Full text of "PLAYBOY"
тшш PERCY FAIS eil
A Great Broadway Hitl
10. Complete
score. "The
Sweet ШЕ and
gaiety of the
Broadway musi-
cal hit glow in
America's No. 1 Vocalist
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f ul ^ Tcnaikovsky:
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x Ж
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Mathis sings Let
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with reeds and rhythm
fount такс vouk Guns TO Ne
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TO RECEIVE YOUR 5 RECORDS FOR $1.97 — mail the postage-free
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vision and Musical Comedies; Jazz
HOW THE CLUB OPERATES: Each month the Club's staff of music
experts selects outstanding records from every field of music
These selections are fully described in the Club's entertaining
music Magazine, which you receive free each month.
You may accept the monthly selection for your Division . . .
or take any of the other records offered in the Magazine, from
all Divisions . . . or take NO record in any particular month.
Your only membership obligation is to purchase 5 selections
from the more than 200 records to be offered in the coming 12
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as a member after purchasirg five records, you will receive —
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The records уси want are mailed and Lilled tc you at the
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More than 1,250,000 families now enjoy
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Each month members
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THE POWER OF MIND OVER MIND has fascinated man since time immemorial.
The modern word we use for the scientific application of this psychic
phenomenon is hypnoi public awareness of this
still little-known and less-understood power; in fact. as our lead article
makes clear, it is much misunderstood — as a result of its being deemed
by the medical and psychiatric professions too arcane and potent to be
shared with the layman, and its theatric exploitation as mumbo-jumbo
ism. There is а grow
i n concern
куло adduce. This month, Ken Purdy, a long-time
of the subject, lets in the light of knowledge where darkness has prevailed.
We believe hypnotism has never enjoyed such thorough explication nor
such complete clearing ol the controver r surrounding it.
Few commentators are better equipped to talk of matters monci
than J. Paul Getty, whose lucid polemic in this issue. Money and Con-
formity, is the first of a series of analytical articles by him probing men,
money and values in society today. Getty, now a vigorous sixty-eight, was
а roustabout in the Oklahoma oil fields іп 1914, soon began wildcatting
for himself. By 1917. he was a millionaire. Today, he owns a couple ol
oil companies, ft plant, a sting of hotels. property in Iran,
Turkey, Italy, k, England (as well as in the U.S), more than а
million tons’ worth of tankers, and one half of the "Neutral Zone" oil
п in the Persian Gulf, Gettv is generally acknowled:
the richest man in America and, probably, the entire world.
of his wealth range up to seven billion. Thats dollars, not pl
Ме reputation as a collector of
thropist, and an iconoclastic nonconformist in business
icently moustachioed Bernard Wolfe went through Yale in the
midThirties hell-bent on becoming a psychiatrist On graduating, he
kicked th 1 in order to take on d
news recl staler, war correspondent, magazine editor, novelist, TV scribe
and. most recently, Hollywood scriptwriter. He heads up this month's
fiction roster with Come On Out, Daddy, а tautly wrought tale of a writer
torn between personal integrity and the temptation to wield corrupting
power in attaining the goal. ‘of his passion. Herb Gold's also on hand in
1, a happy,
nd wanted
nc ng its true
у student
nted —
п guy who knew what his girl wa
it, too, but on his own itinerant terms.
February is the time for all good cats to huddle over our Jazz Poll
results. In this issue, climaxing our filth annual plebiscite. we list your
choices for our ar dream band, and those jazzmen deemed most
notable by last y our All-Stars’ АП Stars —
plus a sapient vear-in-retrospect summary for di
Another scene we know you'll want to di
photo-and-text pacan to those d
ous gals of Gotham. Call him beat, sick, dyspeptic, bizarre, far-out,
sane. wild. kookie, insalubrious or, as his fans would have it,
the funniest new cartoonists to come along in a long while. He's Howard
Shoemaker and you've seen some of his cartoons in recent issue
who's ly with rLaynoy, wended his wacky way to us
TV ап director, ad agency art chief and freelance designer. The
twenty nine-year-old Omaha resident blows blues on an alto sax, races
his Porsche Speedster for inspiration — of which he had a plenitude when
he concocted his first fulllength feature, Goodbye, Cruel World!
morbiferously risible treatise on occupational suicide.
Saying goodbye to a cruel world for different reasons are some of the
howlingest Broadway flopperoos ever to bomb on the theatrical boards,
here bid a nottoofond adieu in The Voice of the Turkey, penned by
novelist-playwrightpLaynoyite Al Morgan. You'll be taking no gamble in
perusing Bes! Bets in Gaming Gear, a choice selection of games and other
divertisements to enliven any bachelor pad. And when the games end. take
Thomas Mario's advice and turn yourself into The Midnight Chef, with
the knowhow to assuage witching-hour appetites. A feast for the eyes is
February Playmate Barbara Ann Lawford. We focused on Barby in a ski
setting and we're confident she'll thaw male hearts for miles around. Now,
light the fire, pour yourself three fingerfuls, plop down in your most сот.
fortable chair, and take in the rest of what we aver is a fun-packed issue.
one of
fter stints
уо]. 8, no. 2 — february, 1961
Gotham’s Girls P.
Hypnosis Unveiled Р. 38
Poll Winners.
Goming Geor P. 48
COINCIDENTAL. CREDITS: P. 39, 48-50, зз. 62-63, 75
GOODBYE, CRUEL WORLD!—cartoons ......
WAXING WARM—playboy’s playmate of the month. - 66
THE GIRLS OF NEW YORK—pictorial essay — —— 88
ald classic
мек editor and publisher
RSKY associate publisher and editorial director
ARTHUR PAUL art director
JACK J. kesir managing editor VINCENT т. A Jm piclure editor
DON GOLD associate editor REID AUSTIN associate art director
VICTOR LOWNES Ш promotion director Jon
$ MASTRO production manager
s special projecis HOWARD W. LEDERER advertising director
ROBERT s. PREUSS business manager and circulation director
REN PURDY, WALTER GOODMAN contributing editors; SHELDON WAX asociate editor:
RONERT L GREEN fashion director; BLAKE RUTHERFORD fashion editor; THOMAS MARIO
food & drink editor; PATRICK CHASE travel editor; LEONARD FEATHER jazz editor;
ARLENE BOURAS сору editor; JOSEPH н. PACZEK assistant art director; ELLEN PACZEK алі
assistant; BEV CHAMBERLAIN assistant picture edilor; DON BRONSTEIN, POMPEO POSAR
Staff photographers; FERN A. иклктт1. production assistant; ANSON MOUNT college
bureau; WNSY DUNN public relations manager; тико FREDERICK personnel director:
JANET PILGRIM reader service; WALTER J. MOWARTH subscription fulfillment manager
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345 Hudson Street, New York 14, N. Y.
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to purchase at least
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T have the right to cancel my membership any
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tion to those included in this introducto:
fer). The price will never be more than
publisher's price, and frequa
my third purchase, if 1 continue
ceive a Book-Dividend* with
Selection—or Alternate-l
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expenses.) PLEASE NOTE: A Double Selection-
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cial combined price-is counted as a single
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three Club choices.
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November's panel on Narcotics and
the Jazz Musician was interesting and
informative. I was particularly fasci-
nated by the material on police tactics
and in the panel's agreement that addic-
n should be handled by doctors rather
Шап cops.
Alfred R. Lindesmith
Department of Sociology
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana
I found the article on Narcotics and
the Jazz Musician unique, one of the
most interesting 1 have read on the sub-
ject. The opportunity to hear leading
musicians discuss their experiences and
thinking about addiction was a rare
teat and extremely enlightening. As
Director of the National Institute of
Mental Health's Center on Drug Ad
diction, and as a psychologist treating
addicts privately, 1 found the ideas ex-
pressed. well-informed.
Leon Brill
National Institute of Mental Health
New York, New Yoi
We would like to correct the state-
ment made by Dr. Winick regarding
Buddy DeFranco, whom we represent.
Buddy said he was unable to form a
sixteen- or seventeen-piece band because
he was not able to get enough musicians
without utilizing any who used nar-
votis. At no time did he state that he
was unable to form a trio because of
this problem.
Ed Hilson
The Jack Hampton Agency
Beverly Hills, California
Sincerest congratulations on Narcotics
and the Jazz Musician. Your feature will
do a great deal of good both here and in
other parts of the world, where jazz musi
cians are constantly striving to copy such
people as Diz, Duke and Shelly Manne.
Their blunt disavowal of narcotics makes
timely reading, and Duke's inclusion of
eheads” needed saying, too.
teve Race
Jazz News
London, Eng
I thought the panel hit the nail on the
head by saying, even though somewhat
indirectly, that jazz has no necessary г
lationship to addiction. Addiction can
happen to anyone and, as Mr. Cohe
pointed out, happens to musicians less
frequently than to doctors and members
of several other occupations. The maj
factor in addiction seems to be ava
ity — those who can get it casily are
more likely to use it.
Howard 5. Becker
Kansas City, Missouri
Addiction, as your panelists indicate,
is a social disease and its transmittal
agent is the user. Addiction rates are ce
tainly less than exposure rates. Young
fans ol musicians and other celebrities
seek to emulate and in other ways iden-
tily themselves with their heroes. This is
where a real danger exists. The elfect on
immature audiences can be very de-
c D. Brown, Director
Psychiatric Social Service
Deparuncar of Hospitals
New York, New York
T do mot think that the article Nar
cotics and the Jazz Musician has much
value. The musicians who were in a
position to give a factual basis for di
cussion virtually deny the existence of
the problem. In any event, they do not
give any insight into the matter. It was
not. therefore, possible to bring about
an intelligent discussion.
John M. Murt
Chief Justice
Court of Special Sessions
New York, New York
Harpy, in your November issue, prob-
ably appeals to sadists and other sexual
perverts. 1 can't go along with your
move in the direction of certain other
so-called men's magazines that confuse
sadism with masculini
L. Mucs
Denver, Colorado
...а most
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For those who love live musie?
The SR-445A, AM/FM stereo tuner is custom-built for the coolest—playboys
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For the sheer joy of listening..." There is nothing finer than a Stromberg-Carlson””
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Write for full line component catalog to: Stromberg-Carlson, Box AS, 1402 N, Goodman St., Rochester 3, N. Y.
Tune in "Special Report" Saturday afternoons immediately following the Metropolitan Opera broadcast.
Harpy is unquestionably the best fic-
tion carried by PLAYsoY this year, or in
any year since my subscription began.
Rand Rintoul
Arnprior, On
What can I say except my mouth is
dry as cotton and my body iced with
Mrs. Laura Floody
I read Ben Hecht's November article
on Hollywood and was vastly amused
and interested. by his reminiscences of
the old days. His is a magic pen and a
fine, agile mind. We worked. together
many years ago and I recall the collabor-
ation — and our friendship — with pride
and pleasure. This article is a splendid
example of his talent for never being
dull — a state of being with which he was
and is always justifiably intolerant
Douglas Fairbanks
Kensington, England
Ben Hecht’s article left me with the
pleasant feeling of having attended a
darn good movie.
Jason Maddock
St. Louis, Missouri
If Ben Hecht is going to write fiction
he should use fictitious names,
David Kopf
Tujunga, California
As vou are well aware by this time,
Ben Hecht's article created quite a furor
here in Los Angeles. Mr. Hecht may or
may not be correct about Paul Bern's
death being murder, but he should have
gone one step further and told the truth
about Jean Harlow. MGM was so afraid
that the scandal of Bern's death would
ruin her career, thev stopped produc
tion of Red Dust (the film she was mak-
ing at the time) and were going to oust
her from the studio.
Leslie Harrison
Hollywood, California
Congratulations on your excellent
coverage last October of the activities of
The Second Gity in Chicago. You are
helping to bring proper attention to
one of the most fascinating entertain-
ment forms ever devised. Г know this
art form like the back of my hand, since
it was with many of these same people in
a similar group a few years back that
had an opportunity of developing my
ft. It is only a matter of time before
the eight superb actors and actresses of
this group will be recognized as impor
tant stars, en masse or individually
Shelley Berman
New York, №
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Bacardi Party
turns up at
in Mexico
From Mexico City comes word that Texas
playboys have introduced the Bacardi Party
to the American colony there, amid great
On Friday nights, the fun-loving Ameri-
canos gather “to drink, to sing, and to
await the faithful rains.” A galón of
Bacardi and a bevy of mixers are kept at
arms reach. What a way to end the week
and start the weekend!
What is a Bacardi Party? The guests
bring Bacardi and the host supplies the
mixings —аѕ тапу as he can dream up!
Fun. So have a Bacardi Party—soon. (And
write and tell us about it.)
New! Folk songs
for moderns by
the Limeliters!
icated, topical, earthy, often hilarious.
The Limeliters brighten the folk music world with
unprecedented variety. Everyone is applauding the driving
style of these rousing new folknik hipsters! You will too!
Living Stereo or Monaural Hi-
Tolerant fellow and world-waveler
that La always tended to ad
ather than scorn your loyal, hard
and slightly pathetic efforts to
present your home town, Chicago, as a
serious rival (in the realm ol sophisti-
cation) of New York, San Francisco,
London, Paris, Rome, This
may impress those who have never been
to C nd/or those who have
never been to New York, San Francisco.
London, „ Rome, Antibes, etc. —
but it merely produces а hoarse, coarse
chuckle from the rest of us. Your latest
effort along these lines is The Second
City, and it is here, О Hog Butcher to
the World, that the woolen undies are
plainly visible under the Bermuda
Antibes, etc
shorts. Then there is the matter of onc
of the
in your
purported mummers
auqua, des
ne Troobnicl
forsooth! Now,
born with a name like that, he would
long since have changed it to some-
thing really hip, like, say, "Avram Da-
vidson." No, no, my provincial friends;
the truth of the 1 in fact, that
the whole char ouen up in
the PLAYBOY offices on glamorous, so-
phisticated East Ohio Street.
Avram Davidson
New York, New York
Regarding Miss Wilkinson and her
vember nee, when we compa
her measurements with the standard
ones, we find that she has astonish
small waist and hip measurements. As
far as any other comment I might make,
I can only say "Wow!"
Joseph A. Coleman, M.D.
President, Maiden Form
Brassiere Co.
New York, New York
We feel it is an insult both to your
readers and The Bosom to devote only
two pages to her.
Joel R. Jacobson
Steven М. Loft
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
How did you ever expect to cover
such a large subject in that limited space?
Willard. Schwartz
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Wellearned pride is a dignified man-
tle, when quietly worn. But the
ness of your playboy cult ma
heard, and it is gettin; bit odious.
Keep your weather eye on yourself. Such
a low relative humility indicates you're
not likely to Drop one subscriber.
James A. С. Thom
Indianapolis, Indiana
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men who know of satellites and sport
cars and hi-fi and sound barriers also
respect the achievement of superb crafts-
manship. If you enjoy the rewarding
experience of luxury comfort, slip on a
pair of Golden Casuals. prime virgin
Wool and Nylon by Magic Fleece.
3) SPORT © ano CASUAL socks
Jorr AND
atly enjoyed. reading James Dun
s Lel Joy Be Confined in the Octo.
ber issue. It is an excellent bit of satire
and I shall probably quote it onc of
these days when I get around
discussing sex puritanism in America.
Albert Ellis. Ph.D.
New York, New York
James Dunning is all wrong. Does he
realize what would happen to the Гай
sex if men treated us like women again?
We'd have to retreat to the kitchen
where we belong and there'd be no time
to exploit sex or rule the roosters, Good
old days — phooey!
Roberta. Fox
South. Gate, California
I followed the directions in Bar Bets
on how to make a hexagon out of six
similar coins in three moves perfectly
and then made my bet. My bar com
panion counter-bet me that he could do
it in two moves. Well, ever loyal to
rraynoy, I made the bet, and lost.
Here's how he did it:
Given arrangement:
First move:
Second move:
I finally recouped my losses with the
dollar-catching bit.
Mark S. Ellentuck
Bradley Beach, New Jersey
The only article in your November
issue I didn't was the one on bar
bets. Two days alter 1 received your
magazine, 1 had to go to a convention
in London, where, by your bar bets, I
won me a hangover that will last for the
next three days.
Karl Josef Freiherr von Ketteler
Lippstadt, Germany
My reaction to Ken VC E s Шз Book
1 ne
as I had
(March 1
of Green (October 1958): absolutely su-
perb! The really frightening thing about
these storics— more credit to Purdy —
is that I am desperately afraid 1 know
cach of the protagonists.
1 па Bartley
New York, New York
ifty One Tones
Ken Purdys latest yarn proves what
I've been telling other writers for years
Playboy Tours were designed by PLAYBOY's
globe-trotting editors to give leisure-minded
young men and women something really
different in vacation travel . . . the distinctive
PLAYBOY touch that has set a standard for
unique and tasteful good times,
Wherever уси go on a Playboy Tour you will
be cordially welcomed as an invited guest.
With a PLAYBOY staff member as your host
you will enjoy a heady behind-the-scenes
atmosphore . . . including invitations from
local celebrities, clubs and gourmet restau-
rants. There will be private yachts, villas,
estates, sports сагв... and so much more
that conventional tours will seem, by com-
Parison, about as thrilling as a bus ride.
Best of all, you will be traveling with a fun-
loving group of young men and women who
will share your interests and enthusiasm for
enjoying a gay, carefree holiday.
16 and 23 day tours to the most fabulous
Continental playgrounds. Paris, Nice,
Monaco, Rome, Lucerne, London, etc.,
$1225 to $1440'—all expenses—including
round-trip jot from New York.
S and 15 day tours with the undeniably
magic touch of PLAYBOY, Mexico City,
Taxco, Acapulco, etc,, from $254 to $397"
—plus air fare to Mexico.
9 glorious days on the Riviera of the
Western Hemisphere ... Montego Bay
and Ocho Rios . . . skin-diving, yachting,
water-skiing, all included in tour price.
$345* including air fare from Miami.
18 day tours on “the most beautiful isles
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cruising and all the delights of Honolulu,
only $414 to $633'—plus air fare.
—23 days
—23 days
16 days
“Prices subject to change without notice
PLAYBOY's Travel Department has always
maintained that whether you are week-end-
ing in Acapulco or off for a Continental ca-
price, the small extra cost of “doing it right"
pays huge dividends of enjoyment. . „апа
PLAYBOY does it right. Furthermore,
PLAYBOY magazine has enormous impact
wherever it goes. When we broached the
idea of Playboy Tours, doors were literally
flung open for ив... doors that were, and
remain, closed to other tour groups. In fact,
selecting from the invitations we received
proved to be one of our most trying (though
enjoyable) tasks.
And now, Playboy Tours are ready . . . ready
to give you the greatest vacation ever...
wherever you choose to go.
(please print)
Cuervo Tequila Margarita, That Is
Forget that topped drive,
wert f that missed putt — with
don |
consoling, satisfying.
‘Tequila, favorite of pelota-
playing Aztec nobles, today
brings delight to cocktail-
wise American aficionados.
Tequila is pleasurable.
CUERVO Tequila is
ice, Serva iro solt-rimmed glasa,
poor Ken's one of the most h
writers around. He just
dull story or even a blah
Great Neck, New York
I read Ken Purdys story with interest.
I think it is excellently written, but
then I am prejudiced. 1 consider him
not only the foremost automotive writer
in this country, but an exceptional
writer of stories such as this one.
W. F. Robinow
mler-Benz of North America
York, New York
The Book of Tony is the best damn
story I've read in y
James С. La Marre
Peugeot, Inc.
New York, New York
My husband and I enjoy your maga-
zine tremendously. May I our No-
vember Playmate is a refreshing change
from the usual voluptuous but vapid
offering. Here's a girl with character in
her face.
Mrs. Louis H. Fisher
Forest Hills. New York
Your November issue starring Joni
Mattis has infatuared an alarming num
ber of students, and a Joni Mattis Fan
Club is being formed
Danny March
Penn State University
State College, Pennsylvania
Joni Mattis is, without a doubt, the
most beautiful Playmate to date.
Stanley Lubin
nn Arbor, Michi
Thanks to George Johnson for his bit
of nostalgia Take Pen in Hand in the
October issue. I was beginning to think
I was the only one in this preoccupied
mass of humanity that disliked using a
ballpoint pen. Glad to find someone
who shares my sentiments
Howard Little
Camp Connell, С
You are not alone in your interest in
fountain pens. The Fountain Pen and
Mechanical Pencil Manufact
ciation figures for 1959 show an esti-
mated fountain pen volume, at factory
exclusive of tax, amounting to
We are confident these sales
will go even higher.
Rouleau, Advertising and
handising Manager
W. A. Shealfer Pen Co.
Fort Madison, Iowa
S Asso-
We found the humor on page 130 of
your November issue neither enjoyable
New Sylvania
makes it easy to take
Here it is — the powerful little movie light
that does all the work of a multiple light
bar and does it better! SUN GUN's new
Kind of lamp lights the scene like the sun.
Your movies come out with truer colors,
more even lighting and no double shadows.
SUN GUN fits any movie camera. Sce it at
your camera dealer's today. Only $9495*
*Mfr's suggested list.
Sylvania Lighting Products, Division of Sylvania
Electric Products Inc., 1740 Brosaway, New York 19, N, X»
IRMA LA DOUCE їз a wayward
but good-hearted little Paris girl,
the heroine of a smash Broadway
musical of the same name. The
show is a kind of French “Guys
and Dolls," brash but adorable,
full of beguiling songs. Fresh off
the New York stage in an Original
Cast Recording.
WAY CAST /OL 050/08 2025"
OSCAR BROWN is a stunning
рові-асіог, a composar-philoso-
pher. He swings a classic fable,
writes а powerful work song, re-
enacts the slave auctioneer's
shocking chant. It's all a uniquely
startling blond of folk song and
jazz styles.
OL 1677/68 t377*
ZR i
1 Believe po cw
x СЄ
instrument of glory, revealed in ап
inspired new collection, “| Be-
lieve.” Norman Rockwell's album
cover painting mirrors her dovo-
CX 149/08 взмә”
THE B.M.0.C.
Washington University to join the
fraternity of folk song best-sellers,
now represent tho B.M.O.C. (Best
Music On/Off Campus).
BROTHERS FOUR/CL 1578/C8 8378*
RAY CONNIFF, his Orchestra and
Chorus remind you that fondest
memories are made of songs like
"Му Foolish Heart," "Only You"
and "Love Letters in the Sand."
CONNIFF'S ingratiating arrange-
ments Көөр these favoritos unfad-
ingly bright.
CONNIFF/CL 1674/CS 8374"
Lerner and Loewe, the magicians
who conjured up “Му Fair Lady,”
cast an even lovelier spell with
their latest musical triumph,
“CAMELOT,” It's a happy mixture
of old English legend and en-
chanted пем melodies, presented
by Richard Burton, Julie Andrews
and the entire Broadway Original
ING/KOL без/ ков 203° ТАРЕ:
тов 100 @-TRACK) OQ S44 (4-TRACK)
There are other splendid sounds
FAITH arranges and conducts a
suave instrumental version of the
ORCHESTRA / CL 1570 / сз 8870"
Preis ОЛЕШ
Pianist ANDRE PREVIN and his
with the tunes.
ANDRE PREVIN/CL 1609/ CS 8309*
JACK DOUGLAS, the “My Brother
Was an Only Child" fellow, is a
sabre-toothed comic. He was cap-
tured (by a tape recorder) one
typically riotous evening in a New
York nightclub (the Bon Soir),
complete with deadpan delivery
and dolighted audionco.
CL 1667/C8 вз5ї*
33 singles: A happy new
note. Many of your favorite
singers and their songs
now available too on neat
7-inch single records at
your favorite speed — 33.
It’s an historie occasion when the
TET is joined by a singing voice
=the sturdy baritone oi JIMMY
RUSHING. The resulting Quintet
produces a rousing jazz "col
CS sass
yours on
© "зити", © Marcas Ren. Printed U.S. A
Male Factor
...& new ingredient
in men's toiletries
that separates
the men from the boys
...but not the girls
AFTER SHAVE LOTION Brisk tingle, Rugged
scent. Starts your day with a right face, $1.00.
DEOOORANT COLOGNE — You're safe all day with
the clean, fresh tang of the Male Factor, $1.25
like clay pigeons for the smoothest, closest
shave ever. And refreshing as a breeze, $.75
nor creative,
staff has decre:
definitely feel a
nd our respect for your
sed tremendously. We
printed apology is neces
that it will
sary. but doubt sincerely
repair the damage already inflicted.
Bigotry has no place in a publication.
Larry Tepper
Steve Heald
Lon Zimmerman
Syracuse, New York
Those who seek out bigotry and find
it where none exists, play into the hands
of bigots. pLaynoy, and cartoonist Shoe-
maker, were lampooning those who de-
ny anyone service at a lunch counter (or
anywhere else, for that matier) оп the
basis of shin color, The А
think, uses the sharp tool of wit to point
up one of the ludicrous inconsistencies
of bigotry.
November's Acapulco piece was really
the gr
of the four months I spent there last
year living on the beach next to the
El Presidente Hotel. 1 must correct
something. The shot labeled “greeting
the sun on û neardeserted beach" would
have made more sense as "the sunset.”
But 1 really loved it all, from Las Brisas
Hilton to Rio Rita's. Keep up the good
st. It brought back memories
Sylvia Boccker
Denver, Colorado
Your article gave а very real. picture
of Acapulco. There is one correction
we'd like to make, however: our shop is
named La Nao, instead of La Noa as
reported. Note to playboys: We always
have beer and rum drinks on ice in the
back room for the end in relaxed shop
Frank Longoria, Jr.
Acapulco, Mexico
What timing! As I was enplaning for
Acapulco, I picked up a November issue
with its article on the Riviera of the
Americas. The reporting was truly ac-
curate and broad eno
guide to the area. Thank vou for mak-
ing my trip rLavnoy perfect.
т. Justin Altshuler
West Newton, Massachusetts
h to serve as a
Your take-out on Acapulco was very
descriptive and complete. In
words, it was the most. Who needs a
travel agency when we have pLaynoy?
Robert Tucker
Jim. Crocker
Philip Collins
For new and exciting de
700, Michigan
elopments on
the PLAYBOY travel front, check Playboy's
International Datebook, page 136.
The singer who creates the hits, “A
отоп, A Lever, A Friend,” “Nighi
All My Love,” many others.
BL 54059 BL 754059 (Stereo)
LITTLE. A fobulovs musicel perley. .
a natural for stereo.
СВІ S7334 CRL757334 (Stereo)
For everyone who digs on old song
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CRL 57329 CRL 757329 (Stereo)
Songs in o romantic mood by the
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CRL 57337 CRL 757937 (Stereo)
Ps 5
#ййшу of Decca Record
s if you didn't know, thirty days hath
September, April, June and Novem-
ber, while all the rest have thirty-one —
except February. Why February? Blame
Caesar Augustus, who robbed February
to enlarge his name-month of August.
Now, we're content to let dead Cacsars
lie, but, as Mark Antony pointed out,
we're not wood or stones, and we can't
help being touched by the remarkable ac-
complishments ol little February. Here's
the mouth in which the ground hog
chooses to come out (he might just as
easily have chosen March). Here's the
month without which Washington and
Lincoln would have had nothing to be
born in, the month that gave us Charles
Dickens and Jimmy Durante, Babe Ruth
and Adlai Stevenson, Gloria Vanderbilt
and Gypsy Rose Lee, Elizabeth Tay
lor and Kim Novak. Think what addi
tional genius, talent and pulchritude
February might have created had she
gotten the two or three days that were
coming to her. But there she's been stand-
ing for centuries, smaller than all the
rest, braving the fiercest weather of the
year, with few friends to her name, which
comes, incidentally, from a Sabine word
meaning cleanliness. Now, at long last,
a chap we've heard from is organizing a
society to right the injustice. The
Friends of February, he tells us, will
crusade to get back all the days stolen
from their favorite month down through
the ages — roughly, two days а year for
the past two thousand years. After he
has rounded up these many lost weck-
ends, our man proposes bunching them
into one long month, each day of which
will recur upwards of one hundred and
forty times before the next day appears.
Offhand, it sounds OK. While a stretch
of a hundred and forty ground-hog days
might begin to pall towerd its end, we
look forward expectantly to those weeks
and weeks of nothing but St. Valentine
Days. OF course, as your accountant will
point ont, there may be some strain in
meeting fistof-the-month bills one hun
dred and forty February firsts in а row,
but remember, after this trying period
we'll all have а breathing space of more
than ten years before March 1 rolls
According to a report by Columnist
Terry Tumer in the Chicago Daily News
television guide, a new form of video
fare may usurp Gunsmoke’s place in the
hearts of viewers. Describing it (with the
misguided aid of a linotype operator),
urner noted: “It’s my guess that WGN's
program that night, Scat Huni, drew a
higher rating than any of the network
he spirit is willing, but the flesh is
weak" was one of the phrases fed into
n electric computer during recent c
periments in uanslation by machine.
The computer dutifully translated it
into Russian, but when a translator put
it back into English it came out: “The
liquor good, but the meat ha
gone bad.
Euphoria is here and nirvana is just
around the corner, some of the big pha
maceutical houses would have us bc-
lieve. The descriptive literature sent to
doctors by опе drug company had this
to зау about one of its pills, which
seems to transcend simple tranquility.
he drug will be widely useful, its maker
s. in relieving distress marked by
- . discouragement and pessimism, tear-
fulness and depression, anxiety, nervous
fears and phobias, irritability, excitabil
ity and agitation, sensations of weakness
and exh y and loss
of interest, and overeating.” Reminds us
ustion ...
of a game some of the agency folks were
playing awhile back, in which they
thought up patent medicines for neu-
тойс ills, and the accompanying ad cam-
paigns. There was, for instance, “IQ —
‘The Gum For The Dumb." “Fight That
Death Wish!" went another. "Take
NecroSeltzer!” Then there were Schizo-
Tabs ("Just pop one into your mouth
whenever you fecl your personality split-
ing") and another that cautioned,
Don't take other people's things . . .
take gentle, fastacting Klepto Bismol!"
Perhaps someone will come up with a
cure for a disease newly discovered by
Buddy Hackett — anti-acrophobia — the
fear of not being high.
The Rock Island (Minois) Argus, re-
porting the adventures of what can only
be a child prodigy: "Stanley E. Knudson,
8, of 410 49th St, Moline, w fined
$100 for fornication, $25 for discharging
a firearm in the city and $25 for dis
turbing the peace
Variety's Abel Green, after pondering
the “efficiency” of the efficiency experts,
circulated among his cronies the kind of
report а time-and-motion-study
might turn in after a visit to the Salz-
burg Music Festival: "For considerable
periods, the four oboe players had noth-
ing to do. The numbers should be rc-
duced and the work spread evenly over
the whole of the concert, thus climinat-
ing peaks of activity. . . . There seems
to be too much repetition of some musi-
cal passages. No useful purpose is served
by repeating on the horns a passage
which has already been handled by the
strings. .. . All the twelve first violins
were playing identical notes. This seems
unnecessary duplication. . . . The con-
ductor agrees generally with these recom-
mendations, but expresses the opinion
Soft sunlight shades that give added fashion emphasis
to your Spring ensemble. Subtle elegant all-silk
foulards—young man's favorite. $2.50
Other Wembley Ties to $5.00 at fine stores everywhere.
Only Wembley
has the A
for correct
match with
suits and
Look for
that there might be some falling off in
box-office receipts. In that unlikely event,
it should be possible to close sections of
the auditorium entirely, with a conse-
quential saying of overhead expense.
+++ If worse came to worst, the whole
thing could be abandoned, and the pub-
lic could go to the Bayreuth Festival
“Genius” has become a two-bit word
in the lexicon of the liner-note literati;
it is tossed with wild abandon and equal
fervor at Wanda Landowska and Law-
rence Welk. We have no quarrel with
the approbation, however, when it's
plied to Gerry Mulligan, the poet lau-
reate of the baritone sax. The Genivs of
Gerry. Mulligan (Pacific Jazz) is a meaning-
ful chronicle of the years (1952-1957) of
з ascendancy to the ranks of
2 greats. It includes a number of
previously unreleased items and a re-
examination of several by-now historic
efforts. One facet of Mulligan’s genius is
his ability to attract and inspire such
lights as Chet Baker, Bob Brookmeyer,
Chico Hamilton, Red Mitchell, Lee
Konitz, ct al. They are sprinkled lib-
erally throughout the time-tested Mulli-
gantuan memorabilia, including Get
Happy (59), Bernie's Tunc (52), 1 Can't
Believe That You're in Love with Me
53) and Polka Dots and Moonbeams
(54). Through it all, the incandescent
Mulligan horn reigns supreme.
We are spilling no beans when we
that Paul Weston and Jo Stafford (his
frau) have achieved the pinnacle of pa-
thetic perfection as Jonathon & Dorlene
Edwards іп Poris (Columbia). Their first
offering, The Piano Artistry of Jonathan
Edwards, was a masterpiece of multiple
clinkers, horrendous arpeggios, and Hat-
ted fifths, sixths, sevenths and cighths,
with Jo singing like Carmen Lombardo
on an off night, and Paul Weston's
piano sounding as though he were p
ing it with his feet. Now, that in
effort seems positively mnellifluous by
comparison. Paris recovered magnifi-
cently from the German occupation; we
defy it to do the samc aftcr Jonathan
and Darlene's merciless а "There is
devastating artistry involved in the mur-
der of La Vie en Rose, April in Paris,
Paris in the Spring and Mademoiselle
de Paris; it is extremely difficult, for c:
ample, for Jo Stafford, with her near-
perfect pitch, to sing so consistently off
key. But, with steely nerve and ear of
tin, she carries it off beautifully. Put us
down as charter members of the musical.
masochists club for whom the Weston”
dissonance lends enchantment. +
Nino ot Newport (Colpix), etched during D l S K
this past summer's abbreviated festivi-
ties, is an attractive sounding of Miss
Simone's musical depths. With a rhythm А i allasi 5
a es qlee ray Me pT ] Dusty olive tones in all silk foulards, especially
and sings her way through a dite designed to go with Spring's new black-olive and
full of ballads, blues and stomp tunes putty shade suits . . . another of the fashion-color
delivered with a contagious gusto and a
highly communicable sensitivity. Miss
Simone's voice, rough-hewn around the
edges, always seems on the verge of a Э M
cracking but never docs. Instead,
takes to varying tempi with an astonish [0 em b | et
ing ease and adaptability worthy of a wet eer a chon tuve
far more experienced hand. The change
of pace is particularly delightful as Nina
and friends go from the poignant Porgy
(the Jimmy McHugh Dorothy Fields
version) to the trip-hammer Little Liza
ideas that never stop coming from Wembley. $2.50
Former Sid Caesar sidekick Сап
Reiner plays straight man for TV cor
edy writer Mel Brooks on 2,000 Years wi
Coil Reiner and Mel Brooks (World Pacific),
a set of satiric dialogs recorded before a
studio audience. Interviewer Reiner
pursues Brooks in a slew of setting
from coffechouse to Argentine jungle
to psychiatrist's office to Army base,
with Brooks playing the various inte
viewees. As the headshrinker confronted.
with a twisted chick who spends her days
shredding paper, Brooks advises, "Go
out and meet people. Go то a socia
function." As folk singer Charlie Grape.
he chants Twenty-Two Men Fell Down
and Broke Their Knee. In the disgi
of singingrape Fabiola, whose latest
platter sold seventeen million copies,
Brooks defines his succesful crooning
style: “It’s dirty, man." The best mo-
ments, however, occur during Reiner's
interrogation of a two-thousand-ycar-old
Brooks. Says the latter: “I'll be two
thousand on October sixteenth . . . I
ever touch fried food . . . I have
over forty-two thousand children and
not one comes to visit me. How they
forget a fatherl . . . Let ‘em be happy,
but they could send a note,
name the "greatest thing т
vised,” Brooks responds with “<
Wrap." And when Reiner pleads for the
old-timer’s philosophy, the ancient re
plies, “Keep a smile on your face and
stay out of small Tta Not all
Photography; Jacques Simson
n cars.’
the tries, most of which scem to һе ad
lib, hit the mark, but Brooks, a cu
combination of Irwin Corey and Sid
Cacsar, has enough lively moments. to
sustain matters. Lively is the w
for much of the cayorting of British
Peter Sellers on The Best of Sellers (А!
Juggling situations and dialec Only Wembley has the COLOR
the film comic lampoons the sto GUIDE® for correct match
cal speech, a radio panel discussion, a | With suits and jackets.
production of My Fair Lady in India | Look for Wembley! {
Save on the best in popular albums. Select from
ANY FIVE| 5r $,598
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albums within twelve months from MR.LUCKY ЇЇ
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His Popular Album Club trial mem-
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You save up to 40% with this intro-
duciory offer alone. After the trial
membership, if you continue, you will
Every month you are offered a wide
variety of albums (up to 200 a year).
One will be singled cut as the album-
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nothing; it will come to you aulomati-
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led. For
recordings af the
Rispeody, plus American
in Paris. Fari Wild.
Speciactlar new
World, Someday, A
Such ds 1,9 ethers.
save about one third of the manufac- 1
turer's nationally advertised price nationally advertised price — usually
through the Club's Dividend Album $3.98, at times $4.98; for stereo al-
Plan. This plan lets you choose a free bums you will pay the nationally ad-
regular LP. or stereo album (depend- — vertised price of $4.68, at times $5.98
ing on which division you are in) with: — (plus—in all cases-a small charge for 214. Ness . Singi 210. 12 Yenkeclend
every two you buy from the Club. postage and handling). Mal Tie. Lady Ire echt сін!
Tramp, Someday, Uf You Kneu Susie, Cit
ALL ALBUMS ARE 12-INCH 33% R.P.M. By, Thou Swell, e iribin, bsle of Capri, ete.
GOLDEN RECORI music from
'& HS FRIENDS composed and
e >
212. Mr. Cuitar's fint 245. The Sing-Along 124. 11 of Perry's mi 2. The . Hoterlling cook 216, Hank sings Ary Old
Ace album, Till There Specucular! 33 alltime lonsellers since 1945. action hit ing sequi! мып Time, Moonlight ond.
Tas You Night Irem, tap tines, song sheets Prisoner of Lore. Ti the sue modem “mood” jare Shelly Manne, other Shien’ Blue Yodel f
л, Wok Une М (90 Rome һанбошшете End of Tine, Temptation, — combo und big band, West Coast haz pam. Koll Along Kentucky
Julep, Hot Toddy. more. Heart of My Heart, eic. 4 Quiet Gass, Sook ete, Moan, The One Rost, ete.
зма rauous ите Ё# МӘН ch ded
1 re- 16, Key highlighte fron 244. His 12 saniest hits. 239.Driubetopmarche 148. Sinatra, Sulforl,
Paper recorded in hi fi. There, ovsky's enchant- Cocktails for Two, Chine, ing band. 76 Trombones, Pied Pipers, Marie. Song
Doll, Love ls а Many. Ire Said Again: Riders ingmasterplecetorballet My Old Flome, Glow March of the Siamese ef India, ГЇ Never Smile
Laura, ete, Children, Get Me to the Again, Opus
Church on Time, 9 more. Regular ГТ.
authentically played ali
en йанда: Seet
leilani, The Наканоп Splendored Thing, To Sky: Racing with (and the whole family). W
Wedding Song, ee" ach Hsien ete ° the'Moon: Rallina: ete. Фао the Facen ste, Ке
©. Box BO, Village Station, New York 14, N. ¥. SEND ME
nd me either the f Чер
1 have specified at right. 1 will pay $3.98 (| BLESS
charge) for either the Glenn Miller set or the five sepa (Indicate number)
matter which offer 1 cheosc, T agece to buy six other albuma °
the next year, for each of which Т will be billed at the manus е
а egalar LT. шше КУУ, sme S0 H Ё
iat times $508. (A small postage and handling charge 9 243. Tenor sings hita Soundtrack record-
J hereon, End iy ly four meth arn in any кескен ырш жы ышк .
lo maintain memberehi] у any time after. © Drink. Drini ink; Sere- film. Come Prima, V Allof You, Cherry,
m the Club (in addition to those included in (hio intro- Jensen] Bree Баи bee куча ptio n reet
Т continue membershi my sixth purchase, for Schubert's Ave Maria, " the Waterfront.
ie Thay шу chess m third pm =
| | Н [van CLIEURN gil) тыг
OR =
Address Goss
City Zone State.
Mt you wish your membership credited to an authorized RCA VICTOR dealer. pase RI in below: мны - =
$ Dealer, 7. Stunning new record- 5. All-time bestselling
Deal = Sa Teg SARS үш ing of the dramatic 9- classical album by 1
е агулы TATE SEA ESTE енга Tr U $. TT шыс a A A
Wo тү ыру e aee DET NE ee ERU EET r
РРР соововооовевооо by hichd рек the worl by erm
*IMPORTANT—PLEASE NOTE: Although the Glenn Miller album is available only in regular L. P., you may get it and still join either the Stereo or the
this up-to-date list of RCAVICTOR best-sellers
or EC L. P.
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ENT. >
Dives types, гһуїһт 297. Sound exirave- 4. Original soundiracl
king, Hallelujah | gnan. Lore Js а Many. recording from
are Her So. One fer My Splendered Thins, Laura, and Hammers
Baby, Fare Thee Well, Around the We hit. 15 hardy perennials.
God Bless the Child, °" from "Moulin Кошу М. Gaynor, R. Шамай.
If you piste, you may choose this emis
5-record album instead of five others . . .
[m 55 E А
z ——
Thee 12 alltime 148. Top vocal tri =
Tire Dong Toke eer P Tue lace, © RECORDS
e From Al, мс. sol Water, 5 —
Homer & Jethro 8 ALBUM EMBOSSED
wt. B IN GOLD :
nf Mat $ Regular L. P. only H
f H
EET © (rash this incomparable album Ray Eberle, Marion Hutton, The $
ранна 20 ИЕ © has been reissued. Here аге ће Modernaires—arrangers Jerry ®
p enl rato songa, "Hes act Outtueouscorfed ® band’s greatest recordings, plus Gray, Bill Finegan and Glenn him- $
ando, үш cli. Cot the Whole Word in humor, imane parodies S highlights from the broadcasts. self -sidemen Hal Melntvre, Тех ®
ЫНЫ oot Sce a NUBE a dani a eid TE You'll find all the stars of Miller's Beneke, many more. Illustrated $
"Golden Age"—singers Kay Starr, — booklertellstheGlennMillerstory, ®
Jea. Ares 12 Veen 24. 12 pop vee en 9. Ортеке П, tae S BLUE MOON a MELANCHOLY BABY |
ие йа, жни Ос EL ea der iTA RD Yon Resear. ® BOULDER BUFF MOON LOVE
Se. Flowing many. 100. Tio speret FRESH AS A DAISY SAY 51 51
ита) Еее d.
246. The Rodgers & 237. Carle goes ragti
Mariner Who's Sorry New, Ales-
‘onder's Ragtime Rand.
Do-Re-Mi, My Nobody's Sweetheart, etc.
Favorite Things. Regular Т.Р only
Regular L. P. Division of the Club. Regular L. Р.
озшш ент
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P NR s Ail КМ
with Me, All of You,
ес. Regular 1. P. оту
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Big in sound, compact in size, the six speakers in this
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26%7 H. TC Ibs. Order direct or see your Heathkit dealer.
Model 60-31 (КИ). ..$13 dn., $11 mo............... 5129.95
Model GDW-31 (Wired). .. $15 dn.. $13 то..........5149.95
a subsidiary of Daystrom Incorporated.
Benton Harbor 38, Michigan
Now on cocktail napkins: a
series of your favorite feminine
nip-ups by droll Jack Cole. 18 devilish situations (including Glutton, Persnickety,
Narcissus, etc.) you've chuckled over in the pages of PLAYBOY—on 36 ivory white
napkins, for your next festive spree or perfect for gifts. The cost? A low $1 per 3 /dozen box,
postpaid. Dash off your personal check tonight.
(in which the heroine is a Bombay Un-
touchable who becomes Touchable
nine-year-old pop singer, the hoary
movie travelog (Balham —Gateway to
the South) in the m
the folk-song rage rock^n"roll
trepreneur. In the latter, Sellers p
The Major, discoverer of Clint
gh, Nat Lush and The Fleshpots
During am interview with a staid lady
of the press, The Major introduces his
current cretin, Twitt Conway. When
the lady asks Twitt, “Are you fond of
Shakespeare?" the hip-wwitcher replies,
“We're just good friends.” Sellers wraps
up his first LP with a track tagged Peter
Sellers Sings George Gershwin. That's
exactly what he does. He sings, “ч
Alter undergoing the emotion:
of hearing Sviatos!
debut with the Chicago Symphony Or-
chestra (under Erich Leinsdorf), and
concurring in the audience's thrilled
ovation, we wondered to what di
we'd been influenced. by mass reaction
to his readily apparent technical bri
liance. Brahms Piano Concerto Number 2 in
B-Flat (Victor) gave us the opportunity to
hear that part of the concert over ар;
We did so three times, over a long wi
end, and compared Richter's recording
with two other readings, those by Rubin-
їп and Serkin, both of which are of
hest excellence. Yet Richter, on
ng, seems — incredibly — to have
topped these acknowledged masters. B
comprehension of the com-
poser's whether delicacy or lyri
cism is called for, or power, or fantastic
virtuosity — as in the second movement,
designated. allegro appassionato, which
Brahins, with wicked humor, described
in a letter as "a little wisp of a scherzo.
‘The fact that the transcription was ac-
complished under difficult circumstances
n record time is interesting but beside
the point; the finished. product, which.
js what counts, m; d as the major
ecording of this ntic masterpiece.
Shelly Manne & His Men ot the Black Howk
(Contemporary) is an ambitious four-vol-
ng of a date the group played
n Francisco's famed modern jazz
. Only Volumes 1 and 2 have
sed to date, but let us be
teful for the tasty hal-loaf proffered.
The men on hand are bassist Monty
Budwig, trumpeter Joe Gordon, Richie
Kamuca on tenor, and Victor Feldman,
abandoning: his vibes here for the less
exotic 88s, From Volume 15 opening
bars, it becomes excitingly apparent that
the on-the-sccne atmosphere has put a
most salutary glow on the proceed-
ings. Summertime, Frank Rosolino's jazz
waltz Blue Daniel, Benny Golson's Step
Lightly, Charlie Mariano's Vamp's Blues
and the Burke-Haggart classic What’s
New are taken up tenderly and not put
down until each musician has had time
to elaborate fully on the subject before
m. Vamp's Blues, in particular, is а
stunning set of variations on a bı
theme. Kamuca's e
unearthly quality about it that will raise
the hackles at the nape of your neck,
Gordon's larger-than-life trumpet is a
tower of strength throughout, and Bud-
s work is а thing of somber
ну. The two uptempo items, Tadd
neron’s Our Delight and the surpr
ingly quick-paced Poinciana, display
joie de vive positively hyperthyroid lor
the late, late hour at which they were
ended solo has an
wig's bı
Before 1958, nomadic Miriam Ma-
keba roamed through Rhodesia, the
Belgian Congo and South Africa, sing-
g with a group known as The Black
Manhattan Brothers, In ‘58 she departed
her Johannesburg home for London:
from there she headed for America, to
bring her unique repertoire to U.S.
audiences. A wideranging sample of
that repertoire is now available on her
debut disc, Miriam Makeba (Victor). As-
sisted by the Belafonte Folk Singers
(Harry's one of her boosters) and guitar-
ist Perry Lopez, Miss Makeba offers —
h pointed simpl and charm—
Jikele Maweni, warrior's retreat
song; Unhome, ment; Nomeva,
a Xosa love song; Iya Guduza, а lightly
flowing Zulu relrain, and assorted folk
melodies from Africa, Indonesia, Aus
tria and way down yonder in New
s (House of the Rising Sun).
most appealing on The Click Song.
wedding tune punctuated by
clipped clicking sounds native to her
Хо tribal everythi
tries, she cli
Basin Street East (137 East 48th), one of
ew York's top Jazz and Joke rooms, is
n by Ralph Watkins, who won his
ipresario’s spur
Street and at the New York E
Watkins is a firm bel i
entertainment and he
the old Paramount Theatre extrava-
ganzas left off. BSE's shows major in
music, but there's often a top comic as
an added attraction — Mort Sahl has
1 its podium to deliver his unique
nd of social and political funditry:
Don Rickles, in his first New York ap-
nce, insulted everything that
wasn't nailed down; and Lenny Bruce
dumped some ars
bowl this Cl
the voices
Freshman arithmetic: 4 Freshmen + 10
years with Capitol =12 incomparable
selections. Fools Rush In; My
Funny Valentine; It's Only A
Paper Moon; If | Knew Then;
Getting Sentimental Over You;
It Happens Every Spring; Dream;
But Beautiful; etc. The boys play
their own backing. (сут 1465
swingin’ session!!!
Old Ones—and new ones, that
тау be tomorrow's standards!
The Masquerade Is Over; If!
