Full text of "PLAYBOY"
| m
Photographed at Loch Lomond, Scotland, by “21” Brands
Why there's a little of Loch Lomond
in every bottle of Ballantine’s
Loch Lomond, Scotland's celebrated lake of ballad and verse,
s something very special to Ballantine's Scotch Whisk:
ine of its serenity and sunny-lightness to the spi
Loch 1 з are
perfect for making Scc or good Scotch re-
quires a water ommon gentleness. Aud the
of hardness (London's wate
300 degrees). Another
tion: Ballantin
ures up to
t considera-
of 42 Scotch Whiskies, each contributi:
lo this ch's pleasing personality.
The final result is Scotch never brash or heavy—nor so limply
light that it merely teases the taste bud:
The final result is Scotch Whisky as Scotch
Î Whisky should һе, Good-natured. full of proud
heritage, flaunting its authentic flavor and qual-
ity to all those who enjoy its company. Just a
few reasons why: the more you know about
Scotch the more you like Ballantine's.
ig its particular flavor
JULY. as the young lady on our cover
reminds us, is a fine time to loll on the
grass and lazily ponder the good things in
Ше, And, since PLAYBOY and its readers
share many of these good things, we
offer the following
Club Bunnies as worthy mate
immertime musing:
There are, in the síx Playboy Clubs
around the country, a total of 2414 tons of Bunnies, Their
collective chest measurement is 15,156 inches which is, rough-
Jy, a quarter of а mile of bustline. Their total waist span is
172%, inches and their hip circumference is, in the aggre
, 14,777 inches, The Bunnies’ combined age is a sprightly
9556 years and if all 421 of them were stacked (which they
obviously arc) head to toe, they would tower 2264 [ect
in the ai
For a more graphic indication of what these ample figures
mean on an l basis, we present this month The
Bunnies tribute to our satin-eared hutch
lovelies, along with the complete cottontile of who— and
why — they are.
A clear-eyed view of the future is achieved here
the world’s mostrenowned science-fiction authors particip
in Part One of The Playboy Panel: 1981 and Beyond. Turning
their minds toward the Orwelli: г, they make bold to
the like
ition of outer space; the prob
fe; the produc
hood of а nuclear holocaust; the conseque
lation; birth control
will appear next month.
Beginning with this issue, we offer a new feature, The
Playboy Forum, in which our reade an expanded
opportunity to enter into dialog with us on the many topics
that rravmov Editor-Publisher Hugh M. Hefner has been
discussing in The Playboy Philosophy. Forum will include
uments, pro and con, on various aspects of the American
scene, as well as reader reports on. presenta:
ler response to our continuing editorial series. This
h, in Part Eight of Philosophy, Hefner examines the
sometimes Jaughable, more often tragic, saps between ou
actual sexual practices and the false sex
codes created by puritanical tradition
and taboo. (The real and imagined ex
cesses which motivated the Puritan w
st sex are detailed in this isme in
E. V. Griffith's account of The Sabbats
of Satan.)
Diabolical is the word for the plotting
and counterplotting that is rampant in
A Night in the Byzantine Palace, this
onth's lead fiction by Ray Russell,
author of — speak of the Devil— The Case Against Satan
(Playboy After Hours, June 1969). Ray tells us that he's just
finished the screenplay for the forthcoming multimillion-dol
Jar Genghis Khan and а film adaptation of Jackson Stanley's
recent novel, The Florentine Ring. He's also working on
autobiographical second novel, in addition to Topic A, a
volume of dovetailed stories about Hollywood, of which
Byzantine Palace is the first.
More fine fiction will be found in Ken W. Purdy's chilling
Change of Plan and in the second and concluding portion of
Jules Feilfer's first novel, Harry, the Rat with Women, which
will be available in hard cover (McGraw-Hill) shortly.
The fine illustrations for our nine-page portfolio on Small
Boats for Fun Afloat were executed by Chicago artist Ben
Denison, who was also responsible for renderings of The
Playboy Cars in the Minch issue, Denison's association with
PLAYHOY stretches back to the very first issue, to which he
cartoon of a sophisticated chick writing in her
ks of her roommate, "Whats the past tense of
He is also the creator of the popular sportscar
toons which became one of eLAYmOY's early continuing
While cruising aboard Small Boats, brace yourself with a tall,
k concocted by Food and Drink Editor Tom Mario
h in Rum’s the Word and take cover in a Cleopatra
inspired beach robe as seen in Fashion Director Robert L.
n's Two on the Nile.
Ben Hecht is back with Letitia, another of his memorable
memoirs, which are soon to be published in book form by
There's more in store, of course,
checklist from Shepherd Mead on How to Select Your Second
Wife; a 50-mile hike with Little Annie Fanny; The Road to
Teevee |eebies һу our comic highwayman, Shel Silverstein
id LeRoy Neiman's bold brush with the clegance of A
песін Man at His Leisure. We wust you are at. yours
icluding a tongue-in-cheek
Summer Robes P. 84
Playboy Bunnies P. 90
Byzantine Palace
micwreo © see) ау ным eumiswine co., me
сөзі (2). CESHOND RUSSELL: ғ. 57 т
5100105, Р. 7! PHOTOS BY POSAR: P. 91
PLAYEOY, JULY, 1963. VOL. 10, NO. 7. Pus-
vol. 10, no. 7 — july, 1963
THE PLAYBOY PANEL: 1984 АМО BEYOND—discussion. 25
RUM'S THE WORD—drink. —
SMALL BOATS FOR FUN AFLOAT—modern living. == е
SUMMERTIME IDYL—playboy's playmate of the month — 74
THE SABBATS OF SATAN—article. 1...2... Е V. GRIFFITH 83
msm BEN HECHT 87
LETITI A—memoir...
THE BUNNIES—pictorial...
AIR FRANCE—man ot his leisure... .AEROY NEIMAN 102
ОМ THE SCENE—personalities по
HUGH M. HEFNER editor and publisher
А. С. SPECTORSKY associate publisher and editorial director
ARTHUR PAUL. anl director
JACK J. Kesse managing editor VINCENT T. TAJRI picture editor
WAX asociate editors: комит L. GREEN fashion director: DAVID TAVLOR associate
fashion editor; THOMAS MARIO food è drink editor; PAIRICR CHASE travel. editor;
J. vati. cerry consulting editor, business & finance; CHARLES BEAUMONT. RICHARD
TENMAN. PAUL KRASSSFR, REN W. PURDY contributing editors; STAN AMBER copy editor;
RAY WILLIAMS assistant edilor; BEV CHAMBERLAIN associale piclure editor; BONNI
YULSMAN staff. photographers: FRANK PCR, SIAN MALINOWSKI contributing. photog-
va pliers: REID AUSTIN associate art director; PANAY KAPLAN, [i FACZEK assistant
art directors: WALTER ERADENYCH, ELLEN. PACZEK агі assistants; JOHN MASINO pro-
duction manag. икат. assistant production ma + поль
LEDERER advertising director; JULIS КАМ: eastern advertising manager; Jos
FALL midwestern advertising manager; Josien GUENUMER Detroit advertising
manager; SEASON ruven promotion director; DAN CZUWAK promotion arl director;
minur токсин publicity manager: BENNY puys public relations manager;
ANSON MOUNT College bureau: THEO FREDERICK personnel director; JANET PILGRIM
reader service; WALTER HOWARTH subscription fulfillment manager; FIDON
Lites special projects; ROBERT YREUSS business manager & circulation director.
IMPERIAL Knowledgeable people buy Imperial
and they buy it by the case
Whiskey by Hiram Walker
It’s a humdinger of an idea for a party!
Here's a switch. The classic Bacardi Party, аѕ It’s the Bacardi that makes the Party. I
you know, is where the host supplies the mixings you ple: Bacardi has a subtle, dry man-pleas-
—as many as he can think of—and the guests bring ing tasi nd an almost uncanny mixability
the Bacardi. Dress is optional. Fun is guaranteed. unlike any other spirit in the world
Well, now we're getting reports of Bacardi You probably have half a Bacardi Party at
Parties whe host supplies both the mixings home right now. The other half is
and the Bacardi, and everyone dresses to the dealer's at a very sen
nines! Like in the picture above. But why not? to keep them ap:
at your liquor
ble price. It'd be a shame
па miss all the fun!
Although I have alw PLAYBOY
fan, never a playboy, I find the magazine
g short of great, in every depa
ment — especially the interview section.
April’s Playboy Interview: Helen Gurley
Brown was especially good.
Somehow I missed her book (and
tend to rectify that mistake at the earliest
possible moment) and wish to extend
thanks to you for bringing her to light. 1
am amazed that а woman in these United
States can be intelligent, sensible, logical,
wealthy, straightforward, down-to-earth
and beautiful at the same time
Michael E. Knerr
Williamsport, Pennsylvani
s been
object of h
man, this chick Helen Brown is
Julio R. Gonzalez
Төзеу City, New Jersey
doesn’t mind if the
le used but,
affection is a
Helen Gurley Brown s frankness is sur-
passed only by her apparent lack of warm,
human emotion and moral integrity.
Being a 25-year-old, unmarried male, I
ics to which she constantly refers;
n she speaks as lightly of
abortion as one would of an appendec-
tomy. without considering the es
meanings of conception and birth, her glib
witticisms suddenly become repugnant.
Hooray for sex, three cheers for the
gil, and a question for Mrs.
What does she think of the
ce, Пот an outsider's point of
no stranger to the
however, w
Jim Cerra
Fresuo, С
h 1 disagree with most of what
Helen Gurley Brown has to say in he
Playboy Interoi ticularly i
sed with her rather Hip defi
Don Juanism. She says: “А Don Juan's
sole aim . 10 prove his masculinity,
about which there may be a great deal of
doubt in his mind. Most literature on the
subject indicates that he r
love women at all. Не
Compare this with Camus’ disc
іш The Муш of Sisyphus, ou the same
1 was pa
tion of
EE ن Eee s
ANGELES, 1721 BEVERLY во... OL 3-6790
t Don Juan goes from w
It is ridiculous to represent him
а mystic in quest of total love. But
indeed because he loves them with the
same passion and cach time with his
whole sell that he must repeat his gilt and
his profound quest. Whence each woman
hopes to give him what no one has ever
given him. Each time they utterly
wrong and merely manage to make him
feel the need of that repetition. “At
exclaims one of them, 71 have given you
love. Can we be surprised that Don Juan
laughs at this? “At last? No,” he says, ‘but
once more? Why should it be essential
to love rarely in order to love much?”
Touché, Mrs. Brown?
Werner Liepolt
Schenectady, New York
T have been a faithf nd thorough
reader of your delightful and intel
magazine ever since I gave my husband
his subscription several years “
have never been motivated to write — you
e always suited me to а T. Finding
t we usually see eye to суе with you on
your philosophy, your ‚ your girls,
and your humor, we acted. with
mild amusement to your critics
However, you have finally outdone
yourself in the realm of humor! 1 have
never laughed so heartily at anything in
avsov, or anywhere else, as I did at
the Playboy Interview of Helen Gurley
Brow: «ct the percep-
tive, witty, and utterly dever man who
probed and needled and plumbed the
shallows of that silly, mixed-up mind. He
must be a master of straight-faced humor,
wb how he kept from giggling as he
solicited some ol her hysterically contra-
dictory comments is hard to imagine. We
decided it must have been that he realized
to such a “sexy, sophi:
cuted, worldly, uninhibited, man’s kind of
1^ Then we s g all
1 would love to m
San Francisco, California
Thereby nominate Helen
for Playmate of the Month!
Robert P. 1
Seaside, Са
rley Brown
YU 21-1994, KOBERT
ATLANTA'S, GA. , 233-6729.
the beginning
of a new
International Habit
FIGARO Cologne 600, 3.75
After Shave 500, 3.00
Soap 200
VETYVER Cologne 600, 3.75
Soap 200
LAVANDE Cologne 600, 3.75
Soap 200
A .-.ж-
This man is a conductor This man is Mancini
Oscars, Emmies, Grammies, gold records, count-
less awards, fame . . . there isn't much that Henry
Mancini hasn't won. Fortunately, we all share his
greatest accomplishment—the unique Mancini
sound. Sometimes this music is romantic, some-
times dramatic, sometimes jazz, but always fresh, |
modern and exciting. Here's why. Impeccable
taste. Brilliant scoring and arranging ingenuity.
Hn just as important, an ability to instill musi-
cians with that extra added musical inspiration.
m we have another Mancini milestone —his
first Dynagroove recording, “Uniquely Mancini.”
| It’s a unique experience! Dynagroove reproduces
instrument with astounding fidelity. In short, Dyna-
P groove captures the Mancini sound with true bril-
An inventive flair that creates award-winning songs E liance—even at low volume levels. Dynagroove
—"Days of Wine and Roses," “Moon River award- “ж сү makes this album the most listenable, the most.
winning sound tracks—"Breakfast at Tiffany's.” ЖАНША 2 danceable and the most remarkable Mancini yet.
: .QUR M
ойр ша ш ноылзоор
c |
“Ош Man in Hollywood." An artful ap-
proach to filmland's finest scores in-
cluding our Mancini's Academy Award-
winning “Days of Wine and Roses.”
жо ers a
Westen pasa тентек
салма TS
“Hatari!” An unforgettable high-light-
ing of cinematic realism. All Africa's.
excitement is captured and brought
back very much alive and swinging.
a rasom rune [e ET
“Breakfast at Tiffany s”
"Breakfast at Tiffany's.” One of the
roost beautiful best loved sound tracks
ever put on record. A double Academy
Award winner (includes Moon River).
The most trusted name in sound
g the only possible conception
time is just a wishful average. It can vary
all over the lot, as any couple foolish
enough to use the rhythm method can
attest. Abortion is still a risky business
even under ideal conditions. I would sug-
gest Mis. Brown sec her doctor for a
"checky-uppy. poo." She been
very lucky or she is barr
Eugene Lieb
Plainfield, New Jersey
has eith
There are wo things which I c
put down once I pick them up. One is
пу monthly PLavuoy, and the other is
novel by lan Fleming.
Your material is always of the highest
caliber and you certainly deserve credit
Гог choosing this newest work by Mr.
Fleming, ic, On Her Majesty's Secret
Service, as a feature in the April issue.
Howeve infuriating enough to
have to wait а whole month between
issues of rLaynoy; and now, a James
Bond story in three installments — how
could you be so cruel
Robert Hartman, Midshipman 3/c
U. S. Naval Academy
Annapolis, Maryland
You should be reported to эмени.
Serializing our Leader is worse than the
Bunny bylaws. Have drunk Vespe
heen to Jamaica, and have two fowr-
button suits with culls. but only single
vents (bad form). Would you explain
just what the hell is a baronet (a baron-
ess Tittle boy:)? And please, brandy and
ginger ale?
Harry Bannderman
Baronet is ranked "lwixt a knight and
a baron. And the brandy and ginger ale
was part of Bond's guise as Sir Hilary
If James Bond reads rravmov, his
black-oxidized cigarette lighter will cor-
rode when he learns on page 170 of vour
March 1963 issue (in which vou daim
you'll be the first to preview an Тап
Fleming novel) that the Argosy preview
e, In
Wrong. The "preview" of lan Flem-
ing’s “Thunderball” that ran in Argosy
was no preview at all. H appeared in their
December 1961 issue, while “Thunde
ball” was published by Viking Press in
April 1961. Also
Argosy was а condensation of the novel.
What you read in м.луноу was the full
text of “On Her Majesty's Secret. Serv-
ice,” months in advance of hardcover
what you saw іп
1 think that Ken Purdy's March arti-
most illu-
de өп The Playboy Cars w
i scellent.
and the sketches
sort of thing that I rather expect from
PLAYBOY because you seem to get better
and better. [ must say, E know which of
the cars Ken reviewed I would take but,
obviously, it would not be intelligent to
say that here because the manufacturers
do improve cach year and what is the
ultimate today is out of date tomorrow.
I would also like to compliment vou
on the fantastic interview that vou
printed with Frank Sinatra (February
1963). 1 have always been a fan of his
— this showed me that 1 was not wrong.
Stirling Moss
London, England
T just finished reading Кеп Purdy's
fine artide, The Playboy Cars, іп the
March issue. My natural pride in the
product 1 sell being wounded, I would
like to ask why he thinks a F i Ber-
linetta is faster than a Corvette. In last
year's SCCA ional Championship
races, the now-obsolete "62 Corvettes
consistently beat the Berlinettas and
won the "A" production championship
I will admit that the СТО Ferrari
(not a Berlinetta) will really outrun a
Corvette, but to me this is not a. pro-
duction car. I understand the СТО has
been declared illegal as a production
car by for the 1963 season as there
are оп few in existence. Last year's
FIA Manufacturers Trophy was won by
the СТО Ferrari, not the Berlinetta.
Tom Swindell
Dawsou Taylor Chevrolet
Detroit, Michigan
Кеп Purdy's purpose was to state that
the Ferrari is, generically, superior to
the Corvette — not surprising in view
of the price difference. This is an idea
that may have occurred. independently
to spectators al the recent Sebring race,
in which Ferrari cars finished. Ist, 2nd,
3rd, ЧП, 5th and 6th overall, the Tst-
place car winning the Index of Perform-
ance ах well. something that has not
happened at Sebring since 1954, Fer-
raris also filled the 2nd, 3rd and tth
places in the Ind
The first Corvette to finish was in
16th place. The second was in 17th.
Tt is not true that the Ferrari GTO is
"illegal" H has been specifically ac-
cepted by the world governing body, the
Fédération Internationale de l'Automo-
bile, classified as ап evolutionary devel-
opment of the Berlinetia. I1 is also
acceptable in at least one category. of
racing sponsored by the American local
body, ihe SCCA.
Your magazine is always interesting,
and I would like to thank you for
attention you paid to the Fer
Its the
bees knees!
that remark
laudatory expression that
ht be paraphrased in the
vernacular of the 60's as — the
most! These two modes of ex-
pression have nothing in com-
mon. But—20's or 60's—there's
one cockt Us common to
the cognoscenti and conna
seurs of both eras. Today.
in bygone days—everybody's
ng about that bor
d strain
cocktail glass.
The Stinger is
only one of many popular, p:
ate-pleasing, present-day cock-
h Cordials by
ks such as the
For other fascinat
drink recipe
the modern w
free copy of
to Dept.64
u Lid., P^
ington, N.J.
Cordials by Cointreau, 50 to 80 proof.
I thought The Playboy Cars by Ken
very good and found it in
particularly on the foreign-
1 do disagree with the
bounce in the American cars is now à
thing of the past. As far as I'm eon-
cerned this condition still exists in ош
present-day American cars. 1 usually
nedy this condition on every new car
L buy (two a year) by installing much
ction shock absorbers. Fhis im-
The chart list
on The Playboy Cars
1 certainly should give the
very good comparison of all c
Sam Hanks, Director of Racing
Ind Motor. Speedway
Thank you for the fine pictures of
those truly beautiful women of Afric
consider it within the realm of possi
that my son, or at least my grandson,
man of the world, may well marry one of
these beautiful women. What wonder-
ful possibilities are suggested when all
h are free to crossbred and enrich
the human race — and it looks like such
interesting work.
G. M. Whitney
Oneonta, New York
Although your magazine has always
been among my favorites, especially in the
photo department, you have finally gone
too lar with your pictorial display of
African beauties in the April issue.
It saddens me to think the “New Fron-
ier" appr ched our ow
vravnoy. If one wishes to look at d
ned beauties, one may pick up a сору
ol Ebony or Jet lor only a few cents. If
this is a preview of what із to come in
future PrAYBOYS, you will not find my
name among the 1964 renewals.
D. Thomas
EI Reno, Oklahoma
ach has
Sorry my first leuer has 10 be one of
complaint, but in my opinion your pic-
torial, The Girls of Africa, resembled a
view from the front of the bus. I realize
that the title lelt room lor girls of any
color or nationality, but by the same tok
I would not expect a pictorial on the
of the Ur
pictures of colored girls
ones of white girls, which would be the
se if the percentages were kept equal in
both articles. 1 have seen Afri
photographed to better advant:
National Geographic.
L. Sturdevant
Bethel, Connecticut.
We have always wondered how
as Dr. David Livii
stone, Henry M.
Stanley. and Dr. Albert Schweitzer could
bear living in the steaming, tec
jungles of the Dark Continent. Now.
thanks t0 the miracle of color film and
the skill of the PLAYBOY cameramen, we
William Adams, Robert Ewaskiewicz
Trenton, New Jersey
Re Miss Cil т, page HR.
April 1063 pr avrov. We love her, we love
her, we love her, we love her, we love her,
we love her. More, pl
Don Coviello
University of Connecticut
Storrs, Connecticut
In your April 1963 issue on page 118,
the magnificent picture of Gillian 1
is one of the most beautiful thing
ever seen in your marvelous publ
trust appropriate steps are being taken to
enable the world to sh
incredible facial beauty even n
James A. Folu
Greenwich, Connccticu
For more on. Miss Tanner, gentlemen,
chech our August issue,
Confound you, s
1 just set-
my pipe.
a bottle of
wouldn't have sent a dog out in. It was
snowing and the wind sounded like a
mad banshee buffeting the side of the
house. It w then [ read the М,
Brandy article by Thomas Mario. 1 fim-
ished uie
scription of the gr
knew that no
storm. | had to
So take heed. si
rticle and the brandy at the
ind. thanks to the vi
pe by Mr. Mario, I
c time, de-
H my wife should
turn ill fom having ventured out on
such a night, you shall hear from me.
My compliments to Mr. Mario and
PLAYBOY On an excellent article.
Robert. Preville
Baltimore, Maryland
Upon reading your informative disse
он ou brandy, I have realized how
little Т know about good liquors and
how much I would like to know. May
1 suggest that in future issues you reveal
more facts on other types of liquors
with recipes for the utilization of these
It is said that one can
until one has learned. 1 found that your
cle helped me to appreciate the cle-
gant flavor of good brandy even morc-
Please continue my education
William С
ot appreciate
ld, Massachusetts
Is the new Triumph Spitfire for you?
If money is not your first concern in buying а new
car (but you don't mind saving some)... if you frankly
enjoy turning on the power and turning girls’ heads...
then the Spitfire is your car. It’s so much fun you wonder
if it's legal!
Well, it is—and practical, too. Behind that lavish feel
(and struck-it-rich look) is the Spitfire’s refreshing price
—$2199*. And this for almost a full ton of Triumph-
engineered, Michelotti-styled, twin-carbed, roll-up win-
dowed, tachometered, deep bucket-seated, 145-inch long
sports car. It has 4-wheel independent suspension and
turns in a tight 24 feet. The top goes up easily. The big
trunk locks. There is leg room for a six-footer. You get
up to 35 sweet m.p.g.'s.
Let your nearby Triumph dealer get you started riding
higher. He's in the Yellow Pages.
"nuccested retail price P.O.E. plusstateand/ertecaltaxes. Slightly higher in West. Standard-Triumph Motor Co., Inc., 575 Madison Ave.. New York. Canade: 1463 Eglinton Ave. Мезі, Toronto 10, Ont.
— Jose Cuervo TEQUILA
Re dispatches from the Orient re-
port the perfection of an operation
which is worth a moment of sober re
flection: Tokyo gynecologist Kohei
Matsukubo has learned how to create
an artificial hymen for blushing brides-
to-be. This surgical subterfuge, called
jinko shojo, is performed either with
plastic or human body tissue, and is
available to interested
need apply) for 560 іп yen. We've
decided that what bothers us about Dr.
Matsukubo's exercise in Instant Tn-
nocence, even more than the deception
involved. are the semantic problems
that leap to mind: Can the doctor bc
called а flowerer of women? Can the
doctor bc accused of running a closed
shop, or confusing the tissue? Might cach
of his operations be called an open-and
shut and his appointment book
dubbed an unscore card? And docs cach
patient become, after the 20-minute
operation, a Is this, then,
what is meant by the Inscrutable Ea
These questions aside, it would appear
that we will never again be able to place
complete trust in that hoary buy-l
Made in Japan.
risen woman
times seen on an In-
Sign of the
dianapolis marque
From our frontline correspondent.
abroad, ominous news anent the battle
The men of Dungeness,
gland, were recently defeated by the
women of the village in the a
of war.
of the sexes
»nual tug
Expressions we can do without: "He's
onc of my favorite people," "What's this
‚ "Thanks a thousand," "I couldn't
саге less,” "Don't do anything 1 wouldn't
“Let's split this жене” "Well, its
past my bedtime.” “Be good. now." "I
‘Strictly from hun-
I need it like a hole in the head,"
ең, I like it,” “I didn’t catch the
and "I didn't throw it,
“Har de
1% kick
"Who writes your
materialZ", "Get serious,” "You know
itle girls’ room," “Thal’s for
"posolutely," “absitively
“okeydoke,” "all righty
t, but not least,” “Well, that's
needs 2°, "You can s
And away we go,
Like wow!",
har har,"
it around,” "Likewise, I'm sure,"
mind if I do,
hip.” "Why
“chickic-baby,” “wellsir,
d "la
A campus informant passes along this
novel observation on novelist Henry
s from the term paper of a Radclille
The female characters were always
well-made, although he was rather weak
in his male parts.
А 45-yearold Dallas man w
arrested. on.
s recently
drunkenness charge for
walking іп a straight linc — the center
stripe on downtown Main Street.
A letter illustrating what a difference
a “D” makes was received by the Spring-
field, Massachusetts, law department
from a daimant accepting an offer of
1. With ё
candor, reports the Chicago Sun-Times,
it said, “1 would appreciate it greatly if
you would advise me when the graft i
ready so that I can pick it up at the law
department office.”
damages for a sidewalk
Kinsey Institute take note: The Val-
lejo, California, Times Herald reports
that the “sex ratio of the United States
is 971 makes per 1000 females of all ages
in the population.”
In London, reports New York's Jour
nal American, actress Jennifer Jayne, dis
cussing her relationship with pianist Art
Fairbank, told reporters: “We started by
"s all over
being good friends, but tha
We're to be mar
now. са.”
To confound those critics who say
we know nothing about country livin
we oller the following morsel of esoteric
information (the repetition of which, we
have found, instantly marks the urban
speaker as something of a Renaissance
man, equally at case in city abode or
retreat): If you count the
ber of cricket chirps that you can hear
in M seconds and add this to 40, the
result is the temperanne in degrees
rustic num
We were happy to learn the other day
in the Wall Street Journal that the
United Stats was still puuing first
things first in its technological efforts to
outstrip the Soviet Union. A Comme
tion Medal (the Air Force's third-highest
peacetime decoration) was awarded to a
dauntless lieutenant for “unselfish devo-
tion of time and energy above and be-
yond the line of duty." His medal was
won for designing à cost-cutting camp
swimming pool.
Our salute to the Italian judge, ruling
on a «ase of
noted neatly that the latest b
to be believed in to be seen.
indecent , who
kinis “have
ex posur
When a fire broke out in a cottage
at the Sunny Rest Nudist Lodge near
Palmerion, Pennsylvania, not long ago,
reports the Detroit Free Press, по less
continental touch . . .
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than 100 dauntless firemen raced to the
scene, where their efforts to extinguish
the blaze were witnessed by 25 ui
tired. guests. The cottage burned to the
Henry Mille
with a three-book salvo.
(Grove, $5). writte
two Tropics, re:
Perhaps because it's th
ates Mill
age and money-gr
nkruptcy, skipping vi
love of F
hatred of everyth
but his Brooklyn boyhood. Th
tion, The Fourteenth Ward, is the best
the book —a splashy memory cascade
of sights, smells, friends, aud fights in
g that was. But his puls
ing proclamations that U.S.A. spells
doom and that Europe means hope have
not only grown tinny with time but have
been given the horselaugh by history.
The book has almost no narrative and
its recollective rhapsody has а way of
ng from dithyramb to ram-
There are poetic touches, ev
wisps of wit: “Тот Mollatt was a genuine
aristocrat; he never questioned the price
and he never paid his bill But,
whether you loved o loathed the
Tropics, Black Spring is missable Miller.
A Literary Guide to Seduction (Stein & 1):
57.50) has the promising sound of a
anual, but this anthology of
е 20 celebrated, not to mention dog-
red, scenes from Peter Abelard to
Thomas Mann is more likely to drive the
reader imo voluntary celibacy. The
collector, опе Robert Meister, divides
seduction into four categories: the pas
te, the sporty, the social adv
the revenge; but, whatever
with the р
mpotence. Most of the
scenes are diawn from French [8th and
19th Century classics — and anyone who
still believes the French are formidable
lovers need only read this book to
be disabused. From Valmont of Dan-
gerous Acquaintances to Julien Sorel
of The Red and the Black, they rely on
the tatty old strategy of flattery to ope
the proceedings and a promise of mar-
iage to wind them up. The most novel
thinking com ly, from two
British writers. The heroine of Matthew
Lewis’ novel, The Monk, who is
with a saintly pri
portrait of the Madonna for which she
posed to be given to him and then, when
he has fallen in love with th she dis
began his writing life
Block Spring
in 1936 between the
s escape
the others, it celeb
Пот ma
Left Ba
tween hi
How To
st, first arr
ges for a
guises herself as a novice, enters his
monastery, flashes a breast at him — and
curtain, The other enterprising seducer
is the hero of Aldous Huxley's Antie
Hay, who buys a false beard and, thus
sculinized, knocks off a bored sub
housewife. But, like most other
s in Huxley's novel
1. Except for one peerless duolox
of high comedy by the 18th Centum
Frenchman, Crébillon, fils, this collec
tion is a detumescent work whose moral
appears to be that if a man enjoys the
idea of seduction, he'd better keep away
he's sorry
them, he'll be mortified and, if he docs.
he'll hate them. There grain of
truth in this, but t seduction
scenes of Western literature" seem odd
locales in which to discover it.
Vladimir Nabokov wrote The Gift (Put
nam, 53.43) in the mid-Thirties, ". , . the
last book I wrote, or ever shall write,
1." Now this clega ewell has
wanslated i
racter young Rus
émivré writer, but its heroine, as Nabokov
says, is less his girl Zina than Russian
literature itself. The Gift, like Pale Fire.
is а system of mirrors, conundrums,
books within books a chess players
i s. It recounts the narrator's
ation Гог w a book — by
and then la to rest the
ghosts of his childhood, by piecing out
the obsessive motifs of a dead writers
ile. When all this is done, the book is
finished, for the v s
path has brought it alive. The path to
the work becomes the work itself — the
reflexive Gift of the title. In the process,
the narrator has told of his life in Berlin
in the Twenties: and of his chaste
romance with 7 He is fascinated
throughout by the same things that haunt
Nabokov in most of his books: his child-
hood. his father, butterflies, chess, ing
ious coincidences (planned by whom,
the making of poems, the mutual mimicry
of life and art. A full quarter of the book
is given to a history of the 19th Century
ter Chernyshewski, and it seems im
retrospect а sketch for Nabokov's later
masterpiece on Gogol. The book glitters
with Nabokov's cruel wit, phrases such
as "lips like seali x on a letter in
which there is nothing" and "a street
beginning with a post office and end|
with a church, like an epistolary novel.”
It is the wit of an exile — eyes fixed on
ss with distaste and apprehension.
ized intelligence try t on
top of life — which dom book.
makes it intricate, baroque, mysterious.
Nabokov recalls a friend in Kiev who
“would take out a
notes in it and leave it ly
Happiness, sorrow — exclami
marge, while the context is
tions en
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nknown." The Gift seems just that
notes in the margin of a tantalizing, un-
known text— c. yearning, ludicrous,
obsessive — but, who knows, perhaps іп
the end not so irrelevant after all.
A little child shall lead them . . . to
a Academy Award. Sundays and Cybele,
this year's Oscar-winning foreign fi
the story of a friendship between a 12-
year-old girl and a man. He is an ex-w
pilot who lost his memory when he
crashed and Killed a child and who now
ves in a Paris suburb with his nurse-
mistress, Every Sunday he takes the 12-
year-old, who has been abandoned in a
local orphanage, for a walk — po
her father. Soon there's room for rumors,
work comes whirling in-
them. The most interesting
the film is that their relation-
touch of Lolita without their
really touching. Newcomer Serge Вош-
guignon directed delicately. Hardy
Kruger plays the man, but Hardy is а
softy. "The real stars are the photogra-
pher, Hemi Decne, who makes poems
out of and P
child, who really rings Cybele.
"The Four Days of Naples are from Scp-
tember 28 to October 1, 1943, when
the Allies were approaching the city
ind the people of Naples arose to help
drive out the Gern Director Nanni
Loy's film memorial to those memora
days is made up of several story st
from the fabric of the city’s strugol
refugee mother separated from he
year-old son: a young wife, cut off by
street fighting from her home and
caught im a partisan group with a for-
mer boyfriend; a gang of juvenile
delinquents who break out o a reform
tory by day to fight the Germans
go back at night: an Italian soldi
just discharged, conscripted by the
Germans as soon as he hits home. Their
lives and others combine to present
sweeping picture of a great city heaving
and tosing to throw off its chains. The
film stays this side of giant sta be-
cause some scenes are more trite than
. but much of it has the volcanic fire
of Naples erupting like nearby Vesuvius.
The real star of Frank Sinatra's latest,
Come Blow Your Horn, is the hero's apart-
ment. This wild pad, designed to fill a
wide screen with color, audience
ahs and ойу even when the script (from
the hit) snuggles
down for a snooze now and then, Sinatra
plays the 39-year-old bachelor
Lee J. Cobb and Molly Picon. ber
by his father "bum."
son of
pmarried.") Frank induces his 21-year
old brother (Tony Bill) to leave their
parents’ bed and. borscht: brother moves
in with him and Frank quickly sharpens
him into a gay blade. Both brothers
work in Cobb's artificia-fruit business,
from which perhaps some of the story
gets its waxen look. But a melange of
mis-ups, built around а trio of stacked
stunner St. John, Barbara Rush
and Phyllis McGuire — keeps the apart
ment and the picture busy if not bril-
liam. This saga of a weddingshy wolf
does better than OK by means of its self
satirically Гихе settings, its good nature,
1 Frank's frec
mdeeasy performance,
Londro, the Frenchman who was guillo-
ed in the Twenties for murdering, 10
women, was а man of iron nerve — proof
that none but the brave dissect the fair.
Francoise Sagan, the George Sand of the
sandals set, has made ful screen-
play of his life, and director Claude
Chabrol, New Wave whiz, has tuned it
into a film that is grucsomely funny and
sardonically serious. Du the First
War Landru, a Paris furniture dealer
with wife and four kids, runs out of cash
but has a way with cuties, He marries
them, mulets them, macerates them, then
brings the loot home to his unsuspecting
brood. There are macabre laughs in the
hints of horror, but there's a grotesquely
grave undertone about this man who
takes, very literally, the cutthroat condi
tions of his time. Charles Denner, bald
bearded and baritone, makes Landru a
sexy man of secrets. Among the [ated
femmes are Danielle Darrieus and
Michéle Morgan. Only the Armistice
saves Hildegarde Nels neck; Landru
stops murdering when the world does
Sixteen years ago Chaplin's
Verdoux satirized the same
tacked on a philosophizing finale. Landru
has neither Charlie's great pantomime
peaks nor his meat-handed. message; but
this film is both mordant and mem-
story and
Tn Bye, Bye Birdie, made from the Broad-
musical, the Birdie is Conrad B.. a
slinging, pelvisswinging idol of
When this hip-
son) is tapped
V send-oll is
the Sweet Shoppe set.
loose hotshot (Jesse Ре
for military service
set up with a typic club member in
Ohio. А song (Dick Van Dyke)
plants a song on the TV show so that he
сап make enough money to тату his
girl (Janet Leigh) and escape his mother
(Maureen Stapleton). The typical Birdic
fan (Ann-Margret) has trouble with her
boyfriend (Bobby Rydell) because Birdie
ping to kiss her coast-to-coast, but —
hang or her father (Paul L
s to it because the songwriter is also
biochemist who has an invention Dad
1 use in his fertilizer business. бес?
Even if you don’t— and the plot couldn't
matter less to anyone, including the
scriptwriters — the result is a fast-moving
film. There are even some bright gags.
Miss Stapleton is asked what her hus
band does. Reply: “I don't know. He's
L" Which reminds us — Ed Sullivan
puts in a brief appearance. The tunes
are morc breathless than. deathless, but
George Sidney, the director, heats the
high spots: the color is kaleidoscope-
crazy and the sheer energy of the thing
keeps you with it.
Ша Sings Broodway (Verve) is both
praiseworthy and puzzling. It rates an
colade for the incomparable Ella's
etching of Almost Like Being in Love,
No Other Love and Whatever Lola
Wants; the puzzlement is over the in-
clusion in this set of such Broadway
Danalities as Waren All Over, Dites-Mor,
Show Me and Somebody Somewhere.
All too often Miss Fitz loses out to the
misfits. sers the
from the LP jacket and the liner notes
And onc impression
that Ella is a cappella—an error of
does disservice to the
omission t
anonymous providing the
Bossa nova has shown surprising stay-
ing power on the jazz scene. Latest
evidence of its vigor: New Beat Bossa
Nova/ Vel. 2 (Colpix) on which Zoot Sims
and his orchestra continue their Brazilian
ways. The Simsmen profit from a large
covey of
percussionists providing richly flavored
support for Sims’ inventive tenor work.
Smaller, but no less interesting, is the
group On Ole! Bossa Nove! (Capitol). Gui-
tarist and bossa-nova pioneer Laurindo
Almeida is leader of а troupe that in-
dudes Shelly Manne, Don Fagerquist
and Bob Cooper. ‘The gentlemen divide
their Bra-
nd bossi-nova'd bits of
Americana such as 1 Гей My Heart in
San Francisco, Fly Me to the Moon and
Days of Wine and Roses.
flute section and an outsized
time between authentically
zilian melodies
Musicdom's round man is happily
with us once more on "Five Feet of Soul“/
my Rushing (Colpix). Jimmy, and a
fine jazz group blowing chars by Al
Cohn, are imbued with aa ebullient joie
de Among the upbeat items— Just
Because, Ооой! Look-a-There Ain't She
Pretty and My Bucket’s Got a Hole in
H—all Jimmy-dandies.
A work of brooding eloquence is Béla
Bartók's two-character opera, Bluebeard's
Castle (Mercury), here sung in the origi-
nal Hungarian by bass Mihaly Szekely
and soprano Olga Szonyi, with Antal
Dorati conducing the London Sym-
phony Orchestr Dark sonoritics fill
Bartók's impressionistic treatment of the
grisly legend — ап all-pervasive air of
malevolence and melancholy is made
more so by the strange ring of the
Magyar tongue and the deep resonance
of Bluebeard Szekely's haunting bass
Charlie Parker/Once There Was Bird (Parker
Records) offers a second. chance for j
buffs who missed this recording landmark
when the four numbers on the LP —
Hallelujah. Get Happy. Slam Slam Blues,
14 Congo Blues — were originally issued
in 1945 on two 78s. Here is bop in its
swaddling clothes, with Charlie Parker
and Dizzy Gillespie supplying the first
intimations of a new musical school,
ile Red Nono, Flip Phillips, Teddy
Wilson, Slam Stewart
J. C. Heard and Specs Powell carry over
ihe sounds of an earlier frame of jazz
reference. Although the LP is padded
out with a batch of unused takes and
incomplete fragments of the numbers
finally issued, Congo Blues is the cream
of a vintage crop that is still an excitin
aural experience.
and drummers
Nina's Choice (Colpix) is, unfortunately,
a collection of tunes which, for the most
part, we've heard her do before. She
does them well, of course — Memphis
in June, Work Song, Forbidden Fruit,
Rags and Old [yon — but. there surely
must be material, as yet unre
corded by Miss Simone, that would profit
from her attentions.
A pair of handsome 3-LP jazz wrap-
The first, Jeck
Teagarden/King of the Blues Trombone (Epic),
picks up the career of Big T in 1928 with
Jimmy McHugh's Bostonians and leaves
him in 1940 with Bud Freeman and his
Famous Chica Material from. the
intervening years finds him with his own
aggregation, bands of dubious distinc-
tion and such topflight groups as Ben
Pollack's orchestra,
band and
ups have passed our way.
led by Frankie
Trumbauer. No matter the quality of
surroundings, the trenchant Tea
trombone and leathery tonsils have re-
mained, like Caesar's wile, beyond re-
proac h. Woody Herman/The Thundering Herds
(Columbia) encompasses Herds One and
Two and the years 1915 to 1917 — a short
but prolifically productive span. The
First Herd (our own particular favorite)
n outfit
burned with white-heat intensity. F.
ning the flames were such jazz luminaries
as Sonny Berman. Bill Harris. Red
Norvo, Dave Tough, Chubby Jackson
and the Candoli brothers, Pete and
Conte. Their Ipple Honey,
Caldonia. Northwest Passage, Bijou and
Blowin’ Up a Storm is sull a thing of
drive on
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whether you want your 6 records (and all future selections)
in regular high-fidelity or stereo. Also indicate which Club
Division best suits your musical taste: Classical; Listening,
and Dancing; Broadway, Movies, Television and Musical
Comedies; Jazz.
HOW THE CLUB DPERATES: Each month the Club's staff of
music experts selects outstanding records from every field
of music. These selections are fully described in the Club's
music Magazine, which you receive free cach month.
You may accept the monthly selection for your Division . . .
or take any of the wide variety of other records offered in the
Me Tonight,
New York
176. "Revealed with
eloquence and devo-
tion." N. Y. Times
136. Riso: Route 66,
Witcheratt, My Kind
of Girl, Hurt, etc.
36. Also: Rinky-Dink,
Stripper, Take
Tino Francescatti
[or D
29. Also: Love For
Sale, Candy Kisses,
Marry Young, cic.
124. Te Man That
Gothway Here's hat
fm Here For, etc, $
156. Darling per-
formarces of these
marvelous works *
Magazine, from all Divisions . . . or take no record in ary
particular month. Your only membership obligation is to pur-
chase six selections from the more than 400 records to be
offered in the coming 12 months; you may discontinue mem-
bership at ary time thereafter. If you continue, you need buy
only four records а year to remain a member in good standing.
FREE RECORDS GIVEN REGULARLY. If you wish to continue as
а member after purchasing six records, you will receive —
FREE — a record of your choice for every two additional
selections you buy.
The records you want are mailed and billed to you at the
regular Club price of $3.98 (Classical $4.98; occasional
Onginat Cast recordings and special albums somewhat higher),
plus a small mailing and handling charge. Stereo records are
$1.00 more
ТЕ: Stereo records must be played only on a stereo record
yer. If уюй do not now Own one, by all rica
War high-fidelity records. They wi
у on your present Dhanopr
rilliant on a stereo phonograph if yoy purchase ane in the future.
Records marked with а star (k) have been electronically ғас
аппейей for stereo.
Ft нума aT CRGA
LANE пне цент fantastic
кинат A fote Doy
шш peri
ы Ғастане
са ийт
— Amer, Heaven, Blue Moon,
Moorglow, 9 more
222. Riso: tunfiht
at ок. Corral, Raw-
hide, etc.
з 61. Also: Puttin’ On 133. "Delghtl .
тте Ritz, Isn't It a pliable superb
Lovely Day, etc.
timing.” Esquire
41, The bestselling
iginal Cast record-
ing of all time
130. Just In Time,
Because of You, Rags
to Riches, 12i all
100. zn immortal
achievement: тали
cent." The дап
31. "Probably his
best recording eer."
tite ee
Tony Bennett
World of Sound
220. alse: SL Louis
Blues, The Sweetest
Sounds, Misty, ele.
68. Also: I'm in the
Mood for Love,
Street, Laura,
GREG: Pana Concerto
Rhapsody an a There
ot Paganini
Pam Corcerto No.2
446-147, Two-Record Set (Counts As Two 71. Also: Twelfth of 15, Complete score 108. "One of the Bo. Also: Dr. Kil
Selections) "Prodigious technique." — Never, Nokove, Come Tefemenber3cons of “another Вай win. buly great artists’ gave, Bonanta: CUR
The мәлін, (Not available in stereo) То Ме, elc. ” ж In The Fauntain, etc. mer""-Newsweek -Allant Constitution smoke, 12in all
"The Versatile
"How did you rememher
the name of the.
Great reserves of
light, dry mountain rums
give Merito an
unmatched delicacy and
dryness. Taste Merito
апа you'll never forget it.
breathless beauty. The softer, morc
cerebral sounds of the Four Brothers
Herd had its own distinctive appcal and
proved the launching pad for Stan Getz
and Zoot Sims. The current status of the
Herds’ chartmakers— Ralph Burns. Neal
Hefti and Shorty Rogers — gives some
indication of the band’s over-all quality.
A young lady whose
was much praised in
(Playboy After Hou
equally rewarding
Album (Columb
helt, beguile, or carry а vo
n aplomb. A typical slice of her
zc-ol-pace pie would include a rock.
ing, deliberate-tempocd Happy Days Are
Here Again: a Cole Porter eye-opener,
Come to the Supermarket; aud the
Harold Arlen-Truman Capote honey,
A Sleepin’ Bee. Warbra's approach occa-
sionally leans a little precariously toward
the dramatic, but the over-all effect
nightclub stint
this magazine
агу 1963),
world, but until Jerome Robbins’ produc-
tion of Mother Courage and Her Children,
not one of them had reached Broadway.
Mother Courage not only Brechts the fast,
it adds calories to a thin-gruel season.
“This masterfully chronicled play, adapted
by Eric Bentley, with music by Paul Des-
sau, was written 34 y o but its sting
hasn't lessened. The timeless subject
is th ucllessness of war, which Brecht
demonstrates by lantern-sliding, in 12
the Ше dur the Thirty Years’
old peddler called Mother
From Sweden to Poland to
. she hauls her wagon ol war
wares — boots, behs, brandy — hawking
to all buyers. On the Brechtian. batle
field there аге no friends and enemies,
only the living and the dead. Mother
thundcringly to the liv
and he
but she never loses her
rock- e. One of her two
sons is taken prisoner. and while she
hageles over his money, he is
shot. She wails her anguish, then goes on
selling. “These fellows may be good at
But cannot fight unless they feed,
snarls in her bitter theme s
sault on inhu
is vei попу. Dui
peace between wars, Mother Соц
older son is captured doing what h
paid to do in cattle: and with-
out opportu som or appeal,
he is executed for it. Brecht abjures all
suspense in this scene, as in all scenes. by
Brecht's astringent.
хі with.
announcing beforehand precisely what
take place. He is taking по chances
that his audience will be moved by the
drama. He wants a cool, intellectua
response. But in spite of Brecht, and
because of Anne Bancroft in the title
role. the audience is not merely attentive,
involved. Though the role is some 25
rs to her disfavor, Miss Bancroft con-
jures up all the toughness, humor and
single-mindedness of this carthy mother.
Notable in lesser roles ave Zohra Lampert
and Barbara Harris (both former т
dents of Second City) — Miss Lampert д
Mother Courage's mute daughter who
sacrifices herself to warn a town of immi-
nent invasion, and Miss Harris as a
cheery tart who turns into a bi
strumpet. The rest of the
and ragtag soldiers are not uniformly
sure of themselves, and the direction is
sometimes overly stolid. But the play is
Brecht at his best and that's quite
enough. At the Martin Beck Theater
imes tallstanding, vanilla-
caps her sprite<yed face
like a pile of cotton candy. Like her
coiffure, Miss Grimes’ new play, Rattle
of a Simple Mon, is spun sugar — wispy,
fluffy and sweet. Rattle is a simple pl
а three-character sex farce about two
mismatched misfits (the third, the
brother of the lady, is a walk-on).
Cyrenne is an elfish London prostitute
who entertains her gents in her walk
down apartment. She is a dreamer who
convince herself of anything — even
that “I don’t give a toot what anyone
thinks. I have а damn good life.” This
good life is jolted one evening when
she takes up with the reluctant Percy
(Edward Woodward), а neek mill-
worker who has emboldened himself
with bcer and has returned home with
Cyrenne to win a wager from a buddy
Percy is 42 and as virtuous as Cyr
is promiscuous. He likes cold milk, wash.
rattle, a remnant of his evening's
revels and a symbol of his own sim
plicity. Like his date, Percy hides be-
kl blinders. He has been around, һе
nsists, then drops his guard to inqui
wide Do you have normal meals?”
No, they supply us with special food,”
snaps Cyrene, He is no match for her
sauciness. For three acts she leads and he
follows. Miss an айу fairy
who is sexy when she isn't trying
wonderful cartoon of sex when she
Her uollery makes a
Woodward's drollery. These two i
tive actors launch Charles Dyer's slight
comedy into a beguiling Hight of Laney.
At the Booth Theater, 222 West 45th.
How often docs a man of 28 require
sex? My husband makes love to me only
once every 10 to 14 days and I think that
two to three times а week is closer to
normal. We've been married four years
and 1 am now 2l. He insists that I'm
oversexed, that he's normal and that
“married life isn't only sex." Which of
us requires medical help? If it is he and
he refuses to seck help, should I have an
affair — which is against my beliefs — or
should 1 seck a divorce? One thing mor
he has gone out with other women and
scs me
every time he does he later
of having cheated, too. — J. N., Denver,
Sexual frequency varies greatly from
man to man and couple to couple, but
two to three times a week is considered
the average for couples in their 20s. Of
course, marriage ism'| all sex, as your
husband says, but certainly you deserve
all he has to offer іп that area. Since
this sort of dilemma is seldom one-sided,
we suggest that both of you check with
your friendly neighborhood marriage
During the summer months 1 like to
wear shortsleeved dress shirts This
a problem, however; when I wear
а sports jacket (which naturally has had
its sleeve length tailored to show some
shirt cull) it looks like I've cither out-
own the jacket or it’s shrunk. Do I
comfort for looks? —
ave to sacrifice
D. B.. Detroit
Although approximately 70 percent
of summer shirts sold today are short-
sleeved, you'll be more correctly garbed
if you switch to long-sleeved dress shirts
in featherweight warm-weather fabrics; a
bare wrist poking out of a jacket sleeve
is liable to give you an adolescent “my
how-that-boy-is-shooting-up” look
Mice there any disadvantages in putting
your money in а savings-and-loan associ
tion rather tha bank, since
both are insu
associations generally olfer higher in-
terest rates than savings banks? — L. К.
San Diego, Californ
The one disadvantage is in the type of
insurance. The Federal Deposit Insur-
ance Corporation, covering savings-bank
accounts, provides for immediate repay-
ment or within a certain period upon
demand; the Federal Savings and Loan
Insurance Corporation's coverage doesn't
o into effect until the association legally
has been declaved in default —a pro-
cedure which could take considerable
Thin now the owner of а Morgan Plus
Four Super Sport, my first venture into
sports-carsmanship. Could you fill me in
on just what the Morgan would be going
up against in terms of racing competi
tion?—C. F., Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
You're stepping өш in fast company
105 been put in Class C Production
category for the 1963 racing season by
the Contest Board of the Sports Car
Club of America. Class С includes the
Ace and Aceca Bristols, the Jaguar 150s,
the Lotus Elite and the new Alfa-Romeo
2600. Remember, however, that before
you put а tire on a race course, you'll
have to obtain a competition license
from the SCCA.
М\/ з the best way to light a pipe so
that it stays lit for the duration of the
smoke? I find myself running through a
book of matches with cach pipeful. —
R. B., Las Vegas, Nevada
There are a number of things you can
do to prolong the life of your light. First,
make sure that you've tamped the tobacco
properly into the bowl. You're buck
house odds if it's packed in too loosely;
you'll find yourself having to draw con
tinuously to keep the pipe lit — pause
momentarily and il will go ош. To
properly stoke your fire, we recommend
wooden matches or lighters specifically
designed for pipes — book matches burn
too quickly, re;
their flames properly applied to a pipe
bowl. When lighting up, hold the pipe
bowl upright (tilling the bowl will result
in an uneven light), apply the flame as
close to the tobacco as possible and draw
deeply. Circle the flame over the tobacco,
making sure that you've covered the en-
lire exposed tobacco surface. After a few
tries, you should be able to setile down
10 some peaceful pipe smoking.
ular lighters cannot have
Is it considered in good taste to use a
ttle such Mr. Dr. or Prof., when
signing one's name on checks, letters,
ctc? — L. J., St. Louis, Missouri.
The ground rules for title usage are
fairly simple. Mr. never precedes one's
name on either checks or correspondence.
In the case of a doctor, the name may be
followed by M.D. (or whatever the cor-
rect initials of one’s profession ате), on
business correspondence but not on
checks. If a professor is a Ph.D., those
initials may follow his name. If he’s a
prof without a doctorate, however, the
abbreviation Prof. is perfectly proper
preceding the name on business corr
spondence that requires emphasis of
one’s professional status.
the man's fragrance
shave lotion $250, cologne $3
plus tax
also available in Canada
P. S. Try a sample о!
Black Watch Shave Lotion.
Send 25, your name and address
to: Black Watch, c/o Prince Matchabelli,
Box 6,485 Lexington Ave.. N.Y. 17. М.Ү.
For playboys and playmates
at leisure . . -
The best in casual wear, an impeccably fash-
toned shirt of luxurious cotton knit. Embroidered
with the distinctive PLAYBOY rabbit.
Available in: white + black « powder blue =
green = lemon • rust * red = brown = blue • gray.
Playboy Shirt: small, medium, large, extra large
$6 each, ppd.
Playmate Shirt: small, medium, large.
55 each, ppd.
Shall we enclose a gift card in your name?
Send check or money order to:
232 East Ohio Street
Chicago 11, Illinois
Playboy Club keyholders may charge by
enclosing key number with order.
now—in one book,
the very best stories and articles
from PLAYBOY's pages
Over 500 pages, 49 exciting features —
а rich mixture of prize fiction, well salted
satire and challenging articles. Reread such
all-time PLAYBOY favorites as
THE FLY and many more.
outstanding writers as Steinbeck, Caldwell,
Algren, Wylie, Schulberg. Purdy,
Beaumont and Wodehouse.
45 ppd.
Send check or money order to:
232 East Ohio St., Chicago 11, Illinois
Playboy Club keyholders may charge by
enclosing key number with order
Fo the past year
our fraternity have bee
liberal-minded nympho
of our pledges is planning to marry her.
OF the six men he has chosen for ushe
four have h: s with the brid
эсе of stopping
ader if it would
in the wed
11 would be socially acceptable — and
highly desirable — for you, and other
gossips around the fraternity house, to
cease the sanctimonious snickering and
let the couple choose their own entou-
rage. Besides, this question of etiquette
pales when compared to the problem of
whether or nol the groom is, at his
callow age and station in life, mature
enough 10 marry any girl. But that, too,
is his business.
V. it ever permissible to wear any other
color shoe than black for an evening on
the town? Occasionally, 1 have to go on a
aight from the office and have a
ing my cordovans not really
right. — M. T., St. Louis, Missouri.
Your misgivings ате well-founded;
black is the only correct shoe color jor
an evening on the town. Anything else із
definitely non-shoe, except in the tropics.
and I were called “The In-
until her parents, worried
tting too serious, shipped
her off to the University of Miami. She
left with tears in her eyes and we ex-
d love letters every day. But after
two months, her letters grew cold and
about our ¢
she started bragging about all the wild
p: going to. Then she told
me nother guy.
Duri ation at home, 1
gave her the ultimatum —ine or the
other guy. She said she was mixed up
nd couldn't give me After
that, things got pretty bitter and I took
my troubles out on a bottle. The next
day 1 opened up my sports car on the
New York State Thruway. The c s
in Sebri
now it is ready to be junked. A few d:
mer I broke down and called her
we both apologized, but for the rest of
the vacation I felt like 1 was
I have a ch:
couple of we
mistake? —
y she used to b
to go to Miami for
soon. Would this be
Brooklyn, New York.
