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Pto EES 
Е аА и 


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| ШЕ 

Should a gentleman offer a Tiparillo to a violinist? 

After a tough evening with the 
Beethoven crowd, she loves to 
relax and listen to her folk-rock 
records, Preferably, on vour stereo. 
She's open-minded. So maybe 

tonight you offer her a Ті 
She might like it—the slim 
witha white tip. Elegant. And, 
you dog, you've got both kinds. 

on hand. Tiparillo Regular and 

new Tiparillo M with menthol—her 
choice of mild smoke orcold smoke. 
Well? Should vou offer? After all, 
if she likes the offer, she might 
start to play. No strings attached. 


only a psychedelic celebration. of the 
Christmas season but also a prelude to the pleasures to bc 
found. within—satiric. rious and seasonal. Adding 
glitter ло the proceedings is age portlolio of erot 
by Aubrey Beardsley and four other masters of arf. пон сац. 
Another eyefilling visual adventure is our ten-page pacan to 
The Bunnies of Hollywood. Suggestions for savoring the 
holiday season with fitting Mair are provided by Thomas 
Mario's global guide to yuletide feasting, our annual panoply 
of mischievous Christmas cards and page gallery of. 
ifs guaramtecd to make even the most skeptical Scrooges 
believe in S; Claus. 

In the seasonal spirit. 100. i п Shepherd's The Return of 
the Smiling Wimpy Doll. a new bauble from his bottomless 
hag of nostalgia, wherein our hero's well-meaning mother, 
cleaning out the family basement, elects to send him—as а 
nas present—all the moldering memorabilia tha 
from his all-Amei boyhood. As we went to press, 
g his novel of Army life, T. S, Mac, ente 
the Lime 

v show that will 
ry Ме, “Irom used-car 
suring evidence that Shepherd. harbors 
а result of the traumatic. experi- 
ences described in his last erAvnov piece, The Secret Mission 
of the Bluc-Assed Buzard (September), is the fact that he's 
about to acquire а pilot's license, 

‘The more serious side of our yuletide 

sorted aspects of contempor: 
lots to religion.” Re 
no phobia about flying 

issue boasts a lum 


lineup of authors, headed by Supreme Court Justice William 
O. Douglas, whose first reaynoy article, The Attack on the 
Right to Privacy. chillingly authoritative account—and 

condemnation—of the ways in which Big Brother looks for 
evidence of subversive One of the Court's most 
distinguished liberal members since his appoinment in 1939 

by Franklin D. Roosevelt, Douglas is also a frequently pub- 
lished author; his latest book, Farewell to Texas: A Vanishing 
Wilderness, was released last spring, 
While The Attack on the Right to Pri 
growing domestic dilemma, John Kenneth 
on ou 1 Resoking Our Vietnam 
Predicament. Joly etime tcacher—later. his 
advisor—analy/es how the fortunes of the United States be 
neshed with those of the Vietnamese, and suggests 

cy illuminates а 
braith focuses 

how Washington might honorably extricate itself; the aride 
is based on a widely discussed speech he delivered in our capi- 
tib earlier this braith, America's most protean 
economist, fore s expert and provocative political 



analyst, has been maintaining a lofty position on thc best- 
seller lists with his latest book, The New Industrial State. And 
the former ambasador 10 India is now working on what be 
calls a “nonnovel novel”; tentatively titled The Triumph, it 
fable of contemporary foreign policy. with the action oc- 
curring in Washington and a small Latin-American republic.” 
The roots of random violence are gated by John 1 
low Martin in The Criminal Mentality, а sagaci 
the psychic disorders that guide the hands of mass murderers 
and other aberrant rebels without apparent cause. Martin 
bona fide expert and a frequent writer on crime: his works on 
the subject include Break Dosen. the Walls, an evaluation of 
the American penal system; Why Did They Kill^, a study 
of the murder of a nurse by a band of teenagers; and My Life 
in Crime. the autobiography, with Martin as coauthor. of a 
professional criminal, His most recent boc staken by 
ents, is an account of his experiences first as ambassador, 
then as а Presidential envoy, to the Dominican Republic 
Two faraut subjects are tackled by Dr. J. Allen Hynek in 
The UFO Gap and by Robert Graves in Reincarnation, Dr- 
Hynek. the nation’s foremost authority on unidentified flyin 
objects, proposes a national reporting network that might put 
the United States on an equal footing with Russi 
race 10 identify—and possibly comact—the UFOs. That 
Soviets may be ahead of the U.S. was brought home to 
k when he attended an international conference on U 
t summer, Graves, who is as highly regarded for 
his classical translations, fiction and biography as for his poetry. 
draws on literary evidence throughout the ages to explain why 
the belief in reincarnation is itself reincarnated with each new 
generation, The much-luureled British scholar, who will 
shortly publish a new volume of verse, claims that on the day 
he received PLAY BOV's suggestion to write the article, he con 
versed with a wandering Indian mystic, who persuaded him 
10 accept the assignment, 
generous helping of humor, both pertinent and imper 
tinent, is served up by Dr. Harold Greenwald in Love and 
Hate in Renta-Car Land, a tongue -in-ched is of Num 
ber Two's corporate personality, as inadvertently revealed 
through the chinks in Avis’ advertised image; and by The Vil- 
lage Voice's Jack Newfield and Howard Smith in The Bopper 
Brigade, visible portraits of the life styles adopted by 
various teenage types, from the supergroovy teeny-bopper 
to the wave-worshiping surfer. Greenwald, author of The 
Call Girl: a Social and Psychoanalytic Study and Active 
Psychotherapy, just published, is currently engaged in writing 
у follow up his study of Avis with a book en- 
tiled Institutions on the Couch. A fulltime psychoanalyst in 



New York, he is president of the National Psychological Associa 
tion for Psychoanalysis. directs group therapy at the Center 
for Creative Living and teaches at the Institute for Practicing 
Psychotherapists and the Мепоронап Institute for Psy- 
choanalytic Studies. Jack Меке, who recently published 4 
Prophetic Minority, a sympathetic study of the New Left, is 
completing an unauthorized poli of Senator 
Robert F. Kennedy for Random House. d Smith, now 
assistant editor of a forthcoming Hearst magazine aimed at 
the flowering teen market: he is also а partner in Youth Con- 
cepts, a firm that advises advertising agencies and corporations 
on how to catch the interest of the upcoming generati 

Our lead fiction, The Mannichon Solution, is Irwin $ 
sixth contribution to PLaYnoy since 1955. when we publ 
his classic shore story The Eighty Yard Run. Shaw here spins 
an ironic, futurist about an unsuccessful research 
chemist who stumbles upon the ultimate solution to a prolif- 
erating international. problem. Shaw. who collaborated during 
the past summer with cinema director Jules Dassin on a docu 
mentary about Israel (the film, says Shaw, was supposed to 
cover the Arab-Israeli war, but by the time they had collected 
а aew and arranged passage, the s over), had two 
oneact plays performed at the citizens Theater in 
Scotland. this September. He is at work on a novel. The Un- 
caged Man. The enigmatic illustration for The Mannichon 
Solution is the work of Pittsburgh artist Don Ivan Punchatz. 

Terry Southern, Arthur Корй and Jack Richardson are the 
culprits responsible for this month's withering trio of black- 
humor scripts that will become part of a Peter Sellers movie. 
Pardon Ме. Sir, but Is My Eye Hurling Your Elhow?. The 
film. a panoramic. view of selected ironies and hypocrisics in 
American life. will be produced by Bob Booker and George 
s Asocimes will publish the scripts i 
Southern's. Plums and Prune: portrays ап ove 
protective dad afflicted with an irrational aversion to his 
daughter's boyfriend: Kopit’s An Incident in the Park hypothe- 
sizes what could happen if the American Indians tried to 
reclaim their continent: and Juan Feldman, by Richardson 
is a wry tale about a hip baddie who gets busted. Southern, 
who coauthored Candy and Stanley Kubrick's nightmare 
comedy Dr. Strangelove, recently wrote Red Dirt. Marijuana 
and Other Tastes: he will soon complete a novel, Blue Movie. 
Kopit, author of Oh. Dad. Poor Dad. Mamma's Hung You in 
the Closet and I'm Feelin’ So Sad, is in London helping the 
Royal Shakespeare Company prepare its spring producion of 

writing a book on the flower generation. will be 





his new play. Cody's Will: and Richardson. playwright (The 
Prodigal) amd novelist (The Prison Life of Harris Filmore), 
who makes his pLaywoy debut herewith, is writing a book on 

The Lecture, Isiac Bashevis Singer's third rtaynoy story, 
wolves an author who arrives late for a Tecune in. Montreal 
and accepts an invitation to spend the night at an old wom- 
an's apartment. Since returning from travels in Europe, 
Singer has been working on the second part of his epic novel 
The Manor; the first volume—including The Courtship, 
which appeared in our September issue—has just been 
published by ar. Staus & Giroux (se this month's 
Playboy After Hours). The noted Yiddish author will lecture 
the University of Wisconsin next ter 
Completing our stellar holiday assemblage of fiction are 
Dance with a Stranger, by Jacob Brackman, and A Good Cigar 
Is a Smoke, which bears tlie lih rravsoy by-line for the pro 
lific P. G, Wodehouse. The former concerns a hippie who 
elects to drop out of society. A stall writer for The New 
Yorker, Brackman authored The Underground Press in our 
August issue. Dance with a Stranger, he told us. reflects his 
conviction that “Whereas older people see a monolithic: 
hard-tounderstand ‘younger gen n. there have acti 
been at least three di ions in the past ten yc: 
ach with its own beliefs about what ‘making it ents 
each separated from the others by а new species of “ge 
tional gap." Wodehouse—whose latest novel is The 
loined Paperweight—here probes the plight of a young artist, 
hooked on tobacco. who feels ob! 10 convince his in- 
dels uncle that he never touches the weed. 

Our Christmas bounty abo includes such sceworthy and 
eminently readable holiday treats as an exclusive Playboy Inter- 
view with the controversial clown prince of television talk 
shows. Carson: Bodies Politic, an irreverent pourrait 
gallery by desiguer-photographer Eugenio Hirsch in which 
female models become bosom buddies of assorted heads of 
state; an eight page photographic rendering of The Wicked 
Dreams of Elke Sommer, in which Elke takes a tongue in check 
Чи at Freud and the misinterpretation of dreams in 4 reveal. 
g sequence of favour fantasies: an excursion with Little 
Annie Fanny into the brutal world of the children's toy in- 
dustry: plus a holiday rendezvous with our Playmate of the 

omh. winsome Lynn Winchell—who brings us back to where 
we stated, since Lynn's lovely countenance and free-flowing 
locks form the focus of our aif nouvean-inspired. psychedelic 
cover. So dally no longer, gentlemen, there's good cheer at hand. 

inet genera 

PLAYBOY, peceusem. wie), чосоме va 


©1967 Jos. Schiltz Brewing Co., 
Milwaukee and other cites. 

one 15 out of beer” 

The Becr that made Milwaukee Famous 

vol. 14, по. 12—december, 1967 


Elke's Dreams 

Hollywood Bunnies 

Bodies Poli Р. 117 

POLEMDAUM, f. 220. Pompeo POSAR. F эз. 120, 
1920) (4); ARTHUR SHAY, P. 4. ALETAS UNDA 
P. 140-141) JERRY YULSMAN Р 4 (2). эз, 220 

PUBLISHED MONTHLY ov Hun төвишиме co 



PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: JOHNNY CARSON—candid conversation 95 


BODIES POLITIC —pictorial. 


FAR-FLUNG FLING—food ond drink. 






Р. б. WODEHOUSE 123 



DEVELOPING PLAYMATE—playboy’s playmate of the month . 154 

BUNNIES OF HOLLYWOOD—pictorial essay. 

SYMBOLIC SEX—humor............. — = DON ADDIS 207 
STELLAR ATTRACTIONS —gifts. See eens Ar] 
ON THE SCENE— personali 

ә 205 




erxek editor and. publisher 
A. €. SPECTORSKY associate publisher and editorial director 
ARTHUR PAUL art direcior 

JACK J. кезле managing edilor VINCENT T. TA нї picture editor 

LERMAN senior edils; ROME MACAULEY fiction editor; jams coove articles 
editor; ARTHUR KEVER associate articles editor; ROBERT J, SEA, DAVID STEVENS, 
KOBERT ANTON WILSON associate editors; KOBERT L. LEN fashion director; DAVID 
TAVLOR fashion editor; THOMAS MAMO food & drink editor; PATMCK CHASE (тате! 
editor; J. мл. GETTY contributing edilor, business & finance; KEN W. PURDY con- 
tributing editor; vicio korr. administrative editor; ARLENE novis copy chief; 
CARL SNYDER, ROGER WIDESER assistant editors; всу PRENN associate picture 
editor; MAKILYN eamowsut assistant picture editor; MARIO CASILLI, 1. BARRY 
ммалхомзк contributing photographer; RONALD Kone asociate arl director; NORM 

PACZEK assistant art directors; WALTER RRADENYCH, LEN WH. 
art assislants; MICHELLE. ALTMAN assistant cartoon edito 
liom manager; ладах VARGO assistant production manager; PAT PAPPAS Yi 
and permissions • HOWARD W. LEDERER advertising director; JULES KASE associate 
advertising manager; surkwAN KENIS Chicago adverliing manager; JOSE 
cUENTMER detroit” advertising manager; NELSON ruten promotion director; 
пме powscu publicity manager; MENNY N public relations manager; 
ANSON MOUNT public affairs manager; тито FREDERICK personnel director; JANET 
enou reader servic WIEMOLD subscription. manager; ELDON SELLERS 
Special projects; ROBERT S. PurUss business manager and circulation director. 


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ЕЭ пото praveov малае - тилүү BUILDING, a н. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60841 


Nat Hentoll's September article, Youth 

the Oppressed Majority, is the most re- 
sealing piece 1 have ever read abour the 
younger generation, As а student, 1 ca 
confirm Hentoil’s assertion that if one 
does not fit into the mold set by the 
older generation, then he is considered 
dangerous—or even subversive. Why 
don't adults spend more time trying to 
solve their problems, instead of imposing 

them on us? 
Tom Murphy 
ston, Massachusetts 

I never believed it would happen. 
Someone has finally said sensibly what 
most American young people have been 
thinking for a long time. Youth—the 
Oppressed Majority should be required. 
reading for all who must deal with those 
under 21. Too many T. 
magazine articles stress youth, but [ew 
people are willing to young 
individuals. 1 am glad Hentofl has seen 
that this kind of recognition is the only 
way we can keep young people from be- 
carbon copies of the 
neration. Being in college, my contem. 
much of a 

/ commercials and. 



aries and I don't have 

chance to escape the system; but more 


like Нешо cin 
eded break 

C. Spencer Andrews 
Franklin and М 1 College 
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 

give us a 


There's a great deal of truth. and per- 
ception in Nat Hentoll’s article. lt is es- 
sential to be constantly reminded thar 
: arewt unique. Thanks 
me the opportunity to realize 

Gerald. Zuckman 
Lynbrook, New York 

І congratulate Nat Мей for his ex- 
h and the probl 
it faces. 1 agree that while we are mold- 

cellent article on you ns 

a society of specialists, we are be- 

coming progressively berelt ol 
ideas. Our educational system is geared 

|o making Americans imbibe 



facts, rather than allowing them to deal 
with ideas. Those who emerge Irom our 

educational apparatus find that they are 

prepared to work only for someone else. 
Unless they are fortunate enough to be 
able to regenerate their stilled creative 
processes. they embark on a career of 
mediocrity and waste 
Murray. Needleman 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvani 

Because 1 am a student in a communi- 
ty where scholarship and conformity are 
ssedl and expression and free thought 
article struck me head 
ions to him and to 
piavuov for telling it like it is. 

Casey Green 

Shaker Heights, Ohio 

s old enough to 
avy and to sign а legally bind. 
ing contract extending my enlistment to 
six years. 1 am now responsible for elec- 
поніс equipment that cost the taxpayers 
millions of dollars—and yet. in most 
states, Fm (00 young to vore or to drink 
We young people are forced to obey— 
aud to delend—laws with which we 
don't always agree and that we had no 
as though we 

part in making. И seems 

are okl enough, in our elders’ eyes, to do 
things only for their benefit. But we are 
forbidden that might 
nefit ourselves. A clever setup—and a 
despicable one. 
William A. Steadle 
Naval Training Center 
Great Lakes, Hlinois 

to do anything 

ration of our а 
My own experience 
observations, As а good “I 
a National Merit fü 
freshman. But in my first semester ol col 
lege, 1 constant 

rticle was a definitive explo- 
tional cducatia farce. 
confirms Hentoll's 

I was 


alist and an honors 

encountered the same 
pressure that made high school what it 
was—an unabashed attempt at the mass 
production of stereotypes. Winter brought 


aon breakdown the week 

finals. Two ulcers showed up soon after 

мані, and spring brought another break 

down, And for what? The chance 10 play 
Russian roulette with 23,000 other male 
students and my draft board 

І have now retreated to music, books 
and drugs—an existence. ar rele- 
vant to me than the one prescribed. by 




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Bentley: The drop-in butane cartridge lighter 

Bentley Lighter Corporation, 1 W. 37 St, New York 10018, Also available in Canada. 

the society in which I live or, rather, 
lived. But 1 will return to school next 
term and again attempt to relate the uni 
versity experience in some way to actual 
learning. I still fail to see why I cannot 
be given the time t0 consider the implica 
tions of my т 


ading but must instead 
nize petty detail, wedged into an in 

ive ten-week “education.” Bur when 

an individual bucks the system, the sys 

tem generally wins. Perhaps Dr. Leary's 

advice isnt so radical, after all 
Robere Ashman 
East Lansing, Mich 

As graduate students in psychology 
who have endured American education 
for 18 years. we would like to congratu- 
late Nat Hentoll for his astute and timè- 
ly observations. Not only do educators 

frown on creative thinking, they are ac 
lively engaged in eradicaung it. Experi 
mental studies have shown that creative 

children use their own initiative in learn- 
ing, and this alienates them from their 
teachers and peers. Creativity seems to 
decline around the fourth grade, due to 
the premium placed by teachers on 
promptness and competition—rather than 
On individual thought. It seems that 
teachers and employers do not like those 
persons with creative. personalities; they 
want to teach and hire only those. who 

nization men 
Richard Е. Dimond 
Ronald A. Havens 
vier Un 
Cincinnati, Ohio 

are going to be good 


Even those young people who aren't 
oppressed through the colle 
made a part of the system. Each month 
thousands fall into the grip of the greatest 
oppressor of individuality in the United 
States—the Armed. Forces. After servi 

¢ route arc 

his time, though, a person can r 
his freedom: by collecting Governme 
money to attend Government-ipproved 
colleges that offer Governmentapproved 

Charles McCall 
APO New York, New York 

Hentoff is wise in perceiving that my 
generation is neither 100 percent right 
nor 100-percent wrong. Nor are we 
trying to take over the country. But, just 
as King Lear was told that he should 
have been wise before he became old, 
let us not forget that age itself. doesn't 
necessarily beget knowle 

David Miller 
Hialeah, Florida 

Having successfully played the college 
game all the way to a Ph. D. without de- 
veloping ulcers or a nervous tic, Id like 
to offer yet another way of beating the 
system: Don't aim for Harvard. Instead. 
go to the worst college you can find 
sstill accredited. At such a backwater 

Van Heusen's Passport 360 will fly you anywhere on TWA* 

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institution, time wasted. studying for 
classes is min 

ıl, so you actually have 

time to get an education—by reading on 
your own. And when you're done, you've 
got a degree, to boot. 15 sheer games- 
manship. of course, but perfect for those 
of us who desire a real education but 
lack the guts—or the wherewithal—to 
drop out completely. 

John Owen 

New York, New York 

w Hentoff criticizes parents for 
uying to “make certain that the young 
gow up ішо replicas of themselves 

However, I wonder il Hentoff would 
deny that the proper role of parents in 
any society is to attempt to inculcate 
their values on their young—just as it is 
the proper role of the young to question 
these values and ultimately to accept or 
reject them. In practice, a synthesis is 
ally reached, in а state. of. construc- 

tive tension that encourages continuous 
testing and modification of values. The 
net effect is probably salubrious 
Ray L. Sweigert, Jr. 
Sacramento, California 

The average dropout is simply escap 
work and discipline. To justify his 
lions, he seizes convenient rationaliza- 
tions about the faultiness of the system 
he has abandoned. Our “oppressed” 
young people should know that the best 
way 10 change the system is from within. 
That way, they absorb the expe 
necessary to know what they are talking 
about and attain rhe stature necessary to 
convince their peers of the validity of 
their opinions. Any other course doesn't 
i а pladorm from which to 


F. W. Ward 

I was appalled by Hentoff's article. It 
discussed only a small mino 
day's youth, "Typical was Hentoll’s ance 
dote about the “very bright” Гуе 
who did poorly on a readingachievement 
test because he took the time to con. 

of to. 

sider all the implications of a given 
paragraph-—rather than read it for 
speed. You call that brigh? Td say the 
kid was a complete fool who got just the 

ade he deserved. U he wants to ponder 
the implications of what he reads, there 
are libraries full of books for just that 
purpose. An exam is hardly the time or 
the place. 

Fred R. Wight 

Rochester, New York 

1 am one of Hentofl’s “oppressed ma- 
jority.” buc 1 cannot relate myself to the 
image of downtrodden, cringing sub 
t he presents. Certainly, 
society dosn't have such а steel grip on 

ess th 


my mind and emotions as it seems to 
have on the youth Немой quotes, Young 
people must learn that examinations, 

courses and the entire educational cur 
viculum will not unalterably affect thei 
lives. Such things cannot have a lasting 
ellect—unless the individual permits it. 
Hentofl’s oppressed youth would. gain 
more by reading Walden than by troop 
ing somewhere to stamp their feet in a 
mass tantrum. To look inward is 10 find 
to look out 

individuality and meaning 

ward. through an arm band or through 
some pseudosincere attempt at protest 
is to grope for an answer that isn’t forth 
coming. Youth ot know the world 
unul it knows itsell 
I am a young American living in 
cord with my environment. and mani; 
ing 10 cope with the myriad questi 
that can be answered only by facin 
them. Life owes me only what 1c 
from it myself and й owes the other 
youth of America nothing more 
Douglas Anderson 
FPO New York, New York 


1 win 

Hooray for Nat Hentoll and the cam- 
pus heroes he cites! Let's rebel against 
becoming dull, gray nobodies in the sys 
tem and instead take trips, have orgies 
1 organize into prent student unions. 
Then we can be dull, g 
different system. 

y nobodies in a 

Tom Manni 
Bolivar, New York 

Please let me сам my ballot new Гог 
the best short story of the year, It's Ken 
W. Purdy's Testimony in the Proceedings 
Concerning Edward Darwin Caparell 
(rLaynoy. September). Purdy's articles are 
always good, but his fiction is even better 
Geor ove 
Winston-Salem, North Carolina 

Your photo takeout on Mara Sykes 

(Mara Loves, September) is the wildest 
spread. you've run since you featured the 
acrobatics of Donna Michelle several 
rs ago. Congratulations. 

James D. Deere 

New York, New York 

Mara Sykes is the warmest, most ap- 
pealing and apparently the most intelli- 

irl you have ever featured in your 
She talks eminent good sc 
A. Wood 
New York, New York 


The world needs more girls with the 
open amd frank philosophy—and the 
good looks—of Мага Syl 


А. Силекс 
ew York 

Reading Isaac Bashevis Singer's The 
Courtship (еълумо, September) was а 
most pleasant surprise. I'd always avoid- 
ed his fiction in rhe past, thinking it 
could only be limited and ethnocentric 

"When we get back, I'm gonna 
change my brand of 
cigarettes. These taste flat." 

“You should have said 
something sooner. 
Here, have one of my Kools.” 

Come up to the Kool taste. 
Taste extra coolness 
every time you smoke. 



Mie nnt i m Barr Pt 



Doania PEREUMES coen toss 


but I couldn't have been morc mistaken. 
Despite its historical and Europea 

п set 
ting, The Courtship has great contempo 
тату relevance. Many of us today face 
the same difficult: struggle to find mean- 
ing and value in a time of social and 
moral upheaval that Felicia confronted. 
Singers ability 10 subtly evoke the 
present through the past is truly bril 
lianc. Many thanks for publishing him. 
Bruce Wicland 
Omaha, Nebraska 

Congratulations on publishing The 
Courtship by Isaac Bashevis Singer. I 
saved your January 1967 issue, which 
contained The Riddle. by the хате gift- 
ed author, and will place the September 
issue with it. Both my husband and I 

enjoy rereading such superb stories. 
Though Singer writes in Yiddish. his 
themes are universal. He occupies. him- 
self with problems of good and evil, with 
the challenge of finding order in a world 
of chaos and violence. His refreshing tal- 
ent m: 
Singer is certainly ове of the great liter- 
ary geniuses of our time, and PLAYBOY 
shows profound discernment in publish- 

kes his stories alive and vibrant 

ing his work. 
Mrs. Daniel Finkel 
Englewood, New Jersey 
We're certain youll be equally 
pleased with Singer's “The Lecture,” on 
page 181 of this issue, 

I once wrote of Isaac Singer: "As long 
as he continues to write in it, Yiddish 
will not be a dead Linguage." T think 
The Courtship is a classic story—and 
Hawlessly written. We are very lucky to 
have Singer as an Americam writer. 1 
have been beating drums for him for 
years and now, at last, he is getting the 
acclaim he deserves, 

Kenneth Rexroth 

San Francisco, California 


I would like to express my apprecia- 
tion for your stimulating September In. 
lerview with Mayor John. Lindsay. It is 
а great comfort to know that there are 
people like him willing to spend their 
time and initiative to bring quality 
government to our metropolita 
Lindsay's candid responses to your ques 
tions reveal that he can certainly do the 

3 arcas 

D. P. Bunnell 
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 

Although Tm what may be considered 
а “young” leader in the Republican Par- 
ту. 1 must admit that 1 have entertained 

serious misgivin: 
of John Lindsay 
mayor. However 

about the philosophy 
well as his record as 
alter reading your репе 

trating and candid. Interview with him, 
my opinion has changed, With the prob 
Jems that face American cities toda 

a shame that there are not more political 


The New Parker International Classic. 

Even our skinniest pen outwrites every other ballpoint. 

In short, we narrowed the Classic down to a point 
where you can write the most words with the least pen. 
The Parker International Classic. You can have it 

(Even big, fat pens twice its size). 
The whole trick is an extra large ink cartridge inside, wrapped in brushed steel, sterling silver or 14K gold. 
wrapped snugly in an extra slim case outside. It’s the least we could do. 


Believe it or not, the Parker International Classic 
writes more words than any other pen. 




Focuses itself 

It's Sawyer's Rotomatic* 707AQ slide projector ш Slide 
after slide is automatically brought into sharp, clear 
focus and uniformly maintained by Sawyer's new solid 
state system ш Exclusive quartz iodine lamp gives 500 
watt brilliance, never dims, lasts twice as long ш Shows 
100 slides without interruption, using circular trays m 
Takes regular trays, too ш Shows up to 40 slides auto- 
matically without a tray, using accessory stack loader ш 
Preview editor lets you show slides singly or reposition 
slides W Auto timer for fully automatic slide changing 
ш Pushbutton remote control advance and reverse Ш 
Retractable power cord B Room lamp outlet automat- 
ically turns room light on and off B Sawyer's Rotomatic 
707AQ is just one of nine great Sawyer's projectors, 
starting at less than $60, at leading photo dealers and 
departments now. 



ollicials like the mayor of New York to 
confront them—in both political parties. 

While Lindsay can only guess as to his 
political future, he can—because of your 
September Interview—count on at least 

one county chairman 10 stand. firmly in 
his camp. Congratulations to PLAYBOY on 
a superb Interview and to Lindsay for 
the progress he has made аз mayor of our 
largest city. 

Dexter М. Mapel 

County Chairman 

El Paso County Republican Party 

El Paso, Texas 

My sincere thanks for your Interview 
York's dynamic and charis- 

he would n 
candidate. 1 ho 
other concerned Americans agree 
need him. 


Terry Friedman 
Los Angeles, California 

After reading your excellent conversa 
tion with Mayor Lindsay. I was reminded 
of what Norman M cw 
York and Lindsay in the October 28, 
1905, issue of The Village Voice 

ler wrote about 

I was talking to a woman at a 
party the other and she said 
Abc Beame [Репи atic candidate 
defeated by Lindsay] was an old 
machine politician and so she was 
going to vote for him because hc 
would know how to r Ше ma- 
chine. And I said New York is not a 
machine but a malignancy 

This was so truc. New York doesn't 
grow. it spreads. New York needed a 
doctor. not a grease monkey, and, re- 
markably, it found a capable one in 
Mayor Lindsay. He has performed a 
a miracle by arresting the malig 
He has shown that New York is 
pabl ind he к beginning to show that 
it is governable as well. 

Halon Mann 
Andover, Massachusetts 

I noted with interest your Znteroicw 
with Mayor Lindsay. His ideas on urban 
development and the role of youth in 
shaping and solving the national. prob- 

lems were very provocative 
Representative Spark M. Matsunaga 
U.S. House of Representatives 
Washington, D.C. 

Your Interview with Mayor Lindsay 
emphasizes the glamorous aspects of his 
term in office and ignores several of its 
sour spots. Apart from his failure to save 
the old Metropolitan Opera House and 
the fact that his creased taxes have 
arrested. rather (han enhanced the city’s 
siness vitality, the 
program—the most ludicrous and da 
ing part of his record. This program 

e's his car сомеа 



A lot of people think Michelob 

is “опе of those foreign beers.” 

Wrong. It's brewed right here in 

ч America by Anheuser-Busch, the 

28 world's best brewer. Has been 
ore since 1896. 

In beer, 
going first class 
is Michelob. | 




D nna the not-quite turtlenecks. Sweaters of 

10096 Orlon* acrylic with Lycra* spandex so they fit as 

if knit right to you. Both machine washable and dryable. 
The right stripe in black with white, blue with orange, 
brown with tan. The sweater-on-sweater look in sapphire, 
kelly, gold with white. $16 or so buys one at stores who 

ER see things your way. Sizes S-M-L-XL 
REV f Christmases wihORLON® 

“DuPont reg. Т.М. 

is nothing more than a political fraud 
New York's true talic problem comes 
not from private vehicles but from 
trucks, arrogant taxis and—worst of all 
—city buses. While all this commercial 
stuff clogs the streets, the private car 
owner sullers—to the tune. of $40 per 
confiseatory tow. Instead. of solving the 
problem. Lindsay's towaway policy has 

just created a precipitous drop-oll in 
the number of suburbanites who come 
to the city to wine, shop and spend. 
Even the stag sums the city makes 
in towing fees can't tompensme for the 
revenue it loses—and this loss to New 
York will eventually become Lindsay's 
loss, at the polls 

Nicholas Morgan 

North Bergen. New Jersey 

Robert Kaufman's Please Don't Talk 
la Мен in Training (misvwov, Sep. 

tember) is the funniest story Гус ever 
read in your magazine, М was also a 
healthy counterpart to Mr. Getty's tales 
of rugged individualism. Keep up the 
good work. 

Donald ‘Tannenbaum 
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 

Budd Schulber: 

а piring writers in the 1 
ghetto (The Watts Workshop. Lav nov 

September). His thoughts on the poten 
al creativity of all € heart 
warming—just as the tof how 

much Negro creativity has already been 
stilled is dishes M it has taken 
Schulberg's Watts Workshop to show 
America that it is not too late or too 
costly to aid our Nego community 
then Jet u applaud Mr i hulberg—but 
brielly, since we must now act to begin 
more such. programs. 

Denis Crosley 

Lehigh Uuiversity 

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 

The Watts W orkshop article shows that 
there is real hope for humanity. Man can 
overcome his pettiness: he сап become 
truly human, Schulberg is a beautitut 
person, He represents. neither black 
power nor white power, but human 

John R. Cheeks 
Chicago, H 


Budd Schulberg’s work in Waus—and 
your publication of his piece—should 
get a big vote ol thanks fom all Ameri 
cms. Ar a time when pesimism seems 
the only reasonable attitude, he shows 
that optimism, even of the most limited 
nature, is possible. Wiil 

the raco bu 

ridges between 
down everywhere: 
Schulberg has managed 10 build at least 
one new one. H it сап be done by onc 
man in one field in a bu 

out town, 

O dii 





Rudy LaRusso, forward with the San Francisco Warriors, uses Dep for Men. 

Rudy La Russo has his hai 
Whats this? No one’s laughing? 

Six-foot-seven Rudy is one of the toughest players in the N.B.A. But 
six months a year he's also a stockbroker. And, baby, in that game it's 
neatness, not toughness that counts. Here's how Rudy's hair stylist 
can help, Instead of cutting the hair dry, he shampoos it first, then cuts 
it wet...shaping it to blend with Rudy's face. Then he applies Dep 
for Men, a greaseless grooming gel made especially for hair styling, 
and combs Rudy's hair into place, Before Rudy leaves, the stylist also 
throws him a parting shot of Dep for Men Spray. the style won't 
blow away. Rudy uses Dep for Men at 
home, too. To hold the line between 
stylings. There isn't a head in America 
that wouldn't look better styled. Why 
not try it now. And try Dep for Men, too! 

r styled. 

it сап be 

his experiment suggests that 
done in other fields by many men, in 
towns that are not yet in ashes, 
Irwin Shaw 
Klosters, Switzerland 
For Shaw's own contribution to the 
pages of vLavboy, see “The Mannichon 
Solution,” our lead fiction this month, on 
page 110. 

Many thanks for having come through 
with yet another tremendously inspiring 
article. Someday, with the grace of Gov 
d after much sweat and many tears, 
PIL bec ан M.D. For the рам few 
months, someth had been out of 
in my sense of values, but mo longer 
Schulberg has given me а model for ac 
tion. The ghetto in Newark is in desper 
ate need of medical help; and when I get 
my degree, I hope to set up a medical 
workshop there. Like Schulberg, Г be 
satisfied if D can help just a few under- 
privileged people 

Richard E. Wronkoski 

South Orange, New Jersey 

Schulberg should be greatly com- 
mended for his works, his confidence 
and his faith, It's too bad there aren't 

more around like hi 

John Denny 
Houston, Te 

As a former New York Commis 
on Human Rig 
magistrate and a plain Americ 
gratulite you for printing Budd Schul 
bens magnificent a 
Using none of the expen appa 
that surrounded the official inquiry. he's 
managed to penetrate the mist and. dis 
cover the root causes of the 1965 rioting 
—and the present anxiety—in Watts. 
He not only points out the obvious 
factors—unemployment, inferior hous- 
ing, inadequate educational and recrea- 
tional facilities—but he also toud 
upon the equally important intangible 
factors. His description of the sense of 


hopelessness that. pervades Watts, engen- 
dered by police harassment and a feeling 
that no one y g 

shows how the 
come an ugly nig 

As a former judge, I am appalled at 
what passes for law enforcement in thc 

ишде for the ghetto 

Watts area. When men сап be arrested 
atthe whim of a police officer and 

АЛИШ [auus vidi “suspicion of armed. rob- 
bery” (which is no aime), individual 

| freedom and the Bill of Rights become a 


As Schulberg says, the entire situation 
adds up to a tremendous waste of human 
resources, His Writers Workshop consti- 
tutes an important step toward ending 
this waste. And it poses a basic question 
a: Do we have the wit, the 

spray | for 


wisdom and the will to turn Negro 

Write: Heuble Inc 
P.O. Box Dept. T 
Hartford, Conn. 06101 



wf The N 

Margarita is much more than a girl's name. It is the most famous drink 
ever to come out of Mexico. It was originated, of course, by Cuervo 
Tequila, and people who care about doing things right just naturally 
make their Margaritas with Cuervo, like this: Mix 175 oz. Cuervo Tequila 
with 15 oz. Triple Sec, 1 oz. fresh Lime or Lemon Juice. Shake with shaved 
ice. Serve in a salt-rimmed glass. There is never a substitute for... 

JOSE CUERVO tequita 


How to shoot the girl 
without killing the cat. 

If you know anything about photography 
you know how hard it is ro pet the right 
exposure for a black object in very light 
surroundings. For example an ordinary 
camera, with a built-in meter, would 
measure the entire scene above and lose 
all che derail in the car. Bur rhe Mamiya/ 
Sckor TL camera has a behind the lens spot 
meter. You can point chat spot meter at 
the most important part of the picture and 
be sure your exposure will be right on the 
nose. The internal metering system is also 
the fastest and easiest co use with no dials 
to turn or extra switches to operate. 

Of the three top selling single lens reflex 
cameras with interchangeable lenses, only 
one has a behind the lens spor meter and 
sells forless than $160. The Mamiya/Sekor 
50отт.. See it at your photo dealer or write 
for folder ex. Marketed exclusively by 
Ponder & Best: New York /Chicago/Los 
Angeles, 11201 West Pico Boulevard, 

Los Angeles, California 90064. 

a mamiya/sekor 

ad rebellion 

ferment away from rioting 
1 make of it a positive force for 

ing a better country? Let us hope so. 
Morris Ploscowe 
New York, New York 

Just finished reading Budd Schul 
berg’s article. My normal chest of 44 has 
expanded 10 1%, at least. As one of the 
original "Angry Voices" in Budd's Work- 
shop, I'm taking the liberty of expressing 
my thanks—and the thanks of the others 
who may forget. And we've got a lot to 
thank Budd for. As [ar as I’m concerned, 
he lifted me out of oblivion and brought 
me imo the light of a new day. He is 
а real bow ett. When the September 

AYO came өш. | had just made a 
sale to West miy I spent some of 
the money to buy ten copies of PLAYROY 
to send back home to Texas to those 
people who never lost faith in me, It's 
а fine reward to be written about in a 
swinging magazine like yours. Keep up 

the good work. 
James Thomas Jackson 
Watts Writers Workshop 
Los Angeles, California 

Running through his Watts Workshop 

ticle, like a garbage пай behind 
ocean liner. is Budd Schulberg 
premise: that the black man should be 

freed to enjoy everything the white man 
"joys. And what docs the white man 
enjoy? Why, everything the TV commer- 
cials olter: splitlevel houses, swimming 
golf courses, Mr, Clean and the 
vcn Giant, To borrow from 
perhaps the most accurate 
u his article: iecit. 
is not to say that the bl 
should be denied; nor that they should 
be denied the use of violence, or even 
revolution, if that is what it takes. But 
what ought to be denied is that such 
tawdry achievement constitutes. “making 
it.” Our whole society is up to here in 
whites who have embraced everything 
the TV commercials have to offer and 
still “feel so wrapped and frustrated. that 
they are almost going out of their minds 
—to use the words Schulberg applied. to 
the lowliest Negroes in Watt 
For the sake of a lot of poor bastards— 
both black and white—I hope that Schul- 
berg is right. But if he is wrong, then he 
is helping sell what a socially conscious 
adman might Gel the white man’s ball of 
‚ God help us all if this ball of wax 
turns out to be a bucket full of sheeit, If 
does, Schulberg must recall that many of 
us have been smelling it for year 
saying so. 
Clark R. Puckett 
Assistant Professor of Economics 
Stue University of New Yor 
Brockport. New York 



Ive bought about every issue of 
PLavaoy ever. published —just to sec how 
lar you could go with your wayout 

ideas. In your September issue. you've 
hed the limit. Budd Schul 
article was the most disgusting 

I've ever seen, PLAYBOY'S concern lor the 
rioting, looting. zy Negro is more than 
а deem person can stand. But, of 
course, this concern is linked with your 
obvious scorn for all that once was good 
in America. And it goes along with your 
love of the hippies, beatniks and left- 
wingers, You don't суси respect the 
police or basic law and order. 
Jack Raye 
Wilmington, Ohio 


Avnoy——fiction by 
Brown, one of my favorite writers 
Small Bufjet in Maldita. is chara 
ef his excellent writing style. И was all 
the more interesting 10 me, as I have 
made several visits to Mexico in the past 
few vears and am quite far with the 
stilted parties of the sori that Brown so 
skillfully portrayed. 

Harold W. Jollie 
Warwick, Rhode Island 

Maybe Tm just a sucker for lost 
looking doe-eved girls. but 1 fell in love 
1 read Hany Brown's 4 Small 
Buffet in Maldita, As lar as I'm con- 
cerned, Lalage tops the list of girls who 
ppeared in rLayboy. Her inno- 
cence was especially beautiful because 
of its contrast with the generally shallow 
nd ugly people gathered at Brown's 
fictional bullet. The world could use 
more girls like her—and more stories like 

Everett Stone 
New Orleans, Louisiana 

1 got a big bang out of Jean Shepherd's 
The Secret Mission of the Bluc-Assed 
Buzzard (PLAYBOY, September). I'm just 
one ol the many East Coast readers who 
are daily being sold on rıaynoy by Jean's 
radio show. Among the legions ol WOR 
listeners in New York City. there is many 
a skeptical soul who will not accept а less 
reliable recommendation than Shep's. A 
paid commercial would be definitely in- 
lerior to the plugs PLaynoy gets, so spon. 
taneously, on his program. 
William М. O'Kelley 
New York, New York 

Jean Shepherd's Blue-Assed Buzzard is 
a ‘classic. |t brought back many Army 
memories borh pleasant and unpleasant 
Every Shepherd piece you run seems bet 
ter than the previous onc. I am anxiously 
iting more. 

E. Russo 

Kauai Island, Hawaii 

Old Shep returns, with a smiling 

Wimpy doll and a host of other childhood 
goodies, on page 180 of this issue. 


pure fashion 
It's what you've been prospecting for. Tipped 
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gold. Color excitement for all seasons. A 
new collection, done with the fine crafts 
manship and premium leathers—traditionally 
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Also in midnight blue, forest green, or burgundy. 



©1966 Chanel, Inc., 1 West 57th Street, New York 






Perfume in The Classic Bottle from 8.50, Eau de Cologne trom 3.50, Spray Cologne and Spray Perfume each 6.00, Bath Powder 5.00, Oil For The Bath from 5.00. 


ree ane now no fever than six poy- 
chedelic churches. їп America—the 
for Spiritual Discovery. Kerista, 
er Brothers, the Nco- America 

Church, the Church of the Awakenin 
and, oldest of all, the Native American 
Church: and more seem to be sprouting, 
like magic mu: every day. H this 
trend continues, it seems only а matt 
of time—say. Christmas 2067—until опг 
entire culture will be turned on. church 
and state alike. And il some пек Clem- 
ent C. Moorea luterday apostle of 
Timothy 1 and his turned-on, 
nedin, wigycd-out prose style—has a 
vision on the night before that date, he 
will almos certainly record it in Line 
aage something like this: 

“Twas the night before Tripmas, aud 
II through the pad. not a stash could be 
id. not even a leftover joint—but I'd 
already dropped 500 micrograms, in 
hopes that supercelestial Bodhisattva 
visions soon would manifest themselves 
in ab their egodestroying and mind 
ding explosions of praja power 
1y stockings were hung. not by the chim 
ney bur inside it—hecuse they con 
tained my bag of niacinamide to abort 
vip il it turned freaky, and I didn't 
nt any unplugged heads from the 
sement wandering in and purloining 
ng stash of this potent pana 
cca if they ran out of Frenquel. Ou 
iceny.boppers were out on the town for 
the night while stroboscopic visions of 

sugar cubes danced in their 




“My yabyum partner in her sari and 1 

in my flight suit h seuled 
maitresses in the meditation. room, 
panse burner between. us, awaiting the 
onset of the profoundly bumbling cellu 
lar pulsations that would announce our 
arrival on the holy escalator of height 

down for a long winter's grok of ou 

d just 

ened consciousness. Just as we 

Есета Raga poster in all its orange, 

pleaginous and corpuscular fullness— 

1 for a bracing skinnydip in the wine 
dark river ol prenatal memory— 
diamond-bright sound waves began to 

pound and thunder on the lawn, rico: 
chet off the blue-green molecules. of 

nitrogen and oxygen sometimes known as 
‘air’ and hurdle faster than the speed of 
light imoa hundred thousand indigo syn- 
apses of soft machinery that had. never 
before been awakened within ihe 
bling kettledrum of my inner ear. F 
sy alternated with temor as I sprang 
from my mattress, flew to the window in 
а flash of immaculate white bodhilight 
and threw up the sash, which I didn't 
remember having swallowed. 

"Outide, the moon's unspeakable 
energies radiated gently in succulent 
patterns of raisin tapioca on the br 
and nipple of an enormous. white 
dess, whom 1 only slowly recognized a 
plittering mantle of jewellike пеле 
now (the kind you sled on, not the kind 
you sniff); hovering above in eerie flying 
saway was a shimmering vision that 
seemed at first a heavenly hookah with 
cight vermilion hoses, then tra 
rihed itself into a golden chariot pulled 
by eight peagreen soatboys and driven 



by Father Freak-Ont. himself, jolly old 
int Tim 
Even as D stood. struck. with wonde 

10 the depths of the a 
dynamo of my soul, his chargers became 
the eight avatars of the sacred Eightfold 
Path, imperially resplendent in prayer 
beads. granny glasses and paisley 
patterned Dr. Dentons. As the convoy 
careened through the delice, shudder 
ing inner space of my forebram—l 
ing cach neuron in pinball rainbows of 
jellybean energy colors—I heard 
masier bailing his holy men by name: 
"Now, Jagger! McCanney! Now. Pig Pen 
and Lennon! On, Ginsberg! On. Bur 
roughs! On, Frodo and Alpert! To the 
end of ego, to the light of the void! 
Smash through your game roles. smash 
through them alll” 

“Suddenly, the spectacle metamor 
phosed once ayain—this time imo mil 
lions upon millions of silver-veined leaves 
cach smelling greenly alive and holding 
in miraculous suspension the entire 
organie evolution of plant life in its very 
being: but then, as the billion-colored 
throbbing whirlwind of DNA coded 
leafery swirled past overhead. it 
took on the forms of the high holy ones 

icient, churning 


and [heard on the roof the musical mys- 
tery of pure sound itself. naked as lunch, 
in each sandaled foot. As T turned. my 
head back into the room, as if across 
light-years of diving and incandescent 
space, my diluted eyes beheld Samt Timo- 
thy emerging from the fireplace 
slowly drifting down, down darkred 
waterways into endless molecular facio 
ries ol ancient, fibrous clockwork tim 
space continuums that, just a short while 
igo. had been my toilet 

When he came out a few n 
er, I saw that he was dressed all in white 

iridescently. vobbingly, blindingly 
white—from his head to his unshod feet; 
and slung over his shoulder was a Fat 
stalan sack of seasonal psychedelica- 
Чез. In his inscrutable eyes there was a 
Twinkle like the swirling firmament in 
Van Gogh's Marry. Night and a тету 
curl to his lips assuring me that he һай 
sampled all of his wares and wasn’t 
about to unload any cut grass or bathtub 
acid. Again the fearful and. wonderful 
power of 500 mikes laid hold of my nery 
ous system and, midway bewen hu 
mor and horror, I saw Saint Timothy's 
cherubic cheeks tra themselves 
into exploding bouquets of roses his 
nose into a tumescent cherry, his whisk 
ers into incandescent flakes of snow. his 
abdominal n 


inutes lat- 


on into quivering purple 

“The smoke from his stub of a pipe 
pure Tangier hash—cirded his head like 
a halo of white, eternally meaningful 
and unspeakably joyous angel feathers 
Vaulted to new heights by these celestial 
fumes, D saw his face change. become all 
men and all faces. renacing evolution 
back 10 the dud and beyond. he 
seemed to phimpen and swell until. he 
filled the room. м jolly old guru. 1 
felt my entire being collapse imo spasm 
after spasm of helpless kuuyhrer—yer 
panic stalked the shadows, for | knew 
well that such outbursts. often shori- 
circuit the pure light and wig: 
scent into the bardo of wrathful visions. 
Supremely unruffled by my down-trip di 
gression. Saint Timothy benignly turned 
his head and a lid of pale flesh de- 
scended brielly over the mandala of his 

та de. 





Sitar and flute. Tabla and clarinet. Tambura and strings. 
The Alan Lorber Orchestra blends them all into a subtle 
fusion of Raga and Rock—with the best traditions of both 
woven into a lush instrumental fabric that can turn your 
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border on pain. East meets West and you meet a way of 
life — when you find yourself in THE LOTUS PALACE. 


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The perfect gifts for 
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VI V6-8705* “Also available on Ampex Tape 

allseeing eye, reassuring me at once that 
there was nothing to dread as long as I 
reminded myself. at each step which ol 
the five levels of consciousness | was 


"Speaking mot a word—for our psy 
chedelic bond transcended the symbol 
manipulations of mere verbal con 

cation—Saint Timothy forthwith laid 
his goodies on me (all free trom the Dig- 
ger store): sugar cubes and sacred mush 
roomy. nutmeg and Bennies, yajé and 
thora apple. nightshade and kavakava, 
terpin hydrate and the holy peyote of 
Steppenwolf—a plethora of packages 

ily gift-wrapped in Panamanian Red 
and Jersey Green, plus a magnum of vin- 
tage STP. a Nebuchadnezzar of DMT 
and a veritable boatload of electric bana- 
nas. Then, laying his finger inside his 
nose like an old-time cokehead. Saint 
Tim levitated himself suddenly into the 
ozone and up the cosmic vulva of the 
chimney back into the universal womb. 
Bur P heard him exclaim, ere he sunk 
forever back imo the slowly swelli 
movement. of ovarian ticker tape, "Hare 
Krishna to all—and don't tell the fuzz 
where you got the stull. baby!” 

A private citizen in California has 
drafted a document, modestly entitled 
"Proposed New Law.” that might well 
end the Vietnam war. Section two, para- 
phs four and five. read 

At all times. during a state of 
war the President of the United 
Sunes shall serve one week out of 
every month in the combat arca of 
the conilici, on the actual front line, 
ned ol any 

to keep him fully info 
and all conditions. The Vice-Presi 
dent shall alo Ваке the same duty 
The Cabinet shall also serve on a 

rotation basis in the con area, 
the time and frequency being left to 
the discretion of the President. ex 
cept that cach and every опе shall 
serve at кам three days of cach 
month on the barde line. 

One third of the House of Repre 

эй one third of the Se 

ше shall also be on combat duty on 
the major [ront lines of action at all 
times on a rotation basis, with a 30 

day tour of duty for cach member 
There shall be no exception, Any 
member who does not feel he is 
qualified for this regulation. shall 

resign from office 

Tp H's Worth Doing, H's Worth Doin 
Well Department: French justice took i 
nge turn not long ago when a young 
n was found guilty of defending his 
honor. Michel Depré, 34. caught his 

wile in bed with another man and 
uue to the Gallic code in such matter 
drew his knife. Bu instead of killing 

he only wounded him 

ghty. Depré was fined 560 and given 
a one-month suspended sentence. A 



Mostly liquor. And agreat big ball. 

Open the bottle. Out comes the party. That's what Heublein 
Cocktails are all about. 

What goesinto Heublein Cocktails? Mostly liquor—the best 
imported and domestic brands. And plenty of spirit, for 
these are the cocktails that are always full-strength, Just 
pour over ice. You've got it made. 

We make fifteen different kinds. Two or three make a party. 
With all fifteen, you'll have a ball. 

Heubleirn Cocktails. i5 kinds Better than most people make. 



“The Space-Age Gift” 

Here are six good reasons why THE PIPE 
makes the perfect Christmas gift for the 
man in your life: the pure carbon liner— 
pyrolytic graphite, from the nose cones of 
missiles, gives him these benefits: 


1. requires no “cake” or break-in. 
2, burns all the tobacco to an ash. 
3. produces very little gooey re: 
4. never needs drying out. 

5. delivers smoke 10° -20° cooler. 

6. produces up to 83% less tar and up to 
71% less nicotine 

THE PIPE is the gift. Now available in 6 
shapes, including the new Dublin, Just 
$12.50 and up at your favorite pipe shop. 
drugstore or gift department. Now limited 
distribution of THE PIPE in imported hand- 
made London Briar. 

the [d ре — with the pure carbon liner 


Ing, Gon Francisco, California 04103 


truer thrust would have gone unpun- 
ished under Article 324 of the French 
criminal code, which extends officia 
sympathy for the crime passionnel. The 
judge said, 

iary Intelligence, Balli 
: The New York Times informs us 
that the windows of the new crack 110- 
mph tains between New York and 
Washington “have been proved safe by 
the dead-chicken test. The chicken test, 
it was explained, involves firing a dead 
fowl out of a cannon at 160 mph 
the tempered he purpose is to see 
if the glass would withstand the impact 
of collision with a large bird." 

Sign spotted in a Málaga, Spain, bar: 
а flair for the bizarre can win 
tional attention for even the most 
obscure and mundane or is 
ацемей by а recent UPI wire-service 
story picked up by the Chicago Sun- 
Times, The group, or groups, in ques- 
tion: The New Zealand Happiness Clubs, 
a women's organization whose avowed 
and upbeat purpose is to bring "joy to 
all." The act that won these loving Latics 
world-wide news coverage: their passing 
of a resolution call 
ment to reest: 
by hanging. Our reaction is that nobody 
just Iucks on to this sort of thing; it had 
to be planned, not by an Auckland 
swinger for UPI who had nothing else to 
1 but by a nice little old lady whose 
notion of spreading joy—and garnering 
publicity—has a touch of mad genius 


about i 
For those quick to dismiss the tele- 
phone directory as a dull, purely wi 

tarian tome, the following illumi 
facts—extracted Irom the San F o 
tings by Chronicle columnist Herb 
Caen—should be rey ч 
Mars lives! (on page 402). 
four for James Bond. 
The Doves outnumber the Hawks, 11 to 
7. Only one Owl. But mighty is the 
. Also 36 Hammers, four 
Tacks, five Bolts and one 
. Love is very big i 
cisco (73), but Lust (3) 
Passion (2) is petering out. Kiss (8) wins 
out over Hug (3). The Little people (80) 
tower over the Large (1), and only two 
e Hip. There are more Popes (53) 
1 Priests (11), far more Walkers (395) 
than Amblers (2), more Trotters (17) than 
Runners (6). A city with two Mountains, 
ads of Hills, three Peaks, two Valleys, 
20 Lakes, I1 Pool and ht Flowers 

with a total of 70 Blooms. . . . Now I'm 

|. Vi Whenever the game / 
„АД i calls forthat 
= «| well-coordinated look,’ 
E Jantzen / 
HA || (witht Dacror hás 


| м 
A \ Il anice approach. \ 



/ ! 


We ought to call cur new Together 
Knits get-together knits. Easy 
swinging, machine-washable panel 
in 6 last-word color 
ing half turtle pull 
over, $11. Both 
Dacron? poly- > 

eser aeee Jani 



look of the 



$14 to $17. 


Villa D'Este has a р. 

masculine, for- 
esty kind of smell. 
That lasts. We 
blend it from rare 
wood oils, ferns 
and mosses. Most 
people we asklike 
it. Maybe you will, 
too. After Shave 
$4 and 37. Co- 
logne $5 and $9. 

УША | 


For a sample bottle of 
Villa Beste, send us 50¢. | Т 

мем COMPANY me монм, NEW SEBREY 

Give the leisure 

Shawl 'N Tassel, 
handsewn fronts 
in Antique Brass 
or Black Cashmere 
Grain. Winthrop 


Slightly Higher West. 



going to call up Carl Jung (also listed) 
for ап appointment to straighten out my 
phone-book syndrome. It’s getting out of 
Hand (31)." 

Eye of the Beholder Department: In 
Foolish Figlea new book on por 
nography and the law by Richard Kuh 
the author reprims a memorable review 
from Field and Stream of D. Н. 
rence’s most famous banr 

by Grove Pres, 
count, of the da 
lish gamekeeper 

-day life of an Eng 
s still of considerable 
xt to outdoorminded readers, as it 
contains many passages on pheasant rais 
ing. the apprehending of poachers w 

to control vermin, and other chores and 
dutics of the professional gamekeeper 
Unfortunately. one is obliged to wade 
through many pages of extraneous 
erial in order to discover and savor 
ideliglus on the management ol a 
nds shootin nd in this re 
viewer's ор book cannot take 
the place of J. R. Millers Practical 
Gamehee ping.” 

Choice apartment-forrent ad Irom 
The New York Times: “4room lower. 
private cntrance and basement 
and rubbish furnished." 

Amer axe, suggests that the hospi- 
tality of the Japanese is matched by their 
candor. The circular informed all singl 
men th aged for young and 
= Tostesses (all amateur) of 30 
members. Please take the fancy of your 
partner out of them.” The program of 
amusements for thi aduded а "spe 
cial fantastic floorshow performed by 
nude dancers coming from "Tokyo" and 
a "peculiar movie for man only.” 

it was 

in the state senate by an appropria 
vote of 7 to Il. 

eal то make sure that retired 
Government workers know exactly w 
n case of war, the U. S. Civil Serv 
ice Commission has issued the following 
directive, "In the event of an attack on 
the U.S, and until further notice: A Sec 
tion 831.107 of Subpart A. and Subsec 
tions 831,502 (B) (1) and (2) and (C) (1) 
and (2) of Subpart E are suspended and 

} Part М added 10 the commis 
Mond те; 

Fine Distinction Department: An 
iem in Missouri Medicine noted that 
"he attitude of the public toward the 
American Medical Association could 

Wanted. from Main Street to Mandalay: 
Martini & Rossi Imported Vermouth. 
Extra Dry for exotic Martinis... 
Sweet, for inviting Manhattans. 
The most...coast to coast. 





The $400 home-movie camera. 

With 8-to-l power zoom... 
so your home movies won't look home made. 

You probably wouldn't 
shell out about $400 for a 
Bauer C2B just hecause it’s 
status symbol. But if you're 
willing to pay for the best. 
the C2B has a lot of things 
that make it a great buy. 
Even with a $400* price tag. 

Things like a Schneider Variogon 
£1.8 S-10-/ power zoom lens for long, 
zoom shots, Fully automatic opera- 
B motion, Single 


oversize viewfinder, and 
much, much more. 

Your Bauer dealer will 
show you everything about 
the new С?В, He can also 
show you six other Bauer 
Super 8 cameras, starting at 
$59.95,* and three Super 8 
Projectors. Write for information: 
Allied Impex Corp., 300 Park Ave- 
nue South, New York, N. Y. 10010. 

the serious Super 8 

Get him one of these smart new 
Man-Time Watches. Fine time- 
pieces in brushed-chrome, slide- 

shut cases for playboys, sports- 
men, guys who go for the smart, 

sharp, and different. $8.98" 
Shock-resistant, anti 
magnetic movement. 

Grrreat gift idea. 



probably be put into two categories. On 
ihe one hand are those who think the 
A.M. A. is bigoted, reactionary, avari- 
cious and selfserving. On the other 
hand are those who are downright un 

The Ultimate Weapon: The Berkele 
Daily Gazette reports that a young € 
fornia woman was booked on а charge 
h а deadly weapon—she 
policeman with а 12-foot 
«цу of President. Johnson. 

Bulletin from the front lines of the 
il Revolution: An advertisement in 
The Cincinnati Post and Times-Star 
reed that a local department store 
was hav le of "men's sport 
shirts with adjustable straps and A, 
В. С cups.” 



nothing unusual about a 

and wife running 

Chinese. husband 

gs. of Hollywood, 
Ph.D. in applied mechan- 
op aerospace sci cutive 
an M.A. in business administration 
Nor is their establishment—Mouling (6530 
Sunset Boulevard, three blocks west of 
oo chow mein-lining dis- 
pensary: Its growing number of aficio- 
пайох insists Mouling is far and away the 
best C) west of the Con- 
ental Divide. if not of the Hudson. 
Moulings decor is comfortable and 
cientious. The restaurant's outdoor 
ng patio is highly recommended 

my evenings; screened-olf indoor 
booths remind first-time visitors of Char- 
lie Chan movie sets. Mrs. Hung is always 
on hand to and advise about lesser- 
known dishes; and Mr. Hung often hov- 
ers in the background. betw i 
the Pentagon or to v 

ters. Mouling emph 

рш style of cookery: that is, the 
idly spiced, richly sauced North Chi. 

зе style of m devotees of 
low-keyed Cantonese cuisine are sadly un- 
aware. The menu is as elaborate 
epicurean. And if you 1 

of some concoction уо 
whipped up, you hat 
dish and Mr. Hun 
it [or you 

10 sce 
с only to define the 
g a master chef, will 
into the kitchen to produce 
Don't be misled by the co 

ram's specialties: Mouling's approach to 
even the most ord 
innovative and ima 
amples, only a few, of the Hungs stun 
+ concoctions; Hot-Sour Soup. 
thick savory broth loaded w 
wildering number of 
tables, splendidly spicy 
with vinegar; Chicken Salad—shredded 




chicken and bits of vegetables mixed with 
crisp brown noodles and treated. with a 
bold, vinegary dressing, served cold: 
Cassia Pork—the delicate filling of this 
rolled-crepe dish consists of shredded 
pork tenderloin, egg, scallions, Chinese 
greens and dried (believe it or not) lilies. 
And on and on, [rom Sizzling Rice Soup 
10 Twice Cooked Pork to Sweet and Sour 
Duck Strips. For dessert, let your taste 
buds be cosseted by the Sesame Balls and 
the Candied Apple (crisp iced coating on 
the outside, piping hot inside). Thanks 
to the Oriental expertise of the urbane 
Hungs, Mouling is rapidly becoming one 
of Hollywood's featured attractions. Open 
Sunday through Thursday from noon to 
11 rivi: Friday and Saturday from noon 
to midnight 

It would be hard to imagine that New 
York City could put up a palace for the 
performing arts without good restaurants 
following dose behind. Thus, when Lin- 
coln Center opened, three excellent res- 
taurants—each with something special 
to offer—opened in quick succession to 
serve Centergoers. The first The 
Ginger Man (5) West filth Street), which 
has been so popular that after two years, 
it had to add an additional 50 seats in a 
new dining The name, of course, 
comes from J. P. Donleavy's novel and 
the play of the same name, in which 
Patrick O'Neal starred a few seasons back. 
Mr. O'Neal and his hrother Michael are 
two of the owners. What is more distinc 
tive about it is that the chef is the famed. 
Dione Lucas. Mrs. Lucas’ menu is far- 
ranging in its variety, with mild emphasis 
on the French. It goes from a Quenelles 
de Brochet Sauce Nantua to Shashlik. 
She does unusual things such as a Quiche 
Lorraine with bacon amd grated par- 
mesan and а Sn Trout wi 
Whipped Horseradish Sauce. The atmos- 
phere is informal—more like an Irish 
pub than a restaurant designed t0 serve 
patrons of the arts. But the food and the 
service are excellent and the West Side 
neighborhood regulars are unalfected by 
the Lincoln Center customers. The Gin- 
ger Man is open every day for lunch 
from noon to 3 and for dinner and sup- 
per from 5:30 r-w. to 2 л.м. Prices range 
from $4.50 to $7.25 for Pepper Ste: k. 
Naturally, supper is served and indudes 
an impressive range of omelets, the most 
expensive of which is caviar and sour 
crean ШЕЕ 

Next to open was Не Evans, about 
at Broadway and 64th 
Street, Evans himself runs the show with 
a genuine American menu and а smatter 
ing of French dishes. The atmosphere at 
Herb Evans’ is contemporary and un- 
obtrusive, with the accent on good food 
1 service. The dishes are standard, no. 
nonsense and well prepared. Appetizers 
include marinated herring, shrimp cock 
tail and Nova Scotia salmon cocktail 

Excitingly new, surprisingly different aromatic pipe tobacco! Entrees are steaks and chops or, if you're 




three doors aw; 

Benrus: If it were an ordinary watch, 
we'd give it an ordinary guarantee. 


wild new thing is about to 
happen: the mad, mod scene is 
about to witness the birth of a 
fantastic new magazine destined 
for greatness. Its name is Avant- 

As its name implies, 
Avant-Garde will be a forward- 
directed, daring, and wildly he- 
donistic magazine. It will report 
on every aspect of the ebullient 
new life-style now emerging in 
America, and it will do so with no 
put-ons and no inhibitions. 

The pages of Avant-Garde 
will explode with biting satire, in- 
cisive profiles, audacious report- 

lush graphic art, conscious- 

xpanding fiction, and poetry 
that speaks. Avant-Garde will 
cover Art, Politics, Science, and 
every other subject of interest to 
readers of superior intelligence 
and cultivated taste. It will be a 
bimonthly of: 
—beauty, bringing to graphic art 
atranscendental new kind of high; 
—truth, eschewing platitudes and 
really telling it li is; and 

—love, unabashedly reveling in 
theOneUniversal Ultimate Good. 

In short, Avant-Garde 
will be a hip, joyous, beautiful 
new magazine. It will be the voice 

of the Turned-On Generation. 
Perhaps the best way to 
describe Avant-Garde for you is 
to list the Kinds of articles it will 
38 print: 

The Dead-Serious Movement to Run Allen 
Ginsberg for Congress 

35 Celebrities 
ding Marlon Brando, Jackie Robinson, 
und Woody Allen) in praise of Cassius Clay. 

: Synthetic (and Therefore Legal) 

(already in motion) 10 establish а 
station off (Re coast of Californi 

‘The “Bust” of Charlotte Moorman—The 

An exposé of an operative who is paid $1 
million а year to fink for Rig Brother. 

The Intellectual Companions of Jacqueline 

s Suppressed—and РИ 

Salvador Dali: A New Dimension in Erotic 
Art—Drawings created especially to celebrate 
the launching of Avant-Garde. 

George Romney's Bizarre Religious Beliefs 

Toward the Elimination of War—A little- 
known exchange of correspondence between 
Einstein and Freud. 

Understanding Zowic—A glossary of 
Switched-On Generation jargon. 

s—New York's most way-out elec- 
-rock nerve-thrill company. 

Guide to the Year 2000 

и: on the Wall The emergence of 
aedium vf social protest. 

A Gastronom 

The W 

Move Over, Lady Chatterley—A preview of 
several erotic classics soon to be published 
in this country for the first time. 

The Prison Poems of Ho Chi 

Mixed-Media Art: The Pop World's Newest 
“Scrambled Oeuvre” 

My Love for You Is Stronger than Dirt— 
The Madison Avenue dating scene as ob- 
served by Dan ("Howto Be a Jewish Mother") 

Poets at War—Bitter anti-war verse by GI's 

шс сс Abstract Expressionist 
d by the L.A. 
ше Other, and 

Free Press, N.Y. East V 
Berkeley Barb, 

Group Psychotherapy on TV 

Aubrey Beardsley's Suppressed Erotic Works 
—А portfolio. 

st's Plea for State-Sponsored 

Pornographic Film Festivals at Lincoln Cen- 
ter by 1970— Predictions by an underground 

In sum, Avant-Garde will 
be a feast of gourmet food-for- 

thought prepared by the avant- 
garde for the avant-garde. It will 
be the quintessence of intellectual 

The creative director of 
Avant-Garde is one of the most 
fertile minds in American pub- 
lishing today: Herb Lubalin, the 
country’s foremost art director (it 
was he who designed the elegant 
—and cruelly suppressed — quar- 
terly Eros). In addition, the staff 
of Avant-Garde includes several 
of the most gifted artists, writers, 
and photographers of our time. 

In format, Avant-Garde 
will more closely resemble an ex- 
pensive art folio than a magazine. 
It will be printed by costly offset 
lithography on the finest antique 
and coated papers. It will be 
bound in 12-роіпі Frankote 
boards for permanent preserva- 

Avant-Garde will bc 
available by subscription only. It 
will cost $10 per year. This is not 
cheap, but we have a proposition: 

If you will enter your 
subscription right now, before 
Avant-Garde's first issue is sold 
out, we will send you eight 
months-the better part of a year- 
for only $3.99. This isa MERE 
FRACTION of its actual value! 




zarde, 110 W. 40th St., New York, М.Ү. 10018 

I enclose $3.99 for an eight-month subscription to the maeni- 
ficent new magazine Avant-Garde. | understand that I will be 
entitled to all Charter Subscriber privileges and that / am pay- 
ing а MERE FRACTION of the standard $10-per-year price! 

As a Charter Subscriber, 
you will also be entitled to: 

—Buy gift subscriptions for only 

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for $3.99 forever, despite any 
subsequent price increases. 
—Begin your own subscription 
with Volume 1, Number 1. This 
is not to be taken lightly since first 
issues of high-quality magazines 
invariably become valuable col- 
lectors’ items. 

Since this spectacular of- 
fer will be withdrawn as soon as 
Avant-Garde's first issue is sold 
out, we urge you to act at once. 
To enter your subscription, sim- 
ply fill out the coupon below and 
mail it with $3.99 to Avant- 
Garde, 110 W. 40th St, New 
York, N.Y. 10018. 

Then sit back and pre- 
pare to enjoy a completely unin- 
hibited new magazine that really 
blows the mind. 




> суук Str = 

‘Tassels for Tigers 

The debonnaire tassel adds 
fashion to comfort in this 
handsomest of Slip-ons . . . 
Originated by French Shriner 
for tigers everywhere. 

French Shriner shoes 
$27.95 — $100.00 

omma O caa 



ог Wine Corfam 

At fine stores everywhere 
235 Old Colony Avenue, Boston, Mass. 02127 

Anything goes when you use IT'S CRICKET.™ Exceptional men's toiletries. 
After-shave, 4 oz. $3.50. Cologne, 4 oz. $4.50. Gift sets from $8.00. 
Available in drug stores cnd cosmetic departments cf department stores only. 
Another fine product of tf Kayser-Roth, 

in the mood for something special, 
Brandied Duckling à là Evans, Seafood 
Newburg or Beef Bourguignonne en Cas- 
serole. It's designed for pleasant dining 

either before c 

after the theater. Prices 
range from 54.25 for Coq au Vin to 
56.50 for the Filet Mignon. The after 
theater menu is somewhat more exciting, 
featuring such specialties as Midnight 
Omelet. Yorkshire Buck and Welsh Rare- 
bit, Herb Evans’ is open Monday through. 

Saturday for lunch from noon to 3, for 
dinner and supper from 5 to 1 A.M; on 
Sunday from 4 rw. 10 Û Ам 
Phe newest—and most glamorous—of 
the three restaurants is Lo Comédie (2005 
Broadway, а litle north of Lincoln 
Center). La Comédie performs the re 
markable feat of offering an excellent 
cuisine to 400 people, not only in time 
for curtain bur ina decor that is cleverly 
designed to give the appearance of inti 
тасу. La Comedie—the brain child. of 
re Bezin. Мег! Forgelle and George 
Rey—is lush in its carpeting, upholstery. 
panels and the theatrical murals that 
depict comedy around the world. Dis 
plays of the costumes and props of the 
national theaters of many nations crc 
an apropos atmosphere. The chef, Jean 
Jacque Rachou, had been at The Colony. 
ind his superior cuisine reflecis it A 
sampling of hors d'oeuvres demonstates 
the French penchant for originality —the 
répes Maison are delicate. while the 
Páté de Campagne is spiced in an un 
usual way. A marvelous Cream of Sorrel 
—a soup rarely served in the United 
States—preludes main courses. ranging 
from Foies de Volaille à l'Orientale to 
Roast Duckling with Grand Marnier 
Sauce and С anas. Desserts are 
also distinctive 

poleon, for exam. 
ple. is made with a rum-flavored. pastry 
crème. The management is especially 
mindlul of is wine list. which is far 
above average. La Comédie is open every 
day except Sunday [or luncheon, from 
noon to 3: for dinner, seven days a week 

from 5 о 12. And there is a supper menu 
Reservations, of course, are recom 
mended at all three places 


Down in the depths of a Greenwich 
Village subbasement, a restive suburban 
matron (Anne Jackson) sits tied lo a 
chair. She has been kidnaped by an ofl 
duty postman (Eli Wallach), who com 
fides that rape seems as logical 
y to express his hostility tow: 
crippling frustrations of a conformist so: 
iety. He wants her as a "sacrifice to the 
necds of my own primitive being.” Well 
up to a point. his chosen victim couldn'i 
agree with him more. Soon she is selli 
her assailam a raffle ticket on behalf of 
hospitals so overcrowded that they have 
three patients for every bed. “Think 

You can't buy 
a better vodka 
for love nor 


about that for a moment," she sugges 
sensibly. As enlightened slapstick, The 
Tiger Makes Out allords Mr. and Mis 
Wallach an opportunity to do for Muri 
Schisgal’s short play The Tiger what they 
might have done for the movie version of 
Luv, given a chance. The Walladis per 
Tormed both Schisgal pieces on stage, and 
their experience tells here in. Eli's mad 
intensity as а postman gone berserk and 
in Anne's div. hilarious portrait of a v 

average American wife and mother who 
feels she would like 10 exist "on more 
than one level." Stretching, а slighi prank 
out to twice its natural length cannot 
produce solid-gold comedy, but director 
Arthur Hiller conceals a good deal of the 
strain with ebullient pacing and a social 
займ» view of its seedy New York lo 
cations. Author Schisgal's canny humor 
also buoys a cast of bit players, mostly 
recruited from Broadway, who keep 
popping up to suggest that the insanity 
ol urban lile is beyond remedy. However, 
The Tiger makes it Fun City, indeed 

Elemental passions predominate in 
The Fear. In the most grueling scene— 
which is that clase to becoming а ghoul- 
ihly comic one—34-year-old writer- 
ecior Costas Manoussakis painstakingly 
studies the faces of a irm family eating 
а platterful of fried fish, The fish were 
ht in the lake where the body of a 
deafmute servant girl lies hidden there 
by the walleyed, dim-witted country boy 
whe brutally (not 1) raped and mur 
dered her. His father and stepmother, 
who know the truth, lose their appetites 
Watching his beautiful stepsister bite 
with relish into the fish heads, the boy 
vomits. Few details are omitted from 
Manoussakis’ relentless, single-minded 
| essay on the power of conscience. Lust, 

fear and cancerous guilt poison. the 
blood of his characters, until the drama’s 
chilling climax, when the murderer 

“Before I used Studd, I was lost and lonely. dances madly at his stepsister's wedding 

. . H - ritual danse macabre that grows in 
Now шу life is rich and beautiful.” белуу, Мше леве Ый. АК сүр 
dence floats to the surface of the lake 
nearby. The Fear olfers the most graphic 
display of aberrant sexual impulses since 
Bergman's The Virgin Spring. 

When | 
cused of—you guessed it—raping the 
sherill’s daughter (Margaret. Blye), he 
prefers to phrase the charge another way 
— "Assault with a friendly weapon." Such 
gs proliferate in Waterhole #3, а bluc 
boss opera that might better have been 
called Our Man Flint Goes West. Armed 
with a pocket pistol and a saddlebi, 
ol snappy rejoinders right off the Las 
Vegas-lahoe night-club circuit, Coburn 

ames Coburn is righily ac 


plays Cole, a t 

Get а rich new life: With Studd Cologne, an o bling man whose hot card is $100,000 

After-Shave, or a gift- packed set of both. worth of gold bullion stolen [rom the 
Army. The desperadoes who 

шеп Jost it pursue Flimt—Cole 
through the sagebrush surrounding а 

магу gam 

fred and 

to puny portables 

le Vegas, new Ce 
te Battery/ Plus 

The answer 

Our portables will never win the lightweight 
championship of the world . . . but in a knock- 
down-drag-em-out, they'll walk away smiling. 

Toshiba gives you the answer to the puny port- 
ables. We build them special-to-go. Not just mini, 
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inside and out to take the jolts and jers portable 
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See new Toshiba Portable Color TV. High ten- 
sile strength steel bands, bonded directly to the 
brilliant new picture tube, give extra rugged- 
ness where it counts. Solid state 
components replace tubes so 
they stay put and perform like a 
dream in full color. 

Grab our battery/plug-in porta- 
ble TV and go. Just go. 

Radios? All kinds including the slimmest FM/ 
AM in the world. It's less than 34-inch wide (or 

r Portable TV. 117 ss '$329.50*. The Londonaire, World's Thinnest Sold State shirt pocket FM/AM, $34.50*. The Surfer. ай Sold 

in Portable TV. 37 sa. Mfg. suggested ге 

thin, if you prefer). But it's FM/AM . . . with 
sound that won't wear out before your second 
set of batteries. They're 
Toshiba Duraligned, precision 
crafted to do just that and 
much more. 

Proof? They're warranted for 
one fuli year parts and labor. 

Toshiba, The International One, has been a 
kind of "in" brand name with the world travelers. 
Now, at last, we're here in fine stores across 
the United States. Ask about the portables built 
for the portable people. 

If it's to go. . . go Toshiba! Why not? 








The new, exciting scent for men— 
a fresh, completely new fragrance 
nole that lasts and lasts! 

AFTER SHAVE $2.50, $4.50 
COLOGNE $3.00, $5.00 


GIFT SETS $3.75 to $9.50 


playboy versatile 

The Playboy Sweater, two 
great looks. Continental with 
its matching turtle-neck bib; 
or as a leisure-loving V-neck’ 
classic. Flat knit, finest pure 
zephyr wool in navy, wine, 
gold or forest green; 
S, M, L, XL sizes. 
Rabbit stitched 

аз a subtle 
insignia. The plus: 
a snap-shut storage 
bag. WA105, 

$30 ppd. 

Shall we enclose a gift card in your name? 
Please send check or money order to: 
Playboy Products, The Playboy Building, 
919 №. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill, 60611. 
Playboy Club credit keyholders: 

town called Integrity. So do the corrupti- 
ble sheriff (Carroll. O'Connor) and his 
ravished daughter. So do the producer. 
director and scemarists. who obviously 
hoped diat Coburn might lead them into 
that rich lode of wild-Western satire 
stuck by Cal Ballou. Unfortunatel 
high jinks at Waterhole #3 
and poorly paced—and after а 

Integrity seems many miles away. 

The makers of The Long Duel allege 
that, back in the Twenties, at the foot of 
s a bandit chief 
British cop named 
Sultan and Freddy 
played cat and п Tor seven years 
they say, and devel grudging re 
spect for each other. The only redcemir 

feature of the film—which seems to last 
almost as long—is that Trevor Howard 
‚ As a dissenter from 

Freddy Young. 

з almost noble figure, But е 
Trevor How not consistently 
above the b; 
па dis 

а arlote Rampling: "You 
really care this coun 

ou may remember Miss Н 
as the bitchy, ball-b ng roomm 
of Georgy Girl, ТІ she 
igin who thinks 

awhile, oi ‘Trevor is 
cleverly catching up with Sultan (played 
by Yul Brynner lool like Cornel 
Wilde), despite the interference of Harry 
Andrews, a plain y man who 
talks like the joint chiefs of s 
give me more men. Minist 
have your bandit soon enough." But 
Trevor is too much of a gentleman to 
shoot Sultan when he is at prayer or 
when women and children. might come 
into the cross fire, or for a varicty of rc 

sons that drive Harry Andrews up the 
Yul, always on the run, does his 
with plenty of vigor, jerking his 
horse’s reins imperiously, swear 
of fealty to his people, rop 
hand over hand while dangling over a 
dizzyingly deep gorge. And everybody 
shoots up the countryside а good bit, sets 
fires and cuts throats in the interests of 
social justice. Watch for the sequel—all 
about $ surviving son Saul Teen, 
and how he taught Gandhi everything 
he knew. 

The playing field for Gomes is a 
sumptuous Manhattan. town house occu- 
pied by a vibrantly beautiful hei 
(Katharine Ros). her musele-bound mate 
mes Caan) and a mysterious woman 
Since Simone Signoret portrays 
invited quest with her usual becfy 
much of the nonsense that de 
a decided fair. Ini 
door-to-door cos 


querading as 
pitchwoman whose side lines 


all bourbons E 
taste the same? — ^4 


Insist on the 
elegant 8 year old 




fortunetelling. she settles in to teach the 
idle young rich how to turn themselves 
оп with blood sports. Soon enough, the 
bored mistress of the manor has teased a 
horny delivery boy (Don Stroud) into a 
game so real that he gets his head halt. 
blown ol, or at least it looks that way 
until doorknobs, faucets, plaster. statues 
blood-stained clevators and other things 
begin to go bump in the night, Director 
Curtis Harrington, whose black 

optical allusions so crafüly that 
of the holes in the plot a 

Double Check this No-iron "Endura- 
Press” Grlerd Tattersall. 

Biu, Maize, Linen Green 


noticeable. Tf. from time to 
seems more campy 0 
son may lie with 

creepy, the rea 
а Signorel. Avon has 
voice able to summon 

the tragic furies of Racine. 

The Upper Hand brings together Jean Ga- 
bin, George Raft and Gert Frobe, three 
ed + 
ng but candid 
ty. The gents are up 
gold, war ma- 
ris to Munich 
sk why. T's 

to their okl tricks, mov 
teriel and antiques from 
to Tokyo to C 
business as us Coolly Nip- 
piug coins for the Кай tries to 
muscle in on the Gallic gangland ruled 
by Gabin from a boite known, simply 
and dixumingly, as The Voluptuous. 
Nadja Tiller and Mireille Darc are the 
O ere E eee ie (up Wr ope 

jon, Piedmont Shirt Co., Inc. 4 West 33rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10001 хоо busy Б and boobytapping 
onc another to concentrate on such sec- 

ondary maners as sex. "lm si 
old, and E cont play Romeo any longe 
Gabin sighs. But even the famous 

ple has lost its potency through 
ng into English, Only Raft speaks 
I. And this 
ойга ve its sound 
k sabotaged, for the trio of old pros 
handles its summit meeting with assured 
professionalism. Undubbed, they might 
have bluled their way through суси 
this weak Hand. 

Director Pietro Gemi brings The che 
тах 10 a climax by spelling out the [ate of 
a tired but tenderhearted musician who 
is devoted 10 the separate homes 
he shares with “d 
7 The stinging 
e—ltalian. Style and The Birds, 
the Bees and the Italians is absent fro 
Climax, but Germi remains too serious 
about comedy to treat bis hero as the 
subject of outand-out farce. Wryly 
played by Ugo Tognazzi, the busy musi 

are evokes both h d compassion 

Ё pirit 0 when he conlesses that the complex 
responsibilities of multiple birthdays, an- 

tantalizing . . . captivating. . . its delightful bouquet - niversaries, first. con ions and meal- 
cious make memorable moments anes ап times, not to mention Christmas, are 
1 ly 

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Marnier from France is held in esteem by the world's leading V Grang Maier Coles | almost more than he can man: 

chefs... Parisians love their quaint crepes Suzette stands . ‘or Grand Mamie] | he collapses undi 

glass hot black coffee, 

0 top with whipped 
cream. Elegant... 

two of his fami 

sprinkle Grand Marnier liberally on crepes. Enjoy the taste оі 
Grand Marnier in cocktails, great recipes or in a snifter after 
dinner .. it has spirit! Write for our free recipe booklet. 


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giving birth to their first child, Broug 
to life by the warm. unblinking inte 
€ of all Germi films. this impudent 
essay on sex ойе no pat soluti 

When the ‘Ins’ go out’. .. it’s the “Wolker” thot mokes the scene. This newest short length all 
weather caat is by Harbor Master, in an exclusive 2 x 2 poplin of 65% Dacron** and 
35% Cotton. ZEPEL® rain-ond-stain repellent treated. The zip-in inner 
liner is of warmest Orlon* * in a fashion-right rum shade. 
nderers, married. or single—but it 

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$45 ot Lyttons, Chicoo: realhrms, once more with feeling. that the 

HARBOR MASTI dream dies Бага. 



s for 

Bob Dylan. the Che Guevara of pop 
music, is alive and on film, In 1965, 
while Dylan was touring England. Cate 
dian D. A. Pennebaker hand-held a 
cinéma vérité camera that recorded all oi 
his antic actions—on stage and off. The 
result. is Don't Lock Back, an authorizcl 

y that looks forward in terms 

agarde techniques. but sel 
dom stops to illuminate the inner life 
ob its flighty subject. We see Dylan 
putting on interviewers and puting 
down Time magazine stringers: 
up for concerts and getting set up tor 
huge fees by his sergeantatarms n 
т, Albert Grossman: and we sce 
hear—Joan Baez, the den-mother cow 
of the Dylan entourage. who somehow 
can come on soulful and ethereal eve 
while cating, Bun above all, there 
is always the schizophrenic-quixotic 
charismatic presence of Dylan—cool and 
moody, petulant and androgynous, then 
Му as disarming as а child. whether 
performing belore thousands m 
1 Hall or mugging for a cam 
n a hotel room. If you Руан, 
you'll enjoy this fast-paced sequential 
study of him. But don’t look deep. 

at: б. For, Hartford; Strawbridge & Clothier, Philadelphia; Gimbels, Pittsburgh; 
Schlesingers, West New York, N. J.; Hughes, Hatcher & Sutfrin, Detroit; Frankenbergers, Charleston: B&B Lorry's, 
New Yor! 5 Thalhimer's, Richmond; Titche-Goettinger, Dallas; Stix Baer & Fuller, St. Louis; Wm. [3 ck, 
Indianapolis; The Shepard Čo., Providence; Davison's, Atlanta; Martin's, Brooklyn; Macy's, Kansas City; Rice's, 
oriol; Brandeis, Omaho; Woodward & Lothrop, Woshington. D. C TRADEMARK “DUPONT REG. Тм, 

y Y 
СО LR Film reenaetments of history are 
a common, but only a handful of screen 
sics broil with the power and comp: 
sion thar strike like lightning in every reel 
ol The Battle of Algiers, writer-director 


a's struggle for indepe 
years 1054 to 1957. The names 
ational Liberation terrorist leaders 
nch army officers are fiction. 
but their deeds атс founded 
—and ihe cast of literally thou 
ng through the once-embattled 
s of Algiers appears to include. all 
able survivors. Pontecoryo’s humane 
view labels no man with pure villainy 
neither the illiterate revolutionary Ali La 
Pointe (played with dark brilliance by 
him Haggiag), who mas-murders in- 
nocent. bystanders as casily as he stabs 

single gendarme, nor the French colonel 

Mathicu (Jean Martin), a onetime anti- 
ascist who respects his enemies’ princi- 
ples. yet coolly rationalizes the roundup 
and torture of Al, tives. The 
most pungent moments compress stupen- 
dous drama into. small details, finding it 
in the eyes of a helpless old Mostem ped 
dier when all the balconies on a sunlit 
street of the European quarter suddenly 
fill with hatehurling Frenchmen; in the 
figure of ive child auacked by 
For King and Comfort. -— BELGIAN LINEN OPERA, red, or bite leather contrast adults at a race track. where а bombe 

Evans slippers 36.00 lo $18 00 at fine stores everywhere. А х 
L B. Evans’ Son Company, Wakefield, Mass. 01880 plastique has jus exploded: in the 




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This Christmas— 
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The Playboy Ski Sweater makes the runs, later, the 
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resolute face of a rebel Algerian girl who. 

as she plants an explosive handbag 

a busy French cal last look 
round at the men, women and children 
who will be her viciims. All. of course. 
are the victims of history. sacrificed to 
the will of a people hu 

ane of the great 
5s of our time. 
ıs expresses it eloquently 

Director Se Bourguignon let his 
Peeping Tom camera overshoot its mark 
in Two Weeks in September, а ructul ro 
mantic comedy that would be more likely 
to succeed ay а color spread in Paris 
Match. The subject of the layout is 
Brigitte Bardot, speaking English (for the 
second time) in a role limited largely to 
words of onc syllabl кі yourself go,” 
says her would-be seducer. “That's all 1 
do." responds Brigitte. Well. пог quite. 
She also slips out of her clothes [requent- 
ly. occasionally forgetting to put any- 
thing else оп: and the plor covers her so 
thinly that it might well be confused with 

lesson in beginners English. Our auen- 
tion ds Голлу focused or arried mod- 
el who goes from Paris to. London lor a 
brief assigumcnt and has an uneventful 
affair with a geologist (Laurent Terzielff). 
He drives her to Scotland. lor a weekend 

of bird watching and love rituals, after 
which she decides to тип off with him. 

but misses his plane. This A nich 
vehicle leaves Brigitte stranded in morc 
ys than one. 

Made in Czechoslovakia 
yearold director Jiri Me 
Watched. Trains ollers fresh ¢ 
the newly fashionable Czech с 
more than just a [ad on the in 
festival circuit. Trains distills th 
of an innocent. whevíaced lad whose 
sexual coming of аде happer 
cide with his first job. as tr 
railway junction în Воен 

to coin 
t a tiny 
While Nazi troop 
direction, ihe 
with his biolog 

tention. War is merely 
hard. business of growing up. and seldom 
has a film from estem Europe wened 
either subject so lightly, Before he shares 
the stationmaster’s couch with a worldly 
resistance worker, the boy fails 10 satisfy 
а prey. conductress. attempts suicide in 
despair and even makes feeble overunes 
to his boss’ matronly Fran. Meanwhile, 
he suffers taunts fom the first assistant 
stationmaster, a balding conquistador 
who, in one hilarious episode, must Face 
а deparimental trial 10 explain how a 
comely telegrapher happens to go home 
with reading matier all over her derrière 

words and numbers having been in 
wd there. indelibly. with a rubber 
p. Twins. rolls along until the last 
s though Menzel had no particular 

destination in mind. But he not only 

Here's another kind of liquid refreshment 


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Incidentally 4711 works just as 
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If you know о mon who's one in а thousand, get 
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where he is going. he roars to a finish. 
having strewn the tack with insights 
that are plain funny and painfully true. 

As the first sound film to render its 
English dialog in English subtitles. Pas- 
sages from Finnegans Wake is а milestone of 
sors. To merely enunciate the puns 
g rodies. portmanteau words and 
alliterative conceits of James Joyce's al 
most impenetrable masterwork apparently 
«темей thorny problems, so producer 
direcior Mary Ellen. Bwe bulldozed а 
path through the tangle of Language by 
putting the words right up there on the 
where everyone might read 
is the bouncing 

ans of the cinema 
feel that movies as an art form are a 
matically ennobled by any kind of inter- 
course with a giant of literature. But 
the film of Finnegans Wake succeeds 
mostly in cutting the giant down to size 
by providing the lay viewer with some 
respectful, illustrative exercises that trans 
form Joyce's prose into vignettes suitable 
for community players on a culture kick 
It becomes clear enough that the pro- 
tagonist, Н. C. Earwicker, is an Everyman 
and a Dubliner. that he and. his family 
asleep dreaming up a long nights 
journey imo day in which virtually the 
whole history of mankind passes in rc 
view. Yet, in sum, Friunegaus Wake on 
film merely fills the space behind super- 
imposed test ("only a fadograph of a 
yestern scene") with educated. g 
about what Joyce had in mind. 

In Point Blank, the great stone face of 
Lee Marvin provides a center of gravity 
for what appears to be an old Bogart 
melodrama gone stark-raving Mod. Its 
time melting stream of-consciousness tech 
niques—borrowed from Resnais, Godard, 
сї al—give sex and violence a new 
look. bur the tile told in the film's 
Kaleidoscope of flashbacks and free asso 
ciations is the familiar one about a hood 
lum hero stalking the onetime pal who 
made olf with his wife and his $93.000 
share of swag. Marvin's quarry, we 
learn. lurks in the glossy upper echelons 
of a crime syndicate known simply as 
The | Organiration—ánd.— this — fairy-tale 
supermob, led by 
Fairfax, Bı 
warm the hearts of members of the 
ion L Despite 
sical ill Point. Blank 
moves swiftly and surely in the staccato 
rhythm beaten out by British director 
John Boorman, who lets nothin 
the eye as the action spins frd 
doned Alcatraz to seamy sections of the 
San Francisco. Bay Area. where odd un 
derworld specimens crawl out into thc 
sun. At well-timed intervals, 12-tone mu 
sic to squirm by oozes from the sound 
and the dialog is curt to the point 
m. Though the taut, por 
of it all may grab you, you 


Jordic types named 

wster and Carter, ought to 


of monosyl 


Most gifted. 
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Since 1795, Jim Beam Bourbon 
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By the way, these most decorative 
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white, chili, bright gold and 
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WA106, short sleeve, 
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Shall we enclose a gift card in 
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Playboy Club credit. 

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won't hear or sec anything really memo- 
rable—except Angie Dickinson, a moll to 
the manner born and better than сусг in 
and out of a miniskirt, as she waylays the 
tuys, rouses the beast in the good 
nd brings ice bags to the wounded, 

about Our Mother's House is 
g the fact that the screen- 
uthored by Istacli beauty 

«опао Royal Si 
* Theater Company, What they 
have done with Julian Gloug's novel 
is meticulous work. if vou can warm to 
it and perhaps you can, for producer- 
director Jack (Room at the Top) Clayton 
bolsters an odd tale with his c 
aste and literacy 
dren steal the show, registering am: 
nuances of juvenile sensibility as 
ly of youngsters who, when the 
dies, bury her in the 
shrine and pretend to the world outs 
that life пос on as usual. And so it does 
-barring a touch of occultism and pre- 
termacural cruelty—until the kids’ prodi- 
gal old man (Dirk Bogarde) re 
home to exploit their misfortune. 
garde allows the small fry to take up 
smoking, while he empties whiskey bot- 
tles. lending ife certain 
fulsome fis 
performance s 
ment in it 

ws out is an achieve- 
f. with all those precocious 
ader Clayı 

d as efficiently as the 
Swiss dock. 


Isaac Bashevis Singers blending of 
Ol Tes Ч New 
World insights comprises an art whose 
training. began at birth and 
through the lor 
Iis. eleme 

d moral ce 
elements are as aural 
ng breath, and he endows the 
eters of his most recently translated 
novel, The Manor (Farrar, Staus & Gi- 
roux), with the same naturalness. The 
Manor begins the year of an 
unsuccessful Polish rebellion 
tyranny. This time, it is Polish no- 
en who are persecuted by the czar's 
police: the Jews get a break, for a 
change. One to benefit is Calman Jaco- 
by. who leases the 
Count Jampolski and begins a са 
worldly success and private disaster 
Spiritually, Jacoby lives within the stric 
tures of the Talmud: but historically, he 
is in the midst of great cultural and polit 
ical changes. It is a time of extremes, 
and the Jews of caster 
ther by entrenchin 
dim or by joi 
Jacoby and his f 

wrope react ei 

ly are caught up in 

Let it happen to you~and everyone on your gift list. 
All sizes are gift-wrapped. Don't be vague—ask for Haig. 






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more, Md., Detroit, Mich., Miami, Fia., Phoenix, Ari 

these crosscurrents Love, chance and 
apostasy form and break their deepest 

relation ; the old are confused. the 
young impatient. The authors gilt for 
uthenticity nowhere more evident 

than in these personal crises. But there 
a disturbing disjunction in the bool 
People appear, disappear and теаррел 
at long intervals, with the result that the 
reader is constantly having to remind 
himself of who they are. Distracting 
though this is, it doesn't seriously dimin 
ish the impact or eloquence of a novel 
that captures with fidelity and richness 
the ethos of a time and a people. A 
chapter of The Manor, titled The Court 
ship, appeared in the September issue 
of PLavuoy. 

In Born to Raise Hell (Grove), psychi- 
atrist Marvin Ziporyn and journalist Jack 
Altman set out to tell what they Gull “the 
untold story” of lust years tragedy in 
Chicago, where seven young studen 

nurses were stabbed to death and 
eighth was raped and strangled by 24 
yearald Richard Speck. Мом of the 

book was written by Altunan, on the ba 
sis of notes made by Dr. Ziporyn on his 
twice-weekly visits with Speck in Cook 
County Jail. Ziporyn stood alone 
six other psychiatrists in contending th: 
Speck was not a sociopath (ie, antisocial). 
According to Ziporyn, Speck was a brain. 
damaged. drug. and alcohol-addicted, 
emotionally crippled human being who 
could not be held accountable for the 
murders. Born to Raise Hell—the рїш: 
tooed on Speck's arm—portrays a hu 
being who was a walking emotioi 
bomb. primed to explode and waitin 
only for the proper detonator—whieh 
this case, turned out 10 be a lovely young 
girl who unfortunately resembled Speck” 
hated wife. She is the one he raped, be 
fore the eyes of the sole witness to the 
crimes, а old nurse hiding under 
another bed. But the witness did not see 
the murders, because Speck dragged ihe 
girls imo other rooms before killing 
them. And Speck himself remembers 
nothing umil he awoke the next mom- 
ing. This report is illumi —but the 
untold story of Richard Speck is sti 
Largely untold. 



For William Golding, whose fl 
i ave been noth if not 
M. The Pyramid (Harcourt, 

Brace К 
World) is the merest step backward—to 

a lide before World War Two, to be 
inexact, when Goldings young hero. 
Oliver, is full of r bition and 
randy cravings. In the obligingly named 
glish town of Stillbourne, Oliver 
doggedly pursues sex and. music, exper 

encing, as is common with lads of 18, 
more success with the later. Yet Oliver 
manages—with Evie Babbacombe, whose 
accessibility he doesn't question; but 


fear of possible consequences sets in. For 
young Oliver is headed for Oxford if 
he keeps his nose clean and his marks 
igh. To Oxford he goes, and returns 
home after the first. year only to learn 
that the girl of his dreams, radiant and 
sacred. Imogen. is a silly ass. The follow 
ing episode takes place after the W 
when Oliver discovers some unsettling 
wuths about Bounce" Dawlish, his one- 
time music teacher and the town eccentric. 
Fairly nrivial episodes, all three, but they 
low Golding to pence to the 
uised heart of things, in his funny, ob- 
lique, poignant way. In his youth, every- 
thing that happens to Oliver has the 
appearance of pure incident—comic, sc 
1 or simply routine. But as he nears the 
of his life's pyramid, he recognizes 
frightful need humans have for cach 
other: ^L stood there in the hall, gloves 
on, scarf hanging down chest and back 
ad was consumed with humiliation, re 
sentment and a sort of stage fright, to 
think how we ате all known, all food for 
each other, all dothed and ashamed in 
our Clothing.” Oliver learns Tate ibat the 
amics he once laughed at were the a 
guished spasms of those who could not 
hear to be alone. 

The New People (Pegasus) is a classic 
of perverted pedantry. Author Charles 
E. Winick, Ph. D., a professor of sociolo- 
ву and anthropology at New York's City 
College, has marshaled a staggering total 
of 347 footnotes and enlisted the aid of 
80 people to help support a book that is 
a caricature of scholarly research. Wi 
ick, whose work is subtitled “Desexuali- 
zation in Contemporary American Lil 
Tabors to give pseudo-documentation to a 
thesis that is popular these days: Ame 
are acting like men: men aic 
nd sex is being neu 
Already, Winick 

«an wome 
acting like women; 
tralized out of existence 
good old-fashioned 
tion is probably on irs way out and is 
being supplanted by oral and anal рга 

ices. How does the professor know such 
things? Don't ask: he just rows. Winick 
is an expert on art, ballet. jazz. opera. 
movies, d fashion, sports, politics, 

psychology, sexology. ad infinitu and 
wherever he looks, he sees sex; and 
wherever he sees sex, he observes some 

remarkable things. Take. for ex- 
mple. the fact that vinyl is now being 
used for women's dothes “We may 
speculate," Winick writes. “that one rea- 
son for the current success of w 

s, coats and. boots of vinyl, in spite 
of the material's stiffness and nonporous 
could be that а woman in vinyl 
somewhat resembles a penis sheathed in 
° Necrophilia, he tells us, may 
ar as a perversion, because wom 
eup that makes them 
rcs по end to Win- 
stereotype of 
пр. while his 



y use 

look like corpses. Th 

her tub in water softens 

а husband 
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Two wild new ways 
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Bold new Skin Bracers created by 
Mennen to come on strong. 
They're as cool and comfortable 
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Listen to the original Mennen theme "Brace Yourself" by Sid Ramin on ) necoras 




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by bath oils, is 
Men's increasing use of bubble a 
lar bath products probably contributes to 
their loss of interest in show 

years to make 
that tod 

the grent 

fi his dally doctrine 
y there exists only опе se 
its name. Can 

ike, we hope so. 

anthology of con- 
temporary short stories that is worthy of 
your attention, It is comprised of 13 tales, 
on the theme The Human 
Commitment (Chilton). by such eminent 
penmen as Herbert Gold, Philip Roth, 
nd Bernard Wolfe, 
whose contribution—Marcianna and the 
Natural Carpaine in Papaya—first graced 
these sese Don't be put oll by the 
bute to the 
‘The commit- 
meni stories cover a 
wide range and their quality is consist- 
ently high, 

ing. The judgment rendered, ge 
speaking, should be clear and decisive 
delighted yes or a damning no. Bat 
every so often, onc runs into a work such 
as David Slavitt's Rochelle or Virtue 
Rewarded (Delacorte), “the debut of a 
major new literary talen pub- 
lisher proudly states. One finds in it top- 
flight pa i 
engaging notions, such as 
100 straightlorward a weapon for Cupid. 
He should be shown holding a pool cu 
dreaming up a needlessly complicated 
ıhrewcushion shot" Very пісе, one 
thinks, very promising. And then one ci 
counters something like this, from a man 
who just spilled a drink on a girl: “ʻA 
shame to ме the booze, I said, and 
began lapping up the liquor of the 
lacquer of her limbs." One smiles indul- 
gently at the imitation Nabokov, thi 
ing that if an author Jas to have a model, 
uly isnt a b But soon 
iles fade i 
ie shrivels to nonexistence, leaving the 
verbal fireworks with nothing to cel 
brate. (The plot. if you must know, deals 
with the attempts of three soi-disant 
phi а girl more interest 

Slavitt promising? Yes—in this. book, 
s promising more than he's de 
to 1916, the potentates of 
music in America were the big 
bands. Americans were as familiar with 
the changing personnel of these euph 
nious caravans as they were with the 
batting orders of the major-league ball 
clubs. In The Big Bands (Macmillan), 


George Simon has written (and illustrat- 
250 photographs) a 
с survey of that musical 
who joined the staff of the 
now-defunct Metronome in 
s editor in 1939, wa 
ls but also а 
nd occasional producer 
of recording dates. He has never lost the 
sense of wondrous appreciation that 
marks the authentic fan and. according- 
ly he has always been more concerned 
h spreading the gospel than with con- 
solidatimg a position as a high priest. 
There are astute critical assessments. in 
this huge book, but its primary value is 
as а descriptive record. The first section 
places in perspective the basic elements 
of the bigband phenomenon—leaders, 
public, sidemen, vocalists, arrangers, 
businessmen and press. There follow sec- 
tions, on 72 major leaders and their or- 
chestras, in which history is flavored 
with personal anecdotes and character 
appraisals that enhance the lore about 
ihe musical heroes of that ape eu 
Goodman, Glen Artie Shaw а 
Frank Sinatra (who wrote the book's 
woduction) Simon then goes on with 
hundreds of descriptions and shorter list 
ings of yet more bands. In the final 
chapter of this aflectionate compendium. 

sor, talent. scout 

though acknowledging that "the big- 
band days, as we knew them, are sone 
forever," Simon sees some realistic hope 

of a resmgence for a new generational 
big bands that will incorporate the clec 
tronic gear of rock music as well as its 
lyrical songs and its curiosity about other 
cultures. No matter what shapes big 
ands take in the future, their classic pe- 
riod has been eflecrively delineated here. 

