Full text of "PLAYBOY"
The Bird that rules the bourbon roost
This is Mr. Big among all bourbons. Here's class
& character and a very, very smooth taste. Daniel
Webster & Andrew Jackson wouldnt settle for less.
Nor do millions of todays Americans whove made
Old Crow the No.1 bourbon. Next round—make it
better, make it smoother, make it with the Bird.
The greatest name in bourbon
A brand-new, 172-year-old idea:
4711 Cologne after a shower.
4TI's original secret formula goes
back to 1792. It's been Europe's
classic all-around cologne ever
since. But lately, more and more
men have been using 4711 after
showering. They like its unusually
inc., 41 East 42nd St., Ne
tingling, bra invigorating feel-
ing. They unique crisp scent
too. (4711 isn't a perfumed cologne;
it's the refreshant cologne. Its
scent refreshes, yet never lingers.
So both men and women can use it
after a bath or shower, or now and
then through the day.) Something
else about 471l has caught on: More
men than ever are using it as an
after shave bracer. For a 172-year-
old idea, it's unusually refreshing.
The House of 4711
Because everything I love about Jim
is right there...as plain as those green
stripes. Other men pussy-foot around
with pin stripes and puny stripes.
Not Jim. Pow. Green stripes. Green
stripes for red blood. Who’s afraid
of the big dull world...not Jim.
Yes, green striped shirt, you be-
long in our house.
In fact, l'Il bet a perfect stranger
could look at those stripes, and that
Van Heusen 417 taper, and the
stubborn roll of that Van Heusen
417 collar...and know exactly how
I love you,
green striped shirt...
Jim likes his roast beef...and exactly
why I'll stay a blonde until I'm 999
years old.
41 T younger by design
Van esten and Lady Van Heusen Shins
scious September
issue at hand offers to the undergrad and
the young-in-heart alum a well-rounded
curriculum. Playboy's Pigskin Preview,
by expert-in-residence Anson Mount,
once more crystalballs the upcoming
collegiate gridiron year. It should be
noted, with all due immodesty, that the
bringing together of the 13 stalwarts of
our All-America football team is a
logistical feat of considerable dimension
and a tribute to both our Photo Depart
ment, which coordinated arrivals in Chi
cago from all parts of the U.S., and
the esteem in which the players hold the
Preview. Fashions for football watching
and other areas of collegiate concern are
perceptively projected in Robert L.
Green's Big Man on Campus. Involved
in our parodistic college fashion guide
are three prime practitioners of the
subtle art of satire—Ann Elder, Omar
Shapli and Dave Steinberg—all mem-
bers of Chicago's famous cabaret-theater,
"The Second City.
A somewhat les enthu ic note
on matters academic is struck by emi-
nent authority Paul Goodman in The
Deadly Halls of Ivy. He contends that
America's mass-education mania has
turned our universities into sheepskin
factories wherein the graduate is pre-
pared for very little besides becoming a
member of the alumni association. The
Deadly Halls of Ivy will become part of
a book, Compulsory Miseducation, to
be published in October by Horizon
Pres. A caustic analyst of our social
and educational systems, Goodman num-
bers among his published works Grow-
ing Up Absurd, The Community of
Scholars and the recent Making Do.
In addition to going back to cam-
pus, PLAYBOY returns to a favorite hunt-
ing ground in Part I of a two-part article
by Will Iversen, The Pious Pornog-
raphers Revisited. Bill, who wrote our
al piece seven years ago under the
pseudonym of Ivor Williams (he was
then a contributor to the women's maga-
zines he was examining for us), sub-
merges himself once more in the strange
sexual hypocrisy practiced by the wom-
en's magazines to show us what changes
the intervening years have wrought.
"The subject of our September Playboy
Interview—a man called a pornographer
by some, an important literary influence
by most—is the controversial Henry Mil-
ler. The interview was conducted for us
by another noted writer, pravnoy con-
tributor Bernard Wolfe. Bernie says of
his long-time comradeship with the au-
thor of the famous Tropic of Cancer: “J
first met Henry im 1940. I was living in
a SSTa-month termite roost in New
York’s Chinatown; Henry moved into a
midtown room.with-adjoining air shaft.
Today we live in roomy houses in West
L.A. and greenery has been added to
our lives—some that grows, some that
folds. Neither of us is fighting
Youth, Love, Death, an allegorical
trilogy in miniature by J. P. Don-
leavy, author of The Ginger Man, heads
a bright lineup of fall fiction. Donleav
born in New York and educated in Dub-
lin, now lives on the Isle of Man. His
PLaysoy contribution will soon be pub-
lished by Little, Brown as part of a
short-story collection, Meet My Maker:
The Mad Molecule.
Daniel A. Jenkins, creator of our Fast-
paced fictional excursion behind the
boob tube, Bertram and the Networks,
has had years of television experience
to draw on for authenticity of back-
ground. Onetime TV editor of The
Hollywood Reporter and long-time Hol-
lywood bureau chief for TY Guide, Jc
ns is currently in the PR dodge.
This issue also presents John Tomer-
lin's harrowing Side by Side, a tale of
The versatile Tomerlin
has a book on European Grand Prix auto
racing and a novel on the Revolutionary
War in the works.
Humor also abounds within. Jean
Shepherd, the nabob of the night people,
takes us on another excursion into his
In a boyhood in Grover Dill and the
Tasmanian Devil. Accompanying the
manuscript for How to Be a Jewish
Mother by Dan Greenburg (who recently
debuted in this magazine with July's
Snobs’ Guide to Status Cars) was this
note from his mother regarding the work
in general and her son, the writer, in
particular: “I haven't actually read what
he has to say—but I'm sure it’s very
pleasant if he wrote it. You'd think that
it wouldn't be a hardship on a young
man who writes so nicely to write an
occasional letter to his mother who loves
him, but it seems that there are more
important things to a young man these
days than his mother" A booklength
version containing lots of additional in-
struction—complete mit glossary and
aptitude tests—will be published in
October by Price/Stern/Sloan, the zestful
firm that has brought out such humor
handbooks as Elephants, Grapes & Pick-
les and The Very Important Person
Desk Diary.
The American literary scene is the
poorer for the death this year of Ben
Hecht. A regular contributor to PLAYBOY,
Hecht wrote id ant Letlers
from Bohemia just before he died. A
portrait of the pre-Beat beat poet Max-
well Bodenheim, it forms part of a book,
with the same title, to be published in
October by Doubleday.
"This month's praypoy
graced by cyefilling pictor
Nudest Peter Sellers and the
Elke Sommer features filmdom’s fun-
niest gentleman and sexiest young lady
in scencs from their new movie, 4 Shot
in the Dark, plus additional scenes, from
her earlier films, on the awesome Elke
Sommer fuselage,
Playboy in Jamaica is a preview of
the Jamaica Playboy Club-Hotel, which
will soon be the poshest pleasure dome
in all the West Indies. An added pictoi
al attraction to the natural wonders of
the island and the man-made wonders of
the Glub is 1964 Playmate of the Year,
Donna Michelle, disporting hersclf in
the sun.
Rounding out our September issue:
a continuation of Editor-Publisher Hef-
ners Playboy Philosophy; Current At-
traclions, a tempting take-out on
stoveless cooking by Food and Drink
Editor Thomas Mario; Playmates Revis-
ited—1961, reprising a gala year of gate-
fold girls; Shel Silverstein's The Won-
derful World of the Teevee Jecbies, and
the irrepressible Little Annie Fanny.
In toto, a handsome and heaping
issue worthy of toting back to campus
or down to the office.
vol. 11, no. 9 — september, 1964
Nudest Store
Campus Attire P. M6
PLAYBOY IN JAMAICA —pictorial essay... TENTON
DUTCH TREAT—playboy's playmate of the month...
THE WILY DECEPTION OF WASIL—ribold classic. Cn 145
BIG MAN ON CAMPUS—attire/accouterments ROBERT L GREEN 146
HUGH M. HEFNER editor and publisher
A. C. SPECTORSKY associate publisher and editorial director
ARTHUR PAUL art director
JACK J. KESSIE managing editor VINCENT T. TAJIRI picture editor
SOLOMON associate editors: ROWERT L. GREEN fashion director; DAVID TAYLOR associate
fashion editor; THOMAS mario food & drink editor; vaTRICK CHASE travel editor;
J. PAUL Getty business c finance editor; CHARLES BEAUMONT, RICHARD
sociate picture editor; BONNIE BOVIK assistant picture editor; MARIO CASILLI, LARRY
STAN MALINOWSKI contributing photographer; rreo eraser models stylis
AUSTIN associate art director; RON BLUME, JOSEPH PACZEK assislaut art directors;
WALTER KRADENYCH art assistant; CYNTHIA MADDOX assistant cartoon editor; JOHN
MASIRO production manager; FERN H. CANMANN assistant production manager +
HOWARD W. LEDERER advertising director; JULES KASE eastern advertising man
ager; Josten FALL midwestern advertising manager; JOSEPH GUENTHER Detroit
advertising manager; NELSON FUTCH promotion director; DAN CZUBAK promotion
art director; nemur Lorscn publicity manager; BENNY DUNS public relations
manager; ANSON MOUNT college bureau; THEO FREDERICK personnel director; JANET
PILGRIM render service; WALTER HOWARTH subscription fulfillment manager; ELDON
SELLERS special projects; ROEKT rREUSS business manager & circulation director.
Penny Edwards,
s Tiparillo, at Shepheard's.
You'll be hearing that chant more and more,
now that Tiparillos have arrived. And they
have arrived— in all the right places with all
the right people. Why are Tiparillos the last
word in smoking pleasure? That neat, trim
look is one reason. That pearly white tip is
another. But most important today, Tiparillos
give true satisfaction without inhaling. And
all credit to the meticulous blending of the
choicest Robt. Burns tobaccos. "Cigars...
someday it may
She likes to blow her own horn.
And she’s got the displacement
for it, too: 90cc, compression ratio
8:1. And hits 6.5 hp at 8000 rpm.
That’s a lot of lungpower for a
What’s more, she tops 55 mph
without pressing. Delivers 165
Some tootin’
miles to a gallon of gas. She’s a
four-stroker, OHV aircooled, of
course, with 4-speed foot shift.
Never fails to meet you more than
Look for the new Honda 90.
Always hits the right note.
For address of your nearest
dealer or other information,
write: American Honda Motor
Co., Inc., Dept. CX, 100 West
Alondra, Gardena, California.
world’s biggest seller!
© 1964 AMERICAN nonoa KOTOR CO., INC
Herbert Gold’s contribution to your
June issue really hit the jackpot here. It
made me somewhat jumpy, even ner-
vous. But my coming trip to Acapulco
should cure that.
Terry L. Pruss
Corpus Christi, Texas
Jeckpot by Herbert Gold, in your June
issue, is surely the best story in PLAYBOY
in lo these many years. It cuts to the nerve
of the California dilemma, which is fair
to become the American dilemma, and
says about these times what Dostoievsky
wanted to say about his times—only with
high comedy and low wickedness of
insight. Congratulations.
Paul R. Smith
Beverly Hills, California
If Herbert Gold’s Jackpot was written
for the purpose of reinforcing Vladimir
Nabokov's opinion of Dostoievsky, it did
it, I think, At any rate, the story
confirmed the Nabokov feeling that “his
sensitive murderers and soulful prosti-
tutes are not to be endured for one mo-
ment.” Would it be libelous to describe
a living writer as also "a cheap sensa-
tionalist, clumsy and vulgar”?
Virginia Hatfield
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Herbert Gold's golden gift of satire
manifests itself masterfully in Jackpot.
Not only was it the most entertainin|
most soulful romp across the youthful
American scene that I've read lately, but
it was enlightening as well. The prob-
Jem of values in our contemporary shift-
ing society is one of utmost importance.
John Minnis
Phoenix, Arizona
When the issue containing The Nudest
Jayne Mansfield came out [Junc 1963]
I was very pleased, but I was even more
pleased with The Nudest Mamie Van
Doren. I am just wondering who will be
lucky enough to be featured next June.
Franklin Oneton
Atlanta, Georgia
Mamie Van Doren looks like she’
a most
provocative perfume!
been celebrating too long, too often.
Frank Bluemlein
New York, New York
You've done it again! Your June issue
layout on Mamie Van Doren and her
latest picture, Three Nuts in Search of
a Bolt, has theater owners clamoring for
the film, proving again what I already
knew from a previous experiencc—that
a layout in PrAvsoY is worth a hundred
thousand billboards,
I believe you will be interested to
learn that a: ect result of a similar
layout you published a year ago, on
Jayne Mansheld in Promises, Promises!,
that picture, which was supposed to be
a flop (all the major distributors refused
it, saying it wouldn't make a dime),
wound up in third place in Boxoffice
magazine's annual barometer of out-
standing hits. This means that in the
theaters in which it played, the box-
office percentage of our film was higher
than any other movie exhibited during
the year, except for Cleopatra and Son
of Flubber.
There is no doubt that your picture
story on Promises! was directly respon-
sible for several hundred thousand dol-
lars in additional grosses at the box
Tommy Noonan, President
Harlequin International Pictures, Inc.
Hollywood, California
I have just finished reading Ian Flem-
ing's latest James Bond novel, You Only
Live Twice. This serialization was one
of the best ever published in PLAYBOY.
Harry Dealaman
Johnson City, New York
Your June issue was great! Being an
avid James Bond fin, 1 could hardly
wait for the final installment of Flem-
ing's new novel. It was well worth the
wait, however,
Peter Giulviette
Briarcliff Manor, New York
When they hand out prizes for lor
winded overelaboration, then my vote
will go to lan Fleming, the British “gen-
ius." One of his stories is more than
the bet pufer Bi Tuto
Purse size $3; Spray Mist $5;
"Toilet Water from $3; (plus tax)
o —
enough. The Three Stooges affect me
the same way: their comic slap-around
routine is funny but once.
NN. R. Dussaule
Elk Grove Village, Illinois
Bravo! Ian Fleming has done it
ain. In my opinion his skill as an ad-
venture writer is unsurpassed. I thor-
oughly enjoyed his latest and most
exciting novel.
Peter Graf
lthaca, New York
Tan Fleming is truly remarkable. After
the worst start of any of his novels (it
read like a parody of his other works),
You Only Live Twice turned out to be
one of his best. And that ending! Only
an author so closely followed by his fans
would dare it. Shades of Conan Doyle
and the Reichenbach Falls!
Michael L. Linah
Brooklyn, New York
I commend and congratulate you on
your publication of rhe latest James
Bond novel. As an avid reader of long
standing, I must say, with all conviction,
that not for many years have T read a
novel that contained all of the elements
ary to hold my attention as has
lan Femin latest. effort.
Phil E. Kinzer
Knoxville, Tennessee
Frederik Pohl's June article, Inlima-
tions of Immortality, greatly aroused my
interest. When Pohl mentioned the fact
that transplanting corneas is as routine
as an appendectomy, did he mean that
these operations are similar in the re-
spect that they are easy to perform, or
did he mean that they occur as often as
Chet Goluch
Ottawa, Ontario
He meant that they ave as easy to
Kudos to Frederik Pohl for pointing
out so perceptively and absorbingly that
man doesn’t spend all of his time trying
to destroy himself. It is pleasant to find,
among the prophets of gloom and doom,
a voice that states in knowledgeable
terms that there
re many of us who arc
busily engaged in the business of pre-
serving and prolonging human life.
John Brennan
Boston, Massachusetts
I find it difficult to believe that the
same magazine could publish,
ment, the profound truths which Lenny
Bruce expressed in his autobiography,
and at the next, give voice to the crip-
pled conjectures of Frederik Pohl.
David S. Ogden
Lafayette, California
t one mo
Frederik Pohl's Intimations of Immor-
tality is more popular medical fantasy
than sound knowledge. Mainly, he offers
half-truths to make a point that full-
truths would deny. Two specific in-
stances are typical: He says, “The great
bacterial killers of all previous ages have
one by one been brought under control.”
True. What he fails to mention is that
new bacterial killers, and other diseases,
have taken their place. We are no better
off on that score than we were 30 years
ago. He also says, “We don't cure dia-
betes, but diabetics rarely die of their
discase; insulin and other ther
the disease irrelevant.” Diabetics rarely
die of their disease now, true; so they
live to reproduce and often pass the dis-
ease on to their descendanis—leaving
mankind as a whole no better off than
The truth about our health picture is
known and acknowledged by medical
theoreticians, but it seldom reaches the
public eye—because the public likes to
be fed what it wants to believe. Check
the Siatistical Abstract of the United
States, and other sources of genuine in-
formation, and you will discover a radi-
cally different picture from the one Pohl
suggests. We are in a bad way, and we
are getting no bette
30 percent of the U. S. population suffers
right now from chronic diseases; an ad.
ditional 20 to 25 percent will spend
some time in a mental institution or will
be allowed freedom only because of se-
dation. Life expectancy past the age of
45 is little greater than it was 30 years
ago and is shorter than t
ropean nations today—and even the
slight improvement can be attributed to
better sanitation, etc. (More persons
reach the age of 45, hence more older
people.) There is no basis here for
Pohl's argument that medical science is
getting so good that we are headi
toward immortality! There are wishful
thinkers who will delight in his dreams,
but others who will remain convinced
that the personality should not continue
on indefinitely. I am one of the latter,
Robert Dolling Wells, President
New Individualism Foundation
Mercer Island, Washington
The desirability of personality exten-
sion is arguable, certainly, but it seems
to us a subjective matter. Pohl, of course,
was nonpartisan, merely explaining and
discussing the prospects for it. You accuse
Pohl of fantasy rather than sound knowl-
edge. There is some justice to this charge
Since his article was extrapolative and
prophetic, he could not—and did not—
present his predictions as facts. Bul he
avers, and our own research confirms,
that his vision of the future was based on
facts and on observable trends. To wit:
We no longer have world-wide and
runaway epidemics from bacterial killers,
despite the fact that mutant strains may
pics make
healthwise: 25 to
of some
(For Mathematics Majors)
Ivy vest reverses to traditional
Tattersall check.
Natural shouldertrim-line
jacket; lapped seams, hooked
vent. Pull-out handkerchief
matches lining.
Post-Grad slacks Piper slacks in
tomatch jacket. contrasting shade,
Belt loops; Beltless;
regular pockets, off-seam pockets.
| |
Solve the equation of the all CY suit
If this h.i.s suit consists of jacket, Post-Grad slacks, Piper slacks and reversible vest—how many ways can you wear the
suit and how long will it take you to geta date with a Playmate? Answer: put on the combination you like bestthen turn to
the center gatefold; she's waiting for you to take her out. The 4 pieces, tailored of luxurious Reverse Twist in soft new.
clay tones; also Cambridge, Black, Olive; only $39.95 (slightly higher in the West). Zippers by Talon. At educated stores
or write h.i.s, 16 East 34th Street, NewYork, N.Y. 10016.
A friend in need—that's
Hennessy! Have a flask of
Hennessy handy, any time, for
anyoccasion.This convenient,
economical small size is per-
fect for your home, or in your
suitcase when you travel.
Most important—make sure
it's Hennessy. It's America's
most popular cognac brandy.
prove resistant for a while. Medical evi-
dence to date, however, makes it very
clear that new antibacterial medicines,
or new improvements on the old ones,
are developed in ample time to prevent
epidemics of the new, mutant bacterial
Regarding diabetes, it is entirely in
the realm of probability that medical re-
searchers will discover a means of elim-
genetically transmitted metabolic
diseases by changing the metabolic struc-
ture of the individual, and/or the gene
structure of afflicted parents-to-be, Mean-
while, since diabetes can be controlled,
it is no longer unserviceable to have
diabetics sire children, Since diabetes
does not now have a fatal or crippling
efject on those afflicted, thanks to con-
trol of the disease, it is not true that
we are no belter off than we were before.
You comment that more people reach
the age of 45, bul also say that 25 percent
to 30 percent of the population suffers
from chronic diseases. It is the increased
segment of older people in the popula-
tion that ts afflicted with chronic disease;
in their age group, chronic disease is less
than it ever was. And, for the most part,
persons over 45 incurred their diseases
before recent scientific breakthroughs
which are benefiting younger genera-
lions; fulure statistics for chronic dis.
cases should reveal that fact. Similarly,
it can be proven that even with the in
crease of the older age group in the
population as a whole, the absolute in-
cidence of chronic disease for the total
population las gone down. There is an
other element to this: Some diseases
that used to be fatal are now chronic.
This is a medical advance—though a
somewhat two-edged one.
The apparent increase in mental ill
ness reflects improved detection and di-
agnosis ai least as much as it does other,
nonmedical factors (the tensions and
strains of contemporary life, jor ex-
ample). Today, people are classified as
mentally ill who—a few generations ago
—iwould never have come under medi-
cal attention, but would have been con-
sidered. eccentric, odd, fighly, slightly
touched, a bit dotty, strange, and all the
other euphemisms for unbalanced peo-
ple who went untreated.
Frederik Pohl's Zutimations of Immor-
tality is certainly a very interesting arti-
cle. It rea in medicine u
is being worked on today and carries it
to its maximum conclusions.
Louis R. Head, M. D.
Chicago, Illinois
kes every
Playboy on the Town in Copenhagen
was extremely well written about a won-
derful place every bachelor (or any man
who can get away alone) must visit in his
lifetime. It describes so many of the
places that I managed to visit in 1959
and 1960 with my then wife, that 1 am
determined to spend my three-week
vacation there in 1965—and this time
without any attachments
Carl J. Pauen
Monterey Park, California
our article in the June issue, Playboy
on the Town in Copenhagen, giving
résumé of Denmark's dazzling capital,
was of great interest. Your pictorial illus-
trations were superb
Donald E. Leidig
Pensacola, Florida
I had been looking forward to the
June issue with real anticipation be-
cause of the article on Copenhagen. I
can now say that it was truly a mar
velous job of reporting.
A great deal of what was said was very
familiar to me, because last year I w
Copenhagen, amd spent three glorious
weeks in that beautiful, fantastic city.
Most of the night spots spoken of were
truly mecting places for people of many
nationalities. In all, I spent nine weeks
in Europe and I did not find a city
throughout the rest of the Continent
where the people were friendlicr or
more hospitable—actually the Danes
can't do enough to make you feel at
home. Danish women are known
throughout the world, and rightfully so
they are so very beautiful and
quick to take you to their hearts and
hearths. Your reporter did a beautiful
job of making me very nostalgic and of
re-ccating many days filled with excite-
ment and good sport. I hope to return
just as soon as possible.
W. B. Hayden
New York, New York
Imagine my surprise when 1 discov-
cred from reading your Playboy on the
Town in Copenhagen, in the Junc issue,
tha it makes 712 different
kinds of open-faced sandwiches. Up un-
til that point, we had taken considerable
pride in thc fact that our smørre-
brédsjomfruer — (open-faced sandwich
maidens, to you) managed to create 178
separate smorrebréds for our menu.
Needless to say, we are flattered that you
credit us with such vast ingenuity and
tistic imagination, but I think perhaps
we should make do with our original
claim. I think you arrived at the 712
figure by counting the 178 entries fou
times each—depending on which of four
kinds of bread is used. Actually, the
bread type is different, but the delicacy
our resta
on top is the
In any event, we were delighted with
the Copenhagen write-up. It was a great
picce of research and writing.
Per Davidsen
Oskar Davidsen's Restaurant
Copenhagen, Denmark
(For History Majors)
l.S Ever-Neat Back Pleat starts shirt revolution
We ousted the old-fashioned pleat that disappears
after the first washing. We stitch down the permanent f H
Ever- Neat Back Pleat? an h.i.s history-making exclu-
sive! It's a brilliant maneuver that allows full freedom i
of action even though your h.i.s shirt is torso-tapered
to fit slick and tight. In solids, stripes, checks, plaids;
striking colors, $3.98 to $5.98. At educated stores or
ite h.i st 34th Street, New York, N.Y. 10016,
d Flared roll Extraslimsleeves Rounded cuff Slim tapered
vem 3j
A rare collection of haunting
themes from 12 unforgettable
French motion pictures...includ-
ing Academy Award winners
“Themes From Great French
Motion Pictures” is a perfect set-
ting for reverie or for rendezvous!
Musie for the
Re your article on Copenhagen in
your June issue: It was the best I have
ever Seen on that city. As an unmelan-
choly Dane I can further state it is all so
truc. You are forcing me to make anoth-
er trip to my swinging home town
John S. Pedersen
Los Angeles, California
Hairy Geriz and the 47 Crappies
proves, I think, that Jean Shepherd is
not only the most perceptive and provoc-
ative talker of our age, but one of the
funniest writers. PLAYBOY could do itself,
me and literature in general a favor by
printing more Shepherd.
Roger Price
New York, New York
Since my discovery of Jean Shepherd,
I've tried to listen to his program when-
ever the chance arises. Alter receiving the
June issue of pLavnoy, the first thing T
read was his Hairy z and the 47
Crappies. May more of these memoirs be
Pete Friedman
Brooklyn, New York
Another of Shepherd's manic trips
down memory lane is in this issue and
more will be forthcoming,
The June rravsov is absolutely
first class. What really made it so was
Jean Shepherd's Hairy Gertz aud the 47
Crappies. In days gone by. Shep used to
be on WOR Radio Sunday nights for
four hows and we, like acolytes,
crammed eight guys into an old 47 Plym-
outh outside Weaver's Drugstore to lis-
ten for the password, the challenge,
“Excelsior!” The reply, “Seltzer boule,”
gladdened our hearts.
We called him one night from a
phone booth at the drugstore. lt took us
an hour and a half to get through, but it
was worth it
Bill Finley
Let's get rid of the centerfold and re-
place it with pictures of Jean Shepherd.
George Leary
Glendale, New York
"To Jean Shepherd from Lake County,
with love for Hairy Ger
the 47 Crappies; I'm still chuckling.
I was there. I remember the
well. It was August 17th
who fell out of the boxt. He was lower-
ing the anchor out of the front end of
the boat when another uncle, trying to
be the first to get his line in the water,
caught him on the side of his head with
it was my
the lead sinkers while whipping his pole
back and forth.
R. Hopper
East Alton, Illinois
I would like to thank you for the pub-
lication of the memoir by Jean Shep-
herd. Being acquainted with his work,
having interviewed him for a news-
paper, and being one of those night. peo-
ple who audit his shows, I was pleased to
see him included in a national magazine
of PLaynoy’s stature.
Daniel McGlynn
Brooklyn, New York
The story in your June 1964 issue by
Jean Shepherd is terrific. Please print
more by her in the Future:
As a matter of fact, if she looks as
good us she writes, perhaps you could
induce her to pose for Playmate of the
Month sometime.
Roy E. Hoffmaster
Annport, Pennsylvania.
Although you're wrong om gender,
we're sure author. Shepherd. appreciates
your sentiments.
Until reading the interview with
Ingmar Bergman in your June issue, I
had abandoned all hope that the movie
would ever become an art form. Perhaps
the rash of entrepreneurs and promote
who permeate the motion-picture indu
try had much to do with my pessimism.
Your v with Mr. Bergman, how
ever, has rejuvenated my idealistic vi-
sion of what a film can and should be.
His films and his person convey lasting,
meaningful and beautiful things.
Marty Kaw
Los Angeles, California
Please accept my sincere congratul
tions for the superb interview with
Bergman in your June issue. I can r
member the wite, distorted cover stor
Time had about him a few years ago.
Your sincere, honest and penetrating
questions were matched by lus replies.
Your magazine is worth the price just
for these great interviews alone.
Ralph C. Johnson
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
After haying read several articles in
German and French literary publica-
tions concerning Ingmar Bergman, I
was quite anxious (and, I must add,
somewhat apprehensivo) to read your
June interview. 1 can only state that its
candor and naturalness far exceeded the
scope of the foreign publications. Cer-
tainly, Ingmars desire to further the
cause of rational emotional-intellectual
communication between the sexes,
on love and knowledge rather than
and ignorance, is amply demonstrated
by the PLavgoy ethos.
G. LeGrand Reed
Riverside, California
(For Classics Majors)
h.i. ? Post-Grad slacks are KAAEEIKO
The Greeks have a word for it—"traditional" And in any language, Post-Grads are strictly authentic from way back. Their
trim, tapered lines, neat belt loops, shaped on-seam pockets and narrow-but-not-too-narrow cuffs give them that under-
stated classic look that's always right. Tailored cf 65% Dacron* and 35% cotton in all the right colors; only $6.98. Zipper
by Talon. At educated stores or write h.i.s, 16 East 34th Street, New York, N.Y. 10016.
sou ront's nccistento restwes 13
is the smoking
tobacco that’s two
ways better
Try The Better-Tasting Tobacco
for The Better Way To Smoke
Have you decided that pipe smok-
ing is for you? Then be sure you
try Mapleton Aromatic Mixture.
It’s the better-tasting way to en-
joy this better way to smoke.
Mapleton starts with high-grade
tobacco leaf. Then this superior
leaf is specially processed with
flavorful maple and old rum.
Result: Mapleton makes pipe
smoking richer, smoother, better-
tasting than you ever knew it
could be. People around you will
say it smells great, too!
Whether you’ve smoked a pipe for
years or are switching to one for
the first time, fill your pipes (all
of them) with Mapleton. It’s the
better-tasting way to enjoy the
better way to smoke.
Being a loyal member of the B.
(Boy Scouts of America) and having at
tained the rank of Scoutmaster, it is my
duty to register an official complaint on
your June s Uncle Shelby's Scout
Handbook. This may seem like good,
trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly.
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful,
thrifty, brave, clean fun to you, but to
some of us, this is às much a part of life
as PLAYBOY, and what it
It would seem to me thi a
caliber could pick on a more
1 ap subject, like sports, unions
armed forces, politics and the like, and
leave the 11-t0-15-year-olds alone. After
all, most of them don't even read your
Jack Hanthorn. (B.5.A.)
Phoenix, Arizona
Possibly the Boy Scout oath should
include something on having a sense of
humor, Jack.
You forgot to have a U. S. Scout's oath:
On Uncle Shelby's honor, FI do my best
to take what they give and steal the rest.
J. R. Valentine
Farmington, Michigan
Thice cheers for your gre
and your reply to Mr. E. A. Kud
leuer attacking the
a Negro girl in the March issue.
David E. Johnson
Rolla, Missouri
1 was completely taken aback by a
June letter from ate reader who
declared. that you'd infringed upon his
privacy by integrating” girls of varied
races in the Vingis drawings. Ed
say. E care mot whether the girl be
Caucasian, Oriental or Negro—bcauty
is beauty, and appreciate it for what
it is.
Max Stern
Los Angeles, California
l was vcry impressed by your answer
to E. A. Kucharski of 5 ta, Florida,
concerning ihe Negro pinup in the
March issue, Mr, ic genius
d 1 Jook forward every month to more
ps by the master
Kenneth L. E
Baltimore, Ma
Just a line to tell you how gratified 1
Was at seeing your retort to Mr. E. A.
Kucharskís leer concerning your
March. Vargas. A tip of my hat to Mr.
Vargas and a special vote of thanks to
Roger Hoeft HI
Elma, New York
1 have never written to a mag;
fore, and I doubt that 1 e
to one again; but I had to write you to
tell you how much I enjoyed the May
issue of PLavnoy. I think the section on
Donna Michelle was a true work of art.
When a girl is as beautiful as Donna, I
think she should reveal her beauty, as
long as she does it in as artistic a manner
as she has in rLavBoyv.
R. J. Williams
Manville, Rhode Island
On Tuesday evening, May 26, 1 came
home with my wile and in our parking
lot spotted a pink convertible Must:
Wondering if it could possibly be the
one I had heard so much about, | looked
at it more closely and there it was, with
a Rabbit emblem on cach door and a
plate inside reading CUSTOM-MADE FoR
DONNA MICHELLE. I knew then that it was
the car of the Playmate of the Ycar. You
can imagine how surprised I was, know
ing that this beauty was in my town of
only 15,000 people.
I waited for about 45 minutes to see
her and to ask for her autograph
but could wait no longer. (1 am a milk-
n d must get up at three A.M.) My
wife then wrote a little note and we put
it in her car with a pen and autograph
book. My wife said, “IE she's not a snob
she'll sign it and put it in your car for
I would like to take this opportunity
to tell everyone that Donna is no snob.
She took a few minutes out from what
was probably a t ato-
ht schedule to
ph my book and put it in my car. I
wish I could have seen her and thanked
her, but since 1 could not, j like to
ank her in your magaz
can know what a swell gi
. Illinois
see "Playboy in
For more of Donna,
Jamaica" in this issue.
1 read William Wiser's May story, I’m
Just a Traveling Man, with great pleas-
indeed I did the whole issue. In
apressed by the high
and the variety, of the fiction
you publish in your magazine. I
look forward to reading other good sto-
ries in Pravwoy in the future
Walter Sherwood
Berkeley, California
William Wiser's Pm Just a Traveling
Man was not only a moving and sensi-
tive little story, but also relreshing
author can
bout a Negro for his hu-
proof. that
finally write
man interest, and. not for his blackness,
Ted Solis
University of Haw
Honolulu, Haw.
1 certainly enjoyed The Food of the
Gods |erAynov, May 1964], which Arthur
(For Psychology Majors)
Alter your ego with the h. iH Royal Cord jacket
The comforting warmth of this quilt-lined knockout knock-about gives you uninhibited pleasure the minute you zip it up.
Must be the potent combination of wide-wale corduroy with knit sleeves and trim that gives the libido a lift. Newcolors:
Hemp, Camel, Charcoal; only $19.95 (slightly higher in the West). Zipper by Talon. At educated stores or write h.i.s,
16 East 34th Street, New York, N.Y. 1
S Martinis, =
A d
to love: Once in A While, I Remember
You, I Con't Get Started, 9 more. $4.98
ke-up, live-it-up with these 78 wonderful play-it-up
ae scl rt
Al Martino
When the, Worid w
Mis Digart it plun oer
Yeu. Moly, Yeu" Always
Hut the Ore You 1
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Yes, Indeed, 12 more. $3.98
tite beuee coure,
he No. | hettodain®
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PLNS. Their fint menting
gn records is on eventi
Fos kie ieor
{atin versions ol Hear.
Woon, Satin Doll, V e
SOG A WES aatasi)
RIGHT oF 10. Six
the reote = tide. Mi auger
Was pevformonees
[EX or dae
ain High Fide
iy. Mr Buddy. cic. 33
Janos ates
BLUES. She enchen you
with Besiched. The Very
Thoughrot You et 58
(0.20, OLDIES BUT coo.
IES VOL: 6. Orsinol re.
MY WAY. Nancy tings Acedemy
Aword winners & runners-up — Moon
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ein sHouoHT O!
16.52. nance misom
1049. F
Sien banion ad Qa
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Executive Offices,
WAY Fronts crea it
Their fiat bu row, 9
Wen te Feld Your Hend.
1232. TEX RITTER. 9100D
E Dec Tones: K
Net On The Leno Proi
17-624,17-628,17-62¢ SINATRA
der, Ove fer hy Roky meny mor
Rusic ror TOVERS
albums for playboys and playmates to choose from !
Tal soi, 7 mont 33. ij
Play Grm
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COOL. Also Koi Winding, J. J. John-
son, others on 11 "cool" tunes. Mon-
when you purchase just one album now...
and agree to buy as few as six selections
from several hundred Capitol and Angel
albums offered you in the next 12 months.
Sil OF The.
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Misty, Bewitched, Honeysuckle Rose,
7 more. With Billy Moy strings. $3.98
form end wonderful country musici
Skip to My Lou, Your Cheatin’ Heart,
10 more. 3.9)
omms woosare
Membership Division
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36ber SLACKS
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About $14.00 at better stores. Ask your favorite
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A JAYMAR stack:
A Product of Jaymar-Ruby, ino,
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JAYMAR Slacks are available at: RICH'S,|
ILL. and other fine stores.
C. Clarke handled with his usual skill.
The theme of ca2nibalism is obviously
still good for a new twist. I am reminded
of Two Bottles of Relish, by Lord Dun-
sany, and of a story, also science fiction,
by my wife and myself, called. Pariah
Girl (published under the pen name of
Boyd Ellanby). Congratulations on hav-
ing Clarke write for you.
William C. Boyd,
Professor of Immunochemistry
Schooi ol Medicine
Boston University
Boston, Massachusetts
T thoroughly enjoyed the May issue of
PLAYBOY, particularly Alfred Sheinwold’s
rticle, Big League Bridge. His sty'e and
knowledge of the game kept the article
fresh and exciting.
I enjoyed your name game (April
Playboy After Hours)—thought up a lew
myself. Dean Martin, president of a bird
college; Frank Bolling, straightforward
tenpin playing; Johnny Cash, money for
a pay toilet; Ernest Hemingway, sincere
method of sewing; Bobby Ba one
who turns the heat on law-enforcement
and Dick Chamberlain, a minis-
n charge of detectives.
Russ Lynch
Mobile, Alabama
Since September of last year there has
been a Camp Playboy Thailand in this
far-off land. Camp Playboy has gained
some fame in this part of the world and
is talked about in Vietnam and the big
city of Bangkok. The camp consists of a
microwave radio relay station and only
has à few (15 to 20) men assigned to it.
But this is a unit with a very high mo-
rale and much prestige:
They have just moved the radios of
mp Playboy (Surin) to a new location.
So we now have Camp Playboy Thai-
land (B) which is located in the small
Thai town of Buriram. As you can sce,
this small part of the U.S. Army is
trying to carry on the PLaywoy traditions
Southeast Asia. Long live rrAvsov,
the mag that makes you glad
2nd Lt. Daniel A. Tweel
Buriram, Thailand
I'd like to add my voice to the thou-
sands of others in praise of PLAYBOY.
Your stories are fabulous, your articles
artistic, and your women—perlect! When
I decide to shop for a suit, shirt, hi-fi
equipment or aftershave lotion, all I
have to do to find the best is refer to
your ads, and from there to your Reader
Service. In short, you have contained in
everything a man desires for
ashion and frivolity.
Budd Case
Sacramento, California
your pa
Your warped mind should be washed
with lye soap and I would like to make
the soap. We live in a God-fearing na-
tion and you do this to it. I wish you
had to live in Russia. God gave us the
privilege of choosing right from wrong
That is why hell is so crowded. We, as
teachers, dedicate our lives trying to
teach our youth that "God's in His heay
en—/All’s right with the world,” but He
also lets people like you live. How can
you sleep nights or days? How can any
one with brains to be able to be an edi
tor do what you do?
Mrs. Audrey Cantlin
Ou School
Independence, Missouri
Just a note to compliment you and
your staff on the consistently high quality
of photography, printing. page make-up
and outstanding art in your magazine.
R. C. Rice, Design Coordinator
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
Akron, Ohio
Unlike Cleveland readers Zappala and
Sobol, who obviously had their tongues
in their cheeks when they wrote the let-
ter published in your January journal, I
can olfer nothing but enthusiastic, if
somewhat belated, congratulations for
publishing that long-overdue reference,
"squareasallCleveland"! [In Love,
Deaih and the Hubby Image by William
Iversen, September 1963.] Tt is joyously
received by all anti-Clevclanders living
in "The Squarest of the Square, The
Cleveland Chamber of Commerce will
probably deny the truth of the fol-
lowing statements, but they're a pretty
square bunch anyway. What Clev
will not admit that his city is:
1. So square that the kids buy glue
to build airplanes.
- So square that the phone books
win awards.
So square that the head of the
sportscar club drives a Henry J-
4. So square that they opened a
gourmet shoppe so they could sell
Gheez Whiz.
5. So square they banned Lady and
the Tramp.
George Petlows
Cleveland, Ol:
S. The current slogan here is: "Cleve-
nd—The Go-Ahead City." Transla
tion: There's no action here, so let's go
ahead to Ashtabula! If this letter reaches
print, you'll probably receive a storm of
protest from indignant Clevelanders . . .
all written in crayon.
Howtokeepwateroff a duck's back.
Ducks, being naturally water-repellent, historically had a
certain unfair advantage over other animals.
Then London Fog started making Maincoats, and humans
also became water-repellent. But still unsatisfied, London Fog added some
extra advantages to the Maincoat? that no duck had ever dreamed of.
For instance, when Winter comes and the pond freezes over,
there's no need to fret. London Fog's Andes Meincoat has a luxurious
pile lining of "Orlon"? acrylic, that has it all over feathers for warmth.
And when the weather turns warm again, the entire lining zips out
for cool comfort. That's why the Andes is perfect for migrations,
Spring or otherwise, to any climate in the world.
Moreover, no one’s ever going to be called a dirty bird in an
Andes Maincoat. Its shell has been given a special new treatment
that’s great for spot as well as rain protection.
"There's no question about it—
any human in a London Fog Maincoat is a lucky duck.
mrs cerne FOVERE UA Ten MNATUPA GLE CR mom etur aries, oscuro LOT ON FOS
Out of the fastest Indianapolis 500 in history comes an all-new
|) NEW NYLON 500°
with wrap-around tread & gold-stripe styling
V gp
7 2297.
2 a
tire for your greater mileage and highway safety, from...
e Sons
A.1. FOYT, 1964 winner at
147,350 mph, shown above
Teading the pack, says: "Fire-
stone tires did a tr
job. L went all the way
a iire change,”
This year Firestone again proved it was the greatest
e name in racing by winning in the Indianapolis
500 for the 41st consecutive time. For the first time,
the winning car went the full 500 miles without a
tire change, and set a new speed record. In addi-
tion, every car that finished was on Firestones; not
one of them changed a tire
Now. the same Sup-R-Tuf rubber and Super-Weld
body construction in durable Firestone race tires
are available in Firestone tires for your car. And
out of Firestone’s history-making triumph at
Indianapolis comes the all-new Nylon "500" tire.
Like Firestone race tires, the "500" features a wide
wrap-around tread, bolstered shoulders and gold-
stripe styling. The new wrap-around tread puts
more rubber on the road for longer mileage and
surer traction, especially on curves. The bolstered
shoulders mean added rubber to reinforce the
tread; you get arrow-straight stability even at
turnpike speeds. The gold stripe marks the "500"
as the tire built with the same durable Sup-R-Tuf
rubber and super-strength nylon cord that made
history at Indianapolis. And it's backed by Fire-
stone's famous No-Limit, Road Hazard guarantee,
You can charge the new Nylon "500" at your
Firestone Dealer or Store.
‘Sop-R-Tuf, Saper-Weld-— Firestone T. M.
All Firestone passenger tives carry a guarantee against defects
in workmanship. and materials for the lije of the original
tread; replacements prorated om tread wear at then current
Firestone prices.
Smoke all seven filter brands
Viceroy is scientifically made
to taste the way you'd like a Tum [ and you'll agree: some taste
. a f [] too strong ... while others
filter Cigarette to taste. Soave, taste too light. But Viceroy—
Not too strong... not too light... with the Deep-Weave Filter—
n = tastes the way you'd like a filter
Viceroy's got the taste that's right. M cigarette to taste. That's right!
1964, Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation
FRE The menswear editor of Look is
woman; the editor of its “Fi
Women Only" page is a man.
If Russia's latest venture into West-
ermstyle commerce is any evidence of
things to come in the Soviets’ master
plan to “bury” us economically, the
world will be safe for democracy for
some time. Moscow's Soft-Drink Insti-
tute has announced in fzvestia that
a feasible method has been found for
bottling kvass—a traditional Russian
beverage which is said to be a cross be-
tween wine and hard cider that smells
like freshly baked rye bread—on a mass-
production basis. Presaging the equally
unique flavor of its coming ad campaign,
the copywriter went on to wax rhapsodi
cally gastrointestinal in its praises:
Kvass is an excellent drink. It would go
over beautifully on the world market
Kvass invigorates, refreshes and quenches
the thirst. It is tasty and aromatic. It
has a beneficial effect on the digestive
system and kills harmful bacteria. It reg-
ulates the metabolism and the func-
tions of the central nervous system. It
promotes oxidation and reduction
process in the respiration of living cells.
It aids in the normal deposition of cal-
cium in bone tissue and improves the
cardiovascular system." Our suggested
slogan: "Now it's kvass, for those who
think Young Communist."
Hard-Core Scatology of the Month,
Advertising Division: the following copy
from an ad in Chicago's North Loop
News—"Here is an amazing American
bathroom appliance made to do every-
thing a French bidet does, and much
more. With a flip of the finger you are
washed clean with warm water and dried
with warm air. Imagine! No bathroom
tisue, ever. And feminine hygiene—so
simple, quick and sure, you can hardly
believe it. The American Bidet replaces
the seat on your present fixture; makes
its own warm water and warm
MEN Too ... and a positive must for
busy youngsters. Colors to match any de-
cor." How about ms and HERS?
Sign of the times posted outside the
chaplain’s office a th Army com-
mand post in SAG-RELIGIOUS
Cigarette sales, which tapered off for a
few months following the release of the
Surgeon General's report, have picked
up again across the country—especially,
we assume, in a Miles City, Montana,
drugstore which now offers a special
bonus with each purchase of 52 cartons
of cigarettes: one free chest X ray.
“Adult” entertainments that might be
revamped for the subteen set: The
Chapman Report Card, Suddenly Last
Summer Vacation, Kitty on a Hot Tin
Roof, By Mush Possessed, Lady Chatter-
leys Steady, Picnic Under the Elms,
Larry of Arabia, Days of Pop and Ice
Cream, The Pretty American, The Cow-
boy and ihe Nice Lady, How to Succeed
in School Without Really Crying, The
Moon Is Baby Blue, Anatomy of a Mali-
ed, Nighty-Night of the Iguana, A Fun-
ny Thing Happened on the Way to the
Principal's Office, Last Year at Disney-
land, The 400 Pats, The Tricycle Thief,
The Man Who Came to Din-Din, and
Arthur Kopit’s avantgarde farce, Oh
Dad, Dear Dad, Mommie's Kissed You in
the Closet and I’m Feelin’ So Glad.
You won't want to miss Caterina Va-
lente's act at the Persian Room of New
York's Plaza Hotel, billed as follows in a
recent issue of The New Yorker: “She
docs it in six languages. With a guitar."
Ever fascinated by “Timespeak,” that
flashy exercise in editorial economy in-
augurated by Time magazine with such
word-playful semantic superimpositions
as “videopus,” “cinemogul” and "panty-
(this last is an undicsindustry
nabob), we herewith offer, gratis, a few
new verbal pump primings—lest Time's
whip-smart creative wellsprings run
dry: brandiloquence: an announcer's
expresive eulogizing of a manufac
turer's product; crassassin: a vulgar
murderer; samouarsity: Russian col
legiate sport; elephantasies: a drunk-
ard's delusions; tormentalily: sadistic
psychology: thankletiquette: politeness
in expressing gratitude for an anklet
languorchardor: lazy lovemaking amid a
rove of fruitbearing trees; manxiouster:
a worried ejector of tailless cats; salad-
derangement: à mania for chopping
lettuce atop step stools:
blasequestrianimosily: hatred of a self-
satisfied horseman; sexpectantalizing.
the expectation of toothsome femininity:
shambition: feigned dreams of glory:
and geriatrick: a dirty old man who
frequents prostitutes.
Over a story reporting the severance
of the water pipe conneding the U.S.
Naval Basc at Guantánamo with Com-
munist Cuba a while back, a witty w
in the city room of the Bloomington,
Indiana, Pantagraph ran the following
nd radishes
From our Best-Laid-Plans Department,
Canadian Division, comes the followi
intelligence: Discovering that their e
tablishment had been looted overni
officials of a Toronto bank recently be-
gan congratulating themselves for the
foresight in installing a secret movie
camera, to record any untoward after-
hours activity. Inspection revealed that
the apparatus had indeed been trig-
gered, but when the reel was developed,
the bankers were treated not to a screen-
ing of a burglary but of a rather unruly
office party thrown by the clerical staff.
Taxing our cedulity—but apparent
ly truc—was a recent wireservice report
A wolf in lamb's wool
Woolama. Puts a gleam in a
man's eye-irresistible to women.
Full fashioned sweater; saddle shoulders;
imported baby lamb's wool.
a Lord Jeff.......
of a ruling by an Australian court that
monkeys working on sheep ranches
be listed as dependents on income.
We offer a box of Snickers to anyone
boasting a more impressive moniker
than a gentleman currently insured by
the John Hancock Mutual Life Insur-
ance Company. Though listed terscly in
its files as Hubert W. Wolfeschlegel-
steinhausenbergerdorff, Sr, h
purgated name, swears the
Sun-Times, is Adolph Blaine Charles
David l Frederick Gerald Hubert
Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero
Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman
Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes
Yancy Zeus Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenber-
Sr. His friends call him Adolph.
Heady Wine of Victory Department:
Golf champion Arnold Palmer, in high
spirits after sinking the putt that won
him his fourth Masters title, was quoted
in the Augusta, Maine, Kennebec Jour-
nal as saying, “I feel like going out and
laying agai
Congratulations seem to be in order
for the United Arab Republic, which
adds to its Aswan Dam project and im-
minent nuclear-power capacity an im-
pressive television first, reported in the
U.A. R. Fortnightly: "U.A.R. TV is
only three years old, but transmits for 25
hours a day, a figure not yet reached
by other countries with a longer TV
The fire chief of Ventura, California,
announced recently that an increasing
number of fires in home and commercial
electric dryers are being cused, of all
things, by the foamrubber padding in
brassieres, which develops, he says, a
very low ignition temperature after
about six months of use. Falsie alarm?
Incidental Architectural Intelligence:
Among the sculptural adornments on
the newly restored bell tower of the
Eusebius Protestant Church in Arnhem,
Netherlands, reports Reuter's, are stone
likenesses not of the traditional gar-
The Wonder Wed ot
9004. "The most
Teta The Wet nasse
ec For My us
Weathers Vines. The
Sun Comes Dut, etc.
9134, You oughta Be
im Pictures, Louise,
Heartaches, 9 more
095, Also: Cai
Lune, Adventure in
Paradise, Taboo, etc.
Hew Christy Mirstres.
Pereyra. [| reat rrr
pus S NR
Fachmeninott jer Wo bearl |. |
Schumann Fiat -harsens |
rem om aw Exxon
“lectrifying 9034. Also: A Taste
Loving aime, ete
Symphonies Hos 5
ant B cun)
9040. “Lyrical, 02, A chow thats 9135.
and dramati
HiFi/Stereo Review — 10" EB Sullivan
9028. Elsa: Love for
Sale, Candy Kisses,
. Marry Young, ete,
“ho 50 Guitars of
9075. Casey Jones.
Iso: Rovin’
mev, My Honey's Gambier, A Travelin’
Man, 12 in all
Bosin Street
fectly wonder- Blues; Joshua; So Breeze and
Near, So Far; etc.
in-Pack (Counts As
. “Perhaps the 9133. Also: Land of
Hope And Glory, Thi
Is My Country, etc.
X Ballet Suite
/ [77773
A poema
308. "A treat, a de.
light all over agai
N.Y. Journal-Amer
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PACK Concerta
Equivalent ‘RUDOLF
Ares | serie =m E
Selections L BERNSTEIN
& MY. Phihaminic
Two 9030. Also: Smi iso, the dinh 3038, Most exciti
Waiting for A. fons) "Zestful .. -a powerful, vital Some. Like It ‘Mighty, 1 and thrilling of al
fan Bang, Sin ali statement? RiFi/Stereo Review Wagicert Hete” Gom ste. — Beethoven concertos
His Orchestra Pa
nwe tl FREE-if you join now Miu
Nera en Say
aesti |
sores v B 5 à Pp
8131. Also: Anna, The 9046. Five of Bach's 9091, Also: Wheel of 3020. alsa: Calcutta, 9033. Also: What
Brocic And 1, Ama- mightiest and most Fortine, Blueberry Green Onions, Red Kind of Fool Am 12,
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Unlspheree voco (S)
In Fine Whiskey...
is the BIG buy! z
£570 —
goyles but of such modern mythological
figures as Donald Duck and the Thice
Little Pigs.
Our man in Washington reports
that until it was explained that the
wargame maneuvers then in prog-
ress matched a “Red Army" against
“Blue” one, Pentagon interoffice messen-
gers were unde; bly embarrassed by
the necessity of delivering official docu-
ments suggestively stamped: FOR BLUE
Disarmingly candid ad from ihe classi-
fied pages of England's Yorkshire Eve-
membership for sale, half-price, owing to
Bargain offer in a recent issue of the
Wreiched Mess News (an odd little jour-
nal of dissent published in West Yellow-
stone, Montana, and emblazoned with
eagles, stars, banners and Fourth-of July
bunt Genuine United States of
America One-Cent Pieces. Made of genu-
ine copper (known to ancient. Greeks
"Cyprian Brass), a truly beautiful metal
admired the world over for its conduc-
tive propei d minted by the
United Stites Government (your. assur-
ance of quality), your OneGent Picce
carries a striking basrelicf. of Abraham
Lincoln, “The Great Emancipator. The
inspirational motto ‘In God We Trust
d the patriotic word "Liberty" (a senti-
raised lette
Cent Piece is age-dated—the actual year
in which the coin was created is clearly
shown in raised Av: vals. The
accuracy of this date is vouched for by
United States Treasury. Moreover, it
contains no moving parts, and poss
a waferlike Me” thinness, appears to
the naked eye to be perfectly round.”
Available in limited supply, cach coin
is sent postpaid, giftpackaged, with
prompt orders also receiving "an unex-
purgated translation of E Pluribus
Unum.” The price? Only 50 cents apiece.
Disquicting story line for The Oute
Limits, an ABC science-fiction series, as
listed on the TV page of The Seattle
Daily Times—"Miriam Hopkins stars as
Mrs. Kry, a recluse whose life revolves
around the small black box into which
her bridegroom disappeared on their
wedding day in 1929."
A local h school cafet lunch.
menu item, printed in the Sterling, Colo-
rado, Journal-Advocate, may prove ap-
petizingly macabre to fans of PLAYBOY'S
Gahan Wilson: ied children and
gravy, vegetables, dessert.”
Record shop proprietors beware: The
Southport, North Carolina, Stale Port
Pilot reports that “a city ordinance ban
ning the sale of phonographic literature
was unanimously adopted at a mecting
of the board of aldermen of 12 March
Persons convicted of dealing in phono-
graphic literature can be given 30-day
ed S50."
terms and/or fi
It may be a long wait, but we hope
that fate someday wil] conspire to link
aprobable chain of circumstances in
ha hypothetical rural-area protest
is lodged against the decision of a six-
member censorship group, headed by a
blu ned Dix, to refuse accredit-
ation for the amended version of a mul.
tipart Tom Mix TV special episode
emided River of Death. If it ever
happens, Variety will be able to run a
story about it under the headline "pix
Only in America: On duty at the
complaint desk of the Miami Police De-
partment, deputy sheriff William Box
reported to the Miami Herald the fol-
lowing conversation with an anonymous
vorce: Police department?
nox: That's right.
voice: Any bookie arrests toda
nox: I don't know. I'll check . . . No.
No bookies arrested today
voice: I just couldn't find my bookie.
I thought maybe he had been arrested.
tox: If you give me his name, I'll uy
to check it out
voice: That would be silly. He's prob
ably just out for coffee. I'll try him later.
End of conversation.
Exposés are not our favorite cup
of tea, but The Invisible Government
(Random House, 55.95), by Washington
newspapermen David Wise and Thomas
B. Ross, is the most nourishing outpour
ing of this genre to come our way in
long time. It documents what sophisticat-
ed observers have long suspected—that
the intelligence arms of our Government
most especially the Central Intelligence
Agency, have been the directing forces
behind a good deal of our so-called di
plomacy since the War, The conse-
quences, such as the mortifying Bay of
Pigs invasion, a discussion of which
begins the book, have mot always
brought prestige to the Stars and Stripes.
Uncontrolled by elected officials, unre.
sponsive to public pressure, infatuated
with right-wing dictatorships, these top
secret bodies are a strange and dis
quicting facet of our democracy. This
book, which agitated the CLA gumshoes
even before publication, describes their
joke-and-dagger activities in Guatemala
and Victnam, in Laos and Burm.
Tran and Indonesia—and in the U.S.
Qawwa S
AL SHARP IS CHAIRMAN of the Yale Daily News. Which means that he
should stick to his chair and supervise. But at the first sign of a hot, on-the-
spot story, Al usually dives into the vest and jacket of his Cricketeer suit and
races off. Why, yes, Al wears Cricketeer suits and sportcoats. Don't. all
college men? CRICKETEER®
Cricketer Magna Country Homespun vested suit. In new country colors and patterns. About $70.00 Other Cricketer
suits, from $60.00 to $80.00. At most knowledgeable stores. Or write to Cricketeer, 1290 Avenue of the Americas,
New York, N. Y., and get your free "'Clothesmanship" Bacl-to-Campus Wardrobe guide.
He's over his ankles
in bright red ADLERS
but he's clean-white-sock
just the same
A Division of Burlington Industries.
No matter how far out he swings, he always lands on his own two feet. He's a charac-
ter with character. That's being clean-white-sock. An attitude that colors everything
you do no matter what color or length your socks. And you get it only from Adler.
Swinging here: the Adler SC shrink controlled wool sock. White and 18 colors. $1.
‘Stem Christy.
7. Well-dressed/wool-dressed.
1. Herringbone I.
1. Possibly The Ski Sweater of
the year, the hand-knit look of
this handsome Himalaya puts a
parka to shame. Of natural wool
knitted in America, it has all of
wool’s natural warmth, natural
water-shedability, too! And the
appropriate herringbone dem-
onstrates wool’s talent for tak-
ingthe deepest, richest of colors.
2. Otherwise known as How To
Walk Up a Hill. Possible alter-
natives: take the chair, or just
stand there and devastate ski
bunnies in that sweater!
3. A type of turn. Requires con-
4. Also requires concentration.
Donot mix with Stem Christies.
5. The peak of ski-where.
6. The peak of ski-wear...or
any number of other-wears, all
equally handsome.
7. Especially whencleverlyclad
in the sweater shown, known as
4. Christy's stems.
SER rs a Knit-Wit. Sizes S, M, L, XL.
himeloy About $30.Matching cap, about
à — | $4.00. Available at: Weber &
= Heilbroner, New York City +
M. L. Rothschild Co., Chicago,
Hl. - Howard's Brass Lantern,
San Francisco, Calif. + D. J.
Kaufman, Washington, D.C.
Jacobson's, Michigan + Bul-
aA du won ciol Santa
ers a, Cali! loody's, Manhat-
p tan, Kansas + Shepard & Ha-
melle, Burlington, Vt. * The
Cambridge Shop, Coral Gables,
Fla. * Judson’s, Easton, Pa. Or
write: Himalaya, Inc, 350
2. Herringbone II.
Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y.
self. If half of what is reported here is
accurate—and nobody has shown other-
wise—the book's title is no exaggeration.
Jack Gelber, who scored an offbeat off-
Broadway success with a play in which
almost nothing happens (The Connec
lion) that was made into a movie in
which almost nothing happens, has now
tten a novel in which almost nothing
. Appropriately labeled Om tee
$4.95), bers novelistic
cool nonlife—Greenwich Vil-
ion, with the usual noncharac-
ng the usual cuts to Florida,
Bellevue and Mexico— faithfully presents
the loftloving, pot-puffing and shoplift-
of a group of familiar young drifters
going through the beatgrinder. In re-
g the dragging days and nights of
Fells, Gelber
skillfully conveys the chilly boredom of
this motionless milieu. But perhaps in
desperation at running out of things to
pening, he has
situation involving
ry job with a bogus
store-detective agen complete with
consciously colorful characters. Gelber i;
more convincing when he gets back to
the pads and the roaches, even though
his laying on of the realism sometimes
results in monotony; there arc more
dripping noses in this novel than you'll
find anywhere outside of a kindergarten
on a rainy day. The hero periodically
makes it if a chick is handy and willing,
but the nonsex i s more icy than
spicy. As Manny tries to console himself
in midst of onc of these cool con-
junctions, "Geometry can be beautiful.”
But will it sell?
Patrick Dennis,
solemnity, entered politic
from recording the could-be-true-to-life
saga of Little Me (firs
Show Business Ilustrated,
musical-comedy hit), Mr. Dennis has
now transcribed the “as told to" tale of
Martha Dinwiddie Butterficld, in First
lady: My Thirty Days Upstairs at the
White House (Morrow, $
is only out of emba
ry has up to now failed to record the
story of George Washington Butterfield,
the only candidate of the shortlived
arty to occupy the White
House—a tempestuous term that ended
after only 30 da 1909 when a
load of votes was discovered th
moved the Bullfinch Partys mistaken
margin of victory. This hitherto. mis-
placed morsel of Americana is served up
by President Butterfield’s blithe spirited
widow, who recalls her crowded days
(and nights) upstairs at the White House
from the morc serene atmosphere of the
Bosky Dell Home for the Senile and Dis-
turbed. The former First Lady reveals
all, including the rich Southern heri-
tage of the Dinwiddie family, which rose
For lean and natural lines,
free of tailoring trickery or
fake padding, we, the
Daroffs of Philadelphia,
strongly recommend our
Natural Gentleman model.
The current selection is espe-
cially handsome, due to the
exclusive lighter, livelier,
new summer-weight fabrics,
Tailored with the Daroff
Personal Touch, Natural
Gentleman suits are quality-
value priced from $75.00 to
$100.00. (slightly higher in
the West.) Forthe name of a
nearby dealer, write: H.
Daroff & Sons, Inc., 2300
Walnut Street, Phila. 3,
Pennsylvania. (A subsidiary
of Botany Industries.) Sani-
tized” for Hygienic Freshness
‘BOTANY’ 500°
Tailored by DAROFF
of Philadelphia
Gordon's holds the patent on the
smoothest, clearest vodka made!
Every drop of Gordon’s Vodka is screened 15 times by an
exclusive U.S. patented process, using an agent that is
actually cleaner than the air you breathe. The Gordon's pro-
cess produces the smoothest, clearest, most mixable vodka
you can buy. Try it soon in your favorite vodka drink. And
you'll be pleased with the price for Gordon's quality.
to fortune through the distribution of a
home-brewed spirit lifter known as Lo-
ho Di brewing troublc from her
homebrewing hubby-President and his
scandalous liaison with the vulgarly
glamorous Gladys Goldfoil (who also saw
a good deal of the upstairs at the White
House) the First Lady maintained a
brave facade. But, as her worldly sister
Clytie observed of the Goldfoil-Presid
affair, “Bedfellows make strange pol:
tic." The intrepid former First Lady,
petted by Gris Alexander, has docu-
mented her memoirs with 172 photo-
graphs (Peggy Cass as Mrs. Butterfield)
which ought to convulse, if not con-
vince, skeptics and. scholars.
Evidently Nat Hentoff is a writer who
intends to live up to his notices. It was.
only last February that we commented
here on the increasing range of his
interests, and here he is back with anoth-
er volumc—The New Equality (Viking,
$4.50). Hentoff first examined some of
the distortions and reflections scen
Through the Racial Looking Glass for
praytoy (July 1962), and now has put
together a timely analysis of the move-
ment for full racial equality. Building
his book out of personal observation and
reporting, plus a sifting of the latest
statistics from the black-white battle-
ground, Hentoff is present through
page as an advocate of The
Equality, and the measures—i
preferential employment pol
feels are needed to bring it about. At his
worst, he sometimes slips into the jargon
of the overschooled social worker, heav-
ing such verbal medicine balls as "opti-
mum compensatory techniques" and
“role-playing incentives." At his best, he
ly skewers the romantic racial rumi-
nations of Kerouac and Mailer, and puts
down the fuzzy liberal uplift message
that Harpers editor John Fischer con-
tributed to the Negro problem several
summers ago. The New Equality pro-
vides intellectual ammunition for the
movement and tantalizing targets for
the resistance.
What the world has not been waiting
for is a long, detailed biography of Jean
Harlow, and Irving Shulman proves it.
His Harlow (Geis, $5.95) answers all the
questions that have been bothering so
few of us through the years: What did
happen on Jean Harlows wedding
night? Why did her producer-husband
commit suicide? Did she really have to
wear a blonde wig for a while, and why?
Shulman turns the saga of the Blonde
Bombshell who exploded on the screen
in the early Thirties (and died at 26)
into a keg of fan-magazine syrup spiked
with “daring” details about nipples and
pubic hair. It is interesting that Laurel
and Hardy were responsible for her first
big screen break, that her private life
could it be his broomsticks? (or the Ford Mustang)
What's ihe difference. We're sure he's got it made with the kind of look that Broomsticks slim-ease slacks give him. These great
Glen Oaks tailored slacks say at one glance that you're in . . . in with that slimmer, taller appeal. The fit is fabulous, the detailing delightful, the
tailoring terrific. Crafted with patience in a crease-holding, wrinkle resisting blend of wash and wear 55% Acrilan Acrylic, 38% Rayon and
7% Acetate. Styled with frontier pockets and extension waistband. In an array of newest tones and shades. At stores everywhere. About $8.00.
slacks by glen oaks
Thisisthelook ^ Thisisthe
for Michaels-Stern
Michaels-Stern. look.
How close can a girl get to perfection?
Ph.D. It's a very educated philosophy of dress.
Strictly natural shoulder.
Perfect for business and a pleasure to wear.
In only the right fabrics,
patterns and weaves.
Suits, from $75.
was a horror compounded by her weird
n s with her mother and stepfa-
ther. And Nathanael West would have
loved the fact that Jeanette MacDonald
sang Indian Love Call at Harlow's
funeral, accompanied by the trillings of
a caged bird. In fact, theres a good
article here. But Shulman, determined
e a Big Best Seller (with the
confidences of the star's à Arthur
Landau) wearies whatever appeal her
history might have had. As for his judg-
whose suri
Nope, no Monroe, no
. As for Shulman, no dice.
ment, he announc
there has been no st
has become am
lor sex.
no Loi
In Survival in the Executive Jungle
(Macmillan, $4.95) Chester Burger di:
penses advice on such questions as how
t0 get along with your secretary, how to
cultivate a loyal staff and how to fire a
subordinate. “The first rule of si
he says, "is to see things exactly as they
are. If the facts indicate that someone is
out to get you, then he probably
This has the makings of a f ide,
albeit a tattered one—but Burger, alas,
in earnest, and his prescriptions for su
v depend more on piety and plati-
tude than insight and wit. bor hii
mony begins with understanding" is
typical insight, as is... neither lov
nor loathing is an effective management
tool.” Oc ally, though, he b
throngh with something sei
when he advises one to be
prospective employee who opens the
first interview with, ^ ‘a call myself an.
idea man." And he
pith in his chapter on corporation ps
chologists, noting casually that. “There
are honest psychologists too . . .” On the
whole, though, the beleaguered execu-
tive can find surer and more amusing:
l th tired tome.
They're still playing the good old
songs at the Wodehouse, the la
a little number c:
roads to su
appeared in this magazine. As you'll re-
call, this one is about an American bloke
a list manqué whose
current project is blonde. A week before
his 30h birthday Biflws godfather
n his dinn nd goes to r
side with the morning stars" leavin
young Biffen roughly $10,000,000 on the
proviso that he avoid arrest before he
30. If you think this is easy, you don't
know Unde P. G. Some indication of the
jons may «d when you
that the characters include
Edmund Biffen Pyke, Edmund Biffen
Christopher, Kay Christopher,
Shoesmith, Henry Blake-Sor
Tilbury. Linda Rome, Willi
Pilbeam, Percy Pilbeam and Gwendoline
Gibbs, all of whom are either related to,
engaged to, in love with or otherwise i
m Albert
volved with one another and who in-
trigue, scheme, plot, devise and frolic in
pursuit or in defense of Biffen’s millions,
confronted every five pages or so with a
new twist in ihe plot. Its all designed to
gladden the hearts of every Wooster
In What Time Collects (Doubleday, $5.95)
James T rell returns to the world he
first became famous for describing—the
Midwest in Prohibition days. But his
subject is uot uic effects of the Volstad
Act; rather, it is the tragedy of spirit
that lay behind it, a tragedy of inner
prohibitions, fears and thwarted desires.
The Dai mily have all the virtues
of their time and town: property, pro-
and the But their smug
banali! sed down on tor-
menting lust and fury. The family's
spoiled youngest son finds that his career
of drinking and seduction is broken by a
girl who d nds real love from him.
He marries her because it seems to him
the only way to have her. But incapable
of satisfying the girl's healthy hunger for
maleness without shame, he can give her
only callousness and a corrupted will.
Her struggle for freedom, for woman-
hood, brings into dark relief the stunted
lives around her ridden by Bible Belt
specters of the Devi x; her final vic-
tory is outgrowing and g them.
Farrell has written on similar themes be-
fore—and better. With all his conspicu-
strength that grows out of his own
honesty. H
honesty is still. there.
You know whats wrong with Eng-
land? Milton Biow, a long-time adver-
tising man and author of Butting In
(Doubleday, $5.50), tells us; Her ad
agencies have an agreement not to sol
one another's accounts. Bi s econo-
my is thereby denied the force of the Big
Ideas that advertising agencies are in the
habit of developing for other peopl
clients—dynamic concepts like Halitosi:
nd Cigarette Hangover, Unlike the rel-
l Ogilvy, author
Biow runs true to the Madison Avenue
stereotype. It is clear from the start that
his title is not offered in diffidence or
apology. Rather, it is his credo. He
makes his point early and repeats it in-
cessantly. Butt in for the job. Butt in for
the account. If you want something,
buddy, butt in and get it. We usually in-
i ng people to butt out on oc-
This book is that sort of
ered by the success of The Spy
Who Came in from the Cold (Playboy
After Hours, April 1964), an American
publisher has unearthed two suspense
novels by John le Carré previously is-
sued in England. Published here togeth-
goes with you
Rainy day—every day—
Alligator is the
all-weather coat you'll live in.
Styled right, made right,
priced right—these are the
coats that ought to
cost more but don't.
No wonder they're
America's most wanted coats.
(Shown above)Alligator Samthur"—extra fine cotton gabardine beautifully woven of all two ply yarns Young men's
favorite style: shorter length, patch pockets, plaid lining. Great value—$19.95. Models with zip-in warmers slightly
higher. Other Alligator coats, water repellents and water- ..
proofs, $11.95 to $71.75 at better stores everywhere, s
rs tgato
The Alligator Company » St, Louis, Now York, Chicago, Los Angeles t ats ier wie intr com mi nite
exhilarating elegance FOR MEN
Cologne, 6 oz. 54!
Buddha Soap Gift Set, $4.00:
|. Sprey Cologne, $3.50;
Alter Ec 6 oz, $3.50; Ert Stic! Eg
Looking for something versatile? Wear
Corbin Buggy Whip Worsteds! Rugged in
construction, smooth in finish
— our new, snappy colors are
made-to-mix with sport jackets
and sweaters. Cut in the Corbin
manner for calculated comfort.
Pleatless fronts. Write for the
select store nearest you: Corbin
Ltd., Dept. 1C, 385 Fifth Ave..
New York 16, N.Y.
er as The Incongruous Spy (Walker, $5.
they should please this wider audience.
Mr. Le Carré (David Cornwall, a one
time British civil servant) dotes on spies
and spycraft. With casual deftness, he
relates marvels of intelligence expertise.
His unprepossessing agenthero, George
Smiley, a rumpled man known to his
associates as The Mole, can machinatc
with James Bond and deduce with. Hei
cule Poirot. Le Garé definitely has an
ace in the Mole: He is an agent of
sensibility and style. Does he have to
comm in Call for the Dead, a
well-written spy story? Then he docs so
with a quote from an Elizabethan poet
and a sigh for his Philistine superiors.
Does he have to undo the lifework of a
friend in A Murder of Quality, a straight
tale of detection? Then he averts his eyes
as the victim is led away. Mr. Cornwall
sees a weighty meaning in the ethical
meanderings of Smiley, who played a
lesser role in The Spy Who, etc. Can a
chap be a spy and remain a decent chap?
Some readers couldn't Carré less. For
them, it's enough that these two early
works stand as superior thrillers,
Business Decisions That Changed Our
Lives (Random House, $4.95) contains
self-congratulatory success stories, cach
med by a corporation president or
d chairman and accompanied by an
annualreporüsh portrait of the execu-
tive. The "Our" in the tide refers to us,
not them, and the “Decision: e the
ones behind such aidsto-humanity as
mail-order insurance, fancy lipstick cases,
cake mixes, baby foods and zippers.
Most of these accounts are elaborate
company pulls, not business histories
"They are full of smug similes and ersatz
insights. “Every woman is an individu:
announces Revlon's Charles Revson
typical flash of enlightenment. “She
has different moods.” Equally illuminat-
ing is the comment by Lewis W; r III,
president of Talon: "No doubt in the
communes of China there are men and
women who have never put their fingers
to the pull of a zipper.. . . But in West-
ation it has long been an im-
nt item.” The American way of life
has more zip to it. A few of the contribu-
tors manage to rise above this level. Wil-
liam S. Vaughn of Eastman Kodak turns
a brighter-than-average phrase ("Kodak
got into the vitamin business by way of a
serendipity”) and Warren Lee Pierson of
Great Western Financial Corporation
offers a relaxed, low-key chronicle of
high finance. A long pedantic introduc
tion by the editors—Sidney Furst and
Milton Sherman—cexplains nothing.
Mickey Spillane's new adventure in in-
fantile psychosex: y is called The Snake
(Dutton, $3.50). Within a page we learn
that Velda is back. Who's Velda? Where
have you been? She's been behind the
Iron Curtain for seven years, taking part
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in the biggest chase scene civilization has
ever known. Velda! “What is it when
you sce woman naked? Woman. Long.
Lovely. Tousled. Skin that looks slippery
in the small light. Pink things that are
the summit. A wide, shadowy mass that
is the crest. Desire that rests in the soft
fold of fesh that can speak and taste an
tell that it wants you with the sudden
contract id quickening intak
breath.” Onward! Except that Mike
Hammer insists on waiting until they're
d! Now this bugs Velda a little.
After all, seven years. On top of which
she’s still a virgin. (Seven years. During
which time the Reds have gotten close
enough to leave whip and knife Marx
on her flesh.) Velda keeps stripping
down, showing a body “that rippled and
crying out soundlessly for
more, more, more," but Mike only looks.
