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\ э” Уу ro 
nas Ж : \ 
Ж к sy ў E 
— "TL 
: г 
ts x 


Another adventure in one of the 87 lands where Canadian Club is 

е Best In The House” 

Even my heart turned over when | tried upside-down skiing 

Т would need perfeet 
a bad tumble. 


2. “Over the brink of the cliff | flashed. 
As T cleared the edge, I started to somer- 
sault, just as Td seen the expert do, 1 
thought. Га made a perfect takeoff. But 
| im midair, my heart 
balance was off! I wasn't 

ely to regain con- 

sining | at- 

tempted to bring my skis back to normal 

position but E landed badly off balance. 

nately the snow was sofi, so in spite 

of my awkward spill, nothing was hurt 
but my ego. 

п the slope, T joined my friends at Oberlech for a drink of our mutu- 
е whisky, Са n Club." Why this whisky's larity? П has 
less of Seoteh and the smooth satisfaction of Bourbon. No other whisky tastes 
3 b. You can stay with it all evening long—in short ones before 
affer. You owe it to yourself to start enjoying Canadian Club—the 
world’s lightest whisky — this very evening. 

Canadian Cll 8 years old. Imported in bottle from Canada 




€9 love that reader 

February 1963 


On o 

O. а 


You hear а good deal these days about testing advertising effectiveness. And 
that's good, We're for it. 

But what do you hear about testing editorial effectiveness? 

Like it says in the song about love and marriage, you can't have one without the 
other, (A debatable statement about love and marriage, but an incontrovertible 
FACT about magazines.) 

And how do you test editorial effectiveness? Well, for one thing, there are 
Starch Editorial Readership Studies, showing the percentage of readers for each 
editorial feature. (Please ask us to show you the eye-opening scores that PLAYBOY 
racks up on every study.) 

But for measuring one magazine's editorial effectiveness against another's, I 
suggest you ask to see their ABC statements. We'll be happy to send you PLAYBOY's 
statement for the 6 months ending 6/30/62, and if you'll use it as a yardstick for 
your comparison, we promise you some fascinating reading. 

PREMISE: If it has editorial effectiveness, readers will buy the magazine, 
If it lacks editorial effectiveness, the magazine will buy readers. 

So, one test of effectiveness is: how many readers are willing to pay the mag- 
azine's full cover price at the newsstand? For PLAYBOY, it's an average of 
993,793 per issue at 60¢ ($1 in December and January), or 75,85 of the total 
circulation, For Friendly Competitor "А" (name on request) it's 139,850 per 
issue at 60¢, or 16% of the total circulation, For Friendly Competitor "В" 

(mame on request) it's 64,595 per issue at 25¢, or 6.3% of the total circulation, 

But that's only one test. A magazine can also have strength in its subscription 
circulation, of course, So our next question is: how many subscribers are willing 
to pay the magazine's basic subscription rates? And next, how many have to be 
bribed or cajoled by premiums, "trial offers," and cut rates? 

PLAYBOY has no cut-rate subscription drives. Of the 121,712 subs it sold in the 

period, 96% were at basic prices (the remainder represent slightly reduced rates 
on multiple gift subs). Friendly Competitor "A" sold 246,820 subs, only 51.7% 
at basic prices, Friendly Competitor "В" sold 459,733, but only 16.9% at basic 

PLAYBOY has no premiums, Friendly Competitor "А" used premiums on 7% of the subs 
it sold in the period, while Friendly Competitor "B" used them on 1%, 
"Trial offers" are usually less-than-one-year subs sold at reduced prices, 

PLAYBOY has no trial offers, and sold only 276 less-than-one-year subs (to college 
Students for the school year). Friendly Competitor "А" sold 72,609 less-than-one- 



year subs, representing 29.4% of the total number sold, Е "ly Competitor "В" 
sold 236,634 less-than-one-year subs, representing a whopping 51,4% of its total 

Interestingly enough, despite the contrast between the intensity and nature of 

the other magazines! circulation efforts and PLAYBOY's spontaneous sales, Friendly 
Competitor "A" actually lost 3508 in circulation during the period; "В" gained 
42,389; while PLAYBOY gained 74,336, And in total, PLAYBOY's 1,310,000 circulation 
is now 1 1/2 times the size of "A" and 1 1/3 times the size of "B," 

By relying on cut-rate subs for its circulation, a magazine is clearly stating that 
its editorial content does not have enough appeal to induce readers to pay the 
established price. And, moneywise, it plays a curious game with the advertiser's 
dollar, It uses the advertiser's dollar to subsidize large circulation promotion 
expenditures to earn the privilege of selling copies to the subscriber for less 

than it costs to produce them, Having gained this less-than-enthusiastic subscriber 
with the advertiser's money, the magazine then adds him to its rate base and uses 
him as a statistic to justify charging the advertiser more for his advertising! 

And that's not the end of it, Since this less-than-enthusiastic subscriber is 
still less enthusiastic about renewing at basic rates, the magazine is forced to 
sell more and more cut-rate subs in every period while it sells less and less 
basic subs, just to stay even, And the costs go up and up -- to the advertiser, 


The difference is not accidental. Instead of spending its money to hire an 
audience for the advertiser, PLAYBOY invests it in putting on a first-rate edi- 
torial performance which brings in the customers at the full price of admission, 

PLAYBOY's spectacular success simultaneously in both circulation and advertising 
confirms our basic tenet -- that interested readers make interested customers 
for the advertiser. The happy cycle benefits the reader, the advertiser, and 
the magazine, because their interests complement each other. 

And PLAYBOY consciously adds and retains interested readers by mot only enhancing 
the quality of its editorial content, but by expanding it as advertising linage 
expands, We maintain an average of approximately 70% editorial to 30% advertising. 
For every page of advertising in an issue we add an extra page of editorial con- 
tent, over and above the basic editorial package offered every month, Thus, the 
advertiser's money is actually reinvested in creating an even more attractive 
climate for his advertising. 

Underlying all of this, and the fountainhead of all of PLAYBOY's success, is the 
fact that its editors know precisely the audience the magazine is designed for, 
and their eyes never wander from the target. 

And that is what makes PLAYBOY the most successful men's magazine the country has 
ever known, and that is what makes it the most effective advertising medium for 
what Printer's Ink calls the "big, rich, but tough male market." 

And that is why you advertise in PLAYBOY, Or should. 



Howard W. Lederer 

Mahalia Jackson, the greatest 
gospel singer of them all, glori- 
fies the Word in her powerful 
and moving new record, ‘Make a 
Joyful Noise Unto the Lord.’ 

* 7 {Eileen Farrell and André Previn keep com- 

= pany with America's great songwriters 
their new album, ‘Together With Love." 

Carl Smith, a country and Steve Lawrence picks only 
western connoisseuf sings lucky numbers for a swing: 
the songs that made him fa- ing new record,‘ Winners." 
mous, іп a brand new @ of 
"Carl Smith's Greatest Hits." 

Jerry Vale sings of love, Italian 
style, in his romantic new collec- 
tion on @, ‘Arrivederci, Roma." 

Johnny Cash records the folk 
A ballads of a young America 
—a rugged country built with 
“Blood, Sweat and Tears.’ 

Marty Robbins, in 

that includes his framed 
portrait, ranges through richly 
varied repertoire to create a col 
orful, musical *Portrait of Marty. 

Randy Sparks and his bright 
young, chorus lead an en- 
usiastic audience through 

an @ of folk music, ‘The New 
"Christy Minstrels in Person." 

This is today's world of entertainment. Enter, friend. You'll find 
it warm, inviting, alive. In wonderful high fidelity or stereo 
sound, this world sounds wonderful on Columbia Records. 

TOLIMA ило вес TEO w USA 



how many 
famous feet 
go around 
in unshrinkable, 

100% wool 



Completely machine washable and dryable. 
Can’t shrink out of sock size. 
(A new pair free if they ever should.) 
Price: $1.50. Inexpensive, really, 
when you consider it'll comfortably outlast 

- any other wool sock. 

| Jockey 

(8) BRANI 

See ROCK HUDSON, starring in "A GATHERING OF EAGLES,” in Eastman Color, a Universal picture. 


P L AY B І І І If you catch the 

bit on the rim of the lady's gla 
on this month's cover, you'll see we've 
turned the world upside down to make 
this F ше ро to your head. 
feat goes to Contributing 
Photographer Stan Malinowski, who 
spent hours posing Cheryl Lampley's 
pretty profile on the edge of that neat: 
tipped champagne glass to capture Chi. 
cago's inverted skyline within it. 

Frank is the word for this month's 
Playboy Interview мії nk Sinatra. 
Our running Sinatra session—and it 
literally ran from his home to his studio 
dressing room to his Dual-Ghia, up and. 
down elevators and 
a dozen office building: 
cated Hollywood columnist Joc Hyams 
and writer photographer William Re 
Woodfield, who happened to be shootil 


revealing, self-searching, significant inter- 
iew he has ever given to any publication, 
From Frank Sinatra we move to The 
Playboy Philosophy, Part Three of a 
statement on the magazine's guiding 
principles and editorial credo, by Editor- 
Publisher Hugh M. Hefner, Like the 
ii interview, Philosophy was done 
on the run— during Hef's jet hops to 
New York and St. Louis for the open- 
ings of new Playboy Clubs and to Los 
isco, Washington, D.C., 
nd Detroit where he held meetings and 
ed over plans for still more 
key dub ch 

Another of erAvnov's traveling exe 
Editorial Director A. C. Spectorsky, offers 
entiful proof herein that Those ¢ 
con Virgins don’t entirely live up to their 



name. Author and anthologist of a half- 
dozen volumes, Spectorsky had only а 
п mind when he hied hi 

The Virgins lured him into wh 
ws might call a “writer's holida 
1 work, avers Spec, who fondly 
recalls a ball (which, he says, was really 
a ball) given by the governor of the 
Virgin Islands for the president ої Af- 
ricas Togo Republic — see photo above. 

In the 46 vears since. famed. novelist. 
P. (Pelham) С. (Grenville) Wodehouse 
created. that indomitable gentleman's 
gentleman, Jeeves, his 60-odd Jeeves 
novels have sold over 50,000,000 copi 
One of them, How Right You Are, 
Jecves!, was first published in PLAYBOY 
(February 1960). Now 82, Wodehouse 
still going strong — witness this issue's 
first installment. of a two-part scrializa 
tion of his latest work, Stiff Upper Lip, 
Jecves!, to be published in book form by 
Simon & Schuster this April. 

Even more succinet than the venerable 
Jeeves is artist Bill Charmatz, who did 
the delightful two-page illustration. for 
Stiff Upper. When we asked him for b 
info, he sent back the following report: 
"Born 1925, NYC. One wife, 33 yrs old. 
One daughter, 2 yrs old. One dog, 9 yrs 
old. One house, 70 yrs old. Six ft., | inch, 
200 Ibs. Two yrs in U.S.N. Two yrs in 
France. No art school. Civic minded 
(plants trees in street). Drinks excessively. 
Smokes ditto. Eats ditto." 

After vou've watched cartoonist Claude 
kick The Pedestal out from under the 
female of the species, you'll find another 
Claude creation illustrating the latest 
chapter of Shepherd Mead's How to 
Succeed with Women Without Really 
Trying. And speaking of Mead, мете 
pleased to note that his Н.Т.8. іп Busi- 
ness W.R.T. (also originally published 

nech (left) debates x 

1 PLAYBOY) is continuing its packed- 
house, long run as а Broadway musical. 

Aside from being a fine shortshort 
story with a double-dealing twist, The 
New Deal is also a literary event. It 
marks the return of Charles Einstein to 
genre he helped make famous. Once 
among the busiest and best shortshort 
America, Einstein tells us that 
the first he's written in five years. 

We're sure you'll dig The 1963 Playboy 
All-Stars, bandstand presentation of 
the winners of our seventh annual Jazz 
Poll, complete with a reprise by Nat 
Hentolf of significant happenings in jazz 
in the past 12 months. Alter gazing at 
our Stars, harken to the Sounds of '63, 
an up-to-date rundown on stereo kits, 
components and consoles to double your 

stening pleasure at home. 

One look at The Chicks of Cleopatra, 

our cight-page exclusive of the lasses that 
surround Liz Taylor, should persuade 
you the film is one of the most sensa- 
tional supercolossals of all time. You'll 
also have eyes for 4 Playmate Pillow 
Fight, which is quite supercolossal in 
own way. And the same can be said— 
nd will be — for our February Playmate 
"Toni Ann Thomas. 
There's more of note here, including 
PLAYBOY exclusive: the text of the con- 
troversial Norman Mailer-William Buck. 
ley packed-house public debate on the 
role of the right wing (their explosive 
opening statements, written expressly for 
PLAYBOY, appeared last month); From 
Collar to Cuffs, a buttoned«lown report 
on shirt styles by Fashion Director Robert 
тееп; The Perfect Alibi, a murderous 
nd Joc Hickey: 
all our regular features, plus our custom- 
ry laughing-stock of Have at 
it, gentlemen. 


If you have a phonograph 

you may choose 

of the best-selling records shown on 
these two pages-in your choice of 




if you join the Club пом and agree to purchase 

as feW as 6 selections from the more than 400 

to be made available in the coming 12 months 


| Here's в compact brass-finished rack 

| whose capacity grows ав your collec- 

| tion grows. Tts adjustable — holds 

7 (тот опе to sixty records securely 
Folds flat when not In ше. 


© Columbia Records Uistrivution Со 1903 321 

1F YOU OWN A PHONOGRAPH you are invited 
t ANY SIX of the outstanding records shown 
on these two pages — ALL SIX for only $1.99. What's 
more, when you join the Club through this offer, 
you'll also receive a handsome adjustable record 
rack — absolutely FREE! 

ТО RECEIVE YOUR 6 RECORDS FOR $1.99 — fill in 
and mail the attached postage-paid card. Be sure to 
indicate whether you want your 6 records (and ali 
future selections) in regular high-fidelity or stereo. 
Also indicate which Club Division best suits your mu- 
sical taste: Classical; Listening and Dancing 
way. Novie, Television and Musical Comedies; 

HOW THE CLUB OPERATES: Each month the Club's 
staff of music experts selects outstanding records 
from every field of music. These selections are fully 
described in the Club's music Magazine, which you 
receive free tach month. 

You may accept the monthly selection for your 
Division -.. or take any of the wide variety of other 
records offered in the Magazine, from all Divisions 

or take no record in ary particular month. Your 
only membership obligation is to purchase six гес- 
ords from the more than 400 to be offered in the 
coming 12 months. Thereafter, you have no further 
obligation to buy any additional records . . . and 
you may discontinue your membership at апу time. 

continue 25 а member after purchasing six records, 
you will receive — FREE — a record of your choice 
for every two additional selections you buy — а 50% 

The records you want are mailed and billed to you 
at the list price of $3.98 (Classical $4.98; occa- 
sional Original Cast recordings somewhat higher), 
plus a small mailing and handling charge. Stereo 
records are $1.00 more. 

6 records. 
only $1.99 

plus a free adjustable record rack — for 

Stereo records must be played only 
on a stereo record player. 

here is а unique opportunity to 
the newest dimension in recorded 
music — Slereophonic Sound! If you join 
under the terms outlined here, you can 
receive the Columbia Compact Stereo 
Phonograph shown at right—a $39.95 
value — for cnly $7.95 (plus postage), 

you begin your membership by selecting 
any one of the stereo records shown on 
these two pages at the list price of $4.98 
(Classical, $5.98; Original Cast record- 
ings, $5.98 ог 56.98). Indicate your 
choice on the attached postage-paid 
card... and at the same time, be sure 
lo indicate which Club Division best 
suits your musical taste: Classical; Lis- 
tening and Dancing; Broadway, Movies, 
Television and Musical Comedies; Jazz. 

Then simply return the postage bald 
card — without money — and you will 
promptly receive the stereo record you 
have selected, together with a bill for 
$12.93 (that's $4.98 for the record, $7.95 
for the phonograph), plus postage. (If 
you select a higher priced record, you 
will be billed accordingly.) Upon receipt 

1963. VOL. бю. на 2 

{Have But One Heart 



401. It's АГ In the 
Game, ТИ! There Was 
You, Cry, 8 more 


299. Twelve big hits 
by one of America’s 
hottest singers 

rawennacte Enon 


[D LORDS НАМ mone 

This is “an ex. 

traordinary chorus." 
—New York Times 

Lon en Para 

93. The best-selling 

403. Mama, Come { 
Back To Sorrento, 0 
Т” маль 
кшз plus $ пол 
Johnny Reb, The Man- 
sion You Stole, ste, 
plus 13 more 
It Hot, Magnificent 
Seven,’ smile, eic. 
па e baa Yo | 
And the angels Sim 
Cherry Pink, etc. 
А Debussy 
Fare Rectal by 

Sole Mio, 12 in all 
>, вної 
287 Also:Comanche, 
107. Also: Some Like 
180. Also: Pretend, 

246. “Bold splashes 
of color, remendons. 
warmth. "Hi Fi. Rev. 

33. Everybody Loves 
A Lover, Be My Love, 
Volare, 12 in all 

#The stereo Version of this record 
15 electronically re-channeled 

of payment, we will immediately ship 
your phonograph. 

J * every 
four weeks you will receive, dreo, the 
Club's music Magazine — which will de- 
scribe fifty or more stereo recordings 
from every field of music. 

You may choose ary of the selections 
described in the magazine, regardless 
of which musical Division you have 
joined. Your only membership obligation 
is to purchase a record every four weeks 
during the forthcoming year, at the list 
price (plus а small mailing and handling 
charge). You may discontinue member- 
ship any time thereafter. If you decide 
to continue as a member after fulfilling 
your erroliment agreement, you need 
mot purchase any specified number of 
records — but for every two selections 
you do accept, you will receive a stereo 
record of your choice free. 

E D 
The number of phonographs that nave 
been manufactured for this special of- 
fer is limited . - . so if you have по 
phonograph, or desire to have a stereo 
Phonograph, we urge you to acl now! 

$e Fon cne vean 

ee 4 World OF 

Ретіне | |р 
" j 

STRAVINSKY | вал Vinton sings Beethoven: 

ddr ton 55 
me f | E mens a 
, len ALT змі EROICA 







The Exotic 
Sounds af] 



© anand are міраж hich 
20 to 
45 of 78 rpm recorda 

Columbia Compact Stereo Phono- 
graphs come with one-year 
uarantee on service and parts. 

3 - - 
More than 1,500,000 families now belong 

to the world’s largest record си» COLUMBIA RECORD CLUB теппе най 


vol. 10, no. 2— february, 1963 


Cleo's Chicks 
= ~ 
Americon Virgins (OH 

Pillow Fight P. 66 

micro © 1963 ат нын PUBLISHING CO., INC: 

PENN: P. эз PHOTOS BY SHAM (21. ма; ғ. 


PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: FRANK SINATRA—condid conversation... 35 

Sa = F. G. WODEHOUSE 50 
THE NEW DEAL—fclion. - = n Laca CHARLES EINSTEIN 60 
THE PEDESTAL—humor E : зай CLAUDE 63 



GOLDEN GIRL—playboy's playmate of the month. xm Ud 
SOUNDS OF '63—modern living. RES ese 




моон м. merser editor and publisher 

А. C. SPECTORSKY associate publisher and editorial director 
ARTHUR PAUL art director. 

JACK J. KESSIE managing editor VINCENT т. TAJIRI picture editor 

editors; ROBERT l. GREEN fashion director; DAVID TAYLOR associate fashion editor; 
THOMAS MARIO food & drink editor; PATRICK. CHASE travel editor; J, PAUL GETTY 
consulting editor, business and finance; CHAWS BEAUMONT, RU “ 
PAUL KRASSNHt, KEN W. PURDY comtributin 
STAN AMBER associate copy editor; RAY WILLIAMS assistant editor; ві JAMBERLATN 
associate picture edilor; DON BRONSTEIN, POSAR, JERRY 
YULSMAN staf) photographers; REID AUSTIN PMLI KAPLAN, 
losten u. PACZEK assistant arl directors; WALTER KRADENYCH, FILEN PACZEK ail 
assistants; JOHN. MASTO production manager; FERN л. HEARTEL assistant produc- 
tion manager + HOWARD W. LEDERER advertising director; JULES KASE eastern aduer- 
tising manager; Joseri FALL midwestern advertising manager; үозккзз GUENT 
Detroit advertising manager; NELSON клен promotion director: DAN CZUBAK promo- 
tion art director; HELMUT LORSCH publicity manager; вехху DUNN public relations 
manager; ANSON MOUNT College bureau; THEO FREDERICK personnel director: 

өткенім reader service; WALTER J. MowaNTH subscription fulfillment manager; ELDON 
SELLERS special projects; ROBERT S. PREUSS business manager and circulation director. 


No astute nature-lover ventures into the 
wilds unprepared. The grub ambrosial 

and the babe gorgeous are a must. As wit- 

ness above, A Man Who Has It Made in 
Trimsters, Thelady is obviously swayed by 

a jug of wine, a loaf of bread and thou in "n 

his sartorial splendor. There's a noncha- 
lant charm in 14-inch bottoms and slant- 

ed slit pockets. Slim and tight, Trimsters 
sling low on the hips, carry no cuffs, no 

belt and very few inhibitions. Highly rec- 

ommended for all forms of hanky-panky 
in the forest primeval. Pick your favorite 
colors in cotton, rayon or miracle fibres. 
Zippers by Talon. Only $4.95 to $8.95 at 
swingin’ shops that feature the h.i.s" label. 

„© trimster slacks 

For men on the go. The Crew-saders.. 

Crew-saders come in twenty distinctly individual colors for 
your casual or dress wear. They are incredibly soft, they 
feel wonderful, yet they hold your foot firmly, really stay up. 
Crew-saders are knit of hi-bulk Orlon® acrylic and nylon. 

Wash them again and again by machine or hand, they never 
lose shape. Crew-saders are stretch-knit. One size fits you, 
and everyone else. Crew-saders are Interwoven® to their 
toes. They are not just ordinary socks. Try a pair. $1.50. 

Inter woven 



ЕЗ conss маугоу MAGAZINE - 252 E. оно sT., CHICAGO 11, LUNOIS 

Herbert Gold's story, Barbara Girl. 
in the November issue of your magazine 
is one of the best pieces of short fiction 
1 have read in any periodical in the past 
year. It is а real pleasure to know that 
readers can. count on PLAYROY for out 
standing work such as this. Congratula- 
tions. Lets have more of the same. For 
my money, Gold is head and shoulders 
above most of his contemporaries. No 
wonder rrAvmoY's reputation for pub- 
lishing fisstrate fiction is so high. 
John Kerr 

Los Angeles, Califor 

Please convey my thanks and appre 
tion to Herbert Gold for his magnificent 
Barbara Girl. 1 wish all your 
uting authors would read it as a s 
for fiction in your future issue 


My congratulations on Ray Russell's 
Come to Me, Му Melancholy Dane in 
your November issue. ] was particularly 
amused by the patter song for Claudius, 
Bloody Bawdy Villain, wherein My. 
Russell has so delightfully seized upon 
the meter ої W. S. Gilbert's famous 
Modern Major General song and put it 
to such good use in his most delightful 
satire. You may find some of the purists 
heaping coals of fire upon your head for 
this, but as far as 1 am concerned 1 
merely heap bouquets. Let us have some 
more, say King Lear or Macbeth with a 
touch of Gilbert's Nightmare Song Irom 
his operetta Jolanthe? 
Martyn Green 

New York, New York 

Our and the author's thanks to one of 
the world’s lading authorities on, and 
interpreters of, Gilbe 

and Sullivan. 


In your recent fine panel discussion of 
Business Ethics, the distinguished partici- 
pants (including Messrs. Javits, Carey, 
Benton, et al.) overlooked the basic evil 
of the Stock Option device; namely, the 
assumption that the market performance 
of his company’s stock constitutes a valid 

yardstick of the executive's managerial 
contribution. Actually, as shown by the 
record, there is practically no correlation 
between the market fluctuations of а 
company's shares with either the eam- 
ings or the individual managerial elfort. 
Vhrough the self-serving Option device 
(including the Reset practice whereby 
the Option price is reduced if and after 
there is a market decline) a select 
management group gets free-of-charge а 
tax-sheltered stock market ride on a 
heads Lwin-wilsno-dice guarantee. Sub- 
stantiating the immorality of the Option 
practice, apart from its material cost to 
reholders, are its common cynical 
cation as a needed device to enable 
l-bracket corporate officials to avoid 
the still tax rates imposed on ordinary 
carned and the “everybody's 
doin Utionalization. 

A. Wilfred May 

New York, New York 



Well, you did it again with your 
November issue. The Playboy Panel is of 
"portance. It goes deep and 
uncovers unethical practices as по one 
has for a long time. It also gives different 
points of view, so rare today in an era 
of conformity. 


Charles J. Stucky 
Hudson. Michigan 


As the producer of Ben Case 
person i 
with the personal and professional de- 
tachment he showed to Little Annie 
Fanny in your November issue. Any 
competent resident would have behaved 
this way. 

Matthew арг 
Bing Crosby Productions 
Hollywood, Califor 

»rvmoy has finally engaged the tal- 
ents of one of America’s greatest satire 
teams, Kurtzman and Elder. 1 happen to 
be one of the generation that was raised 
on the humor of Mad when it was an 
outstandingly clever and original humor 
magazine, i.e. the days of Kurtzman. As 
far as 1 and a good many of my con 
temporaries аге concerned, Kurtum 




Hrs, 072) BEVERLY BLVD. 









the best Tam has to off 




Just for self-appraisal: CHECK THOSE YOU 


Ê Travels : 
| with SILENT 

Charley 99 9 SPRING 
КЕ % SHIP Rachel 

pes ы OF FOOLS Carson 

. Г] 
559, TRAVELS WITH 563, FAIL SAFE by eu- 539. SHIP OF FOOLS 552. SILENT SPRING зо, THE котн- — 321. MY LIFE IN 
CHARLEY Бу тони | сене murcia AR Ty nende, ANNE by васи casos Шін-  SCHILDS by тигс | COURT by touts nizen 
ѕтгхаєск. (Publisher's. vey WHEELER, (Publish. токтек. (Publisher's re- trated. (Publisher's re- мовтом. illustrated (Publisher's retail price 
retail price $4.95) er's retail price $4.95) tail price $6.50) tail price $5) (Publisher's retail price 3595) 




Book-of-the-Month Club 
А 4 Oo 
ч. тик wam (ОО IMA eee vomenoos sa. me aromo: 

онн Starck. Pub- OUR Priblisher’s ites ROOSEVELT Illustrated 

d retail 2 ANY ТН RE E tail price 5795) ees E price 
FOR $] EACH —— 

THE TRIAL: You agree to buy as few as three 
additional books from the Club during the 
coming year 


INGWAY (Publisher's I!! ace 
retail price 36) retail price $7.50) (Publisher's retail price 

ір Bruce Catton 


| FURY a 
ALD by лик тивне TAGENETS by tHomas FURY by muce caro by MAR SCHOREX. IF unis. (Publisher's retail READER by WILLIAM 
pur Шамей, (Pub- fiche e Мара (Dub. | Tow Maps (Publishers strated. (Publisher's _ price $495) ^ (Publisher 
isher's retail pri isher's retail price retail price $7. il price CHRON 
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Offhand sophistication in 

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cuff links and smart, new tie bar. 
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and Elder are probably the most unrec- 
ognized geniuses of their time, If Lv 
continues to exhi 
amount of good sense it has exhibited іш 
the past, Pm sure that Little Annie 
Fanny will become a permanent feature. 

Vance Gilliam 

New York, New York 

the tremendous 

I never thought the time would come 
when I would witness the compatible 
marriage of PLAYBOY and Mad. 1 still 


Francisco, California 

Re your Playmates of History: 1 was 
scared to go through those pages on ac 
count of the risk of mam у smother. 
You don't find sane men in booby 
hatches. The Irish died out, I guess 
you know, because it grew horns so big 
it couldn’t hold its head up. Overad- 
justment to environment they call it 
Can your girls hold their shoulders back? 
I wouldn't think so, not with their twin 
obesities. We used to speak of half 
srapefruits, but progress marches on to 
basketballs. If it marches much further 
your girls will have to wl. House of 
Holstein — thats the group name for 
this udder squad. Any good dairyman 
would ask for production and butterfat 
tests. Not that T have anything а 
manageable bosoms, you understand. 
Some of my best friends have them. 
A. B. Guthrie, Jr. 
Great. Falls; Montana 
On the other hand, A.B.. would 
have considered titling your boi 
Big Sky," "The Manageable Sky"? 

In addition to being impressed by the 
charms of Miss December in Playmates 
of History in your November issue, I was 
also impressed in noting that she is a 
collector of reptiles, especially venomous 

George J. Watterson, Manager 
Reptile Import 
Medina, Ohio 

Re Playmates of History in your No- 

vember issue: MOOO! Re Al 

Chesterfield: more like her, pl 
William № 
New Orleans, Louisi: 


Fredric Brown is the master of the 
©. Henry ending, but the triple flip at 
the end of his Puppet Show exceeded 
even his usual high standar 
Robert A. Heinlein 
Colorado Springs, Colorado 

November's Puppet Show was just as 
well done as one would expect a Fredric 
Brown story to be (wish I could set a 
scene and tell а narrative in so few 
words) and, in addition, had a couple of 

Star of the Red Skelton Show (CBS-TV, 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays) relaxes іп one of the opulent new Penthouse Suites at the Sands 

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ever talk to an 
audiophile about 
record players? 

A real stickler for quality! Won't 
even look at а unit unless it has a 
weighted, balanced turntable, a 
speed-regulated motor and an arm 
as sensitive as a weather vane. 

Frankly, most people get by with 
less sophisticated equipment. You 
can, too, if you don’t mind or can't 
hear the difference, ог if you don't 
care that your friends will. But, if 
it does make a difference, here's. 
how you can resolve the situation. 

The Miracord will satisfy the most 
critical connoisseur: heavy, die- 
cast, dynamically balanced, 12- 
inch turntable; choice of 4-pole 
induction or Papst hysteresis 
motor; and a mass-balanced arm 
as responsive as а fine chemist's 
scale, Performance is superb. 

And, unlike other quality players 
which can only be played manu- 
ally, the Miracord also plays your 
records automatically — single 
records, or stacks of ten. You are 
free to listen undisturbed — free 
to pursue any other activity with- 
out intrusion or interruption, 


Model 10 with 4-pole induction 
motor, $89.50; Model 10H with 
Papst hysteresis motor, $99.50 
(complete with arm, less base and 
cartridge). Complete details at 
your hi-fi dealer, or write: 

80 Swalm St. Westbury, L. 

Sole U.S. Distributor for. а 
Record Playing Components. 

ent overtones that were bound 
aut an old science-fiction Бий. 
Congratulations to all concerned. 
Poul Anderson 
Orinda, California 
Praise from top-rank science-fiction 
wrilers Heinlein and Anderson is praise, 

Puppet Show had а delightful twist; 

I enjoyed it as I do almost all of Fredric 

Brown's writing. Naturally, 1 am pleased 

to see him become a regular contri 

to PLAYBOY. In recent years I have 

a good deal of damned good w 

your magazine — olfbeat stull with guts. 
Stuart. Palmer 

Los Angcles, California 


Congratulations to rinnen and to 
Robert Ruark on October's The Gentle- 
man's Hunting Arsenal. Mr. Ruark 
modestly refers to himself as bei 

the semiprofessional class of 
personally I think that he ranks as one 
in Africa today. 

th which I find it difficult to 
that is when he says that ownership of a 
300 um automatically equips a 
hu jr up to buf 
tence he goes on to say that “ 
always rent or borrow the he ма 
from your safari or shikar firm.” But 
this leaves the impression that the .300 
Magnum can and may be used for all 
of the big game of Asia, inclu 
tiger. I am a professional hunt 
own field is Asia and my licen 
of operations is Nepal. 
jungles of this country the 
five large, dangerous animals 
not be “hot with а 300 М 
the роо 

"you сап 

In the 

yum, cer- 
client. of. 

country the absolute minimum pe 
sible bore is the 375 Magnum 
300 grain slug, the heaviest gr 
of bullet that can be fired throu, 
bore. The Nepali tigers are geni 
much bigger than their southern cou 
in India. They range as high as 9000 feet 
into the Himalayas and are huge, heavy- 
boned, thick-coated animals that require 
a massive bullet to knock them down. 
The 375 Magnum does the job. The 300 
Magnum may do the job. But when 
you are on the ground with big, fast 
moving game, “may” is not enough. It 
is a fact, of course, that one can kill a 
tiger, or any of the bigger, soft-skinned 
game, with a lighter rifle. A tiger 
be killed with a .22 if you can plink him 
in the exact and vital p Or even 
with a bow and arrow or a pistol. But 
when one is shooting protessionally 
day after day coming into contact 


on a cord, packed in a 
redwood box. $2.00, 
Paired with ALL-PURPOSE 
LOTION, $4.00 (plus 206 
лед. for the set 

347 Fifth Avenue, New York 


2 Mary 


раз — 
Peter, Paul and Mary, Part Two. 
The second installment of an 

important new musical expression. 
MILTON OKUN — Musical Director 


the first name in sound 
Warner Bros.Records 0 

Burbank, California 

big game, especially the big cats, it is not 
fair to oneself or to one's clients to use 

ing but the proper tool for the 
have a friend in this country who 
7 and shot 
India for 40 y his old 
gun a "no He has 
shot 195 tigers with it, 16 of them man- 
caters and the remainder cattle killers. 
He is 82 years of age and living happily 
ever afterward. I shall personally be ver 
happy to follow his example 
well on the way i 
armory that contains an 
barreled 470, а Remingtoi 
ine, a Holland & Holland 
and an assortment of smaller guns for 
smaller game. The same armory, built 
on 18 years of big game hunting experi- 
ence in Asia, does not con 300 
Magnum nor is there any intention of 
adding one to the list. 
Peter Ву 
Nepal Sats 
п Francisco, California 

job. I 
has used a double-barreled 


1 have read in a syndicated news- 
paper column that PLayuoy is trying to 
decide whether to publish the nude 
photographs that it took of the late 
Marilyn Monroe before her suicide. May 
I simply say that 1 am quite sure you 
would not be guilty of necrophilia or 
ad taste if you did publish these photo- 
graphs. Miss Monroe was sui generis; 
in conversations today, her name is not 
mentioned with the reservations or guilt 
5 that so often surround mention 
of the recendy dead. Frankly, for some 
reason | don't pretend to understand, 
it would appear that she is still alive. 
Hollywood would probably refer to this 
as “immortality.” This is simply onc 
reader's vote for publication of the 

(Name withheld) 

Durham, North Carolina 
praynoy does have in its files the full 
nudes of Marilyn that were censored 
oul of the “Something's Got to Give" 
swimming scene by the studio, bul saved 
by Monroe herself and released to us а 
Jew days before her death. The picture 
могу was scheduled for our December 
Ninth Anniversary issue and Marilyn 
had also agreed to pose for rA 
unique two-sided December cover. Fol- 
lowing her suicide, the picture story was 
canceled, because we felt a serions 
abridgment of taste would be involved 
if we ran it so soon after her death; 
vLAYBOY has never knowingly dealt in 
anything it considered shoddy or sensa 
tional. With the passage of time, how- 
ever, we feel that the problem eases, and 
we plan on including these exclusive 
pictures as part of a special tribute to 

Marilyn scheduled for later this year 

Important News 
about Imported Scotch 

How a sea voyage in its original casks from our Distillery 
in Bowling-By-Glasgow, Scotland creates a Scotch Whisky with 
the unique combination of elegant taste and thrifty price. 

It may scem surprising that the news 
we have to tell you, news of a some- 
what revolutionary nature to the 
Scotch industry, should come from 
the quiet hamlet of Bowling-By-Glas- 
gow, Scotland. But then our story 
is full of surprising twists and turns. 
The Art of “Gentle-ing.” [t actu- 
ally begins centuries ago when the 
wealthy wine merchants of the Old 
World used to ship their wines out 
for an ocean voyage in their original 
casks, and then ship them back again 
to their point of origin. This process 
came to be called "gentlc-ing" and 
it was accepted as being the best way 
there was of bringing wine to its point 
cf perfection. And now this same 
method holds true for Scotch 

Actually, all quality Scotch Whis- 
kies are blended, matured and han- 
dled in pretty much the same way, 
from the same basic Scotch malt and 
grain whiskies. House of Stuart is 
no exception. It із a blend of at least 
20 of the finest Scotch distillation: 
And istilled, blended, and aged 
in our Distillery in Bowling-By-Glas- 
gow, Scotland. 

The House of Stuart Difference. 
But here is where House of Stuart 
departs from other quality Scotches. 
For after aging their Scotch, 
the makers of House of Stuart 
—like the wine merchants of 
old send their fine Scotch out 
to sea in its original casks to 
be "gentled." We import 
House of Stuart to America in 
its original casks, as the final 
step in the perfect blending 

It's Smart 
To Buy Right 



depending upon 

individual state 

process. Because of this “gentle-ing” 
process, House of Stuart is a perfectly 
blended Scotch Whisky, with a per 
fect taste. 

But this is where the surprise comes 
in. This long ocean voyage in the 
original casks, which so perfects the 
taste and blending of House of Stuart, 
also considerably reduces the price of 
this fine Scotch Whisky 
$2.00 Less Per Fifth. Let us explain. 
You see, Because it is shipped to Amer- 
іса in its original casks, House of 
Stuart does not have to pay taxes 
and duties as high as those paid by 
other Scotches that are bottled over- 
seas. Also, there is a substantial sav- 
ings on transportation costs because 
то money need be spent for the ship- 
ment and protection of fragile glass 
containers and cartons. This all 
means that we can sell—and you can 
enjoy —House of Stuart at almost 
82.00 less per fifth than many popu- 
lar brands, 

So, that's our story. And а pretty 
surprising опе it is, too. We were will- 
ing to make this extra effort to get 
the perfect blend and taste for our 
House of Stuart Scotch. And we also 
end up with a Scotch that costs you 
less. Of course, because of this, the 
perfect end to our story—for both 

ourselves and you, too—would 
be for you to visit your neigh- 
borhood liquor mart or store 
and ask for House cf Stuart. 
Ifyou do, you'll scon see what 
we mean when we say, “It's 
smart to buy right!” It’ssmart 
to buy imported House of 
Stuart Scotch. 


use of 


88 proof • Imported in original casks by 
Barton Distillers Import Co., New York City 


Build a highball with 7-Up and you hold the whiskey flavor you 
m е? пе enjoy. Rich, true flavor. Seven-Up doesn’t squelch it. (If it did, 
7-Up wouldn’t get the male call it does!) What 7-Up does do with 

/77 Ne / gi a unique nicety is to mellow your highball to perfect smoothness. 
A man-type highball needs the man's mixer. It needs 7-Up. Try it. 

Copyright 1968 by The Seven-Up Company 


1: Your boyhood commenced sometime 
after the era of Jules Verne and be- 
fore the advent of Horatio Alger, chances 
are that you became addicted to the hair- 
breadth exploits of that paragon of 
pluck and moxi; that cleandiving 
champion of God, Home, Flag and 
Mother; that indomitably optimistic and 
sticktoitive spouter of sticky sampler 
the Tom Swilt, of 
whom Frank Menriwell, the Rover Boys 
and even Tom Swift, Jr. — his contem- 
porary namesake — are the palest reflec- 
tions. Perhaps the most unforgettable 
of all the memories inspired by this 
abled folk hero is the prose of Victor 
Appieton, Tom's inimitable creator: а 
mélange of wildly improbable plots 
larded with impossibly stilted dialog 
beside which the pomposities ої Bull- 
winkle's incorruptible Dudley Doright 
fairly crackle with wit and verisimili- 
tude, “If you don’t unhand that lady,” 
Tom used to say, "I will be forced to 
resort to fisticuffs.” Or, “Scoff if you wish, 
but my Electric Acroplane shall fly.” 
Aud as if this weren't enough, he would 
always say it “steadfastly,” “cheerfully,” 
јашу," or even “gail 

As we slogged “resolutely” through the 
syntactical swamp of a typically Tom 
Swiltian tale the other day, we found 
owrsclf thrashing about in search of 
fresh and more fitting dialog for the un- 
likely adverbs attached like barnacles to 
nearly every deathless utterance. “ ‘How 
about a roll in the hay? said Tom 
loftily.” we ourself muttering. 
“Tm afraid you've got the mumps,’ said 
Tom infectiously.” we offered then, to 
по опе in particular. “ ‘Isn't anyone 
going to bid? asked Tom passively” was 
our next gem. Clearly, things were get- 
ting out of hand. The dialog began to 
pour out unbidden: "ГІЇ have a mar- 

mottos: mortal 


“The results of 
ге reassuring,” 

tini, said Tom dryly.” 
my electrocardiogram we 
said Tom wholeheartedly.” Im sure 
I can dig up a date for you,’ said Tom 
gravely.” Jayne Mansfield is a re 
markable actress,” said Tom figuratively.” 
"m afraid prunes don't agree with 
me, said Tom loosely.” “ What our ball 
club needs is a шап who cin hit 60 
homers я season,’ said Tom ruthlessly.” 
I detest fairy tales“ said Tom grimmly, 
‘but I'm quite fond of charades' he 
added skittishly. 
And yet more: „Ive bought а negli 
gee for you, my dear; said Tom trans- 
parently.” “Hemingway is perhaps the 
finest writer of this half-century,’ said 
Tom ernestly." “*A justice of the peace 
performed the service, said "Tom un- 
ceremoniously.” “ How about a ride in 

my new ambulance?” asked Tom hos 
pitalbly.” “Here's some salt for your 
wound,’ said Tom smartly.” ““Did you 

actually brew six cups of tea with one 
bag? asked Tom weakly." “ ‘I'd better 
quit before I'm fired,’ said Tom resign- 
edly, ‘or 1 may have to be carried out on 
a stretcher, he added litterally.” “it’s 
time we canned this corn,” we told our- 
self huskily at last. Withal, we found it 
а toothsome form in which to savor these 
juvenile classics once again, and we rec- 
ommend it to unreconsuucted. aficiona- 
о those game for the experience, 
we offer our hero's classic benison: 
“Good luck and Godspeed,” said "Tom 
Змі Шу. 


With open admiration for the precoc- 
we read the followin: 
the Detro 
widower three 

ity of the writer 
letter to Ann 
Free Press: 
years of age, although people tell me 1 
don't look My first cousin Flossie 
is two years younger than I am and she 


am a 

has always been a favorite of mine . . . 
Do you think it would be proper to in- 
vite my cousin to stay with me? (signed) 
Clyde." One cannot but admire Miss 
Landers for replying, “It would be per- 
fectly proper . . . Im assuming, of 
course, that you can be trusted without 
а chaperon.” 

Possibly producers of multimillion-dol- 
lar movie epics can't be bothered with 
trivia, but we feel obliged to recommend 
a remedial spelling course for Darryl F. 
Zanuck. His signature on a New York 
Times ad for The Longest Day read 
“Daryl F. Zanuck.” 

l it in a recent column 
from the Daily Pacific Builder, a n 
Francisco wade paper, it simply hadn't 
occurred to us that at least three people 
might believe that bidet is the name of 
the man who wrote Carmen, But this 
disquieting statistic was only one of 
many gleaned by columnist Jim Elliott 
on a man-in-thestreet poll which he 
swears he took around town in research- 
ing the vital issue of public acq 
with that specialized Continent 
ing convenience. An alarming 28 per 
cent of whose questioned, he reports, 
insisted that bidet was a French movie 
actress who keeps taking her clothes 
off. Another 12 percent were convi 
that it to the Allicd 
on Normandy. “Would you like to have 
bidet of your very own?" Jim asked 
next. One man replied shrewdly that if 
he were going to invest in a piano, he'd 

Until we x 


get a concert grand. And 18 percent said 
Iready got good pictures with the 
Brownies. Entranced, Elliott then in- 
quired how people would fect if they 
found a bidet in their bathrooms, Eight 
percent announced that sports cars be 

they 2 





the imported 
English Gin that 

doubles your 
martini pleasure 

of integrity in 
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and in the finest 
English Gin. 

since 1820 



де, not in the bathroom. 
1 the 

long in the g 
Seven percent said that they'd 
city pound or the SPCA, depending on 
humanitarian predilections. And 
ng nine percent confided mys- 
that they'd be delighted, but 

a disturl 
thought that the steam might m. 
leaves drop off 

Latest and — we hope — last on our list 
of aptly yelept ecdysiasts 0 swivelhip 
into hurly-burleycue: Billie Sol Esther. 


Little Me, a musical comic strip, kaleido- 
scopically chronicles the rise to stardom 
of Belle Poitrine, as did the Patrick 
Dennis best seller (which originally ran 
in Show Business Illustrated) оп which 
the show is freely based. Sid Caesar plays 
most of the men in Belle’s life and, since 
Belle's life is mostly men, he bas to do 
on and off stage, in and 
out of costumes, characters and accents. 
nobody from the 

Belle begins as a se 
wrong side of the tracks, Sid ав Noble 
Eggleston, the biggest somebody on the 
ht side of the tracks. He goes off 
to Harvard and to Yale to study law 
and medicine. wh wealth. 
culune and social po turns, in 
order of their appearance, to: Banker 
Pinchley, the meanest miser in the world 
1 haven't had a good grovel and beg 
in weeks"); Val Du Val. ап incredibly 
French entertainer (“Sank you, sank you, 
zey say in Eeengleesh, 
red Ройтіпе, an in- 
credibly dough-brained doughboy: Otto 
Schnitzler, a tyrannical director kicked 
out of Hollywood "because of prej 

nd 12 rotten pictures in а row"; 
Prince Cherney, the dying monarch of a 
ng kingdom who dismisses his sub- 
s from his deathbed because "I must 
set some dying done.” All give their 
Belle a boost, but her heart belongs to 
Noble, who pops up in the course of the 
action as а World War I air ace, gover- 
ог of North and South Dakota full- 
me rummy and the father of Noble 
sleston, Jr. (Junior goes to Georgia 
Tech and to Juilliard, so that he can 
both build Lincoln Center and conduct 
there at night) The lorum is full of 
Caesars — том of them screwball, all 
of them hand-tailored by Neil Simon 
(one of Sid's old ТУ gag gang) Also 
on hand and niltily tailored is Vir 
Martin, а brassy Belle with a clarion 
voice, The showstopper, among a fir 
class batch of songs by Cy Goleman (com- 
poser of Playboy's Penthouse theme) 
nd Carolyn Leigh, is a male striptease, 
the low-down Fue Got Your Number. 
Best of Bob Fosse's inventive dances is 
The Rich Kids’ Rag, a knock-kneed 

she, seeking 


slow-motion Charleston — the only slow 
thing in this fast, frenetic, funny show 
At the Lunt-Fontanne Theater, 205 West 
46th Street. 

The four mad Englishmen who con- 
cocted and make up the cast of Beyond 
the Fringe are completely nonpartisan 
they are against everything. Their revue 
an acidulous assault in skit and song 

on the Establishment and disestablish 
mentarians, peacemongers and nudear 

warriors, the right and the left (and 
mostly the center), the U.S, and Russia 
(and mostly Great Britain), the hip, Ше 
square, the snobs and the slobs, Leader 
ої the Fringe is Jonathan Miller, offstage 
a practicing patholo 
probes the pathologies of our day. It is 
Miller as a patronizing preacher, who 
tells his parishioners, "Let's get down to 
God. God. Who is he, where is he, and 
above all, why is he and why 
above alls“ Miller's р i 
wheezy, wry, dry duologs is Alan Ben- 
nett, an owly academician. He plays a 
rusty philosopher, a musty preacher and 
a blustery Minister of Defense (“The 
hydrogen bomb is just the same as the 
bow and arrow in principle"). Peter 
Cook, the only professional of the four — 
he is a comedy writer and co-founder of 
London's Establishment cabaret — spe 
cializes in vocal disguises. He mimics 
Macmillan (“We exchanged many frank 
words in our respective languages”). 
mocks а hack Beaverbrook journalist (His 
attitude toward his employer: “Quite 
openly, behind our hands, we snigger 
at him”) and a snooty miner (“1 am not 
saying you get a load of riffratt down the 
п lam just saying we had a load 
of riffraff down my mine.). Pianist and 
composer of the Fringe is a timid cherub 
med Dudley Moore. As a Loyal Sub 
ject. Moore goes to see the same show 
937 times, hoping to glimpse the Royal 
Family. "Мо Royal Personage actually 
gracing the Royal Box.” he muses. un- 
less they're crouching. But that wouldn't 
be Royalty, would i?" Individually Ше 
gents are expert, original comedians. To- 
gether they provide an evening full of 
Fringe benefits. At the John Golden 
Theater, 252 West 15th Street. 



“Noted for melodious song,” the en- 
cyclopedia says about the mockingbird 
In like manner, Те Kill о Mockingbird sings 
out over the racket of most recent Ameri 
can films. Harper Lee's first-novel phe 
nomenon has been deftly adapted by 
Horton Foote: lyrically photographed by 
Russell Harlan; and directed by Robert 
Mulligan with kid-comedy but no сш 

arful touches but no tear jerking 
story of an Alabama town in 1932 


1st Day—Leave NEW YORK by ВОАС Jetliner for LONDON. Dinner & Breakfast aloft. 

2-4th Day—Arrive LONDON. Transfer to hotel in fashionable West End. Afternoon reception 
at English estate. Leisure-time shopping, off beat sightseeing. Gala evenings on London-town. 

57th Day—Jet-prop to ZURICH. Travel by private car to fabulous Burgenstock Alpine play- 

ground near LUCERNE. Explore Swiss countryside on Alpine safari. Volkswagens at your 
disposal. Notable nights and nightcaps. 

8-10th Day—Jet off to ROME. Stay in glamorous hotel on the glittering Via Veneto. Special 

PLAYBOY preview of continental fashions. Visit Rome's leading jazz spots. Delight in imposing 
wonders of the “Eternal City," its haute cuisine. 

11-13th Day—Jet to NICE. рілувоу Renault Dauphines for use while on Riviera. Relax or 

revel at Monte Carlo, Cannes, Cap d'Antibes and St. Tropez. Join the “whirl” at Monaco 
Grand Prix by special arrangement; attend fashionable Cannes Film Festival. 

14-16th Day—Jet-streak to PARIS. Dance through the “City of Light" by night. Browse 

to your heart's content. Shop if you like. Taste gourmet fare fit for а Louis or Louise. Frolic 
at the Folies-Bergere. Farewell fling. 

17th Day—Board ROAC Jet for return to NEW YORK. 


Just $998.30 based on round-trip Economy 
Jet Fare of $620.30, New York-Rome. First- 
class hotels in Europe with twin-bedded 
rooms and private baths (single room $75 
extra). Two meals per day. Special dinners 
and cocktail parties. NOTE: Does not in- 
clude transportation to and from New York 
and hotel accommodations there, passport 
fees, airport taxes in Europe, tips for special 
or extra services, items not included in table 
d'hôte meals or alcoholic beverages except 
at special PLAYBOY parties. All rates and 
fares quoted are based on tariffs and prices 
existing at publication date and are subject 
to change without notice. 

& & "mates, make PLAYBOY your 
E to the pleasures of Europe yan 
the Atlantic in a luxurious, swift В У 
Rolls Royce Boeing 707 Jetliner . - . stop з! 
the Continent’s high-living hotels ee E 
the celebrated cuisine of HENCE 
restaurants. Enjoy glittering nights in boule- 
мага bistros and boites, sparkling cham- 
pagne cellars, Respond to a masterful Esa 
time mixture of scintillating sights en 
sounds. Set off alone, make plans together 
ог join the group, as you please. уакы 
mopolitan companions, new friends, wil 
as fun-loving and pleasure-bent as you. 

