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easoni Greetings! ҰЙ gala Christmas Ж” à «Фе» 

with bounty for this morricst off months yalctide fact and 
feton бу Inn Shaw, James Baldwin, Bertrand Russell 
Ian Fleming, Frederic Morton, Lawrence Durrell, Gerald 
Kersh, Ray Russell, Joseph Wechsberg, Jules Peiffer, Jean 
Shepherd, William Svensen and Josph Wood Kruth 
High Hefner exchanges views on the sexual revolution with 



=| Ub NDER ey 



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at tex A WILLS mme CODD RR Fle Mel of ef 

PLAYBILL о ess msome олтол, the Playboy Femlin, proves a perky holiday pen pal in bidding the 

reader welcome to our gala Christmas Gift Issue. We think it's a splendid Santa's sack burgeoning with 
festive goodies, starting right off with our lead fiction, Once, in Aleppo, by estimable American expatriate Irwin Shaw, who has 
lived in Europe since 1951. Shaw, currently in the States researching a novel to be titled The Uncaged Man, tells us that the 
exotic background for Aleppo is still fresh in his mind although it is 20 years since he was there, during a World War II s 
in the Middle Fast, where he originally conceived the idea for this rollicking, amoral and outragcously witty yarn—as a relief 
from the conflict around him. He's finished a new novel, Voices of a Summer's Day, whose publication will be followed by Love 
on a Dark Street, a collection of short stories which will include Once, in Aleppo and two other tales originally published in 
rLavnoy— Tune Every Heart and Every Voice and Noises in the City. 

Frederic Morton attributes the inspiration for his moving tale Velvet and Apollo to “а fat Hollywood-shirted gent who stood 
on the Qucen Elizabeth’s sun deck one hot August afternoon. The ship had left the dock an hour before. The gent, explaining the 
wonders of New York Bay to an Englishman, pointed to the Concy Island parachute jump and said, "Thats the amusement park 
over there. There you've got the beach.’ And then, with a satisfied glance at the lofty breeze-swept solitude of the liner's sun 
deck: ‘Must be a million slobs out there today.’ This sentence, of course, really meant "Ном fine that we, the elect, are here.’ Being 
awfully subject to human nature sometimes, I did not protest against the sentiment. Only minutes later did it come to me that 
1 had spent some of the finest summers of my life 
being a young ‘slob out there’; that I was de- т) сенне РӘ 
basing a very valuable memory fund by sub- 
mitting it so passively to а contemptuous 
cliché; and that if ever I became an ex-slob T 
would also have become an ex-writer, And so, 
asa kind of moral therapy, I sat down and wrote 
a story about Coney Island.” 

December's sci-fi scarer The Mission debuts 
Hugh Nissenson in our magazine. ason, 
who covered the Eichmann u for Commen- 
tary, was a recent Wallace Stegner Fellow at 
Stanford University, will have a collection of 
stories, A Pile of Stones, published by Scribner's 
early next year. Of The Mission Nissenson says: 
“Just about the first story I ever wrote, in the 
summer of 1946, was about a group of savages 
in a world devastated by atomic war. The Mis- 
sion is the first science-fiction story I've written 
since then. I like to believe my technique has 
improved, but my inspiration to write it, a 
profound horror at the prospect of such devasta 
tion, remains the same. 

PLAYnOY regular Bernard Wolfe's movietown 
milieu serves once more as the stage for a come- 
dic collection of Hollywood characters in The 
Dot and Dash Bird. Bernie has in his hot little DURRELL SHEPHERD 
typewriter at present the final stages of a new 
book, dn Exaltation of Grubs—"exaltation" being his group term for Flick City hacks, of which the hero of thisissue’s story isone. 

Another fictive nugget in our December bonanza is Gerald Kersh's taut spine tingler, The Hunters. Kersh, whose novel 4 
Long Cool Day in Hell is being published in England next month, is hard at work on what he calls a “major novel—that is to 
say, a great big thick novel—but I'm afraid it won't be boring enough or amorphous enough or disillusioned enough or snide 
enough to be hailed as the greatest." In the offing is a trip to Great Britain, his native Jand which he has not seen in ten years, to 
do a book on England Revisited. Quoth Kersh: “I shall approach the white cliffs with something of the trepidation of a man who 
has a date with his first love after a long separation. 

Englishman Lawrence Durrell, whose Alexandria Quartet won him world-wide literary acclaim, re-introduces herein his 
bumblingly antic antihero, Antrobus, whom pLaynoy readers first encountered last December in 4 Corking Evening. This time 
around, in Sauve Qui Peut, his British Foreign Service fouler-upper is enmeshed in—among other harrowing misadventures—a 
Kurdish circumcision ceremony. 

It is with pride and pleasure—tinged with a very real sadness—that we present in this issue the last interview granted by 
Tan Fleming. The association between Fleming and praynoy w: nd felicitous one. We were the only magazine to print 
before book publication the adventures of his fictional alter cgo: His last two best-selling novels—On Her Majesty's Secret Serv- 
ice and You Only Live Twice—were serialized by us; his short stories The Hildebrand Rarity and The Property of a Lady also 
appeared first in PLAYBOY. It seems fitting, therefore, that Fleming's final James Bond adventure novel, The Man with the 
Golden Gun, completed only a short while before his death, should also be slated for initial publication in praynoy, It will 
appear early in 1965. The late creator of the irrepressible Bond was engagingly candid with our interviewer who, decply 
moved by the author's death, writes from England that the always thoughtful Fleming graciously informed him, after reading 
a copy of the interview, that it was the best that had ever been done with him. 

Among our far-flung Christmas contributors is the Negro's most eloquent literary spokesman, James Baldwin, whose solil- 
oquy, Words of a Native Son, presents a psyche-deep revelation of his own creative processes. Baldwin has taken up residence 
in Istanbul to work on a new novel and prepare the screen treatment of his play, Blues for Mister Charlie. 

All proceeds from the sale of Sir Bertrand Russell's writings, such as the contentious British philosopher's indictment of the 
East-West ideological battle of words, Semantics and the Cold War, in this issue, and his recently published book Unarmed Vic- 

s a close 

lory, eoo the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, a cause to which Lord Russell has devoted virtually all of his time in his 
later years. More of Sir Bertrand's writi е been published in rLAvnov than in any other American magazine. 

Joseph Wood Krutch, author of this Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Unhappiness, has achieved fame in a number 
of fields —as an editor (Marcel Proust's Remembrance of Things Past), drama сүйіс (for The Nation), writer (he authored the 
National Book Award-winning The Measure of Man) and naturalist (The Voice of the Desert and The World of Animals). 
An Arizonan since 1952, Krutch will be doing an NBC-TV color special on the Grand Canyon this winter, has just had pub- 
lished If You Don't Mind My Saying So, а book of his candid and sometimes crusty essays, offers as a qualification for his 
PLAYwoY piece on the current downbeat trend of the arts the information that he was once numbered among “The Sad Young 
Men'—and has been getting more cheerful ever since. 

Joseph Wechsberg. author of the Gallic wormwood The French Myth, tells us: “I've lived in France on and off since the gay 
Twenties when I studied at the Sorbonne and also played the fiddle in doubiful Montmartre clip joints and later on the ships 
of the French Line. I think 1 learned more in Montmartre and on the ships th the Sorbonne. I was very much in love with 
France, but its not quite the same France anymore.” Now living in Vienna, Wechsberg has recently been published by Little, 
Brown—The Best Things in Life, and a trenchant chronicle of an East German odyssey, Through the Land of Eloquent Silence. 
The arresting illustration lor The French Myth was executed by young New Yor t work for PLAYBOY 

os ha 

(The “Noble” Experiment, December 1963) won а Society of Mlusurators Award. One phase of France that has shown no signs 
of deterioration is handsomely illustrated by erayvoy's LeRoy Neiman, as he takes his Man at His Leisure sketchbook into the 
dazzling precincts of Paris’ lushly femaled Lido night club. 

By now, our regular readers have come to know and appreciate Jean Shepherd's traumatically uproarious trips into his child- 
hood, and this month's long voyage home, Waldo Grebb and His Electric Baton, should further enhance Shepherd's reputation 
as the Gibbon of the Midwest. Jean is about to begin work on a film documentary for Louis DeRochermont dealing with teenage 

social problems, and has completed a new LP, 

KERSH IVERSEN SAW Jean Shepherd at the Limelight, which will soon 

be released. He's also hard but happily at work 
nces for PLAYBOY- 

Humor in another vein—Muacbeth the Knife 

—comes to us from PLAYBOY'S own Ray Russell. 

When his avantBard "musical," Come to М. 

My Melancholy Dane, appeared in an earlier is 

sue, eminent Savoyard Martyn Green applauded 

it and suggested, “Let us have some morc—say, 

Macbeth.” Herein, Russell's concurring offering. 
These Shakespearean spoofs scem to be the fruit 

checkered past 
his acting 6 Chi- 
cago’s Goodman Memorial Theate his 

musician days (Ray st the 
Chicago Conservatory, where he wrote both the 
libretto and music for an u ished opera, called. 
Serooge, based on Dickens’ A Christmas Carol), 
A tongue-in-cheek take-off on Dickens’ classic 
is W m Iversen's The Christmas Carol Caper. 
Bill, who had his share of magazine rejection 
slips in his early freelance days, has turned them 
to profitable advantage in this yuletide Tiny- 
Tim-foolery. Iversen reveals that he has yet to 
receive an editorial rebuff with the succinct 
comment “Bah, humbug 
Jules Feiffer, PtAYBOY s cartoonic social com- 
mentator extraordinaire, whose Hostileman 
begins in this issue, has recently returned to the States after participating in the West Berlin Cultural Festival, writes that his cur- 
rent offering is the development of a longtime idea that he'd previously been unable to exp: a resentment against the one 
dimensionality of the "victim" in cartoons, Says ЕейТег: “I feel that the typical ‘victim’ is presented as inept and innocuous and 
that this picture is incomplete, since it omits how the character pictures himsell." When asked if there was a parallel to be drawn 
between Walter Mitty and his creation, Feiller replied: “While Mitty has dreams of grandeur, Hostileman has dreams of revenge." 
Several months ago, Editor-Publisher Hugh Hefner was invited by a major New York radio station, WINS, to participate in a 
round-table discussion on American morality and the sexual revol "man O'Connor, Rabbi Marc Tanen- 
baum and Reverend Richard Gary. This month's Playboy Philosophy con тогу exchange. 
Capping our Christmas Gift Issue in properly festive style із Baker in the Boudoir, a bedroom-based peektorial on cinema sex- 
pot Carroll Baker: Reader. tes of the Decade: Five Yuletide Vaca- 
Lions, a quintessential quintet of swingingly offbeat avenues for yearend escape from kiddies, rec-nosed bell ringers, slushy streets 
and commercialized compulsive Christmas spirit; Playboy's Christmas Cards, а hall-dozen impertinent missives to a varicty of 
unsuspecting addressees; still another videopus, Around the World with Teevee Jecbies; Food and Drink Editor Thomas Mario's 
holiday guide to not doing it yourself, The Catered Christmas Affair: Merry Christmas. ше gallery of unusual and attrac- 
argess [or giving and А vnov ably nifty for Gifting the 
Girls; Harvey Kurtzman and Wil дегу Little Annie Fanny in a farout brief encounter as а bare-asıroneue; a fetching double- 
page Var Word Play, Irom Robert Carola's live-letter office; thful multiplicity of cartoons. 

Allin splendiferous eye-grabbing bag of Christmas enticements to make this уше a rewarding one. As our Femlin on 
the cove son's Greetings!” 


Choice, the ravishing results of our poll for the top Pla 



Who knows as much about scotch as the Scots? 

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Revlon guide to girl-giving . 

Look! Revion has her number...and hers...and hers...and his! 

1 She may own sables with Paris labels; swim- 
ming pools and Van Cleef jewels. But no girl has 
everything — until she has everything Revlon! 

2 New! ‘Intimate’ Perfume—in a metered spray 
crystal-cut bottle. A half ounce of ‘Intimate’ 
Perfume, cherished as one of the world's seven 
great fragrances. You'd expect the perfume 
alone to cost much, much more (it usually does). 
But for this Christmas only . . . it's just 6.00 

3 Brocade Evening Caché (three gifts in one!) 
Sumptuous imported brocade case holds a tiny 


"Intimate’ Perfume Spray іп 
an extravagantly beautiful 
new bottle...ataprice to make 
you believe in Santa Claus! 

Demi-Tasse ‘Love-Pat’ Compact and Lipstick, 
both with the look of woven gold. Refillable. 6.00 

4 Watch-Face Demi-Tasse 'Love-Pat" Compact on 
а necklace of gold-tone metal—so chic, she'll 
wear it like a treasured antique. Refillable. 5.00 

5 Demi-Tasse Compacts with the look of tur- 
quoise, tortoise and jade (filled with 'Love-Pat" 
makeup). Each tiny 2-inch compact is rimmed with 
textured gold-tone metal. Refillable. Each 3.85 

6 Imported Brocade Case — filled with two favor- 
ites: 'Love-Pat" compact and Lustrous lipstick. In 

a shimmery blue, pink, green or gold case. 3.50 

7 'Intimate” Soaps with a gilded metal tray. 
(Who but Revlon could dream up such an elegant 
soap-dish!) A dozen little guest soaps, provoca- 
tively scented with ‘Intimate’, plus tray. 3.50 

8 ‘Intimate’ Sprays in fabulous filigree flacons 
with the lock of gold—designed by Van Cleef & 
Arpels. Spray Mist for her dressing table, 3.50. 
Perfume Spray for her purse (spill-proof), 5.00 

9 ‘Intimate’ Bath Powder. Extravagant gesture! 
In a velvety red and white box, with a ‘bubble 

.. Christmas edition 1964. 

Everything from fun to fabulous-for the girls (and even the boys!) 

Best man-euver a girl can 
make: give him a gentle- 
man's gift by Revlon. 
What he likes about you is know what he likes! 

top’ to show off the lush lamb's wool puff. 3.75 
10 ‘intimate’ Spray Mist—a lavish supply cf 
her favorite fragrance in a slim white fluted bot- 
tle. Won't break. Won't spill, Travels light. 4.75 
Ц ‘Intimate’ Bath Set—to make her bath a 
really ‘Intimate’ affair. Three bottles of luxurious 
bath oil and three cakes of scented sozp, 3.75. 
And like all Revlon Christmas gifts for her—it's 

already wrapped in rich, velvety textured paper! 

2 'Honey-Euns'—the BIG BIG compact news. 
A full 4 inches across, so the mirror is huge! 

In red, white or blue, filled with ‘Love-Pat’. 3.00 

13 Millionairess Manicure Tray — locks like real 
tortoise and gold, really has everything. The 
newest fashion colors in Revlon nail enamels, 

plus all the manicure tools a girl needs. 10.50 

14 ‘Aquamarine’ Carolers—disarming little 
charmers with silky hair, each topping a bottle 
of ‘Aquamarine’ Eau de Toilette. Each 2.00 

15 ‘Intimate’ Fragrance Candle —in a gold-tone 
filigree holder. Light the candle and fill the air 
with that cherished fragrance. M-m-m-m! 5.00 

16 Executive ‘Travel Plan'—to bring him back 
well-groomed! Rich imported leather case, fitted 
with Revlon’s precision-crafted implements. 8.95 
17 "That Man’ Aft ve and Cologne—the 
gift that crackles with masculinity. Bold black 
and gold box, pinch-bottle decanters, lemon-and- 
sandalwood scent that’s all man. 6.50 

18 ‘That Man’ in Tails— After Shave and Tale in 
plastic travel flasks, dressed up for the holidays 
as a handsome, dashing man-about-town. 4.50 

19 Girls who get what they want... get Revlon! 



Larges: P. 197 




vol. 11, no. 12—december, 1964 


PLAYBILL. .. =. = " 3 
DEAR PLAYBOY. meme 2 zei 

PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: IAN FLEMING —condid conversation 7 
ONCE, IN ALEPPO-fiction....... IRWIN SHAW 112 
BAKER IN THE BOUDOIR—pictorial = 127 
HAPPINESS IS JUST A THING CALLED JO—playboy’s playmate of the month... 146 
THE LIDO —man ot his leisure. B LEROY NEIMAN 158 

READERS’ CHOICE—pictorial. и — — . 183 
THE VIRGIN'S CUP—ribald classic. s" aasan РЕТОН 195 


THE MISSION—fiction.. 

ON THE SCENE— personalities. ee 224 


HOSTILEMAN— satire. 

HUGH м. HEFNER editor and publisher 
А. С. SPECTORSKY associate publisher and editorial director 
ARTHUR PAUL ат! director 

JACK J. Kesse managing editor VINCENT т. TAJIRI picture editor 

NAT LEHRMAN associate editors; RONERT L. GREEN fashion director; DAVID 
TAYLOR associate fashion editor; Toms мањо food & drink editor; PATMCR 
СНАЗЕ travel editor; J. PAUL GETTY contributing editor, business & finance; 
editors; ARLENE Bouras copy chief; RAY WILLIAMS assistant editor; NEV CHAMIER- 
LAIN associate picture editor; NONNIE NOVIK assistant picture editor; MARIO CASI t, 
raphers; stax MALINOWSKE contributing photographer; FRED ctaser model” 
stylist; REM AUSTIN associate art director; RON BLUME. JOSEPH PACZEK assistant art 
WALTER KRADENYCH art assistant; CYNTHIA MADDOX assistant Cartoon 
Jons Mastro production manager; FERN Н. CANMANN assistant. production 
manager; vat PAPPAS rights and permissions » HOWARD W. LEDERER advertising 
director: LL advertising manager; JULES KASE associate advertising 
manager; SHERMAN REAYS chicago advertising manager; josten GUENTHER detroit 
advertising manager; NELSON FUTCH promotion director; DAN CZURAK promotion 
art director; HELMUT LoRsCH publicity manager; BENNY DUNN public relations 
manager; ANSON MOUNT college bureau; THEO FREDERICK personnel director; JANET 
PILGRIM reader service; WALTER HOWARTH subscription fulfillment manager; ELDON 
SELLERS special projects; ROBERT PREUSS business manager & circulation director. 

I love watching him 
get dressed 
in the morning... 

The cold shower. The leer. The shirt Jack's their man. Absolutely. An and hover over a hot stove. This is 
that’s ready to take on the world. ivy-covered stubborness about the the way mornings should love 
Every thing he does is exciting. roll of that collar. A sneaky vanity in love in love. 

Other men are so dull. So invis- about that tapered fit. Sass. Spirit. . 
ible.But Jack swings into ashirtlike Red blood. VAN HEUSEN 
that as though it were a battle flag. Gosh, I feel sorry for all those 41 Zyounger by design 

Good old Van Heusen 417. nice little ladies who get up at dawn yen teen seat van owen in 

“тт че «ан 

"n 4 

Nöthing de quite measures up 

gu инт) Асы WHISKEY - 86.8 PROOF 
КЕ & SORS INC., кошш. 



William Iversen’s The Pious Pornog: 
raphers Revisited. in the September 
PLAYBOY expressed my own sentiments 
completely, and I must admit only а 
man could describe the women’s maga- 
zines so hilariously. 
Mrs. В. Burna 
Manhattan Beach, Califor 

Anyone who thinks that the national 
women's magazines are pornographic 
really jumped the trolley tracks. A wom. 
an has a right 10 the biological facts of 
life dealing with sex, childbirth or physi 
cal disorder. It doesnt make апу 
difference whether she gets these facts 
from a dry medical treatise or from an 
article written in the form of a conve 
tion between doctor and patient. Many 
women are too shy to discuss such prob. 

lems with their family doctors. Women's 
magazines perform a valuable function 
if they encourage women to discuss their 

intimate problems. Mr. Iversen is 
of the puritanical attitude Mr. Hefner 
has fought against with such courage. 
Normally, 1 have a great deal of respect 
for Mr. Iversen's opinions, but this time 


Sol Buchman 
Bronx, New York 

Re Mr. Iversen’s The Pious Pornogra. 
phers Revisited; 1 wish to say it was su- 
perlative. Neyer have 1 read a funnier 
description of the articles on sex that 
abound in the ladies’ periodicals. Iver- 
sen had me laughing most of the time. 

Andrew Romanowski 
Fort Gordon, Georgia 

Re The Pious Pornographers Revisit- 
cd—a finer spoof of modern-day coquct- 
tishness 1 have yet to read. 1 laughed 
myself silly 

Mrs. Ellen Rhudy 
Baltimore, Maryland 

PLAYBOY readers and students of the 
human comedy, rejoice! Grover Dill 

and the Tasmanian Devil is but another 
fine example of the Jean Shepherd gen 
ius. He is as discerning and amusing in 
the pages of PLAYBOY as he is on his 

nightly WOR Radio session. Is it being 
too greedy to ask for more? 
Brian Barker 
Brockville, Ontario 
Not at all, Brian, See “Waldo Grebb 
and His Electric Baton” elsewhere in 
this issu. 


Paul Goodman should certainly be 
commended for his fine article The 
Deadly Halls of Ivy which appeared in 
your September issue. Even thou 

thoughts and writings may possibly be 
hopelessly “utopian” 10 the mass, the 
context itself can serve to motivate the 

Jim Cummings 

Plymouth, North Carolina 

Congratulations to Mr. Paul Good- 
man on his outstanding article The 
Deadly Halls of luy. Unless colleges and. 
universities allow students to associate 
themselves with society and the world 
“outside.” they һауе cheated them. 
Schooling and higher education in par 
ticular—should give a student a chance 
to we his initiative, not only scholasti- 
cally, but emotionally and socially as 

Pedantic education alone сап be dan- 

gerous, and it is not sufficient to prepare 
a student for the future. A student must 
learn to take his place in society during 
his school years. There must be a place 
for individual initiative and intellect. 
There is no such thing as a "typical stu 
dent,” and there never will be. When 
there is a coalescence of a good academic 
education and an education that pro- 
vides for individuality, identity and crea 
tivity, then you will have men and 
women better prepared for whatever the 
future holds. 

As Emerson saic 
in colleges 

he things taught 

d schools are not an educa- 

tion, but the means of education.” 
Robert H. Johnson 
Western Kentucky State College 
Bowling Green, Kentucky 

Paul Goodman's The Deadly Halls of 
Ivy aired some musty tweed. His succinct 
remark, “They would thus avoid the 
present absurdity of teaching a curric- 
ulum abstracted from the work in the 

man’s man’s 



feld and then licensing the graduates 
to return to the field to learn Ше ac- 
tual work . . .” is a just and provoking 

Certainly—and regrettably—some of 
his ideas are “utopian.” But if the 
academician grits his teeth and takes 
heed, some of that becalmed gulf be- 
tween student and teacher may be nar- 
rowed, Lively discussion lies close to the 
heart of what both teacher and taught 
earnestly seck and too seldom get. 

Wayne Scott 
Houston, Texas 


I should like to congratulate you and 
Paul Goodman for his article The Dead- 
ly Halls of Гу. Y agreed with everything 
he said, both from observation and схр‹ 
rience. This first rebel voice could be the 
start of a more sensible school system for 
North America. 

A. J. Hollis 
"Foronto, Ontario 

aul Goodman's The Deadly Halls of 
Tuy deserves high praise, if for no other 
reason than that it offers a needed voice 
of dissent from the current viewpoint 
that “college is for everyone” and from 
the academic by-products of such а view- 
point: namely, vicarious teaching v 
dosed-circuit TV, large dass sections 
“taught” by graduate students, and 
boards of regents that hire a college 
president in order to have a high salary 
public relations huckster (which posi 
tion, of course, usually elicits little com- 
plaint from its holder). 

However, the “reformation” of our 
colleges will not come easily—at least, so 
long as higher education is treated and 
ready... managed as just another form of big 

awe BOI. E 

et distant when, for example, Harvard, Chi- 
= cago, UCLA and Rice will be listed оп 
the New York Stock Exchange, and 
> scholarly journals and learned papers 
will be replaced by the financial page and 
the stock ticker). 

The difficulty of reformation is in- 
creased by certain facets of the colleges 
themselves: Try to find any academic 
justification for bigtime athletics (in 
spite of pious protestations by certain 
university presidents); try to break the 
hammer lock held on prospective public 
school teachers by various departments 
of "education"—beuer. yet, 
priced. football coach 
tual of his sport, or at 
pt a logical discussion with a profes- 
sor of “education” on the intellectual 
necessity for his departments very exist- 
ence on the campus. 

As Goodman correctly points out, the 
student arriving for the first time in a 
college classroom does not enter a new 
stage of his life—at least not insofar as 
lemic environment is concerned. Aft 
er enduring the infinite rigors of “tre 
man orientation week,” he finds himself 

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beset Бу just another series of rooms ful- 
ly equipped with armrest chairs, lec- 
terns, maps and blackboards; nor does 
he find any radical difference in the per- 
son of his teacher, for the very same man 
(or his near twin) cajoled, browbeat and 
gave him assignments in high school. 
Hence, the disillusionment begins to 
take hold of him 
What Mr. Goodman proposes is tan- 
talizingly hopeful. But in order to re- 
move, or even avoid, the dangers of 
“deadly ivy." our entire educational or 
ganization would need some radical vivi- 
section, if not outright demolition. 
Unfortunately, this does not seem to be 
tlie case for rhe ncar future, unless a few 
more Goodmans in influential stations 
speak out—or unless a few institutions 
have the courage to hire a Goodman as 
president and a Goodman as dcan, with 
perhaps a few more "good men" to work 
in the classrooms. 
Warren K. A. "Thompson, Instructor 
Deparunent of Philosophy 
and Religi 

Seguin, Texas 

Once again Paul Goodman demon 
strates that he is one of the very few 
commentators around today who has а 

comprehensive grasp of the edu 

ituation and is able, with schol 

briery, to advance sou 

als for its amelioratio 
Trevor J. Phillips. Instructor 
Foundations of Education 
Bowling Green State University 
Bowling Green, Ohio 

I was very impressed with Paul Good- 
man's The Deadly Halls of Ivy in the 
September issue. It is enlightening 10 
find, in this day of the college boom, 
someone with the perception to point 
out the fallacies of our education system. 
Neal Roth 
üusburgh, Pennsylvania 

I must tell you at once how moving 
id beautiful was Ben Несс» memorial 
to Maxwell Bodenheim [Letters from Bo- 
hemia|—something Га always hoped Ben 
Hecht would do, since he was in a better 
position to do it than the rest of us. 
By an extraordinary coincidence, 1 
obtained a copy of the September 
eravnov on the very morning when 
1 had myself just sent off six of Bogie's 
letters (to me) to Jack В. Moore, who 
is doing a biography of Bodenheim. 
Max was an unforgettable character, 
and I was always extremely fond of him, 
although I regret to say that when I 
moved to England in 1922 1 somewhat 
lost touch with him. Hecht’s por 
is invaluable in restoring, for a gene 
tion who never heard of him, a unique 
figure in American lette 

Conrad Aiken 

Brewster, Mas 

She's smooth, svelte, yet kind of 

Twist her throttle and she 
responds to the utmost of her twin 
cylinder, 4-stroke OHC engine. 
Her 4-speed transmission never 
misses a mesh. 

At 10,500 rpm 16.5 reindeer are 
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Ive just read Leiters from Bohemia 
by Ben Hecht in your September issue 
and it stirred dark memories of my own 
encounters with Max Bodenheim. He 
was a gaunt, pale specter of my youth, A 
man so deliberately hateful that he 
evoked pity rather than anger. I always 
suspected that his savagery was only his 
chosen defense against a world that 
made a daily game of finding new ways 
to reject him 

Tt was 1947 and I had just run away to 
Greenwich Village—17 years old and 
awed by the world of pocıs into which I 
had descended. Max was still the shining 
light of the Raven Poetry Circle, а 
group of aging bohemians who met in a 
strange loft on Mineua Lane surround. 
ed by the uappings of secret Druid rit- 
uals which I never understood. Among 
them he was often soft and gentle and 
warm. And the highlight of those meet- 
ings was always when he took the center 
of the floor to recite his verse in a voice 
that was deep and thrilling . . . "Night 
is a big black man with little silver birds 
in his hair . . .” Yet each of those meet- 
ings seemed to have the same ending. 
Someone Max hated—and he hated 
many—would enter and he would 
begin a venomous tirade, gradually draw- 
ing everyone in the room into the quar 
rel. IE his victim were small, like little 
Joe Gould, Max would become physical. 
епшаһу Frank McCrudden, the head 
of the Ravens and one of Bodenheim's 
dearest friends, would enlist help and 
send the poet hurtling out the door, 
wailing a stream of invectives. I never 
saw Max leave anyplace—party or bar- 
room—voluntarily. He was always being 
thrown out. 

1 was thousands of miles from the Vil 
lage when Max was murdered. When I 
returned, most of the Ravens were dead 
or gone. But Ben Hecht had written a 
liule play about Bogie and financed it 
into a small off Broadway theater. It was 
a chilling experience to sit in the half 
empty theater and see him come to life 
in. Hecht obviously knew and under- 
stood him better than all the others. 
He a big man to be able to main- 
long interest and friendship 
with such a difficult character. 

The strange climate of Greenwich Vil- 
lage is perhaps best explained by the 
fact that a spiteful, tormented Failure 
become famous there solely on the 
strength of his total inability to find 
ceptance as either an artist or a human 
being. Bodenheim produced a legend to 
be envied by all other misfits. He set out 
to fail completely and in a life of styl- 
ized contempt he triumphed. 1 wish that 
1 could also have known Ben Hecht. 

John A. Keel 
New York, New York 

Praise be to the September issue of 
»LAYbOY for containing Ben Неби re 

markable portrait of Maxwell Boden- 

Whenever you wear a tie, your socks should come 
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IrSL wonder coutry 309 Sarno lee! 1187. Sophiicaled Lady, 1529.0 Lok at Me ea NOU 1926. Ho. 1. мыш: 1874. 
tunes! Ship W My Lon, Your Once in a While, Shanen мыз Oa берге The Nearness of You 10 CARNEGIE HALL А classic 

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16-75, Their first moeting 20:27, Fun Fem Fun, In the 740, Себ to Know Yoo, 1726. Limehouse Blues, 
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There Be Love, нс. $438 Baby, mote. $238 mare. ‘AS tothe Stars, elc. $3.98 

1085. COME DANCE WITH 1953. Evecative renditions 00.34. Pls: Көкен Sweeter 
МЕ. Trine award winrer! of Time Alter Time, You're Than Ме ChidrenGo! the Hand, 
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ТУМ. А rousing renditin 1153, 12 janz sites LL 510, Poigmant эбит 
or Me Gragway ane Lar. Darm, Taps Miller, Lulus of 1 Understane, Fools Rush 
о FIR ach Ten ee PAS mer! $190 Wheel 

20:56. 1 listenin’ L lovin’ 00:27. CONNIE FRANEIS 1650, The Lady a Tramp, 
Driving tunes. беер Purple, cha SINGSAWAROWINNING NO- 1 Won't Dance Days al 
9146 rade, For Yos. ele. 498 TIOMPICTURE HITS. 5198 and meter 9 more. $3 


1986 qu мн wish ур 0018.007 Ah Gt 12 1534. Day by Day, Serti 0028 Пе Wala ie, 2141, 2 ota МЫ 1442. А tewer! 1975, Phas Une Yos 

a Nery Christmas with 17 jaz: hitst Satin Dol, Tea for mertal Journey. Lover, $ Joshua, Amen, What's That by TVs sensational sing- Био sings Mean te Me, Truly, You Always Kur the 
olla songs. Saa Tao, dendi On ce $298 адаа, peat ИЗ ТА P mure FASE In pots Ten FASO Someday, 10 Pen. FLG One Nov Lawe trove 238 

A sove в тис ove 


1520, BASIN STREET EAST. 1807. Toma А Sorten, 
ы Fever, 1 Chitara Romane, Sears 
Gol a Man ek. — $338 Нісіше, dc. 439 

sap 1 Cant Gt sted, Бэт. сий Oman sat. 2078. The Creat Escape 1853 Вые Rumba, Dur 149 FN Be Sening Yu 
igh Society, Batin Street er, ine T March, Ihe James Bend mer Boys, ethers! A stom Tun ot the Hight 
Blues, ete $550 ah more Therme. 5396 m deiner 9788 Deson. mee $398 





8462, frie Catal, Hih 20:0. LIVING A UE. Vaya 01-60. "Doh la fa" best de- S757 Radtare Wak, Cor- 
Berbares, AMoviag, Mio Con Dis. Cartes, Domt встає France's spin eaten Bell, frrsinxe, Sam ang the Lady, Simba. 
Grande, 12 mare. 5348 Cry Joe Bmore. S398 star (Regular omiy) 5198 - more. (Steren o) 5498 Bocher, ate $198 Lim, 

2025. Westwood Vo, 

(00:20. A Teenager in Love, 
Mashed Potato Tine, Rain- 
298 dope, many mere! ‘S198 

iu отш 
В581, Pus: Porgy and Ailey ер, Angel 1270. CrummerBons, Fier 1872, THE SHEARING 1672 1 Left My нені in 2017 76 Tronbene 
eee, By Baby ads home, Sty, nd ume eve str TOUCH. ы pty of Sam Kane Py Me D Sep ine б D 
Venton, 38 Ue Sur mere 3230 “ing marches! — 3230 MleAuemtemes 3990. Me Mapa, 10 more. 1338 aches mere. 33 35 



2020. The Yellow Посе et 252. Reim, let romance 0023 MoshedPotaloTime, 00-8. Music of the is- 12-21. The completa de. 850. IC dramy rond Е: an American 1641. Baty Won't You 
Тез an апа Ma, Ші operi Гай e аы otme izby Dee Der Sp: nl Ponca, aa oe, МММ такы асое. 13 Боп. But Wo tor Ma The in far, Fl Stain сос P Cone Ham, nere 
te (ңиш ony) 9246 er Lowe, ис фаз US. Bonds, ete. 3298 Shangrila, 9 more. 9596 Stowstoppers! 4538 Man Love, tle uds. Sup 3398 шау tunes, $236 

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dig 1505. Wunderbar, In the 17-824 17-628 17-620. (3. 16-57. Teaming up to give 20-67. Plus: Graduation 990. The complete score 
St of the Night, So In recordset ceunts 253 sep. үш | Can't Get started, Day, Wake Ше Town & Теп Té Trombones, ТІП There “dwn hom. 
398 Love, $490 state selections) 84428 appr Talk, 9 more! 230 the People, 8 more. $298 Was Tou, 16 others. 3438 


201. Top hemes: Days of 1971. 1 A't Get Nobody, 
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our. nore $298 other greats. — $398 

20:28. Frenesi, You Made 19:30. "Wild excitement!” 1934. HOLLYWOOD MY 1987. “Yor tans of Kawai 
Me tove You Mare Heart. Billboard. 12 all-star WAY Academy Award win ian sound, tts is. 
aches, ele. 8198 Stompers 8398 mers k runners-up. $398 bnt" Roni. $198 


22.5, пим GL Ong; 1805 hezversanstsute 1502 c e обла, 2-15. Fwe ие Mies, 1650. Bay Hop Test, 20-58. dines Briliant 0250. tonic БАНАН 1543. A tot ot Liv’ o 
"wl cast album. “Gem ef ааа screen classic! Maria, tioned guy school. Рау. Leave My’ Mexican Hat тиш, Peer шк in a пабі заства mane reared а Мелко De, 1 Cart Si Loving 
ээми ушеу. $598 IfesiPreit,ömors $198 bey 12 hile $298 My Trish Gunn Twist, 12 0318298 генот $198 ca. 4398 Үш, more 




17:32. Mailed by Dreadway 19-44. Recorded "ine" at 0280, Ovtra Ver, Û Palo, 1807. Plas: Deck The Nalt, 2034.Babycaming?ere's 21-88. 10 splashy tures 20-13. ALETIERMER KIND 02-10. “The best torch 
айз as the W Shur rt Tot’ Mat Dean, Com, Md lero Mae Mr D Нау an Mills mmt 1o саке the еме WIG. OF LOME Be My C Dewy sie” — Vine Mairie, 
revue in year! 5436 Kind of Fool Ат 1. $398 tacan, 7 mere. — $398 NEM 10 mare, — $496 ресімі parents. $398 est dance crae! $398 Beloved, Tl.elc “9290 (Regular only) 5198 

IL Recorded четт 0027, amago, Ei Leem, 2007. у sires 12 hits 11-88 A vivi ík еа 7:58. The mest memorate $04. Instrumentals of ре 1658, 
Wimeweh, Оше, Gun Cue, TeMkh Mambo, La Fachan with “gusto and br Ye Winds, Seadet Whose s city — » cn. islands. Maura Kar, Sang, UCLA, Litve Ligh, Oh Miss 
TC Regula шй $136 p.limer $396 Bad $198 Rébo,!0 nore. $158 lectors ахі! 5198 mart talde $358 Мәе Lights mere $298 Mary. 10 more! $238 

Recorded "lie" at 






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heim, a little masterpiece. Both men 
were my friends and Hecht was for years 
my colleague. I am delighted to have 
this definitive record of their assoc 
one of Ben’s most poignant reminis- 
cences. You do the memories of both 
men a fine service in publishing it. 

I liked both men, Hecht and Boden- 
heim, very much. Bogie, who loved sym- 
pathy, used to show up at parties, and in 
the old Cov IcGee bookshop, with 
his arm in a sling, claiming to have a 
broken collarbonc; but it was an old gag 
and only strangers fell for it. I remem- 
ber him best, indeed, with a bandaged 
arm, smoking a corncob pipe, and wear- 
ing an old overcoat with the collar 
turned up, waiting for somebody to ar- 
rive—somebody who never came. 

He was a slim, blond genius, as I re- 
call him, with blue eyes, pale yellow суе- 
lashes, and hair like a mop of wet hemp. 

was at once mocking and in- 
iating. I admired his poems, many of 
which he showed me in manuscript, and 
thought of him as the Frangois Villon of 
our group. At all times he gave a better 
impersonation of a tavern poet of genius 
than any other poet I have ever known. 

But there is little I сап add to what 
Hecht has written about Bogie. Thank 
you for giving me an opportunity to re- 
call our association. I did not know him 
as Hecht did, and for this I am some- 
times a little sorry and sometimes glad. 
Hecht has caught him to the life and, I 

k . His portrait is а 
ing and a notable 
n to the history of a strange 
figure in our literature who may well bc- 
come an American legend. 



Critic, editor, author Slarvett has over 
one hundred books to his credit, on such 
diverse subjecis as Ambrose Bierce and. 
Sherlock Holmes. 


Re the September Henry Miller inter- 
view: I have never before read a line by 
ihis gentleman, and so my comments 
will rest entirely on what he has chosen 
10 tell me about himself. T learn that he 
is a very able writer and knows exactly 
what he thinks about himself, his writ- 
ings and his world. These are good qual- 
I gather that he has made a great 
deal of money, and is having a very good 
time, and is not in the least concerned as 
to the eftect of his writings upon the 
people who read them. 

This, of course, is not considered a 
criminal attitude. There are countless 
millions who seek their fortunes and give 
no heed to their consciences—if they 
have any. We are living in a world with 
thousands of millionaires and millions of 
paupers. Miller lives in that same world 
and, being a highly intelligent man, he 
must know all about it. I write as a man 
who has devoted his life to denouncing 


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that social crime and seeking ways of 
ending it. My dear mother told me that 
when I was six years old I asked: “Mom- 
why do some people have to be so 
poor while other people аге so rich?” 1 
have been asking that question of the 
world now for 80 years—and no answer 
from Mr. Miller. 

He is famed for his sex books, and he 
preaches pr ity. As a man who has 
known true love all his life, I tell him 
that he has missed the best thing that 
life can offer, and I pity him sincerely. I 
pity still more the young people who 
read his books. 

Upton Sinclair 
Monro ifornia 

T agree with everything Henry. Miller 
says concerning us unfortunate writers— 
of course. (I suppose every other writer 
will agree with him, too.) I read 
books in the European editions, long be 
fore they were published in Ameri 
His writing is truly marvelous, sharp 
and shining. But he makes such a hell of 
a lot of brouhaha about sex! 
Mr. Miller is quite wrong in bla 
prissyism concerning sex on Anglo Sax- 
om mores, It all goes back to those robust 
old boys in the Old Testament, who 
knew a fine girl when they saw one and 
knew when it was right to lay a hot little 
hand on her and when it was not. All re 
ligions, ancient as well as modern, had 
their sex taboos—so do bush tribes in the 
world of today. There was never a Fine 
Free Time concerning sex in any cu 
ture, whether in Ghaldea, Judah, Philis- 

Ча, Arabia, Greece, Ewuria, Rome, or 
you name it. 
IE N Miller—that truly splendid 


wishes to observe real pur 
n all its dark, stern, repressivencss, espe 
cially wich regard to sex, he ought то visit 
Russia. 1 understand they have all the 
penalties and all the taboos of all the re 
ligions, ancient as well as current. They 
make the Puritans look like gentle old 
souls full of sweetness and light. 

Taylor Caldwell 
Buflalo, New York 

As one of Ole Miss’ most enthusiastic 
l fans, let me thank and con- 

car [Pigskin Pre- 
view, PLAYBOY, September 1961]. While I 
will admit our schedule some in- 
stances has not been as strong as we 
would like, John Vaught has done an 
exceptional job. For 17 years, from а 
male student body of about 3500, and 
Imost exclusively Mississippi boys, 
Vaught has consistently fielded superior 
teams, No coach in the country is more 
deserving of the honor of Coach of the 
Year than John Vaught. 

Lauch Magruder, Jr. 

Jackson, Mississippi 

In Playboy's Pigskin Preview, you 
have a picture of All-America end Al 

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Ronson Varaflame 



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Name Dropper 

There ore times when a bit of name 
dropping is understandable. When 
you wear Rambulé, for example. 
Lord Jeff fashions this exclusive 
sweater with c wealth of dis- 
creet detail. Even if they don't 
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So if you prefer wearing 
the label inside, please do. 
N Only at the finest stores. 

Lord Jeff 

New York 1 

Brown (Number 80) assisting Bill Clay 
(Number 32) on one of the plays. И you 
would look a little closer at the picture 
you will find Al Brown stand 
sidelines rooting for the tcam. 
Steven Gordon 
Brooklyn, New York 

The “assis” being given Mississippi 
wingback Clay in your September issue 
by PLaynoy All-America end Allen 
Brown must be a moral assist only. For 
unless my eyes deceive me, Brown is 
standing on the sidelines. 

Edward D. Muhlfeld, Publisher 


That's Number 90 on ihe sidelines. 

Your eyes you, gentlemen. 

May I express the appreciation of the 
overse: udience of Armed Forces Ra- 
dio and Television Service for the line 
programs produced in cooperation with 
Mr. Anson Mount. These sports pro- 
grams, related to Playboy's Pigskin Pre- 
view of 1064, were a signal addition to 

: AERTS pre-season football programs. 
der Frank E. Kimberling, USN 
Armed Forces Radio & TV Service 
New York, New York 

While on a short tour of duty in Ra- 
walpindi, Pakistan, I was a guest of two 
American officers, a lieutenant colonel 
and a captain, their bachelor digs. 
After a wild-boar supper I noticed the 
latest PLAYBOY on a coffee table, And 
h the burka-clad Pakistani women in 
d, I cautiously asked what they did 
with ӨШ rravuov magazines. This 
brought an outrage-tinged, astonished re- 
My God, man! You don’t throw 
увоу away in Pakistan. You include 
them in your wil 

Harry W. Hunt 
APO, New York, New York 

I found September's How to Be a Jew 
ish Mother the funniest artide 1 have 
ever read. It was so good that 1 made my 
mother read it. After reading it she sat 
back and said, "Maybe it is possible 
about some mothers, but not me.” But 
you have planted the seed of doubt in 
her mind. Does she or doesn't sl 
Paul Kreisman 
Bronx, New York 

Dan Greenburg's September essay on 
Jewish mothers and mothers in general 
struck startlingly close to home—my 
home, that is. Yarmulkes (skullcaps) off 
to Dan on this frank and amusing and 
amazingly accurate exposé for which my 
own mother must have surely written 
the dialog, story line and case histories. 

Tke Stein 
Chicago, Illinois 

People who go all the way invariably bear gifts of Imported O.F.C. It's the Old Fine | 
Cameo almore sifted whishyin lichthess nnd taste.6 year old OF Cistwoyearcsolder | 
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ell, gentle readers, we've made it 
W through another harrowing year 
of celebrations, fetes and galas—some of 
daylong duration, othas of Sunday- 
through-Saturday length and still others 
which lasted the month round—all of 
them validated, verified and authenticat- 
cd, so help us. And don't think it's been 
easy. Our innards were put through a 
wial by fire, having to survive Interna- 
tional Kraut & Round Dog Week, Poul 
try Day, Spanish Green Olive Weck, 
Asparagus Weck, National Macaro 
Week, Have a Bacon “Ball” Month, N 
tional Pickle Weck, National Peanut 
Week, Honey for Breakfast Week and 
National Pimiento Week. We were a 
prime candidate for National Indigestion 
Week or, worse, National Hospital Weck, 
and wished devoutly that we had avoided 
them all in favor of National Poison 
Prevention Week or Self-Denial Weel 
during which we could have prepared 
ourself for Silent Record Week. We felt 
the icy fingers of winter as we shivered 
our way through the Fur Rendezvous, 
National Fur Care Week, National Fire- 
place Weck, Frozen Potato Month, 
Break-a-Cold Month and the Ice Worm 
Festival. We were torn between Humane 
Sunday and National Insect Electrocutor 
Week. Our indecision made us an un- 
willing celebrant of National Procrasti- 
nation Week. We were [urther warned 
about our indecisiveness when Return 
the Borrowed Book Weck rolled around, 
and lest we were tempted not to take that 
week too seriously, there was Police Week 
to remind us of the consequences of un- 
returned tomes. We would really have 
sunk to the depths of despair if it hadn't 
been for Save the Pun Week, American 
Comedy Week, National Smile Weck, 
National Langh Weck and the pick-me- 
ups of National Tavern Month, South 
Pacific Beachcombers Week, and what we 
took to be a 24-hour period filled with 
Indian cedysiasts—Cherokee Strip Day. 
After throwing ourself overenthusiastical- 
ly into Let's All Play Ball Weck, we could 
barely wait for Chiropractic Day. We 

were so busy celebrating, our work fell 
off and we found ourself taking more 
than a passing interest in National Want 
Ad Weck. But we have since discovered 
a seven-day span to which we will devote 
our undivided attention next year; we 
tend to combine business and pleasure 
during National Rabbit Weck. 

Titillating blurb from an ad in The 
New York Times for an "unexpurgated" 
LP dramatization of Fanny Hill: “Thrill 
ing performances by Four Great Stars on 
Four Sides!" 

Social Progress Depariment: The Wall 
Street Journal reports that under an old 
Texas law that permits a bankrupt 
person to retain a few tools of his trade, 
his wagon, his carriage and two horses 
a recently bankrupt Texas insurance 
man was allowed to keep a desk, a swivel 
chair, an electric typewriter, a `64 Cadil- 
lac Coupe de Ville, a horse trailer and 
two registered quarter horses. 

Sign of the times seen outside an In- 
dian village on Florida's Tamiami Trail 
A.C. оқ DG 

Love and Knishes, a Yiddish variety 
revue marqueed on New York's Lower 
East Side, boasts "an allstar cast of 
American-Jewish performers" (hat in- 
cludes, we noticed, а landsman by the 
name of Barry O'Ha 


We deplore the editorial bias of а те- 
cent news story from The Press of River- 
side, California, which stated that. “A 
conservative estimate is that the names 
of a million children are on the mailing 
lust of the pornographers.” 

In our morning mail the other day we 
spied one of those squarish, hand. 
addressed envelopes that customari 
contain the tissuelined wedding 
nouncement of some distant and dimly 

remembered relative in rural New Eng- 
land. Instead, we found the following 
message impressively engraved on the 
enclosed card: 
The Telephone Company announces 
that in accordance with our new conven- 
ient All Number Dialing System, your 
new number is 58995218352274061, Arca 
Code 8153900627, and that due to in- 
creased business prosperity making possi- 
Ыс more investments for more profit, we 
аге able to announce a rate increase.” 
This is the best we've received so far 
from a new line of gag announcement 
cards currently making the rounds. A 
firm belicver in missive retaliation, 
quickly deduced the identity of the 
sender, armed ourself with another card 
in the series, and shot it off posthaste 
to the culprit’s home address. It read: 
“The Park Commission wishes to an- 
nounce that your back yard has been se- 
lected as a game preserve and that the 
first shipment of 500 buffaloes will 
rive at your home Tuesday at 3:45 a.m.” 
We have a feeling the linotypist was 
trying to tell us something in the follow- 
ing notice, which appeared in The 
Washington (D.C.) Daily News: “Girls 
who would like to attend dances, sup- 
pers, swimming partics, etc, scheduled 
at various military installations here d 
week may call CO 5-5735 for particulars.” 
To judge from a sign spotted in the 
window of a hardware store in Spearfish, 
South Dakota, noteworthy social trends 
are afoot in rural America: BUY Your 


Refreshingly candid want ad from the 
classified page of the Miami Herald: 
“ATIRACIIVE young waitress to serve mis- 
sile men. Fish, ball, make moncy. Cove 
Restaurant, 744-9505.” 

Bargain hunters arc hereby referred 
to a Montgomery Ward ad from the 
Albuquerque Journal ollering fireplace 




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of imported 


screens, “regularly $18.98," at the give- 
away sale price of $24. 


Tan Fleming is gone and lamented, but 
the movie adventures of James Bond for- 
tunately continue with no sign of letup. 
For Goldfinger, Guy Hamilton has taken 
over the direction from Terence Young, 
who did a soso job on Doctor No and a 
superb one on From Russia with Love, 
and, if anything, moves Sean Connery 
through his outrageously improbable but 
кашу suspenseful seriocomic ordeals at 
an even more frenzied pace. This is tingly 
we pick up Bond in 
him to Miami 
Beach (a number of The Playboy Club's 
own Miami Bunnies are decoratively scat- 
tered about), where he first encounters 
that nefarious 14-carat heel, Auric Gold- 
finger; next to England for weaponry 
outfitting, then to Switzerland and final- 
ly, for a pulsating showdown, to Fort 
Knox, where the biggest caper in all 
history is almost pulled off. There was 
nothing niggardly about the imagination 
of Flen „ and here the script and di- 
rection have matched it step by step. 
More, the yarn has been updated in line 
with advances in science and technology. 
The laser beam had not yet been invent- 
ed when Fleming wrote Goldfinger in 
1959, but we think he would have ap- 
proved Bond's nearly being sliced in two 
by the use of the deadly beam, and his 
sense of luxury might well have been 
pleased by the Aston Martin provided 
Bond for wacking the murderous gold 
machinator and his sinister North Kore 
an henchman, Oddjob, who uses his 
razoredged bowler to cut down adver- 
cs The car is bulletproof, radar 
equipped, has hubcaps that sprout tire- 
slashing knives, lays down a smoke screen 
or an oil slick, and has concealed m; 
chine guns fore and aft. Its cornering 
ability is, of course, impeccable. But de- 
spite his lethal land yacht, Bond is taken 
captive before he can fully appreciate the 
charms of Shirley Eaton and Tania Mal- 
lett, both done in horribly and much too 
soon. However, he is eventually consoled 
by Honor Blackman as Pussy Galore, 
Goldfinger’s Lesbian lieutenant who de 
cides she'd rather switch than fight when 
she comes to grips with Bond. Gert Frobe 
is hissingly villainous as Goldfinger, Har- 
old Sakata is stoically terrifying as 
Oddjob, and Sean Connery remains su- 
premely self-assured, even when warned 
that he might be replaced by 008, a threat 
which, in light of the wildly successful 
series, has about as much chance of being 
ried out as his enemies’ plow. 


BB's latest film offers Bardolators yet 
another opportunity to view Ше specta- 
cle of their heroine cavorting in the alto- 
gether in wide-screen color. Contempt, 


WAXHIDE NDS IN—a masculine, rustic, Handsewn Front 

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nicest gift to get or give, $10.95 to $17.95. 




...that’s the way it is 
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however, counterpoints fleshly considera 
tions with artistic pretension—which, 

unlike Bardor's clothing, doesn't quite 
come off. In the pantheon of Bardot 
flicks, Contempt will be enshrined on 
several counts, chief among them that it 
marks Brigitte’s coming of age as an 
actress. Almost as important is that Con- 
tempt marks a significant attempt (on the 
part of New Wave director Jean-Luc 
Godard, of Breathless) to exploit the 
wide screen as a distinct cinematic genre, 
rather than treating it simply as a reg- 
ular-sized screen that has been stretched. 
(In one memorable scene, the camera 
pans slowly back and forth across 
a table lamp from Bardot to Michel Pic 
coli as the two engage in an extended 
conversation.) Based on a novel by Al 
berto Moravia, Contempt shows how one 
wagic action on the part of a struggling 
screenwriter (Piccoli) drives his wile 
(Bebé) to infidelity with an American 
film producer (Jack Palance) and ulti- 
mately to death. The film had censor 
problems before it was licensed for show- 
ing in America, a reflection not of the 
naughtiness of its nude scenes (confined 

almost entirely to Dardor's backside), 
but on their inordinate length. ‘The film 
opens as the camera pans protractedly 
over BB's prostrate form; subsequently 

it lapses imo what producer Joseph 
Levine boasts is “the longest bedroom 
scene ever filmed"—a tedious 35 minutes, 
in which the characters do a great deal of 
walking around but very little bedding 
down. Viewers looking for Bardot will 
get а lovely eyeful; but those seeking 
anything much deeper will be perplexed 
or disappointed. 

The Pownbroker, based on the first- 
rate Edward Lewis Wallant novel, is a 
corrosive film about a former Polish pro- 
fessor, a bitter survivor of the Nazi 
death camps. who now owns a Harlem 

pawnshop, through which drift an as 
sortment of junkies, pimps, whores and 
other les-thansavory specimens of big- 
city humanity. Sidney Lumer's direction 
best yet, although a mite hoke 

is hi 

s he mingles sweaty Harlem real- 
ism with flashback scenes from the tor 
tured past of the pawnbroker, who lost 
his whole family in the camps, who was 
forced to watch while his wife was violat- 
cd by Nazi officers, who witnessed his 
best friend's death аропіс on the 
barbed wire of a concentration camp. 
АП this, thrust from his mind by force of 
will, is returned by the daily violence on 
the Harlem streets. His sense of isolation 
begins to give way, and when his young 
Puerto Rican assistant dies in the shop 
attempting to protect him from hood- 
lums, his former feclings, both painful 
and human, mark a symbolic return to 
life. Rod Steiger should certainly be in 
the running, come Oscar time, for his 
passionate pawnbroker performance 
Jaime Sanchez has fine moments as the 


Fifty-Seven Folk Songs & Ballads 



MONAURAL: #11.95 e STEREO: 513.95 

(Plus a small mailing charge in each case] 

The usual list prices of an album of comparable quality 
and content are: Monaural 519,92 * Stereo $23.92 

PLEASE nore: All orders will be billed in two installments; that is, half 
the total charge (plus postage and handling) will be billed with the 
album, and the remainder a month later. If you prefer, you may, 
of course, pay the full amount when you receive your album. 

Traditional Songs and Ballads Ж Folk Hymns and 


en N Special Veris Бис || Spirituals Ж Blues, Bluegrass and Country Music 
Silver Dagger Boll Weevil Begin to Fall “BY THE PEOPLE WHO KNOW THEM BEST, LOVE THEM BEST, 
Mary Hamilton І Know Where Im Тһе Banks of АМО SING THEM BEST”—JOHN M. CONLY mo = 
Babe, I’m Gonna Goin’ Marble 

Leave You Special Delivery My Ramblin’ Boy 

the words of all the songs are included in a 
handsome brochure, along with notes about 
their sources, history and background. 

Devilish Mary 
If I Had a Hammer 
Hold On 

Sometimes I Feel 

The Brown Girl 
Cotton Mill Girls 

True Religion 
Woody Knows 

JACK ELLIOTT ПНЕ ноого SINGERS The Old Account Was Settled Long Аво Stack O Lee. 

Roving Gambler 
Diamond Joe 

When First Unto 
This Country 

Ула I’bon vent 

Un Canadien Errant 
My God Is a Rock 
in the Weary Land 


Amazing Grace 


The Storms Are on the Ocean 


Houston Special 
Туе Been Working 
on the Railroad 

Little Moses 
Young McAfee on 

rede aper Salty Dog Bl Long Gone, Long Gone 

С.С. Rider THE WEAVERS rein ы 

Ella Speed Woke Up This Jimmy Brown the Newsboy DOC WATSON 

The Greenwood Morning SAM HINTON Groundhog — 
Side Below the Gallows Starving to Death on a Little Orphan Girl 

Jesus Met the Tree Government Claim DOC WATSON with CLINT HOWARD 
Woman at the A-Walkin’ and I'm Just a Damyankee end FRED PRICE 
Well А-Та I Had a Bird 

^Way Downtown 

OME TIME AGO, The Classics 
Record Library, a Division of 
Book-of-the-Month Club, Inc., 
set out to assemble a representa- 
tive collection of folk music 
sung by the finest folk artists of 
our day. The Vanguard Record- 
ing Society gave us carte blanche 
to select the best performances 
available from their wealth of 
recorded music. We were also 
permitted to draw upon their 
collection of performances re- 
corded at the famous New- 
port Folk Festival last summer, 

The result is an album of au- 
thentic songs and ballads-folk 
music that is “perhaps the most 
endlessly enjoyable art there is,” 
according to music critic John 
M. Conly. Because this brand- 
new album is available only 
through The Classics Record Li- 
brary and not sold through retail 
stores, the Book-of-the-Month 
Club is pe: ing interested col- 
lectors to listen to the records at 
home and, if not fully satisfied, 
to return the album to the Club 
within ten days, without charge. 


ies send me on album of AMERICAN FOLK SINGERS AND BAL- 
LABEERE in the regular LP (monaural) version, and bill me at 
the special price of 11.95, plus postage and handling. This is 
payable in two equal monthly installments. If I wich I may re- 
turn the album within ten days and be under no further obli- 
ГГ Check here if instead you want the sterecphonic ver- 
sion at the special price of $13.95, plus postage and 
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installments and the same return privilege applies. 

Pal release 





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Puerto Rican lad, and young Thelma 
Oliver exudes feline sexuality as a teen- 
age Negro prostitute. One of the most 
] American efforts of the year. 
Anne Bancroft can do по wrong, but 
she might have done better in The 
Pumpkin Eater if director Jack Clayton 
had not tried for so many subtleties and 
had allowed her to bite deep into her role 
of an olten-manied woman who, fearing 
the world of adult responsibility, shields 
herself from it with an overtly reasonable 
facsimile: continual childbearing and 
rearing. Clayton and screenwriter Harold 
Pinter have obscured the clarities of Pe 
nelope Mortimer's fine novel, on which 
the film is based. We get far too many 
moody glimpses of Miss Bancroft's face, 
long Antonionilike fixes on furniture and 
brica-brac, and precious little story- 
which has to do, us far as can be figured 
out, with Anne’s marrying for the third 
or fourth time and adding to the popu- 
lation explosion when she discovers her 
ingrained inclinations to 
ward infidelity. Peter Finch plays this 
chap, a successful writer but a weak sis- 
ter otherwise. When Anne is made sterile 

fog clears for a splendid scene or two, 
and in these moments Miss Bancroft 
stands revealed as а superb acu 
James Mason is brilliant in the small 
role of a conscienceless seducer; when he 
and Miss Bancroft have tea together, 
as she considers a bit of infidelity herself, 
atmosphere crackles with sexual 
innuendo. There are lots of kiddies 
around, most of them the progeny of 
Anne’s former husbands, and we can't 
help sympathizing with Finch’s urge to 
get away Пош it all. 

The main joy of Joy House, an oll 
made for MGM by René 

аз a screen. beauty of rare appeal. 
just right for this Neo-Gothic tale of а 
young seducer (Alain Delon), who has 
job as chauffeur in Lola's musty 
g bent on 
patching him. His interest in his mistress 
increases when he learns that she has in- 
herited the villa and the Rolls from 
a murdered husband—and that ihe 
murderer is hiding out in the house. And 
doesn't complicate things enough. 
Jane Fonda, Loks poor cous 
in, cooking and cleaning on the pr 
making eyes at the available m 
watching for her own chance to inherit 
the property. Believability this film does 
not have. What it does have is trickily 
esting direction by Clement, under- 
keyed but seductive performances by the 
Misses Albright and Fonda, and surpris- 
ingly high-spirited playing by Monsieur 
Delon. He makes no attempt to hide the 

dots with dash 

Pin your sights on Eagle pindots for the spirited new look of fashion. Choose from prime-cut worsteds, also creators of 
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fancy ribbon and extra fingers to help 
tie bows, Max Factor gifts are 
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hesitate в. 

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Cologne in Primitif or Hypnotiqne, 375. 


Do bewitch 5. 

spell with one (or two) of these enc 
к Sop its gaily presenting either 
Hypnotique or Primitif Perfume, 1.75. 


Do delight s wege 

if. Golden Woods ог Hypnoi 
ift — and you — are 
7 From 2.50 to 4.00. 


sense of b 
Regency: Jewelled Gol 
Compact with Creme Pull and Hi-Society 
Lipstick in Brocade Accessory Case, 7.50, 

Don't delay. joy s 
Iden Woods Fragrance Bath 
3 Gift Cakes of Soap, 2 facons of 
Bath Perfume, 1 dram each. 3.50. 

this luxurious collection called the Fra- 
grance Bath Bout Primitif Cologne, 
Rath Powder, Bubbling Bath; 5.00. 

Do remember ive ке 
оп your list. Tarn the page and be guided 
to gifts for gentlemen. They, too, are by 

Max Factor 

the twinkly-eyed autho: 
world of gift gi 



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cheerful world o for men. 

Do write ry hin vih wis 
boule,of the 
Shave Li 

t: his name on each 
znature Set; Deluxe After 
апе for men, 4.25. 


green, with Pos: 

After Shave Lotion and Gen 

у boxed in magnetic 

= medallion. 2.25. 

Don’ 1 отш | 

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e veta Panruns contar, mc. сон ar na 

She fabled, ¿ana ao (¿he d ead a generalin 2 ае 


A totally new aura in perfume Born in France A legend in its own time 

fact that his French accent adds up to 

trocious English, but he gets away with 
it completely. And be surc to note such 
technical details as photographer Henri 
Decae's lighting of Lola Albright. 

In Hollywood they say: "He who re- 
makes a classic ma mess of it." The 
rule has not held true for Martin Ritt, 
who, in re-creating The Outrage [rom 
Akira Kurosawa's masterwork, Rasho- 
mon, has come up with a strong, bold 
film. With the aid of adapter Michael 
Kanin, he has transformed the legendary 
Japanese story by Akutagawa into a tale 
of our Wild West. (Any similarity to The 
Magnificent Seven, Yul Brynner's West 
ern-dress rehash of another Occident 
prone Kurosawa classic, The Seven 
Samurai, is purely coincidental.) The set 
ting in this latest sword-intosix-gun opus 
is the Southwest in the 1870s, where a 
Southern colonel (Laurence Harvey) is 
taking his bride (Claire Bloom) overland 
to a new homestead. Their trip is inter- 
беген rupted by the bloodiest bandit of the 
Bulldog Shape itory (Paul Newman), who ties up 

Bloom, and then, so he 
says when captured, arvey. The 
bandit claims at the trial that his sexual 
prowess so enraptured the lady that she 
wanted him for keeps. The lady stands 
up for her basic loyalty and modesty. 
The husband, speaking conveniently 
through the lips of an old medicine man, 
sees himself as a noble fellow who has 
been mocked and betrayed. And a pros 
pector who happened to be nearby (How- 
ard Da Silva) says he witnessed a charade 
of cowardice, fear and bombast. Paul 
Newman has an actors field day as the 
growling bandit; Claire Bloom subtly 
manages to suggest four different fem- 

inine moods; and Laurence Harvey is 
Relief Grain better than usual, possibly because he's 
ша tied to a post and gagged for most of 
the picture. 

there’s Д 
no smoke 
. like 

a pipe 


Flame Grain. 
Apple Shane 

Paddy Chayefsky has gone in for some 
deep-type thinking in The Americenizo- 
tion of Emily (based on the William 
Bradford Huie novel) and, while h 

—no pipe Screenplay (has sharp lines айй solid 

stretches of humor, it is muddied up 

tempt to prove that if we had 

[=| with a 
like enough cow in the world we 
P wouldn't have war. Carrying the burden 
Ka woodie of he argument i James Garner as 8 
у commander and confessed coward in the 
те wi sets SS to {250 U.S. Navy with the World War П mis 
ion of “liberating” for his admiral. 
Garner manages 10 procure nylons, Her 

> Kaywoodie Butane Pipe Lighter shey bars, 100-proof bourbon, dresses 

4 Upright for cigars and cigarettes. Tilt for large, soft from Saks and girls galore for upper- 

N7 4 flame that won't scorch your pipe. $9.95 and up with echelon bridge-playing sessions and other 

duties. He also manages to garner Ju- 
lie Andrews, in and out of uniform, 
s his WAAF driver, who likes the 
idea (at first) of having a cowardly 
boyfriend, since she has been widowed 

Send 256 lor 48-page catalog and sample of | once already by a hero husband. Com- 
KAY DIE Tw imported Kaywondis Tobacco. Tells how | mander Garner is thus a setup for a sui 
1o snoko a pipe; shows all shapes and styles. | cid; o iq ons sels etam 
38 күнбе Pipas, пе, New York 22, Dept. 02. cidal mission, and one с g 

free miniature refill. Table models $14.95 and up. 
Guaranteed against any mechanical defect for life 
of lighter in accordance with written guarantee. 

What to do with your After Six tuxedo between weddings 


Wear it to a testimonial dinner. 

Everyone will think you were on the dais. 

Wear it to your next convention. Р | Ж 
Everyone will think your product is more impressive than the competition’s. 
Wear it when the invitation says “Dress Optional.” 

Everyone will think you’re handsome. 

Wear it to have your friends over on Saturday night. 

Everyone will think you’re rich. 

Wear it in a diner at 2 a.m. 1 

Everyone will think you’ve come from somewhere important and exciting. 
Wear it to your next club party. 

Everyone will think you’re going somewhere important and exciting later. 
Wear it on vacation. Just sit there in the nightclub and smile mysteriously. 
Everyone will think you're a superb dancer, tennis champ and golf pro all in one. 
Wear it to the opening of an art exhibit. 

Everyone will think you're a patron. 

Wear it to the office Monday morning. To hell with what everyone thinks. 





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the admiral he serves (Melvyn Douglas) 
cracks up and assigns him to produce а 
Navy public-relations film showing that 
the first dead man on Omaha Beach is a 
sailor. Naturally, Garner himself be 
comes the first man on the beach. What 
ай this proves is hard to pinpoint, main- 
ly because Chayefsky’s mind has а tend- 
ency to curve under the strain of an 
. On the other hand, the movie dis 
some admirable curves thrown by a 
s of lively girls who hop in and out 
of various beds, all doing their bit for 
the War effort. Julie Andrews is nice, 
Garner is OK, Melvyn Douglas is first 
rate as the nutty admiral, and Keenan 
Wynn contributes a rare bit as Navy 
cook turned combat photographer. 

All These Women is hardly worthy of 
Ingmar Bergman, who, turning to color 
for the first time, has made a pettish com 
edy about an elderly genius cellist, the 
women in his life and a predatory critic. 
The stylized farce has the critic visiting 
the old fellow's magnificent estate, at 
tempting to blackmail him into playing 
his own dreadful composition, and mak- 
ing a fool of himself chasing after the 
oddball females who dwell in the estab- 
lishment. The girls are played by ve 
an Bergman actresses E Dahlbeck, 
Bibi Andersson, Harriet Andersson and 
Gertrud Fridh. No use mentioning who 
plays the cello, because he’s never seen 
full face. Wh puts the film beneath 
Bergman’ dignity is his obvious attempt 
to pillory the critical fraternity—which, 
come to think of it, is sort of ungrateful, 
considering how loudly they have beat 
the drum for him. The critic (Jarl Kulle) 
is a foppish fellow whose eyes bug out 
every time he sees Bibi, Harriet or Eva 
He peeks through keyholes to spy on the 
private life of the genius; he even dress 
es up as a girl himself hoping the old 
man will take him on his knee and 
confide some tidbit of autobiography. If 
the goings on sound like nonsense, that's 
mainly accurate. Bergman's bleat about 
the sad life of a genius has it that the 
poor guy must suffer from the many 
women who want to get close 10 the 
creative fire, the managers who exploit it 
and the critics who cheapen it. Beneath 
all the folderol, the master director is 
taking himself totally seriously, and what 
could be more deadly to comedy? 


The putupon dairyman, Tevye, is 
blessed with five unmarried daughters, a 
nagging wife (“I haye something to say 
to you,” she announces. “Why should 
today be different?" he replies), a nig- 
gling patch of land in the dirt-poor 
Russian village of Anatevka, and a lame 
horse. So he pulls his own wagon, and 
complains directly to God: "It's no shame 
to be poor, but its no great honor 
either." What keeps Tevye going is Jew- 







or. SGOT cH) ws e 
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This ycar, why limit your joy-spreading to just one 
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Between the double-sized exciting 81.25 Holiday Elev- 
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lramatic December 1965 Gift Issue (also $1.25) is а 
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appreciation, especially when headed by such 
ections as: 

w work by Vladimir Nabokov, author of 
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d by Ian Fleming just before his death. 
articles and entertaining fiction by 
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iam Saroyan, Vance Packard, etc. 

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arol Lynley, Stella Stevens, Tuesday 

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i Frit 1213422177. 

Just before Santa puts 
| his sleigh in high gear, 
PLAYBOY’s beautiful Play- 
mate of the Year, Donna 
Michelle, will arrive to an- 
nounce your gift via her 
“calling card” pictured here. 
It will be signed in your 
name, and is sure to make a 
delightful decoration for tree 
or mantel. If you prefer, we'll 
send it directly to you for more personal presentation. 

Avoid battling Christmas crowds. Forget about last- 
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order now. And save moncy by taking advantage of 
PLAYBOY ’s special holiday gift rates: $8 for your first 
1-year gift (save $2.00 over the newsstand price of $10) 
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now! And a Merry Christmas to all! 





your head 
Give him 
for Christmas 
(Hell love you for it!) 

This Christmas, why not pick a pack 
of Sportsman for him—a handsome 
Gift Pack, that is! Your choice of 3 
attractive sets, from $2.50 to $3.75, 
and a delightful “Santa Claus” stock- 
ing stuffer at $1.25. All available 
singly, too, in the distinctive new 
Sportsman “English hunting horn” 
bottle, Gift-wrapped, naturally. 

(Prices Plus Tox) 

ish tradition, for, as he says, “Without 
uadition, life would be as shaky as a 
fiddler on a roof.” Fiddler on the Roof, 
E Sheldon Harnick-Jerry Bock musi- 
is nor that shaky, even though the 
(ors by Joseph Stein, out of Sholom 
Aleichem, is predictable (one daughter 
gets married, them another, then an- 
other), the second act sags, and some of 
the music jars. But Jerome Robbins 
thumping choreography is authentically 
ethnic, and, above all, the heart of the 
show is Zero Mostel—and there's no 
sounder heart on Bi y. In choppy 
clothes, he 

гуе. Mostel is 
a fat, funny man; but unlike most fat, 
funny men, he is blessed with an 
economy of gesture and emotion. He 
can—and does—stop the show with his 
little finger. He never lets Tevye be- 
come sentimental, yet he is powerfully 
affecting. He never lets him become a 
buffoon, yet he is hysterically funny, 
whether listening silently as Motel the 
timid tailor summons up the chutzpah 
to ask him for his eldest daughter (be- 
hind his back, Mostel’s hands secretly 
pirouette, longing to reach out and 
throttle Motel); or dancing gracefully— 
he is one of the most graceful men on 
the stage—with his wife, for the first 
time; or crooning like a synagogue full 
of old men; or just standing sull trying 
to таке up his mind: "On the one 
hand!” he declares firmly, then pauses 
and adds hesitantly, ". . . on the other 
hand." When it comes t0 measuring 
Mostel, there is no "on the other hand." 
At the Imperial, 249 West 45th Sweet. 

In Je h's Traveler Without 
Luggage, an amnesiac war veteran, played 
by Ben Gazzara, is confronted with 
his past, a terrible assortment of mis- 
deeds; He thr best friend down 
a stair well because the fellow made a 
pass at Gazzara’s mistress, the upstairs 
maid, and he cuckolded his older 
brother when he was off at the front. 
йлеп the option to accept or reject 
himself, Gazzara opts out and chooses 
instead the past belonging to a rich, no 
ble and unblemished Englishman, with 
no relatives except one small boy, and 
therefore no one to fling a nasty past in 
his face. All of which gocs to show tha 
uthor Anouilh also has a blot iu his 
past. Twenty-seven years ago, long be- 
fore Becket, Waltz of the Toreadors and 
his other international successes, he 
wrote a bad play, now produced for the 
first time in the U.S. When it came to 
ing up this part of his past, Anouilh 
ercised G: 's choice 
and nixed the exhumation. Traveler is 
of interest mainly to sch 
theater. Anouilh’s later 
в the search for ja 
for simply melodramati 
purposes. What holds attention is 
the playwright’s wit, but his machina- 

should have e 


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STRNGHT BOURBON WHISKY - B6 PROOF - OLD MONDAY OISTLLERS CO. Puta, | tions. This is a mystery play: Who is the 
unknown soldier? Who will he become? 

But even on that simple-minded (for A- 

| It seems all the nicest people drank Son plan ДШГЕ RER a he alas 
tion turns on a scar, a tiny one just out 

Old Hickory of sight behind Gazzara's left shoulder, 

which forces him to climb on a chair and 
peer sideways into a mirror in order to 
see it. The actors try. Gazeara manages 
to be effective even standing on a chair 
уз into a mirror. But the 
st them, Nancy Wickwire, 
1 as the brother's wile, is 
called on at one point to eye бағаға 
across the stage and exclaim loudly and 
seriously: “Oh! You're curling your lip!” 
The line, the delivery and, sadly, the play 
[ ға merit a collective lip-curl from the audi- 
HICKORY ence. At the ANTA, 245 West 52nd 

Í oe BOURBON 241 Street. 

Absence of o Cello by Ira Wallach is a 
comedy about how an egghead scientist 
is forced to farce corporate life. The 
scientist is Andrew Pilgrim, world expert 
on ultrasonics, and an ultraboob when 
gee’ | it comes to business. He has just squan- 
dered two years and $200,000 he didn't 
have on what turned out to be a worth- 
less experiment. In order to save his skin, 
he decides to sell his soul to a large 
manufacturer of consumer appliances, 
who he hopes will pay $60,000 a year 

ене Most Magnitieen Bourton for it. To pass the job interview, Pilgrim 

= finds he has to remake ge. So 
— z 
= he hides his cello and his wifc's crudi- 

tion (she is the world expert on king 
Arthur) and tries to curb his 
PLAYBOY PORTFOLIOS temper, his irrepressible individ 
Available for the first time... and his immoderate imbibition. As 
played by bald, bushybearded and 
For collectors, connoisseurs or anyone bony Fred Clark, Pilgrim is an original 
interested in adding a unique touch to home and funny creation. The other actors are 
or office decor, Featuring... equally comic: Ruth White, as his out- 
spoken wife; Ruth McDevitt, as the wild 
old klepto next door who poses as Pil 
grim’s sweet old mother; Charles Gro- 
din, as her real son, a shy square who is 
hip to Madison Avenue ways; and Mur- 
ғау Hamilton as the nosy, glib interview- 
er who singsongs his motto: “Hire fast, 
job won't last, Hire slow, fire, no." Some 
of the jokes are as funny as most of the 
actors make them. They come fast and 
faster, until by the third act, the play 
gags itself to death. In the end, it is not 
so much wise as simply wisccracky. Which 
is no surprise in view of two square 
premises on which the plot depends: that 
big business demands conformist Bab- 

...ТНЕ VARGAS PORTFOLIO. bittry from the scientists it hires, and. 


Six of Neiman’s most representative works 
including the famous "Matador" and “Chantille,” 
brilliantly reproduced in handsome 6-color, 

20 x 30 in. chromo-lithographs. Plus biography 
of the artist and insightful descriptions 

of the paintings. $25. 

Six сї this most popular that—with today’s bull market for sci 
illustrator's lighthearted, classic tists—an ultrasonics expert would have 
creations in delightful full-color, to act the role to get a job. At the Am. 

20 x 30 in. reproductions. bassador, 215 West 49th Street. 

Plus a biography of the artist. 325. 

