hamdsome albums totalling over 90
pages, Including authentic documents, photo-
graphs and beautifully reproduced song texts.
Il maliing charge. Enroll
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О Listening and Dancing О зеш
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T agree to purchase four selections from the mere than 100 to be
Offered during the coming 12 months. at regular list price plus small
mailing charge. For every two additional selections 1 accept, Y am
to'recelve a 12" Columbia or Epic Bonus record of my cbolce FREE
Балаға NO есери азы
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Above, the Lapstrake Ski Champ, from $510.00
Below, the Lapstrake Seatarer, from $330.00
Now Starcraft has designed boats
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the lightness of aluminum plus the
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The hull has a one-piece bottom—
no seams to caulk or leak. Heavy-
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teed against punctures and popped
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boats at your Starcraft dealer's soon.
Write for color catalog of new Star-
craft aluminum and Fiberglas boats.
Runabout, completely 9090 5°
(plus shipping.
Save as much as
$200.00 on this
new Starcraft
runabout, the Jet
This low price
includes all equipment!
Department РМ-2 Goshen, Indiana
I detect a growing sense of social re
sponsibility in your articles. Your cover-
age of the Beat Generation and delinea-
tion of the Womanization of America
are outstanding examples. Between the
Lost Gen ion and the Beat Genera-
tion there seems to | been one 1
would choose to call th lent Genera
tion — that is, until you arrived.
"T. Van Dyke Potts
Manhattan Beach, California
Les photographies de la femme de
français, Brigitte Bardot, sont excel
lente! Vous nous donnez plus d'elle
piaynoy, Sil vous plait. Merci beau
coup! (Му French is awful, but my
eyesight is great.)
]. Coleman Daniel, Jr.
Spartanburg, South Caroli
No necrophile I, but that somber shot
from the film /п Case о] Emergency in
your November Bardot feature prompts
me to say that BB certainly makes а
delectable corpus delicti.
Harry Bradstone
Utica, New York
Author Mario of Fair Game in your
November issue is perhaps more chef
he statement that. the
арс of a deer is indicated by the num
ber of points was a glaring error. The
size of rack a buck carries is far more
dependent upon his health, food and
sexual maturity. Old. bucks often. carry
less points than they did when they
were in their prime.
Kd Hutchinson
Severna Park, Maryland
Indoorsman Mario and PLAYBOY'S in
door editors stand corrected.
You made several very disturbi
ments on Sonny Rollins’ Freedom
(Playboy After Hours, November) which
obligate me to defend the record.
nk that this is a good record,
y's best. "The reviewer has
ot Son
obviously cither refused to listen to the
record carefully, or cannot make any
Пра TU ER,
all year
The British
(iuf 7
з ®
Same size, same shape, after washing. Anklet
$1.50. Garter length $1.75. For color chart, write
Abbey Imports, Inc., Empire State Bldg., N.Y.C.
wea Victor
All the wonderful songs from the hit musical
"Damn Yankees", including Gwen Verdon's spe-
cial treatment of Whatever Lola Wants. Recorded
in New Orthophonic Sound.
Yes, ladies, this is a contest for you,
too. You'll have many reasons why
men like pipe smoking more than ever.
Win yourself a Thunderbird or one
of the many wondorful prizes.
1. Simply complete this statement possessions may enter except em-
іп 25 words or less: ^ ployees of Larus & Brother Com-
ing time all over America because pany, Inc, and Из advertising
"Write your entry оп an official agencies the families of such
entry blank or one side only of any employees. Each entry must be the
Just 25 words will win America’s most wanted
саг... or one of 1,032 other exciting prizes!
Tat fo 4th prizes 37th to 1036th prizes
Four-passenger hardtops. America’s Featherweight,
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Your passport to the wonder world
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13th to 20th prizes {
ture trap—smokes
bone dry. Finest imported Briar.
Ask your jobber about these
awards. And get the display
racks (о boost your sales of House
of Edgeworth contest brands,
famous pouch of blue. Cool, slow
burning white burloys! HOLIDAY
WIPE MIXTUNEA blend of 5 great
tobnccos with a flavor men relish and
an aroma that women welcome, too.
Most luxurious tobacco you сап
smoke! No added aromatics. Also
We зове таг coms >
sheet of plain paper. Be sure to print
your name and address plainly on
your entry. You may enter as many
times as you wish, but each entry
must be accompanied by either an
empty pocket size pouch, or the
printed insert from medium or largo
size tin of any one of these six pipe to-
2. Май your entry to:
Edgeworth Contest
Р. O. Box 56-C
Mount Vernon 10, New York
Entries must be postmarked not
later than midnight, March 31,
1959, Be өше 10 use suficient
3. Anyone living in the continental
United States, its territories and
original work of the contestant
submitting it and be submitted in
the contestants own name,
4. Prizes, as listed in the contest
announcement, will be awarded to
the best entries judged by ‘The
Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation
оп the basis of originality. sin
and appropriateness. Dupli
prizes in the event of ties. Decision
of the judges is final. Only one prize.
will be awarded in any one family.
5. All entries become the property
of Larus & Brother Company, Inc.,
to use as it sees fit and none will bo
acknowledged or returned. Winners
will be notified by mail. Full list оГ
1 е went approximately
close of contest to
anyone enclosing a self-addressed
stamped envelope with entry. Con-
Lest subject to all federal, atate and
local regulations.
r---- OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK smm me s mm me
(Uso plain paper if desired)
MAIL TO: Edgeworth Contest
P. 0. Box 556
Mount Vernon 10, New York
Send with ench, entry, an
T ге pouch, ог "
te printed insert from insido
a medium or large size tin
Of any of these б line pipe to-
Entries must be postmarked
not later than midnight
March 31, 1959.
Print Your Name
Street Address
Complete this sentence in 25 words or less
pipe amoking time all over America
Zone. State
It takes only one
cabinet with two
sound systems to
Grundig Majestic self-contained stereo gives you twice the sound in half the
space. 3-D stereophonic phono . . . ЕМ, AM, SHORT WAVE radio . . . two
complete sound systems using four to six loudspeakers—all have been ingen-
iously assembled in one Black Forest cabinet that takes no more room than ап
ordinary high fidelity console! Hear Grundig Majestic stereo soon—28 luxurious
models—from $399.95.
Write for Free Hlustrated Brochure and name of nearest Grundig Majestic Dealer
Hi-Fi CABINET or маносаму
Luxurious Looking Cobinet
Tarorable, Base and Front
$ 88 ancling for amplifiers and
tuners included, Bottom half
for speaker systems or record
TAX storage. Accommodates all
INCLUDED types of components,
2 top comportments with dcop deor, eoch: 17"
deep, 197 wide, 115 high.
2 lower comporimenta with sliding deers, each
з 187 deep, 40" wide,
|, IN., Philodelphio, Po.,
Lot Angeles, Col. Send Check or Money Order lo:
ALFRAN oistrigutors SPEM sr
the new Sonny, à man of surprising
compositional gilts. Of course this is not
the old Sonny, who did nothing more
than fuse the styles of Coleman Haw
kins, Dexter Gordon and Sonny Stitt
into a hard-swinging post-bop style. The
new Sonny is a greater challenge to the
listener because he has dared 10 evolve
beyond a point of eclecticism, In calling
the record “too far out for most people,
rrAYBOY has further strengthened the
impression th
fans have of your magazine's jazz policy
good jazz is that which passively enter
tains the superficial diggers.
Ronald С, Brown
Exeter, New Hampshire
t many musicians and
1 have read most of Ken Purdy's auto
mobile articles with great pleasure, par
ticularly his memoir of the Marquis de
Portago, which is already a classic in the
literature of automobile racing. How
ever, you should never let him write an-
other line about motor racing. Make him
write short stories. The 51 Tones of
Green will be reprinted in anthologies
for years to come. It is the best short story
1 have read in a very long time. That
doubleending, in particular, is shatter
ing —a great tour de force.
Gustave Plann
New York, New York
Stopped reading the October issue in
the middle to drop this short note of
appreciation lor The 51 Tones of Green
by Ken Purdy. It is the greatest piece of
literature you haye ever published.
H. L. Elman
Venice, Calilornia
Your excellent magazine has brought
much enjoyment to my leisure hours
with its well-written articles, clever car
toons and absorbing fiction. Now, how-
ever, it brings the saddest sort of news
—Jack Cole is dead. Although 1 knew
him only as а name on a cartoon, 1 feel
as if I have lost a friend. His cartoons
did not make one laugh: they were so
true, so exactly expressive, that they
made one's insides light up in a great
giddy smile. He will be missed. Carry
James W. Davis
Evanston, Illinois
Jack Cole's genius can never die.
Three letters started, three thrown away.
Words are difhcult in time of sorrow.
Stan Моц
Redondo Beach, California
God rest his soul and may he continue
to draw wherever he is.
Harry E. Krueger
Jackson, Wisconsin
JF you are given to scanning shipping
registers in your idle moments, you
may already have noticed, along with the
Queen Mary and the United States, the
following entry in the register put out
by Lloyds of London:
Yvonne Buckingham. A paddle ship
of bone construction. Length overall 5
It. 6 ins, Gross tonnage 9 stone, Fore
and Alt 38 and 36 ins, Girth 22 ins,
Date of launch Mar 28 1937."
Miss Buckingham, а starlet who has
already appeared іп three films, evi-
dently is somewhat hipped on the idea
of using insurance brokers as publicity
agents. In addition to the listing noted
above, she has managed to get herself
insured to become a Movie Star within
five years. If she doesn't, she collects
1000 pounds, The correspondent. who
put us on to Miss Buckingham assures
us that her chances are excellent, unless
her cargo should unaccountably shift
in the meantime.
A fellow we know has worked out a
new gimmick for gaining the apprecia
tion of his ladylriends. Each time he
makes an airplane flight, he takes out a
flock of those hall-a-buck insurance poli-
cies, makes a different girl the beneficiary
of each, and reaps the reward of his
tender thoughtfulness on
Jack Jarvis, night city editor of the
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, is also the
president of some of the most fascinat
ing societies and associations in the
country. Membership cards for same
have been coming across our desk in
increasing numbers. Included are: "So
ciety for Suppression of Women Who
Would Rather Sit on It Than Give It
Away," “Benedict Arnold High School
Alumni Association,” “We Discriminate
Against Everybody, Regardless of Race,
сей, Sex ог Politics Association,”
Let's Live It Up Today — We Can Live
It Down Tomorrow Association,” “So
ciety for Suppression of Togetherness,”
“Roving Eye and Wandering Hand Asso
ciation,” “My Boss Hires Only Slave
por Association,” and “Please Don't
Laugh on Company Time Associatio
Readers with a legal bent can puzzle
over the fact that the president has most
of the cards inscribed “Not valid il
signed by Jack Jarvis.
You can stop coddling your hi-fi sets,
ng, RCA Victor has just released a
new pop album called Music for BANG
baarOOM and HARP, introducing
Dick Schory and his New Percussion
isemble. Students of sound will be
happy to hcar that among other, more
conventional note producers are in-
cluded tuned. automobile brake drums,
and а nickle-platcd manifold from a
1946 Chevrolet. If this trend continues,
future used-car salesmen will |
have a thorough grounding in musi
theory and instrumentation,
e to
It doesn't rank with their finest efforts,
but Richard Rodgers and Oscar Ham-
merstein П, in Flower Drum Song, have
come up with a lively, good-looking, and
professionally expert entertainment.
Using C. Y. Lee's bestseller of the same
name, Hammerstein and Joseph Fields
fashioned а conventional plot that re
volves around the conflict between the
orthodox old and the brash young in San
Francisco's Chinatown. A boy (Ed Ke
ney) wants to marry a girl (Pat Suzuk
who із а stripper, and mistress of the
strip joint's owner (Larry Blyden). The
boys father (Keye Luke) and aunt
(Juanita Hall) want him to marry а
docile import from the Old Country
(Miyoshi Umeki). The manner in which
the situation is resolved is less valuable
lor its emotional impact than for the
opportunity it gives the writers to make
the best of two possible worlds. Gene
Kelly directs briskly, Carol Haney's
choreography is probably the best of the
year, the Oliver Smith sets and Irene
Sharalf costumes are opium dreamy, and
Rodgers’ score is as varied as a Chinese-
American dish should be. At the St.
James, 246 W. 44th, NYC.
Now — when the old-timers have sadly
agreed that, as Broadway entertainment,
the revue is extinct — Paris has set New
York on its collective сап-сап with ta
Plume de Ma Tante. This Gallic galaxy of
assorted comics. (who have been snarling
traffic in Paris and London for the past
five years) achieves its hilarious. eflects
through the universal language of panto
mime, with an occasional word or a
handful of lyrics thrown in here and
there to show how little they are needed.
Robert. Dhéry—the creator of the show
and its amiable directeur — is a working
comedian in his right. Colette
Brosset, his wife, proves to be a show
stopper just standing around in bra
and panties. As if they weren't enough,
there are four supporting zanies who
share equal laugh time. “The dominant
motif of the revue — and опе beauti-
fully played by these modest and ex-
tremely disarming players— is that
everything goes wrong on stage for them,
and there's nothing they can do about
it: the ecdysiast reaches her climax with
фы.” са ЖУСА
For outstanding merit
a zipper that won't unzip. The peeping
tom at a bathing beach lays his plans
carefully but gets an eyeful of the wrong
vista. A symphony orchestra disintegrates
into a shambles, and two respectable citi
zens get trapped in а boulevard pissoir
behind doors that open the wrong way.
Sight gags and extended sketches — more
than two dozen in all — alternate with
no padding in between, and by way of
lagniappe, the stars of the show are
ed by a chorus of the том
fetching mademoiselles ever to breast
the transatlantic waves. At the Royale,
242 West 45th,
The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker, like many
a fulsome father, is inordinately proud
ol his large brood of children. His staid
neighbors in the Philadelphia of the
1890s feel something less than admit
tion for his fecundity when they learn
he has sired his flock by servicing two
wives concurrently, Clifton Webb is his
usual happily snotty self in the title role,
and Walter Reisch's screen treatme
Liam O'Brien's play turns out to be al
most daring. Unfortunately, W
conllicts with his upset Philly wife
other disapprovers are resolved in a
somewhat soapy manner, but Henry
Levin's spirited direction and Webb's
ingratiating arrogance compensate Гог
the weepiness. Others in the сам are
Dorothy McGuire and Charles Coburn.
It isn't a Captain's Paradise, but it's
usingly buoyant bigamy nevertheless,
That journalistic omniscient, the
lonelyhearts columnist, dealer іп glib
answers for “Perplexed,” “Forlorn” and
myriad other leterwriters who feel
dragged, is the main subject of one of
the most grown-up, shock-loaded, emo-
tion-taxing pictures we've ever seen. The
movie іу tonelyhoorts, based on the short
novel, Miss Lonelyhearts, by Nathanael
West, and Howard Teichn play. Dore
Schary produced and wrote the script,
and, except for snatches of tinny dialog,
it’s a succession of jars and jolts. But
most credit has got to ро to director
Vincent J. Donehue and his people, The
ag sells it: Montgomery Clift, sw
and glooming over the problems his
lers ask to have solved; Robert Ryan
as the sneery editor-in-chief, full of
cynical rhetoric, waiting for Clift's dis-
illusionment; Maureen Stapleton, the
hug-hungry wile of an impotent cripple,
who writes in for help, gets it and re-
grets it; Onslow Stevens as Clift's bitter,
selbrighteous father, a con, in (ог killing
Monty's mother and her lover; Myrna
Loy as the editors repentant wife.
‘These brilliant young satirists improvise to the
skillful piano moods set by Marty Rubenstein,
Album contents... just for laughs)
Executive persuades young secretary to come up
and listen to his hi-fi,
Gripping spy drama ona train to Bridgeport,
British dentist falls madly in love with patient,
This is poetry and jazz?
‘Two intellectuals decide they are about to
Did you ever dance a tango after а 10-course
Chinese dinner?
Psychiatrist solves patient's one big problem
‘Tear jerking melodrama
do the parting scene.
daddy and little girl
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Sound In The Кошы®
There's no moralizing, but plenty of
t miss it.
MGM has spawned a new and highly
vocal infant, name of Metrojazz Records.
О! the two initial releases — both cut
under the 5 of our own Leonard
Feather — the one more likely to become
a conversation piece is Sonny Rollins and
the Big Brass (Metrojazz E1002). On onc
side of the disc the fastsoaring young
tenor man is backed lor the first time
(and about time, too) by a big band.
Arrangements and conducting were left
to the capable pen and baton of Ern
(cx-Basie) Wilkins, who made unusu
use of a tuba (Don Butterfield's), which
plays parallel lines with the tenor
Sonny's own tunc, Grand Street, boasts
about as boisterously exciting a big-band
sound as anything we've heard lately.
Sexy Lena Horne, perennial audience:
dazzler, turns іп one more of her stylish.
ly sophisticated, thelady-isa-vamp per
formances on Give the Lady What She Wants
(Victor LPM-1879), which іп this case
includes sparklers (Diamonds Are a
Girl's Best Friend), amour (At Long Last
Love) and some much-needed rest (Let's
Turn Out the Lights and Go to Sleep).
@ Chris Connors Chris-Craft (Atlantic
1290), Peggy Lee's Things Are Swingin‘
(Capitol T1049) and Eydie Gormé's
Showstoppers (ABC-Paramount-254) are all
stunners, and worth your ear time.
Chris cruises through a dozen. numbers
with her usual effortless phrasing; Peggy
concentrates on toe-tappers with her hip.
brand of quivering abandon and Evdie
shows everybody why she's one of the
most clectrifying voung thrushes around
today, complete with f shrieks
and a walloping set of
stop anybody's show. АЙ her tunes are
from Broadway musicomedies (dig
especially Thou Swell and My Funny
Valentine) and Eydic puts her own per
sonal stamp of greatness on each one.
Chatty chamber works of Shostako
vich — Quintet for Piano and Strings; String
Quartets Nos, 1, 2 & 3 (Vanguard 6032 &
6033) — display the cozy side of the con-
temporary Russian colossus’ talents, In
ventive but not abrasive, these small-
scale pieces eschew the bombast of his
massive symphonies, achieving ће
ends by intimacy and warmth, lyric
curves of melody, chuckling scherzi,
and-sour harmony, finger-snapping
rhythm, unrelenting charm. The com-
bos — they are the nimble Komitas, Вес-
thoyen and "Ichaikowsky Quartets —
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e о ө ө ө ө o
play with precision and гем, building
little crystal palaces of tone; and the
quintet enjoys an extra dollop of author-
ity with Shosty himself blowing 88.
1 Bellow, who scored a beat on the
Beatniks in The Adventures of Augie
March, is still swinging way out and
wild im Henderson the Rain King (Vikin
$4.50), which might be subtided “On
the Road in Darkest Afri At 5
Gene Henderson, a plush lush with а
build like nera and neuroses to
atch, having gone through two mar
and turned his es to а pig
rm, heeds an inner voice which keeps
saying / want. (but won't tell him what),
and next thing we know he's ju
nauting through the jungle.
aberrant, he does all the right u
with all the wrong results. He's loved by
an African Queen—but she's barrel-fat:
he tries to solve her domain ater
shortage with gunpowder—but it blows
up in his face; and though he qualifies
in King for another tribe, he dis-
5 that being in line for the King
ship means satisfying 20 women—on
pain of strangulation. So he sces the
handwriting on the kraal and blasts off
for home, having learned that being, not
is the true goal. It’s all heay
ighted with symbolism, but Bellow
pays the freight with high-pressure prose,
а strong overlay of sardonic humor
jet-propelled narrative drive. If
little like sitting in on an existentialist’s
nightmare, at least something you
won't soon forget.
It’s lo been clear that the adman's
patron saint is Mac The Knife, but it
took PLAYnoY-regular and agency veep
Henry Slesar to write the first Grade-A
whodunit with an Ad Alley setting:
The Gray Flannel Shroud (Random House,
$2.95). ‘The story is as hip as the title
Dave Robbins, an earnest, one-tran-
quilizer adlad in a small agency, is
suddenly made account exec for its big.
gest client — Burke Baby Foods — and is
promptly faced with the corpse of a doll
who seems to have some sinister connec
tion with that firm, Both the plot and
sub-plot are liminal, with many sharply
delineated suspects, besides the usual
agency types. Beneath the surface, the
complex, clockwork plot moves with
pace and. precision — yet. never lets you
guess who wielded the hidden per
suader. When they run this one up the
Hagpole, everybody should salute.