No arrangement worries. All flight, gen 
and ground plans are handled by your 
рихувох host. Come along опа ET 
escapade you'll never forget. BUT HU 

... SPACE is limited and reservations are 
on a “first in” basis. 

fora pleasure-filled sojourn that 586115 
moment you hear ''WELCO 
ABOARD.” What to pack? Just your hap- 
piest holiday mood! 


зм, рис LEE. BASIN 

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The ing and 

They sing it Lact 
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threads together two themes: children 
learning about evil and adults learning 
about good. Atticus Finch, a widowed 
lawyer with a son of 10 and a daughter 
of is court appointed to defend a 
ето accused of rape. The case tangles 
with the lives of the children, touching 
their fantasy forays around a “haunted” 
house on their street. Eventually the 
house becomes unhaunted for them, and 
they get a glimpse, by the end, of the 
endless complications of life. As Atticus, 
Gregory Peck has а part cut skintight to 

won as his trashy white з 
le for comfort. Maybe 
as a little heavily on the 
alism underlying, gen- 
southern gentr 

cuser a 
the script 16 
latent lov 

re too cred 

but Мос 
ingbird's song is that there are a few 
gs in man’s heinous heart. 

“Anthology” films — pictures made up 
of separate short episodes on related 
themes — are in season, and the latest is 
7 Capital Sins, which as usual has a few 
juicy pickings amid а lot of crop. Each 
of its seven episodes deals with one of 
the catechistic sins, but it’s less catechism: 
than cataclysm for most of the talented 
people involved. Jean-Luc Godard, the 
life breath of Breathless, pufis to no avail 
in Laziness. Greed, by Felicien Marceau 
nd Claude Chabrol, has the gall to use 
the old Gallic gag about the cadets who 
sell lottery tickets amongst themselves, 
the winner to use the money for a night 
with an expensive poule; the poule 
pleased that she gives back the p 
the ticket. Only two of the episodes are 

nfully good. Pride (Roger m) tells 
of а wile, planning to run off with an- 
other man, who discovers that her hus- 
band has a mistress she is no sooner 
piqued than unpacked. The best of the 
bunch is Anger, Eugene Tonesco's first 
screen script, Satan visits Earth on a 
Sunday and is unholily horrified by the 
wholesome harmony. Suddenly a fly ар- 
pears in every husband's soup at every 
Sunday dinner table, and in swift Swift 
ian transition, anger swells from table 
tantrum to countrywide confusion to 
international imbroglio and — boom. 
Perhaps an excess of cynicism in these 
usually art: or. ncs has led 
them into the trap of thinking they're 
giving the export market what it wants, 
ie, a rib-poking, oo-la-la, cliché view of 
French life, The result is some fun and 
no little tedium, because each of the 
segments relies heavily on broad Gallic 
farce at the expense of Gallic subtlety, 
Gluttony exceeds in this respect. And 
speaking of gluttony. it takes a glutton 
indecd to relish the serving of seven such 

courses in one sitting. Lumped together 
they are, each episode seems less slap 
stick than slapstuck. The idea that seven 
good directors can make a picture seven 
times as good as one of them is about as 
sensible as having seven fathers to sire 
one baby. But if this film gets Ionesco 
started on writing for the screen, all of 

Sins’ sins may be forgiven. 

Mutiny on the Bounty carries a mixed 
cargo. Some of it is an eyeful and some 
of it is awful. The widescreen Techni 
color lets the Bounty maneuver magnit 
cently (the ship is 33 feet longer than the 
original), but much of the script and 

ing is waterlogzed. Marlon Brando 
Fletcher CI а drawlinz 
ISth Century fop. captain Bligh, 
"Trevor Howard lacks the rich pomposity 
ashton, but he’s a lot more 

credible. Н.М. 
for Tahiti in 1787 to get specimens of 
breadfi Bligh soon proves a bloody 
blighter who 
ing. After four months in Tahiti, during 
which the men get the lay of the land 
the Bounty sets sail; Bligh reverts to 
tyrannical type and Christian knocks 
him flat on his poop deck. The captain 
and his cronies are set adrift in а smal! 
boat while Chi n and crew return to 
Tahiti, pick up their women and find a 
hide-out on Pitcairn Island. When some 
of the crew burn the ship to prevent es 
cape, Christian plunges in to save his 
sextant. Brando is plucked from Ше 
burning, but too late. Or, rather, just іп 
time — for a detailed death scene. This 
voyage out, the Bounty needed a firmer 
hand at the wheel to keep Ше drama 
from going all to helm, and Mighty 
Marlon's performance is wan but пої 
forgotten. Still, scenes like the storm at 
sca and the Tahitian tidbits singing as 
they scine keep Mutiny from monotony 
Perhaps the film’s major drawba 
that it can't buck the competition of the 
Laughton-Gable version, black-and-white 
and s screen though that cla 



It will gladden the Salinger cult to see 
Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Sey- 
тош: An Introduction (Little, Brown, 54) re- 
printed in book form. Salir fine 
eye for the nuances of a certain rather 
narrow mode of experience; he frequently 
tums shrewd and funny рі 
Шу in mild derision; and his greatest 
t ds the satire so toughly yet subtly 
used in parts of Raise High — Buddy 
Glass’ recollection of his brother Sey 
mours failure to show up at his own 
wedding. But when Sali becomes 
serious, he can fall into sentimentality, 

эс», espe 

tedium and a snobbishly disengaged 
sensitivity.” Seymour is almost entirely 
in this vein, a rambling, flatulent view 
through brother Glass. of Seymour's life 
and poetry. It is J. D. at his most jaded, 
full of conspiratorial asides, false hesita- 
tions, italic crutches and often pointless 
observations of the commonplace. Both 
stories are written in that mincing, long- 
winded, coy and sometimes snotty style 
that has become the mark of much of the 
fiction in The New Yorker, where the 
first appeared. Salinger remains exaspe 
ating becuse of the very real even 
unique— talent he has always exhibited 
and the promise he has too rarely fulfilled. 

Now, for the on-the-go executive whose 
time is too valuable to be spent making 
entries in an appointment book: тһе 
Very Important Person Desk Diary (Price/ 
Stern/Sloan, $2.98), which has conven- 
iently filled in a number of his more 
pressing appointments for him, For с 
ample: January 7 — Complete medical 
checkup. Confirm with Dr. Schweitzer. 
March 23 — Weekend. with JFK — This 
time at his house. April 7— Jr's Little 
League Polo Match. Мау 8- Get. un- 
listed number on 2nd cur phone. June 
5— Get kid for dog to play with. Octo- 
ber 17 — Picasso portrait of Jr. looks fine 

order 2 doz. November 12— Check 
Hurok —are we going to ballet tonite, 
or are they coming to us? November 20 
— Kids want stuffed animals jor Xmas 
Arrange safari. December 6 — Begin of 
fice party. January 3, 1964—Time to 
break up Xmas office party. Obviously 
no tome for minor league Mad Ave 
minions, the diary should prove the per 
fect gift for those captains of industry 
who have almost everything. 


If The First Family (Cadence), the defini 
tive take-off on the Clan. Kennedy, does 
nothing else, it will secure for Vaughn 
Meader a niche in mimiery's hall of fame 
as the voice of JFK. Meader's carbon 
copy of the President is devastatingly 
accurate — allowing, of course, for а sa- 
tiric broadening ої JFK's already broad 
New England accent. Naomi Brossart as 
the First Lady is a close second as a 
copycat. There is also an imitation (by 
whom we are not certain) of Sen. Ev 
Dirksen's honeyed tones which rates as 
a deadly ringer. The routines themselves 
while rising on a number of occasions 
to a high level of humor, generally do 
not come up to the standards set by the 
miming. The more 
contained in ап after-dinner conversa 
tion which finds JFK admonishing: “1 
want you youngsters to stop fighting 
among yourselves, Bobby and Caroline”: 

antic moments are 

a chine 1a 
and a ж/ж. 

Рарег: Mater" 
pen ali St 

ee”, Capri З e a ar 



the man who ERA natural shoulders on SEGUI E 

Preferred stock... 


With warm weather in the offing, Corbin brings back 
for an encore his perennial favorite: Poplin. Tailored 
the Corbin way, these trousers keep improving with 
age: the more you wash them, the better they look 
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Corbin with pleatless fronts, In select casual colors 

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meal. In a high count 65% Dacron® Polyester and 
35% Pima Cotton Poplin, they are also made in 
Bermuda Length Walk Shorts and Bathing Shorts. 
About $15.00. At the stores you would expect, or 
write: Corbin Ltd. . Dept. С, 385 Fifth Ave., 
New York 16, N. Y. (9 DuPont's Trademark 






TORAN: trim now dress 
casuel that's e sure sign of Spring. 





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Another fine product of Grove Laboratories 

there is an announcer intoning: “Vote 
for the Kennedy of your choice, but 
vote!" a summit meeting in which the 
President in an economy move sends out 
for lunch and Nikita says, “You don’t 
have to order for me; ГІЇ have a little 
from everybody else's sandwich." Nkru- 
mah states that he'll have watermelon, to 
which JFK replies: “Don't put me on 
a press conference has Kennedy, when 
asked what he has to say about his family 
being called a dynasty, answering: “I 
don't believe it: neither docs my brother 
Bobby nor my brother Genghis.” 

The Fog has rolled in with a pair of 
nifty LPs. J Dig the Duke —1 Dig the Count/ 
Mel Tormé (Verve) devotes one side to 
Ellington, the other to Basie, and plays 
no favorites; they are both winners with 
excellent charts conceived and conducted 
by Johnny Mandel. The Tormé tonsils 
were truer, the material never 
worthier. Comin’ Baby!/Mel Tormé 
(Atlantic) is a reprise of Mel's singles 
smash (arranged and conducted by Claus 
Ogerman, who also wields the baton 
on Herbie Mann's tune Right Now) plus 
a slew of Shorty Rogers’ orchestrations. 
Tormé is torrid or tender as the situa- 
tion warrants, be it Puttin’ on the R 
or the Golson-Feather balladic collabo- 
ration of Whisper Not. 


Although Frank Sinatra Sings Rodgers and 
Hart (Capitol) is a pickup from Frank's 
previous efforts for that label, it is still 
а worthwhile addition to anyones LP 
library since it brings into sharp focus 
some of the best efforts of the sine qua 
non of songwriting teams — to wit: Little 
Girl Blue, Dancing on the Ceiling, My 
Funny Valentine and Glad To Be Un 
happy, a foursome well worth the price 
of the LP. 

Tus bossa time, folks: 
this month we have Desafinado — Coleman 

nova again, 

Howkins Plays Bosso Nove E Jazz Somba (Im 
pulse!) aud Bosso Novo/The Romsey Lewis 
Trio (Argo). On the latter, the Lewis Trio 
is augmented by a pair of Latin per 
The Hawk has а six inan 
rhythm section behind him, including 
fine guitarist Barry Galbraith. 
ingly enough, Hawkins, one of the most 
ptable musicians around, is 
t at sca in the bossa nova milicu, 
while Lew fairly 
limited scope, strides through the session 
with a great deal of aplomb. The Lewis 
on, too, benefits from a program of 
itimate bossa nova material while The 
Bean's LP sullers [rom several tunes that 
twisted to fit the 





soul pianist with a 

have to be severely 
beat. Score one success for Lewis; 

near miss for Hawkins & Co. 


Alter being involved with a most 
charming and elegant young lady for 
three wonderful months, Im becoming 
singly disturbed by her finan 
irresponsibility. First she wanted to bor- 
row money to redecorate her apartment, 
a request that 1 gladly met. Then she 
borrowed money to buy two new, stril 
ingly expensive dresses. And two or three 
times she has asked for a loan of $50 
or so until her “dividend checks come 
"As you've undoubtedly guessed, 
in not one instance have 1 received my 
money back. Up till now I have made 
no mention of the money to her, first 
because I don't want to give an impres- 
sion of being petty, and second, 1 have 
quite frankly been afraid of disturbing 
or somehow disrupting the most success- 
ful physical relations! I have ever had. 
with a woman. What bothers me most 
about the whole affair is that she is so 
obviously a young lady of good breeding 
and education. I guess I just didn't expect 
this sort of treatment [rom somcone of 
her kind. What should I do? Am I—as 
I suspect — being played for a very large 
sucker? — T. D., Los Angeles, Californ 

Not at all — you've simply become a 
ducs paying member in the world's most 
venerable club. Whether you have been 
willing to face the fact previously or not, 
it is time you recognized that you are 
nol spending your intimate moments 
with this aristocratic miss for free. So 
take stock on that more realistic basis, 
and, if she is worth financing as a part- 
time mistress, continue the relationship, 
but don't expect repayment in dollars 
and cents. If you don't consider her to be 
worth the price of admission, stop shell- 
ing out—and he fully prepared for a 
prompt, if perhaps regretful, alienation 
of her affections. 

Since you guys seem so fond of the 
adjective “posh,” 1 finally looked it up 
1 my admittedly abridged dictionary — 
and could find neither hide nor hair of 


it. 1 know it means something like 
“splendid,” but whence cometh the 
word? — С. C., Seattle, Washington, 

While the origin of “posh” is obscure, 
опе story — possibly apocryphal — con- 
tends that it dates from a century or so 
ago, when British colonials about to sail 
to and from India would 
their stateroom preferences by writing 
P.O.S.H. — an abbreviation for Port Out- 
bound, Starboard Homebound (the sides 
of the ship that would not be subject to 
the Red Sea's searing afternoon sun). 
The word does, indeed, mean “smart, 
fine, splendid.” 


F have several cummerbunds that I wear 
with my one tuxedo, thus adding variety 
to my appearance at formal social func- 
tions. Would it be equally correct to wear 

It’s not only correct to wear an cuening 
weskit, but currently it’s preferable to 
the cummerbund, especially with the 
Continental tuxedo (dinner jacket). The 
weskit may match the dinner jacket in 
material and lapels, or you may wish to 
branch out а bit with tasteful and sub- 
dued brocades. Conservative chaps who 
don’t dig brocaded dinner jackets may 
thus lend a bit of flair and individuality 
to their monochromatic evening duds. 

During а recent bull session the con- 
versation turned to a discussion of the 
sexual proclivities of Swedish women, 
and several of the guys — myself included 

advanced the belief that Sweden is fast 
becoming the happiest hunting ground 
in Europe for bachelors on the prowl. 
Others, drawing on their own travel ex- 
perience, said that just the opposite is 
the case, and that the popular belief that 
Swedish girls are. friendly pushovers is 
actually not as true now as it was at the 
sinning of the century, when their 
permi ion first gained cur- 
rency. The session ended with a general 
consensus that this is one of those argu 
ments you just can't prove or disprove. 
However, I think you can, As an amateur 
Us my theory that the trend 
's sexual freedom — or lack 
of same — can accurately be gauged by an 
analysis of its illegitimate births: i.e., if 
the rate of illegitimacy can be shown to 
have increased over an extended period, 
then clearly the country is becoming less 
repressed sexually. 1 have a hunch that 
an examination of Swedish statistics will 
reveal just such a long-range illegitimacy 
rate increase. How about ї?—]. P., 
Westport, Connecticut. 

Your hunch is wrong. In 1960, 11 per- 
cent of Swedish babies were born out of 
wedlock. During the mid-Thirties, the 
rale was 15 percent. And й is estimated 

sociologist, i 

of a countr 

that a century ago over 25 percent of 
babies born in Sw 
gilimate. But the dissemination and ас 
ceptance of birth control methods have 
had a greater effect on the statistics than 
any change in sexual mores, Lacking 
more scientific data, it would seem that 
this is one of those arguments you just 
can't prove or disprove — but you may 
have some pleasant moments doing re- 
search in the field. 

dish towns were ille- 








Al Hirt wins headlines again 
with a magnificent new New 
Orleans-styled album. Backed 
by a 9-piece brass section, all 
12 Marty Paich arrangements 
swing briskly, fully, gloriously 
along. "Clarinet Marmalade, 
“даба” and “ОГ Man River 


Henry Mancini, double Acad- 
emy Award-winner and most 
sought after composer-arranger 
in the film capital, has etched a 
glowing tribute to 12 winning 
film and television Scores. Hear 
“Walk on the Wild Side,” Days 
of Wine and Roses," all hi 

QUE MAN іш nor Feb 


The Limeliters report fresh in 
from the San Francisco night 
club scene: Lou Gottlieb, Alex 
Hassilev and Glenn Yarbrough 
caught “live” at the famous 
hungry i. Fun and fine musi- 
cianship aplenty, to wit. . Men 
Gooſis“ and “Corn Whiskey!” 


Perez Prado exclusive! Our mi 
who best knows the music 
scene in Latin America has 
newbeat—the “Bongoson!" It 
a sort of a twist given a Cari 
bean turn. Also included is i 
ample sampling of the Bos 
Nova, Cha-Cha and Rumb 



Ray Ellis, Our Man on Broadway 
125 good news! He and his 
orchestra now have 12 great 
melodies from as many Broad- 
way hits in one glittering album. 
Listen. “Guys and Dolls,” “Тһе 
eetest Sounds,” “Tonight, 
5 Long As He Needs Me." 

шан ON BROADAA -Cuny 



George Melachrino in England 
is working both sides of the 
ocean. The masterful Mela- 
chrino Strings and Orchestra 
send a glowing communiqué 
ranging from “Greensleeves” to 
pop“ headliners like “Moon 
River” and “Tennessee Waltz.“ 

en. -OUR MAN in oos 

i : 



Arthur Fiedler sends late word! 
Our Boston flash and his co- 
horts of the Boston Pops Or- 
chestra report something that's 

thing short of sensational! 
Brilliant orchestrations begin- 
ning with "Маск the Knife“ 
through musical medleys!* 






Sonny Rollins comes in crisp 
and clear! On-the-spot report 
from Our Man in Jazz! Lively 
improvisation et the Village 
Gate in New YorkCity with side- 
kicks BobCranshaw (bass), Don 
Cherry (cornet) and 

gins (drums). Real В: 



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sand my FREE Hesthhit Catalog 

Le just come to the conclusion that І 
must do something to deflate my incipi- 
ent paunch. While dieting, though, 1 do 
not want to climinate totally the рі 

ure of social drinking. Would you su 
st io me two or thi drinks u 

are among the lowest in calorie count, 
which are nonetheless potent enough 

to give one a lift? 1 know Im going to 
have to give up mart it I don't 
want to be reduced to a diet cola, — T. C., 
Madison, Wiscon: 

First, aperitif wines such as vermouth, 
St. Raphael, Positano, Punt e Mes, etc, 
Their penetrating, lingering flavors are 
conducive to slow sipping, and all are 
low in calories (four ounces of dry ver- 
mouth on the rocks contain a mere 120 
calories). Second, tall drinks such as rum, 
bourbon or Scotch and soda ох 80-proof 
vodka and tonic. There's less of a tend- 
ency to gulp these in the same quan- 
tities as smaller, calovie-packed cocktails 
or straight liquor taken neat. Finally, 
a botile of stout or ale sipped before 
dining (about 150 calories) not only sat- 
isfies the psyche's demands of the cocktail 
hour but often acts as а restraining 
influence against later overindulgence 
at the table. 

What can you do about а girl who 
sists that all her lovemaking be done 
according to an established routine? The 
irl 1 refer co has a warm and winning 
personality and I am very fond of her. 
But if I want to express my affection 
the most fundamental way, I must first 
work through a three- or fourhour ob- 
le course: First she's 

of check to check dan 
apartment. At which point— if 
I talk has been sufficiently го 
— it is finally possible to take her 
па and lead her into the next room 
the reaping of greater rewards (an 
activity she undertakes with authentic 
enthusiasm). Having gone this route sev- 
eral times by now, I find the prefatory 
formance increasingly ridiculous — 
1d I have told her so. * ys that far 
rom being silly these preliminaries are 
absolutely essential to her — that without 
the soft lights and music and romantic 
murmurings she just can't get in the 
mood. To те, this bit — as a regimented 
ш; routine — loses all mean- 
you think I'm being selfish in 
ing to inject some spontaneity into 

the picture? — J. W., Washington, D.C. 
Not at all. The girl obviously has some 
sychological roadblocks in her sex drive 
that should be removed forthwith. This 
can perhaps best be achieved by demon- 
strating to her that there is as much, if 
not more, joy to be had from spontane- 
ous combustion as from an elaborately 
prepared five. Choose a moment far te- 

moved from your habitual nighttime 
setting —after Sunday breakfast, say, or 
during an afternoon drive in the country 
—and proceed with persuasive ardor to 
try to bring her to terms. There's а good 
chance that her defense mechanisms will 
crumble, and that she'll soon be thanking 
you for having liberated her libido. 

ММ. you please define the term 
house party"? I recently made а fool 
of myself by accepting an invitation to 
a house party in a Chicago suburb on a 
ay evening and arriving with an 
overnight bag, on the assumption I and 
other guests would at least spend the 
night, if not the entire weekend, at our 
host's house. Nothing of the sort was 
intended and there was a bit of embar- 
issment before the fact became clear to 
me. Then I said to my host, “You did 
say “house party,’ didn't you?" He replied 
* the affirmative and explained that 
“house party” means а party at someone's 
house. Being his guest, I didn't argue 
but that's not what it means where 1 
come from.—J. F., New Haven, Con- 

The last four words are the operative 
ones in answering your question. In the 
East, at Ivy institutions, and among U 
(as opposed to non-U) people, house 
party usually means at least a one-night 
stopover at the party givers house 
Throughout the rest of the country 
merely means а party given at someone’: 
home. Although U usage generally fol- 
lows Eastern patterns, some U types in 
other regions cleave to the U meaning 
of house party, but your host's interpr: 
tation is, generally, the more common, 
and these days not necessarily non-U. 


Va like to know if any effort 
made to lure European manu 
nto ente, 
apolis “500, 
Im not mistaken, every qualifying car 
s American-made. — T. S., San Diego, 

AL present, machines entered in the 
Indianapolis run for the money fall 
into the category of Formula Libre — 
that is, they are single-seat cars of non 
classified formula. But Indy does haue its 
own engine displacement limitations 
And since the race is essentially a one- 
shot affair, 
any points toward the world champion 
ship, European manufacturers have hith- 
erlo been understandably reluctant to 
enter the "500" field. (The last foreign сат 
10 win at Indy was a Maserati piloted to 
victory by the late great Wilbur Shaw in 
both 1939 and 1940.) However, the Fêde 
tation Internationale de l'Automobile 
has recently established two new Formula 
Intercontinental classifications (both per- 
mitting engines derived from touring cars 

and drivers in it can’t win 

with engine displacements up to 5000 
ces), with the hope that American manu- 
facturers will modify their Indianapolis 
machines to meet the new specifications 
If they do, an interchange of Formula IG 
vehicles should result within the next 
few years, with European cars entered in 
the “500? and “500” cars entered on 
European tracks. 

АП, current girl is а lovely 18-year-old 
who is the answer to a bachelor's prayer. 
She cooks, she sews, she chats, she loves 

and 1 keep coming back for more. One 
problem. though: The girl is somewhat 
hipped on self-expression and honesty, 
ad has thought nothing of telling all 
id sundry among our friends and ac: 
ve a splendid 
1 the sick, The other night, 
for example, she chilled the atmosphere 
at a cocktail party by brishily remarki 
that onc son І am so wonderful i: 
because I never snore or keep her awake 
at night with tossing and turning. I like 
flattery as well as the next guy, but not 

this kind, delivered in front of six virtual 

strangers. When I repr imanded her, she the revolutionary Incredible Micro-TV weighs only 8 Ibs., and is just a bit larger 
sulked and accused me of being ashamed than a phone, yet it plays anywhere, even in the back of a car, 
of our relationship. OF course I'm not or in a boat, using portable rechargeable battery, auto/boat 
— but neither do 1 want it broadcast all N 7 battery or AC, With 25 transistors and revolutionary picture 
Biss ara. rea суто ERES ay E E lube, Micro-TV is perfect for the office, apartment, weekend 

1 1 сы lip: — P. B cottage. List $229.95. Rechargeable battery extra. 

gently puson ря» Ue LES а M | C R 0 -TV Also ask to see and hear the world famous SONY all-transistor radios, 
New York, New York, SONY CORPORATION OF AMERICA © 580 Fifth Avenue, New York 36, N. Y. 

Tell her that with big-girl pleasures 
go big-girl responsibilities, among which 
is the use of intelligent discretion. Tell 
her, too, that a successful relationship is 
опе in which cach pariner has an honest 

regard for the honest needs and wants of THE PLAYBOY SKI SWEATER 
the other — and that your own wants and. 

needs include keeping private pleasures 

private. And if she still insists on broad- Even if you don't know the difference between a slalom and а schuss, you'll appreciate 
casting details of your amour. you may the calculated comfort, special styling and smart good looks of the new Playboy Ski Sweater. 
lind some consolation in the thought Made of 100% virgin worsted wool, the Playboy Ski Sweater features the fashionable crew neck 
that it pays to advertise: another female and raglan sleeves, with the renowned PLAYBOY rabbit putting in an inlerwoven appearance. 
or (шо may catch this chatter about your Sweater is available, for both playboys and playmates, in white on cardinal, 

PIMOS шщ Vecomeratnious Making white on black and black on white. Please indicate size with order. 

that point to your girlfriend might well 

тит the Dich. Remember, when she Playboy Ski Sweater, $20 ppd. (Sizes: 36-38-40-42-44-46) 

talks openly about sharing your bed, it Playmate Ski Sweater, $18 ppd. (Sizes: 32-34-36-38-40) 

ізгі because she's “proud” of your rela- Shall vee enclose a gift card in your name? 

tionship — she simply gets an extra kick Send check or money order to: 

Jrom this more public flaunting of the PLAYBOY PRODUCTS 

sexual taboos that were established for 

232 East Ohio Street, Chicago 11, Illinois 
her when she was younger. 

Playboy Club keyholders may charge. 
by enclosing key number with order. 

All reasonable questions— from fash- 
ion, food and drink, hi-fi and sports cars 
to dating dilemmas, taste and etiquette 
тай! be personally answered if the 
riter includes a stamped, sel addressed 
envelope. Send all letters to The Playboy 
Advisor, Playboy Building, 232 E. Ohio 
Street, Chicago 11, Illinois. The most 
provocative, pertinent queries will be 
presented on these pages cach month. 

Whatever your game, the prize sportswear to wear is Sedgefield. All-stretch golf jacket about $20.00. Slacks 
about 55.00. Action-back tennis jacket about 510.00. Shorts about $3.00. Terry-hooded sailing jacket about 
$15.00. Bermuda shorts about $4. Sedgefield, a division of Blue Bell Inc., Empire State Building, New York. 


a candid conversation with the acknowledged king of showbiz 

In an age of superstars, Frank Sinatra 
is generally conceded to be the biggest 
of them all: one of the box-office giants 
of the screen, the highest-paid night-club 
performer in show business, among the 
alL-lime top recording artists of popular 
or classical music, seven-time winner of 
PLAYBOY'S All Star Jazz Poll — including 
the 1963 award, announced on page 81 
—as the favorite male vocalist of both 
readers and fellow musicians. He is also 
one of the biggest of the businessman- 
stars (with a $25,000,000 empire girdling 
the entertainment world from such lu- 
erative concerns as Reprise Records to 
Lake Tahoe's Cal-Neva Lodge), first 
name friend of Presidents, unchallenged 
titleholder as the most controversial fig- 
ure in show business and lately —to the 
surprise of many fans and critics alike — 
self-effacing philanthropist and goodwill 
ambassador abroad, giving currency to 
talk of a "New Sinatra.” It was in search 
of the real Sinatra —new, old or simply 
malure — that PLAYBOY recently ap- 
proached the press-shy star with a request 
for an exclusive interview. Rightly refus- 
ing to waste his time with predictable 
small talk, Sinatra agreed to sit down 
with ws only on the condition that we 
“talk turkey, not trivia,” that we attempt 

"Being an 18-harat manic-depressive and 
having lived a life of violent emotional 
contradictions, 1 have perhaps an over 
acute capacity for sadness as well as 

10 reach the man. behind the image, to 
elicit his deepest feelings and reflections 
on the things which move and motivate 
him ах а human being. Reassuring him 
that this very айп is the basic premise 
and prerequisite of the “Playboy Inter- 
view,” we gladly agreed. We then spent 
an entire week with Sinatra as he ambled 
easily through the breakneck business 
schedule that has become his normal 
routine — answering our questions be- 
tween takes on the set of “Come Blow 
Your Horn,” his latest picture for Para- 
mount; in his Dual-Ghia en route home 
from the studio; during breaks at а 
Reprise recording session with Count 
Basie; in corridors heading to and from 
staff summit meetings on upcoming 
movie-record-night-club projects; even 
for an unexpected hour in his Beverly 
Hills home following the abortive Liston- 
Patterson fight, which Sinatra had ar 
ranged. to pipe in on closed-circuit TV 
Jor a group of friends (including Dean 
Martin, Billy Wilder and Los Angeles 
Mayor Samuel W. Yorty), invited at $100 
a seat carmarked for SHARE, а favorite 
Sinatra charity. The conversation that 
emerged from these catchas-caich-can 
laping sessions is a courageous public 
declaration of privale convictions from 

“Fear із the enemy of logic. There is 
no more debilitating, crushing, self- 
defeating, sickening thing in the entire 
world — either 10 an individual or to а 

4 major figure in a business wherein most 
stars seem concerned less with earning 
good reviews for their performances than 
with avoiding offense in their personal 
lives. Many people will be shocked by 
what he has to say, but many more, we 
aver, will feel that the candor of his 
insights adds a new dimension to their 
understanding of the complex, articulate 
and thoughtful. man who is the chief 
execulive of his profession. 

PLAYBOY: Frank, in the 20 years since you 
left the mmy Dorsey band to make 
your name as a solo singer, you've deep- 
ened and diversified your talents with а 
variety of concurrent careers in related 
ficlds. But so far none of these aptitudes 
and activities has succeeded in cdipsing 
your gifts as a popular vocalist. 50 why 
don't we begin by examining Sinatra, 
the singe 
SINATRA: OK, deal. 

PLAYBOY: Many expl been 
offered for your unique a part 
from the subtleties of style and vocal 
equipment te communicate the mood 
How would 

of а song to an audien 
you define it? 

sinatra: I think it’s because I get an 
audience involved, personally involved 

"I'm not unmindful of man’s seeming 
need for some kind of faith; basically Pm 
for anything that gets you through the 
night, be it prayer, tranquilizers or a bot- 
tle of Jack Daniel's." 




se I'm involved myself. 
5 I do deliberately: I 
can't help myself. If the song is а lament 
at the loss of love. I get an ache in my 
gut, I feel the loss myself and I cry out 
the loneliness, the hurt and the pain 
that I feel. 

PLAYBOY: Docsu't any good vocalist “feel” 
Is there such a difference . 
sinatra: I don't know what other singers 
feel when they articulate lyrics. but be- 
ing an I8karat manicdepressive and 
having lived a life of violent emotional 
contradictions, I have ап overacute ca- 
pacity for sadness as well as clation. 1 
know what the cat who wrote the song 
is uying to say. I've been there — and 
back. I guess the audience feels it alon; 
with me. They can't help it. Sentimen- 
tality, after all, is an emotion common 
to all humani 
PLAYBOY: Of the thousands of words which 
have been written about you on this 
subject, do you recall any which have 
accurately described this ability? 
sinatra: Most of what has been wi 
about mc is one big blur, but I do re- 


being described in one simple 

havior, but the writer said that when the 
music began and I started to si L was 
“honest.” That i I feel it. What- 

ever else h about me per- 
sonally is unimportant. When 1 sing, I 
believe. I'm honest. If you want to get 
an audience with you, there's only one 

way. You have to reach out to them with 

total honesty and humility. This isn’t a 
grandstand play on my part; I've discov- 
cred — and you can see it in other enter- 

tainers— when they don't reach out to 
the audience, nothing happens. You can 
be the most artistically perfect performe 
in the world, but an audience is like а 
broad if you're indifferent, endsvill 
That goes for any kind of human con- 

tact: а politician on television, an actor 
the movies, or a guy and а gal. That's 

as true in life as it is in art. 

PLAYBOY: From м said. it seems 

» something of 
a man in order 

kes you 


you if we attempt to do just tl 
exploring a few of the fundamen 
els which move and shape your life? 
SINATRA: Look, pal, 15 this going to be an 
ocean cruise or a quick sail around the 
harbor? Like you, I think, I feel, 1 won- 
der. I know some things, I believe in a 
thousand things, and I'm curious about 
а million more. Be more specific. 
PLAYBOY. All right, let's start with the 
most basic question there is; Are you a 
religious man? Do you believe in God? 

n sum up my 
in a couple of paragraphs. 
believe in you and me. Fm like Albert 

Schweizer and Bertrand Russell and 
Albert Einstein in that | have a respect 
for life — in any form. I believe in 
ture, in the birds, the sea, the sky, 1 
everything I can see or that there is 
real evidence for. If these things are 
what you mean by God, then 1 believe 
in God. But I don't believe in a per 
sonal God to whom I look for comfort 
or for а natural on the next roll ої 
the dice. Im not unmindful of man 
seeming need for faith; I'm for anything 
that gets you through the night, be it 
prayer, tranquilizers or а bottle of Jack 
Daniel’s. But to me religion is a deeply 
personal thing in which man and God 
во it alone together, without the witch 
doctor in the middle, The witch doctor 
tries to convince us that we have to 
God for help. to spell out to him wh: 
we need, even to bribe him with prayer 
or cash on the linc. Well, I belie 
God knows what cach of us wants and 
needs. Its not necessary for us to make it 
nday to reach Him. You 

to church on 5 

сап fnd Him anyplace. And if that 
sounds heretical, my source is pretty 
good: Matthew, Five to Seven, The Ser- 

mon on the Mount 

рідувоу: You haven't found any answers 
for yourself in or: igion? 
SINATRA: There are things about organ- 
ized religion which 1 resent. Christ is 
revered as the Prince of Peace, but more 
blood has been shed in His name than 
ny other figure іп history. You show 
me one step forward in the name of 
religion and ГИ show you a hundred 
retrogressions. Remember, they w 
men of God who destroyed the educa 
tional treasures at Alexandria, who per- 
petrated the Inquisition in Spain, who 
burned the witches at Salem. Over 25,000 
organized religions Hourish on this 
ict, but the followers of cach think 
all the others are miserably misguided 
and prob as well. In India they 
worship white cows, monkeys and a dip 
in the Ganges. The Moslems accept slav- 
ıd prepare for Allah, who prom- 

bly ev 

witch doctors aren't just in Africa. 
you look in the L.A. papers of а Sunda 
»orning, you'll see the local variety ad- 
ing their wares like suits with two 
pairs of pants. 

PLAYBOY: Hasn't religious faith just as 
often served as а civilizing influence? 
SINATRA: Remember that leering, cursing 
lynch mob in Little Rock reviling a 
meck, innocent little 12-year-old Negro 
girl as she tried to enroll in public 
school? Weren't they — or most of them 
— devout churchgoers? Р detest the two- 
faced who pretend liberality but are 
practiced bigots in their own mean little 
spheres, 1 didn't tell my daughter whom 
to marry, but Fd ha 
if she had had big eyes for 
I sce it, man is a product of hi 
dition id the social forces wl 

morality and conduct — inchid 
ng racial prejudice — are influenced 
more by material things like food and 
economic necessities than by the fe: 
nd awe and bigotry generated by the 
high priests of commercialized supersti 
tion. Now don't get me wrong. I'm for 
decency — period. I'm for anything and 
everything that bodes love and conside: 
tion for my fellow man. But when lip 
service to some mysterious deity permits 
bestiality on Wednesday and absolution 
on Sunday — cash me out. 

riavsor: But aren't such spiritual hypo 
rites m a minority? Aren't most Ameri 
cans fairly consistent in their conduct 
within the precepts of religious doctrine? 
SINATRA: Гус got по quarrel with mi 
of decency at any level. But I с 
believe that decency stems only from те 
ligion. And I can't help wondering how 
ny public figures make avowals of 
religious faith to maintain an aura ol 
respectability Our су on. such as 
it is, was shaped by religion. and the men 
who aspire to public office anyplace in 
the free world must make ореіѕапсе to 
God or risk immediate opprobrium. Our 
press accurately reflects the religious na 
ture of our society, but you'll notice that 
it also carries the articles and advertise- 
ments of astrology у Elmer 
Ganuy revivalists. We in America pride 
ourselves on freedom of the press, but 
every day 1 see, and so do you, this kind 
of dishonesty and distortion not only 
in this area but in reporting — about 
guys like me, for instance, which is of 
minor importance except to me; but 
also in reporting world news. How can 
a free people make decisions without 



facts? Ш the press reports world news 
as they report about me, we're in 

PLAYBOY: Ате you saying that . .. 
sinatra: No, wait, let me finish, Have 
you thought of the chance Im taking 

by sp n you imag 
ine the deluge of crank letters, curses, 
threats and obscenities Ull receive after 
these remarks gain general circulation? 
Worse, the boycott of my records, niy 
films. maybe a picket line at my opening 
at the Sands. Why? Because I've dared io 
say that love and decency are not neces- 
sarily concomitants of religious fervor. 
PLAYBOY: If you think youre steppin; 
over the line, offending your public or 
perhaps risking economic suicide, shall 
we cut this off now, erase the tape and 
start over along more antiseptic lines? 

SINATRA: No, let's let it run. Гус thou: 
this way for years, ached to say these 
things, Whom have I harmed by what 
I've d? What moral defection have 1 
suggested? No, 1 don’t want to chicken 
out now. Come on, pal, the clocks 

ing out this w 

Al right, then, lets move on 
to another delice subject: 
t. How do vou feel abou 


the neces 

Playboy Club News 

VOL. II, NO. 31 



Features VIP Room, for the 
Very Important Playboy 


Y В 

NEW YORK-The New York 
Playboy Club, located just off 
Fifth Avenue at SOth Street, 
opened its doors to members 
December 9 and has been the 
talk of the Big Town ever since. 
Keyholders visiting their Club 
for the first time agree that 
first impressions are unforget- 

The bouncy Bunnies twist for New 
York keyholders bent on fun. 

table. The seven levels house 
all the famous Playboy Club 
features — Penthouse, Playroom, 
etc.—but also include special 
touches designed to please East- 
ern tastes 

The exterior excitingly hints 
at what lies within. Black stoné 
panels formed in twin curves 
around the entry are set off by 
the white marble-chip sidewalk 
inlaid with brass strips. Two 
curved and carpeted staircases 
lead from the street to the 
glamorous world of the Playboy 
Club itself. 

Inside the lobby, a glittering 
glass-enclosed spiral stairwell 
gives access to the Playmate 
Bar, Piano Bar, Living Room 
and Cartoon Corner. Down you 
go—into the sterco-steeped 
Playmate Bar, where full-color 
transparencies of Playmates 
treat the eye. A stunning cir- 
cular floor-to-ceiling copper and 
marble fireplace adds to the 
warmth of this intimate room. 

Above the lobby is the Living 
Room and adjacent Cartoon 
Corner, both served by the mag- 
nificent buffet. Members who 
seek out the Cartoon Corner 
will find rollicking displays of 
wit and whimscy from the pages 
of рілувоу. The Living Room, 
which bas its own hearth, over- 
looks the sunken Piano Bor. 
Here, the cool sounds of kcy- 
board artists serve as a soothing 
background to conversation. 

Now to the upstairs show- 
rooms via express сісуаїог ог 
elegant staircase. The fourth 
level features the piéce de résis- 
tance of the New York Playboy, 
Club—the specially created VIP. 
Room (for Very Important 

This inner sanctum of the 



Club joins the ranks of the most 
sophisticated rooms in New 
York. Gourmet dining and in- 
timate entertainment are the 
order of the day here. Special 


CHICAGO — Three Playboy 
Clubs open in two months! With 
that record now in the books, 
Club executives are turning their 
attention to the future. The 
following cities are being inves- 
tigated as possible Playboy Club 
locations: Atlanta, Cincinnati, 
Denver, Houston, Indianapolis, 
Kansas City, neapolis- St. 
Paul, Portland (Orc.), Sacra- 
mento and San Diego. Watch 
for further information about 
the Playboy Club in your arca. 



CLUBS ОРЕМ New York at 5 
E. 59th St., Chicago at 116 Е. 

St. Louis at 3914 
Lindell Blvd: New Orleans at 
727 Rue Iberville; Phoenix at 
3033 N. Central; Miami at 7701 
Biscayne Blvd. 

at 8580 Sunset Bivd.; San 
Francisco at 736 Montgomery 
St.; Detroit at 1014 E. Jefferson 
Ave.; Baltimore at 28 Light St. 

NEXT IN LINE— Washington, 
Dallas, Boston. 

Bunnies are waiting to greet you in their Manhattan hutch. 

ten-course menus arc featured 
and a staff of livericd butlers 
and exotic Bunnies are at the 
command of cach host. 

The world-famous Playboy 
Club showrooms, the Playroom 
and Penthouse, occupy the 
fifth and sixth levels, respec- 
tively. The Playroom features 
Playboy's Prime Roast Beef and 
is hung with PLAYBOY reproduc- 
tions of “Man at His Leisure,” 
illustrations depicting the good 
life. The Penthouse, offering 
Ployboy's Filet Mignon, truly 
gives an impression of the urban 

male's idcal apartment. This 
showroom is subtly illuminated 
by an animated mural of the 
Manhattan skyline, Other walls 
hold contemporary fine art 

At the seventh level of the 
Club is a sumptuous catering 
arca, scating up to 250 persons, 
perfect for private parties 
whether banquet or discreet 

Is it any wonder that Playboy 
Club members in the New York 
area are saying That Wonderful 
Town is morc wonderful than 


[Г] Check here it you wish оту 


lormation about joining the Playboy Club. 

1 7e Playboy clubs internation 1 
jo PLAYBOY Magazine, 232 E. Ohio Street, Chicago 11, Illinois 

1 Gentlemen 1 

| Uem ту application for Key Privileges to the Playboy Club, Enclosed із ту | 
check for $. (Playboy Club keys are $50 within a 75-mle radius 

qp S'Enicago and ın the state of Florida, Keys are $25 outside these areas.) under: y 
stand that if my application is accepted, my key will admit me to Playboy Clubs 

| теуіп operation and others soon to go into operation in mar cities throughout 1 
the U.S. and abroad 


1 сссоғатов — 1 

р 720955 = 1 



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sity and possibility of achieving it? 
SINATRA: Well, that's like apple pie and 
mother—how can you be against it? 
despite the universal and 
unanimous assumption that both powers 
— Russia and the United States—ul- 
ready have stockpiled more nuclear 
weaponry than is necessary to vaporize 
the entire planet, each power continues 
to build, improve and enlarge its terri- 
fying arsenal. For the first time іп his 
tory, man has developed the means with 
which to expunge all life in one shudder- 
ing instant. And, brother, no one gets 
a pass, no one hides from this опе. But 
the question is not so much whether dis- 
armament is desirable or even whether 
it can be achieved, but whether if we 
were able to achieve it—we would be 
better off, or perhaps infinitely worse off. 
PLAYBOY: Are you sup that disar 
ment might be detrimental to peace? 
SINATRA: Yes, in а certai ry delicate 
Look, I'm а r or at least I 
fancy myself onc. Just as I believe that 
religion doesn't always work, so do 1 
feel that disarmament may be completely 
beyond man's capacity to live with. Let's 
forget [or a moment the complex prob 
lems we m ing from 
ar to a peace economy. Let 
e disarmament in terms of man’s 
political, social and philosophical con 
ditioning. Let's say that somehow the UN 
able to achieve a disarmament pro. 
acceptable to all nations. Lets 
ne, a few years from now, total 
nent. But imagine as well 
doubts, suspicions and 
nerve-w tensions which must, 
inevitably, begin to fill the void: the 
fear that the other side—or perhaps 
some third power — is secretly arming or 
still holding a few bombs with which to 
surprise overcome the other. But І 
firmly belicve that nuch r is abso 
lutely impossible, 1 don't think anyone 
in the world wants a nuclear w: 
even the Russians. They and w 
nth countries — as nuclear strategists те 
fer to future nuclear powers — face the 
hal re- 
1 can't 
believe for a moment that the idiot ex 
in any nation that will push the first 
button — not even accidentally. 

PLAYBOY: You foresee no possibility of 
world war or of effective disarmament? 
SINATRA: l'm mot an industrialist or an 
economist; I know I'm way out of my 
depth when 1 attempt even to compre- 
hend the complexity of shifting the pro- 
duction of а country from маг to peace. 
But if somehow all those involved in 
production of implements of destruction 
were willing to accept reason as well 
as reasonable profit, I think that a hilt 
in psychology might be possible. And 
if this were to happen, [ believe that 
the deep-seated terror in the hearts of 
most people due to the constant threat 


the gnaw 

Ballston socks 

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Scholar material in scholarly, luxurious 


IN кунү PAIR 


2500 SETS 




be on the 
ball with 

We Wa 


of total destruction would disappe: 
The result would be 
less greedy, less selfish 
approach to survival. I can tell you this 
much from personal experience and ob- 
servation: Hate solves no problems. It 

let me ask you a question I posed to 
Mike Romanoff the other night. You 
know, Mike is qu serious thinker; 
when we spend an evening together, we 
play an intellectual chess game touch. 
ing on all topics, including those we are 
discussing here. Anyway, I asked Mike 
what would happen if я summit meet- 
ing of all the leaders in every country 
in the world was called, including Red 
China, at the UN. Further suppose that 
each leader brings with him his top 

aides: edy brings Rusk, Khru- 
shchev brings 
Chou. ther in one 

room, then — boom! Somebody blows up 
the mother building. No more leaders. 
No more deputies The question I 
asked Mike, and the one I ask you, is: 
What would happen to the world? 
PLAYBOY: You tell us. 

SINATRA: 1 told Mike I thought it might 
be the only chance the world has for 
survival But Mike just shook his head 
and said, "Frank, you j 
Maybe so. Un 
however, I thi 
cold war prepa 
effective to mi 
also wonder if "total" dis: 
cludes chemical and Басе 

ness might be more 
tain the peace than the 
n of total disarmament. I 
nent in- 


just as leth r weapons. Card 
ors have а say It's all right to 
play if you keep your eyes on the deck” 
— which is another way of saying, "Eter- 
nal vigilance is the price of 1 
PLAYBOY: Do you feel, Ше! 
testing should be continue 
SINATRA: Absolutely not. I think it's got 
to stop, and 1 think it will stop — because 
it has to мор. The name-calling in the 

hat nuclear 

UN and the finger-pointing at peace 
conferences is just а lot of diplomatic 
bull. Both sides have to live on this 

ind leaders in all countries know 
children and grandchildren 
c to live here, too. I suspect that 
when the limits of strontium 90 in the 
atmosphere get really dangerous, scien- 
tists in both camps will persuade the 
pol ans to call a final halt to testing 
— probably at precisely the same time, 
with no urging from the other side. 

PLAYBOY: You spoke a moment ago of 
the fear and suspicion that might nu 
any plan for lasting and effective dis- 
armament. Isn't continuing nuclear pre- 
th or without further 
ly to engender these emo- 
tions on an even more dangerous sc: 
SINATRA: Fear is the enemy of logic. There 


capital of oil-rich Venezuela, where the clack of 
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create the sound of excitement...where a 
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Only 7 Ibs., you can wear it over your shoulder 
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carrying case, Records and plays back up to 2 
hours on one reel. You simply push 2 buttons 
to record, one to play back. Sound? — clear as 
a bell and as loud as you want. Has constant- 
speed motor and comes completely self- 
contained with dynamic microphone and wide- 
range loudspeaker. Ruggedly built. Handsomely 
styled. Surprisingly low-priced. Available 
at camera shops, hi-fi dealers and 
leading stores everywhere. 
Write for brochure: 6-2. 


High Fidelity Products Division 

230 Duffy Avenue, Hicksville, L. 1., N. Y. 

in Canada and throughout the free word, IORELCO it krona an the РЫ" 


nore debilitating, crushing 
i. sickening thing in the world 
ndividual or to a nation. If 
, and if 
they continue to fear us, then we're 
both in big trouble. Neither side will 
be able to make logical, reasoned deci- 
sions. 1 think, however, that the 
and concern over the ideological ba 
of power in some areas is lar from i 
tional. Our concern. ove Sovietized 
Cuba 90 miles from Key West, for in- 
stance, must be equated with Ru: 
concern over our missile bases suri 
ng them. It is proper that we should be 
deeply concerned. but we must be able 
to their side of the coin — and not 
let this concern turn into fear on either 
PLAYBOY: On а practical level, how would 
you combat Communist expansion into 
areas such as Cuba, Laos and the emerg- 
ing African nations: 
SINATRA: It strikes 
lously simple: Stop worrying 
munism; just get rid of the cond 
that nurture it. Sidestepping М 
philosophy and dialectical vi 
think that communism 
wherever and whenever i 
to br 
themselves, but by depressed. soci: 
economic condi nd we 
ways count on the Communists to exploit 
those conditions. Poverty is probably the 

—to an 
we continue to fear the Russian 

пе as being so ridicu- 

bout com- 


1er only 
s encour 


‘d — not just by the Communists 


greatest aset the Communists have. 
Wherever it exists, anyplace іш the 
world, you have a potential Comi 

breeding grou 
man is fr 
his family hungry, he suffers. he broods 
and he becomes susceptible to the blan- 
dishments of any ideology that pron 
to take him off the hook. 
pıayaoY: Do you share with the Ame 
Right W ı equal concern about the 
susceptibility of our own country to 
Communist design? 

d. dt figures that il 
strated in з 



SINATRA: Well, il vou talking about 
that poor, beaten, dehumamized, dis- 

Giminated-against guy in some blighted 
Tobacco Road down in the South, he's 
y in the market for offers 
sellimprovement But you can't m 
e believe that a machinist in Detroit. 
ending a 40-hour week, climbir 
his 63 Chevy sted 
becue behind his 5 000 home 
treelined subdivision, about to begin 
id with his well-fed, well-clothed 
„is going to trade what he's got 
Party card. In America — except 
tiny pockets of privation which still 
persist — Khrushchey has as much chance 
g as he has of making 100 
es at the c able. 
In combating Commi 
pansion into underdeveloped arcas here 
and abroad, what can we do except to 
oller massive mate and guidance 

of the kind we've been providing since 
the end of World War Н? 