Yes, unless you want to go schlepping
around ajter this chick for the rest of
your life. You've told her how you feel
and there's little else you can do. Let her
come to you now. If she doesn’t, she’s
not your pigeon, (And, considering your
bird-brained drinking and driving dis-
plays, we don't know why she shoulil be.)
Мут: is the diference between an
ascot and a stock? | know the stock is
worn with formal riding apparel; is it
also OK to wear with hacking jacket?
it ever worn except with riding clothes?
Is it proper to wear а pin with ci
stock or ascot, and if so, what kind?
W. Q. Washington, D
The ascot is a casual neck scarf worn
inside a shirt, with sports clothes; the
stock, a derivative of 17th Century neck-
wear, is worn today on the outside of the
shirt as part of а formal riding habil. A
stock-and-hacking-jacket_ combination. is
acceptable only if the jacket is worn by
а professional horse trainer or breeder —
if your hacking jacket is being worn in
an unofficial capacity, the ascot should.
accompany it. A classic long pin in а
horse motif is often worn with a stock,
affixed just above the stock's center,
though most astute dressers don’t wear
pins with their ascots.
Ші year 1 was married for two weeks
to a college girl in North Carolina. Our
breakup occurred because she refused to
move to the town where 1 work. Now 1
want to marry a French girl I met in
Montreal. but Im worried ng
her of my frst marriage. $i
such a short affair, should 1 just forget
that it ever happened? — E. S, Long
Branch, New Jersey.
Jusi why you're afraid lo tell your
new fiancée about that first marriage isn’t
clear. But we'll assume that its because
she might realize you're not ready for a
second one. And for our money, you're
nol. Any guy who could get married
without first discussing such obvious
issues as residence, should have stood in
the stag line, Now you seem prepared to
make à no-questionsanswered leap again,
We suggest you hold off until you can
tell the girl all the facts about yourself —
including your first mistake, By the way,
you are divorced, aren't you?
В was recently introduced to a wine I
е very much. It is a German Rhine
wine named Liebfraumilch. Could you
tell me something about it? — T. C., Los
Angeles, Californ
Be glad to. 11 seems that in the Ger-
тап city of Worms there's a church, the
Liebfrauenkirche (Church of Our Be-
loved Lady), with vineyards nearby called
the Liebfrauenstift, Kirchenstiick and
Liebfrauenstift Klostergarten, and it's
here that Liebfraumilch (Milk of the
Blessed Virgin) was originally pressed
from the grape. However, German an-
thorities long ago ruled that the name
might be applicd to any Rhine wine
of decent quality. When wine from
the actual Lichfrauenkivche vineyards is
bottled and shipped, the name of its par-
ticular vineyard rather than Liebfrau-
milch will appear оп the label. Prosit?
to wear to
corduroy suit too c
Sartorially. a carduray suit is equiva-
lent to a sports jacket and slacks. Any
for a хий makes cordu-
en in Sepulveda.
occasion callin
voy unsuilable,
гу column, you advised а
irl whose reputa
ildly, loose. I'd like
to comment on that advice because my
ion (despite a somewhat. shorter
list of lovers) is s
L am engaged to a wonderful guy who
doesn't care about my past. Two months
ago, he took а six-week o ssign-
ment to enable us to have a nest. egg
with which 10 make plans. Ignoring the
jibes of the people whom 1 lı
he handed me the kev to hi
said "E dove vou” and left. With th
ad of faith felt for me, how could i
опе doubt what my behavior would be
But there were
your Janu
while be was
doubts —
ks, or six months,
e been the
the homecom
me minute of
° wisecracks when
together or
1 sis more w
end result would.
And believe nu
s worth every lon
Now there по moi
we arrive, whether we
tying to make is that.
шеті neces-
he point Га
need only
ter oll th:
10 drop he
future with a n
hes him-
But agree with you completely.
In the case of the letter on which you
comment. the writer was so upset by his
love's lack of virginity and so afraid of
public opinion, that we could him
no other adzice except lo break alf with
— for her sake as well as his.
the gi
All reasonable questions — from fash-
ion, food and drink. hi-fi and sports ca
to dating dilemmas, taste and etiquette
will be personally answered if the
iter includes a stamped, self-addressed
envelope. Send all letters ta The Playboy
Advisor, Playboy Building, 232 Б. Ohio
Street, Chicago 11. Minois. The most
provocative, pertinent queries will be
presented on these pages cach month.
ж (йа *
BALTIMORE, но. LouleviuLe. nh
| make magic
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Want a martini that's out of this world? Try
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I'm 100% dry.
People with pull just won't touch anything but Imported O. Е. C. It's the Oldest, Finest
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Canadians half its age. And O. F. C. 8 year old is priced with Canadians years younger.
When you're out, ask for Imported O. Е, C. — it's the only Canadian with three initials.
86.8 PROOF (91363 SCHENLEY 0151 CO., NY.C.
discussion THE P LAYBOY P. ANEL:
one of a series of provocative conversations. about subjects of interest on the contemporary scene
POUL ANDERSON, who abandoned a promis-
ing career in physics to become a science-
fiction writer of wry humor and incisive
intellect, has authored some 20 books
(including two prize winners: a mystery
novel, Perish by the Sword, and an sf
novelette, The Longest Voyage), and 200
shorter works of literary criticism, crim-
inology, science [act and fiction.
ISAAC ASIMOV, ranked among the doyens
of science fiction for 25 years, divides his
considerable energies between à
ciate professorship
Boston University
of sf ıd definitive texts on
mathematics, astronomy, ai
biochemistry at
theology and nuclear physics.
JAMES BLISH, a Manhattan public-relations
counselor with a scholarly knowledge of
music, medicine and zoology, is the multi-
facile author of whodunits, westerns, his-
torical novels, literary criticism, poetry,
IV scripts and some 90 science-fiction
works, including A Case of Conscience,
named the best sf novel of 1958.
5 received wider public
and critical acclaim than any other writer
of science fiction. A weaver of poetic
parables (The Martian. Chronicles) and
grotesque fantasy (The Illustrated Man),
he has also authored screenplays (Moby
Dich) and evocative nostal
Wine). One celebrated novel (Fahrenheit
151) aud 11 ol his haunting short stories
have appeared in PLAYBOY.
32, is already coi
science-fiet been nomi-
nated for six n | sf awards while
pursui arallel careers as editor-in-
thief of Regency Books, a p:
publisher, and as a free-lance w
popular science, ears and political PR.
in the explo
for im
n ger
prophetic pioneer
ion of space as a subject
inative fiction (FartAlight) and
(Prelude to
Space). He is also chairman of the British
Interplanetary Society, and the author
of a prov AYBOY series on the
future of science and society.
ROBERT A. HEINLEIN, widely esteemed as the
dean of American science fiction, has
amassed awards in 20 s of
he Green Hills of Earth, The Puppet
Masters). Не has also authored movie,
radio and TV scripts, and writes pro-
lifically in the popularscience, mystery,
editorial and technical fields.
FREDERIK POHL, à former metcorologist,
authors’ agent and advertising copy-
writer, was the long-time collaborator of
the late С. М. Kornbluth, with whom he
wrote The Space Merchants, an acknowl-
d classic of prophetic satire. Не is
the editor of Galaxy magazine and solo
thor of many short stories, including
the eerie Punch (erAvnov, June 1961) and
46 books on si, history and biography.
ROD SERLING is the gilted creator, execu-
tive producer and occasional writer of
The Twilight Zone, CBS" long-running
series of imaginative excursions into the
world of fantasy and science fiction. He
is also the Emmy-winning playwright of
Patterns and Requiem Heavy
weight, and has participated in a
Jor a
vious Playboy Panel, Fbi
d Prospects.
driver, hotel m r and promotion
writer, has devoted most of his profes-
sional career to first-rate fantasy and
science fiction. The sensitive scrutiny
of love, profane and perverse — explored
in such tales as Some of Your Blood and
Venus Plus X, о
themes ranging from
WILLIAM TENN has ca asa
TV actor, market researcher, croupier and
uopical-fish pathologist; but his prin-
ave accrued from his skill
ist of lethal wit and ironic
Among his many sudor
stories of future refinements in man's in-
humanity to man: Null-P, Child's Play
A. E. VAN МОСТ is the Canadian-bor
tor of Slan, a recognized sf clas:
on the theme of Homo superior; and a
veteran specialist in epic melodramas of
intergalactic adventure undertoned with
political sitire. He is also a lay psycholo-
gist and the author of The Violent Man,
а non-s{ novel exploring the origins of
Red Chinas warmongering psychology.
took his first мер
into space on October 4, 1957 — a date
which future encyclopedists may well
rink above October 19, 1499 in the
history of the Earth — there were per-
haps four groups of people who wi
not astonished: the Russian scientists
CLARKE: Í can't see U.
any longer than U.S. Š
capitalism lasting
. В. state socialism.
Theyll pass cach other about 1980,
headed in opposite directions.
ren: Human body styles, like clothing
mode as the genetic couturiers who de
signed them come into and out of ü
will someday become outré or ala-
ANDERSON: Given hydrogen fusion as an
energy source and given efficient chemo-
synthesis, it should be possible to make
food from rock — from almost anythi
mannan: The time will come when we
can put a pound into orbit for 10 cenis. It
will presently cost less to rocket to the
Moon than it does now ta fly to Australia.
Because an
looks horrid, we must not lash out instinc-
tively 10 destroy it; quite possibly it will
find us no less repellent to behold.
и: Oral contraceplives have
widely hailed, but it won't be lon
the human organism can immun
against any fertility-suppressant drug
The so-called “unnatural” зел
« both hetero- and homosexual,
may someday become legal, ethical and —
who knows — even patriotic.
the overpopulation
problem over to a computer. If an excess
seemed inevitable, abortions от infanti-
cide would h
' to be the answer.
who launched Sputnik T. their cha-
grined counterparts at Cape Canaveral,
their respective governments, and some
quarter-million regular readers of science
fiction. To the practitioners of this long-
maligned literary form — traditionally
dismissed as pulp fiction and juvcnile-cs-
capist literature — this epochal event
came as a vindication of their life's work
and vision. which. in the tradition ol the
remarkable science fantasies of Jules
Verne and H. G. Wells had already
prophesied a startling number of thc
and minor facts of modern lite,
While these facts. along with public
recognition, have since caught up with
these visions of things to come — from
Moon shots and communications sate
lites to color television and the electric
toothbrush — these "wizards of a small
planet,” as one writer called them, have
kept their proph ze fixed on the
horizon, and today ponder the possibili-
ties and prol "s of George Orwell's
1984, of Aldous Huxley's Brave 2
World. and of still other worlds aud
times as yet unrealized. The general
public, meanwhile, as sf writer-editor
Anthony Boucher wrote im an article
for рълуво in May 1958, “is beginning
to look at us and wonder how much
else we may know" about the world of
the future. Astronaut John Glenn ob-
served recently that “if we use our op-
portunity wisely, another decade of
progress will produce a civilization so
cc that
n detail even
most visionary minds.” Well,
nen, you have all been. eminent
s by profession for а number
and your collective dreams
and nightmares have proven. prophetic
to а degree which testifies to your qual-
ifications for challenging Colonel Glenn
with a symposium of prognostications
about the world of 1984 and beyond. Per-
haps science fictions: most
prophecy for the e future,
Boucher suggested in PLAYBOY article,
is that “a species which h;
atomic power and space flight
longer allord the luxury of nation
racial rivalries, but must unite or perish.”
In 1951, Pauclist Arthur С. Clarke wrote,
“There will be no
the stratosphere.”
events, do you agree with Boucher that
i well prove to be the most
псоггес of all science fiction's
far beyond our present experic
it cannot yet be conceived
by the
ationalitics beyond
a view of subsequent
BUDRYS: The hu
jı race is apparently
frontier-prone. "There's no escaping it-
I think it is part of Ше human mecha-
that you think in terms of “Th
is mine, d at E will defend," and
That is beyond that belongs to
s wi
somebody else.” ys assume a
“mine” and a irs" Even if we do
venture into space as a group, even if
we have no intramural frontiers, there
will always be a frontier between us and
anybody else who tries to stake out a
claim from some other directi
nk this is necessary to the function of
the human being. I think the Russians
will reach the Moon ahead of us — and
soon, if everything else remains equal
And once there, they will claim the entire
orb, and declare any landing by any
other nation’s hardware, manned or not.
an invasion of territorial rights.
ANDERSON: Well, I think its a tosup
whether we or the Russians will get
there first. But whoever it is, I don't
believe it will be possible for any coun
uy to claim the Moon, or an entire
planct, merely because one of its ships
gets there first. Territorial claims. will
bly have to be restricted to those
which are actually occupied. and
exploited. The Moon or Mars could be
parceled out among several counties.
CLARKE: І agree. It is sheer megaloman
for any single natio ine that it
can dominate a land area 250 times a
big as Earth — just taking this Solar Sys-
tem for a start. When 1 wrote Prelude
to ima
to Space im 1947, 1 described а joint
British-American lunar project. I stressed
the necessity of international cooper
tion with the deliberate, if optimistic,
intent of influencing events that way.
In view of continu ttempts in the
UN to denationalize space, 1 think that
such ап ellort is st te vali
STURGEON: It looks to me as if we'll have
to go along with the famous remark
Wernher von Braun made years a
when asked what we'll find when we get
to the Moon. he said. But
this cloud has its silver lining. It would
be difficult to imagine humanity cscap
g into space at all without this friction.
CLARKE: Precisely, Ted. 1 raised this point
when 1 was moderator of ARS.
Space Flight Report to the Nation a
the New York Coliscum in October of
1962, 1 asked General Shriever, Von
Braun and Dr. Hugh Dryden just how
soon the U.S. and U. S.S. R. space pro-
ms could be cltectively integrated
r feeling, needless to say, was that
this would be quite а Jong time, but
Von Braun said that situations would
arise which would compel cooperation
to some extent — br
cies in space, etc. But they also recos
nized, as you suggest, that а certain
amouut of competition is desirable.
BUSH: The present competition to put a
man on the Moon — which I, too, inci-
dentally, think the U. S. S. R. is likely to
win—is simply a question of higher
boosts at the moment. But this is a very
short-term contest, and it seems to me
that no matter
kdowns, emerge
who wins, it is a clear
case of putting last thi What
we need now on the Moon is instru-
ments. not human observers. plus the
tons of lifesupporting supplies and
equipment that they will need to take
with them. For this reason, I can't rid
myself of the suspicion that the nation
landing the first man has really lost the
competition, or at least has lost а sub-
stantial advantage.
ASIMOV: At the time the Americas were
being colonized, the main squabble in
Europe was not between the English or
French or Dutch or Spanish; it was
Catholicism vs. Protestantism.
this great baule of ideologies, which
cost many millions of lives, is forgotten.
о see the future solely in terms of a
capitalist-Communist fight to the death ік
being parochial in outlook. We will be
frontiers into space, but who, at
point, can. predict which frontiers?
POHL, At the present time it doesn't much
matter who sets there first any more
than it mattered what whaling ship first
saw Consider the United
States: America was discovered and сх
plored independently by the French,
the Spanish, the Hali the the
Dutch, perhaps even the Chinese. The
English were quite late on the scene, but
they were the ones to establish success-
ful colonies. However, the English held
America only briefly, and it was held
finally by a new nationality who called
themselves I don't know
what nation will fi 2c the Moon,
but I y will hold
it: It will be the Lunarians.
BRADBURY: ! agree. H you'll forgive a
ference to one of my own stories, I act
out this point at the end of my Million-
Year Picnic in The Martian Chronicles.
‘Two Earth boys, stranded on Mars, keep
ng their father to show them th
inally the father takes them
canal and points down, зау
“There are the Martians.” The boys
look —and sce Ше
own reflections in
the shimmering waters.
PLAYBOY: How soon do you estimate that
manned bases — Russian or American —
will be established on the Moon? And
how loi fterward on Mars and Venus?
CLARKE: The generally accepted time scale
is Moon, 1970; Mars and Venus by
1980. ГИ be very much surprised if these
figures are more than five years off. We'll
be establishing temporary scientific bases
on the Moon around 1975 for astronomi-
cal, geophysical and all sorts of other
observations. I think we can v lize
permanent bases around 1980. These
will lead to permanent colonies as soon
s from the lunar rocks. As ou
ques. of planetary ng
clear power improve, we may ulti-
matcly modify the entire Moon to make
it habitable by unprotected humans —
depending, of course, on the resources
and opportunities we find there. I sug-
gested іп my book, Prelude to Space,
that the low lunar gravity may be in-
valuable for many forms of therapy —
for heart trouble, muscular diseases and
such. Jt may even be that men will
live much longer under low gravity. If
so. one can foresee quite a rush to the
PLAYBOY: How much will it cost to finance
a lunar or interplanetary voyage?
CLARKE: Billions at first, while we con-
tinue to rely on liquid-propellant rockets
using chemical fuels, It will drop to mil-
lions when nudear-propulsion s
ad ion or plasma jets are perfected.
HEINLEIN: The time will come when we
can put a pound into orbit for 10 cents
— by using cheap fuels like kerosene. We
© going to be able to put people on the
Moon so cheaply that it will presently
cost less to rocket to the Moon than it is
now to fly to Australia. I's a simpler
engineering problem.
BUDRYS: Our childr
will doubtless be
able to buy a ticket to the Moon on a
civilian ship, and it's quite likely th
before too long the process will be as
simple and free of red tape as buyi
1 airline seat today. The per-mile cost
will likely be a fraction of present airline
fares. Right now we're all very impressed
with the hardware and the investment
involved in extending our concept of
what belongs to man, as if the Moo
were the Seven Cities of Cibola
than just another chunk of я
This awe will pass— at about the same
me the lunar communities acquire tas
POHL: Whatever it will cost to get there,
only one thing will be found on thc
Moon or anywhere else in space that is
truly valuable in an exploitive sense
That commodity is knowledge, and this
is valuable forever. It doesn’t matter if
you get it first or second; it still retains
its value.
HEINLEIN, I don't disagree with you on
finding knowledge there, 1
going to find something else that is more
we are
immediately important to the human
race: We're going to find a lot of real
estate — not very good real estate, the way
it looks to us now, but nevertheless with
approximately опе horsepower of free
power for every square meter, even with
efficient devices for extracting it.
с going to find an awful lot of
з animal can
dard of living
got power and mass,
TENN: Well, with all that real estate and
all that knowledge, another factor will
rs which has been
ne: Any outlawed
to hı
for some ti
sect or political minori
tented group which doesn't like the wa
things are done, will be able to pick
itself up and go elsewhere in the Uni-
verse like the Mormons did in our West.
HEINLEIN: | would like to amplily that.
The human race is going to split off into
VAN хост: The notion of breeding for
quality is a fallacy. Our problem isn't to
improve the race; it's to employ more
meaningfully the attributes we have.
could build a
roni: Right now we
machine which would be “alive,” that is,
capable of reproducing itself and evolv-
ing into a higher order of machine.
ious drift toward emulation of the enemy
is arrested before our national neurosis
deepens into psychosis.
BUDRYS: The Russians will reach the
Moon ahead of us, claim the entire orb
and declare any landing by any other
nation an invasion of territorial rights.
minority who travel into space — people
who are smart, able, healthy and fast on
their feet. The ordinary run of Joes will
just stay where they are. And the human
race is going to spread out through space
with this Daru n еше а type of
human being who probably won't even
interbreed with those back on Earth.
BUDRYS: As has always been the case in
the past, those who feel restricted and
repressed within their cultures, those
who find no peace at home will be those
who go fa outward. For them, there
is nothing to love at home, there is
nothing to desire at home; what is at
home has been found to be at best only
tolerable, and most of the time intol-
erable. And so they go out. Yesterday
they bei y they be-
What will stay behind, as alwa
happy remnant, those who will be con-
their life cards in a slot and
homes, jobs, mates and ofl-
wwe. In their little colonies of cor
tentment, those back on Earth will culti-
vate the static aris. They will bring a
ny crafts and entertainments to
h point of refinement. Those who
nwhile, will have no victory
except the contemplation of their next
defeat — but they will be the winner:
The contented ones— those who мау
behind — will be the losers. We Earth-
bound men have had it. The next c
tury belongs to the spacefarer
PLAYBOY. Though the possibility of ei
counte telligent life within our
System is considered slim, most
scientists concede the probability, if not
the inevitability, of its existence else-
where throughout the Universe. As man-
kind moves deeper and «сере
space, do you foresee the likelihood of
contact with such alien rac
CLARKE: We not need to ventur
beyond our own Solar System. Although
h Ше excep of Earth—
would seem to be inhospitable to all
the forms of life that we can im:
we shouldn't be too ready to wi
even cold, giant planets like Jupiter
d Saturn. Are they really cold, as а
? It’s much more probable
+ owing to strong gravitational pres-
there is some level in their armos-
pheres where it is hot enough for water
nd for the complex chemical
reactions which animate life. Sheer
pressure itself is no obstacle to life, as
our own oceans demonstrate prolifically.
The facts of astronomy have always
turned out to be more surprising. than
anyone could have dreamed. So let's not
Il the System short. [ don't think
te off
we can rule out the possibility of life —
even intelligent life —on any of the
s, from Mercury to Pluto.
Well, suppose, while cruising out
toward Mercury or Pluto, we actually
п civilization or
do bump into some ali
other. Suddenly we'll find out for cer-
| what we've been dreading
hoping and suspecting and specul
about for thousands of years: that we're
not alone in the universe. Only then
will governments begin to wonder fran-
tically, "How are we going to handle
as importa
physicists.” So all these social scientists
will be brought down to Washington
with ror sECRET stamped on their fore-
heads. And then, possibly, since they
won't know too much about these aliens
either, the Government may dig up a
couple of grubby science-fiction writers
ad ask them іше can these
characters be?" At that point, we will
run through the multitudinous permuta-
tions which science fiction has presented.
We will suggest, "Well, whether they
are collectivists or individualists may not
be nearly as important as whether they
are asexu xual or prod-
ucts of precision n ture.”
HEINLEIN: Any condition in chemistry,
whether it's within our present scope or
not, which allows the building of large
molecules, provides a situation where life
can exist — and inevitably will, I think.
STURGEON: Well. 1 operate on two adages.
One of them is Sturgeon’s Law, which
says: Nothi
The other
is always absolutely so.
dage st ure tries
everything. I go further: Nature tries
everything everywhere. And modify that
to: Nature tries everything everywhere
— where it is possible.
ANDERSON: Yes, but let's modify that just
little further down to: Nature tries
g that the laws of physics per-
in turn includes just about
g we can imagine.
nk perhaps the laws of physics
may subsume things we can't imagine.
STURGEON: 1 hat's a chilling thought when
you think of some of the things we have
been able to imagine. Bob Heinlein's
Titans ple. in The Puppet
welligent. slugs which could
fasten on your back and thereafter con-
trol your thoughts and actions; or the
¢ in Hal Clement's Needle, which
could ooze into aud through your tissues
and live there. And Stanley Weinbaum's
silicon beast in Martian Odyssey — a
creature which absorbed sand, grain by
in, very slowly extracting what it
needed. and every year or so, laid a brick
nd then moved on a few inches. But I
wouldn't doubt for a moment that na-
lor ex;
Masters —
ture can outimagine these trifles.
HEINLEIN: Wi s like Jack Wi son
id Fred Hoyle and Olaf Stapledon
have suggested that stars and nebula
might themselves be forms of life.
ASIMOV: Or one might imagine org
comprised of huge, fatlike molecules on
very cold planets where the solvent
would be methane or liquid. hydrogen.
Or there might be huge silicon-based
molecules on very hot planets where
the solvent might be liquid silicones
One could also devise theoretical
schemes in which fluorine, chlorine. or
sulphur vapors might take the place of
іш which ammonia, sulphur
hydrogen cyanide might
take the place of water. If and when we
suspect we will ha
culty in recognizing.
will find that its chemical system is not
опе of those any science-fiction wi
ever speculated upon. Once we find out
what it is, of course, everyone will say,
"Of course. It's obvious.”
POHL: We're not even sure that life has 10
be based on large-molecule chemistry,
or even on chemistry, for that matter,
Right now, if we choose to spend the
time and money, we could build
chine which would be "alive," tha
capable of reproducing itself and inde
— with some added refinements — of
evolving into a higher order of machine
This isn't a science-fiction dream, Such
principle, and they could function out
n space among the asteroids as well as
on the surface of the Earth, These сап
exist; therefore, as Ted Sturgeon says,
they probably do exist somewhere.
BUDRYS: We inly going to
nto life as we don't know it— but we
may сусп have run into it 3000 or
30000 years ago and—as Dr. Asimov
suggests — not recognized it as alive. We
may be living with it at this moment
nd not know it. The obvious point
being, you can't know what you don't
know. Maybe it’s totally neutral toward
us, and so doesn’t have to be accounted
for. Maybe it’s benign, and protects us
from something which would otherwise
be killing us off in our 30s, or maybe
inimical and is all that stands бесу
lity. How
iter has.
us and. immo:
Maybe the Rocky Mou
— on some extremely lor
Maybe the Earth i
life form so unlike
don't recognize it
rock, a tree or a cloud: aud зо we Iormu-
late "Laws of Physics" to account for
al propertics which may actually
vior patterns.
TENN: Well. for the sa
ourselves th
s anything
e of such cream
ctivities here on Earth or
nown, 1 find myself hop-
ing that they will be so unlike life as
we know it that we will ignore them
completely. H they are life as we know
Г they can't hide in the shadow of
псе. then T say, on the b
of our record on this planet, Heaven
help them. If there is a particle of the
r about them, if they make even
slightly intelligible cries when they are
hurt by us, we will certainly destroy
them utterly. We may find that they
make excellent domestic animals when
spayed and castrated or that th
can be chopped up fine and allowed to
ferment into a delicious condiment, or
simply that it's glorious fun to hunt
them down in great, bloody infernos of
competitive sport,
VAN МОСТ: I'm inclined to agree. In
science fiction we have dabbled h
lessly with countless alien characteriza-
tions, but when you consider
standard novel about a Gentile
ing a Jew or a Negro sleeping with
white still considered an
tory subject, you can gauge how far
we've come in our social development.
BRADBURY: The study of aesthetics, I
think, will be essential to the task of
comprehending the bizarre life forms
we are going to be encountering — just
as aesthetics has a lot to do with the
problem of assimilating the various col-
ored races here on Earth, bec
ase we
are not accustomed to them. We don't
want to accommodate ourselves to new
art forms. Hence the violent reactions
of critics to new techniques, new uses of
color. Every artist with any individuality
has done things with color and shape
that we can learn from. These are thc
lessons we can teach those who wil! bc
oing into space, along with the lessons
and all the
of psychology, sociology
other fields they are going to require
in coping with alien contacts. We must
say to them: Because a living thing looks
horrid, because it has an unfamiliar
color, because you do not like its odor
or its texture, do not be afraid of it,
do not lash out instinctively to destroy
that thing; quite possibly it will find us
no less repellent to behold
BLISH: When you consider the vast varia
tion in human behavior that we alveady
know about, 1 think that any alien we
might imagine would be far less likely to
horrify humanity — or even surprise
anthropologist — than my confreres sce
to assume. Bob Heinlein wrote Siran
in a Strange Land, in which the Martians
practice ritual cannibalism, since they
live in a desert climate and want to keep
the organic compounds in circulation
s much as possible. Now this is a rash
and rather stdin;
but that. Пу prevails
пу parts of Africa today, and 1
think of rites even more startling. Amor
some of the Andean Indians. for example,
when a child dies, the mothers of the
tribe ritually cook and eat it as their form
of mourning. It’s not a question of their
being short of protein — its a religious
at I'm uying to say is that
few aliens are apt to be more startling
notion for a story,
d of practice actu
in m
ceremony. М
than man himself.
ANDERSON: This is true. The human race
runs practically the entire spectrum of
conceivable psychologies, say from St.
ws гт тл VERMOUTH
ancis at one end of the spectrum to
Hitler at the other. It seems to me that.
any reasonably imaginable nonhuman
race would have no less individual diver-
sity than man himself, and that even
though the curve was skewed so that the
normal distribution of their psychology
median lying 10 one side of ours,
would be a great deal of overlap.
a lot of things we
ably even more
than the things that set us ара
TENN: No matter how f out
they live, no matter what social system
they or we are living under at the time, I
think we will find. that these civilized
aliens will have one characteristic how-
ever different they may be — in common
with us humans. I don't think it will be
our kind of intelligence — though intelli
gence of some sort itably be
present, of course. It will be imagination,
the essential ingredient of culture. And as
agination, these aliens,
would always be
i1 common — conc
in space
like men, will dre:
dream of devils. And as a result, they
probably have a cor
decency — buried beneath a substan-
tial insulating wad of uter na
The higher the culture, the larger the
core and the denser the wad.
STURGEON: Well, not long ago 1 got a letter
from a profoundly irritating friend of
mine by the name of Robert Heinlein, in
which he expressed a monstrous discoi
tent with stories which said that the
accept humanity unless it turns out to be
pacifist, or that we are too primitive to be
cepted among these high level people.
Just suppose the aliens are truly
un d: l reci
said. Supposing they kill all our women
and children. What are we going to say
then? That all races in the universe а
created equal — except humanity, which
is less?
ASIMOV: It's great f ing about
whether these alien races will be benign
or hostile, aesthetically pleasing or re-
volting, etc. But I suspect thats all it will
ever be—speculation. 1 don't think
there's any chance of running into a
other intelligent race — hostile or other-
i foresccable future. Oh, I
t there are other intelligences in the
maybe even many. I have read
tes that one out of a million stars
y have intelligent races in their plan-
etary systems, But on the one planet
whose Ше forms we've studied — our own
—life continued for at least а billion
years, possibly two, before a reasonable
intelligence was formed. So although life
formation may be inevitable on any
plauct with a suitable chemistry, intelli-
gence format п the least inevi-
table. 1 don't think it has much survival
value, in fact, or it would have been tried
nore oft Wi were developed four
nes independently, ош type of eyes
of angels and day-
(іп ез.
n specu!
three times at least. But big brains were
tried only twice, in us and the cetaceans.
And in only one case, us, has the brain
become big enough in relation to the
body and to environment to allow the
development of a culture. And then it
took a million years of culture for
to develop a science that could radically
alter the environment. We've been send-
ng out radio signals only 50 years, and if
we have a nuclear war, any day now we
may quit doing so forever. Now even if
the ui ere full of intelligences,
what's the chance of reaching them — or
reaching us— just in the 50-year
period when they and we happen to be
at the radiosignal stage?
HEINLEIN: 1 ig that any onc of
these fictions of ours is truc — science бе
tion is rarely accurate prophecy in detail
— but I suggest that the more wildly
imaginative a writer is on this point the
more likely he is to be right. The Creator
— if you will pardon an undefined word —
is not limited by the local conditions you
not even certain that our
ural laws" are invariant throughout
space-time; the idea is merely a conver
cnt assumption for Earth-bound scientists.
one, would have to become
re theological than scientific here.
My very uneducated guess would be that
there must be many forms of intelligent
extraterrestrial life, but my equally un-
educated hope is that they would not be
dissimilar to us beyond those differences
ed by the special conditions of their
I'm a subscriber to the mys-
tique of man created in God's image, and
somehow 1 always make an assumption
that the people awaiting us out there will
be not too unlike Homo sapiens of the
biped variety, Considering our anthropo-
centric religions and our propensity for
conformity and the status quo, God help
us if they aren't.
PLAYBOY: Theologians have been ponder-
ing the spiritual implications of possible
alien life for almost 500 years. What do
you foresee would be the impact of extra-
terrestrial contact on such religious ten-
the belief in an anthropomorphic
па such concepts as the Soul, Sal-
Heaven and Hell?
CLARKE: | don't think that any existing
religions will survive the impact of е
estrial contact іп а form which
we would recognize today. Some time
ago I wrote that "The
God made man in his own
like a time bomb at the founda-
tious of Chris H you think
statement — remembering that
ather th a
physical meaning — you may agree with
at sort of God would an
intellig ike or insect conceive of?
And these are our close relatives, com-
pared to the entities we may encountei
in space.
рон: 1
over th
don't take so melodramatic a
view. If we were to be threatened with
a Martian invasion, would people really
flood into the churches and pray, like
they do in movies? It seems more likely
that they would flood into their bomb
shelters and huddle prayerfully near
their television sets for the latest bul
Jetins. I rather think that religion will
continue to become more and more
bland and generalized as we move out
into space—until we reach а
where religious precepts will be s
nignly all-encompassing that we'll
able to reconcile ourselves spiritu
the idea of co-existence in the universe
with almost any exi civili.
tion — and. without much тоге shock,
soul-searching or reappraisal
than that with which we now greet the
possible prospect of a merger of all the
Christian sects. I think the time is coming
when individual preferences in religion —
whether for Methodism or Zoroastrianism
— will become a matter of no more special
interest or comment than individual
tastes in diet. And if our diets eventually
boil down to mixtures of synthetics —
which may well turn out to be the case —
so may our religions: though I grant that
there will always be a few sincere and
devout practitioners of all faiths.
BUDRYS: Well, when we encounter our
first intelligent aliens, I think orthodox
gion will suller — but among the ag-
tics, not among either true believers
onbelievers. And as soon as ortho-
dox doctrines reinterpreted to fit
newly observed facts, even the w:
ics will return to ей
posture. Even if the Mart
Messiah, this wouldn't really have much
effect on Christians, who already Y
a perfectly fine Messiah of their
and are showi
him for Mohammed. Or suppose the
Martians happen to look like what we
today accept as representations of an-
g no signs of abandoning
gels— complete with flowing robe
harps, wings and immortality. There
might well be quite a few cases of mis
taken identity, and it would be quite
while before the furor died down, but
this description of angels is not firmly
rooted in any clear description given
the Bible, and in any case is not cruc
to Christian belief. So that :
Martian, finally, would become more of
a biological curiosity than a theological
ie a race of aliens living on
а watery planet somewhere off toward
They hatch from eggs. Ре
haps they reproduce like the sca зі
dreds of millions of с
abandons them. If we estab-
lished contact with such a totally ali
race, I am sure there are humans who
would immediately adopt their creeds.
I сап easily imagine a string of temp!
ng all through
dedicated to “the Divi
practicing the ethic of "Sit still
мау covered up: let the other fellow
ntasy may not be
you intended it to be
n we encounter other for
h may be
г System, or else
© future around some other
ul ourselves completely
nsformed, not by any military con-
flias or anything of that natur
through a fascination with something
in the cultural, philosophic or aesthetic
line that we haven't thought of.
PLAYBOY. Some writers have s
that such speculation about n
tiny im space is purely
the human race, th
likely to destroy itself before
the Moon, let alone the othe
the stars. At this stage of the Cold War,
what do you feel is the likelihood of a
Word War IH
d has been for
simply is not going to
dramatic foi of thermonucl
sions and enormous
opponents have an
erence for cheap vi
tells them that we will di
I'm not
lord to wait.
will not use
h other at
They undoubt-
ıl not under
g is a
. But not soon,
h winni
edly wi
POHL: I'd like до think that's an accurate
prediction of the future, but | have my
doubts. H it turns out to be tue, it will
ls and
think of space
playground foi
VAN VOGT: The violent type of m:
observed lyzed him in my book
The Violent Man, can and will justify
lear war, because he has а death
sophy for himself which he can
Imost casually project outside of his skin
t the world needs for its own
ss droppin
but since we
c qualm, except.
seful retrospect, w be
some future р
ps Cl
did it without à v
ventivedefensive” attack with
ton H- or N-bombs is not
avoidable but also morally jus-
merely ui
le and somehow even h
ANDERSON: All the evidi
that the Sov
event to happen i
— unless. of comse,
ake some extraordinary br
they m
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through. pe in the development оГ
either infallibly accurate long-range
ntimissile missiles or antimissile-missile-
proof ICBMs. But the nce of terror is
getting more and more complex, unstable
and unmanageable, and my personal pre-
diction is that one of these days it will
Пу blow up in our faces, with no-
body really wanting it that way. I think,
however, that ci: ion as we know it
will survive, though recovery might take
a long time. Of course. if the showdown
is greatly prolonged, so that an спог-
mous number of the most horrific
weapons is widely distributed among
ferent governments, then the effects
will be correspondingly worse and sur-
vival will be less likel:
TENN: Lenin said somewhere that no
ruling class has ever laid down power
free will, whether it be a
te, a political clique, or
a military junta. I'm afraid I foresee
the day — and 1 name no names, | point
no fingers — when X country and Y coun-
ry, both of them incredibly decent and
peacedoving, will have reached the point
in a cold war or hot war or several dif-
ferent guerril
10 triumph completely over the other. At
such a point, both countries will be re
resented by what remai
class in two deeply
bunkers. I cannot quite see the weaker of
these ruling groups — knowing that the
end of its world has come, that its power,
its status and its ideology are about to be
wiped out forever — 1 can't see it refrain-
ag from pushing the button which will
destroy the world, along with what
it regards as the most important segment
of the human race: itself. And when that
day comes, I hope to hell that there's a
guerrilla war being fought on Mars, with
a couple of human beings of reproduc-
tive capacity.
BUDRYS: After such a war, contrary to re-
assuring Civil Defense brochures, human
civilization would never return to its pre-
war level. Human civilization never
returns — it advances in a slightly diller-
ent direction. The Rena
bring back the Caesars. But I don't thi
тс going to have such a war. Hitler,
you'll remember, tried pushing the but-
ton: he jor and ordered
his аппісѕ to fight on. But the armies
were too busy s ndet to listen.
Second only to stupidity, the outstanding
characteristic of any society, fortunately,
is the survival drive. If only because
ucl so overwhelming a
horror that even societies as a whole can
grasp its potentialities, I'm convinced
that nuclear war will not occur in this or
the next century. We may have a large-
scale nuclear accident, but we'll have
sense enough to treat it as such. We may
then have a conventior apons war to
determine. whose eci-
dent was — but it will be
of its ow
managerial сі
wars where one is about
E Ic will be fought with
clean, precise weapons whose effects will
be limited to military and industrial tar-
gets. This view may be less melodramatic
than that popular nightmare fantasy
wherein Mr. Khrushchev gets angry one
d presses the nuclear button in
wary rage: but a fantasy is still a
у no matter how many people be-
BRADBURY: Against our own dark natures,
it would seem that the specter of holo-
сайы will drive us into fitful seizures of
peace. In comparison to other ages,
where опе provocation on the scale of a
Cuba or a Suez would have foundered the
world, we live in a golden age of peace.
And so, today, with profit rapidly vanish-
ng from war, onc can only hope that
man will at 1; жіп to seek the second-
ary if less c profits of peace
PLAYBOY: In pursuing these secondary
profits, the Russians have served notice
they intend to continue their non-
violent ideological and economic com-
petition with the West until they “bury
us. Do you think they will?
HEINLEIN: Well, the mystique. of collec
im has scized upon the world. I'm not
ating with pride and Im not viewing
g to be realistic.
Whether ersal magnetism
will endure and prevail, we just can't ємї
mate now. I hope not—and I think not,
in the long run.
BUDRYS: | Гес] there is a chance that if
collectivi: ils in the Soviet Union
— which, after all, is not а country but
а union of countries, of races and n
tions, many of which do not even speak
the language spoken in Moscow, hate
Moscow, as a matter of fact —if the co-
dissipates, it is just possible
that the space race, for a beginning, will
slacken. But this с n is just one
of a series of tactic neuvers in what
` lls a “protracted war”
People's Democracies” and
Western mperialism." What is
more important and immediate is the
bloodless, ог proportionately bloodless,
struggle for power which might be called
a Hundred. Years War between the
between the
Asian Communists and the European
Communists, who have chosen to make
America their bounty—and possibly
their battleground, It seems to me that
we ought to consider the possibility of
our being ught in the middle of a
war between Russia and China — û war
that’s been going on since the Kh:
and not allow ourselves to be misled by
preoccupation with sl
5 like the space race.
BUSH: | don't think that’s the real i
1 think the real issue for us is the
doubtful and apparently diminishing
hope of individual freedom in а high-
energy society, which both the U. S. and
the U.S.S.R. are presently uying to
promulgate. Both are societies іп which
everything has to go hi and faster;
otherwise they feel they're not. getting
anywhere. More and more energy has
to be expended, which means that so-
ciety constantly becomes more compli-
cated. We are getting ourselves involved
more and more in projects which de-
mand high expenditures of energy and
money —as are the Russians—and I
think it's an irreversible process at thi:
juncture. The more intricately involved
these crucial national decisions become
in Russia or America, the less amenable
they are to evaluation and judgment by
a majority vote of laymen, no matter
how well-educated and well-intentioned
those laymen are. Now it seems to me
that Russian communism accepts this
condition of diminishing freedom — as
the energy level of society rises — and
tries to make a virtue of it. But in the
United States our present political di
lemma, especially on the far right, is
that we're denying the danger exists at
all. One can only hope that we undergo
some sort of reappraisal — perhaps cata
lyzed by the excesses of a demagogu
¢ McCarthy — which forces us to ac
knowledge the condition while we still
s the freedom of choice to do
ng about
SERUNG: | couldn't agree more. One of
the built-in tragedies of cold wars and
hot wars is the fact that, historically, we
find democracy tending to assume the
very trappings of the enemy it engages.
We conjure up all kinds of polemics to
describe how much better freedom is
than the Soviets intellectual slavery —
but in the same process we begin to
peck away at our own freedoms. We
seem to function out of fear. Even on
college campuses — traditional bastions
of thought, dissent and debate — we
deny lecterns to people with unpopular
beliefs. Why? Quite implicit іп the
denial of a public hearing to a Com
munist is the suggestion that there is
something in his arguments which we
cannot rebut, some point of view more
desirable than our own. I can see с
sorship in the Soviet Union as a func
1 instrument of the monolithic
t state, but since when is a
deing of its freedoms?
lishness of the
One chuckles at the ch
Russians’ constant bleating about th
firsts in every area of science, engi
ing and chemistry. But our
riority complex shows through most
revealingly in our protestations of sub
version in high places as the American
response to Soviet space and technologi-
cal victories. 1 can only hope that the
insidious drift toward emulation of the
enemy is arrested before our natio
neurosis deepens into psychosis.
STURGEON: By "the cncmy," Rod, do you
mcan Russia in particular or communism
in general? 1 agree with you in either
se, of course nk we may be in
danger of equating one with the other in
our conversation — and. possibly
thinking—as if they were idcologica
synonyms. If you will, go along with me
in а fantasy about ourselves
Soviet Unioi pothetical future.
Once upon a time, Nikita Khrushchev or
one of his imme
nd says to himself, "You know, this col-
lective stuff makes good prop: : the
only thing is that people don't seem to
be getting fed because the farmers won't
. So ГИ tell
° going to do. ‘The Americans seem
to feed their people pretty well: let's try
ate ownership back to the
Vell, the rest of the population
doesn't hold still for that and they all
start petitioning right away for their own
shoe shops, hardware stores, factories,
еіс. – until Khrushchev has to give in
completely. He says, “I guess you Ameri-
cans hi a At
fou what
Il try it your way whole hog.”
Now. ‘the Soviet Union is a monstrous
country with enormous resou many
of them untapped. So with all these re-
sources it suddenly blossoms out into a
Tull capitalist societ id collectivization
disappears. Do you think for one moment
that we would be any safer in terms of
world peace? Do you think that there
would be any less of a space race or eco-
nomic race than we have now? Do you
i along with our archconservative
brethren — that Russia is our number-one
enemy only because it's communistic?
ee with the moral of your
; but 1 can't sce U. S. demo-
lasting апу ko
d vou correctly,
more socialistic while
the U.S.S.R. becomes less so, to the poi
where we become redder than they are,
Well, E don't think we will. It se to be
an nature that :
ace of accumulated
1 human beings.
usually accumulates:
to the point of stalemate within one or
ions. H the U. S. Government
ly compelled to abandon the
entire concept of assistance to farmers,
for example, it will be administer
the popu urge a
nda for individual
of the cconom
fantasy. Thus I
may well pass cach other around
1980, but I rather think we'll be going in
the same ad when we do,
we'll be talking about winning or losing
the Individual Freedom
PLAYBOY: Even if the threat of nuclear
war were to be alleviated by a Russian-
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American rapprochement, ihe world will
still be cou
romed by a peril which many
economists regard as no less ominous а
threat to the survival of civilization: the
population explosion. Will our planet
be capable of accommodating — let alone
feeding, educating and employing — the
cently prophesied for the ус
the National Academy of Scienc
HEINLEIN: For the past 10 years, I have
been clipping every item I could find on
population appreciation. АШ the experts
se differen formulas different
yves, but it Comes out to about the same
nswer anyway. When I first started,
the worldwide appreciation was 70,000
per day: four years ago, the daily appre-
iation had reached 135,000. Most of the
curves call for doubling the population
every 50 years — wars or not. The most
conserontive projection 1 have seen for
this planet calls for 4,000,000,000 people
by the end of this century, which is only
37 years away — and 1 can almost hold my
breath that long. Today. as Ray Bradbury
said, we're living in a golden age: We've
got nothing to worry about but Cuba,
hydrogen bombs, Billie Sol Estes, and
things like that. But 50 ycars [rom now,
100 years from now, 200 years from now,
we're going to be starving to death stand-
population ol 6,000,000,000 re-
2000 by
ing on cach other's shoulders.
POHL: 1 recently did the arithmetic on
what a population gain per a
lar to the present 1 Brazil o» one of
the new African countries might mean if
protracted over a period of time. | found
that if the population had begun to
double at the time of the birth of Christ.
by this year we would have а planet coni-
posed exclusively of human flesh, I don't
mean just the surface; I mean every atom
of thé Earth, including the core, trans-
formed into human bodies. There arc
something like 80 or 100 billion stars
in our Calaxy, many of which have
potentially colonizable planets, but there
a finite time in which the whole Galaxy
would have to be composed of human
flesh. And a further finite time in which
the whole known or unknown universe
would also be composed of human flesh
So at some point there has got to be
a stop.
ANDERSON: 1 am not particularly optimis-
tic, but 1 think we may be in some
danger of taking this one conspicuous
peril of the present time and. ехшаро-
ing it further than it’s actually going
to go, There will be new cconomic and
biological factors coming in as history
moves on. A number of studies, for ex-
ample, on the breeding habits of rats
under highly crowded conditions indi-
cate that there are natural forces which
provide a certain check, that some kind
of balance will be struck by nature. I
don't think it necessarily has to be a
balance of starvation: it might, but it
doesn't have to be.
POHL: You're тірі
doesn't multiply
tural ch
t Poul: population
self indefinitely, be-
ecks do come into play
ally. But me
ev nwhile we
our grandchildren all poing 4
the undoubtedly claustrophobic rats in
ment you mentioned. Or we
id the population decimated by
famine or pestilence. The point i
all these natural checks are de-
cidedly unpleasant. Лапу Thayer
wrote a sort of sciencefiction story
which the population just continued to
increase — bodies slipping and sliding
d crawling over c stacked
10 deep. all over the world: huge. float-
ing islands of semiconscious men and
women entwined together all over the
land aud in the oceans. To me this is a
truly revolting thought: yet 1 don't
know that it is really much worse than
the natural preventiecs for this situa-
tion, such as s the bodies of starved
infants along the streets in India, or
living among whole populations which
never have enough to nd thus
succumb to disease carly life. But all
may not be lost: John Campbell, the
editor of Analog, once proposed an arti.
ficial preventive which would provide a
ative to all these prob-
a contraceptive drug which would
(d mildly habit
delightful alte
This is surely the greatest prob-
lem of the near future, but T predict that
birth control — though not. per
euphoric contraceptives — will undoubt-
edly be universal within a generation.
Religious opposition will cease to exist,
as it always has in the past to
sary social development, usually
fter a
bitter re wd à . Male steriliza-
tion, probably cl will become
morc and more common, after the
present. Indian pattern. Most men would
probably be glad to be sterilized after
they'd had the number of children they
wanted, provided they could first make
a deposit in the sperm bank in case they
changed their minds later.
BUSH: Oral contraceptives have been.
widely hailed as an all-but-ideal solution
to the th-control problem. But I'm
afraid I have my doubts, It seems to me
Ч inhibits.
nv drug which
na few
can immuni:
шишм any fert
suppressant drug. I hope, therefore, that
Arthur is right about our adopting sterili-
zation al custom, because I don't
scc any prospect of a less-drastic solui
ASIMOV: Everybody here is concerned
about the population explosion and is
full of proposals to circumvent it and
reasons why those proposals cai
is it SOC
work. To the various contraceptive tech-
niques suggested — mechanical, chen
and surgical— you might have added
continence; but I suppose I may as well
dismiss that quaint notion without
ing rebuttal. It strikes me, however, that
not all forms of sexual activity песе:
sarily lead to conception. As a matter of
fact, there are a number of erotic prac-
tices which cannot possibly lead to con-
ception. Under the pressures of geometric
population growth, it may well be dı
such modes of sexual expression will
actually be encouraged and come to be
considered moral in a society which finds
them useful, if not inescapable, as a solu
tion. The so-called “unnatural” sex prac
tices, both hetero- and homosexual, may
perforce become legal, ethical — and who
knows, even patriotic in years to come.
PLAYBOY: Mr. Clarke, you devoted a novel.
The Әсер Range, to the problem of fced-
g our mushrooming world population.
Your solution was to extract food from
the sea by plankton farming and whale
nching. Do you think this will ever
be done on a worldwide scale?
CLARKE: Undoubtedly — especially the
plankton. But bi there will
come a time when chemical techniques
e so perfected that food can De manu-
dii om thc basic raw
nd water, withou
of plants or animals
POHL: ГЇЇ have to challenge your first
suggestion. There simply isn’t an un-
limited resource of food in the sc:
Although there are many fish in the sea
uncaught, 1 doubt even if they wi
caught that they could support more
than double or triple the present popu-
tion. As for ine ts, they
inherently less efficient than land. pla
as chemical factories.
CLARKE: Оп the contrary, marine рін
е more efficient than the land variety
ince they don't have to waste half their
material for structural. purposes; gravity
doesn’t bother them, so they can be
almost 100-percent utilized ав food.
POHL: And thus return little or nothing
to enrich either the soil or the sea. Wh:
you are olferin i
one-generation postponement of disaster,
two generations at best.
ANDERSON: ‘Theoretically
hydrogen fusion as
en ellic
the interventio:
ist, given
n energy source and
t chemosynthesis, T agree
with Arthur that it should be possible
to make food from rock, from almost
anything, in fact. So the agricultural
problems of providing for a urge popu-
ion may prove to be a completely
unnecessary worry on our part. But of
course a very dense population would
have psychological effects as well. I like to
get off into the moun! d away from
people eve nd then, and I would
hate to live on a planet where you
couldn't do this. T think the loss of pri-
хасу might well result in ty of
claustrophobic neuroses, as Fred Pohl
suggested a while ago.
TENN: You are all making it clear that
my descendants, packed check-by
опе vast coast-to-coast metropol
have the choice of growing baleenlike
whales and dining on strained plankton,
or of living in some sort of national
m and waiting for everybody else to
a be reconstituted into edible form.
In either case, 1 wish my descendants а
heartier appetite than 1 enjoy. the scotch
ANDERSON: We will undoubtedly see
misery in many parts of the that tastes
world, as populations multiply, but this
doesn’t mean we will necessarily have it the way
at home. It is possible to envision a
ation of what we have right now,
prolongation of what we 0 more people
where highly developed countries like
the US, with a stable and need
ratio between their rates of population
growth and increase in food production,
will remain on top simply because no
high-density, underdeveloped nation will
be able to get off the ground. On am | DON'T BE VAGUE ASK FOR
other aspect of the same subject, the
want their scotch
to taste
Nobel Prize winner, Wendell Stanley.
has recently been publidy concerned
about the social eficcis оГ something
Robert Heinlein wrote about 20 years
ago: namely, genetic control and manip.
ulati merely breeding people
like cade, but being able to select thc
very genes you want. Stanley now feels
that this is definitely coming, We'd bet-
ter start thinking right now about ex-
actly what we want to do with it and
about its implications—of which the
public is still largely unaware — for the
future of the human race and human
society. Otherwise we may discover 50
now, to our great misfortune,
wonying about the wrong
things back in 1063.
PLAYBOY: If and when it becomes possible
to practice selective genetic control and
manipulation оп a worldwide basis, by
what criteria do you anticipate the se-
lections will be mad d who will be
empowered to decide what individuals
will be allowed to breed?
STURGEON: Mister crlocutor, there
only onc answer that makes sense to
пуопе on that subject: "Select me." I
cam suggest a step toward a better.
swer, though: and it may be the furthest
step possible to us as а species. That is
to turn the problem of overpopulation
over to а computer. If the black box told
оге, babies
could be born in the next year — living
space, food and deaths having been pro-
jected and computed — then it would be
up to the law, that is, to mankind, to
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TENN: Assuming hopefully for the mom
that no dictator, scli-righteous planning
board or omnipotent black box is goin
to make genetic selections for the com-
ing generation, then who or what i
Not parents, certainly, Ву the time
genetic selection becomes a reality, any
telligent and well-read
know how foolish it is for
tamper with such complex matt
the parents are free to make their ow:
choice, they won't «аге make it; they'll
take the problem to their friendly neigh.
borhood Certified Gene Architect. It
seems inevitable to me that there will
also be competitive schools of genctic
architecture, by which 1 mean not places
to learn, but opposing bodies of ор
ion. From ume to time, onc or the
other will become dominant: the Func-
tionalists will persuade parents to pro-
duce babies fitted. for the present needs
of society; the Futurists will su
children who will have a
culture as it will
he in
€ evolved in
years; the Romantics will insist u
cach child be bred with at least onc
outstanding Naturalists
will advise the production of individuals
so balanced genetically as to be in al-
most perfect equilibrium. As a conse
quence of all this, people will discover
that human body styles, 1
clothing styles, will become
alamode as the genetic couturiers who
designed them come iuto and out of
POHL If all this were to come up as a
practical problem today, we could only
give the same fallible, error-prone à
swer we give to such other large ques-
tions as who decides whether a murdere
should be executed, or which you
men should be put into uniform and
sent off to die, and which left at home
in peace. We turn the first question over
to a jury, Ше second to a dralt board,
knowing that there will inevitably be
mistakes. We do what we can to keep
error to a minimum by f
under which the juries and draft boards
operate, and that is what we would
to do in the case of genetic selection.
BUSH: I would say that the Government is
going 10 have to pass enabling leg
tion for this kind of thing. Those who
would administer such laws — as they do
already io some
largely members of the medical. profes-
sion, which in most countries is self-
ASIMOV: ‘The geneticists themselves are
the only ones who will conceivably
know enough about the whole subject to
be placed in control of its application
if even they don't know enough to b
that respon atelligence.
then certainly, а nobody else
BRADBURY: | think it will have to be a
combination of scientific and religious
outré or
g rules
extent — would be
ibility with
that it
that thy
Many scientists are discovering
not enough to know the facts,
need the moral judgment of
new ethic in order to make scientilic
judgments predicated on
victions, and spi
dated by scientific fact. What 1 foi
then, is а communion between
hitherto alien philosophies of fact
faith — which together may justifiably
presume to undertake the awesome re-
sponsibility of molding from the stult of
life the man-made destiny of the
PLAYBOY: Whatever supervisory agency is
burdened with this responsibility. what
ities and characteristics do vou lorc-
sce will bc bred into and out of the racc?