Oh, all right. "I felt her briefly,” he ad-
mits—something akin to kissing her now.
On the few occasions when he does ni
ly succumb, doorbells ring. telephones
jangle, hoods come blasting im. The
c clemens are up to
ng 534
years before Mike
nly, it’s this thing with Velda. Will
or won't they? Finally, it seems
at of a couple of
But only Spill
dresser know for sure.
Around About America (
$4.50) is the product of a
25,000-mile trip by ine Caldw
his wife, Virginia, 1963. Caldwell's
curiosity about the way the rest of us
cat, love, steal and work results in a
series of crisply drawn vignettes
of them illustrated by 1
tunately commonplace E
Caldwell notes, most Ame
“doggedly insular,
book lies in the way he ha
out some of the more vivid sectional
phenomena in this country—the desol
tion of unemployed coal mi
West Virgi the all
of the young in Bossier City, Louisiana;
the exotic, pre-Marx communism of the
Hutterite farms in South Dakota; the
ial satisfactions of a Basque res-
n camp meeting in Burns, Or
dwell also focuses fragmentarily on
more pervasive elements of America—
le growth of the suburbs;
s of hookers everywhere; the
aned communities for the
viciousness of race preju-
the hopeful types at w
ces; the new penchant for st
V. sets rather than towels [rom motels:
and the sadly diminishing number of
No Scotch
the flavour
o£ water
like p
Teacher s
Neat is the word for these swing-
ing slacks of ZANTREL* and cot-
ton. Look neat, stay that way in
these handsome MR. HICKS
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son? Zantrel Polynosic* rayon and
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“Zantrel and “Polynosic” are registered trade
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high modulus rayon. Cotton-Plus? American
Enka Corp., registered trademark for blends of
cotton and Zantrel Folynosic? rayon— that
adhere to strict performance standards set by
American Enka Corporation, Enka,
ducer of nylon * polyester = fayon =
vintage pool halls. Although the book
deep, it is an evoca-
s section of our
ions and stub-
pleasures, yearnings, €
born remnants of sectiona
Christopher Isherwood’s new short
novel, A Single Man (Simon & Schuster,
54). takes place in one day. George, a
middleaged expatriate Englishman,
teacher of English in a Southern Califor-
nia college, a confirmed homosexual,
rises, spends a day, goes to bed, and—one
is supposed to suppose— dies in his sleep.
In the course of the day. of course, we
get a picture of what his life is, has been.
ay possibly be; and we get his views
ger eternal questions. His lover, J
was recently killed in a car crash and
George is somewhat numb; the book is
the waning
seorge's life and of his faith in teach.
g. His day ends with a drunken dinner
with a divorced Englishwoman who h
cute ideas of returning to England w
him and opening a cute inn. Then he
has an even drunker nude swim with a
male student—without making a pass—
and it only makes George feel lonclicr.
Then he falls into bed. To stay. This
book is certainly more interesting than
Isherwood's last two novels, but there is
ght imprecision in the prose and a
slight feeling of strain for emotional
effects. It's as if he had taken some of the
leftovers from a superb meal out of the
refrigerator and warmed them up. Fine
fare—but not hot from the oven.
At 66, William Henry Joseph Bona
parte Bertholoff (“Willie the Lios
Smith has written an autobiograph:
Music on My Mind (Doubleday, $4.95),
that is also an absorbing social history
of early jazz in the North. His collabora
tor, jazz historian George Hoefer, has
shaped Smith’s discursive style and elastic
a sl
"more into a cohesive narrative that
sounds exactly as if The Lion, with
characteristic cigar and brandy, were
speaking the book. Willie Smith was onc
of the most influential of the New York
"ticklers"—those prodigious two-handed
ght clubs and rent parties in the
during the first decades of this century
Among those marked by ‘The
Duke Ellington and Fats Waller. V
chronicle focuses on the ni
Newark, Atlantic City, Chicago and Har-
lem. His ego was, and is, outsize; but he
is generous of spirit, fiercely proud of his
calling and highly appreciative of such
pleasures as liquor and the ladies. ‘The
on's most dominant. trait, as this book
kes clear, is his independence. “I only
ar when the feeling is right," Wil
proclaims; and. various dub owners
agents have learned that he cannot be
exploited nor forced to remain where
the "vibrations" do not suit his lite style.
At the end of his reminiscences, Willie
vehemently indicts the working condi
tions that still prevail in many jazz clubs.
and wonders why jazzmen keep putting
up with them, Alas, Willic, not all of
us are lions.
A new Nancy Wilson LP is usually a
happy event and Today, Tomorrow, Forever
(Capitol) is no exception. Nancy, backed
by husband Kenny Dennis’ group, dresses
up such au courant melodies as I Left
My Heart in San Francisco, Call. Me
Irresponsible, One Note Samba and
What Kind of Fool Am I?, but our own
favorite is the country-and-western J
Can't Siop Loving You which Miss Wil-
son turns into a lilting serenade for us
city boys.
Col Tjader / Breeze from the East (Verve)
is another of the vibists ventures into
an Orient-tinted musical world. In a get-
together charted and conducted by Stan
Applebaum, Cal works with sever
small groups studded with fine musicians
—Dick Hyman on organ, Jerry Dodgion
on flute, George Duvivier playing bass.
Applebaum himself plays celesta on
number of the offerings. Cal, of course,
is the star as he and his men wend their
way across a jazz lotus land.
"Two sessions, five years apart, make
up the contents of Miles & Monk at
Newport (Columbia). The Davis Sextet
of 1958 had John Coltrane and Canno
ball Adderley as members; it probably
was Miles’ finest group. Cannon and
Trane add immeasurably to the proceed-
ings, while Davis, still in the process of
growing, produces the sounds of a secker
after musical truth. Monk, leading a
quartet at last year's festival, batters, ca-
joles, caresses and exhorts his piano to
do his bidding, a feat of which the in-
strument occasionally seems incapable.
Pee Wee Russell’s clarinet was added to
the quartet at Newport, and one has the
fecling that Pee Wee is a bit mystified by
the goings on around him.
Violinist Yehudi Menuhin puts his
bow as as he conducts the
Philharmonia Orchestra of London in
Mozart's Concerto in C Major for Flute, Harp
end Orchestra, K. 299, and "Telemann's
Suite in A Minor for Flute ond Strings
"The flutist is the celebrated Elaine Shaf-
fer; Marilyn Costello is harp soloist on
the Mozart work. Together, they have
produced a recording of gentle di
and superb. musicianship.
A neat follow-up to his splendid Quin-
cy Jones Plays Hip Hits is Quincy Jones
Explores the Music of Henry Mancini (Mer-
cury. Quincy, working with three
groups, all of them Jarge, runs through a
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44 | ators of Slacks by Fabiano, Ltd., and "On-the-Town" Formalwear.
flock of Mancini's more memorable tone
poems, imparting to them a dynamic
tastefulness that has become a Jones
trademark. Among the troops on duty
throughout the LP are pianist Bobby
Scott, vibist Gary Burton, trumpet man
and trombonist Billy Byers.
some indication
of the recordings high performance
Joe Bushkin in Concert/Town Holl. (Reprise)
reveals another facet of pianist Bush
kin's estimable talents; he plays a highly
respectable trumpet. Although Gillespie,
Davis and Terry are in no danger of
being pre-empted, Bushkin's horn. play-
ing is by no means a novelty act. With
gi Chuck Wayne, bassist Milt
Hinton and drummer Ed Shaughnes
the twicc-blessed Bushkin prolfers a
batch of standards by a Tin-Pan Alley
hierarchy—Berlin, Gershwin, Arlen,
Porter, Duke and Youmans.
A fine helping of funk fills Al Grey /
Boss Bone (Argo). The hard-driving
trombonist, aided by a Chicago-based
rhythm section, produces a forthright,
surging sound that makes up in impact
what it lacks in subtlety. In among
the swinging originals are three oldies,
Smile, Mona Lisa and Day In Day Out,
that lend themselves admirably to the
Grey context.
The World of Sarah Voughen (Roulette)
is the best Sassy effort in a long while.
In superlative vocal fettle, the Divine
One moves effortlessly through Fiy Me
to the Moon, Jump for Joy, Moonlight
on the Ganges, Stella by Starlight, Gravy
Waltz and a host of other tempting aural
Further evidence that Art Farmer is a
horn man of major stature is readily
ap ot the Holf-Note / The
Art Former Quartet Featuring Jim Hell (At-
lantic). Arts Flügelhorn is evocatively
darion on Stompin’ at the Savoy, What's
New, I Want to Be Happy and the
Miles Davis Swing Spring. Farmer sits
out the fifth offering, Im Geitin’ Sen-
g the pl
limental over You, leav
dits for Hall's sens guitarwork
bassist Steve Swallow's inventive accom-
paniment. Drummer Walter Perkins
adds a firm rhythmic hand throughout
Jock Jones / Bewitched (Kapp) and Jock
Jones in Love (Capitol) are an absorbing
brace of goodies from this fastrising
vocal star. The latter LP is a n
of his This Love Is Mine album etched
very early in his career. Both record-
ings display Jones’ astute choice of ma-
and iiy to handle both
standard and offbeat items with equal
aplomb. The Capitol sides include a trio
of exceptional ballads—Impossible, We'll
Be Together Again and Matt Dennis’
Have you heard the first 9 minutes
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Angel Eyes. Bewitched is enhanced by
the inclusion of I've Grown Accustomed
to Her Face, Right as the Rain and I’m
Old Fashioned. All in all, quite a vocal
display by the Jones boy.
Herbie Mano / Latin Fever (At
1inues the flutist's close association with
the bossa nova and kindred rhythms.
Backed by Brazilian sidemen on half
the session, Herbie also puts such State-
side jazz notables as Ernie Royal, Clark
Terry and the likes of You Came a Long
Way from St. Louis and John Lew
The Golden Striker into the Latin bag.
ntic) con-
Four morc LPs in the Latin vein de-
serve mention: Warm Winds / Charles Ky-
nerd & Buddy Collerre (Workl-Pacilic), Bola
Sete's “Tour de Force" (Fantasy), The Lotin
Side of Vince Guaraldi (Fantasy) and Two
Jims end Zoot (Mainstream) prove that
South America's sunny strains are still
scene. The
the last are the most intriguing.
t Kynard and flutist Collette
pidly simpatico as, with a Latin
rhythm section, they establish
cinating rapport that is consistently c:
cellent. Two Jims (guitarists R:
Hall) and a Zoot (tenor man Sim
aided by bassist Steve Swallow and drum-
mer Osie Johnson, present a half-dozen
tunes by the prolific and imag
Brazilian composer, Antonio Carlos
Jobim. The LP is fleshed out with a
quartet of north-of-the-border melodie
but Jobim's works are the main attrac
tion. Rancy’s solo guitar and Sims’ tenor
are the catalysts for an inspired outing.
The Bola Sete LP, featuring the San
Francisco-based Brazilian on unampli-
fied guitar, with rhythm accompaniment,
ranges from native strains to such dis-
parate items as Mancini's Moon River,
Gillespie's Tour de Force and Bach's
Bourrec, all stamped with Sete's delicate
but sure touch. Fellow San Franciscan
Guaraldi—in the company of a trio, plus
Latin rhythm and a suing quartet on
occasion—also takes on a Mancini mel
ody, Mr. Lucky, along with Nat Adder-
leys Work Song, Anthony Newleys
What Kind of Fool Am I? and a pair
of tunes by Jobim and Luis Bonía, add
ing four of his own creations. The
suaraldi piano is wonderfully attuned
to the Latin idiom, as this LP bears
very much on the jazz
Morgana King / With a Taste of Honey
(Mainstream) has the songstress backed
by a king-sized orchestra conducted by
Torrie Zito, whose arrangements are
first-rate. From the lead-off title tune,
through the Ellington delight, Prelude
10 a Kiss, and on to the Cole Porter
capper, Easy to Love, Morgana delivers
with a style uniquely her own and a
flair for the unusual that stamps her as a
singer of note.
Although the Broadway musical What
Makes Sammy Run? did not take the
critics by storm, its music is excellent.
For aural proof we offer What Makes
Sammy Swing! (20th Century-Fox), a felic-
itous ramble through the score by Clark
Terry & His Friends. Said friends in-
clude reed men Phil Woods and Scldon
Powell, and trombonist Urbie Green.
Terry, on wumpet and Fliigelhorn, is
the stellar attraction, of course, and his
handling of A Room Without Windows
is exceptional.
Reissues in ever-increasing numbers
are c nd. To wit A Verve Essen-
tial sericsC—The Essential Gerry Mulligan;
André Previn; Coleman Hawkins; Gene Krupo;
Dizzy Gillespie. The most successful are the
Mullis and s
former includes the delightful Z Believe
in You and My Funny Valentine, the
latter is brightened by Birk’s Works and
the agcless Night in Tunisia. The Hawk-
ins LP is uneven in quality and the
Krupa and Previn rectchings are, in
general, not worthy of re-auditing, € Fan-
ated and expired. My Little Cello
ures the great Oscar Pettiford on that
strument, with an American group
including Julius Watkins and Charlic
M and on bass, with a couple of
Danish confreres. Bird on 52nd Street and
Bird at St. Nick's are technically horren-
dous, but Charlie Parker's genius is not
to be denied. The 52nd Street LP is fur-
ther enhanced by the presence of Miles
Davis and Max Roach. Pettiford and fel-
low expauiates Bud Powell and Kenny
Clarke, joined by Col
represented by Essen Jezz Festival All-Stars
recorded at a 1960 German jazz concert.
Hawkins’ efforts on three of the tunes
are enough to make the recording worth
while. Four Trombones / Volume 2 brings
back the full-blown boi foursome of
J-J- Johnson, Kai Winding, Willie De:
nis y Green, augmented by
lie Mingus, pianist John
and drummer Art Taylor. The
idually and in ensemble are
splendid. € hos olus wie are mo long Take a camel break... MADISONAIRE style
cr callow youths remember vividly the
exceptional jazz recordings that poured
forth in the 1940s from Commodore, a
comparatively small firm. Much of that
output is now available in LP form on
Camel, the tawoy new color. Camel, solid or blended with blue,
black or brown. Madisonaire by Varsity-Town . . . King of the camels.
Natural shoulder suits, topcoats, sport coats in an extraordinary
variety of new weathered desert colorings. Classically understated,
the Mainstream label: Town Hall Concert unerringly tailored, with traditional expertise.
has a cast that includes Gene Krupa, Young in spirit, young in price. Naturally.
Charlie Ventura, Red Norvo and Teddy
Wilson; The Influence of Five puts forth the
tenorwork of Goleman Hawkins, Lester emer ele inthe nalural Sele Shea Apare: ol (pe iges ehas
5 Lyons, Chicago = Hecht Co.. Washington = Lou Hofiman’s, Little Rock e Ed, V. Wiliams.
Young, Ben Webster, Don Byas and Chu Spnngtield * Rothschild's, Oklahoma City = Dawson's "The Lol”, Flint = Tate-Brown Co, P. d
Beny; Prez features Lester Young front- Charlotte = Meer & frank, Portland *Petmay Reais, Nashville ~ Houseman's, Grand Rapids BUM TS
University Mens Shop, Coral Gables Lazarus, Columbus. VIC Little Blue Book: 170 pages
tng the Kansas City Six; ^l syle news end sport niormation (lootbel schedules, Scores, records, ratemity data) —
group with
changing personnel that included Dicky dree, at the VIC store in your cy Or mite for your free copy to THE H.ASEINSHEIMER CO, — BRI
Wells, Joe Bushkin and Buck Clayton; Cincinnati. Ohr 45202, makers of world-renowned Varsity Town Clothes =
and a pair of Dixie pressings —Dixieland-
New Orleans, which is marked by the pres-
ence of Jack Teagarden, Edmond Hall,
Shapely University Glub
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Pee Wee Russell and the ageless Pops
Foster, and Dixielend-Chicago, which has
the likes of Mu Spanier, Max
Kaminsky, Joe Sullivan and Jess Stacy
aboard. The stellar item in the scri
though, is Billie Holiday, in which Bil
with superb instrumental backing, deli
ers such classics as Strange Fruit, Fine
and Mellow, I'll Get By, Yesterdays and.
a half-dozen others of equal merit. OF
more recent vintage is the Roulette-
Roost World Of reissues. The star at-
traction is a 3-LP album, The World of
Count wherein the high-voltage
Basie d of the 1950s and 1960s is re-
prised. Vocalists lending a sheen to thc
e gloss are Billy Eckstine, Tony Ben-
h Vaughan, Joc Williams,
Lambert, Hendricks and Ros
Modern World of Sten Getz brings back
the pre-bossa nova tenor man and admi
rably demonstrates that he was then a
jazz giant. The World of Cherlie Porker
contains some of the best of Bird—
Groovin’ High, Scrapple from the Apple
h Dizzy, J.J. Miles and Max ad-
ding to its luster. The World of Jozz
Piano commends itself for Art "Tatum
alone; Tatum's Dark Byes, J Know that
You Know and Body and Soul
less. Erroll Garner, Bud Powell
Taylor are also represented. The World
of Jack Teagarden and Capitol's Tribute to
Teagarden emphasize the instrumental
and vocal arustry of a classic jazz practi
tioner who has left a void that will be
difficult to fill. € The first in what gives
every indication of being an important
reissue series, Jazz Odyssey / Volume 1 / The
Sound of New Orleans (1917-1947) (Colum
bia), is a 3-LP journey through the New
Orleans sound, from the Original Dixie
land Jazz Band, Clarence Williams’
group, Jelly Roll Morton, King Oliver
and Louis Armstrong, through Jimmy
Noone, Noble Sissle and Wingy Manone,
and on up to Bunk Johnson. It is a rich
vinyl documenta
Make way for a bright new comedi
an. Here's Godfrey Cambridge Ready or
Not... (Epic) is a recording of a per
formance the Negro actor-turned-comic
gave at Morgan State College. Cambridge
uses his theatrical to excel
lent advantage; his delivery is estimable,
his timing faultless. Godfrey's material is
Negro based, but univer »peal
he saw on TV un l to buy a
flesh-colored Band-Aid (“They didn't
have me in mind”), how he answered a
TV commercial to come on down to
Florida (“I went down there and they
weren't expecting me. They have white
and black pools. The black pool doesn’t
have any water in it and che diving
board is higher"), how he and his wife
moved into a middle-income apartment
(“Middle income means that if you steal
you can make the rent"), how block
busting operates ("I got off the bus by
accident in Scarsdale and in fifty min-
utes property values had dropped fifty
percent") A very funny man is Mr.
That Man from Rio, directed by Phi-
lippe de Broca and starring Jean-Paul
Belmondo, is a nifty spoof on all the Sat-
urday-afternoon serials ever made, done
with wit and zip. Belmondo, an air force
private, has a week's leave in Paris, and
goes to sce his girl. Her father was an
anthropologist in Brazil who buried a
valuable statue in his Rio garden. Two
Indians, after the statue, kidnap the girl.
Belmondo cons his way onto the Brazil-
bound plane without a cent and gets
caught up in a scad of escapades that are
1onsense. Fun is flung nonstop at
nd suspense clichés. The plot gy-
through Rio (wow!
nd the jungle (ech
nificent. The brouhaha
Belmondo's esprit is some-
ncoise Dorleac plays the
ng 10 see,
girl with se
appreciated of the new
The Love Game, The Ji
Day Lover, now this lulu—
needed to indicate that he may well be
the new René C
As if to prove that The Birds was not
the worst picture a master could
make, Alfred Hitchcock presents Marnie.
Hitchcock has always be sucker for
the psycho drama with the simple trau-
ma explanation, which not only debases
akes a picture one long
riddle with a -delayed pat answer.
This one deals with a frigid female lar-
cenist and how she got that way. Oh, yes,
d why she goes allover uembly when
the color red (although for some
she seems able to put on red lip
nic gets jobs, gets confidence
ts loot from office s. This
is her way of supporting her invalid
mother, her own taste in clothes and
betting on the ponies. But when she is
employed by a strong, silent book pub
isher in Philadelphia, we know t ft
cr much talky il, the trauma will
bside. Tippi Hedren, who was wood-
en in The Birds, lumbers through the
title role. the hero, breaks
temporarily from his James Bonds, but
this is only an unarmed version of the
same gent. Tw murder
flash back and a
edited excitingly with the old Hitchcock.
skill. The rest is run of the Miltown.
The Premise is one of the sassier
groups to work the New York ca
scene in the past few years, and it was
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the new look in
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nice news that they were going to make
film. The Troublemaker is OK, but nou
g more. The story is about a gui
ying chicken farmer, all grin and
.Y.C. to
greenbacks, who comes to
open a coffcchouse. He gets an open
hand—from every municipal inspector
and other grafter who wants his palm
greased. A college pal, now a light-foot
wyer, fixes the fix and introduces him
to a chick. Chick helps him swing, but
he never quite swings away from the
wide-open space that is His Heart.
Along the route are plenty of sight gags,
gag gags, neatly naughty ideas: no one
could ever mistake this for a film out
ywood Comedy Blueprint No.
J. But it never quite jets off,
because most of the invention has gone
the plot and
characters are off the shelf and not very
well dusted. The leads—Tom Aldredge
awyer, Adelaide Klein as a head-
nk headshrinker, and Theodore J
r as the ne commissioner. Also
te-Bunny China Lee.
Henry and Flicker wrote the script, and
the latter (it had to be said) directed the
Good Neighbor Sam, on the other
ind. does look as if it were made from
an old Hollywood blueprint, or a couple
of them combined—but it has Jack Lem-
mon. Here he plays a good schnook who
lives in a good schnookery with wife and
kids. In his ad-agency job, where he is a
nobody, he suddenly becomes a some-
body because he is the only one with a
clean private life; the big client (Edward
G. Robinson) won't deal with a double:
dealer, Meanwhile, his wife's girlfriend
moves next door,
lect a $15,000,000 inheri
to pretend to be living with the husband
from whom she has separated. When
snoopers snoop, Lemmon pinch-hits for
the absent hubby. But while he's pinch-
ing, the client sees the girlfriend (Romy
Schneider) and thinks she's Lemmon's
missus. Well, sir! You can just imagine
the complications, especially when the
girl's real husband turns up. The script
is neither deft nor dumb, although it
lingers too long. However, it provides
Lemmon with a lot of tight squeezes,
and he gets the juice out of them.
Sample: The girlfriend has fed him a
huge steak. When he gets home later,
ous wife has a macaroni casserole
To pacify her, he pretends he
hasn't eaten and consumes th
serole. On paper, nothing. In aci
Nothing but the Best is another epic
of a lower-class London youth looking
for room at the top. The difference here
is that the saga of a young man's money
ecring suddenly becomes the
story of a clever killer. So what we have
is a murder film that takes too long to
get to its point—or else a class comedy
into which bits of another script have
straycd. Alan Bates is attractive as the
ambitious clerk in a large real-estate
firm. Millicent Martin, former singing
star of Britain's TW3, the boss’
daughter, Harry Andrews her brusque
pater, Pauline Delany the lad's very
obliging landlady. All are A 1; but the
knockout performance is by Denholm
Elliou as a seedy tolf whom Bates takes
in and supports in return for lessons in
upper-dass uppishness. The moment in
which Elliott agrees to this deal is screen
acting at its best. Frederic Raphacl's di-
alog is crisp. Clive Donner, who directed
Pinter's The Guest with distinction, here
works more slickly, and, as is often the
case, the color detracts from reality. Re-
sult: a fineedged film with some
stretches when different writer and di-
rector seem to have taken over.
Feil-Sofe is the "straight" version of
Dr. Strangelove. It’s director Sidney Lu-
mers best job to date—last and fre-
quently exciting. Walter Bernstein has
sculpted a workable script out of the
Burdick-Wheeler best seller, and Ralph
Rosenbloom's film editing is, or should
be, Oscar-bound. The Strangelove gim-
a runaway bomber headed for
with the U.S. forced to confer
with the U. S. S, R. on ways to stop it—is
used here as a parable of how machines
have taken over from men. The SAC
headquarter scenes have lots of snap,
nd the hotline conversation—White
Housc to Kremlin—holds conviction be-
cause of Henry Fonda as the President.
But the final wade of New York for
Moscow still scems glib. Some of the
"human" embroidery is painfully hem-
stitched: a general's recurrent dream, a
cool scientists moment with a thrill
hungry gil. Frank Overton as the SAC
chief, Fritz Weaver as his aide, Sorreil
Booke as a Congressman, Larry Hagman
as a translator, are solid. Dan O'Herlihy
is fru the haunted gencral, and
lter Matthau, a good comic, is badly
semimad scientist. At its best,
though, a superior thrill show.
This month's Peter Sellers film, a se-
quel to The Pink Panther, is based on
Hany Kurnitz Broadway hit A Shot in
the Dark. (See our pictorial in this issue,
The Nudest Peter Sellers and the Nudest
Etke Sommer, for details of the plot.)
Sight gags are the order of the day and
night in this one, and there are a num
ber of funny ones—including Sellers
bursting into a room when he hears a
high-pitched scream, only to discover that
it's a soprano at a musicale. There are
reminiscent sequences: the discomforts of
hasuly undressing for a boiling bedmate,
noodling in a nudist camp, and almost
all of it is neatly sold by Sellers. George
Sanders is more cool than comic as a mil-
lionaire; Herbert Lom, usually a heavy,
is pleasantly light as the Sûreté chicf
driven crazy by Sellers. Although Miss
Sommers talents are on the surface,
they are not superficial
William Holden's motto: If at first
you do succecd, Kwai, Kwai a
The Seventh Dawn he's an Americ:
ing with native guerrillas in Malaya at
the end of the 1945 War, buddy of a
colonel named Ng. Holden buys Land
near Kuala Lumpur; Ng hustles off to
Moscow. Cut to 1953 and, by George, if
Holden isn’t a rich planter and Ng the
head of the Communist terrorists. Capu-
cine, Holden's mistress and Ng's unre-
sponsive beloved, is torn between the
two, but not soon enough. Susannah
York, whom you first saw swimming b.a.
(before attiring) in last Junc’s rrAYnoy,
the daughter of the British governor.
These arc all the elements of a finc Joan
Crawford tearjerker, and screenwriter
Karl Tunberg—with Michael Keon's
novel The Durian Tree as source—does
not miss a trick. Noble postures pile up
on the screen as dull dialog clutters the
sound track. Tetsuro Tamba, as Ng, is
N.G. Holden dyes his hair black, but
you can tell it’s him by the acting. On
this road to Mandalay, The Seventh
Dawn comes up like hollow thunder.
Carol Burnett is a knock-kneed, large-
mouthed, flat-footed clown with a voice
as loud as Merman's. For the past few
seasons she has been locked up inside
Fade Out—Fade In explodes
her onto a Broadway stage—and without
her, Fade Out would fade out fast.
Movie mogul Lione] Z. Governor has
had Carol plucked out of a chorus line
nly he meant the girl next to her,
Judy Cassmore. While L.Z. is in Vien-
na being analyzed by a short, long-beard-
cd, sex-centered psychiatrist, his F.
Studio is being misrun by his syco-fr.
nephews, who comprise most of the old
man's padroll, and they are trying, forc
bly, to transform the homely chorinc
into a movie queen. When L.Z. dis-
covers the goof (Carol), he fumes and
fires (Carol). Free of F.F.F., she dons
six petticoats, blonde spit curls, patent
leather shoes, and—don't ask why—takes
off on Shirley Temple. It is a completely
devastating impersonation—the most u
necessary completely devastating imper-
sonation of the year. Funny, too, is Jack
Cassidy as Byron Prong, a movie king
deeply in love with himself; he keeps a
mirror in the crown of his top hat. Un-
Tortunately the rest of the show is by no
means 100spoof. Betty Comden and
Adolph Green’s satiric pen pierces right
down to the skin, and most of Jule
Styne's score is strikingly ordinary. Com-
den and Green have written a funny
Twillara. .Luxurious
Herringbone Twill,
seven "IN" colors.
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Playboy Club keyholders may charge by enclosing key number with order.
musical about funny old filmland, but
it’s not Fade Out—Fade In. It was the
movie Singin’ in the Rain. At thc Mark
Hellinger, 257 West 51st Street.
Quietly shunning the shakers and the
shockers of modern theater, y
American playwright Frank D. G
has ten The Subject Was Roses,
three-character, oneset, kitchen.
stubbornly rooted in re.
'e, wise, keenly observed,
ed to perfection by
itor (Ulu Grosbard) and
perbly by unknown performers. Roses is
The father, | y (Jack Albert
son), is a simpl ty, crude coffee
sman, of high promise and low
who is
ive to her
and. The
mother, a drudge to her hu:
Clearys have just about stopped talking
to cach other when their only child,
Timmy (M Sheen), returns from
the War, with his body intact—his father
secretly a little ashamed of that—and
» his vision clarified. A momma's boy,
ddenly sees the sadness in both
es. The dialog re and un-
Deluly, ill. strokes,
s the Clearys relate to all
immy remembers his mother's
love of roses (although he forgets, to her
disappointment, that waflles arc his favor-
ite breakfast), buys her some, but asks
his father to say that they are his
He does so with embarrassment; st
cepts, with clation; all ends in confu-
sion. The Clearys cannot even exchange
a simple gilt without domestic complic
tions. This not, however dr
play. It is rife with humor,
sights—the best new Broadway play of
the year. At the Royale, 242 West 45th
“This show began one hundred years
ayo,” says the uncomical comican.c.,
"and of course we have changed some of
for some new nudes, but the show itself
lays a 1000-year-old egg, as stale as the
aster Show at Radio City Music Hall,
nd, except for one hot number in a
winter garden, almost as naive. The
choreography is archaic (the boys pull
the girls through their legs); the si
is atrocious; even the lighting is spotty.
For variety acts, a dog stands on a man
thumb, and a knobby puppet undress
and the tableaux—ah, ze tablea
Down a steep stai
a green face (those lights, a
white dress. She looks like the bride of
Dracula. All about her, girls hold can-
delabras high over their heads. The
bride sings (badly), the curtain falls, and
on come the puppes. The pièce de
Never, under any circumstances,
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résistance of the vaudeville is Patachou,
who pats herself a lot and punches out
ten minutes of song in an overemphatic
style. But before this cream pulf, comes
the cheesecake: || mannequins, who
each wear a patch of cheesecloth and
two tiny tin pastics. The night we caught
the show. the blonde one in the front row
was à nonconformist—she had a Band-
Aid on her knee. At the Broadway, 1681
After a mediocre season of new plays,
the Actors Studio Theatre attacks a
solid classic, Chekhov's The Three Sisters,
and trots out the first team (Geraldine
Page and Kim Stanley! Live! Together!)
with old coach Lee Strasberg as director.
Chekhov wins, but barely. Strasberg has
not succeeded in welding an ensemble
production, nor in capturing the various
humors of The Three Sisters. But Ran-
dall Jarrell’s new translation is clean
and free of archaisms, and there are
some brilliant performances and some
fine scenes. The first two acts are gener-
ally dark, moody and languorous, which
indicates the despair of the characters,
but obscures their differences. The sec-
ond act is actually played almost in the
dark, which obscures the actors. In the
Jast act the lights come on in all respects,
shedding a hard glare on the assorted
woes, clarifving the characters and pro-
viding a contrast to the gloomy doings
carlicr in the evening. As the three over-
cultivated, unfulfilled sisters trapped. in
a provincial town, Kim Stanley, Geral-
dine Page and Shirley Knight are suc-
cessful in that order. Miss Knight as the
youngest, the innocent Irina, is shrill at
times, but in her final plight she is piti
able: Miss Page has the least to work
with; Olga, the oldest, is stoical about
her spinsterhood and fatalistic about her
passivity. In Miss Page’s hands, her deci
sion to settle for being a schoolmistress
seems like a slightly noble adventure.
Masha, the middle sister, is the saddest,
smartest, most hopeless, most affecting of
the sad trio, and Kim Stanley captures
every nuance of the role—the self-engen.
dered inertia, the anger at her wasted
life, and her desperate grasp at romance
with the self-pitying dreamer Major Ver-
shinm (Kevin McCarthy). Finally, the
nily house lost, Moscow no longer a
hope for any of them, Vershinin trans-
ferred, and her husband fussing about
foolishly, Miss Stanley cries, “My life is
all wrong.” The moment is the play, and
her performance saves the production.
At the Morosco, 217 West 45th Street.
As if you didn't know by now, the
most dynamic development on the U.S.
nightclub scene in years is the disco-
théque—a place in which to dance to
both live and recorded music. It has
its roots in contemporary Paris and its
each an
Soviet Army Chorus and Band
D MINOn: Pianist, Witold Malcuzynski
& CHAUSSON PoEME: Nathan Milstein
GRosst, Op. 6: Yehudi Menuhin and
the Bath Festival Orchestra
Victoria de Jos Angeles, Luigi Alva,
Sesto Bruscantini
Edith Mathis, The Southwest German
Chamber Orch. & Madrigal Choir
NE school of motivational theory holds that the popularity of button-down collars stems
from fear that somebody will steal your necktie. If that is so, what better way to keep friends
from snitching your cigarettes than a button-down pocket, too? * Our newest model, the Tromblee,
is the answer, especially with friends who are trying to shake the habit! * It is the man who is striving
to quit who resorts to hard core bumming; i.e., simply plucking one out as he murmurs, “Do you
mind?" * Sure you do, but it is too late; he is already lighting it with shaking fingers- and your
matches, like as not. A button-down pocket is a great deterrent. So don't delay; “A Tromblee in time
saves nine,” and occasionally the whole pack. * If you yourself are still trying to stop or cut down,
try a Tromblee. It beats the hell out of will-power. * The first step is to buy a triple* button-down
Tromblee, for about $7.00; in white and various conservative colors (here shown in Barrywater Gold)
and stripes. * As to the name, it is to honor Mr. Douglas Tromblee of Baytown, Texas, where it is
no-coat weather oftener than not. Over the years he has become an authority on using shirt pockets
to carry things in. We therefore sought his opinion on button-down flap pockets. He thought it
was the worst idea he had ever heard of. Having decided to fly in the face of his judgment the
least we can do is name it for him. So there’s a Tromblee in your future if not in Tromblee’s.
“We got the extra button from the back of the collar; buttons don't grow on trees, you know.
© 1964 (1f you want to know where to get Eagle Shirts in your town, write Bunny Afflerbach, EAGLE SHIRTMAKERS, QUAKERTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA.)
The man of action
has good reason
to be irresistibly drawn
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Zip, he opens the neck. Zip, zip, he
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pockets. Or closes them.
Not a moment’s precious time that might
be spent in conquering new worlds is lost
in dressing when you wear a pullover jacket.
Especially the Turtle Pop by
The Turtle Pop by Zero King, about $30., available at fine stores,
or write B. W. Harris Manufacturing Company, Park Square, St. Paul 1, Minn.
ardent rooters currently are jamming
i including the Playboy
nd Phoenix—in half
a dozen major U.S. locales. Los Angeles
has emerged with the biggest and brassi-
est of the discos—Whisky à GoGo (8901
Sunset Boulevard)—a frenetic watering
spot inspired by its more docile Parisian
namesake. Outside, closed-circuit televi-
sion provides glimpses of the interior,
where the wailing voice and he
handed electric guitar of group leader
Johnny Rivers interpret tunes like La
Bamba, Midnight Special and Go,
Johnny, Go. Inside, a mass of loose-
limbed dancers on a. postagestamp-sized
floor gyrate the Watusi, the Hitch-Hike,
the Swim, the Monkey, the Frug (pro-
nounced Froog) the Chicken, the Bug
and the Dog. Two shortskirted maidens
demonstrate the latest dance in a 9-
foot-square glassenclosed booth dangling
30 [eet above the floor. (The GoGo girls
have personally schooled the
Hedda Hopper, Gina Lollobrigida, Shel-
ley Winters and Pat Boone.) When the
live musicians take five, the girls convert
the place into a true discothèque, play-
ing record requests made from strategi-
cally located floor telephones on a $3500
stereophonic sound system. Whisky à
GoGo is open seven d. week from
4 p.m. to 4 A.M. (with the Sunday session
beginning a half hour carlier). There is
no cover or minimum. To make c
his disque won't slip, owner Shelly
Davis recently installed $20,000 worth
of air-conditioning equipment, a much-
needed addition in light of the heated
A discothique of another color and
another coast is Shepheard’s, a down-to-
earth oasis within the rarefied precincts
of New York's ultradignified Drake Ho-
tel (Park Avenue and 56th Street). Here,
hip disc jockey-in-residence Slim Hyatt
supplies the vinyl sounds that are rein-
forced by a rhythm section of bass,
drums and vibes. The discothécaire jug-
gles records on three turntables to supply
music to fit his impression of the mood
of the crowd, which he watches through
a peephole. His judgment is astute, and
as the crowd warms up to him, he heats
up the music to the crowd. The rhythm
section merely follows what he plays.
The whole thing happens nightly, no
exceptions, in a semiexotic Egyptian
atmosphere echoing the club's namesake,
the famous Cairo hotel burned by an
Egyptian mob—for political, not acsthet-
; reasons—in 1952. The place is always
jammed for late-night dancing (until
5 AM), with Shepheard's decorative
sphinxes bearing mute witness to the
wild proceedings. The menu is French
and pleasant, but hardly distinguished,
which matters little, since sustenance
the last thing on most discothéqueniks
Playboy Clik News :
CHICAGO (Special) — Amer- fall premiere and occupy
ica's fastest growing key-club
chain will be ten links long with
thc openings of three new
Playboy Clubs this summer.
The Kansas City Playboy Club
atop the Hotel Continental made
its debut in June and gives key-
holders a breath-taking view of
the city from the 22nd floor.
Having made its July premiere,
the Baltimore Club at 28 Light
Strect offers East Coast key-
holders Playboy-styled pleasures
in four levels of luxurious club-
rooms. The Cincinnati Club at
35 East 7th Street opens this
month just opposite the Shu-
bert Theater and boasts an im-
posing see-through copper fire-
place between the Living Room
and the Playmate Bar.
The Los Angeles Club, the
eleventh link in the rapidly ex-
panding chain, is slated for a
There's always something new at
Playboy! Bunnies demonstrate
latest dance crazes at Playboy's
discothèque in Miami's Penthouse.
Clubs Open—Baltimore at 28
Tight St; Chicago at 116 E. Wal-
ton St; Cincinnati at 55 E. Tth St.
Detroit at 1014 E. Jefferson Ave.
Kansas City atop the Hotel Con-
tinental; Miami at 7701 Biscayne
Blvd.: New Orleans at 727 Rue
Iberville; New York st 5 E. 53th
SL; Phoenix at 3033 N. Central;
St. Louis at $914 Lindell Blvd.
Locations Set—Atlantainthe Di
kler Plaza Motor Inn; Los Angeles
at6560 Sunset Blvd; San Francisco
at 736 Montgomery St.; Washing-
ton, D. C., corner of 10th & L Sta.
Next in Line—Boston, Camden-
Philadelphia, Dallas,
the first three floors of the multi-
million-dollar Playboy building
at 8560 Sunset Boulevard. Key-
holders on the West Coast, like
those in New York and Chicago,
will enjoy a luxurious VIP Room,
By ordering your key today,
you can take advantage of the
$25 Charter Rate that applies
in new Club areas before the
$50 Resident Key Fee goes into
effect (as in Chicago and
Florida). If you enjoy PLAYEOY,
you'll delight in the many fea-
tures of The Playboy Club in-
spired by the world's leading
entertainment magazine.
Beautiful Bunnies grect you
at the door and guide you
through a world designed with
your personal pleasure in mind.
Icy ounce-and-a-half-plus bev-
erages are served to you in the
Penthouse showroom with four
lively shows nightly, in the
Living Room where jazz groups
swing until the wee hours at
the Piano Bar, and in the con-
vivial Playmate Bar. For the
same price as a drink, you'll
enjoy Playboy's charcoal-broiled
filet mignon in the Penthouse, or
a bounteous buffet in the famous
Living Room.
Your silver Playboy Club key
will admit you not only to thc.
new Clubs in Kansas City,
Baltimore, Cincinnati and Los
Angeles, but to every present
and future Playboy Club. All
new Clubs revel in the same
high-spirited fun found in
Playboy Clubs throughout the
nation. Apply now to save $25.
In addition to admitting you to
every Playboy Club in the
world, your Playboy Club key
also offers a long list of extras.
Among these are Vir, the color-
ful Playboy Club magazine
mailed regularly to keyholders;
the Playmate Key-Card for your
wife or girlfriend, entitling your
playmate to visit the Club
during luncheon and cocktail
hours; and guest Key-Checks
which permit your friends to
visit the Club in any city when
you cannot take them,
Hugh M. Hefner, President of Playboy Clubs International, is greeted at the
ity airport by Bunny Patti, August's Playmate-Bunny China and
Bunny Joyce as he arrives for the debut of the Kansas City Playboy Club.
Before 1964 is out, the Bunnies will be hopping to keyholders’
wishes in Atlanta, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. The
Atlanta Playboy Club will offer
luxurious clubrooms on two
floors of the now-under-con-
struction Dinkler Plaza Motor
Inn. The second West Coast
Playboy Club is already under
construction at the foot of San
Francisco's famous Telegraph
Hill-the four-story, million-
dollar Club is scheduled to
debut at 736 Montgomery St,
in the very heart of the city's fun
area. The newest location for
Playboy's sophisticated Rabbit
is set in the nation's capital at
the corner of 19th & L Streets.
San Francisco Playboy Club debut
is scheduled for first of year.
Ce PLAVEOY MAGAZINE, 252 Cast Ohio Street, Chicago, nois 60611
D Enclosed find $.
D I wish only informa
Key Fee is $25 except within a 75-mile radius of Chicago and in Florida. where
keys are $50. (Key feeincludes $1 for year's subscriptionto vi»,theClub magazine.)
Bilmetor$ — —
n about joining The Playboy Club.
a ee
] Sentlemen:
i tor key privileges to The Playboy Club.
| nme = {PLEASE PRINT;
eter. 20
Fortrel polyester
in its new action cloth
stretch fabric
Enjoy a new freedom of movement in your Levi's.
Stretch Levi’s made with Fortrel polyester and cotton
are available in Ivy Trimeuts or bold cuffiess Loops.
The Fortrel fiber in the blend gives them the
strength to stand up to any amount of wear.
No matter how you stretch it. Try a pair.
In handsome fall colors. Sizes 26-36
for Loops. 28-38 for Trimcuts. Just $7.98 at
your Levi's sportswear style center.
à contemporary fiber
Ib it proper to remove a girl's fashion
wig before making love to her?—S. L.,
Baltimore, Maryland.
When making love on relatively for-
mal (black-tie) occasions, leave your
partner wigged. On informal dates,
country weekends, and any time before
five, untressing is permissible—if your
date consents, of course. But under no
circumstances should you move to re-
move your partners wig if you suspect
(I) she's not wearing one, or (2) she's
bald underneath,
Ilse been raised in a rural atmos-
phere, I've always retained a country-
store attitude toward my personal
finances. I never bought on time, never
purchased what I couldn't afford, and
always paid cash. That's my problem.
I've just moved to a fine job in a new
city, and would like to embark on a life
that befits my new-found economic s
tus. However, I find myself totally ui
ble to secure needed credit, because my
pay-ts-you-go past left no onc to vouch
for me. Do you have any suggestions? —
Y. L., Shreveport, Louisiana.
The simplest way for you to quickly
establish credit is to get a bank loan (a
collateral loan, secured by your auto or
other possessions, would be cheapest), put
the money in a savings account where it
will draw interest, then repay the loan
promptly when it’s due. This way you
can immediately show potential credi-
tors a nice nest egg, and after you've
paid the loan promptly, the lender will
gladly supply future cash and a credit
reference to boot. (And while you've got
a bank balance, cite it as you apply for
half-a-dozen special- and general-purpose
credit cards—useful credit devices, even
if you neuer have occasion to use them.)
If you shop around, you should be able
lo borrow at six percent and bank at
four-and-a-half, for a net cost of a bar-
gain-basement one-and-a-half percent.
€ quit smoking, but my girl still has a
two-pack habit. She's used to having me
light her cigarettes, and now that T no
longer indulge she still wants me to
carry a lighter for her personal use.
Any suggestiong—F. Dearborn,
Why don’t you get the girl off your
back and score some points at the same
lime by presenting her with her own
personal, monogrammed lighter—which
she'll be proud to flourish whenever she
needs a light. Her lave of feminine gew-
gaws should overcome a rather antedilu-
vian approach to cigareliquette.
ust before leaving for a three-year
jaunt with the Armed Forces in the Far
East, I became engaged to a girl in the
States, whom I won't see for another 11
months, We plan to be married as soon
as my hitch is up. She's not dating, and
expects me to refrain also. What do
you think?—W. H., San Francisco, Cali-
We think you made a mistake when
you got engaged just before shipping
out. Extended engagements between
separated parties place unreasonable re-
straints on both of them and are con-
ducive to the guilt of broken pledges. We
suggest you suspend your engagement
until you're reunited. If your mutual at-
traction is genuine, it will be strength-
ened, rather than diminished, by mutual
exposure to others. If the feelings do not
last out the separation, they would prob-
ably not last out a marriage either.
Which wines should be chilled?—
K. R., West Redding, Connecticut
Red inet norrit
served at room temperature, and for the.
rest, the general rule is the sweeter the
wine the cooler it should be. White and
rosé wines should be chilled (one to
three hours in the refrigerator is
enough), while sparkling wines should
be served at nearfreczing temperatures.
But be careful not to overchill, or to
chill for too long—because either will
impair flavor and bouquet.
wines are
VV arive a sports car, and find full-length
topcoats a real discomfort. Is it proper
to wear a car coat with a business suit?
—J.C., New York, New York.
The realities of modern automotive
life have made the car coat acceptable
apparel for businesswear, provided fab-
tic and design are neither too country nor
sporty. Three-quarter-length coats, per-
fect for sports-cardriving execs, are now
available in a variety of urban-oriented
fabries—including worsteds, solid-color
wools, and even miniature herringbones.
[o of the girls I date is perfectly
normal with one exception: She insists
that we each take a hot, soapy shower
nmediately after intercourse. I don't
particularly mind this, but it has a ritual
air which 1 find a lite eerie. Do yout—
K. €., Walla Walla, Washington
Yes, bul if these hygienic high jinks
are the only hang-up in an otherwise
good relationship, count yourself lucky
(and clean).
Exclusive Neck-Zone
Tailoring invites closest
s inspection, insures an
aa ever-embracing fit at
your vital collar line. All
BARDSTOWN Clothes by Merit have
it-in all that's newest and best in
Natural Shoulder fashions. This cam-
pus returnee wears a BARDSTOWN
suit of imported wool worsted in a
fine diagonal weave. Many other mod-
els and innumerable fabric choices to
enhance your back-to-school or work-
aday wardrobe, every one
unquestionably authentic... yet
New, complete, authoritotive
GUIDE'—cvallable FREE
from yaur Bardstown Dealer
or write to:
The group I play poker with uses
Hoyle as an arbiter of disputes. I know
that “Hoyle” is an ent authority—
which makes me suspect that he's out of
date by now. Am I righ?—W. M, Eu-
gene, Oregon.
Yes and no. Edmund Hoyle was an
English barrister who gave up the law to
write “A Short Treatise on the Game of
Whist, Containing the Laws of the
Game, and Some Rules Whereby a Be.
ginner May, with Due Attention to
Them, Attain to the Playing It Well.”
The book became a runaway best seller
of the 1740s. Though he subsequenily
wrote on two other card games (piquet
and quadrille), Hoyle never played pok-
er, never wrote a rule about it and, in
fact, had never even heard of the game.
However, his writings were so successful,
and his pronouncements so authorila
live, thet virtually every rulebook for
card and board games published since
his death has been called a “Hoyle.”
Though none of the contemporary
“Hoyles” contains Hoyle’s original
words, they do preserve his attitudes of
fair play and common sense. From this
standpoint, one rulebook is much the
same as all the vest, settling infrequent
disputes which may occur in groups (like
your own) who rely mainly on their own
house conventions.
W first began going with Susan when I
was a sophomore in college. Like a fool,
l bragged to my fraternity buddies
about our lovemaking cxploits. The
more I went with Susan, however, the
more I realized that this was not just
a casual allair. OL course, I quickly
stopped my boasting. Now, almost three
years later, I'm thinking of asking her to
marry me. If I do, I don't know how I'll
be able to face my friends. Advicez—
EK, San cisco, California.
We asume youve been facing them
successfully over the last three years, and
if so, marriage shouldn't change things.
It’s too bad that you permitted. sopho-
moric braggadocio to get the better of
discretion, but that was three years ago;
chalk it up to youthful ego building and
forget it—as your friends no doubt al-
ready have. If youve been going steady
with this girl since then, anyone con-
cerned enough to think about it will
have long since concluded that yours is
an intimate relationship anyway, no
matter what you've said or not said.
Wl picked up a tweed cape while in Eng-
land. Its a handsome article, and Fd
like to know when I can properly wear
it here in the States—R. A., Lynchburg,
Provided you have the bearing to
sport a cape without looking like Count
ARegal Corker.
mm i
Top off your
tippling with this
spirited Playboy
Rabbit dispenser
of good cheer.
Fills the cup con-
vivially each and every
time. Code No. D40, $5 ppd.
Shall we enclose a gift card in your
name? Send check or money order to:
PLAYBOY PRODUCTS, 232 East Ohio Street,
Chicago, Ilinois 60611. sk s Playboy Club
keyholders may charge by enclosing key no.
Light Up Your Lady's Eyes With
Case of soft glove leather, lined in Rabbit-
patterned pure silk, safeguards her favorite
brand of cigarette, regular or king-size. When
not lighting up, rakish Playboy Lighter tucks
away neatly into Cigarette Case pocket. Avail-
able in black only. Both Case and Lighter
56 ppd., FET. included.
Shall we enclose a gift card in your name?
Send check or money order to: PLAYBOY PRODUCTS
232 East Ohio St e Chicago, Illinois 60611
Playboy Club keyholders may charge by enclosing hey no.
Dracula, you may wear a tweed cape on
amy occasion that calls for speciator-
sports attire.
AA year or so ago T began an affair with
my lady boss, who—though she's one
rung above me on our corporate ladder
is my age and quite a knockout. I went
into the relationship with no ulterior
motives—other than a good time, which
we both found. However, as usually hap
pens with alfairs like this, we outgrew it
—or at least I did. "Thats my problem:
This woman has been absolutely livid
for ten days. She insists thar I get back
in line, and has even threatened ob-
liquely that unless 1 cooperate she'll
make bad trouble for me upstairs, mean
ing (I assume) my job—which I don't
want to lose. Suggestions?—P. A., New
York, New York.
Don't let yourself be blackmailed into
stud service. Keep to yourself, and trust
that this presumably intelligent woman,
in a position of responsibility such as
you describe, will cool off and act intel-
ligently. However, if she does attempt to
prevail on higher-ups to give you the ax,
you must overcome your inclinations io
the contrary and climb the stairs with
your ewn side of the story. And hence-
forth, try to keep your love life separaie
from your business life.
Katy, Ive seen advertisements for
shoes made of a new synthetic material.
Can you tell me something about them?
—O.T., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
This new substance is Corfam, devel-
oped by du Pont, a leatherlike synthetic
which “breathes” like the real thing
(porosity is a prerequisite for footwear)
and which shares leather's ability to take
a shape and keep it. Du Pont says that,
unlike leather, Corfam will never wear
out, never rol. Many manufacturers now
offer top-line shoes with Corjam uppers,
at a minimum of around $20 a pair.
M oso an XKE, which presens me
with an interesting problem: It's so low
that the skirts of my dates tend to ride
up when they're getting out of the car
As I hold the door, should I discreetly
avert my eyes, or turn my back altogeth
cr? Or should I suggest that the dem-
oiselles make their enuances and exits
unassisted?—K. F., Washington, D.C.
Keep your eyes on your work, which,
in this case, is assisting your dates from
your car. Girls have a surprisingly acule
awareness of when and what they're
showing, and the auto exit is a iradi-
tionally acceptable scene for a bit of
healthy exhibitionism. Don't let your
gentlemanly instincts spoil what amounts
to good clean fun; if you look away too
often, your girls might get the idea you
don’t like the merchandise.
Photographed in Zermatt, Switzerland.
Transportation via SABENA Belgian World Airlines, Europe's most helpful airline.
Robert Bruce
Designed by famous Paul Mage of Copenhagen, this authentic Robert Bruce
Scandinavian comes in a softly-brushed machine-washable blend of 85% "'Orlon*""
acrylic, 15% mohair. Sizes $, M, L, about $16.95, To keep her warm and cuddly,
there's a matching cardigan in sizes 34-40, about $15.95. (Pullovers slightly less).
*Du Pont's TM for its acrylic fiber
What every son should tell his father!
Tell him there's nothing like nature. The natural shoulder line adhered to so faithfully by College Hall
ER RENE UU erotic peter ava lave I
piece suits in Hopsacks & Tweeds. See our brochure of other models €
EE mateta pt your cet college ia one at carpenter st. (_ QUCGC!
Phila. 47, Pa. - N.Y. Office: 1290 Avenue of the Americas.
For playboys and playmates at leisure...
For those who desire the best in casual wear, an impeccably fashioned shirt of
luxurious cotton knit. Embroidered with the distinctive PLAYBOY rabbit.
Available in tan, blue, black,
pewter green, lemon, red or white,
Playboy Shirt: small, medium, large, extra large
Code No. W20, 56 ppd.
Playmate Shirt: small, medium, large
Code No. W32, $5 ppd.
Shall we enclose a gift card in your name?
Send check or money order to:
232 East Ohio Street
Chicago, Ilinois €0611.
k *
Playboy Club keyholders may
= charge by enclosing key
i Li oy number with order.
2 ,
WM aways thought that pizza was an
American dish, unknown in Italy. How-
ever, a friend of mine, just returned
from Rome, says he ate a pizza there
(only second-rate, incidentally) and th
it's a native Italian dish. I maintain 4
what he ate must have been introduced
by American Gls, and that no I -class
Italian would be caught dead eating piz-
za. Who's right—K. J., Park Forest,
The answer lies in the origin of the
dish, which is, indeed, Italian. Or
nally, the flat cake of baked dough
called pizza served as a test of dough
consistency and oven temperature before
baking loaves of bread. The flatness of
the test sample facilitated quick baking
—hence, quick testing. Thrifty Italians
saved the test cukes to give to the poor—
who garnished them with cheese, toma-
to, bits of meat, anchovies, sausage, or
whatever else they could put their hands
on. It’s not strictly true that Italian
gourmets shun pizza; though it does
have the reputation of being a poor man
dish, many well-off Italians cat pizz
with the same nostalgic fondness Ameri-
can Southerners feel for fat back and
boiled greens, or proper Bostonians for
pork and beans, And although pizza is
served in restaurants in Italy, its popu-
larity is a post-War phenomenon, and
the dish is not offered in restaurants
with any pretension to quality cuisine.
(This is even true in the U.S., where
gourmets interpret the absence of pizza
on an Malian menu as an index of au-
thenticity and, therefore, quality.)
Tim a healthy girl who happens to have
one good friend who's a homosexual
guy. My parents and friends think this
relationship can bring me nothing but
grief, but I find this person charming
and companionable. He shares interests
of mine that I've never been able to
get my regular boyfriends the least bit
curious about, and 1 can talk with him
for hours on end on subjects which my
other friends lind boring. Do you think
I'm mistaken to platonically pal around
with this person?—R. W., Queens, New
‘As long as you're not using this [riend-
ship to shield yourself from heterosexu-
ality, we sce nothing objectionable in the
All reasonable questions — from fash-
ion, food and drink, hi-fi and sports cars
lo dating dilemmas, taste and etiquette
— will be personally answered if the
writer includes a stamped, self-addressed
envelope. Send all lelters to The Playboy
Advisor, Playboy Building, 232 E. Ohio
Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611. The most
provocative, pertinent queries will be
presented on these pages each month.
Here is intelligent footwear, the perfect back-to-school ward-
robe. The corduroy Gold Cup! Casuals with the glasses cost
$5. Wear them as slippers or to pad around campus. They're
hand-lasted like fine shoes, heeled and soled for long wear, in.
nersoled with foam to put bounce in your step. If you prefer
the plaid Casuals, $4 is the price; and $3.50 will buy the
vinyls. Their sole-mates are famous Gold Cup! Socks which
you'll recognize by their show of colors. There are 35, but we
didn't have room here. They re softas cashmere, rugged as their
ourcer im foumunaron me
How to
on your
75% Orlon", 2566 stretch nylon blend. Cost, $1.50. The pure
white crew sock is the Burlington Olympic. It’s the official
choice of che U.S. Olympic Team, and they should know. You
can too for $1. Which brings us to Top Brass!, che dress sock.
It reaches up 16" to just over the calf—and stays there—a per-
fect cover up of 70% wool, 30% stretch nylon at $2. Chances
are your men’s store has everything on this page. If nor, ask us.
63 "
the new J-formation
Note these splendid colors, all in 65 percent mohair and 35 percent wool, all in v-neck and high-
button cardigans and v-neck pullovers: Green clay heather on Frank Gifford. Winter white on , ——
Terry Baker. Red on Paul Hornung. Marb \be Woodson. Rust on Charley Johnson. Blue grey é
heather on Buddy Dial. Copper on Jess Whittenden. Light blue on a friend. Spruce green on Dick Jan tzen
Bass. Pale yellow on Jim Taylor. Brown multi on Terry Barr. Gulf blue on Tommy Mason. After Á
Tom Kelley took the picture, we added camel. Pullovers about $16.95, cardigans about $19.95,
where you see the slogan "sportswear for sportsmen. internan SPORTS CLUB
avoid crowds of tourists will enjoy a No-
vember jaunt to Europe, ski buffs find
the Continent especially appealing for
its early schussing season. In the French
Alps, the last word in off-season opu-
lence is offered by the super deluxe Ho-
tel Savoy in Chamonix or the Mont
d'Arbois in Mépéve. But bachelors—and
bachelorettes—may find nearby Courche-
vel more congenial because of its unique
hoxelry—Hotel des Célibataires which
caters to unmarried guests. (Don't let
the name of the hotel put you off—céli-
bataire, in French, connotes a state of
unwed bliss.) The hotel is a small place,
situated at the foot of the slopes, and its
owner, Madame Monique Grass, man
ages admirably to keep the aprésski ac-
tion intime. Because the hotel has no
restaurant, its young guests—mostly the
St-Tropez discotheque set—generally
make the rounds of the excellent cafés
and chalet-restaurants in Courchevel.
For more conventional after-hours enter-
tainment, its an easy swing to Cha-
monix' lovely—and lively —casino.
Also in the French Alps, the finest
skiing, perhaps in all the world, is found
at Vuld'Isére; from nearby Auron and
Valberg you can combine skiing with
lazing on the sunny beaches of the
French Riviera less than two hours away
by car.
In Portugal, the small ski lift at Co-
vilhà in the Serra da Estré
tains, 900 miles northeast of Lisbon,
supplements low-key
zestful after-ski atmosphere at the town's
only inn. Although the lift rises only 260
feet, a cable car is being built to reach
the summit of the mountain. Ehere's also
good skiing on the slopes of Mt. Etna in
Sicily. Drive or fly to Catania, then fol-
low the highway up the side of the
mountain to the Grand Hotel Etna,
perched on the south slope amid the
ancient pines of Serra La Nave. In Spain,
of course, the most famous winter-sport
centers are at Molina and Nuria, with
others even closer to Madrid. But a lesser
xnown slope at Camprodon, relatively
close to Barcelona, offers good skiing on
fall to
a moun-
schussing with a
relatively virgin slopes from late
carly spring.
If you prefer sun to snow, an excellent
November holiday can be enjoyed at a
Caribbean guesthouse. In Puerto Rico,
for example, great old mansions with
whitewashed walls and vividly tiled roofs
have been renovated to provide the last
word in modern comfort and luxury.
"Their rooms, furnished in Spanish colo-
nial style, frequently open onto clois-
arcades inner
If you locate yourself near San Juan, a
rewarding side wip may be made to El
Mirador de Anones, a superb country
restaurant perched 3500 feet above sea
level. We suggest you rent a car and
drive thc entire distance southwest from
the capital to Naranjito, then south on
Route 152 and east on winding Route
814. Serving only native dishes, owner
Fortunato has parlayed a magnificent
view and great cooking into one of Puer-
to Rico's most successful restaurants.
From there, we suggest you drive west
across the island to the small fishing vil-
lage of Parguera. Beyond the dock of the
Villa Parguera lie litde mangrove is-
lands and empty beaches perfect for two:
some picnics, coral hunting and diving
down to bright reefs.
Another way to duck the throngs in
luxury is to seek out naturally isolated
resorts on offbeat islands. We particular-
ly enjoy the 50-room El Lobo Hotel on
Cayo Lobos (just 25 minutes from San
n by air taxi), for its unusual swim-
ming facilities—a huge, natural pool
sheltered from the ocean by a magnif-
icent coral reef.
If is only a weekend jaunt in the
States you're after, a rollicking good one
can be enjoyed in New Orleans, where
local citizens tend to transform any occa-
sion into a celebration. Most every Sun.
day through November, you'll find
marching bands parading through the
French Quarter just for the sheer hell of
it. Many of these are sponsored by
the New Orleans Jazz Club. Almost every
night you'll find jam sessions for which
the only cover charge is a contribution
to the kitty.
One of the delightful problems we
consistently confront in New Orleans i
that we're seldom there long enough to
sample all the fine dining the city offers.
One solution, successfully applied by a
friend of ours, is a “progressive dinner.”
One that you might adopt starts with a
sazerac at the bar of the Hotel Roosevelt
(where the drink originated), followed
by oysters at Messina's Oyster House.
"Then soup at the Gumbo Shop and, for
fish, trout amandine at Galatoire's. On to
Antoine's for chicken Rochambeau, and
for dessert and coffee to Les Pat
aux Quatre Saisons. A l4layer pousse-
café in the heated courtyard at Bren
nan’s tops it off in truly gracious
antebellum style.
For further information on any of the
above, write to Playboy Reader Serv.
ice, 232 E. Ohio St., Chicago, LI. 60511. d
tered facing flowered
The Man's Fragrance
Shave lotion 2%, cologne *3 mus ux
( Black Watch Instant Foam Shave
| Black Watch Pre-Electric Skin Conditioner
Are you using
untropical limes in your
tropical drinks? Don't you
know that the deliciously
tart juice of Rose's limes,
grown only in the lush
Indies, can do more for
drinks than ony local
limes can do? Try this:
»f while f|
the Rose's lime Collins.
3 parts of gin, rum or
vodka to one part of
Rose's Lime Juice. Pour
into a tall glass, add
soda. Stir. Decorate with
a tiny sprig of mint. Or
this: the classic Rose's
Gimlet. Pour one part of
cool Rose's into 4 or 5
parts of gin or vocka,
stir with ice. Pour into
a champogne glass, add
a cube. Or the equally
re’s Rose’s.
excellent Rose's Daiqui
one part Rose's to 2 parts
light rum and o dash of
sugor. Shake with cracked
ice, strain into cocktail
glass. Finally, treat your-
self to the Rose's Tonic.
Simply add a dash of
Rose’s fo a jigger of gin
in a tall gloss. Fill with
Schweppes Tonic.
No matter what
tropical drink you dote.
on, be fair to it. Use only
Rose’s Lime Juice. It's the
lime juice made from
fropical limes, you know.
an interchange of ideas between reader and editor
on subjects raised by “the playboy philosophy”
The enclosed clippings from the May
9 and 10, 1964, Raleigh, North Carolina,
News and Observer show how well jus-
ice was served and society protected in
our city by the arrest of two local men
for committing a “crime a
and by the subsequent su
the men. I shudder to think of the crimes
these two could have perpetrated against
society if they had not been apprehend-
ed. And how fitting that the 26y
"criminal" took his own life,
just punishment for committing this
most heinous of all crim
The wagic and senseless waste of this
episode was made all the more distu
ig to me by Hefner's shocking edito
in the April pLaysoy about the laws gov-
ng sexual behavior in the United
States. I can only hope his crusade
against the hypocrisies created in our so-
ciety by the lip service paid by the ma-
jority to a way of life that has ceased to
exist for all but a few, will lead to re-
medial measures—first among them re-
moval of these vicious laws from the books.
. Horace L.
The unfortunate
you refer is but one of the numberless
instances of the Hurt and heartache
caused by irrational and suppressive U
sex laws. Hefner continues his discussion
of the subject in the installment of “The
Playboy Philosophy” in this issue.
The closing paragraphs of the April
Philosophy do 1 wmakers.
justice. Hefner states that the revised Il-
linois Criminal Code of 1961 dropped
the state's former sodomy statute, but
retained laws prohibiting fornication
and adultery; he added that Illinois thus
permits heterosexual and homos
perversion while prohibiting normal se
ual se. Closer inspection of the
statute will show that neither adultery
nor fornication are
except when such bel “open and
notorious.” Professor Claude R. Sowle,
n explanation of the 1961 Illinois
iminal Code, states that “it is the pur-
pose of the act to penalize only conduct
which constitutes an affront to public
n in-
(Name withheld by request)
Chicago, Illinois
I have just
April 1964 issue of PLAYBOY wi
interest. I believe the nextto-
agraph may cause some misunderstand-
ing among your readers, however. It
states: ""This example of modern legisla-
tive acumen is not without its irony,
however. The Illinois lawmakers did rc-
move the state's sodomy statute, but they
left standing the statutes against fornica-
tion and adultery. Illinois is thus in the
unique position of permitting all so-
called ‘perversion,’ both osexual
and homosexual, wl ting nor
mal sexual intercourse,"
If you will ex: n the Illi-
nois statutes on fornication and adul-
tery (Ch. 38, Secs. 11-7, 11-8), you will
find that this coi
if the behavior
or the partners col
also that deviate sexual conduct.
hibited as "public indecency” if per
formed “in a public place." It is true, as
Hefner suggests, that deviate sexual
conduct is not included in the pro-
hibitions against fo ion and adul-
tery, but, as a practical matter, it is
not obnoxious to the moral stand
the community for male to
room together, or female and female. It
inst community standards for per-
of opposite sex to co unless
married to each other. It was rhe philos-
ophy of the drafters of the Illinois stat-
utes to prohibit only conduct which
openly and notoriously flouts the com-
monly accepted moral standards of the
to make criminal any
in private between
consenting adults.
Charles H. Bowm Professor of Law
g Subcommittee of
the Joint Committee to Revise the
Illinois C; 1
Champaign, Illinois
In the paragraph prior to the one you
quote, Hefner commented on the Model
Penal Code drafted by the American
Law Institute in 1955, which stressed
that the sex laws of the 48 states should
not make criminal the private sexual
activities of consenting adults. Hefner
commended the Illinois legislature as
the only body of lawmakers among the
half-hundyed that “has made any serious
attempt to correct its statutes on sex,”
but stated (correctly, we believe) that
while the repeal of the Illinois sodomy
. anywhere, anytime
( ^. T. Co.
law was consistent with the Model Penal
Code, the siatutes that still exist on
fornication and adultery are not.
Several of the states that still have
laws governing heterosexual intercourse
outside of marriage include an “open
and notorious” clause, like Illinois’;
such statutes, “as a practical matter”
(based upon actual court decisions, espe-
cially in the lower courts, which are not
always upheld on this point), encompass
more than cohabitation and “public in-
decency,” and are sometimes used in
the prosecution of ihe private behavior
of consenting adults. Hefner was ac-
curate in his conclusion that the revised
Illinois sex statutes are more permissive
regarding homosexual relations than
nonmarilal heterosexual intercourse, al-
though this was undoubtedly not the in-
tent of the legislators.
In the April pLaynoy the chart show-
ing penalties for sex offenses in
United States indicates no laws conc
ing fornication or adultery in the state of
fornia. The chart is in part correct:
‘There is no law against fornication (130
Cal App. 168), but a law does exist
classifying adultery as a misdemeanor.
To the best of my knowledge this law is
not enforced, and the possible sentence
for offenders is very vague. When ap-
plied, the law is used in civil cases, so
why it comes under the penal code is a
mystery. Tt reads as follows:
ApULTERY—Section 960a, Califor-
ia Penal Code. Adultery is the
ry sexual intercourse of a
cd person with a person other
than the offender's wife or hu
Thus adultery is a misdemeanor on
the part of a married person, If the oth-
arty to the relationship
ried, that person commits no c
. 278). Formerly two persons
ed to others, who lived together
a state of cohabitation and adultery
were guilty of a felony; an amendment
(1933) to Section 209b of the penal code
changed this offense to a
The definition of adultery given abo
is actually taken from the California
divorce laws, rather than the criminal
laws; thus its application in civil cases.
Section 269a of the Penal Code is en
titled “Cohabitation and Adultery” and
reads: “Every person who lives in a slate
of cohabitation and adultery is guilty of
a misdemeanor and punishable by a [ine
not exceeding $1000 or by imprisonment
in the county jail not exceeding one
year, or by both.” Section 269b, entilled
“Adultery,” states in part: “If two per-
sons, each being married to another,
live together in a state of cohabitation
and adultery, each is guilty of a misde-
meanor" Because both of these pro-
visions require living together in a state
of cohabitation, they are classified as
cohabilation statutes in the chart of sex
offenses in the April issue. Adultery is
not a crime in California unless it in-
volves cohabitation, but it is grounds
for divorce.
A meritorious concept of prayer,
which should be acceptable to atheists
and believers in a Supreme Being alike,
might be: "Prayer is an expression of the
soul's sincere desire." In this sense, pray-
er is the thoughts, feelings and attitudes
of the individual living in a community
of equals. Audible public prayer in a
group situation, on the other hand,
tends to induce conformity, and is per-
haps prayer's most superficial and least
creative expr One can observe
many examples of public prayer that are
intellectually immature, morally disrep-
wtable, and socially reactionary. There-
fore, it is desirable and essential to close
such a potential avenue of thought con-
trol by defeating any and all attempts to
weaken or destroy the First Amendment
to the Constitution. Everyone who prizes
this guarantee of free thought, specch,
press and petition should make it clear
to Congressmen and Senators that the
Becker Amendment [permitting "volun-
tary” school prayer] would curtail
freedom rather than preserve it.
"God" is a cultural prestige symbol,
more often used and abused than wor-
shiped in contemporary society. Anyone
who thinks “God” could care a damn
what man calls Him in public pro-
nouncements of an economic, social or
political nature is not worshiping a su-
preme or even a superior being, but,
her, an inferior product of a supersti-
tious imagination.
Dr. R. F. Burlingame
Milan, Michigan
The Fist Amendment states that
"Congress shall make no law respecting
an establishment of religion, or prohibit-
ing the free exercise thereof... .” By
permitting “voluntary” school prayer,
the Becker Amendment would not only
undermine the constitutional principle
of separate church and state, that pro-
tects the religious as well as the secular
side of sociely; but would create the
official quandary of what prayer the
state might establish that would be ac-
ceptable to all the members of a given
community. Moreover, if sincerity is the
essence of prayer, as Dr. Burlingame
suggests (and few would argue with that
definition), the public recitation of a
superficial, state-sanctioned, nondenom-
inational verse would be a pointless lip
service, hardly satisfying to the faith of
any individual involved.
We wholeheartedly agree, therefore,
that everyone who prizes his freedom of
religion, speech, press and petition
should write or wire his Congressman
and Senators opposing the Becker
Amendment, or any similar attempt to
corrupt the U.S. Coustitution.
I would like to thank you for in
tiating The Playboy Philosophy, giving
your readers a yardstick by which to
measure our individual views of the so-
ciety in which we live. You have brought
us (I speak plurally because I believe
that many others feel likewise) to our
senses, and have caused us to become
more aware of the influences at work
about us—at work destroying the liberty
thatwe all have taken so much for granted.
I have gone through life unconcerned
with what my neighbors did, read or
thought. And I believed the things 1
did, the books I read and the thoughts
1 thought did not concern them,
Now I find that my business is their
business! At least NODL, CDL, and
other organizations and individuals of
their kind seem to think so, I
prompted to write this letter by an ar-
ticle in the San Francisco Examiner
which I quote here in full:
State Superintendent Max Ra
told teachers l adm
from Catholic schools
Latin should be taught in Califor-
nia's public schools.
He also struck out at “garbage
dump" books, naming J. D. Sal
agers The Catcher in the Rye, and
sexy movies, magazines and other
“essentially fleshy tr
Dr. Rafferty, the first director of
public education ever to address the
all-Catholic group, also urged the
teaching of moral and spiritual val-
ues to children in public schools.
“We agree with you 100 percent
and have for a long time,” said the
Very Rev. James D. Poole, Super-
intendent of Schools of the Dioccse
of amento, troduced
The audience of 1000 fathers,
mothers, sisters and lay teacher
plauded thunderously in
The Catholic educators
parochial high schools in C;
nia, Arizona and Nevada, The un
of the National Catholic Education
Association was in convention here
at Riordan High School.
Ralferty equated the goals of pro
gressive education with those of
atheistic dictatorships,
are de:
He blasted the pedagogic jargon
many educators use, then made fun
of the results of several researchers
in the beh
“I want to give you Rafferty's
First Law of Research,” he said.
ndings which fly in the tecth of
common sense are for the birds.”
During the question-and-answer
period, he was asked by one nun
the best way to teach patriotism,
tell you how not to teach
he answered. “Talk
about Lincoln's poor table manners.
They were, you know. . .. Tell them
about Benjamin Franklin's way
with the ladies .. .
“Concentrate on the weakness of
all living flesh, which we all have.
Concentrate on the scandals of the
time. Make a fetish of balancing
every national virtue with a na
tional vice.
“This will certainly create bal-
ance, but it will also be bland and
Pablumizcd," he said. “We had bet-
ter teach the children to love their
country. Anything less than this will
not produce the guts which we will
need to guide this Ship of State
through the tumultuous waters of
the last half of the 20th Century.”
What can one say after reading re-
marks such as these made above by Dr.
Rafferty? And to think that the man
who made these asinine statements is no
less than the Superintendent of Educa-
tion for the State of California!
