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PLAYB I LL There may be sev- 

eral people within 
the continental limits of the United 
States who don't recognize the artfully 
disguised sheik on our April cover as 
Britain's cinematic clown prince, Peter 
Sellers, but happily they don't read this 
magazine. Peter's variation on the Valen 
tino theme (with appropriate subtitle) 
provides only a small inkling of what 
brightens our pages within. His comedic 
contribution, Sellers Mimes the Movie 
Lovers, is a wildly mad and wonderfully 
unclad (courtesy of a dishabilled cast of 
leading ladies) take-off on an allstar 
entourage that includes the title role in 
his forthcoming flick, The World of 
Henry Orient. 

Starting in this issue: You Only Live 
Twice, another Тап Fleming adventure 
novel on the very public world of Secret 
Agent 007 — the inimitable and appar- 
ently indestructible Britisher, Tames 
Bond, The novel will be available this 
August їп а hard-cover edition under the 
imprint of New Ame Library 
(84.50). While pravnoy readers are delec- 

tating his latest Bond brain child, 
Fleming is busy in his Jamaica retreat 
conjuring up even stickier wickets for 
his death-defying alter ego. Daniel 
Schwartz, illustrator of You Only Live 
Twice, joins a long list of eminent artists 
whose works have been featured on the 
pages of raynoy. An amateur photog- 
rapher and jazz pianist, and aspiring 
pilot, Schwartz has exhibited in most of 
the major museums and his works 


induded in a who's who of private 

A consummate practitioner in the art 
ge, Jean Genet, the controver- 

of langu 
sial subject of this month's interview (the 
only one he's ever given to a public 
tion), is a self-prodaimed homosexual, 
thief and traitor, Genet, author of the 

obtuscly outspoken plays The Blacks and 
The Balcony, and last year's literary sen- 
sation, Our Lady of the Flowers, does 
not have to proclaim his own literary 
merits; he is recognized as one of 
France’s truly great writers. 

Frederik Pohl, creator of this issue's 
taut fictive space probe, The Fiend, edi- 
tor of Galaxy magazine and author of 
close to 40 sci-fi books, became involved 
both literally ively with the 

nd figu 
body politic this past year when he ran 
for County Coroner of his New Jersey 
home base. Pohl polled less than his op- 
ponent, however, and so continues to 
concern himself solely with lively science 
fiction. An acerbic survey of todays 
fiction scene, John W. Aldridge's High- 
brow Authors and Middlebrow Books is 



about to be published by David McKay 
as part of a work on the contemporary 
American novel. Onetime Fulbright lec- 
turer at the University of Copenhagen, 
Aldridge is now a Yank at Oxford where 
he is about to practice what he preaches, 
embarking upon his own contemporary 
American novel. A fictional departure 
for eLAYBOY is John Keats’ shocker of a 
vignette, You Could Always Hope. Nei- 
ther entertainment in its usual context, 
nor a story in the strict plot-structure 
sense — two requisites for PLAYBOY fiction 
— Keats’ war fragment, nevertheless, was 
so compelling a portrait of a particular 
kind of contemporary horror, to have 

passed it up would have been a disserv- 
ice to our readers. Keats’ most recent 
hook, They Fought Alone, was a much- 
praised nonfiction effort on guerrilla 
warfare in the Philippines. 

PLAynoy Fashion Director Robert L. 
whose imprint is on our Spring 
& Summer Fashion Forecast, is a well- 
dressed man for all seasons, Scheduled 
to be a commentator this month at the 
London convention of the International 
Association of Clothing Designers, he h 
this year put in duty as а men's-fashion 
authority at conventions, conferences, 
and press previews in Grand Bahama, 
Los Angeles, Philadelphia and the New 
York World's Fair 

Since making an easy dollar is always 
in fashion, PLAYBOY readers would be 
pound wise to pay more than passing 
heed to Howard Margolis’ Sucker Bets 
— an eye-opening primer on how to turn 
man's irresistible игре to wager on a 
"sure thing" to one's advantage. Going 
from money-makers to monster-makers, 
this issue finds PLAYBOY'S own misarthro- 
pologist Gah 

a Wilson turning his 
auention from ghouls to pools for a 
nly mirthful collection of car- 
toons on the genus Carcharias, The 

Add to this, Thomas Mario's mouth- 
watering guide to the very special 
attraction of Continental Comestibles, 
another galaxy of former gatefold girls 
in Playmates Revisited — 1956, Artist 
LeRoy Neiman's Man at His Leisure 
limning of England’s famed Epsom 
wee Jeebies, Don Addis’ Symbolic Sex, 
Playmate Ashlyn Martin and, after a 
month's hiatus, another installment of 
Editor-Publisher Hefner's Playboy Phi- 


by, Shel Silverstein’s La Dolce Tee- 

As our pantomimic Peter Sellers pre- 
sages on the cover, our April issue is a 
first-run, four-star production. Step right 
in, the show's about to start. 

vol. 11, no. 4 — april, 1964 


Sellers Satire 

The Sharks 

сотк!итер © вва вт нин PUBLISHING CO. INC. 
отра mar ee epniwir im WHOLE Ок IN PART 
AUST/ PAUL, Photo ат ноябр: т, S 
Photo. PY vincent Y. imis Р. 7 La: 


PLAYBIL. - 2 : sa 

DEAR PLAYBOY... А Б — = 7 
THE PLAYBOY ADVISOR. .... ie xus — 39 
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: JEAN GENET—cendid conversation 22 45 




NEW GIRL IN TOWN—playbey's playmate of the month. 92 



DON ADDIS 106‏ ي 

THE FIEND—fiction 

SYMBOLIC SEX—humor............. 

THE EPSOM DERBY—man at his leisure -LEROY NEIMAN 120 
PLAYMATES REVISITED—1956—pictorial NEN errr ey 1 2A: 

ON THE SCENE—personalities.......... 



ER editor and publisher 
A. C. sPECTORSEY associate publisher and editorial director 
ARTHUR PAUL art director 

JACK J. KESSIE managing editor VINCENT T. TAJIRI picture editor 
SOLOMON associate editors; MOUEXY V. GREEN fashion director; DAVID TAYLOR d550- 
ciate fashion editor; TUOMAS MARIO food & drink editor; PATRICK CHASE travel 
editor; J. vavt GETIY consulting editor, business & fmance; CHARLES BEAUMONT, 

copy chief; MICHAEL LAURENCE, JACK SHARKEY, RAY WILLIAMS assistant editors; 
а LAIN associate picture editor; BONNIE novils assistant picture editor; MARIO 
raphers; STAN MALINOWSKI contributing photographer; FRED GLASER models’ stylist; 
REID AUSTIN associate art director; KON BLUME, JOSEPH PACZEK assistant art direc- 
lors; WALTER KRADENYCIL dri assistant; CYNTA MADDOX assistant cartoon editor; 
N MASIRO Production manager; FE CANMANN assistant. production man- 
ager * HOWARD W. LEDERER advertising director; JULES KASE eastern advertising 
manager: josten FALL midwestern advertising manager; JosevH GUENTHER Detroit 
adverlising manager; riso rvrcu promotion director; DAN словак promotion 
art director; manut Lorscn publicity manager; BENNY DUNN public relations 
manager; ANSON MOUNT college bureau: THEO FREDERICK personnel director: JANET 
PILGRIM reader service; WALTER HOWARTH subscription fulfillment manager; ELDON 
SELLERS special projects; KOMERY PREUSS business manager & circulation director. 

So pale that new Noilly Prat French Vermouth is virtually invisible in Lm 
your gin or vodka. Extra pale and extra dry for today's correct Martinis. «ibus 




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First of all, I would like to wish you 
the very best on your tenth birthday and 
thank you for the ten years of pleasure 
PLAYBOY has given me. Secondly, your 
Tenth Anniversary Issue (January) was 
something quite remarkable — even for 
pravnoy. Lord Bertrand Russell, Ernest 
Hemingway, James Baldwin, Ian Flem- 
ing, Pablo Picasso, Р. С. Wodehouse, 
Vance Packard, Philip Roth, Wolf Man- 
kowitz, Vladimir Nabokov and Budd 
Schulberg all in one issue must have set 
some sort of magazine publishing record. 
Charles Dickinson 
New York, New York 

I haye kept the January issue of 
PLAynoy on my night stand since re 
ceiving it, and have been reading ex 
cerpts from the issue for the last week 
or so. In my opinion it is the best value 
ever given in one issue of any magazine. 
Charles B. Bloch 
Globe Photos 
Hollywood, California 


Reading your January salute to Mari- 
lyn Monroe, and looking at it, 1 thought 
that. Marilyn would have smiled happily 
at the publicity and then confided to one 
of her few intimates, “They didn't ех- 
pose my secret.” Marilyn’s secret through- 
out her life was the fact that she wa 
innocent of sex. Her relationships with 
men had been always emotional or 
social, Sensuality was as foreign to her 
as trigonometry. She once said to me, 
"Maybe ГЇ find out sometime what 
makes people so excited about sex, but 
so far, it doesn’t seem to me any more 
interesting than shoe polish. 
in San Francisco a week before her mar- 


‘This was 

riage to Joe DiMaggio. 
Ben Hecht 
Nyack, New York 

Marilyn could be and often was a 
maddening girl during the shooting of 
a picture and | doubt that I am the 
only one who worked with her who was 
occasionally provoked into impatience 
and even bitterness by her behavior on 

the set. I can’t remember having un- 
burdened myself about her in the exact 
words you attribute to me, but I can 
hardly deny that there were many times 
when I felt that way about her 

But please let me correct the record 
by bringing it nearer to date. It was 
something like 12 years ago that 1 wrote 
and produced two pictures in which she 
appeared, We're Not Married and How 
to Marry a Millionaire, and my irritation 
with her at that time is now so far in 
the past and so long forgotten that 1 
was shocked when J read what I had 
said. It took me a little time, in fact, 
to remember the worry she had caused 
many of us on those picture 

It had disappeared so completely that 
when, two years ago, I had occasion to 
work with her again, in connection with 
the screenplay of Something 
Give, neither of us, I am sure, remem- 
bered anything about it. She did at 
first, I must admit, express to the pro- 
ducer, Henry Weinstein, a doubt as to 
the advisability of this professional re- 
union, and on the grounds, too, that 1 
didn't like her. (She put things as sim- 
ply as that.) And why did she think I 
didn't like her, Mr. Weinstein asked. 
“Because 1 once turned down a script 
of his,” she replied. But it didn’t take 
long to straighten that one out. As I 
explained to her at our first meeting, if 
I nourished a disl 
had turned down a script of mine I 
would be on speaking terms with very 
few people in Hollywood. This time I 
found myself working with a young 
woman so different from the one I had 
known before that I won't even try 
to describe it, except to say that I had 
lived to regret anything I had ever said 
about her that was not admiring and 

ke for everyone who 

Nunnally Johnson 
London, England 

arlyn Monroe's biographer, I 
began reading your January essay and 
looking at the photographs of MM with 
a certain uneasiness — but this quickly 
gave way to a warm pleasure. I must 
compliment you on the good taste and 

PLAYBOY, Armi, 1984, voL 



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loveliness of the text and the pictures, 
among which were some of the most 
beautiful photographs of this most 
wonderfully photogenic of American 
women. It was, I thought, the finest 
tribute paid her since her untimely 
death, and what made it so fine was the 
feeling of love for MM that came 
through. If only she could have known 

how much she was loved. 
Maurice Zolotow 
Hastings on Hudson, New York 

The January interview with Vladimir 
Nabokov was brilliant on both sides— 
the interviewer thrusting open the 
Nabokov not in the room: the 
viewer rushing to the fire escape, 
Nabokov scrambling over the roof: the 
nterviewer finally cornering him with 
a question and Nabokov stating exactly 
what he wants to say, in response to a 
question which Nabokov had been agi- 
n his own space helmet. Please 
tulate Alvin Lofller lor me. 

Herbert. Gold 

San Francisco, California 


Tread the interview with Mr. Nabokoy 
with great interest, but I will confine my 
comment to this: If I may use what 
seems to be one of his own favorite 
words, I find it "do hear 
the author of Lolita exclaim, "Let us 
skip sex.” 

Joseph Wood Krutch 
Tucson, Arizona 

The Very Acme of Romantic Love in 
the January pLaynoy was an enthralling 
example of the one-sidedness of the his- 
toric encounter between boy and girl. 
She remains the supreme aphrodisiac 
nd egotist. He is still her favorite (and 
most willing) pawn: so eager to please, 
so oblivious to pain. Where else but in 
an amocban society is the hunter so 
dearly beloved — by the hunted 
Edward Murrain 
New York, New York 

I wish to extend unqualified con- 
gratulations to a master of allegorical 
prose, Wolf Mankowitz. His story, one 
be certain, was vividly symbolic of 
the experiences of many incurably ro- 
mantic men such as myself. Though for 
allegory was not a cure, it was 
at least a revelation of sorts that it 
presented а dearer understan of 
both the nature of man and the nature 
of woma 

me hi 

Robert W. V 
KSOO Radio 
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 


Noting on the cover of your January 
issue that Bertrand Russell was among 

your distinguished contributors, 1 im- 
mediately turned to the article, read it, 
and decided to write to you, secure in 
the knowledge th: 
friendly letters. 

1 must first admit that I was disap- 
pointed that the article was uncharac 
teristically emotional. It was not, I am 
sad to say. an appeal to reason as are 
Lord Russell's other works. I was glad, 
on the other hand, to see his work pre- 
sented to such a large audicucc. 

C. F. Stephan 
Myrde Beach, South Carolina 

you receive many un 

After years of pondering o er Ber 
trind Russell, the meaning behind the 
man and the man behind the meaning, 
I was hit squarely in the face with it, 
thanks to PLAYBOY, He's right; it’s just 

the whole world that's all wrong. 
W. Н. Trask 

After reading The Uses of the Blues 
by James Baldwin in your January issue, 
І was moved то write my fist letter to 
the editor. I teach Negro children and 
have taught them, and other racial mi- 
norities, for nine years. | thought | 
understood them; but after reading Mr. 
Baldwin's fine article I'm sure I under- 
stand them a lot better. 


m IL Smith 
т, Colorado 

Vance Pac 
ing clear his nonqualification for a posi- 
tion in the upper reaches of indu: 
agement, in January’s On Being a 
Managerial Misfit, renders your readers 
a worth-while service by revealing some 
of the more gratuitous idiocies of man- 
agement selection as practiced by many 
large companies today. 
Robert N. McMurry 
"The McMurry Company 
Personnel. Administration 
Chicago. Illinois 

ard, in the course of m 

After reading the third part of How 
to Talk Dirty and Influence People by 
Lenny Bruce, І was reminded of an 
observation that I made once to Lenny 
and that was chat Word is а four-letter 
word. And so is Four 
Bill (Four) Dana (Four) 
Hollywood, California 

The series by Lenny Bruce is truly 
with a 
ng and as sharp as а surgeon's 
in every- 
iluding his own sexual pro- 
s is a joy and so much of it is 
This is a series that must be- 

lancet. His complete franki 



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come a runaway best seller in book form. 
Rudy Vallee 

New York, New York 

A hard cover edition of Lenny's “How 

10 Talk Dirty and Influence People” 

will be published soon by Playboy Press. 

How about a belated Christmas gift 
for your many feminine reade 
color foldout of the wild and beautiful 
playboy, Lenny Bruce? 

uderdale, Florida 

Novelist Nelson Algren once wrote, 
“It is the writer's task to reveal the w: 
things are with us: be it horrors or 
joys.” Lenny Bruce's lucid autobiogra- 
phy does just that, with refreshing can. 
dor, warmth and humor 

June Alden 

New York, New York 

Re January's A Short History of Toasts 
and Toasting by William Iversen: Be 
advised that the practice of shattering 
the glass at traditional Jewish weddings 
does not have anything to do with the 
prevention of the use of the glass for 
secular reasons. Rather it denotes that 
even at the most joyous events Jews are 
to remember the destruction of the Holy 
Temple and the subsequent exile and 
persecutions: so a glass is shattered by 
the groom as a token of the common 
sorrow and hope for the Messianic Era. 
Fred Kesofsky 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylva 


Was your inclusion of a Negro couple 
in the group demonstrating for the Fun 
and Games article (January 1964 issue) 
merely part of today’s "let'sstart.being- 
fair" wend in advertising, aimed mainly 
at getting more of the Negro market, or 
was there supposed to be an implicit 
message in it for your readers? If the 
later is the case, then I believe that 
someone having a worthy comment to 
make should speak up and not whisper. 
On the surface, onc might get an impli- 
Invite Negro friends to 
your However, upon reading 
your article, one discovers that the type 
of party you suggest involves kissing, 
bodily contact, and other such pleasur 
able merrymaking. Can we then assume 
that you haye put your stamp of ap- 
proval on this type of interracial amo- 
ss, which is very synonymous with 
and quite a good beginning for 
the muchfrowned-upon institution of 

tally, then forgive me for diving into a 
shallow puddle. But, if there was some 
message to be derived from your action, 

about coinciden- 

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then please enlighten those of us who 

are interested in, and often in agreement 

with, your views. And alas, if there is 

no message, then you must be trying 

to compete with the several struggling 

Negro publications, and in that case my 

suggestion to you is — live and let live. 
S. Olenicoff 

Los Angeles, California 

That's all we ever have in mind, Mr. 
Olenico[] — live and let live. 


I thought you might get a kick out of 
Knowing that one of the scenes in Stan- 
ley Kubrick’s brilliant film satire, Dr. 
Strangelove: от How 1 Learned to Stop 

Worrying and Lowe the Bomb, shows 
the pilot of a SAC bomber perusing a 
copy of rLaynoy. 

Jonathan Thompson 
Los Angeles, California 


"The January issue was a fittingly fine 
way to kick off your Tenth Anniversary 
Year. May 1 offer an anniversary present 
to PLAYBOY with this quote from John 
Wilcock’s column in The Village Voice. 

Says he: “As Esquire has become more 
entangled in the roots of its 
PLAYBOY has been getting better 

better. rLaynoy’s writing, these d: 
the most interesting of any of the slicks, 
and ii ted discussions of such 
topics as sex, drugs, religious hypocrisy 
are the furthest out. Hefner obviously 
possesses the courage to stick his neck 
out for some of his convictions 
Fred Klein 
New York, New York 


1 read Ben Hechts "Noble" Experi- 
ment [vtavsoy, December 1963] with 
great interest, because, as you know, I 
was a youngster playing in some of the 
cafés at that time and remembered quite 
vividly the mobs and people he was talk- 
ing about. In retrospect, I had the same 
feeling that he did about the gangsters 
during that period. They did have their 
private wars 
ber, his point of view is quite correct 
Benny Goodman 
New York, New York 

d as far as I can remem 

Perhaps in Mr. Broyard’s December 
story, Conversation Over Moo Goo Gai 

Pan, Milton gains 20 pounds to shield 
himself from the wounds of bigoted anti. 
Semites such as the author proved to be, 
Maxwell Cohen 
Roger Storey 
New York, New York 
Maybe you read a different story than 
we did, fellas. How could you confuse 
anticonformity with anti-Semitism? 


T am on my way back to Columbia 
(working on a master's in finance) and 
was compelled to write to compliment 
you on the December issue and especi- 
ally the. Albert. Schweitzer interview 

Although I disagree with much of 
Schweitzers philosophy, what amazed 
me was your getting him to consent 
to the interview. 

John Jennings 
Ithaca, New York 


Since, in the January issue of rLAvnoy, 
you've asked all men of good will to 
nominate their favorite Playmate of the 
Year, may T express my thoughts on the 
subject. Jt is impossible to choose be 
tween Donna Michelle and Toni Ann 
Thomas. The t «d olf only 
on the pages of your magazine. А fair, 
firm and final decision can be arrived 
at only when you present further photo- 
graphic documentation of the respective 
qualifications of two superb candidates 
— as you did so well with the three final 
ists last year. 

can be ph 

Rodolfo Rossi 
New York, New York 
Sorry, Rodolfo, but the editors have 
already reached their decision and an 11- 
page tribute to the new Playmate of 
the Year will appear in the next issuc. 

rying to pick ten favorites from 
among all of the beautiful Playmates 
you have featured over the past ten у 
ant, but nearly impossible 
t my ten votes for 
ne Mansfield (February 1955), Joyce 
Nizari (December 1958), Elaine Rey- 
nolds (October 1959), Stella Steve 
(January 1960), B Ann Lawford 
(February 1961), Heidi Becker (June 
1961). Christa Speck (September 1961), 
Laura Young (October 1962), Toni Ann 
Thomas (February 1963) and Donna 
Michelle (December 1963). 

Harold Ken 

Miami, і 

Readers ате invited to send из the 

names of their ten favorite Playmates 
from eLAvnov's first decade and we will 
publish a portfolio of the most popular 
in the December issue. Send your own 
list to: Readers’ Choice, pLaynoy, 232 
Ohio St., Chicago, Illinois 60611. 


Are you eligible for ? Qualifications: a well developed 
fashion sense and a cordial dislike for the baggy look. Truval's 
Career Club shirts are taper-tailored to whittle your waist. Only 
value-minded men need apply: $3.50 and up. 



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от the interest of those amused by 

the suggestive subtleties of that age- 
old scmantic gambit known as the dou- 
ble-entendre, we herewith open а 
brand-new avenue of dual meanings that 
ld an unexplored dimension to 
Shakcspcare's hoary rhetoi 
"Whats in a name?” We wonder if any- 
one has thought of Norman Mailer as 
the name of a medieval French armorer; 
ог that Shepherd Mead should be a 
kind of pastoral libation? Spiritually 
spcaking, Bud Abbott sounds to us like 
the name of a novitiate prior; Jim 
Bishop like a prelate in charge of intra- 
mural sports; Sydney Chaplin like an 
Australian missionary; and Ivy Baker 
Priest like the chaplain at an Eastern 
cooking college. 

In a more secular vein, Cole Porter 
might refer to a fuel totcr, Billy Rose 
to a nightstick adornment, Bill Stern 
to a loan company’s nasty reminder, 
Peggy Wood to antiqued lumber, Au- 
gustus John to an imperial Roman bath- 
room, Christian Herter to а sadistic 
gladiator, and Geleste Holm to a haven 
for chimes. Or consider the sinister con- 
notations of Ransom Sherman as a 
scheme to redeem a kidnaped gencral, 
Ward Bond as a strap to immobilize 
hospital patients, Lilli Palmer as a flower 
thief and June Havoc as a springtime 
catastrophe. More cheerfully, you may 
wish to explore the gastronomic aspects 
of Patti Page as а cookbook’s burger 
section, Graham Greene as a moldy 
cracker and Jo Van Fleet as an armada 
of сойсе trucks. 

Miscellancously, we suggest Tab Hunt- 
er as an absent-minded waiter, Claude 
Rains as the consequence of an eques 

encounter iger, Noel 
Coward as a man who couldn't face the 

ical question, 

trian's with a ti 

Christmas rush, Bob Hope as the devout 
wish of a hook-nosed plasticsurgery pa 
tient, Red Barber as a Sovict tonsorial 
artist, Victor Mature as a well-adjusted 
winner, Stirling Moss as а topgrade 
lichen, Gabriel Heater as а heavenly 
furnace for a socko punch linc, 
Mickey Mantle as a shelf for storing 
knockout drops. 


It would seem, according to Dorothy 
Kilgallen in her "Best of Broadway" col 
umn in The Bangor (Maine) Daily 
News, that the Russians’ latest feat of 
space-race onc-upmanship is to outstrip 
America in the field of missile minia- 
turization. “Russia's newest nuclear 
base,” reveals Miss Kilgallen, “is located 
in a vase in Cuba's Punta Coguane, La: 


Engapingly candid classified ad from 
the Brown (University) Daily Herald: 
“59 Ford Country Sedan. Extremely 
clean, new rubber, also snow tires, deluxe 
radio. A veritable traveling brothel, 
Contact Richter, SU 4-5398.' 

On our last cruising pilgrimage to 
that sailboatracing classic, the annual 
Out Island Regatta, held on the pellucid 
waters off George Town, Exuma, Baha: 
mas, we picked up a copy of the printed 
bulletin of events scheduled for the five 
days of racing, rendezvousing, sunni 
gaming, boat-hopping, dining, drinking, 
and allied activities ashore and afloat 
that attract yachts and. yachtsmen from 
all over the saltwater Southern Racin 
Circuit and beyond. We were particu- 
larly pleased to note the delicacy with 
which the program's authors made in- 
acts of piety—or 

comment on yachtsmen's overt 

k thereof. For the 

„а Sunday, the bulletin 
Divine Service on the 
de Grounds. All Captains and their 
crews are invited to attend. It is hoped 
that all yachtsmen will, too. 

Our man in Memphis reports the 
recent and, we thought, poctically just 
acquittal of one Banger Wright on a 
charge of assault with intent to ravish. 

Bah Humbug Department, Up Your 
Chimney Division: While leafing through 
an old copy of Life the other day — last 
years December 13 found 
ouself glancing idly at a full-page ad 
showing an army of street-corner Santas 
(375 ol them, according to the copy, 
cach wearing a different model of Bulova 
watch) standing with fists held aloft in 
a mass display of timepieces. Unim- 
pressed, we were about to turn the page 

when wondering eyes 
should appear, deep in the massed ranks 
of woolly-chinned redcoats, but an up- 
aised fist with the middle finger unmis- 
takably extended upward in the age-old 
gesture of insolent ill will. We can't help. 
wondering if the touching sentiments 
expressed reflect those of the sponsor. 

issue — we 

what to our 

Unsettling sign of the times posted 
in the shop of a Florida paint dealer: 


Questions we doubt ever got asked were 
the following, which appeared as a blurb 
on the cover of a book called For the 
Love of Kate, by Henri Rochard — "How 
many times have you awakened in the 
middle of the night and said to yourself, 
"E wonder what ever happened to Henri 
Rochard — the male bride? Did 





| check the ARNOLD PALMER styling. we've checked everything else. | 

7 presents these authentic Arnold Palmer knit golf shirts with the famous umbrella em- 
blem. The new Golf Jac features a button-up front and a fashion collar. The Zip shirt earns its name with a neat zipper 
placket. Both are styled for action with swing-easy sleeves. In easy care, wash ‘п wear 50% Vycron polyester /5096 
cotton knit. Checked and double-checked for quality to earn the Vycron Verified Value hangtag. In the season's sport- 
ingest shades, S, M, L, XL. The Golf Jac about $5.98. The Zip Shirt about $5.00; also in boys’ sizes 6-20, about $3.50. 
At fine stores everywhere. For one nearest you write: Robert Bruce, Inc., Richmond & Allegheny Avenue, Philadelphia 
34, Pennsylvania. Beaunit Fibers, Division of Beaunit Corporation, 261 Fifth Avenue, New York 16, New York. 

“Fiber, fabric and 
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Consumer Testing Institute, 

Vycron polyester is a BEA 

Henri settle down in suburbia amd join 
the local War Bride's Club? " 

As our contribution toward restoring 
public confidence in the undertaking, 
business — subjected in recent months to 
widespread criticism for the exorbitant 
rates and lugubrious solicitude of its 
practitioners — we oiler, without charge, 
the following medley of popular song 
hits which we suggest they provide as 
a soothing musical background for the 
bereaved in the “meditori 
mortuari Look for the Silken Lining, 
Till the Shrouds Roll By, Oh, What a 
Beautiful Mourning, You're the Cream 
in My Goffin, A Tisket, a Gasket, Bier 
Barrel Polka, Pall or Nothing at All, 
You Go to My Headstone, The Girl 
That I Bury, Í Bereave; and for your 
friendly neighborhood crematory, such 
old favorites as Put the Flame on Mame, 
Scarlet Riddance, I See Your Vase Be- 
fore Me and the ever-popular Heat Me 
in St. Louis. 

Desperate times call for desperate 
measures. Manhattan's Hilton Hotel has 
augurated a "jet ba 
high-speed clevators, which it keeps at 
Red Alert for supersonic service to the 
room of any guest who dispatches an 
urgent alcoholic summons. 

Shades of Madison Avenue: Attempt- 
ing to “conjure up evocative new names 
for shirt colors"— a pr: 
in itself — Eagle Shirt 
town, Pennsylvani 

worthy project 
ers of Quaker- 
conducted a contest 
nnounced the front-running entries 

est ad. Of the many tongue-in- 
check tinctures listed, we herewith repro- 
duce a few of the funniest — with our 
congratulations to the winners: Parlor 
Pink, Better-Dead-Than Red, Cost-of- 
Living Rose, Whizzer White, Cyd С 
God's Little Ocher, Robert Shaw Cora 
Noblesso Beige, Willie Mai 
Taupe e Booth Puce, Navel Orange, 
Unshiink pio Carmine, 

п, Holy Mac apphire, Come- 
and-Get-Me Copper, and Statutory Grape 
— followed, of course, by Freudian Gilt. 

The knotty but nice panel of judges 
at a recent Miss Forest Product 
tition in Phoenix, Arizona, included 
David Woodman, Ed Forester, Bob 
Trimmer, Bill Cutter, Clarence Carpen- 
ter and Jerry Sawyer. 


A bachelor of our acquaintance tells 
us that he has come to grips with the 
s of life among small fry. During a 

1 h his niece and 
d six and five, respec 
the little girl stated her pref 
boy chocolate baby 

a girl chocolate baby wouldn't do just as 
well, she replied cannily, "No. With a 
boy chocolate baby theres just that 
much more chocolate," 

A restaurant we haven't gotten. up 
enough courage to visit is the Caveat 
Emptor, opened in the Merchants’ and 
Manufacturers’ Club of Chicago's Mer- 
chandise Mart. 

We learned recently that the Cali- 
fori General Assembly has decided to 
classify indigenous olives by size, with 
no less than a dozen designations. The 
smallest varieties are prosaically called 
Small, Medium and Large; but these are 
followed by progressively more prodigi- 
ous specimens dubbed Family, Extra 
Large, Mammoth, Giant, King, Jumbo, 
Royal, Colossal and Supercolossal. To 
which we can only add Brobdingnagian 
and Preposterous, 

Hollywood Comes of Age Department: 
A luncheon held to publicize American 
International's teenage twist opus, Mus- 
cle Beach Party, was marked by the 
following: a 15-minute film starring Vin 
cent Price, during which the lunchicon's 
master of ceremonies, Morey Amst 
popped out of a coffin borne by six 
Gaslight girls and engaged the on-screen 
Price in conversation. Fred 
then introduced the 
Mau," a new dance step devised espec- 
ially for debut in Muscle Beach Party. 
Door prizes were candy skyscrapers, and 
сусту guest received a personal Muscle 
Beach Party hat, “Monster Midgee Card" 
— whatever that might be — and minia- 
ture toy telescope. 


We'd be the last one to discourage 
progressive-minded penology, but we 
question the severity, if not tie nature, 
of the sentence meted out to one Wel- 
lington Windley, who escaped from the 
Virginia state workhouse where he had 
been committed, said the Arlington, Vir- 
, Gazette, "for 210 lays.” 


In The Girl Who Came fo Supper there’s 
a showstopper that really stops the show. 
Halfway through the first act of this 
Noel Coward-H. 
tion of Terence R. 
horse, The Sleeping Prince, Te 
O'Shea, a fat, squat satchelful of good 
cheer, h-and-chi) 
and as far as the audience is conce 
the treats are on the house. Tessie pla 
Ada Cockle, and as all of London pa 
before her, she belts four bits of authentic 
cockles-warming Londonese, including 

wheels out 

“Him? He made an 
Old Fashioned and 
forgot the Angostura!” 



Drinkable but 

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The Angostara-Woypermann Corp., 79-0 Barnwell Ave., Elmhurst 73, N.Y. 




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Citation's aroma? Masculine to the core. Lasting, yet subtle. The Secret? Rare, 
imported essences, selected for their discreet longlife. Citation’s soothing ingre- 
dients keep working hour after hour, too. New Citation, by Mennen, 

truly the all day after shave (also great for those evening assignments). (MI) 

What Ho, Mrs. Brisket a 
Our Charlie [от the Army. 
skirt, d; 

d Don't Take 
She lifts her 
ity legs shoot out from under 

stove of a body, and she 
orts with the chorus. The 
1 » is onstage only ten minutes, and 
what she does has nothing whatever to do 
with anything before or after: but it is so 
much beuer and more a 
all the rest that the whole affair should 
have been called The Tessie O'Shea 
Show. Ви there's а plot — some- 
thing to do with a stully prince regent 
of Carpathia who is in London in 1911 
for the coronation of George V, and lets 
lus braid down long enough to dally 
with an Am. showgirl from Mil 
waukee. The showgirl falls for the prince, 
and most of the evening is a matter of 
when will he. José Ferrer plays the 
pompous prince, and he has an annoy 
ing habit of adding syllables: "In your 
stunted and limited vocabula 
no other word than love-va 
Henderson is the showgirl, 
cute, has a well-pitched voice and an 
antic humor, but her part gives her no 
opportunity to show much more than a 
phony Midwest accent. The sets are 
splashy, the production but except. 
for Tessie’s turn, this musical merits 
only the award the prince pins on the 
showgirl, the Royal Carpathian Order 
of Perseverance — Second. Class. At the 
y, Broadway at 53rd Street. 

Leighton in The Chinese Prime Minister. Miss 
Leighton is playing a 70-year-old actress 
during the first of her retirement; 
she is the creation of 74-yearold pl 
wright Enid Bagnold, who, thankfully, 
is apparently nowhere near her retire 
For the most part, her р 
wry high comedy about the wonders and 
woes of growing old, but probably she 
should have left youth alone. Miss Bag- 
nold's heroine, identified only as “She,” 
is an imperious lady, who is impervious 
to time. She insists that “the birthday 
of a woman old and famous is sad and 
important.” Her dream is to be revered 
for her age and wisdom, like the legend- 
ary Chinese prime ministers. The li 
long butler, Bent (Alan Webb, looki 
like a wizened Art Carney), snorts at the 

thought. He is 30 rs her senior, and 
doesn’t care what they say about him. 
He even drops dead when he pleases, 

which is twice, and both times dodders 
back to life. The lady's long-lost hus- 
band, Sir Gregory (John Williams), re- 
turns to reclaim her. To him She is as 
young as he feels, and he feels young 
indeed. This trio of oldsters is delightful 
company, but, sadly, also on the premises 
(a London drawing room) are two sons 
— опе pompous, the other sissified — and 
their two wives, one pushy, the other 
promiscuous. The latter is given to 

ndy slogans like “I'm only the breath 
that makes the flute play and I only 
play for strangers." quartet is 
cranky, creaky, and badly in need of re- 
What a monstrous thing, 
27 says Sir Gregory in а moment of 
a monstrous thing, youth, 
at least in the hands of talented old pls 
wrights. At the Royale, 242 West 45th 

Everybody loves himself in Nobody 
Loves an Albatross. Ronald Alexander's 
subver: comedy about television. 
cuckoo country is a paean to self-interest, 
enlightened and otherwise. As wisely di- 
rected by Gene Saks, it is also a welcome. 
wacky antidote to the usual domestic 
pap on Broadway and оп television. 
Chie ego is Nat Bentley (Robert Pres- 
ton), a Hollywood television producer- 
writer, who is incapable of writing even 
a letter home for moncy. He produces 
his scripts out of the coset, where he 
confines helpless young hopefuls with the 
remote promise that sometime, some- 
where, he will let them write under their 
own names (whatever they are). Preston 
is a compleat heel who is completely 
charming, "a man of five-minute loyalties 
га man of great decision who can go 
either way." “Get your grubby hands off 
me,” he snaps at his preteen daughter, 
some time before giving her a script to 
read and analyze (she writes down а long 
list of criticisms; he submits them as 
own). Smiling warmly at his lovely new 
secretary (Carol Rossen), he announces 
the prerequisites for the job: “Abso- 
lute loyalty and oc Е 

sex.” В: 
stabber Preston finally gets knifed. His 
slaveys-are unable to come up with a 
decent script for a new series about a 
girl whose best pal is a gorilla, and he 
is forced to sit down at his typewriter 
and write his own, which he does by 
aibbing from an old Shirley Temple 
movie. Too low is not low enough for 
Preston, or his cageful of co-workers, the 
hoss of the studio, 
the double-dealing 
agent, the sadistic husband-and-wife gag 
team (He: "The trouble with our chil- 
dren is they have two fathers”). The 
only oasis of honesty in this uproariously 
amoral desert is a laugh machine wh 
only laughs at good jokes. The machine 
would laugh itself silly at Albatross. At 
the Lyccum, 19 West 45th Street. 

a mountain of 

and a guileless stage personality 
that can demolish the toniest or stoniest 
audience into making googoo back at 
her. At onc point in her new hit musical, 
Hello, Dolly!, there is a riot in a restaurant 
and the scene dissolves into а courtroom 
where the combatants are being tried. 

For lean and natural lines, | 
free of tailoring trickery or 
fake padding, we, the 
Daroffs of Philadelphia, 
strongly recommend our 
Natural Gentleman model. 
The current selection is espe- 
cially handsome, due to the 
exclusive lighter, livelier, 
new summer-weight fabrics, 
Tailored with the Daroff 
Personal Touch, Natural 
Gentleman suits are quality- 
value priced at $65.00, others 
$59.95 to $85.00. (slightly 
higher in the West.) For the 
name of a nearby dealer, 
write: H. Daroff & Sons, 
Inc., 2300 Walnut Street, 
Phila. 3, Pa. (A subsidiary 
of Botany Industries.) Sani- 
tized” for Hygienic Freshness 

‘BOTANY 500° 

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Off to one side, Miss Channing, as the 
money-mad matchmaker, Dolly Levi, is 
still in the restaurant, still eating, hap- 
pily stuffing her face with gobs of 
giblets and dumplings, enough to choke 
any six other leading ladies (and the 
prop horse that figures prominently in 
this show). There is action in the court, 
but no one cares. Chewing, Channing has 
stopped the show. What she really has 
done is swallow the show whole. Hello, 
Dolly! was "suggested" by Thornton 
Wilder's prankish farce The Match 
maker, and in Michael Stewart's book, 
as in the original, Dolly Levi tries to find 
a mite for the rich, greedy feed merchant 
of Yonkers (David Burns), knowing that 
in the end she'll be the match for thi 
prize catch. The action spins betwec 
Yonkers and Manhattan and through 
several romantic subplots. Oliver Smith 
has designed crisp sets and backdrops 
straight from the “rotogiavure.” Director 
Gower Champion has whipped tozether 
a quick, slick, frothy production, chorco- 
graphing even the walkers and speeding 
an army of waiters into a madcap gallop 
round the orchestra (the stage goes 
around the orchestra, too). Most of the 
Wilder lines have been replaced by dul- 
ler Jerry Herman rhymes, but his tide 
song and maybe one or two others are 
eminently hummable. It doesn't matte 
really. If you're tone deaf or stone deaf, 
you'll still fall for great big Dolly. At 
the St. James, 246 West 44th. Street. 


ern music is here 
helpings such 
Gormé (Colum- 
bia). Backed by Joe Guercio's Orchestra 
playing Don Costa arrangements, Eydie is 
down home and delightful on such pus- 
toral tone poems as / Can't Help It, I'm 
Sorry, I Walk the Line and I Can't Stop 
Loving You. 

If country-and-we 

Sonny Meets Hawk! (Victor) —the new 
with the old — is a decided triumph for 
the old. Coleman Hawkins. seemingly 
ageless, makes Rollins on this session ap- 
pear to be unc һ оГ himself. The 
Hawk is admirably inventive and techni- 
cally impeccable, and what he does to 
Lover Man should happen to tenor men 
half his age. 

Not quite in Hawkins’ elder-statesman 
category, veteran Georgie Auld still ba 
many things to say that are worth listen- 
ing to. The Georgie Auld Quintet Plays the 
Winners (Philips) is an exciting etching. 
Auld’s partners in time — trombonist 
Frank Rosolino. pianist Lou Levy, bassist 
Leroy Vinnegar and drummer Mel Lewis 
—help make it so. Taking а Chance on 




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They sing the lusty songs they learned in Irish pubs and later sang for the joy 
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Their newest album, The First Hurrahl, is their first recording since the hit, 
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Love, Whats New and the rousing 
opener, F's a Good Day, are just three 
exemplary examples out of the ten tunes 
included here, any of which bears re- 
peated playing. 

Although Duke Ellington is many 
things, he is not the world's greatest 
Г t. But the Duke plays strictly out of 
his own bag. which makes Duke Ellington/ 
Piano in the Foreground (Columbia) an 
absorbing LP. Accompanied by bassist 
won Bell and drummer Sam Wood- 
yard, Ellington takes on a trio of stand- 
ds (/ Can't Get Started, Body and Soul 
and Summertime) and eight originals, 
and treats them with a catholic range of 
styles that encompasses evi 
ragtime to Ravel. 

Nancy Wilson/Yesterday's Love Songs . . . 
Today's Blues (Capitol) reiterates the fact 
that Miss Wilson has stepped over the 
threshold of vocal stardom — she has ar- 
rived. Here, aided by a big band led and 
charted by Gerald Wilson (no relation 
but a decidedly kindred spirit), Nancy 
turns her attentions to melodies which 
ате mostly of an indigo hue. Transformed 
by the magic Wilson touch: The Very 
Thought of You, Someone to Watch 
Over Me, the Cy Goleman—Carolyn 
Leigh casic The Best Is Yet to Соте, 
and many others. 

More/Clark Terry Sextet (Cameo) finds the 
eminent trumpet Flügclhorn practitioner 
in the good company of tenor titan Ben 
Webster, a combination that has in the 
past demonstrated its ability to produce 
topllight. jazz. This outing is no excep- 
tion. From the title tune out of Mondo 
Cane through the jumping Gravy Waltz 
through the delicately eiched bossa nova 
Meditation, Terry. Webster & Co. have 
the situation well in hand, 

The Best of Woody Hermon (Everest) is, in 
t we know to be a hard- 
clectric aggregation, strangely 
flaccid. Its reprising of past Herman fa- 
vorites — Woedchopper's Ball, Caldonia, 
Bijou, Northwest Passage — has a metal- 
lic, mechanical quality which belies the 
current Herd's renowned vitality. 

For an all-star collection of also-rans, 
dig Academy Award Losers / Steve Lawrence 
(Columbia). Steve, with the Billy May 
Orchestra, deftly delivers an Oscarless 
array that indudes such illustrious com- 
pany as /'ve Gor You Under My Shin, 
I'll Remember April, Check to Cheek 
and That Old Feeling — all superb se 
ond bests. Another exceptional cinematic 
songfest is Billy Eckstine Now Singing in 12 
Great Movies (Mercury). Mr. B's Cinema- 
scopic baritone unreels a fourstar com- 
pendium of flick themes. On the bill are 
Moon River, Manha de Carnaval from 
Black Orpheus, Days of Wine and Roses, 

On Green Dolphin Street and The Good. 
Life. Eckstine's highly charged handling 
of them rates rave notices. 

Crisp, dean and clarion is The Urbie 
Green &Tot (Command). The trombonist 
(augmented by Doc Severinsen's formid- 
able trumpet, the alto of Walt Levinsky 
and rhythm) offers ample aural vindica- 
tion of the esteem in which he is held by 
fellow musicians. Items on hand include 
Body and Soul, Four Brothers, Royal 
Gaiden Blues and the haunting title tune 
from The Bad and the Beautiful. 

Why the superlative talents of pianist 
Bill Evans were thrown away on Bill 
Evans/The V.LP.s Theme and Others (МСМ) 
is difficult to fathom, Accompanied by an 
outsized orchestr: ms performs a ses- 
sion of movie and TV themes (with the 
exceptions of Hollywood and Sweet Sep- 
tember). We know it’s Evans because his 
name is on the LP: nothing else about 
the recording would make us believe it. 
The sound could have been produced 
by any cocktaillounge pianist 

Music of the Renaissance /Vocal Arts Ensemble 
(Counterpoint / Esoteric) is a delight. The 
cight voices, directed by Richard Levitt, 
weave a pure sound perfectly in keeping 

with the geometric constructions of Or- 
lando di Lasso, Josquin des Pres, Monte- 

baroque transitional period. 

Drummin' Man/Gene Krupa (Columbia) is 
recommended almost solely to devotces 
of Krupa's estimable stickwork. The two- 
LP album is handsomely packaged with 
an ге bio by George T. Simon. 
The recordings themselves cover the 
to 1949 and bear far from 
попу to the fact that, except 
ional solo work by Roy Eldridge, 
Ventura, Frank Rosolino and 
gerquist, vocals by Anita O'Day 
's own efforts, the band left 

A brace of bravura guitarists ply the 
wares in admirable fashion on Berney 
Kessel’s Swingin’ Parry at Contemporary (С 
) and Catch Me!/ Joe Pass (Pacific 
newcomer on the 

With confr: 
ful piano . and a pair of 
alternating rhythm sections, Pass displays 
an almost infinite variety of ori 
ideas on such as Summertime, Mood In- 
digo and You Stepped Out of a Dream. 
Kessel, a ntrospective mu: than 
Pass, is straightforward and mellifluous 
his rendering of a group of melodies 
by such jazz stalwarts Jackson, 
Clifford Brown, Charlie and 
Ahmad Jamal, with the classic Lover 
Man as а standard bonus. Marvin Jen- 



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kins augments Barney on piano and 
flute; bassist Gary Peacock and drummer 
Ron Lundberg round out the quartet. 

Erroll Garner with full Orchestra Playing 
Music from the Paramount Motion Picture “A 
New Kind of Love” (Mercury), our new win 
ner in the elongated title sweepstakes, is 
also a winner in content. Garner, playing 
his movie score which is imaginative, sen- 
sitive and lilting by turns, and highly 
is in top form. The orchestra 
behind him is unobtrusive. Also included. 
as part of the score are such evergreens 
as You Brought a w Kind of Love to 
Me, Louise and Mimi 

A rich rapport is ever apparent be- 
tween violinist and pianist on Brahms: 
Sonatas 1 and 3 for Violin and Pianc/Isaac 
Stern and Alexander Zakin (Columbia). The 
aura of bittersweet melancholy that 
threads its through both sonatas is 
always tempered by Brahms’ lyrical то. 
manticism. Stern performing in his own 
métier is, of course, superb. 

After you've heard Carmen McRae Live 
er Sugar Hill, San Francisco (Time), you'll 
be spoiled. Most of the other chirpers 
around will begin to soynd bland, color- 
less and all too ordinal. Carmen is a 
distalt dynamo, showering sparks in all 
directions. Benefiting from the McRae 
incandescence are What Kind of Fool 
Am IP, I Didn't Know What Time It 
Was, It Never Entered My Mind, Make 
Someone Happy, and similarly aturactive 
goodies. Abetted by a trio (and what a 
trio; listen to what bassist Victor Sproles 
does for Carmen), Miss McRae's latest 
LP leaves the effoms of rank-and-file 
warblers light-years behind. 

Vince Guaraldi, Bola Sete and Friends (Fan 
tasy) is a singular set by the pianist and 
guitarist, Aided by drums and bass, the 
twosome is crystalline on Henry Man- 
cini’s now-classic Days of Wine and 
Roses, lwo 

aldi tunes — Star Song 
and Casaba —a Sete composition, Mam- 
bossa, and. Horace Silver's Moon Rays. 
Jt is fresh, uncluttered jazz. 


To Bed... 
edy on a legend and a fact. Legend: 
Swedish ladies, single or not, never waste 
those long arctic nights. Fact: Alberto 
Sordi is a top Ita 
comic, Put the two together by sending 
Sordi to Sweden and much fun must 
follow. A married fur merchant, he heads 
north for а little wolfing, stoked up by 
stories of those scandalous Scandina- 
vians. The parade of pretties begins on 

ог Not to Bed bascs its сот. 

п man-in-thestreet 

Ап After Six dinner jacket isn't’ 


БОЯ Ате! viscetsta and/50% raja 




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the train and on the ferry from Den- 
mark, and by the time Sordi hits 
Stockholm, he is fit to be untied, When 
a friendly bit of blonde smorgasbord 
accompanies him to his hotel room, he 
s the northern lights are really 
ing to blaze; but she proves amiably 
distant, and half aloof (he finds) is not 
better than none. Later. a weekend 
hostess who seems really hospitable only 
furthers his frustrations. And when still 
another nifty takes him to a coed sauna, 
the steam really builds. The last lap of 
hi bbit chi is with a cutie in a car 
race on the ice, and there's a helicopter 

nish that ends the film h a lift. 
Screenwriter Rodolfo Sonego sometimes 
scems to be figuring out what to do next, 
but what he comes up with is generally 
jolly. Sweets to Swedes Barbro Wasten- 
son and Gunilla Elm-Tornquist, and 
bravos to Sordi, who pants skittishly 
after the skirts. 

The Easy Life is an Italian sleeper that 
doesn’t quite wake up; still, it has a lot 
going for it. Vittorio Gassman does a re- 
run of his smooth-talking con man — 
dynamic, deft, delightful — which would 
all the more impressive if you'd never 
n him do it before. Director Dino 
Risi, who has dealt this hand with Gass- 
man in the past, still misses few tricks; 
and this stock-company Dolce Vita puts 
a pretty good show on the road. On an 
August holiday in Rome, Gassman, just 
because he's bored, persuades a serious 
young male student to go for a drive 
with him. One thing leads to ап hour 
nd 45 minutes of events that include 
girl chasing, fights, a visit to 
estranged wife and daughter, 
rich man's yacht — all with a e decor 
of formidably built babes. Scene after 
scene is well done; trouble is, it is scene 
after scene. The script lacks structure, 
goes on too long, and ends so predict- 
ably that it even makes its previous can- 
dor seem corny. The sober young man 
is seduced from seriousness and pays for 
it dearly. Gassman walks away from it 
all. saddened but — we know — only for 
a while. n Louis Trintignant is inter- 
esting as the intellectual; Luciana An- 
giolillo and Catherine Spaak are paired 
prettily as mother and daughter. But all 
the surface reality never digs much 
deeper; what the film has to say about 
Modern Moral Madness is transparently 

apparent from reel one. 


Nowadays, McCarthy means a lady 
novelist who scalpeled the Vassar class of 
"33, Point of Order! reminds us that ten 
years ago McCarthy meant a Senator 
who came chillingly close to stilettoing 
the Constitution of the United States. The 
cap of his corrupt but clever caree 
a series of Senate subcommittee hearings 
to investigate charges and countercharges 

between him and the Department of the 
Army. Those hearings made it climacti- 
cally clear that: (a) his anti-Communist 
crusade was really a pro-]oe McCarthy 
crusade; (b) his charges against the Army 
were а lot less legitimate than vice 
versa. Every moment of those momentous 
hearings, which went on for weeks, was 
televised; and the kinescopes have now 
been excellently edited by Daniel Talbot 
and Emile de Antonio into a knockout 
97-minute documentary. Sce (as the cir- 
cus posters say): the phony cropped 
photo, the phony J. Edgar Hoover letter 
sec Joseph Welch, the Army's attorney, 
answer a phony smear with one of the 
most moving extemporancous utterances 
ever recorded, A cast of dozens (induding 
young Robert Kennedy, occasionally v 
ble as one of McCarthy's committee 
counsel). Don't miss Point of Order! Its 
point is still very much in order. 

For six years now, English playwright 
Harold Pinter has been a name to reckon 
with, but films have ignored his consid- 
crable talent. Now his best-known play 
The Caretaker — an international crit- 
ical sensation — reaches the screen as The 
Guest, and. proves Pinter to be just what 
theatergocrs have been saying he was 
all along. Out of a story that is next 
to nothing comes a drama that is really 
something. Three characters and, mostly 
onc cluttered room — that's all; but Pi 
ter makes it plenty. Aston, a recluse who 
lives in the attic o[ a shabby and other- 
wise empty house in London, gives shel- 
ter to a derelict. Aston's badgering 
brother, Mick, baits the old man when 
Aston plans to keep him on as caretaker. 
Eventually Aston himself tires of the 
stubborn old coot and boots him. But 
out of this slim story, by means of won- 

derfully interwoven vernacular language, 
insistent detail. silences and hints, there 
flows not only a steady stream of 

aughs, but mutters and murmurs of 
the deepest crises in. contemporary. life. 
Pinter’s own screenplay is skillful, and 
new director Clive Donner has feeling 
and finesse. Robert Shaw is the quiet, 
moody Aston, Alan Bates is Mick, and 
(in one of the great performances of 
our time) Donald Pleasence is the old 
man. If the film did no more than pre- 
serve their acting — they were the orig- 
al trio — that would be plenty; but 

it does a good deal more. 

Pinter again. This time he has done 
the sacenplay (from Robin Maugh. 
novel) of The Servant, directed by Joseph 
Losey, whose style is slick to the point 
of slipperiness; but he gets the most 
out of this story of nt, hired 
by a rich young Englishman, who de- 
signs and executes the moral deteriora- 
tion of his master, splits him olf from his 
fiancée, and gradually creeps into com- 






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plete control. Wiliest of the servant's 
weapons is his sister, who is good at do 
ing what comes naturally and unnatu- 
rally. The picture winds on past its point 
— perhaps there's a bit too much madness 
in Loseys method —but it helps to 
document in drama the scandal scuttle 
butt of the international set: that. Lon- 
don is fast taking the fig leaf from Port 
Said as the sin center of the world. Dirk 
Bogarde is smart and smarmy as the 
servant, James Fox achieves the right 
noble platcau from which to slide, and 
Sarah Miles is minxish as the monkey 
wench her brother throws in the works. 
The dialog throughout is distinguished, 
and two scenes — some deadpan duos in 
a restaurant and a superbly satiric 
country-house episode — are pithy, pun- 
gent Pinter. 

Dead Ringer is what happened to Bette 
Davis after What Ever Happened to 
Baby Jane? The success of that juicy 
melodrama about two sisters (with Joan 
Crawford) obviously led to this over 
ripe successor; and Miss Davis, having 
cleaned up by sharing the billing, de 
cided to double the stakes this time as 
twins. One sister, Edith, an L. A. cock- 
taillounge owner, has been mulcted out 
of the man she wanted to marry by her 
twin, M et, who c ned she was 
expecting an unblessed event. Years 
later, after the husband's funeral, Edith 
who had severed relations with her si 
ling, learns that Margaret had only faked 
the pregnancy. A bit miffed at thus being 
stifled, Edith writes a suicide note, then 
kills her richer twin and assumes her 
identity. Complications, to put it mildly, 
set in following her discovery that. Mar 
garet had a lover. When the lover sus. 
pects murder and wicks Edith into 
confessing, he then has a handy handle 
for blackmail. Twisting away madly, the 
story keeps curlicuing with surprises; but 
the chief surprise is that, for all the hot 
plotti the film raises so little heat 
The dialog is bland, and the direction 
—by exactor Paul Henreid — slightly 
duller. Miss Davis changes clothes and 
coiffure but Ише else for her double 
characterization. Karl Malden swashes 
around as a detective swain and Peter 
Lawford is lightweight as the lawless 

Ingmar Bergman's latest film, The Silence, 

has been grected with everythi 
Ever since its Swedish premiere it 
been a hot story because its story is the 
hottest in years. Two sisters, Anna (mar- 
ried, with a young son) and Ester (single), 
are traveling through an unnamed Euro- 
pean country evidently under military 
rule. The three stay overnight in one 
of its cities because Ester, who sullers 
from some violent illness, has an attack 
Anna, animated and animal, leaves her 







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son in their suite and goes out to find 
a sweetie, The boy wanders through the 
large deluxe hotel and encounters a 
vaudeville troupe of dwarfs who befriend 
him. An elderly bellboy tends the sick 
Ester who is the emotionally cool oppo- 
site of her sister. Yet she has a Lesbian 
Iech for Anna, loves to hear details 
her dalliance. When Ester le; 
Anna is now in another room with a 
man, she goes there and is invited in. 
Esters presence while Anna goes about 
her business forces their love-hate to flare, 
At the end Anna and her son continue 
their journey, leaving the sick sister in the 
hotel. All the hoopla has been about 
three heated scencs—a pair of sexual 
irings and one of Ester’s on: 

which have been clipped by the $ 
prior to export; the film, however, i 
caloric. Much of Anna is abundantly in 

evidence as she moves around her room. 
But the film is principally a series of 
metaphors on the subject of estrange- 
ment: three travelers in a. place where 
they understand not a word; the two 
sisters separated from each other by tem- 
perament and taboo; the dw 

ted from the "normal" world 
and her pickup making lurid love but 
able to converse; the old bellboy try- 
ing to tell his life story to the boy on 
whom it is lost. Bergman has directed 
with his customary colossal skill, creating 
а suggestive, somber texture you can 
almost touch; but for the first time with 
him, we can ask whether the excellent 
execution of symbols is enough. Ingrid 
Thulin (Ester) and Gunnel Lindblom 
(Anna) are so good that their acting 
isappears," and every scene is superbly 
done; but the picture may leave you less 
with a feeling of being moved than with 
a sense of having done a good job of 


The techniques of the modern secret 
agent are the subject of The Spy Who Came 
in from the Cold (Coward-McCann, $1.50). 
According to John le Carré (the nom de 
plume of a British civil servant), the spy 
of the Sixties is all business. Indeed, in 
his unswerving concern for his job and 
his disdain for ordinary pleasures, Lea- 
mas, the British agenthero, lacks only a 
gray-Hannel cloak to be a full-scale organ- 
tion man. Leamas' immediate superior 
is Control, his organization Circus, his 
joboriented. Armed with only a 
carefully written dossier and a few well- 
chosen words, he sets ош to destroy a 
al spy organization. The atmosphere 
of high-level intrigue, set mainly in di- 
vided Berlin, is authentically conspira- 
torial and details of the spying art are 

neatly limned. The author even weaves 
a moral into his cx g tale. Western 
agents, he suggests, are handicapped by 
humanistic scruples in dealing with their 
Communist counterparts. In the old ar- 
gument of end versus means, the totali- 
ta gents or bad guys have a distinct 
advantage. The hero's ethical struggles 
as double cross follows double cross raise 
the book from a superior spy story to a 
real novel. 