Love Again; 9 more. (5)Т 1400
Intoxicating arrangements for
every taste. Get Happy; April In
Paris; Sing For Your Supper;
Summertime; 8 тоге. (Syr 102
Make sure you know the scorel
A collection of hits from the
four most sparkling shows now
playing on Broadway. (ST 1480
Soft lighls and soft shades of
romance. Laura; Night And Day;
Petite Fleur; Misty; more with
famed Pourcel finesse. (бт 10260
Album number prefix (S) indicates stereo version available.
new, from the sound capitol of the world...
There's no secret in this
formula for swingin'—take Frank
Sinatra, blend with Nelson Riddle
and his orchestra, add one dozen
great tunes like My Blue Heaven;
When You're Smiling; September In
The Rain; Blue Moon; You Do
Something To Me. Result?
Perfection | syw 1491
A volume of pop music history!
Sonos and stars that sold ten
million records collected in one
album. A musti тз
Sürring Paso del Regimiento;
flamenco, the brilliant sounds
that have fired crowd passions
from Espana lo Vegas. (97 1484
Famous ALFRED SHAHEEN, Honolulu
Marie Douglas
“The Culotte"
—you can't detect from
a dress. ALFRED
gorgeous silky
finished Cotton and
Arnel. Black,
Natural, Royal.
8 to 16.
їн ORIENTAL SCRIPT (no rechinges ол monegramned осоо)
4% sales tax in California
Nail Manie Doulas оерт. ев
854 So. Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.
$10.00 deposit with all C O.O's.
Table-top or hand model,
there is a Sawyer's 22
slide viewer perfect tor
you. Pana-Vue | (above)
lighted table-top model,
$695. At leading photo,
gift, drug and department
stores— wherever color
film is sold.
SAWYER'S, INC. Portland, Oregon
comics may offer a change of pace, but
on-beat musicians are still the main
event. The bandstand has supported the
sounds of George Shearing, Herbie
Mann, Erroll Garner, Neal Hefti, Chris
Connor, Peggy Lee, and the man who
asin Strect East on the enter
Benny Goodman. The
future looks just as bright, with Quincy
Jones and Georgie Auld, return trips
for В. С. and Peggy Lee, and a spring
outing for Ela on the agenda. The
show, when we caught it, featured
Charlie Barnet, Billy Eckstine and
Rickles, and was a wildly typical pot-
pourri. Though the room holds 350,
it is surprisinely intimate. The decor
picks up on the Basin Strcet tag, with
New Orleans touches that include weep-
ing willows and stained-glass windows.
Acoustically, the music comes through
with plenty of drive and presence, but
with none of the carspliting quality
found in many jazz dens. The kitchen
delivers a variety of dinner and late-
evening morsels, with Far East fare fill-
ing most of the menu and the customers:
beer and booze go for $1.50 per. The
no cover or minimum, but there is а
Music Charge” of three dollars per
person, which entitles you to just sit
and listen to your ears’ content. The bar
offers its hospitality for a tvo-drink
minimum. Shaw time, during the week,
is at ni nd midnight,
extra stanza at two лм. on Fridays and
Saturdays. Sundays, all is still.
with an
Ingmar Bergman's admirers tend to
introduce their praise with apologies.
Apologies, then, on his behalf for the
lack of thematic clari d consistent
dramatic tension in his newest film, The
ing. But, let us add at once, this
retelling of a Fourteenth Century Swed-
ish legend is a work of superior photog-
raphy and act like The Seventh Seal,
remarkable medieval tex-
and— Bergman to the core—it
pples with serious questions of moral
ity and faith. An innocent girl is raped
and murdered: when her body is lifted.
Irom the spot. a spring bursts forth.
Admittedly, the picture moves slowly up
to the murder and the father's bloody
revenge — while Bergman, as usual, goes
about racking up a set of symbols. (For
instance, the chicf rapist is mute; his
tongue has been cut out for a crime.
Presumably this symbolizes that vindic-
ve society has deprived him of the
normal means of asking for love.) Still,
no other contemporary director can so
alvanize all the techniques of
and cutting room to hurl a fi
torch into the spiritual
The Modern Jazz Quartet
John Lewis
Milt Jackson
Chris Connor
John Coltrane
Ornette Coleman
Herbie Mann
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Exclusive ATLANTIC Recording Artists
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And it's guaranteed a full year! The rarest
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stering, complete steering rig, 17" wrap-
around windshield, the standard equipment
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too. Rugged construction standards permit а
unique full-year guarantee. The hull is engi-
neered and built with a unitized frame to
assure long life; O.B.C. rated for 10-40 hp.
Handsome finish is resistant to fading. Your
Starcraft dealer has more money-saving facts,
Write today for free color catalog.
Plus freight and handling.
Dept PM-2 * Goshen, Indiana
only briefly, providing a shadowy elimpse
of a mysterious beyond, but it does flare.
Anyone who is willing to abide an oc-
casional longueur for the opportunity
10 spend an hour and a half in the com-
pany of a poet and visionary will want
to see this film.
The Wackiest Ship in the Army is much
its title. Sparked by Jack
ar-perfect performance, it
а movie doesn't really need
new gags, it only needs to put over the
old ones. Pedants will doubtless trace
the pedigree of this spoof of the services
to some of the war jokes of Aristophanes.
What of it? Suppose we have lost count
of the number of times we've scen peo
ple bump their heads standing up sud-
denly in а stateroom? Or earnest young
men c out unheroic asignmenc?
brighter th
Lemmon's n
proves th
g of Lemmon. The story. tightly di
rected by Richard Murphy. deals with
Savy lieutenant who is assigned to
decrepit sailingship through
enemy waters from Australia to New
Guinea with а crew that has never been
under canvas before. There is a final
shoot-out with the Japanese and, believe
it or not, the young Japanese officer
who temporarily captures the sailors is
a UCLA grad who speaks idiomatic
American. No, the authors haven't omit-
ted a thing — except to explain the word
“Army” in the title. The film deals єх
clusively with the Navy.
The Facts of Life is а funny picture about
а husband and а a's wife who
have loathed each other for years, are
thrown together for a couple of days,
and fall in love. This Bob Hope-Lucille
Ball vehicle, however, can't be said to
prove that philandering is fun. For one
А aspiring adulterers аге un-
comfortable а good deal of the time.
For another, sin never quite gets a fair
chance to state its case; he and she are
headed for the hay, but dhey are saved,
for their respective marriages and. your
neighborhood theatre, by a series of cen-
sororienied accidents. Stll, they do
come close enough. for comedy. Hope
timing is up to par. and Miss Ball, tha
deceptively wry comedienne, comes on
looking like a full-blown, slightly gag
chrysanthemum. This Norman Panama
Melvin Frank production is the best
Hope picture in а long time — and that
is meant as somewhat more than faint
other т
Sophia Loren is in A Breath of Scandal,
and that ought to be information enough
lor апу male. Is there a more beautiful
woman alive? Not doll and not girl: we
said woman. It is painful to report that
Created in West Germany . . . enjoyed by millions
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Write for FREE illustrated
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Hundreds of selections for every record lover's
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Count Basie's newest! Your
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Some of the top artists in modern jazz— Charlie mambo, merengue, wapacha with Machito, Tita
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other top bands with the authentic beat!
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Mvuns— sereo or monauratsane prie range.
music is on
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with the amazing new Sony 101 Portable Tape Recorder
This remarkable instrument has so many more top quality
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yet sells for only $99.50. Full seven inch tape reels (twice
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dual-track recording and playback, V.U. Mcter, automatic
tape lifters, safety lock record button, dynamically bal-
anced flywheel, dynamic microphone — and many, many
more! Investigate the amazing Sony 101—lightweight, com-
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SOND SUPERSCOPE E/* tapeway to Stereo
The 101 portable
Other Sony tape recorders
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with parallel and sound-on-
sound recording at $199.50
nd the Sterecorder 300, a
complete 4 & 2 track port-
able stereo tape system at
only $89950. m For liter-
ature or nearest dealer
write Superscope, Inc.
Dept. 2, Sun Valley, Cal
Here's a chance to
delight your own
playmate with this
distinctive, new
bunny bracelet. She'll wear it in
light-hearted good taste as a chic reminder of your thoughtfulness.
And it's matched elegantly to complement the other pieces in her Playmate
Jewelry Ensemble. The feminine chain, complete with safety clasp,
sports Playboy's smart rabbit pendas
PLAYBOY PRODUCTS 232 E. Ohio - Chicago 11, Illinois
Price $2.50 ppa.
in this film she is so miscast and so
abominably directed (by old-timer
Michael Curtiz) that she gives her worst
performance to date. Nor is she helped
by а script which is a brutally ravished
Molnar play (Olympia) — hardly one of
the Magyar master’s best to begin w
Miss Loren, as a Viennese aristocrat
of Franz Josef's era, is wooed by a semi-
animated bottle of hair-oil named John
Gavin. Her father (Maurice Chevalier,
of all people) has arranged а marria
for her with a С
well, that’s enough of that. It's а walt
in lead boots, redeemed only by the
chance to see Miss Loren, wasp-waisted
and décolleté, in some wonderful fin de
siécle clothes.
rman prince and . . .
One snip of the scissors would make
Exodus a superb picture. The first hall
of this threc-and-a-half-hour film is over-
whelmingly true and moving. Its hard
not to be moved by the story of the six
hundred and eleven battered Jewish
refugees who resolve to die of hunger
оп board ship in a Cyprus harbor if they
are not permitted to sail to Palestine.
The converging forces of the Jews
Twentieth Century history arc «сс
tively personified by Paul Newman, the
Palestinian who leads the exodu
Richardson, the British gene
ing a private conflict between duty and
fecling; Eva Marie Saint, ап Americ
widow who tries to stay aloof from the
affair: and Sal. Mineo, a young survivor
of Auschwitz, But then the hungerstri
ends, the ship reaches Palestine
whole thing becomes just another Techni
color action show. The herocs become
too heroic, the prison break too patently
cinematic, and the Israeli-Arab conflict
takes on tinges of a Near-Eastern. West-
em. Leon Uris’ bestselling novel held
millions because its third-rate prose and
corny contrivances had an underpinning
of terrible truth. For the first part of
this film, screenwriter Dalton Trumbo
and director Ouo Preminger have cut
through the rubbish to thrust those
truths at us; in the second half Uris un-
fortunately overcomes them
Bill Henderson, who did surprisingly
well for a new vocalist in pLaynoy’s fifth
annual Jazz Poll (see page 134 of this
issuc), put in an appearance recently at
the Playboy Club Library in the Windy
City, and it was there we caught him.
Bill is a visual singer. When he rocks
with the likes of Bye Bye Blackbird, he
rocks. From the extra-thick horn-rimmed
glasses (a trademark) tight on down to
his thin-soled shoes, Henderson is all
wrapped up in his work. As a matter of
fact, we had the fecling that if the
sound were cut aff, rhe audience would
still get a charge from Bill's frenetic ac
tivities. This is not to slough off Hen-
deron's vocal talents. His voice, in
timbre and phrasing, has а modicum of
Ray Charles in it, but with almost none
of Charles raw edge, a finesse which
stands him in good stead when he's
balladecring. Love Locked Out and the
first chorus of I’ve Got You Under My
Skin were beautifully showcased. But
Henderson's r
n appeal lies rooted in
the up-tempo items in his songbook. His
opener, Old Black Magic,and Hallelujah.
1 Love Her So (the Ray Charles swinger)
turned the Library into a camp meet
The Blackbird signoff was a ра
arly effective way of leaving things
at their peak, and Henderson very pro-
fcssionally knew when to strike the set.
His fist LP, incidentally, Bill Hender-
son (Vec Jay) contains,
of the tunes menti
vat Rodgers and Hart
y Valentine and It Never Entered
Aly Mind, which almost never had it so
good. For a recent arrival, Henderson
has undance of vocal and visual
re; he should go far and fast.
The Unsinkable Molly Brown is based
loosely on the lusty, gusty times of onc
Molly Tobin, an Irish chambermaid
who married Johnny “Leadville” Brown
and his silver mines around the turn of
the century, made a grand play for so-
cial recognition and culture, and cli
maxed her career by getting off the
sinking Titanic with her feet dry, Mere-
dith Willson has written another ver-
хийе score counterpointed in Ameri-
cana. He offers a rowdy drinking chorus.
Belly Up to the Bar, Boys, and mutes
his brasses for such ballads as /f 1 Knew
and Dolce Far Niente. Director. Dore
Schary does a nimble job of pacing
Molly's social climbing Irom a Missouri
shack and a Colorado saloon to thc
exalted manses of Denver (where she is
royally snubbed) and the gilded salons
of Paris and Monte Carlo (where the
impoverished nobility recogn
thing when they sce it). But itis Tammy
Grimes, timate actress turned song:
and-dancer, who gives this unsinkable
Molly her life preserver. Somewhere be-
tween the gamin in homespun and the
iurns beautiful before your eyes. And
when she sings, the enchantment is com-
plete. Not that the girl has any kind of
voice you have ever heard before. It is
strictly her own, gravel-harsh and shrill-
sweet, but it does wonders for Willson's
score. Baritone Harve Presnell helps
e а good
and lovely!
Toni Harper, swinging siren of the Sixties, sings
‚ liquid tone. And never with greater
with a pearl;
effect than here, where she serenades the night.
With romantic ballads like “In the Still of the Night" and
“Night after Night,” Toni puts you right into a moonlit mood!
Living Stereo and Monaural Hi-Fi on RCA VICTOR
PLAYBOY s blasébunny helps
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770 Eleventh Ave., New York 19, N. Y.
mightily as a hulking Johnny, and the
nd dancing, in general,
. But only the tomboyish
is irresistible. At the Winter
v and 50th Street, NYC.
Whiting down Allen Drury's fat.
Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, Advise ond
Consent, to stage size was a muscular job
— and here and there the rough edges
But the overall result is a vivid,
report on knife-wielding
ition’ capital. Loring Mandel's
ion sticks to the main theme
novel — a “White House
* liberals and.
“good” reactionaries over a. Presidential
appointment for Secretary of State. On
one side is The President of the U.S.
(Judson Laire manipulator who is
determined to have a man named Hunt-
ington (Staats Cotsworth) for the job. It
has been proved that Hunti
under oath when he denied a one-time
affiliation with a Communist group, but
the President still sees him as the strong
man needed to deal with a Russia that
has just landed a rocketload of men on
the moon. Stringing along with the boss
are his loyal Majority Leader (Chester
Morris), opportunist Senator Van Acker
man (Kevin McCarthy), as well as а
sorted party hacks, Lined up a
formidable faction. are. elder states
Onin Knox (Ed Begley): guileful, South-
ern-drawling, venom-ongued | Senator
Scab Cooley (Henry Jones): and dedi-
cated Senator Brig Anderson. (Richard
Kiley) who holds the information that
n quash Huntington’s appointment. A
s comes when Мап Ackerman uncov-
long-forgotten incident of homo-
itv in young Anderson's wartime
of the
free-for-all between
past. All these roles аге forcefully en-
acted, and Director Franklin. Schaffner
keeps an inordinate number of con-
мапу shifting scenes moving with the
fluidity of а motion picture. The cli
muctic hassle on the Senate floor is a
capsule masterpiece of stag t. Advise
and Consent m
ism and pe
ing theatr
Street, NYC.
be jaundiced journal-
politics, but it is arrest-
At the Cort, 138 West 48th
There is no violence, no sadism
по shrie madness in T
liams’ new plav. Period of Adjustment
only a warm and emphatically fu
comedy, it is positively
about the problems of two
couples who are on the verge of split-
ting up. Williams’ first try at. comedy
stits on Christmas Eve in a Southern
suburb. The snow is falling softly out-
side the gimerack Spanish stucco house
where James Daly broods alone over TV
and a can of becr. His wife, Rosemary
Murphy, has gone home to father, tak.
ing along their three-year-old son and
leaving the family presents unopencd
A Bachelor's
A comprehensive.
little black
with an individual page for each girl. Ве
a more resourceful bachelor. Record
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vital statistics, telephone number, birth-
day, otc. Sixty-four pagos—quick ref-
erence—unique gift.
Absolute satisfaction guaranteed. $2.00
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LABORATORY smmmmmmmumun
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balanced tone arm, a heavy, full-size
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convenience of the world’s finest auto-
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everything you have wanted in a rec-
ord player. Sec it at your dealers, or
write for illustrated literature. $69.50
Never before in the history of jazz haveso many of the greatest
stars been brought together in a single package. Through the
cooperation of the entire recording industry, THE PLAYBOY
JAZZ ALL-STARS, VOLUME THREE. includes all the winners
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All-Stars chosen by the musicians themselves. There are 32
separate featured performances on three 12" LP records—by
the very biggest, most popular names in jazz—including high-
lights from the nationally acclaimed PLAYBOY JAZZ FES-
TIVAL. The three album package opens with a five minute
introduction by humorist Mort Sahl and ends with the playing of
Playboy's Theme by Cy Coleman, from PLAYBOY's television
show, PLAYBOY'S PENTHOUSE. In between is more than
two hours of solid jazz enjoyment by the greatest jazz talent
blowing today. Ella Fitzgerald's festival performance is very
nearly worth the price of the entire volume by itself—Down
Beat called it “the most electrifying of her career" — "think of
the best you have heard from her and double it.” This is the
single most important jazz package of the year and an abso-
lute must for every real jazz collector.
ALBUM A Mort Sahl * Count Basie * Coleman Hawkins
Shelly Manne • Stan Getz + Four Freshmen * Erroll Garner
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ALBUM B Ella Fitzgerald * Stan Kenton * Benny Goodman
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ALBUM C Oscar Peterson * Dizzy Gillespie * Kai Winding
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All three records beautifully boxed with a handsome 32-page
booklet containing biographies, up-to-date discographies and
тоге than two dozen full-color photographs of the artists.
Available in Stereophonic or Monophonic High Fidelity on
PLAYEOY's own label.
Stereo (3 LPs) $16.50. Mono (3 LPs) $13.50.
Send check or money order to:
232 E. Ohio Street, Chicago 11, Illinois
with ERNIE WILKI s orchestra.
exclusively on Everest!
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Product of Everest Records, Division of Belock Instrument Carp.
Sturdy binder holds 12 ageless
issues of PLAYBOY. Magazine's
name end emblem stamped in
gold leaf. The perfect way to pre-
Serve your precious back issues.
232 E. Ohio St., Chicago 11, Illinois
under the lighted Christmas tree. Daly's
зот is relieved by the arrival of war-
time buddy Robert Webber, with Bar-
bara Baxley, his Texas bride — but only
for a moment. The honeymooners are
in worse emotional shape than he is.
apparently happened on
night together at The Old
Man River Motel —or, rather, nothing
Bride and groom separately explain
their situation to Daly, and he in turn
unburdens the story of his five-year mar-
ge to the wallflower daughter of his
althy employ a result of all this
mutual soulbaring the play is notably
short on action, but it is fascinating to
Williams, that master-
cl the kinks of the two thi
marriages. compound some elementary
psychology with explosively funny dia-
log, balance a bawdy bull session on sex
with moments of genuine tenderness,
and finally nudge his characters into the
solution of their problems — the marital
bed. At the Helen Hayes, 210 West 46th
Street, NYC.
A Teste of Honey
а first play by
woman fron
Shelagh De-
only nineteen when she dis-
sected her middle-class world in Honey,
but her conclusions — a little frighten-
ing, a little hopeful—are eminendy
adult. A t idoned by her
floozie of up with a
lor out of sheer loneliness, be-
gnant, is abandoned when his
and adopts а wispy homo-
sexual to take care of her and the house
while she cheerfully awaits the hours of
labor. Delaney’s people have
guts and courage; their humor is out of
the alleys and the music halls. Directed
by Tony Richardson and George De
vine, the cast performs with sensitivity
and force: Angela Lansbury as the
blowsy blonde mother, Nigel Davenport
as her lush lover, Billy Dee Williams
the Negro sailor, and Andrew Ray as
y godfather. But most of all,
Honey is a personal triumph for Joa
Plowright as the girl with a heavy
of mischief to bear. Miss Plowright is
one of the finest young
either side of the ocean, and Shelag|
Delaney's play benefits immensely from
her services. At the Lyceum, 149 West
Sth Street, NYC.
p actresses on
The reader need only glance at the
opening pages of John Updike's second
novel, Rabbit, Run (Knopf, $4), to be in
impressed by the depth and range of
this twenty-cightyear-old writer's talents,
Ask to see DAY’S Club Checks
at these fine stores:
ARIZONA The Golden Rule,
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Green's, Lory's,
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Kahn's Men's Store,
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Miller & Paine, Bettman's Men's Shop,
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OREGON Port Angeles
Fortmiller’s, Enry's,
Ashland Spokane.
for young men of all ages УД Tacoma, Wash.
but like much of his earlier work, his
new book is oddly disappointing. In a
sense, Updike's trouble is that he sim-
ply sces too much. In Rabbit, Run, for
instance, he describes a small-town Penn-
sylvania neighborhood at dawn, the
smell of the interior of а new car, the
sound of a basketball against a bac
board. the sensations of sexual inter-
course, and even the taste of semen —
like sca water, says Updike, throi
thoughts of a young prostitute — so
graphically that, st, nothing is left
to the readers imagination. Reading
this novel is a little like watching а
faultless acrobat: you admire his skill,
vet after a while you wish the damn
show would get over with. And it's the
stylistic acrobatics you have to depend
n to carry you along. for the plot isn't
much. Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom, а
twentysix-year-old ex-high school bas
ketball star, tires of his job and his
marriage: on an impulse, he abandons
his pregnant, semi-alcoholic wife and
two-year-old son and takes up w
plump prostitute. Updike turns the in-
articulate Rabbit into a species of mys
ic, a man who can be happy only out-
side the conventions of morality and
ponsibility. The prostitute becomes а
updated Molly Bloom. In fact, one in-
terior monolog, in which she is remem-
bering a high school sexual experience,
sounds like an Americanized version of
the final pages of Ulysses: “Boy, there
wasn't any fancy business then, you
didn't even need to take off your clothes,
just а little rubbing through the cloth
mouths sting of the onion on
ers you'd just had at the
diner and the car heater ticking as it
cooled, through all the cloth, evervt
off they'd
much, it must have been just the idea
of you” Some years ago, in reviewing
one of those big war novels, British
critic V. S. Pritchett called the author a
bore. A bore, said Pritchett, is not the
man who is stupid or dull, but rather
"the man who tells you everything."
Mr. Pritchett, meet Mr. Updike
As PLavnoy’s readers have had ample
opportunity to sce for themselves, Р. G.
Wodehouse is one of the funniest write
The Most of P. б. Wodehouse (Simon
and Schuster, $6.50) is а six-hundred
andsixtvsix-page guide to ап idyllic
world, populated by Eggs, Beans, Crum-
pets, blighted females, Aunts, Lord Ems.
worth, Bertie Wooster, and — let us re
joice — Jeeves, hero, psychia
man and valet-ex mach
Master guarantees an average of thre
gullaws per page is not casy to explain,
especially since his plots ooze simplicity
and his characters — save for the sage
Jeeves — do likewise. It may have some-
thing to do with the fact that he writes
an English sentence with a style few
choose style-leading TROPICAL SLACKS by
DAY'S, a winning name in Men's Sportswear.
Scan the wide field of new colors, fabrics,
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THE BEST IN CONSERVATIVE NECKWEAR—500 bunnies can't be wrong . . . especially
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Send check or money order; PLAYBOY CLUB members may charge to their key number.
writers. comic or serious, can match,
misquotes Latin tags with side-splitting
inaccuracy and can turn any figure of
speech into a belly laugh. Not the sort
of book that can be read calmly in а
public place, The Most of P. б. Wode-
house is а volume to give your best
enemy, if you want him to die laughing
Lonesome Traveler (McGraw-Hill,
Jack Kerouac's first book of non-fiction,
їз an autobiographical portrait of the
Kerouac cakes us with
п Pedro to the
an hobo jungle, with side
trips to Mexico, Westem Europe and
North Africa. His escapade with a gun.
toting shipmate is picaresque, and his
adventures with the peyote set in Mexico
are definitely nor on the Ame
press list of tourist attractions, Kerouac
сап evoke with equal effectiveness the
oilslick stink of San Pedro and the сх
plosion of color in à Van Gogh — the
"joy ved m iness he rioted in, in
that church. hy The images are all
there — the. only trouble is, they come
саз Ex.
Kerouac calls this book
hut for most readers, it will
of digging to make this Road a poem.
Pomp ond Circumstance (Doubled:
51.50), а first novel by a promising Brit-
ish writer, has to do with the pother
produced at a South Seas outpostof-
Empire by the sudden announcement
that Their Majesties are coming to visit.
The imminence of so much eminence
makes the Blimps of both sexes choke
on their crumpets. With remarkable
success for a first-novelist, the author has
climbed into the psyche of a distinetly
U planters wile, and tells the whole
thing through her l's. Besides involving
her up to her tiara (a small one) in the
preparations for The Visit, he compli-
her 1 nd his plot, by having
ange a design-for-loving whereby
the island's Lothario can entertain. his
inamorata without her spouse catching
on. Although both enterprises end in
disaster (the love allair is broken up by
chicken рох and a pair of Lesbians,
while the water pageant planned for
The Royal Co
lity dance, is typhooned out), i
all veddy brittle in the tell
are plenty of chuckles, if few yoks. This
man has a way with a phrase (the natives
sex “ winsome disregard.
Sik a dett
posh people in plush su
a йай log is his ace,
and he might do well to turn his talents
to the stage, say drawing-room comedy.
He's a writer to watch — and if you want
to watch him, go see Our Man in Ha-
vana. He's the chap with the umbrella.
Wc been dating a girl who is a
matter. she's
musically, she’s the hippest; she digs
art, and she's up on all the latest and.
greatest literature. But — and what a but
—shes the world's worst dresser. Her
clothes look like rejects from a D.A.R.
ale. She's got the dough; just
now-how and doesn’t particu-
е. But 1 do. Where do I go from
= К. U., Boston, Massachusetts.
A girl so bright and knowing is un-
doubtedly looking frumpy for a reason.
Chances ате she’s over-reacting to some
form of insecurity, so don't. put her
down; devote time to building her up.
Tell her she'd be a walking dream in a
form-fitting sheath you spotted in a store
window. Offer to tag along on her next
shopping tour; begin it with cocktails
and lunch, to assure the rapport that
will make your clothes preferences heard.
hen trying-on time arrives. All she may
need to shift from sloppy slacks to sen-
suous silks is your attention. Finally, why
don’t you take the spirited approach and
consider the young lady's drag rags а
personal challenze to get her out of
them as early and ах often as possible?
Every time a Broadway play or musi-
cal opens as a big smash, all the tickets
for months ahead are gone. 1 read the
first-night reviews, but even the next
day it seems too late to get good seats
right away, Is there any way to tell
lvance when a show is going to be a
hiv — T. D, Newark, New J
You can usually buy the theatrical
weekly “Variety” on newsstands in most
metropolitan areas. “Variety” reviews
shows when they are tried out in Phila-
delphia, New Haven, etc., and its esti-
males are indicative of whether there’s a
winner on the way. This may not always
be of help, however, as benefits and the-
ште clubs quite often have the inside
track on seats for the best shows during
their opening months. You might start
using a reputable ticket broker on a
regular basis for all your ticket pur-
chases, so that when vou do want seals
for an early performance of a hit show,
he'll be happy to help you.
an ounce and a pony an
a half, or is it the other way
d? — M. S., Cleveland, Ohio.
the other way around: in the
world of drinking, a pony's a one-ounce
measure; a jigger’s an ounce and a half.
Please tet me know correct procedure
he following: I've always thought
a gentleman never shakes hands
with a lady unless the latter proffers her
hand first, but recently I've seen this
rule broken. And, is hand-kissing strictly
Continental or is it done on our shores,
too?—S. C., Blacksburg, Virginia.
The handbook on shaking contains
this rule of thumb: do whatever is most
comfortable for both parties. If it's an
older woman, she may cling to social
graces of another era and leave the mitt
pumping to the men, Never make the
first move, but if the lady in question
makes a meaningful gesture, be quick to
respond; no one enjoys being left with
an arm in a state of suspended anima-
поп. And just because the recipient of
your handshake is a female, don’t be
afraid to make it a firm clasp (but not a
bone-crusher); a dead fish still feels like
а dead fish no matter what the gender
on the receiving end. Hand-kissing is
another matter entirely, It is not a pub-
lic greeting on these shores. There is an
exception; if а European татіса
woman extends her hand with the obvi-
ous expectation of having il kissed, you
should be prepared to do the courteous
thing, to wit: take her fingers lightly in
yours, bow slightly, and just touch the
back of her hand with your lips.
W would like to take out this secretary
1 my office. My associates tell me that
making dates where you do business is
ess. How do you feel about it?
Ft. Madison, Wisconsin.
We feel this way: if the girl works in
your department, stick strictly to busi-
ness; if she’s in another department,
maybe, but use exireme caution if you
are one who finds it difficult to dise
tangle himself when an affair has ended.
As а rule of thumb, it is always best to
avoid liaisons with anyone with whom
you must be in continuous contact.
Mi, bachelor apartment js stereo-
equipped. 1 must admit immodestly
that the f ne trafic is heavy. Usu-
ally, we mix a few drinks and I put some
music on the rig and, well, one thing
leads to another, My problem is th
don't own any complete LPs that аге firs
rate mood builders. Several tracks may
be just right, but the record ma
seem to feel variety's а virtue (which it
may be, under other circumstances), so a
mood track is often followed by up-
tempo and jump stuff that puts me right.
back at the starting line. Either that, or
I have to pop up every few minutes to
hunt for a fresh sound. This, too, does
more toward mashing the mood than the
music docs toward building it up.
Should I just let the records keep play-
ing after my favorite mood-sustaining
specials are over, or continue with w
I'm doing, or what? — Н. W., New York,
New York.
Neither. Get yourself a tape deck and
tape your lempting trachs in sequence.
Since you're obviously more interested in
background music than in the highest
of fi for undistracted listening, use the
3% or T inches-per-second speed, which
should give you enough fidelity to suit
your divided attention and enough time
to unfreeze any woman. As an alterna-
tive, pick up copies of discs designed
for those cozy hours. On the pop vocal
side, try Frank Sinatra's “Only the Lone-
ly,” “Мо One Cares" or “In the Wee
Small Hours" (all on Capitol), Peggy
Lee's “Pretty Eyes" (Capitol) and Julie
London's “Avound Midnight” (Liberty).
On the pop instrumental slant, sample
the Jackie Gleason ork sides (Capitol) —
several with the glowing trumpet of
Bobby Hackett featured — or the Paul
Weston discs, including “Music for
Dreaming” and “Music for Romancing”
(Capitol). For classical backgrounds, se-
lect the interpretation of your choice
from these aides d'amour: Ravel's “La
Valse” and “Pavanne pour un Infante
defunte,” and Samuel Barber's “Adagio
for Strings.” For late-mght quiet jazz,
hear a ballad set by trumpeter Chet
Baker, simply titled “Chet” (Riverside),
a balladic tour by trumpeter Roy Eld-
ridge and strings, “That Warm Feel-
ing” (Verve) and guitarist Johnny Smith's
“Easy Listening” (Roost). Head for your
tecord shop—to collect them, and oth-
ers like them, for those long, long en-
chanted evenings of reaping the fruits
of your forethought.
There seem to be a lot of preparations
оп the market now which promise to
give you a sun-tanned look when used
like shaving lotion. How do they work?
—R. M. S, San Diego, California.
Chemists have isolaicd the enzyme
that makes an apple turn brown when
it is cut open and exposed to air. This
is Ihe principle of the tanning lotions,
They don’t work for everyone. Some
people. after using them, look like an
apple which has been cut open and
exposed lo air.
All reasonable questions— from jash-
ion, food and drink, hi-fi and sports cars
to dating dilemmas, taste and etiquette
ll be personally answered if the
writer includes a stamped, self-addressed
envelope, Send all letters to The Playboy
Advisor, Playboy Building, 232 E. Ohio
Street, Chicago 11, Mlinois. The most
provocative, pertinent queries will be
presented on this page cach month.
І. ALL THESE ACTIONS. there is one common denominator:
A conservative, well-to-do gentleman in his fifties. a deacon in his church, suddenly stands up before
a group of friends, begins to jitterbug like a teenager, stands on his head. crows like a rooster, strips to
the waist, runs around on all fours barking like a dog and in general makes a fool of himself.
A young woman who has just had a thyroidectomy without chemical anesthesia sits up on the oper-
ating table and asks for a glass of orange juice. Medical men in the surgical theatre, knowing the terrible
post-operative throat pain characteristic of the so-called goiter operation, stare with incredulity as the girl
drinks ten ounces of orange juice with obvious enjoyment. She then hops off the table and walks to the door.
Sitting in a bar оп a Saturday night around midnight. smoking a cigarette, a man of thirty-two laughs
merrily, explaining that it's his best friend's sixth birthday party and that he's amused because Tommy
Martindale has just let а ball of ice-cream slide off his plate into his lap. Asked what day it is, he says it’s
August 7, 1934, a Tuesday, and that the time is 4 n the afternoon. If he were asked to sign his name he
would put it down in the scrawl of a child. If he were given psychological tests, his score would be approxi-
mately that of a six-year-old
The attractive young hostess of a weekend house party comes into the living room, where her guests
have gathered for cocktails. Completely naked, she asks for a drink, and asks her friends how they like her
new dress.
An obviously intelligent gentleman of sixty is seated on a couch in the lounge of his club. A friend asks
if he would like to have lunch. “I can't just now, I’m alraid," he says. “They won't allow polar bears in
the dining room. you know.” He ma stroking and petting motions in the air beside him. "You needn't
be afraid," he says to his friend. “This is the only really tame polar bear in the world."
The common denominator? Hypnosis. In each case the person cited was in hypnotic trance.
What is hypnosis No one Кы
What can it do? Says J. B. S. Haldane, famous British scientist: "Anyone who has seen even a
example of the power of hypnosis and suggestion must realize that the face of the world and the possibili
of existence will be totally altered when we can control their effects and standardize their application . . .”
Who can be hypnotized? Something between eighty and ninety-tive percent of the population, excluding
the very young. the feeble-minded, and some — but by no means all — of the insane.
There has been, of late. a great stir about hypnosis. One might think that the phenomenon had been
discovered yesterday, instead of two or three thousand years ago, A year ago the American Medical Associa-
tion solemnly announced that hypnosis was a legitimate aid in certain aspects of medical practice, childbirth,
for example. The A.M.A. was about three years behind the British Medical Association, and their common
position was amusing, considering the fact that an ordinary newspaper cliché of the middle and late 18005
in England was this, added to the announcement that Mrs. So-and-So had been delivered of a child:
“Painlessly. in Mesmeric trance.”
important in medicine long before the birth of Christ, which means that hypnosis is
older than chemical anesthesia, older than asepsis; it is older than the bacterial theory of disease, vaccines,
viruses. vitamins, older than psychoanalysis and such chemical agents as the tranquilizers. Ancient Fgypt
had “sleep-temple: gods” who cured. The
temples later spread to Greece and to
Hypnosis did not thrive under the Christians, except as a means, selfinduced, by which some of the
ndured the torments inflicted by their enemies. During the Dark Ages anyone known to be capable
in danger of being burned as a witch, Science began to revive in the middle
of the Eighteenth Century (the last witch-burning of record was in Scotland in 1727) and renewed interest
in the phenomenon we now know as hypnosis inevitably accompanied the revival.
Friedrich Anton Mesmer. who lived from 1734 to 1815, and who made his nam:
with hypnotic effect. was roughly treated by the medically orthodox of his day, He was formally condemned,
and his judges included Benjamin Franklin, Mesmer believed that the human body was a living magnet,
and threw off gaseous or fluid magnetism in waves. He believed that disruption of the orderly flow of these
waves caused disease, and he tried, by sweeping manual “passes” to redirect this low, By bringing the subject
toconcentrate on him (his appearance and manner were dramatic and compelling), Mesmer induced hypnosis.
Many of his patients claimed to have been cured of illness and some of them no doubt were right. Dr. Mesmer
h the ill repaired. to be put into trance and visited by
a Minor
of entering а tranc ate wa
root-word synonymous
article Ву KENPURDY the remarkable and rarely printed facts about this phenomenal
psychic power and its relationship to persuasion, advertising, crime and world politics
became popular. He could not handle individ: that came to him, and so he developed a
mode of treatment common among psychotherapists today: group therapy. Mesmer gathered his clients
around tubs filled with iron filings, or around trees which he said he had caused to sop up the vital mag-
netism. The French Academy of Medicine found this startling and investigation was ordered. with the
United States Ambassador, Mr, Franklin, included in the panel which ultimately denounced Mesmer and
drove him from Paris.
In addition to his name and the institution of group therapy, Mesmer bequeathed something else: the
hand-wavings, passes, finger-snappings of the stage hypnotist. These dramatic trappings derive straight from
Mesmer's magnetic wave theory; they are not necessary or even useful in hypnosis, but their dramatic value
ally all the cas
has endeared them to the stage performer, and they'll be used as long as the stage hypnotist is with us. That
neland stage hypnosis has been illegal since 1952. Similar laws will probably
powers are more clearly understood.
may not be a long time. In
be enacted here once the phenomenon and its
Mesmer didn't call it hypnosis, and he didn't know how to
conceived to be the magnetic principle in which he believed so strongly. (Some of his patients could "see"
the waves. We know now that they could also have been made to "see" Hannibal or Caesar, and to discuss
the use of infantry with them.) In 1781 a pupil of E the Marans de Puysegur, accidentally induced
a hypnotic somnambulism in a shepherd boy. That is to say, he put the boy into so deep a trance that he
behaved as а sleep-walker. He could move about, answer mu ms, obey instructions, but retained no recol-
lection of events after he had been brought out of the trance. The phenomenon was still not known as
hypnosis. That name, from the Greek “hypnos” or sleep, was first used by the English physician James
Braid, who worked in the middle of the Nineteenth Cent Braid also originated the scination™ tech
nique of hypnotic induction, the use of a glittering or whirling object to. hold the subject s attention. The
spirally-marked spinning disks currently av ailable from mail. -order houses had their origin with James Braid,
who was banned from British medical practice for his pains.
Hypnosis is full of paradox, and so it is hardly curious that although the word means “sleep” and
although the person in hypnotic trance appears to be asleep (he often “wakes up” yawning, stretching and
refreshed), the state actually has nothing whatever to do with sleep. The standard induction formula used
by nearly all hypnotists involves the repeated suggestion, “You are very sleepy, you are very tired, you are
going into a deep. deep sleep . .." When the subject responds by closing his eyes, nodding, allowing his
head to fall loosely forward. he is not asleep, however. He is wide awake, But he has accepted as fact the
suggestion that he is asleep. He believes that he is asleep. In a deeper trance, he would accept the suggestion
that he was Khrushchev. He would believe that he was Khrushchev and would try to act like Khrushchev
But he ts not Khrushchev. Nor is he asleep.
If hypnosis isn’t related to sleep, what is it? No one knows exactly. Warren's Dictionary of Psychology
delines hypnosis as “An artificially induced шше... which is characterized by heightened suggestibility, as
а result of which certain sensory, motor and memory abnormalities may be induced more readily than in
the normal state.” Clark L. Hull, in 1933, linked hypnotism with the phenomenon of habit formation
Andrew Salter, a New York psychologist, in What Is Hypnosis? (Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1955), suggested
that hypnosis is a form of reflex conditioning (the phenomenon demonstrated by Pavlov in which a dog,
fed when a bell rings, will later salivate without seeing food, when the bell is rung). Bernard Gindes, author
of New Concepts of Hypnosis (Julian Press, Inc., 1952), says, “A subject will only enact a suggestion which
has been enforced by actual previous experience, either in reality, imagination, dream or fantasy. Events
in his lile prior to the hypnotic sessions have conditioned him to react accordi
Whatever hypnosis is, it works. Its value in medicine and in psychotherapy is only now, for the first time,
truly being appreciated. Its power, for good or evil, in the influencing of men’s minds, in advertising, in
politics, in the execution of criminal acts, in the avoidance of detection of those acts, in warfare, and in the
continuing struggle for men's minds, the world over, is now only vaguely understood or guessed at.
In grandfather's day, when the Svengali- Trilby story was so popular, it was widely believed that a
hypnotist could seize control of an innocent's “will” and thrust her under his domination without her
knowiedge or consent; and that under the hypnotic spell she would do as he wished her to do, no matter
what the moral or ethical barriers in the wa
When scientific interest in hypnosis incre;
could be hypnotized against his will. A hypnotic
moral or ethical principles.
Grandpa was more nearly right. These are the facts: (1) If you can be hypnotized at all, you can be
hypnotized without your consent, without your cooperation, and in some cases despite your strongest efforts
olate the phenomenon from w he
g to a certain pattern."
d in the 1930s, the reverse rule was laid down: No one
subject could not be made to do anything counter to his
to prevent it; (2) Under hypnosis, you сап be made to take actions that are violations of your moral and
ethical principles.
The question of violating one's moral or ethical principles under hypnosis is a complex one, as we
shall see. For example, most nineteen-year-old girls would be ипм ng to undress before an audience of
fifty men. The society in which we live teaches that to do so would be to behave immorally and unethically.
Asked to undress thus publicly, a girl under hypnosis will almost always react typically: she will either
spontaneously come out of the hypnotic trance, or she will go into hysteria. Thus she appears to demon-
strate the thesis that a hypnotic subject will not violate his moral concepts.
However. if the hypnotist’s purpose is merely to cause the girl to disrobe, and never mind the psychologi-
cal niceties, he can do so easily. He has only to suggest to her that she is alone; that the month is July and
the day unbearably warm: that there is a cool shower running in a corner of the room; that she wishes to
undress so as to stand under this shower. She will promptly do so, whether there are fifty men in the au-
dience or five thousand. As George Н. Estabrooks put the matter: “There are two ways to kill a cat. One
is to mess him up with a club. The other is to persuade him that chloroform is good for fleas
Incidentally, the girl may know that she is undressing against her will, but be unable to stop doing so.
She may be very angry. but impotent. Afterward, when she been “awakened,” she may vividly express her
anger. The church deacon earlier referred to, who was made to stand on his head, run around on all fours
barking like a dog, and generally make an ass of himself, knew everything that he was doing, but was power-
less to stop himself; however, when he was brought out of the trance, he promptly punched the hypnotist
in the mouth. The clever hypnotist need run no such risk, however, since any really good subject can be
told to forget everything that has happened during the hypnotic trance, and afterward he will remember
nothing of what occurred.
Most commonly recognized hypnosis takes place with the subjects consent. Certainly in the medical and
psychotherapeutic use of hypnosis, it is a cooperative enterprise between the operator and the subject.
However, a subject need not be cooperative in order to be put into a hypnotic trance; indeed, a trance can
be induced without the subject's even being aware that he is being hypnotized. A good subject can be hyp-
notized in a split second, with nothing more than the snap of the fingers and the suggestion, “Sleep!” A
subject who has never been hypnotized before may be put into a trance through any number of disguised
techniques. He can be lulled into a trance through the use of a monotonous sleep-inducing tone of v
without ever realizing what is going on. He can be invited to watch someone else hypnotized, unaware
that he himself is the operator's intended subject. Subtle or disguised forms of hypnotic induction exist
in everyday life, in persuasion and salesmanship, advertising, politics, crime, its prosecution and defense, and
the power that dictators hold over the masses.
‘There аге many techniques for inducing hypno:
ination” tech-
‚ Perhaps the commonest is the *
nique, in which the subject is asked to concentrate on a bright coin, a mote of sunshine on the wall, the
-frame. A pendulum may be used, or a mechanically spun object. (The Russians, who
corner of a pictur
have shown great interest in hypnosis since World War H, have achieved hypnosis by spinning the subject,
as in a dentists chair.) F. L. Marcuse of Washington Stare University cites the fact that some churches offer
a hypnotic environment, with set ritual, darkness, somber music, an eye-fixation point aloft, monotonous
and repetitious chanting, meditation, restrictions of movement,
Purpose of the fascination technique is not to “tire the senses,” which would be impossible in the few
minutes that is usual, but to misdirect the subjects attention, as a mother misdirects her child's by show-
ing him a toy and simultaneously pushing a spoonful of cereal into his mouth, The hypnotist, by inducing
the subject to concentrate upon one object. simply removes extrancous and diverting material from his
mind and clears the way for the suggestic You are tired. Your eyclids are heavy and they will close.
They will close and you will be unable to prevent them from closing . . ." And so on. If the subject accepts
the suggestion that he is tired, and it is easy for him to do so if he is stretched out on a couch or relaxed in a
soft chair, it will be casier for him to accept the suggestion that his eyelids are heavy. It will then be even
casicr for him to believe that they are closing, and so on until, after a time, he may be convinced that he has
spent the morning with his Cabinet in the White House as President of the United States, or in some dis-
tant eastern castle as a sultan surrounded by his harem of one hundred beautiful slave girls. He will believe
this absolutely, and it is one of the minor dangers of “pi
stand that the subject is often fanatic in his hypnoti
violence if they are challenged.
Almost anyone can hypnotize and it takes no more than half an hour to learn how. However, hypnotism
can definitely be dangerous in the hands of an unqualified amateur, and while some of the dangers are ob-
vious, some are quite subtle. "The widely-held belief that a hypnotist may be unable to awaken a subject from
hypnosis that few amateur operators under-
ally induced beliefs, and may go into uncontrolled
trance is without validity. If a subject
is leh in a hypnotic trance, he will
eventually fall into a normal sleep and
awaken naturally. This process may re-
quire a few minutes or several hours,
depending on the individual. However,
a hypnotic subject may scriously injure
himself or those around him, if he is
given improper suggestions by an а
teur hypnotist. There is real danger
of harm caused by great physical exer
tion suggested by the hypnotist; a part
of the body ured without the
subject's realizing it, if hypnotically-in-
duced anesthesia has been used. There
tal heart at-
tacks caused by hypnotically induced
hallucination, and in the hands of the
unscrupulous. hypnosis
The greatest danger that the amateur
hypnotist must guard against is the tend-
ency to think of hypnosis аза g:
which the subject is only "pla
along.” This tendency to underestima
the power of the hypnotic sugges
сап often have disastrous results. An
amateur hypnotist of our acquaintance,
who had learned how to hypnotize just
the week before, tokl a good subject
that when she awoke she
vampire. He imagined that she would
flap her arms and imitate one of Bela
Lugosi’ Instead the pretty
liule thing looked calmly around the
room and then without a word sprang
ely at the hypnotist and bit h
severely on the face, trying very eir-
nestly to get at his throat.
In another case, à good subject was
given an imaginary, or hallucinated, dog
on a hallucinated leash and told th
the dos, a C Dane. was pulling too
hard to be held. The people who were
ап be truly in-
e in
would be a
watching the amateur performance
laughed as the man was pulled help-
lesly out of the house and into the
sucet Before he could be stopped, he
had been struck
ing automobile.
Almost everyone can be hypnotized,
but only one peron in five is a natural
somnambulist, a subject who cn be
taken into a deep trance, a trance i
which hallucination. г
and other extreme hypnotic phenom-
can be developed, However, with
practice, about sixty-five percent of those
who сап be hypnotized at all can rea
the deep-trance state.
There is a marked tendency
subject to wish to please an ора
and it is i
nd killed by а pass-
somctimes сий to
a subject is in as deep a trance
as he appears, or is simulating in orde
to satisfy his wish to please. This rap-
port, as it is called, between hypnotist
and subject is also apparent in the ac-
ceptance of suggestion. ‘The subject may
hear many voices in the room, while in
trance, and be aware of everything th
is going on around him, but he pays
tention only to the operator and re-
sponds only to his suggestions. It is also
difficult even for a skilled operator to
bring a subject out of a trance induced
by someone cle, though as we men
tioned earlier, a subject left in a trance
1 eventually fall into а normal sleep,
from which he will awaken normally.
Because ol this rapport, this strong
tendency to please the operator, and the
really remarkable ability of some sub-
jects to sense what the operator wants
carefully controlled ex-
have produced
the subject
the operator expects, and
es his best to give it to him, many of
the early experiments on the question
of whether or not a subject would go
шайы his moral convictions suggested
that he would not, simply because that
was the result the ope
Professor Fstabrooks, in his book Hy,
notism (Dutton, 1957), pointed out this
problem in a series of experimen
the question of muscular strength i
nosis, conducted first by М.
at Johns Hopkins and later by P.
Young at Harvard. with completely con-
flicting results. Estabrooks notes that the
contradiction in results "was undoubt-
edly due to the attitude of the hypnotists.
The good subject cooperates in wonder:
of them, many
per i
ful fashion. Nicholson's subjects realized
that they were supposed to show an in-
crease in muscular strength and did so.
The opposite applied to Young's ex-
periments. Our work in hypnotism must
ways be carried out with this fact in
mind, that the subject tends to give
what is expected.” These conflicts are
specially true in the experimentation
with moral and ethical judgments under
Here, more than. anywhere
which the subject is able to sense to à
really remarkable degree.
While almost everyone
tized, people vary marked!
of the trance that can be casily induced.