BUSH: I think one likely aim of genetic
manipulation im coming years will be
the elim: Now Id
hate to wy to br gainst this. trait,
nce there is always the possibility that
ence to a man like who was
а diabetic. Or г example
the number of great men who have been
epileptic is pretty staring; if some of
our state laws specifying sterilization or
nonmarriage for epileptics had been cn-
forced worldwide, we'd ай be a lot
poorer for it. But if we could find. the
single gene which са
l then remove it either chemic:
by microsurgery, then we might get а
Dostoievsky without epileps
ASIMOV: Another promising line ol re.
search would be to try to alter the genes
that control the synthesis of amino acids
or other substances in order to enable us
to manufacture more of them from c
tremely simple foodstulls: we would then
lanced diets and
ch, expensive foods: we could cat i
[erior proteins, subsist on a monotonous
re what is low tamins — only il
necessary, of course. If the Russians, for
example, could breed a race of human
beings. not of astounding br
muscles, but simply able to subsist on
abbage soup as their sole source of pro-
tein, the world would be theirs. Another
line we might pursue, carrying on what
Jim Blish suggested, would be to breed
for natural resistance to disease, Гог the
ability to form your own antibodies
ad to ret them for a lon
¢ might begin by trying to breed
the tendency to cancer. Or here's an-
other thought, for whatever it's worth:
We might try to tonc down the sex drive.
TENN: Speaking of the sex drive. Charles
Galton Darwin, in his book, The Next
Million Years, examines why contracep-
tion is practiced usually among people of
high intellectual attai
hy those who just swarm and fornicate
because it feels good. To date, he points
out, this has resulted in а population
derived almost entirely from the second
up. But he suggests that the time may
come when the first group — the im-
э such a defect
ly or
be less dependent on 1
vent and ignored
portant achievers and major thinkers —
will develop a procreative drive rather
than a merely sexual urge. This would
bring into being a superior type capable
of reproducing itself; thus the best part
of humanity would at last have acquired
breeding responsibility. Either w
going to overpopulate the planet, Darwi
believes, spill over the edges, stamp оп
our own flesh, do this over and over
in: or we will eventually develop a
human being who will breed for quality
rather tha l| breed
deliberately and selectively and not acci-
VAN VOGT: The whole notion of breeding
for quality, in my opinion, is based on a
fallacy, because the so-called differen:
tion between people in terms of quality
simply does not exist. The mind is a
social phenomenon, and statistically, the
members of any group that's provided
with an advanced social environment
will, in a generation or two, live up to
it, become well-mannered and sensitive.
The Chinese Reds probably executed.
millions of the “best” people іп China.
but as many great men will presently
emerge in that country as ever lived there
in the past. In any event, the science of
biology is in too primitive e to do
anything about genetic advancement.
Until we transcend this state, we couldn't.
tell uinely valuable genetic cha
teristic from а hole in the ground. Our
problem isn't to improve the race: it's to
employ more meaningfully the qualities
and attributes that we already have.
HEINLEIN: It seems to me that any system,
no matter how objectively supervised
and scientifically operated, that sets out
to breed men the way we breed show
dogs or mutated corn will inevitably pro-
duce slaves who are bred to suit their
masters — masters who go right on breed-
ing to suit themselves. Quite apart from
my personal preferences—and I am
against it whole hog — I think that con-
trol of genetics will be achieved, but I
strongly doubt whether we have the wis
dom to know what to select for. I think
we'd be much bewer off u
chances with the vagaries of natu
tion than with the test-tube certainties of
prefabricated ge
PLAYBOY: If it is likely, as most of you
seem to agree, that the regulation of
family size and genetic waits will be
denied to parents and entrusted to com-
puting machines or supervisory agencies,
what changes do you envision in the
function and status of the family in the
society of 1984?
POHL: The institution of marriage, which
fulfills the function of providing a place
for children to be raised, may no loi
be necessary in concrete terms
fore may no longer be a phenomenon of
our lives in social terms. We will very
likely find that it is unnecessary to have a
mother and father in a houschold to raise
n quantity, who w
ing our
the children. The Russians are now in a
position where children аге not raised b;
parents but in State homes, So that mar-
riage may no longer matter by 1984; it
may no longer exist.
BRADBURY: Fred, vou talk as if the institu
tion of marri somehow forced on
us. Tt seems to me that the nature of the
creature, not of society, calls for the
more or less permanent pairing off of
man and woman, and for the raising of a
family. With the cities and their machines
fragmenting us so completely, the need is
not for further fragmentation but for
renaissance of meaningful human rc
ionships. While marriage may no longer
be needed for religious, moral, social or
economic reasons, I'm convinced that for
reasons of sanity alone, we may even
demand its continuance.
ANDERSON: I completely agree. Marriage
fulfills а great many more needs than sex
and reproduction. The majority of men
and women get not only security but
growth from such a prolonged and inti
mate partnership. A world without stable
marriages would be a world of pretty
shallow and lonely people.
POHL: I'm perfectly willing to grant that
for those to whom marriage offers endur-
ing satisfactions, the institution will
probably survive. But let's not pretend
that all marriages are enriching relation-
ships. Many, I'm afraid, perform no con-
structive function at all, except perhaps
г for the young.
to provide shelte
this function begins to lose "portance
— and it soon will — such ma es will
become as unnecessary, and therefore in-
frequent, as they are undesirable.
PLAYBOY: Do vou foresee any significant
changes — apart from matrimonial — in
the relationship between the
BUDRYS: | think cach of us will be per-
mitted to go to hell pretty much in his
ket. The concept of a social
or sexual norm will become nearly mcan-
ingless, but if we must think in this
context, the norm will be one of total
chaos from the viewpoint of anyone who
tries to look for опе; he will find strait-
laced puritanism side by side with dedi-
hedonism — often іп Ше same
person. Public morality will always ег
sharply from private, but exactly what
constitutes each will be very dilferent for
one social class as compared to another.
Stag movies may well be publicly accept-
able for one segment of the public. Тһе
"Feclics" — Husley's tactile sensory com-
munications medium, and it will bc
developed — шау become a voluptuous
diversion among the more privileged
peer groups. In short, it will no longer be
possible to ch
thing as jaded, de.
own hand.
acterize anyone or any-
adent or immoral.
This is the first half of a two-part
Playboy Panel on “1984 and Beyond."
The conclusion will appear next month.
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an interchange of ideas between reader and editor
on subjects raised by “the playboy philosophy”
No feature previously published by
лувоү has produced so much reaction.
and debate — both. in and outside the
pages of the magazine — as “The Playboy
Philosophy" by Editor-Publisher Hugh
M. Hefner. To give readers a greater
opportunity to respond — pro and. con
— to the subjects and issues raised in the
editorial series. we ате introducing this
new section. “The Playboy Forum.” It
will offer a place for extended dialog
between readers and editors. and be-
cause we feel many of the subjects dis-
cussed in the “Philosophy” are among
the most important facing our [rec
society today. we ! continue “Тһе
Playboy Forum" just as long as your
letters of opinion warrant. So do write
and express yourselves. ll is every
American's right, and опе too seldom
Address all mail regarding the "Phi-
losophry" or other opinions voiced in the
"Forum" itself to: The Playboy Forum,
rLAYBOY, 232 £. Ohio Street, Chicago 11,
I have read your magazine since its
inception and have always enjoyed it
thoroughly — it is superb entertainment.
I have frequently felt the witching
desire to write and commend you, but
what finally got me up and to the type-
writer is The Playboy Philosophy. Mr.
Heiner prolific writings, which to me
sav, in sui “Think for yourself,
Know yourself, trust in yourself,"
precisely the impetus required to move
the new Renaissance in the
prop way Irom lethargy
and toward achievement.
І have spent the past several years in
middle management positions in the
electro dustry, whose men are [а
above the nation’s mean in terms of
background, cducation and intellectual
ability. It is appalling to me to recog-
nize that these people, who should be,
and in other times would be, the stimu-
lus, the protagonists, who express the
moving ideas of our generation,
inculeated with the twin precepts of
security (The “Don't Make Waves"
doctrine, also known as “Gray Flannel
Suitism”; and “If everyone doesn’t love
you, you're a failure”), that their effect
оп our culture i ve rather than
direction —
ics i
© so
My hat is off to Mr. Hefner— he has
taken a stand, Whether the rest of us
agree ог disagree, at least we have a
position (rom which to start —a refer-
ence point 10 differ about.
I have a suggestion: Keep Philosophy
vent feature of PLAYBOY.
icis tonsils tire, request
“philosophies” from readers. Open a
forum, so the protagonists of our ge
ion will have a platform from which
to speak.
R. D. Root
Tarzana, €
Here it is.
Re The Playboy Philosophy,
(April 1963), you say that “
be said to have true religious freedom
unless it possesses not only freedom of,
but also freedom from, religion." Well
then, if we are living in а “free demo-
cratic society.” as you say, shouldn't we,
as individuals, have the right to judge
whether or not we want freedom of,
but also frecdom from: free love, Pro
fessor Leo Koch, anti-Blue Law: па
any book, magazine or movie
John Parker
Bay Village, Ohio
We have a right to decide each of
these questions for John, but
not for our neighbor; for he should be
allowed the same right of sel[-determina-
lion. When we make our case for true
religious freedom, we've not expressing
hostility toward any man’s belief, except
to the extent that his beliefs (and. the
exercise of them) infringe upon the rights
of others.
I must congratulate you on your won-
derful editorial in Ше March 1963 iss
of PLAYBOY. In spite of the great dill
ences in our national origin, religious
upbringing, educational background
and financial status, 1 agree wholcheart-
edly with the views that you expr
I would like to see someone like
PLAYBOY publish the many archaic laws
now on the books. It has long been my
ion that all laws should be under
so that cach statute
assessed on the basis of contem-
wdards and, hopefully,
creased knowledge and. perception
older and less applicable laws should
then be revoked. It seems to me that
laws on the books, but not enforced,
make a mockery of all laws, and should
be eliminated, because they tend to
breed disrespect for all laws. Some
people seem to feel that mere antiq
useful or valid, but it se
to me that we should learn from uw
mistakes of our ancestors — not. worship
these mistakes.
Howard Irvine MacGregor
Swift. Current, Saskatchewan
Apropos Mr. Hefner's current Playboy
Philosophy series are three revealing bits
of contemporary. masculine. Amer
By a David Susskind Open End tele-
vision panelist, on the hypocritical cli-
е of sexual mores: “The American
ics... who lie in church on Sunday,
and on girls the rest of the wee
Taken from Frank Sinatra’s Playboy
Interview, а line of qi ked des-
peration: "I'm for апу
you through the night . .
And from my husband,
witz, a protest against the
stultification of faceless confor
Where are the strong fat people who
Broken herds of bison
lowly being reduced
To life on another man's
Audri Markowitz
Santa Monica.
For the most part, | was delighted
with this month's installment of The
Playboy Philosophy. However, 1 cannot
reconcile Mr. Hefner's use of Ital
divorce laws as ап example of rel
interference nor his subsequent
demnation of these laws as unjust. It
difficult for me to Mr.
Hefner, as an. American, is qualified to
pass judgment on laws of another coun-
uy. How can he say they are unjust?
He was not raised in the Italian culture;
he docsn't share its background, customs,
attitudes or temperament.
мей that Italian laws аге in-
fluenced by the Roman Catholic Church,
but what of it Isn't 90-plus percent of
Daly Catholic? Italians are aware of the
Catholic Church's restrictions on. grant-
ing divorce, They are not clamoring for
п" of Church law or of the civil
believe ul
The Halians emphasize the religious
illegal. This may seem unjust to the
Talian non-Catholics, but the
nority— should not be allowed to
change laws (O suit themselves, as we
allowed a minority of “do-gooders” in the
19905 to change ours with Prohibition.
Maybe I've gone off the deep end here
myself. I'm not u to defend nor
approve of Italian law —1 don't think
I have that right. My point is— neither
does Mr. Hefner have the right to take
the opposite position. We, as Americans,
are not q d, in most
call unjust the laws or customs of
other country,
Ron Bosettu
ı Leandro,
Аз а practical matte
feeling thal the people of every country
have а right to determine their own la:
and customs and please remember that
we mentioned Halian law only in the
context of discussing American. divorce
statutes. But we do not agree that it is
improper to philosophically oppose any
legislative dictum that curtails the per-
sonal freedom of any man. anywhere on
earth. We don't have to have been bom
and raised in Cuba to oppose the lack
of a free press in that country: we don't
have to live in South Africa to oppose
its lack of racial equality, We те
against these philosophies as a part of
our overall opposition to any govern-
mental suppression of the spirit, mind
and body of man.
We're not opposed to any religious law
—in America, Italy or anywhere else — but
e do believe that all men should be free
fo accept or reject such religious direc-
tives without coercion from their govern-
ments. Nor does it matter whether any re-
ligious denomination is in the minority or
the overwhelming majority: a free society
is based upon more than the simple will
of the majority —il requires the protec-
tion of the smallest minority ах well;
even if that minority is а single in-
dividual. This is the very essence of our
concept of freedom. We must remain as
fully on guard against totalitarianism in
Ihe name of God, as in the name of
the state—not because we are opposed
Jo the worship of the Almighty, but be-
cause history has proven that infamics
can be perpetrated by men in His name
ах easily as in any other. And we will
supply ample evidence of that truth in
the next installment of “The Playboy
Philosophy,” when we trace the history
of religious sexual suppression from
pre-Chiistian times up to the present.
we share your
Allow to salute your very perti-
nent comments on religious freedom.
is. ой coursc. onc of
cred cows of our society, and I
lize it took a certai
to criticize the cler-
ics’ olhcious meddling.
Allen Su
New Je
al in the Ар
t. The statement that true
ious freedom requires not only free-
dom of, but freedom from, religi
classic, It is precisely for this теа
I joined the Unitarian Church, so I
could better contribute to this philos-
ophy. | truly hope that you not only
these edito
wes, but that they may
become a permanent feature of th
ine. America needs precisely this
€ prodding and stimu-
als i
For some months now, 1 have bee
following your ser
Hugh Hefn
Playboy Philosophy. Please let me sa
that | do not agree entirely with wl
has been written, but some of the com-
ment and criticism has been downright
brilliant. I am in particular accord with
your very timely words on personal fre
dom in this country. Most. Americans
take for granted that we live in a fre
cou d, as a rule, practice what we
like to call de Unfortunately,
we here in dw
told pretty
cannot do.
Most recently our rather idiotic leg
lature attempted to “Save Sunday For
the Family” — in spite of the fact tha
some of us may have wanted to save
turday, or Tuesday, or one of the
other days of the we nd, of course,
those who don't have families will hav
to be saved, too.
How can any American not agree with
people like Lenny Bruce, when they
raise their voices st the alignment
of church and ? As a Catholic, 1
still must. recognize the failings of my
Church — and only hope that the Church,
operated by man, will improve. It
will, but қ people to agree
under p: al penalty.
Since thi ntry was founded, many
men have fought and died on many
batdeficlds for what we call the Ameri-
state of W:
what we can
way of life. Granted, there have
been times when many of "ч
exactly si it was, but once we
ch the point where а majority of the
people no longer fecl obliged to tell
their friends and neighbors what to
think and do, we will have gone a
id of
long way toward establishing the Кі
founding fathers meant us
country ou
to hav
needed to be said
PLAYBOY that had the guts у
L. К. Lassiter
Edmonds, Was
T respect vou for the stand you took
regarding freedom of and from religion
ін The Playboy Philosophy. History
speaks for the past. Our present state of
s speaks for itself.
honored systems of worship and
government, that never have worked
and never will work, have blocked. prog-
ress for centuries. They have taken the
toll in war, famine, suffering and discord
of every nature. Jesus taught and demon
strated principles for solving human
blems at all levels of thinking: "Ye
shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free."— John 8:32. Blinded
by greed for power and prestige. i
ant of their ignorance, dom
forces still strive to bully hum:
into believing without understanding.
Man must remain free to progress toward
his perfection, with the truths Пот all
sources of knowledge available. We must,
s individuals and as a civilization, main-
tain freedom of speech and press and
keep church and state separate.
Elizabeth Thorpe
North Miami, Florida
1 mus
excellent ec
quite by accident, in Ше April issue ol
PLAYBOY, It expresses, with great clarity.
views which I and a number of my fel
low townspeople have had on the issuc
of religious freedom — in. particular, as
found in our schools.
Within the City of Stamford, а storm
lately has bee i ruling.
which our school board is attempting
to make, prescribing the observation ol
1 the public schools. A group
ig Over a
10 Preserve the Celebration of the Truc
Meaning of Christmas in Our Public
Schools” (believe it or not) is harangu-
ing our board (in a highly un-Christian
The go: soup is
adoption of a policy set forth by the
statement, “Christmas should be ob.
served in the. Stamford public schools.
A reasonable amount of time should be
devoted to its observ " The board
would apparently preler (if it were not
under extreme pressure) to select a
Stateme The Board of Edu
п authorizes and approves the con-
xc of activities and programs based
„ as well as other traditional
However. only a reasonable
amount of t he given to such
observances.” The latter statement is
of this
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dearly non-mandatory, while the for
would not be.
The school board is being subjected to
pressures from this group which
unmatched in vehemence and hate by
any previous issue, within memory.
coming before the board. Visions of
Cotton Mather rise before me as I think
of these fervent and vitriolic soul:
At present this matter i
The school board needs all the
nition it can muster to counteract, with
logic and clarity, the fanatic emou
sm of these people. Therefore, if re-
prints of your editorial are available,
Га greatly appreciate getting а dozen
copi h I could then pute to
the Board of Education members. The
issue, as you state, is “freedom from
religion," and this obvious point has
been lost in all the milling and shouting.
Arthur Dormont
Stamford, Connecticut
Please inform me as to how 1 might be
able to obtain copies of your fine series
ol editorials on The Playboy Philosophy.
If these editor
themselves, please send me those
of your n
gazine which carry them. The
bill is to be made out to the Presbyter
Campus Ministry ін Be We hope
ise these articles for a study con-
псе planned. next fall for the Fra-
ternity students at the University.
The reprints are on thei
sincerely hope they help.
way and we
Your intimation that to be anti-
Communist is to also be antisex is far
below you. For sh:
ames D. Strieter
Washington, D. С.
You must be reading somebody else's
philosophy, Jim—we never said any
thing of the sort. We did cite a couple
of examples in which would-be censors
(Kathryn Granahan and а Latimer)
called sex subversive and suggested that
а liberalization of our sexual taboos was
а pan of the Communist conspiracy,
but we clearly labeled this the prud-
ish poppycock that it
mented on a Connecticut war veterans
organization that praised a Red Chinese
book-burning campaign as a worthwhile
example o[ sex suppression, during their
own attempt at а book purge, thus un-
willingly playing the Communists’ game
themselves. But we never said, sug-
gested, hinted, or intimated that being
anti-Communist was the same as being
anlisexual; we consider ourselves anti-
Communist — for we oppose every form
s; we also com-
of totalitarian control aver the mind of
man — and we certainly don’t rate our
being antisexual. Just the
opposite connection ts more likely: Com
munists, like most totalitarians, are anti-
free societies welcome
liberal sexual mores. Sexual suppression
is loo great a source of power [or most
dictatorships to resist, twisting it to thei
own ends; personal freedom of every kind
(sex included) is more apt to thrive in a
free society.
selves as
sexua more-
Te gives me great pleasu
following correctio
с to make the
to your editorial in
the April issue: Kathry ahan is
no longer a member of the House of
Representatives representing the Com-
monwealth of Pennsylvania. Following
the recent reapportionment in Philadel-
phia, she found herself without a dis
to represent. The former Cong
woman is now the Treasurer of the
United States, a position in which I am
confident that she will continue to pro-
tect our nation by keeping pornography
off this country's currenc!
Kenneth Gorden
sity of Pent
ladclphia, Per
Your "philosophy" reflects muddle-
headedness. For example, you fail to
distinguish between democracy and
capitalism. Though they are mot mu-
tually exclusive concepts, "democracy"
in no way whatsoever implies “capital
ism," just as "capitalism" in no way
whatsoever implies "democracy." Again
you seem to think that productivity and
consumpt re ends in
You fail to distinguish between useful
and useless production and you fail to
distinguish between consumption that
s privately and/or publicly beneficial
and consumption that is privately
and/or publicly harmful. Your use of
the term “philosophy” seems purely
Gerald Smuckler
Laurelton, New York
Capitalism and democracy are not, of
course, synonymous; we never suggested
they were. What we did say, however,
was that the system of free enterprise,
an economic system which ше firmly
espouse, can only flourish in a democ-
racy, a political system in whicn we also
strongly believe. Limiting or curtailing
the rights of one cannot help but have
a deleterious effect on the other. We
believe in neither political nor economic
anarchy. But womb-to-tomb economic
security —with ils accompanying re
sirictions on economic opportunity — is,
іп itself, an abridgment of freedom.
and self-determination. The best safe-
guard against "useless"
all similar economic
waste, is the competitive nature of the
free enterprise system, which is inher-
ently efficient’ than any
competitive monopoly over production
— whether it is privately or publicly
held; the best safeguard against
less” and “harmful” consumption is an
enlightened and aware public exercising
freedom of choice in a free economy.
production, and
inefficiencies and
more non-
I have followed your Playboy Philoso-
phy with growing interest and the April
editorial is, іш my opinion, one of the
best of the series. Had | the
Philosophy and not turned next to the
interview with Helen Gurley Brown, I
would € been screaming “Bravo!”
from the rafters (in a philosophical way.
However, upon reading the
interview with Mrs. Brown, my enthusi
asm for your magazine has dwindled to а
mere pfhhht! Yes, gentlemen
pfhhhu The cause of my state of pfhhht-
ness (1 wonder, should that be spelled
with thi h's or two? . . . Oh, never
mind) is the glaring inconsistency bi
n Mr. Hefner's commendable i
ht into the omnipresent "groveling
22 before the magic potency of a tour-
letter word . . 7 and the contrasting
mealy-mouthism” (your word, not minc)
by someone (Em not pointing my finger,
yet) in the Playboy Interview with Mrs.
of cours
а mere
© you a more specific indication
of what has prompted my m
pfhhhtness, 1 quote two honest, forth-
right statements from the April Philoso-
phy, aud by way of contrast, a sectie
from the interview with Helen Gurley
Mr. Hefner says: "Can а single word
or phr part from its overall mean-
ing or intent — be. considered. obscenc?
Some people seemingly think so, despite
the Supreme Court ruling that obscenity
must be judged within the context of
the toil work in which it appears.”
And: "The very notion that a solitary
word could be vile and harmful enough
to warrant expurgat
a movie, or
on the face of
x it from a book,
play appears preposterous
Make no mistake — the above quota-
tions are in perfect accord with my own
attitudes on this subject. But wait, here
comes the pfhhht! Mrs. Brown is quoted
as i. in reference to difheultics with
her publisher: “The one line that
they cut out in the last chapter. It was
exhorting the single girl to be proud of
herself, and 1 said: 1 think you should
(concluded on page 118)
` Playboy Club News
Your key to the Playboy Club unlocks a new world of exciting
entertainment. The Playboy Club offers keyholders the finest in
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of course, the famous Bunnies. Apply for your key privileges today
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Do I need a separate Play-
boy Club key for each
Club? No, you do not need sep-
arate keys. Your one Playboy
Clubs Open —New York at 5 Е.
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Phoenix at 3033 М. Central; Miami
al 7701 Biscayne Blvd.
Locations Set -Les Angeles at
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Club key entitles you to full
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May I bring guests to the
Club? By all means. Wives,
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are all welcome to share the fun
and joie de vivre of the Club as
your guests. Your wife may also
use your kcy for luncheon.
May I lend my key to a
friend? Yes. Keyholders may
permit friends to visit the Club
as their guests by letting them
borrow their keys. Guests must
sign the keyholder's name on all
checks and their own names
beneath. But remember, they
are your guests and you will be
invoiced for all charges incurred
by them. Lending one's key is
а splendid way to entertain
friends and out-of-town visitors
graciously when you can't be
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Cool sounds in cool surroundings are the order of the day—or night—
at The Playboy Club. Here, Kai Winding blows for Chicago keyholders.
The life of a Playboy Club
Bunny is not limited to the hours
spent in the Club. Community
projects are high on the list of.
extra-curricular activities for the
Playboy Club's Bunnies. From
New York to Phoenix, they are
active in fund-raising campaigns,
welfare programs and public
service functions.
Bunnies from the New York
Playboy Club aided the New
Bunny Peggy and friend chat at the
New York Cancer Committee booth.
York City Cancer Committee
by manning its booth in Grand
Central Station during a recent
fund drive. In St. Louis, the
Society for Crippled Children
received 18 dozen eggs and candy
for their Easter Egg Hunt es а
gift from the St. Louis Club's
A fashion show for the Hialeah
unit of the Women’s Corps of the
Cancer Research Institute of
Miami was held at the Miami
Club with Bunnies as models,
The Allied Gasoline Retailers’
Association used Miami Bunnies
to help promote the raising of
money for the Crippled Chil-
dren’s Society.
Through the Foster Parents'
Plan, the Bunnies of the Chicago
Playboy Club have adopted 23
destitute children from countries
around the world,
Attractive girls, 18 to 25, in-
terested in an exciting carcer of.
community service while meet-
ing top people in the business
and entertainment field, can get
a frec copy of our brochure, Be
a Playboy Club Bunny, by
writing: Playboy Clubs Inter-
mational Dept. 763A, 232 E.
Ohio St., Chicago, Illinois.
Is business entertaining at
the Club deductible? Yes.
You may make income tax de-
ductions for expenses incurred
through bringing business asso-
ciates to the Club. An Entertain-
ment Expense Record Form and
a detailed monthly statement
are provided to help you main-
tain accurate records of your
expense-account spendin,
Is the Club open for lunch?
Yes. All Playboy Clubs open for
lunch on weekdays at 11:30 A.M.
and remain open until legal clos.
ing time the following morning.
Are the Clubs available
for private parties? Yes.
Keyholders merely write or call
the Catering Manager for infor-
mation in the city where they
wish to have a party. You may
choose from a variety of plans.
May I give a Playboy Club
key as a gift? Yes. Just send
us the name of the recipient
along with your check for the
appropriate key fee, and we'll
do the gifting—in your name
—for birthdays, Christmas, etc.
To: Playboy Clubs International
Here is my appl
check for 3.
</0 PLAYBOY Magazine, 232 E. Ohio Street, Chicago 11,
tion for Key Privileges to the Playboy Club. Enclosed is my
L (Playboy Club keys are $50
of Chicago and in the state of Florida. Keys are $25 outside l
Stand that if my application is accepted, my key will admi! me to Playboy Clubs
now in operation and others soon to go into oper:
the U.S. and abroad, Minimum age for Key Privileges 21 years.
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зе areas.) I under.
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exco. Product of He Mmorican Placer Kompang “Rare is our middle rame”
the eighth part of а statement in which playboy’s editor-publisher spells out—for friends
and critics alike—our guiding principles and editorial credo
MARK TWAIN expressed himself on Amer-
ica's oft seemingly schizophrenic sexual
attitudes in his Letters from the Earth,
long suppressed by his family and just
recently published for the first time: А
fallen а h and describes,
with some incredulity, what he finds
there to archangels St. Michael and St.
briel. "There is nothing about man
that is not strange to an. immortal, His
heaven is like himself: strange, interest-
ing, astonishing, grotesque. I give you my
gel visits ca
word, it has not a single feature in it that
he actually values. It consists — utterly
and entirely—of diversions that he
cares next to nothing about, here on
th, yet is quite sure he will like in
ven. Isn't it curious? Isn't it interest-
ing? You must not think 1 am exaggerat-
ing. for it is not so. I will give you details.
“The human being, like the immortals,
aturally places sexual intercourse far
xb away above all other joys — yet he
left it out of his heaven! The very
thought of it excites him; opportunity
sets him wild: in this state he will risk Ше,
reputation, everything — even his queer
heaven itself — to make good that oppor-
tunity. Yet it ctually as І have said:
it is not in their heaven; prayer ta
its place.
Religious pu
freedom of
d, of course, per-
justification for
thought, expression
sonal behavior. By sex with
sin, we have produced ilt-
ridden that it is almost impossible to view
the subject objectively and we are able
10 rationalize the most out
against mankind in the name of God.
But what sort of God would have m
deny his God-given sexual nature?
sexual activity is logi
cally limited to coitus within the bounds
fit from
the presence of both parents and a stable
al environment is best established
the bounds of wedlock. But life is
more complex than that. To deny the
true emotional and physical significance
of sex in society is to turn our backs on all
the knowledge about man that the socio-
logical and psychological sciences have
editorial By Hugh M. Hefner
given us. In suggesting that the sole р
pose of sex is the perpetuation of the
species, we reduce man to the level of the
lower animals.
So intimately is sex interrelated with
the rest of human experience that it is
possible to conceive of a society exist-
ing, as we know it, without benefit of the
primal sex urge. Most certainly, if such a
society did exist, it would be a very cold,
totalitarian and barbarous one. The ex
istence of two sexes, and their attraction
for one another, must be considered the
major fluence in our world
As much ion has done for the
development and growth of society, sex
has done more. The tendency in modern
times to reduce the differences between
the sexes and create the cultural illusion,
if not the physical fact, of a single sex
has grave implications for society and we
shall explore them at length a bit later.
Religiously inspired sexual suppression
is harmful to society: It is never desira
to d n the
professed pri ad its
actions ny serious
conflict beliefs and behavior
produces emotional instability. When
is a normal physical drive that is being
rejected, the resulti
more severe; when
tempts to deny а
ave а si
havior remains r
generation. after gener but man's
attitudes toward that behavior vary
As recently as 1959, in the preliminary
report of the California State Subcommit-
ісе on Pornographic Literature, there
appeared the following statement: “It i
It is
still the principle of our nation that p
xtramarital sexi
an undesirable thing, and anythi
es or lures or glorifies pr
al activity
premise, th
prude are free to do the st decds—
ban our books, suppress our speech and
take from us any semblance of free choice
On such
in our most private alla
If the report of the Ca
Subcommittee is to be taken seriou:
then the “pornographic literature,” with
which they were concerned, is only one
small and relatively insignificant aspect of
their problem. If they really considered
objectionable “anything that incites or
lures” men and women into premarital
and extr е, they would
have to face up to the banning of all
tight or revealing clothing, bathing suits,
romantic music, dancing, liquor, perfume,
make-up and— if those ads from Mad
Aye are to be believed — most every de-
odorant, mouthwash, tooth paste and
hair oil on the market. And even after
that, their job would not be done.
Kinsey has listed a seemingly сі
number of sources of erotic stimu
reported in preadolescent boys, includ-
ing such nonsexual stimuli as taking a
shower, punishment, [ast elevator rides,
sitting іп church, boxing and
g, swimming, anger, being late to
ing a policeman, being alon
night, looking over edge of building,
hig fires, marching soldiers, seeing name
in print, running away from home, fe:
of a big boy, long flights of stairs, motion
of a car or bus, receiving report card
and hearing the national anthem
Kinsey has commented that preado-
lescent boys are sexually aroused by “
whole array of emotional situation
whether they be s or nonsexual.
By his late teens the male has been so
conditioned that he rarely responds erot-
illy to anything except direct physica
stimulation or to psychic situations u
are for him specifically sexual; in the still
older male even phys
rarely effective unless accompanied by the
proper psychological atmosphere. The
pattern is a continually contracting one
in which a person responds initially to а
wide variety of stimuli which then be-
comes more specific, through experience
and conditioning, as he matures.
‘or most males, whether
ried, there are ever-present
nd sexual respon
school, set
is regu-
nd high."
ny group like the California State
on Pornographic Liter
te those “objec-
ture ever hoped to elim
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tionable" sources of stimulation that
might serve to "incite or lure" the un-
wary into premarital and extramarital
sexual activity, they would be doomed to
failure before they began. For even if
they could successfully eliminate. every
anticipated source of erotic arousal, the
potent human sex drive would simply
lix itself to some other psychological
d /or physical stimuli. And the danger
tempting to elimina
direct heterosexual sou
tion in society is the obvious possibility
that the sex urge will become condi-
tioned to less socially desirable stimuli.
In The Playboy Panel on "Sex and
Censorship in Literature and the Arts”
(July 1961), Dr. Albert Ellis commented
on the diversity of sexual stimuli thusly:
"How can you ban desire? Some people
go out on the street and look at a clothe
te the more
of stimula-
line with drawers hanging on it and get
aroused, Should we therefore censor
Which reminded Publisher Barney
Rosset, of Grove Press, of a book by
rench new-wave author Robby
Grillet, about a man who derives sexual
stimulation from a piece of string. Ros-
set said: “He sees this piece of string
hout the book and concocts ex-
tremely erotic [antasies
uses it in various w;
clothesline in one instance, and the next
instance he is imagining tying a girl up
ng. It gets down to
almost anything being uscd as subject
ter for an erotic fantasy.
Judge Thurman Arnold then warned
about the danger of removing one s
of sexual stimulation only to have
placed by another more objectionable
one: "Human beings сап be trained like
Pavlov's dog, so that they are stimulated
by sights and sounds completely un-
rclated to the things they desire. A strict
stand; ity contributes to such
not make their minds more pure. It
would only mean that they would be
aroused by some less healthy or attractive
substitute. At the turn of the century the
old Police Gazette had a nationwide pot
aled the
h the chorus girls kicked
covered with black stocki
nid highly stimulat
a person with an appetite for pornog-
raphy would not pay 10 cents to see
cither the magazine or the dance. This is
how censorship makes material sexually
stimulating which would not have any
stimulation at all if that censorship did
not exist. And that is why anything but
the most tolerant standards creates an
unhealthy psychology.
The possibility of conditioning a per-
son to less healthy erotic stimul
the preadolescent
wk about this whenever
up their I
was wicked.
anyone tells us, somewhat self-consciously,
that he enjoys rrAvbov himself, but he
doesn't like to leave it around the house
where his child might get hold of it
and look at the pictures. We wonder just
what sort of stimuli this parent would
like his children to associate with sex
ty of the human body.
ttitude is prompted by the mis-
idea that the sex urge is only
more obvious erotic stim-
t without them it would re
1 quiescent. But if a normal child is
d sexual stimulation by beautiful
ges he will be stimulated by ugly
а child is not stimulated by
heterosexual sources, he will be stimu-
lated by homosexual ones. And with any
luck all, the misguided cnt will
succeed in passing on his ow
guilt or shame to his ollspr
A related misconception ѕштош
Freud's theory of sublimation. А g
many people assume that the basic sex
urge itself can be "sublimated," with the
need for sexual fulfillment being red
rected into other, more socially accept-
ble, activities. This is untrue. Dr.
"Theodor Есік 1
mal sex drive, while ily satisfied, “is
entirely incapable of being sublimated.
22. The satisfaction of this particular
urge not be fulfilled by the substi
tution of another goal."
Reik points out that it would m
much sense to try to conv us
other natural urges, like thirst or hunger,
could be redirected into the accomplish-
ment of cultural achievements, as to sug-
gest that n ic sex drive could be
put to such use. What can be used for cul-
instead of the be:
s stressed that the p
evements is, rather, the energy
ys Reik, of which love
(is one of the m;
the need for
less popu
ingredients, along
Before Dr. Alfred Kinsey and his asso-
ciates of the Institute for Sex Research, at
In па University, published their first
two volumes, Sexual Behavior in (he
Human Male (1918) and Sexual Behavior
in the Human Female (1953), social scien-
tists had at least a general knowledge of
the extent of human sexual activity, but
the public knew very little of the matter.
те had been sex surveys published
before, but never so extensive or so scien-
tifically accurate. The first “Kinsey Re-
port" hit the American people like а
bombshell. Here was indisputable scien-
tific evidence (though a great many tried
to dispute it) that our entire society was
living a lie. We were professing one set
of standards and living quite another. In
1 man-
usly con-
à moment, it became clear thai
ner of sexual behavior pi
sidered abnormal by most was not only
normal, but commonpla
over secret sexual indiscretions were now
relieved. through the knowledge that
much of the rest of the chastity-loving
American public was practicing the
me indiscretions quite wantonly, while
ng а completely dilt
standards, We had come to grip:
h the true sexual nature of mi
Sexual Behavior in the Human Male
а copy and the small scientilichook pub-
lisher that had produced the hefty 820-
е volume w
the demand. Every major magazine in
America rep aphrased or com-
mented on it. Ordinary people, on buses,
in offices, and over cocktails, were dis-
cussing frequency of sexual outlet, pre-
arital and homosexual
words like orgasm and
asturbation that were previously seldom
used in polite company and fellatio, cun-
nilingus and pederasty, with which th
d not even been acquainted before.
In a moment, it became clear that our
commonly accepted. sexual mores were
woefully unrealistic and our sex laws
totally unrelated to the facts of hum
behavior. Quite reasonably, one might
have expected this revelation to have
precipitated a complete re-evaluation of
our sex standards and a thorough over-
hauling of our absurd sex statutes, No
such thing occurred.
There is always a time lag between the
acquisition of knowledge and the social
and personal changes which might be
expected to ensue: where decpscated
traditional beliefs and ingrained bel
are involved. the cultural lag is consid-
revolution is taking place in the U. S., but
15 years after the publication of Kinsey's
first book, we still suffer under much of
the same social pressure and suppression
as before.
What did Kinsey's two volumes on
American sexual beh
v. Hidden guilts
five percent of the total male population
had ital intercourse. With
extramari| intercourse, Kinsey's re-
searchers found a greater tendency for
cover-up or outi
questions than in any other part of the
study, especially among the older v
males of Detter-u age educ
and soc Kinsey considered the
attendant on the
to be the primary
reason for the reluctance of many to con-
tribute to his research and believed that
is reservation also affected the statis
tics that were gathered, by perhaps as
much as “10 to 20 percent.” He wrote:
4... allowing for the coverup that has
been involved, it is probably safe to
suggest that about half [50 percent] of all
ed males intercourse with
women other than their wives, at some
time while they are married.”
ifty-nine percent had had some hetero-
1 mouth-genital experience: 70 per-
ations with prostitutes;
nt had had some homosexual
contact and 37 percent had had homo-
sexual contact to orgasm; 17 percent of
all men raised on farms had had anim
intercourse (the perce of
intercourse for the enti
tion is much lower, because of the
of opportunity for such contact among
men raised in the city); 92 percent of
the total male population had mastur-
bated to orgasm and this figure jumped
to 96 percent for male college graduates.
when considered. separately (Kinsey felt
that if the tendency for Coverup we
climinated from the statistics, the per-
centage would have been closer to 98
for the total male population).
As to the sexual activities of American
women, Kinsey and his stall found that
64 percent had “responded to or
one means or another prior to mar
Forty-eight percent had. had premarital
intercourse: and among college gradu-
ates, this figure cd to 60 percent.
Twenty-six percent
admitted to exti
i mon: colle: vadu-
of wives who admitted
ercourse with a mau
other husband, while mar-
d, wa percent, Forty-three per-
cent had had heterosexual mouth-genital
experience; when the beuer educated ой
the youngest generation included. in th
female sample were considered by them-
selves, the figure was ty-
ight percent had had homosexual exper
ence and 13 percent had had homosexual
contact to orgasm. Twenty-eight percent
of the female sample, with only a grade-
school education, had masturbated to
orgasm: 59 percent of the females with a
high-school educat
gasm through masturbation: the percent-
e is 57 for those females who graduated
from college and 63 percent Tor those
with а postgraduate education.
Kinsey found that educational back-
ground had a marked eflect upon the sex
lives of both men with the
lower educated male being less inl
about ordinary coitus than his upper
educated brother (98 percent of the lower
educated men had had. premarital inter-
course) and the upper educated female
being much freer than her less educated
sister; the better educated of both sexes
proved less inhibited in all sex behas ior
other than ordinary coitus, however (iu.
ж variety of positions, mouth-geni-
tal contact and homoses
marital i
on had reached or
ind women
1 exper
If the vast majority of all. American
men and nearly hall of all the women
premarital intercourse and
one һай of the married males aud on
quarter of the females have extramarital
who the С;
on Pornographic Literature had in mind,
when they stated that Americans still find
such activity objectionable. Who's object-
ing? Or are we really such a nation of
hypocrites that we take exception to such
behavior for anyone else, wh
t ourselves? In many ways, it appears
that we are just such a nation of hypo-
rites. The sexual activity that we pe
ously preach about and protest
public, we enthusiastically pr in
оет about sex:
ппос forever escape
the Пу hypocritical
society is an unhealthy society th
duces more than its share of perversion,
neurosis, psychosis, unsuccessful mar
divorce and suicide
Nor can wi
t pro-
accept the argument that it
weakness or devil in the flesh, that pro-
duces our sexual yearnings and bel
we reject as totally without foundation
the premise of the prude, who would
have us believe that man would be
Nor is it true, as some suggest, that those
who indulge in early and frequent sexual
experiences dull their capacity to enjoy
and gain satisfaction. [rom such experi-
ences or egret them.
Kinsey fou to popu!
prejudice, relatively few of the men and
women in his study who had h
marital or
ported r
there any evidence that it harmed them.
To the contrary, there is every indicatio
that in most instances the experiences
L Kinsey reported that
those who engaged in sexual experiences
before marriage were more apt to indulge
in extramarital activity after marriage,
but he also found that premari
of geuing
were benefic
ma sey wrote,
ual Behavior in the Human
22 premarital socio-sexu
perience, whether in petting or in coitus,
should contribute to [tlie] development
of emotional capacities. In this, as in
other areas, learning at an сапу age may
be more effective than learning at апу
7 He also ob-
served, "The record on our sample of
ried females shows that there was
arked, positive correlation between ex-
cc in orgasm obtained from pr
1 coitus and the capacity to reach
orgasm after marriage.
On the relationship of sex to
Tul marriage, Kinsey wrote:
djustments are not the ошу problems
involved im marriage. and often they
are not even the most important factors
age a
ı marital adjustment. - - - Nevertheless
sexual maltdjustments contribute in p
haps three quarters of the upper level
marriages that end in separation or
divorce, and in some smaller percentage
of the lower level marriages that break
ир...” Kinsey found “considerable evi-
dence" that sexual experience prior t
marriage contributed "to the effective:
of the sexual relations after marriage.”
The simple act of sex performed p
to marriage does not, per se, incr
the chances of a successful marriag
course, It is the attitudes that lead to thy
ct that will determine how well a person
adjusts both to sex and to marriage.
There is a good deal more to sex than
just the learned physical techniques
(although the techniques themselves are
rely un y and
majority of adults live out their lives with
ouly the most rudimentary knowledge of
this most vital of all human activi
tics). Sex is often a profound emotional
ше. No dearer, more intimate,
more personal act is possible between two
human beings, Sex is, at its best, an ex-
pression of love and adoration, But thi
is not to say that sex is, or should be,
limited to love Love and sex are
certainly not synonymous, and while they
may often be closely interrelated, the
опе is not necessarily dependent upon
the other. Sex can be onc of the most
derrated in our soc
profound and rewarding elements in the
adventure of living: if we recognize it as
not necessarily limited to procreation.
then we should also acknowledge openly
not necessarily limited to love
either. Sex exists — with and without love
ad im both forms it does fa
good than harm. The attempts at its
suppression, however, are almost univer
sally harmful, both to the individuals
involved and to society as
not an e nent of p
cuity or gument Tavoring loveless
sex — being a rather romantic fellow, our-
self. we favor our sex mixed with emo
tion. But we recognize that sex without
love exists: that it is not, in itself, evil
t may sometimes serve а deli
nitely worthwh
This i: romis
nd that
le end.
We are opposed to wholly selfish sex
but we are opposed to any human те
tionship that is entirely sell-oriented —
that takes all and gives nothing in return
Only by remaini
| a person experience the full joy and
of hun istence. That he
is self-destruc
open, and vuln
n c
must also, thereby, know some of the
of this world is without
question, but that, too, is a part of the
venture of living. The alter
closing oneself oll from experience and
sensation and knowledge — is to be оң
half alive. The ultimate invulnerability
is death itself.
This is not at odds with wh
sorrow and p:
ive —
t we have
previously expressed about the need for
а ter enlightened self-interest in
society. Too many people today live out
their entire existence in a group, of a
group and for a group — never attempt
ing to explore their own individuality,
never discovering who or what they are,
or might be. Searching out one's own
identity and purpose, taking real pleasure
true self-respect — these
of living.
We believe that life can be a greater
pleasure if it is lived with some style and
grace and comfort and beauty, but we do
not believe that these are the all of it.
It is possible to become so caught up in
the trappings — both the form and the
accouterments of living — that the real
satisfactions become lost. Each man—and
woman — should try to know himself, as
well as the world around him, and take
real pride in that knowledge
The do-gooder, the prude, the bigot
and the censor have no such self-knowl-
concern is continually
Mairs of others. A concentrated
irs of others may pro
ducc some worthwhile ends, but it can
Iso be the basis for the meddlesome dis
ruption of other people's private lives. We
have always been а little suspicious of
those too aggressively concerned with the
welfare of their fellow man. This is not to
should not be willing to aid
himself. He
interest in the
less fortunate th
Шу should be— and that willing.
ness to help the rest of humankind
should know no boundaries of race, те
ion or country, But when you help a
n, you also rob him of a measure of
his scli-reliance: if, however, vou help him
to help himself, you give him the means
of establishing his own life in his own
way. If we truly respect our fellow man —
and if we truly respect ourselves, it
impossible not to respect our fellow man
as well we must respect his individual-
t make him dillerent
above the lower a s is the distinctly
individual nature of each of us: we should
Le as proud of these differences as we are
of the similarities that make us all me
bers of the family of man.
Wh believe in, first and foremost,
is the individual — and in his right to be
an individual.
Own way, he has a right to go to the Devil
in his own way, also. It sometimes hap-
agree g to the Dev
has. instead, discovered а new truth that
is leading him away from established
thought and tradition to a better way
that. in time, other men will understand
and follow. The Bible singles out the
meck and the poor in spirit for special
blessings. We'd like to add one of our
It’s easy to tell genuine Roquefort when you
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own: Blessed is the rebel — without him
there would be no progress.
1 elements of both the Chris
us. Our quarrel
is not, therefore, with the whole of organ.
ized religion, but only
it that continues to deny man's sexi
nd pits man's body, mind and
1t is, paradoxically enough, the Protes-
ni side of Christendom — ally v
sponsible for Puri
of sex is pr
e indulged
in for pl innin,
Marriage. a Catholic handbook. su
ion of the Roman Church
iot been en-
trusted to man primarily for
but rather for the con
spe Although the immediate result
ntensely plea
la sense of
of se:
physical release
these are the accompa
of the act and not its primary purpose.”),
a great many members of the Protestant
clergy now share the view expressed by
fellow theolo: Dr. Seward Hilmer,
who believes that no conflict exists be-
tween the flesh and the spi
ince man is a “whole or tot
is good if it serves the fulfillment of n
a tot
In an ar
union is
of m
being. sex
. А 20th
Theological š Massa-
chusetts, recently wrote:
churches must shoulder much of the
blame for the confu: gnorance and
unh associations which sur-
round sex in Western culture. . .. The
Christian ch iest, primi-
yed by many
1 people, both Catholic and
| who have treated sexuality as
hool, Cambridg
The Christian
herenily evil.”
In The Bible and the World of Dr.
William Graham Cole, professor
of religion at Williams College, put it
суеп more strongly: “There сап be no
rel with the secular world at this
It is right and the church has
been wrong. Sex is natu
22. It ds attitudes which are good
evil, never things. . . . Those who take
the Bible seriously must stop apologizi
for sex... they must be
to the mind.
h а co
in wi
“In its efforts to prevent irresponsible
procreation, Western civilization has
used the device of what Freud called the
walls of loathing, guilt and shame. On
the whole this method of social control
worked reasonably well, but a price
been paid for its success — the price
of sexual perversion, which is the prod-
nd anxiety. ... The method
of moralism has been weighed in the
nce and found wanting, partly be-
se it moves in the wrong d
ad partly because i
on fear.”
In Religion and Sex:
Church View, David Boroll wrote in the
August 1961 issue of the now defunct
Coronet, “Much of Protestantism no
longer wishes to be identified with те
pression and Puritanism. "In. fact! says
Professor Roger Shinn, of New York's
Union Theological Seminary, ‘repression
an heresy.” . . Dn this coun-
біяла. has. been hostile to
of sexual feeling. But
Protestant theologians
examined these concepts. They
піс that Puritanism, when it
sists that sex is evil, is actually a di
tortion of Christian doctrine. These
thinkers have been influenced not only
by recent Biblical scholarship, but also
by the findings of psychiatry — especially
the revelation of the psychic ¢ 1
that may be done by sexual repre
England is undergoing а motso-qui
Sexual. Revolution of its own, as Time
reported in its issue of March 22, 1963:
“oo. the British are deeply concerned
with their search [or what some call `
new morality’ to fic the hushed-up facts
“The popular morality is now
d. said Dr. George
15. 46, professor of ps
medicine at Edinburgh Uni
recent BBC lecture
the debris of broken convictions. A new
concept is emergi
ay а source of ph
mutual encount
which each explores the other
sume time discovers new depths
self or herself."
“In a violently controversial report,
reported. Time, “a group of The Rel
ious Society of Frit ls attacked the onus
attached to ‘a i adoles-
cent sexual i
A Changing
ng, OF sexual re
of |
as a
malities, in
id at the
mon in
у both
and women with high stand-
ards of conduct and int
or two love all
course, before they find the person ЖЕ
will ultimately m Th
cluded the report, is not such a
Where there is genuine tenderness, a
openness to тезро ty and the seed
itment, God is surely not shut
month, Associated Press
-lined Loudon, which
reported that a Church of England pastor
lenged religious taboos against ext
ital sex: "In a sermon delivered from
the pulpit of Southwark Cathedral
London. Canon D. А. Rhymes decla
the traditional moral code implied th
sex is unavoidably tainted. Yet there is no
wace of this teaching in the attitude ol
Christ” he said. "He does not exalt vir
gi or marriage over
Virginity — He merely says in one place
that some have chosen virginity to leave
them free for the work of the kingdom.
sexuality, as such, is unde:
marriage is the only ро:
of any expression of physical relation
ible occasion
- Canon Rhymes siid the moral
code of today is being ignored because it
is outdated. "We need to replace the
ality based upon a code
ıd the needs of the person
tor concluded that if we want to
live full and healthful lives. "we must
emphasize love." not an inflexible, im.
personal and unfeeling morality.
In the face of such a tide of reason
and research from psychologists. psy-
chotherapists, sociologists, mental-health
experts and enlightened theologi
the firing of Biology Professor Leo
Koch from the University of Illinoi:
as discussed in our fifth editorial (The
Playboy Philosophy. April 1063), seems
all the credible. For Professor
faculty of
more ii
Koch was removed. from the
university for
Hy the same ide
the student
glish pastor s
pulpit. Mf
sor was somew!
his noting
alid. rea
not be condoned "among those suffi-
Gently mature to engage in it without
social consequences and without violat
ing their own codes of morality and
ethics.” For this he was publicly vilified
and fired.
The occurrence prompted Dr. Robert
A. Harper, jent-elect of the Ameri-
can Association of Marriage Counselors,
to issue this s As а veteran
family Ше educator е counselor,
м writer and lecturer on premarital
id. marital topics. I should like to state
ly that the conventional moral. code
premarital ch
t deal more harm than g
American society
Is some young people i
firmly fixed pornographic attitudes
prudishly repressive sexual bel
(from which matrimonial ceremonies.
(continued on page 113)
ng subst
in a letter p
ewspaper, th
ted in а sermon froi
p. the Profes
“there is
t the
son" why premarital sex should
docs а
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the cruel diabolism of his scheme trapped
him in an unexpected change of roles
fiction By RAY RUSSELL А monarch is dying. Today,
a thin quiet man stands and watches through a gauze of dust as its
faceless enemies pull it down — or, rather, begin to pull it down,
for its splendor even now is too ranging for any foe to demolish
s mass, with
every pierced balcony, every apse and nave and arched
little corbel resists, each metal finial, each glass mosaic, e
modulated moulding. Its entablature resists, its lacelike carving,
the intricate decoration of its arcade spandiels. Stolid, it ignores
its conquerors with the passivity of a captive barbarian prince
scornful oic under gross torture.
H has у been disemboweled, curetted, its inwards
stripped away: all that tarnished gilt and worn velvet; those
асер carpets that softened the sound of how-many-hundreds of
feet on its far-reaching floors and wide winding stairs of veined
marble; those objets d'art with which it had been cluttered —
heroic sculptures of naked gods and goddesses, Romantic paint-
ings in ormolu frames, colored lanterns, pillars writhing with
dense adornment, great chandeliers of blinding crystal, vast
nd lush drape
tapestries cumbrous mahogany tables, colossal
airs that made the thrones of most kings seem plain and mean
Il the interior gaudery has been scooped out and shipped ой
to auctioncers and dealers in miscellaneous junk, and now the
huge empty husk echoes with the relentless boom of the swinging
iron ball that cracks and sunders the stout walls, tumbling them
into ignominious rubble.
opposed. There were some who deplored
ion of this eccentric architectural monarch. Pre-
id, make of it а school or + convent,
the assasi
serve it, they
convention hall, subdivide it into apartments even, but let it
uscum, a
stand. Such voices were called reactionary by those who wo
shiped the twofaced god of Progress, and the demolition went
ahead as ordered. Under other circum-
stances, the thin quiet man would have
lent his voice ro the small chorus of
civic objectors, for in such things the
rape of the past in the pious name of the
future — he has always been а confirmed
conservative. But today as he stands in
the hot sun and listens to the hard
clangor and watches the giant edifice
begin to fall, there is the faint quivering
embryo of a smile upon his face . . .
On Vine Steet, in Hollywood, there
is a large market that never closes. It із
open for business 24 hours a day, seven
days a week, and to underscore this fact
it displays a colossal clock, gone mad.
The two hands whirl ceaselessly in ор-
posite directions, as if to say, "Time
doesn't exist." It is not a thing to see
when very drunk and desirous of know-
ing the hovr of the day or the night.
Horst Graustein, the film director,
was not drunk, nor did he carc to know
the time, that evening as he drove past
the market. Still, while his Jaguar sedan
was stopped for a red light, he looked
at the clock. As the gigantic hands spun
crazily, he might have been thinking:
You're a liar, clock. Time does exist. It
exists in the absence of hair on my
head; it exists in the lusterless eyes of
this patient old woman пехі to me,
meine gnádige Frau. But he was think-
ing none of these things although he
had thought them many times before at
the sight of the clock. He was thinking,
instead, of the man he would soon greet
as his hos, a man named Sidney J.
On Laurel Canyon Road, which is a
serpentine ribbon, the writer Clayton
Horne was driving his red Corvair just
a fraction too fast for the comfort of his
pretty young wife. Clayton Horne, his
eyes on the road, was thinking not of
his wife but of Sidney J. Freemond. He
stepped on the accelerator pedal. His
wife closed her eyes and inaudibly mut-
tered a Hail Mary.