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PLAYBHL —— шш . 3
DEAR PLAYBOY.. EA ч 2 = - 5
LIGHTERS FOR THE MAN OF TODAY—accessorles ___. m 23
VACATION VALENTINE—playboy's playmate of the month 39
PLAYBOY'S PARTY JOKES—humor.—..... = 44
HUGH м. HEFNER editor and publisher
A. ©. SHECTORSKY associate publisher and advertising director
RAY RUSSELL executive editor ARTHUR PAUL art director
JACK 1. KESSIE associate editor VINCENT Т. TAJIRI picture editor
VICTOR LOWNES m promotion director Jonn mastro production manager
ELDON SELLERS special projects ROBERT $. PREUSS circulation manager
KEN Uy contributing editor; W.AKY. RUTHERFORD fashion editor; THOMAS MARIO
food & drink editor; PATRICK CHASE travel editor; LEONARD FEATHER jazz editor;
WrustEk editorial assistants; JERRY WHITE, JOSEPH н. PACZEK assistant art directors;
FERN A. HEARTEL production assistant; ANSON MOUNT college bureau; JANET
PILGRIM. reader service; WALTER J. HOWARTH subscription fulfillment manager.
ом TE
Эбин SACK, F эз PHOTO BY төн COWAN; P. 47 PHOTO, TOP. AY WILLIAM к. мости
loro. sorrow.
Е. vol. 6, no. 2— february, 1959
. “о „М TAN
„ы М
An oddball їп a green suit
watched the market research from a disi
those mad-ave madmen who braved the frozen north
cut consequent capers with gum and camera
The Buttondown Boys at Creepsville High
INTO MY OFFICE burst Bud Gordon, his
martini-bright eyes crackling wildly.
finger the ulcer switch, Coach, I've just
had the greatest idea since socialized
My first instinct was to leave by way
of the window. In seconds I could be all
over Madison Avenue and tomorrow's”
Daily News. That's one of the fringe
benefits at Fowler & Hawkes— TV pro-
ducers get windows 15 floors up for emer-
gency jumping. And any time Bud Gor-
don has one of his ideas, an emergency
is sure to follow.
“Mac, I figured out how we can save
ane account and increase the bil-
“Did you have lunch or a fix?"
"I had a goddam inspiration! We can
— say now, there's a live опе!"
1 joined him swiftly at the window.
The girl in the department store dres-
sing room across the street was removing
her blouse. I groped behind me for the
phone and dialed Headline Harry Wat-
son's extension. "Action stations — win-
dow 31"
"What a built!" Bud breathed,
Harry came sprinting down the hall.
said, elbowing between us. "Wow, dig
The girl finally bought a green dress
and Bud turned regretfully from the
window, “Mac, 1 know you're all shook
up over Killer Kane's threat to move
his account . . ."
“Not really.
ой year at this tim
The agency was in a real bind on
Kane's Chewing Gum. Old man Fowler
had put it to us as clear as sunlit gin:
we were doing OK with Min-T-Chu
(Тһе Gum With The Oriental Flavor)
but now Kane was about to come out
with а new brand. If this Brand X didn't
get off the ground, Kane's yearly sales
would fall below the United Chicle
My stomach lining peels
Company's. Any year that happened, the
tumbrels rolled down Май Alley.
Agency-devourer Sylvester Н. Kane al-
ready had the names of six shops let-
tered on his office wall, like kills on a
fighter plane. The buzz was that БЕН
would be No, 7 unless we came up with
а real gasser within the week.
Kane was keeping Brand X on the
launching pad because of what the lab
had said about it. Bud read from the
report: "'Can't claim parity with com-
petitive brands flayorwise.’ ”
English translation: it tastes lousy,"
Harry put in helpfully.
“Ah, but that's just itl” Bud cried.
"Taste is strictly subjective. One man's
Courvoisier is another man's Castoria.
AMI we have to do is show the Killer chat
people like his new gum and he'll go
with it tomorroy
"Grand," 1 said, “then we'll move a
couple of pyramids and settle the Arab
unds like a fun afternoon.”
Bud had. begun chewing rapidly on his
ever-present wad of Min-T-Chu, a sure
sign that something far gone wild was
about to be born. “Here's the drill, We
pass Brand X around to a bunch of high
school kids — that’s where the gum mar-
ket is. We go upstate somewhere and get
real kid-type kids. The gum is in plain
Wrappers, no labels. In the station wagon
we hide a camera and mike, so we get
picand-track on their reactions. Then we
edit out the clinkers, splice the raves
together, and Jay it on old Kane for a
whole recl
Harry was on his feet applauding.
tl flip him! He'll think the whole
world loves the da ми! сим KING
What the hell, 1 thought, at this late
date what have we got to lose. Merci
fully, 1 didn't know the answer then.
"OK," I said, buzzing for Barbara the
Body, queen of the secreta
"Round up а crew," 1 told her,
tion shooting and we leave Monday.”
"Yes, Mr. MacClure,” she whisy
huskily, ducked und Bud's pinching
hand, and got right on the phone,
So Monday, there we were, In an up-
state town some 292 miles from the city,
or roughly four hours the way Bud drove
that station on. After the first 10
les, | just kept my eyes shut. Mikur
Zabukover, Vienna's gift to cinematog-
¢ to the lips, which he
pped around the happy end of
а bottle of Scotch. "5 KILLED IN THRU-
Harry groaned as we roared past Albany,
Erni Mikurs assistant cameraman,
crouched on the rear floor, trying not to
But we made it. Late in the day we
peeled off the Thruway, bounced over
several miles of blacktop, and there was
the town.
Creepsville, U.S.A.
A Saturday Evening Post cover come
to life, if you сап call that Ше. Square
white houses, shady streets, the old
steeple clock above the green, and J ie
y packing ‘em in down at
In. We cased the high school, then
checked in at the Hotel Mohican, a sooty
stack of Christian Science Gothic brick-
work, with a lobby full of tired Willy
Lomans and cheap disinfectant. They
called the bar the Pow-Wow Room but
we went in anyway. Plastic peace pipes
and tomahawks dangled from the wagon-
wheel chandeliers and the waitress
proudly pointed out to us that the ash-
trays were shaped like birch-bark canoes,
“And on Saddy nights we all wear, you
know, like feathers in our ha
On top of which, the drinks were
After dinner, Bud went out to set his
trap line.
‘Get one with a friend,” I called after
7 Harry added.
* said Ernie, who was still in
"Where's Minnehaha?” Mikur growled.
"I'm needing another drink.”
Bud was back in two hours with the
greatest. collection. of female oddballs
this side of Vegas. Mine was a leggy thing
from the Missouri Home for the Tall,
and Mikur had a retired WAVE with the
build of a gunner's mate, who matched
him drink for drink for two hours then
tried to set fire to his mustache. But they
were all obliging children at heart and
the night was passed in carnal convi
ality. It was only with the greatest effort
that we managed to get set up in front
of the high school the next day just as
the kids got sprung for lunch.
Our first take came straight from Cen-
tral Casting: a big blond footballer in
arsity sweater, holding hands with а
le chick wearing her hair in a
I. Bud e the tackle his high-
voltage smile. "Got a little surprise here
for you, Champ. Like you to try this
gum — something ne!
Mikur's camera whirred softly in the
on wagon behind us as the kid
suspiciously unwrapped the gum. F
had his mikes up to catch The Great
Pronouncement. The tackle chewed nois-
ily for several seconds. Then he lightly
shrugged опе shoulder. “Nothing,” he
said and walked away with the chick,
І figured my profitsharing plus un-
employment. insurance would kcep me
going until 1 made another agency con-
се appeared over the tail-
rrible! Pfui!"
said, shaking his head sadly.
“Relax, you guys,” Bud said. “Now,
here comes а more promising prospect.”
The more promising prospect was a
tall thin kid with glasses who spit the
gum out after two chews. The next
couple of candidates wouldn't even try
it. It began to look like a long, long day.
But then finally came this girl — the kind
of plain Jane who watches the movies at
a drive-in — and she practically went out
of her skull over Brand X. That broke
the spell. After her we began to hit at à
-500 clip and by one o'clock I knew we'd
get our footage. Even with the out-takes
we'd have enough left to really clobber
Kane and his cronies.
While things were going good, I
strolled down the block to grab à smoke.
At the corner, one of the natives stopped
те. He was a skinny character in a green
suit and tan shocs, who'd been watching
us from across the street, 1 pegged him
for one of the how-do-Lgeta:
advertising-like-yours boys, but his open-
er curveballed mi You guys Better
beat it,” he said. “We've got this turf
all staked out,”
I just stood there blinking, Fi
managed some words: “Who has?
"Соте on, pal, who else? The Big
Boys. Number One."
Slowly, it began to reach me. There'd
been a leak. United Chicle had found
out we were up here. And so they'd told
their agency —L.L.R.&D., who were the
Big Boys, all right, the Number One
shop in the business—to send a man
over to run us off. This was the man
from Lowell, Lord, Rankin & Dowles.
But that green suit. Those lapels. “You
from the local office?” 1 asked.
“Right. And these are all my kids. So
just bust up your little party and get the
hell out.”
He was being res „Апа my head:
ache was coming back, And 1 needed
some lunch. “Look, sonn; I said im-
patiently, "you've been seeing too many
George Raft films on the Late Show.
Run along now and let the menfolks
sh their job.
red ЕД
sc my opinion of
he said in a
boys about Greensleeves, Bud laughed.
“Threats, yet! United must have scared
hell ош of LL.R.KD."
Harry said.
aybe we got something hotter tha
Ernie suggested, which proves
n that from the mouths of
appened on the way home, About.
five miles from the town. Bud had a date
in New York so I knew he'd
back by the time his gal got off the air
at 10:30. That meant Mikur could get
his stuff to the labs before n night and.
we could see the dailies the next after-
(continued overleaf)
Buttondown Boys (continued from page 18)
noon. One quick editing session and
we'd have а print for Kane before the
week was out, As we spun along through
the chlorophyll-colored countryside, Mi-
kur hummed little slices of Strauss and
for the first time since old man Fowler
had pressed the panic button, I settled
d us, cut over viciously, and
sent us careening into the ditch. I was
still picking myself off the floor when the
station wagon doors were yanked open
and two ex-prelim boys from St, Nick's
had guns in our faces, “These theme"
опе of them called, Two more men had
got out of the Cadillac. One was a fat
guy wearing a $300 suit and three rings
ich hand. The other was Gre
sleeves. “That's them," he said, licking
his chops.
"Awright," the fat man grunted like
a bullfrog, "bring ‘em along.”
“Now, ө: ute, You're not bring-
ing me anywhere," I said. I was fed up
with this jazz. Guns or no guns, no
ncy-hired goons were going to —
1 woke up in this roon
room at the Mohic п ма
apartment in New York. It w
room and 1 felt strange. Especially about
the head. Bud's voice reached me dimly:
“How you doing:
“You shouldn't hi
out a helmet, Coach,
him slowly into focus.
knew L.L.R-&D. was a h;
but this —
"Leave me cue you ins these are
agency boys. We're up to our dimples in
pushers— the biggest mob in the East."
"Pushers? You mean dope
"и ain't pulled That's Creeps-
ville High back there in town, dad. The
Norman Rockwell juves have been snif-
fing the stull from а dirty spoon Гог
“And the mob thought we were trying
to move in?’
Exactly. And when f tried to explain
it was only chewing gum we had in
those mysterious unmarked wrappers,
only we had none left to prove it, my,
how they did laugh and carry on!” He
popped a couple of sticks of Min-T-Chu
into his mouth. “This, fortunately, they
weren't interested in,”
My head threatened to fall off when
1 stood up. But E made it to the window.
We were stuck out in the woods in a
gloomy, deserted old house thar made
Charles Addams’ worst look like Leavit:
town. "'Charming Victorian," Bud
quoted, "721 rooms, including den and
cremiuorium.' “
"Where аге Miku
Before he could
put me
I said, bringing
an, 1 always
sell shop,
and the others?"
swer, the door was
pushed, open and in stepped a meaty,
low-slung character with an 18-inch neck
and a one-inch forehead.
“My man don’t wrestle until we hear
Ik," Bud whispered.
Hello, there!" I cried, smiling big and
hoping he hadn't heard Bud.
"Awright, c'mon,” growled Java Man,
motioning us out the door with his gun.
He herded us down a dark, musty hall.
Ancient gas brackets reached out cerily
from the shadows and red plush was
stripping off the walls like ncon Spanish
moss. Little clouds of stale dust rose from.
the faded carpet. We went down a broad,
sagging staircase and Java motioned us
into а small back room. И was empty
except for a few old chairs and a bandy-
legged table with an old-fashioned tele-
phone on it— the stand-up kind, with
the receiver han hook.
Behind the table stood the fat man
Fatso shook his head
You guys who don't
re told. An’ handing
about choon gum
1 said hastily.
sadly as we came in
butt out when yo
us all that crap
ї was gum,”
aren't —"
Trouble i
faces, We can't t
you knowut I m
now you seen wo many
e no chances with you,
just —" Fatso hit him across the mouth.
Hard. Bud staggered, the grin frozen on
his face. I felt my stomach turn over.
û slowly, not taking his eyes
I had never seen his
eyes like that before.
ato turned to Java. "We're going
back to town and clear the place out.
We'll phone you when we leave, Soon's
you hear that phone, give it to these two
and the ones in the cel Then cut
through the back and we'll pick you up
on the highway." He jerked his head at
Greensleeves and they left. Alter a few
utes, we heard а car pull away.
Java set his rod out on the table. He
moved the phone next to dsten for
the little bell," he said and laughed
until his agate eyes were wet. Then he
took out а beat-up copy of Boxing maga-
zine and went to work on the crossword
puzzle in the back.
We just sat there. Outside, a bird
sang. 1 figured I'd never scc a bird again.
My stomach felt as if I'd swallowed a cup
of hot tar. 1 wondered how Mikur,
Harry and Ernie were doing down in the
Bud shifted in his chair. Java's head
came up sharply. "Just getting sti
Bud explained. His eyes still had u
strange look in them. But now there
something else . . . "How much longer
do we have to sit here?"
Java studied his watch, his lips mov-
ing. “They'll call in about 20 minutes."
| they call" Bud said. Java glared
at him, then snorted and went back to
his puzzle. He struggled with it for a few
more minutes. Finally, he shoved it from
him in disgust.
"Tough one, huh?" Bud asked sym-
pathetically, "Here, lemme try it,”
Whaddaya, а smart guy?” Јата
sneered, tossing it to Ћи Eight to five
you don't finish it,
"You're on for five,” Bud said. "After
all, what have I got to lose?” That broke
Java up. Bud laughed, too. Which left
only me. I didn't dig it. "Yuk-yuk," 1
‘Aw, cheer up, Mac,” Bud said, and
suddenly 1 noticed he was chomping
down fast on his Min-I-Chu. "Look,
I've got 21 Across already . . ." He held
the puzzle for me to read. In the empty
squares he had printed "ЊЕ SICK”
Before 1 could say anything he snatched
it back and hastily filled in more blanks.
се, that gives me 14 Down, too." This
time he had written “С нм
T- EYOU TO 1 looked
at him blankly, then at Java and his
shoots. pistol. To be sick wasn't going to
take any great acting.
Bud glanced at his watch, “About that
n't it?” he asked Java.
or, pal, you anxious to
get knocked off
“No, but suppose they take off without
calling? Voom! — they're in Canada in
couple of hours and guess who's left
to explain to the сар:
“Yeah? And suppose you just shut your
[ Java snarled. “They first got to
get all that stuff out — what the hell's
the matter with you?"
L had got slowly to my fe
and clutching my stomach.
to be sick," I muttered thi
‚ groaning
I'm going
һ a crash,
bbed my arm. “PIL take him
“The hell you will!” Java shoved him
back in his chair. He grabbed up the
phone and put it out on the hall floor,
shoving me ahead of him. He locked the
door, with the wire passing under it, and
shouted back to Bud, "Try anything,
pal, and ІЛІ blow your goddam face ой!"
Fhe bathroom was only a few steps
down the hall, Java kicked open the door
and I lurched past him and gave a very
realistic show of losing my lunch, 1 took
my time about it but when we got back
Bud was still sitting there. He began to
whistle The Bells Are Ringing. "Very
funny," Java said nastily. But he looked
at his watch and 1 could see his lips
moving again. When 1 looked at my own
watch I saw the time was more than up.
(concluded on page 76)
THE LEAN YOUNG MAN in Ivy stepped into
the spotlight on the small stage of The
Cloister in Chicago. “We have some celeb-
rities with us in the audience this eve-
ning,” he said. "Sitting ringside are two
boys in show business who got their start
right here in the Windy City-the won-
derful Loeb and Leopold.
“We're also privileged to welcome the
star of the show that opens here two
weeks from tonight. The management is
sick comic lenny bruce
milks and mulcts
the sacred cows
sparing no expense in bringing him to
you. Let's have a big hand for the lov-
able Adolph Hitler.”
Most of the audience realized with
these opening lines that this was no or-
dinary club comic and that they were in
for a very unusual evening’s entertain-
ment. If any question remained, the first
sketch answered it.
"I'd like to take you now to the head-
quarters of Religions, Incorporated," he
said, “where the Dodge-Plymouth deal-
ers of America have just held their an-
nual raffle and given away a new 1959
church. Seated around the table are the
religious leaders of the country, includ-
i illy Graham, Oral Roberts, Father
е, Danny Thomas, Jane Russell.
‘The chairman speaks: ‘Ladies and
as you know, this year we've
with Oldsmobile. Now 1
(continued on page 66)
) with which the art of sparking is brought up to date
Lucifers, of course, are still fine for the open fire, but no knowing urban-
ite would think of lighting his or his lady's smokes with anything save
one of these flameata-fingersnap lighters. 1 Gold finish Elgin American
with igator panels; $9.95. 2 Extralightweight precision lighter with
built-in jeweled Swiss watch, Le Briquet et Cie; $35. 3 Silver plate
Rollagas butane lighter by Dunhill; $35. 4 The Woodsman, a Colibri by
Kreisler, walnut wood with gold finish; $12.50. 5 Lackritz of Chicago's
14K gold lighter with Florentine fini $100. 6 Dupont’s butane lighter,
imported from France in lustrous black enamel and gold trim; $39.50,
(concluded on next page)
Additional timely tinderboxes for todays tobacconalian: 7 Ronson’s Varallame butane lighter with adjustable fame
wrapped in genuine pigskin; 916,50. 8 The Schick Мамаш, а butane lighter with Cartridge refills and a variable control
for the Aime, gold plate and white lacquer; $10.05, 9 Executive by Nimrod, a windproof downdraft pipe lighter, gold
plated with lizard skin $4.95. 10 Slinclighter by Zippo, enginétumed 14K gold; $150. 11 Dupont, а French import
in gold, use ventional lighter Muid; $35. 12 Mysterio lighter by New York's Van Cleef and Arpels, features ап
[Р m, unconventionally fills from the кор: $275. 13 Echo "8" camera-lighter has a coated Selem fixed
focus, 1/83 lens and shutter speeds to 1/50 second; uses 8 mm film and comes equipped with an ultraviolet filter; $19.95
14 The findes Magna electric lighter із ignited by a diminutive battery and includes an equally diminutive Miah a
Wight for finding clusive keyholes; $6.05. 15 Beattic's pigskin covered Jet lighter for pipe and cigarette smokers; $8.95
at night
in the city,
Jou can’t tell
one hoodlum
from another
“READ "EM AND WEEP," Smalley said, “four beauties
left to right." His big hands scooped the money
toward his plaid yest, and he grinned hatefully.
The grin hadn't seemed hateful to Irv Randall
when the poker game started. He had always ad-
mired Smalley's grin. He liked seeing it flash in the
corridor between their offices at Bryant and Com-
pany, liked to sec it when they met in the elevator
in the morning, and when Smalley said, "How's
married life, Irv, how's the little woman?" It was a
wide, attractive grin, illuminating the handsome
face, and Irv always figured that warmth and friend-
liness were behind it. It was only now, seeing it over
the top of а poker hand that meant the end of his
week's earnings, that Irv Randall knew Не despised
Smalley's easy smile.
