Full text of "PLAYBOY"
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PLAYBILL '*5« 9» “se
catalogs and guide
books—retroactively, reminiscently or in
search of simpatico surroundings for the
pursuit of higher learning—is a fascinat
ing and instructive experience, frequently
causing one i0 marvel at the completeness
of importat information and
minutiae presented. Bur there is one
g omission in all this wealth of d.
y one word will you find in any of
it to tell you where the action is, what it's
like and how to make the most of it. In
this issue, we change all that. dosing the
formation gap with A Swingers Guide
fo Academe—a chat with accompanying
text that tells it not only like it is but also
where it is on a cass section of U. S. cam
puses. What to wear when you get there
is fully surveyed in our ammal Back to
Cam pus fashion feature by Fashion Direc
tor Robert L. Green. For those d
posigraduate course toward il
world. J. Paul Geuy, our. Conuibuting
Editor, Business and Fimma ssesses. the
increasing importance of liberal arts in
The Educated Executive.
Goal seckers of a more seasonal species
should kick off with Playboy's Pigskin Pre:
view, wherein. PLaynoy's award-winning
staffer Anson Mount once more puts his
reputation as a gridiron seer squarely on
the 4 line. Mount now stands alone
peck of pickers, having won, two
years in a row, first place for his collegiate
football forecasting in the Wyatt Summary
af Pre-Season Pigskin Picks, One loyal
fan cheering for Stanford's eleven is Vicky
Drake, whose whistlestop campaign Hist
spring for president of the student. body
(aptly ballyhooed with nude posters of the
amply endowed cmdidine) propelled her
into the national spotlight.
Nat Hentoff documents à. more serious
subject of nationwide concern, both on
campus and off, in The War on Dissent,
which analyzes the suppression—overt
covert, legal and extralegal—suffered by
those Americans who disagree with the
establishment, When we asked him about
and prot
commentator, novelist, music cr
FLAYBOY interviewer said
the ide, the comictions of Bei
Spock. William Sloane Cofin and two
others in Boston's lower. Federal. Comt
and the prospect. that either. Humphrey
or Nixon will be our next President, give
a further degree of nrgency—one. that
makes me t a period
of imense repression is, indeed, very much
in the immediate honne. On the other
possibly because Fin an unrege
are believer in die perlecibility of man.
1 remain convinced that if enough. people
ght to keep the Bill of Rights alive, we
will vet survive as a real democracy
Whether we will survive at all is qu
Dissent, the. prolific
‘Since I wrote
ite concerned th
tioned by Richard Armour in The De-
population Explosion, a wryly ironic
dissertation on how man is rapidly de
veloping an infinite mimber of ways 10
vender himself extinct. Armour recently
from a Stare Department lecture
m a iu plemy of time to
scc 37th book, My Life wih Women.
published next month, Less prolific but
nously productive is pioneering mo-
picture director Stanley Kubrick, the
subject of this month's Playboy futerciew.
In a wide-ranging dialog with interviewer
Eric Norden, Kubrick eloquently cone
Lutes the themes of his wave making films
(the most recent and ambitious of which
is the epical 2007: A Space Odyssey) with
the sexual revolution, man’s chances. of
surviving the nuclear age and the pos
bility of extraterrestiial lile
Life of another sort is chronicled by
Kurt Vonnegut. Jr.. in Fortitude, a black-
humor playlet commissioned by CBS
Films for their forthcoming motion. pic
ture Seven Deadly Virtues. V
first pravnov piece, Welcome to the Mon-
key Howe (January 1968), is the title of
a collection of his short stories published.
last month. OF Here Comes Jolin Henry,
Ray Russell’s tale of the first men on the
moon (one of them a Negro), the author
says: “This entirely ficional story was
writen just a few weeks before the ap
pointment of the first Negro astronaut.”
LSU's writerinaesidence David. Mad-
den tells us he wrore The Day the Flowers
Came "in a sudden burst of inspiration
last summer, although the idea occurred
to me during a class discussion in a sopho-
more EnglishJiterature course five years
ago. My stories estate that way—for as
long as five years." /t, a tragicomic shori-
short story with an even shorter title, was
penned by Donald E. Westlake, a man of
few words. When Westlake was prese ntel
last spring with an award [or God Saze the
Mark (best mystery novel of 1967) by
the Mystery Writers of America, he broke
up the audience with the shortest accept-
ance speech on record—"E don't talk, 1
write" He ran true to form when asked
his future plans: "Write more books
Additional bounty to harvest. im this
first fall issue: Novelist Merle Miller (co:
author of Only You. Dick Darling!)
