Full text of "PLAYBOY"
From discothéque a go go to sedate club....the famous Bird is making
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So keep a bottle of +711
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Made, bottled and sealed in Cologne—the city? 4711.
Maybe we made a mistake in 1776.
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Modnick Slacks and Shirts by
PLAYBIL sumsuapE. first
ate on our August.
cover signals landlubber and salt alike to
an ise packed to the gunwales with a
rich cargo. of emera 1 for men
Our lead fiction for August, Hello,
Charlie, Goodbye, has been wrought by
rraysoy’s Ken W. P
ther luster to his already glowing reputa-
tion 1 wier at home the
nonfictive automotive milieu as well as a
teller of fast seful con
temporary y s currently at work
combining both worlds—on the movie
script For Day of the Champion. an amo-
racing Hick starring Steve McQueen and
based on The New Matadors, Ken's book
on the subject. Hello, Charlie, Goodbye
is illustrated by Marvin. Hayes, a 26y
ving in X
wdy and adds fur
xd Texan now
old displ:
York whose work has appeared in most
major m and who considers
illustration the most expressive, creative
d uninhibiting medium in art today,
Not since the days of Martin Luther
and Hemy VIII has ndom bcen
so deeply stirred it the
headline grabbing "death-of.God" move-
ment, a theological upheayal—de-
nounced and defended from the pulpit
and in the press—that has been fostered
in large measure by the Reverend
William Hamilton. a professor of the-
ology at the Golgate-Rochester Divinity
School. Dr. Hamilton, whose The Death
of God in this issue clearly delineates his
stand, is coauthor with Thomas J. J.
Altizer of the recently published Radical
Theology and the Death of God, was
formerly dean of chapel at. Hamilton
Uliraconservative muliibillioi
the subject of this mo
a country mile from
s when he wa
n Francisco and got out of
town just before the carthquake to try
his luck as a sem 1 player in
nearly shang
apparently the only time he ever
struck out.
Here a fresh missive [rom Sol
Weinstein, creator of Israel. Bond and
intrepid author. of Secret Agent Oy Oy
Seven's latest outrageous adventure, On
the Secret Service of His Majesty the
Queen, in this issue: "About to celebrate
©) my 38th. birthday. Signs of encroach-
ing decay ave undeniable. Wa
Mack's Amateur Hour the other night
and enjoyed it. Worse, sent in card prais-
ing Zoe Potocki School of Modern
Tap of Sandusky, Ohio, whose 15 youi
ladies displayed remarkable precision in
all falling down at the same time. Nestor
Prothro, the balloon squcczer who did
George M. Cohan medley, wis also
grear. His Majesty the Queen will be
out in fulllengtli paperback in the fall,
courtesy of Pocket Books, It will be fol-
lowed by You Should Only Live and
Not Die—Altogether, the last (oi veh) 1s-
rael Bond thriller.” Our own count
espionage agents have uncovered plans
afoot to make Israel Bond movie
hero, with the distinct possibility of
Woody Allen playing the Hebr
Isracl Bond or no, bespectacled boy
wonder Woody Allen, who has cmiched
this issue with a tongue-incheck chron-
ide of practical jokery, The Discovery
and Use of the Fake Ink Blot, is omni
present, In. the are ihe Allen
movies: Ian Fleming's Casino Royale, in
which he'll play one of the leading roles:
Take the Money and Run, which he
wrote and in which he'll star; and What's
Up Tiger Lily?, a Japanese film for which
he wrote new gag dialog. A play of his,
Dowt Drink the Water, is about to be
produced by Max Gordon, and a series
of ABCTV specials is upcoming
When we asked Woody what he does in
his spare time, he answered, "Catch my
The Bunnies of Dixie takes a lom
lingering, loving look at the hutch hon
gs of Adanta and New Orleans. The
French Fonda pictures Henr aghter,
Jane, in a refreshingly Gallic appro:
to moviemaking under the direct
of her husband, Roger Vadim. Herbert
Gold's moving My Father, His Father
and Ben will orm part of his forthcom
ing book, Fathers. t0 be published by
Random House in the all. Jean Shep
herd. our own Mt. Keen, ‘Tracer of Lost
Youth, is with us with Mss Bryfogel and
the Case of the Warbling Cuckold. Next
month, Doublediy will publ
h Shep
herd's In God We Trust; All Others Pay
Cash, made up i art of pieces
aynoy. Gahan
ifie scifier, The Manuscript
of Doctor Arness, is another fine example
of Wilson's burgeoning talent as a com-
pelling craftsman of the Gothic tale, al-
though his macabre cartooning ellorts,
fortunately for us all, have not slackened
one whit. Welcome aboard!
Arness’ Manuscript
West's Wear
GENERAL OFFICES: pavor nuiLoinc, 23h €
CREDITS: COVER, wonti sissy av
vol. 13, no. 8—august, 1966
PLAYBILL. = 2 d 3
DEAR PLAYBOY... -— eem 7
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: H. L. HUNT—candid conversi 47
THE FRENCH FONDA—pictorial E 66
PICTURE PLAYMATE — ployboy's playmate of the month. . 96
THE NEW LINEN LOOK —attire. cdm
essay ss.
HUGH M. HEFNER editor and publisher
A. C. SPECTORSKY associate. publisher and editorial director
ARTHUR PAUL art director
JACK J. KESSIE managing editor VINCENT T. TAJIRI picture editor
LEHRRMAN, WILLIAM. MACKLE associate editory: ROBERT V. GREEN fashion d.
DAVID TAYLOR asociate fashion editor; TOMAS mawo jood © drink
‘ATRICK CHASE Gravel edilor; J. PAUL GEWY contributing editor, business & finance;
ARLENE. WOURAS Cupy chief: ROGER WIENER assistant editor; WY CHAMIRLAIN in
sorinte picture editor: MARUYN GKALOWSKE assistant picture editor; MNOO CASUAL
photographers; SWAN MALINOWSEE contributing photographer: wim MAUSUN iso
ciate art director; ny
assistant art directors; WALTER KRMDENYCH, ARF MCEALLAR d). assistants: JONN
Maso production manager; ALLEN varco assistant production manage!
PAT raras rights and permissions © HOWARD W. LEDERER advertisin
Josrru FALL, advertising manager; JULES KASE associate advertisin
SUFRMAN. KEAIS Chicago advertising manager: poser GUNTER detroit ais
tiing manager: XVISON reren promotian director; MUY ronson publicity
manager; mysy wys public relations manager; aXsox Mount public
affairs manager; TUFO FREDERICK personnel director; JANEY viLcRIM reader
service; WALIER MOWARTIL subscription fulfillment manager; VIDON siirus
special projects; ROBERT S. PRELSS business manager & circulation director.
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EJ) avvress pLavsoy MAGAZINE + 232 E. OHIO ST., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60611
I found your May interview immense-
ly interesting. Profesor Arthur M.
Schlesinger, Jr., hits any number of nails
on the head. E was particularly pleased
to find him nailing “the idea that com-
munism is a great coordinated entity. all
centrally controlled.” [ am sure he is
ight in m that “within the
Communist. empire there are all kinds
of national divergencies and antagonisms
nd conllicting interests" The Com
munist empire is like our capi
pire in this poim—and it ought to be
Ley point for policy makers. My ex-
peaation is tha, if Vietnam were 10
be reunited under. Ho Chi. Minh’s lead-
ership, his Communist regime would be
more elfective barrier 10. Communist
ina's expansion. southward than the
Armed Forces of the United States can
ever be. Ho Chi Minh is. I believe, a
potential counterpart. lor China, to what
Tito is for Russia
I suspect that China, as well as Russia,
is glad to see the United States. em-
broiled in Vietnam. China wants Amer-
ica to be in troubles and America's
trouble in Vietnam is at Vieinam’s ex-
pense, not China's. This is convenient for
China in the short run, but in the long
run it will surely buill up resentment
gainst China in Vietnam. After all, Chi-
na. not America, is Vieinam's traditional
alist em
Arnold Toynbee
The Royal Institue
of International Affairs
London, England
Mr. Schle remarks, on the
whole, present one of the most intelli
gent and reasonable approaches 10 social
nd political problems that we face to-
day. Hi 1
type of communism existing in eastern
Europe were verified at a recem meeting
of the American Philosophical Associa:
tion. After an Ameri »pher
gave a citique of dialectical material-
ism, the official philosophy of commu-
nism, a Polish philosopher remarked that
some of these criticisms were now being
made by the Polish philosophers and
other philosophers in castern Europe
Although Fm in basic agreement with
comments about a more lib
» philos
question his posi
n on certain matters.
claims that beyond civil
rights it is dificult to know what student
protest organizations really want. I won-
der if. Mr. Schlesinger has had any per
sonal experience speaking with members
of these organizations or attending their
meetings. As Liculty advisor 10 the S. D. S.
chapter on our campus, [ have been im-
presed with how deeply involved these
students are in local, national and i
ternational issues, eg. fair housing.
poverty programs and the moral issues
of the war in Vietn
Although I agre
criticisms of our Tore
ing the Domini
with Schlesinger’s
an policy concern-
and the war in
Vietnam, I must point out that Johnson.
McNamara and Rusk were selected. by
john F. Kennedy
Edward D'Angelo, Assistant
Profesor of Philosophy
University of Missouri
Kansas City, Missouri
à cri
In the sume way that President Ken
nedy distinguished his Administration by
bringing to it such a preeminent histor
an as Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. so à mass
circuluion magazine such as PLAYBOY
distinguishes itself and serves our repub.
lic when it offers its millions of readers
Schlesinger’s thoughts on the important
issues of our times.
Leon A. Harris, Jr
Dallas, Texas
Your interview with Schlesinger is
superb. The com on of an inter-
viewer who did his homework and an
interviewee who is as brilliant: and
knowledgeable as Schlesinger is unbeat
able. | wonder what Schlesinger's for
mula for success is. Is it his excellent
fling system? Is it an unusually retentive
memory? Is it a determination to know
almost everything and by proper use of
this knowledge to help save the world?
At any rate, I would Tike to hase the
formula. Your interview revealed once
more the extraordinary qualities of the
author of A Thousand Days.
Seymour E
Litauer Professor of
Political Economy, Eme
Harvard University
most of Schilesinger’s views, I would La Jolla, California
SWnadsuvd NIANVT
promise her
but give her
135 musical
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As a mere grassroots undergraduate,
I would be foolish to take with
Arthur summa cum laude Schlesinger,
Jr.. in arguing the future of the Repub.
lican Party. 1 have, however, become fed
up listening to people like the hero of
vour May interview as they tell us that
the minority party is about to fall into
the hands of the liberals. The boy won-
der from Harvard may have done a good
job in talking his Administration out of
its gross negligence in dealing with the
Cubans in 1961, bur his prophecy that
the Republican Party will represent the
liberals in 1968 is another surike-out for
this .167 political hitter.
David T. Pomeroy
Birmingham, Michigan
The interview with Arthur Schlesinger,
]r. in the May issue of rLaynoy is one
of the most instructive political inter-
changes of recent years. Your interviewee
is devoted to a world of diversity, and
he can quote John F. Kennedy on this
And. like him, Schlesinger can and does
take seriously the political audacity of
diverse. leaders, from Gandhi to De
Gaulle. There are n
cess, and one wonders whether the cult
of succes in a pluralistic world will
serve as the real faith, the real resolve, of
those who can hope to attain it
consider all other faiths purely nominal
Schlesinger asserts that all the traditional
Faiths have lost their punch
Does he. then, have admiration chiefly
for “the ability to cope" in a tricky situa-
tion? When he attributes so much of that
to the late President Kennedy, to whom
is he really confessing faith? The politi-
cab professor is far too sophisticated not
to balance the ineptitudes of the late
President in the total equation. Schle
pers earlier extravagant estimate of
the lare Secretary Morgenthau had a
similar bearing. Perhaps the truth is that
a potential candidate needs faith in
those whose success will render his own
more plausible, at least in his own esti-
mation. In a word, Professor Schlesinger
is running for office, but would. nor en-
joy the positions he could achieve, and
will not achieve the one he most respects.
Robert F. Creegan, Chairman
Department of Philosophy
State University of New York
Albany, New York
ny models of suc
id who
Bravo! The article Brava Costas! in
your May issue was most enlighten
wondered when would pet
around to publicizing this splendid
place. No offense to the author, but
Sitges, the so-called "rest stop” town, can
be anything bui a resting place from the
other playgrounds there. 1 spent many
happy weeks there from 1960 to 1965. It
is comparable to Cadaqués and Torre
molinos. Im addition to the outdoor
a and the Ma
sundown to sunup
discotheque of La Cab;
there are
international bars and other
thiques in Sitges. However, the article
was superb. France and Italy had best be
careful. for the
prices cannot. be. com
pared with the Costs
Charles M. Napier
, Washington
rravsoy has had many great stories in
the past, but Tom Mayer's The Eastern
Sprints [May] tops them all. He has
captured. the essence of crew. But then,
Mayer ought to be an authority—he was
quite à crew jockey at both Andover and
Harvard. Let's see more of his work
John A. Casey
Stanford, Californi
Tom Mayer's short story The Eastern
Sprints was the first elleciively written
rowing yarn to appear in many years.
We felt that Mayer's ule, appearing as
it did in your magazine, indicates a re
newed interest in America's oldest sport
We were glad to sec Mayers story in
rrAvnOv, even if he did make M. 1 T
he Lightweight Varsity
Massachusetts Institute
of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 have read Capital Punishment: The
Barbaric Anachronism, by Michael D
Salle, which appeared in the May issue
of your magazine, and fecl it is excellent
Governor DiSallés thought-provoking
and historical documentation of capital
punishment has shed. new light on this
highly important and. controversial sub-
Jennings Randolph
United. States Se
Washington, D. C.
In my rather wide reading in the field,
T have never seen a better indictment of
official as opposed to unofficial murder
{which is what capital punishment really
is) than Governor DiSalle's article, which
epitomizes and reinforces his recent book
on the same subject.
As a longtime writer about crime, in
both fact and fiction, 1 h
creasingly convinced that the only reason
lor the retention of capital. punishment
is the satisfaction
sometimes subconscious) for retribution
—a primitive emotion—and that ihe op:
ponents of its abolition seldom actually
believe that it is a deterrent. 1 am quite
certain that nobody was ever held back
from committing a murder by the
thought that if he were caught he might
himself be killed. Sixty years ago my
late husband, Maynard Shipley, in his
extensive writing on the history of the
death penalty, cited the prevalence of
e become in.
of a desire (perhaps
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lime out stopwatch,
doctor's watch,
yachting timer,
time zone watch,
aviator’s watch,
kin diver’s watch,
regular wateh,
allin one.
pickpockets in the throngs who watched
a pickpocket hanged. Governor. DiSalle
in. All the con «c ol
4| punishment can do is ensure us
inuing supply of murderers. men
men who revert 19 the primitive
impulse to Kill, turn provi
society with a vicarious catharsis.
Miriam Allen deFort
San Francisco, California
cited it
nd who
By vote of the people in 1961, Oregon
bolished capital punishment. and 1am
pleased that this step was taken, for I
truly believe, as does Governor DiSalle,
that this form of punishment does not
curb. crime
Governor Mark O. Hatfield
lem, Oregon
1 read Governor DiSalle’s article with
imerest and am pleased to have the in
formation lor my files. Thanklully, Wis-
consin has no problem in this area. as
our constitution specifically provides that
io cruel or unusual. punishment shall be
Governor Wa P. Knowles
Madison, Wisconsin
Wisconsin has no problem not because
of constitutional prohibition. of cruel
aud unusual punishment, which is in-
cluded in Article VUL of the United
Slates Bill of Rights, but because it is
one of the B enlightened states that have
abolished the death penalty, Article
PHI has proved no deterrent in those
states that still. inflict capital punish
The case against capital punishment
should be entirely convincing to any
onc who will analyze it dispassionately.
Governor Michael DiSalle sum.
e ellectively in PLAYBOY,
zes the ca
but could have spared readers the lurid
details of revolting methods of execu
used. in other t d other cult
To show that capital punishment has no
place in our culture in our time needs
ho appeal 10 emotion.
Voluntary agencies that protect society
by aiding in rehabilitating those offend-
ers who can be salvaged are in accord
with criminologists and penologists who
are thoroughly convinced that capital
punishment is a failure as à. deterrent,
and is defensible
The Correctional Service Federation
U. S. AL composed of 20 voluntary agen
cies that have been dealing with all
sorts of offenders for ny. ma
recently adopted. this resolution
tal punishment should and must bc
We must find some better way to curb
the killers than by committing deliberate
murder ourselves.
Mrs. Ruth Baker, Executive Director
Correctional Service
Federation U.S.A.
Milwaukee, Wiscon:
I read Michael DiSalle’s Capital Pun
ishment: The Barbarie Anachronism
with much interest and with full
ment so far as the abolition of capital
punishment is concerned. Thanks for
making it available.
John Sparkman
United States Senate
Washington, D. €
All men have a right to humane jus:
tice, until they forfeit that right by act
ing inhumanely. ds this any dillerent
from the right of self preservation that
allows us to use all necessuv force to
protect lile and property? 1 believe that
capital punishment is an extension of
the justice inherent in self- preservation
Arthur King
Honolulu, Hawaii
pily stat.
As George Bernard Shaw sc
ed in Man and Superman, "Criminals do
not die by the hands of the law. They
dic by the hands of odi ncn."
Lester Taylor
Kansas Ci
L was most impressed by DiSalle's refu
tation of capiral punishment, the most
persuasive article on the subject E hase
ever read. E wish everyone in the country
could be exposed to this kind of think
ing. PLavnoy is to be highly commended
lor coming to grips with contemporary
social problems as few publications have
ever attempted. 10 in meaningful
Foster Gunnison. Jr
Hartford, Connecticut
1 did not bother t0 read. Michael Di
Salle's article, because to say that capital
punishment “neither curbs crime nor
henefits society" is unter nonsense. A
dead chief can no longer steal, a dead
murderer can no longer kill. There
two benefits 10 society right there, not n
mention il
the population explosion.
S. C. Wentworth
Bronxville, New York
aid given w the control of
Ira Cohen's April
of Drenms gives the prosaic Ame
insight into a world that. is dx
by Anslinger-influenced Narcotics Bu
reau cops on the one hand and Anthony
Comstock on the other, Mr. Col
wind up being decorated by the Mor
cam Tourist Bureau—for he has. made
majoon attractive 10 the men and women
who wish 1o escape from the trafic, the
smog and the realities of. American lile
The price of escape is an air ticket 10
Marrakech or Fez and Cohen's guide to
the world of kif and ma
found in his article
The Goblet of Dreams will
bureaucrats of the Narcotics
cle The Goblet
on, which is
give the
keteer goes along as he sets his sights on the good lif
Exe Browning to his fine gun collection. This lav
argues t rits of wool s
luxurious hand, city-coun
double-breasted sport coat in the classic tradition, even to double
ickey & Sons loomed the autumn wheat hop:
nd the warm tweed plaid for co-ordinated slacks
et, $45 and slacks, r more information writ
166, American Wool Council, 570 Seventh Ave.,
New York, N. Y. 10018.
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The enforcement eltort against marijuana
in this coi been. frequently
justified bec is charged, the use of
marijuana tempts one w uy hemi
in other words, serves as an
n to heroin addiction. Que may
e for the suppression
arijuana itself is not
ad there is no Y
heroin use and the
aniele is valuable for his
us into the uses by an older civili
smion of a drug that pro
scribed in this country. Somehow, that
older civilization has survived the use ol
kif. Tt raises the ques to whether
we should not reassess our attitudes
toward a relatively commonplace drug. It
may well be that alcohol should not be
our only legal escape from rc
Morris Ploscow
Counselor at 1
New York, New York
is sev
aph has appea
great num
wspapers a
her of Danish. magazines.
The picture shows the Danish Minis
H. E. Victor Gram, and
iding Ollicer of the Danish Con
SON) with the United Na.
prus (UNFICYP). It
hall for the Danish
o Lourouj
was taken
soldiers at
(south of Nico
Major O. H. M. baron. Haxthausen
Public Infor ion Officer
Nicosia, Cyprus
à photographer and a GI
whose job it is to take pictures for the
United States A 1 would like to
compliment your magazine from a some
what professional as well as a reader's
viewpoint, PLAYHOY is, to the soldier, al
most as good as a letter from home or
from that one special girl, PLAYBOY
brightens the life of many Gls far from
home, where their biggest job is just 10
stay alive. When your May issue. fea
tured Jo Collins in Playmate First. Class
Jo Collins in Vietnam. | know that she
made Company B. 503rd Infantry, 17rd
Airborne I
m ihe U.S. Ar
serves a medal for p
Pic. Michael R. Everett
U. 5. Army Signal Corps
Fort Mc h, New Jersey
After reading Hugh Hefners admir
able statement t a Saturday Evens
Post reporter that “I'm sick about Vier
nam. ... b think this country is
on a very moral ideal, and that we're
our best when we're closest t0 thai—
which we're dearly not in Vi ear
found it hard to understand the super-
patriotic, platitudinous business of Jo
Collins in Vietnam. That Mi. Hefner
should encourage. such a venture lor the
glorification of his magazine amon
captive audience and at the sime time
tell the Post diat “the free press isn't liv-
ing up to its responsibilities” would be
ly one more discouraging example of
free press” hypocrisy if so much were
not at stake. One can only conclude th
Mr. Hefners prin one th
PLAYBOY'S profit
N age
New York, New York.
Hefners attitude toward America's
role in the Vietnamese war is unequivo-
cally clear and unchanged. But the fact
that he does not endorse our Govern
ments policy in Vietnam has nothing
to do with his support of American
soldiers stationed there; anything he can
do to bring some jay and surcease into
their lives, he will gladly do, as evidenced:
by Jo Collins trip.
The visit of Jo Collins, Playmate of
the Year, to Vietnam and the 17rd Air
bome Brigade was the pleasant
and exciting event of the year for the
Brigade paratroopers. She was rcc
enthusiastically everywhere she appeared
Undaunted by the tropical heat, the dust
and rigors of moving by Toot, jeep. bus
and helicopter, she spent many long and
tiring hours traveling about, talking with
the troops and nograplis. She
visited the hospitals in the Bien Hoa arca
id at one hospital she talked with every
patient and phat à photograph
of herself for each of them. The hospital
commander commented 10 me that the
morale of his ts had been lifted
threefold by her appearance there.
Thank you for the support of our
efforts here in Viernam. You have helped
immensely to enhance the morale of the
men of this elite can fighting unit.
Major Roosevelt Wilson, U. S$. A.
ant Executive. Olficer
c Brigade
cisco, Califor
Could it be any other way? A Honda
takes so easily to formal affairs. The
perfection, the sophisticated styling
are obvious. Everybody knows Honda
is in a class by itself.
Prices start about $215*
FREE: Color brochure, write American Honda Motor Co., Inc., Dept. LS, Box 50, Gardena, California 90247.
is held to a minimum. And you've 14
models to choose from. The biggest
selection in the business. Ride a
Honda. Even if only for a run around
the block. You wouldn't look right on
anything else.
*Plus dealer's transportation and set-up charges.
You meet the nicest people on a Honda.
© 1966 AHM
e can remember a time when en-
Wicie were useful carriers of pri-
vare messages—enclosed within. We also
remember, sene of
those dear old goklen-rule days wh
could print S W A G B K across the
letters, to assure
with a
back of our "persona
the addressee that our sentiments were
Sealed With A Great Big Kiss. But such
romantic didos were kid stuff compared
with the comtemporary art of imp
ing envelopes with Mad Ave ads and pa-
wiotic catch phrases. The once-homey
postal cancellation, consisting solely of
the postal station of origin (Stuyvesant,
Calumet Park, Kedzi e. Lincoln
Heights, Ambassador, Gramercy Park
and the dike), has become 3 vehicle
for sloganeers of every stripe. urging us
to “Pray for Peace,” “Keep California
Green," "Buy U.S. Bonds" "Support
Your Mental Health Association,” “Own
Your Share of American Business.” "Visit
the U.S. A." "Give the United Way" and
even “Be Librarian.” While many of
these exhortations are of themselves in-
nocuous, they do destroy a certain sense
of privacy the mails should foster. The
lover awaiting a billetdoux from his be
loved, for example. ought not to be told,
“Report Obscene Mail to Your Postmas-
ter.” He has better things to do—some,
possibly, considered obscene by the post-
al authori
Two citizens we know find these post-
I imprints so objectionable that they've
decided to do something about them.
Irwin Gooen, a Brooklyn photographer,
and his partner, Mrs. Judy Koch, arc dis-
tributing ti-establishment en-
velope stickers under the nonsense name
of Zpod Enterprises. The heckling mes-
sages, which you stick on the envelopes
yourself, are designed to counter the effect
of officially sanctioned Governmental, in
I slogans, Says
Gooen g against the in-
direct pressures brought to bear by the
postal authorities to conform to some
sort of belief in religion and
form to a sexually purit
Iso to con-
cal image.
Thanks to Gooen and Koch, the non-
conformist postal patron can now thumb
his nose at the authoritics with his own
little moral, political, religious, social or
antisocial message
ng from Zpod's list of gummed
nottocs (400 for S2). most of the
and cheerfully
ston; and one that forethoughtfully
provides lor those who feel that Zpod is
ying to institutionalize what should be
a spontancous—even childish—impulse:
Fortunes of War Department: “Many
beddings." reports Women’s Wear Daily,
are being moved forward because the
bride's fiancé is about to be drafted into
Producer Irvin Arthur, wc learn,
putting together a 90-minute
film consisting entirely of “cor
tions” for old B movies from the Thirt
ad Forties. The name of the flick, of
course, will be Trailer Camp.
^ | Jackson, Mis
sissippi, as we go to press, is an inspira-
tional ballad entitled Jesus Is God's
Atomic. Bomb.
p the hit parade
In Britain's New Statesman, a cor-
respondent writes on “good authority"
that “when Dorothy and Harold Mac
müllan were lunching in Paris with
Charles and Madame de Gaulle, Doro-
thy Macmillan, after expressing her ad.
on for the achievements of De
aulle, asked Madame de Gaulle, "What
are you looking forward to now? M:
dame de Gaulle, in a clear and. penetrat-
ing voice, replied: "A penis.” A cera
frisson went round the table. De Gaulle
broke the embarrassed silence by saying,
“My dear, E think the English don't pro-
«c the word quite like that. It's not
"a penis" but “appi
Offbeat epicures would seem to be
welcome at the Dunes restaurant in
Corpus Christi, which ran an ad in the
Corpus Christi Caller inviting diners to
“come as you are, bathing suits or biki-
nis, drink soft drinks or beer and eat hot
dogs, hamburgers and children on red
wood table
av of Death.
Chicago fu-
The Discreet American V
Sign wen on the door of
neral parlor: DELIVERIES
A Vietnamese draft board, says The
Saigon Post, is still wondering what t6
do with the following leuer, which it
received not long ago from a local firm:
"We beg vou to exempt our employee
Lc Van Sao. He is the only man left in
our pla
on with 15 inexperienced girls.”
at. and ar the moment is carrying
An imaginative entrepreneur in Mi
ami has concocted a soft drink combin-
ing the best elements of prune juice and
tangerine nectar. The murky beverage is
provocatively dubbed “Prune and
Miami radio listeners, long accustomed
10 advertising assaults on their sense
are reportedly responding eagerly to
sexy female voice that suggestively in
quires: "Have you had your Prune-tang
today? It makes you feel so000 good."
many of
Like televisions Top Ten
shows, Batman seems destined to become
an international hit when it goes
syndication. overseas. dutifully dubbed
with a dozen tongues. The elemental
language of “BIF! “BAMU ow!”
is probably universal, suspect
that the series ma
but we
lose something i
Great new taste,
rich aroma...
pipe tobacco does it.
Enjoy Americas
pipe tobacco in
a filter cigarette!
product She hreucan Bacco Company sare.
tanslation—though perhaps name
only. In Germany. for example. the
caped crusader would strike terror into
the hearts of criminals everywhere as the
redoubtable Fledermaus-Mensch, Some-
what more mellifluously, he would be
known to French fans the debonair
Chauvesouris-Homme, to Italian Migh-
camp followers as the picaresque Pipis
tello-Uoma and t0 Chinese viewers
as the sage Bien-fu-jen. However, in
Lithuar bly enougi
almost un
slmosparnis- But our super-
hero's mouth-filling moniker on Polish.
IV would be the musical challenge. of
the dots Nietopei--Clowiek. Vets. see
Neal Hefti, composer of The Batman
Theme, put that to music
First come, first served: A want ad in
Wisconsin's Kenosha News requested the
services of a "Young attractive girl—io
be frozen 5000 Ibs. of ice. No experi-
ence necessary. Apply in person at the
Mid-City Outdoor Th
On a recent trip to Czechoslovakia
friend of ours asked a restaurant owner
if the capitalistic custom of tipping was
permitted. “It is not allowed,” the man
told him, “but it is not forbidden
In Los Angeles, a man was arrested
on charges of swindling two department
stores out of 529,000, In a search of his
apartment, police found a manuscript
adorned with rejection slips from various
publishers. Its title: The Master Swin-
Dircetly under a pagewide h
in the San francisco Chrouicle—s
a smaller headline x
Express buses, according to Morris
County, New. Je n, leave
except. Fri.” Track fans will want to at
range their schedules accordingly.
y Futility: The electiic company
in Palermo, Sicily, relates The Washing-
ton Post, turned off a clients. power
supply noc long ago for I 10 pay the
bill. The client: Palermo gas comp:
In one edition of the Los Angeles
Herald-Examincr, Vy ath the usual
"Personal" notices urging “girls in trou
ble" to contact special hospitals and
maternity services, we spotted an ad read
ing: “Girls Not in Trouble—Ask for Lar
ry at the Grape Vine, 14 Vine St^
Let Him Who Is Without Sin: Military
lyst General S. L. A. Marshall, review
Cornelius Ry; The Law Battle
If Rose' is made for gimlets,
what's it doing in a daiquiri?
Our tropical limes are fickle lovers.
Mix with gin. Perfect love. Ecstasy. Mix with rum.
Why, it’s as good as with gin! (Oh cruel, fickle, West
Indian lime.)
Perhaps the tropics have something to do with ic?
Maybe the hot Caribbean sun and the caressing sea
breezes make our fat, luscious limes kind of restless.
‘Theyare certainly the most devilish limes eversqueezed
into a bottle. Their cart-sweet taste just seems to bring
out the calypso in the most prudish of ingredients.
We’ll continue to put the gimlet recipe on the
Rose's Lime Juice bottle, like always. One part Rose's
to 4 or 5 parts gin or vodka. Then we'll sit back and
await the "Dear John" letters that go something like
this: 2 parts light rum, 1 part Rose's, a dash of sugar,
makes the best daiquiri I ever had.
Sorry, gin. Poor gin.
KINGS MEN... lusty ond full bodied with a hint of spice. NGS
THISTLE & PLAID... Stirring and spirited as the Scottish
Highlands with a hefty whiff of heather. coroane 1.50
IMPERIAL GOLD... magnificently male with the bold ©
savagery of the Crusaders. AFTER SHAVE 2.50, COLOGNE 2.75
SPARE RIB. Just one—and Man was in a ticklish situation. Think
what ten ribs would’ve done. Combined with the bravado of an
€ innocent young poorboy, in soft Shetland
€ i] wool. Pure in color. Honest in intention. But
TIT handsomely devilish in deed. Prospect sound
SPORTSWEAR enticing? Wear one. And carry a spare.
In Wheat,
Bronze, Pine-
wood, Teal, Cop-
per. About $11.00.
At Bamberger's, New-
ark & branches, Martin's,
Brooklyn & branches, and
other fine stores. Or write
FORUM, 303 Fifth Avenue, N. Y.
The New York Times, found. fault
of superla-
cs, such as
7 bi
th the book's "redundauc
tives and unhelpful adject
‘murderous’ fire and ‘stu
Marshall added the admot
s on war should shun them
like grim death
Among Hollywood's men of distinc-
tion, reports Universal's press depart-
ment, is Joseph Bashra, whose name
has never appeared on a marquee but
whose prowess is known to all of
fiimdom's | behind-the-camera
Bashra is Hollywood's number-o
cl humper. A native Egyptian, Bashra
began humping camels
Twenties for Rudolph V.
two-humped—camels were a
modity in Southern Califo
the silent cra. Thanks 10 Ba
unique skill, more easly available
dromedaries weri ad still are, con
verted into. Bactrians by the addition ol
in extra hump made of uncured goat
a balsawood frame
skin stretched ove
and covered with dyed nila hemp. A
plastic fluid and water-filled rubber bal.
re then stuffed beneath the
goatskin to provide the natural move
ments needed. “The dromed: e
rown so used to my hump,” says Bash-
that they feel naked and self-con
scious before the cameras without €
Though he stands alone as Hollywood's
foremost camel humper, Bashra is not
resting on his laurels. He's just finished
his 146th screen assignment: humping a
herd of camels for Universal's remake of
Beau Geste, and he's currently busy per
fecting double humps for hi d
an be use
cows—so that the as camels
» background shots.
Hard-sell invitation purportedly post
ed on a bulletin board at the Chicago
The musical Mame would seem to have
all the ingredients of a supersmash
heroine who has become an Ameri
-up of cartooi
characters, an accom:
plished cast, colorful, showy costumes
and a punchy, singable, beera
dust title song by the man who wrote
Hello, Dolly! But pariy becuse ol
ish suppe
s grediems, Mame is only
lL-smash. The material is too famil-
dy been a hit
as a book, a pla ovie. ‘There
are no surprises. The first and perhaps
the second time the young orphaned
Patrick Dennis was led by y-secre-
tary Agnes Gooch into his wild Auntic
Mame's chiebohemian Beckman Place
pad, there was a thrill of anticipation;
but even if he doesn't know what orgias-
tic pleasures await him at his aunt's el-
bow, by now everyone in the audience
does. additional problem in the
s playing
the support are too strong.
They tend to overwhelm Auntie.
Connell, with a baggy body and startled
face, is hilarious as Agnes. Beatrice
Arthur, with the voice of a w
and the disposition of
outlindishly amusing as Mame's semi-
permanent house guest, actress Vera
Charles. And Frankie Michaels as the
young Patrick is that rarity, a child actor
who is not self-conscious or pushy, and
who can sing, act and nor look silly
steering a grown woman around a dance
floor. This year's Mame, Ang
bury, still oflers martinis 10 t€
bel e education (nudity
in the d nd the happy, free.
full life (a x parties a week). But
with her soft blonde hair, china-doll
face and ingratiating stage manner
Miss Lansbury is a nice Mame to have
around the house, a mild Mame, a tame
Ma convasted with Rosalind Rus
scll's hard-edged camp queen. There are
moments when, were it not for her styl-
ish plumage (by Robert Mackintosh),
Angela might fade right into the high-
epping chorus. When she and Beatrice
Arthur belt out Bosom Buddies—a Sade-
by-Sade song of friendship wherein cach
tries to outbitch the other—it is Miss Ar-
thur who dominates. The score, by Jerry
Herman, is tuneful and properly nostal-
gic. The tide song is the bestin-show
and also the best 1. thumped by
banjos and sung and danced by Mame
and a plantation. full of Southern belles
and beaux. But most of the songs (and
the dances) are not memorable enough
and most of Herman's funny. lyrics are
ny enough. The humor is in the
lin the remains of the
dialog that authors Jerome Lawrence
and Robert E. Lee have salvaged from
their play d from Patrick Dx
book, which mcans that too ni
fun is re-rerw
At the. Winter
Monica Vitti, with the n of Scorpio
tooed on her left thigh, would give
Modesty Bloise a rather exotic air if it had
nothing else, but it does live a good deal
more to it. The British do have a way
with spies, and although director Joseph
Loscy's wild sortie into that fashionable
movie genre will not send cinematic
philosophers searching for profu
ition on the
spyllick. The Brit et Service wants
to protect $150,000,000 in diamonds on
their way to a Middle Eastern sheik as
Thank you, Mrs. Richardson,
for running out of you-know-what.
My husband and I always use Bacardi rum when we have
Daiquiris (vhich ve love), but [ must confess that one
of our favorite drinks over the years has been gin and
tonic. That is, until about a month ago.
We ran out of gin over the weekend, and my husband
decided to try Bacardi and tonic. And that's vhy I'm
writing this letter!
Believe me, Bacardi and tonic [s one of the best tasting
and most refreshing drinks we have ever had. It is very
smooth, and there is something wonderful about the
Bacardi that blends perfectly with the tonic--better
than any other liquor ue know about.
We are sold on this drink (it's tops!) and have since
learned that several of our Friends have made the same
discovery. I thought you would Like to know about it.
Sincerely, ^
(xs) E
ea Jac t oy)
(Sn, decet past bought Thur
Fads At da ban d e oh E
| ety of acne. Qo rue aret la Veco i
You're so right, Mrs. R. We make Bacardi nooth and |
bodied so that it will blend perfectly with just about every mixer. Come
to think of it, that’s why Bacardi Parties were invented!
$0 GOOD IT's
All the finer inns serve Heineken.
It's been that way for 374 years.
The great beer fram the diligent Dutch is pampered with specially chasen
hops and malt...slow-brewing in gleaming capper vessels. ..Ihree long
months of aging and 374 years of Dutch skill. It's quite a bit of trouble,
we know. But that's haw we get great beer once every batch. You con
get it in bottles or an droft
Why does Mapleton use two aromatics
when one would do?
1 i
For smdothnéss,/man.
Smoothness. ^ :
Maple and rarerum—what a combination!
Mapleton hasfjuskthe right amount of each
to smooth out the smoke as no single aromatic can.
Some aromatic tobaccos taste too sweet
can't smoke smooth. But Mapleton Smoking Mixture
mellows the rich full flavor of aged tobacco—
for smoothness, man.
United States Tobacco Company
payment [or oil concessions, and they
hire Modesty (Mis Vitti) and her
Cockney knile-throwing partner (Ter
ence Stump) to see to it that the jewels
don't fall imo the hands of the archest
archerook yet devised for this kind of
film, played with limp-wristed insouci-
uice by Dirk Bogarde. He loves to drink
something purple out of goblets with
his shinbones and with
goldfish swimming within, Modesty’s
preference is for gowns lurid enough to
stems as long
make Hollywood garb seem drab. but
no matter how long or how allcover
ing, they are wonderlully removable.
Her partner, Stamp. fancies a variety of
wigs—and the pair of them change, she
from black to blonde, he from blond
10 black, ostensibly to keep the con-
trasts coming as fast as the tricks in this
film that tries to outgimmick the most
gimmicky and comes near succeeding
And despite Moesty’s shortcomings.
Losey does have a zest for ribbing not
only the genre bur his own picture.
winding up with the most persistent
cliché of moviedom—the race of the
Marines (in this instance, read Bedouins)
to the rescue.
A Fine Madness, written by Elliott Baker
Irom his novel of the same name and
directed in bursts of real wit by Irvin
Kershner, pus t0 final rest the base
canard that Sean Connery can’t act any
part besides 007. It even banishes the
long-term rumor that Jean Seberg can't
act at all. And most agreeably, it confirms
the widespread. impression that. Joanne
Woodward is a superb actress. Unfortu
nately, this unusually deft and sprightly
comedy, which might have qualified as
satire. has been turned into burlesque by
somebody with a heavy hand: and its
too bad, because through it all, Baker
and. Kershner are saying some trenchant
th y. The
story involves a roughhewn poet (Con
gs about contemporary soci
nery) who believes that women are lovely
Hlowers who ought to open their petals.
d they tend to agree with him in his
specific ease. Forced by poverty imo the
rugshampooing business, he nawrally
meets a Jot of flowers. His second. wife
(Woodward), none too bright but de
voted, bails him out of most of the crises
into which his freewheeling way of life
gets him, In tight from a number of
opened blossoms and from his first wile's
lawyer, who wants alimony he can't pay
Connery signs himself into a private
sanitarium operated by Dr. Oliver West
(Patrick O'Neal), a celebrated. psychia
trist. Dr. West's bored wile, Lydia (Se
berg). visits the place one day and finds
the poet about to enjoy a ripple bath
There follows such a funny sex event as
the screen has rarely seen, with Connery
d Seberg cavorting carnally in a giant
shaking. roaring bathtub (a scene we
showed you exclu
vely in Sean Connery
Strikes Again, vr avnov, July). Alas, Dr.
West pops in at the wrong moment, with-
draws unnoticed and wrathful, and pro-
ceeds to schedule 1 lobotomy
for the poet. Connery hurdles that
hazard intact, not a whit subdued, and
proves it last recl by literally
Knocking his wife's block oll. U
no doubt, but by then we a
hard for the poct and his
habits that most of u
lieve in his conquest over medicin
psychiatry and all of intruding society.
In Up to Hin Ears, newest of Philippe de
n Paul. Belmondo, look-
but infinitely bored
Harold Lloyd, flies rough ce air, lands
on a Hong Kong sucet vendor's cart,
huriles into a. basket. of oranges hanging
from a porters pole and swings from
beam to beam down the scaffolding of
a new building, But when all the frenzy
of activity is done, what bas one got
whistle of admiration for the splendid
color photography of Hong Kong and
Ursula Andress (see Ursula, PLAYBOY,
) and a chuckle or two. Obviously.
De Broca has been looking at a lot of
presonnd American. comedies, certainly
et’s and Lloyd's and maybe a few
Laureland-Hardy wo4cclers. But if he
saw them, he hasn't take ient. no-
tice of the remarkable sense of timing
that made them work or of the substance
of social frustration. and human ab
surdity that underlay their more elective
idiocies. In his story of a millionaire so
surfeited with having everything he wants
that he concentrates on suicide until a
Chinese friend. makes him believe his
life really is in danger, De Broci has
vested more [ussiness of technique than
basic humor. Perhaps it's the old trouble
that comedy doesn't üavel well: but
the reasons, Up to His Ears is
skin than bones.
aude Chabrol, the g
has never belore
A mad-
the Nouvelle: Vague,
Femmes in 1960, but
been seen in the U
dening, [rust is Chabrol's
own favorite ian shopgitls—
innocent, hopeful and som
stupid —work a fe
day in an eleen
day is a purgatory of boredom, but when
the girls spill out into the street at last,
is only into more eventlul
1 of purgatory. This is no springtime
Paris for lovers but a hard, gray, worka-
day Paris—bright necon brase
fetid streets and the se
entertainments of the poor
dette Lafont) is a swinger, loud, tough
and cager. She and Jacqueline (Clo-
thilde Joano), a gente girl with a shy
© picked up one night by a pair
rians in a Cadillac convertible
les Bonnes
icappliance shop. The
ol vulg
One wide,
dry stroke
24 hours!
™ stick
You perspire like a man, don't you? Then protect yourself like
a man with Mennen Speed Stick. That's the man-size deo-
dorant. A fistful of it. One stroke daily stops odor up to 24
hours. And it goes on clean. Never drippy, tacky, crumbly.
When it comes to men's deodorants, nothing measures up to
broad, brawny Speed Stick. New economy size also available.
All it takes is one clean stroke daily!
„briefer than
brief. No bulk. Light-
weight support in
100% stretch nylon.
White only. SM-LXL.$1.50.
Tapered fit with side-
vents. Perma-Sized®
combed cotton knit.
White, Black, Jet Blue,
Olive, Gold. S-M-L $1.50
in Broadetoth.
at your favorite store, or Write.
350 Fifth Ave., N.Y. 1, NY.
Does what? Press the arms gently,
lean back and see. The leanest,
meanest, best-looking chair in Ame.
rica (also) reclines! The Burtis Chair
has the finest, most flawless mech-
anism ever engineered. Send 25¢ to
P 86 for a full-color folio. Or see the
Burris Chair in stores that know
what's happening.
After knocki round se gritty
bars and restaurants, Jacqueline bails
out. Jane, drunk and very disorderly,
goes home with and petulantly accommo:
tes both men on a creaky sofa. Next
y we meet the other girls in the shop:
Rita (Lucile Saint-Simon), who hopes to
marry above her station, as they still say
in Paris, and Ginette (Stephane Au-
dran), whose secret is that she performs
as a chanteuse nightly in a music hall.
Jacqueline is already aware that a young
man is following her around on a motor-
cycle; he's been at it for we
he has not had the courage to appro
incé takes the
g pool In a
hilarious sequence, the wo vulgarians of
the night before show up in embarra:
ingly tight rented suits and start dun
ing and otherwise harassing the girls.
This provides the motorcyclistadmirer
s jokes, holds hands and
tells her he loves her. Thrilled a
py. Jacqueline takes a w:
into the woods, where they lie down to-
gether and he Enough said. Les
Bonnes Femmes is a perverse master-
piece of irony.
th him
A sterling example of warbling the way
it should be done is to be found on
Cormen McRoe Live ot the Village Gote /
Women Talk (Mainstream). Miss McRac,
abetted by a small group, does a trio of
Newley-Bricusse songs from The Roar
of the Greasepaint—The Smell of the
Crowd, the lovely Academy Award w
ner The Shadow of Your Smile and
eight other tunes, all of which profit
from their association with the songstress.
Solid Ground / The Rod Levitt Orchestra
ictor) gives further evidence that the
iile group we appraised
d is well on its way to getting there.
Solid Ground is middle-ground jaz.—
barriers but still work-
inatively within the framework
r forms. Leader Levitt has kept
the ensemble and solo work equally en-
gaging (trumpeter Rolf Ericson is a ma-
Jor factor in the latter depa
The Shadow of Your Smile / Andy Willioms
(Columbia) has taste with a capital T
written all over it. Although Willi
works with a half-dozen arrangers (
the composerguir&t Amonio Carlos
Jobim on Meditation and How Insensi-
tive), the impeccability of his approach
always shines through, In addition to the
title tune and the Jobim ballads, there
are such dandies as That Old Feeling,
Try to Remember, Yesterday and A
Taste of Honey. A honey of an LP.
Mack the Knife ond Other Berlin Theater
Songs of Kurt Weill / The Sextet of Orchestra
U.S.A, (Victor) is a melancholy offeri
in that two of the recording artists have
since died—reed man Eric Dolphy and
trumpeter Nick Travis, who are heard on
side performing three songs
Mahagonny. The inepressible w
that was Dolphy pervades ihe sesion
The group, led by Michael Zwerin on
ss trumpet, captures the feel of the
Twenties in the Weill music but adds
is own contemporary jazz sound. Side
two, with songs from The Threepenny
Opera and Happy End, finds Dolphy 1e-
placed by Jerome Richardson—a fine
musician in his own right—Travis by
Thad Joncs and the piano of John Lewis
by Jimmy Raney's guitar. Bassist Richard
Davis and drummer Connie Kay supply
the rhythm on both sides. A fine eltort
by the Orchestra U.S. A. splinter group.
Lawrence Welk & Johnny Hodges (Dot) is
not, so help us, a put-on. The redoubt-
able Rabbit—in front of Welk's lush
stringed orchestra and charted by such
stellar arrangers as Benny Carter, Russ
jt and Marty Paich—finds a felici-
oove for his liquid alto sax. The
. for the most part,
tunes are standards
and there's not a "oneanda-two-and-a'"
in a carload.
Frenk Sinatra / Strangers in the Night (Rc-
prise) proves once more that the old
master still holds a hot hand. Besides
serving up the smash tide tune (and
only Sinatra could get away with using
loobiedoobic-«doo'" a scat linc),
nk, backed beautifully by Nelson
Riddle, makes merry with a mixed bag
of recent pop hits and sturdy perennials
—lrom Summer Wind and Call Me to
You're Driving Me Crazy and The Most
Beautiful Girl in the World. The good
old days, repackaged and ineled
for stereo, have been pressed onto one
LP, Frenk Sinetro's Greatest Hits—The Eorly
Years (Columbia). Among the items cx-
humed from the Columbia vaults: I've
Got a Crush on You, Nancy, Sunday,
Monday or Always and Put Your Dreams
dway—each as glittering to
it was etched. In the up-tempo depart
ment, there y Cahn- Jule
Styne corny burcatchy cá Saturday
Night and Five Minutes More. For the
"older" generation, the LP provides
nifty nostalgia; lor the younger set, a
splendid slice of the really big sound of
another cra.
as when
hear De F
Want to t, Richard
compositions in the highest of fi? You
ay their own
cam, thanks to a marvelous pre-World
War One invention, Edwin Welte's
itely superior variation
of the old player-piano recording process.
There are over a dozen. albums by the
above musical titans and others (part of
the Welte Legacy of Recorded Treasures) now
available through the mails from Record-
cd Treasures, PO. Box 1278, North
Hollywood, California (a note to them
will get you a catalog of what's been
recorded). The price per LP is steep—
$12.50—but cach one is a collector's
item, and the quality of reproduction of
such artists as Paderewski and Josef Hof-
stonishing, to say the least.
Herold Sings Arlen (with Friend) (Colum-
bia) showcases the master tunesmith's
vocalizing (im Arlen's case, where therc's
a will, there's almost a way). He's aided
and abetted on a brace of ballads by Bar-
bra Streisand—Ding-Dong! The Wich Is
Dead (a5 a duet) and House of Flowers
(volo). On tap are a slew of other Arlen
stand-bys—Blues in the Night, My Shin-
ing Hour, For Every Man There's a
Woman and the now-classic A Sleepin'
Bee, Arlen and his fine-feathered friend.
can visit us any time.
Whether Charles Aznavour sings in
English or his native French—and he
does both on The World of Charles Aznavour
(Reprise}—the communication is instan-
tancous and complete. In this session,
recorded live at Hollywood's Hunt
Hartlord The ‘Sh has the
g out of the palm of sa main
ions 1G ways to make an Ameri-
give and/or forget the activities
nother Frenchman named Charles.
Gals ond Pals (Fi debuts in this
country a Swedish vocal group (three
three women) very much in the
. While ihe C & P ar
emt nearly as inventive as
oup's, these swinging Swedes
rich sound and their choice
of material is excellent. The voc
gasbord is made up in part of Cast Your
Fate to the Wind, Dat Deve, Lullaby of
Birdland, the beautiful Midnight Sun
and a fanktastic Sou]. Dance.
It has been obvious to one and all (or
should have been) for some time now that
Lenny Bruce's main contribution to so-
ciety is as a social commentator rather
than as a comedian. Bruce transcended
comedy for its own sake a long while
ago. In Lenny Bruce Is Out Agoin (Philles),
the beleaguered bane of the bluenoses
at his most pereeptively incisive best,
shattering contemporary hypocrisics with
gleeful relish. Bruce gets at the roots of
society's ambivalent attitude toward law
enforcement (which he siys people con-
fuse with the Iaw), demanding it for
protection on the one hand and decrying
An aggressive new after-shave
Part of a complete men's line
N} ALEND opere d
(T 0 Rie Scale
| scored dus
Soie Detributr: Celer, Inc 41 East 42e.
It takes more than martinis
to build an image, mister.
from the House of 4711.
priced from 1.25 to 4.50.
it on the other (yelling “Gestapo” at a
guy dressed in a short-sleeved shirt and
g a stick, who turus out to be the
n). Bruce's observations are invar-
telling. On freedom of speech
Knowledge of syphilis is
on to get it" On mariju
na will be legal in five year
st the law to do it 1o
e are very Jewish
Bruce alo runs through a wild
Lone Ranger plavlet bi "um
cowboy hero's never for a
accept a present (anything
wants) and he picks a Tonto doll. Why?
rform tural act.”
secret. is out. e Ra
who we: mask because he h
on underneath it. We'll cut out at this
point and leave the rest of the goodies
for your listening plea
It’s odd that Walker Percy
need introduc to re
American fiction, but in view of the eye-
dropper publicity given his
Whatever you add HOOK Anari il
: " goer, such is the ercy wi
ne book in 1961,
to your vodka drinks...start with | ics cer uit te
The Last Gentleman . Straus &
th t t : th roux), he has again wedded style to con-
e patent on Smoothness. iena ai e Sa Taaie l
Unfortunately. such a report ca
reported. Percy is a serious,
ind he has working for hig
individual style and a firserne imel
gence. His principals (Southe
Percy is a Southerne
concerned with wi
about their Southern selves in this wide.
ch ngi world. W on Bibb Bar
the sincere young hero of The Last
teman, does great deal of we
vel ex! a rash of peculiar svmpter
because of ir. In moments of stress he be-
comes acuicly conscious. of “ravening
particles" in the air, Also, he ds subject
to recurrent. bouts of amm
of which he ean predict by the frequency
tensity ol his déjà vus. We frst
upon Williston in New York's
1 Park, where he is occupied. in
a peregrine falcon and sundry
other things with the aid of a 51900 G:
n telescope “of unusual design.” The
instrument assists Will in getting a badly
eded focus on life, and through this
ame high-powered m he makes
contact. with a Southern. f lv rem
arily sojourning in the Out
this contact come the two parallel
devdopments that are meant 19 hold
lers of
“question") worry
the onset
the divagating story in line: Will's love
lor luscious Kitty. and his companion
28 ‘80 PROOF, DISTILLED FROM GRAIN. GORDDN'S DRY GIN CD., LTD.. LINDEN, N. J. ship to Jaime, Kitty's dy brother
Here is the long cigarette that’s
Jong on flavor: Filter Tipped
Pall Mall. You get that same
famous length of fine Pall Mall
tobaccos—and a filter tip!
The life-and-death arrangement is not,
of course, sheer accident, but neither is
it especially illuminating. The prime
concerns emerging from this novel in-
volve being and propricty at the highest
level. How shall a thinking, caring man
ac? The author provides no easy an
swers. Clearly he deplores evil in Dixie,
but no more than he deplores the grub-
biness of the fingers pointed at it. In
The Mowiegoer
Percy painted a thor-
oughly credible and colorful background
for the metaphysical quandary of the
hero. In this novel he reverses the order.
Metaphysics are broadcast wholesale, be-
come, the social action of the
characters; and as a result the characters
lose a needed dimension. They become
points of view holic, humanist, skep-
tic—instead of real people. Whether The
Last Gentleman is, finally, successful or
not depends on what you want from a
novel. Certainly abound—about
God and man, life and death, morality
and the South, salvation and sex. These
ideas are well set forth, and they offer
rich ground for cultivation. But if what
you seek in a
unified experience, then Walker Percy's
latest leaves something to be desired
in a sense
novel is a contained,
One would have thought that pre-
vious anthologists in the heavily mined
field of sci-fi had already wrung all the
possible changes on the notion of a col-
lection based on a single theme. Yet the
indefatigable Arthur Clarke has come up
with short stories by top-
flight writers (including himself) linked
by having each one ostensibly illustrate
a field of science or technology
from astronomy and cybernetics to
physics and metcorology. Time Probe (Del-
acorte) succeeds primarily because its se-
r than most of the
lections are less famil
over-and-overanthologized scifi classics,
and because they are genuinely exciti
date from the carly 1940s
when writers such as Rob-
ert Heinlein, Murray Leinster, James
Schmitz, Isaac Asimov and Jack Vance
were producing vivid tiles filled with in-
Most of uh
nd 1950s,
genious science, dashing narrative drive
ad a sense of wonder. This volume, for
example, takes us to a planet where the
human soul is
site pottery; to a California house whose
living room leads to Mars; to a future.
Earth whose politics are controlled. by
key ingredient of exqui
the men who decide the weather; and to
an alien world where biology is unpre
dictable. An engrossing anthology.
Michael Chaplin's # Couldn't. Smoke the
Gross on My Father's town (Putnam) could
have provided a revealing sidelong glance
at a great man who, unhappily, was
not nearly revealing
autobiography. Or it could have been
enough in his
—a new longer length for a taste
that challenges comparison! The
taste? Unmistakably Pall Mall—
thefinestquality money can buy.
Buy Pall Mall Filter Tipped.
Fun that's OUT is
“IN” this winter.
And the Arctic by Niagara is definitely “IN.”
Rugged girl bait appeal outside—in a Borg
deep pile fabric of Acrilan? acrylic and
Verel® modacrylic. Shirttail styled with an at-
tached fur trimmed hood. Lined with nylon.
In Spotty Brown or Spotty White. Men’
sizes XS to XL. $30.00 at good stores every-
where. Niagara Apparel Co., 77 Swan Street,
Buffalo, New York.
... $13.00, ex. sm. thru ex.
C) Gamblers striped
£313.00, 26 to 36
D Gamblers Striped Stacks
C Double Breasted Gamblers
Striped Shirt -$13.00, ex. sm. thru fg.
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C) Gambiers Striped Hip
Hugger Skirt .............. $1100, 3 to 13
Lacies Contour Belt Free
C3 Poor Boy Turtlenecks L/S 100% Orlon; His &
Her. Blk, Wht, Olive, Powder, Gold
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Prepaid postage except C.O.D.'s..
Ya Deposit on C.D.D. Orders
Satisfaction Guaranteed
322 Fremont Street Las Vegas. Nevada
a moving account of wha
son of a famous father. Or, at the v
least, it could have been a self-spoofing
peep show. Sadly, Michael Cl
book is nonc of these. It is an exercise
in trivia, a random tale about a rebel
without a cause, with litle insight in-
to himself or the people around him,
and with even less literary talent. “That's
how the hemp hiccups.” he writes about
life in the Chaplin spotlight—or, rather,
tells his two olbpage ghosts (who con-
vinced him to transcribe his memoir
st year when he was 19). "That's how
the bongo bingles.” And that's how their
hip-happy prose jungles. Father was “a
bit of a handful
ind “formal education
" so he
ran away from the “family playpen” in
zerland to London "to sort out my
own marbles” and “to play the concerto
tly by For young Chaplin, this
g on
Academy of Dramatic Arts, goi
relief, shaving half of his head.
d ("Hell it
i to do"), then letting his hair
grow as long as the grass on his father's
lawn, getting hung up on pot and goof-
balls, and feeling far more at home with
bats, rats and other fauna than with “the
old guy" back in Switzerland. C
mostly an embarrassment to him. During
a whirlwind tour to Hong Kong, all thc
son se
ing onto our father's slightest utterances
because he was Charlie
Give a guy a build-up.
wling out of their
Sunday suits.” His movies?
Rush, says Michael, "dep
bundle." But he
at the age of four and "really dug
Revelations? Chaplin has a cr
Almond Joys, falls asleep right
ner and has “an inflexible bel
absolute rightness of his convictions,”
the end of the book. off pot, playing the
guitar, singing pop. and with his hair
Michael condudes, "To be the son
be a disadvantage
Well, it couldn't be much fun for Dad
ssed me a
aw The Great Dictator
The late Theodore Roethke sang of
all manner of things: of persons he
loved and ghosts he attended; of “Toads
brooding in wells" and “The leech cling
g 10 a stone": of bats and moles and
sandpipers; of dim beginni
primordial slime; and finally of eternity,
a kind of soul 1
crave. ("What's freedom. for? To know
ciernity.”) The Collected Poems of Theo-
dore Roethke (Doubleday) represents the
poct’s sustained effort to become wha
ever “Constricied by my tortured
thought,/I am 100 centered on this
spot,” he complains in an carly poem.
. I would put off myself and flee/My
eo that he seemed to
inaccessibility.” In the hands of another
poct such a notion could be sentimental,
just another echo of Whitman's barbaric
yelp. But Roethke's voice is true and his
vision is his own. He is a mast
worlds, especi
world, where
of Jungian hall
with a view. “Now,
of m
a womb
this waning light,
I rock with the motion of morning; / In
the cradle of all that is,/I'm lulled into
halk-slecp/By the lapping waters .
We have been lucky: There is nothing
like these poems in all literature.
and choice collections
eminently worth
A World on Film (Harper
& Row) brings together nearly eight
years of movie criticism by Stanley
Kauffmann, who was the New Repub-
lies reviewer (and prayuoy’s) until he
took over the drama beat at The New
York Times a while back. As the cogno-
scenti discovered long ago, afim
equally sharp of eye and pen, both of
which have been devoted. with excellent
effect over the years to products and per
sonages as diverse as Ben Hur and Some
Like It Hot, Marilyn Monroe and Ing
mar Bergman. We can't share all of the
gentleman's antipathies or enthusiasms.
but when he's on, which is most ol the
ume, he's delightfully on. Re:
all John W. Aldridge’s penetrating
contribution to these pages (Highbrow
Authors and Middlebrow Books, April
1964) ct that
substantial portions of this essay. along
with other strictures on the contempo-
vary novel, are now available in Time to
Murder and Create (McKay). The formida:
ble Mr. Aldridge, a critic of exacting
standards and unsparing prose, tikes ou
Norman Mailer and. Mary McCarthy,
John Updike, John O'Hara and John
Cheever, Saul Bellow and Katherine
Anne Porter, as he sounds a call for a
burst of creative exuberance and honesty
that will free the falter
mummilying forms of yesterday.
Two current
of a
your attention
al essays a
ders who
c hereby alerted wo the
g novel from the
The summer season brings a pair of
volumes that complement cach other ad
mirably, and will complement the tastes
of your wincbibbing friends as well.
The Commonsense of Wine (World) by
André L. Simon is à
written, clearly designed, expert guide to
the great world of great wines. It is di-
reeted at the man who knows a Cham
bertin f Pouilly Fuissé, but who has
tronome clearly
the ambition to tell a Chateau Lafuc-
Rothschild from a Mouton-
Rothschild. No easy —but M
Simon's noatonsense book should. help
him along the way. if anything can. In
the impressively packaged Gods, Mer, and
Wine (World), the lue Eng
William Younger has appro:
ish poet
hed this
enduring subject from quite a different
perspective. In elegant prose, he traces
the vine's remarkable history from
tiquity down to Victorian times, persuad-
ing us in the process that the life of a
wine is a dramatic onc, with meaning for
cultures. extending over thousands of
years of man's history. Two inviting
books for the wine connoisscur—arrived
or aspiring.
The development of Nat Hentoff
from jazz critic to social critic to one of
the most. prolific allround observers of
our contemporary scene has been
watched with pleasure by many readers,
including those of rLayBoy. He has now
made another literary leap forward with
the publication of a taut and timely
short novel entitled Call the Keeper (Vi-
king) In his nonfiction, Hentof has
shown himself to. be among the most
perceptive white commentators on the
l scene (PLaysoy readers will remem-
ber his July 1962 essay, Through the Ra-
cial Looking Glass). and he has drawn
on his understanding of the black-white
crisis to construct. this chilling tale of
our current social jungle, New York City
division. The cast includes: Dianne, a
cool and bitter Negro graduate of Smith
who has ated Downtown to a su
that entails an office job, a nighdy
ing and a som
asual compan’
John the Avenger, a self-styled black n;
nalist who leaves his white wife as a
ion for leading a move-
ment that will take up where Malcolm
X left off; Sept a brilliant Negro
former convict and disciple of Dos-
toievsky who goes on binges of writing
and violence; Randal, a white
Gan and reformed junkie who is accept-
his color permits by the
black hipsters he moves amon
rowitz, a sociology
talks like a sage
The book be
ed as much
us with a murder and
ends witl tempted mutilation; yet
none of it alism, be
ise Hentoff makes it speak in larger
ms of the that
breeds this kind of disaster. One of the
characters, who is engaged in making a
lio documentary on the violence of
the speculates on what explorers
from another planet might decide on
hearing this testimony, and he is proba-
bly voicing the author's own view of our
“They were ani-
mals. They could only be civilized up to
a certain point. A very low stage of civi-
lia lit never held. The a d
kept breaking through the crust. The
only thing to have done if we had con-
fronted them at the time was to destroy
the ces, cach of them,
Fortunately they saved us the trouble
world when he s;
Chronic men
Prowler— A brue of a slip-on that’s gove-
soft, supple and brawny — all at the same time.