"The table around Irv's elbows looked
so naked that the other players scemed
embarrassed. Iry pushed back the chair,
and tried to shrug it off.
"Easy come, easy go,” he said, with a
light laugh. “There's always another
“Gee, Irv." Manny, from the shipping
department, stirred uncomfortably, "We
shouldn't have let the stakes get so high.
‘This was gonna be a friendly game,
"So we got а little excited,” Smalley
said, shuffling the cards. "It's bound to
"Hell, Um lc
Manny said.
around here,
"You want to quit?" Smalley said.
"No, I didn't say that. I mean, hell,
it's OK for us, we're all bachelors, But
Irv here, he's got a new bride at home."
Irv tried to fight the flush that was
tinting his cheek. "Don't worry, I got her
trained, Well, I better get home; it's
after 10..." He lifted his coat from the
only upholstered chair in Smalley's
apartment, and put it om carefully,
When he turned around to say good-
bye, he saw that the others were already
absorbed the next hand, so he went
to the door.
"Give my regards to Francey,” Smal-
ley shouted.
Irv whirled around.
Frances," he said tautly.
"Yeah, sure, Frances. Good night, Irv.
See you in the morning.”
He didn't see the face, but he knew
Smalley was grinning. He thought of the
all the way down in the grimy cle-
vator and into the street, Then he
started thinking of Francey, and he grew
so cold inside the thin topcoat that was
brazening out the February freeze that
he shivered like a forlorn child.
How could he explain away а week's
pay? With a laugh? A snarl? "Listen,
honey, I dropped it and that's that...”
No, that wasn't Irv Randall, He could
see her face grow pale, the hurt in her
eyes, and he knew he couldn't go home
а loser. She bird-dogged every dime,
every nickel he brought home, walked
off her feet to save on food and hadn't
bought a new drew since they were
married. How could he tell her? How
could he explain that his first night out
had been so disastrous? It started
out with an innocent invitation to a
bowling match. ‘Then, somehow, they
had wound up in Smalley's apartment,
around Smalleys kitchen table, and
somebody was cracking the cellophane
from around a new deck of cards...
I could say I lost it, Iry thought. 1 was
walking home from the bowling alley,
and my wallet fell out of my pocket . . .
He tried to mumble the alibi aloud
and knew that it was по good. Francey
ing 80 bucks myself,”
"The waters too deep
“Her name's
was sharp. Francey would spot the easy
excuse; he'd make a fool of himself.
What he wanted, desperately wanted,
was her sympathy.
He stopped on the lonely dark street,
aware of its ominous silence, It was a
bad neighborhood, a rough neighbor-
That was id He would say he was
mugged, attacked, robbed. The streets
and alleyways were stalked by young
hoodlums; that kind of thing happened
every day. Why not to him?
Instead of turning at the next block
he continued on to the empty lot on the
next street, Across the way was a row of
new, identical one-family houses not yet
occupied. He cut into the lot, brushing
aside dying ragweed until he got to a
clearing. Here he ran his hands through
the hair pushing over his forchead. Rip-
ping at his collar and tie, he tore the
top button of his shirt loose. He bent
and dug his fingers into the hard earth.
He was 4weating despite the cold, afraid
of being seen, afraid that he might not
act out the farce with perfect сопуіс-
tion. With his hands full of dirt, he
rubbed them over his clothes and finally
on his face. He was ready.
In the lamplight on the corner, re-
flected by an empty store window, he
saw that his appearance would easily fool
Francey. His face stung, and he won-
dered if his fingers hadn't clawed red
welts on his skin, for in one wild mo-
ment he had actually tried for that much
There were only five dark streets be-
tween Smalley's apartment and his own.
He walked the rest of the distance hur-
riedly, and then slowed his pace in an
approximation of the fatigue he should
have felt after a hoodlum’s assault. He
was panting when he reached the house,
and he was half convinced that the mug-
was authentic when he turned the
doorknob of Apartment 3-B and stag-
gered inside,
She fluttered over him like a mother
rd, and he folded himself into her
“Irving, what
Where've you be
“With the guys, his voice
muffled against the comforting shoulder.
"p walked home, and this kid jumped
out of a side street at me — "
"Oh, my God! Are you hurt?"
"No, по, l'm OK, But he took my
wallet, the whole week's salary —" He
Jet her guide him to a kitchen chair,
She was small, and thin as a sparrow,
but her arms felt strong. She stared at
him, the tears bright in her large, pretty
eyes. "I'm all right, Francey, don't worry
about me. Only it's the money —
"I don't care about the money, Irv.
If you're all right." She made small,
angry fists. "Oh, this rotten. neighbor-
happened to you?
hood! Why didn't the police come? Why
didn't they help you?"
here just wasn't anybody around,
that's all. Look, it's just one of those
things. I'm lucky I wasn't knifed or any-
*Thank God for that." She went limp,
and sat down in the chair on the other
side of the kitchen table. "Is there any-
thing I can do?”
"Мо, nothing. I'll have some hot milk
and go to bed.”
“Don't go in to the office tomorrow,
huh? They could get along without you
for a day."
"TII be OK, Francey, I mean it. I'll be
fine in the morning. Only what we'll do
without the money —”
We'll manage. I've been putting
aside some from the house money. It's
not much, but it'll last us." She stroked
his arm soothingly. "My poor Irving,"
she. crooned. "Look, you go in and get
cleaned up and ГЇЇ warm some milk.
"Then we'll call the police ..."
He looked up sharply. “The police?"
"Yes, of course, the police. We've got
to report it, don't we?"
"But what for? I didn't even see the
id who jumped me. I couldn't describe
, not even a little bit
‘That doesn’t matter. We've got to
report him, Iry, don't you know that?
We can't just say, here, take my money,
thanks very much, Mr. Mugger." Her
voice softened. “Do you want me to
do it?”
"No!" Her mothering tone irritated
him. “I don’t want you to do it, or me
either. The whole thing's over and done
with. They'll never catch him А
“You're upset,” Francey said.
and clean up, and then we'll talk
30 in
He went in and cleaned. up in the
elosctsizc bathroom, stalling for time,
He took a long hot bath, soaking his
tired body for a full 10 minutes. When
he emerged, he caught a look at his
guilty face in the bathroom mirror.
What a dirty trick! he thought But
dirty or not, he had to see it through.
He considered the alternatives. If he
called the police, their questions mi
reveal the hoax. If he didn't, Francey
might get ideas herself, He thought it
over, and decided he had a better chance
with the cops. Francey's bright eyes held
a store of wisdom that gave her uncom-
fortable insight.
He came back to the kitchen half an
hour later, and Francey had the milk
waiting, а 5 ig down the heat
He sipped it slowly while she watched
“Well?” she said. “Will you call the
police, Irv?"
"Yeah, sure. I was just going to.”
He got up, tightening the belt of his
bathrobe. He picked up the telephone.
(concluded overleaf)
All we can do is continue offering sacrifices and hope
its magic power will return."
FIST FULL OF MONEY (continued from page 26)
and hesitatingly asked for police head-
quarters. The sergeant asked question:
when did it happen, could he describe
the mugger, how much had he lost — and
with each ans the robbery, his fear,
the loss, seemed to become more and
more genuine. When the officer finally
switched him over to а Licutenant Dirk-
son, he was able to repeat the story with
all the detail of a personally experienced
He was beginning to think it hadn't
turned out badly at all, when the licu-
tenant exploded the questio
n you come down to the station
house, Mr. Randall? We think we have
your man."
"You what?"
said | think w got him. Pic
him up û little while ago, right where
happened. It’s important that you come
down now
His tongue froze
"Mr. Randall?
"Yes." Irv stuttered. "Yes, D guess 1
сап make it” How could he refuse?
"OK, welll have a car pick you up in
five minutes.”
Irv set the phone gently on the hook,
turning to meet Francey's questioning
n his mouth.
they might have the man.
nding a car for me.” His
heart pounded. First Francey, now the
There, you see!”
have him alread
"Don't expect it to be so easy. The
police are always picking up suspicious
characters; it’s just routine —"
“I know it's him." Francey said. "You
better get dressed, Ir
He felt more like à criminal than a
complainant as he walked up the steps
of Precinct 23. The station house was
quiet, but he stirred up activity when he
told the desk sergeant his name. А
plainclothesman, broad of shoulder and
beam, came lumbering out of the rear
and took him in charge.
“In here, Mr. Randall,” he said, lead-
ing him to the back room. He had a big,
sweaty face with suffering eyes and a
kind mouth. “We picked up this kid
right about the time you got mugged. 1
don't think there's any question about
it, but see if you can identify him."
He wanted to say something, but no
words came.
“Here he is. Stand up, Whit
There was а boy in а leather jacket
seated at a wooden table, its surface
bare except for a cluttered ashtray and
the boys peaked cap. He scraped back
the chair and stood up when they walked
in, arching his back insolently, and star-
ing at Irv with a cigarette glued to his
Francey said. "They
bottom lip. His hair was so blond that
it was almost white, and despite the
sneering mouth, there was fright and un
certainty in his face.
“Ditch that cigarette,” the detective
snapped. “And stand up straight. Here's
а friend of yours.”
“I never saw him before,
Irv couldn't meet his eyes.
“Look familiar, Mr, Randall?”
с was dark. 1—1 told you that over
the phone, It was too dark to ме а
"Don't let that part worry уоп, We got
other evidence, right, Whitey?”
The kid snorted.
“How much money did you have on
you. Mr. Randall?"
“It was about — 96 dollar
The big man reached into his hip
pocket, and extracted а grimy white
“He must have unloaded ог lost а few
bucks, but you can count it for yourself.
Ninety-two bucks. And be was picked ир
half а block from where you say it һар
pened, running like the devil was chas-
ing him, That's what I meant about
ed ar the bills he
in his hand, not knowing wi
All right, tough guy,
. "Sit down and behave. Mr. Ran:
dall — would you come this way, please?
He drew Irv off to the side, out of car-
shot. He lowered his voice, and said:
"Look, Mr. Randall, I got no business
doing this, but I'm going to ask you a
A favor?"
“Yeah, This kid, this Whitey, 1 know
him from the neighborhood since ће
wore rompers. He's got a lot of poison
in him, like the rest of them, but he's
only 15. It’s the first time he was ever in
а real jam, if you know what I mean."
"Not. exactly,
The detective scowled.
“Hell, I'm no Father Flanagan. 1
know there's such a thing as a bad boy.
Only this kid — well, I'd like to see him
get a break. If you'll stand for it."
"What do you want me to do?"
"If you can see it my way, you can
just forget about what happened to-
night. Take the dough and don't press
charges. ТИ scare the kid a little, and
let him go in a couple of hours. I think
1! do him more good than a stretch in
jail. But that’s only my opinion, Mr,
Randall, you got your rights."
Irv felt such a surge of relief that he
almost laughed.
"ОГ course, of course!” he said eagerly.
"I don't want to see the kid get hurt.
Hell, I'm not even sure he — I mean, Ul
do whatever you say, lieutenant.”
at to do
the detecti
“That'd be real decent of you, Mr.
Ran y
“Glad to do it,” Irv said, “no kidding.”
A big smile spread across the moist,
homely face,
“Yo! OK, Mr. Randal
“Here's your money.”
He handed over the envelope, con-
taining almost a week's salary. Irv took
it, the happiness rising in his chest, and
went out of the station house to the
waiting patrol car. At home, he gave his
wile a hug and a kiss that made her
squeal and giggle the way she did in
their courtship days.
he said.
But in the morning, he felt troubled.
All the way to the office, he kept think
ing of the kid. So what if he was a punk,
a half-grown hood? The money was his,
and Irv had conned him out of it as
slickly as if he had worked at that sort
of thing all his life. Maybe that cash had
been earmarked for rent, for doctor's
bills, for the kid's destitute family. And
more than that, he had labeled the boy
a criminal, even if there had been по
judge or jail sentence . . .
At his desk, the office boy left a con-
iner of coffee.
"Whats the matter, Mr. Randall?
Tough night?"
"Yeah," he said. “Lousy night."
His 1х box was thick with orders, but
he couldn't get to work. Somewhere in
the city, a kid was telling himself:
"What's the use of going straight? You
get the dirty end of the stick anyway
He knew he couldn't go through with
it. Not for a lousy week's pay. He picked
up the telephone and asked for an out-
side line, thinking of the words he
would say when the police lieutenant
came on the other end.
The phone buzzed in his ear, and ће
saw. Smalley going down the corridor to
his desk. There was no grin on Smalley's
face this morning, but there was a white
patch of plaster on his right cheek.
When Smalley paused in the doorway,
Irv held onto the phone and said:
"What the hell happened to you?"
Smalley grimaced. "What a night. We
broke up after you left, and 1 went out
to get the papers. Some lousy kid jumped
Irv's eyes widened. “No kidding!”
“Yeah, how do you like that? Took
every nickel I had, the dirty punk.”
Did you report him?”
“Ah, what's the ше? You can't tell one
hoodlum from the next in this lousy
town. Say, Irv, you wouldn't have а cou-
ple of bucks to lend me till payday?"
Шу Randall relaxed into the swivel
chair, and grinned.
"Gee, I'd like to help you, pal. But
you know how it is. I'm a married man.
And he hung up the phone.
rino, an awesome, almost impregnable
mountain of rock in northern Italy, is
not only the oldest and smallest democ-
racy in the world but, in the strictest
sense of the word, is the only one. A
short time ago, it had a Communist
government and, as everybody surely
knows by now, it had a civil war and
has thrown the rascals out. The reaction
to this in the American papers was one
travel By JOHN SACK
of almost eleutheromaniac joy. The
Christian Science Monitor called it "a
victory"; The New York Times called it
"an unprecedented triumph"; and what
with all the hullabaloo, you'd think the
Sammarinesi had finally fought their
way out of slavery— out of the salt
mines, perhaps. Well, 1 was in San Ma-
rino when the Communists were there,
and damned if I could see what the shout.
ing was about. San Marino wasn't а
police state by any means. The people 1
saw were happy and unafraid and
ned to be running their own affairs,
cefully and rather well. I was told, in
larino, that the Communists there
are not really Communists but something
else, and the people who told me were
apparently right. The "Communosts,
who had been running the place a dozen
years, still hadn't nationalized the іп
(continued on page 38)
Sans peur, sans reproche: san marino
“We're running a special this week where you can throw in
a green, fuzzy bath towel free.”
“BRIGITTE BARDOT is the dream woman
of all middle-aged married теп." When
I read this, an advertisement of her
latest cinema striptease, 1 fell into deep
thought, Sometimes I fall into shallow
thought, but this time I went all the way
down and have not been able to surface
for several weeks.
One thing 1 thought about was the
absurdity of saying that Brigitte Bardot
is the dream woman of all middle-aged
married men. What is absurd is not the
all, unless there is some middle-aged
married шап on an island somewhere
who has never heard of Brigitte Bardot
and therefore could hardly be expected
to dream about her. No, what is absurd
is that the writer of the advertisement
did not include rosy-cheeked young men
and wrinkle-cheeked old men, along
with those simply checky, not to say
peachy, middle-aged men.
And what about unmarried men of
all ages? Is there any reason to suppose
that bachelors have anything better to
dream about than Brigitte Bardot?
The advertising man was all right as
far as he went, but he didn't go far
enough. He excluded millions of deserv-
ing males and should have his knuckles
rapped, in rapid succession, by Batten,
Barton, Durstine and Osborn, followed
by Young and Rubicam and Benton a
Bowles, T will teach him never a
to be content with half measures, such
аз 19-12-18.
АП my life, regardless of my age, not
to mention my marital status, which 1
wouldn't mention for the world, 1 have
dreamed about the current love goddess.
At the moment, of course, it is Brigitte
Bardot. Before Brigitte caine along, I had
some wonderful dreams about Rita Hay-
worth, Ingrid Bergman, Grace Kelly,
goodbye brigitte, hello france
Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield,
Sophia Loren, Mamie Van Doren, and
even, after a dinner that included a crab-
meat cocktail that had been left out in
the sun a little too long, Imogene Coca.
During a short nap one afternoon 1
six separate and distinct dreams, all of
them involving Ava Gardner, and was
happily starting а seventh when the un:
expected arrival of Frank Sinatra turned
my dream into a nightmare and 1 awoke
in а cold sweat.
Rita Hayworth, 1 remember, always
wore the black lace nightgown that fitted
her so tightly that her lungs were con-
stricted and she had to breathe in short
pants, which were also black and tight
fitting. As for Ingrid, she was forever
mumbling in her sleep, sometimes in
Swedish and sometimes in Italian. Night
alter night L would lean over, all ears
(or almost), with a Swedish-English dic
tionary йз one hand and an Italian-Eng:
lish dictionary in the other, hoping to
pick up some juicy morsel about her
love life that was unknown to Hedda
Grace Kelly E dreamed about both be
fore and after her marriage to Prince
Rainier, and | hope the Prince never
hears of this. 1 also hope he never learns
of the dream in which 1 broke the bank
at Monaco, by kicking my foot through
the wall. Then, before escaping with a
fortune. 1 took on the Monacan Army
anded. throwing one valiant sol-
[ter another over the Cliff into the
sea, until I had destroyed all 25. On the
whole, the Prince has been very decent
about keeping out of my dreams of
Grace, but I cannot say the same for
Cary Grant, who is always sticking his
dimpled chin into things. When Grace
and 1 scroll hand in hand along the
Grand Corniche, on our way to the little
love next we have rented, Cary is sure
to draw alongside in a fancy sports car,
with a fancy sport scarf around his neck,
and ask my gorgeous girlfriend if she
would like a ride. Invariably she says
yes, and 1 wake up, mad ay hell.
My dreams about Marilyn Monroc,
Jayne Mansfield and Mamie Van Doren
are oddly confused, Even when 1 am
wide awake, I have trouble telling which
is which. In the dream world they are
just so many voluptuous blondes, and
frequently 1 haye stirted out a dream
with Marilyn and wound up with Mamie
or Jayne, which must annoy Marilyn по
end, A fellow should be faithful and
constant and all that, even in his dreams,
hut I think a girl has some responsibility
not to look like some other girl, no mat-
ter how beautiful the other girl is. Of
course Marilyn has that Није mole or
beauty spot or whatever it is on one
check, but when she turns the other
cheek, I'm lost. Sometimes 1 don't find
myself for hours.
With reference to Sophia Loren, my
dreams of her have been quite satisfac-
tory. Her full lower lip fascinates me,
and one of these nights I am going to
find out what it is full of. 1 also like
the way she can wear an offtheshoulder
peasant blouse, which she is always hitch-
ing up just in time, the way you bitch
up a horse that is about to run off down
the street. She is a great one for plung:
ing necklines, and in my dreams of her
I have that horrible sensation of fall-
ing + . , falling, Only with Sophia it
isn't so horrible, unless 1 wake up.
Some of my dreams, e
started dreaming of Brigitt
so realistic that I am still not quite sure
whether they were dreams or the real
thing. Т would be terribly embarrassed
if 1 met Yvonne de Carlo on the street,
not knowing whether to speak or not.
Was that only a dream, or did we really
spend a week together in Rio? On the
other hand, 1 have had dreams so fan-
tastic that they could have been nothing
Freudian em;
more than wild ations
from my subconscious. Such a dream, 1
recall. was the one wl
h involved all
bor sisters and Mrs, Gabor,
incredible affair which makes no sense
now that I try to reconstruct in the
harsh light of day. Insofar as Lam able
to control my dreams, 1 try to give my
nocturnal attention to beautiful women
who have no sisters and, so far as 1 am
aware, no mothers. Whether they have
husbands is of no concern to me, since
they seem to be of no concern to them.
But lately 1 һауе been dreaming ех
clusively of Brigitte Bardot. Indeed 1
am so impatient for the next episode
that I now go to bed as early as 8:30 or
nine o'clock, missing some of my favorite
TV programs. Friends have to tell me
how things are going on What's My
Line? and the Jack Paar show. At
dinner parties I excuse myself right
after dessert, saying I have an appoint
ment, which in a sense I do. Sometimes
I pass up dessert, and. those who think
this strange do not realize that my little
French pastry is awaiting me.