cally and amusingly examines the free
Howting subliminal h a of our times
in Up Tight. Beauty abounds in the per-
sons of California Playmate Dru Hart
and The Girls of “Funny Girl” a pre
view of the stunning Ziegleldian cho
rines who brighten the sets of Bart
Sucisand's. first film, Updati d oll-
be with instant beards,
the subject of
ng your im;
mustaches and sidebu
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow. Vwo more
fashion fearures—one silly, the other su
—await within; Erich Sokol delineati
his kookie casualwear in Sokol’s Sw
shirts and a showcasing of Pierre Card
new topcoais, shaped suits and accessories
in Gallic Urbanity. Rounding out our bill
of fare, Food and Drink Editor Thomas
Mario stokes the coals for an appetiz-
in Sea Hi Now,
Compus Sex
PLAVeOY. seereuuen. 900. vot t. mo a
vol. 15, no. 9—september, 1968
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: STANLEY KUBRICK —candid conversation . 85
STUDENT BODY picteriol
HART THROB—ployboy's playmate of the month 2
SEA IT NOW—food _ -
ON THE SCENE—personoli
HUGH M. HEFNER editor and publisher
A. C. SPECTORSKY associate publisher and editorial director
ARTHUR PAUL art director
JACK J. KESSIE managing editor vis yn picture editor
Leng AN Senior editors: ROME MACAULEY fiction editor; JAMES coopr articles editor
ARTHUR KRETCHMER associate articles editor; YOM OWEN modern living editor; bww
ANTON WILSON associate editors: kOWEKE. L. GREEN fashion director: DAVID TAYLOR
Jashion editor; LEX DEIGHTON (ravel editor; KEGINALD FOTTERTON. Havel reporter;
THOMAS MARIO food & drink editor; J. t. GENTY contributing editor, busi
finance; ARLENE WOUKAS Copy chief: KEN W. PURON, KENNEN TYNAN contributing
editors: RICHARD korr. administrative editors JUMA BAINBRIDGE, DURANT V
CHAMBERLAIN asociale [iclure edilor; MARILYN ERAROWSKI, YOM SALLING assistaml
vins staf) photographers: RONALD MUNE associate ai director; NORM sciwr
assistants; MICHELLE. ALMAN assistant cartoon editor: Joux Mastna production
manager; MAN VARCO assistant production manager; PAY paras rights and per-
missions © WOWARD W. LEDERER advertising direcior; JULES RASE, JOSEPH CEFNTIIER
associate advertising managers: SHERMAN KEATS chicago advertising manager;
koment A. MCKENZIE detroit advertising manager; NELSON Poten promotion direc.
lor; namur LoRsen publicity manager: WNXY DUN public relations manager;
ANSON MOUNT public affairs manager: VEO FREDEWICK personnel. director; JANET
meas reader service; ALIN WHEMOLD subscription manager; FLDON SELLERS
special projects; Kowent s. vREUSS business manager and circulation. director
We l/mad
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Where-To-Buy-It? Use REACTS Card — Page 20).
As a biological oceanographer con
cerned with pollution problems, 1 was
ost pleased to read. Justice William O.
article, An Inquest on Our
and Rivers, in your June issue.
Unfortunately. in the past, we scientists
concerned with pollution. have talked
i wb the public has
to ourselves,
ccived biased information both from the
amtipollution people and fo
Types who have greatly underrated the
pollution problems endangering the eco-
omic and public health of our nation,
Vm especially glad that the article ap
perel in pLaynoy, because it will reach
nce that is youthful, both in a
The younger portion of
our nation will have to correct the. prol»
Jems of pollution that the older generation
has willed it. I plan to use Douglas’ article
1 my dasses—as required reading. Ple:
keep up the good work you have been
doing in terms of educating in fields other
than just morality.
Dr. Walter A. Glooschenko,
Assistant. Professor
riment of Oceanography
la State University
Tallahassee, Florida
Justice Douglas’ article more than
adequately sums up the water-pollution
ing our countr
should be emphasized, however, that the
causes of the pollution problem arc Luge
ly economic. In our “efluent society.”
in ces it is more. economical
problem f.
tany ins
for an industry or a municipality to dis-
pose of untreated. wastes and then pay a
fine, rathe itable treat
ment practices. The United States already
possesses the knowledge and technical re
sources to curb water pollution, The only
ingredient missing is the desire on the part
of the industrial polluter, since treatment
will inevitably result in lower profits.