SINATRA: 1 don't know. I’m no economist. 
I don't pretend to have much back- 
ground in political science. But tl 
much I ki Attending rallies spon- 
sored by t andi Commun 
cultists or donning white sheets and rid- 
ing with the Klan — the one that's spelled 
with “К” isnt the answer АП 1 
know is that а nation with our standard 
ol living, with our Social Security sys- 
tem, ТУА, farm parity, health plans and 
unemployment insurance can afford to 
ddress itself to the cancers of starvation, 

counuy. Whi 
these blemishes, then we can go out with 

a clean conscience to sce where else in the 
can help. Hunger is inexcus 

рідувот: 15 American support of the UN 
one of the s in which we can uplift 
global economic conditions? 
SINATRA: It seems to me that a lot of us 
consider the UN a private dub — ours, 
of course — with gentlemen's agreements 
just like any other exclusive club. Only 
instead of excluding a person. а race ог 
igion, the members of the UN have 
the power to exclude e 
don't happen to think you can kick 
800,000,000 Chinese under the rug and 
simply pretend that they don't exist. 
Because they do. H the UN is to be 
ишу representative, then it must accept 
all the nations of the world. If it doesn’t 
represent the united nations of the 
world, then what the hell have you got? 
Not democracy — and certainly not world 
government. Everybody seems to have 
forgotten that President Kennedy, be- 
lorc he became President, in book, 
Strategy of Peace, plainly advocated 
recognition of Red China. So I'm not 
too far out on the Jim m 1? 
PLAYBOY. With or without mainland 
c in the UN, what do you feel are 
the. prospects for A 
rapprochement м 
SINATRA: lm а singer, not а prophet or 
diplomat. Ask the experts or read the 
Rockefeller brothers’ reports. But speak- 
ng just as а layman, an ordinary guy 
who thinks and worries, I think that if 
we can stay out of war for the next 
ars, we'll never have another war. 
ШІ Гус read and seen recently, 
Im betting that within the next decade 
the Russians will be on the credit-card 
kick just as we are. They're going to 
want color TV, their wives are going to 
vant clectrified Kitchens, their kids are 
it hot rods. Even Ru n 
‘ting hip; I've seen photos 
of them at Russian. beach resorts, and 
it looks just like the Riviera. They're 


thinning down, and 1 see they're going 
the i route. When GUM depart 
ment store in Moscow starts selling bi 
kinis, we've got a fighting chance, because 
t means the girls ате interested in 

irls and the boys are going to 
king about communes and be 

they begin to lose 
interest in conquering the world. ‘They 
just want а comfortable pad and sterco 
nd. wheels, and their thoughts turn to 
the good things of life — not to war. 
They loosen up, they live and they're 
more apt to let live. Dig? 

PlAYBOY: We dig. 

SINATRA: You know, I'd love to visit Rus 
sia, and sometime later, China, too. І 
figure the more 1 know about them and 
the more they know about me, the better 
chance we have of living in the sa 
world in peace. I don't intend to go 
there with a mission. to sell the Amer 
way of life; I'm not equipped to get 
that kind of d оп about govi 

Count Basic 
id we'd do 

music. Га tak 
and itzgerald with mı 
what we do best. We'd wail up a storm 
with real American jazz so that their kids 
could see what kind of music our kid 
go lo sure that kids are 
the same all over the world. I'm betting 
that they'd dig us. And that's got to 
create some kind of good will, and man, 
¢ we could 

and a smile to breach that language bı 
rier. When the Moiseyev Dancers were 
in Los Angeles, Eddie and Liz Fisher 
gave a party for them, and although 1 
couldn't speak a word of Russian, I got 
along fine. 1 just said. "Hello, baby” 
to the dancers and they shouted, “Allo, 
babet" back at me. We had a ball. 

PLAYBOY: Frank, you've expressed some 
negative views on human nature in the 
conversation. Yet one gets 
chat — despite the bigotry 
hypocrisy, stupidity, cruelty a 

course of thi: 

the impressio! 

bout the 
destiny of Homo sapiens. Is that right? 

SINATRA: Absolutely. I'm never cynical, 
never without optimism about the fu- 

The history of mankind proves 
t some point the people have their 

nd 1 think we're about to 
up to bat now. I think we can 
e it il we live and let live. And love 
one another 1 mean really love. I 
you don't know the guy on thc other 
side of the world, love him anyway be 
cause he's just like you. He has the sume 
dreams, the same hopes and fears. It's 
one world, pal We're all neighbors. 
But didn't somebody once go up ошо 
id say the same 


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the third part of a statement in which playboy’s editor-publisher spells out —for friends 
and critics alike—our guiding principles and editorial credo 

t with the old wa 
ideas, the old traditions and taboos is 
evident all around us. After 20 y 
of Depression-bred and War-nurtu 

ys the old 

security and the common man, the Un- 
common Man has at last come back into 
his own, along with a renewed respect for 
the uncommon mind, the uncommon act 
and the uncommon accomplishment. 

А great many Americans now rec 
that the de-emphasis of both initiative 
and education along with our lack of 
growth in the arts and sciences cost us 
the position of undisputed world leader- 
ship we once took for granted. Another 
country, hardly as high as our belt buckle 
three decades ago, is now reaching for 
the stars ahead of us. We've learned a 
bitter lesson, but if we've learned it well, 
it may well have been worth it. 

By subverting our faith in ourselves, 
both as individuals and as а nation, by 
shaking our faith in the superiority of 
the free enterprise system, we managed to 

to a near standstill. By а, 
many of the basic tenets upon which this 
nation was founded, we have begun 
forcefully to move ahead once more. 

If any of us were ever in serious doubt 
about the relative merits of group- 
oriented, collectivist socialism or com- 
munism versus self-oriented, individual 
initiative, free enterprise capitalism, 
we've witnessed irrefutable evidence of 
the strengths and weaknesses of both 
over the last generation. Setting aside 
the social significance of a free society 
for the moment — and the fact that по 
government that places its emphasis on 
the importance of group good over in- 
dividual good can long remain free — 
capitalism has proven itself the superior 
economic system in country after country 
since the War. 

It is not because of any inherent flaw 
in American capitalism that Russia has 
been able to catch up to us in many 
arcas over ihe past 20 ycars— quite 
the opposite: It is because this country 
drifted dangerously in the direction of 
socialism during the Thirties and Fortics 
that we began to falter and fall behind. 
Several nations in post-War Europe have 

editorial By Hugh M. Hefner 

found a new economic strength through 
capitalism and much of Western Europe 
s enjoying an unparalleled prosperity 
because of having taken the free enter- 
prise system to the international level 
with the Common Market. America, 
on the other hand, has stifled her nat- 

growth through initiative-inhibiti 
taxes and restrictive legislation г 

Now there promise of 
change, however, as both political parties 
apparently recognize that this country's 
economic health is intimately tied to 
the profit an individual or в company 
n hope to turn, after taxes, Гог addi- 
tional ellort or for risk capital invested. 
in a new product, a new idca or a new 
enterprise. Last fal] Congress gave the 
President sweeping powers over restric- 
and export tariff, so that the 
U.S. might successfully compete with the 
Common Market; this year and next, we 
are promised major tax reforms and те- 
ductions aimed at putting more enter- 
prise back in our free enterprise system. 
Truly dramatic evidence of the rela- 
e strengths in the two economic sys- 
tems can be seen in East and West 
Berlin today. The contrast between the 
two halves of this once whole city — one 
rebuilding since War's end under a 
democratic free economy and the other 
under a totalitarian Communist regime 
— says more than any economic theorist 
or political philosopher ever could. And. 
the Wall, with East Berliners risking 
death to scramble over and under it to 
West Berlin and freedom, says more 
about the social worth of the two systems 
than any words could, too. 

Fidel Castro has all but destroyed the 
Cuban economy with his brand of Com- 
munist socialism. And while Red China 
falters and fails in its attempt to dupli- 
cate with communism what America 
achieved through capitalism, Japan has 
moved ahead to unprecedented wealth 
since the end of the Second World War 
by patterning its economy directly after 
the United States. As the limitations of 
communism become clearer, Russia has 
been subtly changing her own economic 
system, supplying capitalist incentives as 

required. But Russia remains a totali- 
state and suffers the inherent 
s of all dictatorships: no nation 
joy the full benefits of a free 
nd the free enterprise system, 
ion's people are themselves not 
Thus freedom itself is the 
spark that а free competitive socicty re- 
quires to drive it at peak efficiency and 
that is why America can regain i 
tion of world prominence and leadership. 
if it never again loses sight, as a nation, 
of the fundamental faith in itself, be- 
lief in its uncommon citizens and in [re 
dom and the free enterprise system that 
made it great in the beginning. 

‘The entire world is presently benefit- 
ing from the competition between the 
U.S. and Russia in our "race for sj > 
each country spurred оп by the acco 
plishments of the other. Without this 
ternational competitive enterprise, man 
might well be waiting another genera- 
tion or more to reach the moon and 
begin his exploration of the stars. If the 
same competitive spirit were brought to 
h of the world's half-dozen 
ly diseases, the resultant money 
and man-hours expended would in all 
probability produce cures for all of them 
in our lifetime and the next generation 
could look forward to a life expectancy 
of 100 years and more. A properly con- 
wolled competitive society works with 
nations as well as individuals, supplying 
the maximum motivation and thus benc- 
fiting everyone in the society with the 
resulting maximum accomplishment or 

The mood is optimistic. In the Atomic 
Age. with the continuing threat of world 
conflict, no tomorrow can ever be a cer- 
tainty, but certainty is a security the new 
generation does not require. There is, 
in its place, a new satisfaction in accom- 
plishment —a new savoring of life and 
all that it offers. The possibility of im- 
minent extinction has given life a new 
significance. Too often in the past, man 
‘ely lor tomorrow — 
ing less, enjoying less and do- 

s posi 

ing less. Many of the new generation 
discovering that the ultimate satislaction 

comes from 
What we have termed the Upbeat 

ng for both today and 




Low mass and weight make it perfect for today's 
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New Stress- 


The only cartridge with complete freedom to 
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reproducing peak passages no break-up, giv- 
ing you the cleanest, most musical scund you've 
ever heard. Provides same design principle em- 
ployed by the famed Weathers Professional Car- 
tridge. $39.50. 

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variable mass damping attains a 

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inates crossover coloration and ringing. Model 
SE-200— $99.50. 

Write for free calalcg: Dept. P2. 

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50 W. 44th St, NY. 36, М.У. 

Generation (sharing the spirit of rebel- 
lion with that sliver of it called beat, but 
differing radically because of the far 
more positive, upbeat attitude about life 
and itself) bears little resemblance to 
the generation that preceded it. Yet 
some are still unaware of the change that 
has taken place and many do not realize 
the size of the gap that exists between 
two generations that followed one 

mediately upon the other. The 
ference in feeling about ra 
editorial point of view is but one 
nple of the gap: PLAYBOY expresses i 
self in terms many members of 
the new generation understand, but th: 
ncomprchensible to others only a 


In an introduction to а recent issue 
devoted to what they termed the “Take- 
Over Gener Life magazine зай 
“Coming hard over the horizon, just b 
ginning to make his presence and his 
power felt, is a new breed of American. 
He is filled with purpose and he thinks 
оп а scale t often frightens his elders. 
...In the big corporation, where the old 
desire for job security is giving way to 
a new insistence оп job opportunity, the 
daring young id rting 
to lay the Organization Man to rest.” 
Science, both pure and applied, has 
complished more in the last dozen y 
than in the two dozen that pre 
them. The same is true in architecture 
and design. In fine art, the U. 8. 
previously done little more than follow 
European trends, but in the Fifties and 
es American painters set the pace 
ad have maintained the lead: Jackson 
Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Franz 
Kline and their compatriots are the crea- 
tors ої the most important and most 
influential work of any artists of our 
time. The description of Pollock by 
h art сейіс Bryan Robertson in his 
introduction to a book of Pollock's p 
ings published in 1960 associates the 
artist with the rebel spirit he shared 
(until his death) with much of the new 
Ameri “For an entire generation Pol- 
lock has become symbol of revolt 
sinst existing conventions in imagery 
nd a touchstone in a commonly shared 
search for i methods to contain a new 
vision in painting. Apart from this, Pol- 
lock has emerged as the first American 
artist in history to influence Europe: 
rt. ... The present work has as its mai 
spring the author's conviction that Jack 
son Pollock [is] 
the hierarchy of 

Rebellion against the tried and not 
necessarily uue has abounded every- 
where. In jazz, nal art 
form, tradicional sounds ha 
to i 
plored directions, from bop to 
stream. In acting, classic styles ha 

man is finally st 

bowed to a new naturalism with Brando, 
et aL, and something called The Method 
In popular music, the moon-and- June 
syrup of Tin Pan Alley has been replaced 
by the earthly reality of folk music. The 
new spirit of rebellion has even shown 
self in the growth of a new American 
humor—Mort Sahl, Mike and Elaine. 
Lenny Bruce, Dick Gregory and the rest 
ої what Time called the New School of 
comedy have replaced tired jokes with 
i and have 
and foibles: polities, 
evo cow 

made us 

satire has те- 
au п scene. And it can 
be argued that a nation’s real inner 

strength is revealed through its ability to 
laugh at itself. 

Serious social change has been taking 
place also. The inequality of the races 
has received increasing attention from all 
Amer ied. with the rights of 
others as well as themselv Politics — 
long an area of interest left almost ex- 
dusively to the politicians — is now a 
matter of continuing discussion, debate 
and active participation by youthful citi- 
zens of both the right and left. Nor are 
most Americans interests and concerns 
any longer limited to the continental 
boundaries of this country. The knowl- 
edge that this is indeed one world has 
never had greater acceptance by the ma- 
jority of Americans: we now recognize, 
as never before in peacetime, that what 
happens in Cuba, India or Berlin is of 
paramount importance to us all and 
conversely, what happens in. Mississippi 
is of grave importance in Africa and 
throughout Asia. 

Corruption in high governmental 
places, the TV quiz scandal, disc jockey 
payola, police crime Chicago and 
other major cities, the indictment of top 
ness executives for price fixing and 
aint of wade, the Billie Sol Estes 
r are seen by some as evidence of a 
trend toward decadence in our socicty, 
but they represent just the opposite to us. 
In each case, the significant fact is that 
the crime or corruption was brought to 
light — no matter how high up and po- 
tentially protected the offenders — and in 
almost every instance, justified penalties 
were meted out. Moreover, corrective 
actions were usually taken to predude 
similar lawlessness, In the case of the 
Chicago police, not only were the men 
involved. prosecuted, but Mayor Daley 
ordered a sweeping cleanup of the entire 
force — and he got it, In times past, such 
a scandal would have been hushed up 
and things would have continued on as 
before. There will ays be crime 
corruption in the world, but recent рі 
lic exposures suggest a moral rebirth 
America rather than the reverse. 

The way in which Americans rejected 
McCarthyism and subversi of the ex- 
t hr as well as those of the left 


s w 

in the early Fi s a portent of the 
independent spirit rising up in this co 
uy and served notice that most Amer 
cans would not long submit to being 
herded about like so many gray flannel 
sheep. Hitler used a fear and hatred of 
the Jews to bind the German people 
together in а controllable mass. Similar 
attempts here immediately alter the war, 
the fear and hatred of American 
tommunism, were partially successful for 
a time (some neighbors actually did spy 
on neighbors, brothers turn in brothers, 
students intimidate teachers; there were 
loyalty oaths to sigu, some books literally 
were burned and industry black lists cost 
a number of Americans their jobs), but 
the arrival of the new generation coupled 
with those minds of ever) i 
that refuse to be intimidated and herded, 
cut short the demagogic dreams of pow 
А few neofascist and hate groups 
persisted up to the present, using the fi 
of the omnipresent Communist me 
and/or the hate of Negroes, 
lics. non—candy с: 
for Welch's John Birchers) or some other 
suitable group as their scapegoats. But 
the burgeoning independence and rebel 
individualism of the Upbeat Generation 
it incr ugly difficult. for ex- 
tremist groups of the right or left to 
gather any sizable portion of the popula- 
tion to itself. An American of the new 
generation may hate communism for its 
tyranny, but he is unwilling to submit 
to the tyranny of a professional hate cult 
in order to fight it, being aware that 
the best way to combat the ideology of 
totalitarian communism is not through 
some equally totalitarian concept or 
group, but through a strengthenii 
democracy and the free e 
а much 
isfactory, shot 
Depression we tended to d. 


as apt to be de- 
to be admired), 
ause the nation's economic problems 
made higher education ble to so 
very few. One of the best things to come 
ош of World War II was the СІ. Bill 
ollcring, as it did to hundreds of thou- 
sands of young American men, the 
opportunity for a college education or 

ining in a specialized profession or 

will, in the future, permit American 
Negroes to receive a far better and fuller 
education than they could have hoped 
for previously. This will benefit both 
the individ 
for th 
is опе of its most valuable natural re- 
sources. Until now, the United States 
has permitted a sizable percentage of its 
potential brainpower to so par 
undeveloped Бу not offering full edu 

opportunities to its colored ci 
ы is rather like leaving a part 
rich mineral deposit in the ground 
you know that it's there and that il 
mined and processed it would be 
extremely valuable to the national econ- 
omy and to the U.S. defense effort as 
well Making sure that all American 
youth, r of rice or economic 
position, receives the best and most com- 
plete education for which it is able to 
qualify makes sound economic sense for 
the nation and is, we feel, one of Ше 
obligations of our Government. 

Ar the grade school level, there has 
been considerable concen and debate 
over Johnny's inability to read. гілувоу 
shares this concern, for when Johnny be- 
comes old enough to subscribe to our 
ne, we would like to think he is 
the fine fiction and the thought 
nd not just ogling 
te of the Month. But 
whether the ability to more fully appre 

E eness of the im- 
portance of education today than at any 
previous time in our history. 

We appear to be mor 
American renaissance—a period of 
owth and prosperity unequaled in the 
past. Art, science, philosophy, politics, 
education — all are broadening their 
horizons and man is meeting the d 
lenges and the opportunities of his world 
with unparalleled determination. delight. 
ıd derring-do. Nothing seems impos- 
ble and man has never been more alive 
and aware. Life is a bold adventure and 
the new American Renaissance Man 
seems destined to make the most of it. 

Man’s new zest for living can be seen 
in his interest іп a car that has style 
and speed, in his savoring the pleasures 
of the senses with good food and drink 
ad stereo sound, in his involvement 
the decor of his apartment and the cut 
of his clothes (the rican male is the 
active participant in a minor fashion 
revolution that supplies still another 
example of the changing time: to the 
universal, g flannel sameness of Ivy 
r of Continental, with a new elegance 
ad enough variety in its design to per- 
mit a re-emphasis of the individual 
within the clothes). 

No conflict exists between the pleasure 
modern American finds in n 
things and his struggle to discover 
scientific truth, or evolv 
ophy, or create а work of art. The good 
Ше, the full life, encompasses ай of 
th d all of them satisfy and spur 
а man on to do more, sec more, know 
more, experience more, accomplish 
more. This is the real meaning, the pur- 
pose, the point of life itself the con 

g into an 

has been added the individual style 

a new philos- 

uing, upward striving and searching for 

the ultimate truth and beauty. 

America has come alive again. And 
with the social revolution come it 
sexual revolution as well, Gone is much 
of the puritan prudishness and hypoc- 
risy of the рам. But Lar from being rcp- 
resentatives of а moral decline, as some 
would like us 10 believe, we are in the 
process of acqu new moral п 

turity and honesty in which man's body, 
mind and soul are in harmony rather 
than in conflict 

This revolution is nowhere more ob- 
ing public taste 

vious than in the chan 
in books, m 

of communication offer 
itive gauge to the changing manner 
d mores of ime and in this re- 
gard the contrast between the present 
generation and the one just past is re- 

In the Thirties and Forties Hollywood 
movies were never allowed to show a 
man and woman in bed together not 
even if they were married in the picture 
— not even if they were married in real 
life. I a scene had to be played in з 
bedroom, the couple appeared in that 
blight upon marital bliss: twin beds. In 
the same period, if а woman were to have 
illicit affair in a film (which meant 
any relationship not blessed by maui- 
mony), the audience could be certain that 
before the final scene she would suller 
the severest possible consequences. That 
some romances outside holy wedlock end 
happily or do not end at all would ap- 
and 30 


years ago preferred to 
And the worst profanity heard 
during more than a decade of pi 
making was Clark Gable's р. 
Personally, my dear, I don't 
damn!" to Scarlett O'Hara at the end of 
Gone with the Wind. GWTW was the 
only motion picture of the time that was 
llowed a single hell or damn (the line 
never failed to produce a titer. from 
surprised audiences) and we tend to for- 
get for how short a while such common 
expletives have been permitted in dra- 
shows on television. 

In 1938 an issue of Life magazine was 
banned number of communit 
across the United States, because it i 
duded a picture story depicting the birth 
ү. That was just 25 years ago. 
than 10 since New 
York City censored the birth of a baby 
buffalo from one of Walt Disney's award- 
winning wildlife features. Today Ben 
vers a baby on home TV and 
nobody even blinks. 

A Tew short years ago the number of 
specific subjects that could not even be 
mentioned in movies included drug 
addiction, homosexuality, incest, nym- 

ting shot, 




phomania, necrophilia, abortion, mastur- 
bation and hand holding (we just slipped 
that last one in to sce if you were ps 
ing attention). More recently, a number 
of these subjects (not including hand 
holding) have been the central themes 
of motion pictures and most all of them 
appear iterrelated. combinations in 
films by Tennessee Williams. 

If movies are badder than ever, books 
are even badder than that. Well, bolder, 
at any rate. The public has displayed a 
new willingness to accept the previously 
taboo in colloquial dialog (thus permit- 
ting James Jones’ soldiers in his best- 
selling, prize-winning Army novel, From 
Here to Eternity, to use the same locu- 
tions real soldicrs employ. even though 
this remarkable innovation prompted 
Life to waggle a warning finger in an 
editorial titled, “From Here to Obscen- 
ity”), in subject matter (Vladimir Nabo- 
kov's best-selling, prize-winning tale of 
the 12-year-old nymphet, Lolita) and in 
the first U.S. printing of long-banned 
books (James Joyce's Ulysses, D.H 
Lawrence's Lady Chatierley's Lover and 
Henry Miller's two Tropics—all out 
lawed for more than a gencration and 
by now all very newly modern classics). 

One of the first books after the W. 
become a best seller because of sex was a 
statistical survey by Dr. Allred C. 
and ssociates of Indiana University. 
Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, 
followed by Sexual Behavior in the 
Human Female, proved that the public 
nestly wanted to know more about 



sex, and the sham and secrecy that | 
for so long surrounded the subject 
finally began falling away. “The Kinsey 

nd it 

is the first extensive sci 
the U.S. 

Report” wa 
study of sex practices i 

unquestionably affected behavior even as 
1 hypocrisy 

it reported it. America’s sexi 
was out in the open—we 
preaching one thing and practic 
another, The county's purityrann: 
zcalots, who had successfully susta 
the image of sex as sin by keeping it 
the shadows, suddenly found that some- 
one had let the sunshine in. And in the 
bright light of day, sex didn't seem so 
terrible to most of us. 

In the mood of conformity that was 
still with us in the late Forties and early 
Fifties, various selLappointed civic and 
religious groups wi tremely 
in censorship. The very notion that one 
adult has the right to tell another what 
book he may or may not read and what 
movie he may or may not sec is repug- 
nant to most Americans, but we had 
been turned into a nation of sheep and 
there were few voices raised in protest 
With the coming of the new generation, 


the minds of men. 
The NODL (National Office of Decent 

46 Literature) prepares а monthly list of 

“disapproved” paperback books and 
magazines that is supposed to be a guide 
for Catholic youth, but the list was oftei 
used as a weapon of censorship instead, 
until various magazines and newspapers 
began to cry out against the practice. 

In an editorial entitled “The Harm 
Good People Do," in its October 1956 
issue, Harper's Magazine stated: “A little 
band of Catholics is now conducting a 
shocking attack on the rights of their 
fellow citizens. They are engaged in an 

American activity which is as flagrant 

as anything the Communist party ever 
attempted —and which is, in fact, very 

ar to Communist. tactic 
harming their counuy, their 
the cause of freedom. . . This group 
calls itself the National Ofhce of De- 
cent Literatu Its main purpose 
is to make it impossible for anybody to 
buy books and other publications which 
it docs not like. Among them are the 
works of some of the most distinguished 
authors now alive — for example, win- 
ners of the Nobel Prize, the Pulitzer 
Prize and the National Book Award.” 

Without intending to. a Post of the 
Catholic War Veterans in Hartford, Con- 
necticut. underlined. the similarity be- 
ıween their tactics and those of the 
Communists in a letter to book dealers 
in thcir community aiming to suppress, 
through the threat of boycott, certain 
publications they considered undesira- 
ble. The letter was accompanied by 
the NODL list of “disapproved” pub- 
lications and it quoted the Chinese Com- 
munists who had been conducting а 
campaign of their own against "dis- 
approved" literature: “ "These books and 
pictures seriously harm those workers 
who by constantly looking at them can 
easily become degenerate in their think- 
ing, cautions the Peking Worker's 
Daily as quoted by Newsweek magazine, 
January 23, 1956. We have to hand it to 
the Communists . . . who have launched 
ionwide camps 
graphic tra: . . Should not this ex- 
ample provoke a similar literary cleanup 
in our land where the morality of our 
actions is gauged by service to God and 
not to an atheistic state?’ 

The NODL black , which has 
cluded books by Ernest Hemingway, Wil- 
liam Faulkner, John Dos Passos, George 
Orwell, John O'Hara, Emile Zola, Ат- 
thur Koestler and Joyce Cary, docs not 
represent the attitude of all Catholics, 
of course, and the list has been used by 
а number of non Catholic censorship 
groups as well. 

Father John Courtney Murray, S. 
professor of moral theology at Wood- 
stock College, Maryland, warned against 
such practices and in an address оп 
“Literature and Censorship” said, in 
part: “No minority group has the right 
to impose its own religious or moral 
views on other groups, through the use 

of methods of force, coercion or vio- 

Dean Joseph O'Meara of the Notre 
Dame Law School expressed it like this: 
“Unfortunately many sincere people do 
not comprehend the genius of our de- 
mocracy . . - such people would deny 
free speech to those with whom they are 
in fundamental disagreement. . . . They 
would establish a party line in America 
— their party line, of course. This is an 
alien concept, totalitarian concept: it 
it not consonant with the American tra- 
dition; it antidemocratic; it is, in 
short, subversive and it should be recog- 
nized for what it is.” 

And another eminent Catholic, Presi- 
dent John F. Kennedy, then a Senator 
from Massachusetts, summed up the 
matter in these prophetic words: “The 
lock on the door of the legislature, the 
parliament or the assembly hall by 
order of the King, the Commissar, or the 
ihrer, has historically been followed or 
preceded by a lock on the door of the 
primers, the publishe: or the book- 
Censors wither before such criticism 
aud the ХОРІ, has since gone back to 
its intended function: issuing a list by 
Catholics for their fellow Catholics to 
consult as а guide to reading — if. they 

A concern for the country's children 
has often been used as an excuse for 
censorship in the past— certain words 
ideas, pictures, stories or subjects might 
effect upon a young, 
pressionable mind — might turn our 
children into a community of juvenile 
delinquents — or so the thinking went 
And there was no less an authority than 
J. Edgar Hoover supplying suitable 
statements about the multimillion-dol- 
lar pornography business in the U.S. and 
its effect upon the nation's youth. Unlor. 
tunately, J. Edgar has always been some- 
thing of à nut on the subject of sex and 
while his words carry the impact of his 
important position as head of the FBI, 
he is not an expert on the subject — is 
not, in fact, even acquainted with some 
of the most fundamental rescarch іп 
the arca. Hoover's st 
standing, there is no multimillion-dollar 
pornography business in the U.S. Por 
nography has never become a well organ 
ized national or even regional operation 
simply because, unlike gambling and 
dope. there simply isn’t enough profit 
in it to make it worth while, Morcover, 
experts in the field of human behavior 
have never been able to find any causal 
relationship between reading habits and 
delinquency and do not belicve that any 
exists — except that. delinquents are apt 
to read fewer books and magazines of all 
kinds than their nondelinquent broth- 
ers. In the most thorough studies of 
crime, delinquency and their causes 
reading habits have not even been in 

ements notwith 

chided as 
the recogr 

atements like Hoover's, because 
they take part of the blame olf the real, 

ve st 

primary culprit—the home environ- 
ment, for which the citizen himself is 
responsible. And such statements have 
a similar effect on the other side, too 
— taking attention away from the em. 
barrassment of the nation’s thriving 
ie syndicate, that the FBI seems un- 
ble to do anything effective about, as it 
giows bigger and more prosperous year 
alter year. 

Fhe implied hurt that а particular 
movie or article, piece of fiction or photo- 
graph might do to children wields a far 
greater power over the nation's pub- 
lishers, the film dustry, radio and 
television than one might at first sup- 
pose. For long before there is any ques 
iion ef censorship the publisher or 
producer must himself deter 
mo his product and the pressure 
e it "suitable for children” or “е 
nent for the entire family 
suong onc. And the net effect of that, 
of course, is a society in which much of 
popular culture and communicatio 
is strained to а thinness (all meat 1 
moved and sweetener added) pleasa 
to the taste and easily digested by ch 
dren. Just what effect a society geared 
to the sophistication level of a 10-year 
old is apt to have on its adults is 
othe ter entirely. Instead of raisi 
children in an adult world, with a 
Listes, interests and opinions prev 
we prefer to live much of our lives in 

attempting to evaluate the results this is 
certain to produce in society as a whole 
over any peri пе, it can be reason- 
ably argued that it is also a lousy way 
to bring up kids and prepare them for 
taking their place in the world as mature 

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on tli 
question recently, striking down а М 
statute as unconstitutional, bei 
it used as its ration ation lor state c 
sorship the theory that it was thereby 
protecting its youth. The Supreme Court 
held that it is impossible to justify cen. 
sorship in the adult community by rele 
ring to what may or may not be suitable 
lor children without soon. a 
community suitable for children only. 
Or, more probably, for no one at all. 

The mind of the censor is often ma 


nificent in its machinations and incred- 
hensibility. Some 

le in its incom 
examples оГ censorship would be 

ing in the extreme, if fundamental r 
and freedoms were not involved — as 
when, a short time ago, опе U.S. com- 
munity contemplated banning the hooks 
of Tarzan, by Edgar Rice Burroughs, 
from their children's library, because 
Tarzan and. Jane had never been joined 


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in holy wedlock and thus must be living 
in sin in their jungle home. (We'd always 
assumed, as a youngster, that they kept 
things straight by relying upon the honor 
system. In the movie adventures, starring 
Johnny Weissmuller and Maureen O'Sul- 
livan, you may recall that "Boy" came 
from heaven only in the sense that he 
was the sole survivor of an airplane crash 
lopted into the Tarzan family. 
Jt never occurred to us in our innocent 
youth that Tarzan and Jane were any- 
ng more than good friends. It w 
Cheetah, the chimp, that we were alv 
a mite suspicious ої. He always se 
to be hanging around the wee hou 
when Tarzan was off on one of his vi 
swinging excursions.) 

The would-be censor in any cor 
nity is rarely the best informed and best 
qualified for such a job and this їх prob- 

bly because real knowledge of a subject 
and an interest in suppressing it do not 

often go hand hand. Even if the 
censor had the necessary insight, it would 

not justify the forcing of his own particu- 
la stes and interests onto the rest of 
society, but most often it is 
ter of dragging down the 
interests of the community to a dec idedly 
lower level. Far more energy is expended 
for example, in attempts to suppress ар- 
peals to the normally heterosexual than 
to the somewhat more subtle offerings to 
lism, masochism, the homosexual and 
fetishism. Few censors comprehend the 
Jabyrinthian twistings and turnings that 
suppressed or perveited sexuality шау 
take in the huma nimal. 

The censor may be driven by any of 
seve he may anticipate 
some personal or political gain for h 
involvement in censorship; he may enjoy 
the sense of power achieved through a 
control over м! others can do and 
say: he may be a quite sincere, if mis- 
guid «І, citizen who believes the world 
would be a better place if only the rest 
ol his community held the same values 
and beliefs that he holds; or he may be 
one of those whose dedication to the sup- 
pression of certain aspects of our society 
is itsell a symptom of subconscious sexual 
needs and quilt feelings. 
he U.S. Post Office has built а repu- 
tation in times past as a watchdog of 
public morality. Not because it was quali- 
fied for such a task and certainly not 
because it had any legal right to be 
volved, but simply because some mem- 
bers of the po athority wanted 10 
use that authority to control the free 
communication of ideas. There have 
ways been ample laws for the prosecution 
of illegal use of the mails, but it is a 
peculiar fact that censors — whether from 
government or some civic or religious 
group rarely find due process of law. 
satisfactory to their needs. The censor's 
methods are almost always ¡llega 

In the most famous case 
censorship and the Post Ошо 

al motivations: 

tempt was made to deny second-class 

mailing privileges to Esquire magazine 
in the mid-1940s. The publication de- 
fended itself, finally winning a unani 
mous decision in the Supreme Court. In 
the landmark determination written by 
Judge Thurman Arnold, of the U.S. 
Court of Appeals. the postal authoriri 
were told that their job was to deliver 
the mails, not censor them. Judge Arnold 
finished his decision as follows: “We in- 
tend no criticism of counsel for the Post 
Office. They were faced with an impos 
sible task. They undertook h sin 
ity. But their very sincerity makes the 
record useful morial to com 
memorate the utter confusion and lack 
can never 
We believe that the Post Office officials. 
should experience a feeling. of relief il 
they are limited to the more prosaic 
function of seeing to it that "neither snow 
nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night 
stays these couriers from the змій com- 
pletion of their appointed rounds.’ ” 
Incredibly, even after that decision, 
the Post Office continued its quite illegal 
activities in censorship right up until 
two years ago, when the new administ 
tion brought in a fresh Postmaster 
General who, unlike his predecessor 
pparently feels that delivering the mails 
inexpensively and well is q 
ol a task for his department. Unfortu 
nately, though they won their case unan 
mously in the highest court in Ше land 
(at а cost of over $1,000,000), Esquire 
was badly frightened by the expe 
(il they had Lost their 
privileges, they would have been put out 
of business) and the robust quality of the 
magazine's earlier issues was never to be 
in. PLAYBOY locked horns with 


as a m 

the Post Olfice twice in its first years of 
publication and thoroughly trounced 
them in the courts ou both occasions. 
We've never been bothered since, nor 
have any threats or attempts at coercion 

from amy quarter ever influenced our 
own editorial judgment. 

Americans were so generally embar 
rassed by sex in the п of this 
century that the sex statutes still stand- 

ag in some of our states do not even 
define Ше behavior or activity they p 
hibit. The legislators were scemingly 
able to spell out fornication and/or 
adultery with only an occasional blush, 
but when they moved into the 5) 
more exotic areas of fellatio, cun 
and pede 
them broke into 

some of 
ad were 

were intended to cov in place 
of the specific, the state statutes prohibit 
“vile and contemptible crimes against 

Every state in the Union has some 
laws covering the sexual activity of its 
citizens and it is a further indication ої 

our changing mores that almost none ої 
them, except those concemed with 
minors, acts of violence and prostitution, 
are regularly enforced. Dr. Kinsey and 
his associates have estimated chat if all 
the sex laws in the United States were 
fully and successfully enforced, the ma 
jority of our adult population — malc 
and female — would be in priso 
they go unenforced for the most part, й 
would зеет that we are finally reaching 
that level of maturity wher cos 
nize that a man's morality, like his reli 
gion, nal affair best left to his 
own conscience. Some of our state laws 
are now being rewritten to reflect this 
enlightened attitud 

Freud and Kinsey 

aximum amount of 
ne of the p: 
for setting the stage 
ting out the players. 
no popular philosopher stepped forward 
to shape and polish our new understand 



a pe 

ist be giv 
credit for the 

ing of ourselves and form a con: 
cohesive concept for living —eve 
rugged individualism found. 

Rand and Little Orphan Annic—but 
perhaps that lack partially explains 
piaysoy’s phenomenal impact and pop- 
ularity. By default, as it were, and quite 
without planning, eLavsov has become 
a voice for the new generation, reflecting 
a new view of contemporary man and 
the world in which he live 

This is what the writers and critics, 
quoted earlier in this editorial state 
ment, mean when they suggest that 
pLavuoy has become more than simply a 
magazine — that. it i own 

ms: “a way of life”. 
++ “more than just а 

I there is any truth in this, and we 
"L deny there may be, it has not been 
result of conscious calculation. 
nd point of view 
i expression 
of the things in which we personally be- 
lieve. П PLAYBOY's voice is one to which 
this particular, most remarkable genera- 
tion responds, it is perhaps because most. 
other publications (along with the other 
nedia of Communication America Lo: 
day) are still in the hands of —or at 
least under the ultimate control of — Ше 
older generation, whereas we ourself arc 
tion younger and think and feel 
таға Шу the same things others of our 
eneration think and feel The total of 
these thoughts and feelings is what 
makes up The Playboy Philosophy. 



In the fourth part of “The Playboy 
Philosophy,” which appears next month, 
Editor-Publishey Hugh M. Hefner delve 
into the diminishing differences in the 
voles of men and women in our world 
today and the dangers he foresees in this 
drift towards an Asexual Society. 


You're probably wondering how we 
found such a pretty girl with such an 
appropriate name to photograph for 
this salute to Valentine’s Day. It 
wasn't easy. Imagine interviewing 
beautiful women day after day after 
day! One thing we learned from this 
grueling research—the prettiest gals 
go for Chesterfield King. Isn't it time 
you joined the ladies, gentlemen? 

You'll discover the reason for this 
trend to Chesterfield King with your 
first puff. Chesterfield King tastes 
great because the tobaccos are! 21 
vintage tobaccos grown, aged and 
blended mild, then made to taste 
even milder through the longer length 
of Chesterfield King. 21 great tobac- 
cos make 20 wonderful smokes! 



PART I of a new novelette 

IT IS NO SECRET IN THE CIRCLES in which he moves that 
Bertram Wooster, though as fizzy as one could wish 
when night has fallen and the revels get under way, 
is seldom a ball of fire at the breakfast table. Con- 
fronted with the kippered herrings or the e. and 
bacon, he tends to pick cautiously at them, as if afraid 
they may leap from the plate and snap at him. List- 
Jess, about sums it up. Not much bounce to the ounce. 

But this morning vastly different conditions had 
prevailed, and I'll tell you why. Jeeves was back. 
Her butler having come down with an ailment of 
some sort, my Aunt Dahlia had borrowed him for a 
house party she was throwing at Brinkley Court, her 
Worcestershire residence, and he had been away for 
more than а week. Jeeves, of course, is a gentleman's 
gentleman, not a butler, but he can, if the call comes, 
buttle with the best of them. It's in the blood. His 
Uncle Charlie is a butler, and no doubt he has picked 
up many a hint on technique from him. 

"How did everything go off at Brinkley, Jeeves?” 
I asked when he came in to remove the debris. “Joy 
unconfined, and all that sort of thing?” 

“To a certain extent, sir.” 

“Only to a certain extent?” 

“The demeanor of Mr. Travers cast something of a 
gloom on the proceedings. He was low-spirited. I 
received the impression that the society of Sir Watkyn 
Bassett made him despondent.” 

“Good Lord! Was old Bassett there? He and 
Uncle Tom hate each other's insides. You astound 
me, Jeeves.” 

“Т, too, must confess to a certain surprise at seeing 
the gentleman as Mr. Travers’ guest, sir, but no 
doubt Mrs. Travers felt it incumbent upon her to 
return his hospitality. You will recollect that it is not 
long since that Sir Watkyn entertained Mrs. Travers 
and yourself at Totleigh Towers.” 

I winced. He had touched an exposed nerve. There 
was some cold coffee left in the pot, and I took a sip 
of it to restore my equanimity. 

“The word ‘entertained’ is not well chosen, Jeeves. 
If locking a fellow in his bedroom, practically with 
gyves upon his wrists, and stationing the local police 

stiff upper lip, 


to bertie wooster and his redoubtable gentleman's 
gentleman, the picture was clear: 
there was skulduggery afoot at totletgh towers 

| a. T 


force on the Jawn below to ensure that 
he doesn't nip out of the window at the 
end of a knotted sheet is your idea of en- 
tertaining, it isn't mine, not by a jugful." 

1 don't know how well up you are in 
the Wooster archives, but if you have 
delved into them to any extent, you may 
possibly recall the sinister affair of Sir 
Watkyn Bassett and my visit to Totleigh 
"Towers, his rural lair, He and my Uncle 
Tom are both collectors of what are 
called objets d’art, and on one occasion 
he pinched a silver cow-creamer from the 
latter, which led to Aunt Dahlia and self 
going to Totleigh to pinch it back, an 
enterprise which so nearly landed me in 
the jug that when reminded of that 
house of horror I never fail to quiver 
like an aspen, if aspens are the things 
Im thinking of. 

“Do you ever have nightmares, Jeeves?” 

“Not frequently, sir.” 

“Nor me. But when I do, the setup is 
always the same. Г am back at Totlcigh 
Towers with Sir Watkyn Bassett, his 
daughter Madeline, Roderick Spode, 
Suffy Byng, Gussie Fink-Nottle and the 
dog Bartholomew, all doing their stuff, 
and I wake, if you will pardon the ex- 
pression, sweating at every pore. Those 
were the times that . . . what, Jeeves?” 

“Tried men's souls, sir.“ 

“They certainly were — in spades. So 
Pop Bassett was at Brinkley, was he? 
"Who else were among those present?" 

“Miss Bassett, sir, Miss Byng, Mr. Fink- 
Коше and Miss Byng’s little dog.” 

“Gosh! The whole gang. Not Spode?” 

“No, sir. He remained at Totleigh 
Towers. Apparently no invitation had 
been extended to his lordship." 

“Whose lordship?” 

“Mr. Spode, if you recall, recently suc- 
ceeded to the title of Baron Sidcup.” 

“So he did, didn't he? I'd forgotten. 
But Sidcup ог no Sidcup, to me he will 
always be Spode. There's a bad guy, 


“1 wouldn't want him in my orbit 

“No, sir." 

“Nor any of them, except Gussie. 1 
don't mind Gussie. He looks like a fish 
surprised while bathing and keeps newts, 
but one condones that sort of thing in 
an old schoolfellow. How was Gussie? 
Pretty bobbish?” 

“No, sir. Mr. Fink-Nottle, too, struck 
ше as low-spirited. 

“Gloomy kind of party it seems to have 
been. Still, that's what you have to ex- 
pect if you go i g Sir Watkyn Bas 
sett and associates. 
indeed, sir. Will you be lunching 

Miss Emerald Stoker 
lunch at the 1 said, and went off 
to climb into the morning costume of the 

s2 English gentleman. And somewhat later, 

the upholstery donned and the outer 
crust in order, 1 was about to leave, when 
1 heard Jeeves give that soft cough of 
his and, turning, saw in his eye the aunt- 
like gleam which always means that he 
disapproved of something. And when he 
said in a soupy tone of voice, "Pardon 
me, sir, but are you proposing to enter 
the Ritz Hotel in that hat?” E knew that 
a shadow had fallen on what had been 
a day of joyous reunion and that the 
time had come to be firm. 

It was a blue Alpine hat with a pink 
feather in it, and 1 was prepared to con- 
cede that it would have been more suit- 
able for rural wear, but against this had 
to be set the fact that it unquestionably 
lent a diablerie to my appearance, and 
mine is an appearance that needs all the 
diablerie it can get. In my voice, there- 
fore, as I replied, there was а touch of 

“Yes, Jeeves, that, in a nutshell, is 
what 1 am proposing to do. Don't you 
like this hat?” 

N said rather cleverly, and 
went out with it tilted just that merest 
shade over the left eye which makes all 
the difference. 

The Emerald Stoker with whom 1 was 
about to put on the nose-bag was the 
younger sister of an American girl named 
Pauline Stoker, with whom I have always 
been on matey terms. Quite natural, 
therefore, that when Emerald came to 
London to study painting at the Slade, 
Pauline S. should have told me to keep 
an eye on her and see from time to time 
that she got her calories. 

Nor was it any hardship on me to do 
this, for 1 liked the popsy. She was one 
of those nice motherly sympathetic girls 
you can take your troubles to, confident 
of having your hand held and your head 
patted. Not having any troubles at the 
moment, 1 merely plied her with food- 
stuffs and asked if she would care to 
come to the theater on the following 
night, I having a couple of tickets for 
a wellspoken-of musical. 

And what do you think she said? 

"I'm sorry,” she said. "I cant Im 
going to the country this afternoon to 
stay with some people called Bassett . 

J started visibly. 

“They live in Gloucestershire at a 
place called 

“Tolleigh Towers?” 

She started visibly, making two visible 
starts in all. 

“Do you know them? Well, that’s fine. 
You can tell me all about them.” 

“Why, don't you know them?” 

“Тус only met the daughter. What are 
the rest of them like?” 

“The personnel of the leper colony 
under advisement,” I said, "consists of 
Sir Watkyn Bassett, his daughter Made- 

line, his niece Stephanie Byng and Stiffy 
Byngs Aberdecn terrier, Bartholomew, 
the last of whom you would do well to 
watch closely if he gets anywhere near 
your ankles, for he biteth like a serpent 
and stingeth like an adder. So you've met. 
Madeline Bassett? What did you think 
of her?” 

"Is she a great friend of yours?” 

"Far from it.” 

“Well, I think she’s a drip.” 

"She's engaged to a friend of mine, 
Gussie Fink-Nottle.” 

“Mr. Fink-Nottle? Well, I'll be darned. 
I know him. I met him at а studio party, 
and we talked for ever so long. 1 thought 
he was a lamb.” 

“You mean a fish.” 

"I don't mean а fish. 

“He looks like a fish.” 

“He docs not.” 

“Well, have it your own way,” 1 said 
tolerantly, knowing it was futile to at- 
tempt to reason with a girl who had 
seen Gussie Fink-Nottle and didn't think 
he looked like a fish. 

She gave me the impression, when we 
parted, of being а bit pensive, and I 
wasn’t feeling too unpensive myself. 
"There's а touch of the superstitious in 
my makeup, and the way the Bassett 
ménage seemed to be rearing its ugly 
head, if you know what I mean, struck 

me as sinister. 1 had а... what's the 
word? . . begins with a P. . . pre 
something . . presentiment, that's the 

baby . . . I had a presentiment that 
peril loomed and that I was being 
warned, possibly by my guardian angel, 
that Totlcigh Towers was coming back 
into my life and that I would be well 
advised to watch my step and keep an 
eye skinned. 

It was consequently a somewhat 
thoughtful Bertram Wooster who half 
an hour later sat toying with a stoup of 
malvoisie in the smoking room of the 
Droncs Club. And about five minutcs 
after J had taken the first sip the smok 
ing room waiter slid to my side and 
told me a gentleman stood without, 
asking to have speech with me. A cleri- 
cal gentleman named Pinker, he said, 
and I gave another of my visible starts, 
the presentiment stronger on the wing 
than ever. 

It was not that I didn't love the Rev. 
Н.Р. (“Stinker”) Pinker like a brother. 
We were up at Oxford together, and 
our relations have always been on David 
and Jonathan lines. But while techni- 
cally not a resident of Totlcigh Towers, 
he was near enough to it to make this 
sudden popping-up of his deepen the 
feeling of impending doom. He cams 
his coffee and cakes helping the vicar 
vet the souls of the local yokels in the 
neighboring hamlet of Totlcigh-in-the- 
Wold, and he's engaged to be married 
to Stiffy Byng. Jt seemed to me that it 

(continued on page 54) 



stiff upper lip, JEEVES! 

only needed Sir Watkyn Bassett, Made- 
line Bassett, Roderick Spode, Stiffy and 
the dog Bartholomew to saunter up arm 
in arm and I would have a full hand. 

“Bung him in,” I said, dully, and in 
due season he lumbered across the 
threshold and, advancing with out- 
stretched hand, tripped over bis feet 
and upset a small table, his invariable 
practice when moving from spot to spot 
in a room where there's furniture. 

Which was odd, when you came to 
think of it, because after representing 
Oxford for four years and England for 
six on the football field, he still turns 
out for the Harlequins when he can get 
a Saturday off from saving souls, and 
when footballing is as steady on his 
pins as a hart or roe or whatever the 
animals arc that don't trip over their 
feet and upset things. I've seen him a 
couple of times in the arena, and was 
greatly impressed by his virtuosity. Like 
the Canadian Mounted Police, he always 
got his man, and when he got him the 
air was vibrant with the voices of mor- 
ticians in the audience making bids 
for the body. 

His years of Rugby football will no. 
doubt prove an excellent preparation 
for setting up house with Stiffy. After 
having had playmates do a Shuffle Off 
to Buffalo on his face with cleated boots 
Saturday after Saturday since he was so 
high, 1 take it that a fellow gets to fear 
nothing, not even marriage with a girl 
like 5. Byng, who from early childhood 
has seldom let a day pass without start- 
ing some loony enterprise calculated to 
bleach the hair of one and all. 

He took a seat and said he was glad 
to have caught me. 

“1 thought I'd find you at the Drones, 
Bertie. I came to town to attend a Har- 
lequins committee mecting.” 

“And how were they all?" 

“Oh, fine.” 

“That's good. I've been worrying my- 
self sick about the Harlequins commit- 
кес. Well, Stinker, what's new? Has old 
Bassett given you that vicarage yet?” 

“No, not yet. He doesn't seem able to 
make up his mind. One day he says he 
will, the next day he says he’s not sure, 
he'll have to think it over.” 

1 frowned. I disapproved of this in- 
and-out running. 1 could sce how it must 
be throwing a spanner into Stinker's 
whole foreign policy. He can't marry 
Stilly on a curate's stipend, so they've got 
to wait till Pop Bassett gives him a vicar- 
age which he has in his gift. And while 
1 personally, though fond of the young 
gumboil, would run a mile in tight shoes 
to avoid marriage with her, I knew him 
to be strongly in favor of signing her up. 

“Something always happens to put 
him off. I think he was about ready to 

(continued from page 52) 

close the deal before he went to stay 
with your uncle at Brinkley, but most 
unfortunately 1 bumped into a valuable 
vase of his and broke it. It seemed 
to rankle rather.” 

1 heaved a sigh. 

"You move in a mysterious way your 
wonders to perform, Stinker. 1 believe 
you would bump into something if you 
were crossing the Gobi Desert.” 
уе never been in the Gobi Desert.” 
"Well, don't go. It isn't safe. I suppose 
Stifly's sore about this . . . what's the 
word . .. not Vaseline . . . vacillation, 
that's it. She chafes at this vacillation on 
Bassctt’s part and resents him letting 
‘I dare not’ wait upon ‘1 would, like 
the poor cat in the adage. Not my own, 
that, by the way. Jeeves’. Pretty steamed 
up, I should imagine, Д 

"She is rather. And, Bertie, talking of 
Stifly . . 

He broke off, and 1 eyed him nar- 

"What's the matter, Stinker? Your 
manner is strange. You remind me of a 
faithful dog looking up into its proprie- 
tors face as if it were trying to tell 
him something. Are you trying to tell 
me something?" 

He swallowed once or twice, and his 
color deepened, which took a bit of do- 
ing, for even when not embarrassed he 
always looks like a clerical beetroot. 
"Then it came out with a rush. 

"Bertie, Stiffy wants you to come to 

I stared at the man, amazed. I could 
scarcely Б. my є. 

“She told me to tell you there was 
something she particularly wanted you 
to do for ће 

I tried to reason with the п 

“But, my good Stinker, what chance 
is there of Pop Bassett inviting me to 

“Madeline would invite you, if you 
sent her a wire.” 

"And in the second place, 1 know 
Stiffy. A charming girl, but one who is 
а coss between a ticking bomb and a 
poltergeist. When she gets going on one 
of those loony schemes of hers, human 
life is not safe in her vicinity. Did she 
tell you what it was she wants me to do?” 

“No. I asked her, of course, but she 
she would rather keep it under her 
hat till she saw you.” 

“She won't see me.” 

"You won't come to Totleigh?” 

“Not within 50 miles of it.” 

“She'll be terribly disappointed.” 

“You will administer spiritual solace, 
"Thats your job. Tell her these gs 
arc sent to try us." 

“She'll probably cry." 