Stanley Elkin's humor style might be 
described as shaggy Jewish: and his new 
novel, A Bad Man (Random House), is 
not unlike а Low Holz joke: he 
chief delight is in the telling, rather 
than in the pay-off. Leo Feldman, whose 
ther's religion is founded on the belief 
that “everythi vendible," learns the 
pitchman’s art at Poppa's. knee: “Not 
ags,’ not "old clothes. What are you, an 
announcer on the radio? You're in а 
streer! Say ‘regs.’ ‘all clove.’ Shout ir. Sing 
it. | want to hear stecrage, Ellis Island in 
that throat!” Not surprisingly, Leo grows 
up to be a successful. department store 
owner capable of promoti vthing. 
He finally decides to turn the basement 
of his store into a wish fulfillment em- 
porium that provides services not offered 
by the overworld of society: abortions, 
prostitut "Psychedelics for the. 
whole family. The family that prays to- 
gether stays together."). ОГ course, Leo 
winds up in prison, 
out to be a surre: асусг-псует 
in which he is doomed to face an absurd- 
denouement. 14 
ricdman and Wi 


1769: Gordon's Gin 

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brand of zany Jewish Americin black 

humor may not bé everybody's gla» of tea 
but it does include enough sticks and 
pieces of business to squeeze a couple 


laughs even out of the m 

The Ime Lucius Beche, bou vivant 
extraordinaire and. PLavwoy contributor, 

lived in a world where it was discour 

teous to serve the breakfast. champas 
in a glass that held less than a full 
bottle: where one never deigned to carry 
bills of a denomination lower than $100: 
and where cross-country travel followed 
a set itinerary—from New York's “21” to 
the Twentieth Century Limited. to а 
freshment stopover at Chicago's Pump 
Room, thence to the Super Chief and 
finally 10 dinner at Chasen's in Los An 
geles. It is this world of fine food and 
drink that constitutes the main course of 
The Lucius Beebe Reoder (Doubleday), an 
epicurean tribute served up by Duncan 


Emich and Charles Clegg—to the su 
perbly good fife and 10 the man who lived 
it to the last mouthful. The high point 
of the book, for any save the most dys 
peptic, must be the fabulous four-day 
dining-and-wining tours Becbe made (on 
generous expense accounts) in New 
York, London and San Francisco, A typi 
cal úffin began with Terrapin Maryland 
and a boule of Bollinger, followed. by 

individual baby roast pheasant nesting 
bed of foie gras toast (with a Chateau 
Margaux 747). topped off by a vanilla 
soulllé Grand Marnier, collec and a suift 

er of 40-year-old cognac, One word of 
warning: Do not read on an empty 

In The Vole of Laughter (Little, Brown), 
Peter De Vries tells “the tale that dogs 
the wag. 

А compulsive clown named 
Joe Sandwich (ham on wry?). who cime 
ош of the womb with a limp shade on 

his head, learns that if life is just a je 
then its punch line must be death 
from a hero, Sandwich has two d 
teristics in addition to obsessive levity 
infallible failure and frustrated lechery. 
А fledgling broker, he geis seasick 
watching the tape (his market recom: 
mendations are soon called. “laughir 
stocks"); a leering amorist ("Got an open 
ing for me?” he asks the lady in person 
nel), he ties a cord to his penis and tells 

his wife to “ring lor service.” Not sat 
ished to be the life of the party. he 
wants to make а party out of life, "Stop 

people shrick at his jokes iu parox 
уми of Liighier—bur soon they're saying 
it with a straight face, The novel con 
cludes at its wit's end—and jest in time 
100, because it begins to run out ol 
gaffes. But De Vries will never hase to 
go on comic relicl: In his surrealistic sex 
fables, he's a kind of ribalding sugar 

Dada; in his mockery of psychiatry, sub. 
mbia and mass culture. he laughs oll tic 
fads of the land. Nor does he ignore 

How to stretch a tuxedo. 

After Six can change your conven- 
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And you can get the same paisleys, 
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Our jewelry ranges from gold sun- 
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ball, for instance. 

It's always good to have 4 or 5 bow 
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chance to do your own designing. 
there are thousands upon thou 
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And one of the nice things about 
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the humanity behind the jokes: though 
he finds life a vale of laughter, he also 
reveals that sti faced is the gate. 
novels, for all their absurdity, are fi 
a reductio ad hominem. 

Scopophobia is the clinical term for 
a curiously contemporary affliction: the 
morbid [car of being looked at. Can you 
blame anyone for being scopophobic 
these days, when we find out that college 
professors, union leaders, students and 
possibly even our local playground direc- 
tors are working for the CIA? Can vou 
blame David Wise and Thomas Ross for 
feeding on the national scopophobia 
im The Espionage Establishment (| adom 
House), а spin-off from their book on the 
CIA, The Invisible Government? By far 
the most provocative chapters of their 
new book are devoted to the Soviet and 
British espionage establishments. The 
Russians, we learn, employ the two- 
platoon system—the KGB, which is the 
civilian spy organization, and the GRU, 
which is the ence arm of the Red 
‚ too, Tan Fler 
fans, that there really was а 
was a Soviet agency, active in World War 
tercepted enemy paratroops 
and caught deserters. SMERSH was dis- 

5 now but a d 
z its eye оп the armed 

electric gun that looked like 
rette pack and fired bullets cont 
Tt was 
ics 10 pop off assorted 
enemies of the people. The British have 
been по less subtle, but, as the authors 
point out, they are in a bad slump. We 
are deft with the feeling that if only 
M xd M.L6 could interest more het- 
coming to work for them, 
it would be Rule Britannia once again. 

In Twenty Letters to о Friend (Harper & 
Row), Svetlan offers a back- 
K iw of Russia's 
idol, her father, Josef 
in. The effort is closer to а sketch 
ing is better 
than nothing. il it helps reveal —however 
dimly and myopically—what made the 
awesome dictator tick. The major dif. 
ficulty is that Svetlana doesn't always 
seem to be telling it like it was—for 
one reason, because, her words, “Гуе 
never been an actor on the stage. АП 
life was spent behind the scenes.” 

other reason lies in  Svetlana's 

andable ambiv " toward her 
uely affectionate and eventu 
ally paranoid father. She faces up to 
the gruesomeness of his ends-justifying- 
means pol purges, but, in the classic 
old Russian manner, cannot resist imply- 
ing that Dad was often sold a bale of 
wooden rubles by “degenerate” Lavrenti 
Beria, boss of the secret police (who later 

- The Zodiac Sea Wall 
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suffered a purgative shot in the head 
himself). For all that, Svedana docs not 
shrink from recounting the foul record of 
rests and political assassinations that 
struck onetime friends and even family 
in-laws. In so doing. she is sure to catch 
the attention of professional Kremlinolo- 
gists in search of further evidence, if 
any was needed, that Stalin encouraged. 
the creation of a secret-police apparatus 
à saucacy so webbed and 
» that in the end not even he w 
absolutely free of its evil eye. 


New American Library has brought 
back New World Writing, the distin 
guished paperback-book-magazine of the 
Fifties, under the title New American Re- 
view. It is t0 be published three times а 
year: and if the first issue is any indica- 
tion of the quality we cin expect, it is, 
indeed, a welcome event. N. A. R. num- 
ber one begins with a moving short story 
by Victor Kolpaœlt about far-off but 
nmediately pressing Vietnam 
with William Gass Spoon Ziier-like 
evocation of ап American Mid- 
western small town. And in between, 
there is an assortment of editorial riches: 
Stanley Kaulhmann’s painfully honest а 
count of his tenure as drama critic of The 
New York Times, Benjamin De Mott's 
humanistic defense of the homosexual in 
rt; Theodore Roszak's sharp attack 
п the abnegation by intellectuals of 
their moral responsibilities. Other short 
stories range from an account of a Wag 
nerian Walpurgisnacht in old Dixie to a 
tale of the flying of “the ultimate kite" 
by some New York East Side hippies; 
from a rich exercise in black humor, Brit- 
ish style, by Mordecai Richler to some 
пат. memoirs of a Newark boyhood 
by Philip Roth. The roster of con 
tributing poems includes 1 Dugan, 
Anne Sexton, John Ashbery, Robert 
Graves and Richard Eberhart. Perhaps 
the two outstanding essays are Keith 
Botsford’s exploration of the generational 
gap between himself at 38 and a chick 
hall his age and Conor Cruise O'Brien's 
brilliant discussion of Fdmund Burke 
nd Karl Marx. New American Review 
number опе is more than just д son of 
New World Writing. Under the editorial 
aegis of Theodore Solotarolf, it has its 
own timely character and cultural per- 
sonality—and it is а winning onc. 

Like many black intellectuals of his 
generation, Stokely Carmichael, once a 
nonviolent integrationist, has become a 
hell-fire-and-brimstone preacher of black 
power "by any means necessary.” This 
phrase ominously connotes violence 
among those means, but in Black Power 
(Random House), Carmichael and co- 
author Charles Hamilton have not written 
a primer on guerrilla warfare in Ameri- 
can cities. Instead, they focus on the po 
litical means by which American Negroes 
can achieve decisionmaking power 

nd ends 

over their lives. With. Hamilton, chair- 
man of the Department of Political 
Science at Roosevelt. University in Chi 
cago. Carmichael presents a sober—and 
sobering—argument in favor of black 
separatism for some time to come. With 
no foreseeable breakup of the ghettos 
the authors contend that blacks must or 
ganize thamselves—in order 10 take con- 
trol of the ghettos. "Let any ghetto 
group contemplating coalition,” the au 
thors counsel, "be so tightly organized 
so strong, that—in the words of Saul 
Alinsky—it is an ‘indigestible body’ that 
cannot be absorbed ог swallowed up." 
Only after the black community is fully 
organized, they assert, will it be possible 
to consider specific alliances with whites 
for specific goals. This thesis is but 
tresed by distillations of past and recent 
history. including instructive chapters on 
the defeat of the Mississippi Freedom 
Democrats at the 1964 Democratic Con 
vention. the birth pangs of the Black 
Panther Party in Lowndes County, Ala 
bama, and “the politics of deference” 
practiced by the black majority in Tus 
Кецес. What is missing is a probing explo. 
ration of precisely how to get the masses 
of blacks in urban ghettos to organize 
themselyes—the key problem in moving 
black power beyond rhetoric and riots and 
into constructive reality, That vital omis 
sion aside. this book should end whites 
mystification about what black power 
means w these eloquent spokesmen, 


I's been another good month for the 
Commonwealth, A Hard Read (London) 
the second album by John Mayall's 
Bluesbreakers. finds the English quartet 
in excellent form, Peter Green, оп vocal 
and lead guitar, has proved a fiting 
replacement for berter-known Eric Clap 
ton: and May 

Ls singing and multiple 
g (organ, piano, harmon. 

ica, five- and nine-string guitars) is at its 
usual hi level. Also. as on the first 

LP, the best tunes tend to be Mayall s 
own—especially 1 Hard Road, Another 
Kinda Love and Living Alone, One 
the best and biggest single hits of the 
year, A Whiter Shade of Pale, leads oll 
the premiere LP by Procol Horum (Der 
am). The quintet sustains the same high 
level on the remaining nine songs. all 

iginals, as it romps behind the crisp 
g of leader Gary Brooker. The lat 
es outing for Herman's Hermits, Bleze 
(MGM), is a startling breakthrough 
as the tightly organized quintet tackles 
ambitious material to date 
including its hit version of Don 
Museum, Other winners ате Upstairs 
Downstairs: 1 Call Out Her Name: One 
Little Packet of Cigarettes; Last Buy 
Home and the big Don't Go Out into the 
Rain. Similarly, Hewers (London) is the 

its most 

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besebalanced release so far by the Rolli 
Stones, though it does contain sever 
numbers available on previous LPs. 
Standouts clude Backstreet Girl. 
Mothers Lute Helper and Ride On, 
Baby. Meanwhile, Eric Burdon and The 
Animals are stirring up Winds of Chonge 
(MGM) in an album that is charac 
terized fully by failure as by success. 
Mick Jagger's Paint I11 Black and Bur- 
don's own apropos introduction lor it. 
Poem by the Sea, both featuring. intense 
backup from John Weiders electrified 
olin, lead highlights that ence 
blues-based Hotel Hell and Anything 
and the upbeat Good Times and L's All 
Meat. The quintet has taken to compos- 
ing most of its own material aud, 
highly tuneful and well aming 
executed, the ollerings mostly suller from 
weak lyrics. Still, this is a promising LP 
and w worth li 

ed. 3 

Onward and upward with Lana Can 
tell. Another Shade of tana (Victor), her 
second LP, is even more commanding 
debut recording, Variety and 
otes as she opens 
а jaunty rendition of 
cient Yes Sir, That's My Baby 
There are two beautiful ballads from A 
Man and а Woman—Love [s Stronger 
Far than We and The Shadows of Our 
Love—the later made — particularly 
sound-ellective by arranger-conductor 
use of an introductory 
to set the tempo. The hi 
us. however, is Lana's pitch- 
idling of the — poignant 
Lennon-McCartney opus. She's Leaving 
Home, in which the a Miss 
Cantrell harmonizes with by 
means of overdubbing. A vinyl encore 
that rates bravos 

рейса h 

Duke Ellington's Far East Suite (Vic 
tor) contains some of the best work d 
by the orchestra in recent years Based 

on impressions gathered. by the Duke 
ad the late Billy Strayhorn on the 
band's State Depariment-sponsored. tour 
of the Near and Far East, the Suite is 
filled with lovely melodic lines, Tush solo 
work by Hod. vihon, et 
al, and that orchestral sound that so 
long has made Ell 
with grex 

es Brown. Ha 

giton synonymous 

Away We бе! (Reprise) is а Buddy 
co spectacular. Sel has Buddy 

displayed such well-rounded vocal c 
bilities. Here he may be heard 
Antonio Carlos ws lovely bossa nova 
Dindi, geving down home on Buck 
Owen's Lwes Gonna Live Here nn. 
belting on Born Free, and so on. In any 

groove, Greco's a delight. 


Vibist Cal Tjaders preoccupati 
Lat i 
he hi 

American jue and а is 

les with imaginative 


Along Comes Cel (Verve), the latest in a 
long line of topllight Latinoricmted 

LPs recorded by Tjader & Co. finds Cal 
playing within the context of two small 

combos charted and conducted: by Chico 
O'Farrill. One of the groups features the 
piano of Chick Corea and the organ ol 
Derck Smith, both of whom beautifully 
complement Tjader, 

A Peer, Paul & Mary etching is al 
ways an adventure, and Album 1700 (Win 
ner Bros) is no exception. P. P X M 
radiate good fun kle some 

fme material, such as Andersen's 

s they 1 

Rolling Home. Bob Dylan's Dream. ейт 
own The Ji Love amd а funny 
puody— is and the Papas, 

Donovan a atles—titled 1 Dig 
Rock and Roll Music. Ako in the folk 
idiom is Triangle (Warner Bros.) by The 

Beau Brummets, опе of the һем discs 
ol the year. The strangely absorbing, teu 
sile voice of lead si 

outs ate the brooding Keeper of Tine. 
the sad fe Won't Get Better and the 
mbivalent dud Seen Her. And 
Old Kentucky Home, one of ihe wo 
tines not composed by the group. is a 
head-back, chestout, swinging arrange 
ment that wraps up a recording destined 
k fans alike. Pearls 
Before Swine, а folkish quartet, indice 
оп One Ne Underground (ESP-Disk) 
that they have been influenced almost 
Пу by traditional folk ballad 
and the rock ^ir roll of Bob Dyl: 
they cm shake the Dylan inil 
which approaches the level of 
scious parody—they could tu to one 
of the top folk-rock outhi around. Па 
the meantime. the material is better than 
average and there severa 
moments. notably on Another Time. 
Ballad to an Amber Lady ind The 
Surrealist Waltz, 




Take heed, all you lovers of music 10 
ainge to, Tony Randall is back with 
another superlative assortment. of songs 
from an ста now happily рам. Warm & 
Wavery (Mercury) takes in such delights 
as You Remind Me So Much of My 
Mother that Yon Stole My Heart Away 
and When Banana Skins Ave Falling (Ul 
Соте Sliding Back lo You) Need we 
go оп? hb suffices 10 say that Terrible 
Tony's voice is more han a matdi for 
the plethora of moldy oldies on hand 

As we listened to Bee Goes! Ist (Асо) 
the initial album by the most interesting 
group 10 come out of Britain in more 
than а year, we were struck by the quin 
ters eclecticism. Here ae the blends of 
post-Hevolver Beatles, the intensity ol a 
Gene Pitney or а Spencer Davis, the 
rocksolid swing of Motown, the big 
band sound of the 1930s and the deli 
cute renderings of baroque music. Bur as 

Jerry Lewis found out 
what makes the Crew-Sader 

a Supersock. 48 terrific colors. 
Crew-Sader by Xnter woven: 

Another fine product of DË! Kaysce Roth. 



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A Lindé Star to last a lifetime. In 
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For informative booklet write Lindé Stars, Dept. P,720 While Plains Post Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583. ESA 

we listened to the richly sensuous One 
Minute Woman, the insistent Jn My Own 
Time, their smash New York Mi 
Disaster 1911, the Eleanor Righy-like 
Cucumber Castle and the dri Can't 
See Nobody, we were struck by ап even 
more insistent influence present in the 
Bee Gees’ work- at of the Everly 
Brothers. The point was brought home 
when we l The Everly Brothers Sing 
(Warner Bros.) the latest vinylizing by 
this vital duo. Here are the same beautiful 
vocal stylings now combined with up-to- 
date ditties and arrangements. Listeners 
will delight at the put-down of a teaser in 
the bouncy Do You, the tough hard- 
rock of Somebody Help Me, the Gospel 
fecl of Deliver Me and the warmth of 
their own remarkable invention, / Don't 
Want to Love You. Ws t to have 
the Everly Brothers back: its hard to 
remember their ever having been away. 

Stand back, baby, here comes the 
Monk / Straight, No Chaser (Columbia). 
1 he good company of ten 
and supported by 
once more off 
ide pi 
bebop. a stream—all 
grist for Monk’s mill. Be they stand: 
such as Z Didn't Know About You and 
Between the Devil and the Decp Blue 
Sea or cent bit of Monk alchem 
Japanese Folk Song, Thelonious man: 
to pull surprises out of his sceming 
bottomless bag- 

A dass singer is Morgana King. Her 
Gemini Changes (Reprise) bears this out 
and then some. In her choice of mata 
in her tasteful approach to both melody 
and lyric, Miss King is invariably bull's 
eye. Here, in a go-round orchestrated by 
Don Costa, Morgana makes the most of 7 
Have Loved Me а Man, Sunny, Once 1 
Loved, Walk On By and others of simi- 
larly superior ilk. 

Bravo! Brubeck! (Columbia) represents 
an allconquering foray by the Brubeck 
Quartet south of the border. Recorded in 
concert in. Puebl ad Mexico City, Bru 

Desmond, Morello and Wri 
y à Mexican percussio 
k up a rousing chorus of 

take dn such Latin 
ds as Cielito Lindo, Bésame Mu- 
ud Allá en el Rancho Grande, as 
Nostalgia de México, which Bru 
ed especially for the occasion. 
The Mitchell Trio/Alive! (Reprisc) is an- 
her triumph by the long lived folk trio. 
Some of the funniest moments include 
nock at the C. O. P. (What This Coun 
пу Really Needs Is Another Movie Star) 
and а spoof of Congress and. Adam Clay- 
ton Powell on Adam’s Rib ("Не stole à 

...and is. 

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lot, so what! Either you're a Congressn 
or you're not”). Also included is Leaving, 
on a Jet Plane, а fine new ballad by 
Mitchell Trio member. John Denver. By 
contrast, the new Chad. Mitchell. effort, 
Love, a Feeling Of (Warner Bros.), is a dis: 
appointment. Mitchell's singing has be 
come increasingly stylized in a fake 1930s 
Gennan-cabaret melodramatic mode. The 
only cut to rie above the massive 
mediocrity of the LP is Mitchell's reading 
of his hit Suzanne, by the brilliant young 
Canadian poet-novelistsongwriter, Leon 
ard Cohen. 

We can't think of any better way to 
swing into the spirit of the yule than 
with Kenny Burrcll's Have Yourself a Soul- 
ful Little Christmas (Cadet). The 
guitarist has cast out all the clichés 
associated with While Christmas, My 
Favorite Things, Twelve Days of Christ- 
mas and the like and come up with a 
whole new set of ideas, at once fresh, 
tasteful and inventive, Burrell's cup of 
Chrisimas cheer runneth over, 


Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Johnny Mercer Song 
Book (Verve) gives due credit to one of 
the most successful wordsmiths in pop- 
dom. Backed by Nebon Riddle, Miss 
Fitz waxes wondrously lyrical with such 
Mercer masterworks as Early Autumn, 
Skylark, Travelin’ Light and Midnight 
Sun, the last, one of Johnny's most mov 
ing yet strangely negiected odes. 

David An 
considerable merit, is represented by a 


about PRAE AIC I 
ka yw oodie ЫШ eee 

1S jazz-hlled, has incorporated much of that 

idiom in his music. One recording is made 
up of his Concerto, per- 
formed by two French horns, oboe aud 

Precious, aged briar, hand- 
picked from hundreds of burls, 
is hand-worked, hand-rubbed 

m. a young composer of 


points of view 

viola, and а piano sonata played by 
Mitchell Andrews. The other LP con 
tains Amram’ Dirge & Variations, with 
The Marlboro Trio, and a sonata for 
to thesoft rich finishthatmakes | violin (Seymour Wakschal) and piano 
E н 4 (Lalan Parrot). Amram’s compositions 
it exclusively Kaywoodie. 
н rA are marked by froh 
A special rubber bitis hand- | clearly communicated. 
turned, hand-fitted to feel just . 
right in your mouth. Then the The Blues Project Live at Town Holl (Verve) 
Drinkless Fitment that соп- | showcases a fine young-white-clectrified 
denses moisture, traps tars and blues band. While the singing on the LP 
irritants is added. 

Jacks authority, the instrumental work is 

Small wonder it looks, | Billy imaginative aud technically out 
restes RTS Oray i nding. The best cut, however, is not 
like no ordinary pipe. | ic ol the Project's 1h ellos but 

Always mild, dry, full flavored. 
There's just no other pipe 
quite like Kaywoodie. 


(Electric) Flite Thin 
and joyful romp. 

whimsical, jazzy 

One seldom hears Chuck Berry sides 

on the format stations nowadays; more's 

the pity, since the elder statesman ot 
rock is groovier than ever. Chuck Berry 
Send 816 for 48-poge catalog. to smoke a| im Memphis (Mercury) is an admirable 
pines shoves pipes front $6.03 t тее T 5 lin 
н A SY pr Dao aggregation of evergreens (Ramblin 

and My Heart Will Always Belong 
to You) plus new Berry noteworthies 
such as the biting Back to Memphis, the 
plaintive I Do Really Love You and 
Goodnight Well I's Time to Go, which 
Chuck usually sings at the close of a 
concert. АП of the TT selections are per- 
formed with sensitivity ad the 
solid. Berry beat. 



Another sterling example of the mar- 
riage of rock and jazz is furnished by 
Duster (Victor), leaturing the Gary Bur 
оп Quartet. Jazzmen Burton, Steve 
Swallow and Roy Haynes are joined by 
rock guitarist Larry Coryell, who is very 
much at home. Coryell is a marvel, com 
bining the gutsy virility of rock with a 
vintuow technique (dig One, 
1-234); and Burton, of course, is one of 
the best young vibists around 

they make Duster a dramatic triumph. 
The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem 
in Concert (Columbia) is a tumultuous 
experience, as the four cocky Irishmen, 
as aggressive as Nore Dame 
backfield, systematically break up a will- 
ing audience with their boisterously 
funny Eire—made especially 
elective by some well-placed 
ob tenderness, as in Blackwater’s Slide 
and Winds oj Morni 
Віа Brother and the Holding Company 
(Mainstream) is the disappointing first 
fling by the foremost 
the West Coast. The group has not made 
full ity greatest lead 
singer Janis Joplin; shes featured on 
only about hall the tunes. The crror is 
compounded. by occasionally 
disacting echo. The faulty recording 
carries over 10 the instruments, 100; the 
sound like 
т. Bur Miss Joplin 


songs of 

blues combo on 

use ol srength 

adding a 


drums, for example 
being slapped Loge 
whose phrasing is as natural 
Smith's and whose voice is as lusty as Ма 


as Bessie 

is wuned loose on a superb 

threesome. On the rocking Bye, Bve 
Baby, her own imense Zniruder and the 
biuer Women {х Losers, she turns in 

performances that alone are worth tli 
price of admission. Underground (Reprise), 
the second session by the experimental 
rock group The Electric 1 
siderably bener than their 
of the heady showstoppers include The 
Great Banana Hoax, the hip Capt. Glory 
and the very render 1 Happen to Love 

mes, js con 

first. Some 

You. Their vocalizing has improved and 
they have jelled instrumentally into a 
Light. cohesive, experimental. hard-rock 

The New Sound of To- 

nmand) has a lot morc 

Doc Severinsen 
day's Big Band (C: 
going for it than the booming hifi repro 

for which the label is noted, 
sen, on trumpet and Fliigelhorn, 


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and such illustrious sidemen as Dick 
Hyman, Ernie Royal, Romeo Penque and 
Vinnie Bell transmit an excitement that 

transcends electronic gimmickry. The 
ensemble work is powerful and polished 
and the soloists strictly first chair as the 
aggregation outdoes itself on Monday, 
Monday: One, Two, Three; Soul and 
Inspiration; and nine other nifties. 

If Steve Gillette (Vanguard) had been 
released three years ago, singer /song 
writer Gillette would now be onc 
of the big names in pop-folk. The per- 
former displays a clear, expressive voice 
on a delightlul set of fresh odes, includ- 
ing eight written by himself. The Erlking 
is a casic folk tragedy, Back on the 
Sucet Again is ironic scltanalysis, 4 
Number and a Name sounds like а good 
Tom Paxton and You Don't Know Her 
Like 1 Do is an effective foray into folk 
rock, Bruce Langhorne and Dick Rosmini, 
two of folk-rock's foremost guitarists, pro- 
vide sterling backdrops. Two other recent 
albums provide some i n of 
where irs at in pop-folk songwriting 
these days. Gillette's Darcy Farrow sets 
the tone on folksy (Victor) by George 
Hamilton IV. The gentle country singer 
runs through a fine collection that in- 
dudes Gordon Lightloot’s Go Co Round, 
Donovan's Colours, Joni Mitchell's Urge 
for Going and John D. Loudermilks 
Break My Mind. Joan Baer’ eighth LP is 

dhange of pacc for the queen of folk 
music, as she brings her pure approach 
to songs as disparate as the traditional 
Greenwood Side and Paul Simon's Dan- 
gling Conversation. Also included 
Joan (Vanguard) are works by Donovan, 
McCartney and Lennon, Jacques Brel, 
Tim Hardin, Riduud E and that 
past master of the topical opus, Edga 
Allan Poe, whose Annabel Lee is a high 
point of the LP. 


When somebody makes old Muddy 
Waters feel young, the results are sensa 
tional. On Super Blues (Checker), the 
dean of Chicago's blues shouters collabo- 
rates with Bo Diddley and Little Walter. 
The eight indigo classics—inctuding 
Long Distance Call. My Babe and You 
Can't Judge a Book by Its er —a4re 
vehicles for interaction. as the stars inter- 
rupt, latter and berate one another. The 

competition is intense, but as 
puts it, he's the champ. 
The Willy Nilly Wonder of Ill 
by The Back Porch Majority, is pure 
The Majortys milicu is light 
hearted satire, and they bring it off with 
literate lyrics, uninhibited singing and 
y rhythms out of 
meskiflle-band trad They can 
even make you laugh at Jack the Ripper. 
The Dynamic ©. С. Smith (Columbia) is a 
debut album of special merit by thc 

ion (Epic). 


former Basic singer, Accompanied by an 
allstar combo and encouraged by an ap 
preciarive audience, Smith swings through 
That's Life. Georgia Rose, Here's That 
Rainy Day and eight others. The album 
places O. C. in the front rank of an in 
creasingly тате breed—mate j 

Sonny Rollins always sounds like a 
man in pursuit of something he can nev- 
er quite анай. An echo of melancholy 
pervades Rollins tenor work, even at its 
most robust, and East 
Down (Impulse!) is no exception. It's Son 
nys suiving for the unattainable that 
makes his work so consistently inventive 
personal and really the epitome of what 
jazz is all about, With Rollins are drum 
mer Elvin Jones, bassist Jimmy Garrison 
and that splendid. trumpet man, Freddie 
Hubbard. A fine recording. 

Glen Campbell is a fuent. singer 
guitarist whose style is basically country 
and western, with a pop flavor; whats 
more, he sings good songs, which makes 
Gentle on My Mind (Capitol) a capital disc. 
Gentle, by John Hartford, is a uniquely 
lovely tone рост: most of the ten other 
Donovan's Catch 
the Wind, sustain the lyrical mood, 


Broadway Run 

selections, including 

Stevie Wonder, Motown's child prodi- 
gy. is growing up—and becoming one of 
the best soul singers around, as he 
proves on 1 Was Made to Love Her (Tamli) 
Besides the title hit, the dozen numbers 
include the moving—and difheult—soul 
standards Bobby Bland's / Pity the Fool. 
James Brown's Please, Please, Please, 
Lloyd Price's Send Me Some Lown’ aud. 
a flock of tamiliar Motown oldies. Our 
only complaint is the scarcity of Stevie’s 
puckish harmonica 

tile Games (Epic) by the always ex 
citing Yardbirds demonstrates that the 
group now has a g 
influenced. by some of the fic 
tenderness that have Lutely characterized 
The Roll Stones amd The Who. The 
title lilt is about growing up and features 
a fine lyric and a topllight arrangement: 
White Summer is a vemarkable combina- 
tion of Near Easter and folk music: 
Only the Black Rose is haunting folk- 
rock; aud the olf-key trumpet on Little 
Soldier Boy іх an ironic comment on wit. 

Ray Charles he isn’t, but on Bill Cosby 
Sings/Süver Throat (Warner Bros), the 
crack comic more than holds his own in 
ihe vocal department. The mood is 
soul and Cosby demonstrates a marked 
ability to get to the nub of the nitty 
griuy on the likes of Little Ole Man and 
1 Got а Woman, А ple e 

tler sound, obviously 

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[| have been going with my fiancée for 
months, but we did not make love 
until last Saturday night. We had come 
back to her apartment from a party at 
which we'd had a lot to drink, Because 
of that and our excitement, we failed to 
lake the necessary precautions (in spite 
of the fact that she was at the height of 
her fertility cycle). Early the next morn- 
ig. we decided that some precaution was 

Deuter late than never," so T picked up 

some suppositories that are sup- 
posed 10 Kill sperm after intercourse. My 

question. is this: Who should get the 
Green Stamps the druggist gave me with 
the purchase2—L. J. San Francisco, 

Save the stamps for a layette. There's 
no such thing as a retroactive spermicide. 

Bas Christmas 1 was given a reproduc 
tion of an English drinking vessel called 
а yard of ale, which, of course, is a yard 
tall. What's the purpose of this unwieldy 
glass—other than its being a conversation 
piece?—C. L., Bronxville, New York. 
The yard-ofale drinking glass, опе of 
the tallest vessels known to bibbing man, 
was used primarily in England during 
the 17th and 15th Centuries, Then, it 
served a twofold function: (1) Roud- 
side tavern keepers kept the glass handy 
so that pint-sized barmaids could casily 
pass a long, cool drink up to stagecoach 
drivers who preferred to remain aboard 
and keep control of the horses; (2) 
brave quafj[vmen celebrated proclamations 
of national or 
heroically chugaluging йу contents. 

local importance by 

WM, position would be considered en- 
viable by most of my peers. I'm a college 
senior who is very friendly with an 
tractive airline stewardess. She has sug- 
gested that we spend a week together at 
a secluded Arizona resort 

My problem is that although she's the 
most stimulating and affectionate woman 
Гуе ever known, I have not gotten over 
my last айай. in which 1 was brutally 
jilted. Every time I mi ke love with this 
girl. I think of my last love: and no 
tter what she does for me, I feel bitter 
and can't fully respond. I like her very 
much, but the ghost of the past is always 
coming between us. Do you think the 
proposed trip would help me overcome 
the problem, or do you think it would 
only aggravate it?—D. Т. Boulder, 

The trip сап only help. No amount 
of will or concentration will obliterate 
the memories of your last айайт. Quite the 
opposite: It will keep the memories alive. 
Time itself will ultimately do the job. 

But you can help it along by deepening 
your new relationship: and nothing will 
accelerate that process better than a week 
together at a secluded resort. 

FRecently 1 inherited a handsome port 
folio of common stocks; therefore, q 
suddenly I've become an interested reader 
of the financial pages. Although T can 
interpret the daily figures about n 
stocks I would like to know precisely 
at the Dow-Jones Industrial Average 
J. K. Chicago, Illinois 

The Dow-Jones Industrial Average 
reflects the average price of certain. in- 
dustrial stocks. Of the many published 
stock indexes, the D. J.I. А. is the oldest 
and the mosi watched—by investors 
trying to see what the market as а whole 
is doing. The components of the Average 
are 30 widely owned and heavily traded 
industrial stocks, mostly of the blue-chip 
variety. The figure is compiled hourly by 
Dow Jones and Company, which owns 
The Wall Sweet Journal and runs a 
financial news service. Critics of the 
D. J. 1. А. say it doesn't give a real picture 
of what all stocks are doing. This is part 
Dy true; the 50 stocks in the D, J. I. 4. 
comprise only 2.7 percent of the 1100. 
plus stocks trated on the New York 
Stock Exchange. However, this 2.7 per- 
cent accounts for about one third of the 
market value of all shares on the ex 
change. The Average has been computed 
since 1897, but only one stock—General 
Electric—has. remained on the list all 
along, since the make-up of the Average 

has been changed from time to time 
lo keep up with changes in American 

WI, tiule daughter is very affectionate 
and is always crawling ошо my lap for a 
hug or a kis. I thought this was natural 
and proper, but a friend tells me that lit- 
Пе girls who receive too much cuddling 
from their fathers grow up to seek such 
warm-body contact everywhere—that is, 
they become sexually promiscuous. Is 
this uue?—B. D., San Mateo, Calilornia, 

If anything, the opposite is truc. Not 
only is physical affection harmless for 
your child but there is definite harm in 
depriving the child of that afjection. Per 
haps your friend was stating a confused 
version of a wellknown  prychological 
finding—that women who have the few. 
est repressional hang-ups are predomi 
nanily those who freely received physical 
affection as children. He apparently 
doet understand, however, thal these 
women are not usually distal] Don Juans: 
оп the contrary. their sexual relationships 
tend to be unusually deep and long- 
making them choice candidates 



In jazz, styles change, trends live and 
die, performers rise and fall. Occasion- 
ally, however, an artist comes along who 
breaks all the rules and creates his own 
special status. An artist esteemed by his 
fellow artists and yet apart from them by 
virtue of the security of his talent, his 
Strength, his inventiveness. Such a man 
is Stan Getz. In his own words, Stan is 
"just a melody player." But he has won 
more polls and awards than any sax- 
ophonist in the history of jazz. 

Verve Records is proud to present Stan's 
fantastic album.. 


This is what one reviewer had to say 
about it: 

“Sweet Rain.” А yk x Ж yk Downbeat 

...Getz is one of the great jazz players 
when he really wants to be, which is 
certainly the case on this record... .. Call 
it exploratory, if you will, but not in the 
sense that Getz is trying something just 
for the hell of it—he isn't; he knows ex- 
actly vihere he's going but he doesn't 
take obvious routes to get there. And it's 
an almost-psychedelic trip. Nor is all 
this at the expense of lyricism, of which 
Getz is a master. Within those convolute, 
heated improvisations are passages of 
astonishing lyrical beauty—but never the 
sort that can be predicted; everything is 
new. ,.. This is a remarkable album.” 
Don DeMichael 

The Sound of the Now Generation is on 

Verve Records is a division of Metro-Golawyr-Mayer Inc. 
Also Available On Ampex Tape, 




had: vented 

skiing what 
would they 
have inventec 
` to drink 


Н | 
Irish Mist Coffee. Made ; 
with Irish Mist Liqueuz*. » 

Add a jigger to black coffee. 
Top with whipped cream, 
and sip slowly through the 
cream. It’s,as different from 
regular Irish Coffeeas flavor 
isfrom fire. When you come 
in from the cold, have an 
Irish Mist Coffee. And be 

‚ happy thelrish havea 

‘taste for indoor sports. » 


for successful marriage. The compulsively 
promiscuous woman, on the other hand, 
is almost always a fractured female whose 
ability to accept genuine affection. was 
stifled by cold aud rejecting parents. 

White dining а 

м not long ago. 
ng situation occurred. My fiancée had. 
ordered a medium steak (I ordered lob 
ster); however, when her meat 
it Was very rare, Does etiquette require 
that I stop eating and wait Гог her 
to be cooked longer or should 1 cox 
with my meal while s 
La Crosse, Wisconsi 

Rather than spend uncomfortable 
minutes stalling aver your lobster, simply 
return it with the steak and let the chef 
keep it warm for you. 

There are times wi 
or petting with a girl 
usually without any ри 
stop. Such moments а 
lem for me. | figure this means one of 
three things: 1. She really wants me to 
She is testing my masculine 
sertiveness and hopes I won't stop. 3 
She thinks she wants me to stop. but 
deep down she really doesn’t and would 
yield if 1 ignored her request. To sum 
up. Ise been confused by the old 
A womans no y 
don't want to be an obedient Chump: 
neither do I want to come on like a 
rapist. How do you suggest D as 
what the naysaying young lady 
n Dodge Сиу. Kansas. 

Certainly not by asking her. Be firm 
but not forceful. 1. 1f you persist and she 
really wants you to stop, she'll let you 
know with conviction: in that case, yield 
to her 2. If she's testing your 

n Im 
па she tells m 
at conviction—to 


e always а prob- 


always me 

wishes, 2 
masculine assertiveness, you'll have passed 
the test splendidly. 3. If she thinks she 
пу you to мор but really doesn’t, 
you'll have made the decision for her; 
“deep down” she'll probably thank you, 
because gils wha are ambivalent about 
sex generally need and want a confident 
male to lead the way. 


Fhe heard that the major airlines main- 
tain “million-miler” clubs for people who 
: by plane. Members 

y use the private lounge ir 
terminal and generally are treated like 
VIPS. Сап you tell me the names of some 
of the clubs and the criteria for accept. 
. S. Santa Barbara, Califor 
The best-known clubs ате the Ad- 
miral's Club (American), the Club 2000 
(dir France), the President's Club (Con- 
tinental), the Ambassadors Club (TWA), 
the Clipper Club (Pan American) and 
the 100,000 and Million. Mile clubs 
(United). Membership requirements vary 
from one company to another. Probably 

at the 

the most exclusive is Air Franc which 
limits its lit of members to 2000 emi- 
nent international commuters who fly 
consistently ou. dir France aircraft. Mast 
other clubs extend membership lo сих 
tomers who meet a minimum mileage vc 
quirement. You can obtain эре 
membership information with а call. to 
Ihe airline of your choice. 



апу able recordings by 
specialize in this rechniquez—B. 
Hudson. New York 

Originated decades ago in the deep 
South by Negro blues musicians, “bottle 
neck” guitar playing involves tuning the 
instrument ta an open chord, then slid- 
ing a bottleneck. a lipstick cap or a metal 
bar up and down the keyboard to pro 
duce different notes, The bottleneck 
style docsn't allow for much complexity. 
harmonically or melodically, but can 
remarkably penetrating tones 
Today the tradition is perpetuated most 
ly by folklorists and фу little-known 
blues shouters who have kept the coun 
try styles. alive city ghettos. 
Some of the most authentic musicians 
who have been recorded using the bot 
пенек style ате Robert Johnson, Bukka 
White, Son House. James and 
Muddy Waters—who wears a ringlike 
piece of metal on his pinkie so he can 
achieve a bottleneck sound while finger 
ing his instrument. 


in the big 


Bia а college freshman and last month 
1 pledged for the prestige fraternity 

on campus AIL the brothers are great 
guys except. for onc—and becuse of 
him, Д have to split the scene. You see, 

le ad 

vances lo me. In the small town where I 

he's а homosexual. and he has m: 

grew up. such deviant behavior didn't 
exist, and T just don't know how to han 
dle it in a cool way: Гуе got to get out. 

s that 1 don't want to hurt 
al the fraternity. How cam 
only a month without 
wave of curiosity and suspi- 
Чоп on the campuse—D. Z., Berkeley, 

Did you say he was a homosexual or 
an ax murderer? The alarmed tone of 
yonr letter makes it sound like the laties 
Irs doubtful that this fellow will make 
pases ab you again, having been 
buffed; but if you [eel vo threatened by 
his presence, resign for personal reasons 
We've sure the Berkeley campus is both 
sophisticated enough and concerned 
enough with veal problems not to let 
your resignation cause an uncontrollable 
wave of “curiosity and suspicion” 


definite duration 

trip to Australia of in 
1 wonder if American 
ıs, traditional 

loafers and other items with which Im 
well supplied—will be appropriate. Or 
should 1 plan on drobe, to be 
ated by styles therc?—D. R., Ashe 
North Carol 

Your American wardrobe will be cor- 
rect in Australia, 

Clan you see an argument Tm hav- 
ing with my gir? 1 maintain that the 
ity belt," to prevent а woman from 
having intercourse, once actually existed, 
but she insists that the whole thing was a 
myth created by writers such as Ci 
and Boccaccio. Who's ri 
please tell us something about the рга 
tice and its history.—M. L, Denver, 

You're right. The chastity belt actually 
existed and was in sporadic use from the 
15th to the 19th Centuries. Samples ате 
on display in museums. throughout the 
world. A much cruder method of enfore- 
ing female chastity was practiced even 
earlier, in Africa and the Orient. This 
was infibulation, or sewing up of the vag- 
inal labia (lips) al puberty. The stitches 
were cut by the husband after marriage 
and resewn if he went on a trip. His- 
fovians speculate that contact with this 
custom, via the Crusades, led Europeans 
fo invent the moie ingenious “girdle of 
chastity.” which usually consisted of a 
metal device with openings large cnough 
10 allow the ehnunative Junctions but too 
small for sexual. penetsation. The first 
mention of such a contraption occurs in 
an Malian manuscript of 1109. There was 
theoretically only one key, held by the 
husband; but (wasn't long before 
humorous stories began circulating, most 
of them involving treacherous locksmiths 
and duplicate (ov triplicate) keys. Use of 
this cruel device declined with the rise 
of rationalism; but as late as August 10. 
1897, the U.S. Government granted a 
patent (number 587,991) to ove Michael 
McCormick of San Francisco for a “male 
chastity belt” Jor fathers to put on their 
adolescent sons in order to pre 
turbation, The only similar chastity de 
vice still in use, called “doggie breeches,” 
is employed by breeders of pedigreed 
dogs. Ll is fastened upon the hindquarters 
of a female to keep her from unpedisveed 
impregnation—or, as one crude зей said, 

10 ensine that no son oj а bitch born in 
this kennel will be a bastard.” 

cnt mas 

Al reasonable questions—]rom. fash- 
ion, food and drink, hi-fi and sports cars 
to dating dilemmas, taste and etiquette 
will be personally answered if the 
writer includes a stamped, self-addresed 
euvelupe. Send all letters to The Playboy 
Ишт. Playboy Building, 919 N. Michi- 
gun Ave. Chicago, Minois 60611. The 
most provocative, pertinent queries will 
be presented on these pages each month. 

These are Corbin exclusive 
Country Harvest Trousers 

Country Harvest is a handsome, sofl, yet 

hardy, fabric in a variety of plaids, district 
checks, herringbones and interesting mixtures. 
The distinctive colourings capture the feel and 
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See them now at your Corbin store. 

Corbin trousers — from $20 to $35. 
Ladies slacks are also available. 

Gentlemer's trousers and walking shorts by 


кеу рез Kona Feb анаа 



In essence: this is the 
fragrance that brings 
out the playmate in her, 
turns on the 

playbay in you! 
Half-ounce of 
Playboy's own 

$15 ppd. Code T200. 

1 we enclose a gift card in your name? 

ad check or money order tu: Playboy 
ucis. Playboy Building, 919 N. Michi 

gan Ave.. Chicago. Ш. 60611 Playboy Club 

credit keyholders may charge 

to their keys. 



. Introducing a crazy 
gimmick that makes sense. 

The Gimmick is called Automatic Tuning. 

Andit goes on a whole new different 
kind of Panasonic Radio. 

Instead of twisting, turning, dialing 
or sliding totune the Panasonic 
Automatic Tuning Radio, all you do is 
press your finger down on the tuning bar 
and watch the radio "home in" on the 
station you're looking for. 


Of course itis. But you'll hear 
some of the finest sound you've ever heard 
on any radio anytime or anywhere. 

Because the Panasonic Automatic 
Tuning Radio picks up the most powerful 
signal from any station. Leaving you 

TOW ATE (лю) 

withnothingto do but listen to beautiful 
music. Or beautiful news. Or a beautiful 
ball game. 
When you want to switch stations, just 
touch the automatic tuning lever and, 
poof, you're listening to the next station. 
Here are four of the Automatic Tuning 
(Radar-Matic*) Radios in the Panasonic line. 
First, there's the Power-Mate. The. 
most versatile automatic tuning radio you 
can buy. It's more than a portable. 
It's a car radio, too, with FM, AM and 
Marine Bands. You can be riding along 
listening to a Beethoven symphony, 
and when you leave the car take 
the symphony with you. 

raeeserren (ar sona 

Then comes the 4-speaker Executive. 
Thefirst FM/AM and FM stereo radio with. 

Following that comes the Pacesetter. 
It’s an FM/AM portable with automatic 

If you're looking fora small 
automatic tuning radio that you can take 
with you wherever you go, youmay 
consider the Touch т Tune. 

So, go into any store that carries 
the Panasonic line and ask tosee the 
Automatic Tuning Radios. 

We have a funny feeling that you'll 
admit there's finally a machine that 
cando something better than you can do. 

жолти ue) 

топон ек төө (клен) 




JF you've only recently decided to at- 
tend the Tenth Winter Olympic Games 
in Grenoble, France, from February 6 
ıo 18, you'll still be able t» acquire 
accommodations within easy commuting 
distance of Olympic sites. The Alpine 
towns of Aix-les- Bains and Cha 
both about an hour's drive from G 
ble—plan to provide daily transport 
to the games. If you're a ski bull, head 
Tor France's famed Alpine winter havens 
of Courchevel, Val d'Isère and Tignes— 
all of which will be sending buses into 
noble for the Olympically indined. 
lE you'd rather be based in a sizable, 
ging city, plan to stay im Geneva, 
ad, 90 miles northeast of Greno- 


trai ly runs to Grenoble 
(and back) in less than two hours. 
Located on the western shore of Lake 
Geneva, Switzerland's most cosmopoli- 
tan city is so serenely picturesque that it 
may sem almost antiseptic; jt isn't 
Many of Geneva's night spots remain 
open until four А.м. and so companion- 
able and complaisant are Gencvese wom- 
en that only a very [ew prostitutes will 
ever be found strolling the streer Thi 

just no demand for the 

The easiest way to тесі a Swiss miss 
is to wander into the Grand Casino, 
lively ballroom where, after putting your 
best foot forward on the dance floor, 

Newdound femme in hand, you'll en- 
hance your acquaintance by taking her 
on a tour of the city's brighter aft 
attractions. The huge, three-tiered Moulin 
Rouge, La Tour and Le 
present lloorshows and discotheque ауе 
dance music. For jazz, visit the Blue 
Note, which 1 
n and Am 
If you still have your girl in tow the 
following day, ask her to show you the 
jewelry shops of the Rue du Rhone and. 
Rue du Marché; it will be hard to re- 
sist the bargain prices offered on such 
wrist those 

watches as 
get, Audemars Piguet, 
Girard-Perre and Jacger-Le Coultre. 

When evening arrives once more, 
you'll be well advised to sample the pro- 
tean pleasures of dining in 
majority of the city's restau 
French food; Le Gentilhomme, Au Fin 
Bec and Le Béarn are among the most 
favored meccas for Gallic gastronomes. 
Geneva's array of firsirate international 
restaurants no les Lucullan. For 
Spanish ci e—ás well as for a spirited 
flamenco show following dinner—yisit 


produced by Pi 

the Don Quijote. Roberto's serves up the 
best It n food in town, and Chinois 
and Au Dragon d'Or dispense appetizing 
Oriental fare. 

When the Olympiad has run its course 
and you return to the U. S, you might 
want to top off your holiday at the Lake 
G i—in Wisconsin, where the sec- 
ayboy Club-Hotel (the first in 
ca) will open this spring. Situated 
just 75 miles northwest of Chicago and 
45 miles southwest. of lwaukee, the 
new $9,000,000, 900-acre hutch will be a 
manor in the grand manner for knowl- 
edgeable vacationers. 

Upon arrival, you'll be shown into one 
of the resorts 300 fully airconditioned 

rooms. ‘The seven-building hotel complex 
offers seven different types of opulently 
appointed | accommedations—including 
such sybaritic accouterments as fireplaces 

and well-stocked bars. Once ensconced, you 
may want to browse through the shopping 
arcade for a wide variety of vacation needs 
before venturing outdoors to sample the 
hoy playgrounds year-round sport- 
life. Springtime will offer an almost 
Olympic assortment of athletic options: 
horschack riding over 90 miles of wood- 
ed bridle paths; tennis on four champion- 
ship courts; sailing on Lake Geneva or 
the 25acre lake created for the Club- 
Hotel: for largemouthed bass; 
swimming ither the indoor or out- 
door pool, and skeet and trapshooting, to 
mention but a few. The lure of the links, 
however, will be Playboy's outstanding 
warm-weather attraction for weekend 
sportsmen, The Club-Hotel’s lavishly 
landscaped 18-hole golf course is a 7100- 
yard par-72 layout as eyecatch 
is challenging. And next w 
will schuss down Playboy-prepared slopes 
—the best in the Midwest- the bor- 
tom of which a luxurious lod 
dedicated to the pleasures of après-ski. 
Throughout your action-packed da 
and ht Playboy diningand 
establishmenis—from the easy 
informality of the Living Room to the 
ambiance of the VIP Room 
be available to every guest, depending on 
his mood, appetite and attire. Aud alte 
din is will be just as 
varied and plentiful, ranging from disco 
dancing in the Bunny Bar to firstrun 
films in the Little Theater to top show- 
busines stars appearing in the Penthouse. 
In short, Playboy has planned its newest 
Club-Hotel as a compleat retreat for the 
sophisticated city dweller; sec you thi 
this spring 
For[uriherinformalion,writeto Playboy 
Reader Service, Playboy Building, 919 
N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Hl. 60611. 




after anything 

Brut by Fabergé... 

if you have any doubts about yourself, 
try something else. 



Revlon’s great gift 
to 20^ Century Man 
may be his hair 

Look for а man who says he doesn't care about The remarkable anti-dandruff agent that it con- 
his hair. And you'll probably find a man who tains has been combined with a fine, non-greasy 
isn't telling you the truth. Because of this univer- pue A hairdressing any man would 
sal maleconcern, Revlon scientists <a | enjoy using daily. And regular use 

have worked for years to improve 
thecondition of the hair and scalp. 
And now, the announcement can 
be made of a remarkable discov- 
ery. A unique medical agent com- 
bined with a method of treatment 
that truly alleviates dandruff. 

New ZP"! Anti-Dandruff 
Hairdressing. A hairdressing cre- 
ated by the laboratories of Revlon, 
that doctors report has brought 
actual, visible results in 3 out of 
every 4 cases tested. 

Will ZP!! positively work 
for you? The odds are all in your 
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have tested ZP!! on hundreds of 
dandruff cases, both simple and 
severe. ZP'! was the answer in 5 
out of every 4 cases tested. After 
regular use of ZP'!, even severe 

is the key. ZP!! succeeds because 
medication stays on your scalp day 
after day. None is lost, as in wash- 

away shampoos. 

How soon could ZP!! work 
for you? Doctors noted that in 

| most cases, maximum benefits 

were obtained in fromone to three 
weeks. And once your dandruff is 
under control, ZP'! can actually 
keep it under control indefinitely. 

Even if itcouldn't doa thing 
about dandruff, you'd like what 
ZP! does for your looks. It's a 
pleasantly unobtrusive, non-greasy 
cream hairdressing with 
a fresh, clean masculine 
scent. And while it holds 
your hair, new ZP!! works 
on dandruff che way no 
weckly shampoo cver can. 

cases of flaking, scaling, itching, burning and Find out about ZP!!, the first Anti- 
crusting were under control. Dandruff Hairdressing. It's guaranteed 
Why is ZP!! so successful? Because it is Бу the Men's Division of the world 

32 thefirst continuous action anti-dandruff formula. renowned Revlon Research Laboratories. 


an interchange of ideas between reader and editor 
on subjects raised by “the playboy philosophy" 


The Idaho Legislative Council Com- 
mine on Criminal Law is ситем 
ged in a comprehensive study. de- 
signed 10 recodily and modernize the 
criminal statutes of this state. One of the 
primary areas of concern of the commit 
tec will be the statutes dealing with sex- 
ual offenses. As a source ol b 
material, we would like to abt 


of a complere st of 

à H. Schlechte, Director 

uive Council 

, Idaho 

seem more and more 10 be 
joining Hefner im his cruxude 
archaic and unfair sex laws. Recently. the 
Episcopal Diocese of California urged 
the abolition of all state laws governing 
sexual relations in private between con- 
adults, The chairman of the 
п Committee on Sexual Problems, 
Mis. Donovan Cooke, pointed out, as 
Hefner has so often done, that, ас 
cording to present laws, “most of us 
including married couples—are living in 
some kind of sin.” 

€. Boothe 

San Francisco, California 



Here in Canada, the. battle for sexual 
freedom is being won slowly but surely. 
The government has promised to revise 
our antiquated divorce laws and to repeal 
the law against birth-control devices and 
ags Almost all religious groups, 
cluding the Ri Catholic bishops, 
port these measures. A proposed abortion 
bill is run 10 some opposition, but 
it hay the support of the Canadian Medi- 
cal Association, the Canadian. Asso- 

tion everal powerful women's 
groups. There is talk of a revision of the 
obscenity statutes of the Canadian Crimi- 
nal Code, and the long-taboo subject of 
homosexuality is being publicly discussed. 

More and more people in high places 
the cou 


have to speak our on the 
side of sanity in such matters, I feel that 
rrAYBOY сан take a great deal of the 
edit lor t 

John D. Kenney 
Windsor, Ontario 


In the February Playboy Forum, the 
Reverend Thomas E. Sagendorf urged 
the Ohio. Penitentiary to allow inmates 
legal access t0. PLAYBOY, on the grounds 
that its fiction and articles are excellent 
and that its “pinups can serve the func 
tion of providing a more healthy hetero- 
sexual outlet in lieu . . . of the bondage 
ıo a homosexual outlet, which this 
institution. by 2, both fos 
ters and perpetuates.” When a contr 
il copy of that isme reached me 
—тлувоу had also been forbidde 
the Maryland House of Correction—I 
was prompted lo write to the M: ad 
Commisioner оГ Joseph 
Cannon. b argued ihat the Reverend 
gendorl'srecommendation that PLAYBOY 
be considered. approved. reading matter, 
though rejected in Ohio. might be imple- 
med iu Maryland. Last night, 1 re 
ceived an answer from the warden's 
office: 1 may now legally subscribe to 

very natu 


tremendous morale booster, 
will provide an educated approach to 
liberal ideas and will, to some exient, 
decrease tie homosexuality problem here 

My request for a su 

scription is 

Edward H. Parry 
Maryland House of Correction 
Jesup. Maryland 


PLAYBOY is to be commended for dis- 
cussing homosexuality as frankly as it 
discusses heterosexu: 

І sought 
normal life fi 

1 was a homosexual. 
ived the help of a psy- 
I have led a 
e years, Soon 
wondi and 

а result, 
the past i 
а very 

cure," there 
will be cases where psychiatrists will not 
be able to chin; 
tation. T would like to stress that an indi 
vidual should have the right to conduet 
his life as he desives and to make his own 
decisions. In a sane society, homosexual 
and heterosexual. individuals should be 
able to live work harmoniously, 
without fear or hatred. 

(Name withheld by request) 

Jadianupolis. Indiana 

Та spite of my successful 

homosexual's orien 




Complete your 
stereo system with the 
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The brilliantly professional Sony 
solid-state 350 stereo tape deck 
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superior performance of tape to your 
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pleasure a full array of professional fea- 
tures. Three heads for tapc-and-source 
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ation. World-famous Sony stereo 
recording amplifiers and playback pre- 
amps. Dual VU meters. Auto shut-off. 
And a set of specs designed to put your 
speakers to the test of excellence. Fre- 
quency response: 30-20,000 Hz. S.N. 
ratio: minus 52 db. Flutter and wow: 
under 0.09% . The 350's black and gold 
decor is complemented by a hand- 
somely luxurious walnut-grain.base. It's 
all yours to enjoy for under $199.50. 
Should you want to add portability 
to your 350, there's the 350C, mounted 
in a dark gray and satin-chrome 
carrying case, at less than $219.50. 
For further information write, Super- 
scope, Inc., 8150 Vineland Ave., Sun 

Valley, Calif. 





liven il 




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Turn tap water to sparkling club soda 
...anytime, anywhere. A quart and a 
half of the perfect mixer for 15e. 
Holds 50 per cent more than conven- 
tional syphons. No bottle openers, no 
empties to drag back to the store. 
Fresher, too. And so easy... fill 
Sparklet with tap water, replace cap, 
insert one Sparklet cartridge... it's 
ready. Mixed beverages, ice cream 
sodas, phosphates. The perfect bar 
accessory .. . the ideal gift. Suggested 
list price $22.95 at better department, 
liquor and drug stores everywhere. 
(Standard one quart model, $18.50.) 

If unavailable locally, send 
check or money order to: 

3501 Bent St. • St. Louis, Missouri 63116 

Box of 
ten Sparklet 

A society that makes a 
out a victim is far sicker tha 
perpetrator of that a 
ı. à productive member of society 
sexual. 1 resent the constant 
of exposure that hangs over my 
head because 1 occasionally indulge in 
ual relations. I happen to be en- 
а so-called cla 

were E required 
to choose between personal exposure and 
betrayal of my country, 1 would choose 
without hesitation to let my homosexual 
behavior be revealed—and that my 
county would repay my fidelity with 

(Name and address 
withheld by request) 


After reading several letters in The 
Playboy Forum regarding police enuap- 
ment of homosexuals, E feel that it's ume 
for a few words Irom someone on. the 
other side. 1 have been a police officer 
lor seven years, and recently was given 
а six-month assignment with the homo- 
ма] detail, The police depariment had 
received numerous complaints of homo- 
xual activity in the public rest room of 
a large shopping center. Heterosexual 
men were being propositioned verbally 
and physically—this is all we wanted to 
eliminate. Both my partner and I dressed 
conservatively, in Levis, sport shirt and 
loafers, We never employed verbal ad 
vances or other enticements to l in 
aking our arresis—all of which were 
le because the subjects reached under 
а partition to grope our legs or grabbed 
our genitals at the urinal. 

1 have no complaint if homosexuals en- 
joy themselves in private; but when they 
begin t0 extend their activities to public 
rest rooms, they should be arrested. 

James P. Wittenberg 
San Jose, Califor 

Unhappily for homosexuals, not all 
police officers conduct themselves with 
the commendable restraint practiced by 
you and your partner. Sec the following 

Lamah . a creature of 
а heart; 1 have 
re whatever I 
have with them. I work hard 
been successful. However, althou 
not rob or kill or defraud, | am a 
criminal. because T am a homosexual. 
I remember last New Year's Eve. The 
Angeles police raided a small, 
ndly “gay” bar and beat and kicked 
of the customers into submission. 
ave a quecr for 

One cop kept selling, 
Why should innocent people enjoy- 
the company of their own kind be 
ibjeaed to such brutality? 

I have lived my 33 years honestly and 

have dedicated myself to helping others. 
1 served in the U.S. Navy and received 
п honorable discharge. 1 hold the 
Purple Heart for service in Kore: 

Tf Lam а criminal (and the law 
am), I guess 1 can look forward to 
sentence some day or other. H this ba 

pens, will the country be better off? Who 
what am I harming merely by my 

( withheld by request) 
Los Angeles, 


Here in Honolulu, as in every other 
major city throughout the United State 
the local vice squad is actively engaged 
in entrapments; and, since the cops al 
ways work in pairs and continually lie 
for cach other, the courts take their word 
St Char of the accused. 
Iam a veteran of the Korean conflict, 
ith ам honorable discharge. and I con 
possible to my com 
I happen to be 

munity. Му proble 
A lew mo 
lowed me 
kiki beach and stood very close to 
the winal. He proceeded 10 reve: 
self in my direction in such a manner 
that 1 could not help but look. Now, il 
lovely young gitl stood very near to you 
and revealed her naked breasts, would 
you not becom 
to me. Then the young man thpped out a 
badge and said that T was under arrest. 
A police van was called. Iu court. I 
pleaded not guilty. bur when my tial 
came up. the arresting officers Ней and 
said that Twas masturbating at the 
- in full public view, After the judge 
чашну, my whole life ch 


kes to call icelf "the tropical 
but the vice squad has turned. 
it imo a tropical hell for me 
me withheld by request) 
Honolulu, Hawaii 


Add this to your file on police han 
dling of homosexuals. Our present laws 
not only encou and en- 
pment but also create episodes such as 
the following. While waiting at a bus 
stop. a police officer, in uniform but in 
an unmarked car, stopped and asked me 
wed a ride. T am decidedly ef 
s aud it was obvious that he 
1 de- 
for the bus. away, but 
circled the block and returned to 
n if T wanted a lift. Again I de 
When he returned for the second 
cepted the lift, He then drove 
to a secluded spot and asked me t0 т 
move my trousers. 1 was rel int а 
declined. However, when he told mi 
that if 1 didn't submit, he would take 

him I w: 
He drove 


'The watch for calendar collectors 
who don't know what day it is. 

It’s pretty tough to sell a military 
man on a new kind of calendar. But 
we're going to try anyway. 

First of all, our Day ‘n’ Date watch 
keeps itself up to date. There aren't 
any pages to tear off every day. (And 
if you've got a date that night, it re- 
minds you all day long that you've got 
to get back to the barracks early to 
shower and shave. ) 

Second of all, our Day ‘n’ Date 
watch is a great watch with a 17-jewel 

movement in a waterproof,* shock-re- 
sistant case that'll go through tough 
maneuvers without a whimper. 

Third of all, our Day `n’ Date watch 
is made by the Caravelle® Division of 
Bulova. (If you never heard of Bulova 

EA j you сап stop reading now.) 

Fourth ofall, our Day‘n’ Date watch 
is great-looking—not as great-looking 
as the art collection on your wall, but 
would you believe almost? 




таа ED 1880 g- 

NL 2 


instant replay 



The most extraordinary 
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In America, the Fisher 700-T is rather expensive. It had to be. 

But for servicemen and U.S. Government employees stationed overseas, Fisher's new 
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Mail the coupon for complete details, today. 

For information on a SPECIAL program for personnel serving in Vietnam, contact 
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Free hi-fi book plus big overseas military discounts. 

Free! $2 Value! Mail this coupon for The Fisher Handbook, an en- 
tirely revised and enlarged edition of the famous Fisher high fidelity 
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Fisher Radio International, Inc. 

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If air mail reply desired, please enclose $1.00. вт? 


Ron Rico. Wasnt he 

the top kick who introduced 
The Panther Tango at the 
Officers Club? 


An understandable error. Ronrico is smooth, 
seductive, Latin. So you might connect it with the tango. 

in Puerto Rico (where the light, dry rums come from). 
One sip and you'll never again mistake it 
for anything else. 

Even the Panther Tango. = - 
But Ronrico's a rum. The lightest, driest-tasting rum made У 
Cha cha cha. 0 



Ronrico. A rum 
to remember. 

A Ж £ E AP 

Does a girl go with P m 
of New Improved Rapid Shave? 

No, but girls certainly go for the men who use it. 
They notice how smooth and inviting it leaves 
aman’s face. And no wonder. Rapid Shave has a 
great new formula which combines a really 
rich, creamy lather and 17 beard softeners — all 
working double-time to give those tough 
С. 1. beards the closest, smoothest shaves you’ve 
ever seen. Ask for new improved Rapid Shave 
at your PX, now in three formulas: Regular, cooling 
Menthol, and exciting new Lime, the tangy 
fragrance that makes shaving a tropical breeze. 
And try Palmolive After Shave Lotion too... 
soothes in seconds, refreshes for hours. 

Co., 1966 




The World Monitor — Complete tope recorder 

The Adventurer Il — — Popular-priced — With VU meter for 
125-0 іп. picture, multi-band radio, with accurate recording, 
solid-state rectifier, Superb stereo portable 4-in. speaker, footpedal jack, and 
precision-etched circuit, components-With 8-in. 17-transistor chassis, complete gift pack 
front controls and front and 3-in. speakers in long-range pull-in power, including AC converter, 
sound, VHF-UHF each wing, automatic electronic fine tuning, batteries, earphone, 
reception, Weighs only “speed changer, 4 optional AC power extra tape. Solid-state 
19V. Ibs. High-impact audio controls, auxiliary converter. design, capstan drive. 
polystyrene cabinet, in input-output jack, Leather-look vinyl case. Sturdy polystyrene case, 
ivory, transparent dust cover. with metal grille. 

hı wainutgrained vinyl, 

оп steel. 

X-ellent gifts! 
Portables by 
General Electric! 

You'll like giving them for Christmas. You'll like buying them for yourself. And you'll 
like the low PX price tags on these very affordable portables from General Electric. They're great 
performers, all. And they make greet presents for the folks back home! GENERAL @ ELECTRIC 

She's hoping for a big one some day! 

Send her 
the diamond 
that can === 


grow v == 


= - — —— SERIAL NL MB 
It's House of Adler's “Great Expectations” ы PARA aA 
diamond. And it has a big future! Like 
love and income—it can grow. How? 
Every House of Adler diamond can be 
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No wonder House of Adler serves 
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this exquisite diamond 

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Tiffany setting. 

Мо House of Adler in your PX? 

Ask the officer in charge for our 
catalog. Or, order by coupon (or 
letter) the setting pictured here. It's 
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Will your girl be “the excep- 
tion"? Relax. Exchanges 
are permissible. 

What's more, House of 
Adler, third generation 
diamond merchants, guar- 
antees every diamond for cut, 
clarity, color and weight according to Uncle Sam's 
standards, There's “great expectations" for you in the diamond 
that can grow. Order! Just choose the carat weight with the price you 
can now afford; (A) % Carat... $113“; (B) Уз Carat... $160; 

(C) % Carat... $225*; (0) % Carat... $318; (E) % Carat... $444*; 
(F) 34 Carat. . . $600; (G) 1 Carat... $950*; (Н) 2 Carats... $3050*. 
No tax—Duty Free! 


Or is she hoping for diamonds on her wrist? 

Send a glittering HAMILTON WATCH! 22 Jewel High Precision Movement, 
2 Carats Total Weight, 44 Diamonds in 14 Kt. White Gold Case . . . $1125. H COMMU ETM VIE TC ES: 

rant to where the flavor i is. 
Come to Marlboro Country. Marlboro 

You get a lot to like with a Marlboro—filter, flavor, pack or Бох. \ 


give him the 

fabulous Triple Gift— 
Playboy Club Key, 
bottle of champagne, 
LeRoy Neiman painting— 
all three gifts for the 
price of the Key, 

just £8-8-O 

st Christmas 39,000 men in the U.S. received the Playboy Triple 
ift. Here's your chance to give the same thrilling gift most 

important men on your list, a gift that continues to give enj 
year after year, that assures fun-pack 

long. Playboy's 

your friends, relatives and business associates receive this season. 


This offer definitely will not he 
made after Christmas. Orders 
received up to December 19 will 
be filled in time for the new 
member to begin using his key 
during the holiday season. To 
order Triple Gift Keys, use the 
ication at right. 


London * Atlanta * Baltimore 
Boston * Chicago * Cincinnati 
Detroit * Jamaica « Kansas City 
Los Angeles * Miami + Montreal 

8.0 Triple Gift Fee includes the Chart 
hip Subscription of £5.5.0. Applicants from the Continent may enclose Triple 
nt funds of their own country in cheque, money order or currency. 


то: Membership Secreta 
ТО SE PLAYBOY CLUB, 45 Park Lane, London W. 

days and nights 

New member offers his playmate a champagne toast beneath LeRoy Neiman ой. 


Here's what the lucky man will get: 

1. His Personal Key to The Playboy Club. This famous 
symbol ef the good life will admit him to every 
Playboy Club in the world. As new Playboy Clubs 
are opened (17 Clubs are now in operation and more 
ere in the planning stage), his key will provide en- 
tree to cach. The key constantly becomes more valu- 
able and brings to mind your thoughtfulness. 

2. A Bottle of Fine Champagne. Upon his first visit 
to The Playboy Club the new keyholder will be pre- 
sented a bottle of champagne by a beautiful Bunny, 
with your compliments. He'll begin his life as a 
playboy in our famous festive atmosphere with a 
sparkling reminder of your good taste. 

3. LeRoy Neiman Print. Neiman’s 24" x 30” oil paint- 
ing Hunt of the Unicorn actually served as the study 
for the 52-foot mural he painted for the new Playboy 
Club-Hotel in the United States. This work, inspired 
by the great Unicorn Tapestries of France, bril- 
liantly combines the traditional motif of landscape, 
beast and sportsman with contemporary colour, 
technique and excitement. 

Initiation Fee of 3.3.0 and the first year's 

| Here is ту order toc 


D Triple Gift order only O personal Triple Gift only 
Enclosedis my cheque for E. 

| shore to my Playboy Club Key number — 

If you аге a member yourself, or have ever been to 
The Playboy Club as 2 guest, you already know the 
numerous advantages unlocked by the coveted key: 

+ The gentlemanly pleasures of rclaxing in your 
very own Club 

* Man-sized potables, brewed with double por- 
tions of the finest liquors and served to you by 
the Playboy Club Bunnies 

* Outstanding entertainment by such stars as 
Топу Bennett, Della Reese, Dave Allen, Woody 
Herman, Mort Sahl, Dizzy Gillespie 

The man's world of Playboy is yours to 
bestow with the Triple Gift offer — BUT 
YOU MUST ORDER NOW. And if you don't 
have a Playboy Key yourself, now is the 
time to get in on the nightly festivities at 
the world's most distinguished key club. 
Each gift key, accompanied by certificate entitling 
the recipient to champagne and reproductioi 
Гапу Neiman paint 

in a personalize: де... including a рор-ц 
Christmas card signed with your name, as you 

rect. Imagine his delight at being able to celebra 
New Year's Eve in ^s exciting clubrooms! 

The lucky new member moy use hin key in all Playboy 
Cluba. Certificates may be redeemed any lime during 1968. 

England l 

2 personal and Triple Gift order 



] derîne personal Triple Gitt mamberahin ойу, yeu need not compete portion below 




LJ Send Triple Gilt to recipient with gift card signed. 

New Orleans + New York + San س‎ 
Iwish to present Triple Gift personally. Send package and unsigned card to me. 

Francisco * St. Louis + Phoenix 

Bunny croupiers call the turn at | Û 
the Playboy gamingtables as mem- 
bers and guests try their luck. 

Use separate sheet of paper to order additional gift keys. 



me in for making an indecent proposal, 
1 cooperated and he had his way. 

He did not ask for money nor did he 
uy to entrap mc; he merely wanted. to 
satisfy his own homosexual desires. Con- 
tary to the popular stereotype of the 
“promiscuous faggot.” we do have some 
selectivity and like t0 pick our own sex 
partners. It is degrading to be forced 

(Name withheld by request) 
Honolulu, Hawaii 

The July Playboy Forum included a 
letter from a homosexual who was afraid 

he might be deported trom the U.S. if 

ferences were d 
0.5. as an 
in 1959 and obtained an executive job 
a large hotel in the East. As a hamosex 
al, T subscribed to two homosexual ma 
ines published in the U.S. In. Europe, 
ions are sold openly, and E 
accustomed to reading them. 

lt was quite some time before L no- 
t my mail had been tampered 

his sexual pr 
1 entered 

shadowed, both by car and on foot. My 
apariment was broken into and. though 
there were quite a few valuables 
only a camera and а number of pr 
papers and letters were taken. Soon 1 re 
ceived a telephone call from rhe In 
gration Service, telling me to come in for 
i “hearing” 
At the hearing. 1 was confronted 
th evidence that could have been ob- 
tained only as a result of this burglary. 
There were also photostatic copies of my 
letters to an Amer id. who was 
th the Army. agings had 
been confiscated letters: found. 
These letters cle aled that T am 

Т was questioned by psychiatrists in a 
y hospital, who concluded. unar 
mously that I was a psychopath because 
1 was homosexual. My own psychiatrist 
testified. that although 1 might have 
other problems. 1 was not a psychopath, 
He was overruled by Immigration au 
thorities and 1 was deported within the 

The entire situation was handled in 
the same way thar the Gestapo handled 
things in my country during the War. 

ithheld by request) 

Oslo. Norway 


Because of. PLaynoy's consistent oppo- 
sition 10 cewsorship, readers will be 
pleased jo learn of a significant decision 
in favor of a free. press. 

Early this year. the operators of Direc- 
tory Services, Inc, a Minneapolis firm 
that sells photographs, movies and a maga 
zine appealing to homosexuals, were ar- 
sted for using the mails to distribute 
obscene. lewd, lascivious, indecent. filthy 
” material. They were indicted 
on 29 counts—15 for mailing materials 

depicting male nudes and 14 for m. 
improper advertising circulars, 
The prosceution's position was simple, 
though primitive and unenlightened. 
Using the criteria laid down by the 
Supreme Court, the prosecuting atiorney 
argued thar the DSI materials (1) ap- 
peated to the prurient interests of ho- 
mosexuals, (2) exceeded the limits. of 
candor set by contemporary national 
idi ) were utterly without re 
deeming social value and (4) were adver- 
tised im such manner as to pander to 
salacious interests, More imaginatively, 
the Government argued that since society 
(meaning the average man) considers ho- 
mosevualiry morbid, does not tolerate 
it and looks upon the activities of homo- 
sexuals as shameful, it follows (1) 
that anything appealing to the sexual 
interests of homosesuals is regarded 
obscene by the average person and. (2) 
that the test [or obscenity is not whether 
the material appeals to the prurient iv 
terest of the homosexual group for which 
it is imended but whether society think 
such materials appeal to the prurient 
terest of. homosexuals. 
The defense argued (1) that. the four 
criteria prescribed by the Sup e Court 
had not been violated, (9) that nudity 
and homoscsuality—twe things not i 
themselves obscenc—could. hardly consti 
tute obscenity when combined and (3) 
that the heterosexual majority should not 
be permitted to tyrannize over the homo 
sexual minority by dictating what hon 
sexuals may or may not read or look 
in the privacy of their own homes. 
Altogether, 26 witnesses testified be- 

fore the court over а two-week period. 
Prosecution witnesses ranged from 31- 
yearold Dallas man who, though chime 

ing to be heterosexual, testified that the 

he had ordered DSI 
to have ah 
c he would not оета 
a 42-year-old mechanical engineer from 
Ohio who gave the trial an unexpected 
turn when he declared, under examina- 
tion by the defense. that he 
willing witness and that postal inspectors 
had threatened to expose him as a 
homosexual to his employer unless he 

For the defense, Dr, Wardell Pomeroy, 
t formerly of the Kinsey In- 
that the DSI material 
would not be sullicient t0 induce a het 
crosexual male to make homosexual con 

was an un- 

nas and it would not sximulue an 
individual to commit illegal acis; that 
there is no "critical period" at which boy 

ticularly likely to be influenced 
мо homosexualism: that there is less sex- 
wal activity between adult homosexuals 
and children than between adult hetero 
sexuals and children; and that attitudes 
toward homosexuals ave changing and 
homosexuals are more and more being 

Dr. Walter С. 

Alvarez, famous medical 

columnist, doubted th the 
terial would harm a child (including the 

doctor's. grandchildren). could “hardly 
imagine” a person with latent homo 
sexual. tendencies being stimulated. int 

overt homosexuality by the material and 
believes the suppression of printed mat 
ter depicting male nudes “will do more 
harm than good.” The Reverend Ted 
Mcllvenna, Director of the National 
Young Adult Project of the Methodist 
Church, said he considers it “helpful” for 
children (including his own) to see photo 
graphs of nude males, though he docs not 
want them to see pictures of violence and 
brutality. A private investigator, who had 
checked out the names of people on the 
DSI g list, testified that they repre- 
sent a “cross section” of the community— 
including high school principals, police- 

men and public oficials. 
Judge Earl R. Larson called in Dr. 
Donald Hastings. head of the department 

of psychiatry at the University of Minne- 
sot Medical School, to testify as an im- 
partial expert. Dr. Hastings said the DSI 
material was not prurient and further сх 
plained that the appeal to homosexuals 
of nude male pictures is "not fund 
mentally different” from the appeal lo 
heterosexual males of the nude temale 
pictures in pravnoy. (At this tr 
PLAYHOY was generally cited as represc 
ing acceptable. contempo: national 
standards regarding the public 
sexually oriented. material.) 

The defendants were found not guilty 
on cach of the 29 counts and J 
son concluded that none of the tests for 
obscenity set down by the Supreme 
Court had been violated. In short. 
homosexuals (like heterosexuals) have a 
right 10 purchase material that appeals 10 
their erotic interests, and ен 
synonymous with. prurient 
The court added the follow 
ful rarement: “The rights of minorities 
expressed individually in sexual 
or otherwise must be respected. 
increasing research and. study. we 
in the future 
standin Ol ourselves, 
and. others." 


ig meaning- 




come to a better 
sexual deviants 

Harold L. Call, Pr 
Miattachine Society, bic. 
San Francisco, Galifornia 


I cant understand 
ictory — attitude 

the Ром Ollice's 
toward асу" 


photographs. They bes us to р 
Zip" in our mail, don't they? 

Baltimore, Maryland 


I was under the impression that what I 
read and what stirred my libido was my 
own damn business; however, recently a 
copy of Freedom Talk, a Life Line radio 
broadcast, was sent to me. The frcedoi 
Melvin Munn, commentator. on 

If you could put 
Tareytons charcoal filter 
on your cigarette, 

youd have 
a better cigarette. 

‚ Ж" 

Of course we can't guarantee it'll smoke as smooth as aTareyton. 

К | 




10 Bes 
New Tareyton 10075 with the charcoal filter. „еже ғ 


The sneak 
favorite weapon 

What makes the Olympus Pen-EES 
such an effective candid camera is 1) 
its easily concealed dimensions, 2) its 
automa shutter speed aperture 
combination system, and 3) easyto 
focus lens. 

All you do is find a likely terget and 
Point in that direction. Then click! A 
moment preserved that only you know 

Another advantage of the Pen-EES, of 
course, is that it's a half-frame. This 
means you get twice as many pictures 
on a roll of standard 35mm film, So 
the danger of finding yourself out of 
film just when the right subject comes 
along is reduced considerably. 

You'll find the Pen-EES at fine camera 
stores everywhere. See it today, and 
good hunting! 


88 2 Hamburg 1, Steindamm 105. 

Freedom Talk. velers to is my freedom to 
read: and he wants to take it away Irom 
me, under the guise of "defending" me 
ist pornography. This reminds me 
of а woman in Fort Worth, Texas, who 
was raising hell over a road sign that 
read Two pams. (Of course, there were 
dams nearby) This enlightened 
Christian became so vehement over the 
possibility that children would see this 
sign that she wrote to the editors of her 
demanding that it be 

locıl newspaper, 
taken. down. 
Richard E. Garnett 
Fort Worth, Texas 
“Freedom Talk” hay as its 
chief sponsor H L. H Produeis, owned 
by mullibillianaire H. L. Hunt. (Mr. 
Hunt had personally financed the radio 
program, until its tax exemption was 
canceled in 1965.) You are not the first 

Mr. Munn's 

оне to note thai Munn and. Hunt seem 
more interested in abolishing than in 

protecting freedom. 


Some time ago. the Citizens for Decent 
Literature sprang up here in Cedar 
Falls, Iowa. The members showed an in. 
credible film, Pages of Death, at one of 
their meetings, and Т was one of about 

dozen rational people who attended 
the showing. together with about 60 of 


film show how а 


purports 10 
bookish (instrument of the Devil, 
hooks!) rapes a Sweet Young Ешше 
Mother of America and leaves her body 
in the city dump, after he read 

“йу magazines. 

Alter the showing, a few skeptical 
yersons tried to point out that there is 
по causal connection between. sexually 
oriented material and sex crimes, 

The meeting instantly turned 
riot. People screamed. 1 had read about 
occurrences like this, but I had never 
been involved in опе, It was a fright 
ening experience. Those of us who did 
nd up amd ask pointed questions got 
wers from so far like 
hearing the question answered in Chi- 
nese, The o communication with 
those people. None, The CDI. quickly 
are, naturally, that there was 
nd the meetin 


to а 


opposition present got 
so noisy and out of hand that the leaders 
тиру adjourned il, rather than let 

any of us ask 

ny more questions or make 

ore statements. 

I telephoned 36 people that weekend. 
and on Sund: origin 
my house. We had college faculty mem- 
bers, university department heads. librari- 
ıs. public school teachers, housewives, 
minister, iger, etc. The 
upshot of the discussion was th: 
elected a provisional planning committee 
of five to prepare for a public mecti 
and а permanent. organization. 

We are now official: the Free 
Read Organization of Black 

the “i 

à bookstore m; 

Чот to 

County. a nonprofit association. for the 
purposes of informing and cduciting a 
free publie regarding a free press and 
the right to read 
Our board of directors includes two 
мате legislators. a psychiatric social 
worker, а clinical psychologist. а theater 
owner, а dentist, a school librarian, a 
Girl Scout executive, a Stue College of 
lowa department head and the college 
librarian of the State College of Towa. 
Patricia Samson 
Cedar Falls. lowa 


A friend showed me a publication 
titled Operation Yorkville Newsletter 
which is devoted to proving that obscene 
literature is a grave and present danger 
to the stavival of America. On page four 
of this sheet, there is a diagram showing 
a seesaw with three men on onc side 
and one on the other. The caption reads. 
ош ol four psychiatrists say 

Effect of obscenity on personality is 
bad. "There is no evidence given 
to support this rather. startling. statistic 
Can you tell me: Have there been any 
statistical surveys of. psychiatric opinion 
on this subject, and would the 
support Operation Yorkville's claim? 
Henry Foote 
New York, New York 
There has been such a итеу, 
taken in 1966 by the New Jersey Com 
mitice for the Right to Read, and it 
contradicts Operation. Yorkville's state 
The vesponses of 203 New Jersey 
pyychiatrists and psychologists revealed 
the following statistical breakdown о] 
On the question of whether, in their 
experience, sexually oriented literature 
provoked antisocial behavior. the experts 
voted 16 to 1 thal 
question of whether such material might 
be beneficial to some readers by provid: 

vicarious outlet, they voted yes 




it did not; on the 

two to onc. 

Furthermore, onthe question of 
sorship itself was beneficial 
they voted six to one 

whether се 
to young people, 
that it was not. 
Finally, asked whether censorship. it 
self is harmful, they voted two to one 
that it is. Some of the comments of the 
New Jersey psychiatrists and psycholo 
gists polled are illuminating, A clinical 
psychologist specializing in children and 

adolescents wrole: 

1 dave for the 
worked — extensively 

рам 12 

with adoles- 
disturbed, de- 
linquents, brain injured—the 
range. 1 have yet to encounter а sin- 



gle case where harm was done 10 a 
child because. he was reading por 
nographic material. [Some] 

started to gel better when they be- 
gan to read pornography. 

About all there is to do is swim, 
scuba, snorkel, skindive, fish the 
deep sea, paddle a boat or just float. 
Of course, there are shops to visit, 
movies to watch, trips to take, ska 
parties to enjoy and an 800-foot white 
sand beach to wander. As they say, 
it's no place like home. Unless. of 
course, you happen te have an Olym- 
pic-size pool, sunken Grecian baths, 
meeting rooms, bi-level suites with 
private patios and breathtaking views. 
Plus a night club, gourmet cuisine and 
a bounty of beautiful Bunnies to wait 
on you hand and foot. If this isn't 
the simple life as you know it—try it! 

simple life 

- XE 



Contact Utell International in New York, 
Miami. Chicago. Boston, Dallas, Los 
Angeles, Montreal, Toronto and London, 
or your travel agent. Or, clip this coupon 

Hotel Division, Dept. J-2t 
Jhe Playboy Building. 
919 N. Michigan Ave: 
Chicago, Ilinois 60611 

Give me the simple life and rush me 
ihe Jamaica Playboy Club-Hotel's 
free color brochure. 


i = 

Ocho Rios, Jamaica, West Indies. 





4 clinical psychiatrist commented: 

I do not recall a single case ex- 
amined by me or presented at staff 
conferences by any other member 
oj the staf] in which sexually ori- 
ented publications, photographs, 
films or other materials played a 
discernible part in the development 
oj the youngsters disorder 

Another clinical. psychiatrist: stated: 

The sexual offenders ] have seen 
in 20 years of practice have been, 
without exception, shy, ignorant, 
bumbling middle-aged men, active 
in church, scouts or some such or- 
ganization stressing a sort of ideal 

A clinical psychologist had this to say: 

In clinical practice, the literature 
read has nothing to do with the 
emotional difficulty. Basically, the 
conscious as well as the unconscious 
difficulties arise from the inter- 
familial directly, and indirectly from 
those influences such as church and 
school, etc., and lastly the books or 
films he or she may see. 

The last two statements, in particular, 
support the theory, generally accepted 
among psychologists, that those who at- 
tempt to deny and suppress their sexual 
needs, for religious or for moral reasons, 
are mort apt to break down and give 
expression to these needs through uncon- 
trollable, antisocial behavior than are 
those who guiltlessty accept the sex drive 
as а healthy, normal part of life. 

Recently. The Detroit Free Press car- 
ried the story of a police chief in West 
Hartford, Connecticut, who ordered an 
rtgallery owner to remove a picture of 
a nude wom display window. 
justified this demand by claiming 
hen passed the arr gallery on 
their way to school. As a Free Press col- 
umnist said: "Why should children be 
shielded from the anatomical facts of 
life? Tı is far better that their curiosity be 
sitisfied at an early age than suppressed 
to explode Liter." This sort of censorship 
not only infringes on our rights, it suc- 
ceeds in protecting no one. 
warps the same young minds for which 
it claims concen 

Dave Shane 
1, Mich 


listening to the radio the othe 
d a lady who was telephoning 
a popular “talk” program in this area 
uplain about a new baby doll about to 
innoduced in the U.S. by the Crea 
is Loy stores. Her complaint 
t this boy doll is anatomically 

testicles, just like a real baby boy. She 
described this doll as "pornographi 
and said that people were already band- 
g together to prevent its sale in the 
U.S. The purpose of her call was to 
the public to the menace of this doll. 
tly it never occurred to this 
woman or to the people she claims are in 
ment with her that а represe 
human being without sex organs 
could well be considered an obscenit 
In my opinion, hiding the sex or 
pretending they do not е 
nent damage to the mi a child. 
t could be a more graphic demon 
stration ro an impressionable child that 
there is something wrong with the sex 
than to give it a doll that is ana 
11 in all respects except 
k where the genitals 

should be? 
No one is forcing these prudes to buy 
the doll: why must they try to prevent 
enlightened parents from obtaining th 
toy for their children? If such activity 
js nor unconstitutional. it should be. 
Arthur Seldon 
Chicago. Hlinois 

PLAYBOY stresses that childr 
be taught that sex is natural and beau 
ful. not something to be hidden or de- 
nied. This is fine, but you neglect to add 
a most vital rule: "Do not expose a child 
to that which he cannot. handle.” Some 
` parents will interpret your dicta 
10 mean that it is good то allow children 
to see the nude body. That is like put 
ting a child in the driver's seat of a cu. 
Young children, up 10 the age of puber- 
ty. are not emotionally equipped to view 
the nude body nor to handle the over 
whelming sensory flood that results from 
such a sigh cannot cope with it: 
To handle repress and block. 
And. y ıt out, 
they may grow up more neurotic than 
those children who come from puri 
tanical home: 

n should 


David F. Feingold 
Columbia Universi 
New York, New York 
The psychoanalytical 
hich we assume you refer is 

We disagree. 
theory la 
based on the rather improbable (and cer- 
tainly unproved) assumption that a little 
boy, viewing the nude female body, will 
think that the girl once had a penis that 
has been amputated and will begin to 
worry that this will happen to him, too 
(castration anxiety), while a little girl, 
viewing the nude male, will feel inferior 
because she does not possess a phallus 
(penis envy). Ay “The Encyclopedia of 
Sexual Behavior" points out, even psycho- 
analysts who accept this theory caution 
“that attempting to keep from children 
the knowledge of sex differences by con- 
cealment is a naive and futile семиз 
and that the emotional emphasis. with 

which this is usually done, viz.. going to 
extraordinary lengths t0 maintain sexual 
modesty when revelation would be the 
simple natural concomitant of a domestic 
activity, serves only to intensify the cus- 
tration anxiety and penis е " Most 
non-Freudian psychologists reject the 
Theories of castration anxiety and penis 
emy entirely and insist that the child 
who has not been adversely conditioncd 
by excessively prudish parents will react 
to the naked human body without any 
special anxiety. 

For example, A. S. Neill. headmaster 
of the successful Summerhill school, has 

Nakedness should never be dis- 
couraged. The baby should sec its 
parents naked from the beginning. 
How ‚ the child should be told 
when he is ready to understand that 
some people don't like to see chil- 
dren naked and that, in the pres- 
ence of such people, he should wear 
clothes. . 

The very jact that the law does 
not permit exposure of the sex or- 
gans is bound to give childien a 
warped attitude toward the human 
body. . . 

The “overwhelming sensory flood” 
that results [vom viewing the naked body 
is without question а culturally. condi- 
lioned response; many Victorians experi- 
enced it al the sight of an exposed ап 
But times have changed, anit the same 
process that has made ankles acceptable 
is gradually being applied to the vest of 
the human body. Dr. Benjamin Spock, 
the eminent psychiatric pediatrician, 
points ош: 

In half а century, Americans 
have made a full swing from the 
excessive modesty of the Victorian 
period to the partial nudity of sports 
clothes and to complete nudity in 
quite a few homes today. Most 
people agree (and 1 certainly do) 
that today’s casual attitude is a lot 
healthier. Nursery school teachers, 
children's psychiatrists and psychol- 


ogists generally agree that it's 
wholesome for young children of 
both sexes to see each other un 

dressed at times in the home and at 
the beach, 

The findings of anthropologists con- 
firm that there is nothing intrinsically 
shocking about nudity. Margaret Mead, 
after siudying a group of adolescent girls 
in a Polynesian community, wrot 

Samoan children have complete 
knowledge of the human body and 
ifs functions, ing to the custom 
of little children going unclothed, 
the scant clothing of adulis, the 
habit of bathing in the sea, the use 
of the beach as a latrine and the 
lack of privacy in sexual life. They 

also have a vivid understanding of 
the nature of sex. 

There is no evidence that Samoan 
children grow up, as your theory would 
Teal one to expect, inordinately neurotic. 
To the contiary, Miss Mead found that 
sex and the human body are integrated. 
parts of their lives and vaise fewer prob- 
lems than in a prudish society. 

H seems to us that the atiempt to un- 
naturally and unnecessarily hide the 
human boty from children must haz 
precisely the same effects as the attempt 
to conceal sexual information from them 
—that is, to create a sense of shame, mys- 
tery and fear, in which false ideas and 

feelings flower into a 



L have a healthy attitude toward se 
due to my background: 1 was raised and 
educated in Europe and Australia, ond 
iy parents were very understanding, 
permissive aud. mature. All of my ques 
tions pert 
answered: moreover, the whole 
fiequently bathed nude at the beach 
I support PLAYBOY s stand favorit 
better sex education for American cl 
dren A liberal and rational approach to 
sex would vastly decrease the number of 
sex crimes committed in the U.S. But 

ning to sex were wuthlully 

children ane not the only ones who need 
to be cducued. Newspaper articles, 
court decisions and various state. laws all 

lead me to recommend а crash. program 
of sex education for the entire Ameri 
public—especially for legislators, judges. 
doctors, writers and. clergymen, 

Inge Huber 

Los Angeles, Californi 


Congratulations! The July Playboy 
Forum surpassed the Party Jokes in hu- 
morous content. You and E 
Mead want to make the pill av 
set in order to cut down the 
y rate, What do you propose 
to do about the rise in the V. D. rate? 
Pass out penicillin tablets? The problem 
has already reached epider 
tions: or hasn't anyone told you: 

Knowing your line of reasoning. y 
r 1 will be, "Passing out the pills is 
а wood idea. 

ic propor 


D. W 

New Or -onisiana 

If penicillin tablets were an effectis 
vaccine. against syphilis or gonorrhea, 
pasing out these pills would be a 
good idea, But they are not and, at 

present. there is no preventive vaccine 
against venereal diseases. There ave 
quick-and-easy cures, however, that 

might have wiped ош the diseases years 
ago, had it not been for the persistent 
nolion—caused by puritan antisexuality 
-ihat the victim of V. D. is sinful. “The 
people of the United States hwe never 

felt venereal disease is anything that 
concerns them very much,” says William 
F. Schwartz, educational consultant to 
the venereal-discase branch of the U.S. 
Public Health Service. “They have, un- 
fortunately, the attitude that syphilis is 
something that nice people don't get 
and shouldn't do anything about aud 
shouldn't even talk about. A lot of people 
believe that if you have venereal disease. 
you somehow deserve it. and (his is in 
spite of the fact that literally thousands 

of cases are contracted. in ways that arı 

morally, legally and socially acceptable. 

The allies of venereal disease are not 
birth-control pills but ignorance, prud- 
ery and shame. H is these that prevent 
better sex education in the schools, keep 
private physicians from reporting cases 
in order to avoid social repercussions for 
the patient, make it difficull to raise 
funds for research and censor informa: 
tion in the mass media. 


My husband and D have a 17-month- 
old daughter whom advocates of liberal 
abortion would not have in this workl, 
because she is retarded. As I write this, Т 
m in the ninth month of my secoud 
pregnancy. A committee of three doctors 
would certainly testify that my 
health has been upset during th 
nancy with the fear that this child m 
also be rerarded. Under liberalized 
tion laws. I could have been relieved of 
the baby thar Fam now carrying, if I 
had wanted to. 

How litle the would-be liberalizers of 
abortion understand! We adore our 
daughter. even if she is r ıd we 

look forward to the new baby with op- 
timism. Barring conclusive evidence that 
we shouldn't have more children, we 
will have them. 

L believe th y willingness to have 
children is the soundest attitude toward 
sex in mar since sex has two pur 
poses— procreation and gratification. Un. 
les an effort is made to achieve both, 
sex will be unnatural and perverted and 
the love of husband and wife will fail. 

\s for those who conceive children 
ош ol wedlock, 1 do not feel the lives of 
cent babies should. be sacrificed 10 
timize their difficulties. How can a 
liberalininded person. logically propose 
killing babies ay a means of alleviating 

see a r lack of logic in 
the inability of liberals ло sec where 
their advocacy of birth control and abor- 

tion is taking us. First we try to prevent 
then if that fails, we fall 
back on abortion. But abortion. is not 
afe after the third month o! pregnancy: 
therefore, we need 
protect the mother from the proble: 
the unwanted child. If our first wo lines 
of defense fail, there seems little else to 
do but to Kill the child after it is born. 
be justified on the same 
portion—that we 


ing the mother the suffering of having to 

raise a deformed or retarded child, a 

child with some social stigma attached to 

it or a child who is a financial burden. 

This line of reasoning may seem absurd, 

but legalization of abortion was gencral- 

ly considered unthinkable not long ago. 
Mrs. John R. Par 

Bowling Green, Ohio 

Your letter is a moving document and 

we admire the courage shown by both 
you and your husband. We presume that 
your doctor has already explained 10 
you that many factors not related to 
heredity can cause retardation and that 
the chances of your second child's being 
perfectly normal ave not necessarily di- 
minished by your previous experience. 

However, we must alo add that you 
misindersiand the advocates of liberal- 
ied abortion laws and do them an 
injustice by saying that they "would not 
have” your daughter in the world. They 
are in Jason of уот right to decide when 
and how often yon will bear children 
and, on the same grounds, they favor the 
right of any other woman fo lerminale a 
pregnan: thout the state interfering 
їп any way with either of you. Your fear 
that abortion will lead to infanticide is 
groundless. The very fact that abortion 

is not classified as homicide in nations 
where it is illegal indicates. that every- 
body knows, and always has known, the 
difference between a fetus and an infant. 

Finally, we would like to suggest that 
the courage you possess so markedly 

would be even more admirable if it were 
accompanied by the virtue of tolerance. 
To dewribe willfully childless couples as 
“unnatural and perverted” is lo make the 
very provincial mistake of identify 
different. from me” with “inferior 
to me.” 


I am а 24-yearold divorced 
п three children. Three months ago. а 
з broke into my home and raped me, 
while my five-monthold son watched 
helplessly. As soon as the rapist left, Т 
called the police. and they picked up а 
man a few blocks from my house. How 
ever, because E was in a state of shock, E 
could not make a. positive identification. 
The suspect was released and the case 
was closed. As а result, the man who 
raped me is still walking around f 

Meanwhile, what has happened to 
m I have gone through 
liell-—ihanks to the antiquated abortion 
laws that some writers to The Playboy 
Forum ave still defending. Driven to à 
near breakdown by wor the effect 
of this experience on my son, who siw 
ything, T ако had to face the [act 
that thc rapist had made me prc 
I went to a psychiatrist, expect 



the victim? 

y abou 


receive kindness, 
form of therapy for my nervous condi- 
tion and, especially, aid im obtaining a 

therapeutic abortion. Instead, he gruflly 




informed me that abortion was against 
his religious ethics and told me to find 
another. psychiatrist. Fearing that I 
would face the same callous "moralis 
elsewhere, 1 began making inquiries 
about sources of illegal abortion. This 
1o the attention of the police detec- 
tive who had handled my rape case, and 
he warned me that, under мше law, I 
could be convicted of murder for having 
the operation illegally. (I subsequently 
learned. that, although such a prosecu- 
tion is legally possible, lawyers believe 
that a conviction is most unlikely.) 

I was half insane at this point—driven 
by anger against the law that seemed 
more conce 
tim than w g the crimi 

ful that 1 was losing my mind; and 

who would always remind me of his 
lunaticerimimal father and the outrage 
committed against me. T attempted self- 
abortion—without success, but without 
harming myself seriously, either, thank 
God. I then decided on suicide. but re- 
solved to make one more attempt to ob- 
tain therapeutic abortion first. To make a 
long story short, this time I was lucky. I 
met two very understanding psych 
frist, who arranged the operation at 
local hospital on the grounds that the 
pregnancy was "hazardous to my lile." 
They believed 1 was teetering on the 
edge between suicide and insanity, 
ready to fall either way. I am now in 
therapy with one of these psychiatrists, 
who ís a kind and wonderful man and 
who has convinced me that this tragedy 
need not cloud my life forever. 