Alfred Sloan, Jr.'s My Years with Gen- 
eral Motors (Doubleday, $7.95) is somc- 
thing like the old LaSalle motorcar 
— big, uninspired and easily forgotten. 
Sloan, who ;M president and/or 
chairman of the board for morc than 
threc decades, traces the firm's history 
from its early days as а middle-sized and 
somewhat bumbling business to its pres- 
ent position as the world's largest indus- 
tial corporation, GM is strong, says 
Sloan, bec was designed to be an 
objective organization, as distinguished 
from the type that gets lost in thc sub- 
jectivity of persona But what's 
good lor General Motors is not always 
good for literature; the reader wants 
personalities, subjective or not. What of 
Louis Chevrolet, Walter P. Chrysler and 
Charles W. Nash, all of whom Sloan 
knew personally? His dryasdust prose 
turns them into corporate mannequins. 
And what, for that matter, of the bloody 
UAW sitdown strike in 1957? We are 
told only that President Roosevelt 
erted steady pressure on the corporation, 
па upon me personally, to negotiate 
rs who had scized our 
property .. "Мав did F.D.R. do? Were 
there letters, memos, White House con- 
ferences? Sloan never tells us. On the 
other hand, when discussing such crucial 
matters as the "coppercooled" е 
the elongated ch and the | 
tire, Sloan drowns us in a tepid s 
documentation — badly written. 
office memos, wordy conference ti 
scripts and the like. The gist of the book 
is neatly, though inadvertently, summed 
up when Sloan, with ¢ ingenu- 
ousness, observes, “Gener Motors is 
obviously a successful corporation.” 



A porcine, lecherous, anti-Semitic Brit- 
ish publisher visits an American grove of 
academe, does some adulterous plucking, 
occasionally finds himself out on a limb, 
and ends up with purely conventional 
knowledge of all things American. And 
that, pretty much, is all there is to 
Kingsley Amis’ One Fat Englishman (Har- 
court, Brace & World, $3.95), a torpid 
exercise that is far below Englishman 
Amis' best, Lucky Jim. Publisher Roger 
Micheldene, who thrives on four of the 
big sins—gluttony, sloth, anger and 
lust—gets involved with some predict- 




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For Connoisseurs Of Sound 


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"price slightly higher in Canada 

able types: the nymphomaniac wife of 
a literary agent, the near-nympho wile 
of a professor, the saturnine Je 
novelist, the Peter De Vries-type clergy- 
man, the monster child and other stock 
figures that American writers have sati- 
ized to death over the last decade. Amis, 
who spent a year at Princeton lecturing 
and observing American mores, app: 
ently didn't learn much. He adds no 
new dimensions to the old portraits ex 
cept for a funny line or two and an 
attempt at a serious mess mmed up 
in his fat man’s sexual aim — 

strate to an animal which i 
not to be an animal that 
But why limit it to the 
dition? Something is amiss 


Ray Bradbury's latest collection, The 
Machineries of Joy (Simon & Schust 
$4.50), is a virtuoso performance that 
ranges from Martian fantasy to Mexican 
s. Among the 21 offerings, many 
of which (including the title story) ap- 
ed in PLAYBOY, are: a sea story 

that takes place 1000 miles inland: a 
love story 

bout a whalesized wife who 
her husband loves to tattoo: 
il War tale that’s as on target as 
Stephen Crane ever wrote; a 
d chilling fantasy concerning 
ihe triumph of mushrooms over men: 
nd a subtle, intricate elegy on death 

tedious squabble among a few priests 

ends, with awful suddenne cligio- 
vocketage testament to the Universe. 
Less sanguine is his To the Chicago 

Abyss, in which an old man, a survivor 
of World V TH. risks pc arrest 
by reminding the other survivors what 
the world was like before the cataclysm, 
“Coffee!” he says. “Twist the key! 
Bright-red, yellow-letter can! Compressed 
air. Hiss! Vacuum pack. Sst! Like a 
snake!” The other stories are just as 
worshipful in their loving recitation of 
all the foolish details that we call living. 
Bradbury obviously is very fond of a 
world he'd hate to lose. 

In The Relations Explosion (Macmillan, 
51.95), William L. Safire tries to show 
that the publicrelations boom is moving 
ahead with vigor and any minute now 
may win the recognition it so richly de- 
. Being a PR man himself, Safire 
uses cvery verbal trick of the trade to 
support his hohum hypothesis. For ex- 
n and activa- 
sources of str 

leverage is the determi 
tion of hidden 
Neologisms — "Publicombines," "Board 
of Other-Directors." Pious philosophy 
“Man is indeed a rational being, but he 
is also emotional.” Even Abner De 

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ASHER ~. Dacron: 

Designed by the master himself, Gary Playert 
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Waist won't roll over, thanks to the molded 
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About $13. (slightly higher in the far West). 

Write for the name of your nearest store 
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The ASHER Company, Dept. P4, Fitchburg, Mass. 

drawings can't make up for that kind of 
writing. Occasionally Safire drops his 
brainicr-than-thou pretensions in [avor 
of anecdotes about the perils of press 
agentry, such as his account of the f. 
mous Nixon-Khrushchev itchen d 
bate" at the U.S. exhibition in Moscow. 
ing the builders 
of the “typical American model hom 
at the exhibition, takes full credit for 
maneuvering the two titans into the 
kitchen where, trapped by a gaping 
crowd, they engaged in historic reparte 
Another triumph for American diplo- 
This book makes us yearn for the 
days when the hidden persuaders had 
the grace to stay hidden. 

Samson Shillitoe, the antic antihero 
of Elliot Baker's first novel, A Fine Mad- 
ness (Putnam, $4.95), has the soul of a 
poet and the instincts of a wounded 
rhino. He shampoos rugs to feed his 
stomach, creates poetry to feed his ego, 
and does some overtime servicing of 
distafl carpet-cleaning customers to feed 
his loins. Shillitoe's attempts at being 
his own man, guided by his own со 
science and his own muse, has її; 
comic consequences when he gets trapped 
by head-hunters in New York's psychi- 
atric Jungle. Baker's modern-day Samson 
never does manage to destroy the Freudy- 
cats’ temple, but he is able to cause 
a few cracks in some of its pillars. 
Neophyte novelist Baker displays a bi 
ingly original sense of humor and an 
acute awareness of the desperate circum- 
stances from which most humor is born. 

The hiss in Romain Gary's shortstory 
collection, Hissing Toles (Harper & Ro 
$4.95), is the hiss of outrage at life bur 
ing on a fast fuse. But in the best of the 
15 stories, the explosion is тиса 
irony. Thus, in The Fake, the maste 
picce in an art lover's priceless collection 
— his wife — turns out to have had her 
nose bobbed years before. Life is treach- 
erous, life is a fake; this is the theme of 
all of craftsman Gary's tales (one of 
which, Birds of Peru, appeared in the 
March PrAvsov as 4 Bil of a Dreamer, 
а Bit of а Fool). The search for authen 
city goes on constantly but is never 
found. Nearly all the leading characters 
are “Kurliks,” described by Gary as 
those who allow themselves to be hoaxed. 
But he goes further. Gary's Kurliks near- 
ly always crave authenticity in others, yet 
cannot deliver it themselves. Gary never 
lets you forget his position — "The hu- 
man condition: a rather unsavory story 
in which all of us are involved." Yet it is 
precisely his involvement as 
—and a brilliant storyteller he is — that 
helps us absorb his pessimism. Romain 
Garys self-therapy is plain: A hiss is 
good for the bile. 

AT A RECENT LUNCHEON with his accountant, Morris Dees, 26, got the 
final figures on his 1963 taxes. And that's when he spilled the vichyssoise on 
his Cricketeer suit. Morris, a triple-threat attorney, publisher and sales 
executive from Montgomery, Ala. finds that Cricketeer's natural cut goes 
well no matter which hat he's wearing. (Lucky he had six more Cricketeers 
to choose from while this one was being cleaned.) CRICKETEER® 

Cricketeer Magna 2x2 suits of Dacron® and worsted, About $60.00. Other Cricketeer summer suits from 
$45.00 to $65.00, At your favorite store, or write Cricketeer, 1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York, М.Ү. 



Is this the one? Is this the one bourbon that more 
Americans buy than any other? And that was the 
favorite of Henry Clay & Daniel Webster & Mark 
Twain? And that is mellow & tasty & smoothly 
modern and that can make you a bourbonite? 


Several years ago you indicated that 
you thought men who married under age 
30 were ill-advised. I'm 22, and have 
been dating a girl (19) who seems perfect 
in every respect. I am able to support 
her comfortably, and see no reason to 
risk losing this gem by postponing our 
wedding. Would you please expand on 
your earlier statement? — К.М, New 
York, New York. 

We never said that marriage under 
30 is ill-advised, though now that you've 
asked us, in general for males we feel 
that it is. What we did say was that 
the ideal age difference in a marriage 
is about 10 years, with men marrying in 
their 30s and women in their 20s. We're 
opposed to early marriages for either 
sex, because we believe that each person 
should have the opportunity to live on 
his own, away from parents, [or а num 
ber of years before considering marriage 
Living first as an independent, single 
adult is the best way to develop the 
maturity needed to make a marriage 
work. This is especially essential for 
males, since п man of 20 may be а com- 
pletely different person —different emo- 
tions, different tastes, different interests 
— than the same man at 30. It’s likely 
that the mate he chooses in his early 20s 
would also be completely different from 
the girl he would pick 10 or 12 years 
later. The maturing male courts disaster 
when he atlempts to select a lifetime 
mate before he himself has become a 
complete man. 

Wc noticed that your rainwear fashion 
takcouts never show men wearing rub- 
bers. Please tell me, what do PLAYBOY 
fashion plates do to keep their feet dry? 
— J. M., Ваше Creek, Michigan. 

We try to keep out of the rain. When 
we must make the plunge, we don't slosh 
around in deep puddles. And if you can't 
curtail your pluvial pedestrianism, wear 
the low-cul, molded, narrow-instep 
models that seem to blend with the shoe. 

How does roundthe-comer gin differ 
from regular gin rummy? — M. J., Butte, 

The basic difference is that aces can 
be used as high or low, with round-the- 
corner sequences (such as hing-ace-deuce) 
permitted. And, if your opponent catches 
you with an unmatched ace, it counts 
fifteen points against you instead of the 
usual one point. Layoffs on gin are 
allowed, and one version of round-the- 
corner permits tying gin by laying off, 
in which case the hand is scored as a 

my friend putting me on when he 
says that one of my favorite drinks, akva- 
vit, is made from potatoes? I can't bc- 
lieve that such a delightful potable has 
such a dreary source. — M. N., Cleveland, 

Don't denigrate the tuber. After it's 
been crushed, converted, fermented and 
distilled, it yields a flavorless spirit which 
serves as the base for akvavit as well as 

AA relationship with a former girlfriend 
deteriorated from physical to fiscal, end- 
ing shortly after she borrowed $350 from 
me and signed a promissory note to repay 
the face amount with interest at four 
percent. That was three years ago, and 
Since then she has married and moved to 
another city. After some difficulty, I lo- 
cated her and requested that she or her 
husband make good on the debt. She 
replied that her husband did not know 
that the note (or our past relationship) 
existed, and that any attempt to collect 
‘on it would be outright blackmail on 
my part. She claimed 1 received fair 
value for my money, and perhaps I 
did. Would you advise that I try to 
collect on Ше debt?— J.P. Allston, 

Yes. Your past relationship has noth- 
ing whatever to do with the transaction, 
and should be of mo concern to her 
husband, though her desire that you 
write off $350 against a few tumbles 
should be a word to the wise, bespeak- 
ing a commercial affection you can be 
thankful you tuned out. If you lent her 
the money in good faith, she should be 
prepared to repay you in kind; see your 
lawyer about collecting. 

т planning a trip to London shortly, 
and while there wish to have a suit made 
tailor highly recommended by а 
friend. I want something I can wear 
conspicuously in London, but which I 
can also wear home without looking like 
an unreconstructed Tory. Gan you give 
me suggestions? — J. C., Charleston, South 
We assume you want а predominantly 
British look, or you wouldn't be going 
to a London tailor in the first place. 
British tailors ате geniuses at suiting the 
individual individually, and to benefit 
fully from their skills you should follow 
closely their yecommendations as to style, 
fabric and cut. If you acquiesce in the 
traditional long lapels and double vents, 
you can still preserve your Yankee integ- 
rity by watching waist suppression and 
lapel width, two areas where British 
conservatism tends to evaporate. 

for the woman who 

dares to be different... 


parfum de COTY 

соту, ne O AVAILABLE н CANADA 38 

My Playmate 
wears nothing 


е been divorced for some years, and 
in recent months have been dating a 
delightful young woman whom I met 
while skiing last winter. She and I have 
become quite close, and therein lies the 
problem. For some reason, in our initial 
dates I never got around to telling her 
I'd been married previously, апа now 1 
gather from the tone of some of our 
conversations that she has a ue ob- 
jection to divorce as an institution. (She's 
never said as much, but has strongly im- 
plied it on several occasions) We're get- 
ng more and more serious, and I've 

been. toying with the idea of asking her 
to marry me, At this late date, 

hould 1 
g our relationship by revealing 
r marriage? — W. D., St. Louis, 

risk endi; 

Tell her, by all means— you should 
have done so long ago. Only by getting 
the matter out in the open will you dis- 
cover her real feelings —of which you 
should certainly be apprised before you 
even consider marriage. If her objections 
still persist after you've thoroughly dis- 
cussed your divorce with her, you should 
forget those marriage thoughts, be- 
cause such a psychological (or religious) 
barrier would make any permanent un- 
ion perilous. 

В have a fine trench coat, replete with 
straps and buttons. Lately I've seen 
less and less of this model — except оп 
the late show. Are trench coats going out 
of style? Are any sort of belted outer- 
coats still — С. G., San Francisco, 

Trench coats are not out, but over- 
decoration is; have your tailor remove 
the most obtrusive of the coat's accoute 
ments. Belted outercoats, especially vi- 
cuia, are very popular among the polo 

An ex-girlfriend recently showed up at 
my pad — unexpected and a little hig 
She entered the apartment (by means of 
the key I had let her keep as a souvenir 
oL happier days) and surprised me fia- 
grante delicto with my latest flame, who 
is now furious. I'm convinced this whole 
sorry inddent was no fault of minc, 
and would like to lk how I can 
convince her of same.— L. W., Knoxville, 

Bul it was your fault — for giving her 
the key in the first place and for not 
demanding that she turn it in when she 
checked out of the club. Your move now 
is to explain to your latest that the key 
10 the problem was nothing more than a 
memento. You should underscore your 
words by changing your pad lock. 
Chances she'll eventually come 
round, because it's difficult jor girls to 
resist the guy who has other chicks beat- 
ing on his door— provided the lutter 
can't get in. 


For more than а year I have been dat- 
ng a young man st 
give him a blazer for his birthday. My 
parents think it's in poor taste for a girl 
to give clothing to a man, unless the two 
are married. Since I live with my parents, 
I feel I should accede to their wishes, but 
I would still like to hear your views. — 
S. P., Brockton, Massachusetts. 
The box of candy for sweetheart went 
out with spats. Today it’s entirely ap- 
propriate for a girl to gift sartorially. 

МҮ/ їс touring Italy 1 enjoyed a 
ne called Ale you tell me 
something about й? G.C., Phoeni 

Aleatico is a sweet тей wine made 
from semidried grapes on the Mediter- 
ranean isle of Elba (where Napoleon 
mas once exiled) and around Bari and 
Taranto in southern Italy. The Elban 
wine, Aleatico di Portoferraio, is slightly 
sweeter than its Continental counter- 
part, Aleatico di Puglia. Both resemble 
sweet rosé. 

Which is more fashionable, a tie tack 
or a dasp?— R.G., Washington, D. C. 

Both are acceptable, but we person- 
ally prefer the less obtrusive tack. 

[ГЭ uring me past two years I've been 
going with a lovely girl who has provid- 
ed me with many delightful evenings. 
Now I'm about to leave for / ii 
perhaps permanently, on a business ven- 
's splitsville for the two of us. 
working girl, tied to aging parents 
and not too well off, I'm the 
ard sort, and want very 
e her with a substantial cash 

much to le 
gift as a token of my sincere aflection 
We delicately skirted the subject not too 
long ago, and I got the distinct impres- 
sion (though she never put it in words) 
that this would not be appreciated. Sug- 
gestions? — L. B.. Boston, Massachusetts. 

Straightforwardness is fine in its place, 
but it's often better tempered with tact. 
No matter how needy the girl may be, 
the gift of legal tender invariably sug- 
gests value received and services теп- 
dered. The tactful tack is to select a 
gift with a high trade-in value. You 
might give common stock, with the 
tongucin-checky explanation that it’s 
taxfully advantageous for you to get rid 
of the stuf]. Even more face-saving would 
be a gift of jewelry, selected primarily 
for the value of the stones rather than 
for the setting. In both cases, the chick 
has the option of not redeeming her 
trifle, as well as the security of а nest 
egg until she does. 

Bim planning a Mediterranean cruise 
carly this summer, and would like to get 
in some skindiving in the Aegean. Can 
you name a few of the better spots, and 
tell me if l'Il have any trouble ge 
equipment? — R. M., Detroit, M 

The Cyclades islands are probably 
your best bet, since they offer clear 
Aegean waters and a desirable proximity 
to Athens. You'll find the best accommo- 
dations on Mykonos or Santorin. Crete 
is becoming more and more a skindivers’ 
mecca, with most activity centered at 
Canea. You can purchase some of the 
world’s finest skindiving equipment in 
France, and more than just adequate nc- 
couterments in Haly or Spain. Better 
still, most lop-flight oceanside resorts of- 
fer shindiving equipment for rent, elimi- 
nating costly and cumbersome transport 
оп your part. 

Correnuy, 1 am a graduate student at 

skirts. I've always justified grade- 
on the grounds that a little sac 
could pave the way for the good life i 
later years, However, a coed Гуе be 
seeing (weekly) has suggested that Im 
endangering my health as well as my 
psyche by hitting the books overz 
. I'd like to hear your thoughts — 
J- 1... Chicago. Illinois. 

Only a doctor can tell you if your 
health is in danger. While we feel that 
the future benefits of self-improvement 
usually accrue through present sacrifice, 
and that such sacrifice — within limits — 
is justified, we also think that each in- 
dividual must establish his own balance 
of work and play. Lest your scales shift 
loo far in one direction, we offer this 
observation from Burton's “Anatomy of 

Hard students are commonly trou- 
bled with gowts, catarrhs, теит, 
cachexia, bradypepsia, bad eyes, 
stone; and collick, crudities, op pila- 
lions, vertigo, winds, consumptions 
and all such diseases as come by 
overmuch sitting: they ате most part 
lean, dry, illcoloved . . . and all 
through immoderate pains and 
extraordinary studies. 

If pain persists, consult your girl- 

All reasonable questions — from fash- 
ion, food and drink, hi-fi and sports cars 
to dating dilemmas, taste and etiquette 
—will be personally answered if the 
writer includes a stamped, self-addressed 
envelope. Send all letters to The Playboy 
Advisor, Playboy Building, 232 E. Ohio 
Street, Chicago, Ilinois 60611. The most 
provocative, pertinent queries will be 
presented on these pages cach month. 





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rais JUNE, a visitor to Gaul will discern 
a poctic turn of events. The ancient 
castles of France, where hapless prisoners 
languished in chains, arc now 
themselves in chains. Eighty chûteaux, 
along with a number of manors through- 
out the Provengal countryside, are thriv- 
ing links in a pair of hotel circuits. 
mcals— and a ghost, or at least a credi- 
ble rumor of one, at no extra charge. 
Travelers of an extroverted bent are 
advised to spend at least one night at 
the Chateau de la Caze in the Chateaux- 
Hotels chain, where the spirits of eight 
— count 'em— eight beautiful. maidens 
are said to roam the moonlit hours seck- 
ing lost lovers in the haunted. darkness 

Stateside, a stock Western vacation for 
many years has been the pack trip on 
horseback. However, for those who don't 
want to sever all connections with civili- 
zation, something new has been added. 
Six leading dude ranches in the Rocky 
Mountain areas of northern Colorado 
and southern Wyoming have organized a 
circular pack trip with stops at each of 
the ranches for dining and an evening’s 
socializing. The guests have the option of 
joining the pack wip at any ranch they 
choose and dropping out at any other 
Throughout the summer, this unique 
pack train ranges from the Two Bars 
Seven on the Colorado-Wyoming bor- 
der, through Sky Corral, Sylvan. Dale, 
McGraw, Rawah and the U.T. Bar 
Seven, thence back to the starting point 
via the Medicine Bow and Snowy ranges. 
But if you're among the more hairy- 
chested outdoorsmen, you will never 
appreciate the grandeur of the Rockies 
until you've traveled on your own 
through Colorado and can climb from 
a tent or sleeping bag at dawn to a vista 
of pink-tinged mountaintops reflected 
in a cold clear lake. The state's Visitors 
Bureau on request will supply a 


's lodging includes a room, three 

of mountain campsites and 12 mapped 
itineraries from which to choose. 

For those who prefer vacation sites 
farther afield, late May and early June 
provide the Scandinavian Festival, the 
best chance to see the Royal Danish 
Ballet in Copenhagen, to hear the music 
of Grieg at Bergen, and to attend Stock- 
holm's Royal Opera and the Sibelius 
concerts at Helsinki. An amusing travel 
sidelight is a new Norwegian road that 
is built inside a mountain; the spiral 
tunnel corkscrews up within the rocky 
slopes of Bragernes Hill at Drammen, 
26 miles southwest of Oslo, looping six 

complete tums before emerging atop 
the peak at a restaurant from which 
diners have a panoramic view of the 
countryside. Festival dates— starting in 
Copenhagen in May, ending in Helsinki 
in June — are staggered, allowing ample 
time for touring between one festival 
city and the next. An exciting plan for 
the adventurous traveler in these regions 
is the run from Norway's Tromsé into 
the arctic pack ice. Seven times during 
the summer months, the ship Fortuna 
transports а party of five to a polar-bear 
hunt, for $1390 per person, Hunters are 
virtually guaranteed a bear, and there is 
also a good chance of latching onto a 
seal or two. Other tours offer opportuni- 
ties to fish for arctic charr and grayling, 
70-pound Atlantic salmon, and trout 
which often weigh in over 20 pounds. 

A refreshingly offbeat spot to head 
for in June is Iceland. A uniquely 
charming country, it is nonetheless rc 
tively free of tourist hordes. You c 
stop over for 24 hours en route between 
Europe and the United States, just to 
get the feel of the place, or make plans 
to spend a week or more; a package deal 
on the short sojourn includes overnight 
accommodations in а 100m with private 
three meals at The Saga in Rey- 
kjavik, a three-hour tour of the capital, 
and admission to one of the country's 
famous outdoor swimming pools heated 
by natural hot springs. A longer stay 
may include a run to the island's second. 
city, Akureyri, a 12-hour, 160-mile trip 
to the volcanic crater of Kerid, the rain- 
bow-hued waterfall of Gullfoss and the 
waterspout of Geysir; you might want 
to sample an Icelandic specialty: pony- 
пек vacations, which range from three- 
or four-day outings to а full we 

Just a hop, skip and one helluva jump 
from Blighty's bustling Liverpool is the 
Isle of Man, а self-governing speck of 
land midway between England and Tre- 
land in the Irish Sea. This vacation spot, 
long popular with the Europeans and 
casily accessible by boat or plane, has 
been strangely overlooked by all but a 
handful of Americans. Travelers there 
can find accommodations matching their 
personal penchants, too, in lively, brassy 
т etly charming 



sorts like Ramsey or qu 
spots like little Port Erin, and this year 
the isle has a sure-fire appeal to the 
more intrepid, adventuresecking tour- 
ist: a 

‘or further information on any of the 
above, write to Playboy Reader Serv- 
2 E. Ohio St., Chicago, HL 60611 E 

gambling casino 

ice, 23. 




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Fortrel is the fiber that 

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Good reason to look for 
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Sedgefield Slacks by Blue Bell in Fortrel 
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At leading stores everywhere. 


Celanese® Fortrel® isa trademark of Fiber Industries. Inc. 


a candid conversation with the brazen, brilliant author of “the balcony" 
and “the blacks,” self-proclaimed homosexual, coward, thief and traitor 

In any competition for the one least 
likely to succeed as a man of letters, Jean 
Genet would almost certainly be the 
runaway favorite. A balding, 53-year-old 
homosexual, onetime male prostitute and 
unregenerate ex-convict with a lengthy 
record of convictions for burglary, coun- 
terfeiting, bootlegging, dope smuggling 
and desertion, he is the author of prose 
no less emphatically antisocial. His works 
have been reviled as “acts of vengeance”; 
he himself has been called “the most 
depraved author now writing for the 
жанс” His highly publicized private life 
notwithstanding, he has been hailed as 
“the most important wriler to have ap- 
peared in France since the end of World 
War 11," and proclaimed as “probably 
the greatest living playwright.” 

Genet’s theatrical credentials ате im- 
pressive: “The Balcony,” which suggests, 
as one reviewer pul it, that “the world 
is a brothel patronized by fetishists with 
illusions of grandeur, 
best off Broadway production of 1960, 
and has since been made into a movie. 
Another Genet award winner, “The 
Blacks.” features an all-Negro casi sav- 
agely enacting the vitual rape of a white 
woman. Both plays have racked up rec- 
ord-breaking runs from London to Los 
Angeles. His first novel, “Our Lady of 
the Flowers,” recently published without 

was named the 

“As for being homosexual, 1 can't tell 
you why I am. Docs anyone know why 
onc is a homosexual? Homosexuality 
was, so lo speak, thrust upon me, like the 
color of my eyes, the number of my feet." 

expurgation in the U.S., is an explicit 
and exhaustive depiction of depravity 
and despair among society's untouch 
ables. It has been acclaimed as “a work 
of prismatic brilliance.” 

Genct's documents of social disintegra- 
tion have been a-borning through a life 
that reads like an embroidery on Gorky's 
“The Lower Depths.” Abandoned at 
birth by his unwed mother, Genet spent 
his childhood years in the stern charge 
of peasant foster parents who tolerated 
his presence only for the fee paid them 
by the government. Unloved and un- 
schooled, he began to steal trinkets from 
neighbors, perhaps in an unconscious bid 
for parental attention. He got it: They 
caught him in the act and cast him out 
of their home —at the age of ten. The 
twice-abandoned bastard — now branded 
publicly as a thief, and faced with the 
necessity of fending entirely for himself 
— found that he could survive only by 
continuing 10 steal. Since he could not 
escape the stigma of the outlaw, he de- 
woted all his energies to a life “beyond 
the social pale” Trafficking in stolen 
goods, narcotics and homosexuality, he 
spent the next twenty-eight years — seven 
of them in prison—as a defiant exile 
from society. 

It was while serving time in 1942 that 
Genet began to chronicle the autoerotic 

“The act of stealing obliges you to hide. 
When you hide what you do, you always 
do it ineptly. In my case, there was a great 
urge to make my thefts known, to pub- 
them, out of vanity or pride.” 

fantasies which coentually became “Our 
Lady of the Flowers.” He was stirred by 
the sense of power he discovered he was 
able to inject into and derive from the 
written word. Forthwith he vowed to 
forsake the religion of vice for the art 
of prose. 

The five plays he's written since then 
have been electrifying Grand Guignols 
on man's inhumanity to man. Two of 
the plays were written behind bars: “The 
Maids,” in which а pair of female serv- 
anis express and finally act ош! their 
hostilities against the lady of the house; 
and “Deathwatch.” in which three im- 
prisoned criminals wallow in wishful- 
fillment fantasies of atrocity which 
suddenly become real. The remaining 
three —“The Balcony,” “The Blacks" 
and his latest play, “The Screens” (on 
the relationship between the Algerian 
Arabs and the French colons), have been 
written since his release from prison in 
191%, brought about by a presidential 
pardon at the behest of such eminent 
fellow literati as Cocteau, Gide and 

Despite freedom, fame and fortune, 
Genet remains a spiritual castaway, a 
man outside the mainstream: officially 
cul off from his criminal past, yet still 
violently anti-establishment. He has few 
possessions and no permanent address, 

“I have a feeling of fellowship with Os- 
wald. Not that I was hostile to President 
Kennedy. I simply wasn’t interested in 
him. But I'm with the lone individual 
who opposes any society that damus evil.” 




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rarely sees friends or circulates socially, 
and —we were warned — refuses to be 
interviewed by anyone, But we decided 
to try anyway. and were delighted to 
learn that he had been prevailed upon 
by a persuasive confrere to grant his first 
interview 10 PLAYBOY. 

A ruddy, round-faced man with a bald- 
ing pate and a deceptively cherubic 
smile, he received our interviewer in the 
small, sparsely furnished hotel room 
which he currently occupies in one of 
Paris’ least fashionable neighborhoods. 
In five sessions, he spoke to us with dis- 
arming candor about his life of crime, 
his reconciliation with society, his crea- 
tive works, censorship — and oblivion. 

PLAYBOY: Alter ye: 
alienation from society 
how does it feel to be both a success 
and a celebrity? 
GENI f I am either, then I'm certainly 
odd onc. 

PLAYBOY: Odd or not. 
becn remarkable — p 
United State 

our success has 
icularly in the 
where The Balcony and 
The Blacks have become the biggest 
commer hits in off-Broadway hi: 
How do you feel about u 
GENET: | can't get over it. Fm. quite 
amazed. Perhaps the United States 
what 1 ined it to be. Anythin: 
happen in America. Even a little human- 
ity can appear there. 
PLAYBOY. Has this happ 
spired you to consider a visit? 

GENI have a visa to enter the United 
States, a visa that’s good for four years, 
but I think the consul gave it to 
me by accident. І was refused the right 
to use it when it became known who — 
and what— 1 am. 

PLAYBOY: If you're referring to your self- 
advertised identity as а homosexual, 
traitor, thief and coward, it can hardly 
be said that you've made a secret of your 
character. As a matter of fact, you've 
been accused of turning this admission 
into а public boast for purposes of self- 
promotion. Do you think there may be 
some truth in the accusation? 

GENET: It's true that in my autobiographi- 
cal writings — bear in mind that they 
were written twenty years Гуе em 
phasized the qualities you've just men- 
tioned, and I did so for reasons that were 
not always very pure; I mean that they 
were not always of a poctic nature. So 
there was, I suppose, an clement of pub- 
licity. Without being consciously 
of the fact, I was building myself up. 

discovery in- 

put n The act of re- 
vealing myself to be a homosexual, thief, 
traitor and coward put me in a situation 
that wasn't exactly safe, а situation that 
made it impossible for me to write works 
that socicty could easily digest. In short, 

by seeming to show off, 1 put myself ar 
the very beginning in a situation of such 
a kind that I was immediately out of 
reach; I put myself beyond the pale. 
PLAYBOY: Did you set out deliberately to 
become a homosexual, traitor, thief and 
coward — in the same way that you de- 
cided to publicize yourself as such? 
GENET: I didn't "set out to.” T 
decision. If ] began to steal, it was be- 
cause 1 was hungry. Then 1 had to jus- 
tify my act, I had to accept it. As for 
being homosexual, [ can't tell you why 
I am. I know nothing about it. Does 
anyone know why one is a homosexual? 
Does anyone know how a man chooses 
a certain position in bed for making 
love? Homosexuality was, so to speak, 
thrust upon me, like the color of my 
eyes, the number of my fect. As a child, 
I was aware that I was attracted by boys. 
їз only after experiencing that attrac- 
tion that I "decided," that I freely chose 
my homosexuality, in the Sartrian sense 
of the word "choose." То put it more 
simply: I had to put up with it, to come 
to terms with it, even though 1 knew 
that it was damned by society. 
PLAYBOY: Have you ever been interested 
in women? 

GENET: Yes, four women have interested 
me: the Holy Virgin, Joan of Arc, Maric 
Antoinette and Madame Curie. 
PLAYBOY: We mean sexually. 

GENET: No, never. 

PLAYBOY: Do you mind discussing this? 
GENET: No, I'm perfectly willing. I | 
the subject. I'm а that homosexual- 
ity is looked upon favorably at the pres- 
ent time in pseudoartistic circles. But 
it's still reproved by the bourgeoisie. I 
personally owe a great deal to it. If you 
want to regard it as а curse, that's your 
affair, but I regard it as a blessing. 
PLAYBOY: In what way? 

GENET: It made a writer of me and en- 
abled me to understand hum beings. 
I don’t mean to was entirely that, 
but perhaps if I hadn't gone to bed 
with Algerians I might not have been 
favor of the F.L. №. That's not so; I 
probably would have sided with them 
anyway. But perhaps it was homosex: 
uality that made me realize Algerians 
are no different from other men 
PLAYBOY: What role does homosexuality 
play in your life at the present time? 
GENET: I'd like to say something abo 
its pedagogic aspect. I need hardly say 
I've been to bed with all the boys I've 
looked after for any length of time. But 
I haven't been concerned only with sex. 
Гуе tried to relive with them the adven 
ture I lived alone — of which the symbols 
are bastardy, betrayal, the rejection. of 
society, and lastly writing; that is, the 
return to society, but by other means 
Homosexuality puts the homosexual be. 
yond the pale, and for that reason obliges 
him to challenge social values. If he de- 
cides to look after a young boy, he won't 

made no 

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STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKY - 86 PROOF - OLO HICKORY OISTILLERS CO. PHILA. | do it in a trivial way. He'll make him 
aware of the incoherence of both the 

Tt seems all the nicest people drink reason and the emotion that are inherent 

in normal society. The femininity con 
- tained in homosexuality envelops the 
Old Hickory boy and. perhaps makes for greater kind 
ness. When the Ecumenical Council was. 
meeting in Rome, I watched a television 
program from the Vatican. A few cardi 
nals were presented, Two or three were 
sexless and insignificant. "Those who 
liked women were dull and avid. Only 
one of them, who looked like a homo 
sexual, seemed kind and intelligent. 
PLAYBOY: Do you fee! that homosexua'itv 
is contributing to the well-publicized 

„ПЛ drift toward an asexual society? 
n GENET: Even if virility were in a state 
HICKORY of crisis. that wouldn't disturb me very 
| y2 BOURBON 2 much. Manliness 
Y ican actors pla 

think of Camu 
poses. As I see i 


hways a game. Amer- 
at being manly. I also 
who adopted manly 
manliness is a quality 
for protecting the female and not for 
deflowering her. But I'm obviously in a 
bad position to judge. In rejecting the 
usual pose, the man breaks his shell and 
can reveal a delicacy which otherwise 
would not be apparent. It may be that 
the emancipation of the modern woman 
obliges the man to give up old attitudes 
and find a new one more in keeping 
with the less submissive woman. 
PLAYBOY: In the sixteen years since you 
were pardoned from a life sentence for 
repeated burglaries and released from 
prison for the last time, have you gone 
straight —or arc you still a thief? 
GENET: Are you? 
PLAYBOY: We'd prefer to ask the ques- 
tions, if we may. 
GENET: АП right. 1 don't steal the same 
way the average person docs. In any case. 
I don't steal the way I used to. I receive 
big royalties from my books and plays — 
at least they seem big to me —and the 
royalties are the result of my early thefts. 
I continue to steal, in the sense that I 
continue 10 be dishonest with regard to 
society, which pretends that I'm not 
PLAYBOY: For your actual crimes you 
spent seven years behind bars. Did you 
consider yourself skillful at your trade? 
GENET: I wasn't unskillful. There's an 
clement of hypocrisy in the operation of 
stealing. . . . But I'm bothered by your 
microphone. It interferes with my think- 
| | ing. T see the reels moving, and 1 feel I 
ght to be courteous toward the tape 
that's unrolling silently, all by itself. But 
I was saying — the act of stealing ob 
ы ; you to hide. If you hide, you conceal 
| part of your act, you can't avow it. It’s 
even more dangerous to avow it to judges. 

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PLAYBOY: Do you have any feeling of kin- 
ship with fellow criminals? 

GENET: No, nonc at all, for the very 
imple reason that if I did I'd be head- 
ing for morality, hence toward good. If, 
for example, there was loyalty betw 
two or three criminals, it would me: 
the beginning of a moral convention. 
hence the beginning of good. 

PLAYBOY: How do уоп feel about crimes 
such as that of which Lee Harvey Os 
wald been accused? Did you find 
him boring — or subtle and sensitive? 
GENET: I have а feeling of fellowship 
with Oswald. Not that I was hostile to 
President Kennedy. I simply wasn't in- 

terested in him. But I feel that I'm with 
idual who opposes such 

the lone inc 
a highly organized society as American 
society or Western society or any society 
1 the world that damns evil, I sympathize 
with him — just as I do with a great 
artist who takes a stand whole 
society: neither more пог less. Tm with 
any lone man. But even though Im — 
how shall 1 put it? — morally with a man 
who is alone, men who are alone remain 
alone. Even though I may be with Os- 
wald when he commits his crime — if he 
did commit it— he was alone. Even 
though I'm with Rembrandt when he 
paints his pictures, he, too, is alone. 
PLAYBOY: Didn't you find, when you 
began to write in prison, that the soli- 
tude of creativity was preferable to the 
loneliness of your previous alienation 
from society as a thief? 

GENET: No, because what I was writing 
made me even lonelier. 

PLAYBOY: What was it, then, that made 
you begin to write? 

GENET: 1 don't know. I don't know what 
the deeper reasons were. The first time 
I became aware of the power of writing 
jend who м; t the time. 
The side of the card on which I was to 
write was white and crinkly, somewhat 
nd it was that surface which 
пом and Christmas. 
Instead of writing some commonplace 
sentiment, I wrote about the quality of 
the paper. That was what got me started. 
This doesn't explain my motive, but it 
did give me my first taste of freedom. 
PLAYBOY: [t was in prison that you wrote 
Our Lady of the Flowers, your first 
novel. How did the authorities feel about 
literary efforts by inmates? Did they sup- 
ply you with writing mate 
GENET: Certainly not. We were given 
paper with which to make paper bags. 
It was on that brown paper that I wrote 
the beginning of the book. | never 
thought it would be read. I thought Га 
never get out of prison. I wrote sincerely. 
with fire and rage, and all the more 
freely because 1 w: п the book 
would never be read. One day we went 
from the Santé Prison to the Paris Law 
Court. When I got back to my cell, the 

made me evoke 


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manuscript was gone. I was called down 
to the warden's office and was punished: 
three days in solitary confinement, and 
ad and water for having used paper 
“that wasn't intended for literary mas- 
terpieces." I felt belittled by the ward- 
en's robbery. I ordered some notebooks 
at the canteen. got into bed. pulled the 
covers over my head and tried to remem- 
ber, word for word, the fifty pages I 
had written. T think I succeeded 
PLAYBOY: Although a few have hailed it 
as an erotic masterpiece, many critics 
have refused to concede that Our Lady 
of the Flowers is a literary achieve- 
ment. Were you gratified that its publi- 
cation was greeted by such a storm of 
ad protest? 
Yes. but I'd have liked the pub- 
lisher to bring the book out with a very 
innocent-looking cover and in а very 
small edition, about three or four hun- 
dred copies, and to have made sure that 
it fell into the hands of Catholic bankers 
and people like that. 

PLAYBOY: Are you as indifferent to accept- 
ance by the literati as you seem to be to 
critical and public appro: 
GENET: I never tried to be part of French 
literature. To say nothing of the fact 
that French literature would hardly have 
welcomed me. 

PLAYBOY: Now that you've achieved in- 
ternational eminence as an author, 
however. haven't you become, at least, 
a sought-after guest at literary teas? 
GENET: Not at all! Society knows what 
it’s doing. People don't invite me, be 
e they sense very quickly that I'm 
not one of them. But the truth of the 
matter is that I don't like to go out. 
PLAYBOY: You say you're "not one of 
them." Do you mingle socially, then, 
with ex-cellmates and criminal associat 
GENET: Certainly not. Consider the siti 
tion. I receive royalties from all over 
the world. You come to interview me 
for rLaynoy. Whe they're sull in 
prison. How do you expect us to main- 
n relations? For them I'm simply а 
man who has betrayed. I had to betray 
theft, which is an individual action, in 
the interest of a more universal opera- 

tion, namely poetry, I had to betray the 
thief that I was in order to become the 
poet that I hope Туе become. But this 

“legality” hasn't made me more cheerful. 
PLAYBOY: You seem to feel that you are 
regarded as а pariah both by society 
nd by the underworld. How do you feel 
bout living in this state of general 

GENET: | don't mind, but it's a matter of 
temperament. I like being an outcast 
just as, with all due respect, Lucifer 
liked being cast out by God. But it's out. 
of pride, and thats not my good side, 
It’s a bit stupid. It’s a naive romantic 
attitude. I oughn't to stop there. 
PLAYBOY: There are those who у 
don't stop there. Sarue, in fact, has 

quoted you as saying that you intend to 
“live evil to the very end." What did 
you mcan by that? 
GENET: [ meant living evil in such a w 
that you're not salvaged by the social 
forces that symbolize good. I don't m. 
to live evil until my own death. but to 
live it in such a way that ГЇЇ be led to 
take refuge, if ever I have to, only in 
evil — never in good. 
Some critics have branded 
blasphemer for dubbing you 
" in his six-hundred-page 
nd your work. How do 
literary canonization? 
GENET: My detractors wouldn't. protest 
against a Saint Camus. Why do they 
object to a Saint Genet? When J was a 
child, it was hard for me in my rcvcrics 
—unless there was an element of will, 
of deers n — to see myself as pres 
dent of the republic or as general or 
anything else of that kind. 1 was a 
illegitimate child. Т was outside the soc 
order. What could I wish for, if not for 
a special destiny? If I wanted to mı 
the fullest use of my freedom, my possi 
bilities, my gifts — I was not yet aware 
of my literary talent — the only thing left 
for me was to want to be j 
th n other words, а neg 
PLAYBOY: You have wriuen of 
eternal couple of the crimin: 
saint.” What is the connection? 
GENET: They both live in solitude. Do 
you have the impression, if you examine 
the matter closely, that the greatest saints 
resemble criminals? "There's no visible 
link between society and the saint. Saint- 
Jiness is frighte 
PLAYBOY: Several critics have taken you 
10 task for not only viewing sainüiness 
ав you do, but for presuming even to 
use the word. How would you reply? 
My detractors shudder at my usin 
any word, even a comma. Francois Mau- 
с once wrote an article about me in 
ed that I stop writing. Good 
ad particularly my dei 
е proprietors of the word “ 
liness" and won't allow me to use it. 
PLAYBOY: You once wrote that poetry is 
“the art of using excrement and making 
the reader Did you mean thi 
definition to justily your celebrated pen- 
chant for socially unacceptable language 
in your books and р 
GENET: As for the so-called obscene words, 
the fact is that these words exist. If they 
exist, they have to be used. Otherwise, 
they shouldn't have been invented. If I 
didn't use them, these words would exist 
in a state of apathy. The role of an artist 
is to impart value to words. You referred 
to the definition I once gave of poetry. 
I would no longer define it in that way. 
If one wants to gain even a slight under- 
standing of the world, one to get 
rid of resentment. I still feel some re- 
sentment toward society, but less and 
les, and I hope that before long itll 

appraisal of you 
you feel about d 

all be gone. At bottom, I don't give a 
damn. But when J wrote those words 
1 was in a state of resentment, and pocuy 
consisted in transforming, by means of 
language, reputedly base matter into 
what was regarded as noble matter. The 
problem is now quite different. You — 
that is, society — no longer interest me 
as an enemy, Ten or fifteen years ago 1 
against you. At the present time I'm 
neither for nor against you. We both 
and my problem 
is no longer to oppose you, but to do 
something in which we're involved to: 
gether, you and I alike. I now think 
that if my books arouse readers sexually. 
they're badly written, because the poetic 
emotion should be so strong that no 
reader is moved sexually. In so far as my 
books are pornographic, 1 don't reject 
them. I simply say that I lacked grace 
PLAYBOY: Evotically speaking. what do 
you think of the works of D. H. Law 
rence and Vladimir Nabokov? 

GENET: I've never read either of them. 
PLAYBOY: How about Henry Miller? 
GENET: I don't know much about Miller's 
work, but what I do know doesn't inter 
est me. It’s chatter. He's а man who 
never stops talking. 

PLAYBOY: How would you appraise Sartre? 
GENET: Sartre repeats himself. He has à 
few major ideas and has exploited them 
in various forms. When I read him. | 
go faster than hc. But 1 was surprised 
by his recent autobiography, in which 
he shows his will to free himself from 
the bourgeois world. In a world where 
everyone is trying to be a respectful pros 
titute, it’s nice to meet someone who 
knows he's a bit whorish but doesn’t 
want to be respectful. I like Sartre per 
sonally because he's amusing to be with 
and be he understands everything 
laughingly and without passing judg- 
ment. He doesn't accept everything about 
me, but he enjoys it when we don't 
. He's an extremely sensitive man. 
PLAYBOY: Were you pleased with his 
unique literary psychoanalysis of you? 
GENET: It filled me with a kind of disgust, 
because 1 saw myself stripped naked — 
by someone other than myself. I strip 
myself in all my books, but at the same 
time I disguise myself with words, with 
attitudes, with certain choices, by me: 
of a certain magic. 1 manage not to get 
too damaged. But I was stripped bv 
Sartre unceremoniously. My first im- 
pulse was to burn the book; Sartre had 
given me the manuscript to read. 1 let 
him publish it because my chief con- 
cern has always been to be responsible 
for my acts. It took me some time to get 
over my reading of his book. 1 was 
almost unable to continue writing. I 
could have continued turning out a cer- 
tain type of novel mechanically. 1 could 
have tried to write pornographic books 
mechanically. Sartre's book created а 
void which made for a kind of psycho 

the same t 

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logical deterioration. 
PLAYBOY: How long did you remain in 
this void 

GENET: I remained in that awful state for 
six years, six years of the imbecility that’s 
the basic stuff of life: opening a door, 
lighting a cigarette. There are only a 
few gleams in a man's life, All the rest 
is grayness. But this period of deteriora- 
tion made for a meditation that led me 
finally to the theate 
PLAYBOY: But weren't Deathwatch 
The Maids written and produced before 
Sartre’s book was published? 

GENET: Thats right. But Sartre’s book 
made for the exploitation of something 
that was already familiar. 

ır something, in the 
opinion of some reviewers, is the plight 
of those minority groups about whom 
your plays are written, and with whose 
alienation from socicty you identily pe 
sonally as a homosexual and onetime 
Are they right? 

GENET: І write plays in order to crystallize 
a theatrical, a dramatic emotion. I'm 
not concerned about whether, for ex- 
ample, The Blacks serves the Negroes 
Besides, I don’t think it does. I think 
that direct action, the fight against co- 
lism, does more for the Negroes 
y play. T tried in these plays to 
give voice to something deeply buried, 
something that Negrocs and other 
alicnated people were unable to express. 
Sp of The Maids, a critic once 
said that maids "don't talk like that." 
Well, they do — but only to me, alone, 
at midnight. If anyone said to me that 
Negroes don't talk like that, I'd. answer 
that if he put his against their heart, 
that’s pretty much what he'd hear. 
You've got to be able to hear what's 

PLAYBOY: Then your sympathy is with 
the downtrodden and underprivileged 
classes in your plays? 

GENET: It may be that I've written these 
plays against myself. It may be that Гт 
the Whites, the Employer. the Clergy, 
—and that I'm trying to isolate the 
tic elements in those qualities 
PLAYBOY: Your critics have accused you 
of attempting not merely to isolate but 
to exterminate these “idiotic elements," 
you call them; they assert that you 
advocate the violent of so- 
ciety's ruling classes and conventions. 
Are they exaggerating your intention? 
GENET: | certainly would like to free 
myself from conventional morality, the 
kind that has crystallized, that prevents 
development, that prevents life. But an 
artist is never completely destructive. 
The very concern with shaping a fine 
phrase, a harmonious sentence, pre- 
supposes an ethic — that is, a relation 
ship between the author and a possible 
reader. Every aesthetic contains an ethic. 
e the impresion that your 
notion of me is based on work written 



twenty years ago. These days Pm not 
trying to give a di: 
or acceptable 

usting or ting 
age of myself. I'm simply 

GENET: From time to time I work on my 
plays—not every day, but in spurts. 
mple, I may do an opera 
with the great musician Pierre Boulez, 
who directed Alban Berg's admirable 
ck at the Paris Opera this winter. 

state of. 
PLAYBOY: Do you continue writing be- 
cause you want to, or has it become 

simply a way to make 
GENET: ] feel responsible for the time 
accorded me. I want to do something 
with it, and the best thing I can do with 
it is to write. It’s not that I'm responsible 
to others. l'm not even responsible to 
myself. Perhaps I'm responsible to God, 
about Whom I can't speak, since I don't. 
know much about Him. 
PLAYBOY: Then despite the fact that 
you've consecrated your life to “evil,” 
you believe in God? 
GENET: I believe that I believe in Him. I 
don't much believe in the mythology of 
the catechism. But why do I feel I must 
nt for the time I live by affirming 
s to me most precious? 
ag obliges me to do it; nothing 
visible forces me. "Then why do | feel 
so strongly that I have to? In the past, 
the question was resolved by the act of 
writing. My childhood rebellion, my 
adolescent rebellion, was а revolt а aga 
my state of humi! 
my deepest ; 
PLAYBOY: Some of vour friends feel tl 
you're still rebelling — but now ag; 
the blandishments of у late succe: 
rather than the humiliation of vour early 
deprivation. You tell us you have sub- 
stantial royalties coming all over 
the world: vet vou appear to be. and are 
said to be, nearly penniless. What do 
you do with all your income? 
GENET: That's none of your business. 
PLAYBOY: Well, here in this sparse room, 
1 from а few pieces of secondhand 
iture, we see only seven books, an 
rm clock, a valise, a suit and three 
rts—in addition to the clothes on 
your back. Is this all you own? 
GENET: Yes. Why should I have more? 
Mine is the poverty of the angels. I just 
t give a damn about possessions and 
c. When I go to London, my agent 
sometimes reserves a room for me at the 
Ritz. But what nees е 1 for objects 
and luxury? 1 write, and that's enough. 
PLAYBOY: Toward wh: ny, are 
you directing your life? 
GENET: Toward oblivion. Most of our 
tivities have the v 
ness of a tramp's existence. We very 
rarely make a conscious effort to 
cend that state. I transcend it by wr 


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an interchange of ideas between veader and editor 
on subjects raised by the playboy philosophy” 


The December installment of The 
Playboy Philosophy cxpresscs the very 
causes for which our beloved 35th Presi 
dent, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, gave hi 
life. As he had written in а speech never 
delivered: “In a world of complex and 
continuing problems, in a world full of 
frustrations and irritations, America's 
leadership must be guided by the lights 
of learning and т 
carth, good will toward men. . . must 
always be our goal — and the righteous- 
ness of our cause must always underlie 
our strength." 

The only worthy and fitting tribute 
to the memory of this great “uncommon 
man" is to transform these ideals into 
reality — that he will not have died in 
vain. Praynoy is to be commended for 
its part in helping to accomplish this 

I feel that a philosophy so b; 
reason, and therefore so compatible to 
the human nature of man, will surely 

ason. . . . Peace on 

Richard A. 
"Tacoma, Wash 


Originally, my plaudit to your Philos- 
ophy was going to be limited to the act. 
of ordering three new subscriptions for 
friends. However, after the events in 
Dallas, 1 feel compelled to take advan- 
tage of The Playboy Forum and express 
my views. 

Certainly, I love America — my adopt- 
ed country — but, I cannot refrain much 
longer from criticizing what I find flawed 
of powerful machines 
People who a 

à 1 see is composed 
ıd tired. people. 
losing their identity at 
а fast pace, and are running the risk of 
becoming depersonalized automatons. 
My stomach turns at the thought that 
—а5 you wrote—my “social-security 
number is more important” than my 
name. 1 feel sick to know that (to my 
friends the Bay Area) 1 
known as — “complete with area code” — 
115-154-1718, though 1, too, be damned if 
1 “feel like" 415-454-4718. There is some- 
in which sex is of passing interest while 
automobiles arouse great community 
concern. We have made the horrendous 
error of implanting in the minds of our 
people the notion that conformity is the 



herendy wrong with a culture 

ultimate virtue, and nonconformity a 
sin. Moreover, the margin of freedom 
allowed the individual, within the con 
fines of these two Brave New World-type 
concepts. is so limited that it puts any 
person who is different at the mercy of 
а tyrannical society: a society which has 
по qualms about ostricizing J. Robert 
Oppenheimer one day, and heralding 
him with a Fermi Award the next. 

My headlong plunge into the Ameri- 
can way of life, upon my arrival here ten 
years ago, has convinced me that the 
relation between the sexes here is a farce. 
The illusion of. bei fall 
love" with someone whom you have just 
met is so strongly inculcaied in the 
minds of our people that it has debased 
the meaning of the word "love," Un- 
fortunately, the pellucid English lan- 
guage has only this word to express a 
spectrum of varied emotions and feclings. 
You “love” the girl whose beautiful 
breasts leave you breathless; you "lov 
your mother, your brother, your wif 

nd you “love” the Flag, God, Freedom, 

Have you tackled this problem in your 
Perhaps PLAYROY will utilize 

able to 

new words expressing these varied and 
diverse feeli 

Fairfa ifornia 
We welcome your accord with Hefner's 
protest against creeping numeralism, and 
share your feeling that the English lan- 
guage is sometimes inadequate to the 
tasks imposed upon it. The word “love,” 
as you point ont, is called on to do yeo- 
man duty and often falls short of the 
mark. In its original Greek, the New 
Testament used three different words for 
lon апа not 
necessarily sexual desire; “philia” mean 
ing friendship; and “agape,” the love of 
God for His creatures, flowing spontane- 
ously forth, unprovoked by any of the 
objects of His affection. In modern Eng- 
lish the single word “love” has so many 
meanings it sometimes seems to have 
almost no meaning at all. Ij you missed 
it, we urge on you an article we pub- 
lished in March 1962: “The Love Cult,” 
by Alfred Kazin, in which its abuse is 
brilliantly documented. 
We're sure you'll concur that, with all 


meaning desir 

A creamy new form of fragrance that 
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Fragrance lasts and lasts...rolls on to 
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its faults, America has astonishing 
strengths — including the ability to take 
criticism, the freedom to publish “The 
Playboy Philosophy” and such “Forum” 
comments as your own; the capacity to 
right wrongs, as in the case of Robert 
Oppenheimer; and the ability of its 
people to submerge differences, and 
mourn as one, when a great President is 

1 must take issue with statements made 
in the December installment of The 
Playboy Philosophy. Mr. Hefner sitys that 
the only solution to the problem of the 
specter of war is the establishment of a 

view held by many in our country today, 
to expect the rest of the 

aphs later, 
Hefner emphasizes the inherent individ- 
uality of man along with the idea that 
society should serve man, not vice versa. 
These views are not compatible. If such 
an all-powerful international govern- 
ment were set up, it would stille individ- 

ual initiative. In shor ı would still 
be a slave to society, only on a larger 

scale than he is now. 
Joseph A. Snyder 
Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania 

Shame on you, Mr. Hefner. You, of all 
people, а one-worlder. ГЇ bet you don't 
mean it. Very few of PLAYBoY's readers 
will buy page 214 im your December 
issue, but Adlai Stevenson will surely 
love you, and it will be interesting to 
see your readers’ reactions to the incon- 
gruity of the subheading "A United 
World” following as it does others like 
A Rational Society," “A Free Society.” 
Enlightened SelI-Interest;" “The mi 
vidual vs. the Group,” and finally, “Free 
Enterprise in а Free Society. 

Editor-Publisher Hefner considers the 
concept of a single world government, 
democratically conceived. and adminis- 
tered, entirely consistent with the other 
major principles of “The Playboy Philos- 
ophy.” Whether or not the major govern- 
ments of our world are ready to take 
this step yet, we suspect the majority 
of thinking people everywhere would 
welcome such a sane solution 10 the ever- 
lusting threat of atomic annihilation. 
To answer your second point, Mr. 
Snyder. the individual's freedom in so- 
ciety is not inversely proportionate to the 
sizeof the state in which he lives,as you've 
suggested; just the opposite is quite 
offen the case. Did our own forefathers 
lose, or further secure, their liberty when 
the separate independent colonies joined 
together to become the United States of 
America? Why must the results be any 
different with a United World? 