‘Nothing better for the nervous sys- 
tem. Ask any well-known Harley Street 

1 suppose he saw that my iron front 
was not to be shaken, for he rose, said 
goodbye, knocked over the glass from 
which I had been refreshing myself, 
and withdrew. 

Knowing how loath Bertram Wooster 
always is to let a pal down, you are 
probably thinking that this painful 
scene had left me shaken, but as а matter 
of fact it had bucked me up quite 
considerably. My guardian angel had 
been hinting that Totlcigh Towers was 
threatening to re-enter my life, and ob- 
viously what the g.a. had had in mind 
was this summons to go there, he fecling 
that in a weak moment I might consent. 
The peril was now past. Totleigh Том- 
ers had made its spring and missed by 
a mile, and I no longer had anything 
to worry about. It was with а light heart 
that I joined a group of pleasure-seckers 
who were playing darts and cleaned 
them up good and proper. Three o'clock 
was approaching when 1 left the club en 
route for home, and it must have been 
about 3:20 when I hove to alongside the 
apartment house where I have my abode. 

There was a cab standing outside, laden 
with luggage. From its window Gussie 
Fink-Nottle’s head was protruding, and 
1 thought how mistaken Emerald Stoker 
had been about his appearance. I could 
detect a trace of the lamb, but if he 
hadn't been wearing horn-rimmed spec- 
tacles, ] might have supposed myself to 
be gazing on a halibut AWOL from a 
fishmonger's slab. 

“Oh, hullo, Bertie, he said. “I’m just 
off to Toueigh. 1 looked in to tell you 
your aunt told me to tell you that she 
may be coming to London next week, 
and she wants you to give her lunch.” 

“Lt shall be attended to. Come in and 
have a drink.” 

“I can't. I shall miss my train.” 

"What train are you catching?" 

“The four o'dock at Paddington.” 

"You'll meet a friend of yours on it. 
Emerald Stoker.” 

“Stoker? Stoker? Emerald Stoker?” 

“You met her at a cocktail party the 
other . Girl with freckles. Looks a 
lide like a Pekingese.” 

"Of course, yes. Now I've placed her. 
One never hears names at a cocktail 
party. A most delightful girl. We had 
а long talk about newts. She tells me 
she used to keep them herself when 
a child in America, only she called them 
guppies. 1 don't know when I've met 
a more attractive girl.” 

"Except, of course, Madeline.” 

His face darkened. He looked lil 
halibut that's taken offense at a passing 
remark from another halibut. 

“Madeline! Don't talk to me about 
Madcline. Madeline makes me sick!” he 
hissed. “Paddington he shouted to the 
charioteer and was gone with the wind 

(continued on page 134) 






travel By A. C. SPECTORSKY 

overworked word “unique” 

the picture on the preced- 
ing page of three uninhib- 
ited sun worshipers (the 
girls sporting tauletale 
white), the fine sand 
beaches provide privacy 
and lucent waters in which 
to swim and snorkle. Other 
tropical resorts do, too, but 
these virtues are more nu- 
merous and closer to per- 
fection in the Virgins. 

Top: Typical of Cruzan scen- 
ery is ruin of a sugar mill, 
once the pride of o planta- 
tion fancifully named Judith’s 
Fancy. Above, left ond right: 
Youth finds a way on the Is- 
lends in such unlikely placos 
as the underwater trail off 
Buck Island and aboord a 
beached donkey at Magen’s 
Bay. Right: Ideal spot for a 
pre-lunch potation is the Pe- 
tite Pump Room's patio in 
Palm Passage, ane of Char- 
lote Amalie's polmshaded, 
sun-dappled alleys, originally 
used as rollways for rum casks. 


Charlotte Amalie, the capi- 
tal of St. Thomas, offers a 
very special blend of cos- 
mopolitan pleasure 
endlessly fascinating 

front which teems with na- 
Js, luxury yachts 
nd ocean liners, 
a drinking dinir 
romancing night lif 
da not exist — in kind or 
quantity — in the run of re- 
sort areas that are relatively 
free from the thundering 
herd of nonshoe, non-l 
On neighboring St. John, 

Top, right: While the cockpit 
contingent makes merry, char- 
ter yacht Victoria makes knots 
оз she sets out on an azure 
sea from St. Thomas. Victoria 
is o 60-footer; other craft, 
smaller and larger, power or 
| cre available for day 
s, fishing, island-hopping, 
cr ancharing in a secluded 
harbor for swimming, sunning 
спа snorkeling. Lower right: 
At the cocktail hour, sundown 
coolers line terrace rail of the 
Virgin Isle Hilton, ol op- 
propriately mode with V. I. 
rum. In the usual orde 
apple Sun and Shadow, 
an the rocks and doiquiri (in 
Foolish Virgin, rum saur, Old 
Fashioned Voodoo. While 
some of the mare exotic con- 
coctions may look more dec- 
orative than delicious, or more 
for cruise-ship squares thon 
the hip, give them a try; you're 
apt to like their refreshing 
novelty as a change from your 
Stateside standbys. Don’t be 
deluded by their fruit-drink 
taste; they're plenty potent. 
Far right: With the lights of 
Chorlotte Amalie's waterfront 
esplanade glimmering in the 
background, а guy in the 
perennial Carib jeep picks up 
his date at the parking plaza 
of Bluebeard’s Castle for an 
evening's frolic on the town. 
The Virgin Islands’ tropic twi- 
lights, cooled by flower-scent- 
ed trade winds, spell the start 
of night-long pleasure seeking. 

nature’s bounty and Lau- 
rence Rockefellers money 
have cooperated with the 
U.S. Government to create 
a tropical —and commer- 
cially unsullied — national 
park plus luxurious guest 
accommodations which are 
downright paradisiacal. 
"The island of St. Croix 
combines the ambiance of 
San Franciscos Nob Hill 
(and a touch of North 
Beach) with а sophistic- 
tedly underplayed dedica- 
tion to indolent indulgence 
—so pervasively as to jus 
tify its being termed un- 
equaled. These — and other 
considerations celebrated 
below — led us to spend a 
rather protracted vacation 
in the American Virgins. 
When we return, as we 
surely shall, we'll know bet- 
ter what to do — and when 
and how — than we did as 
first-time visitors. So may 
you, after perusing this dia- 
ristic guide to America's 
own islands in the sun. 
Although named by Co- 
lumbusin 1493 to commem- 
orate St Ursula's 11,000 
virgins — who chose death 
rather than a fate worse 
than—the Virgin Islands 
failed to remain as chaste 
as their name implies, 
though one must con- 
ccde that this was not by 
choice: they've been had, 
over the centuries, by 
Spain, France, England, 
(continued on page 62) 

Top, left: In polyglot Fred- 
eriksted, diners savor Cruzan 
flavors in the Danish-styled 
plantation house now chris- 
tened Versailles and owned by 
а former chef from Toots 
Shor's. Far left: One of Char- 
lotte Amalie's late-night spas, 
Sebastian's is the swinging 
headquarters for lovers of си- 
thentic jazz who gather to 
dance and to dig the sounds 
of Marty Clarke's trio. Left: 
Calypso capers at The Gate, 
another St. Thomas nightery 
favored by the younger set. 
Right: A perfect Virgins way 
to end the day — by moonlight. 

Rarerery was NOT the only onc losing 
at the blackjack table, but he had been 
there the longest. He had been 
there since 10 in the mor 
was after three, and the waitresses of the 
Wanderlust, Las Vegas’ fanciest and 
newest hotel, had offered him drinks on 
the house half-a-dozen times at least. 
The hotel could well afford buying him 
a drink to keep him where he was. 

But he was not drinking; he was only 
losing. Losers are, by profession, doubt- 
ers, This was Las Vegas and the Wander- 
lust was a brand-new hotel and the 
dealers’ faces were not familiar. 

The dealer gave Rafferty two fives. 
He himself had a six showing. Rafferty 
had bet $40. He put eight more five- 
dollar chips on the line to double his 
bet and took one card face down. He 
sneaked a look under the corner: a 
queen. Rafferty had 20 going for him. 

The dealer turned up his down card: 
a seven. Now he had 13. Then, an ace. 
Fourteen. He hit himself again: a two. 
Sixteen. He hit himself for the last time. 
A five. Twenty-one. His practiced side- 
hand motion swept away all of Rallerty's 

71 want a new deck,” Rafferty said. 

жалақ s that?” 
said I want a new deck.” 

“We just broke this опе 10 minutes 

“And it's breaking me. I wa 
deck.” Rafferty moistened his lips. 
a new dealer.” 

The two other men who were playing 
at the table shifted uneasily. They were 
losing, too, and perhaps secretly they 
shared Ralferty's spoken sentiments, but 
they did not want to be drawn in on this. 

They were dra vn in on it. The dealer 
ither of you gentlemen 

ta new 


The two men looked down at the 

green of the table, studying the pattern. 

and the arc inscription: DEALER MUST HIT 
ND ON ALL 175. 

“Don't drag anybody else into й 
Rafferty said coldly to the dealer. "It 
only takes one man to make a complaint. 
Im making it.” 

Out of nowhere, the pit boss appeared. 
That is not a definitive statement; all 
pit bosses appear from nowhere. This 
one was small, cushion-footed, 
faced, blackhaired. He said to 
dealer: “And? 

The dealer nodded toward Ra 

fiction By Charles Einstein ГН E 

“Yes, Mr. Rafferty?” the pit boss said. 
They knew his name. He had cashed 
three checks so far today. 

"I don't like the cards.” 

"The dealer said, “New deck 10 min- 
utes ago.” 

"Spread 'em," the pit boss said to him. 

"The dealer spread the deck face up. 

"No," Rafferty said. “You're wasting 
your time. If I knew what to look for 
I'd be on your side of the table." 

“АП right” the pit boss said. “New 

“Ah, what for?” Rafferty said. He 
sighed. “They all come out of the same 
box, don't they?" 

"Well, then," the pit boss said, 
we do?” 

Rafferty sighed again. “You know,” 
he said, “it'd be terrible for a new place 
like this to get into trouble. Take away 
your gambling license, уоште dead. You 
know that, don't you?” 

“He asked for a new deck,” the dealer 

said defensively to the pit boss. “You 
offer him one and now he says “no. 
Maybe he's got a little case of losers 
“Oh, I want а new deck,” Қайегіу 
said. “But not out of the box backstage. 
Suppose I told you I had a deck up- 
my room. Would you play with 
y cards?” 

The pit boss laughed. Then he looked 
at Rafferty's face and stopped laughing. 
He said, “You know better than that, 
Mr. Rafferty. The house supplies the 

"I bought them at the cigar counter 
over there,” Rafferty said. “They're the 
nd the house uses, aren't they?” 
n't see you buy them,” the 
dealer said. "We don't know what you 
did upstairs." 
ut up," the pit boss said to him. 
And I don't know what you do de 
Rallerty said to the dealer. "All 
1 know is, there's a lot of fives in your 

"Nobodys making you play,” the 
ler You don't like the 
nobody's making you sit there.” 
I told you, shut up," thc pit boss said 
to him. Four or five people had gathered 
behind Rafferty and the other players to 
listen. “Mr. Rafferty, can I talk to you for 
a pour 

can talk here," Rafferty said. But 
there was something in the way the pit 
boss looked at him. He shrugged and 



stood up. “All right.” He moved away 
from the playing area and the pit boss 
ducked under the rope and joined him. 

“How much are you out?” the pit boss 
said in a low voice. 

“I don’t know exactly,” Rafferty said. 
“Couple of thousand, maybe. Does it 
make any difference?” 

Look,” the pit boss “on the one 
hand, we run an honest game. On the 
other hand, we don’t want any trouble. 
We'll do anything reasonable to prove 
we're on the level.” 

“You won't play with my cards, will 

"I said anything reasonable,” 
boss said. 

“But they're the same cards you use. І 
Lought them right over there.” 

"The pit boss shook his head patiently. 
"Nobody would call that reasonable, Mr. 
Rafferty. The dealer had it right. No- 
body knows you bought them here. And 
nobody knows how long ago it was. If 
you were to buy a deck right now and 
we played them fresh, that would be an- 
other thing.” 

“АП right," Rafferty said. 

“L beg your pardon?" 

“I said all right. They're your terms. 
I accept.” 

“L don't. understand.” 

“L will walk with you this minute to 
the cigar counter,” Rafferty said, "and 
I will buy a deck of cards, and then we 
ill walk back to the table and play 

"Ah. Mr. Rafferty. 
"Don't be ridiculou: 

the pit 

the pit boss said. 

emys voice went 
up and the other man looked uncer- 
tainly around. “All I’ve just done is 
agree to something you yourself pro- 

“But it isn't worked that way,” the pit 
boss said. “Suppose everybody came in 
wanting to play with his own cards or 
his own dice, We'd have to make a ca- 
reer out of checking up on people.” 

m not everybody," Rafferty 
"You proposed something and the mi 
ute T agree, you change your mind. You 
say the cards over here are the same 
as the cards over there. So I'm not play- 
ing with my cards. I'm playing with 
your cards.” 

“Then what difference does it make?" 

“The difference is that you said they 
were the same cards; I didn’t. ГО like 

(concluded on page 134) 

all he wanted was а fresh deck—and a change of luck 



THOSE AMERICAN VIRGINS (continued from page 58) 

Holland, the Knights of Malta and — un- 
til 1917 — Denmark. It was the Danes who 
got them their first professional assign- 
ment, outright sale to the United States 
for $25,000,000, a real estate transaction 
which paid off a great deal more magnifi- 
cently than might have been anticipated 
at the time (the sum being less than the 
annual take from tourism today). 

The American Virgins (St. Thomas, 
St. Croix and St. John — which are about 
as virginal as their names are feminine) 
are some 40 miles east of Puerto Rico at 
the northern end of that chain of islands 
Known as the Lesser Antilles. 

(You can sail from any of the Ameri- 
сап Vi 5 to some 30-odd other non- 
American Virgins which make up the 
group, and which range in sire from 
mere rocks in the sca on up to largish 
islands like Britain's Tortola, without 
ever being out of sight of land: except 
for a couple of slightly longer passages, 
you can go on down the chain of Lee- 
ward and Windward Islands to Port of 
Spain and the Venezuelan mainland. 
Most of these islands are uninhabited, 
those which are inhabited are very 
sparsely so, and virtually every one of 
them offers perfect anchorages in lovely, 
sheltered coves and harbors — complete 
with sandy beaches and driftwood — on 
their Jee shores. It is not the fastest way 
to travel, but it's one of the best.) 

The islands of St. Thomas, St. Croix 
and St. John have been noted for their 
contrasts. They have also been called, at 
one time or another, by travelog com- 
mentators and guidebook wri 
jewels and pearls — descri 
are apt though trite. Beautiful though 
they are, all three suffer from the same 
problem: a lack of wells and rain and a 
consequent paucity of fresh water for 
drinking and bathing. As compensation, 
they offer superlative aquatic sport in 
incredibly pellucid water, innumerable 
beaches of pure white sand almost as fine 
as talc, and booze at prices calculated to 
drive the W.C. T.U. to mass suicide: Haig 
& Haig Pinch, $4 Teachers, $2.50; 
House of Lords Gin, $1.50; Gordon's or 
Gilbeys, $1.25; Seagram's М.О. and 
Canadian Club, $2.25; cognacs ranging 
from $2.95 for Hennessy or Courvoisier 
to Martel Cordon Bleu for $6.95 — and 
as for rums, you can have your choice of 
the fine Virgin Islands’ finest for approx- 
imately a dollar a bottle. 

The Virgin Islands being among the 
oldest free ports in the hemisphere, 
watches, perfume, cameras and brand- 
name silver may be purchased at com- 
parably delectable prices: about half the 
mainland prices, no tax, no green stamps. 
On the other hand, a head of lettuce 
costs almost as much as a bottle of rum — 
the water shortage again; it takes a lot 
of water to grow a head of lettuce. How- 

ever, the Virgins offer additional com- 
pensations: you can knock 10 percent off 
the price of booze if you buy a cast of 
12; and — for complicated reasons which 
suggest Uncle Sam is not as finty hearted 
as he may seem at tax time — the world- 
wide $100 duty-free import limitation is 
doubled for the Virgins, and you may 
mail to the States articles valued under 
$10 duty free, as many as you wish, You 
may also buy most brands of cigarettes 
at $1.25 a carton — no duty, no limit on 
quantity. It has been truly observed that 
in the Virgin Islands luxuries are cheap 
and necessities expensive. 

Unless you have the time and the tem- 
perament to go by boat, you'll prefer to 
occupy as little of your vacation time as 
possible en route to the Virgins. It isa re 
markably fast plane trip from the east- 
ern half of the United States. From New 
York, for example, you can take an East- 
ern flight to Miami in about two and a 
half hours, and from Chicago, about 15 
minutes more. Or, if you're leaving from 
New York, you can fly Pan American 
direct to San Juan, Puerto Rico, taking 
about an hour longer. Delta will get you 
to San Juan from major airports in the 
South. Miami to San Juan is їмо hours 
plus a handful of minutes—and once 
you are in San Juan, it's а mere 40-mile 
shuttle run on Caribair to St. Thomas, 
probably the best of the Virgins on 
which to start your vacation. Incidentally, 
you'll want to pack light so that you 
won't be worrying about the 60-pound 
overseas flight weight limit when you 
return with your free port booty. An- 
other good reason to keep your gear to 
a minimum is that part of the tangible 
benefits of visiting the Virgins are the 
great tropical wearables you can purchase 
from all over the world, at tax-free and 
free port prices, from such estimable 
haberdasheries as Redficlds on Charlotte 
Amalie's waterfront. Not incidentally, 
once you get through the usual airport 
miseries, the first-class flights out of New 
York and Chicago are the end in syba- 
ritic luxury: you are plied with drinks, 
canapés and hors d'ocuvres served with 
cornucopian profusion to make the time 
—as well as the ground beneath — fly by 
at jet speed. 

"The reason for St. Thomas being our 
own first choice was that we knew from 
experience the difficulty of making a too 
rapid transition from the urban hurly- 
burl to indolent beachcomber. St. 
Thomas is cosmopolitan and lively 
enough to make the switch a pleasure 
from the very beginning. 

You can see all of the island from the 
air as you commence your descent for a 
landing. St. Thomas is 13 miles long, 
less than three miles wide —with the 
Atlantic on the north and the bbean 
оп the south — and comprises 32 square 

miles of picture-postcard tropical ver- 
dure, with steep and rugged hills ringed 
by dozens of superlative bays and beaches. 
If it is daylight when you arrive — and it 
should be, since the view from the Is 
magnificent — you will notice that, small 
though the island is, its coasts olfer op- 
posite natural attractions: on the north 
side of the island cliffs and mountains 
descend precipitously to ocean surf, ex- 
cept for the reef-protected bays which 
scallop that coast with their tranquil 
water and pebble-free beaches ої pure 
white sand, The south shore is less 
rugged, has no surf whatever on its many 
magnificent beaches, and is far more 
heavily inhabited. Here is where your 
planc comcs in and where you get your 
first whiff of the constant wash of flower- 
scented trade winds which keep you 
comfortable at average year-round tem- 
peratures that range from 77 in the win 
ter to 82 in the summer. (Commissioner 
Henry L. Kimelman, erstwhile hotelman, 
now head of the Virgin Islands’ Depart- 
ment of Commerce, wrote to us before 
our departure for the Islands that he had 
instituted free insurance policies for 
winter visitors that guarantee no charge 
for accommodations on any day when the 
mean temperature drops below 70 de- 
grees. It wasn't until we met him that he 
revealed the smallness of the risk en- 
tailed; it's been 24 years since that hap- 
pened.) During your stay in the Virgins 
you will learn to thank the trade winds, 
too, for the sparkling clarity of the air, 
their cooling benevolence at the height 
of midday heat, the fact that you'll want 
a light blanket to sleep under most 
nights when you don't stay up reveling, 
and the wonderful sailing the island 
waters provide. 

It's our firm recommendation that the 
car you rent at the airport — and you 
should rent a car, even if you're staying 
right in the town of Charlotte Amalie 
(the only community of consequence on 
the island and capital city of the Virgins) 
— should be either the candy-striped jeep 
which is rapidly becoming a Carib- 
bean-resort trademark, or an out-and-out 
sports car. We've never been anywhere 
north of the equator in this hemisphere 
where the hills are steeper, the corners 
tighter, or the driving as exhilarating; 
Stirling Moss in a pixie humor and a 
designer of roller coasters might have 
Jaid out the obstacle course which is the 
island's roads. With all their tortuous- 
ness, however, their major hazard may 
well be the fascination of the fantastic 
views that unfold around each bend. 

It is right at the airport that you'll 
become aware of one virtue of the 
Islands’ being American possessions. We 
do not believe it is evidence of insularity 
or provincialism to relish the easeful 
pleasures of one’s accustomed language, 

(continued on page 104) 




according to the ad, “every man 
wants his woman on a pedestal," but 
there’s a lot more to it than that 




ЛІ ен ЕЕ 

playboy’s gatefold girls cavort in а fine-feathered free-for-all 

WE'VE SAID AN EYEFUL in our photo-uncoverage of the past nine years, 

but no picture story provided a bigger kick (for our readers and our- 
self) than the Playmate Holiday House Party in our Eighth Anniversary 
Issue. Following a full dozen of rLAvsov's prettiest Playmates on a 
weekend run of the Playboy Mansion was no snap job; the shooting ran 
through three days and nights during which our photo staff logged 
more than 2000 color shots. Although many of the scenes were planned 
in advance, our alert lensmen kept their eyes open (who wouldn't?) 

while the girls were "resting" between takes. That's how they caught 
Playmates Teddi Smith (July 1960), Carrie Radison (June 1957), 

Christa Speck (September 1961) and Delores Wells (June 1960) in 

the impromptu pillow fight that enlivens these pages. And while 
not a part of the planned party and not published with the 

original picture story, we felt that these spontaneous Playmate 
photos were too delightful not to print for our readers. 

deviltry afoot. Her alarm comes too late to stop Delores, who pounces in with pillows — and negligee — flying. 

Above: The Battle of the Bed is on as Carrie (left) proves she isn’t bashful when it comes to trad- 

Below, left: Christa springs to Carrie’s aid — and our appreciative attention — as the featherweight fight 


| Са 

Ё — 

ing swats. Carrie calls for a truce while Christa (center) prepares a downy surprise for Delores. 

blossoms into a buxom bedlam. Who's the winner? One look at Christa proves that we are, of course. 



“Pay attention, damn it, 

pay attention!” 



OF ALL THE NATURAL FORCES, gravity is the most mysterious and the most implacable. It controls our lives 
from birth to death, killing or maiming us if we make the slightest slip. No wonder that, conscious of 
their earth-bound slavery, men have always looked wistfully at birds and clouds, and have pictured the sky 
as the abode of the gods. The very phrase “heavenly being” implies a freedom from gravity which, until 
the present, we have known only in our dreams. 

There have been many explanations of those dreams — some psychologists try to find their origin in 
our assumed arboreal past — though it is unlikely that many of our direct ancestors ever spent their lives 
jumping from tree to tree. One could argue just as convincingly that the familiar levitation dream is not 
a memory from the past, but a premonition of the future. Some day weightlessness or reduced gravity will 
be a common, and perhaps even a normal, state of mankind. The day may come when there are more 
people living on space stations and worlds of low gravity than on this planet; indeed, when the ultimate 
history of the human race is written, the estimated 100 billion men who have already spent laborious lives 
struggling against gravitation may turn out to be a tiny minority. Perhaps our spacefaring descendants 
will be as little concerned with gravity as were our remote ancestors who floated effortlessly in the 
buoyant sea. 

Even now, most of the creatures on this planet are hardly aware that gravity exists. Though it 
dominates the lives of large land animals such as elephants, horses, men and dogs, it is seldom more than 
a mild inconvenience to anything much smaller than a mouse. To the insects it is not even that; flies 
and mosquitoes are so light and fragile that the air itself buoys them up, and gravity bothers them no more 
than it does a fish. 

But it bothers us a great deal, especially now that we are making determined efforts to escape from it. 
Quite apart from our current interest in space flight, the problem of gravitation has always worried 
physicists. It seems to stand completely apart from all the other forces — light, heat, electricity, magnetism 
—which can be generated in many different ways and are freely interconvertible. Indeed, most of modern 
technology is based upon such conversions — of heat into electricity, electricity into light, and so on. 

Yet we cannot generate gravity at all, and it appears completely indifferent to all the influences that 
we may bring to bear on it. As far as we know, the only way a gravitational field can be produced is by the 
presence of matter. Every particle of matter has an attraction for every other particle of matter in the 
universe, and the sum total of those attractions, in any one spot, is the local gravity. Naturally, this varies 
from world to world, since some planets contain large amounts of matter and others very little. In our 
solar system the four giant planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune — all have surface gravities 
greater than Earth’s, two-and-a-half times greater in the case of Jupiter. At the other extreme, there are 
moons and asteroids where gravity is so low that one would have to look hard at a falling object for the 
first few seconds to see that it was moving. 

Gravitation is an incredibly, almost unimaginably, weak force. This may seem to contradict both 
common sense and everyday experience, yet when we consider the statement it is obviously true. Really 
gigantic quantities of matter — the 6000 million million million tons of the (continued on page 80) 



THE BEST ANTIDOTE we know for February's wintry 
blues is a lot of sun shining on a lot of girl — which we 
herewith offer in the fine form of Toni Ann Thomas, our 
February Playmate. A tempting 18 years of age, titian- 
haired Toni Ann is passing through an appealingly un- 
predictable stage in her young life: at times she is 
tomboyishly exuberant and given to wild backyard romps 
with her two kid brothers; at other times she can, through 
the alchemy of perfume and peignoir, suddenly transform 
herself into a delicate charmer with womanly poise. Born 
and bred in California, Toni Ann lives alone in West 
Covina in a small, neat apartment furnished in Swedish 
modem. Her bedroom contains one rarely used TV set 
(“It bores me to tears”), some 20 stuffed animals of un- 
certain lineage, and three widely scattered alarm clocks, 
which most of the time succeed in awakening her for her 
job as a switchboard operator with a local insurance com- 
pany. (A recent graduate of Los Angeles’ Washington 


High, Miss February first worked as one of Міс Tanny's 
more spectacular — 38-22-36 — instructresses before switch- 
ing to the switchboard.) In her spare time, she likes read- 
ing short stories with happy endings and being escorted 
to movie houses featuring light comedies and exciting 
whodunits. Toni Ann is still girl enough to squeal at 
football games (she roots passionately for Southern Cal), 
stuff herself on Mexican and Italian dishes, and leap in 
the air when she bowls one of her rare strikes. At the same 
time, she views her life and the men therein with a level- 
headed maturity: “My favorite kind of guy is one who is 
unpretentious and who cares as much about what I think 
as how 1 look. The fellows 1 really turn off are the 
phonies — the ones who are fascinated by themselves and 
want to take me places only as some kind of ornament 
for their own egos. Also, Im not too fond of the sly 
types that keep saying they can help me get ahead in show 
business, I don’t want to be an actress, and I'm not par- 
ticularly interested in being a model. ГА much prefer 
marrying a nice guy and raising a big family.” Blessed 
with sultry features and a lushly proportioned 5'5", 120- 
pound body, Toni Ann naturally draws masculine double 
takes wherever she goes. “I guess there’s no point in fight- 
ing nature,” she smiles. “I used to be self-conscious. Now, 
frankly, I enjoy it. You might say it’s part of growing up.” 
As proof that Toni Ann has indeed grown up, we refer 
you to the accompanying photographs of our fun-loving 
Miss February, a Playmate of whom it clearly can be 
said: Thank heaven for notso little girls. 


INOW зн 30 avva ung. JNU SSIW 

Above: a pretly-as-a-picture shutterbug, Playmate Toni Ann totes her Polaroid to the zoo, makes a snap 
decision, then anxiously awaits developments. Belaw: artistically occupied and peignoired, Miss February 
applies mosaic tile to an outsize jug with which she hopes one day to decorate her dream house. 


We've just heard about a new club called 
AAA-AA for people who are being driven to 

A chorus cutie who always slept in the buff 
awoke one morning to find herself completely 
dressed. "My God,” she cried, “I've been 

Then there was the movie actress who climbed 
the ladder of success, wrong by wrong. 

After two years in Korea, 
ї to the States. Мапи 
side reunion. he and his beautiful 
wife went immediately to a hotel. Much later 
that night, a drunk, wandering through the 
hall, banged on their door, shouting, "Let 

“Good Lord,” said the Marine, leaping from 
the bed only half awake, “I'll bet that's your 

“Don't be silly 
e's in Kore: 

* his wife slcepily reassured 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines playboy 
as а man with an сус for an aye. 

Two clderly gentlemen, whose active days 
were behind them but whose wild.oats mem- 
ories were not forgotten, were amusing them- 
selves at the bar of a cocktail lounge by 
watching two young men ply their dates with 
martinis and lengthy conversation. 
“These young bucks today just don't know 
how it's done,” said one. “Why, in our day 
we would have had those girls in the buggy 
and out in the moonlight by this time.” 

Yes,” agreed his companion. “They sure 
don't make ‘em like they used tc 

Every man likes to see a girl stick to her kni 
ting — especially when she's in a wet bathing 

The king had arranged a regal marriage for 
his daughter — a bond that would unite two 
great nations. Yet, because the young couple 
seemed so terribly formal to each other, the 
old monarch was worried that the union would 
not be a success. Posting a spy outside the royal 
bridal chamber, he demanded a full account of 

the wedding night's progress. 

“It is hard to tell,” said the King's spy the 
next morning. "When the prince entered the 
chamber, I heard the princess say, quite for- 
mally, ‘I offer you my honor.’ Then the prince 
said, with equal courtliness, ‘Madame, I honor 
your offer.’ And that is the way it went all 
night long — honor, offer, honor, offer.” 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines optimist 
as a husband who goes down to the marriage 
burcau to sce if his license has expired. 

The shy young man and his shapely date were 
parked under а romantic moon. Placing his 
hand on her thigh, he whispered, “I love you.” 
With a deep sigh, the girl replied, “A little 
^I love you,” came the higher pitched reply. 

An exceedingly well formed young nurse 
walked calmly along the hospital corridor with 
a portion of her bosom exposed. A staff doctor, 
passing by, noticed the delightful exposure and 
scolded her for this improper show of her 
charms. Blushing, the nurse murmured, “I'm 
sorry, sir, but it’s these darn interns they 
never put anything back when they're through 
with it. 

Heard any good ones lately? Send your favor- 
ites to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY, 232 E. 
Ohio St., Chicago 11, Ill, and earn $25 for 
each joke used. In case of duplicates, payment 
goes to first received. Jokes cannot be returned. 

* "Take off your clothes, take off your clothes!’ My goodness, 
don’t men ever think about anything else?" 



BEYOND GRAVITY (continued from page 71) 

Earth — are required to produce thc 
rather modest gravity field in which we 
live. We can generate magnetic or elec 
tic forces hundreds of times more 
powerful with a few pounds of iron or 
copper. When you lift a piece of iron 
with a simple horseshoe magnet, the 
amount of metal the magnet contains 
is outpulling the whole Earth. The ex- 
treme weakness of gravitational forces 
makes our total inability to control or 
modify them all the more puzzling and 

From time to ume, one hears rumors 
s are working on the 
у control, or antigrav- 

ns No competent 
scientist, at this stage of our ignorance, 
would deliberately set out to look for 
a way of overcoming gravity. What a 
number of physicists and mathematicians 
arc doing, however, is something less 
ambitious; they are simply trying to un- 
cover basic knowledge about gravity. If 
this plodding, fundamental work does 
lead to some form of gravity control, that 
will be wonderful; but I doubt if m: 
people in the field believe that it will. 
"The opinion of most scientists is prob- 
ably well summed up by a remark made 
recently by Dr. John Pierce of the Bell 
Telephone Laboratories. “Antigravity,” 
“is strictly for the birds" But 
the birds don’t need it, and we do. 

We still know so little about gravita- 
tion that we are not even sure if it travels 
through space at a definite speed — 
like radio or light waves — or whether 
it is "always there." Until the time of 
Einstein, scientists thought that the lat 
ter was the case, and that gravitation 
was propagated instantaneously. Today, 
the gencral opinion is that it travels at 
the speed of light and that, also like 
light, it has some kind of wave structure. 

1Е gravi 1 waves do exist, they 
will be fantastically dificult to detect, 
because they carry very little energy. It 
has been calculated that the gravity 
waves radiated by the whole Earth have 
an energy of about a millionth of a 
horsepower, and the total e 
the entire solar system — the 
the planets — is only half а horsepower. 
Any conceivable man-made gravitational- 
wave generator would be billions of 
billions of times feebler than this. 

Nevertheless, attempts are now being 
made to produce and detect these waves. 
In some of these experiments, it is 
planned to use the whole Earth as an 
antenna; the waves to be looked for 
would have a frequency of only about 
one cycle per hour. (Ordinary TV and 
radio waves run to tens of п ns of 
cycles per second.) Even if these ex- 
tremely delicate experiments succeed, it 
will be a long time before we can expect 

any practical applications from them. 
And it may be never. 

Yet every few years, some hopeful 
ventor builds and actually demonstrates, 
at least to his own satisfaction, an anti- 
gravity device. These are always labora- 
tory models, producing only a very tiny 
lift. Some of the machines are electrical, 
others purely mechanical, based on what 
might be called the bootstrap principle, 
and containing unbalanced flywhecls, 
cranks, springs and oscillating weights. 
“The idea behind these is that action and 
reaction may not always be equal and 
opposite, and sometimes there may be a 
little net force left over in one direction. 
"Fhus, though everyone agrees that you 
can't lift yourself by а steady pull on 
your bootstraps, perhaps a series of prop- 
erly timed jerks might have a different 

Put this way, the idea scems com- 
pletely absurd, but it is not casy to refute 
an intelligent and sincere inventor with. 
a beautifully made machine containing 
dozens of parts, moving in every possible 
direction, who maintains that his oscil- 
lating contraption produces a net lift 
of half an ounce and that a bigger model 
could take you to the Moon. You may 
be 99.999 percent sure that he is wrong, 
yet be quite unable to prove it. If grav- 
ity control is ever discovered, it will 
surely depend upon much more sophi 
cated techniques than mechanical devices 
—and it will probably be found as а Бу- 
product of work in some completely 
unexpected field of physics. 

It 15 also probable that we will not 
make much progress in understanding 
gravity until we are able to isolate our- 
selves and our instruments from it, by 
establishing laboratories in space. At 
tempting to study it on the Earth’s sur- 
face is rather like testing hi-fi equipment 
in a boiler factory; the effets we are 
looking for may be swamped by the 
background. Only in a satellite laboi 
tory will we be able to investigate the 
properties of matter under weightless 

The reason why objects arc — usually 
—weightless in space is one of those 
elusive simplicities that is almost invari 
ably misunderstood. Many people, mis- 
led by careless journalists, are still under 
the impression that an astronaut is 
weightless because he is beyond the pull 
of gravity. 

This is completely wrong. Nowhere in 
the universe — not even in the remotest 
galaxy that appears as а faint smudge on 
a Palomar photograph — would опе be 
literally beyond the pull of Earth's grav- 
ity, though a few million miles away it 
almost negligible. It falls off slowl 
with distance, and at the modest alti- 
tudes reached by human travelers so far, 
it is still almost as powerful as at sea 

level. When an astronaut looked down 
upon the Earth from a height of nearly 
200 miles, the gravity field in which he 
was moving still had 90 percent of its 
normal value. Yet, despite that, he 
weighed exactly nothing, 

Jf this seems confusing, it is largely 
due to poor semantics. The trouble is 
that we dwellers on the Earth's surface 
have grown accustomed to using the 
words gravity and weight almost inter- 
changcably. In ordinary terrestrial situa- 
tions, this is safe enough; whenever 
there's weight there's gravity, and vice 
versa. But they are really quite separate 
entities, and cither can occur independ- 
ently of the other. In space, they nor- 
mally do. 

On occasion, they can do so on Earth, 
as the following experiment will prove. 
I suggest you think about it rather than 
actually conduct it, but if you are un- 
convinced by my logic, go right ahead. 
You will have the tremendous precedent 
of Galileo, who also refused to accept 
argument and appealed to experimental 
proof. However, 1 disclaim all responsi- 
bility for any датар, 

You will need a quick-acting trap door 
(one of those used by hangmen will do 
admirably) and a bathroom scale. Put the 
scale on the trap door and stand on it. 
It will, of course, register your weight. 

Now, while your eyes arc fixed on the 
scale, get one of your acquaintances 
(“That's not an office for a friend, my 
lord,” as Volumnius said to Brutus on a. 
slightly similar occasion) to spring the 
trap door. At once the needle will drop 
to zero; you will be weightless. But you 
will certainly not be beyond the pull of 
gravity; you will be 100 percent under 
its influence, as you will discover a frac- 
tion of a second later. 

Why are you weightless in these cir- 
cumstances? Well, weight is a force, and 
a force cannot be felt if it has no point 
of application, if there is nothing for it 
to push against. You cannot feel any 
force when you push against a freely 
swinging door; nor can you feel any 
weight when you have no support and 
are falling freely. An astronaut, except 
when he is firing his rockets, is always 
falling freely. The “fall” may be down- 
wards or upwards or side, 
case of an orbiting satellite, which is 
in an eternal fall around the world. The 
direction does not matter; as long as the 
fall is free and unrestrained, anyone ex- 
periencing it will be weightless. 

You can be weightless, therefore, even 
where there is plenty of gravity. The 
reverse is also true: you don't need grav- 
ity to give you weight. A change of 
speed — in other words, an acceleration 
— will do just as well. 

To prove this, let us imagine a still 
more improbable experiment than the 
one just described. Take your bathroom 

(continued on page 112) 





jazz By Nat Hentoff 

JAZZ IN 1962 continued to accumulate prestige — especially abroad — but the 
dues at home became stiffer for many musicians who would have preferred 
to alchemize plaudits into cash. 

Internationally, hip listeners began to appear in unprecedented places. 
In June, for example, the new Russian ambassador to the United States, 
Anatoly Dobrynin, expressed reservations about the first official American 
jazz tour of the Soviet Union, then under way. He didn’t object to jazz. 
He simply thought Benny Goodman somewhat too square. 

71 think,” said the ambassador, doubling as a jazz critic, “the lack of 
great enthusiasm among our young people at his concerts is because his style 





is, well, let us say, dated. Our jazz has 
gone onward to what you call the pro- 
gressive stage. His remains static, and our 
young people are inclined to be restless 
with that. 

Nonetheless, the six-week Goodman 
road шір through Russia in June and 
July was а major jazz event. Despite dis 
sension before he Jeft (“It should have 
been Duke Ellington"), and dissonance 

hin the band on the tour ("L 
more out of the modern bag"), the fact 
that Goodman did gct in and that Premier 
Khrushchev did attend his first concert 
greatly encouraged Russian 
their formerly suspect partisans. 

Benny himself, the master prag 
summarized his Russian adventure: 
think many more bands will be allowed 
to come here now if for no other reason 
than the fact that it is good business 

A much less publicized jazz journey than 
Goodman's was a State Department proj- 
ect involving a sixmonth tour of Latin 
America by the Paul Winter Sextet. Nearly 
unknown in American jazz circles at the 
time, the 23-year-old Winter is a skillful, 
articulate reed man who had previously 
won college jazz competitions with a unit 
he formed at Northwestern, Making the 

RAY BROWN, bass 

Winter trip significant was tha 
ambivalent toward America 

, for once, a jazz itinerary through countries 
5 specifically scheduled to reach а maximum 

number of students at realistic prices 

Winter may have changed no political allegiances in his 160 concerts, 

but his music was received with pervasive enthusiasm and several govern. 
ments asked him to return. By the end of the year, Mr. Winter had been 
invited by Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy to give the first authorized jazz 

concert at the White Hou: 

(the November 19th “command” performance 

was well reccived) and had been signed by Columbia Records. 

In the Far 

East, clarinetist Tony Scott, sometimes self-propelled and 
sometimes aided by the United States Information Service, continued to 

J. J. JOHNSON, trombone 



in Japan, Indonesia, Thailand and 
In Bangkok, the king, as is his 

custom, sat in on clarinet. Jaz even reached 
an Israeli kibbutz in Galilee where the sabras 
in high school were exposed to a course in how 
King Oliver led his yea-sayers up that river. 
American jazz critics, meanwhile, may soon 
iscover that they'll have to travel a great deal 
more to be in on stars.” Already there 
are Balkan grapevine reports, now spreading 
throughout Europe, of a singular gypsy jazz 
guitarist, Jancsi Korossy, in Romania, as well 
other iron Curtain challengers of Western 

eived honors not 
yet familiar to it on native ground. In Poland, 

GERRY MULLIGAN, baritone sax 


FRANK SINATRA, male vocalist 

ELLA FITZGERALD, female vocalist 



the National Philharmonic and the 
Polish Jazz Federation planned the crea- 
tion of a permanent jazz school, wh 
the Ministry of Culture encouraged 
ing Polish jazzmen to lecture on the 
music as part of the regular curriculum 
in а growing number of Polish secondary 

'The government of Malaya invited 
Boston jazzman Herb Pomeroy to come 

into the local 

young. In Britain, the unprecedentedly 
ambitious Trades Union Congress plan to 
bring culture to the rank and file includ- 
ed provisions for (continued on page 139) 

& BAVAN, vocal group 

first trumpet second trumpet third trumpet fourth trumpet. first trombone 

first alto sax second alto sax 

& BAVAN vocal group > 

female vocalist male vocalist 

B6 piano, instrumental combo leader 


second trombone third trombone fourth trombone 



first tenor sax 


second tenor sax baritone sax НЕН OUNT, AIN 

THE 1963 






OURS IS A SPAGESAVING AGE — notwithstanding the ster- 
ling exploits of astronauts and cosmonauts — and we 
are pleased to note that the high fidelity industry has 
taken cognizance of the fact. The accent this year, 
more than ever before, is on miniaturization, Right 
down the line, from turntables to speakers, audio 
gear is shrinking in size. Fortunately, we have detected 
no corresponding shrinkage in quality. On the con- 
trary, recent progress in transistor technology has 

Background, left to right: Mark VI console has 6 speakers, intermixing 
changer, AM-FM-Multiplex tuner, in walnut, by RCA Victor, $550. Multiplex 
kit, hos indicator which lights for multiplex broadcosts, by Knight-Kit, $29.95 
(with metal case), Stereo console, has 4speed record changer, 60-watts peak 
power output, 6speaker system, AM-FN-Multiplex tuner, walnut cabinet, by 
Sylvania, $469.95. Remote-control headset, hos volume control for eoch 
stereo channel, phone jacks for twa sets of headphones, 521.95, headphones, 
$43.50, both by Sharpe. All-transistor 50-май stereo amplifier kit, by Knight- 
Kit, $79.95, oiled walnut case, $9.95. Foreground, left to right: Sony tran- 


sistorized tope deck, offers remote control, sound on sound, 3%-7 ips, by Superscope, $595. Audio Robot remote control system uses 2- 
conductor cable connecting extension speaker to hi-fi system, will turn system on or off from extension speaker; robot control is in leather- 
textured cose with satin brass panel, sides; remote control is in oiled walnut with satin bross plate, by Royce, $32.95. Unipoise 6-07. arm, $36; 
tumtoble hos separate board for arm, 33% speed, on oiled walnut bose, $60, both by Stanton. Transistorized, 70-watt emplifier, hes hinged 
lower front hiding pre-set controls, by Heath, $134.95 (kit), $219.95 (foctory-wired). Truvox, 4-track stereo tape deck hos built-in record and ploy- 
bock preamps, 7¥2-3%-1% ips, Бу Benjomin, $375. Speaker, only 256" deep, in oiled walnut, by Jensen, $39.95. Hydraulicolly operated tone 
arm hos wood lining, by Shure, $99.50. Four-speed tumtoble, by Thorens, $110; base, $10. FM-Multiplex tuner, with enclosure, $169.95 
(foctory-wired), extruded aluminum front panel, $9.95, both by Dynaco. All-transistor, 200-watt stereo amplifier, by Lofayette, $299.50. 
FN-Multiplex tuner has oscilloscope tuning indicator, simultaneous visual display of field strength, deviation, walnut enclosure, by Marantz, $555. 



панни OFC 

ө e 9 9 

given a new twist to an old cliché: Hi-fi is getting 
smaller and better all the time. 

transistor, a solid-state semiconductor, performs 

the same basic job as the vacuum tube, but takes up 

considerably less space and generates far less heat in 
the process. Its inherent superiority to the tube is 
universally recognized. Nonetheless, high fidelity с 

gineers stecred clear of it until very recently — chiefly 
because the wansistors inherent superiority was not 
always matched by day-to-day reliability. А 19АХ7 
tube сап be depended upon (continued on page 123) 

ized stereo/mono 4track tape 
i), $399.95 (factory-wired). Stereo 

ег, 80-watt, hos built-in D’Arsonval Meter, equalization switch and 
dual-magnetic inputs, by Fisher, $169.50. Brookshire console hos 4-speed 
changer, AM-FM-Multiplex tuner, two 12” woofers, two 6" midrange speak- 
ers, four 3%” tweeters, in Danish Modern walnut veneer, by Admirol, $750. 
Citation A transistorized stereo preamplifier, has front panel stereo head- 
phone receptacle, individuol amplifier and system on/off switches allow 
listener to turn off power amplifier when using headphones, by Horman- 
Kardon, $250 (kit), $350 (foctory-wired), wolnut enclosure, $20. FM-Multiplex 
tuner kit, hos wide-band circuitry, by Н. Н. Scott, $159.95. JBL Trimline 54 



speaker system has brackets for wall hanging, oiled walnut faur-sided enclosure permits free stonding, has aptianal brass legs, Бу Lansing, 
$117, brass legs, $12. This page, clockwise from eleven: olltransistor 100-watt sterea amplifier, hes tape monitar switch which permits 
cuditing tapes as they are recarded, has 2 positions, for monitoring sterea and mana topes, by Knight, $189.95. Sonorama speaker system, 
has 6 speakers, is 67x5"x12", in Danish walnut enclosure, by Rek-O-Kut, $149.95. Custom Decorator console, has AM-FM-Multiplex tuner, 
Garrard 4-speed changer, null balancer, space for record starage, six speakers, in hinged doars that may be detached, with wall brackets, 
ace and connection for Home Music Distribution System transmitter; receiver-speaker (on cansale) plugs inta опу wall autlet, needs па ad 
tional wiring, all by General Electric, $379.95 (console), Home Music Distribution System receiver-speaker, $54.95, transmitter, 544.95. Rondine 
2 turntable, hos Avto-Poise avtamatic tane arm powered by its own molars; Auta-Paise lifts arm and places it an record as turntable storis, 
disengages from tone arm during play, lifts arm and returns it ta rest after record is finished, shuts off turntable, by Rek-O-Kut, $169.95. Stereo 
tope deck, professional quality, has built-in record/play preamplifiers, digital counter for cuing, editing, selecting, 13"x13"x64", Бу 
Knight, $179.95. Madel Twelve speaker system, fectures 10 electrastatic tweeters in curved radiator, oiled wolnut enclosure, by KLH, $289. 




more help on succeeding with women without really trying 

LET Us assume you have found the ideal 
girl, or at least one as close to specifica- 
tions as was available. 

You are about to embark on the first 
happy voyage of your married life. 
Young, starry-eyed and full of love, you 
on what must surely be a sea 


Once married, you begin the careless, 
rapturous days of Just You Two, before 
» down to the serious business 

ag a family. Enjoy these blissful 
days because they will never return, 

But remember, these first months were 
not intended solely for plucking rose- 
buds. These are the vital months in 
which the foundations of a marriage are 

"These are the critical months in the 
a really serviceable wife. 
ter them away if you will and she 
will be soft and flabby. Use them wisely 
to toughen her fibers and you will have 
a helpmate fit and ready to stand by 
your side in the more trying days to come. 


Since you will probably move at first. 
into a small apartment, your wile may 
think she has litle to do. Show her 


how mistaken she is. 

“Oh, Davie, it’s just too sweet!” 

"Glad you like it, Phoebe.” 

"I'm sure it will simply take care 
ol itself!” 

“Well —" 

(Give her a long, slow look, as 
though you were beginning to ques- 
tion the whole marriage.) 

“I suppose you could let things 
slide after a while, Phoeb. Once you 
get it properly cleaned up, that is. 
Pretty sorry mess right now, isn’t it?” 

You will find it is virtually impossible 
for a man to tell whether or not an 
apartment has been properly cleaned. 
It is safe simply to assume that it hasn't 

caned well enough. 
The finger method is best for the 
. Wipe one finger on any hori- 
zontal surface — table, windowsill, book- 
shelf, anything, first making sure that 
your wife is watching you, Look at the 
finger just a few seconds, almost absent- 
mindedly. Shake your head slowly and 
then shrug your shoulders. 

“Davie, what's the matter?” 
“Nothing, Phocb, nothing.” 
(Never complain.) 

“But | spent all day cleaning.” 
“Good, fine, pet.” 

(Go over and kiss her on the fore- 
head. Tenderness belongs in every 

"But 1 did, Daviel" 

“1 know, sweet. Remember, Rome 
wasn't built in а day.” 

The sideways look at any polished sur- 
face, particularly something like a glass- 
topped coffee table, is almost as effective 
and makes a nice variation. 

‘Try these and make up new oncs of 
your own. Set her going at a good clip 
and keep her out of trouble. She will 
be building both musde and character 
for the ycars ahead. 


By all means encourage and inspire 
your wife with a good example. If you 
be the good example yourself. But 
if you arc saving yourself, you can ас 
complish the same result without stirring 
from your сазу chair, (This eas) chair 
will soon become the focal point of 
your household, the center of interest 
and the mecca toward which your wife, 
and later your whole family, will turn 
for admiration, guidance and encour- 

A finc example is the model wife. If 
you know some real woman whose life 

(concluded on page 126) 

“He’s stocking his bomb shelter.” 

й Ji is 225 =: Bais 
Кї | б 

cae? || 
ді i FA | LN 


M y » | | y) 

) (m the costliest film of 

the ages, 20th Century-Fox's 
“Cleopatra,” appears on the 
nation’s movie screens this spring, 
ost male orbs in the audience 
will be locked firmly upon star 
Elizabeth Taylor, the flawless raison 
d'étre of our **Liz as Cleo" pictorial 
last month. Those of discerning eye, 
however, may find their attention 
diverted by a comely collection of 
scene-stealers: the handmaidens, 
slave girls and native dancers who 
serve and amuse the Nile sorceress 
and. her Roman conquerors. In 
an admiring preview of coming 
attractions, we here present a 
candid portfolio of these all-but- 
anonymous, nonetheless lovely 
players. On opposite page, dancers 
try out pipes which will welcome Liz 
to Rome; English actress Francesca 
Annis (one of Cleo?s two principal 
attendants) touches up her lipstick; 
headdressed chorine is pretty for 
the pictures; and lightly leafed 
dancers prepare to perform for Liz 
and Richard Burton. The half- 
bikinied maid modestly covering 
herself is French filly Michele Bally, 
who has a small featured part; 
below, a dancer with affixed pinions 
rehearses for Cleo’s procession 
scene in the brief garb favored by 
the girls in the hot Roman sun, 
while at right a feathered friend 

is accoutered for the camera. The 
smiling young lady at left is im- 
ported U.S. dancer Kathy Martin. 