The Rolls-Royce called attention to
itself, even on Wilshire Boulevard in
Beverly Hills. For one thing, it was
gold. For another thing, it was a
convertible (rare in a Rolls) and the top
was down. For yet a third thing, the
stunning stimulatrix at the wheel was
Laura Benedict, blonde, firm-bosomed,
thrice-married, thrice-divorced, once an
Academy Award winner; and the man at
her side, the dagger-crue] beauty of his
profile slicing the air, was Norman
Keith, 15 years a leading man, and cur
rently the escort of Miss Benedict. The
liaison had been dutifully recorded by
Mike Connolly between casting news
and a cryptic quote from Rilke: "La
Benedict and Norm Keith are definitely
in The Torrid Zone.” At the present
moment, both were temporarily isolated
in their own Tepid Zones, and the
uppermost thought in the mind of each
was a tight close-up, in Technicolor and
Cinemascope, of Sidney J. Freemond
The three cars arrived at Bel Air
within minutes of one another. Each
опе, in its turn, took the slow, ascend-
ing curve of the Freemond driveway,
past the famous approaches of suffocat-
ing greenery, baleful statues and xylo-
phonic fountains, coming at length to
a stop at the main entrance of the mas-
sive pile which a wag had once, not
with precise accuracy, described as be-
longing to the Middle Dracula Period.
Since the recent death of his wife, Sid-
ney J. Freemond had lived alone here,
with his domestic staff. Taxes feasted
like ravening carnivores upon the im-
mense mansion and grounds, but Free-
mond had never, not even for a moment,
considered the possibility of moving out,
despite the earnest counsel of lawyers
and business managers.
Now, in the cavernous reception hall,
a manservant quietly greeted the guests
and collected the ladies wraps. "Mr.
Freemond will be down presently,” he
"How are you, Peters?” said Grau-
"Very well, Mr. Graustein, thank
"You're taking good care of our
"I do what I can to make Mr. Free-
mond comfortable, sir.”
“That's fine. May we expect а good
dinner tonight?”
“I think I might say, sir, that Mr.
Freemond has planned а memorable
weekend, and that tonight's dinner will
be simple but excellent. But, Mr. Grau-
‘The manservant’s voice became a
touch conspiratorial. “A word to the
wise, sir. The salad dressing, if you
don’t mind my mentioning it, is made
with anchovies: very delicious of course,
Graustein chuckled. “You're thinking.
of my gout, eh? Quite right, anchovies
are bad for me, I'll avoid the salad
dressing. You're a good friend, Peters.”
“Thank you, sir.”
The manservant’s lean form flickered
out of visible range, to dispose of the
wraps. Clayton Horne walked up to
Graustcin. "I couldn't help overhear-
ing," he said.
‘Hello, Clayton. About the dressing?”
“Yes. It suggests a script. А des-
potic millionaire — misanthropic, hated,
played by, oh, James Mason? — de-
cides to murder a half dozen of his
enemies and so he i ics them to a
lavish dinner. The salad dressing has
been poisoned — but very discreetly, by
the artful introduction of a botulism,
1675 say, and the millionaire, of course,
will avoid it, while his guests will die
agonized deaths which the coroner will
call food poisoning. His butler, Peter
Sellers, who hates him, inadvertently
learns of the scheme. Instead of calling
the police, however, or overtly warning
the victims, he has a more subtle re-
venge—he tells one guest that the
dressing is bad for his gout, another that
it's loaded with calories and no good
for her figure, another that it’s not
kosher, another that it contains meat
juices and it's Friday, and so on. The
would-be murderer then has to sit and
watch his whole plan slowly collapse as
each of his guests politely declines thc
stuff. Not too bad is it, Horst?”
Graustéin smiled and patted the
younger man's arm. “It’s a cinch for
Hitchcock,” he said. Then, as Peters
reappeared with a tray of cocktails, he
added, “But it needs а finish. The tables
are only half turned on your million-
aire. You must destroy him completely
or you will leave your audience unsatis-
fied. Ah, thank you, Peters.”
Laura Benedict joined the two men.
“Talking shop so soon?"
“No, Wunderschön. Our young friend
“All writers have nasty minds,” drawled
Laura, bestowing a casual kiss on Horne’s
cheek. “I read your novel, darling, it's a
kick. But there's no part in it for mel"
"Don't worry, Laura, it won't make а
film anyway. It’s not that kind of novel.”
“More fool you,” said Norman Keith
good-naturedly, walking up to them.
"Hello, Norman,” Horne said. "I
thought you'd be in Spain by now."
"Sidney's decided to fake it here. АП
this ‘runaway production’ talk intimi-
dates him, If you ask me —"
But now their host was descending
the marble stairs, silently, with portent,
each step a production. All eyes were
fixed upon him, and that was exactly
the way he wanted it.
Sidney J. Freemond, at 65, was a
squat, raniform man of emphatic ugli-
ness. Sparse white hair was plastered
patchily to his balding skull. The skin
of his face, victim of rich diet and too
many Palm Springs sojourns, had the
folded, purple look of congealed lava.
He reached the bottom step, stopped,
and elaborately blinked. His eyes, under
their heavy hoods, were as dark and as
hard as carborundum. “Everybody here?”
was his greeting. His voice was a croak
from the swamp.
Graustein elected himself to answer.
“АП present or accounted for, Sidney.
How are you?"
Freemond ignored the question. His
eyes cursorily examined cach guest, but
sparkled with interest at the sight of
Mrs. Horne. “I don't think I've had the
pleasure," he sai
“Oh,” Horne said, stepping forward,
(continued overleaf)
"Sid, this is my wife, Pat.”
Pat Horne said, "Pleased to meet you
at last, Mr. Freemond.”
“She's very pretty, Horne. You're a
lucky fella. Young Jady, you're married
to one hell of a writer.”
Turning away from their smiles, he
said, “Everybody got drinks?” Not wait-
ing for an answer, he said to his man-
servant, “Pete, bring another round.”
Norman Keith, nothing if not proper,
inwardly winced at the name “Pete.”
Freemond's egalitarian discomfort at
the man’s full name, and his attempt at
what he thought was a more democratic
form of address, offended Keith in a
way that only trivial things can offend.
It nagged him. like a pebble in a shoe,
and he was angry at himself for allow-
ing it to nag him so.
Freemond, a glass of plain tonic water
and lime in his hand, Jed the procession
circuitously in the general direction of
the dining room, passing through mag-
niloquent chambers. Young Mrs. Horne
was awed. "It's fantastic," she said.
“Built in the old days" Freemond
said. "By Gilbert Rodolfo, the silent
star. I bought it right after he was
killed. It's very authentic. It's —” Не
glanced toward Graustein.
"Byzantine," said Graustein, who then
added, with a tint of satire, "It's not
true, Mrs. Horne, that the Xanadu sec-
tions of Citizen Kane were filmed here.”
Missing the jocose intent, Freemond
said. "Мо, that was all shot over at
RKO. Desilu now."
“They paused before an enormous oil
portrait of a placid matron, her own
simple beauty beclouded by flattering
prettification. “Му late wife,” said
Freemond, sanctimoniously, He took
Mrs. Horne's arm and entered the
dining room.
Dinner was unpretentious, straight-
forward, and very good. Turtle soup,
duckling aux cerises, wild rice, a brac-
ing salad (the dressing shunned by
Graustein), Bavarian cream. Appropriate
wines all the way. “Darling, really! Our
waistlinesl" Laura said to Freemond.
"Listen," he replied, "a square meal
never hurt anyone.”
‘Throughout dinner,
gorged his repertoire of jokes and
stories, long and short, true and false,
usually a bright cobalt blue. At опе
point, even Laura was obliged to say,
“Please, darling, not while we're eating.”
At meals end, Freemond instructed
Peters to serve coffee in his private
theater. There, the versatile factotum
assumed the role of projectionist, as
Freemond and his guests, sunk in
heavily upholstered seats, sipped coffee
or brandy, smoked, and watched a rough
cut of the latest Sidney J. Freemond
production, 4 Kiss іп Time, starring
Laura and Norman. written by Horne.
directed by Graustein. Photography had
Freemond dis-
been completed a few weeks before.
The film, a romantic comedy in Tech-
nicolor, still lacked credit titles, music
and dubbing. Frequently, the screen was
occupied by printed messages — INSERT
MISSING, FADE OUT, FADE IN. Vertical edit-
ing marks often skiuered across the
image at the end of a scene, indicating
a disolve. Many exterior sequences,
having been shot soundless, or "M.O S.,"
were at this stage totally silent and the
room was filled only with the soft whirr
of the projector. During these sequences,
Graustein would murmur, morc or less
to himself comments such as, “Car
door slamming. Maybe birds. Shoes on
gravel.” Or: “Big love theme right here.”
“M.OS..” said Laura at one point,
“what does that mean exactly? I know it
means filmed silent, but what do those
letters mean?”
No one, apparently, knew, until Frec-
mond tonelessly said, “It started as a
joke, back in the old days, and it stuck.
It means Mit Out Sound.”
"I wouldn't kid you."
A Kiss in Time was overlong and in
need of cuuing. By the time it was
finished, the members of the їашге
audience — denizens of ап early-to-bed
town — were fatigued. Freemond there-
fore kept discussion of the film to a
minimum and mercifully bade his guests
goodnight. "Cet a good slecp," he said.
"I want to see you at breakfast bright
and early.” Then, smiling, he left them.
“I don't like it when he smiles like
that,” said Graustein to no one ii
ticular. "I don't like it at all...
Subtropical morning exploded cold
and smogless. For a brief moment, the
brilliance of the weather deceived
Graustein and he thought he was in
Majorca, but soon time and place clicked
into position like jigsaw pieces and he
remembered he was in Byzantium,
U.S. A. If this were a weekday, he would
probably arise, breakfast lightly, and
drive to the studio before the glut of
traffic, arriving ahead of the secretaries
and messenger girls, He would part the
drapes and raise the blinds of his office's
north-facing window, and he would sec
the Hollywood Hills, flattened and
blurred by a scrim of smog, the word
HOLLYWOOD spelled out on them in
giant white letters. He would see Griffith
Observatory if he turned his head to the
right; and if he turned it just a little to
the left, he would see the cylindrical,
stylustopped Capitol Records Building.
Much nearer, just down the street, he
would see the neon sign of the restaurant.
where he often studied the handsome
faces of eascful stars and nervous star-
lets, while incidentally cating lunch.
Then he would sit down at his desk,
open his script, and begin for the hun-
dredth time to revise and refine his
penciled marginalia: memos to himself,
crude sketches of shot composition, sim-
plifying of thorny dialog.
This morning, however, he would be
forced to breakfast grandly and look
upon the smile of Frecmond. With a
groan of effort, he arose.
Down in the dining room, the side-
board glittered with the silver of trays
and chafing dishes. On display was ап
English breakfast: eggs, kidneys, had-
dock, bacon, crumpets; a platoon of
food, at the ready. Two by two, the
guess assembled and were joined by
their host.
A curious silence had entered with
them. There were the usual murmurs of
good morning, a few pleasantries, but
these were delivered in a vacuum and
fell dead as soon as they were uttered.
"The silence was a solid thing that sat at
the table like an embarrassing guest, like
Banquo. Before long, Freemond took in
Norman and Laura in a single glance
and said, “You two cnjoy yourselves last
Norman said, “Sure thing, Sidney.
Great dinner. And I think we're going
to have a really fine picture —"
“Dinner, picture. That's not what I
mean. Laura knows what I mean, right,
Banquo's corpse, swelling with decay,
grew and floated over the room, choking
the air with the stink of silence. Finally,
Laura said, “I’m not sure I do, darling.”
“Oh, come оп. Come on. Norman's a
good-looking guy, you don't have to be
Norman said, "Now look, Sidney, a
joke’s a joke, but —”
Freemond did not acknowledge the
objection. He went on speaking to
Laura. “They're all good-looking fellas
now, ain’t they?”
“Sidney,” she said, “please...”
“Once, though, looks didn’t matter
with you, did they? Old guys, bald guys,
fat guys. Useful guys, right?”
Horne attempted to restore civiliza-
tion to the breakfast. “Sidney, don't you
think you should —" But he stopped
short. because Freemond suddenly had
a book in his hand, a book Horne
Freemond said, “I shouldn't talk about
Laura? Better I should talk about you?
Sure. By you I'm an illiterate, right,
Horne? A — what was it you called ше?
—a verbal cripple?"
“Sidney, І never —'
“You never, you never. You think I
didn't see this novel you wrote, this pile
of garbage? Where you talked about me?
So you made me into a magazine editor
and gave me an Irish name — you think
I didn't know it was me? You think half
this town didn't know it was me? Here.
Catch." Freemond threw the book at
Horne. "Page 195. Where I marked an
(continued on page 60)
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plump mangoes, passion fruit, ripe papayas, green limes,
cool coconut milk and pineapples heavy and musky as die
jungle itself. Even without such exotic persuasions, some-
thing in the sheer aroma of distilled molasses spurs every
mix-master’s imagination.
In the rum islands, there are descendants of Sir Henry
Morgan who will only have their drink neat, unembellished
even with ice. But summer in the States means tall icy rum
drinks that are just about the liveliest cooling systems
ble for the heat-wilted man.
The first step in matriculating as a rum specialist is to
understand that rums vary from the light, almost-white
distillates used in daiquiris to the deep-mahogany rums
that rank with the rarest of old brandies. In the distilleries,
the modern, very dry rums are usually started with a yeast
culture. Heavy pungent rums are helped on their way by
the slower wild yeast that pervades the tropic air. Like
The youngest blend comir
to this country now is at least three years old. Old velvety
seven to ten ycars old. In proof, rums
Scotches, all rums are blends.
range from a light 80 all the way to the shattering 161
proof Demerara rum, distilled in British Guiana but aged
in Great Britain where the damp air
favors the slow ripening of the rum's
best qualities. Demerara, once the pre-
ferred hot grog of Canadian lumber-
jacks, is now used more and more in
combination with lighter rums for tall
summer drinks. In between these ех-
tremes are an infinite number of grada-
tions on the rum spectrum. Virgin
Islands rum is a happy medium be-
tween the light rums and the full-bodied
Jamaican species. Gold rum is white rum
with the addition of caramel, which not
only provides a deeper color but a mite
of sweetness and soft flavor. Some of the
lesser known rums, like the Barrilito of
Puerto Rico or the Barbancourt of
Haiti, are not only glorious libations
taken straight but are fine mixers with
hot or iced coffee.
Certainly the most popular of all hot-
weather cocktails is the classic daiquiri.
It's the only rum drink in which the
minor ingredient, lime juice, seems al-
most as important as the demon itself. In
spite of the work-cutting inducements of
bottled lime juice, plastic limes filled
with juice, and frozen concentrated lime
juice and sugar — all useful for emergency
drinking sessions — the knowledgeable
daiquiri man still insists on squeezing
his lime juice fresh. The daiquiri which
most rum men now favor — 2 ounces very
light rum, ounce freshly squeezed lime
juice and 1 barspoon sugar — should be
shaken with ice until the cocktail shaker
almost burns the hands with cold. To be
presented properly, it should look cold.
To this end, you dip the rim of the
chilled cocktail glass first in bottled
white syrup and then in sugar, thus pro-
viding a frosty rim. In place of sugar for
sweetening daiquiris, grenadine, orgeat
or Falernum may be used. Grenadine is
pomegranate syrup; orgeat is made from
almonds; Falernum is a spicy West In-
dian syrup now bottled in the States, All
three are delightful in tall drinks but
tend to make the daiquiri less rum-
centered than it would be otherwise.
If the daiquiri is the most representa-
tive of the light rum mixtures, planter's
punch is the oldest, most renowned
drink made with the dark pungent rums.
One recipe for it is preserved in a shaggy
bit of doggerel: one of sour, two of
sweet, three of strong and four of weak —
meaning one part lime juice, two of
sugar, three of rum and four of ice and
water. Actually, that formula simply
proves that punch and poetry shouldn’t
be mixed. Most rum barons prefer one
of sweet and two or three of sour.
PLAYBOY'S own planter’s punch is assem-
bled in a cocktail shaker with 1 teaspoon
sugar, 1 ounce lime juice, 2 ounces Ja-
maica rum, 2 dashes bitters and 3 large
ice cubes. After shaking, the contents
are poured unstrained into a large high-
ball glass. The glass is filled with soda
water and topped with a slice of lime.
Perhaps the best way to demonstrate
the versatility of rum is to serve it at a
party, without any preliminary fanfare
or announcements, in the standard bar
drinks. Rum highballs, rum sidecars,
rum collinses, rum old fashioneds, rum
fizzes and rum rickeys are not only great
cooling agents, but serve equally well as
catalysts for warm comradeship.
Unless otherwise stated, the following
PLAYBOY variations on the rum theme
are for one drink.
1 large chilled pincapple
1⁄4 cup pineapple sherbet
6 ozs. light rum
3 025. orange juice
134 ozs. lime juice
уф oz. maraschino liqueur
Тһе pineapple should measure at least
7 in. from base to top of fruit, not in-
cluding stem. Cut a cap off pineapple
about 1⁄4 in. from top. Remove meat
from pineapple. Cut a deep circle around
edge of pineapple about 1% in. from rim,
leaving a large cylinder of fruit which
must then be gouged out. A very sharp
boning knife is a good instrument for the
job. Cut wedges of fruit loose by slicing
diagonally toward rim of fruit. Use a
grapefruit knife or large parisienne po-
tato cutter to remove small pieces of
fruit. The cavity of the pineapple should
be large enough to hold 2 measuring
cups of liquid. Test it for size. Cut hard
core of fruit away, and discard it. Cut
enough tender pineapple meat to make
1⁄4 cup fruit in small dice. Into the well
of an electric blender put the 1⁄4 cup
diced pineapple, sherbet, rum, orange
juice, lime juice and maraschino liqueur.
Blend 5 seconds. Pour into pineapple.
Place pineapple in champagne bucket
surrounded with finely shaved ice. Place
2 or 4 colored straws in the drink, allow-
ing for 2 double or 4 single drinks.
| coconut
Ya cup ice, finely cracked
1 oz. coconut cream (coconut syrup,
Ту ozs. anejo rum
1 oz. light sweet cream
Remove end of coconut opposite coco-
nut eyes. The best procedure is to hold
the base of the coconut firmly in the left
hand. With a very heavy French knife or
cleaver chop off top. Several whacks may
be necessary. Avoid spilling coconut
juice if possible. Pour out coconut juice
and save it. Into the well of an electric
blender pour 14 cup coconut juice, ice,
coconut cream, rum and cream. Blend 10
seconds. Pour into coconut shell. Place
coconut shell in large dish surrounded
with finely shaved ice. Place a colored
straw into coconut. There will usually be
enough juice from one coconut for 3 or 4
drinks. Reserve drinks may be made up
beforchand and poured into tall martini
pitcher. Coconut shells may then be re-
filled when necessary. Keep the martini
pitcher surrounded with ice, or keep in
1, ozs. light rum
1⁄4 cup canned sliced mangoes, with-
out juice
34 cup ice, finely cracked
1⁄4 oz. lime juice
Put all ingredients into the well of
an electric blender. Blend 8 seconds.
Pour into prechilled large-footed cham-
pagne glass or large sherbet glass. Serve
with small colored straw.
8 ozs. ice-cold guava nectar
2 ozs. light rum
2 teaspoons grenadine
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 brandied red cherry, pitted
I slice lemon
Pour guava nectar, rum, grenadine
and lemon juice into a 14-07. highball
glass Add coarsely cracked ice to fill
glass. Stir well. Float lemon slice on top.
Place a tall straw into drink. Fasten the
cherry onto a cocktail spear, and fit into
I extra large California orange
I oz. 151-proof Demerara rum
1⁄4 oz. orange curacao
% oz. lime juice
1 teaspoon sugar
I slice old-fashioned-cocktail orange in
Cut a cap off top of orange about 1%
in. from top. With a sharp grapefruit
knife gouge out the meat, leaving the
orange shell intact. Squeeze enough juice
from the meat to make 114 ozs. Put the
114 ozs. orange juice, rum, curacao, lime
juice and sugar into a cocktail shaker
with ice. Shake very well. Strain into
orange shell. Place the orange in a bowl
or soup dish of about 7-in. diameter.
Pack finely cracked ice around orange.
Place a colored short straw into drink.
Fasten the cocktail orange onto a cock-
tail spear, and fit into straw. Place a
galox leaf, obtainable from florist shop,
in the ice alongside orange.
6 ozs. passion fruit nectar
1% ozs. light rum
1 oz. golden rum
1 oz gin
1⁄4 02. lemon juice
(concluded on page 149)
fiction By КЕК W. PURDY he had it all figured out—except what would happen іп nora's bedroom
PETER RAND CAME ТО THE ТОР of the subway stairs and
narrowed his eyes against the light of the sun, lowering
now toward three o'clock, but still bright in the clear
sky. Under his feet the sidewalk trembled as a train
boomed through the station, threading the black, pipe-
strung hole in the ground to dive beneath the sluggish
river boundary into the city.
He walked briskly. Since noon, when he had learned
that this October Tuesday would probably be the feared
and hoped-for day, he had waited, vainly, for excitement.
to rise in him. He was not calm, but he was not fright-
ened. He was euphoric, he breathed deeply and he felt
the blood buzz in his brain, but he was not excited. When
he crossed the tarry black leaf drifted street that brought
him to his own block, all 15- and 20-year-old apartment
buildings five stories high of thick glazed brick, he
slowed, thinking back to that other October, four Octo-
bers gone, when he and Nora had walked hand in hand
into the house for the first time, but the small pain the
recollection brought soon passed. He turned into the
garden that ran the whole block behind the houses. At
the far end a fatlegged three-year-old staggered over
the lawn in hopeful pursuit of a sparrow. A small wind,
caged in the enclosed space, rustled the waxleaf ivy on
the walls, and faintly across the court he heard a radio:
“Sur le pont . . .” He looked up at the windows, blank,
masked, secret. He walked quickly along the path.
Three steps down and he was in the basement. The
elevator was down. He closed the door and punched
the button.
"Тһе car began its slow climb to the fifth floor,
whining softly, lurching a little on its greased slides.
Nora’s scent still drifted in the little car, although 45
minutes, he estimated, must have passed since she had
left it. He reached out to touch the wall in the corner
where she always stood, where he remembered her
being, the hundreds of times they had ridden up four
flights, down four flights together. He left the elevator
on the fifth floor and walked quietly down the stairs
to his own door.
The key soundlessly lifted the pins in the tumblers,
black with graphite, and the door turned on the heavy
oil in its hinges. The chain lock was fastened. He
reached to hold the anchor plate, extended the chain
to its full length and pushed gently on the door. The
four screws of the plate, held only by the putty in the
oversize holes he had bored long ago, pulled out easily
and he was in the hallway. He reached into the closet
shelf for the little camera. He checked the settings:
ЕП, 1/100ch. He slipped the flashbulb from its socket,
touched the end with his tongue, replaced it. At the
head of the hall he stood for a moment, listening, draw-
ing breath, gathering himself. There was little sound
from the bedroom, the sibilance of a whispered word
or two, nothing more. Peter Rand touched the thing
in his pocket once again; he stared down the hallway,
remembering the carefully learned pattern of the boards
that did not squeak: left, left, right, left, right, right.
Like a diver, he leaned forward, he stepped out, and
four seconds later he opened the door.
“Hello,” he said.
They stared as the bulb blew, and in the afterimage,
floating ghostily across the room, he could see again
their white faces, eyes wide. It would be, of its revolting
kind, a perfect picture. He tossed the camera carefully
to the big chair in the corner. They had not spoken.
“All right, dear friend,” he said. “The party's over.
You may get up now.”
“You pig,” Tony said. “You would make a picture.
I'll get up, all right. ГІ get (concluded on page 142)
X. Start reading."
"Look, Sidney, 1 assure you —"
“You'll assure nothing, you'll just
read, like I said. I'd rcad it myself but
I'm a verbal cripple, it wouldn't sound
so пісе. Read.”
Horne, his voice quavering, read from.
the book. “ ‘There isa breed of creature
which —'"
“Creature. Cripple. Beautiful words,
ain't they? Keep reading.”
“*_which apparently has never been
told that words have definitions. They
grope thcir way through language by
connotations only; and there is nothing
less precise than connotation, which
changes from person to person and is
based on associations, many of which
are below the conscious level, in that
place where Chaos reigns. Such a creature
was Stanley Doran. Tap-tapping his way
blindly through a piece of somebody
else's writing, he would call certain
words or phrases “stoppers.” “It stopped
me" he would say: to him, a damning
accusation and reason enough to change
the offending word. It would not have
occurred to him that he may have been
“stopped” because of his own ignorance
of meaning or lack of familiarity with
idiom. “I don’t get the right feeling
from this word,” he would say, his un-
conscious associations darkly churning,
and he would be hurt if he were gently
told that it didn't matter what "feeling"
he got from the word: the word meant
one certain thing and that's all it meant
and it did not mean all those amorphous
things sloshing around in the damp
cellar of his connotations...”
Home lookcd up from the book.
"Sidney," he said, but Freemond cut
him dead with a cold eye and a rigid
finger which pointed to the book. Horne
read on:
" "You would get nowhere telling this
verbal cripple that ANOINT meant no
more than to smear or rub over with oil
or an unctuous substance: ANOINT was
forbidden in anything but ecclesiastical
contexts because it was "a religious-type
word." Perhaps it might be suggested
that this was no more than the single
lovable chink, the tragic Вам in ап
otherwise noble soul. However — "
“That's enough," snapped Frecmond.
"That's plenty. Pretty smart, ain't you?
You couldn't say that stuff to my face, so
you shove it into a book and think you
can get away with it. Writers!” He
leaned forward. “Well, 1 got news for
you, Mr. Writer. This verbal cripple is
gonna cripple you with your own stink-
ing words!”
“Sidney,” Horne said, "what words?"
Frcemond smiled. "Who knows? That's
what we're here to find out. What you
of me." He looked at
'And what you think." He
(continued from page 56)
turned to Norman Keith. "And you."
Finally, he looked Laura up and down.
"And you too, baby. You too."
During the reading, Peters had ma-
terialized again and was standing dis-
creetly in a corner. Freemond turned to
him and said, “Get it, Pete.” Peters left
the room.
Freemond settled back in his chair.
“Relax,” he said. “Get comfortable. Eat
your breakfast. We're gonna have a little
entertainment.” He chuckled, thickly.
“A little show with an all-star cast." His
own jape pleased him very much. "Noth-
ing but the best, folks. Strictly Class-A.
A real Sidney J. Freemond production.”
Graustein sighed. It was an eloquent
sound, with 50 centuries of resignation
in it. “Sidney,” he said softly, “whatever
it is you've got up your sleeve — don't
do it.”
"You're giving orders, Graustein?"
“I'm asking. In the name of decency.”
“What decency? What is it you think
I'm going to do?”
Graustein shook his head. “I don't
know, Sidney. But knowing you, and
knowing that special tone in your voice,
that special smile on your face, I know it
must be something appalling.”
Freemond laughed. “Remember that
time in the commissary?” he said, glec-
“I remember, Sidney.”
Everybody remembered. It had become
a legend. It happened оп Graustein's
first day at the studio. Freemond wel-
comed the famous refugee into his office
with expansive arms, with admiring
words, with Jambent promises, with
costly cigars. Then he led him to the
commissary for а ceremonial luncheon
with the other studio executives. There
was a short speech by Freemond, a brief
murmur of thanks from Graustein, and
then the great director sat down on a
chair rigged to emit a slight electric
shock and a very loud buzz. A harmless,
childish trick, and everyone was puzzled
at Graustein's outsized reaction to it.
Everyone but Sid Freemond. He knew
about Graustein's experiences with the
Gestapo, about the days and nights of
relentless interrogation to the calculated
accompaniment of special electrical
“You should have seen the look on
your facel” Freemond was saying now.
Graustein disregarded him. “Sid, I ask
you now, and for the last time, whatever
awful thing you have planned, don't.
Not for my sake, not for Laura's sake or
Norman's or Clayton’s or our wives. For
your sake, Sid. For your own good.”
Freemond's palm came down upon
the table with a jarring smack. “Nobody
tells me what's for my own good! You,
Graustein, you just be quiet.” His eyes
swept around the table. “Everybody be
quiet. And listen for a change." He
blinked, once. "So smart, all of you. So
stinking smart. But I'm smarter! 1 know
what you say about me behind my back
— and this time, I'm going to know it to
my face. We're all going to know it. Mit
sound! You begin to get the picture?"
"Oh no," Laura said in a whisper.
“It's too dreadful. You wouldn't do a
thing like that, Sidney."
"Wouldn't I, baby?"
Norman looked at Freemond, then at
Laura, then back at Freemond again.
"Sidney," he said, "you don't mcan to
say you —"
“That's right, pretty boy. I had your
rooms buy
The word was unfamiliar to Mrs.
Graustein. "Bugged?"
Freemond turned to her. "Wired for
sound, Mrs. Graustein. Hidden mikes.
Every word you said, all of you, after
you went to your rooms last night. On
tape, all of it" He smiled at her hus-
band. "Su: d?" he said.
"Not really," said Graustein. "You're
very good at wiring things,"
Peters returned, carrying a tape ma-
chine and a large plastic reel packed to
the rim with tape. Setting the machine
on the floor, he plugged the cord into
the nearest outlet and deployed the
portable twin speakers so as to achieve
the most effective stereophony. Free-
mond's guests dumbly watched his ac-
tions. The butler now began to thread
the tape onto the empty reel.
“Pete,” said Freemond, “you spliced
all the tapes together?”
“Yes, Mr. Freemond. They're all on
this spool, one right after the other.
“Good, good.” Freemond's eyes gli
tered. To his guests, he said, "I ain't
heard this stuff yet. Wouldn't have been
polite not to wait for the rest of you.
Horne noted, with horror, that Free-
mond now actually licked his lips. What
was he thinking, the writer wondered.
Was the lip-licking relish caused by an-
ticipation of the expected anti-Freemond
remarks only? Or was he additionally
looking forward to a bonus of connubial
intimacies, extramarital dalliance, sexual
Horne, rising, spoke softly to his wife.
"Come on, dear, let's go."
“Со?” The word sprang like a har-
poon from Freemond’s mouth. "You're
going nowhere! You're staying! All of
you are staying! You walk out that door
and you never work in this town again!
You heard of black lists? I'll give you
black lists! Sit down."
Horne sat. Freemond continued to fix
him with his eye. He then looked at
cach of his other guests, in turn. At last,
casually, he said, “All right, Pete, roll.”
‘The butler snapped on the machine.
"There was a crackle and the gentle
(concluded on page 108)
THE SMALL BOATS available to budding
captains and seasoned skippers alike
this year happily combine function
with fun; as a result, American waters
— both fresh and salt— will be more
smartly populated than ever before.
The ownership and operation of a
small boat—and by that term we
mean pleasure craft, sail or power, 25
fect or under — requires but modest
wherewithal and only the basic skills;
yet the dividends in relaxation and
revelry are huge compared to the size
of the investment and the size of the
boat. The ever-increasing availability
of good, sturdy, less-than-yacht-size
craft means that cvcry man can be
captain of his own ship and enjoy a
way of life that can include — depend-
ing on his nautical proclivitics — the
excitement of waterskiing or fishing,
the adventurous world of skindiving
or racing, or the casy sociability of
just plain soaking up the sun while
day-sailing with close friends.
Fortunately, the Detroitinspired sca
monsters of the last decade, which
subordinated shipshape lines to some-
thing called “high style,” have prac-
tically disappeared from the water, and
function, an old-fashioned virtue that
seemed in danger of being forgotten,
has resumed its primary, and proper,
place in boating design. As any old
sea dog could have told the manufac-
turers, true nautical beauty is derived
from utility. The sheer line of a Grand
Banks dory, the raked masts of a
Chesapeake bugeye, or the hull form
of a Jersey sea skiff were determined
by the tasks required of these boats.
The well-designed modern craft also
fits form to function, and its versatility
beckons the boat buff to a wide variety
of pleasures.
The most obvious yet most limited
boating diversion is speed. Most be-
ginners tire of it quickly and settle
into more relaxing and rewarding
pasimes— among them а secluded
picnic on a distant beach. Many small
boats have definite advantages in this
regard: they're light enough and draw
little enough water to be beached
easily. Offshore fishing, with only the
sea breezes and one’s chosen sea mates
for company. is distinctly more de-
sirable than trying your luck on a
2 2
r * i ç
N des
Clockwise from noon: Heathkit 25-wott, 4-chonnel
radiotelephone, by Heath, $189.95. Yacht shoes,
with squeegee nonslip soles, by B. f. Goodrich,
$8.95. International Code signal flags, set of 40,
with distonce lines, osh toggles, by Annin, $55.
Claw anchor, stows flat, weighs 22165, by Wilcox-
Crittenden, $32, Generator-motor, 2-cycle, 34 -һр,
produces 115 volts A.C., 12 volts О.С, weighs 12
lbs, by Gadco Electro, $99.50. The Clipper 3-band
oll-transistor portoble rodio, by Admiral, $99.95.
Montague 20-oz. hollow fibergloss rod with
stained ash butt, $47.50; Oceon City sailfish reel
with forged brass one-piece spool, bokelite side
plotes, $25, both by True Temper. Merc 1000 out-
board, 100-hp, 6 cylinders, eleciric or monuol
storting, has jel-prop exhaust, by Mercury, $1225.
crowded pier. Waterskiing was specifi-
cally designed for the small power boat,
and blessedly requires less skill while pro-
viding more excitement than any com-
parable sport Skindiving can be as
involved as the most elaborate scuba
gear — but it needn't intimidate the neo-
phyte, for it can also be as simple and
unpretentious as a jump over the side
with little more than a mask and flippers.
If some of sounds too strenuous,
even the most jaded night people can
have their day with a small boat. Many
craft are large enough to accommodate
intimate parties, or, if more solitude is
desired, a moonlight cruise for two is
considerably more romantic and less
energetic than the old canoe version.
It's doubtful that any owner requires
a boat for all these diversions. Yet he is
secure in the knowledge that a well-
designed, functional power craft is capa-
ble of performing well in any or all of
them, and he knows that it will also
contain sensible space for comfort and
gear stowage, that equipment will per-
form, not adorn, and that the boat will
be safe under the most adverse conditions.
The choice of the proper boat seems
more bewildering at first than it really
is. True, there is an immense variety of
boating and climate conditions in this
country, and the sport appears to have
many perplexing facets. But once the
basic questions are resolved — whether to
choose sail or power (and what type of
power) and what kind of construction to
select (fiberglass, wood or metal) — the
make, (text continued on page 68)
Clockwise from noon: Dyer Midget fiberglass sailing dhow, with oars, rigging, 35 sa. ft. sail (not
shownl, by The Anchorage, $450. Cruisephone, ship-to-shore, broadcast reception, by RCA,
$249.95. Super Sea-Horse V-75 Electramatic outboard, by Johnson, $1065. Motor scooter, 70
Ibs, 2% -hp engine, by Projects Unlimited, $149.50. Electric refrigerator, 12 volts, by Monitor,
$69.95, TV set, 13% Ibs., A.C. or battery, earphone, by Sony, $249.95. Marine Horn, by Electric
Autolite, $31.50. Banana Peel Slalom Ski, by Voit, $35. Inside boat, clockwise from noon: Depth
Indicator, 1 to 250 ft., by Sonar Rodio, $139.50. Boat Heat-Pal, of aluminum, brass, by Gloy's,
$24.95. Water Sports Belt, polyfoan, by Voit, $3. Yordarm liquor unit, by Silent Partner, $149.50.
Siesta flag, by Abercrombie & Fitch, $5. Burgee Signal Jacket, poplin, by Mighty Mac, $16.95.
Clockwise from noon: Fume detector, shuts
off ignition, by Ravenswood, $69.95. Chris-
tening champagne, from Abercrombie &
Fitch, $4.95. Perseus clock, works off 12-
volt system, by Industrial Timer, $29.95.
Hond composs, can be installed in carrying
box, by Weems, $37.50. Course Monitor,
chrome, by Airguide, $20. Binoculars, 8-
power, with leather case, by Hensoldt,
$94. Yacht timer, waterproof, lanyard,
wrist strap, by A. & Е, $49.50. Gyro-wind
feather vane, from A. & F., $595. Compo-
scope sighting compass, handmade of brass
and bronze, from A. & F., $50. Navigator
410 portable direction finder, АМ broad-
cast receiver, 8 transistors, bottery-pow-
ered, by Bendix, $99.95. Hoiler, tronsistor
powered, by Audio Equipment, $99.50.
UF-7 Cadmium horn, uses Freon-12, by Fal-
con Alorm, $14.50. Center, left to right:
Nylon jacket, drawstring hood and waist,
by НІХ, $9.95. Speedometer, on rotating
mounting base, 5 to 45 mph, by Airguide,
$16.95. Engine Power Meter, for 4-cycle
inboard, by Airguide, $15.95. Anemometer,
measures wind 3 to 70 mph, by Simorl, $32.
model and other particulars are casily decided. First, the question of power vx sail. A motor makes а boat con:
more versatile than а sailboat with no auxiliary power, for obvious reasons. Water-skiing is impossible with a sailboat.
more convenient with power than with sail, and the rudiments of operating a motor boat are morc casily learned than the
rudiments of sailing. Power will help you cover large stretches of water in short periods of time (the better to escape to that
isolated anchorage), and you can generally chart your schedule quite reliably. A power craft accommodates more passengers
than a sailboat in the same size range, and in spite of the fact that speed will only be one of the kicks that motoring gives you,
there is no denying the thrill of zipping along the water with the wind and spray dashing in your face and the engine roaring
urgently. The effect is way out of proportion to the actual mph, and for this reason water speed usually feels faster than it really is.
И you decide to take the power plunge, you'll have four choices: outboard, inboard, (text continued overleaf)
inboard-outboard, or water jet.
The outboard is still supreme for the
light, open, runabout class and is also
valuable as an auxiliary motor for small
sailboats. Unless a high degree of lux-
ury is a key requirement in your plans,
you'll find happiness with this very
simple, very basic motor. It costs little
to buy and install in the smaller horse-
power ranges, and it supplies great pow-
er considering its relatively light weight.
The outboard’s placement allows full
deck room for whatever useful (or, for
that matter, trifling) equipment you
find pleasurable, and its ease of oper-
ation and maintenance assure more
leisure for the nonmechanical joys of
boating. Its tip-up propeller and lack
of fixed rudder make it simple to beach
a boat with an outboard. Forget the
notion that the outboard roars like
an angry lion: modern manufacturing
techniques have reduced its noise level
to something resembling а loud purr.
Some of the better-known outboard
manufacturers include Evinrude, John-
son, Mercury and Scott. Evinrude, inci-
dentally, recently introduced an unusual
power wrinkle—a motor with push-
button controls.
On the other hand, there's по gain-
saying the wim, sleck beauty of a craft
powered by a hidden inboard. Besides
g good fuel economy and weight
distribution for certain designs, the in-
board also offers one а wide choice of
hull form and boat size, good control
at low speeds and high power options.
Its four-cycle operation is smooth and
does not burn lube oil, and, most im-
portant, for the rugged fun of skindiv-
ing, waterskiing or certain types of
fishing, the uncluttered after cockpit of
the inboard is a definite advantage.
ТЕ the boat you choose is ап inter-
mediate size, about 16 to 20 feet, it's in
а gray arca where the advantages of the
basic motor types overlap. If it's real
speed you're after, for example, an out-
board big enough to achieve it in this
size range will put a strain on the boat
by locating all the weight over the
transom, and fuel and oil consumption
will be high.
An inboard-outboard (I-O) combines
some of the advantages of both types
of motor. Its power plant is located
just inside the transom, which means
you retain the spacesaving benefits of
1 after motor and achieve good weight
ribution. It also permits а movable
rudder and propeller, provides extra
horsepower and allows the choice of
two- or four-cycle operation.
For those who like to whoosh along
the water with a somewhat different sen-
sation, the water jet should be consid-
ered. The jet’s operation is unique: а
stream of water pumped out of the
boats transom takes the place of a
propeller, and the boat is steered by
manipulating the jet with baffes, thus
eliminating the rudder. Not having
underwater fittings is a safety factor
and also a particular boon if you plan
to do much swimming or skindiving
near the boat, or if you relish exploring
shallow inlets and beaches.
There are many boating enthusiasts,
however, who regard any kind of motor
as an extension of vile, land-based civili-
zation. Sails to them are symbolic of the
romance of the sea and represent a
more complete break with terra firma.
Sailing enthusiasts are usually of а
philosophic bent. They love the water
but do not worry about how much of
it they can cover in a given period of
time, unless, of course, they are racing
enthusiasts. They regard the greater
demands of sailing as a challenge,
are therefore more satisfied with its
ultimately greater rewards.
Sailing can be the simplest kind of
g along, or it can be developed
мо a highly complex skill. Its fascina-
tion never stales, and no one has ever
admitted to knowing everything there
is to know about it. With the help of
an auxiliary motor, sailing need not be
ruined by calms and adverse tides. And,
comparatively, it is operationally inex-
Once settled on your mode of move-
ment — power, sail, or a combination —
you'll want to decide which type of
construction material is most adapted to
needs: plastic, metal or wood.
While exch, Beagle) cernit advantages,
none clearly overshadows the others.
Fiberglass, the chief plastic, is espe-
cially adaptable to complex hull forms
(which partly accounts for the rash of
strange fins and curves that so startled
traditionalists in the late 1950s) and,
like aluminum, the most popular metal,
has strong impact resistance and re-
quires little maintenance. The chief
drawback of both plastic and metal
(albeit a slight one) is that they are
both relative newcomers to the boating
field and are still unknown quantities
in certain respects. For example, even
an expert cannot be sure how well-built
a plastic or metal boat is merely by
looking at it. However, the potential
boat owner is in safe waters if he buys
from a reputable manufacturer.
‘Wood is most desirable for those who
want a known quantity as well as the
look and feel of a traditional boat. It's
casicst to work with, and many of the
old maintenance problems have been
reduced through improved paints and
construction that no longer require
calking. Today, you can even buy an
unconventionally shaped wooden hull,
if you choose carvel or strip planking.
molded plywood or lapstrake.
Regardless of the construction mate-
rial chosen, you'll not want to embark
with a bare hull A large variety of
optional equipment is available to
make your voyages safe and pleasurable.
The most important safety extra is the
radio. Direction finders, depth sounders
and radio telephones afford a sense of
security and relaxed frame of mind, the
first requisites of true enjoyment on the
water. It is now possible to carry as
much of this equipment as you like,
even on a small boat, thanks to the
perfection of the transistor.
Once the question of safety is dis-
posed of, you can concentrate happily
on the accouterments of fun. You can
now enjoy commercial radio and TV,
formerly a gross luxury and almost an
impossibility on small craft. If fishing
is your game, there are boats which are
designed almost exclusively as angling
platforms, and on which all the equip-
ment is intended to enhance the sport.
On the other hand, if you're only a
casual fisherman, you can always stow
a couple of rods and install а small
locker for lures, swivels, sinkers and
spare lines.
Another dividend is water-skiing, a
rousing game that requires only three
to play (one to drive, one to play look-
out, and one to ski). For serious skiers,
numerous variations, like trick, bare-
foot and slalom skiing, are made
possible by specially equipped, high-
powered boats. However, for normal
skiing at about 15 mph you won't need
more than 20 to 30 horsepower on a
13- to 16-foot vesscl.
1f swimming and light skindiving are
your pleasure, it's no bother to carry
enough bathing suits for as large a
group as your boat will accommodate,
and a couple of face masks, snorkel
tubes and pairs of flippers can be stored
aboard unobtrusively. If you plan to
play the scuba bit all the way, however,
you'll be interested in a specially built
craft. You'll be able to find one with a
particularly stable hull, a rear platform
for easy access to the water, and extra
stowage for tanks, suits and spears.
There's nothing more delightful after
a strenuous afternoon of water-sporting
Шап a relaxing martini, skillfully
mixed, of course, and chilled to the
proper degree. Foam-plastic ice chests
are only one of the many items avail-
able to convert a boat into a floating
living room. You can reverse purposes
on these chests and use them to store
hot provisions, too. And a wise planner
can find room for a small solid-fuel
stove and have his own galley. If cook
doesn’t have to return to shore at the
stroke of midnight, air mattresses, sleep-
ing bags and foam-rubber cushions can
be used to convert the boat for planned
or impromptu overnighting. Many
modern boats have convertible seats
that can be used as bunks.
Little odds and ends that will add
(continued on page 143)
one morning he awoke and found that no semblance of the original Harry remained; where once
he had been loved, now he was hated— and this, he discovered, was to be his eventual triumph
Synopsis: First as a child, later as a man,
Harry just could not avoid being loved.
Everyone has his own image of ретјес-
tion and Harry fit them all. No one
considered it strange that Harry thought
only of himself since all those around
him thought only of Harry. He made
people want to stand there and watch;
he made them want to salute. Sight-
seeing buses could have made a fortune
driving around. him.
At an early age it became clear that
Harry was going to be something special.
Because his parents were of modest
means, other relatives — aunts and uncles,
cousins, nieces and nephews — insisted
on raising a monthly Harry Fund as an
investment in his future. A governess
was engaged, but she left somewhat sud-
denly after her attempts to seduce her
young charge were misinterpreted by
Harry's father, who tried to seduce her.
At this point Harry was sent off to
Europe in the ripening hands of his
19-year-old cousin, Gloria, whose efforts
to persuade him to surrender his vir-
ginity were innocently rejected. Harry
returned from Europe alone, and Gloria,
in subconscious retaliation, became sub-
ject to a recurring medical problem
every six months or so for the next
three years, demanding emergency ex-
penditures that depleted the Harry Fund
to such an extent that its principal
benefactor eventually found himself
practically without financial resources.
Harry moved to a rooming house in an
industrial community and there met
RosalieMurchisonFromMacon who had
$2500 in а savings account and who
immediately began to give it to Harry in
a hopeless attempt to detain him; but,
Harry was restless and so onc day, in а
spasm of supreme self-sacrifice, Rosalie
came home with a check for $700 and an
airline ticket to New York. It was the
last of her savings. “Here,” she said,
handing him both check and ticket.
"Hey, New York! That's a swell idea,”
said Harry, and he immediately began
Harry entered his maturity looking
more handsome than ever. He liked to
present himself against various back-
grounds: to see how he looked against a
blonde, how a brunette complemented
the color of his eyes, how a redhead set
off the tone of his skin. He was also a
narcotic in his way — for women had to
have him; but, like a narcotic, once the
effect wore off there followed a slicing
emptiness and a nervous need for more.
Indeed, he made many women quite
punch-drunk, among them Georgette.
Georgette was a member of the Blue
Belles, a smug and fashionable group of
career women of talent, beauty, arro-
gance and spleen. Her colleagues: Belle
Mankis, Маоті Peel, India Anderbull,
Arlene Moon and Viola Strife. When
Georgette and Harry met, they became
lovers, but later their relationship de-
generated to suchan extent that the Blue
Belles thought it wise to send Georgette
away to a rest home when deep lines
began to show in her face. They also
reached another decision: that Harry was
а rat and must go. To eliminate him they
sent for Eugenie Vasch who was almost
as beautiful —and as self-centered — as
Harry himself.
Men were as helpless with Eugenie as
women were with Harry; she had те-
duced to impotence movie stars, diplo-
mats, heads of state, industrialists — men
who afterward cursed her betrayal while
wistfully cherishing the flaccid remains
of their lost love.
On the day that Eugenie Vasch arrived
from London to answer the summons of
the Blue Belles, Harry lay around won-
dering what to do with himself. List-
lessly, he decided to go to a party. There,
by predesign of his foes, he met Eugenie.
Four days later they were married. The
Blue Belles were outraged.
HARRY AND EUCENIE found a large apart-
ment in midtown with a mirrored lobby,
a mirrored elevator and seven comfort
able rooms with mirrors on every wall.
In the bedroom they installed a mirror
on the ceiling that could be raised and
lowered by pulleys The mirrors in the
dining room were angled around the
table so that they could watch themselves
eating from a variety of positions. The
table itself had a mirrored surface.
Though they usually dined alone, the
table always seemed crowded. The larg-
est of the bedroom mirrors had two
hinged leaves that they liked to close
around themselves; then with gluttonous
eyes they revolved slowly. They spent
their days looking into mirrors: they
looked at themselves and at each other
and at themselves looking at each other
and at themselves pretending to look at.
each other while really still looking at
themselves and at themselves making
In the beginning there was some dit-
ficulty with their love-making. Eugenie
was reluctant to indulge; her only ex-
perience in its use was as a weapon.
don't think I can," she said.
jure you can," Harry assured her.
"How can I get excited? 1 know I
won't get excited.”
“Think of me.”
“You're пісе. But that won't do it."
"Well, what do you usually think of?”
"Hate. That's my problem. I always
think of hate and it comes off very well.
If I could only think of something else.
Give me something that I can use. What
do you think of”
“Myself,” said Harry.
“That's an idea.”
She thought of herself and their first
experience, though trying, was success-
ful. After a while she became used to it,
eventually finding that doing it with
Harry was almost as much fun as doing
it by herself.
They saw, felt, listened to and thought
of nothing but themselves. They showed
home movies to themselves of themselves
and held hands while they screened
them. They took albums of photographs
of each other and once a day pored over
them: Harry inspecting his pictures, Eu-
genie inspecting hers. Sometimes they
danced, sometimes they talked. They
hated to go out anywhere; Eugenie par-
ticularly hated to go to work. Each eve-
ning she'd rise quietly so as not to disturb
Harry and slip off to business. During
the hours she was gone, Harry felt rest-
less and uncomfortable; a new feeling
for him. It wasn't that he missed her; he
missed himself when she was not there.
He felt numb, erased, inexact; and with
Eugenie it was the same.
“I'm по longer myself without you,”
she told him.
"Me 100," agreed Harry.
“It's as if I'm pretending to be
may convince others but I know
act. [ don't like having to act like my
self. Imitations are always so sterile.”
“I don't know what to do around this
darn place," said Harry.
“I can hardly work,” said Eugenie.
“I've come to hate my job. 1 do it me-
chanically. No more pleasure, It's in-
creased my efficiency but there used to
be pleasure."
“A job is a job,” chastened Harry.
very minute without you is a min-
ute without both of us," said Euge:
"They went to a mirror and embraced.
"They moved through their days in a
state of automatic rapture. They never
quarreled, they never even bickered.
Their voices were extensions of their
beauty; each comment was the right
‘one, each answer was perfectly matched
to the question. Theirs was less а rela-
tionship than an orchestration. One
dean line flowed between them and
when they were together its tightness
took in the world.
“If it's one thing we are, its every-
thing,” Eugenie once commented.
When they were apart the line un-
raveled and the world got away.
So they spent more time with each
other. Eugenie went from taking occa-
sional nights off to taking every second
night off to taking every night off. They
inhaled and exhaled only themselves
and kept the windows shut tight so that
no odor could escape. The perfume of
their bodies lightened the air; «са
their breathing and improved their skin
tones. They began to look luminous.
Dusk was a favorite time of day: they
delayed turning the lights on till the
last of the day dwindled and their glow-
ing outlines had ranged from a golden
orange to a dark and burning blue.
Their bodies held the color like live
One day when Harry touched Eugenie
his hand left a purple bruise that stayed
for hours. Their skins had become too
sensitive to touch. From then on they
were careful not to come near each other.
“Its becoming harder and harder to
look at myself,” called Harry from the
easy chair he had positioned in front of
the bathroom mirror. "The glare is
“I know how you feel," answered Eu-
genie as she stared at her reflection in
the coffee table. “We're becoming un-
odlike,” said Harry.
“Goddesslike,” corrected Eugenie.
Having re-established rapport, they
returned to their work.
Conversation became a rarity. Several
times a day, to confirm the other's close-
ness one of them would mumble a few
words, wait for a reassuring return mum-
ble and then drop back into silence.
Finally it was too much; it was over-
indulgence. Both began to feel gluucd
and lazy; worn down by the unwavering
singularity of their lives. But neither
wished to commit himself to change. So
{continued on page 82)
"Gee, I'm awfully sorry!
July playmate carrie enwright is an unspoiled, happy homebody
WHILE IT MAY NOT NECESSARILY BE TRUE, as the song says, that happiness lies under
the skies back in one’s own back yard, there are occasions when back-yard life
definitely has its attractions. Take, for example, a lazy July day, replete with
wind-rippled greenery, fat bumblebees and warm, dappled sunlight, the type
of day during which one may relax and observe at leisure the growing wonders
of nature —such as Playmate Carrie Enwright, whom we here present at her
simple but engaging back-yard pursuits. Like the best of mid-July days, Carrie
seems to be destined expressly for the informal, easygoing pleasures of life, and
is, as a consequence, a refreshingly unaffected companion. “I am,” says she in
thoughtful selfsummation, "a very healthy, well-adjusted, fun-loving kind of
girl.” No close observer could quarrel with the buoyancy of her health: 5/57, 123
Ibs., 39-24-36. Nor is there any disputing her natural enthusiasm for life, an upbeat
attitude which can best be conveyed by quoting her own observations on the
short, happy life of Carrie Enwright: “I am 19 years old and have lived in
California all my life, the last 11 years in Hollywood, California, where I went
through high school and where I have had at various times various not-so-odd
jobs. For a while I was cashier at the Hollywood Paramount, which was my closest
fling with the movie business. Then I worked as a salesgirl in a candy store.
‘Trouble was, I have this terrible sweet tooth and pretty soon I was eating more
candy than I sold. Right now I'm living with my mother and studying like mad
Stretching lazily in the gross, Corrie says, “like these trees, my roots are here in West Holly-
wood. I'm happy here. But, of course, | haven't really been to very many other ploces.""
to take my state boards in cosmetology. My most active hobby involves artwork,
from making seed mosaics of Siamese cats to painting wild, wild oils. I get excited
over my finished products — but then, I'm not critically minded. I'm crazy about
progressive jazz, lasagna, and playing practical jokes on people J like. For instance,
1 have been known to secretly put in cold mashed potatoes as the bottom scoop
of someone's root-beer float, which is a terrible thing to do, but fun. I am not
the type who always has a book going. 1 rarely read novels, but occasionally I
get on а self-improvement reading kick, the most recent of which was plowing
through Hayakawa's Language in Thought and Action. In movies, I'm a sucker
for anything romantic or touching — Тһе Miracle Worker was just perfect for
me. As for entertainers, I love Nina Simone, Miles Davis, Frank Sinatra, Jerry
Lewis, Jonathan Winters, Victor Borge, Joan Sutherland — oh, so many morc.
Im very congenial toward most performers, and 1 enjoy nearly all. That
probably relates to my main shortcoming as а person — too much of the time I
use my heart and not my head. I'm really а very gullible girl. 1 wish on first
stars and believe in miracles. When I go out with a boy, it really doesn't make
any difference what we do — for me it's a successful date if 1 get the feeling he
appreciates being with me. If we like cach other, J would just as soon run through
the park in Levis as have a fancy dinner at Frascati's with the opera to follow.
And 1 don't much саге whether 1 eventually live in a mansion or in a tree house,
so long as the man Im married to is fun to be with. Of course it's a trite
observation, but what I want most in life is happiness. What else is there?" Such
an end in life can be persuasive — especially when pursued with the magnificent
means apparent in our gatefold, where lush Playmate Carrie is shown sensibly
doffing her duds prior to a swinging session in her secluded back-yard hammock.
Carrie describes a back-yard training session with her Alsatian, Nikki: "She knows I'm a lousy disciplinarian
and therefore gets away with murder. Here, for example, I'm trying to teach her to lie down ond play dead."
Corrie prepares to feed the inner woman at Los Angeles’ Farmer's Market. "I hate to admit that my
tastes are so ordinary,” she says, "bur | get absolutely ravenous over cheeseburgers and fudge sundaes."