Why? Шу knows. Being а
xd or bad hypnotic subject has noth
ing to do with “will-power” except in
the very broadest sense, and very little
to do with intelligence, although per-
sons of extremely low LQ. are most
difficult to hypnotize. 1t is a matter of
being able to clear one's mind. concen-
trate and accept suggestion at the sub-
conscious level, and some people are
much better at this than others. Some
re so good, in fact, that they can be put
into a trance with or without their per
mission, on the subtlest of cues. by the
hypnotist’s clearing his throat. touching
his key word. by any
ticular sight, sound, smell or othe
ulus t has been n as a cue befor
n be hypno-
in the depth
No one r
г, or by a
Some hypnotists hz
of their voices for clients.
patient is upset because his doctor has
gone to Europe for a month. The pa
is afraid that he will not he able to con-
trol a certain pain or habit without help.
Under such circumstances, the doctor
might give the man a recording. It will
be almost as elficacious as his presence
would be. If the man's wile, curious
puts the record on a player, she may in-
ily go into а trance, and if the
uutomatically repeats, she may go
into a still deeper trance.
Since people vary so greatly in their
bility to be hypnotized, is there any
y of telling a good subject from а bad
onc? Not by appea!
versation, no. The good hypnoti
ject does not fall into any particu
category ol physique or personality.
However, there are simple tests which
will reveal those individuals who make
the best hypnotic subjects. In the most
common of these, the prospective sub-
ject is asked to stand upright and the
operator stands behind him. then slowh
draws his hands back past the subject,
saying, “As 1 draw my hands back past
you, you will feel a strange force pulli
you backward toward me. You are going
to fall back into my arms, but I will be
here to catch you. You feel this strange
force pulling you backward. You are
falling, falling, fal Falling back
back, back, back After this has been
repeated several times. the subject, if he
is a good one, will accept the suggestion
and fall backward. Iu a similar test of
susceptibility, the fingers are interlaced
and squeezed tightly together. The oper
ator then infor the subject that his
hands are locked so tightly together tha
he will be ble to pull them apart. А
good subject will be unable to separate
the fing
The facts of greatest interest about
nce or casu:
be induced in t of our popu
la for one. Two, the fact th;
anyone can hypnotize alter only a few
minutes of instruction and, three, the
fact that we know almost nothing about
the potential — for good and evil —of
this strange phenomenon.
Just what can h
some of the simply induced
mon phenor possible under hypno
sis. In the lightest trance. it is possible
10 lock a subject so firmly in one place
that if ten thousand dollars is placed on
the floor in front of him, and he is told
ypnosis do? Here arc
d com-
able to move. The house could be set
aflame and unless the subject were re-
leased by the operator, he would di
the fi
nailed to his chair by the “sug
that he could not leave it. Hyp-
(continued on page 74)
“Tue had my eye on you for some time, Miss Simpson, and I'm
promoting уои to where I can get my hands on you, too.”
like the man said: power corrupts,
absolute power corrupts absolutely
HE WOULD SAY, "HOLLYWOOD A PRISON? What town isn't — for the ones who need walls? I've been in
a lot of places and I've never been arrested except for speeding.” "
His friends kept at him. Some of them had worked for the movies and they saw corruption
waiting for Gordon Rengs, novelist; sloth, emotional flabbiness, moral shrinkage, a watering-down
of values. He was bound, they said, like all tweedy westerers this too late day, all who looked to
the far coastal spaces for boons that were now nowhere, to wind up hooked on over-zoned Pacific
fiction Ву Bernard Wolfe
Palisades and overpriced Malibu surf. According to them, money, yearly doses of it handed over
smilingly every third Friday, would become the monkey, no, the trumpeting elephant on his back.
"They worried about him because, no matter how much ground he had covered in his travels,
he had not in the emotional sense been around much: his head had for years been filled with himself
and his work. In Hollywood, they warned, his spirit would in the end have no more pickup than
his Jag, his vision would soar no higher than his picture-window house in the Laurel Canyon hills,
his imagination would end where his
tufted wall-to-wall carpets ended. As for
his integrity, it would be grown over
with the toadstools of compromise and
the lichens of main-chanciness.
For those who promised him the full
inventory of collapse under the guise
of wishing him well, Gordon Rengs had
a ready reply:
"I've reached forty. Гуе written nine
novels about the Things that ultimately
count, I've sounded the most reverber-
ant tocsins, cried a thousand full-lunged
wolfs—and nobody's listened. The
most successful of my books sold a little
over six thousand copies. Not that I'm
painting myself as the prophet in his
own country, that’s a disgusting kind of
self-softness. All the same, I feel like a
man mumbling to himself and begin-
ning to look a little silly. Discriminating
music lovers may enjoy the sound of
my thin and reedy whistling in the dark
but as for me, I want for once in my
life, just for the crash of it, to make an
all-out symphonic noise, a well-under-
written and mass-funneled shout. That's
what you can do in the movies: shout
centrally, rather than whisper around
the edges. You don't say much, true, but
you say it loud and wide, sometimes
even in full color. Thats not my rea-
son for going, of course. It's a minor
bonus I'm expecting. The main thing
is that they're offering me two thousand
dollars a week to do this Charlemagne
picture, almost as much money as a
publisher would advance to me for a
book, more than I've made overall on
some of my books. With my savings I
can go off and write more books. Don't
talk to me about corruption, please.
If you were corrupted out there you
must have opened yourselves wide to it.
You know the one thing I'm terrified
of now? The creeping dry rot that comes
with one decade after another of worry-
ing about the rent and the groceries.
That's a corruption too. Where does
legitimate dedication end and plain self-
abuse begin? I'm going out there to
subsidize my serious work to come; by
subsidizing my stomach, which has a
history and a need too."
His triends inquired whether he was
going West to be nice to his vital organs
or for the chance to make an all-out
noise? One or the other, they said. No
having it both ways.
He found that there was carping in
this, a quibble he didn’t need. He packed
his scuffed canvas bags, sublet his Village
walk-up, and took the early-morning jet
for L.A.
Letters from him began to arrive in
New York, Written on studio stationery
and paid for by the studio at the rate,
roughly, of fifty dollars a letter—he
took about an hour on each and he was
making exactly fifty dollars an hour —
they were filled with a kind of trium-
phant Ltold-you-so:
“All is lovely past words. The biggest
thing is the sense of physical well-being
you get out here — I'd forgotten how the
body, too, can chirp. I'm living in a clean-
lined, beam-ceilinged, — pool-adjoincd
apartment above the Strip, one with a
private Japanese-style patio; I wake up
to the chatter of birds, I open my eyes to
see the blooming rose and gardenia
bushes outside my windows, the spread-
ing banana tree. Each morning I drink
a pint of freshly squeezed orange juice,
swim five lengths in the pool, get in my
red Alfa-Romeo and drive to work
through show-stopping Laurel Canyon —
thinking of you slaves fighting your way
into the sooty "F' train! Conditions at
the writers’ building are plush, plush.
My office is a fine large room complete
with air conditioner, leather sofa, horsy-
doggy hunt prints, electric typewriter,
and thc world's most efficient secretary
just one push of a button away, not to
mention the admirable grassy hill slant-
ing up and away from my window. The
fellow in the next office is Jamie Beheen,
the Anglo-Irish playwright, who's out
here doing the story of Noah — delight-
ful man. (Jamie, I mean: though I have
nothing against Noah.) I was taken with
my producer the first time we met; he
said, "My philosophy is very simple,
movies should be about rich people.” He’s
absolutely right, of course, philosopher or
no, he understands the Lowest Common
Denominator of fantasy. My assign-
ment’s coming along. As you know,
they're going in for Biblical and histori-
cal stories this усаг, that's why they're
up on Charlemagne, who was very rich.
(Noah was low on cash but, as Jamie
points out, he had an impressive amount
of livestock.) By the way, you may be
interested in the reason they picked me
for the Charlemagne job. They'd been
given to understand that my last book
was a psychoanalytic study of a young
man in rebellion against his father and
they want to give this same slant to the
young Charlemagne. Their assumption,
naturally, is that I'm an expert on said
slant. I didn't tell them that Га never
written a book remotely like the one
they'd heard about; I understand the
nature of fantasy too. Neither did 1 let
them know that my head is a total
vacuum as regards Charlemagne and
his father (Pepin the Short, I gather
from the Encyclopaedia Britannica).
When I proposed that I spend a week
or two doing research, to brush up on
the subject, my producer was categori-
cally against it on the quite valid
grounds that my job is not to draw a
historically accurate portrait of Charle-
magne but simply to make him like
Tony Curtis, whom they're hoping to
line up for the lead, So I am turning
Charlemagne, about whom I know abso-
lutely nothing, into Tony Curtis (and
Pepin the Short, entirely on my own
initiative, since he hasn’t been cast yet,
into Claude Rains), a delightful finger
exercise at which I spend five or six
hours a week—they expect ten pages
from you cach Friday, and I'm used to
turning out that much copy, and much
more difficult copy at that, in a day.
"There's an interesting script girl on the
lot named Marian Huddlesfield, she's
been telling me about the effects of
lysurgic acid, LSD, the stuff that induces
a lovely schizophrenia. More about her
later, she's making me a pair of sandals.
Can this be corruption? Can overpaid
vacations corrode the soul? I feel too
Later be wrote in a less exclamatory
“I will grant you there are some un-
usual types out here. Been seeing Mari-
an Huddlesheld — had her to the Be-
heens’ а couple times — once to dinner
at the Aware Inn ('organic foods: fruits
and vegetables that haven't been sprayed
with insecticides or chemically fertilized,
meats from non-injected animals) — even
spent an evening at her Yoga medita-
tion center (crossed legs, minimum
breathing, etc.). She has a sweep of
enthusiasms: she's a vegetarian, bas-
ically a fruitarian, she's interested in
Yoga techniques for controlling the
bodily functions, she knows Krishna-
murti by heart, she goes to poctry-read-
to-jazz sessions, she combs and rolls her
own reefers and bakes marijuana brown-
ies, she takes a negative attitude toward
what she calls negative thoughts (among
them anger and desire: self-serving, self-
featuring), she also disapproves of in-
secticides and artificial fertilizers, she
reads pamphlets on astrology and Bahai,
she makes her own candles and sandals
and is enthusiastic about all handiwork
crafts, she used to live with a modern
jazz bass player who has a habit and
a Zen library, she collects interesting
nuts and roots and leaves to Scotch-tape
to her walls and ceiling, she’s a volun-
teer subject in some experiments being
conducted by a UCLA psychiatrist into
the effects of certain hallucinogenic roots
and molds (peyote, mescaline, LSD, all
that). Simply the nuttiness brought out
by the Southern California sun? "There's
тоо much of this everywhichway ferment
out here to be dismissed that cavalicrly.
Where there's so much space the mind
too stretches, yeasts up. I suspend judg-
ment and try to understand. It may be
a mass lurching but it's an exploration
too. Possibilities of the organism are
being brought ош. What worries me
about Marian is that she took a nasty
spill when she was riding her bike a
couple weeks ago up in Beverly Glen
and ripped open the palm of her left
hand on a wire fence. She's got a gaping
hole there that refuses to heal, maybe,
(continued on page 106)
how and why organization man defeats his
own ambitions for success and wealth
article BY J. PAUL GETTY
NOT LONG AGO, I met a young business
коре who might well have served
the prototype for the entire breed
ot case-hardened conformist "organi-
zation men" one finds in ever-increas-
ing numbers in the business world
today. His clothes, manners, speech, attitudes —and ideas — were all studied stereotypes. It was obvious that he
believed conformity was essential for success in his career, but he complained that he wasn't getting ahead fast
enough and asked me if I could offer any advice.
“How can I achieve success and wealth in business?” he asked earnestly. "How can I make a million
“1 can't give you any sure-fire formulas," I replied, "but I'm certain of one thing. You'll go much further
if you stop trying to look and act and think like everyone else on Madison Avenue or Wacker Drive or Wil-
shire Boulevard. Try being a nonconformist for a change. Be an individualist — and an individual. You'll be
amazed at how much faster you'll ‘get ahead.’ "
I rather doubt if what I said made much impression on the young man. I fear he was far too dedicated a
disciple of that curious present-day hyperorthodoxy, the Cult of Conformity, to heed my heretical counsel. I’m
sure he will spend the rest of his life aping and parroting the things he believes, or has been led to believe, are
"right" and safe. He'll conform to petty, arbitrary codes and conventions, desperately trying to prove himself
stable and reliable — but he will only demonstrate that he is unimaginative, unenterprising and mediocre.
‘The success and wealth for which men such as this yearn will always elude them. They will remain minor
executives, shuffled and shunted from one corporate pigeonhole to another, throughout their entire business
I pretend to be neither sage nor savant. Nor would I care to set myself up as an arbiter of anyone's mores
or beliefs. But I do think that I know something about business and the business world. In my opinion, no one
can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or “get rich" in business by being a conformist.
A businessman who wants to be successful cannot afford to imitate others or to squeeze his thoughts and
actions into trite and shopworn molds. Не must be very much of an individualist who can think and act inde-
pendently. He must be an original, imaginative, resourceful and entirely scl£reliant entrepreneur. If I may be
permitted the analogy, he must be a creative artist rather than merely an artisan of business.
The successful businessman's nonconformity is most generally — and most obviously — evident in the manner
and methods of his business operations and activities. These will be unorthodox in the sense that they are radically
unlike those of his hidebound, less imaginative — and less successful — associates or competitors. Often, his innate
impatience with the futility of superficial conventions and dogma of all kinds will manifest itself in varying degrees
of personal eccentricity.
Everyone knows about the late John D. Rockefeller, Sr.’s idiosyncratic habit of handing out shiny new dimes
wherever he went. Howard Hughes is noted for his penchant for wearing tennis-sneakers and open-throated shirts.
Bernard Baruch holds his most important business conferences on park benches. These are only three among the
many multimillionaires who made their fortunes by giving their individualism free rein and who never worried
if their nonconformity showed in their private lives.
Now, 1 would hardly suggest that adoption of some slightly eccentric habit of dress or manner is in itself suff-
cient to catapult a man to the top of a corporate management pyramid or make him rich overnight. I do, however,
steadfastly maintain that few — if any — people who insist on squeezing themselves into stereotyped molds will
ever get very far on the road to success.
I find it disheartening that so many young businessmen today conform blindly and rigidly to patterns they
believe some nebulous majority has decreed are prerequisites for approval by society and for success in business.
In this, they fall prey to a fundamental fallacy: the notion that the majority is automatically and invariably right.
Such is hardly the case. The majority is by no means omniscient just because it is the majority. In fact, I've found
that the line which divides majority opinion from mass hysteria is often so fine as to be virtually invisible. This
holds as true in business as it does in any other aspect of human activity. That the majority of businessmen thinks
this or that, does not necessarily guarantee the validity of its opinions. The majority often has a tendency to plod
slowly or to mill around helplessly. The nonconformist businessman who follows his own counsel, ignoring the
cries of the pack, often reaps fantastic rewards. There are classic examples galore — (continued on page 52)
modern living
how to have
a hoyle of a good
time at home
IN OUR BOOK, at-home games of chance
and skill easily cop the second-best spot
when it comes to urban indoor enter-
tainment, Gaming and all its gleaming
gear can be as gemütlich as all get-out
when you're t éte with some capti-
vating creature who's game for games,
or entertaining a coed crowd around
the mesmeric blur of a whirring roulette
wheel or settling down for a brisk
guys-only evening of poker, complete
with good Scotch and panatelas. By all
odds there's nothing that makes win-
ning — or even dropping a few bucks —
more pleasurable than firs te gaming
accoutrements. A well-turned pair of
dice, a masterfully-carved chessman, a
diamond-bright poker chip—all add
immeasurably to the give and take of
the evening, no matter how large or
small the group уоште cuneum
The Brunswick pocket billiard table
features live rubber cushions, gullyball-
receivers, ball storage rack, adjustable
leveling devices, paired folding legs,
burn-resistant rails; with balls and four
cues; $275. On table, left to right: The
Education of a Poker Player by Herbert
O. Yardley, $4, Scarne on Cards, $5, Gor-
New Contract Bridge Complete,
$5, The Roman Glub System of Distri-
butional Bidding, $3.50, The New
Complete Hoyle, $4, Scarne on Dice,
$10. French-made 18-inch Bakelite
roulette wheel and multi-colored all-
wool felt layout, by Abercrombie &
Fitch; $60. Rotating brass little-neck dice
cage on wood base, by Baron; $35. Set
of giant ivory poker dice, by Alfred
Dunhill; $28.50. Felt-lined circular dice
tray, by Baron; $8. Counter game dice
cup of dark top-grain cowhide, heavy
leather tip rim, cushion bottom, ribbed
rubber inside, by Mason; $7.50. Red
perfect-ring eyespot dice, precision
hand-finished, by Mason; $1.50. Tan
cowhide poker dice cup, by Baron; $5.
Below table, left to right: backgammon
set in carrying case with 30 Catalin men,
by Pacific; $30. Lockable leatherette
game chest contains roulette wheel and
layout, checkers, chess, dominoes, chips,
cards, cribbage, dice and cup, by A&F;
$50. 42-inch maple-walnut dice stick,
by Baron; $9. Green domino set in wal-
nut case with sliding cover; $13. 22-inch
roulette wheel of hand-rubbed woods,
by Mason; $650. Green poker chip case
(holders swing out when center knob
is turned), 300 chips, by A&F; $21.
(concluded overleaf)
best bets
in gaming gear
Тор to bottom and left to right: leather poker chip case has three stoined and lacquered removable gumwood chip trays with
brass knobs, compartment under trays for cards, pencils and score pads, with 300 chips, by Baron; $14. Spatulo-hondled
poker chip ond playing card holder in heavy bross and red leather, by Alfred Dunhill; $45. Set of 100 proof-ccin poker
chips in mahogany dispenser; the U.S. proof coins are imbedded in lucite ond increase in value each yeor, by Louis
Fox; $160. Pocket-size finished-wood game chest has dominoes, chess and checker set, winks, dice, with brass hinges
and closure, by Alfred Dunhill; $25. Precision sprung felt-boHomed German silver card dealing box, two-deck capacity,
by Mason; $55. Autobridge set for learning or improving your game; $3. Card shuffler, by Johnson; $6. Two decks of PLAYBOY
playing cards, $2.50. Felt-lined wolnut dice cup with sterling silver initials, by Thomas-Young; $9. Gold mechanical pencil
with hollow back holds five small poker dice, by Alfred Dunhill; $6. Austrian-mode plostic-cooted giant playing cards, by
Rosenfeld; $5. Green leather gin-rummy scorepod is magnetized to hold gold-plated mechanical pencil, by Alfred Dunhik;
$5. Green, perfect ring-eye spot dice, by Mason; $1.50. Tan pigskin gome cup with poker dice, golf game, 100 chips, made
in England; $22.50. These items rest on an eight-player poker table of oil-polished Honduras mohogany ond green leatherette,
with sturdy folding legs and a chip trough, drinking glass holder, and ashtray compartment for each player, by Baron; $95.
MONEY (continued from page 47)
some of the most dramatic ones dating
from the Depression.
The Rockefellers began building
Rockefeller Center, the largest pri-
vately-owned business and entertain-
ment complex in the United States—
and possibly the entire world — in 1931,
during the depths of the Depression.
Most American businessmen considered
the project an insane one. They con-
formed to the prevailing opinion which
held that the nation's economy was in
ruins and prophesied that the giant sky-
scrapers would remain untenanted shells
for decades. “Rockefeller Center will be
the world’s biggest White Elephant,”
they predicted. “The Rockefellers are
throwing their money down a bottom-
less drain.”
Nonetheless, the Rockefellers went
ahead with their plans and built the
great Center. They reaped large profits
from the project — and proved that they
were right, and that the majority was
dead wrong.
Conrad Hilton started buying and
building hotels when most other hotel-
iers were eagerly scanning all available
horizons for prospective buyers on
whom they could unload their proper-
ties. There is certainly no need to go
into details about nonconformist Con-
rad Hilton's phenomenal success.
I, myself, began buying stocks during
the Depression, when shares were selling
at bargain-basement prices and “every-
one" believed they would fall even
lower. "You're making a tremendous
mistake, Paul," many of my friends and
business associates warned me grimly.
“This is no time to buy. You'll only
bankrupt yourself.”
The conformists were selling out,
dumping their stocks on the market for
whatever they would bring. Their one
thought was to "salvage" what they
could before the ultimate economic
catastrophe so freely predicted by "thc
majority” took place.
Nevertheless, I continued to buy
stocks. The results? Many shares I
bought during the 1930s are now worth
a hundred —and more —times what I
paid for them. One particular issue in
which I purchased sizable blocks has
netted те no less than 45009, profit
through the years.
No, I'm not boasting nor claiming
that I was endowed with any unique
powers of economic clairvoyance. There
were other businessmen and investors
who did the same—and profited ac-
cordingly. But we were the exceptions,
the nonconformists who refused to be
carried along by the wave of dismal
pessimism then the vogue with the
‘The truly successful businessman is
essentially a dissenter, a rebel who is
seldom if ever satisfied with the status
quo. He creates his success and wealth
by constantly secking—and often find-
ing— new and better ways to do and
make things.
The list of those who have achieved
great success by refusing to accept and
follow established patterns is a long one.
Jt spans two centuries of American his-
tory and runs the alphabetical gamut
from John Jacob Astor to William
Zeckendorf. These men relied on those
four qualities already enumerated:
their own imagination, originality, in-
dividualism and initiative. They made
good — while the rock-ribbed conform-
ists remained by the wayside.
"These conformists simply do not real-
ize that only the least able and efficient
among them derive any benefit from the
dubious blessings of conformism. The
best men are inevitably dragged down to
the insipid levels at which the second-
raters — the prigs, pedants, precisians and
procrastinators — set the pace. The craze
for conformity is having its effect on our
entire civilization — and, the way I see it.
the effect is far from a salubrious one. It
isn't a very long step from a conformist
society to a regimented society. Although.
it would take longer to create an Orwel-
lian nightmare through voluntary sur-
render of individuality — and thus of in-
dependence — than through totalitarian
edict, the results would be very much the
same. In some respects, a society in which
the members reach a universal level in
which they are anonymous drones by
choice is even more frightening than one
in which they are forced to be so against
their will. When human beings relin-
quish their individuality and identity of
their own volition, they are also relin-
quishing their claim to being human.
In business, the mystique of conform-
ity is ѕарріп the dynamic individualism
that is the most priceless quality an
executive or businessman can possibly
possess. It has produced the lifeless, card-
board-cutout figure of the organization
man who tries vainly to hide his fears,
lack of confidence and incompetence be-
hind the stylized facades of conformity.
‘The conformist is not born. He is
made. 1 believe the brainwashing process
begins in the schools and colleges. Many
teachers and professors seem hell-bent on
imbuing their students with a desire to
achieve "security" above all — and at all
costs, Beyond this, high school and uni-
versity curricula are frequently designed
to turn out nothing but “speci:
with circumscribed knowledge and inter-
ests. The theory seems to be that ac-
countants should only be accountants,
traffic managers should only be traffic
managers, and so on ad nauseam. There
doesn't appear to be much effort made
to produce young men who have a grasp
of the overall business picture and who
will assume the responsibilities of lead-
ership. Countless otherwise intelligent
young men leave the universities where
they have received over-specialized educa-
tions and then disappear into the admin-
istrative rabbit warrens of over-organized
To be sure, there are many other pres-
sures that force the young man of today
to be a conformist. Hc is bombarded
from all sides by arguments that he must.
tailor himself, literally and figuratively,
to fit the current crew-cut image, which
means that he must be just like everyone
else. He does not understand that the
arguments are those of the almost-weres
and never-will-bes who want him as com-
pany to share the misery of their frustra-
tions and failures. Heaven help the man
who dares to be different in thought or
action. Any deviation from the mediocre
norm, he is told, will brand him a
Bohemian or a Bolshevik, a crank or a
crackpot — а man who is unpredictable
and thus unreliable.
This, of course, is sheer nonsense. Any
man who allows his individuality to as-
sett itself constructively will soon rise to
the top. He will be the man who is most
likely to succeed. But the brainwashing
continues throughout many a man’s ca-
reer, The women in his life frequently
do their part to keep him in his con-
formist’s strait jacket. Mothers, fiancées
and wives are particularly prone to be
arch-conservatives who consider a weekly
paycheck a bird in hand to be guarded,
cherished and protected — and never mind
what valuable тата avis may be nesting
in the nearby bushes. Wives have a habit
of raising harrowing spectres to deter a
husband who might wish to risk his safe,
secure job and seek fulfillment and
wealth via imaginative and enterprising
action. “You've got a good future with
the Totter and Plod Company,” they
wail. “Don’t risk it by doing anything
rash. Remember all the bills and pay-
ments we have to meet — and we simply
must get a new car this year!”
Consequently, the full-flowering con-
formist organization man takes the 8:36
train every weekday morning and hopes
that in a few years he'll be moved far
enough up the ladder so that he can ride
the 9:03 with the middle-bracket execu-
tives. The businessman conformist is the
Caspar Milquetoast of the present era.
His future is not very bright. His con-
formist’s rut will grow ever deeper until,
at last, it becomes the grave for the
hopes, ambitions and chances he might
have once had for achieving wealth and
success. The confirmed organization man
spends his business career bogged down
in a morass of procedural rules, multi-
copy memoranda and endless committee
mectings in which he and men who are
his carbon copies come up with hack-
(concluded on page 135)
eros itinerant was not her dream of bliss
HERE WE GO AGAIN. I, Dale Dubble, was quarreling with a friend named Evie
about whether or not she was going to let me. Her eyes said zeronaught at me.
My eyes said mute-boyish-appeal at her. Her eyes said back-of-my-hand-to-you
and her mouth said, “Hang it up, Dale.”
Because I had gone away and left her, don't you know? Surely you all out
there in Readershipland have encountered the like. That old lorn female logic
leads to that nagging old female blues which I expressed so well
You done gone away and left me,
You done gone away and left me,
So I ain't a-gonna let you.
as played by the State Jazz Symphony of Moscow, with hot electric violins
and all the other primitive instruments of the true primitive ragtime brought
up the river from Azerbaijan. They invented it straight from me. I had com-
posed it in honor of Evie, but under the cultural exchange program it was
stolen Бу Honored Artist of the Republic Bash Shmulkov, the foremost Sovietski
rock'n'roll composer. (Later he was eliminated as part of the Summit failure.)
Anyway, not many rock-'n-roll composers can say that. Say what? you ask.
You didn't understand me? Well, part of my life's work was stolen by the
Russkies, who actually invented rock-n'-roll. of course, only they called it
Bloose. And the first song they stole was the one I wrote for Sweet Evie, with
the dimples on her knees and the stern calculation on her cerebral cortex, who
was not always а nag. Got me now? I always went away on these trips, in order
to get away from her, and then I'd come back from these trips, in order to get
close to her, and then she wouldn't let me. Would, not, let, me. I would snuggle
and she would desnuggle me. I would entangle and she would disentangle. And
in my absence, she studied judo.
All clear? 1 sort of loved her, but I liked even better to flee — get clear — untie
myself up after being tied down. Poor Dale. Poor Evie. Lucky Dale and Evie.
We are now leaving political commentary and the Russians far behind. We are
getting down to brass Evie, a trim little band chick who had gone straight and
taken up junior miss modeling. She had given up singing into a mike for
pouting into a camera. Being a sweet songstress had worn her down. "Cause if
you go with a band,” she explained, “you have to let the whole goddamn outfit
make out. Not just the agent and the leader, but the sidemen, too. And the
advance man. And the club owners. Bunch of hoods — no delicacy."
“So how big a band you with?” I asked her when we first met, already jealous.
(Already I knew she was my aimless heart's hot desiring, O Evie baby, sweet
sinner o’ mine.) "Tell me, how big a band?”
She cast down her eyes shyly and slyly and reassured me. “Modern jazz,” she
said. “It was only а small combo.”
“That's refreshing,” I said.
Her mouth went into its full repertory of snarls, lips curling to beat the band,
and she looked old, maybe eighteen. (She was actually twenty-two.) "But it's
I mean a drag, pal. So now I'm modeling.”
“How big an agency you with?” I asked snidely.
“Well, this week my picture is in Life, and what they got? Eight million
Ouch, went my heart.
"But all they get is my picture and their fantasy life, Buster. And as for
you — 1 keep pure now, you got to if you want to stay a junior miss.
I loved her at this moment with no perceptible desire to flee her entangle-
ments. She smelled like Blue Grass. She tinkled when she walked — charm
bracelets. And then there was her delicate Millie Perkins mug with its shell
ears and rosy-pink tongue. “How do you happen to look so young with all you
went through?”
“Well,” she answered, clear-eyed, fresh, hoping to be discovered for a TV
commercial, “what I did with the band, it was very nourishing, no matter
what you say."
Now you get the flashback, bashback picture. She had minerals and proteins
and hormones galore, and lots of wheat germ for breakfast with me. She had
this pert little white face with large, heavily lashed eyes and a small but frm
mouth with small but firm teeth. Her
cheeks were on the round side for a
model—an old-fashioned young face.
There was long straight hair and curse
me for a sentimental fool if she didn’t
sometimes wear bangs. Yes, bangs. I
can’t help it; she was beautiful in bangs.
After we'd come out of the shower,
they'd be all wetted down. I'm a senti-
mental fool, curse it, and I like to take
a shower with an old-fashioned girl with
(and who) bangs. My mother taught me
always to try to have at least one shower
a day. It makes a fellow acceptable in
those difficult situations of modern life
of today.
Let's leave my mother and the Rus-
sians. Gladly.
We'll get to Evie’s almost immoral
combination of slimness and fullness
later, but in the meantime, who could
resist her? Not you, not me. When it
comes to winsome, tricksome, squirm-
some and toothsome little girls, we are
all sentimental fools with low ability
to resist. And I had a start on her, so
1 didn't.
But I'm an odd type too. I did disc-
jockey endeavor-type profession for
years, and made out fine as a jocka-
rooney, and wrote minor hits on the side,
stealing a bar or two here and there and
writing my own story into the song:
Oh baby І miss you,
Oh baby I miss you,
Then baby why'd I ever go away?
Because every great hit has got to tell
a story, you know? T hat's a rule to great
But now I'm back baby,
But now Гт back baby,
And I sure am golly-wise glad.
In all modesty, I think Y had something
to contribute. My own little touch.
Namely, no blushes before the banality,
no cringing before the cliché. Nope. 1
was brave. Of course, 1 didn’t have to
apologize to anybody but my tax lawyer,
and what did he care about echo cham-
bers? Zero-naught, friends.
‘Then payola put me out of the disc-
jockey business and I had to depend
entirely on my composing. It’s not that
I was a dishonest disc jockey; it's only
that I was greedy. I used to hate myself
sometimes in the morning, because I
heard of guys who got more from the
record companies than me.
But finally the station fired me, and
that was the end of one of my finest
careers. I invited Bert Alcatraz, owner of
the station, to mect Evie baby, hoping
that he would have mercy on me, but
he only looked at her with his cold
thirtysecond stare, took the cigar out
of his mouth, killed it in the soil around
the cactus on my coffee table, and said,
“You'll never starve, Dale.” So I was
thrown on my musical and lyrical re-
sources. I was certainly not going to
peddle Evie— though I appreciated
Bert's fatherly concern for my future.
It didn’t seem right somehow. She meant
too much to me. She was, I mean, im-
portant. Even when I was running for
my freedom.
As you can see, I too have a story to
tell, a sad city story about that man who
wants a girl and gets her and doesn’t
want her and leaves her and wants the
gitl again and maybe gets her and goes
away again and tries and she says no
because she knows if she says yes he'll
leave her and so he says please and she
says . . . There is also the tense economic
drama of being a rich songwriter. And
the family complication; my name isn't
really Dale Dubble. I've changed my
mame, as the saying goes, in order to
protect the guilty.
Namely, me and Evie baby.
I wanted to make out again. Oh man.
When you don’t want to, you really
don't; but when you do, it even hurts
to look at the lady cab driver. And my
sweet sinner girl Evie was no lady cab
driver. She had that skinny lankness that
junior miss models develop from so many
vitamin pills and not enough mashed
potatoes, but she must have swallowed
a hormone pill which put jiggle and
jump where there is customarily only
matched foam rubber. (Am I giving
away trade secrets? Truth! I'm crazy for
truth! That's the only reason for writing
my life's story! Most models are flat-
chested!) Once I even knew a girl who
wore falsies on her hips. She was just
like straight up and down and around.
And rump falsics, you ever find that?
You just stick around the dreamy-eyed
Audrey Hepburn, Millie Perkins types
long enough, you'll see everything, by
which I mean: nothing, nada, niente,
rien, scrawnysville. But Evie, on the
other hand. Oh Evie. She had rampant
flesh and hobs and jobs and jiggles and
juts and pinnacles of it, rampantsville.
And that lank badminton-playing lithe-
ness I like. Mies van der Rohe engineer-
ing with Romanesque abutments.
So you see the predick I was in. She
could fix me by not fixing me.
Which she proceeded to do. “Nyet!”
she said (but don't think I'm going to
start discussing politics again). She had
taken a post-grad, junior miss course in
Russian with a translator from the U.N.
“At this summit, Buster, NO!”
“Aw honey, you remember me,” I
She did, alas. Her nose quivered with
remembrance of thingamajigs past. That
was the trouble. All too well. Thad made
her quiver, she had made me quiver; 1
had departed on my voyage to Cuba,
where I saw Castro on the telly and
(continued on page 114)
bewitching fare for
the witching hour
FOR THOSE OF Us who burn the candle,
there can be no doubt about which
meal of the day yields the greatest
pleasure. It's the one consumed round
midnight, for that's the time of night
when the glow of the city's lights is at its
softest, when two hearts are at their
tenderest, and, often, when kindred
souls are at their hungriest. No forlorn
sandwich will do at the witching hour,
nor will a noisy nightery yield the inti-
mate gratification of appetites you can
more artfully attain chez vous. What
you and the lady deserve are great soft
mounds of scrambled eggs, glossy with
the sweet butter in which they cooked,
accompanied by hot anchovy toast. Or,
if that's not to your taste, try crisp oyster
fritters dunked in a rich rémoulade
sauce accompanied by a capacious carafe
of freshlybrewed coffee. Bridge buffs
who've been in close communion with
several rounds of highballs know that,
as the wee small hours approach, the
only intelligent bid is curried Jobster or
steak sandwiches. As any civilized cityite
will attest, the proper time for a theatre
party to assuage its hunger pangs is
after the show, not before. (Cocktails
and copious canapés make better sense
before an cightthirty curtain than a
hurried early repast.) As midnight draws
nigh in the snug confines of your own
digs, you and the group, or you and
your solitary guest, start your post-per-
formance post mortems fortified by fresh
sausage cakes with crisp dill pickles or
slowly melting mozzarella cheese with
Canadian bacon and chunks of fresh
French bread. This is fare worthy of the
midnight chef.
Undoubtedly the easiest way to sound
the supper bell is to phone the nearest
delicatessen for a platter of assorted
cold cuts. Now, cold sliced brisket of
corned beef and sliced smoked ox tongue
need no defense; they need only sour
rye bread, some fresh sweet butter and
a jar of mild mustard. But there's a
twofold drawback to this opportunist
kind of supper. First, cold cuts in mid-
winter aren't (continued on page 58)
sick humorist shoemaker offers several variations
midnight chef (continued from page 54)
the grandest answer to midnight munch-
ing. Second, the delly-delivered delights
lack originality, individuality and deny
you a splendid opportunity to display
gracious and masterful hostmanship.
In today's servantless apartments the
midnight chef must choose his menu
wisely. He doesn't want to become the
disappearing host, caught in the trap of
his own last-minute labors. He wants to
serve something distinctive without
working all day in order to make it
seem effortless.
There are two main types of late-night
meals. There's the elaborate smorgas-
bord spread in which a fantastic assort-
ment of fish, seafood, salads and meats
is displayed to the delight of all. Most
of it is taken from cans or frozen-food
shelves or is bought at a fancy food
shop. Then there's the one-dish supper
designed for intimate dining. It should
consist of а single hot course, a tossed
green salad, dessert and coffee.
Recipes that sound deceptively simple
are seldom what they seem. Lobster
newburg, а typical old-school supper
dish — and a delicious one — is a case in
point. The average cookbook says, “take
a quart of diced cooked lobster . . .”
Anyone who's "taken" a quart of diced
cooked lobster, starting from scratch,
soon finds out that the ordeal of buy-
ing and cooking live northern lobsters,
cutting and cracking the shells, goug-
ing out the meat, disposing of the
mountain of debris and finally slicing
and chilling the meat can consume sev-
eral hours. But there's no real reason
why you should be daunted in your de-
sire to serve lobster newburg, or other
lobster dishes. If you need fresh north-
em lobsters for a sauce dish, the only
civilized way to buy them is freshly
boiled and split at the fish dealer's store,
a convenience that's happily becoming
more and more widespread. If the lob-
ster is served in a tangy devil sauce or
in a hot Indian curry (as in the formula
below), frozen lobster tails work out
If you've been tempted to try a new
recipe but feel somewhat uneasy about
handling some of its features, it’s always
а good idea to conduct your own preview
staged on a snowy Sunday afternoon
with a favored companion as chef's aide-
de-cuisine. That way, you can find out
how long it takes to poach the mush-
rooms, mince the fresh thyme or carry
out any of the other instructions that
sometimes create such endless ado. If
the final dish turns out to be a successful
bit of kitchen magic, you won't mind
savoring it twice.
Most nocturnal feasts are easier if
they're accomplished in two stages. All
preliminary buying, baking, sautéing or
simmering should be done long before
the evening sun goes down, and we
Suggest you deputize a lot of these chores
to а competent part-time housemaid. (In
addition, she can buy, wash and pick
over salad greens, drain them well, and
put them in the crisper of the fridge —
all ready for the master host to toss up
a masterful salad complete with his own
special dressing.) With some dishes, part
of the work should be done the day be-
fore, for flavor ripening and blending in
the refrigerator. Then when appetites
reach the wildcat stage, the last-minute
gratinee or sizzling can be performed at
the chafing dish, the electric skillet or
the oven without delay.
After the main course is applauded,
an alluring dessert is the best encore. If
it’s a fine babka or pecan ring or apple
strudel, it should be placed in the oven
until it's cozily warm before serving. If
it's a cheesecake or a bow] of fresh straw-
berries Romanoff, it should be bitingly
cold. A platter of cheese — at room tem-
perature — and a large bowl of fruit are
perfect complements, too, to any mid-
night repast. Ripe Spanish melons,
honey-sweet Bosc pears, Delicious apples,
German tilsiter cheese, crumbly stilton
or soft, ripe brie or camembert — the
list is endless.
Endless, too, are the joys of midnight
feasting. For inspiration, try the follow-
ing culinary delights, all sufficient for
a quartet of hungry night raiders:
61-ог. can oysters, well drained
1 cup cold water
1 packet instant chicken bouillon
Y4 teaspoon salt
14 teaspoon pepper
Dash cayenne pepper
8 tablespoons butter
3 eggs
1 cup all-purpose flour
Y4 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons minced green pepper
2 tablespoons minced onion
Salad oil
Sift together the flour and baking
powder. In a small heavy saucepan, over
a low flame, bring the water, chicken
bouillon, salt, pepper and cayenne pep-
per to a boil. Add the butter. Let it
melt, Remove the pan from the flame.
Add the flour mixture all at once. It
will be hard to handle, but stir well un-
til a smooth mixture is formed. Add,
one by one, the unbeaten eggs, stirring
well until the eggs are blended into the
batter. Add the oysters, green pepper
and onion, mixing well. Place the mix-
ture, covered, in the refrigerator until
serving time. When ready to make frit-
ters, heat oil to a depth of 14 inch in a
heavy frying pan or in an electric skillet
set at 870°. Drop by large tablespoons
imo pan. Sauté until brown on both
sides. Drain on absorbent paper. With
oyster fritters serve cold rémoulade
1 cup mayonnaise
М cup sour cream
2 tablespoons finely minced sour
tablespoon finely minced parsley
teaspoons finely chopped capers
teaspoon finely chopped fresh cher-
vil or 4 teaspoon dried chervil
2 teaspoons anchovy paste
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
Combine all ingredients in a mixing
bowl. Stir well. Chill until serving time.
1 Ib. fresh button mushrooms
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon salad oil
Juice of 14 lemon
Salt, white pepper
101-02. can cream of mushroom soup
14 cup dry marsala wine or dry sherry
14 cup light cream
2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese
% Ib. sliced bacon
4 portions frozen waffles
Wash mushrooms well in cold water.
In a large heavy saucepan heat the but-
ter and salad oil until butter melts. Add
mushrooms and lemon juice. Sprinkle
with salt and white pepper. Sauté,
keeping the pan covered, until mush-
rooms are tender. Add the undiluted
mushroom soup, marsala wine, cream
and parmesan cheese, Stir well to make
a smooth sauce. Simmer slowly 15 min-
utes. While mushrooms arc simmering,
sauté the bacon or bake it in a shallow
pan until crisp. Heat the frozen waffles,
following directions on package. Place a
portion of waffles on each serving plate.
Spoon the mushrooms over the waffles.
Place the bacon on top. White beau-
jolais 1959 will be perfect with this dish.
These аде designed for two burger
sandwiches on buns per person. They
should be accompanied with crisp dill
pickles or imported senfgurken, a sauce-
boat of catsup spiked with Tabasco and
mugs of cold beer.
1 tablespoon butter
¥ cup finely chopped apple
X4 cup finely minced onion
M, teaspoon finely minced garlic
% cup dry white wine
1 Ib. seasoned sausage meat
1 egg, well beaten
Y4 cup bread crumbs
И cup light cream
Melt the butter in a small saucepan.
Add the apple, onion and garlic. Sauté
slowly until onion turns yellow. Add the
white wine. Cook until wine almost
(concluded on page 116)
Ce AWOKE with the Tingle Tooth-
foam song racing through his head.
Tingle, he realized, must have bought
last night's Sleepcoo time. He frowned
at the Sleepcoo speaker in the wall next
to his pillow. Then he stared at the
ceiling: it was still blank. Must be pretty
early, he told himself. As the Coffizz
slogan slowly faded in on the ceiling, he
averted his eyes and got out of bed. He
avoided looking at the printed messages
on the sheets, the pillowcases, the blan-
kets, his robe, and the innersoles of his
slippers. As his feet touched the floor,
the TV set went on. It would go off,
automatically, at ten р.м. Crane was per-
fectly free to switch channels, but he
saw no point in that.
In the bathroom, he turned on the
light and the TV's audio was immedi-
ately piped in to him. He switched the
light off and performed his first morning
ritual in the dark. But he needed light
in order to shave, and as he turned it
on again, the audio resumed. As he
shaved, the mirror flickered instantane-
ously once every three seconds. It was
not cnough to disturb his shaving, but
Crane found himself suddenly thinking
of the rich warm goodness of the Cof-
fizz competitor, Teatang. A few mo-
ments later, he was reading the ads for
Now, the gentle instant laxative, and
Stop, the bourbonflavored parcgoric,
which were printed on alternating sheets
of the bathroom tissue.
As he was dressing, the phone rang.
He let it ring. He knew what he would
hear if he picked it up: “Good morning!
Have you had your Krakkeroonies yet?
Packed with protein and —” Or, may-
be, “Why wait for the draft? Enlist now
in the service of your choice and cash
in on the following enlistee benefits —”
r: "Feeling under the weather? Coro-
nary disease kills four out of буе! The
early symptoms are —'
On the other hand, it could be an im-
portant personal call. He picked up the
phone and said hello. “Hello yourself,”
answered a husky, insinuating feminine
voice. “Bob?”
“Bob Crane?”
“Yes, who's this?”
“My name's Judy. I know you, but
you don't know me. Have you felt logy
lately, out of sorts —" Не put down
the phone. That settled it. He pulled а
crumpled slip of paper from his desk
drawer. There was an address on it.
Hitherto, he had been hesitant about
following up this lead. But this morn-
ing he felt decisive. He left his apart-
ment and hailed a cab.
The back of the cab's front seat im-
mediately went on and he found him-
self watching the Juice-O-Vescent Break-
fast Hour. He opened a newspaper the
last passenger had left behind. His eyes
managed to slide over the four-color
Glitterink ads with their oblique homo-
sexual, sadistic, masochistic, incestuous
and autoerotic symbols, and he tried to
concentrate on a news story about the
initiating of another government hous-
ing program, but his attempts to ignore
the Breeze Deodorant ads printed yel-
low-on-white between the lines were
fruitless. The cab reached its destina-
tion. Crane paid the driver with a bill
bearing a picture of Abraham Lincoln
on one side and a picture of a naked
woman bathing with Smoothie Soap on
the other. He entered a rather run-down
frame building, found the correct door,
and pressed the doorbell. He could hear,
inside the flat, the sound of an old-
fashioned buzzer, not a chime playing
the EetMeet or Jetfly or Krispy Kola
jingles. Hope filled him.
А slattern answered the door, regarded
him suspiciously. and asked, "Yeah?"
"I—uh— Mrs. Ferman? I got your
name from a friend, Bill Seavers? I un-
derstand you—” his voice dropped low
“— rent rooms.”
“Get outta here; you wanna get me
in trouble? I'm a private citizen, a re-
spectable —"
"ГП, Il рау. I have a good job.
How much?"
“Two hundred? That's twice what I’m
paying at the housing project.”
“Come on in.” Inside, the woman
locked, bolted and chained the door.
“One room," she said. “Toilet and
shower down the hall, you share it with
two others. Get rid of your own gar-
bage. Provide your own heat in the
winter. You want hot water, it's fifty
extra. No cooking in the rooms. No
guests. Three months’ rent in advance,
“TH take it,” Crane said quickly; then
added, “I can turn off the TV?”
“There ain't no TV. No phone
“No all-night Slecpcoo next to the
bed? No sublims in the mirrors? No Pro-
jecto in the ceiling or walls?”
“None of that stuff.”
Crane smiled. He counted out the
rent into her dirty hand. “When can I
move in?”
She shrugged. "Any time. Here's the
key. Fourth floor, front. There ain't no
Crane left, still smiling, the key
clutched in his hand.
Mrs. Ferman picked up the phone and
dialed a number. “Hello?” she said.
“Ferman reporting. We have a new one,
male, about thirty.”
“Fine, thank you,” answered a voice.
“Begin treatment at once, Dr. Ferman.”
fiction By RAY RUSSELL
for rent:
very special lodgings
Jor a
very special purpose
“It looks like we can't expect much in the way
of benign guidance."
on broadway, there's no business lake no business
article Ву AL MORGAN
BROADWAY'S SUCCESS WORSHIPERS are among the major social hazards of our time. "They all have total
recall, unlimited wind and are not above grabbing you by the lapels to cut off your circulation and
your escape. I've been backed against innumerable grand pianos at uncountable parties and told in
great detail about the opening nights of South Pacific, Ghosts, Show Boat, and a succession of
Hamlets. 1 know the precise second Ethel Merman belted out I’ve Got Rhythm for the first time,
how many people yelled bravo when Walter Huston, wearing a peg leg as Peter Stuyvesant, talked his
way through September Song and how many members of Actors’ Equity José Ferrer killed with his
sword in Cyrano. I've been Sothern-and-Marlowed, Barrymored, Lillian Russelled and Gertrude Law-
renced to death.
In self-defense, I've become a Turkey Worshiper. Instead of getting a glaze over my eyes when the
bore bears down on me at a party, I counterattack.
“Did you happen to be in New Haven for the tryout of The Light in 1919?” I ask. “How much did
they pay you to see The Ladder?” “Do you happen to know offhand the all-time record for the shortest
run on Broadway?”
What started as a defense became a religion. Once you hear the siren call of the voice of the turkey,
you can’t be bothered with such pallid theatrical fare as the smash hit. Now if you'll just make yourself
comfortable against that piano and lean your lapels forward a bit, I'll show you what I mean.
The late Oscar Hammerstein II may have become wealthy and famous for such shows as South
Pacific, Oklahoma! and The King and I, but I'm sure nothing that happened to him in his career can
stack up against a night in Connecticut in 1919 when his first play, The Light, opened its tryout tour.
The play never got any further than that tryout date at the Shubert in New Haven. The local critic
summed it up with these words, “Its christening robes may well suffice as a shroud for a deadly dull
play." Taking the hint, the producer, Arthur Hammerstein (Oscar W's uncle) dosed it a couple of
nights later, but not before it qualified for The Turkey Hall of Fame. On opening night, midway in
the second act, The Light got its first and only laugh. The heroine, played by Vivienne Osborne, faced
stage front and said, “Everything seems to be falling down around me.” As she delivered the line, her
panties slipped and fell to the stage. Mr. Hammerstein never got a bigger laugh in his life nor had
any angrier leading lady.