(Name withheld by request) 

Tacoma, Washington 

child I could never love, a child 


Since 1 am eight weeks pregnant and 
PI AYROY readers might 
my opinion of abortion. 

a college seni 
be interested i 
I have no opportunity to obtain а legal 
abortion. The one doctor T was referred 
to told me that he no longer performs 
the operation 

My next мер was to try to induce a 
‚ I've taken dozens of quini 
sulphate capsule 

I could thini has worked. 

Though the child's father and 1 re- 
spect and love each other and have 
much in common, marriage is not the 

solution. We both have college 10 com- 
plete, and the draft is but a couple of 
weeks away for him. We have no money. 
Most importint, we both believe that 
we should not marry ший we arc older 
and more sure of owselves and what we 
ıt from life. 

Task myself, "What next?” Must 1 un- 
dergo the agony of a selfinduced abor 
tion, with the risk of death? Or must I be 
a social outci, break my parents 

hearts, bear am illegitimate child? We 
knew the risks when we made Jove. but 1 
still feel that there is something terribly 
wrong with a society that offers us no 
real alternatives. 

(Name and address 
withheld by request) 


In a recent interview for my Cleve- 
land radio show, Bill Gordon on the 
Scene, 1 discussed abortion with the 
Reverend Lester. Kinsolving, ап Episco- 
pal priest who writes a column on reli 
gion for the San Francisco Chronicle. He 
is am advocate of liberalized abortion 
laws. When asked how he reconciles legal- 
zed abortion with the theory that de- 
struction of the fetus is the taking of 
human Ше. Father Kinsolving replied: 
“I will go along with that theory as soon 
as they begin holding funerals for mi 
carriages.” Touché! 


With hosannas I greet a church publi- 
ons using what is generally conced- 
»ngest four-letter word in 
ed Sex as Gift. this book 
sale in the British Isles. Jt 
was published under the auspices of 
Scottish. Churches’ House. which carries 
out projects for nine Scottish religious 

denominations, Scottish clergy have a 
reputation for austerity. but in this book, 
by Dr. Ian. M. Fraser, Warden of Scot- 

tish Churches’ House, there is a chapte 
entitled “Having It" that discusses in 
plain English the emotional mea 
of the sex act and its effect on human 
ionships. In attempting to discover 
ercourse means to people, Dr. 
writes: "We made some progress 
by considering the word ‘luck... Wha 
ever content the word ‘fuck pable 
or not capable of bearing, anything that 
is more than animal copulation or mer 
physical linking must get across the idea 
of a relationship being established, of 
which the sex act is at least some expres- 
As Dr. Fraser 
ts out, you сап learn a great deal 
about people from the meaning they 
anadh to certain words and from the 
degree of freedom ог restriction. with 
which those words are used. The appear- 
nee of this formerly forbidden word in 
religious publication is symptomatic of 
a growing trend in clerical circles 10 make 
s thinking more relevant to real 

Charles Tyrell 
London, Fngl 


Like the June Playboy Panel on Reli- 
gion and the New Morality, Rabbi Ru- 
bensicin's Judaism and the Death of God 
(pLaynoy, July) was quite interesting. 

The article’s ambiguities, in. particular, 
impresed me. This is not a criticism: 
Such ambiguities are evidence that cle 
men are still searching for a lan 
that will express in contemporary terms 
the great facts of religion, morality and 
the good life. 

The radical d of the death- 
of Gort school be: gitimate under 
aking: to describe the nature of God in 
our time, They departed from the ortho- 
dox itarian formula to аі a 
“Christian atheism.” They declared. the 
death of God and the death of the Holy 


stein is doing something 
For him, the God of the Old 
Testament is alive in the institutions of 
civilization, but he prodaims the ab- 
sence of God in the form of the Holy 


Spirit and the death of God in the form 
of Christ 
Oddly cnough, these death-ofGod 

er back to Tillich for their 
T may have misread 
dca that God 

theologians re 
religions knowles: 
Tillich; but to me, b 
the “ground of being” docs not kill God 
but, rather. broadens the range of His 
influence beyond orthodox defin 
And so the dialog continues. 
to PLAYBOY for 

Charles McDermott 
Diamond Hill Methodist Church 

Fort Worth, Texas 




hol God 

n in 

I do not belong to the d 
camp described by Rabbi Rubenst 
the July issue of rravaov. И we feel that 
we are living in a time of the death of 
iı is because prior to this, we be 
lieved in a God who denied. man Iree- 
dom of action. Auschwitz was horrible, 
n omnipo- 
ıt because 
ied man with Bee will and man 
1 tur his freedom to make 
uschwiv. God could have prevented 
Auschwitz only by taking away maws 
1, making | mario- 
This is the framework in w 
He limits His om- 


freedom of w 
God is all-powertul 
potence for the sake of man's 
IL Richard Rasmuson, 
University Presbyterian Church 
Purdue University 
West Lafayette, India 



1 think Rabbi Rubenstein's Judaism 
and the Death of God (rt.vymov, July) is 
great. He turns me on more than. docs 
either Hamilton or Altizer. 

However, nome of the deadrof-God 
theologians has been able to Face ihe 
one remaining, unthinkable thought con- 
fronting all of us: We are living in ihe 
time of the death of our religions. Both 
Christianity and Judaism are finished. 
The God of the Bible has gone the way of 

(continued on page 240) 

Ehe Brandy of Ma 



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«= § p 

praem ret 

navoor nrexvew. JOHNNY CARSON 

a candid conversation with television’s foremost host, clown prince and raconteur 

There ave few television personalities 
as engaging—and none as paradoxical— 
ах Johnny Carson. the suave, boyish, 42 
year-old. star of NBC's “Tonight Show 
Five nights a week, for 90 minutes— 
under the scrutiny of nearly 10,000,000 
viewers and a studio audience of 234— 
Caron wittily and assuredly converses 
with guests ranging [rom Bobbie Gentry 
to Bobby Kennedy, in a style so ingra- 
lating that the average viewer, accord 

ing 10 one psychologist, feels Пе belongs 
to the “Tonight Shaw's” "family" and is 

taking an active part in the proceedings. 
Ош of the cameras range, however, 
Carson maintains a passionately private 
lije that has earned him an unenviable 
reputation as an uptight, lonely mis 
anthiope. The puchish star. who often 
affects a whimsical naiveté while on the 
air, also proved himself to be an exceed- 
ingly tough hombre in his celebrated 
walkout last April; convinced that NBC 
had violated his contrach by showing ve 
runs during an AFTRA strike, Carson re 
Jused to go back to work when the strike 
ended and won a new contiat that 
reportedly guaranteed him an income in 
excess of $4,000,000 for the followi 
three years. 

Despite occasional charges that the 

"You could gut Harlem today and re- 
build it tomorraw—but unless we do 
something to uproot the injustices that 
created the ghetto, all we'll have built, at 
a cost of billions, is a nicer cage. 

"Tonight Show" is “verbal Мих 
that Carson deliberately shirts contr 
sial subjects, (be program attracts a 
hefty 40 percent of the lale-coening au 
dience. Recent challengers, such аз Joey 
Bishop on ABC and Bill Dana on the 
short-lived United Network, have run far 
behind Carson not only in the Nielsen 
ratings but in the judgment of the critics. 
Time has called his show “the most con- 
sistently entertaining 90 minutes to be 

seen anywhere on television.” The main 
drawing card of the program is Carson 
himself; a gracious, tolerant host and a 
quick-draw, shar pshooting ad-libber, he 
is able 10 eke laughs even ош of mishap 
—as when a mechanical device refuses 
to wark or when a guest fails to maintain 
the lively, cocktail-party repartee that is 
the “Tonight Show's” stock in trade. 
Carson's mastery of his сай is the 
polished produet of almost three decades 
ау an entertainer. Al the age of It, as 
“The Great Carsoni? Johnny was eam- 
ing three dollars an engagement for en- 
tertnining the Elks and Rotarians of 
Norfolk, Nebraska—his home town—with 
cavd tricks and other feats of magic: in 
high school, he was class historian—and 
е practical joker. After a 
stint in the Nawy (he once 

an imaginati 

“Everybody 1 meet in public seems to 
want to audition for me. If 1 ask a guy 
what time il is. he'll sing it to me. Fuery 
where 1 turn, theres somebody's niece 
who does ballet with skindiving flippers.” 

entertained Secretary of the Navy James 
Forrestal for several hours with his card 
tricks), Johnny entered the University 
of Nebraska, where he earned. money 
offcampus as а comedian and radio an- 
nouncer, mel his first wife, Jody Wolcott, 
and wrote a thesis on comedy. Follow 
a year in Omaha, where he acquired 
local renown as an offbcat radio per- 
sonality, he moved to Hollywood and 
hosted а Sunday-aflernoon television 
show called “Carson's Gellar.” In. 1954, 
while writing gags [от Red Skelton, he 
got his first major break: Called upon to 
substitute for his boss after Skelton was 
injured in a rehearsal, he won plaudits 
for his performance—and his own night- 
time-TV show on CBS; but “The Johnny 
Cason Show" lasted only 39 feverish 
weeks. The producer attributed. its fail- 
ure to Carson's lack of "power"; Johnny 
felt that too many people had been 
trying to give him advice. 

After this setback, Carson acquired a 
manager, AL Bruno, and was promptly 
hustled off to New York. In the couisc of 
the next five years, as host of a daytime 
quiz show, "Who Da Yau Trust?" he 


learned lo improvise risque but socially 
acceptable double entendres and 10 coux 
humor out of lady wrestlers, snake 

Is ludicrous to declare that sex is wrong 
if you're not married. 1—5 happening mil- 
lions of times every day. If the laws against 
it were enforced, we'd have to build 
prisons Jor four fifths of the population.” 




charmers and the matrons who com- 
pied the bulk of his viewers and 
guests. The rest of his time was filled 
with a heavy schedule of personal ap- 
pearances the Ed Sullivan, Perry 
Como and Dinah Shore shows, stints as a 
quest panelist on “What's My Line?” and 
“Ta Tell the Truth" and even. feature 
acting roles on “Playhouse 90° aud “The 
U.S. Steel Hour.” When Jack Paar de- 
cided to step down as ringmaster of 


the grueling “Tonight Show" in 1962, he 
named Carson—who had successfully 

subbed for him on several occasions—as 
the only man who could fill his shoes. 
NBC agreed, but many observers won- 
dered if the new man was really up to 
Paar. He was—and then some; since he 
took over “Tonight.” Carson has eclipsed 
his predecessor's popularity; the shew 
the biggest moncy-maker on television, 
with both advertisers and. studio tickets 

S.R.O; and its host has become the 
biggest slar in television. 
In the opinion of many, however, Car- 

son's him cocky; and 
his reputed highhandedness has led col- 
leagues. to refer to their boss only half. 
humorously as "The Prince.” True to the 
image, when he secured his prodigious 
salary hihe last April, he also demanded 
апа часа free 3100900. insurance 
policy and more autonomy in the pro 
duction of the shaw. One of his first acts 
afer veturning to work was to fire pro- 
ducer Art. Mark, a friend for I1 years, 
whose ideas were reportedly loo conserva- 
live for the star's taste. 

Whatever else success has done to 
Johnny Carson, it has not made him sa 
ciable, In the past, he occasionally went 
ош on (he down and—according to 
some reporis—showed up [от work hung 
over from what an associate called “in- 

Today, however, he and 

sneess has made 

leave their $173,000 duplex in the United 
Nations Plana Towera posh coop 
that also houses such public. personali. 
ties as Robert Kennedy, David Susskind 
and Truman Capote. They dine out 
about twice a month, see an occasional. 
play and attend Giants games during the 
profootball season. Carson's remaining 
offeamera hours ате spent in pursuit of a 
multitude of extracurricular interesti— 
astronomy, archery, motion-picture pho- 
tography, scuba diving and flying; he 
also plays guitar and drums, Recently, to 
acquire а short film clip for the “Tonight 
Show," he even spun around the track 
at Indianapolis in Andy Granatelli's 
turbine-powered racing car, allegedly 
banned [rom the 5500" because it was too 
fasi for the competition. On vacations— 
which add up toa quarter of the year— 
he plays to record nightclub audiences 
at a reputed $10,000 a week. 

Reporters, eager 10 capitalize on the 

irony that such a willing performer should. 
be such a reluctant celebrity, have often 
characterized. Carson. as а withdrawn, 
unaffectionate, even hostile man. One 
“Tonight Show" guest has bluntly called 
him а “cold fish." Even hix old friend 
announcer Ed McMahon has said that 
he “packs a tight 
others have risen to his defense—nota- 
bly, Mrs. Carson, who explained to a 
writer at some length. that Johnny cares 
very much about people but doesn't find 
it easy lo verbalize his feelings—few 
succeed in glimpsing his private lije, let 
alone in reaching him on a personal 

We decided to interview Carson carly 
this fall, when he was riding high on the 
wave of public interest that followed his 
dispute with the network. Always wary 
of reporters, he regards the public's curt 
osity about him as a tiresome irritation 
that “just goes with the territory.” But 
during his con Ih PLAYBOY 
inleriewer Alex Haley—which 
conducted daily, over the couse of a 
week, both at Carson's home and in his 
NBC office—he overcame his reticence 
and provided us with by far the most 
candid interview he has ever granted. 
“A1 first," Haley reported, “he was eva- 
sive, but by the end of our talks, 1 had 
come to like and respect him as а man 
with the guts to be stubborn about his 
convictions in a profession where th 
most common concern is to swing with 
the ‘in’ crowd, whatever the personal 
compromise.” Haley opened the discus- 
sion by asking Carson about his offscreen 
image as a loner 




PLAYBOY, Recent newspaper and ma 
zine articles about you have focused on 
the contrast between your affable telev 
ion image and what they claim is your 
dour, antisocial personality in private 
life. Writing in TV Guide, Edith Efron 
nt so far as to say that “Johnny 

pure sweet 

па ht on the screen 
1, plunged into some Dost 
murk.” How do you {eel about this kind 
of armchair psychoanalysis? 

CARSON: I couldn't cue less what anybody 
says about me. I live my life. especially my 

personal lile, strictly for myself. 1 feel 
that is my right, and anybody who dis- 
with that, that's his business. 

you do. you're going to be c 
cized. 1 feel the one sensible thing you 
can do is try to live in а way that pleases 
you. Ш you don’t hurt anybody else, 
what you do is your own business. 
PLAYBOY. Of course. But off the 
even to many of those who know you well 
m withdr. 
According to reports, longtime associ 
on the show say that you scarcely spe 
except as business demands, tha 

—you n and. even hostile. 



have almost no friends in or out of show 
business, that you hardly ever go out 
socially, thar you shrink from your ow 
public. Why? 
CARSON: | think I owe one thing to my 
public—the best performance I can give. 
What else do they want from me 
ag sociable, T hate the phoniness 
the showbiz world. I know this will be 
taken wrong, but I don't like clubs and 
I was never 
groups are hypocritical, re- 
and undemocratic. 1 don't run 


like the whole nightclub scene. Cock 
parties drive 1. So 1 do my 
job and I stay away from the гем of 
it. Isn't that my right? Am 1 not entitled 
to prefer the enjoyment of my hom 
Am I not entitled to a private life? 1 сан 
nywhere without being bugged by 
body. Fd love to just hike out down 
suet, or drop in a restaurant, or 
wander in the park, or tike my kids 
somewhere without. collecti; тай of 
people. But I can't When you get suc 
cessful, you just have to quit going out 
н public as often as you used to. Wher 
ever you go, some down grabs you and 
demands an autograph: it’s a pain in the 
butt. Гуе had a guy in a urinal ask me 
for an autograph! 
PLAYBOY: Don ll entertainers have to 
put up with that kind of thing? 
CARSON: Of course. But it doesn't мор 

there. Everybody E meet in public seems 
to want to audition for me. If 1 ask a guy 
what time it is, he'll sing it to me. Every- 
where 1 tum, there's somebody's піссе 
who plays the Калоо or does ballet with 
skindiving flippers. ГЇ never forget 
coming out of a ht. 
when this h n alley 
and literally turns me completely 
around. It was this woman. “I want you 
10 hear my son she says. And out 
she shoves this ing, Albert!" Aud 
he did —right there in the street. Гуе had 

cab. drivers pull over 10 the curb to tell 
about some relative who ought to be 
on the show, That's why Гуе got cabo: 
phobia—the fear of being talked 10 
death in an enclosed space. But you 
haven't heard the worst of 
Ed McMahon and 1 cropped night 
dub; we wanted to catch an act there. We 
ely sat down when some drunken 
scr comes over and hauls me up 
the arm. Right there, 1 was ready to rip 
nto him; I didn't care how big he was— 
but I kept saying to myself: “Don't!” 1 
could see the headlines if 1 did. He all 

but drags me to his table of maybe 15 or 
20 friends and he yells to the band 10 stop 
so I can entertain them, I told him I 

хоту, 1 was very busy. D had to get up 
ly. Now he's insulted. "Come on—I 
promised my friends." Well, I walked 




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way: Ed and I had to leave—and I'd 
made some enemies. You сї 
you stay away from public м 


а win. 

PLAYBOY: Have you changed since you be- 
came a star, or have you always felt this 
strongly about guarding your privacy? 

CARSOI In other has success 
spoiled Johnny Carson? No, I don't think 
I don't think it’s you that changes 
ound you 



with suceess—it's the people 
who change. Because of your new status, 
they change in relation to you. Let me 
give you an example. 1 loved the towns I 
grew up in as а boy, and after 1 became 
а celebrity, 1 went back several times. 1 
would have had the time of my life 
seeing the old places and the old faces 
in, but the attitude of those same 
people was, “I guess youre so big we 
bore you now.” What was I supposed to 
зау t that? Agree with them? They'd 
be furious. But if I said 1 was enjoying 
myself fd зау Г was being conde 
i see what D nr 

me at the last Nebraska С 
Columbus, Nebraska. 1 went. I enjoyed 
most of it. I was a great honor, and 
sincerely mean that. But I have since de 
cided not 10 go back home а из 
just too much of a strain. Му folks will 
have го come to New York 10 sce me. | 
guess people will find all kinds of things 
wrong with my saying that: they'll say 
Tm conceited and cgocentric—but I'm 
just being honest. 

PLAYBOY: "lo be honest, аге you con- 
ceited and egocentric? 

CARSON: Find me any performer any- 
where who isn't egocentric, You'd better 

believe you're good, or you've got no 
business being out there. People are 
brought up to think, “It's пісе to be 
modest. It's nice to hide your light under 
а bushel Well, bullshit! Гуе never 
bought that. In my business, the only 
thing you've really got is your talent; it's 
the only thing you have to sell. If you 

want to call that conceit, go ahead. I 
don't know where you'll hear that word 
more than in show business—but it’s 
often not conceit at all. Often it’s a public 
compensation for shyness, That's certain 
ly the case with me. From the time 1 was 
а little kid, Tw always shy. Performi 
was when I was outgoing. So I 
am a loner. 1 get claustrophobia if a lot 
of people are around. But there's а big 
difference between being a loner and be- 
ing lonely. I'm far from lonely. My day 
full of things I enjoy, starting with my 
show. Any time my work is going well 
and 1 have a relationship with a woman 
that’s pretty solid, that does it for me 
PLAYBOY: Last April, you won a healthy 
pay raise by going on strike against NBC. 
Js that one of the reasons you say your 
work is going well? 

CARSON: Since when hus it been wrong 
to ask for а pay raise? Have you seen 
carved in stone anywhere that it's unfair 
to bargain for a better deal for yoursel 
It was made to look as if I'm Jack the 

pper. Some of the columnists figured. 
1 was too greedy for a пісе, small-town 
Nebraska boy. Like one letter asked, 
“How сап you do that with people in 
the world starving?” What in the hell 
is the logic of that? I explained, time 
and again, carefully, why 1 stayed out 
—but nobody wants to believe you when 
you take a personal stand about some- 
thing. The whole thing got written and 
tilked far out of proportion. Loo 
the reason. was simple: 

t least to me it 

Tonight was and is the biggest 
money-making show NBG has. It brings 
000.000 а ye: cold 1; but 
NBC treated Tonight like some bastard 
stepchild. We had a ridiculous budget. I 
hadn't liked that setup long before the 
strike. But that still wasn't the specif 
issue with me. The specific issue was 
that NBC directly violated our contract 
during the strike: They used reruns of 
the Tonight show without any ellort at 
all 10 n c. My сошаа smed 
Clearly that any reruns would be nego- 
tiated in 


advance in good faith, to arrive 
at equitable fees, They knew why | 
yed out. They sent me a check for the 
iciuns and I sent the check right back. 
Bur finally, NBC and I came to terms 
Em satisiied. 1 think they me. ‘The 
show's doing fine. That's that 

PLAYBOY: Not quite—if you don't mind 
our pursuing the subject a bit further. 
It's been reported that your new contract 
will carn you more than $4,000,000 
the next three years. Is that true? 
CARSON: 1 won't tell. you—for two rea- 
sons. One is that a term in the new co 

tract specifies that neither NBC. nor I 
will make publie the details of the con- 
waa; 1 intend to abide by that agree: 

ment. Another reason is that in Nebraska 
1 was raised to consider that it's not 
апел to ask anyone, "How 
much money de you make?" АШ I will 
say is that the new contract calls for an 
increase in the monies that I receive for 
doing the show. 
Look—do you know that Dean M: 
es a lot more, maybe half agai 
least, than 1 But all that 
nothing whatever to me. I have no use 
for 8 houses, S8 cars amd 500 suits. I 
can't eat but one steak at a time. 1 don't 
want bur one woman. i's silly 10 have as 
one’s sole object in life just making mon- 
ey, accumulating wealth. I work because 
эп doing, and the fact that 
1 make money at it—big шопеу—іѕ a 
fine-anddandy side fact. Money gives 
me just onc big uU 

good n 


do? те; 

1 enjoy what 


important, and that’s the freedom of not 
ing to worry about money. I'm con- 
cemed about values—moral, ethical, hu 
тап values—my own, other peopl 
the country's, the world’s values. Havin 
money now gives me the freedom to 
worry about the th 
Bur T wouldn't call myself 

happier now than when 1 w 
547.50 a week in Omaha, You could live 
on that in 1940 in Omaha. The guys at 
the station and 1 used to sit around and 
yak about how great it would be if we 
could . We couldn't have 
believed what 1 make now. We couldnt 
have believed where I live now, the job 
I have—none of it, But I'm still sleeping 
in а bed: it сом a Jot more, but 1 don't 
sleep any better than I did then. And I 
still like hamburgers—but in all of New 
York City, you cannot buy one as great 
as 1 used to buy at the Hamburger Hut 
in Norfolk, Nebraska. You sec what I 
mean? Believe me, its all relative. 

PLAYBOY: During your year in Omaha, 
you often worked six and seven days a 

ngs that really matter. 
t deal 


almost around the clock. Doesn't it 
please you to be earning a great deal 
more than you did then, for a great 

deal less we 
CARSON: Maybe it looks easy to a lot of 
people, but sitting in that chair will take 
more out of you than if you were chop 
ping down trees all day 
and a half hours оп the 
1 think 
to get 


1 spend seven 
ir every week. 
пуопе who docs this show ought 
n Emmy just for showing up. I'm 
not the physical strain: it's de 
bilitating mentally. In. fact, FII tell vou 

something: My biggest anxiety is about. 
the day Г know Гуе reached а point 
where 1 can't bring the show anything 
more that’s new. | was 42 this October, 
sce? Physically, 1 have no concerns; but 
mentally, its one of those shows where 
you're working the 

1 you g 
суеп im bed. The pressure is to kecp it 
from getting dull. 1 believe we give more 
honest humor and entertainment in onc 
week than most prime-time shows in a 
season. But think about trying to keep 
that up, five nights a week, and maybe 
you'll appreciate the strain. And that's 
just strain about the overall р : 
then you add the strain of cach show 
when you're on the air. When that red 
light goes off at the end, 1 get up from 
that chair already planning the show Гог 
the next night. IÍ it looks easy, Fm doing 
my job. It both bugs me and pleases me 
when people tell me how relaxed I make 
the show look. Great? Maybe the public 
pures I'm ge id for it, but 
the toughest job in television. Listen 
understand that Im not complaining. 
1 love the show; otherwise, I wouldn't be 
there. I'm just saving it's tough. 

PLAYBOY. You said your workday begins 

ne well pa 

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when you up. Would you describe 
a typical day for us? 

CARSON: Well, I get out of bed at nine 
or ten in the mor And I'm not one 
of those who spring up yelling, 
Another day!” ГЇ grumble 

around a couple of hours, reading news 
papers and trying to pick out an idea 1 
hi do something with on the show. 
But 1 don ly start functioning until 
ет: then about two I go to the 
studio and the pace begins to quicke 
Planning the time slots for this guest, 
sing the sk g to 
anticipate what could go wrong w 
some physical particip 
—like the time I dueled. with a fencing 
master, Or the time 1 did a snake dance 
with Augic and Margo. Or when I try 
out gadgets or toys. Or the times Гус 
done exercises with Debbie Drake. She's 
great fun, One of my good lines came 

nd sulk 

that guest, rehea 

ion 1 want ro do 

popped into my head to ask her, 
"Would you like to leave а call? 
PLAYBOY: Are all of your ad libs spon- 

uincous and unrehearsed? 
CARSON: Very few of them are, Adib- 
bing isn’t very often the instant creation 

of a good linc. Morc often it's remember- 
ing something you've used before and 

ybe ma 


ng a quick switch to fit a 
fresh situation. Опсе E had Red Buttons 
nd he was getting into an involved 
lysis of politics, so I tokl him final 
ly, "You're kind of a redheaded Dr. 
1, aren't. you?” and Red 
funny self again. Now, 
situation bit Гус used many 
times, Every comedian has a bag full of 
them. 1 remember a woman on 
Who Do You Trust? telling me at great 
length, foo great length, about a preg- 
mant dillo. She was about to bore 
с audience, so I asked her, “How come 
you know these things if you're not an 
dilloz" They're usually old bits, but 
they work like brand-new il people 
laugh. Like the time we had this Latin 
Qu showgirl the show, She 
walked on in one of those poured-in 
dresses, with her hair done up in some 
exotic style. I said, "I suppose you're on 
your way t0 a +H Club meeting,” and 
the audience cracked up. That's the | 
mor of the ludicrous, of extreme cov 
trast. I've used it many times before and 
I know E will many tim i 
PLAYBOY: Apart [rom the skits and your 
participation bits and, in a sense, some 
of the ad libs, how much preparation is 
nvolved in euch show? 

CARSON: "The minimum that’s safely pos- 
sible. Thats part of the form I have 
Tittle or no advance contact with guests, 


Schweitzer toni 
started being 
that’s a 






for instance, unless theyre involved in 
some skit. And the writers prepare my 
opening bit—that first ten minutes after 
I walk on, But I cdit what they give me 
until I'm entirely comfortable with it. 
ing something, topical Ive found in the 
papers, if I can. Then the necessary stat 
people and I plan a rundown of the 
show. By the time all this is done, it’s six 
PAL, and we start taping the show at 
6:30. Then I'm on my own. So the objec- 
tive is spontaneity within a planned 
framework: but for the most part, we're 

i ‚ My job isn't to hog the show, 
п the audienceidentification 
figure, the catalyst. When I've got a 
guest who's going great on I let 
go. If he looks good, I look good. 
etimes, of course, the chemistry i 
right, or something will go wrong, and 
ГЇЇ have to change the pace or pull a 
switch during a commercial or i 
break. Like one time Peter O'Toole came 
on. I think everyone was sure he was 
di „1 thought he was, too. Fd ask him. 
a question and he'd reply something i 
coherent or completely unrelated, as if 
he was oll in s d. So I put 
on a commercial, and while it was run- 
ning | asked Peter if he was OK, and I 
found out the trouble. He had just flown 
in from London to do the show and, be- 
se of that long haul, he was just blind 
with exhaustion, So while the commer- 
cial was still on, 1 said, “Well, Peter, 
why not just cut?” He agreed and left 
without another word. When I camc 
back on, I explained it to the audience 
id everything was OK. But that sort of 
thing is a rarity, thank God. 

All too often, though, a guest w 
cither dam up or be vapid and bland, 
and ГИ have 10 cut it short and come 
on next with a bullwhip demonstration, 
or some skit I c moment's 
notice, to wake us up—or wake up the 
audience. Sometimes I can get us going 
T up with a good gag 
keyed ло what a guest is talking about. 
Like once during the New York World's 
Кай, | got off one that the. Moroccan 
Pavilion had a belly dancer, but the 
business was so bad she had a cobweb 
her navel. Another time, Mr. Universe 
was on, explaining the importance of 
keeping yourself fit and trim. That sort 
of thing can get deadly dull, of course, 
d I was feeling for a good gag when 
he told me something like, “Ri mber, 
Mr. Carson, your body is the only home 
you will ever hav And [ said, "Yeah, 

his own. 

ic other wor 

n do on 

n by comi: 

imagine the mail I gor on tha 
But nearly anything you say, you 
help offending somebody out there. If 
1 say “naked.” if T use the word “preg- 
nant,” ТП get probably 500 letters com- 

planing that Fm hastening national 
immorality. A lot of them are from nuts 
you can tell that—but many ате from 
perfectly sincere people who happen to 
k that practically anything is im- 
Let me do а sketch about the 
at or about a rabbi and there'll 
be a storm of criticism. 

PLAYBOY: Do you let this kind of reaction 
affect your choice of material? 
CARSON. You can't afford to. 
time I pay attention to audience n 
when it contains something 1 find possi 
ble to usc for the show's benefit. You 
can't Jet an audience run your show for 
you. Hf you do, soon you won't have any 

PLAYBOY: Do you 
put television а 
CARSON: 1 iry never to let them bug 
but I'm not always successful. ? 
likes to be zinged; but whatev 
‚ 1 will continue to do what Lt 


feel the same w 

show should do. I see little that 1 

feel is constructive in what most TV crit- 
ics write—about my show or anybody 
else's, One of the m reasons is that 
few television critics really know much 
about television. Too many of them 
cx-sportswriters and ex-gz 
ишим». completely маани 
medium. They haven't bothered to 1 
wh; . There are a fe 
critics I respect: Jack Gould here in New 
York; and on the Coast, Hal Humphr 
But most of them are on a level wi 
Sidney Skolsky, who once wrote that T 
wasn't J ld have told him 
that. I felt like wiring him that neithe 
was he any H. L. Mencken. 1 often feel 
at I'd like to give all the critics just 
three hours a day of TV d say. 
“ALL right, you're so bright now y 
fill that three hours, every day.” You 
hear less from thet pout w 
with television 
PLAYBOY: What's your re: 
ton Minow's celebrated 
television as а vast wastel: 
CARSON: Sure. there's a lof of chai. on 
television. No doubt of it. But let's not 
forget a fundamental fact about this 
medium. It starts in the morning, about 
six A-M., and goes off anywhere from one 
. Where are you going to find 
the people то write consistently fine ma 
terial 19 to 21 hours a day, 365 days a year? 
A Broadway play that’s going to run for 
90 minutes can take а year or more to get 
m, by the bigg 
ihe business; then it сап spend months 
nd months on the road. being tested 
every night and changed daily: they can 
bring in the best script doctors in the 
country—and yet that play can still 
open on Broadw 
first night. How сап you expect teley 
ny beter or even as well— 

makes it we 


Us wron 

10 New- 
nt of 


to three A. 

wri st playwrights in 

and bomb out the 

sion to do 

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g more in a week than 
on Broadway all year? I'm not 
defending the medium just because Fm in 
it: I'm just trying to explain that televi- 
ion has an impossible task. Why should 
it be the job of television to educate or 
edify or uplift people? This is an enter- 
ment medium. 1 have never seen it 
chiseled in stone tablets that TV is phil- 
nıhropic. Ts it television's job to im- 
prove people's minds—when the libraries 
© full of empty seats? Are we supposed 
to provide instant. educatio 
There are lots of things FI knock the 
dusry for—including the fact that 
there's too much junk on the air. But 
there are a lot of fime programs. too. And 
I think television is steadily working to 
improve its programing: the competition 
is so hor it guarantees that. Another 
thing people so often entirely overlook 
when they're criticizing is that this still 
is a very young industry. My first TV 
broadcast was when I was at the Univer- 
sity of Nebraska. 1 was playing а milk- 
man in a documentary called, believe it 
or not, The Story of Undulant Fever. You 
know what the broadcast range of that 
show was? The cameras were in the uni- 
versity theater's basement and the screen 
was up in the auditorium—and that was 
the first television at the universit 
that was in 1919; that's how young tele- 
vision is. So I don't go for this general 
pping of the television industry. How 
much longer, have the news- 
ines and the movies 
ound? Does television offer any 



an they do? Docs television 
feed its viewers anything like as much 
d rid details? Yet television is 

always being knocked in newspaper 
wine editorials. Fm not against 
the press, but that sort of attack is not 
only unfair but hypocritical. 

PLAYBOY: Do you share, 
general view of the press that televi: 
commercials could stand. both impro 
ment and diminution in number? 

CARSON: Well, I wouldn't say there arc 
too many commercials. After all, the 
time has got to be paid for. The stations 

must make some money in order to co 
tinue programing. and ihe only way to 
do this is by selling products for spon- 
sors. nk we have to recognize that 
and th ir Every half hour we 
have just three one-minute network co 
mercials: the others are within local sta- 
tion breaks. My gripe wi ercials 
that so many irritate me with their ha- 

ing and shouting and overselling: 
and I think some commercials violate good 
taste. I go up the wall every time I catch 
that commercial with the kids bragging 
bout “twenty-two-percent fewer cavi 
ties"! I happen to like and use the tooth- 
aste, but E hate their commercial. And 

h соз 


I'm sick, sick, sick of stomach acids go- 
ing drip. drip, drip. Nor do 1 feel TV 
is the place to advertise relief for hemor- 
rhoid sullerers. If 1 ran an agency that 
made commercials, my credo would be, 
“Be enthusiastic, but be quiet—and hon- 
est." I would love to see believable soap 
ads, like: “This soap won't get you а 
girlfriend, boyfriend, wife or husband— 
but it'll get you pretty clean!” 1 really 
think that would sell trainloads of soap. 
The advertising agencies should be called 
to task when they make phony claims 
and viokwe good taste and when they 

i nd socialacceptance 
s and snob pitches 
dvertising can't be avoided, 
Jot more honest 

but it could be a hell of 
and more palatable. 
PLAYBOY: For most TV sponsors, the fue 
of a show is decided by its popularity 
rather than its quality, by means of rat 
ing systems that have been widely at 
ticked not only for their life-or-death 
importance to network рг 

for the inadequacy amd асси 


sramimers bi 
y ol 

their audience samplings. How much 
stock do you place in them? 
CARSON: I'm reminded of the могу 

bout this gambler in a small-town sa 
loon who is taken aside and told that the 
wheel he's pl 
“I know, but its the only wheel in 
town." The industry seems to want 
yardstick, and 1 guess the ratings are the 
y cin find. I don't w how 
but Fd hate to think 
andom sampling of 1200 viewei 
gives а true national picture. I'm cei 
people aren't watching what they 
tell the pollsters they watch, People of- 
ten want to. project themselves as some 
kind of intellectuals. so they'll say they 
watched the news, or some forum, or the 
ional Educ nal Network show, 
when, in fact, they watched Bonanza i 
The Flying Nun. You know? One thin 
I'm sure of: Ratings certainly don’t ind 
cate il people are buying the sponsor's 
product. But Em glad 1 have the ratings 
I get—aceurate or not. Anybody would 
be. 1 don't concern myself too much 
about them, though, because one show 
will be up, опе down. If you 
start worrying about a particular show, 
chances are you'll do worse the nex 
What really cou your ratings 
average out over, say, six months. 1 
never worry about program 
after irs over. That was yesterda 
what's tomorrow? 

PLAYBOY: The Joey Bishop Show went on 
opposite you several months ago. Do you 
feel that Bishop repre: threat to 
the Tonight Show popularit 
CARSON: To tell you the truth, 1 don't 
thing about it. I don't worry 

is crooked. He 



из is how 


about what Joey Bishop is doing. When 
his show was ready to open, people 
asked me about it. and I told them I 
knew it would be the noble thing for me 
to say that 1 wished him much success: 
but honesty compelled me to admit that 
1 hoped he would fall on his face. That's 
how any performer feels about his com: 
petition: and if you hear anybody say 
different, he's lying in his teeth. 1 think 
people will have much more respect. for 
you if you're honest. But по competition 
is going to bother me in the sense that 
ГИ lose any steep over it. D look at it as 
professional golfers do. When he’s out 
there in some touri t. Palmer isn't 
ying about Nicklaus, or any of the 
rest. Any pro golfer will tell you that's 
the surest way to lose, J give all my 
concentration to what Im doing, Some 
will go lor Mike Douglas, 
some for Merv Сай, some for Bishop, 
some for me. Nobody is ever going to 
walk away with the whole television 
audience: there's. plenty for everyone. 

PLAYBOY: In many ciues, the Tonight 
show competes with one or more of the 
conuoversitl! new talk shows that are 
emceed. by combative, opinionated: mod 



eruors such as Tom Duggan, Alan 
Burke and Joe Pyne. Do you ever watch 

CARSON: | am not a fan of those shows. I 

think their format, their whole approach, 
is a substitute for talent. They insult 
people, They're rude. It embarrasses me to 
wach that kind of prodding and goad- 
ing. | don't think they'll last, because the 
public will get fed up with them, People 
will sce the deliberare controversy for 
what it is. 

PLAYBOY: The Tonight show, under your 
conuol, has been criticized for deliber- 
ately avoiding controversy. Is there any 
truth to that? 

CARSON: Well, bullshit! Tha 
swer, I just don't [eel that Johnny Carson 
should become a social commentator. 
k Pasir got into that, bei 
pen on everything happening. So did 
Dave Garoway and Steve Allen and 
Godfrey. Who cares what entertainers on 
the air think about international allairs? 
Who would want to h e about Viet- 
nam? They can hear all they want from 
people with reason to be respected as 
knowledgeable. Controversy just isn't 
what this show is for. My number-one 
concern, and the concern of NBC. is 
successful Tonight show. I'm mot the 
host of Meet the Press. 1 think it would 
he a fatal mistake to use my show as а 
platform for controversial issues. Fm. an 
entertainer, not а commentator. If you're 
a comedian, your job is to make people 
laugh. You 
funny. One n 
ly. D want to be a successful. comedian 
ences have proved time and again 

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cially if he’s а comedi, а comic 
becomes enamored with his own views and 
Foisis them off on the public in a polemic 
way. he loses not only his sense of humor 

but his value as a humorist. When the 
public starts classifying you as thought 
ful. someone given to serious issues, you 

find yourself declassified as a humorist. 
‘That's what happened to Mort Sahl. He 
was опе of the brightest when he beg 

then he began commenting humorlessly 
on the social scene in his shows. How 
у shows has Mort lost now? I thi 

he r 

izes this now—and he's starting to 
get funny again, Like most people, of 
course, | have strong personal opinions. 1 
might even be better informed than the 
ge person, just because its my 
business 10 keep up on what's happen- 
jg. Bur that doesn’t mean 1 should use 
the show to impose mw personal views 
on millions of people. We have dealt 
with controversial subjects on the show— 
sex, religion, Vietnam, narcotics. They've 
I been discussed, by qualified guests, 
and Pwe token апаз myself. But it’s 
only when the subject rises naturally. 
I won't purposely inject controversy just 
Тог the sake of controversy. It would be 
у. if that’s what 1 wanted. I could get 
п the headlines any day by attacking а 
major public figure like Bobby Kennedy 
or by comi п in favor of birth con- 


tol or abortion, Bur 1 just don't see it, 
it that way. I won't 
a forum for my own 

political views. 


it posible for you to air 
nd political views without 
wloning your role as à comedian? 


t vou comment humorously and 
ically naher than seriously он cur 
rent. issues? 
CARSON: |t should = be—beciuse that’s 

comedy at best—but 

the essence of s 
that’s not the way it works in practice, at 

least not on television. Americans. too 
many of them, tke themselves too seri 
ously. You're going 10 get rapped—by 

the viewers, by the sponsors and by the 

erwork brass—il you joke about doc 

tors, lawyers, dentists. scie bus 
drivers, I don't care who. You can't make 
a joke a 

the most 
America. 1 remem- 

s are 

sacred i ons in 
bo somebody stole the of 
Mickey Cohen, the racketer, with Co- 
hen's dog inside, and I said on Steve AL 
Jen's show that the police had recovered 
the dog while it was holding up a liquor 
store. Well, the next day this joker tele- 
phoned and said. “I don't want you 
should joke about Mickey Cohen,” and I 
told him the joke was about his dog. 

once cu 

compounds the felony,” 
слег said. "You just better watch y 
step.” comic hits got to tread on 
some toes to be funny. but he's got to be 
смей how many wes he steps on, and 
who they belong to. 1 think the biggest 
rap mail I ever got was once when a girl 
said on the show that we should send 
Elvis Presley to Russia to improve our 
Soviet Union relations, and 1 said, “I 
don't about Russia, but ir might 
improve relations here.” Presley fans tore 
me up. You ything abour 
practically anything that can be consid- 
cred someone's vested interest. Once I 
planned то air a joke about how the Gov- 
ernment ought to be run like Madison 
Avenue would run it. Write ads lik 

can be sure il i's the White House.” 
1 was told, "No, can't kid the Govern- 
ment" Well why nol? Another time E 
was intending to kid the phone company 
a bit, and I couldn't—because the Bell 
Telephone Hour was on the same. net- 
work. H you plan i0 stay in relevisio 
you just have to adjust to these taboos, 
however ridiculous they arc. But 1 must. 
say that the timidity of the censors really 
floors me sometimes. For instance. it's 
touchy, touchy if you say "damn" on ТУ. 
Once, in 1964, somebody brought a dog 
оп my show that actually said “Hello.” 
It stunned me so that 1 blurted, “The 
damn thing talks!" Well, that word got 
blooped from the sound track belore the 
show was aired. 1 say that any adult who 
gets offended at hearing "dan 
"hell" ought not to be watchi 
ading books. These same people, 
interestingly enough. seem to have no 
similar objection to the amount of vio 
lence on TV; otherwise, you wouldn't 
see so much of it. I've come to the con- 
dusion that it’s OK to kill somebody on 
tdlevision as long as don't say 
damn!" as you strke your victim do 
PLAYBOY: In its reent cover story about 
you, Time magazine clucked editorially 
bout what it felt was your taste for 
bathroom hum 
justified criticism? 

CARSON: That's one of the two things in 
that whole artide that I resemed. The 
other line I didn’t like was that 1 had di- 
vorced my first wile, I didn't; she di- 
vorced me. 1 didn’t initiate it. The way 




Do you [cel that’s a 

they put it made it sound like 1 was the 
kind of guy who made it big and then 
t rid of the one who had stuck with 

him all the way. An about 0 
bathroom-humor bi 
didn't use the word he iniended; E think 
he meant double-entendie — jokes—bc- 
cause toilet humor T don't like at all. not 
from mc or guests. 

PLAYBOY: Then you do indulge in double. 

CARSON: Occasionally, yes—but without 

1 think the writer 


striving for it and without violating what 
I consider good taste. 

PLAYBOY: The rap letters you've said you 
receive from viewers imply otherwise 
CARSON: There's a lot of hypocrisy in au 
dienes, Га never dream of telling even 
on a nightdub stage, let alone my show, 
some of the jokes that arc told in a lot of 
ihe living rooms from which we get 
those letters! If you can't talk about any- 
thing grown-up or sophisticated ar mid 
night without being called immoral and 

diri. then I think we're in trouble. After 
all, by the time. we go on the air, dic 
children are supposed t0 be in bed 

asleep. E can't just prattle about what 1 

had for lunch and expect people to tune 

in every night. We'd be dead soon if we 
got dull enough net to E 
have to get in something now and then 
that's provocative. Take comics You 
can't have Sam Levinson on all the 

bout kids and school. 
things up 

somebody like Mel Brooks. Mel сап get 

to liven occasionally 
close to the line, on the line. or he'll edge 
beyond it; he may offend, but when he's 
going great, really winging, he's near a 
genius. There are some guests, of course, 

who make a fetish of blue material, But 
iE Û once feel that, you won't sce them on 
my show again. Nor will 1 let а guest say 

But Tin not 
something | 

g blue that I c ad 
ly if it's jux to be blu 
ng to worry about it if 
ıs do slip—and it сап 

n sense 

just as well be me as a guest. Even when 

no double is intended, that 
pious bunch out there in the audience 
will make up its own and write in about 
it. Thats more of a commentary about 
them, in my op is about us. 
PLAYBOY: Many of those sime people. 


id their journalistic spokesmen, seem to 
feel that the sexual suggestiveness—and 
overt eroticr—they perceive on televi 
sion, in movies. magazines and books is 
evidence of a moral dedine in society at 
large. What's your reaction? 

CARSON: Well, if youre talking about 
sexual morality. I wouldn't agree that its 
but is certainly changing. 

nd old. we are very much in 
the process of taking a fresh look at the 
whole issue of morality. The only dedine 
nd it's about time 

—is 1 
sex is with sin. You hear the 
word being thrown 
around people's 

nds, that translates to “promiscuity.” 
But it just ain't so. You read about col 
lege administrators deploring the d. 
of too much permisive 
The fact is that the biggest problems 
in this area are being experienced at 
colleges that are persisting in the old 


cs on campus. 

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10 ove 

Light disciplines 
see every student activity that might 
hold any potential for sexual contact. Te 
doesn't work. of course. At one school T 

know about, in the men’s dorms, they're 
to have female visitors only 

for one to two hours in the early eve- 

ning. All that means is that if a couple 

wants to go to bed. they can't do й 

the afternoon. On Gumpuses with very 

little adminisnative supervi 

are mo problems at all. 

dems latitude for personal 

doesn't result in everybody. jumping into 

the hay with everybody else. Theyre 

still just as selective about whom they 

have sex with. 105 not promiscuity: it’s 
just that private behavior is left up 10 the 
wdividual. Im lor that. Whether you 
ee or disagree with. Madalyn Murra 
on the subject of atheism, you've got to 
"t when she sa 
Nobodv's going 
10 tell me Гуе got to get a license to 
screw" Ies ludicrous to declare that it's 
wrong to ha you're 

were enforced, we'd have to build prisons 
to hold four fifths of the population. 

PLAYBOY: When you talk about the ludi- 
crousness of laws and mores forbidding 

sex outside та do you mean pre 
or extramarital sex? 
CARSON: Premarital. Some may consider 

it old-fashioned. bur 1 feel tha 

t very few 

people can have sex elsewhere and still 


maintain а good 
enough to keep up 

we. Из tough 
good. solid marital 

relationship even when both partners arc 
completely faithful. 
PLAYBOY: How do you feel about such 

voups as the Sexual Freedom League? 
CARSON: For some, they seem to work: 
but for me, I pass. 1 simply couldn't im- 
gine engaging in anything like that. At 
the sime time, I recognize there are all 
kinds of sex deviations in this world 
they are real needs for а lot of people, or 
they wouldn't be doi whatever they 
do. As long as it’s this way, I think we 
ought to come to grips with the fact th 
there never сап be any successful legisla- 
tion against private, nonexploitive sex. I 
don't want to start sounding like some 
boy philosopher, Lut our sex laws seem 
› be predicated on the puritanical as- 
mption that all scx—especially any 
variations from the marital. norm—is 
diry and should be suppressed. At the 
с. our national obsession with 
as to be predicated on ће belief 
that sex constitutes the cntire substance 
of the relationship between man and 
ad that's just as sick as feeling 
ave no part in human re- 
mn healthy part of 
"s for sure. But it’s 

SEX see 

just a part, and we seem bound and 
determined to make it unhealthy. 
PLAYBOY: How would you suggest we go 
about ridding society of these hang-ups? 
CARSON: We need to start with the kids. 

We need to completely overhaul not 
only our own neurotic values but the 
abysmal sex education in our school. 
When anthropologist. Ashley Montag 
was on my show mot long ago. he 
said. and ] couldn't have agreed with 

him more—ihat in any sexual rela 
ship. adult or otherwise, married or un- 
married. the key word is responsibility. 
We have to young people to 
ask ready 10 assume 
the responsibility of a sexual т 
ship?” Even the clergy are openly saying 
this to youth now. They've quit. most of 
them, irying to weep sex under the rug. 
s if it doesn't happen. Look at the his 


school girls who " 
W's a dinle late to give them a 
education, Thats why | feel 

› fourth 
an the whole clinical 

п the 

should зш 

They talked about 
1 everybody gig- 

called it 
sperm and vulva 
gled. No teacher ever said a word to us 
about the complex role of sex in our lile 
with other people. Nobody told us it 
wasn't dirty, that it could be and shoukl 
be pleasurable and that viral 
necessity to most people. It's the lack of 
this kind of open and honest education 
about sex that causes so many kids to 
grow up with sexual hang-ups, As it is, 
theyre having to find things ош by 
themselves—argely in rebellion against 
parental example. Kids are experiment 
ing sexually and discovering that they 
ke up routed or dam 

Sex ds a 

don't ей in the 

morning, like they've been told by their 
parems and their clergyman. Young 
people see adults wifeswapping and phi 

landering, and yet piously maintaining 
that sex and counseling them 
hypocritically about the "sinfulness" or 
turity” of intercourse outside mar- 
riage. Like their ра kids Hock to sec 
James Bond and Derek Flint moyies— 
outrageously antiheroic heroes who break 
all the taboos. making attractive the ve 
things the kids are told they shouldn't 




do themselves, Well, theyre figur- 
ing “Why can't I" and theyre not 
buying the ore. Why 
should they? They're seeing a war 
that nobody wants. and the frightening 
prospect of a Word War Three that 
would incinerate us all. H y is ca 
pable of doing that, irs the adults, not 

е уа 

the young people. а majority of 
us don't want то [ace the fact that we're 
n the middle of a sv 

ping social revo 

lution. In sex. In spiritual values. In 
opposition to wars no one wants, In op 
position to Govern brotherhood. 
In civil rights. In basic human goals. 
They've all facets of a general upheaval 
PLAYBOY: One of the 
facets of that upheaval has been the exo 
dus of thousands of young, people out 
society and imo hippie с 
Do vou [cel they've chosen 
ternative to the squ: 

nost conspicuous 


CARSON: No, I don't. They 
involved in so of search for ide 

tity, but E don't tk theyre going to 
find it—not in Haight-Ashbury, anyway 
Most of them. to me. seem lost and 
floundering. They've removed them 
selves from society, yet we sce that they 
continue to expect society 10 provide 
them with necessities like medical help 

and food 

iv of them are provided for 
by the Diggers. Don't you find that a 
reassuring evidence of self reliance 
CARSON: How sustaincd do vou think 
Aren't they doing it as 
them continue 
looking alter the hippies fur a few years 
then maybe Ell look at it differently. 
PLAYBOY: The hippie movement is linked 
im the public mind with usage of psy 
chedelic drugs. How do vou feel about 
this wend? 
CARSON: | think it's 
frightening things youth, or anybody 
else, could. possibly get involved in. We 
just don't have enough authoritative 
formation yet about. how d 
10 camper with he mind—but even 
what litte we do know should be 
enough to give them pause. Don't they 
know about the high ratio of genetic de- 
fect—known already., His early? These 
drugs are so new i ich has jus 
barely scratched the. surface 
Already. we know 
tion. We scc 
1 emergency wards filling 
not yet 20 years old, 
ош! Nobody ever 
AL they hear about 
hemicals and 

one of the n 


gerous it is 

ї rese 

ages they can cause. 
pout chromosome. debili 
young people, so 
completely wigged 
tells them the fa 
is how they can take these 
expand find 
Bullshit! Who have we yet seen emerge 

from the drug culture with any great 



new truths? Timothy Lear А brilliant 
man, obviously. But whats the philoso 
phy he expounds? "Tune in, turn on. 

drop out" 1 wouldn't let hi my 
show. | wouldn't let him spout that 

PLAYBOY: In condemning the use ol 

chemical turn-ons, do you c 
with LSD and th 

sily mart 



1 don't put marijuana ii 

g with LSD or any of the 

the same bag 

hard narcotics. People are wrong when 
isn't addicting, 
though. Гус known people who use it. 
known them all my adult lite, and 1 
know they are at teast psychologically 

they say marijuan 

addicted. But ies just a mild stimulan 
actually, And 1 think that the laws 
пм! its use are repressive out of all 
an Td 
wont to (rv it mysell—or any of the 

proportion. But that doesn't 

other hallucinogens: it’s tough enough to 

navigare in this world without drugs. It 
may not seem like much ol a world to 
the kids. but it’s the only one we've got, 
and dropping out of it бит going to 

PLAYBOY. Many уо 
fur from dropping out. have. become ac 
tivists in the studeneprorest. movement 

people. of course, 

society rather than 

imem on changing 
y it, How do you feel about 
this kind of rebellion? 

CARSON: | [cel that 
ghi to dissent from wh 
But to what extreme 
и? 1 think students ought to have the 
right 10 protest. but not 10 the point of 

t the impression thar they often didu't 


у of us has the 
t we don't like 

у Шке that Berkeley situatic 

know just what it was they were protest 
ing aginst. Ewentially. there was just 
around words like Freedoms" aud 
Righis" What rights аге they talking 
about? What about other people's ri 

When they brandish four-tetrer placards 

a small, hardcore leadership throwing 

ind. shout “Fuc 
u the hell 
how  sophom 

t at free-speech rallies 


те they proving except 
they are? As for the 
ds, Û think it’s stupid 

burning of draft c 

and poinless—though no more stupid 
ind pointless than the war itself. It's 

like any war we were ever in. An unde- 
And it 

and on. Em a father with 

cared war. An unpopular wa 

keeps g 

ı boy coming out of high school next 
year, and P don't look lorward ло his 
marching olf over there. 1 don't think 
anybody. dissenting against this war bas 
ану business | led 
cam. bur D still domt see burning draft 
cards, Fm all for the 


ht to dissent: lots 
ed. Bu I 

of things need i0 be ch 

think we have to respect some bound 

aries. some И we dont want to 
wreck the country. Ht сап happen. a lot 
quicker than. people think if лоо many 

dissents and rebellions get out. of per 

spective—and out of hand 
PLAYBOY: Do you think the Negro riots 
pose that kind of danger? 

CARSON: They certainly do—if we don't 
do something to end them once a 
al: and 1 dont r 
The big il 
after show, special after special, about 

n with more tanks 

on television now is show 

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108 that job autom 

committees. of 

the ri 

the reasons for 

mayors and police chiefs convene, to i 
vestigate the causes and the culprits. 
That's ridiculous. The why of the black 

revolution is no great mystery. What's 
sparked it all, of course, is desperation; 
«bis c that most whites can't 
seem to grasp that simple fact. Negroes 
saw the Civil Rights Act passed ten years 
ago—yet really seen much 
since then in the way of enforcement. 
Why? Because too many whites " 
favor of integration and equality only so 
long as it never touches them. only until 
some Negro makes a move to buy into 
their block, until they find themselves 
with Negroes for th 

heen some progress in the past decade 
but it's been too little and too slow— just 
enough to ghe Negroes а wsie of. ficc- 
dom and equality, but mor enough to 
make either a reality. So the discontent 
and frustration erupt into violence. It's 
understandable, but we all know it’s nor 
oing to solve anything. The exhorta- 
ns of extremists like Rap Brown and 
Negroes to 
themselves amd get Whi 
be designed to win friends 
influence people, but they're not 
to win freedom for the Negro. either 
They're just goi ma 
retaliation by whites and ghastly carnage 
om both sides. So-called moderate lead- 
em like Marin Luther King deplore 
these tactics. too—but what does he pro- 

Stokely Carmichael —urgin 



woo result i 


pose as an alternative? A guaranteed а 
nual income of S3200 for all Negroes. 
He says it’s a compensation, an overcom- 

pensation, ro make up for what's been 
done to the Negro. for what the Negro 
has been deprived of, in this country. 
Thats all well and good, but wher 
that money going to come from? If 
body is given any sum, somebody сіе 
has got to provide it. Black or white, if 

you're not working and I am, then if you 
receive $3200, lur providing it. That's 

just replacing one injustice with another. 
Negro leaders call оп the Government to 
appropriate 50 billion dollars to "erase 
the ghettos"—but that's not going to 
solve anything, either, not by itself. You 
could gut Harlem today and rebuild it 
tomorrow—but unless we do something 
10 uproot the injustices that created the 
ghetto, all we'll have built, at a cost of 
billions, is a nicer cage. This obsessive 
hasis on money, money, 
ply isn't the 


And neither is this pressure that’s being 



ly qualified. to g 
ly to the Negro, just 

plied by civil rights org 
when а job is open for which 
and a white are eq 


because he's а Negro. Fundamentally, 
that’s both condescending and subtly de 
meaning to that Negro. The problem 
n't going to be solved by reverse favor 
itim any more than it is by giveaw 
It comes down to just one basic word: 
justice—the same justice for everyone— 
in housing, in education. in employment 
nd. most dificult of all, in human re- 
lutions. And we're not going 10 accom 
plish that until all of us, black and white, 
begin to temper our passion with com. 
passion, until we stop thinking in terms 
of more guns and more me nd start 
listening to more realistic and responsible 
leadlers—leaders who will begin, how- 
ever belatedly. to practice what they 
preach: equality for all 

PLAYBOY: Speaking of political leaders 
practicing what they preach, what was 
your reaction to the widely publicized 


transgressions of Congresman Adam 
Clayton Powell and Senator Thomas 

CARSON: Well, whatever ее they did, 
they became victims of al double 
standard: the publie’s pi idem 

tion of its elected olficials for conduct it 
condones im private life. However 
justly and hypocritically. people expect 
those in positions of public trust to be as 
spotless as a minister. I certainly think 
we have the right to expect our. politi 
ns uphold their vow of ofice with 
honesty and integrity—but only il we 
apply those same ethical standards to 
ourselves. As long as we shrug at the 
kind of corporate espionage and financial 
hankypanky that gocs on in bu as 
long as we take for granted the kind of 
tax-loophole sleight of hand and expense- 
account padding that goes on in everyday 
life, we'll get exactly the kind of public 
officials we deserve. 

PLAYBOY: In the three years since Presi- 
dent Johnson's re-election. a great deal 
has been said and out the 
credibility gap—pardcularly in regard 


to the disparity between his professions 
of peaceful 

tentions im Vietnam and 
his continued escalation of the war. How 
do you feel about it? 

CARSON: Well. | have to admit that at 
times I find myself with the very uncom- 
fortable feeling that the public isn't get- 
ting all the information it ought to. that 
we're not bei Hy hi 
pening—but not just in Vietnam. Td say 
it started, at least for me, with the U2 
ment denied and 
den ied—and then the truth 
came out. The most recent instance. 
course, was the revels 
on college 
as undercover agents to report on so- 
called get th 
feeling that Geo may 

incident. The Gover 

d and dei 

mpuses by 

subyersive activities. 1 

been right when he predicted that B 
Brother might 

be watching 
someday, ПУ not very reassuring about 
the ideals of those we entrust with the 
power to promote and protect the in 
етем» of this country. 
PLAYBOY: Let's talk about the qualifica 
tions of those who run for public office 
How do you feel about the wend toward. 
exshow-business personalities in. politics 
—men who, like George Murphy and 
Ronald Reagan, win elections almost en. 
tirely on the strength of their affable 
screen images? 
CARSON: | couldn't care less about a can 
«ае previous occupation, as long as i 
something respectable, E dont care 
hot-dog vendor gets to be President. 
He had to be voted in there by the 
people, who hail other choices. We've had 
doctors, lawyers, tomobile executives. 
even exchaberdashers in public life and I 
haven't heard any complaints about their 
backgrounds. What them 
more or less qualified than an actor 
Why should а movie star be treated as if 
he’s diseased or something just because 
he decides 10 r for office? He could 
have the clap and it wouldn't necessarily 
affect his abilities as a political leader. A 
politician should be judged by his per- 
formance in office, not. by his former 
livelihood. If he does an incompetent job. 
public can always throw him out. The 
ighi after Shirley Temple announced. 
her candidacy for Con 
on the show about 

is it 

makes any 

ress, we did а skit 
he Good Ship Lolli- 
de fun at her expense: 
but 1 certainly don't think the fact. that 
she once played Little Miss Marker should 
isqualily her for offic. Who knows? 
ht make a pretty good Congress 
womian—certaily no worse than some 
we've seen. 
ago, New York's Gove 
gested th 

few months 
or Rockefeller 
you consider running for 
Republican can- 
st Bobby 
think ol the 

your show а 

Congress yourselt—as 
for the Se 
. What do 


No, thanks! Even if Gover 
Rockefeller hadn't been saying that wi 
tongue in cheek, D wouldn't have the 
lies interest in ru 
office. Га rather make jokes 
1 become one of the 
the show, somebody asked 
morrow's comedians were coming Irom. 
and | told him, based upon my recent 
observations, from the Democratic and 
Republican p: 
dian could hardly be more unl 



ns as a come- 
€ the fa- 

own orig 

White W: 

ағ showbiz story that begins on the 

e and ends on the Great 
h stop-olfs en route on the 

(continued on pag 


When it comes to remembering important dates, the PLAYBOY reader is a man with a gift. And his 
selection is based more on taste than on tab. Fact: Within the last year, 4,400,000 PLAYBOY house- 
holds spent an average of $400 to honor the many occasions. Capitalize on this young man's flair for 
giving. Use PLAYBOY and your market is all wrapped up. (Source: PLAYBOY's Gift Market Study.) 

New York • Chicago + Detroit • Los Angeles + San Francisco » Atlanta · London + Tokyo 


the mannichon solution 

it was a devastating secret worth two million dollars 
—and millions of lives—if the right buyer could be found 

ose uent shone late in the dark bulk 
of the Vogel-Paulson Research Laborato- 
ies. Mice of all colors and genetic back- 
grounds slept in their cages. Monkeys 
dozed, dogs dreamed, Classified albino 
ts waited predictably for the mom 
ings scalpels and injections. Computers 
bummed quietly, preparing gigantic re- 
sponses on shadowed floors [or the mor: 
row. Cultures spread like geometric 
llowers in shrouded test tubes; city-states 
of bacteria vanished in aseptic dishes 
washed by scientific night; surprising 
serums precipitated obscurely to dash or 
reward the hopes of daylight. Chemicals 
secretly traded molecules behind pulled 
blinds, atoms whirled unobserved, cures 
and poisons formed in locked rooms. 
Electromagnetic tumblers guarded а mil- 
lion formulas in safes that reflected a 
am of steel in stray rays of moonlight. 
Та the one brightly lit, scrubbed room, 
ite a to 
a liquid into a shallow 
glass recep dding а puce-colored 
powder to the contents of а beaker, mak 
ing notes on a baby-blue work pad. This 
was Collier Mannichon. He was med 
sized, plump, his face was melon-round, 
melon-smooth (he had to shave only twice 
week), his high forehead, melon-bulged. 
Looking at him, it was impossible uot to 
be reminded of a smooth-skinned canta- 
loupe, тіре, but not particularly tasty, 
and equipped with thick glasses. He had. 
teapot-blue eyes, with the expectant 
presion of an infant whose diapers have 
wet for some time. There was a 
h fuzz on top of the melony fore- 
head and a small watermelon of a paunch, 
Collier Mannichon did not look like a 
Nobel Prize winner. He was not a Nobel 
He was 29 y з 



Prize winne: 


топок. He knew that statistics showed 
that the 

mijority of great scientific dis- 
coveries had been made by men before 
they reached their 32nd birthday. He had 
two years and nine months to go. 

His chances of making a g 
tilic discovery in the Vogel-Paulson Lab- 
oratories were remote. He the 
Detergents and Solvents department. He 
was assigned to the task of searching for 
a detergent that would eventually break 
down in water, as there had been several 
unpleasant articles in national magazines 
recently about frothing sewers and ru 
ning brooks covered with layers of suds 

t xci 

was in 

in which пош died. Mannichon knew 
that nobody had ever won the Nobel 
Prize for inventing a new detergent, 
even one that did not kill trout. In one 
week. he would be 29 усих and 4 
months old. 

Other men in the laboratory, younger 
men, were working on leukemia and 
cancer of the cervix and compounds that 
showed promise in the treatment of 
schizophrenia. "There was even a 20- 
yearold prodigy who was assigned to do 

something absolutely secret with [rcc 
АН possible roads to Stock. 
They were called in to h level 

staff meetings, and Mr. Paulson invited. 
them to the country club and to his 
home and they drov n sports 
cars with pretty, is, almost 
like movi Paulson never 
came into the detergent department, and 
when he passed Mannichon in the cor 
dors, he called him Jones. Somehow. six 
years ago, Mr. Paulson had got the idea 
that Mannichon's name was Jones. 
Mannichon was married to a woman 
who looked like a casaba melon and he 
had two children, а boy and a girl, who 
looked like what you might expect them 
to look like, and he drove a 1959 Ph 
outh. His wife made no objections to his 
working at night. Quite the opposite. 
Sull it was beter than teachin 
chemistry in a high school. 
He was working at night because he 
d been confronted by a puzzling reac- 


Чоп that afternoon, Не had raken the 
company's stindard detergent. Floxo, 
and added, more or less at random, some 

of the puce-colored powder, а compara- 
tively simple mixture known familiarly 
as dioxotetramerephenoferrogene 14, 
which was known to combine frecly with 

“ ates. ]t was an expensive 
chemical and he had had some im- 
ats with the auditing de- 

partment about his budget, so he had 
used only one gram to а pound of Floxo, 
which cost 51.80 a ton to produce 
was sold at all your better supermarkets 
for 47 cei the convenient. household 
cconomy-size giant package, with Green 

He had put in a piece of white cotton 
waste, stained with catsup from his 
luncheon lettuceand-tomato sandwich 

and had been disappointed to see that 
while his control solution of pure Floxo 

Jiction By IRWIN SHAW 

had completely removed the stain from a 
similarly prepared piece ol cotton waste, 
the solution. with dioxoretramercpheno- 
ferrogene 14 had left a dearly defined 
ring on the doth, which looked just like 
what it was, catsup. 

He had tried a solution with one milli- 
gram of dioxoteuamercphenofcirogenc 
14, but the result had been exactly the 
same, He had been working on the proj 
cct for 16 months and he was under 
standably a litle discouraged and wa 
about to throw both samples out when 
he saw that while the pure Floxo was 
sudsing away in iw usual national 
magazinedisapproved manner, the reat- 
ed mixture now looked like the most 
limpid mountain. spring water. 

When he realized the enormity of his 
discovery, he had to sit down, his knees 
wo weak 10 carry him. Before his cycs 
danced a vision of sewers that looked 
just like sewers in 1800 and rront le 
at the very mouths of conduits leading 
from thickly settled housing develop- 
ments. Mr. Paulson would no longer call 
him Jones. He would buy a Triumph. He 
would get a divorce and get fitted for 
contact lenses. He would be promoted to 



АШ that remained to be done wa 
find the right proportion of dioxoten 
mercphenolerrogene 14 to Floxo, the 
exact ratio that would not produce post- 
operational suds and at the same time 
not leave rings and his future would be 

‘Trained researcher as he was, he set 
about methodically, though with quick 
beating heart, making one mixture after 
another. He was lavish with the dioxo- 
retramercphenolerrogene 14. This 
moment for penny-pinching. He 
of catsup and used tobacco tar from his 
pipe instead. But all through the after- 
noon. all through the lonely vigils of the 
night (he had called his wife and told 
her not to wait for dinner), the results 
were always the same. The telltale ring 
remained. It remained on cotton. It re 
aed on linoleum. It remained o 
stic. Ic remained on leatherette, It re 
ned on the back of his hand. 

He did Erlich had tried 
605 con before the magic 
606th. Science was long, time nothing. 

He ran ont of inanimate testing ma- 
terials. He took out two white mice from 

10 him be- 
sed to grow 

rumning а 
s t0 wash 
swith Floxo, because 
in the household field 
St competitor, Wondro, 
s ol exploitation were 
ig called for. The results on the mice 
were the same as on everything che 
One mouse came out as white as the day 
it was born aud the solution it had been 
washed in frothed normally. The other 
mouse looked as though it had been 
branded, but the solution Mannichon had 
used on it clarified. within five minutes. 

He killed the two mice. He was a c 
scientious man. He didn't use second-run 
mice, In killing the second mouse. he had 
the impression of being bitten. He pre 
pared a new solution, this time with a 
millionth of m of dioxotetramere- 
phenoler 11. went to 

a batch that had been give 
cause they obstinately rel 
tumors. VogcebPuulon wis 

campaign. to induce dog owne 

their animals 

Floxo was lj 
ul new ave 

He had a mixed lot in the cages. Since 
he got the mice thar were considered 
scientifically useless. everywhere 
the laborories, he had mie that 
sullercd Irom gigantism, blind mice, 
black mice, piebald mice, mice that ate 
their freakish yellow mice, gray 
mice with magenta spots and mice that 
dashed themselves to death against the 
bars of their cages upon hearing the note 
Mat on a tuning fork 

Gingerly avoiding their fangs. he ез 
traced. two mice Irom their cages. The 
in which the 

else in 



darkness, in deferet 
departments views on the extravag 
current. in Detergents and 
Mannichon didn't the 
color of the mice until he brought them 
into his laboratory. They were yellowish 
in tone. almost like an oll-breed golden 
Labrador or an unwell С laundry 
man. He stained the mice carefully with 
He had been smoking fu 
riowsly to produce 
amd his tongue was raw, but this was no 
time to balk at sacrilice 

He pat one mouse 
and distilled water a 

- ol elec 
Solvents, so 

ассо L 

fully, alter running alcohol over his 
mds The mouse 
to enjoy h. as the stain 

the suds fizzed. He put the 
ar mix md 



ded a millionth of m ol dioxo- 

tetramercphenolerogene H. He washed 
lus hands again ın alcohol. When he 
turned back to the second mouse, he saw 
that it had fallen over on its side into the 
solution. He bent over and peered at the 
mouse, H it breathing, И was 
dead. He had seen enough dead. mice to 
know a dead mouse when he saw 

He felt а wave of irritation with the o 
ganization of the laboratory. How did 
they expect him to get any serious work 
done when they gave him mice that col- 
lapsed at the first touch of the hunan 

He disposed of the dead mouse. and 
went into the nest room for a fresh one 
This time, he turned on the light. The 
hell with those bastards in Audit. 

Moved by one of those flashes of 
spivation that reason cannot explain. but 
which have made for such leaps forward, 
in the sciences. he picked out another 
yellowish mouse. a sister of the one that 


had died. Detiantly. he lett the light ou 
in the mouse room. which began to 
tweak at about eight decibels. 

Back in the laboratory, he carefully 


anointed the new mouse with toba 
tar, noticing meanwhile that the 
mouse was sill happily frisking i 
invigorating suds. He put the mouse he 
was camying down empty. glass 
dish, is sides just a little too high [o 
jumping. Then he poured some of the 
mixtine with dioxotenamercphenofe 
gene 14 in it over the new mouse. 
For a moment, nothing happened, He 
warched closely, his face six inches from 
the glass pan. The mouse sighed and lay 
down quietly and died. 

Mannichon sat up. He stood up. He lit 
a new pipe. He wem t0 the window. He 
looked out the window. The moon was 
sinking behind a chimney, He pulled on 


lis pipe. Somewhere here. he sensed 
wih bis scientists trained intuition, 
there was a cause and there was an 

fect. The ellecr was fairly evident. Two 
dead mice. But the first mouse, the white 
mouse, that he had put into practically 
the same solution, had mot died. even 
though the stain had remained in its fur. 
w mouse, yellow mouse, yellow 
mouse, white mouse, Mannichon's head 
began to ache. The 1 disappeared 
behind die chimney 

Mannichon went 
The dead yellow 
alrealy stiffening, lool 



back to the table. 
pau was 

puse in on 

g peaceful 


the dear, cleandooking liquid. Iu the 
other pan. the other yellow mouse was 
surfing on the pure Floxo suds. Mann 
chon removed the dead mouse and put it 
into the refrigerator for future reference. 

He went back into the mouse room, 
now tweaking a 11 decibels He 
brought back with him a gray mouse, 

ck mouse and a piebald mouse. With- 
bothering to stain them. he put them 
one by one into the solution in which the 
two yellow mice had died. ‘They all 
seemed to relish the immersion 
pichald mouse was so [risky alter i 
it auempted to mate with the 
mouse, though they were 
mice 1 

hon pur all three control 



K into portable cages and then 
had and dong on the yellow 
still basking in its mi 
wan of loamy, neverdailing 

irie the 
Mannichon got the 
that he had been bitten 
Then he carefully ler the. yellow 
mouse down into the pan in which his 
two brethren had died and in 
which the three varicolored control mice 
had sported. 

dhon gently lifted the 

mouse out of the suds. He dried 
oughly, which semed to 



For a moment, nothing happened. 
Then, in his turn, the yellow mouse in 
the middle of the pan sighed aud lay 
down and died, 

Mannichou’s headache made hi 

close his eyes for 60 seconds. When he 
opened them, the yellow mouse was still 
dead, lying as it had Fallen ín the crystal 
clear. liquid. 

was assailed by a 
ss. Nothing like this had ever oc 
ved to him in all the years he had 
ing the cause of He 
was too tired to Uy to figure ош what 
had bec ag, whether it was lor 
the bener or for the worse. whether it 
advanced detergeuts or put them back 
100 yeas, whether it moved. him. Man 
hon, closer to Cancer or back 10 Floor 
nd Glues. or even 10 severance 
pay. His brain refused to cope with the 
problem any longer thar night and he 
mechanically put the dead. mouse next to 
its mate in the refrigerator. tabbed the 
gray mouse, the black mouse and the pie 
bald up. wrote his notes, 


sen каси. 




put out the lights and started for home. 

He didn't have the Plymouth tonight, 
because his wife had needed it to go to 
play bridge and all the buses had long 
since stopped running and he couldn't 
afford a taxi, even if he could 
found one at that hour, so he walked 
home. Оп his way, he passed the Plym- 
owh, parked in front of a darkened 
house on Semen Sucet, more than а 
mile away from his home. Mannichon's 
wife had not told him whose home she 
was playing bridge in and he didn't rec 
ognize the house and he was surprised 
that people would still be playing bridge 
at two o'clock in th 1 with 
the curtains so tightly drawn that no 
beam of light shone through. But he 
didn't go in. His presence when she wa 
playing bridge, his wife said, upset her 

“Collect your notes.” Samuel Crockett 
was saving, "and put them in your bri 
case and lock it, And lock the refriger- 
tor." There were now 18 dead yellow 
mice in the refrigerator. “I think wed 
better talk about this someplace where 
we won't be disturbed." 

It was the next aft 
had called in Crockett. who worked 
the laboratory next door, at 11 A.M. M. 
nichon had arrived at the lab at 6:30 
unable 10 sleep. and had spent the 
morning dipping everything yellow he 
mo the solution. which 
Crockett had begun calling the Man 
chon solution at 2:17 vat. Tt was the first 

could find 

time anything had been called after 
Mannihon (his two children were 
named after his father-indaw and hi 
mother-in-law) and Mannidion was be 
ginning, dimly, to see himself as a Fig- 
ure im the World of Science. He had 

aheady decided to get himself fitted. Tor 
contact lenses before they came to pho- 
aph him for the national magazines. 
rocket, or “Crock,” as he was called, 
was one of the young men who drove 
round in an open sports car with lasciv- 
ious girls. It was only a Lancia, but it 
was open. He had been top man in his 
dass at МІТ and was only 25 years and 
З months old and he was working on 
voluntary crystals and complex prot 
molecules, which was. in the Vogel- 
Paulson hierarchy, like being a marshal 
on Napoleon's май. He was а lean, wiry 
Yankee who knew which side his experi- 
mental bread was buttered on. After the 
long morning of dipping bits of yellow 
everything (yellow silk, yellow cotton 
yellow blotting paper) into the solution, 
with no reaction whatsoever, and. execut- 
ing more than а dozen yellow mice, 
Mannichon had felt the need for another 
mind and had gone next door, where 
Crockett had been sitting with his feet 
up on а stiintessstee Laboratory table, 
chewing on a cube of sugar soaked in 
LSD and list to Thelonious Monk 
on a portable phonograph. 

"There had been an initial burst of irri 
tation. “What the hell do you want 
Flox?" Crockett had said. Some of the 
younger men called Mannichon “Flox” 
as a form of professional banter. But then 
Crockett had consented to come along, 
after Mannichon had skeiched out the 
nature ol his visit. Enlisting Crockett's 
help had already paid off handsomely. 
He had had the idea at 1:57 
т.м. of introducing drops of the solution 
orally to various colored mice, ending up 

the gray mice. 
mice, the piebald mice, had reacted with 
i ter a few drops of the solution, 
becoming gay and belligerent. The yel 
low mouse had quietly died 28 minutes 
alter its drink. So now they knew the so- 
lution worked internally as well as exter- 
nally. However, Crockett had mot yet 
come up with any ideas on how to erase 
the telltale ring that remained. after the 
solution was used to take out stains. He 
rested in that 
aspect of the problem. But he had been 
pressed by the way even the smallest 
proportion of dioxotetramercphenoferro- 
gene 11 had reduced the stubborn Floxo 
suds and had complimented Mannichon 
his terse Yankee way. “You've got 
something there.” he had said, sucking on 
1 LSD зш cube. 

Why can't we talk here?” Manuichon 
said. as Crocker) m preliminary 
moves 10 get out of the laboratory. Man- 

nichon punched in and punched out and 
he didn't want the personnel department 
coming asking him why he had taken 
hall a Thursday afternoon oll. 

was all Crock- 

nichon put all his notes in his briefcase, 
aged on shelves all the apparatus 
pplies they had been using. locked 
igerator followed Crockeit 
out imo the corridor. 
They met Mr. Paulson near the [ront 
ate. “Crock, oll Crock,” Mr. Р 
said, putting his arm fondly around 
Crocket's shoulder. "My boy. Hello, 
Jones. Where the hell arc you going?" 
1—7 Mannichon began, knowing 
he was going to stutter. 
Appointment at 
Crockett said crisply. “I'm driving him. 
Aha," said Mr. Paulson. “Science has 
million сусу. Good old Croc 
They went out the front 
"Aren't you taking your car Mr. 
Jones?" the parking lot attendant asked 
Mannichon. Four years before, he had 


the rel 


an — optician’s, 

heard Mr. Paulson call Mannichon 
Here," Crockett cut in. He gave the 
inglot cube of LSD 

т as a tip. 
hanks, Mr. The parking- 
lot attendant popped the cube imo hi 

mouth and be to suck it. The Li 

swooped out of the lot onto the highway, 
Italian, the Via Veneto. national maga 
zines, the Affluent Society, open to the 
sun, wind and rain. Ah, God, Mannichon 
thought, this is the way to live. 

“Now,” said Crockett, 
the pluses and the minuses 

They were sitting in a dark bar, dec 
orated like an English coaching inn. 
curled brass horns, whips hunting 
prints. At carefully spaced intervals along 
the mahogany bar, three married. ladics 
who were not their husl 
was drinking Jack Daniel's and water. 
Mannichon sipped at an alexander, the 
coholic drink he could get down, 

es add up 

Plus onc," Crockett said. 77 
Enormous advantage. The polluted riv- 

“Minus one,” Crockett went oi 
ing for another Jack Daniel's. He drank 

i. "Minus one—residual rings. Not an 
insuperable obstacle, perhaps. 

“Question of time," Mannichon. mur- 
mured. "With different catalysts, we 
might ——" 

"Perhaps," Crockett said. "Plus two. 

linity, as yet unclear, to yellow 

living organisms. so far essentially 
confined to mice. Further experiment 

чий, a 

ted along this linc. 
AIL specific chemici 

clearly indi 
breakthrough. 1 afi 
кз with diverse particularized organ- 
isms eagerly sought after. Definitely a 
breakthrough. You will be praised.” 

Well Mr. Crockett” — Mannichon 
said. sweating with even more pleasure. 
language like that from а man 
who had been first in his year at MIT, "it 

inly ii" 

me Crock,” Crockett said. 
this together." 
Mannichon said gratefully. 

olution seems to bc f. 
for which it shows affinity. Question is— 

is it really a minus? 

из... well... unsettling” Ма 
nichon said, thinking of the 18 rigid 

e in the locked refrigerator 

Negati tions sometimes posi- 
tive reactions in disguise. Depends upon 

point of view." Crockett said. "Natural 
cycle onc of repair and destruction. Each 
at its own time in its own place. Mustirt 
lose sight.” 

“No.” sud Mannichon humbly, deter- 
mined not to lose sight. 

Commercially,” Crockett said. "Look 
at DDT. Myxomatosis. Invaluable in 
Australia, Overrun by rabbits. 1 didn't 
like that goldfish, though." 

They had borrowed a goldfish off the 


inedia dente ams P 


Þe desk of а receptionist and а “Oh, I throw Paulson a bone fro aight. а woman like that will be 
e hd put it pure Floxo time to time,” Crockett sail. "A low ting for me ar а bar, He shivered 
the Mannichon solution. It couldnt be temperature treatment for polyesters, a deliciously. 
BM said that the goldfish had seemed to en- crystallization process for storir On the way to the laboratory. they 
pe јоу the Floxo—it hud stood on its head gatelles Tike that. Paulson bought a goldfish for the receptionisi 
@ it the bottom of the pan and shuddered — slobbers in gratitude, But for anything They had promised to bring her fish 
every 36 seconds—bi Afer big, man. you don't think I go voting back, She was attached to it, she said 
= 20 seconds in the Ma up to the front office ing my tail mp 
Pe had expired. It was in the refrigerator like a bird dog with a quail in its jaws. "Intere ч йй 
ith the I8 mice, Christ man. where've you been? Мап, 1 bad Bed quickly 
tt repeated, “I didn't like have four patents in a compar ioni notat. add, ken] a 
Not at all.” for the hardening of оа п alee tay бы: 
y sat in silence, regretting the Germany alone. And as for low-gr: hey were in. Малака 
goldfish. bauxite. .. ab. Crockett. was sure that his roo and 

Recapitulation.” Crockett said. “We “You don't have to go into detail" Tageka Куйз were bugged and that 
in possession of formule with unusual — Mannichon said, not wishing to seem іп- Paulson ran the tapes every night. They 
alities. Breaks down tensile balance of — quisitive. He was beginning to under. all that nobody would bother 
otherwise cohesive liquid molecules at stand where the Lancias and Corvettes bugg шы. andr байны жг 
normal temperatures. Laughably cheap and Mercedes in the laboratory parking they could speak freely, although in 
ral traces in minute lot came from. low 
"posible to identify. — "Well set up a company in Guer 

Highly toxic то «спай. specific organ Crockcu sid. "You and L and 
isms. benevolent to others. 1 don't know whoever else we need. Fm well. placed in 
how—yer—but somewhere h there's Gue d the bastards speak Eng. Fı 
a dollar to be made, I have а hunch... lish. And for any subcompanies that pacco mosaic. “Th 
а hund There may be a place we come along. we сан use my аши in ever is a an. АШ part 

He stopped. almost as if he Ischia." lly and 1 have exclusive rights to 

ed voices. 


wust Mannichon with his Do vou think we'll imwbodv Guatemala and Сома Ris 
“Yellow, yellow, yellow. What — else Mannichon ону. In. Kyh." Crockett protested. 
the hell is yellow that we are overrun the space of ten minutes. he had ac “LT have с п connection 

with. like rabbits in Austral quired the first healthy instinct of 
swer that question. we can clean up." дайм, not to share wealth unnecessarily 
Well.” said. Mamnichon, ^I suppose Im afraid so." docket, brood 
we would be in for a raise at the end of ing. “We'll need a doia 10 he Nobel Prie linn Сумен. 
the year hom Mr, Paulson. At least a to tell us and had com] 
bonus at Christmas.” tion Tinks up with the nuclear nenei nd Zunch. 
"A bonus?" Crocket’s voice rose for whatever cells it has an Tageka Kyh offhandedly slipped the 
the firs time. “A raise? Are you mad, how it penetrates the thay of dead micé ойс of the reftigerdtor 
need a crackerjack biochemist. And an ды ldfisi on a Bar alumi- 
Well my contract says that every- expert fieldworker to examine how the 
g 1 develop is the property of Vogel- product behaves in a free environment 
. In exchange for- Doesn't This is big. man. No use wasting time on 
contract read the same? bums. And then, of course, the angel.” 
пе you, man?" Crockett asked he angel?” Maunichon was at sea. —the mice, 1 mean——" He was swe 
Up to the ion hadn't seemed to be ing now, and nor pleasurably. "What I 
an integral part of the opera vying to sty is that up to now, at |. 
we had to get out "The moneybags" Crockett said im. the... uh... the solution. > - ^ Later. 
to talk?" Crockeu patiently. “АП this is going to cost he would be able to say the Mannichon 
packet. We can use the labor solution without blushing, but he wasn't 

lool Jor of things. but finally, we hi up to that yet. “That is^ he went on. 
the three wives up on ош stuttering, “the solution so far has be 

P a ê 
in miniskirts, “I suppose this atmosphere ‘OF course isms w 

l h to con 
L “Take it or leave 
Crockett said. 

Куй sa 

nies d 

Mannichon said. A 
ht had just occurred to him. “I 
don't like to interfere. but they're yellow 

Baptist" Man 

“Now you see why 
of the laboratoi 

ad — Mannich 
ad ar the bar and. 

ето set 

toxic only to... uh org 

annichon said, his vo- 

т : minant, as it were, pigment, in a man 
is колег than — cabulary as well as his vi red. аа ДД 
'Cozier!" Crockett said. Then he used. 1, the pathok Crockett [рине 

a rude w 

Ч. “Dont you have a “The best mar 
company. man?” the shop. Good old Ta 

"^ company?” Mannichon said, puz Mannichon nodded. у 
лей. “What would 1 do with a company? — been top man in his year at Kyoto amd Sine ti 
1 make seventy-cight hundred dollars a then top man at Berkeley. He drove a qus 
Jaguar XKE. a Kyh had spoken mered, ж 

are you vy! 


g 10 sry. ра 
said, wintry Te 
1 one and the 

nd pr 

ichon stam- 
y he had started this, "well. 
there might be certain dangers. Rubber 
gloves. аг the very least. Complete. asep 
sis, il 1 might presume t advise. Fm the 
last man in the world to dwell on radial 
Crockett said, “Let's go сш С. иһ... churaceristics, but Fd feel 
he goes home. No sense in guilty if anything . . . well, you know, il 
aunt with a legal nee in Ischia. Do wasting He left a ten-dollar bill on happened, 

1 have a сощ the table and Mannichon followed him “Don't you wort 
"At your ag toward the door, feeling the attractive. low brothe Kyh said 

ingly. “Ar the age of nes of wealth. He passed the three evenly. He went out ng the way 

116 three months. But wh: wives at the bar. One day soon, he (continued on page 122) 

1 child psychiatrists 
Do you have a compa had said, "ls this seat 
our, five. Ма Crockett chon had said. "No." He rei 
L "Who keeps mack? One im Liech- exchang 
tenstein, two in the Bahamas, ome in 
the name of a divorced nymphomaniac 

Napoleon made love with a zest 
That gave his amours litle rest 

F ; But he said to his queen, 
у i "lit niit, Josephine; 
E fie got my hard stock in my vest.” 


pictorial By EUGENIO HIRSCH a flock of female 
forms fashioned into famous and infamous heads of state 

A titular head is De Gaulle. 
Mes Galic and also has gall. 
From Vietnam ta (ueber, 
He sticks ои his neck, 
And delights in the subsequent squall! 


Farouk, a Ming of фей wealth, 

Through lechery ruined his health. 
With women he frequently 

Made quite an ass ol himsel 

The ltalian, despite all calamity, 

| Ae a people of brilliance and amity. 
So this counterfeit Caesar 
They put in the freeze, 

| Restoring ther county 1 sanity 


Stalin neans steel 
Aad Jo's foes e 
But not muc 
About Stalin 

in the 

is sil 
in bet, 


ceived quie а (ПБЇШ; 

Though ifs rumored His style was percussion. 

In the 

The gil 
ls file 


y ils ı0 
ih а lv 

public night now, 
e boring, and how! 
fun in bed 

ir whose head 

¢ mains of Man 




ad the aluminum shovel debonairly, 
like an old judo trophy. 
‘Grasping bastard,” Crockett said bit 

thologist. “Exclusive rights to Gi 
and Сома Rica. The Rising Sun. March 
into Manchuria. Just like the last time.” 

As he drove home, Mannichon had 
the impression that, Crockett and Tageka 
Kyh, though confronted with the same 
data as himself, somehow were leaping 
to conclusions still very much hidden 
from him, That's why they drive Lancias 
1 Ja he thought. 

‘The telephone rang at three in the 
Mrs. Mannichon groaned as 
chon reached blearily over her to 
pick it up. She didn't like him to touch 

without warning. 
xkett. here,” 

id the voice on the 
phone. "I'm at Tageka's. Get over here." 
He barked out the address. “Pronto.” 

Mannichon hung up and staggered 
ош of bed and started to dress. He had 
heartburn from the alexander. 

“Where going?” Mrs. Mannichon said, 

| а nonmelony voice. 


“At rce in the morning.” She didn't 
open her eyes, but her mouth certainly 

“I haven't looked at the time,” Man 
chon said, thinking, Not for long, oh. 
Lord, not for long. 

“Good night, Romeo,” Mrs. 
chon said, her сус» still closed. 

“That was Samuel Crockett" Manni 
aid. fumbling with his pants 
ag" Mrs Mannichon sai 
ways knew i 
"Now, Lulu, . . 


” Alter all, Crockett 

Bring home some LSD,” Mrs. Manni 
chon said, falling asleep. 

Now, that was а funny thing for her to 
say, Mannichon thought, as he softly 

closed the door of the split-level behind 
him. so as not to awaken the children. 
Both of the children had a deeply rooted 

of sudden noises, the child 

d told. him. 


Tageka Kyh lived downtown in the 
penthouse apartment of a 13-5 

. Mis Jaguar was parked 
Crockew's Lancia. Mannichon, 
the Pl 

uth behind his parmers’ cars, 
thinking, Maybe a Ferrari. 

Mannichon had to admit to himself 
1 he surprised when he was let 
o the apartment by a Negro butler in 
a yellow striped. vest and immaculate 
white shirt sleeves with large рой cuff 
links. Mannichon had expected 
modern decor, perha Japanese 
touch—bamboo mats, ebony headrests, 
washy prints of rainy bridges on the 
walls. But it 1 done in pure Cape 


(continued [rom 

e 116) 

Cod —chintz, cobbler's benches, captain's 
chairs, scrubbed pine tables, lamps made 
out of ships binnacles. Poor man, Ма 
nichon thought, he is uying to 

Crockett was waiting in the 
room, drinking beer and standing lool 
ing at a fullrigged dipper ship in a 
bottle on the mantel. 

Hi?" Crockett said. 

"Well" Mannichon said, rubbing at 
his red eyes behind his glasses, "I must 


“Have à пісе 

confess Pm not completely on the qui 
vive. I'm used to eight hours sleep 

"Got to learn to cut it down," Crockett 
said, “I do on two” He drank some beer. 
Good old Tageka'll be ready for us any 
minute. Нез in his Jab.” 

A door opened and a lascivious 
tight silk offmauye pants came in with 
some more beer and a plate of chocol 
marshmallow cookies. She smiled lasciv- 
iously at Mannichon as she offered him. 

the tray. He took a Бе 
for her sake. 
"His" Crockett. said. 
You bet, 

id the ¢ 
to be a Japanese pathologist, 
ichon thought. 
A buzzer rang dimly. “Captain Ahab, 
the girl. “He's ready for you. You 
know the way, Sammy." 
This way, Flox,” Crockett said, start- 
ing out of the room. 
immy?" the girl asked. 
Crockett tossed. her a sugar cube. She 
was lying down, with her oll-mauve legs 
high over the back of a tenfootlong 
dint couch and nibbling on the sugar 
with small white teeth before they were 
ош of the room. 

тарска Kyh's laboratory was bigger 
and more elaborately equipped than any 
at Vogel Paulson. There was a large ope 
ble that could be rotated to any 
position, powerful lamps on pulleys and 
swivels, ba cases, ste 
Насту, refrige h glass doors, 
gigantic X-ray machine, stunlesssteel 
sinks and tables "s strobo- 
the lot. 
ichon said, s 

a said. He was dressed 
pron and he 
off a surgeon's mask and cap. Under his 
apron, Mannichon could see the rolled- 
up ends of blue jeans and high-heeled, 
silver-worked cowboy boots. "Well 
geka said, “T ing away at our 
problem." He poured himsell a tumbler 
of. California sherry from a gallon jug in 
a corner and drank thirstiy. "Гус dis 
sected the eighteen mice. Yellow.” | 
smiled at Mannichon with a gleam of 
murai tecth. "I've looked at the slides. 
It’s too carly to say anything definite yet, 



ading at 

the door. 

Ш 1 can offer is an educated 
you've hit 

guess, but 

on something 

Mannichon sai 

1 eagerly 
“What is it?’ 

Tageka Kyh and Crockeu exchanged 
significant glances, the born big-leaguers 
noting with pity amd undersuinding the 
rane of the born bush leaguer imo 
the locker room. “Im not quite sure yet, 
pardner" Tageka Kyh said gently. “MI 
Tm sure of is that whatever it is, it’s 
new. And we live in an age in which 
being new is enough. Remember Man 
"Tan, remember the hula hoop. remem 

ber No-Gal, remember the stereoscope 
glasses for threedimensional films. For- 
tunes were made. In the space of 
hon began to pant. Ta 

Under it he was 

shirt. “My prelimi 

ary conclusions," he said briskly. "A 

nontoxic substance, to be designated, for 
the sake of convenience, as Floxo, com. 
bined with another known nontoxic 
substance, dioxotetramerephenolerrogen: 
14, shows a demonstrable swift affinity 
for the pigment material of eighteen 
yellowish mice and one goldfish——" 

“Nineteen,” Mamnichon said, remem: 
bering the first yellow mouse he had 
thrown into the tor. 

"Eighucen,” Tageka said. "| do moi 
work on hearsay.” 
"m sorry,” said М 

"Examination of cells,” Tageka we 
on, "and other organs leads to the ob 
servation that in a manner as yet un- 
discovered, the solution unites with the 
pigmental шашат in the cells, whose 
chemical formula 1 shall not at this mo 
ment trouble you with, to produce a new 
compound, formula to be ascertained. 
that attacks, with great speed and v 
the sympathetic nervous system, 

10 almost immediate nonfunc- 
of that system and subsequent 
hing. movement and 
He poured himself another 
Why are your eyes 


stoppage of bre; 

tumbler of sherry. 
so red, радва? 
“Well, Fm used to eight hours of sleep 
a night and" Mannichon said. 
"Learn to cut down,” Tageka said. "1 
do on on 
"Yes, sir" М 
“What practi 

michon said. 
al use cin Бе made ol 
this interesting relationship between. our 
solution and certain organic pigments is 
not within my province," Tageka said 
"Um merely a pathologist. But T am su 

а bright young man can come up with a 
suggestion. Nothing is useless in the 
halls of science. After all, the Curies dis 
covered the properties of radium be 

cause a key left overnight in a darkened 
ith a lump of refined pitchblende 

lowed its photograph to be taken. 
all, nobody is much. interested i 

(continued on page 282 

fiction By P. G. WODEHOUSE 

artist, became engaged to Gladys Wether. 
by, the poewss, he naturally felt that 
this was a good thing and one that 
should be pushed along. The sooner the 
wedding took place, in his opinion, the 
better it would be. He broached the sub- 
ject to her as they sat dining at the 
Crushed Pansy. the restaurant with a 

“What 1 would suggest,” he said, "if 

g young 




you haven't anything particular on next 
week, is that we should toddle around to 
the registrar's and have him do his stuff. 
They tell me these registrar fellows make 
а very quick job of it The whole 
wouldn't take more than ten minutes or 
so and it would be off our minds and 
there we would be, if you sce what I 

A look of pain came into Glad 

“I'm afraid it's not so simple 

“What's your problem?” 

I was thinking of Uncle Francis." 

* face. 
s that." 

R the knowledge that his betrothed’s blustery old uncle would 
never tolerate tobacco might have crushed a weaker 
man, but not brave lancelot—he was merely cowed 


"Whose Uncle 

"My Uncle Francis." 

“I didn't know you had an Uncle 

“I've had him for years. He was my 
mothers brother. Colonel Pashley- 
Drake. Have you ever heard of him? 
He's retired. now, but he used to be a 
famous big-game hunter." 

“And how does he get into the act?” 

“My mother always looked up to him 
very much, and when she died, she left 
him a chunk of money that he was to 




hand over to me when | married,” 
“L sec no objection to that.” 
“Bur only if he approved of the man I 
arying. And he won't approve of 

my marrying an 

“Why not?" said Lancelot a Title 

sily. "Artists are also Cod's creatures.” 

“He thinks they spend all their time 
g orgies in studios." 


sitting оп 

So you think he won't give you your 

st it. 
thou it, I've plenty,” 

than most artists in having а nice pi 

sladys shook her head. 
No,” she said. “I need 
and | won't marry without it. I'm not 
to be one of those pauper wives 
who have to come and plead brokenly 
with their husbands every time they 
t the price of a new hat. My pride 
forbids it.” 

And though Li 

acelot argued clo- 
quently with her all through the poulet 
10 au cresson course and later during 
the afterdinner coffee, she was not to һе 
moved her decision, It was a 
gloomy young brush-and-easel man who 
saw her home to her residence in Gar- 
bidge Mews, Fulham, ad then went off 
tered in a series of pubs. 
Ў sking himself, would the 
harvest be and where did he go from 

His hangover on the following day 
precluded all thought of anything except 
bicarbonate of soda; but after that, 
guish and despair took over and he 
brooding in his studio, listless and. 
capable of work. If а nude princess had 
looked in, wanting her portrait painted, 
he would have had her out of it in under 
ten seconds. АП he could do in the way 
of alleviating the agony that seared hi 


soul was to play the accordion, always 
his solace in times of stress; and he had 
worked his way through Over the Rain- 
bow and was preparing to tackle OF 
Man River when the door flew open and 
Gladys bounded in, her manner an 
ad her eyes shining, it seemed to 
him from a quick glance, like twin stars. 

“Put away that stomach Steinway, my 
charming," sh d liste 
10 me, for | bring news that will make 
you go dancing about London like a 
nauteh girl. Гуе just had a letter from 
Unde Franci 

Lancelot was unable to see why this 
should be considered a cause for rejoic 

“So what?” he said. 

“He's asked me to find him 
int his portrait, to be pre 


n artist to 
ented to the 

Explorers € 

You get the job. Don't 
ou see what this means? You'll be clos 
d with him day after day; and if you 
n't fascinate him under those condi 
tions, you're not the king among men 
I've always thought you, By the end of 
а couple of weeks, I confidently expect 
you so to have wrought upon him that 
he can deny you nothing. You then tell 
m we're going to be married and he 
gives you his blessing and reaches for 
the fountain pen and checkbook. Any 

None. | like the setup." 
1 thought you would. 
"Ies the most wonderful- 


— Oh, my 

A thought «clot 
As an artist, he belonged to the ultra 
modern school, expressing himself most 

readily in pictures showing a sardine 
can, two empty beer bottles, a bunch of 
carrots and a dead cat, with a large eye 

gleaming somewhere in the background, 
the whole intended to represent Paris in 
springtime. He doubted his capacity to 
work in another vein 

“Would [ be any good at a portrait?" 

"Good enough for а gaggle of ех 
plorers. АП explorers have weak eyes 
through staring at the sunrise on the 
lower Zambezi, They won't notice а 
"Well, if you say so. Then wl 

“Uncle Francis has a house at. Bitile- 
ton down in Sussex. You go there t 
row, complete with brush and paints. I'll 
phone him to be expecting you." 

Another thought occurred to 
1 suppose I'm in for a thin time as 
ds meals. Don't big-game hunters 
ive on pemmican and native maize and 
that sort of thing 
Unde Francis doesn't. 

's the 



He has the 

most sensational cook. Every dish a 

“That sounds all right,” said Lancelot, 
brightening. Being t, he 

iade do of an evei 

g with the k 
end of a ham or something out of a can; 
but he was by no means incapable of ap- 
preciating good cooking and had often 
Wished that the poulet roti au стемот at 
the Crushed Pansy had been a bit better 
rêli. “I go tomorrow, you say?” 