Specify portfolio by name. 
‘Shall we enclose a gift card in your name? 
Sand he oe eae ees HUNE Observers of the beatniks, as they 
ast Ohio Street * Chicago, Illinois ast Ped espectability 
Playboy Keane Брей ara ago linde 60811 | boastfully barged into nonrespectability 
ix with petty larceny, pot and sex, 




4 long suspected. that their noisy 
confessions bore the brand of an inno- 
сепсе and giggly irreverence that might 
be called inverted all-American. This 
impression is confirmed on comparing 
them with the real thing—Jean Genet, 
an authentic Dante of the inferno of our 
modern moral underworld. Genet is not 
a tour the realm of poverty, prison 
and perversion; he lives there, and sends 
out hotly eloquent messages from its 

а depths, as he did in his recent Playboy 

` WI Ha Interview (April 1964). InThe Thief's Journal 

i пеп уоп те a Grove Press), he explains forthrightly that 

“betrayal, theft and homosexuality are 

the basic themes of this book. There 
. is a relationship among them which, 
lighter and have Do pec а 
ognizes a kind of vascular exchange be- 

tween my taste for betrayal and theft 

and my loves,” His loves are thieves and 

to beat all this competition quias КОПТО СЕП pits ere) dis 
working of his lust involves not only the 

flesh of other men but their behavior 

outside the bedroom: "If he was the 
IM splendid beast gleaming in the dark 

of his ferocity, let him devote himself to 

sport worthy of it. I incited him to 

theft." No detail needed to convey the 

animal functions of his outlaw life is 

nie d h h 1 omitted, and, indeed, where the situa- 
you ave to do more than s ей | sin ce ase u ie 

-- Genet's imagination does the rest. Yet 
sense that the author is 
x for the sake of schoolboy shock, 
ing up outlawed language for the 
ng how much can be crowded 
onto a printed page; Genet is, rather, 
making myth and art of degradation and 
disease and lust, searching for his own 
morality through the very process of 
ble into all 
ty's opposite. 
“This journal,” he insists, “is not a mere 
literary diversion. The further I progress, 
reducing to order what my past life sug- 

...or like Colibri 
gests, and the more I persist in the rigor of 

You can’t misfire with Colibri, Tt always | Composition—of the chapters, of the sen- 
lights. We call it Positive Action. No other | tences, of a book itsell—the more do I 
lighter has it. feel myself hardening in my will to 

Another exclusive-the right-height bu- | utilize, for virtuous ends, my former hard- 
tane flame in every temperature-with no | ships. 1 fecl their power.” So does the 
controls to fuss with. A built-in automatic | ader, whether he likes it or not. 
thermostat insures a perfect flame for pipes, | one of the more transparent book-ad- 
cigars, cigarettes—even campfires. vertising disguises these days is the “lit 

Anda Colibri lasts. Its classic style is time- | erary award" given by а publishing 
Jess. We back up all these claims with a | house to one of its own authors, usually 
three-year guarantee. Simple and economi- | the т of a contest sponsored by that 
cal refueling from a visible butane refi, | same publisher. The Great New Talent 

ETC is announced with full-page ads, whi 

нш Sas Hor қуалар [пш ТШЕН a enough copies of OS BE 
table at fine jewelry and department stores. | publisher to recoup his investment of 
Fluid lighters from $5.95; butane from | prize money, and perhaps even convince 

$10.95. Butane table lighters (with three | him that there's been a dividend in pres- 

year fuel capacity) from | | Use. Latest of such harmless indulgences 

$17.50. Colibri-renowned (Colibri is the Delta Prize, rieg 5 a novel 

же R i called Drive, He Said (Delacorte) by Jeremy 
шоок Larner. Ostensibly the tale of one Hector 


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gest selling gin over here as well as 

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Bloom, all-American basketball player, 
'. Larner's book bounces around like 
a loose dribble, in а gimcrack Joycean 
stream-of-consciousness mélange of un- 
dergraduate p y, alcohol, v 

dope, gratuitous s y 
obscenity—sans plot, sans characte 
Ыр except 

chap?—is evidently supposed to 
represent that weary cliché of current 
letters, the hugely talented but corre 
spondingly ected soul Тоо fre- 
quently, however, the clichés are in the 
writing. In a single half paragraph. de- 
scribing sexual failure, one poor s 
“withers on the vine” and “folds up like 
an accordion,” while the lady i 
tion, ly "limp as a dish 

on at last "with an enigmatic s 
Larner's aim, it seems, is to © 
ons for 

Bob Cousy фаш 
у, how come only si 
well, that Cuban crisis, you 
know!”) Humor is now and then a saving 
grace, but too often falls to an adolescent 
level: a dance band called “Megaton 
Maniac and His Hydroheroin Heptet, 
or a film named / Was a Teenage Ped- 
стаз. The book's them: 
"Loves what dings God's dong 
douches the cosmical chimney st 
The Delta Prize was to be announced a 
year ago, at $5000, then was withheld 
with the ante doubled when nothing 
worth while was submitted. At a cool 
ten grand this isn't an 

{о doubt William (Naked Lunch) 
Burroughs had to write Nove Express 
(Grove Press) the same way some’ ol us. 
from time to time, have to belch. The 
Әз, ERRE E “Heal; rem 
siderable relief. But whereas your run- 
ofthemill belcher turns aside and 
decorously covers his mouth, Burroughs 
gives forth for all he's worth and expects 
his ejected wind to be snilled, bouled 
and registered at the Library of 
gress. To 
madness. It is a pastiche of evred Eliot 
(“Put on a clean shirt and duck through 
narrow. streets") and spilt Spillane. Bur- 
ghs is mime of all styles and master of 
none; he affects Kafka's surrealism, 
Joyce's word-murk, Hemingway's 
and Tonesco’s scorn of bourgeois trivia. 
‘This last is genuine, If the book 
said to be "about" something, it is about 
the squares who have inherited the earth 
and are now idly bearing witness to its 
destruction. Hiroshima and Nagasaki 
are frequently invoked. The “Nova 
rently represents this planet's 
ructure, One of Burroughs’ fa- 


The masters of musical satire take 
an affectionate poke at Prokofieff, 
Brahms, Beethoven & others 

It was bound to happen! The top musical 
satirists of our time have joined forces in 
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loose with the music of the masters. 
Recorded "live," this high-spirited spoof 
includes Sherman's hilarious parody of 
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items as Beethoven's Fifth Cha-Cha-Cha 
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оп How Dry I Am." It's all great fun — as 
13,227 listeners who heard these selec- 
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2721 Boston Tops 


| syra E 


vorite phrases is “wounded galaxies,” and 
he seems to be saying—or rather screech- 
ing—that our planet is on a collision 
course, with a bunch of cutthroats at the 
controls and the squares, or "marks," 
going along for the ride. None of this is 
original, but it is declaimed at a dizzying 
speed in a head-splitting key. Burroughs 
writes the way a baby cries—to get 

The reason for the failure of Conver- 
sations Nelson Algren (Hill & Wang) 
is unwittingly revealed in the intro: 
duction by H.E.F. Donohue, who 
taperecorded most of these question- 
and-answer sessions between Algren and 
himself. Says Donohue: “He [Algren] 
checked the finished manuscript. But it 
is my choice . . . when awkward ques- 
tions are permitted to stand next to fool. 
ish answers. These blemishes . , . have 
been retained because an attempt has 
been made here to present the thoughts 
and feclings of one of America’s best 
writers in the form and style of his own 
speech.” After reading this book, we'll 
stick with Algren's thoughts and feelings 
in writing, thanks. His responses to Don- 
ohue's questions come as either short, 
unrevealing phrases or long, unrevealing 
monologs. Here is Algren at his most 
communicative under Donohue's typical- 
ly astute questioning. "o: You couldn't 
get out on bail? ALGREN: Well, I had no- 
body to bail me out. о: What was the 
bail? Remember? ALGREN: No. I didn’t 
have a lawyer, no bail was set... 
@ And there was no public defender? 
ALGREN: Yeah, they gave me a defender. 
9: But you couldn't get bail? Did they 
offer you bail? ArcREN: Well, I didn't 
have a defender until I was tried. Noth- 
ing was said at the time. о: They said 
you would sit here and wait for the 
judge? atoren: Yeah. The time was very 
dificult to pass. There was nothing to 
read. о: You were twenty-two? Twenty- 
three? atcreN: Yeah, there was nothing 
10 read. We argued a lot. Q: What about? 
ALGREN: Oh, just about everything, every- 
thing there was to argue about," Dono 
hue's interrogation produces a rambling 
biographical sketch that is intended to 
cover the writer's youth, service іп 
World War II, his euchredom at the 
hands of Hollywood, travels in the Far 
ast and his thoughts on American poli- 
tics, society and writers. И Algren ap- 
pears half-witted, perhaps it is due to the 
fact that Donohue’s bumptious question- 
ing technique turned him inarticulate 
with amusement. Typical questions 
How old were you when you stopped 
being a virgin? Do you want a million 
dollars? What would you do with it? Do 
you think life is hard? Why are we in- 

Whod guess 

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350 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10001 

volved in the Congo? And so on and on, 
in this talk on the mild side. 

In France, it is illegal to live ой the 
carnings of a prostitute, according to a 
law of April 13, 1936. In World War I, 
Hermann Göring shot down 22 Allied 
planes, and won the Iron Cross, Second 
and First Class, the Zachring Lion with 
Swords, the Karl Friedrich Order, the 
Hohenzollern Medal, also with Swords, 
and other honors. бе/ше Ше Kalbsbrust 
should be accompanied by a Labastide- 
de-Levis, from the Gallic hillsides of 
Tarn, of recent vintage. Fifty thousand 
tons of gasoline were available in France 
in 1941, as opposed to three million tons 
two years earlier. If all this sounds as 
though it belongs in some sort of alma 
nac, it does—but it is also to be found in 
the new novel by Richard Condon, an 
Infinity of Mirrors (Random House). Con- 
don, author of that remarkable tour de 
force of the sexual-political imagin 
tion, The Manchurian Candidate 
switched his sights to the reality 
modern European history, circa 19 
1944, detailing the story of a beau- 
tiful French Jewess married to a Na 
officer, and the fabulous imagination is 
shoveled under bı that rescarch. 1t is 
a classroom cliché that a single scene, in 
the hands of the right author, can illu 
minate an cra in ways that no mass of 
facts, dates or references to real people 
Condon's Nazis are stereotype 
perverts and boors, and his key figures 
are scarcely fleshier. At the end, the Ger 
man husband is made to repudiate the 
Nazi ethic, not out of any moral percep- 
tion, but only because his own half- Jew- 
ish son has been killed, and thereafter 
the plot deteriorates into melodramatic 
revenge over this and an attempted rape 
of the wife. In a front-cover blurb, Con. 
don's publisher calls the book “truly im 
maybe he was impressed by 
ovelation that Heinrich Himmler 
was once a fertilizer salesman. 

“It is tempting.” observes Егіс Bent- 
ley in The Life of the Drama (Atheneum). 
“to see the history of drama since the 
17th Century as a steady decline.” He 
does not wholly resist the temptation 
The gist of his argument in this provoca 
tive book is that today’s naturalism, 
which claims to give us a faithful re 
flection of ourselves—banal though we 
may be—is actually less “realistic” than 
yesterday's high tragedy or low comedy 
In our dreams, Bentley points out, we 
tend to be a good deal more violent, 
more melodramatic and even more hero. 
ic than in our waking hours. Hence: 
“Once we realize that we dream most of 
the time, we have to reverse the conven 
tional view and declare our lives are dra- 
matic after all." Thus the soaring rhetoric 
of a Sophocles or a Shakespeare, which 
raises all the ultimate questions with un- 
ashamed candor and invokes all the flam- 

ing emotions, scems to Bentley more 
appropriate to the theater than the “nat- 
ural” but grubby dialog of an Odets. 
Bentley is for honest, tough-minded 
drama. He attributes the decline in the 
Fifties of Chaplin, the Marx Brothers and 
W. C. Fields to “the age of phony serious- 
ness. There was too much aggression in 
[them] for the age of Rodgers and Ham. 
merstein, Norman Vincent Peale and 
Dwight D. Eisenhower." True farce is 
aggressive; true tragedy is violent, "Ihe 
opposite of tragedy,” says Bentley, “is 
not comedy but Christian Science" —that 
is an evasion of death. But if Bentley 
scolds most modern playwrights because 
they dodge the crucial issues, he praises 
the few, like Ionesco and Beckett, who 
do not. Beckett's despair, his sense of 
life's meaninglessness, is the real thing, 
Bentley tells us; we all share it. “You 
into a theater where 
БЕЛІ and the ghastly de 
spondency will cut into you like an icy 
wind.” And in Beckett's power Bentley 
finds cause for hope. The theater has not 
reached the end of the line; for deep 
despair has obviously not defeated a 
man who can still write about it, “A 
work of art,” says Bentley, “is organized 
and rational, a victory of the human 
spirit in the highest sense ... a sign 
that despair is not at the whecl but that 
a man 

The Act of Creation (Macmil 
Arthur. Koestler's 
of the creative process as it pertains to 
humor, science and the arts. The book 
is, by and large, solidly constructed, care- 
fully presented and exasperatingly dull. 
The exegesis is dear enough. Koestler 
argues that the creative act is first, last 
and always the product of "bisociation" 
—a word he has coined especially for the 
occasion. Bisociation is thinking in two 
t frames of reference at once— 
combining them so as to come 
up with a surprise. A joke, says Koestler, 
is an instance of conflicting bisociation, 
when two systems or rules meet head on. 
Example: "A convict was playing cards 
with his jailers. On discovering that he 
cheated, they kicked him out of 
Convicts are punished by being locked 
up, you sce, but cheats are punished by 
being let out. The two rules conflict, so 
we laugh (perhaps). Newton's apple and 
Archimedes’ bathtub are more compli- 
cated examples of the same process 
making a discovery by combining two 
scemingly unrelated subjects. And essen- 
tially the same thing, says Koestler, "ap- 
plies to the discoveries of the artist who 
makes us see familiar objects and events 
in a new, strange, revealing light. . 
Newton's apple and Gczanne's apple are 
discoveries more closely related than 
they seem.” (The title of Koestler's fa- 
mous novel, Darkness at Noon, is evident- 
ly a short, sweet example of bisociation.) 

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Having set forth his theory early in the 
game, Koestler proceeds to spin out end- 

aborations on the theme. He finds 
nces of bisociation practically every- 
where—in Copernicus, in Picasso, in the 
collective unconscious and (citing Kóhl- 
er's Gestalt experiments) in chimpan- 
zces. He seems under a compulsion to 
tell us all he knows, which is considera- 
ble but not always relevant. Discussing 
the scientific method, Koestler alludes to 
the process of elaboration and 
verification as “the long donkey-work 
following the brief flash of insight.” 
Koestler’s flash of insight is his concept 
of bisociation; the rest of the book is 

Take the costume off an actor and 
nine times out of ten little is left but 
ge day fect. The tenth man is John 
Barrymore, What's left, 22 years alter his 
death, is the Barrymore legend, 100 
proof and almost entirely true, Hollis 
Alpert has now poured that heady libi- 
tion into The Borrymores (Dial Press). 
It's a big, handsome volume, enriched 
with 77 well-chosen photographs, evoca. 
tive of an extravagant era. John Barry- 
more was an alcoholic Peter Pan—he 
never grew up. He was bom into a 
weird world of wardrobe-trunk adults 
and died 60 years later in a rolling fog 
of childishnes. Between the first and 
last curtains he acted brilliantly for 30 
years and as well as he could for 10 
more. The Great Profile went on his first 
drunk at 5, was с; 
14, was seduced by his stepmother at 15, 
seduced a woman twice his age at 17, 
and was an accomplished barfly from a 
25 onward. He was embroiled with his 
second wife, poet poscur Michael Strange, 
at 38, had a breakdown at 39, thought of 
leaping into the Seine at 40 but climbed 
Mont Blanc instead, and had what a 
doctor called an “alcoholic wetbrain" at 
51. The following year was busy—he 
drank perfume and coolingsystem alco: 
hol, hired a Madras brothel for a week. 
broke his nursc’s nose, and рамей one of 
daughter Diana's schoolmates. Cruising. 
to the finish with three divorces in hand, 
he seduced and married teenage Elaine 
Barric, made Bulldog Drummond mov 
ies, kept on guzzling, and died—ap 
propriately cnough—in Hollywood. But 
whereas John was raw moonshine, broth- 
cr Lionel, sister Ethel and the dutch of 
Barrymore grandparents, cousins and 
aunts which Alpert has added to his con- 
coction were pleasant and, by contrast, 
dull, more like a pousse-café, And as John 
would have pointed out sternly, even the 
best pousse-cafés cloy alter a while. 

ht in a brothel at 

‘Thomas Berger's Little Big Man (Dial 
Press) is an outsized, loose-gaited, tongue- 
incheek narrative purporting to repre- 
sent the autobiography of onc Jack 

The most 
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Only five men have keys to the yeast room at Schlitz. 
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Yeast is what makes beer come alive. No yeast, no 
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And Schlitz has pioneered in so many other ways 
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But right now the Schlitz Й 
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Get together with the beer 
that made Milwaukee famous 
simply because it tastes so ° 
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It tents ma one 
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Strong ideas attract strong men. 
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One of the secrets of Sansabelt is 
a new patented 4” elastic waistband 
designed in France. Sansabelt per- 
petually re-adjusts itself as you 
stoop, bend, walk or sit. Follows your 
body-never fights it. 

At better men’s stores, or write 
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aJAYMAR stack 

‘Lcd by atin al A.G. Tett of Frases, Under 1.5. М.М. 2151 RL. 

Sansabelt Slacks are available ә) 
WASHINGTON, and other fine stores from 
coast to coast. 

Crabb. Dictated in the 1950s when Crabb 
is 111 years old, it touches upon virtually 
every critical episode in the history of 
the frontier—in every one of which, it 
develops, Crabb played no mean role. 
He practices Ше art of gun fighting 
with Wild Bill Hickok; he hunts buf- 
falo and is infected by the Pikes Peak 
gold bug: he resides in a Cheyenne 
tribal suburbia, along with squaw and 
three sisters-in-law, owing husbandly ob- 
ligations 10 all four; he exchanges shoot- 
ing words with W: rp ("You just 
spoke my name." "I dom't know your 
name. All I donc was belch.”); he perpe 
trates bunco schemes and poker cons, 
and is the sole white survivor ol the Bat- 
tle of Little Bighorn. Berger has men 
interlaced this richly improbable plot 
with outrageous path crossings and coin- 
cidences of the classic picaresque novel 
s well. “Sue Ann?" cries the prostitute. 
“But that’s my mother’s name . . . Then 
you are my Uncle Jack!” “You better 
get your dress back on,” says Crabb. 
What Berger has contrived, of course, is 
a frontier-style tall story to outtall the 
lot of them. Yet in shooting holes 
through the whole раззе of saddle-weary 
clichés, he has also managed to tran- 
scend them magnificently. More often 
than not, we find Crabb among the In- 
dians, and it is their story Berger really 
cares about. He gallops clear of the 
il romantic distortions—Berger's red- 
ink, for example, yet are proud 
human beings, often absurd, always dig 
nified. And for all the comedy, Berger's 
hoked-up portraits of Hickok and Custer 
seem uncannily real. The book's conclu- 
sion, re-creating Custer’s Last Stand, 
reeks of gunsmoke—or maybe it’s Indian. 
The only thing we crabb about is that 
death interrupts our hero's shamele 
lying when he is recounting his ex- 
ploits of 1876. His report on the 1881 
gun fight at the О.К. Corral, say, would 
probably have been a lulu. 

Psychiatrist Eric Berne has committed 
a hanging offense. In Gomes People Play 
(Grove Press), he has suggested that 
grownups grow up. To Dr. Berne, all 
the world's a stadium and most of its 
men and women youthful games players 
who were taught the rules while making 
their first mud pies. Quickly they 
ped the object—to avoid real partic- 
ion in life. Therapist Berne hopes 
that even a champion neurotic may dis- 
card his games if he can be brought to 
realize he is playing them. This cleans- 
ing action transports him into a state of 
psychic grace, free of rationalizing self- 
destruction. Borrowing his literary form 
from Stephen Potter, our Hoyle of the 
psyche explains the mechanisms of such 
tragicomic ploys as “Wooden Leg" (1 do 
those terrible things because of my prob- 
"Now I've Got You, You Son of a 
Bitch” (pouter waits gleefully for victim 
to slip, then strikes with self-righteous 

fury); and “бес What You Made Me Do” 
(husband and wife argue at bedtime as a 
way of avoiding sex without having to 
admit they want to avoid it). These 
games can be rained out when, for exam 
ple, a Schlemiel can't get a Schlimazl to 
make a twosome. Schlemiel, who thrives 
on fervent forgiveness, spills his drink 
on the rug, smears anchovy paste on 
the sofa, then knees the hosts wife in 
the groin as he rises to apologize. The 
hosts game-canceling line is; "Tonight 
you can embarrass my wife, ruin the fur- 
niture and wreck the rug, but plea 
don't say "m sony." H games co: 

really be washed out so simply, the 

Wooden Legs would eventually stop 

crying in their beer and face themselves. 

But Dr. Berne himself notes sadly that 

few humans can resist an invitation to 

sit in on a game. For every Schlemiel in 

the world, somewhere a Schlimazl is 


Time was, and not too long ago, when 
a hamburger, soggy pizza or some Sen- 
ator’s favorite recipe for succotash was 
standard fare atop Washington’s Capitol 
Hill Now, at last, the Hill has a res- 
taurant making a supreme effort to 
achieve elegance and superb cuisine, It 
is The Rotunda (30 Ivy Street, S. F), claimed 
to be a million-dollar investment, and 
well it may be. Once an old warchouse, it 
is now the refuge for weary legislators and 
knowledgeable Washingtonians who seek 

relaxed dining away from the omn 
present camerx-toting tourists. Once 

past the heavy, inlaid door, one can 
either descend a winding staircase to the 
main dining room and taproom or step 
up to the lushly furnished, low-ceilinged 
а Room. Seating only 80, 1 
Scala is paneled in Philippine mahogany 
with rich tapestries and colorful crested 
shields adding tone to the dark wood. 
Downstairs, one enters a Renaissan 
world. There are alcoves along the walls, 
ined-glass windows and richly carved 
banisters and railings. The furnishings 
are heavy and ornate but comfortbl 
led off from the dining area, the 
taproom is dark and its decor, as in the 
other rooms, is rich but not overpower- 
ing. The brothers Ermanno and Henry 
Prati, also proprietors of the popular 
Aldo’s and Channel House elsewhere in 
Washington, are involved in this ven- 
ture with Robert J. D. Johnson. Erman- 
no explains the brief Continental menu 
quite logically: “A few dishes, well pre- 
pared, is our aim." Some of the French 
cuisine understandably shows a fine Ital- 
ian hand, but the Roman specialties are 
choice. For our visit, the appetizers were 
Shrimp Provençal and Escargots Bour- 
guignonne. The Long Island Duckling à 


Make this simple test for improving drinks 

Your choice of a basic liquor greatly influences the taste 

of any drink you mix. Prove it yourself this easy 
way. First, pour a jigger of Bourbon or Scotch 
over cracked ice in a short glass. Sip it. Now 
do the same with Southern Comfort. Sip it, 
and you've found a completely different kind 
of basic liquor. This one actually tastes good 
right out of the bottle—with nothing added. No 
wonder a switch to this smoother liquor makes 
so many mixed drinks taste much better. 


Use finely granulated sugar. 
Confectioners’ sugar (often 
called “powdered”) is not for 
drinks. Dissolve sugar before 
adding liquor. 

As a general rule 

STIR drinks made only 

with clear liquors. 

SHAKE drinks made with 
hard-to-blend ingredients like 
fruit juice, eggs, or cream 

+ + « and shake hard. 

Never mix by the “eyeball” 
method-not even a highball, 

The best drinks are the result of 
exact measurements of the 

CHILL YOUR GLASSES finest ingredients, 

For better drinks, chill 
cocktail glasses by 
filling with cracked or 
shaved ice, Mix drink, 
dump ice, dry glasses, 
pour in drink. 

Basic measurements : 
pony —1oz; 1 jigger — 11⁄ oz. 
dash — 4 to 6 drops. 


It's a special kind of liquor. In the days of the Old South, a 
talented New Orleans gentleman was disturbed by the taste of 
even the finest whiskeys. So he “smoothed his spirits" with rare 
and delicious ingredients... and Southern Comfort was born. 
The formula for this 100-proof liquor is still a family secret, 
but millions have discovered its pleasure. Try a bottle. We 
think you'll like what it adds to your drinks . . . old ones or new. 

Southern Comfort® 

It's easy to improve even the simple drinks 

First mixing rule: Don’t skimp on ice. Drinks should be cold. 
And ice should be fresh. Old ice absorbs refrigerator odors and 
tastes. Especially for the drinks listed below, use the best liquor 
you can afford. Remember these are for people who appreciate 
a fine liquor's true flavor. Surveys show, for instance, that over 
half the users of Southern Comfort enjoy it in these drinks. . . 
because its naturally rich flavor is so good by itself. 


On-the-rocks: Pour a jigger of liquor over two ice cubes in an 
Old-Fashioned glass. To improve it? Use three smaller cubes; 
the drink chills faster, tastes better. A twist of lemon peel adds 
piquancy. For a mist, fill your glass with finely cracked ice. 
Many say this slight dilution frees even more of the flavor. 

HIGHBALLS: easy to make, easy to ruin... 

Easy to make: A jigger of liquor, ice, soda or water. Easy to 
ruin? Yes! Soda, dry or sweet, should be top quality, and cold 
(it holds carbonation better). Instead of faucet water, often full 
of chemicals, try bottled spring water. Now, try this . . . 

COMFORT* HIGHBALL: 1 jigger (1% oz.) Southern Comfort 
Twist of lemon peel or juice of М lime (optional) * sparkling water 
Pour S. C. over ice cubes; add lime or lemon; fill with water, stir. 

Just as easy to improve famous cocktails P 

PLAYBOY December 1964 



k жә — 
— Hu x 
— = MM 

Easily mixed cocktails give you time to mix with guests! 

% jigger (% oz.) Italian % tspn. sugar • 1 oz. water 
(sweet) vermouth 2 oz. Scotch or Bourbon 

` ра i 1) so Stir sugar with water in Old-Fashioned glass. 
5 ااا‎ Add ice cubes, liquor, twist of lemon peel. 
Stir with finely cracked ice; > ith Sout 
strain into cocktail glass. Serve SALES тт бәлесі 

with a twist of lemon peel. RUM SWIZZLE 

Juice % lime • 4 dashes bitters 
2% oz. light rum * 1 tspn. sugar 



1 part French (dry) vermouth 
Н Міх in glass pitcher with 

A parts gin or vodka plenty of finely cracked ice. 

Stir with cracked ice until chilled. Stir vigorously until mixture 
Strain into pre-chilled cocktail glass. foams. Serve in double 
Serve with green olive, pearl onion, Old-Fashioned glass. 
or a rwist of lemon peel. 

BLODOY MARY Juice % lime or % lemon * 1 tspn. sugar 
2 jiggers tomato juice 1 Neger (1% oz) light rum 
V jigger lemon juice Shake with cracked ice until 

Dash Worcestershire sauce shaker frosts. Strain into 54 
1 jigger (1% oz.) vodka cocktail glass. AL 

Salt, pepper to taste. MARGARITA 
Shake with cracked ice; 1% oz. white Cuervo tequila 
strain into 6-oz. glass. % or. Triple Sec 

1 oz. lime or lemon juice 

Gun Moisten cocktail glass rim with 
ii x Li 
1 part Rose’ 4 Белі u vodka fruit rind; spin moist rim in salt. 
DAI Sua me, Mice Shake ingredients with 
Shake well with cracked ice. cracked ice. Strain into glass 
Strain into pre-chilled glass. and sip over salted edge. 


A champion drink served at Sun-lovers’ choice at the 
Jack Dempsey’s, New York Luau Restaurant, Miami Beach 
¥ jigger (% oz.) Southern Comfort Juice % lime or М lemon • % tspn. sugar 
¥ jigger Bourbon * % jigger water 1 jigger (1% oz.) Southern Comfort 
Pour liquors over cracked ice in short glass. Shake thoroughly with cracked ice until 

Add water; stir. Top with twist of lemon peel. shaker frosts. Strain into cocktail glass. 

PLAYBOY December 1964 


ltspn. sugar * % jigger lemon juice 
1 jigger (1% oz.) gin, vodka, or tequila 
Sparkling water 

Dissolve sugarin juice. Add ice cubes, 
liquor. Fill with sparkling water; stir. 

1 jigger (1% oz.) Southern Comfort 
Juice % lime * Hawaiian pineapple juice 
Pack tall glass with cracked ice. Add lime 
juice, S.C. Fill with pineapple juice; stir. 

1 jigger (1% oz.) Southern Comfort 
Juice and rind of%lime • cola 

Squeeze lime overice cubes in 
tall glass. Add rind, Southern 
Comfort; fill with cola. Stir. 

For a Cuba Libre, use light rum instead of S.C. 

Juice and rind % lime 
1 jigger (1% oz.) gin 
Sparkling water 


Squeeze lime over ice cubes in 
8-02. glass. Add gin, lime rind; 
fill with sparkling water. Stir. 

Mix brandy, rum, Scotch, Bourbon rickeys the same way. 
Or, ring in a new rickey flavor with Southern Comfort. 



Mix great long drinks with these short steps! 


4 sprigs fresh mint = 1 tspn. sugar 

Dash of water • 2 oz. Bourbon 

Chill tall glass. Crush mint, sugar in water; 
pack with cracked ice. Pour whiskey almost 
to top. Stir until glass is frosted. 

For a julep worth a mint in flavor, use S.C., no sugar. 


1 jigger (1% oz.) vodka 

Orange juice 

Pour vodka over ice cubes in 
6-oz. glass. Fill with juice. Stir. 

Southern Comfort instead of vodka 
gives a screwdriver a bright new turn. 

Juice, rind 14 lime * 1 jigger (1% oz.) gin 
Quinine water (tonic) 

Squeeze lime over ice cubes in 
8-02. glass. Add rind, gin; 

fill with tonic. Stir. 

Vodka "п tonic: 

use vodka instead of gin. 

1 jigger (1% oz.) Southern Comfort 
Unsweetened Texas grapefruit juice 

Pack 12-ог. glass with cracked ice. 
Add Southern Comfort; fill with 
juice. Stir. A drink you'll remember! 

2 COOLER) il 

ry msn dT 

Mixed at Wilbur Clark's Desert 
Inn & Stardust Hotels, Las Vegas 
ljigger (1% oz.) Southern Comfort 

Juice, rind % lime (optional) * quinine water (tonic) 
Squeeze lime over ісе cubes in 8-oz. glass. 
Add rind and S.C. Fill with tonic, stir. 

Scores with sportsmen at the 
EI Mirador Hotel, Palm Springs 
1 jigger (1% oz ) Southern Comfort 

Schweppe's Bitter Lemon 

Pour Southern Comfort over ice cubes in 
highball glass. Fill with Bitter Lemon, stir. 

PLAYBOY December 1964 



Bowifuls of party-tima cheer 

..for special о ons 


1 gt. dairy eggnog mix 


17. Bottle (fifth) Southern Comfort 
4 oz. Jamaica rum 
1 cup (8 oz.) pineapple juice 

1 cup grapefruit juice • 4 oz. lemon juice 
2 qts. champagne or sparkling water 

Pre-cool ingredients and mix in punch 
bowl, adding champagne last. Add ice, 
and garnish with orange slices. Serves 
25 . . . and puts punch into any party! 


í 7 Bottle (fifth) Southern Comfort 
1 cup (8 oz) cranberry juice 
3% cup lemon or lime juice 

1 cup (8 oz.) Southern Comfort dash Angostura bitters e 1 qt. sparkling water 
Nutmeg 2 qts. champagne 
Pre-chill eggnog mix, Southern Comfort. Pre-cool ingredients; pour into punch 
Blend in punch bowl by beating; dust with bowl over large piece of ice. Add 
nutmeg. Serves 10. Traditional holiday champagne last; garnish with deco- 
eggnog will reach new heights of flavor. ratively-cut fruit slices. Serves 20. 

Save over |5 on these Southern Comfort Steamboat Glasses 
Each set a $7.95 value. Save $4.45 per set on handsome blue and gold basic glasses. 

(See picture on following page) 

( Print your name and address.) 
Order items desired by letter and 
send check or money order to: 

Dept. 64PD Southern Comfort Corp., 
1220 N. Price Rd, St. Louis, Mo.63132 


For Collinses, coolers, highballs . . . any tall favorite. $350 
Set of 8 glasses (12 -oz. size) 


All-purpose! Highballs, on-the-rocks, even coolers. $350 
Set of 8 glasses (151/;-oz. size) 


For on-the-rocks, mists, popular "short" highballs. 

Set of 8 glasses (B-oz. size) PLUS matching 5250 
27/:-ог. Master Measure glass... all 9 only 


New shape for on-the-rocks, other "short" drinks. $350 
Set of 6 glasses (7-oz. size) 


This versatile single glass enables you to pour all the 
correct measures. Marked for % oz. (1⁄4 jigger); 1% oz. 
(jigger); 2 oz.; and 2% oz. SOLD ALONE 506 

Color-mated to glasses, say “Smooth Sailing.” 

Two packages of 40 each $1.00 value, only 256 

Offers void іп Ga., М. H., Pa., Tenn., Texas, Wash., and Provinces of Ontario and British Columbia. 
The folowing appearing herein are all trademarks, service marks. or both, and are used with the permission of HMH Publishing Co.. Inc. 





These striking contemporary 
glasses can be yours at only 
$3.50 per set! See special 
offer on previous page. 

(Advertisement) F. s е 

VOrange offered its sauce in a carved 
ресі boat alongside, not over, the fowl. 
Before serving, the duckling was seared 
over flaming Cointreau. Our companion 
chose butter-tender Tournedos Rossini 
whose flavor was immensely enhanced by 
the sauce and mushrooms. Coffee and 
flaming desserts—Cherries Jubilee and 
Brandied Peach Flamb pped the 
repast. The Rotunda's wine list is ex- 
tensive. ‘There is dancing from 9:30 to 
1:30 weekdays, 8 to 12 on Saturdays. 
Open six days a week from 11: 
until 2 A.M. (until midnight on Satur- 
days), the Rotunda is closed on Sundays. 


A highly pleasurable aural experience 
awaits on Nancy Wilson / How Glad I Am 
(Capitol). The girl with the golden voice 
tees oll the LP with her hit title ballad 
and goes on to cover such delights 
a brace from Funny Girl—People and 
Don't Rain on My Parade: a pair of An- 
tonio Carlos Jobim melodies, The Boy 
from Ipanema and Quiet Nights (Corco- 
vado) and a hall-dozen other goodies. 

Nancy is ultrafancy throughout, 

Peggy Lee / In the Name of Love (Capitol) 
rates as onc of her best in a long time. 
For one thing, her accompaniment is 
provided by a crew ol first-line jazzmi 
a number of the arrangements are by 
either Billy May, Dave Grusin or Lalo 
Schifrin, three of the best of the chart- 
makers; and there are a near-dozen tunes 
of an almost uniformly high caliber, 
among them: The Boy from Ipanema, 
Shangri-La, When in Rome and Theme 
Jrom “Joy House. 

Jackson: Vibrations (Atlantic) proves 
again that the longtime Playboy Jazz 
Poll-winning vibist performs admirably 
outside the context of the Modern Jazz 
Quartet. Here, leading a large group on 
six of the offerings, and backed by a 
rhythm section on the title tune and Mel- 
ancholy Blues, Jackson is a stonewall of 
technique and inventiveness whether the 
mood be indigo or sunny. Tommy Flan- 
қап» piano and MJQ drummer Connie 
Kay add much to the proceedings. 

Ben Webster, that indefatigable titan 
of the tenor sax, continues his blithe 
course through jazz history with See You 
at the Fair (Impulsc!). Fronti quartet 
(Hank Jones and Roger Kellaway share 
the piano chores, Richard Davis is on 
bass, Osie Johnson on drums), the а 
less Webster breathes new life into Over 
the Rainbow, Our Love Is Here to Stay, 
Stardust and Someone to Walch over 

Me. as he proves once again that he is 
perhaps the most melodic jazz practi- 
tioner extant. 

Everybody Knows / Steve Lawrence (Colum- 

and everybody knows his vocal 
bilities, which are very much in 
evidence on this LP. From Toots Thiele- 
mans’ lilting Bluesette through the soul- 
ful Don't Let the Sun Gatch You Crying 
on to the Lawrence Gormé-penned Can't 
Get Over the Bossa Nova, Steve is in full 
command—except for Yet... I Know, 
а hysterical French import that should 
prove as popular as hoofand-mouth 

A fine "live" Miles session at Juan- 
Les-Pins has found its way to vinyl on 
Miles Dovis in Europe (Columbia). Heading 
а quintet made up of George Coleman 
on tenor, Ron Carter, bass, Herbie Н: 
cock, piano, and young Tony Williams 
on drums, Miles is in splendid form on 
a pair of standard—Aulumn Leaves 
(which can be banal as hell in the wrong 
hands) and Cole Porter's All of You— 
and three jazz originals 

A refreshing change of pace, This Is 
Now! / Hank Jones (ABC-Pa 
the stellar jazz pianist disin: 
slew of antique rags, polishing 
them to a gleaming luster and offering 
them with surprisingly little “moderniz- 
ag” His laissezfaire policy is a wise 
one. The rags have an appeal far beyond 
their value as jazz museum pieces. There 
is а vitality, a basic straightforwardness 
that holds the listener. Drummer Osie 
Johnson and bassist Milt Hinton ebulli- 
ently enter into the spirit of thc occasion. 

Color us disenchanted. Barbra Strei- 
sand / People (Columbia), the latest LP 
from the hottest female property in show 
business, goes over with a whimper, not a 
bang. The material is not to be faulted. 
It includes the title song, Supper Time 
from Irving Berlin's As Thousands 
Cheer and Don’t Like Goodbyes from 
the Arlen-Gapote House of Flowers. But, 
with the exception of the deliberately 
paced, Happy Days-styled Fine and Dan- 
dy, that tendency toward nerve-jangling 
frenetic h we have mentioned in 
the past is still very much a part of Miss 
Streisand's bag of tricks. 

Even if you already have a complete 
recording of the opera, a wise investment 
would be Carmen (RCA Victor), with 
Leontyne Price, Franco Corelli, Robert 
Merrill and Mirella Freni as the prin- 
cipals. Miss Price gives an overpowering 
performance as the cigarette girl that 
Corelli and Merrill are hard put to 
match; what would be considered super 
lative interpretations of their roles under 
ordinary circumstances suffer by com- 
parison with the Price 

adeur of 

, she will! 

a very persuasive fragrance for men 

Cologne, After Shave, Tale, Shower Soap Bar, Gift Sets 
Caryl Richards, Inc, New York, М.У. 



Sony adds ап exciting 
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Now, from World-famous Sony, the perfect 
Playmate for your record player—the new Sony 
model 250 solid state stereo tape recorder. With 
a simple, instant connection to your record 
player you add the amazing versatility of four 
track stereo recording and playback 10 com- 
plete your home entertainment center and сге- 
ate your own tapes from records, AM or FM 
Stereo receivers, or live from microphoncs—61⁄4 
hours of listening pleasure on one tape! This 
beautiful instrument is handsomely mounted in 

For lite 


Iure or name of nearest dealer wrine to Superscope, Inc., Dept. 12, Sm Valley. 

a low-profile walnut cabinet, complete with 
built-in stereo recording amplifiers and play- 
back pre-amps, dual V.U. meters, automatic 
sentinel switch and all the other supcrb features 
you can always expect with a Sony. All rhe best 
from Sony for less than $139.50. 

AVAILABLE SOON: A sensational new develop- 
ment in magnetic recording tape, SONY 
PR-150. Write for details about our special 
introductory offer. (Sorry—only available to 
Sony owners.) 

Herbert Von Karajan is the conductor 
of the Vienna Philharmonic with the 
Vienma State Opera Chorus and the 
Vienna Boys Choir in attendance 

The Happy Horns of Clark Terry (Impulse!) 
points up the impeccable таме Terry 
brings to both the trumpet and the 
Flügelhorn. Felicitously surrounded һу 
such exemplary sidemen as Ben Webster 
and Phil Woods, Clark, in an outing 
dominated by Fllingtonia, is splendid 

Reissues of more than passing inter 
est: Djengo Reinhardt end the Quintet of the Hot 
Club of France (Capitol) features the incom. 
parable French guitarist in material 
pressed during World War II, after vio- 
linist Stephane Grappelly had left for 
gland. This group lacks some of the 
original quintet’s unique flavor, but the 
luster of Reinhardt’s guitarwork is not to 
be denied. 4 Gerry Mulligan Meets Johnny 
Hodges (Verve), part of a Mulligan Meets 
22. series, is one of the best; both 
Johnny and Gerry are the supreme 
lyricists of their instruments. The half- 
dozen tunes that make up the session are 
originals presented in the relaxed, clar 
ion style that is the hallmark of these 
stalwarts. § In the Beginning / Milt Jackson / 
Sonny Stitt (Galaxy), cut in the late Forties, 
represents the fledgling musical flights of 
the MJQ's superlative vibist and the 
Charlie Parker alto disciple. Stitt at the 
time was very much under the Bird's 
wing, while Jackson's vibes technique 
was still in transition. Even so, there is 

much of merit on this LP, including 
some beautiful balladic work on Body 
and Soul and Stardust. 4 The Best of 

George Shearing (Capitol) is a pleasant re 
minder that, if Shearing is not the 
world’s most inventive jazz pianist, he 
does rate as a consistent performer with 
a high polish and an enthusiasm that is 
transmitted to the auditor. Gleaned from 
sides made with the quintet, strings and 
Latin rhythm, the LP is smooth, unpre 
tentious and thoroughly digable. 4 
Jozz Impressions / Vince Gueraldi (Fantasy) 
is the early Guaraldi Trio, which really 
doesn't go back very many ye 
quick rise to fame via Cast Your Fale to 
the Winds predicated this reissue so 
as to give his first recordings a wider 
audience. The set, which includes Yester- 
days, Willow Weep for Me, John Lewis 
Django and a rare Billy Strayhorn item, 
1 Flower Is a Lovesome Thing, proves 
the regrooving of Guaraldi a wise moye, 
indeed. 4 Followers of Johnny Mathis 
should two-LP Johnny 
Mathis / The Great Years (Columbia) which 
contains past performances of such as A 
Certain Smile, Misty, Love Look Away 
and Tonight. § Further reprised vocal 
ists: The Hits of Jo Stafford (Capitol), which 
contains the moving Yesterdays, Georgia 
on My Mind and Come Rain or Come 


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So it’s more easily 
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English Leather’ 

..*the ALL-PURPOSE MEN'S LOTION, $2.00, $3.50, $6.50 
...*the ALL-PURPOSE SPRAY LOTION $5.00 (refill $2.00) 
the PRE-SHAVE LOTION, $1.50.. .*the ALL-PURPOSE POWDER, $1.50 
the SHOWER SOAP ON A СОКО, $2.00..."GIFT SETS from 53,00 to $10.00 

"alf pricas plus 10x 

MEM COMPANY, INC. 347 Fifth Avenue, New York 

You've got the edge . . . with Edgeworth 

Men who have the edge on life, the born winners, are apt 
to go for Edgeworth. Its winning blend of cool-smoking 
Burleys smokes even cooler with the exclusive texture of 
Edgeworth Read dy Rubbed. Never a bite from first light to 
last fragrant puff. Get the edge on pleasure. Get Edgeworth. 

Larus & Brother Co., Inc., Richmond, Va. Fine Tobacco Products Since 1877 

Shine; Julia Lee ond Her Boy Friends 
tol) wher 
belts the lil Size Papa, Gotta 
Gimme W ” Got and You Ain't 
Got It No More, 4 Chet Baker Sings 
(World-Pacific) echoes the Baker pipes of 
1954 when he put together a string of 
splendidly delineated standards. In addi 
tion to the regular quartet on the orig 
nal etching, the guitar of Joe Pass has 
been dubbed in to give greater body to 
the backgrounds 

irs Monks Time/Thelonious Monk (Co- 
lumbia) proves a tantalizing tour de 
force. The Monk is a jazz school unto 
himself: his solo tracks of Memories of 
You and Nice Work if You Can Get It 
have their roots in ragtime, while the 
group ellorts, Shuffle Boil in particular, 
are avantgarde delights. An unexpected 
bonus is tenor man Charlic Row 
whose work up till now we have nej 
lected; he can be mellifluous or driving 

ру discovery is A Rare Live Record- 
ie Holiday (RIC) made up of 
Lady Day's appearances at George 
Wein's Boston night club, Storyville, in 
the 1950s. Billie had just the hollow 
husk of a voice left, but she had lost 
none of her emotional involvement with 
her material. Such well-known Holiday 
ballads as Lover Man, Them There 
Eyes, Strange Fruit and Mise Rrown to 
You are welcome additions to Billi 

nyl memori; 

For those who think of the 12-string 
guitar as а country-and western instru- 
ment, 12-String Guitar! Great Motion Picture 
Themes / Joe Poss and the Folkswingers 
(World-Pacific) will come as a pleasant 
surprise. Pass, a rapidly rising force on 
the guitar scene, has John Pisano’s 
rhythm guitar behind him as well as the 
drums of Larry Bunker and the bass of 

charlie Haden, Included among the 

themes: Gharade, Carnaval from Black. 
Orpheus, Wives and Lovers and Call Me 
Irresponsible. In toto, an unusual and 
successful recording. 

Nat King Cole / My Fair Lady (Capitol) 
finds the ubiquitous balladeer enmeshed 
in a Lerner and Loewe score that is 
decidedly not his cup of tea. "The veddy 
British flavor of the lyrics becomes ludi 
crous when voiced by Cole (the effect is 
the same as Rex Harrison singing gospel) 
Only on the moving Гое Grown Accus 
tomed to Her Face do Cole and My Fair 
Lady have a common meeting ground 

We ordinarily don't dig sampler LPs, 
but The Definitive Jazz Scene / Volume 1 ([m- 
pulse!) is an exception. All the tracks 
are of previously unreleased items and 
some of them are pure gold: Golc- 

м à 
qus ND Ever pull out a little 

GET PY slip from the pocket of 

*a new purchase? And 
pe Í whoin the world the 
number is? To stop the spread of anony- 
mity, London Fog reveals 
all: 1 on a slip means 
Thelma Runkles who has 
checked our Maincoats 
longer than any other 
examiner on our London- 
town staff. 

Called *Grandma" by 
the crew, Mrs. Runkles has 
bright, glittering eyes that 
miss nothing. She studies 
the stitching and snips any 
stray threads. Pores over 
the fabric for the vague: 
defect. Scrutinizes all 
seams. And when the last 
little detail is explored 
places her stamp of ap- 
proval in the pocket of a 
perfect Maincoat. 

Mrs. Runklesis one of twenty-eight fas- 
tidious examiners. And if your London 
Fog fits as if it were custom tailored for 
you, feels crisp when you flip the collar 
and looks trim, orderly and handsome 
while it stands up to a cloudburst, pull out 

theslipfrom yourpocketand give creditto 
Bessie Bailey #2, Delmore Applewhite 
#3, Barbara Murray #4, Naomi Boyce #5, 
Augustine Braxton /6, Virginia Dailey 
#7, Olivia Jones #8, Janie Eubanks #9, 
Dora Lee Shelton #10, Hazel 
— Lindsay #11, Rosemarie 
Midget #12, Thelma Baker 
#14,Dessie Hall#15,Mildred 
Moss #16, Katie Graves 
#17, June Mathias #18, 
Idell Davis #19, Margaret 
„Jackson #20, Mary 

AM jd ines #24, Pecola 
~S 7 Odum#25,Geral- 

2 жу. dine Mickle #26, 
` ThelmaMack#27, 

Elenora English 
#28, Josephine 
Giordano #29, or 
Myrtle Clark #30. 
Mrs. Runkle’s current 
concern is the Dalton with 
new splitshoulderin our exclusive Calibre 
Cloth of 65% Dacron* polyester and 35% 
cotton, fluoridized with ZePel With zip-in 
Supra-Alpacalining,in natural,olive,black 
or mica. For about $55, your #1 coat. 
London Fog Baltimore 11, Maryland. 






The Man's Fragrance 
shave lotion 2%, cologne 53 nus ux 


Black Watch Instant Foam Shave 
Black Watch Pre-Electric Skin Conditioner 

man Hawkins work on the Shelly 
Manne-led Avalon and with Duke El- 
lington and a small group on Solitude: 
Clark Terry's Hammerhead Waltz; and 
a lyrically beautiful performance of a 
seldomheard Ellington composition, 
Single Petal of a Rose, by Ben Webster. 
Count Basie, John Coltrane, Charlie 
Mingus and Terry Gibbs are also on 

Mozart / The Complete Flute Sonatas / Jean- 
Pierre Rampal / Robert Veyron-Lacroix, Herpsi- 
chord (Epic) falls lightly and delightfully 
on the ear. The French virtuosi have an 
estimable rapport with each other and 
with the composer who, it should be 
noted, was all of eight when he wrote 
the sonatas. 

Command Performance! / Les & Larry Elgar? 
Play the Great Dance Hits (Columbia) is a 
nostalgic offering. The Great Dance Hits 
have nothing to do with the bird, the 
frug or the watusi, Rather, they en- 
compass the likes of Sentimental Journey, 
Tuxedo Junction, Jersey Bounce, ad in- 
finitum, all of which the Elgarıs deliver 
with a high gloss and an empathy for 
their material which communicates itself 
to the listener: 

tle 39, United 

publication: pLAynor. 3. Frequency of issue 

Monthly. 4. Location of known office of 

tere or general business offices of the pub- 
232 E. Ohio St., Chicago, Ill. 60611 
id. addresses of publisher, editor, 
ng editor: Publisher and Editor, 
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k J. Kesic, 300 N. 
Owner: HMH Pub- 
232 E. Омо St., Chica 
ind addresses of stock 
owning or holding one percent or morc 
total amount of stock: Glenn L. Hefner, 192: 
N- New England, Chicago, HL, H 

Wilmette, TIL 8. 
Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other 
security holders owning or holding one per- 
cent or more of total amount of bonds, 
mortgages or other sccuritics: None. 10. 
Average no. copics each issue during pre- 
ceding, 12 months: A. Total no. copies 
printed, 2,677,162; В. Paid circulation, (1) 
To term subscribers by mail, carrier cle 
or by other n 586,714, (2) Sales th 
agents, news deu 
C. Free distribution by mail, carrier delivery, 
or by other means, 9598; D. Total по. of 
copics distributed, 2,300,770. Single issue 
nearest to filing біліс: A. Total no. copies 
printed, 2,803,414; B. Paid circulation, (1) 
To term subscribers by mail, carrier delivery 
ог by other means, 617,605; (2) Sales through 
agents, news dealers, or otherwise, 1,886,400; 
С: Free distribution by mail, carrier delivery, 
or by other means, 8586; D. Total no. of 
copies distributed, 2,512,591. I certify that 
the statements made by me above are correct 
and complete: Robert S. Preuss, Business 



Built-in automatic syn- 

Record nature sounds. |chronizer advances 
Set on auto operation. | slides; coordinates them 
Sound starts and stops |with commentary or 
it automatically. music. 



For investigations, inter- | Use voice operation or 

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stops road. 


Enjoy music at the beach, on your boat, anywhere. 
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World’s First Fully- 
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You'll find all sorts of “hands-free” uses for 
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not possible with an ordinary recorder. You 
don't even have to be there. Sound starts it; 
sound stops it. Just set it and forget it! O The 
330 is packed with features : automatic slide 
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movies; automatic self-threading too! Up to 

6 hours playing time on 5” reels; 2 speeds; VU 
meter/battery life indicator and an optional 

AC adaptor. С See your Concord dealer right 
away for a demonstration. Under 9200.00, 
Other Models to $450.00. 

For Connoisseurs Of Sound 


сомсоно (Ü „є\єстномсв CORPORATION 
809 North Cahuenga Boulevard, Dept. D, Les Angeles 38, California 

smooth & swinging jazz 

Major Hartley Whyte , Chairman of the Distillery which bears his name, makes the scene with hrs favorite trio. 

However you break the ice... 
pour Whyte & Mackay’s over it 

Just listen! Greatest combo you've ever heard: sweet music and Whyte & Mackay's 
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‘Send this coupon today with $1.00 to MGM Records, 

“SMOOTH AND SWINGING JAZZ" а record collector's album, yours for $1. | Dept wm, P.0. вох #301, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11202 
(You'd expect to pay $4.98 for this great Verve record.) Features Joe Williams, 2 
Count Basie and orchestra, Bob Brookmeyer, Ray Brown, Roy Eldridge, Dizzy 
Gillespie, Terry Gibbs, Johnny Hodges, Billy Strayhorn, Gerry Mulligan, Anita O'Day. 





any algum is a thoughtful gift; Ан angel aleum ıs a compliment. 

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„ { 

Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D Major 
Nathan Milstein 
Approximately six dollars 

Brahms: Four Symphonies 
Klemperer and Philharmonia Orch. 
Approximately twenty-four dollars 

Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier Highlights 
Elisabeth Schwarzkopf Freni, Gedda; Schippers, Cond, 

Approximately twelve dollars. 


gloria | CONCERTO 

е Cor 


mplete lorks Poulenc: Gloria; Organ Concerto 
de Los Angeles, Bjoerling (efe mca Paria erronee ere Georges Prato, СООГА 
Approximetely eighteen dollars | Approximately twenty-four dollars Approximately six dollars. 

Prices optional with dealer 


WI, girlfriend, who is a prude, thinks 
it’s scandalous that J don't wear any un- 
derwear. I say it’s my business, Who's 
right—K. L., Juneau, Alaska 

I's your business all right, but how 
do you keep warm during those six- 
month winters they've got up there? And 
if your girl's a prude, how'd she find ош? 

AA former college classmate and frater- 
nity brother of mine is a dentist, just set- 
ing up a practice. He is a well-trained, 
competent practitioner, and occasionally 
T've referred friends to him. This is the 
problem: A divorcee es 
mine, on my advice, saw m 
an extended series of special work, and 
then disappeared—without paying а 
$1200 bill. Since then my friend has 
been anything but friendly, and when 
1 saw him last he suggested. that 1 pay 
him—at least at cost—for the bill this 
broad ran up. Should IE—T. M., Denver, 

No. Youre not a collection agency, 
and you're certainly not responsible for 
the unpaid bills of your deadbeat ex- 
girlfriend. Your recommendations to 
your dentist friend were simply a friend- 
1у gesture—which you might reconsider 
before repeating. 

F have been going out with a psychiatrist 
for two months, 1 went to bed with him 
for the first time a week ago—and since 
then, not one word from him. (All right, 
I don't expect Lawrence Welk serenad- 
ing me beneath my window the mo 

ng alter or any little mementos from 
Tillany's, but don't you think Im jus 
tified in expecting at least one call?) Is 
dite any way ұша (сай hin wirhent 
making a complete tool of myself, or do 
all you men of the world think 1 should 
just accept the fact that he found the 
whole experience unsatisfactory and de- 
cided to ross me cut of his little black 
book? I must admit, I'm not the world’s 
most exciting creature, but mo one 
complained before.—C. B., New Or- 
ns, Louisiana. 

Since no one has complained. before, 
relax. Your erstwhile headshrinker may 
be the kind who enjoys the chase more 
than the trophy. If so, that's his hang- 
up, not yours, Don't bug him with 
phone calls, Gul you wight drop him 
a nole recommending he see a good 


ММ... may I wear a boutonniere with 
a business suit and what kind should 
it be?—A. B., Chicago, Illinois. 

IVs appropriate any time before six. If 
you're slimly built with a narrow face, а 
small boutonniere (preferably a bache- 

lor’s-button) is best. For a fuller face on 
a fuller frame, the carnation (deep red 
only) is appropriate. Bear in mind, how- 
ever, that unless you have the bouton- 
niere bearing, you run the danger of 
looking like а road-company Clifton 
Webb or a displaced floorwalker. 

О. of my friends fancies himself an 
ї connoisseur. A few years ago he be- 
an—in a small way—acquiring paint 
Since I know something about art, 
he solicits my opinion on each new pur- 
chase. And since the paintings are al. 
ready paid for by the time I sce them, 
my usual response has been polite ap- 
proval—though my real feelings are that 
they range from bad to heinous, and 
that my friend is slowly erecting an un- 
paralleled artistic monument to bad 
taste. Recently he stepped up his buying, 
and Im getting ngly uncomfort- 
able. Am I justified in tell him I 
think his collection stinks?—T. J., Stam. 
ford, Connecticut. 

There's no sense in fracturing the 
guy's feelings by pointing out his bad 
laste at this late stage. Your best reply 
would be one couched in judiciously 
hedging language, such as, " Well, it’s not 
particularly my kind of art. but if you 
like it, that's fine.” In our opinion, you 
should have leveled with him from the 
start; when someone respects your judg- 
ment enough lo solictt an honest opin- 
ion, give it to him. 

Bam co-owner with another American 
girl of a small but lucrative café and bar 
in haly. I have been having a serious 
affair with one of our patrons, a man 
who is all I've ever wanted, and who 
anis to marry me—but on the condi- 
tion that I buy out my partner, since he 
thinks threes а crowd even in business, 
My gitlfriend enjoys the life and our 
work here as much as I do, and I haven't 
had the heart to tell her of my guy's de 
mands. What do you think I should do? 
—B. N., Turin, Italy. 

Explain the situation to your gòl 
friend and give her a choice: She can 
either buy you ош or be bought out. If 
you're as serious about the guy as you 
say you are, you should be willing lo 
face the prospect of giving up your cafe, 
since we assume you want the man move 
than the business. 

[| find that a disappointing number of 
American girls expect men to keep on 
dating them, solely for the pleasure of 
their company and an occasional kiss or 
two, I have neither the time, the money 
nor the inclination for such p 

atonic ar- 


yours with 


Aristocrat, Billiard Shape, 
55.95 and $5.95. 

No matter what you smoke you'll 
like Yello-Bole. The new formula, 
honey lining insures Instant Mild- 
ness; protects the imported briar 
bowl—so completely, it’s guaran- 
teed against burn out for life. Why 
not change your smoking habits 
the easy way — the Yello-Bole 
way. 52.50 to $6.95. 

| Official Pipes New York World's Fair 

to smoke a pipe; shows shanes, 

write; YELLO-BOLE PIPES, INC., К.Ү. 22, Dept. N 20, 
By the makers of KAYWOODIE 




Washington. 0С Месо. NJ. Framingham. Мом. 

is the scotch 

хас esa 

“Hedges | 


Ty imt femen b 
uice eee oe 


10096 сенен Whiskies » BG Frot + The Westminster Сыр, New York. N.V. 

rangements. Yet, too often my attempts 
to progress past the platonic stage are 
met with the old stand-by parry: “You 
men are only interested in one thing.” 
My question is: What is a reasonable 
number of times to date a girl before 
one can expect to receive his just re- 
ward?—J. W., Washington, D.C. 

We suspect that the reason you've en- 
countered so much difficulty in finding 
willing bedmates lies in your single- 
minded approach, Girls are bound to 
react defensively when you start tele- 
graphing that “OK, baby, let's make it" 
feeling every time you take them out. 1f 
you project the idea that she “owes” 
you some loving just because you've 
been dating for a while, you'll continue 
to strike ош more often than not. In- 
stead, why not try to convince her that 
you're interested in her personally—not 
just horizontally. It's certain 10 improve 
your current batling average. 

Em inking of having a few friends 
over for a bit of yuletide wassail, and Га 
like to save myself the trouble of taking 
individual drink orders by serving some 
kind of community punch. Апу sugges: 
tions?—B. A., Flushing, New York. 

Our favorite holiday cheer is Swedish 
glogg, a spicy Scandinavian polation 
served piping hot. For a dozen thirsty 
revelers, mix two fifths of burgundy or 
claret, a cup of sugar, 32 whole cloves 
and 16 sticks oj cinnamon in а commo- 
dious saucepan, and bring to the boiling 
point. Reduce the flame, simmer five to 
cight minutes, then stir in two cups of 
good brandy. Ladle into mugs garnished 
with a few raisins and almonds—and 
God rest ye merry, gentlemen! 

AA few weeks ago, on а business 
ati, I was having an ci 

ning cocktail in my hotel room with an 
old girlfriend. Our conversation was in- 
terrupted by the house detective, who 
knocked loudly and insisted on being 
admitted. I let him in, and, as soon as he 
saw that we were enjoying just drinks 
and conversation, he apologized for the 
inconvenience and departed. Now I'm 
wondering, first, if I should have let him 
in, and second, if this invasion of a 
guests privacy was legal or justified, 
Needless to say, it cost the hotel a cu: 
tomer.—]. S., San Francisco, California. 
You were right in letting the detective 
in, since vejusing him entry would only 
have resulted in a scene that could have 
embarrassed both your friend and your- 
self. Though the hotel management is 
legally entitled to right of access provid- 
ed there's good cause to suspect law- 
breaking, the hotel guest is just as 
entitled lo be protected from an in- 
vasion of his privacy. We don’t think 
this is worth taking to court, bul we 

would certainly let the hotel manager 
know why you won't be staying there 

V; it ever proper to wear a chesterfield 
coat with a sports jacke А.Т. De 
шой, Michigan. 

Since a chesterfield is a dress coat, it 
should not be worn with casual clothes. 

who works in a huge down- 
town building, and the nature of my job 
requires that 1 ride in Ше elevator a 
great deal. ‘Thus my question: Is it rude 
for a man to leave an elevator first when 

there are women behind him? (Many 
times I have to fight my way out 
through men who apparently feel it 

would be poor manners for them to 
exit in front of me.) —U. B., New York, 
New York, 

Irs foolish jor men to block ап ele- 
valor doorway while waiting for mem- 
hers of the fair sex to snake their way 
around them. In a crowded elevator, 
those in front, no matter what their 
sex, should step out first. 


may seem like an idiot question 
ad you probably won't be able to 

answer it—but it's а matter that’s been 
bugging me for weeks. I was at a party 
with my girl and two other college 

couples We were sitting around the 

fireplace and I said to my date suime- 
thing inane like, “Be a doll and kiss me 

now, honey.” The other two guys looked 
at each other, smiling broadly, and then 
one of them said, “Oh, be a fine girl, 
kis me right now, sweetheart!" And 
then they both burst into gales ol 
laughter. 1 was sort of miffed and said 1 
didn't see what was so funny. One of 
them repeated this sentence and then 
said. “Well, you have to be a science 

major to understand the joke.” The 
other guy agreed, and neither of them 
would explain. 1 was embarrassed 

1 dropped it, but it still puzzles me 
makes me, an arts major, decl sq 
What has science got to do with 
anything? —P. D., Ann Arbor, Michi 

The phrase that was supposcd 10 be 
so hilarious is a memorizing device 
called a mnemonic; The initial letters 
of the words are the alphabetical desig- 
nalions of the relative temperatures of 
stars, Scientist and sci-fi writer George 
Gamow invented this mnemonic, and 
Science writer Willy Ley pointed out 
its major weakness: In normal speech, 

the sentence would probably be spoken 
in ascending order of heat, whereas the 
progression O, B, A, Е. G, K, M, R, N, 
Š is in descending order of stellar tem- 
peratures. We hope this sets your mind 
at rest—and that you got your kiss. 

Ham boarding with a family that in- 





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E THE FIRST on your block to own a Budget Rent-A-Car Credit Card. And don’t 

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Then watch their status shrivel before your eyes. `. 


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Budger® Rent-A-Car Corporation 
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[ ] I can't help it! Even with my 
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I flash your Credit Card around 
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Budget Rent-A-Car, in its 6th successful year, will consider ар 

in your city, write Mr. Jules Lederer, President, Budget Rent-A-Car Corp. of America, 35 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago 1, Ill. A B 



No slide projector 
ever looked like 

this before 

It’s the dramatically successful Sawyer's. 

Shows 100 slides non-stop with new 
circular tray. Takes regular trays, too. 

Can even show up to 40 slides without 
a tray. 

No other projector, at any price, does so 
much, so well. 

From less than °55. Deluxe Rotomatic Slide 
Projector shown, less than 120. 

cludes a daughter with whom I fell in 
love immediately. My problem is that 

she thinks of me as a “brother,” and I 
find this situation unbearable. How can 
I get my me: -B. L., Saint 

Louis Park, Minnesota. 

She'll probably continue to think of 
you as a brother as long as you're living 
under the same roof with her. Moving to 
another place would be a smart move; 
then start dating her as you would any 
other eligible young lady 

Ш recently found myself in a minor ar- 
ment over the meaning of the phrase 
bottled in bond." My friend claimed 
it’s an index of whiskey qu; while I 
said it merely involves storage of hooch 
and has nothing to do with quality. Who 
was righe?—T.K., Fresno, California. 

You were. “Boltled in bond" on a 
whiskey label simply means that the dis- 
tiller has agreed to store his booze in 
bonded warchouses—thus avoiding hefty 
Federal excise taxes until he's ready lo 
sell. The law requires that to be eligible 
for such preferential tax treatment, 
whiskey must be at least four years old 
and 100 proof, but these factors alone 
don't guarantee quality. 

Um engaged to marry a girl who is all I 
want in a wife. Her parents, while not 
wealthy, are well off. When cach of her 
ree older sisters married, her father, 
arm and generous man, gave 
weds a fat cash gift, followed 
up periodic 
I assume he plans the same for us, and, 
quite frankly, I would rather not accept 
the money, Not that it wouldn't come in 
handy: It’s just that in the long run I'd 
rather have self-respect than dough. 
What are your feelings?—J.G., New 
York, New York 

А cash gift, if it's forthcoming, will be 
simply а wedding present. We have 
nothing against wedding gifts. and in 
this instance feel that you would be in 
sulting your future father-in-law by re- 
fusing what he offered. Of course, after 
you're married, you would be justified 
in refusing additional largess, if that is 
your preference, but we fail to see how 
your self-respect is jeopardized if there 
are no strings attached to the moola. 

ly with additional presents 

AU reasonable questions—from fash- 
ion, food and drink, hi-fi and sports cars 
lo dating dilemmas, taste and etiquetie 
—will be personally answered if the 
writer includes a stamped, self-addressed 
envelope. Send all leiters to The Playboy 
Advisor, Playboy Building, 232 E. Ohio 
Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611. The most 
provocative, pertinent queries will be 
presented on these pages euch month. 

VOL. II, NO. 53 


) Шішіш Club News 







CHICAGO (Special)—Give the most exciting Christmas present 
your friends and business associates will receive this season—give 
the Playboy Triple Gift holiday package, a repeat of last year’s 
Sensational offer. Here's what the lucky man will receive: 

1. HIS PLAYBOY CLUB KEY, The famous silver symbol of the 
good life opens the door to every Playboy Club in the world. Ten 
are now open and several premieres are planned during 1965. 

your friend’s first visit to The 
Playboy Club, a beautiful 
Bunny will serve а bottle of 
Playboy’s champagne at your 
friend's table, with your compli- 
ments, He'll begin his life as a 
playboy in our famous festive 
atmosphere with a sparkling re- 
minder of your good taste. 

Keyholders: Dial a Bunny 
For speedier Triple Gift 
shopping—dial a Bunny 
and order keys by phone. 
(Area codes precede 

At the same time, the Bunny 
will give him a richly colored 
20” x 30” reproduction of a 
LeRoy Neiman original. Award- 
winning impressionist Neiman, 
whose works ere an essential 
part of Playboy Club decor, has 
been well-known to PLAYBOY 
readers (Man at His Leisure, 
story illustrations, fashion 
spreads and Femlins) for ten 
years. The Playboy Club collec- 
tion includes 150 Neiman oils. 


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This offer definitely will not 
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No Scotch 
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ANY SELF-RESPECTING sybarite learns ear- 
ly to seck out the spectator pleasures of 
honparticipant sports, thus acquiring out- 
door enjoyment without undue exertion. 
While others labor on ski slopes, the 
truly sincere sloth will be relaxing back 
at the lodge or attending the February 
Deep Freeze Little Le Mans which pits 
sports cars at speeds that hit 125 around 
the twoandonchalfmile ice course on 
frozen Stillwater Lake in Pennsylvania's 
Pocono Mountains. 

The social life of the horsy set is open 
to the practicing idler in Ше balmy 
sandhills country of North Carolina 
without resorting to post-equitation lini- 
ment. You can watch point-to-point 
races at Southern Pines in mid-January, 
sponsored by the Moore County 
Hounds; or use a jeep to follow fox and 
drag hunting thrice weekly here and at 
Tryon in the Blue Ridge foothills. You 
can watch die hunting dogs work out in 
January at the Pinchust Field Tr 
and Southeastern. Brittany Field Т 
over the famous Pinehurst courses which 
also form part of the big hun 
serve for quail shooting. Re 
food and drink at rustic Pine Crest Inn 
in Tryon and at Maison Henri с 
dancing, the Pine Room of the bi 
both at Pinehurst. For a change of 
pace, winter-warm Pinehurst and South- 
ern Pines, between them, boast ten great 
IShole golf courses, many designed by 
the Scottish specialist Donald Ross. 

Made to order for imactivists is the 
hoomanawanui, or takc-it-casy spirit, of 
All the savvy man of leisure 
to Makapuu 
fan slopes 

need do is saunter over 
Point, where an ancient L 

gently into the sea. Here, at the base of 
cliff where King Kamehameha I 
beached his war canoes, a coral lagoon 

displays the underwater life of offshore 
Hawaii—visible from the surface and 
from glass ports underground 

Back in Waikiki, you can relax in 
the Tapa Room of the Hilton Hawaiian 
Village Hotel or the Monarch Room 
of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. Both of 
these rooms put on excellent shows and 
serve gourmet dinners. The entertain- 
ment is standard Hawaiian, but Ше per- 
formers are all authentic islanders rather 
than mainland enter ing like 
тег across the Pacific, inactivists 
are carefully coddled in Hong Kong (see 
Five Yuletide Vacations, page 169) — 
thanks to rickshas for padding about 
town, and ferries scurrying among the 
237 islands of Hong Kong's bays. 

iners ma 

many visitors restrict their touring to 
Hong Kong island and to Kowloon on 
the mainland without ever enjoying the 
other islands. Yet а ten-mile ferry run 
will take you to Lanto island—whose 
well-equipped Silver Mine Bay is a fa- 
vorite swimming spot for hip locals. Peng 
Chau, on the ferry route to Lantao, is 
noted for its bustling market and, partic- 
ularly, for hand-painted porcelain. Still 
another huge island is Lamma, whose 
Picnic Bay is much favored by yachtsmen 

The Portuguese island of Macao, 
where widespread gambling at two ca 
sinos is all that’s left of its lurid repu 
tion as а vice center, can now be reached 
by hydrofoil from Hong Kong. Macao's 
casinos feature roulette, chemin de fer, 
пете et quarante and baccarat, but for 
the time being, fan-tan and ku sek (high 
low) are the popular games in addition 
to mah-jongg- which is far too fast, as 
played by the Oriental gamblers, for any 
Western participation. The idea in fan. 
tan is to watch the croupier count off 
white buttons four at a time from a pile 
on the table: You bet on whether he'll 
have one, two, three or no buttons left 
at the end. Minimum bet is one Hong 
Kong dollar (about 17 cents U.S). Ku- 
sek is a form of three-dice craps. 

Hong Kong is still essentially a Chi- 
nese city. It is notably colorful in Feb- 
ruary when the Chinese New Year is 
celebrated for four solid days—96 unin- 
terrupted hours of revelry. (But be 
warned that all the stores are closed 
then.) One novelty: Chinese chacha, the 
specialty at the Highball night dub. 
Along with the dancing here, enjoy shao 
hsing, a sort of Chinese rice wine served 
hot. An additional selection of lively 
night spots worth putting on your itiner- 
ary includes The Den, which is designed 
to look like a posh opium hideaway, and 
The Eagle's Nest, a swank, penthouse 
supper club, both at the Hong Koi 
Hilton. For a Far Eastern interpretation 
of rhythm and blues, try the new Presi 
dent Hotel's Firecracker Room, and for 
good western jazz, the same hotel's Lotus 
Grille. Traditional dance music is fea- 
tured at the new Mandarin Hotel's The 
Button, a rooftop supper club. Finally, 
for plain unabashed girl watching 
mesmeric sport in Hong Kong, where the 
ladies all wear slitskirt cheongsams—try 
the Paramount or the Majestic, both of 
which feature afterdark entertainment 


that is lively and nonstop 

or further information on any of the 
above, write to Playboy Reader Serv- 
ice, 232 F. Ohio SL., Chicago, Il. 60511. ED 

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Over 100 rare essences and oils combine 
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an interchange of ideas between reader and editor 
on subjects raised by “the playboy philosophy" 


We have just finished reading your 
Playboy Philosophy in the September 
1964 issue. On page 73 of this issue Hef- 
ner quotes Minnesota's sex statute as 
reading: “Any person who shall carnally 
know any animal, bird, man or woman, 
by anus or mouth, or voluntarily sub- 
mits to such knowledge . . . is guilty of 
sodomy ..." 

Not being very imaginative, we ask 
you how in hell can a person be guilty 
of sodomy with a bird? 

Marshall Abbate 
Bernie Davis 

St. Michael's College 
Santa Fe, New Mexico 

With a bird, it’s difficult to be guilty 
of much else. The size of the bird is 
vital, of course. The story is told of a 
British soldier during the Boer War 
who was court-martialed [от having had 
carnal relations with an ostrich, When 
the military tribunal, after rendering tts 
verdict, asked the prisoner if he had any- 
thing to say before being sentenced, the 
unfortunate fellow cried: “If Га known 
you'd make such a fuss, I would have 
married the bloody bird.” 


In the latest installment of The Play- 
boy Philosophy, Mr. Hefner mentions 
nd quotes from the Minnesota statute 
against sodomy. The statute includes 
human beings, animals and birds in its 
list of forbidden objects of lust. I would 
like to point out that they һауе for- 
gotten fish, snakes and plants, and sug- 
gest they do something about so glaring 
an oversight, before this thing gets out 
of conuol. 

Whitley Strieber 
Austin, Texas 

And what about the bees and flowers? 
How many innocent children have been 
given their first taste of the erotic in the 
wanton tale of this illicit duo, that passes 
everywhere as early sex education? Busy 
as а бес, indeed! 


In following your series of editorials, 
The Playboy Philosophy, 1 have been 
impressed that you have taken the long- 
awaited initiative in attacking America's 
abnormal preoccupation with so-called 

sexual de 
During my internship, I was asked by 
a patient to give the medical contraindi- 

cations to rectal intercourse with her 
husband. [Contraindications are physio- 
logical symptoms that might make the 
act inadvisable.) I had no formal 
formation on the subject and referred 
the patient to the hospital's resident 
phy He sent the woman to Psychi- 
y for an immediate mental evalua- 
tion. The psychiatrist was not impressed, 
commented that the referring physician 
should have his sexual insecurity evalu- 
ated. The patient had undergone a total 
hysterectomy at age 34 which left the 
ina severely shortened. С 
ly. both husband and wife experi 
severe pain with normal intercourse 
Following this incident, I made sever- 
al inquiries to other physicians who 
likewise had no answers. Two days later, 
I was called to the medical director's 
office, having been reported three times 
for having 7. bnormal interest in 
unusual sex practices.” His suggestion 
was that I do an intensive study of the 
medical literature and othe: lable 

virtually nothing. The scarcity of litera- 
ture was striking. Only a few paperback 
books contained even the amount of in- 
formation that the child at puberty re 
ceives from his peers. 

The American physician has been re- 
luctant to study and treat sexual devia- 
tions hecause of the stigma which would 
be attached to him, severely compro- 
mising his practice. Moreover, many 
physicians are so involved in psychosex- 
ual uncertainty themselves that they are 
extremely threatened by the patient 
whose sexual history involves other than 
procreative coitus. 

John S. Doe, M. D. 

San Francisco, California 
P. 5. Not unlike other physicians, I don't. 
mind expresing controversial opinions 
so long as nobody knows they are mine. 


I was recently given a few back num- 
bers of PLAYBOY, and so 1 have had the op- 
portunity to read Hefner's Playboy Philos- 
ophy. and 1 would like to comment upon 
it. But first let me express my congratu- 
ions; Your magazine is excellent, con- 
aining everything that might be of 
interest to the urban male. I was really 
surprised to find the articles on so high 
an intellectual level, because whenever 
PLAYBOY is mentioned in the Hungarian 

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ti | 
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we speak 

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press, it is referred to as pornographic. 
Such a statement is ridiculou: 

Hefner's Philosophy is highly interest- 
d I endorse it with but one excep- 
Sexual intercourse without love 
cannot ever be as satisfying and fulfi 
as a sexual relationship based on a firm 
emotional foundation. Sex without love 
is in most cases degrading. As a gynecol- 
ogist I must regard Hefner's Philosophy 
as very selfish. He treats everything from 
the viewpoint of the male. He says sur- 
prisingly little about the question of 
contraception, which is one of the most 
important factors in marital and extra 
marital life, and he seems to have com- 
pletely forgotten the interests. of the 
female and what an unwanted preg- 
icy means for her. Here in Hungary 
опе can very easily get rid of а 
nted pregnancy because aborti 
al; but 1 know how different thi 
are in the U.S. 

L. Zelen! 

Assistant Professor of Obstetrics 
and Gynecology 

Szeged, Hungary 

Thank you for the compliments on 
the magazine; it is gratifying to find the 
tastes and interests of the “urban male” 
so similar the whole world over. We're 
not surprised that the Hungarian press 
is hostile, however; for PLAYBOY is, after 
all, an elegant, full-color promotion on 
the benefits of a capitalist economy. We 
hope the back copies you were given in- 
cluded the issue of March 1984, which 
featured a pictorial tribute to the girls 
of Hungary and the other Iron Curtain 
countries; feminine pulchritude certain- 
ly knows no political boundaries. 

On the subject of sex without love, 
Dr. Zelenka, we both agree and disagree. 
Hefner has previously stated his belief 
that sex is more satisfying and reward- 
ing when it includes emotional involve- 
ment and commitment; but we do not 
concur on the idea that when love is 
absent, sex “is in most cases degrading.” 
Casual sex may not be the best sex, but 
й is better than no sex at all. 

The references to unwanted pregnancy 
and the selfishness of the male imply 
sexual irresponsibility, but one of the 
primary principles of “The Playboy Phi- 
losophy" is that man is responsible for 
his actions—which include sex, of course. 
There is no disagreement on Ihe с: 
treme importance of contraception; 
questions on birth control and abortion 
have already been discussed in “Forum,” 
and Hefner intends lo devote an entire 
installment of “Philosophy” to each in 
the future. 

It is natural for wtAvmov to treat 
everything “from the viewpoint of the 
male,” because the magazine is edited for 
men, bul that doesn't mean, ns you 
stale, that Hefner has “forgolten the in- 
terests of the female.” For one female's 
opinion on the subject of sex without 

love, see the following letter. 