"The King of The Flops, the longest turkey run in the history of the theatre, was a drama by
J. Frank Davis called The Ladder. It opened at the Mansfield in 1926. It lost $750,000 and ran for a
year and a half on Broadway, rolling up an astounding total of 789 performances. The Ladder dealt
with reincarnation and its lone backer was Texas oil tycoon Edgar B. Davis (no relation to the play-
wright). Mr. Davis, who was reputed to have made ten thousand dollars a day — every day — from his
oil wells, was a big reincarnation buff and felt the message of the play was something every American
should be exposed to, even if it took his last drop of oil. The Ladder opened to a completely unani-
mous set of critical pans, but, despite them, Mr. Davis kept it running throughout the 1926 season. At
the end of the year the play was $200,000 in the red. On Christmas Day, the oil tycoon-producer called
a press conference. His news gladdened the hearts of his cast (at least). He announced that in addition
to a collection of staggering Christmas presents, he was giving them a ten-week guarantee of employ-
ment. His Christmas present to the theatre-going public was even more unusual. He announced that
starting with that evening’s performance no admission charge would be made for The Ladder. The
theatre-going public didn't respond to Mr. Davis’ generosity. There were nights when the cast outnum-
bered the audience, but the ten-week guarantees were renewed again and again and The Ladder ran
another full year, without a penny coming into the box office, losing its producer another $500,000. The
show finally closed on Broadway at the end of the 1927 season. Mr. Davis went back to Texas and his
oil wells. But life, even at ten thousand dollars a day, got dull, and he headed back East in 1928 and
reopened the show in Boston. The reviews were just as bad but the price was just as right. Bostonians
stayed away with even more determination than the New York audiences, and in desperation (Mr.
Davis felt it was only a question of time before T'he Ladder caught on) Davis sent agents into Scollay
Square to round up and recruit playgoers. Bums were paid up to (continued on page 64)
"Your costs, gentlemen?" Answering the
Bunny's courteous query, the guy on the
left is about to check his light-gray $со!-
tish lamb's-wool semi-fitted town coat in
a herringbone pattern, with fly front, peok
lapels, set-in sleeves and flop pockets, by
Malcolm Kenneth; $150. His next offering
will be his heather-olive Shetland wool
mufller, by Cisco; $5. Bunny already holds
his medium-gray, smooth felt hat with a
small tapered crown, narrow brim, hand-
felted edge, and black band, by Knox; $20.
His next-in-line confrere is more formally
togged in а black woo! worsted chester-
field town coat with the classic velvet
collar, fly front and flap pockets, by Barry
Walt; $100. His black velvet-textured fur
felt hat sports а red feather ornament ond
black band, by Dobbs; $20. The patterned
white silk muffler reverses to black vicuno,
by Sulka; $45. His pull-on gloves ore
black South American cabrettc with nylon
sidewalls, wrist elastic, by Daniel Hays;
$6.50. The rapier-thin hond-finished Itolion
nylon umbrella has a block stitched leather
handle, by Continental; $17. Young mon on
the wayup and on way out) isdapperindeed
in an olive hand-loomed Irish cheviot
double-breasted соо! with natural shoul-
ders, three flop lop-seamed packets, leather
buttons and full satin lining, by Duncan
Reed; $85. His muffler is a multi-calored
Italian silk mosaic square, by Peacock, Ltd.
$15. Gloves are a cedor-color split pi
skin with hand-stitched band, palm vent, by
Hansen; $5. About to go on his noggin:
a black-olive English-style smooth felt
fedora with a raw-edge brim, by Dobbs; $12.
he checkroom at Chicago's Play-
boy Key Club is the setting
for an off-and-on romance involving
the handsome outerwear you see at
your right; and a fashionable layaway
plan it is, The doakroom Bunnies
attentively in attendance have testi-
fied of late that what's coming off at
the club is taking up a lot less spa
than it used to, and there are good
reasons for the trend: coats (both
top- and over- ), hats, gloves, mulllers,
umbrellas and attaché cases have all
been Metrecaled down to a slim,
trim, decidedly elegant look that was
unknown just a short while аро.
The town-attuned topcoat takes on
three distinct looks, and there's at
least one that's particularly right for
you, no matter what your choice of
suit—Ivy, Continental or British
Lounge. Your (concluded on page 105)
seventy five cents a head to come in out
of the cold Boston winter and warm
themselves while being exposed to the
playwright’s cheering message about re-
The runner-up for the honor of hav-
ing the smallest boxoffice take of all
time was a play called The Field of
Ermine, which graced the Broadway
season of 1934. The purists among the
Turkey Worshipers contend that it de-
serves the championship, since The
Ladder really wasn't trying. One mati-
nee during the painfully brief run of
The Field of Ermine, the box-office
treasurer discovered that he had sold
exactly one seat for the performance, a
balcony seat at a dollar and a half. Free
tickets were hastily spread around bus
terminals, hotel lobbies and given away
at local newsstands as a bonus to every
purchaser of an evening newspaper. Ву
curtain time that afternoon, there were
exactly forty-one customers in the house,
forty on the cuff and the one lone pay-
ing customer, a lady, sitting in her seat
in the balcony. Before the curtain rose,
the stage manager made a speech, in-
viting all the members of the audience
to move down into the first two rows
so that the actors wouldn't feel lone-
some. All the freeloaders obliged. The
lady with the paid-for ticket refused to
move. She said she'd only paid for a
balcony seat and she didn't feel it was
honest for her to move downstairs into
the orchestra.
‘The swectestsmelling flop in history
was a drama that opened at the Cort
Theatre on December 8, 1945. It was
called The French Touch, was directed
by French cinema great René Clair,
written by Joseph Field and Edward
Chodorov and included in its cast such
stalwarts as Brian Aherne, Arlene Fran-
cis and Jerome Thor. Despite this array
of talent, The French Touch might
have gone down in theatrical history as
just another casualty and hardly worth
the attention of a True Turkey Wor-
shiper. There was, however, one added
factor that lifted the play out of the
run-of-the-mill failure class. It was
angeled by a perfume manufacturer.
He (or his press agent—or both) de-
cided a Broadway opening night was a
perfect opportunity to hustle his prod-
uct as well as the drama. Gallons of his
perfume were trucked in from the fac-
tory. “This will be a monumental eve-
ning in the theatre,” he is said to have
remarked (то his press agent or wife —
or both). "Tonight a play will assault
all the senses . . . including the sense
of smell."
The playbills were perfumed and
carried down the aisle by usherettes who
had been given a generous supply of
the stuff and told where to put it. Fif-
KEW (continued from page 61)
teen minutes before the first-nighters
were admitted to the theatre, buckets of
perfume were poured into the theatre's
ventilating system. The first arrivals
found the perfumescented air a wel-
come change from the usual theatre
smell, a compound of the deodorant in
the rest rooms and the carbon monoxide
of passing automobiles. It added a fes-
tive, expensive note to the occasion. At
fi Until curtain time, the Smell-O-
Vision-type stunt was an unqualified
success. First-nighters searched through
their programs for the name of the
smell that they were being assaulted
Then the curtain rose on the first
scene of the play. The perfume, trapped
by the curtain in the auditorium, came
billowing across the footlights in waves
and hit the unsuspecting actors in the
face. “We dropped like flies,” one of the
members of the cast told me. “By the
middle of the second act, three mem-
bers of the cast had vomited, all the
dressing-room windows were wide open
and still that perfume came rolling
across the footlights at us like fog."
By the beginning of the third act, the
perfume began to affect the audience.
"The heavy air made them drowsy and
one by one the actors noticed heads
nodding and falling forward. According
to one self-appointed authority, by the
final curtain a good third of the mem-
bers of the audience were sound asleep.
A last-minute attempt to save the situ-
ation by turning off the heating unit
was only moderately successful. By that
time the Cort Theatre had become sat-
urated with the scent and all it really
accomplished was to add the threat of
pneumonia to the threat of suffocation.
The French Touch lasted a total of
thirty-three sweet-smelling performances,
and the last vestige of the opening-night
perfume was still billowing across the
footlights on dosing night. Male mem-
bers of the cast stopped going into the
rougher bars until they again smelled
like themselves. Actresses in The French
Touch, even today, develop an imme-
diate headache when they arrive at a
party and discover that one of the other
guests is wearing that perfume.
The unluckiest flop of them all was
a play called Ragged Army which was
scheduled to open on February 26, 1934,
at the Selwyn Theatre. Snow began
falling on the morning of the twenty-
sixth and continued through the day
and into the night. It developed into
one of the worst blizzards in New York's
history. At curtain time on that opening
night, four customers (all related to
members of the company) turned up
wearing hip boots. Since these four had
already seen the show at a dress rehearsal
and not a single critic braved the
weather, the opening was postponed a
week. By the time the second opening
night rolled around, the snow had
cleared off the streets, the weather bu-
reau forecast clear skies and the pro-
ducers began to congratulate themselves
on the fortunate circumstances that had
given them an extra week of rehearsal
to sharpen up their cast. That morning,
the snow began falling. It snowed on in-
to the afternoon and by nightfall the
town was snowbound again, At curtain
time, three of the four people who had
braved the elements the first time showed
up. The fourth had been sent to the
hospital with a case of pneumonia he'd
picked up going to the first opening. The
theatre staff, armed with free tickets, went
out into the street to recruit first-night-
ers. They managed to round up a gang
of Sanitation Department men armed
with shovels, who were on their way
home after a stint of snow removal.
‘They checked their shovels with the hat-
check girl and settled themselves down
in the first row.
Ragged Army opened. It was its first
and only performance. It closed the
next day, а flop that had been seen only
by three hardy friends of the cast and a
snow-removal gang, and had never been
reviewed by a critic.
It must be admitted that the Thirties
were fertile ground for students of flops.
‘The failure of a play was not, then, the
monumental disaster it is today, where
theatrical productions have budgets
(850,000 to $75,000 for straight plays, as
much as $400,000 for a musical) that in
the past might have financed the army
and navy of a medium-sized Balkan mon-
archy. The Thirties in America were
the last stand of the shoestring pro-
ducers, and the all-time champ in the
field of putting on a play for the least
amount of money must be a man named
Theron Bamberger. In April of 1933
he opened a play called Man Bites Dog
on the smallest shoestring in theatrical
history. The entire cost of the produc-
Чоп was $2400. His cast received what
was then the Equity minimum of $25 a
week. There was no rehearsal pay in
1933, so his actors didn’t really cost him
a dime until opening night. Bamberger
found a hungry stage designer who
worked for $100. He then found an old
set that resembled the one his designer
had in mind, and on his drawing board
rebuilt it and painted it for a total out-
lay of $400. Two costumes were rented.
Аз producer, he had a rent-free office at
the theatre. He is reported to have used
it as a hotel room, The show had no
accountant and no lawyer. The play ran
for seven performances and lost its en-
tire investment. In a poll of critics at
the end of the 1933 season, Man Bites
Dog was consistent right to the very end.
The critics rated the plays of the year
(concluded on page 122)
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[haue tell us skiing orig-
inated not among weekending rev-
elers at Aspen or Sun Valley,
but among the frosty-bearded
hordes of Stone Age Europe. It
has since become a many-
splendored art form, blending
agility, grace — and the informal
social graces of the ski lodge.
Sleekly garbed for the slopes or
beguilingly peeled in a rustic re-
treat, eighteen-year-old Barbara Ann
Lawford can boast a many-
splendored art form all her own. We
found our adventurous Playmate
in California, in a Sherman Oaks
sport shop, buying gear for her
very first ski trip. Naturally,
we invited ourself along. At
the ski lodge, Barby took to
her room, got out of her traveling
clothes and decided to wax
her skis — as you can see for
yourself in this month's сус-
filling gatefold — before donning
stretch pants and parka. During
the fun-filled weekend, we coaxed
Barbara into returning with us to
PLAYBOY headquarters in Chicago
where this beautiful snow bunny is
presently brightening the lives of
members as another kind of bunny,
complete with rabbit ears and
cottontail, at the Playboy Key Club
on Chicago’s Near North Side.
Barbara browses for the wooly wherewithol to help keep
her worm through the exciting doys, and nights, cheod.
saucy snow bunny
adds sparkle
to the ski season
MISS FEBRUARY mavsov's pavmare or me monr
With the exhilaration of the afternoon still glowing on her cheeks, Borby relaxes in the spell of the heorth primevol with a spicy grog.
After the profes
five-footer on the р
sued for divorce.
al golfer made a
ctice green, his wife
W hocver it was who first called women
the fair sex didn’t know much about
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines:
Bachelor as а man who thinks seriously
about marriage.
Continence as mind over what matters.
Falsies as hidden persuaders.
Happy married couple as a husband out
with another man’s wife.
Maiden aunt as а girl who never had
sense cnough to say uncle.
Proposal as a proposition that lost its
of wife or
Shotgun wedding as a cas
Vicious circle as a wedding ring.
A rather naive young man named Les-
ter had recently reached manhood, and
had no idea why he was continuously
nervous and tense. He went to sce his
doctor. The M.D. was not in but his
nurse was, a red-headed vixen who wore
her uniform so tight that Lester’s jitters
noticeably increased. She asked him
what was wrong and he told her, She
eyed him appraisingly.
“That's easy to fix,”
she said. “Come
with mc." She led Lester into a small
mination room, and there relieved
s preparing to leave, she said,
bc twenty dollar" And
quite satisfied, Lester pleased to pay.
Several weeks went by, and Lester
found the same unrest growing in him
again. He returned to the doctor's
office and this time the doctor was in.
He listened to Lester's symptoms, then
wrote out a prescription on a piece of
per and handed it to him
“This is for tranquilizers,” the doctor
said. “You can have it filled downstairs.
That will be five dollars, please.
Lester looked at the small piece of
paper for а few moments, then looked
up at the doctor and said, “If it’s all the
same to you, doc, I'd just as soon have
the twenty-dollar treatment.'
The popular girl is the one who has been
weighed in the balance and found
Charlie was taking his out-of-town pal,
George, for a stroll through the city.
They were admiring the scenery, when
George observed:
“Say, will you look at that good-look-
ing girl over there. She's smiling at us.
Do vou know her?"
"Oh, ycs: Betty — twenty dollars."
‘And who's that brunette with her?
„ she’s really stacked!"
Yep: Dolores — forty dollars.
“Ah, but look what's comin
what I call really first class!
That's Gloria — eighty dollar
“My God,” cried George, "aren't
there any nice, respectable girls in this
‘Of course,” Charlie answered. “But
you couldn't afford their rates!”
Heard any good ones lately? Send your
favorites to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY,
232 E. Ohio SL, Chicago 11, Ill, and
carn an easy $25.00 for each joke used.
In case of duplicates, payment goes to
first received. Jokes cannot be returned.
“For heaven's sake, Miriam, what if I had been someone else?"
HYPNOSIS continued from page 42)
nosis can produce a case of stuttering
so severe that a man cannot pronounce
his own name; similarly a trained hyp-
notist can cure many cases of stuttering
that are psychosomatic in origin.
All of the senses can become hyper-
acute under hypnosis. Vision, hearing,
smell, taste and touch may all improve
to a remarkable degree. Consider this
experiment, for example. A subject is
shown a series of plain white cards and
told, as he sorts through them, that one
is a photograph of his mother. He is
asked if he recognizes it.
"Of course,” the subject replies.
“Will you recognize it if I show it to
you again?”
The operator makes a small mark on
the back of the card so that he will be
able to recognize it himself, He then
shuffles the cards and hands them to the
subject, asking him to pick out his
mother's photograph, which the subject
promptly does. This remarkable feat is
possible because the subjects visual
hyper-acuity picks out microscopic flaws
and irregularities on the face of the one
card on which he has been told his
mothers photograph appears. He can,
of course, pick out this card again and
Many experiments have been done to
demonstrate hypnotic subjects’ aware-
ness of time-factors. Many good subjects
can calculate time to the second: put a
subject into trance and tell him to
awake in exactly four hours and thirty-
four minutes, and he may well do just
that. One explanation of this phenom-
enon is that the subject may be able
to tell the exact time by subconsciously
counting the tickings of his watch, or
someone else's; or by counting his own
pulse or heartbeat.
Some of the commonest of hypnotic
feats demonstrate the complete decep-
tion of the senses. Sweet oranges can be
turned into lemons that make the sub-
ject pucker uncontrollably; spirits of
ammonia may smell like Chanel No. 5;
water becomes whiskey and causes drunk-
enness. The arms, the legs or the whole
body will accept anesthesia, and there
will be no feeling of pain when pins
are stuck into the subject at random, or
when fire and electrical shocks are ap-
plied. On the other hand, a subject can
be told that a pencil is a burning cig-
arette and when it is placed on the skin
a blister may form.
Blistering of the skin and hypnotic-
allyinduced bleeding and other such
phenomena are of special interest be-
cause they demonstrate one of the most
remarkable aspects of hypnosis. An oper-
ator can take control of a good subject's
secondary or involuntary nervous sys-
tem and thus put under control body
functions which are normally involun-
tary. Blood pressure and body temper-
ature can be raised and lowered at will,
the heartbeat increased or slowed, the
pupils of the eyes made to dilate at will
(as in-experiments with the conditioned
reflex) and, of course, all pain can be
eliminated by the simple expedient of
blocking the nerves that send the mes-
sage of pain to the brain. The ability
of hypnosis to block pain is currently
attracting the most attention from the
medical profession, because of its value
in childbirth and dentistry. It is really
one of the least remarkable of the many
incredible powers of hypnosis.
Тһе Indian fakirs who have amazed
Western man for centuries with their
ability to walk on hot coals, pierce their
bodies with swords, go into death-like
catalepsy and fast for long periods of
time are practicing auto-hypnosis, and
any good hypnotic subject could do the
same if he cared to, or, rather, if his
hypnotist cared to have him care to.
Alter digesting the notion of control
over the involuntary muscles and the
autonomic nervous system through hyp-
notic suggestion, hallucinations and
delusions seem like rather tame stuff.
It is possible to create almost any kind
of hallucination or delusion with a good
subject and to make it stick indefinitely
through posthypnotic suggestion, after
the subject has been brought out of the
trance. The pretty young hostess who
walked nude into the living room to
greet her guests and asked them how
they liked her new dress was under a
hypnotically-imposed hallucination; she
really saw the dress and couldn't under-
stand the shocked reaction of her
friends. A simple and effective hallu-
cination that stage hypnotists often use
is to tell а subject that when he awakes,
he will be completely naked; or that he
will be clothed and everyone else, includ-
ing the hypnotist, will be completely
naked. The results are almost always
hilarious, because the subject really be-
lieves what he has been told. For instance
one subject, a girl told that she was
nude, awoke and covered her face.
Hallucinations can sometimes back-
fire. A rather high-strung and sensitive
subject was told that one member of
a group at a party had left the room,
and when she awoke, he would not be
there. He had not left, of course, but
when the subject was brought out of
the trance, she could no longer see him.
He walked directly in front of her and
she looked right through him at the
others in the room with whom she was
conversing. For her, this fellow was
simply not there. Then the operator
asked the subject if she would like some
champagne and she indicated she would.
He joked about having a rather unique
and lazy man's means of getting it,
whereupon the fellow the subject could
not see poured a glass of champagne
and started to bring it to her. The sub-
ject saw the champagne bottle and the
glass, but nothing else, and she became
hysterical. The subject was unable to
view the situation objectively, or real-
ize that it was part of a hypnotic
trance (as many subjects can, even while
actually viewing the hallucinations) and
so seeing the glass and bottle hovering
in mid-air severely frightened her.
The polar bear that accompanied the
шап at the club was a hallucination,
of course, and it is just as easy to make
things appear for a good subject as it
is to make them disappear. Estabrooks
comments on a pet bear that he created
as a hallucination which became some-
thing of a pest after a while. In the
beginning, Professor Estabrooks was
able to produce the hallucination at will
and he got a kick out of materializing
it for himself in the corner of a room
during a bridge game and remarking,
“Why there's my bear! He looks hun-
gry.” After a while, the bear began ap-
pearing on its own, without being sum-
moned, and it got into the habit of
following him home at night, and ap-
pearing unexpectedly under the bed or
peering through a window. Even though
Estabrooks knew very well that it was
a hypnotic hallucination, it was also a
thoroughly real bear to him in appear-
ance and it became a bit unnerving,
and so he finally had it removed from
his subconscious, but it took three or
four long sessions to accomplish the job.
"The reaction of the young girl to her
invisible friend and the professor to his
bear indicate a couple of important
facts about һурп‹ you can never be
certain what reaction you are going to
get under hypnosis, because each sug-
gestion is viewed not in the abstract,
but in the light of the experience and
personal background of the subject.
Thus the young lady was extremely
frightened by the friend she could not
see, but the professor was amused by
his polar bear, which he knew to be a
hypnotic hallucination. The professor
was amused, that is, up to а point,
which establishes ап important second
consideration: there is a danger in hyp-
nosis of establishing in the subject's
mind some idea, hallucination, or con-
fict that may stay on without the hypno-
tist’s or the subjects being immediately
aware of it, and crop up later to cause
trouble for the subject. In the case cited,
Dr. Estabrooks knew exactly what the
big bear was, but another Jess learned
subject, pitted against some idea or con-
flict much vaguer than a bear, im
planted in the subconscious through
hypnosis, might have a real problem.
Thats why it is most important that
(continued on page 122)
a look at the current jazz scene and the winners of the fifth annual playboy poll
LOUIS ARMSTRONG, second trumpet
| JONAH JONES, fourth trumpet
MILES DAVIS, first trumpet and all-stars’ instrumental combo
mL 7
DUKE ELLINGTON, all-stars’ leader DIZZY GILLESPIE, third trumpet and all-stars’ trumpet
INS in the world of jazz, as the newspapers saw it, was the Year of
Contention, with riots at Newport and other bashes. Jazz fans could see beyond
that. More concerned with new chords than with discord, they saw it as the Year
of Invention.
There were new uses of jazz. John Lewis The Comedy, described as "a jaz
entertainment" integrating the Modern Jazz Quartet and a group of ballet dancers,
was premiered in Paris. Gunther Schuller, eloquent spokesman for a “third music,”
was active as composer and conductor from Manhattan to Monterey. Duke Elling
(text continued on page 81)
JACK TEAGARDEN, fourth trombone
GERRY MULLIGAN, baritone sax and all-stars’ baritone sax
BOB BROOKMEYER, third trombone KAI WINDING, second trombone
STAN GETZ, first tenor sax and all-stars’ tenor sax
COLEMAN HAWKINS, second tenor sax J. J. JOHNSON, first trombone and all-stars’ trombone
PAUL DESMOND, first alto sax
CANNONBALL ADDERLEY, second alto sax and all-stars’ alto sax
BARNEY KESSEL, guitar and all-stars’ guitar BUDDY DE FRANCO, all-stars’ clarinet
RAY BROWN, bass and all-stars’ bass
PHILLY JOE JONES, all-stars’ drums
ton huddled with Tchaikovsky and came up with the nuttiest of Nutcracker Suites,
then, comparably inspired by Steinbeck, gave Suite Thursday a Monterey festival
premiere. Count Basie, celebrating his silver jubilee as a leader, tried something
new in the form of a Kansas City Suite penned for him by Benny Carter.
"There were new ways of playing jazz and oddball instruments on which to play
it. Ornette Coleman and his plastic alto saxophone with partner Don Cherry blow-
ing sawed-off trumpet, after making a stormy landing on the jazz runwa i
DAVE BRUBECK QUARTET, instrumental combo
OSCAR PETERSON, all-stars’ piano
FRANK SINATRA, male vocalist and all-stars’ male vocalist
produced the most. argued-about sounds since
Dizy and Bird invaded 52nd Street and
added the word “bebop” to hip parlance in
1944. In Chicago, a saxophonist named Ro-
land Kirk found he could play three coinci-
dent solos — one line in three-part harmony
— by blowing simultaneously on a tenor sax,
a manzello (an ancient Italian instrument
related to the soprano saxophone) and a
strich (related to an alto saxophone, but
straight rather than curved), thus automati-
cally electing himself Mr. Miscellaneous In-
strument of the Year.
There were also new places to play jazz:
Madison Square Garden drew 29,135 fans in
two nights for its first jazz festival, spon-
sored by the New York Daily News.
And there was the café-espresso-with-
jazz boom that is still building.
‘The intercontinental percgrinations
continued, Eastbound, flutist Herbie
Mann and his Dixieland-cum-Afro-Cu-
ban combo went through the jungles by
bus and rail, concertizing in behalf of
the State Department in sixteen African
countries. (As we went to press, Louis
Armstrong was garnering wild approval
on a State Department tour through the
Congo.) Among the westward trekkers:
King Rama IX of Thailand (born, like
his idol Johnny Hodges, in Cambridge,
Massachusetts) made а state visit to the
US. and waged a twoclarinet battle
with Benny Goodman at Governor
Nelson Rockefeller's estate. Guitarist
Attila Zoller, from Visegrad, Hungary,
cooked in Los Angeles as a member of
the Chico Hamilton Quintet, while Joc
Zawinul, a fine modern pianist from
Vienna, spent the year as Dinah Wash-
ington's accompanist.
Along with the new sounds and new
sites, a heavy air of verbal and physical
strife battered the global jazz scene.
First, there was the unforgettable fracas
at Newport, where a group of far-outsters
(one observer called them “the dissident
dissonants”) attempted to compete with
the original festival. A second festival
was wrecked when a bunch of British
hooligans gave a crash course in piano-
smashing, scaffolding-demolition and in-
cendiarism on the estate of Lord
Montague during his Beaulieu festival.
Only a month later the statistics showed
a hundred and one policemen, twenty-
eight firemen and seventeen arrests
when Ray Charles no-show at a Port-
land, Oregon, ballroom induced a new
These incidents may not kill the fes-
tivals, but they've done a good deal to
de-bloom the rose for many potential
jazz promoters. Properly policed, jazz
festivals can create new interest in the
music. But it's more than a matter of
law. Many towns can't accommodate the
jazz festival throngs. Newport couldn't.
And French Lick, Indiana, canceled its
festival rather than risk another New-
port rebellion (fortunately for jazz an
Indianapolis promoter picked up the
talent tab, tossed the affair in his town
and, without a single brawl, did well).
More festivals in major cities, à la
PLAYBOY's Chicago Stadium wingding a
year ago, is one answer; with plenty of
room in which to roam, crowds don't
get unruly. The New York Daily News
festival in Madison Square Garden, in-
corporating some of PLAYBOY's innova-
tions (including the revolving stage),
was a happy scene. A jazz festival may
now be too much for Newport to han-
dle, but, obviously, it's not a strain for
New York or Chicago, The urban an-
swer may be the best.
Thanks to the presence of Ornette
Coleman, festival furor wasn't the only
sign of conflict in jazz. Coleman's brave
new sound fascinated some hippies and
frightened others. But this much seemed
sure: Coleman has found a new road to
travel, is not just another Charlie Parker
ventriloquist's dummy, and seems to be
a composer of some skill and originality.
Beyond these points there were violently
partisan views.
Other new stars of the year were less
controversial but no less welcome on the
scene. When the Mastersounds quintet
broke up, Monk (bass) and Buddy (vibes-
piano) Montgomery joined forces with
guitarist- brother Wes in a new combo
that soon became the critics’ darling.
Art Farmer and Benny Golson formed
their Jazztet and made rapid headway;
pianist Ray Bryant, under John Ham-
mond’s wing at Columbia Records, was
surprised to find himself on the best-
seller lists with his Little Susie single.
Cannonball Adderleys newly formed
quintet made strides, musically and
commercially, The “Nutty Squirrels”
(Sascha Burland and Don Elliott), with
their chipmunkish soupedup voices,
proved that jazzplushumor can sell.
"Funk" and "soul" were the passwords
of the year. Horace Silver had started
the roots revival back in 1953, with The
Preacher (based on Show Me the Way
to Go Home)—a reversion to basic,
gospel-influenced themes played with a
nco-bop jazz feel. By 1960 funk had be-
come fad, and record companies out-
souled one another proclaiming that
their products had soul. Even the West
Coast veered away from the cool school
toward a more aggressive, earthier sound.
Оп the big-band scene the excitement
whirled around arranger Quincy Jones,
who spent the first nine months of the
year in Europe, where he played concerts
(including Continental tours with Nat
Cole and the Platters), cut some LPs for
Mercury and finally got the crew back
to the U.S. intact in September, ready to
gas Manhattan's Basin Street East set —
which it did.
Gerry Mulligan completed a long tour
of duty as an actor in Hollywood, a
small role in The Rat Race, a bigger one
in The Subterraneans, and a better part,
revealing him as an admirable actor, in
Bells Are Ringing opposite his in-
amorata, Judy Holliday. Films finished,
he winged East, formed a romping
thirteen-piece band and toured the U.S.
and Europe under the Norman Granz
banner, and recorded for Verve.
Speaking of The Subterrancans re-
minds us that one of jazzdom's most
ambitious artists in 1960 was another
musician seen and heard in that picture,
André Previn. During the year this
young genius won his second con-
secutive Oscar, for Porgy and Bess—
the year before it was for Gigi; gassed
English and Continental listeners dur-
ing a combined honeymoon and busi-
ness trip and continued to build his
dual reputation as a topselling jazz and
pop recording artist.
One of the bluer notes of the year
was tolled on the nightclub circuit. The
final curtain at Chicago's Blue Note,
the padlocking of Fack’s in San Fran-
cisco and the destruction by fire of the
Colonial Tavern in Toronto left pre-
cious few spots outside New York City
where a big-name, big-money group
could get a gig. Some small compensa-
tion could be found in the growth of
the coffeehouses. Flourishing from Cum-
mington Street in Boston to Sunset
Boulevard in Flick City, they made ex-
tensive use of jazmen, although the
bread was thin. On a much more luxuri-
ant level, the launching of the Interna-
tional Playboy Clubs augured well for
the placing of intimate jazz in appro-
priate surroundings.
А mumber of casualties made news.
Oscar Pettiford, perennial runnerup to
Ray Brown in our annual poll. died at
the age of thirtyseven in Copenhagen,
where he had been working with Stan
Getz. The name of venerable trumpeter
Lee Collins was added to the list of lost.
New Orleans pioneers. Other departures
from the jazz scene: early Chicagosstyle
darinetist Bud Jacobson, New York
clarinetist Prince Robinson and,
Mexico City, composer Fabian André.
On the celluloid side of the street one
event had all the others walking in the
shade. Jazz on a Summer's Day, filmed at
the 1958 Newport festa but not released
until 1960, finally showed how a jazz
film can and should be made — the way
Hollywood has never done it, without
hip jargon, boy-digs-girl plots or any of
the previously inevitable trappings.
Perhaps the most important trend of
the year was the move toward good pro-
graming on FM radio. In San Fran-
cisco, two all-jazz FM stations, aptly
dubbed KJAZ and KHIP, are on the
air about eighteen hours a day. The
latter also docs live-jazz remotes from
the Black Hawk, Jazz Workshop and
other area spots. Two other local FM
stations have several hours of jazz a week.
In New York, WNCN last spring started
a policy of thirty-five hours a week, the
regular jocks including Cannonball’ Ad-
derley and a posse of critics, this writer
among them. Sleepy Stein's all-jazz
KNOB in Los Angeles is in its third
year; other FM outlets like WHAT in
Philadelphia and WNIB, WCLM and
WXFM in Chicago have found audi-
ences for jazz timeslots.
AM radio came to life, shocked out of
its rock-n-roll complacency early in the
year by the payola scandal. If they
didn't go overboard for Mingus or
(continued on page 129)
resort wear By ROBERT 1. GREEN
“NOW IS THE WINTER of our discontent made glorious sum-
mer," said Shakespeare, digging the sleepy greensward
of England's Kent. These days, of course, England's
Kent is not the only goal for those who need a holiday
from hoarfrost. Toward Cannes or Coronado, Nice or
Nagpur, Sorrento or Santa Barbara, Barbados or Biar-
ritz, St. Croix or St. Tropez, frostbitten flocks flee southward
to the sandy, sun-soaked sanctuaries of every continent
on earth, anxious to shed "winter's weeds outworn" for
the greatlooking, comfortable duds of carnival. And this
Happy chap in a hoppy resort wear combination: imported
print cotton batik jacket, by Gordon-Ford, $38; olive
Bermuda shorts, Orlon-cotton wash-and-wear, plain
front, extension waistband, by Anthony Gesture, $10;
cotton jersey tennis shirt, by RFD-McGregor, $11.
year, the trappings of sweet idleness take
on the colors of an early-blooming tropi-
cal flower, with a burst of uninhibited
plumage in men's resort wear that prom-
ises to get the mating season off to a
flying start. Whether you're the type who
likes to greet dawn the rosy-fingered with
a splash in the salubrious surf, or pre-
fers to loll in the hammock till the sun's
zenith, the hip habiliments of 1961's
resort wear will have you swinging
just right.
In the briny deep department, you
can go to any lengths you desire in your
choice of wet wear: from knits with
zippered calfs that begin at the ankle to
Striped for action on beach or boardwalk,
our winter vacationers choose duds as
good-looking as they are comfortable.
The lad at left, arms akimbo in a clean-lined
horizontalstriped cotton knit ensemble:
five-button shirt with white furled col-
lar, elasticized waistband, and cool three-
quarter-length sleeves, $9; and match-
ing square-rigged trunks, $6, both by
Catalina. Guy at right, strutting in a dap-
фет calypso outfit: vertical-striped cotton
shirt jacket with top pocket, air-cooled
сшашау side vents, and solid-color Con-
tinental collar, by Marlboro, $5; and
spotless white washable trousers of Arnel
and cotton in a subtle oxford weave
complete with belt loops and quarter-cut
pockets, no pleats, tailored for the slim
athletic look by Gordon-Ford, $12.
scooped-out (and far-out) bikinis that
start and stop just this side of the law.
Our taste runs firmly between these two
extremes, and we recommend you be а
more conservative aquanaut with
swim trunks that come to the top of the
thigh, in classic gingham checks, hound's-
tooth, paisleys, geometric prints,
solid shades, or a Fourth of July of bright
and wide stripings. Knitwear is in for
a big push this resort season, cut in
mid-thigh Jamaican lengths, knee-top-
ping Bermuda lengths, and a multitude
of in-betweens that should serve your
(concluded on page 121)
At left, the bongo-beating beachophile
two-steps in a V-necked cotton sweater
of antique gold bouclé, sumptuously
knitted with heather-twisted yarn, by
Rabhor, $10; and jaunty Jamaican-
length shorts in a dusky mottled pat-
tern of Dacron and cotton wash-and-
wear with plain front, side tabs and
extension waistband, by Mayhofj of
Baltimore, $11. At right, а bronzed
beachcomber takes a midday snooze
and looks great in the lush lumines-
cence of his tastefully startling dark
orange, bluegreen and olive canopy-
striped cotton hopsacking shirt
jacket with five-button front and but-
ton side tabs, $9; and matching zip-
fit brief with vent legs, extension waist-
band and convenient coin pocket, $6,
both tailored by Jantzen.
Ало адве mir armor a
ave, «
with bergdorf ads,
block-long cads,
beatnik pads,
success-lit gotham
draws the bright and
other city in the land. It probably
has more of just about everything —
and consequently so do they. It is the
temple of communications and the
image makers, the vault of high
finance, the haven of live theatre,
the clothes closet of fashion, the
nation's link with Europe by planc
and by boat — and every one of these
activities in which it excels brims
with girls: career girls and clericals,
callgirls and floozies, shop girls and
waitresses, mannequins and mimes.
Heterogeneous they may be — un-
Midtown Manhattan's nighttime magic, unlike any ather in
the world, forms a glittering backdrop for Gatham model
Chris James, far left, a former Miss Subways. Left: shuttling
between ad agencies, artists’ and photographers’ rep
Barbara de Vorzan sports prime Mad Ave status symbol,
an oversized portfolio. The luscious interior decaration in
T-Bird, top, is stage neophyte Judith Share. Indoor-outdoor
girl Eve Howell, above, an aftime madel, sometime TV
actress, pastimes сп city's bridol paths and golf links.
Secretary-receptianist for an exclusive custom tailar, Boston-
bam Audrey della Russo, below, is about ta dig the sounds
of Birdland, ane of New York's coolest jazz nighteries.
assistant. Car- and couch-bome movie hopeful Bridget #оМапа'з big break was role of fifteen-year-old, of all things, in The Fugitive Kind.
Celebrity-frequented Bowl-A-Bite restaurant is off-hours haven for secretary Gail Mascawitz. Below: ane-time junior madel Audrey Bingham
"retired" twa years ago, returned recently as high-fashion mannequin, supplies her own Jag and poadle far early-in-the-morning shooting.
Deirdre Evons, children's book author,
odds own scenery to Washington
Squore's greenery. Showgirls Dodi Lynn,
foreground, ond Tanyo Colette typify
the Lotin Quorter's statuesque lovelies.
like the girls of such one-industry
towns as Hollywood and Vegas —
but they do share attributes
which make them in certain rec-
ognizable ways more alike than
they are different. Among these
are their quality and mettle — ev-
idences that they’ve found elbow
room in the country’s most com-
petitive milieu; the fact that,
in proportion to the girls of most
other cities, virtually none of
them live with their families; the
undeniable fact that they share
an exhilarating sense of playing
in the big league, where average
intelligence, average ambition,
average ability and average looks
scarcely stand a chance. Indom-
itable, articulate, well-groomed,
wheeling-and-dealing, and appar-
ently innumerable, they converge
on an island of 14,272 tightly
packed acres—all seeking free-
dom, status, individuality, fame
and fortune.
Swept into a maelstrom of
(continued on page 94)
Clockwise from noon on this page: city girls in pursuit of glamor, culture and rent money.
Dana Lee works for Lanvin, pitches cosmetics in a midtown department store. Actress-singer-
dancer Sigyn Lund, busy prepping а nightclub act, performed in three Broadway shows.
Bluegrass-bred gamin Elizabeth Chips loves the serious theatre and aspires to a Broadway
career. Outside Lord & Taylar's, model Darlene Jaman, left, talks shop with close friend and
On-her-way dress designer Neuma Agins. The Bizarre, a favorite Village espresso hangout,
shelters Danish pastry known as Kris. Clipboard-foting Sandy Kane assists at WOR-TV.
Upper left: daughter of famed ballerina Alicia Alonso ond оп
excellent dancer in her awn right, Louro Alonso is o fetching
Gayaesque beauty. Eye-catching Aussie Pot Winters, lop, wos а
secretary Dawn Under, made the New York scene a scant six
months ago. The pouse that refreshes—five o'clock cocktail fime
for roommates Judy Hecht, left, and Sydnie Mischel ot Fifth
Avenve's Тар of ће Six's; Judy's in the publishing dodge, Sydnie's
с PR gal. Busy madel Pam Perry pases for top photographer
Peter Basch, drives her own motor scaoter betwixt assignments.
Natives and newtomers vie for the Islond's gold rings of success.
Top, | to r: Brooklyn College coed Joan Rozell models, nurtures
acting aspirations. Well-curved (41-22-36) comedienne-mimic
Joy Harmon does a devastating take-off on Morilyn Monroe; her
abundant talents have been displayed on Broodway (Make a
Million) and TV (Steve Allen, Jackie Gleason, Garry Moore
shows). Ex-Georgia schoolmarm Peggy Spring, far right, has
since taught school in Brooklyn. Below, 1 to r: Sadler's Wells
alumna Sondro Francis starred in Eng films, frequents
cricket motches on Randalls Island. Fashion modeling by eornest
artist Ann Celles helps pay for paints and o studio in Manhat-
tan's old Chelseo district. Lois Holloron pretties up public trons-
portation when she heads for her receptionists job in Rocke-
feller Center's office labyrinth. Bottom, | to r: sultry German-
born actress Laya Raki commutes to Europe for с variety of
movie roles. Balancing her books beoutifully is Fay Rosen, an
undergrad at New York University's Washington Square campus.
twelve million private hopes and
fears, swimming for dear life, and
loving every minute of it, they are
unique products of the time and the
city in which they live—like the
dothes they wear, the apartments
they live in, the vehicles they ride in,
the places they work, and the goals
they pursue. Like the city itself, they
are as kaleidoscopic in mind, heart
and body, in means and ends, as the
countless commercial, artistic and
intellectual tributaries which com-
mingle in the exciting and terrifying
wilderness once innocently known as
New Amsterdam,
From Texas and Ohio, Sweden
and Germany, North Dakota and
South Carolina, even from legendary
Brooklyn, they pour into Manhattan
by the thousands every year, chic as
(continued on page 117)
told Cynthia, if she wants to smoke, smoke in
front of us; if she wants to drink, drink in front of us; if .. .”
Ribald Classic
A tale from the Hitopadesa of ancient India
A STORY Is TOLD of a certa
ruled a city and who strong and
id in the flower of
nhood. One day as he made
v through the city, his eyes en-
countered a vision of loveliness named
Lavanyavati, the wife of a merchant's
son, a greedy young man known as
Charundatta. At that instant, the prince
was transfixed by the arrows of the god
of love, and the lady was herself
wounded by darts from the same bow
Even so, she refused all invitations from
the prince and answered his messengers
in the negative. “Although I would like
nothing better than to pleasure His
Majesty,” she told them, “I cannot. My
husband's word will ever be my law. To
hear is to obey him.”
When the messengers reported this to
the prince, he was in despair. "I am un-
done." he cried, “unless my love can be
“The only answer," said his favorite
slav to make her husband bring her
to you.
hat is out of the question,” sighed
n prince who
the prince.
“Nothing i
laughed the slav
Following the slave's advice, the prince
appointed Charund al
and had him wait upon him personally
showing him great hono a few.
weeks of this, he called Charundatta and
: “I have sworn a vow to the goddess
iri and 1 must keep it. I have vowed
to entertain cach night, here in my
chambers, a. beautiful woman, so as to
learn to overcome temptation. І com
mission you to conduct one to me here
cach evening for the space of a full
month. Begin tonight.
rundatta at once departed and
rned with a very beautiful woman,
dressed in almost-transparent veils. He
hid behind a curtain to sce how she
would fare with the prince, whose amor-
ous nature he greatly suspected. He was
proved wrong, however, for the prince
without so much as touching the lady,
bowed low to her, conducted her to his
favorite couch, conversed with her in
out of the question.
even tones, and sent her home laden
with gilts of sandalwood, jewels and
costly perfumes.
This was repeated on the following
ight, with a different beauty, On the
third night, Charundatta, desirous of ob-
taining for himself some of the princely
presents, conducted his wife to the royal
chambers, say
“Harken, Lavanyavati, and harken
well. Do whatever the prince tells you.
Sit where he seats you. Speak of what he
wishes to speak. Whatever you do.
matter what it may be, you do with my
full consent. Garry out my commands
and you will depart with fine gilts.”
hear is to obey,” murmured
At this, the merchant's son introduced
his wife to the waiting prince and те
tired. The prince smiled at her. "Come
with me to my favorite couch." he said.
“To hear is to obey," laughed Lava
— Retold by J. A. Gato
NT EXACTLY r1i1g P.M. THE SQUAD CAR FROM SECOND DISTRICT pulled up to the Green Street entrance of Robertson,
Schwab and Miller. The big store had been closed since 9:30 that night, a matter of one hour and forty-four min
utes. The alarm from Argus Protection Service had been phoned into Second District at 11:12, which meant that
the police had got to the scene in just two minutes.
Fast as they were, Bracken, the Argus man, had been faster. He had already spot-checked the show windows
and doors on both Green and Fifth streets, on which the store fronted. It is only fair to point out, however, that
the Argus office was on the second floor of the building directly opposite the store and that Bracken had only had
to run down one fight of stairs and out the door to have a view of the entire facade of the store on both its inter-
secting streets. Further, the squad car had had to cope with the traffic after an exuzeinning night game and had
lost time.
Bracken waited at the door. When the squad car had rounded the corner and growled almost to a stop, he
turned and inserted his pass key into the door lock. As officers Dravchuk and Martin came up to him he pulled
the door open and simultaneously reported. "Window display down the street's all smashed up and the g
cracked. Whoever did it is still in there. Better be careful.”
He edged into the opening, followed by the policemen, both of whom had drawn revolvers. They were in а
darkened vestibule. Ahead of them a dimly lit passageway ran straight until it dissolved in darkness at some dis-
tant point іп the store.
Dravchuk pulled open one of the inner doors; the three men flowed quickly through and spread out to take
positions behind pillars and showcases, straining for any hint of movement or sound. There was none. Quietly
they moved, cach in his own aisle, toward the interior of the store. When they came opposite the pair of stairways
with the escalator between them, Martin pointed.
“The lights are on in the basement,” he whispered. Suddenly, shockingly, from above them, scream after
pierced the stillness of the store. Without hesitation the two policemen separated. Dravchuk took one stairway,
Martin the other; Bracken felt his way up the escalator. On the second floor, near the far wall, two figures were
visible in the dim red light that marked a fire escape. They were
struggling on the floor. а side aisle, Martin and Dravchuk
ran toward them. Holding his flashlight at arm's length to his
RA В B [Т side, Bracken flicked on the switch. The figures were a man and
a woman. The man looked up, startled. He got swiltly to his feet,
pulling the woman up with him. When the three men reached
them he had her right arm twisted behind her back and his lelt
hand over her mouth, to quiet the screams that were still comi
from her on every breath. When she saw the two policemen she fell sud-
denly silent and buckled at the knees. The man had to grab her around the waist to keep her from
hitting the floor.
"You gave me à rt there," he said in a confident but rather breathless voice, "Didn't know
you were here already." He lowered the woman to the floor. Bracken shined the light full in her
face. The eyes were dark, wide open and unsecing. Blonde hair was lashed to her checks and fore-
head with a paste of tears and sweat. Lipstick was smeared all around her mouth.
“Toughest one 1 ever handled,” the man said. “Been playing tag with her all over the store.
She lifted a pair of gloves in Children's Clothing and 1 put the arm on her, but she slipped me
right alter closing time. So I was stuck. Had to stay in and dig her out or she'd lay low and hit the
street after store opening in the morning. Almost got her when she broke the show window —
that's what sent in the alarm. But she got away and I didn't
ull she made а break for the fire escape."
‘The prospect of dragging a half-conscious woman out to the squad
T ‚ coping with her during the ride to Second District, and th ў
ВА Ю ing her into ше station house appealed t0 neither Dravchuk по
Martin. Martin. pecred into the gloom and tried to orient himself.
Isn't the shoe department near here? Let's get her back on her feet
before we take her in." It took the three men to maneuver her the short
distance and prop her in a chair, head against a pillar, feet on a fitting stool.
“АП right, sister," ordered Dravchuk, “can the act ‘cause it won't do you a bit of good.” Bracken put his face
close to hers for a moment and then looked up at the man. “How rough did you have to get with her:
"Well" the man said, "she went wild when I grabbed her — biting, hollering. You saw us there on
the floor. But E wouldn't say 1 was rough on her at all. Just enough to subdue her." He laughed. “But I guess
what really subdued her was the sight of you guys with the uniforms and the artillery.
Some two hours before. the blonde hair had been tied neatly back in a ponytail and the blouse and skirt had
shown little wilting after the heat of the day.
Her eye found the clock over the bank of elevators and she was shocked to realize that it was 9
5 т.м. Robert-
the darkness was sanctuary to the hunted girl;
in the light there would be no escape fiction ay marv verzon
son, Schwab and Miller closed at 9:3
on lay nights and she had only five
minutes for the job she had come down-
town to do.
ried through aisles where a
women had been clustered
thickly about the racks and tables, but
now had melted away. When she got to
Tots’ Wear the situation. looked un-
promising. The lone saleswoman was
holding a tiny party frock at arm's length
before a meditative customer, fluffing the
skirt and perking the over-precious pi
satin bow.
\ pair of gloves. T
pair of white cotton gloves for Sally
Ellen to wear to the party tomorrow.
ally Ellen was four and Dii
ple was four and Dinzh lived in the big
apartment house with the doorman
ound the corner on the Avenue. They
played together in the park when Dinah
came home from nursery school, and one
day a letter came for Sally Ellen that had
pink-and-blue cherub on the first page
with the printed words “You're invited!”
and gave the details of time, date and
Only the gloves were needed. She had
set her heart on Sally Ellen's wearing
white gloves. Her eyes swept the Tots
Wear Department. There they were. She
hurried to the counter. Some adorable
string gloves in white. Would Dinah's
mother think them too sophisticated for
a four-year-old? A problem. She decided
to risk it.
loves in hand, she turned toward the
corner of the department where the sales-
woman was holding court. The party
frock had changed hands and she knew
would take time to close the sale.
Over the loudspeaker system came the
sound of chimes followed by a soft [em-
inine voice intoning, regretful The
store is now closed. The store is now
closed." With the gloves in her hand she
reached into her tote bag for her purse.
Suddenly her way was blocked by a
wll man in a wrinkled cord suit and
panama hat. He took hold of her fore-
arm firmly while it was still in the bag.
“Cn I see what you have in your
id, please?” His voice was deep and
tly breathless, as if he had just fin-
ished some mild exercise.
She withdrew her hand from the bag
па showed him the gloves. He took
them from her, “Come this way with me,
please,” he said.
She fell into
started matchi
the aisle. He's
мер beside
g his long str
floorwalker oi
thing, she thought. He's helping to con-
an lock up the
dude the sale so they
store and go home.
But they were walki у
of Tots’ Wear. Then it came to her, Her
mouth fell open. "Wait a minute. You
don't think ——"
Just come along quietly," he said.
"You are under arrest. Don't make trou
Arrest! She had never been arrested
before. It. paralyzed her mind. Side by
side, like any married couple in shop
ping harness, they marched the length of
the store. A flight of stairs brought them
down to the main Поог and for a few
feet they mingled with the crowd Ilow-
ing to the doors. Then the hand on her
arm steered her abruptly through а cu
tained doorway and along a short, unca
peted corridor, at the end of which а
ss door was lettered PROTECTION. He
opened it and motioned her in.