Don Parkhill
Vallejo, California
Superintendent Rafferty recently spear-
headed a campaign against high school
libraries having copies of a dictionary of
American slang because he objected to
some of the words included therein, even
though it was kept on a restricted shelf
and available only for legitimate scholar-
ship and study. So long as the press in
Galifornia reports fully and honestly on
his activities, an enlightened citizenry
should be able to form intelligent judg-
ments of this public servant and his work.
On April 6, the young mayor of Mun-
cie, John V. Hampton, at a meeting of
the St. Lawrence Holy Name Society,
called for volunteers to help o1 a
Citiz for Decent Literature commit
tee here. A pageone story in The Mun-
cie Star, April 7, quoted the mayor thus:
‘Our newsstands are saturated with . . .
obscene literature which gives our
young, as well as old, a detailed course
» perversion.” (He does not, of course,
define either “obs
The quote continued: "The public
must be made to see the harm these
magazines -.. If we are suc
cessful in building community standards
through this [CDL] group, a person scrv-
ing on a jury who had knowledge of the
subject, would find a person putting
these m: es on the market guilty of
‘knowingly’ selling obscene lit
-- . This literature, in the wrong hands,
is as dangerous as any drug, automobile,
gun or alcohol. Clever publishers have
our communities permeated with filth.”
The mayor's plan is to form a CDL
milar to the Ci
which Hefner exposed culture
gap here in Muncie is already wide
enough without this sort of thinking.
Hefners presentation of facts about the
CDL in his Philosophy will continue to
receive enthusiastic support from those
citizens who intelligently examine all
sides of subjects affecting our freedoms.
Mrs. G. F. Polsley
Muncie, Indiana
Apropos the CDL: I recently sent for
some of their literature, just to see what
sort of mischief they were up to. The re-
ply I received was correctly addressed as
to name and place, but instead of
Street" in the proper place, CDL had
mut"! Talk about Freudian
slips! How fanatical can you get?
Ruth Lansford
Playa del Rey, California
Several years ago, while attending a
Catholic university, I had occasion to
write a leuer to a magazine in response
to a statement on academic freedom on
Catholic campuses. ] wrote, in part, that
there was little freedom in choosi
reading material from the university li
brary, since books on the Roman Inde:
of Forbidden Books could not be read in
or taken from the library without writ-
ten permission, and that, therefore, the
university was hardly an academically
free school where all branches of knowl-
edge are seen as being of service to man.
1 subsequently found freedom to read
what I wanted by changing schools, but
it is not always as casy to escape the cen-
sor: Consider the New York State Su-
preme Court's banning of Fanny Hill
[appeal pending at presstime], and the
auempt by the GDL, in the May 1964
Reader's Digest, to enlist support for
CDL censorship drives.
‘Thomas Sellers
airfield, Iowa.
While the CDL and others of their ilk
busy themselves trying to control the
reading habits of their fellow citizens, it
is encouraging that the liberal element
in the Catholic Church appears to con-
tinue lo gain in strength and influence.
Readers will be interested in the follow
ing news item from the April I editions
of The Washington Post:
The “Index of Forbidden Books
an institution of the Catholic
Church that intellectuals and frec-
thinkers have criticized for years,
was dealt a blow yesterday by the
Society of Catholic College Teachers
of Sacred Doctrine.
Al the annual mecting of the So-
ciety at the Statler Hilton, the 395
priests, nuns and brothers attending
unanimously resolved to ask the
American Bishops to:
“Support at the next session of
the Vatican Council the effort to re-
form thoroughly that section of
Canon Law dealing with prohibited
books and the ‘Roman Index’ so
that Catholic scholars, teachers and.
students may be able to enler into
more meaningful dialog with the
contemporary world.”
“Reform thoroughly” really
meant, according to several mem-
bers, "do away with? Strong lan-
guage would be “undiplomalic,” a
priest said, but the resolution car-
tied the implication, he said, of
dropping the "Index" entirely.
How absurd can censorship become,
once it has taken root in a society? To
what ridiculous extremes might the i
tional censor go, if given the opportuni-
ty? This clipping from The (London)
Evening News, commenting upon a
unique form of film censorship in West
Germany, may suggest an. answei
See no evil and, presumably,
you'll speak no evil. So thinks the
District Council of Bernkastel, in
West Germany . For when
the coniroversi
Silence, opens
tomorrow, this i will happen:
1. Police officials will be on duty
in the aisles. 2. When the three
mous scenes i
film—cut in many countr
shown, the audience ni raise their
hands or a picce of paper in front
of their faces to blot out the screen.
3. Any who are seen peeping will
be marched out of the cinema.
‘The leader of the Coun
Hugo Brix, is reported as s
“The sexual scenes are such that they
confuse the moral outlook of young
people and make numerous citize
feel ashamed, distressed and hurt.
Other places West Germany
have seen the film unaffected by
cither censor, police or council.
r local cinema
understand the feeling of many
people in Bernkastel is that Dr.
Brix has dropped one.
“Dropped one” is the English equiva
lent of “flipped his lid"!
mes B.
London, E
The Playboy Forum" offers the oppor-
tunity for an extended dialog between
readers and editors of this publication
on subjects and issues raised in our con-
tinuing editorial series, “The Playboy
Philosophy.” Address all correspondence
on either the “Philosophy” or the
“Forum” to: The Playboy Forum,
PLAYBOY, 232 E. Ohio Street, Chicago,
Illinois 60611.
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the eighteenth part of a statement in which playboy's editor-publisher spells cut—
for friends and critics alike—our guiding principles and editorial credo
GEORGE BERNARD SHAW had this to say on
the subject of immorality: “Whatever is
contrary to established manners and cus-
toms is immoral. An immoral act or doc-
trinc is not necessarily a sinful one: on
the contrary, every advance in thought
and conduct is by definition immoral
until it has converted the majority. For
this reason it is of the most enormous
importance that immorality should be
protected jealously against the attacks of
those who have no standard except the
standard of custom, and who regard any
attack on custom—that is, on morals—as
an attack on society, on religion, and on
virtue t c
“It immorality, not morality, that
needs protection: it is morality, not im-
morality, that needs restraint; for moral-
th all the dead weight of human
inertia and superstition to hang on the
ack of the pioncer, and all the malice
of vulgarity and prejudice to threaten
him, is responsible for many persecu-
tions and many martyrdoms . .
In the February and April install-
ments of The Playboy Philosophy, we
examined the extent to which our own
society has attempted to control sexual
“immorality” by governmental edict; we
discussed in detail the degree to which
the United States perpetuates, through
its laws, the extreme antisexualism of
our Puritan religious heritage.
In addition to the legitimate statutes
established to protect the individual
from uninvited and unwelcome acts of
sexual abuse, aggression and attack,
there are laws in all 50 of the separate
states prohibiting—under penalty of finc
and/or imprisonment—various forms of
sexual intimacy between consenting
adults, even within the privacy of a per-
son's own bedroom and when the inti-
macy may reflect the considered wishes
of both partners.
Our democratic government, dedicat-
ed to the doctrine of individual freedom
and the establishment of a permissive
society, nevertheless invades our most
private domain and dictates the details
of our most personal behavior. The gov-
ernment boldly asserts that our very
bodies do not belong to us—that we can
not use them in our own nd at our
own discretion, but only when and how
the state permits. In matters of sex, we
editorial By Hugh M. Hefner
have already reached Orwell's world of
The Icgislators, judges and minor min-
ions of the law are allowed to lurk in
the shadows of our bedrooms, to pull
away the coyers—revealing our naked-
ness—and to direct the very kisses and
caresses we may and may not use in our
"Though we are free citizens in most
other respects, in sex we are the slaves of
society and the state. U.S. sex laws are
among the most restrictive of any coun-
try’ in the world; and they have helped
in sustaining what is surely one of the
most sexnally repressed societies of the
20th Century.
Drs. Eberhard and Phyllis Kronhausen
wrote, in a concluding chapter of their
book Sex Histories of Amcrican College
Men: "We cannot help but feel that tie
present state of sexual confusion and its
resulting miseries which most of us im
the Western world have grown accus-
tomed to enduring are not necessarily
the most desirable and certainly not the
only possible experience of which hu-
manity is capable."
Dr. Alfred Kinsey and his associates of
the Institute for Sex Research of Indi-
ana University, in a summarizing state-
ment in their comprehensive study
Sexual Behavior in the Human Female,
observed: “The law specifies the right of
the married adult to have regular inter-
course, but it makes no provision what-
soever for the approximately 40 percent
of the population which is sexually
mature but unmarried. Many . . . unmar-
ried females and males are seriously dis-
turbed because the only sources of sexual
outlet available to them are either
legally or socially disapproved.” Kinsey
added, “In nearly every culture in the
world except our own, there is at least
some acceptance of coital activities
among [the] unmarried . . ."
The late Dr. Harry Stack Sullivan,
who has been described by others in the
field of social science as one of the fore-
most clinici; of our time, commented,
n The Interpersonal Theory of Psychi-
atry: "Our culture is the least adequate
in preparing one for meeting the even-
tualities of sexual maturity, which is
another way of saying we are the most
sexridden people on the face of the
A majority of U.S. sex laws are pred-
icated on the religious dogma that sex
is immoral outside of marriage. The
marriage license thus becomes a church-
state sanction to engage in sex. Without
it, in most parts of the country, a couple
that engages in coitus is committing a
in-marriage concept is related,
in turn, to the religious belief that the
purpose of sex is procreation. Since chil
drei e best raised, in the framework
of our society, as a part of a family unit
that includes both mother and father,
there appears to be some rational secular
justification. for the prohibitions against.
nonmarital sex. But in order to be some-
thing more than the governmental en-
forcement of a religious morality (which
is totally inconsistent with the American
doctrine of religious freedom), legis
should properly be directed
secular aspect of the problem—prohib-
1g conception of children out of
wedlock—rather than indiscriminately
outlawing all acts of nonmarital i
macy; and the inconsistency of this
argument is compounded by our society’s
willingness to dissolve marriages, through
state-sanctioned divorce, where children
of even tender years are involved.
The religious origin of these statutes
is especially obvious when one considers
the unusually severe penalties prescribed
for acts of nonprocreative sex. If the ac-
tual purpose of the laws was to assure
offspring the benefits of being raised in a
family environment, with both parents
present and accounted for, the legisla-
tors would have been most concerned
with prohibiting those forms of unsanc-
oncd sex that could result in illegiti-
mate births. But Judaeo-Christian moral
tradition has, for 2000 years, stressed ta-
boos against nonprocreative sexual be-
havior, and so it is nonprocreative sex—
marital and extramarital, heterosexual
and hormosexual—that our lawmakers
have proclaimed as the most serious
crimes, and for which they have pre
scribed the most extreme. punishments.
‘The religious taboos surrounding non-
coital sexual activity may be considered
consistent with the moral view that the
purpose of sex is procreation. But the
person who accepts such a sexual morali-
ty for himself should still oppose any at-
tempt on the part of the state to force
these religious restrictions upon those in
our society who do not wish to accept
them. By establishing a specific ses
as the law, our government deprives
each individual of the free choice that
our democracy is supposed to assure.
ration of the interests of
church and state is one of the fundamen-
principles upon which this country
was founded; it is one of the most im-
antees of the U. 5. Constitu
what set American democracy
apart from the suppressive church-state
rule of the Old World.
The laws that govern our land arc
supposedly created out of a rational and
humane concern for cach citizen—to pro-
tect his person and property—and to
keep secure his inalienable rights to life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
"The statutes that. place cocrcive controls
over the personal sex behavior of the
adult members of our society are, how-
ever, quite clearly no more than the
reflection of a particular religious code
that is unrelated to our secular. interests
nd welfare.
The state's intrusion into the private
religious-moral conduct of its citizens
would be improper even if a relatively
few members of society were adversely
affected. But U.S. sex laws are so irra-
ly conceived, and so unrelated to
the actual moral conduct of the commu-
nity, that they make criminals out of al-
most everyone.
‘The most authoritative studies of U. S.
sex behavior indicate that most Amer-
ican males (over 85 percent) and approx:
imately half of all females (ranging up
to 60 percent among women with some
college education) have sexual inter
course prior to marriage. And almost all
men and women (well over 90 percent)
who have been previously married, but
who have lost their spouses through
death or divorce, continue to engage in
sex on a fairly regular basis, with part
nets to whom they are not wed. But this
ex activity is listed as the crime of forn
cation in 36 of the 50 states, with penal-
ties ranging from a $10 fine in Rhode
Island to $1000 and/or one year in pris.
on in Georgia, Missouri and Nevada.
In addition, approximately onc out of
every two married males, and one out of
every four married females, have sexual
intercourse with someone other than
their respective spouses at some time
during their marriages. This behavior is
prohibited under adultery statutes in 45
states, with penalties including both
fines and imprisonment in most, ranging
up to five years at hard labor in Maine,
Oklahoma, South Dakota and Vermont.
Even though many of our society's
present attitudes on sex are a direct out-
growth of the period, it is difficult for
most of us to conceive the extent of the
extreme antisexualism that existed in
America at thc end of the 19th and be-
ginning of the 20th Centuries, when
most of our sex statutes were written.
We devoted the previous installment
of this editorial series (The Playboy Phi-
losophy, July 1964) to a consideration of
s time of suppressive Puritanism in
America, which had its parallel in the
ian Era in England a few years
r. Our grandparents grew up in a
so ashamed of the human. body
id its functions, and so ge ly guilt-
ridden about sex, that it was not consid-
ered a fit subject even to be discussed in
polite company; it was clearly under-
stood that a “nice” girl did not possess
any sexual desire; and sexual inter-
course, within the bonds of marriage,
vas looked upon as a necessary evil for
the perpetuation of the human race.
The notion that sex is inherently evil
has been a part of the Christian tradi-
tion for centuries, but it has received
greater emphasis in some periods than in
others, and we have previously exam-
ined the complex codification. that the
1 Church brought to all sexual
y—both within and outside of
riage. The Puritans further rein-
forced this antisexualism after the Ref-
ormation and cventually almost all
pleasure was considered. ungodly.
The sin of sex was ily in its
pleasure and any sexual act that was
not for the purpose of procreation, but
engaged in for pleasure ; was nec-
essarily and especially immoral. Thus
masturba sex play with als and
sexual intimacy between members of
the same sex were all forbidden by re-
ligious law, and called for the most
severe penalties, sometimes including
death. In the more extreme periods of
us antisexualism, nonprocreative
also forbidden between mem-
of the opposite sex, even with
we, since it frustrated the me
ious) purpose of sexual congress.
Out of the close alliance of church
and state in Europe, many of these ec-
clesiastical laws eventually found their
way into the laws of secular society. And
so, even while proclaiming the separa
tion of church and state in America, we
accepted into our own legislative doc
trine many of the same statutes covering
private sexual behavior that were
then, a part of English common
even though they were clearly no more
than a reinforcement of church dogma
by the state,
The taboos—both social and legal—
surrounding nonprocreative sex are still
extreme in modern American socicty,
but the activity is, nevertheless, quite
common. Although masturbation
thought to cause all manner of mental,
al and phy lls in our grand-
parents’ day, almost all males (over 90
percent) and a majority of females (over
60 percent) admit to having some mas-
turbatory experience; and precoital pet-
ting commonly includes some mutual
masturbation, especially among males
id females of higher education.
Mouth-genital activity (fellatio and
nilingus) is also a common part of
the heterosexual foreplay to coitus, and
sometimes serves as a substitute for sex:
ual intercourse, especially among unmar.
ried, upper-educated adolescents and
dults, with whom the taboos surround.
ing premarital intercourse seem most
successful, Dr. Alfred Kinsey states, in
xual Behavior in the Human Male:
Touth-genital contacts of some sort,
with the subject as either the active or
passive member in the relationship,
Occur at some tim
pproximately 18 percent of all Ame
can men have premarital, h
oral-genital relations of
ture (cunnilingus, performed by the
male upon the female) and 38 percent
have “pa oral-genital relation
ior to marriage (fellatio, performed by
upon the male); approx|
the female
mately 15 percent of all U.S. women
have some mouth-genital experience, ci
active” or "passive," prior to mar-
nd between 10 and 50 percent of
and wives engage in such
the statistics on anal intercourse derived
from his studies, and so specific figures
on this behavior do not appear in either
Sexual Behavior of the Human Male or
Female, Dr. Paul Gebhard, who succeed
ed Dr. Kinsey as director of the Institute
for Sex Research on the latter's death,
indicates that this form of noncoital sex
is far more common than was previously
assumed, and eventually involves be-
tween 10 and 90 percent of the total
Homosexuality is considered a perver-
sion by most of contemporary American
society and the recognized homosexual—
especially the male—is often subjected to
considerable abuse. It may come as a sur-
prise to many, therefore, to learn that a
relatively high percentage of all men
and women have had some homosexual
of sexual behavior that most malcs and
can, under certain circum-
stances, be erotically attracted to mem-
bers of the same sex. Whenever either
men or women are placed in a situation
in which their contacts are largely limit-
ed to their own sex for any appreciable
length of time—as in prison, boarding
school or certain assignments in the
armed services—there is a marked in-
crease in homosexual activity.
While only a small percentage is ex-
clusively homosexual for a lifetime (4
percent of all U.S. males), Kinscy's re-
searchers found that a minimum of 37
percent of the male population has some
overt homosexual experience to the
point of orgasm after puberty and prior
to the age of 45; and 20 percent of the
total female population has engaged in
some homosexual activity prior to that
Sexual contacts between humans and
other forms of an life are even more
taboo in our society than homosexual
activity and, until recently, this was as-
sumed to be a relatively rare form of
sexual release for man; bu sey
found that in rural areas, where a vari-
ety of animals was readily available, an
mal contacts were quite common in the
early sexual experimentation of young
males. Kinsey states, "Something between
40 and 50 percent of all farm boys
have some sort of nal coi
with or without orgasm, in their preado-
lescent, adolescent, and/or later histo-
ries." While only 8 percent of the total
male population has postadolescent ex-
perience with animals resulting in or-
gasm, the lowness of this figure would
appear to reflect lack of opportunity
more than anything else, since approx
mately 17 percent of the males from r
ral and farm communities have such
contacts, and in some Western parts of
the United States, the incidence rises to
as high as 65 percent.
All of the aforementioned nonpro-
creative sexual behavior h: been
lumped together by our
into omnibus statutes agair
In the literal sense, sodomy is
course involving two malcs—the word
is derived from the Biblical story of
Sodom, which the Lord destroyed with
fire and brimstone, because He wa
practice there—but its me;
sometimes extended to include sexual
ning is now
acts with animals (bestiality), as wall.
It is difficult to arrive at any adequate
legal definition, however, for the sodomy
statutes of the U.S. encompass, without
distinction, almost every imaginable
form of noncoital sex—homosexual and
, marital and nonm:
ng fellatio, cunnilingus, pederas-
ty, buggery, bestiality and, in two states
nd Wyoming) even mutual
Although the common law of England
—from which most American law is de-
rived—considered sodomy as either the
act of pederasty or bestiality performed
by or upon a man, a majority of our
states’ statutes have given it a far broad-
er application—covering oral as well as
anal intercourse, and prohibiting such
activity not only between members of
the same sex, but also between members
of the opposite sex. Including husband
and wife.
Minnesota's statute reads, im part:
‘Any person who shall carnally know any
mal, bird, man or woman, by anus or
mouth, or voluntarily submits to such
knowledge . . . is guilty of sodomy . . -
Iowa goes further with: “Whosoever
shall have carnal copulation in any open-
ing of the body [emphasis ours] except
sexual parts with another human being,
or shall have carnal copulation with
a beast shall be deemed guilty of
sodomy . . ."
And Arizona goes further still: “Any
person who shall willfully commit any
lewd or lascivious act upon or with the
body of [or] any part or member there-
of, of any male or female person with
or s
desires of either person in any unnatural
manner shall be guilty of a felony . . ."
The Indiana law reads: Whoever
commits the abominable and detestable
crime against nature with mankind or
beast; or whoever entices, allures, insti-
gates or aids any person under the age of
twenty-one (21) years to commit mastur-
bation or selí-pollution shall be deemed
guilty of sodomy . . ."
Forty-nine of the fifty states have sod-
omy statutes; they are among the most
irrationally conceived and emotionally
written of any to be found in contempo-
rary jurisprudence. The phrase "abomi-
nable and detestable crime against
nature” appears with great frequency in
these laws and often serves as an alter-
nate name, and sometimes as the only
for the offense.
Rhode Island actually lists its statute
under that title; the entire Rhode Island
law reads as follows: *11-I0-1. Abomina-
ble and detestable crime against nature,
—Every person who shall be convicted of
the abominable and detestable crime
against nature,
with any beast,
exceeding twenty (20) years nor less than
seven (7) years." In Utah, Arizona and
Nevada, the offense is referred to as the
“infamous crime against nature.”
These phrases further substantiate the
religious superstition from which such
laws were derived. The very concept of a
“crime against nature” is religious: it is
another way of describing what is con-
sidered to be, within a particu reli-
gious framework, an act that goes
against the will of God.
Without any evaluation of the moral
issues involved, it must be pointed out
that the modern social scientist, armed
with the insights of psychiatry and evi-
dence of the actual incidence of non-
coital sexual activity in human and
infrahuman species, recognizes that such
behavior cannot be considered abnormal,
r “unnatural,” in any scientific sense.
But these laws evolved from Puritan
antisexualism, not scientific insight. And
the subject has traditionally been consid
ered so distasteful by those who have
dealt with it, on both the legislative and
judicial levels, that the statutes and their
court application form a record of injus
tice that is far more “abominable and
detestable” than the personal behavior
they are supposed to suppress.
The noted 18th Century jurist Sir
William Blackstone, author of the f.
mous Commentaries, which are still fun-
damental in any study of English or
U.S. Jaw, reflected his own Puritan envi
ronment and the irrational emotional-
ism long associated with the subject.
when he wrote: “I will not act so dis-
agreeable a part, to my readers as well as
myself, as to dwell any longer upon a
subject, the very mention of which is a
disgrace to human nature. It will be
more eligible to imitate in this respect
the delicacy of our English law, which
treats it, in its very indictments, as a
crime not fit to be named x
The “delicacy” to which Blackstone
refers is quite without precedent in Eng-
lish and U.S. law. It means precisely
what it implies—that these acts have
been deemed so improper, are viewed
with such loathing and disgust, tha
considered unnecessary to describe them
in any detail in cither the statutes or the
actual court indictments. The defend-
ants in such cases are traditionally c»
pected to prove themselves innocent of a
charge, the particulars of which are u
specified, because they are “not fit to be
Former Judge Morris Ploscowe of the
New York Magistrates’ Court, now Ad-
junct Associate Professor of Law at New
York University, states in his book,
Sex and the Law: “Ever since Lord
Coke's time, the attitude of judges
has been that sodomy is ‘a detestable
and abomi among Christians
not to be named." The result of this au
tude is a sharp departure from the usual
rules of criminal pleading. It is one of
the basic canor al procedure
that a defendant is entitled to know the
articulars of the crime charged against
him, so that he can adequately prepare
his defense. If the indictment not
sufficiently specific, the defendant has a
right to demand a bill of ticulars.
But when a man is charged with sodomy
or a crime against nature, an indictment
the language of the statute is enough.
Tt is enough that the indictment alleges
that at a particular time and place the
defendant committed a ‘crime against
ature’ with a specific person. The de-
fendant need not be informed of the
particular sexual perversion which is
charged against him. As the Court put it.
in the case of Honselman vs. People:
“Tt was never the practice to describe
the particular manner or the details of
the commission of the crime, but the
offense was treated in the indictment as
the abominable crime not fit to be
named among Christians. The existence
of such an offense is a disgrace to human
nature. The legislature has nor seen fit
to define it further than by the general
term, and the records of the courts need
not be defiled with the details of
different acts which may go to constitute
it. A statement of the offense in the
guage of the statute is all that is
Because U.S. sodomy statutes are so
inclusive in their suppression of non-
coital sex, the penalties prescribed are
identical for the partners in a homosexu-
al liaison, the farm boy who gets too
friendly with his pet heifer, or the hus-
band and wife whose marital intima
include something more than simple sex-
ual intercourse. All are equally guilty
under the law.
And consistent with the Church's his-
torically harsh view of sex for pleasure
rather than reproduction (the fire and
brimstone that Cod used on the Sodom-
ites in the Old Testament was but a
forctaste of the centuries of carnage the
religious offered in pious sacrifice to anti-
sex), the secular statutes against noncoi-
tal sex are especially severe. The English
common law punishment for sodomy
was death; the penalties that still exist
here in the United States are, in some
instances, exceeded only by those for
murder, kidnaping and rape.
In 34 states and the District of Colum-
bia, the maximum sentence specified for
any act that may be considered a "crime
against nature" is imprisonment for
from 10 to 20 years. In Connecticut, the
maximum possible sentence is 30 years:
North Carolina, the minimum sen-
tence is 5 years, the maximum is 60;
Arizona, Idaho, Montana and Tennessee
num sentences of
utes also have min
5 years; and in Rhode Island, the mi
mum is 7. In Wyoming and Indiana,
where sodomy includes inducing or aid-
ny person under the age of 21 to
masturbate, the maximum sentences pre-
scribed are 10 and 14 years, respectively.
In Georgia, a first conviction calls for
imprisonment at hard labor for from 1
to 10 years; a second conviction increases
the sentence to from 10 to 30. In Cali-
fornia, Idaho, Missouri, Montana and
South Carolina, the maximum possible
penalty is left to the discretion of the
courts; in Nevada, the law specifies i
prisonment for life.
The combined effect of these premari-
tal, extramarital and assorted. noncoital
sex statutes is LO turn us into a nation of
lawbreakers. The private sex behavior
prohibited by these laws is, all public
pronouncements to the contrary, prac-
ticed by a majority of our adult popu
tion. It has been estimated that if all of
the sex statutes of the United States
were strictly and successfully enforced,
over 85 percent of our adult population
would be put into prison.
"rhe majority of our sex laws are not
efficiently or effectively enforced, of
course, but this only adds another di-
mension to the problem, Ploscowe states,
“Nowhere are the disparities between
law in action and law on the books so
great as in the control of sex crime."
Kinsey comments, “The current sex
laws are unenforced and are unenforce-
able because they are too completely out
of accord with the realities of human be-
havior, and because they attempt too
much in the way of social control. Such
a high proportion of the females and
males population is involved in
sexual activities which are prohibited by
the law of most of the states of the
Union, that it is inconceivable that the
present laws could be administered in
any fashion that even remotely ap-
proached systematic and complete en-
forcement. The consequently capricious
enforcement which these laws now re
ceive offers an opportunity for malad-
ministration, for police and political
graft, and for blackmail which is regular-
ly imposed both by underworld groups
and by the police themselves.”
The very existence of laws such as
these is an invitation to malfeasance and
malicious mischief; while the random
nd often irrational enforcement of the
tutes causes incalculable havoc, hurt
making a mockery of the
majesty of law—applying ju
unjust, inhumane, capricious and cruel
There are only two leg
ble sexual outlets for the unm:
members of society: nocturnal emissions
and solitary masturbation. Our Anglo-
American legal codes restrict the sexual
activity of those unwed by characterizing
all nonmarital coitus as fornication,
adultery, lewd cohabitation, seduction,
rape, statutory rape, prostitution, asso-
ciating with a prostitute, incest, delin-
quency, contributing to delinquency,
disorderly conduct, public indecency, or
ult and battery
fenses, with assorted pe
1 of these statutes are designed
to deal with special circumstances asso-
ted with the sexual act—the use of
force or coercion, the involvement of a
minor, the payment of money for coitus,
or intercourse between close kin. There
is justification for some of these laws,
though not necessarily for the form that
ties prescribed.
they sometimes take, or the manner in
which they are sometimes administered.
We will discuss these variations in sex
legislation a little later.
"Those laws which cover uncomplic:
nonmarital coitus are only occasionally
enforced: Although proof of adultery is
grounds for divorce in every state, for
example, and several thou
are granted for adultery a
same evidence is rarely used for subse
quent criminal prosecution; though it
obviously could be, in any of the 45
states in which adultery is a crime.
A small number of unfortunate men
and women do continue to get them-
selves arrested, convicted, fined and/or
imprisoned, on charges of fornication
and adultery cach year, however. In
most states these laws are what Ploscowe
calls “dead letters.” The annual crime
reports for jority of U.
arcly include amy reference to the ap-
prehension and prosecution of adults for
simple illicit intercourse; but a select mi-
nority of our municipalities continue to
g a random few for their bedroom be-
havior. The numbers recorded are conse-
quently slight, obviously representing
the minutest imaginable percentage of
like behavior occurring in each of these
jurisdictions; but slight is hardly the
word to describe the hurt done to the
luckless citizens that these numbers
"The perusal of a half-dozen recent re-
ports, from as many cities, reveals that
Philadelphia, "City of Brotherly Love,"
can also become something of a Big
Brother, à la Orwell ing on
love of a more illicit sort that might oth-
erwise remain hidden in the shadows:
There, among the figures for murder,
aggravated assault, burglary, armed rob
bery and rape, are three arrests for crim-
inal adultery. The Boston report for
the same year is better: 2 males and 17
females arrested and committed to the
city prison for adultery: 10 cases of for-
nication dealt with in a similar m
ner. The municipal records of 1960 for
timore include 9 cases of adultery
(both dismissed); for Dallas, 10 cases of
adultery: for Seattle, 81 cases of adultery
nd fornication.
The citizens that these statistics repre-
sent were liable for punishments ranging
from a $10 fine (the penalty for adultery
in Maryland) to a $500 fine or three
years in prison (the penalty for adultery
In New York during the same period
(the city’s fiscal year of July 1959
through June 1960), approximately 1700
ivorces were granted for adultery (the
only ground for divorce in New York
State): but an analysis of the Annual Re-
port of the Police Department for those
twelve months fails to reveal a single ar-
rest for the crime, which is punishable
with a fine of up to $250 or six months
(continued on page 161)
College juniors from widely separated areas
ago last s] g to take a campus-eye
look at upcoming Paris belt designs. The con-
ference called to coordinate belt styling
with young men's fashion trends emerging in COLLEGE ADVISORY BOARD
this "year of the young man." In spite of minor
regional differences, campus opinion agreed on Previews Paris Belts for the "Year of the Young Man"
ssentials. Rev r two-for-
one value, were unanimously voted in. Dark
hues were favored with wheat jc: to mark a
distinct waistline. Above all, the solid mascu-
line look in buckles won universal approval.
board opinions are reflected in wide
is belts, now available in col-
lege shops and department stores.
College Advisory Service, Paris Belts, 1143 W.
Congress Parkway, Chicago, Illinois 60607.
— John Gueldner, U, of California at Berkeley is
belt-shackled by fellow panelists (clockwise) John
Moseley, U. of Texas; Rush Haines, Princeton;
Albert Sneed, U. of North Carolina; David Sutton,
Northwestern; Steven Sturm, U. of Missouri.
Meeting at Pick-Congress Hotel, Chicago, college panelists traded views with Paris designers.
NEW PARIS 114" BELTS FOR FALL REFLECT CAMPUS OPINION: A—Club stripe, new roller buckle, $3.50. B—Burlap overlay on oiled leather,
$4.00. C— Saddle-stitched imported English saddle leather, new roller buckle, $3.50. D— Reversible, in black oiled leather and harness brown, $4.0. 75
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Roe À PRA s
a candid conversation with the venerable maverick of american letters
Novelist Bernard Wolfe, who conduct-
ed this exclusive interview for PLAYBOY,
has been a close friend, colleague,
drinking companion and brother icon-
oclast of this month’s interviewee for al-
most 25 years. Fellow literary lights in
New York during the Forties, they
are now neighbors in the fashionable
suburbs of West Los Angeles—
beside the pool and in the rustic
room of Miller's roomy split-level home,
the following conversation was recorded.
A long-time PLAYBOY contributor, the
49 year-old Wolfe debuts herein, with
hard-hitting authority and familiar ex
pertise, as a wiAYBOY interviewer. Of
his subject he writes:
“When the first copies of the first Par-
is edition of ‘Tropic of Cancer’ reached
our shores in 1934, appetizingly camou-
flaged in the dust jackets of Escofier and
Byillat-Savarin cookbooks, mine
among the damp hands that reached for
them. It was our good luck that the des-
ultory hawkshaws of U.S. Customs never
stopped to wonder at th
graduate passion for l'haute cuisine; for
surge of under
more ihan a few of us cut our literary
eyeteeth on that contraband book. To us
it was, as ils author fistily proclaimed,
a badly needed ‘gob of spit in the face of
Art, as well as an incendiary demonstra-
tion of the napalm still latent in the
English language.
We campus malcontents worked up a
lively image of the berserker who con-
cocted that papey-backed bombshell
and the equally explosive volumes that
followed. Such a prancing bull of the
prose pampas had to be out-dimenstonal
in every aspect: a brawler in rude denim
jeans, defiant locks snapping im the
Seine breezes; a debaucher on the grand
scale who consumed Gargantuan daily
rations of wine, women and songs; an
expatriate Johnny Appleseed standing,
at a conservative estimate, 12 feet tall.
We knew a giant when we read one; the
deeper underground a book was driven,
the taller grew its author.
cars passed. World War H drove
the wild man out of Europe, and when
he showed up one day on the streets of
New York, where had
some of us
settled with our typewriters and our
distempers, we gaped. The Rimbaud of
Myrile Avenue, the Villon of the Hth
Ward, was nowhere near as big or as
loud or as rambunctious as we'd imag-
ined him. He was slight and bone-thin.
His voice was soft, mellifluous. The gray
hair that fringed his bold bald pate was
neatly creu-cut. His jowls were as clean-
shaven as his nails were clean and mani-
cured. He wore impeccably tailored
Bond Street tweeds and a natty plaid
ulster. He was kind, courteous, consid-
erate, mild, modest, gentle, and all but
old-worldly in his gallant manners with
the womenfolk—the very antithesis of
the capering, carousing cutup called
Henry Miller in the books of Henry
Miller. The rapacious desperado of
‘Cancer’ had turned out to be every-
body's Dutch uncle...
"But with something added—some-
thing not exactly avuncular, some
special clear unblinking light in the de-
ceptively mild blue eyes half draped by
slanty mandarin lids, some special husky
vibrant sound in the misleadingly gentle
voice that has never deviated from the
“One fear I have about myself is that I
may lose control one day and do some-
thing unthinkable. But we're all incipient
criminals. Most of us simply lack the
courage (o act out our criminal urges.”
“Obscenity has its natural place in liter-
ature, as it does in life, and it will never
be obliterated. I feel T have restored
sex lo its rightful role, rescued the life
force from literary oblivion.”
“For 72 years Pue been waiting to see
some breakdown of the barriers, a shat-
tering of the wretched molds in which
we're fixed. We have the dynamite, but
we don't set it off. I get sick of waiting.”
flat Brooklyn tones of his birth. You
couldn't pin a name on this laxed elec-
tricity in him, but you knew when it was
turned on. You would stand with the
unstagy man at a Third Avenue bar,
talking casy about nothing in particular.
The barflies would stop mumbling into
their boilermakers and perk their ears to
Henry's homey sound, They would raise
their eyes from the sawdust to study his
good-neighborly, ostensibly bland face.
They would gather up their beers and
drift toward the source of that ingratiat-
ing sound and stand in a circle around
that good-guy face, asking mutely for
omething—benediction, warming, the
gift of such energy as tightens no mus-
cles, a shot of some unnamable balm. It
was impossible to carry on a conversa-
tion with Henry in a public place. Too
many winos made their mothlike way
into the glow that emanated from any
bar stool he graced.
“Henry went West. He holed up for a
time in the Santa Monica hills. Later he
settled in his aerie on the highest rise of
the Big Sur mountains in northern Cali-
fornia, to stay put for 20 years. Now best-
sellingly U. S-published, duly stamped
with the Supreme Court seal of approv-
al, and socially acceptable among all
but ladies’ auxiliary literary tea societies,
he's back in the Los Angeles arca, living
in Pacific Palisades to be near his two
teenage children by his third wife. Our
paths cross often, and I am forever
amazed at how little he's changed. At 72
he's still lean as an ax handle, with eye
undimmed and Brooklyn drawl intact.
About the only sign of wear in him is
that his appetite for walking is some-
what diminished by a thinning of the
cartilage in the socket of his left hip, a
memento of all the decades exuberantly
spent on foot, But if he doesn't walk up
and down the Cathay he makes of
Pacific Palisades quite as much as he
once walked the Cathay he made of Par-
is, he certainly rides—on his English rac-
ing bike, dressed, of course, in faultlessly
tailored Ivy League corduroys. The as-
tonishing low-keyed grace is still there,
and the unproving, unpushing energy.
And the disciples—barflies and children,
aesthetes and novice writers—still flock to
that benevolent voice and benign face,
begging for the grace without a name.
PLAYBOY: One critic has descr
work as “toilet-wall scribbling.
set the record stra
or have you ever bec
MILLER: No, never. But
me of a story about the French pissoi
which might apply to me. A university
professor was just coming out of the pis-
soir while another professor was enter-
ing. As they passed each other, the one
a toiletwall
that reminds
snickered. "So you're one of those who
writes on toilet
the departi
recting grammal
PLAYBOY: Your books have been widely
branded—and. banned—as pornograph
What's your reaction to the charge:
miter; Well, I can be said to have
as a pornographer. There's a
nce between obscenity and
phy. Pornography is a titillat-
£ and the other is cleansing; it
gives you a rss. It’s not done just
to tickle your nerve ends—though |
would add parenthetically u I don't
go along with those judicious minded
critics and intellectuals who try to pre
tend that when you write erotically, with
obscene language and all that, the read-
er should be impeccably immune, never
e a lustful thought. Why the hell
shouldn't a reader have lustful thoughts?
They're as legitimate as any other kind.
I might also add that n I
written obscene things, but I don't th
of myself
i fer
We're not at all interested in
your sexual writing; it's your philosophy
we find stimulatii
PLAYBOY: Still, as r as stimulation is
concerned, wouldn't you say that most
readers prefer your erotica to your
MILLER: Perhaps so, but the import
of my work lies in my vision of life
of the world, not in the free use of
four-letter words. These banned books
of mine fit in with the tradition of liter-
ature widely known and accepted in
Europe for the last thousand years. Un-
fortunately, for the last three hundred
years, Enplish-linguage literature has
been castrated, stifled; its pallid, lacking
integration and totality. Preceding this
period, sex communication never had
contained this shocking quality. There
was a freedom of expression. There was
no emphasis put upon sex. It fitted in
urally because it was and is a
life. But the Anglo-Saxon people,
ast three centuries, have been terribly
deprived—starved, literally speaking, for
the natural and normal expression of sex
which can counteract unnatural feelings
of guilt. So now they leap on the sens:
tional, and because they have found
me this missing clement, they overem
phasize it.
PLAYBOY: Hasn't it been said that you
are the one who overemphasizes it?
MILER: It might just as well be said
that I overemphasize the subject of the
freedom of the individual. 1 feel I have
simply restored sex to its rightful place
literature, rescued the basic life factor
from literary oblivion, as it were. Ob-
scenity, like sex, has its natural, rightful
place in literature as it does in life, and
it will never be obliterated, no matter
sed to smother it. Let
n incident that may
tion of my point of view.
My little son and I were walking in one
of the great forests of northern Califor-
nia. All alone, not a sound, not a person
around for miles. Suddenly he started
looking frantically about, holding him-
self, you know. “What's wrong?" I asked.
him. "I have to go to the bathroom," he
said. “Well, vou can't" 1 replied.
"There's no bathroom here. Do you
mean you have to take a leak? Come on,
do it right here near this big tree, Come
on, Tl show you. You can't ‘go to the
bathroom’ on And so there we
stood, fi 2 the beautiful
forest, pissing oi So you see, in
life as in writing, I use common words
to express myself because it is the only
way for me. I haven't considered, chosen
or selected. One might just as well ask
why I've written the way I have about
people, countries, strects, religion,
so on. I haven't singled out sex
special treatment, but I've given
full ueatment. I had been writing
fifteen years and getting nowhere. Evi
thing | had written was derivativ
fluenced by other. Then
decided to please myself. It was a great
gamble, but finally I cut the umbilical
cord, and in severing it I became an
entity. T became myself, vou sec? When
they speak of tradition in the literary
world, they are speaking of men who
individualists, who are entities,
who, in becoming themselves, become
part of tradition. As for being obsessed
with sex, they are the ones who are ob-
sessed: they who make so much over the
al content of what I have written.
When people have been deprived, they
make up for lost ground the moment the
barriers are down. This is what is hap-
pening with the banned books. Other
countries accepted them as a basic part
of life. All over the world they think of
us Americans as a people obsessed with
the idea of sex but
natural experience of sex. The English-
speaking peoples are precisely the ones
who understand the least what I've writ-
ten and why.
PLAYBOY: Would you care to enlighten
them now?
MILIER: I can try. I was sick to death
of the lack of substance in English liter
ture, with its portrayal of a truncated,
ial man. 1 wanted a more substantial
dict, the whole being, the round view
you get in the paintings of Picasso, the
works of Montaigne and Rabelais and
others. So I rebelled, and perhaps over-
generously made up for this lack and
weakness in the literature of my time.
PLAYBOY: One critic has alleged that
your "overgenerous" depiction of sex—
far from fascinating readers—has actual-
ly rendered the subject uninteresting as
a literary topic. Do you think he may
have a point?
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finally I
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MILER: Naturally, anything done to
cess becomes uninteresting. But I don’t
think we need worry about making sex
uninteresting. All that was taken care
of by the Creator when He created
male and female. What is important is
whether we have a healthy or a sick at
tude toward sex or anything else.
PLAYBOY: Though willing to concede
that you personally may not be obsessed.
with sex, another detractor has accused
you of “using freedom of expression as
the high-sounding cover-up for a cynical-
ly commercial effort to cash in on the
sure-fire sales appeal of sex." Have you?
MILER: D have never knowingly been
cynical or insincere. And as for the com-
mercial aspect, that was farthest from my
mind. I was merely determined to write
as I pleased, as I viewed life, do or die,
without thought for the consequences.
PLAYBOY: Did you anticipate the world-
wide storm of public protest, censorship
and suppression that followed the pub-
lication of Tropic of Cancer?
‘MILLER: I was not concerned with this.
problem. I had had fifteen years of pun-
ishment and rejection before Cancer was
published. It was something I had to do,
and that was all there to it.
PLAYBOY: What was the initial
tion of European critics to the Tropics?
MILLER: A very broad question. Shall
I say "varied"? Critics are the same all
over the world. They judge by what they
are—which we won't go into. On the
whole, however, I must say that whether
for or against, their approach to my
work was on a higher level than that of
the Anglo-Saxon critics, who, now th
these books are being published here,
are saying, after condemning them—and
reading them under the counter—for
rly thirty years, "It's about time" or
So America is really growing up at
PLAYBOY. Do you agree with them, at
least, that popular acceptance of the
Tropics in the U.S. means that “Ameri-
ca is really growing up at last?
MUER: Times fave — changed—but
whether in the direction of more frec-
dom or less is difficult to say. There is
still a great gap between the accepted
behavior of individuals, as regards sex,
id the- freedom to express this in
words. I don't delude myself that the
world suddenly sees eye to eye with me
on the subject of sex—or any other sub-
ject, for that matter. Only the Scand
navian countries, Sweden and Denmark,
seem to me to be truly liberated in this
PLAYBOY: Still, don't you view the
American publication of the Tropics,
nd the Supreme Court decision uphold-
ing it, as a kind of personal vindication?
MILLER: I had my victory, if you wish
to call it that, long before this American
success, if you wish to call i that. In the
countries where my books circulated
freely, 1 was, if not a popular writer,
certainly an accepted writer. I had my
reward in being accepted and acknow!
edged by many of the foremost writers
and thinkers in Europe. One is truly ac-
cepted or understood only by one’s peer
PLAYBOY: In addition to literary
mirers, you've acquired, along with
controversial reputation, a coterie of dis-
ciples so worshipful that it has been
called a cult. Are you flattered by this
sort of idolatry?
MUER: Ol course not! The most dev-
astating thing about achieving any suc-
cess as a writer is to meet the people
who rave about your work. Jt makes you
wonder about yourself.
Though many critics share
the admiration of your fans for the vital-
ity of your work, others have used the
following adjectives to describe you as a
i “undisciplined,” “chaotic,” "con-
'self-contradictory” and "over-
Whats your reply?
MILLER: Isn't it enough to write books
without being obliged to answer for
them? Irs the function of the critic to
criticize. He's like the fifth wheel on a
wagon. Oh, well—by conventional stand-
rds, 1 suppose I am an undisciplined,
chaotic, disorganized writer. But some of.
us, fortunately, pay no heed to stand-
ards. Undoubtedly Im as muddled as
the next man. But look at the great phi
losophers—are they so clean and clear?
Kant—my God, what murky, cloudy
King that is! Or take Aristotle—I
it’s a jungle of non-
sense to me. l like Plato much better.
get lost with Plato, too. I'll tell
you, it may be because of my eclecticism
that I'm misunderstood. One time I'm.
g this way, another time that wa
lly, I contradict myself. now and.
then. Who doesn’t? One would have to
be stagnant not to do so. But 1 contend
that I'm always driving at truth. One has
to approach reality from all directions
there's no one way to go at it. The more
avenues you open up, the clcarer the ul-
timate thing should be. I'm antisystem
and antistructure, yes. But that’s hardly
PLAYBOY: It's also been said that you
sulfer from "verbal diarrhea,” that your
“billowing, undisciplined, rough-hewn
prose urgently requires the attention of
a sharp blue pencil.” What do you have
to say about this?
MILER: I've never pretended to be a
ful, inch-by-inch writer, like Hem-
ngway was—but neither am I one of
those careless, sprawling writers who feel
that the slag belongs with the ore, that
ill one, part and parcel of the same
thing. 1 must confess there's a great joy,
for me, in cutting a thing down, in tak-
ing the ax to my words and destroying
what I thought was so wonderful in the
heat of the first writing. You think when
you spew the words out that they're im-
perishable, and a year later they seem
trivial or. The Welding is as
much a part of the creative process as
the first volcanic gush. But this e
at least for me, is not aimed at achiev
flawlessness. I believe that defects in a
writer's work, as in a person's character,
no less important than his virtues.
You need flaws; that's what I’m trying to
say. Otherwise you're a nonentity.
PLAYBOY: Nevertheless, in recent criti
cism of your work, novelist Lawrence
Durrell, a long-time friend of yours, has
taken you to task for these very flaws—
and for excusing them in yourself. Have
his remarks affected the cordiality of
your relationship?
MILER: Not at all—as you'd know if
you'd read my answer to his criticism of
my later books. You'd sce that 1 took it
l| in good part. He could have said
much worse than he did, and it wouldn
have altered. my feelings toward him.
PLAYBOY: Which arc?
MILLER: As a man, I still like and ad-
mire him. As a writer, I could make the
same ci sm of him that's made of me:
that the big passages, the panoramic fres-
coes, really grip you—his wonderfully
descriptive purple passages, majestically
done, marvelously elaborate and intri-
cate, which exist in and of themsclves—
whereas the philosophical sections, pre-
senting his thoughts on art and acsthet-
ics, seem drab by comparison—at least to
me. Durrell, you see, is first and foremost
a poet. He's in love with language itself.
Some people find him too ornate, but I
love his excesses—they reveal the artist
in him.
PLAYBOY: Which other contemporary
writers do you regard as artists?
MILLER: 1 don't think I really keep
up, but let me think. O'Casey and Beck-
ett and Jonesco I admire very much. But
some of our better-known American
playwrights leave me cold. I don't get
any kick, any lift out of them. I can't
read Nabokov. He's not for me; he's too
literary a man, 100 engrossed in the art
of writi all that display of virtuosity.
I do like Kerouac—I think he has a mar-
velous natural verbal facility, though it
could stand a bit of disciplining. Such a
wealth of fecling—and when it comes to
nature, superb. Burroughs, whom T rec-
ognize as a man of talent, great talent,
can turn my stomach. It strikes me, how-
ever, that he's faithful to the Emersonian
idea of ography, that hes con-
cerned with putting down only what he
has experienced and felt. He's a literary
man whose style is unliterary. As for
Saul Bellow, I've read only one of his
books, Henderson, the Rain King, and I
must say, I was infatuated with it. I wish
I could write something in that vein. For
a while I was interested in Ray Brad.
bury; he seemed to have opened a new
vein. But I think he’ is bolt.
There are sull staring ideas im hi
a la a row
Dickies slacks put you in the picture
m o In
r D "€ doy.
©1964 WuLumson-cicnie mro. CO. FORT WORTH. TEx 81
books now and then, wonderful flashes;
one senses an inventive mind at work.
But it's all in an area that docsn't excite
me too much. Science fiction just isn't
rich. cnough.
PLAYBOY: As one whose writing is
strongly sexual in flavor, are you as
terested in, and influenced by, Freudian
psychology as some of the writers you've
MILLER; When ] first read Freud thir-
ty or thirty-five years ago, I found him
extremely stimulating. He influenced ev-
erybody, myself included. But today, he
doesn't interest me at all. I think it's fine
for a writer to roam about wherever he
hing that's of deep import to
in artist must certainly nourish him. But
the whole subject of Freudianism and
nalysis bores mc almost as much as talk-
ing to analysts, whom I find deadly dull
nd single-tracked.
PLAYBOY: Whats your objection to an-
alysis itself?
Milter: Lets put it this way—the
alyst is sitting there as an intermedi-
ary, fatherconfessor, protector; he's
there to awaken his patient and give
him greater strength to endure whatever
he has to endure. Well, I say that experi-
ence itself, whatever it be—brutal, sor-
rowful or whatever—is the only teacher.
We don't need priests and we don't need
alysts; we don't need mental crutches
of any sort. More tl nything, what I
criticize is their efforts to restore the mal-
apted person to a society whose
of life caused him to be maladapted in
the first place. They want us to accept
things as they are. But things as they are
re wrong.
AYBOY: But you've often insisted
that people are really self-determined,
that it’s really a dodge to blame society
for our troubles. Isn't that a contradic
tion of what you've just said?
MILLER: It seems contradictory, but to
me it isn't. Look, when you develop the
proper strength, you can live in any so-
ciety. You can achieve a certain immuni-
ty—not a total one, certainly, but
enough not to become sick, not to be
alyzed. 1 say if there's strength to be
gotten, where else would you look for it
than inside yoursell? Now it may be that
some of us are doomed, some won't have
the strength, and will go down—but
that's an inescapable fact of life. Some
can rise up 10 meet ad others can
But to say that we can catch those who
are sick and sinking, and buoy them up
through analysis—I don't believe it.
PLAYBOY: You were quoted recently as
saying that the American to
things sexual, particularly in plays, mov-
es and television, is becoming increas-
ngly ^ xd this tr
do you feel it is?
MILLER: Of course sick—and it
could be significant. Cuteness h
part, like anything else, but p
round with sex on
the look-but-don't-touch sort of thing,
could make the American male perpet-
ually diss;
Irs another version of this phony mis-
leading drive of Americans to coat every-
thing with glamor—creating a glamorous
world of illusion and then trying to live
in it. It doesn't work. I think the cute
x is about on a par with a
pproach to the atom bomb. But it
i5 nice for men to be fussed over and tit-
ed; they need d
their basic nature, regardless of the fa
that they may be in love with their own
wives or girls. Take the gei
n impor
American women should be educated in
school, taught as the Japanese are taught
how to weat a hu ad or lover. There
wouldn't be so m:
In the Western world, a couple gets mar-
ried in a romantic mood, but then
there's nothing to show them how to go
on increasing and nurturing their love.
Instead of waiting until they tu
the lights, why not learn how to n
man happy at the dinner table or just
sitting about reading? Why don't they
wear something flimsy, keep acting out
the loye role as they did in the be;
ng? It might make the difference. But
its like churchgoers who run to church
on Sundays and then forget religion the
rest of the week.
PLAYBOY: Who «do you feel is responsi-
ble for this situation?
MILER: I blame most of this unhappy
sexual situation on the men. They don't.
behave as men, as the boss, the domi
nant head of the family. They allow the
women to jockey with them for equality,
to become their rivals. This docs not
make for the ideal sexual climate. In Eu-
rope the man is still the boss. He even
slaps his woman around a bit, but the
n this subordinate
of what you indicate
is their more feminine, less competitive
role, do you feel that European women
are more exciting sexually than Ameri
Can women?
MILER: Any real Europcan
or otherwise. is exciting. Frankly, 1 know
of only one sexual type: Either she has it
or she doesn't.
PLAYBOY: Will you describe “it
MILLER: Everyone of any sensitivity
knows when he is in the presence of a
great person or a saint. The same ap-
plies to a woman with it, She
She neither shrinks from sex nor juts
forward unnaturally when the subject
arises. American women seem to have to
prove themselves. They wear sex on the
æ of their beings like a patina. But
the natural ones feel it, as a part of their
very being. Sophia Loren is an example.
She is living it. She is all woman. Most
of your American sex symbols of the
xudes if.
cinema, on the other hand, are just
wearing it. It’s all on the outside. They
feel nothing, really—so neither do you.
PLAYBOY: Would you be willing to tell us
what kind of sexual relationship you've
found most gratifying—with whatever
nationality of won
MILLER: ] prefer to keep that informa-
tion to myself. It’s nobody's business but
my own. Even an author has some
rights! But I will that the atmos
phere of hazard, peril or danger ol
ssment is most exciting—the en-
with someone, even a suanger,
in an alleyway, a dark hall or doorway,
maybe even a telephone. booth.
MILLER: Well, I suppose it's because it's
the opposite of our everyday experience.
The element of surprise is what makes
it so intriguing—you aren't set, you
have no stand one way or the other.
1 must amplify: 1 feel that I'm a man to
1 seldom delib-
erately set out to bring things about.
I'm always sort of open and vulnerable,
waiting for something to come about—
which actually permits things to happen
much more frequently, don't you sce? If
1 set out to have an experience, a sexual
or love experience, it would have a total-
ly different tonality to it, it seems to me
—probably in a lower key.
PLAYBOY: You've d that the "hero"
of Cancer is a man who initiates noth-
ing. who merely accepts things as they
come to him. Jsn't that a Buddhist view?
MILLER: Perhaps. | make no secret of
the fact that I have been much influ-
enced by Taoistic writing and Oriental
philosophy in general. I think we all
take from others. 1 don't think ihere's
such a thing as an original artist. We all
show influences and derivations. We
can't avoid using or being used. When it
comes time to express yourself, what you
put forth should be done unconsciously,
without thought of influences. But all
this is in your blood already, in the very
stream of your being. I've come to be-
lieve that I'm at my best, ] express
myself best, when I'm following the
philosophy of the East, but 1 wouldn't
propose it as the one way. I think each
one has to find his own unique route.
PLAYBOY: Does this imply that you
incline toward the role of
rather than protagonist?
whom things happen
nd observ
r at the same time.
ays. I mean,
He's playing a dual role alw
J don't go through life as a writer who's
always making notes in a mental diary
though I am aware of making note of
things for future use. I can't help it; it's
my nature, But I don't enter into things
in a spirit of detached research. When I
participate, I do so as a human being;
I'm simply more aware than most men
of whats actu
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graphically to the role of the “artis
Yet you've called Tropic of Cancer "a
gob of spit in the face of Art.” Do you
THE PLAYBOY SKI SWEATER see any contradiction between this scorn
for "Art" and your self identification as
an artist?
mir: No. I think that only a man
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and raglan sleeves, with the renowned PLAYBoy rabbit putting in an interwoven appearance. sce the defect in it. This is a double-
edged thing. One has to be an artist in
order to speak against art. Coming from
man, it has no validity. Only some-
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an that one should lop off all that is
stupid, nonsensical, unimportant—all
that goes with capital letters when one
invokes the words “Culture” and “Art.”
We have an analogy in what happened
to the philosophy of Zen when it was
brought from India to China. What did
inese do? They took Buddhism as
dus had known it and they
lopped off ihe superstructure; they
brought it down to earth and made it
viable, livable, 1 would say. My purpose,
when referring to art in this denigrating
way, is to bring it closer to life. Art has a
tendency to detach itself from life. One
s to bring it back again, like a garden-
er taking care of a plant—cut away the
overgrowth, give the roots a chance to
PLAYBOY: Do you feel that you've
done this in your own writing?
MILLER: I hope so, in my own small
way. What I've strived to do is to get
from the fictive and down to the
fa 7 A OMPANIONS reality about oneself, embrace every as-
N PLAYBOY S B R C pect of one's being, look at it all clearly,
boldly. That's the whole purpose of writ-
ing, isn't it, to reveal as many sides of
yoursell as possible? Though I’ve done
all sorts of shortterm things, books of
the moment, offshoots without any con-
sistent note running through them,
there has also been the long-term job,
the record I want to make of my life, no
matter how long it takes or how many
volumes. That is a planned work: The
Rosy Crucifixion is the master title.
Though I haven't thought about it every
minute, it has always been in the back of
my head.
PLAYBOY: When did you decide to write
MILLER: I laid it out way back in 1927,
in about thirty five pages of telegraphic
notes, and I'm still working from them,
Irom the very last pages. Sexus and Plex-
us both came out of these notes, and
now the conduding volume of Nexus,
which I've nearly completed.
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C. Regular Cocktails for Two Set, includes mixer,
PLAYBOY: Would you read us a sam-
ple of those notes?
MILER: Well, if yon insist. Here are
a couple of pages I used as raw material
in writing Plexus and Nexus. They be-
gin like this: “L. decides to make pup-
stirrer, two glasses, Code No. D12, $5 ppd.
Deluxe Cocktails for Two Set, includes above plus snack tray,
knife and Femlin tile, Code No. DB, $15 ppd.
oti hall ce DECENT pets and sell them. Also death masks. At
232 East Ohio St. e Chicago, Illinois 60611 dawn I go out and steal milk boules and
Playboy Clu keyhoidersmaychargebyenciesingkeyme. — | rolls that are left in vestibules. Panhan-
dling along Broadway outside the bu
lesque shows and movies. Incident at
Borough Hall when the guy throws
money at mc in the gutter. 1 begin to
paint the walls myself and hang up crazy
charts. S. arrives and looks on, nodding
his approval of the disruption. Remi
niscences of childhood. Relations with L.
are improving. Sleeping three abed. J.
now jealous. Working this to death
More gold digging on a grand scale, only
now its a burlesque. The two of them
look like freaks. L. hiring herself out for
experiments of all kinds. I get the idea
of selling my blood. Begin visiting the
hospitals. Must cat better food, drink
milk, red wine, and so on. The jujitsu
expert at Huberts Cafeteria bringing the
rent to us while we are in bed, slipping
it under the door. The German savant—
a ticket chopper on the elevated station.
The two sailors listening in to sce
from the shed outside of L.’s room and
freezing to death. Drunks with B., th
Cherokce Indian, The night of S.'s birth-
day. We go out to celebrate, I in a torn
khaki shire. The night club uptown
Drinking everything in sight. Then the
lineup and search by thugs. S., in his
crazy way, calmly palming olf a bad
check on them for 5125. The scene in
the vestibule of cloakroom when the c:
pugilist beats the piss out of the druni
cn customers. Returning at dawn to find
L. sleeping in my place. Dragging her
out of the bed by the scalp. Pecing over
her on the floor. Then falling asleep in
the bathtub, nearly drowned. Return to
Paul & Joe's near 14th Street. Waiting at
the Bridge Plaza to see if J. is coming
over the bridge in a taxi. Finding her
home in bed, paralyzed with drink. Next
day vomiting begins. Continues for three
or four days, night and morning. The
story of rape by jujitsu doctor. J.’s ex-
planation. Go in search of wrestling doc
tor, murder in heart, Returning silently
and listening to their conversation on
the stairs. Suddenly the explosion in Jer
sey City and discovery of L. standing on
stairs, Last confrontation. Dragging her
along in the snow despite protestations
and denials. 1 leave for the West . .
PLAYBOY: You se ve led a rath-
er violent life in those days
MILLER: 1 was a pretty turbulent ch
acter, all right—and not a very agreeable
one, either. Though I never failed to
make friends, 1 was always in hot water,
always arguing and disputing. 1 was an
obnoxious sort of chap who had to get
his ideas across, who was forever button-
holing people and bludgeoning them
with words. ] made a pest of myself, I
was an idealist and a rebel—but an un-
pleasant one. As I've grown older, I've
become even more rebellious—but also
more adapted, at least to myself. Maybe
Tve become more skillful in the art of
dealing with people and circumstances,
so that | don't blow my top so casily
m to |
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anymore. But I'm still entirely capable
of violence. In fact, one fear I have
about myself is that I may lose control
one day and do something unthinkable.
But of course we're all incipient crimi-
nals. Most of us simply lack the courage
to act out our criminal urges. I've been
to find cape valve
in writing. I've been able to act out my
antisocial urges. stir up trouble, deal out
my shocks and jolts on paper; and
thanks to the release of all this steam.
I've slowly become—well, more human,
let's say
PLAYBOY: Do you find, with your
lengthening emotional distance from the
carly experiences recorded in your notes,
that it has become easier to write about
MILLER: Technically, yes. But with time,
of course, everything tends to grow
cold. One has to blow on the embers. It's
not easy to warm a thing up
put yourself back in the old positions, at
the emotional pitches you once attained,
to recreate the conversations—talk that
lasted all night, ten hours, full of fight
and struggle, going the whole gamut
from personal trivia to literature and
history and every damn thing, Today
these things are casier to wri
yes, but they're almost imposs
capture in their pristine fire
stance. You have to fall back on your
imagination, to rely on your artisuy.
PLAYBOY: But it's been said that in
Sexus and Plexus you seem to show total
recall of both id events.
MILLER: ] may give llusion, but
if you could com; y reconstructions
with tape recordings of the original
scenes, you'd find a tremendous dispar
ty. Lately I've been inventing more frec-
ly than before, but always in conformity
with the remembered feel of the thing. 1
never invent in the sense of disgu
or altering; I always want to recapture,
but not in the strictly photographic-pho-
nographic sense. Also, of course, I've left
a lot out. One can't put every
even if one lives to be a hundred.
PLAYBOY: You've been worl
The Rosy Crucifixion, on and oll, for
some thirtyseven years now. Why has it
taken so long?
MILLER: Well, you sce, the more one
writes about oneself, the less important
it all seems. One writes to forget himself,
or better said, to forget the self. When I
ted writing, especially the Tropics, I
thought: No one has suffered as much as
T. I had to get it out—so many volumes,
so many millions and millions of words.
And now that it’s almost finished, I
don't want to write like that anymore,
understand? But 1 find that I'm caught
in my own web. Now that the Tropics
are socially acceptable, I've suddenly bc-.
come fashionable, people are
hounding me from every direction to
translate these books into plays, films,
hing in,
librettos. I can't do this! 1 can’t change
these books into something else. 1
thought once I'd finished writing them
that that was the end. I wanted to forget
them. But they're coming back to haunt
PLAYBOY: Don't you take some comfort
in the very fact of this social accept-
ability, however belated, and in the roy-
alties you've been reaping?
MILLER: It’s sort of amusi but also
it's absurd and a bit of a headache. You
see, in a way its too late. The money
should have been there the begin-
ning. Getting it now doesn’t alter my
life in the least. I continue to live on
very little for myself. My problem now
isn't how to get money, but how not to
get too much ol it. It frightens me. Mil-
lions, these movie people talk about!
Can you believe i? Already T've given
away to my friends and family over half
of what I've received from Cancer. It's
just too much. Having too much of any-
thing worries me—especially money. It
makes me uncomfortable. But I have to
think of my children. They have to have
their schooling and their living. Now
days, at least, if they want to go some-
place or do something special they
dream up, 1 can give them a hundred
dollars and it means nothing. But do
you know I'm contributing to three
ilies? Me and my divorces. 1 think I'll
n aspirin—maybe three. Would.
to join
* No, thanks But tell us:
With all your extracurricular commit-
ments, how do you find time for writing?
MILER: Good question! The phone calls,
the correspondence to answer, prop-
ositions to consider, contracts to decide
on! Do you know it takes me a good
four hours a day at least? 1 have hardly
any time left lor writing. I should have a
secretary. Well, maybe not, because if I
did, naturally 1 would fall in love with
her, and then I wouldn't get any writing
done. You see, 1 couldn't. possibly ve
an ugly old girl for a secretary, could I?
She must be beautiful, attractive. And
there Pd be—again. 1 fall in love so
MILLER: It seems normal to me to fall
in love over and over. Is it a sign of
youth or of wisdom? It seems to me that
most of us grow old long before our
time. Being in love is the al condi
tion of the heart. I'm talking about Jov-
ing someone else, of course, not yourself.
But I was talking about work. The de-
mands are never-ending. The moment
one starts getting big money, he becomes
involved with tax problems, lawyers,
people who want money from you for a
thousand causes—cspecially themselves.
You have to suffer because of it. It’s a
challenge to your normal way of life.
Time that should be spent working is
Bet you've seen a better-looking head on a glass of heer.
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that light-head- Country Club
ed little rascal MALT LIQUOR
taken up with all of these unvit
pleasant things. I [eel sometimes
may throw in the sponge and quit writ-
ing entirely.
PLAYBOY: Are you serious?
MILLER: Probably not—but if 1 decid-
ed tomorrow to take up some other pur-
suit, I'd certainly have no qualms about
t. Sometimes I think it would be lovely
to be a gardener or a nurseryman. That
way nobody would get hurt. cheated, de-
ceived or disillusioned: authors aren't
the loveliest people in the world, you
know. But if 1 don't stop writing, at
least | want to start having some fun
with it, I'm tired of doing those long,
somber, serious things. Why shouldn't I
have some fun now with writing?
No reason at all. What sort
g would you enjoy writing?
MILLER: It happens that I wrote a play
a couple of years ago—a satirical farce
called Just Wild About Harry—bhe-
cause for thirty years I'd been wonder-
ng if I could write in that form. It was
fun. Now I'm working on another. H I
do more p
ys, they'll continue in the
al and the
vein of the farcical, the satiri
burlesque. T would like to write wha
call pure nonsense. It wouldn't be ur
telligible, but it wouldn't pretend to
have any profundity or any relation with
actuality; 1 wouldn't take up “meaty”
subjects, social problems and all that.
It would be a pure exercise of the imag-
i ad of my skill, whatever that
n enjoyment of the medi-
um itself with no ulterior thought wha
soever—perhaps, finally, with no thought
at all. I know I've been called a thought
less writer, and it doesn’t offend me at
all. Perhaps that's the state in which Fm
PLAYBOY: Will sex be as big a factor in
your future writings as it has been?
Mutter: ] doubt it. Not because T
have lost interest in sex, but because I
have about come to the end of my auto-
biographical writing. As I said earlier, it
seems to me that people have focused
too strongly on this clement in my work:
they think it’s—how shall I say i?—the
dominant note of my writing because it
has the quality of shock. At least it had
for the early readers. Especially in Amer-
ica, many were too taken aback by the
forthrightness of the Tropics to see in
them, as I do, a quality of lyricism.
Though it may sound immodest, Fm
forever amazed at the singing passages in
them. They're not always pleasant, of
course, but even when sordid and ni
istic, they are nevertheless poetic. Critics
abroad have always pointed this out. But
I think there's a range of thought and
fecling that goes far beyond cither of the
Tropics in some of my later work—i
The Books in My Life, for instance,
such collected works as The Wisdom of
the Heart and Sunday After the War, in
which essays are mingled with stories.
PLAYBOY: Do you consider these your
finest. works?
MILLER: No, The Colossus of Maroussi
is my ow vorite, and I find it’s com-
ing more and more to be accepted by
the public. I'd rather be known in the
future by The Colossus than by any oth-
er effort. It shows me at my best—a man
who's enjoying himself and appreciative
of everything.
PLAYBOY: Was this change in style and
attitude from the nihilism of the Tropics
the result of a change in your life?
MILER; P would rather think so. One
ht say it was duc to the feeling of ex
ultation and exaltation that came over
reece. I wrote Colossus just after
ng to the U. S. I wrote it hot, as it
But then you revered to a
more pessimistic tone in The Air-Condi-
tioned Nightmare. a grim chronicle of
your disenchantment. with America.
MILER: Tt was the disparity between
the two countries, J set out on a tour of
America with hopes that 1 might write,
maybe not an exalted report, but a book
of appreciation of my country after a
long absence. But everywhere T wi
was let down. And I would be ag;
think, if 1 took another look tod:
haps even more so.
PLAYBOY: Why do you take such a dim
view of your homeland?
muer: I've always felt that Um in
this country and not of it. I feel little
connection with the things around me
here. I'm not interested in political or
social movements. J live my own restrict-
ed life. with my friends. What T read
about the American way of life, about
what goes ou here, fills me with horror
and dismay. It's become even more of an
air-conditioned nightmare than it was
when I wrote the book. Tm being cor-
roborated, I feel. by events.
PLAYBOY: How do vou mean?
MILER: Well, it seems to me that in
the seventy-two years I've lived, we've
advanced—what, half a millimeter? Or
have we gone back a few yards? This
how I look back on what we call our
“progress.” However civilized we seem to
be, we're still just as ignorant, stupid,
perverse and sadistic as savages. For sev-
enty-two years Tve been waiting to sce
some breakdown of th ficial ba
educational system, our
our homes, our inner
shattering of the wretched
a which we're fixed—but it never
happens. We have the dynamite but we
don't set it off. I get sick of waiting. De
spite the rosy dreams of the politicians
and the so-called intellectuals of today,
wer ot going to bring about a better
world peaceably and in an evolutionary
manner, through piecemeal improve-
ments; we progress, as we regress, in cat-
astrophic jumps. And when I talk about
the violent, explosive alteration of
things, it’s a w much as a pre
diction of future events. To me it means
a new chance, a new birth. Fm tired of
history. I want to see everything swept
away to clear the ground for something
new. I want to get beyond civilization
to what has been called the posthistoric
state and see the new man who will live
without all the restrict
barriers that hedge us in
PLAYBOY: Do you think this is a reali:
tic hope?
MUER: How can we tell? If we knew
what was coming—good or bad—
probably give up struggling to achieve
it. It’s true enough that the evidence of
the past gives us little reason 10 believe
that we ever will, for in the unfolding of
history. the advances we have made have
seemed to me illusory. We relapse
and time again. It can be argued that w
always will, that man will al
basically the same—that he's spi
incurable, Well, maybe that’s true about
the majority of mankind, but there have
been enough emancipated individuals
throughout the course of history—proph-
ets, religious leaders, innovators—to
make me believe that we can break the
old, suffocating molds, that we can some
how end forever the vicious and fu
cycle of aspiration and disenchantment,
wanscend the age-old and recurring di
lemmas, rid ourselves of the appurte-
nances of so-called zation— jump
clear of the clockwork, as someone put
it. If we can, it's just barely possible d
someday whars buried in us and longs
to come out will find expression. 1 can't.
imagine what the form of that ideal fu-
ture may take—but it will mean giving
egress, howev atedly, to the human
PLAYBOY: Do you feel that your own
career has made any lasting and mean-
inglul contribution toward that end?
MILLER: Who could dare to hope for
that much? I'd say, undoubtedly, that I
have brought about a tangible revolu-
ion which has won for
ithor certain
from censorship—at least temporarily. I
wonder, however, now that you put the
question, what sort of elfect 1 would
want xo haye, were | capable of hay
one—I mean, in an everlasting way. But
of course nothing is everlasting, unless it
be the endless cycle of creation
struction on which you and I
of us, for good or ill, leaves his own
ique but infinitesimal n We are
a men and women, alter all. And the
lowest is not so different from the high-
est- To be human, truly human, that is
quite enough for me.
h as
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—. Tlie Pious
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£ seems better than it was,’ uie
doctor told Evelyn Ayres after he had concluded his
ation. "Have you been pulling it out
al times, morning and night, the way
showed you?’
es, Doctor -
jeve I told you that there is a dilference of
ion as to the best method of toughening
too engrossed in my
iding to answer- ess engagements
and friendly chitchat could wait. After six long years
wspapers, novels and historical
studies, I had finally recuperated from the shakes
and staggers brought on by the research involved in
writing the original Pious Pornographers for this
journal of castrate
specialty of some of America's most widely read sex
books—the women's magazines:
77... Your uterus is small and firm. . . . Your
breasts show no signs of pregnancy enporge
... This tic dream of a man and
woman alone in a Garden of Eden, perfumed, flecked
with butterflies. A red petal [cll from the African
tulip uee ~
“'Oh, Bill,’ she whispered, half-choking. . . -
Then he kissed her. Her lips were like orchids—
crumpled, soft, cool, moist. They clung to his. Her
arms were around his neck -
“The range of frequency in intercourse for cou-
ples of 25 10 35 is grear, A few have intercourse as
olten as 20 to 30 times a month; others only t
month. For the majority, the average
“IE he had h
isn't that I'm a frigid wil
(which is my preference) I respond readily . .
‘Q. What about the forceful technique of
Jove? Do you think that women prefer it?
^. Sometimes. Many couples think tha
in sex simply means a different position. Va
can also mean a different psychological attitude. If
man surprises his wife, spontancously, on a Sund
fternoon, or in a different room of the hou
2 or 3 times
way, it would be every night, It
for I am not. Once a week
their relationship enormously more erotic .. ~
“He said 1 was cold, 1 he was ov
Once he even wanted to make love at lunchtime!”
‘Of couse it’s awfully hard not to. You both
want to so much. Sure, Jim used to get fresh with me
now and then, but I'd s handle it by saying
"Look at the television” or something. But once I
thought, Oh, why not?
“The hymen is a th
“tAm I afraid to use mine? I said.
Yo, George-said, "like 1 say, you.
ivious. You use your pelvis...”
"I did a little bump.
* "But I wouldn't go too far; Geor
feel from his neck that he was beg
“Why do m
show? Why
thing? "
“+ And... well, onc night I drank
beer in the car with him. and it happened
I just couldn't help it. After all, girls want it just as
. Phyllis,
© naturally
aid. 1 could
ng to color.”
a burlesque
a solemn
anuch as boys do, don't they? "
ny pregnant, and 1 hate sex, Bob has
no self-d
Shhh! Its all right,’ Harry said to soothe he
and his hand began carefully to explore the eye
hooks which closed the band of her brassier T
"Movies. popular so ion constantly
portray only the passion side of Irv e Go
our adolescents the false impression that this is love
in its entirety . .