In the August 1964 Forum Mike Burrill 
asked Hefner to say something about the 
need for emotional involvement in a 


ination of the statemeni 
supplied by others,” here is my contribu- 
tion: The most satisfying sexual inter- 
course I have ever had was with a man I 
was nor in love with and about as unin- 
volved with as one can be under the cir- 
cumstances. He also did not love me. We 
did respect each other and enjoyed a 
good rapport, but no rcal basis for a per- 
manent relationship existed other Шап 
the happy bedtimes. He was charming, 
romantic, sensitive, graceful and thor- 
oughly competent! I spent several me 
orable nights with him, and do not feel 
that the superficial quality of our emo- 
tional involvement detracted from their 
intrinsic goodness. 

(Name withheld by request) 

Fort Lauderdale, Florida 

1 always find The Playboy Philosophy 
ng and thought-provoking, but 

good. In a section titled "Sex and Mar- 
Hugh Hefner correctly states, 
“The marriage license . . . becomes а 
church-state sanction to engage in sex.” 
Perhaps it could be called a Passport to 

However, with or without the for- 
mality of the marriage license, Hefner 
has grossly misinterpreted the modern 
Christian viewpoint of the sexual act. 
Only a narrow-minded 19th Century 
Christian would say that the sole pur- 
pose of the sex act is procreation 

We believe the sexual experience to be 
the physical representation of the total 
commitment of onc person 
other. The pleasure of the se: 
then supplements and, to a larger extent, 
sure obtained when a 
and woman dedicate themselves 
to each other. Without this dedi 
act becomes an act of passion, 
with one or both partners acting as a 
pleasure machine. 

Mr. Hefner mentions, in another sec- 
tion, that existing sex laws infringe on 
our freedom, but he neglects to mer 
that moral freedom 
out moral responsibility. 

Hank Winkler 
Allegheny College 
Meadville, Pennsyly 

Hefner's reference to procreation as 
the sole purpose of sex was part of an 
explanation of the historical origins of 
our sexual mores and not an expression 
of any contemporary religious view. 

But now it's our turn to be confused. 
At the end of your description of the 
sexual experience, as you believe it 
ought to be, you state: “Without this 

dedication, the sexual act becomes an 
act of passion, with one or both 
ners acting as a pleasure machin 
we find ourself wondering: What is 
wrong with passion? Sexual passion, thal 
is. And what is wrong with one or both 
partners acting as a pleasure machine? 
Preferably both, we would think. 

The closing suggestion—that Hefner 
has failed to mention that moral fı 
dom necessitates moral. responsibility— 
is, of course, untrue. The interdepend- 
ence of freedom and responsibility hay 
received paramount attention in the 
“Philosophy.” Sometimes, however, when 
а person says moral responsibilities, what 
he really means is moral restrictions. 

No Catholic theologian has ever writ 
ten, as Hefner claims, that the "sole pur- 
pose of sex is procreation would 
be animalism. Canon law is quite explic 
it about matrimony: “The primary end 
of matrimony is procreation . . . the sec- 
ondary end is relief of concupiscence." 
No double talk, no sole purpose here, 
but two. 

Reverend Malo A. Topmiller 
, USN (Ret) 
паройіз, Indian 
"Ever" is a long time, Father. Gon- 
temporary canon law is, as you say, quite 
explicit on the subject. But this is not 
the canon law of the medieval Church. 
In that period of extreme antisexuality, 
sev and sin were almost inseparable — 
even within marriage; and it was the 
pleasure of sex that was considered most 
sinful. All noncoital sex was forbidden, 
and so was any variation in sexual posi 
tion, since variety could add spice to the 
wooing. The sole justification and pur- 
pose for the sexual act was procreation: 
The current. Catholic concept of pri- 
mary and secondary ends actually 
evolved directly from this earlier, more 
severe Church dogma of the Middle 
Ages; and the codes have more in com- 
mon than their ancestry. For, while the 
Church now recognizes a secondary end, 
or purpose, in sexual gratification, this 
end is not permitted to exist except in 
conjunction with the first. Noncoital sex 
play is now allowed, between married. 
couples, for example, but not by itself: 
it is only considered moral if the inti 
macy is culminated by the primary end 
of coitus, with the opportunity for con: 
ception. This insistence that the one 
end always be accompanied by the other 
—that the individual cannot partake of 
the pleasures of sex without ofjering the 
possibility of procreatton—is also ve- 
sponsible, of course, for the Roman 
Catholic position on birth control. 
Similar questions of sex and religion 
are discussed in the installment of “The 
Playboy Philosophy" in this issue, in 
which Hugh M. Hefner exchanges views 
with a priest, a minister and a rabbi. 


Rather than denounce Hefner's Play- 
boy Philosophy for criticizing certain a 
pects of the Catholic faith, I would 
commend the man for his attempt 
awareness. While fellow Georgetown stu- 
dents Parry and May [The Playboy Fo- 
rum, May 1964] do have the right to 
oppose views put down in the Philos- 
ophy, they went out of bounds in ad- 
vising its cessation. Such attitude 
displays both a narrowness of outlook 

nd a failure to comprehend their own 
Church's present emphasis on re-exami- 
nation and dialog. 

"There are numerous books and mag: 
rine articles written by Catholics attack- 
ing such theses of exclusive orthodoxy. I 
should like to quote from one article by 
Professor Leslie Dewart which appeared 
in the April 3, 1964, issue of Commonweal 

ine: “It is the very eccle 
of the faith [Catholicism] 
which justifies dissent and makes it valu- 
able. For the collectivity of the faith 
docs not imply immutability and fixity. 
On the contrary, we have recently—espe- 
cially since Newman—begun to realize 
that the Christian doctrine precisely be- 
cause of its sociohistorical dimension, 
truly and fittingly develops in time. A 
sketchy acquaintance with the history of 
Christian thought and doctrine і 
enough to suggest the riskiness of assum- 
ing that the common current opinion at 
any given time is the only orthodox one. 

"Ehe real danger, then, which ry and. 
е mentioned, is a tend- 
ency to ignore or a refusal to reflect to 
isolate oneself from society and, by so do- 
ing, avoid an interaction of ideas. As 
shallow and superficial as they might con- 
sider The Playboy Philosophy, the fact 
that it produces response and reactioi 
certainly indicates such an effort should 
be continued. I doubt anyone would 
consider illu- 
sion) mo ble than participati 
and perception. As Irwin Edman wrote 
in his Philosopher's Holiday: ". . . Out 
of a conversation new insights emerge 
nd ... old ones become clarified.” Is 
this to be so dreaded? 

"Thomas V. Merle 
Georgetown at Fribourg 
Fribourg, Switzerland 


I'm taking this opportunity to add my 
voice to the thousands of others in 
praise of PLAYBoy, I am especially en- 
thused with the editorials Hefner is writ- 
ing. Although I am a rancher and not a 
profesional letter-to-the-editor writer, 1 
wish to bring up a point in regard to 

І quote the Omaha World-Herald, 
dated September 13, 1904 
ord throng of 26,000, Е 
Graham said 
courts of 

moral decadence of the nation. Their 
decisions, he said, are allowing ‘our 
newsstands to be filled with books and 
magazines more filthy, dirtier and more 
depraved tha hing Sodom or Rome 
ever knew. 

“Our courts 

re going to have a 

lot to answer for at the judgment of 

he shouted. The Reverend Mr. 
m hammered hard on ‘immoral’ 
шиге, which he called ‘a moral cess- 
pool flowing down the streets of our 
cities,” "We have laws to protect citizens 
anst open sewers, but we have no 
Ws Now to protect our young people 
inst moral sewers.” To a udience 
dominated by young people, the evange- 
list gave advice on courtship and mar- 
riage, He said God has a husband or wife 
picked out for everyone ‘if you will wa 
patiendy on Him,’ He said that under 
such circumstances, there would be no 
separation or divorce. 

Being a church lay speaker myself, I 
for one can't agree at all with Mr. Gra- 
ham. I appreciate God having helped 
me pick out my wife, but I do feel that I 
had the final vote. And, should my wife 
and J decide that we no longer desire to 
live with cach other, our divorce will 
have no bearing whatsoever on our faith 
in God. 

I pity such smug rabble-rousers as the 
Reverend Mr. Billy Graham, who think 
that the courts should rid our society of 
these "moral cesspools.” Why, shucks, 
most any ol’ “cesspool” editor should 
know, as you do, that censorship is im 
posed by the mayor and the police chief 
—not the courts! 

J. Tipps Hamilton 
Kirley, South Dakota 


On July 15, 1964, I climbed (with v 
cose veins and acrophobia protestin 
the third floor of the City Hall in Muncie, 
Indiana, in order to view a film concern- 
ing “obscene” magazines shown by the 
mayor to approximately 50 people. The 
whole bit was sadly amusing; grown peo- 
ple fiddling with “perversion” while 
Rome burns, as it were. At any rate. a 
committee was formed at that time. Sev- 
eral of the service organizations have 
shown the film and a few letters about 
1he subject have since appeared in the 
local papers. In a letter I wrote, pub- 
lished by the Muncie Evening Press, I 
made several points that should be of 
special interest to fellow rrAYBoy readers 
who live in areas where pressure is 
brought to bear to try to keep the maga- 
zinc off the stands. I stated: “The people 
of Muncie and surrounding commun 
ties have been asked . . . to come forw: 
with a standard of moral conduct, for 
the purpose of guiding magazine s 
men in making a selection for the cit 
of this area. 

"[Some people] would very 
gree with 

ikely disa- 
standard I might set: that is, 

if 1 would care to involve myself in fan- 
tasy of this sort. Any other individual 
would find his suggestions subjected to 
much controversy in this circumstance. 
Standards set by organizations, the 
Ihe Delaware Country Club? D. A. R. 
The Elks? My church? Your church? 

“During the four decades that 1 have 
purchased magazines from drugstore 
racks, a wide selection has always been 
of more interest to me than a sparse sup- 
ply of hand-picked issues. 

“The ‘sick minds tha 
ual deviations’ are 
Immature minds 
individuals who have not been allowed a 
free choice. A free choice allows us the 
opportunity to find, for example, that 
Mad magazine, which is published as a 
comic, has more literary and news value 
than a ‘newsmagazine,’ which is patheti 
cally comic. It is needless to worry about 
‘perversion’ adversely affecting the hy- 
pothetical ten-year-old who normally 
finds such activity at least rather strange 
in participating adults, and mostly funny 
and sick.” 

Mrs. G.F, Polsley 
Muncie, Indi. 
The film you viewed was “Perversion 
for Profit,” distributed by the Citizens 
for Decent Literature, that band of ded- 
icated zealols who attempt to stamp out 
smut by looking at il. Unreconstructed 
libertarians like yourself are invaluable 
to every Hoosier who would prefer to see 
daylight зает than the searchlight of 
censorship gleaming through the syca- 


The following article, which appeared 
in The New York Times, displays a pai 
ularly refreshing state of mind for 
police magistrate, and perhaps Justice 
Caped deserves the Philosophy leather 
bound not only for his legal interpr 

ution but for the courage to defend 
himself publicly against the intolerance 
of representatives of his own Church 

Roman Catholic priest was cas- 
tigated here [Port Chester, N. Y.) 10- 
day by the village police justice for 
a sermon that criticized the justice's 
acquittal of a “girlie” ma 
vendor on a pornography charge. 
Police Justice Dominic J. Cape 
himself a Catholic, said that the 
Right Rev. Msgr. John J. Corrigan 
of Our Lady of Mercy Church had 
been ignorant and irresponsible in 
last Sunday’s sermon. He demanded 
an apology. No comment was avail- 
able from Monsignor Corrigan, who 
was reported to be out of town. 
Displaying stacks of letters from 
irate parishioners of Monsignor 
Corrigan, Justice Capeci said it was 
“most unfortunate that Monsign 
Corrigan has urged his parishioners 
(concluded on page 211) 




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Because Pall Mall’s natural mildness 
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This Christmas give a long 
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the nineteenth part of a statement in which playboy’s editor-publisher spells out— 
for friends and critics alike—our guiding principles and editorial credo 

IN ANY SERIOUS ANALYSIS of the sexual ills 
of society, it is necessary to consider the 
historical link between sex and religion. 
For, the late Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey ob- 
served, “There is nothing in the English- 
American social structure which has had 
more influence upon present-day pat- 
terns of sexual behavior than the reli- 
gious backgrounds of that culture.” 

Some of the comments and conclusions 
in previous installments of this editorial 
series have prompted an occasional casual 
reader to protest that The Playboy Phi- 
losophy is opposed to the basic Judaco- 
Christian heritage of America, although a 
considered evaluation of our views would 
confirm that we have consistently direct- 
ed our criticism, not at organized rel 
se, but at the antiscxual clement 

It would be a mistake to think of The 
Playboy Philosophy—or the American 
Sexi Revolution, to which we have de- 
voted so ch attention—as reflections 
of a conflict between the secular and 
iterests in society; for ап in- 
creasing number of the clergy of various 
denominations are expressing concern 
over that part of our religious heritage 
that has, for centuries, emphasized sex 
primarily as sin and, in the most extreme 
form of Puritanisin that has so influenced 
our Anglo-American culture, has opposed. 
almost every kind of pleasure as immoral 
and against the will of God. 

A great deal has been written about 
the moral transition taking place in 
Amcrica; what has been mentioned less 
often is the related social and sexual rev- 
olution that is occurring within organ- 
ized religion itself. Instead of simply 
damning this trend toward a more per- 
missive society—in the absolutist "thou 
shalt not" tradition of the past—many 
contemporary churchmen are beginning 

supplied by recent philosophical and 

n the light ef new knowledge 

psychoanalytical insights. 

As a result, while some reject The 
Playboy Philosophy as “immor: 
ligious" and "unGodly," our 
tions of the modern moral mili 
welcomed in many ecclesi. 
id some of the mest positive, percep- 
tive, and certainly most weleome re- 

editorial By Hugh M. Hefner 

sponses to our writings have come from. 

As indication of such interest, we have 
been invited to lecture at several reli- 
gious institutions, seminars and meet- 
ings; The Playboy Philosophy has also 
been the subject and source mate 
a number of religious debates, 
groups and even sermons—some critical, 
but many of them favorably inclined to- 
ward much of what we have had to 

A [ew months ago, we accepted an in- 
vitation to participate in a religious 
round table that was broadcast over radio 
station WINS in New York. The pro- 
m is a weekly, Sunday-evening series 
entitled Trialogue, in which а Roman 
Catholic priest, a Protestant minister 
and a Jewish rabbi d 
bate various subjects of significance and. 
interest to society. The panel proposed 
10 devore four separate, hourlong ses- 
sions to “The Playboy Philosophy" and 
“The American Sexual Revolution 
subjects with which we are certainly well 
acquainted and about which we were 
pleased to express opinions. 

We found this opportunity to ex- 
change points of view with distinguished 
representatives of America’s three major 
religious faiths a unique and unusually 
stimulating experience, and the response 
to the programs prompted WINS to re- 
broadcast the entire four-week series 
gain this fall. Because of the religious 
implications in so much of what we 
have been writing in the Philosophy, we 
believe our readers will be interested in 
the ewpoints expressed; so 
much so that we are devoting the De- 
cember and January installments, in 
these special Holiday Issues, to an edited 
transcript of the interchan 

Our fellow panelists were Father Nor- 
man J. O'Connor, Roman Catholic 
priest, well known for his interest in and 
association with jazz, for many years the 
chaplain to Boston University, currently 
Director of Radio and TV Communica- 
tions and Films for the Paulist Fathers 
in New York City; Reverend Richard E. 
Gary, Episcopal minister, graduate of 
Yale Divinity School, since 1956 the min- 
ister to St. Mary's Church in Manhattan- 

and de 



ville, highly regarded for his social work 
as a member of the Department of 
Christian Social Relations of the Episco- 
pal Diocese of New York; Rabbi Marc 
H. Tanenbaum, widely published and 
influential Jewish leader, with a master’s 
degree in Hebrew Literature from the 
Jewish Theological Seminary of Ameri- 
ca, formerly Executive Director of the 
Synagogue Council of America, current- 
ly Director of The American Jewish 
Committee's Interreligious Affairs De- 
partment; and Murray Burnett, moder: 
tor of these round-table discussions and 
our host. 


BURNETT: Good evening. The pro- 
gram is Trialogue and I am Murray Bu 
nett, your host. Trialogue attempts to 
bring to bear upon the leading issucs of 
our times the thinking and wisdom of 
men trained to deal with our deepest 
needs, They will talk about these things 
that are truly important to all of us. The 
program is presented by the Public 
Affairs Department of WINS, in coop- 
eration with the Archdiocese of New 
York, The American Jewish Committee 
and The Protestant Council of the City 
of New York. I would like you to meet 
tonight's panel. They are: Father Nor- 
man J. O'Connor, Rabbi Marc Tanen- 
baum, Reverend Richard Gary and Mr, 
Hugh M. Hefner—and, of course, it is 
hardly necessary to say that Mr. Hefner 
the Editor-Publisher of rrAvnov maga- 
zine and president of the Playboy Clubs 
and the whole Playboy empire. 

All right. This evening we are going 
to talk about an apparent revolution 
that is taking place in America. A revo- 
lution in the area of sexual mores and 
attitudes. The mores are changing —for 
better or worse, depending on one’s 
point of view—toward sexual behavior, 
knowledge of sex and dissemination of 
information about sex. And in PLAYBOY 
gazine, Hugh Hefner has been wi 
ing The Playboy Philosophy, which 
deals very strongly with this sexual revo- 
lution. Now, let me start things off 
tonight with a question about the statc- 
ment I have just made: In your opinion, 
gentlemen, arc we involved in a sexual 

O'CONNOR: Let me take the first crack 




O'CONNOR: But where is this taking us? 
What significance does this so-called 
sexual revolution have? Will it be last- 
ing, or is it just a cultural fad that will 
change in the next ten or twelve years? 

—_ e 

TANENBAUM: 1 think everything that te- 
lates io the sexual life in America is 
going through this transitional slage. All 
oj our traditional perceptions are under- 
going a radical re-examinalion. 

I fecl we've been caricaturing 
ылувоу a little. But I also felt, in doing 
my homework for this discussion—read- 
ing your "Philosophy"—that you were 
caricaturing religion a little. 


EENER: What I have written in “The 
Playboy Philosophy” is an expression of 
my own quite deeply felt beliefs; and I 
held most of them several years before Г 
ever thought of starling PLAYBOY- 

at that. I think, first of all, there has 
been immense amount of discussion 
about it. I notice the Rabbi is scanning. 
a piece in a recent issue of Time maga- 
е called al Revolu- 
tion.” I think there are a tremendous 
number of publications which we now 
sce on the newsstands that are address- 
ing themselves іп some fashion or anoth- 
er to the problems of, or some aspect of, 
the sexual world, There has been a great. 
deal written about the college girl and 
sex... Гуе forgotten the title of the 
book . . . 

BURNETT: It is called Sex and the 
single Girl . . . or maybe you're think- 
ig of Sex and the College Girl... 
O'CONNOR: It Sex and the College 
Girl, I believe 

BURNETT: Albert Ellis has now writ- 
ten a book called Sex and the Single 
Man and I'm thinking of writing on 

entitled Sex and the Mass Media. 
O'CONNOR: Well, I wonder if what 
жете facing isn't so much a revolution 
as a kind of re-examination. A revolu- 
tion, to me, means a complete. change, 
an overthrow, an entirely new wav of 
doing things. I think we ought to keep 
in mind that down through the long 
years of history, the sexual standards of 
the Western world have swung from 
onc extreme to the other—from a very 
puritanistic view to a very lax and lacka 
daisical view, if you want to use those 
expressions. And in our own present mo- 
ment, what we are prob: 
examining something which the Western 
spent too much 
time on in the past. As a consequence, 
what we have is not a revolution, but a 
good reconsideration or review of it. 
TANENBAUM: here is, without ques- 
tion, a much greater openness now, on a 
subject that has previously been taboo 
or prohibited. But we are presently 
undergoing a number of very profound 
selfexaminations—on many aspects of 
our total life and our total situation- 
brought on by the new conditions in 
which we live. We are re-examining the 
sources of our religious commi 
our political life, of our econom 
the whole world in which we live 
being subjected to radical re-cxami 
tion—so it comes as no surprise, to me at 
least, that we are re-examining, 
basic way, this most profound feature of 
man’s survival and his happiness. 
BURNETT: But, Rabbi. you . 
TANENBAUM: What I'm getting at is 
that there have been almost polarized 
ways of looking at the sexual life of 
Western mankind in the past. There was 
the pagan outlook, which prevailed up 
until the Third and Fourth Centuries 
in which man felt very close to his natu- 
ral impulses and indulged himself ac- 
cording to his appetite; and then, I 
think in reaction to that, there was the 
whole Pauline-Augusi in view of de 

bly doing is re 

world has not really 

п а very 

al and retreat from sexual life. Much of 
what we have inherited in the Western 
world represents a constant tension be- 
tween these two views, 

In our own time, I think it has been 
y a puritanical view—particular- 
ly in America. And now we have a reac- 
tion against the basic assumptions of the 
whole Puritan experience—as reflected 
in the Protestant mores, by and large, of 
this country. These mores are now D 
subjected to profound examination 
BURNETT: Reverend Gary came alive 
when you mentioned Protestant mores: 
and Hugh Hefner is waiting to express 
an opinion .. . 
GARY: Well, I would like to get our 

guest into this at a fairly early point. 
And my question has to do with the 
connection between our — presently 

affluent society and the emergence of 
new freedom in sexual relations. I won 
if there isn't a connection between 
interest in what we call the fine 
ss of Tife—new acquisi new lux- 
. new leisure time, all this sort of 
ind our interest in sexual free- 
dom. Does that make any sense? 

HEFNER: Yes, I think it docs. It scems 
10 me there's a definite connection, and 
that they are all associated, in one way 
or another, with an increasing concern 
over—and searching for _ personal iden 
tity. Га like to say, incidentally, that I 
tee with what has just been expr 
and with something additional that is 
implied, I think, but has not been so 

y Whatever we call it sex. 
revolution or reexamination of our 
al mores—society is in a state of sig 

ficant sexual transition; but it is less a 
nge in behavior—though there m 
little of that, too—than a change in 
titudes toward the behavior. It is, it 
ms to me, a rejection of our Puritan 
suggested by Rabbi Tanen- 
a transition from guilt, shame 
and hypocrisy to a new honesty, а new 
permissiveness, a new willingness 10 talk 
about sex in a frank and open way— 
a freedom to examine, to express, to 

O'CONNOR: Let me ask you a ques- 
tion, You mention а new honesty aud 

openness in talking about sex, but I 
wonder if this is the actual situation, 
this is really true I am a part of a gener- 
ation that grew up in what you call [in 
The Playboy Philosophy] “The Age of 
the Common Man,” with which I thor- 
oughly disagree—but, in any case, this 
was the late 1930s and everybody was ad 
vocating proper sex education in the 
home. What was supposed 10 happen 
was that parents were going to tell their 
children all about sex within an 
phere of the family—the facts about sex, 
and the proper purpose of sex, and the 
real philosophy of sex was to come out 
of all this. Well, now we have reached 

stage in society where sex is a very prom- 
inent factor in American life; but I find 


‚ in general, few parents ever got 
ound 10 this sex education in the 
home—even though the home may have, 
prominently displayed on the cocktail 
table, “The Second Sexual Revolution,” 
under “Modern ing.” in Time maga- 
zine: m е copies of PLAYROY; may 
have copies of McCall's, and other maga- 

with articles about problems 
in them. With all of the attention sex is 
g in publications today, I won- 

der—in your experience, and in the ex- 
perience of the rest of you, as well— 
whether it isn't si subject that fails 
to receive proper attention in the home. 
I wonder whether this continuing dialog 
about sex that is going on in the mass 
media isn't way beyond what exists with- 
in the average American family. 

HEFNER: Quite possibly. But to whatever 
extent this is true today, it is a reflection 
of the sexual sham and shame of a gen- 
ion ago. 1 would certainly disagree 
with any suggestion that the late 19305 
was а period of sexual enlightenment in 
America; there may have been some 
terest expressed in sex education, but it 
was minimal, for the Thirties was a time 
of extreme antisexuality. A 1937 issue of 
Life magazine was banned in a number 
of communities across the country, be- 
cause it included an innocuous article 
about childbirth; the debate over sex 
education in the Thirties concerned the 
propriety of telling children they weren't 
delivered by the stork. 

Lhe roots of this sexual revolution 
we've been talking about may go back 
several decades, but the period of real 
transition has just begun. For that rea- 
there able difference in 
born little more than 20 years apart. If 
there is a lack of communication on the 
subject of sex within the home, as you 
suggest, I think we would agree that it is 
the fault of the parents, not the chil- 
dren; the problem persists to the extent 
that these parents, being of that older 
generation, still suffer from the sexual 
suppression of their own childhood. For 
the results you're looking for—any real 
improvement in the interpersonal rela- 
tionships between parents and children 
—we'l] have to wait another generation, 
until the children of today have become 
the parents. 

BURNETT: Hugh, how are the atti- 
tudes of today so very different from a 
generation ago? A little earlier Father 
;onnor mentioned the book Sex and 
ollege Girl. I've read it, and 1 didn't. 
find much difference between what was 
that book and what I remember 

about my days in college. And they go 
back a little. 
i T 

HEFNER: nderstand you correctly, 
you're g you didn't find much 
difference in terms of the behavior that 
was reported? 

BURNETT: Or the talk that goes on. 

HEFNER: Well, the talk and the behay- 

ior are two very different things. The 
human nature of man—and, consequent- 
ly, his actual sex behavior—changes 
much les than societys attitudes to 
ward the behavior, not only generation 
by generation, but century by century. 
And talk—or communication of any kind 
—is less a reflection of what men do than 
what they think about what they do. 
‘This confusion between activity and 
attitude sometimes prompts the sugges- 
tion that there really is no sexual revo- 
lution taking place in America today, 
because people have always known about 
sex; and they are doing pretty much the 
same things today as they did yesterday. 
Yes, they probably are; what is changing 
is society's attitude toward what they are 
doing, accompanied by a new willing- 
ness to accept sex in conversation, hu- 
mor, books, films—in all the arcas of 
personal and general commu 
"The new morality is especially obvious 
in some of society's most popular forms 
of mass communica n the books 
that we banned as obscene a decade ago, 
Шат are today best sellers; in the unprec- 
edented sex ness of our current 
cinema: in the subjects regularly dis- 
cussed and dramatized on television that 
would never have been permitted on 
pie TV. radio 
BURNETT: You're absolutely right. 


O'CONNOR: But where is this taking 
us? What sıgnihcance does this so-called 
sexual revolution have? Will it be last- 
ing or is it just а cultural fad (hat will 
age within the next ten or twelve 

HEFNER: I think it will last. I think . . . 
TANENBAUM: Before we ask Mr. Hefner 
to explore that question, though, 1 won- 
der whether we shouldn't clarify what 
I think is a comradiction in our discus- 
n. We're saying that human nature 
persists; that is, that practices remain 
the same. So what we're doing is simply 
talking about them more, and presum- 
ably finding greater freedom of expres- 
sion. But I wonder if this is really true. 
One of the reasons for the greater aware- 
ness about such things is, 1 think, that 
we're woubled by them; we have prob- 
lems; and the problems are, in some 
ways, quite different from what they've 
been in the past. 
BURNETT: What problems? 
TANENBAUM: Well, for example, 
is not unrelated to the problem of 
ly life: nor is it unrelated to the emer- 
gence of a teenage culture, which is very 
self-conscious sexually. Now aren't there 
changes in patterns, for example, in the 
lives of our teenage children: the insist- 
with which some parents push 

their children prematurely into adult- 
hood; the often erotic, quite compulsory 
patterns that are imposed upon adoles- 
cents, with early dating, champagne par- 
ties, dressing little girls in adult clothes 

and make-up, so they seem more sexual- 
ly attractive? Then there is the greater 
rate of divorce in this country, which is 

ry often related to problems of adul- 
tery and extramarital sexual relations. 
Now, things are either different from 
what they were in the past, and we are 
concerned about that difference, and are 
tying ло define that difference in order 
to understand it and come to grips with 
it: or else we are simply si 

greater attention on such matters, be- 
Cause we have шөге mass media covering 
these subjects than ever before 
leisure time avail 
don’t think the latter is the case. 
BURNETT: Mr. Hefner didn't say 0 
TANENBAUM; Т didn't say that he did, but 
there is an arca of possible confusion 
here, 1 k, and some clarification 
might be helpful before going further. 
BURNETT: | thought he made a very 
good point. In response to my request 
for some evidence of a change in socie- 
ty's attitude toward sex, he mentioned 
our mass media: A discussion like the 
опе we are having here this evening, for 
example, would probably not have been 
llowed on the air 20 years ago: 
zine similar to rrAvnov would not have 
been permitted on the newsstands: 
Ulysses was banned. He made this point 
and. I think, he made it clearly and 

HEFNER: 1 think, however, the Rabbi 
has introduced some interesting new 
questions that deserve attention. 
O'CONNOR: But before we get to t 
may I ask a question. Mare? I'm wonder- 
ng, is sex а reflection of the problem, or 
is sex the problem? So that, for instance, 
when the parent is worried about the 
nee of the Beatles in his teenage 
ad I find that the “teenag- 
er” in this particular instance is cight or 
nine years old . . . (Laughter) 

And isn't рілувоу occupying some- 
what the same relationship? The con- 
that sex has become an outlet for 
endous amount of inner frustra- 
nd irritation, and annoyance, and 
tiredness, and feelings of inadequacy іп 
socer nd, therefore, we are now talk- 
ng a nd тоге... 
BURNETT: ng it less and 

O'CONNOR: Which is another part of 
the problem, too. But there's the talk 
about sex, without the facing of the prob- 
lem inside. 

TANENBAUM: Well, let's let Mr. Hefner 
answer this, because I've been impressed 
by the number of things that he's written 
about this, in what I consider to be a 
very serious examination. What's your 
reaction, Mr. Hefner? 
HEFNER: I would agree 
think Father O'Connor 
here—that whatever problems we face in 
society today, and they are certainly 
multiple—sex, and this new examination 

with what I 
is suggesting 



and emphasis upon, sex, is not a 
cause, but an effect; I would also agree 
that sex is often misused by emotionally 
disturbed members of society, who are 
unwilling, or unable, to come to grips 
with other inner stresses and frustrations. 

I do not believe, however. that a 
more sexually permissive society—and 
PLAYDOY, to whatever extent it assists in 
the trend toward greater sexual freedom 
—adds to these problems. Just the oppo- 
ite; for it is not sexuality, but am 
sexuality, that causes greater Frustration 
and suffering. If sex, and the more ром 
tive attitude expressed in PLAYBOY re- 
garding sex, can—as Father O'Connor 
says—create an outlet for a tremendous 
amount of inner frustration, irritation 
and feelings of inadequacy, then this is 
just one step in the right direction. I can 
only see it as a help, rather than a 

I'd like to take a moment to clarify, if 
I may, the apparent cause of confusion 
referred to a minute ago by Rabbi Tan- 
enbaum. When I said that nature 
persists, while custom changes, and con- 
trasied behavior and attitude, I assumed 
it was understood that I was referring, 
nply and solely, to sex behavior—not 
the secondary patterns of social behavior 
that may be associated with courtship, 

and differ from culture to culture, but 
the relatively constant activity itself, 
that Dr. Kinsey and his associates have 

turned into statistics for their reports. 

As both Rabbi Tancnbaum and Fa- 
ther O'Connor pointed out at the beg 
ning of this discussion, Western society's 
attitude toward sex has varied widely 
through the centuries; my point was sim- 
ply that man’s actual sex behavior has 
not had the same tendency to fluctuate, 
because it is linked to an innate physical 
This is not 10 suggest that social 
ions and taboos cannot sig- 
ntly affect personal sex behavior; 
we all recognize that they can and do. 
But it is precisely because what is in- 
volved here is an attempt to control a 
natural stinct, that excessive sex 
suppression wreaks such havoc. If you 
suppress one form of sexual release, be- 
custom considers it socially ur 
desirable, man’s innate sexuality will 
express itself in another, frequently far 
less desirable, form. The notion that the 
уу sex drive can be sublimated through 
an aesthetic interest in the arts, literature 
or some similar form of creativity is as 
bsurd as a suggestion that we might do 
away with hunger or thirst in a similar 
way. The problem will not disappear; it 
must be dealt with. And hopefully, in 
the future, it will be dealt with ration- 
ally, with compassion and insight, 

"The point I was making earlier, rela- 
tive to all of this, is that the present situ- 
ation is the same as in centuries past: 
The sexual revolution represents less of 
a change in behavior than a change in 
society's attitude about the behavior. And 

there is, incidentally, actual scientific 
evidence to support such a conclusion. 

One of the more interesting results of 
the Kinsey studies was a comparison of 
the sexual behavior of men and women 
born in each of the decades since the 
turn of the century. The statistics were 
consistently similar and in many in- 
stances almost identical, for members of 
the same sex, and the same social and 
educational level, whether they were 
born before 1900, between 1900 and 
1910, 1910 and 1920, and so on. In con- 
trast to this relatively constant personal 
moral behavior, we would all agree, I'm 
sure, that in the last half century the 
United States has undergone a remarka- 
ble change in public morality. 

I ce with the concern Rabbi Tan- 
enbaum expresses over false teenage 
values, the marital unhappiness that has 
led to i 
and the numerous similar problems of 
identity and adjustment that are so 
much a part of our society of the Sixties. 
Once again, however. I do not believe 
that we tend to increase such social 
through our quest for a new morality 
based upon honesty, understanding and 
reason rather than hypocrisy, supersti- 
tion and ignorance. 

As society becomes continually more 
complex, more automated, more imper- 
sonal, more conformist, there is increas- 
ing reason for concern over the loss of 
personal identity that people have inevi- 
tably suffercd. If this wend is to bc oflsct 
in the future—and it must be, if we 
are to survive as a free society—it will 
require a tremendous emphasis on the 
importance of the individual and on 
those things that give a person a sense of 
identity and individu . Sex is one of 
the important ways in which such per- 
sonal identity is established. 


O'CONNOR: I would like to ask you, Hugh, 
in terms of this, what do you feel is your 
contribution with rrAvmov magazine? 
HEFNER: This may take me back a bit 
to the question Reverend Gary original- 
Jy asked—about the association between 
sexual freedom and the affluent society — 
that 1 didn't have the opportunity to an- 
swer fully. 

PLAYBOY was originally conceived as a 
magazine of entertainment for the ur- 
п man. Part of that entertainment ex- 
ists within the pages of the publication 
itsel{—the fiction, articles, cartoons, 
humor and pictorial features that are 
simply there to be enjoyed; and not 
frequently, with our nonfiction, to edify 
and provoke thought, too. The other part 
of our emphasis on entertainment is to 
be found in the service articles, features 
and columns devoted to the pleasures of 
leisure-time activity and the accouter- 
ments, the accessories that are a part of 
good and gracious living. 

PLAYBOY was not planned as a publica- 

tion for the idle rich, so much as in rec- 
ognition that with the prosperity of 
post-War America, almost everyone 
could have a piece of what we described 
as the playboy life—if he were willing 
to expend the necessary effort. In this 
sense, from the very beginning, we were 
giving the word "playboy" a new and 
broader meaning than it had had in the 

We explained what we meant by a 
playboy in one of our earliest issues: He 
isn't a wastrel or a ne'er-do well; he 
might be a successful business executive, 
a man in the arts, a college professor, an 
architect or an engineer. What sets him 
art is his point of view. He must sec. 
life not as a vale of tears, but as a happy 
time; he must find pleasure in his work, 
without regarding it as the end and all 
of living; he should be an alert man, an 
aware man, a man of taste, a man sensi- 
tive to pleasure, who—without acquiring 
the stigma of the voluptuary or the dilet- 
tante—can live life to the hilt. That, we 
said, is the sort of man we mean when 
we use the word playboy. 

1 consider this an cxtremely positive 
statement—positive for the individual 

nd for society, as well. 

For the individual, it is all very much 
tied into the problem of identity that 
was mentioned before. Man has trad. 
tionally found an important part of his 

r increasingly mech 
т, many jobs have be- 
come so repetitious and impersonal that 
they no longer serve this end. Increas- 
ingly. establishing the individual's image 
in society, and his sense of self, will 
become the function of our avocations, 
as well as our vocations, I think, be- 
cause more and more people’s work will 
cease to serve as a satisfactory source 
of identity, and the ways in which we 
n our livings will require far less 
imc in Ше coming era of almost total 

We all recognize, I'm sure, how all-im- 
portant a satisfactory sense of identity 
to the psychological well-being of the in- 
dividual; and so the ways in which a 
man spends the leisure, or nonworking, 
part of his life are going to have an im- 
portance in the future that they have 
never had before. They may well mean 
the difference between our continuing to 
enjoy life as individuals in a free society 
or turning into a nation of automatons, 
as unthinking, impassive, imitative and 
mechanical as the machines we have 
built to serve us. 

PLAYBOY's editorial emphasis on the 
pleasures of leisure living can thus be 
seen as serving a decidedly worth-w 
end, I think, And society benefits addi- 
tionally by our emphasis on the advan- 
tages of [ree enterprise, the coverage 
cn to the creature comforts and good 
life that are available to a majority in 

(continued on page 212) 

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in this final colloquy, the late creator of james bond discusses his life and loves—and his legendary hero, 007 

Since Edgar Allan Poe invented the 
modern detective story with “The Mur- 
ders in the Rue Morgue,” expert practi- 
tioners of the form have known huge 
audiences and heavy material rewards. In 
this procession, the late Тап Fleming, 
creator of James Bond, secret agent non- 
pareil, will long hold a prominent place. 
His publishers have sold 30,000,000 
copies of his 12 books in 12 years—give 
or take a couple of million. There are few 
literate communities in the world, from 
Hong Kong to Helsinki, in which he is 
not being read today. Even those who 
read only Yiddish or Siamese need not 
be deprived of the pleasure of his liter 
ary company—though Fleming himself, 
at the age of 56, died of a heart attack 
late last summer, not the first he had 
had. He had known for some lime that 
he had little prospect of a long life. Yet 
even in the four hours belween the onset 
of the attack and his death in а Canter- 
bury hospital, he managed to maintain 
the image of urbanity that distinguished 
him: En voute to the emergency ward, 
he told the ambulance attendants that 
he was sorry to have had to trouble 
them. It was something that most Eng- 
lishmen of his class would have said, 
almost pro forma, but it was also very 
James Bond. There is no doubt that his 
own character, and the one he had creat- 

“The reason I pay so much altention to 
minutiae in my books is thal these things 
excite and interest me. 11 amuses me to 
tell people what my favorite foods are, 
and liquors and scents, and so on." 

ed, were intricately interleaved in Flem- 
ing’s mind. 

Despite, or perhaps in part because 
of, his enormous popularity, the literary 
establishment took little notice of Flem- 
ing during his lifetime, and not much 
more at his death. In general, their judg- 
ment of his worth may prove to have 
been deficient, for he may still be 
read when novelists presently of some 
stature have been forgotten. He had an 
orginal view; he was an innovator. His 
central device, the wildly improbable 
story set against a meticulously detailed 
and somehow believable background, was 
vastly entertaining; and his redoubtable, 
implacable, indestructible protagonist, 
though some thought him strangely flat 
in character, may well be not so much 
the child of this century as of the next. 

Several months before his death, 
Fleming consented to our request for an 
extended and exclusive interview. Our 
interviewer says of their meeting: 

“Не invited me to pick him up for 
lunch at his London office in Mitre 
Court, a byway between Fleet Street 
and the Inns of Court, which is io 
say, between the worlds of British law 
and journalism. The reception room was 
presided wer by a pleasant and serene 
woman whose manner was not unlike 
Мз Miss Moneypenny in the Bond 

“My job with Naval Intelligence got me 
right into the inside of everything, in- 
cluding all the most secret affairs. 1 

couldn't possibly have had a more ex- 
citing or interesling War.” 

books. She showed me into his inner 
office, a sedately elegant study draped 
and carpeted in wine red, neatly stacked. 
with galley proofs and immaculately fur- 
nished with a gill-framed mirror, brass 
penholder, ashtray, cigarette lighter and 
crimson letter boxes. A black Homburg, 
а tightly jurled umbrella and a dark-blue 
Burberry raincoat hung from hooks on 
the bach of the door. 

“As I entered, Fleming тозе from be- 
hind a massive leather-topped desk to 
usher me to a сһай--а tall man, lean, 
tending to be florid, wearing a navy-blue 
suit of typical British cut marked by one 
eccentricity: cuffs on the sleeves; light- 
blue shirt and black-and-white polka-dot 
bow tie, knotted with offhanded Church- 
Шап. looseness, We exchanged pleas- 
antries. He was suave, amused, sardonic 
—but one sensed that he was kind. More 
than others, the Englishman reflects his 
station in life with his air, attitude and 
speech, and one versed in these matters 
could place Fleming instantly апд accu- 
rately—as Eton and Sandhurst, inherited 
money, government service, world travel, 
social assurance. He hadn't married until 
he was 43. Mrs. Fleming was Anne Ger- 
aldine Charteris, former wife of Lord 
O'Neill and of Lord Rothermere, owner 
of London’s Daily Май 

“After a few minutes of amenities, we 

“I didn't intend for Bond to be a partic- 
ularly likable person. He's a blunt in- 
strument in the hands of government, 
Нез got his vices and few perceptible 
virtues ехсері patriotism and courage.” 




left his office and repaired next door to 
EI Vino's, a venerable Fleet Street grog 
shop where one may drink from the 
wood instead of the bottle. 1 felt like 
having a whiskey and water, but in def 
erence to my companion's standing as a 
gourmet, decided instead on an amontil- 
lado. His own choice rather shook me: 
brandy and ginger ale. Afterward we 
went for lunch to the While Tower, a 
deservedly reputable London restaurant 
where we shared a superb meal wilh ex- 
cellent wine, and talked of what came 
into our heads, for rapport; we were the 
last to leave the place, at around three 
o'clock. We declared our mutual case and 
made another date for ten days hence in 
Mitre Court, where we concluded the 

PLAYBOY: It is the belief of some psy- 
chologists that neurosis is a necessary 
concomitant of the creative drive. As a 
creative writer, do you agree? 

FLEMING: I think that's perfectly true. 
I think that to be a cr ve writer or a 
creative anything else, you've got 10 be 
neurotic. / certainly am in many re 
spects. I'm not really quite certain how, 
but 1 am. I'm rather melancholic and 
probably slightly maniacal as well. It's 
rather an involved subject, and Fm 

afraid my interest does not go 
deeper than the realization that the 
premise does apply to myself. Possibly 
it all began with overprivileged 

PLAYBOY: According ío published biog- 
raphies, your well-to-do family had high 
hopes of launching you on a distin- 
hed сагест in the military. After put 
you through Britain's exclusive 
st Academy they learned of your 
inue decision, upon receiving 
your commission, to "pack it in.” What 
made you change your mind? 

FLEMING: 1 didn't take up my comm 
sion after Sandhurst simply because they 
had suddenly decided to mechanize the 
army, and a lot of my pals and I decided 
that we didn't want to be glorihed ga- 
rage hands, and that the great days of 
the cavalry regiments were passing, or 
shortly would be ended forever—no 
more polo, no more pig: g and all 
that jazz. So a lot of us, having taken our 
commissions, just gave them up. I was 
born in 1908; this would have been 
around 1925, and disillusionment of that 
kind nd kinds more severe—was com- 
mon then, as you know. My mother was 
infuriated. My father had been killed in 
the st War, and my mother felt ге. 
sponsible for imposing discipline on me 
doing splendidly. She insisted that 1 
must do something, something respect- 
able, and so I opted for the Foreign 

and on my three brothers, who w 

Office. I went abroad to learn langu 
I went to the University of Geneva 
the University of Munich. I don't think 
of myself as a linguist, but I know 
French and German very well, because 
one must if one has any serious inclina- 
tion toward the Foreign Office. You have 
to have French and German first-class 
and one other language partially, which 
in my case was Russian. My languages 
are all that remain to me of my original 
PLAYSOY: Apart from enabling you to 
sprinkle your James Bond books with 
foreign terms and bits of conversation, 
have they proved valuable to you? 
FLEMING: They are a tremendous ex- 
tension of one's life generally, whereas 
all the other stuff I've learned algebra 
and trigonometry and all that—I've com- 
pletely forgotten, and as far as I know. 
none of it was ever of any use to me at 
all, ny case. But having languages is 
a tremendous help. You've got to live 
abroad for two years at least to learn a 
language. When I came home, I took the 
Foreign Office examination, but 1 passed 
seventh and there were only five vacan 
cies, and that was u 
So I started looking around for work 
that would fit in with what talents and 
bilities I possessed. АШ J had done up 
to that time, aside from a great deal of 
studying, had been to begin collecting. I 
had decided, after concerning myself 
with first editions for a time, that I 
would collect books that signalized а 
righrangle turn in the world’s thought 
on any particular subject, a book of per- 
manent value in the the 
world. I began to think through every 
human activity, from art to sports and 
physics and whatnot, and with the help 
of a great friend of mine who is still my 
bookseller, we got out a tremendous list 
of the great books of the world since 
1800, which we arbitrarily decided (o 

history of 

make the starting date. They go from 
Karl Marx’ Das Kapital to Ely Culbert- 
son's first book on contract bridge, which 
changed the bridge-playing world—books 

on everything, the invention of mecha 

devices of every kind, of the miner's 
lamp, radar, billiards, every kind of sub- 
ject. This collection gradually got up to 
about two thousand volumes, all first 
editions, all in the best possible state, 
and today it is one of the most valuable 
private collections in the world. Tt was 
considered of such importance that the 
Bodleian Library at Oxford cared for it 
during the War. It’s now in storage wait- 
g for us to get into the house we're 
building near Oxford, where I can have 
а proper library, which I've never had 
before, Incidentally, mixed up with that, 
1 later bought a small magazine, The 

Book Collector, which is now probably 

the leading bibliographical magazine in 
the world. 

PLAYBOY: You were saying you were 
looking for a job. 

FLEMING: Yes—and finally 1 found 
опе. Because a man called Sir Roderick 

Jones, who was chairman of Reuters, 
s a friend of my mother's, 1 went into 
Reuters. the great international news 
agency. Т stayed with them for three 
years and had the most exciting time of 
my life, because in those days nows-agen 
cy work was like a gigantic football 
match, and Reuters and the Associated 
Press, of America, were a part of th 
Allied Agency group, and there were free- 
hooters such as United Press and Inte: 
tional News who were tying to break 
nto our territories all around the world. 
We had some superb battles in С 
and Russia, and so on, 
highly enjoyable. It w Reuter's that 
I learned to write fast and, above all, to 
be accurate, because in Reuters if you 
weren't accurate you were fired, and that 


was the end of that. 
PLAYBOY: Would you do all this 

FLEMING: Well, the world being as it 
was in the 1980s, 1 would do the same as 
1 then. But today, with the world as 
now, I must say, I really don't know. 
what I'd do. Г travel enormously, find 
some sort of job that would take me 
round the world, and round and round 
and round it, and I should think I 
would probably go back to newspaper 
newsman, 1 should 
her a different article from 
his counterpart of a few decades ago, 
although the effort is the same. Now- 
adays, of course, one’s so hamstrung by 
trade unions and that sort of thing that 
some of the fun's gone out of the game. 
In those days the paper came first, the 
story came first, you were out to beat 
hell out of the opposition, and the pay 
and the hours of work meant. nothing. 
ОГ course, for that onc must be young 
and strong and, I suppose, romantic; it's 
different matter if one's fifty-six and 
has a wife and child. 

PLAYBOY: What took you from jour 
nalism into Naval Intelligence? 
FLEMING: Well, when I left Reuter’s, I 
did a period ity [London's busi 
ness and financia] district] as a partncr 
n the firm of Rowe and Pitmans, one 
of the great English stockbroking firms, 
extremely nice fellows. It was a very 
pleasant sort of City club—they’re sti 
great friends of mine today—but I got 
ather fed up, and The Times gave me a 
1 correspondent’s job to go to Mos 
cow on a uade mission. When I came 
back from that in about March or Apri 
of 1939, suddenly I began to hear funny 
little questions being asked about me; 

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friends would tell me that so-and-so had 
been asking about where had I been. 
what did I know, and so on. This turned 
out to be a quiet casing for a job in Na 
val Intelligence: and the reason was that 
because, of all people, the governor of 
ihe Bank of England and the head of 
Baring Brothers, a very big merchant- 
banking firm in The City, had been 
asked to find a man of abont my age 
with good languages and some knowl- 
edge of The City, which in fact I hadn't 
got at all. In any case, it ended with a 

Iuncheon at the Carlton Hotel, with the 
Director of Naval Intelligence, Admir 

J. H. Godfrey, still my warm friend, and 
a couple of other very quiet characters 
n plain clothes. and 1 suddenly found 
myself in the Admiralty with an honor- 
ary rank of lieutenant in the Royal Na 
val Volunteer Reserve, and put down as 
Personal Assistant to the Director of Na- 
val Intelligence. I stayed in that job 
throughout the War. 

PLAYBOY: What were your duties? 
FLEMING: My job got me right into 
the inside of everything, including all 
the most secret affairs. | couldn't possi- 
bly have had a more exciting or interest- 
ing War. Of course, it's my experience il 
Naval Intelligence, and what I learned 
about secret operations of one sort or 
another, that finally led me to write 
about them—in a highly bowdlerized 
way—with James Bond as the cenual 

PLAYBOY: Did you really settle on the 
name James Bond, as reported, because 
you'd been reading a book by a man of 
that name, and you thought it sounded 
"suitably flat and colorless"? 

FLEMING: Yes, thats absolutely so. It 
was James Bond's Birds of the West In- 
dics, a famous ornithological work, and 1 
wanted my hero to be entirely an anony- 
mous instrument and to let the action of 
the book carry him along. I didn't be 
lieve in the heroic Bulldog Drummond 
types. I mean, rather, I didn't believe 
they could any longer exist in literature. 
1 wanted this man more or less to follow 
the pattern of Raymond Chandler's or 
Dashiell heroes—believable 
people, believable herocs. 

PLAYBOY: One reviewer written of 
Bond, “He is the bad guy who smoulders 
in every good citizen.” Do you agree 
FLEMING: I don't think that he is neces 
sarily a good guy or a bad guy. Who 
is? He's got his vices and very few per- 
ceptible virtues except patriotism and 
courage, which are probably not virtues 
anyway. He's certainly got little in the 
way of politics, but I should think what 
politics he has are just a little bit left of 
center. And he's got little culture. He's a 
man of action, and he reads books on 
nd so on—when he reads anything. 


I quite agree that he's not a person of 
much social attractiveness. But then, I 
didn't intend for him to be a particular- 
ly likable person. He's a cipher, a blunt 
instrument in the hands of government. 
PLAYBOY: You've been quoted as sa 
ng that you don't like Bond personally. 
Is that true? 

FLEMING: Well. Туе lived with him 
for about twelve years now, and we've 
been getting into decper and deeper 
trouble together. So I've come to have a 
certain sympathy with what is going to 
happen to him, whatever that may be. 
PLAYEOY: Do sometimes feel 
you are Bond, and Bond is Fleming? 
FLEMING: No, Bond is a highly roman 
ticized version of anybody, but certainly 
nor L and I certainly couldn't keep up 
with him; I couldn't have even at his 
age, which is, and has always been, in 
the middle thirt He's a sort of amal- 
gam of romantic tough guys, dressed up 
in 20th Century clothes, using 20th G 
tury language. I think he's slightly mor 
truc to the type of modern hero, to the 
commandos of the last War, and so on, 
and to some of the secretservice men 
Гуе met, than to any of the rather card- 
bow dy heroes of the ancient thrillers 
PLAYBOY: Do you consider his sexual 
prowess, and his ruthless way with wom- 
even among com- 


en, to be true to lile- 
mandos and secretservice men? 

FLEMING: Naturally not; but we live 
n a violent age. Seduction has, to a 
marked extent, replaced courtship. The 
direct, flat approach is not the excep- 
tion: it is the standard. James Bond is a 
healthy. violent, noncerebral man in his 
middle thirties, and a creature of his с 
1 wouldn't say he's particularly typical of 
our times, but he is certainly of the 
times. Bond's detiched: he’s disengaged 
But he’s a believable man—around 
whom | wy to weave a great web of ex- 
citement and fantasy. In that, at least, 
have very little in common. Of 
course, there are similarities, since one 
ites only of what one knows, and some 
of the quirks and characteristics that I 
give Bond are ones that I know abou 
When I make him smoke се ciga 
renes, for example, it's because I do so 
myself, and 1 know what these things 
taste like, and I have no shame in giving 
them free advertising. 

PLAYBOY: ip the goldainged cig- 
агецез ol Balkan and ‘Turkish tobacco 
mixed for Bond by Morland's of Gros- 




venor Street? 
FLEMING: Certainly. Why not? 
PLAYEOY: Isn't th: njudici 
conspicuous brand for a secret 
be smoking? 

REMING: Of course it is. No self-respect- 
ing agent would use such things. He'd 
smoke Players or Chesterfields. But 



at to 


the readers enjoy such idiosyncrasies, 
and they accept them—because they 
don't stop to think about it. The secrecy 
of my secret agent is pretty transparent, 
if you think about it even brielly. But 
the pace, the pace of the narrative gets 
onc by these nasty litle corners. It's a 
sleight-of-hand operation. 115 overpow- 
ering the reader. You take him along at 
such a rate, you interest him so deeply in 
the narrative that he isn't jolted by these 
incongruities. I suppose I do it to demon- 
strate that I can do it. 

PLAYBOY: Why do you pay so much at 
tention to minutiae in your books? 
FLEMING: The main reason is that these 
things excite and interest me. I'm ob- 
servant, I think, and when I walk 
down the sweet or when 1 go into a 
room, I observe things and remember 
them very accurately. It amuses me to 
use my powers of observation in my 
books and at the same time to tell peo- 
ple what my favorite objects arc, and my 
avorite foods and liquors and sc 
and so on. Exact details of individ 
private lives and private tastes are ex 
tremely interesting to me. I think that 
even the way in which a man shaves in 
the morning is well worth recording. 
The more we have of this kind of de- 
tailed stuff laid down around a cha 
ter, the more interested we are in him. 

I make notes of such details constant- 
ly: I write down my thoughts and com- 
ments and 1 note menus, and so forth. 
Tve just ten down something I 
picked up in Istanbul the other d 

Now there is no more shade.” This is a 
Turkish expression, used when a great 
sultan, like Mustafa Kemal, dies. The 
general cry of the people was “Now 
there is no more shade," which is rather 
п expressive wat now there is 
nothing to protect us, now that the great 
man has gone. I write things like that 
down and often use them later on in my 

PLAYBOY: Of course, you have rese; 
done for you as well. 

FLEMING: Yes, but generally only after 
I've written the book. After Гус finished 
a book I realize that I've bee: athe: 
vague or thin on some topic or other, 
and then I go 10 ıhe right man and try 
to get the true gen out of him and then 
rewrite that particular area. 

PLAYBOY: Are you interested in the 
skills of individual specialists? Would 
you, for example, go out of your way to 
meet Chic lord of New York, who 
kes custom-tailored revolver and pis- 
tol holsters for the New York City police 
and the FBI? 

FLEMING: Quite honestly, the whole 
question of expertise in these matters 
bores me. Obviously, T want to know the 
facts. H a Gaylord holster is better than 


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a Berns-Martin, I want to know about it, 
but there my interest rather ends. How- 
ever, I'm not a bad shot; in fact, 1 shot 
for Sandhurst against West Point at one 
time. And just to sce that my hand isn’t 
trembling too much. I like to have 2 
shot at a tin can or something now and 

PLAYBOY: How about hunting game? 
FLEMING: No, I’m not keen on killing 
things, except to eat them. We have big 
bush rats in Jamaica, and one time when 
I'd lent the place for a bit to Anthony 
Eden, he couldn't sleep, they made such 
а racket scurrying about, and a number 
of them had to be shot by his private de- 
tective, which I didn't like. But to go 
back to the matter of expertise, I've 
been pestiferated ever since Sports Zllus- 
trated ran that article about Bond's 
weapons: you saw it, I'm sure—the one 
which told how I'd been persuaded to 
take Bond’s .25 Beretta away from him 
and make him use a 7.65mm Walther 
instead. That idea had originated with 

Geoffrey Boothroyd, a genuine expert, 

and since the article appeared 
had hundreds of letters from w 
on maniacs and they are man 
they're terrifying—and Boothroyd gets 
all those letters sent on to him. I never 
look at them: he deals with them himself 
or he doesn't. I wouldn't dream of at- 
tempting it. Fm just not sufficiently 
PLAYBOY: Speaking of firearms, does it 
amuse you that your imaginative device 
of Bond's permissive double-0 prefix— 
licensing him to kill—should be taken 
so seriously by your readers when, in 
fact, any intelligence agent may find it 
necessary to kill in the line of duty, and 
to that extent might be considered to 
have the right to do so? 

FLEMING: Well, though this was purc- 
ly a fictional device to make Bond's p; 
ticular job more interesting, the double- 
0 prefix is not so entirely invented as all 
that. I pinched the idca [rom the fact 
that, in the Admiralty, at the beginning 
of the War, all top-secret signals had the 
double-0 prefix. This was changed subse- 
quently for the usual security reasons, 
but it stuck in my mind and I borrowed 
it for Bond and he got stuck with it. 
PLAYBOY: Is there, in your opinion, 
any such thing as the proverbial perfect 

FLEMING: Well, no technique, T should 
think, is more deadly and efficient than 
that employed by the gunmen of what 
its proprietors so amusingly call the 
Cosa Nostra in America, where a man 
may be sent all the way from Dewoit 
to kill another man sitting in a bar in 
New York and walk away with no de- 
monstrable connection with him. That is 
a near-perfect type of killing—the sort of 
killing that the secret services do, partic- 

ularly the Russians, who've been pretty 
keen on it in West Germany. Their 
latest gimmick, the cyanide gas pistol, 
which is more or less a water pistol 
filled with liquid cyanide, is a par 
ularly good stunt, because a man 
be killed while, say, climbing stairs, and 
when he's found, the cyanide has dissi- 
pated and leaves no trace. It’s natural 10 
assume that he has had a heart failure 
climbing the stairs. But you've got to 
have a lot of nerve for that sort of thing, 
and whatever it is that enables a good 
killer to function also scems to defeat 
him in the end. The killer's spirit begins 
to fail, he gets the sced of death within 
himself. As I wrote in one of my books, 
From Russia with Love, the wouble with 
a lot of hired assassins such as the Rus- 
sians use is that they feel rather badly 
when they've killed five or six people, 
and ultimately get soft or give them- 
selves up, or they take to drugs or drink. 
Tt would be interesting to conduct an 
inquiry to determine who was the great 
est assassin in history—who was, or who 
is. I have no particular candidate. But 
they all do grow a sort of bug inside 
them after a bit. 

PLAYBOY: You've been criticized for being 
“obsessed” with violence in your boo! 
Do you feel the charge is justified? 
FLEMING: The simple fact is that, like 
all fictional heroes who find a tremen- 
dous popular acceptance, Bond must 
reflect his own time. We live in a violent 
era, perhaps the most violent man has 
known. In our last War, thirty million 
people were killed. Of these, some six 
million were simply slaughtered, and 
most brutally. I hear it said that I invent 
fiendish cruelties and tortures to which 
Bond is subjected. But no one who 
knows, as I know, the things that were 
done to captured secret agents in the last 
War says this. No one says it who knows 
what went on in Algeria. 

PLAYBOY: You said a moment ago that 
professional assassins "grow a sort of bug 
ide them after a bit" Does that in- 
clude Bond? 

FLEMING; Yes, it docs disturb Bond to 
kill people, even though he continues to 
get away with it—just as he continues 
to get away with driving conspicuous 

PLAYBOY: In recent books you've had 
him driving a supercharged Bentley. Why 
did you pick this particular car for him? 
FLEMING: І probably chose the sup 
charged Bentley because Amherst Vil- 
liers was and is a great friend of minc, 
and I knew something about it from my 
friendship with him. I put Bond into a 
Bentley simply because ] like him to use 
dashing, interesting things. 

PLAYBOY: Do you share his taste for 
exotic cars? 

FLEMING: Yes. I'd like to have a super- 

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charged Bentley myself, but nowadays— 
Ттп fifty-six, after all—I like a car I can 
leave out in the street all night and 
which will start at once in Ше morning 
and still go a hundred miles an hour 
when you want it to and yet give a fairly 
comfortable ridc. I can't be bothered 
with а car that needs tuning, or one that 
lll give me а lot of trouble and expend- 
iture. So I've had a Thunderbird for 
six years, and it’s done me very well. In 
fact, I have two of them, the good two- 
seater and the lessgood fourseater. I 
leave them both in the street, and when 
I get in and press the starter, off they go, 
which doesn't happen to a lot of motor- 
cars. Now, the Studebaker supercharged 
Avanti is the same thi 
soon as you get out in the morning; it 
has a very nice, sexy exhaust note and 
will do well over a hundred and has got 
really tremendous acceleration and 
much better, tighter road holding and 
steering than the Thunderbird. Excel- 
lent disk brakes, too. I've cut a good deal 
of time off che run between London and 
Sandwich in the Avanti, on braking 
power alone. So Im very pleased with it 
for the time being. 

PLAYBOY: Unlike Bond, you say you are 
bored by guns, and you don't drive 
exotic vintage car. Do you share, at 
least, his passion for casino gambling? 
FLEMING: I do like to gamble. I play 
bridee for what might be called serious 
stakes. I like chemin de fer. I play at 
clubs here in London, private clubs. 
And I may go to Le Touquet. places like 
that on the Continent. I like to think 
that I am reasonably competent at the 
gaming tables—we all think so, I suppose 
—but still, I win as much as I lose, or a 
bit more. I like that, which I suppose 
demonstrates that I am not a true com- 
pulsive gambler, because the compulsive 
gambler doesn’t care much whether he 
wins or loses. He is interested primarily 
in the "action." I remember one occa- 
sion on which I very much wanted to 
. I was on my way to America with 
the Director of Naval Intelligence, Ad- 
miral Godfrey. We were in Estoril in 
Portugal, and while we were waiting Гог 
transport, we killed some time in ıhe ca- 
sino, While th 1 recognized some 

п agents, and I thought it would 
lliant coup to play with th 

them, take their money. Instead, 
of course, they took mine, Most embar- 
sing. This incident appears in Casino 
Royale, my first book—but, of course, 
Bond does not lose. In fact, he totally 
and coldly vanquishes his opponent 
PLAYBOY: Casino Royale, and all of 
the other Bond books, have been written 
at your home in Jamaica. How did you 
happen to pick the West Indies as a 
creative hideaway? 

104 FLEMING: I first went to Jamaica on a 

Naval Intelligence assignment around 
1942 to meet with my American opposite 
numbers from the Office of Naval Intelli- 
gence to sce if we could do something 
about the U-boat sinkings in the Garib- 
bean. 1 stayed in the good old Myrtle 
Bank Hotel. and it poured every 
—and I loved every minute of it. 
Id never been in the tropics before 
and I thought they were wonderful, as 1 
suppose any Scotsman would. I was de- 
termined that at the end of the War I'd 
come back and find a plot and build a 
house and live in it whenever I could. 
It's worked out like that. When I went 
back im 1946, 1 borrowed a car from a 
man called Sir William Stevenson, who 
was chief of our intelligence service in 
the States during the War: he had a 
house in Jamaica and I went round and 
finally I found this disused donkeys’ race- 
course by the sea. I bought the race- 
course and I built on it a square of a 
house which I had designed while I was 
working in the Admiralty during the last 
two or three years of the War, looking 
forward to something more pleasant 
than the V-Is and V2s. And I go there 
every year during January and February 
and a bit of March, and the whole 
thing's been a great success. [ts by а 
little banana port called Oracabessa, and 
the house is called Goldeneye, a name 
I chose. 


memng: I had happened to be read- 
ing Reflections m a Golden Eye by Car- 
son McCullers, and I'd been involved in 
an operation called Goldeneye during 
the War: the defense of Gibraltar, sup- 
posing that the Spaniards had decided to 
attack it: and ] was deeply involved in 
the planning of countermeasures which 
would have been taken in that even 
Anyway, I called my place Goldeneye. 
The alternative choice was Shamelady, 
which is the Jamaican name for the sen- 
sitive plant, the one which curls up 
when the leaves are touched. When I 
and a friend inspected the plot, we 
looked over the edge of the cliff, and 
there was the most beautiful naked Ne- 
gress bathing in the waves, so I thought 
that Shamelady would be a good name 
for it—the whole thirty acres were cov- 
h the plant—but it would have 
a little bit too fancy. In any event, 
the house has be 
you said, I have written all my books 

PLAYBOY: Do you spend most of your 
time there at the typewriter? 

FLEMING: By no means. I get up with 
the birds, which is about half past seven, 
because they wake one up, and then I go 
and bathe in the ocean before breakfast. 
We don't swimsuit there, 
because its so private; my wife and I 
bathe and swim a hundred yards or so 

а great success. As 

'e to wear 

and come back and have a marvelous 
proper breakfast with some splendid 
scrambled eggs made by my housckecp- 
er, who's particularly good at them, and 
then I sit out in the garden to get a sun- 
burn until about ten. Only then do I set 
to work. I sit in my bedroom and type 
about fifteen hundred words straight- 
away, without looking back on what I 
wrote the day before. I have more or less 

thought out what I'm going to write, 

and, in any case, even if I make a lot of 
mistakes, I think, well. hell, when the 
book's finished I can change it all. I 
think the main thing is to write fast 
and cursively in order to get narrative 

Then, about quarter past twelve, I 
chuck that and go down, with a snorkle 
and a spear, around the reefs looking for 
lobsters or whatever there may be, some. 
times find them, sometimes don't, and 
then I come back, I have a couple of 
pink gins, and we have a very good 
lunch, ordinary Jamaican food, and 1 
have a siesta from about half past two. 
until four. Then 1 sit again in the 
garden for about an hour or so, have 
another swim, and then I spend from s 
to seven—the dusk comes very suddenly 
іп Jamaic: t six o'clock it suddenly 
gets very dark—doing another five 
hundred words. I then number the 
pages, of which by that time there are 
about seven, put them away in a folde 
and have a couple of powerful drinks, 
then dinner, occasionally a game of 
Scrabble with my wife—at which she 
thinks she is very much better than I am, 
but I know I'm the best—and straight off 
to bed and into a dead sleep. 
PLAYBOY: And you return to England 
in March with a completed manuscript? 
FLEMING: Except for minor revisions, yes 
PLAYBOY: How do you spend the rest 
of the year? 

FLEMING: Commuting between Lon- 
don—where we have a very nice little 
house—and the country, where 1 keep a 
small but comfortable flat on Pegwell 
andwich: that's in Kent. I work 
the “Fleming Two-Day Weck,” which 
means that I try to spend at least four 
days and five nights in the country and 
only two nights up in London, because 1 
don't like big towns. Generally I come 
up on Monday night and I go down 
again to Sandwich on Thursday morn- 
ing. with any luck. 

PLAYBOY: What do you do with your timc 
in the country? 

FLEMING: Well, I get up late, about half 
past eight or nine, have breakfast, coffec 
and a boiled ege—three and a half min- 
utes, not three and two thirds, like James 
Bond. I read newspapers and deal with a 
certain amount of mail and Шеп I go off 
to the golf course; the one I play on is in 

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106 sure, and so on. $ 

Sandwich—the Royal St. 
course known to a great many Ameri 
cans, and one that Bobby Jones and all 
the great men have played: Jack Nick- 
laus won the Gold Vase on that course 
three or four years ago. And I meet some 
friends there and we have a drink or wo 
and lunch and then I go out and play a 
tough game of golf for fairly high stakes. 
foursomes generally, not American four- 
ball, bur cach pair hitting the ball 
turn. And we laugh a lot and it’s great 
fun. Then I go back home in the eve- 
ning and sit down and have a couple of 
very powerful bourbons and water: 
ice and read awhile, and then I have 
whatever my wife has decided to cook 
for me and J go straight off to bed. 

PLAYBOY: And when youre in London? 
FLEMING: In London we have. as I 
id, a very nice little house—but it 

hasn't got any trees around it, which 1 
would like, and I would prefer 10 live 
higher up. somewhere like Hampstead 
on the heights above London, with birds 
and wees and a bit of garden. But my 
wife, who likes to entertain, feels that 
this would be 100 far from the House of 
Commons for our friends to come, and 
altogether too suburban. In any case, I 
get up in the morning about the same 
time as in the country, have the same 
breakfast, and at about half past ten I 
drive to my office, where my secretary 
ail ready for me. which I cope 
then dictate a few letters. 
Then I correct some proofs or go over 
ever I happen to be working on at 
the moment and have lunch with a 
friend—always a male friend: I don't like 
having lunch with women—and perhaps 
I go to my club, Boodles, or the Turf, 
where Т sit by myself and read in that 
highly civilized privacy which is the 
great thing about some English clubs. 
In the afternoon T have more or less the 
same routine correcting proofs. I go 
home and have three large drinks and 
then we cither stay in for dinner or 
have people in, or go out: but more of- 
ten we have dinner together and go to 
PLAYBOY: Your books were often among 
those at the bedside of President Ker 
nedy, who pub) nsclf 
enthusiastic Bond fan, He was even 
to have considered Bond his favorite 
fictional character. Did he ever tell you 
FLEMING: No, he didn't. In any case, 
1 don't think Bond was President Kenn 
уз favorite fictional character: T think 
he was his favorite adventure character. 
But I think perhaps that Bond's sort of 
patriotic derring-do was in keeping with 
the President's own concept of 
ance and courage and grace u 

der pr 
trangely enough, many 

politicians books. 1 
think perl ns like 
solutio ig properly tied 
up at the end. Politicians always hope 
for neat solutions, you know, but so 

ely can they find them. 


PLAYBOY: Do you have other admirers 
among world figures of major stature? 
FLEMING: I don't know, really. For one, 

I don't believe Mr. Khrushchey is one 
of my readers, and we haven't met. I 
do have among my memorabilia a short 
typewritten note from Joseph Stalin, 
ned in his hand and, I think, typed by 
him as well, saying that he is sorry, but 
he must decline to be interviewed. 
PLAYBOY. It was Stalin who organized 
SMERSH, the Soviet counterpart of Ше 
Gestapo, which served as Bond's adver- 
several of your earlier books. 
What made you decide to abandon it in 
Thunderball for the ideologically un- 

aligned gang of international conspira- 
tors which yon call SPECTRE? 
FLEMING: ] closed down sMersit, al 

though T was devoted to the good old 
apparat, because, first of all, Khrushchev 
did in fact disband swrasm himself, al 
though its operations are sull carried 
out by a subsection of the К.С. B., the 
Russian secret service. But in that book 
— think it was Thunderball that I was 
writing at the time of the proposed sum- 
mit meeting thought well, it’s no good 
ning ta make friends 
ns. T know them, T like 
them personally, as anyone would, as 
пуопе would like the if he 
new them. I thought. I 
go on ragging them like this. So I in- 
vented SPECTRE as an international crime 
organization which contained elements 
of sMERSH and the Gestapo and the 
Mafia—the cozy old Cosa Nostra — which, 
of course, is a much more elastic fiction- 
al device than suERsH, which 
fictional device, but the real thing. But 
that was really the reason I did it, so as 
not to rag Ше Russians (00 much. But if 
they go on squeezing oft cyanide pistols 
in peoples faces, I may have to make 


them cosa mia again. 
PLAYBOY: Mystery writer Raymond 
Chandler has said of you tes 

more correctly, neatly, concisely and viv- 
idly than most of our ‘serious’ novel- 
5.” On the other hand, New York 
Times critic Anthony Boucher has said 
that in his view you write "monumental- 
ly badly." Do you have any comment on 
these conwasting appraisals? 

FLEMING: 1 dare say Ray Chandler 
said that because he was a friend of 
mine. As for Anthony Boucher, he’s nev 
er liked my books, and it shows what a 
good reviewer he is that he says so. Oth- 
ers. happily—such as Cyril Connolly — 
think otherwise. There is no doubt, how- 
ever, that I-and even Anthony Boucher 

— should write bener. There is no пор 
g well. I wry to write neatly 
ad vividly because I think 
that’s the way to write, but I think 
large amount of that comes. as I said 
earlier, from my training as a fastwriting 
journalist, under circumstances in which 
you damned well had to be neat and 
correct and concise and vivid. I'm afraid. 
I think Reuter's training was much more 
able to me than all the reading in 
nglish literature I did at Eton or in 
Geneva or wherever 
PLAYEOY: You have 
write unashamedly for 
FLEMING: Yes, it is. I 
moncy—but abo for pleasure. I'm very 
glad that people say kind things about 
my books—because, naturally, if they 
didn't say so, I shouldn't make any mon- 
and consequently 1 shouldn't enjoy 

id that 

Is that 

do write for 

i enjoymei 

t is certainly a very 
even in the fairly 
ature that comprise 
ng. But it's true that I write 
е capacity—or at least I 
think 1 probably do. If I really settled 
down and decided to write a War and 
Peace among thrillers, if I shut myself 
up and decided to do this and nothing 
else, I dare say 1 might bring it off, if 
such a thing is possible. There's a great 
deal of violence and sex in all great 
novels, so I dare s 
the modern үсіп I n 

But Im more 
than in cerebration, 

interested in 

nd I should think 
that the great War and Реасе thriller 

would be more likely to be written by a 
man like Graham Greene or Georges 
Simenon, because either of them would 
do it more truthfully and accurately 
than 1 ever could. I enjoy exaggeration 
and things larger than life. It amuses me 
to have a villain with a great bulbous 
head, whereas, as you know, they're gen- 
erally little people with nothing at all 
extraordinary-looking about them, Then, 
too, I'm afraid 1 shouldn't be able to 
write in sufficient depth to make this hy- 

pothetical thriller stand up classic. 
PLAYEOY: Why not? 

FLEMING: I'm too interested in surface 
things, and I'm too interested 

xa fast pace, in writing at speed. 
ГІ shouldn't have the patience 
to delve into the necessary psychological 
introspection and historical background. 
But in Ше end, I must say, I'm very hap 
py writing as I do. And I greatly enjoy 
nowing that other people, quite intelli- 
gent people, find my books amusing and 
entertaining. Bur Im not really 

prised. because they entertain and a 

me, (00. 



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Above left, clockwise from noon: Gootskin-covered gome chest, with roulette set, chess pieces, from Rigoud, $250. Mother-cf- 
peor! opero glosses, by Dunhill, $40. Toble lighter in brushed-sotin-silver finish, by Colibri, $20. Cigorette cose in soft leother 
lined with pure silk, includes Ployboy Lighter, by Ployboy Products, $é Above right, clockwise from nine: Old-fashioned French 
telephone, by Continental Telephone, $62.50. Hand-woven wig of 100-percent humon hair, with vinyl cose, by Foshion Tress, 
$199.95. Hand-painted Mexicon spoon mirror, from Dunhill, $15. Clock rodio, by Elgin, $42.95, Below left: Reproduction of Mo- 
zort music box, by Rigoud, $350, AM/FM, FM stereo rodio-phonogroph, by Phonolo, $199.95. Below right, clockwise from 
noon: Nylon umbrello, by Polon, Kotz, $10. Brozilion joguor bog, $152.90, ond jockey-style hat, $8650, from Abercrombie 
& Fitch. Mirondette portoble tope recorder, by Allied Impex, $169.95. Belgian linen transport cose, from Dunhill, 532.50. 

for a golden yule: a guide for guys on pleasing their playmates By ROBERT 1. GREEN 

BEFORE MAKING his presents known, the gift-wise guy secking 
10 carn ls as a Santa extraordinare will observe the 
golden yule of giving: Know thy lady fair. For every Christ- 
mas belle worth ringing is cast of a different precious mettle 
and has her own striking timbre of individuality: She'll be 
ecstatic over any trifle that could only be hers. But she'll 
think more of the gift than of the giver, no matter how ex- 
want it is, if it doesn't combine imagination, creativity 

ata, and stay afloat during the an- 
nual Chrisumastidal wave, if you introduce method to the 
year-end madness. First, this is the time of year to update 
your уше log, weeding out the losers and shuffling the rest 
by category. From the general—the chic, feminine type; the 
competent business girl; the lithe limbed healthy outdoor 
girl; the acsthetic-intellectual type; or the tantalizing child- 

ciated with the subject of your conversation might be ap- 
propriate. If she's been a longtime, but casual, acquaintance 
—and you want to keep it that way—choose from a wide ar- 
тау of impersonal gifts, such as luggage, handkerchiefs, 
clocks, canclies, food, cigarette accessories, books, prints, rec- 
ords, umbrellas, costume jewelry, wines, liquors and liqueurs 
If you'll be spending the holiday with her, then you'll want 
to buy something that balances luxury with intimacy: special 
le-to-order items (a tailored suit, a hat or a robe), some 
thing in sterling silver, a piece of original art, or a lush se 
lection of lingerie or negligees (normally, however, you don't 
provide cover for the terrain unless you've already recon- 
noitered it). 

If she has a taste for the deluxe—and what girl hasn 
you'll score high with jewels, furs or perfume—lor example, 
а flacon of Jean Patou Joy, or an exquisitely packaged scent 
by Prince Matchabelli or Lanvin. If your romance is seri- 
ous and youre willing to spend seriously, consider fur: 
"Think mink, chinchilla or sable—if you're able. If not, furs 

that are less expensive, but impressive nonetheless, include 
jackets in wildcat, South American lamb, pony, 
ed muskrat and black or red fox. Other gifts of garb 
combine fur with fabrics may be even less costly, but 
t as glamorous: A pair of good examples are a gabardine 
trench coat lined in mink or lynx, or a fitted wool coat lined 
leopard. Then there are the n uch as a black 
fox or sable muff, or a leopard ascot and hat. If she already 
has a fur to keep her warm, you may want to give her an ac- 
cessory stich as a red fox hedspread, leopard car rug, or a 
tiger skin to be used as a wall or floor covering. 