Hlandeewn: thontiifen camen inire coon Ri
Buck Board Frown Blaser Blue, or Seawetd. Go
lurking in the Prowler, and bag yourself a date. Get
the Prowler at your Pedwin dealer. And
growl. Most Pedwin styles from $1 0t0$15. (&
Brown Shoe! Carapeny, St. Lous oun
young ideas in shoes
There goes a guy going places in his Peduin shoes.
Yellowstone outsells
your Bourbon in
Kentucky, the home _
of Bourbon. |
It^ S worth a try,
isn't it?
Kentuckians have 146 Bourbons to choose from.
But here in the home of Bourbon, Yellowstone
Bourbon outsells every other whiskey.
That's quite a compliment to our Bourbon, and
lo the exclusive process we use to distill it.
Maybe you ought to try Yellowstone.
© 106 Kentucky Straight Dourbon. 100 Proof Bottled-In-Bond & 90 & B6 Proof
Yellowstone Distillery Co... Louisville, Kentucky. a
gam y
Harry lost a few friends when he bought his Bridgestone 175
The first to desert Harry were the guys at the gas station. One
day Harry mentioned he gets up to 100 miles to a gallon with
his new Bridgestone 175 and that tore it.
Next to go was Charlie down the block. Charlie owns that
big 250cc machine with all the chrome. Last weck, Harry
“buried” him at the stoplight. He hasn't spoken to Harry since.
(A quarter of a mile well under 18 seconds was too much for
old Charlie.)
To hear Harry tell it, it takes real skill to get this kind of
economy and performance out of a motorcycle. We like to think
he gets a little help from his new Bridgestone 175. It's powered
by the world's only production dual rotary valve, dual carbur-
etor engine with metered oil injection, eliminating the need to
premix oil and gas.
It pained Harry to lose a few friends until he and his Bridgestone
started making a few new ones—like Joanie, Barbara, Sandy,
Jean, and Sue.
BRIDGESTONE 175 DUAL TWIN: Engine: two-stroke twin; dual rotary
valves; dual carburetion: oil injection. Borex stroke: 50» 45 mm. Compression
ratio Horsepower: 20 @ 8000 rpm.
Transmission: selective 4-speed rotary =
or 5-speed return change. ^
Check the startling performance of the et f£
Bridgestone 175 Dual Twin for yourself 4
. . at your Bridgestone dealer's. He can
also show you seven other great models
for '66. See him today, or write to:
Rockford Motors, Inc, Dept. P4, 1911
Harrison Avenue, Rockford, Illinois 61101.
X | BRIDGESTONE by Rocktora
Phase been dating the same girl for five
years now, and although we have an-
other thie years of college to complete
(we're both 19), E Icel weve known cach
other long enough to predict a happy
life together. She thinks we ought to put
the nuptials off. How about it—are all
carly marriages doomed 10 failur
G. P, Chest Pennsylvani
No, but statistically speaking, the pic
ture is quite gloomy. The American
Institute of Family Relations estimates
that $0 percent of all teen marriages
in the U.S. end in divorce, All other
things being equal. you might turn out
to be one of the lucky 20 percent, but
if you have what you think may turn
out to be a happy, long-lasting relation-
ship, why jeopardize it with a premature
AAi present 1 am in the market for a
1 Chevy Corvette, My. problem. is
that P have been driving luxurious big
cars so long (the last was a. Buick Wild-
cat) that T would like t0 equip my new
“Veue” wih automatic transmission.
However, all my friends say mis just
isn't done, and I would miss hall thc fun
ol m we this high powered. machine.
I personally feel that a stick shift would
be great for a Sunday-alternoon drive,
but not on the Long Island Expressway.
at 7:30 A.M. Will people think I'm nuts
if they sec me driving a 1906 Nassau
Blue Corvette with white terior and
automatic transmission?— D.. S.
New York.
Not at all. A car should be equipped
ta snit the purchaser's driving prefer
ences, not those of his friends. Since yon
spend a fair amount of time in heavy
naffic—and. picfer automatic. transmis-
sion—we think you would be foolish to
make any other choice.
year-old. freshman
only five fect. three
Every time I get around
the opposite sex. I get nervous and begin
to [ecl conspicuous because Fm so incon-
as. I've been told that D have a
t personality. bur E always get the
feeling that if I ask a cool girl out, FII
get a big fat Laugh in the face. Is there
any special way | can dress to appear
taller? —D. H.. Coos Bav, Oregon
Begin by building your wardrobe
around styles. Snits and.
sporis coats should be marvow-eut two-
Dutton models without peaked lapels.
Select cardigan and V-neck pullover
sweaters in flat weaves rather than bulky
knits. Slacks should be neatly tapered
without appearing skintight. Carefully
coordinate all your wearables as to color
and pattern. No matter how you dress,
however, most
be a major consideration—i| they dig
your other qualities. Why not ask some
of those cool girls out? Carlo Ponti did
pleased with the results
girls won't let your size
and was ve
iis tan a friend and 1 are planning
to go to Europe. We are both 18. Will
we have any trouble gening served in
bars 5. M... Rapid Cit
ad restaurants?
South Dakota.
No. The legal drinking age in Euro-
pean counties varies between I0 and I5
Except in a few places that make it a
point to keep out. American soldiers. its
not likely yowll even be asked for proof
of a:
39, I've been divorced for over a
and have been going with a young
cight years my junior, Recently we
e the inumacy barrier, and weve
been maki king
clip. 1 feel perfectly fine, have no regrets.
but am wondering about one thing. Can
a man wear himsel out so chat in later
years he'll lose his sexual. adequacy —
B. B.. Los Angeles, California.
The latest and mast authoritat
search on this subject is contained in
"Human Sexual Response” the remark:
able volume by William H. Masters,
M. D., and Virginia E. Johnson that has
altvacied so much attention outside the
scientific community to which it was di
rected that at is currently a best seller
The book represents mare than a decade
of scientific study of the physiology of
male and female sexual response, inzalo
ing 700 subjects and 10,000. separate
sexual acts. This research revealed that
while many men become sexually in-
adequate after the of 50, this is nol
related to sexual activity in
earlier years; quite the contrary, the men
with high performance levels in their
youth tend to have similar high levels
în later life
Of even greater interest is the fact that
impotence, at any age. is overwhelmingly
psychological în ongin: if he is in good
health. the authors state, “little is needed
to support adequacy of sexual perform:
ance in a 70- or even No-year-old. mate
other than some physiologic outlet or
psychologic reason for a Yeactivaled sex-
ual interest.”
your sexnalily
love at a record br
we suggest that you enjoy
secure in the knowledge
that the more you enjoy it the more cer
tain you can be that you will enjoy it in
the future as well.
have recently become a keyholder in
vour Los Angeles Playboy Club. As I
have an ulcer and Gurt drink alcoholic
or carbonated beverages, Ive been
Sharp. lvys by
Thrust yourself into these dressy,
oxford Ivys and watch her parry. Char
blue, black, dark olive and char brown
in X-PRESS® no-iron finish. Try a pair
soon.. „or several pair. She'll like the
shape you're in! $8.00
DACRON is DuPont's registered trade mark
El Paso, Texas 79999
| Diadoumenos from Delos |
| National Museum, Athens |. |. |
wondering if I'm sill welcome. If so,
what cin D order besides milk?—]. A..
Anaheim, California.
You can choose from a wide variety of
fruit and vegetable juices, or order our
favorite libation for nonalcoholic nights
on the town—limeade with a twist.
During a game of eight ball, my friend
and 1 had an argument concerning the
game-winning shot. 1 called the eight ball
in the left side pocket, I shot and hit the
cight ball, but instead of going in direct-
ly, it caromed off the corner and hit the
cue ball a second time—and then it went
into the side pocket. 1 say that 1 won the
game—all I had to do was call the pocket
on my last shot. My buddy says, however,
1 should have called a "double
kiss" and the pocket. Since I didn't,
lost the game. Who's right?—D. E., Los
According to the Billiard Congress of
America’s official rulebook, you won.
Hiaways thought America was a country
without titles, and yet from time to time
I see people addressed (in print) as “The
Honorable." Who decides who's honora
ble, anyway, and how can I get this title?
=P. X. Chicago, lllinoi:
The phrase "The Honorable” bejore
one's name is not a title, but a mark of
semi-offictal deference. You can get to be
an Honorable in any one of several
ways: Win election to the Senate, House
of Representatives, or one of many mu-
nicipal and state offices; or be appointed
10 a position of consul or higher in the
American Foreign Service; or serve in
the Cabinet. For a fuller explanation of
official protocol. see the “Green Hook of
Washington, D. C." by Carolyn Hagner
Wor tne past several months I've been
going with a charming girl who is pe
fect in every respect except. one—she
the most gullible female I have ever met.
This may have been one of the qualities
that attracted me to her in the beginning
of our relationship, but now it is a con-
stant irritant in an otherwise happy afl
mple, she does not consider
ke a moonlight stroll on
the beach with a fellow who said he had
something very important to tell her in
private. She usually tells me about these
little conversations the next day with the
quip, "Well, 1 didn't do anything. We
jux talked!” Tm convinced that she
didn't do anything in the least re
proachable, but I can't go on overlook
ing these annoying incidents. I really
ke her, but th to be a drasti
change somewhere. What do you
ges —D. S., Clearwater, Florid
Your girl, probably not half as artless
as you suggest, seems to be baiting you
with the old jealousy hook, and you're
For ex.
indiscretion to
going after it like a hungry fish. If she
really were untrue to you (and you seem
to think she's not), she wouldn't tell you
about these incidents: the fact that she
does tell you indicates she’s trying—
quite successfully—to goud you into an
overreaction, When she teases you in the
Juture, do your best to appear cool and
the odds ave she'll discontinue these little
Wl spend a large amount of my leisure
time in the summer at a country-club
pool and I constantly wear sunglasses.
But the etiquette of the thing has begun
to bother me. Are you supposed to take
them off when speaking to somcone, or
is it good manners to leave them on
R. W.. Blacksbury, Virgi
As long as you're in the sun, there's no
need to remove your sunglasses during
FRecently my date and I were on our
way to an outoftown party. It was a
long trip, so I asked her if she would
like to take the wheel, as I know she digs
driving. Unfortunately, she was a lite
too enthusiastic and we were clocked by
radar going about 80. As luck would
have it, a small-town justice of the peace
then gave her a pretty stiff fine. I offered
to pay the ticket, but she declin
ing that she shouldn't have been speed-
ag in the first place. We finally split the
cost of the ticket. Since then, several
friends have said that I should have paid
the total amount. The girl is an old
friend, but this was our first date. Did T
handle the situation correctly?—L. W.,
Austin, Texa
An English friend recommended that
I ty a particular brand of hock wine.
I've never heard of the stu. What is it?
—M.R., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
“Hock” is the veddy British word
(probably derived jrom Hochheim, a
German village in the Rheingau wine
district) for Rhine wine—which you'll
find in abundance at any liquor store.
But just call it hock, not hock wine.
Mier two years of marriage, I was
divorced at 22 and left with a lovely baby
daughter and the harsh realization that
L an only child, had a tough lile ahead.
Y got a job and a baby sitter and uncom-
plainingly seuled down to keeping the
wolf from my door.
Six months ago I met a man twice my
ge; we have similar philosophies of life
and political views. Married, with two
childr he is secure but not wealthy.
One night 1 came home from work to
find the lights had been turned off be-
sc 1 could not pay my power bill
When 1 told him about it, more or less
as a social commentary, he quietly, and
no attached, gave me à
ve me the money for
corrective shoes for my
nother “loan” 1o help
nsurance, repair of the
some specia
daughter. then
; for car
We have never been lovers, At the air
port recently we stood and held cach
other for a minute, affectionately, and 1
must admit that he could have done any.
thing with me then that he might have
wanted to, And that's my problem. Love
(and T do love him in a very special way)
that cannot give is a painful, aching, tor
menting burden; it is wrong always to
receive, never to give. for, as Mr. Hem
ingway said, "Love iprocal.” But
my fairy (no, that’s not his problem ci-
ther) godfather counters with Mr. Hem
"s "Love gives without thin
of return. Love lives and increases her
store by giving.” Then he adds that he
needs nothing from me and dha,
besides, a more intimate relationship
would spoil what we have, due 10 the
guilt feelings we would have because of
his marriage. He happe
Hefner's philosophy.
bit about responsibility
I would like your comments on my
problem. Is it normal for me to have
feeling of wrongdoing because | receive
money 1 do not cam? Should 1 run away
from the situation? Or should I relax
thank heaven he is what he i
M. G., South Gate, Californi
What you describe as the “tormenting
burden" of this one-sided relationship is
s to believe Mr,
particularly that
more likely a longing for the emotional
and sexual satisfactions denied you in the
sent arrangement. In spite of what you
we don't think you're seeking a move
reciprocal relationship. In actuality, you
are trying to elicit additional. benefits
for yourself, at the expense of yeur bene-
factor; for the form of “payment” you
have in mind would create guilt and
unhappiness for him. Your relationship
with this man is a selfish one, and the
addition of sex, under the circumstances,
would only make it more selfish. The
best way you can show your gratitude for
his financial assistance is to avoid any
further association that might im pair his
role as husband aud father. And if you
really want to repay him, we suggest you
ben itself as soon
as you are in a position 10.
an returning the mon
All reasonable questions—from fash-
ion, food and drink, hi-fi and sports cars
to dating dilemmas, laste and etiquette
will be personally answered if the
writer includes a stamped, self-addressed
envelope. Send all letters to The Playboy
Advisor, Playboy Building, 232 F. Ohio
Street, Chicago, IHlinois 60611. The most
provocalive, pertinent queries will be
presented on these pages cach month.
You're the winning king when
you make your move in this
subtle plaid shirting. It's
Dan River s Country Club?
cotton with a gentle nub for
sophistication, Wrinkl-Shed
with Dri-Don” for neatness.
Concentrate on this for
à real coup.
Charging Cossack in bronze is by the famous 19th-century Russian sculptor Lanci
Por Rad OM eee
Three of the world
Gilbey’s is the one
you can buy without a passport.
’s great vodkas.
fromitall vacation on a secluded Cari
bean island, Deoween. October’
worsening. we: at home and Decem-
her's tour down there is ideal.
That's when islanders themselves
relay amd rest up for the next season.
More and morc, the spread of sched-
uled transportation throughout the Car-
n is bringing hitherto out-ol-the-way
within casy reach of any traveler.
Y ogypical spor is Barbuda. |t would
be hard to find à more offbeat
than this one, where 17th. Century Brit-
an slave stud farms,
d ever seen
Now. Coco
ish planters once
and which few tourists h
til a couple of years ago.
Point Lodge provides eve
deepseafishing excursions to veel skim-
ming im one of its M boats that range
from an 8-loot dinghy ta
diesel cruiser. Another charmer
tiny. beautiful island group of Les sai
off French Guadeloupe, where a single
hotel, the eightroom Jos on Islet Ca-
brit. recently opened its hospitable doors.
Guadeloupe itself, a place of languid.
beaches at Ste. Anne, St.
«ois and. Mouk asts the finest restau-
rant in the West Indies, L'Oiseau des
Nes (with a chef lured from Maxim's of
Paris), The modern Fort Royal Hotel has
a freshwater pool as well as white sand
beaches. Also fairly new, arby Mar-
ique. is the small but pleasant. Hotel
p Est, with its own atractive beach
nd superlative French cuisine.
One hundred miles north of Guade-
loupe is the French island of St. Barthele-
my. It boasts a threemile crescent beach
enclosed on one side by h
on the other by a beautiful offshore reef.
A free port lor bargain shopping, St.
Barthélemy has one hotel—the Eden
Roc. Its operator, Remy de Haenen, flies
ad will, on appointment,
pick you up from St. Martin, Puerto
Rico, St. Croix or Guadeloupe.
Your transportation i0 even the most
remote resort is no problem. You can
fly from St. Martin to the "lost" is
land of Saba—a jur of sheer volcanic
rock that's recently opened up to tour-
ism—then go on to St. Kitis lor a scant
0. Or take the launch Madinia from St.
Vincent. or Grenada. through limpid
waters 10 small sands among the
idines for about S7. Or wy a ren-
duffel-bag cruise” among the Grena-
ht Pas de Loup for about
0 a day per person. From Barbados, you
lotta for a fiveday run
h the Grenadines to St. Vincent.
$175, including accommodations,
his own pla
food. liquor, cigarettes and scuba gear.
\ favorite iskind-hopping ploy of ours
is to do it by chartered cruise. Ni
in Antigua has the widest 7
ity offerings in the €
1 sizes a
age of top-
Whichever broker you select, be sure to
use one who c ate you and your
E ad match them to the best charter-
boat available.
For the romance of g sail
coupled with luxury cruise comfort and
calls at litleknown islands, sail the Yan.
kee Clipper on a twicea-month circuit
from the British Virgin Island of Tor
tola. She carries 65 passengers on runs
to Virgin Gorda, Barbuda, St. Kitts, An-
Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Barthélemy
deloupe and the isolaied French
xd ol Mari At the end of
the ten-day cruise, you're dropped off at
Puerto Rico for the quick flight home
Carrying fewer passengers, the big
copper-bound) Westindiaman Maverick
sails on the fist and third Mond.
cach month [rom the tropical crescent
waterfront of St. Thomas in the U.S.
Virgin Islands. Her eightday cruises arc
ys ol
s measure of hi
He knows the waters as
anybody in these parts.
rove from one ghisssmooth anchorage
to another,
cach complete
Inlined beach and a coral re
with brilliant fish.
One of the most delightful combina
tions of all is a week of sailing through
the remote Grenadines, from St. Vincent.
followed by another week ashore
Grenada, Ihe skippers of Antillean
charter sailing yachts add notably to the
fun—such as Gordon Stout, who gave up
a successful business in Americi to take
to the sea in his sloop Quest; and Pam
and Mike Tate, who've crossed the At-
Jantic in the ketch Alianora. You'll make
a leisurely run, with stops at tiny islands
you've never heard of, such as Mustique,
1 be am-
then laze
id ski
maid, close to 5t. George's, on Gren
At SEL25 to 82317 for a up of four to
six people, the tab works out to only
1o $28 a day per person for the most
meme ble of vacatia
For further information on any of the
above, write £o Playboy Reader Sc
icc, 232 E. OhioSt., Chicago, 1.00611. EB
6 Thisis
my very first
Mr. A. Templeton, N.Y. C.
The picture is exactly as
you want it. The expression on the girl's face
is "just right" because you see the subject
thru the same lens that takes the picture.
Your exposure is perfect
because the built-in computer also sees the
subject thru the same lens as you and the film.
AUTO-100 pictures are
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Best of all, the BESELER
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results from the very first picture, with any
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It's a remarkable camera;
its features are exclusive. Under $160.00.
Send us your very first AUTO-100 picture;
it moy be considered Jor publication.
Beseler Topcon
At better photo stores or write: Beseler, Dept. H,
East Orange, N.J. 07018. Beseler/since 18t
the Wis silent
the no-iron
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Want wreal wide-wale corduroy in
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Smooth-fitting Wrangler jeans wresist
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50% Kodel* polyester/ 50% cotton keeps
them neat. And Wranglok®, their wremarkable
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the dryer wready to wear!
But wremember, the "W" is silent. It's up
to you to wreach for Wrangler. Pewter and
wheat, sizes 27 to 38, about $7. Wrangler for
her, too. Wrangler Jeans, 350 Fifth Avenue,
New York, N.Y. 10001. sers a Ln
01966 Blue Bell, Inc.
an interchange of ideas between reader and editor
on subjects raised by “the playboy philosophy”
I wish to express my i
disappointment after r the postal-
vasonofprivacy leucis in the Janu-
ary and April Form.
Prnhfully, at first 1 didn't know
whether to laugh or to cry. The image of
a Federal official evincing more zeal f
voyeurism than rational adherence to
duty conjured images of an adolescent
furtively looking at the attractive models
on an art calendar. But it isn’t so funny
when we re
ceived a suspe
ember that one couple rè
ded sentence and another
] was confined to the
Henry B. Gonzalez
U.S. House of Represen
Washington, D. C.
I have written
the follow
the Postmaster Gen-
g words:
Government tells
they cannot write
wha o each
other, will it not eventually tell us
what we cannot say 10 cach oth
ppears that an old 19h Cen
ghosi—Anthony Comstock hi
self—stalks the mail cars, the sorting
rooms and the branch offices of yot
Department, and the
sanctity of the home of the average
w invades:
R. W. Va
Chicago, Hlinois
Let me add my name to those who ob-
ject to any kind of Gov nerler-
ence in private alf these
alfairs are in a bed or in a letter. The
most beautiful things in the world to
some people are obscene to others. That
is why my bed is not public and my mail
should be private.
1 am sending a copy of this letter
Post OBrien.
rs. wherhe
g G. Gosling
apolis, India
I have written a note to Senator Long
bout the postal abuses you have de
scribed. 1f th Dear Senator”
classified as . the deucr
through the mails and reach
Gregory M. Beach
Heidelberg College
Tiffin, Ohio
Tam a foreign student who, under the
conception that it was a free and
demoaatic society in the pursuit of hap-
ness for all, chose to further my edu
this country. I fail to se. how
correspondence between two persons of
the same taste could have any elect
upon the happiness of others if it were
not publicized by the Post Office Depart-
1 fear that 1 shall have to conduct my
Iwure correspondence in my
Iranian in order to stay free of repr
In all my travels ope and the
Near and Middle East, I never saw
people so disgusted with the law and so
ightened of the courts as they are in
this country, with the exception, of
course, of Yugoslavia.
F. Fatemi
Susanville, C
nce with
t the first
e those in-
Anyone who has
dictatorship is well
liberties 10 be suppressed
volving com When c
are alraid to communicate with
other, they are more likely to feel
kb defeated, and will stnvende
their other liberties readily
If the Post Olfice Department, or any
other Government agency, violates a
person's. constitutional rights, that per:
son should consult a lawyer right away
id then write 10 a column such as this
in the hope that publicity will deter fur-
ther illegality.
S. T. Stocker, I
New Orleans, Louisiana
I have written to Senator Edward
saying, among other things
The suggestion that officials of
the Post Office Department have en-
i practices such the
planting” of adveriisements in or-
der to elicit “obscene” mail is par-
ticularly serious, for it ds dearly
pst the law for al of the
n offic
Government to entice or cu
Tt has become too easy and too com
10 accept the dictate of society un-
ly amd ro avoid developing a
ancs own
ct or deci
personal morality based. on
reason. But the only
is inherently immoral is the decision
to act and not to decide. The unthi
ing acceptance of anyone elscs me
Et tu, Brut?
Bold new
for men.
By Fabergé.
For after shave, after shower,
after anything! Brut.
and our unspoken permission to society,
or the post office, to enforce an arbitrary
code of action, is therefore immoral.
Toronto. Ontario
As you are aware, à great many of my
colleagues and I are deeply concerned
about some of the methods uscd by our
during the course of its in-
ution of alleged criminal behavior.
s. of course, grave doubt as to the
ity of some of the proce-
dures used.
Abraham J. Multer
U. S. House of Represe
Washington, D.C.
For your interest I am enclosing a
copy of the response T have received
from the United States Post Office De-
parument to my inquiry with regard to
the letters published in The Playboy
Everett McKinley 1
United States Senate
Washington, D. C.
We wish to express our appreciation
to Senate Minority Leader Everett. M.
Dirksen and to a number of his fellow
Congressmen —including Senators Joseph
S. Clark (Pennsylvania), Daniel K.
Inouye (Hawaii), Jacob K. Javits (New
York) and Edward V. Long (Missouri):
and Representatives Silvio O. Conte
(Massachusetts), William D. Hathaway
(Maine), Melvin R. Laird (Wisconsin).
Sidney R. Yates (Ilinois) and J. Arthur
Younger (Californiaj—for their prompt
response to PLAYBOY's disclosure of im-
proper Post Office Department practices
in cases of alleged obscenity in the per-
sonal correspondence of private citizens.
The letter sent to Senator Dirksen by
the Post Office Department, in reply to
his inquiry into the matter, appears
Honorable Everett M. Dirksen
1 réply to your recent
ative to
sent you by Mr.
aker, Chicago, Illinois, in which con-
cern ds expressed regarding alleged
invasion of postal privacy. Asscrtions
to this effect have appeared in a
recent issue of PLAYhOY magazine
under the headings "Postal Entrap-
men asion of Postal Pri-
vacy." The editor recommends that
D e letters of protest to
the Posum r General and to cer-
a members of Congress. Conse
nily, a number of inquiries on
this same subject have recently been
received .
We appreciate thar the printing
of unidentified and unconfirmed ac
counts in this manner coupled with
such editorial comment may give
rise to questions regarding proce-
dures wh aspectors follow
i y defined
responsibilities under
Federal statute. While we regret that
unfounded fears regarding the sanc-
ty of the United States Mails a
created in tl y
hope that the following information
ay restore the matter to à more
tual basis.
The postal obscenity statute. (18
USC 1461) represents an Act of Ci
gress and historically dates back to
1865 when the first of such legisla-
tion was enacted into law. Congress
had resolved that the United States
Mails should not be used to convey
obscene material. The Supreme
Court has upheld the constitution-
y of the statute and court deci-
ons have specifically held that the
prohibition applies equally t0 p
vate letters. AN of the states have
additional laws dealing with the
posession and /or distribution of ob-
scene materia
Postal inspectors present their evi-
dence to the appropriate United
Sunes Auorney and determination
to whether prosecution will be
undertaken lies solely with
official's judgment, which jud,
made in light of the provisions of
the sawe and controlling court.
In those investigations involving
dual jurisdiction, postal inspectors
collaborate with other law-enforce-
m ncies at national. s id
local levels. When prosecution is
nderiaken by state or local rather
n Federal officials, the seme legal
safeguards protecting the accused are
Ihe Post Othce Department has
no authority nor desire 10 open
otherwise practice censorship in a
form over first-class mail. The follow-
ing provisions of Scction 4057 of
Tile 39, U. S. Code are scrupulously
Only an employee opening dead
mail by authority of the Post:
maser General, or a perso
holding a search warrant au-
thorized by law may open any
letter or parcel of the first class
which is in the custody of the
Evidence reaches the hands of
inspectors through many legal
Apparent tc
nor form the bi
court. The United States Attorney
es not only the evidence but
its origin as well, after which he must
consider whether it will withstand
the full legal glare of disclosure re
quired before judge and jury. That
illegal methods are not practiced in
the collection of evidence n
illustrated somevw! the
99 percent of all ws brought a
nually to trial for postal viol
‘The sanctity of the seal on first-
class mail was certihed to by me
before the Senate Subcommittee. on
Adminisuative Practice and Proce-
dure on February 23, 1965, when 1
stated in part, person puts
class postage on a piece of mail
d seals it, he can be sure that the
contents of that piece of mail
secure against illegal search and sei-
zure.” That prior to August 1964
mail of delinquent taxpayers in a
relatively few instances was turned
over to the Internal Revenue Serv-
ice in response to a legal notice of
levy under Title 26 USC 6331-6334
is in no way contradictory of my
testimony. Public Law 89-44 enacted
by Congress on. June
now served 10 specifically exe
mail from such levy.
The Post Office Department will, of
course, continue to discharge its n
sponsibility as regards the postal ob.
scenity statute and. you may be sure
appropriate legal standards will
ue to be observed in so doii
With very best wishes,
H. B. Montague
Chief Inspector
Post Office Department
Washington, D. C.
Chief Postal Inspector H. B. Mon
tague's explanation of postal policy and
procedure regarding alleged obscenity in
private correspondence is inconsistent
with his expressed intention to “restore
the matter to a more factual basis.” He
states that the postal obscenity statute
applies equally to public communication
and private correspondence, but the
U.S. Supreme Court and the Depart
ment of Justice disagree.
The Supreme Court definition of ob
scenity, as established in “Roth vs. U.S."
and subsequent decisions, iy clearly in
tended for publications rather than for
private mail. Justice William Brennan
has stated that three separate. elements
“must coalesce” in order for a work to
be considered obscene: “It must be
established that (a) the dominant theme
of the material taken as a whole ap
peals to a prurient interest in sex: (hi)
the material is patently offens
it afjronts contemporary community
standards relating to the description of
sexual matters; and (c) the material is
utterly without redeeming social value."
w because
On The Rocks
You haven't tried it yet? stomach and summer
Oh boy. headache faster . . . or better
Alka-Seltzer On The Rocks than good old Alka-Seltzer.
works just like Alka-Seltzer Try itat a pic
Off The Rocks... only Try it at the beach.
it’s good eno drink. Plop two Alka-Seltzers in
Maybe even delicious? water. Let it bubble away
And even today. in 1966, a few seconds. Add ice.
nothing relieves an upset A slice of lime. Cheers.
Tt is certainly possible for personal
correspondence, exchanged between con-
senting individuals, to fail the “prurient
interest” test. But how can private. mail
possibly “affront contemporary commu-
nity standards." when the community
isn't exposed to il? And how can “re-
deeming social value? which is the
standard of art
plied to a private letter? Personal mail,
by its very nature, obviously cannot fil
the Supreme Court's definition of ob-
The Chief Inspector erroneously im-
plies that the Post Office Department
hay a Congressional. mandate and Su-
preme Court approval to probe into the
privately expressed swx attitudes of
American citizens: more: he com-
ments that “all of the states have addi-
tional laws dealing with the possesion
and/or distribution. of obscene mate-
rial," but fails to mention the pertinent
fact that these statutes are primarily con-
cerned with commercial obscenity. In-
deed, some of these statutes specifically
exclude as an offense the private posses-
sion of even hard-core pornography, as
long as no public display. distribution or
commercial exploitation is involved.
But the Post Office Department's cu-
rious preoccupation with privately ex
changed erotica becomes even odder
when we realize that the official policy
stated in the Chief Tuspector’s letter sup-
posedly “applies equally” t0 both public
and private postal obscenity; because, in
actual practice, the postal investigation
of private correspondence inval
only entrapment, invasion of privacy,
inlimidalion and harassment, but the
application of much more suppressive
obscenity criteria Ihan has been. estab-
lished for publications. And some like-
minded U.S. Attorneys actually indict,
and U.S. courts convict, citizens accused
of postal obscenity, when the so-called
“olle ws nothing more than a
few sexually explicit references in a per-
sonal letier to a friend—though similar
passages appear in numerous contem po-
vary novels, where they are widely read
by the general. public.
In one such case ("Darnell vs. U. S"),
a United States Circuit Court of Appeals
upheld the conviction of a Connecticut
man for using two allegedly obscene
words, prompting dissenting Cownt of
Appeals Judge Leonard P. Moore to
state: “These ave the ideniical words
used dozens of times in ‘Lady Chatter-
deys Lover! and in any warstory best
seller containing dialog between mem-
bers of the armed forces of various na-
lions... . The trial judge pronounced
his conviction at the close of the testimo-
ny. This result 1 find quite in conflict
with the decisions of the Supreme Court
of the United States and New York's
highest court... . If this letter, so pat-
ently not intended to pander to the
“prurient and not doing so when read
and literature, be ap-
^s not
in its entirety, keeping in mind its pur-
pose (quite largely informational), is to
be held the means of imposing a erimin-
al conviction upon this young man. then
really have cause for worry. 1980
and “Big Brother ave already here.”
The “Big Brother" reference is apt,
for the postal investigation of private
correspondence frequently appears to be
less concerned with obscenity (real or
imagined) than with the punishment of
personal morality that the postal inspec-
tor (prosecutor, judge or jury) happens
to find offensive, The firsthand accounts
af postal prosecution and persecution
published in “The Playboy Forum." in
the December 1965. January. April and
July, 1966, issues, provide an accurate
picture of the highhanded manner in
which many of these investigations are
The January “Forum” included a
warning [rom a reader who had discov-
cred, by his own arrest and conviction,
that sexual comments in private corre-
spondence with friends can result in a
charge of obscenity. The postal inspec-
tors emphasized, he “that the
presence of any one of the common
four-letter Anglo-Saxon words in a let-
ter, in whatever context, was proof of
the obscenity of thal letter and could be
considered grounds for prosecution... .
The judge fully accepted the post-office
standard and ruled aut any evidence
bearing on what was permissible in oth-
er civeunstances, or. pertaining to (he
kind, intent or nature of the correspond-
GIG ues
“A number of my friends, whose ad-
dresses or letters were seized at my home,
have had "visits by post-office inspectors,
<- The postal inspectors who arrested.
me and who were quite talkative during
our trip to the police station told me
that 90 percent of their activity was d.
voted to investigating private corre
spondence, and that every vaid netted
them from three to ten good leads.”
Several of the personal accounis of
investigations published in
have included examples of en-
although Chief Inspector
Montagne denies that this practice is
permitted. A postal inspector we inte:
viewed the other day also denied that
entrapment is an invest practice.
In an unguarded moment, however, he
confessed that he and hix associates do
send out decoy letters to suspected corre-
spondents, But genteel gentlemen. that
they are, they prefer to call this entrap-
ment bait a “test correspondence.
1 Kansas City couple were charged
with postal obscenity when they re-
sponded to a phony newspaper ad soli
iting members to a spouse-swapping club
and subsequent enticing “lest corre-
spondence” from a supposedly like-
minded individual who turned out to
be a Federal agent. The husband and
wije were coerced into pleading guilty
to a state obs
ecution unde
nity charge to avoid pros-
the mov
serious Federal
Matute; they were given suspended
sentences of a year, with two years
probation. Although the case received
no publicity, the husband was forced to
resign from his job after his employer
as informed.
The Kansas City case, described in dr-
tail by the husband in onr December
1965 issue, is one of those that Chief In-
spector Montagne dismisses as “uniden
lifted and unconfirmed — accounts"
umes hui been withheld in the
Forum” when individuals specifically
requested anonymity, to spare them fur-
ther harassment and humiliation; but all
of these accounts of investigative ir
responsibility have been confirmed and
our readers can accept. them as fact.
If the Chie[ Inspector is opposed to
the use of postal entrapment. as he im-
plies, here is a current case, clearly iden-
tified and confirmed, that deserves hix
immediate attention—although it is al-
ready too late to do anything more than
help pick up the pieces of another life
shattered by the senseless misuse of the
postal obscenity statute.
John. Me superintendent of
schools at Harlingen, Texas, and a pillar
of his community (a deacon in the First
Baptist Church oj Harlingen, a member
of the Rotary Ciub and the incoming
president. of the United Fund in the
wer Rio Grande Valley), has been in
dicted by a Federal Grand Jury on three
counts of “sending obscene and lasciv-
iaus matter through the mail.” A UPI
story in The Dallas Morning News re-
ports, “A spokesman for the U. S, Attor
uey’s office said Morgan was charged
with corresponding with
one in New Jersey and the other in
Ohio. The alleged involvement in the
dirty letter mailings came when a postal
official in Dallas intercepted what he
said was an obscene letter mailed by
Morgan to one of the two women.”
This report that a postal official
“intercepted” Morgan's private corre-
spondence seems to belie all of the Chief
Inspector's reassuring words about the
sanctity of first-class mail. But our own
investigation of the case has uncovered
an important faci not mentioned in the
newspaper account: IL wasn't necessary
for the incriminating letter to be “inter-
cepted” because of circumstances that
do the Post Office Department no more.
credit than if a postal inspector actually
had tampered with the superintendent's
mail prior to delivery. H appears that
the pair of passionate pen pals with
whom Mr. Morgan had been conme-
sponding were actually a “froni” for
postal authorities [rom the outset—estab-
ished for the specific purpose of entrap-
ping unsuspecting citizens into violations
of the postal obscenity law. They were
individuals in the employ of the U.S.
Post Office Department, engaged in erot-
o women,
The Man from
[the ingenious
sock disguise!]
He knew he was a dead ringer for
"Forty-Love" Laverne—the dangerous
sock saboteur who used tennis as a cover.
But how to carry off the impersonation?
` Then he thought of it! Put his
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Sportlon athletic socks.
If that wasn't "Forty-Love then his
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You really know your socks if you
_ know “The Sportlon”: only white
athletic sock that's really white.
Jk. In extra-bright colors, too.
3 Oron acrylic and nylon.
™ 9 to 14, $l.
À Another fine product of GR. Kayser- Roth.
ic correspondence with John Morgan
until his letiers had. become “obscene
and lascivious” enough to suit their pur-
pose. Then he was arrested.
We devoted a major portion of the
April "Forum" to a condemnation of
what we consider to be improper investi
^ practices on the part of the Post
Office Department in cases of alleged ob-
seenily in private correspondence; two
accounts of personal experiences from
readers printed in that issue involved
further examples of postal entrapment,
with widely differing resulls. In one case,
the reader had responded to a letter al-
legedly written by a "young couple (very
broad-minded).” and wound up serving
time as a “sex offender” in the U.S.
Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana. In
the other case, the veader had answered
a provocative ad in the “Personals” col-
umn of a newspaper. but the only reply
he received was a personal visit fram a
postal inspector: he hadn't written any
thing incriminating enough to warrant
prosecution, so he was lel off with a
warning, and onc thing more—the young
man lost his job after the postal inspec
tor contacted his employer.
One of the most irresponsible aspects
of these obscenity investigations is the
lack of discretion. used by postal inspec-
Tory when making their inquiries, Im-
deed. the insidious practice of informing
a suspeet's family and employer occurs
so often—cven when the investigaion
fails to justify an indictinent—thal some-
thing far move sinister than indiscretion
may be suspected.
Bernard Fensteriald, Jr.. Chief Coun-
sel of Senator Edward Lang's Subcom-
mittee on Administrative Practice
Procedure, which has been investigating
postal invasions of privacy. states that
informing the employer of a suspect is
such a common practice in these obsceni-
ty investigations that it can virtually be
considered postal policy; and such extra-
Tegal harassment frequently serves as
am alternative to legal action. The Chief
Counsel of the Subcommittee made
these statements in response ta an in-
quiry from Senator William Proxnire
(prompted by letters [rom pLAywoy read-
ers). Fensterwald concluded. his letter:
“We have protested strongly to the Post
Office Department that this whole proce-
dure is a grossly unwarranted. invasion
of privacy, . . . Ht is my understanding
that this procedure will be stopped. 1f
nol, it is my intention to suggest to the
Chairman of the Subcommittee that we
have further hearings on this matter."
But the most damning evidence of all
came to light just a few days after Chic
Postal Inspector Montague dogmatically
asserted, in his letter to Senator Dirksen,
that the postal obscenity statute's “ pro-
hibition applies equally to private let
ters.” Though Montague makes no men:
tion of it (understandably, since the new
information completely contradicts his
allempied justification. of postal. proce-
dure), the Department of Justice for the
past two years has had an official policy
against prosecuting cases of allegedly ob-
scene private correspondence, except
where individuals have been. involved
Jor commercial gain, have been repeated
offenders or ave involved in other cir-
cumstances “which may fairly be charac-
levized as aggravated.”
This hitherto unpublicied | policy—
flagranily ignored. by postal inspectors
and a great many U.S. Attorneys às well
was revealed in an unusual Justice De-
partment memorandum to the Supreme
Court in a recent, highly significant case
Redmonds vs. United States The
case involved a married couple convicted
of violating the Federal obscenity statute
jor having nude photographs of them-
seloes (including genitalia) processed
and mailed by a North Carolina corre-
spondence club that specialized in put-
ung “broad-minded persons" in touch
with one another, What made the Jus-
dice Department's memorandum — so
unusual was that it sided with the de-
fendanis, requesting the Supreme Court
do reverse. their convictions. Solicilor
General Thurgood Marshall ex plained
the Government's position as follow:
“The Department of Justice has a re-
sponsibility for the control of Govern-
ment litigation that ix not confined to
avoiding legal error but extends to the
Jormulation and implementation of ap-
propriate prosecutorial policies. In rec-
ognition of that responsibility, we have
concluded that the initiation of the in-
stant. proscention was not in accord with
policies which had previously been for-
mulated within the Department for the
guidance of United States Attorneys. For
that reason, and in the interest of jus-
tice, the ease against these defendants]
should be dismissed.
“The policy of the Department was
set forth in a memorandum to United
States Attorneys, dated August 31, 1964.
That memorandum concerns the han-
dling of obscene p spondence
and makes the following points
vale can
which are relvant here.
“I The primary objective of prosecu-
lion should be to restrain the exploita-
lion of obscene private correspondence
jor commercial gain, such as, by the sale
or solicitation of sale of obscene materi-
als, or by the operation of a correspond-
ence club for paying. participants.
“2. The principal thrust of prosecu-
lion should be directed. toward those
whe are the prime mex such
73. M is the Department's view that
generally no useful purpose is served by
a felony convictian af individuals who
have willingly exchanged private letters,
although obscene. This is not to say that
prosecution may never be instituted in
such enses. Rather, it is our view that
prosecution should. be the exception
ers dn
confined to those cases involving repeat
ed offenders or other circumstances
which may fairly be characterized as
The Court, in response to the Justice
Department's plea and “upon an inde
pendent examination of the
unanimously reversed the conviction of
the couple involved. Significantly, three
justices added that they “would revers
this conviciion, not because it violates
the policy of the Justice Department
but because it violates the Constitution.”
The decision now effectively becomes
the law of the land, and the Postal In
spection Service, which has relentlessly
persisted in snooping into first-class mail
despite Senatorial watchdogging and th
spite the policy pronouncements of the
Justice Department. must finally discon-
tinue its invasions of postal. privacy.
In view of a recent announcement by
Postmaster General Lawrence: O'Brien
that “shoddy postal. service” will no
longer be tolerated, we think the De-
partment should be delighted at the cur-
tailment of its investigative activities. In
a New York Times article headlined
AINTS RISE.” (ue Postmaster Gen-
ras quoted as saying, "I want effec
tive action now by all. postal people to
bring aboul a very substantial improve-
ment in service.
We can think of a number of “postal
people” who have been spending their
lime in activities not one bit related to
improving post-office service. We recom-
mend that they be employed to investi-
gate complaints about slow delivery and
nondelwery of the mail rather than to
snoop into its contents. We also recom
mend that the Post Office Department
heed the words of Judge Thurman Ar-
nold, who commented when the Depart
menl censarship of second-class mail way
curtailed in the "Esquire". case, "Post
Office officials should experience a feel
ing of relief if they are limited to the
more prosaic function of seeing to it
that ‘neither snow nor rain nor heat nor
gloom of night stops these couriers from
the swift completion of their appointed
rounds,’ ”
While praynoy is fixing its gaze on the
of the Pos Office Depart
g-rcakettle division, equal
agressive invasions
re going on throughout
nent. The snoopers
al Bard, “come not
gle spies but in whole platoons”
nd thi e armed with the latest and
sn electronic devices, Accordi
to a recent issue of Life magazine.
“The numberone big-league free-lance
and wire tapper in the
said recently when driving
ugh the West Side of Manhatt
(continued on page 11)
VOL. II, NO. 73
Miaghmg Club Nema $
CHICAGO (Special) — Play-
boy's chain of fun-filled Bunny
hutches is 16 links long with
the opening of our new £1,600,-
000 London Club. British key-
holders, celebrities and guests
have been thronging Playboy's
exclusive rooms, gaming tables
and discothéque nightly, ever
since its gala June premiere.
You, as a Playboy Club key-
holder, possess the famouskey to
good living, fine dining and ex-
citing entertainment in 16 cities
of the Playboy world —and more
Clubs are on the way (see loca-
tions below). Negotiations are
now taking place in the next
three Playboy Club cities
Buffalo, Cleveland and Denver
—while plans call for our year-
round resort in Lake Geneva,
Wis. to open in 1967. The new
resort will be as luxurious im
every detail as the lavish Play-
Keyholders savor sizzling steaks,
ng drinks and cool songs by The
Kirby Stone Four in St. Louis Club.
OPEN—Atlanta - Baltimore
Boston « Chicago + Cincin-
nati - Detroit- Jamaica
Kansas City + London» Los
Angeles» Miami « New Or-
leans + New York « Phoenix
St. Louis - San Francisco.
Cleveland - Denver - Lake
Geneva, Wisconsin » Wash-
ington, D.C.
boy Clut-Hotel in Jamaica.
Beautiful Bunnies greet you
and direct you to Playboy fun
and revelry from coast to coast.
When you present your new
key to the Door Bunny (she
may be a Playmate from the
pages of PLAYBOY magazine),
closed-circuit TV telecasts your
arrival to friends who may be
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If you do not yet have your
Playboy Club Key, apply now
and you can still save $25 in
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dent Key Fee goes into effect.
More than 12,000 residents of
Arizona, Florida, Illinois, In-
diana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mis-
souri and Mississippi have al-
ready paid this higher ice.
At Playboy you can dine from
the buffet at the same price as
a drink (and drinks are a hefty
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est liquors), enjoy the sights of
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Your Playboy Club Key is
the symbol of good living every-
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tainment and excitement now,
when a Playboy Club Key is
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the coupon today and save $25.
New keyholder presents his gleam-
ing gold, black and white credit key
to Playmate-Bunny Terri Kimball
AVCCR lifornja
San Francisco Bunnies play tourist and hop onto one of the Bay City's
famous cable cars. If you're travel
Sure to visit the Barbary Coast Bunnies at the foot of Telegraph Hill.
Bunny-Hop on Your Cross-Country Trip
CHICAGO (Special) — Now
Playboy Club keyholders hold
the key to more fun on vacations
than ever before. If you're trav-
eling from Boston to San Fran-
cisco—or places in between—
be sure to pack your Playboy
Key and visit the Bunnies along
the way. Our beautiful Bunnies
in 14 U.S. Playboy cities invite
key-carrying travelers to relax
in their own Club even while
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the showrooms, fine food, man-
g to San Francisco this year, be
sized drinks, conviviality and
hospitality are found in abun-
dance in all Bunny hutches.
If it's Europe or the Carib-
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goma ma ma mm BECOME A KEYHOLOER/CLIP AND MAIL TOOAY mm amr mm uw
232 East Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611
1 wish to apply for key privileges.
Key Fee is $25 except in Arizona, Fl
Souri and Mississippi, where keys
‘scription to VIP, the Ciub magazine.
D Enclosed tind $__.
Pplicant lor key must be male and over 23,
Fhaannval Account Maintenance Charge (currently $5) is waived Tor your first yeu
D Bil me for $.
E] 1 wish only information about The Playboy Club.
nois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisia
(key Fee includes $1 for yeas
Happiness is
Al Hirt s Trumpet
Enjoy a cheerful earful as Al Hirt plays his way through twelve light-
hearted tunes in a madcap musical romp. He's got the top pop trumpet in
the country, and this album proves it's also the happiest horn around.
Listen to Al's horn as it takes off on such lively and original tunes as
“The Fox,” “Pitty Pat,” “The Happy Trumpet,” along with the recent hit
“What the World Needs Now Is Love,” and “Skokiaan,” the smash African
song oj a few seasons ago.“Candy Man Jones” features APs unique vocal
treatment, while “Bad Man" and “Pussy Cat” are just great for dancing.
Ij it sounds like we're blowing our horn about this album...we are!
@The mosttrusted name in sound
a candid conversation with the ultra-
“As rich as Croesus, as shrewd as a
river-boal gambler, as light as a new pair
of shoes” ©... “an alchemist under whose
hand everything turns to gold or to con-
troversy” . . . “king of the wildcatlers"
2. “last of the veal individualisis" —
these aye some of the kinder descriptions
of Dallas multibillionaire Haroldson. La-
fayette Hunt, who even J. Paul Getty
concedes is the richest man in the world.
Some of the unkinder descriptions: “It
isn’t just that Hunt is to the night of Me-
Kinley; he thinks communism started in
this country when the Government took
over distribution oj the mail”... “If he
had more flair and imagination, if he
weren't basically such a damned hick, he
could be one of the most dangerous men
in America.”
While Hunts enemies of the center
and left see him as the sugar daddy of
the right, his compatriots on the right
grumble that he's free with his advice but
not with his cash. An archconservative
adversary of liberalism, he voted jor John
F. Kennedy in 1960. A registered Demo-
cat, he supported Barry Goldwater in
1961. Thus, to friend and foe alike, the
year-old billionaire is an
enigma. No one—not even his own fam-
ily— professes to understand him; no one
-not even Ihe partners he's made rich—
seems to have any idea what drove him
to amass his vast fortune; and no one—
not even Hunt himself—seems able to
explain just what he's bying to accom-
plish in the political avena.
Perhaps the best clue to the Hunt rid-
*] carry my lunch to the office. Pm not
comfortable having anyone drive me
around. I don't like traveling by pri-
vale plane. And 1 prefer ready-made
suits, L don't go in for a lot of Inxury."
dle is his improbable life. Born and bred
on a 500-acre farm near Ramsey, Hlinois,
the youngest of eight children in a pros
perous family, he could read and write
al thee and was adept at the subjects
taught in grade school by the time he
was old enough to attend—thanks to the
tutelage of his mother, the well-bred
daughter of a Union Army chaplain
whose forebears were French royalty
But he never went to grade school—ex-
cept during recess periods to play with
his friends.
By the lime he turned 15, the bucolic
charm of farm life had begun to pall,
and young “June” (for Junior) packed a
suddlebag and set out to seck his for-
tune. He found it—in spades—but for
the jist few years, flophouses and hobo
jungles were his home, and freight cars
his transportation as he roamed the West
from one odd job to another: dishwash-
er, cowboy, lumberjack, laborer, sheep-
herder. carpenter, muleteam driver. Bul
his main source of livelihood during this
picavesque period was his extraordinary
skill with a deck of cards. At one point
in his wanderings, he bummed a train
ride to Valparaiso, Indiana, where, on a
whim, he talked his way into some
courses al what is now Valparaiso Uni-
versity: within weeks he ran
ked second
in his class, though most of his time was
spent on poker, not on. study. Quit-
ling after three months, however, he hit
the road again, returning to Ilinois to
run the farm when his father died in
1911. Bul he didn’t stay long. His father
“The Communists need not invade the
United States, Pro-Communist sentiment
in the U.S. is already greater than when
the Bolsheviks overthrew the Kerei
ski ernment and took over Russia.”
right-wing texas multibillionaire
had often spoken about the rich soif
around Lake Village, Arkansas, and the
next year Hunt, then 23, took his in-
heritance of a few thousand dollars and
bought plantation lands. there,
H was then that he began to display
his legendary Midas tonch—a_ skillful
blending of boldness and timing that led
10 one coup after another in big-league
land speculation. Nine years later, he
was a landowner of baronial proportions
—and a very wealthy man. But there was
a land panic in 1921, and, although he
retained his property holdings, Hunt
suddenly found himself. for all practical
purposes, broke, Undaunted, he got
wind of an oil boom near El Dorado, Ar-
kansas, and went down 1o investigate. By
acting as a middleman there between
Jarmers who had leases to sell and new-
comers who wanted to buy them, Hunt
built up enough capital to drill a well
where he felt he would strike oil. He was
right. In 1930, Hunt—already a million-
nive—went to east Texas to look over an-
other oil strike, The big oil companies
looked, too, and decided there wasn't
much to it, But Hunt had a hunch there
was, and made a deal to acquire the dis-
covery well and adjoining properties; it
turned ont to be what was then the
greatest oil discovery in the history of
the world. The money began to come in
faster than the gushers: By 1910 he had
become a billionaire; and by 1960 he
was the richest man in the world.
Today, Hunt rules an empire that is
almost as ramified as the operations of
“Calvin Coolidge turned in the last suc-
cessful Administration. He reduced the
national debt about 18. percent, And
there was no subversive build-up what-
ever during Coolidge's term in office.”
the Federal Government. Financially, he
is the equal of at least 2000 millionaires
—and perhaps as many as 4000 or
5000; he says he isn't really sure. The
Hunt Oil Company, of which he owns
37 percent (his family owns the vest),
produced more oil. during World War
Two than the entire Axis output.
Eighty-five percent of the nalural gas
piped to the Eastern United States to
alleviate the 1916 fuel shortage belonged
to him. While petroleum remains Hunt's
principal sowwe of wealth—he is. the
largest independent. petroleum dealer in
the United States—it is far from his only
one. He is also the nation’s largest farm
er, and his businesses—spread all over
the world—include not only vil and food
products but also real estate, cotton, cat-
We and timber. What makes Hunt's em-
pire even. more remarkable is the fact
that it’s pretty much a one-man show:
He has no stockholders and no board of
directoye—extyaovdinary, considering that
the Hunt assets we equal to those of
such corporate complexes as General
Although money flows into his coffers
ab an estimated rate of $10,000 to
$12,000 an hour, Hunt spurns the life of
case and luxury. He works hard—siy
days a week—doesn't “throw money
around?” as he puts it, and prefers to do
things himsel} that most executives dele-
gate to subordinates or secretaries. The
one extravagance he allows himself is
his home, which he affectionately calls
“Mount Vernon,” and which is, in fact,
modeled after George Washington's fa-
mous home. Hunt's is situated on con-
siderably less land than the first Presi-
dent's—only len acres—but is roughly
four ov five times larger. though Hunt
denies it. Truc to form. he acquired the
mansion during the Depression for a
bargain $60,000.
Oddly enough. in view of his flamboy-
ant financial predilections, Hunt is an
extremely shy man, as indicated by his
refusal, until age 66, lo appear in
“Who's Who." He dislikes the limelight,
and tolevates it only out of a sense of
duly to promote his conservative convic-
lions. “After all." as someone put it, “he
has a lot to conserve.” Ht is only since the
carly Fifties that he has emerged as a
public freue. In 1951. he conceived and
financed “Facts Forum,” a series of radio
and television broadcasts, disbanded in
1957. Ihat purported to present both
sides of public issues, but which critics
said favored the conservative view.
“More forum than fact” was the way onc
commentator characterized the program's
anti-Government, anti-foreign aid. amti-
UN bias. Hunt's present-day political
activities center around “Facts Forums”
cuen more conservative successor, “Life
Line,” an admittedly one-sided sexies. of
15-minute right-wing radio broadcasts
carried daily on 409 stations throughout
the country. He also writes, and syndi-
cates himself, a five-timesweckly column
for daily newspapers and a once-a-week
column carried by some 30 weekly pa-
pers. And he has written four books—all
political, and all published by H. L.
Hunt Press—the most notable of which
is “Alpaca,” about a mythical emergmi
country with a constitulion that pro
vides, among other things, for upper-
bracket taxpayers to have several times
the number of votes granted to lower-
income cil Hunt's critics call him
the country's most powerful propagandist
for the extreme right; he probably is.
Others claim he's the moneybags behind
every reactionary group from the John
Birch Society to the Ku Klux Klan;
both he and they deny it. And some
have even charged him with playing an
unspecified conspiratorial role in the as-
sassination of President Kennedy; but
there is no evidence whatever to indicate
that he did.
To find out how he fecls about these
and a wide range of other issues,
PLaywoy dispatched a correspondent to
Dallas for an exdusive interview with
the controversial billionaire. Though he
has a reputation. Jor chilly unapproach-
ability—one ex-associate summed up his
personality with the remark “How do
you warm up to Fart Knox?"—our man
found hin folksy, friendly, easygoing and
cven wryly humorous. He was also, how-
ever, bolh ambiguous and evasive in his
replies to many of the more probing
questions, But the interview was the lo:
est he's ever granted—the first, in fact,
ever published in interview form—and
we feel that it affords a revealing glimpse
of its complex and contradictory subject.
Surprisingly spry, fit (a sturdy 200-
pound six-footer) and mentally alert for
a man of his age. Hunt is a health-food
faddist who neither smokes nor drinks.
He used to chainsmoke cigars, he told
us, but gave them up because “it was
costing $300,000 of my time per year
just to unwrap them.” After a pleasant
supper at Hunts Mount Vernon, fol-
lowed by a family hootenanny of hymns
and barbershop-type ballads—with the
billionaire himself leading some of them
we sal down in the den, waited pu-
tienily for Hunt to arrange the fireplace
logs just the way he wanted them, and
opened our. intervicw by quoting some-
thing another famous billionaire had
once saul about him.
PLAYBOY: J. Paul Getty has been quoted
s saying, "In terms of extraordinary, in-
dependent wealth, there is only one man
—H. L. Hunt^ Are you really the
richest. man the world?
HUNT: | think that Mr. Getty uses ni
bi for the p
smear him as being the wealthiest man
in the world.
PLAYBOY: Why do you “smen
you consider it insulting to be called the
wealthiest. man in the world?
ple who are trying to
HUNT: Well, the way T was thinking. I
don't think that anyone attributes mc
with being wealthy because he might ad-
mire mc. I know that nearly all the op
ponents of liberty exaggerate my wealth
nd how I use it. Even about my home,
Mount Vernon. The it is five or ten
times as large as George Washington's
Mount Vernon, but as a matter of fact.
my house isn't any more than five or ten
percent bigger than George Washington's.
Drew Pearson once described
you as "symbolic of the lusty "Texas ty-
coon who flashes $1000 bills, drapes his
women in mink, and turns in his Cadil
get diny.” Whar's your
ion i0 this description?
Those things that Drew P
says are just about as truthful as sc
the other things he is noted for saying.
PLAYBOY: Do you flash 51000 bills?
HUNT: Never.
HUNT: I'm not that foolish, but thanks
for a helpful. credit rating.
PLAYBOY: Do you drape your women in
HUNT: Mrs. Hunt and my daughters arc
my women, and (hey don’t seem to think
1 do. But we live in a warm clim:
they never complain.
PLAYBOY: Whi bout trading in your
Cadillacs when they get dirty?
HUNT: The only times I've ha cadillac
were when the office bought one for me
—once or twice. I would drive it two or
three hundred miles, but would not con
tinue. I like smaller cars.
PLAYBOY: Is it true, as rumored, that vou
have no chauffeur: that you. always fly
on commercial airlines, never by pri
plane; that vou have mo tai
suis: and that you curry you
work in a brown paper bag?
HUNT: I do carry my lunch to the office
because it saves me a lot of time and it
enables me to cat the special health
foods I enjoy. Fm not comfortable hav
ing anyone drive me around; 1 enjoy
driving myself. I don't
planes. And 1 prefer
PLAYBOY: Why don't you
lionaire, or even like a million
HUNT: 1 [eel like Em living high.
PLAYBOY: What do you li
money on?
HUNT: Food and clothing.
1 don't think so. ] don't
ewt smoked for about 15 or
years. 1 don't go in for a lot ol luxu
ry. 1 don't throw money away.
PLAYBOY: You have a reputation as a gam
bler. How much gambling do you d.
HUNT: 1 haven't bct
n the | i
you carry any on your
lunch. to
© to spend your
PLAYBOY: One of your employees was
once quoted as saying that you are
"probably one of the ten best poker
layers in the country." Is he right?
HUNT. Well, I ying poker in
1921, and as far as I know, ] was the
PLAYBOY: Some people say that you won
your first oil lease in a pol
cr that you won it in a d
gambling luck give you your big st
HUNT: No, not at all. When I made my
first oil play, 1 had already. made and
lost big moncy in business transactions.
PLAYBOY: How did you get your start?
HUNT: I grew up out West working on
ranches and in the woods as a lumber-
juk. Then 1 inherited some money
when I was 22 vears old.
PLAYBOY: How much
HUNT: Quite a lot. Five or six thousand.
PLAYBOY: What did you do with
HUNT: | went South and bought pl
tion land. The country where 1 bought
e roll. Did
in the Mississippi Delia. in Arkansas
hadn't overtlow for 35 years, but it
overllowed first year D was there.
And the next year it overllowed again.
The year after that was 1914. and T was
making a bale of cotton tw the acre. but
Word War One started and cotton
dropped to five cents a pound. Then. in
1018, a great land. boom started, and I
sold the first land 1 had bought and
ht another plantation. Then I
mber and. plan.
ad went to
n on the oil bog
leases there.
PLAYBOY: If thc value of vour properties
had collapsed. how could you allord to
trade in oil leases?
HUNT: I would contact someone who was
not kasing. get a price from him, and
ti 1 1 could sell the lease to so
one else at a small profit.
PLAYBOY: What did you do with the profit
you accumulated?
HUNT: At the end of about five or
s. I acquired a halfacre lease. paid
(d demurrage on an okl rotary
ad diilled a well. It finally
1 cosi me.
arime. T ed othe
1 the fields south of El Dorado.
ed southeast of the dis-
covery was because the prices northwest,
where most people expected the field to
extend, were too high for mc. Any!
drilled three or four wells the
brought in gushers.
PLAYBOY: Is that where you made your
rst million?
HUNT: Well, 1 don't know. Ies pretty
hard to tell.
PLAYBOY: You don't remember when you
became a milliona;
HUNT: It's hard to
the West Smackover fields, north of
FI Dorado, and drilled about 40 wells.
They were nice, small wells. During t
time, I had one man in the office, and 1
n. 1 began tradi
The reason I pla
ell. Later on, I drilled
did the field work with one superintend-
ent. Esold half imerest in those 40 wells
for $600,000. I1 was mostly in notes, but
the notes were bankable. 5o 1 may have
been worth a million dollars around
that time,
PLAYBOY: When you went to east Texas
in 1930. you were said to have paid a flat
51.000.000 for "Dad" Joiners famous
discovery well, the Number One Daisy
Bradford. Is that muc?
HUNT: No, that is not ex;
quence. From. 1921 10 1929, 1 operated
n north Louisiana, south Arkansas and
Oklahoma, where I had more than a
hundred oil wells. Then, when the Joi
er discovery was made, I went over there
and saw it drillstem-tested. I believed in
dill-stemtesting. and I spem all the
money 1 had and. could. raise for leases
on the well's cast side, which was higher
geologically. bun was dry. Larer. I bought
the Joiner property.
PLAYBOY: If you had already spent all th
money vou lad or could raise on leases.
how did vou pay for the property?
HUNT: With credit. P borrowed $30,000
from a storekeeper who liked 10 lend
me money. He was urging me to buy
Joiners properties. The large com-
panies wouldn't buy them. because he
did't have any abstracts They didn’t
think much of the cast Texas strike. TI
storekeeper said be would take a 20-
percent with me. and «o our
joim account borrowed S30.000 cash
plus some shortterm. notes Tor $45.000,
and the rest of the payment was about
ST.200.000 in oil. if and when produced.
Unexpectedly, it produced on the low
PLAYBOY: When did you make y
HUNT: X billion dollars sounds like a lor
of lowe talk. A person like me is nor
pi to make a billion dollars frequent!
PLAYBOY: Did vou make your first l
m oil
HUNT: Mostly. I al invested
n some other things—real estate and a
food company with its own brand name,
which is nor connected in any way with
Hunt Foods. But mostly 1 made it he
oil busi
nass such
Uy the se-
bought or
for a lot of lux-
is D told you. And I don't care any
about power: T don’t think Tve
ally had thar much anyway. D. just like
to do things. When I gor to transacting
business for myself. J just wanted to do
more of whatever 1 was doing.
PLAYBOY: You mean vou acquired a for
tune because you like to keep busy?
HUNT: Well. it’s been interesting and a
on. I don't h
You once sud that you wanied
dive: v hobbies.
to use your wealth "for the greate
benefit. of unkind.” Do you feel tha
you have?
HUNT: I have never been very sanctimo-
nious along those lin And so F doubt
that I said that, because I feel that people
who have wealth should not throw their
propaganda for the Communists. When
someone who has a reputation for
a lot of money spends it foolishly
jus can that as
ist private enterprise, capit.
ism and the incentive system.
AYBOY: Is it foolish to spend your
money for the benefit of mankind?