The bouncing chicks here having a 
costume ball are a select interna- 
tional lot assembled from all over 
the globe: for example, Cleopatra's 
18 handmaidens (chosen from а 
shapely shape-up of 350 candidates) 
include five Italians, four Amer- 
icans, two French and two Swedish 
girls, and one winner each from 
Indonesia, Greece, Holland, China 
and England. The dark beauty in 
the black lace lingerie at left, top, 
is Marie Devereaux, an English 
actress whose remarkable looks- 
like-Liz face and figure caused her 
to be picked as Miss Taylor’s stand- 
in for long and over-the-shoulder 
shots. Marie, who has one on-camera 
clinch with Richard Burton, is now 
in Hollywood hoping for a break 

in American productions. To her 
right, chatting handmaidens mill 
in Cleo’s wig room, part of the 
lavish set modeled upon the royal 
apartments once occupied by the 
Queen and her attractive retinue 
of pyramid climbers. Below, every- 
thing’s coming up poses as the 
handmaidens of the bath mug pret- 
tily just before Elizabeth Taylor’s 
big tub scene, the film's most 
publicized episode. At right, top, 
lithe dancers draw scant attention 
during rehearsal breaks and, below, 
form an attractive navel blockade 
prior to the lensing of Cleopatra’s 
triumphant entry into Rome and 
its attendant sensuous celebration 
by the Egyptian dancing girls. 

At left, top to bottom: winged 
girls form a live monument, Little 
Egypts practice, then execute snake 
dance in barely sufficient costum- 
img, all in honor of Cleo's entry into 
Rome. At right, as part of same 
celebration, a petal-pitching miss 
decorates the procession. The gown 
Liz is almost wearing on this and 
the opening page was designed for 
the film, then later rejected as 
drawing too much divided atten- 
tion. Each of ‘‘Cleopatra’s” chicks 
imbues the film with her own 
youthful vitality, a fresh efferves- 
cence emanating in part, perhaps, 
from each girl’s secret dream that 
she may be the chosen heiress to 
the throne now occupied by the 
most famous beauty of our time. 


«лора “ибо is 
7711 panoadsip an,am 
ond [ ПОМ, 


daily at the palace ої King Francis, sell- 
ing objects of interest to visitors. 
Although he was only 19 y 
he was more successful than many 
men of twice his years, for he followed 
diligently the advice of an clderly asso- 
ic who had been in trading all his life. 
“Due to the strength and number of 
the competition," the elder man had told 
him, “it is essential to have an excellent 
product, for the discrimir purchaser 
will not be satisfied by erchan- 
dise. However, it is inadequate to have 
an excellent product and nothing more, 
for the streets abound with salesmen who 


have excellent products. One must also 
know how to present this product with 
efficacious techniques.” 

When the young man had asked his 
senior to describe these technique 
thereupon received this reply: 

ist announce that you have a prod- 
uct that will satisfy the purchaser's de- 
sires and айога him pleasure. Secondly, 
allow him to sample your merchandise 
so that he will be aware of its worth. 
But you will find that there are individ- 
uals who refuse to accept your sample, 
These are people who have heard the 

uments of many salesmen before а 
now fear your ability to convince them 
to buy. When this happens, go to any 
length to force diem to accept the за 
ple—use y and tickery if 
need be — for this is the part of the sale 
proces that separ 
the apprentice.” 

The young man, as we have said, fol- 
lowed this advice closely. In fact, his 
adherence to it was such that he was so 
busy selling his wares that he did not 
have time to indulge in the social pleas- 
ures available to most men of 19 y 

But while wandering about the ра 
grounds one day, he noticed the young 
піссе of the king's brother, a girl of his 
ge whose very being exuded Ше 

Ribald Classic 


le, «сесі 

з the master from 

own а 

spirit of life and beauty, Immediately 
he fell in love 

not at all timid in 
approaching her because his experiences 
confronting agers to whom he 
wished to sell merchandise had condi- 
tioned him to such activity. Accordingly, 
he immediately made it known that he 
ger to share her company. She, 
however, more accustomed to conven- 
tional means of urging one’s suit, was 
taken by surprise at his forward 


was un 
daunted. “IE I he 
replied, “what would you call а жота 
who will not even allow an admirer 10 
express his admiration?” 

Thus rebuked, she was obliged to lis- 
ten to him, and he, keeping in mind his 
mentor's advice, spoke quite clearly. 

‘Lam able to make you very happy,” 



he said. "For Y possess in my youth and 
exuberance а spirit that your more ma- 
ture suitors do not have. However, 1 
do not ask that you take my word for 
this. Instead I invite you to sample my 
wares. Until you have sampled them, it 
is your right to be skeptical. Therefore, 
if you will accompany me to my bedroom. 
I shall produce the sample accordingly.” 

On hearing this, the lady paled 
then turned. crimson. In her embarrass- 
ment she тап off to join some friends. 
But the young salesman proceeded to the 
interior of the ace, whi he studied 
the organization of rooms and hall 
ways until he was certain he could di 
gram them from memory. Then, on an 
g when a good many of the inhab 
nts of the palace were else 
where, he went to the lady's ch: 
Outside the chamber he waited ui 
three o'clock. і 
time he crept silently inside. Upon find- 
¥ her asleep, as he had hoped he 
would, he crawled into the bed beside 
her. There he lay in utter stillness until 
the morning, when she awoke. 

"Do not scream,” he said to her softly 
when she looked at him in surprise. “IF 
пуопе were to find me here with you, 
he would assume that you had invited 
me. Them, despite your protestations, 
you would be shamed in court. It would 
be better for you now to take the sample 
llingly offer. Then, if you find it 
unsatisfactory, I shall leave as qu 
Т arrived and not trouble you again. 

Thus confronted, she surrendered vol- 
untarily and enjoyed the sample. As it 
happened, the s. an's confidence was 
quite justified and she acclaimed the 
excellence of the product in tones of 
admiration. In fact, from that point on. 
she was а steady customer — and so justi 
fied the youth's belief hi 
advice, as well as providing 
much pleasure to boot. 
Retold by Paul J. Gillette 


Tso y 

from the Heptaméron of Marguerite of Navarre 




currency — and. plumbing 
ronment which is otherwise delightfully 
foreign. Another nice thing you'll notice 
is the almost total absence of that 
greedy, screw-the-American-tourist atmos- 
phere characteristic of many foreign 
resort areas. 

You don't have to pick up your car at 
the airport: you can cab it to your hotel 
or arrange for the hotel to pick up you 
amd your gear. As soon as you've got 
wheels of your own, however, repeat to 
yoursell, over and over until you've got 
the hang of it “keep to the Jeft, keep to 
the left, keep to the left.” Driving on the 
left is one of the historic legacies of Brit- 
ish dominion, and its retention in Ames 
1 territory is variously explained as 
being due to the inability of draft ani- 
n which side of the road to 
е their drivers dozed, and to 
y or unwillingness of West 
ers to learn to keep to the 
ight. Whatever the reason, a mercifully 
short and marvelously bloody attempt 
made to switch trafic to Кеерії 
was abandoned. 

We had the foresight to make our 
reservations well in advance. (Right now 
is not too soon to make reservations for 
а year from now at the more popular 
ies; it's also a good time to make 
ons lor the coming. summer off- 
season — though the pleasures of the 
Islands really know no season. thanks 
10 those already mentioned wade winds.) 
We chose Bluebeard's Castle, a not-fanci- 
fully named hotel. since its tower was 
built by the pirate as a private strong- 
hold 300 years ago, and tooled thither 
— kecping to the left — along Charlotte 
Amalie's waterfront and then, shifting 
down to first, up a hill which looked 
like a vertical wall to our Stateside eyes. 

n envi 

Thomas hotels, has ad: 
important and that scem worth mention- 
ing for other urban-oriented vacationers. 
These include proximity to the town of 
Charlotte Amalie, a hilltop loc 
view in all directions, detached and 
semi-detached cottages, cach with its own 
private porch-patio, as well as accommo- 
main building, air condi- 
pool, a respectable cuisine 
(offering the customary Caribbean bullet 
lunch which shares the virtues of smor- 
gasbord and hors d'oeuvres variés — with 
French, Danish, African, Caribbean, 
Dutch and New England trimmings, not 
to mention delectable rumrsoaked des- 
serts), a good bar, terraces with views and 
ar service, and an outdoor d; 
vilion with candlelit cocktail 
that ubiquitous Virgin Isles’ standby, a 
stecl band. 

One thing Bluebeard's doesn't have, 
ht on the premises, is а beach. Like 

(continued [rom page 62) 

Ме hostelrics — 
nd social activ- 
е the choice 

most of the more desir: 
where one finds action 
s well as luxu 
of site is on the precipitous slopes about 
the town of Charlotte Amalie, with their 

magnificent views and cooling brecze. 
rather than down on the beach. To com- 

pensate, most hotels provide bus service 
to a large number of beaches, each with 
its own charms, and all equipped with 
bathhouses and pavilions. Bluebeard's 
has its own private beach, and also beach 
bungalows to be rented by those who 
want seclusion, the sound of the surf 
and, perhaps, bathing in the buff by 
moonlight. There is also a luncheon 
m with bar. Towels, showers and 
1g rooms make it a cinch to switch 
from street clothes to swimwear and 
back again. Two other beach dubs, with 
a small admission charge, bar, restaurant, 
dressing rooms and all beach sports, are 
Morningstar Beach and Sapphire Bay 
Beach. Both feature moonlight parties. 
Of the island’s many hotels, one may 
indulge best in the ultimate of mode 
luxury at the vasty, flashy Virgin Isle 
Hilton. Whether you stay there or not 
be sure to catch the Thursday night 
barbeque and the turtle races in the 

pool (a big betting event) plus native 
and Stateside music for dancing. Other 

hotel scenes you will want to make 

either for food, enter nt, di 

drinking, their particular view ої 
vacation headquarters all of them 
worth at least one visit during your 
island sojourn — include Morn 

Beach Club and Cabaı id the 

Mountaintop Hotel, which offers excel- 
lent food, glassenclosed bar-restaurant 
surrounded by tropical garde 
transportation to its own priv 
reserved for its guests to picnic, fish, 
swim. snorkle, skindive and enjoy 
long beach parties. Among the sw 
est hotels is one appropri 
The New Flamboyant (it is both). The 
er Isle Hotel aii Beach Club has its 
own magnificent beach, has the good, 
European sense to provide double beds, 
and is a dandy place to go if you don't 
mind the occasional need to hack a path 
through honeymooners. Two other hos- 
telries deserve special mention: the 
Caribbean Beach Hotel for its alfresco 
dining and tropical gardens at water's 
edge and its steel band, limbo dancers, 
calypso singers, and the most outsized 
charcoal pit in the Virgin Islands. The 
other is Yacht Haven, a rather spec 
place because it includes a huge n 
where one may walk the gangway 
tween boats ranging from outboard run- 
abouts to magnificent, 

yachts. Yacht Haven goes in for 
has a palmainged pool and excellent 

Continental cuisini 

Once you have established yourself 
ion digs, you'll want to go 
out and see the town. (Whether or not 
you've rented a car, you'll probably make 
frequent use of the island's taxis for 
shopping, visiting, and even an occa 
ional evening out. since they are for the 
most part elegantly d ated and large 
American cars, driven by extraordinarily 
courteous and informative natives, and 
are gratifyingly inexpensive even for an 
entire є g.) By day, a major attrac- 
tion is the waterfront, where ancient 
native sailing craft contribute their bit 
to the bean confusion of im 
promptu sidewalk markets, and rub 

ing lines with sailing yachts that 
te groups (the indi- 
iduals may not even know each other 
when they get aboard but intimacy is 
ble) which cruise among the Is- 
On the landward side of the 
wide waterfront boulevard-esplanade are 
shops, restaurants and alleys. These last 
are rather unique to the Virgin Islands: 
before they became resorts and while 
they were major coaling and ship- 
ping ports, huge, long, low masonry 
warehouses were built from the Euro- 
pean handmade brick which was com- 
monly used as ballast for st 
to the Virgins to load up on rum and 
other tropical delectables. The alleys bc- 
tween were made to slope gently toward 
the waterfront, the angle being just right 
to keep a cask of rum rolling ar a com 
fortably controllable speed. The ware- 
houses аге built of rows of perfect arches, 
with no keystones. Most are warehouses 
no longer, having been converted to 
nd restaurants, night clubs and 
bistros, bars and booze bargain-counters, 
and some of the alleys between are uti- 
lized as outdoor patios for cocktails 

Social life starts early in St 
usually a bit before noo 
when the sport об hoteLhopping com- 
mences, since virtually all the island's 
hotels have cocktail lounges, patios. bul- 
fet lunches, and often a cocktail-hour at- 
mosphere before lunch. Two places we 
found ourselves visiting more than 
others at the luncheon hour are the 
Petite Pump Room and Hagan's House. 
Camille Dupleix is the man to sce at 
the Petite Pump Room, named after 
Chicago's Pump Room, which he helped 
launch. He will recommend native or 
French dishes, being master of both, and 
—if you tell him you read about his 
place in рілувот — тау be prevailed 
upon to tell you his version of the in- 
vention of the bloody mary, to whose 
claim by George Jessel he takes strong 
exception. You can cat at the Petite 
Pump Room in the cool, dark, arched 
interior of the place, or at tables in the 
sun-dappled alley named Palm Passage. 
Hagan's is an outdoor, si 

(continued on page 126) 


n your 





hed learned the hard way that hate is not the opposite of love; disinterest is 


TH — 

Last night — between the hours of 10 
and midnight — your hired executioners 
appel me into 
т. Man-made lightning 
boiled my blood and scorched my flesh. 

This momi ling marmalade 
on your toast, you read all about it, The 
newspapers undoubtedly referred to me 
as "the mistress murderer.” Headline 
writers, well known for their propensity 
toward alliteration, qui sibly led 
off with “ЕХ SLAYER s 

Poetic perhaps. But by no means ас 
curate. True, my corporal liquids may 
have sizzled somewhat. I take issue only 
with the preliminary terminology. 1 am 
not a mistress murderer. Nor am [a sex 

It is not my intention to bore you 
with further protestitions of innocence. 
My sole concern is for your safety 
АПепез murderer walks freely among 
you at this very moment. This 1 shall 
- how docs it go again? — beyond 
sonable doubt. 
ave an alibi. It is airtigh 
proof. Literally, a perfect alibi 

1 could not, for reasons soon to be dis 
closed, introduce this evidence during 
the trial, At that time T simply stated T 
кро cada am cae Өне Біб сі ПГ 
murder. Му wife—as you remember - 
ared, which w rather obvi 
ously, interpreted as evidence of her 
reluctance to testify on my behalf, My 
very able defense attorneys pleaded with 
her through full-page newspaper adver- 
tisements, to no avail, and no sob-sister 
or hardened court reporter — could 
blame the wronged wom: 
come forward. 



The prosecution established passion 
as the motive for murder. My middle 
aged pasions—as transitory and i 
effectual as summer 1 ng — were 
never aimed at destroying Arlene. At 
. as Arlene's neighbors testified, 1 
ve raised my voice to her. But a 
temporary hate will never overrule lov 
Disinterest, not hate, is the opposite of 

АП such passions had long 
appeared from my legal 
watched my wife pluck w 
her chin with absolute disinterest. Her 
underg: etching 
deeper and deeper into that abundance 
of flesh —left me totally unmoved. 

It no longer matters how she learned 
of Arlene’s existence. The fact remains, 
she did learn. І almost welcomed her 
initial reactions — explosive threats of 
awsuits, the ultimate ultimatums of a 
ed Woman. In truth, it was no 
than a momentary diversion in 
boredom of our uneasy co- 
stence. A match Haring up in a dark- 
ened room, a gunshot ringing out durin 
the third act of a tedious play 

The prosecution inevitably referred 
to Arlene as my “mistress.” This word 
I would quarrel with. True, I did upon 
occasion bring her small offerings — a 
vial of inexpensive perfume, a movie 
magazine, a bouquet of zinnias from 
my wife's garden. But “mistress” — that's 
a businessman's term. It implies goods 
sold and purchased. When a young man 
receives the first favors of his beloved, 
who among you would be callous enough 
to label her “whore”? 

Perhaps you still doubt the validity 
of our love. Arlene, as the newspapers 

ce di 

kers from 

the endles: 

nted out on 

po а daily basis, was young 

enough to be my daughter. But love 
recognizes no disparity in ages. It con- 
siders neither p 

st nor future, Our love 
required no diamond rings, no patterned 
silverware, no 80-year mortgages. 

We paid the rent when it fell due. 
We sat on uncarpeted flooring and fed 
each other with our fingers. Arlene's 
only jewelry was a thin turquoise rib- 
bon knotted at her throat. 

Consider, if you will, what this meant 
to me. I, like vou, had counted off my 
ys and years on punched-out commu- 
tation tickets. One-putting the 18th at 
Piping Rock, completing the Sunday 
Times crossword puzzle — these were the 
only mountains 1 dared ascend. 

No, І am not Casanova. But neither 
am 1 а sex slayer. Му unmuscled stom- 
ach sags over my belt. My gray hair 
parts to make way for baldness. In the 
very act of love 1 picture mysel as 
breathing a trifle too obviously, coated 
with unscemly perspiration, awkward, 
even ludicrous. A comic figure, an old 
mun jousting with youthful windmills. 
Heroic in the eyes of only one. Romeo 
to a Dresden doll who stood brave — but 
naked — before my wife's sinister threats. 
To Arlene's everlasting credit let it be 
recorded that the end of her life came 
before the end of her love. 

But I digress. Lack of motivation docs 
not enter into my perfect alibi. The 
night of the murder I was with my wife 
at our summer cottage. You will find her 
there, buried several feet to the left of 
the azalea bushes. At the time of 
Arlene's slaying, 1 was somewhat simi- 
larly oceupied — with my wife. 


a gentleman's guide 
to shirts and shirtings, 
styles and colors, 
and how to select those 
suitable to you and 
proper to the occasion 

attire By ROBERT L. GREEN 


val, the shape of most mas- 
culine faces, is compatible 
with almost any collar style, 
as shown at right, top to bot- 
tom: business shirt with medium-spread 
snap-tab collar, appropriate in co- 
ordination with four-in-hand necktie 
knot, Continental or British-influenced 
jocket; classic long-pointed buttondown, 
best with British or Ivy suit; bold-stripe 
shirt with pointed widesprecd collar, 
worn with Windsor or four-in-hand 
tie knot, Continental or English suit. 



FROM THE ABUNDANCE of shirt styles 
ble on the haberdasherial market 

tailored variously with long Point. 
short point, round-point, widespread, 

medium-spread, buttondown, tab and 
pin collars — it behooves the fashion- 
wise male to select those styles which 
best befit not only his mode of attire 
(Ivy. Continental, British) but his shape 
of face. A collar style unsuited to his 
facial outlines can mar the effect of the 
most tasteful tie and suit ensemble; 
while the correct collar style for the 
contours of his face — and for the pro- 
portions of his neck — will handsomely 
enhance his appearance with a custom- 
tailored Jook. 

Those men with oval faces — the ma- 
jority—can wear almost any collar 
style to advantage, but those with rec- 
tangular, round or long faces would 
be well advised to stick with styles spe- 
cifically designed to complement their 
facial features. As a rule — though most 
rules of aesthetics are proven by their 
exceptions — spread, buttondown and 
long-pointed collar styles are those best 
suited for rectangular- and round-faced 
fellows; the long of the collar 
points help to cre npression of 
a leaner, longer face. (On men of such 
proportions — often endowed also with 
short or broad necks — the trim lines of 
pin, tab and shortpoint styles would 
look incongruous and pinched.) Those 
with long necks and slim faces, on the 
other hand, acquire the appearance of 
a fuller, less angular profile with these 
same styles — and with the emergent 
high-roll collar with a neckband height 
of 114 to 2 inches which effectively 
de-emphasizes the length of the neck 
by covering part of it 

But collar styles can't be judged by 
face value alone. The cut of the co- 
ordinate suit must share equal weight 
in the final selection of an appropriate 
style. The traditional buttondown, pin 
and snap-tab collars, for example, blend 
most naturally with the Iv 
houette, while Continental and British- 
influenced suits look best with round 
and spread-style collars of medium to 

regulation length. 
‘The choice of necktie knot is а 
matter of individual preference, but we 

f the several collar styles 
fitted for faces of rectangular 
shope, those illustrated at left 

most effectively creote the illusion of a 
leaner, less square profile. Top 10 
bottom: checked shirt with widespread 
white collar, Windsor-knotted tie, suit- 
able in counterpoint with solid-color 
jacket; pin-striped Ivy buttondown com- 
plemented by black tie with fou 
hand knot; business shirt with long- 
pointed, medium-spread collar, correct 
with Continental or British-inspired suit. 

уе the nod to the four-in-hand for all 
collar styles except the widespread, 
which requires the more triangular 
Windsor knot to fill the collar opening. 
(The step-by-step procedure for tying 
both of these knots is diagramed on 
page 111.) 

Moving south from the collar to in- 
dulge in а few choice cuff words: barrel 
and French culls are equally acceptable 
—according to taste, mood and social 
occasion — with every collar style except 
buttondown, for which the informality 
of the barrel cuff is considered de ті- 
gueur. The convertible cuff а barrel 
style with a second buttonhole beside 
the button for conversion to link wear 
—is a dual-purpose convenience best 
suited for the wardrobe limitations of 
jet travel. Only the French cuff is prop- 
erly worn starched, though we prefer a 
soft cuff even in a dress shirt both for 
comfort and longer-lasting freshnes 
Sleeve length — determined by псазш 
ing from the nape of the neck across 
the shoulders and down to the wrist 
with the arm held naturally at one’s 
side — is enti 

the amount 

ely optiona 
of shirt cuff showing below the jacket 
sleeve may vary tastefully from 34 inch 

to 34 inch. 

shirt for its cuff 
or collar style, however, it's wise to 
appraise its true quality by scrutinizing 
the tailoring with an educated eye. 
First. the shirt should be cut full enough 
to allow adequate room for movement, 
but not so full that it blouses out 
Many of the new Ivy League styles are 
tailored with tapered bodies for a 
trimmer, slimmer fit that docsn't ride 
up over the belt. You should also check 
the stitching along the collar, culls, 
front panels, pockets and shoulders; it 
should be smooth and flat, threaded in 
single rows, never chain stitched. Assure 
yourself well that the stitching 
around buttonholes is adequately back- 
stitched to minimize fraying 

From a material point of view, the 
hardy perennials in shirting for business 
wear are those two classic cotton: 
broadcloth, the popular favorite — a 
lustrous, closely woven fabric; and Ox- 
lord cloth, the Ivy League pace-setter 
—a softtextured, wide-weave fabric. 

Before purchasing 

n the mon with о rounded face, 

the collar that imports the 

lock аға longer, leaner visage 
is the one to wear. At right ore three 
such styles, top to bottom: business 
shirt with modified-sprecd collor, cor- 
rect in combination with olive- or 
brown-tinted Continental and British- 
inspired jackets; trim, short-point but- 
tondown, worn with four-in-hand neck- 
Ше knot; wide-weove shirt with pin 
collar, impeccably cppropricte with 
four-in-hond necktie kno!, спу suit style. 


Though both are comfortably correct 
for winter or summer wear, increasing 
numbers of warm-weather shirts are ap- 

ing in the office and on the town in 

breezy, featherweight batistes, voiles, 
piqués, Pima cottons and Dacron mix- 

While white remains the indisputable 
standard in urban shirtwear, muted 
shades and patterns both enlarge and 
enliven the workday wardrobe in terms 
of contrast and co-ordination with the 
tones and patterns of suits and ties. The 
selection of suitable shirt shades should 
be determined by hair color as well as 
personal taste: brown-haired men look 
best in pale blues, light browns, grays, 
greens, yellows and black pinstripes; 
brunets in sand tones, azure, olive, 
charcoal and pencil-striped reds; blonds 
in carth and sky tones lighter than the 
suit color; redheads in any hue of blue 
or green; and grayhaired men in 
muted shades of every tint but tan. 

To co-ordinate shirt color tastefully 
with tie and suit, simply match tic and 
shirt with contrasting suit, shirt and 
suit with contrasting tie, or tie and suit 
with contrasting shirt. At its subtest, 
the art of blending patterned shirts and 
patterned ties with imagination as well. 
as propriety is largely a matter of per 
sonal flair. Quiet contrast is the basic 
premise: small-patterned shirt with 
large-patterned tie, widestripcd shirt 
with narrow striped suit or tie, figured 
tic with subdued striped shirt or solid- 
color suit, brightfigured shirt or tie 
with muted-tone plain suit, etc. As a 
harmonizing and unifying counterpoint 
for any such combinations, at least one 
of the threc wardrobe elements — tie, 
shirt or suit — should be an understated 
solid color 

On page 110 you 

I find the other end 
of our shirt tal compendium of 
tables, diagrams, fundamental facts and. 
practical pointers about shirts, shirt- 
wear and ties for your further guidance. 
In your final selection of styles, fabrics, 
colors and patterns, ої course — for 
shirtwear, as for any wear—our sar- 
torial suggestions can serve only 
advisor, not as arbiter. They must ulti 
mately acquiesce to the dictates of your 
own personal taste. 

ut of the myriad collar styles 
availoble in shirts for business 
and social wear, slim Jims should 
select those designed to offset 
their lean lines with the impres- 
sion of a fuller face and neck, as shown 
ot left, top to bottom: bold-striped shirt 
with widespread, high-roll collar, worn 
only with Windsor knot; clean-lined 
English pin-collar shirt with short 
rounded points; business shirt with snop- 
tab collar, trimly tailored for wear with 
Ivy, Continental or British-cut suitings. 












EE - Widespread — Windsor or Fourin-hand Continental or British Traditional |, 
Medium-Spread Four-in-hand Continental or British Traditional 
Buttondown Four-in-hand Ivy or British Traditional 
Long, Short or Regular Point Four-in-hand Ivy or British Traditional | 
E Tab Four-in-hand | Ivy, Continental or British Traditional 
Pin Four-in-hand | Ivy, Continental or British Traditional 
ЕЕЕ Widespread Windsor or Fourin-hand | Continental or British Traditional 
Medium-Spread Four-in-hand Continental or British Traditional / 
O ` Buttondown z Four-in-hand Ivy or British Tradition!“ 
Long or Regular Point Four-in-hand or Bow Ivy ог British Traditional 3 
Widespread Windsor or Four-in-hand Continental or British Traditional 1 
ROUNDED = — 9 
| Medium-Spread Four-in-hand Continental or British Traditional 
Long or Regular Point Four-in-hand Ivy, Continental or British Traditional, 
— Buttondown Four-in-hand Ivy or British Traditional _ 
a Pin Four-in-hand Ivy, Continental or British Traditional 
LONG LEAN Widespread Windsor or Four- in-hand Continental or British Traditional 

English or Round-Point Pin 


Ivy, Continental or British Traditional | 


Four-in-hand or Bow 

Ivy, Continental or British Traditional | 

Tab Four-in-hand __ Ivy, Continental or British Traditional 
Short-Point Buttondown Four-in-hand _ Ivy or British Traditional 
High-Roll Fou hand Continental or British Traditional 



Single attached сит style worn 
h buttonhole closure on dress 

or sport s 
BATISTE: Fine-weave, cotton shirting named 
after Jean Baptiste, the linen weaver who 
introduced it to Renaissance France, 
BEDFORD CORD: Finely corded shirting fab- 
ric with the same crisp look as piqué. 
BROADCLOTH: Closely woven, lustrous cot- 
ton shirting cloth invented in Britain in the 
1920s; originally made on a loom wider than 
the customary 20 inches, hence the name 

CHALLIS: Pronounced 
weight, soft-textured wool or cotton tic fab- 
ric of East Indian origin; characterized by 
small floral or geometric patterns; 
ignates the patterns themselves 
COLLAR RISE: Height of neckband at the 
back of a shirt with the collar attached. 
COLLAR STAND: Height of neckband at the 
front of a shirt with the collar attached. 
CONVERTIBLE CUFF: Barrel cuff with second 


"shalley," a light 

buttonhole beside button for conversion to 
cuff-link wear; worn unstarched. 

DACRON: DuPont's trademark for its wash- 
able, quick-drying, wrinkle-resistant. polyes- 
ter fiber; widely used in shirting. 
DEMIFRONT: Short sl front, 
pleated, for formal wear. 
DRESS SHIRT: Properly, a shirt for formal 
wear with plain or pleated front (starched 
or soft), medium-spread collar, French culls, 
buttonhole front closures, worn with studs, 
black bow tic; term also looscly applied to 
entire category of nonsport shirts. 
FOULARD: Sleck lightweight fabric printed 
with small design on plain ground. used in 
finc cravats and. 
nates the de 
FRENCH CUFF: Turned: back double cuff at- 
tached to shirt, worn soft or starched, with 
cuff links. 

FUSED COLLAR: Processed collar with inter- 
ng laminated to outer layer of shirting 
to minimize wilting and wrinkli 
GINGHAM: Yarn-dyed, plain-=weave, 
wearing cotton shirting fabric, 

stiff or 


woven in plaids and checks, sometimes ind 
solids and stripes. d 
GRENADINE: Open-weave tie fabric, yx 
silk, available in a variety of intricate tex-¢ 

tural sell. Patterns. 1 
HANDKERCHIEF LINEN: Sheer, plain-weavee 
shirting cloth. 4 
HIGH-ROLL COLLAR: Collar with neckband] 

rise 114 to 2 

hes in height, | 
HOPSACKING: Rugged, loosely woven Port- 
shirt fabric in basket weave 

JACQUARD: Weave named for the jacquard 
loom, which creates a raised figure on the 
fabric; popular in tie patterns and white 
on-white shirtings. 
LAWN: Light cotton shi bric which de. 
rives its name from Laon, France, where it! 
was first made | 
LONC-STAPLE COTTON: Any of several заре | 
rior breeds of shirting cotton characterized 
by unusually long fibers; extremely fine. 
lustrous and durable. 

LONG-ROLL COLLAR: Low-front collar with 
points ЗУ, inches to 4 inches in length. 
LOW-SLOPE COLLAR: Attached collar оп 
à upper line has forward slope and 
neckband is set low, 


1 1) | y 


(|| “ 









7 8 —⸗„2ͤ—⁰ ͥ „„ 


NOTE: Match the tie as shown with your mirror image. ТЕ you're left-handed, simply reverse the procedure. 

JOUR-IN-HAND 1. Start with narrow end of tic on your left, approximately two thirds as | le end; cross wide end over narrow 
—и to your left. 2. Bring wide end around behind narrow end. 3. Pull wide end completely around to your left. 4. Continue back and up 
ЕСІ center. 5. Pull wide end down through center loop, forming a dimple under the knot with index finger. 6. Tighten and center. 


~ your left, continue back, up through center and over, 2. 

1. Start with narrow cud of tic on your left side, approximately one h 

guten and bring wide 


ПЕ as long as wide end; cross wide end over narrow end 
nd behind narrow end as shown. 3. Pull wi 

le end up 

-ind pass inward through loop. 4. Pull tight and pass wide end all the way around front of knot. 5. Continue back and up through center. 
115, pull wide end down through center loop. 7. Tighten and center. 


D €9060609000000009000000900000000000000000000099€9 

1 MapvER: Any of several «сер, rich colors 
derived from old Eurasian dyeing herbs 
y Which give Че and sport-shirt cloth a dusky 
= өзі and sucdelike feel. 
ADRAS: Fine cotton necktie and shirting 
loth woven in countless plaid, striped, print 
а solid-color patterns on East Indian 
indlooms; fades slightly in sunshine, colors 
nd to run or “bleed” somewhat in water, 
IECKBAND SHIRT: Collarless British shirt 
yle with buttonholes in front and back of 
band, worn with separate collar. 
хоно CLOTH: Loosc-wcave, long-wearing, 
ole textured cotton shirting- 
“PAISLEY: Candle-flame tie amd sport: shirt 
‘design in vibrant colors; an Oriental pat- 
In copied by the shawl makers of Paisley, 
MMA COTTON: Fine-fibered crossbreed of 
tions from Egypt and Arizona's Pima 
unty; used for cool, airy shirting. 
IN COLLAR: Style in which rounded collar 
ints of short to standard length arc joined 
pin hooked under tie, usually through 
itched cyclets. 
IQUE: Crisp cotton зі 

ag fabric produced 

by weaving two layers of cloth together on 
the same loom; comes in variety of patterns, 
including spirals, pigskins, ribs and waffles. 
PLACKET: The neck opening at the front of 
a pullover shi 
PLEATED FRON' Dress-shirt front made 
with pleats of identical or varying widths, 
worn starched or soft. 
PULLOVER: Shirt with partial front opening, 
closed with buttons, toggles or zipper, 
which must be pulled over head. 
REP: Lustrous, durable, diagonally ribbed 
necktic fabric, usually silk; the classic Ivy 
ticcloth. (Sce also STRIPES: Rep.) 
ROUND-POINT COLLAR: Style in which tradi- 
tional triangular collar points are replaced 
by short or standard-length rounded points. 
SEA ISLAND COTTON: Strong, lustrous shirt- 
ng fabric, silklike in texture. 
SHORT ROUNDED COLLAR: Shirt collar with 
rounded points 1 to 1⁄4 inches in length. 
SINGLE CUFF: Starched shirt cuff of single 
thickness worn with cuff links. 
STARCHED FRONT: Shirt style for w 

ot fabric — 
tailored w 

wally pig 
h one, two or three stud closures. 


Club: Any three-color tic stripe pattern 
of equal. width. 

Regimental: Diagonal tie stripe pattern, 
ranging usually from Y inch to 14 inch, 
designating the classic colors об well-known 
British army regiments. 

Rep: American version of the regimental 
stripe; diagonal, but nonregimental іп 
widths and colors. 

Pin: Pencil-thin vertical shirt striping. 
STUDS: Shirt fastenings — usually sct with 
mother-of-pearl or semiprecions stoncs— 
worn with formal wear. 

TAB COLLAR: Collar with points fastened to 
neckband by attached tabs held in place 
with snaps or collar button, 

TARTAN: Plaid tic and sport-shirt patterns 
pired by kilts worn in the Scottish High- 
lands circa 1600. 

VIVELLA: A pedigreed lamb's-wool and cot- 
ton mixture used in certain British-loomed 
knits and flannels; warm but lightw: 
won't shrink, rumple, mat or fade. 
VOILE: Costly lightweight fiber of cotton, 
silk or wool with a crisp texture, 
WIDESPREAD COLLAR: Collar style with wi 
spread between points. 



scale to a remote spot between the stars, 
те gravity, for all practical purposes, 
is zero. Floating there in space, you will 
ightless; as you stand on the 

scale, it will read zero. 

Now attach rocket motor to the 
underside of the scale, and start it 
fing. As the scale presses against your 

‘ou will feel a perfectly convincing 
ht. If the thrust of the 
rocket motor is correctly adjusted, it can 
give you, by virtue of your acceleration, 
exactly the same weight that you have 
on Earth. For all that you could tell, un- 
less your other senses revealed the truth, 
you might be standing still on the sur- 
face of the Earth, fecling its gravity, 
istead of speeding between the stars. 

This of weight produced 
by acceleration is quite familiar; we 
notice it in an elevator starting to move 
upwards, and in the 
the vertical direction — in a с 
а fast getaway or suddenly bral 
possible to produce artificial weight to an 
almost unlimited extent by the simple 
m ol acceler: (d quite sur- 
prising amounts of it are encountered 
in everyday li 

We m sure such forces in terms of 
so many gravities or g's, те; g that 
person experiencing, say, 10 g's would 
feel 10 times his ordinary weight. But 
the actual gravity of the Earth 
volved when the weight force is pro- 
duced wholly by acceleration, and it is 
unfortunate that the same word is used 
to describe an elfect which may have two 
completely different causes. 

The most convenient way of produc- 
ing artificial weight is not acceleration 
in a straight line — which would quickly 
take one over the horizon — but motion 
in a circle. As anybody who has ridden 
а carrousel knows, wilt circular move- 
ment can generate substantial forces; 
this was the principle of the cream ѕера- 
rators that some of us country boys can 
still remember [rom our days оп the 
farm. The modern versions of these ma- 
chines are the giant centriluges now used 
e-medicine research, that сап 
crease а man's weight 10 or 20 times. 
Small laboratory models can do far 
better Шап this. The Beams Ultracentri- 
luge, spinning at the unbelievable rate 
of 1,500,000 revolutions a second (not a 
minute!) produces forces of more than 
billion gravities. Here, at any rate, we 
have far outdone Nature: it seems most 
unlikely that there exist gravitational 
fields anywhere in the universe more 
than a few hundred thousand times more 
powerful than Earth's. 

It is easy enough, therefore, to produce 
artificial weight, and we may do just this 
in our spaceships and space stations 
when we get tired of floa 



112 inside them. A gentle spin will give a 

(continued from page 80) 

hable from 
cept for the minor point that 

gravity — e 

"up" is toward the center of the vehicle, 
not away from it as in the case of the 

We can imitate 

avity, then, but we 
cannot control it. Above all, we cannot 
cancel or neut е it. True levitation 
is still a dream. The only ways in which 
we can hover in mid-air are by floating, 
with the aid of balloons, or by reaction, 
as with airplanes, helicopters, rockets 
and jetlift devices. The first method is 
limited in scope and demands very large 
volumes of expensive or inflammable 
gases; the sccond is not only expensive 
but exceedingly noisy, and liable to let 
onc down with a bump. What we would 
like is some пісе, clean way, probably 
clcctrical or atomic, of abolishing gravity 
at the throw of a switch. 

Despite the skepticism of the physi- 
cists, there scems no fundamental impos- 
lity about such a device — as long as 
it obeys certain well-established natural 
laws. The most important of these is the 
principle of the conservation of energy, 
be paraphrased as: "You 
an't get something for noth 

The conservation of energy at once 
rules out the delightfully simple gravity 
ed by H. С. Wells in The First 
Men in the Moon. In this greatest of all 
space fantasies, the scientist Cavor manu- 
factured a material that was opaque to 
(ity. just as a sheet of metal is to 
у. А 
sphere coated with was able, 
according to Wells, to float away from 
the Earth with all its contents. By open- 
g and closing the shutters, the space 
velers could move in any desired 

The idea sounded plausible — espe- 
cially when Wells had finished with it— 
but unfortunately it just won't work. 
Cavorite involves a physical contradic 
tion, like the phrases “an irresistible 
force” and “an immovable object.” If 
Cavorite did exist, it could be used as a 
nitless source of energy. You could cm- 
ploy it to lift a heavy weight — then let 
the weight fall again under gravity to do 
work. The cycle could be repeated end- 
lessly, producing that dream of all motor- 
ists —a fuelless engine. This, to everyone 
except inventors ої perpetual-motion 
machines, is an obvious impossibility. 

Though gravity screens of this simple 
type can be dismissed, there is nothing 
aherently absurd in the idea that there 
be substances that possess negative 
у. so that they fall upward instead 
ıward. From the nature of things, 
we would hardly expect to find such 
materials on Earth; they would float 
around out in space, avoiding the plan- 
ets like the plague. 

Negative gravity matter should not be 

confused with the equally hypothetical 
antimatter, whose existence is postulated 
by some physicists. This is matter made 
up of fundamental particles with electric 
charges opposed to those in normal mat- 
ter; thus electrons are replaced by posi 
trons, and so on. Such a substance would 
still fall downward, not upward. in an 
ordin, gravitational field: but as soon 
as it came into contact with normal 
matter, the two masses would annihilate 
each other in a burst of energy (аг 
fiercer than that from an atomic bomb. 

уну matter would not be quite 
as this to handle, but it would 
nly pose problems To bring it 
10 Earth would require just as 

much energy as lifting the same amount 

of normal matter from Earth out into. 
space. Thus an asteroid miner who filled 
the hold of his space jeep with negative- 
gravity matter would have а terrible time 
getting home. Earth would repel him 
with all its force, and he would have to 
fight every foot of the way downward. 
Thus negative-gravity substances, even 
if they exist, would have rather a re 
stricted use. They might be employed as 
structural materials: buildings contain 
mounts of normal and nega- 
gravity matter would weigh exactly 
nothing, so could be of unlimited height. 
The architect’s main problem would be 
anchoring them against high wi 
It is conceivable that by some tr 
ment we might permanently degravitize 
ordinary substances, in much the same 
way that we can turn a piece of iron into 
a permanent magnet. (Less well known 
is the fact that continuously charged 
bodies — permanent electrets — сап also 
be made) To do so would require a 
e of energy. for to de- 
ze one ton of matter is equivalent 
to lifting it completely away from the 
th. As any rocket еп 
this requires as much ene 


raising 1000 tons to a height of one mile. 

TI 1000 mile-tons of energy is the 
price of weightlessness, the entrance fee 
to the univer і 

There are no concessions 
and no cheap rates. You may have to ра 
more, but you can never pay less. 

On the whole, a permanently degravi- 
tized or weightless substance seems less 
plausible than the gravity neutralizer or 
gravitator. This would be a device, sup- 
plied with energy from some external 
power source, that would cancel gravity 
as long as it was switched on. It is im- 
portant to realize that such a machine 
would give not only weightlessness, but 
something even more valuable — propul- 

For if we neutralized weight exactly, 
we would float motionless in mid-air; 
but if we overneutralized it, we would 
shoot upward with steadily increasin 
speed. Thus, any form of gravity control 
would also be a propulsion system; we 
should expect thi y and accel- 

Ano ME 
ерде, MON 

To 60!" 














114 tol 

eration are so intimately linked. It would 
be a wholly novel form of propulsion, 
and it is difficult to see мі it would 
gainst Every prime mover must 
have some point of reaction; even the 
оске, the only known device that can 
ive us a thrust in а vacuum, pushes on 
t exhaust gases. 

The term Space Drive, or just plain 
Drive, has been coined for such 
existent but highly desirable. propulsion 
systems, not to be confused with the 
Overdrives and Underdrives peddled by 
Detroit. It is ап act of faith among 
science-fiction. writers, and an increasing 
number of people in the astronautics 
business, that there must be some safer, 
quieter, cheaper and generally less messy 
way of getting to the planets than the 
rocket. Within a few years, the monsters 
standing at Cape С: al will contain 
as much ene: 5 the first atomic bomb. 
in their fuel tanks — and it will be much 
less reliably controlled. Sooner or 
there is going to be Пу nasty 
dent; we need a space drive urgently, 
not only to explore the solar system, but 
to protect the state of Florida. 

Jt may seem a little premature to 
speculate about the uses of a device 
which may not even be possible, and is 
certainly beyond. the present. horizon of 
science. But it is a general rule that, 
whenever there is a technical need, some- 
thing always comes along to satisfy it— 
or to bypass it. For this reason, 1 feel 
sure that eventually we will have some 
means of either neutralizing gravity or 
overpowering it by brute force. In any 
event, it will give us both levitation and. 
propulsion in amounts determined only 
by the ble power. 

If antigravity devices turn out to be 
bulky and expensive, their use will be 
limited to fixed installations and to large 
vehicles — perhaps of a size that we have 
not yet seen on this planet. Much of the 
energy of mankind is expended in mov- 
ing vast quantities of oil, coal, ores and 
other raw materials from point to point 
5 measured in hundreds of 
millions of tons per ycar. Many of the 
world's mineral deposits are useless, be- 
cause they are inaccessible: perhaps we 
may be able to open them up through 
the air, by the use of relatively slow- 
moving antigravity freighters hauling а 
few hundred thousand tons at a time 
across the sky. 

One can even imagine the bulk move- 
ment of freight or raw materials along 
gravity pipelines — directed and focused 
fields in which objects would be sup- 
ported and would move like iron 
toward a magnet, Our descendants may 
be quite accustomed to seeing their 
goods and chattels sailing from place to 
place without visible means of support. 
On an even larger scale, gravity and 
propulsion fields might be used to con- 
1 redirect. the winds and the 


if weather modification 
is ever to be practical, something of this 
sort is certainly necessary. 

The value of gravity control for space 
vehicles, both for propulsion and the 
comfort of their occupants, needs по 
further discussion, but ther re other 
atical uses that are not so ob- 
vious. Jupiter, the largest of the planets, 
is barred from direct human exploration 
by its high gravity, two-and-a-half times 
that of Earth. This giant world has so 
many other unpleasant. characteristics 
(an enormously dense, turbulent. and 
poisonous atmosphere, for example) t 
few people take very seriously the idea 
that we will ever attempt its manned 
exploration; the assumption is that we 
will always rely on robots. 

I doubt this. In any event. there 
always going to be cases when robots will 
run into trouble and men will have to 

ocean currents; 

nents for the human exploration of 
; one day we may even wish to 
nent base ther hi 

will demand some 
— unless we breed a special class of 
colon h the physiques of gorillas. 

If this scems a little remote and fantas 

tic, let me remind you that much closer 
10 home there at 
example of а high-gravity planet which, 
perhaps less than 50 years from пом, 
men may not be able to visit That 
janet is our own 
Without l we may be 
condemning the space travelers and set- 
ders of the future to perpetual exile. A 
man who has lived for a few years on 
the Moon, where he has known only a 
sixth ої his terrestrial weight, would be 
а helpless cripple back on Earth. It 
might take him months ol painful prac- 
tice before he could walk n, and 
children born on the Moon (as they will 
be within another generation) might 
never be able to make the adjustment. 
n think of few things more likely 
ed interplanetary discord than such 
To avoid this we need a really por 
ble gravity-control unit, so compact that 
а man could st shoulders or 
around his w: 
be a permanent part of his clothing, 
taken as much for granted as his wrist 
watch. He could use it to reduce his 
apparent weight down to zero, or to 
provide propulsion. 

Anyone who is prepared to admit that 
gravity control is possible at all should 
not boggle at this further development. 
Miniaturization one of the everyday 
miracles of our age, for better or for 
worse, The first the bomb 
was almost as a house; today's 
heads are the size 
d from one of 
rough cnergy to 

carry the linen Queen Elizabeth to Mars 
This everyday fact of modern missilery 
is, I submit, far more fantastic than the 
possibility of personal gravity control 
The one-man gravitator, if it could be 
made cheaply enough, would be amor 
the most revolutionary inventions of all 
time. Like birds and fish, we would have 
escaped from the tyranny of the vertical 
— we would have gained the freedom of 
the third dimension. In the city, no one 
would use the elevator if there were 
convenient window. The de 
fortless mobility that would be attained 
would demand re-education to an entire 
ly new way of life, an almost avian order 

an levitation turns out to be impossi- 
ble, we may still be able to build small 

nd (both are important) 
through the sky. The very idea of hover 
i space was a fantasy а generation 
po. until the helicopter opened our 
Now that experimental ground- 
es arc floating off in every 
п оп cushions of air, we will пог 
be satisfied until we can roam at will 
over the face of the Earth, with a free 
dom that neither the automobile nor the 
airplane can ever give 

What the ultimate outcome of that 
freedom may be, no one can guess, but 
1 have one final suggestion. When grav 
ity can be controlled. our very homes 
may take to the air. Houses would по 
longer be rooted in a single spot: they 
would be far more mobile tli today's 
trailers, free to move across land and 
sea, from continent to continent. And 
from climate to climate, for they would 

or head into the mountains for the win- 
ter sports. 

The first men were nomad: 
the last, on an infinitely more advanced 
technical level. The completely mol 
home would quite apart from 
its presently u able propulsion sys- 
tem — power, communication and other 
services equally beyond today’s technol- 
ogy. But not, 1 think, beyond tomorrow's. 

This would mean the end of cities, 
which may well be doomed for other 
reasons. And it would mean the end of 
all geographical and regional loyalties, 
at least in the intense form that we know 
today. Man might become a wanderer 
over the face of the Earth, a gypsy driv- 
ing a nuclear powered caravan [rom oasis 
to oasis, across the deserts of the sky. 

Yet when th day comes, he will not 
feel like a rootless exile with no place to 
call his own. A globe that can be circum- 
navigated in 90 minutes can never again 
mean what it did to ou xstors. For 
those who come after us, the only true 
loneliness will lic the stars. 
Wh may fly or float on this 
little Earth, they will always be at home. 

er the 




Last month we published two opposing essays 
written especially for pLaynoy on the role of the 
American Right Wing, by two of America’s an- 
griest young men, novelist Norman Mailer and 
author-editor William F. Buckley, Jr, Ву agree- 
ment, each combatant read his essay as his open- 
ing statement to a showdown debate, staged by 
John Golden Productions, before a tense Chicago 
audience. The rapid-fire cross interrogation that 
ensued, a bitter ideological duel, appears here. 
MODERATOR: АП right, gentlemen. Our watches are 
synchronized, The fuse is lit. Let us proceed. Mr. 
Buckley, you may ask Mr. Mailer questions for 
the next 20 minutes. 
BUCKLEY: Mr. Mailer, do you 
war? Do you care whether you win it or Jose 
MAILER: No, I don't give a damn whether we win ог 
lose the cold war. 

BUCKLEY: That's what I wanted to know. Now, do 
you identify your position of not caring whether 
you win or lose the cold w: fairly representa- 
tive of the o mol Left America, or is this just 
one of your eccentricities? 

MAILER: Listen, we can play gangbustcrs, but Га 
like to answer you with two or three sentences 
stead of one. I don’t care whether or not we win 
the cold war because the nation that wins the cold 
war may end up being that nation which is most 
totalitarian. But I’m interested in protecting and 
defending and saving the best things in Western 
civilization, which is quite another matter than 
the cold war. The two are not at all synonymous. 
BUCKLEY: Would you say that the members of the 
Left Wing in Cuba would care or not care 
whether we win the cold war? 

ant to win the cold 

MAIER: Mr. Buckley, I'm perfectly willing to uy 
to answer your questions in two or three sen- 
tences, but you have to give me some chance to 
turn your questions around. I mean, in answer to 
your question, it isn't that [ beat my е twice 
а day, it's just that I beat her twice on Sunday. 
BUCKLEY: Let's stay off that. 
MAILER: By the way, Bill, I'm not the least bit mad. 
The answer to the question is simply this —1 
think any Communist in Cuba naturally wants to 
the cold war and that’s exactly what’s wrong 
with the cold war. 
BUCKLEY: How about an anti-Communist in Cuba? 
MAIER: I think that all they want to do is to get 
the power back from Castro. 
BUCKLEY: You say you were against totalita: 
and I'm quite prepared to agree that you arc. I 
don’t understand you when you proceed to say 
that you don't care who wins the cold war, when 
it is clear that the totalitarian forces are primarily 
identified with those of the Communists. Were 
you for or against the Freedom Fighters in Buda- 
pest, or didn’t you care who won the cold war 
MAILER: I'm going to give you a formal answer to 
that question. I'm an editor of a magazine called 
Dissent. We put out a special issue about the 
tragedy of that Hungarian Revolution. 
BUCKLEY: Then you did care Hungary. 
don’t you care? 
MAILER: Now look, I want to tell you something, 
Bill Buckley. It isn’t a matter of where I care or 
who I care; let's talk like reasonable, sensible 
politicians. I care about everybody alive on the 



116 dead th 

face of the earth, and so do you. God 
bless us both, 
BUCKLEY: Mr. Mailer, I understand that 
my challenge is to try to make you 
i nd you've got to cooperat 
I knew if I kept up these Right 
ics long enough you'd have to 
give me a two- or three-minute specch. 
виски: /'m questioning. I'm pursuing 
the format that you suggested, not that / 
suggested. And the rules you suggested 
were that I ask questions and you answer 
them and then we switch roles. 
maner Well, the format has been agreed 
to. Now, Bill, let me just say one thing 
before we go any further. I'm perfectly 
willing to answer any of your questions 
but I would like to point out to you and 
to the audience that the questions you 
address are put on rails, like this! Now 
you get your little logical train running 
down these rails and then you ask me to 
nd. the end of that track and 
hit by your questions. I'm trying to ta 
about the nature of man . 
BUCKLEY: I'm willing to say that you're 
rendered impotent by a logical question. 
But I don't know how to ask unlogica 
questions, and 1 simply ask you this . 
MAILER: The man calls me impotent and 
then complains because I want to answer. 
MODERATOR: All right, let's start 
Mr. Buckley is а 
this moment, and in the appropriate 
length of time, Mr. Mailer, you will ask 
the questions. 
BUCKLEY: We are here, as I understand it 
to talk about the real meaning of the 
Right Wing. Are you prepared to say 
that it is distinctively the Right Wing 
that intends and desires to win the cold 

MAIER: No, it is not the Right Wing that 

wishes to win the cold w: It is the 
Right W which wishes to blow up the 

BUCKLEY: Will you reconcile that position 
about the Right Wing with the pos 
that you argued at 
length a few momer 
extent to which we ar 
and live for all of these vulgar pleasu: 
of this time. Why do we want to blow 
up our vulgar pleasures? 