To engrave your image into her personal picture, send 
something that clearly indicates an intention of sharing: an 
imported espresso machine, with a pair of demitasse cups and 
cers: an excellent champagne, with two choice glasses; two 
ved fruit knives, with a note promising that you'll bring 
the peaches; a pair of ducats to the theater. 

If you have already left an impression on her conscious- 
ness, and want to evoke images of retroactive sharing, favor 
her with a gift reminiscent of your past activities together. 
Have you gone to the ballet ensemble? Then give her an 
elegant set of pearl opera glasses. If you were recently 
caught in the rain together—and made the best of it—com 

memorate the occasion with an umbrella. Do you and she 
play word games? Then give her a giant game treasure chest, 
If you share music wherever you go, buy her a transistorized 
FM/AM portable, or a radio/phonograph console for her 
apartment. If she squeals with joy when you take her photo, 
buy her a camera—and for an added kick, shoot something 
that has special meaning for her and leave it in the camera 
jeves that the way to your heart is through your 
stomach, then help smooth her way with a complete spice 
collection; or an out-of-print cookbook; or a copper coffee 
y of an endless variety of ser i 

chafing dishes, hot plates, vegetable warm 
butter melters, pepper mills, salt shakers, serv 
crs. Or surprise her with some professional kitchen tools, 
such as a porcelain double boiler, an asparagus steamer, a 
duck press or a Georgian porcelain mold. If she often enter- 
tains formally, then choose from among the fine china and 
silver shops in town for a set of Baccarat stemware, Geor- 
1 silver serving spoons, Crown Derby dinner plates, or 
Spode dessert plates. 

If her tastes tend more toward the cultural than the culi- 


Above left, clockwise from noon: Capricci perfume in cut crystol deconter (11 ozs], by Nino Ricci, $175. Chanel No. 5 per- 
fume (4 07s, by Chanel, $70. Intimote sproy mist (2 ог), by Revlon, $3. Mother-of-peorl compoct and lipstick cose, by Мох 
Factor, $10. Bain d'Or bath зоор in swan dish, by Lenthéric, $2. Possession perfume, from Fronce (2 ozs.), by Porfums Cordoy, 
$35. LAimont perfume, from France (2 ozs, by Coty, $35. Above right: Red fox opera cool, by Max Bogen, $1000. Below left: 
Yorkshire puppy, from Studded Collor, $200. Oval shoped peridot ring with 5 diomonds, by Star Ring Co., $49.50. Below center, 
clockwise from noon: Royol Crown musicol jewel box, from Thorens, $80. Simuloted-pearl necklace with oval moonstone clasp, 

by Richelieu, $12. Colendor pocket watch, 14k, by Jules Jergensen, $175. Octogonal bracelet wotch and matching ring, 14k, by 
Eric E. Siebert, $654. Cigorette lighter, 144, by Dunhill, $165. Wrist wotch, 18k, by Elgin, $495. Below right, clockwise from 
noon: Shooting jacket, $35; slocks, $19; kit fox reversible coat, $500, oll from Abercrombie & Fitch. Speedfit laceless ski boots, 
by Henke, $69.50. Motorcycle, 55cc, four-speed tronsmission, 200 miles per gallon, weighs obout 140 pounds, by Yamcho, $285. 



110 owner of a new ca 

‚ then please her musical ear with а 
classical guitar, a complete collection of 
Beethoven's piano sonatas by Schnabel, 
some archive waxings of Bessie Smith, 
Bix Beiderbecke, Billie Holiday: or flat- 
ter her artistic eye with a Degas pastel, a 
by a local painter, a membersh 
п art museum; or gratify her literary 
taste buds with an antique bound set of 
essays, a series of subscriptions to “little” 
wines, poetry recordings Irom the 
Library of Congress, Richard Burton's 
cently recorded rendition of Hamlet. 
15 she dedicated to fashion? Then give 
а ser of subscriptions to the world's 
ling magazines of haute couture. Is 
she devoted to skiing? Then get her а 
new ski outfit, from parka to Bogners, 
nd an invitation to spend a long week- 
end with you at some favorite ski haunt. 
Is she a hellion on wheel: y her 
a Honda, Vespa or Yamaha motor scoot- 
er in her favorite color, 

Does she come on as a femme fatale? 
Then send her a small crystal chandelier 
for her bathroom, panels of Sadic 
Thompson beads to hang in a window 
or doorway, an Oriental incense burner, 
a Bale a theater coat covered with 
jewels, a Chinese brocade coat, cut glass 
decanters for her dressing table, a mobile 
champagne cooler, a monogrammed vel- 
comforter, a tufted hassock or a 
quilted bedspread. 

If she's addicted to the archaic, you'll 
find a bonanza of boons in secondhand 
bookshops, auction galleries, resale stores 
and other repositories of the antique. 
Try to locate a perfume bottle with a 
al crest on it, a wine decanter with 
ly date, a jewel box with a secret 
compartment, the Ith edition of the 
Encyclopaedia Britannica. 

Extremism in pursuit of the perfect 
present is no vice. If she’s a way-out girl, 
gether a way-out gift, a gallon of 
her favorite toilet w 
watch, an enormous standing salad bowl; 
а complete selection of Hermès gloves in 
every shade of brown from off white to 
oll-black, a tiny portable typewriter, an 
indoor herb garden, an oversize brandy 
snifter filled with a complete selection of 
textured and patterned stockings from 

If you want to impress but are 
under duress, you can bank on the 
happy fact that most women are very 

label conscious. A chiffon scarf from Nei- 
man-Marcus, a deck of cards from Cartier 
or a silver bookmark from Tiffany may 
have more meaning than a costlier gilt 
from a popular department store. 
Moreover, a relatively inexpensive 
gewgaw that reflects your understanding 
of her interests and drives will be worth 
more than an oil-well decd. If she's a 
carcer girl who just moved up to her own 
private office, give her a leather corre- 
spondence portfolio with her name and 
title engraved on it. If she's the recent 
give her а gold ig- 

nition key. If she's studying voice or 
drama, a tape recorder will make you 
sound just right to he 

Sometimes а man’s offering to his 
yuletide belle can ring falsely, thereby 
eliciting not peals of joy but reverbera- 
tions of reproach. Good intentions alone 

will not prevent this, but planning and 
common sense will. For example, a little 

patory thought will caution you 
not to buy billowy wardrobe items for 
a gal who lives in a miniature efficiency 
apartment. Or not to give clothing that 
requires extraordinary care to a girl with 
а limited budget. š tact 

п of her ap- 
—eg,, electric razors, 
ws, glamor courses, exer- 

few oth 
mind: Don’t select decorative gifts that 
will clash with her present furnishings— 

a folksy Pennsylvania Dutch settee will 
hardly be appreciated if she surrounds 

with pieces style Marie An- 
If you're giving jewelry, don't 
vied away and buy her a diamond 
ring unless you're prepared for the per- 
пепсе it implies; a jeweled lipstick 
case, pin, brooch, compact or bracelet 
will tell her how much you care, without 
indicating that you're reddy to throw in 
the sponge. Don't try to impress her 
with your own intellectual. accomplish- 
ments by throwing cultural curves at her 
—in other words, if she doesn't care to 
read anything deeper than women's 
zines, don't give her the complete, 
untranslated works of Marcel Proust 
Don't cop out on the selection of a 
gift by sending her a gilt certificate— 
thats almost as crass as giving cash. If 
you're boxed in by circumstances, how- 
ever, and must do it, then do it with a 
Пай: Rather than presenting her with a 
certificate for a hat, ask a top-notch mil- 
liner to deliver an empty hatbox with a 
note from you saying that you'd like her 
to have a arisen designed expe 
for her. Or have her 

lor, with a note indicating BEDE 
worn on a suit he has been commis- 
sioned to create for her. 

A final don't: Don't hamstring your- 

self wih don'ts. Your own instinct 
should tell you what's right and what's 
not. Do observe several simple shopping 
rules—these will make the difference be- 
tween enjoying or exhausting yourself. 
You're no doubt tired of hearing ad- 
vice to shop early and stay far from the 
madding crowds. Old as this counsel 
may be, it’s perfectly sound, and we sug- 
gest that you heed it. Add to it the 
following tips: Friday is the best shop- 
ping day; rainy or snowy days are excel- 
lent; the carly hours (before 11:30 A.M.) 
can’t be beat; do your shopping alone, 
for mobility and casy decision making. 
It's especially important to shop салу for 

custom-made or monogrammed gifts. Be 
sure to have, on the other hand, а boun 
tiful supply of baubles, such ss ра 
perweights, Florentine leather. boxes, 
silk squares, handkerchiefs and the like, 
as a turnabout reserve against those last- 
minute presents you never expected. 

You'll save time, no matter when you 
shop, if you carry your own personal 
cards to go along with your gift packages. 
Also take a couple of pens. Unless you 
charge everything, carry plenty of small 
bills and change: пр the exact 
amount at cach counter saves time. 

Many men avail themselves of the or- 
ganized personal shopping services 
offered by top department stores and 
specialty shops throughout the countr 
will go over your gift list and then ac 
company you through the store while 
you make your selections. Other stores 
cater to male shoppers by setting aside 
separate areas for them. Surrounded by 
gifts for women, the man is invited to 
relax while a skilled salesperson helps 
make the right choices for each girl on 
his list. Often, models are on hand to 
represent the different types, both as to 
personality and physical proportions. 

IF you require assistance, but prefer to 
shop in stores that do not offer these s 
ices, look in the classified pages of your 
phone book for a professional shopping 
service. For a fee, they will do every 
thing from selecting items to having 
them wrapped and delivered. 

Almost as important as the gift itself is 
the wrapping, A beautiful job, whether 
done by yourself or a service, с 
10 enhance the beauty of the gift. For 
routine presents, of course, you can uti- 
lize the routine ribbon-round-the package 
service at the sales counter, but your spe 
cial gifts require special wrapping serv- 
ice, which can be found elsewhere in 
the store. The charge is nominal, and 
you can choose between telling the 
wrapper what you want—to impart a 
personal touch—or relying on her (usual- 
ly good) judgment. 

TE you don’t trust other hands with 
this important job, you'll find ample ma- 
terials in department. stores, paper-sup- 
ply houses, fabric stores, stationers (Гог 
gold, red or blue notary seals) and florists 
(for unusual ribbons). If you do the 
ap cach 
gift on the day you buy it; it’s no fun 
facing a mountain of unwrapped pres 
ents on Christmas Ev 

Having found and bound just the per- 
fect presents for your ladies fair, it is 
best to deliver all but that one most spe- 
cial gift on Christmas Eve or earlier. 
Then you can relax for a war 
toast with your chosen one, content in 
the knowledge. as you face a new year, 
that, having freely given, you shall 

freely receive. 

ng, knowledgeable consultants 

chore yourself, it is wise to w 

n winter's 


А young man groomed for success whether he's in the fray of business day or in cool command of an 
evening encounter. The man who reads PLAYBOY puts his cash on the lines—the men’s toiletries lines, 
for example. Noted for his good scents, he realizes that being well turned out can mean the difference 
between а nod and a nay in business deal or social maneuver. Facts: 76% of PLAYBOY's male readers 
use after-shave lotion, a percentage twice as high as the national average; 55% of PLAYBOY's male 
readers use cologne. (Source: PLAYBOY Male Reader Survey by Benn Management Corporation.) 

Advertising Offices: New York + Chicago + Detroit + Los Angeles + San Francisco + Atlanta 

из IS A STORY OF Тик: OLD pays, the days between Prohibition and Alcoholics Anonymous, the days 
when it still took weeks to get anyplace, the days belore jets reached everywhere in time for dinner, 
the days when you were rather surprised to hear that a friend had been in Arles or Siberia or Dji- 
bouti, the days when Colonialism was the White Man’s Burden and not a dirty word, when we 
thought it was our duty to bring the Word to the Heathen and before the Heathen started pushing 
the Word back down our throats. 


The main avenue of Aleppo was shining in the sun. The afternoon siesta was just over and in the cafés 
men in fezzes were sipping tiny cups of syrupy coffee. A fat Turk with a mustache, half awake, sat and sleep- 
ily pulled аға hookah from time to time. When three or more flies congregated around his mouth, he would raise a 
sleepy hand and whisk them away unmaliciously with a fly whisk. 

Stanford Lovejoy, in his pressed white suit and sun helmet, strolled slowly down the shady side of the street, smi 
ing gently at the flickering life of the desert city. He was a small, quiet man, and every time he walked through 
the town, among the swift, dirty children, the tiny dancer-hoofed donkeys under their burdens of alfalfa and water- 
melons, the tall, slender Arabs with their shining white nooses, striped with black braid, a pleasant little tingle 
of adventure rang through his blood. How far, the song sounded subconsciously in the back of his brain, how far I 
have come from Vermont. 

He had just finished a year of teaching English to Arab children at the Mi 
feeling a decent thrill of accomplishment each time he opened a class and 
looked at the polite and eager faces, heard the low Eastern voices say 
“How do you do, Mr. Lovejoy?" with the ineradicable granite twang of 
his own Vermont caught forever in them. He never had any trouble in 
class, such as you might expect in young boys’ classes back home. He was 
small, but he had a deep, impressive voice, and a high-domed and impres- 
sive forehead, [ull of authority. He looked as Samuel Johnson might have 
looked as a young man, but secretly hoped that one day he would look 
like Sir Walter Raleigh. 

How different from Vermont, the chant went at the back of Lovejoy's 
head. When he had finished taking his M.A., a relative in California had 
offered Lovejoy a job in his cement plant, with a good salary to begin 
with, and large chances of swift advancement, Lovejoy had nearly accepted, 
but the opportunity to come to Aleppo had presented itself, and he had 
written his cousin a graceful note, declining the kind offer. 

“Any man who prefers Syria to California and Bedouins to Califor- 
ns," his cousin had written, “has forfeited all claims on my sympathies. 
I will not repeat the offer. Yours truly . . 

The letter had shaken Lovejoy a little, but since coming to Aleppo, he had never regretted his deci 
learning Arabic, and the mysterious and complex ways of the Middle East. Around him stretched the old fields of 
history, cultivated by men dead thousands of years; in timeless circles spread the desert, the Persian mountains, the 
miraculous valley of the Nile. To the cast lay India . . . Great events were brewing and there would be a great place 
for a man who knew the language, the silent and inscrutable people of the Arabic-speaking world. Lawrence had 
started һ no more. 

Lovejoy turned into a little bookshop. On sale were old copies of Life, Look and The Saturday Evening Post, two 
aveled sets of Dickens, a great many books by Н. С. Wells. Victor Hugo, Colette and Michelet were available in 
агре quantities in French, beside piles of secondhand novels іп 12 languages. 

On the wall hung seven rugs which could be bought for a reasonable price. 

I was there, too. 

She was іп a corner, her pale blonde head bent over an account book. Each time he looked at her, Irina’s frailty, 
her demure and troubled beauty, struck at Lovejoy’s heart all over again. He walked softly up behind her, engrossed 
in her accounts, took her hand and pressed it to his lips. 

Irina jumped back hurriedly. "Stanford," she said, her voicc small and musical and Russian among the dusty 
erature of six languages. "It is not to be done!" 

“There's nobody here,” Lovejoy said, smiling softly at her. 

“Somebody might make an entrance.” Irina looked fearfully at the door. 

“What if they did? 
knew it would happen 

ion School and he couldn't help 

on. He was 

" she wailed mu 

ally, turning away, hiding her face. “You do not respect me anymore. 

into the dusty syrian city wheeled those simple, high-spirited american boys—and lightning struck everyone in sight 




He stopped when he reached the 
crowd and smiled. It was a street enter. 
tainment. Bat it was like по street 
nment he had ever seen. Two 
burly men with bare knees, 

bicycles. A third man, rather small, but 
Iso in a football jersey, with а small, 
mangy monkey perched on his shoulder. 
stood to one side holding a third glitter. 
ng bicycle. On the backs of all the 
jerseys, which were deep green, was 
written, in gold letters, "CAFE ANATOLE 
FRANCE, 9 PLACE PICALLE." On ће front 
of the jerseys of one of the giants was a 
large number 95, such as football players 
wear. On the other large man's jersey 
was the number 96. The man with the 
monkey wore a simple zero on his chest. 
And the heads of all three men were 
haved absolutely clean, their heads shin- 
ing like light globes in the brilliant sun. 

The two performers circled tightly 
around in front of the café, their front 
wheels revolving double-jointedly іп 
their sockets, the spectators sighing po- 
litely and admiringly. The sweat poured 
down the cyclists’ faces and stood out 
like Seckcl pears on their bald white 
heads as they pumped away widely and 
Number 95 leaped off his bicycle, 
whipping it debonairly at the third little 
man with the monkey, It crashed with a 
light scraping sound against the little 
man's shin and he winced in pain, but 
held on and smiled mechanically at the 
audience. The monkey gripped his car 
for better purchase. 

Number 96 kept circling easily over 
the flagstones. his bare knees and the 


m of the bicycle flashing dizzily 
in the sun. 

“Alles Hed Number 95, a 
strong, booming voice. He stood with 
arms outstretched. wide. rippling and 
powerful in his green jersey against the 
background of slender Arabs. 

Lovejoy took it all in with puzzlement 
and delight. The East, he felt, full of 
rich surprise. 

“Ready, Roland?” shouted imber. 
95, as though his partner was hard of 
hearing and a quarter of a mile off. 
cady, Saint Clai hoarscly bel- 
lowed Number 96, putting on a burst of 

"Allez!" called 95. 

“Allez!” replied 96, racing wildly past 
the shrinking Arabs, dazed by the speed 
and sound of the Occident. 

95 tensed himself and suddenly was 
hurting through the air. He landed on 
90% shoulders, his arms spread, swanlike 
and triumphant. 

For Christ's sake, Saint Clair," said 
96 loudly, pedaling fiercely to keep the 
curvetting bicycle from tilting over. “My 

The audience broke into applaus 
116 three lite seminaked children d 

dangerously close to the rushing bicycle 
before they were pulled back by their 

Allez!" called 95 in the fog piercing, 
prairiecovcring voice. 

"Alles" replied 96, and almost quick- 
er than the eye could follow, 95 had 
made a desperate and amazing reversal 
and was standing on his head on 96% 

head, his huge, meaty legs arched and 

rigid, pointing beautifully toward the 
brazen blue desert sky. 

Bravo!" called Number Zero coolly. 

The crowd rustled with approval and 
Lovejoy applauded. 95, still rigid and 
head down, h his feet describing а 
dashing arc against the Syrian sky, 
looked at Lovejoy. grinned, winked, and 
on the next шір around ihe square, 
called to him. “Hi, Bud. See you right 
after the show at the Franco-Syrian Bar." 

Lovejoy smiled shyly. pleased and em- 
barrassed to be noticed by one of the 
artists. A moment later, w amazing 
leap. 95 hurtled to the ground, arriving 
there upright, resilient, smiling. 96 
vaulted off his bicycle and they both 
stood there, bowing. The ith wide, 
friendly grins, they went through the 
crowd passing out postcardsize photo- 
graphs of themselves. 

95 gave one to Lovejoy, patting 
heavily on the shoulder as he did so. 
Lovejoy looked at the photograph. It 
one which had caught the two dare- 
devils at the very apex of their perform- 
ance, 95 standing on his head on 96% 
head, with a background of large cumu- 
lus clouds. “Roland and Saint Clair 
us,” the legend read. “Around The 
World On Two Wheels. Ambassadors of 
Good Will. Daring!!! Extraordinary! 

While he was looking at the photo: 
graph, the Calonius brothers mounted 
their bicycles, took the third bicycle be- 
tween them, with the monkey riding on 
the empty saddle, and sped dashingly 
down thc streci 

"Four piasters, pleassse,” Lovejoy 
heard a voice say. He looked around. 
mber Zero was standing there, a wor- 
ed look on his face, hand outstretched. 
Four piasters, pleasssc," Number Zero 

For what?" Lovejoy asked. 

For the photograph of the dai 
lonius brothers, pleassse.” 
Zero had а liquid Balkan accent and а 
harrowed Вай face, full of the sor- 
rows of a land that had known only 
wars, famines and disloyal kings for 
1500 years. 

“I don't want a photograph of the 
Calonius brothers.” Lovejoy said, trying 
10 hand the postcard. back. 

“Impossible, pleassse.” A further shade 
of sorrow fitted across Number Zero's 
face, like the flicker of a 's wing, and 
he put his hands behind his back so that 
lent could Lovejoy place the 
ph in his hand. “Once accepted 


—finished. Four piasters, pleassse . . 
His face was stubborn, despairing, dark, 
under the shining bald scalp 

Lovejoy took out four plasters and 
paid him and put the photograph neatly 
n his wallet, as Number Zero went on 
to the next customer. There was a slight 
argument, Lovejoy noticed, but Number 
Zero got his four piasters there, too. But 
across the square, at the café tables, a 
sulky and violent look was coming over 
certain powerfully built possesors of 
photographs of the Calonius brothers 
and Lovejoy moved on down the street. 
not wishing to become embroiled in 
what he recognized as an inevitable 
clash between East and West, with the 
West heavily outgunned. 

The three bicycles were leaning 
against a table and the two Calonius 
brothers were seated, sull sweating. 

Roland was booming. 
"ar once more, I break 

"you step on my 
your ankle." 

"Hazards of the trade," S 
shouted angrily. 

“Don't give me hazards of the trade!” 
Roland leaned across and stared bitterly 
imo his brother's eyes. “Watch where 
you put your goddamn feet!" The mon- 
key pulled at his leg and Roland tilted 
his glass over and drenched it with beer. 
The monkey scrambled miserably back 
to the bicycle saddle, and both brothers 
roared good-humoredly and ordered 
more beer. 

“Pardon me, gentlemen . 

“If you're an American,” 95 said, ^ 

“Tm an American.” 
it down!” 95 waved for more beer. 
"That's what 1 thought when I saw you. 
Je hard to tell, upside 
He Jaughed heartily and nudged 
Lovejoy as though he had told a dirty 

“What do you th 
manded 96. 
"Extremely . . 2 
"Never was a wheel act like it," 96 
said. "We absolutely defy the laws of 
22. Where's that beer?" he bawled in 
French at the small, dark waiter, who 
n off hurriedly. 

"Nice little town you got here,” 95 
said. “What's the name of it aga 
“Aleppo,” Lovejoy said. 

leppo." 96 said. “Is that much out 
of our way?" 

"Where're you going?" Lovejoy asked 

"China," both Calonius brothers an 
swered. “Wheres that beer? Thei 
voices clanged along the tables and 
through the café and all the waiters 
moved faster than they had moved in 15 

Well . Lovejoy began 

My names Saint Clair," 95 

"Saint Clair Calonius. This is Ro 
(continued on page 174) 

int Clair 

. 4" Lovejoy 

of our ас?” de- 

“I understand you've been a bad little girl... !” 



While his catered dinner is in full swing—as the meat, fowl and seafood buffets are eagerly sampled—the host relaxes with guests. 

food & drink By THOMAS MARIO 

SHEER NUMBERS aren't in themselves a guarantee 
that a party will be a howling hit. But for mou 
ing a yearend saturnalia, a crowd of upwards of 
a dozen or more well-matched pairs is just about 
big enough to be unbridled in a civilized way. 
However, it should be kept in mind by the host 
who wants to have as good a time as his guests 
that there's a certain point beyond which party 
planning should be turned over to the pros. The 
caveat is a very simple one: If the party’s guest 
list goes above a score of people, call a caterer. 
егег» are masters of movable feasts, Ап ex- 
perienced caterer is always happy to listen to the 
most inquisitorial host, confer with him, guide 
him and even on rare occasions yield to him, pro. 
vided the host accepts the caterer's guiding philos- 
ophy which, stated briefly, is: Don't do it yourself. 

Holiday catering has gone through a predicta- 
ble evolution. The formal dinner is now as ex- 
tinct as the velvet tablecloth covered wich ostrich 
feathers. One of the nicest things you can say 
about any holiday party is that it turned out to 
be a ball. But the planned ball in which nymphs’ 
skirts always got caught in pashas’ swords is, for 
all practical purposes, also extinct. There are still 
overpoweringly opulent parties, although they're 
increasingly rare, like the Phipps Long Island de- 
hut last year which featured 19,000 flowers stuck 
into chicken wire that was run in gracious curves 
all over the place, and buffet tents whose silk lin- 
ing a neat 55000 for the single fete. At 
the opposite pole in styling was the Reiuman par- 
ty in Cleveland which followed the in Val- 
ley Kennel Show. Here guests were served from 
sleek robot vending machines which supplied, au 
the mere touch of a button, dry martinis, cold 
brook trout with pink mayonnaise, Chablis 
Grand Cru '61 and (continued on page 136) 


a don't-do-it-yourself guide to being 
a guest at your own holiday fete 

тей and white wine for any buffet . . 

seafood platter of lobster and crab... 

caviar surrounded by black olives 


cheese and fruit for dessert. 

FM INVOLVED IN something rather dangerous; 1 think its always 
dangerous for a writer to talk about his work. I don't mean to be 
h about his work 

coy or modest; | simply mean that there is so m 
that he doesn’t really understand and can't unde 
comes out of certain depths concerning which, no matter what we 
think we know these days, we know very, very little. It comes out of 
the same depths that love comes or murder or disaster. It comes out 
of things which are almost impossible to articulate. That's the 
writer's effort, Every writer knows that he may work 24 hours a day, 
and for several years; without that he wouldn't be a writer; but 
without something that happens out of that elfort, some freedom 
which arrives from way down in the depths, something which 
touches the page and brings the scene alive, he wouldn't be a writer 
It’s dangerous in another way to talk about my work, because I'm 
a novelist and as I'm writing this I'm publicly involved in a Broad 
way play, and the record of novelists who have managed to write 
plays is so extremely discouraging that I won't even go into it. But for 
some reason I know I had w do the play. I have written one play 
before, I have had to re-examine that experience lately because it 
arned out to be important in a way that I didn't re the time 
1 wrote the play after I finished my first novel, when 1 knew I had to 
write something, but I knew I couldn't write another novel right 
away. I thought I would try a play. It took about three years to do 
and we produced it at Howard University. 1 was very casual about it. 
1 went down to Howard about a week before we were supposed to 
open, saw the play, and almost died. It was the first time 1 realized 
that speeches don’t necessarily work in the theater. I was suddenly 
bombarded with my own literature, an unbearable experience. I 
had to begin cutting because I realized that the actors could do 
many things in silence or could make one word, one gesture, count 
more than two or three pages of talk. I began to suspect. and this is 
what I'm struggling with now, that the two disciplines—the disci 
pline of writing a novel and the discipline of writing a play—are 
so extremely different that it would have been luckier for me, 
terms of the play, if 1 had been a violinist or a guitar player or a 
rock"n'roll singer or a plumber. My chances of writing a play 
would have been better if I had been in any of those professions. 
Here's what I’m trying to get at when 1 refer to the two dis 
ciplines. Every artist is involved with one single effort, really, which 
is somehow to dig down to where reality is. We live, especially in 
this age and in this country and at this time, in a civilization which 
supposes that reality is something you can touch, that reality is 
tangible. The aspirations of the American people, as far 
can read the current evidence, depend very heavily on thi 
tangible, pragmatic point of view. But every artist and, in fact, every 
ige or speech can go, 

usc it 

s one 


person knows, deeper than conscious knowl 
that beyond every reality there is another one which controls it. 
Behind my writing table, which is a tangible thing, there is a 
passion which created the table. Behind the electric light you might 
be reading by now, there was the passion of a man who once stole 
the fire in order to bring us this light. The things that people really 
do and really mean and really fcel ате almost impossible for them to 
describe, but these are the very things which are most important 
about them: These things control them and (continued on page 168) 


soliloquy By JAMES BALDWIN 

the eminent author discourses on his writing, his 

тт Jouth and the universality of the race problem 



Representing All the Arts—Since 19611 
Midtown Towers Bldg. New York, N.Y. 10019 

Mr. Charles Dickens 
48 Doughty Sucet 
London, England 

Dear Mr. Dickens: 

Sometime last winter I happened to catch a per- 
formance of the Broadway musical Oliver!, which I 
have just this week learned was initially bascd on a 
property of yours called Oliver Twist. First off, 

I would like to say how immensely I en- 
joyed the show from start to finish. The 
music was catchy and tuneful, and 
the production was at all times 
first clas, though I couldn't 
help feeling that the producers 
might have gotten a lot more 
mileage promotionwise if 
they had capitalized on 
recent American dance 
trends and called the 
show by the second 

half of your original 

title, which, as you may 
recall, was Twist! 

But second-guessing 
a winner is of no 
profit to either of us. NN 
The point is to make | AS 
sure that your future 
representation in the 
United States will be 
of such a caliber that 
these things will be 
thought of to begin with. 
Which brings me to my 
main reason for writing to 
you at this time. 

A few nights ago I came 
across another property of 
yours called 4 Christmas Carol. 
Having nothing to do for an hour 
or so, 1 started to read it and got so 
when 1 
came to the Tiny Tim bit 1 honestly 
cried. Ordinarily, I wouldn't admit such a 
thing to anybody, but I feel I must. 
n in this case so you will appr 
this property has affected me. It is exactly the type of 
warm human story that 1 would welcome the oppor- 
y to handle. In this regard, I would be interested 
wing if you have ever considered making it into 
al along the lines of Oliver! I should think it 
would not be too difficult for you 10 do so, if we could 
arrange to have Dave Merrick or somebody take an 
option and supply a couple of good top-drawer music 
and lyric writers to fly over there and develop it with 
you. I have even thought of a working title which 1 
hope you will like: Tim! 

Without wishing to presume anything at this point 
1 should also tell you that I have made a few in- 
quiries, and was surprised to learn that you are not 
being currently represented by anybody here in the 
States. With the idea of furthering your career to the 
best possible advantage, I am therefore privileged to 
offer my personal services, as well as those of my 
office and associates. In fact, I have already discussed 
A Christmas Carol with the young lady who handles 
our literary 1 to sec if the story couldn't be 
booked as a Christmas special in one of our large 
American magazines. She seems to be under the impres- 
sion that the theme is too well known to arouse 
much interest, but my feeling is that there is 
nothing like a familiar theme when it 
comes to winning audience acceptance. 
Tam therefore having fresh copies of 
your story typed up at my own ex- 
pense, so 1 can personally sub- 
mit this property to some of 
our leading magazines and 
see if we сап pet any nib- 
bles on which to proceed 

In closing let me say 
that I hope these plans 
will meet with your ap- 

and that 1 will 

very near future. In 
case yon are wonder- 
ing where 1 got your 
address, I should ex- 
plain that my secretary 
found it in ıhe Brit- 
ish encyclopedia. They 
really must love you 
over there. Most writers 
I know are having a hard 
time keeping their names 
the phone book! 
Cordially yours, 
Stanley B. Manley, President 

musical production, 1 will first of 
all send it to The New Yorker, which 
originally published the Gene Kelly stories 
about Pal Joey, and carries tremendous weight 
prestigewise with New York theatergocrs. 

25 West 43rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10036 

Mr. Stanley B. Manley 
Stanley B. Manley Associ 
Midtown Towers Bldg. 
New York, N.Y. 10019 

tes, Inc. 

Dear Mr. Manley: 
Thank you for letting us see the enclosed story, A 
Christmas Carol, by Dickens Charles. It may interest 



what would happen if scrooge, bob cratchit, tiny tim & co. were peddled in today’s magazine market place? 

с author to know that we were not totally unap- 
preciative of its many revealing insights into the 
reer dilemmas of the lower management man, Bob 
па found much to admire in his deft 
Scrooge. the enlightened 
conservative. Regrettably, however, many 
of us felt that Marlcys Ghost never did quite ma- 
terialize а threedimensional character, and the 
story failed to gencrate the sort of enthusiasm which 
would justify our devoting an entire issue 10 its 
It is truc that we do, on occasion, allow a story to 
begin mediately after "Ihe Talk of the Town," 
and wend its way to the back of the book, where it 
will trickle out, quietly and ambiguously, among the 
oneineh restaurant ads. Our willingness to suspend 
ordinary space limitations has been admirably 
evidenced, we think, in the case of such dis- 
tinguished fiction pieces as Raise High 
the Roof Beam, Seymour, and the 
never-to-be-forgouten Carpenters 
an Introduction. But, unfortu- 
nately, we must recognize that 
Dickens Charles is no J. D. Sal- 
inger. Nor сап he seriously 
cl ао be John O'Hara, 
John Cheever, John Updike, 
Peter De Vries, Shirley Ann 
Grau, Santha Rama Rau or 
Maeve Brennan, 
The fault, we suspect, lies 

in Mr. Charles’ self-imposed humor 
commutment to the most obvi- By 
thestricalism, | combined. 

a almost embarrassing 
erness to entertain and inform 
his readers. In time, perhaps, he 
will develop the kind of feeling for 
life's elusive litle nonhappenings, 
and the sure but quiet grasp of muted 
detail, chat will gain him acceptance with 
our editors. It is my personal feeling that 
he would do well to begin by avoiding the use 
of such absurdly overdrawn names as Scrooge, Fezzi- 
wig and Cratchit. 

Condescendingly yours, 
Meriwether Proudfoot 
Editor's Editor 


Representing All the Arts—Since 1961! 
Midtown Towers Bldg. New York, N.Y. 10019 

Mv. Charles Dickens 
18 Doughty Street 
London, England 

Dear Mr, Dicke: 
The attached is a Fotofax copy of a letter from 
The New Yorker concerning your story A Christmas 
Carol, If it isn't exactly а rave, they at least recognize 
that yon have a great theatrical potential, which I 
sincerely hope to exploit in every possible way. 



Don't worry that they got your first and last names 
reversed. This was the fault of my secretary who 
copied them off the card in my alphabetical client file 
which lists the last names first. The error has been cor- 
rected, and I am sending the script to Good House- 
keeping. This is an extremely fine magazine which 
caters to the kind of warm homebody суре who can 
perhaps appreciate a human story of this kind. 
till hoping to hear from you regarding your con 
ued representation by this office, 1 remain, 

Your friend, 
Stanley B. Manley, President 
Stanley B. Manley Associates, Inc. 

57th Street & Eighth Avenue 
New York, N. Y. 10019 

Mr. Stanley В. Manley 
Stanley B. Manley Associates, Inc. 
Midtown Towers Bldg. 
ew York, N. Y. 10019 

Dear Mr. Manley: 

We are sorry to be return- 
ing the enclosed manuscript. 
of A Christmas Carol, by 
Charles Dickens. Though the 
story is, at times, quite mov- 
ing. and points a meaningful 
lear, a bit too male-oriented 

for our femi 
is not that we object to ma 
oriented stories as such, any more 
Шап we object to ghost stories 
or Christmas stories. But the com- 
bination of a male-oriented Christ- 
mas ghost story would be likely to 
alienate more readers than it could ever 
hope to please. 
It has been our experience that women 
prefer stories with wh identify personally 
—but never in such a way liten or depress. 
If we were to publish a ghost story, the ghost would 
to be of the harmless pixy sort, whose mischievous 
ks would serve to bring about some change in die 
story's characters, and help them to lead happier, more 
secure lives. In our w, however, it would be im- 
possible for an host to cope with the 
appalling immaturity of Mr. Dickens’ male characters. 
Scrooge, the typically selfish old bachelor, suffers a 
change of heart toward Chrisumas that renders hi 
all die more incapable of accepting the mature т 
don't know how long I've 
he boasts. "E don't know 
anything. I'm quite a baby. Never mind. 1 don't care. 
Fd rather be a baby. Hallo! Whoop! Hallo here!” 
Reading this, even the least perceptive of womi 
realize that Ebenezer Scrooge does not w. 
He wants a mother! 
Even more exasperating is the frighteningly juvenile 

п must. 
it a wile. 


behavior of Bob Cratchit. Surely you 
must agree that any responsible husband 

nd father in the 15-shilling.a-week 
bracket might find something better to 
do than go sliding on the ice “at the end 
of a lane of boys, 20 times, in honor of its 
being Christmas Eve.” and then go rac- 
ing “home to Camden Town as hard as 
he could pel, t0 play at blindman's 

On the plus side, we might say that 
Mr. Dickens’ idea of serving goose, in- 
stead of the usual Christmas turkey, 
strikes us as truly inspired. “There nev- 
er was such a goose . . .” he writes, іп 
the sort of mouth-watering prose that 
calls for a two-page color spread. “Its 
tenderness and flavor, size and cheapness, 
were the themes of universal admira- 
tion.” For us, the whole story came alive 
at this point, and we could only regret 
that Mr. Dickens had not seen fit to ex- 
pand this theme into an article for 
“A Christmas Goose for All the Family!” 

Of the younger Cratchits, we liked 
Tiny Tim best, and were quite moved by 
his earnest piping of “God bles us every 
one!" Until, that is, one of our editor 
readers pointed out that Tiny Tim's 
blessing is giv the form of an after- 
dinner toast, when the family is seated 
about the fireplace drinking some species 
of “hot stuff from the jug.” Checking 
back a few pages, we then noted that 
Bob Cratchit had compounded this mix- 
with gin and lemons, 
эшасй it sound amd sound and put it 
on the hob to simmer." This, of course, 
put Tiny Tim's blessing in a new and 
rather unwholesome light. Quite ob- 
viously the child had been drinking, and 
the story's basic message was completely 
negated by ıhe fact that it had been 
prompted not by the Christmas spirit 
alone, but by one or more tumblerfuls 
of Bob Cratchit’s boiled martinis! 


Gladys Guernsey 
Associate Assistant to 
Fern O'Hare Coombs 



ng All the Arıs—Since 19611 

Midtown Towers Bldg. 

New York, N. Y. 10019 


Mr. Charles Dickens 
48 Doughty Street 
London, England 

Dea аг Charles: 

You can't win 
* And the attached letter from 
Good Housckecping just goes to prove it. 

Never once did it ever occur to me 
that this was a story about cooking. 
rhaps the “goose” line might be good 
jon, but I 
has been 
126 done many times in the past, and your 

is strong enough to get by without 
having to rely on blue material. 

ince the story seems to be male 
it on True 
nd PLAYBO ntime, don't 
be discouraged. I still have tremendous 
faith in this property! 

ley B. Manley, President 
Stanley B. Manley Associates, Inc. 

67 West 44th Street 
New York, N. Y. 10036 

Mr. Stanley B. Manley 
Stanley B. Manley Associates, Inc. 
Midtown Towers Bldg. 
New York, N. Y. 10019 

Dear Мате 

Christmas or no Christmas, the Dick 
ens piece just doesn't have the husky all- 
male clout that this man's magazine is 
looking for. 

As all you agents should know by now, 
True has built its rep оп good gutsy 
action pieces and hard-hitting exposés 
with a strong male slant and strong male 
ters. Everything in True is true, 
se True is published for true male 
guys who have no time for hokum and 
malarkey. True rcaders like straight true 
talk and clear true writing. Dickens 
writes with a forked quill Hi is 
pantywaist, and his story wouldn't stand 
up under the ques g of a rookie 

Where are his facts on this alleged 
ghost business? 

Who saw these apparitions besides old 
man Scrooge? 

Lets have some specific 

es. Names. 

Who killed Jake Marley, anyway? Isn't 
it possible that old man Scrooge slipped 
a shiv into Marley in order to get sole 
control of the company? 

Another thing. Who is the ordinary 
active male guy supposed to identify 
with in this thing? A half-baked old 
murder suspect who's ready for Medi 
care? A le Jame kid who has never 
heard the thunder of an ice pack break- 
ing up under him, or squinted down a 
bluesteel gun barrel at а rogue elephant 
in rut? 

Dickens doesn’t expect the average 
true male guy to feel buddy-buddy with 
Bob Cratchit, does he? If so, he’s got 
some mighty great expectations which 
he'd better shed, pronto. For our dough, 
Cratchit is a henpecked choke-up who's 
i| to even ask the boss for a raise. 
‘The sort of chump who sits home feed- 
ing the guppies when the marlin are 
ng and the tuna are hitting the 
hooks in sixes. Color him yellow, and 
lers call this thing by its true name: 
The Pipsqueak Papers. 

If Dickens would like to make it into 

this man’s magazine, he might try giving 
us the real true story behind a scene he 
now kisses off in passing: “Built upon a 
dismal reef of sunken rocks, some league 
or so from shore, on which the waters 
chafed and dashed, the wild year 
through, there stood a solitary light- 

“But even here, two men who watched 
the light had made a fire, that through 
the loophole in the thick stone wall shed 
ош а ray of brightness on the awful 
sca. Joining their horny over the 
rough table at which they sat, they 

ished each other Merry Christmas. in 
their can of grog: and one of them— 
the elder, too, with his face all damaged 
and scarred with hard weather, as the 
figurehead of an old ship might be— 
struck up a sturdy song that was like a 
gale in itself.” 

This is one of the few spots where 
Chuck doesn't sound as though he's com- 
posing thank-you notes with a large pink 
plume. For a change, he's writing man- 
style, a real ball pen. Though we 

offer him an assignment on this, 
night come up with a real solid True 

fils en 
Bash in degrees cant ) Has 
there been a wreck on those rocks lately? 
Who are these hornyhanded men? How 
did they come to fall in the can of grog? 
Are they swimming, or just treading 
? How did they dispose of the lig! 
[ies bodye Why did they kill 
him, in the first place? 

In answering these questions, 
shouldn't feel that he has to pul 
ment worki 
since True is edited for true 
guys—some of whom are pretty slow 
readers. In some cases. our December 
issue might not get read until the fol. 
lowing fall, when we true active male 
guys go out in the bush for bear. The 

TSE A ат 
talks or thinks much about anything. We 

just sit out there in the bush with our 
bear guns loaded . . . 
-. reading True. 
Yours Truely, 
I. Hardy Strong 
National Open Champion Editor 

smelling grizzly 

232 east ohio, chicago, illinois 60611 

ley Associates, Inc. 
town Towers Bldg. 
New York, М.Ү. 10019 

Dear Stan: 
We have read Charles Dickens 4 
Christmas Carol with considerable savvy, 
(continued on page 134) 


~+ hollywood's hottest sexpot poses at her intimate ease for an exclusive playboy pictorial 0&3- 

Carroll Baker on nudity: “I see nothing extraordinary about removing my clothes for the cameras.” 

lamboyant film impresario Joe Levine i 
rabbing Carroll Baker was perfect for the part of the Harlowesque Rina in his movie version of Harold 
Robbins’ passionate potboiler The Carpetbaggers. Its staggering box-o! ceipts are a tribute to Levine’s 
acumen and the somewhat more elusive qualities that have made Miss Baker first in the running for the title 
of U.S. sexpot queen. Neither the most amply endowed physically nor the most gifted dramatically of the 
current crop of distaff film stars, Carroll is nevertheless being touted Бу moviedom's drumbeaters as the 
American girl most likely to succeed Marilyn Monroe z mbol supreme. It is a role in which 
she has been inextricably entwined since she played the pre-Lolifa nymphet in Elia Kazan's lensing of 
Tennessee Williams’ Baby Doll. It won her an Oscar nomination and a sudden, unexpected reputation as a 
living synonym for sensuality. / і 1 j ۴ е bought back her Warner 
Brothers contract when the studio kept coming up with facsimile Baby Doll roles. It wasn’t till four years 

Practicing what she preaches, Carroll poses fetchingly unfettered for this special PLAYBOY pictorial. 

after playing the thumb-sucking seductress that she accepted the facts of filmic life, did an abrupt about-face 
and became a studio publicityman’s dream. Her dress, or lack of it—on and off screen —has turned the 
onetime Actors Studio hopeful into a “hot property.” In her recently released Station Six—Sahara, Carroll is 
once more the sensuous child of nature I ng out the animal in her male co-stars. Upcoming is Sylvia, 
in which she plays a well-to-do authoress who has made her way in the world asa prostitute. When showman 
Levine staged a gala wingding at the Beverly Hills Hotel to reveal his plans with Paramount for the filming 
of Irving Shulman’s Confidential-styled biography, Harlow, he coupled it with an announcement that Carroll 
Baker had been cast in the title role. Miss Baker, true to her current fashion, was chauffeured on stage at 
the luncheon in a block-long 1932 Isotta Fraschini limousine and emerged from its luxurious depths clad in 
a skintight, plunged-to-the-navel satin gown modeled after onc of Harlow's, her eyebrows penciled à la 
Harlow's, and wearing under her gown exactly what had been under Harlow's—a sunny dispos 


Barely bedded doum, 
Carroll cavorts for the 
camera, happily aware 

of her billing as a 

movie star sextraordinaire. 
With “The Carpetbaggers” 
breaking box-office 

records, and sexy screen 
roles in “Sylvia” and 
“Harlow” upcoming, Carroll's 
cinematic aura of sensuality 

is burning bright. 


Baker on society: “All our barriers are breaking down . . . Ihe world is preoccupied with sex 
and I guess Рт a part of my lime . . . I don’t understand people who object to screen realism? 




not to say savoir-faire. To set the scene 
for a leisurely and insightful appraisal 
which would give Dickens his due, we 
decked our posh editorial pad with 
holly and Myrile, hung Myrıle's nylons 
by the chimney with care, and flicked 
the stereo switch for Cannonball Adder- 
leys dulcet discing of Handel's Ghrist- 
mas Cantata. With a golden puddle of 
Courvoisier sloshing around in a crystal 
brandy snifter, our cuffless trousers break- 
ing deanly at our shoe tops, and our 
jacket sleeves tailored to show precisely 
one half inch of shirt cuff, we зешей 
down in the urbane anticipation of 
digging a new master of the merry ma 
cabre who might rank with such hip 
PLAYBOY practitioners of haut horrific 
tion as Gerald Kersh, Charles Beaumont, 
and those ofttimes sinister Rays—Brad- 
bury and Russell. 

Truth to tell, though, Stan, Charles D. 
and his performing spooks just didn’t 
swing for us, Marleys Ghost, with its 
clanking chain of cashboxes, came across 
like the Spirit of Friendly Finance, and 
rkle-eyed, cheery-voiced Ghost of 
mas Present whose “capacious 
breast was bare, as if disdaining to be 
warded or concealed,” reminded us of 
nothing so much as a photo session with 
shy Jayne Mansfield. In a word, Charlie's 
specious specters were about as frighten- 
ing as a bedshect оп a broom, and we 
wound up ouija-bored. 

Distegarding the spook-opera format, 
which could be traded off for two blue 
immies and half a box of Good & 
Plenty, we must still fault Dickens for 
failing to provide a leading male char- 
acter with whom a knowledgeable, up- 
beat chap like us could feel any real 
rapport. Bob Cratchit, alas. is a dreary 
Dagwood type who is so hopelessly un 
formed that he serves gin toddy in с 

admittedly, an alert urban 
a wifle young, and the much- 
touted crutch bit soon becomes a 

пісар, we can't see why the dickens 
lie couldn't have spared us the sym- 
pathy sticks, and fixed it so the lad 
could buzz around in a little Austin- 
keeping with 
cu, perhaps—two 


If Charlie would like to take a crack 
at pulling this one out of the pool, he 

i oot all the way and lose 
a lot of the greasy kid stuft by making 
Scrooge a younger man. Personally, we 
rather liked the old boy, and couldn't 
help fecling that, with a litle help from 
The Playboy Advisor, Ebenczer could 
really swing. 

Should Dickens decide to try for a 
straight flush, with Scrooge as his top 
card, we would be pleased to consider 
the result, but would strongly urge that 

(continued from page 126) 

he discard or clarily several passages 
which American readers are apt to mis- 
construe. Such as, for example, when old 
Mr. Fezziwig is described as having 
"laughed all over himself, from his shoes 
to his organ of benevolence,” and when 
Dickens gocs on and on about Scrooge's 
ing Marleys face in the "knocker." 

We know he's referring to a door knock- 
m. but a confusion of multiple 
ngs needlessly beclouds the para- 
graph where Ebenezer looks behi 

d the 
door and secs nothing "except the screws 
and nuts that held the knocker on, so 
"Pooh, pooh!” and closed it with 

We were also given pause by the 
revelation that the reformed Scrooge 
ad no further intercourse with Spirits” 
(a possibility which had hitherto never 
even occurred to us), and were further 
nonpluscd when Ebenezer made the 
party scene at his nephew's pad and 
found “His niece looked just the same. 
So did Topper when he came. So did the 
plump sister when she came, So did 
everyone when they came. Wonderful 
party, wonderful games, wonderful 
unanimity, won-der-ful happiness!” 

If Dickens r mns that it was 
thar kind of a dolce wingding, we'll de- 
fend his ri; һе means 
10 convey the idea that these people 
merely arrived at the party, he ought 
w undouble hiis cntendrest 

Impeccably yours, 
Innes Canby 
Best-Dressed Editor of the Month 

m the desk of Stanley B. Manley! 

Dear CI 
but Fm te 
1 was out three days with a heart mu 
mur and when your script came back 
from pLaysoy she took it upon herself 
to send it to True Story because her 
mother reads i 

t be downhearted because of these 
les always darkest 
before a storm! As always, 

les; Pardon the informal note, 
porarily between secretari 

P. S. The first three letters I wrote you 
were returned marked UNKNOWN, so you 

better check and sce that your name is 
on the mailbox. 

205 East 42nd Street 
New York, N. Y. 10017 

nley B. Marley 
ley B. Marley Associates, Inc. 
Midtown Towers Bldg. 
New York, N. Y. 10019 

Dear Mr. Marley: 
1 have just read 

ares Dickerson's 

beautiful and touching story, 4 Christ 
mas Carol, and hope you will tal the 
author how enthusiastic I am about his 
work. He certainly can write! 

As far as this particular story is con- 
cerned, however, I feel that a few ıninor 
changes would be advisable before 1 
recommend it to our Senior Associate 
Chief Editor, Dolores Weed 

То begin with, all True Story stories 

must be written in the first person, and 
preferably from the woman's point of 
view. But I shouldn't think that a writer 

of Mr. Dickerson's talent would find it 
very difficult to simply start at page one 
and rewrite the story as it might be told 
in Mrs. Cratchit's own words. The only 
drawback here is that Mrs. Cratchi 
seems so pathetically unaware of her 
many problems and the agonizing trag- 
edy of her life. This would have to be 
corrected, of course, and Mr. Dickerson 
might begin by stating the main problem 
in his title. For example, if he decides to 
play up Tiny Tim's disability, he might 
very well begin with a good forceful eye- 
grabber, such as “My Child Was Born 
!" or “How Can I Tell My 
the latter title is used, I think it would 
be wise to make Tim a hopeless para- 
lytic, since he now seems to get around 
pretty well on his “active little crutch,” 
and could probably adjust to the physical 
side of marriage without much difficulty 

My own feeling is that Mr. Dickerson, 
would do bcuci tu stick to the more 
usual lovechild theme. This could be 
worked out quite easily by making Tiny 
Tim the result of Mis. Cratchit's one big 
extramarital "mistake"—a source of end- 
less remorse and guilt for which she has 
been amply repaid by the tragic fact that 
her love child, Tim, was born crippled 
during a most painful breech delivery. 
In order to justify her infidelity to Bob, 

it would be only natural, I think, to 
make h 

т the unwilling sex target of her 
nd’s lecherous employer, old Mr. 

(r sINNED—to Save Му Hus 
d's Career!” or, perhaps, "How Ca 
1 Tell My Husband? AM тик MOTHER 
OF HIS Bosy son!”) 

This, of course, would provide a much 
stronger motivation for Mrs. Cratchit’s 
refusal to drink the Christmas toast 
which Bob proposes to the health of his 
sexcrarcd employer. ("1 Love мү mus. 
BAND BU Hate His Boss!”) Since Mrs. 
Cratchit and all the children do even- 
tually drink the toast, and continue 10 
drink all during the family festivities, 1 
cannot help hoping, moreover, that Mr. 
Dickerson will see the wonderful op. 
portunity he has to give us a truly dif 
ferent kind of Christmas story based on 
the problem of group alcoholism. (“Even 
Santa Won't Come to Our House—My 

Whichever approach Mr. Dickerson 
chooses, I'm sure he will not overlook 
(continued on page 252) 




“Kind of 




strawberry pots de creme. 

In the recent history of holiday parties 
Шеге was an era in which everybody 
stood up. To sit down and eat or drink 
pegged you as amediluvian. After a 
while the inevitable counterrevolution 
set in. Practically all at-home parties 10- 
day are a conl m of the stand-up 
and sitdown techniques. Guests help 
themselves and arc helped at bountifully 
stocked buffet tables. Bar waiters circu- 
late among both sitdowners and stand- 
ees. The informal wall table and the 
light movable chair are indispensable for 
easy conversational islets and for keep- 
ing hot food and coflee on an even keel. 

Menus, too, have matured along with 
the more relaxed party mood. The 
whole capon can still be seen resting on 
its pedestal, glazed with chaud-froid and 
honored with truffles, but alongside it 
are countless slices of the same family of 
tender capons on slices of crisp French 
bread, Cold roast suckling pig is the 
same crackling brown it was in the Gay 
Nineties, but it is now carved so that por- 
tions of it can be picked up and eaten 
with the fingers. Miniature chicken drum- 
sticks are maneuvered with the aid of 
paper chop holders. Open and closed 
sandwiches, formerly the ensigns of aft- 
ernoon tea parties, have been completely 
rehabilitated h sliced rare beef ten- 
derloin, baked Smithfield ham and 
smoked turkey that are less pretentious 
but infinitely more satisfying than their 
soft forebears. 

Hosts in search of caterers are usually 
guided by the oldest and most dependa- 
ble of media—word of mouth. Some ca- 
terers are justly renowned for their pasta 
dishes. Others are luau specialists, There 
are hors d'oeuvres monarchs and canapé 
czars. Don't hesitate to ask a caterer 
which dish he considers his finest opus. 
Ask him, if possible, for samples. Many 
rers have stashed away in their refrig- 
mors or freezers specialties like beef 
Suoganoff. Caterers are usually more 
than pleased to display their china, sil- 
verware, linen, chafing dishes and other 
components of their mise en scéne. Nat- 
urally, no caterer will be able to snap his 
fingers and produce an instant 12-pound 
cold stuffed Jobster in aspic while you're 
his reception room. But many 
of them keep on file a gallery of colored 
photos and slides of their decorative 
culinary art. 

Prices for catered affair l, of 
course, depend on your locale and your 
caterer; but one can figure on a mi 
mum charge of about $8 per person f 
a simple dinner (including drinks and 
hors d'oeuvres) on up to 516 per person 
for the caviar route. In terms of time, 
temper and money saved by not having 
to make all of the arrangements yourself, 
it is a sound investment. 

If its your first adventure in large- 

(continued from page 119) 

scale regalement, you'll want the caterer's 
counsel оп how many celebrants your 
aparunent or town house сап com- 
fortably hold for party purposes. To est 
mate how large the party roster should 
be, caterers will often send an advance 
scouting party to survey your pleasure 
palace. Generally a room that can accom- 
modate 50 people comfortably at a pre- 
dinner cocktail party will have a capacity 
of about 25 for dining, drinking and 
dancing. In estimating the possible num- 
ber of merrymakers for a sit-down affair, 
allow two linear fect of table space per 
person. In warm climates, terraces are 
often put to use. An adjoining study can 
sometimes be opened as an extension of 
the main party room, but the best parties 
are those that are nor fragmented too 
noticeably. Caterers will always advise 
you, whenever there's Lucullan feasting 
or dancing, to plan on rolling up the 
rugs moving objets d'art out of th 
ie of fire and puting the great 
Dane temporarily in exile and on leash. 
Folding banquet tables for the buffet as 
well as dining tables and chairs are part 
of the caterer’s equipment. When the par- 
уз over, he'll restore every last heirloom 
10 its original spot. 

There are, of course, all kinds of food 
shops with mountains of factory-frozen 
canapés, meats cooked and carved by au. 
tomation and stereotyped salads that 
you can order by phone for immed 
delivery. But the fine master caterers are 
a different breed and a limited oligarchy. 
During the holidays their calendars 
are particularly crowded. You should 
therefore shop early or resign yourself to 
doing more of the work than you'd like. 
In most big cities there are agencies ready 
to supply bartenders and waiters for pri- 
vate blowouts. If your party happens to 
be comparatively small, and you're lim- 
; your menu to cocktails and one 
superb hot dish—a curry of crab meat, 
for instance, which comes from your club 

butler, dispense the drinks from your 
own bar and the food from your ow 
chafing dish. 

Before a caterer talks about food, he'll 
1 10 know what type of party you're 
ng, since the menu, drinks and table 
rangement will depend upon the type 
of wassailing you've planned. Cocktail 
parties need a certain food and drink 
ambiance, cocktails with dinner another 
holiday suppers still another. A good ca- 
terer will know that the clear turtle soup 
which way perfect at midnight should 
yield to a bubbling hot onion soup when 
the first cold rays of the sun appear at 


break. Though a caterer is basically а 

тезі; ant, his 
are more re- 
ginative than thei 

restaurateur without a 
chefs, barmen and wait 
sourceful and i 

counterparts in restaurants, because 
their experience in dealing with a variety 
of hosts and hostesses in every possible 
stamping ground has made them so. 

Outstanding caterers not only are spe- 
cialists in dealing with contingencies, 
but seem to welcome the challenge. In 
the early part of the century, the cater- 
ng firm of Louis Sherry on Fifth Av- 
enue didn't blink an eye when the elder 
J. Р. Morgan asked for a catered party to 
be served in a special mansion rented for 
a conference іп San Francisco. Sherry’s 
chefs, bartenders and waiters in a solid 
phalanx, together with their accouter 
ments of chefs knives, copper pans, 
casseroles, linen, silver and glassware, е 
trained for the West Coast precisely one 
month before the festivities occurred. 
Today, if you're celebrating in a ski 
chalet, there are caterers who will trans: 
port, if need be, an electric generator and 
a portable water tank. If the room you've 
set aside for guests’ coats is apt to be filled 
with ermine and mink, they're prepared 
as а routine matter to provide a private 
detective for custodial service. If you 
happen to have inherited from a dowager 
aunt enormous silver candelab: 
antebellum style, they'll take it to 
silversmith who will remove the tarnish 
from every last whirlycue and return it 
terers have deli 
г to parties on other con 
ms. They've airexpressed blue point 
oysters from the Auantic to the Pa 
and Olympia oysters from the Pa 
the Atlantic. 

The only assignment some caterers 
turn over to the host is the buying of 
liquor. Local beverage laws sometimes 
don't allow the caterer to furnish the liq 
uid life force of the party. If this is the 
case, it means turning up trumps for 
your bank balance, since the boule or 
case price of liquors bought at package 
stores is a modest fraction of the stand- 
d bar charges. And if your package 
store's manager is any sort of a reasona 
ble chap, he will give you credit for any 
unopened bottles you return after the 
ball is over. As part of the caterer's en- 
tente cordiale, heil advise you how 
much liquor to buy and his enlighten 
ment is infinitely more valuable ih 
that of your friendly neighborhood bai 
tender. In estimating quantities of hard 
liquor, you shor 
ounces per drink; a fifth of liquor will 
furnish 13 drinks, a quart, 16, For the 
usual dr arnival, you should be 
prepared to serve three t0 five drinks per 

The caterer, of course, will supply 
the bannan and bar waiters. Barmen 
who work the big-party circuit are them- 
selves invariably teetotalers on the job 
Seldom, il ever, will it be necessary to 
post a guard on your liquor stores, or to 
tally the drinks on paper and measure 
the balance of liquor left in each boule 

(concluded on page 264) 


a disenchanted francophile finds the famed gallic effervescence gone decidedly flat 


France's. great. civili 
structible as the beautiful French 
landscape, as enticing as the lovely 
women of Paris. The myth has been 
cherished by generations of tough, 
strong Americans who become soft 
and sentimental at the mere mentio 
of France. 

Briefly, the myth goes like this: 
France is the country that invented 
aning of charm and chic, cl 
nd sophistication, the bri 

nce of Gallic logic and the 

rtuosity of savoirvivre, a land of 
noble chätaux and history-steeped 
battlefields, of poets and painters, 
wines and perfumes, grande cuisine 
and haute couture, where lovemak- 
ing and enjoyment have become 
bstract sciences: а dise where 
everybody would like to live if he 
didn't live elsewhere. 

Like most myths, the French myth 
is part truth and part fancy. Age has 
mellowed it like a great с 
made it part of an i 
folklore of the good th : 
Jefferson called France everybody's 
“second choice.’ 
the French (who still remember les 
Boches), have a proverb that to live 
well is to live “nie Gott in Frank- 
reich” like God in France. 

The good Lord must have been 
in a particularly happy mood when 
he created la belle France, a rich, 
beautiful, blessed country. It has 
conquered all who went there, peace- 
Іші travelers and armed wa 

cidentals, Puritan Anglo-Saxons and 
melancholy Slavs. When I studied in 
Paris 38 years ago, the 

students from Indochina and Japan, 
Eastern Europe and America, from 
Аһіса and Tahiti. Some came to 
1he Sorbonne for education and oth- 
ers went to the Folics-Bergere for а 
different sort of enlightenment. In 
the gay Nineties Maxim's was the 
rendezvous of the cancan crowd, 
nd in the really good old (pre— 
World War 1) days when people 
paid their bills with gold coins and 
taxes were a favorite joke, France 
was the hub of the civilized world. 
Where did Russ nd dukes, 



h lords, American 
go when they were bored and had 
money to burn? Ti nes, 
Biarritz, Deauville, bien sir. And 
when they talked of Ше arts, they 
thought less of Renoir and more of 
the posters of Toulouse-Lautrec. 

"Phe posters may be slightly passé 
now, but the wistful image hasn't 
changed. Paris is still the great 
dream and number-one sightseeing 
spot for American schoolteachers, 
German Sozialtouristen, and British 
bus passengers—the new traveling 
classes. People in the far corners of 
the world dream of an afternoon at 
a French sidewalk café, a meal at 
that small bistro. If Toulouse-Lau- 
tree were sull with us he would 
probably be p: g in St-Tropez 
and Megève, but his theme would 
be the same, because it is French and 

But behind the France everybody 
knows —cither from personal experi 
ence or from the posters of Air 
France—the beaches and bikinis, 
Bardot and boudoirs, Louvre and 
Notre Dame, the cellars of the 
Champagne and the sun-drenched 
villages of the Beaujolais, Auteuil 
and Cannes, Maurice Chevalier and 
Yves Montand—behind this France 
there is another France which is 
less known but just as real. The 
France of grimy coalmining towns 
in Lorraine, of gray industrial towns 
in the north, of silent villages with 
empty streets and dark houses whose 
ters are down all day long, of 
suspicious petty bureaucrats and 
dissatisfied people, of people com- 
plaining about the high cost of liv- 
ing and farmers revolting against 
their government. The little people 
of France who say “un petit vin," 
“un peut café,” “une petite amie, 
It's always un petit this and un pelit 
that. Many Frenchmen who travel 
and know the world are getting а! 
noyed by this petit-bourgeois tend- 
сасу toward pelitness, 
auon's mentality doesn't 
change overnight or even over a 
century. For every Frenchman who 
is the embodiment of degance and 
poise there are ten people who are 
narrow-minded and suspicious. As 
to the famous Gallic charm, I know 
it mostly (continued on page 142) 

SAUVE QUI PEUT no man alive can claim that antrobus ever shirked 

his duty, although in this case he would rather have been eaten by wolves 





WE pues Antrobus, employing the 
sobriquet of the diplomatic lower eche. 
lons) are brought up to be resourceful, to 
play almost any part in life, to be equal 
to any emergency almost—how else could 
one face all those foreigners? But the 
only thing for which we are not pre 
pared, old man, is blood. 



Mind you, I am thinking of exception- 
al cases, out-of-theway incidents; but 
they are not as rare as one might imag: 
inc. Old Gulliver, for example, was in. 
vited to an execution in Saigon to which 
he felt it was his duty to go. It affected 

him permanently, it damaged his con- 
centration. His head is quite over on 
one side, he twitches, his ears move 
about. Unlucky man! I cannot claim an 
experience as radical as his, but 1 can 
speak of one which was almost as bad. 

Imagine, one fine day we arc delivered a 
perfectly su 
on which we read (with ever-widening 
eyo) the following text, or something 
like it: 


His Excellency Hacsmit Bey 
Madame Hacsmit Hacsmit Be 
fully invite you to the Joyful 
cumcision of their son Hacsmit 

Hacsmit Abdul Hacsmit Bey, Morn 
ing dress and decorations. Refresh- 
ments will be served. 

You cin imagine the long slow wail 
that went up in chancery when first this 
intelligence was brought home (o us 
Circumcision! Joyfully! Refresh 
"By God, here is a strange lozenge- 
shaped айат!” cried De Mandeville, 
and he was right. 

OF course, the embassy in question 
was а young one, the country it repre- 
sented still in the grip of mere folklore. 

But still I mean . . . The obvious thing 
was to plead (concluded on page 196) 339 


,'2014D sanau рат. DUDS 
‘paq оу od 7,uop am fy | 
Aappuaq сар ‘kos (әң) 
pua mouy not '244,, 

142 war which brought them dcfe 

FRENCH um. (continued from page 138) 

from books, p the. perform- 
ances of French artists, but it is rela- 
tively rare among the populace, and I 
say this after spending some good years 
between the two World Wars in France. 
Nowadays visitors will find the famous 
charm а very thin veneer that scratches 
off easily, even in expensive hotels, 
restaurants, stores where you might ex- 
pect to see smiling faces. Don't. 

The other France is the France of 
Flaubert’s novels and Fernandel's. mov- 
ies, of gossipy old women dressed in for- 
bidding black, of distrustful villagers. Tt 
a land of strict morals and ironclad 
conventions. Foreigners rarely see this 
France though they may drive through 
ir. The automobile acts as a powerful 
isolating agent. In the other France 
there is more gold per capita Шап іп 
any other country on earth. Frenchmen 
don't trust their governments or their 
bankers. They haven't forgotten the Sta- 
visky scandal. In a village in Alsace I 
once talked to ап old woman whose cit- 
izenship was changed five times since 
1871 though she had never gone farther 
away than ten miles. She'd been, in turn, 
French and German and French and 
German, and when 1 saw her, she was 85 
and French, and she hoped she would 
die a Frenchwoman. She had confidence 
only in two things—the good French 
earth and the good gold coins which she 
kept buried in the earth behind her 
house. Im sure even Finance Minister 
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing couldn't tell 
the exact amount of France's “hidden” 
gold reserves. 

Unlike the United States and Great 
Britain, masculine countries represented. 
by Uncle Sam and John Bull, la belle 
France is an exwemely feminine country 
whose symbol is Marianne, who has a 
woman's privilege of being capricioi 
and unpredictable, exciting and annoy- 
ing, and always a little sphinxlike. Mari 
anne is a very complex woman, and her 
special representative before God and 
the world is a very complex man. 
Charles de Gaulle represents both the 
Elysée, the elegant residence of French 
presidents, and the tiny village of Co- 
lombey-lesdeux-Eglises, where he lives 
in feudal isolation, revered and remote, 
chronism that could exist only in 
nce, where the future is always mi 
gled with the past. 

Colombey-lesdeux-Eglises consists of 
two pri streets crossing each other 
at che typical, acacia shaded French vi 
lage square. In front of the village 
church stands a small obelisk with the 
names of the dead of two wars. That, 
100, is typical. In Colombey one out of 
every fiftcen inhabitants lost his life in 
la Grande Guerre which is, naturally, the 
First World War. To the logical French 
there was nothing grande about the last 


ion y have 
only in the past few у merged from 
its aftermath—thanks to Colombey's first 

The windows of the cheerless, gray 
stone houses are closed, but from behind 
the dark curtains people peer at yo 
The ancien combattants—in every vi 
lage the old veterans are а powerful 
pressure group—call De Gaulle "mon 
général” when they sec him Sunday at 

ights, a tiny bistro with bad food, and a 
branch of a savings bank that opened 
only Sundays from 9 to 11. After Mass 
people go to the bank to deposit their 
savings. Everybody is very secretive 
about his savings but knows exactly how 
much the neighbors have. There are the 
curê and the postman and the notaire 
nd the baker and the épicier who is 
proud because Madame la Générale 
sometimes comes to order some stuff. 
‘The General never descends into the vil- 
lage. Even in the dark years when he 
the forgotten man of France he would 
stay in his big house at the outskirts of 
Colombey, brooding and dreaming 
about la gloire and la patrie, while 
the governments in Paris toppled and 
France's prestige declined. 

De Gaulle has singlehandedly changed 
this picture. France is a great power 
again. He gave his countrymen pros. 
perity, self-respect, an atomic force-de- 
frappe, and he may even give them a 
sense of self identification. In France one 
always heard that the Algerians were not 

French, the Corsicans were not French 
("Corsica . . . forms an integral part of 
France, ms The World Almanac), 

and certainly Ше members of the French 
community were not French. The Mar- 
seillais are above all Marseillais, the 
Lyonese are Lyonese, and do the Pari 
sians consider themselves. French? Cer- 
ainly not, they are Parisians. Even the 
people in the small villages are first of 
all citizens of their village, and the fel- 
low from the next village doesn't be- 
long; he certainly isn't “a Frenchman 
In Switzerland I once heard the story 
of the people of Ernen, an old village in 
the Valée de Conches, who refused to 
permit their gallows 10 be used for the 
execution of an outsider because “the 
gallows are for us and our children. 
Not surprisingly, 1 heard a similar story 
п a small village in the Auvergne. 

The French myth is backed by solid 
facts. Western civilization owes an 
enormous debt to French culture. G: 
tronomy, elegance, haute couture and 
diplomacy are French arts. Brillat-Sa- 
varin calls cooking "the most indispen- 
sable art.” France is the only country 
оп carth that has institutes devoted to 

the serious study of food and wine, with 
no commercial strings attached, such as 

des Gastronomes and the 
Academic du Vin de France. France pro- 
duces a different cheese for every day of 
the year, and at least ten different wines 
to go with cach cheese, and both the 
cheese and the wines are better than 
other country on earth. Frenchmen, 
ized people, have always considered 
their great chefs more important than 
their politicians and millionaires, and of 
course they are right. Today French 
cooking has become synonymous all over 
the world with good cooking. 

The French are coolheaded realists: 
Instead of trying to make friends among 
other nations, they influence them. Eng- 
lish may be the language of world com- 
merce, bu still the language 
of diplomacy. "Today the blessings of 
French culture have a more far-reaching 
effect than the efforts of British traders 
and American do-gooders. In terms of 
gross national product, the French now 
spend twice as much on forcign aid as 
the Americans. The influence of French 
schools and institutes is strong im the 
Near and Middle East. "The Americans 
send us Cadillacs," a man in Beirut told 
me a “the 
and political control over their former 
possessions in North Africa and else 
where on Ше continent, but they keep 
intellectual and cultural control there. 
They have good relations with Ben Bel: 

asst Algeria, and кош 
Тоше Guinea. When the 
national interest is concerned, ihe 

French don't bother much about senti 
ments or ideologies. De Gaulle's goal is 
of the "third force" in the 
s gonc systematically 
after his goal since he came 10 power. 

On the European Continent the 
French now play first fiddle and skillful- 
ly keep the powerful, prosperous West 
Germans at the second stand. It’s inter- 
esting to see the Americans and the 
French operating in a neutral country. 
(where 1 write this) the Amer- 
ns have a large “Amerika Haus” 
which is popular with students from the 
Middle East. "Is warm and pleasant 
and, besides, you always meet someone 
there who shares your dislike of the 
U.S.” one of these young cynics told 
me not long ago. The French opi 
differently. Their lycée is the best school 
in town, spreading the tenets of French 

ed in Paris two years 
after the Revolution that made public 
ction "common 
The 1946 Constitution 
“free, secular public edu 
levels" a state responsibility. The smart 
French spend ten percent of their nation. 
al budget on education. At the Sorbonne 
l learned that the mere acquisition 
(continued on page 238) 

nd free for all cit- 


in the singularly arranged mind of each of them, there was no room for doubt his enemy was as good as dead 
fiction By GERALD KERSH 

IN THAT BITTFR COLD, water turns to dry dust for the lightest breath of air to play with. There is no landscape and 
there are no landmarks. A hillock of powdered snow ripples and flattens; the ripples coil and convolute, and all 
in half an hour you have a head of hair, a brain, the helix of a freakish ear, a diagram of unearthly trajectories, 
and at last a pure valley virginally ridged. 

Here, 29 of the 32 winds blow from the south toward the Pole, and they make chaos. Hence, when day broke. 
the man called Josef who had been stalking his enemy around the base of a high hill discovered that he was lying 
opposite him at the rim of a bowl of ice 500 yards in diameter, scooped even and delicately stippled and burnished 
by some whim of the night wind. 

Josef. though one of those born marksmen who point a gun as an ordinary man might point a finger. was 
somewhat nearsighted, He aimed by a certain combination of intuitions rather than by vision, as all great shots 
must do at long range: They must perceive rather than see; they must sense where the target is likely to be by the 
time a plated pellet no bigger than a cigarette butt has traveled its ordained distance. Josef knew that the cye is 
fallible. He depended upon a sort of diagnostic guesswork. Although he wore thick (continued on page 156) 


more fun and games with the king’s english in which words become delightfully self-descriptive 








our gifted december playmate is a hearth-warming bundle of beauty 

and аш happiness is just a thing called jo 


Jo's radiant appeal has earmarked her far several video modeling assignments. "I used to feel guilty about relying on my 
looks for a living," she admits, "but I've learned that the best thing to do when oppartunity knocks is open the door.” 

T WOULD BE EASY to mistake December Playmate Jo Collins for an aspiring film s 

the attributes necded to play the role: classic features,a disarming smile, talent, ambition—and a ге- 

cently acquired Hollywood address less than a block from one of the major studios. But there the sim- 
ilarity ends, for our 19-year-old Miss December refuses to be typecast as just another Hollywood hopeful. 
Instead, she’s determined to earn credits on the legitimate stage, and hopes to be Broadway bound before 
long. “Hollywood is just the first step—a sort of temporary stopover—in a long-range carcer plan of mine," 
raven-haired Jo reports, “Since 1 graduated from high school in Seattle last year, things have been progressing 
much more smoothly than I had anticipated. 1 managed to get in a full season of summer stock up North, 
including two leading roles at Portland's Civic Theatre; then worked my way through modeling school in 
Los Angeles as a part-time secretary, and landed a terrific TV contract for a series of new car commerci: 
which 1 nearly lost when 1 let it slip that I used to be a drag racer.” With a few more video spots, Jo figures 
she'll have enough in residuals to finance a trip East, with a little 
left over for drama lessons. As she told us: "I belong to a small 
acting group here in Hollywood, and we try to get together at 
least three times a week—but I've really got my heart set on study 
ing with a more professional unit, such as Lee Strasberg's Actors 
Studio in New York.” In her off-hours, when she's not decorating 
her new studio apartment or spinning her stockpile of Dinah 
Washington records, this 36-24-36 package of holiday cheer prefers 
an aquatic setting. “Sailboats—and the fellows who own them— 
are my weakness,” Jo confesses. “But I'll settle for something less 
fancy, like surfing at Malibu; just as long as I'm near the water.” 
For a more revealing study of Jo's aquabatic accomplishments, 
this month's centerfold takes you poolside. 

let, since she has all 



Riding the Ferris wheel at Pacific Ocean Park, Jo's wide-eyed exuber- 
ance proves that she’s “still just a kid at heart. On days when | model 
chic fashions, I can't wait to get home and jump into a pair of jeans.” 

With a friend, Jo takes the first downhill plunge on the pertes roller coaster with relative aplomb. 
"That first drop is always the most thrilling and the most frightening," our wind-blown Play- 
mate said after her ride. "It's sort of like making your opening stage entrance; you hear your 
cue, for а second you're paralyzed, then you deliver your lines and everything's fine again.” 

As part of the preparatian far her Playmate phato, Jo gets into the swim of things and supplies her 
awn preliminary dunking for the shot—a chore this charming aquanette found delightful. "Nobody 
hos ta tell me to jump in when | see a pool,” says Jo. "This is the easiest assignment I've ever hod." 


Motto seen on the wall of a women's exec- 

The best gift for the girl who has everything 
is a topless bathing suit to show it off. 

The prosecuting attorney's voice reached fever 
pitch as he cross-examined the young male de- 
fendant: “You mean to sit there and tell this 
jury that you had a completely assembled still 
on your premises, and were not engaged in the 
illegal production of alcoholic spirits?” 

the truth,” answered the defendant. 
acquired it as a conversation piece, just like 
any other antique.” 

“You'll have to do better than that,” sneered 
the prosecutor. “As far as this court is con- 
cerned, the very possession of such equipment 
is proof of your guilt.” 

"In that case, you'd better charge me with 
rape, too,” the defendant said. 

‘Are you confessing to the crime of rape, 
young m nterrupted the judge. 

“No, your Honor,” answered the defendant, 
"but I sure as hell have the equipment. 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines masochist 
as one who would rather be switched than 

The newly ordained young priest asked his 
monsignor а favor: Would the older and more 
experienced man audition the young man’s 
andling of confessions, and give him a candid 
critique? The monsignor agreed, and at the 
end of the day called the priest to give his 

ite good, on the whole,” he said. "But I 
do have a suggestion. I'd have preferred to 
hear a few more “Tsk! Tsk! Tsks!’ and fewer 
"Oh, wows! 

Lots of girls can be had for a song. Unfortu- 
nately, it often turns out to be the wedding 

We overheard an Indian matron explaining 
the facts of life to her daughter. She pointed 
out: “Stork not bring papoose, it come by 
beau and error.” 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines score pad 
a bachelor apartment. 