HUNT: People who have wealth should
use it wisely, in a way that will do socie-
ay the most good, They should be care
Iul v ng supposedly charitable
gilts their money will not be used to de
stroy or impair the American system and
promote atheism.
PLAYBOY: How and by whom are chari
ble gifts used im this way?
HUNT: The answer 10 that can be found
by vestigates the situation
le. 1 don't want to go imo it. Any
way. as I was saying. rather than give
mon way where it will often do more
harm than good, people with property
should provide gainful employment and
take pride in their personnel. 1 don't
feel the Communists can. make much
propaganda if this is done. By furnish
ing employment to a good number of
people, E think I perform the gr
philanthropy 1 could eng:
PLAYBOY: Do vou believe in anv
form of philanthropy?
HUNT: My contributions and donations.
are nor large and they are not publi
ded. | don't think you can. do much
good by giving money 10 people—and
that applies to nations giving money to
other nations as well. IVs just contrary
to human nanc.
PLAYBOY: We gather that you don't give
much to charity, then.
HUNT: | don't specialize in it. Many of
the foundations which 1 think uving
10 destroy freedom are widely considered
PLAYBOY: In what way are they tryí
destroy. freedom?
HUNT: Foundations might wy to destroy
our county as Alger Hiss and. Harry
Dexter White were trying to destroy i
Nearly all the foundations are influenced
by those who seek to destroy our country
round: to do so makes good
nvonc who ii
PLAYBOY: Who: How?
HUNT: | don't feel like nam
1 won't, but these men often cà
and use money paid to the Government
in taxes. The liberty side is omtfinanced
1 10 01
ancing a g
groups. What
help. support?
are often credited with
i number of rightwing
political groups do you
HUNT: None. I have made contributions
10 pesons running for office when I
thought they were running against some-
preity bad. 1 donate to individuals
ther than to groups
PLAYBOY: You were a friend of the kue
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Senator Joseph R McCarthy. Did you
ever support him financially?
HUNT: No. | was reported to have done
so, but I did not.
PLAYBOY: Were you i
HUNT: I very much in favor of his
tion to communism.
PLAYBOY: Do you disagree with those who
McCarthy was irresponsible
ges and destroyed reputations
s of inadequate evidence?
anyone dedi-
sympathy with his
the bas
HUNT: I highly approve of
cated to opposing and fighting commu-
1 do not pick minor faults they
may have, nor do I quarrel with their
methods, When someone is accused of
pro-communism, his reputation is not
endangered unless he à pro-Communist.
If he is not guilty. and really loves his
country, the falsity of that. appellation
will amplily his true worth and redound
credit. McCarthy himself was
smeared a great deal. He was called, for
example, a stooge of Facts Forum, a
group I helped support. At the same
time, Facts Forum was called a front for
McCarthy. Actually, McCarthy appeared
on Facts Forum programs once or twice,
to hi
whereas liberal Senator Sparkman of Ala-
bama was on about two dozen times. If
we had men in the Senate today like Pat
McCarran and Joe McCarthy, South
Vietnam would not be in such bad
e, because they would have kept the
nd the nation constantly alerted
to the Communist menace in that part.
of the world—ycars ago, when we should
have known what was coming there.
PLAYBOY: You became actively involved
national politics in 1951 with Facts
Forum and other projects. You were in
your 60s then. Why didn't you start
When you were younger?
HUNT: When I was a cotton planter in
Arkansas, I made the trip all the way to
Illinois to vote for Teddy Roosevelt for
President. That was when I was 23, so I
guess T have been interested in public
s for quite some time now. As I be-
came older, and maybe wiser, I became
i ingly concerned about losing our
freedoms, so I have tried. hard to help
halt that trend.
PLAYBOY: What frecdoms have we lost?
HUNT: I have no persecution comple:
and no inclination to recite freedoms I
have lost. Nearly anyone who has
reached the age of reason can name
many freedoms he is Io: mong them
the right to contract.
PLAYBOY. How is the right to contract
being lost?
HUNT. Ask some people you know
business; they'll. tell you.
PLAYBOY: What will the
HUNT: Ask some of them.
PLAYBOY: What are the
you feel were losing,
HUNT: We are also losing the right to
keep a fair share of the money we earn
and a fair share of the profits we make.
tell us?
other freedoms
Wage earners pay about 80 percent of the
personal income taxes and Social Security
collected by the Government.
PLAYBOY: Let's discuss income taxes and
Social Security later. You said you've
tried to help halt the trend. toward loss
of freedom. How?
HUNT: I have constructively campaigned
nst communism since 1933. I suc
ceeded in a one-man campaign to get the
states to ratify the no-third-term amend-
ment, the 22nd Amendment, the only
nendment ratified four years after it
had been submitted to the state legisla-
tures. J started Facts Forum, as you men
tioned, 10 which TV 1 radio
$5,000,000 of free time per year. Facts
Forum ried debates between out-
standing national figures and was aired
on two thirds of the TV stations in
existence at the time. Senators Spark-
man, Kelauver, Humphrey and Ken
nedy Facts Forum. ‘The
complained bitterly
about this series, which presented both
sides of publicall Facts Forum
was the predecessor of Life Line, whic
presents religious and. publicallairs pro
grams, and adheres closely to the con-
structive side, I have also written some
books—Alpaca, Fabians Fight Freedom,
Why Not Speak? and Hunt for Truth, a
collection of my newspaper columns. 1
also write columns for d cs and
PLAYBOY: How would you label yourself
HUNT: I am a registered Democrat who
often votes Republican.
PLAYBOY: What would you call your:
a middle-of-the-roader? A conservative?
HUNT: A constructive,
PLAYBOY: What's that?
HUNT: A constructive is simply somcoi
who is trying to do the best th
done in public affairs and. elsewhere.
PLAYBOY: You really don’t consider your-
sell a conservative? Most. people do.
HUNT: Not a partide. The word "con-
servative” puts a weight around the
necks of the liberty side.
PLAYBOY: What do you mean by liberty?
HUNT: Freedom for the individual to do
whatever he likes consistent with organ-
Now about
ed on
ized society and good taste.
the word “conservative”—I think its an
unfortunate word. It denotes mossback,
actionary and old-fogyism.
PLAYBOY: How does the word “construc:
tive" differ?
HUNT: You can say of anyone or any
le that he or it is "too conserva
nd, of course, you can label per
sons or ideas as being “too liberal" But
you can't defame anyone or any idea by
saying that the person or the idea is “too
constructive.” A constructive wants to
go forward and do the best which can
be done in all events and at all times.
PLAYBOY: To which do you give more of
your attention these days—your business
interests or your political activities?
HUNT: They're not politi
i 1 am
they are publi .
nonpar nd g I do along
political lines I just do in the hope of
getting better people elected to public
office and encouraging all officials to
serve better
PLAYBOY: Didn't you support the Mac-
Arthurfor-President movement in 19522
HUNT: | supported him in every way 1
could. As far as I know I headed the
Why do you think he should
ave been President?
HUNT: MacAril
ion, and his known integrity and
mental capacities, ensured that his Ad-
inistration as President would
n outstanding success
MacArthur was truly the ma
century. If he had been elected i
this would be a completely differe:
world. Few know how close we came to
veal fine. MacArthur-
having it. I had a
forPrésident Committee hi
n the Conrad Hilton Hotel
About two days before the nor
speeches were to be made, [
awakened by Carroll Reece, General
Wedemeyer and other top leaders of the
Taft campaign staff, informing me that
Senator Taft. was transferring his. dele-
gate strength to General MacArthur and
that 1 should alert my committee and get
them working. The committee members
were delighted to be aroused at two A-M-
nd began redoubling their elforts, but
sixthiny AM. 1 was notified that
enator Taft had changed his mind and
decided to take one ballot before making
isfer. | knew and told the con-
leaders that the one ballot
could not be successfully taken and a
stampede toward Ike would develop.
Polls revealed that the two war heroes
were quite evenly matched in popula
ty. Therefore, MacArthur, if nominated,
id that Gen-
eral Douglas MacArthur, who was un-
willing to deprive Se Taft of the
within four and a half
hours of becoming President—and_ the
free world came within four and a half
hours of being saved.
PLAYBOY: Are you implying that Eisen-
hower lost the free world?
HUNT: He was an unfortunate choice. He
made a lot of mistakes—such as pulling
back and not taking Berlin, sewing up
that city as a tinderbox that might st
World War Three. His "salt-of-the-ca
manner enabled him to retain his popu-
larity, dominate Congress and do great
harm. I think he was advised by the same
school of advisors that had advised Frank-
lin. Roosevelt and Harry. Truman—the
sime school of thought.
PLAYBOY: What school of thought is that?
HUNT; Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White
and Lauchlin Currie—who once lived in
ow h
the White House and who is
dling United States foreign aid lunds in
Colombia—cin safely be mentioned
being in the early school of. President
advisors. IE he looks hard eno
interested can easily ascer
names of many in this solid. hal,
Presidential advisors who suppla
influence of the voters electing the Presi-
dem of the United States.
PLAYBOY: By mentioning Al
ry Dexter White and Lauchli
Hiss, Har-
Currie, do
you mean to imply that this "school" of
Ivisors is leftist in its leanings?
HUNT: Well, they certainly aren't right
PLAYBOY: You said that Eisenhower had
the same school of advisors as Roosevelt
ad Trum: What did vou think of
them as Presidents?
HUNT: F. D. R. was the first. President to
institme the struggle of cla it
class. He ma ed our entry into World
War Two after pledging to the mothers
of America again and again and again
that he would not send their sons into
foreign wars.
PLAYBOY: In view of the Japanese attack
on Pearl Harbor, do you think Roosc-
velt can be
pledge to the mothers of Ameri
HUNT: This is a big subject that would
require much more time tha have to
discuss i
PLAYBOY: All right. You were giving us
your appraisal of Roosevelt as President
HUNT: In addition to the misjudgments I
mentioned, he also broke the two-teri
tradition, atempted to pack the Su-
preme Court, and created a myth which
must be broken if our country is to su
PLAYBOY: What myth?
HUNT: The myth of the indi
ken to task for
of Tru-
did you thi
Truman knew lile and did liule
and consequently did do much
harm, except to recall. MacArthur. But
all Presidents since diplomatic recogni-
tion of the Soviet Union in 1933 must
share the responsibility for the surrender
of hundreds of millions of people into
n because the
United States has been capable of dictat-
ing the policy of the world since belore
it emered World War Two. If
tells you that since 1933 the
hu n beings dominated by communism
has increased from 160,000,000 backw:
Russians to more than a billion human
beings, he is not necessarily a rightside
ank. It’s the duty of the com-
munications media to keep us informed
regarding such vital things as this oft
forgouen subject.
PLAYBOY: Who do you think was our last
good President?
HUNT: | ak that Calvin Coolidge
turned in the Dist successful. Administra-
tion. There was no subversive build-up
whatever in Washington during Cool-
idge's term in office. As sm the na-
tonal debt » he reduced it about 18
percent. Also, ‘he fulfilled Thomas Jetler-
son's admonition that the governm
best which governs least
PLAYBOY: President Ke:
believer the necessity
a firm
nedly wa
Federal Government. How did vou rate
him as Presiden?
HUNT: 1 rated him high enough as a pros-
pea that I supported him. I expected
Kennedy to be as constructive as the ph
losophy of his Catholic religion should
lead him to be, and as constructive as
the philosophy of his Father should caus
m to be.
PLAYBOY: How constructive is tha
HUNT: Catholics are known for being
E communist. And ] had never seen
any evidence of fiscal. in
the Kennedy family
PLAYBOY: Did Kennedy turn ou
“constructive” as you expected?
HUNT: Well, I know that he deplored the
betrayal of China to the Communists.
He once made a very fine speech about
it in which he said, “What our young
men had saved, our diplomats and our
President have hittered a I was for
pra ly everything that Jack Ken
nedy did in public life. I think that his
tion was the greatest blow that
ever befell the cause. of freedom.
PLAYBOY: But Kennedy was a
Democrat. Weren't m
contrary to your view
HUNT. Well,
did that were different [rom my opinions.
He made some míst for example,
regarding communism—but in general, I
thought he was a good official.
PLAYBOY: What mistakes did he make?
HUNT: You've got me. Jt becomes diihcult
to uy ro enumerate particular n
which Jack may have made.
PLAYBOY: As a conservative, weren't you
disappointed by his endorsement of
deficit spending. civil rights legislation
the test-ban treaty, and so on:
HUNT: Unless there is a turn toward con-
stitutional government and a decrease in
proSocialist legislation forced through
Congress, the. Kennedy Administration.
is likely to appear highly constructive
when compared to the Administrations
yet to follow.
PLAYBOY: In what way is President John-
son's legislative prog pro Soci
HUNT: The Administration's. progr:
widely publicized, and everyone i
titled to their own views, whether or not
it is pro-Socialist.
PLAYBOY: Which of President Johnson's
policies do you consider pro-Socialist?
HUNT: Ncarly all of his domestic policics,
I fear. E just don't like the whole big
trend toward lening the Government do
everything. We hear a lot of talk about
needing big government because the
country is so complex today. It just seems
esponsibility i
10 be as
there were a few thir
so complex because we have given up
so many of the simple, though’ hardao.
practice, truths that once made sense of
our Governme
less cent r to the people.
PLAYBOY: How would you accomplish
HUNT: We could easily abolish a good
number of bureaus in favor of private
emerprise. I : g my book
Alpaca, w a constitu-
tion for emergi ions. provided. for
an annual review of bureaus by a per
manent bureau review board for the
purpose of terminating all bureaus
which were no longer required and cur-
ling the activities of the remaining
us as much as practical.
PLAYBOY: What Government departments
or do you think should be
AM services to the public should
ibolished in favor of personal enter
prise, where they can be more efficiently
nd economically performed.
PLAYBOY: How do you feel about the
efficiency and economy of the Govern-
men's War on Poverty?
and is à complete. failure.
PLAYBOY: Do you think it should be
HUNT: II it can’t be made workable, yes.
PLAYBOY: Do you lecl the same about Fed-
cral welfare programs?
HUNT: I thought them all right in writ-
g my book Alpaca, where the people
re to ty to govern themselves. But
y may do more harm than good
United. States.
Through mismanagement
es and. political
nning the genera
d the
1 pub
ng some persons and. groups
over others.
PLAYBOY: Do you favor any of President
Johuson’s Great Society programs?
HUNT: I favor the society, wi
ual improvements from July 4, 1776 up
to November 2%, 1963, which made this
the greatest of all uations. The Great
Society is expensive to the 1
pride of accomplishment and the
feeling of self-sufficiency by putting them
on the dole.
PLAYBOY: How do you feel about the re-
cent increase in Social Security taxes?
HUNT: The Social Security money paid
into the Government is illegally spent
on other projects. Senator Harry F. Byrd
id that the Social Security
fund was bankrupt.
PLAYBOY: Would you elabo
ial Security is in the nature of
although it is compulsory.
erting of funds from. proper
nd the
y solvent is
reserves to keep Social Sean
illegal. They are diverted imo the gen
eal fund, which underwrites thousands
of frivolous projects. Social Security owes
hundreds of millions of dollars to the
beneficiaries who have paid for insur-
ance, and has no reserve from whidi 10
pay them. Beneficiaries are dependent
upon taxes yet to be collected.
g to the Office of Research av
ity tx funds are
deposited not in any general [und but
al Old-Age and Survivors Lnsu
st Fund and the Federal Di
nee Trust Fund,
be used only to pay Social Security ben
fits and administrative expe
PLAYBOY: In case, youll never nec
Social Security money yourself.
HUNT: You never can tell.
AYBOY: Do you think the present system
aduated income taxes is equitabl
HUNT: | am not a tax expert
not tried to effect any tax reforms, but I
for granted that ihe present
schedule could be improved. In
however, I would say it is likely that the
more moncy the Government raises, the
more poorly it will be
PLAYBOY: You've been quoted as saying,
that uppe payers should
have seven times as many votes as those
in the lower 40 percent. Wouldn't that
to say the least?
s graduated suffrage. you
x about is from the model consti-
ion in my book Alpaca. T have never
suggested that the United States adopt
this. Alpaca was written to stimulate
people in the emerging counties to adopt
a constitution whereby they would wy to
govern themselves instead of yielding 10
dictatorship. The purpose of gradu-
ated sufhage is to persuade the landed
gentry and others close to the powers
that be to participate in a republic
where otherwise they would not take an
equal vore with the less provident,
PLAYBOY: lt has often been charged that
you—and other very wealthy persons like
you—gel off with paying very little in in-
come taxes because of extensive business
dedu tion to this
ad have
HUNT: If I am on trial, 1 plead “not guil-
ty” until the charges are made more
PLAYBOY: Doesn't the oil-depletion allow-
icc save you several million dollars in
taxes every year?
HUNT: I haven't calculated the nt.
PLAYBOY: "here's been some talk in Con-
gress about revoking the allowance. How
do you feel about that?
HUNT: Depletion allowances are neces
sary for all irreplaceable resources. Ade-
quate equipment would not be installed
il there was no depreciation allowance,
Adequate production of irreplaceable
resources would not be developed foi
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the benefit of mankind if there was no
depletion allow
danger of its |
there is much
s understood. Th
its eli tion would finance the
nt three or four days per year.
tion would be the equivalent
of placing an additional tax between the
producer and the consumer. The Gov
ernment itself. would have to take over
the job of drilling and producing oil—
and at its costs, which are always prohi
e compared with private business
costs under the incentive system. The
Government would collect far less tax to
underwrite these costs than it already
does from a healthy oil industry.
PLAYBOY: How much in extra taxes would
you have to pay if the depletion allow-
ic were climinated?
HUNT: Maybe nonc. for we would have to
confine our activities to other business;
as I said, the Government would have to
produce the oil.
PLAYBOY: Wasn't your radio program.
Lije Line, a big deduction before its tax
exemption was withdrawn last y
HUNT: Its patrons and those who use it
for religious and political education are
punished with the loss of Life Line's tax
empt status. Bt was nor a tax exemp:
tion for me. The cancellation of Life
Line's tax-exempt status as an education-
al program was due largely to the misin-
formed and politically. insp'red actions
of Congressman Wright Parmon and
Senator Maurine Neuberger, who cru
saded to bring pressure on the Internal
Revenue Service because they fear an
informed publi the polls.
PLAYBOY: Why should they f
formed. public?
HUNT: Those who do the 1
ar an in-
ast good for
the populace are those who would like
for the populace to be poorly
PLAYBOY: It's been reported that you
endorsed Barry Goldwater's Presidential
candidacy in 1964. How much good do
you think he would have done for the
populace as President?
HUNT: My first choices for the Repub-
ican nomination were Senator Hruska
of Nebraska and Bob Taft, Jr. but I
couldn't get cither of them to make a
move. As far as Goldwater is concerned,
his campaign was very, very poor, and if
he would have made no better a Presi-
dent than he was a campaigner. I don't
think he would have been a very good
President. His service in the U. S, Senate,
however, was the very best.
PLAYBOY: Do you include his vote
the civil rights bill in this apprai
HUNT: He was voting his convictions. I
know some have tried to infer that Gold
cr was antkNegro because of this
vote, but that's not true. He did much
for Negroes in Arizona years ago, long
before it was a politically popular issue.
PLAYBOY: Contrary to the claims of his
campaign managers, the record indicates
that Goldwater did lite for Negroes in
Arizona either during his years in the
c or before. But where do you
stand on civil rights?
HUNT: That statement. regarding Gold-
water's record will be interesting to your
readers. Regarding my stand on civil
rights, my views on the matter are re-
flected by those of the Negro publisher
S. B. Fuller and his great. columnist.
George Schuyler, who ask positions for
members of their race only as fast as
they are qualified to hold them.
PLAYBOY: What must they do to qualify?
To be a bookkeeper, one needs to
qualify himself to do the work which a
bookkeeper has to do. To be a stenogra-
phe i
I believe that nearly any employer w
tell an inquirer that he is seeking compe-
tent Negro personnel. At the moment,
however, there are more positions av:
able than Negroes are qualifying them-
selves to fill. In regard to the Negro push
for equal rights. should not be for-
gotten that Erwabiding white people are
good people and should bc treated as
such. There are ethnic groups such
Poles and Italians who
10 be treated as respectable, law-
izens should be treated. There
e seeking only
other Caucasians who are pretty good
people and not without merit, regardless
of the color of their skin. They look
the U.S.A. as a land of golde
opportunities. There are ample employ-
ment opportunities in this country for all
those who wish to work. In the freedom
of the U.S.A., no one needs to live ii
an undesirable environment; anyone can
improve his living standards and place
of residence whenever he wishes.
PLAYBO' Most civil rights leaders
wouldn't agree that this is true for
HUNT: Anyone can uplift his lot in life—
anyone who really wants to.
PLAYBOY: With a helping hand, perhaps.
Arc you in favor of integrated school
HUNT: They may not be best for Negro
pupils and teachers, but 1 am for what-
ever the society involved decide:
PLAYBOY: Why wouldn't they be best?
HUNT: Many Negro teachers prefer to
teach in Negro schools, and many Negro
students prefer to attend Negro schools.
nwide demonstrations to
ions are not the proper
it hey should not be
gitators seeking power and
PLAYBOY: Don't you think Negroes should
the vote?
1 favor suffrage for all 21 years and
PLAYBOY: Even for illiterates?
HUNT: Yes. No one was barred in the
mythical country Alpaca.
d Mart
HUNT: I share J. Edg:
of him.
PLAYBOY: Are you saying that you agree
with Hoover that King is "the biggest
lir in the United States"?
HUNT: I cannot detect that King has any
regard for the truth, religion, sincerity
peace, morality or the best interest of
the Negro. people.
PLAYBOY: What cifect do you feel the civil
rights movement is having on the South?
HUNT: The South is upset. There is prej-
udice throughout the nation aimed at
the South, although the South han-
dled its problem much better th New
fornia. The South is great
South has handled its
rights lea
the worst ra
HUNT: Be ors devote the
s mostly against the South.
PLAYBOY: If vou were President, what ac
ions would you take the field of civil
HUNT: I don't th:
agree tha
the South has
the m ?
nk one man should dc-
cide the relations to be followed in civil
rights. He could develop a mania of de
siring for all of the white people in the
world to be ruled by colored people.
The United Nations, Great Britain, the
Sovier Union, the United States and Red
ipparently intend to enforce that
ns in Africa shall be ruled
a bigot. What's your answer to this
HUNT: | suppose a bigot is whatever
someone wants to say of another who
disagrees with him. A bigot is expected
to be biased, and have a
a consuming
curiosity and always like to hear the
different. viewpoints. I com myself
open-minded, and therefore not a bigot.
PLAYBOY: You're not anti-Negro?
HUNT: No. | like the Negroes 1 have
known and I beli l of them
like me.
PLAYBOY: You've also been called an
Semitic. Arc you?
HUNT: There is no basis for any of this.
Just about all my life some of my very
best friends have been fine Jewish people.
Jews should protect the profit-motive
system and oppose all trends toward
tatorship. Under totalitarian gov
ment, they would be persecuted a
have been for centuries. I have wc
10 keep alive the Synagogue Council cru-
sade against anti-Semitism in the Soviet
Union. I think I've done more against
ntiSemitism in the Soviet Union than
anyone else in the United States.
PLAYBOY: What about i
ve nearly
Country Club gives you more
of what you drink malt liquor for.
Some malt liquors taste a lot like beer.
We figure that if you like beer, you
should order beer. But if you want a
drink that starts where beer leaves off,
you'll order Country Club. Short on
carbonation, long on taste.
Try it. You'll get the message.
the United States? Have you done any-
thing against that?
HUNT: I think so. I wy to discourage it in
every way possible.
PLAYBOY: You've also been charged with
anti-Catholicism, Is there any truth to it?
HUNT, No. Some of my best f
sociates are Catholics, including Cardi-
nal Spellman and the noted Catholic
layman Ed Maher of Dallas, who has
been treasurer of Life Line.
PLAYBOY: The Ku Klux Klan is notori-
ously anti-Negro, anti-Semitic and an
Catholic. How do you feel about
HUNT: | have had no experience with it
If it practices violence, however, I de-
plor , lor I deplore all violence.
PLAYBOY: How do you feel about the
House Committee on Un-American Ac-
tivities’ investiga
HUNT: | suppose it is to placate pro-
Communists who are subversive.
PLAYBOY: How will it placate them?
nd their toler
nds and
the investigations of Communist
tics conducted by the Committec,
y the Committee to
its investigations of Commun
subversives to investigate people who are
highly opposed to communi pro-
Communists might be placated and feel
more kindly toward the Committee. If
the Commiuce exposes Klan violence
nd money making rackets, however, the
investigations will serve a fine purpose.
Do you feel that HUAC's ant
st investigations have served a
HUNT: It served well, but is handi-
capped by Supreme Court decisions fa
voring communism.
PLAYBOY: What decisions?
HUNT: | don't want to get into a legal
PLAYBOY: We take it you oppose the
Courts decisions in the field of civil
HUNT: It has acted illegally im ignoring
precedents, and is actually legislating,
Any court is supposed 10 observe prec
edents; otherwise the lawyers of the land
study past decisions never
know w is “the law of the land." I
the Supreme Court takes action outside
of its constitutional rights, it is acting
illegally. It was never contemplated t
the Supreme Court could amend the
Constitution, as there vgular pr
cedures for its amendment wherein both
houses of Congress and legislatures of
the states participate.
PLAYBOY: Many conservatives feel tha
the Court is unce utionally hindering
police work and "coddling criminals" by
protecting the rights of the accused. Do
you agree with them?
HUNT: The Court is befriending cri
nals, Communists and Socialists.
PLAYBOY: Why do you lump them togeth-
er? And how is the Court befriending
HUNT: Communist activities in the
United States are criminal and can be
spoken of along with other crimi
ollenses. Anyone who reads the papers
can find decisions whereby the Court be-
friends them nearly every day.
: Do you think the threat of com-
in America is very serious?
Yes, and I do not understand
others who doubt it.
PLAYBOY: In what arcas of American
v do vou feel the Communists are
HUNT: In the most critical a
PLAYBOY: Such as?
HUNT: Some of the most critical areas are
the Stare Department, the Defense De-
partment, the large foundations, the
communications media and the enter-
tainment field
PLAYBOY: What makes you thi
strong in these areas?
HUNT: The United States has been in
charge of the world since World War
Two, during which time the Commu-
nists have taken into domination one
third of the world’s popula
PLAYBOY: Would the election of
ative to the Presidency help
trend, in your opinion?
HUNT: l am nor a conservative, and as a
constructive | am not yet campaigning
for 1968, Many may class me as a dan-
gerous right winger.
PLAYBOY: Do you feel that Johnson could
be defeated by a conservative in "68?
Hunt: If the ir Is of communism can-
not be halted, Johnson should be defeat-
ed by someone who as President could
stop the Communist over. Unies
communism is defeated, it makes
they a
nce who is President. He would be
forced to be a stooge.
PLAYBOY: Arc you referring to à Commu-
nist take-over of the U. itself?
HUNT: Yes. The Com st take-over to
be feared is the same kind that has taken
place in other nations.
PLAYBOY: Do you agree with the Minute-
men that th an actual threat of
armed Communist. invasion?
HUNT: I shouldn't be asked i0 agree with
the Minutemen. The Communists need
not invade the U.S. They are alread
here in numbers of at least two percent
and will rule unless understood and re-
strained and defeated.
PLAYBOY: How did you arrive at that
HUNT: The pro-Communist sentiment in
ihe United States today is greater than
when the Bolsheviks overthrew the Ke
renski government and took over Russia,
and stronger in the U.S. than in some
other countries before the ta
has always be
of Communist infiltration [
taking over a country has been
two percent or four percent.
PLAYBOY: Whom do you number among
this two percent?
HUNT: It would serve no purpose to try to
name them, for the people of the U. S. A.
who have all to lose are not sufficiently
concerned themselves to find out who
they are. Needless to say, however, they
are here. The United States cannot af-
ford to permit the Communists to con-
tinue taking over from the free world
two or three hundred mi
PLAYBOY: Do you think communism has
made inroads in the U.S. since Johnson
became President?
HUNT: Indeed I do. The demonstrations
throughout the nation favoring our Com-
munist enemies and the actions of mem-
bers of Congress in opposing our war
effort indicate Communist. inroads. John-
son can be commended in the personnel
he is using abroad only in the appoi
ment of Admiral Raborn as tli
of the CIA.
n people per
t do you think
of John ipn policy?
HUNT: I don’t approve of
PLAYBOY: What don't you approve of?
HUNT: We sent troops in there to prevent
the Communists from setting up another
beachhead in the Western Hemisph
PLAYBOY: You don't thi we should
HUNT: Of course we should have. But
then, alter Johnson was advised by Mc
George Bundy and Averell Harriman.
the actions that have been taken since
then, so far as I can tell—unless changed
—will help set up a Communist govern-
ment ther
PLAYBOY: What actions?
HUNT: Twenty thousand U.S. troops were
sent into the Dominican Republic and
prevented an immediate Communist sei-
zure of that country. Then President
Johnson sent Hariman and McGeorge
Bundy to formulate a policy there, and
General Wessin y Wessin and other
prominent non-Commu: forced
into exile.
PLAYBOY: There's been no evidence of a
Communist takeover n. What
do you think of Johnson's handling of
the war in Vietnam?
HUNT: P think that it would be bener
to listen to the MacArthur school of
thought—General Courtney Whitney,
General A. C. Wedemeyer, General Van
Fleet, General Bonner Fellers and
younger men trained by them. Whatever
school of thought would advise, ]
nk should be followed
PLAYBOY: What do you think th
North Viet necessary, by
blockading North Vietnam, by using
atie Woops as far as possible--from
uth Korea and the Philippines—and
ing advantage of Natio
's large and well-trained army.
PLAYBOY: What do you think of our re
ing from bombing Han
HUNT: I thin
cm to win the war.
PLAYBOY: If we were to bomb Hanoi, do
s were
since th
y would
we try to win it, by bombing
as much
we must do whatever we
the Red Chinese might enter
HUNT: They're doing an awful lot there
now, | suspect. We should do whatever
the MacArthur-trained. group of strate
gists thinks.
PLAYBOY: But what if Red Chin
send an army into View:
HUNT: We should do whatever our gener
als advise us to do.
PLAYBOY. Including bombing Cl
HUNT: If that is what they advi:
PLAYBOY: A number of conservativ
proposed il desroy Red China's
nuclear cà ics now, before they be
come a strong nuclear power. Are you
favor of this?
HUNT: It might not be too bad an idea.
Certainly if we had done this to. Russi
as C George Kenney recom
mended—which we easily could have
done in the 1950s—I feel we woulda't
ly as many problems as we do
the world) Our country would
good deal more secure. Maybe
ing out Red China's nuclear instal-
Tations now wouid prevent touch
ing olf a Third World W:
from now, we might wish we had done it
PLAYBOY: You wish that we had knocked
out the Soviet Union's nuclear cap:
HUNT: Yes. General Kenney, who was
charge of the Air Force in the Pacilic,
unfolded a plan t0 me in 1950 that the
U.S.A, should put loaded bombers over
Moscow l by transport
planes wi
were to
that we would drop the
bombs unless they placed their teri;
in our nansporrs. At that time we had
more than ten times as many bombs
Russia, and the means of conveying
them. They would hi » forced to
surrender their nuclear equipment. This
or some similar actions should have been
taken then.
wouldn't we H
public opinion:
HUNT: |t is through — weakness—not
strength—that we lose estec
world. A workable plan of the
ture should be put into use to
put an end to Red China's nuclear pow
cr. Otherwise the lives of millions of
Americans will be destroyed.
PLAYBOY: Do vou think we
ly justified in doing this?
HUNT: We shouldn't send our
over to Vieti
without supporting them in every way.
The very least we can do for them is 10
face up to the stiff deci we will
someday have to n nyhow.
PLAYBOY: Don't you think bombing Red
China's nuclear installations might touch
off World War Three?
HUNT: No. I don't think so. The Commu:
re defeating us without forcing a
showdown. Why should they make the
same mistake Hitler made? He might
if the plan had worked.
ve alienated world-wide
when they're
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have defeated the world if he had been
more patient; I think that the Commu.
nists hay arned from his mistakes.
Besides, China is helpless against our nu-
clear power, and I don't believe that the
Soviets would come to her aid if we took
this move. If they did, they would be
aiding a deadly enemy. If the Soviets
thought China could destroy the U.S.
alone, they would probably aid Chir
but they know Red China would have
no chance with the United States in a
war—unless our activities were directed
by strange persons with a twisted. educa-
tion who would prefer we be defeated
PLAYBOY: What “strange persons’
HUNT: If. people would read more anti-
Communist literature, they'd find out for
themselves that there a sor
in Government who alw
come out on the losing side
ings with the cnemy.
PLAYBOY: Would you care to name them?
HUNT: I think people should find out for
PLAYBOY: Isn't there an aktern
war? Might there not be a chance of
bringing Red China peacefully into the
world community by admitting it to the
United Nations?
HUNT: I think that the UN is so noncon-
structive that it doesn't make much
difference—though I think it soon will
be admitted, because of the leftle
tendencies of too many UN members.
PLAYBOY: How is the UN, as you sa
nonconstructive? What about its role in
settling the Suez and Congo crises,
among others?
HUNT: I don't think the settlement of the
Suez crisis was favorable to the United
States. And in the Congo we ended up
warning planes to fly UN troops into
nga to butcher people who were the
. ds in the Congo.
Some UN funds have been used to help
astro's agriculture. We pay out of pro-
portion to support the UN, while some
bother to pay their dues at all. This
has the ellect of sometimes conveying
our money to our enemies.
PLAYBOY: Would you like to see us get
out of the UN?
HUNT: Certainly.
PLAYBOY. What would that accomplish?
HUNT: We would do better in the world
st comm
wasn't organized to help the
United States. No freedom-loving nation
will gain from participation in the UN.
W's controlled by Communists who can
win a vote any time they wish.
PLAYBOY: If that's true, why ha
5, though they pretend they
ts don't really want them
admitted. They are rivals for
of the Communist world, and apparent
ly the Soviets feel that keeping Red Chi-
na out helps them stay on top. Thus it's
not the U.S. but the U.S.S.R. that's
e people
seem do
their deal-
sm, I feel.
'; Red
keeping China out. The UN
dom on the side of the Unite
remaining in the UN, all we do is lend
it respectability—and funds. If we would
withdraw, it would have little of either.
We would become the leader of the frec-
dom forces of the world, instead of
being a helpless hangeron with those
who want to destroy us.
PLAYBOY: Do vou think we should also
withdraw diplomatic recognition. from
Commu countries?
HUNT: There's nothing to gain by recog-
nizing them. The Communists can't feed
their own people and they cannot manu-
facture and distribute industrial prod
ucts in a way that makes economic sense.
If we would quit helping them out in
any way, I think they would become
helpless and. collapse
PLAYBOY: Then you're against all wade
with Iron. Curtain countries?
HUNT: I think it’s a sure way for us to de-
stroy ourselves
PLAYBOY: Even if the trade were restricted
10 nonst
to them. Wh
gic goods?
Just about everything is strategic
ever the enemy wants to
buy from us is only what he needs most.
PLAYBOY: Do you consider wheat strategic?
HUNT: The Communist enemy will always
need food more than guns and muni-
tions. If we keep them fed, why, they will
be able later 10 fight on full stomachs,
Fd rather see the Communists starve than
see them killing our boys, like they're
doing right now in Vietnam.
PLAYBOY: What do you think
Toreign-aid. program?
HUNT: I think that if it were put to a
vore, the American people would choose
to end it. You know, cach billion dollars
our Government wastes—and foreign aid
is a waste—cosis the average American
family 525. So far, we've thrown. about
130 billion dollars down the foreign-aid
rat hole. Thats enough money for cach
of our
family to send a youngster through
PLAYBOY: Don't you think foreign aid
has helped rebuild Europe and raise the
economies ol. underdeveloped ni
HUNT: Not r
went to
tions which
ly. Much ol
cconomy of n
Socialist or Communist—
for example. Foreign aid to
often actually hurts the
economy of the country to which the aid
as been the cise in Bolivia
and Laos. Gifts to the slavemasters will
never help the slaves.
PLAYBOY: Do you take an equally dim
view of Peace Corps
HUNT: No. I'm under the impression that
its conduct abroad has not been the mis-
erable failure that the Job Corps has
been home. In coun the
Peace Corps is helpful, the U. S. taxpay-
y be justified in keeping up the
PLAYBOY: Do you think we
al obligation to help other countric
s where
e any mor-
HUNT: We have an obligation to help
those countries that have been of help to
us; otherwise there is none.
PLAYBOY: If we don't help other coun-
tries. don't you think the Russi
and win their friendship by doing so?
HUNT: You can't buy friends. In an
the Soviets don't constructively help the
citizens of any country—including their
own. The standing with other
countries through deceitful propag:
PLAYBOY: How do you think the United
States is faring in the Cold. War?
HUNT: Preity badly. The Communists arc
advancing and, at least most of the time,
we are reren We are happy wh
we can sty that w ent los any
round to the Reds in a while, or at
least nor very much. But we should bc
sking ourselves wh have ad-
vanced dom's line, where they have
lost territories to the Iree world, where
we have liberated people held in Com-
munist slavery. The answer is that ou
victories are very few, and theirs are
plentiful. We are losing the Cold W
PLAYBOY: Where are we losing?
HUNT: Almost everywhere. Right now we
don't seem to be losing to Communist
infiltration in Indonesi id a few other
counties, but I think this is almost en-
ely because of Admiral Raborn, whom
e of the
not aiding our
quite well
PLAYBOY: Hose can we avoid aiding our
HUNT: For one thing, by ceasing to use
personnel in fighting commu
have always been unsuccessful in oppos-
ag communism—and that would apply
to Harriman, Rusk and Lodge. We
should use personnel who have not lost
n diplomatic struggles with the Com-
PLAYBOY: You speak of opposing com:
munism. Do you believe that the aims of
all Communist countries are essentially
the same, and equally inimical to the
nk that they have
themselves that we
e w
President Johnson put in ch
CIA. Wherever we
HUNT: They have th
of course,
r petty differences,
they are pable of
ood show. ‘They—the Ru:
the Chinese—both want to
dillerence docs it make to
us which one of them does it? Just be.
cause the Russians and Chinese spat, we
shouldn't forget that both countries are
dedicated to destroy us and enslave our
PLAYBOY: How can we keep them from
burying u
HUNT: By ceasing 10 furni
the rope v
but Iso
i them with
. by ceas-
iout the world
and, as
I said, by using Government. personnel
who are strongly pro-Americ
PLAYBOY: Do you think that there is
likelihood of our reaching a peaceful ac-
commodation with the Soviet Union?
HUNT: Let me say this: If we do, we're
gone. If we reach an accommodation
with the Soviets. it will be for the benefit
of the Soviets and to our detriment. The
Soviet leaders have repeatedly explained
this to us for more than 40 y,
PLAYBOY: Do you sec any validity in the
prediction of some ideologists that our
political systems could converge—with
the Soviet Union's becomi re ca
talistic and ours becoming more social-
istic—until we develop what some have
called "arcas of mutual self-interest’?
HUNT. If we get to that point, I think
that the freedoms we still enjoy today
will have become a thing of the past. If
we and the Soviets start having overlap-
ping ly
won't be interested in is seeing that we
à free. As far as I'm concerned, this
led. peaceful coexistence. means th
re peaceful while they try 10 do us
. It’s nothing more than surrender on
the installment plan
interests, one thing they cert
the Soviet Union and the
might one day find it mutually benc
to join in a military alliance ag
HUNT: Chat might be a possibility.
Twelve yems ago. 1 began to fe:
Chinese Communists more thin the So-
viet Commun because 1 think thar
their appeal is more effective in some
areas of the non-Communist world. I
don’t rule out the possibi i
ing with Russia against China, but if it
ever comes to that, E think we will be de-
stroyed in the process—by Russia, if she
or by China, if she cin.
PLAYBOY: What do you think
pects of nuclear disarmament
HUNT: Very poor. fortunately. D chink it
would be fatal for us. If we don't have
superior arms, why, the superior num-
bers that are against us will destroy us.
Disarmament could work only if al
re the pros
were stints, and they're not—espe
the Communists, Khrushchev once said
that the last obstacle 10 a Communist
world the mi might of the
United States. 1 see no reason to remove
that. obsta
PLAYBOY: Yo to disarm
ment, your y of preemptive nu
Red. China,
ws you've ex
d Russia and
and most of the other v
pressed here are echoed regululy on
your Life Line radio The New
Republic once wrote in
Life Line broadeasts
mm... that the brooding Oswalds of
e left or r
mes act on.
HUNT: Life Line can best be judged by
its listeners rather than by what I say
about it, Osw a Marxist and Life
Line could not incite a Marxist to
olence, as they are dedicated to thei
d wa
ly that President Kennedy's dis
proval of communism, including hi
specch in Miami three days before his
n their homeland—cost him his life.
PLAYBOY: Are you implying that the asas-
sination was a lefcwing conspiracy?
HUNT: I'm not trying to imply anything.
and I really don't know the answer to
that question. By the way, you might be
crested to know that the UPI quoted
Senator Maurine Neuberger a few min-
utes after the assination to the effect
that if anyone is responsible for the as-
it is H. L. Hunt of Dallas,
fter that, my house
idly calls of
"Texas. Well, soon
began receiving a [ew fric
warning and many threatening calls to
the effect that I would be shot next, and
also to tell Mrs. Hunt she would be shot.
My office force would not consent to ci-
ther of us going home even to get our
clothing, We were sent out of town, and
ither the police department nor the
FBI would consent to us returning to
Dallas until a few days before Christmas.
PLAYBOY: he German zine Der
Stern claims that you financed the
famous full-page anti-Kennedy advertise
ment that appeared. in The Dallas
Morning News the day of the assassina-
tion. Did you?
PLAYBOY: Did you know that the book Os-
wald: Assassin or Fall Guy—and. sever:
other books and artices—implied that
the assassination of President Kennedy
was a rightwing conspiracy in which you
were involved?
HUNT: I have heard that. As I said car-
lier, the assassination of Pr at John
F. Kennedy was the greatest blow
suffered by the cause of liberty. I know
of no one who is critical of communism
who would have wanted President Kei
nedy assassinated.
PLAYBOY: In Oswald: Assassin or Fall
Guy, the author, Joachim — Joesten,
claimed that President. Kennedy intend-
ed to make you and other oil m
es pay a greatly increased amount of
With that kind of money
Josten wrote, “murder, even
murder, is not out of the
ion." That borders on a very seri
iust you, What do you
bout. this?
the 1960 elections, the.
in the oil business. Con-
than the President, formu-
ble to oil products. I
ous charge
gress, rathei
Fues the law app!
was never apprehensive about President
Kennedy’s auitude. 1 had never heard
of Oswald. After the assassination, I
heard that the Justice Department had
caused previous charges against Oswald
to be dropped—which made it possible
for him to be available to shoot anyone
he might decide to shoot.
[According to the Warren Commission,
PLAYBOY: Are you saying tha
as part of the Justice Depa
negligent in failing to in
Service of Oswald's presence
just before the as
HUNT: No, I do not think that the FBI
PLAYBOY: n Commission felt
it was. What did you think of its report?
HUNT: The Warren Commission followed
a demand by The Worker three days
previous io the appointment of the
Commission that such a commission bc
established and headed by Ear] Warren,
PLAYBOY: Are you implying that the V
ren Commission was Communist inspired,
should have been no
the FBI,
ment, w
orm the Secret
1 Dallas
HUNT: The Worker, in a fr
nnt-page si
ment, made a demand that the President
appoint a commission. There would
have been an investigation in any case,
but it’s interesting that its formation Tol-
lowed a dem The Worker. The
senate Judiciary Committee, as is cus-
tomary in highly
ee to in-
This was
stopped by the naming of the Warren
C The subcommittee would
€ tried to protect anyone, includ-
ing friends of The Worker.
: Are you implying that the War-
ten Commission did protect anyone, in-
cluding friends of The Worker?
HUNT: The report
itself. The Worker
some disclosures re
nation “may not be y
time.” His first Supreme Court decisions
where communism was involved—62 for,
3 against the Coni st attorneys’ argu-
ments—are on record.
PLAYBOY: Attorney Melv Belli said
that he was offered $100,000 not to de-
fend Jack Ruby, and some have spec-
ed that the offer came from you.
Did in?
HUNT: I never had any contact with Mel-
vin Belli, except that he caused me to be
subpoenaed to testify before him, but
later caused the subpoena to be canceled.
PLAYBOY: Why did he subpocna you? And
why did he cancel
HUNT: | do not know why Belli sub-
pocnacd me or canceled the subpoena.
PLAYBOY: Belli also said: "I was absolute
wed by the speed and ri
with which Dallas multimillionai
aliared against me fo charitable
remarks to the press about thcir fair
Did you participate
HUNT: | knew
a any such
t, the court oi
his ci
the city.
ly all of the rumors I have heard
regarding me are untrue, and this one is
no exception. Some of these malicious
stories are started and circulated by per-
sons who don't like or disapprove of me
personally, and some are spread by per
sons who don't like anti-Communisis.
Some foundations pay good writers for
writing stories discrediting active anti
Communists like me.
PLAYBOY: What foundations?
HUNT: Anti-Communists know them, and
Hy learn
the general public will eve
her not get specific.
HUNT: I often from disclosing the
whole wath se most people—in
duding most of the people who will
read this interview—are not realy to rc
ceive certain facts. | have no inclination
to stuff my oj ad information
down any In these hazard-
ous times, people owe it to themselves to
find out the facis on the impo
issues. They'll find it a splendid rec
reation and diversion, I feel But 1
recommend to them that they work less
hours per day at this job than I do
PLAYBOY: Why do you work so hard at it
I don't want to retire. When I was
a kid in Illinois, I noticed that the old
farmers would sell their land
d move
to town, and they generally died. within
one or two years. I decided then that it
is always better to keep on doing things.
PLAYBOY: Are you a
HUNT: Yes, quite.
PLAYBOY: Whit makes you happy?
HUNT: My [amily and my associates. T
take great pride in the people that work
for me, I've enjoyed seeing some of them
get rich on their own when they left me.
PLAYBOY: Speaking for yourself, could you
give it all up? Could you be happy with-
out a fortune?
HUNT: Yes, 1 could give it all up—though
perhaps not gladly. But there is little
1 a lot of trouble, in pow
a fortune. Happiness comes from
of accomplishment. That's
at jov, and it cam be realized by a
y small entrepreneur or by a wage
large or small, This is the reason
ate enterprise is so highly pret
erable to socialism and communism. So
long as individual initiative is not sadly
hampered with unnecessary regulations
and restrictions, co
chance to win and take over.
PLAYBOY: Apart from socialism and com-
munism, do you fear anything else?
HUNT: No, ] have no ticular fears. E
am a health enthusiast, and T stay quite
healthy, and T presume I will live a long
time. But if I don't well, chat will be all
right, too.
PLAYBOY: Is there some special goal you'd
to achieve?
HUNT: Well, I think sometimes that I
would like to go broke just to see if I
appy man?
nnunism h
s a poor
HUNT: It would be fun to wy.
S : : Sa Ae ge ea
A young man who steps out ahead in business action and feminine reaction, the PLAYBOY reader
counts on fine footwear to set the groundwork for his well-dressed look. Facts: over 2,554,000
PLAYBOY male readers bought three or more pairs of shoes in the last year—well above the national
average. And one out of every five men in the U.S. who spent $25 or more for a pair of shoes in the
last year is a PLAYBOY reader. That's 726,000 purchasers of prestige shoes reached by PLAYBOY.
Good reason why, this year, men's apparel advertisers will invest more money in PLAYBOY than in
any other magazine. (Sources: W.R. Simmons & Assoc., 1965; The Brand Rating Index, March 1965.)
New York + Chicago + Detroit + Los Angeles - San Francisco + Atlanta * London
il was a fateful confrontation: the erstwhile lover, cool and self-possessed, now faced
the cuckold, in whom the hurt of years long past had been distilled into vengeful hatred
ONE OF THE ANCIENT Japanese martial arts is called ninjitsu. Adepts in this discipline
can run into a wood and disappear, make themselves invisible even to alert and care-
ful men; they can hide under water for six hours, jump their own height from a sta
still, climb 30-foot sheer walls. Michael Haynes’ first wild thought, when the m:
the green-brown suit materialized soundlessly beside him in the woods, really it seemed
out of thin air, was of ninjitsu. But that was in the first second, or half-second; then he
saw the man's face, and knew that he knew it; and then, with perhaps three seconds
gone, he remembered the name: MacKinnon. Charles J. MacKinnon. A high school
chemistry teacher.
“Well, Haynes,” MacKinnon was saying, “you remember me, I guess?”
“I remember you," Haynes said. “You weren't wearing your soldier suit then.”
"Ten years ago, I bought t MacKinnon said. "French army jungle issue.
Slacks and a jacket under it, as you might guess."
“You're disguised as a commando, then?" Haynes said. "Where's the party?”
“Ho, ho," MacKinnon said. "You're funnier than I remember you were seven
teen years ago. The party is right here, you're the host and I'm the guest of honor. Or
it could be the other way around. Suit yourself.”
“I take it the thing on the end of your popgun is a silencer?” Haynes said. “The
standard TV kind?”
“Right agai MacKinnon said. “It's a .22 popgun, but it’s been fiddled with by
some ambitious New York teenager, and it doesn't shoot .22s anymore, it shoots soft-
nose .220 Swifts, the kind of thing people use for woodchuck hunting in country like
this, if you get the picture? I mean, they miss now and then, and the bullet goes a long
Haynes didn't answer. He couldn't think of anything that would be effective, or
even sensible. A warm Sunday in Connecticut, 300 yards or so from his own house, in
his own woods, clean and parklike. He looked into MacKinnon's face. He didn't think
the man was crazy, but how could you tell?
“You have a hell of a long memory, MacKinnon,” he s
the point of the exercise.”
You don't?" MacKinnon said. “Golly, it seems simple enough to me: the girl was
my wile, and you kept laying her. Even when I went around to see you, and told you
to stop it, and you said vou would, you didn't. You kept right on laying her."
“One more slice off a cut loaf, if you don’t mind my saying so,” Haynes said.
ure,” MacKinnon said, “if you mean you weren't the only one. That's right. I
knew five names. I suppose that you, being in the club, sort of, you might have known
more. But I had five names. J don't know if you've been keeping in touch, but in the
last couple of years three of those fellows have passed on, as the saying is.”
“If you've got me down for number four," Haynes said, “I don't see the point of
all the conversation."
“I just wanted to be sure you knew what it was about,” MacKinnon said. "Not
much sense in it if you didn’t know, right?
“Why'd you wait so long?" Haynes said. "Seventeen years, for Christ's sake?”
"I had to," MacKinnon said patiently. “Seventeen years ago, a lot of people knew
I hated your guts. Somebody would have made the connection. Then, another thing,
I saw the piece in Time. When J read that last paragraph, the thing where it said you
could sell out right now for twenty-five million dollars, I thought it was about time for
you to go. I've always had a theory about it, that it’s a lot harder for rich people to d
than poor people: they have so much more to live for, right?”
I should have thought you'd have had another idea,” Haynes said. “I’m surprised
you didn't think of blackmail.”
“I did," MacKinnon said. “Ob, I did, I have to admit that.” He leaned against a
big beech wee beside the path. He crossed shapen black autom
hung loosely in his hand. He was tall, and very thin, bony, probably nes thought,
under the loose camouflage suit, under the tweed jacket. He didn't look strong, he
didn't seem particularly alert . . . “If you're thinking what J think you're thinking,
Haynes," MacKinnon said, “forget it. You're six-seven [eet away Irom me and you'd
never make it. And if anybody comes wandering through here, it just means you both
go. But nobody's going to come wandering through. They haven't for the last thr
Sundays and they're not going to today. Anyw ying, I did think about it,
about hitting you for money, but I decided it would be immoral, in the first place, and
id, “but I really don't see
mpractical, 100."
"How, impractical?” Haynes said. “It’s
jus ordinary blackmail.”
“Blackm: MacKinnon said, “works
only whe a permanent setup. If 1
have a nice flashlight picture of you
ripping open a church poor box, as long
I keep the negative, you'll keep send-
ing the money. But if 1 tell you I'm
going to kill you if you don't give me
five hundred thousand dollars, and you
say OK, that's a deal, and I let you go.
and say TI) meet you here next Sunday
for the money, what will be here next
Sunday will not be you and the money.
What will be here will be the National
Guard, every trooper in the state, and
J. Edgar Hoover personally directing the
operation from his big chair in the sky.”
I might give you my word," Haynes
Your word isn’t worth a
MacKinnon said. “You're
son of a bitch as ever li
were, And here you've put to
twenty-five million bucks in fiftee
all of it in Wall Street, that’s no way
get a reputation for being a high moral
pe. I wouldn't believe you if you said
today was Sund
s immoral a
1. You always
y to
Haynes There are ways of work-
ing out even very complicated deals."
“Pm sure Mack. sid. "And
I'm sure you know . 1 read the
Time story. What'd they call you?
rapacious Michael Simpson Haynes, ter-
ying because he has never know
satiety...” You should have sued them.”
“I thought of it,” s said. “I've
also just thought of a way to make
little deal with you. How much were y
thinking of? Half a million?”
“I wasn’t thinking about any money,”
MacKinnon said. “You're t
me into a blackmailer. You can stuff tha
d the money, too.”
"Im not uying t0 make you a black.
ler." Haynes said. "I'm trying t0 keep
you from being a murdere
“Murder doesn't enter into it,” M.
Kinnon said. “I'm not going to murder
you, I'm going to kill you, execute you.
‘There's a difference. I'm not doing it in
hot blood, or passion, or even anger. T
just decided. seventeen years ago. to kill
you, and now I'm going to do it."
“If it weren't murder," Haynes said,
“you could do it in public, instead of
the woods, with a silenced gun, wearing
Boy Scout camouflage suit.
AIL right" MacKinnon said, “in the
eyes of the world, and legally and all
that, I'm going to murder you. But
the world and the law and so on and so
forth, that. doesn't m
going to get away cle
is you and me, and we
well that Fm not m
ng you because you, personally and
with malice aforethought, had carnal
knowledge of my wife. That's the legal
because I'm
all that m
know damned
dering you, I'm
? Carnal knowledge. And as
for doing it in public, you son of a bitch,
if 1 had you in Texas I could do it in
public. Just happens we're in Connecti-
dhance of geography, that’s all.”
y immoral,” Haynes said. "Much
wore than black And besides.
b could take the monkey off
your back.”
“What do you me
"You're obsessed, hooked,”
said. “Seventeen years thinking about
one thing, that’s the monkey on your
back. Youre sick with it, You're broke,
too. Don't ask me how I know, and don't
argue about it: it figures. You've got to
be broke. You dont make any moncy
spending seventeen. years thinking about
killing people. If you weren't broke you
wouldn't be wandering around in the
woods playing God. Rich is better, you
know, Ask me: I've had it both wat
know you better than to ask you
anything," MacKinnon said.
"Think about it," Haynes said. “Take
a figure out of the hat. Take half a mil-
m. I doubt Vd even miss it. But it
would be a very big thing in your lif
You could burn your soldier suit. You
could give the gun back to the kid in
New York. In forty-eight hour you
could be on the Costa Brava. Anyone
holding five hundred thousand dollars
in Spain has got to be real rich in five
years. You couldnt help yourself.
“Ha al rich,
y id.
won siid. "And
the point is, you've got the half million
nd I haven't, So I think TIL shoot you
ow, before you talk me out of it. If I
don't, I've wasted sevenicen years.”
"No, you haven't,” Haynes said. “You
killed those other three jokers, whoever
they were, you said. You've had that
much satisfaction. Look, you don't have
to kill everybody who's ever offended
My God. if | tried to kill everybody
ed me ... hell, I wouldn't
know where to start.”
“I knew" MacKinnon said.
“AIL right, you knew where to start,"
Haynes said. “And if you're smart, vou ll
know where to finish. Here, with half a
million dollars."
"A lousy black
your brai
the last sev
“You we
10 see me that other time, What's hap-
pened to you? This stupid hate you've
been carrying around must have burned
you out, You can't see the
difference between. tak
dollars and taking my lif
"locam see the dill
MacKinnon said, “The half million you
don't mind losing, you couldn't care less,
but your life, that you want to keep. So
taking your half million wouldn't be any
aile," MacKinnon
must have dried up in
Haynes said.
ice, all right"
at all, and my idea is pun
a's the whole idea.
cs said. "The whole idea
you've had all these years is reven
a big difference.”
's no difference to me
“The whole trouble with you
id. "is that you're not sell
Tow do you figure that?"
"You have this idea of yourself as
avenging deity of some Kind," Haynes
id. "You tell yourself you're avenging
one offense, min ist one person.
you, but actually you see yourself
some kind of avenging deity, something
from outer space. roaming the world
righting wrong and punishing evildoers.
You're a crusader, vou sec. Like all
crusaders you'll die unhappy, and broke.
You're a Don Quixote kind of. joke
God knows you're thin enough to be
* Haynes
Don Quixote himself, 1 "D think
you've heen cating very well the last few
years—bur as T was saving, you're on this
ck, g round aven;
my God, you have to ad
damned silly to be so steamed up, sever
teen years later, because your ex-wife
took a few lovers. When did you divorce
her, anyway?”
MacKinnon said.
“So, sixteen years after you divorced
this girl, you're still going around shoot-
ing guys who accepted her kind invita-
tion to a roll in the hay. What are you
doing, protecting people against her? Is
she still alive, even?
I guess she is” MacKinnon said. “I'd
have heard. But, goddamn it, I'm nor
protecting anybody against anybody or
anything, m ju
You ought to let me finish," H;
said. "Whatever you're doing, you're
being driven by an unselfish motivation,
ad that’s silly. It’s not even morally
right. One of the wisest
always argued that selfishness brings the
most happiness, not only to oneself, but
to the people around one, and he makes
a hell of a case for it. Take yourself.
Don't wy to tell me that. killing these
other three characters has made you hap-
py. You're not happy. You're miserable,
You're down, depressed, beat. Killing me
isn't poing to make you [eel any beuer.
Probably make you feel worse. Suppos-
i. on the other hand, you were sud
denly rich. Believe me wil
you'd feel gre
money doesn't bring happiness, and you
ask them to point out an example, what
do they come up with? "They come up
with some bum who's third generation
rich, full of guilt feelings because he
doesn't like to think how grandpa made
the mone the slave trade or some-
thing; he's probably a drunk and he's
been married twenty-two times. Of
course he's miserable, You notice they
never point to somebody who was broke
(concluded on page 72)
I know has
director roger vadim, creator of
kinematic sex kitten brigitte bardot,
adds a touch of continental
catnip to jane fonda's
+ all-american appeal
Not until she was 20 did the
lovely, leggy (58^) daughter of
Henry Fonda finally decide to
follow in her talented father's
footsteps. Why the delay
“When people asked me
why I L an actress,"
she re
them if I couldn't be
Ils, “I would tell
the best, I wouldn't be
* Following
» a brief stint at New
BP York's Actors Studio,
she made her debut
on the boards in
There Was a Little Girl
and walked off with a
Drama €
though the play folded in its
Award, even
third week. Todi
five Broadway bows and several
starring film assignments
{including the title role
in the award-winning
Cat Ballon), Jane—already
ranked as one of Hollywood's
leading lovelies—is being
converted into a Continental
femme fatale by Roger Vadim,
former husband and movie mentor
of France's foremost cinematic sex symbol,
Brigitte Bardot. Jane, married to Vadim
shortly after their first filmic collaboration, in
Gircle of Love, will-oon receive maximum
Exposure in his La Gurée and make her own
Bardot like bid for international acclaim
Preparing for a run-through of the
poolside seduction scene from his
forthcoming film adaptation of Zola’s
novel “La Curée," bespectacled Roger
Vadim offers a few Gallic directorial
gems lu his pretty protégée-wife,
Jane Fonda, and her British co-star,
Peter McEnery. A firm fan of the
Continental cinematic approach
(“They actually pay you for making
loce" ), Jane made her French film
debut in Vadims “Circle of Love,"
after which she and the creator of screen
siren Bardot pooled their talents
by adding marriage to movies
Having doffed her robe for an undress rehearsal of her nudest film scene to date, the monokinied Miss Fonda checks the filmscript
for a last-minute look at her lines, then takes a few cues from her leading man prior to plunging ahead for the final take
Although she once balked at the idea of posing for a series of provocative publicity shots with her first filmic co-star, Tony Perkins, today's
Jane shows no signs of getting cold feel as she takes to the water with true topless élan to establish a new cinematic image for herself.
An expert swimmer since childhood, Jane has little difficulty handling her aquatic assignment. “I spent half of my life wanting to be a
hoy," says Jane, explaining her tomboy flair for athletics, “because I wanted to be like my father.” In terms of stardom, she's succeeding
Our water nymphette emerges from pool, wrapping herself in warm robe al conclusion of scene.
Right: Pastoral photo of nude Jane Fonda has appearance of fine painting by French master
umil he was forty and the rited
ten million dollars. You bet they don
because that joker is the happiest
“Soz” MacKinnon said.
So," Haynes said, “you should sm:
en up, get selfish, and get happy. I sa
you're crazy, and you give me an argu-
ment, and say you're not. Just suppose
we went out and stopped the first six
people who passed on
asked them, This chara
hundred thousand dollars lying
feet and he won't pick it up. Is he a
or not? What would they say?”
cept that it isn’t lying at my fee
there's no way it can be. Mind you, I'm
not agreeing, I'm not saying lll go for
your blackmail p ion, but if I did,
Td still be nowhere, bectuse what 1 said
tes ago still goes: when I came
for the money every cop between here
nd New York would be waiting.”
Haynes said. “Absolutely
not true. Because, look, granted l'm not
a towering moral figure, still I'm not a
louse either. What have I got against
you, if you don't kill me, except that you
could have, and didn't? Haven't 1 got to
feel grateful to you for that? And what
have you got against me, really? Noth
ing, except that when a very good-look-
y girl made it plin, nearly two
decades ago. that she'd like to go to bed
with me, 1 bought it. Come on, Charlie,
you'd have done the same thing. You did
do the same thing, you bastard! You
were Terrie’s second husband. She told
me she was still married to her first hus-
band when the two of you made out the
first time. So here you are, all set to
shoot me lor something you did first,
nd with the same girl, and. you claim
you're moral and I'm not! You ought to
be ashamed of yourself. As for the cops,
I told you before, that's no problem, gi
ing you the money. Alter all, 1 want to
give it to you. And you can forget that
nonsense about picking it up out here in
the woods. I'm going to give you a bearer
draft for the money. You know what a
Dearer draft is?”
^] think so,” MacKinnon said.
“Ies cash,” Haynes said. "Is a pay-on-
sight thing. All right, you'll have to sign
sign it Adolf
you feel like it. You can sign i
with an X n cash it in New York
or you can cash it in Istanbul."
“There are cops both place
Kinnon said.
a receipt, and you
ynes said, "this deal i
like every other deal: it can't be done
unless there's at least a little trust going
both ways. Now listen to me. In my
house I've got a wall safe, and in the
wall safe there is a litle emergency mon
ey: forty thousand dollars. Also in my
(continued from page 61)
house is some fiftyyearold Kentucky
int you to trust me when 1
1 you to come into my
ake the forty thou-
st money, just
to show you that Fm leveling with you
ind blow. All you have to do is leave me
in address for the sight draft, and it can
be in Hong Kong, L don't cue, IH send
it where, four hundred and sixty
thousand doli . Vm poing
to trust you to the point of tur
back, right now, and walking down thc
path to the house. If you still want to
shoot me. now's the time for it.