Only by prompt Government action, mak
ing it more costly to discharge than to
teat waste, will the incentive be estab-
lished to stop pollution once and for all.
Jelliey M. Barrie
tary Engineer
iz, New York
My heartiest thanks and commenda:
tion to you for allowing Justice William
O. Douglas to present the facts concern-
ing water pollution, Justice Douglas is
i aim us. T hope he succeeds,
Until enough people become alarmed and
then act. pollution will continue to ad
ince. One af the main problems is big
money, Industrial and. other related. lob.
bies still hold the upper hand at levels
where great progress could be made to
desu up American waters. The man.
the swimmer. the boater and the peron
who just enjoys natural beauty—these
people don't have much power. [ sincerely
hope the wuth dawns on the nonaquatic
capitali: before he has to pay the same
price for a glass of water that he now pays
for a martini.
David A. Mayhew
Shadyside, Ohio
T would like to commend Justice Doug,
las for his excellent article! It was very
much in the PrAvmov iadition
facts were laid clearly before the 1
with no
Ik. D was especially
touched by the section that told of pollu:
tion in other countries. Here in Canada
our lakes and streams are fast becoming
industrial cesspools.
Denny Eberts
Victoria, British Columbia
The most depressing aspect of Justice
avide is not that this
d seemingly insoluble prob-
lem though that is sufficiently
honifying, but that nobody really gives
a damn about it. By "nobody" L mean
the rank and file of littering and
garbagesirewing Americans and, more
importantly, the businesses and corpora-
tions that create pollution—and the local
ud state. governments too cowardly to
stop them. Everyone just hopes ihar the
whole mes will ultimately drift
Qut Lo sí nd sink without trace. Unfor-
tunately, the law of conservation of mat
ter says that this can't happen.
Isabelle Lynn
Goose Prairie, Washington
as fine
Thanks to rLavoy and to Justice
Douglas for the article on river and lake
poilution. America should open her eyes
tons. NEW YORK 10022. MU 83030.
3 ayeu 0} peas
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Use REACTS Card — Page 209.
to the putrid and nauseating problem
that exists in our streams amd lakes,
Within sight of our college dormitory is
ow fo wrecognize |e T
Douglas can add to the ever-growi
ih This is the Wab:
flows into the Ohio and. in turn
a wreal Wr |
b Wiliam A. Garten
Gary S. Andrews
h river, which
into the
* College
ute, Indiana
May I be one of the many who will
praise ice Douglas for his timely
article? When I am not at my coll
home in West Virginia. singing praises
of the yellow. winding. sulphuric Ty
gari. 1 am home watching thousands of
dead fish flow into scenic Lake
Our local gas company has the nerve to
brand our area, northeast. Ohio, “The
Best Location in the Nation.” These
guys must not swim in the si
presume they can afford
pool. My thanks to rrAvnoy for publish
ing Douglas article. It should bc of in
terest r0 anyone who hay ever seen
dead fish,
Luther Hutson
Alderson-Broaddus College
Philippi, West Virgi
Justice Douglas article was inform
ative and well written. He calls aucntion
to the pollution of our aquatic environ
ment, one of the rcally serious problems
facing not only our nation but all other
countries of the world. However, his state
ment that “Fish need a dissolved oxygen
concentration of 5 mg. per liter to sur
vive" is incorrect unless qualified, Actual
ly, many species Gun stay
periods of time at a dissolved oxyy
centration well below 5 mg. per liic
some, below 3 mg.—while under certain
conditions. many species require more than
5 mg. to survive. But survival and well
being are two diferent things. For
instance, under some circumst fish
could survive but not reproduce, Needless
to say, knowledge of the well-being of fish
Hutton, Exccutive Seaetary
Fisheries Society
n. D. C.
ve for lon:
en con
Re Marvin Ki n's How I Became a
Renaissance Man in My Spare Time
With most of our jeons, it's easy. There's a “W” stitched right on. With our other (rravsov, June): As parttime college
things, you might have to check the label or tag. But the only woy to find the silent freshman and aspiring. author-poe
“W is to look for it. Is it worth the trouble? Woit till you get into these new Wrangler impressionistmusician lacking su
styles. Oxford cloth button-down shirt ond Glen plaid Corclina slocks. Permonent | funds even to renew my subscription to
press jeans with permonent crease ond plaid button-down shirt. All in Fortrel® poly- PlayBoy, D could hardly find the time
ester and cotton for neat appearance, ecsy care. From $4.50 to $8 each. Wronoler and/or will power to leave your finc
Jeans ond Sportswear, 350 Filth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10001. photography and switch to Kitman’s un-
cannily witty description of my personal
Wrangler’ Jeans and Sportswear in Fortrel | experiences tus tar in
"" is ei ecived a B e Famous Write
10 Wremember the “W” is silent! (l received a B in the Famous Writers
ch of a carcer
Falstaff —brewed
clear to drink fresh.