"Better, perhaps, the day after tomor- 
row. That'll give you time to mug up 
Uncle Francis’ book, My Life with Rod 
and Gun, so that you can draw him out 
‚ zebus and moun- 
ıd the other things he used 

in goats 

Yes, that's life,” Gladys agreed. “And 

the best offer 1 got from a secondhand 
bookshop was threepence, so the volum 
is still in my possession, You can come 
and fetch it this afternoon. 
“And I leave the day after tomorrow 
"That's right. ГИ come and see you oll 
at the station 

As Lancelot sat in his compartment at 
the appointed time w for the пай 

lor Bittleton to start 


and gang at 
Gladys, who w g on the plat 
form, he was thinking how much he 
loved her and what а dreadful thought it 
was that they were to be separated like 
this. He wasto learn that there were other 
dreadful thoughts going around. She 
now gave utterance to one of them 

"Oh, by the way, captain of my sou 
she said, "there's one other t 
most forgot to tell you. Un is 
Фу opposed to smoking, so you'll 
have to knock it off for the duration 

A strong shudder shook Lancelot. He 
vas a heavy smoker, in spite of having 
two aunts who belonged to the 


tobacco League and kept sending him 
pamphlets showing what the practice 
does to those who indulge in it. His jaw 

fell a couple of notches. 
“Knock olf smoki 
weeks? 1 couldn't. 
"You'd better, or— 
“Or whaw” 
moved off. 
It was one of those trains that 
not become attuned to the modern spirit 
of speed and hustle, and as it sauntered 
through the sunlit countryside. Lancelot 

For weeks and 

said Gladys, and the tr 

parting words e 
them. And the more he wei nd ex- 
amined. the less he liked the sound of 

them. Nor is this surpri: 
probably no words in the 
a lover more dislikes to he: 

ng. There are 

guage 1 
r on the lips 
of his loved one than those words "or 
else.” They have a sinister ring calcu 
lated to chill the hardiest 

He mused. One cannot say that he 
was standing at a man's crossroads, for 
he was sit 
that he was confronted with 
serious decision. of 
the one hand, he obe 
refrained from smokir 

the ends and the soft- 
ly bird tucking into 
its worm outside his window would send 
him shooting to the ceiling, as if some 
fun-loving practical joker had exploded а 
bomb beneath his bed. He had once 
knocked off smoking for two or three 

days and he knew what it was like 
I, however, on the other hand, he 
took a strong line and refused to keep 
(continued on page DS) 

| : RIO potables and fran 
/ ve J 

dia is 
a festive in 
iday dinner Party : fe 
holiday apping са а foots п, 
T но аве ACH 
2 ташон. roast g 
2 go ncha! 
1d ч 

ү, a 
Tegular]y e, 

aud (text 
а нау); Piquant Yellow Ck 
0k Sake lap Уап rich Raki 
st DRM. k Sake (Japan); 
) pe ic Pin 
; exoti 

т (Yy, e 
i Milk Pune asi avia), 


eft to 

d nega актанд; 



UN valli 

POS. а N 


yest anchov know that at this 
of the year the world is, indeed, 

A menu of many lands doesn't have to 
be stretched, like the Japanese New 
Year. into a full. month. But it's tremen- 
dous fun. especially at the holidays, to 
sketch out a party tl allows Turkish 
Ki ıo be sipped before the Chinese 
winter melon soup and Thai shrimp 
dumplings to appear on the same table 
with Brazilian mousse of avocados, And 
it certainly makes for unusual end-of 
the-year festivities to have both your 
decor and your food and drink reflect the 
гог of foreign lands. 

A host with an eye for exotic cuisines 
will naturally call the play on dishes best 
suited to his own revels. There's a Bed- 
ouin feast in which a whole camel is 
slowly roasted after having been stuffed 
with a sheep, which in tum was 
stuffed with chickens, stuffed with fish, 
fed with eges А moral goes along 
ith the roast camel: Bigness isn't 
necessarily sumptuousness. An B0-pound 
steamship roast is big enough. Bur the 
much smaller roast shell of prime beef, 
cut into slices for Danish open beel 
sandwiches, garnished with cold Béar- 
dilled cucumbers and onioi 
in red wine is sheer holiday bliss. Evci 
thing good abou the Danes—their 
straightforwardness, their impressive sim. 
plicity of taste, their imagination, thei 
rich hospitality—seems to go into their 
modestlooking but magnificent. smøre- 



Gourmetsatlarge soon learn that the 
best of foreign cuisines continuously 

overlap and borrow from one 
and meld into new delightful forms. The 
Greeks claim not only to have invented 
the chefs tall white hat but to have dis- 
covered white sauce and brown sauce 
and to have taught the Romans how to 
cook peacocks, crabs and cranes. It may 
all be true, but the thing that they didn’t 

but of which they are now formi- 
Je masters is the le 
style of cooking soups 
avgolemono, а ст 


lemon juice and 
day diversion for 

gg yolks, is 
mericm hosts. Th 
land offers small shrimp dumplings made 
of ground raw shrimp. which seem lil 
first cousins of the Chinese sh 
But the Thais have 
with spices, 
the Thai version is flavored with а spe 
cies of hot peppers that they affection 
ately call “tiny torpedoes.” Along with 
pickled ginger. the peppers. produce an 
incendiary effect on the palate. In Ameri- 

сап hands, the delicate shrimp 
dumplings are covered with 
sauce that. proc 

One of the coziest of all soups confect 
ed by the Chinese is thei з melon 
soup. Winter melon isa fruit eaten like a 

128 Vegetable, available both 



Ar оч us tables in this 
country, the soup is sometimes served 
from the whole melon steamed until 

der—a long. rather cl 
у. the best version 
ive опе, in which the та is 
cut into small pieces and cooked quickly, 
so that the melon emerges both crisp and 
tender. Obviously, one needn't acquire a 
| visa to Chi ke winter 
nese food 
store, you'll have no difficulty in scooping 
up a wedge of the Large winter melon. И 
there are no Chinatowns nearby, the 
firm Spanish melo: 
good pinch hitter, 
While the French 
ights to the word c 
found all over Europe, One of the 
most succulent versions 
cheesestulled. crispellini 
the town of Ravello off 
France, of course, has culinary outposts 
tout le monde. 105 not startling. there- 
fore, to find feathery, butterrich French 
broches in Quebec, Haiti and Marti- 
nique. Brioches, in the. Caribbean, are 
happily crossbred with orange and rum 
favors into a cherubic holiday dessert. 
There are some fresh foreign « 

when in season, is 


sations. The canned Brazilian heart of 
palm is just about the most perfect salad 

gredient we agine for indulging 
holiday fancy. Brazili 

avocado mousse in which the hi 
palm appears is another dish that c 
fiery with pepper or as affably mild as 

you like to suit your own commensal 
АП feasts, whether domestic or for- 

eign, should be feastlike. And the frst 
ch the eye as well as the 

palate on a holiday bullet 
seneroussize hors d'oeuvre dish with the 
immense booty from overseas. Hot hors 
ures should be kept hot over a 
or on a hot 
their acme ol 
at room temperature; everything else 
should be nipping cold. A holiday hors 
d'oeuvre line-up should include caviar— 
the fresh Iranian, if possible, Among th. 
multitudinous forms in which pûlê de 
foie gras is offered, we like the mousse of 
Joie gras that is easily м h a sharp 
knife dipped in hot water, and the cemer 
of which is bejeweled with a row of 
black truffles. The midget kalian mush- 
rooms im oil, Scandinavian herring i 
succulent wine suces. paperihin West 
n ham, quail eggs from Japan. 
tal cheeses, in 
adyto-cat fo 
all of these require only ами 
rough so many jars, bottles. cans and 

is to fill a 

chafingdish Ila 
cheeses reach 


сей wi 

bibbers in the habit 
иһ night with the 

of settling do 

me okl bottles of whiske ly 
they've leaned upo should 
be reminded at the yuletide of the Greek 

god who started it 
Die sus’ mentor 

wise Silci 

II—Dionysus. Young 
was the cheerful. and 
who, although seldom 
ht Dionysus how то cultiv 
and to convert their rich juice 

поте impor he 
the endi 
travel—the glory of spread п 
of the vine, in its many forms, through 
out the known world. In a sense, 1 
the world’s first and certainly its most 
distinguished traveling liquor agem 
те were those who challenged Dio 

ysus, like the Tyrrhenian pirates wh 
seemed to have been naively unmind 
ful of the power of the grape. They t 
him to their mast, only to find the knots 
suddenly untied, a huge vine wrapped 
round the mast, clusters of grapes 
hanging from the sails and the whole sca 
around them suddenly changed into 


caret. The piratical cew jumped. imo 
the sca and were immediately turned 
imo lusty dolphins. Restless Dio 

spread his philosophy in Phrygi 
Dionysian rites became a yearly drinki 
festival. He took the good word to Syr 
Later he fought the Amazons. That he 
didn’t subduc them through the device 
of a simple cocktail party seems 10 have 
been a tactical error. With a tiger in his 
-we're told he 
of the tiger given to him by Zeus 
naveled to India. returned via Egypt 
and Libya and fm dow 
mong the 
honor Dionysus 
the Greeks € gly call their 
we offer an inter 
menu as well as drinks made up of 
the potables of other peoples. АН food 
recipes serve eight. 

йу seuled 
Olympus. To 
ad the pleasures of 


2 large Ы, 
4 large fresh. mushrooms 

1 single breast chicken, raw 


k dried mushrooms 

water chestnuts, Fresh if possibl 
quarts chicken stock 
Goz, can lotus roots, dr 
3 cups Chinese winter 
Salt, pepper. monosodium glutamate 
Souk black mushrooms in warm water 
for 1 hour. Drain amd cut ir a sliv 
ers, Cut Fresh mushrooms into thin slivers, 

o thi 

Remove skin and bones [rom chicken 
nd cut ine Yeinethick cubes, Ре! 
water chestnuts, if fresh, and ан ini 
thin slices. Bring stock to a boil. (И stock 

seems watery. add instant. bouillon pow 
der to taste.) Add mushrooms. chicken. 
water chestnuts and lotus roots. Simmer 
10 m tes. Add winter melon and sim 

mer 5 minutes. Season 10 taste with salt, 
(continued on page 264) 


victorianism's overt prudery bred a covert and perverse preoccupa- 
tion with sex that gave birth to a genre of voluptuous sensuality 


Norman Lindsay's “The Mirror" (on the opening page of this portfolio), ‘Julia's Monkey" (bottom, 
opposite page) and “She Arrives” (above) proceed from stylized realism through fantasy to full-blown 
grotesquerie. Lindsay—-who was born in 1879-—began to draw јот a Melbourne newspaper at 16. For 
many years, he was chief cartoonist for the “Sydney Bulletin,” his country's leading literary magazine. 
Among the many Lindsay-illustrated works are lavish editions of Theocritus, Boccaccio and Casanova, 
as well as his oun novel, “The Cautious Amorist.” The small Beardsley drawing at the top of the 
opposite page is “Bathyllus Swan Dance,” an illustration for Juvenal’s “Lucian’s True History." 



Languorous femininity suffuses Beardsley's frontispiece for “* Lysistrata” (above), 
and “‘Fishblood” (below), by Gustav Klimt, master of Viennese art nouveau. 

na GRE ка Tne Ring? (above amd] шол] с below lave more лес 
realistic than the Beardsley and Klimt works opposite, but equally infused with art nouveau grace. 



АЛШЫ Stel чы КЎ... ا ر‎ ао 
The last Victorians—4vhether in Europe at the turn of the 
century от in Australia two decades later— parodied their 
fathers’ hypocritical idealization of women by surround- 
ing them with perfervid exotica, as in Lindsay's “The 
Sortie” (above). It was to such drawings that Julian Ashton 
referred in a 1919 review of Australian art: “That re- 
markable genius, Norman Lindsay, now burst upon us 
with a series of pen-and-ink drawings, which... would 
have stirred fresh life and interest in the most bored of 
exhibitiongoers. These drawings whipped the smooth con- 
ventions of society until Lindsay was fairly encompassed by 
furious and acrid criticism." Franz Christophe's illustra- 
tion (left) for the 1907 “The Blooming Gardens of the 
Orient” also revels in convention-flouting subject matter. 



see v Радлов. бу. 

The rare combination of antiwar sentiment and ribald comedy developed in Aristophanes" 
“Lysistrata” —she forces peace between the men of Athens and Sparta by cajoling their women 
into a sex strike has held audiences for 2400 years. On these two pages, Beardsley and 
Lindsay portray the scene in which Lysistrata proposes her scheme. In the Beardsley drawing 
(above), the ladies show distress at the thought that to deny the men they must deny themselves, 
too, whilst Lindsay captures Lysistrata’s delight at the “armaments” of one of her warriors. 




138 “n 


ay from the box of 50 excelle 
that he had brought with him, there 
would, he knew, be for him no wedding 
bells or whatever registrars substitute for 
them. Gladys was, as near as made no 
uer, an angel shape, but she 
was indined to be imperious and of a 
uend of to resent anything in the 
nature of what might be called ranny; 
zoo. And that she would class as ranny- 
gazoo a deliberate flouting of her orders 
was sickeningly clear to him. She would 
return the ring, his leuers and what was 
left of the boule of scent he had given 
her on her birthday within minutes of 
learning of his disobedience. 

Two lines of an old poem fined into 
his mind. "A woman is only а woman, 
the bard had said, “but a good cigar is a 
smoke"; and for one awful moment, he 
found himself agreeing with him, Then 
he was strong again; and it was with the 
resolve that at all costs he must retai 
her love that he alighted at Bitleton Ste- 
tion and a short time later was meeting 
the man whose rugged features he was 
about to record on cam 

They were fears, particularly the 
two chins, of an undisguised opulence 
Colonel Pashley-Drake was a stout man. 
Indeed, the thought fished through 
Lancelor’s mind that if he did nor sub- 
ject himself to a rigorous system of diet, 
he would shortly burst. He knew from 
reading his book that the colonel, when 
hunting big game, had frequently hid- 
den behind a tree. To conceal him in 
this, the evening of his life, only a 
sequoia would have served. And when 
later they sat together at the dinner 
ple, Lancelot got an inkling as to how 
this obesity had come about. 

The dinner was a long one amd in 
every respect superb. It plain to 
Lancelot from the first spoonful of soup 
that here, as Gladys had stated. was a 
cook in a thousand. He mentioned this 
10 his host, and the latter, a look of holy 
ecstasy in his eye, agreed that Mis. Pot- 
ter—for such was the gifted woman's 
mame—was at the very head of her 
profession. After that, he did not speak 
very much, being otherwise occupied. 
coffee after the meal was served 
study or library, a small room tastefully 
decorated with the heads of various 
fauna that had had the misfortune to 
encounter the colonel when he was out 
with his gu 

n hun 

am afraid 1 cannot olfer you a 
Ggar.” he said, and Lancelot waved а 
deprecating hand. 

Tad you done so, 1 should have been 
obliged to refuse it, with thanks, of 
course, for the kind thought. 1 do not 
ke. Smoki clot, remem- 

(continued [rom paye 124) 

phlet sent to him by one of 
"cauxs nervous dyspepsia, 
sleeplessness, headache, weak eyes. asth- 
ma, bronchitis, neurasthenia. rheuma- 
tism, lumbago, sciatica, loss of memory, 
impaired will power, lack of am 
red spots on the skin and falling out of 
hair. I wouldn't smoke so much as a ciga 
теце to please а dying grandfather. My 
friends often rally me on what they con. 
sider my finicky objection to having red 

spots on the skin, but I remain firm.” 

You a ble,” said Colonel 
Pashley-Dra ch enthusiasm 
that Lancelot felt that the task of fasci 

nating him would prove even easier than 
dys had predicied. He looked for 
ward with bright confidence to the m 
ment—at mo distant date—when he 
would have the old buster rolling on the 
floor with his paws in the air like a 
tickled dachshund. 

The love feast became intensified as 
the time went on. The colonel expressed 
himself delighted that Lancelot had r 
and enjoyed his little book and spoke 
Huently and well ow the subject of tigers 
he had met and what to do when con 
fromed with a charging rhinoceros. to- 
gether with many an anecdote about the 
selected portions of gnus, giraffes and 
the like that ornamented the walls. At 
long last, he stifled а yawn and said he 
thought he would be retiring lor the 

ight, and they parted in an atmosphere 
of the utmost cordiality. 

The dinner, as has been said, had 
been a long and heavy one, and it and 

the session in the study after it had left 
Lancelot with a sense of repletion that 
only fresh air could relieve; and before 
going to bed, he feh il 
do was to take a half-hour stroll in 
rden. He proceeded to do so; but what 
with the beauty of the and the 
of long, loving thoughts of 
dys Wetherby, he exceeded that. time 
by a considerable margin, Bt was some 
two hours later when he felt that he 
ought to be turning in and he made his 
way back to the house—only 10 discover 
when he reached it that in his absence 
some hidden hand had locked the front 

It was a blow that might have crushed 
a weaker man, but all artists are re- 
sourceful and the idea of trying the b 
door occurred to him almost 
ly. He found that, too, securely 
and it became evident that unless he was 
prepared to pass the remainder of the 

night in the open, it would be necessary 
for him to break a window. This, as 
selesly as possible, he did and. 

climbing through, found himself in what 
from the smell of it he took to be the 
Kitchen, And he was about to grope his 
way through the darkness in the hope of 

ling the door whe 
sh, guttural voice th 
ally on his sensitiv 
most musical voice speaking at that 
moment would equally have given him 
the illusion that the top of his head had. 
parted from its moorings. 

“Who are you?" it said. 

Suavity, Lancelot saw, was what he 
must strive for. 

a voice spoke, 
at jarred unpleas 
though the 

“It’s quite all right,” he said obse- 
quiously. “1 was locked out. 

“Who are you?” 

“My name is Lancelot 1 am 

ng in the house. I am an artist. 1 an 
to paint Colonel Pashley-Drake’s 
portrait. 1 would not advise waking him 
now, | you inquire of him in the 
morning, he will endorse. 

“Who are you 

Annoyance began 10 compete with 
Lancelor's embarrassment. If voices asked 
you questions, he felt, they might at 
Teast take the trouble to listen to you 
when you answered them. 

“L have already informed you in a per 
fectly frank manner" he began rather 
мау, “that my name is Lancelot Bing. 

said the voice, changing 

the subject 

Lancclors teeth came together with 
sharp dick. Few things are more morti 
ng to a proud man than that he has 
been wasting his time being respectful to 
a parrot, and he burned with resentment 
nd pique. Ignoring the bird's suggestion 
—in the circumstances, illtimed and 
lacking in taste—that he should scratch 
its head, he continued groping for the 
door and eventually found it. 

After that, everything wa зріє 
Bounding silently up the stairs, he flung 
open the door of his room and, not both 
cring to switch on the light, flung hi 
self on the bed. Or, rather, not precisely 
on the bed bur on some yielding sub- 
stance inside it that proved, on investi 
gation, to be Colonel Pashley-Drake 
Pardonably a little overwrought by his 
recent exchange of ideas with the par- 
rot, Lancelot had mistaken his host's 
room—first on the left along the corridor 
—lor his own, which, he now recalled 
was the second on the left 

The colonel was plainly emotionally 
disturbed. He spoke for some moments 
what Lancelot thought might possibly 
be Swahi 

“What the 
length, returning t0 his native 19 

Inspiration descended on 1 
came to ask you about th 
1 was wondering if you v it full 
th or just head and shoulders,” he 
interested to note that his 
quivering like some« 
of the modern dances. 

(continued on page 272) 

long the 


he inq 


an authority on world affairs 
expands and explains his recent 
proposal for honorable 
disengagement in southeast asia 

A SINGULAR and well-observed feature 
of war is for the view in retrospect to de- 
part radically from that which attended 
the beginning. Dangers that at the out- 
set of hostilities seemed to justify the 
most sanguinary steps. in the perspective 
of years seem slight, sometimes frivo 
lous. And prospects that at the beginning 
of conflict seemed easy and brilliant 
come to measure only the depth of the 
miscalculation. The case of men who in 
the past 30 years have planned expedi- 
tions against Moscow, Pearl Harbor and 
Pusan—not to mention Haifa and 
Tel Aviv—sufficiently establishes the 
point. At the same time, war turns rea- 
son into stereotype. Acceptance of what 
in the beginning is an estimate of nation- 
al interest becomes an article of fait 
test of" constancy, a measure of patriot 
ism. At least while it lasts, war has a 
way of freezing all participants in their 
original error. 

"The war in Vietnam, by various calcu- 
lations, has now gone on for more than 
half a decade and with mounting inten- 
sity for three years. It has shown these 
classical tendencies. "The march of his- 
tory has massively undermined the as- 
sumptions that attended and justified our 
original involvement. No part of the 
original justification—I do not exagger- 
ate—remains intact. More remarkable, 
perhaps, very few of the assumptions 
that supported our involvement are any 
longer asserted by those who defend the 
conflict. Yet the congealing intellectual 
processes of war have worked to the full. 
Action that is not defended is still ad- 
hered to as a dogged manifestation of 

Let me be fair. Those who are com- 
mitted not to support of this venture but 
to opposition have also shown a tendency 
to become frozen in fixed positions. 
For the first time since 1815, we are en- 
gaged in a conflict to which a very large 
part of the population is opposed. The 
unanimity rule that has previously char- 
acterized our national conflicts does not 
exist. Both those who defend and those 
who attack have lost some of their ca- 
pacity го accommodate their thoughts to 
new evidence, 

My purpose in this article is to see if, 
however slightly, I can rise above these 
rigidities. І do not wish to pretend to 
view our situation in Vietnam with any 
special insight or wisdom. I would like 
merely to inquire how this conflict will 
look when minds, those of supporters and 
adversarics alike, arc no longer subject to 
the congealing influences of war. And I 
would like then to propose the course 
of action— (continued on page 142) 





Variety announced this scoop: 
E. Scrooge and Co. are real crowd pleasers: 
‘They call themselves the Ebenezers. 
There's Jacob Marley's соо! reirains 
(He's featured on electric chains) 
‘And Tiny Tim is just too much 
А teeny bopper blowing crutch 
Your Carol now is hiply done 
And so. Mod bless us, every one! 


We hope that you won't mind us 
Deviating from your rule! 

The medium here is PLAYROY 

And the message— "Happy yule.” 

Merry Christmas to your kids: 
They're daily debes eu 
Mother a keep track of them 
jut onl со 
Some big clans form pem 
But not your famous flock, 
As every year you chalk one up. 
For Daddy's voting bloc. 

You were our Playmate of all months 
We worshiped and adored you. 

But then came Twiggy on the scene; 
Her Cockney chic just floored you. 
You dieted and starved yourself; 
Our barber cut your hair. 

You painted funny lashes on 

And leamed a big eyed stare, 

You found а special doctor 

Who, for 2 mighty fee, 

Reduced your perfect figure 

To an all-round 23, 

Qur big romance is over, kid, 

Let none have any doubts. 

‘Cause if we wanted boys around, 
Ме would have joined the ‘Scouts 




missivesand missiles for the jolly season 

n others on 
"ш Oris ки 
Are destined to receive. 

This gift that we believe 
Mill ht the spot— 
Some planted pot. 


M2 —the docu 


ure even to call it the moderate 
that emerges from such a view. 
nk that in labeling t 

Many will th 

“moderate solution" | have made an un- 

happy choice of words. Modera 
these days is not in high repute, The 
term itself, in some degree, has come to 
imply pompous and comforts 

well padded inaction. "Thus, 
arouses suspicion. And increasingly, men 
are divided between those who want the 
catharsis of total violence and those who 
want the comforts of total escape. Yet if 
ional mood opposes mode 
history favors it. It does not vouchsafe us 
sharp, well-chiseled solutions. It gives us 
blurred. edges and dull lines. Whatever 
the ultimate bang or whimper, we can 
be sure that in between there will be 
only compromises. 

Let me begin with the terrible treat 
м that history has accorded our 
al justification for the Vietnamese 

We are in Vietnam part 
of a long series of seemingly minor steps. 
Each of these steps, at the time, seemed 
more attractive—les pregnant with do- 
mestic political controversy and criticism 
—than the alternative, which was to call 
firm halt on our involvement. The 
aggregate of these individual steps—more 
weapons, more advisors, a combat role 
for our men. progressive increases in our 
troop strength, bon of North Viet- 
» a widening choice of tarets—is 
ger by far than the sum of the in- 
ment on the Asian mainland is not a 
development that all who asked or ac 
quiesced in the individual actions wished 
to sec or even foresaw. 

But back of thew individual steps, 
nd especially the earlier ones, was а 
litical and military justification th 

ned compelling. TI 
the assumed existence of a united, homo 
geneous and militantly evangelical com. 
munism that has chosen South Vietnam 
as the weak point for a probe. Speaking 
to the aal Press Club some six 

mnths after he assumed office, Secretary 
of State Rusk gave an explicit formula- 
of the view of the world crisis in 
which Vietnam played a part. He said: 

parts. The resulting involve- 


issue of the crisis is 
pounced determination to im- 
world of coercion upon those 
mor already subject to it . . . it is 
posed between the SinoSoviet em 

and all the vest, whether allied 
dl it is posed on every 

was an accepted view at the 
time. Few would have thought Mr. 
Rusk's formulation other than common- 
place. Не thesis 


e of а centrally contre 

(continued [rom page 139) 

nd disciplined power guided from Mos 
cow—4ozens of times. Implicit therein 
pauern of policy and of action. 
immediate relevance to 

"Thus, to assu unitary and evan- 
gelical force was inevitably to uge a 
policy of resistance. And resistance would 
have to be everywhere on the Communist 
perimeter. To allow transgression in one 
place would. mosi plausibly, be to 
encourage it elsewhere. And here we 
have the foundation for the analogy 
to Munich that for a long time played 
such a dominant role in the Vietnam 
discusion. The SinoSoviet power being 
imperial and coercive, it was necessary 
also to asume that it would never be 
welcomed by thos who might be sub 
ject to й. И could not reflect national 
aspiration: this was a flat contradiction 
in terms. Communist power might seek 
to exploit social grievance. But this, it 
as asumed, would only be a tactic 
designed to win subservience to the ulti 
mate imperial and conspiratorial pur- 
pose. And this being so, no nation 
should yield to such tactics, even when 
the grievance—as might often happen— 
as real. Far better that people stay in a 
less enduring state of exploitation than to 
pass forever into this allembracing sys 
iem of coercion. This meant, further, 
that we could not be particular as to 
whom we might support: even the most 
nauxous non-Communist dictator was 
preferable to the enduring Communist 
imperialism. And even il the Сопи 
nists had seduced a majority of the popu 
lation, it was doubtful that we should 
yield. Rather, we should try to win them 
back. For this, the liberal strategist in 
this conflict set great store by ameliora- 
tive social action. Conservatives tended to 
place rather more. reliance on 

Given this view of the world 
—and none, I think, will feel it 
summary of official attitudes in the 
Sixties—our intervention in Vietnam was 
Ме. Tt was unfortu- 
the govern- 
«d civilized 
values, left much to be desired. It was 
unfortunate bur not decisive that our 
imtervention was by something less than 
the popular demand of the people we 

Moreover, we had a right, giv 
view of the world, to expect two further 
jd vial factors to be associated. with 
our involvement. We had a right to 
expect that its necessity would be appre 
people—as ou 

ve th: 

menis we supported, 
to democracy and humane a 

ed and supported by the American 


and politica 

interv i and Greece 
and western E wing World 
№ s our mili 

in 1950 w: 


Ыс to ex- 

supported. And it was rcasoi 
pec that the most elective 
would come not from those who 
ically rally to the Пар when th 
sound but from the more introspective, 
informed and. deliber 
those somewhat ambiguously styled the 
intellectuals—who would best appreciate 

ppeasement, Such people 
had given strong support to the Mar 
shall Plan and to the Korean interven 
tion. A generation carlier, they had been 
in the very forefront of the criticism of 
Munich, the agreed symbol of surrender. 
So their support could be expected now 

Finally, given this view of the world, 
there was every reason to expect tha 
American initiative іп Vietnam would 
be welcomed by the rest of the n 
Communist nations. Previous 
had attracted such applause. The closer a 
nation to the danger. the greater the 
prospective applause; for who could tell. 
after all, who was the next on the list? So 
the United States would both justify and 
enhance her claim to moral as well as 
economic and military leadership by as 
suming a commanding role in combat- 
hp the common menace in Indo-China 
Merely to state the assumptions tha 
lic behind this conflict is to show how 
they. and the resulting ex 
pectations, have been dissolved. History 
тау not vouchsafe us sharp edges, bi 
obviously. it can be a very effective blunt 
sumptions that lay 
Vienam polic 
ing the concept of a unitary 
embracing Communist impe n wer 
not in fact, based on any very close 
knowledge of the subject. They were à 
formula, in some measure a theology. 
adopted by lawyers, businessmen, Gover 
ment officials and military men in the 
years of the Marshall Plan and NATO. 
Few of the authors had any firsthand 
knowledge of communism, Few had much 
experience of the political left. None 
had much experience of Asia. All were 
reacting 10 the then-current reality of 
Joseph Stalin. To some extent, it was a 
way of justifying the alliances, mili 
appropriations, economic and 
id the proponents thought necessary. 
‘There is nothing remarkable in the di» 
covery that a doctrine so contrived failed 
to stand the test of history. History is re 
spectful of truth 

ist world has gone to 

pieces ional lines. The two 
great centers, Moscow and Peking, duri 
the past years have, on occasion. been 
dose 10 diplomatic breach. 

?. China. which the proponents of the 
Vietnam conllict for a while bravely pic 
tured as the deus ex machina, is rent 
within itself. Its assumed puppet 

teontinued on page 278) 

hah Ji Fi 

Mas onn apTun соп. 

comfortable and «ness and appease. 
a. Thus, it rightly a aad given strong suppo. 
and increasingly, men shall Plan and to the Ko 

im these who want the 
violence and those who 
5 of total escape. Yet if 
4 opposes moderation. 

tion. A generation earlier. Û 
in the very forefront of the 
Munich, the agreed symbol 
So their support could be c 
docs not vouchsafe us ally, given this view 
solutions. It gives us ~ was every reason to 
“lines. Whatews ~ initiative = 

america's leading ufologist — just back from an international 
astronomers’ conference behind the iron curtain—warns that a new soviet investigative 
approach could cost us the race to solve the flying-saucer riddle 

article By J. ALLEN HYNEK “russians sorve vro wvsreRy." For years, 1 have opened The 
New York Times with the lear skittering around the back of my mind u 1 might find that 
quote. In my occasional dreams, the story under the headline explains that the Russians 
have lound some previously unthought-of, unstartling explanation for unidentified flying ob- 
jects; or, worse, that they have made first contact with an alien civilization conducting recon- 
nce missions to our planet. Either story would shake America so hard that the launching 
of Sputnik in 1957 would appear in retrospect as important as a Russian announcement of a 
particularly large wheat crop. 

The possibility of a Russian breakthrough on the UFO problem is unlikely, if we believe 
official Russian statements that the problem docs not exist, At last August's ХШ General 
Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Prague, one of the Russian delegates 
answered my query about Soviet UFO study with a derisive laugh and the rather absurd com- 
ment, “If flying saucers really exist, why aren't they buzzing over Prague right now?" The 
same man, a senior Soviet astronomer, declined to attend a meeting I had organized to dis- 
cuss the UFO problem, saying that since the UFOs did not exist, there was nothing 10 
discuss. One of his colleagues slipped and said that Russian scientists were not permitted to discuss 
unidentified flying objects. Although we have reports of UFO sightings and phenomena from 
some 70 countries, the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries have not contributed 
UFO reports. 

Judging by past Soviet behavior, this curious silence on a subject of increasing importance 
to science and government means only one thing; and, indeed, there are some clues to actual 
Soviet study of the problem. А Russian astronomer admitted in Prague to an American 
ntist that he believed a problem existed. Another Aw tist recently received a note 
from the secretary of an official Soviet organization for the study ol unidentified flying objects. 
And the Russians announced at Prague that they would participate in a future international 
conference on interstellar communication. 

Even more significant was the recent publication of the first article in a Russian mag; 
zine by a Soviet scientist discussing the strong possibility of the existence of unidentified flying 
objects. That article, in the youth n е Степа, stated that the Soviet Union is preparing a 
book-length study called Inhabited Cosmos, the chief editor of which will be the vice-president 
of the U. $. S. R. Academy of Sciences, and that a chapter to be written by Felix U. Zigel (author 
of the Степа article) will consider the UFO problem. Zigel's article concludes: “There exists 
almost universally a definite type of phenomenon known as the phenomenon of the UFOs. The 
nature of this phenomenon is as yet not resolved and none of the existing hypotheses can claim 
a final solution to the problem. In such a situat 



can sc 

m, the correct approach appears to be to 


submit the puzzling phenomenon of the 
UFOs to led, careful scientific 

We know enough now about the way 
the U.S. 5. К. announces its sci ic ad- 
vances—the element of surprise the Rus- 
sians have built into every step of their 
space program is one example—to guess 
that а Soviet writer would hardly call for 
many-sided, careful scientific investi- 
gation” of a phenomenon unless such an 
investigation were already going on. 

Late last. summer, the Chicago Sun- 
Times ended its story about the discovery 
—by a Massachusetts Institute of Tech- 
nology physicist—of very puzzling narrow- 
band radio signals from space with 
the sentence, “Reportedly, Sovict scientists 
have also been active in such searches. 
Highly directional. single-frequency radio 
signals, of course, might be remarkable 
evidence of extraterrestrial life. 
el’s discussion of UFOs in Стела 
considers five theories about their п: 
ture. The fifth theory—that UFOs are 
“flying apparatus of other planets, investi- 
gating the earth"—is the only one of the 
five to which he offers no objections. 

In sum, what little “hard” information 
I have—and my intuition—tells me that 
the U.S.S.R. may have been studying 
UFOs with dispassionate thoroughness 
for years. From my own official involve- 
ment, I know that the United States is 
only now beginning to consider treating 
the problem seriously. 

In 1948, I was asked by the U.S. Air 
Force to serve as a scientific consultant 
on the increasing number of reports of 
strange lights in the sky. 1 was then di- 
rector of the astronomical observatory of 
Ohio State University and am now the 
chairman of the astronomy deparument 
at Northwestern. I had scarcely heard of 
UFOs in 1948 and, like every other 
scientist I knew, assumed that they were 
nonsense. For the first few months of my 
association with what is now Project Blue 
Book—the name of the very small office at 
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Day- 
ton, Ohio, concerned with UFO 
о reason to change this opinion. The re- 
ports of sightings that came to our atten- 
tion then were either identifiable fyi 
objects (IFOs), such as weather balloons, 
meteors or planes, or they came to us from 
patently unreliable witnesses. A few 
others were hoaxes. 

But over the years, cases began to ac- 
cumulate for which I could find no satis- 
factory physical explana In fairness 
to Project Blue Book, I can say that 
ly all of the cases that I consider 
ned so labeled 

despite charges by critics 
а always found an explana- 


unsolved һа 
Air Force files 
that the Proje: 


tion for a report. On the other hand, the 

Project did 

cases over a period of time. 
that the evaluator 
146 traceable to conve 

g its disposition of particular 

А sighting 
s "possibly" 
ional aircraft at the 

me it occurred would appear in the 
Project's annual report as "probably" 
traceable to conventional aircraft. More 

important than such small distortions, 
however, the fact chat the Wright 
Patterson group usually consisted only of 
a captain, who headed the team, one 
other officer, а sergeant and myself, as 
occasional consultant, The fact that the 
commanding officer was a captain in 
cates the extent of the Air Force's concern 
for this investigation. 

My complaint here is not primarily 
against the Air Force—which, after all, 
is not a scientific investigative agency. 
But, under the aegis of the Air Force or 
not, there should have been a large, 
well-staffed UFO research group in this 
country since the first waves of reports. 
In the past 20 years, 1 have analyzed 
iore than 15,000 reports of UFO sight- 
ings. About 90 percent of these turned 
ош, on quick inspection, not to have been 
UFOs at all, but readily identifiable ob- 
jects. ОГ the remaining 10 percent, 1 made 
a further division in my mind between 
those that came to me from reasonably re- 
able obscrvers—about 70 percent —and 
those that came from oddballs of one 
stripe or another. What this means is that 
there are at least 1000 UFO reports that 
remain completely unresolved in my own 

mind. As a scientist, 1000 perplexing 
cases strike me as sign 
warrant professional and thorough 

gation. 1 frankly do not know why the 
Government has been so slow in coming 
to the same conclusion 

"The popular attitude among scientists 
in the late Forties was that UFOs were a 
product of what some called “post-War 
nerves.” Of course, when reports of the 
sightings continued well into the Fifties 
—and began to arrive from many re- 
gions of the globe—this theory was out. 
Unfortunately, the attitude that accom- 
panied the theory was retained, How 
many UFO reports there might have 
been if the popular and academic atti 
tude toward UFOs were one of neutral 
inquiry instead of derision will never be 
known. Even an Air Force major general 
docs not want to be laughed at by an 
Ivy League professor. 

One reason the professors were so 
contemptuous of the reports was that 
UFOs, obviously, cannot be studied in thc 
laboratory. Results that сап be verified 
through. repeatable, quantitative labora 
tory experiments are still considered the 
essence of science. Wha pust be re 
membered is that much of our accurate, 
scientific knowledge а the universe 
was not gathered or verified in laborato- 
ries—and cannot be. We know much 
less about tornadoes than we would if we 
could whip onc up whenever we wanted 
it: but we certainly accept the fact that 
they exist and, in fact, have some univer. 
sally accepted theories about their for- 
mation, composition and behavior. That 
the result of unscheduled 

observation. Similarly, many accepted 
findings in zoology—our ideas about so- 
1 structure among wild lions, for ex- 
ample could come only from patient 
observation in the field. With UFOs—; 
with tornadoes, sunspots, animals ii 
their wild state and a host of other as- 
pects of the world—the sientist must 
mount an attack to suit the phenomena. 
To select phenomena that meet the de- 
mands of laboratory research leads to 
error in many fields and is impossible 
with UFOs. 

‘The existing evidence may indicate a 
possible connection with extraterrestrial 
life, the probable existence of which is 
generally accepted. If such life does exist 
and if there is any possibility of cst 
lishing communication with it, our scien- 
tific knowledge of that life might eve 
be critical to our survival. Now let us be 
clear: Тһе existence of extraterrestrial 
nelligence and the UFO phenomenon 
may be two entirely different things. But 
the later, in itself, poses метем 
ing scientihc problem. How can it be 
studied? Do we ignore it simply because 
the evidence we have does not follow 
the stria rules of scientific evidence? 

The question now is not whether but 
how to design a truly scientific approach 
to the UFO problem. When the Air 
Force last year appointed a special com. 
mission to study the UFO problem—the 
so-called Gondon commitice, mecting at 
the University of Colorado and named 
for its chairman, Dr. Edward Condon 
it tacitly recognized the seriousness of the 
Ш trust 1 will not seem to be 

l think 


scheme that 
thorough and efa 
10 obtain scientific knowledge of UFOs. 
Let us suppose we have before us 
5000 UFO reports We appoint two 
scientific panels, one composed of physi- 
cal scientists, the other of social sci 
s. We ask the first panel to exa 
the reports and assign to 
“sırangeness index," X, on a 
to 5. By we shall mean the 

ation for the report, taken at face 
An attempt shall be made by the 
scientific panel to evaluate the st 
ness of the report. Given the report as 
is, how difficult is it to find a natural, 
normal explanation for it? 

Thus, Xl and X2 would refer to UFO. 
ken at face 

reports that, even though 
value, nonctheless find а тч 
Чоп, They can then be excluded from 
further consideration. "They are 1FOs 
rather than UFOs. Herc are а few exam- 
ples of IFOs: In May 1955, in a small 
town in Wisconsin, a group of solid citi- 
zens excitedly reported that for several 
nights running, just before sunrise, 
bright object, “much too bright to be a 
star," appeared in the East and “remained 
there, getting slowly higher and higher 

(continued on page 267) 



three mordant one-act plays 
by a triumvirate of black 

humor's most provocative 

practitioners——terry southern, 

arthur kopit and jack richardson 


ран ack ан. 

Frith of ра}, 




It is an ideal ''suburbia home'' in Westchester: white, with 
well-kept lawn, shrubs, etc. It is the contemporary and 
Eastern counterpart of the house in the Andy Hardy pictures. 
Camera MOVES UP the drive, STOPS ABRUPTLY. 




BRAD JEFFERY is getting out, briefcase in hand. We realize 
that the approach has been from his point of view. Brad is a 
dapper and handsome man of 40-45, a Madison Avenue advertising 
executive at the top of his profession. There is bouncy 
anticipation and assurance in his manner as he walks toward 
the house. We realize that BRAD is very much ''with it.'' 




Westchester contemporary; a long, pearl-gray room; fireplace; 
bar; a couple of smart prints (Braque guitar and Modigliani 
nude) and a semiabstract original or two; on the wall 
nearest the door are a pair of African masks, spaced well 
apart, with a decorative crossbow mounted slightly above 
and between them. Music from the phonograph is soothingly, 
harmlessly modern jazz. Door opens ON CUT and BRAD 

enters. At the far end of the room, by the bar, is DONNA, 
his wife, gingerly emptying ice cubes into the ice bucket. 
She is about 38, trim, tanned and very attractive in her 
hostess-length skirt. Behind her we can see the kitchen 
area from which she has come. As BRAD approaches, she looks 
up, giving him a smile filled with warmth and a hint of 
sexual promise. (Note: Besides the kitchen door and the 
entrance door, there is another, leading to the downstairs 
bedrooms and bath. This door is opposite the bar and 
through it can be seen the staircase as well.) 

Hello. darling. 

There is a confident smile on BRAD's face as he reaches her, 


Hello, baby. 


, places briefcase on floor, puts arms around her. 

(tenderly sexual, with rich, masculine 
Princetonian modulation) 

(continued on page 313) 



Chaos. Except for newscaster (a WALTER CRONKITE), who sits 
behind his desk waiting to ''go on,'' a dazed grin on his face. 
CRONKITE is gray and ten years older. 

AMA. rocca, (Ad-libbed CONFUSION) 

"Suddenly someone snaps a finger and points at him. 
Silence from the others. HE's ''on the air.'' 

Good evening. September 13, 1977, and 

chaos reigns supreme. Catastrophes have 
occurred throughout our country. Апа the 
enemy remains in control. About the 

only thing left that could still occur 
and yet make the situation worse than it 
is is annihilation. For since the take- 
over early this morning, no slaughter has 
occurred. The enemy has been merciful. 
And tonight the question on everyone's 
lips is: Why? 

qued. Pause. And then HE's handed a note. HE tears it open. 

Ladies and gentlemen. What we've 
all been waiting for. A note of hope . 
the President of the United 
States. And the First Lady. Have just 
been spotted entering Central Park. 




pile (speaking to someone unseen) 
I... am the President. This . . . is my wife 
We have come . . . as instructed. Will you 

take us to your. 
HE looks back at the FIRST LADY. 

(sotto voce) 
It's gonna sound ridiculous. 

(continued on page 276) 





The camera, to the music of a choral arrangement of 
''Old New York,'' begins with an aerial shot and then 
moves through a series of vignettes of New York slum 
life—the worst possible. Finally, it focuses and 
moves in on a single tenement window. 



The camera roams and we see about a dozen sleeping forms— 
young, different shapes, sizes and colors—scattered 
through the room. Rats scamper over the dozing children 
until an alarm goes off. The rats, on cue, dash back 

to their holes. ''Old New York'' comes to an end and MRS. 
FELDMAN, a large, attractive Negress, enters. 

(she speaks with a Yiddish 
So what are we all doing still in bed? 
There's sunshine coming up outside, the 
day is commencing. 

(a little blonde girl with 
English accent) 
Mummy, I didn't have a dream last night. 

(indicating a swarthy sibling) 
So you have to have a dream every night? 
Sammy will share his with you. He always 
dreams, don't you, Sammy? 

Gosh, Mom, the dream I had was pretty 
raunchy. I don't know if I should tell 

MRS. FELDMAN looks up in despair as Several babies in 

the room start to cry. The camera then moves in on 

JUAN FELDMAN, asleep in underwear, hat and dark glasses. 
He is a typical New York, young, delinquent hippie. He's 
a little of everything. He stirs, sits up and looks about. 

(continued on page 310) 


an “in-depth” probe of what goes on in the ad battle between hertz 
and avis suggests that freud's the one who's in the driver's seat 

humor By HAROLD GREENWALD rr nas амаш narrENED: Corporations are developing 
conflicts, neuroses and. psychoses. In plain language, they are beginning to freak out. 

Really, it shouldn't have come as a great surprise. Corporations are regarded by the law, 
in its tattered majesty, as single individuals. Being individuals, they have personalities, Can there 
be any doubt that soft, cuddly Maidenform has a different personality from tough, rugged 
United States Steel or IBM, the corporation that Thinks? 

Having personalities and being exposed to the problems of daily living, corporations are de- 
veloping neurotic relationships. The time has come to look frankly and fearlessly at a rela- 
tionship between two corporations that is so strange and twisted that it could have been invented 
by Edward Albee or Tennessee Williams. It is amazing that so many family magazines have 
opened their virginal white pages to chronicling this perverse relationship. 

By now, I am sure the alert reader has guessed that I am referring to the fantastic love-hate 

>. — MET di. m 



relationship that Avis and Hertz have 
ablushingly displayed to the world 
tely, we have a scientific tool 
our disposal—psychoanalysis—that is de 
н hidden in the 
depths of the unconscious. ‘The question 
then arises—do corporations have an 
nconscious? For the sake of our two 
protagonists, I hope they do—otherwise, 
they and all the publications in which 
they have so boldly displayed their per- 
verse fixations may soon have to face 
the postal authorities, who have been 
rmed by recent Supreme Court deci- 
sions designed to halt the publication of 
obscene material 

However, let us withhold any moral 
condemnation of this unfortunate pair 
caught in the grip of an illicit passion; let 
us, rather, try to understand them by 
carefully e g their own words in 
the series of ads they have aimed at each 
other over the past severa] years. It 
could be argued, of course, that the 
words were written by anonymous copy- 
writers in Madison Avenue think tanks 
and, therefore, do not reflect the psyches 
of our corporate patients; but this argu- 
ment is childishly easy to unmask. The 
corporations chose the advertising agen- 
ies, they certainly conferred about the 
ads and they paid for them. They have 
both proclaimed loud and long that each 
is telling the truth about itself. 

Let us start by examining Avis, which 
for so long bewailed the fact that it was 
“No. 2." The choice of this epithet re 
veals two things: first, what Adler would 
label “a severe inferiority complex" 
second, a profound anal fixation, (To 
many children, No. 2 means moving the 
bowels.) As a typical sullerer from an 
anal fixation, poor Avis is preoccupied 
with a fanatic devotion to “clean ash 
trays” and “wipers that wiped.” Not only 
does Avis complai 
but it even proves Adler's theory that the 
inferiority complex often spurs опе on to 
greater efforts by shouting [rom ads and 
employees buttons, WE TRY HARDER. 

Why is Avis tortured by its inferiority 
feelings? An inspection of another ad 
makes one reason clear. "Little fish have 
to keep moving all of the time. The big 
ones never stop picking on them. . . . 
We'd be swallowed up if we didn't try 
harder" There is more than a hint of 

swallowed up. It is this fear of annihi 
lation that supplies the anxiety that 
underlies Avis inferiority feel 

Plagued with anxiety and inferiority, 
how does Avis respond? Docs it take 
ast its enemies? Never. That is 
not the way for a person obviously afflict 
ed with a passive feminine identification. 
It resorts to masochism. It begs and 
pleads to be attacked in the ad in which 
it encourages its clients to tcar up their 
credit cards if it goofs. 

And what is the Avis response to this 

anticipated attack? “We won't it 
lying down,” it asserts. Aha—finally, 
note of del the 

defiance is shortlived. The next sentence 
undoes the momentary assertion and 
quickly returns to the masochist position: 
“We'll bend over backward to get you 
back" With a feminine identification 
and an anal fixation, we begin to under- 
stand what Avis is up to. Bend over 
backward, indeed. For what purpose, 
Avis? In the last sentence, Avis under- 
lines its masochistic offer: “Sı 
cry a little." What kind of sei 
that for a corporation? 

Avis is by now in such a masochistic 
orgy that it cannot stop. In another ad, it 
prodaims: “And when someone calls us 
by the wrong name, we turn the other 
cheek.” Now, instead of bending over 
1d, the offering is the other cheek 
y mean to say cheeks? 

Being a masochist is not easy for any- 
body and bly even harder for a 
corporation ny good masochist can 
tell you, it requires single-minded devo- 
tion to suffering and any possibility of 
pleasure must be strictly repressed. It 
requires the ability to snatch disaster out 
of success and defeat out of victory. 

In another ad, Avis demonstrated its 
virtuosity in the art of suffering. Having 
made an offer to give a quarter to any 
customer who didn't find his Avis Plym- 
outh in bener shape than his own car, 
our corporate patient had to shell out 
184 quarters. Considering that this rep- 
resents only 1 out of 3700 rentals, it is 
an impressive record. Does Avis cele- 
brate this triumph? Emphatically not— 
Avis’ determination to suffer is not so 
casily shaken. Here is the response: 
“Апа when we think of all the customers. 
who didn't bother to complain, we really 
worry.” What really bothers Avis is that 
its customers do not help it suffer. 

In any neurotic, we must expect фе 
symptom to appear again and again. In a 
weak moment, Avis grudgingly admits 
its success: “Trying harder is starting to 
pay oL" But immediately Avis is back 
with il miliar whine: “We're wor 
bout the future. It's almost а fact 
fe that the bigger a company be- 
and imper- 

comes, the more inefficien 

sonal it gets." Trust Avis to find ihe fly in 

iment and to concentrate on it. 

Rarely has the fear of success—wh 
the masochist’s and the depressive 
mark—been so openly expressed 

Showing its collection of buttons in 
various languages, it starts to worry that 
this will make it more difficult to evoke 
sympathy. Now the problem is closer to 
the surface; again, Avis rushes in to ex- 
“This ad might just ruin 
ge as the underdog in rent a 
A lite kuer, it repeats its dis 
daimer of success: "No. 2 is still what 
we are,” Still fearful that someone might 
think that it is pleasurable to be repre- 
sented in 38 countrics, our good old 

s difficulties: “We must 
say we had some trouble transl 
Avis button.” Never for onc moment are 
you supposed to forget its problem: 
Of course, one of the purposes of co 
atly expressing your misery is to 
extract sympathy. However, this is an 
embarrassing admission to make and Avis 
rushes in with a pseudo disclaimer: "Avis 
is only No. 2. But we don't want your 
sympathy." With the characteristic skill 
of the chronic sufferer. Avis makes even 
this a subject of suffering: "Have we 
been crying too much?" it asks us pite 
ously. "Have we overplayed the under 
dog?” it implores. Now we are asked to 
feel sorry for its compulsive need to 
arouse our sympathy. 
But, lo, a problem ari 

sufferer stresses 

This will never do, because this would 
mean success and an end to suffering. 

Avis has to search for a way to d 
the possibility of success; a new 
in order. "Maybe we ought to el 
the negative and accentuate the positive. 
it suggests timidly. Please note that the 
new tack is taken only when the old onc 
seems doomed to succeed. 

It should again be noted that by iden 
tifying itself as a second, Avis also as 
sumed an essentially feminine position 
and boasted about such essentially fe 
e preoccupations as supplying сі 
ashtrays. Avis now makes an attempt to 
undergo an apparent personality п 

Without the assistance of a 

To comprehend why this tr; 
tion is only skindeep, you have to 
understand a common psychological phe 
nomenon known in the couch trade as 
reaction formation." A reaction forma 
tion occurs when the individual becomes 
aware of à personality defect and over 
reacts against it. For example, a fright 
ened lad, whose sister has to save him 
from being beaten up by the tough 
boys on the block, becomes a world 
boxing champion, However, a reaction 
formation rarely solves the underly 
problem and we may expect to find ev 
dence of the unconscious conflict break- 
ing through the carefully erected psychic 

Now back to our patient. In th 

c De- 

cember 10, 1906, issue 

Yorker (among other pl 

sumes a tough, belligerent, 

pose by headlining its full-page ad, “IF 
HER AVIS BUTTON." Notice that thi 
advertisement is meant to stimulate 

rape fantasy. Psychoamalysts have long 
known, even if Avis doesn't, that r 
(continued on page 247) 


"You can run along to bed now, Lisa—Mommy will take care of Sania.” 


ах а vealtor's girl friday, miss december lynn winchell helps a lot in selling lots by the sallon sea shore 

Diminutive Lynn Winchell—brighteyed, sofi- 
spoken and knowledgeable—projects undiluted 
chorm in her professional capacity as a sales- 
girl-secrelary; in these unobstructed views of 
Lynn alone, however, she allows her natural re- 
sources fo speak for themselves. During her off 
hours, Miss Winchell finds time to sovor most of 
Southem Colifernio's favored pastimes—such 
©з combing the beach (fer right), with o double 
escort, in a dune buggy she helped construct. 

MONG THE STATES, California ranks 
third in area, second in popula 
tion, first in Playmate production 

and it’s still developing its physical and 
human resources. Looming large in the 

tegory is our Christmas Playmate, 
Lynn Winchell, a 20-year-old San Fernan- 
do Valleyie who calls Northridge her 
home. Lynn combines publicrclations 
activity with salesmanship and secretarial 
work for the Noram Development Com- 
pany, which is profitably engaged in creat 
ing a residential oasis on the shores of the 
Salton Sea. A three-hour drive through 
the desert from Sherman Oaks, where the 
company's main office is located, the Sal- 
ton Sea is really a huge, saline lake— 
“You can't see across, let alone swim the 
distance, but there is another side.” Miss 
Winchell, а finely developed five-footer, 
does paperwork during the week and on 
weekends shows prospective buyers their 

prospects, accompanying them on a day 
long charter-bus tour that includes lunch 
ага yacht club overlooking the sca. "Sales 
arc going smoothly," says Lynn, "but 
there's still land. available.” 

Home base for the sizable Winchell 
family (Lynn has three sisters and a 
brother) is in Sepulveda; Lynn's father, 
an auto mechanic, works only а few 
blocks from the Могат office, and they 
frequently meet for lunch. Lynn natural- 
ly has а better-than-average understand. 
ing of how cars are put together, and her 
savvy stood. her in good stcad when shc 
was bitten by California's rampant dune- 
buggy bug: “It's very kicky to be able to 
drive right over sand dunes, so it's casy 
to understand why so many people have 
flipped out over dune buggies. "They're 
also easy to build, if you know what 

you're doing—you just take an old auto 
and replace the frame and wheel 

Perhaps because she comes from a larg: 
ish family (though she says there's no 
tersibling rivalry, Lynn goes in for 
easygoing brands of entertainment, such 
as circulating through — Northridge's 

sprawling shopping centers and bowla- 
dromes (“We don't have to mention my 
bowling scores. do мей"), partying with 
friends and occasionally driving into 
Hollywood (ог a show. She's also at 
home in the open air, whether speeding 

Always alert to the possi- 
bilities for pleasure in the 
world around her, winsome 
Miss Winchell finds thet 
after-work relaxation is nev- 
er hard to come by; it 
may consist of wading with 
a pair of friends (Lynn is in 
the middle) into the $айоп 
Sea—oftor с day of ex 
tolling its advantages—or 
scooping up and cuddling 
о kitten discovered out- 
side her company’s central 
office in Sherman Ooks. 

After arriving at the Salton Sea Development 
in her brother-indow's Cessna (left), Lynn 
changes, then expounds on the virtues of the 
property (with the cid of maps) to an inter- 
ested couple. “It's mainly the recreational as- 
sets, like the opportunities For boating, that 1 
discuss with the people. We don't sell houses, 
just the lond—so а client can build any kind 
of home he chooses," says Miss December— 
who learned to deal with the general public 
as а salesgirl in а Grenada Hills dress shop 
and os a receptionist for a Bel Air construction 
firm. Above: Lynn handles с phone coll on 
behalf of her busy boss, Maurice Salomon— 
chief strategist for the development company. 




Оп a weekend drive, Lynn pauses in Burbank спа romps for a while in a public park (above). That evening, she is visited by 
sister Bobbie: “ОР all the kids in the family, she's closest to те in both age and interests.” Bobbie brings her young son's hamster 

with her and turns it over to Lynn, who amuses herself with it while her sister washes her hair; then Lynn plays h 

along on water skis or leisurely driving 
ош to explore California's snowcapped 
mountain ranges. At odd moments 
though, Miss December finds herself 
yearning for a return trip to Hawa 
where she spent a soul ying vaca 
tion two years ago. “The Hawaiians were 
unbelievably friendly—they weren't in a 
big hurry all the time, as 
Hy aic. Every place we went, people 
waved to us—even though we were total 

For the future, Lynn has several am 
bitions, one of which is rather lofty— 
10 fly a plane. “My brotherindaw is а 
icensed pilot who works for an airport. 
and he takes me up sometimes. Thanks to 
him. I was able ıo photograph our land 
development from the air—just for fun. 
I'd like to have my own plane someday 
Dut that's strictly blue-sky planning on 
my part." Lynn also has a more practical 
and cureer-cemered wish: to return to 
school and study business management: 
and with expectuions both aerial and 
carthbound, she's wisely banking her 
Playmate fee. 

The ner in which Lynn became 
our Holiday Playmate lends some cre 
dence to the old saw about history re- 
peating itself: Tike our reigning Playmate 
of the Year, Lisa Paker, Lynn wa 
picked as a potential Playmate, at a wed- 
ding. by photographer Bill Figge. “I 
posed with the bride after the ceremo- 
ny,” Lynn recalls, “and later, Mr. Figge 
asked if I were a model—which, of 
course, 1 wasn't. Then he invited me to 
try it, at his studio апі when he said 
he was a rLaysoy contributor, T thought 
he had to be kidding. In fact, being a 
р still se иги! 
dream—and if it is, Fm not anxious to 
wake up." We're sure iders will 
agree, however, that Lyr very real 
Playmate of the Month, indeed, 



Worried about their lackluster sex life, the 
waded her husband to 

ing their lovemaking, he would occasionally 
dash out of the bedroom. 
Overcome by curiosity, she followed him 10 
the bathroom. Tiptoeing to the doorway, she 
w him standing before the mirror, staring 
fixedly at himself and muttering, "She's not my 
wife . . . she's not my wife. 

Then there was the Polynesian nymphom: 
who was always longing for Samoa. 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines office 
Christmas фату as the best opportunity for a 
secretary to get а raise by lying down on the 

The groom awoke the morning after his wed- 
ding to find his bride in tears. “Why are you 
ng?” he asked. 

“Look,” she sobbed, pointing to him. “We 
almost used it all up the first night! 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines Chinese 
voyeur as a Peking Tom. 

А hip chick we know gets her kicks by taking 
LSD with her birth-control pills. She wants to 
take а trip—but not to Dr. Spock. 

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do 
today," а wise man once said, "because if you 
enjoy it today, you can do it 

Our Unabashed Dicti 
brothel as а humpty-dump. 

ry defines low-class 

The successiu 

financier was so wrapped up in 
his undcrs 

my work that he had been neg 
lecting his youthful and passionate wife. One 
lay, he arrived home unexpectedly around 
dinnertime and found her in bed with a 

“What the hell is going on here?” the finan- 


"I forgot to tell you, Arthur, 
calmly. “I've gone public." 

aid his wife 

What would you like for Christmas?” the so- 
i ts asked their young son. 
ich," he answered, so they let 

' explained the frustrated junior exec, 
night I have the sume stringe dicam. 
ful girls sneak into my apartment and 
try to seduce me.” 

“Well, what do you do? 

"Nothing. I keep pushing them aw 

nd what do you want me to do?" 

"Please, doc," pleaded the man, "break my 

ed the doctor. 

After meeting at a discothéque, the young 
couple repaired to a local lovers’ lane, where 
they proceeded to cement their new relation- 
Having freed her of blouse and bra, he 
was helping remove the rest of her dothing 
when a police car drove by. 

"Fuzz" he whispered excitedly. 

"What did you expect" she replied, 


Our Unabashed Dictionary dei 
as being tied up in nots. 

nes inhibitions 

A bachelor friend tells us the only thing beer 
than the sleep of the just is the sleep of the 

lı was a wild office party and—in the darkened 
mail room—a pair of employees was making 
the most of it. "Oh, Mr. Baxter,” the curvy 
secretary sighed. “You never made love to me 
before. Is it because of the holiday 

her partner replied, “it’s because I'm 


As the two little girls walked hand in hand to 
ndergarten, one confided: "I found a contra- 
ccptive on the patio yesterday.” 
Asked her frie “What's а patio?" 

Our v ary defines pessimist 
as a man who thinks all women arc bad, and 
optimist as one who hopes they arc. 

Awakening the morning after the orgy, the 
god of war was stretching slecpily when he 
«cd a lovely valkyrie standing in the 

"m Thor." 
You're thor; "m tho thor I 

can hardly pith 

Heard a good onc lately? Send it on а post- 
card to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY, Playboy 
Building, 919 N. Michigan Ave, Chicago, 
IIL 60611. $50 will be paid ta the contributor 
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned. 


id the m. 

“He sai 

France, so 

istletoe was imported from 

was a slight difference in the tradition.” 


our recent wave of spectacular and senseless mass murders underscores how little we know about the killer instinct in man 

article By JOHN BARTLOW MARTIN somewnere IN THE UNITED STATES tonight, the chances are a young man 
is planning to kill several people. He would be in his early 20s, mild-mannered, polite and rather studious. He 
would likely be married but not satisfactorily. He might be attending college, though on a basis both accelerated 
and irregular, Once in recent years, he would have spent time in apparently aimless wandering; friends will recall 
‚ yes, now they remembered he once disappeared for a while. They will also remember that he was “the 
quiet type," didn't say much; and one, a neighbor who knew him when he was a child, will remember that he did 
odd things and that there was something vaguely “unhappy” or even “unhealthy” about his home life with his 
is pastor will recall that he sang in the choir; 
st he visited voluntarily a few years ago 
low affect,” "scems flat,” 
feels inadequate,” “paranoid trends." The records (continued on page 249) 165 

ill find in his records routine not 
"relates poorly to authority figure 


inspired бу the title 
of her new action comedy, 
elke sommer takes a tongue-in-cheek tilt 
at freud and the 
misinterpretation of dreams 

т. best thing about The Wicked Dreams of Paula Schultz is the presence of Elke Sommer іп the title role. 
The weirdest thing about the flick—an upcoming comedy thriller about a zaftig East German track star who 
hops, skips and jumps her way to freedom over the Berlin Wall, not once but twice—is that it includes no dream 
sequences at all, despite its title. Never a magazine to avoid dispelling ambiguity where we find it, PLAYBOY de- 
cided to take а not-too-serious look at the inner reality of Paula Schultz while performing the pleasurable task 
of exploring the outer reality of Elke—dreamy territory, indeed, first brought to our readers’ attention in The 
Nudest Elke Sommer, in September 1964. "During the two days of shooting that produced these photos," West 
Coast photographer Frank Bez told us, "Elke and I kept Paula's feisty character and hopes for freedom upper- 
most in our minds. We did make a real attempt to illustrate the dreams Paula would most likely have had. Since 
she is young, beautiful and trapped, the dominant themes in the shots are sex and freedom. On the other hand, 
neither Elke nor I had any pretensions about making profound Freudian analyses." In that spirit, we can only 
suggest a vigorous nod to the pleasure principle and a leisurely perusal of the next seven pages. Pleasant dreams. 

Elke's complex 
approach-avoidance posture 
toward the statues that. surround her 
Sails to hide the fact that she wants an Oscar 
us much as any other actress. 

In this parable 
on the powerful sexuality of trains, 
Elke's expression seems to declare, 
“Make sure the next 
choochoo you catch is Sanforized!” 

The clichéed mythicosexual 
content of snake imagery aside, 
this dream simply proves the difficulty 
of fitting a. well-rounded Elke 
info ап unpadded corner. 

Is Elke оп a trampoline? 
Taking part in a test of weightlessness? 
Is she falling in love? 
Thrice wrong: She’s simply expressing a triumph 
of the libido over the superego’s repressions. 

Water, darting fish 
and Elke's near-catatonic pose 
all symbolize her quest 
Sor libidinal release. 
Either that or she’s drowning. 

Guilt-edged bonds chain Elke to 
hell-fire and brimstone in this regression 
to the imagery of the evangelist; 
but she still manages 
a Jung-at-heart smile. 

YEAR OR туо лсо, a London Sunday newspaper rea 
REIN( ARNAI ION A mainly by English working people published a question- 
naire in which the editor asked whether they believed 

(a) in heaven and hell, (b) in reincarnation or (с) did not 
know. To his surprise, the yes answers for reincarnation led 
handsomely over those for heaven and hell. Of these readers, 
igricultural areas, hardly one in 20 attended reli- 
even irregularly; and if large numbers sent their 
children to Sunday school, this was mainly to get them clear 
of the house on an afternoon traditionally 

sacred to marital rites. The American 

attendance rate, on the contrary, 
has risen spectacularly in the 
рам two generations and 

is now claimed to 
have reached more 
like 1] citizens 
in every 20. 
tion, in 

fact, has 
not madc 
much head- 
way in the 
States, heaven 
and hell still be- 
ing ап unalterable 
dogma in church, chap- 
«1, synagogue and mosque 
—vwith, of course, such gen- 
erous modifications as purgatory 
and limbo. American orthodoxy has 
been encouraged by а gentlem: grccment be 

tween business and religion; for most institutions and organi- 

zations hold that such beliefs produce a more reliable type of 

worker in all grades. A small minority of America’s reincar 

nationists, mostly converted by theosophists trading as popu- 

lar astrologers, were given a boost in 1956 by the publication 

of The Search for Bridey Murphy. This, you will perhaps 

remember, was the story of how “Ruth Simmons,” а young 

14 Colorado housewile, gave a hypnotist named Morey Bernstein 

an eminent poet and scholar of mythology 
probes the ancient sources and 
subsequent manifestations of an age-old belief 





many verifiable de of her previous incarnation as a 
about 150 years before. 

A correspondent of The Christian. Century commented at 
the um "I mer a man in a Des Moines beanery who had а 
copy of The Scarch for Bridey Murphy under his arm. 1 
looked up from my plate of beans and asked how he liked 
1. without much enth ТАП right. 
I asked him if he thought there was amy truth in it, 
“Well, 1 do Vd rather believe 
in it than nothing. Hell, 1 don't want just to 
die. Fd like t0 have a second chance. 

In that, I am sure he spoke for a 
lot of people and came close 

etern: The 
interest in 
Bridey Mur- 
phy is an 

for a 


world of 

some sort.” 

And yet this 
correspondent greatly 
understated the case. 
Admittedly, reincarnation 
is not а familiar part of He- 
brew belief in the hereafter: but a 
notable exception was made in the case 
of the prophet Elijah, who. according to The Sec- 
ond Book of Kings, had been carried off by a celesti. 
and who, according to The Book of Malachi IV: 5, 
appear on carth just before the comi 
Jesus. himself, quotes the Malachi tex 


sked by the captain of the temple guard, shortly before 
the cruc п (Mark XI: 28), “By (continued on page 233) 


an eminent poet and scholar of mythology 
probes the ancient sources and 
subsequent manifestations of an age-old belief 



“This year I've decided 
to give something that 
will eliminate all 
the tiresome shopping." 


"RONGKATULATIONS upon buying such a fine products! 
You have choosed wisely upon procuring our very fine 
patented (Pend) devices. The guarante which ac 
companies herein is unquestionably good for one year 
or less. If fuse is not twisted? Note base of green color 
is not easily found to be crackable. To operate cor 
rectfully merely plug into standard U.S. (A.C) two 
pronged clearics (110 V.). Immediately your Deluxe 
Yuel A-Go-Go ‘Tuneful Musical Revolving Puncture- 
Proof ‘Table-Model Aluminum Xmas Tree should 
ns function. (Deluxe Model 2-A is capable of 


being folds. 1f excessive care is observed. This provide 

1 reread the directions, which 
where a clue to the technical trouble I was experienc 
ing with my sparkling little Japanese-made aluminum. 
beauty, a triumph of modern science over the tunc 
les, nonreusable, old-fashioned Christmas tree of 
yesteryear. The only trouble was, the damn thing 
squatted there dark, mute and unrevolving in the mid 

t contain. some- 




dle of my winter-streaked picture window overlooking 
my beloved wasteland of Manhattan. even though 1 had 
taken every precaution to make sure it was plugged 
into the correct electrics. Maybe my Yule A-Go-Go is 
polarized, 1 thought, with my usual technical know- 
how. on which I pride myself as ап ex-GI 

Dropping to my knees, I crawled laboriously be 
hind my Danish Folding Swing-A-Ding Coucherama, 
inching forward toward the only electrical outlet that 
my entire high-rent, three-and-a-half-room apartment 
supported. I plunged my hand into the g s nest 
of three-way, five-way, nine-way extensions and plugs, 
by dint of which I managed to squeeze out enough 
electricity from my one outlet to run my entire life 
From somewhere in the distance, decp in some murky 
air shaft, came the faint strains of recorded Christmas 
music. T jiggled the plugs, reversed the green one 
from my Yule A-Go-Go and crabbed backward from 
behind the couch. 

Nothing. Returning to the tree, I picked it up and 
nined it from all sides in the gray light that 
filtered in from what passes for a winter sun in the big 
city. There were no knobs, no switches, no unseemly 
mechanistic protuberances. Aha! Again my brilliant 
technical mind leaped in excitement as | spotted on 
the underside of the Christmasgreen polyethylene 
base what appearcd to be the head of an embedded 
fuse. Quickly I scanned а the thinner-than-tissue 
paper sheet of instructions. A single phrase leaped out 
al me: “H fuse is not twisted?” Do they mean to fist 
the fuse or not to twist the fuse? Since my Yule 

the return of 
the smiling 
wimpy doll 

wherein popeye’s pal gangs up with jack 
armstrong, buck rogers, doctor christian, 
tom mix, captain midnight, mickey mouse, 
harold teen, melvin purvis and grumpy the 
10 dwarf for a traumatic christmas visitation 

м ra 




A-Go-Go wasn't yer playing carols and 
suffusing my aparunent with a festive 
aura of soft Christmas lighting the way 
the ad said it would, I deduced that they 
must m the fuse. 

Squinting closely at the base, I ob- 
served that the fuse was recessed well 
below the surface. It would require more 
than my fingernails to do the job. In a 
frenzy of creativity, I rushed out into my 
kitchen, where 1 kept my meager supply 
of tools, fished out my dime-store pliers 
and returned to the fray. As 1 grasped 
the base firmly in one hand, the pliers in 
the other chomped solidly onto the head 
of the fuse. I gave it a smooth and clean 

For a single instant I felt the 
mas tree міг under my grasp, its tiny 
red, yellow, blue and green lights flar- 
ing brightly. The high, thin notes of 
“I'm dreaming of a white Christmas” 
bounced off the ceiling, Then a dull, 
roaring sensation boomed up my arm, 
crashed into my shoulder, down my 
e, hovered for a moment in my pel- 
vic region and then whinged out through 
my other arm. For a moment, | stood 
frozen; then I toppled through a cloud 
of billowing smoke—striking my head 
smartly against the arm of my burnt- 
orange Naupahyde Barcalounger—and 
lay for a full minute, during which I had 
the clear impression of being on a skiing 
wip in the Alps, which is rather odd, since 
1 am resolutely anti skiing. Tentatively, 
my mind gradually groped back into 
focus and I knew the worst. I had just 
voided another guarantee. 

1 crawled to my feet, my silken dres- 
ing gown still smoldering slightly, and 
staggered over to the couch. [ sat down 
heavily, flicking my wrists, attempting to 
restore some circulation. It was a little 
carly in the morning for shock therapy, 
I reflected. Christmas decorations lay 
scattered about me. Absent-mindedly, 1 
examined a plastic bag containing two 
sprigs of neoprene mistletoe. In red. 
Christmasy lettering, pLasoxiss splashed 
across the gay bagging. Well, at least 
you don't have to plug this stuff in, 1 

Little did 1 realize that this fiasco was 
but a prelude to an electrifying pre- 
Christmas trauma that would set the 
tone for the entire yuletide fortnight. 
Wisps of bluc-gray electrical smoke ed- 
died about my bookshelves. The shock 
had given me a more than moderately 
che, which, piled on top of 
Savurday-morning hangove 
d have been enough hint of im- 
g events. But we live from mo- 
ment to moment, rarely perceiving the 
vaster plans that contrive to undo us. 

The doorbell rang. My mind, slowed 

by its unexpected jolt of Con Ed juice, at 
first did not respond. М rang again. Fi 
Шу. T heard a disembodied voice that 1 

dimly recognized as n 
“What do you want? 

с call out: 

surly, guttural tones of the doorma 

A package? Instantly the cobwebs 
Aed. There is nothing that brings the 
roses to the cheeks of a man quicker 
than to announce he is receiving a pack- 
age. Leaping to my feet, I lurched for 
ward, barking my shins against my 
free-form coffee table, and limped to the 
door, oblivious of the thin crimson trail 
of blood I left behind me. 

poured down my brow as I read the 
green block letters printed on the huge, 
lumpy, battered cardboard carton as 1 
struggled to drag it over the sill of my 
partment door. Slowly I inched the 
monster burden over my $700-a-yard, 
mocha-shaded wall-to-wall carpeting and 
into the living room, my Sulka dressing 
gown sopping wet with honest perspira- 
tion. Even the monogram drooped. 

Painfully, | toppled the hulking mass 
end upward, hearing from inside а 
muffled inking and clauering, a tin 
kling, rolling, sifting, grating mélange of 
sound from within the battered carton. 
Even as I eased myself down into my 
magnificent alligatorskin Pakistani sling 
chair to rub my shattered shin, which 
was now beginning to throb, the box 
continued to emit muted noises, like 
nd filtering down through a mess of 
broken Christmas-tree ornaments. From 
deep inside came the low whir of a 
spring suddenly uncoiling. It stopped, 

om beyond the door, 1 heard the 

ticked twice and was silent. Somehow, 
that spring and the sound it made were 
vaguely familiar. Then began a faint, 

derisive quacking. as of some demented 
duck calling to its lascivious mate. 
stinctively, 1 struck out at the carton 
with my clenched fist. The duck quacked 
once again and the giant carton lapsed 
nto an ominous silence. Only the sound 
of distant sirens, keeping the citizenry at 
bay, drifted in from the outside world. 

I knew that damn duck! Which is not 
an easy fact to accept before lunch 
Awkwardly, 1 struggled out of my chair 
and stood looking down at my prize. For 
the first time, I noticed that there was ап 
envelope taped to the top. It was ad 
dressed to me, hand-written in a familiar 

Merry Christmas. І was cleaning 
out the basement the other da 
1 came across all kinds of junk you 
had when you were little. I figured 
rather than throw it out, I'd send it 
оп to you. A lot of it is still good 
and you might want to play with 
й, especially the Kangaroo Spring- 

Shus thac Aunt Min gave you for 

With an involuntary groan, 1 plumped 
down on my rickety camelsaddle seat 

and read the letter ag: 
it fall 1 the floor between 
Seven tons of kid effluvi 
stroke of sadistic Christmas gilt gi 
Already my apartment was loaded to the 
gunnels with grown-up mementos—my 
complete library of firs-edition Peanuts 
paperbacks, my matched set of souvenir 
pillows from 37 Army camps west of 
the Mississippi, my matchless, nationally 
known collection of rare swizzle sticks. 
all personally earned. My life was already 
overflowing. And now this! 1 thought 
briefly of throwing the whole mess down 
the air shaft. 

Then, from deep inside the box came 
another sound, a faint honking, as of 
some ancient flivver caught in a long 
forgotten traffic jam. It stopped. Maybe 
it was the duck, maybe the horn, maybe 
Christmas itself: but 1 found myself ris- 
ing slowly from the camel seat, picking 
up my pair of shears and standing over 
the vast carton. From some remote 
apartment came the unmistakable beat 
of that new smash Christmas hit The 
King Wenceslaus Rock by the Bullwhip 
Four. Taking a deep breath, I plunged 
the shears into the wp of the box. There 
was no turning back. As I sawed away, 1 
hegan to be conscious of a rising twinge 
of apprehension, What was in this box? 
After all, as a kid, 1 had had a lot of 
things in my possession at one time or 
another that I would not want my 
mother to know about. Furthermore, 
came as а somewhat nasty shock that this 
stuff was still in existence 

Finally, the shears chewed through 
the last strand of baling wire and the top 
of the battered receptacle stood ready 
for the final assault. Unflinching, 1 
grasped the flaps and ripped. Instantly, 
an odd. indefinable odor rose from the 
muddled moil: musty, basementy, а 
slight touch of rust. | think I detected 
even a bit of residual ancient sweat 
mixed with other scents so subtle and 
ephemeral as to be unclassifiable. 

Inside the cover, my mother had 
crumpled large sections of the editorial 
page and wantad columns fro 
copy of the Chicago Tribune that she 
had picked up, probably, from a pile of 
old newspapers in the basement. One 
faded headline read: “ва SQUADRON 
pled panels of a comic strip caught my 
eye. 1 smoothed it out and once agai 
was face to face with Harold Teen. He 
was trying to get Lillums, his lile. le 
tuce leaf, to go to Pop Jenks’ Sugar Rowl 
with him. Then Beezie Jer 
thing that will be forever lost. since th: 
part of the strip was ripped away. 1 no. 
ticed that Terry had not made second 
lieutenant yet but was still a struggling 
air cadet. Ruthlessly. L crumpled the pa 
pers, tossed them aside and pecred down 

(continued on page 222) 

an okl 

s said som 

“Ahem, I have a nurse present to help you feel 
more at ease, Miss Travis." 



1 was ON MY WAY to Montreal to deliver a lecture. 
It was midwinter and I had been warned that the 
temperature there was ten degrees lower than it 
was in New York. Newspapers reported that trains 
been stalled in the snow and that fishing v 
lages were cut off from civilization, so that food 
and medical supplies had to be dropped to them 
by plane. 

1 prepared for the journey as though it were an 
expedition to the North Pole. | put on a heavy 
coat over two sweaters and packed some warm 
underwear and a boule of cognac in case the train 
should halt somewhere in the fields. In my breast 
pocket I had the manuscript that I intended to 
read. It was an optimistic report on the future of 
the Yiddish language. 

In the beginning, everything went smoothly. As 
usual, I arrived at the station an hour before 
train departure and therefore could find no porter. 
The station teemed with travelers and I watched 
them, trying to guess who 
they were, where they were 
going and why. 

None of the men was 
dressed as heavily as I. Some 
even wore spring coats. The 
gant in their 
vers, their stockings 
and stylish They carried 
colorful bags and illustrated 
magazines, smoked cigarettes 
and chattered and laughed 
with a carefree air that has 
never ceased го amaze me. It 
was as though they knew 
nothing of the existence of 
world problems or eternal 
questions, as though they had 
never heard of death, sickness, 


he had planned 
so carefully 
for the journey, 
but nothing could 
have prepared him 
for what he 

s, no sheepskin coats, no 
and no gendarmes. Nobody was eating bread 
and lard. Nobody drank vodka from a bottle. No- 
body was berating Jews for state treason. In fact, 
nobody discussed politics at all. As soon as the 
train started, a huge Negro in a white apron 
came in and announced lunch, The trai not 
iting, it glided smoothly on its rails along the 
frozen Hudson. Outside, the landscape gleamed 
with snow and light. Birds that remained here for 
the winter flew busily over the icy river. 

he farther we went, the w ier the landscape. 
The weather seemed to change every few miles. 
Now we went through dense fog, and now the air 
cleared and the sun was shining again over silvery 

A heavy snowfall began. It suddenly turned 
dark. The day was flickering out. The express no 
longer flew but crept slowly and cautiously, as 
though feeling its way. The heating system in the 
train seemed to have broken 
down. It became chilly and 
I had to put on my coat 
The other passengers рге 
tended for a while that they 
did not notice anything, as 
though reluctant to admit too 
quickly that they were cold. 
But soon they began to tap 


sheepishly and rummage in 
their valises for sweaters 
scarves, boots or whatever else 
they had brought along. Col- 
lars were turned up, hands 
stuffed into sleeves. The 
make-up on women's faces 
dricd up and began to peel 
like plaster. 

The American dream grad- 

war, poverty, betrayal, or would find waiting ually dissolves and harsh 
even of such troubles as miss- jor him Polish reality returns. Some- 
ing a train, losing a ticket T one is drinking whiskey from 
or being robbed. They flirted at its en a bottle. Someone is eating 

c young girls, exhibiting bread and sausage to warm 
their blood-red nails. The fiction his stomach. "There is also a 

station was chilly that morn- 
ing. but no one except my- 
self seemed to feel it. I 
wondered: Did those people 
know that there had been 
a Hider? Had they heard 
of Stalin's murder machine? They probably had, 
but what does one body care when another is 

1 was itchy from the woolen underwear. Now T 
began to feel hor. But from time to time, a shiver 
тап through my body. The lecture, in which I 
predicted a brilliant future for Yiddish, troubled 
me. What had made me so optimistic all of a 
sudden? Wasn't Yiddish going under before my 
very eyes? 

The prompt arrival of American trains and the 
сазе im boarding them have always seemed like 
miracles to me. I remember journeys in Poland 
when Jewish passengers were not allowed into 
the cars and E had to hang onto the handrails. 
way strikes when trains were halted 
у for many hours and it was impossible 
the dense crowd to push through to the washroom. 

But here I was, sitting on a soft seat, right by 
the window. The car was heated. There were no 


rush to the toilets. It is d 
cult to understand how it 
happened, but the floor of the 
car becomes wet and muddy 
The windowpanes become 
crusted with ice and bloom 

with frost patterns 

Suddenly the train stops. I look out and see a 
sparse wood, The trees are thin and bent, and 
though they are covered with snow, they look bare 
and charred, as after а fire. The sun has already 
set, but purple stains still glow in the west. The 
snow on the ground is no longer white, but violet. 
Crows walk on it, flap their wings, and I can hear 
their cawing. The snow falls in gray, heavy lumps, 
as though the guardians of the Treasures of Snow 
up above had been too lazy to flake it more finely. 
Passengers walk from car to car, leaving the doors 
open. Conductors and other train employees run 
past; when they are asked questions, they do not 
stop but mumble something rudely. 

We are not far from the Canadian border, and 
Uncle Sam's domain is virtually at an end. Some 
passengers begin to take down their luggage: they 
may have to show it soon to the Customs ofhcials. A 
naturalized American (continued on page 294) 





eight freshman commandos from the underbelly of the hippie horde who are destined to rise in the ranks 


The film's middleaged financial backer 
dithdently approaches the director. "I 
don't want to interrupt the flow of your 
creative juices, Andy, baby, but how 
come you re using all this expensive Hol- 
lywood equipment, but only that tiny 
little camera?" 

“Ic is only through the enigmatic four 
dollar narrow-gauge camera that one can 
pproach «һе Jerry Lewis tragicomic 
symbolic glaucoma." 

"How come there is no lens in 

“I don't ever want the intrusive lensic 
quality to stultify the natural existential 
spontaneity of the filmic medium.” 

The backer, with mounting trepida- 
tion, asks, “But can you see anyth 
when you project it on the screen?” 

"Screen? We don't use such a symbol 
of Hollywood's vulgar commercialism as 
a screen. We use a psychedelic silk 
curtain. What yon see on the 
n doesn't count. What's important 
s benevolent, transcendental, strobo- 



THE COOL TYCOON: А $250,000 un- scopic light—the raw power of heavenly 
derground epic film is about to Бе shot zap! 

1 Greenwich Village. Hundreds of klicg 
lights attached to the great arch cast 
cerie shadows in the fountain. Micro 
phones hang from the trees, Electrical 

“Tell me this—what's happened with 
some of the movies you've made?" 

“Well, out of the ten I've made, the 
last three have won the Lavender Fig 
cables leading from huge g ors criss Newton—highest_ prize е pop pan- 
cros the pavement. Over 200 paid extras, theon. One had an alktransvestite сам. 
dressed in authentic Visigothic armor, fll И was about. Cinderella. She was played 

the benches. One hundred union techni by a drag queen who turned out to be a 
cians respond to commands shouted by dyke. Another prize winner was а very 
Andy Anger, the IGyearold director, poignant film of Madame Nhu scratch- 
through his megaphone. He is standing ing her fingernails on а blackboard for 

atop an enormous crane t 
into position. Attached to the top of the 
crane is a tiny, battered. pre-War. 8mm 
movie camera 

"Quiet on the set—we're 
shoot," orders the director. 

The scene starts, The superstar of the 
ndergound. Baby Jane Sedgwick, 
dresed in a Red Guard cap and jacke 
ed by a menacing, misshapen 

is dollying hı hours. And my most recent spec 
т, which will have its gala premiere 
k, is a sixteen-hour split-screen 
musical comedy based on the 
dy Mossler murder trial." 

"Are you sure you know what you're 

about to 

do you dare qu 
ple of Syngman Rhe 
and Charles (Sonny) Listo 

rubber L.B.J. mas. “I didn't know those guys made 
catches her under the arch, tears oll films.” 
all her clothes and has her for a full five “They don’t. Irs the kind of movie 
minutes right before the camera, which they'd make il they did make one that 
ted directly at her lelt big toe. influenced me.” 

‘I'm still not convinced you know 

what youre doing. Ud like to reconsider 

his boy my investment. Send all this equipment 

director's back, give me all the film you've shot so 

broidered on far and 


The director s 
crane to whe: 

les down the 100-foot 
Jerry Ma 

has his ver 
The word GURU is е 

on-bronze buoyant barefoot teenager with 
chromed surfboard balanced on his head 
is silhouetted against а forest of oil wells 
outside Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is wearing 
pollution-green-fowered beil-bottom jams 
d has a gold chain around his neck 
holding a medallion that pro. 
He has gills and prehensile tocs. His 
surfboard cost $17,000 (wholesale). It con 
i raph with earphones; 
spigots that dispense Coke, Pepsi, root 
beer, wax and suntan lotion: sunstroke 
pills: a rack with eight pairs of different 
intensity sunglasses, and plastic water 
wings. His name is Neptune Zimmerman 
and he is the world’s only Jewish surfer 
А county sheriff's car pulls up and an 
astonished officer geis out, He assumes 
that anyone dressed so weirdly on High 
way 66 must be either а lost Cuban frog 
man or a nudist civil rights marcher 
Neptune puts down his board, being 
careful not to block the sun's rays, and 
greets the sheriff with a friendly “Aloha. 
“Hey, nudenik” Ше sheriff 
Where the hell do you think y 
going without any clothes on?" 
Fondling his $17.000 board, Zi 
man explains, "Fm surfing my м: 
around the world. 1 started at G 


m and 

rode a tidal wave to Malibu. I rode 

Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park. Now 

I'm here waiting to ride a big black one.” 

The sheriff answered. “Ride a big 

A gusher, man. A gusher.” 
"p thought you guys skied in the 

“Oceans are for gremmies. I'm over- 
stoked on curl soup cutout skeg first take- 
off Banzai Pipeline south swell cross chop 
mushy. After | catch my gusher, I'm 
headed East to do some steep body surf- 
ing at the Big Niagara. Then its all out- 
ard bound for the great lava flow at 
Mauna Loa. Gonna be the first mortal to 
ride from the beach into the water.” 
What have you been smoking?” 
“Us surf people never smoke. By the 
way, do you know if there are any sharks 
in а gusher?” Neptune turns and from a 
secret atment in the board, re- 
- of zinc oxide ointment and 

oves a tul 

spreads it on his nose. the top of his ears, 

his gills, his lips, his knuckles, 
tongue, and then covers the rest of 
self and the board with Coppertone. 
‘The sheriff, sure that Neptune has just. 
performed an indecent sex act, starts 10 
place him under arrest. Before he can 
the earth suddenly 
T well begins to spout and gush. Nep- 
ıune grabs his board and, in a full тип, 
Surf's up!" 
ist seen. Neptune Zimmerman 
ag wen on the big black onc 
ng toward Phoenix. The next morn- 
ing. Tulsa was swamped with 1800 
surfers, all squatting by Highway 66, 
wa e ninth gusher. 

yearold Terra Tactic stops alongside 
Highway 6l Hibbing, Minnesota, 
to put Clearasil on her acne and be inter- 
viewed by the local press. She is in the 
middle of a solitary protest march to com. 
memorate Mario Savio's 25th birthday. 

and white go-go boots marked н 

Terra's knapsack is ornamented with 
fill-in-the-blanks political buttons, whose 
first words are ABOLISH, DEFEND, HANDS 
orr and киз. For, The knapsack con- 
tains no make-up or clothes. Instead, it 
is choked with a medium-sized mimeo- 
graph machine, 12 reams of paper, a 
postage meter and a valid American Ex- 
press credit card stolen from her father’ 
corporation. There is also the following 
reading material: The Prophet, Human 
Sexual Response, MacBird, Kropotkin's 
pamphlet on Lenin's position on women 
id the last four issues of Spiderman. 

In response to a reporters question. 
Terra chronicles her beginning 
with her birth on a picket line in front of 
ng Sing in 1953. the day the Rosen- 
bergs were executed. At age c 
was in the first freedom ride to Jackson, 
Mississippi. In 1962, she led the two- 
month fast in the Hollywood Bowl to 
protest Nixon's campaign for governor of 
California. In 1963, she was expelled 
from Miss Porter's finishing school after 
an LSD trip-in. In 1964, she led a glutin 
in front of the World Health Organiza- 
tion in Geneva to protest the Nile poll 
jon that was killing off crocodiles 
alarming rate. It was during this glutan 
that she gained 40 pounds and devel 
oped a severe case of аспе 

She spent most of 1965 receiving 
intensive psychotherapy in the $853 day 
Riggs Institute for the Living. Her par- 
ents committed her after 

n arrest for 

attempting self-immolation by drenching 
herself with Coca-Cola and singing 
“Things burn better with Coke” in front 

of the Billy Graham pavilion at the New 
York World's Fair. 

Shortly thereafter, the Ford Foundation 
awarded her a grant to study prepubes- 
cent alienation. 

"How e your political beliefs 
evolved during your five years as a pick- 
єїсег?” asked one of the reporters. 

“Politics is a bunch of crap. A girl like 
me, fat and with acne, has to do very 
weird things to be noticed by boys.” 

n you go on marches for 

ly. E figure. with all this walki 
in the sun, I'll Jose weight and clear up 
my pimples and maybe I'll meet a man 
who wants me." 

She hoists up her gear оп hunched 
shoulders and staris plodding toward 
Walla Walla. Suddenly, a large black 
airconditioned chauffeur-driven Lincoln 
with a low-number New 
York license plate comes to a discreet 


halt alongside her. Her balding father, 
fur-coated mother and bearded 


the mother 
enough, Your father's 

right, al 
not a well ma 

The weeping Terra is swept into the 
car, which silently tools east 
Great Neck. 


screams Zealot Gu 
through the door of the Mari 
ng station, waving his gree 
He stops at the entrance 
flag, the sergeant and а гест 
“I wanna join up with you leathernecks!” 

‘The sergeant, thinking that at last 
kl a boy who is eager to dic 
is country, nps the 
an's hand a 


Eisenhower jacket is covered 
with Korean war medals and buttons mg- 
ing the bombing of Hanoi, Havana, 
Greenwich Village and Berkeley 

to join up. son?" 

Zealot rolls up his sleeves to reveal a 
tattoo of the Парт: ma on 
onc thickly muscled biceps and corporal 
stripes tattooed on the other. "We have 
бо мор godless atheistic communism 

from subverting the free world, шот} 

with Audie Murphy and John М 
digging those trenches with Alan Ladd 
and Dana Andrews, nering with 
Ronald Reagan and John Hodiak and 
dying with Robert Mitchum and John 
field, while planes zoom overhead 
41 hundreds of buglers play taps. 
How old are you, boy?" the serg 

“Seventeen, 1 just graduated today 



Rearmament Vocational 

the sergeant remarks, He 
then has Zealot fill out the forms and 
sends him in to undress for his physical. 

A few minutes later, Zealot reappears 
wearing a white, hooded K. K. K. robe. 

“Why the hell are you wearing that 
sheet?” the bewildered sergeant asks. 
them yellow gooks can fight in 
amas, why can't I wear my bed 

Suddenly, Zealot spies something out- 
side. He leaps up and races into the 
strect, where he grabs a small Chinese 
man. He pummels him, knocks him 
down with a karate chop and shouts: 

V.C.—V.C. 1 got one.” Zealot then 
brutally tortures his terrified victim 
to find out where the local Viet Cong 
positions are located. 
ished, Zealot returns to the recruit- 
ing station humming The Marine's 
Hymn and again salutes the startled ser- 
gc Mission accomplished, General." 

“What'd you do that for?" the ser 
geant asks. “That's only Sun Yat Starch, 
the guy who owns the hand laundry next 
door, where | send my shirts.” 

But, General— 
m sorry, boy, we're goin 
to classify you Section Eight. 

Zealot exits, vowing to have Senator 
Dodd investigate the “liberal pinko 
homosexual dope-fiend Asiaticdupe paci- 
ist" takeover of the Marines 

Zealot then sprints to the пеам pub- 
lic telephone and dials the War Resist 

псе League. "Staughton? It worked. I 
dodged the draft.” 

to have 

truck stops in front of the Brill Building, 
the mecca of pop music. Six-foot-four 
nd Lemon Ci shambles olf the 
crates in the back of the truck. 

ood luck, kid,” the driver says as he 
ds him his battered, homemade 12- 
“This is the big time." 
ters toward. the building 


but You've Dane Broke Down. He 
passér-by to lead him to the build 
rectory, where he feels around the raised 
letters on the board, His finger tips catch 
the name of the Soul Grits Record Com- 
pany Ltd. 

Filled with blind hope, Blind Lemon 
confronts the chairman of the board of 
Soul Gritts Ltd.—Irving Grits. 

Inving, an executive at 15, is vibrating 
gently behind a golden LP-shaped desk 
in his yete-fur electrolounger, feet out- 
stretched to exhibit his hand-tooled Day- 
Glo pink paisley vinyl elf boots He 
sports a brocade vest (worm open to 
allow for the ruffles on the front of his 
d opalescent chartreuse bermu- 
h a platinum key chain fastened 
at the waist. His straight blond hair cas- 
cades to his shoulder blades, framing a 
sallow, microbiotic face. 

He is doodling dollar signs as he talks 
on three Scandinavian pedestal phones 
at once to Erik Jacobsen, Tim Leary and 
his high school geometry teacher. He 
gestures Blind Lemon to a chai 
ble to see the gesture, Blind Lem 
on impatiently shuffles his feet in place 
as he waits for some word from Irving 

"Go plug in," Irving demands. 

“Plug in, man, 1 don't even turn on. 1 
just wanna sing my blues." Blind Lemon 
says, clutching his guitar. "My momma 
was Bessie Smith, my poppa was Lead- 
belly. and 1 can sing my blues. 

"Sorry, baby, Im mot familiar with 
them. Did they ever have anything on 
the charts?" 

“I just hitched up from Greenwood. 
play some delta 

Well. Simon and Garfunkel are cut 
ting a record this aft'noon and they need 
guitarist. “Their regular was electro- 
aned at the last session.” 
"Simon and who?” 
You don't know Simon and Garfun 
kel? Man, you got no culchah! No soul! 
"No soul, man? Why, I was pick 
couon at three, singi a sanctified 
church at five, la 
at seven, T went blind at thirtee 
started. sharecroppin at eighteen 
“Look, you don't play electr 
you don't know 
you cven dress fu id you got cot- 
ton balls in your ears. And besides, you 
gotta have a funkier name than Blind 
Lemon Chitlin—something like Sop 
with Camel, Texas Book Depository 
Building, Lothar and the Hand People, 
Rabble Without a Cause or Lite Bud- 
dha and the Dropouts. 
Blind Lemon spends the next four 
hours in the Brill Building trying to get 
ast the secretaries of the other record 
—Red Beans LSD Music; 
by Chain Gang Records; Banana 

а Garfunkel, 

Lidi; Surf and Soul Songs; Hi 
ny and Harmony; Amps Ohms 

Dejected, he sits on the curb in from 
of the Brill Building. To his guitar, he 
moans, "Baby, there ain't no love in a 
white man’s skyscraper.” 

Dylan Darlin’, the 12-year-old 
the Brill Building, gets off his ch 
driven Honda and stops in his tracks. 
"What'd you say. boy?" he excla 

"Baby, there ain't no love 
man's skyscraper. 
ап ойу but goldy 

shouts Darlin’. 
fifty-thousand-dollar. contract." 
The youthful genius immedi 

changes his discovery's name to Realemon 
and the Bad Secda group made up 
of Blind Lemon and the three younge 
children of the notorious Gallo gang 

Within a mon time, true to Dar 
lin’s vision, the group is number one on 
the chars in 18 countries—including 
South Africa—and pop music is revolu 
cd by the dela 



letter was found in the debris of a large 
Bel Air home that had been destroyed 
by а fire caused by an ехріс һа 
homemade chemistry lab. A reading of 
the letter will reveal yet another aspect 
of the rampant bopper culture 

Dear Mommas 

Here at Camp Ааа, thi 
pretty groovy. There's plenty of grass at 
Pillbrook and we take two trips every 
day. My counselor, Ed Sanders, is a nice 
enough guy ls us bed 
time stories from the Tibetan Book of 
the Dead. 

The best thing about this place is that 
the counselors are out of sight. Gerd 
tern teaches arts and cralts—you should 
see my lightpulsition, mandalashaped 
ceramic-tile “10 older. Ralph Ginz 
burg edits the camp newspaper. Norman 
Mailer is the (continued on page 242 

nd. Popp: 

gs are still 

ГЕ on the Right to 

a u.s. supreme court justice expresses his grave concern over 
the escalating invasion of a basic constitutional guarantee 

THE RIGHT OF PRIVACY, greatly cherished in the American tradition, is 
fast disappearing. We pay lip service to it and yet dishonor it in prac- 
tice. As we pile high in apartments, as electronic surveillance increases, 
as the tentacles of government spread, Big Brother invades the pre- 
cincts of our homes, audits our conversation and looks more and more 
over our shoulder, 

‘The right of privacy—the right that Justice Brandeis called “the 
right to be let alone"—is nowhere expressly mentioned in the Consti- 
tution or Bill of Rights. But it is that right that many express guaran- 
tees or prohibitions protect. 

Police can enter a house and seize certain articles, provided they 
have a warrant issued by a magistrate who is satisfied that there is 
probable cause that a crime has been committed. Police can also 
make arrests on such a showing. But the Fourth Amendment makes 
a man's home his castle and his person secure against arrests on sus- 
picion or for investigation or for preventive purposes, as 15 done in 
some countries. These are important rights of privacy. 

4 here are other constitutional areas of privacy. Every person has 
the right to free exercise of religion; and no religious test or require- 
ment may be made a requirement for holding a public office, These 
guarantees in the First Amendment and in the body of the Constitu- 
tion itself create enclaves that neither the states nor the Federal Gov- 
ernment may enter. They may not legislate respecting them; and since 
they are not legitimate objects of legislation, no legislative committee 
may explore them nor probe them, 

“To what church do you belong?" “Do you attend regularly?" 
“Do you believe in God?" These and like questions are none of the 
Government's business; the citizen can refuse to answer with impunity. 

Freedom of speech has an aura of privacy. The First Amendment 
guarantees against Goyernment abridgment of both freedom of speech 
and freedom of assembly. Nothing is said about freedom of association. 
It is implied, however. Freedom of assembly connotes a coming togeth- 
er of people—one form of association. Freedom of speech connotes not 
oral pronouncement alone but a whole congeries of various methods of 
expression. Joining a social, economic or political group is one method. 
Subscribing to a paper or a journal is another. Meeting and conversing 
with people are others. Believing, espousing, endorsing are still others. 

“Do you believe in the United Nations?” “What are your views 
on Medicare?” “Do you endorse socialism?” “Did you yote for Henry 
Wallace?" "Are you against the segregation of races?" “Did you march 
in protest to our Vietnam policy?” “Do you read New Republic or 
Pravda or the Daily Worker?" These are none of government's busi- 
ness and are beyond the pale. For beliefs and reading habits are in 
the keeping of the individual and outside the reach of Big Brother. 

Political partis, social groups, civil rights committees, trade unions, 
farmers’ federations all have membership lists. ‘Their disclosure usually 
would be harmless to anyone, So, normally, the management and the 
members would not hesitate to make them public. At times, however, 



emotions may run high, the group may be unpopular, the majority's demand for disclosu 
in purpose or effect to cause harm to the members. A group may be organized to promote 
to litigate for the desegregation of public schools, parks and beaches. Those from Columbia, Yale, City € 
lege and Cornell who go to some areas in our country to contest racial discrimination may be ci ed, jostled 
or run out of town. But since their appearance is transitory, usually no abiding harm is done. But those mem- 
bers who liye in the area, giving the movement silent, spiritual help or financial support, may be greatly 
arassed and damaged if disclosure of their members| is made. They might lose their jobs; their bank loans 
might be called or not renewed; their club memberships, lost; and the like. The freedom to associate in that 
cause might then become so downright dangerous as to be worthless. 

That is the basic reason disclosure of a membership list is not an absolute prerogative of government. 
The right to belong is kin to the right to believe. As I said, joining is one method of expressing one's ideas, of 
affirming one's beliefs, of pledging allegiance to a cause. This right to associate, though nowhere expressed in 
the Constitution or Bill of Rights, is a phase of the right to privacy, falling within the penumbra of the 
Bill of Rights. and is as fully protected as free speech itself. 

One may ask, what, then, about a criminal syndicate? Are its members also clothed in constitutional im- 
y? OF course not. And the question and answer mark an important constitutional line. 