My dreams of Brigitte alw: follow
something of the same pattern, We are
living in an atelier, whatever that is, on
the Left Bank, amidst à clutter of empty
absinthe bottles, which, unfortunately,
are not returnable, We are happy, de-
liriously happy. In арру
for words, which is a good thing. I never
could remember which French words
are masculine and which are feminine,
though 1 have no such trouble with
French people. Anyhow, with our lips
pressed tightly together, it is very hard
to say anything intelligible or even to
pronounce the French “г” correctly.
Brigitte and 1 seldom go out, except
to pick up bread and cheese and wine
at the nearest épicerie. Sometimes we
vary our diet by picking up wine and
cheese and bread, but since everything
tastes like nectar and ambrosia when we
are together, it makes little difference.
It is lucky for us both, however, that we
are so fond of nectar and that
this diet never becomes:
ascinating as are the streets of Paris,
we have little interest in la vie touriste.
lor we are everything to cach other.
which is quite а lot, Frankly, Lam afraid
we might run into some gay boulevardier,
i ier, who can sing
better than 1 and might take her away
from me, Why should we go out, any
how? We are blissfully happy with
l'amour, which is French but not cx-
1 wear а beret and have grown. а
beard, or wear a beard and have grown
a beret (dreams are never exact about
details), partly as a dísguise but mostly
ђе зе I have, in truth, become an
artist. All day, while the sun streams
through the skylight, 1 paint portraits
of Brigitte — Brigitte standing, Brigitte
sitting, Brigitte reclining, Brigitte bang
ing playfully from a ralter. She is а
wonderful model, except when her pas
sionate hature gets the better of her and
she flings her arms around me and covers
my face with her hot kisses. fright
fully hard to get back to painting, my
palette having been upset and my brush
having rolled under the bed. The work
goes slowly, and 1 have to reprove this
impulsive creature, at the same time re-
minding myself that she is still a girl,
mature though she is in certain respects.
Tam curiously untroubled by finances,
though 1 have no regular source of in-
come and the five million francs we won
in the national lottery won't last for
ever. But Brigitte's wants are few, No
fancy Parisian gowns for her. All she
needs is the bath towel she wore in her
ist movie.
dress?" she often asks me, pirouetting
nd pouting prettily, Of course it is th
same old towel, but draped in a new
Way, and more fetching than ever. The
h towel, L should add. is her winter
costume. For summer she has a hand
towel and а couple of wash cloths.
But, despite my happiness with
Brigitte, I feel a change coming on. The
other night, at a friendly neighborhood
drive-in I sometimes frequent when the
spirit moves me, 1 saw a re-issue of South
Pacific and had my first look at France
Nuyen, the lovely French-Chinese girl
who plays Liat and who, 1 understand,
has captivated Broadway in The World
of Suzie Wong. 1 hate to be unfaithful,
and 1 feel like a cheat, but I have taken
to sipping Chinese tea with one hand
and café au lait with the other. This can
only mean that one of these nights, as
sure as anything, the girl of my dreams
is going to be ruthlessly replaced again.
Goodbye, Brigitte. Hello, France.
How do you like my new
man cooking are taken
z or two when they are reminded that some
of France’s most famous foods are really of German
origin: frogs’ legs, for instance, and even paté de foie
gras, which turns up on German menus as Gánseleber-
pasteteschnitte, In our own country (without even men-
the hearty, wholesome heft of german cuisine
tioning the ubiquitous hamburger and (rankfurer), it
can be pointed out that the oldest and most individual
al cookery are the dishes brought to America
al centuries ago and still served by
nsylvania Germans, who are often mistakenly
а Dutch. A skillful German cook
the Р
called the Pennsyl
must have vinegar in his veins. The tart
accent appears in cverything from beer
soup with lemon juice, to sauerbraten, to
the wild mushrooms from the Black For-
est served in a sour cream sauce, But
sheer sourness is by no means the whole
story. When you cook sauerkraut, for
instance, you don't just dump the kraut
in the pot and forget it. Neither do you
press it in the pot, nor do you beat it,
lest the individual shreds be broken. You
cook it over a gentle slow fire, tossing it
lightly with a long fork until it's soft
but not mashed. Invariably, some cut
of meat with a unique flavor like corned
placed in the pot, the primary purpose
being to groom the sauerkraut rather
than to cook the meat. For flavor em.
bellishment, a minced onion, grated
apple, grated potato, a lew caraway
seeds or even a touch of ginger will be
added to make the blend as cozy and
mellow as possible. Sometimes а counter-
balancing sweet ingredient is called for.
For instance, when wine vinegar is
added to red cabbage, à spoonful of
currant jelly goes in at the same time.
The ready-to-eat imported and do-
mestic German foods now sold in this
country are magnificent collations for
stag parties, beer busts, or any gathering
where appctites are unbridled. For fish
fanciers there are German blue trout in
cans, smoked eel, as well as herring in
lemon or wine sauce. If the German
Westphalian ham isn't available in your
neck of the woods, there are some ex-
tremely good Holland or domestic ver-
sions of Westphalianstyle hams. Cer-
tainly one of the fastest and smartest
ways to bedeck the groaning board is
imply to visit a fine delicatessen, and
make your own selection from the as
sortment of Braunschweiger liverwurst
(the most luxurious of all liverwurst
sausages), Cervelat (a nongarlic salami),
Mettwurst (a soft smoked pork spread),
or headcheese (a gelatin loaf made from
corned pork), all of which bear an hon-
orable German ancestry. As a relish for
such platters, it would be hard to sug-
gest anything more cordial than the iin-
ported Senfgurken, light pickles packed
in vinegar with mustard secd.
In the fresh Wurst department, none
can excel the Germans. If you live near
a German neighborhood or if you have
access to a German butcher who makes
his own sausage, try to get the Bock-
wurst during the bock beer season or
the Bratwurst made of either pork or
veal. Both sausages should be parboiled
for a few minutes and then broiled or
charcoal broiled until brown.
The German word gemütlich can't be
translated easily into a single English
word. It means hospitable, homey,
genial, hearty, generous and easygoing
all rolled into one. When you're plan-
ning a German meal, keep in mind that
to be gemütlich, you must always offer
generous portion
Now for your own Bierfest, PLAYBOY
offers a quintet of doughty Deutschland
(Serves two)
Native Germans claim that the taste
for beer soup must be acquired, but
once acquired is never lost, The soup is
а magnificent prelude to a platter of
fried oysters or cold sliced ham. The
PLAYBOY version is not quite аз bitter as
the native soup.
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour
1 pint boiling water
2 envelopes instant chicken broth
Linch piece stick cinnamon
2 whole allspice
1 onion cut in half
12-02. bottle dark beer
1 egg
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons sugar
Cayenne pepper
Melt the butter in a deep saucepan.
Stir in the flour until well blended.
Gradually add the boiling water while
stirring constantly. Add the instant
chicken broth, stick cinnamon, allspice
and onion. Bring to a boil. Reduce Наше
and simmer. Beat the egg well in a small
bowl. Add about 14 cup cold beer to the
egg, mixing well. Add the balance of the
beer to the saucepan. Bring to a boil.
Reduce flame, Simmer slowly 15 minutes.
Add the lemon juice, sugar, dash of
nutmeg and dash of cayenne pepper.
Strain soup. Stir about 14 cup soup into
the beaten egg. Pour the egg in a very
small stream into the saucepan, stirring
constantly. Return soup to a slow бге.
Do not permit it to boil or it will curdle.
Keep on the fire, stirring constantly, for
а minute or two. Serve with toasted
bread croutons,
(Serves six)
1 1b, ground beef
Ya Ib. ground pork
¥ Ib. ground veal
8-07, can tomatoes
8 anchovies
1 teaspoon onion salt
1 cup bread crumbs
M, teaspoon garlic powder
Salt, pepper
2 tablespoons minced parsley
4 envelopes instant chicken broth
8 tablespoons capers
3 tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons butter at room
1 hard-boiled egg
Mince the tomatoes, saving the juice.
Mince the anchovies. In a mixing bowl
combine the ground beef, ground pork,
ground veal, tomatoes, anchovies, onion
salt, bread crumbs, garlic powder and 1⁄4
teaspoon pepper. Mix well. Shape into
balls no more than one inch in diameter,
Dip hands into cold water to handle
meat easily, In a large wide saucepan
bring 4 cups water to a boil. Add the
instant chicken broth. Drop the meat
balls into the broth, using only sufficient
meat balls to cover the bottom of the
saucepan. When they rise to the surface,
cover the pan with a tight lid, and sim-
mer 15-20 minutes. Remove the meat
balls from the broth. Continue to cook
the balance of the meat balls in the same
manner, When all of them have been
cooked and removed from the
combine the flour and butter, mixing
until a smooth paste is formed. Add the
butter mixture to the simmering broth,
stirring constantly until gravy is thick,
Chop the hard-boiled egg fine. Add the
chopped egg, parsley and capers to the
broth. Simmer five minutes. Return the
meat balls to the gravy and simmer
several minutes longer. Add salt and
pepper to taste.
(Serves four. five)
3 Ibs. chuck roast, boneless
1 large onion sliced
1 carrot sliced
1 piece celery sliced
6 large sprigs parsley
1 cup vinegar
1 cup dry red wine
1 large bay leaf
14 teaspoon thyme
М teaspoon ground ginger
8 tablespoons flour
2 beef bouillon cubes
Salt, pepper
In a saucepan, combine the onion,
carrot, celery, parsley, vinegar, red wine,
bay leaf, thyme and 2 т. Bring
to a boil. Simmer five
liquid cool to room temperatur
the meat in a large crock or enamel-
lined pan. Pour the liquid and vegetable
over the meat, Let the meat ni
two or three days. Turn the meat oc
sionally to inate on all sides. Ке
move the meat from the liquid, Save the
liquid. Sprinkle meat with salt and. pep-
per. Place the meat in a baking pan in
hot ov 450%, until the meat is
browned on all sides. Transfer the meat
from the baking pan to a Dutch oven or
heavy saucepan fitted. with tight lid. Add
the marinating liquid and vegetables to
the pot Simmer slowly until the meat
is tender, about two hours, Remove
meat from gravy. Add the bouillon cubes
to the gravy. Mix the flour and ginger
with % cup cold water, stirring well
until no Jumps are left, Bring the gravy
(concluded on page 79)
umbilical contemplation reveals the inner man
AMONG THE ANCIENT mysteries of Zen
which today's beat Buddhists are redis-
covering is the contemplation of one’s
navel. But even the beatest of the beat
have not yet formulated the precise na-
ture of the enlightenment which is
deemed to ensue on this downward
Artist Arnold Roth suggests that the
secret lies not in the navel itself but in
the way the contemplator contemplates,
that the physical approach to the navel
reveals the true inner self of the ap-
proacher. At any rate, whether the an-
swer is psychological or physiological,
approaching a Roth cartoon, like virtue,
is its own reward.
AO Aud берш ч. Det 9 v» 52%
Scientific Bored
Afra Rote,
POSTAGE STAMP (continued from page 29)
dustries or collectivized the farms—"It
would hurt production," they said.
“Their ties, if any, with the International
Communist Conspiracy, or even with the
USSR., were pretty tenuous: they had
a consul general in New York City but
nobody at all in Moscow, and 1 learned
that the U.S.S.R. abstained from voting.
when, 1953, San Marino was ар
proved for the International Court of
Justice. There was an opposition party
іп San Marino when L was there, the
Christian Democrats, who flourished.
Nobody in the Christian Democrats had
been tortured, tried, shot or sent to a
1 mp, although а lawyer of theirs
was stopped by the police in 1949 and
asked to open his briefcase; he told
them to mind their own business, and
they did. After much digging and pry-
ing. E was able to learn from the Chris
tian Democrats a few cases of what they
would call Communist tyranny, At
times, the Christian Democratic. news-
paper had been censored, once alter say-
ing the government was led by “traitors
and infidels who have prostituted our
country to evil and corruption and have
caused the bones of our patron saint to
ble in his grave.” An Lilian priest
who said the same men were murdere:
id. assassi told to go home. Signor
Guidobaldi Сол and two friends were
put in jail alter a Fascist demonstration;
Signor Giuseppe Righi and a friend were
put in jail after slandering the for
minister; all of them were let out shor
was pur in jail, and everybody м:
а beet, That is all. It's true, of course,
that nobody is wholly free when any of
this can happen, but even the most
zealous of the Christian Democrats I saw
agreed that things were considerably
worse in the Russian satellite countries.
All in all, the Most Serene Republic
of San Marino seemed to be just that —
most serene. The civil war that finally
threw the Communists out, also seemed
from the newspapers to be serene
enough. A fist fight in the piazza was
reliably reported, and somebody took a
potshot at ilio. Massima. (He missed.)
One of the papers reported that lor
of triggerhappy guys [are] running
around out there, Thank God том of
them don't know where the triggers
sre.” Apparently, the only sustained
action of the war was seen by the
mimeograph machines: the Communists
were in the government palace with one
of th and the Christian. Democrats
were holed up in an iron foundry, four
miles away, with another, and also with
а few bottles of chianti, some candles,
a portable radio to get the war news on,
and a total of eight rifles and subma-
chine guns with a sign on them, "Don't
touch." No опе did. The war was over
in eight days when the Communist
mimeograph machine announced, "Over-
whelmed ... the people's government
of San Marino ceases all vain resistance
and offers this last service for the su-
preme good of the nation." The Com:
munists are out of office now, and the
Christian Democrats are in, “A victory,"
said the Christian Science Monitor. “An
unprecedented triumph," said The New
York Times. , . succeeds
setting itself free.
"Соз, cos," is what 1 bet they
in San Marino.
Shortly before all this, 1 drove to San
Marino on the smooth, wide asphalt
road running straight as ап arrow from
the Adriatic coast. The road is one of
the best in Italy. After it соме the
Sammarinese frontier — where there was,
incidentally, по customs or апу other
sign of an Tron Curtain — it starts to
climb uphill in zigzags, crossing again
and again the road it superseded. By car,
it way а zesty 15-minute ride to the top
of the mountain, where the capital city
clings. San Marino, the city, was built
as a fort, with a city wall and narrow
cobbled streets of gray and ponderous
stones that are terribly slippery in the
Everywhere I went, I could эсс and
hear reminders ol San Marino's indepen-
dence. Опе of these is the cubic, crene-
lated. palace of the government, whose
bells— what high fidelity fans might
call a woofer and a tweeter — woof and
tweet in an utterly incomprehensible way
every quarter hour, and another із the
fort on every high point of the city,
defending it through the ages. Still an-
other is the city itself; it seems to be
hovering over the earth as Laputa, the
flying island of Gulliver ravels, had
been, apparently free from any terres-
trial stays. In San Marino — 38 square
miles, 14 thousand people—1 always
knew I was in an independent country,
The Sammarinesi were tickled pink to
talk about it, to write about it, ap-
parently even to think about it, and 1
gathered they were tickled most of all to
come across some benighted soul who
never even heard of the place, and to
buttonhole him at length, As soon as 1
got there, / was buttonholed by а con-
cierge and was taken willy-nilly to see
one, another, and still another movie
about San Marino. The movies were
of a piece, They were full of those re-
minders of San Marino's independence,
shown with pride — the с, the forts,
the inaugural parades, the country’s Пар.
One of them ended showing San Маг
пој coat of arms on onc of San Marino's
mailboxes, into which an endless line
of tourists (10 San Marino) put letters,
all of them stickered with San Marino's
stamps. At this point, martial music
played, crescendo.
Here and there in the movies, 1 was
shown the faces of Lincoln, Roosevelt,
Napoleon, Garibaldi, and а very saint-
like and bearded stonecutter, and I
wondered, naturally, what such an un-
likely crowd had to do with the Most
тепе Republic of San Marino. The
answer, 1 learned later, was not
Lincoln wrote a letter to the republic on
May 7, 1861, thanking it for an hono
itizenship and saying that San Marino
has by its experience demonstrated the
truth, so full of encouragement to the
friends of Humanity, that Government
founded on Republican principles is
capable of being so administered as to
be secure and enduring.” F.D.R. wrote a
letter on January 17, 1945, saying t
truer words than Lincoln's we
spoken. Napoleon discovered San Ma-
rino on a map in 1796, and is said
to have said, “Ma foi! Let us preserve
it as the model of a republic"; he did.
saribaldi, at least, was in San Marino;
the armies of Austria, Spain, France and
Naples chased him there in 1819, but
he gave them the slip and went to Amer
ica. This is hardly the stull of which hi:
tory in any more extensive
county бап Marino, 1 gathered,
these are the high points of an other-
wise unspectacular millenium.
The saintly stonecuucr, Î learned, was
none other than San Marino himself,
who more or less founded the country in
the 4th Century and is its
saint. A devout Christian, he fled. from
the lion arenas to the mountain that to-
San Marino, and he lived in а cave
soon he was joined by other
nd the owner of the moun-
verted, joined the colony and maybe
even married him, and now is a saint
herself. (So is Leo, Marino’s best friend.)
Marino, when he died, was buried on
the mountain, but when he became а
saint he was stolen by King Astolphu
who took him to Pavia, 1
was stolen by Pepin the
him back: as of going-to-press he was lo-
cated, or so the Sammarinesi believe, in
the altar of the big white basilica high
above the city. His skull is shown to
everyone on September 4th. Marino, it
is said, hay kept an active interest in the
affairs of the republic, more thin once
getting it out of jams — notably by la
g a fog in 1512, ol which more in
few minutes. A sentence of 20 days is
Marino” in
ly, where he
ort, who put
The Marino legend says, furthermore,
that he set up San Marino as а democ-
racy, and it was for certain a democracy
of the Athenian sort by the 12005, almost
(continued on page 46)
a chance encounter made this small-town girl our february playmate
A lovely-visaged valentine to brighten the short drear days of the year's shortest month,
Eleanor Bradley became our February Playmate almost by accident — or was it fate? A small-
town girl from the Midwest, she'd looked forward with excitement to her first West Coast
vacation, to the wonderful time she'd have in sun and surf. And fun she had; but what Eleanor
didn't anticipate — and what proved to be the high point of her vacation — was that our
photographer would discover her strolling the glistening strand, and that this would lead to
her becoming our valentine Playmate. We believe our readers will share our feeling — after
gazing on her tawny beauty — that fate was kind indeed to bring us this sweet siren by the sea.
man said to the farmer,
me up for the night?”
Whereupon the farmer sai
but you'll have to sleep with my son
“Good Lord,” said the salesman, "1"
in the wrong jokel
Perjury charges were recently filed
as jury of six men and six women
who, after being locked up together for
12 hours, came out saying, “Not guilty.”
The six fraternity men came weaving
out of the offcampus gin mill and
started to crowd themselves into the
Volkswagen for the rollicking ride back
home. One of them, obviously the house
president, took charge of the situation.
“Herbie,” he said, "you drive. You're
too drunk to sing:
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines
high fidelity a
regularly to 1
drunk who gocs home
She was, without question, the most
beautiful woman he had ever seen in
his life. He gulped down the last of
martini and, without hesitation, walked
to where s the end of the bar.
You must forgive my rudeness,” he
said, "but when I beheld you sitting
here, all wrapped ‘round in white fur,
the lights dancing in your hair 1
stars, 1 had to speak to you. I've
gazed upon such beauty before. 1 want
to lay Manhattan at your feet, buy you
jewels, exotic perfumes, and a thousand
other wondrous things. If you bid me
welcome, we will Пу this very night to
Paris, then on to Venice, Rome, India,
E finally Egypt for a trip down the
The young lady was utterly taken
with this handsome stranger who stood
before her, with bronzed face, hai
maturely graying at the temples, dark
cut exactly so. She was quite li
ly speechless and could manage only
a breathless “Yes, yes. .
“Then go prepare yourself, my Juliet,
my Venus, my Helen of ‘Troy. When
you are ready, call me at the number on
this card. My Rolls Royce will come for
you апа take you to my plane.
"Is this your private number at your
town house or country estate?" she
"Well" he said, “it's actually the
delicatessen downstairs, but they'll call
A bachelor friend of ours defines the
ideal wife as a beautiful, sex-starved
deaf-mute who owns a liquor store.