МАЦЕК: Well, one notion that does occur 
to me might be 0 ou work for the 
Devil and the Devil wants to destroy the 
carth. But if you'll ask a serious question, 
ГИ give you a serious answer. You ask 
logical question, I'll пу to give a 
al answer, 

BUCKLEY: Well, 1 will proceed on the 
premise that the Right Wing desires to 
win the cold war because we desire to 
blow ourselves up. This, I take it, is a 
fair representation of your position. I 
would then ask you the next question. 
Why is it that we all desire on the Right 
Wing to blow ourselves up? Explain this 
death wish that we have 

MAILER: Well, you think it is better to be 
1 Red. 


suckieY: Oh, but are those exclusive al- 
ternatives? Is it not possible to be alive 
and free? 

maner: Yes, it's possible to be 
free, and the way to be 
to end the cold war. 
BUCKLEY: Very well. It seems to me clear 
that — considering your very accurate 
statement that the Right Wing in Amer- 
the growth of the 

€ and 
с and free is 

ica deos HUR reser 

most is the entire milit «зн 
— why isn’t it, therefore, more the Right 
Wing than anyone else that desires to 
consummate the cold м to win it? In 
order to be able to dismantle the military 

maner: All right, now that's a fair ques- 
tion. That's the first fair question you've 
asked and I've got to have three or four 
sentences in which to answer it. Do 1 
have them. Bill? 


MAILER: І think that there may be some 
people on the Right Wing who h 
thought it through this far and are sin- 
cere in believing that they can win such a 
war and then come all the way back from 
the totalitarian garrison state which 
would Le necessary to fight an all-out 
nudear war against the Russians and 
then come all the way back from that 
destruction and that totalitarian cond 
tion to a frec, enlightened conserva 
But my God, if they can do that, then 
anything can happen. I mean, the Com- 
munists can all become angels if we can 
come back from bei а 10! 
war-wrecked nation to being а free con- 
servative nation. 

BUCKLEY: Very well, then, the true mean- 
ing of the Right Wing — and let's see if 
I can paraphrase you correctly — is that 
it is our design to м the cold war, but 
in winning it we desire to destroy our 
selves because we do not understand the 
metaphysical problem of this establish- 
ment of an overwhelming mi i 
This is typical, if Т may say so. typical 
analysis of your kind and one of the 
things in front of which the Right Wing 
capitulates. That is to say, I surrendi 
and will not pursue this line of question- 
ing any further. But let me ask you ques- 
tion number two: Why do you suppose 
that the Right Wing is not concerned 
with "God's displ 5 you put it? 
MAILER: Well, 1 don't think the Right 
Wing is at bottom very religious, you se 
1 think they pretend to be religious, but 
1 think it is a haudulent religiosity. 
BUCKLEY: Give me an example of some- 
body you think és religious — other than 
Nehru, preferably. 

MAILER: Well, E can only speak very mod- 
esty. | think £m religious. 

BUCKLEY: NOW at a certain point, the 
Right Wing presumably asks the ques 
tion whether or not there is à common. 
vocabulary on the basis of which people 
can speak to cach other purposefully. 

Now, you may be religious, 
tainly honor any statement that you 
make about your own faith. I question 
whether or not it is wise for you — if you 
would deny others of us the presump- 
tion to challenge your faith in turn 
to challenge the faith of American con 
maner: You're perfectly free to cl 
my faith every way you can. As 
of fact, I wish you would test 
it is a very private and personal faith. 
1 welcome attacks upon it, because T 
don't want it to be a fraudulent. faith. 
I don't want it to become a system 
sucktey: May 1 ask you this, Mr. Mailer? 
Your impressions of the Right Wing 
obviously engrossing, mostly because 
nobody has ever heard such impressions 
before. Everybody, includi 
‚ has credited you wı 

nd I сег 

‚ since 

g your ei 
h a very fertile 
ation. But you will understand, 
won't you, if those of us who are Right 
Wingers have difficulty in squaring off 
to your inventionistic approach to the 
problem. We simply say. we don't know 
what you're talking about. 

MAIER: Well, as they used to say k 
in London, “You won't find out here, 
Ducks." Look, I think you're using your 
time very poorly. I suggest you attack 
me on Cuba. You devoted your entire 
speech to attacking me about supporting 
Castro and I thought you might bc 
able to make me squirm a little bit, but 
perhaps you think its not altogether 
possible. 1 don't know. It's your question. 
МОРЕВАТОВ: Mr. Buckley has decided to 
end his question period. Fifteen minutes 
have gone by. 
MAILER: You me 
other five minutes: 
NODERATOR: Мі. Buckley 
15 minutes of question time is all that 
he desires at this moment. The same 
amount of time will now be allotted to 
Mr. Mailer. 

MAILER: No, | want 90 minutes. Mr. 
Buckley is at liberty to give up five 
minutes of his 20 minutes but that does 
not mean that I'm obliged to give up 
five minutes of my time. 1 have ques- 
tions prepared. 1 wish Mr. Buckley would 
ta ake 5 five minutes, I'd be much hap- 

he doesn’t want the 

decided that 

BUCKLEY: I waive them. This is one of the 
freedoms the Right Wing is left with... 
MODERATOR: All right, proceed 
Mauer: Now, Mr. Buckley, 1 happen to 
be one of the few people on the Left 
Wing in this room who happen 10 ad- 
mire your literary style. 1 think you 
write very well, and Im not being fac 
tious. 1 think that you have a lovely 
and logical and lucid style, and Eve 
studied it very closely. And I found to 
my distress that while it was a lovely 
style, it was not a pure style, it was 
impure, it was tainted with error and 
inaccuracy. It was tendentious . . . Now, 
on page nine of your book, McCarthy 
and His Enemies — and the nine is in 

Smoke all 7 filter brands guter L 


1 A y youll agree: > * 
| M some taste too strong... 
! some taste too light... 

Viceroy’ got—the taste thats right! 


- And this little piggy went out on the 

town with a swinging shoe salesman.” 


Roman numerals, small Roman numerals 
— irs a book by Buckley and Bozell — 
there's а sentenc ator McCarthy, 
according to [Richard] Rovere, was a 
‘cheap politician,’ a ‘guttersnipe,’ а ‘sedi 
donist,’ a ‘crook,’ a ‘foul-mouthed bum," 
a ‘mucker,’ a ‘liar,’ a runter, a “screamer,” 
‘faker,’ an ‘ogre,’ and a ‘rattlesnake.’ 
Now, since I'm also a student of Mr. 
Richard Rovere's literary style — which 
Т also happen to admire — I said to my- 
self that it's impossible that Dick Rovere 
could have written in these terms about 
McCarthy — particularly since I'd read 
Rovere’s book, which struck me, because 
while it was very critical of McCarthy, 
it was the first book I'd ever read by 
anyone which made McCarthy come alive 
to me, so that I didn’t feel that he was 
a monster but perhaps even a tragic man. 
So 1 looked up the originals in Mr. 
Rovere's book. Now which would you 
like for your choice, Mr. Buckley: “cheap 
politician," "guttersnipe," “seditionist,” 
“crook,” which of them? Should 1 choose 
them? The question is this: Im going 
to ask you if you think this is 
quotation in cach case. “Eisenhower 
from the start looked upon McCarthy as 
cad, a guttersnipe, and he had planned 
а small gesture of defiance and disasso- 
cation." Now, that’s not quite the same 
as Rovere calling McCarthy а gutte 
snipe. Then Rovere calls McCarthy a 
“seditionist," according to you. So on 
page three of Rovere's book, Senator Joc 
McCarthy, we find the sentence is: “No 
bolder seditionist ever moved among us, 
nor any politician with a surer, swifte 
access to the dark places of the Ameri 
mind.” Would you like “crook, 
mouthed bum," "mucker," "liar 
sure you that theyre all equally badly 
quoted. You did an injustice in almost 
every single case to Mr. Rovere. In 
almost every case, Mr. Rovere had a com- 
plex sentence and you reduced it to 
a simple sentence. Now I'm willing to 
go on with this. И you want to hear some 
more of them ГЇЇ ask you, but I thought 
you told me once that “overkill” is very 
bad, so I'm willing to let this go if you 
are not willing to defend your sentence. 
BUCKLEY: “Underkill very bad, too, Mr. 
Mailer. The particular series of pejo- 
rative adjectives that were used by Rich- 
ard Rovere against Senator McCarthy 
were used in the true sense, were re- 
peated by me in the presence of Richard 
Rovere and however many million people 
were watching David Garroway's pro- 
gram. He did not object to а mischarac- 
terization; on the contrary, L think he 
would be highly offended at any sugges- 
tion that he did not think McCarthy was 
that kind of man. 

matter: All right. Now, Mr. Buckley, І 
have а very rudimentary sense of logic, 
but Id like to try to display it now. 
What we have on evidence, and you've 
not been able to disprove it, is that you 
have taken vast liberties with quotation. 

So it is reasonable for me to assume that 
you have taken vast libertics with Mr. 
Rovere's remarks to you on this tele- 
vision program, which I never saw. 
BUCKLEY: You realize I feel free to do so, 
you having established that I am not 
a religious man. 

maner: Oh, religious men can be liars, 
too, after all. Now I want to end with 
just one, and ask if this is fair: You say 
Mr. Rovere called McCarthy а “mucker.” 
Now listen to this sentence . . . I mean, 
you are taking your people in the Right 
Wing, they follow you, you're their 
leader, you're the best intellectual the 
Right Wing has got, in the sense that 
you're the only one that can stand on 
a platform and talk at all... 

BUCKLEY: With you. 

MANER: Now you go and tell these kids, 
I mean these kids read your book, you 
know, McCarthy and His Enemies, is 
that the title? Yes. These kids go and 
they read your book, and they think 
that Rovere said this about McCarthy, 
when in fact Rovere said things that were 
much more complex about McCarthy. 
And it is desperately unfair to give these 
Kids the idea that Rovere is a totalitarian 
type of writer, when in fact he is directly 
the opposite of that. He's a complex 
writer who tries by his lights to be fair. 
Now you quote him as calling McCarthy 
a mucker. Listen to this, page 48: “He 
(McCarthy) seemed to understand, as no 
other politician of his stature ever has, 
the perverse appeal of the bum, the 
mucker, the dead-end kid. the James 
Jones-Nelson Algren—Jack Kero! hero. 
to ation uneasy in its growing order 
nd stability and not altogether happy 
about the vast leveling process in which 
everyone appeared to be sliding, from 
one direction or another, into middle- 
class commonplaceness and respecta- 

BUCKLEY: And the balance of the book 
was to show that Mr. McCarthy emu- 
lated. precise 
If you will, 
of d tions, expl to me the differ- 
ence between emulating а mucker and 
being a mucker, I will honor that dis 
MAIER: Oh, it’s а fine distinction. If you 
are being a mucker, you are in th 
essence of a mucker. If you're emula 
a mucker, it just means that your exis 
tential state at that moment is mucke 
BUCKLEY: ] sec. As I understand it, then. 
we should leave it this way: Senator 
McCarthy tried as hard as he could to 
be a mucker, but he didn't quite suc 

Mailer: If that's the best you can do to 
defend your sentence, I'll end right there 
content — content, [ think, with a small 
profit. Now I want to go into some re- 
s you made in your speech about 
I'm quibbling about these points 
ause you lı ttacked the liberals 
on their i 

the mucker’s approach. 
n your capa 

and their hypocrisies, and I've admired 
the way you do it. I think it's marvelous 
the way you show up everything about 
them that's full of lard. But I think it's 
ivable when you become sloppy. 
For example that I was in the 
class of 1947 at Harvard. Well, E wasn’t 
—1 was the class of 1943. A small 
error, but it is a considerable oi 
BUCKLEY: | mistook you for your son 
MAIER: Then you say, you quote a ѕеп- 
tence I wrote about the condition of 
man rising perhaps from farce and melo- 
drama to tragedy itself, and then you 
say in your speech, "Not long after he 
ame out and defended Cuba in a paper 
written by the so-forth and so-forth 
Play lor Cuba Committee." Now 
it wasn't "not long after," it 
s after I wrote that. 
I don't think that's very long. 
Do you think thats very long? 
MAILER: Го those of your people, to those 
of your followers, to those of your young 
ladies and gentlemen who are 18 or 19, 


I think six years is a very long time, yes. 
І think it’s like a quarter of their life. 
BUCKLEY: In ап attempt to understand 

the nature of this, п 
Are you implying that in those six years 
you reformed; that is to say, you went 
from the stage where you were worse 
to the stage where you were signing ad- 
vertisements for Castro? 

maner: I'm asking the questions now, 
Mr. Buckley. Now I’m going to ask you 
a simple question first, a short one, just 
a yes-or-no answer If you answer yes, 
ІШІ ask another question. Mr. Buckley, 
have you ever heard of a liberal in the 

BUCKLEY: If I answered the question, І 
would break security regulations. 
maner: I think you broke security regula- 
tions by admitting that you knew the 

BUCKLEY: It may be that the FBI only 
wants people who want to win the cold 

maner: How are they able to tell the 
difference between people who say they 
want to win the cold war and people 
who mean ite Between people who just 
say they want to win the cold war be- 
cause they want to get a little. power, 
nd the people who say they want to 
win the cold war because they believe 
that Christianity is doomed if they don't 
win the cold war? 

Bucktey: Well, I assume, that you are 
correct. that our society, like all others, 
is plagued with profiteers of distress; 
I think I despise such people as much 
as you, but I don’t see that they figure 
the constituency of the Right Wing. 
I don't think it is the supreme ambition. 
of the Right to continue to pull in dol- 
lars as a result of making ammunitior 
much more likely that the mem- 
bers of the Right Wing — since any fin: 
sacrifice of the kind that you have 
described means precisely a continual 

Y ask you thi: 



120 Negro? 1 say yes, most obviou 

nation of power off to a remote center 
Washington — that their concern is 
more immediate than that of many liber- 
als for ending the cold wa 
I didn't quite follow you, but 
that's all right. 

вискиү: I've noted the difficulty you 
maner: Now listen, in a very good 

terview the magazine, 
Mademoiselle, you stated at one point 
aughter by audience) .. . No, Г gave an 
interview to Mademoiselle, too. I'm not 
ing any aspersions upon Mr. Buck- 
leys capaci Its a perfectly good 
magazine to give an interview to. In 
Mademoiselle you said that universal 
suffrage is a mockery of true democracy. 
nd th. after various rather well 
drawn qualifications of that remark, you 
went on to say that: “An objective test 
should be promoted in those parts of 
the South where this situation ists, 
which would, irrespective of race, color 
or creed, disqualify from the political 
process people who fail to pass the 
test,” that precisely the same test that is 
applied to the Negro ought to be applied 
to the white man. 1 take by that you 
mean the literacy test for voting. 

you gave to 

MAILER: Now that question is this: Do 
you still say that? 
вискікү: Yes. That was less than six years 

MANER: That was about two years ago. 
The states would, of course, administer 
such a program. That is, Mississippi 
would administer the literacy test which 
both illiterate white Southerners and 
illiterate black Southerners in Mississippi 
would take. Is that correct? 

BUCKLEY: That is correct. 1 don't want 
to change the Constitution, unlike you 
people, all the time. 

MAILER: All right, I'm not saying you do. 
I'm just saying it's very fine, maybe 
you are protecting the Constitution, but 
you will agree that . . . I'm not uying 
to enter into the merits of the Consti- 
tution; maybe it is impregnable in every 
last single one of its points and maybe 
it's not—1 wouldn't pretend to know. 
I'm not a lawyer and 1 haven't studied 
the Constitution. You та 
of that later. But what I do say 
you will admit that when you 
say this, you are saying in effect: “Keep 
the black man from having a vote,” 
because no Negro is going to get a vote 
in Mississippi if whites, Mississippi 
whites, are administering а literacy test. 
Or one Negro will get it for every 10 
white men. Is that correct? 

BUCKLEY: That is obviously incorrect. I 
was talking there about what I consider 
to be the desirable system. If you now 
ask me the question in fact: In fact 
will the state of Mississippi, left to its 
own devices, discriminate against the 
ly it will, 

and 1 deplore it and presumably you 
deplore it, and I don't sce how you can 
make any Right Wing capital out of 
it except, perhaps, 1 am less reluctant 
than you to send bayonetcd troopers 
down there to enforce the will of the 
Administration aud the Cons 

proposition that rights o 
equally shared. And to the extent that 
they are not equally shared, it is 

result of the abuse of the respon 
of people who are in charge of that 
process. It is a completely different ques 
tion, a shall we — because we know that 
rights have been abused: 1 assume rights 
nois by its 
me to time —shall we, 



rights? No, I'm 
MANER: Bill, I think I gave you fair time 
on that. Now, ГА like to continue this, 
I'd like to point out something which is 
what . . . not the liberal, be 
not terribly 
point of view, as you may know. I me 

І don't appear here as a liberal at a 

I mean І don't care what you call it: 
а radical, a rebel, a revolutionary, 1 
don't care what. What I do know is that 
I'm not a liberal. may even be some 
kind of conservative — an existential 
conservative, God knows what. At any 
ate, there are many things in conser- 
vatism that I find quite interesting and 
even beautiful upon occasion, but I 
don't find this at all beautiful, I think 
this is ugly and awful, and I think even 
a good conservative. cannot take any 
pleasure in the notion that many, many, 
many Negroes would be kept from get- 
ting an education by this. Because this 
сап only breed the most cancerous sort 
of hatred through the country as a 
whole. It’s not good for the nation. And 
generally, conservatism is always built 
upon the idea that organic life is the 
essence of that which protects а nation. 
The question I ask you is this 
you see the radical alten 
is this: That if, instead of slowing down 
the rate at which the Negro gets his 
ights in the South, suppose one speeds 
it up? Consider this: This might be the 
greatest boon you could give the white 
man in the South. Because he might 
discover that he's not quite so infi 
to the Negro as he now seems to be 
he is. It would relieve his guilt. Do you 
think that's a fair approach to the ques- 
tion? I'm interested in your reaction to 
not à formal question, 
EUCKLEY: No, | think it is an unwise 
proach, and 1 remember vividly in that 
connection a statement made by a prom- 
inent New York Mr. Louis 
ew up in 

show, in which he said, 
New York, in 
I do not know two white people wi 
whom I think I can spend the evening 

on equal terms“ I don’t think that the 
New Yorkers have come up with a solu 
tion which is so blessed by its cogency 
that it justifies convulsing the constitu 
tional liberties as they arc understoot 
by both Negroes and whites in Ше 

MAILER: You must ге e that onc terrible 
difficulty that even white .. . I hate to 
use phrases like "men of good will" 
because it presumes that one 
than one’s opponent . . . so let's put 
it in quotes: Men who believe they are 
“men of good will,” liberals who believe 
they are “men of good will,” that one 
of the difficulties they have when they 
sincerely want to make friends with 
Northern Negroes is that—in a funny 
way, it's just like the cold war—cvery 
time something really bad happens down 
South, it poisons the relations up North 
You know, the sad state of affairs in the 
South hurts the North far more than it 
hurts the South, because the North, by 
being slightly more free and open than 
the South toward the Negro, is also 
much more free and open to all the 
waves of tension, which tend to be buricd 
more in large parts of the South, 1 
think, at the moment. These are my 
considered ideas; 1 don't have any defi- 
nite notions on it. But I do think, 
think the Right Wing is not really 
coming to grips with anything when 
they keep saying civil rights, states’ 
ehts, states’ rights, states’ rights. States’ 
n the name of what? 

BUCKLEY: In the name of states’ rights. 
In the name of the idea that the Federal 
bution of power is not by any 
means a guaranteed solvent for human 
liberty. 1 don't know of any warrant in 
the Constitution that says diat we will 
govern ourselves generously, or that we 
will encourage man's humanity to man. 
There is іспсе of politics and the 
Constitution is a part of that science. 
And what it simply says is that precisely 
because man's capacity for abuse is so 
‚ one must not lump powers 
together in such fashion as to make 
totalitarianism possible. ТІ is why I 
y that however one might despise gov- 
е Mississippi, there is по more 
excuse for abolishing the states’ rights 
than there is for abolishing free speech 
because we despise what Gerald I. k. 
Smith has to s 
matter: Now, I'm going to present this 
noi to you, again in the form of a 
query rather than a question. 
MODERATOR: Excuse me, you have 

MAILER: All right, ГИ try to talk for a 
minute-and-a-half, and if you'll answer 
in а minute-and-a-half, it'll be finc. 
BUCKLEY: That's what they call distribu- 
tive justice, 

MAILER: Bookkeeping, at any І won- 
der... you see, the great difficulty 1 
have in believing that you guys are the 
least bit sincere is th J think that if 

is better 


pment i 


you had power in this country, you 
would take away states’ rights as quickly 
as anyone else would. You might суеп 
have to take it away more quickly be- 
cause there would be much more agita- 
tion against you if you ever had power. 
I mean, the one thing about the liberals 
is that they do quiet agitation all over 
the place. But you guys would arouse all 
sorts of agitation, and if you were uying 
to end the cold war and prosecute а val- 
iant fight, what would you do? You would 
have to give your Negro sol 
deal, and one of the things you would 
1 ro people here and 
all over the world is many more free- 
doms And so you would contradict, I 
think, your own policies. As I tried to 
point out in my speech, I think that if 
you people came to power, you'd contra 
dict every last single thing you believe 
in except 4 atomic superiority over 
the Russians and going to war. 

suckiey: To which my answer is that 
your vision is defective and that 
attempt simply to anthropomorphize in 
the Right Wing all of the evils u 
sce in your society is an arbitrar 
about which nothing very much c 
done, IE E were to s 
single evil that I с 

sa great 

ve to give the N 

п be 
for instance: Every 
п recognize through- 

out the entire spectrum resides іп the 
bosom of the Left Wing, then it is very 
simple for us to argue, but on a wholly 


stic basis. Actually, the liberal has 

very distinctive virtues the conservative 
does not have. I hope I will not be called. 
upon to enumerate them. But it seems. 
to me futile for me to attempt to ar 
swer ar inst us which are not 
h are not taken 
y, and which simply are the 
gravamina of your own eccentrically con 
joined hates. AIL I can say is: Not guilty. 
MODERATOR: Fach gentleman will now be 
given five minutes to sum up his posi- 
tion, to review the points he has made 
tonight. Because Mr, Buckley spoke first 
at the opening of the program, he will 
have the privilege of speaking last. We 
call, therefore, upon Mr. Mailer for five 
minutes only, sir. Go ahead. 

matter: It was my hope that Mr. Buckley 
would attack me during the question 
period on Cuba. He chose not to. For 
often in a debate like this, one makes 
mates, and his tac- 
te may have been that it 
would be best to save Cuba for his re- 
buttal which, by the perfectly fair laws 
of the debate, comes after mine since І 
spoke after him at the beginning of the 
evening. Therefore, Im going to pre- 
sume that he's going to talk about Cuba, 
and | want to say a few things about. 
Cuba. I don't have any definite clear-cut 
I think that what 
oing on there now may well be а 
tragedy. But I do want you to ask your- 
selves this: Where is this vast and great 

tical estim 

threat in Cuba? What is the terrible, 
frightening thing that’s going on? You've 
got this nation, which is пог а very lary 
nation alter all, its got something 1 
6,000,000 people in it, you've got 
the moment 10,000 Russian soldiers 
there, Now what are they going to do? 
Are they going to build up to the point 
where they attack us? OL course not. 
They're not going to do that at all. As 
а matter of fact, if we were cool-headed 
about it, we'd recognize that the Russians 

may be assed as we are i 
many fashions over this. Because the 
are е economically expen- 
sive undertaking. The same sort of 
undertaking that we were engaged i 

and arms across 
across half the wi 
Koreans and the Chinese Communists had 
а much shorter route of communi 
Now, they're getting into the same thing. 
They can't hope, really, to get a 
serious, involved, complicated buildup 
there, I think the reason w 
ing about Cuba is because. 
ask yourselves this, the Right W 
have several names that always fire up 
their blood system, and one of them is 
the name of Lenin, Well, let me tell 
you that Lenin was a very bright man, 
and you'd do well to study him once 
in a while and read him because you 
could learn something from him, just as 

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- Zone State 



ha learned 
arious writers like Os- 

1, my modest 
something from 

wald Spengler. At any rate, Lenin once 
sud: "Whom?"— and then he pro- 
ceeded to apply this for me he always 

, “Whom? Whom does this benefit? 
Well, let me ask you this: Does Cul 
going Communist benefit me? Does it 
benefit anybody on the Left Wing in 
America? Of course not. It just destroys 
the Left Wing in America. You know 
who it benefits? It benefits the FBI. And 
the reason it benefits the FBI is — what 
were they going to do? They've reduced 
the Communists in America from 80,000. 
people to 10,000 people. What were 
they goi 'ommunists di: 

altogether? [Laughter] No, 
ly, what were they going to do? Were 
they going to take off after the Mafia? 
Were they going to break the syndicates? 
Were they going to mop up crime? I 
mean, what would happen to the Re 
publican and Democratic parties if they 
ever destroyed the Mafia? There'd be 
nothing left. You know, nothing but 
the corporations, and the corporations 
can't even run themselves withou 
smart Italians to figure out how to oil 
the joints. No, ГІ tell you this. The 
thing about Cuba that is most distressing 
is Р believe they were pushed into com- 
munism every step of the way. Because 
there were many too many powerful 
people in America who take а great 
delight — they know there's no danger 
in Comm Cuba. I think the bravest 
thing that President Kennedy has done 
since he’s come to office is to refuse to 
get the least bit hysterical about this. 
It's the first sign he's given of being 
а really great and interesting President 
since he's been in, for my money. Be- 
cause а man who has the courage to 
make a terrible mistake... 1 think that 
the invasion of Cuba was criminal, I 
think it was the worst mistake any presi- 
dent's made іп God knows how many 
years. I wrote at the time it was equiva- 
lent to giving South America over to 
the Communists. And it may be true, 
yet, that that was the act that did it. 
sk yourselves this: If we'd gone 
h a large force and tried to de- 
stroy Cuba, we'd have been worse off. 
If we were holding Cuba now there'd 
be an underground war going on there, 
ans would be killed every day, 


there'd be all sorts of race riots here 
against Puerto Ricans and Cubans all 
through America because Cubans were 
killing us. I'm telling you that the 
luckiest thing that ever happened to us 
is that we got defeated in the Bay of 
Pigs. We never should have gone in 
there at all. I'm going to take my last 
minute-and-a-half and finish by reading 
one quote: "Our Government has kept 
us in a perpetual state of fear, kept us 
in а continual stampede of patriotic 
fervor with the cry of the grave national 
emergency. Alw 5 been some 

ign power that was gol 
us up if we did not blindly 
it by furnishing the exorbi 
demanded, Yet, reuospect, these 
disasters seem never to have happened, 
scem never to have been quite real.” 
Now, do you know who said that? І 
didn't say that. Herbert Matthews didn't 
say that. Kenneth Tynan didn't say that. 
General Douglas MacArthur said that — 
about a year 
MODERATO! Buckley? 

вискіку: I am glad that if this evening 
complished nothing more, it has 
aused Mr. Mailer to treat the pro- 
nouncements of General MacArthur with 
ty. Му. Mailer, as you have seen 
tonight. is what he is. He 
arüst— and 1 say that sinc 
I think that his genius will, on 
recognized. As а politics 



day, be 
l analyst, he 
comes close to being the most ignorant 

man J have ever met. He told me over 
the telephone that he has ficulty be- 
cause he speaks with mashed potatoes 
in his mouth — I don't mind the mashed 
potatoes in his mouth, but they're. very 
much in his mind as far as any attempt 
has been made to explore systemati 
the true meaning of the R 
which is why we were summoned here 
to Chicago. That, plus the hospitality 
which you've been so kind as to show 
me. The fact of the matter is that the 
is committed to a series of 
propositions which are not so compli- 
cated. They are not propositions based. 
on the fact that God has nothing to be 
displeased with us about. They are, 
ther, propositions that are this simple, 
and if they are simple, make the most 
of it, namely: that this is a war worth 
winning, It is а war worth winning Pre- 
cisely because it ought to be the con- 

suming ambition of all free men to keep 
from happening to countries what has 
happened to Fidel Castro, what has Бесп 
imposed by Fidel Castro on Cuba — im- 
posed, morcover, as a result of a series 
of strategic blunders of such moral mag- 
nitude as to cause even Mr. Mailer 
occasionally to show some quiver of ap- 
prehension. But instcad of turning back, 
as a manly observer ought to do, instead 
of examining his conscience — which he 
is so prepared to do under the least 
rticular іпсі- 
dent—he simply s it under 
some general inarticulated desire to end 
the cold war. Obviously we've got 0 
end the cold war, but its not that 
simple, He would tell the Russians why 
it is that they ought to end the cold 
war, and presumably his endearing 
thetoric would melt the heart of M 

Khrushchev. Or he might even show him 
the «осипи of Fred Gook, on 
the basis of which Mr. Cook has also 
announced to the world that 
Hiss is really innocent. No, ladics and 
gentlemen, опе of the reasons why the 
Right Wing may, from time to timc 
ke you as frenetic in its rhetoric and 
ious in its entire posture із because 
there are men like Norman Mail 
—six years ago or alter — who can con 
tinue with these gross overarching unin. 
telligibilities. What kind of catastrophe, 
what kind of a tragedy where іп the 
world will cause him to understand 
what it is that we are here engaged in 
tying to stop? How many more ni 
must be communized before Mr. Ma 
starts to worry about them, rather than 
to worry about the nuances of the con- 
servative policy of Senator Goldw: 
Tonight, a spokesman of the Left h 
failed to come up with a charge against 
the Right Wing which is relevant; he 
has no program whatsoever on the basis 
of which we can turn the hordes of 
communism, and he does not show the 
kind of felt compassion for the terrible 
crucible in which the people of Cuba 
are being sacrificed as a result of de- 
fective statesmanship. If you don't know 
why a Right Wing should exist, 1 ask 
you only to examine the case made by 
Mr. M tonight, and ask whether or 
hot a response to it isn't a moral in- 
ive in America 


ler who 


to act like а IZAX7 under almost any 
circumstances, but its transistor counter- 
part was apt to be rather more way- 
ward. Moreover, transistors specifically 
designed 10 cope with the wide frequency 
spectrum and hefty power requirements 
of high fidelity equipment have Бесп in 
exceedingly short supply. (It is one thing 
to produce dependable transistors for 
shirt pocket radios and another thing en 
tirely to produce them for 60-watt am- 
plifiers) After balancing off the credits 
and debits of transistor 
turers of good sonic gear were inclined 
it on the sidelines and await further 

ті iod of watchful waiting is now 
ar an end. Transistors tailored to high 
fidelity standards are being turned out 
in abundance: 5 rent quality-control 
techniques haye licked the problem of 
flighty performance; the “further devel- 
opments” have become tangible reality 
d uansistorized high fidelity is sud- 
denly very much. with us. Such prudent 
houses as Altec Lansing, Allied Radio, 
Harman-Kardon, Heath and H. H. Scott 
have already cast a demonstrable vote of 
confidence in transistors, and many oth- 
ers are sure to follow. 

Alter several enchanted evenings with 
Harman-Kardon’s Citation A Solid St; 
Stereo Control Center (used with 
tion amps), we can cast a decided vote 
of confidence oursel This is а 33- 
transistor preamp of gracefully compact 
dimensions and remarkably transparent 
sound. We sampled its sonic Ызаа 
ments recently via a рай of 


ck provided for the purpose 
and were struck immediately by the su- 
perb clarity and openness with which 
this equipment reproduced some of our 
favorite records. Since transistors do not 
labor under the vacuum tube's built-in 
limitations of frequency response, the 
sky is now the limit (Harman-Kardon 
claims an almost flat response from 1 to 
1,000,000 cps for the Citation A). 

The transistor band wagon is gaining 
such rapid momentum just now that it’ 

all but impossible to keep pace with all 

rent developments. Nevertheless, we 
commend to your attention such equip- 
ment as was available for testing when 
we went to press. Those who favor an 
all-in-one stereo control-amplifier should 
look into the Heathkit AAW-21, factory- 
wired ($219.95), kit AA21 (5134.95), the 
Knight KN 450A ($189.95), the Harman- 
Kardon A-1000T ($280), the Omega 1600 
(5249), and the H. H. Scott 4000 (5250) 
— all of them fully transistorized models 
in the 60- to 100-wa sory. For the 
bult who prefers to work with separate 
control and amplification units, there 
are transistorized power amplifiers from 
Acoustic Technology Laboratories — the 
Acoustech 1 ($395), Altec Lansing — the 

(continued from page 90) 

315A (5234) and Lafayette — the LA-280 
(5299.50), as well as the aforementioned 
Citation A preamp, facto 
kit form (9250). АШЫ sterco 
FM tuners are offered by Allied Radio 
—the Kı 
ardon — the F-1000T ($250), and 
— the 1650 ($249). And there's 
tansistorized stereo pickup, the 
Fairchild F-7 ($75), which embodies a 
pre-preamp to boost the minute output 
voltages generated by this cartridge's 
low-mass tracing device. 

We hasten to add that the vacuum 
tube is still a highly regarded mecha- 
nism. Any talk of its obsolescence would 
be foolishly premature. A good many 
engineers continue to prefer the rock- 
solid ch ics of proven tubes, and 
there is a firm conviction in some quar- 
ters that imaginatively conceived tube 
circuitry remains unsurpassable in high 
fidelity applications. Altec Lansing has 
managed to sit on either side of the 
fence by utilizmg both tubes and transis- 
tors in its latest FM-AM sterco receiver, 
the Astro 708A (5507), on the theory 
that tubes are ideal for some functions 
and transistors ideal for others. On the 
other hand, Ma and McIntosh — 
two firms of. Rolls- Royce stature in the 
audio field — remains unreservedly com- 
mittcd to tubes. Despite the fact that it 
disdains transistors, the new Marantz 
Model 10 1 Monitor Tuner (5555) — 

h its unique oscilloscope tuning 
icator — is very probably more advanced 
concept and versatile in performance 
than any other tuner presently іп pro- 

duction. It is worth noting, too, that 
Fisher’s most recent power amplifier, the 

stereo output. And the hi 
out by the Messrs. Bogen, Sherwood, 
mmes, Scott, Bell, and Fisher coi 
nue to rely on vacuum tube circuitry. 
Either у, whether tubes or transis- 
tors, you can more or less make it on your 
An apparently insatiable army of 
enthusiasts lias sent sales of high fidelity 
ts rocketing in recent years. This ki 
kick is undoubtedly motivated in large 

part by the lure of cash savings. Kits are 
a lot cheaper than their factory-assem- 
bled equivalents. You can knock $100 

off the Citation A price by buying it in 
kit form and Heath's 70-watt transistor 
control amplifier will cost you a mei 
$134.95, ready-to-assemble, as against 
$219.95, factory-built. However, if you 
assign a dollarsand-cents value to your 
time, the savings may seem somewhat less 
enticing. You can figure on spending а 
total of 15 to 25 working hours from the 
time your kit is first unpacked u the 
last knob is secured, assuming a fairly 
complex piece of equipment and a fairly 
inexperienced. builder. If its going to 
seem like work, our advice is forget it. 

The extra money in the bank won't be 
worth the trouble. But э going to 
seem like fun, if the idea of watching 
your equipment take form piece by piece 
makes you feel a more personal involve 
ment in the cnsuing sounds, then don’t 
hesitate to have a go at 

The hobby aspect of kit building has 
been helped along tremendously in re 
cent years by some drastic reform 
method of packagin ts and i 
preparation of instruction manua 

There seems to be unanimous agree- 
ment that the least thorny piece of elec- 
tronic equipment for a novice kit builder 
is the power amplifier. If you've decided 
to go for a kit-built rig with separate con. 
trol and amplification units, then by all 
ans start off with the basic amplifier. 
Dynaco has two well-designed kits that 
are temptingly priced — the Stereo 70 
(599.95), h delivers 35 watts per 
channel and the new Stereo 35 ($59.95), 
rated at 17.5 watts per channel, Harman 
Kardon's Citation У (5119.95), at 40 
watts per channel, Eico’s  HE-B9K 
(599.50), at 50 watts per channel and 
Н. Н. Scou's LK-150 ($169.95), at 65 
мац» per chia аге equally worthy of 
consideration. Once the power amplifier 
is completed, you'll want to begin on the 
control preamp without delay. For the 
adventurous type, the all-transistor Cita- 
tion A (S250) is the obvious choice. 
(We've been assured by Harman-Kardon, 
incidentally, that it's a good deal easier 
to put together than any of the tube 
models in the n line.) If. you're 
trying to keep within a smallish budge 
our vote goes to the flexible and 
to-assemble Dynakit PAS-2 (559.95, plus 
another $13.95 for the optional sa 
tone extruded panel and die-cast knobs). 
Stereo controLamplifiers, combining pre- 
amp and power amplifier on the same 
chassis, ad in a wide range 
of kits. Stra KX200 
($169.50), rated at 40 watts per channel, 
comes equipped with a built-in D'Arson- 
val meter for adjusting bias on the out 
put tubes. Harman-Kardon's 50K 
(5119.50) is a 25wattperchanncl job 
that features а handy front-panel hcad- 
phone jack. Allicd’s KG-60. Knight Kit 
(579.95) alltransistor unit that 
measures le: п three inches in height 


and delivers 25 watts directly to cach 
stereo speaker without the need for 
coupling transformers. You can't go 

wrong with any of these — nor with simi- 
lar models put out by H. H. Scott, Eico 
and Dynaco. 

Probably the most popular of all 
these days are those for FM stereo tuners 
— testimony to the rapid spread of mul 
plex stereo broadcasts over the last few 
months. Until a few years ago, only the 
most savvy kit-builders were advised to 
attempt FM tuners. Intricacies of wiring. 
nd difficulties of alignment were held 
to be beyond the competence of most 
nonpros. The II. Н. Scott people 




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changed all that with the introduction 
of their L'T-10 kit, a wide-band FM tuner 
which has been successfully assembled by 
thousands of diligent but inexperienced. 
jeomen. Since then, Scott has brought 
out a sterco version of this tuner, the 
LT-110 (5159.95), incorporating the same 
built in safeguards against crror and 
misinterpretation. Similarly foolproof 
FM stereo tuner kits form part of the 
Fisher Stratakit series — the KM-60 
($169.95), and the Harman-Kardon 
ard series the F-50XK (5120.95). 
offers an all-transistor AM- 
—the KG-70 ($99.95), to 
go with its matching transistorized sterco 

The trend to miniaturization which 
we mentioned carlier is by no means 
restricted to transistorized gear. Tu 
tables and speakers are slimming down, 
too. To be sure, there's по way of re- 
ducing that sine qua non of all good 
turntables, the 12-inch platter, but 
within that limitation a good deal has 
been accomplished. А turntable-arm 
assemblage recently introduced by 
Weathers— the Synchromatic 66 ($99.50) 
— measures a mere two inches in height 
and tips the scales at an incredible 96 
ounces. Instead of relying оп the usual 
single heavy-duty motor, Weathers uses 
two small hysteresis synchronous motors 
оп opposite sides of the deck—a sub- 
stitution that results not only in trum 
dimensions but also in minimal rumble, 
wow and flutter. AR's new turntable 
(announced a year ago but just пом 
reaching the market) is somewhat larger 
and heavier, but still remarkably com- 
pact in comparison with some of the 
massive types that have set the pace up 
to now. Like the Weathers Synchromatic, 
the AR Turntable ($58) comes equipped 
h integrated base and viscous-damped 
п. Record changers, too, are a bit less 
bulky than of yore. We remaii tial 
to the so-called auto ic-turntable vari- 
ety, such ard AT-6 (551.50) 
nd the Miracord Studio (589.50). 

A fascinating exception to the trend 
toward miniaturization can be found in 
Shure’s new SME Series 2 arm (589.50), 
a British import neither small in size nor 

justed for both longitudinal and lat 
alance, antiskating force, arm h 

and, of course, stylus pressure. This pre- 
sion made, quality-performance arm de- 
serves a cartridge of similar attributes, 
such as the well-known and well-regarded 
ADC-, Ortofon, SPU/I, and Shure 
33-5, or the more recent Grado Experi- 
mental Series МК-І (575), а hand-cralted 
job using the moving coil principle (1200 
turns of gossamer wire on an armature 
the size of a pinhead); the Empire S80-P 
(517.50), with its ultra-light .6 mil stylu 
and the Stanton 481AA (519.50), latest 
and most sensitive in Pickering’s line of 
hermetically sealed Fluxvalve cartridges. 
All three are designed to track at stylus 

pressures down to one-quarter gram. 
Those who favor the integrated arm. 
cartridge approach will want to consider 
the updated model of Shure's Studio 
Stereo Dynctic (589.50 including the new, 
more highly compliant N22D stylus) and. 
а recent arrival from England, the EMI 
Model EPU-100 ($99.75), which has a 
handy viscousdamped system for raising 
and lowering the arm, 

Shrinkage in speakers has been pro- 
ceeding apace for some time — ever since 
the onset of stereo cast most monster 
enclosures into limbo. Not that there was 
anything wrong with them. No one in 
his right mind would minimize the solidly 
ss that emerges from а 15- 
inch woofer in a huge horn. But two of 
them are often de trop for average-size 
listening rooms; the problem posed by 
Stereo was that of squeezing comparable 
bass out of much smaller boxes. 
Villchurs bookshelf enclosur 
acousticsuspension type 
carly — and still highly sati 
swer. Since its introduction there have 
been many variations on the bookshelf 
theme — together with several attempts to 
reduce speaker dimensions even farther. 

Most of the trimming has been eb 
fected in depth. The budget priced Jen- 
sen X-20 system (539.95) has been sliced 
down to a depth of only 254 inches and 
the more ambitious Jensen 3-P/2 
($139.50), housing five speakers, adds 
only one more inch. The JBL people, 
who continue to produce such mammoth 
nd magnificent speaker systems as their 
Ranger Paragon, have also been bitten by 
the miniaturization bug — as witness the 
JBL Trimline 54 (5117), measuring a 
fraction over five inches front to back — 
and other speaker systems in the und 
six-inch category are available Пот 
Electro-Voice, University, Goodmans and 
Fisher. Rek-O-Kut has introduced this 
year a particularly appealing unitized 
Stereo speaker system, integrating both 
channels within the same slender picce 
of furniture. It's called the Sonorama 
($119.95 to $179.95, according to furni- 
ture style), and its long, low dimensions 
(07^ wide, 12” deep, 5” high) allow it to 
double nicely as a shelf. 

This drastic slimming in speaker sys 
tems has been made possible by some 
remarkable engineering advances, By 
greatly augmenting the excursion of the 
cone — that is, its ability to move back 
and forth — without concomitant buck- 
ling, a marked increase in bass response 
and overall crispness can be achieved 
with speakers of relatively small dimen- 
sions. The fruit of these fresh departures 
in speaker design can be heard not only 
in the various slimline systems, but even 
more persuasively im several somewhat 
larger units of bookshelf size — lor cx- 
ample, in Fisher's XP4-A (5199.95) aud 
Sherwood’s Ravinia (5139.50). Audio 
Dynamics, already noted for its fine 
series of ADC cartridges, has recently in- 

troduced а line of ADC speaker systems 
(5175 to $250, according to size) which 
employ a new kind of rectangular рої 
styrene woofer manufactured in Eng- 
land. The British, indeed, seem to be in 
the vanguard of speaker development 
once again, and you can sample their 
latest wares in the Leak Sandwich 
Speaker (5199), the EMI DLS-529 (5159), 
the IMF Styrene Pressure Speaker ($200) 
and the Wharfedale W90 (5259.50). 
The upgrading of small speaker per 
formance is nowhere more apparent 
than in the latest hi-fi consoles. If you 
still think of console sound in terms of 
boomy bass, peaky midrange and stri- 
dent highs, listen anew. We won't pre- 
tend that a $500 console can equal а 
-object component rig, but we're 
nevertheless much impressed with the 
startling improvements to be found in 
today’s ready-made sets. Zenith this year 
is incorpor лу Stereo Profes 
sional changer in its priced 
consoles, a truly component-quality 
mechanism with a tone arm that tracks 
at two grams and a ceramic cartridge of 
smooth response and high compliance. 
You'll find it in the sleck Danube model 
(5750), whose specifications include a 
pair of 12-inch woofers and stereo FM 
radio. General Electric's better consoles 
also use а pair of 12-inch woofers, plus 
cight other midrange and tweeter units, 
to handle the amplifier's 100-watt stereo 
output. In addition, has introduced 
an accessory feature known as the Home 
Music Distribution System — by means of 
which the main console can pipe music 
via plugging in to the regular house 
wiring, to portable speakers in other 
rooms. Ravenswood, an ex-componcnt 
house now concentrating on console 
gear, has brought out an ingeniously 
conceived line that combines console in 
tegration with component flexibilit 
Modular construction of the 
wood innards allows a demanding buyer 



considerable freedom of choice. The 
Contempo IIT set (5 ample, 
comes equipped in its ba n with 

the Garrard Autoslim changer, an FM- 
only stereo tuner, а 40-watt amplifier 
and a speaker system employing four 
Sinch woofers, but any or all of these 
units can be upgraded at some additionz 
expenditure, Webcor and Magnavox are 
ht up there, too, with consoles provid- 
ing more than decent fidelity from all 
sound sources. 

Which brings us to the dazalingly 
plentiful supply of new tape equipment 
on view this year. The latest and by all 
odds most attention-getting item on the 
1963 agenda is Reve : 
Cartridge System (5150), just now ro 
ing the market after years of speculat 
in the press and of development in the 
laboratory. The Revere cartridge player 
resembles nothing else in the field — and 
provides yet another example of the cur- 
rent trend to miniaturization. Instead об 

the usual pair of 7-inch reels, it employs 
a single wafer-thin cartridge 334 inches 
square; and instead of the standard ТУ; 

s tape speed, it operates at a року 1% 
inches per second. At this slow speed, the 
450 feet of Winch tape in cach car- 
tridge play for 48 minutes. And since up 
to 20 cartridges can be stacked in the 
automatic changer mechanism, 
the cr can enjoy (if thats the 
word) some 15 hours of continuous music 
untouched by human hand. (The mu 
will come either from prerecorded car- 
tridges, courtesy Columbia Records, or 
from your own off-the-air recordings on 
ЗМУ blank tape cartridges.) 

In the reel-to-reel category, the accent 
is more on performance than on 
sions. Crown International's 300 series of 
recorders may 
lor compact stylin, 
wed construction is clearly meant to 
listand a lot of use. In many respects, 
the Crown A 394 ($520, with built-in 
preamp) merits professional status, The 
equipment accommodates 101/-inch reels, 
operates in a vertical rack-mounted po: 
tion and features automatic selbreversal 
at both $34 and 714 ips speeds The 
Concertone 605 has what they call Re- 
vorse-O-Matic, which enables you to play 
four-track stereo tapes back and forth 
without flopping and exchanging reels. 
Ampex. too, has some new gear — the 
Fine Line 1200 ics—that deserves 
careful investigation. The Model 1260 
(5545), with facilities for recording and 
playback of four-track stereo tapes at 
either 334 or 714 ips, embodies the fa- 
miliar Ampex virtues of smooth handling, 
constant speed and minimal wow and 
flutter, Three tape heads allow for simul- 
tancous recording and playback, sound- 
on-sound recordings and special echo 

effects. For those who favor transistor 
electronics, Eico puts out the RP-100 tape 
deck ($299.95 in semi-kit form, $399.95 
assembled) and Sony its posh Model 777 
(5595) — the latter а magnificently crafted 

instrument that features push-button 

solenoid controls, modular plug-in ci 
cuitry and a bevy of other desirable 
specifications. Three other newly styled 
and. versitile tape recorders worthy of 
your scrutiny and auditioning are the 
Concord 880, the Roberts 1057 and the 
Norelco Continental 401. 

That about takes cure of everything 
except the neighbors, who can very pos 
sibly be a source of annoying rumbl 
high-level background noise and other 
varictics of unpleasant distortion. Should 
the lady next door take а jaundiced view 
of Also sprach Zarathustra at midnight 
you can put her out of misery and still 
do full justice to Richard Strauss by don. 
ning a pair of stereo headphones. Both 
the Sharpe Live Tone ($43.50) and Koss 
Pro4 ($14.10) headsets use liquid-filled 
ear cushions for complete isolation from 
external noise — thus making the world 
of private listening that much more 
е. In headphone stereo, of course 
ion between left 
right channels is experienced to exc 

ngly heightened effect. If the separati 
strikes you as excessive, however, Jensen 
provides an antidote v new ССІ 
Headphone Control Center ($39.95), 
which ates the more diffused effect 
of loudspeaker stereo by cross-fecd 
шік from one channel to the other 
"The CC will even give you mono sound 
from a stereo source. Pull down the 
highs, cut off the low end, and you can 
make believe you're pulling in КОКА 
on a cat's whisker crystal set. 

“There's someone here who says he was 

in the war with you... 






(continued from page 92) 

can be an inspiration, so much the 
better. If not, use your imagination. 

“Just talking to Joe at the office, 


“Always bragging about his wife. 
‘Listen, | said, ‘TI stack my little 
woman up against yours any day! " 

(Always be loyal. Defend your 
wife hotly at all times.) 

"Good for you, Davi 

* "Absolute genius,’ Joe says. ‘Ran 
up a meal for six people last night 
for $1.37 — and delicious!’ 

“Just work, he says, matter of 
kneading and pounding — and clear 

thinking. We'll show him, eh, pet? 

A healthy sense of competition will 
do wonders for a spirited girl. 


Another way to keep her alert and 
busy is to bring home cookbooks. Doz- 
ens of fine ones are available. Before 
bringing home each book, it is best 
to set the stage. 

Fo week or so, 
hamburgers before 
you. Sit down hungrily at the 

at three or four 
coming home to 
Avoid onions, which may betray 

ay, looks good, dear 
“I hope it will taste good, Davie.” 

Toy with the food, engage in bright 
conversation and smile frequently. How- 
ever, don't actually eat anything. 

After about a week of this, bring her 
а present. 

“Oh, Davic, another cookbook! 
Just what 1 wanted! 

“Looks like a dandy. 1 checked a 
few good entries. See what you 
ink, ch?” 


Light, amusing occupations such as 

knitting, darning socks, sewing on but- 
tons and so on may scem harmless to 
you, but they can develop into bad 
The woman who 10115 about today in 
semi-reclining position patching your 
pants, say, may very well fritter away 
two hours tomorrow crocheting а doily 
or bufling her nails. 