There was a time when imagining the death of a king, that is, wishing the old boy were dead, 
crime. It was the most heinous of all crimes—treason—and punishable by death. Punishing thoughts, wishes. 
hopes and beliefs marked one of the bloodiest chapters in Anglo-American history. 

Jefferson said that this crime of constructive treason “had drawn the blood of the best and honestest men 
in the kingdom." Indeed, men were executed merely for uttering treasonable words. 

What the politicians did, the theologians did also. Heresy was expressing disbelief in the orthodox 
heresy was dissent; heresy was espousing a nonconformist creed that made the establishment angry. 

‘These chapters on treason and heresy were well known in America when the Constitution and Bill of 
Rights were drafted and adopted. They were the main reason one’s ideas, beliefs, faith and ideology were put 
beyond the reach of government. Government, Jefferson averred, had no rightful concern with those mat- 
ters. It could step in only when ideas moved from the realm of thought into the realm of action. Overt acts 
were all that could be punished. 

Jefferson said: “The opinions of men are not the object of civil government, nor under its jurisdiction. 
. -. It is time enough for the rightful purposes of civil government for its officers to interfere when pri 
ciples break out into overt acts against peace and good order 

Thus, the definition of treason in our Constitution requires proof of overt acts—not one but two to the 
same act of treason, save for a confession in open court. 

This Jeffersonian concept, as applied to criminal syndicalism, for example, has two faces: One may, with 
immunity, wish, hope and pray that the regime will fall, and campaign to that end. Yet when he moves into 
action, collects hand grenades, prepares caches of rifles, organizes to assassinate the President, conspires to 
overthrow the Government by force, and the like, he steps over the nd the right of privacy vanishes. 
Then the membership lists and the right to privacy lose their constitutional immunity; for the Constitution 
sets up no haven for illicit activities. 

"Those who disagree point to the Self-Inc nation Clause of the Fifth Amendment, which reads, “No 
person . . . shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.” This clause does create 
a zone of privacy, even for those suspected of crime; and it has been criticized on that ground. But it also 
serves a high purpose. It has roots deep in experience. There was a day when the prosecution could make its 
case out of the mouth of the accused. The man who stood mute when asked to plead was presumed to plead 
guilty. But his silence often reflected not guilt but contempt for the judicial regime. Torture and other forms 
of coercion were used to make men confess. 

The Persians shaved the suspect's head, locked it in a stock and then poured hot lead on it. 

The Chinese, under Chiang Kai-shek, put the suspect on a rack and stretched his legs until he confessed. 

Hitler used the dentist chair, drilling through live teeth; and New York City police did the same. 

In Washington, D.C., men were stripped, tied to a table and burned with live cigars. 

Trujillo in the Dominican Republic set fire to women’s hair and burned their arms with live cigarettes. 

Texans took men into the woods at night, placed nooses around their necks and hoisted them into trees. 

The French in Algeria attached electrodes to the testicles and gave a series of shocks until the desired 
confession came. 

No people have been exempt from these coercive practices. 

Torture produces unreliable confessions, as cach person has a “breaking point” and can suffer pain only 
up to that point. We also know that everyone has a “consciousness of guilt.” No life is blameless. And at times 
the sense of guilt—not over the crime being investigated but over some unrelated or remote transgressions— 
bubbles up and one confesses to a crime he never committed. Moreover, a certain percentage of people 
have a desire to die, and confessing to a capital offense is an easier course than suicide. (continued on page 244) 


“Who said that blondes have more fun?!” 

a words-and-pictures appreciation of cinema city's cottontailed hutch honeys 

тик FIRS-FLOOR Playmate Bar of the Los Angeles Playboy Club creates a lively sense of déjà vu i 
reader. Among the collection of bigger-than-centerfold transparencies set into the room's walnut paneling are most 
of the dozen-plus past and present Hollywood Playmate-Bunnies—including the nine gatefold girls who currently 
don satin ears each night. The number, a record among all the Clubs in the key chain, is a testament to the remark- 
able ability of both the Hollywood hutch and Southern California to attract beautiful girls. 

And the unique aura—lent to the southwesternmost outpost of the Playboy Empire by the profusion of Playmate- 
Bunnies—also attracts dozens of beautiful non-Playmates, such as Bunny Kathy Foster. Late in the morning on most 
days of the week—no matter what the season—Kathy can be found on one of the miles-long stretches of sand in Long 
Beach, south of L.A. She'll be body surfing, walking or perhaps just gazing out at the Pacific horizon. At three or 
four in the afternoon, having acquired a yet deeper cast to a tan that makes her pageboy burst of blonde hair as bright 
as the California sun, Kathy walks 300 yards inland to her surfside home. After donning street clothes, she jumps into 
her Mustang and—"minutes before the rush hour"—freeways the 35 miles to the Sunset Boulevard site of the West 
Coast Playboy Building, a cream-and gray, ten-story tower on a ridge overhanging (text continued on page 289) 


Bikinied Linda Ridgway loves the ocean (her light mood was caught at Torrey Pines Beach in Son Diego), Tolstoy and eating watermelon 
without a napkin—a trio of affections as disormingly original os the mood of the whole West Coast today and the Bunnies of Hollywood in 
particular. Mirror-imaged Kathy Foster is one of the Loz Angeles Club's numerous sportscar buffs and body surfers. In their film-career 
ambitions, international beauty Tonya Terän and silhouetted Bunny Marilyn Kendall typify another Hollywood Bunny characteristic. Tanya 
ployed on several South American stages and native Angeleno Marilyn majored in drama and dance at Los Angeles County College. 195 

Brooklyn-born De Rustell—smiling below ond en route fo o toble of thirsty 

keyholders—wos on Eost Cooster for four short years but con't imagine 
going back. "Where else but in Hollywood could | be о Bunny, get a crack 
at TV and film acting and still go surfing oll the year roune 

Bunny Judy Ryder spent her West Virginia ond Indiana childhood following 
the cue of her surname to become a trophy-winning horsewoman. “1 also 
studied dance for ten years.” Judy says. a bit of information that explains 

grace with which she carries her 37-25-37 figure on Club rounds. 

Poolside Bunny Suzanne McDonald deplaned from a stewardess job for the chance 
to don Bunny ears. “As а Bunny, I've got the bosi of both worlds,” Suzanne says, “with 

exciting evenings and all day free for swimming." Enthroned Heidi Becker ond 
sun-struck Pal Wright both made centerfold appearances before joining the Club. 

Blonde Chere Davis deserted Las Vegas when the desert 

proved too dull. “I'm a Long Beach native,” Chere says, “and 
won't leave the ocean again.” Making а bright Club debut this 
h Bunny Sandy Molen, above. Marianna Case, 

ies her tie in bustling Bunny dressing room. 

Playmate-Bunny Astrid Schulz indulges in luxurious relaxation at home before head- 

ing off to her VIP Room duties. Asirid—a champion gymnast in her native Holland 
—is on enthusiastic scuba diver. Blonde Melba Ogle was working in o butcher shop 
when she became Miss July 1964, now concentrates on modern dance. Amateur 
songsiress Sophia Sipes has delighted keyholders in both Phoenix and Hollywood. 

Bunny Sam Moorman, pausing beside fountoin af the 
L. A. County Museum of Art, is runner-up to Richard 
Nixon as Whittier, California's mast famous export, 
moonlights in light opera. Seen af ease on а balcony, 
at play at the Club, Playmote-Bumper-Pool Bunny 
Sharon Rogers come West from aur Chicago offices. 

Voriely is, indeed, the spice of life for Hollywood keyholders and the girls themselves. Pert Lynde McDaniel colls herself o "beoch rat," 

loves the night life of the Club ond the Colifornic-Nevada resort of Loke Tahoe. The quiet pleosures of chess ond softly sung folk bollods 
fill the free hours of Ploymaie-Bunny Vicky Valentino; while Donna Hoos, reloxing below, is a hoppily hard-working Bunny and TV model. 

Bunny Ana Lizze's rich beauty complements the LeRoy Neiman originals ond vel- 
vet banquettes of the Hollywood Club's VIP Room. The three other coitontails 
here Christine Willioms (above), Nancy Scot (below) and Gwen Wong—all belong 
to the remarkably large collection of Hollywood Playmate-Bunnies who give a 
unique quality to the Club. Christine settled in Los Angeles affer eight years abroad 
and a shart stint as a Vegas showgirl. When no! soaring in а glider, Nancy uses 
free fime to scout for and refinish antiques; while Gwen's out-ofClub hours are 
highlighted by extended trips to California’s deserts and its Big Sur country. 

why napoleon erected the obelisk xia c 

true artist in his work 
will never create two jars that are exact- 
ly alike. According to his materials or his 
mood. he must always vary the shape. 
the texture or the glaze. Allah, 
in his infinite artistry, can likewise never 
create two things that are exactly alike 
will thas find that even the 
villages of Anatolia, however 
monotonous! their immediate 
ippearance, are all different in some way, 
if you only take the trouble to study 
them carefully. The village of Bok Köy, 
lor instance, is thus named “Village of 
Turds.” like many other such settlements 
built on the banks of a sluggish, n 
odorous and evil-colored stream, But the 
particular village of Bok Köy of which 
| am now thinking distinguishes itself 
from all other Turkish villages of the 
same name in that all its male inhabit- 
ants are endowed with quite remarkable 
physical gifts 

Many young age of 
Bok Köy have thus wandered far from 
home and amassed great wealth in dis 
nt cities where the women are rich and 
One of t 

A porrer who 

the color 

and you 


ncn from our vil 

wanton m, for instance, went 
as {лг as Hindustan, where he lived hap: 
pily and in great luxury for many years 

as the prince consort of a sacred со 

curiously neurotic beast that, in а regres- 

sive mood, had developed a taste for the 

partners to which it had been ac 
customed in а previous incarnation as а 
Roman empress, a certain Messalina. But 
in ceasing to be human and in becoming 
а cow. the unfortunate empress had also 
changed her whole proportions. so u 
ı young man [rom Bok Köy could 


ow satisfy 

nostalgic pasion lor 
human partners. 

Though that may be legend, the tale 
that [am about to relate is founded on 
historical fact and attested by 
ment as well as by reliable chronicles 
dl the letters and diaries of contempo: 
rary It concerns. moreover, а 
young man from Bok Koy who, in rcla 
tively recent. times. wandered from his 
native village in eastern Anatolia as far 
as El Kahira, the capital of Egypt, be 
fore anything truly remarkable hap- 
pened то him. He arrived shortly before 
the occupation of the city by the French 
uoops of the Emperor. Napoleon, who 
had gone forth to conquer the lands in 
habited by the faithful and 
proposed to set a live pig on a throne. as 

a monu 


who even 

his viceroy, in the sacred city of Mecca. 
Fortunately, mad as the ages in which 
we are destined to live may be. Маро 

chieved his 
before beir 

leon never 
bition. But, 

sacrilegious am 
defeated in 

assic a Turkish tale 


Egypt. he added to his personal staff. in 

menial offices, a ccrta aber of the 
faithful, among them our young man 
Irom Bok Köy. Muzafler Özaltin, born of 

family known for its great loyalty and 

therefore named Özilin, meaning “pure 

Menial as his tasks were, Muzaffer 
who had daily to shine the emperor's 

riding boots. soon attracted his master’s 
attention by his modest demeanor and 
his loyalty. It thus came to pass that 
emperor, when he forced ıo 
return to France, took the boy with him 
10 Paris, to be a kind of decorative blac 
his court. I 

the was 

moor a 

Paris, the boy soot 
became aware of the corruption of the 
emperor's entourage. As the proverb 
5s. When the cats away. the mice will 
play—and Napoleon was a cat who was 
very often away on campaigns to 
conquer the world. 

Muzaffer was the 


to observe that 
his lord and master’s wife, the Empress 
Josephine, was a mouse of a particular 
ly playful nature, the moment Napo 
leon's back was turned. But he feli ıl 
the male mice with which she chose to 
play were scarcely of a kind that m 
be considered worthy of the only wife of 
so great a conqueror. Besides. Muzaffer 
knew, from his own experience 






frequent clandestine visitor to certain bad- 
ly disciplined harems of the wanton city 
of El Kahira, that he could successfully 
compete, even at hi ge ol 15 
summers. with nour, wharever 
the laute се or religion; also that no 

Egyptian wile whom he had secretly 
consoled in the absence of a debauched 
amd winedrinking husband had ever 

heen led to regret her indiscretions by 
having to present to her Arab husband а 
child born with the suspiciously round 
head and blunt features of the Turkish 
g the elongated skull and the 
5 Р features of the Arabs, So. Мигайег 
began to play with the idea of defending 
his French lord a "s honor by 
becoming, in the emperor's many cm 
forced absences. the discreet and harm- 
les paramour of the wanton empress. 
But the empress, being idle and wanton, 
litated his proposal by her own initia- 
tive, long before Muzalfer had decided 
specific. pli tion. 

It all came ıo pass as follows, In. those 
s. the officers of the armies of the 
fidels wore uniforms of a cularly 

"modest design, with tight docskin 
breeches that left nothing to the imagi- 
mation of the unveiled ladies of the 
French cout. Many of these young 
officers. not being endowed with the 
physical charms that might ensure them 

success with the wives of their superic 

and consequent advancement in their 
careers, relied. on them. tutors to supply 
them with artificial padding cunningly 
inserted in the proper places. One such 
pificer, in every other respect a real 
broth of a boy, h tracted the atte 

tion of the empress. who then summo 
him. without further ado, to while aw; 
am afternoon with her jn her apartments, 
her parine ne of dominoes, 
On such S. и ow Ми, 
duty. shocked аз the boy might. be by all 
that he witnessed. to stand by and bring 
freshments, such as Turkish collec, 
whenever these were required. 
АП went well that day between the 
empress and the young captain. who al 
pid promotion to the 
until the empress. а 
ways very bold with her hands, made a 
surprise attack on her partner's more in- 
пе charms. To her horror, her expe 
encountered, however, а 
Ду recognized as 


Г lesh, Laughing, she 

summoned) Muzafer and to pu 

һ ro shame, exclaimed: 
than ve 

young сар 
bet this boy is a better m 
n she reached toward Muzaller. to 
put her wager to the test, the bov 
thought at fsi that he would die of 
shame on the spot. But male flesh is in 
some respects weak and he 
sponded to the immodest caresses of the 
empress, who expressed her delighted. 
ise by dismissing the captain with 
t further comment and retiring to her 
bedchamber with Muzatler. 

Hamiliated by his own discomfiturc, 
the сараї kept all that he had wit- 
nessed to himself. The French court only 
noticed that the empress had become 
overnight more reticent, dignified 
modest, while at the same time seeming 
less restless. more content with her fare 

as ап abandoned wife. Act 
after night. Muzaller lay w in 
her imperial bed. ollering until dawn 

innumerable satisla з 
On € emperor returned. from 
one of his many victorious c 
loo w greet the 
But he soon noticed, in ihe days that 
ensued, what was aloon: His wife had 
failed to greet him with her accustomed 
list of proposed promotions in the 
peria) armies and. instead, his young 
blackamoor Muzaffer. whose demeanor 
remained in every other respect as mod- 
est and respectful as before, was now her 
constant companion and the owner of 
innumerable fantastic costumes such as 
the infidels fondly believe that Moslems 
wear on daily rounds. 
Far from being at 
emperor w 
tion. The 
Egypt. to 


I jealous, the 
s charmed by so much discre 
poor man had learned. in 
ppreciaie the folly of women 

nd the wisdom of Eastern customs, In 
more progressive lands, the wives of great 

and powerful lords are quite. properly 
housed like rare binds in harems like 
golden cages. to protect them. 
the consequences of ther own wanton 
idleness, while the wives of the less fortu 
nate among the faithful are kept health 
ly In nthe fields or weaving 
rpets. Unfortunately, the etiquette ol 
French cout had prevented Napo 
lean from supplying the empress with 
Iwo or three other wives and а whole 
crowd of concubines to keep her mind at 
usual intrigues of a great 
m, all properly supervised by a corps 
of trusted and experienced eunuchs. Na- 
poleon therefore greeted. Muzaffer's for- 
Tunes as ince they were 
obviously a leser evil. The emperor said 
nothing and, having returned to Paris for 
only а brief visit between two victorious 
campaigns. decided 16 devote his 1 
to much-needed and 

ast his o 

it happened that 
all usurpers, 1 s among 

ical noblemen who were still 
devoted 10 the cause of the exiled heirs 

of the deposed amd beheaded French 
monarchs who had preceded him on the 
throne. Among these conspiring noble- 

mer pageboy of the 
who knew his way 

notice if he ma 
there. Secretly. d 
the emperor's personal guard, this man 
set out one night io murder the e 
He entered the imperial apartme 
was about to steal past the slecpi 
quarters of the empress in order to асер 

ed to ol 
guise as a member of 

into Napoleon's own. room, situated far- 
ther down the passige, when he heard 
sounds, emerging from the room where 
the empress Tay, that led him to believe 
that the emperor was there, fulfilling his 
duties as а husband. The conspirator 
therefore penetrated, with catlike tread, 
into the bedchamber of the empress. and 
was just able то discern, in the dark. a 
male figure embracing Her Imperial 

Highness. In a flash, he stabbed the m 
in the back, with а thrust that would 
have killed immediately any man. less 

hardy than one of the Tu 
Bok Köy. 

Infuriated by this interruption in his 

kish boys of 

dutiful pleasures as much as hy the pain 
of his wound, Muzalfer. merely 
turned his head, snatched the dagger out 

ad exclaimed. in the 
ic terms of 
alect such as only 
“You scion of a long 
pd unknown. 

of his ow 
his native А 

line of prosti 
porkgobbling I 


ig? Since wl 
mitt this land of infidels whose be- 
getters are mostly unknown and whose 
be fit to empry pisspots 
п. to attack a 
im this sacred. tash 

Horrified by this torrent of incompre- 
hensible and guttural abuse, the mui 
derer fled screaming from the room, woke 
the negligent we guards and was 
prompily ar ıl shot. As for 
Maler. he calmly continued. 10 give 
the empress her customary eight si 
factions. then rose, streaming with blood 
wd scarcely able to breathe, from rhe 
imperial bed: he picked up the bloody 
dagger that lav beside it on the foo 
staggered out of the room and down the 
pesage. then entered the emperors 
room, stumbled over a chair, woke the 

emperor fiom his sleep. cast. himself at 
his decr and died there оп the spot, 
begging Гог forgiveness. 

The emperor was so deeply moved by 
the boys remarkable endurance and 
loyalty that he determined 10 commemo- 
rate the by his 
apital, а 
bered that 

L He reme 
| persuaded 

chacolosist hi 


him to bring back from Egypt at gres 
expense an enormous sione obelisk tha 
had never proven to be of much use. He 

ordered, the very next day, that it be 
brought forth from the warehouse where 
it had been stored, and he ar 
have it erected in a great square 
center of the city. without any 
i might bring 10 memory the 
more amusing circumstances of this tragic 
tale. Today, innumerable elderly Ameri- 
can kidy tourists squint through their 

tion 1 

spectacles at this beautiful: monument 
without ever being at all aware of the 
great physical prowes and the tragi 

it commemorates, 
—bkilouard. Roditi 

loyalty d 

ӯ Е 


GET To THE PoinT! 


How Some PEOPLE 



more sprightly spoofings of the signs of our times 

humor By DON ADDIS 




Q сс 

THis Мойт 



My BROTHER сате last night to say 
goodbye. [am 24. He is 20. 1 don't 
готту about the Army. because 1 have a 

- and a son, 14 months old. He 
doesn't worry about the Anny, because 
цо theft, one for- 

he has a record: one 
gery. one insanely bungled safe heist. 
Two out of three. felonies. One year pa- 

He's not sup- 

Jersey, bur when 
he's do ally. he drops by to 
talk. He rings my bell and wakes me up. 

Last night—this morning—he ¢ 
three: tan, pinktinted sunglasses 
can h Is, Dy h tresses, two weeks” 

growth of downy hair along his cheeks. 
He threw some pillows down in the big 
toom (he likes to sit on the floor) and 

jormous Sherlock Holmes pipe. 
med to smoke with you once 

him whe 
what he pl 
he smiled 
Га have to wait until he fi 
He pased me the pipe. Or 
never smol 

“West.” he said on rhe exhale, a 
then he breathed deeply in and out a 
few times. nodding serenely. "Catch. fish. 
See lowers. Do my thing: 

1 emptied 
who was sul 
pered, so a 

ng to and 
ed. but 
d. telling me 
shed toking. 


and asked 
We whis- 

тоот), my film workshop, with Michael's 
crib in the corner. and then a Tittle bed- 
room. for me and Jessic 

“Who's subsidi 
asked rhetorically. 1 
"People Women. They give you wh: 
they have. You don't need much.” He 
reached imo the pocket of his coat 
(he never takes his coat off in the house) 
nd drew out a thick roll of bills, “F sold 
everything. Even my bike,” he said, and 

aco now Allen 
z lor the pipe. 

L graduaed from Chi 
ago; my vile went to Ап 

o tec v 
1. Now she's 


n the Movement for $95 a we 

Movement hangeron, you qmi 
Making a Movement movie: very low 
status, We get a little money from her 

parems, which is why Im ser 
ıd four nights а week 1 
Hen didn't get through 
he'd passed 19; four dif- 

about subsidies, 
drive а cab. 
high schools 
ferent ones, plus one yeshiva, He cut a 
lot and became a delinquent. Нез not 
into delinquency anymore, though 
“Peruse Thoreau?” he said, fini 
nother toke 
except th k. Cleaned 
out his pad. Hold it. I think it may have 
been a paperweight. Anyway, he'd sit 
there and contemplate it, until it started 
to freak him, Then he chucked it out the 
window." Allen made а noise that can 
only be described as a blissful groan. He 
evidently admired Thoreau. Actually, he 
admires me, too. I'm a borderline case: 
cubed but with roundable edges: engag 
but uncertain, E have no special thin 
Haight-Ashbury, but I'm not mns a 
cops. either. Allen and I сан reli 
Allen said, 

“Tm Thoreau. but with a 
t. All he 

amed 10 count 
up there 

wad. Geollrey 
had а 

ne for. D we 
ell, but he was snowing a little n 
` СеоПгеу is my other brother. As 
er of fact. he doesn't worry about 
Too old. He came of 
ape smack between 
m; he still thi 
the enemy. Нез mot e 
bur sinwe 
ing a number of 
nging out at Mal- 
s and Elaine's. Even though he's in 
advertising, he has some immortal long- 
ings (he likes to talk about “really making 
it’) and he lends me money two or three 
times а year. Probably he lends All 
even more often. Once, after the auto 
theft. when Allen w: id to call our 
parents, Geoff put up a fairly immense 

sce me again, but he was intent on hi 
mes, He asked me how long I 

it was easy 
to drop out of the 
the hard part 

was explaining it 



210 overload, He's just a little. Kid. 

thought my bread would hold out and T 
told him twenty or cighty years, depend- 
ing on how much I gave away. It might 
not be so long. though. gave away 
pout three hundred оп my way down. 
town. That roll is like a stone in my pock- 
ct; like a bigas paperweight bringing 

me down.” 
He stood up and started weaving 
about, smiling wildly. At first, 1 thought 

he might be looking for the toilet in the 
middle of the room, but then he stum- 
bled—it was quite graceful for a stum- 
ble, really—into our tiny kitchen 
emerged some 45 seconds later wi 
large flowered serving dish. Hc began 
tapping the pipe ashcs out onto the dish, 
but in the middle of the task. he seemed 
to forget its functional purpose 
simply rapping out a loud Hare Krishna 

Michael started whimpering 
instant, Allen looked on the verge 
apology. Instead, he spread his 
ight out—I wasn't sure whether 
ation of crucified 
jectionate Yiddish 
med, "Well, he lad 10 say bye 
Cle Alle 

When you wa 
night, you can kis 
steep. He's a crier, my son. 
Fourteen months old; I must raise him 
wrong. Too lenient, 1 lifted him from the 
crib, seesawing paternally from the hips, 
and started for the kitchen to hunt up a 
boule. Allen waylaid us. He rose up 
slowly from a crouch—putling out his 
cheeks, bugging out his eyes grabbed 
several fingersful of Michael's. tummy 
fesh in a luxuriant pinch and drawled 

ke Michael after mid- 
ay your morning 

A kuetcher. 

“Kinnnawhhhorvaaa” in a fervent. 
baso profundo. Zero Mosel escaping 
genie-style Irom a Coke bottle. Michacl 
sputtered, as though a pillow had been 
stuffed into his open mouth. И was 
weird. He's named after my father, even 

ough Jews aren't supposed 10 do that, 
Actually, my father is Mikhail, but every- 
one calls him Mike 

‘You're cmit 
he’s tun 

ng orgone stases and 
them in,” Allen said maner- 


ol-factly, no Reichian—he doesn't 
believe half the crap he says, Т don't 
think. He just believes things not alto- 

gether ише what he says. In any Case. 
he and Michael were reaching out for 
cach other like long separated lovers in a 
gadeB movie, Pm casily embarrassed 
by these filial rejections. 1 relinquished 
my son. who instantly w m 
ше arms around Alle . Mlen 
carried. him over to the corner. ‘The two 
of them faced the wall and Michael 
quieted down some more. 

“The first was just some cold water in 
ce,” Alle whispered, h 
the Zen m: 
рїнє the void. You 
ght to set him in front of a blank wall 
ice in а while. Cleanse out that. sensory 



back to me. “A zetz fro 
ter. Now we conte 

ar. He 

ag in his 
tamir, the 
i finishes a 
ш and str 

Allen stated humi 
маме! hummi 
melodic chant ti 
Sabbath meal, bendi 

at the knees and rocking forward at the 
ist, like an orthodox Hasid. Michael 
gently along, stroking Allen's 

woolly hair on the downbeat. 1 moved 
closer to hear the lyrics, over and охе 

“Remember the star that went over 
the manger? 

It means simply this: You can dance 
with a stranger.” 

My brother likes to mi 

Hen had somehow flicked the golden 
switch that urns my son off, Michael 
didn't utter another. cheerless sound for 
the rest of the night. “Babies love me,” 
Allen said. “They have radar.” 

What's the хе 

"Tm the secret. I'm а baby.” Michael 
cuddled against his chest, burying 
mouth i lable beard. 

"Maybe 1 should stop shaving,” 1 said. 

Allen wrinkled his nose and shook his 
head, as though I'd proposed bening a 
bundle on a lame horse. 1 could see thick 
ls of Michael's spittle in his ch 
s My so tch. When he's 
happy, he drools. thing il 
you ain't got the moves. You, you're still 
all strung ош. Bad karma. We pick th 
up. Let me lay it on you. It's not just like 
this with kids. | know thirty houses from 
here to the Coast, I can walk in this m 
ute, they'll feed me and bed me 
spread money on me and I'm doing th 
а favor. I walk in the room 
never set eyes оп me throw their arms 
around me. We connect. Гле got the an- 
эмет. They know who Ia 

T was about to ask who runs these es- 
blishments, but before I could, Allen 
answered. “Kids! Babies!) Some very 

rich; share. Communal head bending. 
have looked startled at his antici- 
pati question, because Allen. burst 
out laughing and Michael was 
now fiddling with the b 
laughed. too. "Thats been happe 
lately,” he said reverently. "Since 1 flew 
back from. Yelapa. For a month and a 
half I dropped three caps а day, or shot 
speed. I got some kind of X ray. In this 
sad country l'm а criminal and a bum, 
but in the Himalayas, ГА be a god." 
You're eazy.” 1 said. 

know,” Allen said, absolutely car- 


style. he 

Squatting Yogi dragged 
deeply on the pipe, his inhale sounding 
like last waters running quickest ош of 
the bathtub, and rolled his eyes upward 
in mischievous supplication. He began to 
while he held his breath, its 

by some incredible stroke of luck he'd 
sucked in all the sweet fumes. 1 none 

of the foul, He gestured to me s 
ger thar he had something to say 

his toke was completed, something mo- 
mentous, in case, perhaps, 1 was thinking 
of running off to the bathroom. ‘Then he 
exhaled in а proud, smiling explosion. 1 
saw him do the exhalation a dozen 
years ago at camp, after а full. minute 
under wat 


condition, you 
Lco." he gasped, still out of br 
a word that describes a condition. Now. 
Ive got a condition, that’s uue.” He 
seemed 10 be wr 
mously dillicult. concepi 
him happy. Michael w: 
eves, three inches away 
Allen's eyebrows furrowed 
tion. For ап instant, I thought he might 
be making fun of seriousness. "But if we 
agree that Im «тагу, we're just. choosing 
to apply that word to my condition.” He 
lifted his head and flashed me a smile of 
wsion. "So going crazy 
of choice. An affectation 
1 thought that he 



started to hum at this point; but it may 

have been only a silent pause. "It would 
be like growing a goaice ог learni 
ate. sort ol—but it would suggest au 
opinion on more thi 
suggest an opinion оп 
solution. Leo. Just an 
10 questi 

1 the time. 
Hy adeq 

response, still me: 
‘How're 7 What is 
ids today?” "Do you like MacBird 
just say. ‘Tm crazy 
1 nodded stupidly. An instant before, T 
vd that the pipe 1 
1 fairly smashed, because 
are out how T might 
m iglu it, without спас 
from Allen's philosophizing. 
"But do you think people will see in- 
у ава... failure of humor?" Allen 
asked, a bit apprehensively 
reached over to his side and gr 
pipe. Dragging deeply. 1 relit 
launched imo this new iho 
considerable excitement. “I 
Harvey Creep asks you, "How docs Allen 
feel about the war in Vietnam? and yo 
зау. "Haven't you Old Alle 
gone mad. And Harvey says, ‘Ob 
id. He 

“T go ingly i 
grappling with the southeast-Asian ques- 
tion. In your own way,” Jessica said from 
the bedroom doorway. "Without you i 
my demonstration 1 could do, New 
Youth.” She often puts on the dialect 
when she's awakened. She likes to feel 
the harried mother. She walked across 

imo the kitchen, her white-cotton night- 
gown brushing the loor, 
of water on the stove. 

Allen she called in. ^? 
chemical р: you've slipped 
Michael was rocking, wide-eyed but 

(continued on page 301) 

“Looks as though the Entertainment Committee has come up with 
some fresh ideas for this year's Christmas party.” 


Lavish largess for people in high places. Top, left to right: Omega GT with hand-crofted Italian body comes powered with а 289-cu.-in. 
Ford У-8 engine, features a four-speed all-synchro Ford georbox ond four-wheel disk brokes, by Suspensions Internotional Corpo- 
ration, $8750 F.O.8, Chorlotte, North Carolino. Mamiya/Sekor TL1000 35mm comera with f/1.8 lens, case included (nct shown), 
From Ponder & Best, $215. Replico of Old West borroom stond-by can be used os campy pencil or stirrer holder, from Cost-Plus, $1.50. 
Crowncorder 13-tronsistor attoché-cose tape recorder and AM/FM tuner comes with rem ontrol microphone, 900 ft. of tape, 
telephone pickup, monitoring eorghone, from Industriol Suppliers, $169.95. Auto-Mole home auto onalyzer indicates whether sports 
cor's electricol system is working properly, by Dynomic Instrument, $25. Dorothy Jungles’ Americana sculpture is pop commentary 
on the contemporory scene, from Scoroboeus, $250. Escort solid-state rodio hos built-in floshlight, clock and lighter, unit can be 
recharged, by Westinghouse, $32.95. Italion-mode leother suitcase with tufted lining ond bross hardware, from Dunhill Tailors, 

ABC book of photos cf provocotive females, by Frank Bez, from The Leslie Company, $12.50. Foodmotic Preparation Center includes 
blender, juicer, ice maker, etc., by Ronson, $399.95. Broun T1000 Global Receiver has 13 wave ranges, from Major Radio, $495. 
Trimline push-button phone, ovailable through Bell System. Bottom, left to right: Micro B5 stereo casette ployer/recorder comes 
with motched speokers ond omnidirectionol microphones, by Ampex, $199.95. Swedish brass ond gloss condleholder, from Bethune 
& Moore, $13.50. Letterwriter records up to nine minutes of communication, by General Electric, $49.95. Viscount AM/FM 
clock radio, from Consolidated Merchondising, $44.95. Stereo-speokered lounge choir with ottoman, $995, plus end table, $115, 
and AM/FM-stereo receiver ond BSR record chonger, $299.50, oll by Horman Kardon. Walnut desk/wall clock hos chrome-ploted 
hands ond figures, by McRae Clocks, $36.50. Op-potterned decorotive blocks, from Scorabaeus, $11. Bockgammon table and stools, 
plus equipment, from Moore, Rockwell, White, $750. Hand-woven cummerbund and bow tie, made in Ghona, from L'Africono, $4 

A star-studi s perfect. Clockwise from ten: Kodak Instomalic Mi 

features a fully automatic exposure control, by Eastman Kodak, under $225. Precision pocket calculator in burnished brass and 
aluminum for quick computations at home or office, from Hoffritz, $3.95. Silver cuff links are fashioned from genuine 18th Century 
rupees minted by the Mogul emperor Aurangzeb, certificate of authenticity included, from D'Auvil Studios, $24 a pair. Hand-woven 
belt, made in Ghana, from L'Africana, $17. Handma 8-kt. gold key chain, from Ellis Barker, $125. Horn tobacco jar with teak- 
wood top, from Rigaud, $10. Limited-edition metal sculpture, by Arturo В: 15, from America Ho $36. Playboy Pocket 
Secretary in glove leather comes with memo pad and pen, from Playboy Products, $12.50. Miniature AM/FM transistor radio comes 
with battery and earphones, by RCA, $29.95. Antelope-suede slippers, made in Italy, fram Battaglia Shops, $22.50. Caslon digital 

clock operates on precision Japanese-made motor, wear-resistant cords indicate the time, from Peler Pepper Products, 


Articulated two-foot knight's armor beculifully hond-crafted in Spain, with sword (not shown), from Pieces of Eight, $400. Six hefty 
Gaucho-type steok knives with serroted stoinless-stee! blodes ond hordwood-and-brass-fitted hondles, mode in France for Neiman- 
Marcus, $10 о set. Lettered drink coasters in vinyl spell C-H- S, from Scorabaeus, $6 a set. High-intensity floshlight with built-in 
cigorette lighter costs 300-ft. beom, rechorger unit included (not shown), by Dox Lighter, $16.95. Butone lighter in gold and Chinese- 
lacquer case has adjustoble flame control, by 5. T. Dupont, $145. Sanyo seven-transistor electrically rechargeable AM radio requires 
no batteries, comes with travel cose and earphone (no! shown), from Bullock & Jones, $33. Cigarette box handmade in Italy of 
howkeye stone, inside of box is lined with white marble, from Ellis Borker, $130. Gold-plated fun watch by John Crocker colorfully 
complements Mod clothes, comes with suede band, from Bonwit Teller, $50. Spinner dice game with three dice is right for home-bor 

ng, from Essway, $13. Ted Arnold 18-kt. gold-plated gag paperweight titled “'That's Life," from Bullock & Jones, $7.50. 


High-style booty sure to bring o cosmic Christmas. Clockwise from 11: Wilco motorized Swim Slim pulls aquanaut through 
water at speeds up to 87% knots, from Mobility Unlimi Novo-Gator boat-course celculotor, by Nautical Development, 
$39.50. Waterproof leather locfers, handmade in Italy, from Battaglio, $55. Collapsible fabric bag, shown open and closed, from 
Alexander Shields, $35. “The Moslest" 220-volt portable broiler of heavy-gauge steel has extra-fast heating element, comes with 
shish-kabob attachment, from Hammacher Schlemmer, $190. Kodak Instamatic M68 Emm movie projector takes 400-ft. reels, by 
Eastman Kodak, under $100. Forty-eight pairs af Burlington Gold Cup Orlon and stretch-nylon socks in wicker homper, from 
Bullock & Jones, $79.50. John Kyrk hanging lamp adds "molecular" element to modern decor, from D/R, $70. Airbuoy portable 
diving unit pumps air to one or two divers at depths to 25 ft., by Johnson Motors, $279, Crown Telephone Valet plugs into any tape 
recorder, takes information or supplies caller with recorded message, then shuts off automatically, from Industrial Suppliers, $99.95 

Battery-operated clock-photograph, custom-made by Bronstein for American Designer's Galleries, $250. Circle-of-Sound stereo unit 
comes with vatt solid-state amplifier, changer ond two circular speakers, by Zenith, $199.95. Remote-control box is operation 
center for custom stereo system that enables sound selections to vary from room to room with tapes, records and radio housed in a 
single unit, by John Boulton Signature Music Systems, about $1500- $3000, depending on units desired Telequote III gives latest stock 
quotations, by Bunker Ramo, $362 per month on one-year rental contract. Overnighter attaché case of Testa leather, by Karl Seeger, 
$275. Vivitar TL-4 instant-load Supe movie camera with power zoom lens, from Ponder & Best, $179.50. The Playboy Book of Humor 
and Satire, from Playboy Press, $5.95. Chrome-plated liquor dispenser, from Neiman Marcus, $90. Model 7500-C color-video-tape 
recorder for closed-circuit use, by Ampex, $5000, is hooked to on Ampex-modified TR-921 20-in. Motorola color TV, from 
Ampex, $695. One-man ""Gyrocopter" rotorcroft with McCulloch engine cruises at 65 mph, in kit form, from Bensen Aircraft, $3195, 

A glittering galoxy of fabulous goodies. Тор row, left to right: Chrome-plated adjustable floor lamp with glass globe, from Scara- 
boeus, $110. Sixteen-inch paella pon is also ideal for caaking Oriental faod, from Hommacher Schlemmer, $7.50. Transistorized 
clack rodio in morocco-leolher cose folds flat for travel, from Mark Cross, $50. Tel lewond wireless remote-control 
unit turns electrical appliances on ar cff up ta 40 ft. away, from Euphonics Marketing, $22.95, including batteries. Space Conqueror 
180X reflectar telescape on tripad, fram Edmund Scientific, $29.95. Executive memo phone hos geld-ploted receiver ends and dial, 
phone unit is covered in black or tan leather with gold fooling, from Mark Cross, $80. Avanti collapsible motarbike by Bianchi 
Velo of Italy folds up ta 30” x 30" x 10”, from N.E.W.S. Enterprises, $249. Middle rav i Stock computer analyzes whether 
а potential market purchose or sole is high or low risk, by ISEC, $485; data service provided free the first year and costs 
218 $150 annually thereafter. Italion-made lamp with beanbag base is designed to rest on uneven surfaces, from Bonniers, $35. 

Austrian-made bross-and-glass tantalus, from Rigaud, $50. Hand-turned table lighter mode of zebrawood, by А. W. Wood Turning, 
$18. Sophisticate II solid-state stereo casette tape player/recorder comes in hardwood cabinet with two matching speaker enclosures 
that house four-in. air-suspension speakers, by Philco, $239.95, Aztec ceramic fireplace with spun-steel base, by Condon-King, $235. 
SW-4A short-wave receiver offers ultroprecision tuning, by R. L. Drake, $289. Bottam row, left to right: Cotton-velour double- 
breasted robe, fram Battaglia, $55. Antique-leather attaché case, from Dunhill Tailors, $40. Sauna-Steamette plug: а any 110-volt 
A.C. outlet, features insulated walls that prevent leakage of moisture, by Don Newman Co., $189.95. Hand-blown beer glasses of 
imported lead crystal, by Carole Stupell, $54 for set of 8. Electrified tongue-in-cheek moosehead playraam or bar trophy of wire 
and plastic-caated paper, from Scarabaeus, $100. Portable diving board with V-shaped leaf torsion spring has nonskid surface, 
by Bostrom, $75. Stereo home music center holds up to 50 LPs; pickup, play and return are completely automatic, by Seeburg, $795. 


EVEN meromr the Charles Lloyd Quartet p 

bars of its first number, success seemed preordained. Lloyd. 
a surtorially impeccable 24-yearold tenor saxophonist and 
Maris, whose gentle and outgoing nature is echoed in his 
music, had stablished a solid record of achievement 
and soloist, He put in three explor 
tive Chic Hamilton's ined chamber. ја 
combo, then, in 1964-1965, a "lemenr of one of 
altoist. Cannonball Adderley's best. groups. Since 1965, when 
Lloyd's foursome was born, the accolades have poured in and 
Lloyd has become an idol of the hip and the hippie alike 
mong the young, without sacrificing the favor of older jazz 
fans, In two years, the Quartet has made six trips to Europe 
and crisscrossed the U.S. four times. Lloyd seeks ^to in 
volve people in my music. excite and bring them to mc 
he says. "Jazz must come 10 that—direct communication be 
tween one person and another, drawing them closer together 
st year. when he became the fist juz musicam to pl 
Syancisen's famed. psychedelic tenance Fillmore Andi- 
torium, the kids were so turned on by the Quartets passionate 
and probing free-form improvisations that they stetched our 
on the floor to listen, The group has scored other triumphs 
f existence: top honors at numerous American 
wopcan jazz festivals, hit jazz LPs, including. Forest 
Flower and Love-In, aud the first concert ever presented in the 
Soviet Union by an. American modern-jazz combo. The Quar 
wt ix abo credited with being a solid commercial success, 
unusual for an experimental group, though it ically is hard 
to pin the avantgarde label on. Lloyd's music, which reveals 
influences as diverse as the blues and Bartok as often as it 
docs reflections of Ormene Coleman d the kite John Col- 
trane, Says Lloyd: “I want to extend. music beyond. its pr 
vious limits, while retaining the lyrical, cathy feeling.” The 
220 Charles Lloyd Quartet is well on its way to doing just that. 

JOHN USHER MONRO learn, baby, learn 

New York's Hilton, 
erted the nation's 
insurrection by thc 

Ат А PRESS CONFERENCE last March at 
months before the ghetto riots of. 1967 
leaders to the possibility of violent 
Negro mases. John Usher Monro announced that he 
was leaving his post as dean of Harvard to direct freshmen 

studies at Miles College- unaccredited 


Negro school near Birmingham, Alabama, with an enrollment 
of 1000. While The New York Times hailed his act as * 
poignant reminder that the essential. battles for human 

civil righty call for hard work every day in the 
Monro, 54, insisted that his new job was one ol 
reward" and that he had done alt he felt called to do at 
Harvard. Tough, dedicated and self-effacing, Monro has 
always been where the action is. After winning a Bronze St 
at Okinawa in World War Two, he joined the administrative 
staff at Harvard, his alma mater, as an advisor to returning 
veterans, During the next 21 years, in a multitude of ollicial 
roles. be struggled to bring underprivileged students. to 
Cambridge and assisted them in making the grade—and the 
grades all of which endeared him to his charges. The s 
to Miles came afier three summers of working with the 
school's president, Dr. Lucius H. Pitts, to prepare incom- 
ing Miles students for the trials ahead: Ош of 400 
each new class about a third usually have the skills and 
motivittion necesary to graduate. Minimizing the consum- 
demands of his new position, Monro praises the forti 
tude of the young Negroes who accept “the g 
of overcoming clucaional ha ps. Though he ad 
mitted that he might even have to help write new textbooks 
for Miles. he hasn't regretted his move: “I like the 
people, I like the South . . . and | want to live here.” 
He abo wams to xe the Negro community develop "insti- 
tutional strength without sacrificing its identity а new 
Momo doctrine for uniting the Am black and white. 


WALTER MATTHAU fortune cookie to top banana 

IM A SORT oF A Ukrainian Cary Grant.” deadpans 1966 
winner Walter Matthau (Best Supporting Actor, in 
The Fortune Cookie) while commenting on his nonmatince- 
idol mobile countenance. "I could be anyone from a men's 
room anendam 10 a business executive.” Endowed with a 
disturbingly familiar, youdook-like-a-guy-LEnew-in-the-Army 
17-усат-о1й Matthau һай been almost typecast as a minor 
ice im Hollywood gangster and Western. pictures 
writer Neil Simon asked him to costar as an invete 
gambler and lovable slob in the 1965 Broadway smash The 
Odd Couple. Matthau proceeded to steal the show from 
veteran show stealer Art Carney. "2n udits 
from theater critics. Unlike his poker-playir 
рап, former gambler Matthau has courted Lady Luck for 
the last time ("Once 1 lost 5183.000 in two weeks. D spent 
six years in paying it off. . . . I'm solvent and plan to keep 
chat w now prefers to stay at home with his second 
wile. Carol, and four-year-old son, Charlie; at Malibu. Beach. 
Matthau also may have swapped the sporting life for domest 
lic because of а heart attack suffered while filming The 
Fortune е several seasons ago ("1 start up the stairs in 
one scene weighing 198. 1 was out for six weeks, so by the time 
L reach the top step, Гуе lost 26 pounds. Nobody noticed. he- 
cause I acted heavy."). This year, as top banana in the Holly- 
wood film [arce The Guide for a Married Man, Matthau got 
his first screen chance to play a leading man and he carried 
off with comedic brilliance ago. 1 couldn't 
be a teading man”  Mathau пау. "Now 
they're going for the actor who maybe doesn’t look grand 
bur who can act" After completing the screen version. ol 
The Odd Couple, Matthau was signed 10 star in two forth- 
coming 20th Century-Fox productions: a George Axelrod 
sex satire, The Connecticut Look, amd opposite Barbra 
Streisand in Hello, Dolly! So who needs to be handsome? 

commentis c 





into the gloomy morass within the be 
10 was wore than 1 thought. А rich 
moldering compost heap lay like some 
archacological treasure-nove belore me. 
For a fleeting instant, 1 felt like King 
Tut would feel if he came back and 
somebody insisted he take a tour through 
the Egyptian section of the Museum of 
wal History 10 look at all his junk 
the glass cases. 

Gingerly. 1 reached down 
sony mes of pouage- 
with a certain amount of 
cause there was no telli 

o this 
I must adi 
ieasiness, be 
g what was ii 

‚ and I've always worried 
thout getting binen by things. Warily 1 
grasped a round, furry projection that 

barely topped the surface of this sea of 
irivia and slowly began 10 pull from the 
rubble a battered, fuzzy. brownish, trun- 
cated form, which, as it began to emerge 
from the wreckage. E recognized with 
growing horror. Great Scott! There, star- 
ing insidiously up at me. hanging from 
my fingers Ьу one саг. was something 
Irom so far gone in my dim past that at 
fit 1 thought this was just some nasty 
trick of my mother's. But no, 1 knew it 

was mi 
1 don't know how to say this, but 
ight in my apartment in midtown 
uan. surrounded by my paper- 

backs of Katka, Nietzsche and Rona 
Jaffe, was—please don't think too harsh- 
ly of me—my Teddy bear. Yes, I confess 
it. There was a period in my life when I 
would no sooner have gone to bed with- 
out Brownie than 1 would have thought 
g bad things about Santa Claus, 
And there he was, looking up at me, one 
ing loose. the other 
g right through me with the stead- 
‚ balelul glare of one who knew me 

me all too well. And 

so help me, was rhe 
takable aroma of what is 
called baby штру 
vague remains of ancient Pablum. petri- 
1 insinuating touches of 

of sayi 

hed oatmeal 

nie out at arm's length be- 
led. revolving slowly in 
ihe ambit mutable, imperish- 
able, cternally cuddly, wanting only to 
comfort me in the dark hours of slumber. 
Disceetly, 1 turned. his good eye away 
from me, since he seemed to be trying to 
tell me something, laid him down on the 
sofa and wandered over to the window 
с for a long, gloomy moment out 
over the teeming city. If the word ever 
got our in cenain Girdles that my pad 
housed a Teddy bear named Brownie, it 

The mere 
Teddy bear 
enough in some 

to st 

would do me no good at all 
fact that 1 had ever owned 

have be 

ing myself with a drink, 1 re- 
turned 10 the box. Taking a little more 

(continued from page 182) 

cue this time to guard against undw 
shock. Т slowly withdrew from the en- 
vanglement a flat. stuffed. cutout figure 
made of colored oilcloth. Lt stood a 
proximately 12 inches high. For a long 
moment, this strange apparition and I 
confronted cach other without a spark of 
Dusty, a bit faded, a little 
derby and 
ragged musta wb a pot- 
у. he smiled enigmatically over my 
shoulder toward the kitchen. Somchow 
he looked familiar, and yeu . . . Then. 
p of memo- 
ry. I heard а voice, а cracked, comical 
voice on the radio, asking, besceching, 
demanding. wheed pering for 
more hamburgers. My God! Hurray! Its 
my Wimpy doll! 

Te will surprise many histori 
learn that at one point in Americ 
tory there was actually a Popeye ra 
program. Popeye. Olive and Castor Oyl, 
Ham Gravy. Wimpy and the whole 
crowd came imo the living room every 

day. They offered vou a choice of a Wim- 
py doll. a Popeye doll. an Olive Ovl doll 
or an Alice the Goon doll if you ate 

enough soup and sent in the labels. We 
were a cannedsoup family, so there was 
no problem collecting enough labels, but 
I was probably the only kid im the 
United States who didn't order a Popeye 
doll: T went for Wimpy. a dow 
heels moocher who lived only to stuff 
gut with hamburgers. T identified with 
him; and ГЇЇ never forget the day my 
Wimpy doll arrived. He immediately 
outranked Brownie; and for one hectic 
ега. | was one of the very few. Americans 
who went to bed every night with a guy 
ng a derby and smoking а cigar. 1 
mit 1 was glad 1o scc the old 
ig out of his 
ab was as it 


frceloader aga 
seedy: the stuffing: was ed 
frock coat. bur somehow t 
should be for Wimpy. Carefully, I aid 
him alongside his old rival aud returned 
to the hustings. 

A thin leatherette strap caught my eye 
and carefully. so as not to break any of 
these precious artifacis. E dragged forth 
a strange, dusty, dangling black object 
covered with snaps and buckles and 
exuding the heady aroma of musty sheep- 
skin. Faint leners could. be wen 
through the basement patina of grime. 
Dipping a f ik, 1 carefully 
wiped off the grease and dirt. D-U—onc 
lerer was missing—K—another missing 
letter—O.G-E, . . . Bless my butions! 
My genuine Buck Rogers Space Helmet 
For intergalactic fight. With sheepskin 
Jining and—uh-oh, don't tell me! My old 
lady's lost them or thrown them out! I 
hurriedly saabbled through the tangled 
mess and, with a great sigh of relief, 
pulled. ош my ious space goggles. 
Oh, Their scratched, yellowed 

His oilcloth was 



plastic lenses were curling at the edges, 
but 1 reverently pulled them down over 
my head and snapped them into placc— 
ter first carefully shaking out three 
dead cockroaches and an elderly retired 
moth. | tugged at the ear Maps of my 
space helmet, squeezing it down over 
cranium. marveling at how it had 
shrunk. Finally. I snapped the chin strap 
shut and rushed imo m 
admire myself in the mirror, as | h 
done so many times in the past. Аһ. yes, 

тууса protector 
old Dr. Huer’s 
acme. Bur 

Instantly, I was back at the box—and, 
sure enough. there it was, a little rusty, а 
litle pockmarked, but still excitingly 
dangerouslooking. Made of imitation 
blue steel, it was my faithful Fla 
Gordon Zap Gun, the same gun that h 
destroyed Ming the Merciless with its 
deadly Disintegrator Rays. 1 leveled it at 
my Black Forest Persian. Water. Clock 
and pulled the trigger: Twaaaannng 
The achingly familiar sound of the dead. 
ly rays with which I had gunned down 
my kid brother, disintegrated Flick, Kis 
sel and Schwartz thousands of times 
over echoed weakly in the room. Tl 
seratchy sheepskin tickled my cars the 
way it had so often in the past. This he 
wr and Chad heen throngh hi 
nor 10 mention giant snowstorms 
through which 1 had burrowed, tri 
go my 
tended that 1 was on a spa 
Venus, Buck Rogers Space 
strapped to my back. on my wa 
the vile Black Barney. who was 
league with Zog. evil master of the 
Swamp Planer. to subjugate the entire 

Faintly, through the leatherette, the 
sounds of the 1812 Overture trom my 
serco FM tuner reminded me of one ol 
the bloodiest battles 1 had ever fought in 
my kidhood. It directly involved. the 
honor and reputation of my idol Buck 
Rogers. Without provocation and entre 
rounds. Schwartz had al. 
leged Flash Gordon could take 
Buck Rogers any day and that if it 
жаш lash, Ming the Merciless ol 
the planet Mongo would have us all i 
his clutches. This slander could not be 
brooked by any Buck Roger fan, so we 
mixed it up under Schwartz’ front porch 
for the better part of an hour, rolling in 
the dirt, tearing our shiris, ba 
other's heads on the rocks, swe 
crying. But he didn't convince me 
didn't convince him. In any case. 
good ro have this helmet back. You never 
know when it might come in handy. 

T knew that somewhere in that pile of 
junk there must be the Buck Rogers 
Spaceship that 1 had gouen from the 


eyes, as 1 pre. 
e Might to 
y to trap 

les protect 







nd 1 


Buck Rogers radio program. It was made 
of kad and attached to a long string, 
which you were supposed to tie to а 
chandelier; given the proper shove, the 
spaceship would then twirl around the 
room, making a high, whistling sound. 
Which it did, until one night when my 
old man got it in the eye in the dark 
l ripped it down, ica half the 
chandelier off the ceiling. 

Reverently, 1 removed my helmet and 
goggles, laid aside my zap gun and 
reached once again into the grab bi 

After fumbling around for а moment or 
two, 1 felt a round metallic object, which 
Jat frst thought was my beloved Mickey 
Mouse watch, a beautiful timepiece 
whose dapper yellow gloves ace 

peeling, it was the size of a watch, but 

beneath its glass top I could see the 

74. 1 scraped off some of the 

ime and read the embossed inscri 


From out of the wind tunnel of my 
mind, a commanding voice dramatically 
moned: “Fellas and gals, the 

Ollicial Jack Armstrong Pedometer, you 
can (ell just how far you walk every day. 
how f; 10 school, how many miles 
it is 10 the store or the scout. meetin, 
You'll never be lost if you wear your 
Jack Armstrong Pedometer at all times. 
For just one Wheaties омюр and 
twentyefive cents mailed to Jack Ar 
strong in care of this station. . . ." Thi 
n important find. I examined the 
pedometer closely, ticking the counter 
lever with my thumb, It sull wor 
Jt still made that telltale click at 
revolution. I remembered great herds of 
kids wearing corduroy knickers drifting 
schoolward through tlie boondocks, click- 
ing as they went. The whole neighbor 
hood sounded like an enormous fock of 
criekets, day and night, ured 
h it was to everywhere. I could 
still sce the funny look on Miss Shields’ 
e as, опе day in fourth grade, 1 got 
up. on direct orders, 10 go to the black- 


asked Miss 

L," is all she said as she 
stuck the eighth. pedometer of the day in 
her bottom. drawer. 

Pulling up my pajamas, 1 strapped the 
pedometer to my right got up and 
carefully paced the distance to my bar, 
returned to my scat and took а re 
Hasty calculations revealed 
martinis result in 
twellth of 

а mile. Happy as a clam, I 
dug back into the box and unsuspec 
ly unearthed a shadowy horror out of my 
past that caused me 10 rock back in my 
in a wave of terror. My God! The 

evidence still exists! The crime had lain 
dormant in the back of my mind for 
yens, gnawing at my conscience like 
some dry rot in the foundations of a 
haunted. house. 

Furtively, 1 examined my find, shield- 
ing it in my hand so that if by any re- 
mote chance there were onlookers, they 
would not sce the incriminating cello- 
phane envelope that I held, ‘That old sick 
nausea of fear of discovery, of the un 
masking of my calumny, the exposure of 
my rouennes. hit me again. T am not 
proud of what 1 had done, but | was 
young and unformed. Youth is alw 
immoral, but if 1 had it to do over again, 
1 know I would do the right thing. I held 
up to the light, and there they were 
within the envclope—yellow and gree 
light blue, triangular-shaped, the collec 
tion of "Rare exotic hard-to-find Forci 

stamps," which, in а he moment 
of criminality, I had once sent away for 
—on approval. On approva] meant you 

sent them your dime after you got the 
stamps. T do not have to tell you that I 
not only never sent in the dime, 1 never 
tended to. I remember the letter that 
came from. Kansis City a month later, 
threatening my father with jail and me 
with a criminal record thar would 
throughout my life ме up. 1 
most passed out when I read thar; and 
after carefully burning it in the furnace, 
1 decided Id bener pay. But E never did. 
I never heard fro 
1 had Песи 
lowing me wherever 1 went 

I tucked the samp collection 
back under the middle sofa cushion and 
ioodily sipped k Maybe that 
was the first misstep, 1 thought. Maybe 
if 1 had paid for those stamps, I could 
e marched through life cleareyed, 
clean, honest, straight to the Whi 
House. ГЇЇ bet Lyndon Johnson paid 
for his stamps! On second thought, 

It was with an effort that 1 returned to 
my investigation, fishing up next а col- 
lection of thin sheets of paper bound to- 
gether with a симу old rubber band 
that broke in my hand immediately 
spilling the crinkly slips out over the 
floor. Cockamamies! 1 had unearthed 
some unused gems from the precious col 
lection that I had bought over the years 
at Old Man Pulaski's He really hated 
the times when we would come in to 
buy these tissucpaper tattoos that dis 
solved in water. 

“АП right. you kids, I ain't got no 
time for foolin’ around. Either ya want 
pictures or ya don’t.” 

Schwartz, Flick, Kisel and 1, peering 
in through his glass case, would finally, 
after great soul-searching, decide оп 
which n 
Faithful we wanted. I picked up 
the floor а cockamamie show 
i green helmet sticki 


nto the thorax of a bright-yellow Jap 
soldier. A great fountain of crimson 
blood squirted out over the M1. The 
Jap’s eyes were slanted evilly, his mouth 
comorted as he hurled an Oriental ob- 
scenity at the square-jawed Marine, The 
Ti was а beani 
member the day 1 
r wouldn't let me 

ful picture, and 1 r 
bought it, my moth 
put it oi 

Here was my chance, 1 licked 

D decal, tasting the old famili 
glue flavor that 1 knew would not leave 
my mouth for a month, and meticulously 
moothed the soggy cockamamie onto 
the back of my left hand, blowing on it 
expertly, as J had done so often in the 
past, to dry it off. Now lor the delicate 
part, With the skill of a surgeon. I slowly 
peeled off the moist backing. There, in 
four beautiful colors on my left. hand, 
was as magi 
we ever seen of a Jap corporal goi 
10 his just rewards. 1 wondered what the 
gang at the office would зау to me now? 
1 knew that I would be the envy of all 
kl that it would especially impress 
the typing pool. 1 held my hand out ad- 
ly, knowing that if J didn’t wash 
my hands, I could keep it intact for at 
ast a month. 
By now, I must admit, I had been 
sucked bodily into this sobering and ed 
fying dissection of my yeasty formative 
years. Old excitements and craving 
fugitive passions and decires crowded 
upon me. With gusto, I drained oll what 
remained of my bloody charlie and pre 
pared to push on through the under- 
growth of my childhood, litle realizing 
the pitfalls and traps, the traumas that 
lay ahead. 

My cockamamie had hardly dried 
when I found myself holding in my hand 
as sinister an object as | had ever owned, 
an object with a history оГ the soi 


cent a representation as I 

rarely whispered in mixed company and 
that could and did make strong men 
weep. It was a penknife, but a penknife 
with a difference. Shaped like a lady's 
leg, no les—aá lady's leg wearing a 
chromium plated. high-heeled shoe. The 
mother-of-pearl call bulged епос 

hove the kn 
Tor ordinary cu 
ting, the oth ping off the butt 
ends of long black cigars. As 1 inspected 
it, the vision of an carly but decisive 
humiliation sprang out trom the Кайе 
directly into my consciousness. 

My knees aacking warningly as I 
arose, 1 carried the grizzled weapon to 
the window, Holding the proper 
angle as 11 a the past, I looked 
for the silver shield embedded in the 
mother-of-pearl calf. Аһ, yes, it was still 
there. 1 raised the Кийе to сус level, 
peering deep into the tiny hole in the 
shield, upward at the watery sun. There 
she was. My oll paramour, who had 
contributed to many a sweaty evening 

and tapered off just 
carried wo bla 

id done 




The Makers of the first 
selfwinding wrist 


n — 

Re 6261/6262 

Day and date automatic 

With ball-bearing 
precicions movements 

This time piece is made 
for people who want only 
to possess a Swiss 
watch of highest craft- 
manship and accuracy 
with tomorrow's design. 

See your jeweller 


and feverish dream, her grass skirt. pro- 
vocauvely parted at mid-thigh, her 
ıoguish gypsy eyes plowing as brightly as 
ever, her ample and bare bazooms still 
in full, magnificent, Hesh-colored bloom. 
She was the lady who had caused my 
disgrace and eventual courtmartial from 
the Moose Patrol, Troop 41, Boy Scouts 
of America 

For months 1 had whined and cajoled. 
irying to pry out of my parents the price 
of an othcial Boy Scout knife. No one in 
our troop had a complete uniform. Some 
wore only khaki knickers; others sported 
only the broad-brimmed campaign. hat; 
one or two had just а canteen; 1 owned 
only my purple neckerchief with the 
gold letters B.S. A. 1 wanted a knife to 
hang from my belt, like Flick had. My 
Uncle Carl, who spent the entire Deprcs 
sion playing his banjo and going in and 
ош of poolrooms, hearing of my burning 
desire, one day fulfilled my wish. 1 dis- 
tinctly recall the conversation, He wasn't 
wearing his false teeth that day, but he 
did have on his straw hat. 
want a knife.” 

"How would ya like this knife?” He 
fished out of his pocket the lady's leg in 


Waitll they see that at the Scout 
тоор. Thats bener than any old Boy 
Scout knif Unde Carl. 

I held iı in my hand for che first ti 
He bent over and whispered into my ear, 
his beery breath enveloping me in 
warmth and suds. “Look imo that hole 

on the side. And don't tell your mother.” 
That was the beginning. The nest week, 
she was an instant smash hit a 
11's meeting. And two weeks la 
drummed out in disgrace when Mr. Gor 
pI wind of what the Moose Patrol 


т. 1 was 

was cackling about 
1 put my trusty knife into the pocket 
of my dressing gown and returned to the 
fray. Au angry gust of December wind 
nated my window as I wallowed among 
Christmases past, days of Ovaltine and 
ı singular object thar at first 1 did not 
human mind could. conceive of such a 
surrealistic objet d'art—: 

glories, 1 found myself holding 

In fact. it was so grotesque 
it was hard to believe that the 

ently curved 
winged golden pickle, 
imprinted with the са 
37." The n 

miliar r 

warted, plastic 

listice symbol 

mber had a curiously [a 
o 57 what? Operative 572 No, 
that didirt sound right. And why the 
pickle? Then it hit me. Heinz 57 Varie 
lies! Sponsored by the pickle company, 
Colonel Roscoe Turner and his famous 
ad ap 

ol which 1 was 

Flying Corps, 
licensed and. qualified member, 
peared in a comic strip that 

n under 

will make 

the envy 

Sure thing! Because the PETRI 
FLEX V6 is for professionals. 
It boasts an unbeatable com- 
bination in SLR photography 
... razor-sharp Petri automa- 
tic 55mm f/1.8 lens, super- 
sensitive CdS exposure meter 
coupled to diaphragm, shut- 
ter and film speed, and Petri's 
unique **micromic-lens-focus- 
ing" system for instant and 
clear image focusing even 
under adverse lighting condi- 
tions. It's an all-weather, all- 
situation performer. Try it. 
You'll be surprised at the won- 
derful results! 

7-25-12, Umeda, Adachi-ku, 
Tokyo, Jopon 

s суеп harder. Turner's creased, i 
tepid face with the dashing Errol Flynn 
mustache had been the very embodi- 
ment of ilying. His only passenger was a 
lion cub named Gilmore. I pinned the 
wings over my left breast and decided to 
have an extra shot ol catsup with my 
ham night, for old time's 
sake. There wits a time when 1 devoutly 
believed that when I grew up, I would 
not only be a pilot but would own several 
pais of beautifully tailored, whipcord 
pilovtype riding breeches. With puttecs. 
Here I am, grown up as much as ГИ ever 
id all Tve got are a couple of pairs 
gy Bermuda shorts, and 1 don't 
even Know where 1 could lay my hands 
on as much ay а single puuec il 1 had to. 
dont even "ame guys Roscoe 
anymore. He did more for the umed- 
soup and. расса industries than Billy 
Graham his done for evangelism. 

The next 15 minutes 1 spent happily 
the plunger on шу Captain 
ke Up Mug, which 
mediately saw would be handy in 
pping up a batch of gibsons. 1 next 
„ piercing: Шам» Irom 

ng 17 mutts in apart 
ments as Lar as two blocks away to howl 
and bark frantically as 1 communicated to 
them in Captain Midnighr's secret code, 
ihe same code that } had used to send 
SEALE messages the buck yards 
nd Kissel. 

in across а veri 
table fortune in unrealized assets. Here, 
for уси, 1 had been moderately 
wealthy and did not know it 1 
covered seven—that's righ -unre 
deemed Good Humor Lucky Sticks, cach 
Irce Good Humor bar any 
time 1 ced to cash them in. I could not 
ure how 1 m go by the 
boards when 1 was a Kid; but then it 
slowly came back to me—the summer 1 
had boarded them for my old age. 1 had 
read а story in a comic book 
old man who didn't save when he was a 
kid and now was reduced to begging on 
street corners, The moral was to Save 
For A Rainy Day. It scared me so much 
that | begin to lay away uncished pop 
botes. Lucky Sticks and slugs for fre 
games on the pinball machine. Vestiges 
ol chocokue syrup remained on Ше 
valuable premiums. 1 wondered. briclly 
whether I could cash the whole lot in 
with Emile, the bartender at the E; 
liste du Morte, lor an Trish collec. 
With moist eyes, 1 rifled through my 
prized collection of Fleers bubblegum 
s, illustrating great moments in 
nerican. history. There good old 
still crossing the Delaware, 
oping over the сошигу- 
side on a green horse, Abraham Lincoln 
making a speech. Dog-eared, thumbed, 
well worn and faithful, my collection— 
one of ihe world’s most ble of 
its kind—was completely intact. As 1 


bout à 

Paul Revere 

glanced ar them, my jaw hinges ached 
dully from countless pounds of obscenely 
pink bubble gum that | had pulverized 
1o get these cards, One card, in parti 
lar, told a story. [t showed Robert Ful- 
ton waving a Шар from the deck of h 
steamship. That crd had cost me four 
fillings in one chomp of the gum; the 
sickening crunch of a mouthful of silver 
as the bubble gum did its deadly work is 
a feeling not soon to be lorgotien 

The next item plur 
funk as to necessitate an immediate trip 
fo the sideboard for two fingers of the 
straight мий At first gi it was a 
supremely innocent artifact. But to me, 
who lived through it, who suffered with 
it and was irrevocably scared for life 
because of it, it was far more than a ten 
cent package of nasturtium seeds. I 
looked at the brilliandy colored pic- 
ture of gigantic prizewinning blossoms 
shown on the slender envelope of r 
iing seeds. It all came back—that grim 
week long ago that began with such 
з and that ended in a black 
d forever made me quail 

Miss Shields that spring had enlisted 
us to sell seeds in the neighborhood in 

the Warren G. Harding School. Her stir- 
ring, impassioned speech—exhorting us 

“Don we now our gay apparel. . . . 

for you to deliver ihem"—had stirred me 
to sign up for a whole box of 12 ei 
lopes. 1 ran all the way home, eager to 
hit the trail. My first jaunty knock was 
on the door of the gray house by the cor- 
ner. A haggard. sleepy lady peered out 
of the darkness at me. 
“Whar d'ya want?” 
t to buy any seeds?” 

have Sics, 

Seeds. 1 
hollyhocks. . . . 
The lady's red eyes glared 

minigolds, p 

out at me. 
Vasturtiums, morning.glorie 

had not mentioned this po: y At 
the next house, ige brown dog, 
closely related to the jaguar, chased me 
around the garage four times before I 
made it over the fence. Next door, а 
lady holding four babies and surrounde 
by a moiling thicket of wailing urchins 
peered dimly out at me, shaking her 
head silently. 

House after 

house it went like this, 
until finally, at the end of four miles 
of humiliating deleat, I emerged a 
bent, stooped, tiny, wizened, nine-year-old 
Willy Loman—footsore and weary, with- 
ош so much as a single seed sold. 
Finally, weeks lite ous aunts paid 
for my stock. but 1 was left with this 
last unsold package of nasturti 

As that old sensation of 





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overwhelmed me, my knuckles ached once 
1 from knocking on unyielding doors 
as I stared through misty eyes at those 
brilliant nasturtiums. For some г 
found sell wondering whether the 
seeds would actually grow and wha 
they would produce if they did. I have 
heard that ancient grains of wheat taken 
from the tombs of Pharaohs have been 
made to sprout and prosper. Tenderly, I 
placed my rei ag stock of seeds next 
to Wimpy. For а moment, I thought per- 
haps | might go out this afternoon, 
knock on а few apartment doors on my 
floor and maybe mal le. But then 
the old fear took over and I knew I 
couldn't do it. 

Right on the heels of the nasturtiums, 
s if by evil design, I came across a 
-condition flatwhite can of White 
Cloverine Brand Salve, another relic of 
boy salesm. The 
book had read: "Kids! 
vov may be the onc to win this beautiful 
SHETLAND PONY! He will be awarded, 
4 with thousands of other prizes, to 
ery in our big Sales Sweeps 
Just help distribute to your friends and 
neighbors that old family stand-by White 
lover Brand Salve” lı pictured а 
smiling, freckle-faced, redheaded kid 
holding the is of а brown-and-white 
Shetland. I clipped the coupon. God only 
knows what horrors would have de- 
scended on the household if 1 had won 
a pony. 
homnly thereafter, an enormous case 
full of White Cloverine Brand Salve 
rived, and another trial by fire bey 
Once d found want- 
ing. After 17 giant suppertime fights, and 
after I had sold only three cans of 
one to my mother, one to Mrs. Kissel 
and one to me—my fatha 
whole thing up and s 
the Cloverine people, hollering: 
DOWN FOR A MONTH!” That ended 
‚ technically, but nothing had ever 
led the ugly gash in my soul. 
Next cam tered, rainbow-tinted 
ment Model Duncan 
paint worn smoothly away 
the groove from endless hows of 
Walking the Dog, its string knotted and 
blackened, trailing off into the n 
memorabilia. 1 pulled and tugged at it. 
Something was attached to it. Out ol the 
depths it came like a struggling fresh- 
water сац, gliuting dully in the [aint 
gray light of my apartment. L held it up, 
suspended from the yo-yo string, 



s of 

to ex- 

Slowly spinning before my eyes 

was one of (rue treasures of my 
youth, my Melvin Purvis G-Man Badge. 
1 searched quickly and discovered, still 
intact and ready for action, its matching 

set of Melvin Purvis GMan Escape- 
Proof Handcuils, just like the ones John 
ad slipped out of so many 
с that somewhere down 
ust be my Melvin Purvis 
n Book of Instructions on HOW то 
stor скім, It was. I glanced at the first 
page. entitled “How то TELL A скоок": 
“G-Meu have found that crooks cannot 
look an honest man in the eye. Always 
look at the eves of suspects for the telltale 
evidence.” 1 remember the day I tried it 
on Grover Dill. "What are you looki 
at?” was all he said before he hit me in 
the mouth. I guess Melvin Purvis never 
had to deal with anybody like Grover 

As you have no doubt deduced, th 
s a period in my life when 1 w 


implacable foe of crime. Every week 1 
listened imently as Warden Lawes of 
Sing Sing imtoned on the radio: "Auen- 

tion! All citizens be on the lookout for 
Harry Roucnsione, known as Hany the 
Fink, wanted for armed robbery in Okla 

homa. He is live feet, eight and one half 
inches tall, usually of mean disposition, a 
gonal sci running from left car to 

jaw, steelblue eyes, tattoo on right forc 
апи of red heart: Mower. This man 
armed and presumed dangerous. Notify 
the police. Do not attempt to take hi 
ehandedly. Notify your local law- 
This is Warden Lawes 

enforcement office. 

saying "Good. night. 
Every day alter that, I coolly 
veyed all ра gers for telltale 
эсиз. Eventually it had to happen, and 
it did. 1 spotted a thickset steelworker 
getting on a bus and ten minutes later 
reported him to the big cop who helped 
kids across the street in front of V 
G. Harding School. The feeling of st 
ighteousness and bravery that 1 experi- 
enced at that moment, coupled with my 
1 fear of cops, is still fresh in my 
“Оше! I just saw Harry the Finkl 
He got on the Inland. Steel bus!" 
“Harry who? 
“Harry the Fink! D heard about h 
on the radio. He robbed Oklthom: 
"Oh, for God sake! You're the ninth 
kid today th ry the Fink! 
Last week it w p Louie. They 
oughta m to that damn 
Sing Sing pr gaimst the law. PI 


HanytheFink you! Get in school. 
Warden Lawes and Mr. 

racer of Lost Persons, the cops 

must have had their hands full night and 


. Mr. Keene was always announcing 
bout how somebody had 
from his wife and seven kids in 
Minneapolis and was last seen wearing a 
blue suit and driving а black. Plymouth 
with the name “Bubbles” written on the 
unk, A population with its € led 
for runaway husbands and escaped. cm- 


bezzlers did not make things casy down 
at the old precinct house. 

1 knew that somewhere under this pile 
of junk must be my FBI in Peace and 
War Official Fingerprint Kit, for which 
L had sent in two Lava soap wrappers. 
You needed Lava soap to get that 
crummy, sticky black ink off your fingers 
after you got the kit. I remember run- 
ning the rubber roller, loaded with ink, 
right up the back of my kid brother's 
neck, а dismal incident that could. well 
© been one of the contributing fac- 
tors that led direcily to World War "Two. 
A flash of red caught my eye and 
nother trophy of another long-lost alter- 
noon confronted. me. a battered, bright- 
red plastic fireman's hat bearing the 
one brief, feverish season, this Fire Chief 
hat wit solute must for every right- 
thinking kid, Ed Wynn came on the 
dio with that big old siren, with the fire 
bells banging, wearing a hac exactly like 
this beauty. They gave them away at the 
Texaco station to anybody who could 
s, and also at the World's Fair. 
ngerly, I placed it atop my head to 
sce if it still gave me that old feeling of 
pizzazz. E arose, walked to the window 
and, for reasons that are obscure to me, 
raised the glass and stuck my head out, 
high over the roaring canyon of the 
Manhattan street. The sun bore. down 
weakly as 1 said to myself: 

“You are absolutely the only guy in all 
of New York that is wearing an Ed 
Wynn Fire Chief hat at this minute. You 
are unique. Hurray!” 

At that instant, a gust of frigid w 
struck me smartly on the left side of n 
cranium. 1 felt the Fire Chiel hat lift 
slightly. tit was gone. I 
stared as it turned over and over, drift- 
ing down toward the traffic jam, a tiny, 
red, uproarions Ed Wynn horsela 
volplaning down 10 the sidewalk. 

In a panic, 1 rushed into the kitchen 
and pressed the button on the pho: 
below. His voice filtcred up through the 






id in an ins 

connected me with the doorman f. 

1 suddenly realized 

My, uh—my Fire Chief h 

“WYNN! ED WYNN!’ I was shouting. 
Don't he live on the third floor? In 


“You You 

got a fire? want me to 

SRE'S 229 




There was a long pause, umil finally: 
"OK. IE vou say so. He hung up. I 
rushed back to the 10 peer 
down, Sure enough. 1 see the 
looking up and down the str 
God! A tiny kid had my hat on his i 
Without thinking T shouted down 

Instantly. dozens of passersby pecred 
up. hoping to sec another suicide. 1 saw 
the doorman tingle with the struggling 
kid far below. A few shadowy faces ap 
peared at apartment windows across the 


^t figure of the doorman Far below. 



avenue. Stealthily. D pulled down the 
window and hid behind my madras 

any Jack Armstrong 
ag. the cockamamie on my left 

nd glowing brightly I sar down and 
tried to get a grip on myself. 1 know 
what UI do. ТЇЇ wrap all this junk up. 
throw it in the back of the closet, get 
dressed and go down 10 P, J's. The hell 
with this. Fm What do 
I want with 

It was no use. E couldn't kid myself. 
ned my har back. For years T ad 
never once thought of my hat and didn't 
even know 1 still] nd now I wanted 
й more u у in the world 
Even my cutout cudbourd Grumpy 
mask. which E «ot from Pepper Young's 
Family, didn't seem to help. Т suck my 
nose through the cutout hole in the mask 
nd snapped the cracked rubber 
hi my ears. my eyes staring 
bleakly out through the slits in Grumpv's 

1 sat 


ads over 

for a moment, wanting 10 go 
10 the window to sce how the door- 
bur alraid they'd spot 
Suppressing the 

returned to the box and 

m was doi 
me acaos th 
thought. | 

“In the talent category, Miss Foster will recite a 
list of books she has read." 

resumed my excavations Rummaging 
about. I nest rediscovered my old blue- 
steel bicycle clip for my pants. I snapped 
it on the left leg of my pajamas to sec if 

akles had gouen faner, 1t was then. 
that P noticed my old canvas delivery 
bag from the time I had a 
emblazoued in red letters on the. side. 
Fucked in the bag was an old Nabisco 
Shredded Wheat Color Card. I could see 
where 1 had badly colored Niagara Falls 
with Cravolas, E pulled the shoulder strap. 
down over n d was amazed. to 
find that the up under my 
armpit. It used 10 hang down around my 
knees. H must have shrunk. 1 was at- 
tempting to adjust it when my doorbell 

He's got itt I leaped 10 the door, fling- 
ing it open. AL the Ukrainian doorm 
sood in the hallway, holdi 
Wenn. Fire Chief hat. 

“You got it! GREN 

“That kid sure put up a 
holding the 



extended his paw, 
plastic helmet. 
He сип get his own һай” 1 
noticed that 
How come youre wearin’ 

M had au odd look on his 

that mask, 

false face, which 1 was still we: 
figured I'd beter play 
Oh. тагу Grumpy. Fm doing a Dile 
work here this morn 
“Oh, 1 see." he said, backing off a bit 
as he noticed my bicycle clip and my 
I reached 
and knew im 

nediately that 1 had 
ke. The sa 

p on m 
up de e 
slightly and said: 
never you was in the 
as in the Navy. You ou 
tattoo I got on my backsid 
"Oh. that. 1 was just doing a Hule 
painting around here 
As I took the pre 
from his grubby c 

e hallway. AL started 

» he noticed 

ck Armstrong Pedometer that hung 

п my right kne 

Retreating hastily—clicking with cach 
sepi mumbled my thanks and 
slammed the door. There was no doubt 
about it. 


I knew I would have to move. 

the doorman told 
around. 1 would be cooked. 

Pouring myself a neat brandy 
ıo suaighten up the joint, 
through the still-untapped drift of еи: 
that r d in the box. What fur- 


ther horrors lay here entombed? What 
my Joe Palool ule Book. my 

Junior Birdmen of / 

even the four-color Magic Slide 

Rule Patented Piano Lesson that had 
guaranteed to teach me to play in just 
seven minutes. There was my Mystic 
Ventril-O, with which I had unsuccess- 
fully attempted to mystify my friends by 
throwing my voice into trunks, holler- 
ing in a combandtisucpaper voice: 
"HELP! Lct me ош!” There was my 
Charles Atlas Dynamic Tension Muscle- 
Build and Chest Expanding Course, 
my periscope, my matchcover collec 
tion, the magnifying glass with which I 
had set Helen Weathers on fire. Tt was 
all there. 

Gingerly I tilted the huge box over 
onto its side. А tinkling, squeaking, mus- 
ty avalanche spilled out over the floor— 
and my benighted youth lay shimmering: 
before me like some surrealistic collage 
of adolescent dreams: my Tom Mix 
Whistling Ring, which never whistled: 
my Captain Midnight Photomatic Code 
OGraph badge and Secret. Squadron 
Bomber Wings. which lost their pin the 
very first instant I tied to attach them to 
my pullover and caused a fit of hysterics 
that has become legendary in my family, 
a ft that resulted in my mother ban- 
ning Сарай Midnight list in our 
house for almost a month. Rolled in a 
sad little ball were the tattered remains 
of my Jack Armstrong pennant from 
Hudson High, a school that, by an odd 
coincidence, Hew the same colors as 
the orange-and. 
thought for a t would 
look over my dek at the office. and then 
sed the thought, Lovingly, I 
y Huskies Club pi 
tiom sponsored by the people 
vufaciured. Grape-N 
nbered chiefly for its a 
to crack false teeth. For a moment I 
stared olf to the middle distance, 
seeing with stark c 
instant when my gra 
shattered with а loud mighty 
spoonful of that nudil known 
lor its gentle laxative action, Grandma 
€ the same after that, Lou 
the president of the 

te Wheaties hox T 

moment how well 

an athletic 



was never qu 
Gehrig, who 
Huskies Club, maintained in many а 
at it was be- 
cause of Grape) as able to 
follow Babe Ruth in the Yankee batting 

comicstrip adven 

A tiny. shriveled square of doth 
next caught my eye. Great balls of fir 
My Sky Blazers Arm Patch, which 
proved conclusively that I ate two slices 
of Wonder Bread every day. Tom Mix 
Straight Shooter premiums, long forgot- 
ten but never forgiven, emerged; and a 

om Mix Special sun W atch, to be used 
when lost in the jungles of. Yucatin, a 
place 1 have always half suspected 1 
would end up in, anyway. If you're lost 
in the head-huncer-ridden jungles, youd 
better know what time it is. My pulse 


When it's 
a matter 
of taste 

ask for 


'sporty match-mates 

Playboy shirts are set to swing. 
Wear with everything casual. 
Under the sign of the Rabbit: 
cool 65% Dacron" poly- 
ester and 3596 cot- 
ton — 2-ply knit in 
black, white, navy, 
red, light blue or 
burgundy. Please 
order by code: 
Playboy's WA100, 
S, М, L, XL sizes. 
Playmate's WA200, 
S (32), M (34-36), 
L (38) sizes. 

Each $6 ppd. 

Shall we enclose a gift card in your name? 
Please send check or money order to: 
Playboy Products, The Playboy Building, 
919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill, 60611. 

Playboy Clubcredit keyholders may charge. 




quickened as I extracted from the grisly 
array a device that could come in even 
handier: my Tom Mix Periscope Ring. 1 
dusted it off and slipped it on my pin 
Holding it up to my сус, I could see in 
hazy outline the bathroom door—behind 
The uses for such a device are 
lly around an office filled 
bushy-tailed young 

executives on the m 

Did mine eyes deceive me? No. Be- 
neath a pair of Tom Mix spurs lurked my 

most occult treasure, a genuine Mystic 
Voodoo Skull Ring. with genuine 
lated emerald cyes—a ring designed to 
put curses on your enemies. There is no 
doubt that such a ring could still have 
is. 1 slipped it carefully into my pocket, 
already formulating plans. Next came 
an objet of such poignant personal 
meaning that instinctively 1 turned. my 
eyes away from it. [ts very presence 
brought back an afternoon that even to- 
day rankles in my soul as onc of those 
really temible things that happen io all 
of us. My Uncle Ned had given me а 

dollar bill for my ninth birthday. Crisp, 
dean, of a beautiful green color, 1 held it 
for an all-too-brief ume. Minutes 
stood in front of a 

the candy store, а т 
such tremendous bonanzis as Brownie 
cameras, wrist watches and cigarette 

ighters embossed with naked ladies; 
flashlights made in the form of tiny re- 
volvers, all floating in a sea of multi- 
colored candy BBs. All you had to do to 
get one of these treasures was to skillful- 
ly operate two chromium handles, which 
im turn. maneuvered the claw of a tiny 
steam shovel inside the case. Nickel after 
nickel I poured into this monster, grow- 
ing more nervous and sweaty as cach 
time the daw didn't quite grab the 
Brownie. Finally, after 85 cents had 
gone down the drain, it threw me a con- 
temptible lead watch fob bearing the 
likeness of Myrna Loy. 

I sucked moodily on my long-lost Dr. 
Christian Bubble Pipe. An angry wind 
laden with sooty ice crystals banged 
briefly at the windows of my apartment. 

“Disgusting! 1 bet they're having an orgasm right now.” 

It was getting colder. Sadly 1 returned it 
to the dusty magic mountain of illusion 
lost and gone, grieved by only the 
d enough. Back into the 

box I stuffed Brownie, Wimpy, Grumpy, 
Ed Wynn, Roscoe Turner, Jack Arm- 

strong. Melvin Purvis, Buck Rogers—the 
whole teeming throng of them from out 
of the past. Over this communal crypt 1 
id the Dead Sea Scrolls—carefully 
noothed newspaper fragments bearing 

the faded face of Harold T nd 
Perry Winkle’s round sailor hat, and the 
yellowed headline "DAYLIGHT RAID O» 


Replacing the cover, I twisted the 

wires back together, binding the whole 
thing in place. For a fleeting moment, I 

considered shoving the whole sorry mess 
out onto the garbage landing. But I 
chickened out. Staggering under the load, 

І dragged my childhood to the hall 
doser. With an enormous effort, 1 got it 

up to the top shelf. Mysterious rattles and 
tinkles and squeakings continued for 
few seconds. Then, silence—except for 
the шие, jaunty quackings of my old 
rubber duck. I read the lettering on the 
box again: ше тик сом PREAL 
1 wondered whether my mother had 
picked that box purposely. You never 
aow about mothers. 

Outside, the long December afternoon 
darkening into night. Jt wouldn't be 
long before the crowds of Christmas 
shoppers and Rockefeller Center holiday 
rubes would give way to the big-time 
ouronthetown crowd. Across the ave 
nue, Christmas trees glowed through 
Venetian blinds. From the apartment 
next door drifted the nasal tones of a 12- 
year-old protest caroler singing Jesus 
Don't Low Me Anymore. but 1 Got 
You, Babe, the current. spiritual smash, 
to the accompaniment of his clectric 

1 sat for a long moment in the gather- 
ing gloom and then suddenly noticed the 
huddled form ol my little green. alumi 
num Japanese Christmas tree. On im- 
pulse, 1 fished around in the rabble on 
my coffee table and сате up with a thin, 
dimesized copper disk with the faded 
Y piece, Cradling it in my sweaty 
palm. J picked up the Christmas tree and 
gingerly unscrewed the fuse that 1 had 
twisted to death, With my forefinger, I 
refully inserted my old badge of 
spinach addiction and Popeye fandom. 
Magically, the thin but unmistakable 
notes of “Im dreaming of a white 
Christmas” filled the room and the tiny 
tree began to pirouette, its hidden media- 
nisms working flawlessly. its miniature 
red and green, blue and yellow candles 
sending out a dazzling rainbow of soft 
Christmas cheer. Lovingly, I placed it on 
the window sill for the world to sec. 
Popeye had saved the day again. 



(continued from раке 177) 
what authority dost thou these things? 
he replied with a counter question: “The 
baptism of Jolin from heaven or of 
meni He me my ins 


by John as the Me 

mony at which il 
pulm was recited (Mark IX: 1-11), di- 
vinely inspired or uot?” Had the captain 
denied John’s i tion, he would have 
infuriated the pilgrim crowds who iden 
niel this martyred hero with Elijah. 
They knew that none but a prophet 
was entitled to perform the coronation 
ceremony: they abo knew that the accept 
nice of any new prophet. apart Irom Eli- 
ah's reappearance in the last days, һай 
been banned by an edict of the Sanhe- 
thin some 200 years previously. Jesus 
was now cla a right to purge the 
temple counts accordance with 
Zechavial’s Messianic prophecy (Zecha- 
vidh Wh: 7 and XIV: 21): but the genu 
inenes of his Messiahship depended on 
Elijilrs reincarnation as John the Bap- 

tist—another lonely and persecuted 
prophet. No hones theologian can 
therefore deny that his acceptance of 

Jesus as Christ logic 
Christian to a belief i 
lijah's case, at least. 

The English masses have fallen away 
spectacularly from their 19h Century 
Protestanti d prefer (o believe in 
scarnation, This is pari- 
ly because the “upper classes” have long 
used religion to keep the "lower classes" 
in their proper places, as in the popular 

ly binds every 

The rich man in his 
The poor man at his gate, 

God made them, high or lowly, 
And ordered their estate. 


arily, abo, because the Christian. con 
cept of heaven had been frozen too early 
tic Revelation of the other 
His paradise was not, as the 
Esenes held. a terrestrial park well sup- 
plied with rivers, fruit trees and. gentle 
z it was a First Century лр, Orien- 
tal court perpetually en 

by the ecu 
St. Jol 


homage 10 а poten 
ment over countless 

These were allowed no choice between 
eternal fires of hell and eternal choral 

singing—neither of which tempts the 
average. British citizen. By the way. our 
«смогу. taught to believe 
homeless hell lying to the 
were delighted by the [им 
stian missionaries’ description of hell 
ormous bonfire. "We will keep 
у id to have cried joy- 
fully. And (by the way. again) Gehenr 
the original Hebrew hell, was not at first 
preached about as if it were a rcal place. 
The prophets used it as а metaphor taken 
from J 

"an e 

з.” they are s 

alem's perpetually smol 


municipal rubbish dump in the valley of 


fellow playwright, Christopher M 
put it imo the mouth of Di, 

stus. you remember, had sold his im- 
mortal soul to the Devil in exchange for 
all that he most desired in this world. 
The final scene in the play shows Faus- 
tus’ last night on earth. Не heas ihe 
clock strike 11 and, knowing that ihe 
Devil is due to claim his fee at midnight, 
appeals in vain for God's. lastminute 
pardon—lor a shortening of his eternal 
sentence even to 100.000. years. Then he 
the Christian faith. allows 

laments that 

him no hope of reincarnation. As a schol- 
аг. he has read about Pyt the 
Creek mystic who preached the gospel 

of “metempsychosis.” or reincarna w 
the Sicilians of Groto: 
Ah, Pythagoras metem psychosis! 
were Ihat tue, 
This soul should [ly from me 
and 1 be changed 
Into some brutih beast: all 
beasts are happy. 
For when they die 
Their souls are soon dissolved 
in elements. 
But mine тим live still to be 
plagued in hell. 
Pythagoras, surnamed Mnesarchides 

r, could you help me get bac 

to the North Pole?” 

("onc who remi 
born about 58 
island ol Samos 
longed 10 the 

bers his origins"). was 
nc. on the Aege: 
d seems to have be- 
ре: Orphic cul 
thereabouts. He an- 
reincarnation of 
the Troja phorbus, This choice 
his long puzzled scholas. Tt may have 
been me aphorical. be 
phorbus, meaning "he who 
Too" (Pythagoras is know 
а Food. Таа). 
meaning "loving thought.” and won fame 
the Trojan who drew first blood when 
the Grecks landed а! Troy. Euphorbus 
ho dealt Achilles’ comrade. Patroclus, 

to have beer 
as the son of Panthus, 

his mortal wound Hector merely gave 
him the coup de grice—which was 

the turning point in the Troja War. 
As а Pelasgian from Samos. Pytl 
sympathies would have been pro-Troja 
the city of Troy daimed Pe 
founding fathers. He. it seems, believed 
that reincarmtions took. place at regular 
intervals, such as 907. 216. 140 and 462 
vean метрик to regu- 
lui ihe unpredictable. But 1 
Pythagorean metempyychotics settled foi 
1000 years. or 3000, or othe 
round. ишт. 

Мом moderns aspire high in 

i jons. Queen Elizabeth, 






Joan of A. Julius Caesar, St 
Thersa and Shakespeare are com 
mon choices—claims which, if made 




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persistently enough, condemn many 
harmless overimaginative people with 
practical relatives to the funny farm. А 
fiend of mine, an English psychiatr 
cently had under his charge wo patie 
each of whom claimed to be the Virgi 
Mary. One was quite young and the other 
middleaged. He introduced them to each 
other 10 sce what would happen. The 
elder reacted. instantly: “Hail Mary, my 
spotless daughter! 1 am your mother, St. 
Anne, who bore you immaculatel 
younger embraced her ne 

Fervent belief. in reincarna when 
a symptom of mental unbalance, is 
caused, as a rule, by the as dis- 
satisfaction with the dull routine of life. 
A visitor once asked an inmate in an 
English instituti 

How goes in” 

“Thank you, sir: 1 suppose IIl get 
through my present struggle in the 
But this week has been almost as bad as 
Waterloo. Tha battle, 
if you likc! We English couldn't trust our 
Belgian allies, and Old Nap had veteran 
Loops with him. 1f Field Marshal Blü- 
cher hadn't arrived. just in time with his 
Prussians, 1 think wed have been 
knocked out. I happen to remember that 
day very well, indeed. You see, 1 am 
Lord Wellington." 

"But it was touch 
French, too, wasn't it? 

“Oh, ves, mon Dieu! Our luck was out 
that day and D wasn't fec] 
good шуми wo many fried 
pommes de lerre the night before. Stu 
essed, 1 

was a deuce of 

ad go for the 

апу 100 

pid of me. As you may have 
happen 10 be Napolc 
"But you jux sai 
"Yes, of course, but that was by 
another. mother. 
Memories of incarnation are. seldom 

that you were 

any more to be wusied than these. "TI 
saddest case 1 knew personally was a 
woman who believed that she had once 
won the Kentucky Derby and was, i 
deed. still a race hone, One mornin: 
nd got water 
on the knee, but hastily went to bed, 
concealed the injury by complaining of 
toothache and even made a dentist's ap 
pointmem for having all her teeth € 
tracted. The fact was that she had rea 
here that trainers always shoot 
€ horses with wai 
do not offer these cases as an argument 
inst the theory of reincarnation, but 
дайим a confusion of past with pres 
actical problem that reincar- 
nationists have to face is that the recent 

she fell down some steps 

r on their knees. I 

enormous inacasc of population means a 
shortage of well-traveled ancient. souls 
for new infants to house. The problem of 
ding chough that date from 207, or 
462, or even 100 years ago is already 

insoluble—unless а human soul can be 
reincarnated in the animal kingdom. Or 
unless souls like those of Napoleon, Јо 
of Arc. St. Peter, Queen Elizabeth 

the rest are capable of several contempo 
тату теріні» а concept that seemed 
illogical even to those two Virgin Marys. 

The primitive belief in animal pre- 
nations seems to have been caused 
"s vague facial resemblance 
to some bird or beast than by the institu- 
tion of totem clans. Th n be studied 
Africa, Central. Australia 
jd we know that clan 
impersonate their totem 
ages of the moon. It is 
a schizophrenic habit in West Afri 
leave the kr па prowl about a 
соран! or snake or crocodile. convinced 
that after death the soul enters the body 
of one’s tote ‚ Relies of such to- 
temism appear Gree 
gy. We cin trace the goddess Athene's 
sacred owl to the owl totem of a pr 
tive Pelagian clan that survived. near 
Athens until classici] times. The Pelas- 
ı goddess Hert—Juno in Latin—had 
mock sacred to her and was stid to 
been born either at Argus. mythi- 
cally connected with Hundred-Eyed Ar- 
gos, apparently a Pelasgiam peacock 
totem, or on the and of Samos, where 
Pythagoras was born. This may explain 
Pythagoras’ reputed claim to have once 
been à peacock. The Latin poet Ennius 
Later declared that Homer. born on near 
by Chios had made the sime claim. 
Both Homer and Pythagoras may have 
been “mindful of their origins" as pea- 
cock totemists, though using the peacock 
the metaphorical sense still current 
among the Arabo-Persian Sulis. The pe 
cock, which has the ugliest fcet and the 
mos beautiful fea any 
known bird, is for them an emblem of 
perlecible man battling against his 
carthly nature, This is perhaps why the 
peacock is also said to have been а favor- 
ne preiearnation. of Pythagoras’ close 
contemporary, Buddha. It is likely that 
the 1 as took their name from a 

los by a mu 

and clsew 
members. oft 
animal at ch; 

now in 


in early mytholo- 

head. of 


torem dan of storks—felarzos in 
ireek—birds th yel ihe sime 
sanctity as now preserves them in Hol- 

land. In northern Greece. stork killing 
carried the same penalty as homicide. 
What happens to souls after death is a 
question that has puzzled mau ever since 
fist becime capable of conscious 
ght. Conscious thought implies a 
to survive as long as possible and, 
fore, a fear of death and, therefore, 
because one cin dream vividly about 
people long dead. the conjecture of 
spiritual survival. Much the same after- 
world is described all five continents. 
and  conuastve  paradises and hells 
cither by hallucinogenic drugs or 
nearly drowning, or by starvatio 

ns. from visions. produced 

severe illnesses. or by other causes that 
temporarily deprive the brain of oxygen 
and allow dicam fantasy full play. Many 
ancient peoples, however. have believed 
that the answer to "Where do we go 
from here?" is closely linked with the 
complementary question, “From where 
do we соте?” Thus, any genetic peculi- 
ity in а child. such as a Euge nose, red 
һай or a particular aptitude for some 
craft or skill, will suggest that he is the 

i of an ancestor remembered 
as having the same waits. Moreover, 
families that have [or centuries special- 
ized їп, say. flint knapping, or wood 
cuving. or drumming. or medical diag- 
nosis, tend to bequeath craft. memori 
to their children in a way that rules out 
merely environmental explanation. This 
evidence of. particu opposed то т: 
cial, inherited memory naturally but 
tresses a belief in reincarnation, I read in 
a scientific report recently that when 
planarian worms have been given pieces 
of other worms to cat, particular memo- 
ries of the defunct are transferred. to 
them. 1 wonder if that is why, in certain 

West. Afri 

is m: 

cm. kingdoms, every new king 
le to em а piece of his predeces 
sor's heare: gest the royal tradition, 
as it were? 

So we come to India, where Brahmin 
priests use the doctrine of metempsychosis 
to control public morals as successfully 
as their Western colleagues use heaven 
1 hell. and where the dark, primi 
tive Dravidians of the south have gradu 
ally converted their north 
to a belief in animal reincarn 
ertheless, these Brahmii 
bine it with their original 
Judgment view, preaching that whoever 
breaks their moral code be sen 


tenecd, after death. to be reborn as 
ss, pig, dos, monkey or as some even 
les esemed  aeamue. The general 

Brahmin theory is that one is whirled 
ously around on the wheel of 
g through a huge variety 
ning to the divine 
source, The later Indian theologi 
mate their number as 8,100,000. 
The theory of metempsychosis 
rigued many British soldiers, engincers. 

5 es 

"Dm not an Arab, ain 12” 




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planters and civil servants. who had 
worked in India under the British raj. 
though it bad already 
professional classes at home throug] 
compulsory ıe 
the universities 
who accepted. Pythagoras 
nysus, god of the hallucinoge 
teries at Samothirace, Eleusis, Corinth and 
elsewhere, Dionysus was worshiped as а 

reached the 

ng ol Greek classics at 
especially ol Plato. 
faith in Dio 

redeemer who persuaded men to purify 
their lives: so that their souls might rise, 
cach time, a little higher on the divine 
scale and eventually be freed Irom the 
same wheel of necessity and return for 
ever te the mystic goddess, Persephone. 
Plato's Republic conta 
son ol Armenius, who fell sick, was 
wd for. dead a 

ns the vison ol 

mo 1. on recovery. de- 

saribed his visit ıo the infernal place of 
judgment, where souls reassemble alter 
а мау in hell or purgatory. and there 
choose new humun or animal fo 
rebirth. Er saw Orpheus changing into a 

ns Гог 

swan and "Thamyris, a blind 
bard, into i htingale, АП these souls 
then dimk of Lethe, the river of forget- 
fulness, and shot. aw like stars, into 
their new bodies. Er had not, evidently, 
lenned of an alternative to Lethe that 
has recently been found inseribed on 
certain gold Orphic tablets hom. Samo- 
thrace, tied around the necks of Sici 
corpses. This alter 
secret password to the guardians of a 
secluded well in the underworld—proba- 
bly overhung by the hazel wee of wis 
dom—at the same time, attesting their 
purity of heart and demanding 10 be 
made heroes in Регерһопе paradisal 

A Brahmin friend of mine Irom south 
to take ап objective view of metempsy- 
chosis, wrote to me recently 

\с was to give a 

who is now Westernized enough 

For us Brahmins, Brahman is the 
supreme principle, like the Western 
"God" Today the central core of 
can liberate 
ge ol human 
unite with 

Hinduism is how a n 
his soul from the bond 
binh and death, and 
Brahman. Buddha. after his enlight 
emment, recalls his previous. exist 

One, two, thhee—a hundred 
thousand births, many 
of the world’s disint 
many an acon of its reintegra 
tion, -. . In my 
existences, 1 remembered such 

n acon 


wied former 

amd such was my пате. my 
sept. my class... . and my 
term ol dfe. When 1 passed 
thenee, 1 experienced other 

existences, wherein such and 
such was my name. Thence E 

pased to my present life, in 

which 1 recall my diverse past 

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existences their det 

nd features. 

Once, when I was 12 years old, 1 
lay exhausted on a coir cot after 
days of fever. It was а hor after- 
noon and our Lage family sat in the 
cool of the veranda after the meal, 
the younger men dozing, the wom- 
en falling into lazy rhythms of me- 

chanical household tasks and the 
children playing draughts nearby, 
half listening to the women's talk. 