Our July Ploymate philosophizes on board her hammock: "Агу attractive girl who says her looks haven't
been a benefit is a liar. The great danger is when she begins ta depend too much on surface values alone."
There is absolutely no truth to the rumor
that Christine Jorgensen mother is writing
a book entitled My Son, the Daughter.
As he approached the haberdashery counter
of a large department store, a well-dressed
gentleman was greeted by a shapely clerk.
"Good afternoon," she murmured softly,
nd what is your desire?”
“My desire," he said, after giving her a
long, appreciative look, “is to sweep you into
my arms, rush you out of this store and up to
my apartment, mix a pitcher of martinis, put
on some soft music, and make mad, passionate
love to you. But what I need is a pair of socks."
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines singing
stripteaser as а skin di
Despite warnings from his guide, an American
skiing in Switzerland got separated from his
group and fell—uninjured—into а decp
crevasse. Several hours later, а rescue party
found the yawning pit and, to reassure the
stranded skier, shouted down to him, "We're
from the Red Cross!"
“Sorry,” the imperturbable Ameri
back, “I already gave at the office!”
n echoed
In a whiskey it's age, іп a cigarette it's taste,
and in a sports car it's impossible.
The defense attorney was bearing down hard:
"You say,” he sneered, "that my client came
at you with a broken boule in his hand. But
didn't you have something in your hand?
"Yes," said the battered plaintiff, “his wife.
Charming, of course, but not much good in
a fight.”
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines the differ-
ence between picnic and panic as 28 days.
Silas, a sci. made, illiterate millionaire, decided
to thwart his ne'er-do-well son by leaving all
his money to a small local college. But the
son, banking on Silas straitlaced attitude
toward sex, wasn't ready to be counted out.
ther,” he said to the old man one day,
"I hope you are aware that at that college —
the one you've willed your money to— the
bovs and girls matriculate together."
as eyebrows shot up and the son pressed
his advantage. "Not only that," he said, "but
both boys and girls use the same curriculum."
With that the old codger's face darkened
and his son leaned forward to whisper, "But
worst of all, Father, before a girl can graduate
she has to show her thesis to the dean."
“That settles ii roared Silas, “That in-
fernal school won't get a penny from me.
So he left all his money to Harvard.
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines cocktail
party as а gathering at which you meet people
who drink so much you can't even remember
their names.
Who says the dieting craze is wearing thin?
We know a guy whose girlfriend told him
that if it wasn't for Metrecal she wouldn't be
able to get into her toreador pants. So he's
heen drinking the stuff ever since.
Moving along a dimly lighted street, a friend
have in the world is this gur
of the worst braggarts who
ever bent a bar rail, was loudly lamenting that
his doctor had ordered him to give up half of
his sex life
"Which half are you going to give up?"
d a weary listener. “Talking about it or
king about it?”
Heard a good one lately? Send it on a postcard
to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY, 232 E. Ohio
St., Chicago 11, Ill., and earn 825 for each joke
used. In case of duplicates, payment is made
for first card received. Jokes cannot be returned.
"You'll play the part о) a simple country girl. Ted, here, will
give you a ride in the country tomorrow."
with the windows shut tight and the air
growing clammy they said the same
things and they did the same things.
“What?” asked Eugenie after the si-
lence of many hou
“Never mind," said Harry. "I was
about to say something but then I re-
membered having said it before."
“I feel that I've said everything be-
fore,” said Eugenie.
“Let's try to say things nobody has
ever said!”
"Grasnyk," said Eugenie.
“Frmploh,” answered Harry.
"Bampssrk" said Eugenie.
Klmnx ogtvpx," said Harry.
"Rplxtphrskprdznk. Opsklmxe," said
After several days this too became tire-
"What can two people do with each
other when neither of them is being de-
structive?" asked Eugenie one day in
“We can sit," offered Harry.
“Tve had sitting. I'd rather lie than
"Then we can lie," said Harry.
So they went to bed and didn’t get up
for three weeks. They slept, they dozed,
they daydreamed, they yawned, they
played but did not listen to the radio,
they got up for water, they twisted them-
selves in the sheets, they saw how close
they could move to each other without
touching, they shifted sides, they curled,
stretched, turned over, made up songs;
got depressed.
"They tried games:
“Now close your eyes. Now which part
of my body am 1 touching?"
“Your mouth.”
“Is it upper, middle or lower region?”
“Is it upper middle, middle middle or
lower middle?”
“Lower middle.”
“The navel.”
“That’s not lower middle; that's mid-
dle middle.
For a time this game managed to keep
them amused.
One day, Eugenie's stomach, for the
first time in her memory, rumbled. The
next day, for the first time in his life
Нату hiccuped. The air closed in
around them, pushing their breaths back
into their bodies and out again every
which way. Finally they were forced to
open the windows.
"] know what's the matter with me,”
Eugenie decided; “I'm too white.”
“You can’t be too white,” said Harry;
“white is beautiful.”
“I'm bored with white. I need a sun
(continued from page 72)
“Sun dries out the skin,” said Harry.
“ЕШ feel like a new woman with a
sun tan,” said Eugenie,
“I like me fine the way I am,” grum-
bled Harry.
It was their first quarrel,
They both knew what was coming.
‘They feared it as much as they welcomed
"We're going to die in here,” Harry
“That's why I wanted to get out in
the sun. Things change out in the sun."
“I don't feel like myself anymore,” said
"I know what you mean,"
“I don't even feel like the two of us,”
he added.
“Nothing. Blah. That's how 1 feel,”
Eugenie said.
“Blah; yes, blah,” Harry agreed.
“When I walk it's not me, when I
talk its not me,” said Eugenie.
“I feel chat way,” said Harry.
“Т (ссі that a nct has descended over
me,” continued Eugenie.
“T feel as if I'm in a slow-motion
movie,” said Harry.
"Or a beautiful, serene still photo-
graph,” said Eugenie.
“Paralyzed,” lamented Harry.
“We're no good this way,” said Harry.
"No good to ourselves,” agreed Eu-
“I have to be alone for a while,” said
"Туе been offered a free-lance assign-
ment in Acapulco —a head of state.”
“Sounds wonderful for you," said
“That way I can get my sun tan and
make some money at the same time. I
don’t think I can afford to turn it down.”
“A job is a job,” said Harry.
He helped her pack.
"You don't have to take me to the
airport,” said Eugenie.
"I'll say goodbye here," Harry said,
carrying her bags to the clevator.
When he returned to the apartment
he wandered through cach room slowly
and thoughtfully. After 15 minutes he
began to whistle. "Ten minutes later he
began to talk: "Harry! Hello, Harryl
How are you, Harry? What are you going
to do today, Harry? Where have you
been; it's been a long time, Harry!”
Then he showered, shaved, dressed
very carefully and took himself to an
expensive restaurant.
"Guess who's around town again?"
Belle Mankis muttered to her colleagues
alter their escorts had been sent from
the table for cigarettes. The Bluc Belles
made unpleasant. noises.
"Don't 1 know," said Viola Strife. “I
saw him last night at The Four Scasons
with Brenda Washburn."
"She's through," said Belle Mankis.
“I saw him at 217 with Lucretia Pyle,”
said Naomi Pecl.
"She's through," said Belle Mankis.
"He was at La Fonda when 1 was
there," said India Anderbull "He was
with Grace Ventride.”
“She's through,” said Belle Mankis.
“We saw him at Le Pavillon with Alice
Light.” reported Arlene Moon. The
table fell grimly silent.
“Who?” asked Georgette Wallender.
It was a new Georgette who had re-
turned from the rest home. Her eyes
shone, her hair sparkled, the deep lines
in her face added а knowing strength to
the naive strength that had been there
before. Having been made to suffer, she
had met suffering squarely and converted
it to her needs as she had everything
and everyone until Harry. Suffering,
she realized, had cleansed her soul; pried
open a heart that had been selfishly
turned inward. She knew that she had
used Harry, cunningly and mercilessly
used him, confusing her determination
for control for her determination to love.
Learning this had been a bonus; a real
plus. It added a number of new points
to her character. She saw herself as warm
where once she'd been cold; ready to
give — to love —to not be loved in re-
turn — to suffer. She had made suffering
work for her and knew its positive
aspects. She was now suffering's partisan,
its devoted defender, regretting only chat
so many shallow years had been wasted
before learning its punishing truths
Why, she wondered, had she been allowed
to come so far in a world whose depth
was beyond her, whose painful beauty
she had only minimally begun to under-
stand? Had her glibness really been that
effective; or was it that her friends were
too bland to notice, too much like the
old Georgette to be further trusted? She
viewed chem with growing suspicion.
Only Harry had gauged her correctly;
by rejecting her he had proved the
soundness of his taste. His incorruptible
spirit had scented the sham in her lec-
tures, the lies in her easy truisms. Harry
had rejected her; and now she too had
rejected her. Gone was the old Georgette;
in her place stood Georgette! If only
Harry could see her; how surprised he
would be! His sharp eye would know her
newness in a flash; that she no longer
wanted to use him, that she had grown
free of е, that now her life
was all give. Give. Give. Give. Give. Give.
“Oh, Georgette!" Harry cried in her
dreams a thousand times a day, "you
have crossed over the mountain and are
Sometimes she let him take her. Other
times she turned away. "No, Harry, you
are all love and 1 am cheap self-pity.
(continued on page 128)
к... к...
2 МҸ MUN 4
exploring the carnal covens of history’s unholy sects
article By E. V. GRIFFITH
THE COMELY YOUNG WOMAN, standing chained to an iron post in the center of the
square at Würzburg, watched with horror as the executioner heaped dry twigs
about her ankles. Then she began to sob and shriek hysterically as his assistants
brought up yet other fuel for her funeral pyre.
Her face had transformed to a hideous mask; her arms and wrists bled from
suaining against her fetters. The piled tinder mounted waist high, and suddenly
the black-hooded executioner thrust his torch among them; then stood back as the
crackling tongues of flame began to eat at the dry wood.
The condemned woman was 24-year-old Hildur Loher, and the time, summer
1530. Her execution was typical of thousands that had already taken place, and of
tens of thousands more that would follow during the next two centuries.
Her crime was the foulest imaginable: having sexual relations with the Devil.
Among those present at her burning was her husband, Hans, who had been
the chief witness against her at her trial a few days earlier. The court record is
intact, and from it we can read his testimony. He was the son of a wealthy
Wiirzburg merchant. He and Hildur had been wed for less than a year, and
from the early days of their marriage he had suspected she was not being faithful
to the marriage bed. Often he would wake at night to (continued on page 146)
enmt m
inspired by the
movie, imperial
summer robes for
cleopatrists steal the
beach-cabana scene
Already making histrionic
history with worldwide box-
Office records, Hollywood's
mammoth magnum opus of the
Nile Queen now promises to
reap rich sartorial rewards 25
well—with a neoclassic look in
summer robes designed along the
flowing lines of the Roman toga.
In the leonine lap of the
Sphinx on Rome's "Cleopatra" set,
sun worshipers sport modern
mantles fit for a Caesar:
signore at far left in sumptuous
robe of royal blue and
silver silk brocade with
velvet lining, kimono sleeves,
$150; amico in ultracomfortable
robe of red-striped cotton,
$85, both by Brioni of Rome.
“I like it. It's very Ivy League ...!
ен а
in which а young reporter learns that a girl's bright smile can mask a silent scream
IN THOSE DAYS there were no experts on
the newspapers; no specialized know-it-
alls to bolster the publisher’s editorial
policy. The editorial writer had to do it
all alone — a sole intellectual Hercules
straightening out the errors of the
We had a religion cditor and a
society editor on the Journal. Heaven
and Lake Shore Drive were considered
out-of-bounds for the normal journalist,
but all other fields were open for a
reporter to become an expert in, given
a week of concentrated effort.
Shortly after my 19th birthday, 1 was
recognized (by Mr. Eddie Mahoney,
our city editor) as the Journal's lunacy
expert. My eminence was the result of
a few accidental assignments, a popeyed
reading of Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathia
Sexualis and the noticing eye of Mr.
Bunny Hare, our head photographer.
"Here's something in your line, pro-
fessor,' Mr. Mahoney used to say to
me at seven А.М. “А honeymooning
banker from Cedar Rapids has kept
his nude bride chained to a bedpost in
the Morrison Hotel for a week, feeding
her only salted peanuts and whipping
her hourly with a cat-o'-nine-tails. The
zebra-striped bride is in Passavant Hos-
pital unable to speak. But the groom
is holding forth in Lieutenant Norton's
office on the sanctity of marriage. See
what you can dig up out of the finan-
«еге soul. And take Bunny Hare along.”
Bunny and J had jointly covered
another conjugal event a few weeks
before. A West Side divine had agreed
to forgive his unfaithful wife and take
her back to his bosom, if she would
prove her repentance by crawling
around the block on her hands and
knees to the door of his church, where
he would stand magnanimously await-
ing her arrival.
‘The lady did, Bunny Hare photo-
graphing her on her all-fours marathon,
and I interviewed her on the home-
stretch, 1 remember only one of her
statements, "I hope every wife who has
fallen into sin will be inspired by my
example to crawl out of it." And Bunny
Hare asking, "Can you give us a few
tears now, madam, to help put over
your fine message?"
"The crawler paused and wept. Bunny
fiddled with her skirt and added a
wellshaped thigh to the portrait of
Bunny Hare: I bow to his shade,
ghost camera in hand, slyly dicking
memoir By BEN HECHT
away wherever he is. There are few of
his kind left on our side of the veil.
Bunny had a modus operandi that
marked the ace cameraman of his day—
a combination of cynicism and mes-
merism that bent tarts and archbishops,
statesmen, embezzlers and sobbing wid-
ows to his whim.
I knew Bunny in his 40s— a bloodless,
skeletonlike man of startling energy
and vivid haberdashery. He wore a
gray-and-pink-checked “dogfight” suit,
with cap to match; a yellow tie, a white
silk mufller with fringes like a prayer
shawl, and dovegray spats. With half
a darkroom slung from his shoulders,
Bunny had the Jook of a jaunty cadaver
in quest of a revel.
It was Bunny Hare’s noticing еуе
that started me off as a lunacy expert
and thereby landed me in one of the
most macabre amours of my youth.
Yes, they were all a little green-lighted,
these early gavottes with Venus. But
there was small gain for the Devil in
them. At least, so I think. Youthful
sins are often more character-making
than soul-destroying. And they leave
only one regret in an honest man—
that they were so few.
Bunny Hare entered a West Side flat
while I was interviewing a suicide’s
widow. Her late husband had kissed
his sleepy wife goodbye a half-hour be-
fore, stepped into the next room, stuck
a gun in his mouth and blown off the
top of his head. The dead husband, a
carpenter in overalls, was lying on the
parlor floor, waiting for the morgue
wagon. The weeping widow, still in a
filmy nightgown, was telling me how
happily married they had been for five
years. "Oh, he loved me and I loved
him,” she sobbed.
At this point Bunny Hare joined us.
“I just had a look at the corpse," he
said briskly. “That dead carpenter out
there is a girl with big boobies. Come
and I'l show you.”
On the parlor floor I saw my first
Lesbian, with part of her head missing
but with her shapely breasts intact,
sticking out of an unbuttoned shirt.
The "widow" now wailed the truth
of their perverse marriage. Her Sapphic
spouse had been unreasonably jealous
of their neighbor, a retired steam fitter
(male) who lived on the same floor. As
the "widow" wept out her tale, Bunny
Hare explained between flash-pow-
der explosions, “There was something
about the neck of that corpse that
didn’t fit. Too small for such a big chest.
So I took a closer look. No chest. A pair
of big bazooms."
I sought out Dr. Frank Lydston, the
only American medico mentioned in
Krafft-Ebing's phosphorescent pages. As
a result, my story offered the Journal
readers a full course in Sapphic secrets.
"Here's something definitely in your
line,” said Mr. Mahoney, of another
seven A.M. "The new doctor in charge
of the Elgin insane asylum has discovered
a method for curing lunatics. He's going
to turn them ail into artists. Which
shouldn’t be too hard. Take Bunny
along and sec what's going on in that
loony house.” Mr. Mahoney extended
his hand and added solemnly, "I hope
to see you back.”
It was my first look at crazy people
— behind walls I walked beside the
new doctor down a long corridor lively
with scrub ladies on hands and knees,
scrubbing away with brush, soap and
rag on an already immaculate floor. They
were part of the work-therapy program.
"We went into a large room with no
other furniture than a bench around its
walls. Some 50 women were sitting,
standing, and all silent. A few меге
partly bald, having torn the hair out
of the sides of their heads before being
thwarted by the guards. Quite a number
seemed to be playing "living statues."
They stood in contorted poses, an arm
oddly raised, a head cocked as if listen-
ing, all rigidly immobile.
The doctor told me that these stiffened.
ones kept their postures unchanged for
days at a time and had to be carried
to their beds like wooden Indians. 1
wrote on a piece of copy paper, “They
stand like sentinels on the threshold of
nightmare, and watch warily the dark
wonders of their minds,
We entered the asylum's "studio." А
few men and a dozen women were paint-
ing and sculpting in clay. Of all the
startling characters that must have been
in that studio, I remember only one. A
young woman, with snow-blonde hair,
was modeling a lifesized clay head of
he worked slowly, her lips pulled
ded like the mouth of а wagedy mask.
Tears kept rolling out of her eyes.
Тһе sculpture she was finishing was
the head of a girl with mouth opened
wide in a burst of laughter. A Dionysian
joy seemed to leap out of the clay, as
its creator's tears continued to drip.
1 took notes for the story 1 would
i “Name, Letitia Ekart. Twenty-
three. Daughter of Rev. Oscar
Kenwood Avenue Church. . .
called Letty —two suicide tri
wrists with razor. Three months later
turned on gas, stuck head in ov
Mother dead. Lives h Pa. Letty
artist, also fine dancer — member Rosina
Gallis ballet corps for Chicago Grand
Opera Co. Doc says patient improving
rapidly. No suicide try for seven months
in asylum. Letty modeled 15 heads of
laughing girl, all the same, while in
Mr. Mahoney shied at my copy of the
weeping beauty who kept fashioning
joyous heads, until Bunny laid a dozen
corroborative prints on his desk.
П be damned,” said Mr. Mahoney.
“There are more things in the Elgin
State Hospital for the Insane than are
dreamed of in my philosophy. Although,
come to think of it, your Miss Ekart is
the most commonplace of females — а
two-faced woman.”
‘That was in the spring. Letty and her
snowy mane stepped into my life again
in November. To tell of her strangeness
and sadness | must move my memory
to another world into which I had
drifted in my teens, a world unaware
of doomed men and 4-11 fires; the world
of the arts, of the Little Review maga-
zine popping out of the Fine Arts Build-
ing оп Michigan Avenue. Fifty pages of
partly comprehensible prose and un-
thymed poetry brave with dots in which
the bourgeoisie took the count every
month. Who were the bourgeoisie? Any-
body who didn't read the Little Review.
Since its circulation fluttered around 700,
we had a large target. James Joyce's
Ulysses was making its printed debut in
it as a serial. Its editor was Margaret
Anderson, aged 23 and as elegant and
pretty a girl as ever walked our Avenue.
She had already published a half-dozen
of my first sorties into art— Broken
Necks, Dog Eat Dog, among others. Our
lovely and penniless editor sat in her
cubbyhole office, a Dido in Carthage.
Her approbation (with never an accom-
panying check) was Knighthood. Her
rejection note, "You can sell this some-
where, I'm sure. There are hundreds of
periodicals that will be eager to buy
it,” was a crusher for her art-fevered
Attendez! Here's a partial list of Mar-
garet's knights — Ezra Pound, Sherwood
Anderson, Carl Sandburg, Edgar Lee
Masters, Gertie Stein, Maxwell Boden-
heim, T. S. Eliot, Djuna Barnes, Janc
Heap, Wyndham Lewis, Amy Lowell,
Jean Cocteau, с. е. cummings, Theodore
Dreiser, etc., etc, and yours truly of the
Chicago Journal.
What a world that was. dear money-
smothered scriveners. Art on a high hill,
looking down on the grubby streets of
popularity. Youth full of Olympian hoots
at its betters.
We considered success a loss of inno-
cence, and fame a symptom of decay.
Spake our sculptor, Stanislaus Szukalski
(the World's Greatest and most un-
known), “Art is the foolish business of
making dancing slippers for monkeys.”
Our philosophy “То hel with the
public!” Our battle cry— “No sales!”
Our victory — “Тһе mantle of loneliness
which our enemies called ‘egomania.’”
Ill make only one boast about us
when we were unknown in Chicago —
no опе has «акеп our place.
Т came out of the Fine Arts Building
on a November afternoon, five copies
of the Little Review, hot off the press.
under my arm and paused in the waning
daylight to reread my contribution —a
tale called The Yellow Goat. 1 knew
almost by heart, but reading it in print
was always a new thrill. In a like manner
pretty girls keep looking into a mirror.
“Hello,” a voice beside me. It was
Letty from the Elgin asylum. She wore
an old raincoat and ballet slippers. Her
snow-blonde hair was almost invisible
under a black beret —a tight ballerina
coiflure anchored on her neck. She
looked a bit freakish, even to my un-
critical eyes. But J had forgotten to look
at her face.
Radiant blue eyes, a wide, unpainted
mouth; features all straight lines like a
museum head with a glow of friendliness
adding a luster to them.
“1 read your story in the Little Review
this afternoon,” she said, Her voice had
a shiver in it as if she were cold. “It's
utterly beautiful. I adore its phrases.”
With which Letty's frcakishness vanished
to a great extent. "I've often wondered if
I would run into you. I take dancing les-
sons here. Magdalene Pataiki's studio.
Not classic dancing. Furythmic exercises.
Posture control. Miss Pataiki isa pupil of
Gurdjieff." I knew him — a Russian who
had prowled through Tibet and returned
to the Occident full of salable mysticism.
Га interviewed him a year ago after
watching his motionless ballet perform at
the Blackstone Theater.
"Chicago," said Mr. Gurdjieff, “is а
city of dead people turning slowly in
their graves."
Letty went on, "I'm quite well now.
But very lonely. When it gets dark, the
streets look like orphans. So sad. Could
I go with you wherever you're going?"
"I'm going мау out on the South Side
for dinner with some friends," 1 said;
“ГИ be glad if you come along.
Her hand took my arm gently. 1 was
startled by a glimpse of her body under
the raincoat. She was in black tights
from neck to heel. “I ran out of Miss
Pataiki's without changing my costume.
I hope it isn't noticeable.
"Today the female body, in or out of
tights, has become socially commonplace.
But in that November the cops were
determinedly arresting young women
who showed their legs in public and, so
help me, females with jiggly bosoms who
ventured uncorscted into the highways
(continued on page 124)
Bunnies Virginia, Ashlyn and Kiko
an appreciative salute
zo playboy’s cottontailed beauties
BUGS BUNNY AND PETER RABBIT, you've had it. We're sorry,
fellows, but nobody out of knee pants is apt to think of you
anymore when Bunnies arc mentioned — as they are, almost
daily, from Iceland to India.
Overnight, it seems, the word “Bunny” (or “Boni,” as they
now say in Ecuador) has become an international synonym
for any good-looking, lively young girl, and the Bunnies’ tale
has been chronicled in virtually every major newspaper and
“One of the more agreeable innovations of the Sixties,”
wrote McKenzie Porter in a recent issue of Canada’s
MacLean's magazine, “is the Bunny. а new species of cocktail-
bar waitress. The Bunny was invented three years ago by
Hugh Hefner, publisher of Playboy, an American magazine
for both thwarted and jaded Lotharios. . . . Canadian Bun-
nies, who are employed by imitators of Hefner's policy, claim
to be more decorous than the American originals.” More
decorous? Doubtful, and certainly not as decorative. Even our
imitators know that their ersatz “Bunnies” (Bunkies, as we
call them) are merely a grudging tribute to the original
Playboy Bunny idea.
Not since the Ziegfeld Girl of the Twenties has the concept
of the all-girl girl so completely captured the public eye and
imagination. (And Flo, for all his dough, never had as many
beauties on his payroll as we have now. Nor did Hollywood's
starlet-strewn studios at their peak.) Bunnies have been con-
templated in a dozen or so television documentaries, scores
of cartoons, a way off-Broadway musical comedy, at least two
pop songs, countless jokes, and, incongruously, а pinball game
Bunny Lynn
Ploymote-Bunny lynn Котто! (December 1961), с spore-time oviotrix ond sky-diving bufi, elevoles both herself ond the decor o! the New
York Club, Accelerating their curves, Virginio Hirschfeld, Ashlyn Martin ond Kiko Margon twist piono-topside in the Chicago Club.
Bunny Virginia
called “Slick Chick.” They have been lauded, applauded, debated, berated, explained,
evaluated, and even exposed.
Noisiest of the “exposés” came from Show magazine, which obliterated а large part of
its handsome May cover with a too-too tasteful fluorescent orange banner screaming
inside wasn't so noisy. (Sample: “Could a sneeze really break a costume? ‘Sure’ [the Club's
wardrobe mistress] said, ‘Girls with colds usually have to be replaced.” ")
But Show was a latecomer to the Bunny-buster biz. Practically every Gotham news
medium had sent their best-looking Lorelei into the Bunny hutch. Some of them came
wistfully close to staying. Concluding her I-went-to-Bunny-School report on NBC's Today
show, Bunny-costumed staff reporter Barbara Walters told Hugh Downs and several
million viewers: "Later, when I left the Club, the doorman asked if I wasn't taking off
early. ‘Well,’ 1 replied, very grandly, ‘after all, Im not a Bunny, I'm a reporter for the
National Broadcasting Company.’ ‘Gee,’ he said, ‘you could have fooled me.” And you
know something, Hugh, I must admit that secretly I think I was kind of please
Replied Downs, “You should be pleased. You make a very cute Bunny.”
Overseas, enthusiasm for Bunnies has fallen only slightly short of idolatry. In Paris,
Bunny Pat
Candlelight, crystal and Continental Bunnies (like Latin lovely Terry Jennings) ore all part of the elegant service in the New York Club's V.I.P.
Room. In the Chicago Club's celebrity-filled Playmate Bor, Bunny Virginia Hirschfeld, с former Ice Follies skating star, cuts a fine figure os she
curves past columnist Irv Kupcinet (left) and playwright Dore Schary to the toble of comedian Joey Bishop. Bockstage іп the New Orleans
Club, Bunny Po! Chovanel, a part-time model and movie hopeful, adjusts her satin ears о French-Quarter-of-an-inch before going “on ser."
Bunnies Elka, Virginia and Bev Bunny Sheila
Up Irom 51. louis, Terri Kimball tarries for o portrait while the glories of Gloria Price also attract spotlight attention. Judy Lewis compares
hor funny Bunny suit with Edie Winchester's rig ofter o New York judge ruled thot Bunnies needn't don “middy blouses, gymnasium bloomers,
turtleneck sweaters, fishormen's hip boots or ankle-length overcocts" just becouse a cabaret commissioner didn't dig their bunting. In New
York, Elko Hellmann, Virginia Hobel ond Bev Grissom pose on the world's lorges! Robbit rug while Sheila Winters table-hops in Chicago.
Bunny Mother Sheralee
Bunny Sophia Bunny Sharon
so young —ond she is. Ви at 21, Sherolee Conn ur July 1961 Playmate ond December 1962 cover girl) is both o highly paid
эп model and port-time Bunny Mo f our New York Club. Peggy Vidas swings low os she cottons to the twist at a wee-hours
rity Party in the Chicago Club's Playroom. As city lights flicker for below, Sophia Sipes lonce o w in the Penthouse
of Phoenix’ skyscraping Playboy Club. Bright-eyed and bow-tied, Sharon Rogers, a former Seati
Bunnies Kelly, Kitty and Bea Bunnies Kitty, Bea and Kelly
At Great kokes Novol Hospital, Playnote-Bunny Jon Roberts (August 1962) distributes autogrophed copies of PAYBOY ond collects on appre-
ciative smile in return. Models by day ond Bunnies Бу right, Kitty Kavony, Beo Payton and Kelly Collins {all charter members of the Bunny
brigade) met keyholders in St. Louis last winter of the opening of Ployboy Club number four. Bea stayed on os the Club's Troining Bunny,
Kitty is now ot the New York Club, ond Kelly, cover girl of our April 1963 issue, wos recently named Chief Training Bunny for all Ploybay Clubs.
Bunny Nancy Bunnies Geri, Sandy and Terri
Bonnie Jo Halpin, our October 1962 cover girl, keeps the bubbly flowing for keyholders on а Miami Club Bunny Hop flight, One of our
original 31 Chicago Bunnies, Bonnie has toble-hopped at nearly every Club in the Ployboy key chain. Phoenix Bunny Nancy Dusino figures
prettily in American International's Operation Bikini with Tab Hunter and Frankie Avalon.
Backstage in the Chicago Club's Bunny Room,
Geri Rock ond Sondy Kaye toke ten to repair their hair while Terri Tucker, formerly оп cirline stewardess, nails down о fast polish job.
when Le Hérisson devoted a full page to the Bunny
craze, predicting a Playboy Club for the City of Light,
the paper's roving corr ent dreamily told suav
Frenchmen, “If you have never seen one of the beauti-
ful ' Playboy Playmates’ from the Chicago Playboy
twisting in her ‘bunny’ costume on a grand piano, I сап
tell you that you haven't yet lived
In jaded Japan, considered by many We:
be the mecca for males, the editor of Woman's Self,
а popular weekly magazine, enviously informed his
readers that “A Playboy Club is a male dream world:
imagine being surrounded by beautiful young, semi-
nude ‘Bunny’ hostesses.
Other foreign reports have pointed up the one great
difference between Ziegfeld’s fillies and Playboy's Bun-
nies: “I want them beautiful but dumb," said Ziegfeld.
In contrast, the Playboy Clubs want no dumb Bunnies.
“Bosoms, cducation and a good reputation,” ex-
Bunny Sandy
‘Bunnies ‘Wanda and Geri
Sondy Lawrence seems oll eyes as she checks the New York Club's celebrity-studded guest roster. Before becoming a Bunny, Sandy majored
in English lit of Detroit's Wayne University, now studies voice ond modern dance, ond points for a hobby. Getting into the swing of о Breakfast
Jom estern ond worked
for Arthur Murray
plained Hamburg's Kristall, “аге what young ladies must have if they want
to work as Playboy Club Bunnie:
Proclaimed France-soir: “А new institution in America has dethroned the
myth of airline hostesses and has replaced it with that of the ‘Bunnies’ .
endowed with exquisite shapes, peach complexions, faultless education and
with a morality beyond question."
(Myths sometimes become reality: among the 421 Bunnies in our six Playboy
Clubs, we now have 35 ex-airline stewardi — more than the total number of
Bunnies we started with in the first Club three years ago.)
Back on the home court, Bunnies have been fair game for some very funny
spoofs, In Weston, Connecticut, last summer, 14 top ad execs and their wives
whomped up an S.R.O. musical farce called Playboy of the Weston World.
The plot: Ladies of a suburban isthat-soing cirde, worried about the lure of
Gotham's glittering Playboy Club on their commuting hubbies, don satin ears
ЗЕ 14.1 =
Carrie Radison, who thinks thespic, made her Gotham stoge debut a! 13, has
snagged o boglul of Broadway ond movie credits since appearing as a Playmcte in
June 1957. Forever footloose, Carrie hos Bunny-trailed to our Chicago, New Orleans,
Phoenix and New York Clubs, and is looking forward to overseos assignment soon.
Sune Cochran, on obviously gifted Gift Shop Bunny ot our
Chicogo estoblishment, reigned os Miss Indiono in both the Miss
Universe ond Miss World contests. A Ploymote in our December 1962
issue, June is now on tour os the current Ploymote of the Yeor.
Pam Gordon wos listed by Conoda's Liberty mogozine os опе
of thot country's celebrities of the yeor ofter becoming our first
north-of-the-border Ploymote in March 1962. Formerly o Voncouver
receptionist, she's now o Bunny-ombassodress in Chicago.
Joyce AGizzari serves up o bountiful buffet omid the elegance Linda Gamble, o е
Of Miami's Playboy Club. A PLAYBOY cover girl Шоу 19581, Playmate
(December 1958) and Playmate of the Year, Joyce is currently on
leave — ond location — for her second big film with Frank Sinatra.
Chicago Bunny and Playmate of our
April 1960 issue, first cought our eye in o Pittsburgh antique shop.
Unda still collects curios and compliments but, os the delightful
photos above clearly indicate, she certainly isn't old-fashioned.
and sexy costumes to create a domestic Bunny Club of their
own. The wild Weston show produced a $2500 profit for the
local P.T.A.
For wives who might actually worry about their mates falling
into Bunny Clutches in Playboy hutches, Ladies Home Сот-
panion served up in its May issue an open letter, From an
Eastern Bunny: The Playboy Club, wrote the author, a New
York Bunny, "has been designed with men and their wives,
bachelors and their dates, in mind. . .. It's really a country
club in the city."
Predictably, Bunnies have become the new dream girls of
trend-conscious Tin-Pan Alley. Countryand-western singer
Sandy Renda scooped the field in April with a twanging ditty
titled My Playboy Bunny (sample lyric: "She's makin’ money—
my Playboy Bunny.. ."). A bit more imaginative is Todd Music
Company's rock'n'roll entry, 1 Fell in Love with a Bunny (at
the Playboy Club), in which а Bunny-struck buck tries several
(continued on page 119)
heavy lines to rope a date, but fails.
Christa Speck, popular Playmate of our September 1961
issue ond 1962 Playmate of the Year, admitingly discusses one of
the many Neiman paintings gracing the Chicago Club. But her
fellow ort connoisseur seems more intent on his vista of Christo.
man at his leisure
neiman captures
the air-borne elegance
Top, left: а pampered duo savor the spécialités
de l'avion, faithfully rendered regional dishes and
vintage wines of the French provinces. Left: а bottle-
wielding steword propels his serving cart down the
aisle, prepared to dispense delectable largess to
the First Closs passengers. Above: ils journey
almast over, on Air France Boeing 707 flashes over
the City of light en route to touch-down at Orly.
AIR FRANCE — a government-controlled company which traces its germination back to 1919 and the first inter-
national passenger flight (linking Paris and London) — is today both the world's largest airline and the most stylish
exemplar of modern travel's pièce de résistance: the intercontinental jet flight. While no one jet trip can properly be
labeled the most glamorous in aviation, many veteran travelers concur that making the transatlantic hop to Paris
ensconced in the First Class section of an Air France jetliner carries with it an unexcelled cachet of elegance and
savoir-vivre. On board a recent Paris-bound Air France flight — one of 56 which leap off North American runways
each week during the summer months — was impressionist LeRoy Neiman, rLAYBOY's ambassadoratlarge to the
world’s far-flung playgrounds, off in quest of fresh palette-pleasing material. “The most enjoyable aspect of a flight
such as this,” Neiman notes, "is its completely unhurried atmosphere. Although one is covering a great deal of
distance at great speed, there is an easy, quitesocial leisureliness on board. I was able to do full justice to a superb
dinner featuring Poulet sauté au Champagne, not even aware of the fact that in the time required to sip a glass of
Pouilly blanc fumé we had traveled 150 miles, or that 800 miles of the Atlantic separated my initial Parfait de Fois
Gras and my concluding cognac.” Here are Neiman's perceptive delincations of the pleasurable luxuries to be found
in modern transoceanic air travel.
уақ serra
` “' 31 sao] ay
Emu Mad Lx o d r
Ribald Classic
ONCE UPON A TIME à rich old farmer mar-
ried a woman much younger than he.
Whereas he was old, nearly impotent
and faithful to her, she was youthful,
nd fickle, All she had on her
ıd was handsome young men.
In the nearby village lived one of the
«| she pined for. He made a living
selling trinkets to gullible women and
spent his money in bawdy houses and
gambling dens. One day he knocked at
the farmer's door and was pleased to find
that the old man was not at home.
“Let me show you my wares,” he said
to the young wife.
“I shall be Ч to view them," she
replied, noting how well-endowed he was
with the kind peddled by the God of
In a short time, therefore, һе
placed them all before her scrut
even those he normally kept hidden for
special customers.
A little later the delighted wife
е now | have enriched you with
love's most excellent treasures, let me.
enrich you still further. My husband is
a wealthy man, although too old to enjoy
what moncy can buy. Let me relieve him.
of his money and together you and 1 can
go to some fabulous city and spend a
whole lifetime as we have spent this de-
lightful afternoon.
"What a perfect ide; said the sales-
man. “Meet me at the city gate at dawn
with the money and we'll do what you
suggest and live in complete felicity.
That night the old man's wife ran-
sacked his house, put his gold i chest,
and at dawn was waiting impati
the city gate. By and by the salesman ar-
rived, helped the woman to shoulder the
unk, and with her took the road lead-
rom home.
they came to the waters of the
anges, he said to himself: "What am I
doing? Suppose her husband's people
pursue us. I could get killed. And who is
to say if she will not leave me for
other, once the bloom has worn off ou
Therefore he said to the woman: “The
wide. Let me go across with
the trunk and п a safe place
under the far bank. Then I can return
and carry you over without getting so
much as the hem of your sari wet."
He hoisted the chest to shoulder,
Then he remarked on the excellence of
her costume and said: “To keep the sari
dry perhaps you had better take it off and
let me cany it in the trunk. Give m
too, and your sandals.”
Quickly the woman stripped, and the
n stepped into the water, but
the vision of her standing there naked
and buxom had an effect upon him like
strong wine.
“Better enrich me again with love's
most excellent treasure," he said. "It will
give me strength to swim the river.
The коша lly bestowed the gift
upon him with largess and smiled іш
contentment as he waded first and then
swam away, holding the trunk well above
the surface of the river
But her smile faded as he waved fare
well from the far shore and mounted the
bank to disappear forevei
— Retold by J. A. Gato
from the Hindu collection,
“Guess Гос had enough sun for today.
“OK, OK... PU hire the handicapped?” “All you have to do is tip те
ofj to the ‘Secret Word"
“Personally. Т don't think you're going “Well, now that we've satisfied the Department of
to make it at West Point!” Internal Revenue — how the hell do 1 get home?!”
a fresh serving of do-it-yourself subtitles for television’s late-night reruns
“OK, now, first you undo her belt “One more gesture like that, Morrison, and
buckle with your left hand...” you're ир for court-martial!”
“Please, Waldo! Let's at least wait “It's [or Mr. Clean. The contest
until after the reception!” winner named him `Curly'!”
“On second thought, Mr. Thorndyke, 1 don’t believe “Say, Charlie — I got an act here I want you t see.
having your niece spend summer vacation with you is Guy's great! He just ate three phonograph records
а particularly good idea after all . . . 1” and his tie... yeah! Now he's cating his glasses and 107
he’s about to start on some pieces of paper ...”
108 lor putting his fi
hum of silent tape for a few moments.
Then, an invisible door opened. and
two pairs of unseen feet walked into the
room. Breathing urd. А throat
was cleared. “Well,” the voice of
E a very lovely
dinner" The corporeal Mrs. Graustein
started and reflexively put а hand to
her lip:
“Sidney knows how to live well,” re-
plied Graustein's voice
“Oi, I'm tired, Horst.
“So am L”
“Were not so young anymore,
"Speak for yourself, old lady!” The
two voices chuckled at cach other.
Graustein was heard to grunt and
ge shoe was dropped to the floor.
“Actually,” he said after а moment,
when you think about it, we shouldn't
mind getting old.”
ot mind
We ought to be thankful we were
given the opportunity to grow old.” The
other shoe fell.
Horst.” his wife said, sleepily.
“Our friends, so many, were not a
lucky. Klaus... Johanna һап...”
Werner and Lise..
“Yes, Gone, every опе. Almost, we
went with them. Almost. But а hand
ached out and saved us.
His wife's voice was muffled, as if her
half-buricd pillow.
The hand of Sid Freemond. Some
people say he helped us because it was a
illion dollars worth of publicity for
Maybe. But I don't care. To me,
that man is the instrument of God .
Soon, the room was filled with Ше sound
of slow, steady breathing.
Freemond's face was impenetrable. He
did not look at Graustein. He watched
the tape reel turn, as if hypnotized by
the movement. Before long, the group
ound the table heard the voice of
Clayton Horne:
Sec what I mean about his storie
"You mean those jokes he told?” said
his wife's voice. "Some of them were a
little rough, don't you ıl
"Sure, but he's а rough-hewn gu!
my point is he has an unerring sense
of drama. Each of his little stories is like
a play in miniature. Vivid. character
dearly defined. A methodical build-up.
wt of forchoding
— what theorists call "the expected unex:
pected’— Sophocles had it, and Shake
spare. The calculated delays. to build
ispense. The seeming digressions, cach
one with a purpose. And then, pow!
"He certainly docs hold your interest.
Unhook me in back, will yo
“There. You should sce h
conference. He has
An almost classic h
nin a story
uncanny ability
er on the weak spots
(continued from page 60)
in а script. Plot dinkers I've sweated
over lor days, characters who won't stay
i He sits there, chewing on
ar of his, and then he says, “Tha
y that, What she'd say
is his... And, you know, he's right?
Ninety-nine out of a hundred times, һе?
absolutely right."
“Doesn't it get annoy
He being so right?”
“With somebody else,
Sid is
1 while?
ng aft
it could. But
bout it — no. don't laugh
very humble mau. This
we saw tonight, you know that Sid
is responsible for damn near hall of that
script? I told him: Т said, ‘Sid, 1 ow
to share the screen credit with you.’ You
know, like Wilder and Diamond, Welles
and Mankiewicz, But he just smiled.
"Don't be an idiot,” he said.
generous guy.
Freemond swallowed, vis
His purple face seemed
The reels
this time a
Iking and
" there was a
knock on the door. Laura Benedict's
voice was heard to say, "Yes?" A male
voice faintly replied, “It's Norman." The
door opened. An exchange of dreary
trivia followed, and then the sound of a
bottle and glasses. At length, there was
rassing pause, after which Laura
"No, Norman."
aid Keith's voice.
igh-heeled wa
"But 1 thoi
“Tm sorry to be such а bore, darling,
but tonight I would just feel . ... wror
“Wrong? "This is Norman you're talk-
ng to. How come the cornball diata 1
of a sudde
your own room."
"Goddamnit, Laura —
“Darling, this has nothing to do with
you. Its just that...”
“Just what?
"E сошкі". Not here.
11. Please go back to
Not under his
“Don't y ider darling? Tt
would seem almost... callous. Unfeel-
And Pm not an unfeeling woman,
OE course you're not, honey, but
“I love that man”
you and he —1 me:
I thought it was just —"
“Тус always loved him. But 1 never let
him know, not even when we мете...
ther. 1 couldn't make him bear the
ıt of my love, it wouldn't have be
fair, not while hi
too latc.
all the rest of you thought — that 1 was
usi The old casting couch bit.
g bim.
But all the time, I loved him more than
any other man ГА ever known. 1 still
love him. I feel his presence in every
room of this house, strong, masterful .
but like a litte boy underneath that
rull mask. You do understand, don't
you. darling? Th: I mean
not in his own house . . . 1 couldn't
Sidney Freemond was weeping. His
eyes were closed now, but tears glistened
on his checks. Gi stood up, slowly
То the others he very sofüy said. “I
think perhaps we should go now
turned to the butler, “Peters, would you
kindly get the ladies coats? We'll wait
in the reception hall.”
“Yes, Mr.
They began to file out of the room.
Graustein lagged beh moment.
Bending over, he snapped off the re-
carder. Freemond's eyes had not opened;
and now, his body shuddered w
audible sobs. Gently,
? Why I
For your озу!
did not reply. After а moment, С
left the room.
"s why I
А your resembling thunder went up
as a great, mosaiccovered wall crumbled
and crashed in а billowing of atomized
he watched the de
he said to himself:
Freemond himself
almost a year and a 1
over years ago that Peters had
played those tapes at his command. And
yet he remembered with sharp focus
how he had brought the coats to the
reception hall; how he had watched
the Jaguar. the Corvair and the gold
convertible Rolls drive off; how, тештә
ing to the di room, he had deli
cately asked his n if he was in need
of anything, Freemond, his eyes still
dosed, had shaken his head. Peters had
walked upstairs to tend to the guest
rooms, opening the windows, checking
lor any articles of clothing or other
effects that might have been mistakenly
left behind, and carefully removing the
small white cards tied with string to the
wall switches just inside the doors. He
had torn the cards into tiny pieces and
nolition. Die, palace,
I will not mourn you.
was dead now for
alt, Te was a Tittle
burned them in an ashtray. He had
flushed the charred residue down a toilet.
On cach саға had been typed: “А word
to the wise. The walls have cars. A
fiend.” Then he had poured himself
three fingers of Sidney J. Freemond's
finest brand
Chuckling at the memory, which
sweetly alkalized the acid memories of
several hundred. indignities borne and
planned minor cruelties suffered silently
in the name of service, Peters
from the scene of destruction
a spring in his step, walked toward his
parked and patiently waiting car.
and. with
The second wife сол be chosen differently.
how to select your second wife
further tips on succeeding with women without really trying
MEN ASK, ce my wife?"
This is nd one with
which we have litle sympathy.
A wife is not like an automobile,
traded in yearly as later models appear.
True, with cars a new bit of grillwork
change in fender line can drive you
quickly to the showrooms lest vou be-
come а laughingstock in the neighbor-
hood. But luckily the models in women
are rarely improved. The changes іп -
called "fender lines" are slight, the
chassis design remains almost. constant,
ıl mechanical improvements are con-
spicuous by their absence. With reason-
wife should last for years
cast oll а wile — wear her out.
To our pioneer forefathers, divorce
and desertion were almost unheard of.
In those days men simply wore out their
wives, and it was rare indeed to find a
man who had not worn out two or th
of them. These were the days of busy,
happy homes— and they can return,
How often, today, is the
to wear out two or thre
ful students of ou
out a wife evenly. Keep her bus
great variety of ways and she will de-
velop a nice patina. so becoming ta so
many women. The woman worn out
piecemeal takes on a spotty and irregu
Jar appearance, one of which you may
not be proud.
vou are ready
© What should
Let us assume now that
to select your second wi
you look for?
The qualities that make up the ideal
first wife are scldom needed in the sec
ond. Т fist wife, as we have seen,
must be well-muscled and vigorous,
since she will be in a sense a maid of
all worl
The second wife can be chosen diler-
ently, We can assume that by the time
you arc ready for her you will be older
та more fastidious апа, of course, Гат
wealthier. You should be able to afford
a stall of people to do the really rough
Brielly, the second wife is to the first
Jaguar roadster is to а Ford
station wagon. She will be a sports
model. (It would be wise to point out at
this juncture that you ma
aged when you select the
wife as
You will not be too keen for the ou
door life. Choose a girl who is good
indoor sports)
She should have all the fun-loving
qualities of the good fiancée. No need,
however, for the bursts of strength or
the ability to do without sleep. She will
have ample time to rest.
She must be at least 18 years old —
may indeed be as old as 25 or 26 — aud.
should have br beauty, both
of face and figure.
No need to test for firmness. You
not seeking womanpower, only luxury
and comfort. Find, if you can, a girl
who has the consistency of an expensive
foam-rubber sofa.
ly leth
y take her far from tlic
nd [rom you.
must be good-natured,
nd tolerant, for as you
wears you will become
s all these qualities, you have
1 indeed. Treat her well. If
advance in
grumpier and less ma
If she I
properly cared for she will never wear
Keep her happy and she will repay
you weli
CASSIUS CLAY rhymer of the round
THE BEST-PAID POET in the world today. to coin a couplet,
is a heavyweight lad named Cassius Clay. Although he
composes nothing but hymns of seltpraise in a shaggy
doggerel of trite (and not always true) rhymes, his last
verse, a twoline gem, packed Madison Square Garden
and 37 closed-circuit theaters, earned him 530,000, and
established him as boxing biggest box-office news since
Joe Louis. "Louis?" says Clay, with characteristic modesty,
^I could have decisioned him in his prime.") Nevertheless,
Clay's March epigram — "Jones thinks he'll fight some
more / But he's got to go in four" — nearly became his
own epitaph when he was forced to go a full 10 rounds
to snag a jeeringly unpopular decision over powerful,
plodding Doug Jones. Until then it had been Clay's
conceit to predict — in rhyme — the exact round in which
he would deck his opponent. ("They all must fall i
round I call” Incredibly, seven of Clay's pigeons (in-
cluding ageless Archie Moore) shattered оп schedule.
Although he talks and acts as if he came down from
Olympus, the 21-year-old, sixfootthiee “Louisville Lip"
actually came up from the 1960 Olympics where he won а
gold medal. But it is not his 17 straight victories (over
generally lackluster losers) that have molded Clay into a
golden boy so fast; it is his own flamboyant (“Мап, am
I beautiful!) egotism. While most experts agree that Clay,
though flashy and fast, still fights like an amateur, he may
— on lip alone — talk his way into a bi
lethal Sonny Liston. But even incai
that it will take more than a ji
money match with
ious Cassius knows
ngle the champ.
gle to ja
THE PLAYS OF EDWARD ALBFE, lean, S5-yearold d flourishing
experimental theater, have been variously described i ng,”
“dirty and depressing.” The author of this years Critics’ Award play Who's
Afraid of Virginia Wool[? lway One-acters
does not agree. He maintains that his critics are put ой by his refusal to “slop
into sentimentality.” Albee's neosurrealistic theater has also been called the
‘Theater of the Absurd. The playwright boomerangs the term back to Broadway
where, he says, the absurd aesthetic cri “makes moncy — good. play;
loses money — bad play." Genteelly bred by aflluent, adoptive parents, Albee
nlessly at a succession of menial jobs before, at age 30, he began
ted males and emasculating females.
nt clement in these spectacles is humor. Albec,
not unconscious of the irony, insist Avantgarde theater is often frec-
swinging and wildly, wildly funny." American audiences may be in for a long
paroxysm of diabolical laughter before Albee and his colleagues depart the scene.
PETER FALK merchant of menace
JUDGING BY THE EXPLOSIVE success of brooding-browed Peter Falk, the wages of
cinematic sin run exceedingly high. Since his much-praised portrayal of the sinis-
топу sotto voce Abe Reles in Ше 1960 low-budget crime lick, Murder, Ine. (a part
which brought him the honor of bei he first actor ever nominated for an Oscar
froma В movi with his pay scale — has been in ıl
He garnered anothi nomination the [ollowing year for his linming of the
mobster in Frank s Pocketful of Miracles. won an Emmy for his hard-boiled,
soft-hearted tru the Dick Powell TVer The Price of Tomatoes, and clinched
his reputation with a slew of hard guy take-outs — includ a stint as à tormentor
of Untouchables. Falk, who spent his e; ting pursuits (he worked
efficiency expert for the state of C busy branching out in all act-
ing directions, including roles as the officer in белес» The Balcony and as а beset
cab driver in Stanley Kramer's rs a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. Compared by
some to Garfield or C. the 35-year-old Falk has more pointedly been praised
by astute critics as a man beholden to no one for his consummate characteri
"Uh — what are your other two wishes?"
alas. cannot free them), but it instills
guilt feelings in countless other youth
who proceed to violate the stupid pre-
arital taboos.
‘ortunately, however, a growing num-
ber of young people have been able
to perceive the false, superstitious basi
of the outmoded sanctions ag;
stably, wisely
wholesome and desi premari
sexual relations which greatly aid them
in their mari ıl adjustments
In an article in Esquire entitled, Sex.
The Quiet Revolution, David Borolt
stated: “Attitudes toward sex among
those who grew up alter World War II
re strikingly different from those of
nerations. It can be summed up
in this way: Sex is one of life's princi
1 goods. The degree of pleasure one
from it is a measure of one’s self-
+ And since the old moral sanc-
far less reluctance about pre-
- In fact, Dr. [Albert] Ellis re-
t when he lectures on sex before
college students, there is almost invariably
Kl cheer when he endorses premarital
ra certain
y is no longer the
s the fall up-
urity and sell-
id. The loss of chast
1 from innocence; it
rds, so to speak, to ma
"Paul Goodman, the brilliant author of
Growing Up Absurd, was recently asked
his view of premarital sex by it college
student. ‘In sex, anything you get pleasure
from is good," he said peremptorily. ‘And
that's all there is to it."
But the ostriches remain. The Realisi,
Paul Krassner's impudent регі
parody and social comment:
psychologist James E. Bender as "Un-
realist of the Month" for his comment:
"Anything more intense than а good-
night kiss, which should be nothing more
iban a gentle brushing together of the
lips, should be reserved until marriage
or, at least, until there is a definite с
And advice columnist Ann Lande
counselor of millions, still honors
promotes what she calls *
К ins). What ік more, in a recent
syndicated column, she agreed with a
der that chaste girls should insist on
chaste men for husbands. That such cl
tity before marriage is likely to promote
sexual incompatibility after marriage is
apparently less important than upholding
the sex standards passed down from p
vious centuries, noted for their supe
tion, repression and perversion.
А horrified mother wrote to Miss
Landers, because she had read a letter
addressed to her son from his girlfriend
nd earned that the pa
(continued from page 50)
m so shocked at the
contents of the letter,” said the mother,
“that Гус been half sick ever since I read
it. Both my son and the girl are 19. They
have been intimate on several occasions. 1
can't unde
who were reared in respectable, Christian
homes could have gone over the line of
moral decency.
Ann ollcred no word of wisdom to the
suffering mother that mi;
it was not abnormal for a 19-year-old boy
and his 19-year-old girl to be sexually
timate; that this expe
pected to heighten their chance
marital happiness, whether with one
other or someone else; and that a maj
ity of both men and women have similar
Sex experiences before they marry. Miss
“He [the son] should
language that the dan-
intimate: "T
stand how two young people
he suggest that
ence might be ех-
Landers counseled:
gerous game he's playing сап wreck the
girl's and lis as well, Countless
teenagers have p
for premarital experimenting.
all thought it couldn't happen to them."
Never mind the “deva price”
that such prudery exacts from our m
riages— the frigidity, the heartbreak, the
fuswation and divorce— that’s another
problem, perhaps to be answered in one
of next year's columns.
This letter and response reminded us of
a story in Life that we read many years
ago, when we, ourself, were ап impres-
sionable teenager. It told about a hapless
young couple, who were in love, and
whose parents would have been as deeply
shocked as Miss Landers’ correspond
ib they had known that their childici
were being sexually intimate. The girl
became pregnant, but they were both
1 to face the parental wrath that
would follow cither an admission of what
had happened or a hasty wedding. And
50, bei pair of foolish rom:
they decided to kill themselves. Th
Romeo and Juliet
aloud to her boyfriend on the
they chose to carry out the suicide p
The boy shot and killed her — and ay
Jost his nerve and called the police. Both
sets of parents stood by the boy during the
trial and he was acquitted: the parents
blamed themselves, but it was too late to
any diflerence, How long, we won
„ will it take for us to learn the devas
¢ toll that such prudery produc
Aun Landers expresses a point of view
toward ind chastity that is still com-
mon in Am nd the heartache and
1 а devastating price
And they
1 passages fr.
havoc that it causes are incalculable. In
an informa ttle booklet
Necking and Petting — and How Р
Go, Am tel Civilized people
expected to curb their "natural instincts"
+. + Teenagers should тез
sexual attitudes have a direct bearing on
other people. It is not just a "private"
2-- Teenagers who get into trouble
injure not only themselves but their fam-
ili If necking is the evening's enter-
tainment, something to do instead of
going bowling or going to the movies, it
is WRONG. .. . the basic rules for neck-
[аге]... All hands should be on
deck and accounted for. Four feet should
be on the floor at all times. Count 'em.