A switch snapped and light from a
green-shaded lamp spilled over the edges
of a flat-top desk and illuminated а tiny
room taken up largely by the desk
swivel chai
desk, and sideways to it, stood a straight-
backed chair on which were piled several
small items of merchandise. The re-
maining floor space held a welkused
typewriter on a roller table and a filing
cabinct cluttered with more such items.
An electric clock hung on the wall,
showing 9:33. The price tag was still
icd to the power cord: $7.98. Foolishly
she wondered how the store went about
selling itself a clock.
id a
. On the other side of the
He moved around the desk but
changed his mind before sitting in thc
ir and came b:
swivel d
the items on the other dh
them on top of those on the fi
net. He took the tote
placed it in the center of the desk top;
motioned her to the chair he h
to gather up
ir. He piled
glanced at the clock; and finally
in the swivel chair, still holding the
t down.
She did. Fhe tote bag was between
them. He moved it aside and the light
from the shaded lamp reflected upward
from the desk top in his chin topped by
a full, moist mouth, deep-cleft upper lip,
ind a nose that tapered abruptly from
cavernous nostrils. He was around forty.
His eyes were buried deep in the shadows
under the brim of the Panama Bh His
face had a waxen cast and, like wax left
too long in the heat, it seemed to have
soltened and shifted ever so slightly.
Holding the gloves between thumb
and forefinger he let them dangle
way between them. “You stole these,” he
stated, “and we are going to put you in
She caught her breath sharply and
her sobs rather than
speech. “I didn't. I didn’t. 1 was reach-
ing lor my purse to pay for them.
He shook his head. “The judge would
Jaugh at you. You had the gloves in your
She said in quick, fluttery sobs, “Let
me go. Take my mone
money but let me go. I ha
words сате in
loves. Let mc
I didn't steal the
“АП right," he said. "Take it easy."
His voice became factual. “The store has
a policy, of course, as to what it docs
with shoplifters. When we catch them,
we pull them in. We listen to everything:
they have to say about how they weren't
stealing — and, miss, all of them were
just about to pay for what they had
stowed away — and then we inform them
that we intend to turn them over to the
police. Unless they make it unnecessary
Here he stopped.
She was staring at him, holdin
her sobs with the hand over her mouth.
"How?" she brought out.
Unexpectedly, he grinned. “A confes-
sion," he 1. “A confession, signed,
itnessed and delivered. We explain to
you that, if you ever show your face i
in, we will use your con-
fession to put you in jail. If you leave
us alone, we leave you alone.”
“But 4 couldn't do that!” she
Confess to something I didn’
would never do that!
“In that case," he said, “we hav o-
lutely no alternative but to prosecute.”
He stood up. "Now you just think about
it. I'm going out to check around a bit.
You just sit here and figure out how you
want to play it — the police station right
now or a nice little document in our files,
where itll stay forever if you behave
yourself. And don't make a break for it.
That would be stupid.
He left the room. She sat there alone
and in terror, and tried to assess her pre-
dicament. The police or a false confes-
ion. What chance would she ve with
the police? She had never been in а
on nor a court of law. Was he
ing the truth about how the con-
fession would not be used? She burst into
tears and got her handkerchief from her
bag. She knew, long before he returned,
that she was going to sign the confession.
sank back in the s 1 chair, and looked
at the clock. “Ten oh three," he said.
"Have you made up your mind?”
“I'I sign a confession,” she whispered,
“if you will let me go."
“Very good,” he said. “1
along that you were a sensible gi
pulled open a drawer of the desk.
€ good news for vou. You won't
о write it all out. We have a form
that you can use. Merely fill in the blanks
nd sign at the bottom.
He laid it before her. Through bleared
eyes she read phrases: .. . took the arli-
cles described below . . . intended to
deprive and defraud . .. knew that they
did not belong to me .. articles so taken
by me were as follows.
"Here's а pen,” the man said.
Below the text, in the space provided
under Articles, she wrote, “1 pr. chil-
do? 1
He came back in about fifteen тай
“Would you care to step outside, get into a cab, go over
to my place and repeat that?”
dren's cotton gloves," and under У.
“$1.98.” She dated the document and
signed it, and he took it and the pen
from hei
"You didn't fill in the top ран
said. "Never mind, ГЇЇ do it. What
your full namez" His voice was a quick
and breathless rumble, She told him.
"Where do you live?” She told him
that. Slowly he wrote it in. "And you
committed the felony at about 9:95 pw
Slowly he wrote the figure. He took a
ruled yellow pad from the desk drawe!
“There are other facts the store will wish
to have on file. How old are you?”
She felt that her ordeal was ahnost
over now, and had her voice back under
control. “Twenty-four.
"Are you married?”
"No. Yes... I mean...
“Well, are you or aren't you?”
. My husband left me a
couple of years ago.”
“Any children?
Yes. I have а
little girl. Her x
“Yes. Fm an ofice n
had any uouble bef —
"How much do you mike
She hesitated then stam-
mered, “Ninety-five dollars a week. It's
ridiculous to think I would steal a two-
dol g
nager. I never
low much of your salary do you
чу to save about fifteen dollars a
"How much do vou spend on alcoholic
be s per week?”
She bridled. “Aren't these questions
getting pretty personal? I can't sce where
it's anybody's busine:
“Just answer the question, please.
“As it happens,” she said stiffly, "I
don't drink."
“Are you addicted to the use of nar-
With amazement she saw him write
down her answer: "Really" He went
k over it, retracing the letters. Ap-
ently still not satished, he placed an
exclamation point after the word, roll-
ng the pen slowly between his fing
g down so that the point sank
visibly into the pad.
“And, sin
other men
him. The blood drained
her face, then flooded back in a
deep flush that seemed to make her eyes
“Let me put it another way,” the man
said: and now he was grinning broadly.
"Of course а pretty chick like you gets
round. The store wants to know
whether you get a kick from making love
toa stranger.
Anger gave her speech. “I will cer-
tainly report this to the manager tomor-
row,” she said, her face flaming. “You
have no call to get vulgar. If the ques-
tions are over, let me out of her:
He leaned back in the swivel chair and
looked again at the cloci
He tapped the fingertips of his two
hands against h other over his belly.
I can't" he said. "All the doors arc
“Then get a key.
“I don't know where there's a key.
“Then call the watchman.”
“There isn't any watchin:
“Then call somebody else.
“There isn't anybody else.
“What do you mean, there isn’t —
She was on her feet, holding onto the
He picked up her thread. “Everybody's
gone. Jt takes fifty minutes to close the
store, Last one left about four minutes
She made an efort to keep things neat
and orderly. “Then you must be the
"hey don't have a watchman. They
don't need one. The whole place is
wired. Anybody tries to break in — or out
— the cops'll be here in no time.
She took a step backward. "What do
you mean. they don't have а watchman?
Who's "they z^
“The store. The people who run the
Store." He was still tapping his fingerti
Her next question came after а long
pause, “What do you do here? You work
for the store, don't you
"I used to.”
She made one final effort. “You mean
you're a detective with the police de-
His grin became
“Then you didn't really arrest me?
You — you couldn't!
^I made it look good, didn't R”
Suddenly his giggles filled the tiny
room. She heard in them, quite unmis
takably, the sound of madness pleased
with itself. Aghas, she
nst the door. Gr у
subsided: but still, while he spok
interrupted himself. She listened, her
eyes bright with fear
I got me a job here. A job as а por-
ter!” Hiccup of laughter. “Me, a porter!
You should have seen me with a mop.
t, I cleaned it— Receiving and
Accounts Receivable, Unit
Control Office, Corsets and Brassieres,
Intimate Apparel, all the dressing rooms.
You can't name a place I didn't dean. I
know this store inside out. 1 know more
about it than the people who own
Prolonged squeals of relish. “I plan
the whole thing. I just been waitin
the woman. Not any woman. The right
woman. 1 followed you tonight for an
hour. Then I tagged you. You were the
piece I wanted.
He sat up straight in the chair now
and put his hands on its arms, as if about.
- Не ran his tongue along his full
upper lip. This small gesture was what
set her off. She screamed. But he did not
risc. He sat there, grinning at her.
We're all alone in di ig Store, rab-
bit," he said. “There's no way out of it.
We have it all to ourselves. And do vou
know what I'm going to do to you in
a few minutes? In some aisle. first, and
then in Home Furnishings, on a bed, and
then in the president's office, on that
couch of his?’
She knew.
she whispered. Behind her
her hand groped for the door knob. Не
saw what she was doing. He made no
motion to rise. "I know every nook and
cranny of this store," he said. “You can't
hide from me. 1 can find you anywher
He sprang up from the chair,
there was an urgent, heated, hu
he cried.
With a
darkness of the department store from
which all h m presence had been
withdrawn until the next day's dawn.
She burst through the curtained door-
way and crashed into the counter across
the aisle, which ran at right angles.
Gasping with fear, she stumbled off to
her left through the blackness. After
dozen steps the floor dropped from be-
neath her feet and she avoided plunging
headlong only because her flail
caught a handrail 10 which she cli
le her fect righted themselves on
unseen stairway. She felt her way dow
the steps and when she reached the bot-
tom her outstretched hands found walls
nd a door that led her into the
ment floor
ота some distant point a single light
cast a wan glow on the ce
р: y seemed to stretch straight
and clear. She began to run and covered
a distance that might have been thirty
feet or a hundred feet when she tripped
and went sprawling to the floor.
She lay where she fell, listenii
the pound
raucous breathing were at first all she
could hear. Then she heard footsteps,
quick, shortpaced, and businesslike
‘They scemed to come from in front
ather than the direction from which she
had fled, and she had no id
Remembering her own high-heeled
shoes, she drew them off and waited. lis-
tening as the steps slowed and came to.
a halt.
Suddenly he called out her given
1 knew you'd be in the basement, be-
a how far
cause either way you ran you'd fall down
the stairs. So 1 took my time." He was
matter-of-fact, filling her in with infor-
mation he knew she'd want.
She lay still, fighting to keep her gasps
“I don't want to do it here in the
basement. I got a spot on the sucet floor,
ight on the main aisle near Cosmetics.
Must be a thousand women go by it
every day.”
She waited a moment more, then got
to her knees and crept off in what she
thought was the opposite direction, But
the rustle of her dress must have reached
his ear, because he called her name ag
and she heard his footsteps coming in
her direction. Panic urged her to fle
fe: commanded caution. Her hand
groped desperately for some clue and
found а waisthigh object that she judged
to be a showcase. She worked her w
down its length until it ended. She
rounded the corner, sank to the floor
behind it, and tricd to shrink.
In a moment the footsteps passed
down the aisle beside her. In another
moment she heard a thud, then a tinkle,
nd finally the brittle cry of glass dis-
integrating in thousands of fragments on
impact with a hard surface.
After a brief while he called out her
пате again. "That was a display table,”
he announced to the dark.
“I know how worried you must be
1 maybe I cut myself” Giggle
You're not a rabbit, you're а pigeon.
1 didn't think there was anybody who
didn't know how the arrest is always
made outside the store.
"Aren't you going to run, rabbit? It's
no fun to catch you if you don't run."
UEM make in," he said with final-
ity. Tm to turn the lights оп.”
п her
а little
The terror that now welled up
was the same she had know
girl when her father had. punished her
by locking her in the cellar. Only her
father had said with similar finality,
“I'm going to turn the lights out.
She crouched, ready for renewed fli
her hand outstretched. It found the
showcase, and, hanging from it om a
hook, the familiar form of a telephone.
lt was several seconds, during which she
used the phone to support her weight,
before she realized its possible signifi-
OL course! The store was full of
phones. Any one of them was a link with
the outside. Help was only minutes
away. Ever so slowly, so that no slightest
dick might betray her, she lifted the
phone and brought it to her ear.
The phone was dead.
Automatically her other hand found
the hook and jiggled it Nothing hap-
pened. She jiggled it some more, fran-
A burst of laughter echoed through
the basement. “Number plee-uz,” he sang
in falsetto. "Number plec-uz.” More
laughter, and his normal voice again.
“A hundred phones in this store and
all of them dead.” And suddenly light
flooded everything.
Behind the counter in darkness was
sanctuary; in the light it would be a
trap without escape. Stooping, head be-
low the top of the showcase, she pecred
nto the aisle. To the right, not fifteen
feet away, lay the overturned table in
its bed of shattered glass. To the left
the aisle ran straight between counters
and tables of chinaware, glassware, pots
and pans until it brought up against a
wall lined with glass shelves. Directly
across from her was another showcase,
“The Perfect Wedding Gift. Set of 8,
87.95." The sign was propped against a
feltlined box of steak knives, cach pol-
ished blade agleam from point to bolster
They were behind glass. To break
would bring him on the run.
She fought hard against the tempta
tion to raise her head above the counter
tops for a quick look over the rest of
the floor. Still crouching, she stole down
the line of counters toward the far wall,
marshaling unsuspected resources of
courage for the perilous passage of the
intersecting aisles.
At the end of her aisle her eye traveled
along the shel-lined wall and found а
doorway over which hung a sign that
read LADIES’ LOUNGE. Relief swept over
her. If she ran for it she could get to
that traditional safety before he could.
Almost at once her hope drained from
her. The rules, she knew quite well, had
ended. And at the instant of
steps behind her and saw him coming
toward her. She fled down the n
passage toward the middle of the store.
He was gaining fast when dead ahead
of her she saw the escalator, Without
speed she Hung herself onto
the steps. She dug her stockinged feet
nto the steelribbed weadboards and,
ping the rubber handrails on either
side of the stairway, half ran and half
pulled herself upward. She missed her
step once and came down hard with her
shin on the toothed edge of the riser,
feeling the sharp bite of metal into her
flesh. But now she had learned that mov-
ing stairs at rest are not like any other
stairs. The treads are almost twice as
deep, and to negotiate them quickly one
must fling oneself forward as well as
upward in a kind of ice skaters lope.
This she did, quickening her pace as she
From behind her
came sounds of stumbling and cursing:
it seemed that she was doing the better
job of learning the lesson of the mox-
ing stairs.
At the top, she plunged into the dark
mastered the
PERFECT FIT in your big
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hess of the first floor, and like a rat in
a maze fled down unscen aisles, stum-
bling. falling, picking herself up, run-
ning again. She no longer knew whether
she was running from danger or toward
it, but she knew that she must keep
She drove hard against an obstruction
with her head and onc shoulder. and as
she slid to the floor, dazed, her hand
grasped the edge of a partly open door.
She worked her way through the open-
ing and drew the door shut behind her.
Immediately she was entangled in a mass
of coarse-woven hangings and she fought
them with her remaining strength, rip-
ping and clawing, until she had struggled
free. There was dim light in the place,
d now suddenly the glare of sunl
ded her.
Squinting, she
w that she was on a.
sun-drenched beach, gay with giant um-
brellas, cartwheel hats of straw, and
canvas chairs in bright reds, greens and
Happy children, beautiful women
nd robust men glowed with sun-tanned
health in gaudy swimsuits and beach
robes. Fach face was shining with mı
Close by she saw a little girl about
Sully Ellen's age sitting with pail and
shovel. Even as she looked, the child
toppled slowly toward her until she h
the sind and her head сате apart from
body. It rolled over once before it
y still, smiling into the cloudless sky.
She realized that she was in a show
She went to the glass and leaned her
forehead against it; then cupped her
hands around her eyes to shield them
from the gl behind her and to over-
come the mirror effect. Outside was the
street with an apparently endless line of
Hundreds of people to give her aid!
As she watched, the cars before her be-
п to slow down: moved faster a :
twitched forward and slowed; came to
rest. Red light.
Directly opposite her, the light from
her window picked out a hardtop idling
in the line nearest the curb. The face of
the driver was hidden by his
its elbow on the open window, his hı
grasping the rain gutter. She rapped on
the window, sharply with her knuckles,
a short burst that bounced like
shots and terrified her by the noise it
The arm
She rapped on the glass again, harder
and longer. The arm dropped, revealing
face in profile. The face swept a casual
glance from one end of her window to
the othe: 1d turned back to stare
through its windshield. Then, a double
take, it came around a second time and
looked straight at hei
So th:
m, resi
п the car window made no
s where g from, she
ad im his eyes.
Help m
Must be a window trimmer.
у ing windows.
Call the police!
Probably some advertising stunt to
catch the cars going home from the game.
A long blast from a horn behind him
apped his head back to the windshield
and the discovery that the cars in front
of him had moved silently on. His car
lurched forward and the cars behind him
picked up speed. In a moment they were
flashing by.
She drew back from the window and
shifted her focus from the street outside
to the sheet of glass itself. You fool, she
thought. It's nothing but glass. Break it
ad vou сап walk out of here in а sec
ond. She raised. both fists and brought
them with all her strength in a wide arc
from behind her head against the win-
dow. Nothing happened. She turned and
пей her eyes over the
group behind her. The smi
the little blonde girl lay a few feet away.
She picked it up and was so disappointed
by its incongruous lightness that she let
Tall again. She turned back to the win-
dow and began to pound on it. She had
no clear idea whether the entire wall of
glass might crash into the street or only
enough of it for her to crawl through.
Neither happened. After six or seven
blows she sensed that sh no longer
against а pul ne.
The huge window was buckling in and
out, In terror lest the window shatter
on an inward pub and inundate
her, she stepped back
She felt desperation climbing up her
trunk. The noise she was making would
surely attract her pursuer. Her ише
running out. She grabbed a plaid ice
bucket that was planted in the sand. It
had an empty boule in it and it
heavy. She hurled it with all her strength
at the window. The crash was followed
from the window as a crack
appeared. from ceiling to floor. And in
that instant. the lights went out.
The tension in her had been almost
too much. Now, in the shocking dar
ness, it broke her down. There rose
through her a wave of what she knew to
be hysteria. It engulfed her at once. Her
head went light: her mind scattered. АП
around her were shadowy figures, men-
acing in the shifting light from the street.
АП right.” she blurted, "which one
of you turned out the light?" She
smothered it, and laughed agai
pitched whinny.
A longer, blood-curdling giggle
swered her. “L did," his voice said. “I
knew the lights went off automatically
at eleven. I been watching you for the
past five minutes, You ready now, rab-
She saw his dim outline in the next
y past the ob-
les between them. She stumbled to-
sard the door; fell: fought the curtain
again: found her way to the handle: fell
again, into the aisle; picked herself up
and ran blindly into a flight of stairs to
the second floor. Moaning, sobbing, she
d her she heard
s he too freed
himself of the window. Then, strangel
as she crept upstairs on hands and knees,
all was silence.
Was she alone on the second floor?
Was she safe again. for a while? It seemed
so. Except that she could not keep the
sounds from coming out of her, to ad-
vertize her whereabouts — sob: ps.
little cries. She tried to stifle them but
they were beyond her control. She lay
down on the floor and held both hands
over her mouth. The sounds came
through her nose. Help me, help me, ran
through her mind. She could not keep
the sounds back.
She could not wait either. She stood
up and her eye was caught by a red glow
at the very far end of the aisle. Wracked
beyond endurance, out of control, she
membered what she had learned in
Red Light-Fire Exit. Never
Stooping, holding her hand over her
mouth, she scuttled toward the red light.
There was not a sound in any part of the
store. Where was he? At the last cross
aisle she paused and listened again. Not
а sound. Ahead of her, ten feet aw.
was the heavy metal door to the fire
escape. She put her head out and looked
m both directions. The way was clear!
She was safe!
She stumbled to the door, heaved it
open, and plunged into the night.
He was standing on the fire escape.
He grabbed her with one arm and
reached out with die other to hold the
door ope
face, not si from hers,
hunger about to be gratified. She was
struck dumb by this miscarriage of her
great and last hope, He dragged her back
And now he did not giggle. Now th
the chase was over he was hard, pu
poseful, and arrogant, “Hello, rabbit
he said. "Do you realize what 1 did just
now? I locked. myself outside the store!
I knew vou were upstairs, I knew vou
would see the fire door, | knew you
would go for it, I knew the door wasn't
ed to the alar
would come to me! | knew I had my
little rabbit." And only then did he
low himself a low chuckle.
She screamed. She did not stop scream-
ing when his uncompromising mass, ex-
uding heat and damp, crushed her to the
floor while his full, moist mouth sought
to attach itself to hers with eager suck-
ing sounds.
п system, J knew you
Bracken looked at the half-conscious
woman in the chair, and then at the tall
‚ who seemed to be holding himself
much as possible in the shadows.
Been doing protection work long?" he
asked. casually.
"Oh. off and on."
"Who broke you in? On Protection,
1 mean
A pause. “Jonsen did. Mr. Jack Jon-
sen. He broke me in. He's head of Pr
tection here, you know.”
“Yes.” Bracken said dryly, "T know.
‘Think he did a good job of showing you
"The man was emphatic. “He's the best
a the bw Say, listen” — changing
the subject — "I'm. pretty bushed. Why
don't you fellows take her in and TI
хо home and get some sleep and check
with vou in the morning?”
ed the main aisle
d this. His way was blocked by
Dravchuk and Martin, who showed no
inclination to move, and he was deciding
whether to try walking around them
when Bracken spoke, "Wish we could,
but somebody's got to sign the complaint
or the boys here won't book her. Jonsen
g tow:
told von about signing complaints,
didn't he”
"Oh. sure. T just thought you could
lock her up for the night and I'd come
down in the morning.”
“WN just a few minutes at the
station house and then you can get your
sleep.” Pause. “You say you tackled her
on the fire escape?”
“No,” the man said. "I got her right
where you saw us. On the fiveyard line,
He managed to produce
Well,” Bracken said. He leaned down
to the woman in the chair, who reached
nd gripped his forearm. "Miss, can
you come with us now? You're among
friends. We want to get you to a doctor.
The woman stared at him with eyes
to which comprehension was returning.
The man threw a glance at the polic
men's two d at the
fire door, now thirty yards away
] ought to call home, let my wile know
why Em late. IIl just duck down the fire
escape to the phone booth in the |
ing lot and meet. you in about two mi
utes at the squad са
Bracken not even bother to answer
him. “Keep an eye on that fellow,” he
said in a matter-of-fact voice to the police
officers. "He's Ike. The window isn't
wired, The fire door is wired. Any real
protection man would know t
lets shove off.” There were thre
lights burning, and they threw
wn revolvers and
deal of light. In it they could see the
man lick his lips and they could see his
frightened сусу, rather like those of a
rabbit in a trap.
things you check
(continued from page 62)
decision in a coat may be the alw
correct, slightly-fitted, semi-chesterlicld
classic with is natural shoulders, fly
front, flap pockets, and notched or semi-
peaked lapels. Or. if you prefer, there's
the nattily casual British Warmer. Th
double-breasted stand-by is a good
ion bet in either its original military
shade of pinkish tan or in recently i
troduced olive, blue, gray or brown. Or
you тау favor the traditional fitted d
coat in dark gray or brown luxury fab-
Tics. Slightly longer than knee length, it
sets off rich suitings extremely well.
Peaked or semi-peaked lapels (just a
shade wider this year than last), button-
through front, and patch or angled
pockets are distinguishing characteristi
of this breed.
When casualness is the keynote, there
is another coterie of coats from which to
choose —notched-collar raglans to be
worn with Ivy and conser
double-breasted polo coats
wear, the modified ulster for
and foul, and the Britishinspired
macaan that’s the perfect cover-up for
sports jacket and slacks.
The guy with a head on his shoulders
ive suits,
for sports
nce styles have better,
nd the assortment of models, colors and
trims is more varied now than a sea-
о. Most of the new models feature
ler silhouette. This whitded-down
shape, becoming to most everyone, is the
result of proportionately lower crow
The new-breed felts actually have more
“Is there room for one
brim than is at first apparent, an optical
illusion created by taking a moderately
full brim and giving it а deep roll. This
is particularly suited to the fellow with
full face.
Black is still the big color in dress hats
Covert shades trimmed with black bands
and brim-edge-bound with gabardines
are an innovation worth noting. The
contrasting color trims are showing up
on smooth felts, new silk finishes, multi
hucd mixtures, seratch finishes and soft,
suedelike felis, as luxurious
In gloves, theres a whole fistful
of fresh Continental ideas. Olive, an-
tique brown and vicuna are supple-
enting the classic browns, tans, grays
and bla ht leath-
ers include buttersoft capeskins, split
pigskins and new reverse lambskins. Back
vents, shorter lengths, off-center decora-
tion, embossed or latticework effects a
interesting on-hand additions. The in-
side story is told in elasticized culls, and
foam or pile linings. Smart and. practi-
cal, too, are the stretch gloves with
nca sidewalls.
Along with the classic
plaids, today's well-mulllered. m.
fresh and wide choice for dress wear —
pure silks in neat as well as bold pat-
terns, regal cashmeres, and reversibles
well as
ts and woven
n has а
that switch from pattern to plain, wool
to silk, color to color. And speaking of
color, the muffler works well as a bold.
accent against a topcoats so tones
Check them out carefully to make sure
that the things you check garner admir-
ing glances from the hat-check chick.
Qe e.t, 9.0,
as а doctor friend of mine suggests, be-
cause of а protein deficiency due to ber
vegetarian diet; but she's going to an
osteopathic surgeon who approves her
cating habits and is sure everything will
be all ri specially if she increases
her daily consumption of pi-muts (rich
in proteins). I would be happier if she
wore а bandage over the hole but she
is opposed to bandages on the theory
every part of the body, most par-
ularly the damaged parts, should have
chance to breathe freely. She and her
friends say they are getting at a new
апа more fundamental г ү and claim
to have had full glimpses of it under
LSD; not to be brushed aside, no really
intense groping is. You don't have to
be cultist about it, just open-minded.
People out here are beginning to take
this lysurgic acid seriously now that
Cary Grant has stated in public that he
has been using it under his psychiatrist's
direction and that it’s made л new man
of him. Call this a failure of nerve if
you want. It may be an opening of
Of course, Marian
should cover up her stigmata. I feel
stirrings and awakenings. Marian has
put my name on the list of volunteers
for the UCLA experiments.
Five weeks alter his arrival Gordon
Rengs stopped writing to his friends
together. Not because of Ma
dlesfield. He had met Wi
It came about this way. On a certain
"Tuesday mon ten-fifteen, Gordon
arrived at the s building. As
usual, Jamie Beheen came over to his
office; as usual, they had morning tea
prepared for them by their secretari
Ihis day the ceremony was particu
pleasant because Gordon’s secretary had
brought in some homemade pecan buns
sty, though not
Huddlesfield's pot
s Магі
as heady,
“Tve something to do tonight," Jamie
id, "and I wonder if you'd be inter-
ested, Gordon? There's an all-Negro
ical being done in town, somewhe!
in the Negro district. My New York
agent has wired me that the man who.
wrote and produced and directed the
thing is said to be quite talented, and
she'd like me to see it and send her a
рогі I've got two extra tickets for
tonight— would vou and Marian like
to come along with me and my w
Gordon called Marian. She said it
sounded like fun. She liked Neg
because they were very Zen. That night
they all had. drinks (Marian had
juice) at the Beheens’, a fine Japan
modern house high up on Sunset Plaza
Drive, well above the smog level; then,
close to cight, they sct out for the
(continued from page 46)
theatre. Tt was a small place just off
Western Avenue, a converted warchouse
or garage. The writer producer-director,
a soft-spoken man named Mitchell Bas-
coyne, was more than pleased to sce
them. He had been told that Jamie
Beheen was scouting, in a sense, for his
New York agent, with whom Bascoyne
wanted very much to sign. There were
four seats reserved for the Beheen party
in the first row.
‘This was a little theatre in every sense
of the word. It had no elevated stage;
the performers simply came through a
side door and took up positions оп the
floor immediately in front of the first
row. There were fifty people in the cast
nd hardly more than thirty in the
audience he house lights went down.
the spots over the playing arca came ир;
the dancers came high-stepping out in
a sort of Haitian cakewalk and the show,
n extravaganza having to do with a
highly musical election campaign in a
bbean island town, was on. Marian
slipped her hand into Gordon's but he
did not caress it with his fingers; it
the one with the open wound.
Almost [rom the first scene, a Mardi
Gras fiesta featuring several barefoot
girls with bunches of bananas on their
heads, Gordon was tensely aware of the
girl the leftmost position in the
chorus. She handled herself gracefully
enough and sang with a sweet hus
contralto, but it was not her talents that
held him. She could hardly be more
than twenty-two; as against the more
polished. Is in the cast she carried.
herself. wi most awkward, end-
pertness, а held-in 7
air, as though she might
joment jump away from her
at any
assigned role and burst out laughing.
Though short, she was beautifully built,
with well-fleshed thighs, ample hips, a
fine prideful jut to the rear and high,
perfect breasts, She was creamy in com-
plexion, a beginner brown, and the
shiny, jet-black, perfectly straight bangs
that framed her wide, thrustchecked
face made her look almost ntal.
Absurdly, but marvelously, her eyes
were a cool blue.
She was special. Gordon could not
look away. Often she was standing inch-
es from hi ıl tempta
reach out for that generous, curvy body
that was made to be taken hold of.
Early in the performance she became
aware of him and began to look his
way, checking to sce il his eyes were
still on her.
After a while he worked up enough
courage to smile at her. At first, though
with what seemed an effort, she kept
her face at rest; then she began to smile
back, in little darting movements of the
full lips. She delightful dimples.
п, it was a
Holding Marian's hand with just his
fingertips. to avoid touching the wound,
Gordon began to feel а bubbling ex-
citement. This was the first absolutely
unplanned, unprogramed gush of en-
nced toward any
ince coming to Hollywood. And
there seemed to be a response in her.
He could not be absolutely sure, but
weren't there signs? Glancings, dim-
When the girl was not on stage he
studied the program in the dim light,
hoping to locate her name in the cast
listings. But there were six girls in the
chorus: Maxine Frettengille, Georgianna
Balsam, Teri White, Wilhelmina Sproulle,
Bettina Rouse, Babette Fortunata: no
way to single out anybody's name from
such a roster. How to make contact with
this girl?
With Marian and the Behecns along,
he could hardly excuse himself after the
show and go trotting olf backstage —
which might be awkward anyhow, since
the girl could be married (though there
were no rings on her fingers) or tied up
with one of i the young men in the cast.
But if she had been returning his lool
if some interest had really been sparked
in her, she just might come out in the
lobby after the show to give him an
opportunity to speak to her. It was a
long shot, but one worth exploring.
Luckily, there was good reason to
linger out front: Jamie had to chat with
Mitchell Bascoyne. While the two men
were exchanging plea
stood to one side with Ma
the doors.
In a matter of minutes the girl came
She looked directly at Gordon as she
advanced slowly down the lobby. She
was wearing skin-tight toreador pants of
electric orange, their stretched material
was alive with taut ripplings as the full
bold muscles of her 0
walked slowly, del y
walk, then made a tum toward
ing lot alongside the building
appeared into the dark there.
In another moment she came
sight again, sauntering back to th
theatre. All the while she looked directly
and deliberately at Gordo
He waited until she was a few feet
t him. Then he left Marian and
ked rapidly over to her, catching her
as she was nearing the door
He would not have felt free to go
ter her if there had been anything
serious between him and Marian. There
n't, Sometimes they met for dinner
Or to sce a movie or a play, that was
in between meetings they both
understood they were free agents. If on
this or that night she stayed at his place,
or he at hers, she did not take this as a
tment оп cither side. Gordon
(he had told him herself) that
about it:
from time to time the bass player with
the habit, the one she bad lived with,
саше to spend the night with her; she
enjoyed talking with him about Zen and
the twelve-tone scale. She said herself,
with the casualness she believed everyone.
should have about personal strivings,
that she did not have a strong physical
urge and was more interested in the
spiritual side, in purging herself of toxic
acids and the negative thoughts they
gave vise to. Though she was perfectly
rself for the pleasure
оГ men she liked, she was against any
spirit of possessiveness in them or herself
— the idea of private property as applicd
wl цу she took to be the most
negative thought of all. She was ready
to be enjoyed but she would not be
claimed. She hated the idea of people
plastering noarespassins signs over each
other, it disrupted the true placidities
and prevented the higher concentrations.
The girl had stopped at the door and
was looking at Gordon expectantly.
put his hand lightly on her fore
“I liked the show," he said. "Particu-
larly you. I thought you were fine.”
“Well, then, thanks,” she said in her
vibrant voice, and dimpled marvelously.
“1 wonder,” in. He was about
to ask what her name was, and give her
his, then approach the possibility of
their having lunch together — but there
back and Jamie’s voice
“Well, Gordon, are you
about ready to go?” With Jamie was his
wife, behind them, Marian, looking
So he had to answer her encour
smile with a hasty, ambiguous tw
his own lips, with a little humorous lift
of the shoulders, and go off with his
party. He si
was a Maxine, а Georgianna, a Betti
or what.
Driving through the mounta
morning, Gordon found himself
was sayin
had no
as next
ing about this lile dancer. There was,
he could not help feeling, something
thetic about her, about all the actors
in the show, They were obviously people
who worked dining the day as busboys,
waiters, clerks, cashiers, stenographers,
beauticians: if, in addition, they were
ready and willing to spend six tough
nights а week performing before a hand-
ful of spectators [or somethi
than Equity minimum, there had to be
a big thirst in them. In all their heated
minds, certainly, were shimmering im-
ages of Lena Horne, Sammy Davis, Jr
Harry Belafonte; how could vou point
the many ds of
Lenas and Sammies and Harries who'd
fallen by the wayside, not always because
of deficient talents? Why should Negro
rical hopefuls be any more subject
to dissuasion than whites? The show-
business bug ignored color lines and was
impe 10 common sense; it wa
g суеп less
out to them thousa
imply а double misfortune when it took
up its obsession-breeding quarters in a
Negro because, while it was color-b!
movie and television producers were not.
But Hollywood was a dream world. Here
they made, and lived, dreams about rich,
and therefore free, people. Negroes
became as dreamy as the rest. They
dreamed of themselves being rich enough
to be free, or free enough to be rich,
free-rich, very white.
Gordon knew why these thoughts
were running through his mind.
was determined to meet this nameless
1— the picture of those solid thighs
nd unskimped bosoms was not to be
shaken loc nd sud-
denly, for the first time he,
Gordon Rengs, lone-woll novelist with
э institutional connections in this
world, was smack in the center of show
business and immediately entifiable
with alb its institutions. He knew that
il he could arrange to meet this girl she
would sec him, not as the isolate he was,
the bystander, but as an important man
in a key position at a major studio —
and the bug in her would begin its solt
shoe. Certainly he did not want to make
ny headway here, or anywhere, on the
basis of a grotesque mistake about who
he was he would not have this or any
girl sleep with him in the expectation
that he could do things for her. He
knew very well that he was still, rich
Charlemagnes to the contrary, the two
grand a week notwithstanding. the
writer of serious books that nobody read,
а man without connections, and he 1
to hold to his identity. it had been won
too hard. The main reason he had taken
up the nowand-then relationship with
Marian Huddlesheld was that she was
not after anything from him, she mercly
offered herself on а plain redwood plat-
ter, hand-carved, garnished with pi-nuts,
while she went on thinking undisturb-
edly of Zen precepts, inner unities, un-
sprayed tomatoes.
That morning, over tea.
cheen, "Jamie — there was a
J in that show last night, I don't
know her name. I'd like to get in touch
with her and to do that I've got to call
the theatr s no other way. You
must tell m armass vou if
1 pursue this?
“Pursue away, my boy," Jamie said.
“If it's that little trick you were talking
to in the lobby, I thought she was quite
a fetching thing myself, May the rice
go to the swift —and if you carry it off,
bring her to dinner one night."
So Gordon called the theatre. The
т who answered the phone identified
himself as Mitchell Bascoyne; apparent-
ly he ran the box office too.
“This is Gordon Rengs," Gordon be-
as with Jamie Beheen's party
at your theatre last night
“Yes, truly, Mr. Rengs"
mind —
n his life,
Jordon said
Bascoyne said. "I remember you well
and it's nice to hear your voice.”
“Nice to hear yours. I enjoyed your
show, Mr. Buscoyne. We all did." Gor-
don cleared his throat. “Mr. Bascoyne.
"There's a girl in your chorus — Td like
t0 know her name, she's
ather buxom, with a wide fice
naples, her voice is a deep
"You mean." the softly neutral voice
il, “the girl you spoke some words to
in the lobby?" It was a carefully factual
statement; you could read cither accusa-
tion or congratulation into it, anyd
you wanted.
Thats the onc. 1 couldn't tell from
the program what her name was...”
Wilhelmina Sproulle. Yes, that would
be Wilhelmina.” A pause. “Mr. Rengs —
may I ask — what, just for purposes of
i on with
with Jami
nt, so Jamie was important to hi
He was asking: did Gordon figure in
s picture in such а way as to
ke him important too? If there was
to be any bartering over this Ме.
mina —Bascoyne was not closing any
doors on any possibilities prematurely
— the stakes had to be defined . . 7
Mr. Bascoyne,”
his voice a litte, "Fm а f
Beheen's, that's absolutely all. We're
both writers here at the studio. we
happen to share olfices in the writers’
building, we don't work together, we're
simply friends, but Miss Sproulle im-
pressed me last t and 1 was wor
Will you allow me to put in another
ict. ourselves
ordon said, raising
iend of Mr.
you might term professional?
Well put. There was the crux of it,
of course. And here now was the big
temptation: not to Jay it on the linc
but to throw out sneaky, standard lure:
Gordon wanted aboye all to remain їп
tact. He wanted this girl but he cherished
his sense of himself too. He knew quite
clearly that he was the peripheral writer
of peripheral books, the man way over
to one side, not in any sense a good
contc . .
“Let me make this very clear, Mr. B
соупе. I'm not a Hollywood writer, not
ilv. I'm а novelist, you wouldn't
have heard of me, I live in New York,
Fm out here on my first movie assign-
ment, I don't mean to зау... The best
way to put it, Mr. Bascoyne, is this —
I'm not in a position to do anything
anybody, I don't carry any we
movie industry, my interest
Sproulle is a personal u
contact her and take her
thought, if I could reach her, with your
їп Miss
I might ask her to lunch
the commiss; м
At this point Gordon dicked his teeth
together. He could not believe that this
last statement had соте [rom his
mouth. Lunch, yes, lunch was a fine ide
— but why at the studio commissary?
The lure, the pitch. the сотеоп, after
# He was suddenly despising himself
for having added those four strategy-
ated words that exploded his sense
of self and stood all his down-the-line
i on their heads.
al, Mr. Rengs?” The v.
May I ask your
ng in that, please?’
Bascoyne — I thought. Wilhel-
па Sproulle was а very attractive
young lady. I'd like to know her better.
If you will be good enough to put me
in touch with her, I'd like very much
to take her to lunch — at any place that's
convenient for her." Gordon immediate-
ly felt better for having gotten that
phrase out. “Would you ask her to call
me at my office? ГЇЇ be here all day.
"I will communicate the message, Mr.
Rengs." There was another pause. Then,
with something that was no longer hope
but a nostalgia for hope long gone
Rengs—do I follow your meaning —
you share some offices with Mr. Beheen?
Your connection with him is, you're in
the same offices with him, that’s the
whole extent of it? I was wondering, if
you're from New York, if by any chance
you have an agent back there, I know
Mr. Beheen has an agent . . .
It had to be said once more, still more
1 have an agent in New York, ves, but
it's not Mr. Beheen's. I've never met his
agent, I don't have anything to do with
her, but if you can manage to get wor
to Miss Sproulle . . ."
he message will be conveyed, Mr.
Rengs. The young lady will be informed,
and thank you for your interest . . .
When he hung up, Gordon had the
sweaty fecling that he had come close to
the ordeal by fire. He knew for the first
time the full meaning of temptation, the
devious ways in which sharp memories
of thighs and dimples can make the
tongue spring from its true tracks and
juggle plain truths. But, except for those
four upstart words, he hadn't faltered,
he had stuck to his course and his con-
cept of himself. He was not proud, ex-
actly. He simply had the sense that he
had survived, that his head was still
above water.
Exactly seventeen. minutes later his
secretary buzzed him to say that а Miss
Wilhelmina Sproulle was on the line.
He reached energetically for the phone.
Did Miss Sproulle remember him? Sure
did. She'd the messa
lunch, his wanting to invite her to
€ was
gotten about
lunch? Oh, right. Mr. Bascoyne П ex-
plained the whole deal. She would ас
cept the invitation? Why, why not,
sounded like a cool idea, most any time
and any place, why didn't he name
Well, he'd like to do it tomorrow, Thurs
day, and about the place, why didn't
she pick a restaurant near where she
worked, he assumed she worked some-
where, he could easily drive over? Well,
Mitch, Mr. Bascoyne, he had been say-
ing something about lunch at the com-
missary, she had а car, she could easily
make it? Good enough, the commissary,
he'd leave an auto pass at the main gate
for her, why didn't she come to his oF
fice say about twelve-thirty? Twelve-
thirty, fine. Wonderful, and he'd be
looking forward to it. All right, then,
deal, fine, cool, she'd be looking for
ward to, twelve-thirty it was, Thursday,
his office.
Il her accessories, linen shoes, floppy
1 h gloves, wide leather belt, were
white with tiny. pale blue polka dots,
and her very tight dress, choked to an
impossible slimness at the waist, was
pastel blue; from these unexclamatory
background colors her bronze limbs and
exposed chest sprang like patina*d ob-
jects of art; the generous haunches
soared, the only partly captured breasts
ballooned. And above all this delicious
suggestion of momentarily arrested ex-
of stop-frame heave, there
under the wavy-brimmed hat, were the
working dimples and the wide, wide and
laughing eyes of blue — she was a vision
of Hollywood form-exaggerating chic,
she was sensational.
As soon as they took their seats in the
crowded commis: —where, from the
moment of their entrance, Gordon was
itchily aware of all the eyes turning their
way —she began, unaccountably, to call
him dadd
At first he thou һ the casy
ice of twenty-two, she was m:
t comment about the difference
their ages; he was already a little sensi-
tive about that. But she wasn't even
looking at him. Her eyes were directed
across the room and her words wcre
remed exclan
t, me:
she said. "Oh,
he said.
daddy, there's, there's Rock
"Look over that way, daddy. There.
James Stewart.”
“I see him."
Jamie Beheen sat down to chat for a
moment He was very happy to sce
Miss Sproulle, very happy indeed. What
movie was he on? Well, it was the story
of Noah, more exactly, а story of Nouh,
in it Noah was to be portrayed as a sort
of exalted veterinarian, it was one pos-
sible approach. No, Noah, this Noah at
least, didn't have any daughters, there
weren't any daughter parts, and no,
while he didn't know this for an abso-
lute fact he was pretty sure there weren't
any young-girl parts open, shooti
due to start quite soon, the major cast-
ing had been done. But it was a genuine
pleasure to sce
was even more attractive
on. 1f she wanted to see how they went
about making a movie һе would be very
рру, as soon as shooting began, to
have her visit the set as his guest.
Whether or not Gordon happened to be
free on th L What was
she is Noah a vet-
eran of? The animal kingdom, he sup-
posed. Or the shipwright’ union, he
very possibly organized it. In any case,
he was delighted to be able to have a
few words with Miss Sproulle. She
looked well and happy and it was grati-
fying to feast the eyes on her once more.
He would most particularly relish seeing
her again, whether or not Mr. Rengs
could make it.
“The comer,”
had gone, "scc
daddy. Jeff Chandle:
"Sure," Gordon said.
"Oh, daddy. Oh, daddy. Cary Grant.”
“That's who it is." If there had been
ny point to it he would have added that
Cary Grant was taking LSD and reported
good results.
“All in one room," she said almost in
a whisper. Meaning: а room she was i
A room м nd she do-
ing the viewing. All the rich, rich peo-
ple and she, seam-busting Wilhelmina
proulle, in the middle and therefore
almost free, if not yet rich
*] want to Expl: in something, wil
helmina,” he said. “They're all wor
here, some im television, some in the
movies. It’s д big studio, | don't know
any of them. I don't
around here except for a couple of
writers who work in the same building:
with me. The thing I'm working on, this
doesn't have anything to do
"s not in production
all, they won't get around to makin
it until months after I'm gone. It's about.
Charlemagne, you know, a king of olden
she said
when Jamie
the corner,
now anybody
med Charle-
t, I don't
to be in it, that's
know who's goir not
my end of things
He suppressed the impulse to add:
Charlemagne, who was very rich.
She said wholeheartedly, “Cary Grant.
Too much.”
"Yes. He cats here
Ive never met him."
Il the time but
“Now, smile.”
n Huddlesfield stopped by to
shake hands. She wanted Wilhelmina to
know, she assumed it w; 1 right to call
her Wilhelmina, how good it was to sce
helmina was a fine-looking per-
son with positive thoughts, she, Marian,
ing eyes, and it
Ihelmina to know that
n, had lots of good friends
who were colored, some of the best and
most intelligent vegetarians she knew
were colored, and she wasn’t just saying
that about having good friends who were
Negroes, it came out under LSD,
lysurgic acid, this new chemical that
helped you to think and see right, under
LSD she, Marian, felt important and
rock-bottom unities with other people.
felt a warm closeness with others, and
often, more often than not, they were
Negroes, many Negroes come to her in
her bright visions. She felt, too, she
should remind Gordon that his name
was down on the doctor's list for LSD,
she'd been around to the doctor’s for a
dose last weekend and he'd said Gordon
would be hearing from him about an
appointment very soon. Meantime, Gor-
don wouldn't forget this Saturday, she
hoped, they had this d
the Gashouse in Venice West to hear
this authority on Zen lecture on Aldous
Huxley and the gates of perception. It
was a privilege to see Miss Sproulle, what
nonsense, she didn't mean to cool it with
formality, to see Wilhehnina. If Wil-
helmina wanted to drop over to her
place some even
Gordon I the number, the
long talk about LSD and thing
Marian left. For two or three minutes
Wilhelmina was quiet. Then she said,
“That's a thing, all right, to be ca
every day in the same place with С
тип. Right here, where everything is.
Daddy, vou must have the good life.”
could tell by her unsec
nterest W
she, Ма
о out to
te to
ng, why. call any time,
ге almost by accident, you might
Just to do this one picture.
I go back to New York. That's
ive. Mostly I sit in my apart-
t in New York and write books.
novels, you wouldn't have heard about
them, they're not read. very widely . .
"You meet all kinds of people when
you're in the movies,” she
pleased conviction. “АП the big ones.
She was lovely, her dimples danced
foomotes to her serene blue eyes, and
there was no way to get it established in
aming head that a man might be
1 this business just passing through. an
outsider, a nonentity by program. There
s no room in that head for the con-
cept of a truly unconnected man. She
could not imagine a world without con-
nections because all her dreams werc of
connections and her entire life w:
rooted in her dreams.
“The way it could
id with
appen," she said,
almost as though pointing out vital facts
that he had overlooked, “you could write
this movie about Charles the Main and
then they could get, say, Cary Grant to
play him.”
She was intent on building this kind
of packaging dream around him, her one
connection with the world of the con-
nected ones. The implication in her
words was clear—he could get Cary
Grant to play Charle! c, he, Gordon
Rengs, personally, as casily as Jamie
Beh could get Cary Grant to play
Noah. АП he, Gordon, һай to do was
cross the dream room and ask the
People who ate in the same
room with Cary Grant were very rich.
"They were all, finally, Cary Grant.
And she was lovely, she was lovely. Her
pastel blue dress was astonishingly tight
and low-cut. Her breasts were past be-
lief, the only riches not yet signed over
to the richest men of this rich world.
He got her to talk about herself. She
was twenty-one, she worked as an electro-
apy technician in a massage institute,
she was taking singing and dancing les-
so, she went on Tuesdays to an
s run by a New York fellow
with a bright red beard who'd come out
of Actors’ Studio, she believed the times
were ripening for another and bigger
Lena Horne, she felt the race lines were
being broken down fast, there would be
wide chances for the talented ones of her
generation in television and the movics,
things were trending ths
didn't have to go back to th
institute today, she'd taken the day off
to go shopping in Beverly Hills for this
sharp new dress and things, she'd wanted
to look right for her first visit to a st
io, she was free as a bird this afternoon,
what did he have in min
It was too nice a day to work, he
thought. They could run down to Mali-
bu, do some swimming and get the sun,
y'd have two good hc
was a writer in his building who lived
out in Malibu, he'd gone to Palm Spri
for a few days and left the key to h
place with Gordon.
That sounded cool
him. What about her c
Fase. They'd go in his M
this was а day for an open Y
leave her car here at the studio and pick
it up tonight. Hed make arrangements
so they would let him in the back gate
alter hours.
She was with i
» there, there
daddy. А
s. daddy.
They helped themselves to swim suits
at the beach house and hurried down to
the waters edge. She was something for
the eyes to gourmandize on, this honey-
colored Juno from the electrotherapy
room: childishly slim at waist, knee,
ankle, elbow, wrist, touching frailties at
the vital junctures, and lush, lush, every-
where else, leavening in calves, thighs.
bosoms, a study in burnished abun-
dances. Somehow, in his swirling
thoughts, she was becoming confused
with the roses and gardenias and banana
trees and Laure! Canyons of this luxur
ating Hollywood; all the objects of gen-
erous curves and lovely colors, all the
things in bloom that had called his body
into a singing wakefulness, she was all
of them, lying there dark апа lavishly
shaped against the sands, her breasts
fearlessly in bloom, her blooming thighs
rubbing tightly, slowly, one against the
“A gang of stars live in Malibu, don't
they,” she said. It was a statement of
movie-magazine fact rather th
He ran his finger the length of her
forearm, down the soft folds radiating
from the armpit, along her side.