An irate carabiniére was in the process of ar- 
resting an inebriated young Roman who de- 
cided to take a nap in the middle of the Vis 
Veneto. “It's my duty to warn you,” he said 
sternly, “that anything you say will be held 
against you.’ 

"Sophia Loren,” whispered the drunk, and 
passed out. 

The manufacturer of a well-known tonic for 
people with “tired” blood received this testi- 
monial from a little old lady who lived on a 
farm in Tennessee: “Before taking your ton- 
ic,” the woman wrote, “I was too tired to hoe 
the fields or pick the cotton. But after only 
two bottles of your delicious mixture, I've be- 
come the best cotton-picking hoer in the 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines strip poker 
as a card game that begins according to Hoyle 
and ends according to Kinsey. 

Then there was the fellow who got badly 
scratched up fighting for his girl's honor. She 
wanted to keep it. 


In the presence of a client he wished to im. 

press, a high-powered executive flipped on his 
tercom switch and barked to his secretary: 

Miss Jones, get my broker!" 

The visitor was duly impressed, until the 

secretary's voice floated back into the room, 

loud and clear: "Yes, sir, stock or pawn?” 

Heard а good onc lately? Send it on a postcard 
to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY, 232 E. Ohio St., 
Chicago, Hl. 60611, and earn $25 for each joke 
used, In case of duplicates, payment is made 
for first card received. Jokes cannot be returned. 

“This looks like a good place!” 




HUNTERS (continued from page 143) 

spectacles, tinted blue against the snow 
blink. and used a rifle with nothing but 
a common aperture sight, he was almost 
inevitably deadly even at twice the dis- 
tance that separated him from the other 
тап. If that man kept still for only 
three seconds, Josef knew that he could 
drop his bullet somewhere between 
the man’s shoulders as he lay pronc 
on the ic 

Even in clear weather a man half a 
thousand yards away and standing 
upright is scarcely a quarter of an inch 
tall, looked at down a rifle barrel over 
open sights. At a thousand yards that 
same man is a conjecture. Josef, a 
theoretician of the long shot, could pin- 
point this conjecture; pick it out and 
cool it off, He knew, as he laid his aim, 

that in a few moments the speck that 
was а man in the distance would jerk, 
sprout limbs, and go kicking down the 

ice, looking remarkably like a little star- 
Шей spider as it seems to climb down the 
air at the end of its invisible filament. 
But even as he squeezed off his shot, 
something cracked like a dog whip close 
to his right ear, and a bullet, cutting 
into the ice less than a foot from his 
head, spattered him with tiny ice splin- 
ters. Seconds later he heard, like the 
beating of stupendous wings, the flap- 
ping reverberation of his enemy's shot. 

Josef knew that he must have fired 
high and wide and that in this still cold 
air the smoke of his own shot must hang 
blue against the snow. So he let himself 
slide downward a little way and then be- 
with this terrain and, 
after ten days of this hunting, knowing 
something of the man he had (o kill, he 
guessed that this man would stay where 
he was for a few seconds. The fact that 
Josef had only four cartridges left per- 
turbed him little, if at all. In his singu- 
larly arranged mind there was no room 
for doubt His man was as good as dead, 
ing a certain point а hair- 

adth below and to the left of where 
the faint smoke of his enemy's last shot 

clung to the air, he fired again, and then 
lay flat. But he had miscalculated. His 
rc was returned. A bullet cut ice and 
rock a bare six inches from his thigh. 
The other marksman had not kept still; 
he had climbed upward and was shoot- 
ing down. Now Josef held his fire. ‘The 
morning was growing lighter and the 
sun was at his back. Furthermore, 
the dawn a mist was rising out of the ice 
bow! and he knew that he could, by his 
peculiar sense of orientation, feel his ob- 
jective at the other side of this mist, let 
it offer him ever so slight a sign. His 
white clothes froze to the ice; he became 
ill as a man of ice, watching. Four 
hundred yards away, perhaps а yard to 
the vertical he saw a tiny dot of orange 
light and felt a bullet striking two fect 
above his head. The claque of the 

echoes gave die shot a uemendous 
round of applause. Now Josef reasoned, 
He argues that, having slid down, I will 
slide farther down yet, after I have те- 
turned his fire. So he invested rather 
th mbled another bullet in another 
exquisitely calculated. shot and then 
scrambled, not down, but upward, for a 
distance of about 50 feet. 

"The next shot, when it came, puzzled 
Josef. It came not from the diameter of 
the bowl, but from a nearer curve. This 
meant that his enemy was climbing to 
come level with him. Two more bullets 
struck close by—perilously dose. One 
screeched off ice, one whined off rock, 
and the bowl howled and whistled and. 
gibbered before it was quiet again. Not 
far away some piled body of ice and 
shale shifted with a tremendous mutter 
and went rolling down. The great gray 
surfaces flung back the noise of its fall 
again and again, and there came up 
from below such a billowing of frosty 
vapor that Josef felt for the moment like 
some beetle packed in white wool and 
frozen for dissection. But his ears were 
too clever to be deceived by even this 
g noise, He knew that the 
right. somewhat 

boss Rina Very ewitils, being a (сан 
and agile man tained to the mo 
he clambered in that direction. Now, 
apart from а faint, fitful whispering of 
wind in the crags and a certain hissing 
of dry snow, there was quiet. Very quiet- 
very deviously, he climbed eastward. 
But it seemed that the other man had 
got between him and the sun, for anoth- 
er shot, which seemed to come right out 
of the eye of the dawn, came 50 close 
thar it tugged at his sleeve. He fired ас 
the flash and lay still, assuming that the 
other man would guess that he had 
to hi sumption was right. A 
bullet E where his shoulder would 
have been if he had moved. 

It was evident that if he had been ш: 
neuvering himself to within dead-certain 
killing distance of his enemy, his enemy 
had been playing the same game with 
him. Buc the mist, Josef reckoned, was 
his ally. As he watched, waiting, a bru- 
mous swirl of air sent down a tumble of 
loose frost which covered him like a 
blanket. He remained motionless. Ten 
minutes passed, twenty minutes. And 
now, at last, his enemy came into full 
view, less than two hundred yards away 
—a man in a white parka, big as a bear: 
perfect target, something impossible to 
miss. Josef almost sighed with pleasure 
under hi: covering of frost. His sights 
were on the big man's solar plexus. Josef 
could have hit him in che сус, if he had 
so chosen; but since this was his last bu 
let, he decided to deny himself this little 
private indulgence in  sharpshooting. 
And then, even as he involuntarily dug 
his toes into the snow and squeezed his 

trigger, the ground fell away from under 
him. He cursed himself as he saw the big 
man’s hood snap back as the bullet 
flicked the tip of it—caught a glimpse of 
great red face stubbled with blond 
beard—and then he was falling feet first 
over the ice. He let his empty rifle slip 
and fell as it seemed for a hundred 

years over the rim of the ice bowl and 
down and around in an awful vortex, 
helpless as a fly flushed away in a lavato- 
. Stone and ice fell with him. By 

ance an enormous boulder skated 
way and, falling more directly, went 
down ahcad of him. Otherwise he would 
have been crushed like an egg. As it was, 
he found himself, dizzy but unhurt, at 
the bottom of the newly formed crevasse. 
Glancing around, he saw that this short 
crevasse was shaped somewhat like a 
brandy snifter. The mouth was only half 
as wide as the bottom, and the sides 
were smoothly curved as if by a glass 
blower's pipe. Josef said to himself, with 
out emotion, There is always the incal- 
culable, I have failed. So I must die. But 
then, a hundred feet above, he saw the 
hig man’s head, and heard him say, in 
broken Russian, "Can you hear me? I 
ant to shout, Vibration can start 

“I can hear you,” said Josef, in good 
bur stilted English. "You had better 
speak your own language—your accent 
in mine is execrable” Exccrabable 
exeernbable everrabahle 
abled the echoes. He went on, "You 
have won. I will keep perfectly still 
you will have the kindness to shoot me 
through the head.” 

“Be glad to obl 
last bullet. Anyway, things aren't done 
that way. If you want to shoot yourself, 
of course, that's your affair.” 

“I have no pistol." 

“Have you a rope?” 

“Yes, But I think my wrist is broken.” 

“Well, keep still and TH haul you 

hy? We have been tying to kill 
each other for ten days.” 

“That's a different matter from lca 
ing you to die in the ice. 

“L see.” Now the big man warily ex- 
plored the lip of the bowl, until he 
found a kind of rocky excrescence split 
by the cold as if by a wedge. He had 
picked up Josef’s rifle and noted that it 
was empty. It was a beautiful weapon, a 
Männlicher, which must have cost some 
sportsman every penny of $1500. He ob- 
served that the butt bore a baronial cor- 
onet inlaid in silver, and the monogram 
B von B. He wondered, in passing, who 
the Baron B von B had been, and (being 
a sentimental man at bottom) hoped that 
he had died easy. Then, with a sigh, he 
began to ram the Männlicher's barrel 
into the crack, using his own, 
rifle for a hammer. He thus improvised a 
smooth, strong peg to which he auached 

(continued on page 266) 


eyes front, back arched, knees 
snapping, the ted williams of 
the twirling corps began his 
countdown toward the launching 
of his spinning silver bird 


WHEN THE BITTER WINDS of winter how] 
ош of the frozen north, making the ісе- 
coated telephone wires creak and sigh 
like suffering live things, many an ex-B- 
llatsousaphone player feels that old fa- 
miliar dull ache in his muscle-bound left 
shoulder—a pain never quite lost as the 
years spin on. Ancient numbnesses of 
the lips permanently implanted by fro- 
ren German silver mouthpieces of the 
past. There is an instinctive hunching 
forward into the wind, tacking oblique!y 
to keep that giant burnished Conn Бей 
heading always into the waves. A singu- 
ап carrying unsharable wounds and 
memories to his grave, the butt of low, 
ld humor, of gaucheries beyond de- 
seription, unapplauded by music lovers, 
the sousaphone player is among the 
loneliest of men. His dedication is al- 
most monklike in its fanaticism and 

He is never asked to perform at par- 
ties. His fume is minute, even among 
other band members, being limited al- 
most exclusively to fellow carriers of 
"The Great Horn. Hence, his devotion is 
pure. When pressed for an explanation 
as to why he took up the difficult study 
line of sousaphone playing, 
п give a rational answer, usually 
ig something very much like 
amed retort of climbers of Mount 

There is no sousaphone category in 
the renowned jazz polls, and it would be 
inconceivable to imagine an LP entitled: 
Harry Schwartz and His Golden Sousa- 
phone Blow Cole Porter. Yet every sou- 
phone player, in his heart, knows that 
no instrument is better suited to Cole 
Porter than his beloved four-valver. Its 
rich, verdant mellowness, its loving, som- 
ber blues and grays of tonality arc 
among the most se and thrilling of 
sounds to be heard in a man’s time. 

Bur forever and by defin those 
brave marchers under the flashing bells 

irrevocably assigned to the rear rank. 
men know the facts of life more 
wuly than a player of this noble instru- 
ment. Twenty minutes in a good march- 
ing band teaches a kid more about how 

s granite knee. 

‘There are many misconceptions which 
at the outset must be cleared up before 
we proceed further. Great confusion pre- 
Is among the unwashed as to just 

a genuine sou: 
his instrument 

aled a tuba. A tuba i 
ng fit only for mewling, 
d Guy Lombardo—the 
better (o harass balding, middle-aged 
ballroom dancers. An upright instrument 
of startling ugliness and mooing, fiatu- 
lent tone, the tuba has none of the 
grandeur, the scope or sweep of its mas- 
sive, gentle distant rela 

The sousaphone is worn proudly 
curled about the body, over the left 
shoulder, and mounting above the head 
is that brilliant golden, gleaming cornu- 
aling the sun in its glory. Its 
graceful curves clasp the body in a warm 
and crushing embrace, the right hand in 
position over its four massive mother-of- 
ped valves. It is an instrument 
а man can literally get his teeth imo, 
and often does. A sudden collision with 
another bell has, in many instances, pro- 
duced catastrophic dental malforma: 
which have provided oral surgeons with 
some of their happier moments. 

A sousaphone is а worthy adversary 
which must be watched like a hawk and 
truly mastered lest it master you. Da 
gerous, unpredictable, difficult to play, it 

yet offers rich rewards. Each sousaphonc, 
since it is such a massive creation, as 
sumes a character of its own. There are 
d-tempered sousaphones and there are 
friendly sousaphones; sousaphones that 
literally lead their players back and 
forth through beautiful countermarches 
on countless football fields. Then there 
are the treacherous sousaphones that 
buck and fight and must be held in tight 
rein lest disaster strike. Like horses or 
women, no two sousaphoncs are alike. 
Nor, like horses or women, will man 
ever fully understand them. 

Among, other imponderables, a player 
musı have as profound a knowledge of 
winds and weather as the skipper of a 
пр yawl A cleanly aligned sousa- 
phone section marching into the teeth of 
a spanking crosswind with mounting 
gusts, booming out the second choru 
Semper Fidelis, із a study of cour: 
contro] under difficult conditions. Some- 
times in a high wind, a sousaphone will 
start playing you. It literally blows back, 
developing enough back pressure 10 pro- 
duce a thin chorus of Dixie out of both 
ears of the unwary sousaphonist. 1 my- 
self once, in my rookie days, got caught 
in a counterclockwise wind with a clock- 
wise instrament and spun violently for 
five minutes before I regained control, 
all the while playing one of the finest 
obblig г blown on The National 
Emblem March 

"The high school marching band that 1 
performedin was (continuedon page 164) 

man at his leisure 

a backstage-and-onstage limning of the 
lovelies of the paris lido by leroy neiman 

THE LIDO, famed for its spectacularly extravagant 
performances featuring spectacularly undressed per- 
formers, has long been a mecca for pleasure seckers 
Paris. In a city whose musichall and cal 
unrivaled anywhere in the world, the Li 
statuesque mannequins who 
ground to les spectacles—is head and shoulders above 
the competition. Artist LeRoy Neim 
roving ambassador with portfolio (and hims 
thing of a Pari псе his care 
pressionist has led him to complement his New York 
and London studios with another in Paris) had long 
regarded the Lido an eminently paletteable subject. 
Recently he gathered pad and charcoals to spend a 
Parisian week (seven nights and one day) in the 14405 
huge Champs Elysées quarters, sketching a behind-the- 
scenes kaleidoscope of plumes, sequins, bosoms and 

Left top: Bockstoge minions look on in vorying degrees of detochmen! while colorfully bedecked performer checks her underpinnings. Sign obove 
cigor-smoking stoge monoger worns door is not to be used during show. Left below: Neimon corefully exomines subject before committing her 
to chorcocl. Above: Mid a coscode cf plumoge ond oblivious to distroctions, well-dressed mon-obout-backstoge skims Figoro during 
entr'oct. Below: Elfin Porisienne, weoring only mascoro ond a smile, primps prior to donning scant costume for her onstage oppearonce. 

bottoms. He reports: "Backstage at the Lido is pure 
mayhem—but, somehow, perfectly coordinated may 
hem. All is business. The show—which runs nightly 
from 11:15 to 2:30, with only а half-hour break—is a 
genuinely tony production, whose split-second timing 
ves no room for sloppiness. The management be- 
lieves in its performers artistry—and rightfully so. 
"The mannequins are tall, leggy, personable and proud 
of their figures: their nudity is enhanced by creative 
costumes which are treated lovingly by the girls and 
their wardrobe mistresses. English is almost the uni 
versal language backstage, since many of the pir 
such as the Blucbells—are British, and many others 
American. The Bluebells, incidentally, are fully clad— 
in costumes ranging from Indian hcaddresses to Gains- 
borough hats. Only the mannequins, who don't dance, 
are nude. The Lido is one of those rare places fre- 
quented by crowned heads and workingmen al 
—all seeking, and finding, the very best in music-hall 
entertainment and, of course, the most beautiful girls 
in Paris, For the artist, backstage is even more interest- 
ing than out front. Its more active and more colorful 
than the audience area—and thegirlsare closer as well.” = 

‘Above: While stagehonds casually sweep the boards, bare-chested lovely gets helpful assist. Below left: Approving admirer watches, and our 
imperturboble impressionist sketches an. Below right: Lost-minute fitting enlists emergency oid of mole performers plus lavishly skirted 
[albeit bodiceless) mannequin, whose headdress crowns scene in a burst of red and violet. Right: Lovely Sherell Powell, а native Chica- 
goan end one of many Negro dancers popular in Paris, dazzles crowd with her Ebony Bor act. Overleof. Le spectacle, in cll its splendor. 







kd by a zealot who had 
whipped us into a state rivaling a crack 
unit of the Prussian guards. We won 
prizes, cups, ribbons and huzzahs wher- 
ever we performed; wheeling, counter- 
marching, spinning, knees high, all the 
while thunderously playing. On the Mall, 
Under the Double Eagle, El Capitan, 
The NC Four March, Semper Fidelis— 
we had mastered all the classics. 

Our 160-beacto-the-minute cadence 
snapped and cracked and rolled on like 
the steady beating of the surf. Resplend- 
ent in itchy uniforms and high-peaked 
caps, we learned the bitter facts of life 
while fingering our spit valves and 
bringing pageantry and pomp into the 
world of the blast furnace and the open 
hearth, under the leaden wintry skies of 
the Indiana prairieland. 

The central figure of the scene was 
our drum major. Ours was a Spartan 
organization. We had mo majorettes, 
pompon girls or other such decadent 
signposts on the roadway of a declining 
civiliza an all-male band that 
had no room for such grotesqueries as 
flacchested, broad-bottomed female trom. 
bone players and billowy bosomcd clari 
netists. It was a compact 66-man company 
of hard-stomached, lean-jawed Ovaltine 
drinkers—led by a solitary, heroic, high- 
kneed, insulferably arrogant baton twirl- 
er named Waldo Grebb 

Drum majors are a peculiarly Ameri 
can institution, and Waldo was cast in 
the classic mold. Imperious, egotistical 
beyond belief, he was hated and feared 
by all of us down to the last lowly cym- 
bal banger. Most drum majors of my ас- 
quaintance are not all-American boys in 
the Jack Armstrong tradition. In fact, 
they lean more in the general direction 
of Captain Queeg, somehow tainted by 
the vanity of a Broadway musical dancer 
plus the additional factor of being a 
high school hero. 

In spite of legend, many drum majors 
are notably unsuccessful with wom 
Waldo Grebb was no exception, and his 
lonely frustration in this most essential 
of human pursuits had led him to incred- 
ible heights in baton twirling. He con- 
centrated and practiced hour upon hour 
until he became a Ted Williams among 
the wearers of the shako. His arched 
back, swinging shoulders—at least four 
and a half fect wide “Мі 19inch waist, 
his lightninglike chrome wands, the 
sharp, imperious bite of his whistled 
commands were legendary wherever 
bandsmen gathered to swap tales over a 
Nehi orange. At a full, rolling 160-beat- 
perminute tempo, Waldos knees 
snapped as high as most men's shoulders. 
He would spi 4, ba 
ton held at ready port, eyes gleaming 
beadily straight ahead in our direction. 
Two short blasts of his silver whistle, 
then a longer one, a quick snap up-and- 


(continued from page 157) 

down movement of the wand, and we 
would crash into The Thunderer, 
h opened with a spectacular trom 
umpet and sousaphone flourish 
of vast medieval grandeur. Precisely as 
the last notes of the flourish ended and 
The Thunderer boomed out Waldo 
spun his baton, accelerating to a blur, 
and began his act. Over the shoulder, 
like a rigid silver snake with a life of its 
own, under both legs, that live metal 
whip never faltered or lost a beat. Catch- 
ing the sun, it spun a blur high into the 
Indiana skies and down again, Waldo 
never deigning so much as to watch its 
wajectory. He knew where it was; it 
knew where he was. They were one, a 
spinning silver bird and its falconer. 
Even as we roared into the coda, attack- 
ing the I6th notes crisply, with bite, we 
were always conscious of the steady swish 
of that baton, sli like a blade, 
a hissing obbligato to John Philip Sousa. 

Like all champion drum majors—and 
Waldo had more me 
eral Patton garnered in 
combat—he had carefully programed his 
act. In the same that an Olympic 
skater performs the classical figures, Wal- 
tered years before all the 
ic baton maneuvers, all the traditional 
flips and spins, and performed them 
with razor-sharp, glittering precision. 
And he had gone on from there to the 
absolute heights. He would begin with « 
quick over-the-back roll, a comparatively 
ple basic move, and then, moment by 
moment, his work would grow increas- 
gly complex as variation upon varia- 
tion of spinning steel wove itself in the 
winter air. And then finally, just as his 
audience, nervously awaiting disaster, 
believed there was nothing more tha 
could be done with a baton, Waldo, 
ising slightly to fake them out, mak- 
them believe his repertoire was over, 
would give them The Capper. 

Every great baton twirler has one trick 
that he alone can perform, that he has 
created and honed to glittering perfec- 
tion: his final statement. At this crucial 
moment, Waldo would whip a second 
on from a sheath held by a great 
brass clip to his wide white uniform belt. 
Then, using the dual batons, he worked 
upward and upward until the final ecrie 
moment. As the last notes of The Thun- 
derer died out, a drummer, on cue, beat 
out the rhythm of our march, using a 
single stick on the rim of his snare: “tic 
tic tic tic tic tic . . ." as we marched si- 
lently forward. Waldo then, with infinite 
deliberation, holding both batons out 
before him, began to spin them in oppo- 
site directions, 

Synchronized like the propellers of a 
DC-3, twin blades interleaved before 
him, gaining speed. Faster and faster 
nd faster, until the batons had all but 
ppeared into a faint silver film, the 

only sound, the "tic tic tic" of Ray Ја 
nowski's snare, and the steady, in-step 
beat of feet hitting the paveme 

His back 
flips of the wrist, Waldo would launch 
his twin rapiers straight up into the icy 
still in synchronization. Like some 
strange whistling science-fiction vampire 
bat, surrealist glittering metal bird, gai 
ing momentum as they rose, the batoi 
as one. would soar 30 or 40 feet above 
the band. Then, gracefully, at the 
gee of the arc, spinning slower 
slower, they would come floating down 
Waldo never even for an instant glanc 
ing upward, the band eyesfront. Down 
would come the batons, dropping faster 
and faster, and still Waldo marched on 
Incredibly, at the very last instant, just 
as they were about to crash onto the 
street, in perfect rhythm both hands 
would dart out and the batons, together, 
would leap into life and become silver 
blurs. It was Grebb's legendary Capper! 
The instant Waldo's batons picked up 
momentum and spun back to life, J 
nowski "tcd" twice and the drum sec 
tion rolled out our basic cadence, as the 
crowd roared. Unconcerned, unseeing, 
we marched on. 

Waldo rarely used The Capper more 
than once or twice in any given. parade 
or performance. Like all great artists, he 
gave sparingly of his best. None of us 
realized that he had not yet shown us his 
greatest capper of all. 
he high point оГ our marching y 
traditionally came with the Thanksgi 
ing Day parade. And one year, that fate- 
ful Thursday dawned dark and gloomy, 
full of evil portent. The last bleak weck 
in November had been polar i 
agery. For weeks a bitter Ca 
wind had whistled steadily off 
Mich blowing the blast fu 
dust into long rivers and eddies of red 
grime on the gray ice diat bordered th 
Curbs and coated the bus stops and rut 
ted the streets. These were days that 
tried sousaphone men's souls. That gi 
chunk of inert brass gathers cold into 
like a thermic vacuum cleaner, Valves 
freeze at half-mast, mouthpieces stick to 
the tongue and lips in the way iron rail- 
ings trap children, and the blown note 
emerges thin and weak and lost in the 

‘The assembly point for the parade 
was well out of the main section of 
town, back of Harrison Park. Any veter 
an parade marcher knows the scene, a 
sort of shambling, weaving confusion. 
The  Croatian-American float, the 
Friends of Italy, the Moose, the Ladies 
of the Moose, the Children of the 
Moose, the Queen of the Moose, the 
Odd Fellows’ Whistling Brigade, the Red 
Men of America (in full headdress and 
buckskin), the Owls, the Eagles, the Elks, 
the Wolves, the Guppies, the Imperial 

(continued on page 260) 

irched taut as a bow, knees 

ischigh, at the agonizingly 

“Either of you gentlemen care for something to nibble on?” 



'here, Miss Tucker. See what I mean about 
your е being low?" 


а passionate put-down of those portrayers of a world without hope 


N My nEYDAY (which was the Twenties), most of my contemporaries took the Declaration of Independence seriousiy— 
especially that phrase in it which declares that the pursuit of happiness is 

a respectable opinion. According to them every thinki 

ny of 

п inalienable right. Among all too 

g man must be, 

^s intellectuals this is no lon; nd every 

ble—the decent man bei E man because 

decent man should be, thoroughly misc use the world is unjust, the thin 

the whole universe is, and must remain, "absurd." 

a. In fact, my early book The Modern Temper (1929) was 

Until recently no one ever accused me of being a Polly: 
widely denounced as perversely pessimistic. Yet I have lived to hear it described on a TV panel as “qu: most 
et” by college treshmen who boasted that Sartre and Beckett had plunged them whose horrors (so it 

t” and 

seemed from their voices) they were proud to revel in with masochistic determ 

Meanwhile I have grown progressively cheerful. Perhaps thai 

only what my younger contemporaries prefer to think 
Ithy reaction against the perversely 

it, namely, the result of a hardening of the cerebral arteries; but I prefer to call it a hea 
ke Dr. Johnson's old school fr 

aking through. 

nd. 1 find that no matter 

how hard I try to be a philosopher, cheerfulness keeps h 

gant lucubrations of the existentialists and the beatniks. Li 

Perhaps there is more concrete misery than usual in the world today and I'll go along with the "decent man" 

enough to agree that it should concern us. But I fail to understand what good it does anybody to say, like the cha 
less per- 
ions that 

acter in one of Koestler's novels, “In an age of transition no onc h 

I must think myself into some sort of abstr 

In the currently most admired novels and plays there is a terrible monotony. Beckett, Ionesco, 
riety of method and no novelty of doctrine the same things: The universe is meaningless, without rhyme 
valuable as another. Though man is, in some inexplicable way, free and thus exempt from the necessity that governs 
everything else, he can demonstrate this freedom by being cither a saint or a monster, Most people chose the latter 
ple than the other. Hence the truest picture of life consists almost exclusively of 

ct despair. 

тіге and Genet re- 
peat with little v. 

empty words. One thi 



native and it is logically no less admi 

unhappy, but usually cruel and debauched people, behaving irrationally in an irrational universe. 

nd first learned 
1 must be misunderstanding what they were really intending to convey 

When I first met some of these specimens of the most serious and characteristic works of our time 
how greatly they were admired, 1 supposed t 

Since I ha 

ve read the explications fu 

ished by their many sympathetic critics, I realize that I understood only too well. By 

one analyst I am assured that even Camus, “ ial, the gentlest and the wisest” of the lot, really did wish us 

better than bravery; betrayal is 

freedom and that Genet, “the wildest 

to understand that a motiveless atrocity serves ly to demonstrate huma 

loveliest,” invents a new morality in which “dishonesty is better than honesty; cowardice 

1 presumably she must find intriguing such of hi 

better than loyalty; hamosexuality is better than heterosex and so on.” Simone de Beauvoir declared that the Mar- 

quis de Sade was "the freest man who ever lived" 

reasonings as that 

which exalts incest on the ground that it promotes family affection! Since Dc 

de spent a considerable portion of his life 

in jail and Genet would be serving a life sentence 

а habitual criminal had it not been for (concluded on page 230) 

NATIVE SON (continued рот page 120) 

that is where reality is. What опе wies 
to do in a novel is to show this reality. 

Such effort would not be important if 
life were not important. But life is im- 
portant, vastly more so Шап art; but 
without the passion of art, that portion 
of life we call civilization is in great dan- 
ger when it begins, as we have, to neg- 
lect or to despise its artists. Artists are 
the only people in a society who can tell 
that society the truth about itself. When 
I was working on Another Country, 
which was the hardest thing I had done 
u that time, I had several problems 
in trying to get across, in trying to con- 
vey, what I felt was happening to us in 
this country. Not that this is unusual: In 
а sense, every work of art, if I may use 
that phrase, is a kind of metaphor for 
what the artist takes 10 be our condi 
Му principal problem, at least by 
sight, was how to handle my heroine, 
Ida, who in effect dictated a great deal 
of the book to me. And the first thing, 
that I had to realize was that she, operat- 
ing in New York as she did, as Negro 
girls do, was an object of wonder and 
even some despair—and some distrust— 
to all the people around her, including 
people who were very fond of her—Vi- 
valdo, her lover, and their friends. I had 
somehow to make the reader see what 
was happening to this girl. I knew that a 
girl like Ida would not be able to say it 
for herself, but I also knew that no read- 
er will believe you if you simply tell him 
what you want him to know. You must 
make him sce it for himself. He must 
somehow be tapped into the reality you 
want him to submit to and you must 
achieve a kind of rigorous discipline in 
order to walk the reader to the guillotine 
without his knowing it. 

Now, in order to get what I wanted I 
had to invent Rufus, 144% brother, who 
had not been present at the original 
conception. Rufus was the only way that 
1 could make the reader see what had 
happened to Ida and what was control- 

ips, why she 

was so dificult, why she was so uncertain, 
why she sulfered 50; and of course the 
reason she was suflering was because of 
what had happened to her brother, be 
cause her brother was dead. She was not 
about to forgive anybody for it. And this 
rage was about to destroy her. In order 
to get this across, I had to put great lights 
around Ida and keep the reader at a cer- 
tain distance from her. I had to Jet him 
see what Vivaldo thought, what Cass 
thought, what Eric thought, but what Ida 
thought had to remain for all of them 
the mystery which it is in life, and had 
to be, therefore, a kind of mystery for 
the reader, too, who had to be fascinated. 
by her and wonder about her and care 
bout her and try to figure out what was 
driving her to where she was so clearly 
And I think that in some ways, 
Шу, when she does talk to her 

lover, says things which she would not 
ave been able to say in any other way 
or under any other pressure, and 1 had 
somehow to get her to that pressure. In 
a novel you can suggest a great deal. You 
must suggest a great deal. There is some- 
thing in a novel which well have to rc- 
fer to here as the setting. ‘The setting is 
the climate. For example, it is unimpor 
tant in a novel to describe the room. It 
is unimportant in a novel to describe the 
characters. It doesn't really matter wheih- 
er they have blue eyes or brown hair or 
whatever. You have to make the reader 
see them with just enough detail not to 
blot the picture out. Try to sketch the 
character in, let the reader do the rest. 
“That's not as lazy or irresponsible as it 
may sound. 1 mean that the character's 
y has to come from something 
deeper than his physical attributes and 
therefore the setting in which he oper- 
tes has to come [rom something deeper 
than that, too. The New York of Anoth- 
er Country never really existed except in 
Another Country. The bar in which Cass 
and Vivaldo have their crucial scene 
when Cass tells him about her husband 
is one of a million cocktail bars; all that 
is described in that scene, 1 think, is 
some peanuts on the table, And you can 
do that in a novel because the reader has 
been in a bar like that and che reader 
has been in New York streets; there are 
sume nives you must press which will 
operate to make him sce what you want 
him to sce, and this, in a way, is the 

But you cannot do that in a play. 
Everything in a play has to be terribly 
concrete, terribly visible. The church in 
which 1 was born operates in one way in 
Go Tell It on the Mountain, mainly as a 
presence, I think, as a weight, as a kind of 
affliction for all those people who are in 
it, who are in fact trapped in it and 
don’t know how to get out. But in my 
play there is another church. And I sud- 
denly saw it. I don't know if I can make 
this clear to you. On a back road in Mis- 
sisippi or Louisiana or some place in 
the deep South, we were wandering 
around talking to various people, and 
there was a small church sitting by itself. 
1 was very oppressed that day by things 
we'd seen and I was very aware that 1 
was in the deep South and had been 
very close to my father’s birthplace. It 
suddenly struck me that this church 
must have been very much like the 
church in which my father preached be- 
fore he came North, 1 looked into the 
window and suddenly saw my set. It was 
a country church. I saw that if I could 
select the details which would be most 
meaningful for what I was trying to do, 
then in a sense, that part of my problem 
was solved. And I saw something else. I 
always have some idea of where I want 
to go. I even sometimes have my last 
chapter or my last line, a kind of very 


rough and untrustworthy map. But 1 
don't know quite how I'm going to get 
there, In the working out of a novel, you 
work it out in terms of dialog and 
conflicts, and again, (his is power of 
suggestion, this is hitting on the readers’ 
nerves—nerves which we all have in com- 
mon. In a play, you're doing the same 
thing. But уоште doing it in such a 
different way that, for example, a white 
woman in my play, who is a somewhat 
older woman, married to a murderer, 
which is part of what the play is about, 
has to be revealed in very different ways. 
n to see her by watching cer- 
in people, by watching for her, watch- 
ing for my character, which is what you 
start doing, really, once this character 
has captured your attention, You look at 
everybody around you in another way. 
You suddenly are looking for some reve 
latory and liberating detail. And if 
you're working on a play—1 don't know 
if I'm making this clear—you suddenly 
watch people in a very physical way. 
You watch the way they light their ciga- 
rettes, you watch the way they cross a 
room, you observe, for the first time, 
whether or not this person is bowlegged 
and you begin to think that you can tell 
by the way a person combs his or her 
hair, by the beat of a pause, by the 
things they do or do not say, what is 
going on inside them. You're watching 
for the ways in which people reveal 
themselves in their day-to-day life. What 
Freud called—I think Fm right about 
this—the psychopathology of everyday 
life. So that as I began watching for my 
woman in the South, I began to see her. 
too. I have a very good actress friend. I 
began to watch her, as if she were going 
to play the part. How would she walk 
into Ше door with groceries, and how 
would she look at their child; how 
would she look at her husband whom she 
loves, whom she understands, whom 
she knows to һе a murderer? How would 
she do и? And I began to see that Шеге 
would be very small things she would do 
and very peculiar things that she would 
say to reveal her torment. I began to see 
that this is what we all do, all of the 
time, all of us, including you and me. 
That whatever is really driving us is 
what can never, never, never be hidden 
and is there to sce if one wants to see it. 
The wouble is, of course, that most of 
us are afraid of that level of reality. It 
seems to threaten us, because we think 
we can be safe. And this brings me to 
something much deeper; for when you've 
gotten this you see something 
which every writer is really secing over 
and over and over again, at pressures of 
varying intensity. And he is really telling 
the same story over and over and over 
again, trying different ways to tell it and 
uying to get morc and more and more 
of it out. As 1 write this, I am trying to 

tell it in a play set in che deep South. 
But one afternoon in Harlem I under- 
(concluded on page 241) 

five yuletide vacations 

upbeat and offbeat places for get-away-from-it-all year-end fun 

Puerto Vallarta: Recently brought to public attention by the Burtons, but long known to 
jet-setters as a hip Mexican hideaway, this lush spa offers one of the Pacific Coast’s best beaches and 
ound climate. Above: After a full day of water-sporting and 
lolling in the sand, a congenial group relishes a holiday repast highlighted by barbecued tuna, while 

а mariachi band adds new twists to the venerable Auapango. Following dinner, all will move to the 
Posada Vallarta for Kahlua cordials, thence to Los Muertos night club for drinks and dancing till dawn. 169 

an unbeatably dry and temper: 

e ye 

Cortina d'Ampezzo: Sometimes called the “Jewel of the Dolomites,” sometimes “Queen 
of the Mountains,” but, like an clegant lady, never by her first name, this posh resort in northern 
Italy welcomes celebrants with an impeccable combination of native flamboyance, Millel-European 

Gemütlichkeit and international chic, from the 12 days of Christmas through the 12 wecks after. 

he and his 

Top: Skier schusses down one of the incomparable slopes that lead into town, whe 
companions count their yulctide blessings (above) іп one of Club Verokay's intime dining chambers. 

Tangier : Mos Western of the Eastern cities, where expatriate American intellectuals settle, 

and where the senses are simultaneously assailed by a feeling of dolce vila, by the sight of sultry-cycd 
veiled women, by the smell of burning kief (akin to 
stiges of traditional yulery in f. 
“Take me to the Casbah,” sh 

hish), this Moroccan metropolis is for the 
or of languid days in the sun and 

itinerant seeking to eschew all vi 

said; and he did, renting one of the 

swinging Arabian nights. Above 

ornate sleeping rooms of a sheik's palace, where the coming year is welcomed over mint-flavored tea 

The Aegean Sea: What better way to get away 

from it all than to sail among the islands of Greece during the 
holiday season? The awe-inspiring Acropolis provides a felicitous 
beginning for a band of six, who then drive to Piracus to charter 
the yacht Juanita and head eastward among Hydra, Crete, 
Mykonos and other historically rich islands. Above: The group 
enjoys one last sunny hour at sea in the harbor of Poros, before 
returning to Athens for a New Year's evening on the town. 

Hong Kong: One of the world’s most cosmopolitan 
meccas for males, this Oriental free port offers round-the-clock 
revelry amid lavish hotels, memorable restaurants, peerless shops, 
and girls who act as if they were born only to please men. Right: 
Travel-wise guy (he moves alone) brings his Crown Colony date 
aboard the floating restaurant Sea Palace for Christmas dinner. 
Having just made a selection of live scafood from a stocked 

pool, they savor rum sours and the view of sampans scurrying 
about Aberdeen Harbor (on the southern side of the island), 

while the exotic dishes are being prepared to their order. 

For additional information about any of these vacation areas, con 
tact Playboy Reader Service, 232 East Ohio St., Chicago, Ш. 60611 



ALEPPO (continued from page 116) 

‘The handshakes were numbing. "My 
е is Stanford Lovejoy.” 

What the hellre you doing here?" 
t Clair asked. 

"m at the Mission." 

“A lot of bint in this town?" Roland 

looked hungrily around. 

"Oh," Lovejoy said. “There are some 
young ladies. But the mothers're rather 

We never should've left Cairo,” Ko- 
land said. 

“That Creek dame's husband was 
coming back, anyway," Saint Clair said. 
“I like this town. What'd you say the 
name was?” 


“The town, Stanfor 

“Oh, excuse me.” Lovejoy felt himself 
getting a little rattled in the high fire of 
roaring conversation. “Aleppo.” 
Anything ever happen here?” 
‘Well, during the Crusades, there 

“I mean at night.” 

"Well," said Lovejoy, "I lead a rather 

Roland said to 
the waiter, in approximate French, “and 
get three more.” 

They raised their glasses. "To good 
Saint Clair said, as though it was a 
ritual, and both brothers laughed loudly 
and drank half their glasses off. 

“Syrian beer," Saint Clair said. "Drink- 
able. But everyone connected with 
Egyptian beer should be executed." 

"Where is that sonofabitch Ladszlo?" 
Roland peered down the street. “I told 
you the first time I looked at him I 
didn't trust him. 

"He's slow;" Saint Clair said. 
honest, but he's slow." 

Lovejoy thought of the dark frail man 
uying to get four piasters by force from 
the descendants of unconquered tribes- 
men at the café tables and. nearly said 
something, but thought better of it and 
some more beer. 
en, Stanford,” Roland said, "you 
don’t know how good it is to see an hon- 


Lovejoy said, "glad to be 

“The hotels in this part of the world," 
Saint Clair said, bewilderingly, “ 're full 
of bugs. You wouldn't believe it." 

"You probably have a villa, haven't 
you, Stanford?" Roland said. "Land is 
cheap in ıhese parts. The rate of ex 

is wonderful, 100." 
Lovejoy said, not knowing 
te what he was saying yes to. 

"IH be wonderful staying in an 
American house Saint Clair said. 
“Even for one night. 

“You're perfectly . . 

” Lovejoy said. 

h, there you are, you sonofabitch,” 
Roland said. 

vcjoy looked up. Ladszlo was stand 
ing there, bleeding. One eye was al- 
ready swelling, the green jersey was 
torn; on the spindly calf of the ri 
there were two ragged blunt wounds. 
The dark face was a little darker, a little 
more sorrowful. There was a sour little 
zoolike smell, Lovejoy noticed, hanging 
over the small, torn figure. М 
word Ladszlo extended nd. Roland 
and Saint Clair leaped up and seized the 
money in it, counted it hurriedly. 
nty-four piasters!” Roland roared. 
and cuffed 
Ladszlo lightly across the face. Ladszlo 
fell back into a chair, stunned. 

“Goodness,” Lovejoy said. 

“We could get five hundred dollars a 
week for the Calonius brothers in Radio 
City," Saint Clair yelled. 

“This iss not Radio City, gentlemen 
Ladszlo mumbled humbly. “Thiss iss 
Aleppo, a small Oi ty, full of sav- 
age, poverty-stricken Arabs. 

Ме gave out fifty pictures of the 
Calonius brothers," Roland leaned over 
and grabbed Ladszlo's chin and held his 
head up stiffly. “That means two 
hundred piasters." 

"Pardon me, gentlemen,” Ladszlo said. 

“It doess not mean two hundred 
"How шапу t сый 
roared, “have I told you not to take back 

any pictures?" 
"I do not take back any pictures, 

Roland shouted. “How 
many times do I have to tell you? Insist! 

A small sour smile played for a frac- 
tion of a second over the corner of the 
. "Gendemen," the humble 
dark voice murmured, “I inssisst. Two 
dogs bit me and a large young Arab hit 
me wis a large copper vessel. Gentle- 
men, let uss face i impractical sys- 

“Are you trying to tell us our busi- 
nes?" Saint lifted his hand 

“Gentlemen,” said Ladsılo, wiping а 
little blood off his chin, "I am merely 
saying I will be dead by Baghdad il the 
sysstem iss not improved somew 

Saint Clair started to hit him again, 
but the waiter arrived with fresh beers. 
Saint Clair put onc into Lovejoy's hand, 
and the brothers raised their glasses. 
They smiled good-humoredly at cach 

other. "То good will,” they said. They 
drained their glasses and laughed 

Roland said, “can you ride a 

"Yes, but . 
“Get on Ladszlo's wheel and lead the 
way." He left some money for the beer. 

"Ladszlo, you carry Mrs. Buchanan and 
follow us." 

“Yess, gentlemen," 
ing up the monkey. 
s damned hospitable of you, 
jı roared, as they ен 

Ladszlo said, pick- 

about trav- 

" Roland roared. 

cling,” Americans stick 
“Well,” Lovejoy said, “we're all far 

from home and the least . . - 

“One thing 1 miss,” Saint Clair said, 
"is good American steak.” 

“We should've stayed 
land s 
Ш you for the love of God stop 
saying we should've stayed in Cairo?" 
Saint. bellowed. 
his is where 1 live,” Lovejoy said, 
iedly, as they wheeled into the Mis 
n grounds. 
Like a king!” 
thusiastically, 100 

Cairo,” Ro- 

int Clair said en 
around him at the 

draggled little Mission buildings. “Ro- 

aybe we ought to stay a couple of 

self gracefully off his bicycle as Lov 
stopped in front of his house. "Maybe. 

Ladszlo came trotting up, hi 
slightly green from the exercise i 
blazing sun. 

“Ladsilo,” Roland said, 
wheels i 

“Yess, genticmen,” Ladszlo рамей, 
shifting the monkey away from the bare 
sweating skin of his neck. 

Lovejoy led the way up the steps. 

“This is really like home,” Roland 
said happily, sinking into the one easy 
chair and looki the photograph: of 
Herbert Hoover on the wall. 

“The one would make life 
complete," ir murmured from 
ihe floor, where he was lying comfort 

is a drink.” 

"bring the 

said Lovejoy worriedly, 
is a Mission School, and they 
frown оп...” 

“You old dog,” Saint Clair boomed, as 
adszlo, sweating more than ever, 
brought the first bicycle through the 
door, "bring it ош." 

“We'll have to drink it in coffee cups, 
in case the president happens to . . 

“Bring it out, you old dog.” Roland 
got up and clapped Lovejoy good 
turedly on the back. “Ladszlo, you are 
the worstsmelling Hungarian I've ever 

“Ies Mrs. Buchanan," Ladszlo 
humbly. "She pisses all over me 
went out to get the second bicycle. 

Lovejoy went over to the huge 
wardrobe in which he kept all 
nt Clair stood bel 
(continued. on page 271) 


Talleyrand said, ‘‘Speech was given to man to disguise his thoughts.” This was the 
remark of a clever man. For men of less intelligence, it would be truer to say, “Speech 
was given to man to prevent thought.” Language has been performing this disastrous 
function throughout all the controversies of the Cold War. How well it has done this is 

my theme in the present article. Б 18. Re ` 20 

The general practice in Cold War controversies has been to choose pairs of words, one 
thought good and one bad in each pair, to attribute the "good" word to our side and the 
“Бай” word to the other, and to avoid definitions which would show that the “good” word 
is not wholly applicable to either side and the “Баа” word is not wholly inapplicable to either 

1 will begin with the words “defensive” and “offensive.” It is the firm belief of both 
sides that their own weapons are defensive. while the weapons of the other side are of- 
fensive. The argument is as follows: Modern weapons can serve two functions. On the one 
hand, they can be used for a surprise attack, while, on the other hand, they can be used to 
deter a surprise attack if they survive in sufficient force to be still formidable in the hands of 
the side that has been attacked. The former use is offensive, the latter defensive. Our side 
(whichever that may be) would never engage in a surprise attack, whereas the-other side 
might do so at any moment. It follows that all our side's modern weapons are defensive, 
and all those of the other side are offensive. The attitude on both sides has been made 
quite explicit on various occasions. A recent British Government pamphlet called The 
Key to Disarmament, in speaking of this matter, says: “It is irrclovant to say that the Soviet 
Union has no need to fear Western aggression—of course there is no such danger—or to 
argue that the Soviet Union would not launch an aggression against the West." | wrote in 
November 1957 an open letter to President Eisenhower and Premier Khrushchev (The 
Vital Letters of Russell, Khrushchev, Dulles, London, MacGibbon & Kee, 1958). Mr. Khru- 
shchev, and John Foster Dulles on behalf of Mr. Eisenhower, replied using almost exactly the 
above arguments. In the Cuban crisis, the matter passed beyond argument. The Soviet Gov- 
ernment asserted that the installations it was making in Cuba were purely defensive and were 
solely designed to protect Cuba from an attack by the United States. Those who took the 
Communist side pointed out that American installations in Turkey quite near the Russian 
frontier were claimed by America to be purely defensive. The Americans retorted that this. 
was in. no degree parallel to Russian weapons in Cuba, since the Americans would never 
initiate an offensive. If Khrushchev had not agreed to remove Russian weapons from Cuba, 
this semantic game might have continued unti! we were all dead. 

The fundamental assumption which gives rise to such semantic disagreements is the 
assumption that our side is virtuous and the other side is wicked. John Foster Dulles’ reply 
to the above-mentioned open letter (which was made on February 8, 1958, but doubtless 
would be made by many Americans today) was very explicit on this subject. He said: “Тһе 
creed of the United States is based on the tenets of moral law. That creed, as well as the 
universal conviction of the United States, rejects war except in self.defense. This abhorrence 
of war, this determination to substitute peaceful negotiation for force in the settlement of in- 
ternational disputes is solidly founded on the religious conviction that guided our forefathers 
in writing the documents that marked the birth of America's independence.” Khrushchev, as 
might have been expected, retorted by asking whether the Mexican War of 1846 and the 
Spanish-American War of 1898 were purely defensive. He went on (continued on page 205) 



they frolicked in the water—not yet quite ready for love, but fully prepared to play all its games 

THERE I LAY, wet and quick-breathing from the swim, and she sat next to me, moist and glistening. The world was 
19 because I was 19, and the world was 18 because she had said she was 18 though I suspected she was less. Brooklyn's 
Brighton Beach boiled with teeming proletarian Sunday. About us moved a forest of red-burned legs. Ball-catching 
children whirred. The whine of mothers sounded, admonishing not to drink while overheated. The air was crowded 
even with smells: the smells of egg-salad sandwiches, suntan oil, sweat scasoned with salt water, the mustard tang. 
from hot-dog stands. The hurried traffic of bathers kicked up pieces of orange peel along with sand; requests chorused 
from all sides to please watch people's stuff while they went in for a dip for just a minute. 

There we were in the midst of all this and, for the simple reason that I was 19 and she dubiously 18, as invio- 
lable and removed from it all as the sun itself that blazed down from above. 

On the blanket we sprawled. I headlong, she leaning against my raised knee. The drops running down her 
back mingled with those sliding from my calf. When we moved, our wet skins slapped together. She took off her 
bathing cap and slowly. one by one, removed the bobby pins from her hair till the black shining tower on top of 
her head leaned, fell, flowed out into the curtain that brushed against her pink shoulders. Each bobby pin, as it was 

freed, she stuck gravely into the brown wool on my chest. And though the idea was unexpected, hilarious, I pressed 
back my laughter because she wouldn't laugh, and just nodded soberly in acknowledgment. ‘Ihe mutual forbear- 
ance was like a secret code, danced back and forth between our eyes. 

Everything danced. The hair on my chest was as brand-new as the breasts straining against the halter of her 
black bathing suit. We were both nouveaux riches of the flesh, new enough to the joys of our wealth to ignore its 
stringencies. We weren't in love. But we rejoiced in each other because each dramatized the other's power of attrac- 
tion; cach was the show window of the other's eligibility. 1 noticed her being appraised by passing men and took 
in their sidelong envy. And when she saw a girl grow sell-conscious under my studied lazy-male glance, she jabbed 
a bobby pin down proudly, possessively, into my chest-hair coilfure. 

No, we weren't “serious.” Passion would have been too inconveniently adult, too rigorous, too desperate. 
But playing at passion was wonderful. It was making the most of immaturity. There were so few people you could 
do that with. And that’s why my discovery of her at the fraternity dance had been so important. 

"There had been a bright puddle of girls in the gymnasium corner (I couldn't really distinguish faces from 
afar without my glasses)—she in the midst of it. Her figure and hair were gorgeous by the strictest collegiate stand- 
ards. I went straight at her. Her face was a bit aquiline. Something struck me about her dress, and a brave phrase 
jumped from nowhere onto my tongue: “Pardon me, Velvet, may I have this dance?” She was transformed im the 
instant [rom a disguised wallflower to a chosen goddess. The skirt of her velvet ensemble fell into sculptured folds, 
her hand waved a sublime “Toodle-oo . . .” to her friends. Wordless and enigmatic, she preceded me to the dance 

floor, and not until we had touched 
each other did she, eyes raised, ask: 
Now, how in the world did you ever 
guess my name?" 
By my sense of touch,” 1 replied, 
"You don't say. What do they call you?” 
“Oh . . ." I temporized—till the light- 


ning hit me: "Apollo." 
"Hi, Apollo,” without batting am 

"You can call me Ap." 

The band struck up Sleepy Lagoon 
and I who had rehearsed the slant of my 
pipe and she who had probably brooded 
over what shade of lipstick to wear, we 
both forgot the awkwardness of adoles- 
cence in the playful glory of it. We were 
Velvet and Apollo floating down a brook 
of trumpets and sweet violins. 

We realized it before the number was 
over: We were a team. With others you 
had to work hard to make the boy-girl 
fun click. With her it came naturally. 
she could inhabit effortlessly any world 
of make-believe I conjured up. Somehow 
we were the same speed. 

‘And so came Sunday, our date. 

We had met early when the beach was 
most bare, She had come with her bath- 
ng suit already on under the cotton 
print. From her arm hung a lunch bas- 
ket smelling of pastrami. 

We slipped our street clothes off. The 
sight of my chest made her scream with 

"Hairy Apollo! Hairy Ap!" 

“Hurry up yourself!” 

‘Hairy Ap! 

I chased her into the surf. But she was 
very nimble. A junior lifeguard, she 
took advantage of the rollers. The ex- 
plosive, sun-dazzled brine blinded me. I 
couldn't catch her. 

“Look, I'm drowning, 
and stuck my arms up. 

She saved mc. She was up and at me 
from behind, dragging me roughly by 
the neck. But not for long. 


1 was mute, dead. 

“Hey, Apollo! Watch your hands!" 

1 floated limply. 

“Leave off, d'you hear?" 

"I am unconscious, dear Velvet. I 
don't know what I am doing 

"You don't say!” 

1 was dunked unceremoniously. 

Once more 1 pursued, drowned, and 
once more was saved and гер 
And once more . . . By the ti 
came out panting, holding wet hands, 
was past 11. Umbrellas and. people had 
mushroomed around our blanket. Wc 
wolfed the pastrami sandwiches, the pick- 
les and the apples in her basket. And 
we plunged right back into the water, 
my medical wisdom as a biology major 
notwithstanding. We couldn't stop. Nor 

178 could we stop talking, wisecracking, be- 

1 cried craftily, 
demand to be 

cause it came so easy. It had never come 
so casy before. We tossed the wet-bright 
words at each other, like little children 
who have just learned to throw multi 
colored balls. 

Only once in the effervescent tum- 
bling a mistake tripped us. I caught, 
kissed her. And all was still. The sea's 
surge was suspended and a thousand 
outcries froze. Her mouth lay quiet, 
appalled next to mine. The somber gh 
tony of lust overcame us. Burst, our nick- 
names’ fly-by-night beauty. We could no 
longer play at living; we were caught up 
in its desperate and ravenous actuality. 
It reduced us to what we were. Her fa- 
gade of teenage glamor vanished. Beside 
me writhed’ а queasy adolescent 
badly shaved armpits. In the thinness of 
her lips I felt the pressures, the pitiful- 
ness of her humanity. Of a sudden I 
surmised that all her romances had to 
contend with her mothers wrinkled 
spicions, that she had fretted for many 
minutes over blackheads in her blurred 
nd mirror. 

No...” she gurgled. 

A wave washed us apart. The sea re- 
sumed its tossing, the golden beach sim- 
mered in front of me, shoals of voices 
swam about. Splendid, spangled, our toy- 
land dosed round again. 

"You're a masher!” she cried. 

And crawled away from me. I fol- 
lowed. We reached a buoy. I wanted to 
sit on it. She wouldn't let me. She tilted 
it when 1 got on top. 

"Wait, l'll do the same to you 

"I don't want to get on it," she said 
haughtily and swam out farther, I in her 

"Shall I teach you the back crawl?” 
she called after a while, 

"Yes, do.” 

"But you don't deserve it. You're a 

"Come on, please, Velvet. "The quality 
of mercy is not strain'd .. .'" 

“A highbrow! An educated masher! 
Shut up!” 

She was treading at my side, taking my 

‘Stretch your hand out like this . . . 

Afterward we drifted on our backs. I 
closed my eyes. The sea was a vast cool 
ng cradle. On my lids, as on a can- 
vas, the sun painted vibrant darkness. 
We were so far from the shore, no other 
swimmers disturbed the car. Only the 
oars of pass boats clucked. The beach 
са in the distance. 

‘Say, Apollo, wake up! Are you as 
hungry as I am 

istantly as soon as 
she had said it. I was so hungry that I 
се back to shore. 

She splashed me from be- 
. "You started саге 
The surf licked round our an 
kles as we ran out. When we reached our 
blanket we were nearly dry, for the day 
was in its prime and slammed down its 

incandescence. I dug into my pockets 
for change; my stomach clamored. Then 
we threaded our way through a maze of 
bodies, sind and Sunday papers. On the 
boardwalk she discovered chat she had 
forgotten her sandals. 

“That wood is hot! 
shoes like a gentlema 

1 refused like a gentleman, in very gal- 
lant and regretful terms. She began to 
whine and to bob up and down. Hcr bos- 
om shook in rhythm with the long black 
int Vitus dance," 1 explained cas- 
ually to passers-by, and she made show- 
manship out of her indignation, for she 
had noticed the mild stir she made. 

But she forgot her fect when we were 
in line before the hamburger stand. The 
slower the line moved, the hungrier we 
got. And the sounds and the scents! I 
have never smelled anything like it 
since: the sharp fine tang of mustard Ia- 
dled out of porcelain jars; the pungenc 
of catsup soaking into rolls; the tooth- 
some crackle of chopped meat on the 
hot plate; the cool hiss of sodas being 
opened. We were starvelings in the de 
ext, we would die if we didn't get ours 

And then we had ours; it sizzled in the 
hand. I plumped down on the one va- 
cant comer of a nearby bench. 

She was beside herself. 

“Sadist! Let me sit. You know I ca 
stand it on my fect anymore!” 

Munching, I offered my lap. She was 
in no position to argue. Legs dangling, 
she sat across my thighs and fell to. My 
wet hair tousled down my forehead and 
moistened her neck. She wiped herself 
off with the towel that was draped 
turesquely round my neck. Occasionally 
her small snowy teeth raided my ham- 
burger, abducted large portions. 


“That's for being such а sadist!” 

I snapped, vainly, at her bun. We 
laughed, spattered relish on cach other, 
guzled Coke. She perched, fluttered, 
twittered on my lap, а red-breasted rob- 
in. An old man with a cane paused to 
look at us. Together, we were а day- 
се puberty we had been tan- 
ized by the myth of carelessly desirous 
youth; its icons had glittered down on us 
in the form of movie stills and deo- 
dorant posters. For years we had reached 
out for it—only to founder in sw 
park-bench maneuvers. Now, at 
seemed attained. 

“Mmmm,” she s: 

Down we went into the sand again, 
licking the catsup off our 
through the helter.s 

Give me your 

toes to our blanket. For the first time we 

the need for a little rest. 
stretched herself out, her ankles locked, 
the white undersides of her tanned arms 
opening over her head like the petals of 
a flower. I cushioned my head on her 
(concluded on page 226) 

Dlayboys Christinas Cards 

missives and missiles for the jolly season 

ud the New Year models that flow through your pad 
Feature chassis both softer and plumper. EN 

May they go on all cylinders, and | might add: 
Мау the traffic Бе bumper to bumper. 


Dlayboy’s Christmas Cards 

missives and missiles for the jolly season 


(from a puzzled pen pal) 


ten favorite playmates from playboy's first ten years 

LAST DECEMBER, we chose ten favorite Playmates from among the more than one hundred who have adorned our cen- 
terfold during PLAYnOY's first decade of publication, and graphically announced our selections in a feature called 
Editors’ Choice. We invited ptaynoy readers similarly to select their all-time top ten, and gave them a chance to review 
their favorites, from December 1953 through December 1963, in the monthly feature Playmates Revisited. Proving that 
tastes in beauty are more universal than most connoisseurs might want to admit, pLaynoy readers and editors, batting a 
spectacular .700, agreed on seven out of ten girls—Connie Mason, Janet Pilgrim, Christa Speck, Joyce Nizzari, Lisa 
Winters, Heidi Becker and Donna Michelle—w three new faces, Laura Young, June Cochran and Toni Ann 
Thomas, filling out the figure ten. Here they are, the choicest Playmates of the Decade, as chosen by you, our readers. 


LAURA YOUNG is а swinging lady driver 
whom we first met on the rolling green of a 
golf course. We were sufficiently impressed 
with her classic form (36-25-36) to ask her 
to be our October 1962 Playmate. At that 
time we learned that lovely Laura, in addi- 
tion ta pursuing her carefree country-club 
sport of letting the chip shots fall where 
they may, is also skilled at painting ce- 
ramics, and secretly addicted ta confession 
magazines. We also discavered that be- 
cause she was brought up in a Navy fam- 
ily, she led a peripatetic childhood, moving 
from Miami to Panama to Key West to Red 
Bank—and finally to Chicago, where she 
hoped ta become a model. Since teeing off 
with her gotefold appearance, Laura's 
fashion career has been driving in high 

CHRISTA SPECK is a spectacular import from Germony who is 
рота! to jazz, modem dance and experimental drama. 
She wos not only unanimously voted Playmate af the Yeor 
by piaveoy's editars—after her twin appearances as Miss 
September 196) and as a house guest in the Ploymole Holiday 

House Ролу (December 1961|—but hos proved equally popular 
among riavsor readers: Christa’s foldout feature has garnered 
more fan mail than апу other in the magozine’s history, 

JOYCE NIZZARI first posed before pıaygoy cameras for 
the July 1958 cover, wecring o pair of green sunglasses 
and o bikini of Robbit emblems. Our readers, recog- 
nizing Ploymote porentiol when they sow it, wrote in 
demonding that Joyce be given gotefold treatment sans 
bikini, ond sunglasses, too. Only 18 when she appeared 
os our December 1958 Playmote, Joyce, os these photo- 
graphs attest, gets prettier every year, Since 1958, she's 
‘acted in a number of films, including A Hole in the Head 
(with Fronk Sinotro) and The Greot Race (with Tony Cur- 
ов well as such TV shows os Burke's Low, The Beverly 
illies und The Mori from U. N. C. LE. When told thor 
she had been chosen for Readers’ Choice, Joyce said 
how pleased she was “that readers still remember 

her. It isn't difficult, we think, with a beauty like Joyce. 

USA WINTERS is o sun-ripened Miami product, who 
was discovered. by pholagrapher Bunny Yeager 
waiting for a bus. Her subsequent Ploymote ар- 
pearance in December 1956 hos been on all-time 
favorite. A year later, we published а feature about 
liso, describing haw her shyness [she has never 
posed for o mole photographer) had prevented her 
from accepting oding offers. While we regret the en- 
tertainment world’s loss, we can t help being grate- 
ful far women photoorophers—end Miami buses. 

HEIDI BECKER, a Milwaukee miss who hailed 
from Austria (when she was strudel-sweet 
16), established our June 1961 issue as а 
memorable one. Originally а hair stylist in 
the city that made beer farnaus, she was 
discovered by ғілүвоү photographer Mario 
Casilli in Los Angeles (together with her close 
friend, Christa Speck}, Heidi, back in Europe 
and thrilled at being selected far Readers’ 
Choice, wrote us that she still digs dancing, 
savors summertime swimming and continues 
her year-round taste for awesome quantities 
of pizza, a proclivity which has had no 
adverse effect on her remarkable figure. 

DONNA MICHELLE nurtured lifelong theotrical ombi- I 
tions when she appeored us our December 1963 
Playmate. Her gatefald prompted acting offers from 
stage, screen and TV producers, all as impressed 
with Donna os piavaoy’s editors are. We not only 
unanimously selected her the current Playmate of 
the Yeor, but hove used her likeness to brighten 
our Christmos subscription ads ond have shown 
Donna adding a beautifying personal touch ta the 
Jamaica Playboy Club in our September 1964 issue. 

` proportions, was raised in preis AE 

. et twisting and miniature golf, partial to Corvettes and 
kabob, June talks most readily about her phenomenal 
contests: In 1961, she was selected Miss Indiana in the 
Universe Pageant; in 1962, she won the same title in th 
Miss World Contest. After being chosen December 1962 PI 5 
mate, June was one of the principals in c -way tie for 
196375 Playmate of the Year. А readers’ runoff placed the own 
on June's lovely blande tresses. At present. she's a or 

_ and photogenic Phota Bunny in the Chicago Playboy СІ 

kc Arts 

ТОМ! ANN THOMAS, on instructress for Vic 
Tanny's before becoming our February 1963 
Playmate, abviously knows what there is to 
know about keeping in shape (38-22-36). 
California born and bred, Toni earns her 
bread working in public relations, occupies 
her spare time reading upbeat fictian ond 
indulging о penchant for comedies and who- 
dunits at the flicks. Also on ardent shutterbug, 
Toni is one of those rare creatures who makes 
а pretty picture regardless of which side of the 
lens she's on. Although her main ambition is 
ta marry а nice guy.” Toni is still unattached 


“At one point I was down to practically nothing!” 

Ribald Classic 

from the Hungarian 
folklore of Petöfi 

the virgin’s cup 

А HANDSOME young doctor was called into the 
palace of an elderly Magyar duke to care for 
the aging ruler. The duke lived in the huge 
place with only his servants and his lovely 
young daughter. 

Even though the girl was less than 19, she 
was magnificently endowed and was sought 
after by all the young males in the region. 
However, she was terribly shy in public, and 
the young doctor found his blandishments of 
little aid in his own courtship of the charmer. 

To help the duke rest better, the doctor 
served I te each night that threw 
him into a sound sleep for cight full hours. 
During those hours, the patient resisted all 
attempts to be aroused, yet was responsive to 
all other physical impulses. 

This gave the young doctor an idea. One 
evening, when the warm spring night set his 
pulses pounding with desire, the doctor de- 

m an opia 

cided to give the girl a bit of the same medi 
cine he served her father. 

He reasoned that after she had retired for 
the night, he would steal to her room, gently 
lift her from the bed and carry her to h 
own pallet where he would savor her delights 
without letting the girl realize what was ta 
ing place. 

His coup de grüce was even more master- 
ful. In the morning when she would awaki 
he would turn the tables on her by demand. 
ing to know whatever had possessed her to 
steal into his room late at night to seduce him 

He set the trap nicely. Не asked the lass to 
share a pot of tea with him. The girl was hes 
йат, but succumbed to his pleas and the 
ica was served. When she wasn't looking, he 
quickly slipped the drug into her cup. 

He accomplished all this by busying him- 
self 10 such an extent that he “accidentally” 
knocked over a platter of teacakes. In Ше re- 
sulting confusi able to slip the 
drug into her cup without notice, After he 
produced a cloth and tidied up, they sat 
down finally ro drink their brew. 

The maiden retired. An hour liter, the 
young doctor tiptoed into her chamber and 
gently lifted the limp but luscious form of 
Ше young кашу into his throbbing arms. 
He swiftly carried her to his room and low- 
cred her onto the hed. He eagerly crawled in 
beside her and was soon launched into a 
wonderful night of frolic. 

Morning rolled around too quickly and he 
realized he had to get her back to her cham- 
ber. Gently, he shook the girl awake. Her 
eyes widened as she saw where she was. He 
clapped his hand over her lips to prevent an 
ошау and explained how she hid "sur- 
prised” h sleep, The girl listened 
aghast, then rushed from the room hiding 

The doctor calmly dressed and then head- 
ed downstairs, smiling softly to himself as he 
prepared to start his day's rounds. As he 
moved past the kitchen, he heard muttering. 
He paused to overhear the scullery maid 
complaining to the cook: 

“That girl is a disgrace! She ruined our 
nice potted violet!” 

“How?” the cook wondered. 

“Last night! The nice young doctor gave 
her a cup of tea and when he wasn't looking 
she dumped it all onto Ше violett Why 
didn't she just tell him she hates tea?" 

—Retold by William Danch 

ion, he w 





SAUVE QUI PEUT (continued jrom page 139) 

indisposition, and this we did as one 
man. But before we could post off our 
polite, almost joyful refusals to these 
amiable Kurds, Polk-Mowbray called a 
general meeting in chancery. He was 
pensive, he was pale and grave, quite the 
Hamlet. “I suppose you have all received 
this,” he said, holding up a pasteboard 
square on which the dullest eye could 
descry the sickle and minarets of the 
Kurdish arms with the sort of crossed 

T suppose you ha sed.” went 
on our chief, “and in a way I am glad. I 
don't want my mission to develop a taste 
for blood—these things grow on one. But 
it docs raise rather a. problem, for the 
Kurds are a young, buoyant, up-and- 
coming little country with a rapidly de- 
clining economy and they are fearfully 
touchy. It is inconceivable that Her 
Majesty's Government should not be 
represented at this affair by one of us. 
Besides, who knows, it might be in- 
formal, touching, colorful, even instruc 
tive . . . what the devil? But someone 
should be there; we just can't ignore 
twolegged Kurds in the modern world. 
"The next thing is, they will vote against 
us in the UN. You take my point? 
Well, I have sat up all night worry- 
ing about the affair and (having no taste. 
for blood myself) have arrived at a per- 
lectly democratic solution which 1 know 
you will approve and I hope you will re- 
spect." From behind his back came his 
left hand holding a packet of straws. 
“Whoever draws the shortest straw will 
represent us!" he cried shrilly. We all 
paled to the gums, but what could we 
do? It was a command. Closing our cycs, 
lips moving in prayer, we drew. Well 
па... yes, of course 1 did. I drew the 
shortest straw 

I let out—I could not help ita rucful 
“But surely, 
-Mowbray, his face 
full of compassion, smote me on the 
shoulder. “Antrobus,” he said, “I could 
not have wished for anyone more reli- 
able, more circumspect, more jolly un- 
flinching. Anyone less likely to faint. 1 
am glad—yes, glad with all my he: 
that fate should have chosen you. Cour- 
age, mon vieux!" 

This was all very well. I wasn't a bit 

cockered up by all this praise. My lip 
trembled, voice faltered. “Is there no 
other way?" I cried out in my anguish, 
gazing from face to stony face. There 
"u, it would sccm. Polk-Mowbray 
shook his head with a kind of sweet sad- 
ness, like a mother superior demobbing 
a novice. "It is kismet, Antrobus,” he 
said, and I felt a sort of coffin lid close 
оп me. I squared my shoulders and let 
my chin fall with a thump onto my 

196 chest. I was a beaten man. I thought of 

my old widowed mother in St. Abdomen 
in the Wold—what would she say if she 
knew? I thought of many things. “Well,” 
I said at last, "so be it.” I must say, every- 
one brightened up. looked awfully re- 
lieved. Moreover, for the next few d: 
received every mark of con 
from my colleagues. They spoke to me 
in hushed voices, hushed commise: 
voices, as if T were an invalid. They tip- 
хоса about for fear of disturbing my rev- 
cries. I thought of a hundred ways out 
of the affair, but none of them seemed 
practicable. 1 went so far as to sit in a 
draft, hoping I would catch pneumonia; 
T hinted broadly that I would surrender 
my two stalls for the Bolshoi to anyone 
kind enough to replace те. . . in vain. 
ї the day dawned; there was 
nothing for it but to climb into sponge- 
bag (the old morning coat and the black 
and whites) and hoist gongs (tack on the 
decorations), At last I was ready. The 
whole chancery was lined up to shake 
my hand and see me off. Polk-Mowbray 
had put the Rolls at my disposal, 
pennant and all “Гуе told the driver 
to take a firstaid kit with him," he 
id hoarsely. “One never knows in these 
matters.” You would have thought that I 
was to be the sacrificial lamb from the 
way he went on. De Mandeville pressed 
his smelling salts into my hand and said, 
“Du give liule Abdul all our sympa- 
thy!“ As for Dovebasket, he pressed his 
Leica upon me, saying, “Try and get a 
doseup. The Sunday Times color sup- 
plement is crying out for something 
new, and they pay like fiends; ГІ split 
with you—it's one chance in a million to 
scoop Tony!” The lite blackhead! 

But | was too broken to speak. I handed 
the thing back without a word and step- 
ping into the car I cried faintly, “To the 
Kurdish Embassy, Tobias!” 

The Kurds had everything arranged 
most tastefully, I must say; lots of jolly 
decent looking refreshments laid out un- 
der a huge marquee on the back lawn. 
Here we Dips congregated. I noticed that 
most missions had sent acting vice-consuls 
smelling for the most part of brandy and 
looking pale and strained. Now the 
Kurds may be a young nation, but they 
look as crafty as some of the older, The 
on was dressed in spanking tenue, 
but in one corner, presiding over a side 
table covered. in grisly-looking Stone 
Age instruments, stood a small group of 
ister men clad in horse blankets of 
various colors. They had shaven skulls 
and purple gums and they conversed in 
a series of dry clicks like Bushmen. Faces 
which suggested nothing so much as 
opencast coal mining. This, 1 took it, 
was the medical wing of the Kurdish 
Embassy—the executioners. But where 
was the little beardless youth in whose 

honor all this joyful frolic had been 
ranged? I went so far as to ask. “Ah!” 
cried the ambassador. “He will be here 
in a minute. He is on his way from the 
airport" I was a bit puzzled by this. 
but... Kurds have their own way of 
doing things. “And think of it,” went on 
the head of mission, clasping his hands, 
"Abdul knows nothing of all this! It is a 
surprise for him, a litle surprise. He 
will be very joyful when he sees . . . 
He waved at dhe group of executioners. 
Well, I thought to myself, let joy be un- 
confined, and tried to draw strength 
from some rather good raltat-loultoum— 
Turkish delight—which I found in a cor 
ner. After all, one could close one's eye 
or turn the head; one needn't actually 
look, E told myself. 
Luckily my fears were groundless. Im- 
gine our collective surprise when Abdul 
bounded into the tent to embrace his 
mother and father; instead of some ри 
ing adolescent we beheld a tough-look 
ing youth of some 20 summers with 
handsome mustache and a frank, open 
countenance. This was to be the victin 
I must say, his frank, open countenance 
clouded as he took in the import of the 
business. He showed every sort of un- 
willingness to enter into the full joyful- 
ness of the occasion. Wouldn't you? 
Morcover, he was just down from Ox- 
ford where he had not only taken a good 
degree, but had got his boxing blue. His 
mother and father looked troubled and 
began to urge, to plead, in Kurdish. But 
he respectfully declined, giving every 
mark of disapproba 
He shook his head violently, and his 
eye flashed. At last his father lost pa- 
tience and motioned to the thugs in the 
corner. But the young man had learned 
something at Oxford. With a right and 
left he sent two sprawling; the others 
climbed on his back. A terrible fracas 
broke out. Cartwheeling round like a 
top with the Kurds on his back, Abdul 
mowed half the corps down and upset 
the trestle tables; then, reversing, he 
knocked the tent pole out and the whole 
thing collapsed on us in a billowing 
cloud of colored stuff. Shouts, yells . . . 1 
lost my topper, but managed to crawl 
out from under. I touered to the gate, 
yelling for "Tobias. All I got out of the 
a box of Turkish delight, 
which I shared round the chancery. It 
met with approval and I was the hero of 
the hour. Compliments They fairly 
forked them up to me! Polk-Mowbray 
was in two minds about the sort of 
figure 1 had cut, but after giving it 
thought, he summed the matter up jolly 
sagely. “In diplomacy,” he said, “it is so 
often a case of sauve qui peut. 

affair w 

М. Rey. 


@ > 

playboy presents handsome holiday swag from santa’s sack 


Clockwise from one: Italion shoehorn, 2/2 
feet long, with pigskin hondle topped by 
о Боз jockey cap, from Rigoud, 525 
Eight-doy pendulum clock in oiled wolnut 
with gold numbers, by Howerd Miller, 
580. Portoble tonning ond heolth lomp, 
eosy fo соту and set up, gives complete 
ultroviolet spectrum from ils fused quortz 
orc tube, by Seo & Ski, $42.50. Wolnut 
and oak desk organizer, 21 inches long, 
by Roymor, $25. Diplomat pen with lorge 
plotinum decorated point, by Montblonc, 
$31. Troveling bor set with cocktoil mixer, 
Thermos, meosuring cup, drinking cups, 
bor tool, spoon, knife, by Esswoy, $175. 
Tonbork offer shave (5 ozs.) ond зоор, by 
Lenthéric, $4.50. Signoture sproy cologne 
(3 ozs), by Mox Foctor, $2.50. Breuer- 
designed lounge chair, with mirror 
polished chrome-tube frome, leother strops, 
by Stendig, Inc., $400. 244-mognum bolt- 
action rifle with handmade, finely en- 
graved Monte Corlo stock of choice 
wolnut, by Hollond ond Hollond, $1375. 
Quorter-keg home droft beer dispenser, 
perforoted cover over king-size droin pon 
holds 12 14-0. glosses; olso feotures а 
mognetic door with sofety lock, one-piece 
formed styrene cobinet liner under rust- 
resistont steel body, by Marvel Industries, 
$359.95. Super-Novigator portoble rodio, 
tunes to stondord broadcast band, FAA 
weother-novigotion stotions os well оз 
morine weorher-novigorion and CAP sto- 
tions, by Zenith, $109.95. Swiss wool-chollis 
muffler with block ground, poisley pottern, 
by Hondcraft, $11. Vogue floor lamp, body 
finished in nickel motte with bose of 
block-locquered metol, sphere is mounted 
оп © mognet and rotates in ony direction; 
oko features foot-operoted master switch, 
low-voltage bulb equivolent to opproxi- 
mately 100 моћ; 62 inches high, by Stiffel, 
$100. Bor cabinet of Americon walnut with 
block-leother doors, white lominoted plas- 
tic serving oreo, vinyl-covered shelf, by 
Jens Risom, $840. Set of é clossic thin 
stem wineglasses, by Boccorot, $37.50. Tope 
recorder with two separote speoker sys- 
tems ond keyboard control; olso features 
tilt-out control ponel, computer-type reels 
ond outomaticolly oligned record, ploy- 
back ond erose units, by Webcor, $500. 
Gourmet center with ice-crusher ond 

opener ottochments; features twin push 
button releases оп top ponel for eosy 
removol of ottachment of either end, 
push-button on/off switch, by Homilton 
Beoch, $41.85. Woven silk muffler, cross 
striped with fringed edge, from Itoly, by 
Нолдсгой, $18. Double cigerette box of 
walnut ond ook, by Roymor, $13. Char- 
cool-brown Orlon knit cordigon sweater, 
six buttons, brown ond gold suede front, 

198 welt pockets, by Leonordo Strassi, $27.50. 