"And now, what is petting? Petting is
necking that has gone out of control. It
s kissing and hugging, plus wandering
hands, with onc or both | reclining,
d getting altogether too comfortable
for anyone's good. Petting is the [ore
runner of going all the way. THIS can
lead to hearth
Is й any wonder America has spawned
ations that are frigid, impotent and
iladjusted? Dr. Kinsey stated,
ual Behavior in the Human Female:
at deal I чеп about the
y be done by premarital
ly by pet-
ting; but relatively little has been said
about the psychologic disturbances and
subsequent marital difhculties which may
develop when there is such condemnation
and constant belaboring of any type of
behavior which has become so nearly u!
versal, and which is as likely to remain as
universal, as petting is among American
females and males,
been wi
A gre
damage that m
The Reader's Digest is the most widely
the English langua
rcad magazine
with а monthly circulation of some
15,000,000, it is far and away the most
influen п the entire world. This is
aded by
true, because it is so highly
nc is given
ution in t 8. schools.
printed an article which they first pub-
7 titled The Case for Chastity
se of
quests for it from
introduction, the edi-
tors state
ite as it
advice con
and the sound
ticle is, if any-
ment on
believes se
azine that apparently
stood still Ame
over the last s, and that any arti
written on sex attitudes in 1937 is as
"pertinent" today as it was then, but be-
c the a ticle itself has reached such
па because
t we consider to be
ber of inaccurate and illogical state
we feel a rather extended response is
order. Dr. Roger W. Wescott, of the
African Language and Area Center
п, former Associate
Professor of Social Science at Michigan
State University and a Fellow of the
American Anthropological Association,
expressed а similar criticism of the article
in a recent issue of The Realist and we'll
refer to his commen
the way.
ing takes exception to “the Ir
i у moral issue is involved in
sex conduct" But the sexually liberal
пу no such thing. They argue, rather,
t chastity is just another word for re-
pression: that repression mlul; that
опе who knowingly
other — including himself —is cruel;
ıd that cruelty is immoral. In other
words, as Dr. Wescott expresses it, “What
standards for inhumane and unreason-
able ones.”
Miss Banning next deplores the fact
that young people "make up their minds
with insufhci about sex.
Statement is mi n that it
implies that those holding to the more
traditional ideas about sex generally have
more knowledge on the subject than do
the sexually libe
more willing to impart this knowledge to
the younger generation. Just the oppo-
site is Ше case. This is, in fact, one of the
major issues between the sexual liberals
and traditionalists— with the liberals
favoring more sex education for the
you d the traditionalists generally
d that they are
opposing it. And as Dr. Wescott observes,
“What Hede sexual education the tradi
tionalists do dispense — whether it be
formal or informal— is usually calculated
to intimidate th inform the
then states, "We must re-
member that unchastity, common though
it may be, is not the norm." Since Kinsey
d that upward of 85 percent of the
id 60 percent of the female popu-
m have premarital intercourse, we
wonder what this writer means by “norm.”
“One of the men in the scouting party found it, sir —
I'm afraid it's an empty vodka bottle.”
In place of sex, Miss Banmng sug-
gests such “wholesome social activities" as
study, sports and domestic tasks," imply
1 activity is not
be sublimated into more
socially acceptable activi-
üies— a point of view that, as wc com-
nemed carlier, Dr. Theodor Reik has
aken great pains to la ious. Dr
Wescott comment
some’ means ‘healthy
paradoxical about the inference [that sex
ual activity is not wholesome]. For most
psychologists and physiologists would de.
fine a healthy capacity or organ as onc
which has full and free scope for the
exercise of its appropriate function. Miss
Banning would presumably not deny that
it is, before all else, walking which keeps
the legs healthy. Yet she denies the im-
plicit corollary that sexual inactivity c
hardly lead to sexual health.”
Miss Ban ims that the
ually libera al” about sex
and aling that
no reputable phy equally casual.
No psychologist who has seriously invest
gated the problems of sexual relations
outside of marriage treats them as trivial.
She thus suggests that the bulk of knowl-
edgeable scientific opinion is on her side
in this matter, when precisely the орро-
site is the case. And if, by "casual," she
means that the sexually liberal wish to
sce people less nervous and more rel
about sex, she is certainly correct
and most knowing psychologists с
or just such a la
And then, as we might expect, Miss
Banning reaches down into her bag of
wicks and produces that old scare p
venereal disease and abortion. (Which
rather confirms Dr. Wescott’s earlier com.
ment about traditional sex instructio
being intended more to frighten than er
lighten.) As Dr. Wescott points out, Mar-
t Banning neglects to mention that
1 disease and abortion are equally
real dangers within marriage as without
(over half of all illegal abortions are per
formed on married women) and thus
hardly valid argumei
chastity outside marriage any more than
inside of it. The only real answer to
venereal disease із, of course, not chas
tity, but a greater public awareness about
the diseases (since both syphilis and gon-
orrhca arc easily recognized and cured —
which 1937) —
again remind. ourselves that
the sexual traditionalists, for whom Miss
Banning speaks, who traditionally thwart
attempts at broader sex education.
Abortion, the second specter revealed
to our already presumably cowering
youth by the lovable Miss Banning, with
its pote! aftermath of trauma, sterik
as ‘whole
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ity or death, о argument against
al sex, but what Dr. Wescott
indictment of a heartless and
For it is the ille-
forces it to be per-
circumstances. that are
п ideal
Miss Banning also condemns petting
п she be a distant relative of Miss
nly and
Landers?) on the grounds tha
spoils matu nd, be
e experience . ..
cause it "is apt to create habits which . .
unsuit а girl emotionally for marri
(The dean of a women’s college
source of this second psychophy:
servation.) The writer is too del
specify what these evil “habits” might be,
but the reader can only infer that they
rc the techniques for "
And with this reasoning, of course, wi
are taken out of the 20th Century alto-
gether and implicitly urged to revert to
the Victorian view that women should
regard sexual activ
only as voidable duty. M
ning’s statements regarding the harm in
petting, whether before or after marri:
s certa
are wholly false — though
preferable to continue such intima
through to coitus.
Miss Banning then warns
nst the
inlluence ol dr
ing (we had
she would): "Alcohol inflames the senses,
is an acknowledged aplu
this, of. course, the dear
tilically incorrect, Alcohol,
explains, is an intoxicant, not an aphro-
disiac (Dr. Wescott adds: "In the strict
no aphrodisiac has yet
nd is incapable of
What it docs do, the
dull the
sense of the жоға,
been discovered.
pulses to express themselves. There being
few impulses more natural than the
erotic, it is hardly surprising that alcohol
therefore s to sex-negators. magi
ify the sex urge.
next comments that a
иту "into early sexual exper
ase of sin," ignoring the obvious
natural sex urge who arc responsible for
promoting this notion of "sin"; and then
“The ellect of unchastity on the nervous
system is also serious." Exactly the oppo-
site is th those fortunate enough
to be free from the stultifying, unnatur
aboos which imbue the young with se
sations of guilt and fear concerning the
expression of their natural impulses.
Miss Bunning then wags а warni
finger at young lovers with the
tion that the circumstances. surround-
ing premarital sex are almost
ill-housed and uncomfortable.
she says, "of the motels, the
“You sing along with Mitch and ГЇЇ
drink along with Barney!”
fearful .. ." Once again her obser
mounts to an indictment of a soci
uncharitable to
comfort and. understand
лу оо
t proper priva
y to its youth.
is usually in
he promiscuous woman
doubt of her att writes Mi
Banning (who we are obliged to assume is
chaste, but who we simply cannot picture
s bei
reassurance by repeated and varied ex-
perience with men. The fact of inferiority
also truc of promiscuou
such ways prove а virility wl
secretly doubt . . . Promiscuity
people lose the greatest expe
life — lox
As Dr. Wescott points out, this state-
who in
ch they
promiscuity” and “love.” “If
‘promiscuity’ is defined as ‘wholly indis-
пе mating, " notes the Doctor,
a statement that love destroys love
ual activity on the |
or female, with one or a
hers, presupposes a neurotic
aply untrue. There is a little item
called the basic sex drive that explains
such behavior far more accurately. Miss
Banuing’s banning pronouncements re
mind us of the rravuov cartoon by Phil
Interlandi in last January's issue, with
iwo women marooned together oi
desert iskind—one, young and volup-
1 sex
that extramari
tof either th
mber of part-
tuous, exclaims to the other, who is
elderly: “Look, do me a favor and stop
5 Who needs it
To Mis Margaret Culkin Bannin
pparently, all sexual libera
Че tds all ve
well,” she writes, “to say, "People look at
these things differently today. They may
look at them differently, but they [cel
about the same." If this were true iu the
absolute way in which Miss Banning ex-
presses it, then one could aver with equal
validity that since people once worshiped
the sun, the rain, fire, trees and rocks,
they must still [eel the same reverence Гог
them. Such religious beliefs were u
doubtedly of the utmost importance to
our early ancestors, who fervently be
lieved that society simply could not exist
without them. Yet today most people
пог only feel no
nd fire, they
even th
worship. Civili
upward — the ostriches notwithstanding
— and. people do progress, and learn to
nore than a pose.
iced to worship rocks,
seem to be
for such
ation moves onward and
nd feel about things in new
cn time, experience and the
ity for enlightenment.
ag warns us that, "We can-
is preference for a virgin
То which Dr. Wescott терій
“True enough. But to acknowledge need
not be to encourage. And the sexual
liberal tries. to show the determined.
virgin-hunter that his insistence on the
magical virtue of the unruptured hymen
is due to his implicit conception of
women as property, and that it is far from
Hattering to ‘the fair sex’ to treat its mem-
bers as salable commodities with only
abcls — ‘used’ or ‘unused.’ "
look upon
as eve
may be
of ifelon
Dr. Wescott responds: “
ness is, at best, an elusive and subjective
concept, what few statistics there are on
the subject of marital bliss are extremel:
Even in
cvificing chastity
mbling away h
married happiness”
ter ch:
Although happi
the days of the
pioneer German erotologist Iwan Bloch,
prospects [or betothed virgins were
bleak; and they seem to have declined
since then. Virginity, in other words,
seems to be a very poor passport to
“In fact, about the only prediction one
can fairly make the girl who is a
physiological virgin before marriage is
that she is more likely than her unchaste
sister to remain an emotional virgin after
marriage. In this case as in that of pre-
marital petting, it seems that practice
makes perfect. The sexual ‘rules’ are
much the same as those for other vital
functions: we must learn to walk before
expect to run. And if we are not
permitted to usc, or even to mention, our
» to do either:
legs, how can we le
studies. It is espec
class males, who
ly restrained" in their carly years
n are lower-class males. Kinsey notes
being thus repressed for 10 or
15 years, getti ried does not u
mates is at best, quite often a difficult
Summarizing Miss Banning's “case for
{tempts to
hten more than per-
son and that she also
es or perpetuates several myths that
science rejects as untrue or unsound:
Among these is the notion that romantic
love is more wholeson ic dia
sexual а
: that petting m
1 unsuitable for marriage: that the
problems of venereal disease and abor-
tion are caused more by lack of chastity
than society's prudery, and the resultant
suppression of knowledge in the case of
VD and the legal use of that knowledge
in the case of abortion; that alcohol is
an aphrodisiac; that promiscuity robs
of the ability to love or be loved;
nd feelings do not change
and experience; that premari-
tal chastity is more conducive to a suc
cessful marriage than unchastity: that
chastity is the nor nd that exalting
i Ithful and good for
“Most experts іш the field of
sexual behavior would reject all of the
or conclusion
foregoing assu
For the future, we sh th Dr. Wes
cou the hope that the general readi
public will be offered “more subst
fare than these vener
that it will have ever-increasing oppor-
tunity to escape from those sex-Bani
ttitudes that have hitherto robbed its
life and its love of so much joy.
Dr. Wescott also recognizes clearly the
underlying significance of sexual fre
dom in a free society, as he states in con
Ultimately, of course, the case
for sexual freedom is the same as the
case for any other kind of freedom —
political, social or religious: liberty
leases and fulfills human potentialities.
while restriction camps and distorts
them. Let us therefore no longer refuse
free rein to that immense pote for
good which resides, too often mute and
unrealized [within cach of us]
We think it an apt сопе!
ion, also,
for this
astallment of The Playhoy
Because of the considerable response
to “The Playboy Philosophy,” beginning
with this issue PLAYBOY is introducing a
new feature, “The Playboy Forum,” in
which readers may offer their comments —
pro and соп —on subjects and issues
raised in this series of editorials. No pre-
vious feature published by this magazine
has elicited so much reaction and so much
debate —in and outside the pages of
PLAYBOY —and since many of the sub-
jects discussed are, we feel, among the
most important facing our free society
today, we will continue the "Forum"
just as long as the letters from readers
A limited number of the first seven
installments of “The Playboy Philoso-
phy” have been reprinted and all seven
may be had by sending a check or money
order for SI to pLaywoy, 232 E. Ohio
Street, Chicago 11. Mlinois.
In the ninth part of “The Playboy
Philosophy.” which appears next month,
Editor-Publishey Hugh М. Hefner traces
the history of religious sexual suppres-
sion fram pre-Christian times to the
present; discusses the antifemate origin
of the concepts of chastity and virginity
considered as and where our
notion of antisexual
came from.
omantic lowe
“Tf you think I'm abominable,
you ought lo see my wife.
have а quietly Е--- You attitude about
the whole thing.
І am plunged from exultation into
despair. Someone “ain't practic
they're preachin’.”
Now Jet us contemplate the term
“someone.” Here, perhaps, is the wue
cause of my pfhhhtness. Ah, but һе
the prol
Who is
g processes come to а halt.
the mealy-mouthed someone?
Mrs. Brown really did
jash-dash.” И so, then some
doubt, in my mind at least, is cast upon
the authenticity of her remarks. Maybe
she, like most women (damnit, 1 know
you will force me to say it — and men,
too), is merely guilty of
between principle and practice. But
nother black Monster of Possibility
looms on the horizon. Could re лукот
e “tastefully” deleted the nasty little
"uck" from the interview? No, it cannot
bet! But it might be. I can see Hefner
now. sitting in his rabbitlined office,
hollow-eyed, coatless, tie askew, пе
vously pulling at his 40th pipeful in
two hours, muttering tensely to himself,
“To uck or not to uck, that is the ques-
tion.” But ло, it cannot be! 1 will put
(continued from page 42)
refuse the op
Exist in limbo until the light on high
teams forth, filling my cup of knowl-
To put it plainly, gentlemen, who is
the hypocrite— you or Mrs, Brown?
Robert Hill
University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas
F find it rather paradoxical that your
Editor-Publisher Hugh M. Hefner can
preach а critical sermon on the
word” of modern
(Philosophy, Part Five) and yet practice
the very thin, demns (Playboy
Interview) . . . the same issue.
Philosophies are valueless, Mr. Editor, un-
less you have the strength to live by them.
T. R. Hopkins
University of Utah
Salt e City, Utah
You miss the point, gentlemen. When
we argue for the right to use all language
freely, withoul restraint or censorship,
we are nol ourselves obligated to use
апу particular words or phrases in
order to be consistent. By that logic,
“That’s my son, the painter.”
when we argue the case for pornography
(as we did in the May “Philosophy”),
we should publish pornography. But
PLAYBOY'S editorial lasle and sensitivity
have never been based upon “whatever
the law will allow” or “seeing how far
can magaz content,
form and style result from the
sidered judgment of its editors. When we
exercise that judgment —as we must each
month —we refer to both our own tastes
and what we believe to be the tastes of
the specific audience we ave interested
in reaching. Sometimes we err, bul our
overall batting average is quite good,
we think — which іп part explains the
magazine's unusual rapport with the new
In last monih’s editorial, Editor-Pub-
lisher Hefner commented that PLAYBOY
probably wouldn't change very much in
а censorfree society. It will change in
time, of course, as the tastes and interests
of that segment of sociely thai constitutes.
our readership changes. Our job is to
retain the vappori with our readeys that
has already been established.
When it gets down to a question of
“to uck or not to uch,” we suspect the
matter could almost be decided by the
Пір of a coin — the more sophisticated
portion of society, for which PLAYBOY is
edited (and which we assume is several
strides ahead of the gencral public in
this, and most other matters), is approach-
ing the point where the bugaboo of
words no longer phases it. In other forms
of communication, such as books and
the small-circulation literary quayterlies,
that point has already been reached; if
we were making the same decision for
either a book оға literary journal, ше
would allow ourselves greater editorial
freedom; if we were making the decision
for a movie or a television program, ше
would allow ourselves less leeway.
The important point is, and always
should be, from whence the decision
comes: it belongs in the hands of who-
ever is editorially responsible for the
product not іп the hands of the
censor, or any other outside party. Thus,
Stephen Crane had a perfect right to
The Red Badge of
Courage,” without using a single obscene
we go” — the теу
write his war novel,
expression; and James Jones had a per-
fect right to write his war nox
Here to Eternity,” and fill it with four-
1, "From
letter words. Both books were honestly
written and both books were good.
As for the spelling of the phonetic
expression “ри,” we'd be inclined
to the use of just one h and more Ps,
like so: “рі ГИ” But we confess to feel-
ing even less strongly about that than
we do about “uck”
(continued from page 101)
While Bunny tunes mint coin, re-
porters continue to mint. phrases
effort to describe what Bunnies really
are. They have been labeled variously:
“Hugh Hefner's Peace Corps.” “Some
thing like Girl Scouts," “The mostest
hostesses,” “Just plain
away their curves, beautiful faces
charming manners "The best th
that’s happened 10 girl watchers since
a Bow.” “The Untouchables,
wously clad erations,” "Authentic
American geishas," and (such are the con
dictions of ely not
t ss) "Del
geishas. whateve ue."
What they are is probably best defined
by Hefner, who, like the Bunnies, has
been served with a rabbit stew of
catchy titles including "Brer Rabbit,”
"Head Hare” "Bucks Bunny,” “Mr.
MacGregor,” “The Big Bunny.” and, by
the Variety Club of St. Louis aft
opened Playboy Club number four the
"Showman of the Year
“The Bunny," says Hefner, "is very
nuch like our Playmate of the Month ..
ишш, des ith a fresh, girl-
bi ble, but with
nextdoor quality, She may be sexy, but
it’s a clean, healthy sex. She is, at once,
both wholesome and glamorous because,
іш our mind, those two qualiti
separably related.
Letters from Playboy Club keyholders
add still another dimension to the reality
ol the Bunny concept:
“Bunny Sandy was the most delightful
combination of brains, beauty
sonality that we have met in a lon
"Bunny Pat's warm welcome and
make the New Orl,
constant joy”...
could find a girl as nice as any of your
Bunnies outside the Club, 1 would
soon cease to be a cynical bachelor." .. .
“Bunny Shirley was thoroughly gracious
and gave our party the best service we
have ever experienced in any club in the
ntry. She is a fine complement to you
organization — and to mine.
To the keyholder, in short, the Bunny
is a personal Girl Frida
friendly, unobtrusively efficient, and a
delight to behold. Obviously, to attr
this special kind of girl, more than c
are requ
s arc in-
friendly nat
Playboy Club
ked wr
er John Donovan
"cent y syndicated news
: on Bunnyism, "can a young girl
turn down a job which offers big money,
travel, the glamor of show business and a
chance to mingle with headliners and top
i rhetorical answer:
when one considers
ily carn from two to
three times the salary of a well-paid sec
ry. Many of them tike in more than
$200 a week in tips alone.
With six Playboy Clubs now
and upom
п opera-
g both
a Bunny
wonderful way to see the world.
she rı s in her hometow
Bunny soon learns, the world
will come to her. Girls who, as teenagers,
may have collected. photos of celebrities
lind. the situation suddenly reversed
when they become Bunnies; visiting big
names (and it would be Га ier to list.
the few celebrities who have по! made
the Club scene, than to mention those
who have) are as eager as schoolkids to
be pictured with buxom Bunnies.
(“Playboy Clubs,” to quote the Bunny
brochure, “are more like show business
than saloon business, and Buunies
the star
, because the!
are often on the
tion dozens
can be
and abroad,
are stars, Bunnies
guest lists of leading
at home in the most
l events
elite circles. exciting as bein
movies," said а starryeyed newcomer a
while ago. not knowing then that she
and her sister. Bunnies would actually
be featured in Columbia's forthcoming
Tony Curtis flick, Playboy, as well as
humerous TV studies of the р
phenomenon. (One, a Canadia
duced film called The Most v
first prize for short doc
prestigeous San Francisco Film Festival.)
/hile other girls in lesser jobs may
feel trapped by boredom and rou
Playboy Bunnies live a life of . . . well,
Playboy Bunnies. Brought together from
the [our corners of the nation and many
areas, groups of them often
те fine apartments, forming personal
dships that last a lifetime.
Although b boy Club Bunny
is a career in itself, many of the girls are
also talented actresses, singers and dancers
waiting for the 1 k— and studyir
for it during their off-hours, And, throu
their show-busy association with
Playboy Club, the break often
faster. (Talent bookers and filn
it seems, spend much more time
Clubs than they do in drugstores.)
Pert Chicago Bunny Merle Pertile fol-
lowed her background appearances on
the Playboy's Penthouse ТҮ series with a
foreground revelation as a Playmate ol
the Month (January 1962), then went on
to key parts in several network video
productions, including the Tab Hunter
Show, 77 Sunset Strip and Ensign O'Toole.
Raven-haired Anna English wasa head-
ner at The Und k
New York Bunny Teddy Howard, who
has appcarcd in episodes of TV's Naked
The Nurses and The Defenders,
oll-Broad i
»w studying
ny Betty Sta а veter.
The Threepenny Opera and Lil Abner.
A full line of 10 New York Bunnies are
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professional dancers, all with credits from
leading night clubs or Broadway musicals.
Five of them — Dorrie Geoflrey, Patti
Burns, Jo п. Pam Murphy and
walli ked at the Сора.
РІ. nies Delores Wells (June
1960) and Joyce Nizzari (December 1958)
have had more TV and film credits th
you can shake а contract at. Both now live
in Los Angeles, but still enjoy the Bunny
bit between acting engagements. Delores
will soon appear in Paramount's Beach
Party and Joyce appears in Frank
Sinatra's latest, Come Blow Your Horn.
Many of the top-name comics on the
Playboy Club circuit also like to work two
three Bunnies into their acts and the
ls come on like troupers. “Тһе Clubs
ar ways willing to audition tilented
Bunnies as new acts.” says comic Joe
nte, "but what Bunny would want to
trade her money for mine?”
Modeling is still another career route
that parallels the Bunny tr Hundreds
of requests for models come through Ше
Clubs cach year and атс passed on to
the girls (Plans are underway now for
а natione Agency
and School as ining ground for
future Вит ıd а model bureau for
ny Bunnies are pretty
to become опе of PLAYBOY'S
ned Playmates of the Month, many of
n do. Thus far, six Playmates have
covered in our own hurches and
more than 30 of our Pk: es h
from the centerfold to the Bunny business.
Job mobility between departments is
standard practice in the PLAYBOY organi-
zation, and several shapely secretaries
from our offices have forsaken short
for long satin Bunny cars. Reversi
route, cover girl Cynthia Maddox (N
1963 and February 1962), bounded from
the Chicago Club two у nd is
now our Assistant Cartoon Editor. Simi-
larly, doe-eyed Bunny-P Teddi
Smith (July 1960) has switched to a
receptionist’s post at PLAYBOY and is now
English lit for the avowed purpose of try
ing to crack our all-male editorial ranks.
Several alluring extras to Bunnydom
are now in the works. Among them: big
ny discounts on а national line of
mate. Apparel: special dramatic and
dance training for interested. Bunnies;
a monthly Bunny newspaper. and
National sorority for Bunnies. Addi-
tionally, the Clubs are now conferri
with several nation
who propose to become the Bunnies’
official hairdressers and make-up. artists
at little or no cost to the girls.
And, testing an idea that may later be
used in other Club cities. thy Chicago
Club has established a handsomely fur-
nished Bunny Dorm on the top floor
cosmetics firms.
of the Playboy Mansion. Desi as
temporary quarters for new and trans-
ferring Bunnies, the Dorm offers many
usc of the
modest 550
unique. privileges, includin,
Mansion's indoor sw
room and sun deck — all for
bunk fee a month.
At this point, if our calculations are
correct, some 50,000 young women who
we been pecking at their gentlemen's
copies of rLavnoy will ask, "Yes, but who
n be a Bunny?”
irl between the age:
nd 26 who is attractive, personable.
ent and of good character may
Eligibility extends to single,
married or divorced women, with or with-
out dependent
down lor re
presently have more tha colate
Bunnies” and our 11 Oriental Bunnies
e particularly in the limelight this year
cording to the Chinese calendar,
is “The Year of the Rabbi
Statistically, the aver: boy Club
Bunny is five fect four, weighs 116 pound
high-school graduates and 41 percent
of them have had some college study.
Once а Bunny applicant 1
screened and accepted for t
the girls as "Bunny Boot Camp"— a we
long professional finishing course guided
Bunny Manual, the bible of her busi
ness. and is checked on poise, posture,
make-up and speech.
Home for an evening with the Bunny
Manual the атай, irns, among other
things, that she is far safer working in a
Playboy Club than she was in whatever
job she came hom. H a keybolder gets
overly affectionate with her, he stands to
forfeit his Club key. Sh
to date Club keyholders or employees. or
to give her last name or phone number to
them — and outside personnel consult
its periodically check to make sure that
she doesn't. (The management isn't
tic— we just want the Clubs to
their good repu
t her job. a Bunny's cone
y keyholder,)
On her second school day. the Bunny
to-be is introduced. probably for the first
time in her life, to а fully laden service
пау and quickly learns how но! to carry
it. (Very few Bunnies have had previous
bar experience and the Clubs prefer it
that way. since “old hands” generally
must be broken of poor service habi
s not permitted
re of eve
picked up i E
During the rest of the week. she prac-
tices aspect of the specialized
service tech that make Playboy
Club keyl Ше most pamp
patrons, and Bunnies the highest pai
hostesses nightclub history. She lc:
for instance:
How to li сие withou
obstruct his view of the lady at his
Wherc to go if her droops. (Section
521.7 of the Bunny Manual states: “The
wardrobe mistress has a supply of cottor
tails, and will replace . . .")
Why Table Bunnies never have to ask
that conversation-ruining question:
folks, who gets wi
3521.14.3, Paragraph A
g with the
e left and proceeding
What the Clubs think mee
polish. (Section 521.8: "Avoid extremes in
ke-up styling. Do not use white lip
. or gold, green and other far-out-
Why Bunnies may not drink water іп
front of Club guests. (Section. 521.2.2
ble to distinguish whether
g lemonade or a tom
s may drink nonalco-
rnish 90 types of fancy
n 521.15, Par:
8... Bunn
apple. lime circle: tall straws. Sidecar —
Rim glass with lime and frost with sugar.)
How to identify 143 bottled brands,
bons. and
521.15. Paragraph
п case your party asks for his drink
nc, it is your job to know these
Why there are so many rules in the
Bunny Manual. (Section 521.2. Paragraph
Ас “The rules and regulations in this
booklet have been designed to make
absolutely sure that Playboy Club Bun-
nies will always enjoy excellent reputa-
ally, after written exams, fittings for
her Bunny costume, a medical check-up,
ke-up and hairstyling appointments,
e Bunny trainee is, at week's end. ready
to make her first appearance in the Club.
She may start on straight salary as a
Checkroom Bunny, Gift Shop Bunny, or
Door Bunny. Or she may work as a Photo
Bunny or Bumper Pool Bunny (if she
Knows the game). Or, if she is one of the
Club's 67 foreign-born Bunnies, she may
tend tables in the elegant V. I. P. Rooms
(lor Very Important Playboys) of the New
York and Chicago Clubs.
While much has been said about the
“Bunny image"— both by us and the
s—anyone who has ever worked
h s is immediately struck. by
i ssible individuality, аз a look
1g press clips on three
hei Pi
behind the follow
ago Bunny Car-
rion owns her own completely
furnished home in her native city of
Guayaquil, Ecuador. It was one of the
rizes she won as ‘Miss Ecuador." ™
Background: Carmita, 26, is the daugh-
of a well-to-do family and heiress to
Bim, Bam, Boom. € quil's answer to
Coney Island. Educated by pi
nish, French a
hundred Bun,
) Adventurous, she
Bunny because “It was unlike anything
I'd ever dom
Пет: “One СІ
icago Bunny plans to
retire at 30: she has already bought an
580,000 apartment building on her tips."
Background: When she had to drop out
of De Paul University for lack of fund
Suc Gin, 22, took two jobs — one as а sec-
retary, one as a Bunny, She now owns not
one, but three apartment buildings and
looks forward to resu academic
pursuits. She speaks ds Spanish
d Chinese.
Пет: “Most embarrassed guy we know
is world's pocket billiard champ. Willi
Mosconi. He was trounced five times by
shapely Bunny Kathy Greenlee, champ of
the Playboy Club's unusual bumper pool
table set."
Background: Pretty, serious Kathy, 21,
ted tops in her class at Fort Mason,
became a Bunny to help put her
ister Kelly through college, plans to
take a degree in music later. Off duty, she
manages a modern apartment house on
Chicago's Near North Side, shares a
evel pad with two other Bun-
- A voracious reader and chess buff,
she learned pool for kicks during Bunny
breaks, chalks up her incredible skill at
the game to "I'm a chronic
Other Bum
s have equally varied
Tucker, 19, is tri-
model and nurse.
New Orleans Ви
was born in H;
the University of H
y Ruth Iwersen, 25,
y. attended
mburg for two years,
former dental assistant
In St, Louis, Bunny Sharon McCarty,
is a former departmencstore detec-
tive: and Bunny Vicky Quinton, 23, wrote
а column for an Oklahoma weekly 10
ycars ago.
At the Phoeni псу
Dusit former head bank teller,
and g in
national’s Operation Bikini with Tab
Hunter and Frankie Avalon:
Georgi Edwards, 29, a former
ar and was Miss New Mexico in
1961 Miss Universe contest: and
y Sandy Ferguson, 25, has been it
° double for Barbara Stanwyck and
Among Bunnies, 21-year-old
Jean Cannon is a former Playmate (Octo-
ber 1961), acrobatic dance instructor, and
ssional dress designer: British-born
role Collins, 24, was a professional
i and played the Pigalle Theater
urant in London for a year in ber
own underwater act; Judy Ситу, 28, 1
one year to go on a teaching degree, is an
expert sportscar mechanic Nanci Lee
Furnish, 22, is a former dancer, and “bid
man” for à construction firm: and Rosc-
mary Jones, 23, holds a B.A, from Leeds
College, England, has traveled exten-
sively, and worked on a kibbutz in Israel.
In the New York Club, Bunny М
Anderson, a native of Norway, is part
owner of a Long Island beauty salon, and
previously worked as a traveling govern-
ess; Bunny N r, 20, is a Dean's
List junior at Barnard College; Bunny
Sheralee Conne was a Playmate
(July 1961) and rravmov cover girl
(December 1962), has taught modern
dance, plays classical piano. does TV
modeling, was recently promoted to part-
time Bunny Mothe atal Bunny
Sienna Wong, 25, a graduate of Barry
College, is a former actress, and a serious
student of Yoga.
Ш our sampler makes Bunnies seem too
good to be true, their quiet endeavors
the field of charity and social work кесі
even more so. To begin with, every Bunny
contributes a dollar cach week (plus
dollar for every night she carns more thi
550) to support 26 European
orphans through the Foster P: j
hey re like bout their little
kids," observed Chic Bunny Mother
Adrienne Foote, “They pore over letter
from or about these childre
hope to bring some of the older ones over
to the U.S."
Further, in every Club city, Playlx
personnel are consistently 100-percent
contributors to annual combined charity
drives and donate freely of their ii
to fund-raising events held in the Clubs.
Individual examples of responsible
social work abound Bunnie:
New York Bunny Marilyn Aguiar docs
volunteer. work in Bellevue Hospital's
psychiatric section; St. Louis Bunny
Marilyn Shaw organized and runs a toys
for-tots project; Chicago Bunny She
Winters is Junior Gray Lady with
the Red Cross; New Orleans Bunny Pat
Phillips works at St. Vincent's Infant
Asylum in her spare time; Miami Bunny
Juliet Buttita is an off-hours nurse's aide
Considering all the remarkable attr
butes of Bunnies, both on and oll th
job. it is hard to believe that anyone
could dislike them. Yet there are people
who do. In fact, there are a few ind
uals who practically have made
out of Bunny baiting.
Among them are а handful of sadly
confused housewives who automatically
equate youthful beauty with sin and
whose complaints about those “lewd and
obscene" Bunny costumes prove they are
out of touch with modern fashions in
beach and streetwear, Naturally, few of
them any hrsthand knowledge of
our “dens of iniquity
Lamentably, there
highly placed politicians who, in turn
equate the hue and cry of self-appointed
watchdogs with the voice of the people
Their impulse is to vote bluc-"noes" first,
get the facts later.
s à result, the Clubs have been forced
to institute a number of bothersome —
mately victorious — court action
ide licensing denials in Arizo
Maryland and New York. Also. not sur
singly, Bunnics, like books, have had
the honor of being banned in Boston
In the Boston , members of the
state’s Alcoholic Bev Commission —
or most of them, at any rate—took one
look ata costumed Bunny and down went
their thumbs. One commission member
. and. now
also a [ew
122 the New York Clu
didn't even dare to look.
turned his chair around and stared at
a wall during the presentation. But he
yoted against the Bunnies just the same.
It remained, however, for still another
commissioner to make (he classic state-
ment on Playboy Clubs; they are, he said
definitely not a place to take
ns were announced for a
San Francisco Club, the local police chief,
Thomas Cahill, came on like a Wild
West sherill of bygone days, warning the
hombres at the Club to expect trouble
in his town. “Fm concerned about a club
with flimsily dressed. girls operating b
hind closed doors,” said Cahill. “The
police couldn't get easy access to check
the action."
Го this, SF. columnist Jim Elliott
good-naturedly added: "Mr. Hefner says
the police would not have to buy a key
10 get in. Alb they would have to do
is identify themselves. So maybe Chief
Cahill is not so worried about getting hi
officers in as he is about getting them
back out again."
Fortunately, impartial j not
Bunniphobes, have the last word on
Club licenses. "Thus, after Arizona's
licensing commissioner vetoed a local
decision to transfer a license to our
Phoenix Club, Superior Court Justice
Fred J. Hyder emphatically overruled
the commissioner and ordered the license
granted. “The public convenience,”
Judge Hyder opined, “does require and
the best interests of the community
would be served by the transfer of the
cense commissioner refused to grant our
Gotham Club a cabaret license because
he objected to “its scantily dad w
reser" he was reversed by New York
State Supreme Court Justice Arthur G.
Klein. Declared the judge: “If the li-
cense commissioner, in his own mind,
equates the Bunnies’ work clothes with
seminudity and . . . even prog
esses to
the point where they become
mous with nudity, that too, is at most
merely unfortunate. To satisfy his per-
sonal moral code, it is not incumbent
upon the petitioner to dress its female
employees in middy blouses, gymnasium
bloomers, turtleneck sweaters, fisherman's
hip boots or ankle-length overcoats.
Interestingly, the innocence of the
Bunny business has driven would-be ex-
posé artists to resort to the "scandal
switch," as it’s called in the trade. Finding
ng evil or improper, the exposé
simply pulls the switch and "ex-
the fact that there is nothing
wrong. Hence, all (hi inti
our look-butdon'ttouch policy concern-
ing Bunnies — ав if the finger pointers
really would prefer our policy to be
otherwise. Thus tsked Cue magazine of
+ s it stands as a
monument to peculiarly American fears
and yearnings, Our ambivalence toward
sex is accommodated in the acres of tan-
talizing flesh undulating before us, hardly
a pinch away — but mustn't touch.”
But what about those controversial
Bunny costumes? Do they really leave
too much to be desired? “Not as much,”
observed Time, "as the waitr
Kansas City's prewar Chesterfield Club,
who wore no clothes at all."
Far from being a Chesterfield coat of
tan, the Bunny costume actually covers
more square inches of decidedly unsquare
femininity than would the average bath-
ing suit. "On the French Riviera,”
quipped Dick Gregory, “they'd be con-
dered Brooks Brothers.” (In fact, Greg-
ory, who got his start through the Playboy
Clubs, sees the Bunny outfits as a devilish
instrument of efficiency: "You sec those
couon-tails on the southern end of the
Bunnies? They're not there just to look
cute. They keep the girls from sitting
down on the job")
More seriously i
out, is the theor
tended, but equally
propounded by one
unnamed psychologist who feels that
Playboy Club guests are in real danger
of confusing Bunnies with bunnies: “The
girls are dressed symbolically as bunnies
is а feeling that the girls are pets.
Top contemporary writers have
felt compelled to ponder the Bunny
b . Nelson Algren, who devotes а
chapter to criticizing the PLAYBOY con-
cept in his new book Who Lost ап
Americam? viewed the costume with
nce makes the heart con.
temptuous, and PLAYBOY combines both
by pinning a tail on a girl's behind. This
not to make her cute, but to encour
¢ contempt for her. . . . The force be-
hind Hefner's image of woman is one of
contempt born of deepest fear. What he
is selling is Cotton Mather Puritanism
in a bunny outfit."
Norman Mailer, writing іп Esquire,
disagrees, He also finds the Bunny suit
suggestive, but in a b. gic sort
of way: "The Bunnies went by in their
costumes, electricblue silk, Kelly-green,
flame-pink, pinups from а magazine,
faces painted into sweetmeats, flower
tops, tame lynx, piggie, poodle, a queen
or two from t. They wore
а Gay Nineties rig which exaggerated
their hips, bound their waists in а cein-
ture, and lifted them into а phallic bras
siere — each. breast looked like the big
bullet on the front bumper of a Cadillac.
Long black stockings, long long stock-
ings, up almost to the waist on cach
side, and to the back, on the curve of
the can, as if ejected tenderly from the
body, was a puff of chastity, a little
white ball of a bunny's tail which bob-
bled as they walked . . . the Playboy
Club was the place for тары...”
PLAYBOY execs — and. Bunnies — keep
wondering why our friends and critics, in
their search for the meaning of the Bunny
outfit, always overlook the obvious: (1)
PLAYBOY magazine's emblem is à sophisti
cated rabbit; (2) That's why Playboy Club
hostesses are called Bu (3) Th
costumes were designed to follow
through on the rabbit theme while serv-
ing as a figure-flattering and practical
work suit. It’s as simple as 1-23.
As for the peculiar complaint that the
costume holds Bunnies up to contempt,
anyone who has visited a Playboy Club
may think otherwise. “The Bunny cos
tume,” says Hugh Hefner, “
gitl look attractive and an attractive girl
look beautiful.” Bunnies ag
Not that Bunnies aren't really attrac-
tive — and quite sexy —to start with. They
are, of course, as their very vital statistics
vest. But there is as much difference
ness. Neither extreme is permitted in
any Playboy Club. In fact, the Bunny
eful, back-bending style used
when delivering
drinks, was created to keep an interest-
ing view from becoming a sensational
опе. As that martini-dry wit, Dick Havil-
land tells it to Playboy Club audiences:
“These girls are so well-endowed that
they have to be careful not to spill them-
selves all over the drinks.”
Even without unsolicited plugs from
license. commissioners, the Bunny. suit
nd matching satin cars comprise the
most successful piece of image building
n nightclub history.
Hundreds of requests to borrow Bunny
costumes are given a polite but blanket
turndown ey
The New
locks costumes durin;
Mardi „ yet scores of ingenious copies
pop up in rollicking parades all the same.
On network television, Bunny outfits
have replaced. floorwalkei ays as
the funny costume for comedy skits, with
everyone from real Bunnies to Jackie
Gleason's entire male chorus appearing
in cars.
Bunny-ear chapeaux, priced upward
of $75, sprouted like rabbitweed along
Fifth Avenue after The New Yorker ran
a full-page cartoon of two women eving
a Bunny-cared bride. The caption: “He
met her ago key club, I
If published cartoons arc a gauge of
public awareness, the world must be hip.
to our hoppers. Without mention of the
Clubs that gave rise to the image, Punch —
the great grandsire of all humor mag
zines— recently devoted a full page to
captionless cartoons of "Nightlife Bur
nies," (Sample: An irate diner complain
ing about a Bunny ear in his soup.)
Elsewhere, MacLean’s pictured а
Playboy Bunny sitti iting attention
some СІ
n's office; Look had a
dumpy matron in Bunny costume, carry-
ing martini, greeting her husband on
the doorstep, at the end of the day, with
“Welcome to your private key clul
Post featured а switch on the classic
errant daughter. cartoon —a Playboy
Club doorman sternly ordering a huge
bunny rabbit and her brood out into the
cold, cruel world; Panic Button, a
madian satirical magazine, ram а wel-
known photo of Hefner, surrounded by
Bunnies, g matteroffactly, "It's а
1 PLAYBOY imitators have
put Bunnies on the moon, Bunnies on
New York Times subway ads, [at Bun-
nies in two-bit saloons, and little bunnies
bouncing into, out of, and around Play.
boy Clubs.
Bunnies have also busted into political
cartoons: A recent McNaught Syndicate
Bunny locked
mmon Mar
іш а veterinari
living": seve
sketch showed Europe a
behind the door to d
ket Key Club — Members. Only.” The
Club's doorman, Charles DeGaulle, is
shooing away non-member Harold. Mac-
millan, saying, "Go get your own Bun-
The Bunnies have also made the fun-
nics. The best: A Sunday өшір of Miss
Peach detailing the inside operation of
malevolent Marcia's Kelly School Key
Klub (Membership — 5¢). When her fel-
low students discover that there is noth-
ing inside the Klub but caged hamsters,
Marcia snarls, “What didja expect for a
lousy nickel — Bunnies?"
If you've caught the 4:40 to Westport,
or the show at the Playboy Club lately,
you already know that Bunny jokes, of
low and uncertain origin, have been mul-
tiplying at an alarming rate. Stop us if
you've heard the one abou
The little Texan who wanted a bunny
Tor his birthday, so his daddy bought him
the franchise for the Dallas Playboy Club.
the Rus:
with a sports car
Bunny to the moon in
Or, the definition of a buxom Bunny
deaning up a spilled drink: A flopsy,
mopsy cottontail.
Or the Bunny who failed her rabbit test.
Or, the English Bunny who rolled her
ıs, but only when she wore high heels.
Gags aside, famed columnist Art Buch-
wald summed up the whole Bunny busi-
ness pretty well: "Since it’s all in good
American [un and there is no hanky-
panky permitted, Hefner has one of the
most successful nightclub operations in
the U.S."
Well sc
Hefner's space race а
stereo set
ns to shoot a
he's crossing
ad on that. Aud so will the
Bunny applications may be obtained
from Playboy Clubs Iniernational, Per-
sonnel Department, 232 East Ohio St,
Chicago 11, Hl.
ho rede
Won trig
gives the big protection,
stroke for stroke, you дер
with Brake. It's the big
protection a big man Needs
Letitia (continued [rom page 88)
—vide Edna Kenton, an early Feminist
in a Mother Hubbard who was nabbed
by the police on Michigan Avenue.
The only female anatomy legally p
миса in polite arcas was that of
Annette Kellermann. Miss Kellermann's
delightful shape, every bulge accented
by uncompromising tights, had held
Chicago audiences spellbound, if be-
lore an import from Mars.
It was an hour's streetcar ride to
Marjy Currys studio on Stony Island
Avenue. We stood up all the way,
pressed against cach other by fellow
standees, and talked. I told her about
jy. She had been divorced. recently
from Floyd Dell, the novelist, who had
certainly ruined himself as a writer by
migrating to New York City, Ev
(the Little Review) knew that New York
a place where artists ended up.
wearing price tags for souls. Marjy ran
а sort ol salon where you could talk
vour head off and cat free.
“It sounds divine,” Letty said. "I adore
artists, writers most of all. They have
to be clearh
“Not nece ] said.
Letty looked at me intently. "You
haven't asked me about my sickness, 1
n my craziness. Why have
"d forgotten about it,” Is
truc, The weepi
ш girl's head, the case
de tri
his wa
cling the
history of two su
оГ my streetcar companion.
think so. Artists (un-
kuown ones) went for months without
looking at a newspaper. Sherwood An-
d. "There's more honest
tomato«can label than
n а week of newspapers? His
hadn't appeared yet in print.
Letty la ud you've for-
gotten about how 1 was. Because I have,
too. I'm all well now. Happy and healed
inside. Look how clear my eyes are —
without tears,” She smiled merrily at me.
Letty’s debut at М
iting event. We arrived early so there
e only a [ew chopsuey fanciers on
deck Marjy always served. chop sues
information oti
in a corner,
t nothing. This
Theodore Dreiser who had pub-
lished two novels that had been har-
pooned by censors and critic. Mrs.
Dawson, literary critic of the New York
Globe, had voiced the bruised feelings
of New York's literary guardians — “Мг.
would do better if he confined
to toilet walls, a much more
ріне dor talent than the
pages of a book." I remember Mrs. Daw-
son's quote quite well, for a few years
later she greeted my first novel, Erik
Dorn, with the same pronouncement.
But Dreiser w g at no memory
of Madam Dawson this evening. He
had other troubles. Tha ving
of boils on his neck, and beside him
t а pretty brunette whose father, a
ominent Chicago jeweler, had vowed
ve the toilet-wall Balzac up before
his daught
id of the la
to 1
a judge for corrupting
At the other
room sat my friend Swatty— Sherwood
Anderson. Officially he was still a copy-
writer for the advertising firm of Taylor-
Critchfield and Co. But he ignored this
lowest of identities. Unpublished and
unknown, he was still our Great Novel-
ist. "We had the hang of him, long cre
Fellow can
Sherwood had told n
everybody thinks he's a tue arti
use he doesn’t believe in marriage:
the Little Review.
sood Ander-
son memories but T'I write only of the
Sherwood who participated in Letty's
greenlit story. This was his lover's side.
He was in his 30s, blackeyed, heavy
featured, with a wiglike dump of black
but soft-bodied. He looked
Italian barber but he exuded
a royalist. It was по barber who
spoke but а moony sort of Socrates. His
voice was full of caress and the smack
of infinite superiority. Го what? To
everyone who wasn’t Sherwood Ander-
son. He held out a hand
and fluttered it as if he were patting
fant on its head, the infant being
his listener or, possibly, the world.
wooer of women, Sherwood w
ity. He refused to open
doors for them and allow them first
entrance, or let them finish a sentence.
"Women are at their best as receptacles.
Dancing, roller sk s nug-
ging, and kindred sexual preliminaries
were not for him. “Boys fondle, me
fornicate.” As far as Т could make out
from watching a few of his courtships,
Sherwood made no prom id no
compliments. He explained that he
scorned all sensual outposts and went
after the soul of his quarry. Aud he
didn't even do that. He permitted the
y girl to see his soul and bask in its
fine harmonies. Purring in the candle-
Hight of his Cass Street hall bedroom, he
offered himself as a шан of mystery
and geni always surprised
the way girls fell into the vortex of his
ego — without ask word.
1 was
even for a
of love or a free meal. "1 dislike going
to bed with burglars, however pretty
they are
"The other Marjyguest who high-dived
into Letty’
our cubistic nightingale, was
blondish, pale cyes rolled up
t grimace of derision, seve
vady missing; but a handsome
t seemed to peer out of a lost land
of poets, His clothes were unpressed and
unchanged. He smoked a corncob pipe
nd favored a sewer-smelling tobacco
that cost a nickel a pound. With seldom a
coin in his pocket, he loped through the
day d, stalking hors d'oeuvres
ied a moldy brief case bulg-
i with all the poems he had written
(попе of them yet sold) and a change of
socks. Take my word lor it, they were
fine poems. “Нег emotions were like
dried fruit in a paper bag,” “Your smile
throne," "You draw my heart
about you like a cloak,” “The tr
naked in the blue tomb of ai
worship light nd mimic fireflies,”
‘Then there came, the ghost sword of
your name," "Fear trembles and raises
the shield of adoration,” “The man, part-
ing with his cornet in а pawn shop, walks
away —a swindled Gabriel,” “Dear Co-
queue, your eyes are filled with the
sparkle of dead loves”...
's poems are part of Letty's story.
is my
е до scamper around her like
kittens for petting. But 1 have another
reason, also, for quoting them. They
were as much a part of my youth as
the deeds of evil and despair I tracked
down lor Mr. Mahoney. Yes, they were
fine poems, although few people were
ever to think so to the day 40 years later
put an
wino of
when а nutty sailor with a gu
end to the poetry-spawning
Greenwich Village — homeless,
Мах Bodenheim.
But even in his pr
а irritant that
uy youth,
wed him many а
sults — cluck-
па screeching, joyfully
at his own wit. He also stamped his
foot and slapped his thigh during his
epic utterances. | don't deride the
They were good. I heard no brighter
la in that time. To critic Burton
Rascoe he said, "You erect ingenious
pedestals for your D| " To critic
You are
Llewellyn Joi
mental skeleton
To critic H. L. Mencken he
anesthetic of malice has put your own
soul to sleep and set it to snoring
essay form.”
But there
Bosic's unpopularity tha
s he said,
larger reason lor
able doors.
courting, usually by
nd s know
ry. И encouraged. by a
e be simper
ever seen anyone who could
distort his face into so maudlin and
obscene an ogle. Any subsequent move
š out of innumer
e began h
à silence
ате a
by the girl to further their acquaintance
s considered by Bogie an invitation
diate coha
ensued as
lost wrestling
to enlighten him. He
€ shiners and bloody
: to such two-faced
hypocrisy. A h
tches failed
continued to acqu
noses im his hom.
daughters of. Venus.
But Bogie had another way of wooing.
Stirred by a female sigh rather than by
a stretch of stocking, he could change
from rapist into troubadour, become
fmless as a guppy, chant and cluck his
poems to his adored by the hour, and
sk of her only the privilege of letting
his heart break in her presence.
It was in front of a purring Sherwood
Anderson and a cackling Maxwell Boden-
heim that my companion removed her
oat From the silence (hat came
upon my two friends I knew Letty had
made the grade in our lite
Letty in her
jersey was a shapely
breasts than are usually affixed to a
пег. D stared in silence as did the
other two literateurs, and 1 could feel,
embarrassedly, the sumeness of our mind
fronted in а room with an un-
vered female, the male response, young
or old, seldom varies. His response is
tory and
Mons Ven
utedates his awe
is preceded. all
. "The promise of fine diversion har-
poons him and he is halfway into the
bedroom with his first look. But nudity
is not only a door flung open. It is also
door forever closed. Beyond the con-
the m
, the womb-cathedral
to a hu
ideal place for
tours of flesh
of which he is bor
that converts pleasure
And what an
pronounced as he howed slowly,
"Your body, Miss Ekart, is a closed fan.
Sherwood spoke in long robed words,
how naked a girl is, she
is ne
rom the other ci
Dreiser's petulant vo
Fd been invited to a burlesque show.
Good Marjy with her schoolteache
face said. “A female body is no novelty
to me. Ive got one myself” It was
tly true.
Lettys snow-blonde hair and black-
tighted shape sat down before a bowl
of chop suey. Her eyes sparkled as she
looked at cach of us. Then she laughed.
Her opened mouth and the wild grimace
of joy were the head she had modeled
in the asylum.
Her laughter became part of my
We met in hotel lobbies. police stations
in the Little Review office with its sub-
way jam of poets and iconoclasis, nearly
all of them young, and at loggerheads
with the Universe. We prowled second-
hand bookstores (Powner's) in search of
stowaway first editions. With luck, Tam
erlane and Other Poems by a Boston
gentlem A. Poe) could be bought
lor а dime and resold for 55000. We sat
in Szukalski's Wabash Avenue home
where stood his marvelous statues, a loft
void of food, heat and furniture. We
ate buckets of Marjy’s chop suey, and
hacked the puritanical Age of
Orchestra Hall to watch Harold. Lloyd
on the screen falling out of windows. We
for hered іп Sherwood's Cass Street
bedroom to listen
rejected т
іш opera
1 these places Letty’s
laughter continued. “Wouldn't they be
surprised to learn I'm а lun
an asylum? And, even more,
rehearsals. And.
float out of windows, and strip people
naked by thinking their clothes. off?
I read Letty my new contribution to
the Little Review in the Blue Fountain
room of the La Salle Hotel where a single
meal meant bankruptcy — "Beware. the
hopelessly sane . . . Sanity is the social
burlap bag into which we stick our
heads . . . Freedom is fun but it mean
Often the artist who grows its
cs а mosquito nibbling o
«d ball
We went ice sk;
as circled the
blazed on its
edge. ccordion player
wheezed out merry and. nostalgic pieces.
Hands crossed, Letty and I skated to-
gether in а tangle of flitting fi
Here 1 became fretful and inquisitive.
No word of love had been said between
us, no intimacy attempted. or dreamed
of by We had shared only laughter
and words. But suddenly Т was invaded
by longing and jealousy.
She answered my inquiries with amuse-
as we skated.
Sherwood is wonderfully patient.
When we're alone he reads me one of
his Winesburg. Ohio stories the same way
my father reads out of the Gospels to hi
Su ation, After he finishes
Ou = Ae
“Oh, Mother! Yowre not showing him that old. picture
of me on the bearskin rug!
his reading. Sherwood waits for me to
fall into his arms And when 1 don't
he's a little sorry for me for missing so
n opportunity. And he talks to me
gurgle of his about my soul. He
"t think it's working right because
I keep it under a blanket. Alone, He
doesn't approve of girls sleeping alone.”
“Has he joined you
"God no,” Letty shivered, "I'd rather
o to bed with a crocodile.
I was partially convinced.
“Bogie is much less boring" Letty
said. “He calls on me at my home and
always hows when he sees me. Way over,
s if he were going to do an arabesqu
My father finds him very interesti
thinks Bogie looks like the Hofmann
ing of Christ. He does. too.
ne he behaves otherwise.
“He behaves beautifully,” Letty said.
“He holds my haud and recites new
poems to me, and h fill with t
"No grabbin
No." Le 1. "he says he will never
touch me until 1 say I love him
“An ambuscade
Letty’s laughter. brought grins to the
other skaters Mittened hands waved
at hı
"Do you talk to Sherwood and Bogie
ах you do to me?" | asked.
Letty said, “I don’t say anything
except to praise them."
"Why don't you praise me some
I asked.
“You don't need praise,” Letty said.
1 had never heard a morc flattering opin-
ion. I felt like another Nietzsche, but
my heartache, also,
ughing. And how could one seduce а
1 so high an opinion of one?
another barrier, ап odd onc.
oticing the healed cut on her
wrist. It was hard to kiss a girl so full
of scerets.
A week liter we shared an adventure.
Bogie and | had been engaged by the
go Book and Play Club to debate
before its monthly gathering. We had
each been given a 5100 check in advance.
Letty came with us to bunker Loeb's
South Side m n where the city's finest
d assembled to hear "two young mod-
e their startling literary
theories" (read. the Club's nounce-
ment). Jt was the same banker Loeb
whose son later filled the headlines as
Leopold's thrill-murder colle
Some 200 tuxedos and evening gowns
occupied the little gilt chairs іп the
Loeb ballroom. Peeking at them from an.
eroom, Bogie said, "Their look of
tolerance is faintly nauscating even with
$100 as smelling salts.” We were escorted
to а small platform facing the gilt chairs.