, Doctor, grateful," said
the woman. "I don't know how I'll ever
repay you for your help."
Му fce is all the payment I expect,"
said the kindly analyst. "However, if
you should happen to hi relapse,
you might pick up a small transistor
radio for me.”
He offered her а Scotch and sofa, and
she reclined.
Heard any good ones lately? Send your
favorites (o Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY,
232 E. Ohio Si, Chicago 11, Ill, and
сат an easy $25.00 for each joke used.
In case of duplicates, payment goes to
first received. Jokes cannot be returned.
“ “А candid photo of you has just been taken. Handsome
prints may be ordered by addressing . . г
POSTAGE STAMP ¿continued from page 38)
everyone sitting іп the legislature.
(Women and children were out; as they
were in Athens.) This body, the Arringo,
still is meeting twice a year, and it’s why
San Marino can be called the only real
democracy on carth, To be sure, nothing
much happens in the Arringo these
days; 20 or 30 men show up, petitioning
it, and absentees are supposed to be
fined one six-hundredth of an American
cent, but never are. It's all over іп 30
minutes. Actually, most of San Marino's
laws are made by the Great and Gen-
eral Council, 60 men. The Great and
General Council, їп turn, elects two
people in it as captains regent, kind of
bicameral chiefs like the
Roman consuls, (Until 1945, the cap-
tains regent were chosen by lot—a
child, usually blind, pulled their names
from an urn — but the Communists de-
cided this mode of selection was alto-
gether too chancy.) The two men gov-
ern San Marino jointly for half а year,
and can't be re-elected,
While 1 was in San Marino, two са
tains regent, Signori Augusto Maiani
and Primo Bugli, a Communist and а
left-wing Socialist, respectively, were
inaugurated, and the inaugural was scen
by something more than a hundred
tourists, including me. The tourists were
Italians and Germans, mostly; they be-
gan appearing in San Marino in force
on the night before, and the shops kept
open, selling them postage
vases. Black cars from Rome with diplo-
matic license plates were all about, and
excitement in the air. Besides me,
there was one other American there, а
good-looking girl in a red cashmere
sweater who said she was employed at
our consulate in Florence, Italy, and
that her name was Patricia, Later, as
Patri and 1 had a beer together at
the Ristorante Garibaldi, she added she
was there in a more-or-less official с
ity, having been asked at the con-
e to represent the United States
ugural there, the consul being
busy in Genoa, She was in fact the Act-
ing American Minister to San Marino —
и sort of pro tempore Clare Booth Luce
Patricia wasn't altogether sure of wl
was expected of her, but, she said,
concierge had promised to take her
tow, getting her to the right р
the right times. Some Sammar au
the Ristorante Garibaldi bought us a
round of beer, and a Belgian standing
at the bar taught Patricia to curtsy —
something, she said, she would doubtless
be called upon to execute on the morrow.
The next day was crisp and a little
overcast. After breakfast, 1 strolled to
the cobbled piazza in front of the pal-
ace, where, I had understood, the day's
activities would be centered, and wherc
a small, determined knot of tourists
already standing about, toying with
their exposure meters and waiting for
something to happen. Nothing did until
9:15, when we heard the sound of
drums, horns and glockenspiels far
away, The music grew nearer, and pres-
nly a band came into the piazza, the
men trying not to look at their friends
in the windows above and, rather des.
perately, to keep in step. Then there
ne a column-by-two of rillemen; they
were dressed in blue with chevrons of
red, and they were of all shapes and
ages, as if the Boy Scouts had гип afoul
somehow of a World War I contingent.
And lastly there came a columm of
swordsmen, in flashy orange. A bouquet
of white and powder-blue feathers was
flouncing on cach of their heads,
apparently growing directly out of it,
and the tourists hurried over to get a
picture, At 10 o'clock sharp, the bells,
in thcir own mysterious fashion, gave
a woof, wool, woof, woof and no tweets;
the band struck up the national anthem,
the swordsmen drew their swords, and
а man in an utterly indescribable uni
form raised the flag of San Marino.
white and powder blue. Then he, the
band, the riflemen and the swordsmen
went down the hill, and everything
quiet for the next hour. The tourists
were getting impatient, and were taking
pictures of each other and writing post-
al cards
The band marched up again at 11
o'clock. (It spent the greater part of the
going up and down, 1 observed.)
This time, a columuby-two. of digni-
taries was coming after it, some of them
in striped pants and cutaways, and one
of them in all this and a W-shaped
beard, too. The captains regent were
there, in black robes and floppy black
hats trimmed with ermine, and im-
mense medals on ribbons of white and
powder blue, and the captains-regent-
to-be were right after them. And right
after them was Patricia, looking lovely.
She wore a blue suit, and she carried a
blue pocketbook by the strap, and as
he walked she chatted with the Belgian.
of the night before, who had changed
into a fine green uniform with а he
of feathers on top, like a hoopoe bird.
Th were others like him, and there
е some other women, too, including
cting minister from На
The dignitaries went across the
zza and into the palace, where, T
ned, they would be presented to the
aptains regent, and 1 imagined that
ticia would be called upon now to
curtsy. (She was, but didn't, she told me
later, having remembered at the last
moment that Americans are only sup-
posed to bow.) Outside, meanwhile, the
«rush of tourists was so bad that the col
umn of orange swordsmen couldn't turn
around; it marched into the palace, re-
assembled, and marched out again, and
the tourists took pictures of it coming
and going. Presently, the digni
emerged, а terribly bald one holding
ia by the arm and absolutely
I} 50 Was the sun, and the band
vas playing loudly, and everything
ke a football game on а golden di
at halftim
Shortly afterward, the captains regent
took the oath of office. Someone — a
Communist, 1 was told — gave а speech
in Italian, and I picked up the words
а man behind him nodded
vigorously, and there was a burst of ap:
plause when he finished. The flourish,
and the old captains regent took the
medals on the whiteand-powder-blue
ribbons off, to lower them slowly on the
new. The music hit а peak; the captains
regent-to-be became the captains regent.
"Ecco! Ecco!" cried a little girl beside
me. 1 felt warm and patriotic. And then,
the crowd
poured across the sun-
drenched piazza: the band marched
downhill, uphill, and downhill again.
and up again in the afternoon for a
concert; the bells gave а woof and two
tweets; and Patricia went off in a limou-
sine, the man with the bald head waving
al Communist Con-
seemed far, far away — about 500
years in the future.
A few days later, when they were com-
fortably settled in office, 1 paid a call
оп the captains regent and found them
getting along fine together. They re-
minded me, in fact, of Tweedledum
and Tweedledee — they not only looked
alike, with swarthy round faces and
oiled hair, but they were dressed almost
identically, in gray suits, gray socks and
those awful pearlgray ties that diplo-
mats wear, Whenever they spoke, it was
always in bits and snatches, each of them.
interrupting the other, but the pieces,
strung together by my interpreter, al-
ways seemed to make a coherent sen
tence. Signor Maiani, the Communist,
said that prior to his election he worked
on a farm, in а mine, and eventually
at à tourist shop; Signor Bugli, the left-
wing Socialist, said he sold pos
stamps. The two signori, although, the
continued, they lived five miles apart
and hadn't met before their inaugura-
tion, were already calling each other by
their last names, having dropped the
"Signor" Some of the things (o be
done for San Marino in the coming
months, they said, still interrupting
each other, were social security arid
public housing. (The Communists had
already built many houses, as well а
(continued on page 68)
INDUSTRIALS BOOMED, Utilities surged upward
in an unbroken line. Rails were bullish. And
jazz was at an all-time high.
That's the way it was as the year ended. The
aura of prosperity around the country in gen
eral, as reflected by the stock market іп par-
ticular, had its perfect musical counterpart in
jazz. As the Dow Jones averages rose, the
Jonah Jones sales reports mounted in a par
allel line.
The third annual Playboy Jaz Poll, the
only plebiscite of its kind in which the votes
run into the tens of thousands, again reflected
the hectic and heady atmosphere in which jazz
moved ahead — and. the sounds were given a
digging the current jazz scene with winners of the third annual playboy
poll plus special siluer medal awards for the musicians’ own favorites
LOUIS ARMSTRONG, first trumpet
MILES DAVIS, third trumpet
FOUR FRESHMEN, vocal group
new dimension with stereophonic hi-fi that was promising to
develop into the biggest revolution in audio reproduction
since the birth of the LP.
It was a year of political activity in music: James С.
Petrillo weepingly retired as president of the American
Federation of Musicians and Herman D. Kenin took over,
but the A. F. of M. members, particularly those who rel
оп a beat to cat, continued to prosper, It was a y
which more American jazzmen successfully toured o:
than ever before; that saw the jazzand-poetry movement
spread from San Francisco across the country to Greenwich
Village in New York; the year a unique unit comprising 16
nationalities in its 18-man personnel astonished audiences
FRANK SINATRA, male vocalist
BDB BRODKMEYER, third trombone
that jazz finally and fully came into its
own on television
Just 12 month
noted th
cautiously with the sounds.” Nothing
could be less true of the year since,
jazz — both modern and traditional —
filled video screens throughout the na
tion. ft all started some three weeks be-
fore the beginning of last year when
CBS devoted an hourlong show, The
Sound of Jazz, to an unspectacular spe
tacul; tastefully served up the
swinging of Count Basie, Billie Holiday,
Coleman Hawkins, Gerry Mulligan,
Jimmy Rushing, Jimmy Giuffre, The-
lonious Monk and others. Then just
two days before the first of the year,
the first Timex all-star jazz show, emceed
by Steve Allen, was seen on NBC, This
was the first sponsored show of its kind;
it went on the air at a prime evening
hour, using time-tested talent like Louis
Armstrong and the Daye Brubeck Quar-
tet, and the audience rating was matched
by the reviewers’ raves. (The editors of
PLAYnOY are presenting special silver
Jaze Medals to the Timex Company and
their advertising agency, Peck Adver-
tising Agency, Inc, because of their
contribution to the jazz scene during
the past year.) After these two one-shot
starstudded parades had presented jazz
on an elaborate entertainment basis, а
unique effort to offer it оп ап educa:
tional level to millions of homes w
undertaken when NBC, on March
launched а 13-week sei
15 Jazz, produced in cooperat
the education television center
Arbor, Michigan.
Bobby Troup's Stars of Jazz, for al-
most two years а local show in Los An-
geles, was projected to the full ABC
network: disc jockey Art Ford kicked
off his own weekly show, using mostly
Dixicland musicians, on New York's
Channel 13 (WNTA) in May: and in
Chicago. WBBM-TV presented Jazz in
the Round with Ken Nordine and talent
ranging from Duke Ellington and Maha-
lia Jackson to the Ramsey Lewis “Trio.
The success of jazz on TV proved con-
tagious. By late September the bug had
bitten ar least one radio network, CBS,
which launched a five-nightsa-week se-
ries, Jazz Is My Beat, heard at a peak
hour every evening with both traditional
und modern instrumentalists and singers
аз guests. Meanwhile Mutual's popular
Bandstand U.S.A., piloted by bandlead
er-producer Tommy Reynolds, moved
nto its third. year.
I the sound of jazz was conveyed
more frequently and successtully on tele-
vision 4 radio in 1958, it also
transmitted more realistically, in the.
apartment and home, with the birth of
(continued overleaf)
ез, The Subject
n with
то кегі поти MAGAZINE and readers in closer touch with the ever changing
jazz scene, rLaynoy has added an exciting innovation to its annual poll.
We went to the jazz artists who were chosen a year ago for All-Star honors
and asked them to pick their own favorite performer in each category. As а
result, this year sterling silver Jazz Medals are being awarded to the 29 men
and a girl who won a place ón the 1959 Playhoy All-Star Jazz Band, plus
a special group of 16 All-Stars’ All-Stars selected by the musicians themselves.
Stan Getz and Jack Teagarden were unable to participate, because the
were blowing up a stonn abroad during the balloting: Benny Goodman
nd Erroll Garner preferred not to vote, because they felt they hadn't kept up.
п all the sounds during the past 12 months, ‘The 19: y
All-Stars were named by the ballots cast by Louis Armstrong, Chet Baker.
Hob Brookmeyer. Ray Brown, Dave Brubeck, Paul Desmond. Ella Fitzgerald,
The Four Freshmen, Dizzy Gillespie, Lionel Hampton, Coleman Hawk
J. J- Johnson, Stan Kenton, Barney Kessel, Shelly Manne, Gerry Mulligan
Shorty Rogers, Bud Shank and Frank Sinatr:
Count Basie was the All Stars choice for bandleader of the year, with Duke
Ellington not far behind. Miles Davis, who won himself а third-place scat
with the 1959 Playboy All-Star Band, was the overwhelming choice of the
musicians for top trumpet honors. J. |. Johnson and Hob Brookmeyer
received an equal number of votes [rom their fellow All-Stars, so no special
trombone award will be given this year, as a clear-cut single winner
required. In alto sax, too, it was a stand-oll, with votes spread among
Benny Carter, Paul Desmond, Lee Konitz and Sonny Stitt,
Sonny Rollins won ont over Stan Getz as the musi
tenor sax man of the year and Gerry Mulligan w
choice on baritone. Jimmy Сішіге, whose new trio (includi
meyer on trombone) hus been
out aver Buddy DeFranco
ns’ choice for top
almost everybody's
g Bob Brook
aking such entertaining sounds lately, w
a close contest on clarinet
Oscar Peterson was the outstanding man on plano during the рам 12
months, as far as his fellow musicians were concerned, coming up with a
close win over Dave Brubeck, Russ Freeman and Erroll Garner. Musicians
and readers agreed on the vest of the rhythm section, picking Ray Brown,
Barney Kessel and Shelly Manne for top positions on bass. guitar and drums
both the All-Stars" MM Star balloting and the reader's poll.
Milt Jackson and his vibes, who took second place on iniscellancous.
instrument with readers, stepped out in front for a first position with the
musicians themselves, Both readers and the All-Stars dig Frank Sinatra and
Fitzgerald for singing the lyrics, though neweomer David Allen received
more than a little attention in the male vocalist category, Votes were spread
among the Daye Brubeck Quartet, Jimmy Giullre Trio, Modern Jazz Quar
tet, Oscar Peterson Trio and George Shearing Quintet, with no single
instrumental combo emerging as the favorite, but the Hi-Lo's won vut over
the Four Freshmen as the jazz stars’ choice for vocal group of the ye
in a new addition to the playboy poll, last
year’s winners pick their own jazz favorites
HI-LO'S, vecal group BARNEY KESSEL, guitar OSCAR PETERSON, piano
PLAYBOY ALL-STARS (continued jrom page 52)
the stereo disc. It was a startling inno-
vation when the first stereo jazz records
hit the market: The Dukes of Dixieland
on Audio-Fidelity was released in Febru-
ary and Juanita Hall Sings the Blues
came out on Counterpoint in March, By
late in the year, every major recording
company had an impressive list of stereo
LPs available.
For those who like their jazz in person,
the summer and fall festival
the biggest yet, ranging all the way from
Lenox, Massachusetts. and Newpor
Rhode Island to Monterey, ifort
The second ion of Lenox’ School of
Jazz offered its students such unique
teachers as John Lewis, Lee Konitz, Bob.
Brookmeyer and Jimmy Giuffre. The
Fifth Newport Festival was the most
riotously successful yet, playing to
crowds totaling over 50,000 in four
nights and pleasing almost everybody
but the critics. Its most remarkable m!
sical achievement was the presentation
of the specially assembled. Newport. In-
ternational Band. Directed by Marshall
Brown (who, along with festival producer
Gcorge Wein, scoured Europe on a jazz
talent hunt), it offered the most start-
ngly effective evidence to date of jazz
a international language. Only a
couple of weeks after their first meet-
ing. such cats as Kurt Jaernberg, trom-
bone (Gävle, Sweden). Jose Magalh
trumpet. (Lisbon, Portugal), Gabor Sza-
bo, guitar (relugec from Budapest, Hun-
gary) and Ptaszyn Wroblewski, tenor
sax (Kalisz, Poland) found that the kick
of playing together overrode апу bar-
riers of language or differences in their
Several weeks before the arrival there
of the Interna l Band, Brussels got
a chance to dig jazz when the Westing-
Broadcasting Company sponsored
pearance of the Benny Goodman
id at the fair, It seems significant
alter several weeks of showing the
film South Pacific the sume hall to
less than enthusiastic audiences, the
crowds around the U.S. P.
to pick up, in both si
when Benny sounded his first A-plus.
В. G's appearance in Brussels was the
climax of a long European tour, one
of many conducted by U.S. jazzmen dur-
ing the year,
Dave Brubeck,
the U.
tially sponsored by
State Department and the
American National Theatre and Acad-
emy, traveled better than hallway
around the world, playing 70 concerts
from London to Baghdad, between Feb-
ruary 8 and May 10. The itinerary in-
cluded two weeks іп jazz-starved Poland
that were perhaps the most memorable
of the whole trip. The entire tour, par-
ticularly the behind-the-Iron-Curtain
portion, was а touching tribute to how
much jazz means overseas as a symbol
of [reedom.
At home, despite the mild climate of
confusion incurred by the start of the
switchover to stereo, monaural LPs en-
joyed incredibly high sales, many of
them reaching six-figure totals, The
most remarkable individual item was
Benny Goodman Plays World Favorites
in High Fidelity, sold through West
inghouse dealers at a special premium
price of $1.29 and believed to be well
past the quarter-million mark by year's
end. ‘There is so much phony publi
and ballyhoo surrounding record sales
that no one really knows what the bi
gest sellers аге, but a good guess at the
10 top-selling instrumental jazz LPs sold
through the more usual record outlets
would be Shelly Manne's My Fair Lady,
held over from 1957 for a second highly
successful annum; Jonah Jones’ Swingin’
on Broadway, marking the sudden leap
to popularity of a swingera trumpet
player who for years had been virtually
forgotten by the jazz fans; Count. Basic's
Basie, his first album for the fastrising
Roulette label; Erroll ner's Concert
by the Sea; Miles Davis’ Relaxin’ and
Miles Ahead; André Previn and His
Pals (actually the Shelly Manne trio
turned around) in Pal Joey; Ahmad
Jamal's But Not for Me, a surprise hit
by à Chicago pianist on a Chicago label,
Argo: Jonah Jones Muted Jazz; and the
Modern Jazz Quartét playing the score
from а movie, No Sun in Venice (Sait-
At year's end, rıaysoy presented
second volume of The Playboy Jazz All-
Stars, produced through the cooper
tion of the entire recording industry,
and featuring the winners of the second
al Jazz Poll in 22 different sel
tions, on two 12" LPs, with 10 pag:
liner notes, pictures and up-to-date dis-
cographies on the artists.
One aspect of the 1958 scene that we
hope may be significant was the renewed
interest in big bands. Despite the un-
happy demise of the Gillespie orchestra
at the beginning of the year, there were
healthy signs in the retention. of large
personnels, and record sales to match,
оп the part of Duke Count
Basic, Stan Kenton, Maynard Ferguson,
Heth Pomeroy, Ted Heath, Johnny
Richards and several others. Despite the
death of Tommy Dorsey in 1956 and
Jimmy in 1957, there were two success-
ful posthumous Dorsey bands on the
market, Jimmy's led by trumpeter Lee
Castle and Tommy's by trombonist War-
ren Covington; the latter had a big hit
in the pop field this past fall with Tea
Jor Two Cha-Cha. Duke Ellington en-
joyed a particularly impressive increase
in activity and popularity, appearing at
most of the jazz festivals and spending
fabulous October touring Engl;
with his band for the first time in
ОГ the individual stars who made it
big in 1958, one instrumentalist, one
singer and one vocal group stand out.
The instrumentalist is tenor sax тап
Sonny Rollins, who received rave com-
ent from us here а year ago, and who
ay since become the most talked-about
jazz soloist around. Dakota Staton has
become as hot in the vocal field this
ам. year as Rollins is among the horns
brash, Dinah Washington-cum-Sarah
Vaughan-derived belter, she is (among
other things) the first Mohammedan
singer to ever make it big in jaz. Her
sudden rise in popularity is largely due
to the spectacular sales of a single LP,
The Late, Late Show on Capitol. And
by October, an exciting sound that had
previously existed only on records be-
came a living reality, as Dave Lambert,
Jon Hendricks and Annie Ross, inter-
preters of the vocalese style that trans-
lated whole big band arrangements and
ad lib instrumental solos into lyrics (on
the LPs Sing a Song of Basie and Sing
Along with Basie), showed unmistakable
signs of developing into one of the most
important new vocal groups іп years.