What bothers a number of Americans 
about the concept of world government 
is the vague but disquieting feeling that 
they might be somehow selling out their 
own country in the process. This is non- 
sense — unless you think you are selling 
out your city or state when you vote in a 
national election or obey a Federal law. 

As Americans, we would be giving up 
virtually nothing, but we would be gain- 
ing a great deal. A Congress of Nations 
is simply the next logical step in the 
ever-increasing international association 
of all the countries of the earth. The 
United Nations is a significant beginning 
in the vight direction, but the veto power 
of the major countries makes the UN 
impotent when it is needed most. А gov- 
ernment of nations should be able to 
pass international laws, democratically, 
and then see that they are enforced — 
otherwise it would be reduced, as the 
UN too often is, to little more than a 
debating society. Debate can be worth- 
while, 100, bul more positive action is 
required if international disputes are to 
ever be resolved by reason rather than 
warfare. If this makes us a “one-worlder,” 
Mr. Trask, then make the most of it; for 
in truth—in 1964 —we live in one 
world. And a mighty small one at that. 

Many of the most important problems 
of today are world-wide in their implica- 
tions; they should logically be considered. 
and resolved on a world-wide basis. The 
Common Market is a single economic ex- 
ample of what international cooperation 
in trade can mean 10 the prosperity of 
all involved. And, as Hefner pointed out, 
if international government could put 
an end to the arms race — and il could, 
and would, if its own deterrent force was 
formidable enough —then the money 
wasted on weaponry we dare not use 
could be spent on improving man’s life 
on this carth instead of threatening it 
with extinction. 

Of this much we are certain: The pres- 
ent possibility of global atomic holocaust 
is not the figment of someone's overactive 
imagination; the present overkill capac- 
ity of both the United States and Russia 
slaggers the imagination. The threat of 
mutual annihilation is real and it does 
not diminish when we decline to think 
about it; indeed, the passage of lime 
only increases the danger of —among 
other things —additional nations pro- 
ducing their own stockpiles of atomic 
weaponry and joining the present two- 
handed game of brinkmanship. 

The alternatives in an atomic world 
are few: Either the people on this planet 
learn to live together, or most assuredly 
they will die together. In our freest, 
most individualistic, enlightened and 
self-interested manner, Mr. Trask, we 
choose the former. 

At the very heart of our philosophy, 
gentlemen, is the belief that life is for 

living and that it can—and should — 
be a great adventure. In order to assure 
the good life that тілүвоү is always 
editorializing about in its pages — [or 
ourselves and for the dear ones who 
come affer —uc've got to make reason- 
ably certain that both we and old mother 
earth stick mound awhile. And that's 
about as rational a conclusion as a ra- 
tional society is ever going to reach. 

Even the most harebrained (по pun 
intended) of readers should be expected 
to question a treatise which fails to rec- 
oncile the very contradiction it indicts: 
that man, a rational being, has created 
for himself a society predicated 

plate our pathetic nuclear predicament 
to be impressed with i 

But the question of wh 
veloped along lines contrary to what we 
believe his true nature to be must first 
be answered if we are to formulate an 
te picture of the ideal soc 


conclu escapable. Ei 
mot a rational being, or his r 
ics are dedicated to a cause other 
than what he perceives to be the welfare 
of mankind. 

Richard Allen Repp 
Norfolk, Vir 
We agree with your observation that 
“the question of why man has developed 
along lines contrary to what we believe 
his true nature to be must first be 
answered if we are to formulate an 
accurate picture of the ideal societ 
That's precisely what we have attempted 
to do in the early installments of 
“The Playboy Philosophy.” In future 
installments, we hope to "formulate an 
accurate picture of the ideal society" 
which, as we have repeatedly stated, is 
one based on the assumption that man 
is, indeed, capable of creating and living 
in a rational society. 



The most prevalent error 1 have de- 
tected in lettes of The Playboy 
Philosophy is called, among logicians, 
the informal fallacy of argumentum ad 
hominem. The opening letter of the 
ry Forum is a good example: a 
reader accuses you of hypocrisy because, 
he says, some of the other material 
conflicts with the заа 



logical structure. which ТУНЫ; 
stands inviolate, whatever th ure of 
its originator, In an extended argument, 
The Playboy Philosophy is free of Hef- 
ner and jor his researchers, free of chang- 
ing individual lues, and free of the 
context in which it is presented. In- 
violate it stands, and to my eye, breath- 

Playboy Club News 

VOL. II, NO. 45 Ist 



APRIL 1964 



CHICAGO (Special) —Officials 
of Playboy Clubs International 
have released details on three 
mew Playboy Clubs that will 

The Bunnies are on their way 
to Atlanta, Cincinnati & К.С. 

shortly join the rapidly growing 
key chain: Cincinnati and 
Kansas City are scheduled for 
Club premieres this spring; 
Atlanta opens shortly after sum- 
mer. (For addresses of all 
Playboy Clubs, see box.) 

The new Clubs will make the 
pleasures of the internationally 
acclaimed Playboy Club — the 
beautiful Bunnies, gourmet 
foods, choice liquors and excit- 
ing entertainment—more acces~ 
sible to keyholders in the East, 
South and Midwest than ever. 

By ordering your key today, 
you can take advantage of the 
$15 charter rate that applies in 
new Club areas (the regular 
Resident Key Fee of $50 is now 

in effect in Chicago and 

‘The Cincinnati Playboy Club, 
on the seventh floor of the Ex- 
ecutive Building, 35 E. 7th St, 
will be bustling with 35 Bunnies 
waiting to serve you. The Club 
will be a $500,000 showcase op- 
posite the Shubert Theater. 

The Kansas City Playboy 
Club will become the second 
Club in Missouri. (St. Louis has 
had a Club since October 
1962.) Thirty-six Bunnies will 
be on hand to complement the 
lavish decor of the Club, Jocated 
atop the Continental Hotel in 
downtown Kansas City. 

The Atlanta Playboy Club 
will be located in a brand-new 
addition to the Dinkler Hotel. 
A unique attraction will be a 
glass port in the Penthouse area 
giving keyholders ап under- 
water view of swimmers in the 
new hotel pool. 

All three Clubs will have four 
Clubrooms: Playmate Bar, 
Living Room, Banquet Room 
and Penthouse showroom. Every 


Clubs Open—New York at 5 Е. 
59 St.; Chicago at 116 E. Walton 
St; Detroit at 1014 E. Jefferson 
Ave; St. Louis at 3914 Lindell 
ВЫЙ: New Orleans nt 7: 
Iberville; Phoenix at 3033 N. Cen- 
teal: Miami at 7701 Biscayne Blvd. 
Manila atop the Katigbak Bldg. 

Locations Set—Los Angelen at 
8580 Sunset Blvd.; San Francisco 
at 136 Montgomery St.; Baltimore 
at 28 Light St; Kansas City atop 
the Hotel Continental; Atlanta. 
atthe Dinkler Hotel; Cincinnati at 
35 E. Tth St. 

Next in Line— Washington, Bos- 
ton, Dallas, Camden- Philadelphia 



DETROIT (Special) — The 
Playboy Club of Detroit, at 
1014 E. Jefferson Ave., had its 
black-tie premiere for the bene- 
fit of muscular dystrophy on 
December 27th. Leading citizens 
of the Motor City participated 
in this gala opening of the third 
Playboy Club in the Midwest, 
Enlivening the Bunny haven 
during the month-long opening 
festivities were some of the 
brightest shows from The 
Playboy Club circuit. In the 

Penthouse keyholders and guests 
applauded America's hottest 
new comedy talent, Jackie 
Gayle, and the versatile singing 
styles of Roy Petty and Pegge 
Kaye. The Playroom showcased 
the masterful wit of Ray Hast- 
ings and Simmy Bow, and the 
pleasing melodies of Penny 

PLAYBOY readers in the De- 
troit area can still obtain a key 
at the charter rate of $25 by 
filling out the coupon. 

Keyholders and Playmates enjoy a lively evening at The Playboy Club. 

three weeks a new roster of 
Playboy’s bright talent will ap- 
pear in the Penthouse, where 
the earliest dinner show in town 
begins at 7 p.m. (Such stars аз 
Henny Youngman, Jerry Ven 
Dyke, Dick Gregory and The 
Kirby Stone Four have ap- 
peared on Playboy stages.) 

From the lively variety shows 
in the Penthouse to the boun- 
teous Living Room Buffet, to 
the convivial cheer in the Play- 
mate Bar, keyholders in these 
three Clubs will move through 
а world designed with their 
personal pleasure in mind. 

You will be able to choose 
from the delicious Playboy 
menu that keyholders know and 
enjoy: Charcoal broiled filet 
mignon in the Penthouse; the 
ing Room's BuHet with a 
luncheon variety of ten different 
dishes every week and a dinner 
consisting of steak-kabobs, fried. 
chicken and barbecued back 
ribs, АП food is the same price 
as a drink, 

Your Playboy Club key will 
admit you not only to the new 
Clubs in Atlanta, Cincinnati 

and Kansas City, but to every 
Playboy Club now open or to 
be opened. Apply for your key 
now to save $25. Mail the cou- 
pon today. 


Your one Playboy Club key not 
only admits you to every Club 
in the world, but offers a long 
list of extras, such as vIP, the 
colorful Playboy Club maga- 
zine mailed monthly to key- 
holders. Another extra is the 
Playmate Key-Card for wives 
of keyholders, entitling them to 
charge privileges in the Club 
during luncheon and the cock- 
tail hour. Guest forms are also 
available, permitting your 
friends to visit the Club when 
you personally cannot take them. 


| 7°: тїлүвот crues INTERNATIONAL I 
c/o PLAYBOY MAGAZINE, 232 E. Ohio Street, Chicago, Minois 60611 
Û систе [| 
|] Here is my application for Key Privieges to The Playboy Club. П 
1 = зац ү 
| occurarion 1 
V as I 
pm STATE ZIP CODE NO: пет р 
325 FEE: Г) ENCLOSEO; D BILL ME. (Initial Key Fee is $50 within a 75-mile 
VV alus of cnicago and in ie state of Florida. Keys are $25 outside these areas) Ш 
р total Key Fee includes one-year subscription to Playboy Club's VIP magazine р 
SI. Subscription optional 
1 Оске here it you wish only information about joining The Playboy Club, ff 
b an == э= = эш єз eee mmm mom d 



takingly beautiful in this age of 
Robert H. Woods 

Atlanta, Georgia. 


Because the sexual data of your other- 
wise admirable presentation of The 
Playboy Philosophy are incomplete, its 
conclusions are not compelling. You 
have neglected to consider the plight of 
noteworthy figure: the scholarlecher. 
One undergraduate afternoon, he 
came upon John Stuart Mill's apology 
for the scholarly life: it is better to be a 
Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied. 
For ensuing years, this motto sustained 
him as he observed others wallowing in 
gross sexual action into which he 
could not even dip his fingers. Socrates 
is better. than these pigs, he assured him- 
self, and went on Socratizing to the B.A., 
the M.A., the Ph.D. fellowship at one 
university, an assistant professorship at 
another, an associate professorship at 
still another. 

When he asked 
axiom, the thing disintegrated. 
classroom, while out of his mouth issued 
the usual pious platitudes about the 
grandeur of the Periclean Age, he won- 
dered in his mind about the skirt-hidden 
mysteries of his girl students, He found 
himself growing more interested in Sap- 
pho's ics than in Socrates! dialectics, 
more in Byron's romantic sport with his 
Italian countess th roman- 
tic support of Greek independence, and 
finally more in the lingerie advertisc- 
ments of the Sunday Times than in its 
book reviews. 
cry for a life tion rather than a 
life of thought, and as his students dili. 
gently took notes, so did he. 

He has now reached the point where 
he misrcads words like bullock,” 
and “beast,” and he discovers off-color 
puns in Ezra Taft Benson. The farm 
surpluses and the vast wasteland, birth 
control and the arms race, Belsen and 
Birmingham, these serve only to inten- 
sify his private horror; and he gazes 
longingly at his coeds while they stare 
carnivorously at their boyfriends. 

The real world is not the Abbey of 
‘Théléme—nor its modern counterpart 
the Playboy Penthouse — writ large. In 
this world, particularly in that part of 
it which sprouts ivy and term papers, 
women do not open themselves to Sam- 
my to see how he runs. For some, the 
great ideals of mankind dwindle into 
insignificance as the phallic urge pollutes 
the channels of the cerebral cortex. 
There is no room to breathe, only to 
dream, and the more pleasant the dream, 
the more nightmarish; for the rational 
mind — still, surprisingly, functioning — 
reminds: Thou shalt not. 

I applaud your hedor 

“Why?” to Mills 
In the 

istic comi 
For you that is not only a 

philosophy, but a practice. But what of 
him? W of the scholarlecher who 
walks the groves of the academy with 
cheeks and throat tightened at the app 
ion of beauty? He has tried antidotes: 
liquor; scholarship: a hobby; Eros; 
marriage; the ACLU; Burton's recom- 
mendation to look deep until by seeing 
the twisti ега of his unobtainable 
ideal, he is cured of satyriasis. But these 
cannot withstand the impress of Jayne 
Mansfield's flesh. 

He has not concluded yet that it is 
better to be a pig satisfied than a Socrates 
dissatisfied, but гае 
results from the up-and-down mobility 
between the sensual and the intellect 
h by itself is insufficient and offensive. 
Yet the knowledge of this truth is more 
a provocation than а sedation. 

This, I suggest, you have neglected in 
your presentation of The Playboy Philos- 
ophy. C. P. Snow addressed himself to the 
problem, and we may well conclude with 
а quotation from the cultivated prose of 
The New Men 1 observed what 
others had observed before, I could not 
recall of those who had known more than 
their share of the erotic life, one who, 
when the end came, did not think that 
his time had been tolerably well spent." 

(Name withheld on request) 
Crawfordsville, Indiana 

We applaud the wisdom that leads you 
to conclude that “success in life results 
from the up-and-down mobility between 
the sensual and the intellectual; each by 
itself is insufficient and offensive.” And 
we agree with Sir Charles that the erotic 
life is “tolerably well spent” Our only 
practical suggestion for your scholar- 
lecher's conflict is that he make sure the 
next coed is both sexy and intelligent, 
then proceed to spend at least some of 
his time with her tolerably well. 


In a recent installment of The Playboy 
Philosophy, which was largely concerned 
with a history of the status of women, 
you made this reference to John Calvi 
“His sister-in-law gave herself in adultery 
in 1557 daughter did the same 
five years later." 

I would like very much to use this bit 
of inform an article I am writ- 
ing, pleading for a more sensible attitude 
toward sex. It would make an excellent 
anecdote to prove my point. Could you 
give me your source of information? 

J. J. Biegenwald 
Monroe. Louisiana 

Our reference source was G. Rattray 
Taylor's "Sex in History.” You can also 
find substantiation of the immorality of 
Calvin's daughter in George Cutlin's 
"The Story of the Political Philosophers.” 

I have been struck with the similarities 
between your Philosophy and the philos- 

ophy of the Mormon prophet Joseph 
Smith. With a few minor exceptions the 
basic premises are the same. Hi 
came at a time (1830-1844) when pe 
secution, bigotry, narrowness and hate 
were even more pronounced than they 
1 for his ad- 

Joseph believed that the human р 
sonality is the most precious thing i 
the universe. He that “the 
glory of God is intelligence” and “no 
опе can be saved in ignorance." He i 
structed that both spirit and body be 
developed to their highest capabilit 

I am sure that were Joseph Smith 
alive today he would be a regular sub- 
scriber to PLAYBOY and possibly a cor 
tributor, since yours is "as a voice crying. 
out of the wilder of bigotry and 
ignorance. Your m: е epitomizes one 
of his major tenets, "eternal progres- 
sion." For you have grown not only 
the more mundane з of size, sub- 
scription and advertising, but also, and 
most notably, in quality. I believe that 
he would approve of this growth be- 
cause it gives you the means to express 
itellectual and moral feelings and 
les you and your employees 
a greater opportunity to enjoy the good 
things of this life. 

“Man is that he might have joy.” Thi 

belief in man's bas 
individual freedom and free agency, 
comprises the backbone of Mormon 

theology. Joseph regarded sex in much 
the same way as you do, except that 
he even went a litde further. The act 
of procreation is probably the most 
spiritual of all man's activities. At this 
time man comes closest to being a "crea- 
tor” of human life. 

"There is an interesting story about 
the do-gooders and moral uplifters who 
went to Utah for the purpose of 
"emancipating" the plural wives of those 
“heathen” Mormons. They built a large 
building, which is still standing, to pro- 
vide a refuge for the poor women re- 
leased from the “bondage” of polygamy. 
They waited several months for it to 
fill up with these poor wretches of soci- 
ety, but no one applied. In fact, that 
Y.W.C.A. for misguided women had only 
one occupant, a whore, who was unable 
to make a living in enlightened Salt 
Lake City. 

I am not saying that some narrow- 
ness does not exist in the. Church. of. 
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It does, 
but in every case it is the work of 
nehed-minded men and not the church 
I do believe that it is the опе or- 
ganized religion in the U. S. today thar 


professes and practices the basic freedoms 
of man 

spiritually, temporally and 

Larry L. Bow 
Merced, California 

Strong men have decided preferences 

Let's get one thing straight. Country Club is not a beer 
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Country Club 


Malt Liquor. You'll 
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It is interesting to note that our sex- 
suppressed (and hence sex-obsessed) 
society knows virtually nothing of Mor- 
monism except that it condones polyg- 
amy. It is typical of those who accuse 
others of being preoccupied with sex 
that they themselves seem unable to 
think about anything else. 


After reading the last few installments 
of The Playboy Philosophy, Y have sud- 
denly become conscious of insidious 
forces at work in my own community. 
Last week it was the banning of a Jayne 
Mansfield motion picture by a small 
group of self-righteous city police offi- 
cials, ostensibly because they didn’t con- 
sider the picture “art.” Now a mother 
has been convicted for advising her 
16-year-old daughter of birth-control 
methods — the daughter has had three 
illegitimate children! 

It is regrettable that some of our own 
fellow citizens actually think they have 
the right to force the rest of us to adopt 
their own beliefs, at the cost of our con- 
stitutional liberties. 

David Roberts 
Case Institute of Technology 
Cleveland. Ohio 

The Cleveland birth-control incident 
referred to involved a 33-year-old mother, 
Mrs. Virginia McLaughlin, who was 
found guilty of contributing to the delin- 
quency of her 16-year-old daughter by 
advising her of birth-control methods. 
Mrs. McLaughlin, who received а sus- 
pended $200 fine and workhouse 
sentence, testified she had told her 
daughter to use contraceptives if she was 
going to continue to have sexual relu- 
tions with men. The daughter had given 
birth to three illegitimate children in as 
many years. 


I admire your frankness in setting 
forth a new philosophy, but I am afr: 
І cannot agree with it. You call your 
philosophy one of reason. You attempt 
to reason out many of the outstanding 
problems of our society, both political 
and moral. You are trying to eliminate 
hypocrisy from our society, but you are 
doing it in a manner with which 1 can- 
not agree. Instead of attempting 10 
elevate man to a level where he is able 
to follow existing moral codes, you are 
trying to establish new codes which he 
can follow. In itself, this does not sound 
altogether cvil; however, it eludes the 
n of truth, 
re are two types of truth: objective 
and subjective. In my opinion, you do 

not stress objective truth with enough 
emphasis (if at all). Your philosophy 
scems to be based on the subjective idea 

of truth "This is truc because I 
believe it is true.” Objective truth, on 

the other hand, does not depend on the 
consent of the mind. It is true whether 
one believes it or not. For those who 
belicve in God this objective truth is 
God's law. For those who do not believe, 
it can be classified under the heading of 
natural law. 

To become more specific, the natural 
law states that the primary purpose of 
sex is for the procreation of the species. 
Whether or not we subscribe to, or even 
like this idea, does not make 
of difference. Man, of course, will try 
to modify nature and his environment to 
suit his own ideas. This is something 
that he has been doing since history 
began, and although on the surface he 
has been successful, 1 wonder has 
made man a nobler and happier species. 

Roy R. Stoecker 
Bayside, New York 

Why should we attempt to “elevate” 
man to a “level where he is able to fol- 
low existing moral codes" if, in fact, 
these codes ате false or unrealistic? To 
us this is debasing man, not elevating 

As we stated in the December install- 
ment of “The Playboy Philosophy": "We 
believe in the existence of absolute truth 
—not in a mystical or religious sense, but 
in the certainty that the true nature of 
man and the universe is knowable, and 
the conviction that the acquisition of 
such truth should be one of the major 
goals of mankind” 

We certainly do think that man’s 
attempt “to modify nature and his envi- 
ronment to suit his own ideas" can make 
him “a nobler and happier species,” but 
whether it has or hasn't so far does not 
affect — in our opinion — the validity of 
the acquisition of truth as a goal in itself. 


Hugh Hefner is the founder of the 
“Humanistic Rebellion," the emanci- 
pator of the night people, and the man 
who has been instrumental in throwing 
off the shackles that had tied millions 
of human beings to a pillar of ludicrous 
and stifling anonymity. For all of us, he 
has reclaimed a vast oasis of human vege- 
tation, and replanted it in an ocean of 
sunshine, where it may indeed blossom 
and grow. 

Tommy Dolan 
St. Marys, Ontario 

Congratulations on your fine scrics, 
The Playboy Philosophy. It is one of the 
most courageous collections of thought I 
have ever read. Despite negative criti- 
sm, you are giving young America a 
direction and an honest approach to 

Youth has been imbued with the idea 
that sex equals sin, and has at the same 
ime been subjected to the world’s 
strongest barrage of sex. Rather than 

leave youth divided as the supposedly 
adult guides have done, you are provid- 
ing an honest and sensible set of ideas. 
You have brought religious ideas into 
the open to be judged for what they are. 
In the past, religion has been seen only 
through the cloudy haze of the zealot's 
love or the heretic’s hate. It can now be 
seen objectively. 
Keep up this wonderful series. It is 
one of the things our society most necds. 
Randolph E. Schmid 
Auburn, New York 


I think you're mistaken in the belief 
that television and movies of today 
mirror a more liberal attitude toward 
sex. It may be true that a bit more thigh 
is exposed on the screen or a couple 
more "Damns" and “Hells” are muttered, 
but the message is still the same: the guy 
who tries to score without the formality 
of the band of gold is always foiled, or, 
the young female wanton runs into the 
dark night and gets done in by a speed- 
ing truck. You guys know dam well the 
current rash of adult movies featu 
Rock Hudsons of various types who, on 
failing to make it with a chick, link arms 
with the gitl, wink out at the audience, 

and exclaim while walking out to the 
sound of the title song, “You know, thi 

marriage bit might be nice after all" 
Just once I'd like to sce 90 minutes of 
Doris Day shacking with a guy, loving 
every second of it, and exclaiming at the 
end, "Boy, what I've been missing all 
these pictures 

Stuart Schwartzberg 
Paterson, New Jerscy 
If you confine your viewing to Doris 
Day flicks we agree that you may never 
see conventional morality flouted. How- 
ever, domestic movies such as “Two for 
the Seesaw," “Tea and Sympathy,” “Irma 
la Douce" and “Bonjour Tristesse” did 
show characters breaking conventional 
moral codes and not suffering the cliché 
consequences. And among foreign pro- 
ductions the examples are legion. A few: 
“Never on Sunday,’ “The Five-Day 
Lover,” “The Cousins}? "L'Avventura 
and “Doctor No.” 


Your philosophy on sex is taken from 
a subjective standpoint. You advocate 
sexual freedom and you base your advo- 
cacy on the fact chat the sex act Culfills 
a desire and accomplishes pleasure. "This 
is analogous to advocating gluttony, 
since gluttony fulfills a desire and gives 

Looking at the matter objectively, sex 
is the means of keeping the human race 
from dying out, just as eating is the 
means of keeping the individual from 

If you will adyocate complete sexual 
freedom (with the use of contracep- 

tives), 1 will advocate complete gluttony 
(with the use of a feather) 
Ralph Gemig 
arks College 
East Saint Louis, Illinois 
You do that. But with analogies like 
yours, who needs a feather? Meanwhile, 
there will be people who enjoy a healthy 
appetite and take pleasure in satisfying 
it with delicious foods, They are called 
gourmets, to distinguish them from 
those who couldn’t care less what they 
cat, and from the insatiable gluttons who 
cram themselves hoggishly with any ed. 
ible they can lay a tooth to. 


You guys at рілувоу are fu 
In the December i: 
a reader that your 
meant to suggest that 
editorially playful, frisky, and 
You suggest that your ap 
parent" is a fundoving beast — а "bunny 

Then a few pages later the big bunny 
upstairs (that playful, frisky crite 
spells out the 13th part of his editorial 
credo. You kids really take your fun 
seriously — part 13 runs 25 columns! 

Could it be that the editorial credo 
is no longer guiding the magazine, and 
that the “dirty” pictures have become 
just the sugar coating for a correspond. 
ence course in Phughlosophy? 

Robert E. Perrin 
Monterey Park, California 

PLaynoy’s editorial credo continues to 
guide the magazine, in much the same 
way now as it did ten years ago. We have 
said earlier and will say again that we 
construe our role as the leading men’s 
entertainment magazine as a mandate to 
provide “entertainment” in the broadest 
sense of the word. By attempting to 
balance ephemera with food for hard 
thought we try to be the integrated 
magazine for the integrated man. We 
have never expected all our features to 
appeal equally to all readers, and would 
be sorely distressed if ever they did. We 
trust that persons like yourself who 
don't wish to consider the “Philosophy” 
seriously will find ample other entertain 
ment in our pages. In the December 
issue to which you refer, for example, 
there is a total of 648 editorial columns, 
of which — as you observe — just 25 are 
devoted to “Philosophy.” 

“The Playboy Forum” offers the oppor 
tunity for an extended dialog between 
readers and editors of this publication 
on subjects and issues raised in our con 
linuing editorial series, “The Playboy 
Philosophy.” Address all correspondence 
on either the "Philosophy" or the 
"Forum" to: The Playboy Forum, 
PLAYBOY, 232 E. Ohio Street, Chicago, 
Illinois 60611. 


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the sixteenth part of a statement in which playboy’s editor-publisher spells out—for friends 
and critics alike—our guiding principles and editorial credo 

IN OUR CONTINUING consideration of the 
rights of the individual in а free society, 
we discussed in the last installment of 
this editorial series (February) the extent 
to which a person's private s behav 
ior is the subject of governmental con- 
trol іп America. 

This nation was founded on the prem- 
ise that each one of us is entitled to life, 
liberty and the pursuit of happiness: our 
democratic government was established 
to protect these rights and our Constitu- 
n guarantees them. Yet every state has 
statutes specifically designed to control 
the most personal, intimate acts of its 

America is presumably the land of the 
free and the home of the brave. But our 
legislators, our judges and our officers 
of law enforcement are allowed to enter 
our most private inner sanctuaries — our 
bedrooms — and dictate the activity that 
takes place there. 

We аге [ree in a voting booth, in a 
stockholders’ meeting, a union hall, or a 
house of worship, but we are not free in 
bed. Our democracy, which prides itself 
on its permissiveness in almost every arca. 
of indi а! endeavor, has proven intol- 
erably restrictive in matters of sex. 

Our society's repressive and suppres- 
sive antisexualism is derived from 
twisted theological concepts that became 
firmly imbedded in Christianity during 
the Dark Ages, several hundred years 
after the crucifixion of Christ, and 
spread and became more severe with Cal- 
vinist Puritanism after the Reformation, 
In the Old World, the people suffered 
under totalitarian church-state controls 
of both Catholic and Protestant origin 
and many of the early colonists in Amer- 
ica came here in search of the religious 
freedom denied them in Europe. Our 
own founding fathers, well aware of the 
history of religious tyranny in other 
countries, established with the Constitu- 
tion of the United States the concept of 
a separate church and state as the best 
ns of assuring that both our reli 
and government would remain free, thus 
teeing the freedom of the people. 

Unfortunately, the sceds of religious 
antisexualism were already planted in 
the people themselves, however; in addi- 
tion, through the centuries, a certain 
amount of ecclesiastical law had found 

editorial By Hugh M. Hefner 

its way into the common law of Europe, 
and then into American law as well. As а 
result, not even the guarantees of the 
Constitution itself were cnough to keep 
our religion and government apart. 


Puritan antiscxualism increasingly in- 
fected both England and America and 
reached its climax in the 19th Century. 
We are not suggesting that the period 
was noted for its purity or sexual absti- 
nence — quite the contrary; as always 
occurs, the repression merely produced 
an uncommon amount of perversion and 
sexual aberration. 

We have commented previously on the 
extent to which Victorian England was 
obsessed with sex, with ап excessive 
modesty in speech, manners and dress 
that only accented matters sexual (The 
Playboy Philosophy — Part X, September 
1963). The pre- n Celts and Sa 
ons were a virile, vigorous. outgoing 
people; Britain has paid a heavy price 
for its religious heritage, for the tradi- 
tional reserve and lack of spontaneity of 
the Englishman are as much a result of 
his Puritan past as is his taste for the 
sado-masochistic pleasures of the whip 
(flagellation is such a common accommo- 
dation of the English prostitute. that 
revelations on the price paid for such 
services — one pound per stroke — during 
the Dr. Stephen Ward-Christine Kecler 
-Mandy Rice-Davies trial raised hardly 
an eyebrow among blasé Britishers). 

In America the antisexual bent of the 
1800s was mixed with excessive sentimen- 
tal and romanticism; women were 
placed upon pedestals, virginity and 
chastity were prized most highly, and the 
notion that a "nice girl" might experi- 
ence anything akin to sexual yearning, or 
take pleasure in the sex act, was unthink- 
able. Morton М. Hunt, author of The 
Natural History of Love, comments in 
his chapter for Julian Huxley's The Hu- 
manist Frame: “.. Тһе 19th Century — 
that high-water mark of romantic and 
sentimental feeling — was a time when 
many men were made impotent or mas- 
ochistic by the prevailing love mores and 
many women were warped by frigidity 
and frustration. 

It was also early in the last century 

that the censor first raised his ugly blue 

snout in America. Our founding fathers 
had spoken out most forcefully on the 
subject: In 1814 Thomas Jefferson stated 
that he was “mortified” to learn th 
sale of a book should ever become a sub. 
ject of inquiry in these United States. 
"Are we to have a censor whose impri- 
matur shall say what books may be sold 
what we buy?” Jefferson 
demanded. “Whose foot is to be the 
measure to which ours are all to be cut 
or stretched?” 

“For the first hundred years" reports 
Morris L. Ernst in The Best Is Yet, “the 
United States was unafraid of sex. It was 
frec of literary taboos, except for a rem- 
nant of blasphemy.... These men who 
drafted our Federal Constitution 
signed our Declaration of Independence 
bulged their cheeks with naughty giggles 
when reading the works of Fielding and 
Smolleu. The plays of Congreve were 
presented without expurgation. And 
there was no substantial demand in 0 
land for the importation of a Master of 
Revels who, since the days of Fielding's 
attack on Walpole, had been using his 
shears on the drama of Great Britain...” 

But in the beginning of the I9th Cen- 
tury we have what is generally accepted 
as the first recorded suppression of a 
literary work in the U. S. on the grounds 
of obscenity. The book was John Cle- 
land's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, 
better known by the name of its heroine, 
Fanny Hill. Cleland's delightful classic of 
ribaldry had been around for more than 
half a century and no one had thought 
to censor it; Ben Franklin is reputed to 
have had 2 copy in his library. But the 
book was suppressed in the early 1800s, 
and it did not appear again in legal pub- 
lication in this country for a century and 
a half until, in 1963, G. P. Putnam's Sons 
— emboldened by the recent victories 
over censorship in the courts — brought 
forth a new edition. Fanny's reappear- 
ance resulted in several obscenity suits 
which the publisher successfully defend- 
ed; in the most significant, late in the 
year, a New York court first held the 
book to be obscene, then — in as refresh- 
ing a bit of jurisprudence as we have 






witnessed in the Empire State in a very 
long while — reversed itself. without the 
need for appeal to a higher court. 
After the unhappy late of Fanny 
at the start of the previous century 
the censors went back — for a time — to 
whatever censors do when they're not 
censoring: in a memorable debate in the 
U. S. Senate in 1835, Clay, Calhoun and 
Webster declared that the Federal Gov- 
ernment should never have anything to 
do with censorship: and in that same 
у visitor from France, Alexis de 
"Tocqueville, reported: "Attempts have 
been made by some governments to pro 
tect the morality of nations by prohibit- 
ing licentious books. In the United States 
no one is punished for this sort of wo 
Yet in 1812 Congress passed а Tariff 
Act that forbade the importation of “ob- 
scene books or pictures into the United 
States”; and in 1865 another law was 
passed prohibiting the transmission of 
objectionable materials through the 
mail. “But there was one saving grace 
in these laws," wrote Ernest Sutherland 
Bates. “It never occurred to anyone ap- 
parently that they should be enforced. 
And then around 1870 the lid was 
damped down. С ip spread over 
the land like a prairie fire.” It was im- 
ported, like the Puritans themselves, 
from England. As Andrew 
pressed it: nglish literature had been 
at least as freespoken as any other to 
the death of Smollett. Then in 20 years, 
at most, English literature became . . . 
the most respectful of the young person's 
blush tl the world had eve: 
The growing sexual repres: 
century erupted in an orgy of censorship 
—led by the infamous Anthony Com- 
sto 1d others of his ilk — continuing 
to the end of the 18005 and into the 
beginning of the new century. 
Comstock toiled for а number of years. 
as an unpaid postal inspector, ferreting 

ion of a 

out the indecent, the lewd, the lascivious 
and the obscene in the U. in 
what was cleanly a labor of Iove. before 

graduating to the post of secretary of, 
and primary spokesman for, the New 
York Society for the Suppression of Vice. 
He was responsible for the passage of 
the Comstock Act, upon which H. L. 
Mencken reported bitterly: “The story 
of the passage of the Act of Congress of 
March 3, 1873, is a classical tale of Puri- 
n impudence and chicanery. Ostensibly 
. . , the new laws were designed to put 
down traffic [in obscenity] which, of 
‚ found no defenders — but Com- 
had so drawn them that their 
actual sweep wi der, and once 
he was firmly in the saddle, his enter- 
prises scarcely knew limits. Having 
posed of The Confessions of Marta 
Monk and Night Life in Paris, he warned 
to Rabelais and the Decameron, and 
having driven these agents under the 
book counters, he pounced upon Zola, 

s vastly w 

Balzac and Daudet, and having disposed 
of these, too, he began a pogrom which, 

in other hands, eventually brought down 
such astounding victims as Thomas 
Hardy's Jude the Obscure. 

In carrying on this war of extermina- 
tion upon all ideas that violated their 
private notions of virtue and decorum, 
Comstock and his followers were very 
greatly aided by the ueness of the 
law. It prohibited the изе of the mails 
for transporting all matter of ‘obscene, 
lewd, lascivious . . . or filthy’ character, 
but conveniently failed to define these 
adjectives. As a result . . . it was po: 
to bring an accusation against 
cally any publication that aroused the 
Comstockian bloodlust.” 

Heywood Broun remarked, “Anthony 
Comstock may have been entirely correct 
n his assumption that the division of 
living creatures into male and female 
was a vulgar mistake, but a conspiracy 
of silence about the matter will hardly 
alter the facts. 

Not until the 1920s was there any no- 
ticeable tendency toward a thaw in this 
chilling climate of censorship, and 
not until the most recent years that 
ican maturity and the U.S. courts rca 
the point where we can once again con- 
template the possibility of the free press 
assured us by our founding fathers. 


Our fear of sex has been sufficient, as 
we have illustrated in considerable detail 
in carly installments of the Philosophy, 
to rationalize the abridgment of our 
Constitutionally guaranteed. freedoms of 
both speech and press. Sex has also 
served as a justification for curtailing 
lemic freedom — and the mere ex- 
pression of an unpopular opinion on the 
subject can still cause the dismissal of a 
college professor (as it did at the Un 
versity of Ilinois in 1960): or a too- 
realisti aden, drama by 
may bring down the 
wrath of a university president and 
prompt the resignation of the head and 
IF of an entire drama department (as 
occurred at Baylor in 1963). 

Discussing, describing or graphically 
depicting sex too explicitly, or with an 
improper moral point of view, is still 
prohibited throughout much of these 
supposedly free United States. Why? Be- 
use it may lead to like behavior. And 
that is the greatest fear of all: chat sex 
may be indulged in freely. without the 
burden of guilt and shame placed upon 
ignorant, superstitious, f 

ncestors in the Middle Age 
Never mind that the contemporary 
psychiatrist knows, and will gladly tell 

ny who care to listen, that books, and 
pictures, and pamphlets and papers th: 
deal openly and honestly with sex have 
little or no effect upon human behavior 
and whatever effect they do e is 

healthful, rather than injurious. to so- 
cty; never mind that the science of 
psychiatry has revealed that it is the 
repression of the natural sex instinct, 
and the association of sex with guilt and 
shame, that cause the hurt to hum: 
kind — producing frigidity, impotence, 
masochism, sadism, homosexuality and 
all manner of other sexual perversions, 
social and psychological ills, neuroses 
and psychoses: never mind that all of 
огу documents the utter impossibility 
of curbing the normal sex drive, of keep- 
ing the male and female free from this 
of the flesh; never mind that modern 
research into sex behavior has revealed 
t America’s own Puritan attempts at 
wal suppression have failed to halt 
or seriously hinder the ° 
conduct of the majority of our adult 

population and resulted in nought but 

tion, aberration, agony and heart- 
never mind that any effort to 
regulate or contol the private sexual 
ty of the adult citizens of the 
tes is contrary to the princi- 
ple of individual freedom that is the very 
foundation of our democracy, and is in 
conflict with the most basic guarantees 
of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. 

Never mind — for such argumenis are 
based upon reason. And there is noth- 
ing reasoned or rational about our so- 
cietys attitude toward sex. It is based, 
instead, upon an irrational conglomera- 
tion of prejudice, superstition, fear, 
faith, mysticism and malarkey. 


The contemporary Judaco-Christian 
concept of sexual morality stems — as we 
ndicated in some Чеги 
issues (The Playboy Philosophy, Au, 
and September, 1963) — less from orig 
Judaic law or the teachings of Christ 
than from the extreme antisexu 
the medieval Church, w 

even marriage with extreme dis- 
taste; and Calvinist Puritanism, which 
extended the antagonism toward sexual 
pleasure to include all pleasure in 
Both the medieval Chu 
s Puritanism ruled thei 
European societies with an iron hand, 
through the ecclesiastical courts and con 
wol over the secular governments as 
well; both demanded obedience of 
church law— hoth tortured, imprisoned 
and executed heretics. 
The Church of the Middle Ages estab- 
lished penitential laws regulating every 
al life, including not only 
fornication and adultery, but masturba- 
tion and even involuntary nocturnal 
emissions; the Church also decreed the 
di of the ek and the 
the year in which it was permissible for 
the married to indulge in coitus, as well 
as delineating the sexual techniques to 

ch and Cal- 
r respective 

aspect of sex 

weeks of 

be used between man and wife in order 
to remain free from sin; the sexual act 
was permissible within marriage only 
and for the single purpose of begetting 
children — the pleasures of sex were sup- 
posed to be kept to a minimum by the 
pious and it was the pleasure attendant. 
h the act, even more than the act 
itself, that was thought to be ful; 
women were held in extremely low es- 
teem and a number of religious leaders 
of the period denounced them as the 
principal source of sin and the cause of 
n's fall from the grace of God (it was 
in this time that the Biblical story of 
Adam and Eve the Garden of Eden 
was given its sexual interpretation, with 
Eve Gist in the role of the temptress — 
although Christian authorities of every 
denomination agree that the “Original 
Sin" was pride, and there is no evidence 
in either the Bible or in any respected 
theological interpretation of the Scrip- 
tures to justify the idea, still held by 
many, that the sin was sexual). 

John Calvin and his Puritan followers 
accepted sex within marriage as essen- 
tially good and opposed the celibacy of 
the priesthood, but Calvin warned 
against any "indelicacy" in sexual ге 
tions and exhorted the married to “re- 
su themselves from all immodest 
lasciviousness and impropriety.” 

He considered it an “inexcusable ef- 
frontery” for a wife to touch that part 
of her husband's body “from the sight 
and touch of which all chaste women 
naturally recoil.” Purita: 
sentially joyless religion — in sex and all 
other aspects of daily life. And sex out- 
side the bonds of. ic was damned 
as the worst of all possible sins. 
Graham Cole, Ph.D. and noted member 
of the ministry of the Presbyterian 
Church, previously assistant. professor of 
religion of Smith College and presently 
President of Lake Forest (Illinois) Col- 
lege, states in his book, Sex in Christian- 
ity and Psychoanalysis, "Calvin . . . could 
not believe that God would ш 
nees fail to vent Н. 
ion, and he extended the sense of 
the Seventh Commandment to cover that. 
as well as all other forms of sexual 

“Sodomy Gal 
larly heinous crime, since not even the 
beasts, he said [quite incorrectly], are 
guilty of such a perversion of nature. 
Calvin had dearly no experience with 
the sexual behavior of animals. Bestiali 
se; relations with a member of an- 
other species, is another sin repugnant 
to the modesty of 
law very properly fin Calvin 
prescribes the death penalty 
Cole states that Galvin also “spoke with 
approval of the severe punishment 


тте... зіп was punished by exile, and 
Calvin felt the punishment fit the crime, 

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ded any guilty of this as 
ight degenerate . . .” In Geneva, 
п attempted, unsuccessfully, to im- 
e the death penalty for adultery, but 
х па, under Puritan rule, 
adultery was made a capital offense pun- 
ishable by hanging, and some citizens 
actually were hung for the crime. 

It is not our intention to dwell upon 
the irrational aspects of such religious 
doctrine: in а free society, each religion 
should be free to teach whatever it 
plea or not, and each indi- 
vidual free to either accept or reject the 
belief. What concerns us here is the 
extent to which this antisexualism has 
Deen projected into secular society and 
has even found its w мо the very 
laws that govern our land. 

In the last installment of this editorial 
series we examined the extent to which 
religious beliefs on sex are reflected in 
our laws governing marriage and divorce. 
Marriage, in our society, is a church-state 
license to engage in sex and almost all sex- 
ual activity outside of marriage is prohib- 
ited by statutes on fornication, adultery 
nd cohabitation in most of the 50 states. 
We oppose these laws — not as an en- 
dorsement of either premarital or extra- 
marital sex — but in the firm belief that 
such personal conduct should be left to 
the private determination of the individ- 
ual and is not rightly the business of gov- 
ernment in our democracy. This belief is 
shared by a great many legal and relig- 
ious leaders in America, who have been 
among the most outspoken in the current 
criticism of our archaic sex statutes. 

The legal view was expressed by the 
American Law Institute, when it au- 

thorized a Model Penal Code for sex in 
1955 recommending that all consensual 
relations between adults in p 

should be excluded from the crimi 
Taw, since "no harm to the secular 
terests of the community is involved in 
atypical sex practice in private between 
consenting adult partners and there is 
the fundamental question of the protec- 
tion to which every individual is entitled 
against state interference in his personal 
rs when he is not hurting others. 
The religious view is expressed by 
ather James Jones of the Episcopal 
Church, who has observed that when 
personal sexual behavior is governed by 
the state, it is Iess likely to effectively 
ange the behavior than to make it 
hidden or secretive, thereby making 
more difficult the task of religion in 
dealing with the moral issues involved. 

т! gious view is confirmed by 
the facts: Although 37 of the 50 les 
have laws against fornication and 45 
have statutes prohibiting adultery, Dr. 
Alfred Kinsey and associates, their 
monumental study of U. S. sex behavior, 
published in Sexual Behavior in the 
Human Male and Sexual Behavior in 
the Female, found that the 


majority of adult men and women in 
America а cd to having sexual i 
tercourse outside of marriage. Kinsey 


studies established that the sexual ex 
perience of adult Americans varies 
widely— depending upon social and 

educational background, with 67 percent 
of the males with some college education, 
84 percent of those who attended. high 
school but did not go on to college, and 
98 percent of the men with only a 
gradeschool education, having engaged 
in premarital sexual intercourse; approx- 
imately 50 percent of all females haye 
coitus prior to marriage and, unlike 
the statistics for males, this figure íi 
creases for women of higher education, 
with some 60 percent of the females 
with a college education having had 
intercourse before marriage. 

Although both the social taboos and 
the statutes are far stricter regarding 
dultery, Kinsey estimates — taking into 
count the high degree of cover-up he 
found among married men in this por- 

study — approximately 50 
I married males have sexual 
intercourse with women other than their 
wives at some 
riage. In Kinsey's study of U. S. females, 
26 percent of all married women admit- 
ted having n extramarital 
intercourse; the females with a higher 
educational background showed a slightly 
higher incidence, with 29 percent of the 
wives with some college education ad- 
mitting to extramarital sex. Here agai 
as with the married males, Kinsey foi 
a considerable hesitancy on the part of 
wives to divulge the facis related to 
marital infidclity—a problem not cx- 
perienced by the researchers in those 
portions of the survey dealing with pre- 
marital sex, suggesting that the true per- 
centages for extramarital sex among 
women are somewhat higher. 

Using only the minimal estimates sup- 
plicd by Kinsey and his staff, however, 
it is safe to say that one out of every two 
U.S. husbands, and something more than 
one out of every four wives, will engage 
in ex tram: 1 intercourse at some time 
during their marriages: in addition, 
nearly all of the males and one half of 
the females have pr tercourse. 
Quite obviously the U.S. laws prohibi 
ing fornication and adultery are having 
liule effect upon the behavior of a siz- 
able portion of our society. 


It is in our laws against sodomy, or 
what some state statutes refer to as “the 
bominable and detestable crime against 
nature,” that our religiously generated 
aversion 10 sex proves most pronounced. 
ly and medically refers 
to anal intercourse, or buggery, but the 
statutes on sodomy include all manner of 
sexual activity conceived by someone, 
somewhere, at one time or another, to be 


Sodomy histor 

“unnatural”; and this means, of course, 
in this sexually repressed society, almost 
jety of sexual activity other 
ural" coitus. Sodomy laws thus 
cover, in one state or another, not only 
buggery, but fellatio (oral-genital con 
tact with the male). cunnilingus (oral- 
genital contact with the female), 
homosexual behavior, bestiality (ех 
contact with animals), necrophi 
ual contact with the dead). and in two 
states, even mutual masturbation, The 
very concept of “natural” and "unnatu- 
ral" sex is, of course, a rcligious-moral 
one. Among all these “crimes against 
ture,” only necrophi| ely 
rare and a certain symptom of a scrious 
psychosexual disorder, We will offer no 
personal moral judgments on the rest of 
this behavior now reserving the ex- 
pression of our own concept of a ra- 
tional sexual moral for a later 
installment of this editorial series — but 
the psychiatrist, without making any 
moral determination on the subject, 
would consider almost all of this activity 
normal (and, therefore, "natural"): and 
Kinscy found a far greater frequency for 
most of it than was previously assumed. 

Forty-nine of the fifty states and the 
District of Columbia have sodomy stat- 
utes and they include some of the most 
cmotion-tinged language to be found 
anywhere in the law. The Michigan stat- 
ute, which states, “Any person who shall 
commit the abominable and detestable 
crime against nature, either with man- 
kind or with any animal, shall be guilty 
of a felony,” is typical; the phrase 
“abominable and detestable crime against 
nature" appears with such regularity in 
the sodomy statutes that it the effect 
of being an alternate title for the offense, 
and Rhode Island actually lists the crime 
under that heading: . Arizona 
and Nevad: is also referred to as the 
“infamous crime against nature.” 

The “abominable and detestable” 
phrase also becomes, in some instances, 
the sole description of the offenses pro- 
hibited under the Jaw. Some of the 
legislators responsible for initiating and 
sing thc statutes were apparently so 
embarrassed by the whole business that 
they offered no further cluc to the nature 
of the crime, except to state that it was 
illegal if perpetrated “with mankind or 

The noted 18th Century jurist Sir 
William Blackstone, author of the fa- 
mous Commentaries, which are still fun- 
damental in any study of English or 
U.S. law, reflects the irrational emo- 
tionalism associated with these statutes 
when he writes: "I will not act so dis. 
agreeable a part, to my readers as well 
as myself, as to dwell any longer upon 
a subject, the very mention of which 
is a disgrace to human nature. It will 
be morc cligible to imitate in this re- 
spect the delicacy of our English 


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which treats it, in its very indictments, 
as a crime not fit to be named. ...Which 
leads us to add a word concerning its 
punishment. This the voice of nature 
and of reason, and the express law of 
Cod determined to be capital, of which 
we have a signal instance, long before 
the Jewish dispensation, by the destruc- 
tion of two cities by fire from Heaven; 
so that this is a universal, not merely a 
provincial precept; and our ancient Jaw 
п some degree imitated this punishment, 
by commanding such miscreants to be 
burned to death; though Fleta says they 
should be buried alive; cither of wh 
punishments was indifferently used for 
this crime among the ancient Goths. But 
now the general punishment of all 
Iclonics is the same, namely, by hanging; 
and this offense (being in time of popery 
only subject to ecclesiastical censures) 
was made a felony without benefit of 

The U. S. courts have displayed a simi- 
Tar distaste in dealing with the subject. 
‘Thus the judge, in State vs. Whitmarsh, 
commented, "We regret that the impor- 
tance of this question [whether or not 
oral-genital contact could be considered 
a crime against nature] renders it neces- 
sary to soil the pages of our reports with 
a discussion of a subject so loathsome and. 
disgusting as the one confronting 

Former Judge Morris Ploscowe, of the 
New York Magistrates Court, now Ad- 
junct Associate Professor of Law at New 
York University, states in Sex and the 

Law: “Ever since Lord Coke's time, the 
attitude of judges has bcen that 
sodomy is ‘a detestable and abominable 

sin among Christians not to be named.” 
The result of this attitude is a sharp 
departure from the usual rules of crim- 
inal pleading. It is one of the basic 
canons of criminal procedure that a 
defendant is entitled to know the partic 
ulars of the crime charged against him, 
so that he can adequately prepare his 
defense. If the indictment is not suffi- 
ciently specific, the defendant has a right 
to demand a bill of particulars. But 
when a man is charged with sodomy or 
а crime against nature, an indictment in 
the language of the statute is enough. 
Tt is enough that the indictment alleges 
that at a particular time and place the 
defendant commited a ‘crime against 
nature’ with a specific person. The 
defendant need not be informed of the 
particular sexual perversion which is 
charged against him. As the Court put 
it the case of Honsclman vs. People: 
‘It was never the practice to describe 
the particular manner or the details of 
the commission of the crime, but the of- 
fense was treated in the indictment as 
the abominable crime not fit to be 
named among Christians. The existence 
of such an offense is a disgrace to human 
nature. The legislature has not seen fit 
to define it further than by the general 

term, and the records of the courts need 
not be defiled with the details of differ- 
ent acts which may go to constitute it. A 
statement of the offense in the language 
of the statute is all that is required.’ " 


Although English common law, from 

chich our own statutes on the subject 
are derived, defined and prohibited only 
buggery with mankind or beast as "the 
crime against nature," carrying the pen- 
alty of death, a majority of the present- 
U. S. statutes include both oral and 
anal intercourse under sodomy. 

Morcover, none of the statutes in any 
of the 49 states make any distinction be- 
tween heterosexual and  homosexua 
sodomy — both are prohibited under the 
law; and what is even less clearly recog- 
nized is that none of the U.S. statutes 
make any distinction between the mar- 
ried and the unmarried. Our Govern- 
ment thus specifies, quite literally, where 
a husband and wife may, and may not, 
iss one another; and the manner in 
which the sex act may be initiated and 
carried out in the marriage bed with- 
out becoming illegal. 

Modern insights into human behavior 
have radically changed society's views on 
the subject of perversion, of course, and 
what was once considered "unnatur: 
in sex is now recognized as perfectly nor- 
mal, and у nces, desirable. 
A majority of our contemporary mar- 
riage manuals, courses in sex education, 
and counselors on the problems of sex 
and family, stress a natural freedom in 
the love play that accompanies marital 
coitus; both husband and wife are in- 
formed that the intimate preliminaries 
of sex can be important in achieving the 
full satisfaction of both partners: every 
part of the loved one should be dear, 
and free from shame, and the sexual 
foreplay may quite properly include 
kisses and caresses wherever desired; no 
act of intimacy that brings pleasure to 
both members of the mating should be 
considered improper or taboo. 

This quote from Sexual Harmony in 
Marriage by Oliver М. Butterfield, Ph.D., 
a book reportedly given by some mem- 
bers of the Presbyterian clergy to young 
couples about to be married, is typical 
“Any position is proper which permits 
full satisfaction for both parties. All 
parts of the body are proper for use 
they сап be made to contribute to the 
general goal without giving offense to 
the taste or feelings of either partner, and 
if neither partner is harmed thereby.” 

Dr. Albert Ellis states, in an article 
published in Marriage and Family Liv- 
ing: "The only true sexual ‘perversion’ 
is a fetish or rigidity which convinces an 
individual that he or she can only have 
satis! ions in one method 
or position. The great majority of sexual 
‘perverts’ in this country are not sadists, 

homosexuals, exhibitionists, or similar de- 
viates, but ‘normal’ married individuals 
who only enjoy one method of coitus . . . 
because they are afraid or ashamed to 
try the dozens of other sexual variations 
that arc easily available to them. 
In offering such psychologically sound 
advice, the marriage manuals, educators 
and counselors of America are actually 
wviting husbands and wives to commi 
criminal acts іп their. bedrooms — acts 
that are prohibited by law almost every- 
where in the United States, with lengthy 
prison sentences prescribed for the guilty. 
Since the relations between a man and 
his wife are most often kept private, 
relatively few instances of such behavior 
come to public attention. Kinsey reports, 
in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, 
however, "While the laws are more 
commonly enforced in regard to such re- 
lations outside of marriage, there arc 
instances of spouses whose oral activities 
became known to their children, and 
through them to the neighborhood, and 
ultimately led to prosecution and penal 
sentences for both husband and wife . . 
More often this behavior comes to 
light as the result of a divorce actio 
although Ploscowe comments that it has 
been customary for the courts to view 
such charges with skepticism when they 
are a part of a suit for divorce, since 
they are inherently unprovable and rest 
solely upon the assertion of the party 
seeking to end the marriage. Sometimes 
the behavior comes to light through 
charges lodged by an unwilling partner 
in oral or anal sex, because the act was 

allegedly performed under duress. 
Kinsey states in his second volume, 
Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, 
"We have cases of persons who w 
convicted because one of the spouses 
objected, or because some other person 
became aware that oral or anal play 
had been included in the marital acti 
ities.” Kinsey observes that there have 
been relatively few actual convictions of 
husbands or wives under U.S. sodomy 
laws, but adds, “As long as they remain 
on the books, they are subject to capri- 
cious enforcement and become tools for 
blackmailers. In those states where the 
definition of cruelty as one of the 
rounds for orce includes ‘personal 
indignities’ or ‘mental cruelty, divorce 
cases involving cither the husband's or 
the wife's desires or demands for the use 
of oral techniques are not infrequent. 
For the unmarried, the chances of dis- 
covery and possible prosecution are ob- 
viously greater. Completion of the act 
to orgasm, with cither the male or fe- 
male, is not required to be guilty of the 
offense — the act itself is sufficient; in 
some states, а tion may be based 
upon circumstantial evidence, or simply 
upon an attempt to commit the act: 
Alabama's statute оп the “crime against 
(continued on page 176) 



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at this point, it looked 
curtains for james bond; 
he was skimping on his work, 
gambling, wenching, 
and on the edge of becoming 
a security risk 

Part I of a new novel 


me бинл САЛ Ер Trembling Leaf, 
on her knees beside James Bond, 
leaned forward from the waist and 
kissed him chastely on the right cheek. 

“That's a cheat,” said Bond severely. 

You agreed that if I won it would be 
a real kiss on the mouth. At the very 
least,” he added. 