We went across the bridge to the soft dark gi
--.7I will not ever love anybody else in my life, no-
body but you." | put my shoulders,
nd 1 pulled him down on top of me on the grass."
"Our daughters are the targets of the smut purvey-
ors, the shoddy advertisers and the tasteless enter-
ainment makers of Hollywood :
-. What we do, stated in simple terms, is to
id's sperm into the cervix by arti.
1s, partially or perhaps entirely above the
nfluences in the vagi id cervix .
rms around h;
nd television . . .'
insert the hush
ial n
But all this was merely prolog.
a forests which comprise the
s literary home jungle, the natives have grown
considerably more restless, tasteless, sanctimonious
ad outspoken. As the above sa
suggests. the ca nd ihe clinical a
erved up in large monthly doses of titillation
despair. But, as we shall soon discover, time has bred.
some rather curious and significant developments. As
a result of the much-discuss 1 revolution,
the new wend to verbal frankness, the medicine men
1d tribal counselors have occasionally made bold to
dott their gynecologic: i
iror Hy underprivileged fen
self up by her own bra stray
more backward wives and virgins to erotic tech
niques and handicrafts which have formerly bome
the stigma of mass-circulation taboos. In addition to
offering thinly veiled sanctions of cert iechods of
arousal previously rele, ted pur-
licus of the “deviant the pious
fit to
dramatic vignettes concerning rape,
homosexuality, prostitution,
itercourse, and interraci: n be-
n a middle-aged Frenchman and a 13-year-old
Negro nymphet
Almost as interesting as the differences are some
of the astonishing similaritics—the echoing and re-
echoing of many of the same peculiar problems and
eties which were noted the first time around.
“I'm in love with my obstetrician!” a young mother
had blushingly confessed in an old June issue of
Redbook. And, five years later, the Ladies’ Home
Journal ran a similarly wwittery epistle from a flus
ed “Mrs. Red-Faced,” in which the same momen:
tous revelation was made without so much as a
change of punctuation: “I'm in love with my obste-
i Equally coincidental, one supposes, is the
in January 1960, the Journal's long
playing misery-of-themonth feature, "Tell Me
yan a c al retread of a story on wicho-
pesky form of vaginal itch that had
cropped up in the same feature during our first set
of office hours. “I think (continued overleaf)
"It's a new game, dear—strip croquet!
maybe I've got it, Docior—that infection
you told me might flare up," a young.
newlywed named Marian Hodges now
exclaimed in agitated italics. “Anyway,
I've got something!
‘Though localized in the same vital
arca, it was an itch of a much more usu-
al sort that troubled. Jan, the sex-starved
mate of a brilliant but unresponsive
young physicist named Kent, whose im-
passioned account of sexual neglect in
the May '63 issue of the Journal bore a
remarkable similarity to Redbook's
equally impassioned saga of a female
named June, the se: e of an
unresponsive accountant named Ken,
which had first alerted me to the sexual
preoccupations of the women's month-
lies, eight years before. "CAN THIS MAR-
RIACE BI »" the Journal now
wondered. And, just beneath, there
the old familiar twoline playlet, su
able for production by little-theater.
groups who couldn't afford the royalty
fee on Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?.
hc says: "Kent isn't one bit like the
age man. He's cold—sexually cold, I
y any other per-
son is getting too close, I feel hemmed
in, panicky.
In many ways he is considerate and
gentle,” 24yearold Jan woefully ac-
knowledges, when the article finally set-
tles down to the meat and potatoes of
her problem. “He is extra good about
opening doors for me, pulling out my
chair, remembering holidays. But if we
make love three or four times a month,
Kent is satisfied. Even then the expe-
rience is frequently spoiled by his clab-
orate birth-control procedures . . -
On the face of it, its
Kent might merely be a young man with
extremely moderate appetites and
ordinate fondness for life's litle
ad ceremonies—a rather prudent sort,
who would not hesitate to wear two or
three pairs of socks to bed, if he deemed
it wise to do so. But I had no time to
mull the matter, because Jan went right
“Because yesterday was our
ary. 1 had high hopes thi
different. . . . I stayed home from the
office and rode herd on our cleaning
woman, and we got the apartment in su-
.. I put romantic records
candles on the dinner table,
in vain.
he labo-
ratory, he was still deeply absorbed in
research problems. “Naturally he didn't
notice my negligee. And he didn't kiss
ne .. " she said, with an almost
ble sob. “Dessert was cherries jubile:
T flamed the brandy, he announced he
had an evening date with laboratory col-
leagues to practice golf shots at a flood-
lighted driving range. At that moment 1
lost my temper, and suggested he go
came home from
back and sleep in the
he cared so litde about s
“Kent ignored my outburst and w
off with his golf clubs, fled and
serene, still without
hysterics there in the apartment—all
dressed up in my sexy black chiffon with
nobody to admire it or me . . .”
Moved to manly compas Jan's
scantily dad tizy, I had to admit that
Kenv-the-physicist was a much cooler cus-
tomer than Ken-the accountant had ever
been. As I recalled, Ken-the-account
at had taken up the nocturnal hobby
of playing with a jazz band because
June's comehither tactics consisted
mainly of harping, nagging, and toying
with his ears—activities that should suf-
fice to cause the most ardent husband
to lose interest. But- wh of un-
fecling cad was Kem to the
flaming Freudian suggestion
Jan's anniversary offering of che
bilee? How could he serenely go off and
was slinking about their supershaped
apartment in her sexy black chiffon,
ready and eager for a fast round of con-
jugal pitch and putt? Was it possible
that Kent was physically and emotional-
ly depleted. from opening doors and
pulling out chairs? Or had he, too, been
taking days off t0 ride herd on the clean-
ing woman? But no. According to Jan,
The only people Kent enjoys are other
physicists. The only sport that interests
him is golf . . -
1 had just about made up my mind
that Kent was the sort of chap who
would bear watching in the men's locker
room, when the Journal gave him a
chance to speak his piece, and 1 began to
sce where friend Jan could be something.
less than totally lovable. "She is argu-
barely a hundred pounds—she's astonish-
ngly noisy. She nded, heavy-
footed. ) is an excellent cook. But
thumping around our kitchen, banging
the pots and pans, she produces the
sound ellects of an invading army.” Be-
fore they were married, he recalled, Jan
was content to spend a quiet even L
his place, cooking dinner, while he
caught up on his reading and paper
work. "Now if I open a book, Jan's
mouth opens and an aimless stream of
chitchat pours forth. The other evening,
while I was trying to concentrate on a
tricky problem that had arisen at the
laboratory, she followed me from room
to room, saying again and again: “Talk
to me, honey, talk to me. Listen to me,
honey, listen’ Eventually the refrain
drove me to the street . -
According to the Ladies Home Jour-
nal, Kent's and Jan's differences were so
great that even the experts at the Ame
can Institute of ly Relations could
itive and bossy,” Kent flatly de-
or a small person—she weighs
claim only partial success in resolving
them. With the aid of a marriage coun-
sclor, Jan "devised methods to reduce
the pressures she had been putting on
her husband. . . . She rejoined a once.
week bowling club, became active in an
intraoffice sewing circle.” Kent, on |
part, “suggested membership in a Satur-
day-night dance club." While their sex-
ual relationship remained far from ideal
nable to thump-
ing around in the boudoir as soon
Jan gave up banging pots and pans
the Kitchen. “As yet they have no ch
dren, but they
control,” the Journal reported. with its
usual. colfee-klatch very
soon, Jan hopes she may have exciting
news to announce."
On the basis of a long-term acquaint-
ance with the women’s magazines, J
knew better than to assume th
“exciting news" would necessai
sern the birth of a bouncing b:
cist. If she were at all typical of the
general run of Ladies’ Home Journal
brides, Jan would be just as likely 10
make a national announcement of the
discovery that she had a U-shaped uterus
or inverted nipples, or that the new sex-
peppy Kent had become so insatiable in
his demands that she had heen forced to
enroll in a Wednesday-night class in
defensive judo.
Lest anyone, at this late date, questio
our masculine right to read and com.
ment upon such wifely woes, let
ten to point out that in the opi
one of its male editors, the Ladies’ Home
Journal is a man’s magazine. “As a pl
wright. . . J found myself writing about
women a good deal,” Journal editor
William McCleery wrote in the same
issue that had given Amer
side story on Marian
kitchy case of trichomoniasis. "It finally
dawned on me that 1 didn't really know
much about women, and I thought work-
ing for the Journal might be
the in-
Hodges’ itchy-
1 think. My wife thinks so, too. Actual
1 take the view that the Journal is
man's magazine. Who needs to know
about women more than men?"
While g as our own personal
passport to a greater knowledge of the
troubled sex, Mr. McCleery's statement
underscored magazines
new and ever-increasing emphasis upon
the male and his sexuality, Reading
through the six-year stack of back issues
that had piled up under my bed, 1
found, for instance, that more and mor
men were turning up in the previously
Lfcmale “Tell Me Doctor” feature. As
nearly as I have been able to determine,
this trend 10 sexual integration of the
doctors office began in June of “5
z bride-to-be named Evely
visited the Journals Trusted Physician
for a premarital checkup. The visit
(continued on page 190)
the womens
or an irish, negro or german mother or any other kind
of smotherloving mother you can think of
THERE IS MORE to being a Jewish mother
than being Jewish and a mother. Properly
practiced, Jewish motherhood is an art—
a complex network of subtle and highly
sophisticated techniques. Fail to master
these techniques and you hasten the black
day you discover your children can get
along without you.
You will be called upon to function as
philosopher on two distinct types of
(1) Whenever anything bad happens.
(2) Whenever anything good happens.
Whenever anything bad happens, you
must point out the fortunate aspects of
the situation:
"Ma! Ma!"
"What's the commotion?”
“The bad boys ran off with my
“The bad boys ran off with your
hat? You should be grateful they
didn't also cut your throat.”
Also point out that Bad Experience is
the best teacher:
"Maybe next time you'll know
better than to fool with roughnecks.
Its the best thing that could have
happened to you, believe me.”
Whenever anything good happens, y
must, of course, point out the unfortunate
aspects of the situation:
"Ma! Ma!”
“So whats the trouble now?”
“The Youth Group Raffle! 1 won a
Pontiac convertible!
“You won a Pontiac automobile in
the Youth Group Raflle? Very nice.
The insurance alone is going to send
us to the poorhouse."
Underlying all techniques of Jewish
motherhood is the ability to plant, cul-
tivate and harvest guilt, Control guilt and
you control the child,
An old folk saw (continued on page 169)
TWENTY-TWO MINUTES out of Montego Bay. the de
Havilland Heron, its quartet of Rolls-Royce engines
thrumming gently, flew eastward over the ribbon of
white beaches lazily lining Jamaica’s swank north
coast. The plane held its course past the town of
Ocho Rios: then, banking slowly to starboard, it be-
gan chasing its shadow across the lush jungle sur-
rounding the huge resort hotel that now lay below.
Inside the de Havilland was Hugh M. Hefner,
Playboy's Ambassador Plenipotentiary to Jamaica,
Editor-Publisher of eLAvsov and President of Play-
boy Clubs International, come to the island in the
sun to make a decision that would extend the world
of Playboy to the most exciting and sophisticated of
all the Caribbean isles. With him were Playmate of
the Year Donna Michelle, whose photogenic pres-
ence would later enhance this magazine's editorial
coverage of Jamaica and the Club's promotional lit-
erature, and long-time friends Shelly Kasten, Play-
boy Club Talent Director, and Lee Wolfberg, former
head of the Chicago office of General Artists Corpo
ration and now personal manager for singer Vic Da-
mone. Pompeo Posar, PLAvEoY Staff Photographer,
Top: Hefner and friends en route monslop from Lefi: Prop-planing from Montego, gang is waved a warm welcome by
Chicago to Montego Bay in private Lockheed JetStar. Bunnies at airport adjoining Playboy Club's lavish Resort-Hotel.
Above: S.O.P. for VIPs, Bunny service “bar
excellence” isenjoyed by guest in Hotel’ s Olympic-
Above: Male guest and water-spritely first mate
cul wide, wel swath across newly named Bunny
Bay, Hotel’s private lagoon, once a irate haven.
Above: Aerial panorama of Hotels sun-swept beach and palm-shaded ten- Above: Late-rising couple savors Bunny
acre grounds, just a few miles from Ocho Rios on Jamaica's north shore. champagne brunch on lanai of spacious suite. 99
Slipping away from Hotel social whirl,
Playmate of the Year Donna Michelle
makes tracks on secluded strand.
rounded out the airborne entourage.
Hefner earlier had sent Arnold J.
Morton, Director of Playboy Club Oper-
ns, and Robert S. Preuss, Business
for pre
d to work out di
tion of the $6,500,000 ultraluxurious
Reef Club, which had been offered to
Hefner as a Playboy Club-Hotel. The
glowing reports of Morton and Preuss
had brought Hefner and the others that.
morning from Chicago to Montego Bay
in a private JetStar lent to h
heed. From Montego Bay's 1
y'd switched to the prop-driv-
and for the short hop to the
smaller field near Ocho Rios. If. Hefner
agreed with the recommendations of his
top executives, the signing of final pa
pers would take place and the multimil-
lion-dollar property, framed in a fabu-
lous Jamaican land- and seascape, would
be on its way toward becoming the most
lavish and spectacular link in the Play-
boy Club chain.
Leaning forward in his seat as the
plane began to circle for a landing, Hef
pointed out the window with the stem
of his briar. it is,” he said. “My
God, it’s be:
100 “It looks like something out of The
Above: Taking cye-filling advantage of the area's abundant seaside
privacy, Donna sheds her duds for a refreshing dip in the Caribbean.
Above: At Dunn’s River Falls, a spectacular sylvan cascade that is among many natural wonders wilhin easy access of the
Hotel, Donna—a spectacular natural wonder in her own right —wades winsomely in the shallows where the falls meei the sea.
Displaying flawless form and table manners, Donna draws bead
on ball during late-afternoon pool game in Club-Hotel's new Pla:
male Bar, soon to be adorned with gatefold photos, including hers.
. as the resort came into full view.
In that brief glimpse, the Hotel did indeed seem as plush and
clegant as it had in the reports Morton and Preuss had sent
k to Chicago—and, as it proved on inspection, to be: ten
acres of choice land fronting on a sculptured cove; the largest
swimming pool in the West Indies; an 800-foot private coral sand.
beach; two championship tennis courts; exotically landscaped
gardens and walks; and a separate nightclub building. The Ho-
tel complex itself has a main building and two large wings, be-
tween which is the huge circular dining room. There are 204
spacious rooms, most of them bilevel, with step-down living
rooms for entertaining: private patios; sunken baths; and pent-
house apartments. Tiers of lanai rooms and cabanas overlooking
the ocean complete the layout. The site itself, though secluded
and jungle girt, is within casy reach of the
tion delights
The private
first one out of the plane. It was a balmy 7 outside
(it was mid-January and the temperature had been close to
freezing when they left Chicago a few hours earlier): a refreshi
breeze was blowing in off (continued on page 176)
Taking cue from Danna, Playboy International President Hefner
decides to pool assets, ponders how to pocket them as friend Lee
Wolfberg, offering counsel, tells him he’s behind the eight ball.
Donna and Hef lead line of gu
will be nightly attraction for those
side buffet which
erring ouldoor dining
new VIP Room.
Abore, Lto r: As part of after-dinner enteriainment in Playmate Bar, Bunnies twist on tabletop to rhythms of Jamaican band,
which honored Playboy's acquisition of Hotel with original calypso song of welcome. At party celebrating the erent, Hef and
Donna chat with fellow guest Hugh Dow NBC how host. Below: Guests learn limbo from limber native troupe.
she was dead now and he
was going to kill the man who
stole what was left of her
"ur STILL SEEMS HARD 10 believe," the
young man said from the chair next to
mine. "Saul Kessler . . . the author of
Letters from Miriam . . . after all these
years.” Doubt flickered across his glow.
ing features. "You don’t think he'll
mind? Your bringing me along?"
"No," I said. “I don't think hell
The young man’s name was Joel Car-
son, a summer student at NYU whom
I'd met the week before at Rienzi's, in
the Village. He'd been looking lor a
chess opponent, and I'd obliged him with
a couple of games, turning back his en-
thusiastic king’s gambits without much
difficulty. He had spoken fluently. be-
tween moves, of “the death of the nov
el,” and of the great literary figures,
past and present. I'd found his optimism
both refreshing and contagious, and
when our conversation had chanced
upon the name of Kessler, I'd admitted.
(for the first time in how long?) that Saul
had be i
“I don't think he'll mind,” I said. “In
fact, he likes company. 1 should get up
to the sanatorium more often myself to
true: guilt was part of my mo-
tive. The long ride and the inevitable
postvisit depression made me reluctant
to see Saul more u y
I was overdue this time and, when Joel
had proved such an ardent admirer
most young people seem to be of Kes-
sler), it had occurred to me to suggest
that he come along. We were seated in
the train now, headed north along the
Hudson on an overly warm Sunday af-
ternoon, and 1 still wasn't certain Td
done the right thing,
Joel said: ^I wasn't even sure he was
still alive. E mean, I read his book years
and years ago. He must be at least"
oke off and looked at me, flushing-
“Only thirtyseven,” I said, smiling at
the tide of red rising toward my friend's
closecut blond hair. “However, that may
seem more advanced to you than it docs
to me.”
“Oh, no, I didn't mean—" But then
he, too, grinned and said: "Well, T guess
it docs. I was only about fifteen when I
first read him, and the book had al-
ready been out several years.”
“It was published in 1952 ... the
year after Miriam died.
He nodded solemnly. "I know. Tragic.
To think of his talent, and then a thing
like that happening. Tt was what ruined
him, wasn’t it? 1 read about it.”
s." I said, "Miriam destroyed him.”
Beyond the window, the wide sweep
of river moved past. It looked more like
a lake at this point, its current so deep
and slow that it left the surface untrou-
bled—ike the lives of "normal" people
Across the sun-silvered expanse, West
Point rose high against the green hills,
threatening as fate, commanding the
passage below. I found myself feeling
strangely disassociated and remote;
standing at a distance from life, an ob-
server instead of a participant. “What
you may not have read,” I went on,
"— because so few people knew it
that she destroyed him after she dic
I sensed his eyes on me (rather
shocked, 1 imagined) and knew, then,
why I really had invited him. I meant to
tell him the story that had been caged
inside me so long—the story that had
been rising, slowly, like a cake of soap,
to the surface of my mind for 12 years.
Images .. . voices . . . characters from
the past were crowded in the wings,
waiting to perform for my audience of
Miriam was, in many ways, the most
remarkable woman I've ever known. She
and met (had been introduced
n 1950, while she was still
attending the university, and Saul had
already begun the struggle to write. It
had been the sort of meeting where "the
heavens open and the
everyone could see it. They left together
that first night, and a week later Miriam
moved in with him. After that, they
were virtually never apart. I confess that
I envied Saul a little—all his friends did
—but only a little, because the
viously meant for each other.
She was a beautiful girl, Not the
Broadway type, perhaps, but with darkly
arresting features and a fine body, rather
full-figured for one so small. She was ex-
cellent at any kind of sport or game,
hating to lose as much as she loved to
win. But it was her eyes, and the mind
that looked out from them, that I re-
member best: She had one of the keenest
minds I've ever known, and Saul was
forever saying how much brighter she
was than he—though I don't think any-
one believed that.
Still, she conquered just about every-
thing she set out to do. She had stud
nguapes in school, and spoke several—
Greek, French and German that I know
of; she was a talented artist (with a lean-
ing toward caricature), and played gui-
and sang folk music so well that we
spent many evenings at Saul's just lis-
tening to her. I heard that she won rave
reviews once, for her performance
Nora in 4 Doll's House, while she was at
college, but I never saw her act. Then,
in her merc
were ob-
al way, she decided to
take up dancing, and she left Saul for
the first time—and the last—to attend a
school on (continued on page 216)
s Dm
The Headly Halls of Foy
D (a
G- By Paul Goom
is america’s mania for mass education throttling initiative,
individuality and intellect in the groves of academe?
AMERICANS ARE SoLD on schooling and are continually pouring new billions into it.
including the brightest, going to school for many years is not
only a poor way of getting an education, but is positively s
and colleges can super lly be improved, of course, but their basic idea is wrong
For most students, schooling prevents education. It destroys initiative and the re-
lation to society that education is supposed to be about.
Consider a usual case: a young fellow, 20 years old, in a college classroom. Let me
obvious facts about his si on.
been in an equivalent classroom for
Yet for most youth,
maging. The high schoc
»t out sonu
The salient and astonishing fact is that he h
14 continuous years, interrupted only by summer vacations. Although schooling has
been the serious part of h; fe, he has spent those 14 years passively listening to some
grownup talking or has doggedly done assigned lessons. (Even the lessons, by the way,
have not been programed by the living teacher in front of him, but by a distant board
of regents, a dean of faculties, a textbook manufacturer.) Our young man has never
once scriously assigned himself a task or done anything earnest on his own e.
Sometimes, as a child, he thought he was doing something earnest on his own, but the
adults pooh-poohed it as play and interrupted him. Now he's a junior in college.
He's bright; he can manipulate formulas and remember sentences. For instance, dur-
ing his last year in high school, he made good grades on a series of grueling state and
national tests, regents, college boards, national merits, scholastic aptitudes. In this
college, which is increasingly geared to process Ph.D.s, he has survived, though the
washout rate is nearly 40 percent. He has even gotten a partial scholarship through the
National Defense Education Act. Yet he doesn't especially like books, he is not schol-
arly, and he gets no flashes of insight into the structure or the methods of the academic
subjects. This isn't the field in which his intelligence, grace and strength show to best
advantage. He just learns the answers. Necdless to say, he has already forgotten most
of the answers that once enabled him to pass his courses, sometimes brilliantly.
The academic subject being taught in this particular classroom is intrinsically in-
teresting most arts and sciences are intrinsically interesting—and the professor, or
even the section man, probably knows a good deal about it. But, especially if it is
one of the social sciences or humanities, our young man does not grasp that it is about
something; it has no connection for him. He has had too little experience of life. He
has not practiced a craft, been in business, tried to make a living, been fired, been
108 (1 find these youth almost unu
married, had to cope with children. He
hasn't voted, served on a jury, am-
paigned for office, or picketed. If he comes
from a middle-class suburb, he might
never have even seen poor people or the
foreign-borns. His emotions have been
carefully limited by conventions, his par-
ents, the conformism of his peer group.
What, for him, could philosophy, history,
sociology, political science, psychology,
great music, cl . possibly
be about? In The Republic, Plato for-
bids teaching most of the academic sub-
jects until the student is 30 years old,
lest the teaching and 1 be merely
verbal and empti,
Our young m comba-
tive. But sometimes he is stimulated, or
piqued, by something that the teacher or
the book says, and he wants to demu
argue or ask a question. But the class is
really too crowded for dialog. If the
teacher is a lecturer, the format forbids
nterrupting. And a chief obstacle is the
other stud In their judgment, dis-
cussion is irrelevant to the finals and the
grades—"Professor! Are we responsible
for that on the final e —and
they resent the waste of time. They re-
sent it if any individu
attention, Even so, suppose that the pro-
fessor, or the young section man, is heart-
e and docs want
in the social sciences or the hum
he might express subtle, speculative or
disenting opinions: he might ask about
the foundations of an instituti
fer to somebody's personal experience.
At once a wall of hostility will rise
inst the teacher as well as the ques-
g student; surely he must be a
Communist pacifist or homosexual;
maybe he is making fun of them. Feeling
the hostility, and being, on the average,
a rather timid academic, worried about
tenure or advancement, the teacher signs
off: “Well, les get back to the meat of
the course,” or "That's beyond our scope
here, why don't you take sosh 4032” or
"Thats really anthropology. young man.
you'd beter ask Professor O'Reilly, heh-
Little of the t
see the relev
aching makes a student
t of sequence B
toward a bachcl. fusio!
gravated by the fact that his generation,
including ihe young teachers, has an ex-
ceedingly tenuous loyalty to the culture
of the Western world, the ideal of disin
terested science, the republic of letters.
Mass culture. world wars, a largely pho-
ny standard of living rooted in status
striv and material acquisitiveness,
lack of community spirit; all these have
torn the humanistic tradition to shreds.
though they are bright, and re-
spectiul, they simply do not dig what
we academics are trying to say) The
humanistic function of higher education
has been replaced: The university has be-
come nothing but a factory to train ap-
prentices and proces union cards for a
few corporations and a few professions.
Their needs predetermine what goes on.
Paradoxically, a college is a poor en
ronment in which to train apprentices—
except in lab sciences, where one works
t real problems with real apparatus.
Most of the academic curriculum, wheth-
er in high school or college, is necessarily
are imported. into. the
rooms and taught as the curriculum.
i ancient procedure sometimes
makes sense; it makes sense for aspiring
professionals who know what they are
after, and for the scholarly who have a
philosophic: in essences and
thi But for most stu-
dents, the abstractness of the curriculum,
especially if the teaching is pedantic, can
be utterly barren, The lessons are only
exercises, with no relation to the real
world; they are never “for keeps.” And
many of the teachers are not practicing
professionals but merely academics, i
terested in the words, not the thing. (As
if recognizing the academic unreality,
the college recently been inviting
outsiders, professionals, poets. polit
cians, etc., to give talks and readings and
spend a week "in residence”; but this
only makes the ordinary classroom seem
duller by contrast, especially since the
outsiders, who have no status to lose, are
more outspoken or flamboyant.)
Our young man respects his teacher,
ps unduly so, but he cannot help
ppointed. He had hoped, in
a vague way, that when he came to cok
lege it would be different from high
school. He would be a kind of junior
friend of learned men who had made it:
he could model himself on them. After
all. except. for
ers, he had had
adults. He thought, too, that the atmos-
phere in college would be—somehow—
free, liberating, a kind of wise bull ses-
sion that would reveal a secret. But it
has proved to be the same competi
cash accounting of hours, tests. credits
and grades. The teacher is, in fact, pre-
occupied with his own research and. pub-
lishing: in both class and office hours he
is formal and standoffish; he never ap-
pears in the coffee shop: he certainly
never exposes himself as a human bein
He is meticulous about the assi,
being on time and about the grading,
not because he believes in the system,
but to keep the students
he does not realize that they respect him.
anyway. So, just as in high school, the
youth are driven back to their exclusive
youth “subculture.” which only distracts
further from any meaning that the ac
demic subjects might have. As David
Riesman and others have pointed out,
the students and faculty confront one
another like hostile, mutually suspicious
Also, in recent years, this alienation
or lack of community has been bad-
ly exacerbated by the chaotic transitio
that almost every college in the cour
try is now undergoing. The grounds
torn up by bulldovers; the enrollment
excessive; the classes arc too large; the
students are housed three and four in a
room meant for wo. The curriculum is
continually being readjusted: the profes-
sors are pirated away by salary increases
and contracted research. These condi-
tions are supposed to quiet down even-
tually, but I have seen them now for
seven or eight years and the immediate
future will be worse. Meanwhile, a whole
generation is being sacrificed.
n even deadlier aspect of wansition
is the knowledge explosion. New ap-
proaches and altogether new subjects
must be taught, yet the entrenched fac-
ulty is by no means willing to give up
any of the old prescribed subjects. This
is a peculiar phenomenon: One would
expect that. since the professors hi
tenure, they would welcome dropping
some of the course load; but their im-
perialism is too strong—they will give up
othing. So our student is taking five, or
even six, subjects when the maximum
might better be three. Whenever he be-
gins to get interested in something, he is
interrupted by other chores. Rushed, he
can give only token performances, which
he has learned to fake. No attention
id to whi
trinsic motivation he will obviously
learn nothing at all. The only time a
student is treated as a person is when he
breaks down and is referred to guidance.
Instead of reliance on intrinsic mo-
tives, on respect for individuality and
leisure for exploration, there is the
suits him, although without
stepped-up pressure of extrinsic motiv
tions—fear and bribery. On the one
hand, there is the pressure of schedules,
deadlines and grades, not to speak of the
fantastic tuition and other fees that will
go down the drain if the student flunks
out. On the other hand, lavish scholar-
ships and the talent scouts for the big
corporations hovering about with tempt
ing offers. In this atmosphere of forced
labor—punching a time clock. keeping
one's nose clean, and with one eye cor
stantly on a raise in salary—disinterested
scrutiny of the nature of things, the joy
of discovery, moments of creativity, the
finding of identity and vocation die be-
fore they are born. It is sickening to
. we must say something a
I and community life from
which our collegian has come into this
(continued on page 206)
Memphis State tackle Harry Schuh holds Bunnies Mary Kelley and Ana Lizza aloft
sports By ANSON MOUNT tur xar race 1s on acain. But this time
the catcalls have turned to cheers. Back in the late Forties, when unlimited sub
stitution revolutionized college football, anguished groans rose from conserva
tives. Overnight, football changed more than it
legalized. "Football has become a rat race,” insisted Tennessee Coach Bob Ney-
land to all who would listen. Neyland and others finally rallied enough support,
and strictly limited substitution was reinstated in the early Fifties. And it’s been
a big mess ever since, with confusing, complex and often contradictory new sub-
ad since the forward pass was
Clockwise from noon: Mi rrett, halfbock, Southern Col; Ken Willord, holfbock, N. Corolino; Lowrence Elkins, flonkerbock, Baylor; Jerry Lomb,
end, Ark; Steve Delong, guord, Tenn.; Rolph Neely, tockle, Oklo.; Glenn Ressler, center, Penn Stote: Dick Butkus, linel r, IIL; Ston Hindmon,
stitution regulations bi lopted n
the worst, the di aos reigned in many games and the coaches spent much of their time kecping wack of substitution
So the noble experiment has been scuttled, the purists have abandoned their hope of forcing coaches to teach all players
every aspect of the game, and hordes of players will be streaming on and off the field every time the ball changes hands. The old
axiom “If in doubt, punt,” has been changed to “If in doubt, send in a new team
ih: Many college teams will look for all the world like the pros; É ed and elusive on offense, with a bunch of im
‘gnable meat choppers playing defense. Because of this new | e selected a couple of specialists for our All-America
am this year in addition to the traditional 11: a flankerback whose specialized skills set him apart from other backs, and a
linebacker whose defensive know-how makes him a key performer on any successful team.
Actually, unlimited substitution makes much more sense now than it did in 1948. High schools are turning out legions of
guard, Miss; Harry Schuh, tackle, Memphis State; Allen Brown, end, Miss.; Jim Grisham, fullback, Oklo.;
Archie Roberts, quarterback, Columbia. Center, Ito r: pLavsoy cheerleaders Teddi Smith and Lonnie Balcom.
good prospects and even the small colleges can have a dormitory full of behemoths if
they're able to get them past the enuance exams. With more players chan ever sharing die
playing time there will be more action for the spectators and fewer injuries for the team
Color, nostalgia and old loyalties are the ingredients that make college football games
heady autumnal rites for most of us. And these elements, together with the faster and
iter game made possible by the rules changes, are the only things that will save college
football from the rapacious inroads of professional football
Pro ball, as everybody knows, is booming. Alarmists among college football buffs have
been crying wolf in the fear that pro football, like pro baseball, would devour its own
young. Bill Reed, Commissioner of the Big Ten, was nearer reality when he told us, “Let
the pros work their side of the street and we will work ours, and let die crossings be well
(All of whom are likely to make
someone's All-America eleven.)
ENDS: Altenberg (UCLA), Jefferson
(Utah) Thomas (Southern Cal), Jones.
(Wisconsin), Shinn (Kansas), Sands
(Texas), Cripps (Syracuse), Stephens
TACKLES: Yearby (Michigan), Kearley
(Alabama), Schwager (Norlhwest-
ern), Shay (Purdue), Rissmiller
(Georgia), Harvey (Mississippi),
Neville (Mississippi St.), Lawrence
GUARDS: Burton and McQuarters
(Oklahoma), Prudhomme (LSU),
Branch and Croflcheck (Indiana),
Pickens (Wisconsin), Hansen (II)
CENTERS: Kelley (Ohio St.), Curry
(Georgia Tech), Briscoe (Arizona),
Henson (TCU), Watson (Mississippi
St), Hanburger (N. Carolina)
BACKS: Staubach (Navy), Sidle
(Auburn), Mazurek (Pitt), Namath
(Alabama), Schweickert (Virginia
Tech), Stichweh (Army), Rhome
(Tulsa), Morton (California), Timber-
lake (Michigan), Barrington (Ohio
St), Grabowski and Price (Illinois),
Glacken, Curtis, Bracy (Duke), Roland
(Missouri), Anderson (Texas Tech),
Piper and Walker (Rice), Davis
(Georgia Tech), Oupree (Florida),
Bird (Kentucky), Granger (Miss. St.),
lacavazzi (Princeton), Vaughn (lowa
St), Nance (Syracuse), Qouglas and
Coffey (Washington), Crain
(Clemson), Murphy (Northwestern)
ENDS: Bob Hadiick (Purdue)
John Parry (Brown)
TACKLES: Larry Kramer (Nebraska)
Archie Sutton (lllinois)
GUARDS: Rick Redman (Washington)
Tommy Nobis (Texas).
CENTER: Malcolm Walker (Rice)
HALFBACKS: Gale Sayers (Kansas)
Tucker Frederickson (Auburn)
FULLBACK: Tom Nowatzke (Indiana)
FLANKERBACK: Fred Biletnikoff
(Florida State)
LINEBACKER: Ronnie Caveness
Halfback Frank Antonini (Kentucky)
Center Don Downing (Navy)
[a 9 |(
marked, The prime danger to college football is not the losses we may sulfer at the gate, but that we will become so be-
dazzled by the success of the pros that we let their values dictate the dilution of ours. After all, the two games are different
institutions existing for different purposes. Pro ball is a part of the entertainment industry, purely and simply, and exists
solely [or the purpose of making money. College ball is a function of the educational system and exists ideally for the same
basic purposes as other amateur athletic. It does make money, and it docs entertain, but these are not its only reasons for
But the days of lily-white amateurism arc gone, and have been gone since the first university president discovered to his
delight that proceeds from the sale of football tickets could not only build and maintain a fabulous athletic plant, but
could finance a few new dormitories as well. They've been gone since the first alumni secretary discovered that alumni con-
tributions rise and fall with the success of the football team. Let’s face it, despite the preceding statement by Commissioner
Reed, football is big business.
A good many years ago—when college football had a much larger streak of idealism than it has today, when football
fans were a little easier to please, and when sportswriters were a great deal more poctie—Grantland. Rice wrote a litle
poem that has become something of an American classic:
When the One Greal Scorekeeper comes to write against your name—
He marks—not that you won or lost—but how you played the game.
But things have changed. A 1964 version of that verse would read:
When the University Accounting Department compares yale receipts and cost
1i matters—not how you played the game—but whether you won or lost.
And now let's take a look at the teams around the country. We'll start the fun at the beginning (continued on page 178)
Cates National Champion: MISSISSIPPI 9-1
: | 2 Oklahoma Tho Kenss....- paps! A. Da E]
| Syracuse. - - - 12 Mabama......... T3
Washington -~ 13. Duke.. -1-3 Possible Breakthroughs: Wyo-
Rice. 14. Kentucky- -1-3 ming, Southern Methodist, Mem-
Aubum - 15. Georgia Tech E phis State, Florida State, Penn
Arkansas.....-... 16. Indiana..........6-3 State, Boston College, Delaware,
North Carolina . .. . -8-2 17. Michigan. ........63 Ohio U., Dhio State, Cincinnati,
Nebraska. - ...82 18 UCLA. - eso B4 Virginia Tech, Arizona State, Utah
Minois - ---.---.-T2 19. California ... 6-4 State.
This rich, lustrous dark-
gray imported wool
and silk sharkskin suit,
here delineated in pop
artstyle, isimpeccably
impressive for late-
night on-the-town
wear, boasts a one-
button jacket with a
deftly defined waist,
peak shawl lapel and
side vents, plus trousers
that feature adjustable
waistband and quarter-
top pockets, by Ra-
leigh, $115. The strik-
ing black-and-white
Striped cotton broad.
cloth shirt hes con-
trasting solid-white
medium-spread collar,
double cuffs and box
pleat back, by Aetna,
$6, ond is tostefully set
off by a black and gray
diamond-pattem Ital-
ian printed Silk neck-
tie, by Handcraft, $5,
[n jl
l rea L
lovely, talented
miss september adds a
touch of holland
to hollywood
Playmate, has been in America only one
year, she's already a rising starlet, and she's
adopted her new homeland so thoroughly t
it's difficult to tell her from a California native.
Born and raised in Heemstede, Holland, quad-
gual (Dutch, French, German, English)
Astrid left home to pursue careers in acting,
ing, finally arrived at her
West Coast abode—which is permanent, she
after jobs in Paris and London. Astrid
1 ballet at the Sorbonne, performed pro-
fessionally in light opera all across Europe and
modeled in some of the best salons in London,
but despite her international background and
her impressive artistic credentials, she now en
joys such. down-tocarth pursuits as watching
~ WY
Lote for rehearsal, Astrid hurries (left) to studio
appointment with choreagrapher (obove] ta practice
steps for her dancing role in Universal's The Art
of Love. Below: Astrid plays o dozzling lody of
pleasure [center] in Paramount's A House Is Not a
Home. That's Shelley Winters (as Pally Adler) at left.
` MSS SEPTEHBER riforma me mont Sak
A tireless water nymph, our Hollondoise sorceress
{above} talks surf with Molibu beachboys ond
(right) sooks up sun watching cohorts cotch the
big ones. Below, noncquotic party includes gome
of pass-the-orange (no hands ollowed) to which
our Playmate opplies her consideroble talents.
TV's The Outer Limits in her trim Santa
Monica apartment, reading gothic chillers by
the Brontés, acting weck nights in a Santa
Monica little-theater group, and skindiving off
nearby Catalina Island. With an eversoslight
accent, brown-eyed Miss September told us she
feels her given name (which means stellar)
makes her destined for stardom—and she al-
ready has two small movie roles to her credit:
In The Art of Love, a Ross Hunter Universal
picture, she plays a Mexican danseuse, and in
A House ls Not a Home, a forthcoming Le-
vine/ Paramount movie, she plays a Polly Adler
minion. Though she never skied or surfed be-
fore reaching these shores, Malibu regulars rate
her above average in both. Living proof that
good things can come in notsosmall packages
(she stands 5/7" barefoot, weighs in at 120 sans
bikini, arranged on a framable 36-23-36 frame),
Astrid understandably has a wide range of
es, prefers "the [un ones—honest and out-
going guys who show me a happy time,” a
job for which, needless to say, most honest
and outgoing guys would gladly volunteer.
A fashion expert of our acquaintance pre-
dicts that if stretch pants get any tighter,
ad just finished her shower when the
" g to the front door,
g in plump, pink nudity, she called,
“Who is it?
“The blind man," came a mournful voice,
so she shrugged and opened the door y
hand while reaching for her purse with the
other. When she turned to face the man, he
was grinning [rom ear to car, and she saw that
he was holding a large packape in his arms.
“You can see!" she exclaimed
"Yeah," he nodded happily. "And mighty
pretty, too. Now, where do you want I should
put these blinds?"
Youre in remarkable shape for a man your
age,” said the doctor to the 90-year-old man
after the examination.
“I know it," said the old gentleman. “I've
really got only one complaint—my sex drive
is too high. Got anything you can do for that,
"The doctor's mouth dropped open. "Your
what?!" he gasped.
"My sex drive," said the old man. “It’s too
nd I'd like to have you lower it if you
exclaimed the doctor, still un-
able to believe what the 90-year-old gentleman
ng. "Just what do you consider *
"Ihese days it seems like it's all in my head,
Doc," said the old man, *
you lower it if you can."
ing at a Russ
cumbered by collar or leash
How do you like America?” he asked.
Well, irs different from my homeland,
said the wolfhound. "In Russia, I eat bones
dipped in vodka and caviar. In Russia I have
my own doghouse made of rare Siberian
woods. In Russia I sleep on a rug made of
thick, warm ermine.”
‘Then why did you come to America?”
“I like to bark once in a while.”
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines conversa-
tion piece as a girl men like to talk about.
A {ool and his money are soon popular.
The cute young tick thought she had a sure
winner the other day at the track. The tote
board listed her horse as starting at 25 to 1,
and she knew the race didn't begin until
one P.M.
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines fairy as
one who'd rather switch than fight.
roared the husband, as he
in bed with another man.
her companion.
"Sce?" she said. "I told you he was stupid!"
ame upon his wife
he wife smiled at
Our Unabashed Dicti
nurse as one who falls
mary defines. practical
love with a wealthy
4 -
The next phase in the spa sure to
make headlines: Scientists are planning to put
300 head of cattle into orbit. Itll be the herd
shot round the world.
When a girl can read the handwriting on the
wall, she's in the wrong rest room.
Heard a good one lately? Send it on a postcard
to Party Jokes Editor, vLAYBov, 232 E. Ohio St.,
Chicago, Il. 60611, and carn $25 for each joke
used. In case of duplicates, payment is made
for first card received. Jokes cannot be returned.
“But will you love me after the novelty wears of)?”
hat dispenses with the
" Slovo
food By THOMAS MARIO we smresr, most modern outlet
for a bachelor's gourmet endeavors is
e 110-volt one on the wall, Any
able of breaking a
rich concoction of egg yolks, butter and t:
e Béarnaise sauce. A pillowy
eragon vinegar, it's made in a
blender i
minutes, Just a few ye
of job that daunted some professional chefs. The electric cord is not only
a conductor to the loftiest culinary arts; it ically transform simple
things like coffee. The man who ad Java knows that
coffee beans should be ground minutes before they go into the pot. If you
own a blender, you can grind freshly roasted coffee beans in
back, however, it required the kind
savors his Mocha
I of 15 sec
ond icular
If you're p: bout the exact degree of pulverization you want,
you can grind the beans in one of the new electric coffee mills. In either
case, the brew and its aroma which follow will bring forth smiles of delight
If you like to sip espresso or cappuccino, and you w
forth their jet-black brew right into the waiting pitcher or demitasse cu
Give the electric skillet credit for demolishing the old wheeze tha
i ‘ood cooking requires sensitivity and pre-
ics the professional chef's dream of the
one that would heat evenly, hoard its heat with
ge, and thy € the chef from the chore of
continuous pan watching. The electric skillet or saucepan, now matured
into the electric chafing dish, performs this feat infinitely better than any-
g heretofore known in the potand.pan kingdom. Any cook who's ha
delicate fare like oysters or frogs’ legs knows that prolonged heat at
n them to heat will inhibit
narrow temperature
will tui
a high temperat
their flavors. By a mere lick of the dial, the electric skillet can be set to
sauté them in a few minutes. Another setting will simmer them gently, and
a third will keep them warm until the (continued on page 213)
"Somebody here is smoking pot."
a poignant portrait of the
star-crossed precursor of today’s
beat writers: maxwell bodenheim
nostalgia WEw BEN HECHT MAXWELL BODENHEIM was more di
rs than any poet of whom I have ever heard or read. He was also more ignored
iked, derided, denounced, beaten up
and kicked down more flights of st
than any literary talent of his time.
His seven volumes of poetry fetched him hardly a thimbleful of notice. Not acclaim, but ordi
ary notice
such as i ial bores who darken the lives of literary cri,
Yes, my friend Bogie whos
a total washout as a literary contender. His glowing metaphors seemed to remain invisible to the critics. And without
critics to give a poet a leg up, he is likely to remain in limbo. No lecture dates, no college faculty jobs, no royalty
checks. And, of course, no inv ons to the White House or other important showcases for the poetry writer.
But J doubt whether poet Bodenheim ever daydreamed of such grand finales. From the time 1 first met
him in his Chicago teens, Bogie had a mystic sense of himself as an unwanted one. No one asked him for lunch or
sort oi unharnessed human. You watched him scampering around, and never thought of offering him
ults. rows, thefts, and
given the most inconseque
work I admired more than the poetry of most of his famed contemporaries was
dinner. He was
shelter or the diversion of friendship. Besides, you knew what happened if you did—i
complaints from the neighbors.
lt wasn't true. Bogie was often a guest in my home. He revealed a few oddities that stood my
teeth on
edge. But 1 preferred him to the usual visitors, who droned through card games, or put me to sleep with political
Another truth was Bogie’
Thank you lor inviting me to dine at your house," he wrote a well-to-do lady who fancied (continued on page 130)
titude toward social invit
ions. It pleased him immensely to turn them down.
fiction By J. P. Donle«
three haunting allegories from the
author of “the ginger man”
1 1HOUGHT 1 was going to be a millionaire. With morocco.
bound books for looks everywhere. And even a drive that
went for a mile through the trees and little lakes and lilies.
So in my best serious face I stood in line for the job and told
the nervous man I'd work very hard
Every afternoon loaded down I sct off on the ou ints of
town folding papers with a sleight of hand and flicking them
across the gray porches. And even in an open window for a
laugh which I thought I needed. And as I proceeded along
this frontier road picking berries, grapes and peaches I said
hi to the rival newspaper boy and told him he was underpaid
and you'll never make the money I've made. But it was a lic.
Because Friday 1 collected and most said come back tomor-
d 1 objected but turned my sad face away and mum-
bled it was only a dime. And you'd think it was a crime every
time I rang a doorbell and even those with chimes and added
up the weeks they owed. In there they sit warm and re;
with smells of steak and pizza pie. Out here lips chapped with
frost I might die, dancing on my cold toes. There's only so
much I can stand, you savage hearts.
But I was glad at times along here in the sun on these quiet
roads where some buildings were built in the s
out of trees
s the clifls and hills and
and ne:
the river. The green the g
bent over the trains. Cool summer halls to click heels
and spin down the stairs on my educated wrist. Noisy with
the news. And deep in my own unsavage heart I loved nori
better than delivery.
And Saturdays in autumn afternoon kicking through the
leaves I came to ring the bell and knock on the door and say
I beg you pay me please. And the heads with after-lunch eyes
came out too bea
en to refuse. In my little book I marked.
them paid and with some quiet charm of mine I nied to make
them feel it was not the end of the world. And maybe there
would be a new woman's page soon. Or a competition for
a prize.
But some heartless called me liar and lingerer. Napping
under trees, banging on doors and a whistler in halls. I
whispered something about freedom and they shouted don't
come back no more and slammed the door. I walked away
with young tears melting with despair, They'd all be sorry
ristmas Eve shoele:
when they found me nd starved, dead
in the snow
And weeks went by till one Sunday dawn in black winter
I brought my pencil. I wrote across the front page now Does
IF FEEL T0 CHEAT A CHILD. And tucked the paper carefully in
the door. Monday creeping duough the streets 1 saw the
on a porch shaking a fist which he said would break my head.
es watching from windows everywhere and a man
And fearful but forceful I told him drop dead. And ran.
I prayed for spring when I could sing once more and steal
the cooling cookie from a window sill. With the sun such a fat
red thing up in the sky. And count my blessings instead of
money. But things were sad instead of sunny when Mr. Brown
screeched up in his sporty car. I wore my slack j
w. He wagged
a finger, confound you D, the News is deluged with com
plaints. your public relations are a scandal, the customers
claim you're a nuisance and a vandal
and did you write how docs it feel to
cheat a child? 1 did. Confound you D,
don't you know the customer is always
ight? Come along with me and apolo-
ze. 1 said no. He said so, you're fired.
Never to bring the news again. Or trap.
a customer on the street or write my
J across the front page. A failed
jouaire with no morocco-bound
books for looks anywhere.
SITTING BACK HERE with flowers on the
curtains, cologne in the air and nkling
music with all the comfort.
My first real girlfriend I met not far
from here by saying hello and she
looked in my face for signs of disrespect.
In her brown sweater and skirt and all 1
wanted was to know her to go for a walk
up and down the paths around the
school. Where spruce trees grew in their
blue tips to touch the windows and
there were lite hills and mountains for
miles around and lakes clear and magic.
And TIL never forget her or when she
touched me on the shoulder asking for
company to come with her for cake and
cola. I said sure. In her house I sat on
the edge of my seat while she brought it
. She stood in the middle of the floor
and yawned. I put my mouth deep in
the chocolate cake, cream and soft eat-
ing. Otherwise I was shy worrying
whether 1 said what she wanted.
I whistled going home that afternoon
and jumped up to sit om a mail cart
thinking of her looks and waiting for
the train. And later in our little nipping
at love Y asked her with her handker-
chief twisting in her hands to come to a
dance. And arrived that evening in cool
late spring, a bright tic to make my suit
feel new. She was dressed in blue with
s round her skirt a sort of endless
A my
feelings tied up inside me we stepped
out from the shaky car of a friend saying
hello to all the others under the maple
trees. Down steps between palms to
where the band was playing. I danced
better than ever before, She was looking
up at my face and sometimes putting
hers on my shoulder. While they
dripped candle wax to make funny
bumps I tied to be talkative and tell
her what 1 wanted to mean. When the
rest went to a bar for drinks we sat alone
in the back of the car waiting till she
cigareue, lit it and threw it away
Lowe were kissing.
I never yone like her before
except just once quickly somewhere and
the next day we rushed back to her
house hand in hand stopping only for
six colas for the cake. By days we saw
cach other in history class and lunchtime
went to have milk and crushed egg
ting on the gras. I threw my feet up
carelessly anywhere while bi
bread saying 1 failed everyth
month but didn’t care. She said she
wanted some sort of ring or pin of mine
to wear. I gave her a medal I won throw-
ing the weight. I was afraid to ask her
for something. She showed me how nice
my medal looked hanging around her
tan neck. And going back through the
breezy green corridors to class she said
she couldn't let me have her sorority pin
because it was too expensive. 1 went to
physics where the teacher was always
doing tricks like making things jump or
go the other way. He called me sunshine
boy because I sat by the window with
my shoes off and 1 thought that when he
made these explosions and sent stuff
flying round the room we wcre just sup-
posed to get a good laugh. I didn't hear
him when he said it was magnetism and
the atom
One day as I stood in the sun outside
school she came up to me and said she
couldn't go out with me or see me Sun-
day because she'd been asked up to Yale
for the weekend. So I said well I better
She said if
She put her
head up and bouncing all the brown
curls of her hair, walked away.
On my wa
y here tonight when 1 got
off the train to get the bus I saw her
waiting with her hands folded on her di
aphragm which went out like a shelf
over her pregi I was so changed
that when I stuck my face where I was
sure she could sce it she just looked and
that was all. Standing there in the chill
near the cemetery the bus came. I
thought watching the tall white tombs
go by and she waddling through her
motherhood that it was a pity I could
not have come one night to her bed dur-
ing the dark of these last few years.
1 Was ON MY BACK with a book at mid-
innecticut. A storm fill
Housatonic river and a fox barki
mountain of trees. They said on the last
page that they buried Herman Melville
on a rainy day in Woodlawn Cemetery
on the outskirts of New York.
Later in the month I got on the train
and went to the city to visit. Through
Danbury, Stanford and New Rochelle
nd along the Bronx river where years
ago they could sail a battleship. Now it's
dammed, small and smelly from sewers.
Lovers come down here in the summer-
ume. And kids swim in the parts that
are deep and twins once dived off a
ledge and got stuck in the mud and nev-
cr came up again.
I went up the steps of the station,
stood on the bridge watching the cars on
the new highway. All that smoothness,
comfort and curves. Roll you everywhere
on the soft wheels. 1 went through the
big iron gates and up into a cool stone
mansion with quiet
pleasant people. A young woman took
me to a chair and table and went
through the files. She came back with
card and a map and drew a line along
the winding avenues to an. X which she
said was on top of a hill
I strolled by all the marble, granite
and bronze doors, late blossoms and
lovely trees. In there richer than I am
alive. A man in a gray uniform saluted
and smiled. I climbed a little hill up
fern-and-ivy-lined paths and stopped un
der a great elm tree. There were four
stones, onc with a scroll and feather pen.
Through the trees I can see the mauso
leums and the stained glass and doors
for giants. And down there on the
York Central racks the u
ing by to Boston. 1 came here to see if it
were true and it is. And as everywhere
the gravestones say the voice that is si-
lent the hand that is still or cvei
Mabel I'll never forget you till wi
gether again. 1 went reading and
dering until 1 went out the gate again.
A few blocks away I stepped i
bar called Joe's. And sat up on a high
stool and ordered a glass of becr during
this dark afternoon. A smell of cheese
oil and tomato pies. Some lazy jazz out
of the jukebox. Behind the bar a man
white sleeves neatly rolled up
on tough hairy arms said I've seen you
here before a few years ago maybe five
or six, I remember your face. Yeah 1 re-
member you, I never forget a face. G
memory for faces. He brought me a
of whiskey and another beer and said
this is on me. When I left he said yeah
TU see you again.
I walked back to the stati and wait
ed for the train. Others were going by
bound north for suppers in the country
swaying on the center tracks with lovely
lighted windows, white napkins and
fresh. evening newspapers. Some were
um with red stripes. Once in a
a woman would look at me from
in to Chappaqua, Valhalla and
When I got back and drove along by
the d: empty fields with round shad-
ows of cedars and down my own lonely
lane through the pines and further to
ng in the woods I heard
the Housatonic rumbling below and saw
three deer standing in the headlights. 1
had spareribs with onions and ler
juice a bottle of beer. After that I
wrote a letter to a man in Europe and
typewriters and
Will we all
Be watering
e later
In Connecticut?
I believe the new nurse is going to do wonders for him.
He's already learned to count to two...”
she was running a salon, "but 1 prefer
to dine in the Creck restaurant at W
bash Avenue and 12th Street where I
will be limited to finding dead flies in
my soup.
Of his rapidly growing unpopularity
n his youth, poet Bodenheim said, with
mocking grin:
"Nobody seems t0
you think it is because I
of peoples uny hearts
“They are too aware of your big
mouth.” L told him. "Why don't you
uy ignoring their imperfections, after
born without your talent for
said my friend Bogie. He
h delight and whacked his
like mc. Do
m too aware
id massive
Despite the continuing, unvarying de-
feats of his life, it is this strut T re
member as Bogie's signature. Ignored,
slapped around, reduced to beggarv, Bo-
denheim's mocking grin remained fly
in his private global war like a tattered
flag. God knows what he was mocking.
Possibly mankind.
I may be writing of a Bodenheim with
a special rou in my presence. He
may have whined and wept elsewhere.
But not the Bodenheim I knew. Disaster
was never able to disarm him. Even the
Greenwich Village moocher, hall-starved
and ragged. remained proud of his a
ty “to destroy people on my guillotine of
phrases. Oh, boy, stick around and you'll
scc some heads roll.
Tt was not Sherwood's sort of self-love
that kept Bogie abloom. It was his in-
credible sense of superiority. In his last
a ng drunkenly to sleep on
tlophouse floors, shabby and gaunt as
any Bowery bum, Bogic hugged his un-
diminished riches—his poets vocabulary
for winning arguments.
He won nothing else.
New York, after 1924, failed to alter
him by a hair. He wrote of New York,
The poverty of its ans cannot
match the pathetic debris in the heads of
s literary critics.
ryone who met Bodenh:
s cither irritated or outraged by him:
nd frequently moved to take a swing at
nose. Although poet Bodenheim
l ability as a pugilist, it w.
to attack him physically. He
things. Bottles, chairs, vases, plates, ca-
rafes, end tables started flying across the
room. Such missiles always belonged to
ggrieved host or hostess who had
not even invited him. Bodenheim, in his
lifetime, never owned a cup or saucer to
aid him in combat.
The poet a ted rafts of peo-
ple who had never met him, but “had
heard of him." They heard that on a
o ali
(continued from page 125)
dance floor poet Bodenheim was certain
enfold your wife or sweetheart
in a lecherous grip, and insist that she
go to bed with him, pronto.
I never witnessed the spectacle of Bo-
gie trying to drag a danci tner into
the hay, and ending never in a bed, but
hurtling headfirst out of a doorway.
‘There may have been a grain or two of
truth in such gossip. for the poet wrote,
n our Chicago Lilerary Times:
“Since the dubious dawn of human
history, dancing h of the
more adroit female ruses for the sexual
to cut i
stimulation of the male. A young woman
who embraces a man while he is being
sailed by primitive drumbeats and
bacchanalian horn tootings, may pre-
tend she is interested only in the tech-
nique of dancing. 1 wonder if the same
young woman, naked in bed with a man,
would insist that she is only testing out
the mattress.
Another rumor had it that the poet ar-
rived at studio parties carrying a burlap
bag into which he transferred. speedily
all the canapés and liquor bottles avail-
able. I could verify this rumor, and also
another onc—to come within earshot of
the poet was to be derided stridently for
any convictions you had about anything.
‘These tales were to be heard in Bo.
denheim 20s and 30s, bi
fore he had matured into a Greenwich
Village sot. He became, then, too pathet-
the nose or
ic a fellow to punch i
Only the police continued to beat him
up. due to his defiance as a Communist
orator. He would not climb down
der from which he had been addressing
a noon-hour audience of factory workers,
or cease his oratory.
The truth is that Bogie was the sort of
Communist who would have been boot-
ed out of Moscow, overnight. He insist-
ed that communism was a cure-all for
the miscries of the poor. Stalin and his
selfless colleagues were toiling to create a
utopia of peace on earth and good will
to men.
How can you be against the Russian
politicians, as you call them," asked my
friend, “when those alleged. politicians
are doing exactly what Jesus Christ tried
to do—eliminate war and tyranny from
the life of mankind? Russia,” he smiled
happily. “has rediscovered love and jus-
tice, and is ready to turn the other cheek
to the capitalistic bullies of the world.
Yes, sirree, Moscow is the new Mount of
Bogie dreamed that in Stalin's Russia
he would find all the good meals and
sensitive understanding that he had
been denied in the U.S. Lacking carfare
to go have a look at his cornucopia land,
he aired his fondness for it—with the
usual Bodenheim results. He not only
angered the police but disturbed, equal-
, the Communist Party leaders of New
York. They denounced Bodenheim as
nuisance and refused to print his pro-
letarian poems, gratis, in their Red
Why did a young man as talented as
Max Bodenheim bring such a load of
bricks down on his head, unul the d
he had it, literally, blown off by a crazy
's gun? I'll tell a few Bodenheim sto-
that may partly answer the query.
Bodenheim was, in his youth, a slim fel-
low with blond hair, albino eyebrows
over pale cyes, five feet. ten inches
height. He had a lean, handsome fac
and all his teeth. His clothes were shab-
by but clean, and included in winter an
American Army overcoat. He had joi
the U.S. forces at 17 and been stationed
a year in Texas, half of that time in the
regimental guardhouse. He had been
put behind bars for hitting a licute|
over the head with his musket. The
tenant had been ridiculing Private Bo-
denheim as a Jew.
Bogie carried all his worldly belong:
gs with him. They were in the bulgi
briefcase held under his right arm.
this case were all his unpublished poems,
an extra pair of socks and underpants, a
spare tin of tobacco for his corncob
rejection slips from the nation’s edito
and a bottle of Tabasco sauce.
Bodenheim journeyed to New York
the salaried Eastern correspondent for a
weekly paper I had started. called The
Chicago Literary Times. He received
$80 a week for his Gotham reports, and
his name was on the paper's masthead as
assistant. editor. I filled some 70 percent
of the paper with copy, Bogie wrote
most of the remaining 30 percent. There
were a few intruders, among them Lloyd
Lewis, Vincent Starrett, Wallace Smith,
Rose Caylor George Grosz,
Rosse, Stanislaus Szukalski. I wrote
the paper of my edito
"Maxwell Bodenheim,
appearance, is the ideal lunatic. He is
somewhat bowlegged and possessed of
malicious palegreen eyes one associates
with murderers.
While engaged in arguments (he
scemingly nothing clse to do) Boden
heim improvises brilliantly. He accom-
panies his razoredged epigrams with
startling grimaces. He bares his tceth in
sudden snorts. He clucks unexpectedly
with his tongue, as if summoning a flock
of chickens to enjoy his wit. He beats a
tattoo with his right foot, and whacks
triumphantly at his thigh.
Excited by the withering fire power
of his phrases, he starts bobbing his head
(continued on page 220)
a preview of the
riotous nudist-camp
romp in peter's
new film with elke
a pictorial review of
miss sommer's
sensual on- and off-
Screen charms j
The most hilarious sequence of the Sommer-Sellers whodunit, “A Shot in the Dark,” is set in a nudist camp
where murder suspect Elke seeks. refuge. Bumbling French police inspector Sellers trails her to the spot.
POR THOSE WHO FOUND Peter Sellers’ characterization of the stumbling block-
head French police inspector Jacques Clouseau in The Pink Panther a tri
umph of gumshoc ineptitude, the United Artists sequel, A Shot in the Dark
should be the topping on the frappé, as it continues Peter's maladroit mas
terminding. The teaming of Sellers with Germany's current sexpot titlist Elke
Sommer makes the Blake Edwards-directed film a twofold treat, Well-packed
il Elke has been accused of murdering her swain from Spain. Sellers.
d to the case through a departmental snafu, decides that no one that
good-looking could have committed homme-icide, figures Elke is coveri
g up
for someone, Decked out as a balloon vendor, he flatfoots after Elke only to
be picked up for peddling without a license. Resuming Ja chasse, he finds
Elke standing over the very dead body of her employer George Sanders?
dener with nothing more incriminating than bloody pruning shears in h
hand. Still with implicit faith in Elke, Peter has her sprung from jail, shad
ows her in a Toulouse-Lautree disguise. Another misunderstanding with the
gendarmerie deposits him in the hoosegow. Sellers’ next
aise in his pursuit
of Elke is that of a hunter, and when he b;
gs a crow in self-defense, the local
it without a license. By the time A grimly game Sellers, on an Elke
Elke has taken refuge in a counuy rcucat called Camp Runt, passes bemused nature girl.
game warden claps him in irony for doing
Sellers is rele
He soon discove: dismay that he can't enter the camp without going native. Undaunted and unclothed, stiff-
-lip Sellers sizes up the situation before making the best of a bare
Studio technicians dig scene as Sellers asks information of sun worshiper who proves uncommunicative
is a murder victim (something Seller
Sellers, who has added a plastic raft aft, edges perilously close to lake's edge as he backs away from an undraped
female. A step in the wrong direction dunks the distraught detective in the drink. As raft and guitar float away
the hapless Sellers wonders how he can continue the search for the elusive Elke and still maintain his modesty
nc. Vo Sellers’ discomfiture, it turns out to be a nudist camp. Here, Peter reluctantly settles for the haphazard cover-up
of a guitar and plastic pool raft as he commences a bare hunt for Elke among the sun bathers. What he does stumble upon is
another corpse (though he doesn't realize it at the time). When he eventually finds Elke, after a series of dishabilled disasters,
the (so of them just manage to avoid the Jaw called in for the latest murder. "There's no time for clothes as they drive au
naturel through the streets of Paris, returning to George Sanders nsion just in time to discover yet another corpse. This
is the last straw for Sellers’ superior, who takes him off the case vitement and banishes him to Le Havre. Sellers’ exile is short
lived. however; his superior has second thoughts and reassigns him to the case. Sellers’ first move is to have Elke, now in pris
on, released to join him for dinner. A nightclub tour results in four more murders as an assassin out to get Sellers keeps
bungling the job. Our defective detective, blithely unaware of the carnagi s Elke back to his apartment for a tryst, but
it’s bonjour wyst as a time bomb explodes under his bed, shattering the mood. Undaunted, Sellers assures his chief, by now
manacle depressive, that he's about to crack the case, gathers together a half-dozen suspects in the Sanders mansion. The di
nouement that follows is too wildly improbable to let Le chal out of the bag. Suflice to say that Peter as a fli is superbly
i 1 and Elke as a domestique formidable is incomparably sexational.
Our intrepid inspector decides to press on regardless, In this corner, wearing nought but tree trunks, Sellers tries
ick out the Sommer anatomy from among the unfettered naiads parading before him. The perceptive power
that have made him the farce of the force fail to detect a delectably unclad Elke on the other side of the bush.
Sellers’ balloon-sharp sixth sense tells him Elke is near at hand. She finally reveals herself to him when, zut alo
the camp swarms with gendarmes summoned. because of the murder. Sellers believes Elke is a misjudged m
helps her escape, then joins her in a wild car ride, au naturel, that takes them through the streets of Paris. — jas
HoLLywoop has been frenctically
searching around the world for a
sexpot who will provide its cash
registers with the same healthy ring
in the Sixtics that Brigitte Bardot
and the late Marilyn Monroe im-
parted to them in the Fifties. It now
believes that relief is finally in sight
in the form of a handsomely con-
figured Fräulein, Elke Sommer.
Born in Germany not much more
than a score of years ago, Elke has
blossomed into an international at
traction. The fastrising and fast
driving (shes used to touring
Europe's speed-limitless highways at
well over the century mark) Elke
got her first break while on vacation
in Italy. She was spotted by some
one who called himself a movie
producer and who, contrary to what
mothers warn their little girls about
turned out to be a movie producer.
A series of European flickers fol-
lowed (including one directed by
Vittorio De Sica) in which Elke was
given an ample opportunity to dis
play almost all of her amply en-
dowed (3623.37) frame. Hollywood
producer Pandro Berman caught her
statuesque symmetry in a German
film, The Girl, and realized that she
was the girl to play Paul Newman's
Swedish skoalmate in The Prize.
That did it. Her Prize performance
Drought her a. revealingly ripe part
in Carl Foreman's The Victors,
where she more than held her own
among the fast female company of
Melina Mercouri and Romy Schnei
Her face (a hypnotic blend. of
gamine and tigress) and figure
(a sensuous delight) are Elke
Sommer's fortune, Elke's natural
beauty is such that movie moguls,
in attempting to give her the
Hollywood “glamor” treatment,
were hard-pressed to find flaws to
correct, wound up making minor
repairs on two teeth, slightly
changing the color of her hair
(the styling remains her own).
The delectable charms of Elke that most. American movie audi-
ences have yet to see are displayed here in sequences from two
European films that helped catapult her to Continental fame.
Scene below is from et Ecstasy," a tale of wealthy Bur
pean youth living la dolce vita on the French Riviera, A torrid
love bout (one of several in the film) with Christian Pezy,
which takes place on a yacht, is part of a daylong roundelay of
orgiastic revels that almost. ends in tragedy when boat burns.
“Daniella by Night,” made several years ago, ha
yet to be shown in the
the producers won't
allow it to be run without the above sequence;
American cens
t on the scene's deletion.
in the controversial sequence, Elke is forced into a unique striptease, as a pair of cloak-and-dagger types, in search
of microfilmed secret plans, undress her on the stage of a Roman peclery. The divestiture is accomplished behind a
transparent curtain which does little to hide what is undoubtedly filmdom's friskiest frisk. The night-club audience
thinking it's a new act, gives the uncovering undercover men and unwilling ccdysiost Elke a round of applause
der. Now very much a part of the Hollywood scene, Elke is
comfortably wrapped in a threepicure MGM contract that
will bring her approximarely a quarter of a million doll
Along the road to stardom she has managed to raise a number
of roofs over her head—a $300,000 mansion in her home town
of Erlangen, Germany, a villa in Spain, an apartment in
Switzerland, and a house she rents in Beverly Hills for a mod-
est S900 a month. One of Tinscltown’s most eligible bachelor
girls, Elke belies the cliché image of the bubble-brained beauty:
she knows Latin, Greek, French, English, Spanish and Italian,
has more dian a passing acquaintance with Homer and Plato,
Goethe and Schiller. 4 Shot in the Dark and the upcoming
The Unknown Battle, in which she co-stars with Tony Perkins
and Stephen Boyd, should prove to be two important rungs up
the filmic ladder. Miss Sommer, with a firm resolve that has
characterized her movie career, is striving to bring her acting
ability up to her screen sensuality. Few who know her artistic
capabilities (she’s a passable painter and a composer who has
recorded her own songs), and strong-willed determination, have
any doubts that she will make it. And when Elke, who has no
objection to shedding her clothes for the cameras. emerges as
the compleat movie star, the super sex symbol of the Sixties
may well have arrived
Monobikinied Elke, right, was completely nude for scene
with George Hamilton in “The Victors,” above right, that
was shown only in Europe. Segment was reshot with Elke
in bra and Levis, above left, for the American market.
he had a heady appetite for women, whiskey and other fringe benefits of the full
life, and beneath the bland exterior he hatched a wicked plot to get them—gratis
AS THE SUPER CHIEF APPROACHED LOS ANGELES on its overnight run from Santa Fe, Bertram Bascomb Baylor sat in
the club car thoughtfully sipping some 25-year-old Scotch that had been placed aboard for his convenience by
the press department. of the Federal Broadcasting Company. United Broadcasting had arranged for Bertram's
train accommodations (he had a thing about flying) and it had behooved Federal to get in there fast with a
little judicious care and feeding of its own.
Bertram, whose syndicated television column, Inside the Eye, appeared in 226 papers, lived in and worked
st Pecos, New Mexico, a somewhat preposterous place for any kind of columnist unless he happened
thy wife who liked it there. Marigold Hartley Benson Hosthwaite Spencer Baylor was wealthy and
out of
to have a wi
liked it there. So much for that.
Such being the case, Be comb had fallen into the pleasant habit of making annual trips (he would
never call them pilgrimages) to New York and Hollywood, subsidized in annual turn by the three major net-
works. His daily column was a model of pedanuy, edged with that tiny but effective bit of steel that indicated he
knew where 17 different bodies were buried and was not above digging any or all of them up. Tallish,
sh and high of brow, he had twice testified as to the state of television before Senate committees and had
ck through the expense vouchers and ask why so much money had
twice caused three network presidents to che
been spent in keeping Mr. Baylor “happy.
People who didn’t have to curry favor with Bertram Bascomb generally referred to him
‘The rare comedy show he found to his liking was invariably pronounced “enormously funny
had it made unless Baylor gave it the accolade “enormously moving.”
something of a contradiction in qualities, possessing those which ordinarily didn't
agle individual and which, in fact, d too well in Bertram. He was a self-styled intellec-
tual, having been brought up on Edgar Guest, Rudyard Kipling, Sinclair Lewis, Maxfield Parris nn St
television could and must be improved and that he, Bertram
Bascomb Baylor, was its appointed savior. At the same time, he had a large and well-developed appetite for whis-
key, women and other people's expense accounts, bolstered by an equally large ego.
Aboard the Super Chief, Scotch in hand, Bertram was reading ipt called The Lonely Vigil, written by
Bertram Bascomb Baylor. It had to do with a fisherman patiently waiting for a fish and there was more than a
slight resemblance in the story, if not in the writing, to Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sca. Yt was die
kind of thing Bertram would like to have seen as the traditi opening episode of Omnibus every season, had
He considered it, in fact, four notches better than Amahl and the Night Visitors.
Besides, it had only the one character and was written in blank verse. He had discussed its outline with Sen-
ator Brazwell and the Senator had been keenly enthusiastic. He hadn't read it, but he liked it.
Just as he was about to accept an Emmy as the creator-producer-writer of Omnibus Revisited (“1 am enor-
mously moved . . .”), Bertram was roused by the tap of the conductor's hand on his (continued. on page 200)
a pompous ass.
ind no drama
and Guy Lombardo. He was firmly convinced ti
Omnibus still been on the
“In these small towns everybody knows everybody else's business!"
Ribald Classic
AMONG THE CITIZENS of Iwangorod was
one named Wasil, a man of high sexual
appetite who one day found himself
lusting after Sophie, wife of Stanislaus.
Now, consumed by this lust, he began
frequenting those places where she might
be found, and, at length, he approached
her and made clear the nature of his
Upon hearing this, Sophie slapped
him upon the face.
"I am the property of my husband,”
she declared haughtily. "Go, therefore,
and think of me in this manner no
Wasil did go, but he thought of her
often and at great length; finally, he
came upon a plan by which he hoped
to enjoy her.
She claimed to be her husband's prop.
erty. he reasoned: therefore, it would be
the choice of the husband whether that
property would be retained for his own
use or made available to others.
Having med thusly, and planned
accordingly, he sat himself down and
penned a note to the husband. Stanis
The note was written in a very
ic and flowery hand, and signed
with the name of Wasil’s wife, Doris. It
read as follows:
My darling Stanislav
the passion that
So great is
me when-
ever I think of you that I can con-
trol myself no longer; meet me this
evening behiud my house and we
can surrender ourselves to the deli-
a cach
nd will
not. Lov-
cs d
cious ecstasies that await us i
other's embrace. My husl
be afar from here so fe:
ingly, Doris.
At dawn Wasil himself delivered the
a 16th Century Polish tale
and spoke:
"I know not what this is about, but
my wife asked me to deliver it to you
as I left this morning. 1 am about to
depart for Warsaw.”
Stanislaus read the note and, cheer-
fully noting that the foolish Wasil had
lent credence to it with his comments
about leaving for Warsaw, resolved to
keep the engagement.
an envelope, to Stanislaus
That evening there was a sound out-
side sil. When Doris
asked what it might be, Wasil—who,
naturally, had not left for Warsaw
nor planned to—suggested that she
Outside, she saw Stai
time he saw her. M
the house of W
laus at
expression of surprise for one of a
he seized her and tossed her violently to
the ground. She screamed and resisted
him, but he assumed that this was part
of her pretense—as many women are
wont to carry on in this manner at such
a time —and proceeded to take the pleas:
ures he thought were his due.
Now, it was not until the screaming
subsided thar Wasil made his appear-
nce on the porch, by which time the act
had been completed.
“What proceeds here?" he asked.
"Stu raped me,
replied in some confu:
ideed!” boomed Wasil, feigning in-
dignation. “Is this the w
to act?"
"But, Wasil . . .” protested St
“Why, this very m aw you
and you greeted me with a smile! Who
would think, you base scoundrel, that
laus the wife
" v
you pl
“But, Wasil . .
"Enough!" thundered Wasil. "No
more of your sniveling. You have violat-
ed the code of our fathers, and I must
take my legal remedies accordingly.”