1 guess so," he said. “The only one I
know out this way is my writer friend,
Ivan, the fellow who owns this house.”
She looked back appreciatively at the
structure with its ¢ ig overhangs, an
odd-angled sweep of glass and. redwood
beams, cantilevered out over the dune:
and resting on sturdy stilts,
have some crazy parties
she said. “Lots of parties
with gone drinks and all the celebritie:
He let his finger go softly over the
bluetinted seam of her full and out-
turned. upper lip.
“Well,” he said, “I've been to a couple
of Ivan's parties. Cary Grant wasn't
“Гуе olten wondered," she
about how you write up a p
movie play. 1 mean, do you think of
some one particular actor first and then
write the words for that actor, like, or
do you put down the words first and then
find the right actor to play the part?”
He let his palm go over the firm rises
of her upper leg, then closed his fingers
on the fine lean place under the knee,
the relief of hollow there, framed with
- No open wounds on this per-
fect body, no stigmata, this was an un-
marred bloom of a bod
“There's no опе rule
times you do it one м
other. The
he said. "Some-
netimes the
ctor I'm supposed to have
a mind for this Charlemagne script. is
Tony Curtis, I'm writing all the people
like Tony Сині
He was startled to hear this last sen-
tence come from his mouth; it was self-
mockery of a sort he had not permitted
himself since coming to Hollywood, pre-
ely the kind of snide, self-nibbli
joke his friends back in New York were
fond of making, the kind he alwa
little sore at. Had he said this to i
press her or just to let her know, in the
form of a joke, that there could be no
part in his movie for her? But obviously
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Wilhelmina Sproulle was not the sort to
be deterred by the threat of competition.
She could imagine herself winning a part
away from Tony Curtis too; ambition
here could stretch that far, along with
imagination, along with appetite
Well," she said, “Curtis can't do all
the parts. You'll have to get other peo
ple, all kinds, II bet a whole gang of
He was playing with the tie-strings of
her bikini halter, his fingers aching with
the need to hold her completely, fi
and suddenly he was full of a E
letting some of it out:
“Wilhelmina Sproulle, the movies are
on the other side of the moon, never
mind the movies, you're a jewel, the
you're made, you're a marvel. I don
know if vou can understand this but for
a long time, for years and years, І was
living above my neck, drowning in m
self, mired in me, my head full of proj-
ects and words, and J don't know. out
1 feel the rest of
its because
re sprouts so fast and in so
ious, thei such г of
living stuffs." Both his hands were on
the halter now, making their urgent
nd you're all the green a
things. You're the
tion of all the want. Oh, you're worth
ng, Wilhelmina Sproule.
She looked straight up at him, into
, with her wide, clear eyes; there was
absolute unafraid candor and straight
ss in their deep blue as she dimpled
just a little and said, “Well, sure, let's
go in the house, daddy."
went up the steps quickly. his
m tight around her shoulder, hers rest-
g easily on his hip. He was irritatingly
re of the absurdity їп a man like
s of everythin
ing paperec
ge, someone
lightyears away from his aims, his focuses
= but he didn't саге, At this explosive
point he was not afraid of being absurd.
His want was as big as his consciousness
and his conscience, blotting out all the
wantdamping thoughts. He needed the
full feel of her for the only kind of con
centration and validation that counted
As soon аз they were
n he
of her, as though with enough pressure
he could merge their bodies through the
barriers of bathing suit and skin. She
let herself go inst him, all her length.
She could not help but feel the wild and
sping excitement in him
£ led her head
сайту, ^I guess 1 got to
They were the most
he had ever heard from a woman's lips.
He was exasperated with himself for
letting these words burn him so. Because
side the living
hed for her. took hold of
and said
yu some."
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she had said them coolly — and in this
coolness was the real source of their ex-
"Yes," he said.
"Daddy," she said, thinking hard,
"didn't they have all kinds of people in
those olden courts? Didn't the kings and
big ones get all different kinds of people
around them?"
So she was announcing a moment of
barter: herself. all of her, for a place
near Charlemagne's throne and within
mera range. But he was not a trader.
There were parts of him he would not
sell, no matter what the offered price.
"Lets talk about it later," he said.
“Come with me now.
No, listen, daddy," she said. "I can
act, you know? They say good. good
about me, my teacher in acting
use when I do my improvisations. I'm
ready, I can do real good
ably very talented,” he
d, his voice unsteady, his fingers work-
ing at the ties of her halter: but the
strings were firmly knotted, they would
not come apart. “But, listen to me, lovely
Wilhelmina, it’s not so easy. Any young
actress has to struggle, maybe for ye
Irs a thousand times tougher for you. It's
not your fault but that’s the way i
‘There just aren't any parts for you.
There couldn't be anything for you in
my picture because there wer
girls like you around Charlemagne. We'll
talk about it later, Wilhelmina. If you
can think of anything I can really do for
you, you just have to name it, I'll do it.
You think it over and let me know. We'll
go into it another time. Come on, now.”
Around the edges of his bubbling
thoughts he felt a certain pride: he was
being spectacularly invited to throw out
the lures and he had not thrown, not
much. She was doing almost all the
But she went on in her quiet. steady
way: "You're the writer, daddy. You
could write in most any part you had
a mind to. If you made up some part
that E could play E would do it real good,
daddy, that's no hype. It doesn't have to
be a girl like me, daddy, It сап be any
kind of a girl, I can play all the kinds,
they say at acting class I'm very, very
And there it was: she had reached the
point in her thirst where she had totally
forgotten that she was a Negro.
therefore next to unemployable;
forgotten it, or had dismissed it as a
roadblock to her ambition and there-
fore irrelevant. The color of her skin,
not been
ng one attribute she had
able to use in acting class, she had
dropped from her list of attributes. She
had fallen into the worst prison of all —
the rosy idea that there are no prisons,
or that the ones that do exist are flimsy
enough to be broken through by dis-
missing negative thoughts and signing
up for Method instruction. For the self-
appointed rich, no walls too thick for
tumbling. In this town of rich people,
you could be anything you wanted. That
was the definition of this democratic
land and that was the definition of the
acting talent. She was a good American
and a good actress and so, obviously, she
could play any Cary Grant part that any
writer would be so good as to write in
for her. Gordon Rengs happened to be
the only functioning movie writer she
knew. It therefore fell to him to write a
part for her, any Cary Grant part, so
that she could begin to function as an
actress who could play anything. There
would be rewards in it for him, big ones,
mmediately collectable. But they were
not to be collected without the allim-
portant down payment. It was up to him
to arange for her to play Pepin the
Short, or Claude ins, or cither of the
snails that came aboard the Ark — the
male or the f
open, name i
career town and she had her way to
с. Writers would come and writers
er was а constant
and therefore the touchstone of her de-
cisions as to how she would squander her
person. If she had to give him some, he
was expected first to give her some. The
street of dreams was a two-way street,
Until he made his move she was immoy
able; she stood perfectly still, resis
the efforts of his hands to urge her to-
ward the bedroom.
Her soft masses were alive against him,
jutting with promise, It was hard for
him to breathe.
“АП right” he ly, hearing
the words coming from far off and shud-
dering from head to foot at the sound;
she no doubt took this quiver for a fur-
ther surge of passion but he knew what
П the revulsion he could or
would feel in t life. “All right, Wil-
helmina. Let me see what I can do. Maybe
1 can work up some part that would fit
you. I'll look over the script tomorrow
would go but her c
it was,
and see where I can work you in. When
1 get the part in shape ГИ speak to the
director and arrange a reading. ГЇЇ rec-
ommend you strongly for the part, I
know what you can do, I've seen your
work, I'm sure you can handle any role,”
He had come all the way awake in this
hot California, his ncrve-ends were reach-
hing for the boons and bounties
of wakefulness. "Come with me, Wilhel-
mina, Come on, let's go. Right now.”
She leaned away from him. She looked
straight at him again, a study in dimples,
сс full of warmth, and said, "You
>w T'm going to give you some, daddy,
you know
She had found her rightful place along-
side Charles the Main, or thought she
bad, she had lured him into dropping
all the fake lures, and she now walked
with pride and gratitude into the next
He went along behind her, arms
curved around her, body concave to her
delicious convexities, hands flat against
her bare middle bold with promise: he
knew that he was not on the sidelines
ny more, he was in the thick of it, a
charter member of all institutions. a true
belonger, a man connected with every-
As the halter came away he thought:
just a stranger passing through, and
arrested all the sume. The fine. bloom-
ing body came into sight and he told
himself: arrested for speeding in thi:
suange town, held without bail.
His friends in New York had not
heard from him in weeks. Suddenly one
of them gota peculiar, murky note which
said, among other things:
“There’s space. And its cluttered.
Weeks ago I went swimmii Malibu
with a girl named Wilh Imina Sproulle.
She'd left her car at the studio: late that
night we drove over to pick it up. Some-
how or other I got lost after we went
through the night gate and we wound
up in the back lot, an arca I hadn't seen
before. A turn in the road and suddenly
we were surrounded by the debris of all
the enterprises and all the institutions:
Swiss chalets, Lower East Side tenements,
Civil War stockades, a Hopi Indian
camp site, a Burmese pagoda, à Victorian
room, a section of the Roman cata-
combs, asorted gambling casinos and
torture chambers, several frontier sa-
loons, a portion of Grand Central sta-
tion, a space-probe site
complete with missile, next to it a
moldering sta xcu E nd
there in this landscape BuU en
and ends — Noah's Ark, built full-scale. I
couldn't help myself, I had to climb
aboard with my partner Wilhelmina. We
stood on the narrow deck, surrounded by
the ghosts of the animals in paired ter-
ror, I could hear their hot breaths, they
echoed my own. I drew Wilhelmina to
me and kissed her heartily. id softly
to her, "We'll get through it. These
waters too shall recede.” She wanted to
know what kind of oldtimey boat
was; I explained that they were getting
ready to shoot the exteriors for Jamie
Beheen's picture out here. She was ex-
cited about the whole thing because, as
she remembers it, all sorts of creatures,
all without exception, one lady and one
gent from cach of the species, wer
taken on board this Ark, which meant а
holocaust of parts, a whole gar
would be opening up. Just that
noon, at lunch in the commissary, J
had told her the Noah picture was al
ready cast, but she knew there was som
thing in it for her, she just knew it.
Couldn't I talk to Jamie and fix it for
her? She knew 1 was a big man out here
so what was I doing pretending to be a
nobody? She wanted her daddy to come
on out in the open, stop hiding his im-
portant self, be the Cary Grant he so
clearly is. So I came on out. I. promised
to do what I could to get her located on
the Ark. (A few hours before, Fd prom-
ised to set her up in Charlemagne's
court, possibly as Pepin the Short.) I
didn't have the heart to tell her there
wasn’t any part for her on the Ark,
either. How you keep telling an-
other living being that there are no parts
for her anywhere in the world, that the
whole damn stage is closed tight against
her, that she's got to or swim in this
special-clfects flood without benefit of
Ark? Besides, she had just made а pres-
ent of hersclf to me, her daddy, under
the impression that I was a very big man,
a real Cary Grant who was somehow
reluctant to come all the way out. I for-
got to tell you, Wilhelmina Sproulle is а
colored girl, a beautiful one. I've stopped
seeing her because she expects me to get
her set up with Charlemagne and I can't
give her any progress reports. Jamie
Beheen, though, Jamie's changed his
tack with her. Не now believes he can
find a place for her on the Ark in some
capacity, maybe as stewardess. He's been
auditioning her all weck. She's out at
same beach house I've got keys to, the
owner, a fellow named Ivan, is out of
town auditioning some carhop or other
in Palm Springs.) I won't be seeing Wil-
helmina any more but I suppose there'll
be other Wilhelminas. They come in
assorted colors out here. This may not
be a selling out, friend, It may amount
to nothing more than joining the hu-
man race. When you make your applica-
tion this late you've got a holocaust of
catching up to do, a whole gang of
catching ир...”
The man who received this letter was
disturbed by its tone. He tried to put in
a long-distance call to Hollywood but
Gordon Rengs was not home. At that
precise moment he was stretched out on
an oversized Japanese-style couch in a
Beverly Glen cottage, kissing Mari
Huddlesfcld, who was saying placidly
into his lips, "I've never told you this
before but you have the odor of corrup-
tion on your breath, Gordon." He asked
her what she meant, She explained that
meat eaters have a Iot of то! matter
in their systems, all sorts of toxic mate-
rials and mucus-producing elements, and
so carry the odor of corruption on their
breaths, as against vegetarians and
fruitarians, who are free of mucus and
sweet-smelling, like babies.
Gordon did not take offense. He knew
perfectly well that Marian had not
meant anything by this, she was merely
conveying the evidence of her nostrils.
take offense at anything, he was keyed-
р, in tune with himself and the out-
this morning, quite early, he and
Marian had both had a dosage of
lysurgic acid at the UCLA hallucino-
genesis research center, they were now
in the eleventh hour of exaltation and
felt themselves literally bursting with
love for all the lush, beautifully pat-
terned, vividly colored forms that came
from all directions as feasts for their
wide, ready eyes. In all things, even in
each other, they saw enticements and
gifts. Marian was prepared to love and
accept him regardless of the quality of
his breath, and he was in the mood to
hold her Jovingly to him no matter what
she thought of his diet and his ways.
He held her Jaccrated palm close to
his eyes. He studied the open gash with
close attention, with absorption, love.
Deep in the glisteningly pink, gray-edged
i г of the wound was an ancient
craft, Noah's proud aworthy Ark,
and two by two the ls were march-
ing up the gangplank into the hold, into
the bright-tinted, welcoming flesh. Gor-
don saw himself marching in the stately
procession, hand in hand with Wilhel-
mina Sproulle. Decp into the warm and
comforting flesh they walked, to the com-
fort of living stuff, to the depths of inner-
most hot flesh. Was this a prison, this
warm, walled place they were going into?
They were all meat eaters, they wanted
only to ride out the storm so they could
cat their meat again, two by two. Gordon
walked into the steamy, cushy interior
of Marian Huddlesfield's palm, deep in-
to the secrets of her centers, hand in
hand with Wilhelmina Sproulle, for
whom he had finally come out, feeling
warmed, groping along the damp soft
walls of pink flesh, pulling the moist
pink folds shut over his head, thinking
that when prisons were pink and damp,
slimed deliciously, you could walk in
and feel good, very good, if you were a
meat cater you could cat your way along
and not worry too much about the qual-
ity of your breath.
Mariam Huddlesfield began to say
something in her relaxed and accepting
way, something about the dangers of
mucus over-production in chronic meat
caters, the stampede of toxic materials.
He leaned over to kiss the yawning
stigma in her palm, a prison he could
make his headquarters in, a meal he
could gorge himself on, a place where
he belonged at last,
“Oh, for heaven’s sake, Fenner — let
the chips fall where they тау!”
wrotc my income tax song:
It is I mean blue in the sky,
It is Т mean blue in the sky,
Oh what's to become of you and I?
It scored enough out of the Nat Cole
recording to pay my tax for last year,
but I got a bumch of letters from English
teachers saying, “You and me! You and
me, crud!" But I couldn't oblige be-
cause I had my heart set on a rhyme,
dig? Only later did Evie baby, smart girl,
inform I that me could have said: It is
I mean blue in the sea /Repeat/ What's
to become of you and me?
n't think of it that way,” I pro-
"I was lying on my back and
looking at the sky, and that’s artistic
integrity, honey baby."
"I should have been with you," she
commented. "You'd have been more
grammatical. And not so much on your
But she knew how I like to travel
alone. Adventure, adventure, is what I
search. Sometimes I find it. It's no worse
than a bad cold.
She added: “You can say that again
"What? What? I wasn't talking. I was
“I noticed,” she said. “
talk too much."
She was one for suggesting a silent
record on the juke box — that type. She
was meditative frequently. When she
orgied, she orgied; and when she was
an intellect junior miss with heavy
horn rims and her copy of Zen Archery,
well, she was horrid. In such moods she
made me feel like a baboon, when the
fact is, I'm one of the most sensitive and
intelligent rock-n-roll composers on up-
per Broadway. (I also do a little Country
and Western to keep my Roots, I was
Lorn in the Bronx.)
Now after my trip. we sprawled out
on the rug, meditative, getting reac
quainted with each other through the
medium of resentful silence. 1 sulked.
brooded. "It's wonderful to see an
old friend again," I said.
"Great idea for a song," she grunted.
1 gloomed. She pouted. I pulled а
string off my sock. (It's better to singe it;
otherwise you can unravel right up to
your belt.) She combed her long glossy
hair and brushed her bangs with her
hand. We waited to cut each other down.
Ain't young love grand?
“Your neck is brown,” she said.
"Nature's Man Tan," I said.
She looked at her watch. "Nine
o'clock," she murmured thoughtfully. “I
thought you were going to take me to
Nice place you got here,” I said,
examining her apartment with sudden
nterest. She lived on Charles Street in
the Village, with a fireplace, а carpet
(her great extravagance: a beautiful
golden French antique it was), and her
ually you
(continued from page 51)
ng ways.
You know the place by heart,” she
A small victory. I wanted her to re-
mind me, and incidentally herself, of
those Sunday afternoons we had spent
together. She had served me breakfast,
and then we had gone to the movies.
Break! at five o'clock, and then just
a few minutes of daylight before eve-
ning and the soothing dark of a double-
feature horror show, wii
ing sex at home afterward. 1 would goose
her down Charles Street. Oooh, nasty!
she would cry, and we would have a late
supper, with me pleasanily jittery after
too much coffee and love. And the
smoky Manhattan evening cradling us
And the dim dreaminess of the V Mage
all about us. And that Italian violinist
beating his wife again next door. Yes,
I wanted her to remember that I knew
her apartment very well. “There might
be a movie оп the telly,” I said. “You
could just scramble us up some eggs,
“Take me to dinner,” she said. “It’s
ten after nine."
“TU run down to the liquor store
and we could have eggs scrambled with
In five more minutes І go
Whelan’s for a club sandwich."
Aw, honey.
Four minutes and ten seconds.
“Come on now." I reached for her.
""Ten seconds."
You are cruel, you know:
Pause, Sniffing the cruel air. Squiggle
of cruel nose. Cock of cruel head. Retard.
of crucl ankle.
"Bong. Three minutes," she said.
I took her out to Sammy's off Eighth
Avenue, a favorite Nashvillestyle rock-
n-roll hangout. We had chopped liver,
knoedlock soup, Rumanian roast with
n order of chitterlings on the side, and.
sent out for a pair of fortune cookies
for dessert. My fortune said: Keep trying,
for what else is there? Her fortune said:
A nervous man with contact lenses has
come back into your life.
Actually, as you may have suspected,
this was a put-up job by my secret agents,
namely, me. Sometimes my left hand,
which plays pretty good barrel-house
piano, hardly knows what my right hand,
which puts in the contacts, is doing. (I
had to look good for television. Dick
Clark looks good; why shouldn't 1?)
Anyway, when Evie went to the Ladies’
to cock her grenade or whatever she
was planning to use for protection
against me — I had forced her agreement
to return to her apartment to watch a
really important television spectacular —
really important to me, that is, since I
wanted to get in . . . Anyway, while
Evie was there, oiling up her brass
knuckles, I performed a quick illicit
operation on the fortune cookies. They
lone to
had originally borne rather discreet
messages: Fortune Cookie Bakers Local
31, A.F.L-C.I.O. and Mao Tse-tung is a
lousy poet. Since the strips of paper were
narrow and strong, I filed them in my
jacket pocket to be used as emergency
dental floss.
Then, for additional priming, I de-
cided to spend another couple bucks
on a quick visit to a Bazouki joint down
on Eighth Avenue in the Thirties, Hell,
I wasn't in a hurry. I was just desperate.
You know those Bazouki place? I mean
those Greek bar-restaurants where you
eat stuffed grape leaves and tormented
lamb and they play those hopped-up
strings and wires, that wild Near Eastern
music, followed by a of educational
belly dancing. Actually, it's pretty darn
cute, since the girl sits on the bandstand,
dressed like an осе chick, nodding in
time to the music, wearing a tan ga
dine suit. Then she excuses hersclf into
a closet for a moment, and when she
emerges she is wearing the classical flow-
ing diaphanous robes of which Sappho
ang, also brassiere and panties, which
Sappho never mentioned; but she re-
moves all these items in due course,
while dancing the genuine, frenzied,
ripple-nipple, happy-pappy belly dance.
A few stray striptease bumps and grinds
help her to popularize this primitive
folk art. While she works, weaving in
and out among the tables, educating us
in anthropology and the glory that was
Greece, the plump and happy male
Greeks shower her with dollar bills,
thrust them between her bosom, and
general make spendthrift pests of ther
selves. This evening the wild goatherd
Peloponnesian folk melody happened to
be adapted from the Limelight theme,
by Charlie Chaplin.
"You know.” I musicologically ex-
plained to Evie over a couple glasses
of Mavrodaphne wine, "the one that
goes —
"Aren't you going to miss your spec-
" she asked.
I have anything to say about
it" I winked broadly, catching an eye-
lash. Evie rushed me to the bar mirror
and extracted it while I squeaked with
pain, and also missed the climax of the
belly dance, where the lady (yeah! she
of the tan gabardine suit!) got down
on her back and scrubbed the floor with
it, with only a small glass brooch and a
few dollar bills between her and a sum-
mons from the Commissioner of Police,
I returned to my table in time to see
her dimpled buttocks removing them-
selves into the closet where hung her
Ohrbach's gabardine. Evie clapped her
little hands together and said, "Good.
show, chaps.”
Well,” I said,
news broadcast.’
Sure enough, the orchestra had it:
break, the belly dancing was over, and
they turned on the telly. Now I wouldn't
get a lash in my eye, no, not me. "Isn't
now let's catch the
commented Evie, watching
а senator declare how the administration
doing its best in every way to support
world peace, justice and freedom for all.
‘Shouldn't we go to your place?” I
asked, agreeing with the senator.
“We got the news h she said.
"But I want to watch the late show.”
“OK for the late show,” said Evie
baby, “but not for the late late show. I
told you how I feel about you now, since
you left me that last time.’
"How was that, honey?”
It can be summed up in one wi
she commented, checking her lipstick in
a cute little mirror contained on a ring.
Some girls wear diamonds, some mirror
Well, 1 bought it for her once іп a nov-
«ну shop in Mexico City — once when I
was having a little vacation from her —
but she used it without appr
“Well,” I asked in suspense, “wha
the word?”
‘One word which sums it up for you.
"What is it?”
he blotted her li
“This: Bug off!”
Rather primly I retorted, “That’s two
‘ot how I pronounce it," she said.
But I would try and try again, and
urged her to pack up. If she let me past
her door, I would try still a third time.
She let me past her door. She had
promised me a farewell glimpse of Cl
nel 9. She may have been overconfident,
but she let me past her door. “Hooray!
I shouted, and then frowned. “I'm
sorry, Evie, it just feels good to have a
long talk with you.
“Maybe І should have left that hair
in your eye,” she said.
We sat down by the fire and I asked
her to be reasonable. She took that to be
and smiled.
a question about why she didn't build a
fire, She explained patiently that it was
m enough without a fire, and besides,
ays cheated as a fire-builder by
wood instead of
ng. 1 leered and
on the
from kind!
took out my lenses. She understood that
this was meant to kindle her. She said
that I was too oily. I fluttered my eyes,
hurt. She offered to make me some hot
chocolate to console me for her unkind
words. I demanded cognac instead. She
poured for both of us. I waited until she
1 finished her snifter, talking rapidly
p he that she was
inking nervously, and then I fell into
a hurt silence. J had not put a paw upon.
her in over fifteen minutes. She won-
dered if 1 were sick.
All this is known as “The Battle of
the Se " Over this or similar battle-
fields is strewn the wreckage of a million
evenings. "Where will it all end?” I
I pointed to my anatomy. I pointed
to her anatom:
"Not" said Evie, "not if help comes
when I scream. And if it doesn't, I'll
from noticin,
stick my finger in your eye
in your —
"Don't be lewd. Think of the future —
the sweet child I'll marry someday.”
“Some innocent thing.”
“By that time,” she 1 v, "Ill
be innocent enough for Humbert Hum-
bert. I'm getting more innocent by the
hour.” Horn-rimmed glasses from her
purse. Her sweet fingers hooking them
behind her swect cars. “Do you think
they can do the tue story in the mov
Lolita, I mean?"
I refused to speak. She was not going
to distract me with a discussion of mass.
culture, АН Ameri fights this battle.
“Aw,” 1 Evie as I sat mute, “you has
hurtie feelings, you sad-eyed hood?”
I said nothing. She might talk herself
into a trap. I shifted my posture in order
to get ready to be a пар if she talked
herself into one.
“You sneaky thug,” she commented.
“You monster with lobster claws. You
five-year-plan of а man.
I sighed, "Yes" I admitted, "I can
think of only one thing when Fm with
you, Evie.”
Now let me tell you that women want
to be respected and all that, it's true; but
most of all they want to be respected for
their female charm, which is the peculiar
property of women. Sometimes they cin
get insulted if they think you are merely
brutally interested in their virtue (the
negation of), but in this case, since 1 had
already paid tribute to Evie's virtue
(negated it) in the past,
па my knee
ing in my retu
fire died out (1 had finally built one w
oil). The lights were tumed low (she
snapped the switch). “Bash,” she said,
nd I leaped for her.
Pow. 1 was on my back. Evi
lessons. It turned out that she was using
the word "Bash" mot as an imperative
verb but merely © name of
Bash Shmulkov, the Soviet composer
who had swiped my song. "Next time
hear me out,” she remarked, putting
mercurochrome on the back of my head.
Slight scalp cuts and abrasions. My hair
would cover the scar. "As I was saying,
I like what Bash did with that hot clec-
uified violin. The Moussorgsky touch.
Couldn't you work in a bit of Mous-
sorgsky for Nat Cole's next. record?"
"Ouch," I said. "When | comb my
hair I'll break the scab. His А & R man
wouldn't allow it. Ain't got that swing,
so it don't mean a thing. Aw, come on,
Evie, you owe it to me.
Having beaten me to a pulp, morally,
spiritually and dermatologically, she
was beginn There was
still something left of me. I у
financially. She cocked her head
cd the backs of my h
gripped the rug for support. Occasionally
she may have sadistic impulses of revenge
for my flightiness, but she way not a
ow out for the dollar. No. Not Evie
baby. It was not money at all. Jt was
merely the eternal battle for corporate
control. This room was her Executive
Suite — the place of sweet execution.
I could sense the struggle within her.
On the one hand, tenderness. On the
other, revenge. On the one hand, sala-
ciousness. On the other, schemes. On
the one hand, the good comfort of her
rug near the fire and the lateness of
the hour and the convenience of my
devoted heart. On the other hand, she
wanted to wash her hi
‘That decided her.
She said in a wee sn
rendering pl
but tomorrow, honcy
As you can each readily deduce from
your own troubles in love, that meant
that I had won — and tonight. I said
bravely, "OK," and leaned forward to
give her an abstract farewell kiss in order
to seal our bargain, Now she could allow
nd ripe
n composer's
this time b.
thread drawn sweetly
through my body, and when it was drawn
out, | was unstrung (© DALE рими).
Dot dot dot. The clock struck two,
with its face to the wall, blushing.
“Aw honey,” Evie
you'd wait till tomorrow.
“It was bigger than both of us,” I
murmured hoarsely, sprawled by her side
near the fireplace. With my fad
strength I pulled a slipcover off a chair
to cover us. I wanted to sleep, blessed
resto! sleep. She wanted to talk. 1
tried to sleep. She talked. I pretended
I was asleep. With her elbow she jabbed
me awake to talk to her.
"Listen, honey!" she said. "I remem
ber once my daddy tried to t
to fish and my mother—now listen,
Dale — "
Now what I want to know is: Can't
a man spend a quiet Sunday evening
at rest without being bothered all the
time by a girl? I began to dream with
sentimental nostalgia of a long trip.
лу from importunating ladies like this
here Evie baby honey. How could 1
break the news to her? Difficult. She had
let me, and so there 1 was again, asking
permission to leave.
She let me, like 1 say,
Oh she let me, like I say,
When is there a Pan Ат flight
a-going away? © pare рими
I was moving on. Martinique sounded
interesting and far away. But after one
promises, and th
first name again
I felt the silken
of these returns, айй that little rabbit
quiver on the tip of Evie's nose, vou
will find me really absent, Buster.
it won't be
I sincerely hope
until the time after next.
midnight chef (continued pon page 58)
evaporates. In a mixing bowl combine
the saus: meat, egg. bread crumbs,
cream and apple mixture. Mix very
well Shape into patties 14 inch thick.
Sauté the patties, placing them in a cold
illet and cool
to 14 minutes or until patties are well
browned on both sides. Discard fat in
pan from time to time during sautéing.
Serve on toasted hamburger buns.
wed sl
ing slowly 12
1 1b. frozen lobster tails
2 tablespoons butter
J4 cup finely minced onion
14 teaspoon finely minced garlic
1 tablespoon curry powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
I cup light cream
6 ozs. cream cheese
2 tablespoons dry sherry
1 packet instant chicken bouillon
Salt, monosodium glut
Cook the frozen lobster ls, follow-
directions on the package. When
cool, remove it from the shells
and cut into dice about 14 inch thick.
Melt the butter in a heavy saucepan.
Add onion and garlic. Sauté slowly un-
til onion turns yellow. Stir in the curry
powder and cumin. Add light cream
Bring up to the boiling point but do not
boil. Add cream cheese, broken into
small pieces. Cook slowly, stirring fre-
quently, until cheese is completely
melted. Add lobster and sherry. Simmer
until lobster is heated through. Add in-
stant chicken bouillon. Add salt and
monosodium glutamate to taste. Serve
with white or wild rice,
4 boneless shell steaks, 8 ozs. each
2 large Spanish onions
1 medium-size green pepper
3 tablespoons butter
2 teaspoons meat extract
уд cup dry red wine
2 tablespoons brandy
Salt, pepper, cayenne pepper
4 center slices round Italian bread
Cut cach onion in f through the
stem end. Then cut crosswise into thin-
nest possible slices. Cut green pepper in
half. Remove stem end and seeds. Cut
pepper into thinnest possible эш
Melt the butter in a heavy saucep
over a low flame. Add the onion and
green pepper. Sauté slowly, stirring fre-
quently, until onions are a deep yellow,
not brown. Add micat extract and m
well. Add wine. Simmer until wine is
reduced to half its original quantity.
Add the brandy. Do not blaze, Add salt
amd pepper to taste and a dash of са
enne. Keep the onions warm until serv
ing time. Slash the fat end of cach steak
in two or three places to prevent curling.
Heat a heavy frying pan with no added
fat, or heat an electric skillet set at 390°.
Panbroil the steaks until medium brown
on both sides. Sprinkle with salt and
pepper. While the st р:
ing, toast the bread. (The single la
slices of Italian bread are convenient
for open steak sandwiches. Eight slices
of regular white bread toasted may be
used in place of the lalian bread. A
preheated broiler is the fastest way of
toasting the large slices.) Place toast on
serving plates. Brush with butter if de-
sired. Place steaks on toast. Top with
smothered onions. Complement it with
a bottle of sturdy California cabernet.
6 ozs. sweet butter
2 teaspoons anchovy paste
2 teaspoons minced chives
“This is the most unusual last meal Гое ever seen.”
Y teaspoon lemon juice
8 eggs
Salt, white pepper
8 slices white bread
Let 3 ozs, butter stand at room tem-
perature until it is soft enough to spread
easily. Mix this butter with the anchov
paste, chives апа lemon juice. Place in
the refrigerator until needed. Preheat
the broiler in order to toast the bread
when needed. Beat the eggs thoroughly.
Season them generously with salt and
pepper. In а large skillet over a low
flame (or in a chafing dish over hot
water) melt half the remaining butter.
Add the eggs. Stir frequently until eggs
begin to set. Add the remainder of the
butter, bit by bit, and continue to cook
the eggs until done. Toast the bread.
Spread each picce with anchovy butter.
Cut the toast diagonally. Stack it or over-
lap it around eggs on platter or servi
(For this vou'll need four skewers ap-
proximately 12 inches long. Although
this dish is baked, not broiled, the skew-
ers are necessary to keep the morsels of
food lined up in appetizing portions.
Food on the skewers may һе slid off
onto serving dishes beforehand or may
be disengaged piece by picce at the
12 ozs. sliced Canadian bacon (28
12 ozs. mozzarella cheese
12 slices long French bread, Y4 inch
12 slices raw tomato, %4 inch thick
4 cup salad oil
2 Boz. cans tomato sauce
Grated parmesan cheese
Salad oil
You'll need 28 pieces of cheese to
equal the number of slices of bacon. Gut
the cheese into one-inch squares about
Y inch thick. Fold a slice of Canadian
bacon around cach picce of cheese.
Press the bacon firmly to hold the cheese
in place. Cut cach piece of tomato and.
each piece of bread in half. Heat the oil
n a large skillet. Brown bread on both
sides. Be prepared to tum bread quickly
if necessary to avoid burning. It should
be merely light brown. On cach skewer
thread alternate pieces of bacon wrapped
around the mozzarella, bread and
ato. Begin and end with the bacon.
ach skewer in a shallow baking
pan or shallow earthenware casserole.
Be sure the folded top of each piece of
bacon is up. Pour tomato sauce over
each skewer. Sprinkle generously with
parmesan cheese. Sprinkle lightly with
lad oil. Preheat the oven
on top. Serve immediately while burn-
ing hot, and warm the cockles of all
Paris mannequins, and hell-bent on carv-
ing out in the commercial and residential
world a niche to which they cling with
a tenacity unrivaled by the women of
any other city, large or small. Theirs is a
restless and unabating quest for Room at
the Top: a name in lights or block Iet-
ters on some marquee, penthouse register,
office door or marriage license. A few
thousand more — nurtured like mutation
orchids in the hothouse of New York's
high society—already have it made.
Their only remaining task— often а
difficult one —is the addition of an-
ther hyphen to their patrician sur-
names, along with another string of
zeros on the credit side of their well-fed
bank balances.
With few exceptions, the girls are
d п to New York by the siren call of
the symbol-manipulators. They unsus-
pectingly enter a kingdom in which
words and pictures transcend and often
place the things they represent. Like
Moslems to Mecca, Urey come nourish-
ing the dream that Manhattan is the
home of all that is new, meaningful and
good in art, music and literature; in
theatre and "live" television; in food,
fashion and decor; and even in love. It
doesn't take them long, however — ha
pily involved in she mech
chosen crafts to adapt th
the specifications of the commercial
world. Art, music and literature become
metamorphosed to layout. jingle and
copy. Theatre and live television they
find to be a maelstrom of hard-boiled
economics, of spot sales, Nielsen charts,
costperthousand and run-of-show con-
tracts. They find themselves caught up in
a headlong and heady competition with
a hundred or more experienced. gladi-
s for every part on Broadway,
every secretarial and reception
every position of humble or
fluence —and most of all, for every
able male. They find themselves
torn by an ambivalence that is peculiar
to New Yorkers: the [i of isolation
and the fear of contact. Aswirl in a sea
s consumption, rapid transit and
seeking humanity, they feel the lone
liness and anonymity of а onedine list-
ing in the 1800-page М. tele-
phone directory. And so they feel the
need of companionship — particularly
male — with an intensity that approaches
desperation. But. Manhattan — beneath
its slick façade — is also a world of fero-
cious struggle to succeed; а world of
sickness, brutality and perversion that
seems to stalk every subway platform
and Кепей side street. And so the
girls of New York tend to wear a shell
of understandable withdrawal — how-
ever fragile — that draws them away from
the very contacts they so passionately re-
quire, and constantly seek.
(continued from page 94)
If the newcomer can weather this
early period of strain, and most of them
have the meule to do it, she will find
herscl a functioning part of any one
of a hundred microcosmic milieus — de-
pending on her predil — which
coexist, separately but equally, in the
patchwork quilt of profesional, residen-
‚ artistic and intellectual commu-
nities that constitute the 1214-mile
stretch of high-rent real estate known
as Manh
She will discover а w of life only
slightly less zestful, variegated and ur-
bane than the impossible daydream she
once envisioned. The very immensity
of the city which initially imbued her
with a sense of anonymity will now be-
slow upon her a р and an elbow
room for farout self-expression that
would have gotten her jailed or dis-
East Overshoe.
te home
ppily, not to
Ihe particular in-
group of which she becomes a member
will be determined by the alacrity with
which she fulfills three fundamental
needs: a well-paid, preferably stimulat-
ing job; a well-located, preferably charm-
ing apartment; and a coterie of well-
heeled, preferably hed young men,
"The most easily ned of these goals.
‚ of couse, suitable employment. One
riffle through the Help Wanted pages of
The New York Times will tiull
with come-ons like, "Receptionist,
tiful, and
stars, lots of excitement and no pres-
sure, $70"; or "Secretary — right hand to
young PR exec go right to top with
him, $100." To be su
sounding jobs a
ous perches on the ladder to recogni-
tion. But with a hipness remarkable
even for her resourceful sex, the New
York girl parlays that perch for all it's
worth. A showroom secretary in the g
ment district often winds up doubling as
lingerie model before her first d
the job is over. What she does on her
first night, of course, is up to her, and
to the well-heeled out-of-town buyers
who happen to catch her debut.
The girl in bobby socks and club
jacket who graduated from Lincoln High
in Brooklyn last year and now commutes
in a black sheath from a West Fourth
reet walk-up to a receptionist's desk at
lway booking agency, can catch
the eye — and. maybe even the coattails
— of the Great and Near-Great whose
autographs she wouldn't have been able
to beg. borrow or steal a year before. Or
take the twenty-one-year-old journalism
major from the University of Texas who
sidles into a research job in the story
deparunent of some TV-packaging em-
porium on Madison. With any luck,
she'll be a production assistant by the
write home
able to meet celebs movie
re, these romantic-
е no more than precari-
d producer's wife—or at le:
Т Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
with her sights trained on a secretarial
job at Vogue — where even the recep-
tionists, fully aware of their 5
employees of publishing’s most “in
magazine for upthrusting carcer girls,
look and dress exactly like the ghostly
mannequins pictured in its ly
proper pages. Big-eyed, angular and
mysterious-looking, she fits the image
to her 32A cup. But finally, unable
to master the peculiar speech im
pediment that Vogue seems to require
of all its functionaries —an accent that
sounds not unlike Katharine Hepburn
talking with a dime between her teeth —
she becomes the eleventh-floor recep-
tionist at Look — where she gets to mect
а lot more eligible men anyway.
Between 666 Fifth and 45 Wall Street,
there are thousands of jobs like these,
thousands of bright girls filling them,
and thousands more waiting in line for
them to get married or canned. The
courageous New York male, standing on
the sidewalk between twelve and one be-
fore any one of a hundred commercial
lodestones in the mid-town area, will be
joyously inundated in a gurgling flood-
tide of female forms issuing from every
available aperture. They come from pub-
houses, ай agencies, literary and
1 offices, dental clinics, life in-
ns, brokerage houses, network
publicity departments, fancy Park Av-
enue corpo! z
high-priced women's shops — each with
its own set of specialized preoccupa-
tions and int isons,
Wraithlike and Rubensesque, meek
and mighty, U and non-U, they are all
about to perform the convulsive New
York riti known as Grabbing Lunch.
The intrepid observer can follow them
into the chintzdraped recesses of that
watercress victory garden known as
SchraffUs; onto the leatherette toad-
stools of Chock Full O'Nuts— that mon-
ument to the discoverer of cream cheese
on date-and-nut bread; into the mad-
deningly efficient and faceless imper-
sonality of the Brass Rail at Fifth and
Forty-third; even into the clattering
charybdis of plastic ways, gushing spig-
ots and peckaboo snapping windows
known as Horn and Hardart's. In. twit-
tering phalanxes large and small, they
march to countless drugstore counters,
sidestrect delicatessens and glor
charcoal pits—of wh
Heaven, next door to
the once-chic progenitor. A few renc-
gades, incognito behind their sunglasses,
even skulk into one of those ubiquitous
short-order temples of fluorescence called
Riker’s. The lucky and, resourceful ones,
of course, will have shanghaied some
surance fi
kh Hamburger
ardent junior executive or upstart copy
writer — it doesn't really matter which,
as long as he dresses the part and pays
the freight — into the more refined and
digestible atmosphere of Michael's Pub
or Louis and Armand’s— both hangouts
for ad men, TV-radio execs and their
е Hacks. An hour later, loins
girded, the girls will all stream back into
their cubbyholes for the last hard Jap in
the race for five o'clock.
A few hundred yards west, beyond the
dividing line of Fifth Avenue. stretch
the sooty vastnesses of ап entirely differ-
nt world of New York girls: those in-
volved directly or indirectly, humbly or
ifluentially, in the pursuit of Thespis.
Broadway ingenue, TV extra, operatic
E NETA pavement- pounding
hopeful—all crisscross and intermingle
in an evercircling pavan of hope and
ak. Е she sings, dances,
docs impressions, and measures 36-22-36,
the girl with designs on showbiz courts
the spectre of disenchantment every
у. The supply of willing and largely
able talent — even in the capital of year-
round theatre; of a hundred hits and
misses on and off Broad: ; of countless
intimate but short-lived revues; of scores
ightclub and theatrical stage shows
nply exceeds the demand.
Not long ago, chorus lines pranced
endlessly on dozens of weekly TV serie
and live television gobbled up acts, act
ors and actresses as fast as they could
get an AFTRA card. Today, the eager
girls who would display face, figure and
maybe even a little talent must send out
their press glossies with a list of credits
pasted to the back, cataloging every-
thing from ап off-screen bark in a Mother
Hubbard Dog Food commercial and a six-
week stand as The Other Woman on a
daytime soaper, to a brief but glorious
tenure as Miss Rubber Goods at a na-
tional druggists’ convention. For better
or worse, richer or poorer, they are
wedded to this life, and they wouldn't
change it for the world. The d
The Big Break continues to shimmer
mistily before their carefully-penciled
cycs—and the dream comes true just
often enough to keep them coming bad
for more.
Amid this whirl, more languorous and
ly less talented, moves the long-
stemmed beauty whose theatric function
— on nightclub floor or musical stage —
5 to just stand there in fihny costumes
and towering ostrich plumes and look
superb while the smaller, bouncier types
exert themselves in the chorus line. The
combination of breath-taking beauty
and heroic stature demanded of the
showgirl by the entrepreneurs of such
spangled boites as the Copa and the
Latin Quarter has produced a small but
exclusive species of glittering Amazon —
and a spe stuage-door char!
don't mind the climb. The girl's hours
may be long, but she can sleep as late as
she likes — even in splendor, if she's not
too particular where she wakes up. Her
audience is a checkered cross-section of
joy-buzzing conventioneers, the expense-
account set, the sporting fraternity, and
assorted others of more dubious pur-
suits. But whatever the clientele de-
mands in worldly appetites, it makes up
for in worldly goods.
Like a thin veneer of pancake make-
up spread across the face of the city, the
models of New York peddle their per-
shable but portable wares on the fringes
of all the major industries, from the lin-
gerie showrooms in the Seventh Avenue
garment district to the glass-brick fash-
ion studios on upper Madison. Thanks
to the whim and bounty of nature, they
the various parts of their
into a living which sometimes
outstrips that of their well-padded em-
ployers. Adorning the faces and figures
of the several thousand-strong legion of
New York models who pace the city's
canyons armed ошу with a hatbox, are
the perfectly formed noses, ears,
lips, hair, neck, shoulders, arms, hands,
breasts, hips, legs
every reader and viewer of the medusa-
headed mass media. Whether she models
the skins of furbearing animals im-
ported from Saskatchewan at great ex-
York model herself
achieving the same kind of ide
recognition as her less narcissistic but
more intellectual sisters. More than опе
Ohio lass has arrived in tow
with visions of a Suzy P.
ture at no expense at all, the New
to be
in the salon section of
photography magazine. So the dream
survives, and the girls keep po:
swaddled and unswaddled, unshak
in the conviction that they will finally
reach high enough to grab the Golden
Apple. The amazing thing is that so
many of them actually do.
Woven along with the other ш!
and obvious threads into the fabric that
clothes the girl of New York, of course,
is a somewhat warped woof of comme
ial sex. Aside trom the wretched chip-
pies who stalk the Times Square jungle
with their opalescent pumps and tran:
parent plastic purses, it is rather difti-
cult to spot a professional. She is c:
pensively, often tastefully, coiffed and
gowned, well-mannered and sometimes
college-educated — а custom-made prod-
uct for the slick metropolitan market,
Some of these metered courtesans even
hold jobs of status and respectability
during their “off” hours. New Yorkers
sull chuckle about the schoolteacher
who lectured by day and lechered by
night. Not infrequently these same New
Yorkers pick up their morning tabloid
to learn that the lovely girl next door
who lends them ice cubes has been
slapped into the cooler herself. The
majority of the city's higher-bracketed
houris—impelled by the same status
drive as their legitimate sisters — have
cd to the tony East Side town
es, despite iron-clad references de-
manded by many wised-up real estate
agents. So the tumbrils sometimes roll
down even the tree-lined mid-town side
sucets off Park and Madison, as some
unfrocked off Broadway stand-in or free
lance photographer's model is hauled off
to Night Court
s to. modern communications,
New York his outgrown its need for
Ivet brothels. The impersor
phone answering services now do most
of the work. There are twelve pages of
answering services in the Manhattan
classified, among them those which spe-
lize in callgirls. The newly-arrived
visitor, unversed in the pursuit and ap-
prehension of amateur talent, can find
out which answering services simply by
crossing with silver the outstretched
palm of a likely-looking servitor im al-
most any of. New York's better transient
hotels — the better the hotel, the better
the service, in most cases. The customer
has only to leave name, number and
reference; the twenty- or thirty-minute
t that follows will be climaxed by
et knock at the door, and an
a dis
introduction to а companion so charm-
well-dressed and lovely looking
he'll find it difficult to remember
the commercial basis for the friendship.
The fare is almost always the same: 520
a trick, $100 a night — no checks, no big
bills, no credit cards.
In an atmosphere of permissiveness
rivaled only by the sloceyed capitals
of Europe, in a town where the Bi
Break is often a long time coming, it
ng that many of the no-
tickeeno-trickee set have drifted into
the business — just as in Hollywood —
from the swirling periphery of show-
business and the modeling world. It's
not always for keeps, and if it is—well,
n articulate, affluent town like New
York can provide plenty of rat
tions, and compensations.
The vast majority of New York gi
of course, guard their amateur stand
with th
take part in all the events, but a certain
homage —if only in name— must be
paid to the ingrained shibboleths of
their low. middle- or upper-brow up-
- Most of them beat this path
Ш the way to the altar. But quite a
few girls in their mid-twenties — too old.
to go steady, too young to throw in the
towel — turn toward an informal liaison
requiring no change in status, known
locally as An Arrangement. It is a grati-
avidity of Olympic decathlon
They are perfectly willing to
gly simple situation for both parties
and, though it may not be the rcaliza
tion of a Rona Jaffe dream for the best
of everything, it's still a fairly enjoyable
and possibly even constructive prelimi-
nary to the main event.
Wherever she comes from, in what-
ever bastion of fashion, finance or com-
munications she chooses to spend her
daytime hours, the New York girl fits
her domestic needs as well to the speci-
fications of her master plan. The newly
arrived chick often tarries briefly the
Barbizon or the Allerton — two Females
Only mid-town hostelries. These forbid-
ding fortresses are monuments to the
vulnerability of their inmates—and to
the resourcefulness of the determined
males who continually attempt, some-
times with exhilarating success, to in-
vade the sanctuary by masquerading as
doctors and TV repair men. The girl
who really wants to join the swim takes
the hint carly and strikes out on her
If she's smart — and she usually is, or
she wouldn't have come to New York
in the first place —she will latch onto
some quaint one-and-a-half in а con-
verted brownstone, preferably within
walking distance of her job. Brooklyn
Heights —a San Francisco-like literary
and artistic ghetto across the East River.
from the Battery — is certainly pictur-
esque, but it’s still Brooklyn. Jackson
Heights. out in Queens, is less expensive
than Manhattan, but only airline stew-
ardesses live there — and. they're never
‘The Manhattan girl, like the city i
self, seems to be in a constant state of
imminent or actual flux — poised for
the hoped-for jump around the corner
to a better neighborhood. The competi-
tion for a roomy, welllocated and pref-
erably inexpensive apartment is as keen
for the plum jobs and peachy men.
The rents are the highest in the world,
but the New York girl soon learns to
accept lofty land values as the price she
has to pay for the excitement and ad-
venture of the world’s cosmopolitan
capital. What she might have declined
to use as a clothes closet back in Duluth,
she will unprotestingly move into com-
plete with hot plate in New York. Or she
may choose the alternative of doubling
and tripling up with a gaggle of similarly
inclined girlfriends. Three hundred
dams will buy some fairly lush and
spacious digs, һу New York standards,
and divided by three, the girls can afford
it. For the roving bachelor, the alterna-
tive is a happy one in either case: privacy
with a solo flat-dwellcr, or the infinite de-
lights of blind-dating and roomm:
switching with girls who split the rent.