The one that wets
down a thirst with
cold, foaming flavor.
o ns exte Sot TAG 20"
for men
A rousing new fragrance ^
that stays with you.
After Shave, Cologne
and other essentials
for the lusty life.
Created for men by Revion.
School's aptitude test they sid my
sentences were too long) My thanks to
Kitman for a very enjoyable piece.
Jim Portanova
Flashing, New York
Mr. Kitman’s article is very funny—
Also, I'm glad I was mentioned in thc
piece m tired of h
my death. As a member of the guiding
faculty of the Famous Writers School, 1
have to be political and correct Mr. Kit-
man's findings, To tell the truth. the
Famous Writers School has survived
worse criticism. But I'd sort of like to
join the Marvin Kitman Famous Renais-
sance Man School, if ever it becomes
The Ren
had quite a lot going for her. too.
Faith Baldwin
Norwalk, Connecticut
njoved it, Please tell him so.
g rumors of
coeducation: isance Woman
A few more articles like this and Mar
vin Kitman will be my favorite writer
Jacqueline Susann
New York. New York
Miss Susann authored “Valley of the
Dolls." 1967's best-selling novel.
Congratulations t0 Hoke Norris for
his Ghost (eLavnoy, June). This is onc
of the finest short stories. I've read in
some time. It strikes right at the root of
the materialistic hypocisy that is de-
stroying man's real values. Keep up the
good work.
Steve Cross
Atlanta, Georgia
1 enjoyed reading your June interview
with Jobn Kenneth Galbraith and 1 com-
mend riavioy for the caliber of articles
it has been presenting.
Senator Frank E. Moss
United States Senate
Washington, D. C.
Your interview with Galbraith was out
standing, As a graduate diplomatic his-
torian and aspirant State Department
stafler, | was especially impressed with
Galbraith's vital and exciting concept of
foreign affairs and of America's role in in-
ternational politics. His recommendations
would bring purpose and dynamism to
Americ foreign policy. They have too
United States and the world will continue
to worsen until such invigorating voices a
Galbraith's are heeded by those who c
tablish our national priorities.
Richard A. Harrison
Silver Spring, Maryland
gone unfulfilled. Prospects for the
Congratulations on your — straight
forward interview with Galbraith. He has
the uniqu ty t0 say what he means
in a very casily understood way. I have
already been exposed to two courses in
economics and find that Galbraith can
say in a few words what it took me two
quarters to silt fom my lectures
William Wilson
Colorado. State University
Fort Collins. Colorado
Thanks to rrAvnov and to Galbraith
for an insightful and easyreading cri
tique of the state of society and econom.
ics today. As a student of economics, I
do not doubt that Galbraith’s words
should be closely heeded, His state.
ments regarding the possibility of a rc
currence of a 1929type crash and his
much-needed over
remarks about the
haul of present fiscal policies are beyond
Elliot H. Sacks
Sune College. Pennsylvania
1 would like t0 applaud PLavwoy Senior
Editor Michael Laurence for the fasci-
nating imerview with Galbraith. As in so
many of your interviews, PLaynoy has
once im
ged to reveal the real na
ture of a notable person. In the i
with George Lincoln Rockwell, you ex:
posed a sick man. The interview with
Robert Shelton unmasked a fraud. By in
terviewing Galbraith, vou have revealed a
wuly intelligent. and forthright: human
being. My only hope
thar we start to
heed his advice before our actions and in
actions lead to morc misery
Robert L. Finkelstein
Oxon Hill. Maryland
Just one observation on your interview
with John Kenneth Galbraith: Excellent.
Set. Ray Coutu
APO San Francisco, California
ng is the only way to describe
your interview with
us superb insights into the thinking of
the leaders in the State Department and
in the military complex. He discussed
some very important economic and social
topics—such as welfare, unemployment
d public finance—with a fi
Galbraith. He gave
touch, and
he argued a persuasive case for the neg
tive income tax. His ability to talk intelli
gibly about economies is matched by few
Craig R. Waugh, II
Toronto, Ontario
Your interview with Galbraith reads
like a horror story. Dating from his self
indoctrination into the philosophies of
John Maynard Keynes, a Fal
Gialist, and his subsequent prolific writ
ing, which gained him the car of our
elected representatives, Galbraith’s poi-
son has infected our land. We are well
removed from what Galbraith calls the
“dichés of the balanced budget” all
—and headed toward inflationary suicide.