The jazz world lamented the loss of
several of its number during the year:
West Coast pianists Carl Perkins and
Lorraine Geller, clarinetist Herbie
Fields, veteran trumpeter Sterling Bose,
65-year-old bluessinging guitarist Big
Bill Broonzy, and 84-year-old blues pio-
neer W. C. Handy. lt was perhaps
merciful that Handy died before he
could see what a pitifully botched trav-
esty Hollywood had made of the filmed
version of his life as released a few
wecks after his passing. This hopeless.
ly distorted story, fortunately, did not
represent the totality of the filmed jazz
scene for the year, Miles Davis contrib-
uted the sound track for a French film
and a Parisian jazz critic flew to New
York to record the Jimmy Giuffre 3
for the sound track of another French
production, Meanwhile, Hollywood
again used a jazz background as an ad.
ішпес for a picture about narcotics, pros-
titution, murder, etc., in Z Want to Live!,
which employed a splendid musical
score by Johnny Mandel and small com-
bo work by Gerry Mulligan, Shelly
Manne, et al.
If all this suggests that France digs
jazz on the esthetic level more than the
U.S., the point may be well taken. Cer-
tainly the Parisians played host to a
whole colony of jazzmen throughout the
year, as such stars as Sarah Vaughan,
Quincy Jones and Zoot Sims were re-
united there for special record dates,
while Donald Byrd, J. J. Johnson, Kai
Winding and dozens more played Gallic
concert and nightclub gigs. Erroll
(continued overleaf)
ED BAKER STAYED DUMB, though puzzled,
to Ше last— which was when Randal
Wilcox put the last can of microfilm in
е. Randal had to lift up the
to fit it in, and Baker
recognized the one on top and he gave a
startled squeak. He put out one hand.
“Тһе Project Director —" He said that
much before Randal Wilcox shot him,
It was only in fiction, Wilcox thought,
as he finished. packing, that the man
abouttokill gave a full resumé of his
reasons to the victimeselect, But there
really wasn't enough time, so poor Ed
Baker had to die only partly informed.
The glimpse of the top paper, the one
on the liquid oxygen gauge, had told
him a lot. And he wouldn't have come
all the way up here after his lab partner
in the Project if he badn't suspected —
vell, something.
"Randy," he'd said, half-arguing, half-
pleading, "this is no time for you to go
off like this— fishing? — you heard the
news — the Russians —
Wilcox at first thought to bluff him,
tell him he needed at least a short vaca-
tion before the satellite program
Project Moonbeam — went into ассејег-
ated activity, as it was bound to do with
the Sputnik beeping away like an alarm
bell in the night. Let Ed think that the
suitcase open on the bed meant he was
still unpacking. But then he realized,
with one of the intuitive flashes which
so often came to help him in tight places,
that there was a better way. He con-
t tinued packing.
"You haven't even asked the Project
Director for a leave of absence," Ed
stumbled on. A good scientist, Ed — but
awfully slow about everything else. "Or
ve asked тег“
o Randal said nothing further to his
lab partner. He just shot him
Wilcox got across the border with no
difficulty, of course, The Embassy in
Ottawa hadn't expected. him, but they
at once provided а car which took
him directly to Halifax, where there was
а Russian ship. No tiresome business
about passports or anything of that sort.
k later he was in Moscow.
wilcox knew which side
of the iron curtain
his bread was buttered on
you are very welcome, Mr. Baker. But
would you mind telling us where your
partner, Mr. Wilcox ise The disappear
се of both of you has been noted, but
it would seem that only you have left
the United Suite
“That is true — but I am Wilcox. 1
thought that if we both yanished and 1
posed as Baker it would confuse things
at that end. Which would help things at
this end,” Randal said. And ће told the
Soviet science chief that Ed Baker was
in his, Wilcox”, car. under the waters of
Lake Tippset
Ivanoy didn't even blink. “It is too
bad." he said, "that you weren't able to
convince Mr. Baker to accompany you.
по time” Randy м:
somewhat пешей. "And Ed doesmi—
didn't — convince so easily
The Russian nodded.
ah, “convinced! you, Mr
are known to us only as a
as a Leninist scientist,"
Wilcox smiled on one side of his face.
It was a young face — young and smooth
And what's,
Wilcox? You
ntist — not
— but hard. "My politics are those of
amy sensible man — of every sensible
man. For most of my life the democ-
racies — pardon me — the capitalist. na-
tions — were in the So I was with
them. Now the lead has passed to you,
so Lam with you." He smiled the
sume way. “I you'll have me . . -
The Russian smiled, too, this time. А
fleeting smile. His face was neither
as young nor as smooth as the Ameri-
can's, but it was just as hard. "We are
very glad to have уоп... 1 have been
able 10 give the information you brought
with you only the most hasty examina:
tion, but tell me: Can you build a
satellite to hold a man — keep him alive
while he circles between Earth and Moon
and observes both — and then return him
"No," said Wilcox.
“Neither can we . . . that is, not until
now, Your information, it would seem,
supplies the elements missing in mine.
Together . .. but now let us get to work."
Wilcox had nothing to complain of
(concluded on page 75)
PLAYBOY ALL-STARS (continued from page 54)
Garner, a particular favorite of the
French, was honored early in the year
with the Grand Prix du Disque.
Despite the new developments іп те-
cording techniques and overseas tours,
PLAYBOY'S readers made it clear that as
far as they аге concerned, stereo discs
do not а jazzman make, nor foreign
safaris а band. Readers again proved
their high fidelity in selecting their
favorite jazz performers for the 1959
Playboy All-Star Jazz Band. But if many
of the same great stars won the hand-
some sterling silver Playboy Juzz Medals
for the third year in succession, there
were also a number of interesting
changes in the ranking of popularity in
many of the categories.
"Тһе voting for a leader for this 1959
dream aggregation again showed the
strength of Stan the Man, as readers
handed over the baton to Kenton for
the third year in a row, despite the fact
that he cut down considerably on his
touring and spent very little time in the
East. The Duke and Count, as expected,
remained to place and show as they did
a year ago.
Perhaps because he helped sell so
many Timex watches on TV, old Satch-
mo regained the first-place chair in the
trumpet section that he had yielded to
Chet Baker in '58, and Chet settled for
the second seat. Miles Davis, who placed
eighth in '57 and fifth in "58, won third
place this year and a chair in the four-
man trumpet section. Shorty Rogers
dropped out of the top four, a mere
hornful of votes behind John Birks Gil-
"The new stars in brass were again
unable to roll those 'bones out of their
last-held spots: J. J. Johnson and Kai
Winding. who were reunited for a tour
of England and the ent in the
fall, held on to their win and place
positions; Bobby Brookmeyer and Jack
garden again rounded out the four-
m trombone section.
о sax section provided one of
the big surprises of this ycars poll.
Though Paul Desmond again took first
place with comparative ease, rhythin-
and-blues man Bostic, who placed
17th а year ago, nudged out Bud Shank
for second place. Stan Getz won the
first seat on tenor with no difficulty, but
the tug of war between Coleman Hawk-
ins and Charlie Ventura for the second
chair was again a close one, with the
Hawk taking it a second year in a row,
Sonny Rollins, who has caused such а
stir in jazz circles the рам two years,
jumped from 10th to fourth position.
Gerry Mulligan again took the single
baritone seat with no strain, receiving
over half the total number of votes cast
in the category.
Benny Goodman, quite active this
year with big band forays to Brussels
and Newport as well as his own TV
spectacular, simply held on to his clari-
net spot with the Playboy All-Stars.
ing Benny by some distance were
my Сішіге, who moved up from
third to second place, and Buddy De-
Franco, whose year-long California im-
mobilization apparently cost him some
votes (he ran second in both previous
The balloting for piano honors showed
Erroll Garner's growing popularity. Er-
roll. who received only half as many
votes us Dave Brubeck in '57 and won
out over Dave by a mere 13 votes last
year, took his winning place at the key-
board more firmly this time, with Dave
again second and André Previn, bol-
stered by his style-setting show-tune al-
bums, moving up from fourth to third,
changing places wtih George Shearing.
Ahmad Jamal, who a year ago was no
place to be seen, jumped into eighth
position, just behind Count Basie.
Barney Kessel again made it a run-
away sixstringed victory on guitar, fol-
lowed by Eddie Condon, Les Paul, John-
ny Smith and Herb Ellis. Ray Brown
won his third consecutive silver Jazz
Medal with a wider margin over second
place Oscar Pettiford in the bass divi-
sion than he has enjoyed heretofore;
Leroy Vinnegar remained in third place,
Norman Bates moved up from sixth to
fourth and Red Mitchell from IIth to
fifth. Shelly Manne again beat out an
easy victory on the followed by
Gene Krupa, Согу Cole who jumped
up from Ith place to third position,
Chico Hamilton, Buddy Rich and Max
At the Monterey. Jazz Festival, come-
dian Mort Sahl nominated John Foster
Dulles and his "Panic Button" for the
Miscellaneous Instrument category of
the Playboy Jazz Poll and one hip reader
voted for Schroeder and his toy piano
from the comic strip Peanuts, but the
victory went to Lionel Hampton on
bes for a third consecutive year, fol-
lowed again by Milt Jackson and Cal
‘Tjader; Herbie Mann on flute moved
up from seventh to fourth place and
andido, on bongos, who had not placed
the running а year ago, took fifth
No question about the favorite male
and female vocalists readers wanted for
their 1959 Playboy All-Star Jazz Band—
Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald held
securely to those positions for a third
year in a row. Johnny Mathis continued
to climb in popularity in the male singer
division: in '57 he was nominated, but
didn't receive enough votes to place in
the listing; in '58 he had become the
hottest new singer on the scene and took
fourth place; this year he nudged Nat
“King” Cole out of second position. Joe
Williams jumped in popula 100,
doubtless aided considerably his
smash Roulette LP, А Man Ain't Sup-
posed to Gry, moving from eighth place
to fourth, Sammy Davis, Jr. took a sur-
prising drop from third to seventh place
and Frank D'Rone, a hot young talent
virtually unknown outside the Midwest,
managed to amass enough votes to put
him in 18th place, just before P
Como. The female vocalists supp
ап even more remarkable overnight suc-
cess story as two warblers unknown а
year ago wound up among the top half
dozen: Dakota Staton took fourth place
and Keely Smith sixth. June Christy
4 Chris Connor retained their place
and show positions just behind Ella, and
Julie London took the fifth.
The Dave Brubeck Quartet still
proved to be the most popular instru:
mental combo in the land, followed by
the Modern Jazz Quartet. The George
Shearing Quintet replaced Louis Arm-
strong's All-Stars in third position, with
Satchmo dropping to fourth, and the
Dukes of Dixieland jumped from 11th
to fifth place. The Four Freshmen
walked off with group vocal honors
again, followed by the Hi-Lo's, with the
other singing groups well off the pace.
An added attraction in this year's poll
is the inclusion of the All-Stars’ own
favorite jazz musicians of the year, on
pages 52 and 53. Having had previous
experience with this sort of thing when
polling 100 jazzmen for the Encyclope-
dia Yearbook of Jazz, it was not surpris-
ing to find a considerable schism be-
tween the musicians’ and the readers’
choices in many categories, and a com-
parison of the winners in both divisions
is most interesting. All the members of
the 1959 Playboy All-Star Jazz Band
selected by the readers, and the All-Stars’
All-Stars selected by the musicians them-
selves, will be awarded the sterling silver
Playboy Jazz Medals and be featured in
the magazine's third jazz album.
Stan Kenton ..
Duke Ellington
Count Basie
Benny Good: ‚1,684
Ted Heath . РГ 981
Nelson Riddle .....,...... 1... 876
Pete Rugolo ... DU 1/2
Shorty Rogers 755
Les Elgart . 643
Ray Anthony 492
Dizzy Gillespie 447
Les Brown ... 400
Maynard Ferguson . 328
Billy May 4 293
Woody Herman .. 272
Neal Hefti 255
Johnny Richards 250
(continued on n page 70)
Top, for a post-prandial tête-à-tête, the host at home supplies apples, cheeses, cognac and a roaring fire — and dresses in а
scarlet host coat, cotton velveteen, fully lined, in a shawl-collar, two-button model with black faille facing, cuff and pocket
trim; $37.50 by Peerless Robes. Below, right, alone in his digs with book and pipe, he's correctly garbed in case the
doorbell rings, thanks to a plaid cotton velvet smoking jocket with black rayon facing and full sash; $18,50 by Rabhor.
hosting and the host coat: what the guy dons in his digs
THERE ARE A WHOLE HOST of ways to make like a host, whether you're entertaining a
single dark-haired, sloe-eyed lovely, throwing a formal dinner party for six or
supervising a giant cocktail fest. In each case, you'll naturally want the correct
accoutrements: plenty of ice, sparkling glassware, tempting foodstuffs and an ample
supply of booze to help create an atmosphere of conviviality. And as host, you'll
want to don duds that set you off without ostentation.
Scene: you and your date have just escaped from a large, dull party and your
Let's go to my place” has been accepted. After you've mixed the first nightcap
it's a good idea to crawl out of that suit jacket you've been wearing all night and slip
into something more comfortable, like they say; make it a red velvet host coat, and
see if it doesn’t brighten up your prospects as the wee small hours come on
For something larger than an @ deux evening, we feel that as long as there is a
Hosting a dinner party for six, the head топ (left) sports an elegant host coat
tailored in black velvet richly scrolled in black silk; shawl collar and pocket
trimmings ore in sotin; $125 by After Six. The mirrored raconteur breaking
everyone up likes his three-button Ivy-cut evening suit; $75 by Lord West. The
third gentleman reloxes in о continental-cut mohair suit with shorter jacket, cutaway
front and a new, very narrow shawl collar with satin facing; $125 by Cardinal.
reason for giving a party, there is every
reason for dressing for it. Few occasions
аге more special than a black-tie dinner
party: first of all, it sets your particular
soiree apart from the ordinary. You and
your guests know it isn’t just another
party — it’s an occasion, topped off by an
elegant repast and framed by candles,
flowers, conversation and cognac,
The dinner party in town still calls
for black. (Color does have its place
at the resorts, on board ship, at country-
club affairs and around the pool, But in
town, black tie still means just that.
Ties and cummerbunds that are rainbow
radiant must be carefully chosen; they
haye a tendency to dominate not only
you but the entire evening as well.)
Even though the formal dinner or
supper party requires black, you as host
don't have to look like all the other
penguins, In the choice of your dinner
jacket, there are variations in collars,
vents, lapels and cuffs, and departures in
facings ranging from grosgrain or satin
to braid. And don't forget the different
silhouettes that are available: from the
natural look distinguished by no shoul-
der padding, narrow lapels and trousers,
and a three-button jacket, to the con-
tinental outline with its shorter jacket,
tapered trousers and angled pockets.
And there's a surprisingly wide choice
of fabrics, too. Within the bounds of
te, and depending upon your
you can range from plain
worsted to black cashmere, from coml
nations of silk and worsted to mohair,
from silk, faille and light wool tropicals
to Dacron combined with wool For
pure luxury, we like the elegance of a
host's dinner jacket of black silk em-
broidery on black velvet, like the one
shown at left.
While it's true that as host at a formal
dinner party it's right and proper that
you distinguish yourself from the rest
of your guests, do so only in your choice
of jacket, The balance of your outfit
should follow the classic traditions of
formality: slim, cuffless trousers with the
satin stripe down the side, white shirt
with waffle or pleated front (ruffles have
never appealed to us) and French cuffs,
of course. Black silk hose are de rigueur,
as are black oxfords or pumps іп calf
or patent leather.
Just as formal attire makes something
special out of your dinner party, and a
bright host coat announces to your single
guest that you are equipped to offer her
anything her little heart desires, so a
smoking jacket when you're home alone
can make you feel that you are im-
portant to yourself. It's good balm for
the inner man. The ones we like have
deep pockets to accommodate tobacco
pouch or cigarette pack if you're a rest-
less wanderer from room to room. Con
structed and tailored with a looseness
that allows comfort and freedom of
movement, the smoking jacket is per-
fect for those nights when you feel like
nothing more than wrapping your paw
around a glass of Scotch and getting to
that book you've been wanting to read.
For the biggest blast of all, the large
cocktail party, you once again have re-
course to the red velvet (or another
brightly hued) host coat. Naturally, with
such colorful plumage as this you'll
want to tone down the rest of your out-
fit. We suggest a pair of dark slacks,
slim cut, pleatless, either with or with-
out cuffs, Keep your shoes on the dark
side, too, and why not try one of the
newer lightweight, squaretoe oxlords
in black, or a sensible slip-on in a Scotch-
graim black or very dark brown. Your
shirt, as for all your afterfive enter-
taining, will be white, and you may
take your choice of the many accepted.
collar styles: buttondown, English tab,
semi-spread or a round collar that uses
a pin. Your tie should also be dark; the
brighter the coat, the darker the tie
and either no pattern or a very minute
and subdued one. Another, dressier,
choice is a white shirt with straight
points and а black dress bow tie. Your
position as host is immediately made
clear, and all and sundry know at once
to whom they should be grateful for the
smashing success of the party. This also
makes it easy for you to make it easy:
there are always those young ladies who,
after several hours of downing martinis,
love to say goodbye to their host with
what they rationalize as a dutiful kiss
and a warm embrace. You should make
it as simple as possible for them to
find you.
“Like take me to your leader.”
an amorist’s guide to the habitats and habits of the fairest game of all
glories — аз they flourish on the urb
scene — is a proper pursuit for the frisky
fellow who wants to do his share to make
the world go round. But like anything
worth doing well, whether it's the tam-
ing of shrews or the happier occupation
of stalking delicate prey, there are cer-
tain perils involved. Luckily, these are
not too hard to avoid and may be quickly
charted as a ready guide to the amorous
huntsman. In general, the fairer the
game, the more alert you must be. The
gambit is to win over the wild creature
without yourself being won. Мапу the
unwary chap who has complimented
himself on his skill at attaining his ends,
only to discover, too late, that the hunter
was the hunted, that he had set his snares
so cunningly that it was he who was en-
snared. This is not necessary; the ancient
rules of the chase may be applied with
equal effectiveness to today’s quarry.
First, then, we must curb our impa-
tience while we learn something of the
species we'll pursue, Superficially, they
are much alike. But the various sub-
species differ sufficiently from one
other so that it is all too easy to be on
guard against the wiles of one, while leav-
ing oneself exposed to the deceptively
gentle-sceming blandishments of another.
The way to escape this error is to study
each specimen іп its lair, in its natural
habitat. For with this knowledge as a
guide, the superficial similarities will
vanish and the differences among the
subspecies — those differences celebrated
with a joyful Vive! —will become appar-
ent. Forewarned is forearmed: study the
specimens here displayed in the Ізі
where they lurk—and good hunting!
THE BOHEMIAN flourishes wherever artists—and the merely arty—forgather. Her lair
is equipped with evidences of her supposed major interests, all ingeniously dis-
played—as are her charms on those occasions when she’s moved to responsiveness
by hearing beat poetry read to cool jazz. Artfully approached via talk of Zen and
art films, she's apt to do more than half the job of conquest herself. But beware:
beneath her pose of free spirit may lurk a longing to share on a permanent basis.
pictorial By JERRY YULSMAN
THE CAREER GIRL frequents the business areas of all large cities,
^ 7 o EA is as efficient and businesslike at home as at work, may even apply
ч э initiative to the area of amour if her talent for getting things done
is appealed to by a man who knows just when to feign a bit of
helplessness. Offers Organization Man a pleasing contrast to the
flightier girls he knows, once he's penetrated the horn-rim facade.