At this hour, very old people would 
nder from house to house and 
exchange gossip, As they talked 
about legendary figures or tokl sto- 
ries of their younger days, the pei 
suasive lilt of voices drew us into a 
world of magic. The sun helped the 
enchantment by making us drowsy 
and suggestible, 
A beautiful young woman named 
Kamala had shyly joined us. She 
was a new arrival in our villise. 
having recently married the schoo 
master. The sadness of Kamala’s 
eves attracted me. She always 
talked softly and slowly, as if trying 
10 recall forgotten: memories. That 
afternoon, she told my grandmother 
how happily married she now 
She stressed the word "now" 
cause of hav 
band in her last incarnation, Не 
had beaten her daily, and though 
she adored their child, one day she 
could stand his behavi 
Hugging the infant to her breast, 
she had walked to a deep well and 
drowned them both. Kamala shud- 
dered as her story ended. She was 
worried that she might not have a 
child in her new incarnation 
child by an affectionate husband, 
for a change. After studying her 
Tace dosely. 1 believed. her story. А 
year or two later, I decided to test i 
by making secret inquiries їп the 
distant village that she had named, 
There 1 found that the suicide story 
was true and that the husband had 
recently died. Kamala had never 
сї to meet h 1 since her 


ng had a cruel hus- 

Many simil s came 
way. always about unhappy 
vious lives. Some were factu: 
verifiable. bur in mo case did : 
m to have reached old 


опе ¢ 

or died a natural death. Though I 
could not mistake the sincerity of 
the narrators, who always spoke of 

the past with detachment, neither 
could D persuade myself that they 
had been personally active in the 
scenes they described. 

My Brahmin [rend has here, unwit- 
tingly. perhaps. accounted for the wide- 
spread Indian. belief in metempsychosis. 

As а child, Kamala may have been halt 

asleep one day at the village gossip hour 
and overheard the suicide story from a 
Which brings up the famous case 
E s reported by Jung—ol 
the ignorant servant girl who talked He- 
brew in a hypnotic trance. She was dis- 
covered to have been formerly employed 
by a rabbi, who had recited the Talmud 
aloud at night in his study downstairs. 
Her drowsy mind had acted like a tape 
recorder and she remembered reams of 
rabbinical comment, though not in the 
least knowing what the words meant. 
Ka mind may have acied similarly, 
except that the story was told in her own 
language, so that the meaning had im- 
pressed itself on her. And just as Ameri 

cm or English children cast 
themselves imaginatively as the heroes ог 
heroines of fairy tales, so Kamala had 

the drowned 
ation theory 

identified herself with 
woman and used the reincar 
to support her claim. 

So we return to Bridey Murphy, 
whose story was obviously not fiction in- 
vented by Ruth Simmons. My guess is 
that she had overheard in childhood 
some old woman, perhaps her grand- 
mother, retelling what she had heard 
from some other old woman. The tape 
recording made by Morey Bernste 


points dearly in this direction, because 
though, under hypnotism, she talked 
with a brogue in describing her sup- 
posed preincarnation, the language she 
uscd was of too late а date to have come 
from Pridev herself. My eye balked at 
amisoles" and ” 


the words 

too early for camisoles. 
Northern Ireland—the first 
recorded mention of them appears in 
The Gentleman's Magazine. published in 
London ten years later; and “c 
general tam for sweetstulls is 

especially i 

1y" as a 

cam, not an early Trish, usage. Which 
we are h 

means ih ing her story at 
second or third hand. So I am not sur- 
prised to learn that St. Theresa's Church 
at Belfast, where Bridey claimed to have 
been married, was not built until 1911; 
and that Queen's University, where her 
husband is said to have taught, was still 

Queen's College in his day, not having 
been raised to university status until 
1908. Morey Bernstein мое The 

Search for Bridey Murphy as an. exposi- 
iom of the paranormal powers of the 
mind under hypnotism, but succeeded in 
proving only what was already know 
namely, that hypnotism can uncover lost 


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memorics—among them, 1 conver- 
sitions overheard in sleep. 

The receptive m is occa 
lly gramed visions of the рам. as 
many welkattested ghost моге have 
proved. Bur these pl па seem to 
1 on ghe so 
of ghosts, m 

in the mind of з 
visitor, especially il the w 
the hour correspond with the original 

j, D wrote a poem allel The 
which recorded a childh 
mare of be 10 escape 
from a i 

alls. mounds, enclosing corruga- 


Of darkness, moonlight on dry 

Walking this courtyard, sleepless, in 

Planning to use—but by definition 
Тенеу no way out, no way ош— 
Rope ladders, balks of timber, pul 
A rocket 
and most— 
Machines easy to impr 

ag over the walls 

o escape. 
No such thing; to dream of new 

Cheating chechmate by painting 
the kings robe 

So that he slides like a queen: 

Or to ery, “Nightmare, nightmare!” 

Like a corpse in the cholevapit 

Under a load of corpses; 

Or io run the head against these 

blind walls, 
Enter the dungeon, torment the 

With apparitions chained two and 

And go frantic 
To dic and w 
In the same courtyard, sleepless ах 


One afternoon, 1 
Berry Pom 
This was d 

years Later. 1 visited 
ile in Devonshire. 
ng the Second Worhl War, 
and 1 found it dosed по visitors, except 
in the mort bur а worn trick ran 
under the ed in 
Though overcome by a nameless 1 
1 resolutely visited the dungeon. 
could stand. the strain. no longer and 
red. back 10 safety. Two days kuer n 
4d» were visited bv Mr. 
md ol my local typist. We 
ul he casually asked whether T 
w the Berry. Pomeroy Castle. Ves. in 
11 dic. "Well. what do vou make of 
asked. showing me a photo 
d added: “1 don't know how 
ne into the picture, I 
round at the time. Ht 

«аи sce anvo! 

looks like she's leading a dog on a string. 
1 was there last Sunday morning with 
the wile. Would you like to keep it as a 

The photograph showed a tall. thin 
woman in Mth Century costume, walk 
ing past the gate that I had wriggled un- 
small ape on a chai 
When Mr. Beer had gone, I burned the 
photograph. It was too horrible. But, for- 
tunately, my wife will кему to the 
1 and the ape. I recalled the Eli 
"To lead apes in hell. 
used it in Much Ado About 
to be a 
woman cheated of her sex life, And 1 con- 
duded that Mr. Beer, а simple soul, had 
felt the presence of that unhappy woman 
in the castle court and somehow 
pressed the picture on his sensitive ca 
cra plate. But, if so, who was she? She 
had nothing to do with me 

Years later, 1 read that Isabella of 



France, Edward Hs widow, had spent 
some years at Berry Pomeroy. As a 
young woman, after providing the 

throne with an heir apparent, she һай 
been neglected by her homosexual. hus- 
d in fa 
Gaveston, Eventually, she deposed him 
with French help, procured his murder 
and pur her son, Edwad HMI, on the 
throne. He did not, however, piove 
grateful and sent her off, under guard. to 
various Gee keeps remote fow Lon: 
don; until, after many years of “leading 
apes in hell,” she took the veil of the Or- 

of his boyfriend, Piers 

der of St. Clara, Had I been an Indian, 1 
t well have claimed а preincarna- 
tion as Isibella ut bei myself, 1 ac 

counted otherwise for my feclings of fear 
at Berry Pomeroy The Gastle 
poem. As a child, 1 ha 
summer holidays in 
Harlech Castle, which had. been built in 
the 13th Century by Edward Is father: 
an immense, scary, ‚ Чочу 
resembling Berry Pomeroy. We children 
were alw raid of geting locked up 
there at nightfall by the deal old castlc- 
keeper, Mr. Richard Jones, while we 
de-anulseek in its towers 
In fact, Mr. Beer's photo- 
n no more than a strange 

were playing | 

and dunscoi 
ph had be 
А story: A devout widow once got in 
touch with her dead husband at a spirit- 
istic séance, A loose liver, he had finally 
been shot by a jealous husband. The 
widow at once recognized his voice and 
siid anxiously: “Oh, darling, how are 
you? I've been so worried. That dreadtul 
hell. . . ." "I'm fine!" he answered. "I'm 
clover—literally. My! Youd love it 
here, Beautiful blue river, glorious green 
meadows, sun blazing down and me sur 
rounded by the most beautiful cows 
you've ever seen in your life—so sleck 
wd graceful and. charming!" She gasped 
ıd ventured doubtfully: "Oh, I am so 

"Who told you that I was in heaven, 
stupid? I'm stud bull at à farm of pedi 
gree Jerseys beside the old Mississippi 
Having time, 100." 

ieved, Charles! But, honestly. I hadn't 

that there were any cows in 

whale of a 

The simplest and most obvious arg 
ment against metempsychosis is that 
memories of preincirnation depend. on 

the human mind, that the mind depends 
on its brain. that the brain. depends on 
its body and that the body depends on 
its racial history and genes. It is dillicult 
to accept that Pythagoras actually r 
membered having been, as he chime 
merchant and а prostitute; or that Em- 
pedoces, the Filth Century в.с. Sicilia 
remembered having been a simple vil 
lage gil at one time. a milles fish at 
nother amd a bodiless bush at a third. 
ut. Pythagoras may easily at some time 
or other have imagined himself a me 
t or a prostitute by feeling a sudden 
h of sympathy for members of those 
unmysticil callings. And Empedocles 
may have stood still in a forest onc day, 

like a bush; or have swum thoughtlessly 
п the sea and felt like a fish. 

Human reactions 
haic instincts, m 
femoris, as when 
the roof of a building and explodes and 
the shocked. survivors absurdly uy 10 
soatch a hole through the tiles with 
their nails—because their remote ances 
tors would have acted like that in some 
tage of the human evolution from three- 
eyed lizard to hominoid. Nev 
the common flying. dream is no proof 
that the dreamer was ever a bird: or, i 
deed. that any of his ancestors were, 
since palcontologists deny this link in our 
evolutionary chain. It seems to be either 
metaphorical of а wish 10 Пу away from 
our present. circumstances or else—since 
time is only a convention and memory 
works both ways: cither as reminiscence 
or as prophetic anticipation—of а future 
ge when human beings will develop 
wit birds once did, and dispense 
planes and rockets. 



with balloon 



the gods of Olympus; and, within 100 

years, the religions of that God will be as 

dead as is the religion of ancient Greece. 
Hal Sawyer 
Hiram College 
Hiram, Ohio 



As a Buddhist. 1 am amused by the 
so-called enlightened discoveries of death- 
of God theologians such as the Reverend. 
William Hamilton and Rabbi Richard 
Rubenstein (in their pLaynoy articles of 
August 1966 and July 1967). Buddhism 
has been a dcathol-God theology for 
2500 years and has accepted the Gre: 
Void without the fear and trembling 
that afflicts. Judaco-Christian thinkers 
when similar wisdom is revealed to 
them. It is not a little ironic that Jews 
and Christians have long thought of 
themselves as "chosen people" and have 
regarded the religions of the Orient as 
primitive, superstitious and. crude, com- 
pared with those of the West. They now 
«c. as the most advanced of their 
7 rhe mystical and 

spiritual “discovers 

uo “... This bar has sure changed in the last couple of years. . . . 

(continued from page 92) 

which Bud- 
f millenniums 

existential atheism from 
dhism started two and a 
ago. If they learn humility because of 
their dilatory revelation, they may finally 
be able to look without flinching into the 
Great Void and see that this experience 
achievement of enlightenment 
ather than a cause for 

Thomas Kee 
Los Angeles, California 

bi Kubenstein's article Judaism 
and the Death of God (eLaynoy, July) 
greatly impressed me. His statement chat 
"we live in the time of the death of God” 
and that this death is à cultural event 
reveals the author's. profound. awareness 
of the cultural, historical 
all thought about God, either de 
alive. This statement is one of the с 
st concise and penetrating state- 
s 1 have read on the subject. 

His insight i ту. He scems 
id the sacred is 

nitations on 
1 or 


trend, this realization son not for 
optimism but for pessimism. Perhaps 
Rubenstein’s interpretation is a needed 
counterbalance for weak-headed utopian 
ism. Because I see dew need for norm 
and codes than docs Rabbi Rubenstein, I 
not completely share his pessim 

The rabbi's notions of the new pagan- 
ism and the mystic wend in our society 
are further clear, concise statements of 
cultural facis. These are expressions of a 
n search, on the one hand for con 
munity, on the other for genu 
to replace the tra 

Like the June Playboy Panel on Re- 
ligion and the New Morality, Rut 
stein’s article manifests the honest a 
open approach you have taken in re 
ligious and moral issues. You allow each 
side to give its opinion, even if that 
opinion is not your own. I hope you will 
continue to invite outstanding men io 

Dominican College Camp 
Menominee, Michigan 


1 am the spokesman for the First Or- 
der of the Revealed Light. a religious 
body devoted to chopping away at hypoc- 
. particularly religious hypocrisy. Ou 
church. was incorporated in 1959 (which 
1 old time church by 
ards). Our deity is the Devil, 
od is dead. 

In addition to PrAvBov, other rcl; 

sources (Time, Look and Redbook) 
ave confirmed that this well-known 
Lord of Hosts passed away recently. He 
legendary figure in His time. and 
aimed to have t and dark 
ness, water and land, and created а uni- 
verse. Death came 10 the controversial 

Supreme Being approximately during 
the 20th Century as millions of His fol- 
lowers were paying their respects and 

their bank rolls to. Him in thousands of 
cdunches God had been sick recently 
and had mot taken an active role in 
rihly affairs, News of the death took 
many of His friends and enemies by su 
pris. Some people completely denied 
the event, despite the irrefutable cvi- 
dence, and a few 100k to wearing but- 
tons that siid, GOD Is NOT DEAD, HF 15 

Many of God's decisions were contro 
versial, Nearly every war, plague and 
disaster were God's will, although His 
proponents noted that peace, 
and welfare were sometimes 

We reject heaven for violati 
Despite. con: 
about discrimination, 
is policy of admitting only those souls 
that meet the rigid requirements. estab- 
lished by the clergy. Charles Whitman, 
who won acchim for the murder of 16 




ble proi 
heaven continues 

people, including his wife. mother and 
an unborn baby. died a good Catho 
and has apparently made it to heaven 
Carholic authorities stated. to the press 
that Whitman had not acted. rationally 
and could be absolved of his possible sin. 
Unfortunately, the unborn baby and 
several other of his victims did not di 
in the grace of the Church and will have 
10 go to hell. With angels like Whitman 
floating around heaven, may we offer 
word of caution to those people wishin: 
10 go to heaven? Понт turn your back 
The Rev. Ted Kastenb: 
First Order of the Revealed Light 
Los Angeles, California 


One of your readers has темитесей 
the old mashed-potato menace in a clev: 
er parody of antimarijuana: propaganda 
(The Playboy Forum, September). This 
device frequently employed by pro 
fessos of sociology 10 warn their sit 
dents against the misuse of statistical 
evidence, The usual rigamarole is more 
complicitcd than the version. presen 
by your reader and goes someth 
this: 97 percent of the murderers exe: 
cuted in America in the past 50 veers 
were habitual eaters 
89 percent of juveniles under 19 who con 
mit crimes of violence consume mashed 
potatoes shortly before committing their 
crimes: 92 percent of the rapists and 93 
percent of the arsonists in Federal pris 
fons are mashed porno users: aad $3 pe 
of all burglars are potato addicts. 

You «ап substitute “reads erotic 
books" or "looks at violent TV shows 
lor "cas mashed potatoes" and obtai 
similar figures. Atheists are delighted to 
present equally shocking figures for 
“those who habitually attend church.” 
асу in such arguments is that no 
figures are given for those 

is a 

who shed potatoes and do лог 
commit murder, rape, arson or other 
violent acts. Unless the allegedly crime 
inducing a t is as ridiculous as mashed 

potatoes, most people will miss the point 

and will ike such arguments seriously. 
Warren Robertson. Ph. D. 

rnavaca, Мез " 

My dual role i 

life would be funny, 
except dar it occasionally makes me 
weep. D am what the establishment 
would call a successful wife, mother. pil 
lu ol society simi 
aches’: magazine terms. I play the gracious 
hostess t0 my husband's business asso- 
Cates, entertain our but not cool. 
friends and chaperone teenage parties. T 
successful. business career and do 
writing on the side. 




Tm a paragon of virtue to the square 
but what they don't know is that T 
so smoke marijuana when I cin buy 
I when 1 can find а few hours pri- 
асу. 1 don’t endanger lives by driving 

“We're saved! We're saved! I think.” 

make am ass of 

all aysell as Гус seen 
many of my respeciable Ген do айс 
a dew martinis, 1 just quietly “tern on 
1 listen to good music, read, write and 
ajoy and love everything. My 
ness of, and appreciation for, the simpler 
things in Jile has increased: my writing 
has improved: I no longer care much for 
akoholic drinks: E smoke Jess and my 
appetite is keener but less gluttonous. In 
other words, Гус become а better per- 
© drugs nor have 1 withdrawn from 
ihe world around me. 

hi infuriates me t 


son. E have no desire 10 go on to 

I can walk into a 

liquor store, buy a quart of bourbon, go 

с. get nd still remain 

al and buy it on the sneak 
from teenage contacts who think it's 
Шу wild and groovy lor an old lady to 
be blowing pot 

1 don't think everyone should “nwn 
on" nor do 1 wholly approve of. young 
people getting too wrapped up in it—but 

then, T don't approve of young people 
drinking excessively, either. A` respon- 
sible adult should be able to decide for 
himel! whether to smoke marijuana. 
If marijuana became legal, it would 
probably be less of a problem than it is 
now. My personal theory the 
lult generation started. turning. on. the 
kids would lose . They like 10 
have their own 1 
(Name withheld by request) 
San Diego. California 

The Playboy Forum” offers the oppor- 
tunity for an extended dialog between 
readers and editors. of this. publication 
on subjects and issues raised in Hugh 
M. Hefners continuing editorial series, 
“The Playboy Philosophy.” Four booklet 
reprints of “The Playboy Philosophy.” 
including installments 1-7, 12, 13-18 
and 19-22, are available at 50€ per book- 
let. Address all correspondence on both 
“Philosophy” and "Forum" to: The 
Playboy Forum, Playboy Building, 919 N. 
Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ilinois 60611. 





self-defense instructor. 
teaches still pornography. And the music 
counselor is Ali Akbar Khan, 

We have two religious services a week 
—the Christian one is kd by John Len- 
non and the Hindu priest is George Ha 
rison. William Burroughs is the camp 

Andy Warhol 

There are no square sports here at 
Camp Acid—onr grand guru is totally 
turned oll by the gameplaying syn- 

drome of the middleaged, middle- 
class, whiskeydrinkirg, siaight-moking. 
symbol-manipulating, napalm-bombit 
blishment fink-outs—bur we do do some 
cresting exercises from а how-to book 
led the Kama Зита. My only com- 
plaint is about the food. We have two 
chefs, named Yin and Yang, and they 
don't give us much to eat, Fm gering а 
le tired of morning-glory seeds, salt 
nd nutmeg on my peyote cereal. 

The other night, the head counsclor, 
Tim Leary, gave a consciousness- 
expansion lecune. He demonstrated three 
new ways to blow your mind without 
drugs—hip frontal loboto reversible 
visions through acupuncture of the eye 
and а tourniquet of the heart. 

A lot of the counselors are very р 
noid because the man who drives the 
garbage truck into camp every day looks 
like Harry Anslinger and all the garbage 
lovuk like a 

men 10s. 
My team won this summer's halluci 
nation contest. We had three freak-ou 

(continued from page 188) 

days of time-lapse gangster. grass inner- 
space voyage 390-microgrammed wasted 
karma leaf zonked strung out mandala 
boo stoned complete with total mind- 
p—and not a bummer in the crowd. 
Ie was great fun, We yelled the camp 
cheer: Two, four, six, cight—we wanna 
hallucinate. And we sang the camp 
marching song: Eight Miles High. 
Well Fd better take а downie now 
id get some sleep. We've got to get up 
nly for our trip tomorow and they 
don't use а bugle for ieveille here. In- 
sicad. they turn on these bright flashing 
sirobe lights. Boy. does that get you out 
of bed fast. 

Try 10 make it Sunday уои really 
flip! You'll be real proud. They're gonna 
give me the Lenny Bruce Memorial 
Award for Self-Destruction. 1 got it for 
shooting up with My 


Your loving psychedelic son, 
Heady Stone 

Fleur d'Amour, golden hair flowing 
down around her ankles, walks down 
Ashbury Street peddling Mindfreak, San 
sco's superpsychedelic azine. 
Passersby stop to gawk at her costume, 
which consists of knee-high rawhide 

boots with polished-aluminum irim. a 

s and a 

miniskirt woven from dried gr 
multicolored shawl dat is wrapped 
wd her upper torso and trails ten 
feet behind her. The wain of the shawl 


“Hello, Mom—I got the job.” 

is made from red and yellow flowers, 
which she offers benignly to each of the 
people on the street. A sign has been 
xiled in Day-Glo green and blue let 
ters on the front of her shawl; it reads 
When she finishes peddling her maga 
zines, Fleur wanders over to a vegetable 
store, where she boosts handfuls of scal- 
lions, carrots and. black-eyed peas. She 
husttes out of the place and makes her 
way down a side strect, where scores of 
downandout vagrants and long-haired 
teenagers have formed a line in front of 
а small coal stove with а 50-gallon oil 
dium on top. A young man in stovepipe 
hat, granny glasses, Japanese gela and 
frayed coveralls with matching. fluore 
cent patches is perched shakily on cud- 
hoard boxes piled beside the drum so he 
сап stir its bubbling contents. He has 
laxen hair down to his waist, which 
ally strays into the 
As he stirs, he sings: 

The power 

Oh, eve up your greed and join us a 

ach memb 


And по one has died from our greasy 
warm soup. 

of love gels bi 

y is pure in our jolly 

Hi is Fleurs boyfriend, Jon Quill 

Fleur helps Jon disiribute the broth to 
the scraggly group and then gives him a 
present, brownie made from dandelion 
leaves and a pinch of marijuana that she 
baked herself, They go off together, pass- 
ing the brownie back and forth between 
them. chewing very slowly 

They head for San Francisco’s newest 
gathering расе, The Flower Por. Writ- 
ten on its window in Mowing. paisley 
scrawl is the word INWALATORIUAT. Inside 
are rows of small enclosures, cach. con 
taining a barrel filled with dried. fra 
grant petals. The barrels are marked with 


verse others, Fhe Pot 
people sitting around 
their favorite fh 
Jon put on their 

LORS amd di- 
is crowded. with 
barrels sniffing 
ances. Fleur and 
recolored glasses 

nd are about to emer when they are 
stopped by а well-known San Francisco 
cotics detective, “Hark, the пат!” Joi 
Quill says. "Is the fuzz called Mork.” 
unny running into you, Jon Quill,” 
Mork says “I have been thinking that 

you and I should chat, lt has come to my 
auention that you are holding |. 
ози» of illegal fruit." 

a base 

canard.” Jon re 

sponds. “АП 1 have аге Fleurs humble 

Mork eyes Fleur suspiciously. “Why 
must you aggress?” she asks Mork. 

“Thou should be wise, not willful. I will 
instruct you," She reaches under her 
shaw] and brings out it copy of the 7 

Book of Changes. buys some potat a bus stop from a sweet and start to sing their first number. They 

Ching, the Cl у 
adom and reads, “The Tittle old Lady, who keeps the stash ina accompany themselves on an electric 

She opens it a 

people take diverse paths. The leader Safeway shopping bag. Chér begins to washboard and an amplified comb. li 

docs not own the through smoke it from a hoc sheen sounds like a combination of Ormene 
Don't wise off.” Mork says. Ll cleverly disguised to look tike Сос: ad Bob Dylan screaming with 

run the two of you She alternates drags with rills from Ри} his foot caught in a barbed-wne fence. 

(Ше Magie Dragon). After 30 seconds. Mr. Mafioso shouts. 
In front of the Vatican. her boyfriend — "Malone! What the hell do you call 

Frodo is waiting for her. They me that noise? Joe Valachi sings better than 

Beatle boots. black you two girls" 

t Cong раја rode pleads. “Don't make fun of our 

ша bottoms kes. countrvamd-money music. It took us 

They each have their own transistor hows to perfect.” 

Roses. wild.” it stereo earplugs tuned to the local 

We love you,” say Jon and 

dressed е 

“I invested forty 

mild exultation: method of station. Both have shoulder-lengih sit this club and you 

tion. This drug is probably . Thev look like twins, except expect me to ler vou sing thar aap? It 
serous." "Let's go.” Mork says to Jon sounds. like tion ol Ornette 
l. He pushes the long-haired boy to T g with 

his loot caught in а barbed-wire lence. 
Get the hell out of here!” 
odo down and 

cruiser, Jon is forced 

but he casts а be ewell glance 
ard Fleur d'Amour. 

Forget me not, Jon Quill.” she calls, 

as the car swings out into the traffic. from Grosse Pointe.” and-money sobs. 
“How did vou meet?" Recalling a phrase from her own 
Cher says, "Well, 1 flew out here on „ you're nothi 

Daddy's Lear jet amd enrolled in the parasitic Га 

Free University. w dirt and money. 

ing a course called Trotsky g you ош for fifty thou 

moves three stolen albums hom under- on the Morown Sound. But we were She reaches into her Army surplus 

her Fifth Fleet wker amd both expelled for leading а student pra. 2mmunition-bag purse and throws Lage 

ман off to meet her boyfriend, [5-year test against the CLA research going onin bundles of $100 bills at his feet. 

old Frodo Farina, at the Vatican Disco. the school’s chemistry lab." As Mafioso vetrews, they start singing 

thèque, where whi эп. On After the interview. they are greeted their madrigulrock version of Home on 

the way. she panhandles а welldhesed by the chil ‚ Joe Mafioso, the Range. 

lor ten dollars and immediately Frodo and Cher get up on the stige a 


told Chér Supreme emerges Ic 


Knight Cap 

After a hard day of derring-do, the Hardwick 
Knight caps off the evening in relaxed 
splendor with his favorite damsel and a 
vintage draught. 

Whatever the occasion, the Knight is 
confidently cloaked in his natural shouldered 
authentic Hardwick Blazer. 

The Hardwick Blazer is available in all wool 
flannel and the Year Rounder in 55% Dacron”/ 
45% wool hopsack. Blazers for both knights 
and maids offered in many shades of chivalry. 

About $35. 
(slightly higher in the West) 

бае аа 


De Sou 


Cleveland, Tenressoe simu 

For autographed photo of Te Hardwick Maid end name of n 




of the individual. In a n 
pointing of a finger cr s 

ion of guilt, the failure to talk is f 
But we have the accusatorial system under 
which a person accused is presumed 

inocent, the burden being on the Gov- 
ernment to prove the charge beyond a 
reasonable doubt. 

Our right of privacy includes the right 
to stand mute under police interrogation. 
‘The guilty may be the beneficiaries of 
this privilege. Yet so may the innocent. 
‘There is hardly a person who, though 

wnocent, sometime in his life has not 
been caught in а web of circumstantial 
evidence that might implicate him in a 
minor or a scrious crime. Prosecutions 
are often based on circumstantial evi- 
dence, and he who talks may be making 
concessions that are grist for the prosc- 
cutor's mill. So the right of privacy—the 

li 10 stay mute—expressed in the 
Filth Amendment occupies a high place 
in our scheme of values 

What I have said 
American idea 

represents the 
1. But this right of privacy 
is being more and more invaded, more 
and more violated. 

In the carly days of the New Deal, the 
fth Amendment 
honored. In the Pecora investigation [the 
1933 investigation of American financiers 
by the Senate Committee on 
and Finance] and in the one I conduc 
for the Securities and Exchange Com- 
mission into reor tices, no 
witness was even asked a question when 
it was known he would invoke the privi- 
lege. With the arrival of Senator Joseph 
McCarthy in 1947 on the national scene, 
nvocation of the privilege became a 
badge of infamy. Witnesses were, indeed, 
summoned to see how many times they 

- But I'm sure you ll all agree that whal our new 
Kos manager lacks in ability and experience, he 
more than compensates [от by being my son.” 

le lo voke thc th 
The phrase “Fifth Amend. 
ommunist" became an epithet 
socalled scholars bandied 

could be m 
that е 

Police are supposed to get warrants to 

arch [n 
ииз аг 

es and to arrest. peopl 
seldom issued these d 
Arrests for 
as 7000 a year in the na 
There is of course, no 
me,” except in Madrid, Pel 
cow, Bangkok, Rangoon. 

A lady on welfare who secretly has “а 

ing, Mos 

тап из her welfare 
payments. Midnight raids by inspectors, 
who get into homes without warrants, 

have become common. The inspectors 
are looking for “a man,” whose presence 
means that the female recipient of aid is 
perpetrating a “fraud.” 

Vagrancy laws are used as the excuse 
for arresting innocent people or unpopu- 
lar people or suspects. 

A man in Los Angeles en route to a 
delicatessen at ten м. may resemble 
someone for whom the police are search- 
ing. They bundle him into the car, lock 
him up and book him for "vagrancy" 
while they investigate. Tucson, Arizor 
where the Chamber of Commerce. wel- 
comes refugees from the cold and smog 
ol East Coast winters, despises those refu 
gees who arive penniless. Its v 
Там are among the 7 
y F 

in the winter, their only cime being 
poverty and their urge being not to rapt 
or rob but to feel a warm sun on thefr 

In some Eastern cities, golfers who 
live in the plush arcas of town drop their 
colored caddies off at a nearby bus sta- 

a sen loitering in a 

ue courts convict 20 
men a minute of vagrancy, the victims 
not being aware of the charge until alter 
they are found guilty, 

Though the Constitution protects frec 
speech and the right of assembly, minori- 
ties who exercise those rights often feel 
the rough backhand of the law, An un- 
popular speaker, who makes an audience 
angry, is hauled off to jail, though the 
proper police function is to protect him 
from the mob. 

Breach of the peace is a common cx- 
cuse for an arrest when the only offense 
is spousal of an unpopular cause, JE the 
speaker or picketect resisis. arrest, then 

sisting arrest is а second unconstitu- 

| charge made against him. 
Albuquerque, New. Mexico, a. pro- 
т who cannot sleep amd goes for a 
midnight walk commits the crime of 

tionally, the police could. search 
| warrants only for instruments of 
crime, for contraband (such as heroin) or 

for other illi person's fles. 
his diary. his correspondence, his conver 
sation were from all. searches. 
The police were not free to rummage 
around among one's personal effects and 
seize correspondence, invo 
like. Ones personal effects were in a spe 
cial zone ol privacy that was immu 
from all poli ions. That has now 
been changed by judicial construction 
practically nothing is now inmune [roi 
search and seizure--even о 
phone conversation or hi 
tonfidences with his spouse. 
Electronic surveillance, as well as wi 
is now recognized as a se 
within the meaning of the 
mdment as respects both 
Federal intrusions. Thus. a 

and иге 
Fourth Am 

le capse" is required: 
and the s we must be zeroed 
on specific matters and not а gene 

dragnet se 

Bui beyond police survei 
veillance by private parties. It is estimated 
that private surveillance through wire 
tapping and bugging exceeds ой 

cc is sur 


veillance 200 times. A competitor. a 
rival, another family member, a litigant 
may make a game ош of "b w 
further their private interests. A dient 

who talks to his lawyer in confidence, 
hioner in ihe 
with his priest, is now often 

Iking for 

The “buy be in at sta 
pler on the Lawyer's desk, in the chande 
lier or in inkwell. The receiving set 
may be down the street a block or two. 

The Gov y be implicated. 
The conference room may contain a te 
and everything said by a 
client to his lawyer in а Government 



wailing room may be audited. 
The men dresed as telephone me 
chanics who drive up in a “telephone 

Truck may be Government. men, plicit 

The man ov the woma 

applying lor a 
Government job must disclose his or her 
ind religion, when, by constitutional 
amy qualit 
often ask, 
coming of Christz"—à questio 
qualiis some. religious groups. 
Government questionnaires probe the 
employee's marital relations, his premari 
tal sexual relations. his reading habits. 
he loyalty and security hearings, 
launched by Tranan and extended by 
Eisenhower, have now reached 20,000,000, 
employees of Government agencies and 

those facts are irrelevant to 
ions lor Government work 

ven by Government. agencies 

n the second. 
that dis 

"Do you believe 

of companies having procurement. con 
nans. How one voted. whether one 
owns Paul Robeson records. whether 

Picasso is a hive: 

c artist, whether The 
New Republic ov Supreme Court deci 
sions «d, whether onc 
whom e 

as a friend 
as accused of being 


“I don't condone it, certainly, but there's nothing 
in our code of ethics that specifically forbids it” 

“subversive.” whether thinks that 
Negro and white blood should be mixed 
а blood bank—these are all used as 
ideological tesis. The Fact that any ideo- 
logical test at all is tolerated is shocking 
by Amendment standards. ‘The Fact 
that ideas and. beliefs. as distinguished 
from actions and deeds, are. probed runs 
counter to the Americ constitutional 
ideals. Yet we now seem commi 

As one views the increasing. intrusions 
us realms of 
Two, he is. I think. bound to 
gree that we are approaching what Or 
ı 1084 as follows: "You 

live, from habit that 
be instine—in the assumption that 
every sound you made was overheard,” 

As the divin, per capita. de- 
crcases and people are concentrated into 
smaller and smaller (000 per 
square block in some cities). any privacy 
that a may once h 
But beyond th 



ed to it. 

onvacy. since 

well described 
had ло live 




© had is 
Lisa startling ero- 



sion of privacy due to the preeminence 
of Big Brother. 

We have not, of course, evolved into 

ate мапе, Buc the pattern ol 
surveillance and conformity. that pos 
sexes us marks a gravitation toward the 
collectivistic philosophy. That philosophy 
in ultimate terms requires men to walk 
n unison, unering no “subversive” 
thoughts. reading what the powers that 
be consider orthodox and avociatir 

only with "sale" people. 
Electronics have m. 
te any sanctuary. and. to break. down 

walls that have guarded people's 
confidences. Thus, the police have new 
amd terrifying tools to search out even 
the ideological sir 

The climate of privacy once allowed 
the genius of our people to Hourish. We 
may in time rebel against its loss. Only 
rebellion, 1 think, can 
© suffocation 

le it easy to ре 




save us from 




‘An orchid for your gown, my dear." 



rather than being truly strong—are 
usually frightened men who turn to rape, 
because otherwise their fear of women is 
so great as to make them impotent in 
ermal sexual relations. 

The ad even gives evidence of the 
type of impotence Avis fears. the us 
problem of men who "try harder" pre 
mature ejaculation or the inability to last 
2 minutes flat.” Afraid that even. two 
minutes is too long, Avis talks about girls 
who сап finish in 90, 48 and 47 seconds. 
Frightened by this admission, Avis goes 
hack to its pseudomasculine rape theme 
and assures its sadists-in-a-hurry, “And 
don't think it won't hurt. 

When analytic patients make sig 
nificant emotional. statements, they usu- 
ally call atrention to it in some manner. 
Avis is no exception to the rule. In the 
ext line it admits, “When you wear a 
button. tha WE TRY HARDER, and 
somebody tells you to take it off, tyre 
telling you something about yourself." 
This is se of projectio 
What Avis is g is that it is telling 
us something about itself. The rea 
me g of the phrase in italics is "We're 
telling you something about ourself.” 

Again, Avis tries to asume a strong 
masculine role by restating the first 
headline; but now the underlying weak- 
ness breaking through, — becau: 
the nextto-thedast statement is, 
minutes. If she takes a second long 
wcll her to hand the bution over.” But 
even this much more tentative command 
is now too strong for Avis. It retreats 
completely from its tough. position in the 
last semence, which pleads, “Please 
don't wy to remove it yourself.” 

The ction formation has. as ust 
failed. Though attempting to 


assume a 

position and exposed its fear 
and vulnerability by pleading for meicy. 

not plumb deeper into its psyche and e 
plore the fundamental reason for its fecl- 
ings of inferiority. Here, Adler does not 
go far enough aud we have to tum to 
Freud. Why did Avis assume the fe 
nine role in its earlier advertising, when 
it spoke of being No. 2? Usually, the 
young male adopts a [emir 
attitude to avoid the threat of casti 
Avis is no exception. What does it fear 
but “the loss of ils bution"? Obviously, 
the button here represents the male or 
gan. The question still remains: Who 
does Avis fear? Who is the threatening 
force before whom this mighty corpora- 
tion must prostrate itself if it is not to be 
deprived of its phallic button? Here, too, 
we are supplied with a symbol so clear 
that it cannot be denied, Avis is in mortal 
fear of No. 1. Remember the sentence, 
“Don't think it won't hurt," meaning, of 

(continued from page 152, 

course, that Avis is afraid of hurts or, if 
we alter the spelling slightly, Hertz, the 
dreaded No. 1, the avenging father who 
is ready to castrate the upstart son. 
No wonder poor Avis emphasizes that it 
is only No. it ries. pathetically to 
assume the pose of pseudo masculinity 

Since its attempt at masculinity didn't 
work, we can expect Avis to turn back to 
its old feminine ways. Sure cnough, in 
the next ad, Avis is beginning to unmask 
itself. A ch stic of the anal p 
ality, as Freud has pointed ош, 
miserliness. Gone is its boast of being a 
big spender. Instead, Avis admits, "But 
we're nying to sive а buck." It gives 
sell away completely by inadvertently 
using an old word for [aggot—"we keep 
our cars in cream puff condition." Ob- 
viously a Freudian slip. "Mother" Avis 
is keeping its cars in cream ри} соп 
ion. Why? "Just to keep you happ 
But Avis is not only trying to keep you 
эру. it’s even trying to make up to the 
No. 1. The boys who walk 
lightly know very well that one way to 
avoid the avenger is to seduce him. 
Hence, the promise, “If Avis is out of cars 
from our competition 
not completely forget its 
anal preoccupation with money, so we 
get the admission: “We'll even lock up 
our cashbos and walk you over to the 
И vou have any 
ig 10 seduce No. 1, 
"And don't worn 
bout the car our competition will give 
you. It’s for an Avis customer and they 
know it. This is their chance. 

Everything to please No. 1. Avis will 
even deliv 
give No. 1 
chance at what? 

Having expressed its. anal-masochistic 
fantasies, having failed in its attempt at 
pseudo masculinity, Avis then tries to 
seduce its master by playing homosexual 
slave. Shades of KralltEbing. Now we 
must expect a personality breakdown 
and. sure enough. Avis тергезм from its 
anal position to the earlier oral stage: 
Avis needs you." This constant expres 
sion of need is usually characteristic of 
the oral personality. If you have апу 
doubt of it, the first sentence of this ad 
reads: “We're still a little hungry." ОГ 
course, being oral and therefore bun- 
my, it is not too surprising that the 
last sentence of the ad refers to food: 
“And we know which side our bread is 
buttered on." 

Tn the oral homosexw: 

‚ we often find 

paranoia or pathological suspicion. so 
now Avis treats us to a whole series of 
paranoid ads, One ad boasts about spies 

and, like all par 
tion: "Company spies 
ther is bei 7 OF course, a para- 
oid homosexual hates women and the 
Avis is no exception: 

"That's how our Mr. X carves out a liv- 
ing: bugging Avis girls. Just to sce if he 
1 wipe the smiles off their faces." After 
all, Avis has plenty of men working for 
it, but no, Мт id to torture the 
girls, or that's what they are telling us. 
We all expect other people to feel the 
way we do. Avis is no exception. Being 
suspicious, it expects suspicion from the 
world. "People who notice the low mile 
age on our cars sometimes get a little s 
picious.” Also, paranoids often believe 
they are in imminent danger of annihil 
tion, and friendless (“We know you carry 
that other charge card, 100"). Poor Avis, 
look where its mad passion has led it. 

Howevei can't be a masochist 
without having a sadist, For 

unfor Avis, Heriz, after 
pret we, finally came 

through. Iu a simple, stark—if somewhat 
ambiguous—ad, No. 1 showed its atti- 
iude nonverbally. With a clenched fist 
d a single upraised finger (the indes. 
but this was for family magazines). 
Hertz gave Avis the bird. And though 
one picture is worth 10.000 words 
It turned to the 

The finger is still there, but now 
there's more—"No. 2 says һе tries hard 
ег. Than who” Herz blandly accepts 
the mantle of superiority Avis has so 
consistently offered it and proceeds to 

boast of iis superiority. Where Avis 
offers a quarter, Herz magnanimouslv 
offers Irs really rubbing it in. Al- 

most every line in the ad is designed ло 
say, “Mine is bigger than yours." Even 
the word "blood" gets into the ad, in 
саке Avis has any question about No. I's 
sadism. Finally, the unkindest cut of all, 
pretends to ignore No for at- 
tention and sarcastically ‘Speak 
up No. 3. Is it you tl 

y sadist. it knows that 
indillerence can cause the greatest pain. 

In the next ad, Hertz cor 
theme about being bigger and beucr. lı 

© сү 

even pretends mock sympathy: "les 
tough being No. 2.” After the sympathy. 
it proceeds to ridicule poor No. 9: "If 

you were in the car rental business and 
you were No. 2 and you had only half as 
many cars tooller and about half as many 
locations at which to offer them, and 
fewer people to handle everything, what 
would you siy in your advertising?” 

Sarcasm remains Hertz weapon—sar- 
casm in which Hertz taunts poor Avis for 
is prissiness, finally saying in a nasty 
tone, ^Right, your ashtrays are cleaner. 
It even adds insult to injury by showing 
a Hertz ashtray with a buit in it, a 
say, “а real man doesn't bother about 
this superfussy cl it.” As Hertz 
grows more sadistic, it takes to | 
Avis words and spends half the ad 
boast s superiority. “Ha, ha, all 
you cau we uy hı 
cr. " Again, “Mine is bigger than yours." 
Hertz gives the supreme 





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Playboy Club keyhoiders may 

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sadistic reply. While the masochist. Avis, 
begs to be tortured. Hertz answers, “No, 
I wont": "Aha! You were expecting 
another get tough with Avis ad” 

But at the bottom, Hertz comes to its 
senses. "And now that we've gotten the 
irritation ош of our systems, all future 
advertising will be devoted solely to 
acquainting you with how reliable, re- 
sourcelul, helpful and pleasant we are so 
you'll come in and rent a car from us in- 
stead of our dear friends down the 
м T 

tharsis has again effected a cure. 
Hertz no longer has need of the love 
ate relationship, the sadomasochistic. 
perverse Iove that the two corporate sin- 
ners laid bare for all the world to sce 
The open expression of its fcclings has 
helped, as it usually does. 

Avis. too. seems 10 have overcome its 
1 masochistic passion and begins to 
le for its freedom. Not only is it 
willing to fight for itself, it even offers to 
lead others in a comradely struggle for 
their emancipation: "No. 2s of the 
world, arise!” It proclaims its willingness 
10 give up its impotence and arise. 

Regrettably, Avis suffered a relapse. 
Ina recent ad, we see a hand with a raised 
index finger accompanied by а half-raised 
middle finger. The copy reads, “Would 
u believe Avis is Number 1142" It is 
а spurious boast, however: that detumes 
cent middle finger is obviously а rever- 
sion to ci tasies. A 
careful look at the ad indicates that there 
is good reason for the recurrence of neu- 
tonc behavior In tiny print, we read, 
“Avis Rent a Car System, Inc. А world 
wide service of ITT.” Now Avis is in 
real trouble. Here is a powerful father 
from whom it will shrink in primeval 
fear. Yet, in time, Avis may grow 
to identify with its stong-willed parent, 
Intemational Telephone and Telegraph, 
and find a truly masculine self-image. 

The latest set of ads indicates that 
there is hope. Gone is the emphasis on 
violence and self-pity. One recent ad 
shows a pretty Avis girl who is so self- 
assured that she can immediately relate 
Ithough in a some 
what devious manner—by winking. One 
means you're in business, while two 
winks will get you a compact. Of course, 
she is not allowed to be promiscuous; 
over three winks and you are to “dis 
regard the message. It’s strictly against 
company policy.” 

We are so sanguine about the whole 
thing that we venture to predict Avis 
complete recovery in the near future, In 
fact, it may be time to turn our attention 
to а dilerem medium—television. Just 
what, for instance, is going on with that 
armored fellow bestride his white horse 
who finds it necessary t0 roam the 
countryside trying 10 make everyone very 
lean? That's quite a Jance he's got there. 


to her customers, 

CRIMINAL MENTALITY (continued from page 105) 

fairly comfor 
der for profit, or rev 

will show that what appeared to pre 
Gipitate his visit to the psychiatrist was 
trouble with his wile, and that the psy- 
chiatrist urged him to return next week 
at the same time—but he never did 

The people he is planning to kill 10 
morrow mean nothing to him. Chances 
re he doesn't even know them yet. But 
he knows dimly they will be women, ‘To 

up all night. maki 

этом, after 

over and he is being led away manacled 
from the bodies. surrounded by news 
permen and television photo, 
will smile and say, no. he isn't sorry he 
did it and. no, he had no particular rea- 
son to do it except that he wanted. to 
become famous. 

It would perhaps not be good public 
policy 10 pursue further this sketch of a 
mythical murderer, Several recent mass 
murderers have said they were 
spired" to horror by the үт given 

previous mass mu 
know that such publicity cin 
more than a trigger асса 
ng a homicidal drive already deepset. 

. releas 

Tn recent months, a Minnesota farmer 
shot and killed his w а fne in 
which his four children burned to death; 
1 2Lycarold high school dropout shot 
and killed a family of nine in Canada: 
їрєт high on the tower of the Universi 
ty of Te п killed 13 people 
and wounded 31: a man entered. an 
aparin igo and strangled eight 
student another man shot five 

e and s 


nother invaded a beauty 

Arizona, forced five 

acular and seem- 

the floor and shor the 

Such shocking, spec 
ingly senseless crimes make us wonder 
whether 7a criminal mentality," or "killer 
instinct." exists and what cin be done 10 
protect ourselves from its work, Thi 
cle explores those questions and тєшєй 


«c of 
a is a peaceable ani 
mal, though this should hardly be neces 
sary if one remembers. Auschwitz As 
Komad Lorenz has shown. of all the са 
hiveres. only two Tack built-in inhibi 
inst killing me th 
nd m 

Tt may be well to dispose at 
the notion that n 

r own 

species rats 

AN hom 
tween kill 
group and Killing outsiders. The latter is 
called "warfare": the former, der 
ince man does nor feel inhibited against 
kill 1 kind. he has enacted Laws 
ish murder, Nonethe 

aies distinguish be- 
members of one’s own 

inst it. We pu 

nge. or jealousy, or 
" motive that we can killer or the mures st 
murder ferent. They diller even from the emo 

nd. What shocks us is 
* What shocks and be- 
»hiens us most of all is 1949 sl; 

without reas 

mass murder 
Some mas murders are completely the diagnosis was schizophren 
H. people can accept t 
Holmes lured more than 20 ladies 10 his kill. (Acuially, they seldom do: 
castle in Chicago, mulated most 
of them, married some and dispatched 
shocked. but. mot. bewil- 
dered: greed they could understand, In der.) What bothers people about the 
¢ paroled from noni 
em- he simply 
barked on a series of stickups, killed a ties do not yield to ratio 
re Spectacular inexplicable с 
il Gilly public attention to а fact al 

1948, two young 

ory guard had tr 
entered the home péris must. co 
or instead, took this man and ply do not know much 

went to ser! 

of his super 
e and daughter to a cornfield, shot 
ensuing Day in, day out, jud 
people с 
« 10 impede their flight. keep, and m 
with under those adjudged dangerous 10 society; 

who happen 
illed both. but 

Perhaps you misunde 

ge and flight 

are comprehensible. 
able with mur- But the emotions aroused by the Aus 

sniper or the Arizona. beauty parlor 
angler ае dif- 

ns aroused by Howard Unruh, who in 
ightered 13 people in Camden. 
New Jersey; for Unruh was psycho 

ides that lunari 

n under 

cannot often org; 

taking as LS especially mass mur 
sane unmotivated murderer is that 
annot be explained. His activi 
al analysis. 
me simply 

C ex 

front every day: We sim. 
bout the roots of 


ges MUST assess 
wardens must 

minal respons 
w uy t0 


А stood. . . . T just said that I 
wished you Mother truckers would be more careful. . . . 




250 Schizophrenic parent: 

parole boards must decide when it is 
safe to loose a prisoner on society. These 
are sometimes life-and-death decisions. 
And they must involve the roots of 
crime. Yet knowledge and theory on this 
subject are a treacherous swamp 
Through this swamp flow three main 
streams of thought. One is the theory 
that criminality is biologically condi 
tioned, or even inherited. An tralian 
physician, Cesare Lombroso, in 1876 
postulare the born criminal. Lombroso 
siid he had established by anthropologi- 
cal measurements that the physical and 
psychological characteristics of criminals 
dilfered strikingly from those of nor 
criminals. But soon a British study cx- 
ploded them and, as psychoanalysis arose, 

Lombrow became almost a joke. In 
103). however, Earnest’ Hooton, an 
American anthropologist, after studying 

15,000 criminals, published his view that 
criminals are biologically inferior to non 
criminals. Dr. William H. Sheldon, after 
studying seve delinquent 
young men. concluded that there 
necessary relationship between 

type—physique—and temperament; 
work is an attempt to ground psych 
in biology. He found thive ki 
linquents—people who ger into trouble 
because of mental or medical insufh 
v (eae. teeblemindednes), because 
of psychotic or neurotic difficulties or 
because of none of and for no 
other apparent reason. This last, Sheldon 
termed the component of "primary 
criminality.” In most cases, all three com 
ponents were intermingled. In a con- 
siderable number of the boys, Sheldon 
discerned the component of "primary 
minality." He thought that he had 
his series ol «т ls the 

ids of de 


seen in 
same th 
меси ате qualitative differences in. per 
sonalities that. because of imadeq 
techniques, eluded them, Sheldon 
gested that further biological studies 
may show that “delinquency may reside 
the cellular morphogenotype." He 
intained that the parents of his delin- 
quents were themselves. delinquent. and 
in “very much the sime way" 
about that du 

g Lombroso and Hooton had 

and to 
r boys 

the same di 


lier. a C 
ported that of the identical twins of 13 
convicts, 10 had also served prison terms 
—but that of the nonidentical twins of 


ı psychiatrist had re- 

17 convicts. only 2 had. He concluded 
that criminality was biologically de 
termined and hereditary. Dr. Franz 

Imann has advanced the view that 
schizophrenia is hereditary. He has re- 
ported that the mathematical probability 
of suffering schizophre only 85 per 
cent in the general population, but is 
164 percent among the children of onc 
11 percent for 

а nonidentical twin of a person who has 
schizophrenia, but it is 85.8 percent for 
1 of a schizophrenic 
always been split be 
tribute mental di 
order to physical causes and those who 
ly emotional origin. 
ost psychiatrists do not. consider the 
case for heredity proved (but it has 
never been disproved, either). Until a fe 
years ago, the work of Hooton, Sheldon 
: gely ignored. 
discovered the 
g drugs. 
such as chlorpromazine (Thorazine) and 
reserpine (Serpasil), on mental patients, 
the whole biological school of thought 
gained sudden ascendancy. Too sudd 
perhaps—false hopes were sometimes 
raised. and the drugs have not proved to 
be cure-alls for mental illness. Neverthe- 
less, interest in the drugs stimulated 
метем in biological research, especially 
iochemistry. te. this work has pre 
duced по final answer on the “cause” of 
mental illness—indeed, it is unlikely to 
«lo so, since a single cause for so complex 
and varied a phenomenon is unlikely 
But it has focused the interest of labora 
tory men on human behavior. 

The second broad. school of thought 
about the roots of criminality is sociologi 
cal. As everybody knows, children who 
grow up in slums, badly treated ar home 
and poorly educated at school, 
rounded by teenage delinquency. are 
kely to end up in prison. Studies have 
documented it, fiom such great sociologi 
cal works of the 1920s and 1930s at the 
The Gold Coast 
and the Slum, The Gang and Delinquen- 
су Areas, down to the HARYOU work of 
the 1960s, They show that certain areas 
of the city favor criminal behavior— 
slums in the older parts of the city where 
housing is bad. schools are crowded, 
poverty is great, family and community 
life disorganized, recreational facilities 
few, and a tradition of delinquent be 
havior is passed on from one generation 
to another, as is the tradition of eating 
with a spoon. Other studies showed, too, 
that “white-collar а 
tax evasion, and so on—inaeased 
of neighborhood disapproval. 

But the sociologists could nor explain 
everything, as they themselves said 
What of the slum boy who grows up 
straight? What of the suburban boy en- 
joying ali the outward “advantages” who 
goes wrong? The sociologists called at 
tention to many important problems of 
our cities, problems that are today made 
saeamingly acute by the Negro revolu 
tion. But in the end, they concluded th 
of all the factors involved in criminality 
the most important was the subile emo- 
tional relationship among members of 

the identical twi 

Psychiatry 1, 
tween those who 

insist it is of pu 


elects of certain tranquilizi 


bi To d 


ne" —embezzleme; 

Increased, removing the brake 

the family. And this is far closer to 
psychiatry than to sociology. 

The third theory of the roots of crime 
¢ psychiatrie view: that crime is the 
product of psychic deficiency or dis- 
order. Like the psychoses, the neuroses 
nd the use of alcohol and drugs. crime 
is merely опе way of solving problems, 
of resolving conflicts. The “sick” person- 
ality is the factor that predisposes а man 
10 crime; the social environment triggers 
the explosion, (Sociologists would put it 
the other way around.) The dificul 
with the psychiatric theory is that men 
tal hospitals are full of psychotics who 
committed no crimes; while prisons are 
full of people who could not be called 
cither psychotic or ncurotic—and the 
free world is full of people who have 
suffered severe psychic traumas and. yer 
have never committed felonies nor 
declared. insane, 

Eleanor and Sheldon Glueck have at- 
tempted to synthesize views, 
matching 500 delinquent boys with 500 

jondelinguent boys and studying them. 
with Dr. William Sheldon’s body-typing, 
psychology's Rorschach testing of person- 
ality structure and the techniques of soci 
ology. They have found that although 
both groups of boys came from under- 
privileged neighborhoods, the deli 
quents individual homes were markedly 
inferior to the nondelinquents’ and so 
were their relations with their familics; 
and they differed significantly. Irom the 
wondelinquenis in both body type and 
personality structure. The Gluecks con- 
cluded that delinquency results from the 
interplay of biological. psychological and 
cultural factors. 

Hardly anyone today questions that 
the sociological and psychiatric views of 
criminality have validity, and some H 
lieve the biological view may be valid, 
100. None alone sems sufficient, for 
some aimir it traits that support 
one theory but not the others. some ex- 
hibit two or all three and а few exi 
at Teast as far as we can disc 

The members of this last group, the 
group that shows no discernible patholo- 
gy—the seemingly "normal" boy who 
may have grown up in an "average" 


the thiee 

home and shows no biological predispo- 
sition to crime, the boy who kills for no 
apparent rewon—are usually labeled 

“psychopathic personality." ‘The psycho- 
pathic personality has been called. "the 
wastebasket of psychiatry,” into which a 
dumped ай men who are not psychotic, 

пог neurotic. not mentally deficient 
yel there is something very wrong 
with them. Sometimes they are called 

sociopaths, They seem to 1 
war with th 

warriors, at 

world; and upon occasion, 
some sort of psychic storm seems to 
overtake nd they kill “senseless 
ly." The psychopath is not “insane.” He 
knows who he is and where he is and 


Campus shirts keep on performing. They 
really hang in there! They feature. new 
“SOIL RELEASE" which means even lip- 
stick won't stain—everything washes out 
but the colors. And the fabrics are great— 
like 65% Dacron” polyester, 35% cotton, 

which all bur take care of themselves 
because they're Never-Iron*. Price — only 

$4 and $5. Maybe you'd like a couple for 


At fine stores all over, or write Campus Sweater and Sportswear Company, 3955 Euclid Avenue. Cleveland, Ohio 41115. 



time it is. He dwells in our world, 
the fantasy world of psychosis. He 
of ¢ intelligence 
motions are out of kiler: his 
“character.” is 

may be 


ut his 
moral development, hi 
de He ^ consequences 
of criminal acts to “Teel” 
them. He never learns bx experience. He 
never feels remorse or shame. He is 
never sorry he Killed. He is the stranger 
among us. He rejects society and ану ob- 
ligation to it, He has never learned to 
wait, He lacks brakes. He is unpredica- 
ble. He is cold, remote: he cannot be 
reached by the chaplain’ exhortations or 
the jailer’s blows or the psychiatrist's 
ministrations, He is a wanderer: earlier 
in American history, he went West. (and 
today he often dwells in the tri 
gles of our civilization). He is impulsive, 
mma 1 unstable. He commits the 
daring, dangerous crimes—bank. robbery, 
assault. таре, cop killing. He is the mobs 
ved killer 
Опе m; 
1 смс 


cient nows" 


He commits the “senseless” 
ı called him а “rebel 


We do not know what produces him. 
Perhaps he docs not exist: perhaps “pyy- 
chopathic personality” is only a tem we 
have invented fà 
Class, for those who Рае u 
may be the “bor 

fit no other 
ишег. He 
that Lom- 
jor" that 
sociologists saw, the “delec 
that the psychiatrists 
ilure at resolving the Oedipal 
triangle thar the psych 
ratlike, animalistic aggressor without inhi- 
bition that the ‘apologists saw, the 
“pla that Повесте 
knew—or the ^mad«log Killer" of tomor 
rows headlines. And he may be only an 
imaginary beast we conjure up in the 
darkness of our ignorance. 

those wh 

broso saw, the “biological infe 
Hooton saw, the “primary 
that Sheldon saw. the teenage 
that the 
tive supereg 
the classic 



MI this i more than theoretical 
ce. To put the matter somewhat 

il Sheldon is right. if crimi 
у resides in the cellular morphoxeno- 

then the solution is. sterilizationz 

if the sociologists are rishi, then we must 
totally rebuild our cities; if the psychia- 

wists ave right, we must put a psychia- 
irist in every kindergarten. Stating the 
matter thas extremely suggests the im 
portance of theory ло public policy. Pub- 
policy for the protection of societv— 
should it be? Ideally, it would 
ice. Bur it can 
should we do? 
ied with the pro. 
v. the 


iestricably entw 

эп of society is, in a free soc 
protection. of individual freedom. 

Ic is no exaggeration to say that the 
adi ion of criminal justice is the 
һем measure society. бо meas. 
our soci 



y seems superior to, say 

China's or Cuba's, though it exhibits scr 
ous Haws, Despite high-court strictures, 
100 many police still hold. suspects ille- 
gally and extract force. 
Too often the adversuy system makes 
trials contests by trickery. not searches 
for truth, Overzealous prosecutors with- 
hokt important evidence: overzealous 
defense lawyers coach witnesses and 
even subvert jurors. Only recently have 
state courts heen obliged 1o provide 
counsel in noncapiral cases, Occasionally, 
the innocent. are. convicted: more alten, 
we hope. the guilty go fee. Evewitnesses 
itke mistaken identifications, Innocent 
men with previous criminal records are 
in great d The press influences 
juries. Poli pressures and private 
prejudices sway judges. Incqui 

tenced to a lor 

[cessions by 

ible se 

are common—a man сап be se 

m of years for stea 
cows in a rural area bur given prob; 
tion for robbery in the city. А man can 
spend his life on skid row, iu and out of 
jail almost constantly. and never see a 
lawyer: Criminal justice simply doesn't 
operate here. Almost no adulterers. for 
hicators, drunken drivers and people 
û bet on the numbers are prosecuted 
and pi 1 of 
those who commit major felonies. More 

do, propor 
white men, Almost no rich m 


пау only al 

и 30 pere 

ı thim rich men go to prison. So 

ed 13 
t only four 
1 four of 

uitely, more Negroes th 
ted. One prosecutor who obta 
ih penalties recalls. ih 
actually were executed. aud 
those were Negroes. 

Bat progress occurs. Inaeasingly, i 
comis protec the rights of the accused, 
despite ignorant ouaries of “coddling 
ils." The law moves slowly, but it 
moves. and one has the impression 
improving the quality of justice in 

One question the judge must decide is 
the limit of er 1 responsibility. Абе 
1813. MeNaghien: Rule applied—a 
man was responsible for his acs if he 
possessed the ability to know their nature 
to distinguish right from 
1934. the District of Columbi. 
Circuit Coun of Appeals in Washing. 
ton, D.C, set forth instead. the Dur- 
ham Rule—a man is not criminally liable 
the product of mental 
se or defect.” Last year, Congress r 
pealed the Durham Rule, but the Presi- 
dem vetoed the bill; the courts are still 
deciding cases in this shadowland. while 
eminent Lawyers and jurists 
new formulas, Meanwhile, in trial courts 
the shameful contest between oppo 
apert" witnesses continues. The m 
accused of killing cight nurses in Chi 
o in July 1966 was adjudged fit to st 
ial and convicted. On the other hand, 
killer of 



U was 

Unruh, the Camden 
1940, judged insane, Sometimes 
the decision on who gos то prison ai 

who gocs to a mental hospi 
almost capricious, 

In rhe. past. if a man was found not 
responsible because of mental illness. he 
was consigned to a mental hospital until 
he recovered his s 
tial, Bur a few months ago. a n 
had been found not guilty by ri 
"йү sued for release from St 
beths Hospital in Washington, cla 
he had received no раче аніс treatment 
there: and the appellate court remanded 
the case “The purpose of involuntary 
hospitalization is treatment, not punish- 
- Absent treatment, the hospital 
sfonmed - . . imo a penitentiary 
where one could be held indefinitely for 
The patients 
By thus 





ed ollense. . 
mem ds clear. 
aserting the “right lo treatment. 
count ako spotlighted the facts t 
such good public mental hospitals as 
St. Elizabeths are woefully unable 10 
allord th. 
undersanding ol 
methods to neat it ае woefully f 

Once a man is adjudged responsible 
and guilty and sent to prison, society. i 

no convic 
Tight to 


the person of the warden, guards and, 
aore enlightened jurisdictions, social 

workers and psychologists and even psy- 
chianists. undertakes the task of "rcha- 
bilirating" him—reshaping him so he ca 
someday safely be set free. This ellort is. 
almost without exception, a farce. How 
am they rehabilitate а man in prison un 
less they know what drove him there in 
the first place? Teaching a convict to 
weld fenders may keep him out of mis 
chief while he is in prison, bur it has lit- 
ile to do with what made him a c 
and is unlikely to him and so 
prevent hi g his aime 


his rela 
з. pro 
bur if his cellmate ds an expe 
ober. he is more likely 

t elders wisdom than the counselor's 
or the teacher's or the chaplains Keep 
ing a bank robber busy in a prison indus- 
пу may keep him out of trouble in 
prison; it is not likely ro persuade him ıo 
mend his ways, Putting à man out on an 
m camp may 
nce him it is better to stay than to 
z it is not likely to make lı 
tiren, Providing 
lor ло help him with his prison made 
such as а пау 
help bim sleep beter in his cell; it has 
nothing to do with rehabilitation. For it 
was пот асу, or "poor work habits, 
w indifferent relatives, or any of the rest 
that brought him to prison in the first 
place it was something che, we know 

ves to 
ig a chap 
re all very well: 

to heed 

farm. or conservation 


faithless wife, 

“ALLL know is every December 25th I wake up and this jolly 
little Jat fellow is in bed with me. . . .” 

As if owning a Rembrandt ог a Hals weren't 
enough, we've added something new to the pleasures of 
great art: great Bourbon. 

Once again we're putting up Beam's Choice Bour- 
bon in Collector's Edition bottles for the Holidays. You 
can choose a Rembrandt, a Hals, a De Keyser (the paint- 
ing of the dandy on horseback), or a Holbein portrait. 
And it'll cost you no more than our less artistic year- 
round bottle. 


The new pleasures of collecting art. 

The Beam family strongly recommends this new 
way to collect art. For the following reasons: 

1. It can save you a few million over the originals. 
2. You don't have to worry about forgeries. (We admit 
the paintings on our bottles are reproductions; but the 
masterpiece inside is the real thing.) 

And 3, giving a friend Beam's Choice in a Collec- 
tor's Edition Vol II bottle shows you know he appreci- 
ates the finer things in life. Within and without. 

Beams Choice 

Eight year old Bourbon. Charcoal filtered after aging 

not what. And until we do know, reh: 
bilitation inside prison is а myth. Ind. 
prison, far from protecting society, 
cielys enemy. It does not fit men fo 
freedom. It prisonizes men, makes them 
wholly unfit for life in the complicated 
free world. It teaches far more young 
e than 10 repent. teaches them 
techniques, not lawful voca- 
The fact is that most "rehabilita- 
programs are designed to ease the 
s lot—and no wonder. lor big 
prisons are so crowded, so heterogeneous 
and so filled with the world's mislits and 
failures and warriors that simply keeping 
the place running without riot is all but 
impossible, Busy, reasonably contented 
convicts are less likely to mutiny than 
idle malcontents, But this has nothing 10 
do with rehabilitation. The busiest. most 
contented convict in the prison may be 
the most dangerous to release; he has 
learned to live in prison, which means he 
is unifit lo live outside it. Only a hard- 
core few dangerous Giminals need 
maximum-security imprisonment to pro- 
tect society—but thousands upon thou. 
sands of other miscreants get it. Nearly all 
are worsened by it, Some boys could safe- 
ly be released after the first night in the 
prison reception cell, On the other hand, 
some armed robbers ought 10 be locked 
up forever: they axe warriors and they will 
continue their war on the world when- 

men to hi 

ever able. Some murderers—situational 
murderers—coult safely be ser free the 
day after their arrest. One such was 

called the Spagheui Man. He and his 
family had been on relief a long time. 
They had no job. no money. and they 
had noth it but spaghetti. Finally 
his He got a job as a Tibor 
сг. He brought home a ten-dollar ad- 
vance on his wages and told his wile to 
go out the next day and buy the biggest 
sirloin steak she could find. That night, 
he сате home and found her drunk. 
wearing a mew har and swaying back 
and forth in front of the stove. What was 
she cooking? Spaghetti. He knocked her 
downstairs and her neck was broken. He 
was uselesly sentenced to 1 to 14 years. 

Increasingly enlightened thought holds 
that punishment should fit the criminal, 
now th tishment alone 
scems nor to have successfully protected 
society, it is now generally believed that 
not punishment but treatment should be 


Since pu 

the goal. But in the present мше of 
knowledge. this seems almost an idle 

Meanwhile, 98 percent of rhe me 

sent to prison someday return to free so- 
ciety. Most return worse than they left 
And hall of them com 
new aimes It is surprising. that 
record is not worse, 

about onc 

The true interest of society lies not in 
apprehending, dealing justly with and 

imprisoning criminals after they have 
committed crimes but in identifying 
them before they commit them. Soi 
times this is possible. Warning signs may 
rly in a boy's Ше—һе may hide 
senselessly, develop odd cating 
bits. throw his mother’s perlume down 
the sink, become afraid to walk on grass, 

seem polite but remot ad strange, fall 

behind in his studies, set fire to his 
parents’ bedroom, break furniture and, 
growing older. molest a child and ran 

sack а neighbors house without stealing 
anything. A few years ago, a boy in New 
Jersey did just this. No criminal charges 
were filed, but his worried parents took 
him voluntarily to New Jersey's famed 
new diagnostic center. A doctor there, 
iher studying him for a month as a 
voluntary paying patient, got the “diag- 
nostic impression" of schizophrenia but 
did not consider him sick enough 10 rec 
ommend commitment to à mental hospi 
tal. He said [шет that if the boy had 
been sent to him by juvenil . he 
would have recommended cither putti 
him in an institution or sending him 
home under supervision. Bur he had 
а voluntary patient: so whe 

ys ended. he went home 


w parents of criminals go 10 so 
much trouble to try to help their boy be 
fore it happens, Few institutions arc as 
good as New Jersey's diagnostic center 
What can we expect from less conscien 
tious parents and worse state institutions? 

Thumbing through prison files, one 
finds with dreary monotony a terrible if 
less bizarre story repeated —drunken Га. 
ther and absent mother and truant child. 
rebellious boy and petty pilfering and 

juvenile court, runaway boy and discipli 
mary school, car theft and probation, 
carrying concealed. weapons and broken 
probation amd reformatory. parole and 
broken parole and reformatory, release 
and 1 penitentiary— 
and so on the electric 

MIL поо 
psychiatrists they 
hody—and do. There we 
ings in the lives of both thy 
and the asasin of President Kenne 
dy. People ask. Why wasn't something 
done? Why does gnostic center 
or a juvenile court, discovering warning 
signals carly in a boy's life, isolate him 
immediately from society? The answer is 
that the patient’s—and the boy's rights 
are involved, Courts and psychiatrists 
have no legal right to lock up somebody 
because they think that someday di 
might kill. Not every wayward boy turis 
ош to be a murderer, And anyway, we 
simply cannot put a psychiatrist in every 
kindergarten—there are fewer than 20.000 
psychiatrists in the United States and 
most are in private practice. And even 
that is no sure answer, as our New Jersey 
case indicates. 
Nevertheless. those two саке 
sum boy and the strange New Jersey 
hoy—do suggest three lines of action 

The slum boy might have a chance if 
the slum were eliminated. Although 
slums do not “cause” crime, the high 
crime rate there—and the high percent 
aye of Negroes in prisons, пот becuse 
Negroes are “more criminal” but because 
they more disadyantaged—argues 
powerlully that we must spend the bil 
necessary to alter. fundamentally 
the character of our disintegrating ci 

Second. те chance of identifyius 

med robbery an 
sometimes 10 

fren, patiems tell private 
mend to kill some 
privare warn- 
Austin sniper 



“You get ofj that ice pond this 
minule, you filthy litile boy!” 




troubled. youngsters early argues power- 
fully for spending more public money to 
train psychiatrists and school guidance 
eciors, establishing juvenile diagnostic 
i; our minds to work 
on how to protect society against in- 
cipient criminality without infringing on 
the rights of the youngsters. 

Third, prison reform is essential. It is 
not too much to the prison sys- 
tem as it exists should be abolished. It 
does not reform the criminal. It fails to 
protect society. When we know how to 
prevent. ari rehabilite criminals, 
we will not put them into prison to do it. 
bolish prisons. Meanwhile, we 
ought to stop making men worse in pris- 
ons, Various steps can be taken, includ- 
ing these: Build a wide variety of prison 
farms and camps, mediunesecurity insti- 
tutions and facilities for the criminally 
insane, to permit dassificati 
tion of inmates; raze such 

as the 

least brea 
put under Civil Service and raise 
the salaries of guards, parole and prob 
tion supervisors and prison classification 
nerease the supply of psychiatric 


"Gee, it must be pretty serious. They 

advice to parole and d tion boards; 
let about half the inmates out of all 
maximumsecurity prisons; and enforce 
ironclad security measures on dangerous 

But, in the long run, what is needed is 
more research into the causes of с 
пайку, Research is going forward at sev- 
eral private institutions, but not enough 
of it. At present, no Federal research 
program on crime exists. One would be 
costly, but so is crime. 

Ic seems likely that all such programs 
—rebuilding the cities, reorganizing the 
prison system, training personnel 
stalling schools and diagnostic centers, 
rescarch—may have to await. resolution 
of the Vietnam war. But perhaps even 
before money becomes available, forward 
planning could start and would probably 
be more fruitful than further Congres- 
sional debate on the "gun law." The ulti- 
mate emphasis should be on a program 
of research bearing directly on the roots 
of criminali wil we know far 
more ihan we know now, there is not 
much we cam do to prowa oursely 
What we don't know can kill us. 

going to call in his accountant.” 


(continued from page 108) 

vaudeville-burlesque-Borscht Belt cir 
cuit. You've never talked much about your 
personal background on the air or off, 
other than to say that you're from the 
Midwest and that you were once an 
amateur magician, Would you like to fill 
us in on the rest? 

Towa. No cracks, please. I'm the product 
of a typical middle-class upbringing. My 
futher was then a lineman for the pow 
district; that means a guy who climbed 
up and down telephone poles. Later on. 
he became the power district's manager. 
and he has since retired. We moved 
ound to different small towns— places 
like Clarinda, Shenandoah, Avoca. I 
ted school in Avoca, Towa. 1 think I 
cight when we moved to. Norfolk, 
Nebraska, а town of about 10,000, 1 will 
never forget looking down оп Main 
eet [rom а fourth-fooi i 

hotel window 
ng how high up 1 was and 

marveling at so much trafic down in the 

1 think it was that same year 1 first 
realized 1 could make people Laugh. I 

played Popeye in a school skit—you 
know, imitating him, with that funny 
voice. My sister Catherine and my 
brother Dick [now Carson's director] and 
I grew on up through high school there 
folk. We had a big frame house in 
It was a typical small-town Mid- 
boyhood. Dick and I fished and 
n the Elkhorn river, and 
summers the family would vacation at 
Jake in Minnesota. | was at a friend's 
home one day when I picked up an old 
book I saw: Hofjman’s Book of M. n 
described all the standard tricks and 
how to make some of the equipment 
yourself, and there was an ad for a kit of 
stuff from a mail-order place in Chicago. 
So 1 sem away for it and the stol 
came, and ] couldn't think about any- 
thing else but making things and work- 
ing with the magic. D ordered every 
ulog advertised and read them from 
cover to cover, and spent every quarter 

skinny dipped 

І could get for more stull. Finally, one 
Chr I got this magician's table with 
blick-velvet cover. 1 have never since 

en anything more beautiful than that 
was to me. The next thing was ventrilo 
quism. E bought a mailorder course, also 
from Chicago, for 5 
PLAYBOY: When did you first гел 
wanted ıo be ап entertainer? 
CARSON: I just can't say I ever wanted to 
become an entertaii dy was one, 
sort of—around our house, at school, do- 
ing my magic tricks, throwing my voice 
and doing the Popeye impersonations 
People thought 1 was funny; so 1 kind of 
took entertaining for granted. I was lull 
of card tricks, too. Around the house, I 
ways telling anybody I saw, “Take a 

ize you 


pecially woven fur the worlds largest brewer by a nationally 
kie carpet company. These 28" a 36” dcc 
are used in his dice, his hone, on his yacht, ard aboard rhe 
arany plane 
The bright maroun order sts off the 1 
n шшш colors ol т, 

cus "A and E 
v. gold and b 

М and iie rag ё com 
пдеу wasabi, Just the ching lor your den or dem 
Vy xclusive diaributies lor chis rug, we сап aller a limited 

ovde (f che brewing industry 

minder би adc 

Price: $12.00; add 65c for postage- 
Check or money orders must accompany order; nc COD's. 
‘Money-back guarantee if not completely satisfied. 

8227 Maryland Avenue - Clayton 5, Missouri 

‘Offer volo in states where prontbited by law. 


Of mellow gold finish, 
Perfect for playboys and 
playmates. $5, ppd. 


Send check or money order to: PLAYBOY PRODUCTS 
919 N. Michigan Ave. e Chicago, Illinois 606! 
Playboy Chih veyhnlders may chareebyenclosing hey. 

Statement of ownership, management and cir- 
tu (Act of October 2 Sertion 4369, 
Tale 39, U мез Code). 1. Date of N 

September 1967. 2. “Title of publica 

y of ie: Monthly. 4 1 
v of puhlicanon: 91) N. 
Cook County, TIL 60611 
al busi 

‘of publisher, edita 
ма Бай 

T330 N 
1.7. Owner: HMH Publishing Co. 1, 
Michigan Ave, Chica, Ш. The 
dresses of stuck! ng or holding one 

‚10 М. 

alders aw 

pe more wf total amount of stock: Сіс 
L. Hefner, 1922 N. New England, Ch n 
Hugh M. Hefner, 1340 N. Stare Pkwy Chicago. 

UL; Keith Hefner, 1340 N. Stale Pkwy, € 

HL; Victor A. 1, и, 45 Park Lo. 
Arthur. Paul, 1530 Forest Ave 
ldem Sellers 1200 N. Lake Share 

(1) Sales th 
and counter sales, 3,243,135 
999,087: С 
D. Fere distriburton. by 

tices, sitet vendo 
(2) Mail subscription 
кисайашөз, 4242,2 

mail, carrier or uber means, 12711; К. Total 

iistriburton, 4,254,933; F. Olive use, ебет, 
mied, spoiled aher priming, el, 

G. Total, 4,496,273. Single iste mearest to Hil 

are: A. Та 

V mo, copies pr BEY 
її) Sates һе 
street vendors and rounter sak 
їз) Mail subscriptions, 1,054,304 
] cireulanion, 4,353,653; D, Free dis: 

lanien, aers 

1S. Preuss, Business Manaver. 

у саг” Tt was inevitable that 

Га start giving little performances. My 
lust onc was for my mother's bridge 
club. They thought I was great; and I 

felt great. making my mother so proud, 
you know? And after that I went 
lw give shows at Sunday-school parties, 
church socials, anywhere they'd have 
T was 14 when I earned my first fee 
п the Nor 
to get a 


for my act—three dollars. fro 
folk Rotary Club. Then I be: 
fee like that at picnics, county f: 


Clubs, service clubs, chambers of com 
merce. 1 was billed as “The Great Carso- 
ni" wearing a cape my mother had 
sewed for me. In schoc was into eve 

except sports. 1 went out. for 
all, but the first time 1 ran with the 
ball and gor tackled. the next thing 1 re 
member is the coach looking down in my 
face and asking if E was all right. He rec 
ommended that 1 give my full extracur 
ricular time to other activities, I was in 
every school play, wrote a column for 
the school paper. everything. I got pretty 
good grades, but most of my effort was 
directed elsewhere. 

By 1943, when I gradu: 

ed from Nor- 

folk High. T was making pretty fair pin 
moncy with my ad. Funny th 
though. 1 still didn’t have any inteni 

of entera 
still very small town in my outlook, It 
would be another three or four years be 
fore Fd find ош that the Causkills 
weren't a dance team. E was still playing 
with the idea of becoming a. psychiatrist, 
engineer or a journalist. And I had 
decided on engineering when I entered 
college. But the War was on, you know, 
and 1 was accepted for a V-12 program 
that would get me a Naval Air commis- 
sion: but they sent me to Columbia Uni 
versity’s midshipman school instead; 
there just weren't any lying. train 
о ». | got my ensign's com. 
n to the P 
battleship Pennsylvan 
а footlocker of gear To home 
and D emtertained the offica men 
every chance 1 got. In the comedy bits, 
Td knock officers: the enlisted 
men loved. that. when 
Guam. 1 did the same thing thi 

Finally, when I got out tered the 
University of. Nebraska, th с пуй 
journalism, 1 thought it would help me 
lam to write comedy. But that who 
bit couldn't have 

ng аз a serious carcer, 1 was 

nings th 

€ on the 

ud we 



Later, I was at 

bored me more, so I switched to radio 
and speech. И was while D was at the 
university that L got my first radio job for 
ten dollars a week at the local station, 
WOW, for playing in a comedy Western 
called. Eddie Sosby and the Radio Rang 
ers, It came on three mornings а week 
and D had to ger permission to be 15 
utes thos for my 
nish class. Then year, I 
did a thesis on comedy. 1 analyzed the 

late moi 



This super-watch is actually a chrono- 
graph. With itsimpressivedialdivisions, 
it looks just like an instrument panel. 
A genuine competition model, it is, of 
course, destined for sportsmen and 
professional men in active occupa- 
tions. Its name: the «NAVITIMER». 
What does it do? Equipped with an 
aviation computer, it performs all kinds 
of calculations, such as speed per 
hour, distance covered, conversion of 
miles into kilometers and knots. This 
superb 17 jewels chronograph with its 
revolving bezel, luminous dial, 30- 
minute and 12-hour recorders is made 
by the watch specialists BREITLING 
of Geneva. (For the record, a similar 
timepiece took part in the American 
world orbit of May 1962!) 

For my information, please send me, tree: 
the amazing world ot chronographs. 

the special catalogue of Breitling models 
(Mark а cross where applicable) 
Name: Christian name: 




G. Léon Breitling S.A., 26, rue Adrien- 

Lachenal, Geneva. Switzerland 


best comics then performing and taped 
excerpts of their performances to illus 
mare things like timing and sequence, 
building punch lines. recogn i 
and running gags, things like that. 
medians like Fibber McGee and Molly, 
Jack and Mary Benny, Rochester, Ozzie 
and Нас, Milton. Berle Bob 
Hope. When 1 got my А.В. degree in 
1949, 1 went straight to my first job. $50 
a week for doing anything and everything 
at WOW. I did commercials, news, sta- 
ion breaks, weather reports, everything. 
7 gues the next thing was my first 
martiage—to Jody. We'd been going to- 
gether several years. Soon my first son 
as bom, Chris, Meanwhile, 1 got a 
dio show. The Squirrel’s Nest 1 called 
id 1 picked up S25 on the side fo 
magic acts ГА do anywhere 1 could. In 
1 remember. there was a group 
igning ло get rid of pigeons, which 
were accused of defacing city hall. T 
on my radio show with "Equal 
me for Pig the birds 
id plead- 



ous" imitating 

for mercy: we won а reprieve: 
ming was dropped. Doing 
nything a Jack-of-all-trades in 
dio could do, it was almost automatic that 
J would eventually go on WOW-TV. 

М the I kept thinking in the 
back of my 1 about where 1 was 
headed, in a career way. 1 was getting 
along well enough where 1 was, but at 
the same time. E knew that I could never 
go very far as long as I stayed in Nebras- 
‘ka. The action and the opportunities were 
all either in New York or Californi 
So T got а cameraman friend to shoot a 
half-hour film of me doing a litle bit of 
everything I. could do, When a vacation 
ne up. Т packed the wife and kids in 
our beavup Olds, with a U-Haul trailer. 
ad we took olf for fornia. When we 
rived in San Francisco, | knocked at 
every radio and ТУ doo 
them, 1 couldn't even get inside. 
say, UN sorry." 
nto Los Augcles—looking 
thing out of Grapes of Wrath driving 
down Sunset Boulevard. Same kind of 
hearty welcome. 

Bur finally, a childhood f 
Bill Brennan, who had gone 
sales in L. A., successfully recommended 
me nouncer job that had 
opened at KNXT. a local station. 1 
went there and did everything except 
sweep out the place. When 1 could find 
the time, Hike on nights when I 
dic jockeying, while the record was 
playing, 1 was sitting there in the booth 
putting together an idea for a TV show 
See, E had made an agreement wi 
seli when 1 got to L, A.—that il ] didn't 
have my own show after a year, 1 was 
Wy to move on to New York. 1 was 


at most of 
So we 

0 openings. went 

on ke some- 



һ my 

never one who believed їп “waiting Гог 
the breaks." D believe we make our own 
breaks. Well, the CBS people finally 
looked at my idea and gave me a spot 
they had open locally on. Sunday after. 
noons. You won't believe the budget— 
for cach show, $25! 1 wrote my own 

scripts, mimeographed them and acted 

in them—and got pretty fair newspaper 
notices, On one show, I had a friend 
rush past the camera on the air and I an- 
nounced. "That was my guest toc 
Red Skelton." Well, Skelton heard about 
it and really did turn up lor опе of my 
shows. Then some others did, including 
Fred Allen. Skelton and I really g 

well. and finally he offered me 
ing for his show. 1 grabbed it. 

I guess you'd cull it the proverbial big 
break when the telephone rang one da 
and somebody told me Skelton had been 
їшї in a rehearsal. He was supposed 10 
walk through one of those breakaway 
doors, but the door hadn't broken and 
Red had been knocked cold about 90 
minutes before showtime. 1 had always 
doing bits and 


know if D could make it to the station 
and go on for Red. I don't know how I 
got there in time, but 1 did. And 1 made 
cracks about Red and said. 
“The way I . 1 think Red's 
doctor ought to be doing: diis show? 
Well, it came off I got good no- 
tices. Aud that got me my next job— The 
Johnny Carson Show, Vhat was my 
big lesson. lı ran out iis contracted 
weeks in 1955 and then folded. That's 
where 1 learned. that if you get too many 
cooks involved, that if you don't keep 
contol, you're going t0 bomb out, and 
there's nobody 10 blame but yourself. 
PLAYBOY: Will you explain what you 
mean by that? 

CARSON: | mean that it was primarily 
through my own n that the show 
failed. 1 had built the show initially 
round a format of low-key skits and 
comi y on topical subjects —some- 
ig rather like the Tonight show. We 
got good reviews, but the networ 
people felt the ratings should have been 
higher, and 1 let them start telling me 
what to do. “Weve got ro make the 
show important.” they told me. How 
would they go about that? With 
chorus girls! They were going то make 
me into Jackie Gleason! Md come rushing 
on in a shower of balloons. with chorus 
rls yipping, “Here comes the star of the 



show. Johnny Carson!” And the vest fol 
Jowed in that vein. I let myself be a poor 
imitation. and thats sure, swift death for 

But 1 think if nobody 
ever fails he never has successes. The 
show flopped—but to me only in the sense 
that it went off the air after 39 wee! 
1 1 the hard way that you have to 
go with your decisions. 

any entertainer 

PLAYBOY: Do that show 
your gr failure? 

CARSON: Prolessionally it was. Personal- 
no. That was when I was divorced 
my first wife. That's the lowest I've 
ever felt, the worst. personal expe 
of my Ше. We'd been married ten ye: 
since college, in fac. And children 
were involved—three sons. I think that's 
the worst guilt hangup you can have. 
when children are involved. But divorce 
sometimes is the only answer. I think it’s 
almost immoral to keep on with a 
marriage that’s really bad. It just gets 
more and more rotten and vindictive 
and everybody gets more 
hurt, There's not enough honesty about 
marriage, P think. T wish more people 
would face the truth about their m 
situations. I get sick of that old ratio 
ation. “We're staying together because 
Kids couldn't be more 
iving with parents who can't 
h other, They're tar better off if 
» honest. clean divorce. Fm hap- 
my boys don't scem to 
long fine. I've got a very 
now. For a long time, 1 
lecling guiliy about the 
failure of the first one—but you can't go 
on forever like that, just nursing your 
hurts. Some friends here 
had been talking with me 
before 1 ever saw her. Finally, 1 tele 
phoned her and we made a date over the 
phone. 1 met her with her father at Eu 
die Condon's and we hit it off. gre: 
right away, and it went on from there. 
PLAYBOY: Alter the low point you de 
scribed. when The Johnny Carson Sh 
went off the air, did thi 1 1o 
prove profession: 
CARSON: Not by a long shot. 1 still had 
lor more to learn—this time about thc 
people who are supposed to give a per 
former so much Help im this business 
There I was: My show was closed. 1 was 
out of work. That kind of news Nies 
throughout the show-business 
with the speed ol light. You're 
You're dead. But I've got 
cating and every day I'm expec 
hear something from the agency 
handled me. But 
over there, I told them, 
get myself some kind of а 
Get a couple of writ 

you consider 

ad more 

of the children.” 

py to notice th 
be negatively affected by mine. 1 
they're gening 



family to keep 


You know what they Sorry, 
Johnny, we can’t do that" So 1 went 
оте and wrote the act myself, and 1 

went out. personally and. peddled it and 
finally got myself a date in Bakersfield 
at a place called Phe Maison Jaussaud, 
king 5400 а week. Bur I was still naive. 
1 was hoping that some of the top agency 
people would come to sec me. They 
didn't. They sent two junior members 
who sat at a table, then left. Nothing 

This was about the time I dropped 

— Д 

"Same gift for you again this year, Jarvis?” 





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back financially until I had to borrow 
from my father. 1 decided 1 had to go to 
New York. | couldn't do any worse there 
and 1 might do beter. So I borrowed 
more, from a bank that was good enough 
to let me have it. And in New York, final- 
ly I got the chance 10 go on Who Do You 
Trust?. Now, do you want to guess what 
happened? When I get solid on that show, 
really doing all right, here come this 
agency's top guys. Big deal—old buddy- 
buddy. let bygones be bygones, no hard 
feelings, let's forget the past. "How 
about our representing you again? We've 
how to shoot you 
1 listened until they 
and then I said, 
Thank you, no, gentlemen. Where were 
you when I needed you?” Anyway, I finally 
went with another agency. MCA, one of 
the giants, 1 was doing fine now ng 
the remment they call "servicing the 
client." I remember one day 1 was get- 
ting ready to leave their office to do the 
show, and this agency man makes moves 
to go with me. 1 asked him, “What are 
you doing?” He said, "Don't vou want 
me to go to the show with you?” T told 
him I thought 1 could make it alone. 
What I fel like telling him was, "You 
want to do something for me? Iron 
my shirts.” 1 don't even like to think 


got it all figured ou 

about it. But now, 1 don't even have an 
agency МСА dissolved. v know I've 
got a lawyer who handles most of my 

affairs. I've learned. Agencies play the per- 
centages. You make it, theyll tak 
percent. When I needed "em, nobody was 
there. ТЇЇ never forget it. I'm just telling 
it the way it is. И somebody wants to call 
that being а loner, if somebody wants to 
call that being vindictive, then so be it! 
PLAYBOY: How did the break come from 
Who Do You Trust? to the Tonight 

CARSON: In my first [our ¥ 


ars on Who 

Do You Trusi?, Yd been offered all kinds 

of si shows but | 
lor one or 



turned. them down 
reason. And E had ng guest 
spots. and E had filled in for Paar on 7 
night. and 1 had done prety well as his 
replacement. Tt was NBC that сате up 
with the oller for me (0 replace. Paar 
permanently, I turned it down, cold: not 
y people know that. I just wasn't 
1 just didn't fect I 
could make that jump from a half-hour 
daily quiz show to doing an hour and 45 
ht. I was doing fine in 
daytime TV: 1 was solid and secure. And 
1 felt Га be stupid 10 try to replace Jack 
Paar. But 1 kept sitting in for him. And 
then, some months liter, NBC made 
heir olfer Jack was nearer to 

leaving the show. Somebody had to re 
262 place him. My manager got on me, 


sure | could. cut it 

minutes every ni 

insisting that I owed myself the oppor- 
tunity of reaching the big night audience. 
And NBC said they would wait until 1 

finished my contract. on Who Do You 
Trust. While all this was going on, 1 

was gradually building more confidence 
in mysel{—the more Т thought about it. 
Nobody could tell me: 1 had to tell my- 
sell I could do it. And finally I did; I ac 
cepted the offer. Everyone I knew had 
some ad fier that. One group told 
me 1 was nuts to try replacing Paar, but 
that made me all the more determined. 

се а 

Others became instant producers and 
told me. “Heres how to handle that 
show. That bugged me; Td been 

through that in California and lost a 
good show because of it. I had cab drivers, 
waiters, everybody giving me advice. 
Two things were in the back of my 
d: One was that I wasn't going 10 
any ion of Jack Paar: I was 
going 10 be Johnny Carson. The other 
thing was that 1 wanted the show to 
make the most of being the last area in 
television that. the i iginally 
was supposed to be—live, immediate 
entertainment, | knew it wasn't going 
to be any sauntering in and sitting at a 
desk and that's all. The main thing in my 
mind that 1 had going for me was that 
Га done nearly everything you could in 
the industry—but at the same 
knew thar thinking that way was a dan 
ger. If I went out there with every critic 
waiting, and if 1 did everything 1 knew 
how to do, it would look like deliberate 
showing off, like tying to say, “Hey, 
look at me—Im so versatile!" I had 10 
fight that natural temptation to go out 
there and make some big impresion. 
Finally. | decided that the best thing I 


medium or 

ume I 

could do was forget trying to do a lot of 
preplanning. 1 didn’t want to come out 
of a 

with something that 
month's preparation, be 
going to be able to keep that up every 
night. It all boiled down to just going 
out there and being my natural sell and 
seeing, what would happen 

PLAYBOY: What happened, of course, was 
one of the most remarkable succes 
in television history. But you mentioned 
going out there and being your natural 
sell. Do you, really? 

CARSON: Are we back to that—my repu- 
tation for being cold and aloof, for being 
loner and living in a shell and all that 
аар? Look. I'm an entertainer; 1 try to 
give the public what it wants while I'm 
on the screen, and Tm completely sin- 
cere about it. If 1 don't happen to be a 
screen, that doesn't 

laughing boy off the 
make me a hypocrite or a phony. In any 
case, what Tam and what T do on my 
own, it sems to me, is nobody's business 
but mine. As long as 1 don't commit any 

crimes, you have no right to judge me 
escept by my performance as a profes- 
sional. On that level, you're welcome to 
think whatever you want about me. But 
there’s only one critic whose opinion 1 
really value, in the final analysis: Johnn 
ver needed any entou 
anding around bolstering my ego. 
I'm secure. I know exactly who and what 
Tam. I don't need to be told. 1 make no 
apologies for being the way Lam. I'm not 
going to run around crying that I'm mis 
understood. I play my life straight—the 
way I sec it, I'm grateful to audiences for 
watching me and for enjoying what I 

«do—but lm not one of those who believe 
that a successful entertainer is made by the 
public, as is so often said. You become 

successful. the way I sec it, only if you 
коой enough to deliver what the public 
enjoys. I you're not, you won't have апу 
audience: so the performer really has more 
то do with his success than the public does. 

As for myself, I've worked ever since 1 
was a kid with a twobit kit of magic 
tricks trying to improve my skills at enter- 
taining whatever public I had—and to 
make myself. ready, whenever the breaks 
came, to entertain a wider aud more d 
minding public. Entertainment is like any 
other major industry; it's cold, big busi 
ness. The business end wants to know 
one thing: Can you do the job? If you 
can, you re in, you're made; if you can't, 
you're out. 

І knock myself out for the public—five 
shows a week, 90 minutes a show; and 
most of every day goes to working on 
that 90 minutes. It takes more out of me 
tha 1 Libor would, and | simply 
won't give any more of myself than that. 
Т demand my right to a private life, just 
as I respect that right for everybody else. 
The Tonight staff knocks themselves out 
with me: then they go their way, T go 
mine, and we get along fine. I make the 
major decisions, That's my responsibility. 

Tm doing the best I know how. I've 
put my whole life into whatever you see 
on that But whenever the day 
comes that I think it’s my time to go. I'l 
be the first to tell the network to get 
somebody else in that chair. And when 1 
do. they'll be saying, “Who could follow 
c like they said, "Who 
Paar Well, believe me, 
ad will. The public is 
and you can be replaced, no mat 
ter how good you are. Until that hap 
pens, I'm going to go on doing my best 
I like m cd 1 hope you do. 
but il you don't, I really couldn't care 
less, Take me or leave me—but don’ 
bug me, That's the way I am. That's me, 

That's it. 



rson?"— just. 

could follow 

work. too— 

а FAR-FLUNG FLING (continued from page 125) 

pepper and monosodium | glutamate 
Pour imo preheated tureen for serving. 



2 12oz packages frozen 
shrimps, ready to cook 

9 teaspoons Chinese oyster sauce or 
soy sauce 

Ы peeled 

2 tablespoons cornstarch 

1 teaspoon monosodium glutamate 

4 cgus 

2 tablespoons finely minced fresh 


tablespoons all-purpose flou 
Salad oil 

Thaw shrimps. but do not boil, Exam- 
^ shrimps carefully and remove any 
pieces of shell. then put them throu 

neat chopper, using fine blade. Mix 
shrimps well with oyster sauce corn 
starch, mate, 2 суш 
slightly beaten, and chives. In wide shal 

low saucepan or Dutch oven. bring 3 in 
salted water to a rapid boil. Drop shrimp 
mixture by teaspoons into boiling water 
rise to top. Cover pan 
with lid and simmer 3 to 4 minutes. Do 
not overaowd pan. Cook dumplings in 2 
ог 3 batches, if necessary. Drain dump- 
ngs and chill in refrige 
remaining eggs well. Add flour 
ший smooth. Heat I in. ой in electric 
ated to 370 . Dip dumpli 
mixture, Fry, turning onc 
T brown оп both sides. Remove from 
fying pan. Pour ginger sauce (below) 
over dumplings and. keep warm on hot 
tray or in chafing dish. 



2 cups chicken stock 
teaspoon garlic, minced extremely 

Vy cup suga 

15 cup cider vinega 

14 to 15 teaspoon finely minced hot 
chili pepper, to taste 

M cup red or yellow ginger in syrup, 
drained, thin slivers 

14 cup fresh green pepper, small dice 

lj teaspoon ground coriander 

tablespoons sake 

tablespoons thinly sliced scallion 

teaspoons soy sauce 

{ teaspoon sesame oil 

4 cup cornstarch 

all ingredients except. cornstarch 

1 saucepan. Bring to a boil. Mix corn 

starch with 14 cup cold water to a smooth 

paste. Slowly stir into saucepan, Simmer 

2 minutes. 



3 Ibs. Jean boneless shoulder of 1 
tablespoons butter 

1 tablespoon olive oil 

14 cup onion, minced very fine 

М cup leeks, white part, minced very 





lic, minced very fine 

264 и 

14 teaspoon dried marjoram 
Salt, pepper 

1 quart. stock. 

4 egg yolks 

plespoons flour 
3 tablespoons lemon juice 

114 lbs. fresh green peas, boiled 
Cur lamb into pieces somewhat small- 

than usual stew size, less than 1 
thick. Melt butter with oil in stew pot. 
Add Lamb and sauté until lamb loses red 
color. Add le lic and 
marjoram, Continue to sauté about 5 
minutes, stirring occasionally. Add 1 tea- 
spoon sal. Add stock and 
covered, umil tender—about te 2 
hours. Season to taste with salt and pep- 
per and remove from heat. Beat ш 
yolks until light. Add flour and lemon 
juice, beating well. Slowly add 14 cup 
warm stock from pot. Pour egg mixune 
imo pot Simmer over low flame—doi 
boil—about 3 minutes. Remove at once 
from flame and stir in cooked peas. P 
y be cooked with lamb. but cool 
them separately allows for better control. 
Although avgolemono dishes are usually 
s soon as prepared, they may be 
а chafing dish, if top part of dish 
is not in contact with hot water in bot- 
tom section: otherwise sauce may curdle, 
а beans or lima beans may be substi 
ed for peas, il desired. Serve with rice 

R eggs 
1 cups milk 
24 cup cold water 
114 teaspoons salt 
114 cups all-purpose 
lad ой 
lix. ricotta cheese 

8 ољ. Ila cheese. shredded 

6 ол. bel paese cheese, shredded 

4 ozs. proxciurto, sliced paper-thin, cut 

imo small dice 

Ground white pepper 

Grated parmesan cheese 

Put eggs. milk, water, 14 teaspoon salt 
and flour into blender. Blend 10 sec- 
onds at high speed, scrape sides of blend. 
. then blend 10 seconds more. This 
may be done i ucl 
sary. Heat heavy skillet. 7 in 



moderate flame. Pour enough 

ter, over 
salad oil imo skillet to cover bortom 
then pour off any excess. While hol 

pan olf Hame, pour in about 3 tabl 
spoons batter, Tih pan to cover bottom 
completely, then retum to flame. Adjust 
llame, if necessary, to prevent browning 
100 fast. When cach pancake is lightly 
browned, turn with spatula aud lightly 
brown other side, Remove pancakes 
from pan and stack on large dish. Con 
cooking. until all batter is used. 
bowl, combine ricotta, mozza 



rella and bel paese cheeses. prosciutto. 
poon salt amd several 
hes pepper. mixing well. On 
pancake, spread about 14 cup che 
ture. Roll up jelly-roll fashion. Cut 

i side up. 
greased shallow heatproof casserole or 

king pan. Store im refrigerator until 
time, Preheat ove ar 4509. 
Place casserole in oven about 10 to 12 

minutes Sprinkle crispellini generously 
with parmesan cheese: sprinkle lightly 
with salad oil. Place under broiler flame 
until cheese is medium brown. 


Order 5 Is. welltrimmed 
shell of beef (sirloin. 
move meat from refri 
hour before roasting. Roast for 114 hours 
in oven preheated at 400°, Cool to room 
temperature. Avoid refrige! 
ible. Cut into thin slices. Cu 
half cowwise, t0 fit on bread. Place 
beef on well-buuered rye, pumpernickel 
or white bread as open. sandwiches. Pre 
vide a bowl cach of sliced tomatoes 
cucumber salad with dill dresing, 
well as the cold Béarnaise sauce 
onions in red wine (below). Guests choose 
or combine gamnishes for smørrebrød as 
they please. 


iot top sirloin). Re- 

slices in 



ehed butter. 
rd egg volk 

cooked egg yolks 

2 teaspoons tarragon vinegar 

1 tablespoon finely minced parsley 

1 teaspoon meat extract 

Salt, pepper. cayenne 

Force hand egg yolk through fine wire 
ve into well of blender. Add raw cgg 
yolks and spin blend few seconds. 
Melted butter should be kept hot while 
blending. With blender at low speed, 
very slowly add melted butter in a thin 
trickle. Butter may be poured. through 
opening top. When all bune 
has been added, pour sauce into со 
er. Stir in vinegar. parsley, meat €: 
and salt and pepper to taste. Add a dash 
. Chill in refrige 
hours before serving. (If kept in refriger 
ator too long. sauce will return to its 

in blende 

solid state; it should then be warmed to 
room temperature until it can be easily 
«| onto n 

plespoon butter 
1 tablespoon salad oil 
cup dry red wine 
1 packet instant bouillon powder 
teaspoon brown gravy color 
14 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 
2 teaspoons instantized. Пош 
Salt, freshly ground. pepper 

Peel and cut onion in half through 
stem end, then cut crosswise into thinnest 

: ШШ 

| MI 


General Electric's popular Automatic Clothes 
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Welcome gift! General Electric's 
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They'll have a whirl.. with GE's «Д Ko ‘TM General Electric Company 

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10% inches high for easy storage. 






butter and oil 

posible slices. Sauté 
jux until onion is yellow. not brown. 
Add wine, bouillon powder, gravy color 
d Worcestershire. Simmer 5 minutes. 
cold w: 

ter and slow! 
Simmer 5 mii 
to taste. Chill in refrigerator u 


welope plain gel 

1 hard-boiled egg 

2 cups mashed ripe avocado (3 medium- 
size avocados) 

3 tablespoons lime juice 

2 teaspoons grated onion 

aspoon salt 

V4 teaspoon Tabasco sauce 

2 drops green food color 

% cup heavy cream, whipped 

14-02 can heart of palm, chilled 

2 sliced medium-size bananas 

1 cup diced peeled apple 

Ya cup mayonnaise 

15 teaspoon lemon juice 

Soak gelatin in 14 cup cold water to 
soften. Dissolve over hot water. Force 
hard-boiled egg through large wire 

sir In mixing bow! 
do. lime juice. onion, 

color, egg and gelatin, stirring very 
Chill in refrigerator about 15 hour, but 
do not allow to jell. Fold whipped cream 
into avocado тіхиге, Turn into Gcup 
g mold. Chill in refrige atil set. 
Unmold onto serving platter. Drain heart 
of palm. Cut into Lin. pices. Combine 
with bananas, apple, mayonnaise and 
lemon juice. Toss well. Pile [ruit mixture 
into center of avocado ring. 