Gray Pearl, the madam, who had 
black lacquered teeth, a bizarre affecta- 
tion, and was so thickly made up that 
she looked like a character out of a 
no play, translated. There was much 
giggling and cries of encouragement. 
Trembling Leaf covered her face 
with her pretty hands as if she were 
being required to perform some ulti- 
mate obscenity. But then the fingers 
divided and the pert brown eyes ex- 
amined Bond's mouth, as if taking aim, 
and her body lanced forward. This 
time the kiss was full on the lips and 
it lingered fractionally. In invitation? 
In promise? Bond remembered that 
he had been promised a “pillow 
geisha.” Technically, this would be 
a geisha of low caste. She would not 
be proficient in the traditional arts of 
her calling—she would not be able 
to tell humorous stories, sing, paint 
or compose verses about her patron. 
But, unlike her cultured sisters, she 
might agree to perform more robust 
services — discreetly, of course, in con- 
ditions of the utmost privacy and at a 
high price. But, to the boorish, bru- 
talized tastes of a gaijin, a foreigner, 
this made more sense than having a 
tanka of 31 syllables, which in any 
case he couldn't understand, equate, 
in exquisite ideograms, his charms with 
budding chrysanthemums on the slopes 

Тһе applause which greeted this 
unbridled exhibition of lasciviousness 

To Bond, there was really 
no point in playing a бате... 

t | ITUR 2 2; 
ы: ы 

P bes 


died quickly and respectfully. The power- 
ful, chunky man in the black yukata, 
sitting directly across the low red-lacquer 
table from Bond, had taken the Dunhill 
filter holder from between his golden 
teeth and had laid it beside his ashtray. 
“Bondo-san,” said Tiger Tanaka. head 
of the Japanese Secret Service, "I will 
now challenge you to this ridiculous 
game, and I promise you in advance 
that you will not win." The big, creased 
brown face that Bond had come to know 
so well in the past month split expan- 
sively. The wide smile closed the almond 
eyes to slits— slits that glittered. Bond 
knew that smile. It wasn't a . It was 
a mask with a golden hole in it. 

Bond laughed. “All right, Tiger. But 
first, more sake! And not in these ridic- 
ulous thimbles. I've drunk five flasks 
of the stuff and its effect is about the 
same as one double martini. I shall 
need another double martini if I am 
to go on demonstrating the superiority 
of Western instinct over the wiles of the 
Orient. Is there such a thing as a lowly 
glass tumbler discarded in some corner 
behind the cabinets of Ming?” 

“Bondo-san. Ming is Chinese. Your 
knowledge of porcelain is as meager as 
your drinking habits are gross. More- 
over, it is unwise to underestimate sake. 
We have a saying, ‘It is the man who 
drinks the first flask of sake; then the 
second flask drinks the first; then it is 
the sake that drinks the man.” Tiger 
Tanaka turned to Gray Pearl and there 
followed a laughing conversation which 
Bond interpreted as jokes at the expense 
of this uncouth Westerner and his mon- 
strous appetites, At a word from the 
madam, Trembling Leaf bowed low 
and scurried out of the room, Tiger 
turned to Bond. “You have gained much. 
face, Bondosan. It is only the sumo 
wrestlers who drink sake in these quan- 
tities without showing it She says you 
are undoubtedly an eight-flask man.” 
Tiger's face became sly. “But she also 
suggests that you will not make much 
of a companion for Trembling Leaf at 
the end of the evening.” 

“Tell her that Ї am more interested 
in her own more mature charms. She 
will certainly possess talents in the art 
of lovemaking which will overcome any 
temporary lassitude on my part.” 

This leaden gallantry got what it 
deserved. There came a spirited crackle 
of Japanese from Gray Pearl. Tiger 
translated. “Bondo-san, this is a woman 
of some wit. She has made a joke. She 
says she is already respectably married 

...unless you played to win. 

to one bonsan and there is no room on 
her futon for another. Bonsan means a 
priest, a graybeard. Futon, as you know, 
is a bed. She has made a joke on your 

"The geisha party had been going on 
for two hours, and Bond's jaws were 
aching with the unending smiles and 
polite repartee. Far from being enter- 
tained by the geisha, or bewitched by 
the inscrutable discords issuing from the 
catskin-covered box of the three-stringed 
samisen, Bond had found himself having 
to try desperately to make the party go. 
He also knew that Tiger Tanaka had 
been observing his efforts with a sadis- 
tic pleasure. Dikko Henderson had 
warned him that geisha parties were 
more or les the equivalent, for a 
foreigner, of trying to entertain a lot 
of unknown children in a nursery with 
a strict governess, the madam, looking 
on, But Dikko had also warned him that 
he was being done a great honor by 
Tiger Tanaka, that the party would 
cost Tiger a small fortune, whether 
from secret funds or from his own 
pocket, and that Bond had better put 
a good face on the whole thing, since 
this looked like being a breakthrough 
in Bond's mission. But it could equally 
well be disaster. 

So now Bond smiled and clapped his 
hands in admiration. He said to Tiger, 
“Tell the old bitch she’s a clever old 
bitch,” accepted the brimming tumbler 
of hot sake from the apparendy adoring 
hands of Trembling Leaf, and downed it 
in two tremendous gulps. He repeated 
the performance so that more sake had 
to be fetched from the kitchen, then 
he placed his fist decisively on the red- 
lacquer table and said with mock bel- 
ligerence, “АШ right, Tiger! Go to itl" 

It was the old game of scissors cut 
Paper, paper wraps stone, stone blunts 
scissors, that is played by children all 
over the world. The fist is the stone, 
two outstretched fingers are the scissors, 
and a flat hand is the paper. The closed 
fist is hammered twice in the air simul- 
taneously by the two opponents and, 
at the third downward stroke, the 
chosen emblem is revealed. The game 
consists of guessing which emblem the 
opponent will choose, and of you your- 
self choosing one that will defeat him. 
Best of three goes or more. It is a game 
of bluff, 

Tiger Tanaka rested his fist on the 
table opposite Bond. The two men 
looked carefully into each other's eyes. 
"There was dead silence in the boxlike 

lath-and-paper room, and the soft gur- 
gling of the tiny brook in the ornamental 
square of garden outside the opened par- 
tition could be heard clearly for the first 
time that evening. Perhaps it was this 
silence, after all the talk and giggling, 
or perhaps it was the deep seriousness 
and purpose that was suddenly evident 
in Tiger Tanaka's formidable, cruel, 
samurai face, but Bond's skin momentar- 
ily crawled. For some reason this had 
become more than a children's game. 
Tiger had promised he would beat 
Bond. To fail would be to lose much 
face. How much? Enough to breach a 
friendship that had become oddly real 
between the two of them over the past 
weeks? This was one of the most power- 
ful men in Japan. To be defeated by a 
miserable gaijin in front of the women 
might be a matter of great moment to 
this man. The defeat might leak out 
through the women. In the West, such 
a trifle would be farcically insignificant, 
like a cabinet minister losing a game 
of backgammon at Blades. But in the 
East? In a very short while, Dikko Hen- 
derson had taught Bond total respect 
for Oriental conventions, however old- 
fashioned or seemingly trivial, but Bond 
was still at sea in their gradations. This 
was a case in point. Should Bond try 
and win at this baby game of bluff and 
double bluff, or should he try to lose? 
But to try and lose involved the same 
cleverness at correctly guessing the other 
man's symbols in advance. И was just 
as difficult to lose on purpose as to win. 
And anyway, did it really matter? Un- 
fortunately, on the curious assignment 
in which James Bond was inyolved, he 
had a nasty feeling that even this idiotic 
little gambit had significance toward 
success or failure. 

As if with second sight, Tiger Tanaka 
spelled the problem out. He gave a 
harsh, taut laugh that was more of a 
shout than an expression of humor or 
pleasure. "Bondo-san, with us, and cer- 
tainly at a party at which I am the host 
and you are the honored guest, it would 
be good manners for me to let you win 
this game that we are to play together. 
It would be more. It would be required 
behavior. So I must ask your forgiveness 
in advance for defeating you." 

Bond smiled cheerfully. “My dear 
‘Tiger, there is no point in playing a 
game unless you try to win. It would 
be a very great insult to me if you 
endeavored to play to lose. But if I may 
say so, your remarks are highly pro- 
vocative. They are like the taunts of the 




sumo wrestlers before the bout. If I 
was not myself so certain of winning, I 
would point out that you spoke in 
English. Please tell our dainty and dis- 
tinguished audience that I propose to 
rub your honorable nose in the dirt at 
this despicable game and thus display 
not only the superiority of Great Britain, 
and particularly Scotland, over Japan, 
but also the superiority of our Queen 
over your Emperor.” Bond, encouraged 
perhaps by the crafty ambush of the 
sake, had committed himself. "This kind 
of joking about their different cultures 
had become a habit between himself and 
Tiger, who, with a first in P.P.E. at 
Trinity before the war, prided himself 
in the demokorasu of his outlook and 
the liberality and breadth of his under- 
standing of the West. But Bond, having 
spoken. caught the sudden glitter in the 
dark eyes, and he thought of Dikko 
Henderson's cautionary "Now listen, you 
stupid limey bastard. You're doing all 
right. But don't press your luck. T.T.'s 
ized kind of a chap— as Japs go, 
that is. But don't overdo it. Take a look 
at that mug. There's Manchu there, and 
Tartar. And don't forget the so-and-so 
was a Black Belt at judo before he ever 
went up to your bloody Oxford. And 
don't forget he was spying for Japan 
when he called himself assistant naval 
attaché in their London embassy before 
the war and you stupid bastards thought 
he was OK because he'd got a degree at 
Oxford. And don't forget his war record. 
Don't forget he ended up as personal 
aide to Admiral Ohnishi and was train- 
ing as a kamikaze when the Americans 
made loud noises over Hiroshima and 
Nagasaki and the Rising Sun suddenly 
took a backward somersault into the sca. 
And, if you forget all that, just ask 
yourself why its T.T. rather than any 
other of the ninety million Japanese 
who happens to hold down the job as 
head of the Koan-Chdsa-Kyoku. OK, 
James? Got the photo?" 

Since Bond had arrived in Japan he 
had assiduously practiced sitting in the 
lotus position. Dikko Henderson had 
advised it, “If you make the grade with 
these people,” he had said, “or even if 
you don't, you'll be spending a lot of 
time sitting on your ass on the ground. 
"There's only one way to do it without 
cracking your joints; that's in the In- 
dian position, squatting with your legs 
crossed and the sides of your feet hurt- 
ing like hell on the floor. It takes a bit 
of practice, but it won't kill you and 
you'll end up gaining plenty of face.” 
Bond had more or less mastered the 
art, but now, after two hours, his knee 
joints were on fire and he felt that if he 
didn't alter his posture he would end 
up bandylegged for life. He said to 
Tiger, "Playing against a master such 
as yourself, I must first adopt a relaxed 
position so that my brain may be totally 

concentrated.” He got painfully to his 
feet, stretched and sat down again — 
this time with one leg extended under 
the low table and with his left elbow 
resting on the bent knee of the other. 
it was a blessed relief. He lifted his 
tumbler and, obedicntly, Trembling 
Leaf filled it from a fresh flagon. Bond 
downed the sake, handed the tumbler to 
the girl and suddenly crashed his right 
fist down on the lacquer table so that 
the little boxes of sweetmeats rattled 
and the porcelain tinkled. He looked 
belligerently across at Tiger Tanaka. 

Tiger bowed. Bond bowed back. The 
girls leaned forward expectantly. 

Tiger's eyes bored into Bond's, trying 
to read his plan. Bond had decided to 
have no plan, display no pattern. He 
would play completely at random, show- 
ing the symbol that his fist decided to 
make at the psychological moment after 
the two hammer blows. 

Tiger said, “Three games of three?” 


The two fists rose slowly from the table 
top, quickly hammered twice in unison 
and shot forward. Tiger had kept his 
fist balled in the stone. Bond’s palm was 
open in the paper that wrapped the 
stone. One up to Bond. Again the ritual 
and the moment of truth. Tiger had 
kept to the stone. Bond's first and sec- 
ond fingers were open in the scissors, 
blunted by Tiger’s stone. One all. 

Tiger paused and placed his fist 
against his forehead. He closed his eyes 
in thought. He said, “Yes. I've got you, 
Bondosan. You can't escape.” 

“Good show,” said Bond, trying to 
clear his mind of the suspicion that 
Tiger would keep to the stone, or alter- 
natively, that Tiger would expect him to 
play it that way, expect Bond to play 
the paper and himself riposte with the 
scissors to cut the paper. And so on and 
so forth. The three emblems whirled 
round in Bond's mind like the symbols. 
on a fruit machine. 

The two fists were raised — опе, two, 

Tiger had kept to his stone. Bond 
had wrapped it up with the paper. First 
game to Bond. 

The second game lasted longer. They 
both kept on showing the same symbol, 
which meant a replay. It was as if the 
two players were getting the measure of 
each other's psychology. But that could 
not be so, since Bond had no psycho- 
logical intent. He continued to play at 
random. It was just luck. Tiger won the 
game. Опе all. 

Last game! The two contestants 
looked at each other. Bond's smile was 
bland, rather mocking. A glint of тей 
shone in the depths of Tigers dark 
eyes. Bond saw it and said to himself, 
"I would be wise to lose. Or would 1?" 
He won the game in two straight goes. 

blunting Tiger's scissors with his stone, 
wrapping Tiger's stone with bis paper. 

Tiger bowed low. Bond bowed even 
lower. He sought for a throwaway re- 
mark. He said, "I must get this game 
adopted in time for your Olympics. 1 
would certainly be chosen to play for 
my country." 

"Tiger Tanaka laughed with controlled. 
politeness. "You play with much in- 
sight. What was the secret of your 

Bond had had no method. He quickly 
invented the one that would be most 
polite to Tiger. "You are a man of rock 
and steel, Tiger. I guessed that the 
paper symbol would be the one you 
would use the least. I played accord- 

This bit of mumbo jumbo got by. 
Tiger bowed. Bond bowed and drank 
more sake, toasting Tiger. Released 
from the tension, the geisha applauded 
and the madam instructed Trembling 
Leaf to give Bond another kiss. She did 
so. How soft the skins of Japanese 
women were! And their touch was al- 
most weightless! James Bond was plot- 
ting the rest of his night when Tiger 
said, “Bondo-san, I have matters to 
discuss with you. Will you do me the 
honor of coming to my house for a 

Bond immediately put away his lasciv- 
ious thoughts. According to Dikko, to be 
invited to a Japanese private house was 
a most unusual sign of favor. So, for 
some reason, he had done right to win 
this childish game. This might mean 
great things. Bond bowed. "Nothing 
would give me more pleasure, Tiger.” 

An hour later they were sitting in 
blessed chairs with a drink tray be- 
tween them, The lights of Yokohama 
glowed a deep orange along the hori- 
zon, and a slight smell of the harbor 
and the sea came in through the wide- 
open partition leading onto the garden. 
Tigers house was designed, enchant- 
ingly, as is even the meanest Japanese 
salaried man’s house, to establish the 
thinnest possible dividing line between 
the inhabitant and nature. The three 
other partitions in the square room 
were also fully slid back, revealing a 
bedroom, a small study and a passage. 

Tiger had opened the partitions when 
they entered the room. He had com- 
mented, “In the West, when you have 
secrets to discuss, you shut all the doors 
and windows. In Japan, we throw every- 
thing open to make sure that no one 
can listen at the thin walls. And what 
I have now to discuss with you is a mat- 
ter of the very highest secrecy. The 
sake is warm enough? You have the 
cigarettes you prefer? Then listen to 
what I have to say to you and swear on 
your honor to divulge it to no one.” 
Tiger Tanaka gave his great golden 

(continued overleaf) 

“Кот God's sake, Harry, not here!" 




shout of mirthless laughter. "If you were 
to break your promise, I would have no 
alternative but to remove you from the 

Exactly one month before, it had been 
the cve of the annual closing of Blades. 
On the next day. September first, those 
members who were still unfashionably 
in London would have to pig it for a 
month at White's or Boodle's. White's 
they considered noisy and "smart," 
Boodles too full of superannuated 
country squires who would be talking 
of nothing but the opening of the par- 
tridge season. For Blades, it was one 
month in the wilderness. But there it 
was. The май, one supposed, had to 
have their holiday. More important, 
there was some painting to be done and 
there was dry rot in the roof. 

M, sitting in the bow window looking 
out over St. James's Street, couldn't care 
less. He had two weeks’ trout fishing on 
the Test to look forward to and, for the 
other two weeks, he would have sand- 
wiches and coffee at his desk. He rarely 
used Blades, and then only to entertain 
important guests. He was not a "club- 
able" man and if he had had the choice 
he would have stuck to The Senior, that 
greatest of all Service clubs in the 
world. But too many people knew him 
there, and there was too much “shop” 
talked. And there were too many former 
shipmates who would come up and ask 
what he had been doing with him- 
self since he retired. And the lie, “Got a 
job with some people called Universal 
Export,” bored him, and, though verifi- 
able, had its risks. 

Porterfield hovered with the cigars. 
He bent and offered the wide case to 
M's guest. Sir James Melony raised a 
quizzical eyebrow. “I see the Havanas 
are still coming in.” His hand hesitated. 
He picked out a Romeo y Julieta, 
pinched it gently and ran it under his 
nose. He turned to M. “What's Univer- 
sal Export sending Castro in return? 
Blue Streak?” 

M was not amused. Porterfield ob- 
served that he wasn't, As Chicf Petty 
Officer, he had served under M in one 
of his last commands. He said quickly, 
but not too quickly, “Аз a matter of 
fact, Sir James, the best of the Jamaicans 
are quite up to the Havanas these days. 
They've got the outer leaf just right at 
last." He closed the glass lid of the case 
and moved away. 

Sir James Molony picked up the 
reer the headwaiter had left on the 
table and punctured the tip of his cigar 
with precision. He lit a Swan Vesta 
and waved its flame to and fro across 
the tip and sucked gently until he had 
got the cigar going to his satisfaction. 
"Then he took a sip. first at his brandy 
and then at his coffee, and sat back. He 
observed the corrugated brow of his 

host with affection and irony. He said, 
"AM right, my friend. Now tell me. 
What's the problem?" 

M's mi elsewhe He seemed 
to be having difficulty getting his pipe 
going. He said vaguely, between pulis, 
“What problem?" 

Sir James Molony was the greatest 
neurologist in England. The year be- 
fore, he had been awarded a Nobel 
Prize for his now famous Some Psycho- 
somatic Side Effects of Organic Inferi- 
ority. He was also nerve specialist by 
appointment to the Secret Service and, 
though he was rarely called in, and then 
only in extremis, the problems he was 
required to solve intrigued him greatly 
because they were both human and vital 
to the state. And, since the war, the 
second qualification was a rare one. 

M turned sideways to his guest and 
watched the traffic up St. James's. 

Sir James Molony said, “My friend, 
like everybody else, you have certain 
patterns of behavior. One of them con- 
sists of occasionally asking me to lunch 
at Blades, stuffing me like a Strasbourg 
goose, and then letting me in on some 
ghastly secret and asking me to help 
you with it. The last time, as I recall, 
you wanted to find out if I could extract 
certain information from a foreign dip- 
lomat by getting him under deep hyp- 
nosis without his knowledge. You said it 
was a last resort. I said I couldn't help 
you. Two weeks later, I read in the 
paper that this same diplomat had come 
to a fatal end by experimenting with 
the force of gravity from а tenth-floor 
window. The coroner gave an open ver- 
dict of the ‘Fell Or Was Pushed’ va- 
riety. What song am I to sing for my 
supper this time?" Sir James Molony 
relented. He said with sympathy, “Come 
on M! Get it off your chest!” 

M looked him coldly in the eye. “It’s 
007. I'm getting more and more worried 
about him,” 

“You've read my two reports on his 
condition. Anything new?" 

“No. Just the same. He's going slowly 
to pieces. Late at the office. Skimps his 
work. Makes mistakes. He's drinking 
100 much and losing a lot of money at 
one of these new gambling clubs. It all 
adds up to the fact that one of my best 
men is on the edge of becoming a 
security risk. Absolutely incredible con- 
sidering his record." 

Sir James Molony shook his head with 
conviction, "It's not in the least in- 
credible. You either don't read my re- 
ports or you don't pay enough attention 
to them. I have said all along that the 
man is suffering from shock." Sir James 
Molony leaned forward and pointed 
his cigar at M's chest. "You're а hard 
man, M. In your job you have to be. But 
there are some problems, the human 
ones for instance, that you can't always 
solve with a rope's end. This is a case 

in point. Here's this agent of yours, 
just as tough and brave as I expect you 
were at his age. Нез a bachelor and a 
confirmed womanizer, Then he suddenly 
falls in love, partly, I suspect, because 
this woman was a bird with a wing down 
and needed his help. Its surprising what 
soft centers these so-called tough men 
always have. So he marries her and 
within a few hours she’s shot dead by 
this supergangster chap. What was his 

“Blofeld,” said M. “Ernst Stavro Blo- 

АП right. And your man got away 
with nothing worse than a crack on the 
head. But then he started going to 
pieces and your M.O. thought he might. 
have suffered some brain injury and sent. 
him along to me. Nothing wrong with 
him at all. Nothing physical, that is— 
just shock. He admitted to me that all 
his zest had gone. That he wasn't inter- 
ested in his job anymore, or even in his 
life. I hear this sort of talk from patients 
every day. It's a form of psychoneurosis, 
and it can grow slowly or suddenly. In 
your man's case, it was brought on out 
of the blue by an intolerable life situa- 
поп — ог one that he found intolerable 
because he had never encountered it 
before — the loss of a loved one, aggra- 
vated in his case by the fact that he 
blamed himself for her death. Now, my 
friend, neither you nor I have had to 
carry such a burden, so we don't know 
how we would react under it. But I can 
tell you that it’s a hell of a burden to 
Jug around. And your man’s caving in 
under it. I thought, and I said so in my 
report, that his job, its dangers and 
emergencies and so forth, would shake 
him out of it. I’ve found that one must 
try and teach people that there's no top 
limit to disaster — that, so long as breath 
remains in your body, you've got to 
accept the miseries of life, They will 
often seem infinite, insupportable. They 
are part of the human condition. Have 
you tried him on any tough assignments 
in the last few months?" 

“Two,” said M drearily. "He bungled 
them both. On onc he nearly got him- 
self killed, and on the other he made a 
mistake that was dangerous for others. 
Thats another thing that worries me. 
He didn't make mist: before. Now 
suddenly he's become accident-prone.” 

“Another symptom of his neurosis. So 
what are you going to do about it?” 

“Fire him," said M brutally. “Just as 
if he'd been shot to pieces or got some 
incurable disease. I've got no room in 
his Section for a lame-brain, whatever 
his past record or whatever excuses you 
psychologists can find for him. Pension, 
of course. Honorable discharge and all 
that, Try and find him a job. One of 
these new security organizations for the 
banks might take him." M looked 
(continued on page 128) 

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Preceding page: Date reclines drowsily on dune as sandman scans horizon in 

eight-button alpaca cardigan with crew neck, short sleeves, by Brentwood, 821; 
Dacron-cotton swim shorts with front buckle, side cinch tabs, by Corbin, $14. 
Above: Girl cuddles close to guy’s acrylic-knit beach warmer with zip front, 
stand-up collar, by Robert Lewis, $20; Lastex swimsuit, by Catalina, $7. 


HE FASHION MESSAGE this season is as clear and bright as the noonday sun: Light 

makes right. This spring, as the days grow longer and summertime beckons 
you toward the easier living ahead, count on breezier and more cheerful colors, 
fabrics and designs to add ease and luster to your work-and-play wardrobe. 

The big move to the light and the bright will take its cue from the warm side of 
the spectrum. Don't be surprised if you hear your own voice among the chorus of 
hosannas for hues ranging from stark white and off-whites to pale blues and olives. 

Prepare, too, for a resurgence of the tan shades in the family of earth colors, 
with taupe, putty and clay leading the way. Even the dark shades will be less 
somber — what was considered a medium tone in the days of charcoal’s reign will 
fall into this season's deepest color range. There, the big favorite will be traditional 
gray, with a slight touch of blue to give it a fresh look. 

For years, Newport-inspired cream-colored flannel slacks were warm-weather staples. 
"This summer, however, white will sail out of Newport and extend its domain over 
every fabric from lush doeskin to practical duck. Its mest important uses will be as 



Above: Horseplayfully inviting naiads for splash in sea, surfers are admirably accou- 
tered for occasion in, 1 to r, madras trunks with zip fly, string-tie front, by McGregor, 
_Уустоп-сойоп, trunks with button fly, string-lie front, by Robert Lewis, $8. 

Far left: Distaff member of mutual 
admiration. society is sold on his 
style— and his stylishness—in cot- 
ton madras shirt jacket, by Fagle, 
$9; Dacron-cotton belt-loop trou- 
sers, by YMM, $13. Left top: 
Returning sandy souvenir from 
whence it came, gentleman gets as- 
sist from miss who gives him a 
hand for support and for his choice 
of sportswear: cotton denim shirt 
Jacket, by Eagle, $6.50; Arnel-cot- 
ton twist cord slacks, by H.I.S., 
#6. Left bottom: Well-dressed man 
above town spurns traditional pilot? s 
garb, has pretty passenger in a tail- 
spin over Мз Italian alpaca V-neck 
pullover, by Damon, $22.50; short- 
sleeved — rayon-colton-linen shirt 
Jacket with tapered body, by Robert 
Bruce, $6; cotton-flax walk shorts 
with extension waistband, by 
Cracker Barrel, $11. Right: Two 
on the isle, a modern Crusoe and 
girl Friday survey seascape; he sports 
Zantrel-cotton pullover withattached 
hood, side zipper, by William 
Barry, $8; beltless cotton duck slacks 
with top pockets, by H.LS., $5. 

a ground color for sports coats and in 
off shades for suitings. 

When shopping for lightweight 
spring and summer suits,.you can ex- 
pect to encounter a far greater emphasis 
оп texture than on pattern as a decora- 
tive foundation. (The one major ex- 
ception is the perennial glen plaid.) 

This summer, the natural-shoulder 
coat will remain a three-button, center- 
vent affair. Many conventional and 
high-style suits, however, will have side 
vents and two buttons and will be 
marked by an cased trim-and-tapered 
look. Fabrics for suits will be tradi- 
tional: worsteds, sharkskins, gabardines 
and whipcords as well as hardy seer- 

Now, let's crystal-ball the warm 
weather furnishings scene. Since your 
wardrobe this season will generally 
understate patterning, furnishings will 
take up the slack with dress shirts 
decked out in bright stripes, checks and 
plaids against backgrounds of blue, 

Left: Beauty in background yields limelight to 
our man’s Dacron-wool jacket with flap pock- 
els, center vent, by Michaels , $45; 
baliste oxford buttondown, by , $6.50, 
cotton knit tie, by Taylor, $2.50. Abi 
Airborne house guests drop in for weekend— 
at doorstep of bear-hugging host and friend, 
who are brightly attired for cocktails on terrace 
in, { to т, three-button Arnel-c 

$30, coordinated belted slacks, $15, both 5, 
Cricketeer; Dacron-cotton seersucker jacket, 
$35, coordinated Dacron-rayon-cotton beltless 
slacks with side pockets, $16, both by Palm 
Beach. Right: Down-to-earth airman wears 
Spring-weight wool topcoat with raglan 
sleeves, silk lining, by Barry Walt, $710; 
hand-woven raw-silk hat with stitched brim, 
self-band, side feather, by Better Made, $12.50. 

bamboo, light gray, maize and pink. The gripper 
tab, traditional buttondown and moderate spread 
tell the collar story. 

Warm-weather neckwear will show a strong 
accent on color in neater, planned designs for 
two-and-one-half- to three-inch widths. Held over 
for another season are the very marrow one-inch 
to one-and-one-halfinch slims. Striking reps— 
with authentic regimental and contemporary pat- 
tems— will be popular. Colors will not be as 
light as is customary for spring, because this 
season's predominantly lighter tones call for 
four-in-hands in medium to dark shades. 

Let your cufflink collection reflect the fresh 
seasonal spirit with semiprecious gems in cool 
colors — particularly onyx, jade, blue jasper and 
topaz. Silver and gold, always in good taste, will 
glisten no less sumptuously this year. Handsome 
wrap-around links with ornate Florentine finishes 
now join the more conventional styling in cuff 
closures. Avoid coronation-size jewelry — it tends 
to be vulgar and nearly always is а glaring b 
rather than a highlight. (text continued on page 86) 

Above: Guest expresses regrets to charm- 
ing dinner companion for unavoidable 
eat-and-run tactics, prepares to leave on 
business trip in Dacron-wool-mohair suit 
with one-button front, slanted flap pock- 
ets, side venis, by Phoenix, $65; cotton 
batiste madras shirt, by Sero, 87. Any- 
thing but displeased at prospect of being 
shared by pair of pretties, host is the 
most in Dacron-worsted suit with welt 
seams, hook vent, by H. Daroff, #65; 
cotton buttondown, by Van Heusen, $4; 
silk pocket square, by Handcraft, $2.50. 
Left: Poolside foursome has decided to 
Jorgo a cool dip for some dry martinis. 
Landlubbing lads sport, 1 to r, two- 
button wool jacket with hacking pockets, 
belted slacks, by PBM, $75, and cotton 
madras buttondown, by Hathaway, $9; 
Arnel-rayon jacket, by Haspel, $35, and 
muslin oxford buttondown, by Van 
Heusen, $5. Right: Dusk’s glow evokes 
soft sentiments—and rich tones of his 
Dacron—Orlon Sayelle suit, by Haspel, 
$50; broadcloth shirt, by ЕхсеПо, KO. 



"T his applies particularly to tie tacks and 
pinch-clip tie bars. И you must use them, 
be sure they are small. 

Ivy League waistlines will be enhanced 
this spring by burnished harness-leather 
belts with solid-brass buckles. If your 
waistline preferences run more to the 
traditional, however, you can tastefully 
gird your middle a rich choice of 
soft leathers. Belts of cowhide, calf and 
deerskin in black and the natural leather 
tones will keep your waist in the most 
fashionable circles. If you're more vernal- 
minded, try cinching yourself in the 
attractive burgundy and bottle green 
that will shoot up come spring. And 
you'll be in the suni а сігае of all if 
you augment the season's penchant for 
lights and brights with fresh and colorful 
fabric belts in madras, seersuckers, 
denims and ginghams. 
ince summer is icumen in, play it 
cool from the ground up with lighter- 
weight over-the-calf dress hose. Though 
black is basic in dress hose, dark brown 
can be your choice if your lighter-toned 
suit or slacks are of properly comple- 
mentary hue. Solid textures deserve con- 
sideration, but steer clear of gimmicky 
decorations such as clocks and arrows. 
For casual- and sportswear, be sure to 
look into the multicolor heather tones, 
which have been lightened for spring. 

(This season you'll be slipping those 
smartly stockinged feet into imagina- 
tively crafted, feather-light shoes as well 
"The scope of this summer's fitting foot- 
wear is too broad to examine here. For 
а complete set of footnotes, we commend 
you to our upcoming May feature New 
Moves Afoot.) 

"The stretch fabrics, with the comfort 
that comes from their built-in elasticity, 
have finally arrived. Only a few years 
ago, outside of ski pants and socks, these 
fabrics were unheard of in men's ap- 
parel. Now, though theyre a long way 
from reaching their potential, they make 
sense in swimwear, outdoor jackets and 
slacks. New improvements will make 
more and more of them available — per- 
haps within a year or so—for use in 
business suits, sports jackets and even 
formalwear. The freedom of movement 
offered by the give-and-take of а few 
inches of fabric cannot be ignored by 
men who would have their clothes con- 
form to their bodies rather than vice 

In sports coats, slacks and walk shorts, 

as linen, sailcloth, denim, madras and 
seersucker — will be widespread. 
Seersucker, incidentally, has come a 
long way from the crumpled bluc-and- 
white pajama look of the past. This 
season you'll find it in multicolored 
stripings, giant plaids and madras de- 

signs, The seersucker summer sports coat. 
is the coolest for wearing — with light- 
ened madras, denim and oxford-cloth 
jackets not far behind. 

In keeping with the philosophy that 
light makes right, sportswear this spring 
and summer will be seen in a sunny 
varicty of white and off-white shades, sun- 
filled reds, pinks, greens and blues. Sports 
coats, especially, will be brighter and 
more audacious: a new spectrum of reds 
— from burgundy to pink — will be much 
in evidence. The news in coat patterns 
is their size — jumbo glen plaids, giant 
houndstooth checks and wide strong 
stripes in contrasting color combinations, 
with emphasis on the dramatic use of 
black and white. 

The blazer will blaze with visual fire- 
works far more than last year. The cut 
and details will remain traditional — 
three buttons, natural shoulders, patch 
and flap pockets, with brass or pearl 
buttons — but colors will span the spec- 
trum. Navy, of course, will still be the 
basis of your blazer wardrobe, but from. 
there you can go on to cool greens and 
bright blues, rich browns, muted reds 
and camel. You needn’t be confined to 
solid colors, however; patterned blazers 
will be on display in a forceful array 
of twist denims, hopsacks, linen blends 
and textured homespuns. 

“Textured slacks nonpatterned fab- 
rics (particularly linen-type weaves) and 
lighter colors will be in the fore as well. 
In predominant shades of gray, brown, 
blue and olive, they will present an 
admirable contrast to the stronger pat- 
terns and brighter colors in sports coats. 
Slack tones have been lightened, so that 
last year's olive shade is now a. pewter 
with lightgreen tones—a great team- 
mate, by the way, for a bottlegreen 
blazer, Faded reds and greens will also 
brighten the spring and summer season. 
Keep an eye out for slacks in visually 
weightarimming shirting stripes. They 
offer а perfect contrast to the burgeoning 
numbers of solid-color blazers. 

Slim slacks, of course, will still be 
popular, but many of them will add belt 
loops this season. For casualwear, the 
big influence will be Western, with three- 
quarterinch loops to accommodate a 
wider belt and buckle. 

Four years ago, we strongly recom- 
mended that designers and manufac- 
turers do the job of coordinating sports 
coats and slacks. "This was not because 
we felt that men were unable to choose 
complementary colors and patterns, but 
because we were aware that the problem 
of availability frequently made the right 
match difficult. Now we're happy to re- 
port that the designers and manufac- 
turers have finally done the coordinating 
themselves and, in doing so, have made 

one of the strongest fashion break- 
throughs of the year. At the mills— 
where the complementary colors are 
picked up in both slacks and jackets — 
coats of big madras plaids, stripes and 
denim grounds, for example, are keyed 
perfectly with appropriately shaded 
slacks. The results are tangible and wel- 
come: rich selections of such coordinates 
are already available and many more, 
happily, are on the way. 

Both the pocket square and the ascot 
take on greater importance this season 
with the lessening of pattern in other 
sartorial arcas. Experiment with them, 
and don't be squeamish in your color 
choices. Today's ascots and pocket squares 
come in a multitude of colors and pat- 
terns, and arc fine for adding a refresh- 
i. offbeat counterpoint to your basic 
wardrobe. You may use them to coordi- 
nate on one day, to match on another. 
If the third day still finds you intrepid, 
make a sharp contrast with a wild color. 

In sport shirts, the shorter buttondown 
and the conventional medium-spread col- 
lars will lead this spring's styles. They 
will have a light and airy look, with 
patterns leaning strongly toward big 
gingham checks and not-too-active plaids. 
This усаг stripes will give the sport 
shirt a Jean, tapered effect that is flatter- 
ing and appropriate for casualwear. 
Shades of pink and red will continue to 

n to the usual oxford shirt- 
ings to assist you in getting into the 
sportive summer spirit, there are cool, 
comfortable seersuckers, denims, and 
muslinlike cottons. Prepare to make 
greater use of the comfortable shirt 
jacket (worn outside your slacks) with 
widespread Continental and mandarin 
or military collars. 

If you are interested in active sports, 
knitted sport shirts in over а half-dozen 
styles are on tap. This simple glossary 
will help you get a clear picture of these 
trim and jaunty builtforaction shirts: 

Rugby: A boldly cross-striped pullover 
with white drill collar. You can find it 
in all fabrics and in many variations, 
including the fly-front cardigan and tur- 
tle neck. 

Henley: A three-button with a slit 
crew neck. 

Boating: A cotton pullover with V 
neck, boat neck or even classic crew 
neck. Look for it this season in knit 

Football: Jerseys of lightweight sweat- 
shirt cotton. A lighter, more attractive 
yersion of the utilitarian but unglamor- 
ous sweat shirt. 

Tennis: The styling of the classic 
tennis sweater forms the basis of the 
new tennis shirt. The V neck with red, 
white and blue trim now appears in 
terry, double knits, cottons and blends. 
(concluded overleaf) 

BTE MORNING was all right. Watching 
the light come slowly, you could 
always imagine that today you were 
finally over it. It was quiet in the morn- 
ing. and still cool, and was fine to 
watch the sun come sliding up over the 
edge of the world, past the coral reef. 
‘There was even a faint breeze. You 
never had fever in the morning. 

Of course, there was the smell of the 
Navy pilot. He was almost completely 
burned, and they brought him in naked 
except for a thick yellow grease, and 
most of him, and all of his head, was 
simply raw meat under the greasc. There 
was no skin at all on his face and his 
eyes looked like the eyes of a trout you 
have roasted on a stick over coals. You 
lay there, smelling him and his grease, 
waiting for the next hour after dawn. 

The next hour was always bad. The 
sun would melt on the tin roof and the 
bare canvas of the cot would grow sticky 
with sweat, with white rings of salt form- 
ing at the edges of the spreading dark 
wet. The lagoon became a shifting sheet 
of white light, and you could no longer 
look at the lagoon, nor at the white 
coral. You closed your eyes and felt the 
heat gathering around you and inside 
you, and the room would start to sway 
and then tilt so that you had to clutch 
the sides of your cot to keep from fall- 
ing off. 

You hung onto the cot as well as you 
could while you rose and fell and tum- 
bled through an insanity of heat until 
you heard the orderlies talking to you. 

Four of them would be holding you 
down, and your throat was scraped raw 
and hot from the shouting. They had 
you wrapped in blankets. It would be 
120 degrees in the ward, which was 
nothing but an open shed with a hard 
dirt floor and a tin roof, but they had 
you buried in blankets, and you could 
not stop your teeth from chattering with 
the cold. and they had to hold you 
down to keep you from shaking off the 

The fever and the chills left you weak 
as sand, lying on your soaked-through, 
saltrimmed cot, waiting for the next 
round. But before the next fever came, 
and before you had much of a chance 
to hope — and every morning you did 
hope — that perhaps that had been the 
lust attack. that now, perhaps, vou could 
begin to recover, the orderlies would 
jerk straight as if pulled up by wires, 
and shout "Attention!" 

You were supposed to lie at attention. 
when the chief medical officer came 
through the ward making his morning 
hat is, the badly wounded 
were supposed to lie at attention. If you 
were lightly wounded, or if you were 
merely sick with jaundice, malaria, syphi- 
lis, dengue fever, amoebic dysentery, ог 
any combi п of these and other 
endemic s, you had to get out of 


she came to you after the fever and 
chills and she was big and blonde 
and brassy, and you loved her 

fiction By JOHN KEATS 

your cot and stand at attention if you 
did not happen at the moment to be 
thrashing in delirium. 

You remained w: weakly at at- 
tention until che medical officer, who 
was a full colonel, left the ward. He 
never gave the command "Rest" be- 
cause he took the view that all who were 
not dying were shirking, and he con- 
veyed the impression that he thought 
those who were dying were trying to 
cheat him. One of the orderlies said the 
colonel wanted it understood that there 
was a war on, and that the hospital, by 
God, was going to be just as rough as 
combat for goldbrickers who, if discov- 
ered goldbricking, would be returned 
to combat forthwith. but stripped of 
whatever grade they bad when they 

came in. All right, what the colonel said 
does not make sense, but there is reason 
to believe that the orderly was quoting 
the colonel accurately. At any event, it 
was certainly clear what the colonel 
thought of the sick and wounded, and 
when you were convalescent, you pulled 
KP cvery day until they sent you back 
to combat. 

Standing or lying at attention was part 
of your punishment. The colonel took 
the view that if you were wounded, it had 
по doubt largely been your own damned 
fault, and he —and the Army— main- 
tained that if you had read the field 
manuals and had followed your orders, 
you could not possibly have contracted 
malaria, or syphilis, and those who so 
unfortunately did contract these diseases 
lost their pay for that time they were in 
the hospital and were returned to their 
units stripped of any rank they might 
have held. Stripped was the colonel's 
word for it, and he used this word when- 
ever he could. 

After the colonel had marched out, 
and you collapsed again on your cot, 
the chaplains came mincing through the 
ward. They were a Catholic, a Protestant 
and a Jew, and you did not stand for 
them. They were the three blind mice. 
Chaplains were a sort of unfunny joke 
in the Army, and you never trusted them, 
because they were officers. The chaplain 
always was supposed to be on your side, 
but he never was, and you knew damned 
well that he never was. 

The Red Cross man was a fairy. He 
was forever putting his hand on your 
shoulder, asking what he could do for 
you, and no matter what you asked for, he 
was always sorry that he didn't happen 
to have it. Like the colonel, he was 
always reminding you there was а war 
on, and this was why the thing you 
wanted was unobtainable at the moment. 
You did not believe in the Red Cross, 
any more than you believed in chaplains. 
You believed in the Salvation Army, but 
you never saw those people in the hos- 
pital, because the hospital was too far 
behind the lines, and the Salvation Army 
was always at the front. You also be- 
lieved in the Army nurse. More than 
that, you were in love with her. 

She would come in after the second. 
round of fever and chills, and when you 
came out of it, there she was, big and. 
blonde and sort of blowzy, with a wide- 
mouthed smile and an odor of perfume 
and her fingers cool on your wrist, wip- 
ing all the rest of it away and bringing 
you the morning back again. You knew 
she was making ten pounds a night, Aus- 
n, and that she would sell only to 
officers, but she was frank. about it, and. 
it was good to see an honest whor 
was not that you really wanted her, 
was just that it was good to be reminded 
that there were women, and you loved 
this one ina (continued on page 163) 




FASHION FORECAST (continued from page 86) 

Golf: These knits have fewer details, 
with: greater emphasis on simple good 

Ski: A ski-sweater adaptation now ap- 
pearing in summer knits. Some have 
turtle necks, with their collars split by 
a ripper up the front. Crew-neck cardi 
gans come in both zip and button fronts. 

Our sport-shirt tale has a sock endi 
This season's selection of sport hose will 
be almost as wide-ranging as the shirt on 
your back. In addition to the still-popu- 
lar plain crew and striped crew, there 
are three dozen vivid new shades — rang- 
ing from bright white to deep purple — 
now available. 

Among the many sweater possibilities 
for spring and summer, try pulling the 
popular short-sleeve wool models over 
your eyes. You'll like their feel and ap- 
pearance in brushed wool and blazer 
stripes, classic and high-button crew-neck 
cardigans and updated tennis models 
with V necks. Longsleeve cardigans, 
linkstitch alpacas and double-knit sports 
models will keep you as impeccably 
at ease this year as last. And if you're 
a seagoing or mountain-dimbing type, 
remember that the beefy mohair blends 
will put up a firm stand against brisk 
ocean and mountain breezes. If you hap- 
pen to live in a warmer clime, you'll 
appreciate the touch of lightness found 
in the richlooking, lcss-bulky mohair 
blends which can be had in bouclé, rack 
and open knits, 

Although there's a big boom in boat- 
ing, you needn't leave the dock to be 
nautically natty this year. Try piping 
yourself into shirts, jackets and parkas 
that will serve you comfortably, practi- 
cally and fashionably on land or at sea. 
You will find maritime-accented gear in 
nylon spinnaker cloth and lightweight 
poplin, with such details as stand-up col- 
lars, contrasting stitched trims (orange or 
fireman red against the traditional salty 
blue, for example) and zippered pockets, 
Parka and jacket fabrics are often sea- 
worthy in their resistance to rain. 

In more formal foul-weather gear, the 
traditional trend has caught on, and 
the raglan-shoulder raincoat (which is 
the only way to top off a traditional 
suit) is being revived. New and more 
effective waterproofing methods as well 
as a simulated “wool and worsted” look 
in rainwear fabrics make it easy to be dry 
— and well dressed — in the most tor- 
rential summer thundershower. Regular 
length for raincoats is now 42 inches, 
whereas formerly 45 inches was the 
norm. ‘The short 40-inch coat, so popular 
in France, is now being introduced here. 
Though it's smart looking, when belted 
it can ride up and appear a bit under- 

The newest 

fabric in rainwear is 

stretch poplin which, following the trend 
in clothing, will be seen this season in 
lightened classic plaids and checks. 
Fabric weights are lighter as well, and 
there will be a greater selection of fancy 
linings. An interesting idea from Italy 
is the use of classic tartans—both 
in the lining and in the collar and 
sleeve-cuff trim. 

For weather that’s fair but cool, prime 
consideration should be given to the 
light new linen topcoat. You'll see it, 
in big checks and plaids, sporting a 
classic bal collar. For those occasions 
when a bit more elegance is de rigueur, 
try the sleek-looking button-through top- 
coat with set-in sleeves, semipeaked col- 
lar, straight flap pockets and tapered 
sleeves. These coats will run 41 to 42% 
inches in length, but the shorter version 
will be more correct this season. 

Noel Coward's mad dogs and English- 
men notwithstanding, all those who find 
the midday sun more inviting than in- 
timidating will welcome the latest news 
in headwear. It bears masculine tidings 
in the form of the "Shakari," which gets 
its dashing sense of style from the famed 
hat worn by African white hunters. 
This versatile and practical hat can be 
worn to good effect with the brim down 
all around or in the conventional man- 
ner. Casual straws for at-ease spring and 
summer weekends will be in evidence 
wherever boating, horse racing and most 
other outdoor sports are to be found. 
Undoubtedly, among all the hats being 
thrown into the political ring this sum- 
mer will be ventilated straws that are 
soft, cool and light in appearance and 
weight, and circled by flag-bright bands. 
Tweed and plaid hats, which in past 
seasons have tended to he dark, will have 
lighter grounds this year. 

In beachwear, the ostentatious, over- 
designed matching cabana set has been 
dealt, we hope, the final blow. Today, 
functionalism is the keynote; you can 
let your own taste and imagination 
create an individual beach image by 
teaming up swim trunks with anything. 
from football jerseys to ski parkas. 

Speaking of functionalism, the prog- 
ress in stretch swimwear has been great. 
This year you can expect to see, and 
wear, stretch suits that are trim, but 
give when and where you need it—that 
pinched, tight look has departed for 
more distant shores. 

The Jamaicalength swim walker, 
equally at home in the water or out in 
the sun, deserves more than honorable 
meni It has the advantage of handy 
side pockets, with either metal waist 
closure or extension side tabs. 

If you're in shipshape shape, consider 
the lower-rise, fly-front brief which comes 

їп exact waist sizes. Also, bear knit 
swimwear in mind. Much of it has the 
same detailing as woven trunks, includ- 
ing mock fly fronts and tabs. 

Brief nylon-tricot tank trunks literally 
don't offer enough material to form a 
natatorial new wave, but nevertheless 
you'll see plenty of them at the beaches. 
Built for speed and a good physique, 
they have become a uniform for those 
who take their swimming seriously. 

Surfing trunks have ridden the breakers 
from Hawaii to California and will be at 
the crest of their popularity this sum- 
mer at beaches, lakes, pools and ponds 
throughout the land. Whether you ride 
the surf or not, however, these patterned 
trunks, trimmed in bleeding madras ог 
contrasting solids, will give you the new 
look in swimming gear. The longer 
length of these higher-fitting, lace-tied 
trunks was originally intended to pro- 
tect the wearer who ventured to ride the 
hoards. Today the length and laces are 
largely decorative, though the back 
pocket — designed to hold wax — now 
doubles as a convenient hideaway for 
change and small beach accessories. 

‘Today, a man's wardrobe is rich and 
varied, no longer stratified and limited 
by items that have minimal use for spe- 
cial occasions. A complete, multifaceted 
wardrobe will lend itself to the many 
different lives you lead — in college, at 
business, home, at play. dating, partying, 
at sports activities, for weekending, vaca- 
tions, travel — in short, for each different 
phase of your daily activities. 

Details of design are important, of 
course, in determining the effect of a 
specific article of apparel, but it is essen- 
tial to remember that such details only 
make sense in so far as they reflect, in 
their total look, the urbane multiplicity 
of your life. 

Bear in mind that rules in men’s fash- 
ions are nothing more than general 
guidelines, and may be suspended when 
your personality and appearance allow 
for exceptional treatment. Your summer 
tan, for example, will permit you to take 
advantage of colors that would seem far 
too vivid for the normally pale winter 

Your attire should create an impres- 
sion that you are perfectly dressed for 
the particular occasion. It should always 
blend in with you, however, so that it 
expresses and complements rather than 
overshadows and alters your personality. 

From business suits to swimsuits, 
we've extolled the trend toward the 
lightweight, light hued and lighthearted. 
It's up to you now to add new zip to 
your spring and summer wardrobe by 
latching onto some of the freshest fash- 
ion ideas to come along in six months 

of sun days. 


cartoonist gahan wilson nets a fin-filled school 

of macabre sea denizens 

= me 


Above, | to r: Eorly-rising Ashlyn greets o sunny 
Saturday. She says: “I have little time to myself week- 
days, so | hate to pass my weekends sleeping." After 
toothsome self-reflection, our April Playmate cuts 
fresh scallions for a hefty Spanish omelet breokfost. 

dazzling topic they can get together on: our 

April Playmate, Ashlyn Martin. A sun-ripened 
product of Delray Beach, Florida, auburn-haired Ash- 
lyn recently succumbed to the Golden State's blandish- 
ments, migrated to California for a change in scenery 
and a taste of West Coast living. "I'm attracted to 
bright lights and sports cars,” our outgoing 18-ycar-old 
explains candidly. “Things were pleasant in Delray 
Beach, but too quict for me. I visited Los Angeles 
briefly after finishing high school—and right away 
I knew it was California, here I come!" This 5'5” 
bachelor girl now lives alone in a newly rented L.A. 
aparument, decorated in Danish modern; her first job, 
appropriately enough, is as a receptionist in a Los 
Angeles sports-car rental agency. Ashlyn bears а strik- 
ing resemblance to film star Ann-Margret, though her 
own taste in singers runs to the masculine Mr. Sinatra, 
Tony Bennett and the rhythms of Ray Charles. Ash- 
lyn is also quite a cook. She says: “Though I can live 
for weeks on bologna sandwiches and chocolate milk, 
I love to prepare a real gourmet spread when I'm 
entertaining. French cuisine is my favorite, and coq 
au vin is my special dish. In fact, І think my idea of 
a perfect evening would center around a six-course 
meal at Maxim's, complete from soup to cognac. I'm 
easy to please, and with the right man I'm happy in 
almost any situation. Please don't ask me about the 
future — the way many of my friends do — because 
I'm really uncertain about that part of my life. Right 
now I'm quite happy with the present.” For a view 
of the status quo with which our Playmate is so 
properly content, see the gatefold. 



Center left: After Miss April showers she covers 
herself with a poir of towels and heads for the potio 
of her pastel-tinted pad. Center right: Our pensive 
Playmate samples с morsel of fruit and (right) relaxes 
in a rare moment of smog-free Los Angeles sunshine. 

Above left: Citrus fancier Ashlyn tries local orange juice os a light dessert, finds it equal to her own Florida standards. 
Center and right: Words from a friend, proposing luncheon date at downtown club, fall on receptive ears; during dis- 
cussion, our Playmate doffs duds. Below: Leopard-skin-clod Ashlyn shows sports-cor form emerging from friend's Mer- 
cedes for her date. Though nat a car owner now, Miss April hopes someday to travel in style in her own white Sting Ray. 


Your fare, young lady," said the handsome 
tain conductor. 

She smiled at him swectly, "You're not so 
bad yourself.” 

м, = 
ro A 

On the occasion of Nero's 25th birthday, he 
arrived at the Colosseum to find that the 
Praetorian Guard had prepared a treat Гог him 
in the arena. There stood 25 naked virgins, 
like candles on a cake, tied to poles, burnin 
alive. nderfull" exclaimed the breue 
emperor, "but one of them isn't dead yet. I 
can see her lips moving. Go quickly and find 
out what she is saying. 

The centurion saluted, and hurried out to 
the virgin, getting 2s near the flames as he 
dared, and listened intently. Then he turned 
and hurried back to the imperial box. "She is 
not talking" he reported to Nero, "she is 

"Singing?" said the astounded emperor. 
"Singing what?" 

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to 

Limbo dancing was invented by a Scotsman 
trying to enter a pay toilet. 

The director was patiently explaining the 
scene to the famous Method actor. “You've 
been on this desert island for twelve years. 
One morning, you awaken, crawl out of your 
lean-to, and start strolling along the beach, 
Suddenly you see this beautiful blonde girl 
lying on the sand beside her discarded life 
jacket You rush forward, grab her in your 
arms, and start kissing her." 

The actor nodded thoughtfully, then asked, 
“And what's my motivation?” 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines cocktails 
as sips that passion the night. 

The grade-school principal dropped into the 
new third-grade tcacher’s room to see how 
she was adjusting to her first day of school. 
“There is one problem,” she said. “That little 
boy in the first row belongs in second grade, 
but insists on remaining here, and he's so 
smart I hate to send him 

“He can't be that smart, 
“Ask him something.” 

The teacher called the boy forward and i 
quired, “What does а dog do on three legs 
that a man does on two legs that 1 do siting 

“Shakes hands," said the boy. 

"What has а cow got four of that 1 have 
only two of?" she went on. 

"Legs," the boy replied. 

“What is a four-letter word meaning inter- 

the principal. 

course?” she continued. 

“Talk,” he answered. 

The teacher turned to the principal. “Well, 
what should I do?” 

He drew her aside and whispered, “Better 
promote him to the fourth grade. I missed all 
three questions.” 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines marriage 
as wall-to-wall carping. 

A stunningly stacked blonde walked into a 
dress shop, and asked the manager, “I wonder 
if I might try on that blue dress in the 

"Go right ahead," he said. "It might help 

Then there was the little old lady with varicose 
veins who won first prize at a costume ball. 
She went nude, as a road map. 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines bigamist 
as fog over Italy. 

His first day in the Army, the recruit was is- 
sued a comb, and then the company barber 
shaved off all his hair. The second day he was 
issued a toothbrush, and then the dentist 
pulled all his teeth. The third day he was 
issued an athletic supporter, and he went 


Heard a good one lately? Send it on a post card 
to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY, 232 E. Ohio St., 
Chicago, Ill. 60611, and earn $25 for each joke 
used. In case of duplicates, payment is made 
for first card received. Jokes cannot be returned. 


“Wow! A perfect 36-24-185!’ 



a treasury of transoceanic gourmandise for the cosmopolitan american table 

FOOD BY THOMAS MARIO ALTHOUGH A FRENCH PROVERB sapcly states that appetite is 
the best sauce, few things pique the appetite so provocatively and prestigiously as the eggs of a 
sturgeon, the liver of an overfed goose and the wild tuber growing near the roots of old oak trees 
in Italy and France. Fresh caviar, pdté de foie gras and brushed truffles ride high in the Rolls- 
Royce class not just because they come from afar, but because their magnificent yet casual 
flavors satisfy, like nothing else can, the sophisticated appetites of the male animal. For men 
whose digs are sanctuaries of gourmandise, and whose principal icons are the martini pitcher 
and the champagne bucket, these three foods are almost indispensable. 

Domestic imitators of these seductive imports turn out thousands of palatable and, it must 
be granted, very useful facsimiles. But the prototypes still stand in a class all by themselves. 
Even when the native producers of Strasbourg páté de foie gras try to imitate their оул works 
with mousse of foie and purée de foie d'Oie and many other kinds of foie or fáté, the original 

100 still stands skyward as the food of which the old bon vivant Sydney Smith said, "My idea of 


heaven is eating páté de foie gras to the sound of trumpets.” A trumpet may be all right as a 
garnish for eating рй de foie gras, but the best modern orchestration for such luxury items 
is the hum of activity around a bachelor’s buffet table. 

The effort that goes into getting them to market is almost incredible. The truffle, for instance, 
is an underground tuber, a cousin of the wild mushroom. Visually, it's decidedly unprepossessing. 
Hard and wrinkled, it looks like a ravaged jet black or brown turnip; but truffles, during a holiday 
scarcity at one point last year, reached an asking price of $160 a pound. They currently sell 
for a mere three dollars an ounce. There's a good reason for the high price tag; you don't just 
pick a truffle off a tree. You must hunt for it underground, and the job of exploration can't 
possibly be accomplished with unaided human ingenuity. To detect a hidden trove—and 
there are only a few spots in the world where edible truflles can be found — you need a four- 
legged Geiger counter. In France they use trained pigs. Not just any old pig will do. The 
female is preferred to the male, since the distaffs olfactory sense seems much more sensitive 
than the male’s in ferreting out this kind of buried treasure. Each fall in France, porcine candi- 
dates are put through their trial runs. Tiny truffle peelings are used for bait. Pigs who display 
an affinity for truffles and who finally master the theory and practice of truffle hunting are se 
lected for the winter line-up, since truffles can only be hunted in cold weather. The pig on a 
leash is trained to lead its master who carries a handful of corn and a (continued on page 159) 



“1 learned to cook the same way you learned 
to make love. Out of a book.” 


an operators manual of some not-so-sporting propositions 



THERE 15 A spor in Guys and Dolls, dis- 
tilled from vintage Damon Runyon, in 
which Sky Masterson tells Nathan Detroit 
the secret of his success: 

“When I was a young man about to 
go out into the world, my father says to 
me a very valuable thing. He says to me 
like this: ‘One of these days in your 
travels a guy is going to come up to you 
and show you a nice brand-new deck of 
cards on which the seal is not yet broken, 
and this guy is going to offer to bet you 
that he can make the jack of spades 
jump out of the deck and squirt cider 
in your car. But Son, do not bet this man, 
for as sure as you stand there you are go- 
ing to wind up with an earful of cider.’ " 

Now, the subject of this article is not. 
cider-squirting jacks but sucker bets— 
wagers which seem to offer an infallible 
win but which, once accepted, result in 
an almost fallible loss. Or, looking at 
them from the unscrupulous point of 
view of the sharpie or operator, they 
are bets that are as close to sure things 
as you can come. 