THE SPORTING TYPE is likely to have her boudoir hung with gear and trophies, makes her appeal via her wholesome, athletic
mien. Pursuing your aims up and down her favored hills and dales requires a high degree of endurance, yet the task of
getting her mind off tennis and arousing her sporting blood to an interest in more rewarding calisthenics is challenging enough
1o pique the ablest Nimrod. Danger: she may employ her skill beyond the rules of sport, make you а permanent trophy. — 61
THE SOPHISTICATE is so rare among females os to be beyond the confines of this study. More common is the pseudo-
sophisticate whose stark, wrought-iron concept of being One Up may take the dismal form of asserting that only the Out dig
the pleasures of the flesh. This gambit can be porried by the authoritative statement that, this year, those in the know
are taking In-ness rather literally. She'll then do her stark best to prove her qualifications for In-group membership.
THE HOMEBODY is a delectable morsel, warm
and winning in her ways, ever alert to the phys-
ical comforts of the weary warrior who wends
his way to her waiting arms ofter а day of busi-
ness woes and worries. There she waits, with
his pipe and slippers, the aroma of home cook-
ing drifting from her cozy kitchen, the neat
apartment as appealing оз a doll house or a
vine-covered cottage, her demure demeanor
suggesting that the veriest dolt might easily take
advantage of her natural affectionateness. But
the man on whom this girl has lavished her
attentions may be in grectest peril when he's
feeling pampered, smug, safe and self-satisfied.
жеи. - = ~ ری б
THE RICH GIRL has been the nemesis of many an otherwise successful rover because
such time-worn avenues of approach as flowers, scent and lavish gifts are closed by
her ability to buy whatever she wants. Whether her loot is legacy, alimony, or the
gift of an admirer, the knowing huntsman won't let it come between them. On the
contrary: since she's blasé about commanding—and getting—service, he'll shock her
into rapt attention by instructing her in the surprising joys to be won by serving
his every wish and whim. He'll also teach her the fun of buying him goodies—
and what's more he'll do all this for love. What he won't do is let her buy him.
"I don't know about its buying happiness,
Mr. Murdock, but money would buy me.”
@AK One
MY FRIEND FRANÇOIS is the most accom-
plished philanderer I know. He has
wavy brown hair, fair skin, and the most
nocent blue eyes in the world, Women
find him irresistible.
Last year he became a habitué of the
Café des Deux Boules where he played
cards frequently with a Monsieur Ri-
champoil, a wealthy industrialist.
Monsieur Richampoil spoke often of
the small factory he had on the outskirts
of Paris and invited Frangois to visit
him there. One afternoon, having noth
ing better to do, the young man made
a call.
He was taken immediately to the
main office where he found his friend
talking to a handsome young woman
who was built generously and had an
expression in her eyes that François, а
connoisseur of such things, recognized
at once as a sign of strong physical
“This is my wife," said Monsicur
Richampoil smiling. As Frangois kissed
her hand he wondered how the bald,
stoop-shouldered, older man could be
right for a young woman of vigorous
Monsieur Richampoil excused him-
self. “My dear Frangois, permit me to
leave you with my wife for a few min-
utes while I see one of the foremen
downstairs.” And he disappeared.
Frangois didn't waste a moment. He
threw himself on one knee and grabbed
her hand which he covered with kisses.
“Madame, I can see that my friend is
not the husband you need. Your heart
is longing for a tender friendship. Well,
Madame, allow me to offer you my hand
to lead you along the road to happi-
This speech was interrupted by the
sound of the husband coming up the
"Get up. Monsieur, what if he finds
you on your knec?"
"When сап I sec you?"
"Come to dinner at our house to-
morrow at five, I'll talk to you then.”
François got up and was sitting calmly
in his chair when Monsieur Richampoil
came in.
next day, precisely at five,
François presented himself at a charm-
ing villa in the suburbs. He rang the
bell, and a pretty servant opened the
"Madame Richampoil is expecting
you in the salon on your right. I'll go
to the garden to tell Monsieur that you
have arrived,”
He found the beautiful lady lying on
a sofa.
“You have arrived just as my husband
has left for the garden," she murmured
holding out her hand.
He closed the door and went to the
sofa. After one intense kiss, she blushed
and got up immediately.
“It would be prudent to go find my
“With you, I would go to the end of
the world.”
“They looked everywhere in the gar-
den, but could not find Monsieur Ri-
champoil. Down in the corner there was
а grove of trees.
“Let's see if he is there,” suggested
They walked slowly through the small
woods until they came to a bench. On
the way they heard a rustling sound in
the bushes but saw nothing. As they sat
there, the beauty of the spot had a
sudden effect оп them, and they fell
into each other's arms. He pulled her
into his lap and caressed her boldly.
Suddenly she pulled away and stood
up. He raised his head just in time to
sec Monsieur Richampoil 10 paces away.
He was walking quickly in the direction
of the house.
“I think he saw us," she stammered,
They found him in the salon. There
was a somber look on his face, and he
frowned as they came
"Well..." he said, pronouncing his
words very distinctly, “how did you find
the garden?”
"It is charming. We went everywhere
looking for yo
“You went into the little clump of
you le
Monsicur Richampoil said no more. A
lugubrious silence reigned during din-
ner. "He must have scen us," Frangois
we had just reached it when
A newly translated tale from the Contes Folichons of Emile Blain
Ribald Classic
said to himself. He wished he had not
After coffee, Madame played the
piano. When 10 o'clock rang, he got
. "I regret, but I must leave now. Му
in leaves in 20 minutes.
"Already" said Madam
dark om the way to the station. Don't
you want to spend the might?"
"Oh, 1 will be glad to accompamy
François to the station," said Monsieur
Richampoil quietly but firmly.
“Useless, my friend. I could find my
way there blindfolded.”
“No, E will take you. Moreover, I
have a matter I want to discuss with
you on the way."
François became pale. They all got
up, and as the two men were putting
on their coats, Monsicur Richampoil
reached into a drawer and pulled out
a revolver.
Suddenly François felt weak. “Perhaps
it would be better if I spent the night.”
"Humph," sneered Richampoil, “not
afraid of the dark, are you?”
“Well, let's go.”
The two men walked silently away
from the house, Then the older man
stopped. “François, we have been friends
for a long time. Will you tell me the
François’ hair began to stand on end.
Far ofi in the distance a dog was howl
ing as if in pain.
“Before dinner you took my wife into
the clump of trees in the garden.” Mon-
sieur Richampoil cocked his revolver.
"Үз... we went ther
"You sat on the bench?"
"Oh, just a few seconds.”
"Well, tell me the truth. When you
came through the trees did you sce the
servant girl and me lying together in
the bushes?”
"No, we didn't see a thing.”
"Ah, my friend, you have saved my
life, И my dear wife had seen my in-
fidelity, I was going to blow out my
— Translated by Hobart Ryland
REBEL (continued from page 21)
realize that you can't get out there on
the pulpit and hard sell Oldsmobiles.
But I was thinking, why couldn't you,
every now and then, throw in a few
little lines like, Drive the car that He
drives. You know, you don't have to lay
on it, just zing it in there, then jump to
the Philistines or something." "
In a single performance, comedian
Lenny Bruce may find humor in such
sacred and profane subjects as religion,
homosexuality, funeral homes, race rela-
tions, dope addiction and matricide
(“John Graham Green is a guy who
blew up a plane with 40 people and his
mother,” Bruce reports, “and for this
the state sent him to the gas chamber,
Proving that the American people have
lost their sense of humor, After all, any-
body who blows up а plane with 40 peo-
ple and his mother can't be all bad.").
The Bruce repertoire of "sick" mono-
logs, gags, dramatizations and mimicry is
as apt to shock and outrage as amuse.
Yet he is not really an outrageous comic.
Lenny Bruce is a free-wheeling icono-
clast who pokes fun at some of the sick-
est aspects of our society. His Religions,
Incorporated, for example, isn't anti-
religious, it is his way of indicating the
tendency to turn religion into Big Busi-
ness. Bruce recalls warmly the audience
of graduate ministers from the Berkeley,
California School of Ministry before
which he appeared a few months ago;
Religions, Incorporated was their favo-
rite routine and the one that provoked
the most laughter.
"Remember a year or so ago," he asks,
“a kid in Long Island was stuck in a
well? They finally got him out, and the
doctor who attended him sent his par-
ents a bill. So dig what happens—every-
body starts screaming, ‘What a fink that
doctor is!’ You know, what right has a
doctor who went to school for 12 years
and spent a fortune for his education to
charge us poor people for service ren-
dered? Anyway, the whole country
doesn't sleep for a week worrying about
whether this crook of a doctor is going
to steal a fee. In the meantime, you
pick up any metropolitan paper and you
sec, ‘Negroes can't live here, Orientals
can't live there.’ Always emotionalism
over the wrong things.
“Anyway, so much public pressure is
brought on the АМА. that they call in
this poor doctor and they say, ‘Look, you
can't get paid for that job, but well
make it up to you, We'll give you a new
disease for next year. We haven't done
the grippe for a while. We'll pull a
switch on the grippe and give it a new
working title . . . something exotic . . .
uh... Asiatic Flu. We'll call up Parke-
Lily and get some new pills. For symp-
toms we'll try, let's see . . . nausea, head-
ache, loss of appetite. How's that? For-
get the well job and the disease is yours.’
"So the doctor is taken care of, and
the country breathes easier again, be-
cause now they know that that bill won't
have to be paid after all. However,
there's just one thing . . . the child will
have to be returned to the well."
Misplaced public emotionalism is a
favorite Bruce target. He has built
ing routines on the commercial carnival-
ism that sometimes accompanies a disas-
ter like a mine cave-in ("Get away from
there, kid, quit kicking dirt in the
hole!") and the recent trial of the Ameri-
can soldier for killing a Japanese woman
(“So sorry. Verdict has been change from
life in prison to two weeks at Waldolf-
Hollywood's puerile tolerance films
bug Bruce, too: "Тһе scene opens in a
schoolyard. We see Juan Rodriguez,
secure in his torn leather jacket, with
all those clean, polished Anglo-Saxon
types. He speaks to the other boys and
we see democracy in action on the streets
of a big city: 'Leesen to me, you guys.
One theeng I cannot forget ees that 1
am a Spanish keed. OK? Pheel here is a
Jewish keed. OK? And here is a col-
ored keed and an Irish keed and an
Italian keed—and, my friends, in thees
country we all have to stick together—
and beat up the Polocks!’”
With such seemingly intolerant humor
as this, Lenny Bruce preaches tolerance
and only the prude and the bigot fail to
get the message. On stage, Bruce takes
on some of the mannerisms of Mort
Sahl, though his material is less cerebral
and a good deal further out. Like Sahl,
whom he considers a close friend, he has
a penchant for milking sacred cows and
he sprinkles his speech with Freudian-
isms like “Oedipus complex.” “sibling
rivalry" and hipster argot like “bread”
(for money), "ball" and "cool iL" He
also fayorss"freaky” and “fink” and ос
casionally somewhat bluer words, though
he insists his reputation as a blue comic
is undeserved, and club owners [or
whom һе has worked tend to agree: "А
sick comic, yeah," say Skip Krask and
Shelly Kasten, of The Cloister, jokingly,
"but not blue,"
Mort Sahl, whose favorite prop is a
newspaper, likes to retell Lenny's reac-
tion to the news headlin
the same," said Bruce, “In time of emer-
gency, they pick on minority groups."
Like Mort, Lenny's current nightclub
career began on the West Coast and he
is almost unknown in the East. This is
actually his second career as a performer,
He got his first chance on the Godfrey
Talent Scout Show, doing take-offs on
Hollywood Nazi films, во popular in the
Forties. From there he played the old
New York Strand and similar spots. “But
1 bombed,” he says. “1 was ready for
them, but they weren't ready for me."
Audiences, however, are growing hipper
and the “inside” comic is the order of
the day in the little clubs across the
country, Lenny Bruce is just a little
more inside — or a little further out, de-
pending on where you're standing —
than any other comedian working to-
day. He is an extremely sensitive per-
former and his audience can make or
break a show. “I think most good come-
dians are insecure," says Lenny. “They're
up there on that stage looking for ac-
ceptance and love. If I haven't managed
any rapport with my listeners in the first
ten minutes, I'm dead. But when I'm
swinging and 1 feel that warmth coming
up at me, I'd like to ball the whole audi-
Bruce's background could have easily
been lifted verbatim from the jacket
copy about the author of some current
best seller. Born on Long Island, he and
formal education had had it after gram-
mar school. He worked on a farm,
joined the Navy, saw action at Anzio
and Salerno, came home, then worked
his way to Asia and back aboard freight-
ers. “In those days," he recalls, "my
burning ambition was to write a kind of
seagoing Studs Lonigan. 1 figured that
with my Navy experience, I should know
more four-letter words than James Far-
те." But the only tangible thing he
brought back from his sea service was a
large tattoo on his arm that he got in
Malta, though he says, "I smoked Marl-
boros when I was six and it grew up.”
The weird Mr. Bruce is $4 and a
bachelor. “I was married once, but it
idn't last,” he explains on the stage,
[his sounds like a typical comic rou-
tine, but my marriage was broken up
by my mother-in-law. Actually, my
motherán-law broke up my marriage.
One day my wife came home early from
work and caught us in bed together.
"Sex can be a serious problem in a
marriage. Have you seen these magazine
ads with the chick sitting up in bed and
her husband sacked out beside her, and.
the caption says, "Не Didn't Even Kiss
Me Goodnight." And its a pitch for
High Potency Rybutol Then it says,
"Night after night, my husband would
come home tired and irritable, and he
wouldn't touch his supper. He'd just sit
around for a while and as soon as his
"head touched the pillow, he'd go off,
But | wasn't suspicious. 1 knew I had
a good man. Until one night 1 opened
up the top drawer of the bureau and I
found a wig and lipstick and high heels."
"This man was nervous and irritable and
never touched his supper, but after tak-
ing High Potency Rybutol, he is now
touching his supper. Doesn't ball his
old lady, but he's touching his food.
Pretty sick.”
(concluded on page 78)
“Could white doctor do something for unfortunate daughter
who has glandular trouble?
established old-age pensions, full em-
loyment, and civil rights for women,
who couldn't own any property till
then, and still can't vote.) Neither of
these seemed especially crucial, so Signor
Bugli and I decided to talk about post-
age stamps, which he once sold, Signor
Bugli, with some assistance from Signor
Maiani, said that San Marino used at
first the Kingdom of Sardinia's stamps
and, after the unification, Italy's; the
Sardinian ones are worth from 24 to 400
dollars now when canceled by the Sam-
rinese post office, he said. The first
Sammarinese stamps were issued in 1877,
and philatelists, whose pricing polic
1 wouldn't even pretend to underst:
were paying only 36 cents for some of
them, but only 16 cents if they weren't
sticky. On the other hand, another of
those stamps is worth as much as $9.68
sticky, $4.08 unsticky, and 5645 can-
celed. Au unscrupulous dealer who buys
a gross of them and puts stickum on
apparently makes a profit of $813.60,
minus the cost of the stickum. Also,
Signor Bugli told me, San Marino used
to make its own money but doesn't any
A while later, positively fascinated by
all this, I did some private research into
the postage stamp matter, and I learned
that 1 Marino made do with the
1877 stamps for half-a-dozen years, over-
printing them сємтємм 5 and CENTE-
sis 10 in 1892, and changing the col-
ors a bit later. Now, though. it is think-
ing them up at 20 or 25 a d has
issued по fewer than 754 ids, includ-
ing 117 air mail ones, although. there
isn't an airport in the whole country.
The stamps commemorate. such various
things as Columbus’ birth and the open
ing of the Sammarinese railway, and
depict such persons as San N
Garibali, Abrah L
Franklin and the Discus Thrower, and,
needless to sa bought up eagerly
by philatelists. in every land, adding
$160,000 a year to the Sammarinese
treasury. 1 also learned that the ink was
hardly dry on the 1892 stamps —the
ones with the overprint семтезімі 5 —
when the printers found that a consid:
erable profit could be had by printing
them all . To the inexpressible
delight of philatelists everywhere, they
began to print centesimi 5 rightside ир,
upside down, singly, doubly, doubly up
side down, and doubly rightside up and
upside down, and bad even printed а
set of вектізімі 5s when somebody told
them to lay off. (Today, the сєктим!
5% are worth 5136 sticky and $72 dry,
and if the "c" is especially fat, they're
worth $160 sticky, 580 dry. How people
figure this out, TI never know.) Accord-
ing to San Marino, someone is now as-
signed to the print shop to stop any
(continued from page 16)
similar malpractices, but 1 noted that
since the war it has printed 64 kinds of
stamps that are perforated wrong, 10 that
are centered wrong, and one that even
is colored wrong, and in 1947 a stamp
that was supposed to be overprinted
vorratvitp улумног). To make matters
in Italy has bought up
Sammarinese stamps and messed them
up on his own, overprinting 3 NOVEMBRE
1918 upside down on some of them, for
instance, and making a killing.
бап Marino's stamps are not its only
source of revenue, 1 learned. There are
taxes; and Italy gives it a rakcoff on
its import duties, as it ought to. Never-
theless, 1 learned, the Communists were
going further and further into the hole
after the war, as their annual budget
neared a million dollars. OF course, the
first thing they thought of doing was
printing more postage stamps, including,
in 1947, a series in honor of Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, which they figured
would be a wowser in the United States.
(American philatelists who missed out
in 1947 will be pleased to learn that
Roosevelt can still be gotten for a penny
and a half, sticky or dry, canceled or
not. This is the retail price for the one-
lira Roosevelt, on which is quoted his
historic letter to San Marino. The
President nself is shown in a very
patriotic attitude on the fivelira stamp,
a glorious thing in purple, brown, red,
white and blue. This Roosevelt is worth
2% cents canceled, 215 cents uncan-
celed, $2.40 if his bottom isn't perfor-
ated, 51.20 if his side isn't perforated, a
nickel if he's overprinted, and heaven
knows what if he's overprinted twice,
He also comes in air mail.) Posthum-
ously, F.D.R. wasn’t enough to balance
Marino's budget, though, and Italy,
meanwhile, had aggravated things by
not giving it the import duties, so as ‘to
start ап economic crisis there. getting
rid of the Communists. For a while, the
country didn't know where to turn. At
this critical juncture, there appeared in
San Marino a terribly mysterious per-
son, Mr. Maximo Maxim, who rented a
bungalow, got himself a mistress, wore
yellow velvet gloves, and talked all di
on the long-distance phone, thereby gi
ing vise to rumors not only їп San
Marino but in such remote quarters
Time and Life that he wi
munist spy, perhaps the Communist
boss of Italy. Mr. Maxim, who said all
along, in. vain, that he was just а busi-
nessman, offered to San Ма 400
thousand dollars а year to let him build
a casino there, The Communists agreed
= forgetting that the same offer һай
been made a hundred years before, and
that the captains regent had refused it,
excluiming, "Citizens! It is not by the
intenance of material prosperity that
the good name of [ree states is preserved.
It is by means of the great virtues of
proud and honest republicans, who
know how to repulse riches, even in
Mr. Maxim's casino — a couple of bac-
carat tables and five roulette ones —
opened in 1949, and soon was making
money hand over fist, At this point, re-
enter Italy, still trying to get rid of the
Communists. Italy said it wouldn't мапа.
idly by while Italians were being “bled
it put up a roadblock at San Marino's
frontier, told the gamblers to get a pass-
port, a visa and a carnet de passages,
and even then, it held them a few more
hours looking for marijuana in thcir hat
bands, After months of such harassment,
San Marino gave up. The casino was
dosed; Mr. Maxim, arrested in It; ly,
was sent to Isracl; and Italians had to
travel considerably farther, to San Remo,
to bleed. San Marino was 800 thous-
and dollars in the red, unable to
рау its employees for three months.
ince then, it has thought of making
kind of Reno, Nevada, a kind
ma (registering ships), and even
a kind of Parke-Bernet Gallery, selling
such titles as The Count ој Montelupe
for 24 thousand dollars and The Duke
of Peschiera for 37 thousand. but noth-
ing has worked out right. The country
still wasn't solvent when 1 was there.
The casino was boarded up, and great
hiatuses already were to be seen in the
OL all the places E have written about
for erAvnov, I liked San Marino best.