“Legal remedies?”
“You have taken my wife, Stanislaus;
now it is fated that I take yours.”
“I have never heard such a code,"
said Stanislaus; and, indeed, there was
none such in existence.
“Do you blame me for your stupidity:
rejoined Wasil. “Come, now; we must go
to your house and I shall claim my re-
venge. Or would you prefer to lose your
head instead of your wife's services?”
Stanislaus, knowing how the towns-
people looked upon such acti
raping another man's wife, and having
no doubt that Wasil would chop off his
head should he not get his way—for Wa-
sil was known to be a strong man and
one of violent temper—consented to the
arrangement; whereupon, he brought
Wasil to his wife.
“l now have your husband's permis-
sion to take my pleasures with you,"
Wasil told her. "Do you submit willing-
y, or shall 1 resort to force?"
“Go along with him, d
islaus with some misgivings. "It is ac-
cording to the code of our fathers."
Thus encouraged by her husband,
Sophie submitted to Wasil's advances
with surprising alacrity, and the two
dallied together till the cock did crow.
If there be a moral to this, it is: Be
you not deceived by the code of the
fathers, unless it serve you and not a
lowly knave like Wasil the Pole.
—Relold by Paul J. Gillette Ba
anned to rape my wife that very
said Stan-
ON eui
9 T
Are YOU the kind of fellow who comes in SECOND IN A ONE-MAN RACE? Are you
SICK AND TIRED of waiching FASHIONABLE FRAT MEN beat your time with the KEEN
COEDS? Joe was. A social and sartorial DOOR MAT, he used to take it lying down (left)
when fellow frosh BIRD-DOGGED DATES from under his nose. How he envied their
brushed-wool cordigan, by Lord Jeff, $17; tapered broadcloth shirt, by Hathaway, $9;
cotton corduroy slacks with frontier pockets, by Contact, $7. At center, DAPPER
DAN is bedecked in wool jacket with hacking pockets, side vents, by Cricketeer, $40;
wool worsted cavalry-twill slacks, by Corbin, $21. NATTY NED, right, sports wool
tweed jacket with hacking pockets, side vents, coordinated slacks, by Madisonaire,
$59.50; cotton oxford shirt with box-pleat back, by Sero, $7. Above: ALL WET FASHION-
WISE, Joe wishes he were os tastefully—and dryly—dressed as: SUAVE SAM [front
left}, in water-repellent fly-front coat with bal collar, split shoulder, zip-on hood, Orlon-
pile collar and lining, by Tricon, $50, sueded deerskin gloves with pile lining, by
Daniel Hays, $8; RAH-RAH RALPH (row 2, left) in wool parka with zip front, draw-
string weist and hood, slash pockets, by Fox Knapp, $20; HANDSOME HARRY (center)
in wool stadium coat with detachable zip hood, patch-flap and slash pockets,
Orlon-pile lining, by McGregor, $45, mohair hat, by Cap Crafters, $10; JAUNTY JACK
(right) in double-breasted alpaca coot with leather buttons, satin lining, by Mar-
shall Ray, $55, velour felt hot with hemp band, by Champ, $12; third-row ROOTER
in bumt-green corduroy jacket, reversible to red-green-black plaid, by Zero King, $45.
Although we can't guarantee that
prayboy's annual campus fashion
feature will bring you fame instead of
shame (as in the accompanying photo
story), we're willing to warrant that if
you heed this guide, your peers, especial-
ly the fair sex, will regard you as a Big
Man On Campus.
To begin with, potential B.M.O.Cs,
ready to enter another academic year,
will be glad to know that, more than
faddishness in
ever, lions is being
supplanted by function: With the avant-
garde taking a giant step to the rear,
good taste joined by utility will help
shape a virile and handsome wardrobe.
ularly heartening to freshmen and
transfers heading into unfamiliar terrain
is the knowledge d
making up their difference
way to a compatible acros
regional trends are
ad giving
INEXCUSABLY ATTIRED, Joe is SHUNNED by his STYLE-WISE roommates. Hitting the
books, they're informally but IMPECCABLY GARBED in (left to right): multicolor box-
plaid tapered cotton shirt with buttondown collar, box-pleat back, by Aetna, $7, and
oyster-white wrinkle-resistant cotton twill tapered trousers with extension waistband,
Western-style pockets, by Levi Strauss, $7; bold-striped tan and navy link-stitch six-
button wool cordigon, by Brentwood, $18, and gray reverse-twist wool trousers
with belt loops, side pockets, noncurl waist, by Asher, $16; burgundy-toned imported
V-neck wool pullover sweater with black-stripe trim, reversible to solid block, by
Jontzen, $35, and navy wool worsted flannel trousers with belt loops, side pockets,
by YMM, $16. Meanwhile, seeking solitary consolation with a copy of EVERYONE'S
“By George, that's itl” he expostulates, dazzled by visions of a MIRACULOUS TRANS-
18 FORMATION from Sad Sack to Sartorial Cynosure. SEE NEXT THRILLING CHAPTER.
profile; while desirable touches of in-
dividuality remain in many arcas (most
often influenced by climate), collegiate
duds throughout the nation are becom-
ing more notable for their similarities
than for their disparities. This ycar's
campus fashion forecast is divided into
two parts—the first describing those ap-
parel items acceptable on any campus in
, the second predicting those
ons that will appear in this
the count
country's six geographic regions.
Setting the pace for a consistent cam-
ing into his SCRAWNY 97-POUND FRAME, a vital, virile JOE COLLEGE stands straight
and tall before the fitting mirror, PROOF POSITIVE that clothes can make the MAN.
The embodiment of URBANE UNDERSTATEMENT, Joe's ready for all coed comers in
his DANDY NEW DUDS: dark-olive midweight Dacron-Avisco-rayon suit with natural
shoulders, three-button front, flap pockets, center hook vent, belt-loop trousers
with side pockets, by Sagner-Northweave, $50. Green and gold rep tie (by Wembley,
$2.50) suggested by salesman will complete ensemble. This latter worthy is himself
no less FASHIONABLY OUTFITTED in black-and-white glen-plaid wool suit with ox-
blood overplaid, natural shoulders, three-button front, flap pockets, center vent,
matching vest, belt-loop trousers with side pockets, by Michaels-Stern Ph.D., $85;
ivory-and-block woven silk tie, by Beau Brummel, $3.50; and imported white cot-
ton broadcloth shirt with medium-spread collar, barrel cufis, by Excello, $9.
pus silhouette is the blue blazer, which
willbe the number-one sportswear choice
of college men everywhere; sharing
universal acceptance are contrastin
flannel trousers (we recommend
pairs), followed closely by
nos (three or four pairs). Several oth
items in the under drobe—
notably dress outerwear, dress shirts, din-
ner jackets, shoes and accessories
Topping these
oft is the topcoat; fashion-wise collegians
little from coast to coast.
will take along a couple (particularly in
150 pockets, hook vent, by Sagner, $3:
That night at the BIG FRAT PARTY: "Here's something I owe you, Dexter Dwillingham Ill,
launching his best SUNDAY PUNCH. “SIGH,” breathes Dexter's EX-steady, at right.
“Let's get out of here and slip into something comfortable, JOE, DARLING:
apartment!" “Holey Moley, what a SWELL SUI murmurs male bystander.
CAT'S MEOW, all right," another whispers, his TASTEFULLY TAILORED glen-plaid
wool suit with three-button front, hook vent, flap pockets, matching vest, by Cricketeer,
$70." “Golly gee, you're REGULAR FELLOWS,” blurts Joe, “and | must say, you're look-
ing PREITY SPIFFY yourselves—you there, young Biff. Armstrong, far left, in your wool
ith flap-petch pockets, hook vent, by College Hall, $37.50; cotton broadcloth
buttondown, by Manhattan, $6; wool check tie, by Rooster, $2.50; and yes, even you,
ne'er-do-well Reggie Fortesque, far right, in your metal-buttoned wool blazer with flap.
ind cotton twill buttondown shirt, by Aetna, $6."
Northern schools; one will do for the
South), choosing from among gabardine,
tweed balmacaan, reversible nweed/gab.
ardine, or camel’s hair for casual wear,
while dress-up occasions suggest a dark
toned semifitted fly-front Chesterfield,
a traditional herringbone cheviot in da
gray, or a double-breasted camel's hair.
Rainy-day alternates can be a natural,
oyster or tan poplin raglan raincoat
(with zipin liner for cool climes) and
a black poplin, while
jaunts to nearby big c
kend winter
and year-end
Now occlaimed os BMOC (Best-dressed Mon On Compus), Joe flexes his right eyebrow in the UNRETOUCHED photo obcve, sur-
rounded by a KINGLY CACHE of bock-to-compus porophernalia. Friends, this veritoble TREASURE TROVE con be yours, too—that's
right, we said YOURS. Just poss this page oround omong your WELL-FIXED lody friends ond let them hove o BALL with it. Clock-
wise from Joe {clod here in cable-knit wool sweater, by Lord Jeff, $21.50; Zontrel cotton twill slacks, by Contact, $6): Vespa 150, with
5é-mph cruising speed, runs 100 mpg, by Vescony, Inc, $439; leother wet peck, with Kenanga lining, from Rigoud, $37.50: toxi trunk,
from Mark Cross, $110; imported cone umbrello, from Dunhill, $15; shetlond-wool ploid mufller, $5; russet mohoir-blend scorf, $6, both
by Fondcraft; rilroble wolnut bookrest, with stoinless-steel page holders, from Hommacher Schlemmer, $14.95; lomp, with swivel-ormed
2X mognifier for detoil work, by Tensor, $23.50; cordless shaver, with three-month botteries, from Dunhill, $25.95; Jeother game box, with
corved-wood chess set and boord, from Mork Cross, $136; The World of Love, definitive 2-volume reference work, published by George
Braziller, $17.50; 22-0z. Femlin-frescoed ceromic coffee mug, by Ployboy Products, $5; deluxe-edition Webster's New International
Dictionary, $47.50; block-lizord rodio, from Mark Cross, $57.95; leather toilet cose, from Dunhill, $29.50; English-worsted belt, by Can-
terbury, $4; silk hondkerchiefs, from Handcraft, $2.50 each; lightweight portoble typewriter, pico or elite type, by Royol, $109.95; bon-
tom cortridge tope recorder, by Westinghouse, $69.95; red ploid cotton shirt, by Von Heusen 417; brown-white cotton ploid shirt, by
Monhotton; cotton oxford shirt-jocket, by Aetno, cll $é eoch; flightweight vinyl luggage, with keyless combination locks—five suiter,
$65; one-suiter, $42.50; briefcose, $37.50, all by Ventura; precision zoom binoculars, single zoom control, from Edmund Scientific, $56.10;
Polimatic Spectcculors sunglosses, with odjustoble rheostat-type light-to-dark lenses, by Renould, $15; clock rodio, with timer outlet for
coffeemoker, etc, by Heothkit, $29.95; Miriam Makebo's The Voice of Africo, RCA; The Second Borbra Streisand Album, Columbic,
both on stereo lope, $7.25 eoch; 9-inch Ponosonic TV set, battery or A.C. operated, from Hommacher Schlemmer, $199.95; automatic-
threading, 3-speed, 4-trock stereo tope recorder, with cutomotic reverse permitting ploy on both sides without rewind, by Ampex, $499.
homecomings will require a flyfront
wool overcoat with pile or fur lining.
Although buuondown shirts arc still
the correct style for dress, a couple of
tab collars or the newer buttonless but-
tondowns (worn with a collar pin)
should fill out a collection of from 18 to
24. Blue and white are the dominant sol-
id shades, but stripes are running wild
and we're confident that even such wilder
hues as yellow and pink will be appreci-
ated. The only rule in neckwear concerns
width: Give your pencilnarow ties, if
you still have any, to your kid brother
and take along a dozen of the slightly
wider (254 to 234 inches) cravats. Vivid
rep stripes are still popular this ycar, as
are classic wool challis and foulards. To
complete your initial assortment, balance
these with a standard black knit, some
elegant club stripes in the small size and
a couple of ancient madders, leav
e on your tie rack, however, for later
additions from the campus haberdasher.
For those B. M. O. Cs whose names
adorn many debutante invitation lists,
s no question that buying, rather
n renting, a dinner jacket or two
is the proper step; however, even lesser
campus lights enjoy the luxury of swing-
ing off for an occasional weekend with-
out the usual last-minute rental-agency
bother. The greatest advantage of own-
ing your own formalwear is that it will
be tailored to fit you alone. The classic
natural-shoulder black-satin shawl collar
jacket is de rigueur, with the white
shaw] collar jacket a commendable al-
ternate for spring and summer.
For comfortably correct stepping ont
in any part of the country, we recom-
mend a half-dozen pairs of shoes, se-
lected from among brown cordovan
plain-toe bluchers, classic loafers, desert-
type boots, black slip-ons, grained wing
ups and deck or tennis shoes. A record
of heavy snowfall in your area will, of
course, require ski or rough hide boots.
Your doz ind-a-half pairs of socks
should include dark stretch nylons,
white and dark crew socks, and over-the-
calf dark ribbed Orlons.
As the popularity of Continental-type,
loopless trousers wanes, the importance
of belts increases. Since fabric belts are
still acceptable, take along a couple from
last year; but we prefer the trim appear-
ance of one-and-a-quarter-inch alligator
belts in brown or black for dress, while
for everyday use, we give the nod to
beefy harness leather or web styles. You
can fill out your collection of a half-
dozen belts with a dull calf and a sub-
dued pigskin. Regardless of your school’s
climatic conditions, you ought to buy a
pair of clegant leather gloves to coordi-
nate with your dress topcoat; frosty
weather will require, in addition, a
couple of pairs of woollined gloves
Whether or not you plan to parti
152 pate in campus pajama parties, we sug-
gest that you be prepared with three
pairs, at least two of them wash-and-
wcar cottons, the third, a warm knit or.
flannel (even in the South). A pair of
robes in different weights—washable cot-
ton or lightweight wool and heavy terry
or heavy wool—will also be useful.
The walkshort look will be fashion-
able this academic ye: ath-
er warrants it: A minimum collection of
four pairs, increasing in number the
farther South you go, should be built
around madras, white ducks, cords and
wash-and-wear poplins. A check list of
accessories applicable to any school in
the U.S.A. includes odd vests you may
have, 18 sets of underwear, a dozen hand-
kerchiefs, a pair of slippers, shower clogs,
six pocket squares, formal cuff links and
studs, toilet kit, pocket secretary, leather
wallet, colognes, shaving lotions and a
couple of ascots.
Notwithstanding the national trend to-
ward homogeneity in apparel this school
year, there are still subtle—but stylishly
important—dificrences among this coun-
try’s collegiate regions. These distinctions
apply primarily to suits, sweaters, sports-
wear and hats, all discussed in the per-
tinent scctions that follow.
THE NORTHEAST: The three-button
uralshoulder suit still reigns su-
preme on campuses from Harvard Square
to Brooklyn College (and elsewhere
throughout the U. $. A), the only change
from last year being that dark shades are
no longer mandatory. A balanced selec-
ion of four suits will include a navy
worsted, medium-gray sharkskin, tan or
brown cheviot herringbone and a renas-
cent Donegal tweed, clay-colored Shet
land or natural gabardine. (Vests are
optional with the light shades.) The cor-
rect leisure accent begins with the oblig-
atory blue blazer and goes on to pale,
bold-patterned tweeds, camel blazers
nd, for the warm months, lightweight
seersucker jackets. Ten pairs of coordi-
nating slacks—semidress and casual—
may be chosen from among dark- and
mediumgray flannel, olive hopsack,
chino, whipcord and cavalry twill, with
dark corduroys and washable whites ris-
ing in favor this scason among campus
Predictably frigid winter months i
New England and the mid-Adantic
states will require, in addition to your
overcoat and topcoat, a full comple
ment of casual outerwear. A quilted ski
parka, short Ioden dufiel coat and mam-
moth plaid jacket will put you in warm
shape for anything from quadside snow-
ball fights to gridiron gatherings, while a
lightweight tan poplin golf jacket will
keep the nip in the air during autumn
woodland walks. For under-the-parka
comfort, or a welcome touch of color on
brisk spring mornings, take along an as-
sortment of six sweaters including a
couple of V-neck pullovers, a crew neck,
a cardigan and a boat neck. Cotton and
wool jersey turtleneck pullovers in solid
shades of white, black and blue will be
providing a rakish underthe-sportshirt
look—speaking of which, we suggest a
half-dozen sport shirts in solid knits, ma-
dras plaids, bold stripes and dark solids.
The top of the male profile will be
capped with a wide variety of headgear
in the Northeast: Ivy Leaguers will be
at their dressed-up best in center-crease
felts with raw or welt edges in olive,
Bray or mustard tan. For between-classes
wear, the poplin in hat is still a fa
vorite, as is the knitted toque for ski
weekends and snow festivals: for a
casual topper with a little more flair,
take along a velour or weed cap.
"n southeast: Still maintaining its
reputation as the bestdressed campus
region in the country, the Southeast
combines high standards of fashion
awareness with deceptively variable tem-
peratures, thus requiring a wardrobe
chosen with special care. For seminars,
socials and vacation visits back home, a
minimum of four natural-shoulder suits
is essential. Although the vest is no long-
er mandatory, it will still be worn by
fashion leaders, who will also set the
pace with such suits as navy-blue wor-
steds, glen plaids, and light-toned tweeds
and cheviots. Or, you may also choose
from among a vested whipcord outfit in
natural shades, a light-brown tweed or a
black-and-white herringbone tweed.
A leisurely look can be achieved
with a trio of blazers (one blue, one cam-
el and the th
spoken herringbone tweed jacket in
black and white, a windowpane bold ta
Shetland and a brown tweed. Coordi
these with two pairs of light-gray flannels
(to go with your blazers), four pairs of
tan chines, two pairs of blue (dark and
medium) poplins, a pair of natu
whipcords and a blue-gray worsted hop-
sack. Since the position of the sport shirt
on Southeastern campuses is presently in
flux, we suggest that you take no more
than six—a couple of solid knits, a pair
in dark solid colors, a madras and a bold
stripe—and see what happens as the sea-
son develops
You'll need only a minimum of really
warm-weather apparel in the Southeast.
For dressing up, be sure to have at least
one topcoat, and, for casual wear, choose
from among nylon shells in red, yellow,
blue or white, madras pullovers, black or
tan poplin golf jackets and fleece-lined
waistlength poplins. Sweaters, on the
other hand, will make up an important
part of your wardrobe; we think you
should be prepared with an ample as-
sortment of V necks and cardigans in
Shetland, lamb's wool and camel's
as well as a sumptuous cashmere or two.
Sweater shades in this area are seen rath-
er than heard, so play it safe w
shades, followed by wine, navy blue and
dark green. Since hats are optional, you
(concluded on page 158)
~ eut of the darkness
screamed the fanged:
and maniacal carnivore that
lurks in each of us—
at age thirteen
memoir By JEAN SHEPHERD The male human animal, skulking through the impenetrable,
fetid jungle of kidhood, learns early in the game just what sort of animal he is. The jungle he stalks is a
howling tangled wilderness, infested with crawling, flying, leaping, nameless dangers. There are occasion-
al brilliant patches of passionate orchids and other sweet flowers and succulent fruits, but they are rare.
He daily does battle with horrors and emotions that he will spend the rest of his life trying to forget or
suppress. Or recapture.
His jungle is a wilderness he will never fully escape, but those first early years, when the bloom
is on the peach and the milk teeth have just barely departed, are the crucial days in the great educa-
tion. | am not at all sure that girls have even the slightest hint that there is such a jungle. But no
man is really qualified to say. Most wildernesses are masculine, anyway.
And one thing that must be said about a wilderness, in contrast to the supple silkiness of civili-
zation, is that the basic, primal elements of existence are laid bare and raw. And can’t be ducked. It is
in this jungle that all men find out about themselves. Things we all know, (continued on page 187)
Playmates ‘Revisited - 1961
playboy encores its eighth year's gatefold girls
HerFwitH, the eighth step in our Tenth Anniversary romp down Playmate Memory Lane, to be fol-
lowed shortly by a December Readers’ Choice portfolio. The phenomenal growth of PLAYBOY was re-
flected in its eighth year by a torrent of mail responses to 1961's gatefold girls. So many readers raved
about Christa Speck (September) that her total has never been topped; Speck-tacular Christa (88-22-
36) later appeared in the Playmate Holiday House Party feature (December. 1961), which garnered
additional overwhelming male reaction; shortly thereafter, pLaynoy’s editors unanimously selected
her the Playmate of the Year. Christa’s bosom companion, Heidi Becker (June), a strudel-sweet
Austrian, elicited enough letters to place her third in all-time Playmate popularity; our mail room
also worked overtime toting billetsdoux for Barbara Ann Lawford (February) and Connie Cooper
(January). Sheralee Conners (July) and Lynn Karol (December), having tasted gatefold fame, opted
for cottontailing and became two of New York's most popular Bunnies; admirers may also recognize
Lynn as one of Peter Sellers’ charmers in his moviclover pa ly (pLayboy, April 1964), and Sheralee
via her appearance on Steve Allen's show, when she tutored him on the techniques of Bunnying. If
you've already decided on your ten favorite Playmates of the Decade, send in your choices now. Any
girl who appeared between December 1953 and December 1963 is eligible for our year-end portfolio.
acd zio. eh iu :
z ji ze LESS
JEAN CANNON, October 1961 KAREN THOMPSON, August 1961
as i
BARBARA ANN LAWFORD, February 1961 LYNN KARROL, December 1961
— Ees Tn
i 1
NANCY NIELSEN, April 1961 TONYA CREWS, March 1961
CONNIE COOPER, January 1961 i DIANNE DANFORD, November 1961
CHRISTA SPECK, September 1961
can get by with a rain hat and perhaps a
sporty tweed cap.
THE DEEP south: The formula for
Decp Southern fashion tastes is dictated
by equal parts of sunshine, quality-con-
sciousness and orthodoxy.
the natüralshoulder suit—with vest (in
spite of the weather)—prevails unques-
tionably. An array of four light and
middleweight suits, varying in tone and
texture from n m-gray
herringbone, understated glen plaid, tan
gabardine and washable tan poplin, will
be an unimpeachable assorunent for
any social diversion from fraternity
bashes to weekend sorties in New Or-
Jeans, Atlanta or Palm Beach. Since the
Southern sportswear accent is influenced
by resort trends, your sports jackets
should be appropriately freewheeling.
We suggest several bold plaids on light
grounds, a vibrantly toned madras, a
couple of seersuckers and a camel blazer
(in addition to the indispensable blue
blazer). Ten pairs of slacks, including a
large proportion of washable blends in
tan, blue and olive, will suitably round
Out your casual ensembles.
Although warm outerwear is rarely
needed here, the Southern student will
want to be ready for unseasonably cold
js with a fleece-lined poplin and a
brighuly colored nylon shell. Sweaters,
likewise, are exceptional rather than
standard, but a couple, similar style
to those worn by Southeastern matricu-
lants, will come in handy for autumnal
events. The sportshirt scene, on the
other hand, is very much alive, with
buttondown collars the stylewisc choice.
dras in both light and dark grounds,
well as vivid solid shades, will be the
prevailing hues, but you can vary your
collection with a couple of solid-color
knits and some Henley crew shirts.
THE Mipwest: The predictably un-
predictable extremes of weather in mid-
America dictate a full complement of
outerwear matched by a suitable array
of warm-weather apparel for carly fall
and late spring. With the Ivy League
three-button suit as unquestioned here
as it ever was (and vests de rigueur),
you'll want to start out with a herring-
bone, cheviot or glen plaid in revived
brown tones, supplemented by a heather
mix of olive or blue in tweed, a gray
flannel and a dark-blue worsted shark-
quadrangle bull sessions and
ll elbow bending, a jaunty leisure
look can be achieved with sports jackets
in bold tweeds, also light-colored but
outspoken patterns of plaid Shetland
and brown herringbone. Slacks coordi-
nates will range from the classic gray
flannels to taupe corduroys, olive gab-
ardines, tan chinos, worsted whipcords
ise and, for late spring, washable whites.
(continued from page 152)
One of the brighter aspects of matric-
ulating in the Midwest is the wide variety
of greatlooking winterwear you can add.
to your wardrobe. Prism
suave suede jackets, vi
duffel coats are all nifty for the casual
campus scene, while, for weekend dates
n Chicago or St. Louis, this season's fur-
collared tweed coats and hand:
or furlined jackets are noteworthy. For
wintry under-the-coat comfort, bulky sk
sweaters and classic V-neck Shetlands are
top choices; since there are few hard-fast
rules regarding knitwear in the Midwest,
the balance of your initial four-sweater
assortment may be freely selected. Going
counter to the national trend toward
lighter colors, this section favors deep-
dyed shades in sport shirts. We recom-
mend, as your first choice, several of
these in solid colors, supplemented by
a madras, a couple of bold stripes and
plaid patterns, making a total of eight.
THE sourmwest: The give and take
of fashion influences is seen most clearly
in this sharply individualistic area. Har-
ness-leather belts and bold brass buckles
ted here and are now seen all
over the country; similarly, fields of
outhwestinspired wheat jeans are
being cultivated as far North as Seattle,
ast as Princeton; modified West-
ern boots and tengallon hats, also born
and bred in this region, have become a
frequent item on campuses everywherc.
Conversely, the tra natural-shoul-
der outline is so firmly entrenched here
that it brooks no exceptions. You'll need
four suits, and we think you'll be deco-
rously attired in a vested navy worsted, a
darkgray flannel, a lightgray herring-
bone and a medium-gray glen plaid.
For an impeccable leisure look, we
recommend five sports jackets; a camel
blazer added to your necessary navy
jacket, a seersucker in burgundy, a medi-
um plaid Shetland and a rugged herring-
bone tweed. Ten pairs of slacks, chosen
from among basic gray flannels and chi
tering high noons, will coordinate cor
rectly. Outerwear, too, should be chosen
with an eyc to the thermometer: For
after-dinner playmate prospecting, take
along a quilted nylon ski jacket, a lined
waistlength jacket, or a three-quarter-
length car coat
Southwestern tastes in sweaters range
from wild to woolly, with undergradu-
tes competing to see who can accum
late a larger and more colorful collection.
Accordingly, you'll need a minimum of
eight, varying these from regulation
camel's-hai ns to Shetland and
lamb's-wool crew necks and V necks,
from mohairs, alpacas and heather mixes
10 flag-bright bulky knits and ski types.
In a reversal of last year’s trend toward
subdued tones, standard sport-shirt styles
will be scen in vivid bursts of color, Ban-
Lon and cotton knits will show up in
every hue, and madras in bold plaids
promises to be popular. To balance your
assortment of 12 shirts, include a couple
of conservative hopsacks in dark solid
tones. Although bare heads are OK in
this section, you may want a rain hat
nd gray center-crease felt for dates, and
a cloth tweed lid for informal occasions.
THE WEsT Coast: Nowhere in the
United States are fashion preferences so
sharply the free
wheeling Western states, which, from an
apparel point of view, have little in com-
mon other than a justified reput
for sartorial independence. West Coast-
crs, for example, will depart from na-
tionwide style trends by sporting jaunty
shortslecve cardigans, venturesome self-
supporting slacks and evening suits in
glistening mohair. Even though
natural-shoulder accent is pr
d s, its import
tenuated by a universal ca
dress that is acceptable for even the most
formal occasions. Since you won't need.
the collection of four vested.
ard for most other campuses, choose a
couple or three from among sharkskins
in black, na gabardi
pe hopsack. Naturally, your lei-
sure wardrobe will be correspondingly
large: Complement your blue blazer with
one in olive or camel; add to these an
assortment of sports jackets in gray her-
ringbone tweed, madras, seersucker and
blended polyester-worsted (in one of the
new clay tones). Complete your casual
ensembles with several pairs of the stand-
d flannel and worsted trousers, plus an
ample supply of lightweights (the num-
ber determined by your geographical
location), and leave room on your slacks
rack for a pair or two of locally pur-
chased beltless trousers.
Northwestern matriculants will need a
full supply of outerwear, including at
lcast a ski parka, a corduroy stadium
coat and a three-quarterlength camel-
toned raglan with leather trim. For Cal
fornia, any one of these, or a navy
convoy coat, will be sufficient. Because
there are no definitive sweater trends in
the West, you ke along anything
from lamb's wool to cashmere, from light
alpaca to heavy bulky knits. We rccom-
mend at least a dozen sport shirts,
all buttondown except for a selection of
solid knits and a sweat shirt or two. Col-
ors run rampant here, so take your pick
of many hues in velours, madras, bold
stripes, hopsacks and tartans. € hats
re optional don't burden your skull
with more than a couple: a poplin for
rain and a tweed cap for dates.
There it is. School fashions have never
been better looking—yet more masculine
—than they will be this year. Relax and
enjoy them.
Do you know that the odds are
200 to 1 against you: finding
There arc at least that many Scotch whiskies
on the market. But only ove is smoothest.
How, then, do you find it?
Sampling each could take months. And
color is no guide: lightness or darkness has
nothing whatever to do with smoothness.
But you can eliminate all the odds with
just one sip if you head straight for Johnnie
Walker Red.
You'll find it smooth, and satisfying.
So very smooth, so very satisfying, that
Johnnie Walker Red is the largest-selling f
Scotch whisky in the world. P
Johnnie Walker Red —just smooth, very smooth
“Uh, Hutchins... when I remarked thai you weren't getting enough
feeling into your work, I was speaking in terms of aesthetics . . ."
in jail or both. Quite obviously, as Judge
Ploscowe observes, "The left hand of
the law docs not know what the right
hand is doing," Quite obviously, too,
those 31 residents of Seattle, who were
arrested for adultery and fornication,
would have had a happier, less harried
year if they'd been residents of New
York instead.
Kinsey offers this interesting comment
on the capricious manner in which our
state fornication and adultery statutes
are administered: "Extramarital coitus is
rarely prosecuted. because its existence
rarely becomes known to any third par-
ty. Even when it docs become known,
the matter is rarely taken to criminal
court. Most of the cases which we have
scen in penal institutions were prose-
cuted because of some social disturbance
that had grown out of the extram:
activity, as when a wife had comp
or when the family had been neglected
or deserted as a result of the extramari.
tal relationships. . . . Not infrequently
the prosecutions represented attempts
on the part of neighbors or relatives to
work off grudges that had developed
over other matters. In this, as in many
other areas, the law is most often uti
lized by persons who have ulterior mo-
tives for causing difficulties for the
nonconformant individuals. Not infre-
quently the prosecutions represent at-
tempts by sheriffs, prosecutors, or other
law-enforcement officers to work off per-
wnal or political grudges by taking
advantage of extramarital relationships
which they may have known about and
ignored for some time before they be-
c interested in prosecuting.”
Kinsey then notes that in Boston, one
of the few large cities in which there is
an active use of the adultery law, the stat-
ute appears to serve chiclly as a means
of placing heavier penalties on prostitu-
tion than the directly applicable statute
provides. This explains the dispropo
tionate female-male ratio to be found in
the statistics cited for that city.
Fifteen states have laws
is termed “lewd and
tation, which, upon investigation, turus
out 10 be nothing more than an unmar-
ried couple living together as man and
wife, or carrying on an extended affair
in what is deemed to be an “open and
notorious” manner. One might logically
assume that society would prefer this
more permanent sort of liaison to th
promiscuous, hitand-run variety, but
must be obvious by now that logic has
nothing to do with our sex legislation
d, in general, the penaltics for cohabi-
tation are greater than for random forni-
cation. In fact, Arkansas, California,
Louisiana and New Mexico, which do
not have laws against either fornication
igainst what
us" cohabi
(continued from page 74)
or adultery, do havc statutes prohibiting
And in Arkansas, the more constant a
fellow is to the girl of his dreams, the
rougher things get His first conviction
for living with the lady brings only a
small fine (520 to $100); the second con-
viction for cohabitation boosts the fine
to a minimum of $100 and a maximum
that is left to the discretion of the kindly
old reprobate on the bench, who—
should judicial ire be provoked by the
defendant, for taking a local pussycat
out of circulation with such an illicit
bed-and-board arrangement—can elect to
slap the fellow in the pokey for 12
months: the third time around, the con-
staney of the relationship is rewarded
with a prison sentence of from one to
three years.
On the other hand, if the same brash
lad turned into a promiscuous version of
the Arkansas Traveler, never tarrying in
any one domicile for more than a night
or two, he could visit every maid and
madam in the community—including
the judges wife and daughter—with
a fear of legal reprisal.
This tendency to deal more harshly
with long-lasting relationships than with
shorclived ones is also reflected in a
number of the adultery and fornication
statutes, which are worded in such a way
as to make them actually laws against
cohabitation, A number of lower court
con ns for fornication and adultery
have also been reversed by the higher
courts, because no more than a single
nation, or two,
The prejudice against more perma-
ment nonmarital affairs is justified by the
proposition. that they have a
tendency to “debase
ard of public morals," because they are
less furtive, less secretive, are more open
and available to public scrutiny. But we
to sce the logic in a legal position
that promotes the promiscuous, and pre-
fers the hidden over the honestly open;
nor are we able to comprehend how the
same act can be legal when it occurs
once, or a few times, but becomes illegal
when it occurs more. [requently.
This peculiar wrinkle in our sex leg-
n was conceived, we suspect, so
t citizens could not easily enjoy the
pleasures of hearth and home without
the official church-state seal of approval.
Such control over our private lives pro-
vides the Establishment with power;
such power begets more power, which is
used to further restrain us. It is a power
that should rightly rest with the individ-
ual, we think, rather than with our
A single act of nonmarital sex is some-
times quite suficient, of course. And
act of adultery may be prosecuted, even
when perpetrated with the approval of
the spouse, as an Oregon gentleman
named Ayles learned the hard way. In
the case of State vs. Ayles, a man was ar-
rested for adultery for having had inter-
course with a married woman. (As we
have noted previously, in The Play-
boy Philosophy, February 1964, adultery
usly defined in the different states,
sometimes including only the married
members in extramarital affairs, and
sometimes including the unmarried
members as well.) During the trial Ayles
offered to prove that the woman's hus
band had induced the adulterous rela-
tionship by leaving the couple alone,
after making various remarks and in-
nuendocs indicating to the defendant
whatever occurred would be all right
with him. The Court excluded this evi-
dence. The conviction was upheld on
the ground that even if the husband had
induced the relationship, the defendant
was still guilty.
In an even more unusual case, com-
mented upon in the February install-
ment, intercourse between a husband
and wife was construed to be adultery by
the Court (State vs. Grengs, Wisconsin,
1948). The court record indicates that a
man and woman wi ried in Wis
consin and subsequently separated, the
wife moving to Minnesota. The husband
then obtained a divorce in Wiscons
under Wisconsin law, the divorce was
not final for one year. During the year,
the woman remarried in Iowa. Under
Iowa law the second marriage was valid,
despite the Wisconsin one-year waiting
period. The newly married couple then
decided to return to Wisconsin to live
and that was a mistake. They were ar-
rested, tried and convicted. of adultery.
because under Wisconsin law the wife
still married to her first husband.
In addition to the state statutes, the
Federal Government also has a law, com-
monly referred to as the Mann Act (after
Representative James Robert Mann,
who drafted it), which has been used to
prosecute acts of nonmarital sex. Though
officially titled the — Whiteslavc-taffic
Act, and passed by the U.S. Congress
1910 to curb interstate prostitu-
tion, the law reads, "Any person who
shall knowingly transport or cause to
be transported, or aid or assist in obtain-
ing transportation for ... any woman
or girl for the purpose of prostitution or
debauchery, or for any other immoral
purpose . . . shall be deemed guilty of a
felony.” The Federal Courts have inter-
preted "any other immoral purpose" to
include simple fornication—nonmarital
intercourse between consenting adults—
and the maximum penalty prescribed is
a fine of $5000, or five years in prison, or
both; if the girl involved is under the
age of 18, the potential penalty is a
$10,000 fine and/or
up to ten ycars.
A young n
with him on
imprisonment for
a who takes his girlfriend
vacation is subject to pros-
ecution under the Mann Act, if they
uavel from one state to another—even
if neither of the states has laws against
fornication. The young man may be
found guilty under this law, even i
and his girl are not actually inti
intention is sufficient: If he merely con-
sidered the possibility of their being
intimate when he was making prepara-
d she later refused
tions for the trip, a
him, he is guilty.
first unfortunate fellow to be
n this manner was a Califor-
nian named Caminetti who took a fe-
male friend to Reno with him for the
weckend. Writer Alan Holmes comment-
ed on this case in an article on the sub-
ject in PLAYBOY (The Mann Act, June
1959), concluding: "Clearly, it had not
been the intention of Congress to apply
the Mann Act to this kind of peccadillo—
but in order to revise the law to conform
iginal purpose, some brave Con-
gressn d to propose an
amendment which would surely result in
his being tagged throughout the land a
an advocate of sin. A Congressman that
brave was not to be found at the time,
and none has appeared since.
“Appellate courts have consistently
ruled, therefore, that premarital inter-
course comes under the heading of ‘any
other immoral purpose . . " " Mr. Cami-
neti's weekend in Reno cost him a
$1500 fine and 18 months in prison.
Just as the penalties for noncoital sex
acis are more severe, so are they also
more frequently applied. This is be-
cause, as Kinsey states, “There has been
n insistence under our English-Amer
can codes that the simpler and more
direct a sexual relation, the more com-
pletely it is confined to genital coitus,
and the less the variation which enters
into the performance of the act, the more
acceptable the relationship is morally.”
As previously stated, the sodomy law
of America are actually a catchall for
every manner of nonprocreative sexual
behavior. They are primarily used to
prosecute offenses of a homosexual na-
ture, but the statutes are written so as to
apply to heterosexual noncoital acts as
well. And none of the sodomy statutes
of the United States makes any distinc-
tion regarding the marital status of the
Kinsey states, “It is not often realized
that the [scxual] techniques which arc
employed in marriage may be subject to
the same legal restrictions which are
placed on those techniques when they
occur between persons who are not wed
ded spouses. . .. In most states the sod-
omy acts are so worded that they would
162 apply to mouth-genital contacts and to
anal [intercourse] between married
spouses, as well as to both heterosexual
and homosexual relations outside of
marriage. ... While the laws are more
commonly enforced in regard to such re-
lations outside of marriage, there are
ances of spouses whose oral ac
through them to the CERES and
ultimately led to prosecution and p
sentences for both husband and wi
are court decisions not
ng a husband and wife that have con-
famed the applicability of these sodomy
statutes to married couples also. In the
€ of State vs. Nelson in Minnesota,
for example, the Court stated: “It is not
the normal sexual act that this statute
aims at. Rather and only it is the unnat-
ural and prohibited way of satisfying
sexual desires that the statute is designed
to punish. Thus husba
violating this statute, could undoubtedly
be punished, whereas the normal sexual
act would not only bc legal but perhaps
entirely proper."
rcumstantial evidence may be
sufficient to obtain a conviction and the
mere attempt to commit the act may be
all that is required. The Alabama Jaw
states: “An offense may be proven under
this section as in other cases, by circum-
al evidence, when positive proof is
and“... A conviction may be
tempt to commit an offense
denounced by this section.
Tt is actually possible for a husband to
be arrested and convicted of sodomy for
simply suggesting to his wife tha
marital sex might be more satisfying
included something more than
intercourse. Kinsey reports, “One
even goes so far as to uphold the convic-
ion of a man for soli, ng his wife to
commit sodomy.
Kinsey's records include “cases of per-
sons who were convicted because one of
the spouses objected, or because some
other person became aware that oral or
anal play had been included in the mari-
tal activities.” He goes on to say, "In
those states where the definition of
cruelty as one of the grounds for divorce
includes ‘personal indignities’ or ‘mental
cruelty divorce cases involving either
nd's or wife's desires or de-
mands for the use of oral techniques are
not infrequent.” Ploscowe reports that
1951 an appellate court in Pennsylvania
had two such divorce proceedings i
single day (Glick vs. Glick, in which the
wife asked for the relations; and Kranch
vs. Kranch, in which the request came
from the husband).
New scientific insights regarding the
sexual nature of man have considerably
altered society’s views on this subject in
recent years. What was once considered
“unnatural” is now recognized as per-
fectly normal and, in many instances,
desirable, since such tech-
niques can add
ction gained by both
tners in the sexual act.
Most modern marriage manuals and
experts in the field of sex education en-
natural freedom in the love p
they indicate
nate preliminaries th
tual act of intercourse
extremely important to the success of
the coitus itself; they conclude that no
inti at brings pleasure to both
n the relationship should be
considered improper or taboo.
This quote from Sexual Harmony in
Marriage by Dr. Oliver M. Butterfield is
typical: ion is proper which
permits full satisfaction for both parties.
Il parts of the body are proper for use
if they can be made to contribute to the
general goal without giving offense to the
neither partner is harmed thereby."
D. Stanley Jones states, in a volume
i "Many of
iants of conventional sexual tech-
nique which were formerly regarded as
perversions are now acknowledged as
playing a legitimate part in the fore-
ure that leads up to happily con-
intercourse, .. . It is now
ognized that any form of bodily ma-
ulation which can be used as an
adjunct to mutual sex orgasm may in no
way be regarded as a perverse or un-
natural addiction."
Dr. Albert Ellis writes, in an article
published in Marriage and Family Liv-
ing: “The only true sexual ‘perversion’
is a fetish or rigidity which convinces an
individual that he or she can only have
satisfactory sex relations in one method
or position. The great majority of sexual
in this country are not sadists,
homosexuals, exhibitionists, or si
deviates, but ‘normal’ married individu-
Is who only enjoy one method of coitus
~ - - because they are afraid or ashamed
to try the dozens of other sexual vari
tions that are easily available to them
The attitude of most organized reli-
gion has also changed in this regard. A
majority of the contemporary Protestant
and Jewish clergy who offer guidance in
this arca expound the same enlightened
viewpoint on the natu i
sperts. The
milar view,
But in offering such sound advice, the
marriage counsclors, educators, scientists
d clergy are actually inviting their fel-
low citizens to commit criminal acis in
their bedrooms—acts that are prohibited
by law almost everywhere in Ameri
with lengthy prison sentences prescribed
for the guilty.
Almost all U.S. sex laws are woefully
unrelated to the realities of contempo-
rary socicty, but the disparity is nowhere
more evident than in the legislation
designed to suppress ^unnatural" sex
Until quite recently, every state in the
Union had a sodomy law and/or similar
legislation on “perversion” and “crimes
against nature.” In 1961, in a moment of
rare sexual enlightenment for a U.S. leg-
islative body, the lawmakers of Illinois
repealed their statute on sodomy, which
was typical of those described in this ed-
itorial, including the usual prohibitions
against unnatural acts with man or
Deast. As of this writing, none of the leg-
islatures of the other 49 states has seen
fit to follow Illinois’ lead. Nor is the
ational or
permissive as this particular legislative
action suggests. For the lawmakers re-
pealed the state's sodomy statute, but
left standing those for fornication and
Tultery. This puts Illir the inter-
esting position of being more tolerant of
homosexual than heterosexual sex; of
permitting “unnatural” acts between
partners of the same or opposite sex,
while prohibiting acts of "natural" inter-
course. (Sce letter of comment on this
matter from Charles H. Bowman, Pro-
fessor of Law at the University of Ilinois,
who was Chairman of the Drafting Sub-
committee of the Joint Committee to
Revise the Illinois Criminal Code, in
The Playboy Forum in this issue.)
Ploscowe writes, “While it would ap-
pear that there is a definite softening of
the legislative attitude toward the crime
of sodomy in certain jurisdictions, there
is no uniform profile of improvement or
progress in this arca. Here and there, ret-
rogression in the form of increasingly
severe penalties may be observed.
“Formerly, sodomy in Arkansas was
punishable by a minimum prison term
of five ye: But in 1955, owing to the
fact that juries for a long time had evi-
dently displayed reluctance to condemn
defendants to five years’ imprisonment
for the crime, the Arkansas legislature
reduced the minimum penalty to one
year. [In five states the minimum sen-
tence is still five years and in one it is
"In a counter direction, just a few
rlicr, Arizona, which previously
lon the books a one-to-fiv
of prison penalties for sodomy,
increased the limits to five to twenty
“The severity of the penalties against
sodomy and crimes against nature in so
many ju ictions indicates that the law
has lost little of the abhorrence for aber-
rant sex behavior expressed by the carly
text writers [i.e., Blackstone, quoted e;
lier]. It is even more clearly revealed in
the laws of states like Wyoming and In-
diana. These states punish a completed
act of sexual intercourse between a man
and a girl under 21 as fornication, with
imprisonment of three months and six
months respectively. The masturbation
current Ilinois position as
of such a girl in those states would be
sodomy, punishable by maximum impris-
onments of five years and fourteen
years respectively.”
All of the methods of sexual grat-
ification that are commonly employed
in a homosexual relationship are prohib-
ited under our sodomy laws; and the
statutes are more frequently enforced
against homosexual than heterosexual
partners. Whar is less commonly recog-
nized is that almost all of the prosec
tions for homosexual behavior are
against males, although acts of female
homosexuality (Lesbianism) are quite
Kinsey states, “Our search through the
several hundred sodomy opinions which
have been reported in this country be-
tween 1696 and 1952 has failed to reveal
a single case sustaining the conviction of
a female for homosexual activity. Our
examination of the records of all the fc-
males admitted to the Indiana Women's
Prison between 1874 and 1944 indicates
that only one was sentenced for ho-
mosexual activity, and that was for activ-
minne e
ity which had taken place within the
walls of another institution. Even in
such a large city as New York, the rec-
ords covering the years 1930 to 1939 show
only one case of a woman convicted
of homosexual sodomy, while there
were over 700 convictions of males on
homosexual charges, and several thou-
sand cases of males prosecuted for public
indecency, or for solicitation, or for other
activity which was homosexual. In our
own more recent study of the c
ment of sex law in New York City we
find three arrests of females on homosex-
ual cl
of those cases were dismi though
there were some tens of thousands of ar-
rests and convictions of males charged
with homosexual activity in that same
period of tim
Several of the state statutes on sodomy
do not apply to female homosexuality,
including those of Connecticut, Georgia,
Kentucky, South Carolina and Wiscon-
sin. A footnote to the Georgia statute
states: "Crime of sodomy as defined in
this section cannot be accomplished L
tween two women; hence person convict-
ed in indictment charging her with
Cetema mi =.
“Say, you're not in Cosa Nostra for the FBI, are you?”
"It isn't off any of my wigs.”
sodomy, both participants in act being
alleged to be females, will be discharged.
on habeas corpus on ground that she
being illegally restrained of her liberty,
in that indicument on which she was
convicted was null and void.”
Heterosexual cunnilingus (mouth-gen-
1 act performed upon the female) has
been held not to be “the crime against
nature" by the courts in Illinois (prior
to repeal of Minois’ sodomy statute),
sippi and Ohio, and the decisions
would presumably apply to homosexual
cunnilingus as well, There is also some
doubt as to whether the laws in Arkan-
sas, Colorado, Iowa and Nebraska would:
apply to female homosexuality. In those
states in which sodomy includes fellatio,
but not cu gus. a heterosexual act
of oral-genital intercourse performed
upon a male by a female is a crime, but a
homosexual act of o i
course performed by
another female is not.
"The legal leniency shown female ho-
mosexual behavior is consistent with the
traditional religious attitude on the sub-
ject. The ancient Hittite code con-
demned only male homosexuality, and
only under certain circumstances,
and made no mention of homosexual
activity among females. Similarly, the
references to homosex activity in the
Bible and in the Talmud apply primari-
ly to the male. The condemnations were
severe and usually called for the death
of the transgressing male, but they rarely
mentioned female and when
they did, no severe penalties were pro-
posed. In medieval European history
there are abundant records of death im-
posed upon men for sexual activities
with other men, but very few recorded
cases of similar action against women.
This inconsistency in attitude toward
male and female homosexuality is proba-
bly a result of the differing social and
l status of the sexes in the p
ially less important than n
ictivities of females were
the private
more or les ignored, except where
another man was involved. (We have
previously commented upon the manner
in which our moder prohibitions
against adultery grew out of the carly
concept of women being the property of
men: thus to use another man's wife sex-
ually was a crime against property: the
moral significance was not added u
The prosecution of male homosexual:
ity in the United $ not declining;
if anything, it is on the increase. Plos-
cowe notes, for example, that during the
ten years from 1930 to 1940. the New
York City Police Department reported a
total of 1396 arrests for sodomy, or an
average of only 139.6 per year: during
the eight-year period from 1950 through
1957 (the last year in which sodomy
statistics were listed separately), a total of
2637 arrests were listed, an average of
329.6 per year. The great majority of
these arrests were for homosexual acts,
nd these figures do not include the
ny thousands of additional arrests for
homosexual behavior on other than
sodomy charges.
In an excellent article, titled. “Ho-
mosexuality in America," in their issue
of June 26, 1964, Life comments on the
current get-tough attitude of officials in
California and Florida: “As part of its
antihomosexual drive the Los Angeles
police force has compiled an 'education-
al’ pamphlet for law-enforcement officers
entitled Some Characteristics of the Ho-
mosexual. The strongiy opinionated
pamphlet includes the warning that
what the homosexuals really want is ‘a
fruit world."
In their unrelenting crackdown on
homosexuals the Los Angeles police use
two approaches: One is an cort to deter
homosexual activity in public, and the
other is an arrest effort. . . . To arrest
homosexuals the police have an under-
cover operation in which officers dressed
to look like homosexi
sneakers, sweaters oi
streets and bars. The officers are in-
structed never to make an overt advance:
‘They can only provide an opportunity
for the homosexual to proposition them.
Arrests are made after the officer has re-
ceived a specific proposition."
Life mentions that the legislatures of
some states, including New York and
California, are currently considering
penal code revisions similar to Ill
which would remove the restrictions on
homosexual acts between consenting
adults. “But in Florida." the article con-
tinues, “early this year the Legislative
Investigation Committee's consideration
of homosexuality produced an inflam-
matory report, calling for tougher laws
to support the conclusion that ‘the prob-
lem today is one of control, and that
cstablished. procedures and stern pena
ties will serve both as encouragement
to law-enforcement officials and as a
deterrent to the homosexual [who is]
hungry for youth.’ Its recommendations
would make psychiatric ination of
offenders mandatory and create a con-
trol file on homosexuals which would be
available to public employment agen
throughout the state. The report, which
included an opening-page picture of two
men kissing and photographs of nude
men and boys, was so irresponsible th
it brought attacks from the Dade County
state's attorney and the Miami Herald,
which described it as an ‘official
obscenity.” "
Some authorities have suggested that
homosexuality is itself increasing, but
Kinscy's statistics tend 10 refute this
sumption: he found little difference in
the incidence of this and other forms of
sexual activity among persons growing
up in each of the decades since the turn
of the century. He coneludes that, in
general, human sexual behavior changes
very little from generation to gencra-
tion; what changes greatly, however, i
e is no question but that the new
openness and. permissiveness toward sex
in contemporary soci produced a
greater awareness of homosexual activi-
ty, creating die impression that the be-
havior itself is more prevalent.
We tend to think of ourselves as a het-
erosexual society: and to view homosex-
wality as relatively uncommon and
symprom of sickness. Neither assumption
is valid.
athavine B. Davis studied 1200 un-
married female college graduates who
averaged 37 years of age; she found that
f of them had experienced intense
emotional relationships with other wom-
en and over 300, or one fourth of the to-
1, engaged in sexual acts with members
of their own sex. Of 100 married women
studied by G. V. Hamilton, one fourth
admitted homosexual episodes of a physi-
cal nature. Kinscy’s research w:
more extensive and must be con
the most authoritative available; he
found that 20 percent of the total female
popul: has some overt homosexual
experienc ze of 45, and 13
percent has homosexual activity resulting
in orgasm. Among women who are still
unmarried at the age of 45, the incidence
of overt homosexual experience rises
26 percent.
Kinsey's research on male homose
tivity alo confirmed the findings of
previous, less extensive U.S. studies by
; V. Hamilton (1929), G.V. Ramsey
(1943) and F. W. Finger (1947); Kinsey
and his associates found that no less
than 87 percent of the total
a orgasm between puberty and
years of age. Among males who are
still unmarried at the age of 35, the pe
centage increases to "almost exactly 50
pe x.
-judge Ploscowe comments, “Ob-
viously, the notion that sodomy and
crimes against nature are loathsome pe
versions which occur only in rare in
stances and must be severely repressed
because of their very abnormality is
Even those who oppose the crimi
prosecution of homosexuality as
and inhumane often consider it the re-
sult of an emotional abnormality; they
believe it is simply a problem for the
psych n the police. But
you cannot cz avior abnormal when
it involves 37 percent of the male popu-
Jation—not if you want the word to re-
tain any semblance of its scientific
Most analysts, psychiatrists and psy-
chologists consider the confirmed homo-
sexual emotionally disturbed; and the
majority of those with whom they come
in contact undoubtedly are. Analyst
Ernest van den Haag was once told by a
colleague, “All my homosexual. patients,
you know, are quite sick." "Ah, yes,"
said Dr. van den Haag, "but so are all
my heterosexual patients.
Freud did not believe that homosexu-
als were necessarily neurotic; in a letter
to the mother of a homosexual, who had
asked him for help, he wrote, “ Homosex-
uality is assuredly no advantage. but it i
nothing to be ashamed of—no vice, no
degradation, it cannot be classified as an
illness.” Neither did Kinsey, who was
certainly no Freudian; he concluded
that homosexual conduct was simply too
widespread, in our own society and oth-
ers, to be considered a sickness.
Kinsey points out the error in think-
ing of the homosexual and the het-
erosexual as two distinct classifications
or types; there are only individuals,
who respond to various kinds of sexual
stimulation in various ways; the nature
of the response is dependent upon the
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taboos of a particular society and the ex-
tent to which the individual has accept-
ed them. All mammals, human beings
included, are born with the innate capac-
ity to respond to homosexual as well
heterosexual stimuli. Zoologists have ob-
served homosexual behavior in nearly
every species of animal: anthropologists
find it in human societies the world
over; and historians find records of it in
the civilizations of the past.
It may help our understand
ng of the
matter if we make a distinction between
the person for whom homosexual acti
ty is but a part of the total sex experi-
ence; and the true invert, who may be
emotionally disturbed, and for whom
homosexuality represents an escape
from relations with the opposite sex.
(Only 4 percent of the males interviewed
by Kinsey were exclusively homosexual
throughout their lifetimes: the othe
their histories.)
But it must be remembered that the
law does not prohibit being a homosex
al; it prosecutes a person for the pe
formance of a homosexual act (or, as in
the example of Los Angeles law enforce-
ment, the individual who simply suggests
such an act). Thus the full 37 percent
of all U. males could be arrested for
this part of their sex experience; and
undoubtedly would be, if they happened
to be caught.
Even though homosexual activity is
prosecuted far more aggressively than
illegal heterosexual activity, it is obvious
that the arrests represent only a minute
percentage of the total behavior. Plos-
cowe states, "When the number of ar-
rests and convictions are compared . . .
with the estimates of homosexuality, and
with reports on the incidence of uncon-
ventional methods of sexual satisfaction,
it is obvious that the legal prol
against sodomy, homosexuality,
crimes against nature are practically un-
enforceable. One study estimated that six
million homosexual acts of sodomy, fcl-
Jatio, and mutual masturbation take
place each year for every 20 convictions.”
Even if it could be j fied, the most
vigorous law enforcement would nei
ther curb nor cure homosexual activity.
Life reports, "Law officials and psychi-
atrists who have tried to make interna-
tional comparisons do not believe that
ore widespread
1 places like France, the Netherlands
ada Sueaem eret gc ier punishable
under the Jaw, than in other nations
ours where it is considered a crime.
“Most people who have studied ho-
mosexuality believe that the laws against.
re what Freud once called them, ‘a
great injustice" and ‘cruelty—unjustly
penalizing the few who are unlucky
enough to be caught. Indeed some ob-
servers think that the legal penalties and
166 social stigma which threaten the ho-
I's life may cause him more
emotional disturbance than homosexual-
ity itself{—and even that some defiant
and thrillsecking men may take up ho-
mosexuality for the very reason that it is
illegal, just as some people who had nev-
er drunk before began drinking during
Society actually combines with nature
to perpetuate homosexuality. The sexual
patterns established at an early age tend
to continue for a lifetime. And precisely
at that period in his development when
a young man's sexual desires are great-
est, society forbids him to find release
through heterosexual contacts. It is not
surprising, therefore, that the most sex-
ually precocious males are the ones most
apt to be drawn into carly homosexual
Says Life, displaying
garding sex for an American miss-circu-
me well-mea
people feel that homosexuality could be
reduced if our society were not so bla-
tantly sexual in gencral—that is, if we
protected our growing boys from the
stimulation of sexy movies, books, maga-
nes and outright pornography. But this
theory ignores the urgency of the adoles-
cent's sexual drive. ‘When a boy reaches
puberty,’ says Dr. Gebhard [head of the
Institute for Sex Research), hor-
mones keep him far more stimulated
from the inside than he could possibly
be stimulated by anything he sees or
hears" About the only effective way
to discourage homosexuality at rhat
crucial age, Dr. Gebhard believes, would
be ‘to encourage heterosexi y
simple statement has significant implica-
tions for all of our social and legal re-
strictions on sex, including censorship,
and the re. If the legislator, judge,
police official and common citizen un-
derstood the truth in those words, and
their full significance, we might at last
ve an end to our socicty's continuing
tempts at sex suppression.
Nothing but a healthier emphasis on
the heterosexual will ever reduce the ho-
mosexual element in society. And not
even that, it must be added, will ever
eliminate it entirely—for it is one of the
natural variations on the human sexual
theme. We must agree on this with the
uthor of the article in Life, who con-
cluded: "Many optimistic students of
our socicty believe that we may some
day eliminate. poverty, slums and even
the common cold—but the problem of
homosexuality seems to be more akin to
death and taxes. Even if every pres
day American with the slightest trace of
homosexuality could be deported tomor-
row and forever banished, Dr. Gebh:
believes, there would probably be just as
any homosexual men in the U. S. a few
generations hence as there are now.”
To which we add this thoughtful note
from Kinsey, for a society that tends to
perpetuate perversion when it believes it
is suppressing it: "The judge who is con-
sidering the case of the male who has
been arrested for homosexual activity,
should keep in mind that nearly 40 per-
cent of all me other males in the town
could be arrested at some time in their
lives for similar activity, and that 20 10
30 percent of the unmarried males in
that town could have been arrested for
homosexual activity that had taken
place within that same year. The court
might also keep
ind that the penal
or mental institution to which he may
send the male has something between 30
nd 85 percent of its inmates engagi
in the sort of homosexual activity which
may be involved in the individual case
before him.
“On the other hand, the judge who
dismisses the homosexual case that has
come before him, or places the boy or
adult on probation, may find himself the
subject of attack from the local press
which charges him with releasing dan
gerous ‘perverts’ upon the community.
Law-enforcement officers can utilize the
findings of scientific studies of human
behavior only to the extent that the
community will back them. Until the
whole community understands the reali-
ties of human homosexual behavior,
there is not likely to be much change
the official handling of individual cases.
As we mentioned in the April install-
ment of this editorial series, Dr. Kinsey
and his associates found a marked
difference in sexual attitudes and behav-
ior at various social and educational le:
els in society. These differences have a
definite effect upon the legislation and
administration of our sex laws.
Upper-level males suffer the greatest
inhibitions regarding premarital inter-
course and frequently resort to other
forms of sexual release (masturbatio
heavy petting, mouth-genital activity) in
preference to coitus. In contrast, almost
all lower-level males engage in coitus
prior to marriage (98 percent of those
h no more than a grade school educa-
tion, compared to 84 percent of all
males who haye been to high school,
and 67 percent with some college educ;
tion); lower-level males have premar
intercourse more frequently and with a
far greater number of different partners
than their upper-level counterparts, but
they have much stronger taboos against
noncoital sex, often considering such
activity or a form of
Kinsey comments on the relationsh
between educational background d
our sex laws in Sexual Behavior in the
Human Male: “Anglo-American sex laws
are a codification of the sexual mores of
the better educated portion of the popu
lation. While they are rooted in the Eng
lish common law, their maintenance
and defense lie chiefly the hands of
state legislators and. judges who, for the
most part, come from better educated
‘Consequent on this fact, the written
codes severely penalize all nonmarital
intercourse, whether it occurs before or
fter marriage; but they do not make
masturbation a crime, even though there
are a few courts which have tried to read
such interpretations into the law [and, as
previously noted, two states specifically
prohibit mutual masturbation or induc-
ing another person to turbate!
“However, the enforcement of the law
is placed in the hands of police officials
who come largely from grade school and
high school segments of the population.
For that reason, the laws against non-
marital intercourse are rarely and only
capriciously enforced, and then most of-
ten when upperlevel individuals de-
mand such police action. It is difficult
for a lower-level policeman or detective
feel that much of a crime is being
committed when he finds a boy and
girl involved in the sort of sexual activi-
ty which was part of his own adolescent
history, and which he knows was in the
historics of most of the youth in the
community in which he was raised. If
the behavior involves persons against
whom the policeman has a grudge (prob-
ably for some totally nonsexual reason),
if the relation involves too public an ex-
hibition, if it involves a contact between
much older and a younger person
(which under the policeman’s code is
more or less taboo), if it involves a rela-
tion between persons belonging to
different racial groups (which under his
code may be exceedingly taboo). then
the laws against premarital intercourse
become convenient tools for punishing
these other activities. But if it is the rou-
tine sort of relationship that the officer
very well knows occurs regularly in the
lower-level community, then he may pay
little attention to the enforcement of the
laws. The policeman’s behavior may ap-
pear incongruous or hypocritical to the
citizen from the other side of town, but
it is based on a comprehension of rea
ties of which the other citizen is not of-
e policemen who
frankly si y consider it one of
their functions to keep the judge from
knowing things that he simply does not
“On the other h
nd. if it is the case of
boy who is found masturbating in a
k alley, the policeman is likely to
push the case through court and see that
the boy is sent to an institution for inde-
cent exposure, for moral degeneracy, or
for perversion, When the boy arrives in
the reformatory, the small-town sheriff
may send a letter urging that the admin-
istration of the institution pay special
to curing the boy of the per-
version. However, the educated superin-
tendent of the institution is not much
impressed by the problem, and he may
explain to the boy that turbation
does him no harm, even though the law
penalizes him for his public exposure.
The superintendent may let it be known
among his officers that masturbation
seems to him to be a more acceptable
form of sexual outlet than the homosex-
ual activity which involves some of the
mates of the institution, and he may
even believe that he has actually provid-
ed for the sexual needs of his wards by
making such a ruling. On the other
hand, the guards of the institution, who
are the officials most often in contact
with the inmates, have lower-level back-
grounds and lower-level attitudes toward
In consequence, they con-
nue to punish inmates who are discov-
ered masturbating as severely as they
would punish them for homosexual
Though Kinsey does not explore the
matter to any degree, nteresting to
note the extent to which the sexual at-
titudes that have long prevailed in all
the branches of our military service re-
flect, even at the upper echelons, prej-
udices peculiar to the lower educational
level in society as a whole. The U.S.
Armed Forces have traditionally taken
n extremely permissive attitude toward
nonmarital coitus: Free contraceptives
are issued to all servicemen on request,
less of age, rank, or marital statu:
and there were instances during World
War H in which military bases overseas
sanctioned and controlled houses of pros-
titution in their
Evidence of homosexuality automati
cally precludes a man from military serv-
ice, however; and a single homosexual
act by any member of the Armed Forces
is sufficient cause for a dishonorable dis-
n single out, with
acy. the majority of the men who
have had some homosexual experience
since the ranks of our Army, Navy, /
Force and Marines would be severely de-
pleted if the one male in every three
who has engaged in such activity was not.
permitted to serve.
In response to any suggestion of a
possible negative correlation between ho-
mosexuality and military prowess, a his-
torian would be apt to point out that
Julius Caesar, onc of the foremost mili-
Imost as well
1 the bedroom
tary men of all time, was
known for his conquests
—with male and female alike—as for
those on the battlefield (Caesar
ferred to by his soldiers as "the husband
of every woman and the wife of every
man”). A sociologist might add that
some of the fiercest fighters in the world
belong to Arabian tribes that are noto-
riously homosexual. And a psychologist
might suggest that the U.S. Armed
Forces, or the military of any country,
probably includes a higher proportion
of males with homosexual experience
than is to be found in society at large,
since any protracted sexual segregation
invariably leads to increased homosexual
was re-
“How'd it go, dear?"
168 higher edu
A more remarkable lower-level sexual
prejudice in the military is the attitude
toward masturbation, which is consid-
ered due cause for the rejection of a can-
didate for the U.S. Naval Academy at
Annapolis (any candidate "shall be re-
jected by the examining surgeon for . . .
evidence of . . . masturbation"—U.S.
Naval Acad. Regul., June 1940). If the
inability to pinpoint the homosexual
historics of men being considered for the
armed services is fortunate, the futility
in any examining surgeon's attempt to
weed out Naval Academy aspirants who
masturbate must be considered the
height of good luck—for if he were suc-
cessful, Annapolis would be a lonely
place; masturbation is commonest
among college-level males and candi-
dates for the Academy would have to be
found among the sparse two or three
percent without such experience.
In a further consideration of the rela-
tionsl between law enforcement and
educational background in society at
large, Kinsey states: "On sex cases, the
decisions of the judge on the bench are
often affected by the mores of the group
from which he originated. Judges often
come from better educated groups, and
their severe condemnation of sex offend-
em is largely a defense of the code of
their own social level, Lower-level indi-
viduals simply do not understand the
bitter denunciations which many a
judge heaps upon the lower-level boy or
girl who has been involved in sexual re-
lations. ‘They cannot see why behavior
which, to them, seems perfectly natu
and humanly inevitable should be p
ishable under the law. For them, there is
no majesty in laws which
tic as the sex laws. Life is
sex laws and the upper-level persons who
defend them are simply hazards about
which one has to learn to find his way.
Like the rough spots in a sidewalk, or
the trafic on a street, the sex laws are
things that onc learns to negotiate with-
out getting into too much trouble; but
that is no reason why one should not
cwalks, or cross streets, or
a 1 relations."
As Kinsey notes, the influence of class
mores is strikingly shown by a study of
the decisions which arc reached by judges
with different social backgrounds. There
is still a portion of the legal profession
that has not gone to college and, parti
ularly where judges are elected by popu-
lar vote, there are some instances of
judges who have originated in lower
social levels and acquired th
training by office apprenticeship or n
school courses. In addition, the GI Bill
has made it possible for a number of vet-
erans of the armed services from lower
socioeconomic levels, who would not
normally have been able to afford a
ion. to continue into col-
lege and postgraduate training. Sexual
attitudes and patterns are established at
an early age, however, and the individu-
al most often carries the prejudices of
his own social background with him for
ifetime, even though the increasing
social mobility of our society may have
permitted him to advance to an upper
socioeconomic or educational level.
‘The significance of the background
becomes most apparent" Kinsey states,
when two judges, one of upper level
and onc of lower level, sit in alternation
on the same bench. The record of the
upperlevel judge may involve convic-
tions and maximum sentences in a high
proportion of the sex cases, particularly
those that involve nonmai inter-
course or prostitution. The judge with
the lower-level background may convict
in only a small tion of the cases. The
lowerlevel community recognizes these
differences between judges, and express-
es the hope that when it is brought to
trial it will come before the second
judge, becausc ‘he understands.” The ex-
perienced attorney similarly sees to
that his case is set for trial when the
understanding judge is on the bench. Pa-
role officers and social workers who inves-
tigate cases before they are decided in
court may have a good deal to do with
setting a particular case before a particu-
lar judge, in order to get a verdict that
accords with the philosophy of their (the
parole officers’) background.
"Judges who are ignorant of the way
in which the other three-quarters of the
population lives, naively believe that the
police officials are apprehending all of
those who are involved in any material
infraction of the sex laws. If the commu
been aroused by a sex case which
volved a forceful rape or a death
following a sexual relation, the judge
may lead the other public officials in de-
manding the arrest of all sex offenders
in the community. Newspapers goad the
police, and there is likely to be a wave of
arrests and convictions which carry max-
imum sentences, until the wide scope of
the problem becomes apparent to even
the most unrealistic official . . ~
Dr. Kinsey sums up: “Eighty-five per-
cent of the total male population has
premarital intercourse, 59 percent has
some experience in mouth-genital con-
arly 70 percent has relations with
prostitutes, something between 30 and 45
percent has extramarital intercourse, 37
percent has some homosexual experience
nd] 17 percent of the farm boys have
nal intercourse. All of these, and still
other types of sexual behavior, are illicit
activities, h performance of which is
punishable as a crime under the law.
"The persons involved in these activities,
taken as a whole, constitute more than 95
percent of the total male population.
Only a relatively small proportion of the
males who are sent to penal institution
for sex offenses have been involved in
beh r which materially different
from thc bchavior of most of the males
in the population. [Thus] it is the total
95 percent of the male population for
which the judge, or board of public safe-
ty, or church, or civic group demands ap-
prehension, arrest, and conviction, when
they call for a cleanup of the sex offend-
ers in a community. It is, in fine, a
proposal that 5 percent of the popula-
tion should support the other 95 percent
in penal institutions. The only possible
defense of the proposal is the fact that
the judge, the civic leader, and most of
the others who make such suggestions,
come from that segment of the popula-
tion which is most restrained on nearly
all types of sexual behavior, and they
simply do not understand how the rest
of the population actually live
And it can be stated, in addition, that
since the publication of the Kinsey re-
ports, in 1948 (Male) and 1953 (Female),
the legislators, judges, police officials,
and other assorted defenders of public
irtue no longer have the excuse of igno-
ance to justify their intemperate and
phumane attempts at sex suppression
The extent and variety of human sex-
ual behavior is now an established sciep-
fic fact, widely published and well
publicized. Whenever a person i:
arrested, tried, or convicted for commit-
ting a sexual act of the kind we have
been discussing here, those in authority
re blatantly ignoring the evidence that
a majority of our society regularly en-
gages in similar activity.
Our officials should be prepared either
to imprison all of us—or none of u:
We can think of nothing more fitting,
as a conclusion to this installment, than
these words from Dr. Alfred Kinsey:
‘Somehow, in an age which calls itself
scientific and Christian, we should be
able to discover more intelligent ways of
protecting social interests without doing
such irreparable damage to so many
dividuals and to the total social organi-
zation to which they belong.”
In the next installment of “The Play-
boy Philosophy,” Editoy-Publisher Hugh
M. Hefner offers specific suggestions for
a more rational set of U. S. sex laws, and
discusses the problems of prostitution
and juvenile sex crime.
See “The Playboy Forum” in this issue
for readers’ comments—pro and con—on
subjects raised. in previous installments
of this editorial series. Two booklet re-
prints of “The Playboy Philosophy"—
the first including installments one
through seven and the second, install-
ments cight through twelve—are avail-
able at $1 per booklet. Send check or
money order to vLaysoy, 232 E. Ohio
Street, Chicago, Hlinois 60611.
a child every day; if you don't
w what he's done to deserve the
ating, he will." A slight modification
gives us the Jewish mother's cardi
rule: "Let your child hear you
every day; if you don't know wl
done to make you suffer, he w
To master the Technique of Basic
Suffering you should begin with an in-
tensive study of the Di n commercials
"vision. Pay particular attention to
ace of the actor who has not yet ta
. Note the squint of the cyes,
the furrow of the brow, the downward
curve of the lips—the pained expression
which can only come from eight un-
drained. s
This is the Basic Facial E:
Learn it well. Practice it befor
several times a day. If someone should
catch you at it and ask what you are
doing, say:
"Im fine,
will go awa
nothing at all, it
This should be l softly but audibly,
should imply suffering without express-
ing it openly. When properly executed,
this is the Basic Tone of Voice.
Here are some practice drills:
(1) Give your son Marvin two sport
shirts as a present. The first time he
wears one of them, look at him sadly
and say in your Basic Tone of Voice:
(continued from page 97)
“The other one you didn't like?”
(2) Borrow a tape recorder and prac-
ses until you.
tice the following key ph
can deliver them w
(a) "Go ahead and enjoy yourself.”
(b) "But be careful.”
(c) "Don't worry about me.”
(d) “I don't mind staying home
(c) "I'm glad it happened to me
and not to you.”
(8) Remember, the child is
formed, emotionally unstable, ignorant
creature. To make him [eel secure, you
must continually remind him of the
things you are denying yourself on h
count, especially when others are p
And here are Seven Basic Sacrifices to
Make for Your Child:
(1) Stay up all night to prepare him a
big breakfast.
(2) Go without lunch so you can put
an extra apple in his lunch pail.
sive up an evening of work with
a charitable institution so that he can
have the car on a date.
(4) Tolerate the girl he’s dating.
(5) Don't let him know you fainted
twice in the supermarket from gue.
(But make sure he knows you're not let-
z him know.)
an un-
(6) When he comes home from the
dentist, take over his toothache for him.
(7) Open his bedroom window wider
so he can have more fresh air, and
close your own so you don't use up the
Wherever possible, make your old
clothes do the job of new ones. Old
clothes are more substantial than new
ones, anyway, because in the old days
they made things to last. Be an example
to your family in this area. Be certain,
of course, that they are aware of your
“Well, I'm glad to say I won't be
needing a new winter coat this year
after all.”
“Oh? How's that,
“I glued the Women's
the Sunday paper inside the
of my old on
tion of
If this has not left the desired impres-
sion, follow it up a few days later with
a seeming, contradiction:
ell, I finally broke down and
did it. I bought something for my-
"Good. What did you buy, Es-
“I hated to spend the money, be-
lieve me, but today I bought a small
roll of Scotch tape to hold my stock-
ings together.”
For an autographed print of the Hardwick Blazer Girl (le
Of our store nearest you, send coupon to Hardwick Clothes, Cleveland, Tennessee
) and the name
ar BAT m
provide uniform distinction for any group!
Aim for uniform distinction, and your
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the matter in Blazers by Hardwick!
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About $30.00. Your own group crest
at small additional charge.