If you'll just step a little closer and put 
your money on the counter, we'll give you 
à demonstration of just what we mean. 

Phone-Book Hook. The victim is asked 
to open a telephone book to any page 
and mark off 20 consecutive listings. The 
operator (and we're not talking about 
the lady who works for the phone com- 
pany) now offers to bet him that within 
those 20 listings there are two phone 
numbers in which the last two digits are 
the same (such as 3764 and 9364). 

The prospective sucker cogitates a mo- 
ment. He feels the keen clicking of his. 
coldly efficient brain — a pleasant if in- 
frequent sensation, He accepts the prop- 
osition with confidence, for he has 
figured that there are 100 possible com- 

binations of those last two digits and, 
hence, the odds are 5-1 against the oper- 
ator. The sucker is right on the first 
count, lamentably wrong on the second. 
Actually, the odds are 7-1 in favor of the 
operator. To understand why, you must 
forget that the odds of matching any 
particular two-digit number with another 
are an unpromising 99/100 against and 
remember that the operator is allowed to 
match any two-digit number with any 
other of the 19 on the list. The odds of 
his failing to do so are figured by multi- 
plying all of his chances of missing. 
(Since there are 100 possible combina- 
tions of two-digit numbers, the odds of 
failing to match the first number with 
the second are, as we've said, 99/100 
or .99, and the odds of failing to match 
the third number with either of the first 
two are .98. Thus, the odds of failing to 
match any of the 20 numbers are calcu- 
lated by multiplying .99 x .98 x .97 etc., 
all the way down to x .80.) Even if there 
were only 12 numbers on the list, the odds 
would multiply out to about .5 or 50-50. 
But that wouldn't be fair to the operator. 
would it? So he extends the list to 20 num- 
bers to make the odds 1—7 against miss- 
ing or, more positively, 7-1 in his favor. 

Reverse Phone-Book Hook. After the 
sucker has lost several times running on 
the Phone-Book Hook, he is ripe for a 
reverse twist. “All right,” says the oper- 
ator, "just to prove I'm a sport, Tl give 
you a chance to win your money back. 
Open the phone book anywhere and 
circle the last two digits of any number. 
Now, counr down 50 numbers and I will 
bet you that the same combination does 
not appear in the last two digits of any 
of those 50 numbers.” 

When the sucker, stung several times 
on the 20-number bet, hesitates, the 

operator says grandly, “Why man, that’s 
а wonderful bet. I'm giving you more 
than twice as many numbers to work 
with than you gave me." And so he is. 
But the game has changed. 

Before, the operator could match апу 
two sets of numbers, but the sucker now 
must match a particular number. The 
odds (99 to the 50th power) are 3-2 
that he won't. 

Unhappy Birthday. This bet makes 
use of the same principle as the Phone- 
Book Hook and is always sure to attract 
2 willing victim. At any gathering of 30 
persons or more (but not too many 
more) the operator remarks casually, "I'll 
bet there are two people here with the 
same birthday." 

Up jumps the pigeon, ready for the 
challenge. After all, he reasons, there 
are 365 possible birthdays— not count- 
ing leap year. Yet, by the same process 
of multiplying the chances of missing 
(864/365 x 363/365 x 362/365, etc) the 
odds are seven out of ten that a pair of 
birthdays will be found among the first 30 
persons. In a group of 50 the probability 
is a gratifying 40-1 in favor of the oper- 
ator. So, in this large a group, the oper- 
ator magnanimously offers 2-1 oddsl 

‘Those who doubt that the birthday 
bet works are invited to examine the 
natal and expiration dates of the United 
States’ 35 Presidents — a typical random 
sample. Not only were two (Polk and 
Harding) born on November 2nd, but, 
of the 31 who have died, Taft and Fill- 
more passed away on March 8th, while 
three others (John Adams, Jefferson and 
Monroe) all died on July 4th. Similar 
verification can be made by picking 50 
names from Who's Who or any other 
source that lists birth dates. 

Two-Deck Dodge. The smart operator 


knows that it is wise, occasionally, to 
let the sucker think that Ae is setting the 
terms of the bet. For instance, the oper- 
ator places two shuffled decks of cards 
face down in front of a doubting dupe. 
“I bet you $10, even money, that if you 
go through both decks simultaneously, 
you won't turn up the same card in both 

decks on the same turn,” says the 
“You must take me for an awful 

sucker,” says the sucker, stepping into 
the trap. 

“Not at all,” says the operator, “I’m 
just trying to liven up the evening. Tell 
you what — I'll bet you do turn up the 
same card at the same time.” 

Having refused the first bet, the sucker 
cannot very well refuse the second. Poor 
fellow. The odds are about 2-I that he 
will hit the same card in both decks. 
True, the odds of matching cards on апу 
single turn are 1/52, but if you multiply 
the total chances of missing (51/52 x 
51/52, 52 times) you come up with a 
fraction of about 1⁄4, which means you 
will miss a hit only once in three trips 
through the decks. 

License-Tag Tag. On the pretext of 
relieving the monotony of a long auto 
journey, the ever-ready operator can also 
relieve a fellow-traveling sucker of his 

bank roll, 

“that one of the 
next ten cars that pass will have a double 
digit (33, 77, etc) as the last two num- 
bers of its license plate.” 

It sounds reasonable at even money, 
but actually the chance of making good 
is about 2-1 in favor of the operator. 
After all, one car in every ten has a 
double digit at the end of its license 
plate (as a fast count from 101 through 
200 will prove) and the operator is get- 
ting a full 10 chances—not the five 
chances that would make it a 50-50 bet. 
"To explain this another way, if you toss а 
coin your chance is one in two of getting 
a head. Would you, at even money, give 
someone two chances to toss a head? If 
you would, please get in touch with us 
and we will while away the hours flipping 
coins — at high stakes. 

Con-Man's Delight, Back to the old, 
reliable card deck we go for one of the 
sweetest of all sucker bets. The operator 
instructs his mark to shuffle the deck and 
deal out three piles of three cards each, 
followed by a pile of four cards. 

“My friend,” he says, “I will make 
four separate wagers on these four piles 
of cards. I will bet that the first two 
piles of three cards each contain at least 
two cards in the same suit; that the third 
three-card pile contains a picture card; 
and, to top it off, I will give you odds 
of no less than five to one that the four- 
card pile also contains at least two cards 
of the same suit.” 

For some strange reason, the sucker is 

104 apt to feel that his odds of winning one 

of these four bets is better than the 
others. In a sense he is right. Yet his 
odds of winning any of the bets are bad. 

The odds are about 3-2 that three 
cards dealt at random contain two 
of the same suit; noticeably better than 
even money that they will contain a pic- 
ture card; and 9-1 in favor of the oper- 
ator that two cards of the same suit will 
show up in the four-card pile. 

The exquisite beauty of this four-part 
bet is that it contains the basic element 
of the old shell game — enticement. After 
losing a few times on one part of the 
deal, the sucker will insist on trying the 
others, searching for that onc surc thing 
which he feels is hidden in some part 
of the bet. Only after he tries all four 
bets at once —and loses all four — will 
he give up. 

Mixed Shuffle. Here the operator adds 
sleight of hand to sleight of conscience. 
He divides a deck of cards exactly in half 
and asks his victim to turn one of the 
piles face up and shuffle the two halves 
together, creating a horrible mess of 
cards, half facing one way, half the other. 
Next, the operator asks him to count 
off 26 cards and leave the remaining 26 
flat on the table. 

“I will bet you even money,” says the 
operator, “that you cannot, without look- 
ing, rearrange the remaining half-deck 
so that it contains the same number of 
up cards as the first half of the deck.” 

When the prospective pigeon asserts 
that it doesn’t sound like a very good 
deal, the operator graciously offers to 
take the bet himself. Thereupon, he 
places the remaining half-deck under 
the table and, with a great show of con- 
centration, pretends to be rearranging 
the pile, Actually, all he does is turn 
the pile over. 

It seems mysterious, but his half-deck 
will now be found to contain exactly 
the same number of up cards аз the 
other half. 

Here's why: If the first half-deck con- 
tains ten up cards, the other half-deck 
must contain the remaining 16 up cards 
since the whole deck contains a total of 
26 up cards. Naturally, the other ten 
cards in the second half-deck must be 
down cards. With one turn those ten 
down cards become up cards and both 
halfdecks contain an equal number of 
up cards. 

Heads You Lose. Producing eight 
coins, the operator asks his victim how 
many heads are likely to wrn up if he 
flips each coin. The sucker, aware that 
the odds of getting a head on each toss 
are 50-50, will undoubtedly say four. 
"Fine," says the operator, "I will give 
you two-to-one odds that you don't get 
four heads." 

If the sucker agrees to make this bet 
a few times, the operator is reasonably 
sure of a nice profit. True, four heads 
will turn up much more often than any 

other number of heads. But the totol of 
other combinations will occur more 
often. The odds are 8-3 in favor of the 

The Impossible. A true sucker throws 
caution to the winds when ollered a 
large enough return on his "investment," 
But the odds must never be too high or 
he will become suspicious. Thus, the 
smart operator offers only 6-1 odds on 
the little puzzle illustrated below. 

“All you have to do," says the opera- 
tor, "is draw one continuous line that 
will cross each line in the diagram once 
and only once." Then, just to make the 
sucker feel he has a chance, the operator 
adds, "But you must do this within a 
three-minute time limit.” 

They said it couldn't be done. And it 

Last Match. Two years ago, after 
acquiring star stature in the movie Last 
Year at Marienbad, a nimble match 
game called Nim suddenly became sa- 
loondom's second most popular sport. 
But to the operator, there is nothing 
sporting about Nim; he will always win 
if he has memorized the game's secret 

After constructing a four-row pyramid 
of 16 matches (7-5-3-1), the thirsty opera- 
tor explains the "game" to his mark, 
offering to wager a drink on its outcome: 
"We simply take turns removing matches 
and the man who must take the last 
match loses. You can take as many 
matches on each turn as you want — from 
one to a whole row—as long as you 
pick from one row only.” 

It makes no difference which player 
goes first, as long as the operator picks 
up enough matches to leave his oppo- 
nent with onc of the following combi 
nations: In four rows— 7-5-3-1 (wl 
the starting setup), 7-4-2-1, 6-5 
$4, 5-5-1-1, 4-4-1-1, 3 2-2-1-1; in 
three rows — 6-5-3, 6-4-2, 5.4.1, 3-2-1, 1-1-1; 
in two rows — 5-5, 4-4, 3.3, 2-2; and, of 
course, in one row — 1. 

If memorizing all 18 combinations 
seems to be too much trouble for a free 
drink supply, a lazier operator contents 
himself with a simpler, if less certain, 
system: he will usually win if he reduces 
the pyramid either to an even number 
of rows containing an equal number of 
matches (as 44 or 44-1-1) or an odd 
number of rows containing an unequal 
number of matches (as 6-5-3 or 5-4-1). 

The Missing Year. The passage and 
marking of time is always good material 
for sucker bets because every sucker is 

(concluded on page 162) 


her body was alive and in a few 
moments she would be conscious; 
but what could he do with her then? 

How BEAUTIFUL she was, Dandish thought, 
and how helpless. The plastic identifica- 
tion ribbon around her neck stood out 
straight, and as she was just out of the 
transport capsule, she wore nothing else. 
“Are you awake?” he asked, but she did 
not stir. 

Dandish felt excitement building up 
inside him, she was so passive and with- 
out defense. A man could come to her 
g at all to her, and 
she would not resist. Or, of course, re- 
spond. Without touching her he knew 
that her body would be warm and dry. 
It was fully alive, and in a few minutes 
she would be conscious. 

Dandish — who was the captain and 
sole crew member of the interstellar 
ship without a name carrying congealed 
colonists across the long, slow, empty 
space from the Earth to a planet that 
circled a star that had never had a name 
in astronomical charts, only a number, 
and was now called Eleanor — passed 
those minutes without looking again at 
the girl, whose name he knew to be Sil- 
vie but whom he had never met. When 
he looked again she was awake, jack- 
knifed against the safety straps of the 
crib, her hair standing out around her 
head and her face wearing an expression 
of anger. “All right. Where are you? 1 
know what the score is,” she said. “Do 
you know what they can do to you for 

Dandish was startled. He did not like 
being startled, for it frightened him. For 
nine years the ship had becn whispering 
across space; he had had enough loneli- 
ness to satisfy him and he had been 
frightened. There were 700 cans of col- 
onists on the ship, but they lay brittle 
and changeless in their bath of liquid 
helium and were not very good com- 
pany. Outside the ship the nearest 
human being was perhaps two light- 
years away, barring some chance-met 
ship heading in the other direction that 
was actually far more remote than either 
star, since the forces involved in stop- 
ping and matching course with a vessel 
bound home were twice as great as, and 
would take twice as much time as, those 
involved in the voyage itself. Everything 
about the trip. (continued on page 108) 




more sprightly spoofings of the signs of our times 

humor By DON ADDIS 



OD. do 



нт Now, EDITH 

Os ¢ 


9 ó6g 




“Jolly crowd you have here, my dear.” 



F IEND (continued from page 105) 

was frightening. The loneliness was a 
terror. To stare down through an inch 
of crystal and see nothing but far stars 
led to panic. Dandish had decided to 
stop looking out five years before, but 
had not been able to keep to his deci- 
sion, and so now and again peeped 
through the crystal and contemplated 
his horrifying visions of the seal break- 
ing, the crystal popping out on a breath 
of air, himself in his metal prison tum- 
bling, tumbling forever down to the 
heart of one of the 10,000,000 stars that 
lay below. In this ship a noise was an 
alarm. Since no one but himself was 
awake, to hear a scratch of metal or a 
thud of a moving object striking some- 
thing else, however tiny, however re- 
mote, was a threat, and more than once 
Dandish had suffered through an itch 
of fear for hours or days until he tracked. 
down the exploded light tube or unse- 
cured door that had startled him. He 
dreamed uneasily of fire. This was pre- 
posterously unlikely, in the steel and 
crystal ship, but what he was dream- 
ing of was not the fire of a house but 
the monstrous fires in the stars beneath. 

“Come out where I can see you,” 
commanded the girl. 

Dandish noted that she had not trou- 
bled to try to cover her nakedness. Bare 
she woke and bare she stayed. She had 
unhitched the restraining webbing and 
left the crib, and now she was prowling 
the room in which she had awakened, 
looking for him. “They warned us," she 
called. “ ‘Watch the hook!’ ‘Look out 
for the space nuts!’ ‘You'll be sorry! 
That's all we heard at the Reception 
Center, and now here you are, all right. 
Wherever you are. Where are you? For 
God’s sake, come out so I can see you.” 
She half stood and half floated at an 
angle to the floor, nibbling at imper- 
ceptible bits of dead skin on her lips 
and staring warily from side to side. She 
"What was the story you were go- 
ing to tell me? A subspace meteorite 
destroyed the ship, all but you and me, 
and we were doomed to fly endlessly 
toward nowhere, so there was nothing 
for us to do but try to make a life for 

Dandish watched her through the view 
eyes in the reviving room, but did not 
answer. He was a connoisseur of victims, 
Dandish was. He had spent а great deal 
of time planning this. Physically she 
was perfect, very young, slim, slight. He 
had picked her out on that basis from 
among the 352 female canned colonists, 
leafing through the microfile photo- 
graphs that accompanied cach colonist’s 
dossier like a hifi hobbyist shopping 
through a catalog. She had been the 
best of the lot. Dandish was not skilled 
enough to be able to read a person- 

ality profile, and in any event con- 
sidered psychologists to be phonies and 
their profiles trash, so he had had to go 
by the indices he knew. He had wanted 
his victim to be innocent and trusting. 
Silvie, 16 years old and а litle below 
average in intelligence, had seemed very 
promising. It was disappointing that she 
did not react with more fear. “They'll 
give you fifty years for this!” she 
shouted, looking around to see where he 
could be hiding. “You know that, don’t 

"The revival crib, sensing that she was 
out of it, was quietly stowing and re- 
arming itself, ready to be taken out and 
used again. Its plastic sheets slipped {тес 
of the corners, rolled up in a tight spiral 
and slid into a disposal chute, revealing 
aseptic new sheets below. Its radio-warm- 
ing generators tested themselves with a 
surge of high-voltage current, found no 
flaws and shut themselves off. The crib 
sides folded down meekly. The instru- 
ment table hooded itself over. The girl 
paused to watch it, then shook her head 
and laughed. “Scared of me?" she called. 
“Come on, let's get this over with! Or 
else,” she added, “admit you've made a 
boo-boo, get me some clothes and let's 
talk this over sensibly.” 

Sorrowfully Dandish turned his gaze 
away. A timing device reminded him 
that it was time to make his routine half- 
hour check of the ship's systems and, as 
he had done more than 150,000 times 
already and would do 100,000 times 
again, he swiftly scanned the tempera- 
ture readings in the can hold, metered 
the loss of liq helium and balanced. 
it against the withdrawals from the re- 
serve, compared the ship's course with 
the flight plan, measured the fuel con- 
sumption and rate of flow, found all 
systems functioning smoothly and re- 
turned to the girl. It had taken only a 
minute or so, but already she had found 
the comb and mirror he had put out for 
her and was working angrily at her hair. 
One fault in the techniques of freezing 
and revivification lay in what happened 
to such elaborated structures as finger- 
nails and hair. At the temperature of 
liquid helium all organic matter was 
britde as Prince Rupert's drops, and 
although the handling techniques were 
planned with that fact in mind, the body 
wrapped gently in elastic cocooning, 
every care exercised to keep it from con- 
tact with anything hard or sharp, nails 
and hair had a way of being snapped 
oft. The Reception Center endlessly 
drummed into the colonists the im- 
portance of short nails and butch hair- 
cuts, but the colonists were not always 
convinced. Sil now looked like a 
dummy on which a student wigmaker 
had failed a test. She solved her problem 

at last by winding what remained of her 
hair in a tiny bun and put down the 
comb, snapped-off strands of hair float- 
ing in the air all about her like a 
stretched-out sandstorm. 

She patted the bun mournfully and 
said, “I guess you think this is pretty 

Dandish considered the question. He 
жаз not impelled to laugh. Twenty years 
before, when Dandish was a teenager 
with the long permanented hair and the 
lacquered fingernails that were the fash- 
ion for kids that year, he had dreamed 
almost every night of just such a situa- 
tion as this, To own a girl of his own 
— not to love her or to rape her or to 
marry her, but to possess her as a slave, 
with no one anywhere to stop him from 
whatever he chose to impose on her— 
had elaborated itself in a hundred va 
ations nightly. He didn't tell anyone 
about his dream, not directly, but in the 
school period devoted to practical psy- 
chology he had mentioned it as some- 
thing he had read in a book and the 
instructor, staring right through him into 
his dreams, told him it was a repressed 
wish to play with dolls. “This fellow is 
role playing,” he said, “acting out a wish 
to be a woman. These clear-cut cases of 
repressed homosexuality can take many 
forms ..."; and on and on, and al- 
though the dreams were as physically 
satisfying as ever, the young Dandish 
awoke from them both reproved and 

But Silvie was neither a dream nor a 
doll. “I’m not a doll!” said Silvie, so 
sharply and patly that it was a shock. 
“Come on out and get it over with!” 

She straightened up, holding to a free- 
fall grip, and although she looked angry 
and annoyed she still did not scem 
afraid. “Unless you are really crazy,” she 
said clearly, “which I doubt, although 1 
have to admit its a possibility, you 
aren't going to do anything I don't want 
you to do, you know. Because you can't 
get away with it, right? You can't kill 
me, you could never explain it, and be- 
sides they don’t let murderers run ships 
in the first place, and so when we land 
all I have to do is yell cop and you're 
running a subway shuttle for the next 
ninety years" She giggled. "I know 
about that. My uncle got busted on in- 
come-tax evasion and now he's a self- 
propelled dredge in the Amazon delta, 
and you should sce the letters he writes. 
So come on out and let's see what Im 
willing to let you get away with." 

She grew impatient. “Kee-rist,” she 
said, shaking her head. “I sure get the 
great ones. And, oh, by the way, as long 
as I'm up, I have to go to the little 
girls’ room, and then I want breakfast." 

Dandish took some small satisfaction 
in that these requirements, at least, he 

(concluded on page 165) 

SeLLers rnimes 
movie Le vers 

peter the great creates antic take-offs 
on famous lovers of the silver screen 



аз Rudolph Valentino in THE SHEIK 


as BELA LUGOSE in Dracula 

as CARY GRANT ın notorious 





“It’s a list of the fathers of my unborn child — and I want you to see to it 

that every single one of them does the right thing by тє!” 


Opinion by John W. Aldridge 
the plight of today's readers and writers of "literature" — 
a no-holds-barred appraisal 

ntil fairly recently, speculations on the health of the novel were a 

morbid and monotonous feature of our literary life. In fact, ever 

since Ortega y Gasset pronounced the novel dead back in the 

Twenties, and T. $. Eliot discovered that Flaubert and James had 
killed it, critics haye generally shown more interest in the novel dead than 
alive, and have devoted more energy to conducting post-mortems than to 
providing resuscitation. For a number of years in the Sunday book-supplement 
world, the novel was dying as regularly as tycoons and athletes, and of a much 
more interesting variety of ailments. In the main, it was the critics of that 
world, the middlebrow, trend-tracking kind, who carried on the discussion 
over the last two decades, the concern for the novel's health apparently having 
passed from Eliot to Trilling to Frank O'Connor to J. Donald Adams with 
steadily dwindling intensity and authority. 

For a while there it looked as though, if the novel were not actually dying 
under its own power, it was certain very soon to be talked to death. It now 
appears, however, that the situation has rather dramatically reversed itself, 
and that it is not so much the novel, аз the talk about its death that is dying. 
In fact, among highbrows we are suddenly hearing a great deal of talk about 
the novel's aliveness, while the middlebrow postmortems have diminished 
in number to the point where we can sometimes go for whole months or even 
years without hearing any more baleful middlebrow news of the novel than 
the tired old news that it continues to be obsessed with sexual perversion and 
other “sordid and depressing” aspects of life, and that nobody writing today 
is anywhere near as good as John Р. Marquand. A kind of forlorn pettishness 
about issues which everybody else long ago ceased to think of seems to have 
overcome the old-style middlebrow crepe hangers. And not only have they 
stopped talking about the death of the novel; they have apparently stopped 
being aware of the novel altogether, except as a form which somehow failed 
to oblige them by dying at the right time and has instead taken on a new life 
they are unable to comprehend. 

The truth of course is that the novel as the middlebrows used to know 
it did in effect die. The death which they made a habit of announcing so 
solemnly was actually quite real, in the sense that the kind of novel they once 
felt close to did pass away as a dominating literary force and has since been 
replaced by another kind, a largely intellectual kind, (continued on page 166) 


man at his leisure 

artist neiman depicts derby day at england's historic epsom downs 

THE EPSOM DERBY, а contest of such moment that a horse worth a few 
thousand pounds at the outset of the race may increase in value a hundred- 
fold by the finish, lays claim to the title of world’s greatest sporting event. 
Dating back to 1780, this on d-a-half-mile competition is not so much a 
race as it is a national institution: it ranks in an Englishman's esteem with 
afternoon tea апа Buckingham Palace. With the betting ranging from 
a few bob to thousands of pounds, there is hardly an onlooker in the cheer- 
ing crowd who doesn't have something at stake as the horses make that last 
straining effort down the straightaway from famous Tattenham Corner. 

left. Racing enthusiasts, impeccably garbed and suitably field-glassed, come to Epsom 
not only to see the Derby, but to be seen. Below: A view from the Royal Enclosure toward 
the crowded infield, as the surging thoroughbreds thunder toward the winning post. 

Preot HAS я ца AROUND Hy 
aro THe oA? 

PT 5 

Artist-observer LeRoy Neiman notes that "suit-rental emporiums in London and vicinity are besieged long before 
Derby Day by all who can’t afford the traditional morning coats, top hats, waistcoats and other sartorial appurte- 
nances called for by this socially prestigious occasion. From the reigning monarch to the lowliest commoner, 
everyone who c; age to be there is there. Throngs jam the trains to Epsom, 15 miles from the heart of Lon- 
don: as early as six in the morning the parking areas begin to fill with endless streams of cars and motor 
coaches." The milieu is an olio of the elegant and the plebeian, as entire families come upon the scene with 
picnic baskets to make a day of it. Tents and booths blossom all over the grounds, purveying anything from 
chilled champagne to hot sausages, while the nobility pays its respects to the Queen in the Royal Box, where, 
as England's most illustrious improver of the breed, she oversees one of her country's oldest and proudest events. 

A welltumed-out gentleman beside a sleekly r olls-Reyce sets the mood of the Derby, where even the splendor of the jockeys 
multicolored silks seems to poll beside the gorb of club members ossembled neor ће poddock on horse rocing's doy of doys. 


,dduianp. ‘auynaspi оо] 
3/00] әш ѕәурщ 40212 
siya 41141 поб oq, 

The Crafty 

Ribald Classic 

AFTER A SUCCESSFUL campaign in Reggio 
di Calabria, the battle-weary troops of 
Colonel Biondi were dispatched to Pro- 
vincia Cosenza for a period of rest and 
recuperation. A bivouac was set up on 
the beaches and supplies were brought 
south from Naples, including wines, 
meats and fine cheeses. The sage Biondi 
realized, however, that despite the many 
comforts offered the men, there still was 
a decided lack of the ultimate ac 
commodations: the presence of women. 
Accordingly, desirous of securing for 
them the maximum in recreation, Biondi 
determined the location of cert: 
curers from whom courtesins might be 
persuaded. He then visited these fellows, 
sampled their wares and bargained for 
group rates to be applied to all who 
might be members of the military unit. 
Now, having done these things, the 
colonel repaired to his command tent. 
where he contemplated the problem of 
advising his troops of the locations of 
the procurers whose business cthics met 
with his approval. He realized that if he 
were to condone openly the patroniza- 
tion of the procurers, he would arouse 
the ire of those who concerned them- 
selves with the morals of others, and 
consequently bring governmental dis- 
favor upon the men of his unit. There- 
fore, to circumvent the problem, he 
published an order as follows: 

The men of this unit are hereby 
advised that this command will not 
look kindly upon familiaritics be- 
tween the men of this unit and the 
women of the province of Cosenza. 
It is further commanded that no 
member of this unit may go to the 
town of Rogliano with the intent of 

ounsel of Colonel Biondi 

obtaining а woman from the house 
of one Giacomo Ciellano, a known 
procurer, and bringing that woman 
to his tent. It is further decreed 
that those who do enter 
in their tents will be 
most harshly. 

n women 
dealt with 

Biondi's order continued to describe 
the route to the house of Giacomo Ciel- 
lano, which the troops were forbidden 
to take: the procurer's price, which they 
were forbidden to pay, and the manner 
by which they could return to the 
bivouac ar 

a, with their women, unob- 
served by police — which manner they 
were commanded not to employ. 

Now there was in the battalion at that 
time a lieutenant by the name of 
Lorenzo, a dedicated man, assuredly, but 
perhaps not a wise one, who accepted 
the colonel’s order at face value. Con- 
sequently, when he heard the men openly 
discussing their experiences with the 
courtesans, he complained directly to 
Biondi who immediately published an- 
other order, warning that the lieutenant. 
had overheard this conversation about 
the courtesans, and threatening punish- 
ment for whomever the lieutenant discov- 
ered indulging in these “wrongful acts." 

The men conducted their affairs in 
secrecy thereafter; but one afternoon a 
ne wench in one of the tents, having 
imbibed an abundance of Neapolitan 
wine, staggered to the center of the bat- 
talion quadrangle and began а most ex- 
acting dance during which she removed 
the few garments she had been wearing. 
As chance would have it, Lieutenant 
Lorenzo happened by; but when he no- 
ticed her, he kept his distance and waited 
until one of the soldiers took hold of 

a 16th Century Calabrian tale 

her and brought her back to his tent. 
Then Lorenzo followed the couple, and 
observed thiough the flap of the tent а 
the two indulged in a performance that 
astounded him, in that he had never seen 
it performed before. 

In rage and dismay, he proceeded to 
the colonel and hurled accusations at 
the soldier and the girl. But the wise 
Biondi examined the regulation he had 
published, and pointed out that there 
was no proof that the soldier had ob- 
tained her from one of the “forbidden” 
procurer, nor that he had followed any 
of the "forbidden" routes, nor was he 
necessarily "entertaining" the woman in 
his tent, which was also forbidden. 

The colonel then ordered Lorenzo to 
seize the woman and bring her to the 
command tent, whereupon he instructed 
Lorenzo to demonstrate the performance 
by which the woman had been “enter- 
tained.” Although Lorenzo found the 
positions of this demonstration u 
fortable, never before having been in 
them, he followed his colonel’s mandate. 

When the act had been completed, 
Biondi asked the woman if she had 
found it “entertaining,” She replied that 
Lorenzo was anything but entertaining: 

ndeed, he was boring. Biondi conse- 
quently dismissed the case on the ground 
that a private most certainly could not 
have entertained the woman if an officer 
had failed to do so. And, Lorenzo, who 
found himself entertained by the experi- 
ence, ceased to harass the troops, for 
100, was occupied in the pursuit 
ther entertainment, in accordance 
with the spirit if not the letter of the 
crafty colonel’s regulatio: 

—Retold by Paul J. Gillette 


Ba 123 

playboy encores its third year's gatefold girls 

PLAYBOY's Tenth Anniversary reprise of past Playmates proceeds apace with a refreshing 
backward glance at 1956. The succeeding years of the PLAYBOY decade will be recapped an 
issue at a time until December, when a Readers’ Choice pictorial, presenting the ten all-time 
favorites, will appear. Our third year of publication was highlighted by a countdown of 
figurative feats. Our beautiful Subscription Manager, Janct Pilgrim, became a Playmate for 
the third time in October (a record that still stands); Phi Beta Kappa Alice Denham was 
doubly exposed in July, both as Playmate and author of The Deal, that month's lead fiction; 
in September, Danish-born Playmate Elsa Sorensen married singer Guy Mitchell (they’re still 
receiving a joint subscription to PLAYBOY); and for a dazzling year-end capper, appreciative 
readers zeroed in on the demure warmth of Floridian Playmate, Lisa Winters. Readers 
with long memorics need not wait for our centerfold retrospective to unfold — their selections 
are welcome at any time. Any Playmate, from December 1953 through December 1963, is 
eligible to appear in the special ten-page portfolio scheduled for the end of this year. 


LYNN TURNER, January 1956 à RUSTY FISHER, April 1956 —— 

LISA WINTERS, December 1956 BETTY BLUE, November 1956 

ELSA SORENSEN, Sepiember 1956 



ALICE DENHAM, July 1956 

JONNIE NICELY, August 1956 JANET PILGRIM, October 1956 




defensively into the dear blue, compre- 
hending eyes of the famous neurologist. 
He said, seeking support for his decision, 
“You do sce my point, Sir James? Im 
tightly staffed at Headquarters, and in 
the field, for that matter. There's just 
no place where I can tuck away 007 so 
hc won't cause harm." 
You'll be losing one of your best 

"Used to be. Isn't any longer." 

ir James Molony sat back, He looked 
out of the window and puffed thought- 
fully at his cigar. He liked this man 
Bond. He had had him as his patient 
perhaps a dozen times before. He had 
seen how the spirit, the reserves in the 
man, could pull him out of badly dam- 
aged conditions that would have broken 
l human being. He knew how 
ate situation would bring out 
those reserves again, how the will to 
live would spring up again in a real 
emergency. He remembered how count- 
less neurotic patients had disappeared 
forever from his consulting rooms when 
the last war had broken out. The big 
worry had driven out the smaller oncs, 
the greater f the lesser. He made up 
his mind. He turned back to M. “Give 
him one more chance, M. If i'll help, 
I'll take the responsibility.” 

“What sort of chance are you thinking 


“Well now, I don't know much about. 
your linc of business, M. And I don't 
want to. Got enough secrets in my own 
job to look after. But haven't you got 
something really sticky, some a 
hopeless assignment vou can 
man? I don’t mean. necessarily 
ous, like assassination or stealing Rus- 
sian ciphers or whatever. But someu 
that's desperately 
ently impossible. By all means give him 
a kick in the pants at the same time if 
you want to, but what he needs most 
of all is a supreme call on his talents, 
something that'll really make him sweat 
so that he's simply forced to forget his 
personal troubles. He's a patriotic sort 
of a chap. Give him something that 
really matters to his country. It would 
be easy enough if a war broke out. Noth- 
ing like death or glory to take a man 
out of himself. But can't you dream up 
If you can, give him the job. It m 
get him right back on the rails. Any- 
way, give him the chance. Yes?" 

M, his shoulders hunched 
square-cut blue su 
the big window looking out across 
park. Without looking round he 
"Sit down." No name, no number! 

Bond took his usual place across 
desk from M's tallarmed chair 


(continued from page 76) 

no file on the 
ther in front of the 
And the iN and OUT baskets were 
both empty. Suddenly he felt really bad 
about everything — about letting M 
down, letting the Service down, letting 
himself down. This empty desk, the 
empty chair, were the final accusation. 
We have nothing for you, they seemed to 
say. You're no use to us anymore. Sorry. 
Its been nice knowing you, but there 
it is. 

M came over and sat heavily down in 
the chair and looked across at Bond. 
There was nothing to read in the lined 
sailors face. It was as impassive as the 
polished blue leather of the empty chair 

that there 


back had been. 

M said, "You know why I've sent for 

“I can guess, sir. You can have my 


M said angrily, "What in hell are 
you talking about It's not your fault 
that the Double-O Section’s been 
for so long. It’s the way things go. You've 
had flat periods before now — months 
with nothing in your line. 

“But I made a mess of the last two 
jobs. And I know my medical's been 
pretty poor these last few months.” 
Nonsense. "There's nothing the mat- 
with you. You've been through a 
bad time. You've had good reason to be 
a bit under the weather. As for the 
last two assignments, anyone can make 
mistakes. But | can't hi idle hands 
around the place, so I'm taking you out 
of the Double-O Se 

Bond's heart had temporarily risen. 
Now it plummeted again. The old man 
was be g to let him down 
lightly. "Then, if it's all the 
same to you, sir, I'd still like to put in 
my resignation. I've held the Double-O 
number for too long. I'm not interested 

1 staff work, I'm afraid, sir. And по 
good at it cither.” 

M did something Bond had never 
seen him do before. He lifted his right 
fist and brought it crashing down on the 
desk. "Who the devil do you think 


you're talking 10? Who the devil d'vou 
think's running this show? God in 

heaven! 1 send for you to give you pro- 
motion and the most important job of 
your career and you talk to me about 
resignation! Pigheaded young fool! 
Bond was dumfounded. A gr 
surge of excitement ran through | 
What in hell was 
I'm terribly sorry, 
been letting the side down lately. 
“ГИ soon tell you when you're leuing 
the side down." M thumped the desk 
for a second. time, but less hard. "Now 
listen to me, I'm giving you acting pro- 
motion to the Diplomatic Section. Four- 


1 this about? He said, 
I thought I'd 

figure number and a thousand a year 
ехши pay. You won't know much about 
the Section, bur I can tell you there 
are only two other men in it. You can 
keep your present office and your sec- 
retary, if you like, In fact, 1 would 
prefer it. I don't want your change of 
duty to get about. Understand?” 

“Yes, sir.” 

“In any case, you'll be leaving for 
Japan inside a week. The Chief of Staff 
is handling the arrangements personally. 
Not even my secretary knows about it 
As you can sec,” M waved his hand, 
“there's not even a file on the case. 
"That's how important it is.” 

But why have you chosen me, sir?” 
Bond's heart was thumping. This was 
the most extraordinary change in his 
fortunes that had ever come about! Ten 
minutes before he had been on the rub- 
bish heap, his carcer, his life in ruins, 
and now here һе was being ег up on 
a pinnacle! What the hell was it all 

“For the simple reason that the job's 
impossible. No, 1 won't go as far as that. 
Let's say totally improbable of success. 
You've shown in the past that you have 
an aptitude for difficult assignments. 
The only difference here is that there 
won't be any strong-arm stuff,” M gave 
a frosty smile, “none of the gunplay you 
pride yourself on so much. It'll just be 
nd nothing 
else. But if you bring it off, which 1 
усту much doubt, you will just about 
double our intelligence about the So- 
viet Union.” 

‘Can you tell me some more about it, 

a question of your wits 

‘Have to, as there's nothing written 
down. Lower-echelon stuff, about the 
Japanese Secret Service and so forth, you 
tan get from Section J. The Chief of 
Stalf will tell Colonel Hamilton to an 
swer your questions freely, though you 
will tell him nothing about the purpose 
of your mission. Understood?” 

“Yes, sir. 

“Well now. You know a bit about 

“The bare bones, sir. I've preferred to 
keep clear of the subject. Better that 

way in са 
of me. 
“Quite right. Well now, the Japanese 
v past masters at it. They've got the 
right mentality for finicky problems in 
letters and numbers. Since the w; 
under CIA guidance, they 
credible cracking machine 
last year they've been reading the cr 
of the Soviet trafic from Vladivostok 
and Oriental Russia — diplomatic, na 
air force, the lot 
“That's terrific, sir.” 
“Terrific for the CIA. 
"Aren't they passing it on to us, sir? 
I thought we were hand in glove with 
(continued on page 131) 

se the opposition ever got hold 

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"There, Sheila — all fixed. Now remember, next time you 
get angry don't go around slamming doors 

the CIA all along the line. 

Not in the Pacific. They regard d 
as their private preserve. When Allen 
Dulles was in charge, we used at least 
to get digests of any stull that concerned 
us, but this new man McCone has 
cracked down on all that. He's a good 
all right, and we get along well 
ally, but he's told mc candidly 
g under orders — National 
Defense Council. They're worried about 
our security. Can't blame them. I'm 
equally worried about theirs. Two of 
their top cryptographers defected a cou- 
ple of years ago and they must have 
blown a lot of the stuff we gave the 
Amer - Trouble with this so-called 
democracy of ours is that the press gets 
hold of these cases and writes them up 
too big. Pravda doesn't burst into tears: 
when one of their men comes over to us. 
Izuestia doesn't ask for а public inquiry. 
Somebody in K.G.B. gets hell, 1 sup- 
pose. But at least they're allowed to get 
on with their job instead of having re 
tired members of the Supreme Soviet 
pawing through their files and telling 
them how to run а secret service. 
To get M back on the wack, Bond 
id, “About this stuft the Japanese are 
Where do І come in, si 

M put both hands fiat on the table. 
It was the old gesture when he came to 
the 64-dollar question, and Bond's heart 
lifted even further at the sight of i 
“There's a man in Tokyo called Tiger 
Tanaka. Head of their Secret Service. 
"t remember what they call it. Some 
unpronounceable Japanese rubbish. 
He's quite a man. First at Oxford. Came 
back here and spied for them before 
the war. Joined the Kempeitai, their 
wartime Gestapo, trained as a kamikaze 
ıd would be dead by now but for the 
surrender. Well, he's the chap who has 
control of the stuff we want, I want, the 
Chiefs of Staff want, You're to go out 
there and get it off him. How, I don't. 
know. That's up to you. But you can 
see why I say you're unlikely to succeed. 
He's in ficf"— Bond was amused by the 
old Scottish es ion — “to the CIA. 
He probably docsn't think much of us. 
М5 mouth bent down at the corners. 
“People don't these days. They may be 
right or wrong. I'm not a politi „не 
di 't know much about the Service 
execpt what he's penetrated or heard 
from the CIA. And that won't be greatly 
to our advantage, I'd say. We haven't 
had a station in Japan since 1950. No 
trafic. It all went to the Americans. 
You'll be working under the Australians. 
They tell me their man’s good. Section J 
says so, too. Anyway. that’s the way it 

If anyone can bring i 
е а try, James? 
M's f suddenly friendly. It 
"t friendly often. James Bond felt 
a quick warmth of affect 
who had ordered his destiny for so long, 

but about whom he knew so little. H 
instinct told him that there were things 
iden behind th gnment, motives 
which he didn't understand. Was this a 
rescue job on him? Was M giving him 
is last chance? But it sounded solid 
enough. The reasons for it stood up. 
Hopeless? Impossible? Perhaps. Why 
hadn't M chosen a Jap speaker? Bond 
had never been east of Hong Kong. But 
then Orientalists had their own particu- 
lar drawbacks — too much tied up with 
tea ceremonies and flower arrangements 
and Zen and so forth. No. It sounded a 
true bill. He said, “Yes, sir. I'd like to 
have a try.” 

M gave an abrupt nod. “Good.” He 
leaned forward and pressed a button on 
the intercom. “Chief of Staff? What 
number have you allotted to 007? R 
He's coming to sce you straightaway. 

M leaned back. He gave one of his 
rare smiles. “You're stuck with your old 
digit. All right, four sevens. Go along 
and get bricked. 

Bond said, "Right, sir. And, er, thank 

you." He got up and walked over to 
the door and let himself out. 
ate Colonel nner of 
s and Bond's best friend i 
‚ looked up from his hea’ 
laden desk. He grinned with pleasure 
at what he saw. He said, ke a 
James. So you've bought it? Thought 
you might. Bur it’s a stinker all right. 
Think you can bring it ofl?” 
Not arthly, I'd guess," said Bond 
cheerfully. man Tanaka sounds a 
tough nut, and I'm no great hand at 
lomacy. But why did M pick on me, 
Bill? I thought I was in the doghouse 
because of messing up those last two 
jobs. I was all set to go into chicken 
farming. Now, be a good chap and tell 
me whats the real score. 

Bill Tanner had been ready for that 
one. He said alls J 
You've been running through a bad 
patch. We all hit 'em sometimes. M just 
thought vou'd be the best man for the 
job. You know he's got rely mis- 
placed opinion of your abilities. Any- 
у, itll be a change from your usual 
roughhousing. Time you moved up out 
of that damned Double-O Section of 
yours. Don't you ever think about pro- 

"Absolutely not" said Bond with 
fervor. "As soon as | get back from 


this caper, I'll ask for my old number 
back again. But tell me, how am 1 
supposed to set about this business? 

What's this Austra 
Have I got ng to offer this 
Oriental in ge for his jewels? 
How's the stuff to be transmitted back 
here if I do get my hands on it? Must 
be the hell of a lot of trafic.” 

“He can have the entire product of 
Station H. He can send one of his own 
staffers down to Hong Kong to sit in 

п cover consist of? 

with us if he likes. Hel probably be 
pretty well off on China already, but 
he won't have anything as high grade 
as our Macao link, the “Blue Route.” 
Hamilton will tell you all about th; 
In Tokyo, the man you'll be working 
with is an Aussie called Henderson — 
Richard Lovelace Henderson. Fancy 
name, but Section J and all the old Jap 
hands say he's a good man. You'll lı 
an Australian passport and we'll fix for 
you to go out as his number two. That'll 
give you diplomatic status and a certain 
amount of face, which counts for 
near everything out there according to 
Hamilton. If you get the stuff, Hender- 
son will push it back to us through 
Melbourne. We'll give him a communi- 
cations staff to handle it. Next question.” 

"What is the CIA going to say about 
all thi? After all, it's barefaced 

"They don't own Japan. Anyway, 
they're not to know. That’s up to this 
fellow Т; i. He'll have to fix the 
ng it into the Aus- 
nbassy. That's his worry. But 
the whole thing's on pretty thin ice. 
The main problem is to make sure he 
doesn't go straight along to the CIA 
and tell "em of your approach. If you 
get blown, we'll just have to get the 
Aust to hold the baby. They've 
done it before when we've been bowled 
ош edging our way into the Pacific. 
Were good friends with their Service. 
Firstrate bunch of chaps. And, anyway. 
the CIA's hands aren't as clean as all 
that. We've got a whole file of cases 
where they've crossed wires with us 
round the world. Often dangerously. We 
can throw that book at McCone if this 
business blows up in our faces. But part 
of your job is to see that it doesn't. 
ems to me I'm getting all balled up 
in high politics. Not my line of country 
at all. But is this stulE really as al as 

“Absolutely. If you get hold of it, 
your grateful country will probably buy 
you that chicken farm you're alw 
g about.” 

So be it. Now, if you'll give Ha 
a buz, Tl go and start саги 
about the mysterious Fa 

Хапвеі! Welcome aboard," s; 
pretty kimonoed and obied stewardess of 
Japan Air Lines as, a week later, 
Bond settled. into the comfortable win- 
dow м of the four-jet Douglas DC-8 
at London Airport and listened to thc 
torrent of soft Japanese coming from 
the tannoy that would be saying all 
those things about life jackets and the 
flying time to Orly. The sick bags 
п case of motion disturbance" were 
embellished with pretty bamboo em- 
Dems and, according to the exquisitely 
bound travel folder, the random scrib- 
(continued on page 131) 





“You won't for, .. you'll have “Shake him again and maybe some 
the toupee back by 7:30... !” more change will fall out!” 

"I'm sorry I bucke 
never played horsey before ...!” 

“Ride into Laramie, ask around and see if anybody “And now to Miss Susan Dirkson for — oops, 
there has a match, then gel back here as fast as you can!” sorry — meritorious and distinguished — oops, 

sorry — service while [ying — оор... 

tongue-in-cheek dialog for television's late-night movies 

“OK, we'll cut for it. Low card goes "Hell, Marsha, if you won't help push, 
upstairs and reads a book or something -..” at least don't drag your feet!” 

^ NI M) 
1 кез Y = 

"Phallic symbol, shmallic symbol — I “Here at Arthur Murray's, Miss Sommerfield, we 
still think it's beautiful!” expect our instructors to remain on their feet.” 

“You take off his skis and I'll go for the hot coffee!” “You ever have a day when nothing seems to go right?" 





bles on the luggage rack above his head. 
were “the traditional and auspicious 
tortoiseshell motif.” The stewardess 
bowed and handed him a dainty fan, a 
small hot towel in a wicker basket and 
a sumptuous menu that included a note 
to the effect that an assortment. of ciga- 
rettes, perfumes and pearls was available 
for sale. Then they were off with 50,000 
pounds of thrust on the first leg of the 
four that would take the good aircraft 
Yoshino over the North Pole to Tokyo. 

Bond gazed at the picture of three 
oranges (No! After an hour he decided 
they were persimmons) in a blue bowl 
that faced him and, when the aircraft 
tened out at $0,000 feet, ordered the 
first of the chain of brandies and ginger 
ales that was to sustain him over the 
Channel, a leg of the North Sea, the 
Kattegat, the Arctic Ocean, the Beaulort 
Sea, the Bering Sea and the North Pa- 
cific Ocean and decided that, whatever 
ppened on this impossible assignment, 
he would put up no resistance to his 
old skin being sloughed off him on the 
other side of the world. By the time he 
was admiring the huge stuffed polar bear 
t Anchorage, in Alaska, the embrace of 
JAL's soft wings had persuaded him that 
he didn't even m the color of the 
new skin was to be yellow. 

па i 

The huge right fist crashed into the 
left palm with the noise of a 45 pistol 
shot. The great square face of the Aus- 

(continued from page 131) 
tralian tumed almost pu 
veins stood out on the grizzled temples. 
With controlled but almost 
under his breath, he intoned savagely: 

ple and the 


“I bludge, 
Thou bludgest, 
He bludges, 
We bludge 
You bludge, 
They all bludge.” 

He reached under the low table and 
then seemed to think better of it and 
moved s of sake, 
t down hi 

hand to thc gl. 
picked it up and poured 
throat without a swallow 
Bond said mildly “Take it 
Dikko. What's bitten. you 
does this vulgarsounding colonial ex- 
pression mean? 
Richard Lovela 

And wl 

» Henderson, of Her 
Majesty's Australian Diplomatic Corps, 
looked belligerently round the small 
crowded bar in a bystreet off the Ginza 
and said out of the corner of his large 
and usually cheerful mouth that 


now turned dow | bitterness and 
anger. "You stup pommy bastard, 
weve been miked! That bludger 
Tanaka's miked us! E under the 

table! See the little wire down the leg? 
And see tha at the bar? 
Chap with or g bloody re- 
spectable in his bluc suit and black tie? 
"That's one of Ti 1 can smell 

ger’s men. 

off and on for ten years. Tiger dresses 
‘em all like litle CIA gentlemen. You 
watch out for any Jap who's drinking 
Western and w ng that rig. All Ti 
He grumbled, “Damn good mind 
to go over and call the bastard.” 

Bond said, “Well, if we're being 
miked, all this'll make sweet reading for 
Mr. Tanaka tomorrow momin: 

“What the hell,” said Dikko Hender 
son resignedly. “The old bastard knows 
what I think of him. Now he'll just 
have it in writing. Teach him to stop 
leaning on me. And my friends" he 
added, with a blistering glance at Bond. 
"Its really you he wants to size up. And 
I don't mind if he hears me saying so. 
Bludger? Well hear me now, Tiger! 
This is the great Australian insult. You 
can usc it ai He raised his voice. 
"But in general it means а worthless 
pervert, ponce, scoundrel. liar. traitor 
and rogue — with no redeeming feature. 
And I hope your stewed seaweed sticks 
in your gullet at breakfast tomorrow. 
when you know what I think of you." 

Bond laughed. The torrent of ром 
ful swcarwords had started its ceaseless 
flow the day before at the airpo 
Hane the field of wings.” It had 
taken Bond nearly an hour to extract hi: 
ingle suitcase from the customs ar 
nd he had emerged fuming into the 
central hall only to be jostled and 
pushed aside by an excited crowd of 
young Japanese bearing paper banners 
vention, Bond was exhausted from hi: 
flight. He let out one single four-letter 

Behind him a big voice repeated the 
same word and added some more. 
“That's my boy! Thats the right way 
to greet the East! You'll be needing all 
those words and more before you're 
through with the area.” 

Bond had turned. 
the rumpled gray suit thrust out a hand 
as big as a small ham. 1 to meet 
you. I'm Henderson. As you were the 
only pommy on the plane, I guess you're 
Bond. Here, Give me that bag. Got a 
car outside and the sooner we get away 
from this blankety-blank madhouse the 


ishter who h aken 
to the bottle. His thin suit bulged with 
musde round the arms and shoulders 
and with fat round the waist. He had 
a craggy, sympathe her stony 
blue eyes, and a badly broken nosz. He 
was sweating freely (Bond was to find 
that he was always sweating), and as he 
barged his way through the crowd, using 
Bond's suitcase as a battering-ram, he 
extracted a rumpled square of terry 
doth from his trouser pocket and wiped 
it round his neck and lace. The aowd 
parted unresentfully to let the giant 
through, and Bond followed in his wake 

s retired and 


to a smart Toyopet saloon waiting in 
no-parking arca. The chauffeur got out 
1 bowed. Henderson fired a torrent of 
istractions at him in fluent Japanese 
and followed Bond into the back seat, 
settling himself with a grunt. “Taking 
you to your hotel first — the Okura, lat- 
est of the Western ones. American tour- 
ist got murdered at the Royal Oriental 
the other day and we don't want to 
lose you all that soon, Then we'll do 
bit of serious drinking. Had some 

About six of them, as far as I can 
remember. JAL certainly takes good care 
of your stomach.” 

“Why did you choose the willow- 
pattern route? How was the old rup- 
tured duck? 
hey told me the bird was a crane. 
Very dainty. But efficient. Thought I 
might as well practice being inscrutable 
before plunging into all this” Bond 
ed at the cluttered shambles of the 
Tokyo suburbs through which they were 
ing at what scemed to Bond a sui- 
ddal speed. "Doesn't look the most at- 
wactive city in the world. And why are 
we driving on the left? 

“God knows," said Henderson mood- 
ily. “The bloody Japs do everything the 
wrong way round, Read the old instruc- 
ion books wrong. I dare say. Light 
switches go up instead of down. Taps 

turn to the left. Door handles likewise. 
Why, they even race their horses clock- 
wisc instead of antidockwise like ci 
lized people. As for Tokyo. it's bloody 
awful. It's either too hot or too cold or 
pouring with rain. And there's 


about cvery day. But don't worry 
about them. They just make you feel 
slightly drunk. The typhoons are worse. 
Il one starts to blow, go into the stoutest 
bar you can scc and get drunk. But the 
fist ten years are the worst. 105 got its 
points when you know your way around. 
Bloody expensive if you live Western, 
but I stick to the back alleys and do all 
right. Really quite exhilarating, Got to 
know the lingo though, and when 10 
bow and take off your shoes and so on. 
You'll have 10 get the basic routines 
straight pretty quickly if you're going 
to make any headway with the people 
you've come to see. Underneath the stitt 
collars and striped pants in the govern- 
ment departments, there's still plenty of 
the old samurai tucked away. 1 laugh at 
them for it, and they laugh back be- 
cause they've got to know my line of 
patter. But that doesn’t mean 1 doi 
bow from the waist when | know 

expected of me and when I want some- 
thing. You'll get the hang of it all ri 

Henderson fired some Japanese at the 
driver who had been glancing frequently 

in his driv 

g mirror. The driver laughed. 

and replied cheerfully. “Thought so," 
said Henderson. “We've got ourselves a 
tail. Typical of old Tiger. I told him 
you were staying at the Okura, but he 
wants to make sure for himself, Don't 
worry. It's just part of his crafty ways. 
If you find onc of his men breathing 
down your neck in bed tonight. or a girl 
if you're lucky, just talk to them politely 
and they'll bow and hiss themselves 

But a solitary sleep had followed the 
serious drinking in the Bamboo of 
the Okura, and the next day had been 
spent doing the sights and getting some 
cards printed that described Bond as 
Second Secretary in the Cultural De- 
partment of the Australian Embass 
"They know that’s our intelligence side. 
said Henderson, “and they know I'm the 
head of it and you're my temporary 
assistant, so why not spell it out for 
them?” And that evening they had gone 
for more serious drinking to Hender 
son's favorite bar, Melody's, off thc 
Ginza, where everybody called Hender- 
son "Dikko" or “Dikko-san,” and where 
they were ushered respectfully to the 
quiet comer table that appeared to be 
his Stammtisch. 

And now Henderson reached under 
the table and, with a powerful wrench, 
pulled ош the wires l left 

(continued on page 138) 


- il 


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SEAN CONNERY scotland’s gilt-edged bond 

IN THE OPINION of Ian Fleming fans, no fictional hero has ever been more impeccably personified on the screen than that 
incarnation of twofold undercover expertise— the incomparable, indestructible James Bond, Britain's celebrated Secret 
Service agent provocateur (whose latest exploits unfold in You Only Live Twice, a new Fleming novel debuting in this 
sue). In Doctor No. a flashy filmization of the Fleming best seller, sinewy Sean Connery brought Bond to life with an 
arrogant authority which has earned him a truckload of fan mail— and a fat conuact for four more Fleming эру larks. The 
offscreen antithesis of the urbane Bond. 33yearold Connery is an earthy Scotsman who prefers beer to brut blanc de 
blanc, stud poker to chemin de fer, was born to the family of an Edinburgh millworker, quit school at 13 to earn his 
keep and seek his fortune: as a dray-horse driver, seaman, lifeguard, printer's apprentice and finally bit player in the cast 
of a London production of South Pacific. He stayed on to study acting, soon found himself in demand for leading parts 
in telly plays. Making the movie grade at 26, he signed with 20th Century-Fox, only to languish inconspicuously in a series 
of films which culminated with a walk-on in The Longest Day. Then came Doctor No—and proverbial overnight stardom: 
Back currently as Bond in From Russia with Love, Connery has conuived shrewdly to clude the Bondage of typecasting 
by alternating Fleming flicks (next: Goldfinger) with outside starring roles (upcoming: Woman of Straw and Hitchcock's 
$200,000 — which proves that it takes a canny Scotsman to make a fortune in Bonds. 