Andorra, the only other democracy, has
kept its freedom in a rather sneaky way,
1 think, by truckling equally to France
and Spain; San Marino has kept free by
fighting for it. Time and again, it has
been attacked by such people as the
Borgias, the Wronghcads, the Bishops of
Montefeltro, and the Pope. The Pope
invaded it in 1512 (but the army got
lost in а fog, produced, it is said. by San
Marino himself). and the gypsies invaded
ісіп 1559; the Masons wanted it in 1790,
Apparently. Most of these wars were
against the Roman Catholic Church, the
most noted of them being in 1739, when
dinal Alberoni conquered San Marino
nd held it 105 days.
п Marino hay been invaded. only
once since then — in 1944, when it
used as a battlefield by the Germ
the British. A bit carl
ad bombed it, too, believing, in error,
that ammunition was being stored there;
62 people were killed, and a million dol-
worth of damage was done, greater
than all the other invasions together.
San Marino has been asking for compen-
tion ever since. So far, the British are
willing to pay only 72 thousand dollars
(concluded on page 77)
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(continued from page 55)
in his new life. If he asked for personnel,
he got personnel. If he requested mate-
als, he received materials. At no time
there any talk of "economy" or
"budget" or "making do." As for his
private comforts, they were so well pro-
vided for that he never asked.
m only a few months from his
arrival in hís new homeland — the home-
land of “e ble man" — that the
Wilcox-Ivanoy artificial satellite w
ready. He wondered, briefly, how
Project Moont
of its best teammates no longer
Still not off the drawing board, proba
He said as much to Grisha 1
they approached the take-off are
Soviet scientist only granted.
“Our man will be rather cramped in
his moon,” Randal observed, looking in-
side. “How long will he stay up, do you
Ivanov shrugged. “Who knows? Two
ix weeks? We shall sec."
Wilcox nodded. Cramped . . . more
cramped than Ed Baker, in his, Ran-
dal's, car under Lake Tippset. Poor old
foolish Ed. Had they found him yet?
Nothing was said about it here . . .
Suddenly Randal's eyes fell upon a
space in the maze of dials and devices.
He frowned. “Where is the control to
start him back to Earth?" he asked.
weeks? 5
cided agains
"Who ‘decided’
angry. "I —"
"You? You have nothing to say."
Grisha's voice was cold. Wilcox looked at
him, astonished. "You joined us from
opportunism only. Yesterday you be-
trayed your own country. Tomorrow —
and they will very certainly catch. up
with us, if not tomorrow, then the day
alter—in which case you will betray us
— for the same reason, So you are not
trusted. You have nothing to say. The
man stays ир,”
Wilcox started to speak, thought bet-
ter of it. The sensible man never argues.
"Very well . . . who is the man, by the
"You," said Grisha Ivanov, calmly.
The Red guards seized Wilcox, “We
are giving you the chance to test your
own work — the device you enabled из
to build. Much of the information will
be sent automatically, but some of it you
will send, The human brain is by no
means obsolete. As long as you send, you
will be fed. How long will the food sup-
ply las? Who knows how much a man in
cislunar space requires? That is part of
the experiment . . . No, I do not think
you will court suicide by refusing to
report. You are, alter all, a sensible
said Grisha, crisply. “De-
Wilcox demanded,
Randal Wilcox speeds around the
Earth faster than any hi has ever
sped before. It is very cramped in the
satellite he helped build, but it is danger-
ous for him to try to move, anyhow: he
is studded with attachments — needles,
tubes, wires, catheters, electrodes, which
spring from his flesh. He travels from
the southeast in a id orbit and sees
the planet which was his former home
turn and spin beneath him, It is a splen-
did sight. Meteors dart past him — none,
so far, have hit him — but every so often
he sends in reports about them. About
them and about gamma rays and light
refraction and sundry other matters,
Whenever his report is цей, а
light flashes and a fresh supply of liquid
food is allowed to drip into his veins.
The stars blaze hugely. Cloud masses
drift across the face of th. But
very often he can make out clcarly the
country he betrayed « the Gulf, the
Rockies, the Great Lakes . .. Whenever
he passes over it, he sends out a si
of his own, over and over, until the turn-
ing planet tilts and turns its other face
to him and shows the ice-capped poles,
the Urals, the Caucases « . +
Everyone hears it. Blip blip blip beep
beep beep blip blip blip . . . Everyone
knows it is Randal Wilcox, sending out
his SOS. But of course no one can help
him at all.
Even if anyone wanted to.
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(continued from page 20)
Nobody said anything. The bird outside
started up again. It was all unreal, as
though it were happening to someone
else, ] kept wishing.
Minutes passed. Java scowled
chewed his lip. Bud smiled
his gum. "Gee," he said са
guess they're not going to сай,
"Halfway to the border by now," I
said in а voice I didn't recognize.
"Shut up. both of ya!” Java walked to
the window, looking out through the
bars. Then he went back to the table
nd stared at the phone, We all stored
at the phone. Inside me, a silent count-
nd chewed
позу, "I
down began. 10...9...8... Swcat
was trickling down my back. 7... 6...
Still in that carnest voice, Bud said,
Seriously, they're giving you the busi-
1 nodded, not taking my eyes off the
phone. "You're the patsy.”
"p told you bastidds to shut up!"
Java's scowl blackened. The bird sounded
loud in the silent room. 4...3...2
1... 1 was just beginning to think the
phone wasn't going to ring. when sud-
denly Java picked it up. I felt Bud tense
beside me. I held my breath. For the
longest 10 seconds on record. [ava stood
holding the phone, Then he slammed it
down again. "Goddammit" He сите
around the table last for a heavy man
nd 1 found myself looking straight into
the steel blue eye of the old equalizer
“L ought to blast you punks anyway!”
“Why hang a murder rap on top of
everything else?" Bud said quickly. "You
can get out—" Java slew the gun
cross his jaw and he crashed to the
floor. Before I could move, the barrel
came whipping back and caught me on
the ear. Java тап back to the phone, tore
it free, and threw it across the room.
The door slammed behind him and 1
heard his footsteps running down the
hall. Another door slammed and then all
was quiet
Bud sat up slowly, holding his jaw.
"Temper, temper,” he sighed, Then ће
grinned lopsidedly. "You ought to get
an Academy Award for that performance
down the hall, Mac."
“TIL swap the Oscar for an explana-
tion — what the hell
“What's to explain?" He pointed to
the baseboard under the table, "Dig
that Smithsonian phone box.
You remember the kind: the bells sit
on top of the mechanism box, with the
clapper between them, Only packed
round this clapper, so solid it couldn't
touch the bells, was a thick wad of
chewed gun
I stared at it for a long moment, then
headed swify for the door, “Hey, where
you going?” Bud called.
“Down the hall — for re
Well, i tell you, man, everybody was
at Қапез press party at the Mohican.
The Killer himself and old man Fowler
and about a hundred newspaper and
television guys. Flash bulbs popped like
champagne corks and champagne corks
popped like flash bulbs and Mikur kept
showing everybody the rope burns on
his wrists where he'd been tied to Harry
and Ernie in the cellar. And finally the
TV newsmen were ready and Bud told
the story again for the 12th time. Only
this time, because we were on the air and
a few million people were watching
Kane had a question to ask bim at the
end of it: “Mr. Gordon, may 1 ask what
brand ol gum you used so cleverly to sive
your lives and help bring these criminals
to justice?
Bud's answer seemed to fill the room.
"Yes, sir, it was Bubble-O, a product of
the United Chicle Company
The only sound was old man Fowler
quietly choking to death in one corner.
One look at Kane's face and 1 wished 1
were back with Java. “BubbleO?" he
managed to gasp.
cs" Bud answered calmly. “Уже,
I couldn't use our new brand because 1
needed something to actually cement
that clapper іп position. Kanes gum
stays so sole and chewable. It doesn't
harden or become tough. ОГ course.
that’s why it’s so sale — won't. injure
ms, chip tooth enamel, or pull out
fillings, Perfect for children for uh
reason, too...” And on he went, build
ing the whole Soft'n’Sale campaign right
there on the spot, while the cameras
sent the message all across this broad
land of ours and Kane beamed like a
Simonized diamond and Fowler
the billings in his head and 1 mentally
drove my new Mercedes out of the show:
room. ". . . and top it all off by electing
a young lady of talent and beauty as
Miss Kane's Gum of 1959!" It was TV's
longest commercial.
Back in New York the next morning,
Bud and 1 dropped the others off and
went directly to his apartment. Не wits
on the phone before 1 had my hat off.
“But, honey, I've been out of town.
Sure, baby, you have a right to be miffed
222. But now listen, Гус got something
big for you—a publicity job with 14
guaranteed nighttime network appear
ces. Why don't you come on over and
FIL tell you all about it. Oh, and Мас»
here — bring your roo
"Her roommate?” I protested when ће
hung up. "I haven't even had breakfast
He stretched out on the couch with a
grand gesture. “Mac, we've got the ac-
count, we've got a new campaign, and
as of this moment we've got Miss Kane's
Gum— who's worried about breakfast?"
So we didn't worry about breakfast.
25 match books in black
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(continued from page 68)
— reckoned, 1 was told, at 40 dollars for
h fatality, four cents for bomb dis-
posal, and other damages—and San
Marino refuses to take so little. Its notes
to the Foreign Office are getting firmer
and firmer, now being written in pla
English instead of Latin, as
There's no telling how
but 1 was assured in San Marino tha
resort to force is not likely.
When 1 was there, the Christian Demo-
став were talking it up that to pet a
million dollars from England, the Chris
n Democrats must do it. This was one
of their selling points in the last election
indeed, it was almost the only one.
The next election, and the next chance
for a Communist comeback, is this
spring, and now the Christian. Demo:
crats аге talking up the women's right
to vote, tl ag that women are
better С elier
to vote for Christian Democrats. And
even the Communists are being given
use by signs like “The women have
the right to elect and be elected — Article
137, Russian Constitution” in all the
. The Committee for the Emanci
pation of the Sammarinese Lady is hard
at work, and it may be the derermini
factor this year.
I wonder how itl turn out. this
election. 1 think itll be dose. In San
Marino, an election is just about as up-
lorgrabs as a corporation proxy fight.
what with the Communists hurrying
about the docks of Genoa and the coal
nes of Belgium to round up Sam
d the Christian
ng as lar afield as Ho
Jersey, for theirs. There
residency requirements. in
>. amd these bring entback
ties are legal. although decried
by cach of the parties when practiced by
the other. (The last time, more than a
thousand dockers, coal miners and fac
tory hands poured into San Marino by
bus. voted Communist, got free beer and
baloney sandwiches at party headquar
ters. and tumbled out again the same
day. The Christian Democrats’ Sam
marinesi came by Pan American World
Airways from New York. and rumoredly
the State. Department. footed the bill)
Something like this is sure to happen
this spring. And when it's over and done
with, the newspapers, in sorrow or
joy, will be giving San Marine
munist а "Christian. Democratic
stamp — but the stamp is one of the un.
sticky ones, and they're worth about a
dime a dozen. "Con or "Demo
cratic,” 1 daresay it won't make а big
difference in the Most Serene Republic
ol Sa ol the world
Um worrii
ino. It's the res
1 about.
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(continued from poge 66)
Lenny usually performs in a rather
quiet Brooks Brothers manner, but in
his impression of Holy Roller Oral Rob-
erts he fails his arms, stomps his fect,
and waves a snake before his audience.
His impersonations arc excellent and al-
ways worked into the act, as when һе
depicts Bela Lugosi's Count Dracula and
Family as à group of itinerant actors
between bookings (“АЙ right, Junior,
comb your face, drink your blood, bite
Mamma goodnight, and go to bed").
Lenny likes his characters to use the
speceh of show busines and the hippie.
even when they are men in the highest
governmental places. When sia Man
ADAMS and vicina were two headline
staples last year, he envisioned а scene
in the White House in which President
Eisenhower took Adams to tak: “All
right, Sherm—you can level with me,
baby, what else did you take?” Sherman
suggests that they stage a big news event
to help draw the nation’s attention away
from the controversy: "Couldn't we have
a cabinet member shot or something?
ЭН іп Nixon.” says Ше. "Hello
Nick. Sit down, sweetic. Kid looks great
doesn't he, Sherm? Get him some of that
12-year-old Scotch and the good cigars
How do you feel, Nick? OK. Ike.
what's going on? Whats the bit? .
There's no bit. Nick. Sherm and I were
having a few drinks and we wid, let's
have Nick up. You know, were just
kicking around some ideas — Say, Nick,
how'd you like to yo to Lebanon for a
few day? , .. How'd you like 10 go to
hell, The? „ , „ Is that а way to talk, Nick?
After all Гуе done for you, you have the
chutzpah 10 tell me to go to hell . ,
Oh, Ike, 1 didn't mean it. Рт groteful
and all that, but I don't want to go
anywhere anymore, Why don't you send
Dulles? He's been home jor two days
That's very пісе, Nick. ага a
very nice way to talk. Thats what babies
say, Send Someone Else, But soldiers
зау. Yes 1 Am Glad You Picked) Me;
Ise Got A Hostes Cupcake. And An
Orange And FH Got Youll go, Nick
You'll take your old lady, Pat, and you'll
қо... Oh, Ike, 1 can't go. 1 keep bomb-
ing all over the place. 1 still have spit
от шу jacket |ғот Caracas. Everyone
hates me... They love you, МИК...
They hate те... They love you. You
did well in a Jot of places. . - Where?
Toledo. The B'nai B'rith loved you
in Toledo
Even as he carefully nurtures his new
café carcer, Bruce is busy in other media,
тоо. He is working on a weekly ABC TV
show in Hollywood called Lenny Bruce
Swings. He has etched an LP album on
the Fantasy label entitled The Sick
Humor of Lenny Bruce. His greatest
love is probably the movies and he h
writing à blm called Leather Jacket
which he plans to produce and star in
Je will deal with a de dicapped derelict
who dreams of owning a leather jacker
and a motorcycle, "И be arty, sort of
a Bicycle Thief with а motor,” he says
Despite whatever success he may find
in other fields, Broce-boosters feel he is
best suited to the intimate offbeat rooms
around the country. where his very spe
cial gilt for comic stire is understood
and truly appreciated
“Folks.” says Bruce, "we got a lot of
пісе cars out hyar at Fat Boy's. Let me
tell you "bout a med сат, friend — it's
just like a clock or a watch — vou don't
know whatcha got till you git it home.
But there's one thing you can count on
— апу Gir that moves off the Fat Boy lot
has ап OK Sticker on the windshield
and. buddy, when you see ап OK Sticker
on а Fa
thing for sure = ther
on that windshield
Now hyar's «ome of the cars ya'll һе
seein’ down hvar. Nice little Studcbaker
= this сағ án a sui-
cide pact. There's just a little lipstick
оп the exhaust pipe. Wipe it right olf
"M you like foreign cars, we gotcha
Іше Fuzzvutten here — this is à German
саг that was just used a little bit during
the war = taking the people back and
forth to the furnace, The motors real
good, but the upholstery is shor You
know. they're real stubborn, those peo
Now we don't wantcha Ucome to Far
s fus. You yo on around to those
other dealers and theyll tell you they'll
give you this and they'll give you that,
and you just write it al! down on a litle
bitty ріске of paper. Then vou come on
down hyar ап” vou say, "Fat Boy. E xen
you on TV. 1 been all over this damn
town, buddy —here’s the deal they of-
fered me now l'm back to you and 1
want it — E want if, Fat Boy" And he'll
really give it до you, folks. Been giving
it to the public for 30 years. Same toca
Herb Caen, the San Francisco oracle,
has this to say about Bruce: “They call
Lenny Bruce a sick comic—and sick he
is, Sich of the pretentious phoniness of
а generation that makes his vicious hu
mor meaningful, He is a rebel, but not
without а cause, for there are shirts that
need unstufhing, egos that need deltating,
and precious few people 10 do the sticky
job with talent and style. Sometimes
you fecl a twinge of guilt for Laughing
at one of Lenny’s mordant jabs — but
ner voice tells you, with pleased. sur
prise, "Bot that's true The kind of
truth that might not have dawned on
you if there weren't a few Lenny Bruces
around to hammer it home.”
that disappears a second Later when y
(continued from page 34)
to а boil, and slowly add the flour mix
ture, stirring with a wire whisk, Simuner
the gravy 10 minutes. Skim off any ex-
cos lat, Remove meat and slice with а
very sharp knife. Pour the hot gravy
over the meat on serving plates or plat
ter. Serve with potato pancakes.
(Makes about 12)
ps grated raw potatoes
2 tablespoons grated onion
1 teaspoon salt
14 teaspoon pepper
V tablespoon flour
1 tablespoon cracker crumbs
14 teaspoon baking powder
Vegetable (at
Place the grated potatoes in а la
wire sieve, and pres gently to. remove
excess liquid. Separate the eg yolks
from whites In a deep mixing bowl
beat the whites until still, Folkd into thc
pomo mixture: that js. add the es
whites all at once and, using dhe mixing
spoon with а down orer-ap motion
blend the whites gradually into the
potato mixture. Melt far to a depth of
Y, inch in а large frying pan or in ап
dearic skillet set at 300°, When fat is
hot but not smoking, drop the potato
mixture by large spoonfuls into the pan
Brown on both sides. Drain on absorbent
(Serves two)
4 thick center-cut pork chops
Flour, salt, pepper
Vegetable far
1 tablespoon butter
Sor. can pomate saucc
14 teaspoon mar jor.
14 cup sour cream
Have the butcher eut the bone away
m the pork chops and pound. the
t thin with 4 cleaver, Sprinkle chops
with salt and pepper, Dip in Hour. Melt
vegetable fat to a depth of 14 inch in а
Large frying pan. Sautê the chops until
medium brown on both sides, Mele the
butter in a saucepan, Add the onion
Santé the onion until. it is yellow bur
noe browned. Add the paprika, stirring
well. Add the tomato moce and mar
joram. ‘Transfer the meat ко the sauce
Cover the pan with a tight lid, and
simmer the meat slowly until it is very
tender, about 20-25 utes, Remove
the pan from the fire, Place the meat on
serving plates or platter. Sur the sour
eam inte the Pour the sauce
over the meat. And then pore over the
meat yourself.
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An Arab guide will show you the way
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Leave the international city
the moming for the short ferry г
ross the stt ко Gibraltar, and you'll
have time to өріс the apes atop the Rock.
then be on your way 16 Valencia in your
hired сат alter lunch. But take our tip
nd plan to stop often along the resort
dotted coast of southern Spain, making
the swank Marbella Club just outside
of Málaga а must on your itinerary.
And while you're doing the Spanish
Riviera, slip into France where eating is
a thing apart. Eden Roc on Сар dAn
tibes, La Réserve at Beanlieu, Chateau de
Madrid at Villefranchesur.Mer and
Baumanière at Les Baux are all. justly
famous for food and wine, suave service,
beautiful women and astronomical
prices. But food. isn’t the only lure: the
Hower bates that began in February
at Nice are sull under in April, and
im neighboring Monaco you can пу
your hand at fir anx pigeons (a sort of
skeet shooting with live pigeons for tar
gets); ás a vich man's sport with equally
rich prizes,
Across the border in Maly is the clas
sic Mille Miglia at Brescia. perhaps the
roughest sports car race in Europe. And
onre an aficionado ot the ces,
there is а women driversonly meet at
San Remo, where you can while ima)
your olbrace hours in one ot Haly's few
state licensed. casinos.
Ц you're interested іп April schussing
and you don't mind roughing it, you
can head for New Hampshire's Tucker
man Ravine, where the snow isn't safely
until late March You сап bunk
overnight at the Appalachian Moun
tain Club. Pinkham Noth Camp, or
stay at one ol the many ski lodges in
the Бәме
morning you'll have an hours dl
the Little Headwall at the R
proper. From there you can ski the
Little Headwall or climb further up to
the Big Headwall or use the Hillman’
Highway run. И you preter lift skin
you'll do well to check on snow condi-
tions at Wildcat Mountain, at the north
end of the notch, ог on conditions at
коша Nouh,
Tramways at both of these arcas get
into the 20010 el
very apt to have good skiing conditions
during much of the month of April.
For further information on any of the
above. write to Playboy Reuder Service,
232 E. Омо Street, Chicago 11, Hlinois,
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{ new things, new places and new ideas
A young man going places, the rtaynoy reader likes the excitement and challenge o
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