8 small br 
2 cups fresh orar 
24 cup sugar 
2 om. Grand М 
30-07. can. pineapple chunks 

3 tablespoons confectioners” sugar 

1 tablespoon heavy dark rum 

1% cups heavy cram, whipped 

4 slices cocktail orange in syrup 
Use fresh rather than the commercial- 

aches, three days old 

ly frozen brioches. Cut the wide cap off 
the top of each brioche. With small 

rp knife, cut away inside of cach 
brioche, leaving shell about . thick. 

ng orange juice and 24 cup sugar to 
: simmer | minute. Add Grand M. 
When syrup cools slightly. p 
brioche tops and shells in syrup. Mari 

“Like anything else, it's an acquired taste.” 

[rigerator at least 3 hours, turn 
jonally, so that tops and shells 
well soaked but not disintegrating, Drain 
pineapple well. Dry with paper towe 
Add. confection id rum to 
whipped eam. mixing well. Drain cock- 
tail orange slices well and chop extremely 
Add nd pineapple to 
whipped cream. Remove brioches from 
syrup and fill centers with pineapple 
ture. Place brioche caps оп top and 

4 teaspoon gren 
4 teaspoon lime juice 
very thin slice lime 
1 maraschino cherry 

1 or 2 long pine needles or green cock- 
Stir sake, gin, grenadine and lime 

juice well with ice. Strain into prechilled 
or. tulip wineglass. Add rocks to 
glass. Stir. F ne slice on top. F: 
maraschino cherry on pine needle 
rest on rim of glass, 



ound cinnamon 
e raki, br 
well with ice. Strain into prechilled 12 
or. tall glass. Sprinkle lightly with cìnn; 
mon. (Ouzo or Pernod may be used in 
place of raki.) 


ady, triple sec and milk 

114 ors. aquavit 

14 or. lime juice 
Ya egg white 

& cup crushed ice 
1 teaspoon sugar 
1 teaspoon kirschwasser 

To divide egg white in half. bea 
ghtly, but not to a foam. Put all ingre 
dients in blender. Blend at low speed 15 
seconds. Pour into prechilled deep sau. 
cer champagne glass. This is perfect for 
bringing the crowd round to the smg 
brod table. 


abelle or slivovitz 

ozs. quetscl 
м or. lemon juice 

maraschino liqueur 
all ingredients shake 
ain into prechilled cock- 


international language of good 
food and drink that speaks for itself, 
м dd salud, prosit, skal, à votre santé 
and I'chaim and wish you a world of 

THE UFO GAP кын prom page 146) 

in the sky, even after all the 
disappeared," “The witnesses were so in- 
sient and vocal that this couldn't be 
anything ordinary that 1 made а quick 
wip 10 the town. 1 set up а small tele- 
scope. followed the object into full day- 
hi and, with the aid of the Nautical 
Almanac, proved even to their satisfac 
tion that the mysterious object was none 
other than the planet Venus shortly after 
inferior conjunction with the sun and 
so at its greatest brilliancy. (The Air 
Force сап always be assured оГ several 
XI reports, either before sunrise or after 
sunset, whenever Venus is at greatest 

In New Hampshire, four lights in a 
mond-shaped formation and later in a 
T formation were observed to hover and 
then to travel first in one direction and 
other. The sighting lasted for 
some minutes. Identification was positive 
that the object sighted was a KC-97 
performing a refueling operation, A Lab 
tador radar station picked up an object 
waveling at 72 knots at am altitude 
of 50,000 feet, Two F-102 aircraft. were 
scrambled and picked up the object on 
their radar. The object was fully ob- 
еа by several military personnel on 
separate radars. Identification. was 

Hoon released from ап Air Force base 
In New Jersey. a Matshaped object 
was reported. It had а dome in the mi 
dle and was somewhat bigger than a 
commercial aircraft, with bright. yellow 
lights coming from square windows 
around the bottom and with green lights 
on the front. This turned out to be, quite 
positively. a commercial aircraft with a 
59-foot advertising sign сота 245 
flashing electric lights. Apparently, the 
advertiser was not getting his message 
across. And, for good measure, in 1962, 
one of our Navy's ships reported an ob 
ject traveling southeast that remained 
visible for 15 utes but which “air and 
surface radar could not pick up.” It was 
observed by tors taking a celestial 
fix, by the commanding officer and by 
about 1000 enlisted personnel. This was 
the satellite Echo I, which calculations 
showed had traced that iden path at 
that precise time. 

But this is only one part of the story. 
There are high X. reports, too. If there 

weren't, there would be no UFO prob 
lem. High X ratings. of X1 and 35, are 
reserved for reports that, at face value, 

do mot find an explanation in conven- 
tional scientific terms. Let us look at 
some examples from my files. 

It was 5:30 rwr. 1 remember the 

exact time because our car radio 

the electric windshield wipers were 

ing, as we were im a heavy mist 
hway in this area fol Okla- 
homa] has many rolling hills and is 
vily wooded with native post-oak 
The visibility is limited to the 
highway by looking ahead or behind 
or up overhead. We were: driving 
along, everything in normal condi- 
tion and operation, when suddenly 
from above and ahead of us over the 
top of the hill and trees, at a fantastic 
speed, came a tremendous bright 
light, The color or glow was similar 
to that of a mercury light. 1 thought 
for à moment we were going to have 
а head-on crash with someihi 

Г was looking for an escape route 
to avoid а collision. We were ex 
tremely frightened. My wife had 
dropped down in the seat and our 
son had jumped from the back seat 
and had positioned himself between 
me and my wife. At the speed of 
approach, 1 had little time for a 
reaction. The light around us was 
almost blinding as the object ap- 
proached our car. As it came to- 
ward us the car began to slow 






“Evidently you're not the little boy who wrote that 
he wasn't getting anything. . . ." 

down (Note: | was nor using the 
brakes) and the whole car came un- 
der control of the UFO. The er 
came to a complete stop. Lights, 
radio, heater, wipers, all clectrically 
operated, instantly stopped. 

Other than being frightened, we 
had no other sen 1 that we 
I rolled down 
my w putting my head 
out of the window, I looked up and 
approximately 200 feet 
overhead was a saucers 
vehicle. By this ti 
had bece 


e adjusted to the light 
that was emitted from the space ve- 


hicle. 1 could observe the size and 
shape as well as see the observation 
ound the upper deck. 
UFO was at least 50 leet in 
Ar the same time, а high- 
ne could be heard and a 
very light warm wind was being 
ied from the bottom of the 

The vehicle had in the center a 
large extended dome. The time fac- 
tor was not of long duration. no 
more than two or three minutes. 
There was no other visible traffic on 
this time, After this 
od of time. vehicle, 
increase in intensity of the 
lifted: straight up from its 
ng position and, as this oc 
d. the car began 10 function 
d make normal movement on the 
The lights, radio. wipers, 
xd motor functioned as if 
they had never stopped. 
1 wish to state that this w 
a type of any known earth 

the highway 
short | 
with ai 

эз not 
aft. I 
п and. around aircraft 
n I graduated. from 
hool of Aeronautics, 

have worked 
since 1940, wi 
the Spartan 
« 1 am also a discharged v 
from the U.S. Air Force. 


is one Irom an air base in 

At the time of the sighting I 
way at work (in the base control 
tower) and 1 had an air carrier short- 
ly begin n approach. As is my 
custom, I had the lights in the cab 
turned down low. I got up from the 
nd looked out the window 
10 make а visual check of the run 
way. As E looked to the north end of 
the runway. D saw а light co 
down center of the runway. My fi 
thought was, 1 had ап aircraft on 
approach that I didn't know any- 
thing about. The light was тоу 
at about the speed of a large a 
craft making a low pass. The light 
continued down the center line of 
the runway at about a height of 50 
fect. The airport is equipped with 
high-intensity runway lighting. The 
lights were on step 3; the lighting 




contol panel is located to the right 
and just behind me. As the light 
reached a spot just a little north of 
my position, I reached around and 
flicked the light to step 4. hoping to 
cause a reflection off the body of 
the object, as 1 was still unable to 

even though visibility was excellent. 
When the lights went brighter, the 

right turn and started. 

object made 

10 climb, increasing speed ex- 
tremely fast, clearing the nearby 
mountain in a second or two. At 

this time, I lost sight of the object 
as it seemed to level off and became 
lost behind the mountains. One other 
thing that 1 forgot to point out 
bove. When the light tumed and 
started 10 climb, it did so sharply. 
whereas when an airplane turus or 
climbs, it makes an arc. 

And lets take just a short excerpt 
rom another. 


As D approached а bedroom win- 
Фол... the whole yard was bathed 
in a brilliant orange. Exeryili 
locked as something does wh 
is rellecting fire. 1 looked up 

sky and there was а big orang 
I woke my husband and told him 
10 come look at the thing in the 
sky. He got up. came to the win. 

dow, and as | kept saying, "What 
can it be?" he just kept repeating, 
“Oh, my God." It seems like we 

watched it for about a minute. It 
was stationary in the sky all that 
time and seemed to be quite near. 
The light was more powerful than 
anything we had ever эссп, but 
sull we could look right at it. As 
we watched, the light finally went 
out, not slowly, but still not as fast 
as you would off an electric 
bulb, АШ that was left was what 
looked exactly like a маг and it be- 
gan to move, We watched as it 
moved toward the lighis of Los 
Angeles in the distance. 

None of these three sightings (which 
merely random samples from my 
able colle of sightings of 
s» index) lends itself to 
ation. Nor, by definition, 
do any of the high Х reports. Tt will be 
noted that nothing has yet been sa 
pout believing these reports. 
As the next step in our proposed pro- 
gram, let us ask a panel of social scien- 
tists psychologists and sociologists—to 
rate the credibility of the witnesses 
volved in the high X cases singly and 
collectively, for any given sighting, with- 
out any reference whatever 10 the report 
itself, The panel is given dossiers on each 
of the witnesses. (But it would be best not 
to let this panel read the UFO reports— 
might prejudice them!) The dossiers in- 
dude medical history, length of time and 



general standing in the community, psy- 
chological and personality traits, à. note 
on the willingness of the witnesses to take 
liedetector tests (and the results of 
these. df administered), the technical 
backgrounds of the individual witnesses, 
the independence of the witnesses (wer 
they strangers, blood relatives, friends?) 
and what has been garnered as 10 the 
motivation of making the report in the 
first place. Was there any overt attempt 
at publicity. or was the report made 
f duty? 

y ing made the report? We shall 
call this rating the C, or credibility. 

The “credibility panel" must also bc 
iven a full account of the reaction of 
pes under interrogation. A 
skilled investigator soon learns to watch 
for many clues as to the credibility of the 
Psychotic or paranoid si 
The tendency to repeat ce 
tain phrases, the si ing of an 
experience in a set, stereotyped manner, 
as though one is hearing a playback of a 
tape—all these are danger signals. And. 
of course, at the slightest hint from the 
UFO reporter of imagina 
one may just as well drop 
tion. I have on occasion been told what 
ned to be a straightforward story, 
when suddenly the witness lapsed into a 
highly confidential mood and told me 
he was sure that his phone was 

tched. sometimes on a regular schedule, 
ciher by "the Government" or by 
"occupants of the craft." 

In my long experience with the UFO 
phenomenon, | have developed. certain 
practices that quickly bring out these 
"credibility Haws.” For instance, 1 will 
to the account and then, 
as if wo sce that I have things straight, 
will repeat the highlights of the story, but 
making sure that in two or three spots I 

re m 

icly misstate some of the witness’ 
descriptions (for example, directions, 
time estimates, enc), 10 see whether 
the witness will quickly catch me up 
on the misstatement or let it pass. One 
quickly learns also to gauge the objec 
tivity of the reporter. The most glaring 
fault on the part of the witness is to sul 
stitute interpretation of a fact for a 1 
Thus. he may tell me, “The spaceship 
was patrolling the neighborhood and ob- 
serving us,” when the actual fact is that 
the witness observed a light m 
in the sky and read into that simple ob- 
servation his interpretation that intelli- 
gent surveillance was bes 
One of the most fi 
ences a UFO investigator can. have is 1o 
be told, at the end of what seems to be a 
fairly straightforward. story, that the wit 
has had similar experiences on 
the past. We call 

," A person with so little 269 



understanding of statistics and probabili- 
ty K that one person can have 
dozens of UFO sightings while 

many other people (indeed, the m 
have never in their lives seen 

When we get 

utterly unreliable 
the combination of the repeater with 

a persecution complex, we really 
something. For many months at Project 
Blue Book. we received frequent. letters 
from an inmate of a mental institution 
who exhorted us to do something abou 


The work of the credibility panel 
would really be much more difficult than 
that of the scientific panel. The latter has 
only to determine whether the contents 
of the report, as given, are easy or hard 
to explain in the context of presently 
science. The credibility panel, however, 
has to decide not only whether the wi 
nesses, taken together. are trustworthy. 
honorable and responsible people who 
can be believed in everyday m 

tiers, but 

also whether they could have been capa- 
ble of gross errors and misinterpretations 
the particu stance of their UFO 

ighting. Is it possible, for instance, for 
several people in concert to see a bright 
and have it trigger in the brain the 

impression that what was really seen was 
a moving spaceship with portholes? 
The t reports made by police- 

ely unjustified. A hi 
ed observer skilled 

hly technical, 

operation or observation docs not nec 
sarily transfer his critical skills to a situa- 
observing something 

is surprising to him. Pilots have 
been known to swerve their planes vio- 

lendy when they suddenly encounter а 
very bright meteor they think is on a col- 
lision course, but which Luter proves to 
have been 50 to 100 miles away. And 
policemen can grossly misinterpret some- 
thing with which they have no famil 

- Still, on the average, if several pilots 
and/or policemen concur on the main 
arly if ihe du 

points of the story. part 

71 see. Due to your corrupt mismanagement, 
the people of your country are starving and rebellious, 
and you urgently require American aid. Right. 
How many machine guns?” 

ration of their experience was long enough 
(a matter of minutes г; 
to have brought their jud 
play, it is dificult to brush aside their 
ngly hardheaded testimony. And 
one gets high ¥ reports from sc 
engineers and technicians whose 
by all common standards is 
high amd whose moral caliber scems to 
predude а hoax, one can do по less than 
hear them out, in all seriousness 
Hoaxes are not as common as depicted 
in the newspapers. Pranks by college 
students and everyday practical jokers 
make good copy and are always good for 
» especially if the Iu 
ceeded im at least temporarily fool 
some respected citizenry. Hoaxes are fre 
quently accompanied by photographs, on 
the mistaken idea that а photograph: is 
worth ten thousand words. Actually, a 
photograph is worth nothing unless we 
know the full circumstances of how ir 
was taken. I simply will nor take a pho 
tograph seriously unless I can interrogate 
itneses who saw the object in question 
being photographed and unless I can 
have access to the original negative and 
the technical data on the camera. So far, 
iot been able myself to accep 
photographs as representing. inconto- 
vertible scientific proof of the existence 
inge objects. 
vestigation of UFO re- 
ports will limit itself to reports that ex- 
hibit both à high X level and a high C 
level. It will ask whether there are ar 
apparently meaningful patterns 
such reports: patterns of kinematic b 
havior, of luminescence, of geometry, of 
geographical distributio 
i h the aid of the elec 
computer, crossco 
а these and other factors. 
surprise thar this sort 


has suc 

ог of seasonal 

uon ions will be 
sought berwi 

of search for patterns ls 

хі bv the Air Force 

' come 

not been con- 
long. The 
me to such a 
955. A distinguished 
panel of scientists, undi 
сім Howard Р. Robertso 
то review aner, but 
was given only «d numi 

, was appoi 
the ү 

to examine and was able to allot only four 
days to its study. Our. Government's ap- 

з all other instances has been to 
ach reported sighting as though it 
were the only one in existence. The Air 
Force has tried to knock down each report 
asit showed its head, like a duck in a shoot 
ing galle: divide and conquer” 
tedinique is powerless to detect signifi- 
cant patterns, the very mainstay of the 
scientific method. 

The approach to the study of UFO 
reports proposed here is designed specifi- 
ly to reveal patterns if they exist—to 
extract the scientific gold from the only 
ore we have (UFO reports), if such gold 

There is a more direct approach to the 

problem: an active rather than a passive 
attack. The scholarly study of UFO re- 
ports able of establishing the like- 
lihood that the UFO phenomenon 
represents something heretofore not 
recognized in the presently scientific 
ramework. But no passive methods сап 
prove this to be the case. They can. pro 
vide only a measure of probability of its 
being so 

The pasive method — painstakingly 
examining reports and. then. building a 
logical set of hypotheses—purs me in 
mind of the story told about the explorer 
who had come back from a dinosaur- 
cgg-hunüng expedition in the Gobi 
desert. In his lecture, the explorer. рге 
sented many cogent reasons why the eggs 
they discovered were dinosaur eggs. He 
pointed out that they were about the size 
and weight to be expected of dinosaur 
eggs, allowing lor desiccation and the 
ravages of rime. and that they had about 
the ‘right color. given the ellects of 
weathering—all of this leading 10 the 
strong likelihood that the eggs were. in 
deed, dinosiur eggs. “And furthermore.” 
the 1естигег stated. at the conclusion. of 
his talk, "when we opened one of the 

egps. it had a baby dinosaur in it" What 
is needed in the UFO problem is for us 
то find а baby UFO somewhere in the 

es of UFO reports. 
The next stage in the scientie ар 
h то the UFO problem must clearly 
tive onc. Once the scientilic fra- 
ternity is convinced that the UFO prob. 
lem is worthy of serious attack (and this 
rec of conviction can come only after 
it is amply demonstrated. that. reports 
ly do exist that find no conventional 
explanation, even alier study by compe 
teni persons). we arrive at the interesting 
aging stage of the problem 
Ti is necessary to find out whether, 
when persons of high repute report a 
strange i ion. something of a phy 
cal nature does. ct. exist. In short 
an allout effort must be made to obtain 
photographs. If unimpeachable photo 
ктар can be obtained. it follows that 
the stimulus that gave rise to the report 
was accompanied by an actual 
the retinas of the witneses. This n 
seem a trivial or obvious point: yet 
puld this nor be the «ам. ir would 
throw the problem into a totally different 
dimension. In any event. the existence of 
mpeachable photographs would rep 
resent incontrovertible scientific evidence 
that UFOs, as we have defined them, 


could be 

OF course, the whole proble 
solved, or at least рш оп an extremely 
firm foundation, if tangible physical evi 
dence of peachable 

Wer Were ах, le. Meteorites were 
adinitted 1o scientific respec 
ty only after there had been а spec 
tacular fall in France in 1803, a fall th 
not even the most skeptical of scen- 
tits could doubt. That was certainly 

much casier th 
through a o 
ts of meteorite 
the problem here could be solved should 
nd in the Rose Bowl 

lls. Similarly. 

a leer of UFOs 1 
during half time. 
a we hunt the wi 
without gun but with camera? Must wc 

study of geographical distribution of the 
high XC cases. 
cursory inspection already shows) thar 
s of the country seeni 10 re- 
FO hot" ofte 
sor even weeks. When the electronic 
computer indices such a “hot” ari 
technical team be dispatched. by jet 
helicopter. (several ol wh 

i 1 various parts of the 
country), and within hours of th 
al report, cameras, tape re 

er counters would be there. The 
is trivial if study of the best re 
ports indicates that there is, indeed, valu 
dirt hidden in the UFO 

sible scientific ра 

ckup 10 the 
1d as an overall means of 

(UFO-1000) could be 
manned 24 hours а day by competent 
recognizing a 

phone exchanj 

e UFO report from 
ed or the meanderings of ап un 
Ils would be 
to UFO-1000. Should the 

ly mind. С 

"I read your book. Miss Crane, and found 
i delightfully uninhibited.” 

criminal offense. comparable with tampe 

g with the mailbox or the fir 
on the corner. 

Let us suppose lonely tra 
our fint UFO case cited. encounter a 
UFO. As soon as thev can get 10 а road 
side telephor they call UFO.1000. If 
the report passes preliminary and imme- 
diate screening. headquarters notifies the 
local police and they rush to the scene 
alrealy properly equipped. with suitable 
cameras. H the ease appears 10 warrant 
dispatching the UFO pline. this can be 
done very shortly thereafter 

Such a concerted effort. would. accom 
plish Lar. far more than the passive receipt 
and evaluation of reports possibly could. 
H UFOS ay previously defined actually 
exist. we would have photographs, movies. 
spectrograms, plaster casts of indentations 
GI a Tanding occurs) and detailed measure- 
ments and quan 

velers, as in 

tes of 

tive exi 
brightnesses. speeds. and so on. within a 
year of the inüinion of such a mo 
п. But if the UFO-1000 
program is sincerely and intensively car 
ried out for 
this, in 
ignificance. Then we could go back та 
the “real, common-sense world” of pre 
UFO days—shrugging it all ofl with. 
“There must have bee 
n outlet successfully used in 
other fields of human inquiry 
Admittedly. 1 will be surpi 
intensive, yearlong study yields nothi 
To the contrary, 1 think that mankind 
1 he for the greatest adventure 
since dawning human intelligence turned 
outward to contemplate the universe. 

nonsense pre 

full year and yields noth 

bell. would be of great negative 


a virus goin 




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(continued from page 138) 

“Yon woke me at this time of night to 
ask me (ha 

"p thought it was a point th 
be settled.” 

"No reason why you should come 
jumping on my stomach 

“No, there" Lancelot admitted, “I 
perhaps went a litle 100 far. I am sorry 
for thai 

“Not half so sorry as I am. Do you 
realize that if you had played a trick like 
on me in the old days in West 
Га have shot you like a dog?” 

“I asure you. Like a dog." 

“What sort of dog?” 

“Any sort of dog. Get out of here!” 

“And the portrait?" 

"To hell with the portra 

“Tell me about the old days in West 
Arica," said Lancelot, hoping to mollitv. 

“To hell with West. Africa," said the 

Lancelot left thc room feeling some- 
what despondent. During dinner and 
after it, he had flattered himself that he 
made а good impression on his host 
but something seemed to tell him that he 
had now lost ground. 

And what meanwhile, of С 
Wetherby? Working on a sonnet 
ион cious of a at 
unease that made it hard for her 
the lines the right length. Ever s 
had seen Lancelot off in the train, she had 
been prey to doubts and fears. She 
adored him with a passion that had al- 
produced six sonnets, а 
arly a pound of vers libr 
engaged girls have the poorest орі 
the intelligence of the men the 

a ad she had never wavered in 
her view that Lancelot's was about equal 
to that of a retarded child of seven. IF 
there things up 
down leton, he would, she was 
convinced, spring to the task; and it was 
only the fact that there seemed no possi 
ble way in which he could mess up the 
mission on which she had sent him that 
had led her to entrust him with it. АП he 
had 10 do was paint a portrait and, while 
painting it, exercise the charm she knew 
him to poses, and surely even Lancelot 
Bingley was capable of that. 

Nevertheless, she continued ill at 
case: and it was with more anguish than 
surprise that she read the telegram that 
reached her just as she was pre 
go out for lunch, 

It ran: 

t should 


For some moments she stood соп 
gealed, her worst fears confirmed, Then, 

life scaling back into the rigid limbs, 
she went to her bedroom and, with trem- 
bling fingers, packed а few necessaries in 
a suitcase, Hall an hour later, she was on 
the train. a ticket to Bitleton in her bag: 
ı hour and 45 m after that, 
d her uncles garden. The first 
thing she saw was Lancelot pacing up 
ud down the drive, his demeanor indis 
hable from that of a си on hot 

she сше 

Lancelot!" she cried. and he came 
tottering toward her 

“Thank heaven you're here,” he si 
med. your woman's intelligence. The 
мони clouds are lowering and you Бий 
me standing behind. the eight. ball. Per 
haps vou will be able to tell me what to 
do for the best.” 

“What do you mean? What has been 

“You don't n 

d it being rather a | 

Not if it is coherent. 
“Oh, E think 1 can r 
ill right, Here are the 
ay be 

€ it coherent, 
icis. T suppose it 
р siid to have begun Det night 
when 1 jumped on your uncle's stomach 
oh. purely inadvertently. but 1 could 

It was like this.” s meelo 
related brielly the events of the previous 
night, "Bur that.” he went on, “wasn't 
the worst. The worst is yet t0 come. Thi 
is where the plot really begins to thick 
en, E had sauntered out into the garden 
with my afterbrcaklast. 


id heard 

scd. He thought he | 
а steppector 

cat utter а pi 
idvs comm 

ing. vowl. 

1 was only G 
а be had said. 
I tokl yon vou were not to smoke 

"D know. | know. but 1 thought it 
would be all right if no one saw mc. One 
must have ones smoke after breakfast. 
or wha are breakfasts for? Well. as T 
зау. red ош and lit up. and E 
hawi pulled more than a few pulls 
when E heard voices. Not so good, T said 
то myself, nor so good. and Г dived into 
the shrubbery, The voices cime ne 
meone was approaching. or rather, 1 
should have said that two. persons w 
approaching, for whoever it was would 
hardly have been talking to himself. 
Though, of course. vou do get that sort 
of thing in Shakespeare, Hamlet. to take 
bur onc case. frequently soliloquized. 

fet on with 

your cigar in the 

aly, cer 
“You were м 
“No. there yon a I was in the 
shrubbery, yes, but 1 was not smokin 
my cigar, and TI tell. you why 
tural perturbation at hearing 
voices, I had dropped it on the law 
He pawed again. Опсе mor 
Iual uttered that eldritel scream. 


© wron 


“Lancelot Bingley, you ought to have 
vour head examined 

“I will make a note of 
keep imerrupting me, dart 
lose the thread. Well. these 
proaching persons һай now d 
close to where T lurked behind а 
bush. They were your uncle and a globi 
г woman whom | assumed ıo be th 
Mis. Pouer of whom I had heard so 
much. for she was sketching ош 10- 
mind telling 
irs going to be a pippin. Your unde 
plainly thought so. 100. for he kept say 
ing. "Excellent, excellent, and things like 
that. and my mouth was watering freely 
when, all of a sudden, a female shriek or 
cry rent the air and, peeping cautiously 
round my Шахе bush, 1 they 


were staring fixedly at something tying 
on the grass and. to cut a long story 
short. it was m m 

“And they caught you 

they didn't know it was my cigar. | 
hered from their. remarks that the 


с suspects were the gardener, the 

ulleur and the man who deans 
knives and boots. It naturally didn't 
occur to your unde to pin the rap on 
because after dinner last night. I had 
wed him that 1 was a lifelong 


Indignation brought a flush to Gladys 

Then what's alb the fus about 
Whats the sense of sending me tele 



of Mrs. Potter, your uncle is hav 

or cousi 


ms abour disaster sta 
eyeball. if you're 

g you im the 
in the clear 
‘m nor in the clear.” 

"Yes vou are.” 

No, my loved onc 
not in the clear." 
I don't know wl 
You will in about 
гу to have to add t 

In the soup. yes. 


split seco 
at on the 




Yes. It appears that she has ai brother 
ething iit Scotland. Yard. 

at was always the 

“Tf you don't pay any attention, 
they usually stop showing off” 




g they did with a piece of evidence. 
the Чарх. I believe they cal] it. 
So your uncle said he would lock it up in 
his desk (ill it could be examined by the 
proper experts, So now you see why I 

E ster was staring us in the суе 
ball. My nis must be all over 
the damn thing and it wont take those 
experts five minutes 10 Tay the crime at 
my door 

lys wood motionless. plunged in 


A fly senled on her 
bur she ignored it, 

watched her 
"Anything stirring?” he asked. 
Gladys came out of her reverie. 
“Yes” she said, “Theres only one 
1 to be done. We must sneak down 
tonight when everyone's. in bed and 
ırîeve that cigar. 1 know where to find 
duplic key to Unde Francis’ desk. I 
weed it in my childhood when he kept 
chocolates there, Expect me al your bed- 
100m door about midnight.” 
You think we сан do it?” 

“II be as easy as falling olf a log,” 
MI anists are nervous, highly strung 

men. and Lancelot, as he waited for 
Gladys to come and tell him rhat ло 
hour bad arrived. was not at his bright 
cxt and most debonair, He viewed the 
coming expedition with concern. Tt so 
happened that, for one reason or smother, 
he had never fallen oll a log: but he 
assumed it о be a [cat well within the 
scope of the least gifted: and why Gladys 
should think it resembled the tisk thar 

ay before them, he could not imagine 
He could think of a dozen things th 
could go wrong. Suppose, to саће an 
instance ar random. the parot over- 
heard. them and roused the house. 
But when Gladys did knock on the 
г. something of confidence. returned 
10 him. The mere look of her was en- 
g Thee is nothing that so 
heartens a man in a crisis as the feeling 
that he has а woman ol strong executive 
t his side. Macbeth, it will be 
remembered, had this experience. 

Sht” said Gladys, though he had not 
spoken: and before thev set out, she had 
a word of advice on strategy and tactics 



to impart. 
ow, listen. Lancelot." she said. "We 
want to conduct this operation with a 
minimum of sound cleas You im- 
pulse, I know. will be to trip over your 
fect and [all downstairs with a noise Jike 
the delivery of a ton of coals, but resist 
it, Play the scene quiedy. OK? Right. 
Then lers go." 

Nothing marred the success of the ex 
ped п the outset. True, Lancelot 
uipped over his feet as anticipated. but a 
quick snatch ас the banisters enabled 
hi id giving the imperson 

of coals 

a ton 
she had warned him. In 
dewended the stais and 
o the study, Gladys 
duced her duplicate key апа Lancelot 
to himself that if he had 
heen a bookie. he would have estimated 
the odds on the happy ending as at least 
four 10 one, when there occurred one of 



was just sayi 


thowe unforeseen hitches that 
have to be budgeted for. Even as € 
key in hand, approached the desk 
thee came from the cridor outside, 
booming in the still night like the crackle 
of machine guns. the sound of footsteps 

It was а moment fraught with embar 
assment for the young couple. but cach 
ced with а promptitude ihat could 
searcely be overpraised. By the time the 
door opened. no evidence of their pres- 
ence was discernible. Gladys was con- 
cealed behind the curtains. thar draped 
the French wi while Lancelot, 
with a оте bound. had cleared the 
desk and was crouching behind it. doing 
his best not to breathe. 

The first sound he heard was the click 
of key in lock and the opening of a 
drawer. There followed the serarching of 
a match, and suddenly there Поа to 
his nosuils the unmistakable scent of 
smoke. And even as he sought vainly 
solution of this mystery, the cur- 
parted with a ranle amd be was 
ible to catch a glimpse of the upper 
portions ol the girl he loved. She 
staring acaningly down at something 
beyond his range of vision: and when a 
sharp exclamation in Swahili broke th 
silence, he knew that this тим be 
Colonel Francis Pashlev-Drake. 

"So!" said Gladys. 

There are nor many good things one 
© say in answer to the word “бо!” and 
the colonel remained silent for а space 
When he spoke. it was with something 
of his customary dignity 

Ah, there you are, m 
have seemed a bit tacitum 
abrupt appearance surprised 
thought vou were im bed and 
Well, no dou as odd 10 you to 
find me here. in explain, И you 
bnew 3 



dear, Sorry to 
but your 
me. T 


how D am situated — 
"You are situated in an armchair wi 
a whacking great cigar in your n 

wd 1 sh 
“You shall have it 
it will touch vour heart. You wer 
from home. I believe. when. Mrs 
entered my service? 
“She had been here a ye 
saw her 
Exactly. She was in the employment 
of a friend of mine when T was intro 
duced 10 her superkuive cooking, When 
he conked oui—apoplexv. poor fellow. 
brought on. 1 have always thought. by 
overindulgence in her Tried chicken. 
Southern style—I immediately asked hi 
10 come to me. and 1 was stunned when 
she inquired if I was a nonsmoker 
adding that she bekl smoking 10 be the 
p ] human 
would never consider serving under. the 
banner of an employer who indulged in 
the revolting practice, You follow me so 

I be glid to bave the inside 


when E first 

ry cause of 

et he picture" 

“h was tricky situation, you will 

admit. On the one hand, I loved c 
On the other, Г adored good food. Which 
to choose? The whole of that night 1 lay 
sleepless in bed, pondering; and whi 
mort . 1 knew what my decision 
must nade the great sacrifice. Т 
told her 1 never smoked and, until to- 
night. Û never have. But this morning. 
somebody dropped this cigar on the 
Lawn and the sight of it shook me 10 my 
depths. I had not seen one for three 
ing returned. 
I cept down 
s the story. my 
© you wi 

e 10 the c 

the urge. 
‚+. Well. that 
nd Eam su 
pe of mine се 

I nor ler this 
ars of 

Mrs. Porter. I can rely on уо 

“OF course.” 

“Thank vou, thank you. You have 
en a great weight off d. The sun 

has broken through the clouds . .. well, 
ly. of course, lor a glance at 
e that the hour is one- 
but. figuratively 
Bless my soul, 1 have not felt so relieved 
West Africi when 
os. charging on me with fash- 
eyes, suddenly sprained an ankle and 
had to call the whole thing off. I shudder 
to think what would have happened if 
Mis. Potter had. learned. of my d 
You wouldn't 1 
lor dust. 
Precisely. She would 
m at dayhr 
you seal your lips— 


e me 
а check 
You sce 
“You de? Who to? 
“You know him. Lancelot Bingley.” 
А hoame exciimation in some lule- 
known Sen t escaped the 

! You're joking!” 

You seriously mean 
amy that popeyed. pestilential 


slab of damnatio 


is nor. popey 

you will co that he is a 


as dike sor 
ul not a very fas- 

me he sec 
brought in 

“becuse 1 
the са 
tidious cat 

Tn his nook behind il 

e desk, Lancelot 
blushed hotly. For a moment he thought 
of rising то his feet with a curt "I resent 

that re but prudence told him that 
s better not to interrupt. 

iot only his looks I object 
1 the colonel. "I suppose he 
you. but he goss about 

has kept it fr 

jumping on peoples stomachs.” 
“Yes. he tioned that to me.” 
"Well. then. You don't expect 

aber vou your «талу scheme of 

marrying а fellow like that. 

vou а penny." 

Phen PH tell Mis. Pouer you're а 

secret smoke 
The colonel gasped. His cigar fell 

from his hand. He picked it up. dusted it 


“With the possible exception of d 
monds,” gils 


said Gladys, “a 

ned and bleak. His two d 
ed. U was plain that he 
serions thought. Finall 

“Very well. T consent 1 do 
utmost reluctance. for the idea of anyc 
marrying that... that... how s 


ће spoke. 

"The guy without the tail? Calls himself Adam." 

describe him? . . 

+- chills me to the 

f. But there is 
not do without Mrs, Potter's cooking. 
You shall have it^ 

behind the desk like 
ing the colonel to 
quiver Tike a smitten jelly. 
Ш the cigars you want. 1 
box of fifty—or. rather 
rs in my room 

breakfast. tomorrow, 
ill show you 

your head 

but this time with 
few words in 

obvious ecstasy. He said 
Cape Dutch: the 
panions had. plai 
obligingly translated. 

dys.” he said. “E could wih you 

ly missed the gist. һе 




The all-male taste, yet so 
mild and flavorful you'll hav } 
trouble keeping it from “her 

Rich, dark 
finish. $2.95. 

Changeable bowl. 
Metal grate suspends 

tobacco. $3.95. 

Rugged, sand- 
blasted finish. 


Double lining 
of real honey. 

Yello-Bole is made for men who like their smoking 
rich and full flavored. To create this unique taste 
the bowl is pre-caked with a new-formula honey 
lining. This gentles the smoke. Smooths the taste. 
Enriches the flavor. So effective—the imported 
briar bow! is guaranteed against burn-out. 

Available in a variety of shapes, $2.50 to $7.50. 


(continued from ра: 

FIRST LADY: Say il, anyway. 
PRESIDENT. (10 the unseen person): Wi 
you take us . . . to your leader? 
The vevswes is looking up at this 
unseen person hopefully. Suddenly, his 
ex pression 
naked arm reaches into view and gathers 
the PRESIDENT about the waist. scoops 
him off the ground (while the inst LADY 
stifles a scream). 
pony with ewesmesy thrown stomach 
down across the horses back, galloping 
off into the distance of the pari 
Another warkiok on anoiher 
gallops over to Ihe FIRSY LADY, reaches 
down, scoops her up and takes off in 
pursuit of the Presidential hore. 
The camera does not pursue but only 
them as they fade into the 

becomes grave. concern. A 



wissoLVE 10: Exterior, Indiam camp. 
Day. The Indian camp is sel on the soft 
ball fields near the shore of the Central 
Park rowboat pond. Iu the distance can 
be seen the skyscrapers of the city, At 

the moment, the PRESIDENT and FIRS 
tavy are well up on the shore in the 
midst. of a crowd of warriow and 

squaws. They are walking toward one 
particularly large teepee. the crowd fol- 
lowing beside and behind them. In the 
background, warriors sit on horses, guard- 
ing. A campfire is being built 
SOLVE To: Interior, Chief's teepee. 
The camera is looking toward the en- 
trance flap. Noise outside. The flap opens 
The PRESIDENT enters, followed by the 
THIRST LADY. The WARRIOR who had held 
the flap stays at the entrance, grinning. 

PRESIDENT: Thank you. 

First LADY: Thank you 
кыркма: Very helpful. you've been, 
First LADY: Very hospitable. 
rmst LADY: Yes, indeed. 

PRESIDENT: Yes, indeel. 

Short, awkward pause. The FIRST LADY 
es her husband in the ribs with her 


He reaches 

How much? 

тїнт LADY: Quarter will do. 

He hands the warrior a quarter. The 
warrior nods and exits, quarter in hand. 
The flap closes. 

PRESIDENT: The thing is: Of all the 
money spent on defense, nor a penny of 
it proved useful. That's what bothers me 
the most. 

тїнї ray: Hmm? 

PRESIDENT: 1 mean our radar, our mis 
siles. our bombers, our submarines, what 
good were they in the end? None. . . . 

Ah! Right. 
into his pocket. 
(10 his wife, sotto voce): 

The whole thing: weles. A waste of 

money! A waste of time, 

Fest LADY: Now, come on, Abe. 
Must blame yourself, 

PRESIDENTE: The fact is Mary, this 
country simply was not geared for bows 

and arrows. Ir sounds silly, I know. but 
there itis. The truth. And we slipped up. 
кїн tay: Abe. it’s not your fault. 

good at 

PRESIDENT: 1 n we're 
long range, Mary. You kiu 
that's our specialty. Lc 

we're really good at it 

I know, dear. 1 know, 
happens? Thee 
hes come sneaking up on us 
d trees, . . . T aell you, it isn’t 

First LADY: 1 know, dear. ] know. 
Now. shhh. Quiet. 

A pause. 

Feathers on their 

rmsr Lany: 1 know, dear. Now, shhh. 

himself): had 



rueswent: When people go ош to 
fight, they're suppose to wear helmets 
Not feathers. 
Fins LADY: E know, darling. | know. 
A pause. 
хт: Not fair . the whole 

Just nor. fair. 

Another pause. The FRSE LADY. stares 
at him with great concern. He is ob- 
vivusly on the brink of a босат. In 
the background. a pair of moccasined. 
feet are 

comer (orr sive): Ре 
would like to know what redskins wan 

They tun toward the voice. 

s white m 

emes Welcome (o epee of Chiel 

falling Cloud. 
A loud pop is heard. 
emer: Care for some hires 
He holds a bottle of champagne in his 
hands, He is smiling warmly. The cham 
pagne is bubbling out 
DISSOLVE TO; Name. Interior of tepec. 
Group shot. The three of them are sit 
ting, Indian fashion, on the ground. 
They ave slightly мий. Champagne 
glasses are in [ront of them. Caviar and 

crackers on u tray. Fresh fruit, Hors 

rmsr LaDy (do her husband, sotto 
vocc): Dear, we've been here over an 
hour already. Find out what they want 

presipest: Shhh! (lo the curr) And 
then you graduated. Princeto 

came: That's right—B. 

PRES т (to his wife): Isn't that 
emer: And you? 

огей in anthropology. 

How come we never met? 
Different. frater 

just too 

emer: Care for some morc? 
PRESIDENT: Thank you. 
The cmer pours some тоте cham- 

pagne. The waxswexv starts lo sing the 
Princeton alma mater, He is joined by 
the ct 
rmsr Lay: Dear, T dont 
bother you; but even though h 
mate, he happens to be the enemy. Find 
out what he wants. 
PResipENt: Oh, yes. Um. . 
camer: Suppose 1 rell you what we 
з want. 

Good idea. (fo his wife) 
He's not a bad chap, you know. I think 
may come out of this all right 

The came has taken out a scroll of 
parchment, from which he will read. 

ier: dn exchange for twenty-four 
s... (He drops $24 worth of 
coins on the ground) . . . twenty 

dollars . . . we want island of 
hattan back. 


PRESIDENT: Manhattan’ 


СЕР: Seco: 

FIRST LADY (sotto 
^m. He may be mad. 

PRESIDENT (with forced joviality, as if 
it were all a game): Un 
yours... . Sorry. 

cii: That's all right. We want. any 
Third. Union Pacific Railroad, 
Southern Pacific Railroad and the Atchi- 
nd Same Fe will be ceded 
who suffered most 
ul Grant Act. 
tome on. now 

it was never 





(nudging him lo keep 

ns amd i 
ment draw 

ассо! with a 
up by my able lawyer 

PRESIDENT (fo lis wife, stunned): Did 
he say 
кїнї LaDy: Thats right. Chief Justice 

Now keep quiet. 
© White man will be 
unmolested use of Cumberland Gap. 


Any questions? 

PRE Yes. Why are you doing 
all this? Granting, that is, t 

FIRST LADY (warning him Чо keep 
quiet; solto voce): Darling — 

reesiwest: Shhh. Don't worry. We're 

cemer: Because we redskins аге jeal- 
ous, thats why, 

A pause. 

PRESIDENT: Jealous? 

At you're 

Stunned silence by this outburst, 
PRESIDENT: Of, uh, whom? 

Of those goddamn bloody 

DENT: Oh! Oh, God. Now—now, 
listen. I can explain all that. We'll 
you, Drs just that we have to, um 
through this Negro thing first. 
He chuckles. They stare at cach other. 

PRESIDENT: But we're getting there, 
Hany. I mean, this time we've almost 
got it licked, And, uh. .. . 

The emer spits on the ground. 
We'll get to you. Oh, 
God! Look. 1...1... promise. Ju 
be а litle patient with us and, uh, your 
people will receive justice, too. 
cuter: Justice? 

RESIDENT: Yes, justice. Look, Harry, 
tis this? 


for God's sake, wh 
А pause. 

m sorry. But you've mis- 
understood. We don't want justice. 

PRESIDENT: You don’ 


PRESIDENT: Well... well... well... 
what do you want... ? 

rse LADY (0 her husband, sotto 
vore): Mention money, de 

PRESIDEXT: Um, money. 
like some money? 

CHIEF: You mean wampum. 

PRESIDENT (laughing weakly): Yes, uh. 
. . . wampum. 

The FIRST LADY and the 
both laugh at this “joke” 

emer: No. thank you 

A pause. The PRESIDENT and the FIRST 
LADY glance uneasily al cach other. 

FIRST LADY (sotto voce): "Power." 


rResipENT: Um, power? You know, in 
the running of things. I'll make you 
uh, Secretary of the Interior or some- 

A pause. 
PRESIDENT: Vice president? 


»alphehse normandias 

"I don't know what's wrong with kids today.” 




“There should be no difficulty about 

the divorce, Mr. Bris 

gs, bul it neve 

hurts to hawe the courl on our side.” 

¢ o, thank. you. You may keep 

your power. 
The virsipext again lurns lo his wife. 
FIRST Lal Dear. ws - 

FST LADY: Revenge. 
me something. Is it 
people w 
1 will 


Harry. listen, 
revenge you 
LI mean, 
things have 

agree with you, 

No. white mam. hois 
revenge my people want. 
And the emer smiles for the first tine. 
PRESIDEXT: Well. then, what the hell 

i it you want? 


emer: Just persecution. 



conve: Well. I mean. Why do vou 
think we're asking for all those ulous 
things: Manhattan, the Louisiana Terri- 

tory, the Atchison, 

Topeka, and Sante Fe? 

presipent: TI. T. don't know. 
оше: Why 
take them back. of cours 
have some reason 10 attack us again: 
steal our Jand, kill our children, subju- 
i die to us. We want the "good of” 
days” Abe—when being an Indian 
meant something. 
He stares al the PRESIDENT and. the 

He Then he 
murus and walks to the entrance of the 
teepee. The warrior opens the flap and 
stands at. attention, 



LADY sadly. 

camer (lo Ihe WARRIOR, fu passing): 
Guard them well. White man speak with 

forked tongue. 

The emer exits, The warrior stands 
guard ul the exit, The YRESIDENT and 
the vinst LaDy stare ab the WARRIOR, 
dum founded; lost. 

Pape OUT. 


(continued from page 142) 

Hanoi, like its earlier puppet in North 
has publicly asserted its inde- 
pendence. Not even the most ardent de- 
lender of the war cin now believe that 
пої wants to be part of a Chineseled 

3. The people we fight in South Viet 

am, it is now widely agreed, carry 
the banners of Vietnamese nationalism. 
They do this a mer colonial 
Gone, therc- 
notion that people will 
mive 10 communism. 
h learned in India, the 
Dutch Indo- 

officers whom we suppor 

with, is 
rally 10 
As the E 
French in 

nesia and we learned in the Ph 
Western powers not win 
aroused nationaliwu—and il wise, they 

do not uy. 
1. Those we support 1 

ve recurrently 

by their burlesque of democratic and 
constitutional proces reduced — their 
American supporters and onetime de 
fenders 10 an embarrassed. silence. Gone 
is the notion that any alternative will 
be accepted in the United States. 

3. The that we саш 
count on the applause and support of the 
other countries has disappeared, No Eu 

topean or American mation has rallied 10 


our side. Few leaders dire speak in our 
favor. In Asia, despite propinquity to the 
sumed danger. the most aggressi 

n twisting has not brought us 
only a few clients. But it is nor thar we 
e failed to win support that is our 
misfortune. We have aroused by 1 
most massive hostility in our n 
perience, There is an underlying 
tion, neve 
ol this opposition has bec 
by Commu: Wa ı is the 
most drastic of all indictments of our 
Vietnam enterprise. for it shows what an 
unparalleled opportunity our enterprise 
has accorded the Coi 


s for аша 

ies’ However. there is no reason to t 
that the Communists are this much 
volved. People have probably reacted 
accordance with ther own conclusions 
and their own conscience. 

б. Finally, with all else has gone the 
assumption that Am s could be ral 
lied, more or less 
war, howeve 

iutomatically, behind 

could be identified on the other 
Instead, the American peopl 
watched the collapse of the assump: 
tions on which the Vienam war was 
uched. In vindication of an iniclii 
gence none should mistrust, a very 
number have reached the inevitable con 
dlusion: The assumptions that took us 
imo Vietnam have by his 

been shows 

tory to be f. Therefore, we should 
not be there. 
The reasons that took us into the 

conflict having disappeared, why do we 

n. as all know. because men 

nd do not like to concede, 
even do themselves. that they were 
wrong. Those who urged our interven- 
tion were associated wih what could 

опе day be regarded as the greatest mi 
calculation. in our history. They remain 
in command. "They are naturally. reluc- 
пе to admit that their view of the 
world—the view that counseled this vast 
elfort—has been shown to be wrong. 
And so, aided by the military momen- 
of the event itself, they conti 
That is why we are now at w 

Ir ako cou on our coure 
Moderates, among whom 1 number my 
scl, should urge that when a change of 
direct here will 
be no тест n. We must counsel 
those persisting in error that they are fa 
iore likely to compound the dama 
their reputation than to retrieve it 


that is what happens to men who persist 

in the face of fact. 

Bur there are stereotypes in the 
tudes of those who are critics of our 
volvement in Viemam. If one is detailing 
the miscalculations of those with whom 
he disagrees. it is salutary, also, to look 
for the errors of those with whom he 
grees. It is most salutary of all, and in 
dition a trille exceptional, to search for 
cnor in one’s own past positions and 

One grave error of those who criticize 
our involvement in Vien 10 assume 
that the cities are a small and heroic 
id. perilously situated minority. We are 
nothing of the sort. In times past in t 

United States. popular 
official persecution have 

harshly wi 

ruined and men silenced. There has al 

ways seemed some special likelihood of 
this when the primitive emotions of war 
have But there is no 
danger of such represion when vast 
bers, including overwhelming 
proportion of the young and the ar 
luc, ше involved. One wonders. in 
deed, if under such circumstances. one 
should speak of dissent, Martyrs do not 
march by the millions. This tendency to 
ppropriate their Cloak serves. only 10 
© a highly em impresion. ol 

been released. 



the weakness of the opposition 10 our 
venture. in Vietnam. 
If anything, vellection should be on 

the reverse, There is no community cor 
cerned with foreign policy in the United 
Stites where the critic of our involve 
men in Vietnam is not accorded a warm 
and evan enthusiastic hearing. There are 
quite a few where it is nor deemed tact 
ful or discreet for an official defender 10 
appear. For the first time in our history 
last spring those т 
eign policy found it necessary, in pursuit 
of this discretion, to avoid that fine old 

ponsible for our f 

100 many students and 

Г А be present or too 

many would obtrusively decline ıo be 
I think, 

Iso. that those who arc criti 
spend too much time worrying about the 
motives and tactics of those who share 
their goals. Second only to the fear that 
cism will be suppressed is the fear of 

critics that they will be found in asoc 
tion with someone who, for whatever 
eccentric reason developed a latter- 

day affection for Ho Chi Minh. This is 
silly. 1 do contes to wishing that 
of those who are concerned about. Viet 
nam would redirect their co 
winning friends amd inlluencing their 
fellow citizens in effective fashion. 

I find myself also more than a little 
critical ol those of my fellow critics who 
admit to a feeling of frustration and de 
feat in their efforis to influence the Ad- 
n ion on Viet e thing. 
they have not be uence, 


сеги toward 

in isti am. 

without i 

On the c y. they have had a great 
Even within the Administration 
there are far more people with honest 
doubts than is commonly imagined. 
e more now. | venture lo 

than ever before. And one has 

only to ask. had there been no criticism, 

for that maner, no de 
strations—where would we be in 
now? Where would the bombs be fall 
doubt thar we would 
be far more deeply and dangerously 
involved th; 

no objection— 

ing? Can anyon 


Next, as is said even of the President 
of the United States. the critics of our 
Vietnam involvement have 
100 influenced by the polls. These, 1 do 
not doubt. show correctly the react of 
people to the war. They show the 1 
al. deeply conditioned tendency to rally 
to the flag. Bur the polls do not show 
depth of feeling. They do not show abil 
йу to articulate fecling—to persuade. 
They do not show length of memory. 
They do not indicate who will write the 
history and draw the lessons. They do 
not always show where yout id thus 
the next generation-—stmids. I those 
who feel deeply and remember long 
those who Gin persuade others and who 
will be the next electorate are opposed, i 
may not matter тоо much thar they are a 
minority. Nor will they long be such. 
V noted, our. wars in the past have been 
fought on something close to unanimity 
And they 
part of the popu 
in full support is wie te 
in neglect of articulate 
and young—that they сап be ignored 

been much 


hine а had the 
ion that. now opposes 
That it 








as somehow morally as well as numeri 
cally inferior—is lar Irom proven. On the 
contrary. it is likely to be remembered as 
onc of the cardinal political errors of 
dern times. m American life, me 
ntellectual, so-called, is Fashionably dis- 
missed as a serious factor in all the battles 

except the List. 

The aitics of our Vietnam involve- 
nt have also. been too ready to imag: 
ne that the opposition in Hanoi is c: 


: peace-loving men by entering 

tions whatever be- 


terms we 
This is unduly opt 

mistic—and also dangerous. Let me be 
on one thing. There is nor the 
Mot doubt that Hanoi has iudi 

cated a willingness to negotiate on vari- 
ws occasions. Amd this willingness ha 
hot required our withdrawal 
condition, Othe 
е further wid 

s a pr 
Is who imply otherwise 
ing the credibility gap 

But it is a mistake t base policy on an 
particular assumption as to the behavior 
wd intentions of Hanoi or the leaders of 
the National Liberation Front. We do 
not know the enemy that well. And it 
is very easy for those who are hostile to 
the idea of a ated settlement, those 
who want ту solution, so t 
handle our relations with Hanoi and 
the NLF and so to gauge and present 
their responses and nonresponses that 
those who disagree ae left well out on 
а limb. 

I we 

that is 

сап have negotiations, 
much to be desired. But there must be 
something more. There must alo be a 
policy that allows of stubbornness, suspi 
tion, ill will, obtuseness and the wayward- 
ness that results from imernal political 
struggle on the part of those with whom 
we are involved. Any policy that relies on 

negotiations is а policy that is at least part- 

“Let's see, thats one “yes, four ‘no’ 
and seventeen ‘Like, man, who needs i? ^ 

ly at the mercy of others. We must also 
have a couse of action that is within the 
scope of our own authority. We must in- 
vite negotiations. And we must have a bet- 
ter policy than mindless escalation, should 
otiations prove not to be possible. 

This brings me to my final point of 
criticism of my fellow critics. They exag 
gere the difficulties in finding an alier 
native course of action to the one we 
have been follow his tragedy has 
continued so long that they have come 
to believe that the alternatives have now 
disappeared. “Perhaps something could 
we been done earlier. Now it 
his is wrong—as well as morally 
k. Alternatives to continued and deep- 
ening involvement exist. They have even 
been made somewhat more fe: 
the march of events. 

Let me outline а feasible course of ac 
tion that reduces our commitment in 
Vietnam to sensible proportions, protects 
the Inger peace. conserves our national 
interest and, what could perhaps be 
more important, reflects the interest. of 
the sadly beset and tortured people of 
this part of the world. It is a policy 
that does not depend on the cooperation 
of Hanoi and the NLF. although should 
that be forthcoming, all would be much 

The first step is to accept in fact what 
many reasonable men have already con- 
ceded, which is that great areas of 
South Vietnam must remain indefinitely 

is too 

under the authority of the Viet Cong. 
They have been under this authority for 
vears—somerimes ten or more, It was 

not the policy even in the most militant 
of the Cold War yeas to roll back the 
Communists fom their established posi 
tions of power. Not even John Foster 
Dul ed. There is no indication 
that such policy is wanted by the people 
most immediately involved—there is no 
indication whatever thar they would ask 
at the price of the horrors of military 
liberation. None can say. in the comext 
of rural Asia, that on the completion of 
this effort their liberties would be greater 
or their well-being enhanced. The men 
who defend these parts of the counny— 
this is especially true of the Mekong 
Delta е not lores s but 
fighi on th f 

Much of the country under Viet Cong 
control, the Deha apart, is wild and 
lightly populated. To invest American 
lives in so slight, improbable and subjec- 
tive a qain ng. these 
and jungles to a Saigon stration is 
unthinkable, Nor do | honestly believe 
that even the militant friends of 
volvement will defend it with much en 
ihusissm. In Laos, we have reconciled 
ourselves to continued. control in the 
north by the Pather Lao. 

5s so ui 


jı native so 



What was sensible there is sensible in 
Next having revised our strategic 

objectives, we should, for the time bein 
seek the maximum of security. tranquil- 
liiy and well-being in the limited but 
populous areas that we control. With our 
vast commitment of manpower to the 
arca, this broadly defensive strategy be- 
comes ent il [his is not a 
mauer of to endaves, although 
the attack on that policy was less that it 
tarily unwise than that it was 
ly unwanted. Rather, it is simply 
а defensive policy that releas thc 
avowed absence ol territorial ambition, 1 
Irankly do not think that the areas we 
defend Gin be very Lage—they will be, 
in the main, urban and populous arcas 
that, by and large, have been difficult for 
or even immune to guerrilla operations. 
They will serve as a refuge for those who 
have committed themselves to our enter- 
prise. They will be a position wherein to 
await negotiations. They will reasure 
those among us who beliewe—as 1 do 
not—in the so-called domino theory 
Should negotiations be delayed and 
should the enemy continue to attack, an 
active delense will be necessary. There 
will be casualtics. But these will be in 
comparably smaller than thoe resulting 
Irom any «Шог 10 secure and hold the 

country. Perhaps in this war 
weary land we сап epea stagnation 
1 quies in Laos or Кона. And 

one day there will be negotiations. 

Phe next мер, strongly dictated. by 
our own interest, is 10 cease the bombing 
of North Vietnam. (The acceptance of 
the territorial slaius quo in South View 
mam will cud, except lor delensive pu 
poses, the equally deadly and rather less 
publicized air attacks there) O 
attacks on the North have abo, in th 
own way. disolved a great many 
assumptions—they. have dissulved the as 
sumption that they could interdict or 
even much handicap the movement. of 
men and supplies to the South, or that 
they could force neg 1 or that they 
wouldn't allect our moral authority else 

where in the world. They have shown tlic 
unwisdom of the military syllogism that, 

because we hh: 
pro tanto always elleaive, They hase 
shown that, whatever the shortcomings of 
our polities, Americans are not so cynical 
that a party can win an election by op- 
posing such use of air power and ther 
turn ad and initiate precisely this 
all within weeks 

. and not surprisingly, given the 
weight of our attack ou a poor and primi- 
tive Land, the supply of targets that do 
not involve even more bi 
slaughter or greater risks. 
hay been exhausted. So it is dear that we 
E With this ac 
we end the most reckless and sanguinary 
spect ol our involvement in Ушаш 
and the one thar always carried. with it 
the temptation of yet more escalation, yet 
greater involvement, We lose пой 
And in the background are the repea 

€ airplanes, ай power is 


uld end. these raids 

bombing thus 
ions. Rarely 
h of wisdom 

suggestions that, if the 
ends, there can be negor 
in foreign policy is the p: 
so clearly etched. 

Next we must begin to disengage our 
selves from the political generals to 
whom we have become commited in 
Saigon. That commitment. no less than 
the beliel in a military solution, was Uic 
produa of assumptions that have thor- 
Му disolved. It was рап of the be 
liel that for id Americans alike 
would approve any alternative to com- 

we must begin 10 рш View 
back in proper mental perspective. 
It bulks kage in our minds not because it 
place where great issues are bei 
decided but because we have so ohen 
id it is such а place. We must now be- 
gin to live by the truth. and not by our 
own propaganda. Indo-China is not the 
crossroads of the world: no great issues 
of strategy or security are involved 
lier statements that to hght there is to 
oid fighting in Hawan or Santa Moni- 
ca are how recalled only with amuse- 
ment. The counuies in that part ol the 
world that have so far lived in the 
greatest security have not been those, like 
Thailand, that we defend, but those, like 
Burma, that we do not defend. The col- 
lapse of Pwaeli democracy would have 
been a tragedy for all mankind ан 
panly because it was а democracy, it 
«а not. collapse. No scriot ron will 
suge пу government of the past 
decade in Saigon should evoke а similar 
pasion. Our best judgment must now be 
that, on the other side, we are involved 
with one of the many forms of national 
»unism with which we have learned 
that we can live and with which, as а 
practical matter, we now know that we 
must lite 

The seps P have just outlined—the 
abandonment ol the al ob territorial 
conquest and pacification, de-escalation 
and а defensive strategy, the ending of 
the air attacks, politic detachment, an 
escape Irom our own propaganda, nego- 
tiation if this proves possible—are not 
very dramatic. Nor do they bring our 
history in Indo-China ıo an end—though 
even if the ending of the air attacks does 
not bring negotiations, we can be s 
as 1 say, that someday negotiation wi 
occur. But this is the nature of the mod- 
crate program. Violence and death do 
mor lack in drama; as all who are ex 
perienced in Washington have long been 
aware, it is always the men of least moral 
the loudest in 


со! e who аге recon. 

mending sanguinary action and. sending 
in the bombers and the Marines. But 
the moderate path 1 have outlined is 
опе we Gin adopt and one that will sec 
uy clear. Ht is the one lor which the 1 
est measure of agreement саю be won. 
The tsk of the moderate is to win that 


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(continued from page 122) 

Japanese are funny, Mannichon 
thought. They are not like us 
Tag aguin, “Further 
exhaustive investigation, carefully con- 
wolled, will perhaps enlighten us. Exper- 
imems with at least five hundred other 
yellow mice, to begin with, with live 
hundred. conuols. A thousand goldfish, 
similar procedure, Naturally yellow or- 

ms, such as daffodils, parrots, 
squash, corm, etc, similar procedure. 
Higher vertebrates. dogs, a certain yellow- 
bottomed biboon, to he found in the rain 
forests of New Guinea, unfortunately 
rare, two horses, roans will do: 

"How can I get two horses into Deter 
gems and Solvents?” Mannichon asked, 
his head rechi ally if we have 
ш keep this qu 

“This laborator 

tka grew 

Tageka made a 

courteous cas-wind gesture of his hand at 

the gleam around them—"is at the 
service of my honorable friends. And we 
must show a certain amount of initiative 
in conducting some of our experiments 
in other localities, AI J need is a few 
comectly prepared tissue slides, stained 
as 1 direct.” 

“But | can’t put in request [orms for 
baboons and horses,” Mannichon said, 
sweatin in. 

I had thought it understood that. we 
would undertake this privately.” Tage 
said frostily, looking at Crockett. 

Th right," Crockett. said. 

“But where's the money going to come 
from? Yellow-bottomed baboons, for 
God's sake.” Mannichon cried 

‘Tam merely а pathologist.” Tageka 
said. He drank some more sherry 

Гүн in^ Crocket said. 

"You can be in,” Mannichon said, near 
tears, “You have companies all over the 
-. d make 
red. dollars 

world. Liechtenstein, Ischia 
seven thousand, eight. hui 

"We know what you make, pardner," 
eka said. "I will absorb your share of 
inary expenses, along with my 

the p 
Mannichon breathed hi 

ily with grat- 
itude. There was no doubt about it, he 
was finally in with Class, 

"E hardly know what to sa he 

There is no need to say anything.” 
said Tageka, "As partial reimbursement 
for funds kud out, І shail take the exclu 
sive rights of your share of all of north- 
urope for the first ten years, on a 
line drawn from London to Berlin. 

d Mannichon, He would 
have liked to say something else, but 
what came out was. “Yes, sir." 

"Т reckon thar’s about it lor the night, 
pardners." Tageka said. “I don't like 10 
rush you, but J have some work 10 do 
before E yo to sleep.” 


“Yes, sir ш 


He escorted Crockett. and Mannichon 
politely to the door of the laboratory 
They heard it lock behind them. 

The Oriental mind." Crockett said 
"Always suspicious." 

The girl in the offmauve p 
still lying on the couch, Her eyes were 

ms was 

There's no doubt of it, М, 
thought, taking а last devouring 
i ic of spec 

look ar 

The next weeks were frantic. Manni 
chon spent his days in Detergents and 
Solvents writing up reports өп non 
existent experiments to indicate on the 
weekly reviews that he was earning his 
ағу and loyally advancing the inter 
ests of Vogel-Paulson. The nights were 
spe Kyh’s labo . Man 
nichon had got his sleep down to three 
hours, The tests went on methodically 
The 500 yellow mice duly succumbed. A 
yellow Afghan with an illustrious pedi 
gree, bought at great expense, listed less 
than an hour after lapping up several 
drops of Mannichon's solution in a bowl 
of milk, while a blick-and-w 
liberated from the pound for three dol 
lars barked happily for avo days alter 
sharing the same meal. Dead goldfish: Lay 
by the hundreds in Tageka's refrigera 
tors and е yellow-bottomed baboon, 
alter showing deep aflection for Tagek: 
solaan for Crockert doa фейс w 
murder. Mannichon, was Hid to rest only 
a minutes after its relevant. parts had 

t in Tage тог 

te mongrel 

been bed in a purposely w 
variant of the solution. 

During this period, Mannichon's do. 
I that it mi 

mestie situation was not 
have been. His nightly арис had De- 
gun 10 annoy Mrs. M. hon. He could 
not tell her what he was doin; 

that he was working with Crockett and 
Гарска. Because ol the community- 
property laws, he was planning to divorce 
her belore the company 

showed any 


What have you fellows got going 
up there every night” Mis. Mannichon 
demanded, “A rainbow-colored daisy 

One more cross to bear, Mannichon 
thought. Temporarily. 

Flowers and vegetables had not been 
alfccted by the solution and they had not 
yet tried horses. And despite some in 
genious manipulations of the solution by 
Crockett (he had managed to subtract 
two hydrocarbon molecules from. Гохо 
and had dioxotetramerc- 
phenolerrogene 11 with a large variety 
ol residual 



isotopes), ihe 
rings always remained on whatever. ma- 
terials they ir astive 
While the two men 
worked on serenely, checking all Heads 

dd. eve ter exh: 

scrubbing. ог 

meticulously night after night and pro- 
ducing dazzling results for Vogel Paulson 
day alter day, Mannichon. vertiginous 
from lack of sleep. way begim 
despair of ever finding any practical use 

for the Mannichon solution. He would 
little paper that might or might 
get published, two or three bio. 

chemist throughout. the country might 
thumb through the pages olfhandedly 
another Curious little dead end of 
ch would be closed out and forgot 
ten, He would drive the 1959 Plymouth 
for the rest of his life and he would never 
see the inside of a divorce court 

He didn't communicate his fears to 
Crockett and Tageka Kyb, It was hard 
to communicate anything to them. In the 
they rarely listened. when he 
fier a couple of weeks, they 
sten l|. He did his work 
His work finally consisted 

tion and filing 

washing up. taking dic 
slides. Me was having his 
Vogel-Paulson, too. His weekly running 
digests of nonexistent experiments wi 
not being received with enthusiasm. and 

ominous memo had come to him in a 
haby-blue envelope from Mr. Paulson 
himself, “Well?” M Paul: had 
scrawled on a kage piece of paper. Just 
Ir was пог promising. 

He had decided to quit. He had to 
чин. He needed at least one nights 
sleep. He wanted to announce it to hi 
partners, but it was dificult to find the 
appropriate time. He knew he couldn't 
y it in front of Tageka Kyh, who was a 
remote man, but the chance that 
if he got Crockett alone for a minute or 
two. he could ош. After. all. 
Crockett: was white. 

So he took to tagging after Crockett 
and lying in wait for him whenever he 
could. But it took nearly another week 
before his opportunity presented itself. 
He was w front of the restaurant. 
where Crockett often lunched, usually 
with a ivious girl or se l lascivious 
girls, The restaurant was called La Belle 

troubles a 

e was 

get i 

Provençale and a meal there never cost 
less than ten dollars. That 
did't order wine. M 

could cat there for 85 cents 
one good thing about Vogel Paulson. 

Te was a hot day and there 
Because of his vertigo, 
rocked from side 10 side 
ed, as though he were on the deck of 
ving ship, Then he saw the L 
drive up. For once. Crockett. way alone 
He left the motor running аз ће stepped 
out amd turned the car over (o the 
tendant to park. He didn't notice Manni- 
chon as he strode toward the door of La 
Belle Provençale, although he passed. 
within three [eet of hir 

“Crock.” Mannichon said. 

as he 


jd looked around 
А look of displeasure angled across the 
Yankee angles of his face. “What the hell 
you doing here?” he said. 
“Crock.” Mannichon said, "1 ha 
talk t0 you” 
“What the hellre you rod 
Crockett asked. "Are you dru 
пагу one of the things 1 wanted 
A funny expression. intense and cold, 
unc over Crocketts face, He was st 

Crockett stopped 

ing past Mannichon, ever Mannichon's 

shoulder. "Look!" he said. 
You fellersve been great and all 
ichon said. lurching closer to 

rocket, “but 1 have to— 
Crockett grabbed. him by the shoul- 
ders aud him around. “I 

swung said, 
Mannichon sighed and looked. There 

. Across the 

was nothing much to look 
эиес. in fr bai 
broken-down oll wagon full of empty 
gingerale bores and an old horse, its 
head drooping in the heat. 

nt of it was 

"Look at what. Crock?” Mannichon 
said. He was now seeing double, but he 
didnt want 10 burden Crockett with his 
The ho 
“What about the horse: 
“What color is it, ma 
yellow. I me: 
sid. correcting, 

man, the hors 

ifs yellow 

thing comes to him who w 
Crockett said. He took out a small boule 
of the Mannichon solution. He never 
went anyplace without it. He was a ded- 
icued scientist, not one of those ii 
servers who lock their minds when th 
lock their office doors. Swiftly, Crockett 
poured some of the solution on his right 
. He gave Mannichon the boule to 
se the police ever asked any 
questions. Then he saumered across the 
street toward the old yellow horse and 
the wagon full of empty gingerale bor 
tles. It was the first time Mannichon had 
seen Crockett saunter anywhere 
Crockett went up to the horse. The 
driver was nowhere in sight. A Buick 

“This ‘black power thing, now. What the devil 
do you make of it, George?" 


passed with a colored man at the whe 
but aside from that, the street was empty. 

"Good old dobbin,” Crockett said. He 
patted the horse kindly on the muzzle 
with his wet hand, Then he sauntered 
back toward Mannichon. “Put that god- 
damn bottle in your pocket, man," he 
whispered. He 100k M:tnnichon’s arm, 
wiping the lust drops of the liquid off on 
Mannichon's sleeve. [t looked friendly, 
but ihe fingers felt like steel hooks. Ma 
nichon put the bottle of the solution in 
his pocker and. side by side, he and 
Crockett went into the restaurant. 

The bar of La Belle Provengale was 
nd the bot- 
shelves up 
against die window! With tie light from 
the street coming in from behind them, 
the bottles looked like jewelry. It was а 
artistic effect. There were quite a few 
people cating tendollar lunches in the 
dark interior of the restaurant. in a hush 
of expensive French food, but there was 
nobody else at the bar. The room was air 
conditioned and. Mannichon shivered un- 
controllably as he sat on the bar stool, 
looking out at the street through the bot- 
des. He could see the yellow horse be 
tween a bottle of Chanreuse and a boule 
of Noilly-Prat. The yellow horse hadn't 
moved. He was still there пе heat 
with his head down. 

“Whal it be, Mr. Crockeu 
tender said. "The usual Eve 
ways knew Crockett’s name. 
The usual Benny,” Crockett said. 
id an alexander dor my friend." 
Crockett never. forgot anything. 

They watched the horse through the 
while Benny prepared the Jack 
nies and the alexander. The forse 
didn't do anything 

The bartender served the drinks aud 
Crockett drank half of his in one gulp. 
Mannichon sipped at his alexander. 
ock,” he said, "I really do have to 
Ik to you. This whole thing is getting 


the bar- 
body al 

1," Crockett said. The driver of the 
gon was coming out of the bar 
the street. He climbed. up onto the seat 
of the wagon and picked up the re 
The horse slowly went down on its knees 
and then all the way down between the 
traces. The horse didn't move anymore. 
‘Send two more drinks to the table, 
Benny," Crockett said. "Come on, Flox, 
FH buy you lunch." 

Crockett. ordered tripes à la mode de 
Caen for lunch and a boule of hard 
cider. Crockeu certainly wasn't a typical 
ankec. As soon as Mannichon saw and 
led the dish, he knew his stomach 
was going to make some peculiar claims 
on his attention that afternoon. He never 
manage 10 dell Crockett Шш he 
wanted 10 quit. 




of them were in his 
nthouse. Ji was com- 

was saying. All thre 
ory in the pe 

paratively early, ошу 2:30 au, Vageka 
had taken the news about the horse 
without surprise, although he did say 
that it 100 bad they hadn't gouen 

any slides, "We've gone just about as far 
as necessary with the lower vertebrates,” 
Tageka Kyh said. “The next experiment 

suggests itself inevitably." 
lr didn't suggest isell inevitably to 
Mannichon. "Whats that” he said. 
For once, Tageka Kyh answered one 
of Mannichon's questions. "Man," he 
said simply. 
michou opened his mouth and 

kept it open. He didn't dose it lor some 



had his face squeezed up 
ol concent “1 foresee 


decent selection of pigmented subjects. 

"Well, 1 know everybody ас Lakeview 
1 downtown, of course,” Crockett 
but 1 don't think we'd find the 
proper range. Afier all, were in die Mid- 
west. 1 doubt il you'd even lind more 
than two or three Indians in a уса 

Mannichon still had his mouth open. 

1 don't uust those fellows at Gener- 
ab" Tageka Кур said. “Theyre sloppy. 
And whatever man we pick we'll have to 
bring in as а full parier, of course, and 
1 don’t like anyone down at General 
enough to dump a fortune in his lap." 

Mannichon would have liked to i 
rupt ar this point. Tageka Kyh’s use of 
the word fortune seemed. careless, to зау 
the kast Everything they bad done up 
10 now, as far as Mannichon was con- 
cerned. had been vigorously devoid of all 
possibility of profit. But Tageka Kyh was 
caught up m his planning, speaking 
smoothly, articulating well. pronouncing 
every syllable 

“L think all indications point to the 
Coast. San Francisco comes to 
Гарска Kyh said. "A sizable non: 
white population, well-run hospitals with 
¢ nonsegregated. charity wards. . . 
Mannichon He 
had been there on his honeymoon, He 
had had shark's-fin soup. You only ger 
manîed once, he had said to Lulu 
1 have a friend on the staff of Mercy 
ıl Cancer," 7 ı Ryh said. “Ludw 




“OF course” — Crockeu — nodded 
Qieleh. Prostate. Top-notch.” Crockett 
had head ol everybody. 
"He was first in his dass at Berkeley 

three before me," Ty 
said. “I think FII give him a tinkle 
reached for the phone. 
а minute, ple 
Mannichon said hoarsely 
lo say you are going t0 experiment on 
living human beings? Maybe kill then 
eka Kyh you 

Mr. Ta 

“Do vou mea 


brought this fellow in on this. You 
llc him. 

lox," Crockett said. 
irritation. “it boils down i0 this—are yo 

а scientist or arent you а scientist: 

with evident 

Tage! s already dialing San 
et хе. Ludwig Qvelch 

was saying, “what have we got on hand? 
Vm thinking of the Blumstein wing. That 
would seem to be [s place to begi 
don't you a Т 
ска Kyh КШ. 

“The Blumstcin 

wing. Ideal,” he said. 
Qvelch had arrived. only 14 hours 
after the call to San. Francisco. He had 

closeted himself with Tageka Kvh and 
Crockett all afternoon and. evening. Tr 
was midnight now and Mannichon had 
been admitted. to the conference, which 

t in the Cape Cod living 

» Ludwig Охе was a huge, tall 
man, with wonderful white teeth and a 
hearty Western. manner. He wore 5300 

suits with light ties and he was а man 
you would instinctively wust anywhere. 
He һай made some marvelously elo- 
quent speeches оп natienal television. 
ti Medicare. 

Qui took out a small black al 
notebook and thumbed through it. 
the moment.” he said. "we have thi 
three € ans, wehe Negroes, three 
indeterminate. опе Hindu, one Berber 
amd seven. Orientals. six presumably. of 
Chinese ext one definitely Japa 
nese. АШ male, of course.” He laughed. 
heartily at this allusion to his specialty. 
the prostate gland. “I would call that a 
enough sampling, wouldu't you?” 

“Wil do.” Tageka Kyh said, 

ТАП terminal?” Crockett asked. 

1 would sity roughly eighty percent.” 
Qveleh said. "Why do you ask?” 
“For Mis sake” Crockett sured to- 
rd Mannichon. le was worried." 
"Fm. glad to see that the rarefied 
wiped our your ad. 
tul scruples.” Qvelc said, 
е Western hand on Manni: 
alder. “Have no fear. No lile 




ol research. hasn’ 
гале y 
putting a | 
chon's sh 
will be shorrencd — 

hanks, doctor 


Qvelch looked at his wuch. “Well 
Ive got to be tootling back.” he said. 
“1'11 keep in touch.” He put a liter boule, 
usually volat 

reserved lor c 
acids and encased in lead, imo his valise. 
“Youll be hearing from me.” He started 

i Tageka Kyh ac 

briskly toward the door, 
him. Qveldı stopped before 
What is it 
Ш proceeds to each. part 
i and Сома Rica ex- 
e of 

One quarter of 
ner, with Guatem 

"Iss all in the memorandum 1 y 
you this afternoon.” Tageka Kyh said 
Yes. of comse,” Qveleh said. "I just 

“I still can't get used lo a Christmas without snow.” 



286 instead of psychiatry. IE you" 

ted to be able to clear up any little 
points with my lawyers when the incor 
iom papers come through. Nice 
meeting you fellers.” He waved w 
Crockett and Mannichon and was gone: 

Tm afraid well have to break it up 
early tonight, рап ska  Kyh 
said. “I have some work to do. 

Mamnichon went right home, looking 
forward to his first good night's sleep in 
months. His wife was out playing bridge, 
so he should have been able to sleep like 
a baby, but for some reason, he couldn't 
close his eyes until dawr 

"Qvelch called this afternoon," Tageka 
Kyl said. "Не reports results." 
hon’s eyelids began to twitch 
ms and he found that his 
lungs had suddenly begun t reject air 
“Do you mind if I sit down?" he said. He 
had just rung the bell of Tageka’s apart- 
ment and Tageka himself had come to 
the door. Supporting himself with his 
hands against the wall, he made his way 
nto the living room and sat unsteadily in 
a captain's chair. Crockett was sprawled 
on the couch. a glass of whiskey ou his 
breastbone. Mannichon couldnt tell 
from the expression оп Crocket's. face 
whether he was sad or happy or drunk. 
followed Mannichon into the 
Can 1 get you anything?” Tageka 
asked, being a host. “A beer? A juice 

“Nothing, th. you" Mannichon 
said. This was the first time since they 
had met that Tageka had been polite to 
him. He was being prepared for some- 
Vhat did 

Dr. Qvelch have to 
“He asked to be remembered. to you, 
"Fageka said, sitting between Crockett 
and Mannichon on а cobblers bench 
and taking in a hole on the chasedesilver. 
buckle of the belt of his jeans. 
What else?” Mannichon asked. 

“The first experiment has been con- 
cluded. Охе himself administered the 
solution epidermally to eight subjec 

five white, two black and one yellow. 
Seven of the subjects have registered no 
tation, "Ehe autopsy on the eighth 
Mannichon’s lungs w 
in jas “We've killed 

be reasonable, Flox.” It was 
Crockett talking, wearily, the whiskey 

glass going up and down evenly on his 
chest. “I happened in San Francisco. 
Two thousand miles away from here.” 
“But it's my solution 
“Our solution, Mannichor 
said evenly. "With Qvelch, we 


ап lying on 

wh, the 

пс, ours 's 
at China 

There's a poor di 
a slab in 
“Wih your temperament, Ма 
chon,” Tageka said, “I don't underst 
how you happened to go into research 

do business with us, you'll have to rc 
strain yourself.” 

“Business!” Mannichon staggered 10 
his feet. "What kind of business do you 
call this? Killing off Chinam: 
cer in San Francisco! Ва 
unaccustomed irony, “if 

he said with 
d of 

t to listen or do you want 
to make an oration?” Tageka said. “I 
have many interesting and valuable 
things to tell you. But ] have work to do 
nd 1 can't waste my time. That's better. 
Sit down.” 

Mannichon sat down. 

“And stay down.” Crockett said. 

“The autopsy, as T aying.” Ta 
geka went on, "indicated that the subject 
tural death. No traces of any 
ny of rhe organs 
occured quietly, due, by i 
Terence, to a secondary Hash reaction to 
acerous material in the region of the 


prostate gland. We know better, ol 
Um a murderer,” Mannichon said, 

his head between his hands. 
UD really can't tolerate language 
in my house, Crock,” 
“Perhaps we had better let him dis 

“И you want 10 go back to Detergents 
and Solvents, Flox,” Crockett said, with- 

out moving from the couch, 
where the door i 

"s exactly what 1 want to do," 
Mannichon said. He stood up and 
started toward tbe door. 

“You're walking out on the best part 
man.” Crockett said 

of a million dolla 

michon stopped walking toward 
the door. He turned. He went back to 
the captain's chair. He sat down. “I 
might as well hear the worst,” he 
down in 
у Crockett said. “1 dropped in 
| an old friend. Simon Bunswanger. 1 
went to school with him at Boston Latin. 
You haven't heard of him. Nobody's 
heard of him. He's in the CIA. Big m: 
in the CIA. Big, big man. 1 gave him a 
little rundown on our project. He was 
titillated. He promised to call а meeting 
of some of the boys in his shop for briel- 
g and proposals" Crockett looked at 
his watch. "He's due here any minute.” 

“The CIA?" Mannichon now felt com- 
pletely adrift. “What'd you do that for? 
They'll put us all in jail." 

“Quite the opposite.” Crockett said. 
"Quite the opposite. I'll bet you two 
1cxanders he comes in here with a 
[at proposition. 

"For wh Mannichon asked. 
he was sure that all those compan 
all that lack of sleep had made i 
ble inroads on Crockett’s reason. 
would they want with the M 

"Remember the first day you came to 




me, Flox?” Crockett finally got to his feet. 
He was in his socks and he padded over 
to the bar to pour himsel a fresh Jack 
jel's. "I said, we answer one ques- 
tion, we can clean up. Remember that? 
More or less” Mannichon said. 
“Do you remember what that one 
question was?” Crockeu said, drinkin 
sounding liquid. "I'll refresh your little 
old memory cells, reactivate the old 
nerve patterns, The question was, “What 
the hell is yellow that we are oven 
with, like r Remem 
ber that? 
"Yes" Mannichon si 
the CIA got to... 77 
“The CIA, man, 
“knows exactly what is 
we аге ovemun with. 
dropped a piece of ice into 
stirred with his finger. 

“But what has 

and what 

He paused. 
is drink and 

The doorbell rang. “That be 
Bunswanger.” Crockett 

“This is the last time PH do any 
work with anybody like you, Mannichon. 
Гарска said idly. “You're psychically 

Crockett back into the room 
with a man who looked as though he 
could have made a good living as а le- 
male impersonator in the old days of 
vaudeville. He was willowy and had fin 

blond hair and а small bow mouth and a 

id. “ГИ go." 


Crockett said, "b want you to 
meet my partners.” He introduced T 
века, who bowed, and Mannichon, who 
couldn't look into Bunswanger's eyes 
they shook hands. Bunswangers grip 
is not that of a female impersonator. 
“II have a Jack Daniel's, Crock.” 
Bunswanger said. 1t must have been the 
campus drink at old Boston Latin. Bu 
swanger had а voice that reminded Man- 
nichon of Carborundum. 
ass in hand. Bunswanger sat on one 
of the scrubbed pine his legs 
crossed in a fetching manner. “Well, the 
boys in the shop think you fellows have 
done i 
search,” Bunswanger 
some tests run and they bea 
out one hundred. perc 
from Qveleh? 
“This afternoon, 
sults positive: 
Bunswanger nodded. “The boys in the 
shop said they would be. Well. no use 
beating around the bush. We want it 
‘The solution, We've already set up pre 


т your pipers 
. Did you hear 

Tageka said. "Re- 

liminary target zones. The source of the 
Yangize, three or four lakes in the north, 

two of the tributaries of the Yellow Riv 
places like that. You don't happen to 
p of China handy, do you? 
id Tageka. 

swanger said. “I would 
clear up the picture for you fellows." He 
looked around. "Nice ple you have 
here. You'd be surprised what they ask 

make а big эр 
{ olidays 

no gift 
е flavour 
ОТ water 

in Scotland 

About $725 a fifth * Prices may vary according Io st 



for a decent place to live in Washington. 
Of course, the Russians will help us. 
We've sounded them out already. Ма 
it more comfy, reduces the risks. That 
long border with Siberia and all those 
delegations. ОГ course, that's the 

of the stuff. No bang. We've 
searching for something w 
for years. Nothing satisfactory 
up, until this. Did you fellows test all the 
way down? I didn’t see it in your papers. 
I a hurry, of course, but 1 

Mannichon asked. 

"Down to cifective reaction at lowest 
possible percentage of solution in H Two 
O," Bunswanger said. 

“We t push to the limit, Si,” 
Crockett said. “We only worked nights.” 

“Amazing — elficienc| Bunswanger 
said. He took a delicate sip of his whís- 
key. "We ran a [ew trials One two 
billionth of a part in fresh water. One 
twee-billionth of a part in salt water." 
He laughed, sounding girlish, remember- 

something. "There's a curious side 
t. It cures jaundice. You could set 
up a company, pharmaceutical only, and 
ke a wad just on that. Only on a doc 
prescription, of course, You'd have 
to make sure nobody used it on Orientals 
or there'd be hell to рау. Well, just a 
detail. Now"—he uncrossed his legs— 
"practical matters. Well pay you two 
million cold for it. Out of unvouchered 
funds. So you don't have to pay the tax 
boys anything on it. No record. Nothing 
iting. It's a great shop to do 
business for. No niggl 
Mannichon panting again. 
“Are you all " Bunswanger 
is voice. 

Bunswanger sa 
looking concernedly at Mannichon, “if 
we ever use gs over on а royal- 
ty basis, But we can't guarantee that it 
ever go operational. Though the 
way things look right now. . . .” He left 
the sentence unfinished. 

it swi 

“Miss Beverly, I want an option on you 
Jor the Christmas party.” 

michon thought of Ferrari after 
„ dozens of girls in oftmauve 


nd Tm off,” 
to make 

I have a 
ow. Hear this, 
voice was as precise as a gun sight. 
in for twenty percent. One. fifth. 
services rendered.” He looked around. 
Crockett nodded. 
Tageka nodded. 
Mannichon nodded, slowly. 
m off to Caracas," Bunswanger said 
He finished h k. They shook 
1 round. “There'll be a fellow 
here in the morning,” Bunswanger said, 
ith the loot. In cash, naturally. What 

Bunswanger said, 
making a quick entry in a small alligatoi 
bound notebook. “Glad you dropped in 
the other day, Crock. Don't bother 
seeing me to the door. And he was 

There was litle more to be done. 
Since they were going to be paid in cash, 
they had to figure out w 
tion Tageka was to get for hi 
rights and his ten-year share of Mant 
chon's portion of the rights [or northern 
Europe. It didn't take long. Тарека was 

just as good а mathe as а 
Crockett and Mannichon left the 

apartment together. Crockett had a date 
at a bar nearby with Mr. Paulson's third 
and present wile and he was in a hurry to 
be off. "So | lox," he said as he got 
into his La 
s humming аз he spurted off. 
Mannichon got into the Plymouth. He 
sat there for a while, trying to decide 
what to do first. He finally decided that 
first things came first. He drove home at 
60 miles an hour to tell Mis. Mann 
he was going to get a divorce. 

Up in the apartment, Tage! 
ing on the cobblo's bench, mal 
ideograms with a brush and ink on a 
scratch pad. After а while, he pressed a 
buzzer. The Negro butler came in, 
dressed in his yellow striped vest and 
white shirt sleeves with heavy gold cult 

eka Куй said to the but- 
"tomorrow 1 want you to order five 
hundred grams cach of dioxotetramerc- 
phenoferrogene, 14, 15 and 17. And five 
hundred pink mice. Noon second 
thought, better make it а thousan 

“Yes, sit,” said James. 

“Oh, and James"—Tageka. Kyh waved 
the brush negligently at the butler. “Will 
you be good cnough to put in a call to 
the Japanese embassy in Washington 
ТИ speak to the ambassador personally.” 

“Yes, si" James said and picked up 
the phone. 


THE BUMMIES con ined prom page 195) 

the sprawling vastness of the Gity of 
Angels In the Bunny Dressing Room 
on the third floor of the building, Kathy 
slips into her Bunny outfit, refreshed 
nd ready to greet keyholders in the 
ground-level Living Room of the Club. 

“In the Living Room,” Kathy says, 
“I'm able to feel the mood of the whole 
evening. Then, when the night's over, a 
bunch of us mom down the Strip to the 
Whisky à Go Go or around. the corner 
to P. [./5"—two of L. A's most. popular 
all-night rockaterias—"to relax with the 
latest dances. | don't know how any- 
thing that looks so strenuous сап make 
you feel so free.” 

Kathy's love lor her “wheels,” for the 
beach and for the music a local disc 
jockey calls “Boss sounds for Boss An- 

gels" is as typical of her cottontail col- 
leagues as are her all-American good 
looks. The Bunnies of Hollywood (or of 

Los Angeles. if you prefer—Sunset Strip 
technically falls in West Hollywood) hail 
from six foreign countries, from U. 
urbia as distant as Spokane and the 

d as nearby as Southern. Cali 
«lf (a 100mile circle with 
center at the Club would include the 
home towns of half the Bunnies). They 
come to or мау in Los Angeles for the 
fun and excitement of the Club, for the 
incomparable advantages of L. A's geog- 
md for Hollywood's 

phy а 
movie opportunities. 
To a girl. the Bunnies of Hollywood 
enjoy at least one of the outdoor sports 
available, in unique proximity and profu- 
sion, to Southern  Californians—and 
most are involved. in what sound like 
comprehensive courses in the consum- 
mare enjoyment of the great outdoors, 
Snow skiing and waterskiing, scuba div- 
ing and sky diving, desert exploring. 
ing—in fact, almost every alf 
activity invented by тапа 
ticed year-round someplace w 
day's drive of the Los Angeles Playboy 
b. Its no surprise that. Hollywood's 
ny brigade is the most completely 
tetic collection of cottontails in the 



key chain: an evening with any of them 
that doesn't include at least one auto 
motive excursion—or allusion—i rare 
iny d 

If. as many observers contend, Los 
des is a vision of what the ret of 
America will become in ten years, the good 
news is that Гог every extravagance cele- 

brated iu the works of. Nathanael. West 
ıd Evelyn Waugh, the city offers ex 

inary examples of good taste and 
joie de vivre. Vis complex of ucarat-hand 
action theaters, for example—from. the 
Dodgers’ Chavez Ravine to the Holly 
wood Bow!—make similar acractions in 
lessgifted cities pale in comparison. 
Hundreds of galleries and museums 
(most notably, the Los Angeles County 

Muscum of Art, the Pasadena Museum 
ad the Municipal Art Gallery) compete 
for the attention of legions of Sou 
California painters and connoisseurs— 
such as Bunny Candy Humphries, L. А.5 
5 Bunny of the Year and its most 
ndy's off 
© supper 
7a and chianti on a beach just as the 
s setting.” she says) is only one of 
the multifarious modi vivendi of the 
Bunnies of Hollywood. If Candy and her 
colleagues are harbingers of things to 
come, we can look forward to a future 
filled with style. 

As а recent and entirely appropriate 
addition to a city that makes style a way 
of life, L. A's coriontails instinctively em- 
brace a relaxed ink 
their spacious Club 
from ihe “let's close-the-dealyestert 
pressure that occasionally cha 
the rest of L. A. When regular 
Jack Palance or ‘Tony Benn 
Dana and Don Ad: 
n the same building—drop in, they may 
ask their favorite Bunny for a tableside 
telephone, but they ely to con- 
centrate on unraveling harried nerves. 
Yet work and leisure have always i 
mingled uniquely in Hollywood. Bunny 
Mother Alice Nichols—who wore satin 
cars herself in Chicago—notes t 
much i 

beat, sandside Ше ("Му favor 

Hollywood depends on attrac: 
ness in both appearance and person- 
ality that my girls wouldn't think of 

going out onto the floor unless every- 

thing from their make-up to their mood 
n to relax and impress the key- 
Producers, directors and agents 
ofien are impressed, and the Club reacts 
with unqualified pride when one of its 
own starts toward stardom. Almost half 
the Hollywood cottontails have won 
parts in films or TV shows, and a clea 
cur majority—including | Kathy—have 
tested their Angeleno wings in TV com- 

Among the most talented of the cur- 
rent Hollywood Bunnies i» Sam Moor- 
Sharon Ann spelled fast 
ins. Afier a childhood in 
Whittier, California, a stint as а model 
for West Coast designer Rudi Gernreich 
nd a gig at college on a music scholar 
ship, Sam brought her striking talents— 
-37 figure—to the Playboy Club 
York. In close to three years 
ny, she has shuttled between 
the Coasts, acquiring suitably a schizo 
phrenic ser of vastes—"glamorous New 
York opening nights and my big black 
alilornia motorcycle." With the full 
blessings of the Club, she took a leave of 
absence last spring to appear in a pro- 
n of Call Me Madam—with Ethel 

is cert 


з Kathy. Candy and Sam 
aren't exceptions: The Bunnies of Holly- 
wood are a stunning cross section of the 
beautiful, sun-browned. girls of Califor- 
„ open with themselves and with any- 
one they like and zestfully involved in 


“Just tell the Senator I represent fioe thousand 
nudists in his state." 




ures and variety of the benign 
around them. Camera Bunny 
ughan, for example, went 
to Los Angeles after a year at San Jose 
City Junior College and more than a 
year “studying people, keeping a diary 
and just relaxing" in the North Beach 
of her home town, San Francisco. 
"I've kept my journal for six years now, 
in about 20 big, three-ring notebooks," 
Shannon says, “It's great 10 look back 
and sce exactly where I've changed. 

One recent change is a wholeh 
commitment to an acting carcer 
played the lead in a short film by Wi 
Coast moviemaker Mel Henke and has 
brightened The Man from U.N. C. L. E 
as well as several TV commercials. 
brandnew part of her training finds 
Shannon frontrow center every ch: 
she gets at the Ahmanson Theater or the 
circular Mark Taper Forum, twin dra 
showcases that opened last spring to 
complete the Los Angeles Music 

Most of the Bunnies with stardom in 
their eves elect to leave their da 
for shooting and work evenings at the 
Club, But the business 1 
men who hie themselves to the hutch (in 
Southe 5t-mile drive for 
a lunch date is 5.0- lavish noon- 
time smorgasbord in the Living Room 
or for a steak ар the Playroom, 
are still able to enjoy the company of 
cottontails they caught on TV the night 
before. Daytime Bunny Annazette Chase, 
for instance, whose dark-brown hair and 
sienna eyes have delighted keyholders 
since the Club opened on the last night 
of 1064, played the welLremembered 
role of Mrs. Adams in Hotel and smaller 
pars in Ben Casey, Mr 
Eleventh Hour and—like 
The Man jrom О. №. С.І. E. 
Soon-hour Bunny De (pronounced 
“Dee") Russell describes herself as “a Ti 
tle bit of beatnik, a little bit of Hollywood 

the ple: 
inon Gi 


ys free 

nd professi 

d a little bit of Hell's Angels" —which 
sounds like low camp but on De 
looks good. Despite an aversion to 

early-morning shooting assignments, De's 
handled small parts on Wagon Train 
d My Three Sons, as well as highly 
visible [rugons in a recent Beach Party 
epic. She's hoping for more substantial 
rules in the future, but meantime has no 
trouble keeping occupied. De lives 100 
yards from swinging Playa del Rey Beach 
ind—when she isnt polishing her 
Honda—can be spotted in any crowd of 

After Annazette, and the other 
daytime Bu the dust Club 
lunches around three, the next few hours 
find the heaviest concentration of Ке 
holders the firstfloor Playmate Bar— 



‘ounded by those delightfully fa 
endes. Dianne Danford. Jo 
Matis and China Lec arc among the 
Playmates who have graduated from the 
home of their picture gallery lo 
pressive new careers. Among the current 

Playmare-Bunnies is Sharon Rogers, 
L.A/s Bumper-Pool Bunny. Sharon 
who was featured in four Pravmov 
piciorials within 13 months, discovered 
Los Angeles climate shortly after her 
January 1954 centerfold nce. She 

decided she'd rather 
Chicago winters, although 
ing twin jobs as an Assistant 
Editor for praynow and as а Bunny at 
the premier Playboy Club. Now, alter 
roles in one film and two TV shows, she's 
devoting her time ourside the Club то 
horseback riding, chess—and the raisi 
of а future star. Sharon's married to a 
Hollywood comedy writer and. with only 
a Tule urging, will produce rushes of 
their young son, Brandon, being jiggled 
on Jimmy Stewart's knee in scenes from 
the recently released Fury at Firecreek. 
In terms of gatelold appearances, 
wen Wong, rravuov's Miss April 1967, 
the most recent of the Hollywood 
Playmate-Bunnies, Her exquisite, cl 
Oriental features are recognized 
wherever she goes—and she still gets a 
packet of fan mail every day. “A lot of 
the letters are from soldiers in Vietnam," 
she says. “I wish I could tell you how 
warm their appreciation makes me fe 
Gwen's fivefoot stature makes her 
tiniest Bunny 
friend and hutchi 
only an inch till 
ame in Gwen's Playm has 
also provoked considerable audience 
reaction; although. her auburn hair and. 
electric blue-green eyes were lost in the 
centerfold story's black-and-white pho- 
igh attention 




tos, Marilyn attracted 
to land a string of TV-commerc 
Gwen and Marilyn are still 
ps into the heartland of 
the West—like the journey described. in 
wen's Playmate story. As Gwen s 
T'm romantic enough to drive 100 miles 
out of my way just to see a beautiful 
grove of trees" For Playmate- Bunny 
Astrid Schulz (September 1064). the best 
playground in the world starts a 
of miles due west of the hutch. 
one of the Club's several scuba 
of whom are impressive in or out of a 
wet suit. After underwater initiation on 
the sandy ocean floor off Los Angeles, 
Astrid let Bunny Irene Taylor persuade 
her to explore the reefs of Catalina Is- 
d. 95 miles offshore. “It’s like a yellow 
jungle.” Irene says of her favorite diving 
spot. "The most beautiful sipht is a 
school of small fish. turning off in one 
direction at once, catching the sun like 
10.000 diamonds." 

Astrid herself discovered L.A. after 

schooling in her native Holland, where 
she apion gymnast, and in 
Paris, where she studied ballet. “But after 
1 became а Playmate, 1 went out on some 
promotions." she recounts. "and discov 
ered that what I really want to do is 
work in public relations. When I was in 
the movies —4 House Is Not a Home. 
The Art of Love, Sergeant Deadhead 
Ihe Astronut!—"one of the studios 
wanted to sign me to a contract, but you 
lose your independence, so 1 didn't sign. 
1 like contact with different people so 
much that 1. can’t tie myself to a few.” 
Astrid's only complaint about her new 
—and now penmanent—home town 
“the funny guys,” which Dutch- 
American description of the long-haired 
types who temporarily occupied the 
Sirip en mase a year ago. The best 
thing about her year at the Hollywood 
hutch, Astrid sa 1 at 
mosphere in the second-floor VIP Room, 
where she сап converse with the room's 
international clientele in all four of the 
languages in which she is fluent (Dutch, 
French, German and English) and even 
a little of the Spanish she's now learning. 
Nancy Scott, the Hollywood VIP 
Room's second Playmate-Bunny. proves 
how easy it is to create a private u 
verse divorced from an outsider’s clichés 
about Los Angeles. “Billboards, u 
tractive architecture 
my pet peeves,” Miss March 1964 say 
bur by centering my life around the 
Club and my house in the hills, I can 
manage to avoid almost all of them com- 
pletely. Of course. 1 have to spend а half 
hour or so every day on the freeways, 
but they're not bad at four in the afte 
noon and two in the morning.” A med 
cal technician when rravsox discovered 
her, dark-blonde Nancy joined the butch 
soon after her Playmate appearance and 
her decision thar—sinee she w 
ready 10 go on to become a docior—she 
could do as much for general health in 
Bunny satin as in nurse's wh 
The VIP Room's Latinalfairs expert 
an important role in a city that hosts 
thousands of sowt-ofthe-border bus 
nessmen and officials—is Colombian Hva 
Tarud. Bunny Ilva is endeavoring to pa 
lay her fine features and 
blonde hair i 
top-notch model" wl 
routine of dancing classes, horseba 
riding and careful attention to her grace- 
ful figure. “I think the thing 1 miss most 
about Barranquilla," Hva the 
Colombian city she left two years ago, 
is the siesta, Los Angeles is wonderful 
for satisfying ambitions, but I'm still try- 
ing hard to ger used to the pace. 
Demure, dark-blonde Charlotte Boven 
kamp, who came to L.A. from Ha 
burg, divides her time between “doing 
sketches of friends or of the city from 


s. is the Continen 


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power solid state amplifier *Trans- 
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Jack, Stereo headphone jack, VU 
meter*Vertical and horizontal ope- 
ration *Oil finished wooden cabinet 
*Universal voltage selector (100 to 
240V, 50/60 cycles) 

The Perfect Stereo Tape Deck 

Dependable for clear tones 

Noiseless silicon transistor circuit 

Improved signal to noise ratio 
Фа NS Magnificent appearance 

Easy to handle 


*4-track stereo/monaural recording and playback. For 
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30 to 23,000cps *Signal to noise ratio—better than 
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stant stop lever *DIN jack, Stereo headphone jack *VU 
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wooden cabinet "Universal voltage selector (100 to 
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MODEL AA-5000 

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and her 

the balcony of my 
VIP Room duties, among which she in- 
dudes а refresher course in German for 
one of her colleagues, Tami Lee. A tall. 
grecucyed beauty with a 37-25-36 figure, 
Tami discovered the land of Liebfraw 
milch und Lieder during a full year's 
1 after college m Young 
and the University of Oregon. (In fact, 
precisely two thirds of the Bunnies of 
Hollywood have completed 
more of college study—mostly in liberal 
arts—a mark that holds its own among 
the 16 other Jinks in the key chain.) 
"Germany is beautiful." Tami says, “but 
1 knew I'd settle in a large American 
city. Los Angeles is perfect. I had a Wild 
West childhood in Montrose, Colorado. 
and here, just like back home, I can go 
horseback riding and skiing throughout 
the year.” 