OMAR SHARIF сг ур? fiery of fendi 

THE BIGGEST NAME in Egyptian movies belongs to a 
$2year old former lumber salesman with a mouthful 
of ivory that gleams like the midday sun over the 
Qattara Depression. The teeth, from bicuspid to 
incisor (like Barrymore's profile and Gable's ears), 
are che trademark of Omar Sharif, born. Macchel 
Shalhoub, proud product of a wealthy Alexandria 
lumberman. He discarded his real name when his 
interest in Jumbering flagged and he was lured into 
films by his wife, the former cinemoppet Fatten 
once famed as "the Shirley Temple of the 
a Rerylooking scamp, set filmdom 
flame last year with his first exposure to non- 

Egyptian audiences in Lawrence of Arabia, where 
ng the 

he played the native ally of Peter O'Toole dur 
latier’s ubiquitous wanderings through Jord: 
sands. At the conclusion of this four-hour epic, critics 
staggered back to their desks ns of 
praise about the skilled performances of O'Toole, 
while women hurried. home to burble over Om 
A bridge, spor and Kelly pool bull, Sharif ! 
a pad in Cairo and another in London and insists 
that he disapproves of the current campaign among 
Hollywood ilacks to compare him to Rudolph Val- 
entino. “I would naturally like to be a demigod, 
he has admitted, "but I don't want to spend the 
rest of my lile on a camel.” To avert this fate he 
will play a Catholic pricst in Behold a Pale Horse 
— which is fine with ng Omar No bur- 
noose is good burnoose, as far as he is concerned. 

MAX VON SYDOW sweden’s midnight son 

IN RECENT Yeas, foreign-film fanciers who haunt 
the art theaters in search of cinen 
watched a steady procession of brooding 
e filmic masterpieces created by S 
Merlin, I Bergman. To them, the 
of Max von Sydow — a leading light in what has 
been called the Bergman Repertory Company — as 
The Greatest Story E 
Told, on the negative grounds that it would be 
difficult to accept a well-known actor as the Lord, 
neredible underestimation of the Bergman 
scope. The tall, gaunt, viking-blond уоп 
Sydow has played a succession of somber, Strind- 
bergian roles— the doomed medieval knight in The 
Seventh Seal, a 19h. Century Svensk Svengali in 
The Magician, the avenging father in another d 
cornered medieval opus, The Virgin Spring, and 
important roles in the contemporary Winter Light 
and Through a Glass Darkly. Vou Sydow boasts the 
classic Swedish stage background — years of study at 
the Royal Dramatic Theater School, which stood him 
in good stead through the seemingly endless filming 
of what one waggish iconoclast has dubbed “The 
Newest Testament.” Although director Stevens for- 
bade von Sydow to give any interviews while por- 
traying Christ, the actor's words still managed. to 
filter back through the Celluloid Curtain from the 
movie's Utah location: He had no intention of 
personifying Christ as a pastel-tinted Savior out of 
a Sundayschool primer. Von Sydow has etched 
Christ as a strong man whose love was based on jus- 
tice, not sentiment—a thinking man’s Messiah. 





hanging. “ГИ give that black bastard 
Melody hell for this when I get around 
to it,” he said belligerently. “And to 
think of all I've done for the dingo 
bastard! Used to be a favorite pub of 
the English colony and the Press Club 
avabouts. Had a good restaurant аг 
tached to it. That's gone now. The E 
teye cook trod on the cat and spilled 
the soup and he picked up the cat and 
threw it into the cooking stove. Of 
course that got around prety quick 
nd all the animal lovers and sancu 
monious bastards got together and tried 
to have Melody’s license taken away. 1 
managed to put in squeeze in the right 
quarter and saved him, but everyone 
quit his restaurant and he had to close 
it. I'm the only regular who's stuck to 
him. And now he goes and does this to 
me! Oh well, he'll have had the squeeze 
put on Літ, І suppose, Anyway, that’s 
the end of the tape so far as T.T.'s 
concerned. Ill give him hell, too. He 
ought to have learned. by now that 
and my friends don't want to assa 
the Emperor or blow up the I 
something.” Dikko glared around him as 
if he proposed to do both those thi 
"Now then, James, to business 
fixed up for you to meet Tiger tomorrow 
morning at eleven. ГП pick you up and 
take vou there. "Ihe Bureau of All- 
Asian Folkways.’ 1 won't describe it to 
you. It'd spoil it. Now, 1 don't really 
know what you're here for. Spate of top- 

(continued [rom page 135) 

secret cables from Melbourne. To be 
deciphered by yours truly in person. 
"Thanks very much! And my Ambassador, 
Jim Saunderson, good bloke, says he 
doesn't want to know anything about 

Thinks it'd be even better if he didn't 
meet you at all. OK with you? No of- 
fense, but he’s a wise guy and likes to 
keep his hands dean, And I don't want 
to know anything about your job either. 
That way, you're the only one who gets 
the powdered bamboo in his coffee. But 
I guher you want to get some high- 
powered gen out of Tiger without the 
CIA knowing anything about it, Right? 
Well that’s going to be a dicey business. 
er man with a career mind. 
Although, on the surface, he's а hun- 
dred-percent. demokorasu, he's a deep 
опе — very deep indeed. The American 
occupation and the Ameri 

n influence 

look like a very solid basis for a 


total American- ance. 


nese, Russian, German, English. It’s 
their bones that matter, not their lying 
faces, And all those races have got tr 

mendous boues, Compared with the 
bones, the smiles or scowls don't mean 
a thing. And time means nothing for 
them either. Tei the blink of 
a star for the big ones. Get me? So Tiger, 
nd his superiors, who, I suppose, are 
the Diet and, in the end, the Emperor, 
will look at your proposition principally 


"OK, let's say they destroy our civilization 

and we destroy theirs. 

w, here's my plan...” 

from two angles. Is it immediately desir- 
able, today? Or is it a longterm invest 
ment? Something that may pay oll for 
the country in ten, twenty years. And. 
if I were you, I'd stick to that spiel - 
the long-term talk. These people, people 
like Tiger, who's absolutely top man 
in Japan, don't think in terms of days 
or months or years. They think in terms 
of centurii c right, when you come 

ko Henderson made a wide ges- 
шге with his left hand, Bond decided 
that Di getting cheerfully tight. 
He had found a Palomar pony to run 
with, They must be rare enough in 
Tokyo. They were both past the eighth 
flask of sake, but Dikko had also laid 
a foundation of Suntory 
Okura while he'd been waiting for Bond 
to write out an innocuous cable to Mel- 
bourne with the prefix “Information 
which meant that it was for Mary 
Goodnight, to announce his arrival and 
give his current address. But it was all 
right with Bond that Dikko should be 
getting plastered. He would talk better 
and looser and, in the end, wise 

vhiskey in the 

iy. And Bond wanted to pick his 
Bond said, "But what sort of a chap 

this T 

"Both. More of a fr 
least I'd guess so. I amuse 
pals don't He loosens up with 

a? Is he your enemy or your 

We've got things in common. We share 

pleasure in the delights of samsara — 
wine and women. He's а great cocks- 
man. I also have ambitions in that direc- 
Чоп. I've managed to keep him out of 
wes. Trouble with Tiger is he 
m. He's paying 
cock tax, that's alimony in the Ausiral- 
ian vernacular, to three already. So he's 
acquired an om with regard to me. 
"That's an obligation — almost as impor- 
tant in the Japanese way of life as 
face.’ When you have an om, you're 
not very happy until you've discharged 
it honorably, if you'll pardon the bad 
pun. And if a man makes you a present 
of a salmon, you mustn't repay him with 
a shrimp. It’s got to be with an equally 
lange salmon — larger if possible, so that 
then you've jumped the man, and now 
he has an on with d to you, and 
youre quids i v. socially and 
spiritually — and the last one's the most 
aportant. Well now. Tiger's on toward 
me is a very powerful one, very difficult 
to discharge. He's paid little slices of it 
off with various intelligence dope. He's 
paid off another big slice by accepting 
your presence here and giving you an 
interview so soon alter your arrival. If 
you'd been an ordinary supplicant, it 
might have taken you weeks, He'd have 
given you a fat dose of shikiri-naoshi — 
t's making vou wait, giving you the 
eat stone face. The sumo wrestlers use 

two marri: 


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—— SB UA Ua 
add SE ‘or pnstage and handling 

it in the ring to make an opponent look 
and feel small in front of the audience. 
ot it? So you start with that in your 
favor. He would be predisposed to do 
what you want because that would re 

move all his on toward me and, by his 
accounting, stick a whole packet of on 
on my back toward him. But it's not so 

simple as that. АП Japanese have per- 
manent om toward their superiors, the 
Emperor, their ancestors and the Japa- 
nese gods. "This they can only discharge 
by doing ‘the right thing. Not easy, 
you'll say. Because how can you know 
what the higher echelon thinks is the 
right thing? Well, you get out of that 
by doing what the bottom of the ladder 
thinks right— ie. your immediate su- 
periors. That passes the buck, psycho- 
logically, on to the Emperor, and he's 
got to make his peace with ancestors and 
gods. But that’s all right with him, be- 
ause he embodies all the echelons above 
him, so he can get on with dissecting 
fish, which is his hobby, with a de: 
conscience. Got it? It’s not really as mys- 
terious as it sounds. Much the same rou- 
Tine as operates in big corporations, like 
І.С. or Shell, or in the Services, except 
with them the ladder stops at the board 
of directors or the chiefs of май. Its 
easier that way. You don't have to in- 
volve the Almighty and your great- 
grandfather in a decision to cut the price 
of aspirin by a penny a bottle. 

“It doesn't sound very demokorasu to 

“OL course it isn't, you dumb bastard. 
For God's sake, get head 
that the Japanese are а separate human 
species. They've ошу been operating as 
a civilized people, in the debased sense 
we talk about it the West, for fifty, 
at the most a hundred years. Scratch a 
Russian and you'll find a Tartar Saatch 
a Japanese and you'll find а samun 
or what he thinks is a samurai. Most of 
this samurai stuff is a myth, like the 
Wild West bunk the Americans are 
brought up on, or your knights in shin- 
ing armor at King Arthur's court. Just 
because people play baseball and wear 
bowler bars doesn't mean they're quote 
ou I'm 
getting rather tight — not. drunk, mark 
you — I'd add that the UN is going to 
reap the father and mother of a whirl- 
wind by quote liberating unquote the 
colonial peoples. Give ‘em a thousand 
years, yes. But give "em ten, no. Yo 
only taking away their 
giving them machine guns, Just you wait 
for the first one to start crying to high 
heaven for nuclear fission. Because they 
must have quote parity unquote with 
the lousy colonial powers. TIL give you 
ten years for that to happen, my friend. 
And when it does, ГИ dig myself a deep 
hole in the ground and sit in i 

Bond laughed. “That also doesn't 
sound very demokorasu." 

into your 

civilized unquote. Just to show 


^l fornicate upon thy demokorasu’ 
as brother Hemingway would have said. 
I sand for government by an elite. 
Dikko Henderson downed his ninth pint. 
of sake. "And voting graded by cach in- 
dividual's rating in that. elite. And one 
tenth of a vote for my government if 
you don't а h me!” 

“For God's sake, Dikko! How in hell 
did we get onto politics? Let's go and 
get some food. ГШ 
р original common. sense 
you say...” 

"Don't talk to me about the aborig 
s! What in hell do you think you 
know about the aborigines? Do you 
know that in my county there's a move 
afoot, not afoot, at full gallop. to give 
the aborigines the vote? You 
poofter. You give me any more of t 
eral crap and ГЇЇ have your balls for 
a bow tie 

Bond said mildly. “What's a poofter?" 

"What you'd call a pansy. No." Dikko 
Henderson got to his feet and fired a 
string of what sounded like lucid Japa 
nese at the man behind the bar, “before 
I condemn you utterly, we'll go and eat 
eels — place where you can get a serious 
bottle of plonk to match. Then we'll go 

o “The House of Total Delight After 
that, 1 will give you my honest verdict, 
honestly come by 

Bond said, “You're a no-good kangaroo 
bum, Dikko. But I like cels. As long as 
they're not jellied. I'I pay for them and 
for the later relaxation. You pay for the 
rice wine and the plonk, whatever tha 
is, Take it easy. The wingy at the Ьа 
has an appraising, look." 

‘I come to appraise Mr. Richard 
Lovelace Henderson, not to bury him.” 
Dikko Henderson produced 
thousand-yen notes and. be 
them out for the wait 
is." He walked, with careful majesty, up 
to the bar and addressed himself to the 
large Negro in а plum-colored coat be 
hind it. “Melody, be ashamed of your 
self!” Then he led the way, w 
dignity, out of the bar 

gree there's a cer 


wad of 
! counting: 
Vot yet, that 

h massive 

Dikko Henderson came to ferch Bond 
at ten otlock next morning. He w: 
considerably overhung, The hard blue 
eyes were veined with blood and he 
made straight for the Bamboo Bar and 
ordered himself a double brandy and 
ginger ale. Bond said mildly, "You 
shouldn't have poured all that sake on 
top of the Suntory. I can't believe Japa- 
nese whiskey makes a good foundation 
for anything.” 

You've got something ther 
Ive got myself a proper futsuka 

oi — 

honorable hangover. Mouth like а vul 
шге crutch. Soon as we got home from 
that lousy cat house, I had to go for the 
big spit. But you're wrong about Sun- 
tory. It’s а good enough brew. Stick to 
the cheapest, the White Label, at around 

fifteen bob a boule There are two 
smarter brands, but the cheap one’s the 
best. Went up to the distillery some 
while ago and met one of the family. 
Told me an interesting thing about 
whiskey. He said you can only make 
good whiskey where you can take good 
photographs, Ever heard that one? Said 
it was something to do with the effect 
of clear light on the alcohol. But did I 
talk а lot of crap last night? Or did you? 
Seem to recollect that one of us did. 
“You only gave me hell about the state 
of the world and called me а poofte 
But you were quite friendly about it. 
No offense given or taken. 
“Oh. Christ!" Dikko Henderson gloom- 
y pushed a hand through his tou 
led hair. “But I didn't hit anyon 
y that girl you slapped so 1 
on the bottom that she fell down 
“Oh chat" said 

o Henderson 
as just a lo 
's bottom for, anywa 
so Far as T recall they all screamed with 

She looked pretty enthusiastic." 

"She was. 
2ood show." He swallowed the re 
is of his drink and got to his feet. 
ome on, bud. Lets go. Wouldn't do 
to keep Tiger waiting. | once did and 
he wouldn't speak to me for a wee 

It was a typical Tokyo day in late 
summer— hot, sticky and gray — the 
full of fine dust from the endless demo- 
lion and reconstruction work. They 
drove for half an hour toward Yoko- 
hama and pulled up outside a dull gray 
building which announced itself in Large 
leuers to be “The Bureau of AILAsian 
Ik There was a busy traffic of 
Japanese scurrying in and out through 
the bogusly important looking entrance, 
but no one glanced at Dikko and Bond, 
amd they were not asked their business 
as Dikko led the way through an en- 
trance hall where there were books and 
postcards on sale as if the place were 
some kind of museum. Dikko made Гог 
a doorway marked COORDINATION DE- 
PARTMENT and there was a long co 
ridor with open rooms on both sides. 
The rooms were full of studious-looking 
young men at desks. There were large 
wall maps with colored pins dotted 
across them, and endless shelves of books. 
TIONS gave on to another corridor, this 
time lined with closed doors which had 
people’s names on them in English and 
Japanese. A sharp right turn took them 
reau with more closed doors, and on 
то DOCUMENTATION, а large hall-shaped 
library with more people bent over 
desks. Here, for the first time, they were 
scrutinized by a man at a desk near the 
entrance. He rose to his feet and bowed 
wordlessly. As they walked on Dikko 

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142 opened to rev 

“А real gentleman. I've yet to hear 
him raise his voice in anger.” 

“This is where the cover 
1 those people 

said quietly, 

май, doing more or less classified 
work. Sort of archivists, This is where 
we'd be politely turned back if we'd 
lost ou ." Behind a final wall of 
bookshelves that stretched out into the 
room a small door was concealed. It 
behind it came the sound of drills, a 
circular saw cutting through wood and 
other building noises, Dikko walked 
through the door into a totally empty 
room with a highly polished wood floor. 
‘There was no sign of construction work. 
Dikko laughed at Bond's surprise. He 
gestured toward a large metal box fitted 
to the back of the door through which 
they had come, “Tape recorder.” he said. 
“Clever gimmick. Sounds just like the 
real thing. And this"— he pointed to the 
stretch of bare floor ahead —“is what 
the Japanese call a ‘nightingale floor.’ 
Relic of the old days when people 
wanted to be warned of intruders. Serves 
the same purpose here. Imagine tying 
to get across here without being heard. 
They set off, and immediately the cun- 
ningly sprung boards gave out penetrat- 
ing squeaks and groans. In a small 
facing door, a spy hole slid open and 
one large eye surveyed them. The door 
al а stocky man in p 

clothes who had been 5 
deal table reading а boo 
boxlike room that se 
other exit. The man bowed. Dikko said 
some phrases containing the words “Т 
na an." Ehe man bowed again. Dikko 
turned to Bond. "You're оп your own 
now. Be in it, champ! Tiger'll send you 
back to your hotel. See vou 

Bond said, “Tell mother I died game,” 
and walked into the little box and the 
door was closed behind him. There was 
a row of buttons by the desk and the 
d pressed onc of them. There came 
arely perceptible whine and Bond 
got the impression of descent. So the 
room was a lift, What a box of tricks 
the formidable Tiger had erected as а 
screen for himself! The authentic Eas 
ern nest of boxes. What next? 

‘The descent continued for some time. 
When it stopped, the guard opened the 
door and Bond stepped out and stood 
stock still. He was standing on the plat- 
form of an underground sti ‘There 
it all was: the тей and green signals over 
the two yawning tunnels. the conven- 
tional white tiles on the walls and the 
curved roof— суеп an empty cigarette 
Kiosk let into the wall beside him! A 
man had come out of this. He now said 
in good English, “Please to follow me, 
Commander,” and led the way through 


g at a small 
It was a tiny 
ed to have no 


ch marked exit. But here all thc 

Hoor space of the hall that would one 
day lead to the moving stairways was 
occupied by trim prefabricated offices 

оп both sides of a wide corridor. Bond 
was led into the first of these which 
revealed itself as а waiting room and 
outer office, A male secretary rose from. 
his typewriter, bowed and went through 
a communicating door. He immediately 
reappeared, bowed again and held the 
door open. “Please to come this way, 

Bond went through and the door was 
softly closed behind him. The big square 
figure that Dikko had described to him 
came forward across the handsome red 
carpet and held out a hand that was 
hard and di "My dear Commander. 
Good morning. It is a great pleasure to 
meet you.” The wide, gold-toothed smile 
signaled welcome. The eyes glittered 
between long dark lashes that were al- 
most feminine. “Come and sit down. 
How do you like my offices? Rather 
ferent from your own Chicf's, по doubt. 
But the new underground will take 
other ten years to complete and there 
is little office space in Tokyo. It crossed 
my mind to make use of this disused 
station. It is quiet. It is private. It is 
also cool. I shall be sorry when the trains 
аге required to run and we shall have 
10 move ош.” 

Bond took the proffered chair across 
the empty desk from Tanaka. “It’s a 
brilliant idea. And I enjoyed the Folk- 
ways above our heads. Are there really 
so many people in the world interested 
in Folkways? 

Tiger Tanaka shrugged. “What docs it 
matter? The literature is given away 
free. I have never asked the Director 
who reads it. Americans, I expect, and 
Germans. Perhaps some Swiss. The seri- 
ousminded can be found for 
such stuff. It is an expensive conceit, 
of course. But fortunately the expense 
is not carricd by the Ministry of Internal 
Affairs with whom I am concerned. 
Down here, we have to count our pei 
nies. I suppose it is the same with your 
own budget.” 

Bond assumed that this man would 
know the published facts of the Secret 
Service Vote. He said, “Under ten mil- 
lion pounds a year doesn't go fa 
there is the whole world to cover." 

The teeth glistened under the neon 
strip lighting. "At least for the last ten 
years you have saved money by dosing 
down your activities in this part of the 

“Yes. We rely on the CIA to do our 
work here for us. They are most ellicient 
and helpful. 

“As much so under McCone as under 

The old fox! “Nearly so. Nowadays 
they are even more indined to regard 
the Pacific as their own back garden.” 
From which you wish to borrow the 
mowing machine, Without them know- 
ing.” Tigers smile was even more tiger- 
ish than usual. 





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Bond had to laugh. The wily devil 
had certainly been putting two and two 
together. When Bond laughed, Tiger 
Iso laughed, but carefully. Bond said. 
"We had a called Captain Cook 
nd various others who discovered much 
of this garden. Australia and New Zea 
land are two very great countries. You 
must admit that our interest in this half 
of the world is perfectly legitimate.” 

“My dear Commander. You were lucky 
that we struck at Pearl Harbor rather 
th Australia. Gan you doubt that 
we would have occupied that country 
and New Zealand if we had done othe 
wise? These are big and important land 
spaces, insulliciently developed. You 
could not have defended The 
Americans would not have. If our policy 
had been different. we would now own 
half the British Commonwealth. Per- 
sonally, 1 have nderstood the 
strategy behind Pearl Harbor. Did we 
wish to conquer America? The supply 
¢ too long. But Australia and 
New Zealand were ripe for the pluck- 
ing.” He pushed forward a large box of 
“Do you smoke These arc 
an acceptable brand.” 
James Bond was running out of his 


п at 



Morland specials. He would soon have 
to start on the local stuff. He also had 
10 collect his thoughts. This was rather 
like being involved in a summit meet- 
ing between the United Kingdom and 
Japan. He felt way out of his depth. 
He took a cigarette and lit it. It burned 
rapidly with something of the effect of 
a slow-burning firework. It had а vague 
taste of American blends, but it was 
good and sharp on the palate and lungs 
like 90-proof spirits. He let the smoke 
а quiet hiss and smiled. "Mr. 
Tanaka, these are matters for. political 
historians. I am concerned with much 
lower matters. And matters conce 
the future rather than the past.” 

“1 quite ıd. Commi 
Tiger Tanaka was obviously displeased 
that his game of generalities had been 
dodged by Bond. “But we have a say- 
ing, ‘Speak of next year and the Devil 
laughs! The future is inscrutable. But 
tell me, what are your impressions of 
Japan? You have been enjoying your- 

out in 


e that one always enjoys one- 
h Dikko Henderson 
he is a man who lives as if he 
were going to die tomorrow, This is a 

self wi 

“My compliments to the chef.” 

correct way to live. He is a good friend 
of mine. | greatly enjoy his company. 
We have certa 

Bond said 
He has a great affection for you. I do 
not know him well, but I suspect that 
he is a lonely man, It is an unfortunate 
combination to be both lonely and in- 
nt. Wouldn't it be a good thing 
for him to marry a Japanese girl and 
settle down? Couldn't you find him one?” 
Bond was pleased that the conversation 
had descended to personalities, He 
on the right. track. 
better track than this talk 
about power politics. But there would 
come a bad moment when he would 
have to get down to business. He didn't 
care for the prospect. 

As if he had sensed this, Tiger Ta 
naka said, “I have arranged for our 
friend to meet many Japanese girls. The 
result in every case has been negative, 
or, at the best, fleeting. Bur tell me, 
Commander. We have not met here to 
discuss Mr. Henderson's private life. In 
what respect can 1 be of service to you? 
Is it the lawn mower?” 

Bond smiled. "lt i manufac- 
turer's trademark for th cular im- 
plement is MAGIC 44; 

“Ah yes. A most valuable implement 
of many uses. I can understand that your 
country would wish to have the s 
of this implement. A € point is an 
example of its capabilities which came 
into my hands only th 
Tanaka opened а draw his desk 
and extracted а file. It was а palegreen 
file stamped in a square box with the 
word сокин in black Japanese and Ro- 
man characters. Bond assumed this to 
be the equivalent of Top Secret. He put 
this to Mr. Tanaka who confirmed 
Mr. Tanaka opened the file and ex- 
tracted two sheets of yellow paper. Bond 
could see tha covered with 
Japanese ideograms and that the other 
had perhaps 50 lines of typewriting. Mr. 
Tanaka slipped the typewritten one 
ross the desk. He said, “May I beg you 

t. Mr. Tanaka. 
m afraid I must, Commander." 
So be it.” Bond drew the sheet of 
paper toward him. The text w 
lish, "This is what it said: 

"If you in: 



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James Bond pushed the document 
ay from him as if he feared contami- 
nation from it. He let out his breath in 
4 quiet hiss. He reached for the box of 
Shinsei and lit one, draw 
smoke deep down i 
raised his eyes to. Mr. Tanaka's, which 
were regarding him with polite interest. 
“J suppose Number One is Khrushchev?" 

“That is correct, and the nx 
stations grade two and above is consu- 
lates general and embassies, It is inter- 

sting material, is it not?” 

‘It а mistake that vou are keeping 
this material from us. We have a treaty 
of friendship and a trade treaty with 
you. Do you not regard the withholding 
of this vital information as а dishonor- 
able act? 

“Honor is a very serious word in 

Japan, Commander. Would it not be 
even more dishonorable to break our 
word to our good American friends? 

"They have several times assured me and 
my government that any information of 

vital importance to our other friends 
and allies will be passed on to them 
such a way to divulge the source. 
I have no evidence that they are not 
pursuing this roui 
s well as I do, Mr. Ta- 
А, ng and doctoring to 
conceal the source reduces this type of 
material to a grade no higher than se- 
стег reports from countless other ‘deli. 
cate and reliable" sources. The шге 
particular s 
опе ading the very words of the 
enemy. st fifty percent of the 
value of the information this message 
contains, No doubt Washington will 
pass on a garbled version of this message 
to London. | hope they already have 
But you realize that it might bc in their 

interests to keep quiet about this ter- 
rible threat that hangs over England? 
At the same time, it is in England's in- 

terest to use every hour in devising some 
er to this plan. One small step. 
which at once comes to mind, is prep 
tions for the internment of all Soviet 

citizens in Britain at the first 


n of 

of view, 
ader. There is of course, in this 
alternative route for th 

led wickedly. 
nuly over the desk. 
my word of honor!” 

nd assumed an d look. In a 
curious way, the whole face slumped 
to melancholy, He said, "Commander, 
I was very happy in England, Your peo- 
ple were very good to me. I repaid them 

з unworthy fashion.” (Ah! thought 


“This experiment certainly has gotten out of hand!” 

Bond. The on.) “I plead youth and the 
heat of a war that I thought would bring 
much glory ro my country. I was mi 
taken, We were defeated. The expiation 
of that dishonor is a large matter, a 
matter for the youth of this country. 1 
am not a politician and 1 do not know 
what course that expiation will take. At 
present we are going through the usu: 
ition period of the vanquished. But 

ус my own private ac 
nce. I am in great debt 
. This morning I have 
ed a state secret to you. І was en- 
couraged in my action by my friendship 
for Dikko. 1 was also encouraged by the 
sincerity of your bearing and the hon- 
sty of your approach to the duty that 
has been laid upon you. I fully realize 
the importance of this piece of paper 
to Britain. You remember its contents?" 

"Exactly, 1 think." 

“And you are on your honor not to 
communicate it elsewhere." 


Tiger Ta 

ака got to his [ect and held 

out his hand. "Goodbyc for the time 

b commander. 1 hope that we shall 
be seeing more of each other.” The 
powerful Тасе lit up again. Now there 
was no pretense in the great golden 
smil Tonor is a pattern of behavior, 
Commander. The bamboo must bend to 
the breeze. But equally the cedar must 
bend to the typhoon. The mear 
this is that sometimes duty is more com- 
pelling than any words, A car is waiting 
to take vou back to your hotel. Please 
give my deep respects to Dikko and tell 
him he owes me one thousand yen for 
repairs to electronic equipment that i 
the property of the state.” 

James Bond took the hard dry paw. 
He said from his heart, “Thank you, Mr. 
Tanaka.” He walked out of the little 
secret room with one thought uppermost 
in his mind. How fast were Dikko's com- 
munications to Melbourne? How fast 
from Melbourne to London? 

ng of 

a month later and 

And now it was 
Mr. Tanak; 
Co ider Bond had become “Bondo: 

The weeks had passed without any 
significant progress in Bonds mission 
except in the direction of what seemed 
to be a genuine friendship among 
Bond, Tiger and Dikko. Outside 
working hours the three men became 
well-nigh inseparable. but Bond sensed 
that on their excursions into the coun- 
tryside and during their roistering in the 
cvenings he being constantly, but 
with great discretion, sized up. Dikko 
had confirmed Bond's impression. “1 
think you're making progress, champ. 
Tiger would regard it as dishonorable 
to lead you up the garden path and then 
pull the rug out from under you with a 
flat refusal. Something's definitely cook- 


ing in the background, but what it is I 
haven't the faintest idea. 1 guess the 
balls with Tiger's superiors, but with 
Tiger on your side. And, in the ver- 
nacular, Tigers got whats called ‘a 
broad face.’ That means he has great 
powers as a fixer. And this on he's got 
in respect of Britain is a huge factor in 
your favor. What he gave you on your 
first meeting was an unheard-of presento, 
as we call it here. But watch out! You're 
piling up a great heap of on in respect of 
Tiger. And if it comes to striking a 
gain, I hope you've got a pretty mass 
presento up your sleeve so that the on 
on both sides is more or less evenly 
balanced. None of this salmon and 
shrimp business! Have got? Can do?” 

"I'm not so sure," said Bond doubt- 
fully. The Macao “Blue Route" material 
had already dwindled in his mind to 
the size of a minnow in comparison with 
the salmon that was Tigers to give or 
withhold. The impact of the single slice 
he had handed Bond had already been 
formidable. The test of the 200-mega- 
ton bomb had duly taken place and 
been greeted by the public uproar anti- 
cipated by Moscow. But counteraction 
by the West had been swift. On the ex- 
cuse of protecting Soviet personnel in 
England from demonstrations of public 
animosity, they had been confined within 
а radius of 20 miles of their homes, and 
“for their protection” police were thick 
round the Soviet embassy, the consulates 
and their yarious trading offices. There 
had, of course, been reprisals on Brit- 
ish diplomats and journalists in Ru: 
but these were to have been expected. 
The President of the United States had 
come out with the strongest speech of 
his career, and had committed total re- 
prisals from the United States in the 
event of a single nuclear device being 
exploded by the Soviet Union in any 
country in the world outside Soviet ter- 
ritory. This thundering pronouncement, 
which had produced а growl of dismay 
from the American тап in the street, 
was greeted in Moscow with the feeble 
riposte that they would take similar ac- 
Чоп in answer to any Western nuclcar 
device exploded on the territory of the 
U.S.S.R. or her allies. 

A few days later Bond had been sum- 
moned again to Tigers underground 
hideout. “You will not of course repeat 
this, iger had said pu his wicked 

ter of which you are privately awa 
has been indefinitely postponed by the 
Central. Authority.” 

“Thank you for this private infor- 
mation, Bond had said. "But you 
do realize how your kindness of three 
weeks ago has greatly alleviated the 
international tension, particularly in re- 
lation to my country. My country would 
be immensely grateful if they knew of 
your personal generosity to me. Have I 

grounds for hoping for your further in- 
dulgence?" Bond had got used to the 
formalities of Oriental circumlocution, 
although he had not yet attained the re- 
finements of Dikko's speech with Tiger, 
which included at least one four-letter 
word in each flowery sentence and which 
caused Tiger much amusement, 
“Bondo-san, this implement which you 
ish to rent from us, in the most im- 
probable event that it is made available, 
command a very high price. As a 
fair trader, what has your country to 
oller in exchange for the full use of 
MAGIC +4?” 

"We have a most important intelli- 
gence network in China known as the 
Macao ‘Blue Route.” The fruits of this 
source would be placed entirely at your 

Melancholy settled over Tiger's mas- 
sive face, but deep down in the Tartar 
eyes there was a wicked gleam. "I am 
very much afraid that I have bad news 
for you, Bondo-san. ‘Blue Route’ has 
been penetrated by my organization al- 
most since its inception. We already 
receive the entire fruits of that source. 
I could show you the files if you wish. 
We have simply renamed it ‘Route 
Orange,’ and 1 admit that the material 
i ceptable. But we already have 
at other goods had you in mind 
for exchange?” 

Bond had to laugh. The pride of Sec 
tion J —and of M, for that matter! The 
work, the expensc, the danger of run- 
ning the ‘Blue Коше, And at least 50 
percent in aid of Japan! By God, his 
eyes were being opened on this trip. 
This news would put a fine cat among 
the pigeons at H.Q. He said blandly, 
“We have many other commodities. Now 
that you have demonstrated the un- 
doubted value of your implement, may 
I suggest that you name your price?” 

“You believe that you have something 
on your shelves that is of comparable 
value? Perhaps material from a similar, 
though no doubt inlerior, source that 
would be of equal importance in the 
defense of our country?" 

“Undoubtedly,” said Bond staunchly. 
“But, my dear Tiger, would it not be a 
good idea, once your mind is made up, 
for you to pay a visit to London and 
inspect the shelves for yourself? 1 am 
sure my Chief would be honored to 
receive you." 

You do not possess full powers of 

“That would be impossible, my dear 
Tiger. Our security is such that even I 
havc not full knowledge of all our mer- 
chandise. So far as I personally am con- 
cerned, I am only in a position to pass 
on to my Chief the substance of what 
you зау or to render you any oti 
sonal services you might ask of me.” 

For a moment, Tiger Tanaka looked 
thoughtful. He seemed to be turning 

T per- 





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Bond's last words over in his mind. Then 

he closed the interview with the invita- 
tion to the geisha restaurant, and Bond 
went off with mixed feelings to report 
to Melbourne and London what he had 

In the room where he now sat after 
the geisha party, and where Tiger had 
just cheerfully threatened him with 
death, tigers’ heads snarled at him from 
the walls and gnashed at him from the 
floor. His ashtray was enclosed in a 
stuffed tiger's paw and the chair in 
which he was sitting was upholstered in 
Mr. Tanaka had been born 
ar of the Tiger, whereas Bond, 
had taken much pleasure i 
g him, had been born in the Year 
of the Rat. 

Bond took a deep drink of sake and 
said, "My dear Tiger, | would hate to 
put you to the inconvenience of havin 
to remove me from the face of the earth. 
You mean that this time the cedar may 
not bow before the typhoon? So be it. 
This time you have my very topmost 
word of honor. 

iger pulled up a chair and faced 
Bond across the low drink table. He 
poured himself a liberal tot of Suntory 

nd splashed in the soda. The sound of 
ht traffic from the main Tokyo-Yoko- 
hama road came in from some way 
beyond the surrounding houses, only a 
few of w showed dollhouse 
squares of yellow light. It was the end 
of September, but warm. It was ten min- 
utes to midnight. Tiger began talk 
in a soft voice. “In that case, my de 
Bondo-san, and since I know you to be 
a man of honor, except, of course, in 
matters affecting your country, 
this does not, I will tell you qu 
interesting story. This is how it is." 
got out of his ch: 
tatami and arran 

h now 

and sat down on the 
ed himself in the lotus 
position. He was obviously more com- 
fortable in this posture. He said, in an 
expository tone of voice, “Ever since the 
beginning of the cra of Meiji, who you 
will know was Ше emperor who fathered 
the modernization and Westernization 
of Japan from the beginning of his 
reign nearly а hundred years ago, there 
have from time to time been foreigners 
who have come to this country and set- 
ted here. They have for the most part 
been cranks and scholars, and the Euro- 
pean-bom American Lafeadio Hearn, 
who be Japanese citizen, is a very 
typical example. In general, they have 
been tolerated, usually with some amusc- 
ment. So, perhaps, would be Japanese 
who bought a castle in the Highlands of 
Scouland, and who learned and spoke 
Gaclic with his neighbors and expressed 
unusual nent interest 
ys. If he went about his 
esearches politely and peaceably, he 

would be dubbed an amiable eccentric. 
And so it has been with the Westerners 
who have settled and spent their lives in 
Japan, though occasionally, in time of 
war, as would no doubt be the case with 
our mythical Japanese in Scotland, they 
have been regarded as spies and suffered 
internment and hardship. Now, since 
the occupation, there have been many 
such settlers, the great majority of whom, 
as imagine, have been American. 
The Oriental w; fe is particularly 
attractive to the American who wishes to 
escape from a culture which, E am sure 
you will agree, has become, to say the 
least of it, more and more unattractive 
except to the lower grades of the human 
species to whom bad but plentiful food, 
shiny toys such аз the automobile and 
the television, and the ‘quick buck," 
often dishonestly carned, or cared in 
exchange for minimal labor or skills, are 
the summum bonum, il you will allow 
the sentimental echo from my Oxford. 

said Bond. “But is this not a 
picture of the life that is being officially 
couraged in your own country: 
Tiger Tanaka's face darkened per- 
ptibly. "For the time being,” he said 
"we are being subjected 

with distaste, ` 
to what I can best describe as the "Scuola 

di Coca-Cola, Baseball, amusement ar- 
cades, hot dogs, hideously large bosoms, 
neon lighting — these are part of ou 
payment for defeat in battle. They are 
the tepid tea of the way of life we know 
under the name of demokorasu. They 

© a frenzied denial of the official scape 
goats for our defeat а deni 
spirit of the samurai as expressed i 
kamikaze, a denial of our ancestors, а 
denial of our gods "They arc à despi- 
cable way of lile" — Tiger 
the words—^but fortunately they 
also expendable and temporary. Ihe 
have as much importance in the history 
of Japan as the life of a dragonfly.” He 
paused. “But to return to my story. Our 
American residents are of a sympathetic 
type — on a low level, of course, They 
enjoy the subservience, which 1 may say 
only superficial, of our women. They 
enjoy the remaining strict patterns of 
our life—the symmetry, compared with 
the chaos that reigns in America. They 
enjoy our simplicity, with its underlying 
hint of deep meaning, as expressed for 
instance the tea ceremony, flower ar 
rangements, по plays—none of which 
of course they understand. ‘They also 
enjoy, because they have no ancestors 
and probably no family life worth speak- 
ing of. our veneration of the old and 

our worship of the past. For, in their 
impermanent world, they recognize these 
as permanent things just as, in their ig- 

norant and childish way, they admire the 
fictions of the Wild West and other 
American myths that have become 

known to them, not through their edu- 
cation, of which they have none, but 
through television.” 

"This is tough stuff, Tiger. Гус got a 
lot of American friends who don't 
equate with what you're saying. Presum- 
ably you're talking of the lower-level 
Gls — second-generation Americans who 
are basically Irish or Germans or Czechs 
or Poles who probably ought to be work- 
ing in the fields or coal mines of th 
countries of origin instead of sw 
ing around a conquered country under 
the blessed coverlet of the Stars and 
Stripes with too much moncy to spend. 
dare say they occasionally marry a Jap- 
anese girl and settle down here. But 
surely they pull up stumps pretty 
quickly Our Tommies have donc the 
same thing in Germany. But that's quite 
a different thing from the Lafcadio 
Hearns of the world. 

Tiger Tanaka bowed almost to the 
ground, “Forgive me, Bondosan. Of 
Course you are right, and I have been 
diverted from my story down most un- 
worthy paths. I did not ask you here to 
pour out my innermost repugnance at 
the occupation of my country. This of 
course is repugnance against the fact of 
defeat. I apologize. And of course you 
are correct. There are many cultured 
Americans who have taken up residence 
in this country and who are most valued 
irens. You arc right to correct ane, for 
1 have friends of this i 


“ОГ course, 7 My country has not 
been occupied for many centuries. The 
mposition of a new cultu n old 
onc is something we have not suffered. I 
пог imagine my reactions in the same 
circumstances. Much the samc as yours, 
1 expect. Please go on with your story.” 
Bond reached for the flask. It stood 
in a jar of warm water being heated over 
a slow flame from a charcoal burner. He 
lled his glass and drank. Tiger Tanaka 
rocked two or three times on his buttocks 
and the sides of his feet. He resumed. 
“As L have said, there are a number of 
foreigners who have taken up residence 
1 Japan and, for the most part, they are 
nolfensive eccentrics. But there is one 
such person who entered the country in 
nuary of this year who has revealed 
ntric of the most 
devilish nature. This man is a monst 
You may laugh, Bondo-san, but this man 
o less than a fiend in human form. 
have met n bad men in my 
time, Tiger, and generally they have 
been slightly mad. Is that the case in 
this instance?’ 
"Very much the reverse. "The calcu 
ed ingenuity of this man, his under- 

standing of the psychology of my people, 


show him to be a man of quite outstand- 
ing genius. In the opinion of our highest 
scholars and savants he is a scientific 
research worker and collector probably 
unique in the history of the world." 

“What docs he collect 

“Не collects death." 

James Bond smiled at this dramatic 
utterance. "A collector of death? You 
mean he kills people 

“No, Bondosan. It is not as simple as 
that. He persuades, or rather entices 
people to kill themselves.” Tiger paused, 
the wide expanse of his brow furrowed. 
“No, that also is not being just. Let us 
just say that he provides an easy and 
attractive opportunity — a resort — for 
people to do away with themselves. His 
present tally, in just under six months, 
is something over five hundred Jap 

“Why don't you arrest him, hang 

“Bondo-san, it is not as easy as that. I 
had better begin at the beginning. In 
January of this year, there entered the 
country, quite legally, а gentleman by 
the name of Doctor Gunuam Shatter- 
hand. He was accompanied by Frau 
Emmy Shatterhand, born De Bedon 
They had Swiss passports and the doctor 
described himself as a horticulturist and 
nist specializing in subtropical spe- 
He carried high references from the 
Jardin des Plantes in Paris, Kew Gar- 
dens, and other authorities, but these 
were couched in rather nebulous terms. 
He quickly got in touch with the equiva- 
lent authorities in Japan and with ex 
perts in the Ministry of Agriculture, and 
these gentlemen were astonished and 
delighted to learn that Doctor Shatter- 
hand was prepared to spend по less than 
one million pounds on establishing an 
exotic garden or park in this country 
which he would stock with a priceless 
collection of rare plants and shrübs from 
all over the world, These he would im. 
port at his own expense in a sufficient 
state of maturity to allow his park to be 
planted with the minimum of delay — an 
extremely expensive procedure И you 
know anything about horticulture 

“I know nothing about it. Like the 
Texan millionaires who import fully 
grown palms and tropical shrubs from 

“Exactly. Well, the park was not to 
be open to the public, but would be 
freely available for study and research 
work by authorized Japanese experts. 
All right. A wonderful offer that was en- 
thusiastically accepted by the govern- 
ment, who, in return, granted the good 
doctor a ten-year residence permit —a 
very rare privilege. Meanwhile, as a mat- 
ter of routine, the immigration authori- 
tics made inquiries about the doctor 
through my department. Since | have 




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no representatives in Switzerland, I re- 
ferred the matter to our friends of the 
CIA, and in due course he was given 
complete clear: It appeared that he 
was of Swedish origin and was not widely 
known in Switzerland, where he only 
possessed the minimum requirement for 
residential status in the shape of two 
rooms in an apartment block in La 
sanne. But his financial standing with 
the Union des Banques Suisses was grade 
one, which I understand requires you 
to be a millionaire many times over. 
се money is almost the unique status 
symbol in Switzerland, his clearance by 
the Swiss was impeccable, though no ii 
formation could be obtained about his 
standing as a botanist. Kew and the Jar- 
din des Plantes, on inquiry, referred to 
him as an enthusiastic amateur who had 
made valuable contributions to these in- 
stitutions in the form of tropical and 
subtropical species collected for him by 
expeditions which he had financed. So! 
An interesting and financially sound с 
izen whose harmless pursuits would be 
of some benefit to Japan. Yes?" 
“Sounds like 
“After traveling round the country in. 
great style, the doctor took a fancy to a 
semiruined castle in Kyushu, our south- 
ern island. The castle was in an ex- 
tremely remote corner of the coast not 
far from Fukuoka, the principal pre- 
fecture of the island, and in ancient 
times it had been one of a line of castles 
facing the Tsushima Strait, the scene 
of the famous defeat of the Rus: 
"These castles were originally designed to 
repel attacks from the Korean mainland. 
Most of them had fallen into disrep: 
but the one chosen by the doctor was a 
giant edifice that had been occupied 
until the last war by an eccentric 
family of textile millionaires, and its 
monumental surrounding wall was just 
what the doctor required for the privacy 
of his undertaking. An army of builders 
and decorators moved Meanwhile, 
the plants ordered by the doctor began 
arriving from all over the world and, 
with a blanket customs clearance from 
the Ministry of Agriculture, they were 
Here I should mention that an addi 
tional reason for the doctor's choice of 
site was that the property, which cx- 
tends for some five hundred acres, is 
highly volcanic and furnished with many 
geysers and fumaroles, which are com- 
mon in Japan, These would provide, all 
the year round, the temperature needed 
for the successful propagation of these 
topical shrubs, trees and plants from 
the equatorial zones. The doctor and 
his wife, who is by the way extremely 
ugly, moved into the castle with all speed 
and set about recruiting staff in the 
neighborhood who would look after the 
establishment and its grounds." Here 

Tiger assumed his sorrowful face. “Апа 
it was at this time that I should not have 
dismisscd as fanciful certain reports that 
reached me from the Chief of Police at 
Fukuoka. These were to the effect that 
the doctor was recruiting his staff unique- 
ly from former members of the Black 
Dragon Societ 

“And what might that be?" 

“Have been,” Tiger corrected him. 

“The Society was officially disbanded be- 
fore the war. But in its heyday it was 
the most feared and powerful secret so- 
ciety in Japan. It consisted originally of 
the dregs of the sashi — the unemployed 

samurai who were left high and dry after 
the Meiji Restoration of about a hun- 
dred years ago— but it later recruited 
terrorists, gangsters, fascist politicos, cash- 
iered officers from the navy and army, 
secret agents, soldiers of fortune and 
other riffraff, but also big men in indus- 
try and finance, and even the occasional 
cabinet minister who found Black Drag- 
on support of much practi value 
when dirty work had to be donc. And 
the odd thing is, though it does not seem. 
so odd to me today, that the doctor 
should have chosen his site, leaving out 
its practical amenities, in just that cor- 
ner of Japan that used to be the head- 
quarters of the Black Dragons and has 
always been a hotbed of extremists, To- 
yama Mitsuru, the former head of the 
Black Dragons, came from Fukuoka; so 
did the anarchist Hirota, and Nakano, 
leader of the former Tohokai, or fascist 
group, in the Diet. It has always been a 
nest of scoundrels, this district, and it 
remains so today. These extreme sects 
never die out completely, аз you have 
recently, my dear Bondo-san, found in 
the resurgence of the Black Shirts in 
England, and this Doctor Shatterhand 
found no difficulty in collecting some 
twenty extremely tough and dangerous 
characters around him, all most cor- 
rectly clothed as servants and gardeners 
and, no doubt, perfectly good at their 
ostensible jobs. On one occasion the 
Prefect of Police thought it his duty to 
make a courtesy call and give his dis- 
tinguished inhabitant a word of caution, 
But the doctor dismissed the matter on 
the grounds that competent guards 
would be necessary to maintain his 
privacy and keep trespassers away from 
his valuable collection of plants. This 
scemed reasonable enough, and anyway 
the doctor appeared to be under high 
patronage in Tokyo. The Prefect bowed 
himself out, much impressed with the 
lavish display of wealth in evidence in 
the heart of his poor province.” 

“Well, under this doctor from Switzer- 
land, have they done any harm yet? 

“Oh no. They are nothing more than 
he says — personal staff, at the worst, if 
you like, a bodyguard, No. The trouble 
is quite different, much more complex. 

You see, this man Shatterhand has cre- 
ated what I can only describe as а gar- 
den of death." Tiger exploded his 
golden smile. "Bondosan, I can sce 
from your face that you think I am 
either drunk or mad. Now listen. This 
Doctor Shatterhand has filled this famous 
park of his uniquely with poisonous 
vegetation, the lakes and streams with. 
poisonous fish, and he has infested the 
place with snakes, scorpions and poison- 
ous spiders. He and this hideous wife 
of his are not harmed by these things, 
because whenever they leave the castle 
he wears a full suit of armor of the 17th 
Century, and she wears some other kind 
of protective clothing. His workers are 
not harmed because they wear rubber 
boots up to the knee, and maskos, that 
ntiseptic gauze masks such as many 
people in Japan wear over the mouth 
and nose to avoid infection or the 
spreading of infection 

hand’s garden is 
thing, God wot.” 
‘And you have of course heard of the 
South American piranha fish? They can 
strip a whole horse to the bones in less 
than an hour. The scientific name is 
Serrasalmo. The subspecies Nattereri is 
the most voracious. Our good doctor has 
preferred these fish to our native gold- 
fish for his lakes. You see what I mean? 

NO 1 Bond, “frankly 1 don 
What's the object of the good doctor's 

at a daft setup. Doctor Shatter- 

deed a lovesome 

It was three o'clock in the morning. 
The noise of the trafic to Yokohama 
had died. James Bond didn't feel а. 
He was now totally absorbed in this 
extraordinary story of the Swiss doctor, 
who, as Tiger had originally said, “‘col- 
lected death." Tiger wasn't telling him 
this bizarre case history for his enter- 
tainment. There was going to come a 
moment of climax. What would that 
climax be? 

Tiger wiped his hand over his face. 
He said, “Did you read a story in the 
evening edition of the Asahi today? It 
concerned a suicide.” 


“This was а young student aged eight- 
een who had failed his examination for 
the university for the second time. He 
lived in the suburbs of Tokyo. There 
was construction work on a new depart- 
menlo, a department store, going on 
near where he lived. He went out of 
his 100m onto the site. A pile driver 
was at work, sinking the found. 
Suddenly this youth broke through the 
surrounding workmen and, as the pile 
came crashing down, laid his head on 
the block beneath 

“What a ghastly business! Why?” 

“He had brought dishonor on his par- 
ents, his ancestors. This was his way of 


“I feel, Mr. Peabody, that you might adopt 
a less cumbersome defense mechanism.” 

expiation. Suicide is a most unfortunate 
aspect of the Japanese way of life," 
Tiger paused. "Or perhaps a most noble 
one. It depends how you look at it. That 
boy, and his family, will have gained 
gicat face in his neighborhood." 

ice from strawberry 

hhumous V.Cs, for instance’ 

“They're not awarded for committing 
suicide after failing in an examination.” 

“We are not so demokorasu as you 
there was irony in Tiger's voice. 
ishonor must be expunged — according 
to those of us who remain what you 
would describe as old-fashioned. There 
is no apology more sincere than the 
offering up of your own life. It is liter- 
ally all you have to give. 

"But even if this boy failed for the 
university. he could have gone for a 
lower standard of examination, for a 
lower grade of college. As you know, 
say ‘Blast!’ or perhaps a stronger 
word if we fail an examination in Brit- 
n. But we readjust our sights, or our 
ents do it for us, and have another 
bash. We don't kill ourselves. It wouldn't 
occur to us. It would be dishonorable 
rather than honorable. It would be cow 
ardly — a refusal to stand up to reverses, 
to life. And it would give great pain to 
our parents, and certainly no satisfac- 
tion to our ancestors.” 

“With us it is different. And despite 
demokorasu, the parents of this youth 
will be rejoicing this evening and thei 
neighbors will be rejoicing with them. 
Honor is more important to us than 
life — тоге proud, more beautiful.” 


Bond shrugged. “Well, I just think 
that if the boy had the guts to do this 
thing, it was the waste of a perfectly 
good Japanese life. In fact, of course, 
this suicide bu арап is nothing 
more than a form of hysteria —an ex- 
pression of the streak of violence that 
seems to run all through the history of 
Japan. If you hold your own life so 
cheaply, it follows that you will hold 
others’ lives even more cheaply. The 
other day, I saw a traffic accident at one 
of the main crossings. 1 don't know the 
name of Tt was a multiple affair, and 
there were bodies all over the place. The 
police came, but instead of concentrat- 
ag on geuing the wounded to hospital, 
psisted that they should lie where they 
were so that they could draw chalk lines 
round them and photograph them — pre- 
sumably for usc when the case came to 

“That is common practice,” said Tiger 
indifferently. “We are much overpopu- 
lated. Abortion is legal. It is helping to 
solve one of our problems if a few ext 
people die in an automobile accident, 
But there is something in what you said 
earlier, Our word for suicide is jisatsu, 
literally "self-murder, and although it 
is a violent solution to a personal prob- 
Jem, it carries no stigma as it would in 
your country. In fact, one of our most 
famous folk tales, known to all children, 
is of the fortyseven ronin, or body- 
guards. Through their negligence, their 
lord, Asano, ted. They 
swore to avenge him and they did so. 
But then they came together at a place 
called Ako and all committed seppuku 
to cxpiate their negligence. This is what 

was assassin 




you know as iri, which is a vul, 
ning "belly cutting." Tod 

ne of the festival at the Ako 
shrine, special trains have to be 1 
on to accommodate the respectful pi 

"Well, if you b Idren up 
on that sort of stuff, you can't expect 
them not to venerate the act of suicide.” 
ust so," said Tiger proudly. “Twenty- 
five thousand Japanese commit suicide 
every year. Only the bureaucrats regard 
that as a shameful statistic. And the more 
spectacular the suicide, the more warmly 
it is approved. Not long ago. a young 
student achieved great renown by trying 
to saw his own head off. Lovers link 
nds and throw themselves over the 
very high Kegon Falls at Nikko. The 
10 on the island of O Shima 
is another favorite. locale. People run 
down the roasting slope of the crater 
and hurl themselves. their shoes on fire, 
into the bubbling caldron in its cente 
To combat this popular pastime, the 
interfering authorities have now opened, 
great. expense, a "Suicide Prevention 
Office” on the peak. But always the 
wheels of the good old-fashioned rail- 
1 provide the most convenient 
пе. They have the merit of being 
selLopcrating. АЙ you need to do is 
oot jump." 

a bloodthirsty old bastard, 
But what's all this lecture abou 
anyway? What's it got to do with friend 
tterhand and his pretty gard 
Everything, Bondosan. Everythi 
You see, much against the good doctor's 
wishes, of course, his poison garden has 
become the most desirable site for su 
cides in the whole of Japan. It has every- 
thing — a ride on our famous "Romance 
express to Kyoto: a boat trip across our 
beautiful Inland Sea that is so full of 
Japanese history: a local train from the 
terminal harbor at Beppu to Fukuoka 

g your c 

and a walk or taxi drive 
ful coast to the 
of this mysteriou 
these, or s 

long a beauti- 
inspiring ramparts 
Castle of Death. Climb 
muggle yourself in on а pro- 
vision nd then a last delicious, 
rumin Ik. perhaps hand 
with your lover, through the beaut 
groves, And finally the great gamble, the 
game of pachinko the Japanese love so 
much. Which ball will have your num- 
ber on it? Will your death be easy or 
painful? Will a Russell's viper strike at 
your legs as vou walk the silent, well- 
raked paths? Will some kindly, deadly 
dew fall upon you during the night as 
you rest under this or that gorgeous tree? 
Or will hunger or curiosity Ісай you to 
munch a handful of those red berries 
or pick one of those orange fruit? Of 
course, if you want to make it quick, 
there is always a bubbling, sulphurous 
fum. ıd. In any one of those. 
the thousand degrees centigrade will 
allow you just cnough time for one 
scream. The place is nothing more than 
a departmento of death, its shelves Taden 
with delicious packages of selldestruc- 
tion, all given away for nothing. Can 
you not imagine that old and young 
flock there as if to a shrine? The police 
have erected a barricade across the road 
inc visitors, botanists and so on, 
ve to show a pass. But the suicides 
fight their way to the shrine across the 
fields and marshes, scrabble at the g 
walls, break their nails to gain entrance. 
The good doctor is of course much di 
mayed. He has erected stern notices of 
warning, with skulls and crossbones 
upon them. They act only as advertise- 
ments! He has even gone to the expense 
of flying one of those high helium bal- 
loons from the roof of his castle. The 
hanging streamers threaten trespassers 
with prosecution. But. alas for the doc 
tor's precautions. the high balloon serves 
only to beckon. Here is death! it pro- 


To Suits 

“Frankly, Syborski, I think yowve hit a dead end.” 

ims. Come and get i 
You're daft, Tiger. 
arrest h 

Why don't you 
n? Burn the place down?” 

^ Arrest him for what? For presenti 
Japan with this unique collection of 
rare plants? Burn down a million-pound 
establishment belonging to a respected 
gaijin resident? The man has done noth- 
ing wrong. If anyone is to blame, it is 
the Japanese people. It is true that he 
could exercise more careful surveillance, 
have his grounds more regularly p 
trolled. And it is certainly odd that 
when he has the ambulance called, the 
victims are always totally dead and are 
usually in the form of a bag of calcined 
bones fished out of one of the fumaroles. 
One would have expected some to be 
only crippled, or blinded. The Herr 
Doktor expresses himself as much puz- 
zled. He suggests that, in the cases of 
blindness or amnesia, the victims рг 
fall into one of the fumaroles 
by mistake. Maybe. But, as 1 have said, 
his tally so far is over five hundred and, 
with the stream of publicity, more and 
more people will be atmacted to the 
tle of Death. We have got to put a 
stop to it. 

“What steps have been taken so far?” 