The acceptable neighborhoods are
rather clearly defined: the middle East
Side, roughly from the new Kips Bay Park
development to Seventy-ninth Street; the
vicinity of lower Central Park West,
along with its wider and more h
trafficked side streets — especially in the
resurgent area around the Coliseum;
Greenwich Village. The Fast Side girls
build their nests in such storied purlicus
as Murray Hill and Turtle
those with sufficient risk capital even
make man and Sutton Place
scenes. They pay high-ceilinged rents for
low-ceilinged pads with air-condition-
ing, wall-to-wall carpets and a glimpse
of the river — secure in the knowledge
that an address in the East Fifties, Six-
ties and Seventies bespeaks a girl of
means as well as substance. The really
"in" places for dining, drinking and
just being seen are all concentrated
within a brownstonc's throw, and it's а
short jog to the vortex of their own par-
ticular daily free-for-all: Lex, Park,
Madison and Fifth.
The girls of lower Central Park West
and its environs choose to sleep as well
as work on the West Side, commuting
north by bus, IND or Seventh Avenue
subway from their downtown haunts in
the twilight world of show business.
"T heir flats — often forested with the com-
fortably unfashionable Grand Rapids
brica-brac that comes with all furnished
apartments, astir with the amiable but
shedding presence of а small,
htcyed poodle called Mitzi, strewn
with the artifacts of their various muses
(dogcared scripts, paperback Shake-
speares, leotards, ballet slippers, cans of
half-used cosmetics) — tend to take on
cither a kind of snug Midwestern charm,
or a murky nostalgia reminiscent of
Mis Havisham's shuttered drawing
room in Great Expectations. But the
rents are really quite low, and the
world’s most sophisticated village green
— Central Park —is quite near. If they
can stick it out until 1962, they may
even be able to lean out of their win-
dows and catch the faint strains of the
New York Philharmonic from the nearby
Lincoln Center of the Performing Arts,
a futuristic cultural nucleus now under
The girls of the Village are, by and
large, a breed of gentle rebel who choose
to live in cold-water walk-ups which
abound with sweet potato vines and
avocado pits planted in mason jar
bristle with decor that is a strangely
charming mixture of pre-Columbian,
Second Avenue Baroque, Macy's Basc-
ment Foam Rubber City. More
than likely, there is also a recorder, a
bongo drum and a Siamese cat who an
swers to a name like Praxiteles or
Shrdlu. There are others, less insistent
on preserving their “identity,”
afford a doorman. hot water and a self
service clevator in Washington Square
Village, or one of those other faceless
steel-and-glass beehives that continue to
encroach upon the ble brown
stones and hallowed cobblestones of the
Mineta Lanes and Washington Muses
" who can
from $59.95 from $89.95
Send and receive up to 20 miles
from home, office, car, boat, etc.
No exams or skills needed. А
tugged, powerful, reliable insiru-
ment easy to build from ki
Write for free catalog of over 70
lectronics tits for stereo hifi,
g instruments,
transistor radios and nearest
dealer. Add 5% in the West.
EICO, Dept. PB-2, 3300 N. Biv
Genuinely emblaxon
from eld records
under 100,000 British &
European surnames.
In relief and full colour
оп immaculate 7 x &
Tor interior decoration.
Papalar miniature. э)
Hone 4 Seatpere.
Tape whee seas,
$7.00 poxpaia Your cheque is rewurned
the Arma cannot be traced. Each made
make it FUN with a
Biking is recommended by
Moctors as excellens exercise
for legs, abdomen, heart,
longs. Use Health Bike im
prirsey—at home! Has speed-
ometer for fun, plus knob to.
adjust resistance. Finest qual
буи new lowe prices!
Money-back Guarantee.
WRITE Jor Free Fehler!
Goole Cod ошо.
SPANISH (Acierican or European) ® FRENCH
Any cf 34 languages available at home
оти menos The г standart Conve
rar ATARI brings the жик bes native Tametao
Sere Inte your home 0 ic recordin
Bovernnents, business fimi Шот hon
Students. Send ror PREE Book and Deeallsot FREE
Т-га, Radio city, Naw York 20- N- Y-
obligation, of course.
so treasured by tearful Villagers. Fiercely
individual or not, many of the Village
girls are a crossbreed of uptown non-
conformists, who prefer the lingering
charm of the city’s old quarter to the
us of its new one, Others are a
downtown intellectual and artistic cadre
of off-Broadway hangers-on, female
tists and their models, d black-
stockinged, almond-cyed purveyors of
e an articulate, rd.working. fun-
loving, self-willed and eminently realis-
tic species of blossom who usually
dains the garish colors of the bi
community with whom they live chec!
Night plunges the New York girl into
a multifarious social context somewhat
more relaxed but no less knowing and
demanding than her day-
Every arca of the city has its charac-
teristic cocktail hangouts catering to
every stratum. But it’s not as casy after
dark to trace the girls to any particular
set of them, for night brings with it a kind
of musical chairs of societal
tional milieus — with everybody playing
In the heartland of communication:
the evening's preliminary joustings are
conducted in such places as Michael's
Pub, suddenly transformed by nightfall
to a favorite of the fashion models,
who are apt to arrive in full fig, feathers
ruffling. The Ad Lib, the Barberry
Room and Absinthe House, so recently
а scene of businessmen’s lunches and
TV press interviews, now offer solace to
the high priests of communication and
erstwhile vestal virgins. In these
way stations between the rigors
of the day and the pleasures of the
night, it is an unwriuen law that the
tional drinkafter-work need not
be carried beyond seven—though the
door, as at the U.N., is always left open
for negotiation.
Whatever bargains are struck,
streets soon begin to cater
only now with the feet of those seeking
food, culture, entert and com-
pany— from the spiked heels of West
Forty-sixth to the alligator pumps of East
Filty-seventh, from the sucde mukluks of
Sheridan Square to the sequined evening.
slippers of the Plaza and the Sherry
Netherland —all converging singly or
otherwise on a thousand and one temples
of Lucullus.
Lucullus usually — but not
comes first for the New York girl. Cer-
tainly no woman in the world has the
chance to tantalize her palate so voluptu
ously. From pité maison to coupe mar-
ron, from beef bourguignon to veal
Florentine, from brown ale to green tur-
Ue soup, from kasha to popovers, from
rijsttafel to zabaglione, from bouilla-
buisse marseillaie to matzo-ball soup.
from saltimbocca to moo goo gai pan,
nchiki to gu ‚ New York
rains delicacies of every shape. size. tem-
perature, consistency and phy:
from the world's biggest. best and most
expensive cornucopia of plenty.
Duly fed, the girls now turn to Thes-
pis, who appears in New York in more
guises — theatre. movies, opera. concerts
(classic, jazz and folk), stage shows, night-
club acts, live LV — than anywhere else
the world. Keenly hoping for an es-
cort to get them there before their girl-
friends, they dig Tennessee and Bren-
Чап, Mike and Elaine, Eugene and
Bernard, Магу and Ethel, Kathryn and.
Helen, Paddy and Gore, Dick and Os
Tammy and Rex, Jason and Sir Larry —
profoundly gratified, if not by the brittle
badinage, at least by the reassuring
knowledge that they are in the Presence
of Greatness. When they've used up
Broadway, they can always recapture at
least lc reflection of its suffusing
nd sometimes a bright one —
Sean, Bertolt and the rest of
ng down at the Cherry Lane, the
Circle in the Square, the Sullivan Street
, ог one of the other diminu-
ical dens that dot lower
Manhattan like gopher holes.
Other girls, hearing the sound of dif-
ferent drummers, pay homage to Wagner
at the Met, Cary Grant at Radio City,
Bernstein at Garnegic Hall, Peter Sellers
at the Sutton, Mort Sahl at Basin Street
East, Mabel Mercer at the Knights of
the Roundtable Room, Tallis at. the
Tele pciety, Zutty Singleton at
the Metropole, Jack Paar at Rockefeller
Center, Miles Davis at the Village Van-
guard, Irvin (World's Foremost Author-
i ey at the Blue Angel, satirical
the Upstairs at the
sophisticated is at the
at the Upstairs, Herbie
Darin at the Copa, Thelonious Monk
tthe Jazz Gallery.
¢ of the compactness of the city
All its overlapping enclaves, New
girls lking girls. They walk
to lunch. 7 k to shop. They walk
with dates. They walk their dogs. They
often walk to work, and sometimes even
to walk. They march resolutely
der aimlessly. They stride ga-
zellelike and pantherlike. They ankle,
amble, ramble, rove, stroll, weave and
waddle. They trek and u
swagger, scurry and fo
gallivant, pad, pussyfoot and
enade- They dogtrot, hobnail, heel
toe, shanksmare and pound the pa
nent. They sidle and saunter, sw
swivel. They jog
sideslip, tack in the wind and scull with
the tide. They migrate, emigrate, per-
igrinate, and some say even somna
Tate. АП of which makes chance acqua
ance that much less chancey.
Whether bedecked in plumage plucked
from the racks of high fashion's omnip-
пр, stalk and
nee, gad and
accoutred in
otent arbiters of taste,
the bush-l afteri
down shangrilas across the wide East
River, or caparisoned in the hemp.
thongs, eye shadow and monk's cloth of
the Bleecker Street irregulars, the Ni
York girl is an irresistible lodestone for
uncounted thousands of male pilgrims
to the girdered minarets of the Unfor-
bidden City.
Conjure up her composite and the
ge emerges а brilliant blur. Tt is her
infinite variety that puts the spice i
Manhattan's life. There are the Gittel
Moscas playing two for the see
woebegone dr
There are the di € Sister
leen types, winsomely resolute in th
quest for men and success, not always i
that order. There are the girls upstairs
willing to scratch a seven-year itch, amt
the girls downstairs with an itch of thei
own. There are the too-articulate coeds
from Finch, Barnard and Hunter, with
money from home, a check full of sass,
and a well-turned rump. And there are
the home-grown debutantes, modish to a
fare-thee-well, who dally in the art
putter in the social sciences, hostess at
Junior League brunches, ride with the
hounds on weekends, caper to the other
side of the tracks on weeknights, but,
t is said, never go to the West Side
except en route to Europe.
Whoever she is, wherever she comes
from, and wherever she's going, the New
York girl stands apart — with one foot
slightly ahead of the other — from. the
rest of her sex. Is it her versatility, her
shrewdnes, her self-sufficiency, her
worldliness, her ambition, her attractive-
ness? Yes but more. She is a creature
uniquely attuned to the city in which
she lives, loves and labors. She enacts
her role against a shifting panorama of
coexisting danger and excitement, glory
and infamy. restlessly groping in a thou
sand different directions for the dreams
re are just around the corner.
She breathes the heady air of a towi
where, if she can sta board the whirl-
be able to grab.
show with the world’s best money for her
run. For the male who climbs aboard
10 ride the pink horse with her, the
ad satisfactions are equally ex-
ating. But more meaningful, and
perhaps more surprising, is the discovery
of tenderness, sensibility and compassion
beneath the lacquered facade of hipness
and hauteur. She may not be anybody's
idea of The Girl Next Door, but then
The Girl Next Door isn't anybody's idea
of her either. And that, as they say, is
it's june in february (continued from page 87)
every wish. At pool- or beachside, the
Warmer deserves your attention: with a
bright new selection of terrycloth cardi-
gans, solid and striped denim shirt jack-
ets, the imaginative sun-worshiper will
be able то create а variety of coordinates
to supplement his wardrobe of light-
Ли sweaters and sweat sh
Whether he digs the golf and-tennis
gambit, or ts to take the chill
out of early mornings and late evenings
as an idle spectator, the winter way-
er can harvest а crop of new resort
sweaters that is bright and breezy, woven
of porous fibers that both warm and
ventilate. The textures are soft, the col-
ors rich to look upon. Desert tones of
st and camel are very right, with high
пре and yellow accenting
the earthy hues. Olives and golds will
be making their presence felt, too.
Once the exclusive property of bold
dandies, patterned slacks have become a
classic part of the male resort ward-
robe. Thi ar they will be bigger than.
ever, but not their patterns. Brash,
blatant | nd checks are out. The
tasteful will wear patterned
slacks th subtle and subdued, to
harmonize with one of his handsome
solid-color sports coats. And he will be
wise enough to use them, however muted
in tone, not as a replacement for his
solid and simple-striped slacks, but as a
knowing complement to them.
Twills should be given attention, too
— poplin, tropical, worsted, gabardin
mohair, and the ubiquitous washand-
wear fibe h pack well and u
light. Seers — cool, crisp and com-
Tortable— will be back on the scene
with prodigious varieties of new color
atments and pattern р . Let's
not forget, however, amidst this profu-
whether teamed up with the impeccable
navy blazer, the batik jacket or the in-
formal tted or cotton shirt for beach
or golf course.
If you're aware of the importance of
stripes you're dressed in perfect taste.
In walk and sweaters, shirts
and slacks, blazers and sports coats,
Stripes are taking over- wide stripes,
narrow stripes, boater stripes, candy
stripes, multi-colored Continental stripes.
You name the fabric— wool, cotton,
silk, denim, nd you can
find it done up niftily in stripes.
iks are taking the place of madras
in the affections of jacket, walk short,
sport shirt and swim trunk designers. In
odd jackets and blazers, c: ly, batiks
of every persuasion will provide the
favorite new motif of the season — from
circular patterns and diamond-shaped
allovers to abstract designs in vertical
and horizontal stripes, Though they
seersucker —
come in both light and dark grounds,
the dark-ground batik for sports coats is
the one we give the nod to. (You can
expect to see the same motif crop up
soon in neckwear and cummerbunds.)
Even this year’s resort hat— the
pudent but practical palmetto straw
and the newer тайа crushable straw —
will be accented by bands of batik.
No matter if your taste runs to terry-
cloth or watered silk, vou can r
cr the waterfront through jud
binations of tops and bottoms that mix
and match. One pair of solid walk shorts,
Tor instance, will combine equally well
with a batik print or madras plaid
blazer, a bold-suriped shirt jacket, or a
contrasting monochrome cardigan. A
second pair of shorts — this one a Bi
ish-look glen plaid or district ched
can be used interchangeably with a pi
triped cotton shirt, a simple-patterned
separate jacket, or a classic knit pull-
over. The same applies to sweaters and
swim suits, shirts and shorts, hats and
jackets. All you have to remember is to
combine plain and fancy, dark and
Tight, sleek and nubby — and not to em-
barrass any ensemble with too n
riches of pattern or color.
But before you close your Val-pack.
remember to leave room for one more
dispensable item. Whatever else you
leave behind, you must pack a suit of
Гот ner clothes. However free-
form the afternoon's protocol at an in-
creasing number of resorts,
demands an equal degree of obei
to tradition. The conservative can tote
ped edges in trop
worsted or elegant silk mohair, But
black is the color whichever way you
turn. On the islands and the ci
ships, white still makes ional
appearance, but it's a losing battle. The
colored dinner jacket — from maroon to
mustard — has been given the deep six
along with the filigrced dinner shirt.
“Well, here's the way I see the ad: we could have
the cartoonist draw one oj those silly Madison
Avenue types with the pinched-in ivy league look,
the trick mustache, the little-bitty knot in the
knitted tie, the big heavy horn-rimmed cheaters,
the stupid crew-cul, and the goofy vest.”
сүз реа, Бети
(continued from page 61)
in order of worth. Man Biles Dog
wound up in 150th place. There were
150 plays produced on Broadway that
Probably the only show
history that. nev closing пі
was а loud, raucous would-be successor
to the hit Sailer Beware, which opened
ш the Lyceum Theatre on January 18,
1933. It was called Battleship Gertie
nd starred Bui Meredith. The
critics liked it and the cast settled in for
а long run. After the first matinee (the
day after it opened), the f arrived
with a bill of particulars that charged it
with being, among other things, obscene
and inflammatory. He ordered the show.
closed and close it did t its second
performance without the usual formal-
ity of notice, bad reviews or a closing
Го a real flop buff, the night of nights
was December 25, 1933, when a рі
tiled No Mother ta Guide Her opened
ata theatre on West 48th Street for the
shortest run in Broadway history. In
terms of caste among the Turkey Wor-
shipers, being one of the handful of
people in the audience that night was a
litle like being a sport fan who saw
Babe Ruth hit chat sixtieth home run
1927 or helped Jack Dempsey back
into the ring when Luis Firpo knocked
him into the laps of the ringsiders.
No Mother to Guide Hey was billed
an old-fashioned melodrama — h
the villain, beer and pretzels and fals
mustaches distributed to the audience."
It had one rather important
that no other beer-and
before or since, could cla
by t of midgets.
Lester Al Smith, carr
midget mo
atre. The
wdust. drayma,
n. It was acted.
The producer,
ed the wall-to-wall
out throughout the the-
usherettes were midgets. A
пу bar in the basement of the theatr
presided over by a thirty-four-inch
render who dispensed tiny hot dogs
and small botdes of beer. The manage-
ment of the President Theatre (now
part of Leone's restaurant) turned a deaf
car to the producers plea to change
the name of his playhouse to The
t Theatre. He agreed, after a
lengthy argument, to make the change
on the night the play celebrated its
hundredth perform, g seen a
dress rehearsal, he wasn't worried about
putting up а new marquee. One of the
backers (he had a ten-percent interest
in the play, the touring company rights
and the movie rights, Тог a three hun-
dred-dollar investment) was Harry
Golden the time the desk clerk in
the Forest Hotel across the strect from
the theatre. Golden gave free opening;
night tickets to hotel residents who paid
their bill on time, and when he com-
plained to the producer that of the
scventysix firstnighters, more than
forty of them were in on passes he'd
issued, he was told that word of mouth
and rave reviews would fill the house to
capacity for subsequent performances.
The thirtysix paying customers got
more than their money's worth. In ad
dition to the drama, they were treated,
between acts, to feats of daring by wire-
walkers (midgets), and sang songs pro-
jected on lantern slides led by a midget
torch singer. A small orchestra in the
pit (midgets) alternated Hearts and
Flowers and Humoresque throughout
the melodrama
During the course of the third act,
one of the male members of the cast
objected to being upst у iny
leading lady. He hauled off and kicked
her in the ankle. This led to a general
riot among the pintsized actors that
ended with all of them leaving the
stage, putting on their hats and coats
and walking out of the theatre. No
Mother to Guide Her at that moment
won an enduring place Гог itself in the
record books: Broadway’s shortest run,
three fourths of a performance.
"I told you not to name it thai!”
(continued from page 71)
nyone practicing hypnosis of any kind
make certain he "clears" the subject of
cach and every suggestion made to him.
whether or not the suggesti
upon. The greatest danger of parlor
hypnosis, where no ill is intended, lies
in not taking hypnosis seriously enough.
Delusions are very different from hal-
lucinations and, as we shall sec, they
can be quite important in the reku
ship between hypnosis and crime. When
the gentleman in his club petted his
polar bear, that was a false sense im
pression, a hallucin But when the
church deacon rushed around on all
fours, barking like a dog, that was a
false belief, ion. If we tell a sub-
ject that he ncoln, he will
be President Lincoln. And if we give
him a copy of the Gettysburg. Address,
he will read it with all d
tion and regard that we would have a
right to expect [rom а man in his pos
tion, at that historic moment. If we tell
а good subject that he is Frank Sinatra
nd ask hi he will
be delighted to do it and he will prob-
ably do a fair job of it, since most of
us can сату something of a tune if
we're not nervous or embarrassed. "The
hypnotic subject, of course, is not nerv-
ous or embarrassed in the slightest. Why
should he be? He is Frank Sinatra, If
we tell the subject that he is Van Cli-
burn, hypnotism will not give him the
ability to play the piano, if he could
not play it before, but he will sit down
and try to “fake it” in the real sense of
that phrase.
It is characte:
n was acted
dignity, emo
1 to sing us а song,
istic of the good subject
in post hypnotic suggestion. that he will
defend his assigned position, however
stence and
absurd it may be, with pe
cunning, sometimes appar
tively selecting the one fe
defense, Estabrooks tells of a man give
the delusion that he was God. An Ox-
ford professor said to him, “I have not
the least doubt that you are C “her
is something I would like to ask you
God. 1 have always been baffled by the
dogma of the Immaculate Conception.
1 am unable to understand it. Now,
since you thought it up. Pm sure you
i The man in the
post-hypnotic state looked at the pro-
lessor with a calm and level gaze. He
sible line of
Estabrooks desc subject who
is told that he has been to Utica that
fternoon between four and six and
that he visited а r;
while there he saw the Presid
United States pass through the station
on his way to the Hotel Utica
subject, upon being awakened, insists
this is true and that he really did
spend the afternoon in Utica, despite all
attempts to show him it is ridiculous.
Now the next step: "You saw the Presi
dent pass through the station, Then you
went into the taproom. There you
overheard two men disc g a plot to
assassinate him that evening as he
boarded the train for New York City.
Here are the pictures of the two mi
Be sure you remember them, for you
will see them again tonight at the Utica
tion.” Once again a delusion, or false
belief, mixed with hallucinations and a
post-hypnotic suggestion, and one which
gs very unpleasant for
two innocent men in Utica. The appli-
cation of this form of hypnosis in the
fixing of false witnesses for real crimes
is obvious. And it would be foolish to
asume that while this example of as-
the President was only а
are not using hypnotism to
witnesses for themselves, cover cri
and avoid justice.
‘The thirty-two-ycar-old man in the bar,
who seemed to be enjoying a si
old's birthday party, was undergoing
common but fascinating hypnotic phe-
nomenon known as regression. Under
hypnosis, it is casy to pick out all man-
ner of memories that have been lost to
the conscious mind, but are still hidden
deep in the subconscious, where hypno-
sis moves with case. But regression is
ctually something more than that.
inambulant subject
Rather than simple islands of пм
n the son
n regress
live so completely
n earlier time in his life, that he cam
remember all manner of the smallest
details, describe where he is, who else
is there, what clothing they are wearing,
etc. He will be able to report every gift
that he received on his sixth birthday,
who sits about him in class at school,
his teacher's name, and any number of
other facts that have long vanished
from his conscious memory. One subject
of our acquaintance, a young woman,
had lost her mother in carly childhood,
nd having been raised in am institu
tion, had never seen a photograph of
the mother, and so had no idea what
she looked like. In a deep hypnotic
trance, she was regressed to her carly
childhood, was able to describe com-
pletely the home in which she lived,
and both of her parents who lived there.
Before she was brought out of the trance,
the subject was told she would remem-
ber everything that had occurred, and
so, today, she has a clear mental picture
of her mother. The memory was there
all the time, of course, buried in the
subjects subconscious, but through hyp-
notie г
sression it was possible to bring
the mental image out conscious
memory. In hypnotic regression а sub-
ject may write approximately as he
wrote at the age to which he has been
regressed, and the handwriting will
change markedly at fifteen, and ten. and
again at six when it becomes a child-
ish scrawl; if given. psychologic s
the subject's score will often approxi-
mate also the аре to which he has been
Hypnotic regression ends where mem-
ory ends and the talk of recalling “other
lives" à la Bridey Murphy, is nonsense.
Although the subject may sincerely be-
lieve he is remembering another life,
he is simply pulling something unusual
out of his own past experience that he
cannot consciously account for. A classic
ns a woman of quite ordi-
nary educational background who re-
cited ancient Greek in a trance, Her per-
foi nce could have been turned into a
Bridey Murphy case if anyone had cared
to, with the implicition that the woman
had actually lived in ancient Greece
another life, But ultimately it was dis-
covered that the woman had, as а child
of three or four, been taken by her
mother to the home of a professor who
s in the habit of walking
declaiming in Greek.
1 remembered a great d
what she had heard. It may be that сус:
word of à quarrel that you overheard
between a policeman and a streetcar
in your subconscious. The more emo-
tionally meaningful the carly incident,
the more likely it is to be buried deep
within your mind, perhaps complete and
intact. Hypnosis can release the dormant
tr; pt.
Post-hypnotic suggestion is a thought
сазе conc
n when you were four. is stored
implanted during a trance that is
acted upon or becomes real after the
subject has been brought out of hyp-
nosis and seems normal again, in every
way. The posthypnotic suggestion can
include hallucinations, delusions, in
fact anything we can achieve in a hyp-
notic trance: yet the subject will seem
to be completely Iree of any hypnotic
influence and normal in every way, ini-
mediately before and alter the post-
hypnotic suggestion is acted upon. What
is more, the posthypnotic suggestion
may be activated a short time alter the
trance has ended, or a long later.
There have been cases of posthypnotic
suggestions that lasted for years. Some
examples of simple, typical posthyp-
notic suggestion: The subject is told,
while in a deep trance, that sometime
ter he awakens the operator will re-
mark about the weather. The subject
will then have an uncontrollable urge
to smoke a cigarette; when the oper-
ator remarks that it is getting
lite, the subject will throw the cigarette
down, announcing that it le. The
subject is then told that he will remem-
ber nothing whatever of these instruc-
tions, and he is brought out of the
trance. Everything goes along normally
until the operator remarks about the
weather, and the subject reacts to the
is si
subconscious cue and as
ette. The subject has absolutely no ide
that he is on a post hypnotic
suggestion and will laugh at the idea.
if anyone suggests that there is a ri
ship between the remark about
weather and his picking up rette.
Why did he pick up a cigarette at that
particular moment? Why, because he
felt like smoking, of course. And why
did he throw it down, when the op
ator remarked that it was getting late?
Because the cigarette was stale, and for
no other rcason, he will stoutly insist.
Auto-suggestion, or sel-hypnosis, can.
with practice, be achieved by
capable of being hypnotized
it is possible to achieve anything under
selfhypnosis that cin be achieved in
hypnosis produced by another, this is
obviously an of very great poten
tial, since it means that а great many
of us, with relatively litte effort, can
successfully maintain controls over our
selves to а degree previously undreamed
of. Would you like to be able to cut off
headaches and other pains at will? Actor
C nt, who became intrigued with
the subject of hypnosis some years ago.
can, He can anesthetize any part of h
body at will, simply by thinking the
pain away. Would you like to be able
to concentrate for hours on end on a
‚ without being distracted?
Would you like to break
that bad habit that has the best of you
nail.biting? If not too deep-
rooted, hypnosis cin take care of it, but
there are some other considerations in
the forced cure of bad habits that we
may wish to consider, and will touch on
in a discussion of the medical uses of
hypnosis. а few paragraphs hence.
Nevertheless, auto-suggestion supplie
a potentially remarkable control. over
including even one’s sex life.
For a good deal of sexi
really j
ter, and with
beck and call, y
over the body in which you
There are dangers to
too, of course. The pain that you ar
arily take away may be there
warning ol something more
pet bear that plagued Dr
was produced by autosugsestion
lor a time it was under
problem of mind over mat-
tion at your
real control
ious. The
control, but it got out of hand, which
is the problem with a
lucing is the
in autosuggestion tha
lead to disassociation.
subject should be able to guide his own
treatment and become the master of his
own personality, but it may just as read:
ily encourage a tendency to disassociate
oneself from reality in the development
of neurotic waits. In the application of
hypnosis to any kind of problem, it is
important to have the cool objectivity of
the professional. And autosuggestion is
ions. Th
In theory, the
most meaningful when
professional as an aid to whatev
is being accomplished for the subject by
hypnosis. Auto-suggestion can be of con-
siderable value im aiding and abetting
the breaking of a bad habit or the im-
provement of some condition for which
hypnosis has been prescribed.
In medicine hypnosis can be used as
amesthesia for procedures ranging from
the preparation of dental caries for fill-
to childbirth and amputation. (Es-
daile reported amputations under. hyp-
1845.) It is necessary
est to the patient that he
can feel nothing in his left leg. He ac-
cepts this su on as fact. He now
cannot feel anything in his left leg. He
is told that he cannot hear any sound at
all save the sound of the hypnotist’s
voice. He becomes deaf to extraneous
sound. He will not react to a shotgun
fired in the room, and so he lies there
taught by a
serene, obli i0 the whine of the
surgical saw-
Less spectacularly but not les efi-
ciently, hypnosis is useful aument
of any illness of psychosomatic origin, a
gory including some of the most per-
sistent and painful m s. It has been
frequently demonst peptic ul-
cers will respond to hypnotic treatment:
so will chron is and colitis, some
asthmas, mi:
and other circulatory difficulties, certain
cases of hives and eczema and sexual
the male. 5 :
durance may be possible in a normally
potent male who is also adept at auto-
hypnosis. There would seem to be v
1 possibilities for the use of hypnosis
in supplying the often very important.
ill to live,” which n be missing i
some patients recovering from serious
physical illness or accident. Hypnosis
may also prove valuable as a means of
oiding the serious secondary effects in
ases, caused by shock.
The alteration of habit patterns by
hypnosis is comparatively so easy that
anyone who attempts, for example. to
stop smoking by another means is prob-
ably indulging in an absurdity. Ration-
ing, smoking by the clock, the use of
socalled "will power" and other such
primitive devices equate poorly with the
hypnotic subject's conviction that he
loathes tobacco and would not put a
match to it for a million dollars. The
suggestion will need periodic reinforce-
ment, of course, but it will take the
addict over the dificult first few weeks
as nothing else will
The only real problem which exists in
the elimination of bad habits through
hypnotism is that these may be only
compulsive symptoms of a more serious
disorder, and removing the symptoms
will not solve the problem. Psychother:
pists like to tell the tale of the patient
who went to а hypnotist to cure his nail-
biting and w:
hypnotist m
rettes repu
s now a chain-smoker. The
lc the very sight of ci
sive to the subject, but he
returned in a few months with a seri
drinking problem. The hypnotist wi
decided not to make alcohol rep
which might have pushed the subject
over the edge to a serious mental di
order, but led him instead back to
biting, which seemed the least of several
evils, The story is probably too pat to be
true, but it points up a real truth: if the
habit is a superficial one. hypnosis can
cure it with no unwelcome secondary
effects; if it is actually a release for com-
pulsive or neurotic tensions, then bot-
ting it up may be the worst thing to do.
In that case it's better to leave the hibit
alone and go after the root of the
Hypnosis will probably make its
heaviest contribution t0 medical
ence in the field of psychotherapy, once
the resistance of the orthodox Freudians
and Jungians, now crumbling, is finally
overcome. On the face of it, hypnosis
would appear to be а weapon of enor-
mous utility in the analyst's armorarium.
The basic purpose of the Freudian ther-
apy is to bring the patient to an unde
standing of himself by helping him to
dredge up from Ше subconscious, and.
examine, in the light of certain set prin-
ciples, the various traumatic incidents
in his life that have disturbed him. The
process is often
absurdly extended —
analyses running from буе to seven
rs are commonplace — because the pa-
tient has simple mechanical difficulty in
recalling, and often because he does not
want to recall painful incident.
Analysands, as the customers are dubbed
in the trade, have spent six months and
$3000 in discovering that at the age of
four they happened upon their parents
in the carnal act. Under hypnosis the
ame discove ght have required a
very short time. It is casier for the pa-
tient to recall painful happenings under
hypnosis than. under standard therapy.
In standard therapy his resistance may
completely overcome the effort and the
therapy may end in failure.
Orthodox. analysts argue that Freud
d hypnosis, and dropped it. So he
did. He stated that he did so becausc
cures wrought by hypnosis were tem-
porary. the induction process was labori
ous, that it was limited in scope, and
that there was an undesirable element
behind" it. Says Marcuse: “Relapse
sickness h becn shown to be more
or less frequent with hypnotherapy than
with other therapies . . . hypnotic induc-
tion is neither more nor less laborious
than other forms of therapy . . . the
objection concerning applicability of
hypnosis contains sure of truth.
However, no claim is made that ther-
ару is accomplished by hypnosis
alone . . .
Ihe mysterious clement "behind"
hypnosis may be explained in Freud's
autobiography. A woman patient, com-
ing out of hypnosis, embraced Freud as
one of his servants entered the room.
Freud was seriously embarrassed. A
modest man. Freud could not account
for the woman's behavior on the basis
of his ow al appeal, so he ascribed
it to hypnosis, and apparently became
convinced that hvpnosis was somehow
ssociated with the libido. There is no
greement on this point, but it appears
to have been one of the reasons Freud
bandoned hypnotherapy.
Some analysts maintain. that the suf-
fering and struggle of the analysand in
his effort to haul traumatic material out
of his subconscious are important to the
treatment. This appears to be ol a piece
h the centuries held belief that it was
evil to alleviate the suffering of a woman
1 childbirth, since obviously God had
ordained it. Orthodox analysts argue
further that to break through the pa-
tients defenses quickly may upset him.
It is not necessary in hypnosis to break
through quickly: the therapist can take
what pace he thinks best. Nor is deep
hypnosis necessary. Says Milton Kline:
"Many highly complex and subte
changes im psychological functions can
be brought abe
hypnotic states.”
The lightest possible hypnotic state
may be that induced by contemporary
American advertisin;
George Washington Hill of American
Tobacco may have been the first really
to understand the potential of the
hypnotic concept in advertising. Belore
Hill, and Albert Lasker, the
giant who founded Lord ‘Thomas.
American advertising tended to resem-
it by extremely light
ble British advertising. There was a
hatin-hand air about it. “Glow. Choco-
lues are GOOD Chocolates,” it said,
amiably. George Wash Hill knew
that а company that advertised in that
fashion would never find it necessary to
build steamships with which to rush
cacao-beans to the factory. A pote
that fashion
customer addressed in
might buy Glotz Chocolates, but he
might also buy Glumley Chocolates.
There had to be a better way.
There was, of c The beuer wa
was to grab the prospect by his sh
front and say, “G is C and C is G and
G is C and C is С and Glow is Choco-
lute and Chocolate is Glow" and do
this over and over again until the pros-
pect was so conditioned that whe
he thought of chocolate, im whatever
form, he would inevitably think of
Seize the prospect's attention. Ма
him concentrate. Repeat the instruc
tion. Do it i nd nd then
in. Hypnotize him.
Some people thought that George
Washington Hill's advertising was not
cihciently planned because some of it
ain ain,
ating. It was meant to bc irritat-
"This was onc solution to the prob-
lem of getting the subject's attention
огу hypnosis. the subject will-
the operator his attention.
the middle of a
ingly give
Seizing his attention
workaday world is another matter. Sup
pose y to work and your
car radio is on. r commercial
theme comes up—a catchy tune, loud
and very repetitious. Then the an-
nouncer gives his pitch: “Glotz! Glotz!
slow! Gopher Glow, AllAlabam full-
back, says, "I GO for Glou!” " The repe-
titious theme music comes up again. You
catch yourself listening to it. You shake
yourself and turn your attention again
to the road. You don’t know it, but
you've been taken to the edge of a light
hypnotic trance. Big Brother Glotz has
Imost hooked you. Next time, maybe
he will.
When Harold Ross, late editor of The
New Yorker, embarked on а successful
one-man fight to prevent canned adver
tising commercials from being broadcast
n New York's Grand Central Station,
he wasn't trying merely to protect the
tired commuter from
considered that he was fighti
sault. albeit small one, but
nonetheless. on our basic freedoms. If
man flips on а radio, he expects to be sold
something. He has his guard up. People
milling around way station form
the apty-mamed “captive audience" —
the huckster's delight
lio or TV commercial that ap-
an's conscious mind through
ales techniques, at а time
when he is morc or less paying attention
nd consciously prepared to receive such
a pitch, is not open to criticism here.
But the “captive audience” in New
Yorks Grand Central Station. presum-
ably had other things on its mind, and
so the
directly to the subconscious in much the
same way that the hypnotist gives sug-
gestions to a subject while misdirecting
hi s patter or the
ning of a shiny object. In the same
‚ extremely repetitious, monotonous
radio апа television commercials dull
the active conscious mind that exercises
free choice and permits the message to
reach the unguarded subconscious. where
fi choice does not exist. In this re-
gard. the radio or television audience is
being conditioned to buy Glotz Choco-
es by the repetition of sounds, both
musical and verbal. in much the same
way Pavlov’s dog was conditioned to
salivate at the sound of a bell in the
classic experiment on the conditioned
reflex. (The conditioned reflex and
hypnosis are actually separate manifes-
ations of the same phenomenon.)
any authorities are openly fright-
ened of "subliminal" advertising — ad-
vertising in which, typically, a ge
is Mashed on a television or movie
commercials could be beamed
attention with soothii
screen so quickly that i
below the level of consciousne:
eye receives the image, but for so short
time that it is recorded only by the
subconscious. Through this m
would be possible to build up in
dividual such a passion for А
Chocolates that he would throw a brick
through a candy store window to get a
box of them — and. afterward. be quite
unable to explain why he had done so.
Mass hypnosis, in the laboratory sense,
is demonstratably possible on both radio
and television (an ideal medium — sup-
plying. as it does, both visual and verbal
stimuli), and the British Broadcasting
ompany has banned hypnotic demon-
strations on British TV and radio.
Formal experiments have shown that a
competent operator could put а major
number of a typical listening or viewing
audience into a trance — without their
consent, or even their knowledge. This
huckster’s dream could make frightening
fact out of Gahan Wilson's fanciful car-
тооп in last June's rrAynov, depicting a
bugeyed shopper in a supermart load-
ing up her cart with breakfast cereal
under the hypnotic influence of a sign
g two gigantic eyes and the words
Cri And what
would work for Madison Avenue would
also work for the politician and tomor-
row’s demagog
Hypnosis is all around us, like the air
we breathe. Its power to influence us
staggers the imagination, and so it is
imperative that we understand it. If the
pen is mightier than the sword, hypnosis
у very well be mightier than the
Using today's techniques, no operator
could hope for one-hundred-percent
effectiveness in a random audience. But
he might expect eight out of ten to be
drawn into a light trance and two of
that number to fall o the deepest,
somnambulant state. Those only lightly
hypnotized the first time would be more
nd deeply hypnotized the next.
police state in which the
ment controlled all means of com
cation, hypnotic messages could be
beamed at the masses via televi
that the random audience of ten be
à million, ten million, or one hu
million and two hundred thoi
two million or twenty million,
eventually most of the popu
could be virtually enslaved, responding
will bw
on subconscious levels to
ally controlled subliminal cues, without.
freedom of selection or choice. One has
only to witness the compulsive directness
with which a good subject acts out a
posthypnotic suggestion to realize how
helpless he or she is in the hands of the
operator. The subject may even be i
formed beforehand that he has been
given this post-hypnotic suggestion and
he told to resist the suggestion if he
and still be totally unable to resist
it when the сис is given. Such a sub-
ject appears perfectly normal before
the post-hypnotic cue. Having failed to
resist it, the subject may describe after-
wards having “blicked out,” while he
executed the posthypnotic suggestion
In a somewhat lighter trance, the subject
successfully avoid executing the
suggestion for a while, only to be even-
ly driven to it some time later.
tabrooks offers an excellent example
of this compulsive quality in a post
hypnotic suggestion. He told a subject
in a trance that sometime after he had
been awakened the doctor would use а
key word, after which the subject was to
go to a desk in the office, pick up the
deck of cards there, and remove from it
the асс of spades, giving it to the doc
When the subject’ awakened, he
announced that he remembered the in-
uctions and that he would fight the
pulse to carry them out. The operator
offered the сис word, but the subject
successfully resisted the urge to get the
card, or so it seemed. The experiment
over, Dr. Estabrooks purposely failed to
ion from the subject's
subconscious. The following day the
subject called the doctor on the phone
He had been unable to study that eve-
ning, he student at the
ersity where Fstabrooks was teach.
ing), nor could he sleep. He was unable
to put the card from his mind. Would
the doctor please mect him at the doc
tor’s office, so that the subject could take
the ace of spades from the deck and
give it to him, and so free himself from
the compulsion that was so strong that
he was unable to concentrate on any
thing else. And mot until the subject
n the proper card from the deck
паса it to Estabrooks did he feel,
he later described it, "set free.
Would it be possible for a political
candidate to beam hypnotic messages at
the public via network TV which would
virtually guarantee his victory on clec
tion day? Yes. if he were allowed to.
inly would. And in a one-party
in which the state controlled
there would be no one to
If hypnosis exists
force, for good or evil, why do we read
so very little about it and why is most
of what we do read limited to the less
sensational medical applications of the
phenomenon? Quite simply because hyp-
nosis has been, lor so long a time. in
disrepute that few experts in the field
of human behavior know very much
about it. It has existed, in America es
pecially, as an interesting psychological
oddity the far-reaching implications of
which have received almost no attention
from the modern scientific world. Few
laws have been passed to control its use
and yet, as we shall see, its possibilit
in the execution of crimes and the avoid-
ance of detection and successful prose
s such а mighty
cution are frightening to contemplate.
“It is probably correct to say that little
is known about hypnosis, compared
with what will ultimately be discov-
ered,” says Andrew Salter. “The pos
tion today may be analogous with the
discovery of the Roentgen ray, or X ray.
The full potential of hypnosis for good
not known to us, nor is the full dan-
In all matters involving hypnosis
I counsel conservatism and caution.
Some of the political potential inher-
ent in hypnosis has already been demon-
strated by Adolf Hitler. When a hun-
dred thousand Germans, their faces up-
turned in the light of smoking torches,
screamed аз one Sieg Heil!”
we һай а very real example of mass hyp-
nosis. It took more than an elaborate
hypnotic trance to lead the German
nation down the bloody roid of world
conquest, of couse, but Hitler had many
strings to his bow for he was not. as
m L. Shirer has so painstakingly
pointed out, a madman, but an authen-
tic political genius, who supplied many
seemingly legitimate rationalizations to
his followers for their incredible acis of
їтосйу and aggres evertheless,
the hypnotic influ
affecting both th
clearly ther
nation and many of
those most closely associated. with him.
In the lite Thirties, Charles Lind
hergh returned from а trip to Germany,
during which he was decorated by Field.
Marshal Goering, to tell the American
people that we would be foolish to bı
come involved in à Second World W;
because the Luftwaife was invincible in
the air and would beat England to its
knees in short order if an outbreak oc
curred. This was ап unpopular noti
from so highly regarded ап
can, and Life magazine published
а story wherein а stage hypnotist dem-
onstrated how Goering might have hyp-
otized Lindbergh during the moment in
which he pinned the medal on him, th
suggestion being that Lindbergh was
then enacting a posthypnotic sugg
tion. This is the stuff that Sunday-sup-
plement features are made of, and it
as much more reasonable to assume
that Lindbergh was so impressed by the
German war machine in the late Thir-
ties, contrasted to the ill-prepared E
lish and Americans. that he sincerely
believed we would lose a war. But wi
ever the facis, the hypnosis theory was
theoretically possible; it could have
The same stage hypnotist who got his
me in the papers with the Lindbergh-
Goering story popped up again some
twentyodd years later. He was widely
quoted in the press after both of the In-
gemar Johansson-Floyd Patterson fights
suggesting that Johansson had beca in a
hypnotic trance during both
There is no question but what hypnosis
have a conside effect on an
athlete's prowess: can
ers stamina, make him imm
tigue and pain, and remove
an opponent. Whether ог not hypnosis
d any part in the two heayywei
pionship fights must remain con-
jecture. The Johansson camp stoutly de
nied it, and if hypnosis ed, it is
clear from the outcome of the second
match that not even a deep hypnotic
tance can make а real champ out of a
But those who
nd believe the
was u
second-rate contender.
viewed the second bout
hypnotic theory point out that Johans-
son stumbled as though in a daze when
he first entered the that he wore
а supercilious smile throughout the fight
while being thoroughly and brutally
aten by Patterson, and that when he
wis knocked out it took an extraordi-
narily long time for him to awaken.
Hypnosis can hz
їсс on the participants in many sports,
especially those
or endurance, that it is difficult to im-
agine that it has not been used, and
widely. And it ample of how
little we understand the phenomenon,
that while most sporting events have
rules, and even state and federal laws,
governing the use of drugs, no such
regulations have been set down control-
ling the use of hypnotism, which can
y of the bodily
And even if laws were enacted,
how could they be enforced? You can
discover the use of drugs on а suspect
spo ticipamt through chemical
analysis, but how do you test for а post-
hypnotic suggestion?
If a football team is losing at half-
time and instead of the customary pep-
talk from the coach they are put into a
hypnotic trance and told that they will
go out in the second half and play as
they have never played before, they will
go out in the second half and play as
they have never played before. There
is the very real danger, of course, that
some may play beyond their physical
endu themselves serious
harm. Under hypnosis, a fullback could
even be made to play on a broken leg,
il it would hold him up. Dodger pitche
Don Newcombe's carver was endangered
by his irrational fear of airplanes, Four
visits to à. hypnotist made him indilici-
ent to the possibility of a crash
Consider such Olympic sports as
weightlifting, Here technique is impor-
tant, certainly, but much less so than
it iy in. say, fencing. And the expendi
tune of sheer € is absolutely vital
The ability to force the musculi
accept two more pounds of tension has
won world championships. (Under hyp
ince and do
ure 10
nosis, a girl weighing 110 pounds сап
make her abdominal muscles so iron-
hard that a twenty pound granite rock
can be placed on her and broken with
ten pound sledge. She may sulle
internal injury, but she will not know it
nt out of the une)
en the correct posi
A weightlifter g
hypnotic suggestion would be able to
lift а maximum possible weight wh
normally, he might quit five pounds
short of his potential, convinced that
he had absolutely extended himself.
sider the mile run. Great milers
judge their performances by опе big
yardstick: If, one step past the tape,
they are in a state of collapse, they have
run a well-paced race, I, on the othe
hand, they have enough energy left over
to step off the track onto the grass of
the infield, they've goofed. That much
energy would have cut а split.hundredth
of a second off their time, and that’s
where it should have been expended.
Under hypnosis a runner could drive
himself to the outer limits of his ability.
If hypnosis is used in sport. it will be
little publicized, vou may be sure, and
not by the winners It has been su
gested that the Russians, who pretty
thoroughly trounced us in the Olym-
pics. used hypnosis to do it. Perhaps.
We don't know that they did. We do
know the other factors in their success:
country full of healthy people
a system that searches for athletic
talent, trains it, pays it well, honors it
it wins and disgraces it if it loses.
The use of hypnosis by Soviet athletes
would be consistent with present US.
S.R. attitudes. Hypnosis is an i
. and the Russians clearly
understand that in the racc for world
domination, victory will go to that
country that makes best use of its im
acllectual resources. There are those who
believe Pavlov may have been the most
important Russian who ever lived. Just
how far Russian scientists have curried
his first experiments in the conditioned
reflex, delved into habit formation, hyp-
nosis and related human behavior. по
one knows for sure. We do know that
Russia has placed a heavy emphasis on
the sciences dealing with 1
body, and the relationship between the
two, especially since the end of World
War П. The more they understand the
human animal, how he thinks, acts and
the better equipped they are ло
nd control the world. without
to fi to do it. It
watching his
ever havin:
controlling of men's minds, help one
man 10 run faster than another, or en-
able à man to kill another and never be
found out.
The old folksaying, "murder will
out," probably has as little basis in fact
as the old election saw about the state
of Maine. The only murders that “out”
are the murders that prove unsuccessful.
Most criminologists, while they are dis
indined to say so for publication, be-
lieve that the number of undetected
murders in thc United States runs into
many thousands. Poison alone must ac-
count for hundreds. After all, the
autopsy is a rarity in most jurisdictions,
and in some Southern states any sudden
death that isn't caused by something as
obvious as а cut throat cam be certified
as “heart failure.” If this ts true, con-
sider the possibilities in hypnosis, par-
ticularly in the light of the incredible
nation-wide ignorance of the phenome
non, ignorance that allowed a Chicago
judge, for example, to refer to hypnosi
and this only a few months ago, as
How can hypnosis kill? Dr. Est
brooks’ remark about the cat is pertinent:
“Persuade him that chloroform is good
” Killing n would be cas
ier. The only
necessary pi
nded victim be a good
hypnotic subject. If this is the case, then
as the old folk-saying gocs, he's dead
One way out of fifty: The hypnotist
picks a suitable moment and hypnoi
his subject. Deep in a trance, the sul
ject is given this post-hypnotic sugges-
tion wo weeks from tonight, on
April 17, at midnight, you will go to
the roof of your apartment buildi
You will stand on the parapet on the
river side of the building. You will feel
nine feet tall You will feel stronger
than you have ever felt in your life. You
will feel more agile than you have ever
felt in your life, You will jump from
your roof to the roof next door. It will
be easy for you. Tt won't even take much
eflort, it will be so easy for you. When
you get 10 the other roof you will turn
ound and jump back, Now, when I
count to three you will wake up, and
you will feel calm and rested and con-
tent. You will remember nothing of
what I have said, absolutely nothing,
until the night of April 17!" And so on.
At midnight on April 17 the victim will
jump from his roof, but he won't qu
make it to the other roof, because it's
twenty-five feet awav.