Should no old clotnes or hand-me-
downs be available, then you will have
to think about buying new clothes at a
regular store. If no onc in your family is
in the garment business, ask your drug-
gist or the vegetable man to suggest the
name of a store he's heard of. There's no
point in going to a store that does not
have a strong recommendation.
When you take your child to the store,
keep these important points in mind
(I) Never buy a color that will show
the dirt.
(2) Never buy a fabric that will wear
(8) Never buy a style that is apt to
(4) Never buy a garment that fits—it
should always be two or three sizes too
large so that the child can grow into it.
The most efficient way to buy clothes
for any child below the age of 22 is to
utilize him merely as a dressmaker's
dummy and to address all questions
about the fit or the appearance of the
garment directly to the salesman:
“Tell me, how does it fit in the
“It looks pretty good from here,
Should the child object to any gar-
ment that has been selected for him, ask
the sales n if he talked to his mother
like that when he was a boy. Never fear.
The salesman will not let you down.
Just as Mother Nature abhors a vacu-
um, the Jewish mother abhors an empty
mouth. Ït shall therefore be your pur-
pose to fill every mouth you can reach
with nourishing food.
At mealtimes, be sure there is a con-
uous flow of food from stove to se
ing platter to plate to mouth. If anyone
should be foolish enough to decline a
particular dish (c.g. potatoes) proceed
4s follows:
(1) Find out whether he has
ational objections:
"What do you mean no potatoes,
Irving —you think I'm trying to poi-
son you?"
(2) Suggest that he take only a small
amount às a compromise:
“Take only a sliver of the pota-
toes, then.
Il right. But remember, only a
(3) You may now proceed to fill his
plate with potatoes. The instant he has
crammed down the last one, you must be
ready t
(4) Offer him a second helping:
“There, I told you you'd like it
once you tasted it. All right now,
you're ready for seconds?
"God, no.
Here you must really be on your toes.
170 Between your question and his answer,
little more than one microsecond will
clapse. Within that microsecond, you
must scoop all the rest of the potatoes
out onto his plate and make the turn
ck to the kitchen.
When the last crumb has been cleared
from all plates by means of vague ref-
erences to privation in Europe, you are
ready for the real test of your art. Begi
h a general all-inclusive warning:
"I am now ready to begin serving
third. helpings
Immediately switch from the general
to the specific. Select your quarry:
“Eddie, 1 can tell you are ready
for a third helping of chicken."
“Believe me, Sylvia, if 1 took one
more piece of chicken I would
sprout feathers.”
The next step in the ritual calls for a
statement about your quarry addressed
to the spectators:
“Eddie doesn’t like the
cook chicken.
"Em crazy about
cook chicken, Sylvi
not eat another particle wi
“You sce, I happen to know that
chicken is Eddie's favorite dish. 1
prepared it specially for him—but
do you think he cares? Eddie, tell
me. You like chicken?"
"You like my chicken?"
“Yes, yes."
“You are too [ull to eat any
Yes, yes, yes."
1 right. This 1 can u
s to me I
this I can understand. It's not like
you are asking me to throw it out,
fier all. All sight. (Pause.) So PI
vrap it up in wax paper and you'll
take it for later."
the way you
- I simply can-
Your job as hostess is not complete
when your guests have been properly
fed. You must sce to it that they are also
Your family and friends will expect
you to be able to relate amusing: stories
which you have heard at the butcher
shop, at a meeting of Hadassah, or
vious gathering of these same people.
Familiarize yourself with the following
formula for successful storytelling and
no time at all you will have a wid
spread reputation as a raconteuse. To be-
gin the telling of any story:
(1) Ask whether anybody has heard it
which your husband has tokl at
ten, you all know the story
about the old Jewish man?
It is important that this initial query be
general as possible, so that anybody
who has heard the story before should
not recognize it and hence have it
spoiled for him. The next step
(2) Ask someone else to tell it.
isten, it's a very funny story.
About an old Jewish man. Morris,
you tell it.”
"I don't know
mean, Esther."
"Of course you know. Don't you?
The story about the old Jewish
man. Go ahead, you tell
You know I cant tell a story
This modesty is very becoming to a per-
former and will surely be countered with
heartfelt cries of denial from your au-
dience. You are now ready to:
(3) Explain where you heard the story.
the story you
“All right. This story I heard oi
inally from Rose Melnick. You
know Rose? No? Her husband is in
dry goods. Melnick. You know the
one? All right, it doesn't matter to
the story, believe mc. Anyway, Rose
Melnick heard it from her son.
ymour, a lovely boy, really.
A noseandthroat man. Seymour
Rosen—you know the name?”
By now your audience bei
sufficiently prepared for the story and
will be anxious for you to begin. Go
ahead and tell it, but be sure to:
(4) Begin the story at the end. Pro-
fessional comedians call the end of the
story “the punch line.” Since this is usu-
ally the funniest part of the story, it is
logically the best place to sta
“Anyway, there's this old Jew-
ish man who is uying to get into
the synagogue during the Yom Kip-
pur service, and the usher finally
says to “AIL right, go ahead
in, but don't let me catch you pray-
ing. (Pause) Oh, did I mention
that the old man j nts to go
and give a message to somebody
the synagogue? He doesn't actu:
want to go into the synagogue
pray, you sce. (Pause. Frown) V
a minute. I don't
tioned thar the old man
have a ticket for the service.
know how crowded it always is on
Yom Kippur, and the old man
doesn't have a ticket, and he ex-
plains to the usher that he has to go
into the synagogue and tell some-
body something, but the usher isn't
going to let him in without a ticket.
So the old man explains to him that
its a matter of life and death, so
then the usher thinks it over and he
says to the old man, ‘All right, go
ahead in, but don’t let me catch you
praying.” (Pause, Frown. Stand and
begin emptying ashtrays) Ach, 1
don't think I told it right. Morris,
you tell it.
Sooner or later, to go to a fine univer-
Sity or to accept an attractive. position
with an out-of-town firm, one of your
children may ask to leave the home.
As soon as possible after the child has
moved into his new quarters, pay him a
visit and do the followin;
(1) Bring food. He docs not know
where to buy any in a strange city and is
starving. Tell him how thin he looks.
(2) Take everything off his shelves
and out of his drawers and line them
with oilcloth.
(3) Wash his floor.
(4) Rearrange his furniture and buy
plastic slip covers for everything.
(5) Go out and get him a warm sweat-
er, a pair of galoshes, a pair of gloves,
a and (if the temperature there
ever falls below 50 degrees) earmuffs.
(6) If he has plastic dinner plates, say
he needs something more substantial
and buy him china ones. If he has china
ones, say he needs something more func
tional and buy him plastic ones.
After you have returned home, you
may call up his professor or his employ-
er, introduce yourself, tell him how tired
your son looked when you saw him and
suggest that he not be made to work so
There are only two things a Jewish
mother needs to know about sex and
(1) Who is having sex?
(2) Why aren't they married?
Since it is by now apparent that every-
one in the world is determined to have
some kind of sex, it will therefore be
your duty to make sure that everyone
gets married. And what more logi
place to start than in your own home?
It is never too early to begin prepar-
ing your son for marriage. At the age of
eight or nine, start to develop in him an
appreciation for the good grooming hab-
its which will help him to win the hand
of a capable young woman in marriage:
ch! Look at your cars—what
girl in her right mind would ever
marry a boy that has wax in his
Develop his poise in a similar manner:
“stand up straight and don't
slouch—what girl in her right mind
is going to marry a hunchback?”
By age 12 or 13 the child is ready for
his first social encounter with the oppo-
site sex. Arrange a party for young pco-
ple at your home.
If he appears hesitant to meet the
young ladies, steer him over to several of
them and urge him, under your breath,
or in audible whispers from a few pices
off, to invoduce himself. If he remains
reticent, smooth the way over those first
few embarrassing moments by introduc-
ing him yourself:
‘This is
stands like
my son Marvin who
By the time your son gets into high
school, he will be going out on regular
dates and will very likely insist on sclect-
ng the girls himself from among his
classmates. Do not discourage this, but
try to find out something about these
girls for his own protection. Ask him:
(1) “This girl, she's Jewish?”
(2) "Whats the family's name?”
(3) "What was it before?
By now your son is in college and dat-
ing quite seriously. If he is no longer liv-
ing at home, your task will admittedly
be more difficult, but by no means im-
possible. You will still arrange to spend
vacations togcther, and you will still
have the telephone and the U. S. Mails
at your disposal
Your son will probably have a young.
lady friend whom he particularly ad-
mires. As before, be sure of her back-
ground, but now the questioning should
be on a more sophisticated level:
(1) “This girl, she's Jewish?"
(2) “She gets good marks in school?”
(3) “She smokes cigarettes in mod-
(4) "She drinks liquor in modera-
(8) “What kind of a girl smokes cig-
arettes and drinks liquor?
helps "educate" your hair,
grooms naturally,
prevents drying 1.00
Oa Cice rim that crisp,
brisk, bracing—the original
spice-fresh lotion 1.25
ends drag, pull,
speeds up
electric shaving
clean masculine aroma! | SHULTON
Invite your son’s girlfriend to your
home for dinner so you will have a
chance to determine whether she is good
daughter-in-law material. To permit a
completely objective evaluation, never
speak to the young lady directly, bur use
your son as an intermediary:
“Does she like mashed potatoes?”
‘This form of address is known as The
Third Person Invisible. Should your son
ever decide to marry the girl, this device
apts very nicely to Basic Daughter-in-
Jaw Technique, otherwise known as The
I-Forget-Her-Name Gambit:
“Is what's-he:
coming over also?
ne—is your wife
IL. by the time your son is out of col-
lege, he is still not married and he is not,
God forbid, a homosexual, you must be-
gin to "Take Steps.
Speak to friends of yours who have
daughters his age or maybe a few years
older or a few years younger, and uy to
get the young people together. Pass the
word around that your son, though a tal-
ented, intelligent young man, is unable
to find
why a nice boy like that is not married.
Also speak of the matter to your son.
Perhaps the idca of marriage has merely
slipped his mind. Remind him. Often.
blic to show that
the matter too
Excuse me, miste
You talking to me, lady?”
"This is my son, Marvin."
“Twenty-five years old. A master's
degree in Romance languages. A
careful driver. Tell me something
"Would any young lady give her
right arm to have a wonderful young
man like that for a husband?"
“Search me, lady."
"Yes or no?
“I suppose yes."
"Marvin, did you hear? Listen
what the man is telling you.”
Suddenly, one day your son brings a
strange girl over to the house and intro-
duces her as his fiancée. What do you
You say hello to her, ask her what the
weather is getting 10 be like outside, ex-
cuse yourself for a moment, lead your
son olf to a corner of the room, begin to
sew a button on the sleeve of the coat he
is wearing, and say to him as follows:
t0 marry
this girl"
ah. Not so loud, Ma
"She's very pretty, Marvin.”
“Yeah. Look, it's not very polite
Maybe even a little too pretty,
You intend
you know what 1 mean?"
"Ma, look——"
“I hardly know what to tell you.
(Pause. Finish sewing the bulton,
begin to bite off the thread, stop,
study the end of it and look up into
his face.) Look, you're still so young.
You know what I mean? What's
your big hurry to get married all of
à sudden?"
You have now done all you can be ex-
pected to do for your son. It is time to
give some thought to your d
You are fortunate in that you w
able to meet and personally evaluate all
the young men who come to the house
to take her away.
Greet cach young man at the door.
Appraise him closely from head to foot.
Ask him the following:
(1) “You're Jewish?"
(2) "What's your family’s name?”
(8) "What was it befor
If the young man is driv
sure to add these important querie:
(1) "You know how to drive?”
(2) “You have a driver's license?”
(3) "How [ast do you drive?”
(4) "Your father knows you're out?"
Even if the young man has answered
all your questions in a satisfactory man-
ner, it is not a bad idea to frown, avert
your head and sigh:
“Ach, I don't like it, I tell you.
You youngsters all drive like m
. You'll wind up in some ditch
my words. (Pause.
Smile, frowning.) All right, all right
—go, drive careful, and have a won-
deiful time. And I'm going to worry
myself sick about you, | promise
As they are about to go out the door,
turn to your daughter and whisper
loudly in her ear:
"Stay all the way on the right side
of the scat, if you know what's good
for you."
If your daughter should not be mar-
ried by the time she is out of college, ap-
ply the same tactics to her as to your
son, with these subtle variations:
Seek out any young man at a party or
other social gathering and begin to sell
him on your daughter. Speak of her c:
cellent disposition. Point out her many
physical attributes:
face like a Vermeer—you know
“Yes, the painter.”
“And teeth? Did you see how
ight her teeth are?”
Well, as a matter of-
“Three thousand dollars } spent
having her teeth straightened—four
years at the orthodontist’s so her
mouth could close.”
“Look, I really have to be——”
“A beautiful girl. Beautiful.
(Pause.) The only thing, she is may-
be a tiny bit heavy in the bust.
(Smile.) It runs in the family.
Calling attention to a slight imperfec-
tion often lends just the right note of
credibility to your sales pitch. In any
case, do not beat around the bush. The
young man will appreciate your frank-
ness. Be direct. Beg him to invite your
daughter our—
“For a malted-milk shake, I'll pay
for it myself.”
Should the young man actually come
to the house to take your daughter out,
be sure to reassure him:
“You're not making a mistake,
believe me. She refuses forty dates a
How do you behave when you discov-
er your daughter necking in the livi
room? Wait until the young man has
gone home, go into your daughter's
room and say to her as follows:
"Oh. hi, Ma.”
“Miriam, I saw. I saw what you
were doing in there.”
Miriam, who taught you this?"
‘Oh, for God's sake, Ma. I'm a
big girl now."
iriam, we are decent people.
We have always tried to teach you
the right thing. How could you do
“Do you know what your father
will do when I'll tell him? Do you?"
No, bu
"He will have a heart attack,
thats what he will do. I promise
Ma, you don't have to
Not only that, just think what
the neighbors would say if they
“For this I had your teeth straight-
ened? For this I bought you contact
lenses? For this I paid good money
to have them teach you to speak
“Ach, 1 don't know what to do
with you. (Pause) My own daugh-
ter, a streetwalker. (Pause) 1E you
have any consideration for your
parents at all, you'll do the only de-
cent thing.”
"Whar's thai?"
You'll leave
this house and
“And this time watch out for the goddamn fountain!” “Doc . . . you're sitting on my appendix ...!”
“You know, Pierre, the farther we go out here in the "Look, baby, after handing you a check for a million
desert, the more you fascinate me!” bucks ain't I at least entitled to a little kiss?!”
“But... I thought the double-breasted “Gentlemen, I'm going to do something now that may
suit was back in style . . ." appear, to some of you, to be unorthodox medical
procedure. 1 believe, however, that it will help
174 restore her will to live . .
tongue-in-cheek dialog for television’s late-night movies
“I couldn't find a file, but I thought “OK, OK—next time I promise we won't
you might like the cake anyway.” use any starch . . . 1"
“What the hell do you think you're doing, Bernie? "Quick, Sam, get back to tlie dining
We're on the ground floor!” car and push oatmeal!!”
176 Bar, complete with illum
the ocean, A pair of Bunnies were at
the field to greet them when they landed:
Playmate-Bunny Jean Cannon (Miss Oc-
tober 1961) and Bunny Diane Stewart,
who had been flown down from the
Miami Playboy Club for publicity and
promotion photos; they began waving
and running across the field, their famil-
ncongruous but wel-
come sight D^ this tropic island settii
A party had been arranged for that
evening in order to meet the local digni-
taries and the press. Someone suggested
a bite to cat, but Hefner wanted to take
a tour of the Hotel and its sun-drenched
grounds before anything else. Preuss and
Morton accompanied him, and Art Min-
er, Director of Playboy Club design, fol-
lowed them with a pad and pencil.
The Hotels rooms were everything
they had said, being 30 fcet long and 16
feet wide, with step-down living rooms,
atios 10 feet wide, and baths
equipped with sunken Grecian tubs, all
tile and 9 feet long by 4 feet wide. Mor-
ton pointed out a large low structure ad-
jacent to the Hotel. ‘This would be ideal
for a shopping arcade where guests
might purchase all manner of luxury
items—British tweeds, silver, diamonds,
Swiss watches, leather goods, camcras,
bone china, French perfumes, binocu-
Jars, fine liquors, crystalware—from all
over the globe. Since Jamaica enjoys
free-port status, with no duty on these
luxuries, shops could sell at prices half
those in the States.
Entering the Hotel through the main
lobby, they made their way down a flight
of steps to a large hall abont half the
size of a basketball court. This would be-
come the Living Room, a place for quiet
ng over a drink with
‘The back of the room, un-
der the overhang of the upper lobby,
would be turned into the Den, with card
and billiard tables.
The grand tour led next through a
wide corridor to the circular dining
“I think this would make an ideal VIP
Room,” Morton said.
“It could be decorated in Wedgwood
blue and white,” Miner added, “with
blue carpeting, sconces, dark-blue table-
cloths and lightblue napery.” The room
—one of the largest on the island, seating
450—seemed perfect. Continental cuisine
ad tangy native dishes could be high-
ghted on the menu, Morton pointed
ut. At the front of the proposed VIP
Room, French doors open onto a terrace
that offers a stunning view of the blue
Caribb s breath-taking,” Donna
said, and Hefner nodded in agreement.
From the dining room they walked
down one flight to the Shipwreck Bar,
nd all agreed that there would be no
difficulty in turning it into a PI
(continued from page 102)
encies of Playmates on the walls. The
ar opens onto a terrace bordered by
shrubbery and overlooking the Olympic-
sized 50-metcr pool. Here, lunchcons
e served and guests gather at night to
dance, enjoy an. outdoor bullet, and
watch the native floorshows.
“We'll want Bunny lifeguards for the
pool,” Hefner said. “Maybe we can de-
sign a special Bunny bikini for them.”
“With waterproof Bunny t nject-
ed Lee Wolfberg with a laugh.
A pair of championship clay tennis
courts are hidden by some trees at one
side of the pool, and theres a top Jamai-
can tennis pro on hand to give [ree les-
sons. There's also an archery range on
the grounds and a nine-hole golf course
The group walked on past the pool to
the beach tower, which houses an auto-
matic elevator to whisk guests to the
sunny beach below. At the bottom of the
tower is a thatched-roof bar on the coral
strand. When the Playboy Club-Hotel is
in full swing, there will be weekly burro
races with parimutucl betting, torchlit
beach parties after dark complete with
native entertainment, outdoor barbecues
and Bunny beachguards.
AIL agreed that this was an aquatic
sportsman’s paradise. With swimming,
snorkeling, scuba diving, surfing and wa-
ter skiing already available, it would be
mple to add a glass-bottomed boat for
sightseeing over the coral reef that shel-
tered the cove, pedal boats, sailboats and
a sportfisherman or two for deep-sca an-
gling. Hefner suggested that they re-
ne the cove Bunny Bay and check the
cost of building a small marina at one
side of the beach so that visiting yachts-
men could tie up.
Now everyone was talking at once—
ing suggestions, expressing their cn-
thusiasm in superlatives that were un-
precedented even for Playboy, where,
after a decade of unprecedented publish-
ng and Club success, the extraordinary
is almost commonplace.
Every Playboy Club keyholder will
nt to vacation here,” Hefner ex-
claimed. "It can become a meeting place
for keyholders from all over the world.
When we add the fun and excitement of.
The Playboy Club to whats already
here, this will be one of the most fabu-
lous resorts in the world!"
‘There'll be nothing else Li
where.” Shel ten said.
“My only problem,” Hef added, “will
be trying to explain to the staff of the
magazine why it isn't a good idea to
move our editorial offices down here.”
“Well, for one thi said Preuss,
"you'd never get an issue out on time.
All the editors would be down on the
beach, or chasing the bikinied Bunnies
around the pool. Now with my bu
department, it might just make some
c it any-
voice cracked as he ended.
nd began to laugh. Every-
onc was fecling wonderful. The tropic
sun warmed them. This was another
world; the pressures and problems of
everyday life seemed a million miles
away. This was a paradise . .. a Playboy
The hotel is set on ten acres of gently
sloping land, surrounded by jungle on
three sides and the ocean on the fourth,
with the main building, the dining and
drinking areas, pool, cabanas and beach
all on separate levels. The grounds are
handsomely landscaped with tropical
greenery; there are winding paths, and
water fountains, and exotic flowers and
foliage, and numberless palm trees.
The tour ended with a look at the
night club. Like the dining room and
pool, it is the biggest on the island; it
was decided that it would be rer
the Playroom, again carrying through
the Playboy Club nomendature fa-
sense. . ." Hi
the sentence.
miliar to keyholders. The group dis
cussed entertainment policy for the
boy Club: shows in the
and on the Patio every
night, using the best in native
talent, as well as the most entertaining
acts from the Playboy Club circuit in the
States. There would also be entertain-
ment down on the beach: a calypso
band, limbo dancers and the like. The
night club—the Playroom—would be re-
served for really big name Tony
Bennett, Vic Damone, Sammy Davis Jr,
maybe Sina
‘The afternoon had disappeared and it
was time to be getting back to the Hotel,
to get ready for the party. "There are a
pair of penthouse suites on top of the
Hotel. One had been reserved for Hef-
ner; the other for Hugh Downs and his
wife, Ruth, friends of Hef's, who had
been ted down for the week. As Hef
showered and dressed, he made mental
notes on details that could be added to
the penthouse suites to make them the
ultimate in luxury living.
The beginning of a crowd had gath-
ered at 7:30 p.m. in the Shipwreck Bar.
From a landing off the stairway to the
dining room, the Shipwreckers. a native
calypso group, played Yellow Bird. The
landing would also serve as a stage,
giving the guests a good view of the
fire-dancing and limbo exhibitions to
come later, Now the maracas flashed and
rattled, the rumba box boomed and the
penny whistle and guitar carried the
melody of one calypso tune after an-
other—Mary Ann, Star O, Matilda.
Present at the gathering was the Hon-
orable Chester Touzalin, Custos Rotulo-
rum, representing the Government of
Jamaica in the area. He was there with
his wife, who stood listening attentively
as Touzalin asked Hefner questions
about his plans—and how many Bunnies
would be at the Jamaica Playboy Club.
“I can't be sure until we do a full
nalysis of the operation," Hefner said,
"but we have over five hundred Bunnies
working in the nine Playboy Clubs in
the States. We'll want to use both Ja-
maican girls and girls from the U.S. tor
the Club here. And if those I saw at the
rport are any indication, I'd say Jamai
can girls are among the world's loveliest.”
“Will you use Bunnies for room serv:
icc?" Mrs. Touzalin asked, having spot-
ted Bunnies Diane and Jean in costume.
“No,” said Hefner, “just in the dining
and dr arcas, in the night club, at
the pool and at the beach."
If Mrs. Touzalin had any vague reser-
vations about the role of the Bunnies in
the Playboy Glub operation, they had
disappeared by evening’s end. She en-
gaged Bunnies Diane and Jean in an ex-
tended conversation that ended with her
requesting, and receiving, Diane's berib-
boned Bunny tag (worn by each Bunny
to identify her by name) as a souvenir
for her teenage daughter. "Shell be the
most envied girl in school when she
wears this,” Mrs. Touzalin enthused.
"You'd better be careful,” her hus-
ned. "You may be starting a
age fashion fad.”
hook his head. “The Bunnies
ly permitted to give them
. Your daughter will have the only
A reporter from the Daily Gleaner,
and another from the Star, Jamaica's
largest papers, came over to talk to Hef-
ner. The Star man asked why he had de-
cided to go into the resort business.
"Thats casy,” Hefner said. "The first
Playboy Club grew naturally out of
vLAYBOY itself. We'd been writing about
the best in entertainment, fine food and
drink; we'd been running picture stories
on beautiful girls and elegant bachelor
apartments. Why not a gentlemen's club
that incorporated the same ingredients?
Make it admission by key only, for those
whose appreciation of such things
matched our own.
“Now, let's extend the Playboy Club
concept a bit, Add to the basic elements
I've just mentioned the romance of a
Club far removed from the surroundi:
of office buildings. Put such a Club on
tropical island steeped in ro-
mantic legend; supply every modern lux-
ury imaginable, yet retain the full flavor
of the traditions of the island. Serve its
e foods and beverages along with
the finest in urban cuisine. Surround a
beautiful women, the
sounds of its music. Give him beaches so
isolated that he and his playmate can
bask and frolic as they please.
jamaica is as close to a tropic island
paradise as you can find anywher
world today, with the advani
being only seventy-five minutes from Mi-
ni and three-and- f hours from
New York. That's why we're here.”
Someone wondered aloud how success-
ful Playboy in Jamaica would be.
Douglas Vaughan, retired. British Army
officer, who owns an 800-acre banana
plantation in the arca, and R. Alan Phil-
ip, publisher of Jamaica Pictorial Pano-
Tama, voiced as one the opinion that it
could only be a resounding smash. They
also felt, they said, that the tourist busi-
ness of the entire island would benefit
from Playboy being there. The Jamaican
government apparently feels the same
way about it, giving Playboy and its c:
ecutives the warmest welcome they have
received anywhere.
Major Vaughan brandished a well.
worn Playboy Club key and exclaimed,
mustache bristling, "Wait till Noel Cow-
ard hears there's a Playboy Club down
the highway. He'll be here every night.
Coward and lan Fleming each have
homes nearby and, in fact, the first
James Bond movie, Dr. No, was filmed
near the Hotel. A few days after Hef-
ners return to Chicago, he received a
personal note from Fleming comment-
ing on the amount of excitement Play-
boy's coming to Jamaica was causing.
Someone mentioned that Elizabeth
Taylor and Eddie Fisher had honey-
mooned at the Hotcl. Someone else said
they thought that it was a very romantic
spot anyway.
The Hefner party now induded Don-
na Michelle, magnificent in a chiffon
gown, and Hugh and Ruth Downs, who
lad just arrived by car from Kingston.
Downs gave Hefner the latest issues of
the Star and the Daily Cleaner which he
had brought from Kingston. Both car-
ried stories about the Playboy arrival.
The Star's read: “The Playboy agree-
ment to take over the Reef Club has de-
lighted the Director of Tourism, Mr.
John Pringle. Mr. Pringle told of the
enormous promotional potential of the
Playboy organization. The organization,
he said, was known throughout North
America, but Jamaica was the first coun-
try chosen by Playboy for a Hotel and
a Club. He added: “This is international
news of consequence.”
“Mr. Morton had earlier told of his
admiration for Jamaica and why the
country had been chosen for another
phase of Playboy International's opera-
ns. The Club already has 300,000 key-
holders. He said: ‘Jamaica is a young,
vibrant, growing nition and we believe
it will prove to be an ideal tourist loca-
tion for our keyholders.'”
"The story in the Gleaner made page
onc, and next to a large photograph of
Bunnies ran the headline: “PLAYBOY
story went on to requirements for
being a Bunny, outlined the strict rules
for Bunny behavior, then told about the
plans to hire Jamaican girls. “To the
query as to whether Playboy chooses col-
ored Bunnies, Mr. Morton said there are
colored Bunnies in the Americ
and the same policy
Jamaica. A number of Am
nies will serve in Jamaica along with the
local gi
Hugh Downs told Hefner, “I don't
think you could have made a better
choice as far as location goes. You've
picked the most beautiful nd in thc
West Indies and you're in the area that
should become the Ri a of the Carib-
bean in the next few years."
Downs went on to explain how the
trade winds cool the island even in mid-
summer, that the ycar-round temperature
averages 78 degrees. “Since Columbus
discovered Jamaica in 1494," said the
erudite Downs, “people of all kinds have
come here looking for cither peace or
excitement. The English drove the
Spaniards out in 1655, not far from here,
at Runaway Bay. That's how it got its
name—the Spanish left in a hurry-
The Shipwreckers were playing a lim-
bo for a troupe of barefooted Jamaicans
dressed in clam-digger trousers and
ruffled-sleeve shirts. Each member of the
troupe moved in turn under the limbo
pole which was moved lower and lower.
Now the leader of the group took a pole
that had been wrapped in rags and
doused it with kerosene; he placed it so
that each end rested on the mouth of an
empty beer bottle, then he ignited the
rags. When the flames licked across the
entire length of the pole the band began
a frenzied beat, The man proceeded to
slither step by step under the flaming
rod, through a gap from floor to flames
of no more than nine inches, the
audience burst into wild applause.
As a capper to the party, the Ship-
wreckers had prepared an appropriate
calypso ditty. The leader sang:
“In January of Sixty-Four
Hugh Hejnah come to Jamaica’s shore.
He bring to our island in de sun
A new idea called Playboy fun.
Sing de chorus:
Play—boy, Play—boy, Playboy in
Soon we all will roll in clovah
When Playboy's He[nah he take ovah.
He bring to our island plenty money
But best of all hc bring de Bunny.
Sing de chorus:
Play—boy, Play—boy, Playboy in
It wasn’t difficult for Hefner to make
his decision. He confirmed what his key
Club executives, Morton and Preus
were already confidently counting o
made it official, and they immed
ately set up meetings to work out the de-
tails of the acquisition. The official
opening of the Jamaica Playboy Club-
Hotel is planned for late December.
Reservations for the Jamaica Playboy
Club-Holel may be secured by writing to
Travel Director, Playboy Clubs Interna-
tional, 232 E. Ohio Street, Chicago,
Illinois 60611.
178 and potential on the bench. Consequ
by making our annual outon-«limb
picks. Each year we choose a recent door
mat that we have a hunch is about to
go on a rampage. We're often right. Last.
year our pick was Illinois and some peo-
ple thought we were candidates for the
funny farm. This time we have no less
than five outon-wlimb picks, but that's
the kind of season it’s going to be. So
watch these teams: Indiana, Kentucky,
Southern Methodist, UCLA and Gi
ia. They're all going to raise a lot
xpected hell.
Syracuse 9-1 Holy Cross
Penn State 64 Buffalo
Pittsburgh — 64 — Rutgers
ren 55 Villanova
55 Colgate
Boston College 7-2
Princeton 11 Brown
Columbia 72 Dartmouth
Yale. 63 Harvard
Cornell. 6-3 Pennsylvania
Massachusetts 7-2 — Rhode Island
Naine 62 New Hampshire
Vermont 53 Connecticut
Delaware $1 Gettysburg
Bucknell 73 Lehigh
Temple 63 Lafayette 36
TOP PLAYERS: Mahle, Little, Nance, Cripps
(Syracuse); Klingensmith, ‘Ressler (Penn
St); Staubach, Donnelly, Freeman, Downing
(Navy) Stichweh, Zadel (Army); Mazurek,
Popp (Pitt); Whalen (Boston C); Lilly,
Kavanaugh (Holy Cross); Ward, Brendel
(Rutgers); Holly (Buffalo); Atkinson (Villa-
nova); Roberts, Malmstrom (Columbia); taca-
vazzi (Princeton); Parry (Brown); Molloy
(Penn) Boyda, Grant (Harvard); Lawrence
(Yale); Clarke, Klungness (Dartmouth);
Whelchel, Meers (Mass); DeVarney, Smith
(Maine); Bianco (Delaware); Mitchell (Buck-
nell); Ward, Boyd (Gettysburg): Kish, Noel
(Lehigh); Petro, Speers (Temple).
Syracuse seems to be back on top.
There is little, except a possibly thin
rior line, to keep the Orange from
g one of this year’s best teams. In
addition to the most impressive stable
of backs im memory, Coach Schwartz.
newcomer Floyd Little, who
may kick up more fuss in his sophomore
year than any Orangeman since the mag-
nificent Ernie Davis. If the line play can
be kept from going sour, Syracuse has
got it made in 1964.
"The four other members of the East's
nial big five, Penn State, Pius-
Army and Navy, all suffered
grievous graduation losses. As a result,
n football may take a bit of a dip
this season after its best year in a long
while. All four of these schools have
excellent first teams, but lack experience
(continued from page 112)
ly, the survivors of the fall campai
ill be determined by the usual
tangibles plus the excellence of new-
cor ate, Rip Engle,
problems, will go
remarkable Gary Klingensmith who has
me deafness to become one of the
alfbacks in the country. Gary
als in the huddle, keys his
movements to the li and never
for Gary
will be rravsov All-America offensive
center Glenn Ressler, a vicious blocker
nd tackler who Engle says is the best
purek, tops in the school’s history,
but he will be surrounded by so many
faces that last year's excellent record
may be imposible to duplicate. Still,
the Pitt squad is always deep and the
Panthers will probably finish strong
Navy retur
s its biggest guns from
ch Wayne Hard
key men do not make
The Middies are bilge water thi
the first unit,
at Donnelly returns, backed up by
Danny Wong, probably the country's
only Chinese fullback, But he's a good
one, and so is center Don Downing,
rrAYBOY S Sophomore Lineman of the
Year, who is said to be the fi
soph lineman in many years.
Middies have trouble because of the
thin reserve team and a schedule that is
much meatier than last year's
In potential, Navy and Army are look-
alikes, with quarterbacks representing
the main difference between the two
teams. Staubach is a brilliant passer and
elusive scamperer, while Stidiweh is an
old-fashioned quarterback who does ev-
erything methodical but killingly
effective way. When they met for a show-
adelphia last year, Stich-
ed to pick up most of the
bles. Despite its few lettermen, it
must be remembered that Army has a
g system second only to that of
re Deli costosa Pe Tende
been busy stockpiling for a couple of
years. Since some of the new hands may
turn out to be better than the departed
ones, the West Pointers could be hell
on wheels by the end of the season. If
look out in 1965!
independents who may
proved are Boston College,
e of joining
n power cartels. They have
rly everyone back, a dormitory full
of bright new faces, and they are all
bigger and speedier than ever.
The Ivy League is always a handi
per's nightmare, and the s
year is wilder than ever. La
tion this
weak teams are all much stronger, and
recent powers Dartmouth and Har
€ been decimated by grad
Harvard has had two excellent freshman
teams row and rumors around the
Ivy circuit say the Crimson is loaded.
But we doubt it. Green quarterbacking
and line play will have to ripen in sup-
port of superior running if. Harvard is to
do better than break even. Princeton is
the only team among last year's top
three that looks as good as ever. The
Tigers are the sole major team left ii
the country still using the original Cro-
Magnon single wing offense, and with a
juggernaught fullback like Cosmo Taca-
vari, they make the creaky old system
work as though General N xb had
just invented it. We have a nostalgic
affection for the single wing, so it would
be real fun seeing the Tigers gather in
the laurels this year. And they have a
good chance.
Princeton's biggest threat seems to
be Columbia. The Lions at last have
some linemen to stack in front of one
of the finest backfields ever seen at the
Heights. praysoy All-America Archie
Roberts is, we believe, the best of a dozen
excellent quarterbacks
try this y Roberts is the ni
to a oneman team since Frank Mei
well graduated from Yale. year
Archie led his team in passing, running,
punting, punt returns, kickoff returns,
interceptions and scoring, missing out
only in receiving: that's something even
a quarterback as great e couldn't
Delaware will continue to dominate
the Middle Atlantic Conference, though
not as overwhelmingly as last year when
all the other teams, except Bucknell,
down and died. Lafayette and
Lehigh will be vastly improved, and
both Laf: seus nd Gettysburg will field.
acrial c emple, with a limp
schedule, will probably have its second
innit row, an almost un-
precedented situation, Once more, Dave
Blue Hens should
win most of their games by lopsided
nd cop the Lambert Cup for the
ight time, Bucknell has the best
chance of being the spoiler.
Massachusetts will again be the ter-
ror of the Yankee Conference. The Red-
men, who were undefeated in 1963, are
blessing of a punch of sophs. How-
ever, defending champions have recently
found the going rough in the Yankee
Conference. Maine took the crown in
1961, then hit bottom in 1962. New
Hampshire was undefeated nd
finished last the following year. This
Il, Maine has the man power to unseat
Massachuseus, and the new coaching
T at Connecticut may pull some sur-
prises. Rhode Island finished fast last
son and could be a real contender.
mont was tough to handle in 1963
and if they can find somcone to replace
Ken Burton they'll be in the thick of
the race. New Hampshire, suffering from
graduation losses, will have a hard time
climbing from the cellar.
Illinois 72 Wisconsin 54
Indiana &3 Northwestern — 54
Michigan. 63 Michigan State 3-6
Ohio State 6-3 lowa 2-7
Purdue 54 Minnesota 19
Ohio U. 82 Kent State 54
Bowling Green 7-3 Western Nich. 54
Miami 6-4 Toledo 21
Marshall 55
Notre Dame — 55 Detroit 5
Xavier 55 Dayton 1
TOP PLAYERS: Butkus, Price, Hansen, Gra
bowski, Custardo, Sutton (Illinois); Nowatzke,
Branch, Croftcheck (Indiana); Timberlake,
Ward, Yearby (Michigan); Shay, Kumiew-
ski, Hadrick (Purdue); Barrington, Kelley
(Ohio State); Pickens, Jones (Wisconsin),
Schwager, Myers, Murphy, Banaszek (North-
western); Juday (Mich. St). Snook, Giaco-
bazzi (lowa); Hoovler (Ohio U.); Cunningham,
Williams (Bowling Green); Kellermann (Mi-
ami); Cure, Mahone (Marshall); Asbury
(Kent); Gray (Toledo); Mainer (Xavier); Beier
(Detroit); Bitsko (Dayton), Costa, Snowden,
Wolski (Notre Dame).
The day Ara Parseghian arrived on
the Notre Dame campus the university's
scismograph registered 8.3 on the Rich-
ter Scale, and there have been reverbera-
tions ever since. All spring the air above
the hallowed Irish practice fields was
blue with Ara’s commentary. Parse a
and his crew took charge like hijacking
pirates and seldom have so many learned
so much from so few. The hiring of
Parseghian was in itself a monumental
—and healhy—break with tradition,
and all over South Bend there is the
feeling that the Era of Ara has ar-
rived and the elusive new days of glory
are just ahead. It won't be this ycar, how-
ever, because the Irish ranks are still too
thin for the murderous schedule. But
since Parseghian is a master of the art of
getting the most from limited material,
Notre Dame fans can at least look for-
ward to a few pleasant surprises.
Last year, as we menuoned earlier,
Illinois was our annual out-on-a limb
pick, even though it had won only a
total of two games the previous two sea-
sons. The Illini took the Big Ten title
and beat Washington in the Rose Bowl
However, the same forces that worked
for Ilinois in 1963 are arrayed against
it for 1961. With the return of
nearly all the best talent and the top
serg leadership of Pravmov All
America lincbacker Dick Butkus, Ilinois
will be the prime target of all its op-
ponents. Still, we're persuaded to tab
them for top place in the league, by vir
tuc of their sheer talent. If they make it
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they will be the first pre-season popular
choice to take the Big Ten tide in a
If Illinois falters, the team st to
succeed is Michigan. The Wolverines
have been just shy of greatness for two
years now, and with an almost unprece-
dented wealth of material on hand, this
could be the year for cohesiveness to set
in. Watch for a prime crop of sophs at
n Arbor, the slickest of whom is half-
ltogether, it should
be the year of the Elliott brothers in the
Big Ten. Pete at Illinois will be tying
to beat Bump at Michigan for the first
time, and Bump will be tying to bump
Pee from the championship.
Believe it or not, Ohio State football
going to be even duller this year than
the past. Wayne Woodrow Hayes, in-
ventor and leading proponent of the
Neanderthal T offense, builds his whole
team with tackles, fullbacks and one
place kicker. This year Woody is shyer
than ever of offensive talent, but his big
bruising defensive stalwarts will be even
more impregnable. Result: football circ:
surprise in the Big Ten is Indians
Purdue not far behind. The Hoosiers
have been on the threshold for tiree
but tough breaks, probation and
fourth-quarter exhaustion have dogged
them. Indiana may have as good a hrst
m as school in the country, and.
if Coach Dickens can mold some vre-
serves to spell his first stringers, the
squad could enjoy its best season in
decades. Purdue, with better depth, will
have good defensive and offensive units.
Q ck Doug Holcomb will take
over this year and with great receivers on
hand, Purdue may surprise everyone by
elding a suong passing team.
Northwestern and Wisconsin, having
succumbed in 1963 to the usual hex
visited upon Conference favorites, find
themselves shorn of vast quantities of
speed, beef and plain cannon fodder.
Northwestern, with fewer returning let-
termen than its had in y s well
set in the bac hurting up
front. However, can mold a
Big Ten line out of last year's leltovers
id raw sophs, new Coach Alex Agase is
the A cynical pro scout once told.
us, “IE you have a bad quarterback, you
lose. If you have a good quarterback,
you probably lose. Jf you have a brilliant
quarterback, you win.” If this were al-
ways true, Northwestern would take
every game, but even Tom Myers can't.
throw bombs behind a leaky line. Still,
the Wildcats bear watching this year. No
one expects much from them because of
the large number of gradua
n perfect position to
hwhack some teams that will be look-
ing the other way. Strange as it may
180 scem, wc may look back at the end of
the season to find that the Northwestern-
Indiana game on September 96th was
Wisconsin, pruned of much speed, will
field a top-notch passing attack. A brace
of new quarterbacks with advance rave
notices will help launch the Badgers’
new look.
All teams seem to go through power
cydes with some degree of regul
and Michigan State, Iowa and N
ta seem to be hitting bottom this year.
lowa's uaditional supply of blazing
speedsters is at low ebb, due in no small
part to recruiting difficulties brought on
by stricter academic demands. Michigan
State will be slower and greener than
anyone can remember. Duffy Daugherty
always has plenty of unproven man
power iu the wings, however, and some
of it is sure to be excellent. So th
Spartans could surprise us like they
last year.
, weep lor Minnesota. Murray
Warmath, onc of the top five conches in
the land, has knottier problems dh
even he can solve. A couple of bad re
cruiting years, a number of academic
of good high school football players in
the north county have all combined to
Jeave Murray with less
with than he's ever h
lp seeker, a sp that
the cold country, will be
howling before the year is out and
Warmath will probably again be sub-
jected to that special brand of verbal
barbarism peculiar to. Minnesota
There is a group of teams playing i
the Midlands that gets far less attention
from the national press than it d
serves. Playing in the shadow of the
Ten, each year they field teams that
could hold their own in most of the
counuy's major conferences. The Mid-
American Conference plus independents
Detroit and Xavier are growing in pow-
er and presti year with Da
not far behind.
will be much stronger this year and
some of the country’s prime gridders
are in this circuit. Jim Gray of Tole-
Willy Asbury
ing the benefits of a fabulous recruiting
ed it with 50 sopho-
power in a couple of years. Although
Ohio rates as top dog in the Mid Amer-
on top.
erences, and Toledo has a group of West
Point transfers who got sick of the mili-
tary life and followed new Coach Lauter-
bur to greener pasture:
Memphis State 9-1 — Miami 19
Georgia Tech — 7-3 Southern Miss. 3-6
Florida State 7-3
Mississippi — 91 ‘Florida 55
Auburn 82 Vanderbilt 45
Alatama 13 Georgia 37
Kentucky T3 Tennessee 28
Louisiana State 64 — Tulane 28
Mississippi State 6-4
North Carolina 8-2 — South Carolina 5-5
Duke 1-3 — Maryland 55
Clemson 55 N.C. State — 37
Virginia. 55 Wake Forest — 19
Virginia Tech 73 55
West Virginia 64 Virgi itary 26
Richmond 55 William & Mary 3-7
The Citadel 55 — Davidson 36
G. Washington 55
TOP PLAYERS: Davis, Gresham, Curry (Geor-
gia Tech); Schuh, Brooks (Memphis State);
Biletnikoff, Hermann (Florida State); Brown,
Hindman, Harvey (Mississippi); Sidle, Fred-
erickson (Auburn); Dupree (Floridai; Ste-
phens, Kearley, Namath, Bowman (Alabam
LaBruzzo, Schwab, Screen, Prudhomme
(Louisiana State); Bird, Antonini (Kentucky);
Watson, Neville, Granger (Miss. St) De-
Long (Tennessee), Rissmiller (Georgia); Wil-
lard, Hanburger (North Carolina); Barlow
(N. Carolina St); Glacken, Curtis, Bracy
(Duke); Reeves (S. Carolina); Kowalkowski
(Virginia); Grane (Clemson); Schweickert
Mirtinia Tech); Leftridge (West Virginia);
McNeil (George Washington); Murphy (Cita-
del); Stoudt (Richmond).
ia Tech withdrew from the South.
eastern Conference. Tech had long been
at odds with several of the other schools
over adn ve fundamei The
SEG appears to be run not by Com
missioner Bernie Moore or the univer
ty presidents, but by a few all-powerful
coaches who don't give a damn about
anything but football, These coaches
have for years engaged in the seamy prac
tice of recruiting far more players than
their Conlerence-imposed limit of athlet
ic scholarships can support, and then lit
erally drumming out the boys who don't
make it athletically. Sometimes they even
run sophs and juniors out of school in
order to vacate scholarships. Tech's Bob
by Dodd, on the other hand, harbors the
quaint idea that educational values have
some importance and that once having
awarded a scholarship to a student, the
school has an obligation to sec him
through. With a strict interpretation of
entrance requirements and an efficient
stem, Tech keeps nearly all its
boys in school, even those who flunk
football. Dodd demanded reform along
“We changed our minds.”
the lines of Big Ten recruiting rules, was
voted down, and walked out. The
Southeastern Conference was the heavy
Joser in this divorce. It lost a lot of cl.
With 12 schools in the Southeastern
Conference nything resem a
round-robin schedule has been impossi-
ble. Ycar after year, December arrives
and we are still wondering who is really
the Conference champion. When irs
possible for two or even three teams to
finish undefeated, the championship is a
joke. A few of the strongest teams care-
fully avoid playing one another. The
crcam-puff schedules Ole Miss has been
enjoying have been due in part to an
undisguised Freezeout by some other
Conference schools. Georgia Tech flatly
refuses to play the Rebels, having sched-
uled them last in 1926. "That's ridicu-
lous. The SEC should do what the
Southern Conference did a few years ago:
“Tulane? No, my boyfriend goes to Yale, too . . -
split itself in half. Then each new lea
could take on a couple of deserving
new teams. A logical arrangement, both
for geographical and scheduling reasons,
would be Tennessee, Vanderbilt, Ken-
tucky, Georgia and Florida in one league
with Florida State and Miami as new
members. Perhaps even Georgia Tech
could bc prevailed upon to return to
the fold. The other group would cor
of Alabama, Auburn, Mississippi, Mis-
sisippi State, LSU and Tulane, with
Southern Mississippi and Memphis State
providing new blood.
If any one team dominates the circuit
despite the present unwieldy setup, it
should be cither Ole Miss or Auburn. As
I, they won't play each other. Ole
Miss has to get top preseason billing
from sheer weight of material. The
Rebs’ schedule is a bit more respectable
this season, largely because yesteryear's
pushovers are showing muscle. Coach
Johnny Vaught is surrounded by a small
army of blue-chip players. His third
team is probably better than half the
first teams in the county. How Ole
Miss, with an enrollment of 3800 men—
most of them from the home state—
gets this kind of material year after y
is amazing. Leading a line that would
the pro leagues are
PLAYBOY cas Stan Hindman
and Allen Brown. With this kind of beef
up front, Ole Miss will field wl
primarily an infantry attack despite th
presence of passer Jim Weatherly. Coach
Vaught, now the winningest mentor i
the nation, is due for national honors
this season; we tab him Coach of the
Only we saw Auburn coming in 1963,
but this year no one will be surprised by
the Tigers. Jimmy Sidle is the only quar-
terback ever to lead the nation in rush-
ing, and he has a whole herd of superb
backs running with him, including
‘Tucker Frederickson, who seems to do
almost everything better than anyone
clse. The line, last year's vulnerable
is this year’s strong suit. So the Tigers
should be tougher than ever.
Alabama should be only a little less
potent, even though this is the youngest
edition of the Crimson Tide in five years.
Coach Bear Bryant insists that Joe Na-
math is the best q
arterback in the
country, but Joe won't
have much
help in the running department. The
Bear always crects a lethal defense, so
nobody is going to rum up much of a
score on the Tide.
The LSU line was gutted at gradua-
tion, but, like Alabama, the Bengals are
so deep in reserves the difference won't
be noticed by the end of the season. IE
quarterback Pat Screen regains his
health and the injury jinx takes a recess,
LSU should match last year's remarkable
performance. Mississippi State, unaccus-
tomed to such riches, is wallowing in
agile, € and versatile combat
ants. However, the Bulldogs must run a
murderous end-of-theseason — gantlet
against Alabama, Auburn, LSU and Ole
Miss, which no team in the country could
survive. Since Florida has most of its 1963.
running backs in tow, including tremen-
dous fullback Larry Dupree, maybe the
Gators will jell this season, a feat the
failed to accomplish during most of I
Tennessee ia have reached
a talent. nadir, so their fans will have to
tighten belts and regard 1964 as a re-
building year. Both schools are st
over fresh with energetic young coaches.
Vince Dooley at Georgia must pick up
the pieces of the Bryant-Butts imbroglio,
rebuild morale, and trj to w
cruiting battles. Both he and new Coach
Doug Dickey at Tennessee inherit lean
squads, and Dickey has the additional
problem of installing the T formation at
n some re-
a school where the single wing has been
sacrosanct for 30 years. This is the sad
end of a magnificent but. outdated —
era. Yet it holds hope for future glory.
A rare bright spot this year is the return
of PLAYBOY All-America guard Steve
DeLong, an exceptional lineman who
may lead the Vols to a few unexpected
victories. Vanderbilt and Tulane, both
having scraped bottom the last two sca-
sons, are now well on the way back to
distinction, Teams that e cither of
them too lightly this fall are likely to be
ambushed. ‘Tulane, especially, will show
some new muscle in 1964, but the
Greenies don’t have much of a chance
inst & schedule that reads like a Kafka
shtmare. Give Coach Tommy O'Boyle
one more season, out, At
Vanderbilt, Coach Jack Green has been
conducting recruiting raids up in Yankee
country, and the results will begin to
show this fall. For wha
Commodores should have the most spec-
ticular kicking game in the country.
"Ihe team to keep your eye on, if you
like surprises, is Kentucky. Coach Charlie
Bradshaw has been training this outfit
like a Marine combat platoon, His re-
cruiting patrols have made a series of
succesful forays into Pennsylvania, and
the Wildcats promise to be not only
tough as leathernecks, but there are
then watch
it's worth, the
quite a few of them for a change. Ken-
tucky will have two of the finest half-
backs in the country in Rodger Bird
and Frank Antonini, rtaysoy’s Sopho-
more Back of the Year. In short, look for
Bradshaw's band of brigands to rip
into some of the complacent glamor
teams that have been victimizing the
Wildcats in recent years.
North Carolina is the team to beat in
the Atlantic Coast Conference. Most of
the muscle is back from the squad that
engineered the impressive Gator Bowl
trouncing of Air Force, and the Tarhecls
look bigger and faster than ever. Top
player on Coach Jim Hickey's team is
praynoy All-America halfback Ken Wil-
lard who wei; in at 225 and runs like
‘Tarheels don't crum-
an State, as they did
I have their best season
ple before Michi
last year, they wi
in I5 years.
North Carolina State, which shared
honors with its state cousin last year,
has been hurt by graduation and will
have a tough time in 1961. Clemson has
similar problems. The Tigers flubbed
last year’s opportunity for gr
now look rather toothless. Veter
Howard, long known for
potent lines, will have to depend. mostly
on backfield talent. Fullback Pat Crain
will be one of the best in the country
if he can find any holes to run through.
The folks at Duke are exuding
confidence, and perhaps it is justified.
‘The Blue Devils are much stronger than
ast year, but will be vulnerable to inju-
. The loss of onc or two key men in
the backfield could wreck their scason.
South C a should recover some
prominence after a disastrous 1963 cam-
paign, with the help of a phalanx of cx-
cellent new men. Virginia and Maryland
both look much improved, so look for
ach of them to engineer some big upsets.
Virginia has prospects for a happy fu-
ture wi flock of good sophomores, a
new offensive system and blossoming
mo ake Forest, weary of losing
games, is embarking on a major rebuild-
ag program, headed by new Coach Bill
Tate, late of Illinois. First step was to
break the color barrier, and the first
Negroes have been recruited, with more
to come. It will be a couple of years
before Tate’s new regime begins to show
results, but the Deacons are definitely on
their way up.
Virginia Tech could be the class of the
Southern Conference ain this year.
Quarterback Bob Schweickert is one of
the best in the land. Although West
Virginia suffered from complacency last
year, it does not plan a repeat per-
formance. With enough raw material on
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hand, the Mountaineers should be much
improved. The rest of the Southern Con-
ference looks weak. Citadel and George
Washington, however, could become
formidable by the end of the season.
Richmond, with a more realistic sched-
ule, should better last year’s record.
Memphis State achieved major college
status in 1960 and has lost only five
games since that time. Last year, the
Tigers were probably one of the ten
strongest teams in the country, but the
myopic post-season pollsters, who have a
hard time seeing any but the tra-
ditional glamor teams, ignored them.
The Tigers will be just as lethal this
year. The Memphis State line, led by
PLAYBOY All-America tackle Harry Schuh
and end Chuck Brooks, looks like a pro
forward wall. The only problem Coach
Spook Murphy has had in recent years is
finding other teams to play against his
fearsome aggregation. This season the
Tigers are forced to play against South-
crn Mississippi twice in order to fill their
slate. But Memphis State is here to stay
a national power and the other South-
em teams can no longer look in the other
direction and hope the Tigers will go
Florida State will be vastly improved
and is expected to compete with Mem-
phis State and Georgia Tech for top hon-
ors among Southern independents. The
Sunshine State’s Seminoles have two
quarterbacks, Steve Tensi and Ed Prit-
chett, who should pass opponents dizzy
this year. The rest of the squad is bigger,
faster and meaner than ever. Everyone
will be watching to see how Georgi:
Tech does in its first season as an in-
dependent. The Yellow Jackets lost
several star performers, but the sopho-
more crop is the best in years and during
spring drills the Jackets looked very
good. Miami, on the other hand, has en-
countered lean days, and no one will be
surprised by a repeat of last year's dis-
tingly dismal record. The ranks
are thin and the immediate prospects for
new Coach Charlie Tate are dim indeed.
Oklahoma 91 lowa State
Nebraska. 82 Colorado
Kansas 73 Kansas State 37
Missouri 64 Oklahoma State 37
Rite 82 Baylor 55
Arkansas 82 Texas Tech — 45
Texas 64 Texas A&M 37
SNU 64 Texas Christian 3-7
Cincinnati 82 louisville 55
Wichita E North Texas St. 4-6
Texas Western Sa West Texas St. 37
TOP PLAYERS: Grisham, Neely, Burton, Mc-
Quarters (Oklahoma); Sayers, Shinn, Schwe-
da (Kansas); Kramer, Hohn (Nebraska);
Vaughn, Berrington (lowa St); Roland,
Lane, Otto (Missouri); Mitts, Dusenbury
(Kansas St); Harper, Ward (Oklahoma St);
Reese, Lewark (Colorado), Lamb, Caveness
(Arkansas); McReynolds, Walker, Piper,
Wayt (Rice); Sands, Nobis, Koy Harris
(Texas); White, Roderick, Knee (SMU); El-
kins, Maples, Marshall (Baylor), Anderson,
Willis (Texas Tech); Hi Owe!
Nelson (Cincinnati)
wicz, Farr (Wichi
(Louisville); Moore (N, Texas St).
It’s almost like old times in the Big
Eight. The team to beat is Oklahoma,
but the Sooners' dominance won't be as
easy to mai s it once was. The Big
Eight is bulging with power and any one
of the four top teams could wind up
number one. Oklahoma is literally loa
ed in every sense of the word, but unfor-
tunately it is also top heavy with seniors.
Senioritis is a tricky and unpredictable
disease that strikes a few death blows to
otherwise affluent aggregations every
season. New Coach Gomer Jones will
year a prosperous one
good team morale.
The Sooner line is anchored by rLayBoy
All-America tackle Ralph Neely,
the rest of the veteran line nearly
good. pravroy All-America fullback J
Grisham will provide most of the off
sive punch, and quarterbai
Ringer has regained his health after
backing into an electric fan.
Main threat to the Sooners will be
Kansas, which has its usual quota of blaz-
ing speed, mostly in the person of half-
back Gale Sayers. Nebraska will probably
fall short of last season's remarkable
performance due to graduation losses.
But the Cornhuskers are so deep in
reserves, especially classy backs, that
they'll be as good as ever by the end of
fall, Nebraska football has been sen-
ional since Coach Bob Devaney ar-
rived two years ago, and judging from
the new talent on hand, it will be that
way for quite a while. If Missouri can
find some new beef for the line to go
with a superb backfield, it will be anoth-
er happy autumn in Columb’
slight letdown
are nearly always better than
expects, look for them to hold true to
form. Snazzy speedster Johnny Roland
is back, and passer Gary Lane looks bet-
ter than ever.
Oklahoma State, Kansas Sta
orado have embarked on
building programs and the first results
are likely to show this year. But the com-
petition is so strong from the top teams
in the circuit that it will be a major a
complishment for any of the three to
have a winning season. By 1965, how-
ever, the league should be so well bal-
anced that anyone might finish on top.
The Missouri Valley Conference will
feature two of the flashiest passing teams
in the country. Tulsa will build almost
offense around brilliant qu:
erry Rhome in an effort to cz
s third straight natio
- Cincinnati, on the other ha
a good running game to go with
ing of quarterback Brig Owens.
with a surfeit of speed and experi
the Bobcats should cop the champ
ship. Wichita has so many talented trai
fers from other schools to replace losses
from last years cochampionship
that the Shockers could be as good as
ever, but the tough schedule will prob-
ably preclude a good won-ost record,
North Texas State still hasn't recovered
s recent eminence, although it’s much
nproved and should be hard to score
on. So will Louisville's dinals, de-
spite Charlie Mudd's t death last
ebruary. Having a strong emotional
impetus, they could erase last year's dis-
mal. performance.
"The Southwest Conference race will
be the usual dogfight. Last season's heavy
losers have grown new fangs, making the
scrap more fun to watch than ever.
Top team at season's end should be
Rice, but don't bet moncy on it.
kansas has the offense that was missing
last ycar and the Razorbacks arc always
brutal on defense. Ronnie Caveness is a
superb linebacker and »ravsoy All-
America end Jerry Lamb should make
the passing game successful. With a
talented bunch of sophs joining 17 of
last season's top 22 players, depth will be
a major strong point of the Razorbacks.
The Rice Owls are loaded, too, and it
Coach Jess Neely can find some tackles
and a speedster or two to go with all
that power running, they will be nearly
unstoppable. Neely, having more talent
than he's had in years, should celebrate
is 25th season as head coach in style.
Southern Methoe is the te
The Mustangs have been ab
ing for three d all the hard.
work could p: g way in 1964.
With A probation serving to make
the gs angrier and more upset-
minded than ever, they could become
one of the big surprise teams of the
year. Keep an eye on the Ohio State
game September 26th.
Baylor lost brilliant passer Don Trull,
so most observers will consign the Bears
to the lower ranks this season. But new
quarte Marshall looks nearly
as good s still have PLAYBOY
All-America flankerback rence Elk-
ins to do the catchin, ylor's colorful
defensive unit, the "Chinese Baptists,”
is a holy terror to opponents, so the
Bears will be hard to score on. Despite
the schedule, lor should be nearly as
hot as it was last year.
Both Texas Tech and Texas A&M
will be suonger, but fans won't notice
much difference because the opposition
will also be tougher.
Which brings us to Texas, and therein
lies a quandary. On paper the Long-
horns seem a good deal weaker than
last year's National Champions. But
es aren't played with scouting re-
ports. There is a legend in the oil
country that Coach Darrell Royal re-
cruits outstanding high school players he
can’t hope to use, just to keep the other
teams from getting them. At any rate,
Royal has so much unprobed depth on
hand that no one can guess where he'll
land, although it isn't likely to be in
the second division. Royal must produce
some good new linemen, and he probably
will. The backfield looks more potent
than ever except at quarterback. Texas
probably won't win the Conference
championship this year, but it will have
much to say about who docs.
Whoever arranged Houston's
ochistic schedule must have been an in-
corrigible optimist. The Cougars will be
better than last year, especially if all the
lame and halt from the 1963 nightmare
return, but they won't achieve much up-
grading in the wonost columns. Texas
Western should give El Paso fans a hap-
py autumn with the best team in years.
Washington — 82 — Stenford 55
California 64 Oregon State 55
Southern Cal 55 Washington St. 2-8
Wyoming 82 New Mexico
Arizona State 64 Utah
Arizona 55 Brigham Young
Utah State 73 Colorado St 4-7
San Jose St. — 73 Pacific 46
nee Mexico St. E. Air Force 46
TOP PLAYERS: Coffey, Douglas, Redman
(Washington); Morton, Schraub (Cal); Nel-
son, Haffner, Zeno, Altenberg (UCLA);
Garrett, Fertig, Thomas (USC); Ragsdale,
Chapple (Stanford); Washington (Oregon
St); Berry (Oregon); Williams (Wash. St);
Levine, Wilkinson (Wyoming); Briscoe, Hud-
low (Arizona); Jefferson (Utah); Murray,
Smith, Zecher (Utah St); Puster, Czarnota
(Air Force); Leetzow, Litzinger (Idaho);
Kroll (San Jose St); Burkett (Colorado St.).
Pacific Coast football has be grow-
ing steadily in power and prestige for a
decade, and this year a lion's share of
football’s spectacular events should oc-
cur on the West Coast. For one thing,
ns (Washington and Southern
will no longer dominate the
scene as they have in the recent past.
Power will be more evenly spread from
top to bottom, and only one team,
Washington State, may be counted out of
the championship race. Two of the most.
A and
a, aa Stanford not far be-
hind. Look for West Coast teams to
bump off intersectional
precedented numbers.
As if to celebrate this renaissance, a
reformation has been decreed. The qui
reling faculty fathers have forgiven if
not forgotten, and the hallowed Pacific
Coast Conference has been remade.
Washington gets the nod this year be-
cause of momentum and man power.
The Huskies wound up on top of the
1963, despite crippling in-
trous start. With a
much deeper, more experienced and
presumably healthier squad, they should
be even harder to handle this s h
Quarterback Bill Douglas and fullback
Junior League Coffey—when well—are
rivals in un-
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peerless performers, and the Huskics’
line, led by Rick Redman and the Knoll
twins, is one of the best in the land. Still,
the perennial favorite's hex will be fol
lowing Washington this ycar. Most likely
to apply the whammy are UCLA, Cali-
fornia and Stanford. UCLA, which
administered a poetic coup de grace to
Washington toward the end of last sea-
son, has suffered few casualties by either
combat or graduation, and is now ready
to take on the whole league. The Bruins
have high-velocity running in Byron
Nelson and Mike Hafiner as well as a
superb passing game in Larry Zeno and
Steve Sindell. A deep and rugged linc,
something new at UCLA, completes the
happy picture. So, despite the schedule,
look for spectacular improvement on last
year’s 28 record.
lifornia is an almost identical twin.
The Golden Bears also have nearly all
belligerents back from last year, plus a
new coach and an excellent quarterback
If head man Ray Willsey can make his
take-over a smooth one, and if team mo-
rale can be maintained, California could
clobber a few of the impressive Fastern
powers on the schedule. Watch the Hli-
nois game on September 26th.
If Stanford can find a quarterback and
a few runners among a fine crop of
sophs, the Indians will also improve
much over last year’s series of narrow de-
feats. The line is tough and defense will
be stalwart. There is a plethora of man
power in the Indian camp, so perhaps
this will be the year when ach John
Ralston can put together the right
Southern California may be as strong
as last year, but, like Washington, the
Trojans face fierce opposition from
fon s. PLAYBOY All-America
halfback Mike Gameu is a mercurial
and elusive runner, while flashy new
quarterback Rod Sherman will help
Craig Fertig run the attack. New hall-
back Ray Cahill adds even more speed,
but the center of the line must be rebuilt
to spring all these runners loose.
Despite the return of quarterback Bob
Berry, Oregon will have a tough time
celebrating readmission to the Pacific
Coast league, The Webfeet have little
depth beyond the first unit and will be
easily weakened by injuries. Oregon
State has two sharp new quarterbacks,
Bob Grim and Paul Brothers, who threat-
en to displace veteran Gordon Queen.
The Beavers will also be bigger and fast-
er than they were last year, but will have
tough time posting a winning record
against a rugged nationwide schedule.
gton State will have to start all
“Does she or doesn’t she? Don’t miss
tomorrow's exciting lecture!"
over from the bottom after losing 22
lettermen from last season's disappoint-
ing squad. New Coach Bert Clark [aces
monumental. task.
Wyoming will be the heavy favorite in
the Western Conference. A herd of exp
rienced veterans is returning, aided by
outstanding talent up from Wyoming's
bestever freshman team. The Cowpokes
have had three years to master Coach
Lloyd Eaton's flip-flop offense, and the
big payoff should come this fall. Arizona
State, although unaccustomed to losing,
will have a hard time maintaining n
tery in the cactus country, mainly be-
cause such teams as Utah and Arizona
are getting stronger. Arizona, in partic-
ular, may fool us all this year. The re-
quired elements are present, and if the
Wildcats get off to a good start they
could have a bi . The brightest star
at Utah is end Roy Jefferson, said to be
the best round football player in
Utah's history. From here, Brigham
Young still looks out of the race with 29
lettermen missing [rom a team that
posted a 28 record last year
Air Force will have a rough time field-
ing an offense as potent as the one oper-
ated by nowdeparted. Terry Isaacson.
The Falcons will have a strong ground
game, but the passing department will be
limp. Also, Air Force is getting into the
real big time and the schedule is more
ambitious than ever. If the Falcons win
half their games it will be a great year.
Both Idaho and Colorado State are on
the way up. Last fall, Idaho posted the
first winning season in a quarter of a
century, and the Vandals look just as
good this fall. Utah State won most ol
its games last scason by outlandish scores
and seems to be just as potent this year,
despite the loss of quarterback Bill Mun-
son. The 1964 Utags will feature a herd
of stampeding runners to replace lust
year's aerial circus. San Jose State and
Pacific are sharing the West Coast foot
ball revival.
1 Jose, especially, shows
signs of becoming a major factor on the
West Coast. scene.
So now that we—and all the other pre
season prognosticators—have told you
what is going to happen, how come the
teams even bother to play their games?
Because, as always, we will be right in
some cases (most, we hope) and wrong in
others. After all, it's the unexpected, the
improbable and the unbelievable that
make football such a great game. Before
this season few Med
teams will rise and smite the mighty,
and a few gridiron Goliaths will fall with
resounding thuds. And then what will
happen? Twenty thousand Monday-
morning quarterbacks will write us
letters saying “1 knew it all along.” Nev-
ertheless, we haven't man yet
who got rich playing the weekly football-
parlay cards. So don't try it.
is over, a unher
met a
(continued from page 153)
bat rarely admit. Say, for example, about
that beady-eyed, clawed and ravening
carnivore, that incorrigibly wild, insane,
scurrying little beast—the killer that is
in cach one of us. We pretend it isn't
there most of the time, but this is a silly,
idle sham, as all male ex-kids know. They
have seen it and have r from
it more than once. Screa nto the
One quiet summer afternoon, leafing
ough a nature book in the library,
with the sun slantii aken
tables, I came across a picture of a
ture called the Tasmanian dev
glared directly at me out of the page,
with an unwavering redeyed gaze. 3
I have never forgotten it. 1 was loo
at my own sou
The Tasmanian devil is well named,
being a nocturnal marsupial of extra-
ordinary ferocity, being strictly carniv-
orous, and, when cornered, fighting with
a nuttiness beyond all bounds of reason.
In fact, it is said that he is one of the
few creatures on actu
looks forward to being cornered.
I looked him in the eye; he looked
back, and even from the flat, glossy sur
face of the pa per I could feel his burn-
ng down on the
ng rage, a primal fury that glowed
whitehot like the core of a nuclear ex-
plosion. A chord of understanding was
struck between us. He knew and I knew.
We were killers. The only thing that
eparated us was the sham. He admitted
it, and I had been attempting to cover
up all of my life.
I remember well the first time my own
Tasmanian devil without
amed out of the kness
aled himself for what he was—a
fanged and maniacal meat cater. Every
male child sweats inside at a word that
is rarely heard today: bully. That is
not to say that bullies no longer exist.
Sociologists have given them other and
softer-sounding labels, "overaggressive
child,” for example, but they all amount
to the same thing—meatheads. Guys who
grow up banging grilles in parking lots
and becoming captains of industry or
Mafia hatchet men, Every school had at
least five, and they usually gathered
followers and toadics like barnacles on
the bottom of a garbage scow. The lines
were clearly drawn. You were either a
bully, a toady, or one of the nameless
rabble of victims who hid behind
hedges, continually ran up alleys, ducked
under porches, and tried to get a con-
nection with city hall—city hall being
the bully himself.
I was 13, and an accomplished alley
runner who wore sneakers to school not
from choice but to get off the mark
quicker. I was well-qualified to endorse
Keds Champions with: “I have outrun
some of the biggest bullies of my time
wearing Keds,
Y X nd I am still here to tell
the tale.
It would make a great ad in Boys’
Life KIDS! When that cold sweat
pours down your back and you are fac
ing the moment of truth on the w
home from the store, don't you wish you (IF NEED BE)
had bought Keds? Yes, our new Bully-
Beater model has been endorsed by ski
ny kids with glasses from coast to coast.
That extra fect may mean the
difference between making the porch
and you-know-what!”
Many of us have grown up wi
mental Keds d still ducki behind
filing cabinets, water coolers and into
convenient men’s rooms when that cold
sweat trickles down between the shoul-
der blades. My moment of truth was
kid named Grover Dill.
‘Trump up some excuse to give him a
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haps he hes a trip coming up. No bet-
ter time for Dopp Kit giving. It's the
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From $7.50 at better stores.
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What a rotten name! Dill was a run
ny-nose type of bully. His nose was al-
ways running,
even when it wasn't. He "
a Ae 7 j i 9 Silver dollars 9
a yelling, wiry, malevolent, sncevily Sa eee eg T EE MED
nively bully who had quelled all insur- WERE RM PEE
: iles 5 1. I did know quentity of these UNCIRCULATED dollar
gene lonmile rane sie neato) (Oe EAE SEINE
one kid who was not afraid of Dill,
11 year series including oll
A coneeeut
four mints
mainly because Dill was wuly aggressive.
This kind of aggression later in life is CARSON CITY 1878
often called “talent” or “drive,” but to SAN FRANCISCD 1879, 1830, 1881
NEW ORLEANS 1882, 1863, 1884
the great formless herd of kids it just ER ET RES RC Em
means a lot of running, getting belted, MI a
ae 'OTAL
and continually fceling ashamed. SET 4950 PRICE
If Dill so much as said hi to you nimiis
you felt great and warm inside. But
Phone 701.
mostly he just hit you in the mouth
Navada Stara Beri Las Vagas
Now, a wue bully is not a fash the
pan, and Dill wasn't. This went on for
years. I must have been in about second
grade when Dill first belted me behind
the ear.
Maybe the terr: had something to
do with it. Life was very basic in north-
em Indiana, in a stccl town at the f.
southern tip of Lake Michigan. Life was
more primal there than in, say, New
York City or New Jersey or California.
Take the seasons. Snow, ice, hard rocky
frozen ground that wouldn't thaw out
until late June. Kids played baseball all
winter on this frozen lumpy tundr
Ground balls would come gallopin
"K-tunk. K-tunk K-tunk K-tunk" over
the arctic concrete. And then summer
would come. The ground would thaw
and the wind would start, whistling in
off the lake, a hot Sahara gale. I lived
the first ten years of my life in a con
tinual sandstorm n the
Dunes region. with nie tempe a
hundred and five and no rain since the
first of June, produces in a kid the soul
of a Death Valley prospector. The Indi-
na Dunes—in those days no one
thought they were special or spectacular
—they were just the Dunes, all sand
id swamps and timber wolves and even Fun-loving Femlins delightfully decorate
attlesnakes. There were also rattlesnakes four aces and joker and Playboy Rabbit
in fifth grade: like Grover Dill, a puff pattern distinctively backs up two decks
adder among garden worms. of plastic coated playing cards.
This terrain grew very basic kids who Boxed. $3, ppd.
fought the clements all their lives. We'd Sead ek er Panay ae ATOR RTC
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lennepin— Minnespol n. 55108
188 graphed. I am comi,
go to school in a sandstorm and come
home just before a tornado. Lake Michi-
an is like an enormous flue that
stretches all the way up into the Straits
of Mackinac, into the great north woods
of Canada, and the wind howls down
that lake like a gigantic chimney. We
lived at the bottom of this immense
stovepipe. The wind hardly ever stops.
Winter, spring, summer, fall—whatever
weather we had was made 20 times worse
by the wind. If it was warm, it seared
you like the open door of a blast fur
nace. If it was cold, the wind sliced you
to little pieces, diced and cubed you,
ground you up, then put you back to-
gether and started all over again. People
l red faces all year round from the
When the sand is g off the
Dunes in the summer it does something
to the temper. The sand gets in your
shoes and always huris between the toes.
The kids would cut the sides of their
sneakers so that when the sand would
get to be too much, you just stick your
foot up in the air and the sand would
squirt out and you're ready for another
ten minutes of action.
Grover Dill was just
hostile elements of
nother of the
ture, like the sand,
the wind—and the suckers. Northern In-
na has a strange little green bur that
festered in fingers and ankles for
countless centuries. One of the great mo-
ments in life for a kid was to catch
ball covered with a thick fur of s
in a barehand grab, driving them in
right to the marrow of the knuckle
day. without warning of any
it happened. Monumental mo-
ts in our lives are rarely tele-
g home from school
on a hot, shimmering day, totally u
ware that I was about to meet face to
face my Tasmanian devil, that clawed,
raging maniac that lurks inside cach
of us. There were three or four of us
eddying along, like — leaves
acant lots, sticker patches, as
xb alleys,
wading through great clouds of Indiana
shoppers, big dark-green ones th
spat tobacco juice on your kneecaps and
hollered and yelled in the weeds on all
1 locusts were shricking
fa dio m rs and the monarch but-
terflies were on the wing amid the thi
y like any other.