Mac non watched him walk
He didn't lift the automatic. Haynes
turned his head.
You coming, Charlie?" he said.
MacKinnon put the gun away.
Haynes waited for him and they went
the rest of the way together. It was a big
house, standard Colonial, stone and
There's no one here.
"I know," MacKinnon
The wall safe was in Haynes’ second-
floor study, and so was the bourbon,
The bourbon was dark and smooth. The
safe was full of rabberbanded bundles
of money. Haynes took them all out.
“You could wrap it in your suit,” he
told. MacKinnon. MacKinnon unzipped
and stepped out. He was, as Haynes had
guessed, thin and bony. It was easy to
see the long bulge under his right arm
where the automatic sat He rolled the
money into a tight brown-and-green-and-
black bundle and stood up.
"You can send the bearer dr
ft to gen-
ternoon,” Haynes
He kd MacKinnon to the door.
said so long, but MacKinnon
answer. Haynes watched. Ma
ight down the driveway
. curving, tree-lined, and the
ad was hidden. Hay n up three
flights of stairs to the glassed-in captain's
valk on the roof. He had to wait 30 sec-
onds or so before Macki ared,
walking on the road.
ran down and picked up the phor
Harold?” he said. "Mike Haynes.
Look, a fellow’s just left my house, he's
walking down the road toward your
place, and I suspect he may have left a
car in your woods, that old logging road
of yours 1 wonder if you'd be good
enough to ask one of your sons to check
this for me? I wouldn't want the man to
know he’s being watched, you see, not at
all... right... if he has got a car
there what kind it is, what color... Tm
sure. They'd know better than you or I
would, no question about it. Thanks.”
Haynes’ neighbor called back. It was a
blue von and the kid had got the
Kinnon out of
It was lon
not fast
first four digits on the tag. It was enough.
Haynes called the police and gave it to
them, with a nice description. of. the
stick-up man driving it, his gun and
the serial numbers of the They
mailed him before he'd gone ten miles
Haynes went around to the barracks to
identify him and make the charges. Mac
Kinnon wouldn't look at him.
When it was all over, and he was
home again, Haynes gave himself a big
drink and sat down to think about iv
He had a good memory, a bridge player's
memory, and he repeated the whole di-
alog to himself. He felt that it had been,
all in all, a tour de force. He had blulled
MacKinnon, confused him, switched
him, smothered him in lies and illog-
maniac into a dump who thought they
were buddies. He was pleased with him-
self. He would be careful, of coi
follow through. And follow th
did. Charlie MacKinnon felt the weight
of money. He came to know that if
somebody knocked a hole in the wall 20
feer square and the whole prison popu-
lation started through, still he wouldn't
mike it. He wasn't actually chained to
his cell door, but he might as well hy
Michael Haynes heard about him now
and then. He had made arrangements
for information, starting with the ob
vious one: if MacKinnon ever did get
over the wall, Haynes would know about
it five minutes after the warden did. But
he didn't worry, and after two or
years he had the whole matter well in
the back of his mind. He had other
things to occupy him. He led a full life
One Saturday morning he turned into
y down a wom-
the driveway and halfw
à was running toward him, a redh
a white dress, good-looking, yelli
Mike, you stinker, where've you been?
He didn't recognize her, but that proved
little. She came up to the car, charming
ly out of breath.
when I siw you coming,” she said,
now you don't even remember me
Haynes admitted. it.
"Never mi she said.
e gave him a folded square of pa
I ran across the
per. The message was written in pencil
“Meet my sien? jt read. “Charlie
Mack." When Haynes looked up, the
girl had his ignition key in one hand and
the twin of MacKinnon's 22 in the other.
She was still smiling merrily, though.
ul Haynes wok a deep breath and
smiled back at hi
“Tell me,” he
old. popgu
"My brother said I wasn't to let you
talk,” the redhead said. He heard the
fist one. lt noise like chupp!
He didn't hear the other three.
s that. Charlie's
made a
with the brief life span allotted to us all, what price should a man pay for a chance at immortality?
fiction by
good idea to leave beh
BEFORE 1 DO WHAT 1 MUST bo, I suppose it would be ;
sh monuments. But thei
d an explanation. I generally detest
most suicides themselves are pathetic
. often maw
suicide notes. They tend to be pathet
and mawkish—the puerile resolution to a neurotic stupidity.
I do love life, Perhaps not as passionately as some men do, or say they do, but I love it. J am not pleased at the
idea of giving it up. If I could discover
no alternative.
My main rea
nd ord
ny reasonable alternative 1 would not, even now, give it up. But there is
is to leave behind a warning. Because 1 am brilli:
son for writing t
ry men are hardly
Mt, what E have done is bril-
ity to blunder into anyth t
aged in
kely to have the requi
brill may be
an experiment sin are of where it ng them. E address myself to this elite.
It is ironic that 1 have been pushed into suicide because of an attempt to prolong my lile. Li
1 have always been galled by the tiny span allotted to us by a supposedly benefic
(tained a state of ma
Newton or a Kepler, oi
e my prese
this world and some of them, ev
pr but there are many oth
men i
10 my own, u
e most thinking
t providence. A man
ccomplished il his cr
rc efficiency before he finds himself advancing rapidly into
Beethoven or a Dante could
en extended. Imagine, to take an example. how much richer our artistic heritage would be had
Cezanne been given a mere decade more of productive existence.
The stretching out of old age has my sympathy, but not much of my interest, HET had lived to be a totter
cient. I suppose I would be as eager for a few more blurry years as they appear to be, but I do not sce any particular
value for the race as a whole in the prolongation of an individual long after he has (continued on page 157)
summer cuisine with a roman accent
ro wosr FLEDGLING food fanciers, the mere mention of
Iralian cuisine all 100 often conjures up weighty images
of veal parmesan and chicken caccatore served up with
brimming bowls of hot pasta—fine, filling fare in their
proper places, but by ne means do they indicate the full
extent of Italy's Lucullan art, which adjusts itself to sea
sonal changes with imaginative aplomb. In summer, Ko-
md feast
: wisely pass up heavy olferir
instead on light dishes of succulent shellfish, salads
seafoods in delicate sauces. Many of the viands are so
10 whip up. in fact. that they don't need cooking at all, but
ad to quickly prepare
just the lightest sort of Italian ha
them in a fashion ordained by the season. This casygoing
Italian culinary attitude stands the natives in good stead
during the dog days, when a casual picnic in the country
is a must. In tiny Italian villages, as well as in the boom-
ing metropolises, vou € vorty little FIATs (to say
nothing of sporty big Ferraris) racing through town
with parcels of mussels and rice lads, tomatoes stuffed
with seafood, chicken pepperoni, ricotta. and Spanish
nd other forms of rich vivande on
sale at neighborhood groceries all helping t0 make at
1 picnic preparation presto. presto.
And those shops that hungry explorers in Italy have
recognized by the welcome sign salumeria
springing up like wild garlic across the United States.
gs are forests of ready-to-enjoy
pies, and a thous:
home cookery i
e now
Dangling from their ceilir
loods—salamis, dried or fresh, thick or thin, mild or
peppery; and pear-shaped provelone cheeses in rope
nesis, ranging in size from little provoleti to giants
weighing in at hundreds of pounds. As a summer substi-
imie for weighty hot-weather viules, try your light [lian
hand on such foodstuffs as luscious corned legs of pork
called. zampino, slices of. paper-thin prosciutto to wrap
around wedges of ice-cold melons or figs, freshly baked
loaves of crisp Italian bread. and bottles of sweet red and
yellow peppers well pickled in vinegar, The bachelor who
wants to prepare fresh Italian salads, sandwiches and
cold platters has an endless variety from which to choose.
America’s Italian-food counters are always piled high
with a wealth of delicacies; some come from ltaly or
some are made in
other parts of the Mediterranean are
this country, but all are inspired all’ italiana. Even tuna
fish has an Italian counterpart, such as imported Mediter
rancan tuna fillets in olive oil.
Olive oil is the backbone of Italian cuisine. Ancient
Romans drank it before a banquet to ward olf hangovers.
Romans today are more positive in their approach. An
Italian bagna cauda is simply a fondue pot or. chafing
dish containing olive oil or olive oil and mehed butter
flavored with anchovies and garlic, then used for appeuz-
ers that can be dipped. Fake any cold. food—a spear of
cooked asparagus, a piece of fennel or a tiny arti
heart—dip it for a moment (continued on page 150)
Sarah Lawrence of Arabia whispered: “Israel
Bond, why do you want to climb upon my body
He answered passionately, “Because it’s there.”
wherein agent oy oy seven, israel bond, makes beautiful music with the mysterious
sarah lawrence of arabia, guards sahd sakistan’s precious potentate, baldroi
lefagel, and gambles with his very life in the nefarious tush’s cockamamie casino
CONCLUSION of a parody
SYNOPSIS: The proud country of Israel, as well as
Secret Agent Oy Oy Seven, Israel Bond, were really up
against it this time, and it would require all of the
latter's leonine courage, low-grade wit and sexual irre-
sponsibility to pull them out.
The unregenerate ten-man Nazi cabal known as TUSH
(Terrorist Union for Suppressing Hebrews) was striking
against them on all fronts, spearheaded by the warped
scientific genius of Dr. Ernst Holzknicht and the tran-
scendent evil of the loathsome hag in the wheelchair,
Auntie Sem-Heidt, she of the mad-dog yellow eyes and
the external plastic heart.
Operating out of a brilliant and profitable front—
Shivs, the world’s preferred gambling casino located in
the tiny Arabian enclave of Sahd Sakistan—tusw’s sec-
ondary aim was to weaken the enclave for take-over by
murdering its king, Hakmir. The murder having been
carried out, only the brave, veiled mystery woman of the
desert, Sarah Lawrence of Arabia, slood in TUsH's
nefarious way.
Its major aim, of course, was the destruction of the
land of Israel by means of “Operation Alienation.”
Herr Doktor's ingenious plot to eradicate the one emo
tional clement (outside of Georgie Jessel) that binds
the Jews of the Western world to Isracl—Jewish food.
Thus, three continents were rocked by 4999 bombings
of Jewish businesses involved with the manufacture
and serving of pastrami, chopped liver, seltzer, heart-
burn, etc., including the very factory operated by
Mother Margolies in Israel as a cover for the Isracli
Secret Service. Scores died in the blasts; M herself was
crippled and confined to a wheelchair,
By chance, the vacationing Israel Bond had thwarted
the 5000th bombing at his brother Milton's catering
house, the Pinochle Royale, by intercepting and staging
a fight to the death with Tusa agent James Bund.
Eager lo return to Eretz Israel and to have at these
rst ghouls, Bond, to his chagrin, found himself being
sent on another mission, one he considered degrading
He was to guard the heir to Hakmir's throne, a long-lost
son. Bond soon made the unscitling discovery that the
new king was none other than the epicene Baldroi
LeFagel, the swishy, angry poet-novelist who lusted
for the Hebraic Hercules in the ""Matzohball" caper
(rLavnoy, December 1965).
But orders were orders. In the course of his new as-
signment, Oy Oy Seven was forced to don a dress, in
which guise he blocked an assassination attempt on
LeFagel at London's. Gayboy Club by killing Willi
Marlene, of xusu's section for killer queers—the Gayfia!
It was Z, jovial restaurateur Ziggy Gershenfeld, who
deduced the fearful aims of the Naz scheme after Bond
had uncovered a tusu spy in the very heart of Jerusalem
and had made him talk. It was clear that Bond's assign-
ment was dovetailing with Eretz Israel's plan for coun-
terattack, He was told, “Fly to Sahd Sakistan, keep
LeFagel alive and on the throne, crash into Shivs, get
the evidence on TUSH, and save Judaism!”
Hiya Kuryakin would have blanched at that order
and cried, "UNCLE!" . . . Derek Flint would have
jumped inside his cigarette lighter; even James Bond
would have said, "Uh, uh." But not Israel Bond! (Thank
God. Or we'd have no story.)
Now Bond was winging his way to Sahd Sakistan.
TF STARTED its nerve-racking attack on his system the
moment the Air-India jet roared down the Lydda air-
strip—the old feeling.
Israel Bond, the most monumental task of his career
awaiting him, lit a Raleigh and tried to stifle the li-
bidinal monster inside him that was clamoring for re-
lease by poring over the bulky report M, Z and Op Chief
Beame had compiled for him.
"Sex Sexistan"—steady there, Oy Oy Seven; your eyes
An hour before his coronation, LeFagel entreated
Bond, “Soon I shall be king officially, but I'd give
it all up—power, fame and money—if you'd consent
to go away with me, O Hebraic captor of my heart.”
From the harsh triumph in the iron voice it was clear that Auntie Sem-Heidt had not come to repent. “ Die, vile creator
of chicken soup!” she cried and, pressing a button on her wheelchair, she sent a steel projectile whizzing toward M.
are playing tricks. Push this depi
from your mind. “Sahd Sakistan"—
better—"is a territory about the
Assault Lorraine." Alace-Lorrai
pitiful. sex-haunted. wretch!
Tt was then Miss Mookerj
^, the olive-
skimmed. cbony-eyed hostess in the filmy
red sari, a blue dot on her forehead,
swayed by his seat. “Can I be of service
w vou, Mr. Bond?” the sweet mou
spoke its polite
“L think not, Miss Mookerjie." Some-
how his long, tapering fingers were clos
ing around her willowy calf. He forced
“It has bec
ld War fence with
lustrate, the Sahd Sakist
red. white and blue eagle clutching a
Y and sickle, beneath which is the
ovr. hs principal exports are oil and
d wis up to the buttersorch
softness of the back of her knee, her
of Lestoil spray causing his nostrils
to twitch, He slammed the report to the
loor. “Miss Mookerjie! Follow me
kly or PU faint!” He clutched at his
«d stumbled toward the alcove
ween first-class and tourist, where the
re food and drink, She
eyes wide with con-
stewardesses prep
was on his heels, h
Once inside, he pulled th
«| pointed to an L D. bracelet on
l... read nd
"st the sink
the inscrip
he fell gasping ag
Miss Mookerjie looked a
the bracelet, then into the tor
gray eyes, and smiled, "Of
Her nimble fingers flew to
nls and in five sec
i do her
by the falling of the si
unruffled efficiency of a
of the air, she stripped
ass onepiece skydiver
lithe, hard body and
ad against his chest.
y name is Israel. O solicitous dau
ter of the Ganges," he said through
cyanotic lips.
she bre
"Look. baby.” he snapped. "1 know
where. Vve done this before.
Mr. Bond—Indira—i's
Now they knew cach other's names
nd that made it so real, so right, and
lips, red once again, were sip-
fre hers. "Dri
hoarse, his body
rged with expectation, as his hand
bore a vial of desire-igniting Gallo Wine
to her lips, setting her afire, and they
began a fantastic flight pattern to
fulfillment 150 miles an hour faster than
the jet was going, making a mid-air ad-
ment to correct any weightlessness,
and they collapsed omo a carpet. of
somethii nd shimmer
ng green
and cont
Us this sticky green stuff, Taj
dolly?” He prayed she would
favor with the sparklingly conceived
Ww. spent
Teposing upon the Royal gel-
which was to have been the dessert
on this light.
Two jer sire
ms of Raleigh smoke
sted the window. “Lying on Royal
gelatin, ch?" His gray eyes danced. with
levity. “I guess this is what they mean by
but he aborted the wit-
on fit of good taste.
the moment this
1 grant-
t blue dot on your fore-
Indira; it's gone.”
d his Raleigh. “Yes, 1 am a
caste and that
fter 1 make love.
a Roy
ucism in
member of the Sylvan
blue dot disappears a
Back in his seat, Bond was disgusted
with himself for employing the old L D.
bracelet gambit. He held it up to the
light. “I am alfliced with a rare phe
nomenon known as satairíasis and must
ve sexual contact lest I go into con.
vulsions that could prove f
result in misfornme to
| to me and
King Baldroi, his eyes two mah
darts, | cross the aisle. "I sa
y-panky with the host-
tome, now; tell me.
did you two do in there? Did she
force you to commit natural acts?"
"Knock it off, LeFagel
the choice of words. T
will sure as hell twi
He regretted
litle bastard
t them into his own
frame of reference. To his surprise, Le
Fagel did not, ping a sheet of
scrawled-upon yellow paper into his lap.
Tiger, tiger, burning bright,
In the darkness of the night,
You've made an incredibly stupid
You've set fire to the whole damn
move awi
cFagel's showing a definite
y from the aridity of his ho-
mosexual orientation. Though 1 wish he
wouldn't pet Neon Zion's head quite so
often, Well. I guess Rome wasn't bu
in a day. Although Levittown was.
When the jet dipped over the Gulf of
Aden, he saw the name “U. S.S. JEW”
on the side of the mighty airar:
whose decks were laden with neat rows
of silvery Chickenhawk jet fighter-bomb-
ers. Sound psychology, Bond admitted.
America already had one called “WASP.”
But what w ier doing anchored
oll Sahd S: è
He found out as he stood in the Cus-
toms shed watching his Mercedes Ben
n lowered to the sandy soil by a
Ir. Bond?" An inspecior nudged
You're. wanted in the office.”
led for LeFagel and Neon
ked through a passage-
his elbow
Bond sign
to follow and wa
as dus
ied Double Oy € dit was
made from cedars of Lebanon. When hc
feh the object dig into the small of his
k, his mind
number 71 fron
nself had
clicked o
the old
"ous Sex and Sell
fell to his knees with a
the voice with a
“OK. Oy Oy Seven
dulled onc
note of
I see your reflexes
iota. On your feet.
That twangy New England 1! So
redolent of BR M Baked Beans in dark
brow . raucous gulls swooping out
of a leaden sky to carry olf stray Porti
guesse children, The Splen
Ted Williams.
two, then spitting to right.
der, it w
lobster lob, you!
hugged the saw
dour puritani
delight he
n with the
whose sli,
frame scemed
Gloucester —Mun.
roe Gosh ions chief of ihe
Central. Iniellis Agency's. Mid-East
Section, who h: a spine
chilling hours of the Loxfinger caper
h Bond in Eretz Isra
g ar the physical manifesta
1 "Well. i
about tells the story, you heartbreakii
Hebrew. Is the ‘fay fags who turn you
on, right, Whitey
Bond pushed the querulous monarch
away. “Look, your Highness. ‘This man's
an old fighting chum of mine. I suspect
he’s here for the same reason I am. to
keep your hide intact, so drop the green
Goshen intro ound
“True, your Highness. My men and 1
came here on a c
of a good-will tou
orders from the Tall Texan t0 keep yo
on the throne. If Sahd Sakistan goes
Commie, we could lose a billion barrels
of oil a year. Let's continue this discus
sion at my embassy. You'll all be my
guess for dinner. Don't worry, Mr
Bond. CIA agem Brown will deliver
that razzledazzle car of yours 10 the pal
ace. Now, lets away.
When the Customs inspector observed
th ^ black 5 "
with the United States seal on its (am
was well on the 10 Baghs-Groove
the capital city, he picked up the tele-
phone and dialed an unlisted number
He spoke for two minutes, then quaked
as the iron voice issued instructions. "Ja
mein lieber Gerda.”
The Customs inspector walked to the
spot where the Mercedes Ben Gurion
had been deposited by the crew. “Just
onc moment, gentlemen. T must. affix
(continued on page %)
ier, ostensibly as part
bur e definite
Gosh ulac limou
a renowned “christian atheist” proclaims and defines the
radical new concept of christianity without a supreme being
“Have you ever heard of the madman who on a bright morning lighted a lantern and vau to
standing about who did not believe in God, he caused a great deal of amusement. Why! is he
lost? said one. Has he strayed away like a child? said another. Ov does he keep himself hidden?
Is he afraid of us? Has he taken a sea-voyage? Has he emigraled?—the people cried out laugh:
ingly. all in a hubbub. The insane man jumped into their midst and transfixed them with his
glances.‘ Where is God gone? he called out. E mean to tell you! We have killed him—you and I!
We ave all his murderers! . . .
“Do we nol smell the divine putrefaction?—for even Gods putrefy! God is dead! Gad re-
the market place calling out unceasingly: "I seek Gad! I see s there were many people
mains dead! And we have killed hin! How shall we console ourselves, the most murderous of
all murderei
to become Gods, merely to seem worthy of it? There never
- Is nol the magnitude of this deed too great for us? Shall we nat ourselves have
as a greater event—and on account
of it, all who are born after us belong to a higher history than any history hitherto! —Here
the madman was silent and looked again at his hearers: they also were silent and looked at him
in surprise, At last he threw his lantern on the ground, so that il broke in pieces and was extin
guished. I come too early, he then said, ‘I am not yel at the right time. This prodigious event
is still on its way, and is traveling—it has not yet reached men's ears . 2"
These wild and lovely words, written by Friedrich Nietzsche toward the close of the Last
century, have recently broken loose from the obscurity of lecture, textbook and mono:
graph, into the incomprehending world of cocktail party, newsmagazine with intellectual pre-
tensions and television. Why? What has happened? Is there really an event. properly called
“the death of God"? Or is the current chatter enveloping the phrase simply another of the
vents afflicting our time?
th of God has happened. To those of us with gods, and to those without. To
the indillerent, the cynical and the fanatical. God is dead, whatever that means, To some, this is
an event of terror, warranting tears and the wi g of requiems. In the above passage, Nietzsche
seems to reflect some of this cosmic horror. But to others, the event is one of great liberation and
ot keeping one from something, but making something newly possible, in this
1 faith. In another connection, Nieusche knew this joy as well.
many no
vo. The de:
joy: an event
case the
“In fact, we... [ecl ourselves irradiated as by a new dawn by the report that the ‘ald God is
dead’; our hearts overflow with gratitude, astonishment, presentiment and expectation. At last
the horizon seems open once more, granting even that it is not bright; our ships can at last put
out to sea in face of every danger; every hazard is again permitted to the discerner; the sea, our
sea, again lies open bejore us; perhaps never before did such an ‘open sea’ exist.”
Iam a Christian theologian by profession; 1 have recently been involved in the death-ol
God fuss, and I am, as well, committed to the death of God as a theological and human event
It is hard to know just exactly why the furor started last fall. 1 had been defending the
death of God, off and on for years, on C.B.S. television programs. coast to coast, as the saving
goes. But this was in the decent obscurity of the Sunday-morning cultural ghette
lly listens to the words people say on television anyhow, What matters is if vc
like Hugh Downs. A book or two came out in 1963, and in 1904
to appear ng a common interest in de
us seemed to be working similar lines, and crities—bath fearful and interested be;
movement, and we looked around and decided that perhaps they were right. This was
in Protestant theology to take place since the communications ex
plosion of the early Fifties, and no one was prepared for the rapidity of informa
when the snow! ted to pick up momentum, A handful of
by a bland weekly Protestant journal (which in turn is earnestly monitored by the religion
editors of the weekly newsmagazines), provided perhaps the real (continued on page 84)
nd no one
the first decisive alter
Tas suser, urban males who'd rather jet than jog across the Great
Plains will be styling up their wardrobes with wearables right off the
range. Togs with a touch of the Old West are now creating their own
trends by giving the rest of the country a new look in casualwcar. Pic
tured on these pages are fashion firsts, just as sartorially acceptable in
Chicago in CI ine. They offer a comfortable change for both the
summer months and the early fall. The perfect garb for roughing it on
patio or adventuring well armed with picnic basker and cooler
mpagne, Western wear combines the dash and practicality of
Swinging lads, left to right, are in lomb’s- wool cardigan, $19, and worsted slacks,
$20, both by Pendleton; and hapsack-stitch waol pullover. by Towne & King, $17.
with permanent-press slacks, by Day's, $8. Guy an the gramophone winds up in a
lomb’s-wool pullover, by Towne & King, $16, and worsted slacks, by Pendleton,
$20. Fellow above wears a denim pullover, by Siltan, $12; saddle champ below
sports denim bush jacket, by Silton, $20, with worsted slacks, by Cactus Casvals, $9.
e aaa à
tion look tha
al Western fabrics, including c
t the pace for the stampede of new f
im shirts have multiple buttons on
butiondown collars and a tight, tapered
h wim-fitting, prefaded blue
s that come already looking well worn. Other
or include Western models that keep
their press while offering such r ountry touches
as extra-wide belt loops that easily accommodate
a brassbuckled cowboy belt. Another style to set
your sights on is a multistriped sleeveless pull-
over that makes an ideal accessory for yachting or
her gets
rough. Western-look sports coats have a rugged flair
that makes an elegant change from the us
mer scene that's often been dominated by m
One item we've been boosting is the bush
Wrangler-rigged adaptations are now appe:
colors such as a soft moss green, that combi
spirit of Kenya with the flavor of Wyon
Western look is coming on strong
g. The
- A six buton lamb'swool model goes well
h worsted slacks and makes a welcome. fashi
ation for cool treks into the mou
fill out your summer wardrobe
ables that have alrea
ains. SO
ith spirited wear-
lv won the West and are
now rapidly conquering the rest of the. country.
Surrounded by fillies, our mon, top, is in o hopsock jacket
featuring yoke front, $33, worn with short-sleeved wool
shirt, $14, ond worsted trousers, $20, oll by Pendleton.
Making with the horseplay, lod at right weors a cotton
denim bultondown shirt, $9, with coltan denim jeans, S11,
ond leather belt, $4, all by Fred Segal. Chap at for right
enjoys en end-of-trail respite in heavy colon denim
shirt, by Martin, $13, over hapsack jeons, by levis, $7.
DEATH OF GOD (continued from page 79)
trigger last fall An excellent analysis
by a young New York Times reporter
was syndicated. quite widely, and a
her inellectual and tired piece in
Time made the kind of mark that metec
tual and tired pieces in Time olen do. A
conlused New Yorker series on the "new
theology” added words without sense to
e scene, 1 last, the religion-desk
people in wire services. local chains and
papers moved in and rewrote the re
written work of others. By about C
mas, the non-evenis and the events were
thoroughly mixed together,
stile reac-
tions were being recorded to words never
uutered, institutions were upset, uustees
perplexed, colle bewildered
hostile, and in general the reac
news and publicity was beca
of the news and. publicity, which in turn
engendered more r
For a while it looked reaction
had become the event, and otherwise
sensible Christian critics decided 19 re
ject the deateof Cod. theology on the
grounds that it was faddish and begin-
ning to turn up at cocktail parties. As
time went om. and cooler heads. pre-
vailed. it was apparently decided. that
mention at cocktail parties is evidence
for neither the wuth nor falsity of an
One of the conseq
ces of the mish-
mash character of the intellectual life of
our day is that it makes clarity and. pre-
licul to obi Death of
difficult, complex, rather mys-
ous idea, and Fd like to set down
some of the meanings that it scems to me
to have today.
There is no question about it: "d
of God" is a suiking, rhetorica
offensive | We deathofGod
ologians do not call ourselves that in
rder to give olfens
Traditional religio
about the "disappearance
or “eclipse” or “silence
means, by thee words, that men do not
enjoy the experience of
presence of God. The pre
ence is, from time 10 time, withd
and men cannot count on the
character of its reir. This is à commo
enough reli lirmation in our time,
but it is mot we death-of-God
people are talking about. We
about a real loss, a real doing withou
and—whatever we do expect of the fu-
ture—we do not expect the return of the
Christian. God, open or disguised
h of God” sounds not only offen-
ids arrogant. It seems t0 s
gest not only that this experience
happened to us, but that it has, or ought
tw have, happened to everybody.
Death? seems to legislate for you
ning, or
well as to illuminate for me, This is,
however, not as great a problem as first
appears We death-of God theologi
along with a good many others today.
accept without reservation. the
tic intellectual and spiritual climate of
our time. We may fight passionately for
hold. But we have given up be-
that there is something about
Christians that makes our views inevita
ble or necessary or (by definition) better
than alternatives. We merely represent
one of the possible intellectual options
today. We expect to be listened to. il wi
say anything honest :
expect to listen. Given this re
the ut sound to the dec
God's death is partly ov
"There is, incidentally. a pr
n the shocking cha
phrase “death of God." It t not
something that conventio ious
people or bishops or officials can pick up
id use in their own w ag. “Why,
we've been saying that all along.” There
are those who feature this kind of com
placency, but it as tough to do it with
icr. of
y, say
“death of God.” The phrase is. you
might say, nonsoluble in holy water,
even when uttered with extreme unctiou
firmation of the death of God is
n in two senses, Et is, lor the n
part. made by Christian theologians,
(Not entirely, however, and a dialog
between Christians and Jews around this
idea is coming into being, that seems
most promising and exciting.) And it is
made by us in order to afirm the possi-
bility of thinking and s
tims, To say “death of God,” then, is
somehow t0 move toward and not awa
from Christianity. Thus it should be
clear that we theologians are not ny
10 reduce the Christian faith to a bland
and nonconiroversial minimum so that it
can be accepted by scientis
amd treethinkers. We are
ag as Chi
mot pa
xious about relevance or co
It is not because we long to
wo the mind of
em man” that we do wh
because something has happened to us,
and because we suspect that it may have
happened to others. that we are talking
bout the death of God.
lers move beyond
jus what does
ah of God" me
theologians use it? And how is this relat-
ed to other possible and historical uses
of the phrase? The best way to st
answer is to indicate that there are pe
haps ten posible meanings for the phrase
“death of God” in use tod:
1. It might mean that th
and that there never has been.
tion is traditional atheism of the old-
fashioned kind, and it does seem hard to
see how it could be combined, except
very unstably. with Christianity or any
of the Western. religions,
9. In migh that there once wa
«Ito whom adoration, praise and
the phrase
eds no God.
This posi-
tust wem appropriate, posible and
even necessary, but that there is now no
such God, This is the position of ihe
deathol-God or radical theology, h is
an atheist position, but with a
difference. I there was a God. and il
why u
sm, it should be possible to
is change took place,
when it took place and who was respon
ble for it. I will be returning to ques
the idea of God
worl God ibelf both are in
need of radical reformulation. Perhaps
totally new words are needed; perhaps a
decent silence about God should be «
served; but ultimately. a new treatment
of the idea and the word cin be expect
cd, however unexpected and surprising
it may turn out to b
4. It might mean that our traditional
liturgical and theological language needs
a thorough overhaul; the reality abides,
but classical modes of thought and forms
ol language may well have had it.
5. It might mean that the Christian
story is no longer a saving or a he
story. It may manage to stay on as mere
ly illuminating or instructing or guid-
ing, but it no longer pe
fi aption. In
this new form, it might help us cope
with the demons, but it cannot abolish
6. It might mean that certain concepts
of God, often in the past confused with
the classical Christian doctrine of God.
must be destroyed mple,
problem solver, absolute pow
being, the object of ultimate concern.
7. It might mean that men do not to-
day experience God except. as. hidden
absent, silent. We live, so 10 speak, in
the time of the death of God, though
that time will doubtless pass.
8. It might mean that the gods men
make, in their thought and action (falsc
gods or idols, in other words), must al
y so that the mue object of
thought and action, the true God. might
emerge, come 10 life, be born anew
Te might have a mystical meaning:
God must die in the world so that he
cam be born in us. In many forms of
mysticism the death of Jesus on the cross
s the rime of that worldly death, This is
a medieval idea that influenced Martin
Luther, and it is probably this c
of ideas that lies behind the €
Torms its classical
ictions of salva or reder
chorale God Himself Is Dead that may
well be ihe historical source for
nodern use of 7 th of God.”
10. lly. it might n
language about God
quate and imperfect.
1 want to go back to the seco
ing of the phrase If there
God and there is now not one, whe
this ch
number of paths toward an answer. I
one sense lways dying, giving
(continued on page 137)
God is a
“Oh, God! You've been arresting couples
in parked cars again... !”
hollywood seconds playboy's
premise that miss august ag
ought to be in pictures
d lovely line of Playmates whose centerfold
ances have preceded their cinematic debuts—
a comely clan that includes such gatefold delights as
Mansfield. (February 1955), Stella Stevens
wary 1960), Donna Michelle (December 1963)
Jo Collins (December 1964) and Sue Williams
(April 1963). Susan, a honey of a blonde. will make
her filmic bow this fall in the celluloid version of
Norman Mailer's recent best-selling novel An Amer
ican Dream. Born and bred in Klagenfurt, Austr
where her family still operates a chain of electrical
appliance shops, 22-year-old Susan came to Cali
less than a year ago by way of London and
s Vegas. As she told us, with just the slightest
trace of an umlauted vowel or two to give away her
native Teutonic tongue: "By the ame I was eight
cen, Fd had it with the provincial ways of Klage
furt so I kissed Momma, Poppa and my two kid
brothers—Ulrich and. Reinhard —goodbye and head-
ed West like your Horace Greeley advised all young
people to do. My first stop w gland, where my
childhood ballet lessons and the fact that I wa
blonde combined t0 help me land a job in t
chorus line of the Bluebells of London. When the
group went on tour, I went with them as far as the
Las Vegas run at the Stardust, then decided to stay
on in the States and have a go at every young girl's
dream: a movie carcer."
Susan's Dream role was not long in coming. She
landed the part of Ruta—a promiscuous German
parlormaid—in the forthcoming Warner Bros. pro-
duction, which stars Stuart. Whitman, Janet Leigl
nor Parker, Barry Sullivan and Lloyd Nolan
kc me, Ruta is a Teutonic import with a w
ness for strong-willed men." our green-eyed belle of
the month ‘Of course, the fact that 1 speak
with a an accent certainly didn't hurt my
Top to bottom: Our wide-eyed August miss receives some
last-minute moke-up touches from the studio cosmetologist
in preporotion for o steomy scene from Warner Bros.” forth.
coming An American Dreom; then, os the comeros roll, she
discords her duds for an intended dip in the tub ond sub-
sequently becomes the more-thon-willing object of Stuort
Whitmon's offections ofter o surprise hollwoy encounter
thot winds up with Susan literolly throwing in the towel
Flanked by director Robert Gist and leoding mon Stucrt Whitman, our August Dream girl tokes a pre-scene stroll oround the Warner Bros. lot.
71 couldn't have asked for a better cost or director to work with on my first film,” she told us. "They were oll screen veterans, but they still found
fime to toke me under their wings." With voice and diction teocher Gertrude Fogler, Susan rehearses the sound of things to come, then stops
off ot her fovorite neighborhood pastry shop for a strudel break. Later, she borrows a friend's wheels and sets out for afternoon disco dote.
chances of being cast in the part.” For a while, however, it
appcared as though Susan might not be Susan at all by the
time the film's release date rolled around. As part of a nation-
wide contest to find a nom de cinéma for its latest ascending
starlet, Warner Bros. offered a $500 award for the winning
enuy and received over 5000 name suggestions from cinema-
philes throughout both hemispheres before wisely deciding to
leave Susan—name and all—exactly as they'd found her. "Some
of the names submitted were pretty far out," recalls Susan.
"But the funniest entry of them all was Norma Ma
With keen eyes to continue her pursuit of an American act-
ing career now that she's broken the proverbial ice in pictures,
Susan spends the bulk of her off-camera hours studying dra-
matics at Hollywood's Desilu Studio Workshop and taking
voice and n lessons from Madame Gertrude Fogler in
Beverly Hills (“If the studio heads think I have an accent now,
they should have heard me murder the language when I first
hit town’ ends, however, her avocational interests
attract her to the nearest beach (“All Nordic women are se
cretly in love with the sun"). discothèque (“With all the pro-
fessional dancing I've done, I still get a kick out of learning
all the new steps"), ski slope ("As a child I used to ski to
school every day during winter, but now I'm lucky if 1 can
make it out to Mount Baldy twice a month") or sportscar
competition ("As soon as a few more films come my way, I've
promised myself the best of all possible rewards: a new fucl-
injected Corvette"). To inject a happy note of our own on the
current shape of Austro-American trade, we recommend an
Janced figure in this month's centerfold.
audit of Susan's well b
nAY&oY's latest Hallywoad hopeful pores aver a filmscript while breckfasting in bed, "I still haven't learned to think in English as much os I
should,” she says, "so it takes me twice as long to memarize my lines, because | alwoys wind up translating them into German first.” At a
fashianable Beverly Hills emporium, salesgirl helps Susan try on a smart new summer frock; then shop owner Gene Schacove looks an approvingly
as she slips into something a bit more formal ("I'm o typical female as far as clothes are concerned; my eyes are always bigger than my wallet’),
Belween Warner Bros. shaoting sessions
and her dromotics classes, Susan uses the
pool cdjoining her Beverly Hills aport-
ment ta toke a sun-ond-swim breather.
A luscious coed majoring in sociology decided
to write her thesis on campus sex behavior and
ended up working under some of the greatest
minds in the school.
Sinking uneasily into the depths of the psy-
chiatrist's couch, the patient sighed, "Doctor, 1
have a problem." He loosened his collar and
continued, “I've got one son in Harvard and
another at Yale. I've just gifted them with t
Ferraris. I have a town house on upper Fifth
Avenue and a summer home at Easthampton
d a sprawling ranch in Venezucla.”
"Well!" smiled the psychiatrist, obviously
impressed. “Either I missed something or you
really don't have a problem
“Doc,” the harried chap croaked, "I only
make seventy-five dollars a week.”
h takes a brave m
an to admit his mistakes,
n the middle of a paternityssuit
The management of a faltering corporation
offered a $25 award to those employees who
turned in the best suggestions as to how the
company could save money. One of the first
prizes went to a brilliant young executive
who suggested that in the future the award be
reduced to $10.
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines eunuch as
a man cut off [rom temptation,
The clegantly dressed gentleman. entered the
sumptuously appointed cocktail lounge. After
surveying the many patrons gathered there, he
motioned for silence and called, “Bartender,
I'd like the opportunity of buying a drink
for everyone in the place.”
After a brief pause, he added, “And please
have one yourself.” This gencrosity was hailed
and toasted by one
After downing his own drink and bidding
everyone adieu, the fine fellow started for the
door. His progress was interrupted by the
slightly embarrassed bartender. "I hate to
bother you, sir," he began, “but the tab comes
to two hundred dollars...”
"Sow are you bothering mc for? I don't
have as much as a penny," replied the
Realizing that a cruel hoax had been per-
petrated upon him, the enraged bartender
seized the brash fellow, beat him sharply about
the head and shoulders and threw him into
the strect.
The following afternoon, the bartender
wi an come into
the low: mo-
tioned once in for silence. hush fell
over the crowd, he snapped his fingers and
shouted, "Bartender, drinks for everyone.
T everyone but you—I've seen the way
you act when you get a drink in you."
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines libertine as
a swinging adolescent.
A wedding ring may not be as tight as a tour-
iquet. but it does an equally good job of
stopping circulation.
The wages of sin are high unless you know
someone who'll do it for nothing.
A deb plagued fellow, hopelessly poring over
a pile of bills, suddenly shouted: “I'd give a
thousand dollars to anyone who would do my
worrying for me!"
“You're oi
the thousand?
“That's your first worry,” he replied
answered his wife. "Where's
The precocious
pleted his first di
progressive school,
TAM s ses
Alter an embarrassed pause, they finally
managed to stammer out an explanation of
the birds and the bees.
Puzzled, the tot pulled a school qui
re from his pocket and asked,
going to put all that informatio:
space marked ‘sex’?
year-old, who had just com-
in the second grade at a
iddenly asked his parents.
n this little
Heard a good one lately! Send it on a postcard
10 Party Jokes Editor, vLaynoy, 232 E. Ohio St.
Chicago, Ill. 60611, and earn $25 for each joke
used. In case of duplicates, payment is made
Jor first card received. Jokes cannot be returned.
“Shouldn't we be putting nuts away for the winter or something?"
Mr. Bond's temporary Sahd Sakistani
sucker to his license plate.” which he
did, ing an exaggerated show of
As the left hand smoothed out
the sticker, the right was touching th.
gnerized end of a metal cylinder to
the underside of the Alcoa bumper. It
was a homing radio.
Wherever the MBG was goi
sentinel fron
nutes later CLA agent Brown
a towering Negro in a trim Ray Charles
trench coat, stepped out of the office and
.50 was
was about to climb into the MBG when
the red sedan pull into the
paking lot. "1965 Togliati,” he told
“Let's look at the lite old
." He opened a pocketsized book
tied Oppo Autos and read: “Togliattis
are always registered. to members of
vus. TUSH usually uses Dagroes as
drivers, opining chat Swegroes, Spig
nd Bulgars are too dim-witted to ma-
nipulate the vehicle. The latter. breeds,
however, may accompany Dagroes as
stron men; but vesn will use a
Swegro as a driver if he has passed a
driving test administered by a Dagro,
mutation Bulgar or a Spigro with no
less than 25 percent. Dagro blood”
No doubt of it, the Togliatti is here to
the MBG. agent Brown reckoned.
Might make things a bit sticky for
Goshen’s Israeli pal with the big-shot
reputation. FI have to we that Mr. Bond
gets an edge on these scum.
"Hey, boys!” Brown called to the usu
gtag Arab urchins near the
d pestering the deplaned tourists
for cigarettes. Brown spoke to them in
Sakistani for a minute, distributed a
ful of smokes and watched them as
they sprinted to the Togliatti and spor
tively climbed under and over it until the
swarthy, haichetfaced driver, whose
woolly poll, thick Negroid lips and Si
cilian curses stamped him as an unmis-
kable Dagro, shooed them away.
When the red sedan started up and
headed toward Baghs Groove. Brown got
o the MBG, turned on the ignition
ad heard the beep. beep. beep of the
mer planted by one of the boys under
the Togliaui's license plate.
Brown smiled, We're ahead
game now.
Not know
of the
ag he'd merely evened
ula rumbled through
. narrow streets, there came from a
lofry minaret the ululation of the muez-
zin and they saw the faithful prostrate
themselves in the age old tribute to Mec
ca st of Islam's shrines, then heard
second ory from the chanter that held.
definite note of annovance.
Bond smiled. "Ll translate. He^
"No! No! You schmucks! Mecca
is north. north
“This, your Highness, is the native
(continued from pas
c Nj
quarter, the mysterious Cissbah,” Gosh-
en broke in with the Fitzpatrick narra
ion, “I's so named because—well, look
for yourself.” ‘There were burros and
their riders making their water, as all
good beasts and men must, against a
dank, moldy wall.
They began to pass mounds of rubble
that contained emire families, the fe
s pulling pipes, children divi
ad out of the debris in unrestrained
merriment, mothers at the bottom of the
piles with old-fashioned. papyrus brooms
xs the
"Your la s public hou
project, sire. pointed out
fore he instituted it the fellahie
debris to call their own
ers, puddles, marshes, etc. See how happy
they are now? Generosity was an inte
gral part of Hakinir's nature. He often
told our ‘ve made my pile:
now let my poor unfortunate subjects
make theirs."
From the look
knew Sa ak
been touched deeply. Good-o! Perhaps
King Baldroi will vet be—
nd slept in sew
LcFagel's eyes, Bond.
ruler had
hd 's new
The first volley stitched
N way across
Simulie’s windscreen and Bond
led LeFagel face down on the Du
Pont 501 orange-and-black Cottage Club
carpeting. From the front scat he heard
shen moaning, ^I. Save the
nroe!” Bond's muscular right arm.
ced out, pulled the CIA op chief over
the seat and deposited him next to the
sobbing LeFagel. “It’s an ambush, Neon
Right in thi ow alley
caught like rats in a trap.
"Say. Oy Oy Seven. that’s a sharp
le you just came up with, that. rats
ap bu That one of you
d w
5 n
“You bet Bond told the wor-
shiping 113. Maybe I'm off base lying to
the kid, but what the hell—Neon’s under
enemy fire right now and it's no time to
start shattering the kind of illusions that
make men happy to light. to di
be. "How's Goshen?”
"Shoulder wound. Not too bad. Who's
ie ‘oppo’ out there
Bond shouted over the next b
“About fifty guys in black
blocking the alley. Members of the
ih tribe, We're in for it, Vm afraid
Bond could hear the twanging of
Neon's crasbow, and from the occasion
ab sercams at the end of the alley he
knew the kid was giving a good account
of himself. Time to start doing the sume.
Oy Oy Seven, he chided himself. He
worked the back door open and dove
into one of the piles of debris, the i
pact sending stones cascading down its
sides. The paviarch at the top of the
mound hurled a decpabrosted insult at
im: "Homewrecker?
if need
His long, tapering fingers slid
his Neiman-Marcus shoulder holster
liberated the ice-cold Colt 45. He yanked
off its pop-top and let the soothing mak
run down ached throat.
inc. but no substitute
pon | need. right now.
nt: Emi dos
wd. I'm lying next to a shotup
| a dark. fetid alley, slu
y dark, cruelly handsome
iet And ics so famil
iar. Dee dee, da. da. da. da. dee dee—ves
the first eight nores of the main theme
from the movie Lawrence of Arabia.
fine beve
lor the w
When he heard it he thor
ing my m
swelled, came closer
g ceased. He could he
ve from the band of
: "She comes! She come
Bond pulled hi
down the alley, blocked no loi
Kurds, who had opened a pathy
were knecling along its sides.
bobbed a woman on a white
from whose neck hung a
whence emanated ihe music—a tape
recorder, he guessed. She wore a gold
robe whose eflulgence was doubled by
the Arabian sun. A red tarboosh with
black box
golden flv swatter for a tassel sat upon
her head. Only two glowing coals, a pai
of indescribubly piercing eyes. could be
seen over the top of her black veil.
When the white camel sno
camel obey
Those wondrous eyes swept over the
faces of Kurds, pained
expression of wounded Goshen.
u Neon Zion. the
of the dhn king. and
then found Bond's unflinching gray eyes
For 120 seconds the black eyes and the
gray eves locked in a duel. then. Bond’s
cruel, sensual lips parted in an arrogant
grin of desire and he knew somehow
that under the veil her own lips were
framed in an answering smile.
"Welcome to Sahd Sakis
wideeyed look on
vembling viag
l. your
in, with
fri i
Hakmir, and have sworn to uphold his
successor. Why these misguided tribes
men have dared to fire upo
ful ruler is a
LeFagel’s composure returned.
owe our lives to you
te, belove
d of you
gracious lady. Who
the camcl's neck, touched a buuon
the dee dee, da, da, da, da. dee dee si
issued forth “You will always
now ] am to protect vou. sirc.
whene'er you hear the opening cighi
notes of my traveling theme music. ] am
Fhisll stop the bleeding.” Bond
(continued on page 158)
he thought he'd saved his family from the european wilderness, but his youngest
brother brought to america the seeds of his own destruction
MY FATHER HAS NEVER MENTIONED his father's name. ""He' hit me for whistling like a peasant, ‘he’ brought home
a carp for the holiday, ‘he’ took me to the rabbi, but 1 didn't want to go.” He did this or that. What my father
has left me of my grandfather is a silent old man with a long white beard, a horse, a cart, a cow, a mud-and-log
house—an Old Country grandfather fixed in my mind like a Chagall painting. That's not enough, of course. The
stylization of art does not satisfy the craving for history.
My father seems to have been his father’s favorite child, perhaps merely because he was the eldest. I know
this for several reasons, but here is the way 1 remember it: Sometimes my grandfather took my father to tow
with him. One of my uncles tells of clinging upside down, in a jealous rage, to the underside of the cart. Today
in 1966, I ha as if someone has forgotten to turn the film—this fat old uncle with a
head that sh: g through the slats of the cart as dumps of mud belt his behind
—a child wanting also to go to town. There was an even younger brother, still suckling, too young to want to go
to town. In our family his name is now never pronounced. It is put aside for a different reason from the loss of
my diather's name.
In their little village near Kamenets Podolski in Russia, just after the century began, life was hard and dark
for everyone, but harder and darker for Jews. However, the human race does not permit (continued on page 100)
louble vision of the pa
nervous old heads!
A ee MÀ
"m m © a zm
= 5
ied to take shorthand,
one of practical jokery's most ardent. devotee
of joy buzzers, sneezing powder and
presents his own comedic lexicon
sundry other silly shticks of yesteryear
The Discovery And Use Of The Fake Ink Blot
humor By Woody Allen
nk blot appe
r 1921.
ive had great fun with the
ing any-
i the West belore the yea
led in the palm of the hand
Icon. would oller the regi d in friendship to a for-
gn dignitary, buzz the unsuspecting v is palm and
yer aughter as the red-faced dupe did an
ig to the delight of the court.
The joy buzzer underwent many modifications, the
most celebrated of. which occurred. after the introduc
ita Anna (E be
dish of his wife's tha
ion upon c
t Napo
tion of chewing gum by S;
not go down) and took the form of a spearmint-gum
ve chewing
gum wa simply would
pack equipped with a subile mousetrap mech
The sucker, offered a fresh stick, exper
sting as the iron bar came springing down on his na
enced a piercing
st reaction
ally one of
then com
and finally kind
ol lolk wisdom.
h ds no secret
that the snappy-
a gag
hened maners
at the
Alamo con-
and al
though there were
no survivors, most
observers leel
things could have
ly wor
e without
this cunning little
With ihe ad-
vent ol the Civil
War, Americans
more to escaping
turned more
the horrors of a | while the
disintegrating 1
generals. preferred
ss, Rol
ent with his br
ng themselves with
the dribble g
t E. Lee passed. m:
at use of the squirt flower, In
ly part of the V
smelling the apparent 7
without g ag a ge
.no one ever came away from
“lovely carnation’
ous eyeful of Suv
Hy for the South, however,
bandoned the once-fashionable artifice and relied
simply on placing a carpet tack on the chair seats of
people whom he did not like.
Alter the War and
ght up to the early
1900s and
As things went
the so-
em ob thc
g powder
ked aw
MONDS, where.
can m
from sevei
huge spring
to the victim's
face, provided all
worthy D
va of
loolery. I is
J.P. Morgi
ferred the I
ar tome,
Rockeleller felt more
Then, in 1921,
Kong to buy suits discovered the bike
while the
at home with
zroup ol biok
ists meeting in Hong
ak blot. [i had
al repertoire of diver
ties retained power
by their brilliant manipulation of what appeared to be
spilled boule and an ugly inkstain, but was in reality
long been a staple ol the Ori
sions, and several of the Later dy
The first ink blots, it was learned, were crude.
structed to I feet in diameter
and fooled nobody
with the discovery ol the concept ol smaller
izes by a Swiss physicist, who proved that an object of a
icular size could be reduced in size simply by “mak
ler,” the fake ink blot c
It remained in jts own until 18
Delano Roos
o its own.
1, when. Franklin
velt removed it from its own and placed
it in someone else's. Rooseve
Ue a strike
amusir Embarrassed leade
utilized it clev
ly to set
t Pennsylva the details of which
s of both |
bor and man-
ak h
ng someone's. priceless Empire sofa. In
nent were convinced that a bottle of
spilled, rui
ine how relieved they were to |
fun. Three days later il
n it was all in
opened. Kl
utter darkness; we try to grow sharp
to point holes idism, the
religion of light and drink, ferocious
funny stories, dancing and lover
beat like a stick through the Jewish
towns. It was also a religion of medal:
gic and charms. Jews raved and sang:
Jews rolled in the woods in public
Ccsasies. They conquered the miseries
of the police and a murderous peasantry
by rocking and rolling.
Not all. My father, aged 12, one year
ng a man, was already a so-
ciali; freethii a revolution
he ited to ride
pick up the gold in the streets of New
York. He would carry a sack with him.
The czar's barbarous arny or the golden
freedom of America—is that a choice?
His father knew that to stay in Russia
meant conscription and death, but
America was godless, a living death. He
preferred the death he knew. This silent
man sought to pass the remainder of his
days with his children nearby, his wife,
his cart, his horse, his cow, his hut, his
fish on holidays. My 12-year-old father
dung to the idea that he would go to
America to be a man, another man.
They must have fought over this. My
father beaten with a stick.
At last my grandfather grew weary of
beating his eldest son. The boy was un-
knowable by stick; he was slow to learn,
and my grandfather, who would wil
ly have spent his lifetime study:
Talmud with him, begrudged the hours
he spent hitting him. Instead, father and
son came to an understanding. They
would travel to the nearby town to con-
sult the wonder-working rabbi about
making a way across the bogs and bor-
ders, past the czars police and the
famous Dutchmen of western Europe,
toward glittering America. They agreed
to abide by the rabbi's judgment in the
matter. My father secretly resolved. that
he would obey the wonder-working rab-
"s decision only if it were the correct
one. Thus, he reasoned, he had nothing.
to lose. A wonder-working rabbi provid-
ed fair combat for a mentally working
boy with constricted scruples and his
mind made up.
My father was loaded by his father
into the horse-drawn cart, along with
eggs, a chicken, cakes and. other gifts [or
the rabbi, and silently they jolted across
the irrational ruts of the mud road. Ani-
mals and drunken peasants slowed their
ssage, bur the divine guardian of
roads and souls kept the spokes in their
wheels, the metal shoes on their horse,
the patience in their hearts. My father
wanted to whistle, but knew better. In-
stead, my father, aged 12, silently re-
hearsed to himself the knowledge that
he was an atheist, a soci and inte:
ed to go to America and take the name
of Gold, in honor of the freedom given
(continued from page 97)
to men by the gold in the streets of New
York; he thought all this through with
great care, sorting it out and looking at
the last star of morning, fixing it like the
star in his mind in cise the rabbi tried
to work magic upon him in order to
make him forget or deny or surrender.
de he was whistling. Silent whistles
were emitted by his pursed lips and be-
tween his clenched teeth.
The wonderworking rabbi listened to
both my father and my grandfather. He
asked: How often beaten? He asked: Did
the boy study Talmud-Torah from daw
to dusk? He asked: Those cookies, did
the little mother make them herself? He
pulled his beard, turned his luge veiny
eyes on the two petitioners and nibbled
from the speckled cookies my grand-
mother had baked as a tribute to his wis-
dom. He must have been a very wise
man. Many crumbs on his beard. And
when he pulled his beard—many crumbs
on his lap. He knew that his reputation
for all.sceing foresight would suffer a de-
c in the district if he pronounced the
wrong decision. My father was burning.
at the high temperature at which a 12-
yearold man burns, to go to America. In
any case, he would go, with or without
permission. The rabbi understood this.
ln one case, the father would be bitter
and unreconciled. and the boy would
steal away in the night, guiltily, with
only his mother's sobs to wish him well.
But if the Nameless One blessed the rab-
bi with a favorable word, nd son
might still be reconciled. T could be
the other case.
The rabbi said to the boy: Go to
America, but wait two months until
your bar mitzvah. Go as a man.
Even then my father was not a man of
pure principle. He wanted to go to
America right now, at age 12, but he de-
cided to wait until age 13, in order to
please others and. get all that he desired,
which included the respect of his family.
The rabbi also said: And wear this
will protect
medal around. your neck, i
you from harm.
My father said:
They too must go
The rabbi
And my brothers?
to America.
said: Wear this medal.
jes yet. Let be what God
My father said: Give me some medals
for the babies, too.
The rabbi said; They must come to
see me at the proper time.
My father said: What is good for me
will be good for them.
The rabbi took a cookie and did not
deign to argue. Arguing at this point
would be less a matter of principle—
should a baby go to America who can
barely dress himself?—than a matter of
bickering. In due time, an appointment
could be made to discuss it. Solomon
dealt coolly with 12year-old bickerers
y the rabbi chewed his cookie
My father, choking down his shame
and disbelief, accepted the medal which
the rabbi hung about his neck [rom a
fairly clean string. All the other atheistic
wd socia 10-t0-12-yearold. boys ot
the village would mock him, would ac
cuse him of failing to whistle at rabbis,
but my future father knew what he ri
ly wanted, and what he really wanted
could not be altered by consenting to
wear a medal until he finally turned the
bend in the long road that led from the
Ukrainian village to the Western world.
My father’s father paid proper r
spects to the rabbi, and then the two
went home, jiggling in the lightened
cart, without the load of eggs, the chick.
cn, the cakes, but with a d that
brought peace to the family. After they
got back, by absent-minded habit,
grandfather peeked beneath the cart to
see if any of his other sons were dinging
to it. It would have made more sense 10
look sooner, but time and sequence were
not his specialties.
My grandfather entered and said to
his wife, “The boy will stay.”
He would not spoil the Sabbath by
adding, “But the man will go.
He went back outside to wash and
prepare for the evening prayers He
hugged his other son, the one who al
ways wanted to cling to the when
my father went someplace. He dandled
his third son, the babe in arms. Then he
sed his fiveyearold daughter. His
wife was worried by this show of affec
tion. "What's the trouble? Are you de
ceiving me?
"The boy will stay," he muttered. My
father recalls that his face was wet. He
was weeping. He pretended it was wet
from the basim of water, but there were
fresh tears after he washed.
Two months later, when my father,
the 13-year-old man, left for Americ
smuggled away in the night to avoid the
czar's police, the first act of freedom t
he remembers is tearing the medal fror
his throat and flinging it into the muddy
tracks of the road. He didn't believe
charms. He knew who made his luck—
himself. In the dank night of Russia, his
las night in the bosom of family. he
pronounced a curse upon good luck
"The stars above would be his light and
his adornment. He would not give the
medal to any of his brothers. If their fa
ther wanted one, let him take another
load of cookies to the rabbi.
Along with Columbus, although a lit
tle laer and without the blessing of
Queen Isabella, my father started. some
thing. In after years he used to tell his
friends in the seam room of a health
dub in Cleveland, Ohio—sce,
nice dean feet, no calluse:
descended from rabbis and came over on
the Mayflower. But this was a joke: his
(continued on page 140)
"It's really a shame we happened to draw this judge . . -
Honey-haired Paula Holcomb hopes to Bunny-hop around the Playboy Club circuit after learning the ropes as a rabbituette at her hometo
Atlanta hutch. An amateur sculptress, 21-year-old Texan Tonja Mitchell cuts a fine figure while frugging at our New Orleans dij
dhe Bunnies
Of Dixie
a pictorial tribute to the
land of cotton’s cottontailed belles
In or out of uniform, farm-bred Georgia filly Sara Atkinson (top and above left) exudes the kind of ante-bellum appeal that Atlanta key-
holders colton to. Bayou Bunny Barbara Grant leans toward the Latin in music—fado to listen to and the bossa nova for dancing.
SARA PATRICIA ATKINSON, who many keyholders think is the best Bunny in the Atlanta Playboy Club, is all the sweet-
ness of the South rolled into one caramel package. She’s blonde and blue-eyed, with a gentle voice, a delicate mouth
and a smile that could melt Sherman's statue. When you talk to Sara, she speaks shyly of her devotion to her family,
her childhood on her father's farm in rural Georgia and her feeling of cozy security at the Atlanta Club.
What does she do in her spare time? The soft gleam in her azne eyes gives way to a hard glitter. "I have a little
burgundy Mustang—tmy prize possession," she says. “A real fast one, with four on the floor. It flies” The words
tumble out, and suddenly we're transported out of the old South into the new as we picture this little Southern
belle barreling along Adanta’s Northwest expressway, while she unwinds after a night's work at the Atlanta Playboy
Club. “I drive thirty, forty-five minutes, just to relax and enjoy the quietness of Atlanta in the early morning. 1
love the wind and I love speed— planes, cars, anything, just so long as they're fast" (text continued on page 112)
Above: Things have been looking up in Atlanta since this rabbit-eared roster first donned Bunny satin early last year
On facing page, from top, Lto r: Diminutive (5') Diana Anton lives just a hop away from her New Orleans hutch, Allanta’s
Hildy Ballard has her sights sel on a future Bunny Mother's berth; whereas her Honda-driving hutchmate, Mary McFarland
one of e growing group of Georgia-based Playboy peaches who prefer two-wheeled transport—is happy being Club? s Bumper-
Pool Bunny. Hitting a high-see in off-duty mesh or adorning the Club bandstand, Marlene Everett adds a bright note to Allanta' s
hutch-going scene. Stair climbing has become favorite sport among Atlanta rab nozo that local fashion model Peggy Dorris
has decided to double as a Dixie Bunny. Native Angelino Jody Duck is a domable addition to Creole-style cottontailing
Alabama belle Janice Bishop strolls through a maze of modern architectural forms that border Allanta’s famed QE
Peachtree Center shopping area on her way home from an afternoon stint at the local hutch. A onetime Hollywood |. PE A [Pe H T R E |
- —
hopeful (“My only part was a walk-on in the world's worst horror flick"), she's found Bunnydom suits her lest
Above: Bunny-Playmate Jan Roberts began her cottontailed career a few years back at the Chicago Club, but
has since added impressive new dimensions (39-23-35) to New Orleans’ rabbituette set. Right: An off-hours devotee
of yoga and chess, “Peaches Coombs—who toured the country for two years as the mitiest (5') member of an acro-
batic troupe—sizes up the scene along Atlanta’s Peachtree Street, just a few blocks from her own warren.
Clockwise from above: Native New Orleanian Deli-
lah Graley takes monokinied morning dip. A happy
addition to any hayride, Shari Kelley often belis out
ballads in the Allanta Club's Living Room. Bayou
belle Carol Leland exhibits four-poster form. Sun-
| bonneted Shirley Powell spices Georgia setting-
° i
Far left, top to bottom: A German imporl of recent vintage, carrol-topped Lori Schrueger would like nothing better than to sce the
the Playboy way (“After Atlanta, I'd love to work at every Club on the circuit”). Atlanta hutch honeys apply the feminine finishing
touches in the Club’s Bunny Dressing Room, then post their pretty presences behind the Gift Shop counter to await their dinner-hour duties.
Clockwise from top left: Poised on the stairs of New Orleans hutch or on the balcony of her Bourbon Street bachelorette pad, New Yorker
Mary Jane McGrath shows no signs of wanting to return lo the northland. Colleague Carol Bruno, however, has designs on a Manhattan
modeling career. Atlantans all: Judy Pressley pauses beside a Neiman, Lana Brewer tries for allover tan, Kim Hester poses at Club and corral.
Clockwise from far left: Abby Mulligan is fetchingly framed in
New Orleans Club’s leaded-glass portal. Door design blends Creole
and modern Playboy decor. Also pictured at pranoside, Abby has
just made her video debut on a local station. Perched outside Atlan-
ta's Peachtree Center is former rodeo queen and current karate stu-
dent “Gary” McQuarrie. Whether percaled or cottontailed, Bunny-
Playmate Carrie Radison rates as one of Crescent City’s come liest, as
does hutchmate Bobbi Stephenson, whose back we gladly pardon
w breed
nies of Dixie, a
Atkinson epito
ail—the. Bu
» but eversoswee!
traditions and
Vhough this combi
plexes a few outside observers
caught up in the mystique of the
the Dixie
remain delightfully unconfused. In the
Adanta Club, for instance, where almost
ol cottoi
on per
half the girls are from that city and most
of th "sc hom elsewhere below the
Mason-Dixon line, the latest Fad is Jap-
ese motorcycles. Olldury Bunnies in
hip-huggers and pastel tops re
historic Peachtree Street asuide Hondas,
Suzukis and. Yamahas. In New Orleans,
where Cajun influence—like the sultry
atmosphere itself—sulluses every corner
of the French Quarter, olive-skinned
Bunnies from the bayous stroll. down
Bourbon Street in their off-hours, chat
tering in patois about the latest da
gaze. The Playboy spirit matches
ebullicnce of the South in the Sixties;
the Dixie Playboy Clubs -ike their cot
tonuailed inhabitants—cannily combine
the best of two worlds, in a mixture that
has proved both unique and enduring.