Left, clockwise from noon: Electric shover, by Schick, 619. Refrocting telescope, 6.5 x30, by Swift, $9.95. Jova snoke belt, reverses to French 
colf, by Sulko, $15. Brushed-bross clock, from Abercrombie & Fitch, $77. Walnut pipe coddy, from Abercrombie & Fitch, $25. Motched-grain 
7-piece pipe set, by Koywoodie, $150. AM/FM clock rodio, by Elgin, $65. Old-foshioned shoving mirror, from Hommacher Schlemmer, $19.50. 
Rozor, cuts diogonolly for closer shove, by Dunhill, $595. English shoving brush, from Bullock & Jones, $18.50. Fidget stone for busy execu- 
fives, by Von Hogen & Co., 510. Dominoes with polished inloid wood cribboge boord ond pegs, by Bullock & Jones, $17.50. Gold toothpick, 
14k, by Sulko, $19.80. Onyx cuff links, by Donte, $15. Messoge center, allows you to leove tope-recorded notes for your secretory, roommote, 
etc., by Westinghouse, $39.95. French milled scop, by Mennen, $1.50. Long-distance Swiss wotch, one movement shows bock-home time, other 
movement, locol time, from Bullock & Jones, $104.50. Jockey Club shove lotion (3 ozs), by Caswell-Mossey, $4. York Town shove lotion (63/4 
ол), by Shulton, $3.50. Ronge finder, oll purposes, from All Hands, $29.95. Clossic blender, by Oster, 563. Stotesmon attaché cose, by Som- 
зопйе, $24.95. Wool vest in lightweight double-knit, by Sulko, $23.50. Butone lighter, 14k solid gold, by Bentley, $495. 4711 cologne (372 
ог), from Cclogne, $3. Below, clockwise from noon: Thinline wolch, 14k, 17 jewels, by Homilton, $175. Skindiver's wotch, 17 jewels, pressure 
resistont, by Vontoge, $29.95. Transporent wotch, 18k gold cose, 17 jewels, by Lucien Piccord, $300. Solt shaker ond pepper mill of stoved teok, by 
Donsk, $22. Three liquor deconters in bross cose, from Rigoud, $66. Speedshover, by Norelco, $19.95. Canoe calogne (16 ozs), by Dono, $14. Com- 
bination coot honger ond brush, by Kent, $7.50. Cuff links, gold filled with jode, by Dunhill, $19.25. Authentic bronze coins, struck in Imperiol 
Alexordrion mint, 14k mounting, by Merrin, $45. Onyx ring, by Botell Ring Co., $75. De-nicoteo cigerette holder in 14k, by Dunhill, $62.50. 
Butone lighter, from Bullock & Jones, $33. Buffolo nickel cuf links, from Bennie's Coin Shop, $7.95. Со!5-еуе formal cuff links ond studs, 14k 
settings, by Sulko, 59350. Block moire evening wollet with 24k corners, by Rigaud, $50. Alligotor pocket secretory, by Rumpp, $60. Imperiol 
Gold shove lotion (5 оғ<), by Kings Men, $1.25. Portable rodio, AM, short wave, marine and weather, by Generol Electric, $39.95. Thermom- 
eter-poperveight, by Honeywell Inc., $3.95. Britonrio metol flosk, from A. & F., $17. Binaculors. 8x30, by Zeiss, $149. Voroflame butone lighter, 
by Ronson, $20. Cellophone tope—dispensing replico of ticker tape, from Hommocher Schlemmer, $10. Mognifying gloss, from Dunhill, $27.50. 


Above, clockwise from noon: Gloss boot cocktail mixer sel, from Shreve's, $16.50. Brass Turkish coffee pot, from Bullock's-Wilshire, $33. Brush 
and shoehorn іп pebble-grain case, from Hommacher Schlemmer, $10. Portable automatic marine direction finder, by Esse Radio Co., $397.50. 
Hond-sewn leather gloves, by Fownes, $14. Pewter humidor, from Abercrombie & Fitch, $45. Executive 5-pound dumbbells, by Diversified 
Products, $6. By Georgel tale (2/; оғ<), by Caryl Richards, $1.50. Conon 35mm comera with f/1.8 lens, built-in exposure meter, by Bell & 
Howell, $250. Portable 3-speed radio/phonogroph, from Gabriel-Eell, Inc., $59.95. Money clip of 14k gold, by Sulko, $38.50. Fraternity cufl-link 
set, by R & K Jewelers, 57. Knight-head blozer butions, by Dunhill Tailors, $15. Aftershave lotion and Eau de Cologne in book selling, both 4 
ozs., by Houparce, $5. Ski goggles, convert from gray to amber lenses, by Seo & Ski, $7.50. Aztec shower зоор, by Beau Brummell, $1.50. Wool 
chollis mufler, from Switzerland, by Handeroft, $11. Five-peso cigarette lighter, from A. & F., $11. Circular calculator with leather cose, by 
Scientific Educational Products, $15. Hand-carved wood yacht “protest ond strategy” kit, from A. & F., $15. Portable television set, transistorized, 
9-inch screen, VHF ond UHF, by General Electric, $159.95. Chomeis-hern cigarette lighter, from Neimon-Marcus, $130. Trivet of walnut slates, 
from Hammacher Schlemmer, $6. Right, clockwise from noon: Three cotton-print ties with squared ends, by Taylor, $2.50 each. Cologne (16 ozs.], 
by the House of Chanel, 513.50. The Playboy Valet, by Ploybay Products, $50. Suede leather coat, with mouton shawl collar, full alpaca pile lining, 
by Zero King, $150. Nylon umbrella with removable telescope handle, by Polon, Katz, 58. Lime soap & lime after shave (4 ozs.), in hand-woven 
hamper, by West Indies Boy Со, $5.50. Itclion silk muffler, by Handcraft, $18. Canvas one-suiter suitcase, from Mark Cross, $69.50. Body 
powder, by Yardley, $1. After shave (2 ozs), by Dunhill, $1.50. FM stereo receiver, combines tuner/omplifier/preamplifier, 50 watts power, with 
enclosure, by Scott, $450.45. Jet Traveler cologne ond ofter shave (2 ozsJ, by Pariums Corday, $5. Anchor-choin poperweight, by Rigaud, 
$9.50. French barometer in leother cose, by Rigaud, $40, Six crab crackers in walnut stand, fram Hammacher Schlemmer, $25. Laminated maple 
individual trencher, from А. & F., $5. Lamp-speaker features dual-purpose electrostatic shade, distortionless performance over 360-degree circular 
pattern, &-inch woofer mounted in walnut bose, by Acaustico, $229.50. Nikanos 35mm camera, waterproof іс o depth of 150 feel, by Nikon, 

202 $169.50. Classical guitar, with fine-groined spruce tap, rosewood bridge, by Koy Instrument, $90. Automatic espresso machine, by Poradisa, $40. 

ij | AN \ y 

| M "MY 
| | RR UN d 



Clockwise from center: Kamedo ecrthen- 
were cooking vessel, combines the prin- 
ciples of an oven, stove, pit barbecue, 
hibachi ond Chinese smoker; very high 
heat generated by small amount of char- 
coal, by Richard В, Johnson & Assoc, 
375. Megul tote bog in champagne shade, 
by Seeger, $105. Rotomatic slide projector, 
with Auto Timer that allews уси to relax 
while slides came into view at 5, 10-, 15. 
ог 30-secand intervals; complete remote 
contral also provides focus. slide change 
end reverse, by Sawyer's, $130. Leather- 
covered game chest tacled with geld, 
cantcins balls, chips, cards for all popular 
indoor games, by Dunhill, $1250. Terry 
robe with full show! collar, soft belt, mode 
cf Danish navy-and-white-stripe heavy cot- 
fon, Бу Dunhill Tailors, $35. Palisonder 
rosewacd salad bawl cnd servers, by 
Dansk, $40. Racing helmet in high-gloss, 
white epoxy finish, by Bell, $37.95. Manual 
exerciser, mounted oa heavy-duty welded- 
steel frame, features handlebors with 
molded rubber grips, ball-bearing pedals 
with adjustable foot straps, four nonslip, 
nonmer rubber feet, by Physiotron, $295. 
Stagharn corving set, by Rigaud, $25. 
Butcher's block made cf thick wood with 
chrome ber and hooks far scusages end 
meats, from France, by Rigcud, $95. 
Hand-sewn reindeer gloves fram Sweden, 
by Deniel Hays, $17. Acrylic-pile warm 

blanket with inside zip pocket, stylized 
skua-bird center motif, by Robert Lewis, 
$45, English wicker basket, with picnic 
utensils and equipment for four, by 
Rigaud, $115. Brushed-cotton twill shirt, 
with buttondown collar, borrel cuffs, by 
Sero, $9. British Viyella shirt in ancient 
Мас lver plaid with kuttondewn collor, 
barrel сой», by Monhatton, $19. Herring- 
bone twill tapered shirt in multicolor 
muted stripes with buttandown collar, by 
Von Heusen, $5. Self-cantained stereo 
unit in palisander rosewood cabinet 
mounted on aluminum undercorrioge with 
casters; contcins transistarized 90-watt 
stereo amplifier, AM/FM-stereo tuner, rec- 
ard changer and twin spun-cluminum 
sound globes that rotate freely outside 
console in 340-degree cdjustoble arcs, by 
Clairtone, $1600. Recording barometer re- 
sponds to pressure change with practically 
no log, range 29" ta 31” cf mercury; 
altitude seo level tc 10,000 ft., chart drum 
hos 110v, 60-cycle clock drive; with re- 
movable clear plestic cover, 12 color- 
bonded charts, by Edmund Scientific, $60. 
Galf set, with scuffproaf, durable, vot- 
dyed, fade-resistont leather bag ($125), 
woods (27.50 each), irons [$19.50 each), 4 
leather covers [613.25], by First Flight Co. 
Candleholder in matte chrome holds 
four condles, by Moison Gourmet, $20. 




to point out that at the time of the Rus- 
sian Revolution а large number of coun- 
tries, including the United States, had 

by armed force. He omitted to 
that the Soviet Government 

had used force to suppress revolutions 

ary and Eastern Germany. 
by a careful choice of facts, 
represented itself as completely virtuous 
and its opponent as completely wicked. 
So long as this belief persists on both 
sides, the semantic controversy about 
the words offensive and defensive is 
bound to remain insoluble. 

‘There is another set of words which 
had, originally, no good or evil con- 
notation. The most notable of these is 
“red.” In old days, when people talked 
of a “Red Indian” there was no impli- 
is to his politics. Nowadays, if 
you belong to that small minority that is 
not willing to call a man a Communist 
unless he is one, you salve your con- 
science by calling him a "Red." The 
effect is equally explosive, and may do 
him almost as much harm. This shows 
what a useful word "red" is. 

The West is in the habit of describing 
itself as the “Free World,” while the East 
describes it as “colonialist.” Neither of 
these words is in any degree accurate if 
intended to mark a difference between 
the two sides. The “Free World” is used 
to describe all the parts of the world 
which have governments supporting or 

Шей with the United States, Portugal is 
deemed to belong to the free world al- 
though it is engaged in a bloody and 
brutal war against its African subjects. 
Spain is hailed as a defender of freedom 
Ithough Franco's regime is at least as 
dictatorial as that of Khrushchev. And 
how about freedom in the United States 
itself? In America, it is illegal to be a 
Communist, and even slightly leftish 
views expose people to various forms of 
harassing persecution. The violence of 
popular prejudice (largely caused by se- 
mantic malpractices) makes juries ready 
to convict on quite inadequate evi- 
dence, as happened in the cases of the 
Rosenbergs and Sobell, and makes peo- 
ple accept the prolonged. imprisonment 
of Sobell even when the evidence has 
been acknowledged to be inadequat 
And how about Negroes in the United 
States? If you tell them that they inhabit 
a part of the free world, you will, if you 
те willing 10 listen, be met by a volley 
of devastating facts. 

Internationally, also, it cannot be 
maintained that the United States stands 
for freedom. It docs not admit the right 
of Cuba to have the sort of government 

which Cubans apparently want. In 
wtheast Asia, it supports unpopular 
dictatorships with hardty paralleled 

ferocity, Throughout Latin America, it 

206 pursues a similar policy, though so far 

(continued from page 175) 

with less sa . It indulges in power 
politics with little practical respect for 
its professed slogans. Britain, in si 
respects, has been at least equally blame- 
worthy. The most blatant examples were 
Cyprus and the Suez expedition. 

And how about the East and its slo- 
gans? The East accuses the West of 
being colonialist, but professes that the 
Soviet Government is out to liberate 
those large parts of the world which 
were formerly colonies of the West. The 
accusation against Ше West was, until 
recently, well founded. But what about 
Russia’s record since the Revolution? All 
the non-Russian states of Eastern Eu- 
rope, with the sole exception of Yugosla- 
via, were compelled to bend the knee to 
Moscow. I cannot see any difference be- 
tween Russia in Hungary and France i 
Algeria, except that Russia was success- 
ful and France was not. When any coun- 
try passes from subservience to one side 
to subservience to the other. the process 
is called “liberation” by the one side and 
“subjection” by the other without any 
regard whatever for the feelings of the 
inhabitants, It is very largely by the use 
of slogans that the truth of such changes 
of allegiance is concealed. Liberation is 
proclaimed on both sides, liberation 
“from Communist tyranny” on the one 
side and liberation from “the domina- 
tion of Wall Street” on the other. 

One uf die most controversial and dis- 
torted words in the ld War is the 
word “democracy.” It used to be under- 
stood that democracy meant government 
by a majority of the population con- 
cerned, but this meaning was discarded 
by Communists at an early stage of the 
Russian Revolution when the Russian 
Constituent Assembly was dissolved by 
the Bolsheviks. Communists still speak 
officially of the “German Democratic 

although it w stablished 
n armed force against the 
vehement resistance of the majority of 
the population. But in this matter the 
West is only slightly less culpable. Pow- 
erful forces—the government, the armed 
forces, the armament industry, the great 
preponderance of newspapers and tele- 
ion—are united in an endeavor to 
conceal from the public facts unfavor- 
ble to the interests of these organizations 
1 10 do what they can to spread be- 
liefs which are contrary to fact, as, for 
example, about the possible efficacy of 
shelters against a nuclear war. Publicity 
is expensive, and, therefore, where there 
is freedom for the rich and powerful, 
publicity supports their interests as 
against those of the less wealthy part of 
the population. In the carly days of so- 
cialism and communism, both stood for 
the interests of the poorer classes in 
their own countries. Nowadays, the 
Communists profess to stand for the 

poorer countries rather than poor ind 
uals. The Western nations also pro- 
fess to take this stand, though rightly or 
wrongly, with somewhat less success. The 
difference between East and West in re- 

governments are more prone to use 
force, while Western governments rely 
more upon deccit. 

The word “peace” is used on both 
sides in a manner to promote their own 
propaganda. The Russians call (he 
bloc “the peace-loving nations. 
Ameri Strategic Air Command has a 
large notice over its gate saying "Our 
Profession is Peace.” As I see it, there is 
one very simple way of securing peace, 
and that is not to fight; but th not 
the way that is suggested by either side. 
It is obvious to everybody that the most 
essential step toward peace is mutual dis- 
armament. Each side has its own disarm- 
ament scheme, but hitherto each side 
has been careful to insert in its scheme 
something to which the other side is 
known to be unalterably opposed. It fol- 
lows that each side only loves peace if 
associated with vital concessions by the 
other side. On such terms, everybody, 
always, has been in favor of peace. 
Even Hitler would have been if he could 
have secured all that he wanted with- 
out a war. The professed desire for 
peace, by both sides, one must conclude, 
has not been sincere. There is reason to 
hope that tiere has lately becu inipiosc- 
ment in this respect, but as vet this hope 
must remain somewhat uncertai 

The phrase “Iron Curtain,” which is a 
favorite of the West, is resented by the. 
East. The facts scarcely justify either the 
Western use of the phrase or the Eastern 
objection to it. The Russian Govern- 
ment on cer 
partics of tourists from the West. There 
is no corresponding welcome [or parties 
of Russian tourists in NATO countries. 
In fact, when emissaries from Commu- 
nist countries, or anybody whose politics 
are disliked by the American Gosern- 
ment, visit New York on official business 
of the United Nations, they are often 
confined to onc part of New York City 
and forbidden to travel clsewhere in 
America. When Communist professiona 
diplomats in England have occa 
go anywhere outside London, they have 
to notify the British police of their exact 
route and British policemen follow them 
to make sure that the information given 
is accurate. The Iron Curtain, like most 
curtains, has two sides, though from 
neither side is it quite impermeable. It 
most nearly impermeable in the Berlin 
Wall. Nowhere in die West is the West's 
Iron Curtain called by this name—not 
even the curtain that it has hung about 
the Chinese mai 

Behind Ше м 

ain conditions welcomes 

n to 

1 of propaganda and 
(concluded on page 251) 

fiction By HUGH NISSENSON their task was to preserve the human race 
by finding one normal female in a world of mutants and canines gone wild 

Sixth day 
INTELLIGENCE WAS RIGHT. DeWitt is to be congratulated. They have a woman 
here, there's no doubt of it. For almost a weck now, I've been afraid that we were 
making the long march for nothing, but now that we are here, late this afternoon, 
during a break in the preliminary negotiations with the little brutes, I was per- 
mitted to look at her through the cracks in the clapboard walls of the hut where 
she is kept, the only normal-sized structure of any kind in the whole settlement; 
just a glimpse as she was being bathed, but reassuring just the same. As I watched, 
two of their females washed her in a rusty tub of galvanized metal probably 
scavenged from the ruins of the fair-sized town we passed the day before yes- 
terday, about 30 miles due south of here—leveled by an airburst, from the looks 
of it, but definitely “cold” according to my counter, and now marked accord- 
ingly on my шар... But the woman; how can I put it? Magnificent is the 
only word to describe her. What luck for Wilson, damn him! Without so much as 
a word, a faint smile on her lips, hardly deigning to even glance at the little hor- 
rors, she permitted them to dry her off and comb out her Jong blonde hair which 
almost reaches the small of her back. She's young, too, about 16 would be my 
guess, certainly nubile, with ample breasts and rounded hips, perfectly, absolutely 


perfectly formed, as far as I could see, 
and good-looking to boot. with beautiful 
white teeth and very fair skin, flushed 
cheeks from the steaming water which 
they heat up with hot stones. Of course, 
I must make a much more detailed ex- 
amination before I can definitely commit 
myself, but on the evidence so far, I've 
begun to bargain with the “mayor” here, 
as he calls himself, who is adamant in 
his demands for at least eight of our 

M-Is, plus а hundred rounds of ammu- 
nition apiece. 
"Impossible," I tell him. 

“Ah then, Captain, I am sorry, too, 
more than T can say,” he shrugs, dap- 
ping his hands for one of his females 
who brings us an earthenware plate 
heaped with fresh fruit—his daughter, I 
think, or maybe one of his wives; who 
can tell for sure? In any case, certainty as 
hideous as he, and about the same 
height, not more than 30 inches at 
the most, with the same kind of head of 
reddish hair, and almost identical wiz- 
спей, hairless face, and enormous head 
d torso in proportion to her stunted 
limbs. “Yes, it’s too bad,” he repeats in 
his surprisingly deep voice, biting into a 
Perched on his head and 

myself from laughing in his face, is 
ancient battered, black-silk top 
found who knows where. It is apparently 
the badge of his “office” which is heredi 
tary, he has confided in me, and passed 
on through matrilineal descent for three 
generations now. "Yes, yes, a real shame 
" He scratches his neck, then his 
hairless chest covered by a ragged Вар 
of the stinking hide of a wild dog which 
is slung over one shoulder and tied about 
the waist with a rawhide strip. The 
stench is unbelievable. Sergeant Thur- 
mond tells me it's because the only way 
they have discovered to tan hides is with 
a solutien of their own feces—huge pots 
of which he has come across in onc of 
their mud and wattle huts, or rather 
mounds | suppose, woukl be the best 
way to describe them. There must be 
over a hundred in the walled compound 
we squat, none higher than a 
"s chest, and all overgrown with 
nd peculiar pale blue lowers with 


huge fleshy petals and jointed s 
mutations, too, of some kind or another, 

unless ] miss my guess. They have no 
odor, but grow everywhere, springing up 
in the heaps of rubbish that litter the 
ground, the piles of broken pottery, rags 
and gnawed bones—I hold one in my 
ge dog 

to take another bite of the apple with 
his yellow teeth. 

Yes, a terrible shame. What a waste 
to think that you've come all this way 
for nothing. Still . . . that is to say, at 
t you ought to have a closer look at 

her. She's a virgin, of course, as you can 
see for yourself any time you каш... 


"Soon. 1 know how impatient you 
must be. Very soon, I pron 

“АН right, then, first let me get it all 
straight. You say her parents are dead, is 
that right?" 

"Yes. Years ago.” 

“How did it happen?" 

"Sad. Very sad indeed. They had no 
luck. The mother got sick right after the 
а some kind of a fever, 
and died within a few days, a weck at 
the very most.” 

“And the father: 



“On a hunt right after that. The wild 

"But they were both human. 
“Yes. of course." 

“Both perfectly formed." 

“Perfectly. You have my word on it. 

“Where are they buried, do vou 

"Ah, now that's sad, too. Their bodies 
were burned and the ashes scattered. 


We had no choice, Captain. It's the 
same with all of our dead, if you'll for- 
give the comparison. No matter how 
deep we dig the graves, the dogs always 
dig them up.” 

"In other words, there are no skele- 
tons I can examine.” 

“Not so much as a bone, no, I'm sorry 
to say." 

“I see. 

“But you have my word on it, Cap- 
tain. Both were absolutely perfectly 
formed. I swear to it.” 

He kisses the tips of his fingers and 
rolls his eyes to the sky—which іп the 
past few minutes has become much dar} 
cr, a deep. purplish blue, streaked with 
green, red and yellow in the west. over 
the hills, where the sun has begun to set. 
Standing guard a few paces away, his 
gun in his hand, Thurmond nervously 
sniffs the air, drawing his cloak closer 
over his shoulders, his face strangely lu- 
minous in the fading light, confounded, 
in spite of himself, I know, by the pros- 
pect of another night on the surface, un- 
der the open sky. 

“Where did you 


“Her parents, of course 

“We didn't. They found us, It was 
during a very bad winter, the worst in 
years, if you remember it, the time of 
the really big snow from the moun 
that came just after the leaves fell 
lasted until they were back on the trecs. 
A terrible time. One morning they were 
here, just like that, outside the wall, a 
man holding the woman in his arms, 
and begging to be let in to at least warm 
themselves by the fire. We hardly had 
enough food for ourselves, you under- 



stand, but what could we do? My mother 
was alive then. "We can't just let them 
die she tells me. ‘Hermann, let them 
in.” The dogs were after them. We could 
hear them howling in the woods.” 

“Зо you saved them out of the kind- 
ness of your hearts.” 

“05 nice of the captain to put it that 

“The man wasn't armed?” 


"Thats a lie. He had a rifle or a re. 
volver and you know it” 

"No, 1 swear it." 

“1 want to know the truth. 

4... Yes,” he says, alter a pause. 

“Which was it?” 

“That's beuer. Where is it now?" 

“Ah, broken, I'm sad to say. Broken a 
long time ago.” 

"Go on...” 

“There's nothing more to tell. The 
woman gave birth and died, and then 
the man was killed, as Гхе already told 
you, torn to pieces by the wild dogs. 

“You just said he had a rifle” 

“So he did, but there were too many 
of them.” 

“1 sce.” Thurmond coughs impatient- 
ly, and is right; we ought to be gett 
back to camp. “One th 

“Anything, Са 

“What made you decide to keep the 

I know my duty. She's hi 
all, perfectly formed, as 
you've seen for yoursell, only fitting for 
an officer's wife.” 

“Then you also know your duty is to 
surrender her to me immediately. 

“And so I will. You can count on it. 
For eight of our M-Is." 

"And a hundred rounds of ammuni- 
tion apiece,” he nods, grinning from 
to car, as I stand up at last and stretch 
my stiff legs. A cold autumn wind has 
sprung up, and with the sun gone, the 

sky is much darker than before, but com- 
pletely clouded over, without a star. The 

odor of burning fat hangs in the 
Here and there in the compound about 
us, a fire has been lit for the evening 
meal, tended by the females, some of 
whom hold a naked brat to their bare 
dugs, even more hideous than the adult 
of the species, all huge head and м 
ened face—the likes of with which she, 
too, must have been suckled, if any of 
the “mayor's” story is true. How horrible 
_.. The man, of course, was murdered 
for his gun, that's perfectly obvious, but 
the chances are that the rest of the tale 
he more or less accurate. In the last. 
twelve years, Гуе known some- 
е it to have happened 

t least. 

two or three times; a human family, 
driven by despair to take refuge among 
mutants who murder them but save the 

child to be waded to the garrison of the 
silo. Major James’ second wile is a case 
(continued on page 242) 

Modern filter here » йй: 4 Filter-Blend up front 

«thats why Winston is the filter cigarette with flavor...the best flavor in filter 

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"What's all this nonsense I've been hearing 
about a love potion?" 


to protest to the court.” 
“It is un-Catholic, un-American 

and a flagrant abuse of the use of 
the pulpit to undermine the court, 
he added. “Monsignor Corrigan 
fails to realize that the law is the 
law and not what his private opin- 
ion is.” 

Eugene M. Schloss, Jr. 

Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania 

Impressed by The Playboy Philosophy 
in the July issue, except that part ex- 
pressing Hefner's bewilderment that 
Professor Revilo P. Oliver was not di 
missed from the University of Illinois 
after his anti-Kennedy statement, while 
on the other hand Professor Leo F. Koch 
was shown the door for his antimorals 
statement. Hefner implied that a reverse 
decision would have been in order. I 
think that Hefner will agree that free- 
dom of speech should be a universal 
right; in his Oliver implication, Hefner 
seems to be employing the same tactics 
his enemies use. 
Richard N. Anderson 
Randolph, Massachusetts 
Hefner never implied that justice 
would have been served had Professor 
Oliver been dismissed and Professor 
Koch retained. His objection to the 
course of action taken by the Univer- 
sity of Illinois was that while the univer- 
sily disapproved the statements of both 
men, Professor Oliver was granted his 
right to speak freely, while Professor 
Koch was punished by dismissal for exer- 
cising that same right. Hefner believes 
deeply that freedom of speech is a un 
versal right: It was the denial of this 
right in Professor Koch's case with which 
Hefner took issue, 


several years I have been an occ 
reader of PLAYBOY, and if I have 
not bought the magazine each month it 
has been because in order to keep in- 
formed about events in divers fields I 
must read regularly a number of daily, 
weekly and monthly journals emanating 
from different countries. When I first saw 
rravsoy, 1 thought of it as a cheesecake 
magazine, and although I appreciated 
its attention to feminine beauty, and 
some of its Playmates (not all of them, 
since European taste in women is often 
different from American), it seemed 
something to leaf through casual! 
Then I was pleasantly surprised to di 
cover rLavnoy's good taste in cuisine, 
men's fashions, furnishings, sporis, the 
arts and entertainment. Obviously, the 
PLAYBOY concept of good living is not 
inferior to the Europcan. In addition, I 
found the fiction of true literary merit, 

(continued from page 89) 

and began to read pLaynoy with respect 
and enjoyment. 

Then Hefner began publishing The 
Playboy Philosophy, for which I must 
express my enthusiasm. wraYmOY is no 
longer merely an entertainment maga- 
zine: It is becoming a medium for 
promulgating an art of living and а 
conception of existence that intelligent 
people in all countries will acknowledge 
and applaud, When we calmly admit the 
fact that much of human life is dom- 
inated by sex and ambition, we will have 
established a sound foundation for pro- 
viding everyone with a maximum share 
of happiness on this planet. We may 
never perfect society, but we'll achieve 
more toward this end by logic and good 
will than by superstition, taboo, intoler- 
ance and a few dozen conflicting reli 

gious moralities. Now more than ever 

humanity needs liberalism, 
freedom, diversity and 
If a person wants to be Catholic, Pu 
Hebrew, Zen Buddhist or fetishist, that's 
his business, but he should never attempt 
to force his way of living on someone 
else. He has a right to live, think, act 
and love in his own way, as long as he 
hurts no one else. Above all, the separa- 
tion of state and church must be insisted 

Europeans are generally liberal and 
tolerant because the many differences 
race, nationality, language and religion 
on the Continent would make life im- 
possible if it were otherwise: humanity’ 
two most disastrous wars, caused by 
tolerance, were severe Icssons to Euro- 
peans, Examples of tolerance in Europe 
can be demonstrated by attitudes toward 
sex: The Latin populations are relatively 
uninhibited, and in France and Belgium 
fornication and adultery are not thought 
of as major crimes—which does not mean 
that free love is advocated, but only that 
scandals are rare; Germanic and Scandi- 
navian populations are not as sex-mind- 
ed, but even so, their religions do not 
interfere with a citizen's private affairs, 
and their laws reflect the proper sepa 

tion of state and religion. In short, 
s Europe's best guarantee of 

nd individuality. 
from Europe, the United 


As scc 
States is very restive. When we read 
about Little Rock, or about an Ameri- 
can woman obliged to fly to Sweden (ut 
der public reprobation) for a necessary 
abortion, or about the intentions of Sen- 
ator Goldwater, we Europeans th 
Americans live more and more like ro- 
bots. In their lives there's little place left 
for individualism and frecdom—they 
don't even work for their living: They 
live to work. But those of us who have 
read Hefner's Philosophy know that in 
the States, too, there are sensible people 
who strive for freedom and individu- 
alism; for a world in which the state 

serves its citizens; for a world in which 
religion serves those who want it, but 
does not force itself on those who do 
and for a world in which the indi 
vidual can enjoy his favorite drink, mca 
or girl without having to fight the jeal- 
ousy or zealotry of persons or organiza- 
tions minding other people's business. 

The problems of sex, which should be 
solved naturally and simply, are a ргор- 
er subject of philosophy, because sex is 
the human activity most distorted by 
moralists, and it is philosophy's job to 
put things in their proper perspective. 
PLAYBOY has a big job to do in the fu- 
ture. I've met many Americans in Europe 
who were idually broad-minded, 
and tolerant, but when in the comp: 
пу of other Americans stopped being 
themselves and exhibited a sterile, mass 
minded mentality. Despite its dynamism, 
Ameri could become a nation of 
sheep. Nor is Europe free of the dangeı 
ous symptoms of uniformity and ma 
mindedness. The Playboy Philosophy 
offers a valuable rallying point for all 
people concerned with freedom and in- 
dividuality. Many Europeans support 
Hefner's ideas, and are happy to know 
that such dear thinking is being ex- 
pressed in the American press. 

Charles М. б. Van den Eynde, 
Brussels, Belgium 

The foregoing was sent to us partially 
in French, with a challenge—in English 
—to our staff to find among its members 
“the clever guy who will ensure the trans- 
lation.” A Chicago, nous avons le fin 
mot aussi, 


Of the following, which philosophy 
does prAvnov follow or admire the most: 
existentialism, Bertrand Russell, common 
sense? Also, what do you think of social 

Marvin Pritchard 
Edmonton, Alberta 
We believe in existentialism to the 
extent that we believe in the individual’s 
responsibility for making himself what 
he is; we admire Lord Russell as a coura- 
geons, astonishingly lucid man; and we're 
rather suspicious of so-called common 
sense, since it can mean just about any- 
thing a person cares to have it mean— 
with the emphasis too often on the for- 
mer word, rather than the latter. As for 
social nudism, we certainly prefer it to 
the unsocial kind. 

“Тһе Playboy Forum” ofjers the oppor- 
tunity for an extended dialog between 
readers and editors of this publication 
on subjects and issues raised in our con- 
linuing editorial series, “The Playboy 
Philosophy.” Address all correspondence 
on either “Philosophy” or “Forum” to: 
The Playboy Forum, piavnoy, 232 F. 
Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611. 




PLAYBOY PHILOSOPHY (continued from page 94) 

our middleclass economy, if they are 
willing to expend the effort to attain 

BURNETT: How does rLAvBoY do that? 
HEFNER: All of the magazine's service 
features—on subjects such as male fash- 
ion, food and drink, sports cars, hifi, 
travel, and the rest—in fact, PLAYBOY'S 
entire editorial personality and point of 
w, stress the positive aspects of 
affluence and serve as a motivation to try 
and achieve these things. 


TANENBAUM: Hugh, what kind of 
criticism do you get of PLAYBOY? 
HEFNER: Well, it's changed a bit over 
the years. It began as a rather simply 
stated criticism of content, directed pri 
marily at our photographs of women; 
more recently, it has become a more 
complex criticism of concept—the very 
thing that I've just been talking about. 
At the heart of it, though, it all comes 
from the same source, I think, The op- 
position to PLAYBoy is prompted by the 
significant element of puritanism that 
still exists in the United States. PLAYBOY 
offends some people, and makes others 
uneasy, because they still think of sex as 
something cither so sacred or so profane 
that it has to be hidden away in а dark 
room; they object to sex being frankly 
depicted or described in public. 
Actually, though I didn't fully realize 
it in the beginning, PLAYnov is editorial- 
ly interested in precisely those aspects of 
life that the Puritan was most against: 
sex, first and foremost, of course. But 
also our more general emphasis on pleas- 
ure and play; as well as the notion that 
the accumulation of material possessions 

е addition to the other 

can һе a posi 
interests in life. 

In most of the criticism of PLAYBOY'S 
concept, these elements are twisted 
about and misstated; the critic winds up 
creating a paper tiger and then slaying 
it. It was because of this that I originally 
became involved in writing The Playboy 
Philosophy, in which I attempt to spell 
out the principles the publication is 
based upon and editorially expresses; 
and how, in a broader sense, this is relat- 
ed to the whole social and sexual envi- 
ronment in which we exist. I was tired 
of reading other people's explanations 
of what PLAYBOY is all about. I decided 
that if I was going to be damned, I pre- 
ferred to be damned for what I really 
believe than what someone else misinter- 
preis as my beliefs. 

GARY: Has it made any difference? 
HEFNER: Not a great deal. The critic still 
tends to do battle with an imaginary 
adversary of his own creation. I think 
sometimes that it is almost a matter of 
picking up any stone that seems handy 
and tossing it in our direction, because 
1 find that we are simultancously criti- 
cized these days for being too sexual and 
also too antisexual. The idea that PLAY- 
noy is actually antisexual has been lev- 
cled at the magazine and at the Clubs, 

that? Because I've wondered about my 
own response, when I attended The Play- 
boy Club at your invitation. I had a 
rather ambiguous reaction to what I sup 
pose is the conception of the Club; the 
whole notion of the Bunnies represents, 
almost, a kind of sexual taboo. They are 
made most alluring, to incite sexual in- 

your reaction to 

terest, and at the same time they are off 
limits to everybody. 

HEFNER: Yes, Time magazine made a 
passing reference to the Playboy Clubs 
recently as “brothels without a second 
floor." It was in their cover story. “Тһе 
Second Sexual Revolution," as a matter 
of fact. And in an article about us in 
The Saturday Evening Post a couple of. 
years ago, we were specifically criticized 
for this policy of look-but-don't-touch; 
the same comment has appeared in sev 
eral other places since. We are quite lit- 
erally criticized for the fact that The 
Playboy Club appears to have a sexual 
orientation, but we don't deliver; the 
implication being, presumably, that the 
critics would prefer it if we did deliver. 
But we know full well the sort of crit- 
icism we would get from these same 
sources if our rules were any different. 
TANENBAUM: What if you were not 
sexually oriented? 

HEFNER: If we were not sexually ori- 
ented, there would be no criticism. It is 
our positive approach to sex that dis- 
tresses some people; but our society has 
become too sophisticated to be sym- 
pathetic with a direct attack on sexuali- 
ty, so instead of attacking what really 
disturbs him (our sexual orientation), the 
critic challenges the ma; 
Clubs for being voyeuristic—for offering 
unreal sex, or a replacement for sex— 
when, of course, it 
glorification of real sex that frightens 

This is what I meant when I said that 
the critic tends to toss any stone that 
seems available. It would be casy to con- 
demn us if The Playboy Clubs were dens 
of iniquity; but since they are operated 
on the up-and-up, and very much in 

zine and the 

is real sex and our 

keeping with current community stand- 
ards, the critic has to throw whatever 
sort of missile is left to him—even if 
there isn’t any logic behind it. All this 
person knows is—for reasons he, in many 
cases, only dimly understands—he must 
throw stones; the need is rooted in the 
uneasiness he feels about sex itself and 
any such open and favorable expression 
of sex. 

In a very real sense—and I don't mean 
this facetiously—I feel that most of the 
criticism we receive reveals more about 
the critics than it does about PLAYBOY. 
TANENBAUM: But that doesn't answer the 

HEFNER: No, and I will try to answer it. 
TANENBAUM: And, in a sense, you're Te- 
acting with the same sort of ad hominem 
argument that’s made toward you. 
HEFNER: I didn't mean to carry the con- 
versation away from a specific answer to 
your question. I simply felt that an expli- 
cation of this attitude about PLAYBOY 
and about sex might be helpful in our 
further discussion of the sexual problems 
we face in contemporary society 

When you suggest that it might be 
better to not be sexually oriented . . . 
TANENBAUM: I’m not saying that. I'm ask- 
ing, what is your view—what has led you 
to conceive the Club in these terms? 
HEFNER: The Playboy Club is an ех 
tension of the personality and point of 
view of the magazine. To whatever ex- 
tent it is sexually oriented, it is meant to 
be a tribute to sex—an expression of 
that is attractive and appealing. There 
is, of course, a good deal more to the 
ne than this; and we attempt to 
introduce h of the total concept 
into the Clubs as possible. There's the 
comfortable contemporary decor—more 


like an urban apartment than a night 
club. "here's the good food and drink: 
fine wines and liquors, steak dinners and 
an elaborate buffet—all available for the 
price of a single drink. In New York and 
Chicago, and in the Hollywood Club 
which will be open at the end of the year, 
we also have the V.L.P. Room—which 
stands, of. course, for "Very Important 
Playboy" . . . (Laughter) Here we ойсг 
the very finest cuisine. There's the enter- 
tainment: vocalists, comedians, ІСІК acts, 
instrumental jazz combos— The Playboy 
Club is now the biggest user of night- 
club talent in the country and the major 
training ground for fresh, young talent; 
and we were the first well-known club 
to use Negro comics, which opened the 
door for all of the colored comedians 
who have gained national recognition 
over the last few years. There is also a 
relaxed friendliness and an uncommer- 
cial atmosphere in the Clubs—a welcome 
change from the “Hello, suckers” atti- 
tude of many of the night clubs of the 
past—with no hustling of the customers, 
honest drinks and an honest check. And, 
of course, there's the feeling of status 
and exclusivity, because it's a key club— 
for members only. Though there's noth- 
ing very exclusive about a club that 
currently has over 300.000 keyholders. 
Fraternity is really a better word—the 
pleasure of mingling with others of sim- 
ilar tastes and attitudes about life. 

O'CONNOR: Well. Hugh, I was going to 
ask you, in terms of some of the things 
we were talking about earlier in the 
course of the program, whether you 
don’t think that part of the criticism of 
antisexuality that you have received— 
from Motive and some of the other little 
magazines of religious and literary opin- 

ion—isn’t based on the feeling that Play- 
boy, in both the magazine and the Clubs, 
represents a rather depersonalized sort 
of sex? An uninvolved and untouchable 
sort of sex for pcople who can't really 
communicate with it, or really can't en- 
joy it, because there's something nasty 
about it, or dirty about it, or it has that 
overtone. And if this then our 
sexual revolution really hasn't occurred; 
and what we're really doing is pandering 
to a bad sexual concept which has been 
hanging on in the Western world for 
some years. 
HEFNER: Since one of the things PLAYBOY 
is especially concerned about is the de- 
personalizing influence of our entire soci- 
ety, and considerable editorial attention 
given to the problem of establishing 
individual identity, through sex and as 
many other avenues of expression as may 
be available in a more permissive society, 
it is wrong to suggest that we favor de 
personalized sex. Not unless, by deper- 
sonalized sex, we are referring to any 
and all sexual activity that does not 
include extensive involvement, commit- 
ments and obligations. In this sense, it 
is true, to the extent that the magazine 
emphasizes the pleasures rather than the 
problems of sex, and focuses on that pe- 
riod of Ше in which real personal in- 
volvement is not yet desirable—a time of 
transition into maturity, prior to accept- 
ing the responsibilities ol marriage and 

I certainly think that personal sex i 
preferable to impersonal sex, because it 
includes the greatest emotional rewards; 
but I can see no logical justification for 
opposing the latter, unless it is irrespon- 
sible, exploitive, coercive or in some way 
hurts one of the individuals involved. I 

s wu 




stated before that pr.avnoy doesn't pur- 
port to present more than a part of life 
in its pages; but I would also add that 
there are certainly a plenitude of publi- 
cations, and numerous other sources of 
opinion in our soc 
stressing togetherness, and the trials and 
tribulations of total commitment. 

As for The Playboy Club, I think 
there is every justification for keeping 
its sex depersonalized, uninyolved and 
untouchable; nor is there anything in- 
consistent in this. Far from being anti- 
sexual, it is simply a policy that separates 
business from pleasure. 

The suggestion, stated or implied, that 
because The Playboy Club projects a 
е, we are obliged to engage 
in some form of commercialized vice, or, 
turning Time's comment around, offer 
the facilities of a bordello’s “second 
floor,” is, to me, irrational nonsense. This 

are forever 

sexual i 

dea is predicated on the false assump- 
tion that any source of sexual stimulation 
should also offer sexual gratification. 
On that premise, Flo Ziegfeld—whose 
extravagant Broadway productions in the 
Twenties were famous for their beauti- 
ful, nearly nude showgirls—was remiss 
n not making his lovely ladies avail 
ble with the orange drinks during in- 
termission. And every producer of а 
sexually oriented movie, every publisher 
of a ally explicit book, the 
facturers of exotic perfumes, low-cut 
evening gowns, bikinis, and those re- 
sponsible for every other source of 
sexual stimulation under the sun would 
be obliged, by this logic, to engage in 
white slavery on the side 

The fact that there is still extensive 
sexual sickness in society—and I would 
be the first to agree that there is—doesn't 
mean that w volved in a sexual 



"Better show me something a bit 
төге powerful—I'm a Peeping Тот.” 

revolution; it only indicates the extent 
to which a radical readjustment of our 
sexual values is needed. And far from 
pandering to the negative sexual con- 
cepts of the past, we are among the most 
outspoken advocates of a more healthy. 
open and positive outlook on sex. We 
treat it with humor, which helps to take 
the onus off it; we place our emphasis on 
approval rather than negation; and we 
attempt to treat sex in as attractive and 
appealing a light as possible. 
O'CONNOR: But there has always been 
blue material, there have always been sex- 
ual jokes, there have always been clubs 
with a sexual atmosphere. 1 think you 
nd yourself with a problem, when you 
start explaining your philosophy, be- 
cause then we start examining you in 
terms of what you say you are. And some 
of the self-justification that you have for 
the role that you play becomes the sub- 
ject for a lot of scrutiny; and the scruti- 
ny, I think, at times seems to indicate 
that this is a very shrewd, mechanistic, 
materialistic viewpoint about how to 
handle sex and make moncy out of it. 
Now I'm not criticizing you for the cco- 
nomic or profit motive, because you 
spoke about our society's attitudes on 
this before, but I'm wondering about the 
shrewdness with which you manipulate 

HEFNER: Are you speaking now in terms 
of praynoy, or in terms of its Editor. 

O'CONNOR: UF just yourself . . . related 
to what you have been saying here, 
and what you have expressed in your 
Philosophy, as compared with what ex- 
ists outside of that... 

HEFNER: Well, I would have 
the conversation rather far afield to an- 
swer that completely, which I don’t want 
to do. But I will say that what I have 
written in The Playboy Philosophy, as 
well what I have said here this ev 
ning, is a sincere expression of my own 
quite deeply felt beliefs; and J held 
most of them several years before 1 
ever thought of starting PLAYBOY— 
though they weren't nearly as thoroughly 
thought out or formulated then. 

As for the profit motive, it's there, of 
course. And I do hope that it isn't neces- 
y to apologize for that. But I'll add— 
nd only because I've been asked—thac 
I'm also the least business oriented, 
monetarily motivated self-made million- 
aire of my own particular acquai 
What I do, I do because I believe in it, 
and enjoy it; and I never cease to be 
amazed by the success of it. After almost 
cleven years, FLAYBOY is still just as much 
of a kick for me as it was in the very be 
ginning; maybe even more so. 
O'CONNOR: Speaking of millionaires in 
general—and I haven't met too m. 
of them—they all seem to be enjoy 
what they're doing, which is making 

HEFNER: I’m as pleased as I possibly 
could be about my success. But what 
pleases me most about it is that it per- 
mits me to continue doing what I'm 
doing; I get the greatest satisfaction out 
of the work itself and out of the re- 
sponse to it. If that weren't so, I wouldn't 
continue to be so involved in editing the 
magazine, and work so long and hard on 
special projects—like the Philosophy— 
on a schedule that too often can only be 
described as grueling; I'd go on to other 
business ventures, or just sit back and 
njoy my success. 

GARY: I [cel we've been caricaturing 
PrAvnov a little. But I also felt, in doing 
a little of my homework for this discus- 
sion—reading your Philosophy—that you 
were caricaturing religion a little. And. 
so, while we sort of mutually do this to 
one another, I'd like to hear some of 
your comments about where you think 
religion stands. You've written a good 
deal about this h regard to the sexual 
revolution. Lets see if we сап, you 
know, let you be aggressive for a while 
and we'll have to defend ourselves. 
HEFNER: Well, judging from what has 
already been expressed here this eve- 
ning, I think we would be in general 
agreement that our Judeo-Christian 
heritage includes an clement of antisex 
that has gotten out of hand over the cen- 
turies, and has given us more problems 
than benefits. Too much of the emphasis 
has been on “Thou shalt not”; too much 
on guilt, fear and suppression. 

This is old stuff to you, I’m sure, gen- 
tlemen, but when I first became involved 
in researching the origins of our reli- 
gions’ antagonism to scx, for some of the 
early installments of the Philosophy, 
what I discovered came as something of 
revelation. I learned that prior to the 
Exile, the Jews were a remarkably per- 
missive people regarding sex; I ako 
found that Christian ашізех began less 
with Christ than with St. Paul. It was 
strongly re-emphasized by the Church of 
the Middle Ages, but reached its zenith 
after the Reformation, of course, with 
Puritanism and the period thereafter, 
particularly in the latter part of the last 
century. Western religion, especially the 
Puritan and post-Puritan aspects of it in 
America and England, has a far more 
antisexual history than most of the mem- 
bers of contemporary society realize; and 
yet this is precisely where our own irra- 
tional sex attitudes come from. 

Now, what I find especially encourag- 
ing—and, very honestly, it was one of the 
reasons I looked forward to coming on 
to this show so much—is the amount of, 
for want of a better phrase, "soulscarch- 
ing" that currently seems to be tal 
place within many of our major reli- 
gions; a re-examination of old dogma 
and ideas, with sincere interest being ex- 
pressed, in previously conservative quar- 
ters, in the development of a new, more 
liberal point of view on the subject. 

“Tonight? Same time, same place? 
Providing we're here, of course.” 

This is very important, it seems to me, 
because it climinates any tendency to 
categorize the situation as secular vs. reli- 
ious; the sexual revolution that is tak- 
ing place in society, at large, seems to 
have awakened many members of the 
clergy to the need for reappraisal and, 
hopefully, readjustment of some of the 
long-established attitudes within organ- 
ized religion itself. 

GARY: Would you be prepared to admit 
that religion is a mixed bag? That is, 
you've got a lot of people on your side— 
when it comes to an assertion of a cer- 
tain amount of freedom—as well as a 
number of opponents, in the religious 
community. So that, when you talk about 
puritanism or moralism, a blanket indict- 
ment may blur as much as it reveals . . . 
HEFNER: I certainly agree. As a matter 
of fact, I have made a special point of 
quoting, in the Philosophy, a number of 
liberal statements regarding sex by var- 
ious religious leaders. And in the last 
January issue, I attempted to break 
down and to categorize, as much as I 
could, the principal positions on this 
subject—both historical and contempo- 
rary—of the three major religions of 

Western. society. I closed cach section 
with references to the progressive views 
that are being expressed today within 
Protestantism, Catholicism and Judaism. 
TANENBAUM: It is quite clear that you are, 
in some ways, closer to the Jewish per- 
ception of the normalcy in sex—in 
terms of the total conception of life in 
the Jewish and rabbinic taditions— 
than might be generally realized. I think 
you have indicated this in your editori- 
als, but perhaps it deserves reaffirmation 
—that from the very assertion of the first 
principles regarding the place of sex in 
man's total scheme of things, it is viewed 
as a gilt of God, but that it must be seen 
as part of the total design of man’s goal 
in life, which is, essentially, to achieve 
holiness as his eter 

Part of cur problem and, I think, part 
of my reaction to The Playboy Club is— 
while also a reflection of the puritanism 
of my view as an American—the shocked. 
sense that this represented a distortion 
out of context. Now it may very well be 
that Ше only way to achieve some kind 
of via media, some kind of middle 

ground, in this is through a constant op- 215 


216 theological, as well as social conte 

“Oh it's you, darling . . . for a moment there 

you gave me quite a slart...! 

position of contraries—that we move 
from a polarity of puritanism, on the 
one side, to an opposite side. . . . Well, I 
think something like this docs operate in 
man's nature. 

HEFNER: Any timc you arc involved in 
a period of scrious social transition, I 
think you are apt to find excesses 
TANENBAUM: You go through a period of 

flux and transition where you get all 
kinds of opposites coming into play 
HEFNER: Incidentally, you don't mean 

suggest, I hope, that you consider Ihe 
boy Club one of those excesses . . . 
TANENBAUM: The thing Fm trying to get 
is that I think everything u 
to the sexual life in Ameri 
is going through this transitional stage. 
All of our traditional perceptions of m 
is a covenant, and all of the re: 

rience, | think, as religious people—at 
least, I speak for myselí—is that in the 
st, until very recently, we had really 
n following the trends rather th 
giving serious examination to each new 
situation and providing some kind of 
clwification of the problem, within a 


Typically, we sort of stand back and 
we watch the kinds of social develop- 
ments that take place—of which The 
Playboy Club is one—and then we're 
t does 
k that, for us, 
ms something 
much more than a manipulation or ex- 
plo t may be 
intended. For us, T think the sign 
act is its great success; and the fact that, 
very substantial men in the 
community, businessmen, corporation 
executives, come to this place regularly 
to have their meals, and derive, appar- 
ently, something out of this experience. 
It means that something is happening to 
the sexual mores of America which we 
not really coming to grips with 
significant. way. 

GARY: I also was your guest, with my 
wife, one night at the New York Playboy 
Club. And I must say my interpretation 
of this experience differs somewhat from 
yours, Marc, in that I viewed it as a kind 
- Hefner characterized his mag- 
azine at one point—as a service and ei 

tertainment package. For me this was, 
you know. a different kind of evening, 
And I have a feeling —I don't know if 

it’s true—but I have a feeling that you're, 
well, not exactly making fun of sex, but 
you're rly casually ... 

GARY: There is an entertainment aspect 
to this which Im reluctant to probe 
too deeply. Partly because The Playboy 
Club is a raving success—and success has 
ys threatened me a little—but more 
I have the feeling that there is 
a certain tongue-in-cheek character to all 
of this... 

HEFNER: There is meant to be. 

GARY: And to a certain extent, this is truc 
of the magazine as well, although you do 
get your hooks in there occasionally. 
HEFNER: One of the best ways of de- 
contaminating anything is to poke fun 
at it; levity Jets the fresh air and sun- 
shine in, where before all was dank and 
dark. And so, as a reaction to the deadly 
serious and, I thought, stifling attitude 
that our society had about sex—in which 
it was viewed as either sinful or a sacred 
cow—we spoofed it, from the very first 
issue. And this same lighthearted ap- 
so exists in the Clubs, and most 
ng else we do. 
Tey interesting 



HEFNER: That is interesting, b 
illustrates how extremely personal each 
individual's reaction to The Playboy 
Club really is. 
The Club's popularity is directly 
linked to the magazine, of course. And 
this unique relationship creates an in 
for the Club that is far more pers 
sive than anything we could ever intro- 
duce within the four walls of our Bunny 
domain. Almost everyone who comcs to 
The Playboy Club brings his own partic- 
ular preconceived image with him: and 
what he finds there—or, more accurately, 
how he views what he finds Шсгс--із very 
much dependent on what he expected to 
TANENBAUM: What impressed me was the 
ict that the majority of the people 1 
w there were middle-class and upper- 
middle-class businessmen, many with 
their wives and families, enjoying din- 
ner. The only irreconcilability I found 
was the fact that these men were being 
served by Bunnies, who were seminude, 
practically; and the men with thei 
scemed to have ayerted their cyes, to 
oid looking at the Bunnies in thei 
wives’ presence: while the men who wer 
there alone, or in the company of other 
men, engaged in a great deal of sup 
pressed joking about this. And 1 felt 
something unreal and fantasylike about 
this encounter. 
HEFNER: | can only suggest—and you'll 
have to analyze your own r 
see if you fecl there is any 


this—that what caught your attention, 
d the significance that you gave it, may 
have been very much related to your 
own previous frame of reference. Per- 
haps, because this was The Playboy 
Club, you were specifically looking to sce 
the reactions of the other people around 
you; whereas, if you happened to be in 
another club in which prety girls, in 
similarly brief attire, were working, you 
might not have noticed the same sort of 
incident, because you wouldn't have 
been think about ii 

And when we talk about the brevity 
of the Bunny costume. it must be men- 
tioned that our Bunnies make frequent 
guest appearances—in their Bunny bunt- 
ing—on network television, so they must 
be more respectably attired than has 
been suggested here. The Bunny cos- 
tume is actually far less revealing than 
a great many swimsuits you would find 
on the public beach on any summer 

But because it is The Playboy Club, 
everything seems, as you have suggested, 
a little unreal and fantasylike; сус 
thing becomes а bit bigger Шап life—or, 
in the case of the Bunny costume, a bit 
smaller. The difference is supplied by 
the observer, however, not by Playboy; 
nd it’s a mighty good thing, too, be- 
cause it is this personal view of The 
Playboy Club that is largely responsible 
for its success. 

Beauty. zman Paul Desmond once 
observed, is in the eye of the keyholder. 
TANENBAUM: "This is very true. This may 
be entirely subjective. 

But aren't you, for 

xample, trading 

on a kind of popular conception of bun- 
ny—that has a sort of sexual or scatologi- 
cal significance for people? Because I 

found that the word was bandied back 
and forth, for example, by a group of 
businessmen who were there alone, with- 
out their wives; the joking that went on 
—up and down the four or five floors of 
the Club—was like a college boy's frater- 
nity night, And it was all done in this 
kind of sniggering way. 

It may be inevitable that you have 
this kind of confrontation, when you 
bring these elements in relation to oi 
other, but what did you intend by 
this? And how do you react to it? 
HEFNER: First of all, I selected a 
bit as the symbol for the 
most eleven years ago, at a time when I 
could not have conceived, in my wildest 
dreams, that there would be anything 
one day called The Playboy Club and 
that it would be filled with beautiful fe- 
males called Bunnies. 

However, I did select a rabbit as the 
symbol for the magazine because of the 
humorous sexual connotation, and be- 
cause he offered an image that was frisky 
а playful; I put him in a tuxedo to 


add the idea of sophistication. There 
was another editorial consideration, too. 
Since both The New Yorker 
use men as their symbol 
bit would be distinctive: and the notion 
of a rabbit dressed up in formal evening 
attire struck me as charming, amusing 
nd right. 

When we conceived the idea for The 
Playboy Club, we simply adapted the 
rabbit symbol as the most logical one for 
the girls who were to work there—and 
that's how the Playboy Bunnies, and the 
Bunny costume, were born. 

Now, it’s quite possible for someone 
to respond to this, or to anything else 
having to do with sex, in a sniggering 
way: but I do beli I've already 
stid—that this reveals more about the 
person than about rLaysoy or The Play- 
boy Club. 



TANENBAUM: You know, it occurs to 
me, it is quite possible to see in this 
ponse to the role of woman in our re- 
ligious tradition, especially as it has 
evolved here in the United States. A 
l has been written, by Philip 
Ts, about what has been 
It has been suggested, 

ith considerable evidence to subst 
ate it, that a has become 
matriarchy women dominate 
American society . . . 

O'CONNOR: They do economically . . . 
TANENBAUM: Then what PLAVROY is try- 
ing to do, perhaps, is restore the bal- 
ance. That is, in the PLAYBOY context, 
man begins to reassert his masculinit 
Even if it has to be contrived out of Ch 
go by Hugh Hefner, it needs help 
from someplace. 

HEFNI You've just touched upon 
the very heart of the matter, I think. 
This is the real key to nderstanding 
of PLAYBOY, and its success, in contempo- 
rary society. 

TANENBAUM: The Playboy Club offers a 
world in which the man reassumes his 
dominant position; and the woman be 
comes a "bun who wears a sex 
costume and plays the passive role of 

BURNETT: Yes, but on the other hand, 
Rabbi, you yourself said that you were 
д/с, when you were at The Playboy 
Club, to see the number of men who 

were there with their w d 

HEFNER: rLAYBOYS overall point of 
view on the male-female relationship in 

society certainly doesn’t limit women to 

“Don't be alarmed, folks 

but I think 

we just entered the Twilight Zone!” 



the role of Bunnies in The Playboy 
Club. Essentially, what we are saying, 
editorially in the magazine, is that men 
4 women should each have separate 
identities—that they are both happiest 
when their roles complement rather 
than compete with each other. 

Since the turn of the century, there 
has been a considerable breakdown in the 
cultural patterns that distinguish the 
sexes—especially here in America—caus- 
ing us to drift toward an asexual society, 
in which it becomes increasingly difficult 
for either sex to find true satisfaction or 
fulfillment in its interpersonal relation- 
ships with the other. This is one of the 
two primary causes, I believe—the other 
being the increasing complexity and au- 
tomation of ization—for the 
lentity that was 

mentioned earlier. 
Since riaynoy is a magazine for men, 

it is natural for us to place most of our 
emphasis on the problem of male iden- 
lity. PLAYBOY stresses a strongly hetero- 
sexual concept of society—in which the 
separate roles of men and women are 
dearly defined and compatible. Though 
we are sometimes accused of having a 
dehumanized view of women, our con- 
cept actually offers the female a far more 
human identity than she has had hi: 
torically in the Western world. 

It is our religious tradition that has 
tended to look upon woman as a deper- 
sonalized object, or possession, by со 
ually associaung her with its antagonism 
toward sex. Sometimes the emphasis has 
been placed upon the temptation to 
sin in womankind, and sometimes the 
emphasis has been placed upon feminine 
purity and chastity; but whether they 
were considered creatures of the Devi 
or placed upon a pedestal, their status in 
our antisexual society has always been 
that of an object, rather than a human 


BURNETT: That brings us back to some- 
thing that was said before the coffee 
came—I think you brought it up, Rabbi 
—and that’s the idca of sex as sin. Which 
is what Hugh Hefner is hitting on here; 
and I think we might devote our atten- 
tion to that. 
HEFNER; We've talked around it, but 
we haven’t really gotten into it yet. 
BURNETT: Our religious tradition teaches 
t sex is a sin outside of the marriage. 
sacrament; and sometimes inside the mar- 
riage sacrament as well. 
HEFNER: This is the real point behind 
much of what we've been discussing here 
today, and I don’t think we're going to 
ny general agreement on it. 
O'CONNOR: No, you've got a new theology, 
kid. You're going to have to defend it. 
HEFNER: That's why l'm here. 

But J believe it is behind Ше thought 

218 that you expressed earlier, Father, that 

the Church has not fully spelled out a 
positive attitude toward sex; and, Rabbi, 
your comment that the sex-sin relation- 
ship has been one of the significant 
shortcomings in our religion, down 
through history—with the religious ap- 
proach to sex traditionally negative, 
expressed as a concern over sex as a 

temptation, rather than a more positive 
view of sex as, indeed, an extremely im- 
portant, worth-while . . . 

BURNETT: . . . And pretty wonderful . . . 
2. Yes... aspect of life. 

TANENBAUM: I think, perhaps, that it has 
been true, Mr. Hefner, that we've seen 
sex in a context of the opposition of 
vice and virtue. And in the greater part 
of our waditions, and much of our 
theological writing—certainly in the 
Christian theological literature—there is 
this enormous preoccupation with scx as 

HEFNER: With virtue, when it has been 
mentioned, usually taking the form of 
antisex—il chastity can be called anti- 
sex. The general tendency has been to 
associate chastity and virginity with vir- 
nd, conversely—sex with sin. 
TANENBAUM: Мау J ask, what do you 
see as the implications in this? Let's 
grant the assumptions that are implicit 
what you are saying—that this is the 
that sex has been looked upon in 
Western religious tradition, What 
the implications of this traditio 
we have inherited, for Amer 
behavior and morality, as you sce it? 
HEFNER: The major implication from 
a religious point of view, it seems to me, 
is the need for the clergy of all faiths to 
take an altogether new and considered 
look at this question, because it is very, 
very obvious that the traditional Judaeo- 
Christian teaching on sex is not being 
accepted—is being openly flouted by an 
otherwise, by and large, religious com- 
munity. One of the Ten Command- 
ments states, “Thou shalt not commit 
adultery”; but adultery is commonplace. 
nst extramarital sex was 
extended, during the Dark Ages, to in- 
clude all forms of premarital sex, as 
well; and the majority of our society 
pays lip service to the prohibitions, with- 
out making any serious attempt to live 
by them. 

O'CONNOR: But, Hugh, you're 
these conclusions on the rather dubious 
statistics of Mr. Kinsey. which you fall 
back on quite continuously in your Phi- 
losophy. I think we run into the obvious 
culty that we don’t have a valid sta- 
tistical analysis of a sampling. I suppose, 
then, we will always have to argue about 
the fairness of the sampling. 
HEFNER: Surely you're not . 
O'CONNOR: But. if there is a sexual revo- 
lution, then statistically we should be 
able to support ourselves. If there is a 
sexual re-examination, then what is the 

basis for the sexual re-examination? Is it 
because of the failure of our sexual 
mores, or because we're suddenly aware 
that sex has some ramifications that we 
didn't realize before? 

HEFNER: If we refuse to accept the evi- 
dence now available regarding sexual 
behavior and are unwilling to concede 
that a sexual revolution really docs exist, 
then we are only unnecessarily delaying 
coming to grips with the problem, it 
seems to me, by presumably wishing it 
weren't there. 

O'CONNOR: Are you indicting religion, 
then, not just for the current sexual 
situation, but because it’s not coming to 
terms with modern life? Is this what 
you're saying? 

HEFNER: No, I'm not indicting it, be- 
cause I feel there is more progress being 
shown within many areas of organized 
religion today, with a forthright and fa- 
vorable consideration being given to the 
very questions we are talking about 
here, than ever before in history. 

I'm quite optimistic, incidentally, not 
only about the eventual outcome of the 
sexual revolution, as far as secular socie- 
ty is concerned, but also about the part 
that organized religion can play in the 
establishment of a new, more rational 
morality for society. 

Now, I'm not suggesting that simply 
because there is a disparity between code 
and conduct. it is necessarily the code 
that is at fault. I think both the beliefs 
and the behavior deserve a dispassionate 
reappraisal. It ought 10 be kept in mind, 
however, that the sexual taboos in our 
religious tradition were conceived many 
centuries ago, long before the under- 
standing and insights regarding the psy- 
chosexual nature of man were supplied 
by psychiatry and socioanthropological 

Most of organized religion had no 
difficulty in adjusting its doctrine to the 
discoveries of Darwin; it seems reason- 
able to hope that the same progressive. 
attitude may now be displayed toward 
the discoveries of Freud. 

In the next installment of "The Play- 
boy Philosophy,” Editor-Publisher Hugh 
M. Hefner continues this religious 
round table with a discussion of the pri- 
mary principles underlying the "Philos- 
орі” and an exchange of views on the 
subject of premarital and extramarital 

See “The Playboy Forum" in this issue 
for теайету comments—pro and con— 
on subjects raised in previous in- 
stallments of this cditorial series. Two 
booklet reprints of "The Playboy Philos 
ophy,” including installments one 
through seven and cight through twelve, 
are available at $1 per booklet. Send 
check or money order to PLAYROY, 232 
E. Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611. 

" — 
=? at 

Urn аа s 
impudent lyrics for a tragimusicomedy based on a play by william shakespeare 

ary year, another rLAvmov 

so far contented itself with converting only 

Is such as Kiss Me, Kate and The Boys from 

5 ¢. Our first such clfort (rLaynov, November 1962) was a musical-comedy version 

of Hamlet, which we called Come to Me, Му Melancholy Dane. This time, it's that be- 

nighted and bedeviled thane, Macbeth, who gets the portentous-drama-to-happy-musical 

treatment. Although there have been countless stage productions of Macbeth, plus a 

couple of film versions starring Orson Welles and Toshiro Mifune, to say nothing of 

Hallmark's stately TV airing and Verdi's alltoo-Italian opera, there has never been a 

Broadway hit on the subject—until now. As before, we supply the words and you 
supply the music, bellowing the appropriate п 

recognize the right melody fr r own extensive repertory. Clear your throat now . . . 

sing a few scales to warm up - - Ше overture has started and the curt bout to rise. 





JACK JONES allan’s kid 

AT ONE POINT in his nightclub act, baritone Jack Jones says that he's 
going to do a bedtime lullaby his famous father, Allan, used to sing 
to him, and then belts out an uptempo version of The Donkey Sere 
nade. It is his only concession to cashing in on his filial ties with the 
pearly-toothed, wavy-haired tenor who starred in movie musicals of 
the Thirties. The Jones boy has come a long way on his own since 

he broke into show business as the teenaged half of a shortlived 
son-and-dad nightery act. A dithdent Ivy League-cut 26-year-old, he 

has won a Grammy (the Oscar of the record biz) twice in the last 

three years: first for Lollipops and Roses (the hit that moved his 

T career into high gear) and this past year for Wives and Lovers. 
During the 1963-1964 TV season he made an unprecedented num- 

ber of guest appearances ) on such prestigious shows as those 

er by Judy Garland, Ed Sullivan, Joey Bishop, Bob Hope 
is scheduled to star in the plush precincts of the PI. 
Hotel's Persian Room this month. Joe Levine, for whom he did the 
title song behind Where Love Has Gone, has high expec 
proposed launching of Jack in films. The repertoire of tall. da 
freshingly quiet mannered Jones leans heavily on the romantic 
and the d; his delivery is ungimmicked; he eschews both on- 
He has proved. 
1 be a straight melodic line, 
atra has predicted 


GODFREY CAMBRIDGE comic victorious 

-ACTOR with the playful look of 
sed the ranks of stand-up comicdom to reach the en 
ack Paar show earlier this ye 
ghtclub engagements (New Yor! 
gles! en and signed to do a cross-country tour ol EE 
ntly devoid of homilies: “The main thing Im after is la 
As an acc idge, who rec 
The Blacks Tony Award for his home-folks poru: 
of Gitlow in Purlie Victorious, uses his theatrical tr WT to maximum advantage in his new role as a full-time jest 
de s Forceful, his timing sharp. as he waxes comedic on such topics as bl ionalism ("My wife stopped pre 

ir, and now she looks just like Jomo Kenyatta”) and integrated parties ("Eastern liberals are wild about my Re 
Unaffected by overnight success, 1 hes his fans not to call Cary Grant "the white Godfrey 


1 record time. 
ned comic 
e Vanguard, 

material is racially 
n leave them some- 
ved The Village Voices 1961 Obie 
ing her 


ted, but ple: 
thing to think about, so much the bette 
Award for his first major role in Genet 



BILL MAULDIN brush fighter 

мити THE NOTARLE EXCEPTION of his 1963 award-winning Kennedy memorial drawing, a sensitive full-page portrayal of a sobbin, 
Lincoln, Bill Mauldin has spent his entire cartooning cicer skewering every major politico in sight. A liberal by instinct, and ı 
gut-hghter by disposition, the 43-year-old Chicago Sun-Times cartoonist refuses to be hampered by person 

lots of acquaintances and few friends"—as his critical eye searches for feet of clay on political idols. Unlike most of his colleague: 
“Muldoon” as he is nicknamed by his journalistic eronies—always attacks, never defends: “It’s a cirtoonist’s job to buck power 
In South America, 1 would be а leftist; in Yugoslavia, a right-winger.” Cartoon stercotypes like Lady Luck and Uncle Sam а 
editorial anathema to Mauldin, who relies on caricature to make his satirical point. Always wary of things too cerebral, he aims hi 
humor at the funny bone as well as the brain. “The difference between a cartoon and an editorial,” says Mauldin, "is the dilferenc 
between a sergeant’s whistle and a Brahms symphony." Twice awarded the Pulitzer Prize, Mauldin’s icon-smashing career include 
carly fame as the GI cartoon creator of "Willie and Joe,” several books, an unsuccessful campaign for Congress, a stint as a film де 
tor, and his emergence as a top-paid caricature assassin for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (1958-1962) before landing his curren 
signment at the Sun-Times. "My life has been backwards,” he says. “Big success, retirement, and now I'm making an honest living. 



. We blinked lazily at the sun- 
g sky. 

1 could eat that stuff day and night," 
she said. 

“I wouldn't advise that. It would do 
things to your duodenum.” 

y what—stop it!” 

wanted to point out your duo- 
T'd rather you wouldn't, thank you. 
Trouble with you is, you have a lot 
of curves but no scientific bent." 

Ha-ha. Wait, when I'm a junior like 
you TI make with the fancy phrases, 
too. Then I'll challenge you to a duel. 
"The weapon I choose is wrestling.’ 
You biology majors got a one-track 

We basked, dozing, humming 

“What are you going to do with your 
biology, anyway?" she asked. 


“So's my cousin. But he's having trou- 
ble getting into med school." 

Without warning, her words had con- 
verted the lamblike cloud above into an 
august ream of application blanks. I 
stiffened. Reality had butted in. Reso- 
Іше, I kicked it out of the afternoon's 
golden-blue utopia. 

"Who hasn't got trouble?" I said. 

That ended our siesta. We were up 
and about. What to do? About us 
droned, drummed, news-commentatored, 
demonium of portables. 
And there was a clearing, just vacated 
by a family of four, as small and precious 
as a night-club table. We danced on it, 
ostensibly to Green Eyes which was 
grinding out nearby, actually to а musi- 
cal desire to do somethin; 

“Hey!” cawed a matron with dyed 
hair. “What are you trying to do, raise a 

“Drop dead,” Velvet whispered at her 
ardently, though into my car. 

We quit. What to do? Amateur acro- 
bats began to practice their art on the 
other side of the boardwalk stairs and 
we hurried over. Limbs disported them- 
selves independently in the air. Ca- 
thedrals of tanned skin were built. But 
we weren't content to watch 

“Хай... по..." She trembled on 
my shoulders. "No! 1 give up!” 

Straighten up!" I panted. 

ng, we toppled 
We were burning 
was sh the sun. In the 
east the sky was riddled with lavender 
ards of evening. We wanted to 
shout, laugh, to imprison each slipping 
second. What to doz 

We ran into the high-tide water. 1 
played the game with her, the lovely 
me of me the drowner and her the 
rescuer; the water lapped, wave-confused 


226 game of my drifting hands, her chaste 

(continued from page 178) 

protests and wantonly inadequate eva- 

Abruptly the day was gone. The sun 
had tangled fatally with the roofs of 
Gravesend. Around us people scampered 
off the littered sand. The sky grew dark- 
er than the amusement park’s neon. A 
breeze sprang up. We had to admit our 
shivers. We had gone into the water too 
There was no place where we could 
change our bathing suits, the public lock- 
ers being filled up. The wool clung and 
bit as 1 pulled my dry pants over it. 

We had become silent and tired. We 
shook the sand out of the blanket, fold- 
ed it. And as we turned to go, there he 
stood, the little ma 

No telling how long he had waited be- 
hind us. He was old, and bent a tired 
smile toward us. In his brown gabardinc 
suit he looked like a gnarled root that 
had shot up from the ground—a root 
yearning for a tree to which it could at- 
tach itself and give sap to- 

We secmed to bc his tree. For when 
we tried to pass him, he stretched out 
his ann. 

Would you like to change clothes? 
nc into my house. I have a shower .. 

His arm sank with his voice, as 
though he were embarrassed by his 
own eagerness. 

“Well * I said dubiously. 

“But it is only seventy cents. For both 
of you, What is seventy cenis? You can 
change your clothes. And wash yourself, 
You se 

Once more his gray face urged its bat- 
tered smile on us. Improbably, he did 
make us see. 

“АП right," I said, and immediately he 
swung around and led us past the al- 
ready lamplit boardw. round a corner 
to his house, 

But it wasn't a house. Once it might 
have been a bungalow. Now it was hard- 
ly better than a decaying heap of sh 
gles. We—Velvet and I—looked at the 
cracked tar roof, at the exposed beams. 
And looked at cach other, Aud laughed, 
hilariously. It was the perfect ending for 
our crazy day. Both the askew house and 
its askew owner were—how shall 1 say 
weirdly wonderful. Their very unsightli- 
ness was to be enjoyed for a secret, 
youthful reason peculiar to us. 

So we did enjoy it. We could barely 
restrain our giggles as the old fellow 
beckoned us with his keen little flourish- 
cs through two dank rooms; as he pre- 
sented us breathlessly with large towels 
that were, strange 10 say, quite clean; as 
he ushered us into a tiny dooryard where 
an even tinier shack trembled the 

“The showers . . .” gasped our host, 
as though staggered by the vista. “Hot 
and cold ... good drainage .. . you 
can use them." 

1 entered on onc side of the partition 


that separated the shack into halves, 
Velvet on the other. I peeled off the 
loathsome trunks, let the cold jet wash 
the sweat and the sand off my skin. I 
stretched luxuriously, 1 soaped, I sang, 
and Velvet sang back. 

“Say!” I cried through the partition. 
“Apollo the god of music says let's mur- 
der a song together 

"Sure!" she bubbled back 

"Fogether we droned out "Bongo, bon- 
go, bongo, I don't want to leave the 
Congo," and for a drum I beat out the 
rhythm against the wall between us. 

Then it happened. 

A few loose nails dropped on my side. 
The paper-thin wood gave in to my fist. 
Not all the way. Just enough to show the 
upper part of Velvets back, the spine 
bones showing because she was bending 
over, the flesh almost unreal in irs white 
halterless frankness, and displaying on 
the left side the ripe ruby-red beauty of 
a birthmark a stap had hitherto con 
led. And still the wood gave further. 

I don't know what haunted impulse 
made me hold it up. A tiny desire 
nudged me, yet I was flooded with [ear 
She bongo'd on innocently, but I felt the 
nails loosening all over and I was ай 
the partition would crash down no mat 
ter how I strained my fingers against the 
stärkness. And then in panic, faucet left 
on, the soap not even washed off entire- 
ly, I grabbed the towel and ran out. 

I shivered in the room next door. Ou 
side the window the beach was а paper- 
soiled waste. My clothes scemed damp as 
I put them on. I was overwhelmed by 
the inescapable nakedness of life. The 
time was coming when all the curtains 
would tear, and all the gay frauds fall, 

and Fd have to go through with the 
business of living 

ad loving down to 
se of mortality, down 
ng vulnerability, And I 
was shocked by my own fear of that, by 
the rebellion of an unsuspected риги, 
ism. The world, like the sand outside, 
had turned rank and incomprehensible 
and wearisome. 

"Apollo, she cried that 
“hey, wherefore art thou 

“I'm finished, slowpoke,” I cried b 
automatically the spell was brok 
My hand reached into the pocket and 
encountered enough quarters to secure 
the night. 

“1 happen not to be afraid of showers, 
the way some people are." She swayed 
into the room, towel-wrapped tightly 
from shoulder to thigh, head throw 
over her shoulder, an ar 

"Shake a leg, Gypsy Rose,” I said. 
“We're doing Coney Island." 

I gave her my most leering look as she 
paraded by. And 1 had already forgotten. 
that a moment before I had felt, for the 
first time in my life. old. 


ateur burlesque 


walter had to get his hero out of trouble, 

but according to the coded message, he himself was in a far worse plight 

тик муха, in black pomposity of feath- 
ers, with chief justice's leveli 
worked at its chufly song, gi 

out the beat on the su 
shape palelemon Formi 
bop, bop-bop. 

When he became aware of what his 
fingers were doing, he looked up quickly 
from the puce-colored IBM typewriter to 
study the dark presiding figure in its 
curlicued brass cage. 

“I spit on your trivialized smut guis, 
too, scum eyes.” 

He was not pl 

sed with himself for 
hating a small incarcerated animal. But 
facts were facts. Small black magisterial 
clump of nothing with a sheen of no 
sympathy in the eye and answering to the 
name of Jonnikins. 

“Jonnikins, your Jerkiness. You and 
your witch friend Daisy-Dear. Long-term 
mononucleosis to you both.” 

Neither did he enjoy 


thoughts about his moth He 
never laughed at mother-in-law jokes, be 
cause he sensed in them а displeasure 

with women which he believed more 
suited то fairies. whom he truly hated. 
Yet how deny he had a mother: 
who doted on the name Daisy-Dear 
insisted on keeping a filthy rouen myr 
bird she insisted on calling Jonnikins? 
Keeping the miserable squawker in his 
study, at his elbow? Not bad enough she 
had to live here. She had to buddy up to 
rouen filthy birds that eyed you and 
made nasty Huntley-Brinkley commen- 
varies you couldn't undersi 

tute books h 
and making mucoid rock "n' roll in their 
throats. In his study. At his elbow. 
“Jonnikins, if you want to know what 
I think, T think you're a fairy, a feather- 
bearing damn fairy. I would dance in 
the streets (> see you stretched out con 
clusively dead with your ugly claws 

ng down sentences 

and bird of 

Drawing back from 
thought, he shifted his eyes to Ше picture 
window to consider the sunny spread of 
West Hollywood and Beverly Hills be- 
low. From his rose carpeted and rose 
draped study here high over Goldwater 
Canyon he could make out all the land- 
irks of the sprawled enterprise called 
Walter Jack Commice, the California 
Bank Building, where agents sat collect- 
his moneys, the Sunset Tower, where 
business managers were busy disbursing 
the Beverly Hilton, in whose 
- Escoffier Room he met reg- 
ularly with television producers and story 
editors to firm up new assignments, the 
Park La Brea Towers, where his secretary 
was at this moment typing up his last 
script for the Yucca Yancy series, the 
Bekins warchouse, where he was obliged 
to store his many bound volumes of old 

television scripts now that Daisy-Dear 227 



insisted on using the closet of his study 
for Jonnikin's feeds and vitamins and 
assorted goodies, About him this network 
of institutions operating on the premise 
that his hands would continue to Пу 
plouingly and dialogingly over the puce 
IBM, but when he looked down at a 
wide city dependent on his ten fingers, 
the fingers went truant and jogged the 
тупа growling rhythms. 