My kid brother is with me and we
have one of those little running ball
games going, where you bat the ball
with your hand back and forth to each
other, moving homeward at the same
time. The ball hops along; you field i
you throw it back; somebody tosses it;
it's grabbed on the first bounce, you're
out, but nobody stops moving home-
ward. A moving ball game. Like a float-
ing crap game.
We were about a block or so from my
house, bouncing the ball over the con-
crete, when it happened. We are moving
along over the sandy landscape, under
the dark lowering clouds of open-hearth
haze that always hung between us and
the sun. I dart to my right to ficld a
ground ball. A foot lashes out unexpect-
edly and down I go, flat on my face on
the concrete road. I hit hard and jarring,
a bruising, scraping jolt that cut my lip
and drew blood. Stunned for a second, I
look up. It is the dreaded Dill!
To this day I have no idea how he
materialized out of nowhere to trip me
flat and to finally force the issue.
Come on, kid, get out of the way,
2” He grabs the ball and whistles it
off to one of his toadies. He had yellow
eyes. So help me God, yellow eyes!
I got up with my knees bleeding and
my hands stunned and tingling from the
concrete, and without any conception at
1 of what I was doing I screamed and
rushed. My mind was a total red, raging,
g blank. I know I screamed.
The next thing I knew we are rolling
over and over on the concrete, screaming
and clawing. I'm out of my skull! I am
pounding Dill against the concrete and
we're rolli and over, battering at
ach other's faces.
tinually. I couldn't stop. 1 hit him over
and over in the eyes. He rolled over me,
but I was kicking and clawing, gou
ting, tearing. 1 was vaguely conscious
of people coming out of houses and
across lawns. I was on top. J grabbed at
his head. I caught both of Grover Dill's
ars in either hand and 1 began to
pound him on the concrete, over and
over again.
I have since heard of people under
extreme duress speaking in strange
tongues. I became conscious that a steady
torrent of obsce and swearing was
1 screamed. I could
running home, hyster:
ly yelling for my mother, but only
| All T knew is that J was tearing
and ripping and smashing at Grover
Dill, who fought back like a fend! Bue
T guess it was the first time he had ever
met face to face with unleashed
I continued to swear fantastically. I
was conscious of it, and yet it was as
though it was coming from something or
someone outside of me. I sworc as I have
never sworn since as we rolled screaming
on the ground, And suddenly we were
pulled apart. Dill, the back of his head
Il battered, his eyes puffed and stream-
ing, slashed by my claws and fangs, was
hysterical. There was hardly a scratch on
me, except for my scraped knee
I learned then that bravery does not
exist. Just a kind of latent insanity. JE T
had thought about attacking Dill for ten
seconds before I had done it, I'd have
been four blocks away in a minute flat.
But something had happened. A fuse
had blown. And I had gone out of my
But I had sworn! Terribly! Obscene-
ly! In our house you didn’t swear. The
things 1 called Dill I'm sure my mother
had not even heard before. And / had
only heard them once or twice, coming
out of an alley. I had woven a tapestry
of obscenity that as far as I know is still
hanging in space over Lake Michigan.
And my mother had heard!
Dill by this time is wailing hysterical-
ly. This had never happened to him be-
fore. They're dragging the two of
t amid a great ring of surging
grownups and exultant, scared kids who
knew more about what was happening
than the mothers and fathers ever
would. My mother is look t me, She
said: "What did you " That's all.
There was a funny look on her face.
At that instant all thought of Grover
Dill disappeared from what was left of
my mind and all I could think of was
the incredible shame of that unbeliev-
able tornado of obscenity I had sprayed
all over the neighborhood.
I go into the house in a daze, and my
mother’s putting water on me in the
bathroom, pouring it over my head and
dabbing at my eyes which are puffed and
red from hysteria. My kid brother is
cowering under the dining-room table
scared, Bruner, next door, has been hid-
ing in the basement, under the steps
scared. The whole neighborhood is
scared, and so am I. The water trickles
down over my hair and around my €
I stare into the swirling d
in the sink.
“You better go in
day bed. Take it casy. Just go i
She takes me by the shoulder and
pushes me down on the day bed. I lie
there scared, really scared of what I have
done. 1 felt no sense of victory, no sense
of beating Dill. AU I felt was this terri-
ble thing I had said
The light was gett ple and soft.
ouside, almost time lor my father to
come home from work. I'm just lying
there. I can sec that its geuing dark,
and I know that he's on his way home
Once in a while a tic sob would
come out, half hysterically. My kid
id lie down on the
nd lie
I hear the car roar up the driveway
and a wave of terror breaks over me, the
terror that a kid feels when he knows
that retribution is about to be meted out
for something that he's been hiding
forever: his rottenness. The basic rotten-
s has been uncovered, and now its
the wrath of God, which you are not
only going to get, but which you deserve!
I hear him in the kitchen now. I'm in
the front bedroom, cowering on the
day bed. The normal sounds—he's hol-
lering around with the newspaper. Fi-
ally my mother says "Come on,
supper's ready. Come on, kids, wash up."
1 painfully diag myself off the day bed
and sneak along the woodwork, under
the buffet, skulking into the bathroom.
My kid brother and I wash together over
the sink. He says nothing.
Then I am sitting at the kitchen table,
toying with the red cabbage. My old man
"Well, what happened today?" and
looks up from the sports page. Here it
There is a short pause, and then my
mother says: “Oh, not much. Jean had
a Jile fight.”
Figh? What kind of fighu"
She says: "Oh, you know how kids
"The ax is poised over my naked neck!
There is no way out! Mec lly I
continue to shovel in the mashed potit
toes and red cabbage a
I am tasting nothing, just cau
"Oh, it wasn't much. I gave him a
talking to. By the way, I see the White
Sox won tod z
an to realize that I
was not about to be destroyed. And then
a very peculiar thing happened. A sud
den unbelievable twisting, heaving stom-
ach cramp hit me so bad J could feel
my shoes coming right up through my
I rushed back into the bathroom, so
sick to my stomach that my knees were
buckling. It was all coming up, pouring
out of me, the conglomeration of it all.
The terror of Grover Dill, the fear of
yelling the things that I had yelled, my
father coming home, my obscenities-
I heaved it all out. It poured out of me
in great heaving rushes, splattering the
walls, the floor, the sink. Old erasers that
I had eaten years before, library paste
that I had downed in second grade, an
Indian-head penny that I had gulped
when I was two! It all came up in thun.
derous, rerching heav
My father hovered out in the hall,
"Whats the matter with him?
the Lcrs call Doctor
My mother knew what was the matter
with me.
, he's going to be all right. Just
easy. Go back and finish cating.
She pressed a washrag to the back of
my neck. “Now, take it casy, I'm not
going to say anything. Just be quiet.
Take it easy.
Down comes the bottle of Pepto-Bis-
mol and the spoon. “Take this. Stop
But then I really started to cry, yelling
and blubbering. She was talking low and
quiet to m
"Well tell him your stomach is upset,
that you ate something at school.”
The Pepto-Bismol slides down my
throat, à y Now its
really coming out! I’m scared of Grover
thing. I'm con-
grow up to be
g blind!
I'm lying in bed, sobbing, but I finally
drift off to sleep, completely p:
out from sheer nervous exhausti
soft warm air blew the curt:
ins hack and
forth as we caught the tail of a breeze
from the great north woods, from the
wilderness at the head of the lake. Both
of us slept quietly, me and my red-eyed,
fanged, furry little Tasmanian de
Both of us slept. For the time being.
Be sure it's a genuine Dopp Kit travel
kit. Why? Dopp Kits are so thought-
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Pornographers Revisited (continued from page 96)
started typically enough, with Evelyn
bursting in at the top of the page to an-
nounce, “Fam afraid I’m pretty igno-
rant about sex matters, Doctor. Ought I
to read a sex manual, or something like
that, before my wedding day? "
Without commenting one way or the
other on the value of book lear
the doctor casually inquired, “** .
the way, have you ever had a thorough
physical examination, Evelyn? Including
a al one, that is?”
"Not what you would call a thorough
physical" Evelyn replied. "Doctors
have just tapped my chest and looked in
my throat and cars—things like that.
Ive always been pretty healthy. My
periods are as regular as clockwork
A rather long and extremely intimate
conversation ensued concerning the
chronometric accuracy of Evelyn's self-
winding menstrual cycle, and the best
way to make certain that her wedding
day would not occur “bang in the m
dle" of her period. “‘You can start now
taking your temperature every morn
" the doctor advised. “ "The body
temperature rises slightly at the time of
ovulation—when the egg leaves the ova
ry and passes down to the uterus; the
only time, as you probably know, whe
an ovum can become fertilized...”
ice I had already learned about the
Miracle of Reproduction from sncak-
Halder - Julius" Little Blu
Books in my sixth-grade geography cla
rived at a two-line break in the next col-
umn, just in time to meet Evelyn and
the doctor as they came out of his exam-
ination room. "'I hope that wasn't too
uncomfortable, Evelyn? the doctor said.
“The first pelvic examination, I. know,
n be pretty bothersome.’
“Je wasn’t as bad as I thought ic
would be. There was just one time when
it really hurt. What is the verdict
^ "Your confidence in your good health
is well grounded. 1 was impressed, too,
with your poise and good sense during
the n Actually, it wasn't
quite as simple as I had thought it
would be. The reason for the discomfort
you experienced was that vour vaginal
opening is not very large. You probably
know something about the hymen, or
“maidenhead,” as it is called?’
“Yes, and. Mother told me to ask you
about that. | forgot. It’s her impression
that in the premarital examination, the
doctor breaks it or tears it or whatever it
is you do. That's what she gathers from
her friends whose daughters have had
premarital examinations.” "
The doctor, who obviously didn't
want to become implicated in the little
white fibs being circulated by hymenless
hoydens to explain their nonvirginal sta-
tus, was quick to deny the canard: “I
don't think that's strictly accurate, Eve-
any of it. The normal hymen—it's a
thinnish membrane or tissue, which par-
ially closes off the lower end of the va-
1 warily skipped over the eggs and ar- gina in a virgin—is rather easily
“TU sell you my chance to
be President for a nickel."
stretched, Doctors do that sometimes,
without damaging it, when they feel that
a vaginal examination is advisable for a
virgin. Or when some slight correction is
needed to make a brides first inter-
course easier and less painful. . . . Gen-
erally, it docsn't make any trouble, and I
dont myself interfere with a perfectly
normal hymen. Now and then, howev
we find a hymen that is extra tough or
fibrous, or that has an unusually small
such cases it may nor
lt can make the first in-
tercourse painful and sometimes may
ally prevent. normal. intercourse."
And thats the way I am? What can
I do?
“t... First of all, I'm going to give
you some graduated dilators. Mary Ann,
my nuise, will tell you how to use them.
You can start tonight. If the condition
isn’t corrected by a month before your
marriage, we will use surgical dilation.
- - - But Alec should know that this is
being done. Would he be willing to
come in for a little talk?”
‘I'm sure he would be glad to,
Doctor’ ” Evelyn assured him—and
while the visit ended before the unsus-
pecting Alec had a chance to drop in for
a little chat on hymencal stretch-sex and
a det ng on the sort of thing
he might expect to run into on his wed-
ding night, the following April found
another man (Sam Jenkins by name)
bursting into the doctor's office:
s sudden
fe pot th
a doctor quick! Did I do righ
As it turned out, Sam had donc exact-
ly right—and just in the nick of time. As
the doctor explained, after he had re-
moved Mrs. Jenkins’ left ovary, Sam’s
wife had heen the victim of an “ectopic”
or “ruptured tubal” pregnancy: “ ‘The
baby was growing in the outer part of
the left Fallopian tube instead of in the
uterus where it belonged.’ ”
In his gynecological give and take
with the Jenkinses (who had been hop-
ing for a litde girl), the doctor was
ed to go into considerable detail
about how “the ovum is normally met
by the sperm at the outer end of the
" and the fact that sometimes
e little blind alleys in the
tubes*—the whole comprising a small
handbook on female plumbing and the
etiquette of sperm and egg. “ ‘Doctor,
1 just don't know haw to thank you,
Mrs. Jenkins murmured gratefully, when
all was said and done.
"The doctor put his hand on Mr.
Jenkins’ shoulder. "This fellow here is
the one to thank, Mrs. Jenkins. He prob-
ably saved your life by his promptness
in getting medical attention. I think he
really deserves another chance at having
that litde girl!’
With these historic words, the door
was thrown open for other troubled
hubbies to come in and chat with the
Journal’s Trusted. Physician.
* 'I's her mother, Doctor,” Bob V
ston said gloomily, apropos his wife's
case of forceps-fear in July “61. “ ‘Ever
since Mrs. Wilkens got here, we've been
treated to play-by-play accounts of all
the suffering she and her friends and her
friends’ friends went through when their
babies were born . . 7
“The doctor shook his head. "We ob-
stetricians run into quite a lot of that,
Bob. There arc women who seem to take
a ghoulish delight in trotting our all the
childbed horrors they can think of when
a young wife is approaching her first de-
livery. They don't scem to r e the
effect they may be producing on the ex-
nother. ..,*" And, two months
door consultati
whose wife
n with young Edgar Fer-
ris, Min was suffering
Mr. Ferris asked.
"Ihe doctor drew a picture on his
note pad. ‘Here we have a cross section
of the uterus, in late pregnancy, with the
placenta well up toward the top, where
it ought to be. And here’—making an-
other sketch—‘is a uterus where the pla-
centa is so low that it partially covers the
4" But, on the off
cervical opening . -
chance that these pages might fall into
the hands of some hopefully expectant
young wife, let's spare ourselves the gory
description of Marian's "massive hemor-
* (^ "Is happened, Doctor, and it's
dreadful, unbelievable! It's a fountai
a—a torrent! What shall I do?’ ") and the
grim Caesarean sight of “the bi
arteries . .. temporarily restrained by
rubber-covered clamps.”
One ingenious device for stepping up
the hubby's postcoital involvement in
the female sexual cycle is to make him
an active participant in “natural child-
birth"—a do-it-yourself kind of obstetrics
which, by the spring of '63, was getting
some pretty heavy promotional play in
the form of “home delivery.” Apart from
catering to the aspirations which some
women have to emulate the Great Earth
Mother and bring forth the
teeming wombs with no more frills or
antisepsis than might be had in a mud
hut on the Amazon, “home delivery" is
additionally attractive in that it expands
the hubby's household duties to include
on-the-job training as a resident midwife
nd obstetrical handyman—presumably
on the theory that if he was in at the
conception, it is only fair that he be al-
lowed to share in the joys of welcoming
the stork. For an example of this kind of
hubby-wife labor union, we need look
no further than page 111 of the same
of their
issue that contained William McCleery’s
statement on the Gentlemen's Home
Journal, and the story of Marian Hodges"
scratch-and-go brush with the galloping
trichomonads. The article is called “Our
Baby Was Born at Home,” and opens
with a note written to the editors by
-old Patricia Nissen. "We are
planning our baby to be born at home
Mrs. Nisen wrote. “Would you like to
share in the experience?"
The question was almost absurdly rhe-
torical. Would a fish like to swim? Do
kids like parades and circuses? Of course
the Joumal wanted to share in Patty
Nissen’s accouchement! And so it was
that, come July, the Journals Joan
Younger and photographer Joseph Di
Piciro were dispatched to the
Indiana home to provide o
coverage of the blessed event, u:
same dramatic, minute-by-minute tech-
nique that had been employed in docu-
menting such great moments in history
as the day Lincoln was shot and the
sinking of the S.S. Titanic:
“1:31 p.m. “Wow, here's another one
thats a beaut
atty says. The contrac
tions are now a regu to seven mi
utes apart, but Gene [Patty's husband]
is no longer watching Patty worriedly
when she has one. He is excitedly occu-
pied by the pans of boiling water and
the time sheet. Patty's excitement, on
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the other hand, is leaving her. . . . Only
when a contraction comes does she
stiffen and become taut. . . . Patty draws
in her breath, startled. ‘Oh, that was a
funny one, ‘Six minutes on the dot,’
Gene says and then looks at her sharply.
‘Gee whiz, Patter, we're going to have a
“Patter,” in case you haven't guessed,
is Gene's pet name for Pate}
is her pet name for Gene.
she chose it, but Gene, laughing.
viously it is short for Nuisance.
whole family talks cute like that. “Mom-
my, Mary is fricker-fracker,” their little
daughter Becky shouts in reporting thi
bedtime behavior of her younger sister.
Fricker-fracker "is a family phrase for
being ty’s lady
doctor has her bedded down on a pad of
newspapers at 1:47 par, Patty laughs as
she reminisces: “Remember these funny
things we used to say in high school?
They all had a steral to the mory.
Spoonerisms. 'Oh, sometimes your bou-
bles are trig and sometimes your smou-
bles are wall. But if you trad no houbles
t all, how could you blecognize your
It means
a” in Greek and she says that is why
t. The contractions are
coming five minutes apart and are of
considerable has
been dozing through them. . . . The
the birth area was washed with soap
yermicide. She is stretched ont on the
bed, the newspapers under her and a
sheet over her
he doctor has been resting and
waiting on a chair beside the bed. . . ~
When Patty opens her eyes the doctor
says, "You must get up and walk around
now. We have only a four-centimeter
ion and we need nine!”
xb so it goes, while Gene rushes
around sterilizing cloths, boiling rubber
gloves, making tea, and keeping track of
Patty's contractions on his time sheet. At
3:50 rt. Patty's tension relaxes, and she
its to rest. “ "You must walk,’ the doctor
ays. ‘Ah, bension is tilding up again,
Patty says, getting up, "and I am just
putzing around."
75:10 p.M, The baby has moved down-
ward now and Patty has gone to lie
down. . . . 540 rr The water sac
broke suddenly and completely a few
minutes ago. . . . "Mr. Nissen,’ the doctor
says, "put your ads on top of her
abdomen and masage very gently,
please . . . very gently.’ There is a long,
heaving breath from Patty. ‘I see the
head!’ Gene exclaims. "Dark curly hair—
like yours, Patty, like yours!” "But I
wanted red hair,’ Patty says. "P.
Gene cries, "the baby is coming! "
As I read, my own bension was tild
up to pever fitch. 1 was ready to settle
for any color hair—auburn, chestnut or
peroxide blonde. "6 r-
pressing against the cervix, as
erful contraction of the uterus d
farther down the birth canal, but it can-
not push through. . . . ‘Relax,’ the doctor
says. ‘Relax, Relax between contractions.
Push only with the contractions
Lord knows, I was trying to relax. My
grip on the Journal was tense and moist,
but I wasn't pushing between contrac-
tions. Maybe Mr. McCleery and the oth-
cr fellows were pushing, but not me!
“6:30 row. The baby still has not
stretched the cervix sufficiently, nor have
the contractions. . . . 7:10 wow. Still the
baby has not arrived. . . . 7:30 rw. De-
livery is close now, as the baby presses
“Well, are you going to push or not?!"
downward, downward, and the contrac
tions come one upon another so closely
they are almost continuous. ‘Stretch,
baby, stretch,’ the doctor murmurs. ‘Now
—now, push with this contraction—push
—push—now relax—relax-
Crouched down in my armchair, 1 dug
my heck into the rug and pushed
—pushed—relaxed—relaxed. The
graphs were coming one upon another
so closely they were almost continuous.
"Wow!" I gasped. "Here's another one
thats a beauty!”
“7:39 p.m. Then—suddenly—there is
the sound of a baby's wail and like an
arrow the baby has popped from the
uterus into the doctor's deft hands. In
skilled rhythm the doctor has caught the
child, clamped the cord, and laid the
baby on Patty's stomach. ‘Oh-h’—Patty’s
wail is one of pure joy—'see the baby!’
Gene is still thunderstruck ‘Oh,’ he
ys. ‘Oh, oh, oh. What a thrill!” "What
is it? Patty says. But there is no time to
nine the baby now. The afterbirth is
coming with the same catapulting speed
the baby did...”
Oh, no you don’t!” I muttered, and
slammed the magazine shut just in time
to prevent the hamned dafterbirth from
lopping into my plap!
Siuing in a dreamy kind of postnatal
haze induced by a couple of stilt shots of
Old Twilight Sleep, I fancied I could
still see the memory book of photos Mr.
Di Piewro had taken at the Nissens’ ob-
sterrical Noos gently
massaging Patter's abdomen at 5:10 rt.
- Noos clutching Patter's hand as she
iced. at a 6:30 contraction. . . . Pat.
ic smile at the sight of the
lile what's-it ly across her
fricker-fracker tummy. . . . So vivid and
complete were the innumerable clinical
details which I have here had the decen-
cy to omit, I was certain that I, or any of
the Journal's other male readers, could
have gone out that very night and deliv-
ered quintuplets in a snowbound t
The Journal, it seems, was rather hop
that some of us would. “Well, thank
goodness!” the letters’ editor exclaimed,
some months later, when Bettie J-
g of Yerba Buena Island, €
, wrote in to announce that duc to
te arrival of the
d had delivered. ih.
nine-ounce daughter. “Thanks to the
Journal, we know just what to do!”
Mrs. Downing shouted from the far-off
Buena shore.
For a while, I half suspected that
the new tend to home deliveries by
Journalirained midhubbics was just a
nmick to prevent
nt women from developing
crushes on their obstetricians.
the Trusted Physician was being de-
emphasized on the naturalchildbirth
front, June 1961 found him in there
ad pitching as a specialist in artifici
r six-pound,
“We have a pretty difficult question,
Doctor, that we haven't been able to
work out for ourselves; Hal Ward said
with a nervous laugh . ..
“I see vou have an infertility prob
lem,’ the doctor remarked, referring to
the notes his secretary had handed to
him. ‘Dr. Fairchild has been treating you
Doth for four years...”
es. We had been married three
years when Ann went to him about her
failure to conceive. He couldn't find
anything wrong with her, so he had me
come in. He made two separate exami
nations, said the sperm potential was
only fifty to sixty percent of normal. He
decided this was due to a very severe
case of mumps, with complications, that
I had when I was in the Army ..
“Testicular mumps can do it; the
doctor said. "At that, you are luckier
than many men who have had mumps of
this type, if your index is still better
than fifty percent.
So Dr. Fairchild said, and he was
very optimistic at fist that treatment
might fix me up. I've had the works,
Doctor—diets, thyroid, shots prostate
treatments, male hormones, and some
female hormones for good measure.’
^'He even gave me female thyroid
nd female hormoncs, too,” Ann Ward
added. .. . ‘He had me keep tempera
ture charis, and every now and then he
blew air through the Fallopian tubes—
he called that insufllation—to make sure
they were completely oper
The Journal didn’t explain how Dr
Fairchild went about the business of
blowing air through Ann Ward's tubes,
but masculine delicacy led me to assume
that some sort of hand pump was used.
At any rate, the Trusted Phy
particular forte was "homologous insem-
ination"—artificial insemination "using
ihe husband as donor.
“We call this homologous insemina-
tion because it is all in the family, so to
speak," the doctor explained. “'Un-
doubtedly you know that a terrific num-
tozoa—millions, in fact—
ised at a single time. . .. They
of course incredibly tiny. And though
they appear 10 move very fast when vou
look at them under the microscope, it
takes from three to four hours for the
strongest and liveliest sperm to make
the short trip from the cervix up into
the Fallopian tubes. Most of them, count
Jess thousands, perish on the way.
As in his previous descriptions of the
descent of the ovum into the uterus, the
doctor's story of the sperms’ journey up
the tubes had much of the color and
drama usually associated with sagas of
Westward migration, and how jazz came
up the river from New Orleans. ""Re-
cently? ” however, “ ‘there have been
some very helpful findings concerning
the cnvironment—"climate" we doctors
call it—in the vagina,’ he went on to
reveal, adding that ““It was not a good
line. Flag down these lean and
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ely ones — Cactus Spuns — the slim classic
slacks with new wide belt loops. Washable, wrinkle-resistant in Green Heather,
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194 cerv
DR IJ SHreick
oma koora:
mon = 1-5
Tues ma
mese i5
one for the sperm. . . . So the sperm are
only too happy to make their way out of
the vagina into the inviting atmosphere
of the cervix,’ ”
By this time, I would have been only
too happy to make my way out of the
ina, too, and would have welcomed a
free sojourn in the high, dry
mate of the Colorado hills But the
doctor was just hitting his stride: "T's
wom in the
quality of the secretions in the cervical
round the time that ovula
imminen| aple, extra. carbohy
drates appear on which the sperm appear
to flourish. ~- . . The result is that at this
time of the month sperm can travel
more quickly and easily, reach the Fal-
lopian tubes in more virile condition,
and live as long as three days in a wom-
an's genital tract’ ”
To me, three days was beginning to
n like no time at all. “ ‘That és inter-
^" Hal put in—and that was all
the encouragement the doctor needed to
launch into a discussion of other secre-
tions and factors that were hostile to-
g sperm. “If you find
there is a hostile element of some kind,
can anything be done?” one of the
Wards asked.
“That is where homologous insemi
nation comes i the doctor replied.
* "What we do, stated in simple terms, is
lo nto the
perhaps entirely above the harmful
influences in the vagina and cer
“Mr. and Mrs. Ward exchanged excit-
ed glances. ‘Won't you please do that for
" Mrs. Ward implored.”
But the doctor hardly needed. implor-
ing. If 1 knew my Trusted Physicians,
the Wards couldn't have gotten out of
that office with a loaded 45. Happily,
however, the tests “revealed no evidence
of antagonism between the secretions of
husband and wife. The spe Hal
furnished showed only about half the
usual sperm concentration, à good many
exua cells, much debris and some pecu-
sperm forms." But, despite this odd-
isorument, the medical consensus
w that Hal could be con
tile under favorable condition
doctors examination of Ann Wa
however, disclosed one thing which es-
caped Dv. Fairchild's scrutiny -
“There is a small erosion at the
cervical opening, with a very slight infec-
tion—we call it endocervicitis, the doc
tor told the Wards.” “ “Then you won't
use homologou: emination after
17” we all asked in unison, " ‘Indeed,
we will, " the dauntless medico retorted,
“ ‘and during this ovulation period. We
can give the sperm a lot better chance by
depositing them high up in the cervical
canal... . If we are not successful this
time, we will cauterize the erosion.
We will insufilate the tubes a few days
before the homologous insemination is
done... . / Anything that makes it easier
for the sperm to travel up the tubes is
all to the good."
d. But since there was nothing
le Journal readers could do to as-
sist, I just stood around trying hard not
to stare while Hal, Ann and the doctor
performed three homologous insemina-
tions with “no results.” Disheartened by
his failure to come up with a winning
sperm count, Hal offered to resign from
the team, and suggested calling in an
outside donor. But the doctor wasn't
ready to give up so easily. “ “That does
you credit, Hal," he said, in a private
pep talk with his numberone seeded
player, * ‘but let's try at least once more.
This time we'll make it casier still for
the sperm. We will do a more complete
dilatation of the cervix when we rei
sufflate the tubes. We will watch Ann's
temperature very closely. If the rise th
indicates ovulation does not oc
mediately after insemination, we'll in-
seminate again..."
Much as 1 admired the man's spirit, T
began to wonder how Ann was respond.
ing to all these attentions. she s
regard the doctor as a. purcly scientific
middleman? Or was she, perhaps, begi
g to welcome his approach with
warm, soulful glances and softly
hummed chorus of You Brought a New
Kind of Love to Me? Fortunately, such
questions must remain forever moot.
“The next insemination worked, and
nine months later Mrs. Ward gave birth
to a fine boy!”
During my first journey into the ca-
lamitous world of sex in the women's
magazines, I had occasion to remark that
there were no limits to how far the la
dies’ books could go, as long as they ap-
proached the subject with a medi
license and a little black bag. But I never
dreamed the day would come when the
ds would be treated with
ins same clinical familiarity as the fe
male genital tract. For the record, it
must be noted, moreover, that the Jour-
nal's fertility triangle featuring Hal, Ann
and the doctor was but a comelately
tance of a new kind of sexual manhan-
dling that first came to my notice i
July ^59 issue of Cosmopolitan.
sex-laced number devoted to “Man
His Won
The "Case History" of the month was
a detailed dossier on ^ s Persol
Disease,” and had as its troubled prota;
onist a man named Jim Rogers who
was suffering from an enlargement of
the prostate gland: "For over a ycar Jim
Rogers had been aware of decr
sexual ability... . For more than a year
there had been ed change in h
urinary habits; he had frequent difficul-
ty, sometimes a little pain. He had
been making more and more pilgrim-
ages to the men's room during the day
and waking up increasingly during the
‘Though the story ended happily, with
Jim functioning flawlessly in all depart-
ments, this pioneering probe of man's
most intimate sex gland was noteworthy
for at least two reasons. First, it expand-
ed Cosmopolitan’ far-reaching sexual
dom: to include the bathroom and the
office urinal. And, second, it successfully
pplied the sick, sad sex approach to the
problem of getting a man to drop his
pants, so that a millionodd women
could get a few ious kicks from
"playing doctor":
"As far as anybody has been able to
discover, the prostate gland in the hu-
man male has one primary function: to
produce fluid in which sperm can live
during their long journey to the Fallopi-
n tubes. . . . It lies at th ase of the
bladder. . . . Thus its secretions—up to
two cubic centimeters of fluid daily—
e ready access to the urine for elim-
And during coitus, when they
increase greatly, they also have a ready
exit and can join with the sperm... ~
But as the enkarging prostate begins to
dam up the lower urinary passage, the
bladder has to work harder to get the
ame amount of urine through. . . .
Massage of the prostate might give him
relief for a time. But the advice of the
urologist was surgery. . .. An instru-
ment is introduced into the penis, and
passed up through the urethra. It is
fitted with a telescopic lens system and a
ht, allowing the surgeon to sce what
he is doing. .. . A Baltimore physician
once attributed enlargement to excessive
sexual activity. But the condition is ob-
served in Catholic priests in whom
there's no question of overindulgence. A
famed physician, Dr. Will Mayo, once
thought it was due to... prolonged vol-
untary retention of urine. But enlarge-
ment is as frequent in farmers, who
don't have to hold their urine, . . .
Other doctors have noted that. eunuchs
never have prostate trouble . . .”
Nonfarming male readers who man-
aged to hold their water Jong enough to
finish the aricle, found that. castration
was not being specifically recommended
s à cure for prostatitis, But a descrip-
tion of a vasectomy, or male sterilizi-
tion, on page 58 of the same issue, was as
led as a recipe for Granny Grim
shaw’s old-fashioned Nut Surprise: “The
two slim tubes through which spermato-
zoa must travel from the testicles to ejec-
tion outside the body are called the vas
deferens; cach is about one-eighth of an
inch thick and twenty inches long. and
cach, conveniently, lies just below the
‘of the scrotum. In a five-minute op-
ation that can be performed under a
local anesthesia . . . a half-inch incision
is made on each side of the scrotum, the
two tubes are lifted out, a tiny section is
cut off each, the ends are tied off and
buried in the neighboring tissuc—and
the patient forsakes fatherhood for
good.” Voila! aud Vive le vas deferens!
As easy as taking a tuck in a skirt or
trussing up a turkey!
Equally simple was the female steril
zation, in which the surgeon deftly ties
off “and cuts out a portion of cach Fal-
lopian tube.” The purpose was, of
course, “the prevention of parenthood,”
and the beauty of both operations lay
the fact that “Sex characteristics and
drive are not affected. . . . Menstruation
continues. Seminal fl
sperms. still flow
cach ejaculation . .
Dedicated to a full, frank discussion of
"Our Sterilization Scandal," the article
nevertheless turned up some pretty spe-
cific information about where a hubby
could be sent to have his tubes tied off
ls, minus
undiminished from
wide-open fly. But that wasn’t | AS
anyone acquainted with Cosmopolitan's
comprehensive coverage must have al
ready surmised, the pace-setting “Man
and His Woman" issue did not neglect
the techniques of natural insemination
ind the business of promoting an undi-
minished flow of conjugal ejaculations
and orgasms.
In strictest adherence to the tradi-
tional "problem" approach, the month's
guide to better sexual relations was pr
sented under the heading of “Man
Greatest Blunder,” and was in the classi-
cal question-and-answer form of an "ex-
clusive interview" with the "noted.
! 7 | E
authority on marital problems,"
prio. “The American male
makes the woman feel that hes overly
sex-conscious,” Dr. Caprio charged, “and
that his love can only be expressed by his
e for her. The more talent-
to establish some sort of
with his woman. He
n feel that he enjoys her
He remarks about her
praises her . . -
While die doctors point might be
well taken, most men would agree, I
think, that the majority of American
wives are inclined to attribute a sext
motive to practically anything a
might say, from "Gee, honey, your
looks nice tonight" to “Think TIL get
the stepladder and replace that bulb in
the chandelier.” But one surefire way
for a husband to avoid the appearance
of being overly sex-conscious, would be
to refrain from discussing the articles in
her favorite magazines. Under mo cir
cumstances should a talented lover make
pionable inquiries concerning the
balminess or inclemency of her vaginal
c." or praise the “quality of the
secretions in the cervical canal." Neither
should he seck to make chummy small
talk of his urinary habits, speak boast-
fully of the “terrific number of sperma-
tozoa” he can release at a single time, or
wy to beat up a conversation about his
prostate, penis, testicles or scrotum. Thi
may leave him with a mute choice be
tween going out to an all-night golf
EIE ruthfully, miss, I don't think
you can get away from it all!”
range or having her follow him
around from room to room, pleading,
"Talk to me, honey. talk to me." But
dless of provocation, he should
never commit the blunder of discussing
sex with her as exhaustively as did Dr.
American marriage will achieve true
happiness when our men develop tech-
nique that is midway between being shy
and inhibited, and being too bold and
brazen,” the doctor opined—thus setting
up a psychological tightrope of such
indefinite height, length and fragility,
that even the most sexually sure-footed
of men must despair of ever getting
ross on the very tiptoes of devotion
nd desire. Helpfully. however, the doc-
Iso advocated a more active partic-
ipation on the part of American wives—
sans tightropes and, presumably, sans
common complaint among
many male patients of mine is that their
wives have seldom taken the sexual
rked. ". . . Happily,
this trend. is changing. Maxine Davis re-
cently wrote a book, The Sexual Re-
sponsibility of Women, which makes a
valuable contribution because she has
tried to show the importance of the
wife's occasionally surprising her hus-
band and initiating the advances. This
adds to the variety of the physical rela
tionship, and makes the wile coparti
pant in sex ~
After sewing “frequency”
question with a ti al twice-a-week
reply, the doctor then broke new ground
by addressing himself to a problem that
the women's magazines had previously
handled with noncommittal kid gloves.
"Qe. Could you tell us about what is
normal in the sexual relationship be-
tween men and women—and what con-
stitules sexual deviation?
the old
"^. A man and wife who have conven-
tional scx relations and do not indulge
in deviations can be normal. By the
same token, those couples who do prac-
tice variations in technique are also nor-
mal. My experience has been that the
couples who do indulge in variation are
more compatible and have a better ad-
justed sex lile than those who are too in-
hibited to do so. Whatever two people
do, within reason. the privacy of their
bedroom can be considered normal as
long as it is done by mutual consent.”
Depending upon each reader's sexual
sophistication, the. jo statement
could be construed as carte blanche to
practice the most outré Oriental devia-
tions, or as a mere medical permit to
leave the little bedroom light on. But.
this, coupled with the doctor's recogni-
tion of need for greater sexual
responsibility in women, represented a
significant effort to liberalize the Ameri-
can woman's attitudes, and reduce the
impossible number of restrictions which.
years of “authoritative” marital advice
had imposed upon the sexual deport-
ment of the American male. Significant,
100, was Morton M. Hunt's analysis of
“The New Sex Problems” in an article
on “Our Manly Men,” on page 35 of the
same sex-laden issue:
"For the past 30 ycars, feminists and
marriage advisors e sternly forbade
the male to enjoy his wife sexually
without arousing her and completely
fulfilling her," Mr. Hunt observed.
"The impact of this campaign has led
modern woman to expect a more superi.
or performance than the average man
can regularly put on. The requirement
that he woo her carefully and long each
time assumes the appearance of an oner-
ous duty and a threat to manliness. I
once knew a man who, warned by a doc-
"Speak to me!"
he was giving his wife
atory wooing, put
arousal before obeying his own impulses.
In less than half a year, he had taken up
with a beerjoint doxy, with whom he
was able to be riotous, selfish and crude-
ly masculin
niliar with the findings in
Pious Pornographers need
hardly be told that it was just such pro-
hibitive platitudes that the women’s
magazines had been propagandizing for
years. Curiously, the first i of a
change in editorial attitude toward these
man-killing clichés had appeared in Gos-
mopolitan's special issue on “The Amer-
ican Wife,” which hit the newsstands in
January of 1958—a few months follow-
y PLAYBOY’s publication of my first re-
port on the clinical concupiscence and
misery-ridden erotica that passed for sex
in milady's popular monthlies.
While instances of sexual happiness
able for their absence, the
1 article, by T. F. James, took
19th Century Puritanism to task for
insisting that "decent" women were in-
capable of sexual passion. "Only bad
women enjoyed sex," the writer recalled.
And the liberating influences of Freud
nd Havelock Ellis had only led to
nerease jn sex antagonism. “All shapes
and varieties of marital anguish were
laid squarely at the door of the clumsy
husband. It was the man, the marriage
manuals unanimously declared, who was
responsible for success in sex, and equal-
ly responsible for its failure. For the
enlightened readers of the manuals, mak-
ing love became a kind of challenge . . .
"Frequently couples spent so much
time worrying about whether their tech-
nique was right, whether their climaxes
acutus curse
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occurred simultaneously as the book said
they should, whether the wife really had
an orgasm, that they lost all the me:
of m al intercourse, not to mention
the pleasure .
"Pleasure" was a word that the ladies"
books had seldom mentioned in connec-
tion with sex, and T. F. James’ ref-
erence t0 it came as a welcome surprise.
Even more surprising was the writer's
announcement that “Doctors now feel
the whole concern with orgasm has been
overdone. Dr. Clark E. Vincent of the
University of California, for instance,
declares that the important thing is a
spontaneous love relationship in which
"the two people lose themselves without
any particular thought as to whether
their technique is achieving results.’ Psy-
chiatrists point out that orgasm is an
extremely difficult phenomenon to meas-
ure. In the popular mind it is a sort of
physical and. emotional explosion at the
climax of the sex act. But Dr. Lena Lev-
ine says: "The descriptions women give
of an orgasm may bc as different as the
differences among women themselves,
for cach has her own sexual responses
and in response to a particular man.’ ”
This recognition of psychosexual var-
iables, and Dr. Vincent's advocacy of "a
spontaneous love relationship," added
up to a radical change in both doctoral
and editorial thinking. In a Cosmopoli-
tan article quoted in my original report,
no less an authority than Dr. Frank S.
Caprio had deplored the “misconception
many young married people hav:
that the best sex is spontaneous.’
tually, the most rewarding and coi
ent sexual happiness is planned," he
had declared, and success “comes slowly,
in the course of years, as couples learn
what caresses achieve the richest re-
sponse, and how to time these responses
so they achieve orgasm rogether—a ne-
cessity for maximum fulfillment."
From advocating that young couples
approach sex as though it were a kind of
home-study course in erotic
engineering, by which the technically
gifted might Jearn to caress their way to
success, Gosmopolitan’s sex specialists
had openly and abruptly switched to
promoting the recreational aspects of
physical amour. Diligence was no longer
placed ahead of desire, plam
way to spontaneity, a
spirited folk art in which couples find ful-
fillment through mutual self-expression.
This new and salutary emphasis upon
enthusiasm and delight was to echo in
the kitchen-and-cookie-oriented pa of
Good Housekeeping in 1962, and amidst
the splashy color spreads of Mc-
Call's, in 1963. The Ladies Home Jour-
nal made an early and valiant attempt
to introduce a note of sex uplift by
launching a new series on “Sex and
Religion,” six months after Cosmopoli-
lan had sounded its come-one-come-all
cloth. White, Blue
and Plaids. 28-40
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call to sexual joy in "Ihe American
Wife." But, while the first article, by the
Reverend Doctor Ruel L. Howe, was
given prominent billing on the cover,
the Journal's reluctance to abandon the
weeping womb and go all out for the
power of positive intercourse, was cvi-
denced by the equally prominent. bill-
boarding of an acein-hchole agony
However, in shifting even a portion of
il content from the clinical to
1, the Journal moved co
erably closer to the side of the
The Reverend Doctor Howe didn't hate
sex. In the process of expounding. his
beliefs, he never once suggested that
sex was anything less th of life's
greatest blessings. Writing "Ihe
Bible and the World of
in October '59. Dr
in frecing sex of some of its puritanical
dichés and pious negativi a
variety of reasons, the Western world,
under Christian influence, has all too
often been inclined to view m
uality negatively," he wrote.
how the notion has got around th
original sin of Adam and Eve was the
xual act; and though the church may
not have been guilty of positively creat-
ing such i it must be
confessed that little has been done to
counteract or correct it. . The insist-
ence of the secular mind upon the
essential goodness of sex as a fact of
nature must be underlined and strength-
ened by a Biblically oriented viewpoint
ther th tacked or refuted.
of sexuality. Man's bodily nature is not,
according to the Bible, an occasion for
regret, a prison house of sensuality from
which we must seek to escape. It is per-
fectly clear that the Old Testament sees
man as a psychophysical unity, as a crea-
ture made to enjoy the material world,
including his own body. . . . The New
Testament is somewhat more confining,
bringing to an end the era of polygamy,
divorce and prostitution, as the Judaism
of the First Gentury had virtually already
done. But still, sex is good . . ."
It was not necessary to agree with the
"Sex and Religion" series on all points
in order to recognize the ba
and hopefulness of the clergymen-writ
ers’ position, and to appreciate the ab
sence of the sort of militant hypocrisy
that often oozes from the pious pro-
nouncements of morally disturbed lay-
men. But the Journal was apparently
unwilling to allow the thoughtful read-
er's growing respect for clerical co
distract fr the trials and tribulat
which had for long been associated
with the marriage counselor's casebook
and the ph ical coat. While
the profesor of religion held forth
hopefully on page 30, "brighthaired
Ava, slender as a newly planted willow
tree,” was blurting out all the intimate
little details of “The Marriage that
Could Nor Be Saved," on page 82:
"In spite of everything, 1 don't hate
Kenneth. In some ways, physical ways,
perhaps I still Jove him. I miss the
sexual part of our marriage. When-
ever he drops by Mother's place with
a basketful of fresh excuses, I tele-
phone à friend to come and sit in on
our conversation; I don't entirely trust
myself not to be hugged and kissed into
à reconciliation. l believe 1 have
been more than r to Kenneth. I
offered him his choice of our furniture
and he took the TV and hi-fi. . . - All I
took was an orthopedic bed—a wedding
present, and the only bed I've ever slept
in that is perfect for my back . .."
On page 44, old Mrs. Harrison, the
Patient of the Month, burst into the
ollice of her Trusted Physician, and ex-
claimed; “ “Doctor, J am sixty-e
I have started to menstruale again! Ev-
eryone tells me I look younger, too.
What is happening? Is it good or bad?"
To hear Mrs. Harrison tell it, every-
g was hunkydory. After years of
sing gracefully, she had suddenly cx-
perienced all the thrilling symptoms of
a return to youthfulness. ""Fhe first
thing I noticed was a change in my
breasts," she explained. “They would
become engorged and rather painful.
I marked these episodes down on my
calendar, found it was happening rough-
ly once a month. Presently my breasts
began to assume better shape and
substance. Rounding out, firming up
gain. Getting back to the way they
used to be! . ..
“This is certainly an interesting sto-
ry, Mrs. Harrison," the doctor mur-
mured for all of us. "'Any other
Oh, yes. That was just the begin-
ning! After a while Arthur started look-
ing at me in a puzzled way. He would
say, ^Ellic, you seem younger.” And I
did! The natural oils have been return-
ing to my hair and skin, there are fewer
wrinkles. .. . My friends started com-
menting about my youthful appearance.
And I [ecl twenty years younger"
"That must be exhilarating indeed!
What made you think there might be
something unhealthy about this renewal
of youth?
““You will probably find this hard to
believe, Doctor. But I started menstruat-
ing again! That scemed to be a lite
too much of a good thing."
And indeed it was. “Three days later,
Mrs. Harrison was operated upon, the
preoperative dingnosis being a tumor of
the left ovary . . .” Recuperating in a
quiet column of copy, next to a coffee-
pot ad, Mrs. H. knowingly inquired, "I
suppose you removed my second youth,
along with my female organs?
“Tm afraid I did, Mrs. Harrison. It
was à granulosacell tumor that caused
your second youth. As you suspected, it
wasn't norma
“Mrs. Harrison pushed herself up
higher on her pillow and said. “Doctor, I
am not going to let you leave this room
until you have told me all the why and
how of that weird experience I had!
Surely it isn't a common onc?’
"Well, it isn't rare, And you don't
have to urge me to tlk about ovari:
tumors! To me, there are few things
more interesting. . . . But that is be-
cause the ovary is such a very special and
fascinating organ. . Among other
gs, it contains . .
But enough of such bedside pretty
talk. Like all male Journal readers, 1 al-
ready knew much more than I needed to
know about the contents of ovaries.
More interesting, at the moment, was
the why and wherefore of the ladies
books’ new fascination with female
breasts—round, firm references to which
had been popping up with increasing
regularity. Putting aside my notes on the
many lurid matters yet to be discussed—
a collection of offbeat erotica that made
my notebook read like the big holiday
issue of “The Sex Maniac's Newsleucr"
—I returned to the curious case of
Evelyn Ayres and her inverted nipple:
... Have you been pulling it out
gently several times, morning and night,
the way Mary Ann showed you
“Yes, Doctor. And using the soft
brush and rubbing alcohol on both nip-
ples twice a day, just as you said to do."
*'] believe I told you that there is a
difference of medical opinion as to the
best method of toughening the nipples.
. . . But none of the approved methods
is harmful, and the nipples are such an
important factor for success in breast
feeding that it’s worth while doing what
one can. I hope you have been expre:
ing the fluid from your breasts?”
“Yes. I've been doing that morning
and night, too."
""Good! Expression of breast fluids
for several weeks before delivery seems
quite definitely to stimulate the milk
glands and bring the milk in earlier. It's
fine, too, for you to get this practice in
the technique of manual expression . ..”
“ “Doctor elyn hesitated, then
continued impulsively, ‘Please be honest
with me. Am I being foolish, after all, to
try to breast feed my baby?
The doctor looked at Evelyn
prise, but 1 didn't.
Familiarity with the format of fear,
distress and medical salvation that un-
derlay the docior's monthly sex opera
had bred in me a sense of foreboding
1 uneasy premonition of mammary
malfunctions to come. Having served my
internship with the Trusted Physician, I
knew that all the soft brushes and alco-
hol in the world could not toughen Eve-
n sur-
lyn’s nipples enough to survive br
fecding her baby without someth
going catastrophically awry. No matter
how practiced she might become at
manual expression, the Ladies’ Home
Journal would still manage to squeeze a
few drops of anguish from her breasts
nd her boubles would soon be trig.
Before facing up to the fricker-frac
facts of Evelyn's ordeal, | flipped
through the pages in search of a spiritual
word of hope, a positive clerical assur-
ice that the human body need not be
an occasion for regret, and that, all
things considered, sex was still good.
Unlortunately, however, the “Sex and
Religion" series was missing that month.
Possibly it wasn't too popular, 1
reflecied. Perhaps the ladies had found
it a bit too upbeat and wholesome to be
really interesting. There was so little in
it for anxiety to chew on, so little that a
woman could personalize in terms of her
own ovaries, temperature, heartbeat and
Fallopian tubes.
But, patient reader, how wrong I
In making my way back to page 46 fon
the inside low-down on “The Man Pri
cess Margaret Married,” I came upon
Dr. Clifford R. Adams’ "Making Mar-
riage Work" feature, and ran smack
a letter that threw me into an insi
taneous and full-scale
wife,” some anonymously Troubled
Hubby wrote from Somewhere, U.S.A.
“My wife has a crush on our minister
Isn't this abnormal?”
Looking back on it now, I can see that
it wasn't abnormal at all. In light of the
Journal's “Sex and Religion" series, it
was, in fact, all too predictable that
clergymen everywhere would now become
the objects of the same twittery female
passions which had formerly been di-
rected toward obstetricia
It shouldn't have rattled me as it did.
I should have been prepared for it. But
reading that Troubled Hubbys letter
caused something within me to buckle
nd snap. The old shakes and staggers
returned. Magazines and notebook were
shoved back under the bed, there to
gather dust for three whole months . . ~
Each morning I would open my eyes,
push myself up higher on my pillow,
and resolve to so toughen my inverted
psyche with daily applications of alco-
hol, and morning and evening practice
in the techniques of verbal expression,
that nothing would ever throw me in
the future—that I would live to write
nother day, and. complete the final in-
stallment of this full. .
vealing story of my second bout with sex
in the women's magazines.
This is Pat I of Willian Iver-
sen's "The Pious Pornographers Re-
visited.” The conclusion will appear
next month.
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BERTRAM (continued from page 142)
Pasadena in five minutes, Mr.
Baylor." Bertram sighed and nodded.
Getting off the train at Pasadena was an
anoying ploy of 1 the old days,
before the invention of the DC-3, Hol-
lywood-bound celebrities invariably got
off the n at Pasadena to "avoid" the
press and the admiring throngs, thus
guarantecing the presence of both with-
out the distraction of other debarking
passengers. Bertram did it as a matter
of form. He considered it a eful bow
to an old tradition.
Casey Flannagan, United's publicity
ector, considered it a damned nui-
sance. Bertram was not someone who
could be met by an underling and Casey
l to make the drive over to Pasadena
himself. Surprisingly, he found himself
defending the hated freeway on the way
m was the kind of irritating
nt whose condemnation of anything,
up to and including narcotics, child
labor and communism, invariably moved
one to its instant defens
Dusk was gathering strength by the
time Casey ushered his charge into a
$40-aday bungalow on the grounds of
the Holmby Hills Hotel.
"She's the shower," he said wearily
as Bertram cocked an car at the sound of
running water.
“Fine,” said Bertram. "What's her
“The last onc was Sheilah and the one
before that Sandra. Isn’t anybody named
Mary anymore?”
ly wife's name is Mary,” Flannagan
said, wishing he hadn't
“Oh,” Bertram said, “Well, we're hav-
ing dinner here?
“At seven, with Chuck Chamblis. He's
the star of—”
“I know, T know—he’s the star of The
House on H Street, your big new and
different two-hour dramatic series. It's
different because longer. Fifteen
years ago it would have made a passable
B picture and nobody would have spent
a dime promoting
Flannagan let it t seven,” he
reminded. "And please, don't bring the
broad. Chamblis will have his wife with
him and she wouldn't like it. Her name
is Priscilla.”
The following morning, while Chuck
Chamblis was telling everyone on Stage
Six out at Magnet Studios that he had
had his last out-of-town press inter
he didn't give a damn what United
Broadcasting said, Bertram Bascomb was
“Now that you've become a prince again, darling,
must you keep on croaking?"
being gingerly ushered into the presence
of Harvey Brewster, vice-president in
charge of programing, Hollywood, by a
slightly red-eyed Casey Flam
“Bert!” said Brewster, his voice ring-
ing with the sincerity of a used-car sale:
man at the sight of a prospect.
There is an art to meeting and grect-
ing the press and every broadcasting ex
ecutive worth his inflated salary had.
Treat him as a friend, as an
in. Defer to his opinions.
e his latest column. And tell
him nothing more than is absolutely
Having done all this, Brewster
launched into his standard defense of
television, hoping to forestall the stand-
ard Baylor attack. “J think you'll have to
admit, Bert, that with all its faults
problems, television is doing a ren
ably good job. When you conside:
Bertram waved a weary hand to inter-
rupt. "Pve been all through that in
front of two Senate committees, Harve.
T've got something here that's a lot more
interesting. A script. Mine. It's exactly
the kind of thing Washington is looking
for on TV, only nobody seems to know
how to write it. Well, here it is. I wanted.
you to be the first to see it because—
well, you've always leveled with me,
Harve, and I have a lot of friends at
United, a lot of friends.” What he meant
was, he'd gotten a lot of loot from Unit-
ed, including several trips to New York
and Hollywood, and he was on a buddy-
buddy basis with the network president,
but these were not things gentlemen dis-
cussed among themselves. They just
thought about them. Constantly.
Brewster blanched. The last thing in
the world he wanted to be stuck with
a script from a TV columnist, least
of all one from Bertram Bascomb Baylor.
“Bert,” he said, his voice treading the
thin ntended earnestness
and hidden panic, “knowing you and
your work, I'm sure it's an outstanding
job. But you know policy at United—ev-
erything goes through the story depart-
ment. We spend a lot of money on the
story department and they're well worth
it. Everything goes through there.”
Beruam smiled thinly. “New young
writers and relatives from the East you
can tell that to, Harve,” he said. “But not
to old Bert here. I especially want you to
read this because youre one of the very
few genuinely sensitive souls in this
business, The job you and your people
did on The Last Days of the Aztecs
was outstanding, superb, enormously
Brewster could almost physically feel
the wap closing. “Bert,” he said, “you
know I'd love to read anything of yours,
but I can't even read the title of a thing
that comes in here without an agent.
You know u
“I have an agent, Harve.”
e between
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Brewster had used his last defense.
“Well, fine, then!” he said, mustcring
what heartiness he could. “I'll take it
home with me tonight. And I sure ap-
preciate your letting us have first crack
at it.
“TI call you in the morning," Ber-
tram informed him unnecessarily. “I'll
bc interested in knowing what you think
of it. It’s an allegory.”
“I's a what?" Brewster was now fro-
zen in his seat.
“An allegory. It's the story of mankind
and his emotions as told through the
relationship between a man and a fish,
Harve, it's good to see you again. I'll
tlk to you in the morning."
The door closed gently behind Rer-
tram and Flannagan. Brewster followed
them with his mind's eye, saw them out
of the outer office and down the hall,
then flicked on the intercom. “Miss
tween nine and ten in the morn
not in yet. If he calls after te:
set at nount. Then Fm at lunch.
you don't know where. In fact, you've
been uying to reach me with a New
York call and can't find me. And then
T've gone to Barbara for an emer-
gency conference with someone. You
think who it is. One other thing. Have
the phone company change my home
number immediately and make it unlist-
ed. Thank you.
He leaned back in his chair and
sighed deeply. After a moment he leaned
over and flicked on the intercom again.
"Miss Fanchon, be sure to give New
York the new home phone.”
One hour later Clarence Frisby, vice-
president in charge of programing, Hol-
lywood, for the Federal Broadcasting
Company, flicked on his intercom. “Miss
Lemming,” he said, a great weight in his
voice, “book me on the
for New York in the morning. And if—
no, not if—when Mr. Baylor calls, tell
him Il be in the East indefinitely."
Onc hour after that the intercom
gracing the office of Joshua Frost, vice-
president in charge of programing, Hol-
lywood, for Global Television, w
flicked into action. "Miss Pumphrey.
When Mr. Baylor calls in the morning,
tell him Fm out. I leave it to you to
figure out where, but just be sure it's
someplace where I can't be reached.
Meanwhile, get me Mr. Brewster on the
phone at United.
Mr. Brewster was reached. "Harvey?
Josh Frost. . .I know it’s your turn this
year to pick up the Baylor tab, so
I presume he has already been in to see
you... Ah. And did he force feed you
with a script he's written? . . . He did.
Have you read it? . . . No, neither have
I. I'm afraid to. How do you say no to a
guy who's read by everybody in Holly-
wood and New York and twelve million
I'm ona
heat. plane
n lec
And it's high time you did! Be-
cause these five swingin’ girls
pack T.N.T. aplenty into this
powerhouse album, ''Never Un-
derestimate the Power of the
Womenfolk." It's full of the
songs that brought cheers from
audiences all during their recent
national tour. Hear these excit-
ingly different folk singers in
sock performances of "Davey's
Come Home,” “Morning Dew,”
“Once Upon a Springtime “and
nine others. Here’s great music
with an accent on the beat!
Never Underestimate the
Power of The Womenfolk
Excitingly different folk singers
@ The most trusted name in sound.
202 one of us to produce it and actu
people in between? ... What do you
mean, 'only ten million? . . Well,
what are you going to do about it? Look,
ifs a cinch Frisbys been sandbagged
with this thing, too. Let's the three of us
have lunch tomorrow . . . No, not at the
Derby. The three of us seen together
would start all sorts of crazy rumors.
Better come over to my place . . . You
now, (ihetoldl Jers) Harlow place. on
Rexford. And you'd better bring Casey
The following day the three executives
and their publicity directors gathered at
Frost's home. The old Jean Harlow place
on Rexford. Lunch out of the way, Frost.
addressed himself to the three publicity
men. "Have you gentlemen read this—
uh—this—er this?” They shook their
heads. “Well, I'm going to read this
opening scene to you. It will give you an
exceptionally clear idea of what we're up
He settled back in his d
to read.
“Tt is dawn
horizon, slowly,
the distance. The
speck is now rev
nd began
As the camera pans the
ny speck is seen in
acra trucks in. The
led to us as a rowboat
and in it there sits a man. He is not a
young man nor is he an old man. He is
just a man. He is MAN. As the camera
comes full upon him, he speaks. (Note:
As this is an allegory, it is not necessary
to do this scene in actual water. The pow
crand the sweep of the allegory will bring
the sea to life as it unfolds and it can be
staged with inexpensive simplicity.)
A number of interesting facial expre
sions, none of them ecstatic, were reg-
istered around the table during Frost's
reading, He paused, sighed, then said:
Are you ready for the power and the
He continued reading.
IAN now speaks:
"The sun is lonely here.
I sit alone and breathe the damp
salt and know that I must live.
And I must wait.
I must wait for suike of time...
The wind is lonely here.
And still I sit alone and hear the
creak of man-made oar
And God's own breath on westward
There was a long pause, and silence,
One of the publicity directors, the one
with the quickest recuperative powers,
said flatly, “You're kidding."
Frost gave him a cold look. "You
know what it costs to cater a luncheon
when your wife doesn’t feel like cook-
ng? I am not kidding. Gentlemen, we
have a nice little common problem here.
Mr. Bertram Bascomb Baylor thinks thi
is the greatest thing since the invention
of the kinescope and he fully expects
ally put
it on the air. I wouldn't wish it on either
one of you, any more than I'd expect
you to wish it on me. So what are we
going to do about it?”
Various suggestions,
ll of them im-
practical and a few of them somen
lewd, were made and d; ded.
Josh Frost finally summed things up.
"Gentlemen, it’s a cinch that Bert Baylor
holds the balance of power here. If we
all three turn him down, I hardly have
to tell you what he's going to say in his
column—and keep on saying. That cul-
ture means nothing to us. That we are
literate moneygrabbers. Et cetera, et cet-
era. He's the Bible in Washington, and
we're all in enough wouble back there
without any more bad news from this
If one of us does do this idiot
sctipt, that network gets graceful bows
from Bertram and garbage pails from ev-
ery other critic in the country while the
other two are put on Baylor's crap list.
“Now I have a suggestion. Let's put
together something called the Tri-Net
"orkshop, a place for new talent to uy
out its little wings. Air it once a week or
once a month or as seldom as we pos
can. We take turns at it, and it gocs
afternoon at three when every-
ing polo instead of
watching television, We'll start with Mr.
m Bascomb Baylor's The Lonely
Vigil. We'll have filmed statements from
the three network presidents, which will
take some of the onus off the one that
has to air Baylor's little horror. And
when the critics get through with The
Lonely Vigil, I think that will be the end
of Bertram Bascomb and the Tri-Net
Workshop. Whichever network gets stuck
with it, the other two will share expenses
on an equal basis.
The idea quietly sos
of clean white ]
ed in, like a coat
aint covering an old eye-
* Brewster said finally,
^t Baylor going 10 see dhrough
All we have to do is
sell it to him. You forget the man’s cgo.
What other writer ever got such coop-
eration from all three networks?
As an ex-writer myself,” Frisby
growled, “I resent the use of the word in
connection with Bertram Baylor. But I
think you're right, this just might work.”
Frost was named a committee of one
to deal with Bertram and reached for
the patio phone. There was a touch of
confusion at the beginning of the con-
versation, Bertram having been under
the impression that Frost had had to go
to Alberta, Canada, for his father's fu-
neral and Frost having forgotten, momen-
tarily, his instructions to his secretary.
They made an appointment for lunch
the next day, in Bertram's bungalow.
This turned out to be a mistake, be-
cause Bertram apparently hadn't left the
bungalow in two days. Neither had Mar-
lene. Nor was Bertram completely sober.
He was at that stage where a degree of
reasonably lucid, if highly impractical,
solemnity had taken over.
“Joshie,” he said after listening to
Frost's pitch, “the trouble with you peo-
ple here in Hollywood is that you don't
think big. You're on the right track but
you're going in the wrong direction. It
would be fatal, you understand, to give
network exposure to completely un-
known talent, even on a Sunday after-
noon... which is something else I want
to straighten out with you later. Joshie,
an, you have the solution staring
, right here on a silver bcm is—
The Bertram Bascomb Baylor Theater! Y
have the name, don't you see? Tri-Net
Workshop means nothing. But Bertram
Bascomb Baylor—that means something!
Even at three o'clock on Sunday after-
noon, that name will draw an audience
Ithough that time period is some-
thing I want to discuss with you as we
"And I have more than just the name,
Joshie boy. 1 have the ability. You think
The Lonely Vigil was just a one-shot,
don't you? You think it’s the first and
only thing I ever wrote and J got lucky,
don't you? You thought I was just a li'l
ol’ country boy come up here from New
Mexico to peddle you an amateurish
script, that you'd buy just because you
were afraid not to, didn't you? Well, old.
Bert fooled you, didn't he? That script
was so good that just one network was
big enough to handle it, wasn't i?
“An’ I'll tell you something else, Josh-
boy. I got six more scripts in my br
case there and I got two more than
that sittin’ home waitin’ to be finished.
You think The Lonely Vigil is good,
wait till you read Woman's Work. And
wait till you see Marlene baby in it!
When Josh Frost finally managed to
escape from the bung: he found
himself tottering. He called a hasty mect-
ing with the others, telling them Bertram.
was now apparently all set to sever his
New Mexico ties and move to Holly
wood, bag and baggage.
“He already has the baggage,” Frost
added sourly. “Her name is Marlene and
she'll have the lead in his second show,
Woman's Work. What am I sa
"Yes," snapped a highly nettled Brew-
ster. "What arc you saying? First you scll
him on the idea that we all think he's
great, and now he's selling us on the
idea that he's even greater. You got us
on this hook, Josh, and now you had
damned well better get us off it. If one
little tiny word of this gets back to our
New York people, we're all dead."
Frost blanched. "Baylor!" he said, hor-
rorstricken. "Is that guy nutty enough to
give this to the trade p
He leaped for his ter “Get me
Jules Pollard at Variety." He sat silent,
Advt, for Falstaff Brewing C Jose, Calif., whose devotion to Art, Litera Music, gracious evenings at home and Great Beer is legend.
head in hands. The other five slumped
in their chairs. The suddenly ringing
phone sounded like the bell for
round ten of a lost fight. “Jules? Josh
Frost. Have you talked with Bert Baylor
today? . .. You have . . . He did." He
covered the mouthpiece and said to the
others, “We're dead." Then into the
phone, “Jules, it simply isn't true . . .
Well, yes, 1 did talk to him. But...
Well, yes, 1 did mention a workshop.
But ... But Jules, you don't under-
stand . . . No, no, that was Iiis idea. You
don't think we'd be idiots enough to of-
fer that maniac his own series, do you?
-... What do you mean, don't ask you
that question? . . . Jules, if you print
t, Ill deny it. We'll all deny it. And
T'I pull every stick of advertising this
network ever thought of givin
; yon
sudden sereams in
ter, Frisby
press agents saying, “Now w
a minute,
1” The thought of all that
publicity going down the
was almost too much for them.
No, no, I didn't mean that, Jules,” a
wait a minut
y free
now-sweating Frost went on. "I lost my
head. But I'll lose my job if you run
ind of story on this, even a der
Can't you just forget it? Make like it
never happened? ... What do you
mean, what will you tell Baylor? Tell
him you didn't have the space, it went
into overset, anything . . . No, no, you
do not tell him we have denied it. You
haven't even talked to me . . . Jules,
please... Jules! .. . Jules?"
He hung up, Jules having preceded
him in this maneuver. “I don't know
what he's going to do, but whatever it is,
it can't do us any good. We're all going
to have to call our New York people and
soften ‘em up for the blov
“TI call yours if you'll call mine,”
Brewster said gloomily.
It was Casey Flannagan who finally
led the way into the light. "Gentle-
men, he mused, "we have all over-
looked a very simple fact.”
"They all looked at him, as hungry
cocker spaniels to their master.
“There is a Mrs. Baylor. Bertram Bas-
comb has a wife.”
“I don't want to meet her,” Frisby
said. “J don't even want to see a woman
who would marry Bertram Bascomb
"You miss the point," Flannagan said
patiently. “There is Baylor and. there is
Marlene baby—and there are network
pros. photographers.”
The point now came crashing into
their midst and lay there like a ticking
the blackmail
AL to put us
Frost asked.
"You are already in the blackmail
business, but in the wrong end of it. If
you are going to be in it at all, it makes
204 more sense not to be the victim.”
Zascy," Brewster said, "I am going to
buy you and your wife the biggest, most
expensive dinner Dave Chasen ever
served to four people.”
Getting the appropriate pictures was
no problem at all. Bertram was now liv-
ing in the best of all possible worlds. He
was ensconced in a luxurious bungalow,
all tabs being picked up by United
Broadcasting. Three networks were bid-
ding for his services as a writer and pro-
ducer. The Bertram Bascomb Baylor
Theater was all but a reality, which
would easily mean a million dollars to
him. And Marlene baby was a doll, a
darb, a duck. (Marlene had been cating
and drinking for free for three days now
and this guy even signed for cashmere
sweaters. Who needed a career when
they still grew guys like Bertram Bas-
On the morning of Bertram's fourth
day in town—or, more accurately, in the
bungalow—he received a phone call
from Harvey Brewster. “Bert,” Brewster
said, “will you please be in my office at
two this afternoon?” There was some-
thing in Brewster's voice that gave
Bertram use. That man hadn't even
mentioned lunch—and to speak to a
member of the press without mentioning
lunch was like forgetting the responses
in church.
At two o'clock Bertram presented
himself in Brewster's office. After all, a
million dollars w a million dollars,
surcly worth getting dressed for, and
even leaving the party. Waiting for him
were Brewster, Frost and Frisby with
their respective publicity directors, and
right away Bertram got the fecling that
this was not a reception commiuce
bearing the Pulitzer Prize.
“Sit down, Bert,” Brewster said with
no particular warmth. “We want to talk
to you. Casey, would you please give that
of pictures to Bert.” There was a
period of uncomfortable silence while
Bertram looked at the pictures and
began to get the message.
, uh, don't quite understand this,"
he said, understanding it all too well. “If
this is your idea of a publicity stunt or
something, certainly not mine. T
want these prints and negatives destroyed
He'd have had a happier time asking
Khrushchey to sign a unilateral total
disarmament treaty.
“Bert,” Brewster said softly, “there are
some things you should know and I will
be happy to tick them off for you. One:
Your Lonely Vigil script is probably the
worst, most immature piece of preten-
tious trash any one of us has ever read.
Two: It is not going to be produced by
nybody. Three: There is going to be no
Bertram Bascomb Baylor Theater, unless
you want to start it yourself at your own
expense on some local station in New
Mexico that has temporarily run out of
fourth-run, fifth-rate old movies. Four:
Starting today, you are moving out of
the bungalow and into a motel. You alsa
are going to start covering all our shows
and writing about them, This may come
as something of a distinct shock to you,
but we are not shoveling out all this
money on your behalf simply because we
love you. Five: You have a widely syndi
cated column, which gives you a lot of
power, But we now have these pictures,
which gives us even more power. All we
ask from you is a fair return for our
moncy and fair treatment in your col-
umn. Otherwise these pictures will be
hand-delivered by a special messenger to
Mrs Bertram Bascomb Baylor—and
there is a really shocking rumor going
around, Bertram, to the effect that you
married Mrs. Baylor for her money.”
Bertram, who was now the color of an
uncooked carp, m
single word: "Blackm
"Exactly" said Brewste
smoothly. "You have just said the j
pot word—blackmail, But its really
not costing you anything you've ever
earned, now, is it? Oh, and by the way,
Miss Marlowe has been assigned a small
role in the current episode of The
House on H Street, so she'll be working
for the rest of the time you're here. A
shame, but it couldn't be helped
“Miss Marlowe?” mumbled the
Bertram. “I don't know
Marlene baby,” Brewster said, “Mar-
lowe is her last name. How nice for you
that you now know it. You can send her
a postcard from East Pecos."
Bertram, defeated, left, a depressing
figure. The others left. And Brewster
was alone in his office, looking like a
man who had just won a long, hard-
fought battle with the Internal Revenue
Service, He punched the intercom. “Mi
any Miss
Fanchon. Have a bottle of good Scotch
sent over to Mr. Pollard at Variety. Just
write "Thank ne of my cards, in
ig." Josh Frost, he thought
10 himself, wouldn't think of it, so why
add his name?
He picked up his copy of The Lonely
Vigil, held it gingerly by one corner,
walked across the room and deposited it
in a large wastebasket. His intercom
buzzed. "Mr. Albright of the Chicago
Globe is here to sce you.”
Brewster sighed, “Show him right in,”
he said, conscious of the fact that Al-
bright could hear his voice on the inter-
com. He took a deep breath, braced
himself against the table at the far side
of the room.
"Roger!" he said, his voice ringi
with the sincerity of a used-car salesman
at the sight of a prospect. "Roger, baby!
How wonderful to sce you again! Those
pieces on the Senate investigation—
marvelous, marvelous! How the hell are
my handwri
fjalls nf Juy (continued from page 108)
The college has spent a lot
of Government and foundation money
on pretentious buildings with plush
lounges, but the food is lousy and the
new dormitories are like Bedlam for
want of soundproofing, It's a world tai-
lored for catalog photographs, not for
living. The administration is strongly
against fraternity houses because of the
exclusion clauses and because they de
stroy cohesiveness of the student body;
these are excellent reasons, but one some-
times suspects that the motive is chiefly
rent gouging, since with urban renewal
and arca redevelopment many colleges
have become great landlords. (In fact,
some prestigious centers of learning arc,
under fictitious names, urban slumlords;
or alternately, they gobble up n
hoods, dislocate tenants, disrupt com-
es.) If students want to live off
campus in their own coopera
are avuncularly told that they
mature enough to feed their faces
make their beds. There are exquisitely
elaborate regulations governing sexual
and convivial behavior—days and hours
and how many inches the door must be
open and whose fect must be on the
ground. If these 19- and 20-year-olds
were factory hands, nobody would fuss
about their sex lives or drinking habits,
so long as they arrived punctually at the
plant the next morning; as studen:
they are supposed to be the chosen of
the land, the hope of the future, but
they are not “responsible.” Ncedless to
say, despite the regulations, the young
make love anyway, but frequently the
conditions are not charming. The de-
grading atmosphere of the much-publi-
cized "wild college weekend” develops
as an inevitable reaction to, or revolt
inst, such strict and patronizing
The administration claims to be in
loco parentis, yet many of these young
men and women had more freedom at
home, when they were still kids in high
school. The psychologist in charge of
guidance has made a speech about the
awful plight of unwed mothers—with
about as much compassion as they used
to speak of "bastards"—but he will not
ask the infirmary to give contraceptive
information on request. One has more
than a strong suspicion that all this pa
rental concern has nothing whatever to
do with the students’ welfare, but is for
public relations. The college motto may
be Lux el Veritas, but there is a strong
smell of hypocrisy in the air.
Maybe the most galling thing of all is
that there is a student government, with
po factions and pompous elections
lt is empowered to purchase the class
rings and organize the prom and the
boat ride. Our young man no longer
206 bothers to vote.
Now our average student's face isn't
quite so blank. Jt is wearing a little
The fact is, he is no longer me
ically taking notes but is frankly
daydreaming, as he used to in the sixth
grade, ten years ago. Think of it: There
might be four or five more years of this,
for his father wants him to continue in
graduate school. This will make 19 years
of schooling.
This is an appalling prospect! He
will now have to do “original research”
under these conditions of forced labor.
And he will be in a panic about fa
or not getting the assistantship, because
he now has a wife and an infant to
Of course, many of the unfavorable
college conditions that 1 have been de-
scribing can be, and should be, im-
proved. In my book The Community of
Scholars, I suggested a number of ex:
pedients. Grading. for example, can be
scrapped (keeping tests as a useful
pedagogic device). There can be more
part-time active professionals in the fac
ulty, to generate a less academic atmos-
phere. There are several arr
for teachers to pay more attention to
student: cover thei
tions, guide them in more individual
programs. The social sciences can be
made less unreal by working pragmati-
cally on. problems of the college com-
munity itself and its immediate rural or
city environment. The moral rules can
be reformed to suit the purpose of an
educational community, which is to
teach responsibility by giving freedom in
an atmosphere of counsel and support.
Certainly these and other reforms are
Nevertheless, when we consider those
14 years, 16 years, 20 years of schoolin;
we cannot avoid a far more
question. Why is the young man in this
classroom in the first place? 1t suits him
so badly! He is bright, but not bookish;
curious, but not scholarly: teachable, but
not in this way. Of course he must be
educated, everybody must be educated;
but has school been the best way to edu-
cate him? We have seen him in other sit-
uations than school, when he looked far
brighter, both more spontancous and
more committed; when he learned a lot,
and fast, simply because he wanted to or
really had to. Maybe, for him, the entire
high school and college institution, in
the form that we know it, has been a
mistake. If so, what a waste of his youth
and of the social wealth!
Every child must be educated, brought
up to be useful to himself and society.