In this case, the South surrendered to
age without firing a shot. The fine
s and jazzy night spots of
d New Orleans welcomed the
.boy key chain on the oftproved
theory u petition breeds. success,
Southern business and. professional
like any others, prefer their drinks suong,
their food tasty, their women attrac-
tive and efficient, and Playboy cis the
test uniquely. Even the red-necked Bible
Belt orators. well known for their stands
against many aspects of 20th Century
life, are stran
ely silent, perl
aps beca
the Clubs are drawing people from piny
woods as well as pine-pancled offices.
One At Bunny even has a rock
ribbed Southern Baptist preacher as a
lar customer. “It took some time be-
fore he told me who he was,” she says.
"Bur he boves the Club, and we get
along famously.”
Many things besides a golden sunan
nd a molasses drawl unite the Bui
[ Dixie. They love water and w:
te the bes
sports. v ches of
the Gulf as their number-one vac:
spots. Almost to a girl, they dig the lat
1 jump a t 10 per
t wee-hours sessions in. the show
rooms. Fewer than the national Bunny
average of 42 percent have been w col-
lege, simply because schooling for the
fair sex is often revarded as superlluous
ture Bunnies arc usually
ces a
1 the South. F
groomed at home, and the product, as
devotees of the Southern Clubs will at
test. is a warmth and genuineness that
beats book learning all hollow.
Southern Bunnies read voraciously.
ad Gone with the
Two thirds of the Adanta
Wind is
their bible.
Bunnies say it's the best book they've
ever read. The reason may be more
wish fulfillment than ci
Atlanta Bunny Mother Bev Powell says,
“They all think they're Scarlett O'H:
And they do like that Southern cook.
ing. but wih a contemporary twist—
fried chicken and Scotch for Atlanta's
Ruth Lewis, fr toes and
tom collins for her nue Arlene
he Southern
says Bunny
blonde from
more fem
irl is absolutely de
Mother Bev, a
Kansas City
iine. Docs she
"She's solte
appears to be. She's really just as
gent as the Northern girl, but she uses
what she has—her femininity—to better
" Managers of the Ad
with complime
the warmth and quality
1 credit goes to the Bunnies, Says N
Wannen, Adana Club manager who
was formerly with the Los Angeles Club
V. a lot of the girls were
o show business. Here they're
l-American girls, not potential
eis but downto-earth kids looking
a good job. To be a Bunny is so
thing special to them, and they show i
‘They certainly do, agrees Bob Tobias,
wly-company executive who frequents
ny of the Playboy Clubs. "The thing
1 look for is personal rapport, and I find.
ic in the Southern Clubs,” Bob said re-
cently. "New Ve d CI as arc
more aloof. Here the girls, and the guys.
really know you and talk to you
portant to me when Camille comes up
and siys, “Hi, Candy M. Camille, it
turns out, is a striking Bunny from Dub-
lin, Georgia. who dispenses Southern
charm with every drink. She tilts the beer
bottle, holding th in the
approved | fashion “Don't
worry, T have y steady hand.” She
also has a very fine frame, which the key-
holder is frec 10 visually enjoy while the
beer is slowly, ever so slowly, fil
glass- One of the few pigtail
im captivity, Camille plaited her hair
despite protests from the resident h
dresser. “She told me not to tell an
she was responsible. "It looks
Victo she said." Awfully attractive
morc like it.
Before Playboy came to Atlanta, the
city boasted little night life and no night
spots consistently booking top acts. As a
e boomtown with new buildings
ng on every block
iate success.
me After. initially
Aanta’s burgeoning population ol
entertainers, to the Clubs. plush red-
suburbanites, tradi
carpeted rooms. the multifaceted Playboy
entertainment fare has kept them coming
back lor encores.
The Club is located im the Dinkler
Motor Hotel, headquarters for a steady
stream of conventiones block a
half off Peachtree, the famous main drag
lat divides the city cast and west. The
Club is laid e
Playmate Bar
first flo
the scan
Like Playboy Clubs everyw!
Southern Clubs bow tc
a Southern city, is not ei
from fundamentalist
Club must stop serving
since not even à
Sunday. Play
nent spots and. res
shuts down. The New Orle
doesn’t open on Sunday, cither, but only
because New Orleanians are seventh day
stayathomers. In the unfettered bayou
city, you can drink 24 hours a day every
day, as long as you're over 17
enough to hold
New Orleans
rather than temperance,
sults of strict aesth
be pl
Club, in the heart of the French Quar
ter, is an artful mixture of early Creole
and Playboy modern. The building is
185 years old, a in the
Atlanta, advanced as it is for
t E30 aM,
can be sold
with most enter
on his fingers, in his stickpins, even
his shoest boy Intemational’s
. required by law u
wer. (The banister has
proved irresistible to a [ew acrobatically
indined guests. Trouble is, they some
times don't sce the supporting strut half
way down, which brings them to an
brupt—and unexpected —halt.)
In. consers Playboy's
guests come carly and leave carly: in
freewheeling New Orleans, they come
Late and stay later—till four on weekdays.
five on Saturdays, Atlantans, say the Bui
nies, are straight 15 percent tippers; New
Orlcanians are somewhat freer with the
pool is highly popu
h Clubs,
and some of the
Bumper-Pool Bun are crackerjacks
with a cue stick. New Orleans’ best is
Bunny June Riviera, who keeps the
table busy on a slow night. How
docs she do it? "Everybody loves me," says
June, batting her brown eyes. June's 36
frame seems (0 aturact admirers.
(continued on page 116)
an old summer favorite makes a crisp return to the fashion fore
Our urban guy has suited
himsell-—and. his admiring
companion—with the latest look in
choice is linen—a mate
that for the last few years
been conspicuoush
the summer sc
acron an
th deep side vents,
pearl bu
trousers, by
shirt f
collar and t
Reis of New H. he English
_ silk pocket square has a hai
oiled cdge, by Dumont,
“Of course, with that model, you lay all your
cards on the table, so to speak...”
Gentleman julep
drink by thomas mario a long-hallowed classic that’s still in mint condition
RY SUMMER SOLSTICE, nothing could be finer
than to settle down on the portico with a
frosted 16-07. mint julep. A classic libation
hoary with tradition, the julep used to
create headaches for bartenders long belore
the hangover. Old-time devotees ol. Dixie’:
favorite cup insisted that “true” juleps were
born only alter. mixologists took the most
with a pestle, smashing ice in a canvas bag
and being sure the concoction "aged" prop:
before serving. Thus, by the time it
was ready, many an eager sampler had su
cumbed to the heat. Even so, England fell
n to the julep's naditions when one
m Trapier of South Garolina visited
Oxford Unive:
with a jovial band of upperc! . Tra
pier retorted to their cry of "Wharll vou
have?” with the obvious. Deep Southern
answer—and then taught John. Bull's boys
the authentic julep recipe. So. pleased was
Trapier with the way his advice was heeded
he established an endowment pro-
viding for a round of juleps to be served up
annually in the junior common. room—a
uadition that persists to this day. He also
gave the lads a handsome Georgian silver
quart cup, thus setting a shining example
as to the proper vessel for sipping juleps.
But today's party-minded host will gl
swap convention for conviviality when offer
ing up the minty refresher. For him, we
recommend the following [
ipe essentially authentic but ta
contemporary men nurtured on such dry re-
finements as ma and brut ch.
If you're fresh out of silver julep cups.
ise a 1-07. tom col
as a suitable substitute. To make a party
round of eight juleps requires one quart of
your best bourbon. For each quart, allow
one pint of finely chopped mint leaves. Be
sure to choose fresh, red-stemmed mint.
Steep the mint in the bourbon, covered, at
room temperature for an hour. Prechill
each glass and fill with crushed ice and 4
ozs. ol the minted bourbon, strained. When
the ice melts slightly, pl
crushed. ice around the rim. Stirring is un-
necessary. If your party is late getting
started, store the prepared juleps in the
freezer. Just belore serving, plant a good-
sized sprig of mint on top of cach drink and
move the j to the veranda, A few sips
d turn the longest of hot sum-
days into the coolest of occasions.
ss of fine crystal
€ a frost collar of
Bunnies Of Dixie iod from page 112)
she’s unabashedly aware of it
bumper pool, it’s whats up fr
counts," June says. tapping her forche
id wearing a smile.
Bunny June obviously is a straighfor-
ward young thing with a weakness for
sporis. She loves horse racing and h
been an aficionado since she was 13. A
fair handicapper in more ways than onc,
she's now raising a thoroughbred filly
hersell and. plans to race her at the New
ir Grounds next January.
- rolled ex
ginst champion Joc
Joseph nd, thanks to a little
tinkering with the rules, beat him by a
pin. She bowls s league at
nine every Wednesday morning, arriving
tthe lanes after nine hours of table.
hopping and four more of early-morning
reading (her favorites: Erskine Caldwell
| Civil V ature), [une has two
Bunny n in New Otleans--her
sister. Susie Saladino, and cousin Carol
Bruno. Susie is a short. athletic brunette
and a fine amateur. tumbler who now
bowls a formidable game of tenpins
New Orleans rabbit warren boas
three full-blooded Cajuns, all well-built,
duskyskinned beauties who grew up on
gumbo and jambak The Cajic
the group is Robin LeBlanc, from the
scule metropolis of Cut OM, in La
a shrimp-lishing cow:
rench is the yernacul
"s grandfather speaks only Caju
id she spoke it even before she learned
ylish. ach in school
er, and i
mystifying, and
al Frenchspeaking
guests. The big event of the year around
Cut OIE is rpon Re which
draws thousands of fishermen to nearby
Grand Isle. Robin and her family used
to take part exch year, but she now sticks
iming and sun-bathing,
three of the mos popular pastimes
among Dixieland Bunnics.
The other two Cajuns are Roni Gros
and Eve Latiolais. quiet girl
from Lafayene who, it takes a while
ad out, digs drag racing. She has a
Galaxie that she drives in time
n a wom
st of
the T leo,
w TA
Eve is
trials, 7E get a loc of challenges.” Ev
says. "I guess they think a girl driver
me v victory. But I beat most
of them—the car has 390 under thc
hood. which is pretty hoc" Roni, tall
and. well proportio
onetime plantation. arca now devoted
to olfshore oil drilling. She drives home
nearly everv weekend. and thus manages
10 retain à. homespun charm not often
found in big-city night clubs.
Aside from its Cajuns, New Orleans?
chief. attraction for rabbitues is a Iroh
young breed of Bunny, Unlike Adan
the New Orleans Club can legally employ
cavolds; arrestingly dillerent, youth.
fully efervescent couontails have bee
the happy result, Angel Frillot is an cbul-
lient 19-year-old who readily admits most
keyholders think she's much young
She has long tight-brown hair and all
the allure of 2 Lolita. Angel came to the
Club from a “terribly dull” job at a New
ans bank. At the Club she quickly
established herself as the resident mut,
liberty Gidget who talks incessantly
d owns two dozen pairs of shoes wi
Shirley Temple purses.
Angel, of course, is crazy like a
nd so is her youthful counterpa
cious Sam Glynn. Both Angel
s Sam's Bunny roommate say:
"those litde-girl looks are their
wet" and off duty they en
hance them to the utmost with dresses.
bows and what not. Sam is from w
Louisi Tabasco sauce
and nderstandably
Playboy's personnel. office
Chicago, sceing “New Iberia” on her
ion, queried the N
Is this girl an Ameri
Sam, of course, is not really Sam. She's
a the
Club, so to avoid confusion she changed
name. Bambi
Lolita were rejected. first
management, was “too sug
ne Bunny namcs arc not unusual
nowadays, a trend. that may have started
at the New York Club, where a Bun
called Irving, so the story gocs, became
enshrined as “the husband's excu:
was out
holders could tell
button-cute charms have won her
big following in the New Orleans Club.
"A lot of times keyholders bring the
i o meer me,” says Sam. “Every
body's trying to marry me off."
Overseer of the New Orleans Bunny
brigade is Meg Marriott, executive secre
tary of the Club, who has been doubling:
as Bunny Mother. Meg is a quick-witted
and welbeducated young lady from
London who has the British gift of direct
ness. “I disliked the South and New
Orleans when D first arrived.” she says.
“People regarded me as Fd regard some-
body from Patagon now,
though, and find the job fas "
New Orleans boasts its share of exoti
backgr i jer bruncites Sandy RB.
and Dolores Braquet, Bunny Sandy is
half Cherokee and hails from Comanche,
Vexas. Her Father raises whiteface cattle.
which Sandy helps round. up wheneve
she's home. New Orleans, she laments,
has “very few places to ride,” so she
free time reading Civil. War
nd With Century poetry. Bunny
s ds half Castilian and half Fili
pino. has lived in the French Quarter
her Pere and, yes, eve
Irving last. night."
their wives.)
for yeas. Hired by the Club as a 91
pound weakling, she's now a very pleas
ing 105.
Two carpetba at the New Orle
s Club a
sylvania, and L
Minnesota. Lu;
a year at the D
headed South when she found the cli
ate tow cold for comfort, She's taki
French lessons. (no Cajun, di
intends to finish college and te:
relaxation, "aside from dating, | read-
mostly Ayn Rand. Amd D write, mostly
unromantic short stor 1 love
to people—tha’s what E like most
a Bunny, Some time back I served
who must have been 65, who
was just beautiful. He told me he w
sca captain who now lives in Las Vegas
and writes adventure stories and. West-
erns. Selly them, (00. He and
ride motorcycles all over th
black-teather outfits. €
cop stopping them a
her helmet and say sonny?
They're beautiful. just tiful”
Bonnie was a Bunny at the Jamaici
e hopping to. New Orleans.
maica, but is nevertheless
pleased with the change. For one thing
tips in New Orleans run considerably
higher. For another, small-town commu
nity lile in Ocho Rios was o d.
ng. “Sometimes you just didn't want to
put on make-up just to go to the post
Ollic" says Bonnie, “but you felt you
ought to, because the whole tow
you were a Bunny." Platinum-haireid
Bonnie is uansferring to the London
Club as one of ten "exchange Bu
nd sl ly anticipating her fist
weekends in London and Pa
Everybody has some idiosyncrasy, and
Martha Hellwig's is taking bus tours of
Lou all the tours w
old-ma puchers.” she says. “No
joke. E visit all these antebellum homes
and what not, and that makes me a veal
booster for the stue. | tell the keyhold
crs facts and figures and they say, "Y
ought to work for the tourist division of
the chamber of commerce? 7 Like many
other girl Tara Fife submitted. her
ny application on a dare (“IF some
We say no”). she pe
the name Tara from—you guessed it—
Gone with the Wind uklul
she wasn't christened Scarlet
New Orleans Bunnies come pa
imo the Club with l
e Bonnie Leigh, from Penn
anna Rathman, from
na studied sociology tv
iversity of Mim
body dares me. I €
rc midrifls and
sometimes bare feet. They dr at
lis Oyster. Bar next door for stufled
Gull lobster or something less caloric,
like cottage cheese and leuuce, which
locals have dubbed "Rabbit food.” After
work they may amble down Rue Iber
ville to the King's Room for a drink. In
the small hours of Sunday, with the
week's work done, a Tittle group of
(continued on page 155)
c 8---[—.:-[
wherein the clandestine bathroom book reviewer of warren g. harding school stumbles
into a child’s garden of vices and is bushwhacked by the lurking serpent of temptation
rur STICKY SWEET, BODY-WARM. TASTE of pornography lingers in the soul long alter the fires have been banked and
the shades drawn. Where did it all begin? What ancient cave man drew the first dirty picture on the wall of his
g fiendishly, scuttled olf into the darkness? Even tc lcep down in our in-
dank granite hole and then, cackl
nermost recesses, there is a hot, furry little something that peers out at us with tiny, red-rimmed eyes, reminding
us with its lewd chittering that we are still scrawling gralliti on the walls of our caves
ay, nothing Sunday in the great
Not long ago 1 was lorcibly reminded of this inescapable fact. It was Sunday, a g
«, collee cup in hand—vaguely conscious of a gnawing sense of shame and guilt
Kneedeep in the Sunday papers Lsat, lutilely attempting to ward oll these unfamiliar pangs. Why this feverish Hush,
this fugitive desire to hide under the day bed, 1 asked myself? True, 1 had been in attendance at à monumental de-
bauch the night before and had indulged mysell strenuously; but after all, the debauch itsell is now a recognized art
form, and 1 was merely a creative perlormer. Then why this persistent sense of unease? Could it be that 1 was suffer-
uadition and 1 was lounging at hor
ing from an attack of vestigial conscience? 1 immediately crossed that out, since, being a (continued on page 132)
“The winner gets Miss Hornblower for the Labor Day weekend.”
Ribald Classic
a pain in
the eye
“Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles”
A NOBLE KNIGHT, of the country of Holland,
ame passionately enamored of a young and
ul chambermaid who was in the service
of a charming, well-run hostelry. Because of
his desire for her, he arranged to spend some
n to better pursue the objective
toward which he was disposed.
After a few days there, he suffered an unfor-
tunate accident in which his right eye was
jured and became seriously infected. He
thus sent for the fumed surgeon of the Duke
of Burgundy, who happened to be in town
When he saw the eye, the surgeon deemed
it incurable, as a doctor is prone to do, so
that when he brings about a cure, his reputa-
tion and profits increase. At any rate, he
agreed to try to treat the hopeles case,
although, he said, this would test his great
ills to the uimost.
Now, cach time the doctor came to call. the
pretty chambermaid would act as his assistant,
nd soon the good doctor fell under her spell
and, like the knight, was badly smitten with
her. Indeed, after casting tender looks on her
beautiful smooth face and supple body, he
soon became so enamored that he Matly de-
dared his ardor. She heard him favorably.
what means he could g
should alw;
time at il
umph that
consummare mere hope.
entually, however, the doctor bethought
a way and proposed it to the chambermaid.
“L will prescribe to the patient that in order
10 cure his right eye, we must also cover his
left to prevent excessive strain,” he said. “IL
he agrees to this, well cover it with a thick
bandage; then, he not being able to see, we
n take our delights and pleasures of cach
other right there in his room."
The maiden, who was perhaps as ardent as
the doctor, eagerly agreed to this scheme—
with a maidenly blush, to be sure. Thus, the
roguish physician then came at his accustomed
time to exa d upon doing so,
feigned great concern. "This eye is not im-
proving." stid he. “Indeed, my lord, you must
have patience."
“How so, good surgeon’
“Your good eye must be covered
aged. so that after I have fixed the pa
taken care of the other eye, no light will enter
for at least an hour. Without a doubt, any
ight coming through will mitigate the cure
“ALL right, then," said the knight, “I put
myself entirely in your able hands.”
‘This then being done, the lovers were ready
for the joust; they adjourned to a nearby
couch and there began the game of love. But
the knight, hearing the rhythmic drumming
of the participants at play, tore off from hi
eyes the bandages and patches and turned
1c the cyc,
upon the frolicking physician with under-
ndable umbrage.
How now, master doctor?" he demanded.
“Is this a new method of curing an eye? By
Saint John. I suspect you have visited me
much more often for love of my chamber-
maid than for my optic afllictions.
The doctor, who was a good scamp at
heart, then began to laugh, proposing that
they take turns in their sport. At this sug-
gestion the knight became more tractable and
they made peace. Nor was this armistice dis-
pleasing at all to the prety linde chamber-
maid. who was twice made in the chamber,
—Retold by Blake Johnson EB yis
War and Peace in Hollywood
patriotic pinups shared the screen with
anti-axis sadism, then post-war
american mosies bagan, defying Hia
code with more explicit sexuality
IF OUR TROOPS overseas during World War Two
did much dreaming about the girl back home, it
was in spite of, not because of, the movies they
saw. Throughout the War years, films dominated
their lives. GIs were trained by them, indoctri-
nared by them and learned from them the dan-
gers of V. D. From Stateside camps right up to
the front lines, they had available tw them the
latest Hollywood rel
ases in vast. profusion. Stars
and starlets entertained them in U. S. O. shows
They even learned to shoot their M-Is by prac
ticing on mock-up targets bearing the likeness of
Betty Grable. The platinumed Miss Grable, the
favorite pinup girl of the Wa
years, typified
the new style in sex symbols—curvaceous, long
legged and bosomy. Rita Hayworth, Lana
Turner, Jane Russell, Carole Landis (dubbed
nd, in a
vest-pocket edition, Veronica Lake shared both
the "ping" girl, for some reason)
the Grable attributes and the Grable popu-
larity. These were definitely not "girl next door"
types; and while some psychologists, such as
Martha Wolfenstein. and Nathan. Leites
ed ihat what the Wartime heroine
actually represented was home and mother, most
Gls found it far pleasanter to fantasize them-
selves as Errol Flynns rescuing these gorgeous
creatures from their Nazi or Nipponese perse
cutors in eager anticipation of their
ateful ve
ward. If thereupon they had turned out 10 be
mother, or even the girl next door, the disap
pointment. might well have been unbearable.
In one way or another, the War profoundly
influenced the American films of the Forties,
introducing new themes, new types and, above
all, new attitudes toward sex. Indeed, well before
America’s official participation in it, while the
country officially still maintained its traditional
isolationist posture. the process was already be-
ginning. The prudish nice-Nellyism of brassieres
for the little centaurettes who cavorted to Beetho-
ven's Pastoral Symphony in Walt Disney's Fan-
lasia—àa touch that the H
ys Office insisted upon
—was thoroughly derided when the film ap-
peared late in 1940, Meanwhile, the sweater—an
article of feminine apparel popularized by Lana
Turner—had become so albpervasive that in
April of 1940 Joseph I. Breen, the
of the industry's Production Code, warned that
in the future “any ‘sweater shots’ in which the
breasts are clearly outlined will be rejected
An International Ladies G
Union knitwear lo
arment Workers
1 protested that his ukase
"struck at the economic security of 50.00 work
ers,” but it was soon evident thar they had little
HOLLYWOOD GOES TO WAR: In a role reversal epitomizing the Wartime man shortage, three WACs (Lana Turner, Laraine Day and
Susan Peters) try out their wolf whistles on a passing serviceman in “Keep Your Powder Dry.” The studios also did their bit for morale by pro~
ducing patriotic pinup pictures such as the bombshell at top right. Meanwhile, back at the front, sex stars like John Wayne and Errol Flynn were
busy vanquishing the enemy in such gung-ho epics as “Back to Bataan" and “Objective, Burma!” (center). Victory, however, often came too late to
save the leading ladies in distress from an assortment of Axis atrocities in such propaganda films as “Hitler s Children” and “Secret Agent of Japan.”
BELOVED AND BEREFT: Sex star Ava Gardner was
typecast (opposite Robert Walker, far left) as the goddess of love
in “One Touch of Venus” (1948). Paulette Goddard, Dorothy
Lamour and Veronica Lake—three of the War years? most
popular glamor girls—lament their dateless fate in “Star
Spangled Rhythm,” a star-spangled flag waver of the period.
BETTY AND HEDY: Pinup queen Betty Grable concealed
her famous legs beneath a two-piece evening gown in “Down
Argentine Way," one of the musicals that made her the nation’s
top female moncy-maker until 1945. Another escapist Wartime
musical, “Ziegfeld Girl” found a forally bedecked Hedy Lamarr
with little to do but look beautiful for co-star Tony Martin.
BEAUTY AND BEAST: Victor Mature and Carole Landis,
who owed their screen success mostly to their respective builds,
portrayed a monosyllabic cave man and his mate in “One Million
B.C." Another prehistoric type, the simian villain of “ Nabonga,"
like King Kong, had a taste for the female of the species—but not
his own (in this case, an unknown starlet named Julie London).
to fear. The ruling was honored more in the breach
than in the observance
Dialog, too, had suddenly grown racier. Despite
Clark Gable's historic and hotly contested "damn" in
his last line from Gone with the Wind, the Hays Office
stubbornly maintained its long list of forbidden words
—augmented in 1941 by such late starters as "ally cat,”
broad" and “hot” (applied to a woman), “goose” and
“buzzard” (too similar in sound to "bastard". But
scripowriters were geuing their points across without
breaking the rules—just bending the spirit of the Code.
In They Drive by Night, for example, truck driver
George Raft surveys the “dassy chassis” of waitress
Sheridan and offers to “finance it.” "Who do you
think you're kidding?" Miss Sheridan replies. “Why,
you couldn't even pay for the headlights.” Later, she
invites Raft up to her apartment for a cup of coffee.
"No, no collec," Raft says slyly. But he follows her up
to her apartment anyway. The Legion of Decency
responded by putting the film on its "Morally objec-
tionable in part" list—along with many other "A"
productions of the period, including Gone with the
Wind; but the exhibitors, through their wade publica-
tions, were openly asking the producers to "ler down
the bars" and to "cook up some spicier dishes" to at-
tract a public that had been shrinking steadily through-
out the late Thirtie
As war drew nearer, the studios began to discover
that they could meet such demands with greater im-
punity. In a 1940 survey of civil liberties in the United
States entitled In the Shadow of War, the ever-watchful
American Civil Liberties Union reported that censor-
ship of motion pictures, plays, books and radio had
declined sharply, and added, “Since most of the censor-
HE-MEN: A tough-guy hoodlum in the pre-War years—he
Played the gunman “Mad Dog” Earle opposite Ida Lupino in
“High Sierra” (lop)—Humphrey Bogart had metamorphosed by
1943 into a tough-guy hero, as the grizzled Sergeant Guan
(center) in “Sahara,” a hard-bilten action picture about tank
warfare in North Africa. Many of his greatest roles—as the
worldly, wisecracking loner in such classics as “Key Largo,"
“To Have and Have Not” and “The Big Sleep" —were yet to
come. ** This Gun for Hire” made an overnight star of Alan Ladd,
a dough-guy type who turned on female fans—and co-star
Veronica Lake—with his sexy portrayal of a cold-blooded killer.
ship is based upon socalled moral
grounds, it indicates an increasing toler-
ance of themes which a few years ago
d hostility and official interfer-
Clearly, as the Depression rolled
, not just the exhibitors but the
public at large chafing against the
artificially maintained moral standards of
the Thi - ficantly, Breen himself,
offered the position of production head
at RKO studios, in May of 1911 tempo-
rarily relinquished the job of trying to
police an industry with antiquated and
ineffectual ground rules, Actually, many
felt that he had been laughed out of
office by public reaction to his anti-
sweater girl" manifesto.
Breen's departure did not mean that
suddenly, miraculously, the studios were
given a green ht to ignore their
Code's strictures, however. The Code
sull prevailed; but a few more liberties
could now be taken within its fram
work. Shortly before Brecn's resign:
Won, RKO released a version of Sidney
Howard's 1925 Pulitzer Prize-winning
play, They Knew What They Wanted,
suitably sanitized to Code specifications.
In the stage version, the young wife of
) elderly vintner has an affair with a
virile field hand; the husband learns the
worst, but forgives the girl and takes her
back. In the film, however, which co-
sared Charles Laughton and Carole
Lombard, not only is the couple not
married (thus eliminating any Code
problems with adultery), but it is made
clear that the infidelity was definitely
not of the lady’s choosing. Even so, the
picture has her going off, at the end,
hopeful that perhaps sometime in the
future the wedding bells will ring out.
uck with a strikingly similar situa-
tion shortly after Breen's resignation,
MGM treated. it with considerably more
frecdom—at least until the Legion of De-
cency stepped in. Two-Laced Woman,
Greta Garbo's last picture, was originally
to have been the story of i
n love affair in whi
ng an unglamorous ski instructress,
poses as her sexy, madcap twin sister,
ly the kind of girl that sophis-
ied. Melvyn Douglas really wanted to
ry. To avoid Code complications, the
film had the skiing
Douglas in the first reel. But this still
posed something of a problem toward
the end of the picture, when Douglas
pursues a wispily clad Garbo—the invent-
ed twin—from parlor to bedroom with
infidelity clearly uppermost
n his mind.
ckly took the
a scene could
audience—is informed
the supposed twin is really his wife,
which made the whole pursuit perfectly
SEX IN DISNEYLAND: Walt Disney's “Fantasia” (1940) was to have included a
harmless sequence featuring bare-busted female centaurs, but Production Code censorship
forced him to accouter them in modest flowery brassieres before the film was completed,
TEN COMMANDMENTS: A staged photograph published in Life in 1946 (top left) depicted ten of the Codes many violations, for any one of
* Tobacco Road" had to omit the explicit sex scenes of the Caldwell novel,
which an entire scene could be barred from a film. In order to carn a Scal.
right) between Ellie May (Gene Tierney) and her reluctant boyfriend,
but director John Ford managed to retain the c wrestling mutch (te
MAKING HAY: Touted by a torrid ad campaign (featuring the provocative publicity still and theater poster above), an unknown Howard Hughes
discovery named Jane Russell became a major sex star long before “The Outlaw” was released in 1948. When the Breen Office, outraged by this un-
buttoned ballyhoo, took the unprecedented step of revoking the film's Scal, Hughes retaliated by showing it without one. The picture packed them in.
ILLICIT LOVE: [n the changing moral climate of the Forties, Hollywood
began to bend the Code—and get away with it. Left, top to bottom:
Adultery (between Lana Turner and John Garfield) and murder (of her un-
suspecting husband) were the seamy themes of “The Postman Always Rings
Trice”; “Scarlet Street” told the pathetic tale of an older man (Fdw ard G.
Robinson) abased by his lust for a heartless hustler (Joan Bennett); "For
Whom the Bell Tells” was highlighted by a controversial, though fully
clothed, sleeping-bag scene between lovers Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman;
and Alfred Hitchcock's 1946 thriller “Notorious” cast Bergman opposite
Cary Grant as a sexual pawn in an illicit game of international intrigue.
RITA: Of all the pinup queens of the Forties, few exuded sex more abun-
dantly than Rita Hay:worth—thanks to scenes such as this one from Gilda,"
in which, with a bit of audience participation, she performed a sensu-
ous, if incomplete, striptease while singing Put the Blame on Mame,”
proper, but utterly pointless. Indicative of the widening gap
between. what could get past the Code and what the Legion
might approve was the Legion’s rating of Life Begins for Andy
Hardy as "Morally unobjectionable for adults"—but not for
the kiddies. Specifically, what the Legion objected to was a
sequence in which our hero Learns About Women from pert,
pretty Patricia Dane, a telephone operator who invites young
Andy up to her apartment for an evening of unspecified “fu
While the Code's administrators may have relaxed a bit, clearly
the Legion of Decency's minions had no such intention.
Many other films in those halcyon, pre-War days either
skirted the Code or openly flouted it. Generally, after some
cutting and reshooting, they ended up with a Code Seal—but
also with a "B" or even a "C" rating from the Legion. Thus,
Carole Landis’ alibreviated costume as she roamed the forest
primeval in leather bra and loincloth in Hal Roach's One
Million B. C. encountered much the sime opposition that
greeted. Jane's similarly utilitarian mode of attire in the
arly Tarzan pictures—yet i ared on the screen. Strange
Cargo, a steamy Clark Gable-Joan Crawford co-starrer set in
a tropical penal colony, was passed by the Code but con
demned by the Legion—until Metro eliminated so many of
the torrid love scenes that the plot made no sense whatsoever.
The Primrose Path, in which Ginger Rogers played the
daughter of a roistering and unrepentant prostitute, had even
rougher sledding. Based on Victoria Lincoln’s best-selling
novel February Hill (albeit considerably toned down in its
intimations of the mother's profession). the film won a Code
Seal but was barred by local censors in a number of cities as
‘obscene and indecent.” (Ironically, the picture now plays in
those same communities without the
slightest. protest—via TV.) Turabout,
a Thorne Smith comedy in which a mar-
d couple switch. identities, occupations,
wd attire, was essentially a sl
of smoking-car humo
though t e venture into transvestism
was generally regarded as more tasteless
than indecent. lt drew a “B” [rom
the Legion: as did Universal's film adap-
tation of the Rodgers and. Hart. musical
The Boys from Syracuse, based on Shake-
spears A Comedy of Emors, even
though Sl s contrived marital
mix-ups were barely hinted at-
But the picture that threw the censors
into a tizzy all over the country, and for
a time threatened the very existence of
ihe indusuy’s Production Code, was
Howard Hughes inept, rambunctious,
aggresively sexy Western The Outlaw.
Not released until 1943, it had been in
termiuently in production—whenever
Hughes could find the time—since carly
a 1940; the Breen Office received its first
he was up to in Decem-
ba . Without yet having
seen one foot of film, which was based
solely on Jules Furthman's script, Breen
let loose à barrage of cautionary memos.
For onc sequence. he advised that the
leading lady wear a bathrobe over the
nightgown indicated in the text. He
questioned whether a rape scene could
be handled with "good taste." In anoth
er note, he pointed out that “Care will
be needed in this scene with Billy pull-
ing Rio down on the bed and kissing,
her, to avoid sex suggestiveness ™—ilong
with some 20 other similar items.
In his book The Face on the Cutting
Room Floor, author Murray Schumach
describes as typical of the skirmishing
between Breen and Hughes a contre
temps that arose over a single linc of di-
alog. Rio (played by Jane Russell) has
been asked by her lover, Doe Holliday
(Waler Huston), to look after the
wounded Billy the Kid (Jack Buetel)—
nd keep him warm." Rio, even though
she was raped by Bil lier in the
film, complics by climbing into bed with
him after Doc rides olf on Billy's horse.
When Doc returns and expresses his dis-
approval of this particular form of phys-
cil therapy. Billy points out that Doc
has had the use of his horse in the
interim. adding, "A fair exchange is no
robbery." For this line, Hughes had sub-
stituted, “You borrowed [rom me. I bor-
row from you"—to which Breen objected.
His counterproposal was—ul wably
for tat.” 10 which Hughes de-
lightedly acceded. But now Will. Hays
objected: and the final line to appea
the script was Hughes’ "You borrowed
For the end of the pic-
n Office felt it might be a
wholesome touch if Billy and Rio were
married before riding off together into
the sunset. Again, after a considerable
128 exchange of heated memos, Hughes won
his point—although later, after the film
was in release, he threw a sop to the
pressure groups by dubbing in a line of
dialog suggesting that the two had been
married by “that stranger on a white
hoise.” Neither the audience nor anyone
in the film had the slightest idea who
Squabbles over the script, however,
were insignificant compared with Breen's
ge when, in March of 1911, he screened
the complete film for the first time. In the
more than six years that he had been ad
ministering the Production Cole, he
ated, he had never seen anything like
c Ruwell And there was plenty to
Although Miss Russell was naturally
well endowed, Hughes had contrived to
emphasize her charms by himself invent
ing a cantilevering bra that encircled
her more-than-ample breasts, gi
them at once contour, prominence
maximum exposure. To capitalize on his
vention, he dressed her in revealing
blouses that draped low olf the shoul-
ders, and. in. men's shirts that. buttoned
well below the bosom. Throughout the
he called for bits of business that
ired her to bend over—pecring into
mirrors, stooping to pick things off the
floor, kissing the supine Billy; and
ways the cimera was strategically placed
for maximum mammary exposure as the
blouse or shirt billowed open. In one of
the scenes excised by Breen, it was
claimed that one could see clear down to
her navel. For Breen. who had spent the
greater. part of the Thirties |
line against cleavage, such
were more than he could coum
He shot an angry letter off to Will Hays,
his superior in the New York office of the
Motion Picture Association. that read in
might be.
part, “I have never seen
so unacceptable as the shots of the
breasts of the character of Rio. .
"Throughout almost half the picture, the
e quite large and
gly uncovered."
used 10 consider
a Seal of Approval
For weeks he stoutly r
giving The Outlaw
without extensive r ny. But Breen
was even then on his way out; and with-
in a few weeks of his departure. the Se
was granted. In all, only 40 feet of film
had been eliminated. and Hughes per-
mitted a few dialog changes.
But Hughes did not immediately
capitalize on the notoriety his picture
had already achieved: with the outbreak
of war a few months tool
J aircraft interests monopolized all of
tention. Not until February of 1913
ime to debut his
1 then only long enough
single booking in a S:
could he spare enous
not to come years later,
1916, when Hughes was finally free to
e it what he considered a proper per.
send-oll. The ensuing ballyhoo
aign (of which more later) was one
of the noisiest in movie history. Although:
at the outbreak of the War no one had
yet seen The Outlaw, the lan magazines,
the Sunday supplements, the ad cam-
paigns and the publicity had
trived to create an image of Jane Russell
as the ultimate in sexuali
seen, she became a favorite
Within hours of their induction into
the Army, most Gls were treated 10 a
free movie show, the first of many
official training and informational film
entertainments they were to enjoy under
Army auspices. Generally, the first. pro
gram included a short on military cour-
tesy, one on the Articles of War, and a
hall-hour documentary entitled
Although directed. by the
ble John Ford, Sex Hygiene fea-
tured none of his strapping cowboys or
vengeful Indi
i. Instead, this sober—
little film presented in
ic terms a straightloi
gainst the dangers of
c. In it, an enlisted
on the town for a night gets hooked by a
hooker. When the medics discover 1
he has a "dose," they seize the occasion
to inform him—and the rest of the Army
—just what he may be in for. Films, pho-
tos and slides depict advanced cases of
syphilis—the unsightly sores, the physical
deformities. the ghastly brain damage
Then, no less graphically, the weamments
begin. For many of the inductees, it wa
early a tosup which was worse—the ra
ages of the disease or the treatment for
it. At every showing, scores of prospec-
tive warriors fainted dead away as th
long needles went to work on sere
Needless to . the film left a da:
impression. Even today,
of a century later, veterans can recall the
youthful GI mounting of a
seedy hotel for his moment of joy, paus
ing at the threshold of the prostitute’s
room to depos m
the banister outside, then the quick fade
as he enter ily unbutroning his
tunic. Some may even remember tha
when he re-emerged and picked up his
cigarette again, it was still burning and
scarcely any ash had accumulated. Were
these few seconds of pleasure, the film
seemed to ask, worth the price of a life
time of agony? (In case the answer was
yes. the Army thoughtfully supplied free
condoms with its passes for town.)
The Army's Wartime movies, many of
them made under the supervision of
Colonel Frank Capra, set new standards
for documentary realism. Capra, the direc
tor of such happy hits of the Thirties as
TH Happened One Night and Mr. Deeds
Goes to Town, was one of the many
Hollywood ers to offer their tal-
ems to the War Department's several
motion-picture service
preparing a series of “ori (read
(continued on page 119)
most à quarter
PAS EE more sprightly spoofings of the signs of our times
humor By DON ADDIS
z HE's OK, AS FAR.
Pom 9o
How Do You KEEP
THERES Just SoMETING ABouT Yon. wonen; TX?
ABouT iT
LIGHT ITALAN HAND (continued from page 71)
in the bagna cauda
sunny Italian accent, To sauté a sliced
onion or a piece of veal, use olive oil or
ad half butter. Before
ak. brush it with olive oil
t brown crust. Most of the
ian antipasti in jars
—the tiny stuiled eggplants. artichoke
hearts and assorted. pepper salads
n a base of olive oil and spices.
OF course, summersyled gourmets
! dine very handsomely on antipasto
lone. But we don't go along w
argument that antipasto (meaning be
fore the meal) should never be followed
by pasta. They're in fact a luscious du
just as long as the pas
too large or too heavy. Its only when
both antipasto and pasta arc offered up
as a double prolog to a meal of soup.
meat. vegetables, salad, dessert and bev-
crage that Italian cooking overextends
itself, Incidentally, this kind of m
thon eating, promoted by Italian restau-
rants in the States, is seldom found in
ly i in couse with or
without pasta, antipasto makes a marvel-
ous meal Instead
of combi
poinument, iy making wp your own
planers from the wealth of fish deli
i . sliced meats and other
Tor portage, We have
ticular Tight antipisto and. pasta
tes that will get you in and out of
the kitchen with a ium. of. eflort,
One includes prosciutto wrapped around.
bread sticks. Genoa salami, artichoke
hearts in oil, tiny stuffed eggplants,
Boston lettuce, imported tuna fillets and
noodles with pepper salad in oil, For an
alternative, try sliced mortadella, pep-
peroni thats been sliced wafer thin,
pickled mushrooms, sardines, celery
hearts, black olives. wedges of hard egg
nd romito. and ditalini with peas.
Long before World War Two, Halian
immigrants found that one of the fastest
ways 10 be welcomed into a new neigh-
borhood was to offer a long, crisp bun
that had been split and Bed with
m slices of sharp cheese and
onion. a generous dousing of olive oil
and a sprinkling of hot dried red pep
pers. During the War, Gls in Italy usu
ally spent their rest periods. running
from pi The pizza and the
hero sandwich American as
10 post
€ now as
“We prefer calling it an ‘inoculation’
rather than a “fix.”
Philadelphia scrapple, and in time they
could become just as stodgy, Use voir
Imagination when concocting new hero
combinations. Six- to eight-inch slices
of bread that have been stuffed with
mussels in anchovy-llavored mayonnaise,
and tomato, or
m wrappe
vegetables and. thin. slices of provolone
cheese make a moutls repast
For many an Halian, the great m
ment of the meal comes at its end. even
when only a basket of fruit or a cheese
tray is served, II an Italian must choose
between caring heartily and talking. he
won't hesitate to stifle the most brilliant
conversationalist. But the arrival of the
cheese and the fruit, to be followed in
time by the espreso and the liqueur,
is the signal that he can now eat and
converse as long and as leisurely as
he pleases. No American cheese comes
close to rivaling the imported parmesan
freshly cut off the wheel (not the pre-
packaged variety). Although the Reggi
ano parmesan is normally used
grating cheese in the States, it's
nificent for munching straight. Though
semi-hard, it’s quite chewable and has a
mellow nutty flavor that goes b.
i fresh fruits and Tralian
n blue checse is called gorgonzola
pinnacle is the version that has the
mamic name Superzola or Gorgonzola
Crema. I's a blucblood found only in
the finest cheese specialty shops. For au
thentic flavor, all cheeses must be earen
at room temperature. Although Jraly is
the land of the grape, the olive and the
fig, its other fruits usually don't reach
the deep cordial flavor of fresh Ameri
can Elbert peaches. thick Crenshaw mel
ons or firm Bartlett pears just turning
ripe. For those with a sweeter tooth,
there are imported Italian fruits in bran
dy or liqueurs. We've a special Viva! for
black cherries in brandy designed for
ing over icc cream. At the table
the idea of placing in a kuge
curglass dish twice as many scoops ol
ice cream as there are guests, then top
ping off the colorful mound with fruits
bottled in liqueurs. It makes a festive
desert, indeed.
Serve up the following
olferings for caseful eating Italian siyle
and the temperature be hanged. Each
recipe serves fom.
so m
? eggs, well b
14 cup heavy cream
14 teaspoon salt
S ozs. mozzarella cheese, sliced thin
8 square slices white bread
or. can fat anchovy fillets, drained
oz. can sliced m
Olive oil
Combine eggs, cream and sali,
beat well. Place cheese on 4
bread. Place anchovies and mushrooms
on cheese and top with remaining bread
ishrooms. drained
slices of
to make sandwiches, In large heavy
frying. pan heat oil, to a depth of 1%
Holding sandwiches with both hands to
keep intact, dip into egg mixture, as
making French toast. Fry sandwiches ui
til golden brown on both sides and cut
ch one into halves or quarters before
ned shr
1 Ib. cooked, peeled, dev nps
Toz. jar roasted sweet peppers. or
alent in pimientos, drained
1 cup dry white wine
4 tablespoons butter
2 8-07. cans Italian tomatoes
2 tablespoons bread crumbs
t, celery salt, pepper, monosodium
Buy shrimps freshly cooked at fish
store. Cut peppers into Yin, dice. Sim
mer wine in large saucepan until r
duced to 14 cup. Add shrimps, peppers.
butter, tomatoes with their juice and
bread crumbs. Bring up to boiling point
but do not boil. Simmer only until
shrimps are heated through. Season to
taste with salt, celery salt, pepper and
monosodium glutama
1 cup quick (precooked) long-gri
9 191502.
E ^s chicken. broth
1 cup canned white kidney beans (can-
nellini) or. garbanzos
4 tablespoons butter
tablespoons grated parmesan cheese
iblespoons lemon juice
Salt, pepper, monosodium glutamate
lic powder
Cook spinach, following directions on
package. Do not drain. Cook rice, fol-
lowing directions on package. Combine
d spinach in soup pot. Put 1 can
chicken bi ad beans in blender:
add t0 soup pot
chicken broth. Bring
nd simmer 5
minutes. If soup is too thick, thin with
additional chicken broth or with water
wd instant chicken bouillon. Add but
ter, cheese and lemon juice. Heat until
butter mels. Season generously with
salt, pepper and. monosodium glutamate.
Add a dash of garlic powder; add more
lemon juice if desired. Pass additional
parmesan: cheese at. table.
1 tb
4 cup olive oil
1 tablespoon dried basil
2 tablespoons toasted pine nuts
ge cloves garlic, minced
reshly grated parmesan cheese
iblespoons grated romano cheese
14 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons butter
Ina small saucepan, heat oil and basil
over a very low flame about 5 minutes.
The heat releases the flavor of the dried
basil. Do not permit oil 10 smoke. (If
fresh basil is available, use 3 tablespoons
and do not heat with oil.) If pine nuts
are not toasted, place them in a shallow
pan in oven preheated a 375
about 10 minutes or until light: brow!
Avoid scorching, In well of electric
blender put oil with basil, garlic, 4 cup
parmesin cheese, romano checse, pine
huts and salt. Blend at high speed for 30
seconds. Cook spaghettini in boiling salt-
ed water just until tender. Drain well.
tossing in colander or lifting with fork
until dried. Pour sauce over spagheuini
on large plater or individ
Add butter and (oss thoroughly to bl
sauce, butter and spaghetti s addi-
tional parmesan cheese a
M Ib. roast pork loin or roast fresh
ham, thinly sliced
1 cup dry white wine
1 small onion, minced.
1 egg
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Y& teaspoon dry mustard
Jj teaspoon anchovy paste
y cup olive oil
8 tablespoons tuna fish, minced
Small capers in v
Salt, pepper
Buy the pork at a salumeria or any del-
icatessen featuring cooked prime meats.
In small saucepan heat wine and on
until wine is reduced to 14 cup: avoid
cooking until wine has completely e
orated. In well of electric blender put
gg lem chovy
paste. Blend at low speed 5 seconds.
Very slowly, in smallest posible stream,
add oil while blender continues 10 run
at low speed. Stop blender and add wi
with onions and tuna fish. Blend at low
speed about 5 seconds more. Remove
sauce from blender and stir in 2 table-
spoons capers. Add salt and. pepper to
taste. Sprea between
meat, and arrange them shingle style on
very shallow casserole or deep platter.
Sprinkle 2 additional tablespoons capers
on top. Cover casserole with lid or poly-
per. Chill in refrigers
5 hours or overnight. Pork Tonna
be served as antipasto or cold mei
c p
juice, mustard and
d sauce slices. of
ethylene |
ceding comestibles—whether
ing or
e—are Roman recipes for
whipped up for foursome fea
guests gale
getting one out of the summer dining
doldrums with enjoyable ease. Ciao!
MISS BRYFOGEL (continued from page 117)
time, I
representative citizen of our
knew that it was an impossibi
Tt must be caused, then, by something
from outside my body and psyche. But
what? T looked about me. My television
set droned on harmlessly in the corner
h its endless pro golf match, its per-
l succession ol Arnold Palmers,
layers, Don Januarys, Jay He
berts and other heroic figures of our
e, hitting Title balls with sticks over
the green hills of TV land. Surely it
could not be this innocent vision. I
glanced about the room. All was familiar
ad normally sybaritic.
I sipped nervously at my rich, full.
instant coffee and tried to
wrench my mind back into healthier
channels. Forcibly 1 made myself think
of higher things. I tried to recall a few
of the better scenes from the magnificent
8mm art films I had seen the we
the Nouveau. Cinématique R
Festival | had auended: The Passion-
ate Transvestite, a superb, delicate, subtly
controlled delineation of sen:
theme; and its attendant feature, Tilly
the Toiler Meets Winnie Winkle, a
wildly robust comedy making satiric
sport of the puritanical mores of our
day. Passionate, as it is known to us
cinema aficionados, was even beucr d
Candy Meets King Kong.
war indictment couched in cuttingly sar-
donic Volt: n brush strokes.
It was no use. Somethi
bling me. I stirred resilessly, kick
the drift of newspaper t
ankles. Something caught my e
held it. Those sinister, fugitive pangs of
guilt rose to a crescendo. And then I
new! It was unmistakable. Draped
over the toe of my Italian ostrichskin
and alligator lounging slipper, provoca
tively half-opened, was the Sunday Times
Book Review supplement. It held my
nervous gaze like a hooded cobra about
to st But this was only the good old
fa ar Book Review, a wusted friend
that had sustained me through many a
ippery moment at countless cocktail
And yet now, for some un-
accountable reason, this friendly, faithful
companion had touched off th: nt
but insistent sickness of fear and humilia-
n, deep in my vitals where such
things lurk.
What was there about this innocent
sheaf of newsprint? I bent forward to
look more closely at the cover page. Its
familiar, staid and measured grayness
suddenly came into sharp focus. “New
heading in bold type, and at center page
was a black-and-white woodcut showing
a languorous youth lounging under a
ale tree, and beside him a Floren-
tine lady wearing the flowing gowns of
the nunnery. Where had I scen that spent
132 lad, and that lady of the Church before?
And then, cerily, barely perceptible, a
voice eddied up out of the swamp of my
subconscious, the indistinct syllables
bursting like bubbles of marsh gas gener-
ated by the decomposition of prehistoric
monsters. A feminine voice! What was
she saying to me? I strained 10 hear. Tt
seemed 10 come somehow from the very
grain of the woodeut itself. 1 hunched
decper into my motor-driven Vibra-
Snoove lounging chair. The voice came
nearer and nearer, and then, clearly, I
realized it was asking mc a question, a
question 1 had been asked before, eons
"Where did you get that book?”
Shaken with a terror such as I had not
known since my days as a ten-year-old, I
rushed to my Inna-V i ak-
wood-paneled Danish xl blindly
pressed a button, Seconds later, clute
ing three fingers of sour-mash bourbon, I
tried to regroup. But Miss Bryfogel pur-
sued me, asking her question again and
again. Mis Bryfogel! And i
began to come back, the whole sordid,
fetid mess.
Seuling back
then it
mo my chair, I began to
reconstruct that awful moment of my
fall from grace. 1 had once been as pure
as the driven snow, an apple-cheeked In-
lad who delighted in the birds of
and the soft, humming after-
à love. With Mary Louise
s Bryfogel ta th-
ght si
School in Hammond, and for every 55-
minute period that I was permiucd in
her presence, I lay, in imagination, pros
t her feet. Her soft, heart-shaped
d dark, liquid eyes haunted
my every waking hour. She never
the slightest indication that she, too, wa
stirred to the depths. But 1 knew.
Miss Bryfogel would read poetr
s my classmates, clods to à m
fitfully. But I, love buds atingle, eyes
misty, wept with her over Evangeline
and Old Jronsides. 1 had only one way
of my love: through our
age, the book report. I
as never a stylist, but 1 felt that sincer
ity and neatness, as well as meticulous
spelling and ample margins, would get
my subtle message through.
As far as my reading tastes went, 1 ran
heavily toward The Outdoor Chums
(which my Aunt Glenda persisted in giv
ng me), Flash Gordon Meets Ming the
Merciless, Popular Mechanics and three
tattered copies of G-S and His Battle
Aces, which I had revead at leist 74
times, getting more from their rich
mosaic at every reading, However, these
were not reportable.
And so every k was sheer torture as
I nervously phonied up my Friday re
port on some respectable but. impenena-
10 us
, dozed
ble book. The books were taken from
the public library, and were doled out to
us by Miss Easter, the librarian. Miss
Easter was a idly, thin, i lady
who had been born we of
gold-rimmed locals and with a full
head of bluegr ir. 1 recall vividly
one hellish week trying to get through
the first page of something called Ivan-
hoe, which had been highly recom-
mended by both Miss Easier l Miss
My reports themselves actually r:
a sort of form. For example:
Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe.
Robinson Crusoe is about this man who
got lost on this island. He made a hat
out of a coconut shell and found this
footprint on the beach. His island was
named Friday, and he had a goat. This
is a very interesting book. It was exciting,
1 think Robinson Crusoe is a good book.
“Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell. Black
Beauty is about this horse that got sold
lav cruel man. He hit Black Beauty
nd Blick Beauty was very unhappy
because Black Beauty was a kind horse
ad didn't hit anybody. I think books
pout horses are very exciting, and Black
Beauty is a very exciting book. It has
three hundred and two pages, and I
think anyone would enjoy reading Black
I felt strongly that unqualified
use for any book on Miss Bryfogel’s
ng List would convev to
ings not only about the
bout her—and als
n to
A Rea
her my deep fce!
books she read but
would net me at least a C. Miss Bryfogel
also encouraged something she called
“Outside Reading," which meant books
list. Miss Easter had a
desirable nonofficial
t file of
books at h
in glove with all the Miss Bryfogels at
the Warren G. Harding School, cease
lessly striv ick the frontiers
of barbarism and ignorance
high the Nuttering banners of culture. In
Hammond, Indiana, that was an almost
impossible crusade.
On several occasions 1 had gone the
treacherous route of Outside Reading. It
was invariably stupendously boring. But
ready 1 had mastered the art of manu-
facturing an entire book report from
two paragraphs selected at random from
the text, plus a careful reading of the
dust jacket—a system that is not un-
known to some professional reviewers.
But the s not the only
source of books available to the probing
id. There was home—and in my in
nce. the bookcase in the dining room,
filled to bursting with my fathers pre
cious collection of atrocious books. We
did not subscribe to the literary magi-
zines, and T doubt whether my father
had ever read à book review in his entire
life, if he even knew they existed; hence
“I just don't feel Mr. Witherspoon belongs here
in Retirement Acres.”
“And how's my litlle key club tonight?”
he read for. pure. pleasure—such. weighty
tomes as The Claw of Fu Manchu, The
Canary Murder Case, Riders of the Pur
ple Sage and the complete exploits of
Philo Vance. At least these were the
books that he kept in the dining room
bookcase, I never really associated them
! book reports; they were just stories,
and book reports were about books
There were also, however, other vol
umes kept around the house—not many,
just a few mysterious books kept in my
parems” bedroom, or in the closet. No
one ever said we shouldn't read. them
Fhey were just kept out of our way. And
them was this thick,
green-covered, bulky book that had sat
on the bottom shelf of my mother's end
table for longer than 1 could remember.
1t was so much a part of the scenery that
it wasn't a book anymore: just a thing. I
had opened it maybe twice in my entire
life—tiny pr comprehensible: just
book. Until that pivotal day when every
thing changed.
Jt was a chill, dark, lowering after-
noon: faint puffs of oily wind bore the
essence of Phillips 66
one open hearth throug
and under the eaves. 1 was home alone.
And itchy. These are dangerous condi
tions, known 10 us all, Ranging through
the empty house looking for something
ad the number
h the gauni wees
to do, somewhere to light, chewing a sa-
limi sandwich,
1 homed in on my p:
hedroom—which was someth
y did: somehow it was off my ma
othing Freudian or Viet
just wasn't where the action was. How-
ever, as the barometer fell and my itch
increased. | dhified in and past the brass
bed, just looking.
The how and why of the exact instant
The Book came into my hands I do not
clearly recall, and. perhaps even that [act
ificant, But somehow I knew with-
even being told that jt was wrong,
t what I was doing was vaguely on
the other side of the line. These instincts
run deep. Snatching up the book, my
cars pricked for footsteps on the porch, I
skulked into the bathroom and began my
descent into iniquity and degradation.
The title of the book meant nothing to
me—the Decameron of Boccaccio. 1 had
not seen it on Miss Easte
on Mis Brvfogels Suggested Reading
lists but it was thick and had small
print, so 1 figured it must be good. Or at
least official. Not only that, it had a for
cign name, and anyone who has ever
gone to elementary school knows that any
hook with a foreign name is important
Well P hadn't read fou
when E realized that 1 had in my hands
the golden key to Miss Dryfogel's
passionate heart. Not only was this book
almost totally incomprehensible, it was
about friars and abbots, counts and
coumtesses, knights errant, kings and
queens, and a Jot of wild Italians. It also
had pictures—woodcuts that reminded
me of other important books that Miss
Bryfogel had spoken highly of. In accord
ance with my usual practice in book ic
porting, T looked through the table of
contents 10 pick out something specific
10 read and to quote in case of embarrass-
ing questions. | had never seen a table
of contents like this before. It was listed
“Day the First.” “Day the Second,” “Day
the Third,” and under those headings
something caught my eye
“The First Story: Maseno of Limpo
reco leigneth himself dumb and be
cometh Gardener to a convent of women,
"s shelves, nor
who all Hock to lie with him.
Well, this was a natural, since 1 knew
what “dumb” meant. There were plenty
of dumb kids in my das. And Mis.
Brunner, next door, had a garden. 1
on home grounds. 1 plowed ahead, and
the more T struggled to read, the more I
realized that this was good for at least a
B-plus. My senses alert for sounds in the
driveway. I forged imo unknown teni
tory. There was something about the
story that drew me on like some gigantic
magnet hauling a handful of iron filings
across a sheet of paper. Though 1 some
how had the idea tar an abbess was
cither a safety-patrol lady or some kind of
bad tooth, 1 couldn't put it down. And I
began. inexplicably, to sweat—a telltale
The stories didn't exactly end—not
like The Outdoor Chums, where Dan,
the bully, shakes his fist at Will, the fun
loving chum, and rete
ting in his ce
ardly way, surrounded by his toadics,
shouts: "Will, and all the rest of you
Outdoor Chus—Vil get you yet! Just
wait and see" The Outdoor Chums
would laugh gaily, climb into their elec-
uric canoe, head back to camp, and that
would be it. But these stories didn't ex-
actly end. They just sort of petcred out
But 1 was hooked.
Steamily, T arcad ou and on and on.
And on. “The house grew darker and
tolder; d ng. On the
far-olf. horizon the night shift took over
in the steel mills. The skies glowed as
winds were ri
the blast furnaces and the Bessemer con.
verters painted the clouds a dull red
orange. My eyes ached: my throat was dry
and parched. 1 reid of maidens and vir
m ill.
lcs—and cuckolds, a
yellowish, camarylike bird, 1 gathe
Finally, glazed with fatigue, 1 cucfully
replaced the green volume in its place of
hoi nd went ino the küche
knock together another salami
1t had been a reddeuer afternoon.
till Miss Bryfogel sees what gre:
Fm reading now. | thought
Tt was one of the very few times I ever
looked forward t0 getting 10 work on a
book report. It was Thursday, and the
next day was, of course, our day of reck-
oning. So after supper I scrunched over
the kitchen table, my blue-lined table
icad cover before me, my
y wer fountain pen clutched
in my hand, and began my most heart
felt love. alle s Brylo
“Decameron, by Gio
nt carefully. my mind hum
welloiled cock. toying with
and finally selec
phrases, reject
the opening line
“This is rhe bes, most
book 1 ever read. It is by a Ta
think this book is very interesting
about these people that tell stori
knights and friars and cuckolds."
1 figured this was a nice touch, since T
knew Mis Bryfogel liked. birds, Gather-
ing steam. D went on:
“There was this onc story about a
named Mascuo who worked in a
garden and he made believe he was
dumb and he did a Jot of funny things,
d there was this lady named The Ab-
bess who said she would lieth with Ma
setto because, T guess, she didn’t want to
embarrass him because he was lying: She
did, and they were very happy. 1 liked
this story because T think
den is a good thi
lot of other stories 1 liked in thi
Te is very hard to read because it
small printing, but anyone would r
this would like iL"
1 leaned back and vercad my n
piece. Wi was good, the best work 1 had
ever donc. My mother, hunched over the
sink in her Chinexered chenille bath-
robe, doi c dishes,
When the Blue of the 3
Gold of the Day. Av this
nd I
It is
s about
to have. There are
was humming
sht Meets the
ne she was
her Bing Crosby period, The
was wann, my stomach was
stulled and life was Full.
Friday dawned bright aud clear, a per
fect gem of a mor (UT Hloated to
P that high, exhilarated feel-
man who has his homework
and the world in the palm of his
nd. Birds sang, milkmen whistled. I
could hardly wait Six-B English.
is Brylogel would know! She
not mistake my devotion for a
mere passing whim.
That afternoon. she her desk
looking even more unauainable, clusive
d sultry than ever before. Her ope
ing remarks followed the classic patte
Pass your book reports up to the
amd open your books to page
me, Simonson shoved his
smudey scrap of paper, bearing the tile
Sam, the Young Shortstop. From behind
me. Helen Weathers poked my ear with
Lassie Come Home. and 1. violins play-
fortissimo in my soul, added m
gnificcnt epistle to their scrubby lot.
Miss Bryfogel simply stacked. the book
reports. together. shoved them in a
drawer, and we went to work on gerunds.
sat at
At Jong last the class ended. Caressing
Miss Bryfosel with my bu myopic
eyes, E drifted out into the hall, knowing
that the trap was set. She had a whole
weekend to think about me and our life
together, Now that she knew the higher
things to which T aspired, the pinnacles I
had conquered, there could be no stop-
ping us!
Saturday and Sunday flew by on the
wings of ecstasy. And then Mi
blessed. Monday. Ti was the first time in
the recorded history of elucition that a
normal, red-blooded male kid ever
sprang out of bed at seven at, a full 15
mutes carly, and took olf for school
hout so much a gle whine
dragged endlessly, achingly toward
noment of sublime triumph that I
^w must come. The instant I walked
mo Miss Bryfogel’s daswoom I knew I
1 made the big strike. I was not even
at my scat when she called me up to her
desk. I turned, the way I had scen Clark
Gable do so many times, and ambled up
to her desk. Miss Bryfogel, her v
sounding a Tule odd—no doubt duc to
in, I'd like you to stay
he jackpot! T swaggcred back 10 my
seat a man among children. Fifty-five
inutes later 1 stood before Miss Brylo
els alar, ready to do her slightest bid-
ding. She ope
book. report,"
heh, heh,” D veplied.
s nor used to this. D was strictly a
few min
bout book
al GCplus men never get
king in a
w voice
“Bur tell me, did you really . . . enjoy
the book?
"Yes. It was
1 very exciting hook.”
AL this point Miss Brytogel did so
thing d had never seen a teacher do
before, and the first faint whisper of dan-
waled through my venti
ad dc t me for a
nally said, very quietly:
tem. She just sat
long timc. and
with mc.
Truthful! Was Miss Bryfogel laboi
. T want you to be very wuthful
under the delusion that I was leading
her on. toying with her affections? I si
1 was be g 1o sweat up my cordi
roys a litle.
“Did you read
€ book or did you
copy that from somewhere?” There is
one golden rule for all book reporte
Never admit you didn't read the. book.
That is 1.
"Where did you get the book? Did you
PNG a read it.”
get it out of the library? Did Miss Easter
give it to vou at the library?
The animal in us never sleeps. The
acid scent of trouble, faint but tangible.
filtered in through the chalk dus
smell of lunch ba
ike a steel trap.
"Well... ah..
it to me. Yeah, a kid
Miss Bryfogel closed
USC ne from id
Uh-oh! Look ou
“Ah... no! A kid 1 met on the
playground at recess. A big Kid."
"Docs he go to Harding
“No... P never saw that kid before.
No. E don't know where he's from. A big
kid... by the candy stor
Miss Bryfogel swiveled her chair and
stared off at the Venetian blinds for
what seemed like two years. Slowly she
turned back to me,
“A big kid by the candy store
we you Boccac
“Did he say anything to you?