If your intended victim isn’t a good
subject then you can get someone to do
the job who is. Pick him for his low
moral character, so that a wellanotivated
illing won't upset his ethical standards
too much, then put him into а шансе
and condition hi into ferocious
hatred for the intended victim. This
would be child's play for any competent
hypnotist. Next, the hypnotist sets up a
time-andancthod chart for the
gives him a posthypnotic suggestion,
and, to be on the sale side, arranges to
be in London when the kill is done.
If you can't find a low moral type for
the job (for whom murder presents no
moral conflict), or if you have two spe-
cific people in mind that you wish to
eliminate at one time, you simply ap-
proach the one you know to be the good
hypnotic subject and introduce the kill-
ing in a disguised manner: a poison
that the chosen killer does not know is
poison, a gun that the killer believes to
be a toy (and a. pre-established situation
in which he is to use it, which you
may wish to plan for broad daylight be-
fore se ses) or a posthyp-
notic that turns the
victim that must
be killed by even the most moral and
ethically upstanding of persons. Natur-
ally, you wipe all memory of the hyp-
notic suggestion from the chosen kille
conscious memory, but there are risks in-
volved in this one just the same, beca
provides for the killer's being around
for some little while after the deed has
been done, The risk is greater the more
sophisticated the environment of the
crime, For example, this gambit failed
in Denmark recently, tripping up an
amateur hypnotist named Neilson. Neil-
son had given one Hardrup а posthyp:
otic suggestion to murder a third man.
Hardrup duly killed him as instructed,
but was caught. His operatorsubject
relationship with Neilson was known.
An international authority on hypnosis,
Dr. P. J. Reiter, was the State's chief
witness. Neilson got the maximum
penalty under Danish law. life in
prison. Hardrup, who had actually com-
mitted the murde iven а two-
ycar sentence. It is depressing to h
to admit that so enlightened a view as
this would probably not prevail any-
where in the United States
Another method: А gives B а post
hypnotic suggestion to this effect: “On
Wednesday at ten o'clock you will go to
the airport and pick up a suitcase, using
a lockerticket which I will give you.
You will then go to the Trans-Amcrican
Airlines counter and. pick up a
my name for Fl
You will board the planc at 10:15 and
you will immediately fall into a deep
sleep. You will sleep soundly
for the next six hours . . .”
In fact, B will sleep for longer than
six hours, or at least he will never wake
up, because the bag he picks up at the
airport contains twenty-seven blocks of
Gelignite, a dock and a detonating
paratus. Three hours after the plane
takes off, A will be offi
75 wife collects an impressive
he has repa
donym, and they live it up forever.
Wild? It is, except for the end, e: у
what authorities believe happened in the
case of William Allen Taylor of T;
Flori who boarded a National
lines plane List year using the name of
a friend and acquaintance, Robert. Ver-
non Spears. The plane blew up over the
Gulf of Mexico with Taylor aboard and
the FBI caught up with Spcars in Phoc-
nix, Arizona. The only evidence tending
to show that hypnosis was used was a
jatement by Taylor's wife that she knew
Spears was it hypnotist.
Тоо complicated? A good hypnotic
subject сап be made to Kill himself.
and resifu
“Well, my goodness —is Christmas over already?”
How's this for an Ellery Queen puzzler?
Supposing a dentist is in love with a ра
tient's wife. The dentist is a hypnotist,
as many are today, and uses hypnosis to
produce anesthesia on the patient in-
volved. Supposing the patient drives
home from work every ni
a lightly-fenced precipice, a bri
abutment, a big tree, or whatever. The
dentist merely tells him that the next
time he comes to a certain place on the
road, а clearly-defined and casily-recog-
nizable place, he will suddenly spin the
wheel to the right. Nothing to
it, really.
OI course the problem may be com-
plicated if the matter comes to the at-
tention of the increasing number of law
enforcement officers who are studying
hypnosi mental ignorance
is still the rule, there will usually be, in
y sizable police department, at least
attering of knowl-
d he can be
While тот
one man who has а sm
bout hypnosis,
One clearly demonstrable valu
hypnosi lity to aid recollect
Using groups of trained officers,
that their
bility to recall pertinent facts will be
increased by hypnosis. The method is
this: A group of police officers, listening
to a lecture on hypnosis, аге suddenly
startled by the apparent commission of
murder under their eyes. Perhaps
п staggers into the room, scri
ing “Help me! ked man
pears in the doorway, shoots her and
runs. Before things get out of hand —
one demonstrator, forgetting that de-
tectives are always armed, even if you
can't see their pistols, nearly lost au
actor — the men are told that they have
seen a faked incident and are asked im-
mediately to write down everything
they can remember about it. Their
counts will vary notably.
put under hypnosis and
what they remember. Almost invariably
their recollection of det will
what seems an astounding improvement
Actually it is “astounding” only to those
who don't know that the mind stores in
Next, they are
sked to tell
the subconscious every impression it
Some attempts to use this principle
ve gone awry, however. One such case
s a Chicago prosecution for kidnap-
go in which an air-
man had
mapped her. Her ide was
positive, bur at the trial it developed
that Paul Newey, chief investigator for
the State's Attorney, had twice put the
stewardess into trance to aid her recol-
lection. It was in this case that the pr
siding judge, Thomas E. Kluczynsk
characterized hypnosis as “hocus-pocus.”
"The jury returned а non-guilty verdict.
The potential of hypnosis in legal
practice, on both sides of the courtroom,
is fantastic. Supposing you commit m:
ughter with an automobile and are
picked up only because one headlight
lens on your is broken. You tell the
police that you broke the headlight in
parking and scream for your lawyer, who
arrives promptly and is closeted with
a small roo: Aware of the
ave taken the
ning a lawyer who is
adept in hypnosis. The lawyer (not too
ethical, this one, and full of hope that
the room is not bugged).
puts you
your mind all recollection of the inci-
dent of your hitting the old man cross-
ing the street. You now know that you
did No amount of squad-
room rough stuff will change your mind.
You may be best advised to stay away
from such hypnotic drugs as sodium
ping a few months
line hostess testified that a
‘ds of existence, you
precaution of reta
not do it.
amytal and other so-called “truth
serums" but you сап confidently volun-
teer to take a “lie-detector” test. Year
ago, the writer stood off two of the best
polygraph operators in the New York
City Police Department for an hour and
a half, completely confi them, by
using only the shallowest trance state.
To be on the safe side, your friendly
barrister can provide a couple of solid
witnesses. They'll be solid, all right, be-
cause they'll be convinced, through
hypnotic suggestion, that they were
playing pinochle with vou twenty miles
away [rom the scene of the crime. For
"I can't figure how we got on it in the first place.”
additional insurance, when the matter
comes to trial, your lawyer can a
himself of the probability thar amc
the twelve people in the box there will
be at least two superior hypnotic sub-
jects, genuine somnambulists, on whom
he can work to guarantee, at the very
worst, a hung jury.
Warfare is of course crime raised to
the Nth power, and the name, rank and
nationality of the first officer to ponder
the use of hypnosis in warfare is known
to no опе, That it has been so used, and
for a very long time, is certain. Its most
attractive utility is obvious: in the tra
ing of secret agents. An agent whose only
protection against torture is a poison
vial sewn to the lapel of his coat may be
а very brave man, but he will not be a
wholly effective agent. But supposing he
fully trained in hypnosis? Sup-
posing there have been implanted in
him the strongest possible post-hypnotic
suggestions buttressing the “coverstory”
without which no agent is ever sent out
on an important assignment? Now he
really does believe that he is not Agent
518, he is M. Paul-Henri Delour, wine
has beer
merchant. His knowledge of wines is
encyclopedic. His recollection of de
is astounding. And, most of all, his
mental agility and resourcefulness are
superb because he is wholly serene.
He is not a captured enemy agent, sub-
ject to the death penalty. He is M.
Delour, wine merchant. He knows he
so he is tranquil and serene, he sho
none of the nervousnes and tension
that so often betray the spy to a clever
counteragent. He will not fall into
of the uaps that have brought death to
y underground operators — and
so m
some of them are fiendishly clever.
One extremely resourceful Ger
agent, picked up behind Allied
during the Ваше of the Bulge was abso-
Jutely "clean." There wasn wace of
inst h
ce m,
stupid, semi-literate
sant. But one of inter-
rogators, a man of long experience,
sensed that there was something, some-
where, that did not ring quite true. He
decided to attack the suspect's statement
that he spoke no German. He
many approaches, such as having
man watched ca
а sudden turmoil
ridor, with cries of
German. There was not
to this mbit or a half
less in his role as
Belgian pea
n his cell while
ed in the cor-
re! Fire!" in
of re-
action dozen
Finally, he had the man brought be-
fore him. He asked him many questions
in Flemish. He ed. He dropped to
his desk the sheaf of papers he'd been
holding. He looked up at the prisoner
and smiled and said. in German, “Ob-
viously, you're cent. You can go
now.” The man smiled ‚ and had
half-turned to the door before he caught
himself — too late.
А hypnosis-trained
have been so trapped because he would
have given himself a suggestion that he
had forgotten how to speak German —
and he would have forgotten.
Much more complicited usa
possible, Estabrooks points out the pos-
sibility of setting up actually varying
personalities in one man, so that on one
layer he would be truly a dedicated
Communist, for inst and on an-
other layer uuly а dedicated. anti-Com-
munis. Such an agent would be tre-
mendously effective in the circumstances
for which he had been trained.
“Brainwashing” is a relatively new
wrinkle in warfare and international
skullduggery and its relationship to hyp
nosis is obvious. Actually, brainwashing
indudes rational appeals, reflex condi-
tioning and hypnosis all at the same
time, practiced under ideal circum-
stances, with an opportunity for endless
The world witnessed the re
sults in Stalin's time, when many old
line Russian Bolsheviks stood up and
denounced themselves and were led away
to die for crimes everyone knew they
amitted. With the political
nforced concentration, the
have the ideal human
gent could not
id not cd
guinea pig for their experiments in re-
nds. Here is the proof,
if further proof is needed, that the Ru
sians have indeed developed Pavlov's
simple conditioned reflex to a highly
sophisticated art. Men of many stripcs
and backgrounds have borne false wit-
ness against themselves in open court in
Moscow, without the aid of drugs or
physi torture, and been taken out
and shot. It is torture of a far more
jous kind that dulls the conscious
enters the subconsciou
mind and thei
where no will to resist е
ists, to sha
tes of
remold to the
If these things are possible with hyp-
nosis as it is rather crudely practiced
today, what must tomorrow hold, since
we must assume that advances in this
technology will be made? Hypnosis is an
old art in history, but very young in the
light of the brief time that has passed
since men began to seriously study it
Hypnosis offers man а means of influ-
encing and controlling both himself and
those around him, to a degree only now
aguely hinted at. It is imperative that
we draw the dark curtain of supersti-
tion and disrepute away and study most
seriously hypnosis апа its implications
as they affect the behavior of mankind.
There is a very great need Гог legisla-
оп, for controls, and most of all, for
greater public understanding. Hypnosis
offers too
evil, to be left any lon
vat a power, for good or
er in the shadows.
(continued from page 84)
Monk, at least the djs seemed to be
scheduling more Ella and less Fabian.
Television, except for a couple of fine
shows оп CBS’ Robert Herridge Theatre
(one with Miles and Gil Evans, another
with Ben Webster and Ahmad Jamal)
was quiescent. The use of semijazz
scores om cops-‘n'-robbers stanzas con-
tinued, but jazz spectaculars and big
loot sponsors just couldn't see cach
other. Happ acts as Lambert,
Hendricks and Ross, rarely seen on TV,
could still be dug on Playboy's Pent-
A more durable form of jazz subsidy
appeared on the academic level. By late
1960 it had become clear that the tend-
ency to treat jazz as a subject for study
was no passing fad. The jazz dinic at
the University of Indiana expanded its
courses from one to two weeks, with
Stan Kenton, Russ Garcia, Conte Can-
doli et al. on the faculty. Oscar Peter-
son, Ray Brown, Ed Thigpen and some
academically-minded cronies in Toronto
started а series of four-month courses in
jaz playing апа writing at their Ad-
nced School of Contemporary Music
in Toronto. Twenty-six groups com-
peted at Notre Dame in the second an-
nual Collegiate Jazz Festival. Dave Bru-
beck and Paul Desmond were among the
judges at an Intercollegiate Jazz Fest
val held at Georgetown U in Washing-
ton, D.C. Iowa State Teachers College
held its twelfth annual Dimensions in
Jazz concerts.
Having perused Billboard's files and
checked these findings with other re
liable sources, we've come up with six
of the top jazz sellers of the year. Alpha-
betically, they are: Cannonball Adderley
with Quintet in San Francisco on River
side: Miles Davis with Kind of Blue and
Sketches of Spain on Columbia; Pete
Fountains New Orleans оп Coral:
Ahmad Jamal with the continued suc
cess of At the Pershing as well as Al the
Penthouse on Argo: Henry Mancini
with the deathless Peter Gunn and Mr.
Lucky of TV on RCA Victor; George
Shearing with White Satin on Capitol.
riavsoYs own third LP package, The
Playboy Jazz All-Stars,
featuring three 12” ¢
all the winners of the previous poll, in-
cluding recorded highlights from The
Playboy Jazz Festival, sold more copies
than the first two rrAYno. jazz volumes
v, such
Volume Three,
As the year drew to a close,
and PrAYsovrcading jazz buffs alike
were again asked to name the artists
who had impresed them most during
the previous twelve months The win
ners of the rrAvmov readers’ poll. the
biggest popularity contest in jazzdom—
and bigger this year than ever before —
each took a place of honor on the maga-
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zines dre the 1961
Playboy All-Star Jazz Band. The jazz
stus themselves, winners in last ycar
poll. were asked to choose their own
Favorite in each category for our Playboy
All-Stars honors. In some cases the mu-
sicians and the readers choices were
identical: in other cases, they differed
radically, АП the winners will receive
the coveted sterling silver Playboy Jazz
The jazz artists who won medals in
last year's contest and were thus eligible
to vote in this year’s All-Stars’ All-Stirs
balloting were: Louis Armstrong, Chet
Baker Bostic, Bob
Ray Brown, Dave Brubeck. Miles Da
Buddy DeFranco, Paul Desmond, Duke
Ellington, Ella Fivgerald, the Four
Fieshmen, Stan Getz, Dizzy Gillespie,
Benny Goodman, Lionel На
man Hawkins, Milt Jackson. |
son, Stan Kenton, Barney. Kessel, Shelly
Manne, the Modern. Jazz Quar
den and Kai Winding.
still outran
ton placed ahead of Basie for the
musicians own choice of the outstand-
g bandleader of the year the second
row; together Ellington. and
ed a majority of their fellow
п те
проп, Cole
. J. John-
A Duke
а Count among jazz royalty,
in third BERT An odd wick of fate
tied two veterans, Evans and Kei
(both born in 1919), for fourth place,
while similarly linking two youngsters
right after them, Jones (1933) and Mulli-
gan (1927), in sixth place. 1. Duke Elling-
ton; 2. Count Basie; 3. Maynard. Fergu-
4. G i, on; б.
Quincy Jones, Gerry
LP by Dizzy Gillespie, titled The Great-
est Trumpet of Them All, proved a
truism as Dizzy took this crown for the
second tin Miles Davis was а
second again as a favorite with his fel
low jazzmen, and, interesting to note,
Davis’ original idol, Clark Terry, w
finalist this year, placing in fourth pos
Чоп after Art Farmer, which dropped
Satchmo down a position. 1. Dizzy Gilles-
pie; 2. 3. Art Farmer; 4
- Louis Armstrong, Roy
fist three musicians’ choices— J. Je
Brookmeyer and Teagarden — аге also
members of the readers’ All па.
but Kai Winding, who hus managed to
win a place of honor five times in
in the reader Б
with the musicians this year.
Fuller, a youngster heard in carly 1960
with the Jazztet, moved up into fourth
place, however, 1. J. J. Johnson; 2. Bob
Brookmeyer; 3. Jack Teagarden; 4. Cur-
tis Fulles Urbie Green, Bill Harris.
candid Cannonball calls won out over
the delicate Desmond tones that earned
Paul first place "s poll, as
well as both yems’ readers’ polls. The
controversial Ornette Coleman found
himself in fourth place, a possible prel-
ude to still stronger showin in the
future. 1. Cannonball Adderley; 2. Sonny
titt: 3. Paul Desmond; 4. Ornette Cole-
; 5. Lee Konitz.
tory im absentia (he spent the entire
year in Europe) showed the firmness of
the Getz grip as St nedal
from fellow musicians for the second
year. On the other hand, Sonny Rollins’
year in complete retirement toppled
him from the top five. Zoot Sims’ felici-
tous teamwork with Al Cohn and Luter
with Mulligan lifted him from filth to
second place. 1, Stan Getz; 2. Zoot Sinis;
3. John Coltrane; +. Ben Webster; 5.
Coleman Hawkins.
category, lor readers and mu
remains Gerry's private b: y
h only two other baritone men in
existence as lar as musicians arc con-
cerned; the fourth and filth spots re-
in blank. 1. Gerry Wulligem; 2. Harry
3. Pepper Adamı:
oodman returned to [ullscale activity
п 1960, jumped up from the Iourth spot
and almost took the silver medallion
away hom DeFranco. Buddy, however,
wound up w lal, while
Tony Scott replaced Peanuts Hucko as
a finalist in the top five. 1. Buddy DeFranco;
2. Benny Goodman; 3. Jimmy Giullre;
4. Jimmy H Tony Scott.
ALLSTARS ALLSTAR pano: Out of the
due to his running legal
with Colnnbia Records, Erroll
fell [rom first to third place with
1 won a silver
h his second пи
Lou; 5
LP limelight.
fellow jazz artists, while Peterson
scored resoundingly, caring more
points than Gamer and second place
Evans combined. 1. Oscar Peterson; >. Bill
Evans; 3. 4. Dave Bru-
beck; 5. Horace Silver.
movable Barney Kessel was again Tol-
lowed by Jun Hall, but Val Е
1 retirement, dropped out, while Wes
Montgomery, who did not place lust
finished. third. 1.
low, now
yea Barney Kessel; 2.
Jim Hall; Montgomery; 4.
Kenny Burrell;
ALLSTAR: problem
at all for Ray The Peterson
Trio's magnificent suing man has now
won himself eight rLayuoy victories —
five from the readers, three. from. mu-
sicians — which means that he has
picked up all the marbles in every
praynoy poll. This year, the АШ
musicis him more points than
the other four finalists combined. 1. Ray
Paul Chambers; 3.
Brown; 2.
Duvivier; 4. Milt Hinton; 5. Red Mit-
most edged out Shelly Manne last
year, finally made it this time in a tou
two-way contest with Art Blakey, Mulli-
gan's West Coast stick expert, Mel Lewis.
was a surprise recipient of the third spot
as Shelly slipped to fourth, while Buddy
Rich and Max Roach disappeared en-
tively from the top five listings, leaving
filth place to Brubeck’s Joe Morello. 1
Philly Joe Jones; 2. Art Blakey; 3. Mel
Lewis; 4. Shelly Manne; 5. Joe Morello.
smuss: This year. Milt Jackson re
d more votes from his fellow mu-
ns than almost anyone else nomi-
nated in their balloting. Dom Elliott
remained in second place. Victor Feld-
man, who tied him List year, slipped to
fifth. Gibbs, Hampton and Stuff Smith
who а
are all newcomers to this category. 1.
Milt Jackson, vibes; 2. Don Elliott, vibes
and mellophone; 3. Terry Gibbs, vibes;
4. Lionel Hampton, vibes; 5. Vic Feld-
E vibes, Stull Smith, violin
No significant changes here. Sinatra’s
r lease on PLAYROY'S VO-
seems unlikely to be
able future. 1. Frank
Nat “Ki
cal penthouse
broken in the forcse
Sinatra; 2. Joe Williams;
Cole; 4. Ray Charles; 5. David Allen.
Ella Mack-the-Knifed her way to the
top by a fantastic margin, earning more
musicians’ votes than anyone else in any
category. Though the divine Sarah took
second place once again, the rest of the
votes were scattered, with a four-way t
for fifth place. 1. Elle Firzgereld
3. Dinah Washington
. Helen Humes, Lurlean. Hunte:
ckson, Teddi
Miles Davis moved [rom second to
first place, easing John Lewis" M JQ down
to second. Brubeck and Peterson held
onto their 1960 slots, while Cannonball,
whose quintet was newly formed at the
time of List year's. poll, appeared in th
top five for the first time Y. Miles Dev
Quintet; 2. Modern Jazz Quartet; 3. Daye
Brubeck 4. Oscar Peterson
Trio, 5. Car l Adderley Quintet.
gh they took it from the
Пе more than a qu:
bert, Hendricks and Ross managed to
win the musicians’ balloting for the
second straight year. Except for the Four
Freshmen, the other vocal groups who
placed are newcomers to the top five in
this category. 1. Lambert, Hendricks and Ross;
2. Hi-Lo's; 3. Four Freshmen; 4. King
Sisters, Mills Brothers; б. Andy and the
Sisters, Jackie Gain and Roy Kral.
More readers cast their ballots in the
1 Playboy Jazz Poll than in
s inception, but the 1961
All-Star Jazz Band was little
“Would you mind leaving a bit early tonight, Gerald?
My press agent wants me burglarized and raped in
lime for the morning edition.”
changed from last y
gation. A place in this utopian jazz
ensemble, once won, is given up about
readily as a seat on the Stock Exchange
Loval readers and new-found fans joined
forces to keep almost all the members
in their 1960 places. However, there were
some changes at the top of the various
sections, some positions were held only
after а real struggle, and there was con-
siderable moving about in the positions
car's mythical aggre-
directly below the winners’ cirde.
Stan Kenton, all dynamic six-feet-
for aches of him, towered over the
competition to remain chosen leader of
the All-Stars for the fifth straight year.
Count Basic managed to move up from
third place into second place, dropping
Duke Ellington down to third. Miles
Davis, Louis Armstrong. Dizzy Gillespi
again appeared i s the tr
that order
umphant tiumvirate of trumpets, but
the fourth winning chair found а "new"
man playing in the Playboy All-Star
brass section, as swing-era stylist Jonah
Jones, in his fifticth vear, captured the
honors. Italy-based Chet Baker lost his
place among the Playboy All-Stars for
the first time in the five years the poll
1 п existence. dropping all the
К sixth place, while Maynard Fer
guson moved up seventh to filth,
d Art Farmer, in his first flush of
me as mbed from ninth
to seventh. Filling out the brass section
was the same firmlyset trombone four-
5 been
ay to
some that has now won five vears in a
row: J. J. Kai Winding, Brookmeyer
and Teagarden.
Bossmanship paid olf. too, for Cannon-
ball Adderley, moved up from
fourth to second place, and а silver
medal, just behind top man, Paul Des-
mond, of the Dave Brubeck Quartet.
Cannonball's shot dropped Earl Bostic
out of the winners’ circle, to third. Or-
nete Coleman, plastic saxophone in
hand, blew his way from twenty-fifth
place in last year’s poll to sixth in '61.
What they heard on LPs was enough
to convince readers that Danish resident
Stan. Getz still belongs in the winning
sax section, with Coleman Hawkins,
Gerry Mulligan and Benny Goodman
still ed by his side as members of
the reed dream team. On tenor, John
Coltrane moved up from sixth to third
place, just outside the chosen few, and
on clarinet, Pete Fountain moved from
fifth to second.
The piano bench, always one of the
hotly-contested. the
reader poll, tumed out to be in doubt
until the very end of the balloting. But
by the November I cutoff date, Dave
Brubeck had moved into the top posi-
tion, recapturing the spot he lost to
oll two years ago. and Garner had
collected enough votes to hold onto sec-
ond place; Ahmad Jamal was third, but
with very few votes separating the top
seats in
Barney Kessel, the annual gı
ner, had a surprise runner-up in. Chet
Atkins, а part-time jazzman, whose Nash
ville All-Stars have had quite a bit of air
play lately. Chet did по better than a
tie for twenty-ifth. place last year. The
excellent Charlie Byrd, seventh їп 1960,
rose to fourth place in the readers’ pop-
ularly poll. Ray Brown was the first
bass man, as usual, but СІ
surprised us by leapi
second position, while Paul C|
amassed enough additional votes to move
up from sixth place to third. If Oscar
Pettiford had lived, hi would
have placed him їп fourth position.
(Artists deceased. belore our publication
date are not shown in the results.)
Shelly M
une, the West. Cons
g top honors in th
poll, but had no c
iting out the opposition for the fifth
time in а row when the readers cast
their votes for skin man of the
Playboy All-Star Jazz Band. Lon
favorite Gene Krupa remained in second
place, and Brubeck’s brilliant Joe Mo-
rello moved up from fourth to third. Art
Blakey moved up from eighth. position
to fourth, and Philly Joe Jones, the
musicians’ choice as outstanding dram-
mer of the year, placed ninth with read-
ers. Lionel Hampton hammered out a
victory on his vibes for the fifth year
ina row under the Miscellaneous Instru-
ment category, followed again by Ше
musicians" favorite, Milt Jackson. Miles
Davis’ popularity on any sort of horn
gave him sixth place for his Flügelhorn,
1 instrument for which he was not even
nominated а у
Until “The Voice
or stick strictly to acti
decides to retire.
g. there seems to
be litle chance of his being displaced
п the Male Vocalist department, but a
number of relative newcomers were
ng for the positions just below
ta. Johnny Mathis, with song styl-
s that become more sweet and
with each new bestselling LP.
held omo the second-place posi
moved into two years ago. An extremely
popular r & b singer for the last hali-
dozen years, Ray Charles moved from
n so into third
place (two years ago be could not gather
enough votes to even find a place in the
1059 listings), Bobby Darin, Hesh out at
his teens and his dedication to rock^n'-
roll, me now with (like
Charles) а smash and
bestselling LPs, as Darin at the
Copa; he’s moved up from sixth place a
year ago into fourth. Bobby, too.
nowhere to be found in the final listings
two years ago. With all this scrambling
for attention
tively new ıt “King” Cole
has dropped in position from fourth to
hth, while actually receiving a
number of votes than а year ago. Jon
Hendricks, of Lambert, Hendricks and
ter bigger gi
the reli
Ross, moved up impressively to tenth
position, following: his first nomination
in the Male Vocalist category, Frank
D'Rone, still one of the best new vocal-
ists around. although relatively un-
known, rated nearly the same as last
year, while amassing nearly one third
me votes, Bill Henderson. who re-
cently triumphed at The Playboy Club
in Chicago. is another up-coming jazz
alist to keep an eye on; he copped
rs Down Beat jazz poll award as
an outstand; new vocal talent.
Ella Fiugerald is, of course.
placcable in her top spot
in his: but directly and distantly below
the First Lady of Song are a number of
talented chirpers who are very close to-
gether in the ratings. June Christy s
has second place, a spot she’s held since
ng of the rLavnoy poll five
years ago. Right behind her this year. and
just a handful of votes off the pace, is
Julie London, replacing Dakota Staton
in the third-place spot. Peggy Lee has
moved up from eighth position to fourth.
Nina Simone, almost entirely unknown
until less than moved
from ninth up to fifth, tr
with Keely Smith.
Dave Brubeck won top Instrumenta
Combo honors in the readers’ poll for
the fifth year in a row. Despite Ahmad
I's strong showing on piano, he was
unable то hold onto the second spot: the
MJQ коиш, t, dropping the Jamal
nd x Miles Davis
two yeas ago,
g for Vocal Grup TOS
upset: а rousing vic-
onal Lambert, Hen-
ingements of
H & R's
ned them
The voti
something of an
tory for the sens
dricks and
words to the big
Basie and others.
appeal to fellow-mu
a victory in the AILSt
ment a year ago, and again (but |
narrower margin) in 1961, their
victory in the readers’ balloting was es
pecially impressive when you conside
that they relegated to supporting posi-
tions such firm popular favorites as The
ton Trio (second again), the Fou
shmen (down from first to third) and
Followi ion of the Dun:
dreds of thousands of votes cast in this.
biggest of all jazz polls, with the names
of the jazzmen who won a place on the
1061 Playboy All-Star Jazz Band set in
а In some categories, there аге
two or more winners to make up the
complement of a fullscale jazz orches-
tra. Artists receiving less than one hun-
dred votes are not listed; in categories
where two choices were allowed, those
receiving less than two hundred votes
¢ not listed; in categories where four
votes were allowed, no one with under
four hundred votes iy listed.
T. Stan Kenton .-
2 Count Basie .
3. Duke Ellington
Нету Mancini ...
5. Ray Сопіт
6 Maynard Ferguson
7. Gil Evans
8. Gerry Mull
ппу Goodman .
Riddle .
Quincy Jo
12. Pete Rugolo
13. Dizzy. Gillespie.
14. Lionel Hampton .
15. Shorty Rogers
"Ted Hea
Les Flgart
Ray Anthony .
Michel LeGrand .
Les Brow
Woody Herman
22, Billy M:
23. Harry Ја
т. Miles Davis ...
2. Louis
3. Dizzy Gillespie
4. Jonah Jones
Maynard Ferguson
y Rogers
Bobby Hackett ..
Nat Adderley -
Harry Jame
Billy Buuerfield .
3. Ray Anthony
14. Red Nichols
18. Conte Candoli . .
Lee Morgan
Cat Anderson. ....
Bob Scobey
. Buck Clayton
Charlie Shavers
Wild Bill Davison.
Kenny Dorham
Don Fagerquist .
31. Joe Newman ..
AL Hirt .-
. Blue Mitchell
Frank Asunto ~
1. J. J. Johnson.
п. Kei Winding
3. Bob Brookmeyer
4. Jack Teagarden .
5. Buddy Morrow. .
6. Frank Rosoli
7. Urbie
8. Turk Murphy .
9. Truammy Young.
Kid Ory
Curtis Fuller
Slide Hai
. Jimmy Cleveland .
Armstrong ...
--. 5,530
. 2881
. Carl Fontana
. J. C. Higginbotham. .
. Wilbu
. Bobby Burgess .
. Benny
. Bud Shank .....
. Joh
. Sonny
. Pete
. Charlie Mariano ..
. Al Belletto ...
Benny Green .....
Milt Bernhart.
Bill Harris
Tyree Glenn.
De P
Fred Assunto
Vie Dickenson .
Abe Lincoln
Quentin Jackson
;onrad Janis
Lawrence Brow
Kent Larsen ..
ттау McEacl
Jimmy Knepper
Lou McGari
ob Enevolds
» Prie
Britt Wood:
Paul Desmond -.
arl Bostic
/ Hodges
Ornette Coleman
Art Pepper .
Lee Konitz ...
Zoot Sims .....
ny Carter
Brown .
Lou Donaldso
ackie McLean
ames Mood:
b Geller .
i Сусе...
Willie Smith .
Hymie Shertzer ..
Gene Qu
Hal McKusick .. .
Jerome. Richardson.
Stan Getz
- 12,280
Cannonball Adderley.7,876
- 10,258
- 5,633
Coleman Hawkins -
John Colt
onny Rol
Jimmy Giuffre
Zoot Sims
Paul Gon
Bud Freen
сое Auld
. Dave Pell
Benny Golson
Sonny Stitt -.
Ben Webster
o Musso
ooper .
Richie Kamuca .
Bill Perkins .
p Phillips ...
mes Moody .
. 5,077
. Bob
‚ Jack Montrose ..
. Pee Wee Russ
. Sol Yaged
. Les McCann.
«f Lateef
Buddy Tate .
Jimmy Heath
ddie Miller ......
Hank Mobley .......
Gene Ammons
nk Wess
John Griffin
Bobby Jaspa
Bill Holman .
Paul Quinichette.
Lucky Thompson
Bud Shank .
Pepper Adams .
Hany (
Al Cohn
Jimmy C
Tony Scott...
Lars Gullin ...
Cecil Payne ...
Charles Fowlkcs .
Buddy DeFranco
. Woody Herman .....
lony Scott
Buddy Coll
Art Pepper ....
Matty Matlock
Jimmy Han
Sam Most ....
Paul Horn | .....
Edmond Н
Barney В
Bill Smith
Peanuts Hucko
Jerry Fuller
George Lew
Dave Brubeck ....
Erroll Garner .
. Ahmad Jamal ....
Andrė Previn-
George Shear
lonious Mou
Oscar Peterson
Horace Silver .
Duke Ellington
Count Basie
John Lewis ....
Ramsey Lewis
Bill Evans .....
Teddy Wilson
. Eddie Heywood .
. Nina Simone
. Red G
Wynton Kc
Earl “Fatha
Ray Bryant
Mose Alliso
Bob Darch .
Don Shirley ...
Bobby Timmons .
- Lennie Tristano
. Bud Powell
. Hampton Hawes .
Pete Jolly
Burney Kessel
Chet Atkins
- Eddie Condo
7. Laurindo Almeida
Wes Montgomery .
ке Burrell
Herb Elis ..
. Les Pau
I Salvador
. Jim I A
. Mundell Lowe ..
George Van Eps. -
Freddie Gr
Топу Mottola .
. Tal Farlow .....
. Joe Jones...
Oscar Moore .
Al Viola ..:...
Chuck Wayne ...
. John
Ray Brown .........
. Charlie Mingus .
Paul Chamb
- Leroy Vinnegar .
. Percy Heath ....
ли Bates ..
7. Red Mitchell ....
Chubby Jackson .
. Israel Crosby .......
. Buddy Clark
Arvell Shaw
Eddie Safranski ..
Gene Wright .......
Milt Hinte
. Bob Нардан.
. Don Bagley
m Joi TEE
Monk Montgomery
Slam Ste
El Dee Young
How 1 Rum:
Joe Benj
24. Seouy Lak
e Jones 2
rge Duvivier .....
99. Joe Mondrago a
30. Johnny Frigo ........
Jimmy Woode .......
Bill Crow
Wendell. Marshall
George Morrow
Richard Davis ....
Curtis Counce
36. Carson Smith -~
38. Mort. Herbert
39. Doug Watkins ..
T. Shelly Manne
Э. Gene Krupa ......... 3506
3. Joe Morello
DRUMS - Moe Koffman, flute...
. Milt Buckner, organ. .
- Victor Feldman, vibes.
21. Је: icle-
mans, harmonica
4, Art Blakey
5. Chico F 1,803 . John Graas,
6. Cozy Cole . 1.053 French Worn .......
7. Max Roach . 1417 | 97
8. Buddy A 1294 | »s.
Philly Joc Jones...... 1258 French horn .
10. Jo Jones 639 | 29. Joe Ven
11. Louis Bel i 619 | 30. Peter Appleya
Sonny Payne . ‚ 445 Steve Lacy, soprano sax
Candido os) Buddy Montgomery,
к . 207 vibes ..
5. Vernell Fournier 33. Joe Ru:
ton, bass sax
am Woodyard 219 | 34. Clark Terry,
17. Stan Levey .... 219 Fhigelhorn .....
18. Joc Dodge .
19. M.
A Lhigpén........- 129 "
T. Frank Sinati
24. Red Holt . 126] y TERIS, CU
25. Louis Hayes ........, 125] § Rav G
36. George Weuling ..... 17] |
2. Milt Jackson, vibes
4. Herbie Ma
6. Miles Davi
. Stull Smith,
- Cy Toull, bass trumpet
. Bobby I
De 4... Belafonte ....
King" Cole
Sammy Davis,
Jon Hendricks...
Frank D'Ronc .
. Mose Allison -
. Louis Armstrong .
Brook Benton
- Lionel Hampton, vibes 6,535
Tjader, vibes. .... 9.
n. ше.
. Red Norvo, vibes...
7. Candido, bongo .. 16. Tony Bennett р
8. Don Elliott, 17. Fats Domino. .
ibes & mellophone. 786 | 15. Buddy Greco ..
9. Terry Gibbs, vibes... 785 | 19. David Allen ...
10. Bud Shank, flute-..... 750 | 90. AI Hibbler 3
11. Art Van Damme, 21. Andy Williams ..-...
accordion . ++ 729 | 92. Bill Henderson ..
Shorty Rogers, 23. Bing Crosby м
Flügelhorm ........ 103 | 24 Billy F d
13. Jimmy Smith, organ.. 701 | 25 млепсе ......
11. Buddy Collette, flute.. 464 | 95. Perry Como
1 Wess, flute. . - Frankie Laine .......
16. Yusef Lateef, flute. Mark Murphy .......
17. Shirley Scott, organ... Pat Boone ~ 8
18. Fred. Katz, cello . . Vic Damone "
19. Bob Cooper, oboe .... - Roy Hamilton .......
. James Moody, flute
ny Witherspoon...
1. Elle Fitzgerald -
2. June Christy
Dakota Staton
h Vaughan
hris Connor ...
Keely Smit
ODay .
Day .
h Washington ...
Gormé ...
hie Ross ..
Mahalia Jackson
Par Suzuki х
. Pearl Bailey ....
18. Lena Horne .
19. Jaye Р. Morg
mestine Anderson.
Reese .
. Dave Brubeck Quartet 5,892
3. Ahmad Jamal Trio
4. Miles Da
2 Modern Jazz Quartet.
8. Dukes of Di: nd
9. Jonah Jones Quartet. .
10. Art Blakey and the
Jazz Messe
Н. Art Farmer. B
olson Jazztet ..
. Ramsey Lewis Tri
Erroll Garner. Tri
André Previn
and his Pal
16. Oscar Peterson Trio.
17. J. J. Johnson Sextet.
. Chico На
Quintet :
Horace Silver Qu
Australian Jazz
Quintet eee
Cal Tjader Quartet. .
Red Nichols
Five Pennies .......
Thelonious Monk
- Kai Winding Septet...
25. Ornette Coleman
. Chet Baker Qı
- Four Lad
. Cadi
Quartet |... sue
Gene Krupa Qu
Shorty Rogers’
. Art Van Damme
Firehouse Five plus 2.
Dizzy Gillespie Quintet
nd . MU
orvo Quintet. . .
Bob Scobey's Frisco
Band .
Wilbur De Paris Sextet
Lambert, Hendricks &
Ross .
Kingston Trio
Four Freshmen .
y Stone Four.
Mills Brothers ..
Mary Kaye Trio. .....
Jackie Gain & Roy Kral
Weavers .....
‘Guire Sisters ...
John LaSalle Qi
‘our Preps
Brothers Four .....
Gateway Singers
MONEY („сао page 52)
neyed answers to whatever problems arc
placed before them. He worries and frets
about things that are trivial and super-
ficial — even unto wearing what someone
tells him is the “proper” garb for an
executive in his salary bracket and to
ing his split-level house in what some
ny realtor convinces him is ап "ex-
es’ subdiv
Such a man defeats his own purpose.
He remains a sccond-string player on
he somewhat sophomorically likes
all "the team" instead of becoming
the captain or star player on the squad.
He misses the limitless opportunities
which today present themselves to the
imaginative individualist.
But he really doesn’t care. "| want
security,” he declares. “I want to know
that my job is safe and that I'll get my
regular raises у ions with
pay and a good pensian when I retire
This, unhappily, seems to sum up too
ny young men's ambitions. It is а con-
ness and cowardice.
There is a dearth of young executives
who are willing to stick their necks out,
to ert themselves and fight for what
they think is nd best even if they
have to pound on the corporation presi-
with his superiors may sometimes risk his
job in the process, but а firm that will
fire a man merely because he has the
courage of his convictions is not onc for
which a really good executive would care
to work in the first place. And. if he is
a good executive, he will quickly get a
better job in the event he is fired — you
may be sure of that, You can also be sure
that the confor
from the norm will stay in the lower —
or at best middle — echelons in any firm
for which he works. He will not reach
the top or get rich by merely seeking to
second guess his superiors The man who
it who neve
dares vary
will win success is the in who is mark.
«Шу different from the others around
He has new ideas and can visualize
fresh approaches to problems. He has
the ability — and the will — to think and
act on his own, not il he is
damned or derided by “the majority” for
his nonconformist ideas and action
Among other things, the man who
would be successful in business today
must ignore the popular conformist la-
ments about those factors which sup-
posedly inhibit bus make it
impossible" for businessmen to get rich.
‘hese include the classic bugbears of
ss and
"confiscatory taxation, creeping social-
ism, over-priced labor" and the "Com-
munist tl " These are favorite alibis
for incompetent conformists who must
nd excuses to explain away their failure
to accomplish more than they have.
The excuses are lame. They will not
stand up under even the most cursory
No one can deny that
very high — but I don't
now of a
well-managed business that has been
a single
taxed out of existence. Nor am 1 able to
go along with the oft propounded theory
are making it impossible
for business firms to expand. Bu:
has burgconed throughout most pi
tax years — and the expansion continu
One need only glance over the pu
lished Facts and figures that tell the stor
of the current expansion programs bein
carried out by companies all over the
country to realize that. The versatile and
imaginative nonconformists in business
are being neither throttled nor held
back by high taxes. (The personal in-
come earners is another
matter entirely. outside the purview of
this article.)
Labor costs? The honest demands
made by honest labor unions are — more
often than not—reasonable and justi
fied. The worker wants a share of the
wealth he helps to create — and he's jolly
well entitled to it. After all, the Ame
сап worker is the Americun business-
man's best customer. The businessman
would be hard put to sell his products
the worker did not have the money with
which to buy them.
As for socialism, it may be creepi
but it doesn't look to me that it has
crept very far, The vast mu y of
American businesses are pr
— and there is no sign that thc situ
will change in even the most dimly fore
seeable future. 1 might add that I've
often observed that the bu men
who how! loudest about “creeping social-
ism" are the first to clamor for govern-
ment contracts—an apparent paradox
which speaks volumes.
‘Then, there is the “Communist threat."
Unquestionably, this is a. very real and
serious menace, The Communists openly
boast they are fighting а no-quarter cco-
nomic war against the Free World. T
nterprise system can meet the g
challenge only if its businessmen
imaginative and forceful enough to de
vise ever newer, better and more ehr
cient ways of producing more and better
goods and services at lower costs. The
economic war will not be won by timid
souls who ding to outmoded concepts
апа methods. In my estimation, the
ania for conformity сап do the Free
[d's cause more harm than a dozen
ita Khrushchev
The point I'm trying to make with all
this is that the broken-record complaints
and alibis given by the tradition-bound
to explain why they can’t succeed
entirely without value. The real reasons
men fail in this era of unprecedented
prosperity and opportunity are that they
are afraid — ог inept or downright
competent — and pay far more attention
to what the other fellows are doing than
to their own affairs.
The men who will make their marks
in commerce, industry and finance are
the ones with freewheeling imaginations
and strong, highly individualistic person
alities Such men may not care whether
their hair is crew-cut or in a pompadou
and they may prefer chess to golf —
they will see and seize the opportu
around them. Their minds unfettered by
the stultilying mystiques of organization-
man conformity, they will be the ones
to devise new concepts by means of
which production and sales may be in-
creased. They will develop new products
nd cut costs—to increase profits and
build their own fortunes. These eco-
nomic free-think re the individuals
who create new businesses and revitalize
and expand old ones. They rely on their
own judgment rather than on surveys,
studies and comm ps They
refer to no manuals of procedural rules,
for they know that every business situa-
tion is different from the next and that
no thousand volumes could ever contain
enough rules to cover all contingencies
The successful businessman is no n
row specialist. He knows and under-
stands all aspects of his business. He can
spot a production bottleneck as quickly
s he с;
am an accounting error, rectify а
sales campaign
as a flaw in personnel procurement
methods. The successful. busin
а leader — who solicits opinion
vice from his subordinates, but mi
the final decisions, gives the orders
assumes the responsibility for whatever
happens. I've said it before, and 1 say it
aguin: There is а fantastic demand for
such men in business today— both as
top executives and as owners and opera-
tors of their own businesses. There is
ample room for them ir s of
business endeavor
The resourceful and aggressive man
who wants to get rich will find the field
wide open. The Millionaires Club has
a solid-gold membership card waiting for
1 catego
him. It's his. provided he is willing to
heed ict upon his im ion, re-
lying on his own abilities and judgment
rather than conforming to patterns and
practices established by others.
The nonconformist — the leader and
tor — has an excellent chance to
ctae his fortune in the business world.
He can wear a green toga instead of a
gray Паппе! suit, drink yak's milk rather
than martinis, drive a Kibit stead of
a Cadillac and vote the straight Vegetar-
ian Ticket — and none of it will make the
slightest difference. Ability and achieve-
ment are bona fides no one dares ques-
tion, no matter how unconventional the
man who presents them.
Write to Janet Pilgrim for the
answers to your shopping
questions. She will provide you
with the name of a retail store
in or near your city where you
can buy any of the specialized
items advertised or editorially
featured in PLAYBOY. For
example, where-to-buy
information is available for the
merchandise of the advertisers
in this issue listed below.
rard Ri
Consoles .
Heathkit St
Consoles .
je Fleece Sock:
rord Players. .......32
jestic Stereo
McGregor Spor
ft Boats - B
Strombsrg-Carlson Components
Sylvania Sun Gun...
Wembley Tics .
Use these lines for informati
about other featured merchandise.
Miss Pilgrim will be happy to
v of your other
and drink, hi-fi, ete, If your
question involves items you saw
in PLAYBOY, please specify
page number and issue of the
magazine as well as a brief
description of the items
when you write,
282 E. Obio Street, Chicago 11, TII,
[13 vrs. for 514 (Save $7.60)
O 1 yr. tor $6 (Save $1.20)
Li payment enclosed [] bill later
city zone State
232 E. Ohio Street, Chicago 11, Illinois
ane Yptrors OF PLAYBOY proudly an
nounce the founding of Playboy Tours,
new concept in sophisticated voyag
and another major step (like our
lestival and key clubs) in making the
good rrAYmov life available to readers.
Starting this April, will
offer luxury trips to Europe, Mexico,
Jamaica, Hawaii and other glamor out-
posts round the globe. АП will be red-
carpet tours with itineraries completely
in keeping with the praynoy zest for the
adventurously unusual. the tastefully
urbane. Each tour will be assembled
with a sage eye for membe
congeniality of interests a
The first Playboy Tour jets off p
Europe from. New York, Chicago and
Los Angeles April 29, to be followed by
fifteen others, ng almost every
week, with the last one scheduled to de-
part October 7. Most of the tours will
run twenty-three days and include six
countries for $1440 (from New York).
A typical European tour will start in
England with five days in London, and
a jolly good show of theatreing,
estate hopping and
sampling, move on to four da:
followed by a two-day stay in М
an excursion to a priv
Cap d'Antibes. Then a visit to Monte
nd on for five days savoring
other four days will be spent
nd, with luxury digs at the
stock Lake Lucerne.
activities checked off on our
dipboard indude: а л. session in a
Parisian Left Bank artists studio, din-
ner ata private Roman villa, vis
Italian motion picture studio.
on Switzerland's Lake Lucerne, back-
stage visits at London's famed theatres.
The Jamaican tours will be as ro-
mantically he a rum swiz-
Де on а palm-fringed beach — nine days
at swank Mont and exotic Ocho
Rios encompassing all the goodies we
described in our Jamaica takeout
(rLAvmov, January 1960) and more, at
this most elegant Caribbean resort. Cost,
including air fare (round trip) from
Miami, $345.
PLAYBOY's Mexican sojourn comes
brightly wrapped in a nine- or fifteen-
day ficsta-filled package. with Mexico
City and. Acapulco jor stopovers.
For a good idea of the very special fun
that’s planned, sec Playboy On the Town
in Acapulco (in our November issue).
Tour prices start at $420 for nine
including air fare from Chicago.
A tempting fifteen-day tour to Ha
that will take in Oahu and the оше
islands is in the advanced plan
stage. Cost: from $414 to $633 plus
farc from San. Francisco
Whether you choose a j
or an ери
or Hav
PLAYBOY staff member will be on h
all proceeds with s
s to an
dy a brew a
further write lo
Playboy Tours, 232 E. Ohio St.,
11, Illinois.
Making the blue-glass test is а very
intriguing game. To play it, all you
need are three blue glasses numbered
1, 2, 3—three different brands of
teh whisky—and a pretty girl to
act as umpire. Actually, the pretty
girl, while very delightful, is not es-
sential. A friend or a waiter at your
club orata restaurant can bea stand-in,
The idea is very simple. It is to en-
able you to judge impartially which
Scotch is your favorite. The three
brands of Scotch are served in identi-
cally the same way (with soda, water
or on the rocks) in the blue glasses, so
that alllook alike and you will not know
which glass contains which brand.
Be sure one brand of Scotch is Old
Smuggler. The other two can be any
brands you like. Sip cach judiciously.
Compare the flavor thoughtfully. Then
decide which brand Я
you like best,
Which Scotch will
you pick? Frankly, we
don’t know. But we
do know that among
men who have made
the bluc-glass test,
Guy find that their
cotch is Old
Smug ber:
She Fashionable Scóteh _
Special Offer: Set of ou
glasses etched with numerals 1, 2,
to glasses used by
Ideal for enjoying S.
Send 81 per se
P. О. Box 364, |
With Princeton's Bonded Astrotex? fabrics—McGregor’s great new knits bend with you,
stretch with you, follow your every move without bunching or binding. Lightweight laminated
SCOTT APPAREL FOAM insulation keeps you com-
fortable, no matter how high or low temperatures get. u
Swing through spring with the greatest of ease... ina
new McGregor Limber Jacket!
Апо boy-sted, boy-priced. Made in Canada, too. McGregor-Doniger Inc., New York 19, N.Y.