The imernational flavor of the VIP 
Room spills over into the Club's third- 
story Penthouse, through the second-floor 
Playroom and down into the Living 
Room below. Cocktail Bunny Francoise 
Bouley, whose Parisian features hint at 
her Gallic origins even before her accent 
confirms them. left her native Le Havre 
a year ago and, after returning for one 
visit, has decided to make Hollywood her 
home—with a veng She spends 
much of her free time behind the walnut 
wheel of her newly acquired Firebird, “I 
love driving. as long a t" 
she says, "and I'm really glad I'm in a 
part of the country where I can ski on 
both snow and water. I don't know if 
it’s California or the whole U.S. A., but 
1 love the way everything is in motion 

Two other living embodiments of 
L. A's dedication to outdoor avocations 
—Bunnies Toni Macdonald and Chere 
h live within blocks of the 
nyon and Chere 
ance of Kathy Foster's 
Long Beach digs. For a couple of months 
lı school summer, Toni lived in a 
bus just to be in Big Sur, 

“the most beautiful place on earth." But 
Malibu, with mous beach and its 
rugged canyon in the foothills of the 
Santa Monica mountains, runs а close 
second, Toni says—a happy circumstance 
for the L. A. keyholders and their guests 
who decide ло take home a souvenir of 
their night at the Club from the Gift Shop. 
Toni usually attends, Chere shares her 
beach house with “Ralphie the white rat, 
Touche the turtle and Maja the dog. Т 
had a skunk, too—Sweet Pea—but he 
seemed to upset people, like my landlady, 
so 1 had to give him to the 700." At 5 9", 
with real California blonde hair and 
brightblue eyes, Chere is the tallest of 
a halkdozem L.A. Bunnies, including 
Toni, who can best be described as the 
292 kind of gil Jax’ Jack Hanson makes 


year or 


clothes for and Roger Vadim makes 
movies about. 

Тай, green-cyed Kelly Cochran spends 
the bulk of her ofttme shuttling be 
tween the ski slopes of northern C 

resort of Palm 
k Morgan. “That 
car is just like а baby." Kelly says. "You 
have to treat it gently or it'll throw a tan 
trum—or а piston." Kelly has been in 
and out of Hawaii all her life but, she 
says, “I've finally decided not to settle 
there, despite the weather and the 
beaches and the wonderful people, be- 
cause you get too lazy. It’s so easy to live 
on the islands that you wind up hardly 
living at all” Bunny Geri Monticelli's 
5/5" stature is only half an inch 
over the hutch norm, but her long 
legged Grecian figure and flow 
hair е the sense of tallness that is 
one of the Hollywood Bunnies’ uncom- 
mon denominators. Also 
sion, in Gers case, are the tall but true 
tales (her best is about being kidnaped 
in Cairo), which she remembers from 
the years when she accompanied her 
missionary father around the world. 
Though they're natives of, respectively 
New Orleans, Latvia and Inglewood, 
California, the same tanned, Southern 
California glow shines in Bunnies Beth 
Mell. Iris Niedra and Sandy Speth. 
Beth—who's table hopped at six Clubs 
during her seve 
shell stay in L. 
riding trails and beaches on which she 
spends the biggest slice of her olf 
time are so near at hand and so unspoile 
Tris and Sandy have also Bunny-hopped 
elsewhere (Iris garnered Bunny-of-the- 
Year honors at the Playboy Club of Mi 
ami in 1965) and they, too, have decided 
that the good life finds its most complete 
expression in Southern California. Their 
own completeness—a winning parlay of 
beauty and b s—is as multifaceted as 
the life they dead. |t comes as no sur 
prise, for example, when Iris interrupts 
an account of her enthusiasm for boat 
ing and skiing with astute observations 
on the Sunset Strip ceeny-bopper scene: 
“The teenagers should have a place to 
gether,” Iris says, "where they can 
meet each other or just stand 
around and be seen if they want to. 
What happened а year ago was that the 
ids were used. especially by the TV 
news crews that visited the Snip on 
the two riot weekends. The total prope 
ty damage on the worst night was som 
thing like $50, and that was done when 
a newscaster suggested that a knot of 
kids t rocking a bus because it would 
make good footage 
There are a lot of crazy things in this 
city." Bunny Sandy stys, "but the people 
here—at least these we sec in the Club. 
independem. articulate and re. 
Taxed. I think it's because it's so easy to 
get away from the neon and concrete. 
I've always been a beach person—my 

and the 

perfect day would be sunning 
and then going out to Redondo Pi 
smoked fish and bect—but now Fm 
ng to ski, too. Sure, I'm hung up on 
s, like everyone else in L. Ain fact 
my brother and I have gone through two 
engines in our dragster; but what's wrong 
with a little speed?” 

The Bunnies haven't entered racing 
(сат at any of the area's tracks yet, bur 
they've tried their luck at bicycle racing. 
basketball and even broom ball and аге 
probably the most active of the couon- 
tail contingents around the world who 
form athletic tcams for their own fun— 


nd for charity's profit. “I think the big- 
says baseball- 

gest thrill of my lif 
play › 
35-21-85 figure and jetblack hair couldn't 
be hidden in her caicher's rig, "was 
when I caught a pop-up that won the 
game we played against a team of 
disc jockeys—in front of 35,000 people!" 
Bunny Kippi Hake—who starred in a 
Bunny-promotion soccer game early this 
perhaps the most versatile 
hutch athlete—comes to her skill natural- 
ly: After high school in her home town, 
Kippi joined the circus. 
run away to the circus,” 
I guess part of the reason 

tally didr 
she says, “bu 

for joining was the same yen for adven- 
ture a little boy feels. 1 was in the pro- 
duction unit of the Ringling Brothers 
Circus. When they lost a girl from 
trapeze act, they mained me into it. It 
was great fun for a couple of years, but 
then T decided to swing a little less liter 
ally—like here at he Club and in the 
Bunny sports events" As sportswriter 
k Lieberman of L.A.'s Southland 
magazine wrote in а recent article titled 
The Bunnies at Play: “They may not be 
the world's best athletes, but there's no 
denying they're in the best shape" In 
another voluntary, communal effort, the 
Bunnies of Los Angeles—like Bunnies 
throughout the Playboy chain—put 
aside part of their Bunny lettuce to sup- 
port underprivileged children in coun 
їтї from Greece 10 South Vietnam. 
“Из a unique city,” one keyhokler 
has said. "warm enough ing 
enough so that the pace is relaxed. and 
everyone—if he can avoid the freeways 
t rush hour—has plenty of elbow room. 
And new enough t be kookie and ex- 
исін the worst and best senses. The 
s make a terrific symbol for the 
ags about their town, And, you 
they're the bestlooking 
ies in any of the Playboy Clubs 
around the country, but 1 guess you 
can't. print that." Quite the contrary. 

nd spraw 

good i 
know, | thin 


If you would like to become a Playboy 
Bunny and if you meet. minimum age 
requirements, please contact the Bunny 
Mother at the Playboy Club nearest you. 





citizen gets out his citizenship papers and 
studies his own photograph, as if ying 
10 convince himself that the document 
not a false one. 

Опе or two passengers venture to step 
out of the train, but they sink up to their 

knees into the snow. It docs not take 
long betore they camber back into the 
car, The twilight lingers for a while, then 
night falls 

J sce people using the weather as a 
ext for striking up acquaintance. 

begin to talk among themselves 
and there is sudden intimacy. The men 
for group. Everyone 
picks up bits of information. People olfer 
cach other advice. But nobody pays am 
attention to me. I sit alone, а victim of 
my own isolation, shyness and alienation 
from the world. E begin to read a book 
and this provokes hostility, for reading а 
book time seems like a chal 
ler n insult to the other passen- 
gers. E exclude myself from society, and 
all the faces say 10 me silently: You don't 
и Never 

have alo d a 

such a 

need us and we don «1 vou. 

“Their romance had a tragic ending 

(continued from page 184) 

mind, you will still have to turn to us, 
but we won't have to turn to you... . 
I open my large, heavy valise, take out 

the bottle of cognac and take а stealthy 

sip now and then. After that, 1 lem 
my face against the cold. windowps 
and try to look ош. But all I see is the 

reflection of the interior of the car. The 
world outside seems to 
peared. The solipsistic philosophy of 
Bishop Berkeley has won over all the 
other systems. Nothing remains but to 
wail patiently until God's idea of a train 
hakted in its racks by snowdrifts will 
give way to God's ideas of movement 
and arrival 

Alas for my lecture! If I come in the 
iddle of the night. there will nor even 
wone waiting for me. E shall have to 
look for a hotel I, at lex, 1 had a 
return ticket, However, was Captain Scott, 
Jost in the pokr ice fields, in a better 
position alter Amundsen had discovered 
the South Pole? How much would Cap 
tain Scott have given to be able to sit in 
a brightly lit railway cu? No, one must 
not sin by complaining, 



The cognac has made me warm 
Drunken fumes rise from an empty 
stomach. to the brain. I am awake and 
dozing at the same time, Whole minutes 
drift away. leaving only а blur. 1 hi 
tak, bur 1 dowi quite know what it 
means. 1 sink into blissful indifference. 
For my part, the train can stand here for 
three days and thice nights. I have а box 
of crackers in my valise. I wil! not die of 
hunger. Various themes float through my 
n Something within me mutters 
dreamlike words and phrases. 

The diesel engine must be straining 
forward. 1 a re ol dragging. knock- 
ing. growling sounds, as of a moi 
ox. a legendary steel bull. Most of the 
passengers have gone to the bar or the 
restaurant car, but Tam too lazy to get 
up. | seem to have grown into the seat. 
A childish obstinacy takes possession of 
me: DIE show them all that 1 am not 
affected by any of this commotion; I am 
above the trivial happenings of the day 

Everyone who pases by—frem the 
rear cars to the fromt, or the other way 
glances at me: and it seems to me that 
cach one forms some judgment of hi 
own about the sort of person I am. But 
vac 1 am a Yiddish 
writer late [or his lecture? This, P am 
sure. occurs to no one, This is knows 
only to the higher powers 

1 take another sip. and another. I have 
never understood the passion for drink- 
but now 1 see what power there is in 
alcohol. This liquid holds within itsclf 
the secrets of nirvana. E no longer look at 
my wrist watch. T no longer worry about 
а place to sleep. 1 mock in my mind the 
Jecture I had prepared. What if it is not 
delivered? People will hear fewer lies! It 
1 could open the window, I would throw 
the manuscript out into the woods. Let 
the paper and ink return to the cosmos, 
o lies, 

m awe 


docs anyone guess 

ere there can be no errors and i 
Atoms and molecules are guiltless: they 
are a part of the divine truth. . . . 


The ain arrived exactly at 1 
two. No one was waiting for me 
the station and was caught in a blast of 
icy night wind that no coat or sweaters 
could keep out. АП taxis were immedi- 
ately taken, P returned to the s 
prepared to spe 

Suddenly 1 noticed a kime wc 
a young girl looking d pointing 
with their fingers. I stopped and looked 
back. The lame woman leaned on two 
thick, she She wes wrinkled, 
disheveled, like an old woman in Poland, 
but black eves suggested that she 
was more sick and broken than old. Her 
clothes also reminded me of Poland. She 
wore a sort of sleeveless fur jacket. Her 
shoes had toes and heels 1 had not scen 
im years. On her shoulders she wore a 
hi like one of my 
mother's. 5 woman, on the 


1 the night sining on a 

тап and 

a ome a 


ged woolen shawl 

other h 
rather slovenly. 
After a moments hesitation, 1 
proached them. 
The girl said: 
“Are you Mr. N. 
1 answered, "Yes. 
The Jame woman 
movement, as though 10 drop he 
ind dap her hands. She imm 
broke into a wailing ay so f 

nd, was stylishly dressed, but 

I am." 
made a 

liar to 

Father in heaven?" she san 

1 recognized yout 
g with the v 
Its a wonder you came back. ГА never 
have forgiven myself! Well, Bincle. what 
still has 
sense. n ошу a woman, but I 
am а rabbi's daughter. and а schola 
an eye for people. I took one look 
thought 10 myself—iv’s he! But 
days the eggs are clever an the 
chickens, She says to me: "No, it can't 
be." And im the meantime, you di 
pear. 1 was already beginning to think, 
myself; Who knows, one's no more than 
human, anybody сап make a mi 
But when I siw you come back, I knew 
it was you. My dear man, we've been 
i here since half. past seven in the 
evening. We weren't alone; there was a 
whole group of teachers, educator. а 
few writers, too. But then it grew later 
аша Later and people went home. They 
have wives, children. Some have to get 
up in the morning to go to work, But I 
said to my daughter, "I won't go. 1 won't 
allow my favorite writer, whose every 
word 1 treasure as a pearl. to come here 
and find no one waiting for him. If you 
y child I said to her. "you can 
go home and go to bed.’ What's a night's 
When I was young. | used to 
you miss a night's sleep. the 
world will go under. But Hitler taught us 
a leson. He taught us a lesson 1 won't 
forget ший 1 lie with shards over my 
eyes, You look at me sind you see an old 
. a cipple, bur 1 did hard 
Hitler's camps. | dug ditches 
d loaded railway Gus. Was there any- 
thing 1 d there that 1 
caught my rhe ight we sle| 
on plank shelves not fit for dogs, and 
we were so hungry that—" 

ugh time to talk lat 
idle of the nigh 





Is the 
her daughter interrupted. 
I was only then that T took a closer 

look at the daughter. Her figure and 
general appearance were those of a young 
girl, but she was obviously in her late 20s, 
0s. She was small, narrow, 
lowish hair combed back and 
ied into a bun. Her face was of a sickly 
pallor, covered with freckles. She had 
yellow eyes, а round forehead. а crooked 
nose, thin lips and a long chin. Around 
her neck she wore a mannish scarf. She 
reminded me of a Hasidic boy. 

or even early 
with y 

“.. . Right there, in that brown house. is where we lived 
when my folks moved here [rom Buffalo in 1937—the 
little store on the corner used to be Harry’s Tailor 
Shop when I was a boy. Now. as we turn the corner, look 
to your right and you'll see the Lincoln 

School 1 attended until I was fourteen...” 

The few words she spoke were 
marked by a provincial Polish accent I 
had already forgotten during my years in 

America. She made me think of rye 
Баай, caraway seeds, cottage cheese 
and the water brought by water carriers 

from the well in pails slung on à wooden 
yoke over their shoulders. 1 said: 

Thank you, but I have patience to 

“When my mother begins to tilk 
about those years she can talk for a 
week and а day" 

“Hush, hush, your mother isn't as 
«талу as you think. I's nue. our nerves 
were shattered out there, It is a wonder 
we are not running around stark mad in 

the streets. But what about her? As you 
see her, she, 100, had been in Auschwitz 
waiting for the ovens. I did not even 
Know she was alive. 1 was sure she was 

los. and you can imagine а mother's 
feelings! I thought she had gone the way 
of her three brothers; but after the liber- 

ation, we found cach other. What did 
they want from us. the beasts? Му hus- 
band was a holy man, a scribe, My son 
worked hard to earn a piece of bread, 
because  inscribing  mezuzahs doesn't 
bring much of an income. My husband, 
himself, fasted more often than he ate. 
The glory of God rested on his face. My 
sons were killed by the murderers” 

Топта, will you stop or won't yor 
TIL stop. ГІ stop. How much longe 
will D list, anyway? Bur she is right: 
First of all, my dear man. we must t 
care of you. The president gave me th 
name of a hotel—they made all the 
reservations for you but my daughter 
didn't hear what he said, and 1 forgot it. 


This forgetting is my 
something down and I don't 
where. 1 keep looking for thin 
thats how my whole 

e. T pur 

1. Ir's cold, it’s shabby. Still. it's 
ter than no place at all. Td telephone 
the president, but Tm afraid to wake him 
up at night. He has such a temper, may he 
forgive me: he keeps shouting that we 
ren't civilized. So I say to him: "The Ger 
pans aue civilized, go to them, . . . 
"Come with us, the is duree 
quarters д gher 
d ıo en it 
down instead of just saying it; and if he 
suid it, he should have said it ıo me, not 
to шу mother, She forgets everythin, 
She puts on he 
are my glasses?” Sometimes 
laugh. Let me have your 

“What are you saying? I 
self, it isn't heavy 
ou are not used to carrying things. 
but 1 have learned out there to carry 
heavy loads. Ш you would see the rocks I 
wed to lift, you wouldn't believe your 
eyes. 1 don’t even believe it myself am 
more. Soi t was 
all an evil dr 

“Heaven forbid, you wi 
valise. That's all I need, . . 

“He is a gentleman, he is a fine 
gentle man. 1 knew it at onc 
Tread him for the first time.” the mother 
said. "You wouldn't believe me, bur we 
read your stories even in the camps. After 
the War, they began to send us books, 

1 have to 

n cany 

mes it seems to 

am. . 

not ca 

y my 

as soon as 

and 1 came across one of your stories. 1 295 



don't remember what it was called, but I 

read it and darkness lifted off my 
heart. “Binele,” 1 said—she was already 
with me Шеп Гле found a treasure." 

Those were my words, - 
hank vou. thank vou very much. 
Dou't thank inc. dowi thank me, L's 
we who have to think vou, All the trou- 
bles come from people being deal and 
blind. They don’t sec the nest man aud 
so they rere him. We are wandering 
among blind evildoers... . Binele, don’t 
ler this den man carry the valise..." 

Yes. please give й to me!" 

I had to plead with Binele to let me 
ty it. She almost tried to pull it out of 


We went outside and a taxi drove up. 
Ti was not easy 10 ger the mother into it. 
I sll cannot understand how she had 
«то come ro the station. I hd to 
id put her iu. In the process, 
d Binele 
in the snow. 

ilt her up 
she dropped one of her са 
and 1 hid to look tor it 
The driver had already begun to 
nel scold in his Canadian French. Afte 
ward. the сат begin to pitch and roll 
aly Tit streets. covered with snow 
[overgrown with mountains of ic 
The tires bad. chains on them. but the 
Taxi skidded backward several times. 

We finally drove into а street that w 
ıt of a small town in Pal 
у. мапе, wit house: 
sick woman hastily opened her 
purse, bar} paid before she had rime to 
ake our her money. Both women chided 
me, amd the driver demanded. that 
gel out as quickly as posible 




1 virtually had to сапу the aripplet 
woman out of the tsi. Again, we had то 
look for her cane in the deep snow, 
Маеги, ber daughter and 1 hall led, 
half dragged her up a fight of steps. 
They opened the door and Г was sudden. 
ly enveloped in odos 1 had long lor 
gouen: moldy potatoes. rotting onions, 
Chicory and. somethi 1 could 
even name. In some mysterious way, the 
mother hier had managed. to 
bring with them the whole atmosphere 
of wretched poverty from their old home 
n Poland. 

They lit a kerosene lamp and E saw an 
apartment with tattered wallpaper. а 
ough wooden floor and spider webs in 
every corner, The kerosene мохе was 
out and the rooms were drafiy. On а 
bench  nenby sood cracked pots, 
chipped plates. cups without handles. 1 
even слац sight of 
sweepings. No маце director. 1 thought, 
could have done a better job of repro- 
ducing old-coum 
im 00 apologize: 

besom on a pile o 

such a scene of 
misery. Bincle Ix 

“What a mess, no? We 
hurry 10 get 10 the station. we 

even have time to wash the dishes. 

were in such a 

what's the good of washing or ekaning 
here, anyway? Из an old, rundown 
shanty. The Hndliady knows only one 

thing: 10 come for the rent every month, 

If vow're late one day. she’s ready to cur 

your throat. Still. after everthing we 
went through over there, this is a 

Amd Binele kughed, exposi 

“L suppose everything you said last night 
has no meaning now. 

mouthful of widely spaced teeth with 
gold fillings that must have been made 
when she was still acros the occar 

They made my bed on a folding cor in 
ı tiny room with barred windows. Binele 
covered me with. Iwo blaukets and 

spread. my coat on top of them. But it 

жау still as cold as ouside, E lay under 
all the coverings and could not warn up 
Suddenly | remembered my manu 


script. Where was the pi of my 
lecture? I had had it in the breast pocket 
of my coat, Afraid 10 sit up. lest the cot 
should collapse. I tried to find it. Bur the 

апаним тїрї was not there. 1 looked in my 
jacket. which hung on a chair nearby 
Dut it was not there either. 1 way certain 

that Thad not put it into the valise. for I 
had opened the valise only to get the 
cognac. D had intended to open it for 

the Customs ofheers, but they had. only 

ved ine on not 
ft was clear 10 me that I lost the 

Bur how? The mother and 
daughicr bad told me that the kecuac 
was postponed to the next diy, but what 
would I acad? There was only one hope: 
Perhaps it һай dropped on the foor 
when Binele was covering me with the 
coat. L felt the foor, Guelul of making a 
sound. bur the cot crcaked at the slight 


tw movement. И even seemed lo me 
that it began to creak in advance, when 
I only thought of moving, Inanim:ne 

i are not really inanimate. . . . 

The mother and daughter were cvi- 
denily nor asleep. T heard a аре 
a mumbling from the next room. They 
were arguing al 
but abou what? 

The low of the manuscript, 1 thought, 
Freudian accident. [was not 
pleased with the essay fom the very 
first, The tone I rook in it was 100 gran- 
diloquent. Still, what was I to talk about 
that evening? T might ger confused from 
the very first semences, like that speaker 
who had sid from the stages "Perez 
peculiar ти: and could not unter 
another word. 

Hf only 1 could steep! E bad not slept 
the previous night, either. When 1 have 
to make a public appearance, 1 
sleep Tor nights, The loss of the ma 
saipr was а real catastrophe? 1 tried ro 
close my eves, bur they kept opening by 


^ut something quieily. 




themselves. Something bir me: bur as 
soon as | wanted go serach, the cor 
shook and screamed like а sick man in 

1 lay there, silent. stiff, wideawake, A 

mouse scratched somewhere in a hole. 
and then 1 heard a sound, as of some 
beat with saw and. бану trying t0 wiw 

V mouse could 
mised such noise. 
g to cur down the founda- 
tions of the building. . . 

Vell. this adventure will be the end 

through the Hoor 
t have 

H was some 




BACARDI rum is so “mixable’.. 

Its a one-brand bar. 

The Bacardi rum is ready, and you're invited! Parties where every guest can have his own 
Big, bold highballs. Light and sassy Daiquiris. favorite drink and no two alike! That's light, 
Cool tonics and colas. Magnificently dry mar- 

mellow, “mixable” Bacardi rum. That's the 
tinis. Beautiful Bacardi Cocktails. Even Bacardi | Bacardi style. Enjoy it! 



I said to myself. "I won't come 

of n 
out of here ali 
1 ly benumbed, without string a 
limb. My nose was stuffed and 1 was 
breathing the icy air of the room through 
my mouth. My throat felt constricted. 1 
һай то cough. but I did not want to di 
turb the mother and daughter. А cous 
might also bring down the ramshackle 
cot... Well, let me imagine that 1 had 
remained under Hider in wartime. Let 
me get some taste of that, 400... . 
ied myself somewhere in Tre- 
T vd 
labor all day long. Now 1 was lying on a 
plank shelf. Tomorrow there would 
probably be a "selection." and since I 
er well, 1 would be sent to 
.. 1 mentally began to say 
goodbye to the few people dote to me. 1 

» e dozed all. for E was encd 
by loud aies. Binele was shouting: 
“Momma! Momma! Momma! The 

door flew open and Binele called me: 
"Help me! Mother all...” 
1 wamed to jump off the cot. but it col- 
and instead of jump- 
: “What 

She is cold! Where 

are d Call a doctor! Call a 
doctor! Put on the light! Oh, Momma! 
. . . Momma! Moni 

since Т 
mas to 

І never carry matches with me. 
do not smoke. 1 went in my ра 

bedroc chick. I collidid widi 
Binele, 1 asked her: “How can 1 call a 

She did not answer. bur opened the 
door into the hallway and shouted, 
“Help, people, help! My mother is 
dead! | She cried with all her strength, 

as women cry in the Jewish small towns in 
Poland. but nobody responded. I tried to 
look for matches, knowing in advance 
t I would nor find them in this 
strange house. Binele returned and we 
collided again in the dark. She dung 10 
me with unexpected force and wailed: 
“Help! Help! ... 1 have nobody else 
à the world! She was all 1 had! .. 2" 
And she broke into a wild lment, 
leaving me stunned aml speechless. 
d a march! Light the lamp!" 1 

ally cried. ош, althou 1 knew that 
my words were wasted. 
"Call a doctor! Call a doctor!" she 

ned, undoubtedly realizing һе 
elessess of her demand, 

If ded, half pulled me to the bed 
mother lay. 1 put out my hand. 
I touched her body. 1 began. to look 
for her hand, found it and tried ло feel 
her pube. but there was no pulse. The 
nd hung heavy aud limp. It was cold 

as only a dead thing iw cold. Binde 

seemed to understand what 1 was doing 
and kept silent for a while. 
"Well well? She's dead? . . . She's 

dead! . . . She 
Help me! Help me! . . . 
“What can E do? 1 can't se 

had a sick heart! ... 


T said to her. and my words seemed to 

have double meaning. 
Help met... Help ше... 
Momma! . . .” 
“Are there no neighbors in the 
1 asked. 
here is a drunkard over ив... 

get matches Irom 


Binele did not answer. 1 suddenly be- 
cime aware of kow cold I felt. 1 had to 
put something on or 1 would catch pneu- 
monia. I shivered and my teeth. chat 
tered. 1 started out for the room where 1 
had slept. but found myself in the kitch- 
en. D returned and nearly threw Binele 
over. She was, herself, halbnaked. Un- 
wittingly, D touched her breast. 

“Put somethi 1 told her, “You'll 
catch a с... 

“L do not want to lie! Î do not want 
to live! . . . She had no right to go to 
the station! . . . | begged her, but she is 
so stubborn. . . . She had nothing to 

cat She would not even take a glass 
of rea. . . . What shall I do now? 
Where shall 1 gor... Oh, Momma, 
Momma! - . . 

Then. suddenly, it was quiet, Binele 
must have gone upstaiis to knock on the 
drunkard's door. 1 remained alone with a 
corpse in the dark. A long-forgotten ter- 
ror possessed me. 1 bad the cerie feeling 
that the dead woman was trying to ap- 
proach me, to seire me with her cold 
hands, to clutch at mc and drag me off 
to where she was now. After all, I was 
responsible for her death. The strain of 
coming out 10 meet me had killed her. 
ted toward the outside door. as 
though ready to run out into the street. 1 
stumbled on a chair and struck my knee. 
Bony fingers stretched alter me. Strange 
D ned ас me silently, There 
was a ringing in my ears and saliva filled 
my mouth as though I were about to 

Strangely, instead of coming to the 
outside door. I found myself back in my 
room. My feet stumbled on the fattened 
cor. I bem down to pick up my overcoat 
and put it on. It was only then that I 
realized how cold I was and how cold it 
thar house. The coat was like an 
ice bag against my body. 1 aembled as 

was in 

with ague. My teeth dicked, my legs 
shook. T was ready to fight off the dead 
woman, to wrestle with her in mortal 
combat, I fel my heart hammering 
frighteningly loud and fast. No heart 
could long endure such violent knocking. 
I thought that Binele would find two 
corpses when she retumed, instead of 

V heard talk and steps and saw a light. 

Binele had brought down the ирс 
neighbor. She had a man's coat over her 
shoulders. The neighbor carried a burn- 
ing candle, He was a huge man, dark, 
with thick black hair and а long nose, 
He was barefoot and wore a bathrobe 
over his pajamas. What struck. me most 

in my panic was the enormous size of 
his fect. He went to the bed with his 
candle and shadows danced after him and 
wavered across the dim ceilin 

One glance at the woman told me that. 
she was dead. Her face had altered com. 
pletely. Her mouth had become strangely 
thin and sunken; it was mo longer a 
mouth, but a hole. The face was yellow. 
rigid and claylike. Only the gray hair 
looked alive. The neighbor muttered 
something in French. He bent over the 
woman and felt her forehead. He uttered 
a single word and Binele began to 
scream amd w ain. He tried to speak 
to her, to tell her something else, but she 
evidently did not understand. his lan 
guage. He shrugged his shoulders, gave 
me the candle and started back. My 
hand trembled s9 uncontrollably та the 
small Mame tossed in all directions and 
most went out. I let some tallow drip 
on the wardrobe and set the candle in it. 
Binele began to tear her nd let out 
such a wild lament that I cried angrily 
“Stop screaming!” 

She gave me a sidelon 
hate and astonishment, 
quietly and. sensibl 

"She was all 1 h 

“I know, I understand... 
screaming won't help... 

My words appeared 10 have restored 
her to her senses. She stood silently by 
the bed, looking down at her mothe 
stood оп the opposite side. 1 clearly 1 
membered that the woman had had a 
short nose; now it had grown long and 
hooked, as though death had made mani- 
fest a hereditary wait that had been hid- 
den during her lifetime. Her forehead. 
and eyebrows had acquired a n 
and masculine quality. Binele’s sorrow 
seemed for a while to have given way to 
stupor. She stared, wideeyed, as if she 
did not recognize her own mother. 

I glanced at the window. How long 
could a night last, even a winter night? 
Would the sun never rise? Could this be 
the moment of that cosmic catastrophe 
that David Hume had envisaged as a 
theoretical possibility? But the panes 
were just beginning to turn gray. 1 went 
10 the window and wiped the n 
ne. The night outside was alre: 
apled with blurs of daylight. The 
of the street were becoming 
ишу visible; piles of snow, small 
houses, roofs. A street lamp elinuncred 
in the distance, but it cast no light. I 
raised my eyes to the sky. One half was 
still full of stars; the other was already 
flushed with morning, For а [ew sec 
nds, I seemed to have forgotten all that 
had happened and gave myself up е 
tirely to the birth of the new day. 1 siw 
the stirs go out one by one. Streaks of 
red and rose and yellow stretched across 
the sky, as in a child's. painting. 

“Whit shall 1 do now? What shall I 

cc. full of 


id in the world. . . 


"I was going to put 
him in his place—but 
he found it all by himself.” 

Don Lew 




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do vow?” Binele began to ay again. 
“Whom shall 1 call? Where shall T go? 
Call а doctor! Call а doctor!" And she 
broke into sobs, 

I turned to her, 

“What can a doctor do now?" 

“But someone should be called. 

“You have no relatives? 

“None. Гуе no опе the world.” 

‘What about the members of your 
lecture dub?” 

They don't live in d 
hood... ." 

I went to my room and began to 

dres. My clothes were icy. Му suit. 
which had been pressed. before my jour- 
ney, was crumpled. My shoes looked like 
shapen clodhoppers. 1 caught sight of 
y face in a mirror, and it shocked me 
It was hollow. 
with stubble. Ошма 
fall again 
What can 1 do for you 
Fm a sranger here. I 
know where to go.” 
Woe is me! What am I doi 
You are the victim of our mislortunc. I 
shall go out and telephone. the police, 
hut E cannot leave my mother alone. 
П stay here.” 

"You will? She loved you. . . . She 
ever stopped talking about you. . . . 
AIL day yesterday. 

1 amd kept my 
eyes away from the dead. woman, Binele 
dressed. herself, Ordinarily. 1 would be 
afraid to remain alone with a corpse. But 
I was hall frozen, half asleep. 1 was 
eshausted alter the miserable night. A 


s nei 

i down on. 

deep despair came. over It was a 
Jong, long time since I had seen such 
wretchedies amd so much tragedy. My 

years in Americi seemed to have been 
swept away by that one night and I was 
taken back. as though by magic. 10 my 

worst days in Poland, to the bitterest c 
sis of my life. I heard the outside door 

dese. Binele was gone. Т could по longer 
remain sitting in the room with the dead 
woman. [ nm out to the kitchen I 

opened the door leading to the stairs. T 
stood by the open door as though ready 
to escape as soon as tlie corpse began to 
do those tricks that T had. dreaded 
childhood 1 said to myself that it 

foolish to be afraid of this gentle 
this eripple who had loved me 
alive and who surely did not hate 
now. if the dead felt anything, But 
I the bo s were back. upon 
me. My ribs felt chilled, as if some ісу 
fingers moved over them. My heart 
thumped and fluttered like the spring in 
а broken Jok. . . . Everything within 
me was strained. The slightest rustle and 
1 would have dashed down the stairs in 
terror, The door to the street downstairs 
had glas panes, but they were half 
frosted over, half misty. А pile glow 
filtered through chem as at dusk. An. 
cold came from below. Suddenly I heard 
steps. The corpse? E wanted to run. but I 


realized that the steps came from. the 
upper Moor 1 saw someone coming down, 
Ji was the upstairs neighbor on h 
to work, а huge man in rubber boors and 
a coat with a kind of cowl. a metal lunch 
bos in his hands. He glanced at me 
curiously and began to speak to me in 
Canadian French. It was good to be with 
another human being for ment 1 


nodded, genued with my hands and 
answered him in English, He ied again 
and as; му something. in his infa 
5 though he believed 
ened more carefully. 1 would 
finally understand him. In the eid, he 
mumbled something and threw up his 
arms. He we out l sl «d ihe 
door. Now 1 was all alone in the whole 

What if Bincle should not return? E 
began to toy with the fantasy that she 
might run away. Perhaps Fd be suspect- 
ed of murder? Everything was posible 
in this world. 1 sood with my сусу fixed 
on the outside door. 1 wanted only one 
g how —to return as quickly as possi- 
ble to New York My home. my job 
seemed totally remote and insubstantial, 
like memories of a previous incarnation. 
Who knows? Perhaps my whole life in 
New York had been no more than a hak 
lucination? | began то search in my 
breast pocket... Did I lose my citizen 
ship papers. together with the text of my 
lecture? 1 felt a still paper. Ph 
izenship papers are here. 1 « 
have lost them, too. This document was 
now testimony that my years in America 
had not be : 

Here is m 
ture. Here is the Gove 
True, these were also inanimate. without 
life, but they symbolized order, a sense 
of belonging, law. 1 stood in the doo: 
and, for the first time, really read 
the paper diat made me a citizen of the 
United States. I became so alnorbed 
L had almost forgotten the dead 
Then the outside door opened 
and 1 saw Binele, covered with snow 
She wore the same shawl that her mother 
had worn yesterday. 
cannot find а telephone? 

She broke out crying. I went down to 
meet her, slipping the citizenship papers 
back into my pocket, Life had sermed. 
The long nightmare was aver. J put my 
ams around Binele and she did not try 

And my sign 
ment stamp. 


to break away. I became wet from the 
melting snow, We stood there midway 
up the stairs and rocked back. a ad forth 
а lost Yiddish writer of 
Hitler and of my I saw 

number тапооей above her wrist and 

heard. myself saying: 

r by the soul of your mother, . 
^s body became limp in my 
arms. She raised her eyes and whispered: 

Why did she do it? She just waited 
for your comi 

bandon yor 


(continued from page 210) 

dreamily, in the semicircle of Allen's 
folded legs. 

Beautiful, Oh, baby. Fm beautiful, 
nd so are you, and so is your baby, il 
you give him half a chance." 

Im not beautiful. You goddamned 
beautiful people! Leo, has he given some 
g to mein Kind. 

1 said I didn't think so. Mic for 
some reason. had accelerated. his rocking 
and begun giggling 

“He hus. He obviously has. Allen. ГЇЇ 
have you incarcerated. | swear. This is 

worse than statutory rape, Vowll get a 
refresher course in police brutality for 
this, Tinn ors has sone i00 far. 
You've m natant апе first 
of the tcenyweeny-boppers. ГЇ expose 
you in True Confessions, you perverted 

Шеп was convulsed with laughter. 
They really like cach other terrifically. In 
the kitchen. Jessica sloshed boiling water 
to some cups on a tray. “STP? Coll 

“This is the bugged martini olive, and Miss Kranepool, 
here, is our sophisticated delivery system.” 

1 don't do colle,” Allen said. sud- 
ly quiet ag; "m doing grains 
He'd been on a macrobiotic dict 
few months 
How's about 

liule brown rice 
poppy petals’ on sisal to до?” Jessica 
asked, bringing in the пау with nvo 
cups. "You know why you're not insane? 

vated her 


p a Little more of this riff. 1 am refused quickly exa 
mock gasp. 
ou didnt hear оп mw accident? 


nee to the asylum." 
applauded this ve 

fication of 

use this state recognizes only two 
legitimate symptoms of. insanity, А. loss 
B, nausea. You're just a punk 
L You couldn't get into а лоо 
any faster than you could i 

“Gaining admittance 10 a men 
tution would be primarily a matier of 
show," Allen said, his voice ringing with 
professorial pomposiy. Jessica reached 
over and took off his pinkiinted. sun- 
glasses. She tried them on. 

“La vie en rose,” 

she simpered, “A lit 
te cubell do ya.” They liked 10 play 
with cach other this way. 
tive corroboration, however, 
would be quite possible without 
ng actual admittance.” Allen went on. 
"For example. 1 present myself a 
He stood up, still holding М 
аши first one way and. thu uie 
other, had a Tile dialog with himself in 
diferent voices 

“I wish ited as a lunati 

“On what grounds, fellaz 



mean you're cra 
you think so? You cat OK? 

"Nauscated," interrupted Jessica. 
Uneducited. car, "1 understand. my- 

self to be insane through extensive in- 


“You sot symptoms or what?" 

‘L should think my own conviction 

y would be sullicient After we 

of insa 

She was, of couse, joined 
big clapper, who was 
more or less slung over Allen's shoulder. 

“But sanity has not yet won out on the 
а second. doctor. 
pherally observed ihis inter 
view, approaches the very Kild 
has turned. me from the 
What was t 

“Oh, nothing. Just some crazy 

Allen. plopped down a 
lotus position on the floor, set. Michacl 
cowboy style on his shoulde 
the pipe, toked and passed it to Jes 
"This is very 

" he said. "Zoom 
AIL of a sud- 
den. he seemed to notice the pink 

ghly pussy shades. Like to get me a 

At first we thought he wi 
“They're yours,” Jessic 

ly they're mine 

“They're mine. Cert 

“Why don't you 
little soup? 
Allen stood. ир 

ke off your coat, 

shirt was torn off at both sleeves 
were Covi 

crossed. scabs 
Jessica gasped, then 

"Bout two months back?” Allen asked. 
ming like a matron about to exhibit 
her surgical scar. “'S why they call me 
olar talm—bird in space? First Em peel 
ing around this corner at seventy on my 
Harley and next Fm just flying through 
the air at sixty. 1 look up and my bike is 
flying through the air, t00, maybe а yard 
hove me. Penified! Yisgadahl vih Vis 
hadash. Death, thou comest when 1 had 
thee least in mind! I must tly forty feet 
belore T hit the ground, twenty 

hurt, you know what 1 me 
untouchable, 1 got Gardol. My own i 
sible protective shield! So it’s just a dy 
ис wip. And, like, Fm still going 
учиме when 1 hit the highway shout 
mastic, barreling over 

and through some gres and 
woods, tumbling, hitting on every con 
ceivable part of my bod, plowing ov 
bushes and trees] cur a path like a 
1 I stop. And, cou 
just up. Nothing broken. My 
clothes are ripped to shreds, I'm covered 
with blood, but Tim loose. And I walk 
back to my bike, embedded in the dirt 
"bout ten yards back, and my bike isn't 
hurt. They couldn't hurt my bike! So 1 
sit me down on this rock and light up a 
joint and pass ош. And w 
it's dark and hı 
Then the telephone 
d Allen jumped а 
were wired up to ıl 

at here to the narcos. T'm not here to 

пу fuzz, in fact, including my probation 
officer, or to any blood relatives or any 
blood friends. 

Pulling grass like a smokestack, Jessie 
went into the bedroom to answer, amd 
after а few seconds, we heard her say, 
jor bere, We haven't seen him for 


“Flipped ош!” Allen whispered. He'd 
Jessica came back into the 
big 100m. still draggi ishly on the 
pipe. She can't get high without making 
fun of herself, Actually. she doesn't 

“Ws the 

researcher.” she 
ihe phone 
Is my brother 
t along too well. 
He thinks she’s a Maoist. I went into the 
bed & through a lot of color 
changes. Ti was prey powerful stult. 


ne toward 

Leo. P hope to hell I didn't wake 

you,” Geoflrey said. His voice was gur 
gling. “Did Û wake you or anything: 
1 told wed been up with the 
iby. My voice was кш) 
Geollrey “Жы. ту 
I asked him whether he realized it 
in the morning. 
Listen, I never would've 

buzzed you. Leo 
up till now w 
make i 

irs just that Гуе hec 
this report: I've gor 10 
i presentation 10- 
t been around, 

“Who's that? 

The [Л Geollrey said. "Baby Face 
He always refers to. Alen with 
mes of infamous desperadocs, He 


g ino 
‘Youll 1 
choiceless in tl 
pucha. Now. v think hes n 
from the cops. don't ger worried. h 
just be coming over to say goodbye. be- 
cause he’s got this idea hes to 
vanish forever into the jungle or some- 
place. Believe me, E wish to hell I could 
have sat him down Гог a good talk. when 
he was here tonight—you know. Dutch 
uncle—hut. Wve been tied in. knots over 
this report, and J could scc right off we 
were gening nowhere last. He called me 
a aborigine! 1 n 
supported that. kid— 

He called you a wha 

“An aborigine. A spiritual 
no less Yerre still wander 
eaves with a bone in y 
10 me. Which is preity typical, wh 
practically supported him for about, . 

Th was not so much boredom: rude. 
simple intoxicec's. desire for 
sterco channels that cused me intermit- 
tently to hold the phone at arm's length 
Geoltlrey lectured on, so drat his voice 
302 became barely prelingual, like an insects 

п. I've practically 

nes as a 

buzzing drone, and the conversation. of 
my wife and. brother, in the next room. 
swung into the acoustical foreground. 

remember " Шу that if 1 
could catch. 60. percent of both conver 
tions, Fd take m а ioral of 120 percent. 
my high to bener advantage. 1 

reasoning idiot 

thing about commitment. 
On the home front. inevitably. Jessic 
passed ош of her psychodelicbanter 
phase and into her earnest-rdical phase 

such was the historic ришти of her 
imtercomse with Mlen—and I could hear 
her exhorting him 1 straighten out his 
head (by which she meant purging his 
blood stream of noxious chemicals) and 
turn his atiention to What Is Important 
in the World. W to 
Jesici, is the deep sickness of America, 

js import 

the vulgarity and corruption of her 
leaders, the evil of her intern ad 
ventures, the psychic poverty. of her 

middle das, the more palpable: priva 
tions of her bereft, 

There were pauses, of course, but Al 
Jen’s responses were indistinct. or at least 
1 coull make diem once 1 
thought 1 beard him tell her she was “on 
adynamite nip.” But then 1 was proc 

cupied wih my telephone responsibility. 

From timc 

time, Posrunted. ac 
v ime ghe Geoflrey 
was outlining lor me precisely what 
ve to our brother wh 
ave noth 


vice Û must s 
showed up: he 

10 ow Чин. 
as far as Allen was concerned, 1 pos 
sessed enom | pitifully un 
sound. judynent, Through my other car. 
1 dend mmes, in josios voie 
Sehiverner and Chaney and. Goodman. 
Jimmy Lee Jackson. Mis... йил. Med 
gar Evers. Reverend Reed, Meredith. 
the President, Oswald. Malcolm: Oswald. 


Vexas tower 

on television in front ol 
people, Whitman from the 
the beauty-parler. boy who made his vie 
tims lic on the Hoor in the shape of a star 
before he finished them with his sawed oll 
fer her catalog of pub 
hte, Ч the names ol cities: 
Natchey, New Осан, Cleveland, Par- 
Jon. Detroit: а list of towns she thought 
might burn all next sum 1 police 

wore dn with submachine w 
out riots as they start... . 

“You know he ойе me LSD onc 
Geoiley asked, “and marijuana twice? 
165 like the Гох who lad his tail chopped 
oll! Because wl he be in u 
years but in the gutter? 1 gave him 
icke horitative!—on drug dan 
as. ОК. some may not be addictive 
right there, bui hey vet yon up for the 
hard Would real i? He 
Laughed and he Bed me! Because D 
work. Dear my living, 1 a 
few personal comforts 
don't know anything. I ¢ 
And all he has to de. Leo. forger about 
the heroin, is 1 don't 
Gare how good a lawyer we hire. . . 7 

ere can 

sull he 


hat us I 
art have a soul. 

1 picked up vare 

Jessica was talking about Mississippi 
in the summer of 1964, more quiedy 
(ches of her ser- 

now, so T heard only stia 

mmer bel 
al. hough, and Vd spent 
himarish. weeks with her in voter reg 
istration. so T had my own associations. 
They were just more distant, more 
My wife would have bec 
to stick with the Party after 
after the Stalin purges 

Te was the st 

pre we 

dreamy 10 me 
the sott 

niet Peace Pact of 1939. 
God. she has stuck wih Moses and 
Foreman. then Carmichael. now Brow 

еей humiliations and re 
long afer omer Movement 
friends have pulled out. disenchanted. 10 
sow their indignant passior we re 
coptive fields. Sometimes her blick pow 
er. or her Lynd power, or her Ho power 
sound ло me like a st mutation of 
Antiod power. But har certainty. never 
fails 10 set some chord vibrating within 
me. nor does Allen's certainty. Тог that 
matter, nor ev 
10 rone Chrom 
great hollow casket. 1 make no music of 
then, but become a vacant echo 
which the moral auth 
reverberate in exponential, 




of my 
ear-rending dissa 
“Work is lile” 

сате Geollrey's. voice. 
that. Life is strugule. 
He curt be a hackolf delinque 
snilling aiapkine glue forever. Not in ў 
Dnresponsibilis is м 

Probably Allen doesn’t disagree with 

"Even Marx said 

Jessica's apocalyptic vision. of America. 
Probably T don't, Geoffrey: Geoffrey who 
rew ing to the radio. viding the 

Third Avenue H t a show at the Rosy. 
dancing, check ло check—he would have 
no prescience of die. cou ick 


fall: bur perhaps even Geoffrey sensed 
some vague on the periphery of 
his corporate consciousness 
I was very high. T was having "in- 
We were all working, then: Jes- 
ineffcewally. 10 combat ber vision 
Т. mindlessly. to record it: Allen, reckless- 
ly. t0 transcend it Geolliev. stoically. 10 
deny il. But Lam our only bystander. ou 

sidewalk picndent: pathetic, so- 
lutionless. Jessica has her good fight. her 
futile righteousness. And my 
brothers have their own diver- 
sions, their respective pursuits of obliv- 
ion: the older. through triumph on a sorry 
banlefield: the younger. through sator 
in the forest. D watch, and criticize. 
“Why ae you so chicken to trip c 
[heard myself ask in an арла Шу playfu 
voice. Geollrey was patient; he i 
me. "Why think Tm 
phone here with practically 
dock Fm nor in the crusaderarabbit 
business. racial or We work. 
cight good how 
while the sun shines, and the answer is. 
frankly. T Im deeply con- 
cerned: you'd stop f 
worrying about humanity and 





do vou on 




nine five in my Tine 


“Most unusual robbery I can remember.” 




in the streets and give а second's thought 
10 your own family, you'd sce that that 

boy is just winding up to throw his life 
away like it was а greasy resin bag he 

picked up from behind the mound. 
Around comes the big right arm and in 
comes the pitch and Allen's whole mar 
ket value is going. going, gone. Into the 
leltfield bleachers, And. that's what will 
as the cliché goes, be- 
you know damn well that / curt 
nd Mike can't talk to h 
Wt even look at him after 
the A & P business, and you are the only 
one who can have a five-minute conver- 
sation with that kid and not stat losing 
hair. But let me tell you something 
Leo. you are playing behind ihe left 
fielder. Your bowels may be in a real 
uproar because some peasant gets naped 
or a boogie takes a couple knocks from 

be on your hea 
talk to him, 

I asked Geoffrey wha ir was thar Al- 
len told him that wrought him up. 
"Oh, yeah, right" Geoffrey said. 

“Right right right. Fm telling him go 
back to school get that degree, what's 
the point of saying goodbye ло me for? 
And he asks me if Em happy. This is the 
ay he changes the subject, Leo. This 
isn't if yet or anything, it's just an exi 
ple of how his mind works You k 
what will happen if h 
narcotics. Leo? You w 
it in the papers? 

1 way dizzy. I could hear Jessica gig 
gling in the next room and 1 knew she 
had passed our of her earnestradical 
into her giddy-tarned-on phase, 

gels caught with 

nt to read about 

So 1 had ro explain ıo him 1 was 
talking about his future, because without 
that diploma today, youre а dead man, 
Lco. vou know it as well as 1 do. And he 
ks me am T happy. Well, very patiently 
—1 talk to him like he was а baby; oth 
erwise. vou can't get through—I expla 
to him that one is not simply "happy like 
that. but = groundwork, you 
lay the foundation, and so on. And ihe 
trouble. w happiness is it has no 


“Jones, you're fired!" 

foundation, of course, he's just floating: 
on air and the fist good breeze 

“Are vou happy or are 

"Happy. shmappy, pappy. whappy. 
what's the matter with you?" Geoffrey 
answered, “Ive got a stinking job, right? 

You said so yourself. I figure ош what 
makes morons buy breakfast. gook. right? 

1 have insomnia very bad, right? Ёш. I 
lave a gorgeous apartnent—you've been 
up here, havent ad tw 
ove grand per ani ree ye 

will be twenty-seven, but don't spr 
that around, T would be one ol 
chest bachelors in the city if it were 
for the alimony. practically. OK, I'm not 
а Creative. person like you. The point is, 
Leo, il you want to talk happiness, l'm in 

position ао get bappy—find the right 

gill, be able ro support her, kids—and 
Allen is in a position to get nothing but a 
swift kick in the ass from society. and 

that is exactly — 
“What was it he said when you told 

him you weren't happy?" I asked. In the 
nest room, Michael squealed with glee 
"Oh, yeah, Get thi: Goollrey м 

whispering for emphasis. “ ‘Suppose, he 
says to me, ‘suppose 1 disappear into the 
woods and grow hair all over my body. 
And suppose in thirty years we meet 
again some old rainy day —1these are his 
exact Leo—aud suppose 1 still 
feel ccstasy and you still feel the way 
you feel. What would you do then? 


I asked. “What would you do 

"So ask me if D stopped bi my 
wife, Il tell you Em divorced!” Geollrey 
yelled. “The question is preposterau 

and if you'd eng; I— Far cry 
out loud. Leo, its sick, Us a sick ques- 
tion without foothold in the world of 

ge bra 

reality, because in three years the wi 
he’s дөй. nor thirty years, due, | 
going to be right in the ash can with 

every junkie. with every pave. . . 7 I 
hdd the phone away from my car. 
Geolhey was hollering. Geollrey. wi 
are you holler H wake up the 
whole castle. . 

Mostly out of restlessness, 
the bedroom door open just a с 
ту foot, Allen's Ii i 
tons of Jessica's 

He wa 
and don 

1 pushed 
ack, with 
ide the bur- 
nightgown, on her 
kissing her on the mouth, 

When he finished, he 
nguidly on the pipe, handed it to 

"d wa 



her and kissed Michael the sme w 

7.2 7M you had any sense,’ he says 
to mc. “if vou had any courage, you'd 
give away what va «d follow me! 

Docs it fir in? 
that pussy 

Arc you getti 

With thar With 

beard? 1 have to spell it out for you? 

1 didn't 
“Why play dummy?" Geoffrey ха 

"Не wants me to give away my belon 

ad follow him? Be his disciple?” 

І was "s voice 


ill silent. Then Geoffrey's 
became suddenly tired and fraternal 

“Listen, I know irs late, buddy. T didn't 
mean to get all hot under the sweat shirt 
You know, І would've had a good talk 
with the kid myself. if 1 hadn't of had 

this damn report to blindfold for the 
firing squad. tomorrow.” 
Ah. Fri probably blowing up a ten 

pest in a demitasse, anyway. Odds on he 
won't even show tonight" Geoffrey 
Liughed. for no r "So. listen. let's 
have lunch, why don't we? Sometime 
this week? Expense account" Then he 
hung up and T returned to the big roon 

Qu'esce qu'il теш, votre cher 

pin?” Jessica asked me. She was lyin 
on her back. Anyone could have told 
shed been smoking. She gets zonked on 
one joint. Michael was sitting on Allen's 
lop. quiet and grinning. They were all 
way ahead of me. 

“He said we ought to have lundi.” 

"Lunch. Tha's too beautiful. That's 
where they love,” Allen wheezed, Tiugh- 
ing so hard he made no noise. He was 
really stoned. “The lunch bag. 

“What's so funny?” I asked. “You don't 
do lunch?” Jessica was laughing, 100. 

Allen just rocked back and forth со: 
vulsively. “Maybe you'd like io share 
your little joke with the rest of the class, 

1 said. Michael was clapping his hands 
so fast the eats ran together. 

Yeah, we know that sound. We know 
thar sound. Do опе hand for us," Allen 

moaned through his laughte 
Vhere ae you a” Û asked, [ccling 
mfortable with the argot. Jessica was 
swaying her torso from the waist 
guid circles, Everybody was act 
Where are you af?” 1 asked again. 
"Em in the happy village.” 


“The Happy Villag 
1 said I didn't know where that w 

Allen bolted upright, his eyes Hashing, 
and brushed the hair from his face. “It's 
re done for you to make 

love you" he said. 
ow dig it. There's this 

vendant, recreational 
. free dove, civil liberties, ev 
. man. What you do there is ball, 
explore caves. discover litle animals, 
* puppet dancing. always 
. all you do ds 
as nothing to do 
ме. And. you're 
Big ones, ski 
v ones, old, young, But This is 
called the Happy Village 's where I 
п. Now, the world is two scenes. Out. 
le ah ally ev 
alive pulling on this rope—in 
¢ of them getting tra 
ant gang of Vi 
a huge tug of war, except the other 
side is hooked onto the sun or something 
—the center of the universe! And these 
guys are holding the planet up in orbit. 
They're being whirled around ih 
and having a bitch of a time, but they 

where things 
you feel good, 1 
“Both of you. 2 
village: beautiful, 


dancng—1 mea 
play. And the f 
with hunger 

just with 



“My wife's name is Helen. She has brown eyes and 
blonde hair and she'll be driving a blue Volkswagen 

know that if they let go. then the world 

goes hurtling off imo space and there's 
no more gravity. So that’s the big gig in 
the world. pulling on this rope. I mean, 
like. it’s the onfy gig. So all the ume, 
these guys are aheave beckoning ın the 
kids on the border pastures of the vil 

we, dig? Come on, this cat says, what 
do you think you're doing gamboling on 
the a when if we don't get some 
help here pretty fast the whole world 
gonna fly off imo space? So a lot of the 
kids. when they go in for the evening 
hootenanny or whatever, start thinking to 
themselves, what am 1 doing just playing 
all the time instead of becoming а Volga 
boarman or something? They start th 
ng а man has to be а man, So most of 
them sooner or later say goodbye to the 
village and pack up their trinkets in an 
old kit bag and they cross the border 
and get on the rope line. Pulling. In fact, 
that’s how everybody got tugging on 
there in the first place. Once everybody 
lived in the village. Almost everybody. 
But a few guys, here's the gritty, a few 
ids. I mean, stay in the village. To play. 
Then after a while. they dic. The gu 
on the line die, too. Everybody d 
the village cits, they go happy 
good night, man, all tan and 
"Lunch. Très important. Pu 
long-lost buddyroos, Brothers. Diner— 
rien.” Jessica interrupted, as though time 
had been standing still for her since I'd 


got off the phone 

"Megaron grass" commented Allen, 

1 decided Vd better get her to bed. 
1 lifted under her armpits and half 
dragged her toward the bedroom, both 

of us moving backward. 1 w 

n't any too 

Yow, when I get to West port, 

how will 1 know your wije? 

steady myself, but T felt like a husband. 
USNCC kids." she was mumbling. 
jCC kids and your pot. And your pot 
and your porno. Blowin’ weed and mak- 
im dt with Black Bele dinges. Flip- 
ippi ping, ing. 
cnd-gypping, burning, burning. . - 
g. even Michael. 

into the bedroom, she 
sood up by herself. though the 
change of air had brought her down. She 

put her arms around my neck. "Can you 
save him, Leo?” she whispered. "He's so 
lovely апа љо bollixed." 

“You're eight miles up,” 1 said. 

“Tm straight. Don't let him drop out. 
He can help us take over. There 
much ro be done. You're right, Fm 
linle high. 

She closed her eyes standing up 
flapped onto the bed. 1 went back into 
the big room, where Allen was fishing in 
e with Michael in his arms. Allen 
s humming Mr. Tambourine Man in 
Michaels car and Michael was gently 
slapping Allen's face off rhythm. [stare 
ed to tell Allen not то get him keyed up 

or he'd never fall k asleep. when Al- 

len said, "Don't get him all keyed up: 
һе never fall back аскер.” and dis- 
solved un im noiseless Lushter. Per- 

haps 1 only imagined that his lau! 
was very dose то tears and that some- 
how they were for me. 
“Let's just dance for а 
said. "The Alle 1 Tea Dance.” 
I told h el like dan 
"Couldn't we at least hold hands? 


asked. "You're my own brother. 
1 carried. Michael over to his crib and 
laid him in it. 1 was sure he'd cry, but he 

faked me out. night-night to Uncle 


called. very softly, from 
"Remember. the star 
the manger.” 

across th 
that went over 


ug qo come in through 
curtains, Allen 
morc, bur T 

Light was st 
suggested we smoke 
Г enough was Tm usually 
good for a line Tike that. Mlen suid he 
guessed he ought to say goodbye тө our 
father and chen sec about picking up 
some plane tickets before he gave away 
the vest of his mones. He hadn't exact 

imirziion bamboo: 


decided. where he w ш: probably 
Mexico by way of San. Francisco, Mike 
takes ihe bus in from White Meadow 
Lake very carly in the morning (he meets 
muck deliveries before rush-hour traffic 
rts) and Allen said he might as well 
hop a subway up to the warehouse and 

wait for him there, 1 said I might as well 
walk him over to Astor Place. and we 
went ош. He was crying about a kilo 

n a brown-paper bag. just swing 
it by his side as we walked. I was 
barely daylight and vou could still sce 
the moon. Allen siid it was a lozenge in 
the thioat of God. We approached a cop 
eon the corner of Second. Avenue and St 
Marks Place, 1 was very nervous. Alen 
t him 

5" he said to me. 

“Listen.” 1 sid. after we had passed 
the cop. “I hate 10 come on with а big- 
brother act. but shot "usc a 

litle more caution. with your record. and 
everything? You're wot pushing any манї. 
ane you? 

No. Of course nor. No pushing” He 
laughed. "Maybe a Hide dealing. - . - 

What's the difference 

“Well, i's a question of attitude, most- 

Jy. I me 
Cats re 
Т know 

a. P just share what Û score and 
puncrate.” He stopped smil- 
: it’s ridiculous. Leo. Three 
quarters of the time 1 dont even realize 
Tm dealing, Hrs ridiculous." 

“What would vou do if 
picked. up? 

реу never take me alive.” he an 
swered without. emotion. Не was. com- 
pletely serious. He spent a lew weeks in 
jail. when he was still ste and had 

you were 

some bad. experiences. 
“That doesit sare. you, though? 
1 don't think about anymore.” He 

put his arm around my shoulder and we 
walked like that for а ways. “You don't 
remember how 1 was. Leo 1 was fright- 
П the time. I woke up trembl 
in bed for hours. afraid to get up. 


School, busts, girls, accidents, I don't 
know what, E think that's why 1 got my- 
жи uouble—just so the disaster 
would happen and 1 лоша have 10 

keep waiting for My whole life 
seemed so fragile; so dear and so fragile. 
Like P was sanding on a precipice be 
fore the lile furnace of my energy and 
mount wind could лаш it ou, E 

gatelul prayers when I crossed a 

306 sy 

street without getting һи by a cm, T 
would have thought the Buddha was out 

10 set me: | would have pulled a shiv on 

him. 1 invemed pirmais Especially 
with peopic. 

“L was so long. Leo—so long afraid 
people were ou to hurt me, thar Û was 
Slippery. and puring you on, all of vou, 
and acting like 1 didit cire. But even 
then, feeling so danm hated. noth 

seemed too atual. real mez T wis pretty 

ve. while the real physical world 
led by. like a dream 1 wasn't enjoy 
ing, Always wishing, wishi d 
were back somewhere. back somewhere 
Fd been and gamboled on some green 
couldn't remember. You sec Tw 
v shielding myself. Lea. to keep from 
g hut, Until on my third trip—Fm 
nor sure exactly how it happened 
four n this cabin, 
duskish, and had built a fire in ihe mid 
dle of the floor: and as it got colder, we 
er the f er until it 



drew ne 
seemed we were planets in orbit round 
the sun. the sums gravity drawing us to a 
comer. A fiery destruction. Oh. it was so 
welul Howi cenrerwand like that 
imo the heat. no clor or plan. Then all 
of a sudden Mario. this guy. wrenchiny 
hinwell like steel tearing out of a magn 
screaming backward. toward a plate. win 
dow and through it, suddenly so happy 
in delirium—to have broken out. of the 
we had to drag him olf 
the shattered glass where he was dime 
ing. Bur before D helped drag him off. 
Leo, I had to dance a minute with him 
there. do vou sce what 1 mean? Both our 
barefeet blood mixing just a little on the 
Hom? Vd never even met him before. but 
he was sending me this engraved invita 
tion from the Lordi, Wisdom. danced 
before the Lord.’ Jesus. Dancing is the 
Hip side of ear. Then we 
off the glass. Or maybe ili 
both off the plis... Wh 
docs it make? My head exploded. 

T realized that no one. no ane, no one 


orbit, 1 guess 

was wanting to hurt me. Because no one 
gave а shit about me, Leo, Do vou sec 
how beautiful that was? Like God in a 
golden jewelly chariot, that the universe 
didn’t give а shit about me. That Tw 

safe. Like a ton of uptight bricks lifted 
olf my shoulders. Understanding Ше. 
baby. lile didn't cave at all who was lis 

ing her. That E was nothing 
10 hurt nothing? No thing. 

We walked the last iwo blocks to As- 
tor Place without saying anything. It was 
very саму, I can't remember passing any 
body, except a bum cuted up in 
doorway, The New York Times wrapped 
around. his body, We stood together on 
the square above the subway 
for à and then Allen 
down the steps 

“When will I see you a; 

“Maybe neve Maybe 
become the Occidental Kurosaw; 


minme started 

in?" | called. 


las won her revolution. vet 
Geollrey is still chairman of the beard 
And Mike has been reborn imo the 
shoulder of a gazelle, and | retur, Maher 
aba Allen, with mudh hair and many 
followers in the Way ol the Tao” H 
laughed and ran back up the stairs a 
scd me on the mouth. 

What of Michaclz^ E asked. 

OF Michael we cumot say. Michael 
will be the New Youth. He will be the 
New Youtliquake 


Т grabbed his sleeve as he started 
down the steps А subway rum- 
bled imo the ton, shaking the 
ground, "Please just quit dealing, will 

you. Aller 

He si down 10 cith 
the train. Then 1 went home and took oll 
all my dothes and got into bed. next to 
Jessica. Dim my hand over her skin and 
gbi how amazi 
wile lived inside. It 
linde after six in the n 

ied and 

Tt was not yet nine when. Jessica woke 

me. As ds my wont alter turning on 
Га been aric, lighrshow 
They advertise pot as 

nes but irs a die 

“Mike's on rhe phone.” she sal 1 
йг heard. the ringing. D suppose Fd 
в iı. though. “I old him you'd been 
wp for ages. but wlully. vehene 
Was 1 horrible list night 


"You were funny at the end. You were 
really funny. 7 
“He subverts me. His gentle ralk and 

his wicked weed. Why doesn't he dump 
the Howerchildren Gap and do 
thing with his life?" 

1 pulled myself up in bed and reached 
for the phone. Jessict still had her hand 

disped over the receiver. “1 wanted. to 


tell you that T kissed h 
“We were all kissing cach ош 

Him and me and Michael 1 
“Sounds nice 
The police beat up Jimmy McKew 
Just night" she said. pinchi 
girl called. from ihe 
claimed he bit a cop. 
about bail and a doctor 
old Negro who liked io I 
We had а vestpocker play 
found in the summer and Jiminy Field 
to mind it istribute leaflets, He was 
retired. Jessica dropped the pl 
hed and 1 the door 

1 was sure my father would wi 
know what took me so long, but i 
he semel right in. 

"Tell me what to do.” 

“Would you mind a Jot talking 
this Mike? I didn't get to 
Sleep till about two and а ВАН hours ago 


Ме BOL to sce 
Jimmy was an 
1р around the 





the morning he Homs 
zombi to say goodbye forever 

Not even а message for his mother. Tell 

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me what I should do, ГП do it.” 

“You just have no idea how tired I am. 
Why don't we have a Iate lunch or some 
thing? I don't have to be on the project 
until three, but E have to pick up some 
film at Willoughby's, anyway, so" 

"Leo, he's not even supposed to leave 
the state of New Jersey! 1 should just 
wish him good luck and goort zelangeh 

Alter a bit of bargaining, we compro- 
last. Compromise was my 
father's word. It meant that 1 dress my 

self immediately and соте uptown to 
talk. His concession was a five-block 
walk cast, to the Automat on 31st and 
Broadway, When I arrived. Mike was 
already finishing an early lunch—it 
looked like chopped steak (1 remem 

bered him warning me about Horn & 
Hardart hamburger steak all the 
leftover garbage they throw into it, and 
pork. Take my word. it's worth the ex 

pennies for the chopped. . . "уана 
was preparing t move on to a lemon- 
meringue pie and tea. Mike's iu the 

sales and -trading-"merchandisc" -under- 
the-counter-to-retailers business. He's 
become quite wealthy at it—he and 
my mother go to Europe or Israel every 
summer, and he's probably planted a 
hundred forests of Palestinian saplings— 
bur he still tells everyone he's "in the 
junk business" and he never cats any- 
where but the Automat. He says he likes 
the food. 1 got a cup of coffee from the 
chine and sat down next to him. 
Mike said, “No protein?” Then we sat 
silent for a few minutes while he sipped 
his pale yellow tea and picked at his pic. 
He was composing his thoughts, though 
perhaps they weren't so much thoughts 
as the mental equivalent of moaning. Не 
Joves us all so deeply and so helplessly. 
“How's Jessica? How's the baby? 
Fine." He'll reler ло Michael only as 
“the baby." He didn’t want me to name 
son after him. After а while, he be 
“Every two minutes with him its 
‘love’! Is that a laugh? Does he know the 
ng of the word love? Does he un- 
nd the mitzvah? How can he live 
with such hatred boiling in his kishkes? 
He hates school. He hates New Jersey 
He hates his сошшу. He hates the 
United States. He thinks the President 
should be impeached. Does he know he 
hates me and wants to kill m 
Mike had bad a litle analysis a few 
years back. It was the thing then, I said 
I thought Allen һай seemed 
der, more at peace than he'd seemed in a 
long time bur maybe | wasn't too in 
touch with the situation. A fat man, on 
his way out, bumped into the back of my 
chair and excused himself. My father was 
“AL peace with what? You know, for a 
while, T thought be was really straight 
ening out. I thought he would get a job. 

more ten 

ad of brain 
ny amount of 

1 must have rocks inst 
said to him this morning. 
; any college he 

money to go to coll 

wants, I don't care how much. You 
know. if I could go to college, this min- 
ute, Td pick up everything and ge 

Everything, So I offered him to come 
into my business, а growing concer, for 
two hundred dollars a week: he wouldn't 
need college. He laughed. More than I 
made in а season when 1 was his age. It 
all a joke to him. He thinks a person 
doesn't need. money. to live 

I said that Allen seemed to be getting 
along financially. 

“Let hi 

Mike said. "He's dead 
t offer him a nickel.” 
t Allen was strug 

to find himself and immediately felt like 
an idiot, I was grateful when my Father 
let the comment pass. Perhaps he didn't 

hear me. There wa 

behind his eyes. 
How about you, Leo?” he said, shift 

ng gears. “I need someone smart in the 


business. All T got there is goyishe kups. 
І need a manager.” 
Wed been “through this before. I 

shook my head and repressed an impulse 
to squeeze his arm, which was lying limp: 
ly on the table just a few inches away 

You want to make movies?” he de 
minded. "Go ло Hollywood!” 

I nodded stupidly. Then Mike sof 
tened ара 

“Anything you tell me to do, Leo. You 
understand “the complexities. Anything 
in my power. How сап 1 Tose him? He 
has many good qualities.” I thought my 
father was about to cry. "I get down on 
my knees to you, Leo. Only we can save 
him. Who else? 

I told him | didn't know that there 
anything we could do. T didn't know 
what wa Dut that we must just 

hope for everything 10 work out. 1 didn't 
[ecl too honest saying that; things practi- 
cally never work om 

Almost imperceptibly, Mike y 
himself together. He withdrew а folded 
piece of paper from his pocket, um 
folded it slowly, smoothing out the cen 
ter acase—he dus a ¢ 
Mair—and handed it 
me with just a Ti 


tain dramatic 
cross the table 10 
le flourish of satisfied 
regret. Dt was about a third of a print 
ed pare with ripped edges. A sloppy red 
Magic Marker cirde was drawn around 
several. semences, 


€ said. "You lyze for 

For an odd instant, T couldn't quite 
place the passage: then, of course, 1 could. 
“A bov” 1 said, "watching his lite 

g around on a carronsel. That's 
all.” An echo from another age; a book 
Id g Allen for Hanukkah, almost 
a decade ago. He'd never mentioned it 
I hadn't even known he'd read it 

‘He tore it out of a book! Does he 
own books? Be a critic for me. This is 
his father, his fa 

sister poi 


his message 10 ewell 

ssage, he couldn't take the trouble to 
write. Read it out loud, it was so apropos 
to tear out of a library book 

Т read the part Allen һай circled: 
“AIL the kids kept trying to grab for ihe 
gold ring, and so was old Phoebe, and Т 
wits sort of afraid. she'd fall olf the god 
damn horse, but 1 didn't say anything ог 
do anything. The thing with kids is, if 
they want t grab for the gold ring, you 
ave to let them do it, and not say any- 
thing. If they [all off, they Fall off. but 
it's bud if vou say anything to them.” 

“So?” my father said. 

“L just think he means not to worry 
about him. That he loves you and 
doesn't want you to won 

"He wants me to abdicate? 1 abdi- 
cate!” Mike said, with false resignation, 
Then he reached his hand over the table, 
brushing the remains of his merin 
nd grabbed hold of my wrist. “1 know 
there are things in you guys—forces—I 
don't understand. Listen, you don't ev 
nd them all yourself, Leo, none 

Mike was just warming up. but I 
spoke, anyway. "I was wrong. It doesn't 
mean he doesn’t want vou to worry.” 

He looked mildly startled at my inter. 
ruption—the way 1 remembered him 
looking when a conductor woke him on 
the commuter train. "Excuse me a sec 
ond." he said. "I have to take a glass of 

ater.” While Mike was gone, Т tore up 
the half-squeezed lemon that lay on his 
saucer and put the seeds in my mouth. 
alized that à woman А 
next table was staring at me. 
T stared back at her: you might sty I 
glowered. 1 don't know why. First she 
smiled, then she stopped smiling, thi 
she got up and walked away, then she 
returned 10 her table—very briskly 
without icing over toward me— 
iched up her purse and left. Then my 
ther came back with his water. 

1 was thirsty,” he said. 

You can 1 said. "He just 
its you to shut up." 
Mike shook his head 

n a kind of 

dumb, def 

Alle y that. I'm 
Mike. I » hes 

"Look. Pop. Fm trying 10 reach ош for 
what I wan the gold ring— 
1 for me and 
nt me to be careful. But you've got to 
let me find out for myself, even il I get 
- 2" E broke ой, suddenly 

my own earnestness. Mike 
s done. 
he said. "I'm stopping him? 

cet him break his neck. Gold r 

A Negro waitress im a white uniform 
awing our dishes off the table. 
ing cart 
and wiped olf the table, using her hand 
ich the crumbs. As she moved off, 
Mike leaned sadly across the table and 
spoke t0 me in a low voice. 

"When I was his age, it was the 

aklin Roosevelt was the 

President T 

"And whe 
тирей, almost shouting. 
sica and I were his 

Geoffrey was his age, 
“1 imer 
nd when ] 

was the Presidem 


age and Lyndon Johnson is the Presi- 
dem! And it's all diferent now, don't 
you see? Irs different every 

“Leo, I wa 
this, you shouldn't won 

to my place u 

w to tell you 
He comes up 
morning—he couldn't 
take а shave—it's my place of bu 
Leo—he couldn't take а Лайси 
while Fm pleading, this colored fell 
got working for me comes in, а moving 
man Allen never saw before. And sud- 
denly, from the blue, bli 
one arm around his waist and gr 
the other hand, the schvarize, humm 
nd trying to make like 
ith him. Jilterbugging! 
He looked imploringly into my eyes, as 
though | must surely see how hopeless it 
was to expect that such a boy might 

someday make his way in the wor 

We sat silent for a few moment 
father poking with his fork at the rem 
of his meringue. Finally, he 
sharply. “It’s like you're strangers," he 
said. We both stood up. 

Mike went through the revolving door 
ahead of me and ran our to the curb to 
hail à passing taxi, As 1 reached ahead to 
open the door t his own 
age. stepped in front of him and mum- 
bled a request for a handout. My father 
shook his head and. as he brushed by 
into the bled. I wasn't sure for 
whom he uembled—for Allen or for 
himself but as he slammed his door, I 
had a sudden urge to invite him to step 

out again into the sunlight: 10 ask him if 
he cared to join me and the wino in a 

Tittle dance. 1 repressed it, of course. 
Socked and sleepy as T was, I knew that 
all three of us had left the Happy Village 
too long ago for dancing amd that even 
now our hands were slipping on the rope 
that holds the world in orbit. 

“Опе man favors the creation of a permanent United 
Nations peace-keeping force directly responsible to the 
Secretariat, whereas the other feels that such matters 

ought to be left, for the time being, at least, to the 

discretion of the Security Council.” 


миз. rELDMAN: Juan, don't be such a 
lazy. Show your brothers and sisters a 
little example. Get up, do some exercises, 


brush. vour teeth. 

juas: Cool that. baby. I'm hung this 

миз. FELDMAN: Oh, Juan. 

JUAN: And T don't need all this noise 
Who turned on those kids? 

Mis. FELDMAN e jus hungry. 

JUAN (sitting wp, starling 10 dress): 
Why don't they eat each other? 

MRS. FELDMAN: Juan, you shouldn't 
talk like that. This is a decent family. 

We're rising above ourselves, little by 
Jule, cach d 

UA. You got something 
to dı 

миз. FEI uan, we want respect 

from the community, and сап we have 
that if my oldest son has eye openers in 
the morning? 

JUAN (now up, getting into his shirt) 
You know. baby, you've got too many 

миз. PELDMA: Ab. maybe D should 
have gone to the dinic for instruction, 
but an old dog you're not teaching new 
wicks. But we arc a little overcrowded. 
JUAN (picking up one of the crying 
babies): Î can help thar 
He goes ta an ope 
throws the baby out, 
миз. FELDMAN: Juan! It takes а long 
ne making one of those 
Juan: He was yway 
SAMMY FELDMAN: Gee, Mom, Juan 
won't throw any of the rest of us out, 
will he? 
MRS, FELDMAN: And will 
neighbors think, seeing babies bi 
thrown out of the Feldman window? 

sindow and 




JUAN (now dressed and heading for the 
ighborheod. color. 

door): |t gives the r 

kiss your mother goodby 

qvas (makes a distasteful face, then 
turns round and. gestures MS. FELDMAN 
to him): OK. Come on. 

мих, FELDMAN walks to JUAN. smiling 
maternally, her cheek extended, JUAN 
grabs her and kisses her passionately on 
the mouth. 

мих, probas (pulling back): Juas! 
Your mother you shouldn't be kissing 
that way 

going to 

JUAN: Why not? We're going steady, 

JUAN gues out the door. 

FIRST FELDMAN cni»: Does Juan be- 

have that way because we're underprivi- 

Jeged. Mumm 

MRS, FELDMAN: I's the neighborhood. 

He's really a good boy. but the neigh- 

borhood is just not letting him grow. 

nsOLVE TO: Exterior. Stoop of the 
Feldman tenement. Day. 

А young cit, extremely pregnant, is 

ao leaning against the steps. JUAN comes 

(continued from page 150) 

out the door, trots down the stoop and 
pats her extended stomach as he goes by. 

JUAN: Still carrying that thing around? 

He moves on down the strect. The 
camera holds on a cLose-ve of the GIRL 
as she looks admiringly after him. 

GIRL: Juan Feldman, you're a free 
spirit. l'm proud to have your bastard in 
my belly. 

wew, of JUAN as he waves to her with- 
out looking back. 

сит ro: Exterior. Street corner, Day. 
Traffic is busy and theres a crowd at the 
curb. A BLAND MAN with cane is next fo 
JUAN as the light changes. 

JUAN: Let me help you across, ш: 

BLIND MAN: [ can't believe it. I didn't 
think there was a soul left in the neigh- 
borhood who'd take pity оп an Irish- 
American veteran, 

JUAN. leads the MIND MAN out into 
the center of the street. 

BLIND MAN: You must be Juan Feld- 
man. Am I right? 

Ah, 1 knew it. The pride 
of the neighborhood. 

JUAN (topping in the middle of the 
street): OR, this is as [ar as you go. 

BLIND МАМ: But we didnt take the 
necessary number of steps. We're still in 
idle of the street. 

QUAN (letting go and walking of) as 
the traffic starts): Don't worry, man. No 
one's going lo тип over an Tr 
American veteran. 

Cars begin passing Uy. The wino 
MAN starts to laugh. 

шахы Max: ГШ say t 
humor, Juan 
the пе 

You've got a 
Feldman, And 
borhood neci 

sense of 


The camer pulls away sharply, blurs, 
and there is the screech of brakes and 
the sound of collision 
Interior. Tenement hallwa 
Day. Humming a little rock 'п' roll, JUAN 
comes down the corridor and knocks on 
опе of the doors. It opens a crack and a 
little ald aby peeps out. 
rbv: Why. Ju ant L 
kes, it's nice you're paying me a visit. 
JUAN: ГИ give you a visit up the side 
of your head. Open the door, 

tavy (opening the door and letting 
JUAN in): How you do так, Juan Feld- 
sy litte thing. 

cur то: Interior. Lady's room. Day. It 
is cluttered with furniture. Оту a little 
light filters through the window. In the 
center of the тоот, a large cage holds a 
small. canary. 

Juan (rolling up his sleeve): OK, fairy 
‚ you know what Pm here for. 
Now, Juan, you haven't paid me 
for the last time. 

jUAN: Like, I need this! I didn't steer 
any action your way, did 17 

CUT ro: 

Feld mi 

man, You're 

LADY (getting out and preparing a 
syringe from her knitting basket): You're 

an enterprising young man, Juan, No 
doubt bout But, as the heathen 
Chinee say, “No tickee. no fixee.” 

geas: Don't give me а hard time, man. 

1 can see you gor the stull right there 

LADY: But this isn’t for you. 

She gets up and goes to the canary 
cage, reaches in with one hand and 
brings out the bird. 

LADY: This is for Yellow Win 

JUAN: А lousy canary you're going 
10 turn on? 

Lapy: She's been very good, haven't 
vou. Yellow Wings? Leamed to whistle 
God Bless America in four days. And 
she's going to get a little jolt as a reward. 

JUAN Gehipping out a switchblade 
wife): No canary gets a fix before Juan. 

LADY: Now, Juan. don't get uppity. 
You know | like doing things for you 
boys in the neighborhood. Cook 


kes or a fix any timc. But I 
live, too. 

She gets the needle in, the canary 
starts whistling "God. Bless America? 

LADY: Isn't she sweet? Can't see why 
folks make so much of parakeets. 

juan sends the knife into her back 
She lets the bird loose. juas grabs the 
syringe and runs. 

тару: Oh, Juan. Oh, my Juan. You 
shouldn't have done that. Oh, mercy me. 
You young folks are just so wild today 

She goes to the window and leans out. 
сык! of her face. 

kapv: Help. Juan Feldman's just about 
done me in. The little whippersmapper 
stabbed me in the back. (Chuckles) But 

that youngster's got a lot of gumption, ^n 
if he jest gits a chance to use it right, 
hell be a damned fine citizen. 

She comes back into 
gers, drops to her knees 

гару: Sing God Bless America, Yellow 
Wings. your Hule old granny 
bleeds to death, 

the room, ча, 


cur To: Exterior, CLOSE-UP of POLICE- 
мах, Day, He blows his whistle 

сит To: Exterior. LONG энот of JUAN 
on street. Day. He's running through 

cur To: Exterior. Chase scene, streets. 
Day. The тоїсємАх pursues JUAN up 

several crowded streets and finally cor- 
ners him in an alley. 

POLICEMAN (дип drawn): Oh, young 
man, where you sunning? Do ye 
have а goal or is it just wild energy tha 
сап be channeled into useful. currents 
of society? 

JUAN (drawing а gun): 

He shoots the POLICEMAN. 

POLICEMAN (twitching): Oh, и 
naughty. young mar 

JUAN fires four more times. The POLICE 
MAN twitches with each discharge. 

POLICEMAN: Oh! All right, rage a 
society, il you want to. Аһ! 1 love the 

s my ass. 


“You can't beat Chrisimas in the country.” 




“Look, kid, you don believe in me and I don't believe 
in you, but neither of us can afford to buck the system.” 

our eyes Hash. Oh! God, you're an 
existential beauty, young man. Society has 
to salvage people like you if it wants a 
little spice in things. (He is hit again with 
а bullet) Oh! T think that one caught 
something, Ibur, bel me, | 

JUAN suddenly stops shooting, looks at 
the gun in disgust and throws il to the 



I'm bored, man, Take me. 
erior. Front of courthouse. 

ighis groups picketing 
Signs are being carried, inscribed with 
cur то: Interior, Courtroom. Day. 
терсе: Will the defend: 
yeas, flanked by 
approaches the bench. 
Junck: Juan, 1 hope you understand 
that the jury had no choi 
you guilty; and I, as a judg 
sentence you. 
There are multerings of dissent in the 
үрк: I know, considering the rat 
bites your lawyer showed on von, that 
it seems harsh; but it's the law, old 




hioned and bigoted as it is, th 
me do this. (He is almost oying) 

juan: Don't blow your cool. Judge. 1 

Junge: Thank you for that, Juan, TH 
sleep better at night now, Aud so will 
my wile. who has a little Spanish blood 
in her herself. AIL right. then, Juan Feld 
man, it is the duty of this court to sen 

t makes 

tence you to six months of stringent 
meditation and sell-analysis at the Boi 

den Relozm and Country Day School. 
here ave boos from the courtroom 
Shouts of“: Juan Feldman” 
“Hanging Judge.” ele. JUSS is led out of 
the courtroom. 

cut 10: Exterior. Front of courthouse. 
Day. Cheers [rom the. pichels as JUAN ds 
led outside. Group of Indians dances by 
wilh sign WITE MAN'S LAW NO GOOD. 
JUAN Graves do group. The anesting 
POLICEMAN pushes his way through the 
crowd to JUAN. 

voLicesAx: Young man, 1 hope you'll 
understand what T did was for your own 
JUAN (patting him on his heady: 1 dig, 
Roar from the crowd as ус 
POLICEMEN, gels inio a 

x, led ùy 
two waiting 

DISSOLVE To: Exterior. Reform school. 
AND COUNTRY рлу SCHOOL The camera 

pulls back and revenls MRS. FELDMAN 
and her cu ng through а 
high iron fence into the school. There is 
а rolling expanse of lawn behind the 
fence; in the distance, a large, white 
IST FELDMAN ennir: 1 sty, Mummy, 
n has become very 
hasn't he? 

MIS, FELDMAN: Now my little J 
belonging to the world. 

EN peek 

SAMMY FELDMAN? D wonder if they've 
changed him, Mom, 
MRS. FELDMAN: Whatever they do to 

him, hell always be a good bey—the 
pride of the neighborhood. 

JEDIOM SHOT of JUAN. He is sitting 
on the porch of the manse, dressed in a 
blue blazer, gray slacks, while sport shirt 
and blue ascot. He still wears his dark 
glasses. A GUARD brings him a dunk on a 

cuar: Here you arc, J 
JUAN: What took you so lo 
GUARD: Most of the boys like vodka in 

their lemonades, It took me а while to 

find tequila, the way you like it. 
JUAN (sipping): Ir's re 
cuand: Thank you, Juan. It 
happy to scc you light up with ple: 

You've had a hard life, and you deserve 
Temonades with brown sugar if you want 

I've learned а lot, I t 
it takes to make it the ri 

* now. 

He takes out cigarette and cigarette 
holder. Lights up, pushes back his dark 

Juas: Now. wh 

cur To: A shot of 50 young ladies in 
wedding veils and dresses, singing a Te 
Deum laudamus, approaching JUA 

Guan: Thars a little surprise we've 
been saving for you. Each one of the 
guards here chipped in a sister or two foi 
you to deflower and. maniy. We want to 
see you хеше down in the world, Juan. 

vas: Hey, baby 
10 support all them ofay br 

GUARD: Juan! Those are enl 
girls, They each 
week secretarial skills, hope for а berte 
world Juan Feldman finally at 

JUAN: And they're going to under 
stind ту little. moods? 

guara: There are four psycholoy 
grees in the fist row. 

JUAN (standing and toasting 
with his lemonade) 
seule down. 

GUARD: The future is yours and the 
past asks pardon for irs mistakes. 

Jean: E just might forgive the whole 
damned world, 1 just might do that, 

JUAN walks аш to meet his brides as 
the camera pulls back and we FADE OUT. 

s that coming up 


n 1 supposed 

have ninety-dolla 


y de- 

the girls 
Then I'm ready to 

(continued from page HS) 

They dass, very warmly, She finally 
draws hack slightly 

охла (leasingly): Mustn't muss. 

kp (ofr, masterful insinuation): You 
know. sometimes E think you're psychic. 

. (Caresses her) That happens to be 
exactly what I feel like doing. 

DONNA (CLOSE-UP, momentarily yield. 
ing, cloved-eyed): Hmm. - - - (Sighs, be- 
gins to withdraw, whisper) Debbie will 
he home any minute. (Gives him a se- 
ductive wink) Why don't you make us 
both паті 

тиль (або sighs, somewhat theatrical- 
dy): Right. (Shakes his head good-natured- 
ly as he turns do drink preparations) 
A chikLcentered home! Who would've 
thought it could ever happen to us? 

оххх (happily): Thank goodness she 
didn’t hear you say thal! She's а young 
lady now, darling. (In mock confidence, 
as she squeezes his shoulder) She told 
me so herself 

mav, busily engaged in martini prepa- 
ration, chuckles in bemusement at the 

we do д 

urab (in mischievous sex threat as he 
hands her her drinky: You can count on 



€ our mor 

seductively): Besides, 
миз, don't we, dar 

(flushes, pleased, simis to 
withdraw toward kitchen): 1 won't be 
long, darling. I just have 10 speak to 
Sarah about the Thursday dinner. 

She leaves. wav looks after her mo 
mentarily, then turns back to pour his 
own drunk, соокка» of a smug, virile 
smile on his face. 


A few minutes later. 

вкл» is sitting in an Eames chair, coat 
olf, tie loosened slightly, reading The 

New Yorker and sipping his martini. He 
is sill looking as youthful and dapper as 
hefore—black knit tie, tailored shirt, etc. 
The door opens and in comes DMME. 

int is 16 and is cule as а button— 
pert derrière and pert brcasts—all. fresh- 

nesi and innocence, Shes wearing а 
pleated skirt, white sweater with school 
letter “F” (or “C") on it, saddle shoes 

aud bobby socks, and carrying a small 
notebook and a couple of texts. 
penne: Hi, Daddy. (Crosses 10 him, 
hisses his forehead) 
mae: Hello. cutie. 
тешик. (sighs, sitting down on the arm 
of his chair): Oh, its awful, Daddy. 
мане broke his ank 
wrap: Mulic? Which one is he? 
тилик (desparringly): The fullback! 
Gosh, if it had only been someone else! 
(Gets up) 
тиль (laughs): Preferably someone on 
the other (cam. 1 suppose. 
Demie (laughs, 100): 
(Kisses him agam) 

How's the team 

Oh. Daddy! 

nna (gives her behind a fatherly pat): 
You go and ger ready for d 

pisme (crosmg room): Tonights the 
club. dance. Daddy—remember? (Looks 
at her watch) Good grief, Tommy's pick 
ing me up in twenty minutes! I've got to 

shower and everything! (A1 the door) 
Remind Mummy ГИ be eating сш, will 
you, Daddy? (Rushes though other 

BRAD shakes his head in bemusement, 
gels up. goes to the bar, pours another 
drink from the mixer. vossa comes in 
from the kitchen. 

poxxa (sigh of relief): Well, 
much is donc. (Brightly) Did I hear Deb 
coming in? 

srap (mixing another batch, chuckles): 
Hmm, Not for long, though—she's gor 
io change and everything—whatever 
that may me 

DONNA (smiling): 

It means that she's a 
young lady. darling. and that she's goi 
lo the club dance. 
nran: Where's your glas? Ready for 
vest for 

Not just now, dear. I think TH 
bir before dinner—it’s such a 
trial getting things straight with S, 

BRAD (with mischievous insinuation): 
Say, vou know 7 wouldn't mind a little 
rest myself... before dinner. 

DONNA (smiles, flushed and pleased, 
starts out): Oh, do say hello to Tommy 
for me. darling—and tell Debbie to be 

have herself, (Hesitates, adds coquettish 
ly) Perhaps you'll . . . wake me with a 
kis. as they say. 

sran (in a charmingly masculine sex 
threat): Y might just do that. 

They exchange meaningful looks and 
DONNA leaves. ERAD'S eyes follow her as 
before; his point of view, her handsome 
ely as she goes up the stairs. then 
CLOSE-UP of his smugly virile smile as he 
turns back to his drink and adds a bit of 
fresh ta his glass, He crosses the room 
toward his chair. The telephone vin 
He gels il. 

wrap: Hella. (Glances toward. зк 
room) Yes, who's calling? Oh, hello. 
Tommy, how are you? Sorry 10 hear 


Майс доси"! look too good. 
(Pause, chuckles) Yes. tha's the 
spirit. . . . Hold on a minute, Tommy. 
ГИ call her, (Covers phone, calls) Deb- 
bie! Deborah! Telephone! 

We hear a distant response, indistinct 
but vaguely affirmative in tone. BRAD 
shrugs, speaks into the phone again: 

вил: She'll be right with you, Tommy 

(Chuckles) E think. 

He puts down phone, picks 
drink and crosses to his chair, sits down, 
picks up The New Yorker His 
point of view. veume comes in, picks up 
phone. (The phone is about 25 fect 
away from where nean is silting, so that 
her remarks are indistinct, have а purr- 
ing, sensuous quality. and her move- 
ments ате coordinated with the sounds.) 
She is wearing panties and bra, and as 

up his 


c Anatomy-of a 
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tars condense 

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Imported interchange- 
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available in all popular 
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she talks, she absently fingers them, 
smoothing the side of the panties, idly 
toying wilh the edges, waistband, check- 
ing the bra straps, etc., as though she is 
subliminally being undressed. These 
movements and gestures should have an 
extremely sensual and erotic. quality, 
though performed quite absenily and 
reflexively. She is barefoot and occa- 
sionally raises one leg and draws her toes 
slowly up and down the back of her calf 
and knee, This is all shown from BRAD'S 
point of view, though the cLosc-vrs give 
it an effect of intercut, and her remarks 
on the crose suors are clearly audible to 
the audience, though presumably. indis- 
tincl to вкл». Their efject, however, is by 
no means lost on him. 

pessi: Hello? Hello, Tommy. . . . 
Yes, I'm almost ready. . . - Uh-huh, I 
bet you would. (Laughs shyly) Tommy, 
don't be silly. . . . Yes, I'm listening. 
... Where? Indian Lake? You mean 
айе? (Shakes her head) Uhuh. . . . 
Sure, that's what you said last time. too 
—remember? And the time before that. 
(Pause) Tommy, you promised then, too! 
„<I couldn't, anyway—it would make 
too late geuing home. (Pause, looks 

interested) They are? Kathy and Jean? 
(Hesitates) Well . . . wan 1 
(Covers phone, turns) 

of the kids are going up to Ind 
for a cookout after the dance, It would 
only make it about an hour later getting 
in. Would it be OK? 

As she turns, BRAD lowers his eyes, 
then yaies them at her voice. There is an 
almost imperceptible pain in his look of 

nav (slightly strained): Sure, don't see 
why not. (Takes a sip of his drink) 

Dessie: Gash, Daddy, thats swell. 
(Back to phone) I's OK! (Softer) But 
remember what you said, Tommy. (Pause, 
doubtfully) Uh-huh, I'll bet... . Yes, in 

about in minus. OK, bye now. 
(Hangs up, crosses to Daddy) 
nrw (leans over to kiss him): 


"Thanks а lot, Daddy—you're a darli 

When she leans over, we get (h 
of view) а nice Cl -UP of her well- 
defined young cleavage, enticingly marked 
at the edge of the bia by a tiny crossed 
ribbon, almost, it might seem, in 

Bran (as though absorbed in his maga- 
zine): Sure, kitten, sure, 

DEBBIE (turning away): Gosh, I've got 
10 hurry! 

She crosses the тоот again and BRAD 
raises his eyes, following the provocative 
twitch of her pert титр as it recedes in 
the distance. Camera moves slowly 
straight. into his troubled eyes, through 
them to black. Camera pulls quickly 
back on a knock at Ihe door, wan rises, 
walks slowly toward the door; CLOSE-UP 
of a slight Qe appearing on his vight jaw. 
He opens the door on томму—17 or 18, 
leaning insolently on the casing, hands in 
pockets, a matchstick dangling from the 

corner of his mouth, his head cocked to 
one side. His appearance and demeanor 
are a mixture of the ultimate in sneaki- 
ness and arrogance. He surveys BRAD 
with amused contempt, finally speaks— 
in a revolting nasal whine of indifference. 

1omMY: How ‘bout it, Pops? That 
chickie got her pants on yet 

mRAD slowly, wordlessly beckons him 
inside. Tommy shrugs, as if to say, 
“What a kook!” then sauniers in. BRAD 
carefully closes the door, faces Tommy 
—who is now standing about five feet in 
front of the door, standing slouched, а 
repulsive sexually demented leer on his 
face. вклю casually sets himself, then de- 
livers the most powerful right haymaker 
in the history of the cinema—a blow 
with an effect mare like those of Pop- 
eye than of Duke Wayne. This should 
be so stated that it is shattermg even to 
the audience—a blow oj such force that 
when TOMMY hits the floor five fect be- 
hind him. he seems to be a couple ol fect 
off the ground (volume should be up 
heavily both on the sound of the blow 
and on his slamming against the door). It 
is obviously a mortal. blow, obviously a 
blow that crushed. every bone in his 
head. He goes sacklike to the floor, out 
of frame. During the entire living-room 
sequence, he remains ош of frame. BRAD 
moves with а sense of great gency, 
crouches over him and throttles him 
powerfully. His expression is not one of 
anger but uf u stange nameless urgency. 
Near at hand is the edge of the fireplace, 
with a wrought-iron stand holding poker, 
tongs, сіс. Having choked the life out 
oj him, вкл rises, draws the poker from 
the stand and smashes it with incredible 
force against his adversary (OFF SCENE), 
then he picks up the entire sland, raises 
it on high and slams il down with tre- 

mendous power. He looks about the 
room, an expression of extreme urgency; 
his eye falls on the crossbow on the wall; 

he walks quickly, takes it from the wall, 
remaves safely clasp as he returns, 
stands directly above the body (OFF SIDE) 
and shoots; then, without hesitation. he 
holds the crossbow like a club and splin- 
ters it їп a blow of fantastic power 
against the adversary (OFF swe) He 
turns, croses the room to a side table, 
opens the drawer and takes out a 45 an- 
tomatic (or At maynum—the bigger 
the better), turns up the phonograph, 
walks back, working the action of the 
gun and slamming a shell into the cham- 
ber, picks up a cushion from the daven- 
port on the way, cups it over the gun 
and, standing directly above the body, 
empties the clip. This should be done 
with full-lead blanks, so that the recoil 
of each shot is tremendous, jerking his 
up. realistically conveying the 
of the weapon and the outlandish 
excess of BRAD'S efforts at destruction. 
When the hammer clicks on an empty 
chamber, eav stands momentarily gazing 


down, as though the job may be finished; 
then he realizes it isn’t, He bends 
over and starts dragging his adversary 
loward the kitchen. Here we merely 
glimpse the form (LONG or MEDIUM 
SHOT of томмү). 

cur To: Interior. Kitchen. A large, 
modern kitchen, very clean. BRAD has 
gotten the body into the sink. He presses 
down on it; then he reaches over, flicks 
the garbagedisposal unit into operation; 
it comes on with a loud grating sound 
and вклю raises himself on tiptoes, pres: 
ing down with both hands. His expres- 
sion is one of earnest urgency and high 
purpose, no trace of mania or anything 

сит To: Same. Motor is off; BRAD bends 
down, opens cabinet door beneath sink; 
there is the familiar tiap receptacle; he 
stares al it momentartly, then reaches in 
and wrenches it off in a powerful mo. 
tion; he stands holding it, looking around 
the kitchen, then walks quickly back 
toward the living тоот. 

cut To: Interior. Living room. sean 
comes striding in, with the receptacle 
under one arm, places it on the floor, 
goes to closet, lakes out a heavy oblong 
cardboard container, tears it open, draws 
ош а 16-pound sledge hammer. He raises 
the sledge on high and begins to smash 
the receptacle, tremendous blow after 
blow. ctoseur of his face, guililess, 
earnest resolve and heroic effort. 

Wasering visove and MATCH SOUND 
fo Gur BACK TO beginning, where BRAD 
was on his way to the door. Sound oj 
knocking synchronized to sound of sledge 
blows, which grow rapid toward the end 
as we discover that this killing sequence 
has all taken place in an instant in 
BRAD'S mind. 

BRAD now is still on his way to the 
door, opens й on TOMMY. It is the same 
томмү, except that his manner is ex- 
tremely normal. 

томму: Hello, Mi. Jeflery. 

eran (unsteadily): ^ Good evening, 
Tommy. |. . I think Deb i 

At that minute, pews appears, hurry- 
ing across the living тоот. 

Derme (brightly): Who says girls aren't 
ready on time! (Gives Daddy a peck) 

So long, Mr. Jeffery. 

They go down the steps, vesme tak- 
ing томмуз hand. BRAD stares after 
them; vesute's flouncing skirt and. pert 
derrière. He slowly closes door, face still 
away from camera. DONNA calls down 
from upstairs, seductively. 

DONNA (OFF sve): Brad .. . darling. ... 

map slowly turns. CLOSE-UP o] his face 
has transfigured into that of an 85-year 
old man. He moves slowly. 

BRAD (looking vaguely in DONNA'S di- 
rection, speaks in a voice. ancient. with 
age): Yes. darling . .. Im 

FADE ош. 

0007, < I'VE GIVEN UP 
мадызы Н Ад " f 4 WITH CRUEL MOUTHS 


( R. 

























tM ave THIS 


















Look! vou 












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Oh, you men and your heroics! 
Do I alw have to earn 
my Canadian Club the hard way? 


A reward for men. A delight for women. 

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The whisky that's bold 4 
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The 1968 Barracuda. 
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We widen optional 
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