Letty was first at bat. Her beauty
literary topic (of cur own choo
netted her a round of
bowed and spoke:
pplause. She
“Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Несін and
the follow-
Mr. Bodenheim have chose
g subject to debate — Resolved:
ple who attend literary debates
Mr. Hecht will take the affirmativ
1 stood up to a bit of confused hand-
i nd studied the audience in si
lence for as long as Í could. Finally, with
а gesture at the Club, ] turned to Bogie
and said, “I rest my case.”
Bogie stood up promptly and ogled
the member a full minute. Then
he turned to me and said, “You win.
The three of us fled the mansion as
robbing an apple orchard.
y laughing loudly and Bogie сту
triumphantly, “Oh boy! Oh boy!" Clutch-
ing the bills in my pocket, I felt chiefly
the glow of riches.
Letty and I sat under the crystal cha
deliers of the Blackstone Hotel's main
dining room. My 5100 fee as a debater
had provided. of high-toned d
version. I ordered the most expensive
dishes on the menu, and a botile of Cha-
шаш Yquem, а name 1 had encountered
in George Moore's Най and. Farewell.
Sherwood's going to join us," I said.
“1 didn't particularly want him bur he
insisted. He said he had something i
portant to tell me.”
remained v
1 asked. “You s the first
plume on a hearse. You've been like
at nearly all we
"Em sorry," Letty said.
The string orchestra started a Lanier
walu. Our ornamental waiter brought
food. Another dashin;
with a wine boule aud
cent. | felt on a sta . Pretty
music, waiter jackets,
George Moore's Chateau Yquem, a table-
ive as а bridal
v as gloomy
doth as white and impres
gown — where was ther
in the world?
1 looked at Letty a line from
Turgenev spoke. rt of another
ys darkness." Her eyes were fur-
is alwa
What is it
wine and tell me
"There's nothin
1 asked. "Drink your
ws to tell."
bellboy who knew me came to our
ble. “A telegram for you, sir." I re-
warded the “sir” with a lordly doll
The telegram said, FIND OUT YOURSELF
Us from Sherwood," I said, “apolo-
{ for being unable to join us.
hate him,” said Letty. “1 threw one
of his manuscripts into the fire. He
burned his hands rescuing it”
“What else
“I broke a window, I think," Letty
А sly look came to her.
“Was he trying to make love to you?”
Letty said, and took.
tender and
my hand. Her
frightened. 1 thou
when 1
stood with Letty
outside her Kenwood
and watched the ghostly storm.
Covered with snow, we embraced. 1
asted snow and tears when we kissed.
“Why are you crying?” I asked.
“Ivy not me who's crying,” Lett
s it like it was— before?" 1 asked.
"No, you're hi Letty said.
The tumeddown tragedy mouth
love you,” said. "Look, we've
almost disappeared in the snow. Nobody
scc us. Look, the trees are all white
and blooming with snow.”
I said, “Yes, the snow paints ghostly
summer on the tree
"b love vou," Letty said ag Her
face was а vanish light in the snow.
"I'll phone you tomorrow at your office.
Well be together all day and all night.
1 r run toward her front
door. An apparition called to me in a
faraway voice, "I'll phone you tomorrow,
darling. Wait for me."
ched he
1 sat motionless all the next day Ix
side my silent typewriter and stared out
ol the Journal's windows at the thick
snowfall. No call came from Letty, After
two months of odd, impersonal comrade-
ship I was suddenly pining for her voice.
1 was stranded without it. 1 thought of
how her face had changed [rom the
laughing one to the weeping one. То
change it back, to change it back. Lunacy
expert though Т was, I thought only of
the cure youth has for all ladies in dis-
alf, ulstered
and mufllered, drifted away. I remained,
а casualty, in the gloomy, light-speckled
room. In the darkness outside the win-
dows, the blizzard shone like a pem
nent monument. 1 knew that Agnes Wi
gone from her switchboard, and that
no phone could ving until morning. But
1 still waited for her voice. And, lo, а
miracle. A snow-bedecked Letty entered.
1 ran to her, stood in front of her
unable to speak, and piloted her speech
lessly to Bunny Hare's darkroom on the
fourth floor derelict of a floor
beyond any human alarms. And I had
noted my cot in Bunny's lair.
Inside the darkroom, I switched on the
red developing lamp and helped Letty
take oll her coat. We kissed and
on for a time, but her behavior confused
me. It varied from ardent clinging to
1t was
fanatic r а not uncommon
technique time when virtue wi
the pearl of great price. But there was
someth wilder in Letty than such
token defense of innocence. Letty fin;
spoke, "Not here, not here."
was slippery with tears. I p:
breath. and answered, “You don't have
to. anywhere.
I sat down on Вип
kneeled beside me
not be t I not stop
loving h would come to
my room tonight. [ stood up and apolo-
s army cot, Letty
а pleaded that I
sized for my surliness. "Come on, Letty.”
Letty said, “No, you go first. ІЛІ be there
“1'1 know then that I came to you.
Her voice begged, “Please love m
у you love me, want me, you want me.
“Гус been sick all day longing for
you" 1 sai
"E know," Letty whispered. "Me, too.
I had to come to you. | was so happy
when [ saw you all alone in that big
room, waiting for m
"Why can't we go together?"
“I can't" Letty said. “I must walk
away from the other onc alone. I must
her in the snow. She'll fall to her
knees in the snow and wail for mc. But
ГИ laugh. And keep walking to you."
She stood up. 1 remember her most as
she was that moment — a shadowy figure
in a dim, red mist, only her hair and
uncovered breasts in clear outline.
Wait lor me in your room,” she said.
“I have the address. Top floor at the
end of the h ng, wait for
mc. I'll come alon
And she was gone.
So I remember it. But memory is a
me-duck reporter of passion. As айка
h love or lust, it is the mind that rc-
members. not the scs. And toward the
dra ion, the mind is a spec-
t behind a post. I write
of Letty but the words I remember may
belong to others. I look at lines 1 wrote
іп my first youth —
was like a lighinir
glowed like the lanterns of a Bacchana
Of whom did I wri
buried. Anonymous cpitaphs rem:
remind me I once knew wondrous
Or, more likely, that | thought them
wondrous. And this odd one, Letty, was
among them.
I left Bunny Hare's darkroom
waded through the blizzard.
my room I worked excitedly tidy
up. Th nd waited. Chilled,
starved, Î wi
а second miracle — Lett
At midnight I still watched but 1 knew
th would be no Letty. Why had she
clung so rapturously and resisted so des-
perately; and wept with her bared breasts
B Her white thigh.
ched my open doorway for
glowing like erotic beacons? And fled
with words of love, only to fool me and
I knew why. Her craziness. I Lay any
with myself. Instead of pawing her like
itwitted seducer, why hadn't 1 asked
her questions about the wild things she
tcd — the other onc, the wailer in the
snow she wanted to leave behind. She
ad come to me out of some nightmare,
begging for sanity. And I had grabbed
only for pleasure. I'd be less selfish ne:
time. Yes, next time I would talk, talk;
keep my hands off her, wy to lead her
mind out of its nightmare.
I went to work the next morn
alerted Harry, the head copyboy. “I'm
pecting an important call. Be sure to
call me, no matter what I'm doing.”
My heartache and worry remained as
I wrote the lead weather story under
the seven column headline, CITY SURREN-
DERS TO BLUZARD. Remembering Letty's
fondness for rhyme, I intruded a few
quatrains into my account of the storm
—for her. One of them:
"A great white leop:
Over the rooftops, up and down
the sky
Trailing its ermine and its ivory,
The lithe, wind-footed snow creeps
I wrote another story, without rhymes,
the next morning about the suicide of
Letitia Ekart. Her body had been found
snowbank in Grant Park. Her
ad held an empty bottle with
a poison label A coroner's autopsy re-
vealed that the dead girl d swallowed
a lethal dose of bichloride of mercury
ng and
d. prowling
mal's readers nor the coroner that in
Bunny Hare's darkroom there were al
ways bottles of bichloride of mercury for
usc in his work. I шісі also not to
imagine during what moment of our
ing she had stolen the poison.
jy Currys New Years Eve party
¢ айайт. Only about a dozen
in the snow blockade to Stony
Island Avenue. So long ago, so faraway
at party, And all of its faces dead
but minc. But I sec it still, a little ghost
scene with lighted candles young,
undaunted voices noisy with laughter
nd debate, Chop suey and cups of egg.
nog. A piano playing and Monsieur
Dalmorcs of the Grand Opera Company
nging French street songs, and Lou
Wahl More doing one of her slow
Navajo Indian
1 look into this distant night for a
memory of Letty, only a few days in her
grave. Who spoke of her? Not Dreiser,
Mar} There is no
memory. We w ters turned
toward a new year. Except onc. Yes,
there was onc true poet among us, one
memorizer of griels — Bogie.
He sat ut and poured eggnogs
down his gullet as if it were bottomless.
pale face was filled with a sneer, his
and cars disdained our festive sce
music and laughter rose around
him, I heard him address the empty ai
“То Leti
about me are steeped in your remem-
brance, and shivering as they try to
speak of you.”
Some 45 years later I say a tardy
"Never mind the
long way from the Valley, aven' tcha?!"
buddy — you теа helluva
Perhaps someday with even more suff
will die and I will be
ady to come to you. But for now —"
d her dark figure slipped unseen into
the night.
She had dreams where Harry followed
her into hiding, bursting into the grimy,
black closet, lit by a single candle, that
had been her home for many years.
^I am old. What do you want with
me?” she cried, covering her face with а
threadbare shawl to hide the age that
had grown there
Ve are both old,” said Harry, remov.
ing her hands with his hands, à tear
matching her tear running down his
cheek. “It is time we went home."
She knew that none of this could ever
be, Too much life had come bewi
them. Harry was married and sepa
—she had heard that; now he was un-
doubtedly off on some new happiness.
What right had she to intrude? Turn up
like a bad penny? A forgotten page?
With all her vaunted suffering was she
still not his inferior? Was it her right to
inflict her sin-scarred soul on his sinless
опе? No, she decided, there could be
nothing in it but misery for both of
them. The maturing woman in her ad
vised her to remember Harry only as the
experience that set her life free; to go on
from there to new experiences, to new
and final Jove. The suffering woman in
her accepted the advice. She would never
see Harry again.
She rang his downstairs bell to tell him.
Georgette was always ar
ments of crisis. She spent the evening
smoking lightly. crossing and uncrossing
her legs in a relaxed manner and drink-
ing hardly at all. She began by explain-
ing to Harry why they must never sec
n. It seemed to go well.
She listened to the even sound of her
voice and remarked to herself, “Му, it’s
going well. It’s going awfully well.
tually seemed to be paying
It took several hours and
she was through they went to bed.
The next morning she felt empty.
Harry was gone, having left a note that.
said he wa
other anymore and that he had enjoyed
their friendship. The tone of the note
was wrong. She recalled the previous
g with embarrassment; it hadn't
gone well at all. She had ended by giving
а lecture, just as in the old d
could she expect Harry to unders
why they could no longer see cach other
unless she showed him the new Georgette
he could no longer sec? She w:
he came home to begin over again.
But it went just as badly. "Oh, God,"
she thought, "he's winding his w
Harry was tired. She was tired. They
s sorry they couldn't see cach
128 went to bed.
(continued from page
She stayed three weeks trying to cx-
. She cleaned house, cooked dinner
during the odd moments when
ry was there, talked about feeling
d giving and communication and con-
tact. The further away Harry drifted,
the more she blamed herself. She was
not getting through.
He was always polite. When he brought
dates home he said, "Stick around if you
want to." She always did, patiently wait-
ing for the girl to go home so that she at
last could properly tell why they
must never see each other again.
ch new morning she left his bed
ng her-
another rich experi-
ence, another triumph of suffering. But
she was not sullering and she knew it
She was eroding. Harry ignored her con-
ation completely: he barely noticed
n bed. That he satisfied her none-
theless had. become degrading.
"There's only one way I can get my
point across about how suflering has
changed me, Harry."
Terrific,” said Harry.
“Tam going to demonstrate to you that
I'm not the selfish, compulsive, oppor-
tunistic Georgette you used to know.
Harry was thumbing through a me
fashion magazine and did not answer.
“Tam going to prove that I'm not an
egoist. 1 am going to kill myself."
But Harry was too involved selecting
a fall wardrobe to respond. Later they
went to bed.
The mature woman in Georgette told
her that suicide was the only answer.
Harry would certainly get her message if
she killed herself. ‘The sensitive soul she
had failed 10 reveal would at last be
made known to him. Her death would
show what he might not have lost had
she only found a way to present her
‘ucts more cogently.
a going to kill myself, Harry. It's
the only way," she told him one morn-
ing. "I thought it out. Don't try to dis
ide me."
“You're crazy!” Harry laughed. At
moments like this he genuinely enjoyed
Im a failure."
“Youre а crazy kid."
He played in bed wi y
‘Talk like that charmed him thoroughly.
Her attempt to commit suicide was be-
ing as embarrassing as her attempts
ve Harry. Each morning she
bed with new ambition, Harry's warm
body beside her, a further thrust to the
completion of her plan. She was going to
rise from bed and then she was going to
do it; really do it. Her period of indeci-
sion was past She was finally in the
mood. Very soon now she was going to
rise from bed and then she was going to
do it. By nightfall she was back in bed —
waiting to sce if Harry would come home.
Would he be alone? Would he have a
date? Would it be proper to tell him her
plans while the date was there or should
she wait for her to leave?
One night, while having nothing bet-
ter to do, she wrote a suicide note:
Well, Harry, 1 told you and you
didn't believe те. By the time you
read this note I will be dead. I do
not ask that you cry for те. I don’t
deserve your tears. I only ask that
you absorb the lesson I am trying to
teach: that I тия die because I
have failed to make contact. 1 have
tried but 1 am not skilled enough
to make you know my feelings, You
have never really seen me, Harry.
You have never looked. But it is not
your fault, really. 1 was never there
10 be seen. I don't mean to criticize.
1 have suffered but I cannot com-
municate my suffering. However 1
try й comes oul self-pity. J wonder
as 1 sit here if this is the way it is
with all of us. There must be some-
thing more than words to express
the emotions that the best of words
don't seem able to. I do not know.
I'm only asking.
What is almost as beautiful as
уои. Harry? А baby. And why? Be-
cause it is new. Because it is virginal
and innocent and interested in
nothing but itself. A newly minted
anything has a beauty, and this is a
baby's beauty. But the moment life
begins to touch the baby it loses its
look of newness; it loses its inno-
cence. It grows away from perfec-
Life is an abrasive. The more you
come in contact with it, the more it
uglies you. To make contact is to
uglify. To give is to leave yourself
open, to leave yourself open is to be
hurt. Love, true love, is the act of
taking all these negative factors and
turning them into gold. To make
ugliness beauty; 10 make suffering
joyous: to make giving receiving.
People who do not make contact
do not live. They only exist. Exist
ing isn't living, Harry. We must
open our hearts to others if we are
I have tried and failed. If
you are ever to be happy you must
by and succeed. Give, Harry. Give,
give. give — or die.
I kill myself to teach you this
lesson. Do not try to read апу other
reason into my death. My career has
never been as successful. My finances
ате in perfect order. I have many
friends who love me. No, Harry, the
reason I give my life is to help you
10 give yours.
to live
I ask you not lo feel sorry. I teach
more by dying than 1 ever could by
living. 1 suppose in my heart I have
always been an educator.
With feeling,
Tt was rough — but it was only a first
g the note she knew she had
crossed over a line, The myth had taken
form; it now quite clear she was
going to do it. She even had a plan: she
would take a room in a hotel (the shape
of the room came alive belore her), wait
ning and the streets
then she would
- The tug of
d her final
e of Greek
y to tell him
on and started on a fina
three in the morning when she
d Harry was still not home.
ew he would not be back at all. It
left her the rest of the ht with noth-
ing to do. She reread her letter a number
of times. The first dozen times she cried;
the last few times it bored her. Her c
of purpose was diminishing. She tricd
television but there was nothing o
made herself а sandwich. She paced. She
searched the apartment for cigarettes.
After coffee she decided that if she was
ever going to kill herself she had better
do it now.
Tt was past four o'clock before Geor-
gette found a decent hotel. She was
shocked and annoyed: how must New
York seem to out-of-town visitors? Sullen
desk clerks, avaricious bellhops, dark,
urine-colored corridors with colorless
ding into colorless rooms;
1 on other windows;
had she jumped off one she couldn't have
len —she would have had to slide,
She had a dear idea of what she
needed: a room that was not just a hotel
room but a transition chamber. In it she
would move from one world into an-
other. That called for high ceilings with
ins, powder blue walls, a
andelier, E American furni-
ture (ап old writing desk in the corner),
exquisite hand-loomed rugs—and no
television. She required a view of a park
[from wi
h windows that opened
not make one stoop to
: needed а comfortable
ledge to balance on: she planned to bal-
ance for a long time and do nothing
but stare out at the park and feel life
rush at her, more vivid than it was be-
cause of her leaving it.
‘The room she finally settled on was a
compromise: it looked out on Bryant
Park and had traditional furniu
had television but at Georgette’s i
ence the management agreed to remove
it in the morning. Georgette said she
didn't care about the morning. she
wanted it out now. The night clerk said
he had no one on hand to do the job
and she would have to it. Georgette
said she would move it herself.
“Do as you like but you will be billed
if there is any damage," said the night
derk. Then he asked if she had luggage.
Georgette said no.
“Then I must ask you to pay in ad-
vance,” said the night clerk with quict
low much?" asked Georgette.
“Twenty-five dollars" said the night
“But I'm not ©
room all night,
The night
through her.
“TIL come back with lugg she
said. She was damned if she'd be taken
ven going to use the
said Georgette.
Clerk stared patiently
she couldn't
return to Harry's for z se. What if
he were home? She wasn't sure she'd
leave. Nor could she return to her own
apartment. She hadn't been there in a
month and to go now — to move through
Men! It’s
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her rooms, go through her closets, feel
her dresses, say goodbye to her jewelry —
nd then to find something out of order,
something she had always meant to
change, knowing she couldn't die with-
it, geuing down to work
1 the heat of activity letting thi
moment, slip away: be-
ded fixing. a waist
or a scam needed
needed tak
Enemies of her suicide lurked ever
where: the night clerk — her closets—
herself. She was not going to truckle
under. It had become a matter of prin-
ciple. She would not go home aud she
tel with
hout pay-
would get into that damned
out paying. She would die w
ing, Let the night clerk explain {hat to
his superiors!
She called Belle Manki
“Georgette, darling! Where in the
work! have you been?
"Belle, Fm sorry — did. I wa vous"
“No, we're all here playing ‘Lifeboat.’
t over here at once
“I can't, Belle. 1 have to ask you for
a favor
"Good God, darling; anvthing
"Can I borrow a suitcase
“Dear heart, are you all right?
"Please, Belle, I can't explain but 1
need a suitcase right away aud I just
don't have the energy left to go over to
your place and get it I'd be desperately
grateful if you'd bı to me at the
42nd Street nce of the Library.
"Is this a new game? Sounds mar-
velous! Where in God's name have you
been hiding?
Vill you bri
it, Belle? Please? Will
you bring
Belle Mankis and the Bluc Belles
descended on the Publ ary in a
squad. of ta А hi -
quite a time for themselves. They
bounced Georgette between them: sur-
rounded her im a wall of gossip, asked
many pointless questions and dem
that she join them on the weekend for
You must come Saturday." said Belle;
“everybody you know! You will come.
You will It’s settled. Not
another word. It's settled.”
“Where is the suitcase?
“Oh my God!” said Bell
You must.
wanted soi
in Ше momi
age shop on a d
section of 39th Street. She hurled а brick
Fifteen minutes later she registered at
the hotel and had her en to her
room. She gave the bellboy a dol
he helped her carry the television set
into the hall. The dawn was rising and
wdle than she
whether she
should call Harry for a last goodbye. She
dialed his number and got the
They told her
“Not the James Bond?!”
minute. Georgette
to think of other
couldn't. She wi
hed her
By the ti
ledge, it was morni
to Bryant Park, try
fix her eye on when she jumped. She
picked the clearing outline of an elm
uec. It looked peaceful: it looked com-
plete. As the sun rose, the tree's outline
sharpened, staring at Georgette as hard
as Georgette stared at it. She tried to
make the tree look like Harry, so that i
would be Harry she would be jumpii
toward. But the tree stayed a tree. She
flirted with
then stopping short. She w
mowing morning traffic to notice her.
She waited for cries of “Stop! Stop! You
have too much to live for!” She waited
for the cops and the priest to crawl out
on the ledge and talk to her; and she
would say. “Bring Harry." And Harry
hung up. She tried
people to call. She
t to the bathroom and
асс and combed her hai
me she stepped out on the
x. She looked across
210 choose a spot to
would be brought awash in tears, plead-
ing with her, begging her, crying —
tually «т I read your note,
Georgette. It was the most beautiful let-
ter I've ever read. Tt made me under-
stand everything. And it is more than
just a letter! It is literal
She came back to life feeling ashamed.
The morning wind chilled her. “I wish T
knew what I really wanted to do,” she
moaned gust of wind whipped
around the corner of the building and
she let it lift her off the ledge.
as а
Harry never read very much. Geor-
gette’s note lay around the apartment
for a weck before Gladys Fri
he had over to clean. found
swept the litter from the breakfast table.
"Do you want this note, Harry?" she
"What is
"I don't know. Do you want it?”
Harry took the note from her hand
rgette,” he remembered; “I guess
t heard from her іп months.”
certainly heard from me,
у adys Friend, picking the
note from his hand. They went to bed
nd Harry forgot about the note until
he found it raveled in the sheets the
next morning.
“Crary Georgette," he thought. For a
few moments he almost felt guilty.
“Crazy Georgette. 1 fondly: “she
sid I couldn't make contact. 1 feel
guilty, don't 12 Well, isn't that contact?
He congratulated himself on his refuta-
tion of her argument. If she had indeed
killed herself to help him find emotion
then she had not died in vain, Harry was
pleased with himself for the rest of the
But mixed with the pleasure was a re-
action he was unable to
loofly within h st
dentify. It hid
ng the surface:
а new feeling, familiar not because he
had ever experienced it but because he
had cither read about it or been told
about it or at some time been re of
its presence in others. It came and wei
Harry could not focus on it and this
angered him. It made him feel less than
himself, as if that were possible. He felt
doubt. And that, he suddenly realized,
was the feeling! Doubt! Sclf-doubt! In-
Harry had always accepted the fact
that everyone loved him: it was the
cornerstone of his life. But would a per-
son who truly loved him voluntarily
remove herself from the scene? What if
he had further use for her? Could any-
ually dismiss his needs?
t he saw the lic in Georgette's
le. She hadn't done it for him. She
had done it for herself. She hadn't given:
she had taken. It was not а love-filled
sacrifice but an act of petty selfishness,
ndictive egoism! She hadn't
thought of Harry when she took gas or
went out the window or did whatever
it she had thought only
of Georgette, of Georgette’s wants, of
Ccorgette's moods, of Georgette’s prob-
lems! She was spoiled rotten! It made
Harry sick to think of it
If Georgette could kill herself, then so
could any of the others. They could just
pick themselves up and say to hell with
Harry and go die! They could do what
they wanted to do, not what Harry
wanted them to do. And if that much
were true, how could he be sure that any
one really cared for him at all? АП those
gifts, all those declarations, a ily
He wasn't being given love! He was
robbed of love! Sucked dry! He
red hostilely at Gladys Friend as she
slept smugly beside him. He was being
used. Insecurity cracked like а whip
through his body.
He studied the sleeping Gladys. What
was she smiling at? What was she think-
ing? M she was a separate person, she had
separate ideas. She had her own per-
sonality. She probably even came from
а family. Harry tied to remember if
Georgette had a family. Nothing came to
him. He tried to remember her face. He
couldn't. He had never looked at her.
ned away from Gladys and closed
s eyes. What color hair did she have?
Blonde, по, brunette, no — he checked,
Her hair was brown. Well, he was close,
He felt like a lost child in
city. Who were these strangers out there
who had talked of love and lied to him?
How could he find out? He couldn't ask:
he no longer trusted anyone to give an
honest answer. He would have to be
devious, indirect, learn as much as he
could through other, less crucial ques-
tions. It was а job that required careful
observation and evaluation; and it could
ccomplished in only one way —
Ccorgctte's way: he would have to make
‘These thoughts did not come all at
once. They struck in tortured droplets —
a few cach day. He tried to keep them in
order, define them onc by one and store
them for further usc. But he had no back-
round to work with. Insights trickled
through and toured unorganized through
awakening imagination,
He attempted to shift focus: to force
his attention on the world outside him.
But it held only for
snapped back like a spri
Gladys Friend by asking her questions.
“Do you have a job or somethin;
He was determined to make а break-
“How wonderful of you to ask! Em a
noment and then.
таст а
m a writer."
He'd begin by pretending to an in-
terest in pcople. The first week for two
hours a day; the second week, four hours
1 time perhaps it would become
long have you becn working
? [ work here. In the
room. You must have heard me type.
What did Gladys really feel? How
could he get inside her? What was she
to get from him?
Listen, what exactly do you do? Do
you have а job or something?"
‚ Fm a write
Georgette had written. “Give,
or Фе” But to whom was
The hornyhanded takers
with their falsified love? Give to them
openly what they had already stolen on
the sly? His friendship. his company, his
good will—well, why not It seemed
that they were going to get it anyway.
Harry could not help smiling at that; at
least he had kept his sense of humor.
"Pm a write
Gladys Friend.
The more he tried to make contact.
the more confused his relations became.
Gladys Friend turned wary: his other
women acted shy. Those who once
moved silkily toward him began to je
stumble, twitch and fall. No one knew
t the trouble was; their faces drew
ht with fear as they waited for Harry's
next question
And the
He felt no more than he did before.
the past he had seen people as tools;
now he saw them as strangers and ene-
mies. He did not consider this progress.
In the midst of his gloom, a telegram
came from Eugenie: ARKIVE SEVEN A.M.
ter," said
the tment.
flower shop? Where's a
$ a
flower shop?" he asked the doorman to
his building, and having the one next
door indicated, he rushed in and ordered.
With his arms full, he staggered
back а"
цо the a
132 formed checks (smooth and |
all the closets for a vase. There wasn’t
onc. He ran out again and found a store
that sold him a dozen vases. Не рові-
tioned the vases around the living room
and in exch one he placed a fistful of
roses. He stung his fingers repeatedly.
Only when the act was completed was
he struck by the enormity of what he
ad done. He had bought his wife a
given a present to any
m lush of shyness зеи
or but larger than he re-
membered it: brighter, more exciting,
more true. Joy, and with it, the first
'emor of a new beginning. Here, with
өш effort or plan, Harry had given а
room full of flowers. He had crossed a
conti He had given!
And it was just as Georgette had said:
no feeling could this one. He stood
in the center of the room and revolved
slowly, letting his gaze sweep from vase
to vase. He was one with the vases a
one with the lowers inside them. W
this how it was with other people? This
surrender (o sudden communi
shiver of ecstasy excited his tocs
made him want to dance. He looked at
the flowers and felt contact. The lowers
made him think of giving and g
made him think of Eugenie to whom he
ad given and having given to Eugen
he saw that Eugenie would give to him
and the two of them would give, give.
give, to cach other— Because in the
end they were one. One with the flowers,
h each other.
the beauty of
giving was that it was always returned.
And though he did not feel love, he
knew that too must come. He had taken
the first step and had made contact. And
act had taught him (he
ation: everybody
giving all he had and taking all he could.
He stood in the center of the room
whirling faster. The mirrors everywhere
dozened his flashing image — flawless
ad beautiful — but Harry. did not no-
ticc. He saw only the singing red circle
of roses. Hc had given.
The next morning he woke up with
а pimple on his nose.
It wasn't there. It wasn't there. and
even if it were there, bound to
heal and disappear im а day. Or two
days. Certainly no more than (wo
He examined himself in the dark,
touching the part of him which, because
of its discrepancy with the rest, was the
center of all interest at the moment: the
і nd, his warm, pliant, soft
ith an outside like
down and an inside like velvet, set to
rest on his forehead (cool, noble, molded
in perfection) and slid judiciously down
across perfectly formed eyes, perfectly
across to a firm, responsible chin, up to
a mouth that sank deep, thrust forward,
Tay still, came alive, changed with the
light of day or a turn of mood — and
each change its own cameo of
оГ justification for the whole —
1d the mouth, mect-
ing it with an avenging passion: the
lain nose. Perfect at its root, thrill
in its concourse and traitorous at its
nd: the pimpled tip. It saluted redly,
becoming the starting point of Ha
body, the diameter of his cird
point of purchase from which his past
dropped away and his future dung
thorough avoidance — that
philosophy. There was no pim-
ple. He would close his eyes and throw
it away from his face. Не whistled,
hummed and chanted the nonexistent
hump into nonexistence. Harry looked
upon himself as a graced body, а meta-
physical principle. He had floated
tally through his childhood without
hives, his adolescence without acne, his
summers without mosquito his
without chapped Tips. Nothing
— no mark, no bruise, no scab, по in
Hammation, no oiliness. no dryness, no
dandruff, no whitehead. no blackhead,
no ulcer, no chance — nothing. until
the pimple, had separated his body from
its dogmatic perfection. In metaphysics
there is no room for pimples.
He eliminated it from the present. It
sode in his past,
not to be discu black sheep in the
nily. Something — but who can m
member what — was once awry, but that
was long ago and now everything was
fine again.
As much as possible he avoided his
mirror. But he could not keep his hands
from his face. And cach touch gave the
lie to his sell deception.
For a month after Eugenie left him,
һе remained indoors. He had no idea
where the time disappeared. He would
turn around and the morning was gone,
sit down and the afternoon was ov
muse about and it was bedtime. Had he
or h
ad he not
retired without knowing.
He didn’t blame Eugen
his stupid imperfection. Мага
contract and а violation of that contract
— a sudden change in one of the part
ners — was ample rea
n. Eugenie had come home to him
extraordinarily beautiful — thus fulfilling
her part of the contract. Ha ected
her at the door with a handful of roses.
was wheeling out her lugg
got a pimple on your nos
“Im dying to hear all
trip.” said Harry.
ie ignored the roses, “Hold the
or,” she called at the operator who
“A small. ugly. тей pimple.
“I bet vou have millions of stories to
tell,” said Harry
“I think its growing. Hold the
Harry shoved the roses at her. Eugenie
What the hell are these thi
t am I supposed to do with the
“They're kind ef flower.
giving vou a present.
Half the roses fell through his fingers
to the floo
some Im
Eugenie glared. “You never had to
give me anything before. Hold the
Harry reached for her The rest
of the roses fell.
“Can't we even
‘You're whinir
. Harry. E never heard
An old look clicked
5 eyes. She turned. toward
ne be fore
the elevator.
Нату trailed
you coming bac
“L have a million thi
How about d
she said, and stepped into
alter her, "When
the c
“Where will you be?
Ше door started. shut.
“гт washing my hair,” said 1
and the elevator went down
"What time shall 1 c
the elevator door
Harry asked as
гу asked
He was in limbo. His body could only
hold so much: when life seeped in, his
beauty seeped out. Now neither held
possession, yet the direction of his de-
scent was obvious — unless he did some-
thing to stop it. But there was nothi
do; his piqued curiosity was not to bc
unpiqued. The danger was incredible.
He cold- igorousl
burning his skin with the rubbing force
of his fingers. And perhaps this too was
harmful. Perhaps in tying to help he
had hurt; ruptured a. membrane; given
himsell a rash: broken down the sensitive
nerve endings so close to the surface of
his skin. Perhaps his veins would begin
to show. Harry became aware of an er-
ratic rhythm in his head: a muted, pai
ful throb — his first headache.
One thing was certain: he could not
go on th g alone, lingering
his face, examining his body for new
signs of decay was more than he could
Looking im the mirror
baring a wound: if there could be no
Harry to give peace to Harry, he had to
bea was lik
find someone else. He was forced into
Шу, reluc
the street, entering it awkw
tant to go but more reluctant to ren
where he was. And on the street he wa
driven to look — at people. They were a
suange as a foreign language. He
couldn't understand what made them
move, what made them walk in their
graceless ways, carrying their bodies like
burdens. fighting themselves with every
g as if the act of
Mul. Their arms foi
clothing: their legs beat out a
overhanging bodies, trying but failing
to br away. Their faces showed pas-
sive regret.
Harry tricd not to look. He had begun
to see more than he wanted. He looked
into eves and they stared back grinning.
But not from love; from lust. “There
goes a great-looking man," grinned the
comparison shoppers pricing him as he
passed by. Their stares chipped away at
him, knocking a piece off his shoulder
shortening his stride, changing the pace
of his body. The tempo of other lives
became tangled with his own. His к
was affected by whoever walked in front
of him. Не shuffled, he minced, he
limped. “Are you making fun of me?" a
shriveled man cried wretchedly at him.
Harry discovered that he was. He was
losing himself; he was becoming them. It
was happening too fast and it had to
stop. He could think of nothing else to
do but talk to Phoebe Tigerman. She
knew everythi
Harry had met Phoebe Tigerman as
he had met and barely remembered so
others: various friends took him
ularly to Fridays at. Phoebe's, where
they drank and dissected Thursdays at
Tessa's. Phoebe, he remembered, sat like
а small, watchful Buddha, taking little
part in the conversations. But people
said of her, “Phoebe knows everything
and their faith in her knowledge made
them more open in front of her, as if her
ability to see through them allowed them
the freedom to be what she would sce.
Her guests sat at her feet, rooted there
for the evening, except for those few ос-
casions when Harry's appearance sent
them sliding from her fect to his. Harry
could not remember whether Phocbe slid
with them. He really knew nothing
about her except that she was ugly.
ght their
ast their
were p
Phoebe Tigerman had been touched
and hurt early in life and the hurt, once
inside, burned outward, distorting her
child's face with its complex pain; turn-
ing it grotesque in its mute desire to
banish the suffering. And heard over the
strident pounding from the inside were
the blows of her mother from the out-
side: “Don't twist face like that,
you awful thing. It will grow that way!
Obediently her [ace followed Mother's
vice and grew as she said it would:
ugly. Each new attack, whether from
inside or out, added a deeper hunger to
the eyes and a profounder sadness to the
mouth. Her body, too, was ugly: hard
and cramped as a prize fighter's crouch,
designed to present as small а target as
possible and render harmless those blows
that broke through. But by the time she
was complete, no blow could. There
came а day when she was still available
to be hurt but those who had the power
were dead. After that, everyone wlio fol-
lowed was like a lightweight. She blos-
somed in the knowledge of her sa
Other knowledge followed. She
sure instinct for people, grown out of her
childhood reconnaissance of them. In
studying to find where the next blow
would come from, she found, too, the
vulnerable spots for her own blows and,
knowing both, she knew everything. She
knew people.
Her reputation developed qı
“Phoebe knows everything.” Pilgrimages
were made to her thick-sandaled feet.
Friends came to her like soldiers home
from war: no further need to bluster or
protest, just a warm fire and a soft bed.
In visiting Phoebe they left their color
outside: the spirit that made them loud
t, respected or hated, First they
d to each other and became one and
then they listened to Phoebe and became
Her face softened as her security grew.
Age took away its rawness, consolidating
each grotesque feature into a strikingly
sculpted whole, A glow of beauty hung
like а nimbus around her ugliness. She
never married because she had no u
to destroy
When Harry arrived at her apartment,
haying walked up the four flights with
the thick smell of foreign cooking over-
sweetening the hall, he found the usu.
number of people at her feet—but this
time they did not slide over to his. He
was not surprised but he saw that Phocbe
was. and for some reason this drew him
to her
"Get out," he said to her guests, He
saw that he still had enough authority
to make them go. They grinned as they
left. Harry noticed іп Phoebe
that the face they grinned at was b
ning to lose its hair.
“I used to be beautiful,” said Harr
“This morning I woke up with 1
der my eyes.” He looked at her plead-
ingly. "Once all E had was me and that
seemed enough. Now nothing seems
nt mc to tell you?
had trouble getting the words
How do you learn to make con-
tact" he finally asked, feeling the uter
inadequacy of the question.
Phocebe's eyes receded. "In the be
i n, “all living creatures
АП natural and sub-
were provided for
themselves. They even repro-
duced within themselves, Not by eggs,
not by spermatozoa, but by the fission
of the body into two or more individu-
als. Of that | am fairly convinced."
were onecelled.
natural processes
Harry chuckled. “Even шеп and
women?" He had her Шеге.
"Out of whose rib was Eve created?
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134 willing to uy; but wh
Phoebe asked. "Adam and Eve were one-
celled organisms — the first of their kind
to go against the laws of nature. Eve's
sin was not deflowering the tree of knowl-
edge but deflowering Adam. Eve's sin was
incest. And you and I are her abnormal
“And how hard we have tried to find
our way back to our original state. The
record of history is the sum total of man’s
frustrated efforts to return to a state of
oneness. We are maladjusted protozoa,
Harry—one-celled animals raised in a so-
ciety with a multicelled ethic. Man has
forgotten his origins but historic mem-
ory sends him in a frenzied search for
them. He not admit it because he
does not know what it is that he
searching for — so he invents substitut
he iches for the Messiah; he searches
for the Holy Grail; he searches for Isolde,
Eurydice, Julict, the big money, the lost
chord, the cure for cancer, world peace.
All this empire building, all this love-
making, all this meaningful relating g
ing on around us is the hungry search
to find a way back to what you have had
Ш your life, Harry, and what | have
now. One-celledness. That is why we
are irresistible. We are seen а
secure, whole and complete — what oth
0 to bed with each other for
find lacking. Lovemaking is a lost search
for the other half of one's self. The se-
lection of a mate is the final surrender
of that search.
“So, settling for frustration in his own
life, man must destroy the lack of frus-
tration in the lives of others. Children
are born as one-celled as you and I; so
the parents first step is to reorder the
chikl's concern for only itself into a guilty
for only the parents. And once
der of on si
their childre
healthy, grown-up reminders. They sit at
our feet because we are perfect but our
perfection goads them. So they set out
to destroy us in the only way they can
justify their own lives: they must change
our image to their image, they must
change our values to theirs. They tell
me to come out of my shell; yet it is to
my shell they so willingly pay hom
They tell you to make
others while they strive only to m
tact with themselves.
Don't fall for their message, Harry.
Don't believe а word they say. They do
not know it but they are demons."
destroyed in
contact. with
ake con
But, demons or not, they had him. Не
sickened by the thought of it
Hy aware of the horrible truth implicit
Phocbe's warning. But he could not
resist the pull to the abyss; he had come
too far to go back. He had even forgot-
ten what it meant to go back. To what?
That other life without pain? He was
would he begin?
He bought dark glasses to blot out other
people and return his vision inward. But
he cheated; he peered out of the corner:
He became trapped in detail: why did
some women whistle while they walked
why did people have to touch their
bodies surreptitiously; why did most po-
licemen look like furniture? He noticed
with some surprise that the suits men
wore were cut very much like his own.
He noticed also that his own suit badly
needed pressing, Other people were oc-
cupying his thoughts and he had no time
for himself. The question was no longer
where he wanted to go. He must go For-
ward because he had lost the way back.
But in what condition was he for the
journey? His eyes sa to hollows; his
hair cume loose in his comb. He was not
perfect; he was not beautiful: he was
now only handsome — and that, a disso-
lute handsomeness. His eyes, staring per-
manently out » uneasy look.
If he were going to make contact, he had
better do it quickly, while some sem-
blance of his looks remained. Having
only one direction in which to go. he
wanted to get there still in a position to
discuss terms.
But contact rci
ned beyond him. He
was not involved w : he was in-
volved with his involvement with life.
He looked out at the world, but
world only after he had seen himself
looking. His strong feelings were for the
eneral: he learned to love crowds.
1 feel you crowds," he whispered to
himself as he watched from behind a
closed window. “I love you L
I love you pigeons, 1 love you East River
tugboats.” But he could not particular-
ize. His love failed with one person in
the crowd, onc tree in the park, one
con in the Plaza. To love the world
nt to love nothing; but narrowing
- was equally frustratir
He wanted to love women but he
could not find a method that worked.
Rejection didn't help: now with the dis-
appearance of his looks he was rejected
often: the only feeling it left him was
a fondness for the girl and a revived
faith in people. Rejection made him feel
too good. It was obviously not enou;
he would have to be more than rejected.
He would have to be hurt. Hopefully
Harry decided to make a stab at i
But first another, more immediate
crisis had to be solved. With his loss of
looks went his source of income. His
apartment was forfeited, his clothing re-
deemed, his checking accounts canceled.
“What can I do?" he asked Phoebe, help-
“L can't help you,
down at him,
"Suggest somethin;
“Why don't you
Harty ha
He went throi
aw the
his r
she said, looking
having done anything, there was nothing
for which he was qualified; however, onc
ht his eye.
Tall, graceful yng. men to be trained
xperience not
oppt. Kirby
of the Mercer-Quiver System.
The big, flat-faced receptionist handed
Harry an application form. Her face w;
a sketch pad for cosmetics. Her eyebrows
were two black pencil streaks, her eyes
were purple circles with blackened
ashes, her cheeks were reddened by a
fe and her firm red lips
av glued on before
palette kı
seemed to
Harry filled out the application and
handed it back to her. "It's blank,” the
receptionist said; her mails were red
blades: they dug into the paper accus-
^] haven't done very much,"
“At least list your Social Security
“List what
Harry ad-
ked Harry.
The receptionist stared at him; one
of the p 5 above her eyes rose
questioningly. It occurred to Harry that
people no longer grinned at him.
He returned to the Kirby Mercer
Studios with a Social Security card and
filled out a second «pplication. The re-
ceptionist wa with another app
cant who was resting his elbows on he
desk, making hand shadows on a sheet
s joking
of typewriter paper. Harry saw a quick
motion of the elbows and heard two
grunted giggles.
Boy, you'll never get this job," he
heard the receptionist say. When he
handed her his application, he saw that
her face was crimson.
“What are you staring at, nosy? A
free show? You two go through that
orange door and wait in the next room.
Harry followed the other man. He was
s Harry. broad-shouldered and
v. He walked with а side-to-
side motion; cach step forward sending
him in three other directions as well. The
two of them sat with four others in а
g room with photographs and
pictures of Kirby Mercer blotting out the
walls: Kirby Mercer dancing with Ber-
nice Oliver in his first starring film,
She-Devils of Broadway; Kirby Mercer
dancing with De De Fairfax in their
wartime series, Battleships оп Parade,
Dance, Marine, Dance and Rhythm Goes
to Russia (later retitled for television
Rhythm Goes to Rome), and а wa
length photograph of Kirby Mercer in
nd cane, taken from
е film in which he died
ncing — Johnny Happiness. A hidden
phonograph piped ап orchestral suite
into the room: The Legend of Kirby
Mercer, melodies that he had made f. Harry agreed. It all sounded “AIL Mercer-Quiver System dance in
ous, now symphonically integrated, ing. structors are expert in all quiver-method.
with the happy beat removed ош of re- “Each quiver unit has a life of its own dance steps. These include: “The Mer-
spect for the dead. While waiting, Harry and can gyrate or quiver at will A quiver сег) "The Grapple,’ ‘The Conceit, "The
owsed through an edition of the ав defined by the Mercer-Quiver System Harass’ “The Breach,’ “The Reproach,”
Kirby Mercer Cook Boo i is a series of one ог more independent “The Release and “The Quiver. All of
which were spiced around th or interdependent muscular revolutions these steps except “The Quiver’ require
Eventu nos agu! wom- strategic parts of may be danced
» entered, quite severe. Little y iduced, ly,
lines of tension stood out on her face. lated method of control. А quiver-reverse, in its purest form, is best done alone.
She stared at cach which is a slightly more advanced. tech-
series of one or mor Miss Brill rested her pointer against
muscular revolutions stemming, - the wall and proceeded to demonstrate.
‘The applicants stood. She pointed to ever, from the selfsame quiver-control Нег head shot back at а beat, her eye
Ше man who was making shadows. center as the quiver itsell red in their sockets, her shoul-
“Walk across the room, please." The tried to look interested, His ders dropped away to the sound of finger
slouched out of his chair aud, smil- g to wander aps, her pelvis socked in and out like
ing at the woman, shuffled indifferently g his period of instruction, a plunger, her long legs rubbed up and
across the room. Her color rose. "Yo Mercer-Quiver System teaches the stu- down cach other in quick spasmatic
she motioned to Harry and pointed at dent to ope l basic quiver units rhythm: a groan let loose from her
him to follow. Harry walked across the independently and interdependently. belly and her dress changed color in
room. The woman inspected the two Once the student has mastered his basic front of them. She came out of the dance
men side by side. quiver unit control, he is then ready то with a look of beauty and innocence.
and, actu:
he rest of you can go.” she said, learn to dance. It will be vour job to Нег face was sleek with perspiration.
and, signaling for Harry and the other teach him." Harry fell in love on the spot.
man to follow, she opened the door to Teach? Teach what? Harry couldn't “The Mercer Quiver System,” she re
another room. remember a th sumed lazily, 1 addition to dance
It was large and mostly empty, there
y of decor only a number of
rs a wall chart and two
nets bracketed to posts at
end of the room. Above one of
the nets was the sign: THE KIRBY MERCER
BASKETBALL SYSTEM. The sign above the
wall chart read THE. MERCER-QUIVER SYS-
зем. A complicated diagram of the hu-
man body ran down the chart: sections
were circled, arrows were drawn, blocks
of color were laid in. The woman picked
up a dangerouslooking pointer and
brought it down on the chart with
loud slap. The pointer rested dead cen-
ter on the body. “Му name is Miss Brill.
She pointed. She slid the pointer up an
ich, gray scar on the diagram.
be your instructor in the Mer-
iver System Method. A scientific
1 culture and social
dancing. It is wue, is i ither
of you boys can dan
“The Go mien Vioc Hi
listen carefully
not, that n
Ty tried to
“It ds easier to teach the
Quiver System to попа
€ to break dancers of their old habits
nid retrain them.
“If you will observe the chart, you
the human body."
ned Harry's com
will se
Miss Brill's po
s you may observe,” she continued,
the d broken down s ly
into 15 separate units. These are known
as the 15 basic quiver units. There are
in addi;
corollary quiver u
it would be pi
selves with them.”
ter dipped and rose
t0 15 basic qu
s but at this po
ture to concern our
uable in weight
nervous" — she
Quiver ollers
instruction proved v
control and los of
yawned —"tension. Merc
the students "Beginner's
Course, a 12-week "Foundation Course,’
a 96 week "Advanced Course’ and an 86-
k "Profession
As instructors i Quiver
System it will be your job to interest the
student in subscribing to as benefici
program as possible. The B-weeker is
the student we can do the most with.
Harry stared into Claire Brill's shin-
ug eyes and saw contact there. Love!
He knew it at last; he was in love! He
the end of the first day's
truction to approach her.
"You know what's happened, don't
you?" he said, grinning happily. “TH
meet you outside as soon as І change.
The shine died in Claire Brill’s eyes.
"Social contact between supervisory per-
sonnel and student instructors is strictly
forbidden." She walked coolly away,
swaying her 15 basic quiver units. Harry
counted them hungrily. It wasn't really
à rejection, he decided. She was only fol-
ed u
“Cigars, cigaretles, birth-control pills . .
lowing company rules. He felt confident
that it would be no serious problem to
find a way around them. He would use
his charm.
During lessons he watched the sections
body dick on and off like lights
in a house. He tried to imitate the ac
tion, follow the clicks to their source,
but he had trouble learning. His body
was too intent оп her body to absorb th
rules. Quiver control es ; hed
think bed have it, he’ it coming,
he'd dose his eyes, he'd w d noth-
ing happened.
“Quiver! For Chris
Jaire Brill cried out
Show me again," Harry invited, u
of hei
kes, quiver!”
n frustration
ach demonstration only sank him
more deeply into love. He was incapable
of the minimal concenuation required
to register а single decent quiver.
“You're hopeless,” said Claire Brill,
ad she began spending more of her time
with the other trainee, Guy Peck. Pe
was a fast student; Claire Brill quivered
and Peck quivered quickly after her.
From quiver unit to. quiver unit she
taught «| he followed till a
ished berwi
called out CI
responded Guy Peck.
“Unit Four.
“Unit Four.”
“Three, One
“Three, One
, Eleven, Twelve
"Units One through
Brill kcened.
‘One through Ten,” gasped Guy Peck,
his quiver units beating like a band of
pulses. The room shook with their
"Res" Claire Brill cried, and then
dropped to the floor. Guy Peck dropped
beside her. They stretched out pi
heavily, a low rumble sounding in their
stomachs, gurgling through them ull it
burst out: wild, . sweaty laugh-
ter. Their bodies trembled across the
floor. "Want to sce my 16th basic quiver
unit?” gasped Guy Peck. He rose to one
knee and made an obscene body gesture.
Claire Brill laughed herself against him.
Small clouds of dust setiled in the
as they hysterically rolled across the u
swept dance floor. Harry [elt out of
He had al
the cente:
all othe
ys реет
ter outside of whon
ow it was he who stood out-
and the center was Claire Brill.
Each day she became more special, more
beautiful; each day Harry felt a lile
further outside. Wit! her circle were
Guy Peck and ihe receptionist, Florence
Chrome. During rest periods the insinu-
ing murmur of Peck's voice echoed
from the corner where he stayed his
ecdotes across to the comer where Harry
practiced, with little progress. the art of
quiver control. How much casier it
would have been to charm Claire Brill
if his infatuation hadn't caused him to
Jose the feeling of his body. Love drove
him to fight his own muscles; love
cramped his arms aud legs with overuse;
love put the wrong words in his mouth
d robbed. him of the opportunity to
say even those. Before, been
filled with emptiness: now he was filled
with love. He found that the two emo-
not altogether at variance.
ithout feeling love, was
making out like thief; Нату, іш-
mersed in a sea of the stull, barely dared
he had
whisper for fear of making waves. Love,
he now saw, was an obstacle that got in
the way of lovemaking.
Still, he was confident that it was
only a matter of time until he regained
his stride, He composed himself with
this knowledge, allowing to drown
out the echoing sound in the corner of
Peck's voice outdistancing him. There
were those moments when Claire Brill
looked Harry's way and gave him his
chance to stare warmly, inviting her
with the sweep of his eyes to detach her-
self from the group and join him in
what would be (heir corner, When she
did not respond, Harry exercised his way
over and loitered on the periphery of
their circle. Guy Peck stepped aside and
made room for him. Peck called him
Наг" " and was very friendly.
"No kidding, Har’, you're not a bad-
looking guy. You should make out,"
Peck told him at the end ol a day's class.
“Don't worry about me," smiled
Harry knowingly.
“Sure, sure, Har’,
for you. I know.
The girls are crazy
s only that you walk
und too much like a dreamer. You
know what 1 mean?
“Dont worry about me,” smiled
Нату knowingly.
You got to do more with your per
sonality. You're too shy. Girls like to be
pushed around. V knew a girl once who
said she hated to be pushed around. She
pushed around everybody but she hated
it for herself. 1 came along and didn't
let her push me around. I pushed her
around. She never got over me.
“You know any dirty jokes, Har?
“A few," smiled Hany knowingly
The quickest way to make it with a
rl is a dot of dirty jokes. Don't stop
telling them. She says, ‘Stop, stop’ — you
go on telling them. First she gets mad,
then she blushes — then starts to
pet hol. There's not
you can love her,
| have my own
Peck squeezed H arm re
ingly. "Listen, why don't you take out
Florence Chrome from the office? You
n practice on her. She's а goodhearted
arry smiled.
. we could double-date. 1
You and. Florence. Why not?
Harry stared blankly; it didn't re
7] hate to go out the T
eril" He paused and squeezed
туз arm reassuringly. "So it’s a date.
ight, НІ He looked warmly into
туз eyes and said, "I'd appreciate it,
At which point Harry fell in love
i him.
Love wasn't а happening: it wa
state. a condition, a porous vessel filliug
ing, filling and emptying.
re Brill poured into the vessel, Guy
Peck tumbled alter — and who could be
there wasn't room for more?
toothily at Harry.
never used a toothy
1 you
. What do you say?”
` Hany said,
gree bly. Bos
laughed ag They walked do
the street looking like twins. Peck taught
him some dirty jokes.
red; vanished into him.
verted stocking: turned
inside out to become Guy Peck. Не
tened to Peck with wonde
He parroted his voice, h
his sense of humor. He tried Peck's dirty
es in class with Claire Brill, but his
itation failed; he was clumsy. He
fumbled lost ng
d to let Claire finish the
She did so with great
hauteur. Harry got Ше message: he was
ot Guy Peck. No, he wasn't: but he
could be. And he would be. He watched.
Peck. He studied his technique in story-
telling till he, one day, got Claire Brill
to laugi
"Thats uot bad," she said, with some
surprise. But she didn’t tell him one of
her own as she would have with Peck.
He studied Peck's techn er
“You're proving " said Claire Bri
again with sur
his u
to dress like Peck, to become Peck and
then to have Peck's love because. Peck
ld have to love Harry if Harry be-
also the
love of Claire Brill who would have to
love Peck — any Peck, even Harry's Peck.
“So its a date,” Peck said, his ar
Harry’s shoulder. “1 and Clair
Florence. Right? Its а date?
you and
“Well, 1 don't know, kb Harry.
Florence was an outside
“You'll like Florence, Har. She’
million laughs. Don't let on to СІ,
but | took her out once. Sh
for a shy guy like you.
“Well, D don't know.
"See this bruise on mv neck? She'll
carry you oll kicking and screaming.
Harry sulked. 71 don't want Florence
"Who do you want, Har? Pick her
ош and she's yours, Anyone you w:
Harry bit his lip. "I want Claire.
Guy Peck looked amazed. He squcezed
m. "Look, Har, you dont
She's out of. your. le
repeated Harry,
studying his hands. He 1
not think badly оГ him.
"Look, Har’. You go double with me
this once and I promise you once F
through with her PH make Claire go out
with you.”
Нату looked up
actually tell her she
“Why not? No sk
ped Peck did
atefully. “You'll
olf my a
It turned out that Florence was at
ghs. On the drive out
she ticked off several hundred
nd Guy Peck ticked off several hundred
and they broke each other up. Followi!
cach seizure, Peck, whose eyes were
vays оп the road, str
ched across Florence's вой I
squeezed Harry’s shoulder. “Hu
What did 1 tell you? All right?
At Claires house, Guy left Harry and
Florence in the car. "We may as well
shift to the back,” said Harry
“Three of us can ft in front,” said
Florence. “There's no reason for both
of us to go."
Harry didn't reply.
They'll be out any second. You'd bet
ter move,” said Florence. Harry didn't
They sat in silence for a half hour. At
last, Peck and Claire Brill came trouing
out hand in hand
“Aren't we awful"
Harry could not breathe; he had never
scen anyone look so beautiful.
“Hey, you two! Somebody make тооп
for the ch joked Peck. Harry
d Florence moved to the back. Flor-
ences laugh average declined consid-
She regained her stride in the bar,
however. ‘The four of them took a table
in a booth, Peck squeezing next to
Claire on one side, Florence and Harry
pressed away from cach other on thei
What's black and white
over" snapped Florence.
“A newspaper!" screamed Рес
wept with the fun of it.