Вор, bop, they went. Bop, bop-bop. 

Daisy-Dear came in slapping her too- 
ge fully mules and crossed to her 
darling’s cage. 

"Don't mind me," she said, as usual. 
He was again struck by how much she 
sounded like her feathered friend, a rasp- 
er, a growler. He Кері expecting her to 
grow a beak: she already had the bead 
ness of eye. “Just want to sec how Boy- 
Boy is." 

Sometimes it wasn't Jonnikins. When 
that love welled up it could be Boy-Boy. 

“It would be easier to not mind you, 
he said, not loudly, "if you didn't start 
yapping the minute you came in.” He 
added with no loudness at all, “Easier 
still if you took a slow train to 

But by this time she was crooking her 
finger through the brass bars at Jon- 
Boy-Boy and saying in a coo, “Are you 
maybe under the weather, little man? 
You look pes © 

d, definitely. 

He felt peaked, definitely. Не imag- 
ined his head was peak-ed and pointy 
and begging for dunce caps. He stared 
with disenchantment at the page in his 
typewriter and forced his eyes to follow 
the words again: 

QuAmLEs (lazily): What makes you 
think Fm your man, sheriff? 

SHERIFF SLATE (readying hands at hol- 
sters): Scar over right eye. Third finger 
of left hand missing down to second 

knuckle, You're the one gunned down 
Farrow, all right. Fd know you any- 

quarts (placidly downing drink in 
shot glass): You can get in a whole mess 
of trouble going round making big ac- 
cusations like that. 

SHERIFF SLATE (fingers stiffening near 
holsters): You're the one's in trouble 
now, Quae. Either you come along 
quiet. . 

QUARLES (putting shot glass down de- 
liberately): Now, you couldn't rightly 
expect me to do that, sheriff, I don't do 
things quiet. I'm а loud man. I do every- 
thing real loud . . 

Daisy-Dear reading today's immortal. 

prose over his shoulder. Projecting the 
editorial lower lip, beaklike. Inancly rc- 
porting, “Не was saying he’s a loud man 
this morning at eleven. It's three in the 
afternoon now." 
Тус asked you roughly a hundred 
not to come in here when I'm 
ng, Daisy. I've asked you maybe 
two hundred times not to read over my 
shoulder when you do come in, Daisy." 

Eyes slotting now. Two Daisies bereft 
of their honeying and kissy Dı She 
knew when she'd been slapped in the 
face twice in two sentences. 

"Walter. Really. You know 1 can't go 
all day without peeking in to see how 
Jonnikins is. 

nd how my script isn’t?” а 
Yow, Walter. You know you're just 
grumpy because it isn't going well. Two 
pages in five hours . . .” 

A double accusation behind that, It 
was her theory that his study was the 
best place for Jonnikins because the 
sound of typing gave him something to 
think about and generally soothed him 
When there was this sound: It was he 
further theory that her son-indaw was 
no-good lazy bum who sat all day count- 
ing his fingers and thinking about strip- 
teasers, and that the lack of busy noises 
as what made Jonnikins feel neglected 

m under the weather and 
d, definitely. 
ive hours is right," he said. "Five 

full hours of Feathers over there concert- 
izing in my car. He's in fine, phlegmy 
voice today. 

The thing was that the longer Walter 
sat, trying to get Killer Quarles to put 
that shot glass all the way down and draw 
on Sheriff Slate to force the shoot-out, the 
more the goddamn prosecuting attorney 
of a black bird kept throwing the book 
at him. This sheeny black mess of а 
black hoppy animal was conviction-hap- 
py D. A., rigged jury, h: з judge, and 
firing and blackballing story editor in 
one dirty, black ball 

Walter was terrified of getting fred 
from Yucca Yancy and blackballed 
from the industry as a deadline miss 
He was ahcady three days overdue on 
this assignment and Quarles was still so 
disinclined to draw that Sheriff Slate's 
fingers were going stiff with neuralgia 
there by his holsters. 

“Write, Walter," Daisy-Dear said. 
“ТҮП be good for your nerves and for 
Воу-Воуз, too. Get them six-shooters 
‘shootin’ like sixty!" 

She padded out on her sloshing mules. 

Ginree, #ruh-greeg. admonished the 
scummy bum of a blackhearted bird. 

Bop, bop-bop, went his fing 

Bump, bump-bump 


Duh, duh duh? 

That little fairy with the cellul 
ter opener for a nose? Mm? 



Soon as he heard the station wagon 
hit the gravel he headed down to the 
carport, Immediately he was leading her 
over to a safe conference spot near the 
hibachi patio grill, close by the vermi- 
form aquamarine swimming pool, saying 
too fast, "She's your mother and my 
nemesis. She was in every hour on the 
hour today, making time with that un- 
dernourished vulture 
my work. Get Daisy-Dour for a mothe 
law and you don't need any Romani 
Chris, I swear, if she's going to keep 
busting into my room with blue pencils 
going counterclockwise in her eyes 

Chris put her shopping bags on the 
barbecuing machine and said, "Wally. 

Honey. She's been giving you a workout, 
I know." She raised up to kiss him on 
the check. “I'll have one last talk with 
her. If it doesn't do any good, she 
doesn’t live here anymore, thats it. She 
carried me for nine months, but that 
doesn’t give her any call to needle 
for nine years. You forget about it, hon. 
If I've got to choose between her and 
you, it’s no contest. I know what side of 
my bread the 

She kissed him on the neck, over to 
the left, near the scar where the carbun- 
cle had heen cauterized off. Daisy-Dear 
had insisted on the carbuncle going, be 
cause she saw potentialities for cancer in 
all unusual blooms except her own 
bloating tongue. 

Chris was his one ally. He knew he 
could count on her against all the edi- 
toreye vultures. Immediately he felt 

“You're a girl 
mcant it. 

“Га better ma 

id a half," he said, and 

е tracks and a half. Six- 

fifteen. Oo, oo. Mix the onion dip and 
get martoonis in the fridge. How're you 
doing with the Yang?” 

anh. Quarles's an old chimney. Not 
wing properly." 
“Ho, ho. Never you mind, hon. You're 
the A-one chimney sweep in these parts." 
His eyes followed with approval as she 
gathered up Ше groceries and went off 



toward the allelecuic kitchen, 
high, ample, still а curvy and super 
bundle. If at times he [elt he was a pris 
oner in the enemy camp, she au least was 
there with him, tapping out messages of 
solidarity on the cell wall. 

He thought of Henny Juris. While 
Chris and her mums were olt doing last- 
minute things in the kitchen, Walter 
Jack Commice adjusted his legs on the 
leather hassock, sipped at his pana- 
tela, and thought about Henny Juris, 
wondering why. He had not seen or con- 
sidered Henny for 16 years, since the 
Navy. His fingers were making rhythms 
on the martini glass, He let his eyes go 
to the glass patio doors, to the well-lit 
landscaping beyond, In this town you 
paid high for your ved and blue ba- 

a wees. But, he told himself, he did 
not mind. Nothing comes free of charge. 
Even when you jump for joy you're us- 
ing up your legs some. All of which did 
not tell him why his mind was suddenly 
going back to Henny Juris. O 
fingers jumping on the martini glass, 
for joy. He was now on his third marti- 
ni. not for joy. 

The ladies came out to announce that 
dinner was ready and in a minute they 
ted and the maid was serving. 
is.” Walter said over the jellied 
drilene, “you majored in psych. Stim 

ulusresponse, reflexes, things of that 
order. Tell me, do you think animals, 
the higher animals below humans, are 
capable of hate? 

“There's the danger of anthropomor- 
‘Auributing to them 
specifically human qualities, like being 
vain about your figure and liking to sce 
your name in the papers and wan 
be at the head of the class. But, ye 
give them hate. When the hippopotamus 
is dismembering the white hunter 1 
don't think his head's full of rosy Chris- 
Чап thoughts.” 

“You speak of the hippopotamus. 
What about, specifically, birds?” He kept 
his eyes carefully away from Daisy-Dear, 
but he saw the alerted look Chris gave 
him across the table. "You suppose birds, 
domesticated birds, can hate other crea- 

Well. we don't know too much about 
birds." Chris tasted her Chablis and gri- 
maced approval. "Dirds are descended. 
пош the reptile. We dont know a 
damned thing about what goes on in a 
snake's head. They're too cold-blooded. 
Where do your hostilities and n 
ments trend when your blood su 
down to seventy degrees Fahrenheit?" 

“I don't know about snakes, but I can 
tell you when birds hate you 
Dear said. Now Chris was 

ng her 

the ` 


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“Just make yourselves at home, folks— “The point is this, Sehora—the horses, apa То о 
I'm going to show Sandra the bedroom . . .” and someone has to pull the coach . 

"That's very good, girls—except that I said, “And after we broke up, Jane got possession of Boy, 
‘Everybody sland on your right foot... P” Cheetah, the tree house and ı ту loincloth . . . 

“AU right, all right, Charlie—don't get so excited! “No, I don’t know who he was—but he was swimming 

There are six more cans of -Pup in the cabinet around down there in scuba equipment ... with an 

en over there... I" air tank, and goggles, and flippers and ай... and he 
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that you have a dandruff problem . . ” in this state, my friend... 1” 

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but wouldn't the intercom, telephone, pen and pencils, customary in formal ceremonies of this sort, I guess 
papers and everything get in the way?” it’s OK. Best man first, then the ushers...” 

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warning looks, but she paid no attention. 
“Ies when you hate them. You can't 
blame them. They're sensitive litle fel- 
lows and they feel things.” 

"Listen, Daisy." Walter was not in- 
clined to dapple his talk with falsifying 
Dearies. He knew he should not have 
had that third martini, but there was no 
stopping now. "TIL tell you something 
about that sensitive little chum-buddy of 
yours. He hates me and everything 
about me. He even makes fun of my 
writing, if anybody took the trouble to 
decipher his stenchy warbles. Exactly 
like his feeder and fancier. You don’t 
need deciphering. Come clean, now. 
Don't you make fun of my writing’ 
“I think it would be better not to go 
nto literary matters,” Chris said cau- 
tioningly. Her words were meant for her 
mother, but D. 
ed in rising to the occasion, the beam of 
baule was in her eye. 

“Since you ask me, Walter,” she said 
happily, full of anticipation, “since you 
seem to want my opinion, I'm no cri 
but 1 can tell you this, I think it's a 
shame and a disgrace for a grown man 
10 be spending his life trying to get 
strutty little outlaws and sheriffs to shoot 
bullets into each other. There are other 
things in life besides guns and gore and 
men with two-year-olds’ itches 

sy-Dear was too interest- 

(continued from page 229) 

tough and with barks at each other, Be- 
sides, you can't even get your itchy men 
10 reach for their guns. You get them 
talking tougher and tougher and longer 
and longer 2 

No telling how far she would have 
gone if the maid had not just then come 
in with the steaming roast beef on a 
platter. They sat with petrified eyes un- 
til the maid was gonc again. Then Chris 
looked directly at her mother and said, 
“Mother, let's understand one thing. 
Walter is my husband, I love him and 
love and approve of everything he docs, 
nd if anybody feels differently about it, 
there's по room for such a person in this 
house. Is that dear?” 

Before the old lady could open her 
mouth Walter said, "I'm glad you said 
what you did, Daisy, very glad. It's good 
to get these things out in the open. Let 
me just inform you, for your informa- 
tion, that by writing about people who 
talk tough and itchily reach for their 
guns, as you so choicely put it, I make 
over thirty thousand dollars each ycar 
after taxes, Some people may have very 
highly developed critical minds and see 
whats less than perfect in everything, 
but if you look at their tax returns” 

“Thank you very much, Walter,” D 
sy-Dear said. “Thank you for reminding 


me that I'm a helpless old woman who 
can't earn her keep anymore and has to 
depend on the charity of people who 
don't want her around. I'm well aware 
of the fact that I'm a pauper and have 
to live where I'm not wanted. For your 

nformation, your toughies with all their 
itches aren't reaching so much for their 
guns lately. You're days late with this 
Yancy and you still can't get Mr. Quarles 
to stop talking long enough to take a 
gun to Mr. Slate." 

“All right, Mother,” Chris said with 
the firmness of ultimatum. “I think that 
does it. I think that's just about it. 
You've been making life miserable for 
Walter long enough. and my first loyalty 
is to my husband. You won't be a pau- 
per, Daisy-Dear. We'll see to it that you 
never want for anything, but you can't 
stay here. I suggest you go to your room 
and start packing. We'll make the neces 
sary arrangements in the morning.” 

“TI be happy to leave this hous 
Dear said, She stood up with dig- 
"I don't care to be in a place where 
a soul can't speak her mind." She left 
the room without a look back. 

Walter called exultantly after 
“And Daisy-Degr, take iddums Jonni 
with you! Tell him about Dostoievsky 

He was feeling taken care of and vin- 
dicated. The feeling increased when 
Chris came over and kissed him on the 


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head, saying, "It'll be all right now, dar- 
ling. This was coming for a long time. I 
just had to handle it my own way and in 
my own time. 

He patted her hand with all affection. 
“Thanks, honey. I really mean it. These 
rc the moments that count, when 
you're tapping strong on the cell wall. 

Chris went back to her seat as he said 
with all heartiness, “Mothers-in-law 
should be hurried and not seen. You 
know.” But Chris didn’t laugh, and Wal- 
ter couldn't bring himself to laugh ei- 
ther. He knew damned well he was no 
fairy, but here he was making one of 
those misogynistic mother-in-law jokes 
that had fairy overtones. He said as he 
bent to carve the rib, holding the tools 
before him like lances, suddenly gloomy, 
“Damn it. I swear, by midnight Quarles's 
going to be letting loose at Slate with 
both barrels.” Then his fingers were 
throbbing obscure semaphors and he was 
exclaiming, “Henny Juris! Of course! 
Hon, what we were saying about animals 
and hate, listen, I just came in mind of 
a proof! Rumpy! The scratcher, the 
chuckler, Rumpy!” 

“Translate, please,” Chri 

Tt was all back in Walter's ПЫ “My 
God, yes. The squirrel.” Around the 
edges of the memory he ware of his 
fingers going faster against the tabletop. 
“This was a little beast one of the lieu- 

Newport News had. Lieu- 
les. come to think of it, that 
me. I guess Т never told yon 
This Rumpy was, generally speaking, an 
affectionate little bugger, he really liked 
people, all kinds, he was forever nuzzling 
and making up to everybody. The only 
onc he wouldn't kiss and mush up to 

vas Henny Juris. Oh, how th 
soandso hated Henny's 
made Henny's life miserable, I'm telling 
you. Henny’s got scars from where that 
animal bit his fingers to the bone. Once 
they had to tear Rumpy off Henny be- 
cause he was trying to scratch. Henny's 
eyes out. He saw red whenever Henny 
was in the neighborhood. Spitting and 
clawing was his one hello. What Rumpy 
felt for that man wasn't anything as soft 
as hate. It was homicide, pure and 

His fingers were on the speed-up. He 
was sitting straight, aware of how his 
breathing had speeded up, too. 

"Right!" he said. "Absolutely! Not a 
word of exaggeration in that! How that 
squirrel went out of his mind and 
screamed like a banshee every time Hen- 
ny came near! You know what his favor- 
ite trick was, Chris? He used to go to the 
bathroom on Henny's desk, on his bed- 
clothes, his shoes, his head, even. He 
would scamper about, and go to the 
bathroom all over poor Hen!" Walter 
moved his hands from the table to his 

tenant jg- 
tenant Qu: 
was his 

knees, but the fingers went on working. 
“Henny had a theory about that squir- 
rel. It had to do with the little bugger's 
owner, Lieutenant Quarles. Quarles 
loathed and abominated the sight of 
Henny. It was Henny's thought that he 
represented everything that went against 
Quarles’ grain and tastes. Henny outdid 
this guy in officers’ training, talked loud- 
er and faster, was bigger and stronger, 
his parents the standing Quarles’ 
didn’t, there were a whole lot of things. 
What Quarles felt for Henny was one 
headful of murder!” 

“Do I understand you?” Chris said 
slowly. “You're saying when a human 
feels something very strongly it can get 
communicated to an animal?" 

"Can and does!" Walter said excited- 
ly. "And it's for the precise same reaso 
that Jonnikins has that baleful look 
when I'm around that he'd like to do 
n! That kind of concentrated ven- 


om and bad fccling has to come from 

somewhere! We know its source! 
“Well.” Chris said, “be that as it may. 

I don't think we know enough about an- 
imals to get that detailed about what they 
feel or don't feel. Anyhow, you won't 
be bothered by Jonnikins anymore. 
Or Daisy-Dear. Whatever the ESP 
between them. Мете going to have a 
life of our own around here, a little 
peace and quict once more, thank the 

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“The instrument is played from this side, Mi 

Lord. I've been meaning to ask you, 
hon, why do you keep drumming with 

your fingers that way?” Walters hands 
were back on the table. 
“Oh, I guess it just comes from work- 

ing at the typewriter all day,” 
said neuually. 
thing. Writ 
something, Chris. They 
code training in the WAVES. You make 
anything of this?" He repeated the beat 
with his fingers, dup, dup, dup-dup. 
"Search me,” she said. “I do 

teen years,” Walter said, drum- 
эр. “А lot goes. Sounds to me like 
there's a pattern there, but I can’t get it. 
I'll have to look it up.” 
"Where's it from?” Chri 
way Daisy-Dear slaps 
ıs her throat? In that case, 
maybe you better not do any looking up. 
What you don't know can't go to the 
bathroom vou. You know." She 
said "Ha t him hopefully, but 
he ignored the call to lightness. 
“It’s from an animal,” Walter said. “4 
cold-blooded reptilian bird of my ac- 
ntance. I think he's trying t0 say 
g to me, but I'm not sure.” 
When Chris went to the bedroom to 
undress, Walter followed her here and 
Tell me the truth, hon. 


” he said after 

saying about me, I 
really? Don't you ever get any sc- 

. Hendler.” 

cret sour thoughts about me because Гуе 
given up my ideas of writing novels and 
just bat out these Yancys and drivel like 
that? 1 wouldn't blame you if you had 
some reservations, sweets, but ГА like to 
know. We've never really talked about 

Oh, dear, darling, dotable Walt, of 
course I don't have any reservations. 
Whatever you do is what I want you to 
do. Walt, ТЇЇ tell you this one last time 
I think you're a marvelous writer, a 
beautiful writer, and I think everything. 
you write is perfect. And I'm glad we 
finally had the blowup with Daisy-De 
You'll see. Once she's gone the atmos- 
phere around this house is going to get 
very clear and friendly. Very, very 

It was true. She kept tapping on the 
prison wall. spelling out messages of 
comfort and chin up. He kissed her lin- 
geringly and with full conviction 

“Going to get another hour of work 
in, sweets. If Juridical Jonny hasn't 
gone to the bathroom on my IBM. Sleep 
tight. Love you fulsomely.”” 

Two hours later Killer Quarles was 
still proclaiming what a loud man he was 
and Sheriff Slate's hands were still hover- 
ing like trapped mynas over his hol- 
sters. As Walter's hands hovered like 
trapped and irreverently screeching my- 
nas over his typewriter, He had placed 
the night covering over the cage and 
Jonnikins was tomb still, but Walter was 
excruciatingly aware of the bird, heard 
its roaringly silent comments on the 

state of letters in the nation and the ac- 
cumulation of clanking deadlines for the 
Below, deep down from these 
n the valley of col- 
lectors and disbursers who had come to a 
standstill waiting for Walters new 
script, the valley which, like an imper- 

vious mouth breathed with chesty beg- 
gings for more Yancy shoot-downs, 

the lights were blinking in a rhythm 
Walter took to be one, two, one two. 
Over the typewriter keys Walter's fingers 
twitched, one, two, one-two. There was 
nothing for it. He got up with a growl, 
crossed the room, whipped the covering 
from the cage 

Immediately the bright pellet eyes 
меге on him and the festering black 
throat was going strong, one, two, one- 
two. Then other throaty pulses. Highs, 
lows. ігру middle-range tones 

Walter reached for a pad and pencil 
and began to make notations, dots for 
the short and hyphenated sounds, dashes 
for the sustained ones. 

The bird sang, the pencil New. 

When the sheet was half covered with 
these markings, Walter went to the book- 
cae and ran his finger along the shelf 
with the Encyclopaedia Britannica. He 
took down the “М” volume. He sat at 
the desk and opened this volume to the 
entry for “Morse Code.” There it was, 
from A to Z. 

He wrote for put shaking hand 
to wet lorchead, said, “My God, my 
God.” and wrote some more. 

The bird sang, pruh-greeg, gurree. 

In a husky, strangulated voice, Walter 
an to read the words on his pad: 

Call yourself a writer? You haven't 
got one drop of talent. You're an unin- 
spired hack. You couldn't write your way 


out of a paper bag. Your badmen and 
sherifls are all finger-crooking fairies 
pretending 10 talk tough. Fairies who 

can't stop talking garbage and for once 

reach for their guns . . ` 

The bird stared bold 

‘Oh, my living, forgiving God,” Wal- 
ter whispered. “It is high time that 
woman left this house. The malice, the 
malice she bears me. 

Then he was filled with a fu 
was remembering what He 
had done to the squirrel that nig 
came back to quarters and once a 
found his sheets, his shirts, the lett 
from his fiancée and his moncy пае 
inately gone to the bathroom on. Hen- 
ny had taken Rumpy up by the neck 
and thrown it from the barracks and far 
into the night. 

At this moment Walter felt that he 
had been gone to the bathroom on from 
head to foot 

He went to the cage, opened it and 
reached in for the sooty concertizer. He 
got his hand firmly on the black, rotten 
throat, but he could not squeeze, he 
couldn't. He took his enormous compact 

ng, gurree, 


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burden to the picture window and 
cranked open the mobile pane to one 
side and pushed the outside screen open 
He held the struggling, fluttering bird 
out through the window, toward the 
blue and red banana trees. 

"Back where yon came from," Walter 
whispered. “Even if you have to change 

He loosened his fingers. Jonnikins 
flew off in a whir of foul feathers, sing- 
gurrah, gurree. 
ed afer him, breathing 
heavy t full of felony but there 
was relief in it, release, At last he took 
up his pencil and pad from the desk 
along with the volume of the Britannica. 
and started down the hall 10 the bed- 
room, down past Daisy-Dear’s room from 
which came the sounds of histrionic 
humming and drawers being slammed. 

Walter the strong feeling that 
here now was something tangible that 
Christine should know. Нег horizons 
were not wide enough, praise be. to al- 
low for the full working out of truly poi 
sonous processes. She had to know how 
far Daisy-Dear had overstayed her hu 
man welcome, how close to absolute cri- 
sis they'd all come 

He stood over her bed and said softly, 
“Chris? Hon? Hear me? Something you 
should see.” 

He listened to her weighty, troubled 
breathing. She was not snoring, really 
but there was this low rasping and catch- 
ing in her throat. Irregular. Sometimes 
slow, sometimes hurried. Vague. dissipat- 
ing smile on her face 

He stiffened 

Listened more carefully to the smoth- 
cred sounds. 


Оле шо > 

Не listened some more. 

He sat down on the edge of the bed 
and began to make notations, dashes for 
the long rasps, dots for the short, run- 
together ones. His hand was shaking so 
much that at one point the pencil 
slipped from his fingers 

He flipped open the reference volume 
and tied to focus his eyes on the chart. 
Forced his rebellious hand to write, let- 
ter by letter, word by word 

When he had enough lines transcribed, 
Walter Jack Commice held the pad up 
and began to read with disheveled lips, 
feeling that he had been gone to the 
bathroom on by the world's population 
of squirrels, birds and wives 

"Who ever said you're a writer? 
There's not a drop of talent in your 
veins. You're the hack of hacks. You 
couldn't write home for money. All 
your tough guys are absurd little fairies 
and that’s why . . ." 

My God . 

Chris breathed suckingly, snugly, pri- 
vately, smilingly, one, two, one-two . 






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(continued from page 142) 

of facts is less important than healthy 
intellectual curiosity. Ihe French treat 
civilization like a valuable commodity. 
When Mme. Vaudable of Maxim's 
set up L'Académie, а school for 
extremely well-heeled foreign young la- 
the Foreign Ministry's Directeur 
Général des Affaires Culturelles et Tech- 
niques arranged for the girls to attend 
the Sorbonne's famous course in French 

America's stormy love affair with 
France will soon be 200 years old. It 
ly began in 1778 when France was 
t great power to recognize the i 
dependence of the 13 Colonies. The 
names of French heroes involved in the 
early stages of the affair have been im- 
mortalized in the names of some unfor- 
gotten French Line ships—Lafayette, De 

»rasse, Rochambeau. (If the French 
Line should ever run out of popular he- 
roes, it can always fall back on capti- 
vating words such as Champagne or 

The love affair was always one-sided, 
unrequited, even after the First World 
War when the Americans had high 
hopes in the wake of the common victo- 
ry. Even then Marianne remained cool 
and detached and very desirable, gra- 
ciously accepting the admirer's gifts, nev- 
er returning favors. “Gloire gives herself 
only ro those who always dreamed of 
her,” wrote De Gaulle, and to him gloire 
has always been synonymous with 
France. During and after the last War 
the French accepted the American gifts 
of liberation and post-War aid as a girl 
accepts gifts from an old friend whom 
she docsn't take too seriously. “On re- 
vient toujours à ses premiers amours.” 
“In spite of occasional disenchanuments, 
the Americans will never stop being in 
love with us,” a French girl told me not 
long ago, and laughed. Her name was 
not Marianne, but she certainly acted 
like he 


nne herself never forgets a 

ight. les de Gaulle, who was often 
snubbed dur his painful years as an 
exile in wartime London, has never for- 
given the English and Americans. He 

wrote that he would make life “unen- 

to those who slighted France, 
and is Yet 
ists were supremely un- 
concerned by the outcry that went up 
after De Gaulle refused Britain admis- 
sion to the Common Market. They knew 
that their partners in the Common Mar 
ket who didn't agree would never give 
up such a profitable partnership. The 
French may be great friends of the West 
Germans, but they have recognized the 
Neisse Line because "c'est une réal- 
The French know that inta 
politics is a science, not a popularity 

contest. “We don't sell good will like the 
Americans.” a French diplomat says. 
"We offer mutual interests. You gave 
away billions of dollars and now you 
complain because nobody loves you. We 
never expected to be loved. We want to 
be respected." 

The French don't care whether they 
hurt the feelings of old admirers. De 
Gaulle recognized Red China because he 
sensed the time had come for France to 
step into a political vacuum in Asia that 
neither the Americans nor the Russians 
could fill. It is a logical step toward his 
aim of building “the third force,” and if 
some of the old admirers are angry, tant 
pis: after all, they made him angry 
when they interfered in Algeria, Moroc- 
nbodia, which 
h some justifi 
siders his own back yard. ^ 
cares more about France's interests than 
about political ideology,” wrote Ray- 
mond Aron, the well-known French pub- 
licist, and he wondered about all the 
fuss; after all, Britain had recognized the 
Mao regime as early as 1950. 

During the past two years, Americans 
living in France were shocked by govern- 
mentrun French television programs 
that seemed clearly directed against the 
U.S. During the worst months of the Al- 
gerian crisis, French TV and radio pro- 
grams played down violence in Alge: 
and at the same time played up race 
riots in the United States. In popular 
programs Americans are often depicted 
as uncivilized, loudmouthed boors. Anti 
American propaganda is especially ac- 
tive among workers and intellectuals, 
two groups particularly responsive to 
Communist propaganda, and lately also 
among the middle-class people who аге 
made envious of Am n wealth. 

“There is a deep-rooted belief diat 
Americans are culturally inferior and 
don't deserve their leading position in 
the modern world,” a Europcan-born 
American tells me. He lives in the Bor 
deaux region and speaks French like 
Frenchinai This belief is skillfully ex- 
ploited by the Communist. propaganda 
that ‘America lways take advantage 
of the French. 

At the end of the war I heard wide 
spread rumors in Morocco that the 
Americans had come there “to steal the 
oil.” Everybody knew about it except 
the new American commander, who 
didn't even know there was any oil, The 
oil myth has proved as durable as the 
myth of 1 Street, the root of all 
evil,” in other parts of the world. French 
businessmen who should know better 
tell you that the Americans tried to in 
terfere in North Africa because they 
wanted the oil. But after all. certain 
American businessmen who should know 
better once ned what President 
Eisenhower was a "Communist." 

A little myth is a dangerous thing. 


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“Last year when you went home to mend 
fences — did you break any new ones?” 

The time has come for a reappraisal. 
Americans should stop seeing the French 
through rosecolored glasses and accept 
them for what they are—an immensely 
gifted, totally unsentimental people, in- 
telligent and proud. Tough Am 
businessmen who took a condescei 
titude toward French business i 
arly post-War years have learned that 
rench businessmen can be much tough- 
cr than Ameri 
stop thinking of the French аз a nation 
of maîtres (hotel, chefs and compl; 
ladies, who do nothing all day long 
work mostly at night. Most French are 


d-working, modest, thrifty. 

Above all, Americans should try to get 
beneath the surface in France. It’s not 
because the French are reticent, 
i and xenophobic, Unlike 
ans, who take an optimistic point 
w, the French have gone through 
so much hell that they have become a 
nation of skeptics, They don't open 
their doors to foreigners. They make а 
sharp distinction between family lile, 
with its anniversaries, weddings. burials, 
at home; and life with 
kes place at the 
neighborhood bistro. I have good friends 

in Fı е never invited me 
into their homes, Frenchmen who come 
10 Americi are always amazed at peo- 

ple's hospitality. “1 talked to à man on 
the plane and he asked me to come to 
hiis home for dim n told 
‘And he meant it" He shook his 


head in pleased wonderment. He said 30 
vens ago his sister married an Halian 
who lives in France and became a 
Frenchman but is still called “Italien” 
by the family. 
France is a nation 
and contrasts. No one in 
for France except De 

of individualists 
rance speaks 
ulle, and ће 

speaks mostly of himself. In France, old- 

fashioned farming methods 

advances in factories. The country has 
п archaic food-distribution system—all 
foodstufls are sent from the producing 
region to the Halles in Paris and some- 
ht back to the very place 
y fter lots of people 
carned their commissions—but no other 
country is so well organized in getting 
fine foodstuffs to the hungry customer. 
France is a great eating country not be- 
cause of its thre ut be- 
cause every girl has learned to make a 
good omelet—which icult. “Toute 
Francaise sait faire un peu de cuisine, 
wrote Voltaire, who criticized the French 
Americans must learn that the French 
are no longer overwhelmed by the Amer- 
1 image of wealth and power. The 
of France is superficial, 
despite the twist and Coca-Cola, and 
hasn't penetrated the French soul. Dur 
ing a recent bull session with French and 

great many Amer- 
ican slang expressions, but inside they 
remained completely French—more ma- 

ture and at the same time more naive 
than their American colleagues, more 
independent, more skeptical, more imer- 
ested in the arts, music, politics. And 
much less afraid of life than the Ameri 

Marianne, in turn, will have to give 
up the silly idea that there was an Amer- 
i iracy at the bottom of every 
t befell France in past years: 
that France h i 
lization and that no 
culture. Frenchmen will have to admit 
the efforts of the great American founda- 
tions, the enormous interest of Ameri- 
cans in the arts, the development of 
symphony orchestras, the evolution of 
that great art form, the Ame nusi 
cal. A Paris art expert complained to me 
that "Americans bought up our Impres- 
sionists at low prices.” He was certainly 
right, but I made him admit that Amo 
сап collectors appreciated the French 
Impressionists long before French соПес- 
tors did. 

Frenchmen should unlearn their own 
"American myth,” which is as wide- 
spread in France as the 

America. The Ameri pre- 
tends that America is populated by 
moneygrabbing millionaires living in 

skyscrapers on a diet of popcorn, and Бу 
underprivileged people living in slums. 
French book readers (and France is a na- 
tion of book readers) are amused by the 
often silly treatment of what goes for 
in popular Am novels. The 
fact is that the French may not be the 
supreme arbiters in such matters, as they 
like to pretend, but their attitude to- 
ward sex is relaxed and natural; w them 
it is an important part in the eternal су: 
de of life and death. 

Free love is tolerated but not encou 
and the percentage of oncecom- 
nt ladies who settled down and are 
appily and respectably married is 
3 es who were 
v employed in two establish- 
ments I used to work as a night 
club fiddler in the carefree Twenties, are 
now happy matrons and grandmothers 
in the French provinces. In one instance 
the husband bought a painting of his 
с in a state of complete undress. 
Years ago I met her, and she told me 

proudly that the painting В 

connubial bedroom. 
dicated before, zed people. 

It's useless to debate whether the 
Americans need the French more than 
the French need the Americans. They 
need each other, and they know it. They 
may disagree about some things, 
but they arc in complete agreement 
about the truly important ones. The time 
has come to stop spreading the myth: 



NATIVE SON (continued from page 155) 

stood something morc about my story 
and about myself. My brother and some 
other people and my nephew were on 
the block where I grew up. It hasn't 
changed much in these last 38 years of 
progress. And we also visited a funeral 
parlor nearby. A boy had died, a boy of 
27 who had been on the needle and who 
was a friend of nephew's. I don't 
know why this struck me so much today, 
but it did. Perhaps because my nephew 
was there—! don't know. We walked to 
the block where we grew up. Tha 
railing on that block, an iron г; 
with spikes. Is green now, but when 1 
was a child, it was black. And at one 
point in my childhood. must have 
been very, very young—I watched a 
drunken man falling down, being teased 
by children, falling next to that railing. I 
remember the way his blood looked 
against the black, and for some reason 
I've never forgotten that man. Toda 
began to see why. There's a dead boy 
my play, it really pivots on a dead boy. 
The whole action of the play is involved 
with an effort to discover how this death 
came about and who really, apart from 
the man who physically did the decd, 
was responsible for it. The action of the 
play involves the terrible discovery that 

y I 

no one was innocent of it, neither black 
nor white: АП had a hand in it, as we 
all do. But this boy is all the ruined 
children that I have watched all my life 
being destroyed on strcets up and down 
this nation, being destroyed as we sit 
here, and being destroyed in silence. 
This boy is, somehow, my subject, my 
torment, too. And I think he must also 
be yours. I've begun to be obsessed more 
nd more by a line that comes from Wil- 
liam Blake. It says, "A dog starved at his 
master’s gate/Predicts the ruin of the 

The story that I hope to live long 
enough to tell, to get it out somchow 
whole and entire, has to do with the ter 
rible, terrible damage we are doing to all 
our children, Because what is happening 
on the streets of Harlem to black boys 
and girls is also happening on all Ameri- 
can streets to everybody. It’s a terrible 
delusion to think tl any t of this 
republic can be safe as long as 20,000,000 
members of it are as menaced as they 
are. The reality I am tying to get 
at is that the humanity of this sub- 
merged population is equal to the hu- 
manity of anyone clse, cqual to yours, 
equal to that of your child. 1 know when 
1 walk into a Harlem funeral parlor and 

see a dead boy lying there, I knou 
matter what the soi scientists 
the liberals say, that it is extremely un- 
likely that he would be in his grave so 
soon if he were not black. That is a ter- 
rible thing to have to say. But, if it is so, 
then the people who are responsible for 
this are in a terrible condition. Please 
take note, I'm mot interested in any- 
body's guilt. Guilt is a luxury that we 
no longer afford. I know you didn't 
do it, and J didn't do it either, but I am 
responsible for it because I am а man 
and a citizen of this country and you are 
responsible for it, too, for the very same 
reason: As long as my children face the 
future that they face, and come to the 
ruin that they come to, your children are 
very greatly in danger. too. They are en- 
dangered above all by the moral apathy 
which pretends it isn't happening, This 
does something terrible to us. Anyone 
who is trying 10 be conscious must begin 
to be conscious of that apathy and must 
begin to dismiss the vocabulary which 
we've used so long to cover it up, to lie 
about the way things are. We must make 
the great cffort to realize that there is no 
such thing as a Negro problem—but 
simply a menaced boy. If we could do 
this, we could save this country, we could 
save the world, Anyway, that dead boy is 
my subject and my responsibility. And 




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(continued from page 208) 

п point, and Miller's, if I remember cor 
rectly, both of whom were discovered i 
circumstances very much like these. 
come to think of it, Im wrong. It w. 
ames' and Major Preston's wives. 
Miller's was also found among mutants, 
but hanged, for race pollution. Аз a mat- 
ter of fact, she was discovered to be ргер- 

just in time. a week or so befoi 

ng, and confessed that she had 
consorted carnally with at least two of 
the males from the tribe that had 

brought her up, the clam-di 
remember, who are congenitally blind 
тас, and who live along the 
coast about 80 miles north of here. 
Yes, it all comes back to me now, even 
her name, Amelia, "Emmy. 
16 or s be even you 
Чак hair and long, culing Sedi 
not bad-looking at all. My God, what a 
mess—a reminder that I must be doubly 
careful when I do get around to exa 
ing this one, which will probably not be 
before the day after tomorrow, if today's 
session indication of how long this 
whole business is going to take 
"Yes, well, good enough,” I finally tell 
him with a yawn, which Thurmond 
takes as a signal for our departure for 
camp, ieh on his face 
“We'll talk about п tomorrow.” 
“OF course, Captain. You've come а 
long way, and you must be very tired. 
ps his hands again— 
n cnormous 
the nape of his neck, who ac- 
ies us out of the compound, 
pear twice his height, tipped 
with what looks to me like the blade of a 
butcher knife, which flashes in the light 
of the blazing torch he holds in his other 

mond has done a 
good job. We are encamped on a hill 
that commands the seule 
the southeast, steep and 
ble, just in cise they have 
about rushing us in the dai 
stream close by. in a copse of pine trees, 
a hundred yards or so a 
"Tennison and Witcomb are on first 
watch with the BAR," he reports, throw- 
ing a blanket over my shoulders. 
"Good. Tell them to keep the fire 
going, and their eves peeled. Any sign of 

usual, ТІ 


funny business, anything at all, and 
they're to shoot to kill, and ask questions 
afterward, do you understand?” 

Yes, sir." He salutes. “Good night, 

“Good night, Sergeant,” I tell him, 
wrapping myself up in the bedroll he 
has laid out for me near the fire, around 
which the eight other men of the squad 
have bedded down for the night. The 
ground is damp. Witcomb throws an 
armful of brush and a log or two on the 

ames which lap up and crackle, ex- 
ploding in a shower of sparks. Above me 
now, in the depths of a rift in the 
clouds, a few stars shine, first onc, then 
nother, and still a third, so disquieting 
in their intimation of infinitude that I 
actually shudder, my heart beating like a 
hammer against my ribs, and my throat 
constricted and dry. Despite myself. I 
must look away, and fix my eyes on the 
branches of a pine tree growing nearby. 
The у nothing, but the other men 
feel too, I know like Thurmond, 
when it is growing dark, the same 
nameless anxiety. I can hear them rest- 
lessly turning this way and that on the 
pine needles, speaking together in 
hushed tones, born and bred under- 
ground like myself and suffering accord- 
ingly, under the reaches of the open sky. 
What's the word again? Acrophobia? І 
forget. DeWitt says that in another gen- 
eration or tivo, this fear of open space, 
particularly the sky at night, will render 
us unfit for anything but life in the silo, 
concrete ceilings over our heads, unless 
we begin at once 10 condition our young 
to the rigors of a sui existence. He 
has а point, Fm afraid, if you can go by 
ny of us here, right now. What an irony 
it would be if we succeed in our mission 
to preserve the purity of the race, only 
to fail in its corollary of regaining our 
rightful domination of the earth because 
we can't bear the sight of a few stars at 
night. An awful thought. DeWiu is 
right; something must be done about it, 
and soon, and it's up to the officers to 
take the initiative. Literally gritting my 
teeth, grinding them together, I force 
myself to tear my eyes away from the 
branch of the pine wee and look up 
again, for a full minute, counting slowly 
to 60, while my heart goes at it again 
like a hammer, and the roof of my 
mouth dries up, a peculiar, cloying taste 
on my tongue . 

Still later 

. . + Cloudy again. The stars have all 
gone. Perhaps it will rain. Unable to 
sleep, I scribble a few more words in 
the log . . . Whispering to my left. Sil- 
houetted against the fire, I recognize Pfc. 
Roscower’s unmistakable profile—his 
hooked nose, gold ring glinting in his 
car, as he bends over to whisper some- 
thing more in the ear of the man to his 
ght, Pic. Feeney. 

Seventh day 

22. More palaver with the little 
beast over lunch—a dog stew, served 
with crab apples dipped in wild honey, 
and delicious, 1 have to admit, after a 
week now of C rations: 
whatsoever with the bargai 
"Eight, plus ammunition. 

no progress 

And so it goes, on and on, while we 
cat and sip a raw liquor they distill [rom 
the apples, a pale gold color, with quite 
a kick. The "mayor" is slightly tipsy, a 
litle thicktongued and bleary-eyed, 


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looking more ridiculous than ever with 
the top hat cocked over one eye. He's 
crawling with lice, and quite uncon- 
cernedly picks them out of his head, 
crushing them between a thumb and 
forefinger with a grin—an inescapable, 
calculated insult, no matter how you cut 
it, and about which I can do nothing 
until the woman has been secured. 

“Eight plus a hundred rounds apiece, 
he repeats for the umpteenth time, wip- 
ing his greasy lips on the back of his 

“Ah, now, Captain . . - 
finger under my nose. 

Whats most infuriating of all is the 
thought that, say, 40 s ago, or 
even less, when I was a it would 
have been unthinkable for any perfectly 
formed human до have entered into any 
social relationship with the animals, 
much less even consider putting firearms 
nto their hands. Has our general situ: 
tion deteriorated to such an extent? For- 
tunately, most of the mutant species we 
encounter in this area, anyway, are so 
deformed as to pose no real threat to the 
human population; the blind clam-dig- 
gers, for example; but still, at the rate 
which these reproduce—they are se 
mature at eight or nine, by the way, 
live till 40 or so—it will be a real strug- 
gle to extirpate them when the time 
comes, a fight to the death, no two ways 

He wags a 

about it, and for which we must be fully 
prepared. Yes, there must be two or 
three hundred of them in this settlement 
alone, all breeding true to type, as fa 
I can sce, but suffering, I notice, from a 
proliferation of tumors, particularly the 
males, who must be the ones who scav- 
enge for workable metal in ruins which 
are probably considerably more radicac- 
tive than the one we passed. (A smart 
nd for which I must 
K Thurmond again, who suggested 
at the outset that we conceal our Geiger- 
Müller counters from them. On their 
own, they apparently have no way of de- 
tecting radiation.) 


22. Good news, if its tru 
"mayor" informs me that in all probabili 
ty the woman will have her period in 
another day or so, assurance that shc 
hasn't been polluted recently, anyhow. 
Accordingly, I've had a conference with 
Thurmond who agrecs that if worst 
comes to worst, we could spare five of 
our M-ls and perhaps 60 rounds of 
ammunition apiece, which would still 
leave us amply armed for the march 
home, with the BAR, the Thompson, in 
addition to my sidearm, the .45, and 
the five remaining M-Is. What worries 
me, though, is that whatever we give 
them is irreplaceable. Through this kind 
of trading and normal wear and tear, and 
general deterioration, particularly of the 

“And what's wrong with us little elves 
having a Christmas party?!” 

cartridges, the stockpile at the silo is get- 
ting dangerously low. What will happen 
in the next generation? DeWitt again, 
whe is supervising the preparation of a 
new manual of arms, seriously suggests 
that we ought to begin the manufacture 
of bows and arrows, and instruct the cn- 
listed men in their use; also spears, The 
thought makes me ill, actually sick to my 
stomach; all I can think of is the brute 
who accompanied us back to camp last 
night. Spears! . . . A ruckus just before 
sundown, “Kill ‘em. Stamp ‘em out,” 
shouts Roscower at the top of his lungs. 
He's gotten his hands on some of the 
booze and staggers about the compound 
waving his arms, trailed by a horde of 
the females who, hardly reaching up to 
his waist, jump up and down, clutch at 
him and make obscene gestures with 
their hands. “Kill ‘em all, I tell you,” he 
screams, as Thurmond and Feeney drag 
him back to camp. Abruptly sobered up 
by all the racket, the “mayor” puts aside 
his cup nar- 
rowed, glittering eyes, all black pupils, 
an incomprehensible expression on his 
face that's as wrinkled and hairless as a 
dried plum . . . Oh, Roscower, how right 
you are; how I only wish we could. . . 
Eighth day 
.. . Another restless night, filled with 
halfremembered dreams, nightmares as 
I haven't had them since Í was a boy 
and, in the waking interludes, countless 
stars, shining in a perfectly cloudless sky 
. . It’s a mournful lack of self disci 
pline, I know, bur the thought of Wil- 
son's impending good fortune torments 
me more than I dare admit. Seniority de- 
mands that the next woman brought 
back to the silo is for him—heaven 
knows, he has waited long enough—what 
is it now? Eight years? But then, so have 
I, and Fm younger than he, 36 to 
his 47, in the prime of my life. 1 
keep daydreaming that we will return 
with her to find that he has since died of 
a heart attack, and she'll be mine . . 
How strange; now I can remember onc 
of the dreams. I must have been think- 
ing about the death of Millers wite, 
hanging, or whatnot, because it con- 
cerned the execution of an officer by the 
ne of Grenfield, a captain, too, as I 
remember, who was convicted of consort- 
ing with a mutant more than a dozen 
years ago, a female with four nipples, 
and hanged for race pollution. I could 
sec it as vividly as if it had happened 
yesterday: the gallows erected on the 
grassy knoll near the silo's egress nui 
her three, his pale face shining with 
sweat as the wire noose was slipped 
around his neck, and the chair kicked 
‘om under his bare feet. He takes God 
only knows how long to strangle, forev- 
‚ or so it seems, with his still-pink 
tongue protruding between his lips, and 
his pale blue eyes not yet glazed, but ful- 
ly cognizant. As is required by the order 
of the day, the entire garrison files by, 

ad scrutinizes me with 



pom Z 

“And пош — last, but not least...” 

officers and men. A stiff wind is blow- 
ing, billowing out his unbuttoned tunic 
stripped of all insignia, which turns his 
body slowly on its axis, from right to 

left. Face to face with him for a moment, 

me, and with 
ks his left 

just an instant, he gazes a 
mile, baring his teeth, win 

GS c d 


2. "Yes yes Captain, tomorrow 
morning, for sure," my "mayor" has 
promised me, at last. "Tomorrow morn- 
ing, first thing, you сап examine her to 
your heart's content.” He is worried 
about something, preoccupied, and 
along about an hour before sundown. I 
can hear why—the savage baying of a 
pack of wild dogs in the scrub forest less 
than a quarter of a mile away to the 
cast, which has apparently run down a 
hunting party sent out from here early 
this morning to secure some fresh meat. 
Too terrified to do anything to help, the 
little brutes crowd the catwalk that runs 
along the top ol their nine-foot wall of 
sharpened stakes, brandishing their 
knives and spears, while the females lac- 
crate their bare chests and forearms 
with their long fingernails, and wail. By 

n hour after dark, it’s all over; silence, 

sound in the night, but the occa- 
al hoot of an owl, or the squeak of a 
It's an omen, T can't help feeling, a 
good sign; the man—whoever he was, the 
father who will not be forgotten, has 
been paid back, and in the same coin 
-.. The men feel it. too: Thurmond. 
who is busy shining my boots for the 
ing, whistles under his breath as he 

Ninth day; dawn 

22. With everything else 1 have to 
worry about this morning, Feeney and 
Roscower 1 а lovers’ spat, the 
latter accusing the former of being un- 
faithful to him with Sergeant Thur- 
mond, of all people, who says nothing 
Lut chews on a blade of grass, one of the 
strange blue wild flowers stuck behind 
one car, evidently enjoying himself 
hugely, a wicked gleam in his eye. If it’s 
true, then he's broken the unwritten 

rule that prohibits an N C.O. from 
forming a relationship with an enlisted 
man, but under the circumstances, 

Thurmond being as fine a soldier as he 
is, I have decided not to interfere. He's a 
handsome man, I must admit, with a 
curly blond heard and dark eyes, a per- 
fect build, powerful shoulders and chest, 
no Roscower sulks around, his low- 
ег lip stuck out a mile, glowering petu- 
lantly, while an unattached Pfc. by the 
name of Harris makes auf's eyes at him, 
and sighs . . . all very complicated . . . 
Who was it, 2 The ancient Ger- 
mans? What I need is а refresher course 
in my military history. No, the Spar- 
tans. Yes, 1 remember, the 300 at the 
bridge, or wherever it was, and damn 
fine soldiers, too, who based their army 
on the same principle that has spontane- 

ously risen among our garrison in the 
silo because of the lack of enough pe 
fecdy formed women to go around. In 
combat, or in general, for that matte 
the system works admirably, lovers will- 
ing to make any sacrifice for each other; 
but I sometimes wonder what the fi 
result will be ol providing wives for the 
hereditary officer class first. The pop- 
ulation of our enlisted personnel has 
already begun to decline almost three 
percent а year, if I recall the latest 
figures, and is falling all the time. What 
I simply can't understand is why the 
top brass didn’t station women in the 
silo in the first place, before the war. 
DeWitt maintains that its because the 
silo's primary function was not the pres- 
ervation of racial purity, but simply w 
invulnerable launching pad for the 
ICBMs, the rockets with which the four- 
hour war was apparently fought, and 
which none of us has ever seen. No, 1 
can't believe hes right. It's just too 
much to swallow that the top brass, 
with all of its intelligence and re- 
sources, was unable to anticipate the ex- 
tent of racial pollution that the war was 
to bring. I refuse to accept it as doctrine, 
and yet, the historical fact remains that 
from the very beginning, right after the 
war more than 80 years ago, the garrison 
had to provide women for itself from 
the surface, and at very great risk to the 
personnel. What child doesn’t remember 
the story of Lieutenant Devlin’s self- 
sacrifice, or Pfc Gold. who brought back 
the Gary sisters? To be perfectly honest, 
the whole business is beyond me, а com 
plete mystery . . . But enough for now. 
‘The sun is up—another good omen? 115 
a warm, particularly beautiful day, with 
a sparkling blue sky, not a cloud to be 
seen, the warmest it’s been for almost a 
week now, as if the summer has returned 
--. I must get a move on with Thu 
mond and Feeney. the two others who 
must witness the formal examination as 
required by the law . . . 





4 ounce bottle 85 00” 

also available іп > 
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--. Crowned by a wreath of the blue 
flowers, a rope around her neck, she is 
stripped naked and led through a cu- 
riously silent, jostling crowd of the fe- 
males by the “mayor” in his top hat, who 
brings her into the hut where we have 
been compelled to wait for almost an 
hour until the ceremony whatever it 
was, and which we were forbidden to at- 
tend—is through. A yank on the rope, 
and she stands perfectly still, her hands 
by her sides . . . She has not—I repeat 
not—begun menstruating, as was ant 
pated; but as far as Thurmond and I 
can determine, the membrane is intact. 
Lovely she is, there's no doubt of it, with 
even more beautiful hair than I remen 
bered, honey-colored, dazzling in the 
sunlight, thick with dust, that streams 
through the cracks in the wall; her body, 
all of her perfectly formed, absolutely 
without a blemish, except for a large 

Plus БЕТ. 





The Words Out: 
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Good news travels fast. And 
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eyes for you 

_ethel ennis 

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@ The most trusted name in sound 

mole on her left breast, near the armpit, 
and another on the back of her right 
hand. Thurmond reads off the check list 
and Feeney and I turn her this v 
that, while she giggles and squirms un- 
der our hands, her nostrils dilated, 
greenish-gray eyes opened wide. 

“Теп fingers . . ." 
vn, yes, check . . 

“Теп toes.” 

"Right. Check." 

And so on, everything. perfect, as she 
giggles uncontrollably, a strand of that 
beautiful hair in her eyes. 

“Well?” the "mayor" wants to 

“One thing at a time. . 
name, дігі?" 

"My name?" 

y and 

do Шеу call you?" 

an abrupt movement to 
brush the hair out of her eyes, and the 
blanket falls to the ground. 

“Take your time, Take your finger 
out of your mouth and answer me. You 
needn't be afraid.” 

“Her name is Lil 
in his deep voice. 

“Is that what they call you?" 

"Lila," she repeats, after a pause, 
blinking her eyes. 

“Take your time. Do you know what I 
am, Lila?" I ask. 

cs, ves. You told me. But what 
about me? Do you know why I'm here? 
I've come to take you away. You're to be 
the bride of ап ойе, Lila, do you 
at that means?" 
ЧЕ ы 
es, that’s right. Your name is I 
Very good. But do you know what 
officer is? He's a man, a perfectly formed 
human being, just like yourself. You 
will be his wile, and bear his children, 
as befits you, as is your duty. Can you 
understand th 

She turns a 
the “mayor” again 

says the "mayor" 

‘Well, Captain?" asks 
when we are outside. 
“We'll see He waddles by my 
side in silence, with the peculiar rolling 
gait characteristic of the species. A peal 
of high-pitched laughter comes from the 
interior of the hut, reverberating in the 
stifling, dusty air that shimmers from 
the heat of the sun. We squat in the 
shadow of the wall. Once again, even 
louder than before, she laughs . . . 
We leave tomorrow, first thing 
The men are preparing a litter in which 
to carry her, a hammock made out of a 
blanket to be slung between two poles 
cut from the pines. They curse from the 
effort of packing up all the gear, irrita 
ble from the unseasonable heat and, al- 
though they say nothing, of course, the 
prospect of making the long march back 
home inadeq armed—responsibil- 
ity for which I take entirely upon myself 
Thurmond and Feeney are witnesses. 
Under the circumstances, after argu- 
ing for more than four hours in the 


eno, diee ote Ake P Zat 

do but yield to his insistence and make 

the trade on his terms, or not at all, for Š 

eight of the M-Is and a hundred rounds Gra OW Pre-Smoked Pipa 

of ammunition apiece, “Take it or leave 

it, Captain, that's іс... “NEED NO BREAKING-IN: 
“I wouldn't worry too much about it, 

‘Thurmond assures me. "With the 

d the Thompsons we'll be all 

right. The only thing we have to watch 

out for is the wild dogs, and whats a few 


This in a voice loud enough for all 
the men to hear. He may be right, at 
that; still, what haunts us all is the possi- 
bility of be that somewhere be- 
tween here and the mountains, they'll 
ambush us with our own weapons to get 
the lot— which Th: nd admits in 
confidence is a possibility, particularly at 
night, although he seriously doubts it— 
they as well as we having to contend 
саан тсс от 

“No, I don't think they'd dare," he 
chews on the ragged ends of his beard, 
poring over the maps I have spread out 
on the prou far, anyway, the look- 
outs I have posted report that there's no 
unusual activity in the compound, al 
though Thurmond and T agree that it 
they did intend to send out an ambush 
party to steal a march on us, they'd do it 
after dark. 

"A chance we'll just have to take,” 
says Thurmond with a smile that crin- CONTINENTALS - CLASSICS 
kles up his eyelids, glancing at the gul Dr. Grabow pre-smoked pipes are hand-shaped from finest imported 
Gita fen caribe mro cin (ite pb ast es briar. Choose from trend-setting Continental shapes and time-hon- 

oe ү огей Dr. Grabow Classics. АП have Ajustomatic screw stem and long- 
GEND SA (аан шты lasting Vulcanite mouthpiece. Starfire, $4.95; Viscount, $5.95; 

der her cheek and the thumb of the oth- Commodore, $7.95: Eldorado, $10.00. 
er in her mouth. Is she sleeping? Her 

eyes are closed. The lids quiver. Thur- For FREE Information Booklet about Dr. Grabow Pipes, write to: 

mond holds on to the rope which is still DR. GRABOW PRE-SMOKED PIPES, GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 

looped about her neck. Now, apparently 
bothered by the buzzing flies, she opens 
her eyes and sits up, her long, tangled е Io romarco 
hair flowing over her naked shoulders, 


orange brown. 

“Lila Lila Lila Lila,” she laughs, draw- Perfect mixer for a perfect evening. Emblazoned 
ing up her legs. = in 22k gold. 16:0unce glass mixer, stirrer and two cocktail glasses. 
Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson is all I Ir da Deluxe set includes walnut snack tray with knife 
can think of. I can picture DeWitt at the and tile for cheese cutting. 

wedding in the officers’ mess in section 
five, peering at her over the tops of his 
rimless glasses, as he makes the usual 
speech in his soft voice that is just barely 
audible over the whir of the ventilator 

Cocktails for Two Set, $5 

Deluxe Set, 15 

Both prices ppd. 

Shall we enclose a gilt card in your rame? 
‘Send check or money order to: 

232 East Ohio Street, Chicago 11, Illinois 
Playboy Club keyholders may 
charge by enclosing 

+ . Perfectly formed . . . pure and 
undefiled . . . a fitting vessel for the per- 
petuation of the race which will one day 
soon regain its rightful domination . . ." 
etc. etc. while Wilson fidgets impatiently 
in front of him, pulling at the collar of 

key number with order, 

his fat neck, licking his dry lips as he 
reaches for her hand, the son of a bitch. 
How lucky can you get? 



Le, Lahr (continued from page 167) 

the intercession of literary admirers, to 
call De Sade the frecst man who ever 
ived must be to take very literally the 
doctrine that “stone walls do not a 
prison make.” 

Whatever else may be said of either 
the novel or play “of the absurd,” it is 
evident that both its creators and their 

characters are devoted to the pursuit of 
unhappiness—which may be an inali 

able right but is certainly not the one the 
rest of us are compelled to exercise. 

The poete maudit has, of course, often 
been with us. Oddly enough, we had at 
least onc—Edgar Allan Poc—who 
peared most improbably in mid-I9d 
Century America. France has had the 
most of them and they run the gamut 
from Baudelaire to Rimbaud and Apol- 
linaire on to the nadir of De Sade. But 
have they ever before been taken seri 
ously as exponents of the only truth 
generation of intellectuals found 

That the works of the current crop 
have a certain shock value is obvious 
both as propounders of paradox and 
(especially in the case of Genet) as pur- 
veyors of effective if perverse eroticism, 
Some of their admirers tacitly minimize 
the latter. The men they most admire 
are described as great writers who just 
happen to be often exercising their gifts 
à the treatment of gaudily erotic themes. 
Bur at the risk of being dismissed as 
hopelessly Philistine, I bound to 
register my opinion that they would have 


which а 
it possible to recogn 


a much smaller audience if they were 
not pornographic. 

Even their shock effect soon loses its 
effectiveness because they repeat the 
ame shock over and over again and are 
condemned by their very dogmas to mo- 
notony. An endless variety of mca 
can be, and has be 1 into the uni- 
verse and human life. But meaningless- 
ness is always the same. Once you h 
said that life is absurd, it is 
simpler sense to say it again and а 
You have reached the end of the line. 
There is nowhere to go from there—ex- 
cept perhaps to a further exposition of 
that unhappiness to which a belief that 
nothing is better than anything else in- 
evitably leads. 

The beatnik and the existentialist 
may scem far apart, but the professed 
convictions of each lead easily to the 
me messy, unrewarding conduct. ‘Their 
lives arc likely to be as much a failure 
from the standpoint of the hedonist as 
from that of the most conventional 
morality. They don’t even “have fun." 
And that, by a prevalent system of val- 
ues, is the ultimate failure. 

АП this, so they tell me, is inevitable. 
Nihilism is the only possible modern 
philosophy. For the first time in history 
we know the facts and have the courage 
to face them. The liter, of dic ab- 
surd is the only literature the future will 
tolerate and despair the only mood in- 
telligent men can ever know. The race 
of human beings has wandered for many 
thousands of years from delusion to 


“Oh, you'll love Margo — nearly everybody has!” 

delusion, but it has come to rest at 
last. There is no God and we are His 

1 doubt it. Existentialism is merely 
creed no more solidly founded than Cal- 
Vinism—which it resembles in the gratu 
tous assumption that human nature is 
vile and the majority of men damned 
before they were born to torture cither 
in this world or the next. The premise 
that the universe is meaningless is merc- 
ly a premise, not a demonstrated fact. 
The contention that man is capable of 
freedom and value judgments although 
he is the product of natural forces which 
know nothing of either is singularly 
improbable. Either of the alternate as- 
sumptions makes more sense. If he is in- 
deed unique in nature, then somethi 
transcendental made him so. If he is 
something which nature herself has pro- 
duced, then nature must be in some way 
responsible for capacities he inherits 
from the ш self 

Neither literature nor any of the other 
arts merely reflect the times. They create 
as well as record convictions and moods. 
If a sizable audience now believes that 
life is absurd, existence a continual mis- 
and human beings almost without 
exception vile, it believes it in large 
part, not because of its own experience, 
but because poets of talent have con- 
vinced it of the alleged. fact. I risk the 
bold prediction that sooner or later— 
and rather soon, I think—it will awake 
from its nightmare, and thc "theater of 
ihe absurd" will be as outmoded as tlic 
proletarian "artisa-weapon" drama of 
the Thirties which many critics of the 
time described as the only drama of the 
future. One of the advantages perhaps 
there are not many—of having lived a 
long time is the fact that it mevitably 
makes one something of a square. We 
now by experience what these who 
know the past only through history can 
never believe, namely, that those “erer- 
al truths" which have been newly 
discovered turn out to be mere fashions 
after all. 

Perhaps it is a sign of the times that 
the only “drama of the absurd” to 
achieve а great success on other than off- 
Broadway, Edward АШесз hideous 
masterpiece Who's Afraid of Virginia 
Woolf? is one in which surrealism is 
abandoned in favor of what comes pret- 
ty close to old fashioned naturalism. It is 
understandable, even bitterly funny, no 
matter what your intellectual convic- 
tions may be. Unlike most of Beckett, 
Ionesco and Genet, it makes sense 
whether you are an existentialist or not. 
And vou don't even have to believe tha 
i тур Only that some hun 
gs not all, are like the doomed 
quartet which constitutes its dram 
personac. That is at least a step back 

toward sanity. 


the controversy between misleading slo- 
gans, the bare bones of the conflict are 
much simpler and much more tradi- 
tional than they have been made to ap- 
We are told in Ше West that we 
must fight communism because it is 
“godless.” But in the days of czardom, 
when Russia was as earnestly Christian 
as any other country, the British had al 
most the same hostility to Russia as they 
have now. This hostility lasted from the 
Crimean War until 1907. when British 
fear of Germany outweighed the pre 
vious fear of Russia. Propaganda in 
those days was more honest than it is 
now. British opposition to Russia was 


based upon the fear that Russia would 
drive the British out of India, British 
policy was unashamedly nationalistic 

and imperialistic. Nationalism and im- 
perialism still inspire the policies of the 
most powerful countries, but both now 
have to wear a cloak of hypocrisy, It is 
considered more respectable to hate 
communism because it is atheistical than 
to hate it because it is depriving us of 
empire. But, in fact, 
the dominant force in politics. Crecds 
nd ideologies are found to be a useful 
support of H-bombs, but they are not, in 

aked fact, causes of international hos 
tilities. The root cause of hostilities is 
still the love of power. There is a certain 

When giftsmanship counts...give him YORK TOW 

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(continued from page 206) 

difference of method between East and 
West. The West, being richer than the 
East, is better able 10 employ economic 
arguments in the shape of gifts, but die 
East is beter able to respond by stimu- 
lating envy. There 15, in fact, much 1655 
difference between Russia and Amer 
than is popularly supposed in both 
countries. In both countries, there is an 
oligarchy which, as a rule, is able to 
dominate policy. The Western oligarchy 
is more skillfully concealed, but very 
nearly as difficult to combat. The West 
ern oligarchy is primarily economic. The 
Eastern oligarchy is political. It might be 
said with a considerable measure of 
uth that there is only one difference 
between America and Russia: In Ame 
са the businessmen appoint the pol 
Gans, whereas in Russia the politici 
appoint the businessmen. 

How small a part is played by idcolo- 

gies as opposed to love of power was 
shown by the course of the Second 
World War. At its beginning, Russia 
and Germany were united by the Hitl 
Stalin Pact. When Hitler attacked. Rus 
sia, Russia and the West became allies 
and remained so until the end of the 
War. At no stage did ideologies play a 
dominant part. It is not difficult to im 
circumstances in which similar 
nges might take place: For example, 


if the Chinese became so powerful 
threaten both Ru ıd the Wes 
would cease to hate cach other, as they 
did during the Second World War. 

The conclusion that is forced upon 
the impartial observer is that people еп- 
joy quarreling, Governments and other 
powerful organizations have discovered 
this fact. Being determined to increase 
their own power, they must induce the 
public to believe what will support their 
policies. The constant use of words, 
aningless in their context except as 
they have been repeatedly used with cer- 
tain emotional overtones, is one of the 
most effective means of doing this. "The 
public is emotionally satisfied and lulled, 
and the spread of what is called infor- 
mation increases the amount of what 
people think they know and at the same 
time diminishes the amount of what 
they do know. The process is largely un- 
conscious and. for this reason, is difficult. 
to combat. But the new facility for mass 
slaughter which science has unfortunate- 
ly discovered has made misinformation 
and preconceived attitudes more disas- 
trous than in any former age. The time 
has come for people to seck facts and to 
asses them afresh. Only so can the 
pleasure in quanveling be thwarted and 
kept in hand as it must be wherever it 
approaches the point of armed conflict. 
The only alternative is death. 




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252 Еа J 

(continued from page 134) 

the chance to make this Christmas a 
most memorable one for our readers by 
letting Tiny Tim die. (^1 rouxp sorrow 
—in My Christmas Stocking" 

more poig 


Representing All the 
Midtown Towers Bldg. 
New York, N. Y. 10010 

сє 1961! 

Mr. Charles Dickens 
48 Dought 

Dear Charles: 

It’s heen some time since I have had 
a chance to catch up on шу correspond- 
ence, so I never did get to send you the 
report from True Story, which I have 

In the past weeks it also occurred to 
me that a little cutting might eliminate 
some of the many problems connected 
with the story as it now stands, so I sent 

to the Reader's Digest. I can't seem to 
find their letter in this pile on my desl 
but 1 assure you that they would have 

bought it in a minute if they weren't al- 
ready solidly booked with Christmas 
icles by Norman 5 nd Dr. 
ungle chi- 

ropractor who wrote the big best seller, 
Shoot First, and Live! 

Since all the other magazines scem 
to have done the mas shopping 
carly, I am now sending it to The Sal- 
urday Evening Post. But don't get 
your hopes up too high. When you have 
been in this business as long as I have, 
you eventually learn that caution is the 
best policy, and if by some odd freak 
you should happen to pull a winner, so 
much the better. 

Sincerest regards, 


Stanley B. Manley, President 

Stanley B. Manley Associates, Inc. 
P.S. Still no reply from my previous 
letters. Is it possible you are out of 
town? If so, drop us а card. 

666 Fifth 
New Yor 


Mr. Stanke 
Stanley В. А 
Midtown Tow 
New York, N 

B. Manley 
fanley Assoc 

5, Inc. 

Dear Stanley B. Manley: 
Sorry we've been so long in getting a 

report on the Dickens Christmas piece. 
As you are probably aware, most Curtis 
publications have been undergoing a 
thorough reorganization during the past 
two years or so, and the Post is no excep- 
Чоп. When I took over from Darcy 
Turvey two days ago, Stuart Boodle had 
tentatively approved the Dickens story. 
But then Stu was replaced by Hank New- 
port when Leroy Pling was brought in 
from Jack and Jill to becf up our qual- 
ity. This was the job formerly held by 
Joanne Finkley, who is now worki! 
Show magazine on a special 
to infiltrate the A 

wages, working conditions and 
habits of. Hunt 
picked harem of checkoi 
an see how things a 

Since I came back from lunch today, 
Fleur Biggers has been turned loose 10 
graz, Jim Tornquist has been called 
into Plings office for a closed-door con- 
ference thats been going on for more 
tha hour, and nobody in the shop 
is willing to think Christmas, except me. 
Personally, I rather like the Dick 
story. but I'm sure neither Hank New 
port nor Leroy Pling will buy anything 
that Stu Boodle approved during his 
week in olfice. It's unfair to Dickens, I 
admit, but that's how the hounds аге 
running. After reading the story and 

ing over the list of recent Post 
articles that have excited the greatest 
reader response in terms of libel actions. 
1 have a hunch that Dickens would do 
better to scratch this entry and send in a 
fox with the kind of high bushy tail that. 
Pling has been yelping for. 

While office scuttle! has it that the 
Post still continues to hit the newsstands 
with accustomed regularity, the last issue 
to reach this desk is an old summer num- 
ber that n serve, nevertheless, to indi- 
cate something of our present policy and 
tone. Scanning the cover, which features 
a healthy young blonde flexing her 
glands to illustrate “тнк DARING NEW 
LOOK. Ix SWIMSUITS," you begin to realize 
how far we've come since the old Tug- 
boat Annie days. Reading the bold black 
type that streaks across this blonde's 
crotch, we find teasers for three big fe; 
ture stories. Bumped off her left hip: 
опу Boom in Culture.” Bumped off 
her right: “The Profumo Scandal." And 
in an area where no Norman Rockwell 
cover girl would have permitted the 
touch of a nd's hand, we read: 
"How Wil aulkner Died." 

Since Dickens apparently knows Lon- 
don inside out, let's concentrate on the 
righthip angle for a moment: "The 
Profumo Scandal" which was really a 
comc-on for "The Crisis over Christine,” 
a seven-page spread on the “beautiful 
party girl,” backed up by 11 large photos 
and some real keyholesizding squ! 
Granted, the Profumo thing is now 








cient history. But Christmas, after all, 
is a time for remembering, and the 
thought occurs that a yuletide nostalgia 
piece on London callgirls might be just 
the thing to make Pling sit up and sali- 
vate to the tune of Hark, the Bells. 

If Di 
ticket. or taken a walk in the vicini 
Wimpole Mews, I should think he could 
stir Pling rather deeply with something 

like “My 12 Days of Christmas with 
Mandy and Christine.” А through-the- 
looking glass peep at yuletide orgies of 

yesteryear m 
Im sure Pling wouldn't mi 

ight also be welcome, and 
id if Dickens 
£ t the mysterious “naked 
who waited on tables in a Santa 
Claus mask was either Harold Macmil- 
Тап or the Archbishop of Canterbury. 
Needless to say, the story would not have 
to be confined to Christmas in London. 
h approach, Dickens might run 
up to Liverpool and give us a penetrat- 
ng comparison report on “The Tail of 
Two Cities. 

illy, Dickens already has a good 

story in Bob Cratch 
Martha, “a poor apprentice at a milli- 

s” who “told them what kind of 
she had to do, and how many hours 
she worked at a stretch . . . Also how she 
had seen a countess and a lord some days 
before, and how the lord ‘was much 
about as tall as Peter’. . <” 

Give this chatty little apprentice an 
opportunity to actually meet that lord 
at a frisky weekend party, and you've got 
the makings of "A Christmas Crisis." 1 
can't guarantee that Pling will buy it, 
but lets rub a little on the reindeer and 
sce if its nose lights up. 

Insecurely yours, 
Nigel Flush 
EdiQ #1 

P.S. The meeting in Pling's office just 
broke up, and I've been informed that 
Jim Tornquist is taking over my chair 
n 20 minutes. If I were you, I'd send 
Dickens’ story to The New Yorker! 

Representing All ihe Arts—Since 19611 
Midtown Towers Bldg. 
New York, М.Ү. 10019 

Mr. Charles Dickens 
48 Doughty Street 
London, England 

Dear Ch: 
The enclosed letter from The Satur- 

I won't expand upon it except to 
that in some cases there are limits to 
gent can do. 

Since the story obviously needs a lot 
more work, and the season for selling 
Christmas scripts is over for this year, I 
would suggest that you spend the upcom- 
ing months in adapting this property 
directly for the musical stage, a field in 
which you are more at home and have 
already made а hit reputation. 

Theatrically speaking, it might be a 
cute idea to pick up on the Saturday 
Evening Post suggestion and make Mar- 
tha into a kind of English “Irma la 
Douce” who could carry the love mterest 
which your story now lacks. In this con- 
nection, there are several other possi- 
bilities, including the one from rrAvsov. 
that you make Scrooge your young ro- 
mantic lead. In fact, I can already ріс- 
ture him as a Marlon Brando type who 
could be the singing ambassador to some 

“Т understand you people have been looking for me...” 

faraway South Sea island: The Ugly 

Actually, of course, he isn’t really 
ugly. Нев just rich and moody, and has 
gone to this island to forget Martha, who 
has refused to marry him because of her 
profession, which she practices only to 
raise the money for the operation Tiny 
Tim needs so he can throw away his 
crutches and fulfill his teenage dream of 
becoming a famous dancer. When, on 
the night of his big debut as “Rubber 
legs” Cratchit, Tim learns the truth 
about Martha's sacrifice, and how she's 
not a milliner’s apprentice but a high 
class London hooker, he abandons h 
carcer in order to search for his sister's 
former lover, Scrooge, and arrives on the 
land just as the natives are preparing to 
adors heart ош. It is 
and as Scrooge sings a 
he has no heart 
because the girl he loves has stolen it 
away, into the jungle clearing comes Big 
1 Cratchit—on crutches. Scrooge ni 

Christmas Eve, 
song to the elfect tha 

ually assumes Tim must be a ghost, 
and the natives are thrown into a pan 
of fear. But as the drums start up with 

a wild voodoo beat, Tim throws away 
his sticks and goes into his big novelty 

ance, The No-Crutch Conga. The п: 

n in the fun, and when 

swings out at the head of the line, a 
preity native girl puts a wreath on his 

head making him an honorary chief of 
her people. Just then, however, Scrooge 
spots Marcha on the edge of the crowd, 
where she has been standing all the 
time, smiling and clappi 
dress, with a lower behind whichever car 
supposed to mean that a girl is single 
Instantly the frenzied dancing stops, and 
the crowd melis away leaving Scrooge 
and Martha to renew their love on the 
moonlit beach, where the prety native 
girl is now seen hanging a lei on Tim. 
‘The lovers smile fondly at cach other, 
and as Scrooge switches the flower to 
Martha’s married car, they all go into a 
smash finale which 
of the show: Never on Christmas 

This, of course, is just a rough out 
line. 1 am sure that many other 
will occur to you when you do the r 
writing that will bring this property up 
into the big-hit class with Oliver! 1 
when the time ever comes when you fee 
you have such a surefire winner, please 
feel [ree 10 send it to me at once. 

In the meantime, best wishes for a 
Merry Christmas and a Happy New 
Year. Or, to quote Tiny Tim in this 
regard, “God help us every one! 

As always, 

Stanley B. Manley, President 
Stanley B. Manley Associates, Inc. 


Calypso limes. The 
juicy yellow limes Rose's 
Lime Juice is made from. 
Limes grown in the sultry 
West Indies. Ripened 
slowly in the deep heat. 
Mon, limes grown else- 
where aren't in this race. 
That's why cocktails made 
from Rose's are rather 

special. Like the Gimlet: 
one part Rose'sto 4 or 5 
parts gin or vodka. Serve 
itina cocktail glass or 

on the rocks. Or the Rose's 
Collins: 3 parts gin, vodka 
orrum to one part Rose's. 
Pour over ice, fill with 
soda, stir. Or the Bloody 
Mary: One jigger vodka, 
М jigger Rose's, tomato 
juice, salt, pepper, 
Worcestershire. Shake with 
ice, serve ina tall glass. 


» limes. 

Or the Rose's Sour: 
4 parts whiskey to 1 port 
Rose's. Shake, with ice, 
strain into a sour glass. 
Or Rose's Toric: Add a 
dash of Rose's to a jigger 
of gin topped with 
Schweppes Tonic. 

Plenty more, too. Get 
yourself plenty of Rose's 
lime Juice. And swing. 

Introdochon: What you are atout fo read may seem IKE aw ordinari 
mnawent In an ordinary Me. (f ie not. If 15 history ! 

tipo [le M - 


NO! Na! No! 





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и i 5) THE PROBLEM! e» 
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OF ТАК, — |2° тікке — 79 


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Three popular pieces from the 
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All prices ppd. 
Shall we enclose a gift card in your name? 
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Playboy Club keyholders may charge 
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the playmate in her... 

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Chicago 11, Illinois 
Playboy Club keyholders may charge 
by enclosing key number with order. 

bring out 


(continued from page 164) 
Kaulish Klan, the Shriners (complete 
with pasha and red ferzes), the A.F. of 
L., the CIO, Steelworkers Local 1010, 
all gathered to snake their way through 
the ambient Indiana Sinclair Refinery 
ir, for glory and to thank God that 
there is an America. Or maybe just to 
parade, which scems to be an elemental 
human urge. 

This gathering point is always known 
as a “rendezvous” in the language of 
Paradese. On the bulletin board the 
week before was the usual notice: "The 
band will rendezvous at 0080 on Hoh- 
man Avenue opposite Harrison Park. 
Each unit will be numbered. Look for 
our number painted on the curb—12. 
We will step olf promptly and smartly 
at 0915. 

By 12:30, of course, we are still mill- 
ing around, noses running, always far off 
in the distance the sound of some band 
playing something, and still we stand. 
The thin trickle of glockenspiel music 
walted back to us through the frozen 
trees and bushes as the Musicians Local 
Marching Band tuned up. Megaphones 
bellowing, cars racing back and forth 
over the disorganized line of march, 
until finally, slowly and painfully. we 
lumbered into motion. Waldo shot us 
aggressively into our assigned march po- 
sition, and we were under way. 