Make it clear to her that the efficient 
woman performs these restful little 
chores while she is doing something else, 
such as sittin п the Iaundromat ог wait- 
ing for you at the station 

As for daytime televis 
only to g at homes where it is per- 
mitted to see ruined families, cold sup- 
pers, men neglected and undernourished, 

n, you have 


and women who are listless, red-eyed, 
flabby and mentally decayed. 

However, do not lock the teles 
sel. Rely either upon the honor 
or, if your wife is lackin 
quietly remove а 
in the morning. 

Allow all the radio listening she wants, 
but suggest peppy and stirring music, 
Studies in some of our large industrial 
plants show that music increases effi- 
ciency, stimulates morale and raises pro- 


in character, 
tube before leaving 


Every man’s fine sensitivity, acute car 
and volatile nature are crushed. by а 
supermarket. Science estimates that one 
hour in a large metropolitan food store 
can tike a week to 10 days off a 
maus lif 

Your wife may not realize this at first, 
and it is your duty to her to make this 
point cle: 

The sullen, uncooperative attitude will 
get you nowhere, It is far better 10 use 
one of our Power Plays often referred 
to as The Orgy. 

The very first time your wife asks you 
to accompany her to the supei ket, 
accept easily and almost ecstatically, 

Love to! 
(Be cager, bright of eye, brisk 
and keen, Once inside the market, 
breathe deeply and swoop from item 
to ilem.) 
Davie, you 

12 You bet I will, Phoeb! 

e knocking over the 

sh, Phoeb, something happens 
to me every time I get into one of 
these places! 
ut down those jars of pigs’ feet!” 
“I tell you, Fm going mad! 
Where's the herring salad?" 
“Davie, we don't need herring 
Never са 
drop in. 
kranz! Need five, six of these, 
Haven't had so much fun in 

n tell who's goi 
y, whats thi 

E to 

You may be sure your wife won't ask 
you to the supermarket again soon. The 
few dollars you have spent will return to 
you manyfold in future happiness and 
in louger lif 


"Time after time you will be discour- 
aged, again and again you will wonder 
your wife can be trained. But if you 
keep at it you will find your efforts 
have not been in v 


(continued from page 101) 

right on the waterfront, and 


meeting place and daylight hangout for 
the unattached and adventurous, Its 
bartenders lept at making а Virin 

Islands’ rum collins, on the top of which 
they lay a bountiful dollop of that 
smooth, flavorful, liquid dynamite called 
Demerara rum (151 prool) 

You'll find that luncheon on the 
islands tends to be moist and to last 
rather late. Chances are you'll have been 

to the beach for a swim or а snorkle be- 
fore then, and you may or may not wish 
to return, Most people who aren't break- 

ing their tails to achieve а fast tan to 
impress the folks back hom 

avoid the beaches in the carly afternoon 
p on a beachside chaise in the shade 
ol palm trees. What with most fun seck- 
ers staying up till dawn, a lot of indolent 
napping goes on in the hours between 
dawn and dark. If you are the kinetic 
ay the 
afternoon shopping, sightseeing, proving 
your driving skill on the island's roller 

type, you may want to while av 

coaster roads, or— with choice com- 
panionship — exploring miles of deserted 

beach and rocky coastline. For the œm- 
pulsively active, there are golf, tennis, 
horseback riding and other active day 
time sports, as well as all water sports 

However you spend your afternoon, 
the likelihood is you'll want a nap and 
shower before dressing for evening. A 
word here about clothing: the Virgin 
Islands are а bit more formal than Ac 
pulco, and considerably less so than, say, 
Jamaica. Our guess is you'll feel most 

‘comfortable (and have no restriction on 
your nighttime ро 

¢grinations) if you 
ight loafers or sports shoes 

ndals ог sneakers, light 
weight slacks, lightweight jacket, and 
either shirt and tie or shirt and ascot. Al- 
though many places don't require jacket 
and tie, many do. 

St. Thomas offers a magnum-sized 
gamut of drinking, dining and enter 
ment. We found our own preferences 
for the cocktail hour most frequently 
proved to be the patios of the hillside 
and mountainside hotels, with their 
splendilerous views, and either the in- 
evitable steel band or (which we pre- 
ferred) а Stateside-type cocktail-lounge 
piano or combo. Alternatively — espe- 
Шу when we had a big evening ahead 
—we ordered the first round from our 
hotel’s room service, either to be sipped 
while dressing or savored with a few 
friends on our couage's private patio- 
veranda. The Islands’ long, cooling nun 
drinks— not incidentally — give you а 
gentler start than the customary jolt of а 
Stateside cocktail. 

It is during these first drink: 
how! or cott; 



, ar your 
cocktail lounge, 
that you and your companions may in 

dulge in the typically SL Thomian con- 
versation concerning where to cat. It is 
a pleasant pursuit, because the choice is 
not only large, but the varieties of cui- 
sine from which to choose are more 
various than in any but the largest 
Stateside metropolises. In fact, dining in 
St. Thomas is a gustatory reflection of 
the Islands’ polyglot population and the 
worldwide origins of the natives. (AL 
though there is а quite discernible class 
differentiation, largely economic in its 
basis, the color lii 
istent on all the I 
native, regardless of 
also те 
as continentals. Eighty percent of the 
natives are colored — ranging from blue- 

black to light tan. The rest are Cauca- 
soids, whose physiques, facial lineaments, 
complexions and hair color reveal the 

variety of national strains which have 
found the Islands so prepossessing as to 
settle there.) 

For dining pure but unsimple, one of 
your first stops should be Lord Run 
bottoms. The word “pur fies ab- 
il one excepts 
buff Bill 

the fact that owner and ор 
Bligh will accord you an a the drop 
of a lamb chop. The word also applies to 
the food, which is purely delicious and is 
very dosely supervised by owner Bligh 
himself. The reason we suggest mak 
this an early stop-olf for a leisurely meal 
is that the food warrants return trips, as 
you'll discover when you succumb to 
ind. succulei 
shed with plentiful helpings of 
igh’s own speciality, a kind of semic: 
rot prepared with brown 
island sugar and rum, among other ing 
dients. Lord Rumbottom’s is a bit out-of- 
town (nothing on the island is very far 
from town) but усту well worth the trip, 
not only for the food but for the unclut- 
tered charm of the interconnecting dining 
areas, the splendid bar, the feeling that 
one is in his host's house rather than a 
building designed as a restaurant, 

\ pair of young Oxonian sophisticates 
named Ben Johnson and Tim Mosley 
have created a quite different sort of eat 
ery, called The Left nk. It's vis i 
the heart of the older part of Charlotte 
Amalic, its decor is elegantly ornate — 
setting off а permanent сх 
Haitian primi inti 
menu (at lunch and dinne 
choice of French or Caribbean cuisine, 
both worthy of your gustatorial ацеп- 
tion, Tf you are brave and adventurous, 
you might ask either host [or a post 
prandial potation cacyve invented, of 
which a major ingredient is Pernod. 
People have been known to feel com- 
pletely sober after drinking three and 
have then left the premises convinced 
that they are in ІШІ possession of their 
faculties — оп their knees. 

huge t slices of rare roast 
beef, gar 
died sliced ca 

If you prefer entertainment with your 
dining, шу Sebastian's, right on the 
waterfront. Our айу the later the 
better, since Sebastian's really gets 
swinging as the night wears on and is 
probably the spot for the younger, more 
relaxed set that digs the music of Marty 
Clarke's trio, which plays genuine 
rather than the more synthetic Carib- 
beanized music one is apt to encounter. 
During the almost continuous dancing, 
the merengue, pachanga, jitterbugging 
and twisting are performed with tropic 
abandon on а sccond-Hoor tci -with 
harbor view — which constitutes the 
dance floor. Sebastian's is another spot 
which the squarer types are not apt to 
hear about, much less visit, and would 
not dig if they did. As for the food. 
charcoal broiling is a specialty: a snack 
bar stays open until the whole joint 
closes down around dawn. If dancing to 
steel band music is on your agenda (you 
should give it a try) The Gate is the 
place. Luc Poret, in charge, will feed 
you well and will conduct you, if you 
wish, to calypso sessions on an upper 
terrace; he will also lend you bongos or 
п so you may join in, if 
that's your kick for the evening. It's 
only fair to warn you that it may not be 
yours the night you go there, but it's 
bound to be someone ‘Thankfully, 
most of the guests who do join in the 

a conga dr 

jollification are handy with the drums. 
The Black Witch is something clse; 
ensconced in the staunch hull of an an- 
tique 12-gun squarerigger, it is anchored 
right off shore and launches take you 
thither in a matter of minutes. Although 
it's obviously a tourist attraction (i 
negative sense) the drinks, the chop- 
house food and the calypso entertain 
ment arc worth the bout ride. Propi 
tess с O'Donnell will do her best to 
segregate you from the squares. 
If—after cocktails, dinner with or 
without entertainment, a brandy or cor 
dial, and the delicious relaxation which 
ensues on a day in the sun and an ev 
ig of pleasuring your appetites — you 
still want to get out on the town for 
more fun, there are several commend- 
able places which are more “in” than 



hind the old slave mar 
midnight boite for snac 
drinks is 
supervise the festivities: a heroically 
proportioned woman, she plays the zither 
and is completely un 
viality. We can’t give you the clo: 
because at some time after fou 
yells, “Get the hell out of here 
signifying that the faithful must depart. 

The Fallen Angel is one of the few 

м. she 

Fourteen cheese-and-sausage — five anchovy . . « 




nightspots that feature State 
The decor is bohemian-Victorian (in- 
cluding an cightfoot Venus de Milo in 
the center of the room). A good indi- 
cation of the quality of drinks and 
entertainment here is that hip natives 
frequent it regularly. 

Pilgrim's Terrace is a world of its 
own. A latenight hangout, duked up 
in what is possibly a unique blend- 
ing of Islamic and Harlem decor, the 
entertainment ranges: from cool jazz to 
the calypso-imbo music of the south- 
ern ibbean abetted by wild Latin 
rhythms. One's mother might not find it 
engaging; on the other hand, youth of 
all sexes respond with pleasure amount- 
ing to gleeful abandon. 

The St. Thomas Club, housed in a 
former mansion on a high hill with a 
fabulous view, provides three rooms 
(with four pianos) in which to take your 
case. Bob Ellis and Dilson Petrie are a 
two-piano team with a penchant for 
singing and playing Cole Porter and 
1 impressive repertoire with which to 
respond to requests for show tunes, bal- 
lads and folk songs. They even did a 
fairly creditable job of playing by 
Cy Coleman's theme song for Playboy's 
Penthouse TV show. 

Charlotte Amalie also boasts what is 
—at this writing—the only genuine 
delicatessen in all the Virgin Islands. 
It’s called Andy's, and it has everything 
Statesiders have come to expect from 
such snackeries, including take-out pic- 
ic food and free deli 

offers a variety of 
special events, ranging from such unpre- 
dictables as а Governor's Ball, about 

ich more in a moment, to "Slingari 
which started as an annual spring rite 
of the island and has now become a 
somewhat hoked-up tourist attraction 
staged at Аргії end. (The term "Sling- 

in’” these days is applied to any sort 
of planned jollification, from carnival 
а general to a day and night of 
water sporting, picnicking and partying 
on boats and beaches) The origins of 
re variously given; one ver- 
t this is the Virgin Islands’ 
version of the verna al which most 
cultures celebrate іп some manner ог 
other; historians of the Islands tend to 
attribute the fes to a celebration 
of the end of the sugar cane harvest; 
cynics who have been around a long 
may confide that the ori fes 
celebrated the departure of the tour- 
ist throngs, at a time when no onc had 
yet discovered the year-round delights of 
the island and the social season ended as 
the weather warmed іп the Stites. For 
all its phony trappings, however, the 
notte Amalie carnival — which lasts 
a weck — can be fun to visit. A sort of 
carnival village is set up with flags of 
the various nations which have owned 
the Virgins at different times, with deco- 
rated booths selling ve handicrafts 
and foods, and with "traumps" а 
word which not only means parade, 
but also figures in the names of num- 
bers played by competing steel bands. 


“You become easily attached to people 


yes, оооло! 

There are, for example, traditional com 
positions with names such as After-the 
Races Traump, Roas-a-Time Traump, 
Jump-Up Traump, Bamboushay Traum. 
ancing on stilts is Моско Jumbi— 
the carnival spirit — accompanied by 
"scratchi" bands of homemade instru- 

As to the Governor's Ball, that was a 
unique occasion we were invited to at- 
tend. Ralph M. Paiewonsky, governor 
of the Islands, was hosting a gala im 
honor of the president of the Republic 
of Togo. The scene was the Governor's 
Mansion, an elegant Danish-style palace, 
and society and celebritics from all Ше 
Islands attended, with everyone dad in 
his finest finery (sce Playbill). Yt was a 
splendid occasion to observe the absence 
of color linc The governor, а St. 
"Thomian by birth, told us what he had 
said in a speech a few months before: 
that he wants to make himself. obsolete, 
by which he means that he hopes he will 
bc the lax Presidentially appointed 
governor and that the next one will be 

Unless you are very much the nature 
boy, St. John (31/4 miles from St. Thomas) 

prot t merit more than а one 
day visit wüful as it js You get 
there by * The word is рш in 

quotes because there are two so-called 
h arc, in fact, palatial Fair- 
form Flyers (built by Huckins, the Rolls- 
Royce of the powerboat biz). 

The best way to arrange for your day 
on St. John is to enlist the help of St 
Ісу H. Freihofer, a genial and knowl- 
edgeable erstwhile Statesider 
with his charming wife— operates two 
services called Explorers Coastline 
Cruises and Safari Land Tour 
hofer will not only arrange the coast- 
line cruises by boat that the name of 
his fir ned outfit suggests, but he'll 
supervise your trip to St. John, from 
waking you to the ferry landing in a 
jeep-styled bus with a fringe on the top. 
on St, John a pleas 
ure, even if you are not a sulficiently 
impassioned nature lover to take one 
of his safari tours around the island's 
21 square miles and through its bay-tree 
forest (whence St. Thomas gets a major 
raw material for the making of bay rum) 

Most of the island is now The Virgin 
Islands National Park; a bit of the rest 
is given over to the retirement homes 
of a handful of lucky mi 
guest house and — more importantly = 
Caneel Bay Plantation, Laurence Rocke- 
feller's notion of what a luxury tropical 
hostelry should be, and who can quarrel 
with that? Caneel Bay's unofficial boast 
is that there is one acre of land and one 
servant per paying guest. There are a 
couple of main buildings housing a pa- 
ant and other public rooms, 

who — 


lionaires, one 

but most all the accommodations are in 
what are called cottages, that compare 
with the average vacation cottage the 
way the Palace of Versailles compares 
with a county courthouse. As a one-day 
visitor, you'll walk from the ferry dock 
to a dining pavilion, enjoy your choice 
of cocktails or rum drinks, then a munif- 
cent buffet lunch on an open dining 
pavilion, after which you may 
yourself of the magnificent beach (and 
all water sports equipment), or explore 
antiquities and natural wonders on 
foot, by donkey, by jeep, or in one of 
Mr. Freihofer's open-air buses. You can 
be back on St. Thomas in plenty of 
time for the cocktail hour and we recom- 
mend it: St. John goes to sleep with the 
birds. As a young lady we met on the 
ferry put it, “For a vacation, who needs 


After you've unlaxed from Stateside 
tensions on St. Thomas for a few days 
—or a few wecks— and paid your re- 
spects to St. John, you'll want to take 
the 20-minute shuttle plane to St. Croix, 
a very different island, indeed. 

St. Croix (rhymes with joy: the adjec- 
tival form is Cruzan, rhymes with 
Susan) is the largest of the American 
Virgins, being 28 miles long from east 
то west, and—at its widest — 10 miles 
from north to south. Except for a moun- 
tainous ridge running pretty much the 
gth of its north shore, it is gently 
rolling sugar cane country and among 
its man-made landmarks are the relics of 
ancient stone sugar mills and the stately 
mansions, many of them now turned 
into guest houses, of their long-departed 
plantation owners. Although St. Croix 
has thriven under seven flags since 
Columbus was first accorded a warm re- 
ception from the working ends of Carib 
Indian arrows when he landed there in 
1493, it has not distinguished itself for 
any other kind of liveliness until com: 
paratively recently. In fact, someone 
once suggested that St. Croix is the place 
where old folks from St. Petersburg go 
to visit their parents. This reputation 
docs not bring joy to the hearts of com- 
mercially minded Cruzans: on the other 
hand, it is discreetly kept alive by 
younger expatriates from the States— 
and an enclave of dashing young mem- 
bers of the international jet set — who 
would just as soon see the island retain 
its languid charm, rather than becoming 
опе more outpost for the mink-stole-and- 
neon, quick-trip tourist brigade. (This 
dream of unspoiled semi-isolation may 
be fractured soon: new deep-water doc 
че for cruise ships and a new jetsize 
strip were completed as these words 
were written. The suip puts St. Croix 
just three and a half jet hours from New 
York, on direct. flights.) 

While it is truc that St. Croix has 

more than its fair share of retirement 
homes and of hotels catering to older 
(and richer) continentals than does St. 
"Thomas, it is very far from lacking in 
appeal for the romantically and adve 
turously inclined visitor. 

the rates for visitors — and. their ages— 
tend to be lower. In season there is ac- 
tion, too, however — just less of it — and, 
perhaps, less easily found. There is no 
doubt that St. Croix is quiet; that's why 
we suggested a preliminary unwinding 
n St. Thomas. But beneath the quiet 
and despite the well-bred older gentry's 
ubiquitous presence, there is a kind of 
wnashamed dedication to luxurious 
beachcombing and guiltless selfindu 
gence which grows on one in direct 
proportion to one’s sophistication con- 
cerning the gaudier and more populous 

Off season, 

We touched down at the St. Cr 
airport, which is near the hamlet of 
Frederiksted, at about four in the after- 
noon, and cabbed to Estate Good Hope, 
a hostelry which had been touted as pro- 
viding luxury, privacy, elegance, excep- 
tional service, and what we used to 
think of as Old World charm, but now 
think of as Cruzan charm. We were not 
disappointed. Our suite — consisting of 
Danish-styled living room (equipped 
with a drink-and-ice-stocked fridge be- 
hind sliding, louvered doors), large bed- 
room (double bed), luxurious bath and 
separate lavatory, and two terraces — 
one facing the sea, the other gardens 
and swimming pool — made us feel at 
once as though we'd want to stay a long 
time. The desire was reinforced when 
we shucked traveling clothes for swim- 
wear, had а dunk in the pool. then sat 
on our seaside private patio and watched 
the sun set while we relished a tall rum 
cooler. Later, having left the colonnaded 
upper floor for the main level, we dis 
covered — and partook of the bounty of 
each —an intimate little bar, a larger 
cocktail lounge, a seaside dining terrace. 

The next morning, after our flower- 
decked breakfast tray was served on 
our private patio, we availed ourselves 
of the two beaches that flank the hotel 
one for swimming, with deep, rock-free 
water, the other wide and flat, for sun- 
bathing, Our rented sports car had been 
delivered while we slept, and we took 
olf — with Baxter Webb, Good Норс% 
genial host, as guide — to look at Sandy 
Point, two miles toward the Frederiksted 
end of the island, one of the broadest, 
whitest, most unpopulated beaches we've 
ever seen, We promised ourselves a re- 
tur , hopped in the car, returned 
our host to his duties, and high-tailed й 
for lunch in Christiansted, the larger of 
the island's two towns. 

Simply stated, Christiansted struck us 
as one of the loveliest and most unique 
small towns we'd seen in all the world. 

Perfect Party Poker Prompier shows 

what beats what! Big, sturdy, colorful 
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sso | _ 
C] снҥк D со. Н 

оао) 103) 


130 Out of the vi 

The minuscule island capital is almost 
pure 18th Century Danish, with pastel 
hued houses and buildings, much. old 
wrought iron, beguiling alleys, patios 
and gardens, an endlessly fascin 
waterfront with commerc 
urcboat activity gunwale to gunwale, 
nd a business-and-shopping section 
whose buildings are colonnaded over the 
sidewalks so that one may always walk 
in the shade. 

Easy as it is to be captivated by Chris- 
nsted’s appearance, it’s а bit hard to 
pinpoint its very special atmosphere, 
which is compounded of languor, 50- 
phisticated excitement (which seldom 
shows on the surface), and а tendency 
on the part of those in the know to con- 
verge on their favorite cocktail terraces 
па patio restaurants а long, good hour 
before the noon gun. 

A very nice way to verify the fore- 
going is to drive to Christiansted (unless 
you're staying there) early enough in the 
morning to get in some strolling along 
King's Alley King Street, Avocado 
Alley, Company Street and the few ad- 
ditional little streets and alleys that 
make up the shopping section, and then 
find your way, as time for "clevenses" 
approaches, to the Café de Paris, You 
y be sure you will not be the first at 
г, nor at the palm-shaded cocktail 
tables that surround the Café's open 
ing pavilion. Despite its French name, 
the specialties of this meritorious estab- 
lishment are superb blinis, filled with 
seafood or with caviar, in the latter case, 
topped with sour cream. 

It is a pleasure to be able to report 
that the Cruzan cocktail hour gets under- 
way fairly carly, too. Again, you have 
a wide range of pleasant places to seck 
out, but we'll mention two that struck us 
as especially desirable. First is the King 
Chi an Restaurant, The thing to do 
is to walk right through the restaurant 
and on out to its waterfront terrace, 
where you may not only enjoy а leisurely 
cocktail hour but also dine on really 
superb French cuisine — with a few Cru- 
zin touches tossed in. For drinking only, 
we found a nonstridently lively group 
of friendly regulars at a charming bare- 
table bistro called The Stone Balloon. 
You should not miss at least one dinner 
at the Hotel-on-the-C: сеї 
man-powered launch only, since 
its own tiny island, right near shor 
insted Harbor. 
neer (which goes in for steel 
bands and beach barbeques), the al. 
ready mentioned Hotel-on-the Cay (which 
blends Cruzan food with calypso sounds) 
and the Mahogany Inn (which is right 
in Christiansted, and occupies ап 18th 
Century building with walled garden 
for alfresco dining) are recommended. 
gc, but still at the Chris 

tiansted end of the island, you won't 
want to miss a visit to Grapetree Bay, 
a hotel-residentíal-cottage complex in a 
superb setting, with dancing to steel 
and Stateside bands, limbo contests and 
xhibitions, and other Cruzan pleasures. 

Another delightful scene with majestic 
view is St. Croix by the Sc; fine place 
for dancing, and — once a week ~ 
formal fun poolside barbeque. At 
this writing, the island's only out-and-out 
night club is called Morningstar; if you 
get there before 10 ром. you may find 
things a bit quiet, this all-night nightery 
being appropriately named. 

St. Croix waters are pellucidly ideal 
for boating and provide excellent fish- 
ing, too. Christiansted is the place to 
take off for either. Sport fishing isn't as 

prevalent as in other Caribbean arcas, 
but you may charter vessels such as Asta, 
а 42foot ChrisCraft twin diesel gold 

plater on which we spent a wonderful 
deep-sea fishing. As for sailing, the 
man to look up is Richard C. Nevick. 
You can reach him by phone or mect him, 
usually during the cocktail hour, at King 

Newick is the de igner and 
builder of the only trimaran we've ever 
been on, and it's an experience not to 

miss if you care for sailing at all, The 
boat has a narrow center planing hull 
and two even narrower outrigger hulls 
which barely touch the water. Laced can- 
vas hammocks are slung from the center 
hull to the outriggers, and make ma 
velous places to sit or sprawl while the 
vessel skims the water at an incre 
20 knots. A very good notion 
to book the trimaran (with friends) for 
а day at Buck Island, some 12 miles olf 
shore from Christiansted. 

It would be hard to overstate the 

beauty of Buck Island's beaches and sur- 
rounding waters. This uninhabited little 
isle, off which one anchors and then 
swims ashore, sports а just-off-the-beach 
underwater trail for snorklers or scuba- 
divers, which provides some of the most 
ular underwater sceni ne 
in the world. When we were there, we 
were invited to join Secretary of the 
Interior Udall, Governor Paiewonsky, 
Commissi i 
(the Virgins’ writer-in-residence) and 
other island notables in the dedication 
of this wail and its placing under na- 
tional protection from dredging and 
despoiling. Some notion of the quality 
of Buck Island's strand, sea and priva 
may be gl 
happy trio on page 
away, by pLaveoy staller Jerry Yulsm: 
rederiksted — about 15 miles from 
Christiansted by scenicshorcline or tor- 
tuous-hillside road — is even smaller than 
Christiansted and quite different 
been virtually leveled 

foliage, and coral and rock forma 

ned from the picture of a 
5, snapped walking 

chitecture, having 

by fire toward the end of the 19th Cen- 
tury and rebuilt during the flowering of 
Victor ingerbread, cupolas and other 
ornamentation. Some of the old Danish 
houses still stand, however (one of them 
Occupied by youthful secessionists from 
such erstwhile sanctuaries [rom the 
budget-tourist scene as Majorca, La Costa 
del Sol, North Africa, Стсссе and Ps- 
toril). There isn’t much to do in Fred- 
eriksted, but it docs feature three places 
not to miss. Do yourself the favor of 
eating at Versailles, owned and operated 
by Big Daddy, formerly chef at Toots 
Shor's in New York. By all means, dinc on 
the finest of chophouse food (done morc 
in the French manner than the B; itish) 
at Crown House, an early-I8th Cen- 
ansion turned restaurant, 
with а wonderful walled den where 
one dines alfresco by candlelight. Then 
drop in late at a place called The Seven 
Flags. At last report. Donald Van Wart 
was still holding forth at this drinkery, 
ging and playing the piano in a loosc- 
limbed, loose-jawed way satirically rem- 
iniscent of Dwight Fisk. Apropos The 
Seven Flags, local wags say that a brief 
history of it (and of St. Croix) may be 
discerned from the fact that it was 
named because the building existed un 
derseven different flags, was subsequently 
nicknamed The Seven Hags, is now in- 
delicately referred to by some as The 
Seven Fags, In Frederiksted, too, is Bar- 
a McConncll's restaurant. Barbara, 
daughter of Rea Irwin, who created the 
New Yorker's Eustace tums out 
some fancy productions and is as pleasant 
company as she is a good cook. At the 
Frederiksted end of the island you'll also 
to be sure to visit Estate Carlton, 
even if you don’t put up there. Cocktails, 
dinner, entertainment, dancing, and a 
romantically, lushly labyrinthine topic 
hong the attractions that 
re—of an evening—a more 
ing crowd than is apt to be able to 
afford residence. Fstate Carlton has its 
own nine-hole golf course as well as two 
V. I. luxury standards: a fresh-water swin: 
ming pool and a private sandy beach. 
ft was on the day of our reluctant 
departure. from the Islands that Jerome 
Dreyer — Department of Commerce ofi 
cial —came out to the airport to sec us 
oll. As we were saying goodbye, Jerry (an 
ex-New Yorker) looked up at the cloud- 
less sky and said, “Damnit, can't it e 

timent of a 
Thomian, but the grin of d 
amusement which suffused his face made 
it dear that h hed nothing of the 
nd, but was applying а gentle needle to 
northbound travelers. After years among 
those American Virgins, he still can't get 
over their climate and their natural 
beauty. We couldn't blame him; neither 

n we. 


“Damn it — I told them I was too well known for undercover work!” 


THE Ов>в5510/ 






(continued from page 61) 

to see if the cards you sell over the 
counter to the public are the same as 
the ones you play with. Call it an ex 

Rafferty grinned coldly, then suddenly 
turned and walked the few steps to the 
cigar counter. The pit boss followed 
him. He said, “What are you going 
to do?” 

“Just buy a deck of cards,” Rafferty 
said. He nodded at the girl behind the 
counter, “Cards? 

A dollar, sir," the girl said and slid 
a deck across the glass top of the counter 

Rafferty set a silver dollar on the 
counter. He turned and held out the 
deck to the pit boss. lere," he said. 
“You hold them. Just to make sure I'm 
not cheating; 

The pit boss took the deck and stared 
at him. “You figure we're sensitive, so 
you're trying to make trouble, aren't 

No,” Rafferty said. "You're the onc 
who's looking for trouble. АП I'm look- 
ing for is an even shake. To repeat, all 
: up your offer. 

uppose you 

I'm doing is tà 

The pit boss su 
have a run of luck. 
Then I have a ıu 

“Then you can go 
proves we're crooked.” 

“If you're пої, you don't have any- 
thing to won boi 

"And if you keep on losing? What 
then? Do you hang it on the dealer? 

“There'll be people watching," Raf- 
ferty said. “I'm not worried about card 
tricks. Not this time around." 

You could still sit there and com- 
plain and cause troubl 

“Not really," Rafferty said. "A deck 
lasts about an hour in play, doesn't it 
And if I went back to the counter for 
another deck, that would be unreason- 
able, wouldn't й? No, made my 
play. I'm truly interested in whether 
you think it’s asking too much.” 

"The pit boss looked down at his shoes. 
his doesn't prove a thing, you know. 
If we were dishonest, the easiest thing 
in the world now would be to rig it 
so you win. 

“Га be delighted,” Rafferty said. " 
cept that doing that would make you 
look really bad.” 

“Then wi 

"A fresh 

of luck." 
und sayi 


a new deck of 

Rafferty,” the pit boss said, 
He paused. "All right. You've 

got an hour.” 
“Thank you,” Rafferty said, and they 

went back to the table, А new de; 
wis called over. The pit boss himself 
broke the seal and spread the cards 
Rallerty played for an hour, while the 
pit boss and an evergrowing crowd of 

134 onlookers watched. 

At the end of the hour, Rafferty stood 
up. He had won $18,000. 

“Are you satisfied?" the pit boss said 
to him. 

"Not quite,” Rafferty said smoothly. 

“I sec," the pit boss said. His voice 
struggled for control. "But that's not a 
dollar, Mr. Rafferty, because the cards 
at this point aren't worth a dollar any- 
more. Theyre used. So here are the 
uds, Mr. Rafferty, and you sell them 
for what you can get for them. And I'm 
not supposed to say this, but I'm going 
to say it anyway — don't come back here, 
Mr. Rafferty. It costs us too much to 
prove to you we're honest, and Im not 
talking just about money. We like 
people who take our word for it, because 
we are honest, and we have their good 
will and the only way we can stay in 
business is to stay honest and. seule for 
the house edge. You understand, Mr. 

“Perfectly,” Rafferty said. "You don't 
have to worry about me coming back 
It's unlikely Га ev 
like this one." 

He nodded, fended his way through 
the group of onlookers and went to the 
elevators and up to his room. When he 
got there, he found there was a young 
woman seated at the writing table. She 
had an extremely thin artist's реп in 
her hand and she was marking the backs 
of a new deck of cards. The package the 
cards came in had been opened so that 
the seal was left unbroken. 

"Hi" she said to Rafferty. “How'd 
you do?" She was the girl who had been 
behind the cigar counter downstairs. 

"Fifteen net, y said, "and I 
told you not to be scen up here. And 
lay off the cards for now. Wait till we 
t to Rei 

have another run 



ff upper lip, JEEVES! 

(continued from page 51) 

leaving me gaping after him, all of 

And TII tell you wh: 
At Brinkley in the previous summer a 
rather unfortunate mix-up had occurred, 
and, as Jeeves would say, it had pre 
cipitated a sharp crisis in my affairs. 
The facts may be readily stated. Gussie, 
enamored of Madeline Bassett, would 
have liked to let her in on the way he 
felt but couldn't seem to make the grade 
He asked me to plead his canse, and 
when I did so, of course the Bassett, as 
pronounced a fathead as ever brok 
biscuit, thought I was pleading mine. 
She said she was so sorry to cause mc 
pain, but Gussie was the one she loved 
Which was fine, except that she added 
that if anything should happen to cor 
rect her view that he was what the 
doctor ordered, or words to that effect 
І was the next in line, and while she 
could never feel for me the same flaming 
fervor or whatever it was, she would do 
her best to make me happy. I was, in a 

I was all of ат 

word, in the position of a Vice-President 

of the United States of America 
while feeling that he is all т 
knows that he will be in for i 
goes wrong with the man up top. Be 
cause — let's face it— if а girl has got it 
into her nut that a fellow loves her, and 
comes and tells him that she is returning 
her betrothed to storage and is now 
prepared to sign up with him, what 
can a chap do: 

It will occasion you, therefore, little 

ips 1 was through the Wooster 
door and shouting for Jeeves. 
he said, manifesting himself. 
“А frightful thing has happened 

“Indeed, sit? 1 am sorry to hear that. 

Theres one thing you have to 
Jecves credit for. He lets the dead. past 
bury its d. He and the young master may 
have had differences about Alpine hats 
with pink feathers in them, but when 
he sees the y. m. on the receiving end 
of the slings and anows of outr 
fortune, he sinks his dudgeon and comes 
through with the feudal spirit at its 
best. So now, ye 
distant and haughty, as a le 
would have be 
gitation and concern. That is to say 
he allowed one eyebrow to rise perhaps 
n eighth of an inch, which is as Іш 
s he ever goes in the м 

“What would appear to be the trouble 

I sank into a chair, and mopped the 
frontal bone. 

“Гуе just seen Gussie Fink Noule 
And do you know what? 1 happened to 
mention Miss Bassett’s name, and he 


stead of be old and 

r man 

n, he showed the utmost 

y of expressi 

ıid— follow this closely, Jeeves—he 
said — I quote — "Don't talk to me about 
Madeline. Madeline makes me sick." 
Close quotes. Those are not the words 
of love.” 

"No, sir.“ 

“There must have been a rift in the 

“Lute, sir.” 

“Thank you, Jeeves. Lute is the word 
Twas groping for. And we know what's 
going to happen if that lute takes the 
knock. What ought I to do, Jeeves?” 


“Don't stand there з 
know as well as I do that 
which calls for 

situation has 
arisen. the immediate 
coming of all good men to the aid of 
the party. T ought to hasten to Totleigh 
Towers and try to start the dove of peace 
going into its act, but I was talking to 
Stinker Pinker just now and he says 
Stiffy Byng has something she wants me 
to do for her. Well, you know the sort 
of thing young Stiffy generally wants 
people to do. The mind boggles at the 
thought of what she may be cooking up. 
So there you are. I'm on the horns of а 
+. - what are those things you get on 
the horns of?” 

‘Dilemmas, sir.” 

“That's right. I'm on the horns of a 
dilemma, Shall I, I ask myself, go and 
see what I can do in the way of pouring 
oil on the troubled w's, or would it be 
more prudent to stay put and let nature 

aying “Si 

its course?" 
лу on, Jeeve 

‘Is it not possible for you to go to 
Totleigh Towers but to decline to carry 
ош Miss Byng's wishe: 

€ a suggestion, sir? 

I could sec, a 


“Issue a nolle prosequi, you mean? 
Tell her to go and boil her head?” 

“Precisely, sir. 

“Jeeves,” 1 said, “as always you have 
found the way. The die is cast. Т go to 
Totleigh. though the flesh creeps freely 
at the prospect. Stiff upper lip, Jeeves! 

With Jeeves, I set out for Totleigh 
Towers. 1 had timed myself to arrive not 
100 long in advance of the evening meal, 
when bracers might be expected to be 
circulating, for there was no sense in 
getting there in the middle of the alter- 
пооп and having to mix with the 
for several hours without refreshment. It 
was nearing seven when I fetched up at 
the front door and was shown into the 
drawing room, where Madeline Bassett 
was at the piano singing old folk songs, 
at least that was what they had sounded 
like as I approached. A good deal of 
that he бошу stuff. 

She rose to greet me, а slender figure 
drooping slightly 

“Веше!” she cried. 
with a tender g 
of dread «сер 

and gazed at me 
le which sent a thrill 
down the Wooster 

spine. The thought that there stood a 
popsy who might at any moment hand 
Gussie his hat and call on me to fill the 
Vacant spot was not an agreeable опе. 
“Oh, Bertie, was it wise of jen to come? 
у not be merely causing you need: 
less pain to sec me, to be neat me, know: 
ing that we can never be more than just 
good friends? I hate to hurt you, Bertie 

Tt makes me sad to think of your hope- 
less love. 
That word “hopeless” was music to my 

c. It made a new man of me. What is it 
that flowers do when the sun shines on 
them? Burgeon, isn't it? E burgconcd. as 
I have so often эссп Catsmcat Pott 
Pirbright at the Drones burgeon alter a 
couple of quick ones. 

“Is it hopeless?” 

“You still love Gussie?" 
Vell, you know 
thought perhaps you mi 
olf the boi 
“No, Bertie 
“Right ho." 
can never . .. Oh, Daddy, here i 
ie Wooster.” 
ssett had entered, humming а 
. It died on his lips as he saw 
me, and he stood staring agh: 
“I forgot to tell you. I asked Bertie to 
come here for a few days.” 
“Good God!" said Pop Bassett, and he 
tottered out again, no doubt to go and 
get a restorative. 

І mean. I 
ht have gone 


it is useless. You must not 

ner will be in half an hour, 
" said Madeline. "E will show 
our room. 

e painful encounter with the old 
Bassett disease might have been expected 
to depress me, but it didn’t I was so 
braced by Madeline’ icc that all 
was well between her and Gussie that I 
gave й little thought. It was in excellent 
fettle that I started to dress for dinner, 
d when Jeeves came in I greeted him 
with а gay 
"It's all right a at lute, Jeeves. 
No rift. 1 have this straight from the 
horse's mouth. Miss Bassett and Gussie 
are sweethearts still. Grea 
He did not suing along 
merry mood. 
“I fear, sir. 


with my 

that vou are too sanguine. 

On Mr. Fink-Nottle’s side there exists 
considerable dissatisfaction and resent- 

Ihis wiped the smile off my face. It's 
never easy to translate what Jeeves sty 
into basic English, but I had been able 
to grab the above statement off the bat. 

You mean she's а sweetheart still, but 
he isn 

“Precisely, sir.” 

“But what's happened? 

“Some liwle time ago Miss Bassett in- 
sisted on Mr. Fink-Noule becoming a 
vegetarian, sir." 

“A what? A vegetarian 


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136 obtained the po: 

"Yes, sir. It has caused marked. 
change in Mr. Fink-Nottle's feelings." 

“But why on earth?” 

“Why did she want him to be a vege- 
T understand that the lady has re- 
cently been reading books of Buddhist 
philosophy and has gleaned from them 
the conviction that the consumption of 
flesh foods із unspiritual.” 
grave news, Jeeves.” 

seething with revolt?” 

Ves, sir 

“Then anything may happen. 
Yes, sir. 
What do we do for the best?” 
"It might be possible to reason with 
Miss Bassett, sir. 
“I doubt it,” T said, рий 
despondent shoe. "By the w. 

ng on a 

on, for while I knew that Jeeves 
knows everything, it puzzled me how he 
had come to be so well informed on the 

"Miss Stoker, sir. She and Mr. Fink- 
Моше met on the train coming from 
London, and he confided his troubles to 
her. Miss Stoker was much moved, and 
immediately offered to alleviate Mr. 
Fink-Nottle's distress.” 

she propose to do 1 
should have thought he'd have been be- 

h the protein viands of which 
tt so strongly disapproves. 1 
should have mentioned that Miss Stoker 
has taken the post of cook at Totleigh 

“The post of cook?" 

“Yes, sir. The matter 
a ready explanation. Miss Stoke 
pendent on a monthly allowance from 

her fa n New York, ly 
she finds this adequate. month, 
however, misled by her she 

was unfortunate in her investments on 
the turf. Sunny Jim in the two o'dock 
race at Kempton Park, sir. 

I recalled the horse to which he re- 
ferred. Only pradent second thoughts 
had kept me from having a tenner on it 

"The animal ran 

"And she lost her chemise?" 
faced wi 
ive of applying to Mr. Stoker for 
s, which would have necessitated full 
confession of her rashness and would, in 
her own phrase, have made him madder 
than a wet hen, or of secking some gain- 
ful occupation which would —I quote 
her again—tide her over ший the 
United States Marines a d. Seeing 
Sir Watkyn's advertisement in the paper 
id knowing herself to possess consider- 
able culinary skill, she applied for and 

ion. The young la 

th in a feld of 

entered upon her duties on the day 
when you entertained her to lunch at 
the Ritz Hotel. To refresh your memory. 
sir, you were wearing an Alpine hat with 
a pink feather in i 

“There is no need to rub in the Alpine 
hat, Jeeves.” 

"No, sir. 

“If you really want to know, several 
fellows at the Drones asked me where 
1 had got it.” 

“No doubt in order 

Т saw that nothing was to be gained 
by bandying words; I turned to a less 
controversia] aspect. of the situation. 

“So she lushes him up at yight, does 

10 avoid your 

Cold steak and kidney pie, 
“Well, th 

is fine, Jeeves.” 

“Don't you see?" Т said, not sorry to 
display my superior intelligence. "What 
was souring Gussie's nature and threaten- 
ing to split the Fink Noule-Bassett axis 
was his having to confine himself to 
vegetarian diet. He chafed, and I don't 
blame him for chafing. But now that he 
has found this steak-and-kidney-pic out- 
let, the sun will break through the clouds 
and he will be his old lovable self once 
more, Or don't you agree with me?” 

"It is possible, sir." 

Dinner is usually the meal at which 
you catch me at my best "Wooster," 
those close to me have said, "may be a 
pretty total loss by daylight, but switch 
on the soft lights, uncork the cham- 
pagne, and shove a dinner into him, and 
you'd be surprised." 

If, however, I am to sparkle and 
charm all and sundry, 1 make опе pro- 
viso — Шаг the company be right. And 
anything Jess right than the co. on this 
occasion 1 e seldom encountered. 
Old Bassett, still plainly much shaken 
at finding me on the premises, was very 
far from being the jolly old squire who 
makes the party go from the start. Spode 
was strong and silent. Madeline was 
silent, too. 5 Gussie as he picked 
moodily at what looked like spinach. 
Add Stiffy, who seemed in a kind of day. 
dream, and you had something that 
might have been guest night at a Trap- 
pist monastery. 

It was toward the middle of the meal 
that, feeling that if I didn't utter, no 
one would, I drew Pop Bassett’s attention 

to the table's centerpiece. In any normal 
house it would have been a bowl of 
flowers or something on that order, but, 

this being Totleigh Towers, it was a 
small black figure carved of some mate- 
rial 1 couldu't put a name to. It was 
so goshawful in every respect that I 
assumed it must be something Pop 
sett had collected recently. My Uncle 
Tom is always coming back from auc 
tions with similar eyesores. 

That's new, address. 
mg my host, if you could call him that, 
and he started, as if he'd just persuaded 
himself that I was merely a mirage, and 
was brought up with a round turn by 
discovering that I was there in the flesh.” 

“I beg your pardon. Mr. Wooster? 

“That statuette thing in the middle 
of the table that looks like the end man 
in a minstrel show. It's something you 
as last 

5, it 
Daddy bought it from 

is the latest addition to my 

man named 

Hockley-cum-Meston," said Madeline. 

“Attractive little bijou,” I said, though 
it hurt me to look at it. “Just the sort 
of thing Uncle Tom would like to have. 
Looks valuable,” 1 added, feeling that 
there was nothing to be lost by giving 
him the old oil. 

"It's worth £1000,” said Stiffy, coming 
out of her coma and speaking for the 
first time. 

“Really? As much as tha 
well,” I said. 

I had been hoping that this splash 
of dialog would have broken the icc. 
зо to speak, and started us off kidding 
back and forth like the guys and dolls 
in one of those old-world salons you 
read about, but no. Silence fell again 
broken only by the sound of Gussie 
cating spinach, and eventually. at long 
Jast, the meal came to an end and Ї 
was in a position to contact young Stillv. 

She had gone out into the garden at 
the close of the proceedings. I followed 
her there and found her sitting on a 
rustic seat. She showed no surprise at 
finding me at her side. 

1 was just thinking you might bc 
dropping by, Bertie, You want a con 

І corrected thi: 
not a conference. 

"What's this job Stinkcr Р 
me you want me to do for you 

“Oh, that? It’s something quite 
You remember that little black st 
thing on the table at dinner 

“Ah yes, the eyesore. What about it? 

"Do you know how much Uncle W: 
kyn paid for it?” 
ou said it was worth 
So it is. It's black amb 
it out of Plank for a буе 
You're kidding." 

No, I'm not. He paid 
pounds. I heard him say so. 
lank must be an ass. Who is he?” 

“I don't know, except tl he lives 
in Hockley-cum-Meston and is very poor 
When we were at Brinklev, Uncle Wat 
kyn was telling Mr. Travers about this 
thing ... how he happened to see it 
on Plank's mantelpiece and spotted how 
uable it was and kidded him it was 
worth practically nothing, but he would. 
give him five pounds for it because hc 

ar from here a 

Well, well. 

„ Information, 1 said, 

ker tells 


1000 quid." 
But he got 

him бус 

knew how hard up he was. He gloated 

over how clever he'd been, Mr. 
"Travers writhed like an egg w 

І could well believe it. ЈЕ there" 
thing that makes a collector sore. 
another collector getting а bargai 

“We've got to do something about it," 
said Stilfy, шу. 

“1 want you to pinch the thing and 
take it back to Plank,” she said. “We 
can't let Uncle Watkyn get away with 
highway robbery like that.” 

1 smiled another tolerant smile. The 
young boll weevil amused me. 

Well, really, Stiffy!” 

“I don't know what yo 
ing about. You're always 
aren't you? Policemen's helmets, and so 
on. Thisll be right up your street. 

1 saw that this was where Bertram did 
a bit of prompt in-the-bud nipping. 



"Nauddyo," 1 said, making it clear 
to the meanest intelligence. 
She was silent for a moment. Then 

a litle sigh. 
! Aud I did hope I wouldn't 
have to tell Madeline about Gussie. 

My heart skipped а beat. I've seldom 
heard words I liked the sound of | 

“Let me tell you a little story, Bertie. 
Last night 1 was roused from sleep by 
stealthy footsteps. I crept out of my 
room, and saw Gussie sneaking down 
the stairs. 1 followed him. He went to the 
kitchen. I peered in, and there was the 
cook shoveling cold steak and kidney pic 
into him like a stevedore loading a gr 
ship. And the thought crossed my mind 
— What would Madeline have to say 
about this, if somebody happened to 
drop an incautious word? 1 really think 
you'll have to do this one more bit 
Bertie. You don’t want 
ing her engagement, do 

of pinching. 
Madeline bre 

‘Oh, my sainted aunt!” 

I walked back to the house. Jeeves 
was messing about in my room when 
1 got there, and I lost no time in pl: 
the facts before him. To my surprise, 
instead of raising an eyebrow the cu 
tomary eighth of an inch, he came within 
an ace of smiling. That is to say, the 
left corner of his mouth quivered almost 
imperceptibly before returning to po- 
sition опе. 

“I am happy to be able to relieve 
your apprehension, sir. It will be im- 
possible for you to oblige Miss Byng in 
this matter.” 

But if I don't, the worst will happen. 

You know as well as I do that Hell hath 
no fury like a woman scorned.” 
o, sir, for the lady will be forced 
to admit that you are not 
to carry out her wishes. The statuctte is 
по longer on the dining-room table. It 
has been placed in Sir Watkyn's collec- 
tion room behind a stout steel door.” 

"Good Lord! How do you know that?” 

“I chanced to pass the din 
while you were in the garden, sir, and 
I overheard a conversation between Sir 
Watkyn and his lordship.” 
1 him Spode.” 
good, sir. Mr. Spode was ob- 
serving 10 Sir Watkyn that he had not 
at all liked the interest you displayed 
in the object during dinner. Did you 
utter the words Just the sort of thing 
Unde Tom would like to have, si 
“I did, yes. It was just the old salve. 
“The remark made a deep impression 
upon Mr. Spode. Remembering the ur 
fortunate matter of the cow-creamer, 
which did so much to mar the pleasant 
ness ої your former visit to Totleigh 
Towers, he assured Sir Watkyn that it 
was obvious that you had come here to 
purloin the statuette on Mr. Travers 
behalf, Sir Watkyn, who appeared much 
moved, accepted the theory in toto and 
readily fell in with Mr. Spode's sugges 
tion that the object be removed and 
placed behind lock and key in the col- 
lection room. Where, I presume, it now 
is When it is explained to Miss Byng 
that only by means of burglar's tools ог 
а flask of trinitrotoluol could you obti 
access to it, I am sure the lady will sce 
son and recede from her posi 
I danced a few carefree steps. The 
dark shadow had passed from my life. 
“You speak sooth, Jecves. Perhaps you 
wouldn't mind going and explaining it 
to her now. You'll tell the story so much 
better than I could. You'll find her oi 
the second rustic bench as you enter 
the lawn.“ 

ig room 

He was absent quite a time. When he 
ned, he was looking grave. Well, 
se, but I mean 

ven graver than us 
I saw Miss Byng, 

“Did she recede from her position?” 

“No, sir. She is still insistent that you 
restore the statuette to Mr. Plank.” 

"She's cuckoo. I can't get into the 
collection room. 

“No, sir, but Miss Byng can. She i 
forms me that not long ago Sir Watkyn 
chanced to drop his key, and she picked 
it up and omitted to apprise him. Sir 
Watkyn bad another key made, but the 
orginal remains in Miss Byng's pos- 

1 clutched the brow a bit. 

“You mean to say that Stiffy can get 
into the room any time she feels like іг 

“Precisely, sir. Indeed, she has just 
done so." 

And so saying he fished the eyesore 
fom an inner pocket and handed it 
to me 

Liss Byng suggests that you take the 

statuette to Mr. Plank tomorrow after 
luncheon. In her droll way she said the 
meal would put a bit of stuffing in you 

and nerve you for the 
you a little brandy, si 

2. Shall I ger 

“Not a little, Jeeves," 1 Kid. “Fetch 
the cask.” 
I don't know how Emerald Stoker 

was with brush and palette, but she un- 
questionably served a good lunch, and 
in taking up the post of cook it seemed 
to me that she had found her métier. 



138 wall. 

Everything most toothsome. But I had 
litle appetite for Ше meal. Too much 
on my mind. 

“Jeeves,” 1 said as he accompanied 
me to my car, speaking rather pecvishly, 
ps, for 1 was not my usual sunny 
it's all very well for бі Гу to say 

‘Or airily, sir.” 

“It’s all very well for Stifly to say 
glibly or airily Take this blasted statu- 
ette to Plank,’ but how do I find 
him? 1 can't go rapping at every door 
in Hockley-cum-Meston, saying ‘Excuse 
me, are you Plank? It'd be like looking 
for a needle in a haystack. 

A colorful image, sir. 1 appreciate 
your difficulty. 1 would suggest that you 
proceed to the local post office and in- 
stitute inquiries there. Postoffice officials 
ably have information on these 
t their dispo: 
1 not erred. The Hockley-cum- 
Meston post office was one of those 
shops you get in villages, where in addi 
tion to enjoying the postal facilities you 
also buy cigarettes, wool, lollipops, 

socks, boots. picture postcards 
and bottles containing yellow nonalco- 
holic drinks, probably fizzy. In answer 
to my query, the old lady behind the 
counter told me 1 would find Plank up 
at the big house with the red shutters. 