‘Commissions of investigation have 
visited the doctor, They have been most 
courteously treated. The doctor has 
begged that something shall be done to 
protect him from these trespassers. He 
complains that they interfere with his 
work, break off precious boughs and 
pick valuable plants. He shows himself. 
as entirely cooperative with any те 
sures that can be suggested short of 
abandoning this project, which is so 
dear to his heart and so much appreci- 
ated by the Japanese specialists in bot- 
any and so forth. He has made a further 
most generous offer. He is constructing 
a research. department — to be manned 
by workers of his own ch k yo 
—to extract the poisons from his shrubs 
and plants and give the essences free to 
an appropi ch center. 
Many of these poisons are valuable med- 
icines in a diluted form. 

“But how has all this come on you 
plac?" Bond was now geuing drowsy, 
Tt was four o'clock and the horizon of 
jagged gray, porcelainshingled rooftops 
was lightening. He poured down the last 
of the sake, It had the flat taste of too 
time he was in bed. But 
r was obviously obsessed with this 
atic business, and subtle, authentic 


ate medical rese: 

much. It wa: 

the ridiculous, nightm: 
undertones of Poe, 
Stoker, Ambrose Bierce. 
ness of the hou 
perhaps etched more 
brutal lines. The hi ned 
and civilized, lurked with less conce; 

ment, like a caged anii in the dark 
pools of his eyes. But the occasional 
rocking motion on the buttocks and 
ign that 
ited. He said, 
an, 1 sent one 

place to пу 
and discover wh. в all about. I w 
so instructed by my Minister, the Minis- 
ter of the Interior. He in turn was under 
orders from the Prime Minister. The 
matter was becoming one of public de- 
bate. 1 chose a good man. He was in- 
structed to get into the place, observe, 
and report. One week late 
he was recovered from the sea on a beach 
near this Castle of Death. He was blind- 
ed and in delirium. All the lower half of 
his body was terribly burned. He could 
only babble a haiku about dragonllics. 
I later discovered that, as a youth, he 
had indulged in the pastime of our 
youngsters. He had tied a female dragon- 
fly on a thread and let it go. This acts 
as а lure for the ma 

sides of the feet was the onl 
he was interested, even 
“One month ago, Bondo: 
of my best men into thi 

male and will not let go. The haiku — 
that is a verse of seventeen syllables — 
he kept on reciting until his death, 

which came soon, was ‘Desolation! Pi 
dragonllies flitting above the 

James Bond felt he was 1 
the little room, partitioned in 
è paper and cedar plywood, 

garden in which water 
tant redness of an immi; 
loi а 
the quict voice of the storyteller telling 
a fairy tale, as it might be told in a 
tent under the And yet this was 
something that had happened the other 
day, dose by—was happening now, 
something that Tiger had brought him 
here w tell. Why use he was 
lonely? Because there was no one else 
he could tri Bond pulled himself out. 
of his sonmolent slouch. He said, "Fm 
sorry, Tiger. What did you do next?” 
Tiger Tanaka seemed to sit slightly 
more upright on his black-edged ree 
tangle of golden tatami. He looked very 
directly at James Boud and said, “What 
was there to do? 1 did nothing 
apologize to my superiors. I 
1 honorable solution to 
ted for you to come. 

just as easily have been someone else." 

James Bond yawned. He couldn't help 
по end to the evei 
Tiger had got some Japanese bee in his 
Japanese bonnet. How in hell could 
Bond stop it buzzing? He said, "Tiger. 
Irs time for bed. Let's talk about the 
rest of this tomorrow. Of course Ull give 
you any advice | can. | c 
difficult problem. But those are 
ones to sleep on.” He made to rise from 
his chair. 

Tiger said, and it was an order, "Sit 
down, Bondosan. If you have any re- 
gard [or your country. you leave tomor- 
row.” He consulted his watch, “By the 
twelve-twenty [rom Tokyo main station. 
Your ultimate destination ukuoka 
on the southern island of Kyushu, You 
will not be going back to your hotel. 
You will not be seeing Dikko. From now 
оп you are under my personal orders." 
The voice went very quiet and velvety. 
“Is that understood? 

Bond sat up as if he had been stung. 
"What in God's name are you talking 
about, Tiger 

Tiger E 
other day you made 
ment. You said words to the effect that 

office the 

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in exchange for MAGIC 44 you were em- 
powered to carry out any personal serv- 

that I might require of you." 

1 didn't say that I was empowered. 
I meant that I would do anything for 
you on my personal responsibility.” 
‘That is quite good enough. I took 
you at your word and I requested 
audience of the Prime Minister. He in- 
structed me to proceed, but to regard 
known only 
and to me— and of course to 

the matter аз a state se 
to hi 

ome on, Tiger,” said Bond impa 

tiently. "Cut the 
want me to do?" 

But Tiger was not to be hurried. He 
aid, "Bondosan, 1 will now be blunt 
with you, and you will not be offended, 
because we are friends. Yes? Now it is a 
sad fact that I, and many of us in posi- 

jons of authority in Ja 
п unsatisfactory opinion about the Bri 
ish people since the war. You have not 
only lost a great empire, you have 
secmed almost anxious to throw it away 
with both hands, All right,” he held up 
a hand, “we will not go deeply into the 
reasons for this policy, but when you 

kle. What is it you 

n, have formed 

Hoes КЕР 

apparently sought to arrest this slide 
into impotence at Suez, you succeeded 
only in stage-managing one of the most 
pitiful bungles in the history of the 
world, if not the worst. Further, your 
governments have shown themselves suc- 
Cessively incapable of ruling and have 
handed over effective control of the 
country to the trade unions, who appear 
to be dedicated to the principle of doing 
and less work for more money. This 
therbedding, this shirking of an hon- 
est days work, is sapping at everin- 
ag speed the moral fiber of the 
British, a quality the world once so 
much admired. In its place we now see 
à vacuou: nless horde of seekers alter 
pleasure — gambling at the pools and 
bingo, whining at the weather and the 
declining fortunes of the country, and 
wallowing nostalgically in gossip about 
the doings of the Royal Family and of 
your so-called aristocracy in the pages 
of the most debased newspapers in the 

James Bond roared with laughter. 
"You've got a bloody cheek, Tiger! You 
ought to write that out and sign it 'Oc- 
in’ and send it in to The Times. 

е a look at 

You just come over and ta 
the place. It’s not doing all that Байт 

“Bondo-san, you have pleaded guilty 
out of your own mouth. ‘Not doing too 
badly, indeed!’ That is the crybaby ex- 
cuse of a boy who gets a thoroughly bad 
end-of-term report. In fact, you are do- 
ing very badly indeed in the opinion of 
your few remaining friends. And now 
you come to me and ask for some very 
important intelligence material to bol- 
ster up the pitiful ruins of a once great 
power. Why should we give it to you? 
What good will it do us? What good 
will it do you, Bondo-san? It is like 
giving smelling salts to а punch-drunk. 
heavyweight just before the inevitable 

id angrily, “Balls to you, 
And balls again! Just because you're a 
pack of militant potential murderers. 
here, longing to get rid of your Amer- 
ican masters and play at being samurai 

ain, snarling behind your subservient 
smiles, you only judge people by your 
own jungle standards. Let me tell you 
this, my fine friend. England may have 
been bled pretty thin by a couple of 
World Wars, our welfare-state politics 
may have made us expect too much for 
free. and the liberation of our colonies 
may have gone too fast, but we still 
climb Everest and beat plenty of the 
world at plenty of sports and win Nobel 
Prizes. Our politicians may be a feather- 
pated bunch, but I expect yours are too. 
All politicians are. But there's nothing 
wrong with the British pcople —al- 
though there are only fifty million of 

Tiger Tanaka smiled happily. “Well 
spoken, Bondo-san, ] thought your fa- 
nglish stoicism might break down 
hard enough. I just wanted to 
sce. And, for your information, those 

are very similar to the words 1 addressed 
ister. And do you know 

to my Prime M 
what he said? He said, all right, Mr. 
Tanaka. Put this Commander Bond to 
the test. If he succeeds, I will agree that 
there is still an elite in Britain and that 
this valuable material would be safe in 
their hands. If he fails, you will politely 
turn down the request.” 

Bond shrugged impatiently. He was 
still smarting under Tiger's onslaught, 
and the half-truths which he knew lay 
behind his words. "All right, Tiger. 
What is this ridiculous test? Some typ- 
ical bit of samurai nonsense, 1 suppose.” 

“More or less," agreed Tiger Tanaka, 
with equanimity. "You are to enter this 
Castle of Death and slay the dragon 

This is the first of three installments 
of lan Fleming's latest James Bond 
novel, “You Only Live Twice.” Part H 
will appear next month. 


long sturdy stick. When the pig finally 
hits the ground with its nose, it's re- 
warded with a few grains of corn. The 
stick is kept in hand to swat the porker 
lest, in its eagerness to complete the 
pass, the animal swallow the trea sure 
itself. In Alba, Italy, a school mat 
lates hounds for the same kind ot 
hunting. French truflles are black, The 
Iulian are called white, although the 
socalled “white” truflles are really 
brown, and boast an even richer aroma 
than their French counterparts. 

The flavor of truffles has been com- 
pared with everything from cheese to 
icorice to nuts. Professional truffiemen 
who dig for the black gems of the 
kitchen know better than to compare 
the truffle's subtly imperious flavor with 
nything. The aroma of the fresh пие 
is much more pungent than that of the 
canned. But fresh truffles deteriorate 
quickly, and in both France and Italy 
they're rushed to the cannery as fast as 
possible. In France, truffes are roasted 
under hot cinders, blended with sauces, 
folded into omelets, slid under the s 
of fowl and buried in fátés. In this 
country, their most frequent appearance 
is as slices atop the hollandaise sauce 
on eggs benedict. But in almost any 
sauce or casserole, truffles are a wonder- 
ful obbligato. For the average recipe of 
four servings, a 7%-ounce tin is an ample 

Foie gras means fat liver. Páté de foie 
gras is the seasoned liver of a force-fed 
goose. "The labor of stuffing grain or 
noodles down a goose’s gullet every 
three hours, day and night, is rewarded 
with livers that sometimes weigh over 
two pounds apiece. The best quality 
from Strasbourg is creamy rose in color. 
Although foie gras is available fresh in 
France and is sometimes air-mailed to 
the States, we usually buy it here in tins 
or terrines. Each påté de foie gras is 
overlaid with a rich stratum of goose or 
pork fat to keep the páté moist and fresh 
tasting. For hors d'oeuvres, paté de foie 
gras should be biting cold. A sharp knife 
dipped in hot water helps to liberate 
thin, uniform slices, 

Caviar can be neatly divided into two 
classes — the roe of the sturgeon and 
the roe of all other fish. Actually, the 
top of the sturgeon hierarchy is the 
beluga (Russian for the white color of 
the fish). It’s called black caviar, but 
at its best is actually gray. There's hardly 
a trace of saltiness in it, and although 
each tiny egg is intact, its texture is 
almost semiliquid in the mouth. There 
are excellent caviars of other sturgeons, 
such as the sevruga. in fresh forms and 

in scaled jars. So-called pressed caviar, 

made from the rocs of sever: 
is always useful for emergency 
ing. Conno 

eurs quite justly resent the 

(continued from page 101) 

fact that the word caviar can be used to 
describe the roes of the salmon, the 
whitefish and the lumpfish — salty spreads 
beneath their contempt. The present 
price of fresh beluga caviar, about $32 
a pound, is hardly extortionate when 
you consider that a beluga sturgeon 
doesn't produce eggs until it’s about 20 
ears old, that only the most sensitive 
fingers can force the eggs through the 
sieve that separates the large eggs from 
the small, that caviar must be aged three 
months at 30°, and that it must be kept 
refrigerated like fresh crab lump or any 
other fresh food until the moment it’s 
devoured. For entirely too many gener: 
tions caviar was the symbol of conspicu- 
ous gourmandizing, enjoyed only by the 
top carriage trade. Now food shops like 
the Caviarteria in New York and дош 
met stalls everywhere have taken it out 
of the dowager's class and turned it over 
to men who simply dig good cating. At 
the cocktail table its jar should rest atop 
crushed ice held in a commodious bowl. 
To keep eggs intact, an ivory or glass 
spoon is used. Garnishes for caviar 
should be kept to simple chopped egg, 
chopped onion or sour cream. 

Not all imported foods are rare or 
require limitless resources. A few, like 
French or Danish snails, simply do not 
flourish on this side of the Atlantic. It 
should be pointed out that the French 
escargots are land mollusks, and if they 
lived in the sex, they'd be properly re 
garded as just another fine shellfish. 
"That you must buy them canned here 
tums out to be a special boon for bache- 
lors. The job of preparing: snails from 
scratch first involves about five days of 
starving them before cooking, then 
about nine hours of scraping, washing, 
boiling, blanching, simmering and bak 
ing. With canned escargots, you simply 
prepare a flavored butter and go 
through the last baking step, about 5 to 
8 minutes hot oven. The receptive 
ness of snails to garlic is a famous one, 
and the butter in which they're baked 
in the shells is prized almost as much as 
the filling itself, Confirmed snail men 
usually equip themselves with 
plates, designed to cradle each st 
arately, as well as snail holders to gi 
the hot shells conveniently, and slender 
forks to dig out the delicious insides. 

Over the centuries, gourmet philoso- 
phers have not stopped expounding 
on the amatory effects of these voluptu 
ous foods. In ancient times the truffle 
was dedicated to Venus because it s 
ulated love. Even the comparat 
recent rin personally 
convinced that truffles made women 
more tender and men more affectionate. 
Caviar at various times and places 
has been credited alternately as ап 




aphrodisiac and as a tr 
extraordinary feat. 
hermaphroditic and bestow their affec- 
tions indiscriminately, are considered by 
some to be an even keener stimulus to 
amour than oysters. Foie gras fanciers 
naturally keep quoting Plato, who ex- 
plained why the liver was the soul's 
ion. Sociological implications not- 
withstanding, the following recipes are 

planned to make their greatest stir 
where all food should — against the 
taste buds. 

(Makes 25-30) 

3 tablespoons salad oil 

3 eggs 

% cup milk 

34 cup water 

34 cup whole-wheat flour 
% cup white flour 

2 teaspoons baki 
Y teaspoon salt 
are tiny pancakes, 
Iver dol 

process, this modernized version is easie 
and actually more tootlisome. 

Pour oil. eggs. milk and water into 
well of blender. Add whole-wheat flour 
white flour (sifted before measuring), 
baking powder and salt. Blend until 
batter is smooth. Stop blender and 
scrape sides when necessary to blend dry 
ngredients. Preheat electric skillet to 
390°. Grease lightly with salad oil. Wipe 
off excess oil with paper toweling. Drop 
batter by tablespoons to make small 

When edges of blini are dry look- 
nd when bubbles appear in center, 
turn and brown on other side. Grease 
skillet lightly again before cooking sec- 
ond batch. Serve on white napkin. At 
cocktail table spoon sour cream on each 
Ый. Add a dollop of caviar. 


(Serves six) 

6 tenderloin steaks cut from the filet 

Salt, pepper 

shallots, minced 

medium-size onions, mi 

tablespoons salad oil 

tablespoon flour 




cups beef broth, fresh or canned 
7602. can truffle 

a wine 

2 ozs. made 

6 slices toast 

Boz. block pûlê de foie gras with 


1 tablespoon butter 

One could write an entire cookbook 
of dishes in which trufes and pate de 
foie gras are mated. The best known of 
these duos was the culinary idol of the 
Italian оре composer in honor of 
whom the recipe is named 

In a saucepan sauté shallots and 
onions in oil until onions are deep 
brown. Stir in flour. Sauté until flour 




turns brown. Slowly add beef broth, 
‘ing constantly. Simmer slowly about 
30 minutes. Strain sauce. Add truffles 
d wine, return to pan and bring to 
a boil. Set aside. Sprinkle steaks with 
salt and pepper. Place in а preheated 
heavy ungreased frying pan or electric 
skillet. Panbroil until medium brown on 
both sides. Place steaks on toast on 
platter or serving dishes. Cut páté de 
Joie gras into six slices and place a slice 
on top of cach steak. Pour sauce into 
frying pan in which steaks were p: 
broiled. Mix well to loosen drippings. 
Bring to a boil and simmer 2 or 3 min- 
utes. Remove from flame. Skim ar 
excess from sauce and stir in butter, 
Add brown gravy coloring if desired. 
Pour sauce over steaks. 

(Six appetizer portions) 

medium-size onions, minced 
tablespoon salad oil 
tablespoon butter 
cups chicken broth, fresh or canned 
tablespoon unflavored gelat 
p cold water 
ozs. tawny port 
07. cognac 
or 4 drops red coloring 
block pdté de foie gras with 

Boston lettuce 

Sauté onions in oil and butter until 
onions are deep yellow, but not browned. 
Add broth and bring to a boil, Reduce 
flame and simmer slowly about 30 min- 
utes or until the three cups of broth 
have been reduced to two. Strain and 
measure broth. If quantity exceeds two 
cups, continue to simmer until it is re- 
duced to proper amount. If it is less 
than two cups, add water. Soften gelatin 

4 с 



in cold water and stir into hot broth 
until dissolved. Add port, cognac and 
red coloring. Pour 9 or 3 tablespoons 
broth пу 
molds of 
until just jelled. Gut páté de foie gras 
into six slices. Place a slice on gela 
pressing firmly. Pour balance of gel 
into the cups. Place in refrigerator until 
jelled. To unmold, dip cups for a few 
seconds in hot water. Run a knife 
around edges to loosen sides of gelatin. 
Unmold each portion onto a leaf of 
Boston lettuce. Serve as а first course for 


(Serves four) 

6 single breasts of chicken, skinless 
and boned 

214-07. terrine páté de foie gras 

blespoons butter 

8 tablespoons salad oil 

10-07. tin cepes, drained, sliced 

1 medium-size onion, minced 

2 shallots, minced 

3 ozs. dry white wine 




oz. cognac 

tablespoon flour 

cups chicken broth, fresh or canned 
t. pepper 

1-02. tin Italian white trufiles, drained, 


6 diagonal slices French bread 

For some strapping gourmands a sin- 
gle breast of chicken might not be 
enough. For other appetites, two are 
too much. The six-to-four ratio above 
js just about. the golden mean. 

Divide foie gras into six parts. Par- 
tially separate the fillet of the chick 
the small piece running along underside 
— from top piece. Place a piece of foie 
gras between sections of each breast. 
Press sections back into place. Heat but- 

“I suggest we hold it off the market for a 

few years . . . just introduce the wheel . 

theni ЧЕ? 

ter and 2 tablespoons oil in a large 
skillet. Sauté chicken until light brow: 
on both sides. Add cepes to pan and 
sauté about a minute more. Remove 
pan from flame, and set aside. In a sauce- 
pan sauté onion and shallots in 1 table- 
spoon oil until onions are deep yellow. 
Add wine and cognac. Flame liquor. 
Simmer until wine has almost disap- 
peared from pan. Turn flame low and 
stir in flour. Slowly add chicken broth, 
stirring well. Simmer over low flame 
about 15 minutes. Add salt and pepper 
to taste. Strain sauce into pan with 
chicken. Add truflles. Simmer 15 to 20 
minutes over low flame. Stir occasionally 
to keep chicken from sticking to pan 
bottom. Add salt and pepper to taste. 
Sauté bread in balance of oil until light 
brown on both sides. Place fried bread 
on platter. Place a breast of chicken on 
each piece of bread. Spoon cepes and 
sauce on top. 

(Serves two) 

24 canned snails with shells 

y, cup shelled almonds 

14 Ib. sweet butter 

3 tablespoons bread crumbs 

1 teaspoon finely minced garlic 

14 teaspoon lemon juice 

Salt, pepper, cayenne pepper 

The conventional recipe for snails 
Bourguignon will usually be found on 
the outside of the can or container. This 
more-orlessstandard procedure takes а 
mixture of butter, garlic and parsley, 
which, together with the snails, is placed 
n the shells and baked. This recipe 
follows a tradition in the department of 
Aude, home of the eminent French chef 
Prosper Montagné. 

Let butter stand at room temperature 
until it is soft enough to spread casily. 
Di snails. Rinse shells i 
and drain them well Put almonds in 
well of blender and spin until almonds 
are finely chopped. In a mixing bowl 
combine almonds, butter, bread. crumbs, 
garlic and lemon juice. Add salt and 
pepper to taste and a dash of cayenne. 
Stull snails into shells. Spoon butter mix- 
ture into shells, allowing about a tea- 
spoon and a half of the butter mixture 
for each shell Preheat oven at 4259. 
Bake snails, open ends up, in snail plates 
about 5 to 8 minutes. Serve at once while 
very hot. Provide ample French bread 
for mopping operations. 

Although one may take exception to 

grand curmudgeon George Bernard 
Shaw's observation “There is no love 
sincerer than the love of food,” the 
preceding recipes might easily bring 
about at least a suong infatuation with 
ental comestibles. 

hot water 



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ЖШ ЕЕ continue rom page 10) 

quite certain he can count just as well 
as the next fellow, Count he can, but 
can he reckon? 

“How many years are there between 
January 1, 1850 and January 1, 19507" 
ks the operator. 

The sucker, after much thought and 

possibly a bit of finger arithmetic, finally 
1s quite correctly, “100 y 

And how rs are there be- 
tween 50 n.c. 

“Why, 100, " says the sucker. 
"Wrong." replies the operator. 

Actually the sucker should have said 
99 years because of the absence of the 
year 0. This can be proved to a doubting 
mark by having him count on his fingers 
the years from 1895 to 1905 and then the 
years from 5 п. to 5 an. 

Time Will Tell. “How many times а 
day docs the minute hand of a clock 
come even with the hour hand?” asks 
the operator. 

The sucker will probably say 24 times, 
reasoning that the minute hand crosses 
the hour hand once every hour. But he 
should have said 22 because the hands 
crow once every 6555 minutes. 
(Ihe hour hand is slow, but it keeps 
plodding along.) 



Dire States. Many sucker bets find 
their takers among those who think they 
know something when, in fact, they don't. 
For instance, the operator bets his mark. 
he can't list all 50 states їп fivc 
minutes — abbreviations will do. Unless 
the sucker has a photographic memory, 
he'll lose. 

Ineligible Receiver. Would-be sports 
experts are among the best of all poten- 
tial marks for not-so-sporting wagers. 
The operator asks how many players are 
cligible pass receivers when a college 
football team lines up in а T-lormation 
ollensc. The sucker is sure to say six — two: 
ends and four backs. g a bet 
that the sucker is wrong, the operator 
cites NCAA Rulc7,Scction 3, Article 3 (b), 
which makes any playcr in position to 
Ке a direct handol! from the center in- 
cligible as a pass receiver. This rules out. 
the T-formation quarterback. 

Foul Ball. At a baseball game the 
count is three-and-two, “Bet he fouls on 
the next pitch,” mutters the operator. 
Even money?" says a nearby sucker, 
knowing full well that the batter might 
just as easily strike, walk, hit fair, or 
even get hit by a pitched ball. 

Even money,” says the operator, 

ng even better (having read this 
article on sucker bets) that the correct 
odds are 6-5 that a batter will foul on 
a three-two count. 

There are many more sucker bets, of 
course, Probably as many as there are 
suckers. But let there be no misunder- 
st g about our motives which, as 
always, are high-minded ones indeed. 
g that none of our readers would 
to bet on a sure 
this collection of 
sucker bets not as sure-fire tips for en- 
acing one's income, but as a warning 
against taking such deceitful wagers. 

Ii, however, you happen to meet the 
kind of sucker who will take these bets 
and you find yourself wrestling with yo 
gentlemanly conscience, remember this: 
Any man who will accept a sucker bet 
does so because he thinks he is taking 
advantage of you. He thinks— greedy 
fellow that he is— that he is betting on 
a sure thing. 

Now, we ask you, in all fairness. are 
you expected to waste any sympathy on 
the sort of lowlife that would bet on a 
sure thing? You are not! 

In fact, it is your duty, your oblization 
10 give him the punishment he deserves 
— empty pockets and an earful of cider! 



Now, socks that stay 


general way until the morning they 
brought in the Navy pilot who stank. 

Medical science was trying to save his 
life, perhaps to prove a point. So there 
hc was in his coat of grease. He was 
supposed to receive God knows how 
many millions of units of penicillin 
every half hour, and they had stuck 
pipcs into him here and there, and they 
brought in the nurse you loved and told 
her what to do. 

She took the hypodermic and looked 
at that raw ooze wrapped in yellow 
grease, and bent toward ii 

She recoiled so fast she smashed into 
the rack with the plasma bottles, and you 
could see the fluid in the needle spurt 
up in a little golden stream like a puppy 
wetting as her hand clenched. The or- 
derlies came running in when they heard 
that first scream, and it took two of them 
to grab her and wrestle her out of there, 
and you could hear her still screaming 
as they took her across the white-hot 
coral compound, yelling, "Oh, Christ, 
he stinks! Christ, he stinks! 

All right. he stank. That was all he 
could do. Maybe he never heard her; 
maybe he was already dead when they 
brought him in. Medical science isn't 

(continued from page 87) 

everything; he was certainly dead when 
they carried him out that same after- 
noon. He stank ail day, and in the 
afternoon they took him out, cot and 
all, but you could still smell him the 
next day, and the smell never left. 

You never spoke to that nurse again. 
The orderlies would not speak to her, 
cither. Every day she would come into 
the ward, just as you were coming out 
of the second round of fever and chills, 
but now she did nothing to wipe out 
the memory of the morning inspection, 
the three blind mice, the fairy, or the 
general hopelessness. She was no longer 
big, blowzy and good. She was just a 
sack that the officers had used for pur- 
poses of masturbation, and the word w 
that she couldn't give it away now, even 
to the colonel. You would turn your 
head when she took your pulse, but you 
did not have to do this, because she 
would be looking away [rom you herself. 
Sometimes she would be crying as she 
came in, and she would wipe her eyes 
with a khaki handkerchief, and you did 
not care. She would get though the 
ward in dead silence, reading the charts, 
taking temperatures and writing on the 

charts, moving in light footfalls that 

sounded like a barrage in the silence 
of that ward. The only point she ever 
had was that she was a woman, and now 
that she һай failed at that simple thing, 
she was dead. 

The fever and the chills would return 
exactly one hour and thirteen minutes 
after she had checked the chart of Zim- 
merman, Rudolph A., and when you 
came out of the fever to find yourself 
jumping under the hard hands of the 
four orderlies who were trying to hold 
you and the blankets to the cot, vou knew 
that you and they shared a kind of love 
that you could never share with any 
woman, nor, of course, with the likes of 
the Red Cros pans 

. Perhaps love is 

nding. IF 

just another word for unders 
so, that was what you realized that only 

men could share with one another; that 
when а man is really badly sick or badly 
hurt, the only one who can help him in 
any way is another 1 

Maybe it was the nurse who made you 
sce that. After they led her away scream- 
ing, someone said, “Why the Christ do 
they bring those goddamn sluts out 
here” And since you understood ex- 
actly what he meant, and understood 
that there was no good reason, there was 
no reason to answer him. You knew he 
was not really asking a question, but 

white till the cows come home 

And that's no bull. Adler brings you the LIFEW/HITE sock. Woven with a little wizardry and 
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For king-size fun seekers, PLAYBOY'S 
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was making a statement. 

It is sale to say that no one in that 
ward ever took a woman scriously again. 
You could see the contempt in their 
eyes when the new nurses were assigned 
to the wards, To be sure, you would 
talk with the new nurses, but in a cold, 
cynical way. It was shortly after the new 
nurses came to the nd that one of 
them was raped — the only case of rape 
wed had up ший then—and sure 
enough, it һай been one of the men 
from the ward, When they tried him, 
he said she'd and the court- 
martial bel him. Perhaps they 
would not have believed him il he had 
mot been an officer, but maybe they 
would have believed her if it had not 
been for what had h 

‘The days were all An hour after 
dawn you were delir you 
tottered to attention for the inspection, 
and then the chaplains and the pansy 
would set you up for round two, and 
after it was over, the new nurse would 
come in to remind you that women had 
no place in any reality that you knew, 
and so you passed into round three, and 
whenever you were conscious, you could 
still smell that Jong-buried Navy pilot. 
г дау it was the same thing, 

strength emptied into salt- 
rimmed pools on the canvas beneath you. 

But you always had the morning. In 
the morning it was cool and you had 
no fever, You could watch the sun edg 
up out of the sca and hear the fighters 
warming up on the airstrip, and you 
could always hope that this time, today, 
the fever would break. It was odd how 
you looked forward to gening out of 
there, because what was waiting for you 
when you got back to the squadron was 
not precisely ап improvement. 

There w people the 
squadron who hoped the war would end, 
but that was silly. In the squadron, the 
only thing you could really hope for 
was that you would still be alive when 
the sun went down, and at the end of 
each day you hoped the sun would not 
come up tomorrow, because you would 
be flying if it did. OF course, you flew 
whether the sun came up or not, but 
at night you could always hope the 
weather would really be too bad for 
in the morning. 

Perhaps the real reason why you 
wanted 10 get back to the squadron was 
you knew there would be no women 
1 no one to tell you to stand 
or lie at attention, or to remind you 
there was a war. At any rate, it was 
always cool in the hospital in the first 
light of early morning, and you could 
always hope that you would soon return 
10 the squadron and to your private ap- 
pointment with whatever was waiting for 
you 25,000 fect above the impersonal, 

ned in the ward. 


FIEND (continued from page 108) 

had foreseen, He opened the door to 
the washroom and turned on the warmer 
oven where emergency rations were 
waiting. By the time Silvie came back 
biscuits, bacon and hot coffee were set 
out for her. 

“I don't suppose you have a cigarctic?" 
she said. "Well. ГИ live. How about some 
clothes And how about coming out so 
I can get a look at you?” She stretched 
ıd yawned and then began to cat. Ap- 
parently she had showered, as was ge 
erally desirable on awaken: from 
freezeslecp to get rid of the 
skin, and she had wrapped her ruined 
hair in a small towel. Dand! 

reluctantly, but it 
m that his victim would wrap it 
around her head. Silvie sat thoughtfully 

aring at the remains of her breakfast 
and then after a while said, like a lec 

“As I understand it, starship sailors 
are always some kind of a nut, be 
who cise would go oll for twenty yeu 
at a time, even for money, even for any 
d of money? АП right, you're a nut. 
So if you wake me up and won't come 
out, won't talk to me, there's nothing I 
can do about 

“Now, I can see that even if you 
weren't a little loopy to start with, this 
d of life would tip you. Maybe you 
just want a little company? 1 can under- 
stand that. I might even cooperate and 
say no more about it. 

“On the other hand, maybe you're 
trying to get your nerve up for some- 
thing rough. Don't know if you сап, 
because they naturally screened. you 
down fine before they gave you the job. 
But supposing. What happens then? 

“If you kill me, they catch you. 

“IE you don't kill me, then I tell them 
when we land, and they catch you. 

“I told you about my uncle. Right 
now his body is in the deepfreeze some- 
where on the dark side of Mercury and. 
they've got his brain keeping the navi- 
gation channels clear off Belém. Maybe 
you think that’s not so bad. Uncle 
Henry doesn't like it a bit. He doesn't 
have any company, 1 
I guess, and he says his 
always sore. Of course he could always 
louse up on the job, but then they'd just 
put him some other place that wouldn't 
be quite as nice —so what he does is 
grit his teeth, or T guess you should say 
his grinders, and. get along the best he 
сап. Ninet 

ing faces and buttering another roll 
and flinging it furiously at the wall, 

where the disposal units sluiced it away, 
she said, "Damn you, then give me a 
book to read. anyway. 

Dandish retreated from her and lis- 
tened to the whisper of the ship for a 
few minutes, then activated the mecha- 
nisms of the revival crib. He had been a 
loser long enough to learn when to cut 
his losses. The girl sprang to her fect 
as the sides of the crib unfolded. Gentle 
tentacles reached out for her and de- 
posited her in it, locking the webbing 
belt around her waist, “You damned 
fool!” she shouted, but Dandish did 
not answer. The anesthe: de- 
scended toward her struggling face, and 
she screamed, “Wait a minute! І never 
said I wouldn't ——”: but what she never 
said she wouldn't, she couldn't say, be- 
cause the cone cut her off. In a moment 
she was asleep. A plastic sack stretched 
itself around her, molding to her face, 
her body, her legs, even to the strayed 
towel around her hair, and the revival 
crib rolled silently to the freezing room. 
Dandish did not watch further. He knew 
what would happen, and besides, the 
mer reminded him to make his check, 
‘Temperatures, normal; fuel consump- 

à cone 

tion, normal; course, norm: freezer 
room showed one new capsule en route 
to storage, otherwise normal. Goodbye, 
Silvie, said Dandish to himself, you were 
a pretty bad mistake. 

Conceivably later о 

But it had taken nine years for Dan- 
dish to wake Si id he did not think 
he could do it again. He thought of her 
Uncle Henry ing a dredge along 
the South Ada oral. It could have 
been him. He had leaped at the oppor- 
tunity to spend his sentence piloting a 
starship instead. 

He stared out at the 10,000,000 stars 
below with the optical receptors that 
were his eyes. He clawed helplessly 
space with the radars that gave him 
touch. He wept a 5.000.000-mile stream. 
of ions behind him from his jets. He 
thought of the tons of helpless flesh in 
his hold, the bodies in which he could 
have delighted, if his own body had nor 
been with Unde Henry's on coldside 
Mercury, the fears on which he could 
have fed, if he had been able to inspire 
fear, He would have sobbed, if he had 
had a voice to sob with. 

with another 

the quickest hands in 

show business.” 





toward which the middlebrows quite 
naturally feel alien and about which 
they seem able to do nothing except 
carp in the outmoded rhetoric of yes- 
terday's moral indignation. That is, ii 
fact, one of the most interesting and 
portant developments in the lii 

ineffectual, irrelevant, or merely 
increasingly dissociated from its former 
h the novel, living or dead, 
while in the highbrow world there has 
never before been such an abundance 
and variety of concern. In the estab- 
lished literary quarterlies and the less 
widely circulated critical journals, mod- 
ern novelists are being subjected to a 
g in its tone 

ness, and even 
such serious younger writers as Salinger, 
Saul Bellow, Bernard Malamud and 
Philip Roth, whose careers, for all their 
prominence, may still be considered in 
the developmental stage, have already 
had special issues of some of the smaller 
of these magazines devoted entirely to 
their work fact, Salinger has had 
scvcral entire critical volumes devoted to 
him alone). Newer writers like William 
Burroughs (Naked Lunch) 
Heller (Catch-22) have not yet h 
to be examined on quite this sea 
they have already received an enormous 
amount of attention, and there can be 

of triumphant possessi 

(continued from page 119) 

no doubt that they too will very shortly 
be swept up by the full force of the 
new wave of critical interest and borne 
at high speed into the prominence of 
minor classic status. 

"This interest, furthermore, has by no 
means been confined to the small world 
of professional and academic criticism. 
It may have begun there, but it has 
quickly spread throughout the large- 
circulation quality-magazine world as 
well "The increasingly serious literary 
emphasis of Esquire, PLAYBov, and. the 
various women's fashion magazines — to 
y nothing of the recent appearance of 
ich important new publications as The 
New York Review of Books — serves to 
indicate just how vital it has become not 
only for highbrows but for everyone who 
values highbrow tastes to be in the know 
about new writers and writing. 

"The principal reason for this changed. 
state of affairs is not simply that high- 
brow interest in the novel has increased, 

That decline is only an effect of the 
more important circumstance that the 
serious novel is no longer the vehicle 
of middlebrow id and middlcbrow 
experience, as it pretty largely was back 
in the days of Dreiser and Anderson, 
ıd Hemingway. These 
writers have now nearly all been con- 
verted, by a process of academic appro- 
ation following after deep analysis, 

“The passengers are all below, I trust.” 

into highbrow property, while currently 
active writers like Bellow and some of 
the others have never belonged to or 
written for the middlebrow world, but 
have from the beginning worked from 
assumptions about the nature of modern 
experience and modern fiction at least 
paralleling those of the highbrow world. 
‘The result is that, in sharp contrast to 
their predecessors and in a manner seem- 
ingly unique in literature, these writers 
have been absorbed directly into the 
highbrow critical canon without ever 
having had to fight the battle for general 
readership and acceptance in the middle- 
brow world, With the exception of 
ulkner, they are the first novelists i 
our recent history to have become criti- 
cally established in their lifetimes with- 
out first having been more or less widely 
read, and one can only suppose that this 
has occurred not only because of high- 
brow interest in their work but because 
there is no longer a ground on which 
the battle for middlebrow acceptance 
can be fought. 

But whatever the reason, the process 
by which so many of the better younger 
writers have been transported from ob- 
scurity to prominence, while at the same 
time bypassing the traditional appren- 
ticeship period in the middlebrow world, 
is now part of the accepted routine of 
our literary life. The middlebrows have, 
consequently, been left with no cstab- 
lished novelist of genuine high quality, 
and except possibly for James Gould 
Cozzens, John O'Hara and John Stein- 
beck, no established novelist who even 
approaches high quality. They further- 
more have scarcely anyone at all in the 
younger group who is articulating cmo- 
tions and experiences that are familiar 
and attractive to them. 

This was emphatically not the case 
during the great period of middlebrow 
ownership of the novel. The established 
novelists of that time, although they 
themselves have been lowbrows or ev 
in one or two instances, highbrows, were 
not only working in the middlebrow 
literary world but gi 
cerns that had a clear and concrete basis 
in middlebrow and middle-class life. 
They were able to do so because they as 
well as the bulk of their readership were 
primarily middle class and. provincial in 
background and were, therefore, united 
by a bond of common assumption and 
shared experience. This made possible 
for a relatively short time in America 
what we now enviously associate with 
England and the France of 
a novel centered. in Шс valuc 
system of the dominant social class and 
able, as a consequence, to dramatize 
materials and themes of particular rele- 
vance to that class. Among the most im- 
portant of these themes, indeed ihe most 
important if considered in terms of its 

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"Now we owe them a fix." 

meaning in the whole range of America 
experience, was the theme of first con- 
frontation of the modern world and first. 
itiation into the new circumstances of 
modern life. In the many works that 
now form the classic body of modern 
American fiction this theme appears 
a very specific and recurrent preoccup 
tion, Although differing greatly from one 
nother in nearly every other respect, 
such books as Winesburg, Ohio, Sister 
Carrie, Babbitt, Manhattan Transfer, Of 
Time and the River, Studs Lonigan, The 
Sun Also Rises, This Side of Paradise 
and The Great Gatsby are alike in the 
one respect that in cach of them either 
the characters or the contemporary 
reader, or in most cases both, came into 
relationship with experience of a kind 
unknown to them before and markedly 
different from the provincial experience 
of their origins. 

These books 
attempts. to 

in this sense 
directly or 
ive pro- 
vindal question which the European 
novel had begun to answer a hundred 
years before: what is real life like; what 
is the nature of experience in the world 
outside the neighborhood, town or re- 
gion? And the fact cannot fail to seem 
remarkable to us today that this was a 
question to which virtually a whole 
American middle-class provincial culture 
was secking an answer, and that the in- 


terest of that culture in the novel 
gely sustained by the promise 
novel held out of supplying it. 

It is no accident that Scott Fitzgei 
was able to refer, however jokingly, to 
The Sun Also Rises as “а Romance and 
a Guide Book" and to his own This 
Side o[ Paradise as “а Romance and a 
Reading List.” Beneath the lightness of 
tone there is a perfectly serious point. 
Although it is hard to conceive today of 
any really literate person turning to а 
novel for either romance or 
whether about books or the better 
of Paris and Pamplon 
the elements which the g 
their time found initially fascinating 
these two novels. They provided him 
with a portrait of life at its most intet 
ng and adventurous remove from pro- 
vincial existence, yet plausible enough 
to be accepted by the provincial imagi 

Чоп; and a set of facts supposedly es 
l to anyone desiring entry into that 
What was important was that the 
ader did desire entry into that life. It 
was symbolic to him of all that his own 
fe was not, and he wished to be in- 
formed about how he should behave if 
he should ever succeed in gaining entry. 

Hence, Hemingway's preoccupation 
with the rules of social form, with the 
etiquette of correct conduct in situations 
of physical and psychic test, and Fitz 
gerald's passion. to learn the rules, to 


these are exactly 
iweral reader of 


become an acceptable member of the 
club, made a powerful appeal to his 
imagination as well as to his native 
terest in process and know-how. It was 
ike the appeal made by the arche- 
ypal older brother or favorite uncle 
who returns to his home town alter long 
absence to charm hi latives with tales 
of curious customs in far-oli, exotic lands. 
Hemingway's role was always that of the 
older brother or uncle, the man to whom 
everything imaginable һай happened; 
Fiugerald’s was always that of the wide- 

eyed younger brother or nephew, the 

boy to whom nothing worth imagining 
had ever happened: and the reader could 
identify equally well with both. He could 
identify not only because he could sense 
that both were themselves as enchanted 
and as fundamentally innocent as he, 
but because they were telling him som 
thing he did not know and wished to 
know, and telling it in the context of 
moral assumptions 4 
sponses which we 
own, The novel 
therefore, п Extel 
sion and extender of his grasp of reali 
a rule book for the conduct of the de- 
si ond the limits 
of the undes a which he felt 
enclosed. And it is this educative cle- 
ment which the novel has lost in our 
ias lost the middle 
become, by a shift from 
1 status, from sociology to 
phrenology, the middlebrow. 

1 familiar with the standard 
reasons given for the change that has 
taken place in American society and, by 
extension, in the American novel, since 
nd Fitzgerald began to 
present population is no 
fied by а common provincial 
a region d small-town 

1 character and 

culture has given way not merely to 

in outlool 

middlebrow but to mass culture, and 
while the former had some of the cohe- 
siveness ol a dillerentiated social institu- 
tion, the latter is, as its name suggests, 
merely a social abstraction. characterized. 
by undifferentiated numbers. There is 
also some significance in the fact that 
it is no longer middle-class culture 
but minority culture that is provid- 
g the primary subject matter of the 
contemporary serious novel. Middle-class 
culture appears to have receded a 
tential source of novelistic n 
time with its recession as the character- 

ing culture of our society, while the 
xperience of the Jew and the Neg! 
has steadily gained in prominence and 
relevance, not simply as social fact but 
as ап experience symbolic of the uni- 
versal sense of isolation and 
estrangement. The extraordinarily rapid 


in as both 
i t. in time with Р 
the explosion of the Negro problem, is What will they do for you? 
a particularly dramatic illustration of Try’em on and see! 
this development. LM : 
This change is. of course, in large part PUT A NEW LOOK IN YOUR LIFE—a slimmer, trimmer clean-cut 
iz Gelb X o aiit die kso asd you! Slide into a pair and discover the luxury of no-belt living. 
E EA CUTE Np They stay put—so does your shirt. You feel, look like а 
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ceeded by a new generation composed of nearest store—now showing SECUROSLAX in new cool 
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writers such as Baldwin, Mailer, Bellow, 
Malamud and Roth. It would appe 
in fact, that throughout our literature at 
the present time the authority that once 
belonged to the Midwestern and Anglo- 
Saxon imagination has passed to the 
urban and minority intelligence, the 
telligence. that is, which is just coming 
into the kind of critical relationship with 
American society which the Anglo-Saxon 
imagination has exhausted and left bi 
hind. But however invigorating this de- 
velopment may be for our literature as 
a whole — and. everything indicates that 
it has been immensely invigorating — it 
may also have served to increase still fur- 
ther the distance now separating the 
novel from the general reading public 
For where Hemingway and 
were writing out of. the 
that they wi ldressing, a culture 
ly and eth i to them- 

The secrel's inside! 4-inch elastic waistband 
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gardiess of how skillful these writers may 
matizing the full symbolic im- 
plications of that experience, there is al- 
t beyond which the most 
non-Jewish and. non-Negro 
пог go. where the necessary 
suspension of disbelief can no longer be 
willed, and he is lorced to say, “That is 

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modern world. It is not merely that we 
have grown much too sophisticated to be 
ag to settle for the sort of informa- А 
tion which the older novel provided, al- 
though there is no doubt that we hav 
Jt is also that the novel has ceased to 
be the primary source of our informa- 
tion about the varieties of experien 
that lie beyond the limits of our per- 
sonal lives, and we simply cannot bring 
to it quite the old expectations, quite the 
old naive willingness to give ourselves up 
to the image of experience which it sets 
before us, It may be that we have lost 
faith in both the novel and experience, 
that something has gone wrong with our 

bility to respond not only to the ima 
232 East Ohio Street * Chicago, Illinois 60611 

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the fault lies as much with experience 
and our present relation to it as it does 
with the novel. 

The provincial expects always to be 
transformed by contact with the world 
beyond the provinces. He may even ex- 
pect to be saved by it, as though some- 
thing terribly religious were bound to 
happen to him if only he could get out 
of town and on the road to his personal 
Damascus. Most of the characters 
older Ameri Is believed thi 
: Anderson's 
Hemingway's Nick Adams, Fitzgerald's 
Amory Blaine and Nick Carraway, 
Wolfe's Eugene nt, Dos Passos’ Mar- 
tin Howe, rell's Studs Lonigan were 
all seekers after the cosmic “it” to be 
found in the experience of the modern 
world. They were all disciples of what 
has come to be called the cult or my. 
i perience, that innocent faith 
itual conversion principle of 
merely additive living, which pro- 
vided the American novel with so much 
of its ba as well as extraneous matc- 
rial. But we have come to know better 
— even if our knowledge is not shared by 
writers like Jack Kerouac who continue 
ice an extinct provincialism and 
to exult depressingly in experience which 
literature and the rest of us have long 
се had. We all of us very much 

in the modern world at the present time, 
and we can scarcely remember a time 
when we were not very much, even too 


It is, й t, thc usual thing 

with us to be educated by all the scc- 
ondary sources of experience to which 
we now have such abundan long 
before we have a chance to be educated 
by primary experience. We are vicari- 
ously informed about experience almost. 
to the point where we do not need to 
have experience, and if we do have it, 
we very often [eel it to be less comp 
ling than the second-hand version of it. 
which we already possess. This is un- 
doubtedly the reason why the more 
entertainment medi: h as 
and the motion pictures — 
ve very nearly 

succeeded in doing our living for u 
are finding it necessary to make use of 
steadily more bizarre and sensational 
15 in their effort to maintain their 
hold on the public attention. Since the 
public knows so very much as it is, and 
is so heavily surfeited with what it 
knows, it requires exposure to stronger 
and stronger doses of reality in order to 
be able to respond at all, And although 
lacking the cynicism of the more frankly 
commercial media, the novel has been 
propelled in the same direction. Because 
it is no longer able to discharge its older 
educative and initiatory function, it has 
been forced to concern itself with the 
more margi 
sometimes with precisely those depicted 
on the movie and television screens — or 
with kinds of experience which may have 
great personal meaning and nce 
to the author but little or none to the 

^Miss Bemis will see you in a minute, sir." 

reader, particularly the general or mid 
dlebrow reader who is not equipped to 
find his satisfaction solely in the artistry 
with which the experience is portrayed. 

Actually, the middlebrow reader's cs- 
trangement from the contemporary seri- 
ous novel involves a. paradox of rather 
bewildermg complexity. If we take it for 
granted that the serious novel does not 
interest him—and publishers’ sales fig- 
ures seem to indicate that it emp! 
cally does not—the first explanation 
that comes to mind is that he does not 
find it relevant to his life. Yet in saying 
this one cannot allay the suspicion that 
his life is itself irrelevant to life, at least 
to most of those forms and manifesta- 
tions of it which the novelist can get at 
and put to creative use. The middlebrow 
scems to have very litle sense of a dis 
tinctive experience or a distinctive past, 
and such sense as he does have seems to be 
intermittent, fragmentary and elusive. As 
1 have said, he lacks the advantage which, 
30 or 10 years ago, he might have enjoyed, 
the adv age of involvement in some of 
the large cultural movements and histori- 
cal changes which gave the members of 
the older middle class their feelings of 
having shared in a collective cultural past. 
He has had no part, for example, in the 
at psychological as well as physical mi- 
ion from the provinces to the city; he 
was not on hand at the opening of the last 
frontier of the modern consciousness and 
the modern world. Hence, he cannot know 
the powerful response of instantaneous 
recognition and identification felt by 
those readers who discovered in some 
of the novels of their time ап imagina 
tive rendering of things they remem- 
bered having lived or wished they might 
live. He is not, to be sure, very likely 
to be exposed to novels having to do 
with such things, or with things of 
equivalent importance to his own 
and his own experience. The novel- 
ists of his time also lack the advantage 
of sharing in a collective cultural expe- 
nce, and so tend to devote themselves 
perience about which 
uy only that it has meaning 
lives. It is 
therefore not surprising that the middle- 
brow reader, having little or no sense of 
personal experience, should be able to 
make little or no sense of the experience 
of novelists who have a sense only of 
their personal experience. 

A novel may, on the other hand, be 
about something the reader knows or is 
supposed to know. It may be about sub- 
ja, exurt mass culture or the ad- 
vertising business, although, interestingly 
enough, our current serious novels are 
almost never about such things. It may 
depict a life that is virtually an exact 
copy of the life he leads every day. But 
by confronting him with that life, the 
novel is bound to appear to him hateful 
and depressing, or again simply unreal 

and relevance to their ow 

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Playboy Club keytoldersmay chargobyenclcsing key ne. 

and foreign, not only because he has 
probably never before seen his life ex- 
cept in hurried glimpses through the 
haze of his semiconsciousness, but be- 
cause the novelist's determination to get 
at the truth would almost inevitably 
force him to por ities which the 
reader could not accept without fi 
his life intolerable. Certainly, he does 
not want to be reminded that he is living 
a life that is not worth living, and the 
fact that in order to live it he has had 
to close his mind to it does not increase 
his ability or desire to identify with it 
when he sees it reflected in a novel 
Hence, it would seem that unless the 
novel were in other respects sufficiently 
unique, surprising or salacious to amuse 
or titillate him, he would have little rea- 
son to read it and much reason not to 
read it. 

Yet this is by no means to suggest that 
what the middlebrow actually wants 
from fiction is irrelevance of the kind 
that the ordinary run of escape fiction 
could be counted on to give him. The 
thing that makes him a middlebrow re- 
quires him to pretend to himself that 
he is observing the pietics of middlebrow 
status, that he is continuously and con- 
sciously exercising his taste in ways that 
have been approved by the cultural cs- 
tablishment to which he feels affiliated 
What he therefore wants from fiction is 
a portrait of experience that seems real 
and familiar to him, but that is not so 
real and familiar as to make him un- 
comfortable or force him to examine his 
life. He also wants a style of present 
tion that looks serious and “literary 
the same time that it too is familiar and 
conventional enough not to violate his 
preconceptions about the way good litera- 
шге should sound or assault his sensi- 
ness of the really 

es with the 


Then, of course, along with all this, and 
in spite of his high moral pretensions, 
he wants the various extraliterary divi- 
dends which he could get from trash if 
he dared to read it. He wants 5 а 
sensation and violence and outrage, апа 
he wants them on the only terms on 
which he can be sure of a dea а 
powerful response, in the form of mas- 
sive copulations, giant orgasms, hideous 
rapes and Cinemascopic murders and 
pillages — the bloodcurdling extremity of 
which is in perfect proportion to the 
emotional impoverishment of his life. He 
wants them on these terms, that is, if 
he can persuade himself, at whatever cost 
to the truth, that they are the terms of 
serious literature. 

At the moment there are not many 
good writers around who would be able 
to assist the middlebrow in this kind of 
self-deception. There are, to be sure, a 
number who could provide him with 
the titillation he craves, but too often 
the titillation would carry with it some 

Wilbur Clarke. 






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“Yeah, but suppose it's not for psychological effect?” 

reminder of the real world which he 
would find distasteful. Because of his 
rather gingerly orientation toward him- 
self and toward reality, the middlebrow 
requires a fiction combining some of the 
pretensions of serious literature with 
some of the escapist and sensational 
qualities of trash, a fiction, in other 
words, that will feed his intellectual 
vanity, coddle his complacency, and en- 
ble him at the same time to drain off 
his more virulent frustrations — all in a 
context of lifelike and literaturelike un- 
reality, Certainly, there is no one writer 
who satisfies all these requirements. But 
it is possible to think of two who in 
very diffcrent ways and to very different. 
degrees satisfy at least some of them. 
John O'Hara, of course, comes immedi- 
ately to mind because the large sales of 
his books—to say nothing of the kind 
of critics who praise them — are convinc- 
ing proof of his overwhelming middle- 
brow appeal. William Styron seems at 
first glance to be a much less obvious 
possibility because he has some reputa- 
tion for seriousness and is so much better 
a writer than O'Hara that he threatens 
t every moment to be mistaken for 
highbrow and to disappear into the rcla- 
tively т s obscurity of highbrow 
status. Yet whatever their differences of 
nent, OCH and 

rious literary pretensions 
ially middlebrow view of 
y embodies the mid- 
dlebrow notion of the important novelist. 
To put the matter in the simplest po 
ble terms, the middlebrows like O'Hara 
because his books ad them of the 
life they imagine themselves to be lead- 
ing. Hence, he is the perfect antidote to 
those other writers who keep reminding 
them either of the life they actually ате 
leading or of a life th п imagine 
nobody leading. The middlebrows like 
Styron because his books remind them 
not of life but of the classic modern 

literature they think they are supposed 
to admire. Hence, he is one younger 
writer from whom it is possible to get 
the comforting impression that nothing 
has really changed in the novel since the 
golden age of middlebrow proprictor- 
ship over it. 

EXE the matter is. of course, nowhere 
imple. O'Hara crcates a fam 
r, seemingly able world — or let 
us say that he creates an initial illusion 
or facsimile of on at is both totally 
unlike the world the middlebrows live 
in and exactly like the world they want 
to see themselves as living in. The ш 
likeness puts a safe distance between 
themselves and his world, freeing them 
of all moral responsibility for it, at the 
same time that the likeness enables them 
to identify vicariously with it, in a state 
of guiltless, voyeuristic fantasy. On the 
surface O'Hara's favorite locale, Gibbs- 
ville, Pennsylvani is an American 
Dream community straight out of Nostal- 

i» by way of The Saturday Evening 
Post. It is everybody's Our Town raised 
to a higher income bracket and gone 
sophisticated, a good, solid, red-blooded, 
churchgoing sort of place where the 
people seem both prosperous and nice, 
and the best families have been best 
friends of the best families for genera- 
tions. There appear to be no Jews, Ne- 
or homosexuals in Gibbsville, but 
are any, they would certainly 
be tolerated, although just as certainly 
not admitted to the clubs or invited to 

about the only fictional community 

current American literature. where the 
middlebrow reader can escape the pre- 
ailing obsession with minority groups 
and perverts, and be sure that, if dev 
ions from right conduct do occur, they 
will at least occur among the right sort 
of people. That, at any rate, is the assur- 
ance that O'Hara seems to provide, 
at is the sop he tosses to middlebrow 
snobbery and moral hypocrisy, and, аз 

it turns out, it is absolutely vital to the 
success of his appeal to the middlebrow 

For in almost every O'Hara novel 
there comes а moment when the readers 
conscience has to be palliated if hi 
fidence is to be held, a moment when 
life in Gibbsville is rev 
deal more th i 
surface, Bene: 
ability and niceness, behind the closed 
bedroom doors of the mansions, in the 
expensive convertibles parked out in 
ck of the country club, all sorts of i 
teresting and incredible things suddenly 
seem to be going on — among the 
people, of course —and all of them, not 
very surprisingly, have to do with sex. 
To put the matter with typical O'Hara- 
ish directness, whatever else his cha 
ters may piously appear to be doing with 
their time, what they are actually doi 
is sleeping or tying to sleep with every- 
body else's wife or daughter or sister or 
mistress or mother, The pursuit of the 
Good Life, when reduced, as O'Hara 
persistently reduces it, to its symbiotic 
essence, becomes the pursuit of the 
Good Lay. Our Town is magically wans- 
formed —one might almost over- 
night—into the Kinsey report; the 
Salurday Evening Post image fades into 
something with green covers out of 
Olympia Press; and bed emerges at last 
as the natural social habitat of the solid 
citizens of Gibbsville, a kind of fomica 
tory home-aw 
body sooner or later gets acquainted and 
settles down to the enjoyment of r 

There are even occasions when John 



-from-home where every- 

graphic Krafft-Ebing, 
a dinical recital of all the possible ways 
of having sex for those who fe 

even the staunchest Gibbsvilleans ulti- 

mately must— that, sexually реа 
they ready had everything. Оп 
such occasions we leave behind the 

world of mere wo 

deviational activity is explored by per- 
formers as aloof and business! the 

people who pose for French feelthy post- 

cards. make passes at litle 
1 women. Lit- 

па older 

of trucks and older girls seduce 
other in college dorms. 