"They ordered a number of rounds of
beer, Harry became conscious of his
billowing paunch, Guy Peck drank be
often and had no paunch; Harry det
ned to learn how he did it. He cor
centrated он the paunch, feeling certain
that it was the turned the
perceptive Cl rom him. Like
Eugenie, she itive: she
could no more care lor à man with
paunch than Eugenie could care for а
man with a pimple on his nose. He
would get rid of it, exercise harder,
think it away. And, once removed. Claire
would see him lean and paunclless
nd ery, "Oh, Harry. My own Harryt”
and they would live to bc to-
gether, and Guy Peck would live with
Claire giggled at
d red all
rs and Harry would tell
them, upstai
jokes, many jokes, hilarious jokes,
the three of them would laugh and hold
hands across the many years. He ordered
another beer.
“Гуе got one!” cried Claire, “There
was this Catholic, this colored guy and
this Jew and — wait a minute —— she
pondered.“ And this Chinaman! And they
were all in this lifeboat together —
At the end of the joke Harry ro;
with the others. He had to have her!
“Your problem. Guy Peck
h the move-
table what Harry's problem was. The
lower half of their quiver units wrestled
silently under the table.
“What are you doing in
bbing at
sked Claire.
Naughty, naughty," beamed Peck and
he caught the offending hand and
squeezed tight
Ouch!" yelled Florence Chrome.
“See, Har, n laughs! Wasn't
I right” Peck quickly said. and threw
himself at Claire's neck before she could
open her mouth, “The Werewolf of
London strikes midnight)
"UEM di screamed Claire. “I swear
rn diet”
Harry grinned at her toothily.
“Your problem, F Peck began
Stop it, Guy!" Claire suda,
"Your problem, Har,” Peck kept his
face turned on Harry while his two arms
squirmed under the table, “is that you
listen to girls, The idea, 1 tell vou, is
not to listen."
"Guy, 1 mean it!” Claire's
e dark
Harry grinned at her toothily.
"You sec what 1 mean, Наг"
You put your hand up here
girl says ——"
to God. С
want û
UP swear
. vou
› vou put your hand a little higher
and the girl s 2
‘ou think you're so funny
not so funny, I'm serious!”
So you go even a little higher
Guy! Oh, ple:
stop!" Ch
s —
se dear God, make hi:
e quivered.
Harry protested,
hi his friend w:
going too fa
Claire gasped, turned white and then
“You rat" she screamed, and threw
herselt at Guy. giggling shyly. Guy
smiled. at
rv very pleased. Claires
is protecting shoulder
do E" Ha
sked quietly
"Don't listen to him, Har’. He's crazy,"
e from Peck's shoulder
mumbled СІ
“Try it, Har. Florence won't mind.
Ivy an experiment. Florence." Peck as
sured her. "Put your hand on her knee,
p sour hands off me, 1 Hor-
ence said.
Harry looked hesitant,
"C mon. Har! Were sep ng the
men from the boys," Peck said
Claire guflawed into his shoulder. Peck
looked down at her securely hidden
head and reached across under the table.
He took Harry
"Don't be ай
Florence's knee.
ГИ lay you ош, Har’,” Florence said.
“See what | mean, Har! The idea
not to listen 1 Peck, his hand push-
He put it on
Claire, not looking.
Florence, her lips pursed, leaned far
over the table. Harry's hand was pushed
still higher and then left behind while
the other hand explored onward. Flor-
ences heavy lips puckered into a smile
1 mean it, Наг,” she intoned softly,
really mean it, Har
d Peck drew back, “See how
Наг? Harry's hand rested
where Peck had lelt it on Florence's leg.
She flicked it ой casually and shook with
silent laughter. Harry’s hand tingled
with feeling: he felt the shock waves of
Florence's lage body vibrating against
him. He dared nor look at her because if
he did he knew that her beauty would
blind him: he would never have seen
anyone look quite so beautiful.
He took Florence home and they wem-
bled through their coats at each other.
Here at last was love, real Jove: he open-
10 her she opening to him. He
kissed her Luge pliant mouth and felt
her lips all over his: sucking away С
Brill, swallowing Guy Peck, covering his
body like à. poultice. Here was comple-
tion: here was oneness: here was giving!
He did not need to be hurt to feel; he
was feeling now. Florence drew Harry's
face away
“Are we going to do this aga
Always,” Harry said sofuly.
"Or do you want to come in and get
everything over with tonight?"
“Tonight. Tomorrow night. What do
we care” Harry asked happi
"Oh. does Guy want to do
she asked.
care about. Guy?" cried
" she
i 10-
Harry ecstatica
Florence freed her body. “Look, youre
a tiule overexcited now. Tell me it the
slice Monday when Guy wans to do it
. Ок?"
But / want
ту said.
Only with Guy.”
But ] want to
July with Guy.”
Out on the street, Ha
standing around ан
ied in the cold fı irving to
find out. wha «b then, re-
membering the fact of his desolation, he
struggled home. In the cle
he saw that the
to sce you tomorrow,"
Florence. said.
y saw a crowd
ambulance. Hu
or mirror
ol his hair had fallen
So this was what и meant to be hurt.
Love had been with him, betrayed him
and run away. The hollow ghost of love
stood in its place, breathing i
before him.
d, pimpled, paunchy, hollow
Harry went in to work on Monday
mediately called le by Miss
Brill, who informed him that the Mercer-
Quiver System no longer required his
services. A very ordinary-looking girl,
thought Harry
1075 your own fault, Наг," Guy Peck
told him. “You really let yourself go to
hell.” He playfully punched Harry's gut.
“Maybe we can go out sometime 10-
gether again, Guy," Нату said hope-
“You know the way it is with jobs,
Har. People leave and you lose touch.”
Peck playfully slapped Harry's cheek.
Harry sucked his hurt like a bruise
His head drooped; his shoulders sagged
He limped to the outer office to say
goodbye to Florence. How could she
resist his broken soul? A gil like Flor-
ence couldn't. A girl like Florence would
rise like a phoenix from the cold ashes of
his hurt, take him in her broad arms,
and say, “There, there, Har. There,
“Гуе be
ıı fired, Florence,” he said to
the girl behind the receptionist’s desk
The hurt in his voice shriveled the room
Florence isn’t in today.
behind the desk. “I think she'll be in
tomorrow.” Harty fled from the Kirby
Mercer Dance Studios.
‘There was no further use pretending
He couldn't love, he couldn't be hurt, he
couldn't communicate, lie couldn't make
contact, he couldn't do anything. He was
a fake! “Maybe 1 should fingerprint the
girls 1 fall in love with so YI be sure
ГИ know them next time!" he cruelly
told himself. He was a fake.
But he wasn’t alone. He siw pretense
everyw Life registered on him like
stamp: an overhead hypocrisy thick.
ened his nose: a stare of smugness pulled
his glare of hostility acned
his complexion. Lies. personal
impersonal, further Dle
inconsistency эх
eyes; а
ed his belly
his shoulde
iudillerence gave him а hacking cough.
Little things. normal as street noise, left
marks on his consciousness: suits dis-
guising the bodies that wore them; the
cerie odor of mass cosmetics: the faces
morous, their surplus
with clips secured
th their bulky wigs. His teeth
yellowed. His chin dropped away. His
s apple stuck out like a pointing
The finger pointed inward.
ghi in his gullet and cried. "Fake!"
He was а romantic fake. А woman
became his
in his eyes like a beacon of сі
thiness. He had a goddess of the w
dream relationships with
ked quickly by. Their in
blurred into adequacy and their ade
quacy turned into perfection.
They and mo one else were perlcct.
Harry tried to find them again: looked
everywhere, thrilled when the back of a
iar; dropped into deep
ed at him.
ht he was
d lifted. his heart to a he
sure it would never reach again. Up and
down that heart went. He pretended to
love. knew he pretended, but continued
10 pretend anyway. What Әспет emotion
was there for him? He let his dre
ain: shorten
the loop so they went faster; not
Таеп anymore, but short-hand fan.
tasics: а beginning cut to middle, cut
10 end. cut to new beginning. The ac
цон whirled, the machine recled and
broke down, Har lone with hint
sell y to get in
the way of that terrible message: he was
а fake.
He was a broke lake. He scarcely һай
money lor food. He could not afford a
laundry so he washed and ironed his
two remaining suits. They shrank in the
wash and Hany shrank to fit them. His
ne networks of blue
veins traced. across his cheeks, his forc-
head amd his luminescent nose. Не
picked. up odd jobs. He was fired fom
том of them. Those that did not fire
him he assumed were going to, so alter
the first few days he left them. He
scraped enough together (o айога а
тоот, sullicient food and, for those mo.
ments when his mind ran оп unwill
sly, a boule of w
than anything he
world and be
not But he found himself chid
little boys not to choke their dogs on the
ant garbage pickers
nuns his seat on the
g blind men home.
His soul was wide open. Light, blind.
ing in its unpleasantness, threw deep
shadows off the people he watched. in
low and go hi
pain. There w
эме curned red.
; to slow it. Morc
ted to do:
n, He wanted
leash, warning v
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the street. He saw, without w
their pride, thei
their contusion, th
laced no value on it: Шеге we
ny to choose from. The glare of
a traffic light tearstained his eyes. The
whisle of a cop scaped against the
walls of his ears. People stared at him
and quickened their pace. Harry stared
k and knew their histories.
norc than was
He had learned nothing trom
upon. Rather than absorb insights, he
tried to deflect them off his surlace. He
w them coming, and turned awa
they smashed against him, scattering
through the pores of his body. Their
powdered grains pitted his face. One-
celled? He had more cells than anybody.
He felt the triumph of simultancous
act and detachment. Now. with cl
eyes he saw all of
very moment he was furthest apart (rom
it. It was some kind of trick: a mirage
the closer he came the more distant
were his feelings toward himself.
The people he stared at now contained
more of him than he did. His leltover
body puckered like a shriveling balloon.
He became smaller as he walked.
ile at
One morning he awoke and w
pletely ugly. No semblance of H
ined; he was anoth
was hated. Waves of ha
he breathed. He car
son and where he
ny re-
person. And h
te beat at the air
d it on his per-
walked it spread like
n untouched as
his judges felt themselves be
‘They hated him all the more for
But he did not judge. He could not.
He could see but he could not touch. He
could feel but he could not react.
Harry tried to hate but he could not.
He worked on plans for hate, construct-
is intricate Ioundations that collapsed
as soon as he tried to build on them. He
could not give hate. He could not give
Jove. It seemed pointless to continue ex-
perimenting to find ou
ws he could
He would die blankly. He would dic
sclessly. He would die, unlike Geor-
gette, lor no instructive purpose. But he
would dic publicly. He would die before
mob. If he couldirt give anything else,
he would at least give satisfaction, He
lt was lunch hour
crowded. Is three glass doors Парри
1 out: blasts of automobile exhaust
ame in, blasts of perfumed deodorant
went out, “Good afternoon!" said
“Today's specials
ine at the drug
The store was
counter, selecting from the stacks of
decongestants and cold remedies, а
common variety of aspirin. Then he
waited e at the lunch counter.
"The & Betty Baby Doll,”
said the amplifier. “Special today, Actu-
ally breathes. Listen to the sound of the
Breathing Betty breathe." Gasps of
ih shot through the store. "Only
the amplifier.
ped young woman squeczed
olf a stool and Harry took her place and
ited for service. The customers. on
ither side of him leaned away. The cus
iting for Harry's seat stood
nd him. Harry ordered three
a-Colas. The waitress lined them up
counter, punehed a check and
left it, getting wet, beside the Cokes.
Harry took two aspirins with each swak
low. At the end of the boule he still felt
He took the check and left his
g the murmured mumbles
the counter.
ternoon!" said the amplifier.
aited till he got the attention
of the druggist and ordered another bot
Ue of aspirin, On the way back to the
lunch counter, he banged into а revolv-
ing rack of paperbacks aud sent it spin-
we The browsers followed the rack
around, trying to find their places.
Harry waited patiently in line till he
found himself another stool, this time
from a fat man who qualled the rem
of his coffee with an eye nervously fixed
on Harry. He left his wet napkin on the
seat. Harry sat on it and waited for serv-
ice. He ordered three Coca-Colas. The
waitress lined them up and left a wet
check. “I've only got two hands,” she
id to the woman next to Harry who
had asked for a check, and with her wet
hands served a wet sandwich to the man
on the other side of him. ‘The scent and
daner of lunchtime trade draped the
counter like а mist. “I've only got two
hands" Han d to some-
body near him who asked Гог a glass of
water. No one noticed when he finished
his second. boule of aspirin. Near his
x c the smell of stale sod.
to the sound of Betty breathe,
er. "Huubh. Abuuuhhh. Huuhh.
Mary waited for the pharmacist to
complete the sale of an alarm clock and
then he ordered а third boule of aspirin.
А heavily powdered woman knocked
over a tray of cosmetics. It bounced
past Harry, spraying “Persian melon;
erries-in-the-snow,” “Butterily piuk.
man glared at 1 if he had
done it. When H.
the cosmetics, the wor
and exchanged glances with the pharma-
cist. Contempt became өне of the smells
in the store. People deliberately walked
in front of Harry in order to sta
from him. He felt a faint dizziness as he
waited in li
left as soon.
tress, who was gett
waited on three other people before lin-
ing up Harry's Cokes. "I've only got two
hands,” she explained to Harry, who said
nothing. The lady next to him turned
away and began polishing her fork and
knife with a napkin. 1 k this last
bottle might do, Harry felt around in hi
pocket for change. He left whatever he
found on the counter to cover the cost оГ
ks He wanted to die gi
He poured out thc aspirin. Several
missed his hand and burst like popcorn
across the counter. “Hey!” he heard peo-
ple say angrily. It was the last sound
Irom the outside he heard.
s suddenly twitched to the far-
d of himself. Ir was dim but
he stayed very quiet he could hear it. A
half dozen aspirins brought it closer. Hc
heard the real Harry! The sound filled
his head with its singular hum. Harry.
listened, trying to get his body in tune
with it. dr remained evasive. Othe
sounds competed with it. “Quiet,” Нату
commanded the outside world. The
lunch counter fell silent, the plifier
died. An memory flickered:
H: the center, Harry the foc
ev But it held no more
portance lor him now t did then
АП that was import that his ev
had turned inwa
Harry looked at Harry
he was neither beautiful no
perfect. He lifted the f
is to hi
Harry said to the
ig annoyed. She
his d
5 of
d saw that
ugly, but
al handful of
aspi mouth
the store lifted іп
swallowed the last Co
ing and lowering of his arm was like a
baton for the craning and seting of
dozens of necks. He rose from his stool
and the store rose with him. He was one
id they were part of his one, He walked
harmlessly to the sueet through а red
sca of onlookers.
The store followed him. The street
followed him, He sucked up life as he
ked. leaving the sidewalks empty. It
n't love that followed him, There
no love. It wasn't hate that followed
him. There was no hate either. It was
himself that followed him. The sound of
Harry left his head and emptied the
world in its cradle. And why shouldn't
he be able to feel for everybody? He was
everybody. When he empty the
world was empty: when he was full the
full: he uriumphed
everybody triumphed and when he died
the world died.
Then Harry died.
world w whe
This is the conclusion of a two-part
serialization of Jules Feiffer’s first novel,
“Harry, the Rat with Women."
one big unhappy fami
work done
CHANGE oF FLAN (continued from page 59)
up and kick your face in."
“Please do,” Peter said, “Disentangle
yourself, as it were, and come here, and
chastise me
He wis а big man, Tor
heavily muscled, hairy. He
Nora's body, red with fui
rassment, and
эт the bed Peter dropped his left
hand to the bookshelf, without lookin
and threw the glass at Tony's bare fe
a big tumbler of thin crystal. It shat
and Tony knew then what he
sc hom
nd embar
t his second. step. away
faced, and he set his teeth and came on,
braced for the pain; but he couldn't
help himself, instinct doubled him, а
in a single, sw cticed mo-
tion Peter had the k
owt ol his left inside jacket pocket, up
id down. Не caught Diskin high on
the back of his head and the blow drove
him to the floor. The muscles of his
back rippled spasmodically. A rivulet of
blood, a little red finger, ran out from
under him
Nora had not moved. She lay Hat,
one leg still bent at the knee. Her eyes
ad two small red patches
were slitted
stood on her checks.
"Listen to me carefully," Peter said,
and ГЇЇ tell you what happened. Í
came home early, walked in and found
you in bed with old Tony. He got up
and tried to kill me with this sap of his.
ot it away from him and hit him —
fuss, the
once, only. In the glass was
broken. Neither of us said anything. No
word was spoken by anyone, "That's the
story, Please repeat it”
Nora wet her lips. “It was your black-
Her voice was a whisper.
Peter said. "It was
d the whole idea, my whole
ne from it. If you think, you'll
recall that three or four months ago
when he was here one night, half tight,
he showed it to us, and told us where
he'd bought it, a little
1 found one of
chairs next morning. | remem
name of the store, too. It’s no problem.
It was Tony's.”
“You ncedu't have killed him,"
said. “You caught us, that’s enou
didn't have to kill the poor ma
“I don
idea, ca
h, you
t know yet that | hav
said. "And I'm
cd. at this moment. But 1 tried to
kill him, all right. There he is. Not two
minutes ago, he was in your arms, and
in your body, warm, happy, full of life,
and there he is now, blecding on a pile
of broken plass. He had no chance what-
Peter not
ever. Think about that. Something very
like this can happen to you. And will,
if you say a wrong word, just one wrong
She didn't speak. She stared in terror.
“Tell me what happened, Nora,
Peter said.
"You came home and found us in
bed," she said. “Tony tried to hit you
with his blackjack and you took it away
from him and hit him with it, You
didn't say anything and neither did he.
The glass was broken while you were
fighting over the blackjack.”
"Very good,” Peter said. "And that's
all you will say." He picked up the
phone. "Im going to call the police
now. You can cover yourself if vou want
to, if you're cold, but don't get up. 1
want the tableau exactly as it is.”
She pulled the sheet to her chin, took
the pillow from the floor. Her amber
hair was loose, and her little face looked
like a schoolgirl's She might have been
14, dear and good
in his hand, he dialed the memorized
number of the nearest station house,
and then he began to tremble. He
looked about the room wildly. lt was
strange to him. For a sliver of time
it seemed to him that the walls canted
eter had the phone
inward, the ceiling upped, the floor
lifted itself under his feet. He could
not understand. He was а calm and
rational man, but he was frightened
This well-known, wellloved room was
suddenly foreign to him. Here was his
wife, disgraced — but by whom, by
whom? — still warm from her lover, wait
ing helplessly to be exhibited to gross
strangers; here was this man, а pleasant
enough man he had always seemed, hu-
nd taunted had
in what he
ıs ecstasy, and
then struck dow steer under the
bloody-aproned killer's hammer; here he
stood, planner, counterplotter, defender
of the honor of the home, so-called;
winner, murderer, whistling for the po-
lice, calling them to witness, to mark
en, poor
down the guilty...
The room swung again. “My God
he thought, “who are they con
What guilty? Who guilty?"
The phone clicked in his car. “Thirty-
fourth precinct,” jt said. “Patrolman
small boats (continued from page 70)
enjoyment and convenience to your
cursions include all varieties of plastic
and paper tableware, light but powerful
binoculars, weighted ashtrays, gimbaled
drink holders, sheathed ice picks, first-
aid kits and floats for ignition keys.
Now that we've briefly explored some
of the considerations of small boating.
lets apply them to specific craft and
see what they look like and what they
can do. The production line for 1963
olfers thousands of models and while we
have made no attempt to be arbiters of
which arc “best,” we have tried to pic-
ture and describe a fairly representative
selection of types. With trailerin:
accepted part of modern boating, all but
a few models can be towed behind a
passenger car.
Starting with outboards, the smallest
onc, McCulloch's Hydro-Scott, is also
onc of the speediest. This fiberglass 15-
footer is called the
outboards,” no doubt because it is in-
tended strictly for high speeds and fasl
The peppy Hydro-Scott featu unit
ized conception, meaning it was de
signed exclusively for the company’s
own 75-hp Flying Scott motor, and this
unity of planning seems to work well.
Features that justify the Hydro-Scott's
sportscar comparison include foam-
rubber padded bucket seats, console con-
tol, instrumented dashboard and
sportscartype steering wheel. Speed?
Up to 50 mph: tell your companion to
bring а scarf for her hair.
The 199” aluminum Duratech Nep-
tune, а boat in the $800 class (less
motor), can take up to 50 hp and Tul-
fills a variety of functions. Her large
cockpit makes her quite adaptable to
skiing and snorkeling and her seat lay
out, with two seats facing aft. is coi
venient for the waterski lookout. The
deck is vinyl bond, ab
and nonskid, which facilitates
the anchor
hulls and
› and the extruded gus
wales and spray rails are of anodized
aluminum, designed for rugged treat-
ment. This is a nifty craft with good
looks, high performance, а well-planned
layout and great versatility.
The styling of aluminum boats has
ly in recent years, and
bout their noisy hulls
and unsuitability to зай water have
ely died out — simply because exp
rience has shown them to be untrue.
Other good examples of well-planned,
functional aluminum craft include th.
veler's 5
Queen Mi
d Grumman's
whispered tales
9 Sportster
Boston Wh;
very distinctive outhoard. This craft,
ned by the ing
land architect, Ray 2 ds
a modern descendant (with refinements)
of the sea-sled type of hull that was
popular in the 1920s, Construction is of
double-skin -filled fiberglass, which
n flota 1 the hull
is squarebowed with a modified с
maran form. The hull is fast, dry
and it features a great deal of
iom and st ty. This makes the Bos-
ton. Whaler neatly adaptable to fishing
and skindiving and allows her to double
as a utility launch. Very popular with
the younger set today, she strongly
dramatizes the importance of function
over uscless styling. Her junior size,
133%, 2 and can take
up to 40 hp, while the larger. Whaler,
which we picture, measures 16777, has
double the power capacity and costs
upward of 51900.
Outboard Marine Corporation, after
years of manufacturing the familiar and
highly dependable Evinrude and John
son outboard motors, entered the
“packaged boat" field and is now pro-
ducing its own distinctive craft. Hlas-
trated is OMCs Dual Deluxe, with a
unique triplehull design that provides
roominess, stability, speed and riding
comfort. The basic 177 hull is available
n several versions. Power can be
provided by an 88-hp. two-cycle ОМС
inboard-outboard motor that has auto-
matically metered. independent ойі
or by a straight outboard job. One of
ОМС variations is а camping model
which converts into а full-headroom
houseboat when the cockpit is covered
by a hood. The Dual Deluxe is capable
of 40 mph and has such refinements as
powertilt for the outdrives and wind-
shield. dashbo; 1
built-in stowage compartments. Specially
built trailers are available in the com-
plete OM
ns bi
d instrumenti
r design is the
lass Custom-Craft. 16.
the $1000 price range is a more
conventional boat of the same sie
ange, Penn Yan's 17 "Tahiti. She can
tke up to 80 hp in outboard power and
is constructed of Vulcanile-bonded
ps with vinyl upholstery:
covered decks asure casy
Glaston’s V-191 Sportsman is a Гам,
roomy fiberglass boat im the same size
ange, and she can take the largest out-
hoard motor made — Mercury's hot and
powerful 100-hp engine. As in many of
the bestdesigned boats, easy access to
the foredeck is available through the
center section of the windshield, which
be raised.
The Thompson Company and Cruis-
ers, Inc. feature wooden lapstrake boats
designed for open-water
and rugged duty. They are favorites
with offshore fishermen d combine
speed and seaworthiness. Lapstrake con-
struction and flared bows make Thomp-
son boats very dry and able in rough
water. The larger boats in both lines,
such as Cruisers’ Barnegat 25 and Thomp-
son models from 17 feet up сап use
inboard-outboard power.
We are talking now of the size range
which — inboard-outboard installa-
tions have become increasiugly popular,
and Sabre Ca s 184” fiberglass
Debutante is tops in this class. She's a
al flair and she has
convertible hardtop.
the cockpit with the
the sun, it slides to
s desired. This con
ility is an increasingly important
feature of small bouts ] the Debu.
tante's use of it is ingenious. Outbo;
or LO power (to 110 hp) is optional
Glasspar, a company whose sound de
sponsible for the popularity of fibe
in outboards, manufactures the
176” Sedan, as well as 18 other out-
board and I-O powered boats. The Seii-
fair, shown in its LO version, will
you if leisurely and gracious
ng is high on your list. The
us cockpit provides sufficient room
party supplies and comfortable
bout. This boat's distinctive
cabin V-berth and creditable
performance in unsheltered waters have
made her a popular choice in all arcas.
The largest of the 05 illustrated is
Lyman’s husky 21-footer. This craft is a
good example of the versatility of lap-
suake, a familiar hull construction that
can be adapted to design innovations
(such as inboard-outboard drive). The
21's Large size and ruggedness make her
comfortable for any kind of operation,
including excursions in rough waters.
She's roomy enough to carry plenty of
supplies and she's especially good for
short cruising, since she'll take a top
and a marine toilet as optional equip.
ment. Boats of this size are in the $4000
class, depending upon power options.
Lyman, incidentally, typifies an inter
esting wend. Formerly, this comp
manufactured only И runabouts, but
it has been adding bigger boats to its
line each year in order to keep the
peat customers who like the brand, but
nt something just а little bigger in
that inevitable “next boat.”
lar in size, but made of fiberglass,
Craft's 2l-footer that features
longitudinal steps deep V-hull
aptable to LO power.
bocraf's — 1710" Quee: Бес
(about 56500), shown streaking along
under the impulse of water jets, is рга
tically unique. Her powerful 230-hp in
board motor provides the Queen Bec
witlt zip and zest, 1 her rugged fiber-
whatever position
ds Se;
take a lot of
punishment. Because she lacks under-
water fittings, she's extra safe for water
sports and can virtually climb moun-
tain rivers, laugh at sand bars and skim
over wet grass (though we don't recom-
mend you try it). Control is not as exact
at slow speeds as with conventional
propulsion and steering, but the water
jet is an innovation that should interest
апу boat owner wanting to be jetage
Flashing across the Queen Be
s bow
and casy maneuverability fit her
for the demands of advanced
own mai
achts, also makes sev-
styled, high-perforn
runabouts and open ш
popular among da
One of the s
Century's 18
waterskiing, ChrisCraft, ki
rpest boats afloat is
bre (about $5540). This
240-hp, mahogany-planked, inboard run-
designed strictly for fast
both in performance (up to
50 mph) and looks. She's rabashed.
1 who likes some-
thing a little different, a little exu
in short, the man who likes to be seen
boating — will flip for this beautifully
d and exquisitely styled craft.
None of the passengers will chum for
mackerel from the Sabre’s upholstered
cockpit (which features a unique Mer-
cedes-Benz type of gull-wing canopy),
but this is as it should be—she was
planned looker, not a work horse.
the other hand, for those wishing
usefulness with sleek appear-
mple of the comb
tion is Creslliners 182” Captain's Gig
(about 54000). This fiberglass craft takes
advantage of the best in
i id modern styli
ed cockpit surrounded by
сез the boat's looks,
ng, assure a comfortable
to her high freeboard
style hull, the Capta
quite well
s Cig handles
open water.
Poor оте model,
roomy enough to sleep four,
although we show her as a sleek, speedy
day boat. Her deep V-hull, with longitu
steps, пей by Ray Hunt,
d in prototype form has been а ser
sation at various races. The unusual
hull form, which other builders ha
tried desperately to copy, has several
qualities that have been real break
throughs in powerboat design. This
was the first hull capable of maintain-
igh speeds in rough water (ог
periods, and it also
as desi
са has
proved to be stable. dry and maneu-
verable in a following sea. There
are some flatbottomed boats that can
go a bit faster on a calm surface, but
these V-hull jobs have so far proved un-
touchable in open water. The flashy
craft shown ripping along at top speed
of about 50 mph has a base price of
$8500, with a conventional 220-hp Mer-
cruiser and stern drives. She сап Бе
fitted with bigger power options in LO
or inboard for those who are really е
bout speed.
Il only describe a small sampl
lable in sailboats, since the
is almost itless — there are
Шап 200 different onc-desi;
п this country. (Boats in а onc-
design class arc all built to the same
specifications and can be raced against
one another without handicapping.)
Many of these can be utilized for racing.
or relaxing, while others, like the Stars,
of wha
Flying Dutchmen, Lightnings. Comets,
5 d Moths are mainly [or
construction is
; aluminum
not yet achieved wide popularity.
Two Connecticut sailors, Al Bryant
nd Cort Heyniger, are largely responsi-
ble for the current popularity of the
small sailing boardi;
The 117” ply-
wood Sailfish designed by these
young men shortly after World War П,
and before long, they had a thriving
business. The Sailfish, merely а surf
board with a Тасев rig, a dagger board
nd shortly after its intro-
the boom was on
ing as “Alcort,” Bryan
ned the Super Sail-
ntroduced the 13710” Sun-
fish and then
fish, illustrated here and ble in
wood or fiberglass. Today, there are
more than 2000 of these boats afloat,
1 their low prices (5268 for а wood
: $395 ready-made in wood: and $447
fiberglass) still assure this craft's pop-
ty. The Sunfish, with a 75-square-
foot Dacron kawen sail, performs well
ad is big enough to feel like a real
well out of the toy class,
yet has a bathing-suit informality that is
responsible for so much of this type of
sailing's appeal. In all but the calmest
weather, you're going to get wet on one
of these boats, but you'll have fun doing
it. The Sunfish is especially sporty on a
broad reach when it rises up and planes
on top of the v h of
y shooting out on cach side. Eight
1 mph o feels like
п а larger boat, and the water
igoratingly close to the
The Sunfish's shallow cockpi
plus for vessels this small, for it makes
her comfortable and helps her crew
stay aboard. Capsizing, however, is not
a thing to be fcared, for if you flip in
a Sunfish. which has a sealed, watertight
hull, you simply stand on the dagger
board until the boat pops up again,
clamber aboard and sail off.
Just as the boardboat made use of
the traditional surfboard form, so has
another primitive boating concept been
dapted to the most modern kind of
sailboat — the (originally
Polynesian). A good example is the 17^
Pearson Tiger Cat (about $2000), whose
prototype popped eyes in a 1959 regatta
outsailing the fastest mono-hulled
ї in competition, The Tiger Cat is
7 wide and carries 235 square feet of
Her broad deck, connecting the
ler or camping boat.
The conve i
sloop. made b
example of how
produce a boat with multiple uses The
Orion, costing 53000-53500, is available
as a straight centerboard model for
shoal waters or with a combination keel-
centerboard hull. Her beam із 69% and
her 200 square fect of sail plus sp
naker adapt her well for oncde:
competition. or very comfortable
daysailer and camping boat. A “Kicker-
pit" built into the hull aft, allows for
the use of an outboard moto an
auxi and there is room in the
cuddy cabin for a marine toilet and a
couple of bunks. A tent over the boom
and a few air mattresses will enable he
to accommodate addition
n fiberglass
is a good
tion in exposed waters, yet this b
small enough to be handled са
ration of the qu
ids in a sailing craft tod
An excellent compromise betwee
and power is P
fiberglass ch
word in moderi
Adapted. fr
River pack
boat that is the last
construction. methods.
m the lines of a Hudson
she can be used as a
ht power launch with a 30-hp in-
Or she can be rigged аз an
ry sloop with а 203-squar
gunter too con
rig — not.
The Packet’s compromise. betw!
and power means that she will not be a
speedy performer in either department,
but she ble both ways and
ideal both as a utility boat and
days party boat. Her roomine:
There you have it Whether you
choose sail or power, d, inboard-
1, or outboard, plastic, wood or
metal will depend on your own concep-
tion of floating fun. But fun it will be,
rest assured of that, and the varictics arc
Sabbats of SAAN ооа non page вэ)
nd her absent: she would come creep-
back at dawn, “her body befouled
nd her hair atangle.” Like many
cuckolded husband, Hans gave way to
violence, but his threats and beatings
did no good. for Hildur would neither
tell him where she һай been nor what
she was up to.
Then one night he wakened to find
on the left side of their bed.
€ à woman in passion, and
softly to herself. Misinterpret-
movements as ап invitation to
ke love to her, Hans reached out to
w her to him. But when he touched
her, she struck at him furiously, leaped
out of bed. and ran out of the house,
clad only in her nightgown.
Hans pulled his breeches on and ran
after her as she hurried h the
streets toward the edge of town and
passed into the forest. Hans followed at
a distance, hoping to discover
with whom she h
nocturnal r
Inside the trees was а clea
uthered there on this summer's night
were a score of men and women, seated
around а blazing bonfire. By the fire a
“tall naked man, his body all hairy,
was waiting. Hans stopped de:
acks, realizing with
thar what he had stumbled upon was the
dread witches’ sabbat.
Hildur, casting off her nightgown,
plunged naked through the circle, and,
as Hans reported at her trial later, “That
man was the Devil, and it was him that
she run to.
after the birth of
mless relics of p.
persisted in the country regions of Europe
= veneration of the moon and of her
goddesses, Diana, Luna, Hecate: night-
lime festivals in honor of P.
thus. But there was no malice in th
beliefs and. practices, no mockery of the
Church. By the year 1100. however. the
differences of language (Church. Latin
os. the various vernaculars) had all but
dosed the Church against the serl: and
the Church gave him no practical nor
spiritual support against the terrible
oppresion of the feudal lords. Indeed,
it was quite kably on their side,
and one of the chief tyrants.
lı was during the Hth Century. that
the old pagan nocturnal rites became im-
bued with a fierce spirit of revolt, venge-
тсе and despair. The Black Mass was
born, the i ol the holy sacrament,
n which an altar was raised vo Lucifer,
the angel had rebelled
thority. Christ — who had shown no
power to work the miracle that would set
men free — was challenged to strike the
blasphemers down, if He could.
Vhroughout Europe for the next three
For many centuries
who қайты:
146 Centuries there existed covens of “witches”
— men and women who, renouncing
Christianity and swearing the dark oath,
“I cling to Satan,” became,
soul, the Devil's disciples. The word
is а corruption of the Christian
word "convent"; the Christian Sabbath
became the Devil's “sabbar.” The early
covens were even limited to 13 persons,
a mockery of Christ and His 12 Disciples.
God's 10 commandments to Moses were
perverted into 10 “Devil's Command-
ments,” with the admonition "Thou
altered to “Thou shalt.” The
exact number of witches сап only be es-
timated, but it is an irrefutable fact of
history that during these threc centuries
more than 200,000 men, women and chil-
dren went to the маке or lows for
covenanting with the Prince of Darkness
shalt not
tending his unholy conclaves.
of these, undeniably, were the
malicious accusations and
and not members
Ш. Yet the number of actual. Devil-
worshipers was а |. with covens
in virtually every town and hamlet. In
the increasingly frenzied attempts to
eradicate them, some of the grimmest
pages of history were written.
OF the sexual aspects of. the Devil's
sabbats a great deal is known. both from
the documents of the period and from
the confessions of the admitted partici-
pants. The sabbats were performed with
the coven's leader, or "wizard," using the
naked body of a young woman as an
altar, and it was the wizard'y amours with
this same young woman which sti
the others to wild debauchery. H
sabbat was held that was not concluded
in promiscuous lovemaking.
Many swore that it was not the wizard
but the Devil himself who roistered with
them, and many a woman, great with
child, believed sincerely that the unborn
life stirring within her womb was "Prince
Phe identity of most wizards a
strict secret even from their own mem-
berships, but their power over the unholy
ations, in their role as the Devil's
mask depicted on one side the face of th
old god Janus. god of life's crossroads
and controller of the sun and moon,
on the other, the head of a goa
goat was regarded as the favored animal
of Satan, and iı was believed that it wa
this shape the 1 most took
when materiali the sabba [or
some earthly helraising. Nearly every
coven s own black goat — a creature
who was the Devil's substitute.
Once the declension 10 Satan was
made, initiation into a coven was rela-
tively simple. The new convert would
come before the other witches
their presence renounce all alegi:
od, pledging himself wholly
Prince of Darkness. The wizard
then place his
nd in
nce to
to the
nd on the converts
head, and in a "dry baptism" spoken
through the goat-faced "ooser," intone
the words: “АП that is under my hand.
body and soul, be the Devil's, at this
moment and eternally.” The wizard then
pricked the finger of the new convert
nd, in his own blood, had him sign his
name or make hîs mı the Book of
Death, а roster of the local membership
that the wizard kept in his possession
“for the Devil's reference.” The new
itch was given another name in keep-
ing with his new calling — "Devil's
Whelp." "Thief of Heaven," or some-
thing similar—by which he would be
known to the coven. He then had to
undergo а probationary period to prove
his allegiance to “all things evil,”
forming various tasks assigned
the wizard in the Devil’s name. If he
completed these satisfactorily, the ne
comer was assigned a permanent place
in the circle at the sabbats, and entrusted
with the coven's secrets, including its
private formul “witch ointment.
Witch ointment. which supposedly
made witches capable of flyin
indispensable ingredient of the sabbats
and of witcheraft i . While the
formulas for these foul-smelling unguents
varied, nearly all included drugs whose
nt properties are well-
Properly compounded,
known to
they produced in the witches a hallucina-
tory state in which they could actually
imagine themselves and their fellow
witches airborne. Belladonna, which
produces hallucinations, was a chief in-
sredient, as were hemlock, producing
excitement and paralysis, and mandra-
кога, “that insane root whieh takes the
reason prisoner" — plunging those who
drink of its juices into a comatose, night-
m med slumber. Castor, poppy,
henbane and foxglove were other potent
components; less potent but more ob-
noxious were such items as the brains of
cats, powdered goat bones, menstrual
blood. dogs semen, female rats, the hair
nd fingernails of corpses, ants
s' eyes, horse urine and soot
Spread over the body “to the thickness
of about two inches.” after the flesh һай
been roughly scrubbed to open the
pores properly, the unguent and its
kly sent those attending the
te of wild imaginings
took place in the
Devil cultists home prior to de-
parture for the mee though some-
times — particularly with new converts —
it was applied at the sabbat isell.
On moonlit nights the cultists gathered
at their meeting places — at a crossroads,
vapo q
sabbat imo a
Usually the
а rotten tree or near а gallows.
The nights for assembling varied from
country to country and from century
to century, French witches preferred
Wednesdays and Sundays, English witches
ad Saturdays. Italian and Ger
manic witches, for some reason, favored
But wherever and whenever the sabbats
took place, they followed а standard five-
phase age inst the members of the
coven assembled at the appointed spot.
approaching from different directions
les so that they would all meet
bout the blazing bonfire
ard had kindled. The last
few steps were taken backwards, so that
all the witches arrived [acing away from
the fire. The men carried wooden staffs
nd the women brooms, on the end of
which they had affixed candles. which
would later be lighted in the “hellfire”
as part of the ceremony.
When all were present. the second
phase took place: humbling oneself. be
fore Satan. This perverted adoration w:
directed toward the barn-foul goat which
was the Devil's proxy and which stood in
the center of the circle, sometimes on a
ised dais. As the wizard read from his
Book of Death the roster of witches.
those present performed their unholy
nce. The witches approached by
vn d like crabs,” putu
their hands out behind them to tou
the goat іп supplication, Once contact
was made, the devotee turned. around,
lit his candle in the bonfire, and kissed
the goat, as a 1580 account by French
demonologist Jean Bodin puts it, "in
that place which modesty forbids writing
or mentioning.” A Scottish witch, Agnes
Sampson, less discreet than the le
Frenchman, described it more bl
“The Devil c
“going hackwa
the witche
lly of black bread
xl by the participants, but
quet, consist
ind ale, supp
supplied by the wizard. The
ke, made of black millet, urine
herbs, produced a “light and
"in those partaking of it.
nerrymaking" following the
quet consisted chiefly of dancing
frenzied number was performed by the
1 participants while straddling the
stalls and brooms they had brought:
hence our present-day Halloween picture
of witches as hags who Пу through the air
on Another the
notorious "Witches" Round," was per
formed by couples dancing back to back,
which was considered the height of lasciv-
iousness in the 16th and 17th Centuries.
The wizard's "sermon," delivered over
the naked female altar as the dance-
wearied rested, was a mockery of Chris-
tian ritual, employing rosaries made of
hones and dice. and using the
the cross made from left to
than in the proper manner.
led the witches i ing the Lord's
masse, the
also exhorted them to commit wh:
evil acts they were able to perpet
to lie, cheat, steal and murder, and to be
continuously on the lookout for prospec-
tive new converts to Satan.
The fifth and final phasc of the sabbat
was indiscriminate copulation, Drugged
with their ointment, drunk with their
and worked to а froth by the wizud's
ld. hypnotic sermonizing, the witches
fell upon each other in orziastic frenzy
The wizard, reversing his “ooser” so that
the goatface showed, initiated the woman
his altar (a newcomer when one
was available) into the unboly pleasures
of the "Devil's Couch.” Witch after wi
believed it was the Devil performit
act in person, for in the cerie light of the
fire it was quite possible to imagine that
the randy goatlike creature rutting the
naked woman was indeed Satan, and that
the drunken, shivering partners of the
other revelers were demons. Frequently
the couples designated by the wizard 10
have intercourse were father and daugh
ter, mother and son, brother and sister
Te was far
r to believe that it was
actually a devil who had temporarily as
sumed the shape of some loved one than
to admit the fact of what was actually
aking place.
The orgies continued as long as nature
permitted. with frequent changes of part-
ners, until, spent and exhausted, the
ches dragged themselves home before
Widespread persecution of coven mem-
bers commenced in 1181 when the Church
moved to wipe out the witches ance and
for all. A papal bull issued by Pope
Lucius HL instructed the bishops to in-
ite heretics, forcing persons "found
rked by suspicion prove
their innocence or be punished. Olhcers
of the law who did not cooperate were
excommunicated, Slowly, coven by coven,
пе to
the witches were unmasked, and the
number of those put to death reached
imo the thousands. It is estimated.
perhaps conservatively, that 200,000 “w
ards, witches, sorcere
heretics” had been executed by the time
the persecution expended itself in the
17005. In a single three-month period
for instance, 600 people were
burned in the small bishopric of Bam-
р Geneva.
In 1661, in the German community of
Lindheim, whose inhabitants numbered
only 600, 30 persons were burned. In
1589 at Quedlinburg in Saxony, а town
of about 12,000 inhabitants, were
burned in опе day. In Toulouse. the
number burned in one day was 400
At is disturbing to recall that when
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Protestantism emerged during this pro-
longed reign of terror, the more zealous
inquisitors often treated deviants from
Catholicism in the same manner as the
Devil's disciples, so that thousands of
God-fearing Protestants met death side
by side with the acknowledged witches
on the same general charges of heresy. It
was flight [rom this kind of religious in-
tolerance that led the Puritans, Quakers
and other Protestant sects to Plymouth,
Philadelphia and the other early settle-
ments of the New World — where some
of them exhibited considerable intoler-
nce of their own, including the execu-
tion of New World witches.
he interest of the celibate clerical
judges in the sexual side of the sabbats
tions, and the ecclesiastics wrung from
those they condemned to fire and gibbet
ip of information, The
"confessions" were often the products of
thumbscrew and rack, and must be
partially disallowed: vet enough is known
of the covens’ uninhibited sex habits that
even the extorted admissions cast illumi
nating sidelights. And not all the con-
fessions were painfully extracted — m
were freely given by persons who knew
full well tha meful
e their death warrants-
“It is the Devil himself who comes to
^ the confessing witches swore, stating
take copiously
of the sabbats lewd pleasures: he also
brought with him a horde of sexless
who had the power to
elves into either men or
bit with the human par-
ached a fever pitch during the persecu-
every possible se
their sha
women to coh.
Practicing this quick-change artistry
was, in fact, а favorite trick of the hell
ish visitors: often a man would be locked
n amorous embrace with a succubus (a
devil m) when the de
would transform himself to a malc
cubus, with attendant complications
reverse also took place, when the female
witch, at the height of her abon
iment, found her helli
immering, |
It was the confess-
ing witches found sleeping with the
Devil a far from joyous experienc
Henri Boguet, an eminent French la
ver, reported: "Nearly all the witches say
such intercourse is by no means pleasur-
able to them because of the Devil's ugli-
ncs and deformity.” Nicholas Remy
(1530-1612), an inquisitor from Lorraine
with 800 condemnations to his "credit"
("So good is my justice that Lust ye;
there were no less than 16 Killed them-
selves rather than pass through my
ands”), wrote in his book Demonolatry:
When they are laid by their demons,
n admit, only with the greatest
t are reputed their tools... .
Nearly all the women complain they are
very unwilling to be embraced by th
demons, but that it is useless to struggle
iable and sadistic,
"sometimes 50 and.
ag his consorts
demanded intercourse
60 times a L” m.
“to cry out like women in travail with
child." He also whimsically used the
quick-change artistry of the lesser demons
with practiced case, starting his love play
in the shape of а handsome, stalwart
youth but transforming at midpoint to
à goat, de
However their other accounts varied,
witches from all parts of Europe were
unanimous on one point: that the Devil's
m was extremely cold. Isobel
described Sa
rough man
even his
spring well w:
very cold, so that 1 fow
as cold within me as
Sixteen-year-old Ade-
laide Harwell, tried іп London in 1708,
was “commonly visited by the Devil
once a day. in the shape of a very hand-
some n." But she, too, yes
or snow
ted for the Devil's icine:
can be said for it,
s that, “having no semen
of his own, he gathers up that of mortal
men wasted in their nightdreams or
turbations, storing it up in his own
abhorred body for later us:
A € асси counting for ih
coldness comes from the confessions of
condemned wizards who told of a cold
douche given to chill, sterilize and pre-
if nothi
ngenious: it w:
vent pregnancy. The instrument w
"cold, hard. very slender, a little longer
than a finger — part of it metal. the other
її flexible.” This device, which the
ged witches undoubtedly mistook for
tof their de bled
the wizards of the latter-day covens to
boast with reasonable honesty, "No
woman need fear leaving a sabbat h
than she came."
Occasionally а witch reported givin
birth to some monstrosity as the result of
Satanic coupl bur such
non's anatomy, e
were not frequent. Angela de Labarthe,
main known to have been
ing sex with the Devil
the first we
burned for h
(Toulouse, 1275), allegedly bore
with a wolf's head and а s
but “the Devil took his son aw
him” belore anyone else saw it. A seat
tering of other witches claimed that the
Satanic stud service spawned in them
such offspring as tapeworms, serpents,
bats and children “crippled and hairy."
According to the witches’ confessions,
the sexual activities of the Devil and
of the incubi and succubi were by no
means confined strictly to the bats.
The Devil, who was "Prince of the Air”
well as of the Darkness, could make
himself invisible and in this guise have
intercourse with his converts before the
very eves of the godly, the Christian souls
being none the viser. И a woman was a
witch and her husband was not. she and
her demon lover could copulate in the
very bedroom she was sharing with her
иу mate "and never w
led that they do keep
of the bed.
Some of the witches testified that the
female demons doubled as prostitutes b
tween sabbats for want of any better
musement. A brothel keeper at Bologna
was condemned in 1468 for keeping a
house staffed exclusively with succubi.
He was sentenced to have his flesh “torn
from his bones by red-hot pi ter
to the left side
which he was burned and his ashes
Male ineut
ihe sabba
lusted after even into the Cloisters. The
confessions of many "possessed" nuns
deal with lecherous assaults by demons
within the supposedly protective walls of
the convents themselves, At Louviers, i
Normandy, the incubi the
shape of young priests md
even cats.
The Louviers trials shocked all Europe
with their sensational revelations, espe-
cially when it was learned that the nuns
bewitchment stemmed not from some out
side wizard, but from Father Mathurin
Picard, former chaplain at the convent.
The particular sect, Ше Franciscan Ter
ieved that those filled with
the Holy Ghost could commit no si
that nakedness, in the manner of Ad.
was the epitome of holiness. According to
Sister Madeline Bavent, who left a long
autobiography, holy communion was re-
ceived with the penitents “stripped to
the waist, with breasts exposed.
ather Picard began celebrating Black
Masses from above a naked altar, read
to the nuns from “a paper of blasph
and summoning various demons to co
habit with them "in the manner of hi
` or of dog:
tiaries, bel
These orgies continued for several
years, but it was not until after Father
Picard's death in 1612 that they came to
whole business, was accused by
Church of being "in her wantonnesy
istrument. of her sisters’ downfall.
was arrested on а variety of charges,
among them “sorcery, attending unholy
sabbats, and copulating with Devils
She was expelled from her order and
sentenced to life imprisonment in a dun-
geon “with bre. ter three days
а week 10 be her only sustenance.” Here
she wrote her lengthy confession, and
made several unsuccessful attempts at
suicide. A deep resignation succeeded.
but there is no further record
The judges had to content themselves
ht. Sister Madeline, who confessed the
her fate.
with p
ard posthu-
mously š
after which his body was exhumed and
thrown on the fire which consumed the
living body of his successor, Father
Thomas Boullé, іп 1647.
Two other cases of priestturned-wizard
and nun-turned-witch rocked France іп
the same century —at Loudun, where
Sister Catherine Cadière accused. Fathe
Urbain Grandier of having contacted
with the Devil: and at Aix-en-Provence,
where Sister Palud
Madeline de
“every day, beginning at 11 of the clock
at night and continuing until three of
the clock alter midnight.” This Sister
Madeline, petitioning for release from
her holy vows, said that at these sabbats
she and her sisters were violated by а
total of 6661 devils, among them such
first lieutenants of Satan as Beelzebub,
Leviathan, Asmodens and Astoroth
Beclrebub they were particularly reluc
tant to couple with, for when he made
love to them, “he did cause our bone:
to crack and grate against one another.”
Demons who indulged in such activi
ties were not only hard to discourage,
but could prove spiteful and vindictive il
the partners in their amours w
break off the relationships. At Pav
incubus, spurned by his consort who had
rried a soldier, avenged himself by
athering up all the stones in a field and
building а wall around the
bed “so high that the couple we
to leave it without using a ladder."
Certain charms could be employed to
drive the demons away, but these worked
only for those who had not signed the
Devil's document, Prayer and call
upon God for assistance were intall
charms in all ins ‚ but it was be
lieved that those whose souls the Devil
held in thrall were
holy words herbs were
sometimes used to counteract the witches’
ointment; yet they were compounded of
similar stimulants and aphrodisiacs, in-
cluding sweet flag, ginger, cloves, mace,
cinnamon, aloe wood and cardamom
These were boiled in brandy and water
to make a potion one qualled when he
felt the demon approaching. Such
coction would scem conducive to inviting.
rather than repelling, carnal assault.
Once the Devil took hold, there was little
retreating: madness and death were the
rewards he oflered. To a witch in trouble
the Devil offered no succor, unless it was
to encourage her to com ide.
But Satanism, which flourished for so
ated to
many centuries, did not dic wi
Middle Ages The arcane powers of
blackness still hold their unnatural
fascination: as long as this is truc, Не
will lind his malevolent recruits.
(continued. from page 58)
1 oz. orange juice
2 tall sprigs of mint
Into a cocktail shaker with ice pour
the pasion fruit nectar, light
golden rum, gin, I j
juice. Shake very well. Strain into a pre-
chilled H-oz. highball glass. Add enough
coarsely cracked ice or ice cubes to fill
glass. Decorate with sprigs of mint
2 ozs. light rum
14 oz. dry vermouth
lychee (canned. fruit in syrup)
piece cucumber. ресі, 1 in. long
Pour rum and vermouth into mixing
glass with ice. Mix very well. Strain into
prechilled martini glass. Add lychee and
cucumber peel, Let drink stand a minute
or two for the cucumber aroma to ripen.
1% ozs. light rum
dark Jamaica rum
151-prool Demerara rum
lime juice
nger beer
1⁄4 ог
Iced gi
1⁄4 slice pineapple in creme de menthe.
1 mediumsize cube preserved ginger
in syrup
Pour the three kinds of rum. Falernum
of coarsely cracked ice or ice cubes. Fill
glass with ginger beer. Stir well. Place
pincapple on ice. Fasten ginger onto a
cocktail spear. Fit spear into tall straw
in drink.
Byron once said that nothing calmed
the spirit so much as rum. The balmy
beneficence of the preceding recipes, we
aver, will bear out that astute poet to
the fullest.
and lime juice into a 140z. pr
highball glass. Add several larg
“What does it look like I'm doing? I'm writing the
Great American Novel, that's what I'm doing!”
Little Annie
` т
"| CAN'T оз
STATION FOR nee and BAND арз
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in or near your city where you
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example, where-to-buy
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in this issue listed below.
Black Watch . al
English Leather ... 37
Heathkit FM Portable Radios. 129
Lanvin Š 5
Sea & Ski Speetaculars ........ 49
Triumph Spitfire .... 9
Use these lines for inf ation
about other featured merchandise,
Miss Pilgrim will be happy to
answer any of your other
questions on fashion, travel, food
and drink, bi-fi, ete. If your
question involves items you saw
in PLAYBOY, please specify
page number and issue of the
magazine as well as a brief
description of the items
when you write.
232 E. Ohio Street, Chicago 11, Ill.
О 3 yrs. for 3514 (Save 510.00)
O 1 yr. for 6 (Save 52.00)
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232 E. Ohio Street, Chicago 11, Illinois
SEPTEMBER IN IRELAND, when the mists
are light over the fields of Doneg
the lakes of the River Sh
time of the hunter. One sure-fire source
of the better е birds— wild duck
and gees
area about Woodhill
County Don
simple inn where competent
dogs are available for about 52 per dicm.
More luxurious quarters lor the game:
may be found at Cashel P;
Hotel, Cahir, County Tipperary, an cle-
gant little village hostelry (13 rooms,
S10 a day) and a fine base for those
who want to try their hand at coursing,
a favorite sport in the country districts.
An ancestor of greyhound racing dating
back to the Second Centui
entails the pursuit of a live |
open country cither on horseback or on
foot, depending on the hunt you pick
(if the call is to horse, the secretary of
the hunt will tell you where to hire a
ре and woodcock — is the
specialize ng stags Or оцет,
Newspaper headlines | notwithstand-
outlanders will find that most of
il and receptive
ber's pleasant weather. We recommend
m by plane from Rome
nd Benghazi:
ible hotels, excel-
rga ins,
yat Ê
worthy battlements ol the de e
nd Benghazi both con-
е markets and fine
ted beaches on the North
n addition, Tripoli boasts
while Tripoli
a thriving G
Another way to do the Dark Continent
is to board a cruise boat at Cairo for a
But for our money —
yours—the most scenically rewarding
section of Africa lies south of the Pyra
mids of Giza and the Valley of the Kings,
пот Addis Ababa to Zanzibar. The
choicest base of operations in this un-
tamed terrain is Wil Holden's Mt.
Kenya ri Club, astonis shy
sumptuous y deep in тошма
side forest, wher ТЕЛІНІП Т
and climb mountains, splash in Africa's
largest swimming pool, or enjoy such
country-club amenities as horseback rid-
ing, golf, tennis amd skeet shooting.
Rates range from 535 а day for a room
with bath and fireplace (evenings arc
nippy at the 6000-foot level of massive
Mt. Kenya) to a regal S200 а day in a
bungalow built for four. The tarill in-
cludes те ed by the Club's
Vien . as well as transportation
to and from Nairobi in the Club's pri-
vate plane or in a Rolls upholstered in
zebra skin.
At home, onc of the best de;
business of packaged wi
ls in the.
ends may be enjoyed under the auspices
of the Treadway Inn at Canandaigua,
New York. Pleasures covered in their
$34.50 tariff include boating in the holly-
covered Finger Lakes area, hunting or
a шір to
of autumn in New Yor
te, that is
For further information on any of the
write to Playboy Reader Sero-
232 E. Ohio St, Chicago 11, IIl.
Refines away harsh flavor...refines away
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