1 remembered the house. I had passed 
it about half a mile down the road. Im- 
ansion with a lot of land. This 
Plank, I took it, was a laborer on the 
estate. I pictured him as a sturdy, 
gnarled old fellow whose sailor son had 
brought home the eyesore from one of 
his voyages, and neither of them had 
п idea of its value. "EH put it on the 
clpiece, Dad," 
had said, to which the old gaffer lı 
ed, “Aye, lad, gor 
dely on the m 
to that effect, I can't do the dialect, of 
course. And then along had come 
Watkyn Bassett: with his smooth. cii 
ys and made suckers out of parent 
ng all the time, 

no doubt the son 

s about 
when there came 

to knock on the door 
bustling up an elderly gentleman with 
v, much tanned as if he had 
been sitting out in the sun quite a 
lot without his parasol 

"Oh, there you are,” he said, "Come 
in, come in,” and he led me though a 
hall liberally besprinkled with the heads 
‚ gnus and other faun 
into а room with French windows open- 
ing on the front garden, Here he left 
me while he went ой to fetch drinks, 
his first question having been Would I 
are for one for the tonsils, to which 
1 had replied with considerable en- 
thusiasm, for the day was warm, 
1 would. When he returned, he found 
me examining the photographs on the 
The one on which my eye was 

of lions, leopard: 

resting at the moment was a school 
football group, and it was not difficult to 
spot the identity of the juvenile delin- 
quent holding the ball and siuing in 

1 said, pointing. 

Wes“ hc replied. "My last year at 
school. That’s old Scrubby Banks sitting 
next to me. Fast wing three-quarter, but 
never could learn to give the reverse 

"No?" 1 said, rather shocked. I had: 
the remotest what he was talking about, 
but he had said enough to show me 
that this Banks must have been a pretty 
dubious character. 
“Next to him Boko В 

in the Federated М. poor 

fellow. Chap on his left is Smiler Todd, 

prop forward. You fond of Ruggi 
“I don't think I know him.” 
“Rugby football.” 

Dh, ah. No, Гүс never gone 

n for it. 

"Good God! I've always been mad 

keen on it. Didn't get much of it after 
leaving school, as 1 went into the Army 
and was stationed in West Africa. Tried 
to teach the natives out there the game, 
but had to give it up. Too many deaths, 
with the inevitable subsequent blood 
feuds. Do vou read the Times? I had a 
letter in it the other day, advocating 
some changes in the rules of Rugger. 
I said. Keep both 
line drawn out on the 
where the ball goes into 

Abolish the line-out, 
sides behind a 
field from 

ng escaped me 
ood bit. 
ng, pushing and 


Just what one wants to steer clear 
of, what?" 

“1 also suggested an alteration in the 
serummage ‚ nobody to move his 
foot except the hooker and then only 

the foot farthest from the scrum, and 

every forward to remain in the scrum 
till the ball is ou 
"Sounds reasonable," 1 said, and һе 

went on to speak of outside breaks and 
corner-flagging, of farther left foot 
either fourth loot, and of number ¢ 
in the 3-5-1 formation, self saying " 
nd “I see what you mean,” which 
I didn't. 

^] want to make this villa 
football village in the west of 

"Oh. yes? 

What w 
1 see what you mean.” 

“And good prop forwards don’t grow 
on every bush. But you don't want to 
hear all this, You want to know about 
my Brazil expeditio 

“Oh, have you been in Brazil? 

I seemed. to have said the wrong thing. 
He stared unpleasantly. 

е the best 

need is а good prop for- 

Didn't you know I'd been in Braz 
Hadn't the foggiest” 
“You're a funny sort of reporter." 
“I'm not a reporte 
“Then who the hell are you: 
I'm pretty astute, and I saw there had 
been a mix-up somewhere. 
"Were you expecting a reporter? 
1 was expecting а man from Flood 
and Field, to interview me 
n exploration 
‘Oh, are you an explo! 
Again I had said the wrong thin 
led, if that’s the word I want 
What did you think 1 was? Does the 

about my 


“Is your name Plank? Well, 
very odd coincidence. I 
chap called Plank. Not you 
else. "The fellow 1 want is a 
gnarled tiller of the soil with a sailor 
son. 1 can place the facts before you in 

ave here," T said. 
producing the black amber thing, "а 

what a 


aped at it 
“Where did you get tha? That's the 
of native sculpture I picked up on 
the Congo and sold to Sir Watkyn 

You sold it to him?” 
Well, he did you down. But the mat. 
ter can be readily adjusted. If you will 
slip me a fiver — 
‘Oh, so that's it!" he said, and 1 saw 
that he was looking at me with a cold. 
glassy stare, as no doubt he had looked 
at the late lions, leopards and gnus 
whose remains were to be viewed on thc 
walls of the outer hall. “I've got your 
number now," he said. "L've mct your 
sort in Brazil. Fellow out there once 
stole my false teeth and had the nerve 
10 try 10 sell them back to me next day. 
Scum of the earth, you sneak thiev 
Some chaps І know shoot them like dogs, 
but 1 don't suppose that sort of thing 
would do in Hockley-cum-Meston, so 
you sit where you arc, and don't move, 
while ! call the police. 

“It will not be ssary, si 
respectful voice, and Jeeves entered 
through the French window. Last man 
I'd expected to see, and how he had 
gol there defeated me. Гус sometimes 
felt that he must dematerialize himself, 
if that’s the word, like those fellows in 
India —fakis, don't you call them? 
who fade into thin air in Bomb 
turn up five minutes later in С 
or points west with all the | 
sembled. “Major Plank?" he said. 

"Who on carth you 

“Chief Inspector Witherspoon, si 

" said a 


This is the first of two installments 
of "Stil Upper Lip, Jeeves!” 
by P. С. Wodehouse. The conclusion will 
appear next month. 

a novelette 


PLAYBOY ALL-STARS (continued from page 85) 

jur The Danish National Museum, 
directed by the state, financed. the ac 
quisition of a comprehensive jazz-record- 
Ebook library. The Canada Council, 
cs all forms of сі 
past year awarded its first 
juz art scholarship to Ron Collier to 
study composition in New York. 

subsis sical 


music, this 

n America, by contrast. the Ford 
Foundation and other leading dispens- 
ers of largess to the arts ignored jazz 

\ particularly ironic development in 
the rise of jazz as an American export 
was the decision by the Goodyear Inter- 
ional Corporation to produce ja 
records and films — but for overseas pro- 
motion and distribution only. 

n this country, however, jazz con- 
tinued to be an exceedingly rare phe- 
nomenon on commercial television. One 
ncouraging development was the сі 
tion by Steve Allen of Jazz Scene U.S.A. 

an initial 26 half hours of undiluted 
үл to be syndicated to television sta- 
tions in the United States and abroad. 

Jazz supporters in communities with 
educational television outlets were heart- 
"ned. to learn that some 60 non- 
commercial stations were scheduling an 
cightpart Jazz Casual series that Ralph 
Gleason made in cooperation with the 
Educational Television Net- 
Gleason's recruits for these 
s in improvisation were Sonny 
Rollins, Dave Brubeck and the Modern. 
Jaz Quartet. 

In 1 

lio, most. jazz activity continued 
concentrated on FM. Although 
WJZZ. an all-jazz Connecticut ЕМ Sta- 
оп with which Dave Brubeck was ай! 

d, folded [or lack of advertiser 
port, КХОВ-ЕМ in Hollywood, the 

»wntry's first full-scale jazz FM station, 
elebrated its fifth anniversary. 

In what could be a happy augury 
or the future of jazz on at least а seg- 
nent of commercial radio, one of New 
York's most influential independents, 
WNEW, hired its first all-jazz disc 
jockey, The admirable choice was pianist 
у Taylor, who had already demon- 
strated the pulling power of а judi- 
ısly directed jazz program оп WWRL 
New York. Succeeding Taylor on the 
ıs Mercer Ellington, 
Duke's son, with Duke in the new role 
of reporteratlarge. 

While jazz was increasingly available 
M. and more and more magazines 
heorized about the music, the jazz musi 
cian himself continued to wonder when 
lie jazz “paper boom" would be trans- 

ted into more actual work, 

The jazz elders (Coleman Hawkins and 
the members of the Basie and Ellington 
inds were among the few exceptions) 
ll suffered the most. Avantgardists 
lso had many bleak weeks. Although 
John Coltrane had steady bookings, such 
widely publicized innovators as Ornette 

> be 

latter station w 

Goleman, Cecil Taylor, Eric Dolphy and 
George Russell were more often outside 
the clubs than in. 

Except for the expanding opportuni. 
ties made available by the Playboy Clubs, 
the general picture for rooms hospitable 
to jazz was gray last year. A few flour- 
ished, but more clubs closed than opened. 
Even sidemen with groups that worked 
fairly regularly had their problems. 
Traveling expenses were higher, travel- 
ing income was only moderate and most 
of the recording work was being assigned 
to the comparatively small number of 
musicians who had based themselves in 
New York and Los Angeles. 

реттеп with ascending — but not yet 
established — reputations also continued 
10 find out that a series of albums 
leader was no guarantee of even short- 
term financial security. The avers 
LP still sold under 5000 copies. 

‘The economic blight did not, however, 
extend to such entrenched personages 

as Miles Davis, Dave Brubeck. Erroll 
Garner, Cannonball Adderley, George 
Shearing and the members of the Modern 
Jazz Quartet, The MJQ, incidentally, 
announced that from on it will 
work as a unit for only six months of the 
y nd nearly exclusively in concerts. 

Concerts, which have already proved 
incrcasingly profitable Ior renowned jazz 
groups, may also provide a partial solu- 
tion for some of the lesser luminaries. 
T he college circuit continues to broaden: 
attempts are being made to start sub 
scription series in a few cities and 
lecture agencies are beginning to sup- 
plement the more conventional booking 
offices in trying to place middle-echelon 
combos in suitable contexts. 

In one area central to most jazzmen, 
progress was made last year. At the in- 
stigation of Norman Granz, 
the major booking office 
dude а standard antisegregation clause 
in their contracts concerned with jazz 

Another heartening aspect of the past 


"I can just make out the red canals on Mars, 
пош . . . wait a minute... they're not canals!” 



140 Frontie 

year in jazz was the strengthening 
quality of at least part of the summer 
festival carrousel. After а year’s absence 
to recover from the scars of the 1960 
riots, George Wein returned to produce 
the Newport Festival. By cutting dow 
the number of perfor d by rela 
tively imaginative programing, Wi 
restored a sizable amount of prestige to 
the oldest continuing American jazz fes- 
tival. In August, Wein went on to Cin- 
cinnati and successfully inaugurated the 
first Ohio Valley Jazz Festival. 

The fifth annual Monterey Festival 
in late September (eravmov, October 
1062) was again stimulatingly conc 
Among the new festivals of 1969, 
tion to the Ohio Valley event, was 
ational Jazz Festival in Wash- 
ington, D.C. The four-day series of co 
in June, had hoped for White 
House endorsement but the President 
and Mrs. Kennedy ignored the occasion 

‘The Washington programs were 
ly diversified, ranging from 

mers а 


of New Orleans to compl 
mutations. Much of the c 
otherwise venturesome fe: 5 
the weird acoustics of the Coliseum in 
which several evening concerts were held. 

One significant festival іп 1962 fea 
tured no incandescent names, but dic 
reemphasize the growing jazz ferment 
on campus. Ten big bands and 12 
combos jousted at the fourth annual 
Collegiate Festival at Notre Dame i 
April and the general level of perform- 
ance was impressively profi 
rge extent, the accelerating in- 
tensity of college jazz activity continues 
to be due to the greater importance 
ed on jazz in musical education pro- 
ins. There are now Stage Band depart- 
ments at, among other groves, Indiana 
U., Texas State U. and Olympia College 
in the state of Washington. 

A ma etic force in the seed- 
ing of the campuses is the jazz Johnny 
Appleseed, Stan Kenton, whose Kenton 
Clinics (National Stage Band С: 
were operating last summer at Mic 
State, the University of Nevada 
Indiana University, George Shearing, 
meanwhile, headed the faculty at the 
University of Utah Jazz Workshop in 
July. Three months before, college bands 
from all over the country had converged 
on the Univers ahoma for a 
weck of jazz clinics. 

Jazz also continued its nascent rela- 
tionship with the Church. In February 
a jazz quintet organized Бу an Episcopal 
priest performed in St. Louis at а session 
ol the National Council of Churches con- 
Terence on religious education. 

‘The International Jazz Festival closed 
with Ed Summerlin’s jazz liturgical sery- 
ice at the Church of the Epiphany in 
Washington nd in July, Don Ellis 
in Worship: Experiment in 

Jazz was premicred at the Church of Re- 

ligious Science in Los Angeles. In Feb- 
ruary, the United Luther 
America sponsored a thre 

1 Church in 
«day workshop 
on contemporary jazz in the secular cav- 
ern of the Village Gate in New York. 

On the nontheological scene, Ше big- 
gest surprise of the year was the sudden 
popularity of the bossa nova, The insin- 
uating, infectiously relaxed rhythms of 
the new wrinkle (as it's translated by 
Brazilian originators) combine an e 
cized samba with jazz ingredient 

By fall, practically every record label 
involved in jazz had released or was 
hastily recording bossa albums. 
The leade sales was decidedly the 
n Getz-Charlie Byrd Jazz Samba, and 
a track from that set, Desafinado, had 
become a hit single. 

Dave Brubeck, without any Brazilian 
aid, continued to sell a remarkable quan- 
tity of albums, particularly Time Out, 
which had been on the Billboard charts 
for over 100 weeks by December. 

Ray Charles — in singles and albums — 
continued to be the most consi: 
chartmaker of all popular recor 
ists during the past year. 

Organist Jimmy Smith broke through 
hugely with his Bashin’ album on Verve. 
Other briskly selling jazz LPs were 
Herbie Mann at the Village Gate (АЧат- 
tic) and Miles Davis at Carnegie Hall 

Columbia tried to maintain its posi- 
tion as the pace-setter in jazz among the 
major labels by adding Thelonious 
Monk. The same company also contrib- 
uted valuably toward increasing the 
basic jazz catalog by reissuing superbly 
prepared, mulüvolume packages ої 
Billie Holiday and Mildred Bailey. 

RCA Victor showed a forceful resur- 
gence of jazz interest by signing Sonny 
Rollins, Paul Desmond and Joe Morello 
late in 1961, recruiting Lambert, Hen- 
dricks & Bavan and recording Benny 
oodman's Russian campaign. 

The 1962 jazz obituary columns in- 
cluded two tragic accidents — the deaths 
in car crashes of 27-ycar-old bassist Doug 
and 32y 
Also gone were Leo Parker, 
Eddie South, John Graas, Isracl Crosby 
id June Richmond. 
The year's most bracing news for the 
hopeful big-band bulls was yet another 
sance of Woody Herman with Nat 
as chief arranger and pianist. 
gan, finding it impossible 
to sustain a big band regularly, worked 
more often with his quartet while also 
writing a Broadway show. Ellington, 
Basie and Kenton endured. Duke, too, 
Га Broadway musical in prep: 
nd the most nostalgic news from м 
his band was the return of trumpeter 
Cootie Williams alter a 22-year absence. 

On the way up was trumpeter-leader- 

cemposer Don Ellis, a musician of stun- 


ning technique, 
and the all-encompassing credo that 
“there is nothing in the universe which 
is not the rightful working material of 
the artist, 

Also establishing themselves in the 
jazz major leagues were trumpeters Fred 
dic Hubbard and Ted Curson. The onc 
reed man who evoked the most discussion 
was the explosive one-man band, Roland 
Kirk, who proved conclusively that he 
was much more than an antic yaudevyil- 
lian as he played — sometimes two or 
three at a time — the tenor, flute, man 
zello, strich and other instruments. 

On the West Co: 
saxophonist Jimmy Woods began 10 
emerge as a singularly searing experi 
menter with both decp-blnes roots and 
unbridled imagination. 

here was unusually absorbing activ- 
ity on the jazz bass as Art Davis, Ron 
Carter, Gary Peacock, Steve Swallow, 
Chuck Israels, George Tucker and Char 
lie Haden challenged Ray Brown, Char- 
lie Mingus, Paul Chambers and other 
longreigning monarchs. Among mus- 
cians throughout the country, the West 
Coast’s Mr. Peacock in particular began 
to be referred to in terms which heralded 
a new star of unusual dim: 

Among rising pianists of unm 
merit were Cecil Taylor, Paul Bley, Don 
Friedman and Jaki Byard, Walt Dicker- 
son appeared as the first vibist to shape 
a distinctively original conception on an 
instrument that Milt Jackson had thor 
oughly dominated for a decade. 

Drummers worth watching included 
Billy Higgins, Frank Butler and Eddie 
Blackwell. In the percussion division, а 
long-delayed act of justice occurred as 
Roy Haynes, taken for granted for many 
years as Sarah Vaughan's drummer and 
then as a protean frec-lancer in New 
York, began to achieve wider recognition. 

Among the vocalists, Carmen McRae 
continued to mature and at her best, 
she came closer to the pungent, sell 
revealing core of jazz singing than any 
of her female contemporaries. A striking 
improvement occurred in Abbey Lin- 
coln, who also became Mrs. Max Roach 
during the year. Having removed all 
traces of her supper-club past, Miss Lin 
coln began to forge a stingingly original 
style and was also learning to turn her 
race. conscious militancy into meaningful 
music. Except for the continuing resur 
rection of old blues singers, there was 
little of fresh interest among male jazz 
vocalists, Ray Charles was still tops. 

Although there were no startling addi- 
tions to the company of significant jazz 
composer-arrangers, Carla Bley did 
uniquely supple lyricism as a 
melodist, while Gary McFarland became 
а justifiably respected and busy arranger 
composer in the New York recording 
studios. Also indicating unusually r 
sourcelul wri capacity was Lalo 

Schifrin, Dizzy Gillespie's Argentine- 
bom pianist and arranger. 

"The diverse and controversial manifes- 

tations of the third stream in jazz come 
posing were somewhat less active in the 
past year; but as more and more young 
jazamen acquired thorough training in 
classical music theory, it became evident 
that jazz writing would inevitably in- 
dude a much wider and deeper reservoir 
of devices in the decade ahead. John 
Coltrane, for one, began to study Hindu 
magis and there were dy small en- 
claves of intrepid musicians working on 
vanced electronic jazz in explorations 
ralleling such classical composers as 
arése and Stockhausen. 
In playing as well as composing, it was 
unmistakably clear as 1962 ended that 
modern jazz was close to the end of a 
long period of consolidating the changes 
in the language begun by Charlie Parker, 
Dizzy Gillespie, Thelonious Monk and 
Bud Powell in the 1940s. 

The younger players were restless and 
insatiably curious about the improvis 
tory possibilities , bitonality 
and more complex meters (including jazz 
th no steadily implied beat at all). 
Although this emphasis on expanding 
the language of jazz greatly int 
in the search for the “new thing, 
most provocative of the explorers made 
it dear that they were not interested in 
academicizing the musi 

Inevitably, much pomposity and mere 
problem-solving will be masquerading as 
the “new thin the year ahead, but 
it is also quite likely that this decade will 
be the most unp ble in jazz histor 
Fortunately, there are still enough older 
ers around to remind the spacemen 
from whence they sprung. 

In the continually surprising 
spectrum of jazz in 1962 ranged from an 
amateur Russian jazz band playing 
When the Saints Come Marching In on 
May Day in Red Square to Cecil Taylor 
finally getting regular work as a рі 
after spending part of the year as a dish- 
washer in Greenwich Village. 

As 1962 segued into its final bars, jazz 
tists and jazz lovers were once more 
ked by ргдувоу to name those musi- 
ans who had contributed most to the 
jaz scene during the previous twelve- 
month. As in prior polls, the winners in 
this seventh annual PLAYBOY jazz pleb- 
iscite of readers take their much esteemed 
Playboy All- 
Jaz Band stand. The 1962 award 
asked to name their own 
top men in each of the categories, thus 
supplying us with a stellar selection of 
Allstars All-Stars. While there were а 
number of identical choices by both 
readers and jazzmen, there was enough 
disagreement to produce some interest 
ing points of comparison. Those 
who the coveted Playboy Jazz 
Medals in the 1962 balloting and were 



musical chairs on the 196: 


le to vote in their own poll 
were: Cannonball Adderley, Louis Arm- 
strong, Bob Brookmeycr, Ray Brown, 
Dave Brubeck, John Coltrane, Miles 
D: , Buddy DeFranco, Paul Desmond, 
Duke Ellington, M 
Fitzgerald, Pete Fountain, Stan Getz, 
Dizzy Gillespie, Lionel Hampton, Milt 
Jackson, J. J. Johnson, Philly Тос 
Jones, Stan Kenton, Barney Kessel, Dave 
Lambert, Shelly Manne, Wes Mont- 
gomery, Gerry Mulligan, Oscar Peterson, 
Frank Sinatra, Jack Teagarden and Kai 

four in а row, the Duke of EI 
edged out the Count of Basie. Мауп 
Ferguson inched up from 
fourth place finish to third, but was still 
а country mile behind the leaders. Also 
moving up a notch to the fourth slot was 
Stan Kenton. New on the scene in fifth 
was big-band avantgardist Gil Evans. 
1. Duke Ellington; 2. Count Basie: 
nard Ferguson; 4, Stan Kenton; 5. Gil 

Че of the trumpets continued un 

as, for the fourth consecutive year, Diz 
and Miles fought it out for top spot, and 

last year, Clark Terry garnered third 
place, with Maynard Ferguson and vet- 
cran Bobby Hackett finishing a distant 
fourth and fifth, respectively. 1. Dizzy Gil- 
lespie; 2. Miles Da 3. Clark Terry; 
4, Maynard Ferguson, 5, Bobby Hackett. 

cvery othcr Playboy Jazz Poll, J. J. John- 
son's ne led all the rest, but in a sur 
prisingly strong showing, Bill Harris of 
carly Herd fame leapfrogged from fifth 
to second this year, displ: Boh 
Brookmeyer, who dropped to third. Kai 
Winding. unplaced in 1962, wound up 
in fourth while the full-blown bone of 

Curtis Fuller repeated in fifth. 1. J. J. 
Johnson; 2. Bill Harris; 3. Bob Brook- 
meyer; 4. Kai Winding; 5. Curtis Fuller. 

derley cannonball kept right on rolling 
this year with a strong first-place finish, 
but last year’s number two man, Johnny 
Hodges, dropped to filth, with the three 
alto men who tied for third in 196 
Sonny Stitt, Paul Desmond and Lee 
Konitz— winding up two, three and 
four in that order. 1. Cennonbell Adderley; 
2. Sonny Stitt; 3. Paul Desmond; 4. Lec 
Koniu; 5. Johnny Hodges. 

low musicians heralded Sonny Rollir 
return with a first place vote of conli- 
dence, demoting last year’s winner John 
Coltrane to fourth position. Zoot Sims 
and Stan Getz, who finished two, three 
ed places, while hardy per 
1 Ben Webster remained in fifth, 
1. Sonny Rollins; 2. Sian Сеш; 3. Zoot 

5. Ben Webster. 
There was only one change among b. 



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Bill E 3. crown contested right down to the final 
ETE ТАШ Innes vote by hard-driving Art Blakey before 

RS” ALLSTAR GUITAR: Wes Mont- pulling ahead. Third position went to 
ry, who dethroned Barney Kessel in Coltrane skin man Elvin Jones, while 

tone virtuosos with on-agai 
making it no contest and Han 
Pepper Adams and Сесії Payne carving ALL 
oft second, third and fourth place laurels 

they did in 1969. Newcomer to the fourth place was nailed down by Peter- 
favored five, Pat Patrick, however, dis) шеше with an even stronger finish this son percussionist Ed Thigpen, АШ that 
lodged Bill Hood. 1. Gerry Mulligan „Chief contender Kessel plummeted one-time winner Shelly Manne could 


Harry Carney; 3. Pepper Adams; 4. Сесії ош of sight. Taking up the slack were manage this year was a three-way tie for 
Payne; 5. Pat Patrick. Jim Hall who moved up a notch to sec. fifth with Osie Johnson and the MJQ's 
ALL-STARS’ ALL-STAR CLARINET: Buddy ond. Herb Ellis who jumped from fifth Kay. 1. Philly Joe Jone: Art 
DeFranco again made a shambles ої the to third, Kenny Burrell who held on to Blakey; 3. Elvin Jones; 4. Ed Thigpen 
clarinet with mission fourth and Grant Green, a newcomer, 5. Osie Johnson, Connie Kay, Shelly 
Moscow Benny Goodman comfortably іп filth. 1. Wes Montgomery; 2. Jim Hall; Manne. 
ensconced in second position. 3. Herb Ellis; 4. Kenny Burrell; 5. Grant ALL-STARS’ ALL-STAR MISCELLANEOUS IN- 
spot went to Ellington stalwart Jimmy Green. sreomEnt: МОЗ master mallet man 
Hamilton while the cerebral Bill Smith ALL-STARS’ ALL-STAR Bass: The first bass Milt Jackson red supreme with 
nailed down fourth, with American am- spot has been donc up Brown for the his fellow п s. Second place was 
bassador-without-portfolio Tony Scott seventh consecutive year with the re, captured by allstopyout organist Jimmy 
finishing fifth. 1. Buddy DeFranco; 2. Benny — doubtable Ray cornering the mu Smith, while the soprano sax work of 
Goodman; 3. Jimmy Hamilton; 4. Bill and popular votin Adderley aide de. John Coltrane and the booting fluting of 
Smith; 5. Tony Scott. camp Sam Jones jumped from last у nes Moody өрі е honors 
ALLSTARS’ ALL-STAR PIANO: Once more | fourth slot into runner-up position, drop. | Fifth slot went to another reed man, fluc 
Oscar Peterson’s only competition for the ping Miles Davis man Paul Chambers ist Yusef Lateef. 1. Milt Jackson, vibes; 2 
piano crown came from fastrising Bill a tie for third with George Duvi- Jimmy Smith, organ; 3. John Coltrane, 
Evans who still had to be content with [th place went to a newcomer to soprano sax, James Moody, flute; 5. Yusef 
second place. Bop pioneer Thelonious dings, Wilbur Ware. 1. Rey Lateef, flute. 

Monk hiked from fourth to third, while 3. Paul Chambers, ALLSTARS’ ALLSTAR MALE VOCALIST: 
Dave Brubeck also moved up a notch Wilbur Ware. ain the only singer to give The Thin 

to fourth. Fifth position went to lor AR DRUMS: Last у 
underrated Hank Jones. 1. Oscar Peterson; king, Philly Joc Jones, had this y 

run for the roses was 
Charles. In the 
a was still The King. The 
g was jointly shared by belter 
Joe Williams who moved up from fourth 
and Mel Tormé who was unplaced in 
1962. The final slot went to the big 
itoned Billy Eckstine, with Tormé 
and Mr. B. knocking the likes of Nit 
Cole, David Allen and Jimmy Rushing 
from the top ranks. 1. Frank Sinctro; 2. Ray 
Charles; 3. Mel Tormé, Joe Williams 
Billy Eckstine. 
La bella Ella was a the big apple of 
readers and musicians’ eyes and, às be- 
fore, the Divine Sarah had to sette for 
number two encomiums. Carmen Me 
Rae dittocd her 1962 third-place finish, 
but last year's fourth-place finisher P 
Lee and number five femme Dii 
Washington exchanged 
round. 1. Ella Fitzgeral 
3. Carmen MeRa 
ton; 5. Peggy Le 

no: The „ Ше Oscar 
Peterson Trio, moved up from third. dis- 
placing the Miles Davis group. The Dave 
Brubeck Quartet status quoed in third, 
while the Cannonball crew dropped Irom 
second to fifth, with the MJQ upped 
from fifth to fourth. 1. Oscor Peterson Trio; 
iles Davis Sextet; 3. Dave Brubeck 
Quartet; 4. Modern Jazz Quartet; 5. Can- 
nonball Adderley Sextet. 

ge in personnel dimmed the popu- 
ity of what is пом Lambert, Hendricks 
& Bavan not one whit, The Hi-Lo's, who 
split last year's second place with the 
Е у М Four Freshmen, stayed in that position; 

None of us are too happy with this Chamber the latter group dropped to third. Fourth 
142 of Commerce idea — but orders ате orders!” position again went to those Galli 

slots this 
ah Vaughs 
h Washing- 

4. Dir 

pareils, the Double 5 aris, while 
number five spot was divided among the 
King Sisters (a surprise placing), Jackie 

Cain & Roy Kral, nd-new 
foursome, the Metronomes. 1. tombert, 
Hendricks & Bavan; 2. Hi 3. Four 

Freshmen; 4. Double Six of Paris; 5. 
Jackie Cain & Roy Kral, King Sisters, 

Our seventh annual Playboy Jazz Poll 
recording readers’ choices for music men- 
of-the-year reaped a resounding harvest 
of ballots. The current consensus ге- 
emphasizes our readers loyalty to past 
fayorites; it does contain, however, sev- 
eral major surpi 

For the seventh year in a row, Stan 
Kenton was crowned big man among the 
baton wielders to reign over the 1963 
Playboy All-Star Jazz Band. But Stan 
didn't win this у ily as he had 
done in the past. Henry M ini, aided 
by twin Academy Awards for both the 
tune Moon River and the score for its 
source, Breakfast at Т апу, and such 
bestselling LPs as B. A. T., Hatari and 
Experiment in Terror, jumped. from a 
fourth-place finish in 1962 into the sec- 
ond slot just a few hundred votes from 
the top. This dropped Duke Ellington 
and Count іс each down a notch to 
third and fourth in the leader category, 
although Mancini and others managed 
to gobble up enough of last year's Ken- 
ton yotes to put Ellington actually closer 
to the number one spot than he was 
in 1962's second-place finish. The same 
was not true for the Count, however; 
asie was far olf the leader's ра 
At first glance, the trumpet section of 
the 1963 Playboy All-Stars seemed the 
same as last усаг, but a closer look re- 
vealed barrel-shaped, bearded Al Hirt oc- 
cupying Maynard Ferguson's 1962 fourth 
trumpet chair. Miles Davis had по trou- 
ble taking first position 
while Dixy Gill 
claimed seat number two. Thi: 
traditionalists split the honors down the 
middle with the cool school as Louis 
Armstrong kept his third position and 
first-timer New Orleans Dixiel: 
moved up from sixth to oust Ferg 
a few hundred votes Jonah Jones, fifth 
last year, dropped to sixth. 

In the trombone section, there were 
ho surprises. In a straight repeat of last 
year’s winners, J. J. Johnson made 
seven stints as lead tromboni Kai 
Winding echoed his second-place finish, 
while Bob Brookmeyer and Jack Tea- 
garden dittoed in third and fourth po 
tions. Worth noting is the fact that 8 
Zentner leaped hom last year's eighth 
place into fifth spot this year. 

Cannonball Adderley repeated as head 
man of the alto sax section but finished 
not too far ahead of Paul Desmond, who 
in came in second. The rest of the 
principal contenders were strung out in 
much the same order as last усаг. 



"The tenor sax section also maintained 
the status quo with Stan Getz again 
taking over the first chair and John Col- 
trane repeating in the second slot. Close 
to the chairs of honor were Sonny 
Rollins, moving up from last years 
fourth-place finish to third, and Coleman 
Hawkins who dropped from third to 
fourth. Jimmy Giuttre slipped from fifth 
суеп, while Zoot Sims and “Fat- 
Newman moved up to fifth and 
sixth, respectively. 

The baritone sax race was strictly по 
contest as Gerry Mulligan, as in every 
past rLaynoy reader balloting, won by a 
landslide. The di ns were AI 
Cohn, Jimmy Сїйїїгє and Pepper Adams. 

Pete Fountain, who finally deposed. 
Benny Goodman as ckuinet king last 
year, repeated with ease th 
ing his 1962 margin. Ber 
in the runner-up spot, with Jimmy Giuf- 
fre third and Buddy DeFranco fourth. 
Acker Bilk, who didn't even place among 
the top 16 finishers last year, skyrocketed 
to a fifth-place finish for 1963. 

This proved a big year for Dave Bru- 
beck and his group, with several hands 
gamering individual honors. Dave won 
the piano laurels for 
did it with even greater case than la 
goround. André Previn continued in 
second position, but Oscar Peterson. 
zoomed up from sixth to third, displac- 
ing Erroll Garner who was moved back 
to fourth. He in turn pushed Ahmad 
Jamal back a notch to fifth. Newcomer 
Peter Nero made a fine first showing to 
come in sixth by a handful of ballots. 

Proving that his close second finish to 
Barney Kessel last year was not just а 
freak, guitarist Chet Atkins strummed 
his way past Barney (winner of all of 
rLaYboY' previous jazz polls) to become 
the 1963 Playboy Jazz All-Stars’ second 
Charlie Byrd, he of the un- 
ar, moved from fifth place 
Wes Montgomery 
n turn dis- 

new man 
amplified gı 
up to third, droppin 
into fourth position, who 
placed Eddie Condon. 

has turned 
the awardi instruments first- 
place honors into a happily repetitive 
ritual, walking away with the poll for 
the seventh year in а row. Charlie 
Mingus, whose showing on the poll was 
as stong as his views on jaz, nailed 
down second position handily, while 
Gene Wright, unplaced in previous polls, 
wound up third. 

The drums provided the third fresh 
face as Dave Brubeck's Joc Morello 
moved up from third to outdistance 
Shelly Manne, who taken first-place 
honors in the Playboy All-Star Jazz band. 
for the six previous vears, proving 
that no chair is completely secure. 

Vibesmith Lionel Hampton still held 
sway over the miscellancous instrument 
category as another pair of vibes men, 
Milt Jackson and Cal Tjader, finished. 
second and third in that order. 

There's no doubt who the top male 
vocalist is in the country — Frank Sinatra 
continues to win each readers’ and m 
cians' poll. Ray Charles maintained last 
year's strong second-place finish and 
Johnny Mathis again hung on to third. 
Also unmoved was Harry Belafonte in 
fourth, but Oscar Brown, Jr., made the 
big jump from 10th to fifth with Joe 
Williams in sixth, edging out Nat Cole. 

The first lady of song is still just that — 
Ella Fiugerald warbled her way to 
other Silver Medal with no effort at all. 
Peggy Lee, far behind, retained second 
place for another year. Third place v 
a surprise, however, with the wonderful 
Nancy Wilson leaping there from last 
years 16th place, This dropped Julio 
London down to fourth, Fifth place held 
ir] who 

ists to garner more than 100 votes last 
year, exploded on the scene. Judy С 
land continued her resurgence, moving, 
up from 12th last year to sixth place. 

It was indeed a year for Brubeck & Со... 
as the Dave Brubeck Quartet wound up 
with a bigger edge this year than last 
over the Modern Jazz Quartet, adding 
another Silver Medal to those already 
harvested by pianist Brubeck, altoist 
Desmond and drummer Joe Morello. 
The Miles Davis Sextet edged ahead of 
the George Sl pping 
them from third to fourth place, with 
Cannonball Adderley's sextet moving up 
h to fifth, just shading Al Hirt's 
Orleans Si Hits combinatioi 

moved up a notch from last year. 
The replacement of distaff member 

Annie Ross by Yolande Bavan in the 
Lambert, Hendricks billing did them no 
harm as the took top honors in 
the readers’ poll to take their place оп 
the bandstand with the 1963 Playboy 
Jaz All-Stars. No balloting was more 
closely contested than in the yocal-group 
category, however, as lolksinging new 
comers, Peter, Paul & Mary, unlisted a 
year ago, finished only 2 handful of votes 
out of the number one spot, with the 
Four Freshmen a hair's breadth behind. 
The Limeliters repeated their fourth- 
place finish, while the Kingston Trio 
dropped from third place to fifth, up- 
rooting the Hi-Lo's who slipped to sixth. 
The following is a tabulation of the 
many thousands of votes cast in this big- 
gest of all jazz polls. The names of the 
jazmen who won places on the 1963 
Playboy All-Star Jazz Band a bold- 
face type. In some categories, there 
two or more winners in order to ma 
up a full-scale jazz orchestra. Artists poll- 
ing less than 100 votes are not listed; in 
categories where two choices were al- 
lowed, those receiving less than 200 votes 
are not listed: in categories where four 
votes were allowed, no one with under 

400 votes is listed. 
(continued on next page) 




ese Pen 

. Stan Kenton 
Henry Mancini . 
. Duke Ellington 
Count Basie 
. Gil E 

5. Mayn 
. Ray Conniff 
. Quincy Јо! 
|. Gerry Mull 

Бі Zentner . 

. Lionel Hampton . 
5. Woody 

- Art Farmer 

. Bobby Hackett .. 

„ Harry James . 
. Clark "Terry 

. Pete Cai 
. Conte Candoli 
. Donald Byrd . 
. Lee Moi 

„ Buck 

Doc Severinsen 
. Roy Eldridge 

. Carmell Jone: 

. Turk Murphy 
. Kid Ory 

. Bill Harr 
. Bob Fitzpatrick 

‚ Tyree Glenn 

. Dick Nash 


ns . 

Dizzy Gilles 
ny Goodm: 

son Riddle 

Herman . 

Harry James 
Shorty Rogers 

1 Adderley . 

Shorty Rogers 
Billy Butterheld .... 


Blue Mitchell . 
ayton . 

Red Nichols 
Jack Sheldon . 

J. J. Johnson 
Kai Winding - 

. Bob Brookmeyer --- 
jack Teagarden .... 

Si Zentner 

Slide Hampton 
Frank Rosolino 
curtis Fuller 
Urbic Gre 



imy Young . 
Dave Baker . 
Bennie Green 
1 Gray ... 

Wilbur De P 

+ 4,650 

. 1,908 
< 1116 

rd Ferguson ... 

. 1,939 
. 1649 

С. Higginbotham. . 

2-- 1,061 
. 1,060 


28. Gigi Gryce 

20. Vido Musso 

. Milt Bernhart 
. Lawrence Brown - 
. Vic Dickenson . 
. Tommy Pederson . 
. Benny Powell 
Lou McGarity . 
Dickie Wells . 

Paul Desmond --- 
Bostic .. 

y Hodges 


Bud Shank .. 8 
Ornette Coleman 


Sonny Stitt 
Lee Konitz 

Woods . 

. Charlie Mariano 
е Niehaus . 
awford . 

Lou Donaldson . 
James Moody . 
lie Smith . 
AL Belletto 
Herb Geller . 
John Handy 
Bob Donovan . 

1. Stan Getz - 

2. John Coltrane 
Sonny Rollins 
Coleman Hawki 
Zoot Sims 
. Jimmy Giullre . 
Bud Frees 

. Gene Ammons - 
ave Pell . 


. Dave Young 
mny Stitt - 
„ Buddy 1 

. Bob Cooper 

. Jimmy Heath. 
. Benny Golson . 

30. Bill Perk 
. Eddi 
Plas Johnson . 

John G 
36. Don Menza . 
37. Teddy Edwards 

1. Gerry Mulligan . 
2. Al Cohn 

. Jimmy Knepper ..... 

Cannonball Adderley 11,962 


- 1018 

. Teddy Wilson 

. Acker 

. Bill Smith 

. Charlie Byrd . 
. Wes Monigomery 

. Freddie Green . 

| Oscar Moore . 

Pepper Adams 

“huck Сепшу . 
rank Hintner 



Pete Fount Қ 
у Goodman 

Buddy DeFranco 

Woody 1 

. Buddy Collette 
. Рес Wee Russell . 

Tony Scott 
aul Horn 
Jimmy На 
dmond H 

ої Yaged . 
Matty Matlock 
Barney Bigard . 

Dove Brubeck - 
André Pre 
Oscar Peterson . 

8. Thelonious Monk - 
Duke Ellington .. 
. Bill Ev 

sey Lewis 

Horace Silver 
Don Shirl 

. Bobby Tin 
. Bob Darch . 5 
Eddie Heywood ... 

Les McCann . 



Eddie Condon 

Johnny Smith 
Les Paul 

Mundell Lowe 

тре Van Ep 
AI Hendrickson 

Hanis .... 

- Barry Galbraith . 

Les Spann .. 

ha" Hines .. 

rindo Almeida . 
. Jim Hall 

23. Jean "E hielemans 
24. Joc Puma. 

1. Rey Brown 

Paul Chambers 
Red Mitchell . 
Art Davis 
. Chubby 
. Leroy 
9. Percy Heath 
. Buddy Clark . 
. Norman Bates 

. Monk Montgomery 

j. Anvell Shaw 
Bob Haggart . 
. Milt Hinton . 
. Don Bagley 
19. El Dee Young - 

. Keer В 
Howard Rumsey . 
. Pops Foster . 
Joe Benjamin .. 

. Eddie Jones . 

. Gi 
. Johnny Frigo 

. Jo Jones 
. Louis Bellson 

. Mel Lewi: 

. Red Holt . 

. Cal Tjader 

. Terry Gibbs, v 

„ Candido, bongo . 

ilie Ming 
ene Wright . 

ickson . 
inncgar . 

m Jones 

«dic Satranski 

lam Stewart 

orge Duvivier ..... 
Red Callender .. 

Bill Crow 
е Rubin 
ry Peacock 

Joc Mondragon .. 
Curtis Co 3 
George Tucker ...... 

Joe Morello . 
Shelly Manne . 
Gene Krupa 
Ait Blakey ... 
Philly Joe Jones 
Cory Cole 

Buddy Rich. 
Max Roach ..-. 
Chico Hamilton 


Rufus Jones . 
Thigpen . 

jonny Ра я 
Connie Kay - 
Elvin Jon 

Sam Woodyard . 166 

ick. Sperlin 161 

an Levey 141 

. Louis Hayes 133 

. Roy Haynes . 128 

. Osie Johnson . 119 

Ron Jefferson ..... 116 
Danny Barccloi ws 3 

Mickey Sheen 106 

. Vernel Fournier . 100 

Lionel Hampton, vibes 5,166 
Milt Jackson, vibes... 2430 
vibes 17 
Flügelhorn 1356 

mith, organ 


. John Coltrane, 
soprano sax .. ом 
. Red Norvo, vibes бөз 

Art Van 


99, Victor 

& strich.. 
Shorty Rogers, 
Flügelhorn. ........ 
Yusef Lateef, ше... 
Don Elliott, vibes & 
nellophone ....... 
sud Shank, flute .-... 
Paul Horn, fte .... 
Buddy Collette, flute . 
Gary Burton, vibes 
Clark Тату, Flügelhorn 
Ray Brown, cello 
Shirley Scott, organ 
Herbie Mann. flute. . 
Julins Watkins, 
French horn 
Milt Buckner, organ 
Dick Roberts, banjo. 
Leo Diamond, 
harmonica . 
Frank Wess, flute. 
Bub Cooper, oboe... 
Ray Nance, violin 
Fric Dolphy, flute 
Jean Thielemans, 
harmonica T 
Mike Mainieri, vibes 
з Moody, flute... 

n, vibes 

Frank Sinatra -- 
Ray Charles 
Harry Belafonte 
Johony Mathis 
Oscar Brown, Jr. 
Joe Williams 
Nat "King" Cole .... 
Sammy Dav 
Mel Tormé 
Buddy Greco ...... 
Andy Williams .... 
Tony Bennett ....... 

. Mose Allison ... 448 о 
M. Bobby Darin . 433 E 
Vic Damone ... 426 Diahann Carroll 
16, Jon Hendricks 2 979 Lena Horne ... 5 
17. Steve Lawrence 271 Pearl Bailey ......... 
18. Mark. Murphy s ES Diana Tra 
10. Billy Eckstine 8 244 Jaye Р. Morgan о - 
20. Louis Armstrong . 236 rtha Kit 
21. Jimmy Rushing ... 200 Elia james 
Brook Benton 177 | 31. Irene Kral ... 
Frank D'Rone 155 Aretha Franklin ..... 
Frankie Laine 148 | 33. Patti Page 3 
Perry Como ... 14 Dave Brubeck Quartet В,086 
AL Hippler 142 Modern Jazz Quartet . 1687 
David Allen 125 Miles Davis Sextet . 1,311 
Domino 124 | 4. George Shearing 
121 Quintet. NISI 
.. 116 | 5. Cannonball Adderley 
Bill Henderson ...... 112 Sextet 919 
FEMALE VOCALIST 6. Al Hirt Sextet 848 
1. Ella Fitzgerald 7. Oscar Peterson Tri ШЫ 
2. Nancy Wilson .. 8. Ahmad Jamal Trio .. 781 
3.) London . 9. Louis Armstrong All- 


6. Judy Garland . 
7. June Chi: 
8. Peggy Lee 

Stars 3 
10. Art Blakey and the Jazz 

André I 


Ramsey Lewis Trio 

9, Joanie Sommers Dukes of Dixieland 
10. Dinah Washington 14. Jonah Jones Quartet 
с ncis 15. Cal Tjader Quintet 

Doris Day 16. Dizzy Gillespie Quintet 
Chris Connor .. 17. Stan Getz Quartet. 
Anita O'Day ..... 4H | 18. Charlie Byrd Trio . 
Dakota Staton - 384 | 19. Shelly Manne and his 
Keely Smith ба ШІ Men — 

. Carmen McRae ...... 378 | 20. John Colva 
Della Reese 828 ace Silver Quintet 
Sarah Vaughan ...... 391 пр Septet 
Eydie Gormé 289 | 23. Charlie Mingu 

Gloria Lynne .. 


24. Thelonious Monk 

Quartet 185 
25. Red 

Pennies - 183 
96. Gene Krupa Quartet.. 162 
97 Sonny Rollins Quartet 160 
28. Chico H 

Quintet = ТЕЗ 
29. Les MeCann Ltd. 153 
30. Nina Simone and Trio 140 
31. Firehouse Five plus 

Two Ы ТЕ 
32. Turk Murphy's jazz 

Band oe 125 
33. Farmer-Golson Jazztct 192 
M. Red Norvo Quintet 104 


1. Lambert, Hendricks & 

2. Four Freshmen 

3. Peter, Paul & Mary... 


Limeliters 5 
Kingston Trio ..... 

7. Brothers Four 748 

Jackie Cain & Roy Kral 725 
9. Double Six of Paris 598 

10. Mary Kaye Trio 

U. Platters ........ 517 

rby Stone Four 491 
13. Mills Brothers 352 
14. McGuire Sisters 289 
15. Weavers 277 
16. Ink Spots 242 
17. Ames Brothers 207 
18. Four Lads к 194 
19. rnaires ......... 190 
20. King Sisters 163 
21. Clancy Bros. & Makem 147 
99. Staple Singers . ІЗІ 
23. John LaSalle Quartet... 110 

“Gosh, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, this must be my 
lucky day — Jean's always wanted me to meet her parents!” 



146 | 


Write to Janet Pilgrim for the 
answers to your shopping 
questions. She will provide you 
with the name of a retail store 
in or near your city where you 
can buy any of the specialized 
items advertised or editorially 
featured in rLAvBov. For 
example, where-to-buy 
information is available for the 
merchandise of the advertisers 
in this issue listed below. 

Benjamin Miracord 

Corbin Trousers 
Hardwick Blazers. 

Paper Mate Pen: 
Sedgefield Sport 
Sony Micro-TV Ес 
my Steroophonic Recorder. ..14 
Winthrop Shoes: 28 


Use these lines for information 
other featured merchandise 

Miss Pilgrim will be happy to 
‘answer any of your other 
questions on The Playboy Advisor, 
fashion, travel, food and drink, 
hi-fi, ete. If your question 
involves items you saw 
in PLAYBOY, please specify Pike 
number and issue of tl 
magazine as well as a brief 
description of the items 
when you write. 

232 E. Ohio Street, Chicago 11, III. 


o 3 yrs. for 514 (Save 510.00) 
O 1 yr. Гог 6 (Save 52.00) 
O payment enclosed O bill later 



Mail to PLAYBOY 

232 E. Ohio Street, Chicago 11, Illinois 

zone Stale 


Fortunately, the choice of near-and-f: 
sited vacation locales during this bur- 
seoning month is а notably extensive one. 

II you" ning on the grand tour 
through Europe, you might consider the 
following itinerary: Start off with April 
in Paris, then head southward on hired 
wheels, stopping to savor the fairest of 
the fare at the prestigious restaurants of 
Lyon (Mére Brazier, Léon de Lyon, 

Nandron) Avignon. (don't miss the 
ufduPape at Hiély), over- 
latter city in a tapestry- 

ng room within the sumptuous Hotel 
dc l'Europ on to the be 
flowered festivals at Сар d'Antibes, 
Cannes and Nice, pausing en route to 
glom French-style bullfighting in the 

an arenas of Arles, Béziers and 

aving roistered on the Riviera, 
roll on into Italy, and take the flight 
south from Rome to Sicily and Taor- 
mina, a town ablaze with tropical flowers 
set on а cliſt high above the Mediter- 
ranean with still-active Mount Etna pro- 
viding а looming backdrop. Best hotel in 
town is the former monastery of San 
Domenico, with its paneled public rooms 
and delicately green courtyards. But our 
favorite is a small, thoroughly exclusive 
place called 
which lies five 
Beach; run lik sh county 
manor, with highly personalized service, 
it’s mainly patronized by Britishers. 
The ski inclined should take note that 
in April there’s still snow aplenty on the 
Alpine slopes at St. Moritz, Davos, Zer- 

matt and Pontresina, where one encoun- 
ters a faster surface on less crowded 
slopes. For a scenic shot in the arm, head 
into the Bernese Oberland for a ride up 
the mountain railway from Interlaken to 
the top of Jungfraujoch far above the 
ice sca of the Aletsch glacier. The peak 
boasts the highest hotel in Europe, hewn 
into the rock 65 feet above an under- 
ground ice palace that serves as a year- 
round skating rink. 

ying it cool in the tall coun- 
ht allow yourself a few days 
of sunny re n in the stunning sct- 
ting of the Italiam Lakes, less th 
day's run across the Simplon from 7 
mattoon on the far side of the Matter- 
horn. The place to stay here is in Stresa 
at the Grand Hotel ct des Hes Borrom 
а choice hostelry for the man who enjoys 
fecling royally flush. 

New and old Japan hands will find 
cherry blossoms softening Oriental land- 
scapes during April at such memorable 
spots as the Outer Gardens of the Mei 
Shrine in Tokyo, the mountain glens 
above Nikko (where Japanese trout give 
а rousing run for one’s money) and the 
deer park at the Eighth Century capital 
of Nara. You can sce these and other 
Nippon showplaces in high style through 
a Japanese tour firm which has been 
organized to match trips to the personal 
interests of its clients. These luxurious 
customtailored excursions include your 
own guide, a private car and princely ac- 
commodations at de luxe inns. 

For further information on any of the 
above, write to Playboy Reader Serv 
ice, 232 E. Ohio St, Chicago 11, Ш. E 










4-Color—Closes February 15 
B&W/2-Color—Closes February 25 

Put spring in your sales in May! Millions of young 
men with eager appetites and disposable dollars will 
be reaching for this big issue. Certain to be noticed: 
PLAYBOY's special feature, The Evolution of the 
Sports Car by the eminent authority Charles Beau- 
mont and Dressing Up and Dressing Down by 
PLAYBOY's noted Fashion Director Robert L. Green. 

4-Color—Closes March 15 
B&W/2-Color—Closes March 25 

June is the gifting month for bright grads and vener- 
able dads. And readers will be shopping the pages 
of PLAYBOY's full-color gift-idea section. If men use 
it, your product belongs in this issue. Bound to be 
read: A Short History of Beer by Will Iversen and 
All Electric Cuisine by рглувоу Food and Drink 
Editor Thomas Mario. Robert L. Green returns with 
Tashion tips for Weddings. 








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Here's the BEST of BELAFONTE! 

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Ды lerena uti te adverts 


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Weis. Pese eben, Bluey Fa kronet 7 onan STEREO ON. 

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