Rumors had gone from band to band, 
from drummer to drummer, that the 
mayor up ahead on the reviewing stand 

was stoned out of his mind, that we were 
delayed while they sobered him up, that 
he had chased a lady high school princi- 
pal around the lectern. But these are 
just parade rumor 
Its hard to tell from a marcher's 
ndpoint just what parade watchers 
if anyıh s we got closer to 
wer of town, the crowd grew 

the c 
thicker, muffled, hooded, mittened, ear- 

muffed the gray staring faces of sheet- 

metal workers and iron puddlers—just 

ig there in the dead-zero air. This 

is where you begin to learn about hu- 

nity. Their eyes look like old oysters. 

just look. Once in a while you scc 

a guy smoking a cigar; he spits. And 

from time to time a kid throws a penny 

or a Магу Jane or a cherry bomb into 
the bell of your sousaphone. 

All the bands, of course, are marching 
10 their own cadence. Up ahead the La- 
dies Auxiliary of the Whales shuffles on. 
In the cold autumn of the Midwest you 
can hear their girdles squeaking three 
blocks away. We march рам the assem- 
bled multitude, Waldo glancing neither 
to right nor left, eyes front, brow high. 
Up ahead the flags and banners of all 
kinds are fluuering in the icy breeze: 
steelworkers just stand there, looking. 

From somewhere far behind, 
spiel in the German-Amer Band 
tinkles briefly and stops, and all around 
the steady drumbeats roll. We were on 
the march. 

Strung overhead from lamppost to 
lamppost across the main street were 
gs of red and green Christmas lights. 
Green plastic holly wreaths with imit 
tion red berries hung from every other 
lamppost. We marched past department 
stores with windows filled with mechan- 
ically moving Seven Dwarfs—Grumpy 
nting a sled, Sneezy hammering on a 
ship model, and a big elecwical Santa 
s maniacally laughing. Christmas 
was coming. 

We have reached the middle of town. 
This is the big moment. Its the Times 
Square of Hammond, Indiana. A stre 
car line тап right down the middle of 
the main str and I am stradd 
rail, trying to keep up the 160-bear-pe 
minute cadence; blowing our own spe- 


cial version of Jingle Bells on my froze: 

sousaphone. Sliding along the tracks 
with the ice packed in hard. I have lost 
ll feeling. My cars, my nose, my horn is 
frozen; my hands аге putty 

altingly, we moved ahead. Slowly. 
We'd bump into the Italian la 
head, and the German plumbers 
behind would bump into us. Somewhere 
the Moose would swear and the Fagles 
would vell. And thei right at 
ground zero, the reviewing stand to our 
right, the assembled multitude cheering 
the national champions on to greater 

Waldo spun and faced us with his old 
familiar stare, and suddenly the cold was 
forgouen. We were on! Two sharp rips 
of the whistle, a sustained, long, rising 
note, baton at port, two qui i 
the wrist, and our great fan 
out. The parade had come 
champs were on the scene! The Amer 
n Legion Junior Fife and Drum Corps 
aded into oblivion. Waldo Grebb w: 
in command! 

Ray Janowski's be 
er, leading his drum section to hei 
that rivaled our best performance: 
Grebb about-faced and went into action, 

j k shako reaching up like 
ng brush into the sullen 
gray sky. A magnificent figure, his gold 
epaulets glinting as we wove at half 
tempo over the hard caked 
realizing we were about to p 
1 a historic moment that has since be 
come part of the folk songs and fireside 
legends of northern Indiana. 

The Thunderer echoed down that 
narrow sucet like a cannon volley being 
fired in a mammoth cave. Blowing 
sousaphone at such a moment gives one 
a sense of power that is only rivaled per 
haps by the fecl of a Ferrari cockpit at 
Le Mans. 

Spitzer, our bass drummer, six fect, 
nine inches tall, caught fire. His sticks 

“Go find your own corner!” 



spinning into the air, his drum quiver- 
ing, the worn gold and purple lettering 
ING CHANPIONS CLASS A, subduing the 
crowd into a kind of tense silence. 
They were viewing greatness, Ihe pano- 
ply of pomp and tradition, and they 
knew it. Those who toil in the 14-inch 
merchant mill and the cold-strip pickling 
department at the steel mill rarely see 
such glory. Children stopped crying: 
noses ceased to run, eyes sparkled and 
blue plumes of exhaled breath hung like 
smoke wreaths in the air as we slammed 
into the coda. 

Already I was beginning to wonder 
whether Grebb would dare try his cap- 
per on such a dangerously cold day as 
this, with those sneaky November cross- 
winds and numbed fingers. His ramrod 
back gave no hint. One thing was sure, 
and everybody in the band know it: He 
had never been sharper, cleaner, more 
dynamic. By now he was three quarters 
through his act. His figure eight and 
double eagle had been spectacular. The 
trombones just ahead of me, usually a 
lethargic section. were blowing clean 
and hard. Waldo's twin scepters were 
alive, His timing was spectacular. 

We arrived at dead center of the inter- 
section precisely as the last note of The 
the plateglass 
windows of the big department store 
and against the dirty gray façade of the 
drugstore on the opposite corncr. For a 
moment the air rang with the kind of 
explosive silence that follows a train 
wreck. And then it began. Janowski 
“tied” his solitary beat. We marched for- 
ward almost marking time in place. The 
crowd sensed that something was about 
to happen. 

Thunderer echoed fro 

Waldo towered ahead of us, weaving 
slightly left, right, left, right, as his twin 
batons in uncanny synchronization be- 
gan to spin faster and faster and 

The sound carried in the cuttingly 
cold air, and even the mayor up on the 
reviewing stand could hear the “zzzsssssst 
Tzarsssssssss 2222121588858" OF those spinning 
chromium slivers. 

He held it longer than any of us 
had ever scen him do before, stretching 
the dramatic tension to the breaking 
point and beyond. Beside me, Dunker 

"What the hell's he doing?” 

Waldo spun on. Janowski tic'd off the 
rhythm: “tic tic tic tic tic tic tic" We 
marched imperceptibly, advancing like 
some great glacier, across the intersec- 
tion. And then, like two interlocked 
birds of prey, Waldo's batons rose majes- 
ally in the hard November gloom. 
Higher and higher they spun, faster 
and higher than even on the day that 
Waldo had won the national champion- 
ship. Tt was unquestionably his supreme 
effort. He was a senior, and knew that 
this was his last full-scale public appear- 
ance before the home-town rabble. His 
last majestic capper. 

Every eye save his followed the arcs of 
those two beautiful interleaved disks as 
they climbed smartly higher and higher 
above the street. True to his style, Wal- 
do stared coldly ahead. knees snapping 
upward like pistons. He knew his trade 
and was at the peak of his powers. 

And then it happened, Instinctively 
every, member of the brass section 
scrunched lower in his sousaphone at the 


hove Waldo's shako, high over 
reet, hung a thin, curving copper 

“This is the nutliest inventory I've ever been through!” 

band of the streetcar high-tension power 
line. Slightly below it and to the left was 
another thin wire of some nondescript 
. The two disks magically, in a sin 
gle synchronous action, passcd cleanly 
between the wires and rose 20, 25 feet 
above the high-tension wires, reached 
their apex and, in a style more spec- 
tacular than any of us ever had suspect 
ed was in Waldo, slowed and began their 
downward swoop. We watched, the 
crowd gaped. Waldo marched on, eyes 
straight ahead. My God, what a moment! 

The mayor leaned, or perhaps 
lurched, forward slightly on the review- 
ing stand. Even the children sensed that 
history was about to be made. 

There are times when words are total- 
ly inadequate to the events visited upon 
men. For a fleeting instant it appeared 
as though the two batons would repeat 
their remarkable interleaving passage 
between the lethal wires on their way 
down, In fact, the one on the right did, 
and Waldo caught it flawlessly. But the 
left baton, spinning slower and slower 
above the copper band, with a metallic 
“ting” just ticked, barely kissed and 
caught on the current carrier with its 
chromesilver ball. The blunt end fell 
gently across the other, nondescript wire 
1 the baton hung there, unbeliev- 
ably, suspended between them. 

For a split second nothing happened. 
Janowski “tic tic іса" steadily, doggedly 
on. The cadence never varied as our feet 
sounded as one on the spiteful, filthy 
granite ice. And then an ceric, wanspar- 
ent, cerulean-blue nimbus, a kind of ex- 
panding halo rippled outward from the. 
suspended baton and from some farol 
distant place, beyond the freight yards, 
past the Grasselli Chemical plant, an i 
human, quickening shudder grew closer 
and coser, as though a tidal wave were 
about to break over all of us. And the 


Hanging over the intersection was a 
gigantic, unimaginably immense Fourth- 
of-July sparkler that threw a Vesuvius, a 
hissing shower of flame in i 
wheel down to the street and 
sky, over the crowd and onto the band. 
The air was alive with ozone. It seemed 
to flash with great thunderbolts, on and 
on. It just hung up there and burned 
and burned, ionizing before our eyes. 

Janowski іса on. A few тиштей 
screams came from the crowd. Fuses were 
blowing out over the entire county, as 
far away as Gary. High-tension poles 
were toppling somewhere miles away. 
The steel mills stopped; boats sank out 
on the river. Three streetcars burst into 
flames. It was as though some ancient, 
thunderbolt-hurling God had laid one 
right down on the middle of Hammond 
on Thanksgiving Day. The ground 
shuddered, Gencrators as far south as 
Indianapolis screamed and stilled. W: 
do Grebb had hit the main fuse, the 



handles both, keeping credit 

cards and dollar bills neatly at your 
fingertips. Case is of rich glove 

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silk. Fits any breast pocket 

Code No. J16, $7.50 ppd. 

Shall we enclose a gill card in your name: 
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232 East Ohio SL. + Chicago, Illinois 60611 
Playboy Club keyholdersmay charge ty enclosing bey no. 

for the indoor sportsman 



A life-size Bunny Tail mounted on 
handsome solid walnut and clearly 
engraved: "Caught Live At The Playboy 
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$15 ppd. 

Shall we enclose a gift card in your name? 
Send check or money order to: 


232 East Ohio Street 

Chicago 11, Illinois 


Of mellow gold finish 
Perfect for playboys and 
playmates. $5, ppd. 
FET included 

232 East Ohio Street e Chicago, Illinois 60611 
Playboy Club keyhalders may charge by enclosing key по. 

ultimate jackpot. It was the greatest 
capper of all time! 

But without so much as an upward 
glance, he had caught the first baton 
neatly and spun on. The drum section 
picked up the cadence and we marched 
smartly through the int 
behind a scene of devastation that forms 
the core of several epic poems rela 
the incident. 

Waldo immediately signaled for El 
Capitan, and as we attacked the intro, 
the crowd burst into a great roar of ap- 
plause and surging emotion. The heady 
aroma of burnt rubber, scorched соррс 
ionized chrome and frozen ozone trailed 
us up the street. Santa Claus in the 
dow sat with mouth agape. Sneezy 
hammer was held stiffly at half-mast. 
The Christmas trees had flickered ou 
The MERRY XMAS neon signs were d. 

We knew that the baton that 
gone up in smoke had been one of V 
do's prized awards—from his presenta- 
tion set of matched wands, won at the 
state championships: The other, the sur- 
vivor, he held lightly in hi 
his arm shooting it high over his head 
and down diagonally across his body, up 
and down, up and down. He spun as we 
finished Fl Capitan, and gave three 
quick Dlasts on the whistle, his signal for 
Under the Double 
stecly as ever, his jaw grim and square. 

From all sides we could hear the 
sound of sirens approaching the scene 
we were leaving behind, over the swell- 
ing strains of the Double Eagle, with its 
massive crescendos, its unmatched sousa- 
phone obbligato. As we played this gre: 
classic and Waldo led us on into the twi- 
light, every sousaphone player, every 
baritone man, the trombones, the clari- 
nets, the piccolos and flutes, the snare 
drummers, Dunker and Janowski, all of 
us thought one thi Did he plan i 

You can never tell about drum majors. 
"This was not Ше sort of mistake Waldo 
Grebb would make. Had he calculated 
this? Practiced, worked for this moment 
for four long years? Was this gigantic, 
this unparalleled capper his final state- 
ment to Hammond, Indiana, to the steel 
mills, the refineries and the Sheet & 
Tube Works, to those gray oyster eyes, 
and to the Croatian Ladies Aid Society? 

Up ahead his arched back, taut as 
g steel, gave no sign. His shako 
ched for the sky, his great plume 
waved on. He blew a long, shrill echoing 
blast, holding his remain aton high 
above his head. Two shorts followed and 
he smartly commanded a column right 
The drums thundered as we marched 
into a side street out of the line of march 
and headed back toward school in per- 
fect formation. The wind was risi 
it sccmed to be get 
of snow was in the air, and Christmas 

was on its way. 

ction, leaving |< 

ng |5 

le, his сусу as |9 


, ла ma Articles of 
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impeccable taste. Invigorating 
Royall Lyme toilet lotion, 
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West Indian limes, blended to 
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muda Spyce, from native All- 

spice leaves. Use both lotions 
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Royall Lymesoap, hard-milled 
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partment stores and men's 
specialty shops. Prom $3 to $12 
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Send $1.00 for travel size lotion and. 
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Everything in wearing 
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Write for our free catalog. 


Corner Mission at Third 



‚.; personalized PLAYBOY matches, imprinted 

‘wih your name or initials бити: 22 spaces) 

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Allow 3 weeks oi delivery. $3 ppd 

Send check or money order tos 
232 East Ohio St. e Chicago 11, Illinois 





with a graduated beaker—the kind of 
shenanigans that go on at big hotel ban- 

quets. No virtuoso barman uses а jigger 

for g. His hand is generous but 
stead. id for a private jubilee, a frec- 
hand technique is the only hospitable 
way 10 pour. 

When the caterer’s truck pulls up to 
your digs, one of the first pieces of 
equipment he delivers is a portable bar. 
In apartments where space is at a pre 
mium, however, it's sometimes best to 
eliminate the portable bar in favor of 
additional dancefloor or dining space. 
ng bar can then be sct up in an 
room. Drinks are prepared out 
of sight and passed by waiters to the 
merrymakers. For comforts sake, the 
portable bar is best located near the buf- 
fet table and as close to the kitchen as 

For the glassware department, caterers 
will bring from three to five rounds of 
each type of glass needed, as well as coast- 
ers, cocktail napkins, eic. The large 
amount of glassware specds up bar serv- 
ісе and makes allowances for breakage. 

In choosing your drinks, the simplest 
of all bar services is naturally the holi- 
day punch bowl. Where drinking is the 
main focus of attention, the punch bow! 
is perfect. But for rejoicing around a 
bullet table where the stacked platters 
and bubbling chafing dishes are the cen 
ter of interest, the punch bowl is usually 
bypassed in favor of the regular bar 
repertory. F 
you may check with the caterer on ice, 
carbonated waters, fruits, ctc, but as 
S.O. P. these are abundantly supplied. 


(continued from page 136) 

Fine food begets fine wine. It's only 
natural that the excitement of the year- 
end should be accompanied by the 
heady glow engendered by vintage 
grape. Either the red and white still 
wines or champagne are, of course, very 
much in order; but for a change of pace 
you might try sparkling French red bur- 
gundy and sparkling Rhine wine. Both 
can be served at a buffet and are less dry, 
somewhat softer than champagne, but 
rich, unforgettable sensations to the 
taste, The v npagne is 
so omnipresci ies makes 
the other sparkling wines unexpected 
and original pleasures 

The 1 submit sample menus 

to you, and this may cause some soul- 
searching. There are empire builders and 
business geniuses who are reduced to 

vacillation when required to decide 
whether the Dublin Bay prawns shall 
appear with Russian dressing or cock- 
| sauce. Our own advice is to choose 
the foods as you please, guided only by 
the cgo of your own taste. H you've 
latched onto a good caterer, your arbi- 
wariness will be (transformed through his 
alchemy into gustatory wisdom. 

Properly, bullet dinners have a be- 
ginning, a middle and an end. Today, 
the beginning often shares the spot- 
light with the middle. Many of the 
modern-day hors d'oeuvres, such as 
water chestnuts with bacon, aren't 
appetite prodders, but simply luscious 
cating, providing playful contrass in 
textures. Cold hors d'oeuvres, such as 
Nov Imon wrapped around 
sp grene or celery stuffed 
with a purée of gorgonzola cheese, are 

"Im afraid we've got a hell of a lot of 
digging ahead of us, professor.” 

offered well chilled, and are delights in 
their own right. IL you want your guests 
to share the heavenly experience of fresh 
Beluga caviar or |412 de foie gras (not 
pate maison or päte de foie or purée de 
foie), you must spell out these requests 
to the caterer. 

The huge cold buffet centerpieces, 
particular favorites of the chefs on luxu 
гу ocean liners, are secn at private ра 
ties nowadays only if they can be caten 
with case. There's an old-fashioned aspic 
of lobsters and shrimps 
circle of lobsters p 
slaves with upstretched arms supporting 
а monarch holds up an enormous mound 
of shrimps decorated with truffes, pi- 
miento crescent: and the gold of hard 
boiled eggs. The whole ensemble is 
eye-catching, but if a single supporting 
slice of hard-boiled egg is removed. 
the ture comes tumbl 
down. Needless to say, the same lobste 
and the seme shrimps can be served in a 
less unstable arrangement, so that when 
the crowd starts eating, the platter 
doesn't turn into a provender Pompe 
within a matter of minutes. Cold salmon, 
cold saddle of venison, cold Virginia 
ham, cold tenderloin of beef and cold 
roast goose all lend themselves 10 this 
kind of easy grandstand play. 

Of the hot foods served at catered par- 

n which a huge 

cd upright like 


ties, beet is in ascendancy almost every 
where. Curried lamb, shevried chicken 
hash and lobster newburg are still dr 

ing cards, but at die риси sta 
our pasironomical life, they're complete 
ly eclipsed by beef Stroganoff, 
with mushrooms, beef bourguignonne 
swimming in red-wine gravy, and ten- 
derloin of beet à la Deutsch scented with 
sherry. Roast shell of beef, sometimes 
listed as roast sirloin of beef, broiled 
thick shell steaks and roast beef tender- 
loin—all rave, sliced thin and custom 
carved to fit on half slices of bread- 
continue to gratify beefeaters everywhere. 

Renowned catering houses such 
les Wilson of New York have mod- 


ernized their desserts with luscious fresh 

fruit tartelettes 
atered foods, 

compotes and 
е so many 

dining. For late, late parties Wilson 
on a doughnut machine. The 
very thought of it shocks the old-line pa 
tissiers, but when in die earlymorning 
hours the hot plump doughnuts are 
tossed into a bowl of cinnamon sugar, 
and the fresh, steaming сосе flows from 
the urns, the party’s final phase takes on 
a new warmth, a glow which will have 
been more than matched by the one you 
got when, in the midst of your happily 
limited dutics as the catered-wingding 
host, you realized that you were 
unruffled, unharried and enjoying your- 

self immensely. 

.. from 


Gold Playmate Key Chain, $10. В. Gold Playmate Pin, $6. C. Gold Playmate Charm Bracelet, $12.50. D. Gold Playmate Charm with Disc, $8.51 
Gold Playmate Charm, Dimensional, $8. F. Gold Playmate Earrings, $10. G. Gold Playmate Pin with Disc, $8. H. Gold Playmate Ankle Brace- 
let, $7.50. |. Gold Playmate Pendant, $10. J. Gold Playboy Club Necklace (14 kt.), $20. K. Gold Playboy Club Charm (14 kt.), $20. L. Gold 
Playboy Cuff Links, $10. M. Gold Playboy Tie Bar, $5. N. Gold Playboy Money Clip, $7.50. O. Gold Playboy Pin, $5. P. Playboy Hand Puppet, $6 
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(continued from page 156) 

one end of the 50-foot rope which he 
carried coiled between hip and shoulder. 
He called down into the bowl, “Get your 
rope ready. How long is it?” 

"About twenty yards. 

"That ought to do 

The big man tied the other end of the 
rope about his waist and then, paying 
out the slack, lowered himself into the 
bowl. The sides had more curvature than 
he had calculated. For half a minute he 
hung, spinning dizzily until, noticing a 
ragged crack in the ice, he swung in- 
ward and gripped it with one hand, He 
carried with him an alpine ice ax. With 
this he began swiftly and dexterously to 
cut hand- and footholds. 

Josef, from Ше bouom, watched him 
with blank curiosity. When the big man 
was 40 feet down he said, “Mind your 
head, down there—Im going to let my- 
self slip." Then, supporting himself on 
the rope with one hand, he unhitched 
the loop which held him and came slid- 
ing down. Joscl’s face relaxed in a half 
smile of amusement. “If you want my 
rope, you will please take it [or yourself. 
My right hand is quite useless. What are 
you going to do?" 

“Well, first ГІ catch my breath." He 
fumbled in an inside pocket and found 
cigarettes and a lighter. "Do you want a 

Thank you, no, I am a nonsmoker.” 

The big man lit a cigarette and un- 
slung a canteen. “Гуе got some whiskey 
here if youd like a drink.” 

"Normally 1 do not dr 
T will take a little for qu 
scf swallowed a mouthful with 
mace, handed back the canteen and said, 
"I can assure you that if it is your inten- 
tion to ty to extract information from 
me by means of torture, it will be a 
wasted effort. I know nothing of value to 
your people—— 

"—It is my intention,” the other man 
said, imitating Josel’s clipped accent, “to 
take this rope, cut a few footholds up to 
my ropes end and join the two by mak- 
ing a knot called a sheet bend. Then it is 
my intention to tie this end around you 
under the arms, climb back up to the 
top and haul you up. Your wrist is 
broken, you say? Well, you've got your 
feet, 1 guess, and one good hand to help 
yourself with.” 

“And then?” the little man asked. 

“I don't know about ‘then.’ Do as 
you're told now." So saying, the big n 
went to work with his ice ax. The bowl 
sang like crystal. An hour passed before 
the ropes were joined and Josef made 
hope that gun barrel holds,” 
said, "or things might get a 
As a matter of curiosity, 

ick energy 


bit difficult . 

shrimp, don't you ever say thank you?" 

“IF it pl 
the words—thank you. I 
that there is nothing for you to gain by 
what you are doing. Either you are very 
stupid, or you act with some motive too 
deep for me to fathom. I have said 
thank you. Are you satisfied?” 

The big ma and began to 
climb hand over hand. Watching, Josef 
thought that the thin rope must inevita- 
bly snap under vast bulk. But for 
all his size, the big man seemed to have 
something of the spider about him. F 
times he swung to catch invisible fissures 
and promontories. At last, at the top, he 
hung, clinging to the rope with feet and 
knees alone while he cut a place for his 
fingers in the ice at the brim, Then he 
was over and gone. 

At the top he paused for another 
breathing spell and smoked another ciga- 
rette. Then, calling out, "Take it 
nd grab the notches in the ice,” he 
braced his feet against the split rock and 
began to haul, grunting. The little man 
ne up with surprising ease. In ten 
minutes the two were sitting side by side 
оп the rock, the big man smoking and 
Josef nursing his right hand in his left 

The big man was the first to speak. 
He said, “Goddamn you, do you know 
the meaning of the American expression 
“in a jam?” 

‘Ac is, I believe, a slang word meaning 
‘predicament.’ Are you in а predica- 
ment? И so you have nobody to blame 
but yourself. 1 а a loss, however, to 
know the nature of this predicament.” 

"You talk like a goddamn school- 

“Not at all. I am literate, you are not. 
That is all" 

“You are a saboteur, а spy and а kill- 
aid the other, looking at him with 
mixed wonder and dislike, Then he said, 
slowly, "There's something about your 
kind of people ГЇЇ never understand. I 
understand how a point of view can 
change. I understand how you can be 
educated to look at things in such and 
such a way. But there are certain fun- 

common gratitude. I could 
have left you to die down there on that 
“But you did not. Why did you поі? I 
tell you why, You decided to ауе 
my life, as you would put it. To gratify 
an outmoded decadent taste for the 
romantic. I have no such taste. My con- 
ceptions and my outlook are material- 
- In the past ten days we have been 
hunting each other. We must have ex- 
changed fifty shots apiece. Т. 
have come within an inch of killing me. 
In passing let me compliment you on 



aaa i abs 


. another 


. they've neve 




“The ú 


quite . . 




“And Jim . . . if things don’t work out . . 

- well 

22.1 just want you to know that I'm not doing 
anything special tonight . . > 

your marksmanship. It was your duty to 
shoot me just as it was my duty to shoot 
you if I could. 

“1 know. I've killed men. But we balk 
at leaving a man alone to di 
Incidentally, I am not illite 

the ice. 
ме. For 

your information, I am a master of arts 
22250, as I said, I find myself in a jam 
or predi = 

Josef said, with a thin smile, “Now 
you sec just why your system is bound to 
fall, and upon what false moralities your 
way of thinking is based. There is no 
по sense of proportion. 
airy tale. I see you over 
ny rifle sights at five hundred yards, you 
re a speck; I sce you at five feet and 
you are a huge lump of protoplasm. Fi- 
ther way you are execrable to me. I spi 
upon the pathos of nearness! What i 
under the microscope, the germ of a 
case is magnified to the size of a dog; am 
I to caress it and let it lick my face? 1 

zeg walk through the streets of one of your 

decadent cities, and rub shoulders with a 
million of your kind—talk with them, 
eat with them, if the impulse moves me 
sleep with them. They are no less obnox- 
ious in that сап see the whites of their 
eyes. But you—I know your kind. In you, 
propinquity breeds sentiment, and your 
sentiment stinks. Seen from the air a city 
looks like a bit of animal tissue, with 
the arterial roads like nerve cells, et 
cetera, and the bursting of a stick of 
bombs strikes your poctic imagination as 
looking like the blossoming of litle 
flowers. Eh? Hypocrite, where is your 

The big man said, "I concede that 
there is a certain something in what you 
y. And still it seems to me that. in cer- 
in circumstances when you magnify 
your awareness that a man is a man 
u sharpen your perception of the 
difference between good and evil. I de- 
test you, and everything you stand for. 

But I cannot leave you to die alone in 
the ice. And here's the predicament— 
zed people sometimes find them 
selves in such predicaments. It will be 
hard for you to understand. If I had put 
a bullet through your head—and I wish 
to God I 1—1 should have said, "Міѕ- 
sion accomplished,’ and thought no 
more of the matter. But now that I've 
saved your life, in some mysterious way I 
feel morally indebted to you; in a w: 
grateful to you. And my predicament 
that I don’t know what to do with you.” 

Josef said, “Аз you say, this is some- 
thing I would not understand, and I 
should hope that 1 would have no desire 
to understand it. Let me help you out of 
your predicament. You are rendered im- 
potent to hurt me because you have 
saved my life. But I, whose life you 
saved, find in my heart no trace of mercy 
toward you on that account.” 

"No. You'd be consistent in that, I'd 
guess. “The end justifies the means — 

that’s what you'd say.” 

‘And what would you say?" Josef 

“Га say that every means is an end in 
itself. Like, say, a span іп a bridge. Your 

bridge won't stand ир” 

“Апа your imagery is as banal as your 
reasoning is puerile. You bore ше. Let 
us return to your ‘predicament,’ and 
have done with this tomfoolery. Have 
you a pistol? 


“Ah, but I have Josefs right 
hand came out from under his ar 
holding a small black revolver. He fired 
straight into the big man's face. Quick as 
he was, the big man had been quicker, 
his grcat hand moving fast and. 
cally as an eyelid blinks, and it closed 
over the other man's little fist, pistol and 
all. The bullet grazed his ear. Bone 
pped. The revolver fell into the snow. 

Then, with something like tenderness, 
the big . "I thank you kindly. 
‘This puts matters back on the old foot- 
ing. It simplifies everything." 

He picked Josef up by the neck and 
опе leg, raised him above his head and, 
handling him like a dry branch, broke 
his back on the edge of tlie rock. "You 
talk too much,” he said. "You should 
have shot me before. Vanity is the down- 
fall of your kind; you materialists have 
no sense of real 

Then he stopped, for he was address- 
ing a dead man. 

He kicked the body into the ice bowl. 
An avalanche of shale с 
The big man stood for a minute, think- 
ing. Then he recoiled his rope, slung his 
empty rille over his shoulder, and went 
back down the hard trail southward 





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(continued from page 174) 

him and watched with interest as Love. 
joy threw the doors open, and dug 

down under the heavy winter woolen 

"Johnnie Walker!” Saint Clair said 

"Ihree boules! You old dog!" 

"In case of sickness,” Lovejoy said. 
“Or special occasions. I am not much of 
a drinking . . 

“ГИ open it.” Roland took the bottle 
and ripped away the paper. Lovejoy 
carefully placed the winter underwear 
over the other two boules and closed the 
wardrobe. By this time Roland had 
poured three tremendous drinks into 
coffee cups. 

“То good will," 

chanted the Calonius 

brothers, holding the cups high. Lovejoy 
looked at them, strange, exciting visitors 

from anorher world. Only in the East 
would your life hold such surprises. "To 
good will," he said strongly, and drank a 
long draught of Johnnie Walker. 

“Ladszlo,” called Saint Clair to the 
pufling Hungarian, "be careful for the 
paint on that bicycle! That's а very ex- 
pensive bicycle." 

“Yess, gentlemen," Ladszlo said, finally 
putting Ше third bicycle away and Iean- 
ing palely against a wall to recover his 
“Perhaps” Lovejoy whispered, 
Ladszlo would like a . . 
Ladszlo never drinks,” Saint Clair 
said, pouring himself another large cup- 
Нез a Greck 


Lovejoy said, 
“TIl go into the kitchen and tell the serv- 
to prepare dinner for tonight.” 

Go right ahead, Stan,” Roland waved 
We're fine here. 
You've really made us feel as though this 
was our home.” 

“Thank you very much,” Lovejoy 
said, feeling a slight warm flush of grati 
tude. He ordinarily lived a quiet, seclud- 
ed life, and he had few friends 

“There should be more like you,” 
land said. 
hank you a 
7 Saint Clair said, "I like 
Inuts. They contain valua- 


For desse 
raisins and w 
ble minerals. 

"TIL sce what I 

.” Lovejoy said. 
When he got back after a bitter half 
hour in Ше kitchen, іп which Ahmed, 
the cook, a eunuch who had been cas- 
trated by the Turks in 1903, had burst 
into tears twice in a frenzy of misunder- 

standing, the living room was roarir 
with. argument. 
“I did not rape any waitress in Tel 

Avi t Clair was screaming. A sec- 
ond boule of Johnnie Walker, Lovejoy 
noticed, was standing on the table. 

nuemen," said Lovejoy, his head 
rather vague with the beer and Scotch 
and sudden company, “it is impossible 
to get walnu| 
“Thats all right,” 
at him cheerfully. 
enough. Have a drink. 
“Thank you,” Lovejoy said. 
While waiting for dinner, they w 
on the second bottle and the Calonius 
brothers talked about themsel 
“Bakersheld, California," Sai 
said, "is all right for cowboys 
s where we were born, 

air smiled 

omorow's soon 

t Clair 


“It lacks romance. Same thing, day in, 
‚ Beef and grapefruit. Have 
int Clair poured all around. 

“A man’s got to see (he world , . . 

"Thats exactly what I said 
“George Buchanan would've killed 

you if you'd stayed in Bakersfield anoth- 
er twenty-four hours" Roland said. 
“The only trouble was it was Sunday 
and he had to wait till the stores opened 
on Monday to buy a shotgun." Roland 
lwughed merrily, remembering. "We 
named the monkey after Madame Bu- 

chanan. Amazing resemblance.” 
"George Buch: Saint 
shouted, “was absolutely mistak 

that oil lease, Any court of law... . 
“Anyway,” Roland said comfortably, 

“the money got us to Paris.” 

int Clair said 

a city, Paris!" 5 

^ murmured Lovejoy. "How 
did you happen to leave?" 

"You can only stay so loi 
place," Saint Clair said. 
call of the open . . ." 

“ ‘Messieurs,’ the Captain of the Sù- 
Roland chuckled 
you have 

шіп any опс 

“Then из the 

Teté sai 
hours.” H 
“Тһе trouble with Americans,” Saint 
Clair said, “із that the rest of the world 
mistrusts them. The wrong type of peo- 
ple represent. America throughout the 
world. Diplomats, schoolteachers on va- 
cation, retired merchants.” 
Now, if ever,” Roland said sonorous- 
merica has to be represented by its 
best types. Young, virile, friendly, plain 
people, Good will, Understand?” 
"Yes," said Lovejoy, vaguely and hap- 
pily, sipping on his third triple Scotch. 
And on a bicycle," Saint Clair said, 
"you really get to sce a country. The 
plain people. You entertain them. You 
amuse them. You impress them with the 
fact that Americans are not decadent.” 
“Americans,” Roland said proudly, 
re a race who can stand on their heads 
on a moving bicycle. 
Berlin, Munich, Vie: Saint C 
. "We were sensational. Don't be- 
lieve what you hear about the Germans. 
They have absolutely no desire to fight 


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anyone. You сап have ту 

"That's very reassuring,” Lovejoy said. 

“That's the thing about traveling by 
bicycle,” Roland said. “You feel the 

"Hungary was at our feet” Saint 
Clair said. “We picked up Ladszlo in 

Lovejoy glanced dreamily at Ladszlo, 
who was sitting in a corner on the floor, 
Buchanan's back for flcas. 
27 Love- 

combing Mr: 

"He seems like a very nice . . 
joy said. 

“For a Hungarian,” Roland said, "he's 
not bad. 

“You've got to watch Hungarians,” 
said Saint Clair. “That's another thing 
about traveling the way we do, You be- 
come a student of national character 

"E can readily understand 

“Istanbul, Alexandria, С: 
ed Roland. 

“They did everything but throw roses 
at us in Cairo. Although their taste in 
entertainment is low.” 

“Belly dancers" Roland complained 
darkly. “If it isn’t a belly dancer throw it 
out. A man on a bicycle might just as 
well lay down and die.” 

Jerusalem is an improvement," Saint 
Clair said. "Jews like bicycles. 

"How can you bear just to sit in one 
little place all your life?” Roland asked 

“It never occurred to me before,” said 
Lovejoy reflectively. “Though I can see 
now that perhaps I...” 

"Where do we sleep?” Saint Clair in- 
terrupted. He stood up and yawned, 
stretching widely. 

Lovejoy stood up, too, and led the 
way into the other room. "I'm sorry," he 
said, "there are only two beds. Mr. 
Ladszlo ..." 

“Perfectly all right, old man,” Roland 
said. "He'll sleep on the floor in your 
room. Hungarians love floor 

“This do.” Saint Clair stretched 
enormously on one of the beds. 

“Dinner, thank you.” The eunuch 
slipped into the room and out. 

Lovejoy led the way into the dining 
room. Somehow, the third bottle of 
Johnnie Walker was on the table. As they 
sat down, Ladszlo slid in and sat down 
at the foot of the table. 

"Good American cooking," 
said happily, pouring some 
an't be beat.” 

Ladszlo sat in front of the steak with 
his knife and fork poised. For the first 
time there was life and excitement in his 
eyes. His mouth worked a Tittle, expect- 
anty, as he cut into the rare red meat. 

‘Ladsilo,” Saint Clair sniffed strongly, 
inkling his nose in distaste. 
ess, gentlemen?” The fork w 
poised delicately over the first slice. 

"My God, Ladszlo, you stink!” 





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Ladsdo put his fork down quicdy. 
“Yess, gentlemen,” he said. "Mrs. Bu- 

“Go take a bath,” Saint Clair said. 

“Yess, gentlemen. Ass soon ass I have 

to the pipe that makes | * mpi nourish . . .” (IF NEED BE) 
smoking a pleasure Ladsdo swallowed dryly, sighed a 

small Balkan sigh, stood up. “Yess, gen. 
“Hung ns," б 

Roland said. “Thi 

br living in the Seventeenth Century.” He 
Belorethe smoke reaches inear-cooiea stem. | took an immense bite of ste LA 
alte Ребе By now the unaccustomed liquor had "Trump up Re give him is 
choice of Falcons at $395 and $495. | taken full effect and Lovejoy remem- ee ee 
nen en bered nothing more of the meal except ter time for Dopp Kit giving. It's the 
Tips on pipe care, Write that the Calonius brothers talked rather toiletries kit that adjusts to take little 
сах ‚is today, disjointedly of various cities throughout luggage space. 

the day you the world they had visited, in all of Ke SLO Беа оса 

"ЗЕ P A ed which certain misunderstanding had DOPP KIT: 

Falcon? f arisen, usually with husbands or the po- Chicago, Illinois 60616 

lice, although of no very grave dimen 

sions. Ladszlo, Lovejoy also noticed, did 
not return. AMERICA’S 

Just as they were finishing their coflee, GREATEST MUSICAL HIT! 

there light knock on the door 

> Permit mg,” Saint Clair said, as Love E L I 
Falcon International, Ine, Chicago, ІП. joy struggled slowly to his fect. Saint " 

Clair sprang across the room and threw 
stood there, her 

ihe Gan GE OLI I 
EUER "Oh!" hin ad 4 
d wrapped in a black silk shawl. 
| Lovejoy shook his head a trille dazedly HEAR THE GAIETY 
tea icp rt and stood an n the excitement he had AND EXCITEMENT OF 
ch far sive ian Ales ” 

BEE || en Sus Che was saying || НЕШО, DOLLY!” ON 

огне ое Sat. || loudly, lookin xcellent! RCAVICTOR’S ORIGINAL 
UM, HO Stanford 7 Irina lifted a shy, CAST ALBUM. SEE 
A deret $150 slightly accusing small hand toward BROADWAY'S SMASH HIT 
Not pictured: 

Ои own nylon tricot || «n Lovejoy said, walking MUSICAL WHEN 
aen sir Û | caretully toward her. “Unexpected VISITING NEW YORK 

3. Tapered 10-гізе Excellent,” Saint Clair said, "Exccl- ORDER THEATRE SEATS BY MAIL 
boxer short. 5350 Eves: n Tui 
Wed. at 

8. Bikini under А К 
brief 5300 "Em afraid I'd better leave.” Irina 
Ses ano [|| turned, doelike, to go. 

6 nein Doon | “TI walk you to the gate,” Lovejoy 
brass plante, LES iedly, taking her arm. 

craved in tat, | A vision,” CORE 
EXER апа A vision," Roland boomed from the 

Dort Swing, Don't table. He stood up and bowed in Irina’s 

MIXED воск 

542 549 f | direction. "A beautiful Russian vision.” 
See Be "Perhaps," Lovejoy said, “Га better 

КУ sco take you 10 your..." 
АН MEN How did you know I was Russian" | [82% сам eoo sox a229-ancmnan, oro 45242 
ShopforMen 8933 Santa Monica Blvd. Irina turned back and her voice was 

Dept. P W. Hollywood 69, Cal 

sidelong and musical, although still shy [тон COLORFUL COMPARATOR GUIDE ABOUT 

like, as she spoke to Roland 

= Wa Perfect. Gift "Only in the cold snows,” Roland (C ARRAN ) 
ngt boomed, advancing. “Only in the im- 

M sea aa meme pine forests ve "AUTOMATIC |. 

ou like to come in and | TURNTABLES 


have a drink?” Saint Clair asked. я р, 
PILOTS SUPPLY COMP, КИШИ | Q cercitn pure) cold, blonde beauty аң (ле handy, uw 

ED 212: CORAOFOLIS S7ARENASYLVANIA ” Roland smiled widely down at the | PRESS a ы 1 
small, demure figure in Ше black scarf, | | ERENZE ао US 
“We're drinking Scotch tonight," | 
t Clair said. mecs | 
“Irina doesn't drink,” Lovejoy said, | \ Anoress— | 

worriedly, fearing that Irina would be HUE 





angry with him because of his blunt 
American friends. 

"Perhaps," said Trina, taking a small, 
hesitant, White Russian step into the 
room, “perhaps just a litle at the bor 
tom of the glass.” 

Lovejoy closed the door behind her. 

At the thi k, Saint Clair was 
king pertinent comments on the 
Ru: o other race," he said ora- 

torically, "would have the vision, the 
courage ... The Revolution. My God, 
the greatest step forward since . . 

“They liquidated fourteen members 
of my family,” Irina said, “and burnt 
down three country houses.” She began 
to сту. 

“No one will deny, of course,” s 
Saint Clair, tenderly giving her a ha 
kerchief, "that the old regime was better. 
The Church. Icons. Candles burning. 
The ballet ..." He waved his arms 

"Its getting late,” Lovejoy said vague- 
ly, his cars roaring with Johnnie Walker 
and conversation. “Perhaps I'd better see 
you home . . 2 

“Just to the gate, Stanford, you wild 
boy.” Irina stood up, swept the scarf 
around her, gave her hands to the Calo- 
nius brothers who kissed them, cach 
muttering something that Lovejoy 
couldn't hear. Irina hesitated a moment, 
pulled her hands away, slipped out, 
graceful, doclike 

“Don't come home Іше, Wild Boy,” 
Roland said. 

Lovejoy followed Irina into the dark- 
ness. He walked beside her in the still, 
clear desert night. 

“Trina, darling, 

he said troubledly to 

the silent shade at his side. “It was un- 

avoidable. Certain Americans have a 
tendency to be boisterous. They mean 
no harm. They'll be gone tomorrow. Do 
you forgive me, darling?" 

There was a silence. Irina rcached the 
gate and turned toward him, her face 
undecipherable in the starlit night. “I 
forgive you, Stanford," she said softly, 
and allowed him to kiss her good night, 
although they were only a hundred 
yards from the presidents home, and 
there was a dreadful chance of being 

Lovejoy watched her disappear light 
footedly into the darkness, and turned 
and went back to his house. 

From the bedroom came loud snores. 
‘The Calonius brothers were sleeping off 
the strains and stresses of a normal day. 

There was the strange small jungle 
sound of the monkey scratching herself 

Lovejoy did not sleep well. Through 
the wall of slumber, sometime in the 
late, dark hours, halfawake, bal£-dream- 
ing. he seemed to hear a woman's soft 
giggle nearby, sensual and abandoned, 
and he twisted uncasily on his hard bed, 
almost opened his eyes, was claimed 
once more by oblivion. 

The moon came up and shone 
through the open window into his eyes, 
and he woke sharply, certain that some- 
one was in his room, something was 
happening . . - 

"The moon shone on a narrow figure 
crouched in the corner, bent over, its 
arms moving fiercely and jerkily, as 
though it were tying up a bundle. The 

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figure stood up and Lovejoy saw that it 
was Ladszlo. 

Mr. Ladszlo" he said, i lief. 
"Where have you been?”  Ladszlo 
wheeled around. His eyes flashed wildly 
in the glint of the moon. He strode over 
to the bed. 

"You!" he said harshly. "Keep quiet, 

"Mr. Lad ..." Lovejoy stopped. A 
long cold blade shone іп Ladszlo’s fist. 

"Do you think, gentlemen.” Ladszlo's 
voice scraped against his cardrums, "I 
will hessitate to usse it?” 

Lovejoy sat up. quiet. 

Ladszlo turned back to his work in the 
corner, and for the first time, Lovejoy 
saw what the Hungarian had been 
doing. Mrs. Buchanan was lying there, a 
maniac look on her cranky, brute face, 
her mouth gagged with strips of towel, 
her hands and ankles securely bound 
with twine. Ladszlo stood over her, 
menacing, wiumphant. 

“What . Lovejoy began. 

“Quiet! alo snarled. He got out 
some more twine and, by the bright light 
of the moon at the window, he made an 
intricate and perfect hangman's knot. 
Lovejoy felt the sweat start out all over 
his body and his throat go wooden and 
salty. He blinked disbelievingly when 
Ladszlo put the noose around the mon. 
key's thin neck and threw the other end 
ot the rope over a tall bridge lamp. 

"You're not really . . .” he said under 
his breath. 

Ladszlo ignored him and pulled on 
the rope. Lovejoy closed his eyes. This 
was the first time he had ever seen a 
monkey hanged and he didn't feel he. 
was up to the strain of watching. He 
kept his eyes closed until he heard 
Ladszlo's voice, thin and trumperlike. 
Well" Ladszlo was saying, "that's the 
last time you'll piss on me. 

Lovejoy felt it was safe to look. Mrs. 
Buchanan hung limp, like a d 
key. Ladszlo stood before her, 

Mr. Ladszlo," Lovejoy whispered. 
“How could you do 

Ladszlo whirled on him, strode over to 
his bed. 

“Gentlemen,” he said, “1 warn you. 
€ while there iss still time.” 

Ure you talking about?" 
Ladszlo's finger 
ning. "Inside 

id mon- 

shot out, s м: 
there you have two devils. 

“Why, Mr. Ladsdo, Lovejoy even 
managed to laugh a little. “They're just 
mple highspirited American 

"In that case," Ladszlo said, “spare me 
America. Devils! 1 hate them, all 
three of them, the Calonius brothers 
most of all, and then Mrs. Buchanan. 
Unfortunately, it is not possible to hang 

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the Calonius brothers.” With somber 
gratification he looked at the monk 
corpse, swinging gently in the night 
wind. “I tell you. If you know whats 
good for you, you will get away from 
them, if you have to walk. 

Lovejoy said, “they don't 
treat you very well.” 

Ladszlo laughed a horrible laugh. like 
broken glass, at the understatement. “I 
had a good job,” he said, “in Budapest. I 
sold lace. I was preparing to marry. 
Then I met the Calonius brothers. In 
two days they had sold me the bicycle 
. . . forty pounds. Later I found out, a 
man they had picked up in Strasbourg 
had deserted them. He could not stand 
it anymore, They told me we were going 
10 America. They painted a bright pic- 
ture. Five hundred dollars a week in 
Radio Gity. I would be an American cit 
шеп: I could forget Hungary, I could 
forget the lace business. I brought wiss 
me one hundred pounds, in cash. Fare- 
well. And every town we visited. Riots, 
husbands with guns, police. Customs 
officials. Pregnant women. It is like 
going through Europe with a shipload of 
pirates. Now I have no more money, I 
have no job, 1 am in the middle of the 
desert, but when they told me to leave 
my dinner and go take a bath, I knew it 
wass the end . . 

There was a rustling in the next room 
and Ladszlo jumped back into the shad- 
ows fearfully. “I warn you," he whis- 
pered bleakly, and vanished. 

Lovejoy looked at Mrs. Buchanan, 
stiffening noticeably at the bridge lamp. 
He put his face to the wall, but he did 
not sleep. 

When Lovejoy rose in the morning 
and had his coffee and started off 10 
school, the snores, regular and peaceful, 
were still coming out of the bedroom 
in which the Calonius brothers slept 

Lovejoy was not feeling very well. His 
head occasionally expanded and con- 
tracted spasmodically; two or three times 
during the morning he saw double, and 
the shrill voices of the young Arab chil- 

dren for the frst time made a nerve- 
ng clangor in his ears. 
And when President Swenker came 

into his classroom in the middle of a les- 
son in advanced English composition 
and asked Lovejoy to have lunch with 
n uneasy tremor of anticipation 
ran down Lovejoy’s spine. 

But over the bean salad and canned 
pineapple of President Swenker's severe 
lunch (the president was a vegetarian), 
with Маз. Swenker and young Carlton 
Swenker sitting іп decorous, lettuce- 
crunching silence, the president merely 
outlined a plan for a new Bible class. 
This was to be an evening class for 
adults and in his relief that the inter- 


view was not about liquor, Lovejoy was 
elfusively enthusiastic. 

“Well,” the president said, patting 
Lovejoy bonily on the wrist, “this may 
make educational history in Aleppo. 
Have some more bean salad.” 

It was nearly six o'clock when Lovejoy 
got back to his house, All was quiet, 
except for a strange thudding noise that 
occasionally came through the windows, 
and a slight shaking of the thick mud 
walls. Lovejoy swallowed and climbed 
the steps slowly and opened the door. 

Roland and Saint Clair Calonius were 
on the floor, half-naked, locked in gigan- 
tic combat. Saint Clair was on top and 
was beating his brother's head against 
the floor, which accounted for the dull 

Тһе entire place smelled like а steam- 
heated gymnasium after a closely con- 
tested basketball game. The eunuch 
Ahmed stood at the door, his eyes gleam- 
ing with excitement. 

“Gentlemen . . ." Lovejoy 

Suddenly, with a violent, twisting mo- 
tion, Roland heaved himself up and a 
later Saint Clair was hurling 
through the air, only to crash, with a 
houseshaking noise, against the wall. 
Ahmed fled, Saint Clair dropped dazedly 
to his knees for 2 moment, then stood 
up and smiled. 

“That was very clever, Roland,” he 



"Gentlemen," Lovejoy said. 

Both Calonius brothers looked at him 
strangely for a moment, as though they 
couldn't quite place him. Then a smile 
lit Saint Clair's face. “He lives here,” he 
explained to Roland. 

Roland smiled then, too. 
dog.” he said. 
ust keeping in condition," Saint 
Clair said. "Roland and mc. Wrestling 
exercises every muscle of the body. Also 
good for the appetite. Have a drink. 
We're going to take a shower.” They 
disappeared, sweating, their muscles 
rippling under stcaming skin. 

Lovejoy sat down and looked around 
him. The appearance of the room had 
changed. noticeably. The two beds from 
the other room had been dragged in. His 
own couch, he could see through the 
doorway, was in the other room. Also 
the bicycles. Mrs. Buchanan, fortunately, 
had disappeared. Four bottles of rum 
stood on the table and three dozen lem- 
ons. A handsome Persian jug, ancient 
and valuable, which he suddenly real- 
ized he had seen before in the home of 
the Danish professor of mathematics, 
stood next to the lemons. He went over 
and smelled it. It had been recently used 
for mixing cocktails. 

He heard a step behind him and 
wheeled nervously. It was the cunuch, 
with a bowl full of ice cubes. With sink- 

You old 

т! YEW 

THE BEAT in a land as old as yesterday. Colu 
Covered it. Now it's 

Water shimmering as cı 
winds to cool you * da 

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Travel Director 

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Please hold reservations for the 7-day, 6-night Jamaica spree beginning 
January 3. 1965. | understand the 3175 per person price includes double-room 
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О lam aPlayboy Club keyholder, Charge entire spree to my key. 

letier& number 



NOTE: Full refund will be made until 10 days before departure. At any time there- 
after, deposit will be forfeited, 

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“When I think of all we've done for that dog 


ing heart, Lovejoy remembered that the 
only electric refrigerator in town capa 
ble of making ice cubes was in the home 
of President Swenker 

“Ahmed ..." he began, but the en- 
nuch merely put the bowl down and 
shuffled out. 

Lovejoy sank into a chair. His eyes 
roamed the disordered room. Something, 
ele had changed, something was miss- 
ing, a small nagging voice told him . 
He couldn't remember. He closed his 
eyes, ran his hands over them, opened 
them again. Then he saw. The Encyclo- 
paedia Britannica. All the volumes from 
AA to PRU. 

There must be, he told himself, some 
perfectly natural explanation 

Roland entered. huge and naked. 
drying himself with а towel. "Ah 
said. "More ice.” 

Чоп me, Mr. Calonius,” Lovejoy 
I wonder if you could tell me how 

bare pink ch 
small rear 
“Yes,” Lovejoy 


"Later we 

nt Clair has weak kidney: 
апа said. "And he didn't want to dis- 
turb you going through your room to 
throom all night. Daiquiri?” 

а Clair came 
ping Bum w 

“J suppose you know, 
SES ERE ЕТ hanged 
here last nigh 
“We're h: 

“Thank you very much. 
kind, but . . ." 

“Only a Hungaria 
“would think of hanging a moi 
"| wonder if you gentlemen know 
anything about several copies of the 
Encyclo .. . 
"Not too much sugar, Roland, 
Clair warned. 

“Mind your own goddamn business," 
Roland said calmly. He put his hand 
over the top of the ancient and valuable 
n jug, the property of the Danish 
prolessor of mathematics, and began to 
shake vigorously, the ice clanking bright- 
ly against the precious glazed š 

“The copies from AA to PRU,” Love- 
joy said stubbornly. “They seem to be 
арз you know someth 

You're very 

int Clair saw 


about .. .' 

“Not a thing, old man," Saint Clair 
said carelessly. “They'll probably turn 
up. You know how people are about 

‘The door was flung lightly open and 
Irina danced in. 

the first 

“Hello, boys.” Irina said gaily. 

“Just in tim nt Clair said, negli 
gently wrapping the towel about the 
ridged muscles of his abdomen. “Have a 

Roland poured the frothy, freezing 
daiquiris into coffee cups. 

Irina lifted her drink. “То good will," 
she said charmingly and the Calonius 
brothers laughed loudly and Roland 
slapped her playfully on the behind. 

Lovejoy watched incredulously, the 
demure figure now in а blazing yellow 
dress, tight and shiny, and the two im- 
men, drinking 

Lovejoy said, shocked. It was 
ime she had visited his house 
dark. “Theyre not quite 

He lifted his cup and drained it. "I 
think T'd like another,” he said firmly. 
“That's it, Wild Boy," Roland 

and poured him a big one. 
The rest of the night was something 
of a blur for Lovejoy. There was a heavy 
dinner, sı in, and burgundy, and 
Irina's hair coming undone and hanging 
loose and wild over one shoulder and 
Irina's teeth flashing in mirth and all of 
them singing Russian songs and Irina 
dancing, with flashing eyes and twitch- 
ing hips, while the Calonius brothers 
sang and kept tremendous time with 
their hands. Vaguely, Lovejoy remem- 
bered, there was some talk about money, 
and he was sure he saw Irina take many 
bills out of her exquisite bosom and give 
them with both hands, in а bold, gener- 
ous, Mother-of Earth kind of gesture to 
nd and Saint Clair Calonius. There 
k, too, of a real party the next 
night, and Roland saying, “Wild Boy, 
you're a good fellow. Wild Boy, we're 
- came to Aleppo. Wild Boy, 


“Lovejoy had never had а bette 
in his whole life, although at the back of 
his mind etna the entire evening, 
a voice Кері cı “AIL this is costing 
you a great de: But he was 
sorry when the ninth i brought 
long periods of whi ackness, and 
Saint Glair had to pick him up 
arms and carry him to his bed. 

n his 

for life . 
ng sharp cl 
the next room, 

ight he awoke to a stab- 
t about three a.m. In 
he heard а woman's 
sighs, then a moment later, low laughter, 
sensual and intimate in the quiet house. 
His mind puzzled over the sounds for a 
moment. Then he fell asleep ag: 

The next morning he stumbled dazed- 
ly out of the house, all shadowy and 
hushed, with the blinds pulled against 

gift sels frum $3.50—alsu. 

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Give your feet a holiday in this light 
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WERDE SHOE CO., Brockton 8, Mass. 279 



the glare of the morning sun. The classes 
had a tendency to whiten and disappear 
from time to time, and when President 
Swenker came in about 11 o'clock his 
face scemed to rise and fall in a white 
froth, like waves against rocks 
“Lovejoy,” he said coldly, "I would 
like to sce you at the noon hour.” 
“Yes, said Lovejoy. 

“Im a broad-minded man,” President 
Swenker said at noon, “and I know the 
debilitating effects of this climate on 
white men, but I have heard certain ru- 
mors about some guests of yours . . +" 

"Yes, sir,” said Lovejoy faintly. 

“I think it would be wise,” said Presi- 
dent Swenker, “if they left immediately 
Lovejoy said more faintly. 
Swenker patted Lovejoy 

more tolerantly on the shoulder. “Of 
course," he said. “I do not believe the 

rumors about the monkey and the Rus- 
n lady. 
Yes, sir, 


Lovejoy whispe 
hurried back to his house. 

He walked decisively up the steps and 
threw the door open. 

Irina was lying relaxedly on the 
couch, with Saint Clair calmly and rath- 
er impersonally stroking her thigh. And 
in the center of the room stood Presi- 
dent Swenker's son, Carlton, in earnest 
conversation with Roland. 

s blc to kill me," Carlton was 
saying. Even as his blood froze at ıhe 
boys words, something in Lovejoy no- 
ticed that the rest of the Encyclopaedia 
„ from PRU to ZZ. Also the 
bridge lamp from which at another time 
Mrs. Buchanan had hung, and a large 

silver samovar and eight silver cups that 

had come with the house. 
“Nobody will kill you,” R« 

impatiendy. "Just follow instructions. 

God almighty, Carlton, how old are 



/ou ought to be ashamed of your- 

and said 


“Carlton,” Lovejoy said in a loud, 
clear voice, “I think you'd better go 

arlon stopped at the door. “I'll be 
seeing you,” he said, waving at the Calo- 
nius brothers. On the couch, Saint 
ised his hand lazily from Irina's slen- 
der, exquisite thigh and waved to Carl- 
ton. “Give my regards to your old man, 
he said. 
the thigh, this time 
comfortably lighted а cigarette and 
ned over and picked up a daiquiri 
that was resting on the table beside her. 
Lovejoy closed the door firmly. “Gen 
tlemen,” he said loudly, “I have some 
bad news for you 
"Have a drink, Wild Boy,” 

t Clair 


Gentlemen,” Lovejoy said, "I'm 
afraid I must tell you to lea 

"There was а long silence. Saint Clai 

took his hand out from under Irina’s 

under orders, gentlemen," Love- 
joy said, because he could no longer 
tolerate the hush. 

“It’s an awful thing,” Roland said 
quietly, "when Americans twelve thou- 
nd miles from home can't . . ” He 
t finish. 

Do you want us to go now?" Saint 
Clair asked. Lovejoy considered. They 

“Oh, I don’t make suggestions. I'm one of the gifts." 

were being surprisingly reasonable. He 
remembered the vague glorious evening 
the night before. “I can't see that it'll do 
y harm if you stay till morning,” he 

“Have a drink, Stanford,” Roland 
boomed, turning toward him and clap- 
ping him heavily on the base of the 

orry, old man," Saint Clair said, 
entangling himself entirely from 
nd standing up to help with the 
"if we've caused you any 

* Irina sat up and pushed her 
hair back angrily, "I think you are be- 
having like mud, Stanford.” 

“Now, now," Roland said. “Let's for- 
get it and have our last evening together 
as though nothing had happened.” And 
he poured the drinks, frothy and tropic- 
fragrant, and beaded with the cold of 
President Swenker's ice cubes. 

There were four drinks before dinner, 
and somehow, during dinner, Saint Clair 
was saying, “Wild Boy, I like you. Wild 
Boy, you're a great American. Wild Boy, 
you're just the sort of man we need on a 
trip like this. The Plain American With 

“The Chinese, 
crazy about hi 

“Also,” nt Clair, "you're a mas- 
ter of tongues. College graduate. You 
can introduce us to consuls, speak the 
language. You will be a sensation in 

Roland said, “will be 

ту," Roland said. “Нез as 
come. He'll make a great 

He's not so wiry,” Irina said. 
For fifty pounds you сап 
Ladszlo's bicycle,” Saint Clair s. 
Calonius brothers 
1 Exua...” 

‘Don't call me Wild Boy," said Love- 
joy looking his eighth drink strai; 

the eye. 

“How can a young man like you, with 
your talents, stand this town?” Roland 
marveled. “Year in, year ош...” 

“He's damned wiry,” Roland said. 
feeling Lovejoy’s arm. 

Lovejoy sat and stared silently into 
the depths of an empty burgundy bottle. 

“АП right" he said suddenly. 

They clapped him on the back and 
offered him a drink and Irina threw off 
her blouse and skirt and danced charm- 
ingly on the table in black-lace panties 
and brassiere. From the brassiere, Love- 
joy noticed vaguely, the corners of five- 
pound notes peeped out. 

Lovejoy opened his shirt and from a 
moncy belt he wore next to his sl 
took out his last 50 pounds. 5: 
put the money away gravely. Rol 
om, and reappeared a moment lat- 
th a towel, a bowl of hot water, 

s aightedge razor. 
While Lovejoy was pouring himself an- 

ind left 


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other drink, Roland came up behind 
him and tied the towel around his neck. 

"Say," asked Lovejoy mildly, “what 
are you doing?” 

Roland started to lather the top of 
Lovejoys head. "In our act, everyone 
but Irina gets their head shaved." He 
got up a good thick lather. "It gives a 
better impression.” 

"Youll look more wiry, Stan," said 
Saint Clair. 

For one moment, Lovejoy hesitated. 
“All " he said. 

Swiftly and expertly, as Lovejoy 
worked slowly on his tenth daiquiri, Ro- 
land began to shave his head. One half 
the job was done, the left side of the 
scalp lying clean and pink as a baby's 
bottom, when the door was thrown 
open. Lovejoy looked up. 

President Swenker stood there, his 
face slowly clouding over, like a 
winter. His eyes left the sh. 
of Lovejoy's scalp. 
der and exquisite, black-laced figure of 
Irina studiously practicing entrechats on 
the dining table, among the bottles. 

Lovejoy sighed. 

id President Swenker. 
Roland said cheerfully. 
President Swenker 

said, "I shall speak to you in the 

morning, under more . . . more formal 

He closed the door carefully behind 
him. Lovejoy sighed again and Roland 
arted to work on the right side of his 

When he awoke the next morning, 
Lovejoy's head was very large. 

He got out of bed, holding onto the 
wall for support. He had never realized 
he could learn to like liquor so well. He 
looked at his watch. Heavens, he 
thought, ТЇЇ be late for class. 

He walked as quickly as he was able 
toward the bathroom, In the main room, 
the two beds were pulled together and 
Irina was lying rather athwart the two 
Galonius brothers. All thre 
Irina, Lovejoy noticed, was no longer 
wearing lace panties 

He made his way painfully into the 
bathroom and began to brush his teeth. 
Suddenly, his hand poised in mid-air, he 
caught sight of a strange gleam in the 
mirror. He looked hard at the glass. “Му 
God,” he said, the toothbrush still half- 
way up, the mouth still frothing with 
dental cream. He was as bald as a stone 
egg. He looked, disbelieving. Then slow- 
ly it all came back. He put the tooth- 
brush down and sat down slowly on the 
edge of the tub. 

Then he remembered President 
Swenker's face as the president had 
stood at the doorway and looked at Irina 
dancing in black-lace underwear on the 
dinner table. "Oh, my,” he said weakly 
and stumbled. back toward his room. 

were aslcep. 

In the main room the three sleepers 
slept calmly on, with Irina favoring 
Saint Clair slightly, one exquisite leg 
thrown carelessly over his knee. Lovejoy 
stopped and looked down dazedly. 

At one time he had toyed with the 
idea of marrying Irina. At least he had 
been spared that. 

He put a sheet over the entwined 
figures and felt his way into the guest 
room. He lay down and stared at the 
ceiling, the white froth of the tooth paste 
still on his lips. It began to sting and he 
licked it off. In a moment he had a se- 
vere case of heartburn. 

‘There was no doubt about it now. 
Only one thing remained to be done. 
For good or ill, his lot was thrown with 
the Calonius brothers. When ¿hey 
awoke, he would pack quietly, a few 
things in a small bag, start on a new, 
nomadic life. As he thought about it, 
even in the clear light of morning, there 
still were certain advantages. 

Suddenly he fell asleep. 

He was awakened by the pad of foot- 
steps in his room. He opened his eyes 
slowly. His landlady, for some unac- 
countable reason, was in his room, her 
back to him, with a pencil and a pad of 
paper in her hand, on which she fre- 
quently made notations. She was a small, 
fat old lady, with a face designed for 
lamentation. At the moment, Lovejoy 
saw as she turned around, her mouth 
was working with some indescribable 

“Madame,” he said, sitting up, having 
trouble with his French, “what are you 
doing in my room?” 

"Aha!" the landlady said. 

Lovejoy shook his head to clear it. 

"Madame, ГИ thank you to . 

"The rug!” The landlady 
her notebook. “Aha!” She scuttled out 

From the next room he heard a high, 
excited, man's voice in Arab-French, 
"Come out or we shoot!” 

Lovejoy swallowed uncomfortably. He 
wondered if the Calonius brothers were 
going to be shot in his house. 

“I will give you five,” the excited voice 
called. "Un .. . deux... trois... 
Monsieur Lovejoy, 1 repeat, I will give 
you cinq . . . 

Like lightning, Lovejoy r 
Whocver it was, was addressing him. Ву 


quatre he was out in the main room. 
Two policemen were standing there, 
facing the door. One of them һай a gun 
in his hand and the landlady was stand- 
ing excitedly behind him, Irina and the 
two Calonius brothers still slept on. 

- ?' began Lovejoy. 
k any questions,” said the po- 
an with the gun. “Come on.” 

he two policemen had dangerous 
expressions on their faces, especially for 
so carly in the morning. “If you'll per- 

B 9 E 

“Santa is on the fourth floor, Miss, but then again, he has 
a number of secret helpers scattered out in the field.” 



mit me," Lovejoy said. 
on a pair of trousers." 

"They came in and watched him put 
on trousers and shocs, the policeman 
still covering him with the pistol 

^] wish," said Lovejoy, “you'd tell me 
what I've done . 

“Move!” said the policeman with the 

Lovejoy went out between them. His 
landlady followed at a safe distance. Iri- 
na and the Calonius brothers slept on. 
As he left the building, Carlton Swenker 
ran past him, up the steps 

‘The police did not take him far, mere- 
ly to the office of President Swenker. As 
they drew near, Lovejoy heard a mum- 
bling and buzzing inside. He hesitated at 
the door. 

“In!” said the policeman with the 
gun, kicking open the door, 

Lovejoy stepped in, only to be met 
with such a blast of shouts and murmurs 
and oaths, that if it weren't for the po- 
licemen at his back, he would have 

I'd like to put 

turned and run. A third of the popula- 
tion of Aleppo seemed to be crammed 
into the office, with President Swenker 
in a corner, behind his desk, standing, 
spreading his hands, trying to maintain 
order. The Danish professor of mathe- 
matics was there, the small Englishman 
who taught history was there, the owner 
of the bookshop, Irina’s boss, was there, 
the local taxidermist, a liquor merchant, 
two rug merchants, a butcher, and two 

maiden ladies who taught knitting and 
sewing and cooking were all there. 

And Lovejoys landlady crowded in 
and looked over the room proudly and 

"Ladies and gentlemen," the president 
kept saying, “ladies and gentlemen." 

The excited tide of Levantine conver- 
sation welled higher than ever. 

“Mr. Lovejoy,” the president said 
loudly and bitterly, “what in the name 
of God have you been doing? 

Suddenly the room fell quiet. All eyes 
stared with equal wrath 

at Lovejoy, 

TOM aad fect 

“Funny, he didn’t look Jewish.” 

bald, liquor-cyed and seedy, between the 
policemen at the door 

d I...I really don't know what 
you mean,” Lovejoy said. 

“Don't think for a moment you're 
going to make good your escape, young 
man,” the president said. 

“No, sir,” said Lovejoy 

“If it weren't for me, you would even 
now be at the mercy of Syrian justice. 

Lovejoy shuddered а little. “Please 
pered, "may I sit down?" 

“What the hell has happened to your 
hair?” the president asked irritably. 

Involuntarily, Lovcjoy's hand went up 
to his head. Then he remembered 
sep T ose 

- - shaved it," he 


"God almighty, Lovejoy,” the presi- 
dent shouted, “I'm going to have a thing 
or two to say to the University of 

Suddenly the door was thrust open 
and Lovejoy’s cook, the eunuch Ahmed, 
was flung into the room, followed by an- 
other policeman, The eunuch took one 
look around him, then lay down on the 
floor and wept. Sweat started on Love- 
іру» forehead. 

"Fell the truth, young man," the 
landlady barked at him, "weren't you 
intending to leave Aleppo today?" 

Lovejoy took a deep breath. "Yes," he 

A fierce murmur 

"We would have shot you down on 
the road,” the policeman with the gun 

ran through the 

said. "From behind." 
Please,” Lovejoy begged. “Please 

Then, bit by bit, with many interrup- 
tions by various impassioned townspeo 
ple, it came out, It all started when the 
landlady saw her bridge lamp in а furni- 
ture shop. Then she saw her silver samo- 
var being melted in the rear of a jewelry 
shop. Then, in four different shops, she 
had seen six rugs from various houses 
which she had rented to members of the 
school faculty. She wailed, in time with 
Ahmed, weeping on the floor, as she de- 
scribed seeing various bedcovers, cush 
ions, small tables, silver with 
which she had furnished her houses, in 
conon-goods stores, junk shops, butcher 
shops. She had run to the police, who 
had пасей everything to Ahmed 


"He said Mr. Lovejoy wanted to 
borrow some blankets for unexpected 
guests,” one of the scwingand-cooking 

ladies said «һе Шу, "and naturally, it nev- 
er occurred to me . 

Ahmed, shattered and damp on the 
floor, was too broken to say a coherent 
hey are pleasant gentlemen," 
he kept murmuring incomprehensibly, 
ery pleasant. gentlemen. "Fhey like to 
eat and drink. They sing to me in the 
kitchen. They give me five piasters extra 


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a day. They sing to me in the kitchen.” 

passed his hand wearily over his eyes as 
the taxidermist demanded payment for 
stuffing a monkey. 

“А particularly horrible case,” the tax- 
idermist saying. “The monkcy was 
hanged, 1 assure you. Hanged by the 
With his eyes closed, Lovejoy felt the 
shudder of revulsion sweep the room. 

For God's sake, Lovejoy!” He h 
President Swenker's high, biblical voice. 
“This is monstrous! 

Lovejoy opened his eyes just 
to sec Mrs. Swenker come stre 
tears roar down her cheeks. 
Walter,” she sobbed, “Walter!” and 
heaved herself onto her husband's 

“Whats the 
dent Swenker 

"Carlton . . 2 

Lovejoy felt his stomach contract 
sharply over the name. 

Whats wrong with Aim?" President 
Swenker shouted. 

"Your son Carltoi Mrs. Swenker's 
voice rang out dramatically, "has stolen 
fifty pounds from your wi Б 

President Swenker sank into a chair, 
put his head in his hands. “Oh Lord, 
how much more," he roared, this time 
out of the Old Testament, "do I have to 

“I think, sir,” Lovejoy said timidly 
know where I can get your money 

"God almighty, Lovejoy?” P 
Swenker looked up. “Are you mixed up 
in this, too; 

“Perhaps if you'll come with me, we 
can clear up a lot of things at once,” 
Lovejoy said with dignity. 

“One move," said the policeman with 
the gun, “and 1 shoot. To kill." 

“Where do you want to take us?” Pr 
ident Swenker asked. “Oh, for 
sake, Corinne, stop bawling! 

Mrs. Swenker fled the room, stifling 

“To my house, sir," Lovejoy said. 

here are two gentlemen there who 
might throw some light on several sub- 

“They like to cat and drink,” Ahmed 
sobbed on the floor, “and sing to me in 
the kitchen. 

ter with you?” Presi- 

The policeman pressed ıhe muzzle of 
the gun into Lovejoys ribs, and the 
procession wound its way to the house 
which late had seen so much revelry. On 
the way across the yard, President 
Swenker said, snarling, “This is goi 
cost you a pretty penny, Lovejoy.” 
Lovejoy swallowed dryly. “I don't have 
any money, si 
ow'Il work it out,” President Swen- 

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it takes twenty years.” 
swallowed once more. 
President Swenker 
“you've got to get a wig.” 

‘A what, sir?” 

A wig! A wig!" 

“Yes, sir,” said Lovejoy. 

ust as they got to the foot of the 
ıs leading to Lovejoy's house, Carlton 
Swenker came sailing around the corner 
on a bright, shiny bicycle, much too 
large for him. 

"Carlton!" thundered the pres 
Carlton stopped. The entire procession 

“Carlton,” shouted President Swenker, 
“where did you get that bicycle?" 

“I bought it, Daddy," said Carlton 

President Swenker swung. Carlton 
dropped senseless to the ground. Then 
the president started up the steps, fol- 
lowed by the procession, all careful to 
avoid treading on the slight young figure 
lying in the dust. 

The president threw open the door 
and strode in. Everyone marched in aft- 
er him. Lovejoy looked at the two beds. 
They were empty. The room was torn as 
though several cavalry charges had been 
conducted in it, and there were bottles 
strewn around like a brewers’ picnic, 
and the landlady was whimpering as she 
jotted down new damage on her pad of 
paper, but the room was empty 

"Well" President Swenker turned 
on “Where the two 



“Watch him, André!” the landlady 
cried to the policeman. “It’s a trick.” 

“Perhaps in the next room,” Lovejoy 
said without hope. 

Silently the entire party went into the 
next room. The same dismal and com- 
plete desolation, but no Calonius broth- 
crs. The party went back into the main 
room. Lovejoy walked over to the large 
Italian wardrobe. “They took all the 
woolen underwear,” he said aimlessly. 

“All right,” President Swenker said, 
“now we can get down to cases. You 
have two alternatives. You can stand 
trial before Syrian justice or you ca 
guarantee to stay in this town and work 
out all damages, down to the last penny, 
no matter how long it takes. How long,” 
the president addressed the policeman 
with the gun, "do you think they'd be 
likely to give him in j 

“Thirty years" the policeman said 

“ГЇЇ pay," Lovejoy said. 

It took until 3:30 that afternoon be- 
fore all the claims were in and added up. 
All in all, it came to 374 pounds, 27. At 
his present rate of pay, eating only twice 
a day, Lovejoy figured that he might be 
able to pay off his debt and be released 
to go home to America in seven more 

He signed an agreement all round, for 

which a lawyer was called in, making it 
377,27. The policeman with the gun 
gave him a and suddenly he was 
left alone, in the wreckage of his home. 

Lovejoy sat down and sighed. He lit 
the cigar the policeman had given him 
and stared at the empty bottles. 

Month followed month after that, 
the horrible episode of the Calonius 
brothers began to seem to Lovejoy like 
an aimless and sudden visitation, a 
senseless plague, a purge by evil, outside 
the control of man. His hair grew back 
and except for a little fright with D 
who imagined for several days that she 
was pregnant with twins, Lovejoy went 
along as before, although every hour was 
tempered by bitter poverty and the 
knowledge that deliverance might 
take as long as Jacob's. 

By the ише he could part his hair 
again, he had almost completely forgot- 
ten the Californians on the bicycles. 

Then one day .. . 

He was reading The Seven Pillars of 
Wisdom, with Lawrence in the hands of 
the "Turks, when, in the distance, he 
heard his name shouted faintly. He put 
the book down. “Stanford . . .” the voice 
4 d. “Stan... 

No, it couldn't Бе... He stood up, 
feeling his upper lip curl back into an 

atavistic snarl. 

tanford . . .” came the voice 

He hurricd down the steps, his legs 
almost buckling under him. There, in 
the main road, was a strange caravan. 
Astride a donkey, wavering [rom heat, 
starvation, thirst, exhaustion, supported 
on both sides by strong men, was Saint 
Clair Calonius, his eyes sunken, his lips 
pale and bloodless. And behind him, on 
another donkey, in exactly the same 
state, was Roland Calonius. 

“Found him in the desert,” the driver 
nearest Lovejoy said. “Just lying there. 
Nearly dead. Found him . with a 
jerk of the thumb for Roland, “down at 
the bottom of a well, nearly dead.” 

Saint Clair smiled horribly at Lovejoy. 
“stanford, old boy ..." he whispered 
hoarsely through cracked lips. “Delight- 
ed. See you soon as we get out of the 
hospital. Old boy . . .” 

Lovejoys heart sank and the tears 
came to his eyes. He walked unsteadily 
back to Roland. 

“Stanford, old boy . . Roland put 
out a frail hand, held Lovejoy's shoul- 
der. “Glad to see you. Soon as we get out 
of the hospital." He leaned over drunk- 
епу, whispered into Lovejoy's car. “Cot 
ta do me a favor...” 

Not in a million . 

"Gotta. That sonofabitch threw me 
into a well. Can't get away with it. 
Brother or mo brother. Stanford, old 
man, go into town and buy me the big- 

gest, sharpest spring knife you can find, 
fiveinch blade, Leave it in that ward- 
robe in your house. Top drawer. When 
we get out of hospital. First move he 
makes The throat ..." Roland 
made a horrible, murderous noise. 
“Show sonofabitch can't throw me 
any well, Stanford, old boy, don't sl 
your head .. .” 

Suddenly Lovejoy stopped shaking his 
head. A slow, ecstatic look came into his 
сус, then died. "I can't buy you any- 
thing,” he said. “I haven't got a penny 

Roland pushed drunkenly into a 
pocket, brought out a handful of notes, 
stuffed them into Lovejoy's hand. “Моп- 
ey no object . . .” He swooned and the 
two strong men held him up. Lovejoy 
put the money carefully into his wallet 
and walked up to Saint Clair 

"Anything I сап do for you? 
in a clear, vibrant voice. 
int Clair looked around him with 
lunatic caution. "One thing, old boy,” 
he said. “Th: itch Roland 
thinks 1 threw him into well. Wants 10 
kill me. Nobody can do that to me.” He 
fished wearily іп a pocket, brought out a 
fistful of bills, peered around him wari- 
ly. “Go down, old boy, and buy me one 
45 revolver with seven bullets. Leave it 

he asked 

in that wardrobe where you kept the 

Johnnie Walker. Top drawer. Then 
when we get back from hospital . . . First. 
move sonofabitch makes. Seven slugs. 

Stanford gravely put the money in his 

“Listen, Stanford,” Saint Clair leaned 
anxiously and crazily off the donkey, 
“you'll do this little thing for me, won't 

“Gladly,” Lovejoy said in an even, 
firm voice. 

“Good old Stan . . 
lapsed and the two drovers 
him up, as the caravan wound its way 
toward the hospital. 

Lovejoy watched the donkeys 
pear down the street, then walked swift- 
ly into town and bought the best spring 
knife he could find and an excellent, 
brand-new .45 revolver with seven 

There was considerable money left 
over and he bought three boules of 
Johnnie Walker. 

He went back to his home and emp- 
tied the top drawer of the wardrobe 
and placed the gun and knife neatly side 
by side. Then he soaped the drawer, so 
that no one would have any difficulty in 
opening it, even in a great hurry. 

Then he sat down and waited for the 
Calonius brothers to come out of the 
hospital. He poured himself a large 
drink. He took a good swig of the whis- 
ky and smiled a little. 



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