“Yeah, he said . . . "Heres a book! "
ave you that hook?"
€ it tome!”
“Would you recognize him if you saw
him again?”
Well, it...
docs lee»
Miss Brylogel took some paper clips
out of her top drawer and straightened
them out for à while, and then said.
even more quietly than bel
And it was
“Are you telling me the wath?"
“Sure D am!”
"Home!" E yelped.
“At home? Do your parents know thar
you read this book at home? Does your
mother k
“Are you sure
‘Ah... yeah.”
Miss Bryfoge! picked up her pen and
took a sheet of paper out of her desk
drawer, and looked at me in a way th:
Myrna Loy never looked at Clark Gable.
"Fm going to give you a note. You are
going to take it home to your mother,
wd im onc hour [ will call her 10 sce
that it’s been delivered.”
My socks began to itch, I had been
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through d
«d visibly.
re you telling me the truth?”
SENS PARTUR. tye oil
was one of the great turning points in
my life, and even then 1 knew
Lryfogel leaned back in her swivi
She was soft and warm
your mother doe
"L know you
“And you really ke
"My father's roon
"Oh? Docs he know you took it?"
"You know you did somcthing wrong.
id it where?”
"Did you like the book?"
Somehow 1 knew that this was a
loaded question.
It was pretty funny, wasn't it?”
1 was telling the truth. It seemed that
for the first time in two years 1 was tell
ing the truth. 1 badn't gouen a single
bolt from the book. The only t
had liked about it was castles
knights. But there hadn't been a sin
laugh in it
“Are you sure you didn't find it funny
She knew I was telling the truth.
“Well, that’s good. That's much. bet-
1er. Now, will you promise me one thing
that you will not sneak into your par
ents’ room and get books anymore, il I
promise not to send a note home?"
“MI right, you can go now
A great crashing wave of relief rowed
over me, and, bobbing in the surf. I
paddled frantically toward the door.
Just before 1 was through it and out
that’s very good. I like to sec
1 sipped my warm bourbon thought-
fully as Miss Bryfogel’s voice faded olf
nto the darkness of my memory forever.
Arnold Palmer was coming into the 18th
three under par, and Amold Palmer
lining up a putt. Wading tluoug
pers, J retrieved the Book Review sup-
w. Yes there he was, my old
friend, the languorous youth, redi
provocatively. The num looked down
upon him as she had for all these cen
€ off in the fairy.
round, a cuckold sang sweetly
as he busily built his nest.
DEATH OF GOD | continued from page
himself to the world and to men, as in
the fall of the prin
ive sky gods into
. In a more decisive sense for
Christians, the coming and the death of
Jesus (the Tucarnation, to use the techni
cal term) stand for a kind of death of
God. Here God. Christians have always
said, takes on sin and suffering. Can it
not also be said that God. takes on mor-
tality, that the coming of Jesus is the be
ginning of the death of God, and that
because of this coming. men no longer
need gods in the old religious sense?
‘The New
est to this in the sayin
in love abides in God.”
But the “when” questio
swered not only in terms of Jesus, but
terms of the 1th Century. If Jesu
makes the death of God a possible expe-
rience for men, the [th Century lives
that reality and instructs us to do the
same. A whole series of themes in the
19th Century deal, directly or indirectly,
with the collapse of God into the world,
and thus with the death of God. Gocthe
and the romantics spoke of the move-
ment from t ice to nature, and
even Protestants were di
ament. perhaps comes clos-
He who abides
has to be an
aury to fing themselves on
the bosom of mature in order to re-
capture a lost divinity. William Blake
ously of the death of the
God at the close. of the
and in the French Revolu-
tion itself we can perceive the close con-
iom between regicide and deicide.
Hegel y as 1807, speaks elliptically
of God's death, and the leftwing. He
ns like Strauss and Feuerbach make
it much clearer—the attributes of God
must be transmuted imo concrete hu
m is
the human community the values pre-
viously ascribed to Ge
Ibsen and Strindberg knew the death
of God, as did Victorian England. George
Eliot found God and immortality impos
sible, duty alone irresistible, while the
man values. Karl Marx’ own Marx
in one sense an attempt. to 1Ccovei
ing Matthew Arnokl's. Dover Beach
sang a song for a whole g ion.
The Sea of Faith
Was once, too, at the full, and
round. carth's shore
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle
But now I only hear
Tis melancholy, long,
Retrealing, to the breath
Of the nightwind, down the vast
edges drear
And naked. shingles of the world.
And on our side of the Atlantic, Haw.
thorne rather quictly, and Melville with
unforgettable force, laid the God of the
Purian tradition to rest. Perhaps the
most unforgetiable image of the dying
;od im our language is that of Ahab
finally fixing his harpoon in Moby
Dick's side, as the two of them sink to-
gether, both of them God, both of them
Cryptically, but not entirely falsely, in
Europe and America between thc
French Revolution and the start of
World War One, the Christian God is
ig and death of Jesus
d's death possible; the 19th
Century makes it real. And today, it is
our turn to understand and to accept.
Thus, EET
Europe and America of the I
In a final sense, today, just now.
what is there about our time that hà
us to see and to grasp this event?
Every man must answer for himself
the question “What is the special quality
of your experience of the death of God
In one sense, I don't think one can or
should uy to persuade anyone else of
the reality of the death of God. When I
talk or about it, I don't try to
place a new thing into another's head, I
ty to remind him of what he already
knows. Hl there is no answer, no recogni-
tion, I can be of no furthe "
except as an example of the way he
should not go. For me, the death of God
s not a consequence of a simple exp
ence like the discovery of, say. the scier
tific method that automatically rules out
God. It is an emotional event, in the
guts. It is made up of a number of
things, modest in themselves, but over
whelming when It is fo
me partly the disappearance of the ide
of God as a meeter of needs and a solver
of problems. For much of its histor
classical Christianity felt that while men.
byt ands, could solve many of
the problems of life, there was always a
dimension where man was powerless and
which had to be ascribed to God. In this
sense the longing for God wa to be
common to all. Our hearts are restle:
int Augustine said, until they come to
a God. Today we must say some
usc to hi
own h
hearts are
may not need God, just as the
need a single ultimate loyalty
and problems are for the world to me
and if it cannot meet them, nothing else
can. This is one strand in the experience
of the death of God for mi
Another has to do with the problem
of suffering. If for you there is nothing
special about the 20th Century's experi-
ence of suffering, then this line of argu-
ment will not persuade. There has
always been unmerited suffering im the
world, and it has always been a problem
for the heart and the head to hold to the
reality of suffering and to the goodness
and power of God at the same time. It
has always been hard, E am saying, and
now it is impossible; for the terrible bur-
den of suffering our time has witnessed
can be ascribed to God only by turning
him into a monster. The problem of
Job, of Ivan Karamazov, of Albert Ca-
mus has fallen on our heads. It was
Christians who did the work at Auschw:
and their God became impossible after
they had finished. Emest Hemingway,
whom we do not ordinarily think of as
having been moved by these problems,
has a touching scene on this poini in For
Whom the Bell Tolls: Anselmo is speak-
ing to Jordan about his hopes when the
war is over.
“But if 1 live later, I will try to live
a such a way, doing no harm to
any one, that it will be forgiven,”
“By whom:
“Who knows? Si
€ we do not ha
God here any more, neither His
Son nor the Holy Ghost, who for-
gives? I do not know.
“You have not God
ny mori
“No. M ly not. If there
were God, never would He have
L L have seen with
s. Let them have God.”
“They claim Him.
"Clearly 1 miss Him, hay
brought up
ig been
gion. But now
man must be responsible to
, madam, but your
husband isn’t accepting any calls.”
“Then it is thyself who will forg
thee for killing.
“I believe so," Anselmo
Let me put this in another wa
death of God means two closely re
things: that some of the human experi-
ences to which men have traditionally
given the name of God must be red
scribed and renamed, and also that some
of those experiences are no longer ours.
D mple, religious men have often
pointed 10 experiences of. dependenc
awe, reverence, wonder, mystery, tragedy
as signs of the incalculable and myster
ous character of life, saying of these c
together, "Something
is what we mean by God."
. such things about
"There are, of cou
us, and the only point I wish to make
here is that one needn't give any of
them the name of God. They are r
facts of our life, we have human sciences
and arts to clarify them, and they point
to mystery and wonder, but not to God.
But a second thing is just as true.
There are experiences that men have
had in the past and which they have tra-
ditionally understood as pointing to
God that are simply not available to us
in the same way today. Take the experi-
ences of dependence, especially in the
presence of nature. Listen to a research
doctor or a physicist or a
ist talk about his work. He is
talking about mastery, control and. pow-
: not about a sense of smallness be
fore the universe. This is uue of our
kids as well. The other night 1 was out
in the back yard with one of my children,
who had to identify some constellations
for his science homework. When I was
young and used to sand under the
starry sky. E recall being filled with all the
things you were supposed to be filled
with: awe, a sense of my own smallness,
dependence. But my son is a full c
of the modern world, and
he had located the req
i Which are the ones we put
up there, Dad?” He was more interested
n what he could do up there than in
what he could feel down here. He had
become a technological man, and this
means something religiously. Are there
other traditional religious experiences
that we're losing touch with? The death
of God lives in this kind of world.
1r is quite foolish to say that the death
of-God theology wants to reduce li
the scientifically knowable or the
diately relevant, It has no special
est in relevance or in being acceptable to
nonexistent chimera, “modern
-" In no sense does it wish to tur
its back on the mysterious, the sacred,
the holy or the wanscendent. It simply
will not call such things by the name of
God. As a matter of fact, it might bc
interesting 10 work out a way of
talking about godless forms of the saacd
—ideas and experiences of the saaed
need not include the experience of
God. It is doubtless true that some roads
to the sacred are ruled out for many of
us in our rationalized and technological
cule. ‘There probably cimnot be. for
example, any way to the sacred via holy
men. holy books or holy gestures in thc
usual sense. But even if our way to God
is cur off, need it be the case for our ex-
perieuce of the saed? Can the experi-
eme of sex become a way to the sacred
for some? Not just sex as intercow
bur as toral affirmation of one's sexuality
in the midst of the human. community.
What would it mean to say that sex can
become a new kind of sacred space?
What ld sored mean in such a
Perhaps death can also become a sa-
cred. event in our time of the death of
God. Not, of course, our experience of
our own death, but at least the experi-
icc of its c mortality, and a
facing up to death, our own and others,
so as to befriend it and deprive it of its
ability to hurt and surprise us. What
ild "sacred" have if we tried
to say that death may become a way t0 a
godless form of the sacred today:
Some examples might make this point
it less bewildering. In the Gettysburg
Address, Lincoln was offering what
seems to me a moving example ol de
as a human, godless form of the sacred.
He said. you'll recall, that they had met
10 dedicate a portion of the buttletield.
Theu he went
dedicar- not consecrate
cannot hallow—this
ght have expected him to make
the pious point here and to say that we
mortals cannot. consecrare anything be
cause that is God's prerogative alone.
But he didit say tha
The brave men, living and dead, who
ruggled here, have consecrated it,
r above our poor power to add or
n but all those
Not just t
right" sid.
who fought, e the consecrators.
Suflering and dying men, he suggests,
have the power to make holy or sacred.
vas ord
It would be casy to find a contempo-
rary example of sex sacred. ev
Such a view is comm - dn our
modern sentimental panegyrics to sex,
both Christian and secular. So 1 would
turn to another source, to Purita
d, as a matter of fact- This is
1 Hawthorne's The Sear-
nd Dimmesdale is speaking
bout their adulterous lov
ary and profane before.
let Letter,
to Hester
we not. Hester, the worst
n the world. There one
tha the polluted
priest! That old man’s revenge has
been blacker than my sin. (He is re-
faring (o. Chillingwortlrs diabolical
amack on him.] He has violated, in
cold blood. the sanctity of a human
Thou and L Hester, neve
did so!
ever, never.” whispered she.
What we did had a consecration of
its own. We lelt it so! We said so to
cach other! Hast thou forgotten it?
Here is not only sex, but nonmarital sex,
and in the heart of Puritanism, affirmed
as a form of the sacred. Along such tines
1 think, a conception of the sa-
cred without God might be worked out.
] want to raise one final question
about the idea of the death of God. IF
God is dead, as we say, what do we put
in his place? What does the work in this
godless Christian vision that God used
10 do in the classical tradition? Have we,
it might be asked. taken the full measu
of the terrible cry of Ivan Karamazov,
as these.
It there is no God, then everything is
permined? Are strong
enough to lose not only the fear of hell
and the consolations of (he next life; but
also the reality of God?
There are two answers, or two forms
of the same answer, to the questio
about the replacement of God. In. one
sense the answer must be “the human
community" and in another sense it
must be “Jesus.” Let us distinguish be-
tween two kinds of meaning or function
classically ascribed 10 God. If by God
you mean the means by which forgive-
ness is mediated. or consolation in time
of sorrow or despair, or judge of my ar-
rogance and mi y
that these functions, as central for us as
they ever were in classical. Christi
must be taken over by the human com-
munity. We must lewn to forgive each
other with the li unconditioned
grace men used to ascribe to God. (Re-
call the touching words between Ansel-
people re
mo and Jordan quoted above.) We must
to comfort cach other, and we
to judge, check and rebuke
n which we
not now
If these things
by the huma ics in
the world, then these communities must
they can perform these
nd whatever others, once ascribed
xl. that need to be done in this new
t: sense the di
leads to politics. to social ch
even to the foolishness of utopi
But it would be mish
over to what we are calling the hum:
community every task once given to
God. There is another kind of hg
ed to the classical idea of Cod that
nother kind of surrogate. I by
od you mean the focus of obedience,
the object of trust and loyalty, the mi
ing I give to love, my center, n
ing—then these mean
to men in general but to Jest
n comm
be altered unti
ading t9 pass
gs are given not
the man,
in his life, his way with others and his
death, We death-ol-God theologians
thus stake out a claim to be able to m
it as Christians not merely because w
speak of the death of the Christian God.
but because we see as the center of the
Christian faith a relation of obedience
and trust directed to Jesus. Somethi
ike this is placed on the lips of Unde
ikolai by Boris Pasternak in Doctor
SAS Dow musi be
true 1o Chris explain. What
you don't understand. is that it is
possible to be an atheist, it is pos
sible know whether God
exists, or why, and yet believe that
man docs not live in a state of na-
ture but in history, and that history
we know it now n with
Christ, and that Christ's Gospel is
its foundation. Now what is history?
It is the centuries of systematic ex
plorations of the riddle of death
with a view to overcoming death.
That's why people discover. mathe
matical infinity and electromagnetic
waves, thas why they write syn
phonies. Now, you can't advance in
uot 10
this. direction toa certain
faith. You can't make such discov-
cries without spiritual equipmen
And the basic elements of this
equipment are in the G
are they? To begin love ol
one’s neighbor, which is the su
preme form of vital energy. Once it
fills the heart of man it has to
overllow and spend itself. And then
the two basic ideals of modern man
it them he is unthinkable—
the idea of free personality and the
idea of life as sacrifice.”
spels. What
The human community in gener
not as it is. but as it might be altered to
become—and that particular instance of
the human community, Jesus of Nazi-
rerh, thus take over the work, the actio
the deeds, once ascribed to the Christian
God. Thus the death of God is the least
abstract event one can imagin
ht imo politics, revolutio
and the tragedies and delights
At the start of this article, the ques
was posed whether the death of
night be a non-event, fashioned by
g more substantial than the cag
and empty publicity mills of our da
We radical theologians have found, 1
think, that it is something mote. It is a
real event; it isa joyous event; it is a lib
erating event, remos
might stand between. ma
of suffering, man and the love of
neighbor. It is a real event making
possible Christian form of faith for
many today. It is even making possible
church and mi n our world.
father was a Hasid, a believer in mira-
cles, and not a rabbi; and the only
Mayllower ^ came on was the May
Hower Moving & Storage, which carried
him once from Indianapolis to Cleveland.
My grandfather believed in mirades, and
no miracles happened 10 him: my father
believed. only in. decision and will, and.
made his own miracles. My father's sister
hers occupied mow of
his will and his powers of decision in the
years until à. grand duke’s assassination
Sarajevo finally forced him to put away
thoughts of his home village.
One by one, th
nks 10 the
Father earned. in New York, Gervyii
r t0 the builders of skyscrapers.
"er cuning and g goods, d
rolling cigars, his brothers and his sister
were brought to America. A lew dollars
-one brother. A few more dollars—an-
her brother. A lew more dollirs—the
st brother. A few more dollars—a sister.
Now they were all here, and soon the
t be
parents persuaded to lene
their hut. their cart, their horse, their
cow, their rabbi in Kamenets Podolski
Jor Hester Street in New York, where
thugs in caps and. policemen in blue and
the stunned, dazzled, newly arrived im-
ants strolled, Somehow there was a
deal of noie, though no one
seemed to be shouting.
Each member of the Emily took my
father’s lead and accepted the name
Gold upon anial, It was simple and
pronoun nt somethin
Mainly it meant that they were Ameri
can. They aranieed their intention
with a mime that cut to the heart of
The only daughter was here, the old-
est son was here, the your
here, the miscellaneous sons were here.
There was no reason for the grandpar
ents to put off the future with religious
exams, In 1912 my futher had a sold
tooth installed in his head by a dentist
on Delancey Street who specialized. in
internal decoration; it replaced a per
fealy adequate pale tooth. He then
spent the rest of his money on a trip
hack 10 the Old Counny. He wore fresh
clothes, green shoes, and flashed a quick
but modest smile to show the gold tooth.
e whistled down the road. He whistled
whenever he felt 1 Remembering
that he had a ade his
parents to come to America and take it
SL son was
new name, he felt like stopping his
My father’s father pointed out that
the Ukraine was closer to Jerusalem than
New York, and that when the Messiah
comes, it will be just too far to roll from
New York.
My father conceded this well-taken
point, but remarked that it was a lor
roll from the Ukraine to Jerusalem. too
1 if you had to take a long roll, why
(continued [rom page 100)
not take it from the Lower East Side, in
the good company of the family?
His Lather thought this one ove
lips pursed, but. not whistlin
tioned that he might discuss
The rabbi. my father s
you what you want to hea
will cat all the cookies.
. He me
with the
d, will tell
anyway, and
“Hanh? id his father,
My father said never mind, that the
children were well, and they all wanted
to sce the Family united in His
mother said very little, but
my father was skinny despite his gold.
tooth. If he had a gold tooth, he should
also be fat. Also he shaved his chin, cut
his hair and, i med in
Tlow is Bei
"Lonely. He
mother. He w
coming. Doing line.
Well, who put such ideas in his head?
A baby like that.”
"bp did my
Still and still, it was wue thar all the
children had gone to New York. At last
the old people promised to give up both
xdliness and easy. rolling to Jerusalem
in order not 10 lose their Children, Maybe
the Messiah would send skates; too.
My father. returned ja New York to
carn the money to send for his parents
They promised. It took a little while, be-
cause he was already working to keep his
sister and brothers alive, and sometimes
one or the other could not find a job,
and there were depressions or strikes or
volfs or illness or one or another m:
ner of disister. Sometimes Ben was 1
nd wouldn't sell his p
they went without eating. Ben was the
youngest: he sometimes said—foolishness
—that he wished he were home. My fa
general, se
my baby?" she asked.
nisses Vu He eds his
nis to know when vou're
admitted. “So
pers. Sometimes
ther told him: America is now you
home. But Ben had not been realy to
lcave his. parents.
On c ible da day that grew
worse in memory as healing time passed,
go bac
"What's the matter, vou crazy? There
is no back.”
come. You m:
ness here.
said to my father, “E want to
mistake. 1 shouldn't have
le me come. I g
Ben stood. up.
My father w;
mied to hit him. Then he
Sh as g
was as foo!
the rabbi. He also had stood up. but he
sank down in the chair of the room they
shared near the truck terminal in Cin-
ton, Ohio. He said, "Ben, you try for
little while. You're just a kid. Why don’t
you wy?”
“ol said Be
the Army.
“You're 100 young. You're
me. |
aybe TIL go imo
“They won't
ke you.” And the
father yelled at him:
“OK” sid Ben, and picked up his
cap and his book and went out to night
school. He studied English every night,
as did my father, This evening my father
didn't go 10 clas. He sayed home,
drinking tea and brooding. The Army!
Foolishness! I asked him what
language he ht these thoughts in.
nglish, Yid or Russian, and hc
looked at me in himen. J (hough,
he said.) He decided. in whatever lan-
age, that he would hurry his parents:
Ben needed them in America. And he
would keep an eye on Ben. For some it
was a gcat relief, a freedom, to leave
home amd. parents and old wasting ways
> make a lite 1 choo
everything. even his name. But for some,
it was a burden. My father, not
iding this v ised dn He
ink gea, me half a loaf of bread with
and waited under the bare bulb
lor Ben to get home from school. "You
want to alk some more?" he asked
Ben said, "You already told me.” and
went to bed.
My father sat up, figur
ems must be brought soon. Thoe was
the money and there was his father's
stubbornness. But it must be soon.
If my father’s will had been in control
of history, the will of the family would
have been done. Instead, the War of
1 began. Before the parents could
make the journey, they were killed i
some obscure fashion. There was an un
recorded pogrom, followed by a fire.
The maps had never recorded this. vil-
lage, I now what had never been
recorded dropped out ol fact. Dust and
ruins. A new time dug iis heels into the
£ the old time. Gone were the an
cemetery nearby, gone even was the
wonder-working, cookie-loving rabbi i
the next town. The mother would never
sce her baby Ben, who was not doing
fine without her. The old me of iic
family was lost in the smoky fires of po-
grom and war. For good and all, the
survivors were committed to Amer
in which a
ig- The par-
cestors, gone were the hut and cow
her bec father
long before he conceived his own chil-
dren—father to his brothers and sister
no prohibition against whis
In America, my I
ove Irom New York to Chicago, |
Chicago to Indianapolis, Irom Indian-
polis to. Detroit, to. Canton, to Cleve
lind. The gold in the streets of America
ned out 10 be Sam Gold, born some-
y che. He wailed his gre 1 sib-
from town to town the
“Uh .. remember that black-out we had here in New York a few
months ago... ?”
American plain. All but one took this as
the normal way to live. One. Ben—but
was that really his n rema
child, no good at work, sulky, locked in
nd closed down, uni
been the young,
and his mother's favorite. She knew. he
would be her lust baby.
My father married. His brothers and
sister boarded with hi out
[ habit, but then found their own
rooms; all but one brother found wives.
the sister found a husband. Ben, the
gest, stayed on with my parents for
several years as a boarder. “Until he gets
used to things." my father said.
So well have to get a place with an
her said. “He can't
extra roc
sleep in the ki
Then ] was conceived; 1 was born.
milies take shape, forming and re-
forming like amoebae, and now Ben had
to find his own family. It was time to
learn adult. ways.
Ben moved out, He went from job to
job. He fell in love. The girl disliked 10
be taken out in the truck, which smelled
of lettuce and. tomatoes, ripe fruit and
wet soaps of paper bags. “Is that how
much you car" she asked him. "You
don't even clean out the cab?
"b come straight Irom work." he ex-
I took a good hot bath first,
a fellow tries to
i pod—himscil und his machine
Some people. for example, they don't
smell like a pharmacy although they
hifully could."
Ben borrowed my
He polished it up and bought springy
black clips for his pants. The girl rode
once on the jump seat, holding him by
the belt, and he told my lather, “It's
good. She just has to get used t0."
But he was wrong. The gil was not
merested. "Too green for her
mother siid. The girl was a cute |
dumpling from Canton who had ne
finished high school. She chose Ben's ri-
macist —well, n who
—well. it sold mostly
ines, which al-
n aptcka. Ben couldn't
almost drugstore. lt
Bur about this los: he
We ll, in Ame
thers motorcycle.
nswer back to a
Ben was forgiven his many failures be-
cause he was the baby, Alter my mother
lad put him up for several years, he
lived away and cune for meals; then he
lived took his
for mea
my mothe
y day three squares, not just
when you're company.
“I ain't got a good appetite,
T's natural with mi
The eldest brother had quarreled with
his father and made his way to America
with the wi on on his
Ben s
father, too. Carry adea, both
the quarreling the peacemaking
had forced him to become a man. My
uncle who had dung upside down to the
slats of the cart, the nervous headshaker,
Morris. was always one machine ahead
of my father. A motorcycle when my fa-
ther had a bicyde, a truck when my
ther used a motorcycle, a Chevy when
my father had a White pickup. a Pon-
. a Buick, a pink Imperial to carry
shaking head on its Sunday tours ol
the grandchildren. And my father saying
isis mily, "Well, he likes niee anspor.
». Personally, } go compact."
girl m the family married a sales-
ly. She learned to keep his a
counts for him: she took an interest in
selling. She read a book entitled The
Romance of Salesmanship, and thus was
ble to conclude, "You know what? Sell-
ing can. be romantic.” She knew that the
secret of her husband was not to be dis-
covered between the pages of this book,
but it wasn't her fault. Perhaps he had
los it on the roads that led Irom one
ardware store to the next, But she
made her deal and stuck with it.
As these normal. processes. continued,
Ben just followed along. America was
not his doing; it was done to him. He
had not finished with his childhood. He
trailed [rom one brother to the other, to
his sister, back to his eldest brother: he
found a job. or a job was found him or
given him or made him: he obeyed. He
1 not enough of a past in the Ukraine
10 make a future in Cleveland.
the word “boredom” we
curved to any of these people, Ben
trouble getting himself through the day.
He signified nothing to himself. He
wanted neither automobile nor work
nor wife, or he wanted them not
enough, or he was removed from relish
and hope. ambition and ihe con
of his powers. He was still a child, but a
grownup child is not a real child; i
stead, he was childish. He played with
me as a child plays with a child, and it
made me uncomfortable. He was not
supposed to be a child. He kiughed too
much: he yelled wo much when he
roughhoused with me: he panted and
grew red in the face. He kept glancing
at my father for his approval.
“Don't get the kid too excited,” my
mother said.
“What’s the ma
my father said.
iter, he's just playing,"
They were talking about Ben as if he
were a child in their presence, as if he
were a thing, abem by his matur
Though my father defended him, he
stopped. roughhousing with me.
Busy with other things, absenily
parents worried. about. Ben, Well,
time he would learn—grow up
a good appetite.
Noisy, brawling, weeping or alcoholic
fathers must, to some extent,
their children against the fearsome sepa-
rations wrought by excitement. My fa
ther usually had things under control,
He kept the lid on. F have s
drunk once, On a Christmas Eve it wa
he stamped into the house after the fruit
store closed, wearing his sheepskin coat,
snowy and wet and laughing
that frightened me, My mother kept
tying to shush him (babies sleeping)
and crowd him into bed. He recled
through the hall, and when his wild eve
fell upon me, it made no connection. He
was roaring, but what about? Nothi
Perhaps his Hasidic father sometimes
thus celebrated the God-given right to
roar like a beast. Perhaps he roared fc
the unforgettable and the forgotten
T hid behind a door and put my nose
in the crack. 1 watched my father, If he
pushed the door—less nose.
In silence I watched him, and in a ter-
ror of loneliness. To be present. when a
Father laughs. and vet t0 be so alonc!
My wet nose was in jeopardy. This was
no Hasidic mystery, There was no ritual
to grasp at: it was his festival, his alone
pononal, excluding. He was thick and
powerful in tufted, yellowish sheepskin,
and a silvery crating hammer, with flac
double prongs, stuck out of his pants
pocket. There was also a bulge of hol
day money—a good dav's business. He
had come from the party he gave in the
back room for the young Talis who
his store. Probably Myrna, the
low clerk, the st thumb
on any scale in town, the tightest corset,
had led him to wildness. She always
wanted him to let go, push and shove. be
a truck driver with her. My mother
could settle that score kuer. ht was
Chrisin Eve; this was America: all
down the streets of Lakewood, Ohio,
children and pi
s put their Hives to-
gether in momentary communion. Only
in our house did the uhr cel
without making his meaning des
Why did this come to be my model ol
isolation, separation?
1 understood. nothing. Tt had no con
nection, It hout reason. Eve
cruelty might have been ea Slavic
futher who came home drunk to beat his
wile and children, or brought Myr
with him, or stayed away all night.
My father was happily exalted. shak
ing his sheepskin coat, but absent from
us in his soul, lips wet and eves gleam-
s. Ben w oticed at the
kitchen table. He had finished a plate of
mb chops. The little gnawed bones lay
white on the table, He sat hiding in
plain view as my father crashed through
the house. He came to find me behind
ig un
the door and, without a word, patted my
shoulder. Then he stood behind my
mother as she said, "Sam. Go to bed
you'll sleep.” Ben was a part of this
Scene, as he was a part of the next on
1 stood stiffly, refusing 10 leave. I think
it was 1931, when I was six.
I saw my father absent in another way
a few months later. It was spring, and
there was a continual drip of On
my way to school I watched the misera:
ble hobos huddled on the slow Nickel
Plate freighis that ground through town
on their way west to Toledo or Detroit,
or to some
the wastes of
epskin was in
or east to. Pittsburgh,
less other. destination
the Depression. “The
moth balls, The will l ter had been
put away. Bur there was a connection in
My father's youngest. brother wis first
. and there wi nce in the house,
d then he was in the hospital and
"What's that?” E asked my mothe
He's dying.” 1 must have looked puz-
Hed, because she added: "He wants to
Ben, very quiet, was brought back to
our house, He had my parents’ bedroom.
1 came i
rubbers without
from school and took off my
help. 1 heard him
my mother—sometimes
when / wanted her—spent a long time
talking with him. She would let me look
at him briefly from the doorway, but
then she shut the door, Now he never
spoke to me, although he used to scream
with laughter. He lay in bed for what I
swem to recall as months—hush, smells,
worry. Perhaps it was only a day or two.
Then a silent limousine came for him.
He returned to the hospi
“No hope,” my mother told a n
She also cold her: “He drank lye.
1 overheard this, and promised never
to tell a lie if it could make you
She looked at me in silence and
only repeated, “He changed his mind.
He wa to live.”
My father left. his motorcycle in the
age. He drove the truck to the store. I
think Ben had been driving the wuck
before this happened.
“Now he wants 10 live.” my mother
said. "After he burned himself all out
inside. It's late.”
I recall my father receiving the last
news by telephone. He asked thick ques
tions; not a word of it I remember.
He hung th phone back on its cradle
nd fell into a chair at his accustomed
place at the kitchen table; he put his
head in his arms and wept with choking
sobs. E first tried to stand near him to be
noticed, but then grew frightened and
pulled My mother, doing some-
thing with vegetables at the sink, was
also weeping, but remained herself, with
a hand on my head. She was running wa-
ter over beet greens, washing out the
sand. There were tomatoes, turnips,
green onions, lettuce, stalks of Pascal cel-
cry in the sink, sending up fresh smells
of wetness and carth, 1 was probably
it Daddy
pushing into her skirts. "I
to stop that.
"His brothers dead. He's
“I want my Daddy to stop thai
I prowled about h
ing cou , as if the sight of my
ther, red,
which could somehow hurt me
dared it t0. Also I felt some pr
reverberation of his sorrow, This sense
of his sorrow that night has increased
very much with the years. Now that I
have lived until the age he reached
when his brother died. I begin to under-
stand. his he . the yawning empti-
nes of regret in his body.
“ws a total loss" my mother said.
When my father did not stop his
crying. my mother said, "Sam. The
He got up. went out, and I heard the
screech of his motoreyde in the spitting
cinders of the driveway. Mother ran to
the front of the house to stop him, but
he was already cireening down the
When he came back.
the teas were gone. He
er: “I'm selling that machine.
My brother and I were in our paja-
mis, ready for bed. He was gazing at us
with eyes which it is a part of everyone's
voyage on carth to recognize, even in
golden America. We cannot turn aw;
we find these eyes everywhere, and even-
tually in the mirror
a Tew hours later,
i to my moth
It’s too
mme livelier lather
SES glides on
smooth shaves deodorant
100 protection
you can trust!
brisk as an
cool, exciting—
ocean breeze!
Ota Spiet,
Ol Spice — with that clean, crisp, masculine aroma!
"I've done a job in at least one building
in just about every block along here.”
The same issue of Life prints a photo of
a labyrinth of wires that looks puissant
enough to be the power source lor a
Gemini launching, bur turns out 10 be
all the telephone taps feeding into FBI
headquarters in Las Vegas, “the most
bugged city in the U. $.” Bugged martini
olives, bugged tie clips, bugged stetho-
scopes (lor listening through walls) and
bug: tches are just a few of
the new "gifts of science" that will soon
render privacy as extinct as the whoop-
ing crane. Senator V. Long
ummed it all up nicely, i
agents are embarking on a nationwide
campaign of wire tapping, snooping and
rassment of American citizens.
Harrison Randolph
Bombay, India
In the words of the German play-
wright Bertold Brecht, “If the Govern-
ment doesmt trust the people, why don't
they dissolve us and elect a new people?”
ed wrist w:
Fificen years after the late Senator Mc-
(continued from page 11)
Carthy tried to purge Washington of ho-
mosexuals, J. Edgar Hoover seems to be
vstigating a follow-up campaign against
heterosexuals. Whether this is revenge or
just poetic justice I don't know, but
New York Post columnist James Wech-
sler reports the facts as follows:
The controversy began. when 25-
yearold "Thomas Carter, an FRI
clerk, was summarily dismissed for
unbecoming conduct. He had ad-
tedly ollered. the overnight hos
of bachelor quarters,
shared with three other FBI cm-
plovees, to “a girlfriend of long
standing” who had journeyed from
Texas for a visit io Washington . . .
a resolute young man
» the fingerprint. division,
decided to sue Mr
lation of his rights of. privacy
No issue of national security is
raised by the FBI, Carter's dismissal
has been defended by the Burcau
on the ground that have
hundreds of young men and wome
coming to work for the FBI and we
must be sure their be
Hoover for vio-
parenis c
confident that they and their col-
leagues are living under exemplary
Whether four bachelors dwelling
in total isolation from overnight
companionship with women could
be described as “living under exem-
plary standards” may become
maner for mated
Under the
roommates were
to inform their iors of the
young lady's visit. They failed to do
so; it is surmised that the informant
was a female FBI employee livin
in the sume building, who was pr
sumably overwhelmed by a se
duty (or envy)
‘BE code, Carte
endy obliged
Carter's three roommates were
summoned to testify before the
FBI's examiners. They had galla
allowed the young couple to ren
in one of the two bedroon
hout the night; they were
ned closely as 10 the nature
y sounds emerging from the
room of sin. | have no record of
their answers. The presumption
must be that they either. heard
enough to hang Carter or were
reproached for lack of vigilance,
otherwise known as non-voycurism.
Whether he would have been
cleared if they reported deadly si
lence is obscuie . -
Js Hoover iment on filling our secret po
lice with cunuchs and faggots? Is this the
opening gun of a general crackdown on
heterosexuality? But, worst of all, what
will happen to the dreams of young boys
everywhere who have previously reward
ed the Gman as a symbol of virility?
Four bachelors in ene apartment, and
no women allowed—it is enough to
shake ones faith in the cojones ol the
entire Government.
Ronald Weston
New York, New York
re we to make of this carnival?
Enclosed is a clipping from th
lumbus Evening Dispatch dai
cd me
Police have been given a new
weapon in combating sex deviates
as a result of a court decision carlier
this week
Previously handicapped by diffi
culi and tricky evidence
police are now expected. ¢
more arrests in their c ng
crackdown on homosexual activity
in public buildings.
Basically, the court decision held
that police could charge a suspected
homosexual under public nuisance
laws even if an aqual illicit solici:
ion were not made.
The actual case involved a 22
yearold youth arr
State University police in a second-
floor Ohio Union restroom after a
plainclothes investigator suspected
him of homosexual activity
Although the youth did not ac
tually approach the officer,
testified they observed him
several widely known homosexual
Tn finding the youth guilty, Judge
Wilbur Shull ruled the conduct of
the youth constituted a nuisance
even il his activities were not listed
under the
"Up until this c
making arrests only if the devia
ake an overt approach," Capt.
Herman Beck, head of the city vice
told ghe Dispatch.
gives us a new weapon
k for
Iw the universit id T'I
aw, be:
use T'I be afraid to go into the
restrooms, How n an ordinary herero-
sexual know what the "signals? are and
be sure he won't innocently use one of
them? Please withhold my name, as this
could get me fired.
(Name withheld by request)
Columbus, Ohio
We made our own investigation of this
case, and discovered. that the “signals”
consisted of the misereant's tapping his
foot on the floor, while sitting on the
john. When the arresting officer—seated
in the next cubicle—tapped his own foot
in reply, the student stuck his foot under
the partition and the arrest was made.
So, unless you are in the habit of listen-
ing to hot jazz on a transistor radio with
earphones, you can probably enter the
restrooms al your university without fear
of inadvertently leading a cop to think
you're cruising him.
Once again reason has y
head in politics and, à
Caveman has quickly stomped the li
bejesus out of it, I refer 10 the c
here in Milwaukee when the
Young Democrats added a liber
plank to their platform. As reported in
the local press, the resolution called for
end to all legal restrictions on sexual
relations in private between consenting
lults. The plank evolved from two sep
te proposals—one secking an end to
st homosexuality and the oth.
ng for repeal of kus against un.
relations between members ol
opposite se:
The Republicans. naturally. jumped
chance to defend Mother against
i saul, bur, worse yet, a
Democratic state senator, one Taylor
Benson of Franksville, also added. his
buffoonery. actually asking that the
Young Democrats be disbanded
"Members of the Young Democrats
who believe in the principles of decency,
sed its timid
usual, Ug the
1 sex
moral integrity and
ly should quit the pre
and start fresh,” Benso
1 told the press,
rean command of
flamelike i id dean lange
The resolution, he went on. “has done
irreparable damage to the senior party
dosing with another astonishingly origi
nal flourish, he characterized the resolu-
example of filth.
Your crusade for reason is commend.
ble, Mr. Hefner, but how can rea
ever penetrate the cranium of a
vocabulary Tike that—a vocabulary
expressly created to avoid thought a
short-circuit reason? Henry Adams,
all, was right when he s
with politicians, Polit
Hit them on the nose with a stick
Peter Stewart
Milwaukee, Wiscor
The American Civil Liberties Union
of Bucks County very much appreciates
the information contained in The Play-
boy Philosophy. Te has been, and we
hope it will continue to be, a helpful
source in our continuing work for fe
dom of speech.
Nick Landacre, President
American Civil Liberties Union
Lower Bucks County Chapter
You might be interesied to learn t
the Citizens for Decent Litera
spread their protective arms all the way
down to central Florida. In an article
ure have
supporting the CDL in a recent issue
of the Orlando Sentinel-Star, columnist
Ormund Powers wrote:
Thinking that a simple and reaso
ble test for obscenity might help. |
have devised this one which 1 gua
antee will prove the point if you are
a normal person: If you can't read
it aloud to your own school-age chil
dren, it is obscene.
So the usual war cry has been raised:
Protect the children.” Thanks, but no
th PI protect my own children
with no help from Mr. Powers or the
CDL. I'm afraid they might next decide
to protect me.
Mr. Powers’ proposed test for obsceni-
ty furnishes a delightful insight into the
workings of the CDL's mind. How in the
world can he hope to define “a normal
person"? Whatever he comes up with as
a definition, must 1 be forced to fit his
mold? There are a number of books oi
my shelves which I won't read to my
seven-year-old son, He isn't equipped to
understand cither The Carpetbag;
textbook detailing the reprodu
process of humans. T believe that one of
my responsibilities as a parent is to con
trol what ad this I do. 1
y son reads,
resent anyone attempting to usurp my
parental job and, at the same time,
smother me in their all-encompassing
nket of “goodness.
Kenneth R. Smith
Satellite Beach, Florida
J am somewhat mystified about the 445
discovery that "God is dead.” T would
like to know what god died—are they
talking about Uranus or Zeus or Jup
ta? Or is it Moloch or Shangii or
Yahweh? How about the schizoid Chris-
tian God with three net personali
tics that Billy Graham says is still alix
the one he talks to? That God recently
told Billy to bless rhe bloodleting m
Viennam, which means that He favors
the bombs and napalm being used by
our uughter ihe natives. H that.
God isn’t dead, he should bi
Elmer Hocikammer
Manitowoc, Wiscon
The Reverend William Hamilton,
professor of theology at. Colgate-Roches-
ter Divinity School and one of the lead-
ew of the “Godisdead” movement,
examines some of these questions else-
where in this issuc,
In an essay entitled ^
iiy: A iique” in the March
1966 issue of Together Magazine (an
official Methodist Church publication),
Harvey Seilert writes:
“Those people who
sexo partners while avoidit
responsibilities, or those who
comfortable in a tastily furni
house while other men st
“The New Moral-
v able to enjoy
cm. feel
hed pent-
India or
neighboring slums—such persons would
not understand — Albert — Schweivzer’s
renunciation ol home Y oan Aricin
al the w
to crucifixion.”
MI of us wh
than squalor. and presumably. this
cludes most Together subscribers,
not share. Dr. Schweiver’s renunciation
of home for an Mrican hospital. But nor
just a few of us understand the way of
Jesus which led to the orucifixion. To
put ijt mildly, Mr. Seifert’s
conclusions. make his anack on
Hefner's Playboy Philosophy both Ga
wd unacceptable.
Freclon M. (Nat) Fowler
Director, Public Rekuions
The Methodist Church
New York, New York
ay of Jesus which led
live in som
The selling of one’s body lor mone
n is rather innocuous when com
y compromising of
neiples and integrity that most of us
indulge in (and for no gain or pleasure
whatsoever). So why all the uproar about
physical prostivution? ‘The soul is sup-
posedly more precious than the body:
yet the soul is peddled at cutrate prices
Enforcement, entrapment and similar
techniques lor coercing people into d
ty or marital fidelity are laughably fu
tile—as history demonstrates, The law
has no moral prerogative to regulate pri-
ate affairs betwe
But let us not fool ourselves here, ci-
ther. Laws agaiust prosti not
enforced with any high regard for moral-
ity. but simply because of the pay olls,
gralis and blackmail they create
1 can only conclude, sadly. i
ion are
t the
oldest profession has often. been more
d candid than my own.
umes R. Sikes
The Reverend |
First Parish Uri
Stoughton, A
T don't think thar "standards? (double
or single) are responsible for prostitu-
tion or the lack of i
Prostitution, in our day a Teast. re
sults from insufficient and haphazard sex
insir The whore is attractive to
the male because she reputedly knows
morc of the refined pleasures of sex: bui
once refined sexual knowledge becomes
becomes in
a. The Hindu serip-
tures taught. (1500 years ago, alas. before
the ríe of Gandhian puritanism) thai
the noble housewife should be “erheshu
lakshmi shayaneshu veshya*—"in her
home, the goddess of splendorous
wealth; in her bed. a whore’—admon
ishing the nobility 10 sec to it that their
wives learned. and enjoyed the art of
love, so that the prostitute became super
Muous. “This, of course. is incompatible
with Judaco-Christia cthies. as Heln
realizes, and so the prostitute. will be
with us for a long time (o come.
Agchananda Bharati
Department of Anthropology
Syracuse University
Syracuse, New York
onplace. me whore
creasingly redund
1 was a callgirl for three years and do
not regard. the profession as immoral or
ocial. There was nothing unusual to
"justily" my c 1 am not a freak, an
alcoholic or a drug addict, nor was I
forced into the ss by pimps
poverty. I have above-average imel
gence (125 1. Q.) and have become a noi
thful wife to the man who is
wd dearest to me (formerly a
customer. by the way). I believe avidly
Humanism, The Playboy Philosophy
d ihe Bill of Rights. 1 also believe in
the "oldest. profession in the world
recommend that every girl tr
once, although admittedly the business
not all peaches and crean s T
was frightened by the i w, such
sexual aberrations—which ar
very visibly the result of antis
ing in childhood. And I was arrest
aes, which is never a pleasant.
experience. E know personally about th
unfair and devious methods used by the
After my
t arrest, I discussed with
my lawyer the possibility of taking my
case all the way to tlie Supreme Court to
try to legalize prostitution, on the
grounds that all laws against it are inv
us of individual liberty. He discou:
aged me, saying that E didn't stand a
chance of winning such a case. I still
think occasionally of becoming a test case
now that the "profession" is part of my
ast. but. in view of the Court's recently
demonstrated. puritanism iu the. Ginz
burg case, that probably is no small risk
Suzanne Demarest
Los Angeles, California
I had a severe cise of polio in carly
childhood that left me wearing body and
leg braces amd necessitates the ol
crutches, Bui I have been succesful in
overcoming my handicaps. E have an in-
teresting and lucrative job many
good friends. I drive a hand controlled
iuto and | enjoy waveling. It doesn't
bother me much that T can't run the 100-
vand dash. In short, my life is good—
cept that the only outlet E have for sex is
There are very few women who are
not repelled by physically idli-
capped. mate. The few times I thought 1
s going to be successful in seduction,
the lady was out of the mood by the
time 1 had removed my braces. 1 have
stopped even. irving to date, because a
rebuff, at any stage of the game, is hi
on the ego.
1 realize that sex XE a prostitute is a
very poor substitute for the res
butik UD y bater Uan nodi
would preler the companionship of ord
nary girls and eventually marriage and
children, but this is impossible.
T have only once used the services of
local prostitute, because if | were arrest
cd. T would lose my job, So I frequently
drive several hundred miles to anothe
state where I am unknown to spend an
evening with a prostitute. E have been
doing i He teens,
Prostitution gives me both the delish
of sex itself and the simple pleasure ol
having a female companion. I search for
the warm and understanding type and
usually stick with her until she moves on.
I am not obsessed with sex, but 1 must
have some sexual outlet or lose my iden-
lity as a man. IP prostitutes (and custom-
18) are adults, are not forcibly recru
lare discreet. 1 fail to see
ane and address
withheld by request)
“The Playboy Forum” offers the oppor-
Innity [or an extended dialog between
readers and editors of this publication
on subjects and issues raised in Hugh
M. Hefner's continuing editorial series,
The Playboy Philosophy.” Four book-
let re prints of “The Playboy Philosaphy,
including installments 1-7, 8-12, 13-18
and 19-22, arc available at 50€ per book-
let. Address all correspondence on both
“Philosophy” and "Forum" to: The
Playboy Forum, riavwoy, 232 E. Ohio
Street, Chicago, Hlinois 60611.
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“All right, Kir etie—lets take it from your line,
148 ‘Follow me! They can't stop men who want to be freer”
"propaganda?) films on Why We Fight.
he did not hesitate to show the nature of
the enemy—Germany, Japan and Italy—
a all iis bestiality. Using for the most
part captured Footage (ahhough occa-
sionally snippets Irom feature films were
slipped in), they graphically showed the
Nazis brutal persecution of the Jews
and fascist atrocities in China, Poland
and Russia. Perhaps the strongest of the
lot was The Battle of Russia, directed by
Anatole Litvak, which included shots of
Js raped and mutilated. by the Ger-
mans, nude corpses of women and cd
dren frozen. in the Rusian winter, and
a behind-the-lines Nazi brothel stocked
with captive Russian girls, Symptomatic
of the leeway found in these films was a
scene from San Pietro, John Huston’
masterful account of a battle in the Ital-
ian campaign. As the peasants return io
their shattered village after the fighi
is over, he shows a trio of women breast
feeding their babies, oblivious to the
passing Gls. Such a sequence would have
had to be cut from any Hollywood film
of the period: under mo circumstances
would the Code have permitted the
posure of breass—at least, not
breasts of while women
On the home front, meanwhile, Holly-
wood began turning out Service-con-
nected pictures that blended a modicum
of hokey patriotism with a maximum of
hokey sex: So Proudly We Hail, Four
Jilly in a Jeep and Keep Your Powder
Dry are examples. In all of them, the
girls looked as if they had been fitted
for their GI uniforms by Adrian, and
Max Factor himself had accompanied.
them right up to the front lines, Unlike
Errol Flynn, who went through the V
with an artful smudge on his cheek, his
female counterp
ts rarely had so much
asa hair out of place, Naturally, they had
to look their best for "our boys overseas."
This attitude was perhaps best expressed
which Ka
rancis, Carole Landis, Martha Raye
nd Mitzi Mayfair celebrated in celluloid
their own courage and fortitude in en-
tertaining our troops in Britain and
North Africa during the dark days of
1949. To the accompaniment of Jimmy
Dorsey's band, and assisted by innumer
ble guest stars, they managed to imply
that if they had not been there doing
their bit for the U.S. O.—singing, danc-
ng and. in
breathing deeply—we might have lost
the entire North African campaign.
Another interesting item. immoderately
cheered by critics and public alike at the
time of its appearance, was So Proudly
We Hail, a film made to honor the
nurses who served so heroically in H
nd Corregidor. While there was no
doubting its sincerity (it would have been
difficult, at that stage of the War, to be
in Four Jills in a Jeep, i
Miss Landis’
(continued from page 128)
otherwise), the script nevertheless con
trived 10 cook up standard peacetime
romances for each of its stars, Claudeue
Colbert, Veronica Lake d Paulette
Goddard: then used the Japs, lusting for
white women, as the trigger to wagedy
One bad the impression that the delense
of Bataan was essentially a defense of
the girls honor. At the film's climax,
Veronica Lake, a little troublemaker up
to that point, learns that the Japanese
army is dosing in and the situation is
hopeless. Tucking a live grenade into
her bosom, she walks bravely toward the
enemy and blows them—and, of course,
hersel{—to bits. (As they watched this
scene, the Gls were less respectful than
the home-front audiences. At the mo-
ment of Miss Lake's disintegration, som
one bly sang out, “I know the
part J wane!" or words to that effec.)
During the War years, perhaps the
sole Hollywood film maker to treat
and patriotism, motherhood and just
about every other sacred cow available—
with a healthy irreverence and a caustic
wit was writer-director Preston. Sturges.
His 1944 comedy The Miracle of Mor
gan’s Creek. offered a blistering but hi-
larious commentary on frecand-casy
Wartime marriages, and also on the ab-
surd elevation of the male for his role as
concciver. In it, teenaged Trudy Kocken-
locker (Betty. Hutton) finds herself the
morning after a “kiss-the-boysgoodbyc”
dance dimly remembering that at some
point in the proceedings she had gotten
married to a tall dark GI with curly hair
whose name she recalls even more dimly
—"Private Rauiwatski, or was it Zitzi
witzky?” Whatever his name, the troops
have moved out. Icaving an impregnated
Trudy in urgent need of a husband
Norval Jones (Eddie Bracken), a +F,
gladly volunteers for the job—and ends
Up charged. with abduction, impersonat
ing a soldier, impairing the morals of a
minor, resisting arrest, and numerous
other offenses to law, order and decency
AIL of this gets squared away, howe
when Trudy comes through with, in-
stead of just one baby, sextuplets—and
all boys. Although the missing Rawi
ski (or was it Zivikiwitzky?) was
responsible, Norval gets the credit, and
for his reward is n
state militia. As James Agee commented
about Miracle at the time, “The Hays
Office has been either hypnotized into a
liberality for which it should be thanked,
or bas been raped in its sleep.”
Chances are it was the ater, for when
Warner Bros, was in production on To
Have and Have Not a few months late
Mr. Hays kept both eves on the project—
as indeed did the Offices of War Infor-
mation and the Coordinator of Inter
American. Affairs, although for different
reasons. Remotely (perhaps ten. percent)
ed on Hemingway's tale of a hard-
le a colonel in the
bitten gunrunner plying his trade be-
tween Key West and Havana in the early
Thirties. the novel's sexiness was watered.
down (by scriptwriters William Faulkner
and Jules Furthman) ar the behest of
Production Code, and the locale was
nged from Cuba 10 Vichy-held N
at the suggestion of the Inter
merican. Allairs people. To Have and
Have Not may have been short on Hem
or Lauren
Bacall, it was long on sex appeal. Tawny.
leggy, not ro mention (as the Warner
publicity department put 11) “sizzling,
suluy." the 20-year-old
former model and usherette
med with Humphrey Bogart 10 pro
e of the femme fatale. Ba
her fore or aft, but clearly she had
been around.” She not only knew all
the answers, she knew the questions be-
fore they were asked. Not since the palm-
ys of Mac West had the screen
presented such a forthright and direct
approach to sex. “IT you want anything,
just whistle," she tells Bogey on their
first encounter at a b:
reminded one critic of “a chorus by Kid
Ory.” After a somewhat tentative kiss
from Bogart, she informs him, “It's even
Detter when you help." Throwing him
t came to be known as The Look, she
says. "Im hard to get—all you have to
do is ask me” There was an
toughness about the girl, a mi
agg d acquiescence
males—cven so casehardened a male as
Humphrey Bogari—atingle, Inevitably,
she found herself compared with half a
dozen other actresses, including Dietrich,
Bankhead, Harlow, Garbo and Veronica
Lake; but her compounding of these di
ics produced a u
iest d
, in a voice th
ssion a
the scenes as she would
One of the film's best sequences
sulted from this—the one in which,
fter prolonged kisses with Bogart in a
cheap hotel bedroom, the girl prepares
to retire 10 her own quarters. As ori
inally written, the sequence was to fade
after she walks out of his
room and closes the door. "At this point
| the shooting," according 10 Tune
vine, "Miss B complained:
"God, Fm dumb. ‘Why? asked. Hawks.
"Well, if 1 had any sense, I'd go back in
after that guy. 7 Hawks agreed, and the
scene now fades as she walks back [rc
the door toward. him.
wr just
For the Ameri
in motion-picture. in-
dustry, World War Two produced a bo-
manza of unprecedented proportions.
Both wages and employment shot up as
the home front was mobilized for the
I just had
a completely
unique experience
-. my first Colt 45
Malt Liquor.
War effort. For the first time since the
Twenties, people knew what it felt like
to have spending money. People needed
relaxation; there was a lot i0 forget.
Hollywood. oblig
l by umrning out a
bumper crop of star-spangled musicals
and escapist comedies. And many
wanted some vicarious identification
with the War being waged in such hith-
ertounheard-of places as Wake Isli
Guadalcinal and
wood ed
various Armed
the world.
Forces were far too busy to fight back.
As box-office attendance surged to new
heights (estimated at over 00,000,000 per
week), the studios stepped up their pro-
duction. programs accordingly. The ac-
cent fell on quantity, nor on quality,
and on action than subtlety, As
bonus the War also allorded producers
readily identifiable new villains ripe for
exploitations. Lulul Japs and sadistic
Nazis inspired an unbridled violence un-
precedented on the Amerin screen,
even in the gangster pictures of the
Thirties. Sanetified by the War and prot-
fered in the name of patriotism. film
after film delineated the agonies of
concentration: and prison-camp life, the
flagellations aud. mutilations visited up-
on Allied airmen, survivors of Corre
idor or members of the underground
during the Occupation. who were seized
by the Nazis. Young girls were flogged
in Hitler's Children: Americ nen
who had fallen ime Japanese hands were
tortured. then decapitated (olf screen)
The Purple Heart: French Resistance
workers were beaten, burned. and m
tilated horribly by their German captors
in The Cross of Lorraine. Significantly.
in November 1941. the Hays Ollice had
launched a campaign to reduce the
amount of violence on the screen, pa
ticularly in Westerns. "Even in Wes-
erns,” Hays ordered. “killings must. be
reduced to a necessary minimum." Afte
December 7 of that year. however. such
admonitions low their validity. Wa
wed the studios an open license to
^d they used it with enthusiasm.
Innumerable War films had as th.
climax the American hero—usually Errol
Flynn, John Wayne, Rober Taylor or
Humphrey Boga down en-
tire battalions of advancing Germans or
Japs, spraying them with lead from
machine guns fired Irom the hip. ‘There
was a positive exhilaration in these mass
murdery—and nor merely because the
killers were on our side.
wt the movies had declared w
Germany and Japan long before Pearl
Harbor. Edward G. Robinson abandoned
his gangland activities and joined the
FBI to track German agens in
Confessions of a Nazi Spy (1939). Chap-
lins The Great Dictator (1910) was a
forthright’ attack on both Hitler and
fascism. while Hitcheock’s Foreign. Cor-
respondent. (1940) ended with a stern
from bomb-torn London that
itself with steel.”
America should "rin
Nazi planes attacked. defenseless John
Wayne in The Long Voyage Home
(1940), and shortly thereafter, in A Yank
in the RAF (1941), Tyrone Power. was
flying for the British, War in the East
was noted in films such as They Met in
Bombay and Burma Convey (both 41).
1n all of them, the enemy was the same
lustful Japs and sadistic Nazis.
As Gershon Legman hay pointed. out
welldocumented: study
Love and Death, there is a strong in-
verse relationship beween sex amd vi
olene. Where sex is repressed. be it
physi the anistic devel, he
points out, it quickly reisserts. isell in
other forms—perversion, homosexuality.
sadism or savagery. In time ol wa
spite such. Hemingwayesque romances as
those Teaming a clean-cut officer
lovehungry nurse, or those more ribald
Captain Fl ant Quin a
with rollicking French. farm. girls, most
soldiers (and their Sta irllriends
as well) led lives of quiet. deprivation.
No Love, No Nothin’. that popular bal
lad of World War Two, may have been
wyeration af the case: but
most psychologists are quick to. draw
the distinction between a roll in the hay
and a maturing relatomhip be
twee d It was of the
leavening influence of the Lauer that
war deprived the soldier.
Meanwhile, however, the movies con
his si
ally or o
s de
and a
ight ex,
a man
ued to tickle his libido with Esthe
Williams’ aqueous charms, Rita Hay-
wonl/s copious curves and Berty
Grable’s well-publicized legs. The mov-
ies themselves were, for the most. part, 00
and 11100 percent. purer ihan Ivory
soap: the earlier liberalizing wend had
been promptly reversed when Joseph
Breen, after a frustrating year as produc
tion manager of RKO, rerumed. to his
Production Code command. post kite in
1942. When Hen ways For Whom
the Bell Tolls was filmed in 104, for ex
ample, the famous sleeping bag il
Gary Cooper shared with Ingrid Bers
n might as well have been a laundry
bag for all its erotic implications. So cau
tiously photographed was their lovemak
under the stars that one could never
from moment. to moment whether
Bergman—or both, or nei-
ther—was inside i, Nor had the Le
gion of Decency altered its position
Lady of Burlesque, based on Gypsy Rose
Lee's bestselling G-String Murders
charged with offering “double-me:
lins. salacious dances and
and indecent costumes presented ;
the background of a sensuous form of
Cooper or
entertainment" At the Legion's insist
ence, the film was hauled back for exten-
sive trimming and the dubbing im of
w dialog for some of the more ollen
sive dines. Bur even so, much of the
appeal of such films was still their crot
dsm, however veiled or mutilated: and
the fantasies they invited. deprived of nat-
ural outlets, sought gratification in sights
af violence—or in deeds of violence.
Inevitably, however, as the War
dragged on, the public grew increasingly
apathetic toward. war pictures, Holly-
wood, in its first hot tush of patriotism,
had literally flooded the screens with
them. In a Film Daily poll taken as carly
as September 1943, when theater owners
were queried, “Do you believe that too
many stories are hing the
sereen?,” 56 percent answered in the al-
firmative—and added thar they had the
box-office records on such pic-
vs o prove it. By the spring of 19H,
war stories had all but disappeared from
the sound stages. “Possibly as a breath-
spell from war" The New York
Times reported. “Hollywood, temporar-
ily at least, has all but shelved martial
projects in favor of screams in the night.
<. | Every studio has at least one such
picture. in production, and others com-
ing to a witching boil.” At first, these
tended 10 be psychological horror stories
—Gaslight. Phantom Lady, Hangover
Square, The Uninuited—in which the
wormabseeming but thoroughly psycho-
a series of cruel and
1 punishments upon bis nnsus
pecting ladylove. Jt was as if the Ge-
po had be
our domestic lic.
World, this implicat
Fredric March, playi
fessor, takes im an orphaned German boy
and soon discovers that he has nursed
Nazi viper to his breast: Thanks 10
earlier Nazi indoctrination, the boy i
n to insinuate itself into
In the
impending marriage but the
Very quickly, however. psycholo
horror was being blended with phy
violence as Gestapodike terrors were vis-
ited upon private citizens, and particu-
larly upon private eyes. Marking t
ion was a film called Cornered.
starring Dick Powell, that appeared late
in 1915. In it, the quondam croon
terrific,” as
n ex-R.C. AF.
k down the Nazis
who murd A loner, like all
ivate eyes, he falls into enemy hands
and is subjected to all the beatings and
brutilities popularized by the Wartime
melodramas. In. this
ougher. tougher
ds put. it—p
is wile.
ew cycle, the stu-
dios h to project the
violence lism of their anti-Nazi
films onto the peacetime scene. Very
Nazis of Cornered gave way to
crooks, gangsters, rich perverts or crim-
inal masterminds whose devious manipu-
“Hi—we're from Sioux Falls, South Dakota—when
dees the wife swapping begin?”
lutions cast deep shadows of suspicion
over the innocent until the pi ye
hero, invariably bloodied Dut never
bowed, could batter his way through the
Cornered, of course, was not without
precedent. Humphrey Bogart had made
onc ol the most memorable of all
privateeye films, The Maltese Falcon, as
arly as 1941; and two years after that,
ightlipped Alan Ladd got a toe hold on
his career as the trench«oated. profes-
sional killer in This Gun for Hire. Pow-
ell himself had alrcady turned from
duets with Ruby Keeler to Raymond.
Chandler gun duels in Murder, My
Sweet (1944): bur the screen did not be-
gin to throng with detectives, and their
shadowy adversaries, until the. War was
almost over, mainly because the nefar-
pponese and sadistic SS men were
ble in such abundant supply.
Typical of the new, post-War cyde of
detective pictures was Howard Hawks
The Big Sleep. which starred Bogart (op-
posite Bacall) in one of his most effective
roles, as Raymond Chandlers tough-
talking shamus, Philip Marlowe. The
plot almost defies descriptioi ily it
defies ly ionally,
who did what to whom,
rely why. Actually, th
that not even the people who
the film were ever quite sure
whether to tr murder or à sui-
cide. What is clear is that onc of
aire General Stermwood’s daughters had
posed for pornographic ; xhile
under the influence of n
that the other, played by
had nymphomaniacal tendencies and a
shady all
After that, it was just a mauer of keep-
ag up with the falling bodies. A curious
delight to the film—and, indeed, to
most ob the pictures in the privateeye
genre during the Forties—is that the
hero himsell shows litle interest in
sex. No ucr how many delectable
creatures force themselves upon him, he
remains grimly intent on carning his
$25 à day plus expenses.” The kiss at
the fi fade-out, if there was a kiss at
all, was as perfunctory and ritualistic as
that bestowed upon the heroines of the
old Western movies, Nevertheless, iu
The Big Sleep, as one critic accurately
observed, "a sullen atmosphere of sex sai
was due to the voltage gene
and his suluy "Baby" in their m
scenes together.