In our society this must be done largely
at public expense, as a community
necessity; certainly Americans ought to
spend more on it than they do. But it is
aply a superstition, an official supersti
n and a mass superstition, that the
way to educate a majority of the young
is to keep them in schools for 12 to 20
The hard task of education, as ] see it,
to liberate and strengthen a youth's
i nd at the same time to make
him able to cope with the activities
culture of society, so that his
can be relevant. In a democ
citizen is supposed to be a new center of
decision. But schools and colleges, as we
have them, are boxes in which the young
mainly face front and do assigned les-
sons according to predetermined pro-
grams, under the control of professional
educators who are rarely professional in
ny other way. Then by magic, after
years of nothing but this, the young are
supposed to decide their own careers,
make a living in a competitive market,
choose to marry or not marry, and vote
for President of the United States.
At no other time or place in history
have people believed that such schools
were the obvious means to prepare most
youth for most careers, whether crafts-
ndustrial worker, nurse,
chitect, writer, engineer, lawyer, shop:
keeper, party boss, social worker, sailor
citizen. Many of these careers require a
lot of study; some need academic teach-
ing; but it has never before bcen
thought useful to give teaching in such
massive and continuous doses.
The idea of everybody going to a
secondary school and college has accom-
panied a recent stage of highly central-
ized corporate and state economy and
policy. Universal higher schooling is not,
as people think, simply a logical con-
tinuation of universal primary schooling
in reading and democratic socialization.
Tt begins to orient to careers and it oc-
curs after puberty, and jobs and sex are
not usually best learned about in acade-
mics. In my opinion, there is no single
institution, like the monolithic school
system increasingly programed by a few
graduate universities (and the curricu-
lum reformers of the National Science
Foundation), that can prepare everybody
for an open future of a great society.
What we are getting is mot education
but regimentation—baby-sitting, pol
ing, brainwashing and procosing tech-
nicians for a few corporations at the
publics expense. (About 35 percent oL
college graduates go into the corpora
tions; a good percentage enter govern-
ment service and teaching; less than 2
percent engage in
prise") We are
"independent. enter-
creasingly closed
society, dominated by the sovereign and
the feudal corporations. Instead of edu-
cation being a means of liberation, inde-
pendence and novelty, everybody pays
for schooling that rigidifies the status
quo still further.
At present, facing a confusing future
of automated technology and entirely
new patterns of work and leisure, the
best educational brains ought to be de-
voting themselves to devising many var-
ious means of educating and paths of
growing up, appropriate to various tal-
cnt, conditions and careers. We should
be experimenting with different kinds of
schools, with no school at all, using the
real cities as schools, or farms as schools,
with practical apprenticeships, guided
travel, work camps, little theaters, com-
munity service, etc. Probably most of all,
we need 10 revive the community and
community spirit in which many adults
who know something, and not only pro-
fessional teachers, will pay attention to
the young.
Instead of new thought, the tendency is
crashingly in the opposite direction
streamline, aggrandize and totalize what
we have. (Just recently, with the unan-
olds graduated from high school, and the
President is Jeading a vigorous campai
to cajole and threaten the rest back into
school. About 35 percent go to college
and, by 1970, it is hoped to push this
figure to 50 percent. It has recently been
proposed to make the two-year junior
college compulsory. Among all liberals
and champions of the underprivileged,
it is an article of faith that. salvation
for the Negroes and Spanish Americans
consists in more schooling at the middle-
class level. And all educatio obser!
ers, from hard-liners like Rickover,
through s Conant, to "liberal"
thinkers like Marty Mayer, insist that
salvation for America lies tightening
d upgrading middle-class schools and
getting rid of progressive methods that
might give the kid a chance to breathe.
Like any mass belief, the superstition
that schooling is the only path to success
is self-proving. There are now no profes-
sions, whether laborstatesman, architect,
or trainer in gymnastics, that do not re-
quire college degrees. Standards of licen:
ing are set by boards of regents who
talk only school language. For business
or hotel management it is wise to have a
master's. Access to the billions for re-
ich and development is by Ph.D. only,
and prudent parents push their young-
sters accordingly; only a few are going
to get the loot, bui all must compet
Department stores require a high school
diploma for a salesgirl; this might seem
irrelevant, but it speaks for punctuality
and good behavior. Thus, effectually,
whether it is rational or not, a youth has
no future if he quits, or falls off the
school ladder. Farm youth can still drop
out without too much clattcr, but the
rural population is now only eight pe
cent and rapidly diminishing.
We can understand and evaluate our
present situation if we review the history
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a guaranteed
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“Miss, that person is making a fool of you!”
of schooling in this country during this
By 1900, our present school system was
established in its main out! with al-
ost universal primary schooling, in a
great variety of local arrangements. Yet
only six percent of the 17-yearolds in
that year graduated from high school.
Maybe another ten percent would have
graduated if they could have afforded it
(recently James Conant has estimated
that only 15 percent are “academically
talented”). Now we may assume that
those six percent were in classrooms be-
cause they wanted to be there. There
were no blackboard jungles or startling
problems of discipline. More important,
such students could be taught a curricu-
lum, whether traditional or vocational,
that was interesting and valuable for it-
self; they were not merely being chased
up a ladder by parents and police, or
pulled up by the corporate need for
But who were the 94 percent who did
e said,
future farmer, shopkeeper,
millionaire, politician, inventor, journal-
ist. Consider the careers of two well-
known architects who were born around
that time. One quit school at the seventh
grade to leave home and support him-
self. After a few jobs, he gravitated to an
architect’s office as an office boy and
found the art to his liking. He learned
draftsmanship in the office, and French
and some mathematics on the outside
(with the help of friendly adults), and he
eventually won the Beaux-Aris prize and
studied in a Paris atelier. Today he has
built scores of distinguished buildings
and, as the graduate professor of design
at a great university, is onc of the most
famous teachers in the country. The oth-
er architect happens to be the most suc
cessful in America in terms of size and
ions, He quit
school at age 13 to support his mother.
Working for a stonecutter, he learned to
draw, and in a couple of years he cut out.
for New York and apprenticed himself
10 an architect. He studied languages
and mathematics in competition with a
roommate. Via the Navy in 1918, he went
to Europe with some money in his pocl
ct and traveled and studied. Returning,
he made a splendid marriage, and so
These two careers—not untypical ex-
cept for their éclat—are almost unthink-
ble in our day. How could the young
men be licensed without college degrees?
How could they get college degrees with-
out high school diplomas? But they had
the indispensable advantage. that. they
were deeply self-motivated, went at their
own pace, and could succumb to fascina-
tion and risk. Would these two men
have become architects at all if they had
been continually interrupted by high
school chemistry, freshman composition,
psychology 106? Indeed, it would be a
useful study, which I have not made, to
find how many people who grew up
from 1900 to 1920 and have made great
names in the sciences, arts, literature,
government, business, etc., actually went
through the continuous 16-year school
grind, without quitting for good, or
quitting and occasionally returning.
As the decades passed, higher school-
ing began to be a mass phenomenon. In
1930, 30 percent graduated from high
school and 11 percent went to college.
And by 1960, we see 60 percent have
graduated, of whom more than half have
gone to college. Who now are the other
40 percent? They are the dropouts, most-
ly urban-underprivileged and rural. From
this group we do not much expect splen-
did careers in architecture, politics or
literature. They are not allowed to get
jobs before 16; they find it hard to get
jobs after 16; they might drop out of
society altogether, because there is now
no other track than going to school.
What happened to the schools during
this tenfold increase from 1900 to 1960?
Administratively, of course, we simpl
aggrandized and burcaucratized the ew
isting framework, "The system now looks
like the system then. But in the process
of massification, it suffered a sea change.
Plant, teacher selection and methods
‘were increasingly standardized. The stu-
dents were a different breed. Not many
were there because they wanted to be
there; a lot of them, including many of
the bright and gifted. certainly wanted
to be elsewhere and began to make trou-
ble. The academic curriculum was neces-
sarily trivialized. An important func
of the schools began to be baby-si
and policing. The baby-sitting was con
tinued into the rah-rah colleges, to
accommodate the lengthening youth
Naturally, in the aggrandized system,
educational administration became ver
grand. This was important because of
the very irrelevance of the system itself,
the inappropriate students and the fee
ble curriculum. Stuck with a bad id
the only way of coping with the strains
was to have more assistant. princi
counselors, truant officers, university
courses in methods, revised textbooks.
Currently, we are getting team teaching,
visual aids, higher horizons. And to com-
pensate for the mass trivializing of the
curriculum, there are intellectually gift-
cd. classes, enrichment, advanced place-
ment. (Also, opportunity classes for the
dull and 600 schools for the emotionally
disturbed.) The freshman year in college
has been sacrificed to surveys and fresh:
man composition, to make up for lost
ground and to weed out the unfit. Corre
spondingly, from 1910 on, school superin-
tendents have become scientific business
managers and educators with a big E,
nd college presidents have become
mighty public spokesmen. Public rela-
tions flourish apace.
Until recently, however, the expan-
sion—though abundantly foolish—was
ily harmless. It was energized by
generous warm democracy and an inno-
cent seeking for prestige by parents be-
coming affluent. By and large, the pace
was easygoing. Few adolescents had
cause to suffer nervous breakdowns be-
cause of the testing, and one could get a
gentlemanly C by coasting. The unfortu-
nate thing was that everybody began to
believe that being in school was the
only way to be educated. What a genera-
tion before had been the usual cou
to quit school and seek elsewhere to
grow up—became a sign of eccent
failure, delinquency.
But suddenly, since the Korean War,
and hysterically since Sputnik, there has
developed a disastrous overestimation of
studying and scholarship. Mothers who
used to want their offspring to be “well
adjusted,” are now mad for the I.Q. and
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the percentile. Schools that were lax,
democratic or playful, are fiercely com-
petitive, and an average unbookish youth
finds himself in a bad fix. He may not be
ble to cope with the speed-up and the
strict grading, vet if he fails there are
loud alarms about his predelinquency,
and there are national conferences on
It is an educational calamity. Every
kind of youth is hurt. The bright but
unacademic can perform, but the per-
formance is not authentic and there is a
pitiful loss of what they could be doing
with intelligence, grace and force. The
average are anxious, the slow are humi
ated. In the process the natural scholars
are ruined; bribed and pushed, they for
get the meaning of their gift. Nothing i
studied for its own sake. Bright young-
sters "do" the Bronx High School of
Science in order to "make" MIT, just
they will "do" MIT in order to
make" General Dynamics.
1 doubt that any of this rat race is use-
ful. Given quiet and food and lodging,
young scholars would study anyway,
without grades. According to the consen-
sus of teachers of science, reported in
Jerome Bruners The Process of. Educa-
tion, drilling, testing and competition—
the sine qua non of our educational sys-
tem—are incompatible with learning to
do creative research. Is there evidence
that most creative youngsters, whether in
sciences, aris or professions, especially
thrive on formal schooling at all, rather
n by exploring and gradually gravi-
tating to the right work and environ-
ment? Por some, schooling no doubt
saves time; for others, it is interruptive
nd depressing. On lower levels of per-
do the technical and clerical
ncreasingly automated produc-
lly require so many years of bon-
ing and test-passing as is claimed? I asked
the United Automobile Workers how
much formal schooling is required for
the average worker in the most automat-
ed plant The answer was: None what-
ever. (It takes three weeks to break in
a man.) In a year in the Army, average
nductees somehow learn to rcad blips
and repair machinery. To put it bluntly,
generally speaking it is not the fancy
training that is lacking, but the jobs.
For urban poor kids who arc cajoled
to not drop out, the miseducation is a
cruel hoax. They are told that the high
school diploma is worth money, but
what if the increment amounts, after
several years, to five dollars a week? Is
this worth such arduous effort, in itself
distasteful and to them unnatural? Isn't
a lad wiser to choose the streets for the
few years of his youth?
Of course, there is no real choice. Poor
people must picket for better schools
that will not suit most of their children
d won't pay off. Farm youth must ride
to central schools that are a waste of
time for most of them, while they lose
the competence they have. Middle-class
youth must doggedly compete and be
tested to death, to get into colleges
where most of them will cynically or
doggedly serve time. It is ironical. With
all the money spent on research and de-
velopment, for hardware, computers and
tranquilizers, Americ n think up only
one institution for its young human re-
sources. Apparently, the schooling that
we have already had has brainwashed
"This is the social and historical back-
ground out of which our young friend
has come to that dazed look in the col-
lege classroom. He has been through a
long process that has sapped his initia-
tive, discouraged his sexuality, dulled his
curiosity and probably even his intellect.
His schooling has distorted earnestness
and ambition. If he went to a good sub-
urban high school, he no doubt engaged
in the fun and games by which middle-
class youth sabotage the system. Even
the highly intelligent often resist by "un-
derachieving"—they do not want to
achieve in this way. Much of the social
life and subculture that defeats the
schools’ purposes is spiteful despair.
School is pointless, but it prevents any-
thing else. A fellow can’t quit and earn
his own money.
What to do for him, or at least for the
next generation of him?
Here are some possibilities:
Maybe the chief mistake that we make
is to pay too much direct attention to
the “education” of the children and ado-
lescents, rather than provide them with
a worthwhile adult world in which
they can grow up. In a curious way, the
exaggeration of schooling is both a ha
exploitation of the young, regimenting
them, and a guilty coddling of them,
since mostly they are useless in our
world and we want them to waste thei
would be more cultural than the average
classroom for the average youth.
We must start from where we are. A.
promising present expedient is to devel-
op the many public enterprises that we
have been neglecting, for they can also
be educational opportunities for the
you ively alternatives to continu.
ing in school, and to spend on these
some of the money now misused on
schools for the nonacademic. (It costs
$750 a year to keep a youth in a New
York City high school; also, more than
$2000 a year to process him in a reform
For instance, there are scores of thou-
sands of ugly small towns in the country
to be improved, where adolescents could
do most of the work. These could be lo-
cal affairs, or private enterprises, or we
could apply to the purpose the Youth
Work Camps proposed by Senator Hum-
phrey in 1959, modeled on the Civilian
Conservation Corps of the Thirties, but
with smaller gangs and paying the youth
Army minimum. (Incidentally, after the
smoke of criticism cleared away, the
CCC was judged to have been econom-
ically worth while, and many of its
products have been lovely and lasting.)
Another necessary enterprise is com-
ice like the Friends’ Youth
Service. Mobilization for youth
might be useful if it got out of the an-
tidelinquency business and out of the
Department of Justice. In the past few
years, hundreds of students have in fact
left their disappointing colleges to work
‘on Negro problems in the Northern Stu-
dent Movement, CORE and the Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
Here is a suggestion for the nonac
demic who are especially bright and tal-
ented. In order to countervail the mass
communications that swamp us with
mediocre canned entertainment and
brainwash us with uniform informati
we need hundreds, perhaps thou
nish ren
ble opportunities for youthful spirit
labor under professional direction. (To
help finance these, I have elsewhere pro-
posed a graduated tax on the size of the
audience of the mass media, to create a
fund earmarked for the counterbalanc-
ing independent. media.)
In general, voca
cluding much laboratory scientific train-
ing, ought to be carried on as technical
apprenticeships within the relevant
dustries. Certainly the big corporations
have a direct responsibility for the fu-
ture of their young, rather than simply
skimming off the cream of those
schooled, tested and graded at the public
Interestingly, the retraining and reha-
bilitation programs of the Departments
of Labor and Justice usually have better
ational ide induding schooling,
n the direct school-aid bills. Since
much of the Federal aid to educa
has been balked because of the hang-up
on the parochial-school issue, some of
the money has been allotted indirectly
and more effectively, but not through
the school systems.
Small farms should be used as educa-
tional environments. Consider if June
through September a small farmer of
depopulating Vermont would put up
half a dozen New York slum children.
He would get $100 a head—it costs $600
a year 10 keep a child in a New York
City primary school. ‘This, across the
counuy, would rescue thousands of eco-
nomically marginal farms and bring
thousands of others back into operatior
and it is, without doubt, a wise policy to
reverse the 8 percent rural ratio to some-
thing nearer 25 percent, if it can be
done not on a cash-crop basis.
Again, on the model of the GI Bill, we
might boldly allot a certain amount of
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public-school money—now allocated to
college, high school, and even primary
school—direetly to the students or par-
ents, to be voluntarily used for any pur-
pose plausibly educational. This would
produce a great variety of educational
experiments, some weird, some excellent.
But there is no such uniformity of need
or educational theory as warrants the
present improbable uniformity of the
public schools from coast 10 coast.
Most important of all, given academic
as well as unacadcmic alternatives, the
young can be allowed to experiment in
their 12 to 16 years of lessons rather
than feel that they are trapped and must
face front. Late bloomers might the;
choose to return to formal academi
study, without having been permanently
soured by schooling that was inappropri-
ate to them, and that they underwent
unwillingly. Surely many on the GI Bill
profited by going to school maturcly,
when they knew what they wanted and
were sexually sure of themselves
Finally, let me fit these proposals for
secondary and higher education into the
present framework of the colleges and
universities. Returning to their tradition
of agriculture and mechanics, the
state colleges could become adminis
tive centers for the public cnterprises
mentioned above: town improvement,
radio stations, rural culture, health and
community service. Many of the students
would have been working in the ficld on
these projects; and they could soft-pedal
the compulsory academic program that
now wastefully leads to 50 percent drop-
outs. Conversely, the liber:
leges could return to their
intellecuial tradition of natural philoso-
phy, scholarship and the humanities
Professional and graduate schools could
work far morc closely with the working
professionals and industries in society,
with whom many of the adolescents
would have served apprenticeships.
They would thus avoid the present ab-
surdity of teaching a curriculum ab
stracted from the work in the field and
then licensing the graduates to return to
the field to learn the actual work.
I realize that all of this—like much
else that I have written—is hopelessly
We are in the enthusiasti
flood tide of a delusion about schooling
that can sweep us to a future of pre-
fabricated, spiritless and fundamentally
norant people. But let me ask young
lers to consult their own experience,
nd to consider what they want for th
younger brothers and sisters and [or
their own child: chooling is one sub-
ject where the young know more d
their elders; they are closer to it and
they have had more of it. Unfortunately,
they can't imagine alternatives, any oth-
er ways of growing up. But that is what
we—and they—must put our minds to.
current attractions
last stragglcr pulls up to the buffet.
Perhaps the prime advantage the ap:
pliance-atuuned host has over others is
that when his guests are taking their
case around his cocktail table, he, too,
able to rela: nd devil take formal din-
ner protocol and clock watching. For
fostering this kind of civilized relaxation,
there are hot buffet servers, hot tables
and hot serving wagons, all of the plug:
in family, in many sizes and models.
Any casserole, p pan or plauer
placed on them should have à. perfectly
flat bottom for maximum surface-tosur-
face coni Hot foods that should
never under any conditions wait for the
guests— s shirred eges or souffl
don't belong on hot tables. But chowders,
casseroles, stews and most sauce dishes
or sauces actually become mellower
during their warm-up period.
The sheer profusion of clecirical
kitchen gadgetry already begor and still
being born at an explosive rate, is so
great that a cook must use a certain
amount of restraining judgment in de-
ciding just how much his atelier
hold. If the job of vegetable peel
minds him too vividly of K. P., he may
buy an elecuic potato peeler that re
moves not only potato skins but shaves
the hides off beets, carrots, asp
and broccoli stems. If he wants to add
to his oven space, there's a portable
electric roaster. The ham that comes out
of the electric roaster may be carved
with an electric carving knife, fitted
with dual blades that snick back and
forth like a hedge trimmei is ham
can be served with a madeira sauce kept
warm in an electric sauceboat, accom-
panied by French bread nestling in an
electrically warmed breadbasket. In time
hell learn that if he wants only a few
teaspoons of minced shallots, it’s actual-
ly easier to mince them by hand with a
French knife than to use the clec-
tric vegetable-mincer attachment which
must be assembled, disassembled d
rinsed for a relatively minor job. On
the other hand, if he's cutting Spanish
onions for hot onion soup at a midnight
party, the electric slicer turns out to be
a heavensent time- and tearsaver. The
absolute summit of the how-
get department,
with the battery-powered pepper grinder.
Most pieces of electrical equipment
have individual personalities. The clec-
tric open-hearth broiler, for instance,
with its source of heat beneath, rather
than above, the steaks and chops, is
one of the few portable broilers that
really browns the meat rather than
cooking it to a neutral gray. Fat drip-
ping past the hot rods falls into a pan
far enough below the heat so that the
chance of a conflagration is nil. An occa-
sional wisp of smoke and some spatter-
ing will show up from time to time, but
(continued from page 122)
you'll never find yourself groping in the
dense smoke screen laid down by most
permanent indoor broilers. "The open-
hearth broiler won't char food like a
fierce charcoal fire or gas flame: but the
resultant beef or lamb flavor has a clean
natural taste which veteran becfcaters
or lambeaters find dcl us.
‘The electric brochette or upright clec
tric skewer stove radiates a gentle, easy-
going heat. For delicate foods such as
scallops, sweetbreads or chicken livers,
where only modest is required,
the electric brochette does a handsome
job. Shish kabobers should allow about
one half hour cooking time for lamb on
the electric brochette. Large cubes of
food won't fit; the space between the
skewer and the hot cage allows pieces
no larger than one inch in thickness.
For the history-bent chef, the elec-
tric waffle iron is a reminder that one of
Jefferson's most significant
s been comparatively neglected.
Jefferson introduced waffles to the Unit
ed States. As early as the Tenth Century
rope wafles were being celebrated
in ballads. While waffle irons are sup-
posed to have originated in Holland, the
French seized upon this ingratiating
form of pastry, and developed it over
the centuries into its many variegated
and delicate versions—waflles made from
rolled biscuit dough, waflles of light
yeast batter, waffles with sweetcream
filling and butterrich waffle cakes.
afes in the electric
waflle iron are now an effortless art.
"To illustrate how little energy is need-
ed for high-voltage gastronomy, try any
of the following recipes, cach. designed
for four portions.
Needless to say. w
1 cup blanched sliced almonds
2 12-02. cans chicken broth with rice
R ue Eg.
214 per
1 cup milk
34 cup light cream
3 tablespoons very dry sherry
Salt, white pepper, cayenne pepper
I teaspoon minced chives
Preheat oven at 375°. Spread almonds
a shallow pan and roast in oven until
light brown, stirring occasionally to
brown evenly. Avoid scorching. Set aside
2 tablespoons almonds for gamishing
soup. Place balance of almonds in blend-
er with chicken broth and milk, Blend
30 seconds. Remove from blender and
stir in crcam and sherry. Add salt and
pepper to taste and a dash of cayenne.
Chill soup frigerator, at least $
hours. Pour into prechilled cups. Float
reserved almonds on top and sprinkle
served hot if desired.
11% Ibs. frogs’ legs
& cup flour
teaspoon paprika
tablespoon salad oil
blespoon butter
teaspoon curry powder
tablespoons minced onion
% teaspoon minced garlic
blespoon minced parsley
VW, cup dry white wine
1% cup chicken broth or stock
for can Kalian plum tomatoes,
coarsely chopped
2 tablespoons cognac
Cut feet from frogs legs. Cut cach
pair in half. Upper and lower parts of
legs may be detached or left whole. Put
flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 14 teaspoon pep-
per, paprika and frogs’ legs into a paper
bag and shake well. Remove legs from
off excess flour. In electric
killet preheated at 300°, heat l oil
ad butter until butter melts. Sauté
frogs’ legs until meat is firm, about 5
minutes, stirring frequently.
powder, onion, garlic, parsley
and stir well. Simmer 3 minutes. Add
chicken broth and tomatoes. Reduce he:
to 250° and simmer 8 minutes. Add
cognac. Correct seasoning. Serve at once
or keep skillet at warming temperature
on dial until serving time.
lys Ibs. Italian-style veal cutlets
2 tablespoons salad oil
Salt, pepper
I teaspoon minced fresh thyme or
X4 teaspoon dried thyme
V4 teaspoon finely minced garlic
2 large Spanish onions, cut j
Y4 cup very dry sherry
12-oz. can chicken broth
1 teaspoon anchovy
1 tablespoon butter
Pound cutlets thin with meat mallet.
Preheat electric skillet at 300°. Add sal
ad oil. Sprinkle cutlets with salt and pep-
id sauté until meat is light brown.
may not hold all cutlets at one time,
ink during cooking, addi-
t may be added. Cook until
€ in pan bottom has evaporated
and drippings turn brown in pan. Add
thyme, garlic and onion and sauté until
onions are limp, not brown. Add sherry,
chicken broth and anchovy paste. Stir
well to loosen pan drippings. Reduce
heat to 250° and cook 10 minutes long-
er, Add buuer to gravy. Add salt and
pepper to taste.
meat j
1 Ib. fresh or thawed frozen. chicken
2 tablespoons sherry
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons salad oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed
medium-size onion, sliced
Vj teaspoon ground fennel seed
X4 teaspoon sesame oil
2 3-07. cans whole mushrooms, drained
2 5-07. cans water chestnuts, drained
Bring a large saucepan of water to a
rapid boil. Add livers. As soon as water
resumes boiling, remove heat
nd drain livers. Cut livers into two
or three pieces each, so that no piece is
larger than 1 in. across. Place livers in a
bowl with sherry, soy sauce, salad oil,
rlic, onion, fennel seed and sesame oil.
among the cight skewers of the electric
brochette. Arrange. pieces of food alter-
nately. Preheat brochette 10 to 15 mi
utes. Broil skewered livers 25 minutes.
Serve with Bé
tarnaise sauce.
1⁄4 cup dry white wine
2 tablespoons tarragon vinegar
2 tablespoons minced onion
14 teaspoon crushed whole pepper
3 egg yolks
14 Ib. sweet butter
2 large sprigs fresh tarragon, minced,
or 14 teaspoon dried tarragon
1 teaspoon minced fresh chervil or
Salt, cayenne pepper
Pour wine and vinegar into small
saucepan. Add onion and pepper.
mer slowly until liquid is reduced to
approximately two or three tablespoons.
Watch pan carefully so that all liquid
does not evaporate. Strain into electric
blender. Add egg yolks and blend slight-
ly. Melt butter in small stucepan over
moderate flame. Avoid browning. Start
blender after pouring cap,
and very slowly add melted butter, no
more than a tablespoon at a time. Re-
move sauce from blender. Stir
ragon and chervil. Add salt to ta
a dash of cayenne pepper. Keep in a
warm place (not over direct heat) until
serving time.
1⁄4 leg of lamb, cut into l-in. cubes
arene poons Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons white wine vi
2 tablespoons olive oil
y poon rose
Salt, pepper
1 large gi
1 large sweet red pepper
Butter, at room temperature
Be sure pieces of lamb do not exceed 1
in. in thickness. In a mixing bowl place
the mustard, vinegar, oil, rosemary and
arlic. Stir well. Add lamb and sprinkle
generously with salt and pepper. Mix
well so that lamb is thoroughly coated.
Marinate in refrigerator at least $ hours
before cooking. Remove from refriger-
tor about one half hour before broiling.
Cut peppers into 34.in. squares. Preheat
electric brochette 10 to 15 minutes,
ten meat and peppers alternately on.
skewers. Broil 25 to 30 minutes. Brush
with butter just before serving.
4 mediumsize apples
1 cup maple syrup
X cup light rum
2 tablespoons heavy dark rum
2 tablespoons sweet butter
4 cup heavy sweet cream
ablespoon sugar
2 egg yolks
1 whole egg
Y teaspoon
V4 cup milk
3 tablespoons salad oil
1 cup cake flo
2 tablespoons sugar
Peel and core apples and cut them
into thin slices, about. 12 slices per apple.
Place apples in saucepan with maple
syrup, light and dark rum and butter.
Simmer, covered, until apples are just
tender. Avoid overcooking. Keep warm
serving time, Whip cream in a
Stir in 1 tablespoon
r. Chill in refrigerator. In well of
electric blender put egg yolks, whole eg
vanilla, milk and salad oil. Add cake
flour, baking powder, salt and 2 table
spoons sugar. Blend until smooth. Stop
blender and scrape sides with rubber
spatula if necessary to blend dry ingredi
ents with liquid. Preheat waflle iron.
Pour 3 to 4 tablespoons into cach section
of iron, or until batter is about 1 i
from edge. Bake until steam is no longer
isible from sides of waffle iron. Spoon
apples onto waffles on serving plates.
Yop with whipped cream.
The above is a mere skimming of the
surface, The current attractions of plug-
andials and potables are such that
the appliance-hip chef need never join
the Hot Stove League.
Playboy Hand Puppet, Code No. M28, $6.
B. Playboy Shirt (in blue, green, lemon, or red).
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Sizes S, M, L. Code No. W32, $5.
. Playboy ID Bracelet, Code No. J104, $12.50.
. Playmate ID Bracelet, Code No. J108, $10.
- Playboy Golf Putter, Code No. M48, $22.
j. Playboy Ascot (in olive, gray, wine and navy), Coce No. W8, $10.
|. Playboy Beer Mug, Code No. D4, $5.
Playboy Coffee Mug, Code No. DI6, $2.50.
Playboy Sweater (in white on cardinal, white on black,
black on white). Sizes S, M, L, EXT L. Code No. W24, $22.
Playmate Sweater (in same colors as Playboy Sweater).
Sizes S, M, L. Code No. W36, $20.
Playboy Bunny Tail Wall Plaque, Code No. M4, $15.
Neiman Art Portfolio (six dramatic prints in full color), Code No. P4, $25.
Vargas Art Portfolio (six beautiful creations in full color), Code No. P8, $25.
Playboy Playing Cards (two decks, boxed), Code No. M44, $3.
Playboy Jumbo Lighter, Code No. M32, $20.
. Playboy Money Fold (in olive or black), Code No. J100, $5.
). Playboy Card Case (in black only), Code No. J16, $7.50.
. Playmate Cigarette Case (and Playboy Lighter),
Code No. J18, $6.
S. Playboy King-Size Towel, Code No. M36, $6.
All items postpaid, F-E.T. included.
Please specify Code No,
size, quantity, color where indicated.
Pe PSoZzEre
‘Send check or money order to:
PLAYBOY PRODUCTS, 232 East Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
Playtoy Club keyholders may charge by enclosing key number with order.
SIDE BY SIDE (continued from page 105)
the West Coast. Remember, now, she
was in her early 20s, and so far as
anyone knows she'd never given ballet
a thought up till then. But that's what
she wanted to do, and it didn't make a
damn she knew nothing about it, or that
most ballerinas begin study about the
same time they learn to walk; she had
decided to dance, and that was it. We all
knew that when she came back she'd be
able to do it, and she could. I only saw.
her the one time, of course. At the party
Saul gave to celebrate her return. The
night she died.
The whole scene returned to mind,
like the curt lifting on a play. Not
that I'd forgotten, or ever could, but
the curtain Aad been there, and tightly
drawn. Now, I saw the tarpaper roof,
the yellowish light bulb strung on a
cord from Saul and Miriam’s loft apart-
ment below. I heard the music from the
battered phonograph we'd borrowed
from someone and smelled the warm
wind, wet from the summer shower that
had fallen that afternoon, I saw the
people . ..
Everyone came in good clothes,
though for many of the men that meant
only the cleanest pair of Levis and a
white shirt. Some of the girls wore faded
cocktail dresses, usually a size too small
for them (holdovers from high school or
college, parent-bought). It was 2 double-
barreled occasion: Miriam had come
back and, even more exciting, Saul had
just sold his novel to E. V. Reinwald
Company with a $500 advance. (He'd
worked feverishly on all the time
Miriam was away.) It was the first im-
portant sale he'd made, and he didn't
have much of the advance left after pay-
ing overdue bills and sending Miriam
bus fare. But what there was, he went
out and spent on food and liquor for the
Tt was a fine party. Everyone we knew
was invited, plus a dozen couples who'd
heard the noise and come up off the
street (that's the way parties were in
Greenwich Village back then . . . there
doesn't seem to be much of it anymore).
About halfway through the evening, we
came across a record of excerpts from
Swan Lake, and Miriam agreed to dance
for us. I remember standing there, lis-
tening to the tinny, scratchy sounds
from that old record player, softened by
the dim rustle of the city noises in the
background. Watching her spin and
glide, her face and arms visible only
when she came under the tiny circle of
light from the bulb, then disappearing
as she left it; a disembodied swirl of
white dress, white shoes. The music end-
ed, and she did a le series of pir-
ouettes that made us all catch our
breaths. She did one more, and touched
the cement coping, which was only
gig about 18 inches high on one side,
and went over it, 75 feet to the brick
For what seemed a long while, no onc
moved, and I think no one believed it
had happened. It was as though Miriam
had merely exited, with the same flair
for drama she'd always had. As though
she might reappear in an instant or two,
to take her bows. Then, of course, we all
ran to the edge and looked. She was
lying down there—quite visible, even in
the dark, because of her white dress. She
‘was not at all sprawled or awkward, the
way people like that are supposed to
look. Some of the girls began to cry,
some to scream, and one of the men
yelled, "Get an ambulance, for God's
sake!” but none of us moved. We all
knew she was dead.
1 thought of Saul, and turned to see
him standing at the edge, too, just stand-
g there, with a funny twisted expres-
sion on his face. I went over and pulled
him back, holding his arms tightly; I
think I was afraid he was going to jump
after her. Gary March (a bit-part actor,
and Saul’s best friend other than myself)
came over, and between the two of us we
got him downstairs. By the time we
reached the room, he was vibrating like
igh wire and cursing steadily: “Damn
" he kept saying, “goddamn her!" I
made him sit down, and Gary ran back
to get a bottle. When he returned, we
Iorced several stiff ones down Saul. He
kept fighting us (though in an odd way,
hc didn't seem conscious we were there),
and after a while he started crying and
finally passed out.
A little later, Renatta, Gary's girl,
came in. She told us that the ambulance
had taken Miriam away, and that some-
one had gone along to take care of the
details. “Do you think one of us ought
to stay here?" I asked Gary.
“I don't kno: he said. "Kind of
gives me the creeps, the way he's acting.
Stay if you want to." I didn't, but I
thought somebody should. So I sat up
most of the night in a chair (Saul had
gone to sleep on the couch) and read
some, and drank the rest of the bottle of.
whiskey. It was the longest night I'd ever
spent. Saul kept muttering in his sleep—
a sort of half-laughing, half-crying sound
—and I was horribly afraid he was going
to wake up. He didn't, though, until
about ten o'clock the next morning.
At first, he seemed to have forgotten
what had happened, and then, abruptly,
he said, “I'd better try to work, you
know? That way, maybe I won't have to
think about it.” He went over to the
table where his beat-up old Remington
stood, and rolled a piece of paper into
it. He sat down, looked at the typewriter
2 minute, and began to grin. He began
to chuckle, then to laugh. "It's funny
when you think about it" he said. "I
mean—the way it happened—it's comi-
cal.” He grabbed the table and bent to
one side, laughing harder, uncontrolla-
bly, jumping around in his chair and
making the table rattle, and the window
next to it. Suddenly, he coughed and be-
gan to retch. He got up and staggered
into the bathroom, and I could hear him
throwing up.
I stared to go after him, then
changed my mind. I made some coffee
stead, and some toast, and when he
came out he was trembling terribly, but
he managed to eat a little nonetheless.
He seemed to have got hold of himself
and apologized for acting like a fool. He
asked if he could be alone, and since I
was almost dead anyway, I left him and
went home. F fell into bed and slept the
rest of the day and late into the night.
It surprised everyone, but for the next
day or two it scemed as though Saul
was going to be all right. He began
coming down to Macdougal Street, to
the coffechouses where the gang had al-
ways met. He looked miserable, of
course, didn't talk much, but he'd smile
when we tried to cheer him up, and
for a while he appeared to be taking
it well—better than we'd hoped. And
then something happened that none of
us could have foreseen; something that
should never have happened. Miriam
came back.
No, the problem wasn’t supernatural
it was financial. It costs money to die,
you know, and we didn't have any. None
of us had made a go of it at that time
(most of us never would), and the cost of
taking care of Miriam was too much.
Fortunately, she had always said she
wanted to be cremated, which proved
the cheapest way of handling the body.
We had it done at Scarfiotta's eral
Parlor, but raising the necessary $50
about bankrupted all of us. There was
nothing left to pay for a burial plot, or
even a vault. (Of course, the city will
take care of that if you want it to,
but Saul flatly refused to put her
pauper's grave.) So, when the m
started raising hell, we went over and
picked up the box with her ashes i
and Saul took it home with him. He put
it on the mantel, over the fake fireplace
with the electric heater inside. 1 didn't
like the idea, but there didn’t seem any
alternative until one of us came up with
some money.
‘Things were rough for everyone that
summer. I was making a few bucks every
now and again, adapting some public-
domain stories for a small recording
company that produced spoken records.
The last batch had been paid for about
a week earlier, though. I'd spent the
money, and wouldn't get any more for a
month or two. Saul had used up his ad.
vance, and had no other source of in-
come. I urged him to take a job for a
while, if only so he could draw some un-
employment, but he didn't want to, or
couldn't find one. The utility companies
ally turned off his gas and lights, and
he had to borrow candles to use at night.
He put them on the m: on either
side of that small black box. The effect
was ghastly.
After that, the cha
became apparent. Fe wa
he refused the offers of friends to feed
him. There had been a lot of liquor left
from the party, but he'd drunk it all and
vas finding more, some way. He grew
thinner, and since he'd been thin to
start with, he became increasingly skele-
tal. He claimed to be working (every-
thing would be all right, if he could get
the book in, and get the rest of his ad-
vance from the publisher), but I noticed
ny, in the evenings at least, as much a
possible, but the setting of his room w:
so weird it was oppressive and his
friends started staying away. He had al-
ways referred io the box as “Miriam,”
rather than “it,” or even "her" but
when he took to addressing some of his
remarks—on the evenings when we were
at his place—to the box on the mantel
(Isn't that right, Darling?" or, "It's get-
ting late, and Miriam's tired, aren't you,
Dear?"), I knew something had to be
done. All of the shock he'd felt—and sur-
vived—when she was killed had returned.
to prey on him, and he was brea
under it.
I stayed ome night, after the others
had gone, and begged him to let me—or
somcone—rake care of the box until we
could afford a burial He acted
though I were joking: "You know I
work unless Miriam’s here,” he said.
“You know I can't do anything without
her, she’s always helped with my stories,
and now the book-
The next day I called his publishe
talked to the editor who'd accepted Let-
ters from Miriam, and asked for more
money. He was sympathetic, but said
there was no way he could help; the
book was overdue, and the publisher
felt, anyway, it was only a prestige item.
(He had no way of knowing the popular
appeal it would turn out to have.) He
turned me down, so the next thing to do
was to go see Saul’s parents. They lived
1 Jersey, so I hitchhiked over that after-
noon and arrived in time for di
The old man, Saul's father, must have
figured I planned it
watched every bite I ate, like I was pick-
g his pocket, and finally I lost my
appetite even though | hadn't eaten any-
thing else that day. The mother seemed
a little beter, but she knew to keep
quiet and at last 1 felt 1 had to get to the
nd get it over with.
They knew what had happened, and I
told them that, in my opinion, that
damned black box was killing Saul. “I've
found a place,” I said, atll take her
for seventy-five dollars. Ul personally
guarantee to pay you back if you'll lend
Saul the money.”
"The old gentleman just laughed at me.
“Seventy-five dollars that vandal will
never sec from me,” he said. "Never."
I said, “It isn't for Saul, it’s for his
"No!" he cried, "not his wife—he's
not married.” That was so, though oddly
enough Ed forgotten about it. I guess, to
him. they'd been living in sin, though no
one who knew them looked at it that
way. Saul and. Miriam were as married as
nyone can be, though they'd never had
(or wanted to spare) the money for a li-
cense and the rest. I tried to explain
this, but Mr. Kessler was adamant: “She
wasn't even Jewish!" were his last words
on the subject, and he was getting so an.
ery I thought Vd better leave.
Mrs. Kessler saw me to the door. She
slipped me a five as I went out. I tried to
t The door was closed,
already dark and I still had to
catch a ride back across the river
finally got one, and on the way home I
examined the whole affair very carefully
in my mind. By the time my benefactor
dropped me off in the Village, I'd decid-
ed 1 had to get the box away from Saul.
And the only way to do that was to steal
it from him...
My story was interrupted by the slow-
i it approached our
ing of the train
stop. My friend and I got our coats
hats from the rack above the seat and.
few minutes later, stepped off onto the
I station platform. Behind us, the
tain lurched, heaved itself ahead, and
clattered away. I measured the sun as it
setiled behind the pine trees, and hoped
Fd timed our visit right: We should ar-
rive a few minutes after five. Past expe-
ience had taught me that an hour with
aul was about all I could take. We be-
to walk up the winding, crushed-
ath, toward the complex of white
buildings. We strolled slowly, my com-
ting in silence for mc to
ps I was wrong to have done it, I
now. I've thought about it often
wondering if 1 n any way respon:
ble for what happened. But it seemed
right at the time, and I believe, at worst,
I only hastened the end a little. I went
over to his place and let myself in (he
never locked his door) and found him
asleep in his room. I took the box from
the mantel, carried it home and hid it.
“No wonder he wanted to die with his boots on!”
The exciting voice of
In the dynamic style that has brought him tremendous success in both TV and
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‘Then I went down to The Bagel shop,
found Gary, and told him what I'd done.
We were still sitting there, sipping
coffee, when Gary glanced toward the
door. His face went as white as any
man's I've ever seen, and when I looked
around, there was Saul.
He must have waked up for some rea-
son, soon after I'd left, gone into the
front room and seen that she—I mean, it
—was gone. Now, he stood in the door-
way, sort of hanging onto the frame on
both sides, his gaunt head with its mane
of long, uncut hair swaying back and
forth, He reminded me of the Western-
movie character—drunk, or half dead—
who comes to warn the town that the In-
dians are rising. He spotted us, let go of
the doorjamb, and lurched toward our
table. We might have been all right, if
y hadn't panicked and leaped out of
r to back away. Hell, I would
have done the same, only I was sitting
between the table and wall and couldn't
move in time.
Where is she!” Saul croaked, his nor-
mally high, smooth voice deep with men-
ace. He stumbled as he reached the
table, came up against its edge and seized
it with bony, white hands. His cyes were
absolutely stark, and they would have
held me even if the table hadn't been
jammed against my chest. “Where is she,
goddamn it—I've got to find her—you
know where she is!” It was as though
Miriam—the live Miriam—had left him,
and he was going to kill the man who
took her. Which was me.
1 should have lied, of course, but my
mind wasn't functioning: There is some-
thing about insanity (and I knew, then,
that's what it was) that paralyzes the
senses. I blurted out something about
not meaning any harm; about her being
bad for him, and:
1 didn’t get any further; he came
straight across the table, and I felt his
hands reach my throat. I tried to scream,
"Tl bring her back!” but 1 couldn't get
the sounds past the pressure of his
I guess I fainted then, because the
next thing I knew I was sitting on the
floor. a
. figure, torn and
disheveled, Saul's figure, rise up out of
the pile and come for me. There w
scream—his or mine—and I found I
couldn't move to get away. He had al-
most reached me when two cops burst
through the door and caught him from
behind. If they hadn't, he'd have killed
me, I'm sure.
My friend and I had reached the steps
ain building, and we paused
there. Joel gave me a cigarette and took
one for himself. We leaned against the
railing to s and the sun hid
itself beh: ill. A cool breeze be-
gan to come up off the Hudson.
hat was the end of him," I went on
after à moment. “They took him over to
St. Vincent's for the night, and the next
day he was transferred to Bellevue, to the
psychiatric ward. During the next few
weeks, I managed to put the rest of his
book together for him, and when it was
published, and became a best seller, the
royalties allowed him to be moved here,
where he's been since.”
We finished our cigarettes, stubbed
them out, and entered the wide, cool,
tisepticsmelling foyer. I said, “He
might have survived her death, but that
little box of ashes was too much. It final-
ly overpowered him. Thats why I say
she destroyed him after she died.’
Joel shook his head sadness. “She
must have been an amazing person,” he
said. “I can understand why he loved
her so much."
"Loved her? He didn't love her—he
hated her."
My young friend stared at me in
“He hated her because he depended
on her so much—and knew that he did.
She had helped him with his stories, giv-
en him ideas, even rewritten them for
him. He knew he couldn't make it with-
out her, and he hated her for dying and
leaving hi Most ol all, he hated her
for being able to do everything —while
he could do nothing."
Joel said: "I don't unde
writing the book he did
"Surely you see he didn't write it.
Letters from Miriam was just th the
letters Miriam had written while she was
out West. It was all there: the mag
nificent descriptions of the countryside,
the sensitive portraits of the people she
met, the yearning for home and the
loneliness: all of it. Saul simply edited
them and put them together for publi-
cation. When they sold, he hated her
cven more.
J gave my name to the nurse on duty,
and we started down the corridor to
Saul’s room. “There's onc thing I should
warn you about,” I said. “Saul is quite
and I think you'll enjoy talking
to him. But the doctors discovered fairly
soon that the only way to handle him
was to indulge his fantasy: you mustn't
be surprised at what he keeps on the
shell above his bed. It’s not the original
< it's a dupl
him. He's happy. he thinks
she hasn't left him. That they're still
"together." "
We stopped in front of Saul's door,
and I knocked. A smooth, rather high-
pitched voice answered, “Come in,” and
then, more fainth though he had
turned to address someone else: "Dar-
ling—we have visitors .
and! After
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ke a pigeon on a trail of popcorn. Dur-
ing rebuttal by an opponent, he gives
vent to catcalls and earsplitting guffaws.
“The expressions of his face are usu:
ly unrelated to his subject matter. WI
hamstringing a critic (and he can) he
adopts a pensive look—
“°H.L. Mencken suffers from the hal-
lucination that he is H. L. Mencken.
There is no cure for a disease of that
"During such utterances, he flutters
his yellow-fringed eyelids, cocks his head
to a side and pretends he is falling
asleep. His grimaces remind me of
child making faces out of ennui.
“Yet despite the chronic ferocity of his
opinions, Bodenheim is a sen
man. Anyone's sufferings but his own
bring a tear to his eye or pencil. He
gives away most of his wealth—nickels
and dimes acquired in alley crap games
—to beggars, old drunks and cigar-butt
“Behind his almost idiotic guffaws and
facial contortions, a first-rate mind is in
constant operation. H. L. Mencken, who
despises him, cannot assail his ‘dun-
derheads’ as wittily as can Bodenheim.
Despite the hallucinations of grandeur
and nightmares of persecution that
bother Bodenheim, the poet retains an
astonishing diagnostic clarity toward
“Bodenheim's poetry and prose
worship, chielly, of words.
‘J have known Bodenheim to be mis-
taken by casual observers for a pickpock-
ct, a vaudeville acrobat, an crrand boy,
a theological student and a French
What I wrote of Bodenheim in 1924
was truc, but it overlooked almost en-
tirely the poet's charms. There was inno-
cence and courage in him, and wild
loyalty. And his misfortunes seldom pro-
duced a note of self-pity.
We collaborated during one winter on
several one-act plays. One of them was
led The Master Poisoner. We were
both excited in its writing. We thought
it contained our finest acrobatic phrases.
When I read the play recently, I was as-
tonished by its plot and dialog. They
were both incomprehensible. Yet the
printed phrases seemed to spin and leap
with some mysterious excitement. Youth
in love with words. The embrace may
ve been a little disorderly, but I have
found few things better to love—since
We worked nights. Bogie would arrive
at my apartment at eight o'clock, having
filched his supper elsewhere. I didn't in-
vite him to dine in my house because I
ed to watch him eat. My wife also
(continued from page 130)
found the spectacle unpleasant. He
drank like a man gargling, and wolfed
his food as he feared it might be
snatched away.
But his table noises were a minor mat-
ter. It was what he ate that was upset-
ting. As soon as his food was placed
before him, Bogie set up a clamor for
Worcestershire sauce. He emptied a full
bottle on his steak or chicken. He then
fished his bottle of Tabasco sauce out of
his briefcase and sprinkled the fiery fluid
over his food. For a finale, he unscrewed.
the tops of all the salt and pepper shak-
ers on the table and coated his sauce-
drenched food with their contents. A
jackal would have shied from his dish.
As important to collaboration as not
watching Bogie eat, was not hearing
his denunciations of his enemies, who
seemed to have overrun the world. We
made a pact th ing to-
gether, neither of us would utter a word.
of criticism or complaint on any subject.
Bogie was a half hour late one eve-
ning. A blizzard had delayed him. He en-
tered the room with the remains of a
pipe clutched in his teeth. It had been a
pipe brought back from the South Seas
by the painter Jerry Bloom. It was a
pipe four feet long and its carved bowl
rested on your foot as you stood smoking
it. Jerry had given Bodenheim the pipe
(ihe only one like it in the Western
Hemisphere) in exchange for a sonnct
by the poet describing one of his
“The streetcar step was cove
froz I alighted from
Bogie explained, “I was smoking the
pipe at the time, and tripped over it and
it broke into little pieces." The yellow
eyelashes fluttered. “Shall we start with
our collaborating for tonight?”
We worked till midnight. I noted an
oddity in Bogie's posture. He kept
head in a crooked position as he offered
his share of our weird dialog. He made
no complaint, however, of any injury:
and I thought it wiser not to inquire
anything was the matter with him.
At midnight Bogie bowed himself out
of my doorway.
“I think we have done some exquisite-
ly confusing work tonight," he said. "We
will resume our capricious wrestling
match with Mr. Maldor tomorrow, same
ume.” Mr. Maldor was our Master
We didn't resume the next night. Aft-
er leaving my apartment, Bodenheim
collapsed in a snowdrift. An ambulance
took him to the County Hospital. 1
during our wri
ed with.
n snow whe:
learned the next day that Bogie had
broken his shoulder when he had
tripped over his Polynesian pipe. He
had spent the three hours writing with
me while in acute pain. But he had
honored our collaborator pact—no
During the winter of our playwriting,
Bodenheim was in love with a dancing
girl named Iona. She had been a mi
ber of the Chicago nd Opera ballet
troupe, but was dismissed that season
from its ranks.
“Due to the insensate jealousy of Sig-
norina Pitalli, the prem:
Bodenheim explained. “Beside Iona,
Miss Pitalli became aware that she was
glued to the stage.
“That is partly true," Ilona said. We
were together in an all-night beanery.
The ousted ballerina was mostly skin
nd bones. But I remember her large,
glittering cyes favorably. They hinted at
some mania. She informed Bogie that
she was going to be given an audition by
udeville booking agent named Sam
. She had been working on a won-
ful dance that she called Lavender
and Old Lace.
‘ve got the costume for it,” she
said, “except for the shoes. I need a pair
of lavender ballet slippers. And I guar-
antec you, Maxy dearest, I'll bowl Sam
Singer over with my routine.”
A great quarrel developed between
the lovers. Bogic forbade his Hona to go
near Sam Singer. I left the table while
the poet and Iona were exchanging
violent insults.
I didn't sce Bogie again for several
weeks. 1 remember that he sat with me
in a saloon one night, tears running
om his eyes:
"We kept on quarreling for two days
bout Sam Singer,” said Bogie, “Then
we separated. 1 told her she could go
dance for Mr. Sam Singer in her tights,
but in doing so, she was dancing out of
my life, forever. Last night T cd
that I was crude and unjust to Ilona, I
decided to go 10 her and apologize for
my ugliness, and beg her to forgive me.
When I arrived at her rooming house,
the landlady told me that Miss Ilona
Metz had died five days ago of pneu-
jonia and that she was her
grave in the Woodlawn Cemetery. Can
you loan me ten dollars, please, so that 1
can buy Iona the lavender dancing
shoes she wished for. I want to put them
at the foot of her grav
The next night, Bogie told me the
end of the story. It has stayed in my
mind ever since as a sort of ballet in
which a poet dances the strange, secret
meanings of his life.
After leaving me with the ten dollars
in his pocket, he had dropped into
other saloon for a drink. A prostitute
joined him there. He bought her a drink
and then read her a newly written poem
to the prostitute. It was about Ilona's
and was titled Elegy to a Pirouette.
reading his complete cycle of Iona
poems to the prostitute, he went with
her to her room.
“When I woke this morning,” Bogie
said. “she was still asleep. 1 dressed
quickly. Then I looked in my briefcase
which should have contained the eight
dollars remaining from the original t
1 intended to give the prostitute two
dollars and then go buy the lavender
dancing slippers for lona. But th
wasn't a single simoleon in the briefcase.
T knew at once that I had been robbed
after I fell asleep. I knew also it would
be a pure waste of time to accuse her of
the theft, or to try to get back my stolen
he would start yelling and po-
licemen would ultimately appear and
take us both off to
Phen I felt an electric shock as I
noticed something on the floor—the
sleeping prostitute’s shoes. They were
purple shoes with purple buttons on
them. They were not shoes for dancing,
but they had a gay look of their own.
Bodenheim stole the sleeping prosti-
tute’s shoes and a few hours later placed
them at the foot of Ilona's grave.
"Exposure to wind and snow,” he cx-
plained, “will fade their purple color to
the right shade of lavender that Hona
wished for to match her costume. I wrote
this poem to Ilona while riding in the
Bogie recited a poem of which 1 re-
member a few lines:
Dancer on the floor of heaven,
These once industrious shoes
Now dream of you.
News came to us that the young poet
Maxwell Bodenheim had refused to reg-
ister for military service in the First
World War. He had announced himself
as a conscientious objector. A number of
radicals on the Near North Side had un-
dertaken to protect him from military
oppression. They had hidden him away
in a lush apartment, and were providing
him with excellent food and drink; and
allowing a trusty trollop to spend a
night, now and then, with him.
A few of us who knew the Federal
Building as newspaper reporters, called
on the proper authorities to persuade
them to stop hounding our sensitive
poet and causing him to remain in hid-
ing, atremble for his life.
"You're a bunch of fool the head
recruiting officer told us. "Your poet
friend Bodenheim registered for service
on the first day our office opened. Here's
his card. Nobody's hunting for him.
Your friend is ineligible for further
Army service. He was dishonorably dis-
charged after previous Army service in
Texas. The United States Army has no
interest in him whatsoever except to
keep the daffy son of a bitch out of its
news finally leaked out to the
radicals who were wining and dining
their heroic conscientious objector in the
flossy apartment. Loud with wrath, they
descended on the poet. They excoriated
him as a crook and a charlatan, and
drove him out of his sybaritic hideaway.
Listening pensively to the rage of his
deceived benefactors, Bodenheim flut-
tered his eyelids and announced, “The
anger of fools is my favorite crown.”
Bodenheim came to dinner in my
house, having promised to forgo sauce
bottles and salt and pepper shake
was a party of welcome to a new wri
for The Chicago Literary Times. ts
staff to date had remained only Boden-
heim and I. I thought it time to add an-
other worker.
His name was John Armstrong. He
had sent me the manuscript of a novel
“This is his cleaning woman.”
written while in detention at the Great
l Trai Station at Lake
ating manuscript,
ing the miseries and frustrations of
life in the Navy. Sailor Armstrong was
under detention in the lunacy ward of
the U.S. Navy Hospital.
After some discussion, the Navy doc-
tors admitted that Armstrong was not
seriously insane, but only too oddly be-
haved to serve in the U. S. Navy. His
chief oddity was that he was inclined to
go off into fits of laughter that lasted for
hours. He could be quieted only by pow-
erful drugs.
The officer in charge of the Naval
base agreed to release him into my cus-
tody with three provisos. I was to give
him employment on my weekly paper:
to provide sleeping quarters for him in
my house; and to do all I could to keep
his novel from being published.
At the dinner table welcoming the
new literary find. were Margaret Ander-
son, Sherwood Anderson, Burton Rascoe
(the critic), and several opera singers
whose names I have forgotten. And
A discussion of music circled the table
despite Bodenheim’s insistence that the
art of music had no relation to the art of
conversation. His further efforts to s
the talk around to a discussion of him-
self, or at least, of poctry in gencral,
were ignored. But literary find John
Armstrong suddenly sided with the poet.
"Mr. Bodenheim is right" said
Armstrong, "onc docsn't talk about mu-
sic. One listens to it.”
Armstrong left the table and headed
for the phonograph in the living room.
The music he selected for listening was
Chaliapin's record The Song of the Flea
from Boito's opera Mefistofele.
In the middle of the record Chaliapin
unlooses a burst of satanic laughter, for a
half minute that seems like an hour.
Sailor Armstrong kept putting the nee-
dle back and playing the passages over
and over. Finally, rolling his pants up to
his knees (why, 1 don’t know), Arm-
song joined Chaliapin in his laughter.
Putting the needle back to replay the
passage, Armstrong finally outlaughed
the great baritone in range and volume.
We all listened and watched from the
ng table.
fascinating sort of dementia,”
someone s:
"It is rarely you see an American writ-
cr,” said Margaret Anderson, "who is
not hopelessly sane."
There were other comment about the
laughing genius with the rolled-up pants
whom 1 had been clever enough to add
to my paper's staff. Please, we were very
young that night.
It was all too much for Bodenheim. At
last our lonesome poet made a canny bid
for our attention. Having emptied his
tenth wineglass, he proceeded to cat it.
He bit off chunks of his fragile goblet.
chewed and swallowed the bits of glass
as if they were the finest of desserts.
The diners turned one by onc to
watch the poets amateur and gory per-
formance lass cater.
ood God!" someone said, “you'll
yourself B that glass.
You're a poet, not a circus freak.”
very poet is both," Bodenheim an-
swered aloofly.
He continued to talk of poetry, and to
recite some of his own latest work, hold-
g the diners fascinated by the stream
of blood and words from his mouth.
A half hour later Bodenheim’s
triumph was completed. A doctor ar-
rived to inject a powerful drug into
John Armstrong, who had never stopped
literary find went back that night
to the detention ward at the Naval base.
Bodenheim, after some minor medical
attention, remained as my sole colleague
on the Literary Times.
Publisher Horace
Chicago to scout for new writers. Live-
right had a lean, medieval face. His
large, dark eyes looked on authors with
an enthusiasm rare in publishers. He
thought writers were elves and genii. He
never wearied of listening to their boasts
or loaning them money. His only misbe-
havior toward. his authors was his atti-
tude toward their mistresses. He did his
best to lure them to bed, and sometimes
In his suite in the newly built Drake
Hotel, Liveright listened to Bodenheim’
true story of a prostitute he had known
and whom he deemed the finest of hu-
man beings. Bogie was wying to land a
job for his paragon of a streetwalker.
elieve me, she is a perfect typist,
and,” the poet said, “if you dressed her
up correctly she would contribute an ex-
isi ny office."
e her story as a book
eright came to
lor me; Liveright. "I have never
heard anything more moving. Lll give
you a thousandddollar advance right
Liveright wrote out a thousand-dollar
check to Maxwell Bodenheim, id the
poet watched the pen move as if he were
looking at an incredible feat of magic.
When the check was signed, Bogie stood
up and asked in a hushed voice, "€
-you tell me, please, where the bathroom
Bogie was shown the right door. We
waited a half hour for the new cright
author to emerge. Horace became
never saw such happiness in any
author's eyes," he said. "I couldn't help
looking at him when I was signing the
check. He sat there like a man be-
witched. Hadn't you better go sce if any-
things wrong? He may have had some
sort of collapse
I entered the bathroom. Bogie wi
standing over the toilet, all set to ur
nate, but unfunctioning. Perplexity was
n his face, and some pain.
Over the toilet seat was a woven-cane
cover, the latest thing in stylish toilet
decor. Pointing at the half-inch holes in
the ornamental cane cover, poet Boden-
heim said:
“I can't possibly pee through that
small aperture, Maybe rich people can,
after considerable practice. But I don't
want to start practicing im Mr. Live-
right's bathroom. If I wet that elegant
ne seat, he's likely to think of me as a
vandal, and tear up that little old check
he has writen out in my name."
I showed Bogie how to outwit the
cane seat by lifting it out of the way,
and came back to Horace with the story
of the confused urinator.
"What an honest, unspoiled human
being," publisher Liveright said. "We
have no natural geniuses of that kind
New York.
Bodenheim, putting the check rev-
erently into his briefcase, said, “I give
you my word of honor that I shall sur-
pass Victor Hugo as a novelist.”
Bodenheim wrote a few novels for
Liveright, Georgie May, Replenishing
Jessica, Naked on Roller Skates. They
were hack work with flashes of tender-
ness, wit and uth in them, and some
verbal fireworks in every chapter.
He spoke of his novels without
“Millions of people are reading my
prose effusions,” he said—millions and
thousands were the same general num-
ber to Bogie—"but I'm not actually
py- I am returning shorty to writi
He did. His royalty checks dwindled.
His briel fame as an odd, erotic novelist
cvaporated. And the Greenwich. Village
Bodenheim emerged. A homeless wino
started reading his poems in saloons and
picking up the pennis and nickels
thrown to him. Occasionally an editor
bought one of his poems and rewarded
him with a $25 check.
He continued trying to strike it rich
by entering all the poetry contests.
Prizes ranging from a hundred to a thou-
sand dollars were to be snatched by the
Bodenheim had entered, since his
youth, 223 such contests, and been de-
feated by other poets in all of them. He
used to sign his letters to editors “Max-
well Bodenheim, 224th-ranking U.S. A.
The Greenwich Village Bodenheim
had no allure for me. I preferred to re-
member the Chicago version. One rainy
day J ran into Bogie on Broadway. His
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face was gaunt, most of his teeth were
gonc. But there were some things un-
changed about him. He was wearing the
same Army overcoat, carrying the same
worn and bulging briefcase; and his eye-
lids still fluttered disdainfully when he
In a saloon, Bogie showed me the
poems he had written in the last ten
years. They covered several hundred
pages of typing. They were no longer
poems full of fragile and unexpected
metaphors, poems that used to seem
written not by a human being but by
some brilliant Jack of Diamonds.
The new Bodenheim output in his ten
New York years was full of coherently
phrased love for shopgirls, laborers, and
all underdogs and castaways. There was
no hint in them of the poct’s own
travail, of his despairs, hungering days,
attempted sı Written du
hangovers, during illnesses that kept him
out of saloons that still tolerated
presence, they were the poems of an ob-
server, never a victim. They were also in
sonnet form, and rhymed. But their
unexpected imagery was unch;
Unchanged also was his tall
cackle, grimace or snap of phrase miss-
ing. We rode to my home in Nyack. The
rain turned into a thick snowfall.
J wanted him to stay overnight, but he
couldn't. His wife, Grace, was ill and
needed his love and attention. In the
snow-clouded doorway, Bogic said, his
voice full of mockery:
“J don't suppose you can imagine any-
‘one loving me or needing my love. T am
a scarecrow without teeth, Well, let me
tell you something: My little Gracie loves
me and necds me. As much as any man
is loved or needed in the world. And she
knows I will always come home to her,
to take care of her.”
A halfdrunken Bodenheim left
Nyack, without staying for dinner. His
overcoat pockets bulged with loot stolen
from my dressing room—socks, shorts,
ties, shirts, a pair of patent-leather shocs,
and pajama tops. He had been too
proud to ask for them.
During our talk before he went, we
had made a literary arrangement. Bogie
was to send me every week a new poem
or two pages of prose on any subject. In
return J would send him a check for $35.
The arrangement lasted for a year,
possibly two. I never saw Bogie again,
but his two pages of prose and an
Occasional poem arrived every week.
Separate from them came a letter ac-
knowledging the receipt of his week-
ly check, or protesting politely its
‘These letters, some of which I didn't.
lose, contain one of the most desperate
self-portraits I have ever read; the por-
wait of an unwanted talent; penniless,
224 almost rotted away with liquor and
calamities—but still as proud and
articulate as any prime minister.
ce the time Mencken identified
Maxwell Bodenheim as “a faker and a
stupid clown; almost nothing has
been written of the poet or his work.
In the U. ul poet is
more disdained than even a bankrupted
In these letters a first voice sounds for
Bodenheim—his own.
m unsuccess
Care of Harvey Barnes
RED. No. 1
Woodstock, New York
Dear Marie [Marie Armstrong Hecht—
for a while]:
You did not answer my last leuer so
perhaps The Mountebank has reached
you with some of his subtle poison. 1 am
rather ill, with a touch of t.b.—the re-
sult of long years in stuffy, quaintly
odored, cheap rooming houses—and I
am penniless with no strength to go out.
and fight for nickels. If you could send
me $50 1 might get through the next
month, impose on the
people I am with any longer. At any
rate, you not respond with a note
announcing the invisible enclosure of
$200—an ironic relief. I do not expect
to hear from you, of course—my attitude
toward all humans is invincibly cynical
just now. However .. .
With all earnestness,
Maxwell Bodenheim
10 Montague Terrace
Brooklyn, New York
January 1th
Dear Ben and Rose:
Thanks very much for the January
8th check which came this week. Yes-
terday, 1 attended a party given by the
Doubleday and Knopf firms in honor
of the publication of an anthology
entitled Poems of the Negro, edited
by Langston Hughes, and One Way
Ticket, Langston’s latest book of verse.
I was invited because two of my poems
to Negroes are included in the antholo-
gy. The affair was held in the Downtown
Art Gallery which occupies two spacious
floors, and the large assemblage wis
rather evenly divided between white
and Negro highbrows, male and female.
I was entranced by the talk confined en-
tirely to lite
and airy witticisms. It was weird to turn
from this atmosphere and remember the
existence of a grim, portentous, menac
ing, outside world. I was treated with
nice friendliness and responded in turn,
but. . . I felt a bit puzzled as I left the
Gallery and walked to the subway
Best regards to both of you from G
and myself.
As ever,
10 Montague Terrace
Brooklyn, New York
February 24th
Dear Ben and Rose:
Thanks very much for the weekly
check which came yesterday . . . The
Fellows in American Letters of the Li-
brary of Congress have just awarded a
$1000 poetry prize to Ezra Pound. This
honoring of a shallow, pompous, race-
hating, heartless old wraith of a fascist—
who was a trivially eccentric snob long
before fascism came into being—repre-
sents a brazen insult to American poets
nd poctry. Reading through a list of the
judges in the account printed by The
New York Times, Louise Bogan, Conrad.
Aiken, T.S. Eliot, Allen Tate, et al., I
failed to see the inclusion of a single
person known to me as a Jewish creative
writer. Another writer apologetically
confessed to me that the entire situation
was a bit odd, and I replied that it was
as odd as a pane of wansparent glass . . -
If you can send the next check so that it
will reach us on the coming Monday, we
will greatly appreciate it. We hope that
your book is proceeding smoothly and
we both send both of you our best
As ever,
10 Montague ‘Terrace
Brooklyn, New York
Dear Ben:
Glad you like the two poems. After
reading them—and I have 20 more,
just as good and written during the past
half ycar—you can readily sec why poct-
ry of this kind doesn't have a snowball's
chance on the equator with American
magazines and papers. Five wecks ago 1
sold one poem to Esquire and two
months ago Poetry—once Harriet Mon
roe’s pet—accepted another. Never be-
fore in the history of American print
have magazincs shrunk to such a low lev-
el. Formerly, on the cultural field, we
had Dial, The Freeman, The Double
Dealer, The Little Review, The Seven
Arts Monthly, ctc. Now we have exactly
nothing, and after the War, with the
attendant dull, semif sneak punch
which certain men will try to put over
here, it will be even worse . . . J have
been very ill with neuritis, arthritis, and
a slightly frayed heart. Put a nice si
dagger, sympathy for underlings, and a
searching grin into that new book you
writing. In the midst of my material
flirtations with a park bench as a future
couch, and my semistarvations, I'm glad
that a few men are still alive to write
edged wuth and matters generally offen-
sive to pigs, foxes and rodents. Despite
our personal differences, I have always
liked your w 1d can honestly say
peoe $2.50.
b n4 -
A torero wma nn Lau,
with a boy, a girl
{alton fee s «emo oo
Playboy, Number One—the first in a new series of books
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that I've never slammed it. Do write
very soon. I'm enclosing another poem.
As ever,
When I say I've never slammed your
work, Count Bruga, of course, is
P.S. Give my very best wishes to Rose. I
hope it’s a girl!
10 Montague Terrace
Brooklyn, New York
Dear Ben and Rose:
Your weekly check came yesterday
afternoon. Thanks a lot. The Cleveland
Plain Dealer mailed me a clipping of a
tiny 17-line review of the Selected Poems
which states that the poems are uneven
but “there are times when Maxwell
Bodenheim rises to heights from which
he cannot be dislodged by any legitimate
criticisms. His influence on his impor-
tant era—from 1914 to today—will be
acknowledged in the end," Seems that
some of the out-of-town boys and girls
haven't heard of the Gotham brush-off
and indifference bloc, or are too fair to
subscribe to it. Glad to note that Swan
Song is contradicting its title and hold-
ing on in a lingering prelude. Now that
OPA has been murdered, the cute black
hogs can give themselves a coat of white-
wash and emerge as legally sanctioned
white swine. The big bloaters were also
getting envious of their underworld half
brothers and decided to end the intoler-
ion. Capitalism will eventual-
ly crumple under the weight of its greedy
clichés, ponderously frayed hypocrisies
and unholy marriage between race-
ating poisons and commercial rivalries
for world markets, and the result will be
a better life for the many or a survival
of a few dazed wandering semisavages.
‘The finale may not take place for two
or three hundred years because the old
top hog is tricky, resourceful and as-
tute . .. Well, fond regards to you and
Rose and best wishes to your daughter.
As ever,
10 Montague Terrace
Brooklyn, New York
Dear Rose and Ben:
When I opened the letter in the hotel
lobby and took out the two checks, I
wept a little, and the hotel clerks and
bellboys regarded me with a sort of sus-
picious and puzzled aloofness, wonder-
g whether they were witnessing a
mysterious ham act or deep emotion.
‘Thanks very, very much to both of you.
The landlady accepted the money with
an amazed, sullen manner—the mien of
a bafiled wolf—though she had to be ver-
bally polite and there is nothing else she
can inflict now. . . I hope that you have
read my short stories and will tell me
226 whether they are good or bad. This is
one of the very few times that I have
ever been rescued from a greased tight-
rope several feet away from the edge of
the chasm and I'm still a bit shaky.
Thanks again. I do hope that TH have a
chance to talk to both of you soon. My
second play, The Elusive Answer, was
presented to Mike Todd two weeks ago
and I'm crossing fingers and hoping for
a miracle. Fond regards to both of you
and best wishes to your daughter.
As ever,
10 Montague Terrace
Brooklyn, New York
Monday, September 8th
Dear Ben and Rose:
Thanks very much for the weekly
check which came today. In an ancient
Chinese tale, the poet Li T'ai-po recited
his personal woes to another creator
much more endowed with worldly goods.
"The other quizzically remarked that the
list represented a monotone of misfor-
tunes calling for an equally undeviating
amount of compassion close to the
haustion of boredom. Li T'ai-po replied
that the ability of two monotones to
blend harmoniously represented a test of
the presence or absence of suppleness,
depth and variety in friendship. . . The
building in which we live has been sold,
and the landlady, only a lessee, must va-
cate the premises. We have heen told by
the city renting commission that we can
remain, after her departure, and strive
to make arrangements with the new
owner, The hitch is that the furniture in
our place belongs to her, and she has
offered to sell it to us and asked us to
name a figure. So, we must either
purchase the furniture, or buy
airs, beds, tables, etc., or be left w
bare apartment and the floor for sleep-
ing quarters. With a new abode practi-
cally impossible to find in the present
housing shortage, this leaves us in a dire
dilemma. One hundred and fifty dollars
including the coming rent would solve
our abrupt and entirely unexpected
problem, I trust that you will not be ir-
ritated at my having at least presented
the above facts to you. The deadline for
the furniture purchase is September
Hoping to hear from you, we send our
fond regards and best wishes to your lit-
tle daughter.
As ever,
10 Montague Terrace
Brooklyn, New York
March 10th
Dear Ben and Rese:
Thanks very much for the weekly
check which came today v
I spend 15 minutes every Sunday lis-
tening to ex. Mayor La Guardia over the
radio, as he lambastes the 30-percent
loan sharks; the real-estate gang blocking
sorely needed housing construction until
rent ceilings are abolished and rentals
can skyrocket; the food firms and their
clammy, infinitesimal tricks; the profes-
sional gamblercrooks and their crocodile
lurkings, etc. The guy is shrill, stutter-
ing, old-maidish and sometimes banal,
but his sheer guts, defiance, and pound-
ing away at little disagreeable truths and
facts are marvelous in comparison to the
dreary, smooth, covered-up hacks among
other radio commentators. If he is con-
nected to the t, you ought to tune
in on him some Sunday noon. His New
York station is WJZ.
Fond regards to both of you and best
wishes to your child.
As ever,
Dear Ben and Rose Hecht:
Please forgive my delay in thanking
you for the $100 check—a delay caused
by the fact that I've been. having a tough
time of it. 1 was compelled to leave the
Brooklyn address where dearest Grace
and I lived for so many years. At present,
m staying with surface friends in New
York City, but I have no privacy there,
since my bed is in their living room and
their children are prying and noisy. A
lone drab room in a third-rate hotel
would repel me. I have searched for a
locked«loor private room with a nice
Tamily—I would eat my meals outside—
but that is difficult to find. On the night
before the morning on which Grace died
in the flesh only, I gave a lecture before
an evening English class at Washington
Irving High School in New York and
hurried back to Grace. Our apartment-
door lock was broken and Grace closed
the door with er latch. which I
could lift from the outside with a knife.
On this night she had forgotten and
locked the door. Very sick, she had to
crawl on hands and knees to open the
door. I telephoned her doctor but, since
we owed him $10, he refused to come
and sent a substitute, who injected mor-
phine into her aching legs and assured
me that she would fall asleep and sur-
vive. At the beginning of the next morn
ing when she was gasping for breath, I
phoned him again, desperately, and he
came... when it was too late. Then he
had the nerve to stand in the doorway
and ask me if ] was going to pay him.
If the landlord had heeded our pleas to
repair the lock, Grace might still be
alive in the flesh. The us heart-
lessness of most human beings appalls
me... I am not asking for money and
I sincerely mean this, but if I could have
a quiet talk with both of you, soon, I
would deeply appreciate it, as I seem to
be going to pieces.
As ever,
Maxwell Bodenheim
Elder, Hoar 4. @. Jaffee
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