It all turns out to be as twisted and 
corrupt as the gamiest of the serious 
novels which the middlebrows find too 
ugly and distasteful to read. But there 
is one very important difference, Where 
in many of these novels the corruption 
exists in a context of seemingly equal 
distortion, in а world which the middle- 
g and strange, 

in O'Hara's novels the corruption has 
had its sting removed through being 
presented within the familiar and sanc- 
tifying context of middle-class moral ap- 
ces. It is made acceptable not only 
because the right people indulge ir 
but because the moral machinery which 
conventionally condemns it is built into 
the setting in whid occurs. That 
setting is Gibbsville, and what is Gibbs- 
ville if not an idealization of our collec- 
tive imaginary memory of what appears 
on the surface to be the perfect Amer- 
ican town, the kind of town we like to 
think we have all lived in or at the very 
least come from? But as an idealization 
ably unreal, although 
it deeply familiar as ап 
imaginary construct. It is removed from 
the reader in time, and it exists out of 
me in a dimension of myth and nostal- 
gia— the same dimension in which we 
sentimentally place Our Town and The 
Saturday Evening Post. 

By a very human incongruity the dirty 
hook with the green covers als s 
that dimension in our minds: senti- 
mentality and pornography arc, in psy- 
chologic: terms, bedfellows. Hence, 
a's treatment of sex, which is 
p more than bad pornography 
smugeled in under the thin plain wrap- 
per of social documentation, ally 
j unreal as his Gibbsville. It is un- 
real first because it is sex cold-bloodedly 
enacted without love or passion by pco- 
ple who seem just as wooden and lifeless 
as the characters in sht pornog- 
iphy, and second because it is literary 
sex, book sex, having virtually nothing to 
do with, and therefore casting no reve- 
latory light upon, the actual. practice of 

in the living society about which 

a is ostensibly writing. It is merely 
wet dreams аге made on, 
ed ritualistically and mechanically 
bstitute in life for an carned emo- 
1 relationship, and i ure for 
an earned dramatic nce, the 
kind of significance which the scrious 
novelist takes pains to find outside as 
well as between the sweaty sheets of his 
created world, 

But literature’s 1055 is, in O'Hara's 
case, the middlebrow reader's gain, Bc- 
cause of the lifelike unreality of 
O'Hara's setting and the impersonal na- 
ture of his pornography, the reader 
nses that none of it finally relates to 
him or engages him on the moral level. 
Yet he also senses that it is familiar 
enough and close enough to his crotic 
nd sentimental dre: 
im to dei 
it He is therefore absolved of all re- 
sponsibility to judge or condemn it, 
freed to lie back and enjoy the show 
with a dean conscience and a ditty 
mind. He has, 
have it both 



fact, been allowed to 
ays, which is the prime 
ement the middlebrows make of 

a novel: he has had his cheesecake and 
not caten it, too. The Saturday Evening 
Post image — the pretensions to respect- 
ability which he initially saw i ibbs- 
ville and which lulled him into an 
itcan’t-happen-here state of mind — has 
canceled out the distaste he might other- 
wise have [elt obliged to have for the 
pornography. The pornography has at 
the same time provided him with the 
titillation he craved: while O'Hara's 
seeming earnestness and detachment, 
above all his apparently scrious commit- 
ment to the old-fashioned belief that 
whatever is sexy or obscene must be art 
("Don't say ‘urinate, ” cried the lusty 
old slicer-oflife. "Say *piss!'") have 
given the reader the excuse he needs for 
succumbing to the capital middlebrow 
self-delusion, the delusion that he is 
reading literature while enjoying all the 
Kicks of trash. 

"The case with Styron is both very sim- 
ilar and very different. Styron is, first of 
all, obviously no O'Hara. For one thing, 
he is an infinitely better, infinitely more 
intelligent. writer, and for another, his. 
place on the sliding scale of literary 
charlatanism is nowhere near so secure. 
Styron apparently writes the way he 
does because he honestly believes tha 
the way serious literature sounds — and 
he is right: it does or, at any rate, it did. 
His charlatinism — if it can be called 
that—is of the ious and, 
therefore, wholeheartedly sincere kind. 
O'Hara, on the other hand, passed off 
as serious literature what he should 
know to be trash, presumably because, 
first, he can no longer write anything 
else and, second, because he has found 
out by now that his particular audience 
is incapable of telling the difference 

а is an example of the 
ist who has abnegated. 
inal power to write well for mid- 
dlebrow success. Styron is an example — 
re one indeed in the pres- 
ion— of the still- 

ed a cer- 
ure of middlebrow success 
without having to compromise at all He 

is what the middlebrows want just as he 
is—or to be exact, he was until the ap- 
pearance of his book Set This House оп 
Fire raised new questions concerning his 
status in the middlebrow club. 

But that again is a simplification. 
Styron is better than this, and deserves 
better than this. Let us say that he is a 
victim of his age in that he happened 
to [orm himself on standards of literary 
seriousness which have unfortunately be- 
come too widely known and accepted to 
be considered very serious anymore. He 
formed himself, that is, on the standards 
set by his eminent predecessors, and now 
he is condemned to writing like them, 
to achieving his effects in the way they 
achieved theirs, while today seriousness 
can ultimately be measured only in the 


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degree to which a writer refines upon 
his predecessors or goes them one better, 
with another kind of power and a differ- 
ent degree and quality of emphasis. 

Yet it is precisely this lack of primary 
seriousness in Styron that accounts most 
for such popularity as he has so far e 
joyed with the middlebrow reading pub- 
lic. His work sounds not only to him but 
to them like the serious literature which 
they have been taught to admire — and 
that of course, the now classic and 
institutionalized literature of the Twen- 
tie: d Thirties. For a long time this 
kind of assurance of continuity with the 
honored past has been the one clement 
the middlebrows have sorely missed in 
the novels of the current younger 
writers. They have been confused by the 
fact that so many of these writers are 
supposed to be good, while at the same 
time they are obviously not good in the 
old familiar ways. Styron’s considerable 
virtue is that he puts their minds at ease 
by satisfying the expectations wh 
chronically bring to new wri 
vindicating their prejudices about the 
nature of good writing in general. He 
is, in short, a "literary" writer in the 
sense that his work resembles what 
generally taken to be, or has been in 
demnified by previous usage as being, 
erary.” He therefore never commits 
the unpardonable sin of the truly orig- 
inal writer: he never confronts the 
reader with what, disturbingly, the 
ader has never seen before; he never. 
educates the consciousness by demand- 
ing that it go to work here and now, as 
if for the very first time, on him and his 
unique vision of reality. Instead, he 
comforts the reader, however uninten- 

tionally, with a vision of the fami 
and the previously опей, skill- 
fully projected through a literary man- 
ner with which the reader feels 

thoroughly at home. Yet Styron is a 
sufficiently good writer never to seem 
merely imitative. In everything he has 
done up to now he has managed to 
a fine balance between sounding 
r enough to be acceptable and 
not sounding so familiar as to seem en- 
tirely unoriginal. 

His writing style, which has been 
justly praised for its evocative power 
and great verbal ingenuity, is 
lent example of this kind of equilibrium, 
It belongs to a category of literary ex- 
pression which the middlebrows — and, 
for that matter, many highbrows — have 
come to identify as the “major” mod- 
ern. American style, the traditional lan- 

an excel- 

, melodramatic, poetical, rhetori- 
cal, metaphorical and sentimental, and in 
Styron's hands it dearly shows the marks 
of the hard usage already given it by 

174 most of our natiye modern literary gen- 

iuses. In fact, one can easily imagine his 
books as big sprawling houses of lan- 
guage, crammed with antiques passed 
down to him by beneficent forebears 
named Wolfe, Faulkner, Fivgerald and 
Hemingway. Yet Styron's skill at interior 
decoration is such that one cannot help 
but see at once how interesting and new 
the familiar old pieces look in the quite 
individual arrangement he has made of 
them. For there can be no doubt about 
: the arrangement. is individual. It at 
least is his own, суси if the materials 
are not. He has not, therefore, been al- 

together imitative, and neither has he 

been disturbingly original. He has sim- 
ply exercised ingenuity in turning to 
his own advantage the stylistic innova- 
tions of his predecessors. But he has also 
inevitably done something else, some- 
thing vastly more important from the 
nt of view of his middlebrow ad- 
He has managed to convey the 
impression that by sounding like his 
predecessors, hc has carned the right to 
take a place in the ranks of greatness 
beside them. "The style in his case may 
not be the man, but it would seem to 
make him. For if hc writes in the cer- 
tified style of geniuses, must he not be a 
genius, too? 

Jn very much the same way, Styron's 

stock si ions and emotional stances 
are also those of serious modern litera- 
ture. The anguished, possessed, drunken, 

demented and tormented, the boorish, 
slobbish, phonily tender and sentimental 
— these are all the conventional mate- 
ids through which modern writers 
have defined their sense of the forms and. 
terms of life in the modern world. But 
the point is that they are the conven- 
tional materials. Now at this late time 
of our history they seem to belong to 
a canon of more or less habitual ar- 
rangements of reality, and they seem 
valid and rcal no longer because of their 
relation to actual life and observed ex- 
perience, but because of their relation 
to past literature, which has conditioned 
us to the assumption that they are valid 
and real, at the same time that it has 
conditioned our responses to them. 
Hence, in meeting them again in Sty- 
ron's work, one has the feeling of hav- 
ing met them before, not necessarily in 
any specific book, but in the whole of 
ure, the feeling of being 
r ground without the feeling 
g detected а plagiarism. The 
ntellectually ambitious reader might 
therefore be forgiven if he should assume 
that Styron must be as serious, even as 
original, in his handling of these mate- 
rials as his predecessors were in their 
handling of them. 

This seems to me to be Styron's prin- 
cipal weakness as a novelist, and it 
happens also to be a middlebrow weak- 
ness. In spite of his great talent and 

sensitivity he has still not found it pos- 

ble to operate outside the system of 
ideological and dramatic conventions 
which have become the clichés of the 
highbrow world even as they remain the 
intellectual status symbols of the mi 
dlebrow world. The result is that al- 
though his books are written wonderfully 
well, at least by middlebrow standards, 
they continue to exist in a dimension of 
irrelevance and unreality which is the 
dimension neither of life nor of litera- 
ише but of something in between. They 
ve many of the qualities of litera- 
ture, just as they bear considerable re- 
semblance to life, but they are essentially 
skilled adaptations of the already formu- 
lated modes of seeing and judging life 
and of portraying it in literature. 

Styron’s talent seems at the present 
time to be imprisoned within the circle 
of these modes and condemned to moy- 
ing round and round in a monotonous 

id unending routine of coming at expe- 
rience over and over again from exactly 
the same direction and reacting to it in 
exactly the same way. The explanations 
it finds for human conduct inside the 
€ always fashionable and always 
ble: the motives of women are 
Шу reducible, as they are in Lie Down 
in Darkness, to Oedipus complexes and 
the “sickness of the age"; the troubles 
of men can finally be traced, as they are 
in that book and Sei This House on 
Fire, to an inordinate fondness for the 
bottle, a suppressed fondness for other 
men, or some topical problem involving 
the controversial issues of race, creed or 

John O'Hara's talent is also imp 
опей inside the circle, and that is the 
main reason the middlebrows like him 
so much. But where O'Hara continues 
to pander not only to middlebrow tastes 
in pornography but to middlebrow 
needs to escape from literature and life, 
Styron, at least in Set This House on 
Fire. seems to have come close to losing 
the middlebrows by reminding them too 
uncomfortably of both literature and 
life. But he has not yet come dose 
enough or reminded them uncomlort- 
ably enough. To do that he will have to 
submit himself to а tougher discipline 
even than the onc which his high am- 
bition has already imposed on him. He 
will have to submit himself to the ulti- 
mate discipline of learning to sce a 
with his own eyes and to think ag: 
with his own mind, and no longer with 
those of his predecessors and contempo- 
raries. For that is the work that most 
urgently needs to be done by the ambi- 
tious writer today if the dead formu 
tions of the past are ever to be put 
aside and the novel is ever to be freed 
to function again as the educator of the 
consciousness of its time, 

“No kidding, Miss Moore, you should wear red more often.” 



176 all males"; in an Accumul 

PLAYBOY PHILOSOPHY (continued from page 68) 

nature" states, "An offense may be 
proven under this section . . . by circum- 
stantial evidence, when positive proof is 
anting. .. . А conviction may be had 
lor an attempt to commit an offense 
denounced by this section." In some 
states the mere suggestion or solicitation 
to engage in such behavior is a crime. 
Kinsey reports, "One case even goes so 
lar as to uphold the conviction of a 
man for soliciting his wife to commit 

Considering the obvious abhorrence 
h which both the legislative and the 
judicial branches of our government 
lave dealt with the subject, and the 

i ties prescribed for the 
assorted nonprocreative acts collected to. 
gether under the sodomy and "crime- 
against-nature” statutes (the most severe 
of any of our laws dealing with sexual 
activity between consenting adults), it 
is especially interesting — and significant 
— to consider how prevalent at least 
some of this behavior is in our societ 

Dr. Kinsey and his researchers found 
relatively little evidence of heterosexual 
anal intercourse, her within or out- 
side of marriage, and neither of their 
first books include any statistics on this 
behavior. Kinsey did find marked differ- 
ences in the anal eroticism reported by 
his subjects, however, and some of the 
females described sexual responses to 
anal intercourse that were closely akin 
to those achieved through vaginal coitus. 
More current research prompts the Sex 
Institute to estimate that approximately 
four percent of the adult male popula- 
tion has attempted, and three percent 
successfully accomplished, anal hetero- 
sexual intercourse; these statistics are 
from a preliminary study, however, and 
no educational breakdown is presently 

i consistent with Kinscy's prev 
ous findings, it is to be assumed that the 
percentage among upper-level, college- 
educated males will be somewhat higher 
than this overall average. number of 
experts in sexual behavior, including Dr. 
Lawrence Z. Freedman, of the Depart- 
ment of Psychiatry at the University of 
Chicago, consider these percentages to be 
low; Dr. Freedman states, "My impres- 
sion is that both female homosexual 
experience and male anality are prob- 
ably underestimated in these [Kinscy’s 
and his Sex Institute's] figures.” 

In contrast to anal intercourse, how- 
ever, Kinsey found oral-genital sex — also 
considered a "crime against nature" i 
most states — quite common among males 
and females, married and unmarried. 

Kinsey reports, “Mouth-genital con- 
tacts of some sort, with the subject as 
either the active or the passive member 
in the relationship, occur at some time 
the histories of nearly 60 percent of 
e Inci- 

dence table for Oral Contacts in Sexual 
Behavior in the Human Male, by which 
is meant the sexual experience of the 
subject up to the time of the interview, 
Kinsey found that 18.4 percent of the 
males had premarital heterosexual o 

ital relations of an “active” nature 
performed by the male on 
the female) and 38.6 percent had 
sive” mouthgenital relations prior to 
marriage (fellatio, performed on the 
male by a female); however, the Ameri- 

can husband apparently believes it is 

to give than to receive, or is less 
ly repressed than his spouse, as 
pproximately 45.3 percent of the mar- 
ricd males engage in cunnilingus with 
their wives, while 49.7 percent experi- 
ence fellatio. 

As with most sexual activity, educa- 
kground plays an 
role in determining the extent of o 
genital activity that accompanies the sex 
act, with cunnilingus and fellatio far 
more common among  upper-educated 
males than among their less-educated 
brothers. Among those males who have 
never gone beyond eighth grade in 
school, the accumulative incidence for 
mouthgenital contacts of any kind is 
only 40 percent; for those males with an. 
education limited to high school, the in- 
cidence is 65 percent; and for those with 
some college, the percentage rises to 72. 

Fifteen percent of al] U.S. females 
have some mouth-genital contact prior 
to marriage and, as might be expected, 
Kinsey found a high correlation between 
such activity prior to marriage and the 
extent of premarital intercourse engaged 
in by fcmale subjects: among the 
younger women in the study who 
not engaged in premarital coitus, "only 
three percent had allowed the male to 
touch their genitalia orally. . . . But 
among those females who had had some, 
even though not extensive coital experi- 
ence, some 20 percent in the younger 
generations had accepted such oral stim- 
ulation; and among those who had had 
more extensive coital experience, 46 
percent had accepted such contacts . . .” 

Oral stimulation of the male by the 
female follows the same general pat- 
tern, though the incidence is slightly 
lower. On this Kinsey comments, "Often 
the female makes such contacts only be- 
cause she is urged to do so by the male, 
but there are a few females who 
ate such activity and some who may be 
much aroused by it, A few may even 
reach orgasm as they stimulate the male 
orally. This greater inclination of the 
human male toward oral activity is du- 
plicated among other species of mam- 
mals, Contrary to our earlier thinking. 
we now understand that there are basic 
psychologic differences between the 
sexes; and although cultural traditions 

also be involved, the differences in 
oral behavior may depend primarily on 
the greater capacity of the male to be 
stimulated psychologically 

Among married women. approximately 
50 percent have some mouth-genital con- 
tact, either active or passive, with thei 
husbands; Kinsey's report on the Fe- 
male does not include any classification 
by educational background, but it is to 
be assumed that the pattern already 
established would hold tuc and that 
females with a higher education would 
also display a markedly higher incidence 
of both premarital and marital activity 
of an oral-genital nature. 

One of Kinsey's most interesting find- 
ings related to oral eroticism has to do 
with the date of birth of his subjects — 
a comparison of the incidence of thi 
activity among both the males and fe- 
males of the present and previous gen- 
erations. Quite clearly the public attitude 
d such behavior has changed rad- 
ally during the past 50 years and 
what was once considered “perversion” 
is now recognized and accepted through- 
out much of our society as both natural 
and good: such a lessening of the 
taboos connected with this sexual ac- 
tivity might be expected to produce 
a noticeable increase in the activity itself. 

In addition, the antisexual might 
argue that the prevalence of such “so- 
phisticated" nonreproductive variations 
on the sexual theme offers evidence of a 
sexually jaded society that requires such 
bnomnal" psychosexual stimulation, 
because the unnatural contemporary ob- 
session with the subject has dulled our 
capacity to appreciate sex and be aroused 
by it in its simpler forms. 

1t is significant to note, therefore, that 
in the accumulativeincidence tables 
both the Male and the Female studies, 
ital activity is relatively the 
same for past and present generations. 
Society's publicly proclaimed attitude on 
the subject has undergone a dramatic 
change, but the actual private behavior 
of the individual has remained almost 
constant. There were, as we have pointed 
out, significant variations based upon 
educational background, but for both 
males and females of similar education 
in this and the previous generations, 
born in cach decade back to 1900, 
ey comments, "there were surpris 
ingly few differences . . .” 

‘This fact is important, we feel, both 
in establishing the essential naturalness 
of the behavior itself and in pointing 
out how relatively ineffective social and 
legal taboos are in suppressing natura 


‘The same oral and anal techniques 
that may be used to introduce variety 
and additional pleasure into à hetero: 
sexual relationship are the primary 

means of sexual gratification in homo- 
sexual associations. 

As we have already stated, none of the 
U.S. statutes with sodomy 
and/or “the abominable and detestable 
crime against nature” make any dis 
tinction between the heterosexual or 
homosexual practice of such activities 
In the enforcement of the laws, however, 
disproportionately high percentage of 
sodomy arrests and convictions involve 
homosexual contacts — presumably be 
cause a heterosexual cop and a hetero 
sexual judge find a homosexual crime 
against nature a good deal more "abomi- 
nable and detestable” than а hetero 
sexual one. 

We confess to a strong personal preju- 
dice in favor of the boy-girl variety of 
sex, but our belief in 
and humane society demands a tolerance 
of those whose sexual inc'inations ave 
different from our own-—so long as 
their activity is limited to consenting 
adults in private and does not involve 
either minors or the use of any kind of 
coercion. Lenny Bruce expressed our 
viewpoint with typical satiric bite and in- 
ight when he said: "I'm not prejudiced 




against homosexuals, but I wouldn't 
want my brother to marry one. 
Actually, we Americans are — as a na- 

tion — more intolerant of homosexuality 
than almost any other county in the 
world; Dr. Alfred Kinsey states, in Sex- 

ual Behavior in the Human Female: 
“There appears to be no other major 
culture in the world in which public 
opinion and the statute law so severely 
penalize homosexual relationships as the 
do in the United States today.” You can 
call an American male а scoundrel and 
a thief with less chance of eliciting an 
emotional response than if you simply 

question his manhood 
The American male’s concern over his 
masculinity amounts to an obsess 
And as we have observed in our con- 
sideration of the history of antisex in 
our culture, such an obsession usually 


represents a repressed fear. We will 
plore a bit later, in some detail, the 
degree to which this fear for our man- 
hood is justified in contemporary 0.5. 
will attempt to trace 
trends in our society that are responsi- 
ble for this drift toward the asexual; 
and we will point out the extent to 
which the censor and the prude con- 
centrate their most vigorous attacks on 
the heterosexual aspects of our culture, 
leaving the asexual, homosexual, sado- 
masochistic and fetishistic to flourish. 
Quite obviously, however, any at- 
tempts society may make to legislate ho- 
mosexuality out of existence are doomed 
Пу more 
inclined to perpetuate and encourage 
sexual deviation than diminish it 
To whatever extent homosexuality — 

society: we the 

to certain failure and are actua 

an erotic attraction to members of the 
same rather than the opposite sex — rep- 
resents an emotional disorder, it must be 
dealt with psychiatrically; you do not 
successfully treat 
a law against its symptoms. In addition, 
homosexual behavior is not necessarily 
symptomatic of amy emotional aberra- 
tion; far too great a percentage of our 
adult population have engaged in some 
form of homosexual activity at some 
time in their lives to permit it to be 
scientifically defined as abnormal. 

Kinsey points out that homos 
contacts occur frequently in a 
species of animal life and except for the 
strong cultural taboos affixed to such be- 
havior, the incidence would presumably 
be equally high among human beings, 
Kinsey states that a perfectly normal 
man or woman may be erotically av 
tracted to, or aroused by, a member of 
the same sex; and. prolonged separation 
from the opposite sex 
some assignments in the armed services) 
may significantly increase these homo: 
sexual responses. Judge Morris Ploscowe 
states, in Sex and the Law: “Whenever 
men are isolated from women, or women 
from men, for any length of time, homo- 
sexual relationships and activity inevit- 
ably develop." 

The individual whose homosexual ac- 
tivity becomes known is apt to find 
himself an outcast in much of our hetero- 

neurosis by passing 

in prison or 

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sexual society and he is forced into a 
nether world inhabited almost exclu. 
sively by homosexuals: it thus becomes 
increasingly unlikely that he will ever 
lind his way back to a. predominantly 
heterosexual life. In this way, we unwit- 
tingly support a system calculated to 
maximize the spread of homosexuality 
rather than reduce its incidence, at the 
me time linking the behavior with 
feelings of guilt and shame conducive to 
nal conflict, anxiety and perhaps 
serious psychological disorientation. 
Kinsey makes this further appeal to 
'egarding our attitude on the sub- 
‘Condemnations of homosexual as 
well as some other types of sexual activ- 
ity аге based on the argument that they 


and in that sense represent a perversion 
of what is taken to be ‘normal’ sexual 
behavior. It is contended that the gen- 
al spread of homosexuality would 
threaten the existence of the human 
species, and that the integrity of the 
home and of the social organization 
could not be ma ned if homosexual 
activity were not condemned by moral 

codes and public opinion and made 
punishable under the statute law. The 
gument ignores the fact that the ex- 
istent mammalian species have managed. 
to survive in spite of their widespread 
homosexual activity, and that sexual re- 
lations between males seem to be wide- 
spread in certain cultures (for instance, 
Moslem and Buddhist cultures) which 
are more seriously concerned with prob- 
lems of overpopulation than they are 
with any threat of underpopulation. 
Interestingly enough, these are also cul- 
tures in which the institution of the 
mily is very strong.” 

condemnation of homo- 
tionships originated in Jewish 
history in about the Seventh Century 
extensive ап! 
ted Judaism after 
the Babylonian exile. Kinsey comments, 
"Both mouth-genital contacts and homo- 
sexual activities had previously been as- 
sociated with the Jewish religious service, 
as they had been with the religious 
services of most of the other peoples of 
that part of Asia, and just as they have 
been in many other cultures elsewhere 
in the world. In the wave of nationalism 

which was then developing among the 
Jewish people, there was an attempt to 
disidentify themselves with their neigh- 
bors by breaking with many of the cus- 
toms which they had previously shared 
with them. Many of the Talmudic con- 
demnations were based on the fact that 
such activities represented the way of 
the Canaanite, the way of the Chaldean, 
у of the pagan, and they were 
liy condemned as a form of idola- 
a sexual crime. Through- 
iddle Ages homosex: 
associated with heresy. The reform in the 
custom (the mores) soon, however, be 

question for action under crimi 

“Jewish sex codes were brought over 
nto Chi an codes by the early ad- 
herents of the Church, including St. Paul, 
who had been raised in the Jewish tradi: 
tion on matters of sex. The Catholic sex 
code is an almost precise continuation of 
the more ancient Jewish code. For c 
turies in medieval Europe, the ecclesiastic 
Jaw dominated on all questions of morals 
and subsequently became the basis for 
the English common law, the statute laws 
of England, and the laws of the various 
states of the United States. This accounts 
for the considerable conformity between 
the Talmudic and Catholic codes and 
the present-day statute law оп se: 
cluding the laws on homosexual activity,” 

We share a common Judaeo-Christian 
heritage with Europe, but American 
Puritanism has carried this country well 
beyond the antisexualism still to be 
found in the Old World. In much of the 
U. S., the legal penalties for sodomy are 
surpassed only by those for kidnaping, 
murder, and rape. 

And yet, despite the severest sort of 
social and statutory prohibitions, Dr. 
Kinsey and his research associates of 
Indiana University found a гешатг 
high percentage of both Amer 
and women who admitted to having had 
some homosexual contacts, On the open- 
ing page of the chapter entitled "Homo- 
sexual Outlet" in Sexual Behavior in 
the Human Male, Kinsey states: “A 
considerable portion of the population, 
perhaps the major portion of the male 
population, has at least some homo- 
sexual experience between adolescence 
and old age. In addition, about 60 per- 

void overt соп 
are of their 
to other males.' 

The data in this study ate that 
a minimum of 37 percent of the total 
male population have had overt homo- 
sexual experience to the point of orgasm 

«ts but who are quite 
otentialities for reacting 

les, approximately 30 
percent have been brought to climax at 
least once through mouth genital contact 

with other males; and 14 percent. have 
brought other males to climax in the 
same manner. 

When the sampling is limited to those 
men who remain single until the age of 
35, half (50 percent) have had overt 
homosexual contact resulting in orgasm 
since puberty: when educational level is 
taken into consideration for this sume 
group of single males, 58 percent of 
those who went to high school but not 
beyond, 50 percent of the grade-school 
level, and 47 percent of the college level 
ve had homosexual experience to the 
point of orgasm after the onset of 

Specific statistics on anal intercour 
in homosexual experiences are not av 
able, although Kinsey does indicate th 
al intercourse is reported by 17 per- 
cent of the preadolescent boys who had 
engaged in homosexual activity of 
sort. In general Kinsey tends to mi 
anal eroticism in homosexual. relation- 
ships, just as he has in heterosexual 
ones, and it docs appear that oral al 
techniques are far more common in both. 

Among females, 20 percent of the 
total population have had some overt 
homosexual experience prior to the age 
of 45: and 13 percent have had homo- 
sexual experience resulting in orgasm. 
When the sampling is limited to those 
females who arc still ш ried uh 
е of 45, the incidence of overt homo- 
sexual experience rises to 26 percent 

The erotic techniques Шу utilized 
by females in homosexual relations may 
often include little more than “simple lip 
ing and generalized body contacts.” 
Ultimately, however, with females of 
increased homosexual experience, а more 
timate fondling of the partner, with 
nual m ation of the breasts and 
genitalia, becomes almost universal (95 
to 98 percent); and more specific oral 
stimulation of the breasts (in 85 percent) 
lia (in 78 percent) becomes 
common technique. 

The male and female differ m 
in the number of homosexual p. 




with whom they are typically involved: 

imple of single women, a 
jon (51 percent) of those 
ny homosexual experience had had. 
relations with but a single partner, 
up to the time at which they contributed 
their histories to the study 
percent had had relation: 
ners; only 29 percent h 
sexual relations with three or more 
partners; and only 3 percent had had 
betwee: In contrast, a 
high proportion of the males with homo- 
sexual experience had had r lations with 
several dilferent partners: t had 
had more than ten partners, including 
8 percent with over one hundred. Ki ey 
originally believed that these d 
in promiscuity were due prima 

ten and twenty. 


the time he was ready to publish his 
second volume his research had led him 
to the conclusion that the differences in 
male and female promiscuity — whether 
homosexual or heterosexual — are pri- 
marily the product of varying degrees of 
psychosexual responsiveness in the two 

For any oldsters who may find these 
statistics shocking evidence of the im- 
ity of the modern generation, it 
must be reported that — as with the data 
ar heterosexual nonreproductive 
techniques — males and females born 
prior to 1900 (and in cach decade since) 
evidence almost indentical percentages 
for homosexual activity. Grandma and 
would have been shocked b 
y any open discussio; 
the subject, but their actual sexu 

1 be- 
ior was little different from our own 

Quite obviously. Kinsey's statistics do 
not represent the number of “homo- 
sexuals” in society, as we usually under- 
stand and use the term, but the amount 
of “homosexual experience.” The great 
majority of the men and women who 
have had such experiences are primarily 
heterosexual in their behavior and the 
most significant point to be unde 
from this data is that almost all of us 
have, within ourselves, the capacity to 
respond to both heterosexual and homo- 
sexual stimuli 

On this point, Kinsey states. “It would 
nicourage clearer thinking on these m: 


homosexual. but 
dividuals who have had certain amounts. 
of heterosexual experience and. certain 
amounts of homosexual experience. In 
ng these terms as substan 
stand for persons, or even as 
jectives 10 describe persons, they may 
better be used to describe the of 
the overt sexual or the 
stimuli to which 
This po 
following facts: While 37 percent of the 
tori] male population — or nearly two 
ales out of ever e at Teast 
some overt homosexual experience to 
the point of orgasm between adolescence 
and old age, only 25 percent of the male 
population have more tham incidents 
homosexual experience or reactions ove 
at least a thre period between the 
es of 16 and 55: only 18 percent have 
least as much homosexual as hetero- 
ience in their histories for 
ar period between the 
10 percent are more or less 
homosexual for at least 
period: 8 percent are exclu- 
homosexual for least thre 
1 only 4 percent are exclusively 
homosexual throughout their lives. 
But related to the subject presently 
under discussion, we must. remember 

same ages: 


that not being “homosexual” that is 
illegal in almost all of the 50 states, it 
is the single “homosexual experience” 
— of the sort engaged in, at one time or 
another. by nearly two out of every five 
adult males in society — that is a crime. 
In most. states, it is a crime punishable 
by a lengthy prison sentence 

Our moral and legal condemnations 
of homosexual activity do not apply 
equally to both men and women, being 
uncommonly severe deal h 
male homosexuality and generally ignor- 
ing like behavior in the female. This is 
consistent. w gious traditio: 
which h; 
phasis on male homosexual activity 
had Tittle to bout female homosex- 
ману. The ancient Hittite code coi 
demned теп for homosexual behavior 


our г 

ly placed much em- 

but only under certain specified cir- 
cumstances. and made no mention of 
women: similarly, the references to 

homosexuality in the Bible and Talmud 
apply primarily to the mi 
This seeming inconsistency is probably 
partially explained by the fact that 
women were considered socially less im- 
portant in earlier cultures and their 
private activities were more or less ig- 
ored when not involving men; in addi 
tiom, the speci ast 
male homosexı behavior is consistent 
with the Catholic emphasis on the wast- 
g of the male seed as a sin. In medi 
val European history thi bundant 
records of death penalties imposed upon 
miles for sexual contact with other 
males, but very few recorded cases of 
similar action against. females. 
In modern English and other 
law, the statutes have coni 
10 apply only to men (there 



stitutes адашы homosexuality 
only in Austria Finland and 
Switzerland): but in American law, the 

g of most of the statutes would 
them applicable to both female 
nd male homosexual activity: the pro- 
hibitions usually "all persons," 
пу persons," or "any human bei 
without distinction as to sex. The en- 
forcement of laws however, 
чийе another matte study of U.S. 
court records that almost. no 
women have ever been prosecuted 
convicted for homosexuality, while the 
prosecution and conviction of men for 
homosexual activity has been extensive. 
Only one state (Michigan) specifically 
prohibits Lesbi v. In five s 
(Connect ia, Kentucky, South 
consin) the sodomy 
e so written as to not include 
female homosexuality. The Georgia 
statute, titled Sodomy and Bestiality, 
def s sodomy as s “the carnal knowledge 
and connecti t the order of n; 
ture, by man with man, or in the same 
tural n woman.” The 
ads, crime of sodomy as 

reler to 


suitutes a 


defined in this section cannot be ac uly gross to an individual who 
complished between two women; hence unaware of the frequency with which 
person convicted on indictment cha exceptions to the supposed rule actually interspecific crosses, or crosse: 
ing her with sodomy, both partici occu tinct varieties, have increasing'y be- 
in act being alleged to be females, will Even the scientists have been con- come known. The birdbanding work has 
be discharged on habeas corpus on siderably biased in their investigations shown that birds respect the limits of 
ground that she is being illegally re- in this field, for they too have accepted their own species much less often than 
strained of her liberty, in that indic- the traditions. Even they have believed the old-time naturalists would have in- 
ment on which she was convicted was that matings between individuals of dif- sisted. And, finally, the students of sexual 
null and void.” t species occur only < Within behavior among the higher mammals are 

This statute thus offers an interesting t few decades, however, ‘students beginning to report an increasing num: 
example of the irrational nature of all axonomy. d evolution ber of instances of animals mating, or 
the laws dealing with sodomy: Cunni- trying to mate, with individuals of totally 
lingus (oral contact with the female Is i gly drawn to the distinct and sometimes quite remote 

philosophy or the- 
n among the higher animals, 


genitalia) is not a crime in Georgia if tention. These, of course, predicate the species . . - 
performed by another female, but it is existence of imterspecific matings. Some “When one examines the observed 

a crime if it is performed by a male; biologists are clearly uncomfortable in cases of such crosses, and especially the 
heterosexual fellatio (oral contact with the face of these data, and are inclined rather considerable number of instances 
the male genitalia) is similarly prohib- to argue them away as they would argue in which primates, including man, have 
ited. The statute states, in a further 
paragraph concerned with oral-genital 
activity: “Where man and woman vol- 
untarily have carnal knowledge and con- 
nection against the order of nature 
with cach other, they are both guilty of 
sodomy, whether offense be commiued 
by the mouth of the man or by the 
mouth of the woman.” The law makes 
no exception for a husband and wife. 

The courts have held that heterosex- 
ual cunnilingus is not “the crime against 
nature” in Mississippi and Ohio, and the 
decisions would presumably apply to 
homosexual cunnilingus as well; in 
Arkansas, Colorado, lowa and Nebraska 
the vagueness of the statutes also leaves 
some doubt as to the status of female 


Maximum fine and/or imprisonment for first offense unless otherwise noted. 



310010? or 6 mos.** | 310010? or 6 mos.** 



5-20 yrs. 

31000 or 1 yr. 
or both 

COLORADO $200 or 6 mos.**** 
CONNECTICUT $100 or 6 mos. 

144 yrs. 

ae ar both 
homosexuality. Neither male nor female 
homosexuality is illegal in Minois, for DELAWARE $500 oF 1 yr. or both $1000 and 3 yrs. 
Wie ШЕЕ 3 erm DISTRICT ОР 0 or 6 mos. 3 
it is the one state in all the 50 that has MAY SBE E $1000 or 10 yrs. 
no sodomy statute. 
FLORIDA $30 or 3 mos. 3500 or 2 yrs. $300 or 2 yrs. 20 yrs. 
ANIMAL CONTACTS GEORGIA 31000 or 12 mos. ‘$1000 or 12 mos. 1-10 yrs. 
К or both or both 2nd conviction, 
U.S. sodomy statutes universally pro- KEPA 
hibit sexual contact between humans HAWAN шо 00-3100 or 31000 and 20 yrs. 
-3 mos. 

ad infrahuman species of animal lif 
the “abominable and detestable crime 
against nature” is most often defined in 
the statutes as being “either with m: 
kind or beast.” Kinsey reports that ani- 
mal contacts represent the smallest source 
of common sexual outlet, but they are 
by no means rare and the relatively 
her percentages of such experience in 
communities, on farms, and where 

IDAHO $300 or 6 mos. 100-1000 or 

or both mos.-3 yrs. 

$200 or 6 mos. 
or both 

$500 or 6 mos. 
or both 

Syrs. to? 




KANSAS $500 or 6 mos. 

larger animals are more readily avail 

KENTUCKY. 320-350 2-5 yrs. 

able. suggest that accessibility may have LOUISIANA 51000 or 1 yr. $2000 or 5 уп. 
more to do with the incidence of such ae = mc = — 
behavior than moral and legal prohibi- zx ыа LES 
tions. MARYLAND $10 

Kinsey states, "To many persons it MASSACHUSETTS | — $30 or 3 mos. $500 or 3 yes. 3300 or 3 уп. 
will seem almost axiomatic that two MICHIGAN $500 or 1 yr. $2000 or 4 yrs, 15угз. 
mating animals should be individuals of ке 

MINNESCTA $100 or 3 mos. $300 or 2 у. 

the same 

species. This is so often truc, 
from one end of the animal kingdom to мо ЗАК кон 550080 6а 
the other, that exceptions to the rule uu Bue $1000 or Ти. 2ys. to? 
seem especially worthy of note. To those MONTANA ETE EES 

or both 
NEBRASKA $100 and 6 mos. lyr. 

NEVADA 3500-51000 or 4500-41000 or 
© тоз.-1 yr. or both | б mos.-1 yr. or both 

who believe, as children do, that con. or both 

formance should be universal, any de- 
pirture from the тше becomes an 
180 immorality. The immorality scems par- 

been involved, one begins to suspect that 
the rules about intraspecific matings arc 
not so universal as tradition would have 
it. Indecd, one is struck anew with the 
necessity for better reasons than biolo- 
gists and psychologists have yet found, 
for expecting that animal matings should 
invariably be limited to individuals of 
the same species, 

“In light of the above, it is particu- 
larly interesting to note the degree of 
abhorrence with which intercourse be- 
tween the human and animals of other 
species is viewed by most persons who 
have not had such experience. The biol 
chologist, and the an- 
thropologist and the student of history, 
will have made a significant contribution 
when they can expound the develop 


When two numbers are given, they represent minimum and maximum penalties. 

ment of our taboos on such contacts.” 
These taboos were already well-estab- 
lished in the time of the Old Testament 
and the Talmud. It is worth noting 
that in the older Hittite code, which in- 
fluenced later Hebrew law, the taboos 
on animal intercourse were not so clearly 
the moral issues that they subsequently 
came to be. Specifically, in the Hittite 
code it is decreed that “If a man lie with 
a cow the punishment is death, .. . If a 
man lies with а hog or dog, he shall d 
If a bull rear upon a man, the bull 
shall die, but the man shall not dic. 
If a boar rear иро n, there 
penalty. . . . If a man lies with a horse 
or mule, there is no penalty, but hc 
shall not come near the king, and hc 
shall not become it pricst.” 


NEW HAMPSHIRE | $50 or6 mos. 3:00 &1 yr. 1000 or 5 yrs. 
312-3 yrs. or both 
NEW JERSEY 0 or 6 1000 or 3 000 or 20 yis. 
ыз "е. bol фын 
NEW MEXICO 100 or 6 mos. 5000 or 2-10: 
ык Кышы 
NEW YORK 3250 or 6 mos. $500 or1yr. 
ar bath or both 
NORTH CAROLINA | Fine or jailor beth | Fine or jail or both 
as court may direct | as court may direct 

NORTH DAKOTA | $100 or 1 mo. 
or both 

or both 

$500 or 3 yrs. 

3100-5500 or 
1 mo.-3 mos. 

$200 or 3 mos. 

OHIO $200 or 3 mos. 

طا ا 

OREGON 450-4300 o $200-$1000 or 

Ге mos. 3 ms 2 yrs 
PENNSYLVANIA | $100 $500 or Lyr. $5000 or 10 yrs. 

or both 

RHODE ISLAND | sto $500 or] yr. 
SOUTH CAROLINA | $100-3500 er 4100-5500 or $5000 to ? or 

б mos--1 yr. or both 

6 mos--1 yr. or both 

Š yrs. or both 

or both 

$500 or 5 yrs. 


TEXAS $50-$500 5100-51000 

UTAH 3100 or 6 mos. ays. 

VERMONT зоо or 5 ys. 1-5 yrs. 
VIRGINIA 320-5100 320-8100 

WASHINGTON $1000 oF 2 yrs. $1000 or 1 уг. 

WEST VIRGINIA $20 to? 320107 

ог both 

S50 to ? or 6 mos. 
or both 

WISCONSIN 3200 or 6 тоз. 31000 or 3 yrs. 
or both or both or both 
WYOMING $100 and 3 mos. $100 and 3 mos, 

*Sodomy often referred to as "the crime against nature 

**$300 to ? or 1 year for second conviction; 2 years for third. 

"$100 to ? ог 1 year for second conviction; 1 to 3 years for third conviction. 
‘****Double first sentence imposed for second conviction and so on for subsequent convictions. 
*****Penalty for male only; for female, penalty is less: $10 to $30 or 1 to З months’ imprisonment, 

includes. wide variety of “unnatural” sexual activity, with 
animals or with another person of either Sex, both within and outside of marriage, 


Kinsey comments, “These are proscrip- 
tions against contacts with certain ani- 
while contacts with certain other 
mals are more or less accepted. Such 
distinctions are striking!y paralleled by 
the taboos which made certain foods 
dean and other foods unclean. [As we 
have previously noted, early Christians 
then adapted and subs 
forced these traditions: 
for a time, an 
Christian to have sexual relations with 
a Jew.] The student of human folks 
is inclined to see a considerable body of 
superstition in the origins of all such 
taboos, even though they may ultimately 
become religious and moral issues for 
whole nations and whole races of 

In any case, 
contacts with a 

is certain that human 
imals of other species 
have been known since the dawn of his- 
they appear in the folk tales of 
ancient. culture, and references to 
contacts abound in ihe writings 
t of the oldest civilizations; they 

own to every race and culture 
acluding our own. 

Kinsey concludes, "Far from being 
matter for surprise, the record simply 
substantiates our present understanding 
that the forces which bring individuals 
of the same species together in sexual 


are also 

relations, may sometimes serve to bring 
individuals of different species together 

in the same types of sexual relations.” 

About 8 percent of the tota! ma 
population have some sexual 
with animals. Most such expe 
in the early postadolescent уса 
tween adolescence and the age of 20— 
with the incidence dropping markedly 
the older age groups. Frequency of animal 
cts is similarly low in the male pop- 
n, taken as a whole; for most indi- 
Is, they do not occur more than once 
or twice, or a few times in a lifetime. 
The significance of such experiences 
becomes more pronounced, however, 
when our consideration is limited to the 
records of males raised in rural or farm 
communities, with a ready access to ani- 
mals, For this group, approximately 17 
percent experience orgasm as the result 
of animal contacts which occur some- 
time after the onset of adolescence; 
many more rut 
tacts with animals that do not result in 
d there are an additional 
number who have preadolescent expe 
ences, which ot included in the 
above calculations. In total, Kinsey re- 
mething between 40 and 50 
nt of all farm boys have some sort 
of animal contact, either with or with- 
out orgasm, in their preadolescent, ado- 
lescent, and/or later histories. These 
must be minimum data, for there has 
undoubtedly been some cover-up in the 
reports of these activities.” 

Kinsey found that in certain western 


1 males have sexual con- 





areas of the United States. where 
mals are most readily available and social 
restraints related to such behavior are less 
severe, incidence figures for some com- 

nunities rose as high as 65 percent. The 
marked difference in percentages of ex- 
perience between rural and urban males, 
plus the number of experiences for 
urban boys that occur during v 
arms, suggests that the opportunity 
such contacts is a major consideration in. 
determining the accumulative incidence; 
if city-bred boys had simi 

ges of experience for the total 
population would approximate 
those established for rural males. 

As with most other aspects of human 
sexual beh г, there h corre! 
tion between educational level and the 
extent of infrahuman sexual experience: 
14 to 16 percent of the rural males of 
de-school level, 20 percent of the 
1 males of high-school level, and 96 
to 28 percent of the rural males of col- 
lege level have some contact with animals 
to the point of orgasm. Well over half of 
these upper-level males have some sort 
of scxual contact with animals and nearly 
one in every three achieves orgasm 
through such contacts. 
xperiences with animals usually 
represent a form of sexual experimenta- 
tion for the adolescent male, which 
disappears in the mid-tcens; but in some 
rural areas, especially in the West. there 
is a consider ular activ- 
ity in the later teens and even through 
the ies. In most s, such 
relations with human females; this is par- 
ularly wue in ru 5 where the 
opportunity for both social and sexual 
relations with girls may be 
most parts of the country anima 
course is extremely rare among ma 

"The animals involved in such contacts 
include practically all or the species that 
re commonly domesticated on the farm 
or kept as pets in the household. Because 
of the relatively low incidence and fre- 
quency of such activity in the population 
as a whole, animal contacts are signifi 
cant primarily because of the extreme 
social and legal taboos attached 10 such 
isey comments, “In rural commu! 
ties where animal contacts are not 
infrequent, and where there is some gei 
eral knowledge that they do commonly 
occur, there seem to be few personal con- 
flicts growing out of such activity, and 
very few social difficulties. It is only when 
the farm-bred male migrates to a city 
community and comes in contact with 
city-bred react to these activities, that 
he becomes upset over the contemplation 
of what he has бопе... 

“Anglo-American legal codes rate sex- 
ual relations between the human and 



mals of other species as sodomy 
punishable under the same laws whi 
penalize homosexual and mouth-ge 
contacts. The city-bred judge who hears 
such a case is likely to be unusually 
severe in his condemnation, and is likely 
to give the maximum sentence that is 
possible. Males who are sent to penal 
stitutions on such charges are likely to 
receive unusually severe treatment both 
from the administrations and from the 
mmates of the ns. АП in all, 
there is probably no type of human ses 
ual behavior which h been more 
severely condemned by that segment of 
the population which happens not 10 
have had such experience, and which 
accepts the age-old judgment that animal 
intercourse must evidence а men 
abnormali well as i 
1 contacts with 
less common among [ema 
found only 3.6 percent 
female population with any evidence of 
such activity in their histories after the 
beginning of adolescence. The sample 
was considered too small to permit any 
valid urban-rural or educational break- 
down, although ity of the females 
who reported having had such experi- 
ences were from the better-educated s 
ments of the population 
The extensive sexual involvement of 
human females with a wide variety of 
anim: п ancient folklore, Classic Greek 
and Roman mythology, and major liter- 
ary and artistic efforts of more recent 
centuries (including some of the world's 
great art; eg. Leda and the Swan has 
been a recurring, ever-popular theme 
with artists down through the ages, from 
Classic sculpture, to the p. s by 
Michelangelo and Rubens, to contem- 
porary Picasso) is understood in its 
relation to actual sexual behavior when 
viewed not as a reflection of common 
female activity, but as a projection of 
erotic ma asics about the female. 
The hur ater capacity to be 
aroused by eal stimuli not only 
leads him into a far greater number of 
sexual experiences, and experiences of 
greater variety, but also produces an 
extensive masculine interest їп unus- 
ual, rare, and sometimes fantastically 
impossible types of sexual activity. In 
Kinsey points out, there 
is a great deal more discussion and a 
more extensive body of literature and art 
on such sexual themes as incest, t 
titism, necrophilia, and the more extreme 
forms of fetishism, sado-masochism and 
animal contacts, than the actual occur- 
rence of any of these phenomena justifie: 
It is clear, nevertheless that there is 
considerable diversity in human sexual 
r that most of thi 
variety on our favorite theme is 
forbidden by the sterner traditions of 
our Judaco-Christian heritage and by 
the statutory laws that it has begotten 

imals are even 
les and Kinsey 
of the adult 



points out that for most 
iduals the various types of sexual 
tivity may seem to fall into categories 
that are as far apart as right and wrong. 
icit and illicit, normal and abnormal. 
acceptable and unacceptable in our soci- 
ety. To cach of us, the significance of any 
particular activity depends largely upon 
our own previous experience. Ultimately, 
certain activities may seem to be the 
only ones that have value, that are right, 
that are proper, that are socially accept 
able; and all departures from our own 
particular pattern may appear the ex- 
tremes in what is i 
But. scientific a now av: 
port the conclusion that, 
proper set of environmental circum- 
stances, most ini duals could have 
been sexually conditioned in any of a 
number of different. directions, even into 
5 which they now consider quite 

In the search for a more reasonable, 
objective and psychologically sound ap- 
proach to sex, upon which to base better 
nd legal codes, it would help if 
we more clearly recognized and differ- 
entiated between the sexual behavior 
that is common to а large part of society 

nd that which is relatively uncommon, 
Kinsey observes, “Considerable con 
sion has been introduced into our think 

ng by this failure to distinguish between 
sexual activities that are frequent and a 
fundamental part of the pattern of be- 
havior, and sexual activities which are 
rare and of ficance only to a limited 
number of persons. Psychologic and 
psychiauic texts are as likely to give as 
much space to overt sado-masochistic or 
necrophilic activity as they give to homo- 
sexual and mouth-genital activities, but 
the last two are widespread ignifi- 
nt. parts of the lives of many females 
and males, while many of the other types 
of behav ity rare.” 


Current U. S. laws give governmental 
sanction to a specific set of religious 
ideals regarding sex. Our present quarrel 
is not with the ideals themselves — 
though we do believe that a rational 
society should be able to produce a bet- 
ter, more humane, more workable sexi 
morality than the present one, and we 
intend a fuller d 
of the problem ii ег installment; 
but what we here object to —and it 
a concern that should be shared by 
every individual who believes in the 
fundamental principles of our democ- 
‚ regardless of his personal religious 
and moral persuasion — is the unconsti- 
tutional church-state alliance that makes 
any one religious dogma the law of the 
land in this supposedly free society. 

All sexual intercourse outside the 
churchtatesanctioned bonds of maui- 


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mony is prohibited under the statutes 
on fornication and adultery; all non- 
procreative sexual activity, between the 
same and opposite sexes, both inside and 
outside of marriage, and including any 
undue familiarity with household pets, is 
prohibited under the statutes on sodomy. 

Our state laws on sodomy are derived 
directly from the religious doctrine that 
the only natural purpose of sex is pro- 
creation; it follows, therefore, that non- 
ve sex is a “crime against 

These sodomy statutes are so all-inclu- 
e in their joyless suppression of any 
variety in our sexual behavior that we 
might be prompted to conclude that the 
only form of love play left legal is pet- 
ing. Such a condusion would be overly 
optimistic. In two states (Indiana and 
Wyoming) the sodomy statutes actually 
nclude a prohibi nst heavy pet- 
ting (the masturbation of another per- 
son of either sex who is under the age 
of 21). The laws in both states read: 
“Whoever entices, allures, instigates or 
aids any person under the age of 
twenty-one (21) years to commit mastur- 
bation or self-pollution shall be deemed 
guilty of sodomy.” This means, quite 
literally, that if a Wyoming or Indiana 
male masturbates his 20-year-old girl- 
friend, he is guilty of sodomy. 

"The medieval Church taboos on even 
solitary masturbation continue to influ- 
ence contemporary society's attitude 
toward a sexual activity that is near 
universal in the male and common to 
a majority of females as well. Ultimately 
92 percent of the total male population 
is involved in masturbation which leads 
to orgasm; and among college-educated 
males, the incidence is higher, reach 
96 percent. In the total female popul 
tion, 62 percent ultimately engage 
masturbation, and 58 percent achieve 
orgasm this manner; educati 
level predictably exists as a factor, with 
only 34 percent of the grade school-level 
females ever achieving orgasm through 
masturbation, 57 to 59 percent of the 
high-school and college level, and 63 
percent of the graduate-level females 
masturbating to the point of orgasm. 

Heavy petting, frequently induding 
masturbation of either, or both, sexes is 
also extremely common in the years 
prior to marriage; indeed, for upper- 
educated males and females, such pre- 
marital sex play often serves as а sub- 
stitute for coitus. Almost all males 
engage in fairly extensive heavy pet- 
ting prior to marriage and 88 percent 
have some petting experience that leads 
to orgasm; 96 percent of all females 
have some premarital petting experience 
and 89 percent have achieved orgasm 
through such petting. The extent of 
direct manual stimulation of the geni- 
talia of, or by, a partner, as a petting 

184 technique, is related to the amount of 

previous coital experience. Among fe- 
males who have not had sexual inter- 
course, 36 percent have some petting in 
which they receive such manual stimula- 
tion, and 24 percent give such manual 
stimulation to the male; among females 
who have had only a limited amount of 
coitus, 87 percent have relationships in 
which they receive, and 72 percent 
where they give, manual stimulation; 
among females with more extensive 

coital experience, 95 percent receive, 
and 86 percent give, manualgenital 

Tt is reasonable to assume that the 
male and female populations of Wyo- 
ming and Indiana are little different in. 
such behavior than the total population 
of the U.S.; that being so, this unique 
wrinkle in the sodomy statutes of these 
two states attempts to suppress some of 
the most common sex activity in exist- 
ence —activity in which almost all of 
its citizens have, at one time or another, 
been involved. 

The severity of the pei 
sodomy, or "crimes ag; 
natized by the Wyoming and Indiana 
statutes. "These two states could punish 
the completed act of sexual intercourse 
between a man and a girl who happened 
to be between the ages of 18 and 21 as 
fornication, with maximum possible 
sentences of three. and months re- 
spectively. (If the girl were under the 
age of 18, the act would be considered 
statutory rape and permit a considerably 
heavier penalty.) But if the same male 
and female refrained from sexual inter- 
course, confining their lovemaking to 
petting — including masturbation of the 
female — they would be guilty of an act 
of sodomy and liable to imprisonment 
of up to ten years in Wyoming and 
fourteen years in Indiana. 


The irrational nature of U. S. sodomy 
statutes emphasizes the lack of logic that 
pervades almost all of our sex laws; the 
severity of the penalties for what our 
lawmakers have deemed to be “crimes 
against nature” emphasizes the extreme, 
religiously inspired superstition and 
emotionalism that still persist in our 
attitudes toward sex in this supposedly 
modern, rational, scientifically enlight- 
ened, just, humane and free society. 

Forty-nine of the fifty states have sod- 
omy statutes. Almost all of them make 
illegal the variety of noncoital sex activ- 
ity discussed in this issue — at least some 
of which is engaged in, at one time ог 
another, by a majority of our adult 
population. Almost none of these stat- 
utes make any distinction. between a 
prohibited act when it is performed by 
members of the same or the opposite 
sex (the single exception permits certain 
activity between two females, as noted, 
that is prohibited between a female and 

a male) None of these statutes makes 
any distinction between a prohibited 
act when it is performed by a married 
couple and one that is unmarried. The 
penalties for behavior covered under 
our sodomy statutes are among the most 
severe of any in U. S. law. 

Sixteen states and the District of 
Columbia specify imprisonment of up 
to 10 years at hard larbor for "crimes 
against nature"; the maximum sentence 
in another 14 or 15 years and 
eleven states specify 20. In Idaho and 
Montana the minimum penalty for sod- 

5 years, with no maximum in- 
in North Carolina the minimum 
is 5 years and the maximum 60; in 
Nevada the possible maximum penalty 
is imprisonment for life. 

"The American Law Institute expressed 
its concern over U. S. sex statutes in 1955 
when it drafted its Model Penal Code 
to replace our present irrational laws. 
This model code was predicated on the 
premise that in a free society all sex 
relations entered into freely by adults 
in private should be excluded from our 
criminal law. In the nine years since 
the w Institute handed down this 
opinion, the legislature of only one 
state — Illinois — has made any serious 
attempt to correct its statutes on sex. 
Some two years ago Illinois’ legislators 
replaced their sodomy statute with a 
new law patterned after the one sug. 
gested by the Institute. Illinois is, 
therefore, the only state in the Union 
with no statute for “the abominable and 
detestable crimes against nature.” 

This example of modern legislative 
acumen is not without its irony, how- 
ever. The Illinois lawmakers did те 
move thc state's sodomy statute, but 
they left standing the statutes against 
fornication and adultery. Illinois is thus 
in the unique position of permitting all 
so-called “perversion,” both heterosexual 
and homosexual, while prohibiting nor- 
mal sexual intercourse. 

It is obvious that we are still a very 
long way from establishing sanc sex laws 
anywhere in these United States. 

In the next installment of “The Play- 
boy Philosophy,” Editor-Publisher Hugh 
M. Hefner will offer his own suggestions 
for a more reasoned and reasonable set 
of statutes on sex; he will also discuss 
the problems of juvenile sex crime, pros- 
titution, abortion and birth control. 

See “The Playboy Forum" in this issue 
for readers’ comments — pro and con — 
on subjects raised. in previous install- 
ments of this editorial series. Two book- 
let reprints of “The Playboy Philosophy” 
— the first including installments one 
through seven and the second, install- 
ments cight through twelve — ате avail- 
able at $I per booklet. Send check or 
money order 10 PLAYBOY, 232 E. Ohio 
Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611. 




































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