In this respect, The Big Sleep proved
an exception. True to the Legman
formula, the more violence these films
featured, the less attention they gave
to sex. In Laura, one of the best of
the genre, Dana Andrews believes for
more than half the picture that he has
fallen in love with a corpse. E
Laura finally does mater
ensuing action is dominated by the fop-
pish, epicene gossip writer played by
Clifton Webb. Lady in the Lake. with
Robert Montgomery this time as Chand.
lers Marlowe, goes a step further, It has
no love interest whatsoever: and by u
a subjective camera techniqu
ly becomes M.
it extends t0 the audience the vicarious
pleasures of being shot at. socked on the
jaw and beaten unconscious,
with cl
Alfred Hitchcoc cteristic
ingenuity, was one of the few to find a
way to inject sex into the private-cye-
counterspy genre, In Notorious, he sub-
stituted for outright brutality an aura of
dread menace as Ingrid Bergman
uated herself into the Rio hide out of
vi agent Claude Rains at the behest
Srant. While
early footage understandably faltered
sh-faced Miss Berg-
man as callginl, Hitch-
cock's triumph was the creation of the
longest nonstop kissing sequence ever
committed to film. Thumbing his nose
ut the Production. Code, which had ar-
bitrarily established 30 seconds of oscula-
tien as a maximum, he had Bergman
ibbling away at Grant during an urgent
telephone call with his boss. The scene
played almost three minutes,
Hitchcock. (with a notable assist from
enwriter Ben Hecht) actually went
t deal further. Although the Code
specifically stated that “impure love
must not be presented as attractive and
tiful,” no one for a moment was led
magine that Cary Grant and Miss
imply held hands after he
telephone. Audiences were
ag up, and so were the film makers.
in the past, any hint of promis-
icly followed by re-
morse and, preferably, the u
death of one or both of the
involved, in Notorious, Bergm
up with Grai
ter than death,
y fact that the film went on to
great deal of money was a sign
t the times were changing, that the
sed or
visibly d y attractive
people enjoyed (in a physical sense) each
other's company.
Actually, as the War drew to a close,
thumbing one’s nose at the Production
Code became an v popular
pastime at the studios. Terror sold tick-
es, true: and this potentiality was ex-
ploited not only in the privarceyc films
of American agent Cary
but in such grisly thrillers as Brute Force
ad The Killers, in which the mayhem
included cold-blooded sheoti and a
particularly spectacular murder as a
gang ol convicts in Brute Force went aft-
er a stool pigeon with a blowtorch. But
sex, 100—especially the showgirl disp!
featured in star-sp;
cals—was cl.
before the War
had ended. ies write
director team of Charles Brackett and
Billy Wilder had begun working on an
adaptation of James M. Cain's Double
Indemnity, a steamy novel in which an
insurance salesman has an adulterous
air with a woman who uses him to
murder her husband so that they can
live on the insurance money. Joseph
Breen had rejected the story out of hand
when it first appeared. "The story is in
ion of provisions of the Production
" he wrote at the time to Louis B.
and, as such, is almost certain to
result in a picture which we would be
compelled to reject if. and whei ich a
picture is presented for approval.” But
when Brackett and Wilder finally sul-
mitted their script, it passed with only
minor alterations. What they had done
was to have the insurance man, con-
science- ken, kill his ladyfriend and
then, having been shot by her, record. his
full confession into. a dictaphone. The
adultery remained, however; and seldom
has a temptress been made more lasciv-
Jy seductive than Barbara Stanwyck
n the film. She used her sex knowingly,
as a means to it selfish end. A bed or a
sola was to her what the desk is to a
businessman—a place where deals are
made. And even though both paid dearly
for their crime, in keeping with the Hays
Ofhee tenets, audiences saw an adulto
ous relationship in progress, not mert-
ly as something 10 be atoned for.
Double Indemnity was both a critica
and a box-ofhce succes ad as the Hi
Ofhce feared, it emboldened other pro-
ducers to move into previously forbidden
arcas. Early versal released
Scarlet Street, a remake of Jean. Renoir's
La Chienne, a film that had not even
been permitted entry into this country a
dozen years earlier. In the new ver
Edward G. Robinson pla bank cash
ier who is married
to a dour woman who “doesn’t under-
stind him.” Falling in love with a prety
hustler, Joan Bennett, he sets her up ina
Greenwich Village apartment and stores
his paintings on the premises, stealing
money from both his wife and his
bank to do so. Her boyfriend (or pimp),
Dan Duryea, arranges for the paintings
to be sold in a 57th Suect gallery her
me. Because he loves her, Robinson is
willing to go along with the But
Iso a Sunday painte
when, unexpeciedly freed of his wile, he
proposes to the girl and she laughs him
oll, he stabs her to death with am ice
pick. Duryea is executed. for the Killing,
and Robinson is fired from his bank Jor
bezzlement; and for the remainder of
the picture he in vain to confes
imes to the police, who insist on
him as some kind of crank.
and immoral,” cried the New
rejecting the film in toto.
it was released after the ice
reduced from seven
But the aduliery remained: Sex was be-
ginning to break free of th
1t broke even freer when, a few months
later, Gilda went into release. To most
Americans, it seemed an oddly plotted
but effective starring vehide for Rita Hay
worth, the thinking man's Betty Grable
in which Glenn Ford, impervious to her
hed advances, appoints himself
York censor
pick stabs had bee
to one and a line of Duryea’s :
guardian of her virtue for his employer
and her “benefactor,” George Macready.
Although there was every indication
that she had been a prostitute (or near-
ly one) when Ford first met her, when
g Put the Blame on Mame, Boys
iccompaniment to a travesty of a
striptease in furs, black-satin
dress and long black gloves, all traces ol
the murky plot went out the window. La
Hayworth was never m , never
more appealing. Bur in Paris Gilda was,
redibly. hailed as "the best film, by
far, oi any of the
French qitics insisted on interpreting
the story as a battle between Hayworth
and Macready for the affections ol
Glenn Ford! Whichever way the film
was read, however, it was a dear
triumph for Hayworth—tfrankly erotic
Just about the same time that Gilda
ppeared, Howard Hughes brought back
his stil-conuoversial The Outlaw, this
ime for national distribution. Although
aly passed by the Produc
the film was reintroduced with
such a Jurid ad campaign that Breen
took the unprecedented action of with-
drawing the Code's Seal of Approv
raging that Hughes had not “submi
used in connection with the ad.
vertisement and exploitation of The
Outlaw.” Which was perfectly mue.
alized it would be a complete
me to seck approval for catch
phrases such as “How Would You Like
to Tussle with Russell?” or “What Are
the Two Great Reasons for Jane Russell's
Rise to St —nor to mention his
omnipresent lithos of his bosomy star
sprawled across a haystack, nibbling
provocatively on a bit of straw. Never
theless, he sued the Motion Picture As
ded by Eric Johnston since
ent in 1945), cha
spiracy in restraint of rade, Losing the
suit, he arranged to open his film
ound the country in theaters that did
not require a Seal, ofen renting them
outright for the purpose. Despite a Lc
gion condemnation, despite Catholic
boycotts and Protestant protests, the pic
ture packed them in. TE nothing che,
The Outlaw furnished. vivid proof th
millions of post-War moviegoers were
no longer willing to live by the Code
Actually, within the indusnry itself,
ging con.
many producers were growin: ive
over Code restrictions. Early in 1947, for
example, 20th Century-Fox ad
its tion of f
sors runaway best seller, Forever Am
ber. Breen protest » vain, then
stipulated that Fox could make the
ture but would have to cha
Fox went ahead with the production. 10
the une of over $5.000,000—obviously
with no intention of changing the title
Even so, with a wary eye on the Code
script restricted Miss
sity hussy t0 only
four lovers (compared with twelve in the
book) and added a spoken prolog to
explain. that Amber w
reprehensible woman
ished for her sinful ways. Even though,
c James Agee noted, Linda Da
nell, as Amber, "is never kissed hard
enough to jar am eyelash loose, and it
comes as a mild shock when she suddenly
announces her pregnancy"; nevertheless,
ihe film immediately roused the ire of
the Legion of Decency. “A glorification of
immorality and licentio
gion stormed in g
sification, And Cardinal Spellman, in
New York, warned his parishioners to st
away. In Philadelphia, Catholics were
urged to boycot for a year any theater
that might play it. Despite its Code S
when similar objections were raised
around the country, Fox withdrew its
prints, made cuts and added moralizing
dialog in a successful effort to persuade
the Legion to change its dassification
from "C" 10 "B."
milar outcries attended the release
of David O. Selenick's sex-charged, blood-
ated potboiler Duel im the Sun.
influenced by the box-office re
sponse to The Outlaw, Selznick assem
bled a top-flight cast and crew to inflate
what had first been envisioned as an or
dinary Western into a $6,000,000 super-
spectacular or, as Selznick preferred to
isname it, “the picture of a thousand
memorable moments." The precise na-
ture of those "moments" is perhaps best
suggested by the film industry's descrip-
Live, though unofficial title for it—Luse im
the Dust. Jennifer Jones, lushly be:
ful as the adopted hall-caste daughter of
cattle baron with a ranch only slightly
Her than Texas, has caught the eye
of both his sons, Joseph Cotten and
Gregory Peck—a task simplified by her
addiction to nude bathing in a nearby
pond and to wearing Jane Rusell-type
shirts and blouses. Her prowacied love-
hate relationship with Peck involves at-
tempted fratricide, rape, suicide and a
nd finale in which the wo of them
imately kill cach other in a gun duct
fought beneath a blood-red Technicolor
© Mortally wounded herself. the girl
qawls over rock and sand to plant a
final kiss upon her dead lovers lips.
This bit of necrophilia produced. almost
as much shock among professional de
Tenders of the publics morals as Miss
Jones’ revealing costumes, the bathing
Sequence and the rape. The Legion
awarded an excised version of the film
"B^ rating, despite their objections to
odestly suggestive sequences”
and its “glorification of illicit love.
Duel in the Sun became one of the in-
dustry’s alltime top-zrossing films.
The point is that all of these films,
een including The Outlaw, went imo
distribution with the Code's ble
The induswy's own self.censorsh
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drastic as it once was,
begun to relax, unlike the Legion a
other national pressure groups. Undoubt-
edly, much of this was duc to the War.
As film makers flocked back to the
studios after their exposure to combat,
suffering and death, after many of them
1 become involved i
capturing the look of the real world for
their Wartime documentaries, the sugar-
coated fables and Production Code
formulae no longer made sense. They
found Breen not only silly and old-
ashioned but prurient, looking for dirt
in every scene and situation put on film.
Many of Hollywood's most. responsible
producers were beginning t0 wonder if
the Production Cod me was worth
the c amuel Goldwyn, one of the
industry's. staunchest advocates of “de-
the screen, summed up the
his characteristic malapropos
fashion when, speaking of the Cod
the problems of
told a group of theater men, “I thi
is about time we all joined to do some-
thing about this awful m
the neck of the motion: pict
Not only had the film makers been to
And a
their audiences.
wae damoring for somcil
more substantial than the bittersweet ro-
mances and. hyped-up heroics that had
stunted the sereen for almost four k
years. Small wonder that the public
responded with enthusiasm to such real-
tically drawn melodramas as the pri-
vateeye films, such semidocumentaries
as Boomerang and Naked Cily, or to
the frank sexuality of Jane Russell, Rita
ayworth and Jennifer Jones. The
wraps were coming olf, and neither
condemnation of the Legion nor the
presure of the pressure. groups. could
wholly prevent it, As for the Production
Code. at best it was fighting a delaying
action, with breakthroughs whenever a
producer was bold enough, or ingenious
ugh, to ny one.
Symptomatic of this new era was i
emergence, shortly afier World War
Two, ol the bitch her n ahe
success of Double Indemnity made th
prediciable, But also, in a sense, the Pro-
duction Code made her inevitable. H a
diences weve cager for greater realism on
the screen, and if the Code siw to it tha
wo nice girl swore, wore reveali
tumes or enjoyed pre or ext
relations, then clearly this left quite a
large area open for the bad girl to n
neuyer in. Suddenly, in films such as
Leave Her to Heaven. The Strange Lave
of Martha Ivers, The Postman Always
Rings Twice, Pead Reckoning d
Mildred Pierce, the bad girl advanced
from a secondary character to screen cen-
ter. She dominated uot only the story
but the men in the story, generally usi
her sex as the whip that brought th
heel. And not coincidentally. the
wesses who played her included some of
the biggest then in the business—Bar-
bara Stanwyck, Lana Turner, Gene
‘Tierney, Lizabeth Scott, Joan Crawford
and the perdurable Bette Davis. One can
never forget Davis, ng wife
in Beyond the For pstick
s the che:
st, slashing
over her ravaged
film. prepa
way; or Ava Gardner, as the sl
ne who euch
caster into a life of crime in The Killers.
How did these sexy witches slip past
the Johnston Office? Gershon Legman,
writing of thei ry counterparts,
suggests a partial explanation. In his
essay on “The Bitch Hi he ob-
serves: “Understand (0 bitch
heroine no sex, She thinks she has
l of sex, in which error her
nd consumers foolishly accom-
-. Inevitably she is described
md beautiful. Her
v commented upon in
` fic terms. But in actual fact
dead from the neck down.” If in
ry world the bitch heroine
could rise triumphant over the bodies of
broken. men, however, the moviemakers
saw to it that she invariably paid a full
nd bitter price for her willful behav
ior. In keeping with the Code’s “Iaw of
compensating valucs"—a law that since it
was postulated has ingeniously permit-
ted producers to have their cake and eat
100—she generally ended up not mere
ly dead from the neck down, but dead
all over. While she lived, though, she
flaunted a semblance of sex that no
Codeabiding heroine could. rival, much
less surpass: and her mounting popularity
posed a threat to the Code itself.
What further undermined the suprem-
acy of the Code was the wholesale im-
portation of for films in the
aher World War Two. Released by dis-
tributors who were independent of the
Motion Picture Assoc they went
iuto a growing chain ases across
the counwy that operated free of. any
pledge to show only Codeapproved pic
down, early
ry number
pany h
as ravishi
amd ge
tures. (When the chips wer
a the Fifries, an. extraordit
of pledged. theater owners. blithely ig
mored th Code commiument order
to get their hands on profitable product,
both domestic and foreign.) Although
the (ull story of the impact of the foreign
films on the American market is the sub
ject of our next installment, one aspect
of it remains for this. As the Code was
weakened or ignored, the Legion of
Decency. the Ame Legion and sim-
ilar pressure groups, as well as local
censor bodies, became. correspondingly
more active in attacking those new con-
cepts of morality that were beginning to
make their way into th ovie houses,
but which remained anathe: 10 them.
In 1947 the American Legi
and — altogethe:
to drive Charlie
d biuerly antimilitar
sieur Verdoux from the sereen. The
Legion professed to be shocked by its
immoral" treatment of the Bluebeard
: but its leaflets and placards left
n, the Le
no doubt that, through his fil
plin himself. Having
blood, the American Legion remained
yon the alert for more. The Le
gion of Decency also redoubled its efforts
this time. Patrick J. Masterson,
xecutive secretary of the Legion of De
cency, reported in August 1910 that “the
percentage of films containing objection-
able materials has increased from. mo
percent in 1915-1946 to better
5 percent today." Partly, he ad
this was due to the inllus of
foreign films, of which his organization
had found 52 percent objectionable since
the previous November. “But,” he went
“domestic production is also deie
ting, with almost 20 percent of to
domestic films considered. t0 contain
subst norally objectionable elc-
ments. is the highest figure in the
history of the Legion.” Local censorship
had reached the point where, as Betty
Davis put it, “Anyone who attempts to
do something that hasn't been previously
tested and approved soon finds out th:
you can't do this, because Mr. Binlord
[the notorious chief of censorship in
Memphis, Tennessee] or somebody else
won't approv
Although the American film industry
strangely reticent abou
s rights in the cour
n 0 stiffen when South
M to bar such films as
Lost Boundaries and a Hal Roach
Gang comedy—all. antiscgregation-
by implicition—lrom. loc
Industry lawyers. appealed and
won. establishing à precedent that. was
to be pursued lar more. vigorously. by
the € ors of foreign films in die
Fifties. But the final blow to the Code
itself cime from the most unexpected
iding up for
studio b;
ist, at least
of sources—television. dark cloud on
the movie horizon at the l of the
War. by end of the decade TV had
swallowed up beter than half of Holly
woods weekly customers. As the movie-
makers turned to the F y realized
that as a matter of sheer survival, they
would have ro cree new kinds of
emertainment for the big screens thi
people could not possibly find on their
small screens in the living room. For
mos producers, this meant bur one
thing—a greater emphasis on sex than
television would tolerate. And if they
had to defy their own Production Code to
do it, many film makers were prepared
even eager—to face that continge
In. their next installment of
tory of Sex in Cinema.” authors Knight
and Alpert turn their attention to the
films of the Forties in Europe, where
Wartime Nazi censorship suppressed sex
in cinema—except for anti-Semitic prop-
aganda purposes—until the Liberation,
which emboldened Europe's film mak
to erotic realism.
Bunnies Of Dixie (continued from page 116)
regulars drops in at the Sho-Bar. a Bour-
bon Sueet bistro featuring all the new
dances. "Everybody knows were Bu
nies,” says Mickie Picone, a Colomb
native who's a leader of the Sho-Bar
group, "so they almost never get fresh.
In case they do, the manager keeps a
eye out for us. You wouldn't believe how
everybody looks after us in the Quarter.
The New Orle
naval officers as well as for
ag French
s Club is a mecca for
night spots.
“he guys work rus, Pete Four
tain's, the Blue Room at the Roosevelt
drop by." says Bob Patterson, Club man
ager, "We've had Frankie Laine, Johnny
Desmond, Jerry Colonna, Fats Domino,
and most of the movie stars who've been
on location in the city. On any given
ve likely to have at least one
er Or actor as a guest.”
district attorney. Jim Gar-
he celebrated both hi
election and his re-clection at the Club.
“This Club is different from othe
New Orleans night spots" says Pat
terson. “It’s relaxed and sophisticated.
Its also on the level. Our. keyholders
know they'll be treated f. nd honest-
ly here, not like at some of the places
on Bourbon Street" In both New Or-
leans y Club's
success has sparked the highest form of
flattery, in the guise of a sackful of copy-
cats, At one place in New Orleans the
girls we and an Adana
"club" features fake hares called Kittens.
y. the haven't
had much impact.
Playboy's Ada
town and
low, it promises
ta, long the business and cultur
of the South
center. as well,
rison is a regul
Needless to
na business is very
1 with the Braves
F. L. Falcons soon to fol-
to be even better. Atla
1 center
ast, will soon be its sports
which will mean even
more the Club. Bunnies and
barte alike have become Braves
fans overnight. A Bunny color guard
rode iu the Braves! opening. day. parade,
and Bunnies working in the Club try to
catch a play or two from the radio
broadcasts of the games while waiting
for the bartenders to All their orders.
N.F. Le stars are already beginning to
slip imo the Club—to sip collec or
tomato juice.
Atlanta has a notably lively and active
bunch of Bunnies. Take, for instance,
Jackie Hendrickson, a Dallas brunette
who drives in sportscar rallies and lives
in a trailer mounted on blocks beside an
Atlanta lake. Jackie, valedictorian of her
high school dass, spent two years at a
college in Leeds, England, rhen picked
potatoes in Limestone, Maine (“hardest
doggone work [ve ever done"). She
came t0 Arama to teach but
when she found out the pay was only
$4200 a year, she traded classroom for
vroom. "| practically had my hair
Dack in a bun and quill pen in hand,”
she recalls with a chuckle, “but somehow
s car mania dates back to high
. when she became the first girl
idmitted to a Dallas hotrod group
called the Asphalt Angels. "I've got a
little TR in mind,” she says. “I've been
economical for a year, and now I want
something to have fun with again.”
ckie has traveled to Europe twice. On
the first trip she took a bike and a bed-
roll from hostel to hostel, amused her-
self by nd
eavesdropping on unsuspecting A
can tourists.
“posing as a French girl
One of Atlanta's most beguiling and
self-suffic is Gary McQuar
rie, a tall blonde with a sweet smile and
a purple belt in karate. Gary, who wa
queen of a Northridge, California, rodeo
age 13 (she says she sold the most tick-
nt Bunnie
“just for
board with her hand to
belt, but says wistfully that she's out of
practice now; there's only soft, gentle
flesh where there should be calluses.
t 4/9", Neenah McDonald figures
she's the shortest Bunny in the bu:
But her height doe: stop this fiery
redhead from pursuing her major inter-
est, athletics. She's captain of the Bunny
softball team and a top scorer on the
Bunny basketball tem—ddanks in }
a convenient rule that Bunnies
five feet may use a stepladder. Peaches
Coombs is also on the short side, and
like Susie adino in New Orleans, has
an acrobatic past. Peaches traveled wi
a professional group called The Flving
Nesbitts for two years. specializing in
tumbling, foot | g and other anti
gravity feats. She still thrives on exer
cise and practices yoga—an antidote, she
to that occupational disease of all
nt Bunnies, tired feet. Peaches was
the first Negro girl hi
"I never heard of such a thing!—Music lessons
ged to your Playboy Club Key!"
Imits she had a few
don’t want any part of that pl
one told me. But I tell you, 1 thrive on
new experiences, and life at the Club
has been wonderful" How docs she get
along with the other girls? "I love every-
body here, and 1 think they feel the
same about me.”
Another Northerner come South is
Bobbie Goodley, a Brooklyn-bred gi
who has taken Dixie to heart. “I adore
Mlant Bobbic. “New York is too
fast for me now. Everything here is only
five or ten minutes away, and there’
green grass, trees amd parks" Bobbie,
who once studied drama, worked for
and a hall y
but prefers the Atlanta atm
a little more. personal, more intimate,
she says. Bobbie likes to introduce ke
holders 1 her favorite dink, the pink
el, which sh “tastes ike
ry malted—a_nondrinker’s drink
Bobbie's Atlanta apartment houses a
pair of. poodles and two German shep-
herds, She recently waded in the Alan
Bunny's companion, a Japanese motor-
1 MG, With her ter skin
ad she
ions. about
ng South.
s in the New York Club,
sphere. "It's
cycle, for
black hair and large dark eves, Bobbie
156 a black Bunny costume looks like one of
those fetching old photog
phs of Clara
Kim Hester is as fair and Southern
Bobbie is dark and Northern. Kim has
delicate fi res and. blonde ha d
likes to wear tiny pearl earrings. She we
to the University of Georgia on a music
scholarship, studying flute and piccolo.
She's hoping to join the newly vitalized
Adana Symphony, which will have
Robert Shaw as its permanent conductor
next year. “I didn't think E had what i
takes to be a Bunny." says Kim.
thought you had to be really stacked.
And even though boyfriends told
pretty, I thought they were just
prejudiced.” Kim's rabbiveared re
proves how wrong she w
Perhaps the most outspoken of the
Dixie Bui is Atlanta's Judy Rose
Pressley, who hi -rich Midland,
Texas. (“I'm not a millionaire's daugh
ter,” she notes dryly), and was glad to get
away from the place. “Everybody was
working for the dollar there. Here in At-
lanta people have time to slow down and
be decent,” Judy says. Her favorite book
is A Nation of Sheep, an indictment of
American thought, foreign policy and
culture, "Americans just don't know
enough. about what's going on in their
TV as gospel.
counmy," she says. “They accept
avs presented in the papers and on
She leans toward limited
government and views life with amused
detachment, finds that “ihe world is
lull of putons—everybody's. pretending.
ny umes if a guy wants to talk with
you it takes him twenty minutes just to
become himself.” Counterpointing Judy's
outward cynicism is a tender allection for
the simple things in life. H
experience, she blushingly iad
wonderful. warm, old-ishioncd
mas with relatives in rural Georgia
Playboy's commitment to interna-
tional flavoring has sprinkled foreign-
bred. Bunnies through all the Clubs. It
would be difficult, indeed, to pick a Miss
Overseas Bunny from this general assem-
bly, but te Christer
Grete (pronounced Gra
on Denmark's rainy Jutland P
top of any list.
) grew up
y teens, way-out stories of P
its Clubs filtered into. Denma
“We thought they were naughty pl:
for men only, where the Bunnics were
some kind ol odd creatures.” No odd.
ure herself, Grete is a sun-bronzecd.
srcen-eyed. beauty with classical Scandi
an features and I is brown
ha She drives an Alfa-Romeo sedan,
which i: e and swinging
at the same time, and finds Americans
more polite than her countrymen, She
inks a Bunny's best assers are good legs
amd a smooth complexion, and insists
that it’s best to be a tiny bit overweight.
“Men,” she explains, “want to look at a
healthy girl.
The Atana Club has not yet pro
duced a Bun
high for B
1y-Playmate, but hopes are
ny Lana Brewer, a 36-23-35
resident. of Charleston. She
Greek and once served as secre-
ary to South Carolina's N Senator
Olin Johnston, In the manner of thc
Bunnies of Dixie, she reveres Gone with
the Wind and digs modern dances like
the Boston monkey and the duck. And
thatsame manner, she sees nothing incon-
sistent in cultivating such disparate tastes.
Like most of hci red Sout
land sisters, Lana is cager to abandon
traditions—such id paternal-
ism—that are no lon niuglul in
today's world, But she's just as an.
preserve those vestiges of the Southern
heritage—such as cordiality, chivalry and
femininity—that she still. finds worth-
while. As the best of the old and the best
of the new, she nicely epitomizes the cot
tontails of the land of cono:
ous to
Bunny applications may be obtained
by writing Playboy Clubs International,
Bunny Department, 232
Chicago, Illinois 60611.
passed anything that could be described
as a fully operative condition. If the
present triumphs of geriatrics continue,
we shall probably find ourselves wander-
ag among vast legions of the vague
elderly. 1 would not for the world deny
them their extra years, but I cannot see
that it renders the rest of us any more
than a sentimental service.
No, it is the extension of men at their
working best that obscsses me. I use the
word advisedly, for it is, with me, truly
an obsesion. Since childhood I have
been consumed with this single ambi-
tion. It's quite possible that the germ of
the concept first came to me wrapped in
a le. In any case, it has been
my driving motive for as long as I can
I am, as T said, bri I am not
boasting, for it isn't something l've ac
complished, but merely a quality with
which 1 was born. I did, however, make
full use of it, a ged to crowd a
sible amount of learning into a very
short period of time, establishing, in
passing, a quantity of records in various
educational establishments. I felt, you
sec, that I was working against the clock.
I wanted to cheat the time trap as much
as J possibly could.
nursery tà
id man
So it was Urt I began thc serious
phase of my
westigations while still a
comparatively young man. Despite this
initial advantage, I was in my mid-30s
before 1 had completed the fundamental
structure of my theory. and. well
40s before I was in a position to bring it
t0 the actual. physical test.
My technique was a radical departure
from the previous approaches to the
problems of aging, all of which may be
satisfactorily grouped under two rough
headings: the propping-up school, which
employs preventive medicines, vitami
exercises, and so on;
up school, which makes use of repa
operations, stimulants, artificial supple-
ments or replacements to damaged or-
gans, and the rest. My aim was 10 bring
about a fundamental reorientation of
the body's molecular structure. | intend-
ed to alter its metabolic operations by
manipulating the tiny components that
control it. This I accomplished by means
of an electrochemical process, the de
of which are given in the notebook that
I shall leave. behind to accompany this
brief note.
I proceeded in the dassical ma
theories on animals under
controlled conditions, taking copious
notes and records on their reactions. I
began with mice, went on to guinea pigs,
d worked the final experiments on a
group of chimpanzees named, unroman-
tically enough, One, Two and Three.
(continued from page 73)
The effect of my treatment is cumula-
tive, Iri ion, a gradual
alteration of the body, working from
the large to the small, so that the small
can work on the large. There is no d
cernible change during the first phase,
but after a period of time, depending on
the eccentricities of the particular a
construction, new elements become
t Their mood becomes buoyant
slow transforma
and their health is dramatically improved.
One interesting, a pated, bo-
nus is that all congenital delects dis-
ppear. Chimpanzee Two, for example,
had a slightly stunted
move only with some difficulty. After
three weeks, that arm was fully grown
and completely operative. One by one,
ihe predictions of my theory checked
out, all on schedule, all completely ful-
filling or exceeding expectation.
To say that 1 was pleased with the
results of these experiments is t0 pro-
foundly understate the case. The dream
of my life was proving itself before my
eyes; 1 had achieved the power to work
the miracle for which I had been born.
I, myself, not some distant inheritor of
theory, could become, for all intents and
purposes, immortal.
It was at this point that I erred, and
the error was precipi you
blame me? The years were passing, each
one, it seemed, [aster th
fore. Irom ume
grasp: | could not resis
to reach out and take it. ] was guilty of
undue haste, but, even. now, L cannot
blame mysell too much.
1 began to apply my treatment. to my-
self. As with my animals, there was no
observable reaction at first, but then
became aware of a growing peace and
comtentment, and 1 saw, clearly, that I
wis much improved in every bodily
function. I had worn thick glasses. In
four weeks 1 dispensed with them al
together, having
My digestion had been faulty. Now it
was perfect. 1 could hardly believe the
image in my mirror. It was like some
indafter ad in the back
azine, I positively radiated
im that he could
no further need of th
incredible befor
pages of a mi
By now the lack of aging had become
evident in my animals. The mice, which
would have died long ago under normal
conditions, were all alive and thriving.
Each of the aeatures was totally um
ation. They
could be killed, of course, by any normal
means, but if they were only wounded,
their rate of recovery was staggering. A
scalpel cut that would ordinarily take
weeks to mend would heal in a matter of
days. My triumph was past all belief.
These few glorious days are, still, worth
altered since its first transform
all the rest. Not many men taste perfect
Now I must proceed to the less happy
events that followed.
Tt was my habit to occasionally run my
mice through mazes to determine thi
reaction time. At the start of the experi-
ment, when the initial alteration
effecting itself, their increased abilities
had afforded me much joy. Now, to my
apprehension, 1 observed that
iod of time they took to complete
their chore was unmistakably graphing
up. I examined them carefully. I dissect-
cd a few to see if anything had gone
wrong with their internal organs. The
were all in flawless condition, but still,
cach day, they took a little longer t0 find
their way through the maze. In a mouth
I discovered, to my great discomlor
that they took twice as long to find their
way from the beginning to the end.
By this time a similar phenomenon
had begun to manifest itself in my guin
ea pigs and even in One, Two
Three. There nothing, not
slightest thing, wrong with any of them
except that they needed more and more
time to accomplish any task.
In another month, the condition of
my mice had become positively gro-
tesque. At their peak they had averaged
about a minute and a hall to complete
their trek through the maze; now they
all required approximately two hours. It
was not that they had become sluggish,
in the ordinary sense of the word. They
did not lie down or take any periods of
rest at all. They worked at their task
steadily, even intelligently, but they li
gered agonizingly over cach and every
ove. It was the sume with all their
activities. They ate, they played. they
fought and made love, but one's pa
tience was worn thin watch: them at
ny of it, because it took them such
damnably long time to move from one
part of it to the next. I cin only com
pare the effect to that of a slow-motion
This slowness, if I may use a cont
diction in terms, accelerated. Each of the
various groups of animals proceeded. in
proportion to its own metabolism. By
the time the guinca pigs had achieved
the condition I have just described. in
was the
regard to mice, the mice were
moving so slowly that it required an ex-
tended period of observation to deter
mine whether they were moving at all. 1
tached an ink marker to the tail of one
mouse so that the creature would le
thin black line behind itself as it moved
After one full week, the tiny trail was
only one and one quarter inches lon,
Yet all of my mice remained in the best
of health. Their coats were still glossy,
and their eyes sparkled with undimmed
enthusiasm. The only trouble was that
to a casual observer in my laboratory
they would have appeared to be absolute
ly inert.
As the reader will have surmised, I
was not exempt from this slowing
process. Subjectively, T was not aware of
it at all, bur by timing my actions
gainst an external check, such as the
rotations of my wateh’s hands, 1 could
sec only too well that my movements
had become increasingly slower. The al-
teration continued in the same snowball-
ing fashion as with my pets, and now I
no longer need anything as delicate as a
dock to remind myself of my condition.
match fast enough to
c it. By comnting the sunrises and
sets through the window, I deter-
ned that it took me nine days to
ge my typewriter so that I could type
this note.
I determined to end my lile after what
might seem a trivial enough. incident. T
gave Three a banana. and observed that
it took him an entire afternoon to. cel
He looked so contented, so blissfully
unaware of his snail-paced condition, that
1 began to tugh at him. My laughter
became hysterical, and 1 ended by
crying. 1 have no idea how long ago this
happened, as I have lost all track of
time, ordinary time. lt has become a
foreign thing to me.
e no p
One, Two
I cannot. strike
l can s
becoming a
and Three
comical object.
now look like so many stuffed monkeys
and 1, without any doubt, would also
come to resemble a particularly success-
ful example of the taxidermist’s art,
were I to allow myself to survive. 1 have
no intention of doing so. I shall now
take the gun, which T have placed beside
my typewriter, and blow out my brains
with it, I wonder how long it will take
me to do it? As L said, the situation is
not without iron
Thus ends the manuscript of Doctor
Arness. The last page remains, as you
can see for yourself in the exhibit, rolled
iu the platen of his typewriter. The
placement of the typewriter in relation
to the gun, the table, the chair, and to
Arness himself is exactly the
same as when he and the objects were
discovered in his laboratory. Although
Doctor Arness appears to be—to use his
hagic description—"stu[jed." he is not.
He is alive, in good health, and he is
moving. His index finger, even now, is
actually approaching the final "y" in
“irony,” although at a speed that can be
measured ouly with the most delicate of
Doctor. Arnes is 20
instruments now
years old.
The animals referred to in his manu-
script are also all alive and well, and
may be seen in the Hall of Mammals.
Attractive models of chimpanzees One,
Two and Three have been created, and
they ave available, in various sizes, at the
Museum Curio Shop.
“I don't know anything about pornography,
but 1 know what 1 like.
(continued from page 96)
promised the pale CIA op chief as he
unscrewed his belt buckle to remove
tube, squirting its contents on the hole
in Goshen's left shoulder. "Is cherry
salve. My mom used to schmear it on
every wound we kids ever had." Directly
he applied it, the cherry salve drew the
bullet from the flesh with a pop and the
ragged edges beg: ery trace
of the wound disappeared in a te
onds, induding an
mark and a tattoo.
"You missed your calling. Mr. Bond.”
the mystery woman remarked. “Those
long, tapering fingers should be heal
en, not ending their lives with
Bond, pl:
the Simulac.
icing Goshen in the rear of
| "You seem 10 know all
about me, Miss Lawrence, which gives
you an advantage, since I know nothing
about you.” The gray cyes challenged
hers “And ld like to—very
“Moum Latakia and ride with me.
. Bond, and we can discourse as I
guide your auto out of the Cisshah.
Ordering Neon to take the wheel,
Bond accepted a white gloved hand and,
with the fluidity of the high hurdler.
sprang onto the veiled beauty's mount.
The cool, musical voice was respectful.
"You seem 10 be no stranger to a hump,
Mr. Bond.
“That expertise, Miss Lawrence,
something I hope you'll have complet
knowledge of somed: he sallied, and
drew an appreciative chuckle trom her.
You have a rapier wit to match that
the. muscular body, Mr. Bond." She
touched Latakia's ear and whispered, “On-
rd, noble ship of the desert.” Latakia.
moved forward with an undulating mo-
on that lulled them both into a state of
euphoria. As they rode, Bond encircled
Sarah's waist, his fingertips tingling with
a strange sensation never before known
to him. Gottenu! he thought, now it’s
happening on camets!
“Tam a twenty-fourth cousin by mar-
of the famed wrence who.
ern his-
precise, clipped
little girl on our
ancestral estate, Dun Rovin, which is
siwared in the center of ghe triangle
formed by Saxonshire, Normanshire and
Brokenshire, 1 regaled by Pater’s
tales of my cousin's exploits in Arabia
and vowed to make a pilgrimage to the
arca one day to retrace his glorious foot-
steps. A child's silly longing, I. suppose,
and | more or less had forgotten it be
the multifarious — activities
allorded members of my class. Pater was
an M. P. for the constituencies of Sussex,
Wessex and Essex and.
“Perhaps.” Bond interjected, "you'd
be interested in the benefits of a locale
canse of
dear to me—My Sex?"
ond! You are an
To continue: As the
wod gentry, I went
through the usual rounds, riding to the
hunt with my wained pointers, Alpo and
Thrive. humdrum semesters at. the ex-
clusive Miss Fenton's School for the
Bored, where I majored: in ballet, paint
ing, fencing and class hatred. There was
ever a shortage of d. switins for
the beautiful, accomplished daughter of
an M. P. Mr. Bond, and 1 was constantly
turning down marriage proposals. from
such Ronald Duckblind,
Brenlleck Coddingfeathe i
most soughvalter young
rvin of Throneberry, Despite the tat-
attention, | sensed the innaic
s of this decaying way of Dile.
y ennui did not escape the shrewd eyes
of Rector Justin-Tyme. Mother, spiritual
ms of an.
1 go 10
© up the
of our Angl
he heard
impressionable girl, sai
the Middle East
left undone by nec of Arib
However, there was much to be dear
belore 1 could come here—the art of rid-
ing a camel, for instance, which 1
tered alter many months of practice
riding on a carousel ar Blackpool. Eng-
land's most renowned armorer, Major
Minor, taught me to handle rifle
arms and. medium
schooled in the
by Ibn T
Middle "
dressed. for the desert by Muslim. D'Ior
and taught to exist on a mere lndlul of
tanna deaves a day. 1 came to. Sahid Saki-
a year ago and introduced myself 10
Hakmir and rhe leaders of the Kinds
and Wheys, meeting. first with i
d the presence of n
omg. Having seen rhe picture,
convinced I deed, Law-
rence's kin. [twas only this ha
miration, Mr. Bond, thar
Kurds halt their attempt to
King Baldroi back in the
Kurdish leader told me he had received
report to the effect that Li
impostor, a wder to the
throne, and that a real pretender to
the throne was about w arrive in
his Groove.
This smacks of Tesi
the way, Miss
In the next few m
recap of his adventures, including. the
savage showdown with James Bund. de
Ad descriptions of the episodes with
Vine and Indira Mookerjie, and
v in for good measure the Loxlinger
amd Matzohball cases, plus his entire
sexual history.
As she stirred in his arms during cer-
i portions of the saga. he thought,
Shes all worked up. Before
ating creature will be
What a find! Beauty,
rockets: | was
aleas of Arabic
rd, dean of the Institute. of
andiwork all
Bond growled.
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warmth, a “dass broad" from Great
Britain with a real upbringing. She's the
only woman worthy of your love. name,
number and license to kill, Oy Oy Sev-
cn. A man needs to sink roots someday,
and maybe I'm too far over the hill ro
stay in this racket any lor I've al-
y sel the deaths of almos five
dozen good folks. This magnificent wom-
an in my xleem me, uplift me
and maybe, since it’s obvious she's load-
cd, set me up in my own class shoe salon
(nothing bur IL Millers and M
Walkers) in Brooklyn, True, Ive sworn
to my sainted mother that IIl never
place a wedding band on any finge
cept that of a Daughter of SI
that too can be worked out. I know the
moment ] take h Lawrence of Ara-
bia in a way she's never known before,
she'll see the ultimate value of Judaism
and conver with celerity. Wonder if
Milton'll give me a 25-percent discount
on the wedding at the Pinochle Royale?
He should, really—I'm his brother and
besides I saved the joint for him and I
think I'd be justified in telling him so.
He was already under the traditional
with Sarah Lawrence of Arabia,
the rabbi intoning the ancient marriage
conuact, when her scent nudged him
hack to Sahd Sakistan. "It's driving me
wild. Miss Lawrence. What is i
“A special blend, Evening with Prof
mo, made for me by Maitland of More-
land Street. I am pleased at its effect o
your olfactory sense, But we arc at the
Road of the Feculent Fi nd ] shall
¢ my leave.”
He slid off Las
the cs
ia and motioned for
10 halt "shall E sec you again,
wrence of Arabia? There are
things a man and a maid must talk of
and they are best said by moonlight.”
For another 120 seconds biuk and
iy eyes fished fire and desire into two
the rim of
nother, his cross lire caus
her veil to smolder, hers turning his
Falon zipper into red-hot mesh, charring
his Arrow briefs. "Some aim high for
happiness, Mr. Bond, while others . -
She left her proverb unfinished, but its
corollary proposition was quite clear.
"You haven't answered me, Miss L
rence.” His voice was husky, his hands
betraying his febrile state by abrasive
motions that expunged the life lines
from his palms.
"hr is my wont to be cach night at
ninethinty at the Oasis of the Seven
Mentholated Consumptives to commune
with the spirits of the desert, Good day,
Mr. Bond.”
“One thing Mis Lawrence.
Learn Hebrew. You'll need it the rest of
your life, because, Miss Lawrence, from
this moment on, it’s you for me, babe
-.. only two for tea, babe . .
Was that a sigh breaking through the
reserve? He was not to
glacial British
know. She issued a command and La-
takia galloped off into the distance, the
sun transforming the rider into molten
Well. Oy Oy Seven, she's named thc
uysting place, he thought. An oasis by
moonlight—in the company of a heaven-
sent woman—it can be the kind of cata
clysmic joining of kindred souls to be
found only in those Kathleen Winsor re
prints you keep buy
Gouenu! He breathed and, to some
how dispel the unendurable passion
surging through his marrows, he swung
his bronze, muscular ann and struck
Neon Zion in the face, splitting op
riled subordinate's lips. "Someday.
when you're a man of the world,
you'll understand."
“I have composed another verse,” pro-
claimed LeFagel. Goshen drove on, im-
mesed in some memory of his New
England childhood, muttering “Happi
ness is a harpoon in a white whale." Neon
Zion, possessed of youth's happy resil-
jence, was on his 70s in paddle ball, the
puk-puk-puk of the ball furnishing a sur-
realistic punctuation to the recitation.
On a ghostly night of yore,
A man tapped on my chamber door,
H was cold out, so 1. granted him a
He sail, “Kind sir, my name is Poe,
“And Vve been searching high and
“Tell me please, sir, have you seen
my efling raven?”
Good-o! Not a dot of deviation in
that one, Bond thought, and in an irre-
pressible gevure of good will he jabbed
his potent left at LeFagel, drawing two
fonts of claret from. the rulers mashed
nose. Le ince of
the heartfelt and
turned a shy smile that held no sugges
tion of elleminacy whatsoever.
But the air of camaraderie lew away
like a hightened sparrow when Bond,
leaning out of the rear window, spotted
the white edifice at the very end of the
shoreline road. “Is that i
"Shivs." The CIA op chief spat it out
and saw the old deadly look, the smiling
Just for battle diit imparted a murderous
glow to the gray eyes and the dark,
cruelly handsome face. 1 know what be's
thinking, Goshen ruminated. He's think-
ing the enemy's in there, the ghoulish
krauts who've killed and cippled his
comrades, blown up his people's vittles,
and my ol” fire-cating buddy is dying to
go in there and have at them, But |
spoke to M, Z and Op Chief Beame via
the carrier's Ship "N Shore Blue Denim
Network and I know what the odds are
of getting the goods on Tusti—maybe a
million to onc—and even Oy Oy Seven,
the man 1 and the whole
come to woni
alive. I'm an —the only di
off all year is Madalyn Murray
day—but if I were the pra
, Fd
offer one right now for Ereu Isracl, the
Land of Palms and Pledges, and Secret
Agent Isracl Bond, the neatest guy PH
ever know,
“They were cruising through the mod-
section of Baghs-Groove. flashing by
giam E. J. Korvette store,
League Harem Boys Club, a movie thea-
ter adver Gidget Meets the Loved
One and then the Simulac swerved into
a palmaree-lined driveway up to the &
trance of the U.S. embas
ng for them with a pasted-on
a gaunt, sun-reddened man
and Redd Foxx safari beret, who
duced himself as Tender N. Callowfel-
the ambassador, amd promised a
fit for a"—he began to chuckle—
^ So it was, the braised sloth paws
Bosco-flavored rmenlom-
bardo, fluoridated sauce-
even the most jaded taste buds, washed
down with vin scully '94 from the vine
yards of Chavez Ravine, and “of course,
your Majesty, Ambassador Scotch"—he
chuckled again—'on the rocks
^p think," said Ambassador Callowfel-
low, pulling a bell rope, “it’s time for
AMierDiuner. Mintz, Ah, there you are,
Minz. my man." A short, white-haircd
oldster entered and served them pun
gent circles of Certs on heated. Pacific
plywood skewe:
Goshen and Bond spent the next hour
discussing the job at hand, while Callow-
fellow and the king retired to the fo
ner’s study for a chat about the upcom-
ig coronation
“Tve splendid news,” beamed Callow
fellow. re-entering. “His Majesty has
consented 10 have An a host his coro-
ion the Sahd Sakistani emi
cated jn die Empire State Buildi
w York. It will serve to remind the
world of th abreakable link berw
our respective nations, and will have the
henefit of our superior news coverage.
Fm terribly excited about it
“L as well.” retorted the brighteyed
monarch, pressing the ambassador's hand
in fond [arewell, and then departing for
lis new h be
The palace of the Iate King Hak
was an uptodate Alhambra of co
harrylimestone, with graceful. Florsheim
arches. and Winchell columns. In. the
front. lined on two sides by vivid purple
rows of San Fernando Valley eggplants.
was an immense swim pool on
whose surface floated sprigs of wollbanc
and spiderwort nibbled at by chancring
les cranes and a rare merv gryphon.
Overhead winged a pinkish herb. jeffries
flamingo like a flame in the sky, It
over the enclave to its lover n
the entrance was a pewter st
e monarch, from whose opened mouth
a spray of provocative Vegamato.
said Goshen, “lor God's sake,
don't uy anything foolish. Shivs, as far
as the world knows, is a perfectly
“On second thought, I think TIl
dig mine a little deeper."
respectable outfit that pays its taxes
keeps its nose clean, You can't go in
there like Gang Busters without proof
Anyway. your job's keeping his Majesty
here safe and sound. TH be in touch,
fella. See you lutei
"Wouldrt think of it, Monroe.
ol Rockport chowderhead."
pledged, throwing a salute to the de
ing CIA op chief. Once inside the ro
suite, he told Neon, “Keep Tabs on him
—or regular Coke. if you're not watching
your calories," amd was rewarded by
13's prolonged laughter. He showered
with distilled Culligan rain water, applied
cypressscented No Sweat, the deodor-
ant that checks unseemly perspiration
by destroying the ls that produce
it, to his virile armpits, and domed
a hewyduty Hai
sap, a pair of. Regi
m Poppa Jacques
ld Gardiner Lice
an wd Krishna Menon
waistcom ol bleeding madras, Andalu-
sian bedsocks, slung on his new paisley
shoulder holster with e of Lavi Ha
Lavi's deadly new occupants inside, used
Heshtoned Tuck Tape to sirip the In
stant Cold Rolled — Extra
h Steel tool to his calf. put on the
Korveite’s luau car coat, and swallowed
piin ahead) and 12 Benzedrine tablets (if
there was to be pain, he wanted 10 stay
awake and enjoy it to the fulles
was, after all, as much a part of lile as
pk )
You're going on a job, Oy Oy Seven,
ast orders.” A shocked. Neon said it
“Just forget what you've seen, kid."
Bond snarled. "Em going to take the
MBG for a little spin. If I just happen
to lose my way and it just happens to
stop at Shivs, well...”
As the exhaust from the MBG's quad
ruple pipes singed the Portland Ceme
driveway to the main road, the Togl
that had been parked behind the p
garage Tor nwo hours eased out
heep-beepbeep of the bomer on
MBG made the four swarthy
exchange evil gri
From 1000 feet up in a helicopter,
the two cars seemed to Brown |
seas, Bond's a silverfish, the Tesi vehicle
a ladybug. The flapping of the huge sign
being towed by the chopper was a dis
turbance the giant Negro CLA agent
had long since gouen uscd to. It told the
people below: You ARE ONLY srt; MILES
Ligators. A perfect cover, he knew
Stuckey’s advertising was famous the
world over and no sion
its presence in the M
Goshen's orders 10 Brow been
sucina: "Eve just deft Be the
palace to guard King Baldroi, bur he’
got the smell of fire and brimstone on
him and 1 know damn well he's going to
g him by choppe
h waggling in his sensual lips.
162 tn Soup with Noodles
that could mean either. life or
for his adopted country. En-
grossed in fantasies of revenge, he did
not pay proper attention to the fork in
the road, berating himself as he saw he'd
veered off the main shoreline drive and
onto a bumpy spur whose route shunted
the unwary driver into the hellish fur
nace of the desert,
"You stupid, albeit dark, cruelly hand-
he railed at himself, but
ion faded from his lips
when he siw the blinking red light or
the power ashtray whose interior secret-
ed his radio hookup. He pressed Buon
175, the ashuay swiveled, hurling two
dozen Raleigh buus into his lap, some
still smoldering, but there was no timc
to growe about petty discomfort, for the
radio was in full view. a tiny vleep-vleep-
vicep coming from the cantilevered coils.
Forget the "stupid," make that
modifier "lucky," he grinned, kis i
reflection in the minor. T
turn had been providential. He had
picked up a homer concealed on some
car in the area. HE he'd su
straight course, he'd never have noticed
it. And he blessed the slipshod, amateur-
ish side of his nature that so often had
stood. him in good stead.
He gave the MBG's gus pedal the full
weight of his right Andalusian bedsock
and she escalated 10 156.6, her extragrip
Firestone tires more than a match for the
icking sand. With dismay he heard the
vlecp-vlecp-vlecp. dying out and on
hunch made a d3-degree turn olf the
spur onto the desert itself, gunning her
up to 176.2. There was a squashy sound:
he looked back at the mangled burro
and its nomadic rider splayed out under
the merciless sun. His forefinger punched
Button 200 and he saw the canteen of
nid the medical handbook jet from
r into the poor fellow's broken
s got a 2050
ce of survival now, he exulted.
Alarmed by the diminution of the
MBG's homer, the wailing Dagro two
miles back abo played a vight-hand-turn
hunch, a hideous grin splitting the
achet face as ihe beep-heep-beep
pulsed. bac
Bond's airborne tag shook his head
ncredulity at the scene below, two
igh-powered chargers whipping up dust
d on a
storms as they tore madly around
round in a three-mile-wide circle. It was
dear now—the MBG had also been
“homered,” without his knowledge.
Time to end He switched on the spe-
cial channel used by the CIA and M 33
and 1/3 10 contact each other. The
genis in the Togliaui might hear it, t00,
bur unless they had a Nicklaus seram-
bler, which was unlikely, they would get
Shoes and Black Sox to Chick
- Brown Shoes
to Chicken
come in, please
oup with
Bond understood the recognition sig-
l at once and listened to the CIA tag
the ground.
analyze the dilemma on
"Good-o! Brown Shoe
Chicken Soup with )
edges. Out.
He halted the MBG and clambered
up the burning side of
He could see an arrow of dust streaking
his way, estimated the Togliani’ i
s driver
wore a Timex. From the shoulder hol-
ster he liberated Ha Lavi's scaled-down
version of the Am touched
the eraser on his Ticonderoga pencil,
which split the pencil tripod, and
mounted the weapon on it with his left
hand, sliding the cordovan Hickok belt
out of the loops of his sunslax with the
right, He reversed the belt. ts hidde:
side contained 100 notches, in each nes
ued a steel-jacketed denizen of death.
Better take a closer look, the CLA man
thought, and he brought the chopper
down 750 fect. Yup, the crazy bastard’s
spoiling for it, like Goshen said. Gonna
take on four of ‘em by himself. Guess
he’s everything he's cracked up to be.
Better get down there and backstop him.
The glint of the sun on the MBG's
silvery roof tipped off the Dagro in the
pursuing Togliatti. He braked it 50 yards
from the dune and the doors flew open,
the four occupants diving into the sand.
Bond, feeding the Hickok belt through
the Anna Sten, opened up and heard
screams from. two of them. The Dagro
grabbed at his chest and pitched forward
on his face: a second, whose racial stock
recognizable for the moment, was
o out of it, blood gushing from his
forehead. Bond gave the remaining duo,
without question Swegroes, a long burst.
From the thumps he knew he'd put a
Feast ten slugs in cach. Not good enougl
buddy boy, not good enough. It takes a
damn sight more than ten slugs to stop a
Swegro, he knew
The Swegroes jabbered at
for a second, the
toward the dune, leaving, dreadful c
son trails on the white sand. He emp-
tied the belt, certain he'd pierced Swego
flesh again from the howls of vexation.
But they kept coming. And he was out
From his vantage point he could see
them dragging their riddled bodies inch
by inch up the dune, their eyes malevo-
at jewels. “Don't come another step
closer or you'll regret it!" Bond cried. “I
ver inoculated for chicken. pox.”
answer was contemptuous
laughter; they dug their octopuslik
hands deeper imo the white powder, “By
mpin' yiminy, we gwine cut you .
"hey hit the top at the same time,
w steely hands tipping Bond and
sending him tumbling down the dunc.
His head struck the MBG's rear fender.
Tes all over, he thought bleakly as the
Swegroes loomed over him. their faces
widened by triumphant smiles. There
was a flash of something metallic and
the point of a knife bit through the luau
t imo the waistcoat.
Suddenly the Swegrocs were upright
no more. Both were on their knees
clutching their guts, sull yelling defiance.
ive feet stood a powerful Negro.
his lips in a gelid grin, bluish smoke
rising from the muzle of a Lucky
‘Thompson submachine gun. “Stay down,
Mr. Bond The ‘Thompson chartered
gain, planting 50 slugs in cach Swegro,
driving them to their backs. The smaller
of the Swegroes looked up at the gunner
» sorrow. "You could yust stop it. I tink
ne die now, baby.” And the brown
lids rolled over the blue pools.
again, e charge at the
CIA man, the stecly fingers gouging into
the man's throat. Bond could hear the
newcomers framtic gruns and he i
nored the claret streaming down his side,
pulled himself into a sitting position
and snatched at a gun in the dead Swe-
gro's hip holster. He put five bullets into
the attacking Swegro’s back. heard a
roan and saw the man topple.
"You all right, buddy?" Bond said,
then: “Watch it!” The CIA man spun
to meet the Swegro's second charge, side
stepped it and retrieved the Thompson.
The Swegro tumed, screamed, ^De-
fiance! Defiance! Defiance!” took a round
in the heart and lungs, clawed futilely at
the CIA man, then muttered to himself,
“Why should 1 do all the mothering
work?” and fell on his face again.
"Don't go near him,” Bond shouted.
He staggered 10 the MBG. took
mentation grenade from the glove coi
pariment and waved his ally away. He
pulled the pin and shorpuucd it onto
the Swegr
A minute after the explosion, the CIA
man sniffed at the remains. "Well, there's
le fight left in him, but damn little,
Mr. Bond. Let's make sure.
From the sleeve of his trench coat he
wrested off a button and placed it in the
Swegro's mouth. He folded his arms and
That's it. There was enough cyanide
t that button to kill a hundred and for
ty thousand people, the populatie
haven, Germany.
n their eyes popped, The guucd
ound that had. b. Swegro stirred.
nd the mouth said, “The atest census
puts Bremerhaven’s population at a
hundred and fifty thousind. Defiance!
They heard a throat
- Then all was still.
There was no doubt no
s dead.
;gdhe Swegro
Bond inhaled his 519th Ra
igh of the
day. "He was a tough one,” he said.
His rescuer nodded. "Swegroes usually
are. Frankly, 1 don't know why the other
one copped out so easy. Let's give a
look." He gave the corpse a meticulous
examination. “Look what I found in his
back. A knife, and I'd say it was in at
least six inches. Yours, Mr. Bond?”
“Hell, no."
"Wait, there's c on the hilt
"Property of Colonel Stuart Bentall.
M. L 5E heard about him; British agent.
But he's been dead for ten years. Which
means this laddie’s been toting a pigstick.
cr in his back since 1956 or earlier. I
guess one of our bullets must have driven
the point into a vital organ."
Bond was kneeling by the two dead
men near the Togliaui. “Not a mark on
the Dagro. He must have succumbed
from [right: Dagroes can't take it too
well. Other one looks like a Bulgar or
maybe a Bulgro. I got him all right. My
initials, L B., are in his forehead.”
“Hey, Mr. Bond! You've been hit."
Goshen’s giant saw Bond touch the
sticky mess dribbling from his side and a
profound sadness humanize the cruelly
handsome face. “It’s my waistcoat, made
of bleeding madras.” Bond said. "Tt took
the brunt of the knife, saved. my life."
He cradled the garment in his muscular
arms, knelt, scooped a hole in the sand
and placed the waistcoat inside. “You
know any decent words to say in Hindi
or Urdu? No? Well, lll just say some-
thing from my heart, that's all.” He
looked at the forlorn little mound of
sand. "Vou were a good waistcoat. If
there's some kind of a Laundromat for
waistcoats where gentle non-Communist
Chinks never use harsh detergents, 1 hope
ihars where you're headed. Shalom."
Bond picked up his Hickok belt and
Korveue's luau car coat. “Since I owe
you my life, I
order, partner. But you know me al-
ready." His grin was boyish, guilty.
‘Goshen didn't trust me, huh
The rugged CIA agent shrugged.
“Well, you know Goshen.” He prolleicd
a shovel-sized hand. ^o James
Brown, CIA agent Seven-Eleven. The
bigot who assigned me that number said
it was a ‘natural’ because so many of my
people are expert. crapshooters."
"Makes no difference to me, Jimbo,”
Bond siid. "I read Ebony magazine all
the time; Willie Mays is my favorite
ballplayer, and if a fine, clean-cut Negro
moved next door, say a Diahann Carroll
Nancy Wilson, Lena Horne, Barb
McNair or a Leslie Ugga
hell wouldn't go running to a realtor
with a forsale sign in my hand.”
“Youre an OK fay.” Brown's initial
ness was gone, dissipated by the
ardhitting clarification
ess introductions are in
ns, T sure as
Israeli's frank,
of his position.
“And youre OK, too—in spades,”
Bond flipped back, drawing a hearty
gulíaw from Brown, who added seriously:
You'll find more action — more of everything at the Stardust. Spend an hour and forty-
five minutes at our lavish and spectacular Lido Revue. Then, catch entertainers like
the Kim Sisters, Esquivel and other great acts in the Stardust Lounge. They're on from
dusk ‘til dawn! Have a gourmet's delight in our world-famous Polynesian restaurant,
AKUAKU. Swim. Sun. Tan. Play golf at our
championship course. Yes, GO. ..to your travel
agent. Make a reservation for excitement! Or,
write Reservations Director, Suite 105. Economy orev acourcuve,uas
minded? See our "Heavenly Holidays” brochure.
traditional sport shirts by LANCER of California i f 163
“So you're really going to bust into
"Got 10," Bond said, his jaw muscles
bulging. He filled James Brown in on
the caper, including bis savage show-
down with James Bund. threw in the
Loxfinger and Matzohball. sagas, but left
out the detailed descriptions of the epi.
sodes with Liana and Indira and his en-
tire sexual history. No sense cluttering
up Brown's head with irrelevant infor
mation, he reasoned,
They got into the MBG. Bond used
Button 61 to lob a brace of Calgrenades,
h blew the Togliani
and the helicopter to bits. "Can't leave
messy dese nbo. Let's go.
“Hold it, pal. I have some data on the
n thar might prove helpful. The top
floor is for the personal use of the Shivs
directorate. There's a conference room
and the rest are individual suites for
Auntie and Heinz SemHeidt, Holz
knicht and the other seven. Third floor's
for the houschold guard and the service
corps. Second's for selected. gues
spenders who get free lodging
—no bargain, ‘cause Shivs gets
back and then some in the casino, which
is on the first floor. Heinz runs the
Guerre Room. He wins big, too, Seven
others run the rest of the gambling. Oni
Auntie and Holrknicht are never found
in the casino, God knows what she docs.
lab upstairs
round. One bit ol good
no Swegroes inside
He's got some kind of a
where he fools
Shivs, "cause they might scare the custom-
ers away and the help, too. Bulgars,
Bulgroes, Dagroes, Spigroes, Sp
they do the strongarm work. And then
they have the dogs.”
“Yup. Hohenzollerns."
“Jesus!” All right, buddy boy, he ex-
coriated himself. So they have Hohenzol-
lerns. And maybe more beasties that go
bump in the night. You didn't think you
were going to hear Ronald Reagan do
readings Irom A. A. Milne, did you
“In [ront of Shivs is the guest area,
swimming pool, patio, bar, etc. As this
map shows, it's rather small in compar-
ison to the rest of the grounds. It's closed
olf by a 20-foot-high fence. I guess the
management doesn’t want them snoop-
ing around the rest of the estate. As for
internal security, you must assume the
rooms are bugged and that every non-
est hasn't got your personal interest
at heart
CIA agent Brown's account of the hor-
rors within those walls cast a. pall over
both of them as they motored silently
their eyes peering through the mist
along the shore for the first glimpse of
the witch's lair.
"Stop "er, Mr. Bond." F
the voice, robbed it of its robustness.
“We're about two hundred. yards away.
ase enough.
Israel Bond lit a Raleigh
rdonie smile that
r constricted:
ad noticed
with a s
“First we hold free elections, then we establish our
oun byla
and then, somehow, we ve
got to get affiliated with a national fraternity.”
Raleigh he'd ever smoke? Some people
wouldn't consider the prospect forebod
but they
ing in the least, he knew,
weren't secret agents walking into the
mouth of hell. "If 1 don't make it, Jim
bo, you'll find a couple of thousand ciga
rette coupons in the trunk. See that M
gets "em."
When Bond heard the truck grinding
along the sandy path, he crouched: be
hind a dump of spiny sarajevo cacti. As
it puttered by, he saw the sign on its
side, maps LAUNDRY, and then saw it
siop at the rear pate.
Praying the squish, squish,
the Andalusian bedsocks on ihe sand
would not be heard over the idling m
tor, he raced to the back of the truck, h
Vicks 41 in his right hand, put the point
of it against the lock and blew it oif. the
Silentium. Silencer muflling the dis-
charge. He dove into a pile of something
white and fragrant and closed the doc
behind him. his trained Double Oy nose
telling him he had landed on a Rinso
wash. Good-o! I've made a dean sta
Bond heard the driver and the guard,
the latter’s soft, slurring speech indicat
ing its owner was a Bulgro, exchang
es, one of them with the punch
agyot maggot,” and he tore up a
Jackie Kannon towel in anger. God-
damnit! That one was getting around too
fasi! There was no time to pencil the
1 of his notebook of goodies, fe
the ruck was moving again, He heard
the ominous clang of the dosing gate.
OK, Shivs, I'm inside, he thought. 1
ask no quarter and 1 give no quarter.
‘Then he snickered at his Gung Ho-
Don Winslow-Captain Midnight brava
do. Big deal! These days, what the hell
cin you do with a quarter?
squish of
Through a small window in the rear
door he could they were passing
through an area darkened by trees and
thick foliage. He flung the door open and
sprang onto a cobbled roadway. the
pact sending a joh of pain through his
Andalusian bedsocks. He heard the clat
ter of the tuck die. AIL was still. save for
the ming of bees, the chirping of
“katydid! karydid'" from one part of
t, a scornful answering “Yenteh!
the fore:
The squeak of wheels coming up the
path sent him on a headlong dive into
the nearest bush. He cursed himself for
his precipitance, for he'd landed
chipango plam whose spearlike shoots
cut open his right check. The smell of
his typeA blood sickened and fright
ened him. What if the dogs scented i
A spasm went through his body when
he heard the doggerel crooned by the
“Fee, fie, foe, foo,
I smell the blood of a lurking Jew."
He was looking into the mustard
yellow orbs of Auntie Sem-Heidt.
She sat in her wheelchair, her chalky
face looking as though it had been fash-
ioncd from a thousand graveworm bel
ics sewn together. Her clawlike fingers
stroked the lifegiving battery on her lap
with a repulsive fondness, The wig she
1 chosen this afternoon was algae
matched by a similar tint on her
vand-black. house
is someone in the forest, Hei
licber € A small animal
perhaps, or the wind." mate stood
by her side, stuffing Burgerbits into his
cave of à mouth, his profane blimp of a
body garbed in a Bavarian mountain
climber's costume, whitelace dickey, red-
velvet shorts and suspenders, the piano
legs in lederhosen and red-leather Mary
Jane sandals. "Let us continue our
we shall stop hu
t Locksley, a muffin, bitte."
The dwarf in the jester's outfit seemed
for a
pleased at being able to service his
inistress. He took a muffin from he
pocket and inserted it between the
electromagnetic coils. Is scent filtered
through the shoots to Bond's nose, en-
ticing at first, then acrid, and he heard
Auntie Sem-Heidt's invectives. “Cursed
gnome! You have burned my mufhr
Heinz, my knout
The scrawny aim lashed ou. with sur-
prising power, the metal p of the
knout thudding against Locksley's bac
Enough, Gerda. You will kill the crea
une,” Heinz said. “A good dwarf nowa
days is hard to find.”
She acknowledged his wisdom. Lock
ley expressed his gratitude for the cesa
tion of the llagellation with a ca
during which he clapped his h:
eral times. It drew a whinny of approval
from his mistress
Your gyrations have pleased me, dear
freak.” The daws patted the puckered
apple of a face. “L shall reward you with
ce to see Auntie Gerda’s little toy.
a cl
Behold!” She spread open the house
dress and the dwarf did a triple cart
wheel this tim
Gottenu! The Israelis gray eyes did
canwheels of their own. Z's voice
echoed: “He gave li nal plastic
1 it works."
If his own heart had not been pound-
ing so stridently, he would have heard
the rush of a aa”
just before the
bulle. Gevaldi? He could not stille the
cry as the teeth and horn pencuaied his
ight shoulder. “I was correct!" the iron
voice called. "There is an intruder! The
dog has flushed him.
A P3»pound steclribbed | Hohenzol-
lern, the part-German shepherd, pari-
German sheep bred by the 8S during
the Forties in the Black Forest for sentry
duty and ferreting out downed Allied
fiers, ag at his throat, the
foulsmelling saliva now mixed with
Bond's blood. dripping from the Langs.
was worr
He could sce the oi
the thick white mushiroc
skull and the hard lance of a unihorn:
Hohenzollerus, nervous, unstable, as apt
to tug out a friend's throat a: my:
Man and beast were rolling over
over. both raked by spines and shoots,
the former's right elbow taking the fury
of the teeth. Bond's lelt hand. grasped
the stem of the woolen mushroom and
pulled it over the creature's mad-dog
cyes, blinding it for a vital second, then
th a superhuman ellort drove the ar
mal against the trunk of a tee. There
was a yelp and the spine snapped.
Ignoring the claret pouring out of his
mangled arm and shoulder, he ran
deeper imo the brush, lor a chorus of
baaaas told him the whole pack had
been set loose on his bloody wail.
Gouenu! Fire ams, aazed by the
odor of blood, were sliding down little
poles and swarming out of their hills.
He brushed a loathsome phalanx off his
body, but nor before the pincers had
carved our another chunk of shoulder.
Then Bond heard the baying of the
Hohenzollems and he wembled as he
pushed his torn body through cacti
thornbushes and Wilkinson swordgr
his Korvette’s luau car coat in shreds.
The terrain. grew soft, rhen—splash!
—he was kncedeep in a slimy pond, i
muddy brown slowly stained red by his
d g wounds, Brown, red—and now
silver! A silvery mass darting across
the water—Gortenu!—voracious yellow
tecth were ripping into his legs.
Somehow he managed to stumble to
the other side, avoiding the snapping
jaws of a jacare, the Brazi "
which he dispatched by emptying all of
his Vicks 41 slugs into its eyes. There was
n0 ume to skin the creature to compen-
sate himsel! for part of this ordeal by
treating himself to a fine pair of Amazo-
nian bedsocks (150 quasars retail il they
were a farthingale), because the reb
eyed, steelfanged Hohenzollerns, six of
them, came through the thicket to the
opposite side of the pond. “What a
Bond said. looking av the body of
jacare with regret, and turned
to meet the new challenge
Though they growled aud thrust at
the air with their uniri
charge the pond. They know
what's in there, he thought. Gor to make
"em mail enough 10 do it. Another. psy-
dhological-warlare bii
“You yellow, lily
hunds—come and take a Jew, il you can!
Come on, krauts. Tve séen Chihuahuas
that could kick the crap out of the whole
bunch of you.” One braced to spring:
an older. wiser head bit into its
constrain it,
Bond spoke a fi
According to the bener trade ma
zines, the Renault outperforms the Volks-
agen in every w
an crocod
the sl.
they did not
ivered Deutsche
1 pedamic sentence:
Now there was no holding them back.
The impetuous one lelt his tail in the
older Hohenzollern's mouth to leid the
charge. The others followed sui, eyes
rolling with insensate hatred, coming ou
for the kill They never reached him
by one they were savaged by the
y mass, howling in agony as they
went under: again the water swirled with
ved and pink
Picroghana! The fleshloving Polish
devilfish of the Vistula river, known 10
down circles fishermen, ple
d, in three recorded. instances,
governments . . -
Dobrze, dobrze! Good, good! . . -
Bond lost consciousness
To his amazement the voice was not
iron, the eyes were not yellow but brown
Intelligent. almost sympathetic
“Let us talk quickly, Oy Oy Seven.
There is litle time, Even now Gerda is
dressing for the extraordinary
of inflicting—uh, let us say test
unusual devices upon the catch of her
lifetime, Secret. Agent Isracl Bond. Co-
operae with me, Bond, and I will save
you hom indescribable sullering. 1 want
to know how much M 33 and 1/3 knows
about Operation Alienation, how deep-
ly the CIA is involved, what plans both
have for counterattacking, how the new
king can best be goti ad elimi
nated, as well as a lew items t0 sate my
personal curiosity."
Bond. his hands chained 10 the wall.
saw a bland face and the high forehead.
of the scholar. His questioner was a man
of medium height w a military
ereweut who wore a white lab coat. Of
course—Dr. Emst Holsknicht, whose
mild appearance belied his status as the
evi us behind Eretz Israel's. woes.
am I, Holzknicht?” Hc would
courtesy of “He
no matter what the cost, “And
remember, under the terms of the Gene
va convention | can only give you my
me, rank amd zip code.
Dr. Holzknicht blew a
mouthful of
Muriel smoke into his face, "You are in
the cellar of Shivs, the very site where
Oy Oy Five met hi so you see,
there is no re, evw’s niceties
Bond inhaled the ferid air. “And if E
cooperate, then what? A phed pic-
tures of David McCallum and Robert
"P will reward you with a quick, pa
less death, an injection of diathorenzymr-
sheckyereene, and say that you died of
your many wounds, which. if you'll no-
tice, E have treated. 1 have no personal
interest in torturing you. It would serve
no scientific purpose.”
Youre not like
knicht. You're fo medicine
and psychiatry. you don't enjoy sadism,
and | see you're wearing a pair of fifty-
colodny Dr. Joyce Brothers bedsocks,
others, Holz-
«tet (C
168 his wrists; they held. Somethin
which mean
artistic sensitivity: vet vou al
with these ghouls. Wh
That is a long story, Bond. Ja, I
agree: the Sem-Heidts are quite mad.
Heinz is a fatswollen sybarite who lives
only for cilories and the cheap thrills of
the la guerre table, Gerda is a monster
who must cuse some kind of misery
every day of her life or she finds life
meaningless. | regret that a man of my
elect and taste has been forced to seek
Hiance with them, but rust has the
finances to underwrite my researches.
n't those researches be conducied
you have a fully developed
m yourself
for some democratic
country? P
ur indiscretions would. be forgiven.
"You do not fully understand, Bond.
reason D am with Usu is be
cause T concur. with
Even as a young sc
of my older, allegedly wiser c
gues in
understanding the monume prob-
lems facing mankind. Long ago | fore
w the great upheavals from
wakened nationalism in the emergin,
countries. the impact of the population
explosion, the terrible food shortages,
automation, water pollution. the threat
of auack by aliens from other. planets
and the ever-growing possibility that the
sun may die in live billion years, leaving
earth a cokl shriveled, dead mass of
rock. With my logical. dispassionate sci-
entist’s mind. I arrived at à inco
able solution to all these. problem
And that i
“We have got to destroy all the Jew:
"Well" Bond said uncertainty. "if. you
put it (hat way"—then he was furious at
himsell for à momeutary weakness "no,
it, no! T won't play ball, kraut. Do
your worst.
“So? A pity.” The doctor sighed. "In
that case, 1 shall leave you in the capa-
ble claws of Auntie Sem-Hedt. First,
however, we shall soften you up.” He
walked to a corner of the cell and slid
open the lid of a screened cage. "Good.
day, Bond, and goodbye" He was g
From the cage came a soft scratching
sound—then, one by one, out came an
abhorrent Hine of crawling brown things.
cach with count-
ahout six inches long
less Tittle feet and curved claws at cach
end. Isracl Bond felt the ha the
bout to be attacked by a mig-
illepedes from the Lesser An
tilles. Six of them!
incxol a.
bly toward.
He could pick out the pin points of red
that were their eyes. Their bites might
not mean death, at least the
tancous kind, just simple agony that
would turn his fine black hair white and
the dark, cruclly handsome face into a
Dorian Gray within seconds.
In his terror he twisted at his m:
cles, rubbing huge patches of skin trom
di zu
against the floor and he realized thar
im his stra desperation he had
snapped the Tuck Tape that bound. the
Insunt Processed Cold Rolled Exma
Suength Steel tool to his calf. Alas. it
as six inches (the exact length of the
filthy stalkers) from his feet. Might as well
be six miles, he lamented, as the line of
millepedes moved on, now les than a
foot away, their claws held high to lance
into flesh. He closed his eyes. “Hear O
Isracl. the Lord Our God, The Lord is
One.” He waited for the first prickle of
millepede feet on his legs, the first claw
squirting venom.
What was taking them so long?
He opened his eyes,
They had stopped in their tracks, de-
battle formation toward the
med opening that served as the
ily window.
y through the bars, caught. by
1 of fadin ight, was the
ike ant of the
bian Desert, a solpugid, search
a voice
pugid. Sol. Sollie, baby.”
he entreared. the new ami
cuckng with emotion. "Help m
Help one of your own who's up a
it now. Don't stop to polemicize
Orthodox. Conservative and Reform dif-
ferences. Ich bin a Yid, Sollie. Du bist
aichit. Hel] meer!”
The arachnid seemed to comprehend.
It quickened its pace, furry legs impell-
nto the midst of the enemy, tli
ect hits time and
Three of them were cut in twain,
the severed halves thrashing in death
throes. But Solpugid had been skeshed
damagingly by two of them hitting it
from both sides in a prearranged pincer
is juices cbbed from the
k in drove back at the two attackers,
Ti spun to meet
the sneak kae—and the claw
laden with excruciating poison struck
home. Solpugid shook the millepede off
s back w why heave, which sei
it banging i Il, then chomped it
into jagged bits.
Gotcnu! Bond thought. I's saved
me. Then he felt a new thrill of hor
he heard the elevator whine, beari
he knew, the Bitch of Schweinbaden.
amned tool! So near, yet so
He looked ai the barely alive Solpugid.
“Sol, that hunk of metal. If you've got
ng lelt—push it over to me.
A few of the eyes blinked dully. It's so
damn shot through with poison it can't
ymore, Bond thought.
Solpugid got up.
With its last atom of power, it stag
d up on three of its eight legs (the
rest, no doubt, were numbed by the cir-
culating venom). g
rush and smashed imo t
al, which, Bond deduced. must have out-
weighed it 150 The tool skipped
over the sto to
his ankle just as the elevator hit bottom.
Bond was in action, kicking off an An
dalusian bedsock. pinching the device
n his toes, ng up and catch-
with his even. white teeth, He
et oozing from the cor-
ner of his cut sensual mouth, bit h
nto the tool and with a series of nods
worked it against his bonds. He smelled
the burning metal shavings as the
ircerss file ate its effortless way through
the links, and suddenly he was falling on
his face as they gave wi No time to
ing it
ignored the cl
aow (he was a poor birdeall. imitator
y k of the wheelchair
down a cellar corridor and the harri
dam's cackle were broadcasting a me:
(c: Run!
day when the odds a
“Olav Ha Shalom.
the dead chnid,
ircnrss lile ast the
bled befor Mast
Run! Live to fight anothe
e bene
he whispered to
then scraped the
ars, which crum-
ridges. Bond fled
its f
into the sultry night.
On the sound theory that rusiu would
expect him to high-tail
Shivs as his battered frame could tak
him, Bond coolly walked up the stairs of
the porch, through the lobby now bus.
Uing with guests about to start their
night's run at the tables and, shui
the elevator, went up via the serv
stairs. His object: the fourth floor and
the documents that would incriminate
the heinous junta before the whole
The fourth floor was deserted, the di
rectors and Heinz Sem-Heidt downstairs
running the games. At the conference-
room door
lame frock coat, opera |
Graham. bell-boud Dennis-
Morgan antelope gun on his lap. From
the smell it was obvious the man had
been drinking and it was an easy
atter for Bond to take the weapon from
his hands and bash his head
"The room held nothing of
him except for a few Muriel cig
bowl, which he took. He
of the directors’
nothing rewarding,
obviously the doctors, when he heard
the bubbling of some chemical or other.
But he received a jolt when he delicately
opened the door to the tenth s
She was in the wheelchair, the yellow
nS, a
suites, again finding
eschewed a ninth,
eyes masked by chalk-white lids on
whose surface were brinching green and
red veins; snores gurgled from the thin
nose and blue lips. Her hand rested on
the jester's cap of Locksley, who slept in
à barbed-wire crib next to the wheel-
chair, his thumb in his mout
Bond tiptoed across the th
bare rug,
le strewn-about house dresses,
eyes darting into nook and
the documents. On the walls
he saw shelves lined with her personal
library—A Child's Garden of Perversion.
Jayne's Fighting Whips of the World
1963-66, De Sade—He Really knew
How to Hurt a Guy—and a pe
And then he found it—the safe
prayed the tomtom that was his he:
would not rouse the crone as he pulled
kicking a
the sandpaper from his hip pocket and
sensitized the tips of his long tapering
fingers. Click! The first tumbler—five
minutes passed—click!—the second—
He glanced at the radioactive
his shockproof Pathetik-Philippe.
Ninetwenty. In another ten minutes the
safe would yield its treasure. By nine-
thirty the proof of the existence of Op
eration Alienation would be in his hand.
She would be at the oa
thirty. his own and only true love, Sarah
Lawrence of Arabia!
Well, Oy Oy Seven, what comes first,
your personal happiness or the destruc
tion of the powers of darkness?
The papers would be there tomorrow,
he told himself as he bounded down the
stairs and through the lobby
He chopped down on the doorman's
neck with his stiffened left ad and
commandeered a Lincoln. Continental
convertible, Hattening the front gate.
two Bulgroes and a Dagio on his jugger
naut jaunt to the desert.
A million jewels hung suspended on
the blackvelvet night. Somewhere the
choir sang a Norman. Luboff arrange
ment of Stairway to the Stars to the ac-
companiment of the Archie Shepp Trio.
Gouenu, he thought, my kingdom for
six dozen oysters laced with Gallo Wine!
As he parked the Continental ander
the palms, he he:
da. da, dee dee theme (this time a scat
version by Annie Ross: 5: had clev-
erly changed tapes lor a new dramatic
elle). and his body began tingling i
all the right places, even in a few new
ones he had never dreamed were zones of
crogencity—the tips of his Andalusian
bedsocks and the loops of his Hickok
‘The white cimel poked its nose
the rim of a dune and the cool musical
Come, Mr. Bond. My desert
is wait No second invitation was rc
quired, He crashed through the wind
shield, paying no heed to the new cuts
i and slid down its hood to
the lukewarm sand. Now he was on Li
at nine-
d ihe dee dee, da. da.
voice said
l bruises.
takia, enckisping Sarah's waist. thrilling
to her whispered: “Bhi d you
and L^
“And sand kissing a moonlit sky
breathed. liss Lawrence, will
convert to my faith, ma ne and set
me up in bust
“Yes. yes, oh yes!
They slid off the camel onto the dune.
His sensual lips brushed her eyes and
found 1o his delight she was a Murine
girl. "Fake off your veil. Miss Lawrenc
and let me see the seventh heaven of sev-
enth heavens.
The voice was pleading. “Nay, let us
preserve the illusion of this first. night
between us, Mr. Bond. I pray you.”
^] accede, my sweet. Does that rest
tion apply to your golden robe as well
She trembled. “It is yours to do with
as you wish, man of mine. Lift it”
His eyes closed, the long tapering
fingers drawing warmth from her thighs.
“One question, Israel Bond. 1 know
you love me, bur why do you want to
climb upon my body?
It came. out of hi
"Because it is there."
A modest moon blushed and slipped
behind the dune and as his thighs
| with passionate
conquered hers, she emitted one heated
sw —ther!™
He awoke with the first heat of the
day to find the note pinned 10 the belt
of his sunslas.
“My dearest, dearest. adored one.
How can I ever convey the gratitude of
a girl who has been taken beyond the
boundaries of all that is man's to know?
"Every 500 years the great lindalady bird
flies out of a secret p n the tomb
of RanSid the Ninth and devours a
single grain of the Arabian Desert's sand.
then disappears back into the dark
cesses of that sacred burial
When that bird has c
last grain of sand and is tak
lemy of Medicine at Khartoum
| colonic, then one second of
cternity will have elapsed I shall love
you for all of eternity. Isracl Bond. 1
il that glorious day when we are m
one under the tradit
faith... and E have already commiued
ten the
al cinopy of you
"TI tell you why I stabbed him twenty times.
I couldn't turn off the
electric carving knife, that's why!”
10 memory the Aleph-Baze and three of
the five books of Moses . . . I remain
yours completely—Sarah Lawrence of
On the way back to the palace an elat-
ed Israel Bond sang the joyous. wild
songs of his childhood. / Took My Gal to
the Enginchouse, She Was a Lulu, Coun
try Boy, Country Boy, Sittin’ on a Rock,
his heart pumping the clectrifying new:
She's mine! She's mine!
In fact, those were the first words he
ied as he saw Neon Zion and Monroe
c sitting by the great pool, their
heads down, their eyes those of beaten
"Congratulations." Goshen's comment
as dry, insincere.
Come on, Monroe. You can do better
than that for an oF buddy about to kick
the bachelor habit. How about you,
Neon turned his face away from Bond
and kicked a les crane to death.
14" Goshen said with resignation
“While you were running off half-cocked
and unauthorized alter rusit and you
lady fair, the king was kidnaped.”
Gottenu! Bond slapped his forch
"Bunch of guys in wl
e burnooses, the
Wheys, stormed in with guns and took
t of judgment a
him to a coi their
camp. “Pears someone told hes a
phony. They're going to try him, then be-
head him. I don't think even the. Law-
nce dame can get him out of this one.”
In the MBG, Bond wallowed in self
loathing as Neon and Goshen continued
1 "Coventry." I've done it this time,
he thought, fouled up the assignment,
iled to get the goods on Tus. Beame
right: I've had it with M 33 and 1/3.
lose or draw: this is the last caper,
Oy Oy Seven.
Bond had the MBG at an impossible
289.7 hectares, liquelying the road sur-
face, until he pulled into the encamp-
ment of a thousand white tents. They
got out, arms held high judiciously.
covered. by stone-faced. sentries armed
with Mickey Mausers, “Take us to the
kin Bond demanded.
‘There is no king,” one spat, "just an
impostor. Follow me, infidels.”
More inflammatory Y gitprop,
Bond figured. Thanks to Sarah, it didn't
work on the Kurds, so now they've poi
soned the Wheys.
In the center of a circle of thousands
of men in white burnooses sat. LeFagel,
his d Save me, Super
emite, save me!
An aged warrior, obviously the muk-
tar of the tribe, called out scornfully.
Whi the judgment of the Wheyan
“Death! Death! Death!” The verdict
rasped out of thousands of throats. Got
Bond thought. If l'd had the
Luden’s franchise, I'd leave this enclave
a multimillionaire,
ds fluucring.
gel drew himself up. a new digni-
ty in his bearing. Good-o! Bond thought.
y be the end, but he's going out
man. My tutelage has net been
for nought.
The muktar dragged his ax along the
and. the blade cutting a furrow to Le-
Fagel, who knelt to receive it across the
back of his neck.
Now it was lifted high, its awful sym-
metry caught by the sun.
ck! Tt was flying out of the muk
tars hands.
Sarah Lawrence of Aral
takia, those black eyes a
a Congoleum-Nairn-516 elephant gun,
broke through the circle of whi
burnoosed tribesmen, and the beist
woued to. LeFagel's. side
"Before you dare to spill the truly roy
al blood of Hakmirs son, I would beg
for one boon,” she said. "I have brought
astride La-
the sights of
a great holy man with me, who has been
touring our Jand with his spiritual cival-
cade. True, he is not of your faith, but he
speaks for all mankind. with cend-
message of universality 1
translate his words, then decide if you
are to murder your rightful ruler.” She
beckoned and a wizened litle man in a
Righteous Brothers white linen suit,
swing tie and ILgallon Tex Ritter hat
entered. astride an imposing Arabian
By thunder! Bond thought. It's Oral
Vincent Graham, the tent evangelist, the
man who stirred the world’s heart just
befor the dimactic showdown with
er in the Red Seat But can ever
his words still the enmity in this tension-
charged. situation?
Oral Vincent Graham stood in the stir-
rups, his keen eyes gauging the hostile
mood of the bloodthirsty crowd. He
uld have to choose his words well. A
aps life hung in the balance.
“Whomsoever gainsaycth the me
of men? Yea, w sinsayeth?
He paused to ler his statement sink in:
wave of angry murmurs assailed his
They were stirred up! Good!
urs are as thre
nd t fore walketh he
who gainsaycth not? To green. valleys
and lush fields, sayeth the sages, yet do
not even the sages gainsay and not say-
h? Sometimes?
"Pride gocth before a fall, yea, and so
dorh summer. In the w
we seck the summer, gainsaying it when
we can, not gainsaying it when we can-
not. Who among ye stays from right-
g. who dares to number
ier of oi
cous gainsa
among his su
of straying. gains:
Bond could hear Sarah Li
bing. He knew the t
into the veil; his own cheeks we
mers. threescot
ars were soaking
“Lest ye who would be judged c'en to
measure of the days of your v
His n 10 thy child
and thy children’s childre
children. For the sins of the father de-
light the father. Hist! Lest ye hit in
haste! Ifa man walketh not alone, ca
it not be truly said that he is with some-
onc? Whether in vales or fields? Gainsa
“Oh, my friends, hist and harken. Let
it not be said, I say unto you—let it not
be said!" He closed his eyes. “Amen.”
Even as the skies echoed the last cre-
scendo of his wrath (bouncing his words
off both vales and fields), the muktar
d his people were kneeling before Le
zel, smothering his hands with kisses.
Forgive us, O glorious planter of
thousand irrigated opium fields!
The king placed his hand upon the
sorrowful muktar’s head. “You are for-
given, muktar: now go make peace with
the Kurds and together we shall go on
| the winning of the East.
Bond's frst impulse was to rush
ah Lawrence of Arabia's side, but he saw
her riding off into the sunset, her head
bowed in thankful supplication. "Se
you at the dune, baby!” he shouted.
The ride back to Hakim ce was
cxuberant, LeFagel leading the applause
for the little evangelist, who kept insist-
ng he had not done anything 10 deserve
it “Speech wasn't even mine, Mr. Bond
I must ‘less up. | cribbed it verbatim
from an obscure lule volume called
Thoughts [or Alternate Thursdays by
» I never even heard of. Name
of Lavi Ha Lavi.
Goshen put his hand in Bond’
“Guess we all owe you an apology, Oy
Ov Seven. Thanks to that quickthinking
filly of yours, King Baldroi is now
cepted by all of his people, which scote
es at least one half of the TusH scheme.
A united people will sce to it their king
isn't Killed; ergo, Tusu fails, its stock
goes down on the Espionage Exchange.
Shame you haven't been able t0 expose
the terrible plot against your peopl
though. Maybe it just isn't
Bond shook the little
lapels. "Yes, yes! The c
You crac We
No. Monre
. What will hap-
pen if 1 go back in there and take on
tesi at Ja guerre, smash their organi
tion by bankrupting it? How can they
pay ol their agents and run their vast
world-wide network if they're broke?
Goshen looked into those g
once again hot with the lust for battle
"You may have something there, Iz. But.
my G do you realize the kind of
stakes you'd need to play a showdown
game with Sem-Heidt? Astronomical.”
Bond flashed a hard grim. "Raise it,
then, damnit! Your governmer
billions trying to ferret our these vil
Jains. Let me have that stake, buddy boy,
ind. TH wreck. ‘em for all time!”
A slow smile began 10 steal across the
dour, puritanical face. “Sou
but why not? Ell have 10 make a call to
the Tall Texan, maybe have him cancel
the loan to Thailand and send the
money your way."
ds. crazy,
TH need." sa
fingers over his he least six more
coats of Beacon Wax, 113. If you can
scrounge up some shellac to mix in with
it. fine.” Neon left the royal suite to
Gury out Bonds biddin
Bond sat in his Arcaro jockey shorts
the bible of the great game, Srarne on La
Guerre, at his elbow, as he practiced a
few exquisite maneuvers, the "Richelieu
Rifle,” the "Buffalo Shuffle" and the
tricky "Crusaders Cut
Goshen put aside the breezy, informa
tive National Enquirer, whose Irom p
Me. ep's secret siase. He hurled a
packet imo Bond's lap. “There's your
Iz, eighty billion quasars. which
represents the advance the Tall Te
got from his publisher for The Great
Society's Genyewine Coloring Book and
Games Texas People Play. As a precau
tion, Fm coming along with my CIA
boys so TUsH won't get
highjacking the dough—if you win."
Back came Neon with the ingredients
As Bond slipped into his Sy Devore la
guerre gambling outfit Sammy. Davis
blue tuxedo, Levi Strauss! “After Nine"
formal Levi's and his last pair of rare,
50ü-quasar Carpathian bedsocks lash-
ioned from the pelts of. werewolf pup
pics—the industrious 113 worked the
mixture into Bond's scilp. “It’s hard as a
rock, Oy Oy Seven.”
Bond sent a stream of Raleigh smoke
against the artificial plant in the corner
It shriveled, edges curing, and died.
“Let's go."
wl. running his
ny ideas about
His pudgy hands caressing a pile of
fuchsia billion-quasar notes, Heinz Sem-
Heidi looked around the tible. Ach, the
fight was gone from this crowd; they had
been no match for his Teutonic preci
sion. In Position One was Baroness
Yvette Mimeo. a principal stockholder
in the A. B. Dick Company, her sun
dered skull on the table, claret flooding
from a deep fissure. Two and Three were
occupied by the Iranian frozen-custird.
magnates. Nassim Zolzein-Shah and his
simpering wife, the man obviously dead.
the woman babbling incoherently. Four,
Five d Six were vacant. The For
mosan beef and beansprout syndicate,
playing erratically as all Orientals do,
had been wiped out carly. Two had died
from the rigors of the game, the third had
decently blown his brains out with the
Hayley-Mills pistol provided by the
Yesterday these Day’s slacks tried on a motorcycle and dreamed up
a dozen solid reasons for owning it. Today they'll talk to Dad and end
up feeling pretty lucky to have the old Ford after all.
The action stuff it's made of.
Crompton Corduroy.
[DAY'S ae slacks of Crompton's thick wale cotton corduroy. Sizes
28-36. Mountain green or dark oak. About $11. At fine stores everywhere.
Crompton-Richmond Company-Inc., 1071 Avenue of the Americas, NY 18.
dress shirts by LANCER of California iL
management, Number Seven's occupant
had vet to. put in an appearance. Zehr
gooi! A new goose to pluck!
Shuffling the six packs of cards that go
imo each boot, Heinz Sem-Heidt did nor
notice the entrance of the lean, dark,
cruelly handsome man flanked by a
coterie of dangerouslooking individuals
until the menacing voice made the 4800
ounces of lab in his body tremble.
Position Seven this night will proper
ly be occupied by Ov Oy Seven, Yo chal-
Iengo banco."
The words hit the crowd like a thun
derdap. The bank had been chal
lenged! In ten seconds every gaming
room in Shiws was deserted by patrons
rushins t0 witness the drama of a life-
Heinz Sem-Heidt looked into the gr
eyes of Israel Bond. The
fell fron hands.
“Strict rules of Scarne,
bidding and the Foch boots. Aw
Buckets of sweat rolled down
the jellyish jowls. "Hem Zenmer” h
d to the croupier. “The Foch boots,
Bond lit à. Raleigh and watched Zent
mer place the original combat boots
worn by Marshal Foch in the Great Ws
upon the baize doth and put six packs
of cards (examined first by Goshen) into
cach toc. Two other Germans, Sturm and
Drang, lugged in the caldron of seam-
ing Cream of Wheat, another vital part
of the time-honored ritual
Zenner placed a bowl of Cream of
in cach conrestant's left hand. a
boot in the right, The aowd
ceased its hubby "Monsieur, C'est-
La guerre!” Bond amd his porcine
med it simultaneously. hurl
m of Wheat ino cach orher's
and bludgconing cach other's
Is with the Foch boots which, as
they made contact, opened a the. tes to
permit a pink cud to fall onto the baia
Shaking, h
Bond spoke. “Mine has—let me see- one,
two, thice, four, five, six black things.
Y hell, you count "em,
I see three, possibly four
“Page eighteen of Scarne an Counting
states clearly: “Six beats three, possibly
four’ You sure it isnt three and f
which would give you an
the fuzziness,
"s has; oh
| said seven, not nine. you
kraut! Cheating already?” When Zent
ner pointed out Sem-Heidt had meant
no, Bond gave "OK, fat
hoy. Shove over two hundred forty bil-
rs. Now Fm tripling the triple
cruel. laugh.
“La guerre!"
Cereal and boots flew unerringly to
their targes. Gottenu! Bond thought
Beacon Wax might not yellow my head.
ishment? I
it take sust;
starting to cra
ned pui
feel it
His finger ticked off the red hc:
ris on
the left side of the card—four. Were
there more? Yes Two in the center,
which save him a total of six. Now. if
only the right side of the card—hallelu-
jah! One, two, three, four more! With
out question, he was holding a ten.
No, eleven—another red heart. bad ap-
peared! Uh-uh, buddy boy. there are no
clevens. The kuecomer is a drop of your
type-A blood! “Switches les boots, sen:
Heidt. Privilege of the challenger. And
whav’s you
"E count foi
Are there morc.
unonds on my
Herr Zenner? Ni
As the men exch
in a furry voic
hundred si
aged boots, Bond said
That's two thousand
iy scallions, uh, bil
“Billions.” Goshen corrected him. “I
you're way ahead, but you're starting to
go round the bend. Quit now before he
pounds you into sawdust.”
No. Bond argue
his scalp. "Got to go on till he's busted
His boot was heavier, Monroe. That's
why 1 called a switchez." To Sem-Heidt
"Another triple triple, Nazi.”
no. his hand to
Cereal Mew and. boots crashed, Bond
trumping Sem-Heidi lour more times
and soon the Nass lace was. blocked
from Bond's view by the laters mound
of 15553 trillion. quasars. “Want to dip
into. your colodnys now, Heinz?”
“Ja, der colodnys, jüdischer Schwein-
Despite. staggering deficit,
there was supreme confidence on the swol-
leu Heinz Sem-Heidt made an
undetwetad move with lus right foot.
kicking the wastebasket under the table.
With the change of currency, the Ger-
man’s luck changed—and he came up
with seven numps in a row, all on aces
uling Bond's pi
than half of his original stake.
Bond's bleary eyes caught the smug
on the inner-tube lips. Riv
vet rolled from his lacerated
to the baize. Gonenu! Damn
near. busted—what a rotten run of luck:
beaten by seven straight aces of spaces.
Hold on! Seven? In a combat
with so decks of cards that should
have six aces of spades? Buddy boy, the
surprised. if Holzknicht gave him some
legal head coating—metal mayhe.
Bond squandered 20 billion quasa
the next hand to see how it was be
hund” his
eto less
of spades, wl
1 is shalting you! And I wouldn't be
terrible jolt that sent
on Wax slid-
wn boot missed
the last fragments of Be
ing off his skull onto hi
Sammy Davis tux. His
badly, bur on his follow-through his
bloodshot eye saw the hand snake out of
the wastebasket and deposit another ace
of spades in Sem-Heidts h
cnough to beat his
knew from past experience.
1—l feel sick." Bond sid
and fell
over the table. deliberately ramming his
shoulder imo the caldron of hot,
Cream of. Wheat.
‘Clumsy schwein'" snarled Sem-Heidt,
ducking the steaming white avalanche.
then recoiling in horror as he saw it low
over the edge of the table ket.
Soon the basket was overllowing with
cereal and there was a horrible stench of
something burning, a futile thrash
inside. Stillness.
V swaying Bond. steadied by Gosh
and Neon. pointed a finger at the bas-
ket “Dump it out on the table.”
Gasps flew throughout the La. Guene
Room as basket was over
ud the cooked cereal-saturated body of
the dwarf, fell onto the baize
spongy thump, the puckered
apple ol a face in the horrifyi
attitude of death.
And with the dw
Cream of Wheat was someth
dozens of sodden
Bond spread them out and issued a clar-
ion ov:
nto the ba
the turned
aces of spades, Isracl
dedaro coup de cheato: ergo. yo
The shouts
aged Heinz Sem-Heidt’s cars. “Coup
de cheato!
“Which m.
rules ol Sc
ans, Nazi,
according t0 the
the whole k
dle is mine: colodnys. the five
pack of Muriel Cigars in your lapel
pocket, plus any decent phone
in your little black book. You're om
of busines. Ive just kicked your or
ganization on is resi. Take "cm all,
The blob began to weep as the CIA
ad cahon.
team fanned out and covered the seven
other German directors. “She will kill
me! HE you don't protect me. she will
kill met
Goshen ordered his men to clear the
room. He gave it straight to the teary
Sem-Heidt. ll give you the fullest
protectior you spill the beans
about resi’s plot against the king
and Judaism, Otherwise, you're free to
Mk out r now. ‘Course, Auntie
"The piggish eyes
“L bate her! D have
always hated her! 1 only married. her
because of her superior family buck-
g upwahs, Momoc,” Bond
Seon. Jimbo. come with me."
A helluva nights work, Goshen
smiled. The cabal exposed, Sahd Sakisian
secured fo n
to the grea
ew espionage w
ne, Israel Bond.
His joy was not shared by the dark,
m ol all
“Honest, lady, we didn't come to rape or molest
nobody—just to rob the damn train... 1!"
Imported from Germany by
Young's Markel Company, Los Angeles
Juillard Alpha Liquor Co.. San Francisco
Robertr's House of Wines, Portland
Eagle Beverages. Seattle
Better Brands, Honolulu
elly handsome “weapon” on the roof
w by 13 and James Brown, who
atched the baleful yellow eyes glaring
back as the helicopter climbed over the
L Auntie Sem-Heidt and Dr. Ernst
Hobknicht had escaped.
When the eye-opening call came from
M, Israel Bond was on the moon-bathed
dune with Sarah Lawrence of Arabi
his head in her golden lap. his mouth
opened to receive the Joyvah jells and
Concord Hotel grapes dropping from her
fingers. Their second physical fusion had
been matchless ecstasy squared, though
she had again refused to lower her veil.
Not until our wedding night, dearest.
And 1 hope you will be pl am
that I have memorized all of Hillel's
commentaries, the writings of Peretz,
Sholem Aleichem and the Singers, and
six of Alan King’s best routines. I shall
soon be well acquainted with the rich
diversity of Jewishnes:
"The beeper in the parked MBG sound-
ed a Mem alr l the voice of M.
unfolded the shocking contents of a
cardiogram—a telegram that comes from
the heart—sent to her c/o the Ministry
of Defense.
Dear M, my beloved enemy:
soon to be, I pray, my devoted
L wish to su
you personally and confess all my
sins. It is all too clear that God is on
your side, M. How clse 10 explain
the crushing of our rusu by the
heaven-strengthened hand of Israel
Bond? 1 suppose 1 should have re-
mained at Shivs to take my medi-
cime, but Dr. Holzknicht, who
witnessed my husband's debacle at
the [n guerre table via closedcircui
television, convinced me to flee with
him. Since then we have parted com-
pany. I am hiding out in the Ciss-
bah in Sahd Sakistan. Where Ernst
has gone P truthfully cannot say,
but I know he is planning an even
shastlier operation against the line
Jewish people, “Operation
MIL" details of which I will be happy
to furnish you as proof of my sinceri
We are
render myself. to
wigs in mortal combat. Let us forget
the unpleasantness of the past and
e in genuine sorority. Enclosed
map showing a suggested rendez-
vous point three nights hence.
Please bring only one othei
with you, as I shall be accom]
by my last servant, a
Hoping youll find it im your
rt to come and accept my apolo-
gies for any inconveniences 1 may
have caused you and your People of
the Book, I remain,
Gerda Sem-Heidt
When Bond arrived at the airport,
Op Chief Beame, his face mirroring his
distrust. was wheeling the smiling M
down the special ramp built by the El Al
technicians. There’s something messianic
in those warm eyes. Bond noted, and it’s
driven away her common sense:
He could hold it in no longer. "M, it's
a wap!
"Damn right,” Beame grunted, chew
ing viciously on his White Owl. “I've
begged her, Oy Oy Seven, but she won't
M pauned their heads with her care
worn hands. “Mine dear boys, always
worrying about a mother, It does my
heart good to see your filial agony. Is
what I live for. No. bovchickls, I must go
to this fallen wretch and redeem her.
And from a security standpoint, which
Im sure you think I have overlooked in
y zeal, it behooves us to familiarize
ourselves with any new Holzknichtian
deviliry before he has an opportunity to
execute it. dH it is a wap, we must take
that chance. You will accompany me, Oy
Oy Seven. Whatever happens, you must
swear not to interfere.”
He did. the vibrations from his crack-
ing knuckles splintering the crystal of
his watch.
Bond polished off three cartons of Ra-
leighs during the ride to the Cissbah
plicing coupon after coupon in M's
hands. He could see her sweet, serene
face in the minor, an unspoken prayer
on the lips. The sun w
from the minaret cime th
the muezin: "Hey, you—ye
snotty young
yon, you
ad crowd over
there—move aside and make room for
pray-ers, make room for prayers!”
Number ten on the Street of the Jaun
diced Jackals was a one-story warchouse-
type edifice with VUSEE LATEHES seHooL
OF MODERN FLUTE in faded leuers on the
door. Bond unlashed the wheelchair Irom
the MBG's roof, placed M on the seat
kness, Somehow he
found a wall switch and flicked it, a
single naked bulb casting a
the empty, soundless room.
A door on the opposite side of the
building creaked open and there was
squeak of wheels across the earthen Ih
Now he could sec two maddog yellow
circles coming out of the blackness and a
chalkwhite face wickedly radiant with
which told his palpitating heat
wie Sem-Heidt was in no peni
tent mood, a fear confirmed by the pres
ence of the swarthy, grinning Monagro
(a rare breed, indeed) with knives stuck
into his thick. leather belt
“So, filthy jüdischer mongrel; you
have come
There was distress in M's face
are hardly the words of a wom:
her way back to mankind. Gerda.
E You doddering fool! Did
you nourish the hope that I, Gerda Sem
Heidt, would grovel before Jews? Die,
Mother Margolies, di
M! Bond heard his warning shout
melt the fi ined wax in his cars as
he swung her wheelchair out of Aun
tie’s line of fire, but he was a shade too
slow. Auntic’s right daw touched a but-
ton on the battery in her lap. Something
streaked from the ri mret of he
wheelchair, a steel projectile that nosed
into M's right shoulder, Now a pain wa
his right shoulder: he
looked dumbly at the Monagro's knife
and fell to his knees. He could see the
rosene glow leaving M's face and hear the
grinding of her false teeth. Hold! Hold!
he pleaded with the Poli-Grip in her
dentures, Hold and preserve her dignity
in he
fierce joy. “Ju
sen People. Chosen, yes, for d
She nudged the Mon
searin own
last moments!
th. Ha-
Cagliostro? Chosen for death,
thought. Bond; Auntie's
“heehee!” is even more bloodcurdling
than ber "hacha!"—noc that there's much
blood left in me to cuidle. Up. up, he
expostulated t0 his body, up! He braced
himself against M's wheelchair and felt
the knife fall out of his shoulder, a tor-
rent of claret hot upon its hilt. He saw
M swallow hard and press her Korvette's
gauveroy handkerchief, the one he'd
given her for her 81th birthday (alas, she
looked years older now), against her
spouting wound.
ida," M said, "I should like your
permission to tell you a few things that
ein my heart" The request was almost
“Hat Behold the things in my
heart instead! Behold!” The daws tore
away the house dress. Bond squeczed his
eyes tight. I'm craven. craven, he
himsell, but I can't stand t0 see it
He could not sce (a fiu
his cowardice) that M did not flinch at
the mechanical wonder on Auniie's body.
"Jt is a fine heart," M said. “I know it
must give you a great deal of pleasure,
Gerda. Now, may 1 tell you of the things
in mine
“Talk, creator of vile, reeking chicken
soup. It will amuse me to Bear the bleat-
g of a Gapped Jew. Do not think for a
moment that E shall soften my heart" —
she sniggered at her inside joke—"as
Pharaoh finally did for Moses.” Auntic
turned to the Monag t see you
are impatient, my pet. Hold off yct a mo-
ment before I bestow upon you the
pleasure of cutting the great Oy Oy
Seven’s throat.”
“Thank you. Gerda. I should like to
give you the synopsis of a Shirley Temple
movie I had the pleasure of watching.”
M started in a shaky fashion, painting
word picture of a dear curlyhead of a
oppet in a frilly [rock and blue hair
ribbon whose Mums had passed away, of
her adoring, dashing Daddy, a soldier of
Good Queen Victoria, and of the love
they held for e M's voice
scemed t0 regain its resonance as she de-
scribed long walks through the drowsy
green beauty of an English summe
the father’s eyes softening w
ness at the sight of his “litle princess"
gamboling across the meadow, picking a
noscgay here, petting a fluily rabbit th
then skipping across the flat stones of
clear, burbling stream. Bond, his eyes still
fastened. could see it all—the glances of
flection between father and moppet,
the thistles rustling in a gentle breeze.
Then M's voice drooped. The mum
pets of war had sounded to shatter ihe
idyllic life. Daddy was called to fight
h his regiment in a strange, hostile
land. With no kith or kin, he was forced
to leave his golde
of à boadingschool headmi
ssurd him the child would
warm and friendly.
Long, lonely days for a shy liule girl
unable to fit in with the haughty daugh-
ters of noblemen, lightened infrequently
by letters hom Daddy, which she would
read à thousand times to her lone friend
at the school, Singh DennisSingh, the
n who served as the butler and polo
coach. Then the dark day when the War
Offic: telegram arrived: “Your fath
Sergeant Major ____ of the Fifth Scot-
tsh Black Watch Grenadiers, has been
ch othe
taken prisoner by the cruel mountain
tribes and is presumed 10 have been tor
tured to death.”
"Stop! Stop! You diabolical
bitch!” The iron voice cut in
Monagro’s knife.
Bond, nor knowi
inched this soulful
the worst. but sudde
Monagro’s voice, heavy with
inmude: “Ler her continue,
Please let her continue.
M. pale and uncertain, her hand still
pressed against the wound, continucd,
Realizing ihe child
headmistress forced
cheerful wom and take up residence in
the garren where she shared a closet
with a dozen noisy shrews. “You will
work in the scullery, little princes,” the
sarcastic headmistress decreed, and so the
golden girl toiled over pos and pans
20 hours a day, her litle hands mro
ing scabrous, In dreams she would sec
Daddy smiling. "The bloody beggars
have been a bit hard on me, Rule prin
cess. Fve got only an eye and a leg left,
but, never fear. FIL get home someday."
He would. too. she told. Dennis-Singh,
who had climbed up with her gruel, and
"iCH be like it was before, youll see.”
Bond heard the Monagro's deep. con
vulsive sobs and, without looking, knew
the man’s face was covered by his hands
“Goodbye, Gerda. I'm going to see a
priest.” The Monagro’s feet pounded on
the earthen floor and Bond heard the
door slam.
Come back, you haif-breed cretin!” li
was the iron voice. "I warned vou, you
as penniless, the
her 10 vacate he
“Tt started years ago when Ogden sat down
next to this girl one morning and
realized he'd [orgotten his newspaper."
jüdischer scum! Now——”
A second rocket was ejected from the
wheelchair and Bond winced. expecting
to hear M's death wail, but he heard the
rocket thud harmlessly into the wa
her strangely composed voice roume th
On a depressing night when the golden
girl lay tosing with fever, the sud
eyed Hindu at her bedside, the he
wess dueatening a cining for feignin
illness, there came a knock on the garret
“Yes, yes, yes... 2" the voice of Aun-
tie Sem-Heidt, wheezing md breath:
iron no more.
Through dut g
her own voice quivering. 7
and a leg wrapped in the scarlet c
id M,
rer door,”
e i
“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Irs her
Daddy . oh, oh, oh!” It was Aunti
screeching and sobbing. "Daddy! Dad-
dy! Da
A protracted hi
ething burni
He could bear his selLimposed blind-
ness no longer. His eyes went first to M,
a regretful smile on her dry lips, then to
s. the pungent smell of
g, a ghastly strangling
the sprawled-out scarecrow acros the
room. A greenish, rigid tongue had
forced the blue-veined lips apart;
though the yellow eyes w
saw not. He shuddered at the Dali-esque
nightmare of the squidlike thing, its
molten tentacles slowly spreading from
its white-hot center.
open, they
Auntie Sem-Heidt was dead. Her
heart had melted.
KE Bond fumed. “These long
tapering fingers have time and time
n kept the world safe for democracy-
Now they can't even push a rose into the
slit of a a
irst of all, Mr. Coffee Nerves,”
laughed. Neon Zion, "it goes in by the
stem, not the blossom. Secondly, you're
tittering like a child; let me do it"
Isracl Bond was nervous. He was in
the Empire State. Building suite of Mu-
hammud Ali-Shurmahn, Sahd Sakistan's
ambassador to the U.S., and this sun-
splashed day in June was his wedding
day. Minutes ago he had been on the
86th floor's terrace to wimess the splen
diferous coronation of Baldroi LeFagel.
who months back had insisted Bond
share his memorable day by marrying
Sarah Lawrence of Arabia immediate
ly afterward. Hell, Bond mused, this
thing is hairier than that windup with
Auntie in the warehouse.
Op Chief Bcame's Aleph-Priority re-
sponse to his frantic beeper had saved M
md himself, He'd rushed them to the
Jewish court physician. Dr. Chayim
Khayyám, who'd administered plasma,
Mother's Activated Old World Germicid-
al Pchah and four vital Exeedvins. Sar-
ah paid daily visits to the recuperating
pair with armloads of Uneeda Biscuits
nd read. verse to them from Bond's Le
vorite, Best of Hallmark. M, brusque at
frst. had finally fallen. under Sarah's
spell. “Yowre a good shiksa; if you'll
convert, FI come. to the wedding.
The veiled beauty kissed the fragile
hand. "Smashing. M, old girl! 1 shall,
indeed. Since 1 last saw Mr, Bond, ]
have memorized Jews, God and History,
the songs of Shoshanna and
Theodore Bikel, the me
the speeches of —'
"Cool it, baby. M says you're in.
With the joint news release by the
Tall Tex: and Ambassador. Callowfel
low that America was going to host the
coronation of its native son turned king,
the country had gone gaga. Le
gels, shaped like ^ popping
up in every Jewishowned establishment
(they'd all been rebuilt by the ‘Tall Tex-
h pr tion Helpa-
Hebe). Imper 1 donated
the royal crown (beating a disgrum-
ted soda company to the punch) for the
feie. A particukuly clever tobacco co
pany inserted a fullpage ad in The
Us au
York Times: "Roi Tan Loves You,
You're the Roi and
King Baldroi
You're Tan.
LeFagels pai rived to a. tumultu-
ous New York welcome; a lavender line
painted down Filth Avenue by his
ing claque from the old “angry
poet” days. He seemed distant in their
presence, however: one spy is Julius
Boros plus fours cried: “Sellout!”
An hour before his coronation, LeFa-
gel told Bond, "Sixty minutes from now,
Oy Oy Seven, 1 shall be king, but I'd
give it all up— power, fame, money—if
you'd consent to go away with me. What
say you. captor of my heart
Bond put his arm around the li
king. “You've made tremendous. strides,
droi. When first we met, you were a
screaming faggot. Step by step I've seen
a miracle unfolding. Now, I don't know
100 much about these things, but Ud
guess you have roughly 79 percent
homo left in you, a bit higher than the
permissible 6 percent in most men, but
certainly manageable with a little cllort
Fight it hard all the way. Your people
need a man at the helm. For their si
think manly, talk manly, do
LeFagel left him with a grim smile
and Neon rushed back to Bond ten min-
utes later with a bulletin: Le
been caught flagrante. delicto. wi
bassador. Callowlellow's w
Goudo! Bond thought. My work is
He's a mensch!
A richly humorous incidi had
stamped the Tall ‘Texan's warm. human
brand on the formalized coronation. He
and the king had posed for the TV cam.
É a hallowed Sakistani
rite, the salting of each other's shash
eeshah (tails of spring lambs ground up
with Cheerios) as a sign of mutual re
spea between world trans. Bond had
whispered something to the Tall Texan,
who whispered back, “Right fine. son.
PH say it,” then lifted the salicel
cracked up the crowd with a sly
your Majesty: let us season togethe
Bond had refused the Tall Texan's offer
of a hightevel speechwriter's. job, but
exacted a promise tha
give Monroe. Goshe
above the Administr
Borne to the throne by two Kurds and
two Wheys in a four-door sed: ]
Let l, dressed in blinding white Labr
dor snow-goose feathers amd tennis
snetkers, took the crown from Ben-Bella
Barka’s hands and, crying out ihrec times
"Y'lella abdabecl" (Sakistani for "I
crying out three times”), placed it on his
head. He then left for dinner with the
Tall Texan. “Put Mr. Bond's wedding
on the bill, t * LeFagel had
said. Now the hundreds of dignitaries
and security people were gone; only a
handful were left for the nuptials. M,
knitting madly, put the finishing touches
huh, Prez
to Bond's wedding yarmulke. Milton
and Rag and their wives sat next to her.
And alone in the back row was L
lovely and brave, She'd made a pretext
of fixing his zipper to talk to him. “Iz. I
know she's a lovely girl, but if it doesn’t
work out, lll be waiti
"How long? Don't make commitments
of fidelity vou can't keep, like last time,
he said a little wo harshly.
He seemed appeased. He stood at the
mesh railing looking at the breath-
taking panorama of the world's most
exciting depressed area 1050 feet below,
waiting for his bride
Rabbi Robert Hallstein, head of the
somewhat liberally oriented congrega
tion Temple B'nai Venuta. who had
been recommended to M by friends, was
shamelully Jac, profusely apologetic
Coronation trafic. you know, Mr
Bond.” He waved in two workmen who
wheeled the portable wedding canopy
(huppah) omo the terrace. It was quite
tall, about nine feet. and was construct-
ed of aluminum and bedecked with thou
sands of posies. He had them position it
and the small asm
Goshen, Neon, Op Chief Beame and
James Brows as ushers, helped
the unsteady groom down the carpet as
the accordion player squeezed ow Be-
cause of You, halted it after a few bars
fooled with You're
Mine, stopped again, consulted a sheal
ofa nd then Because,
the onlookers sahing with relief, “Turn
round, L4" said Goshen. "You've got
She cme. E s soft padded feet
leaving fourinch inden the
rug. From the first notes of her theme
song he Knew she had made an irrepara-
ble break with her past for his sike. The
notes were the same, but now the tape
rolled out a special new version by a &m-
around Because
went into
ions in
tor: dai, bime, bime, bime, bime,
dai dai...
From that m lis gray eyes
Lypnotized by her bottomless black pools
peeping over the veil, he was in a dream,
somehow. managing to repeat. woodenly
what was asked of him by Rabbi Hall-
stein. A voice in the dream said, “Ri
Mr. Bond? Ring! Ring! Ring
He heard himself say: “Somebody an-
swer the phone.” Goshen suickered. took
the y renübofz-cnat gamet ring
i pocket and. placed it in his fec
ble fingers.
"Now. sab Rabbi Hallstein,
monial breaking of the
mind us of the destruction of our temple
in ancient times and the bitterness of
lile we must endure." Bond's bleary eyes
focused on the rabbi's hand as it placed
the glass near his feet. “Break the glass,
Bond,” sid the amused spiritual
lass to re-
leader. Bond drove his Angora bedsock
down hard and sent Goshen hopping off
wih a crushed big toe. "Again, Mr.
Bond.” Loathing himself for the simpe:
ing grin he knew marred the cruel
darkly handsome face, Bond stepped
down again, missing by a wide margin.
lz, you dotty, frightened boy!" Sarah
said, "Em net going to be unlawlully
yours a single moment more. This is
job for Mrs. Israel Bond." With a spar
kling laugh, Sarah Lawrence of Arabia
Bond lifted her well-turned leg.
"No! No!” It was the rabbi, suangely
enraged. Down came Saralrs foot and her
soft-soled ballerina splintered it resound-
ingly. “There, that’s done, Hold me, m
lovely, lovely husband. Oh, Fm goin
She crumpled to the red carpet. Now
the smog of fear was burned off his
mind: he sprang to her side and cradled
her de his The uncovered
part of her face was bluc
"Dear, dear. The excitement, I sup-
pose.” It was Rabbi Hallstein calming
the shocked wedding guests. “See to her,
dear people, PI roll the huppal away to
give the poor child some breathing
room." He put his shoulders against a
side and guided it toward the terrace's
eb oin
» my Tove.” His eyes hot and
salty, Bond pulled away her veil to
minister mout
Sarah Lawrence of Arabia's upper lip
was adorned with a thick black, neatly
immed military mustache.
She mumbled in a dying voice: "Curse
twenty-fourth to
ghth. related to Lawrence by mar-
| a The Lawrence Lip’... im-
bale of hormones . . . must shave
daily . | . didn't want you to know till
married .. . so sleepy soe
The smell from the shards of glass!
Yes die p juice ol
veras frog of the Honduran swamps:
r venom has ever existed
of all female cousins
the cala-
was gone. He knew who was
“Holzknicht, you kraut fiend!”
From the #uppah, which had. sudden-
ly acquired a seat that held Rabbi Hall
stein, came a flash. and hot metal creased
Bond's scalp. “Die, Bond! This is Nazi
Germany's reveng
“Izt” Goshen yelled at the top of his
lungs. “Take my gun! You finish the
sadistic bastard.” As Goshen slung the
snub-nosed TempestStorm 44 across the
floor to the llauenedout Israeli, Dr
Ernst Holzknicht, who had brilliantly
played his part. cut the CIA op chief
down with three slu
Then from the top ob dic
emerged rotor blades, whirring, lifting it
slowly. The traditional canopy of a Jew
ish marriage was a garlanded lelicopter!
Throwins all cau nd
made it to the six
a aside,
g chopper in
“If you recall, Miss Faversham, I gave you ample
warning that this job had occupational hazards.”
unbelievable leaps and squeezed the
fingers of his left hand around thc circu-
lar steel frame to which the three wheels
were attached. shoved the gun into the
pocket of his Sunkist orange tuxedo and
grabbed other si aches of the bar
with his right. Dr. Holzknicht, three
feet above him, thrashed out with his
Heidelberg bedsocks in an attempt to
smash Bond's fingers, scoring a ghincing
hit on the right hand, but he was forced
10 pay attention to the controls, for now
the chopper was high over the terrace,
fighting for altitude against the pull of
Bond's weight. The Israeli felt the wind,
so deceptively gentle on the terrace, be-
come a dangerous Hydra-headed force,
buffeting him this way and that. and he
squeezed harder, Up went the chopper—
the 94th floor, the 99th; he looked down
and saw death beckoning from the sucet
some 1200 feet away...
It was over the very tip of the Empire
State Building’s TV tower that the scien-
tist exploded h ick. He pushed a
bution that jettisoned the circular
frame, Now Bond was falling from the
underpinnings of the craft, Holiknicht
soaring away with a savage laugh.
"Auf Wiedersehen, jüdischer dumm-
Goucnu! Bond fell toward the tower.
then with a divine inspiration, thrust
the steel ring over the slender TV tower
tip and came to a tecth-rattling stop.
He had made himself a living quoi
The impact bent the tower. which
began to rock sickeningly back and forth,
but he held fast. Close your eyes, fool!
Don't look down until you've reg
your equilibrium or you'll surrender to
mad urge let Think about
something else.
terrible reception the a
TV viewers were geuing thi
stunt because of the swaying tower
the Mets really look shaky now,
donic wit told him.
There was a clatter above—Holz
knicht, stunned by Bonds coup. cir
ded back for the kill. Bond released. his
righthand grip on the steel ring 10
fish Goshen's gun from the tux. He bit a
sensual lip as the chopper zeroed
Why doesn’t Herr Doktor open up wi
his machine gun? I'm defenseless against
it. The phtphtpht of the blades. s
and m
He thought about the
rs millions of
very in-
him the gv iswer. A last bit of Ar
sport. Holzknicht wanted to maneuver
the craft in such a way that the blades
would . .
Now! You'll have only or
dy bov. Bond, his clothes Mapy
e shot, bud
by ihe
blade-made breeze, put a single shot into
the copter. He hadut aimed for
Holkuicht; i was the machine he had
10 stop before it shredded him into
Cohenletti. Not a bad line, he smiled,
g where Pam.
the first sputter, thi
He he:
n a vi-
olent choking sound and knew he had
hit the conuol box and severed vital
The doctor was
antically climbing
smoke began to curl
Then Holknicht Ieaped
onto the tower, but he lailed 10 grab it
solidly and began a long slide toward
Bond. “Die with me, [üde'" His feet
ne down ponderously on the hand in
the ring and Bond screamed: his bloody
squashed fingers released it. They we
Hing together.
Even as he fell, Holzknicht’s hands
moved to ihroule Bond and the liter
felt nails tearing at his neck, then slip-
ping off as a crosscurrent swept the falling
Nazi away from him.
The air rushed through Bond's nose
and ears; he could hardly catch his
breath. He fell headfirst past the 86th
floor and heard M's heartrending cry,
down. down, past the 75th, where his face
was spoued by a curvaceous bruneuc in
LAwvERS, whose eyes lit up in recogni
tion. Yes, Shirley Shtark, she of the un-
forgettable weekend at Brown's Hotel
in the Cawkills, a body beautiful who
the “Miss Jerry Lewis Fa-
vorite Resort” swimsuit title: be true to
me, sweet Shirley: goodbye , . . past the
46th, KELSEY KOMPUTERS .. . hell he
owned a hundred shares of that! And
ivs go id you're going
down, down. his wit needled him again;
the 32nd ... just a few morc. seconds,
Oy Oy Seven, and thst dithe, muscular
body you prize so will be a stinking mess
of smashed atoms on the 34th Street
sidewalk... the 25th . . . at least uie
dhing kraut gocs with me; 1 hope youre
watching him blubbering as he Falls,
Sarah, my darling: the 19th hey
TANTAMOUNT PICTURES is holding a screen.
ing of The Dead Lay Wounded on the
Road to Smolensk: not bad: 1 saw it at
the Cannes Film Festival . . . the lead
ing lady was better in my bed than she
had won
e up up. -
in the leading man’s... Sonia, PI
... the 12th, Mh, 5th, it's
coming, Oy Oy Seven, the cement iharll
disimegrte you into... 3 2 1...
pain, pain. pain, Israel Bond crashed
into something huge and black and his
fall to glory was oves
«Festival Week, that annual
excursion into the nostalgia of yesteryear
was in full swing, At the Hotel. Statle
the Orphan Annie Fan Club crowded
into a suite 10 sin
Who's that sloppy little mess?
Who wears that sane ol” goddamn
Who can it be?
Is Little Orphan Annict
Miss Hecate
The oldest
Raintree of
member, a
Omaha, was given
coveted privilege of interjecting "Arf
Sez Sandy" at the appropriate moment
in the song, not so much in deference to
her golden years as for the fact that she
possessed a pair of lidless, lashless, pupil-
less eyes. The new Lincoln Center for
the Performing Seals housed a tremen:
dous Trivia contest attended by 12,000
Triviaddicts, the very best of all an
Elmo (Mr. Total. Recall) Trickypepper
of Shortweight. Oklaho who remem-
bered that it was Tastee-Yeast who spon-
sored Jack Dempseys My Battle with
Life. At the Americana the Tisch. clan
hosted the Billy Batson bunch; the
Donald Meck fans, every bit as fa
ous as their hero, ate watercress patties
«dat or
The Butterfly
on paper plates and titt
other at the Warwick
McQueen and Amos "n" Andy fan dubs
gathered at the Drake, made two historic
decisions: (1) to merge: (2) to accept
Negro members.
Cuter solemnity, and quite fitting
marked the Robert Armstrong Fan Club
outdoor conclave on 34th Street. The
president, made up and costumed to em-
ulate the rugged film star, took off his
pith helmet and Ted the members in the
somber recital of the immoral old
lines: “It wasn't the airplanes that. got
him: oh. no. “Twas Beauty who Killed
the Beast" AIL whispered “Amen
So it was that a few minutes later the
sorrowing M led Latakia and the other
crushed. weeping wedding guests out of
a side e not thar Oy
Oy Seven had landed fush upon
the R.ALF.G.’s 5040n Andy Warhol-
designed foamsubber replica. of King
Kong, who himself had taken die hor
rendous plunge off the world’s tallest
structure in the 1933 film classic.
Israel Bond, waist-deep in rubber and
matted fur, was bloody and battered—
understandbly—but very much alive.
There was no elation in his heart, for he
had sen the warped genius who had
own true loves lile bounce off
the simian's skull into the back of a mox
ing beer truck. Bond’s lips twisted into a
moue of irony as the gray eves sported
the brand name on the disappe
heer wuck—Lowenbiau. And they. say
we're canis. he thought bitterly.
There'll be a day of judgmem, me
liber. Doktor Emst Holsknic Well
oss rails again, Maybe on an Alpine
mountaintop. on a burning doer, in
some impenetrable rain
truthful, 1 hope it isn't a rain forest. My
rainforest anire is the lest stylish. part
of my whole wardrobe), on a frozen tun
dra or across a crowded room. And once
I have found you. PIL never let you go
forest (to be
This is the conclusion of a two-part
serialization of Nol. Weinstein'y parody
“On the Secret Service of His Majesty
the Queen.”
“Really, Mary, I wish you wouldn't do that... 1”
Write to Janet Pilgrim for the
answers to your shopping
questions. She will provide you
with the name of a retail store
in or near your city where you
can buy any of the specialized
items advertised or editorially
featured in PLAvnOY. For
example, where-to-buy
information is available for the
merchant of the advertisers
in this issue listed below.
Miss Pilgrim will be happy to
wer any of your other
questions on fashion, travel, food
and drink, hi-fi, ete. If your
question involves items you saw
in PLAYBOY, please specify
page number and issue of the
magazine as well as a brief
description of the items
when you write.
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