The liberals “go to Washington when the
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Where-To-Buy-I?. Use REACTS Card — Page 209
going is good,” Galbraith admits, leaving
us to assume they pull out in a hurry dur-
ng the resultant chaos. Dimpling mod
kes part "credit" for
our p economic way of life and
utterly refuses to accept the fact of iis
complete failure. At the same time, he
berates the fogics who have detected the
flaws in his ideas and who are uying to
push aside the phony mystery with which
he suriounds his complicated and highly
dangerous manipulati
Betty Henson
Granada Hills, California
Not since Keynes has there been so
shrewd an irrationalist as John Kenneth
Mike Washburn
Ralcigh, North Caroli
One of the main tenets supporting the
draft, Galbraith says, is "the archaic
conviction that there is something morally
good abont compel people to serve
their county.” How does Galbraith re-
solve this statement with the [act that
he advocates a negative income ta
h will compel me to serve my cou
try, by forcing me to pay better th
percent of earned income for the une
benefit of others?
C. A. Moore
Houston, Texas
I was glad to sce Galbraith establish a
point about the negative income tax,
which is often. misunderstood. All too
many people object to the proposal
without really understanding it. They
say: “Why should I work to support
others who don't care to?” The fact is,
as Galbraith made clear, that the nega-
tive income tax is proposed as an alter
native 10 our costly, ineffici and
bureaucracy-ridden wi system. If we
replaced our c 1 welfare apparatus
with a negative income tax, taxpayers
wouhl actually be paving less toward
the support of others than they now do.
Harold Smith
Chicago, Illinois
Len Deighton’s June travel article
Hawaiian yel. offers rewarding ad
vice to future visitors to Hawaiian resort
arcas, As Deighton implies, the urge to
be where the action is will lead the tra
eler to Waikiki and Honolulu, but the
memories of this beautiful state are
to be found far from the postcard Jand-
marks, The piece was very perceptive.
Douglas A. White
Urbana, Ohio
Max Gunther's Second Genesis, in
your June issue, was the best description
of the RNA-DNA scene that I've c
read. ] think 1 learned more from th.
article than from two years of college
Roman Gabriel, gambling quarterback for the Los Angeles Rams, uses Dep for Men.
Roman Gabriel has his hair styled.
Think he’ a sissy, do you?
Well let's set things straight. “Gabe”
s about as much of a sissy as King.
Kong. And 15 N.F.L. defensive teams have the proof. Why the hair-
styling route then? What else can you do with hair that spends 6 hours
a day under a sweaty, dirty football helmet? Cutting only shortens the
hair. Styling actually shapes it. Gives it body. Lustre. A great, new
look. And a big part of it is the grooming products stylists use — Dep
for Men Hairdress Styling Gel and Hair
Spray. They're made just for men. See a f
hair stylist. Use Dep for Men. And don't.
worry about anyone at work labeling you
a sissy. They'll probably call you “V.I.P.”
Dep for Men-the hairstyling products
biochemistry. The task of developing
Homo superior is perhaps the greatest
San Francisco, California
I would like 10 congratulate. rLaynoy
and Max Gunther on this excellent
Curt Stern, Professor
Department of Zook
University of Califo
Berkeley, California
nd Genetics
In Brave Ni
forcefully illustr:
World, Aldous Huxley
ed the potentially dis-
consequences of genetic con-
I'm surprised that Gunther didnt
discuss this. What happens when we
find we have enough Einsteins and dis.
cover we need people to do menial
tasks? Do we then reverse the formula
to produce Homo inferior—whose low
intelligence will keep him from getting
bored doing these jobs?
ningless t0 speak of supe-
Y mcan the
ability 10 thrive in our new env
ment, then we had best produce me
whose Iungs thrive on poisoned air. whose
bodies can drink polluted water, who are
unaflected by overcrowding, who are im
mune to fallout radiation and who are
free from mental. hang-ups.
Interestingly enough. another branch
of science has already produced such a
creature. diis called a computer. Many
cyberneticists now take it for granted
that there is nothing a h can do
that a computer cant do or wont be
able to do better. Furthermore, the com-
is blosoming in an environment
is becoming less and less hospitable
to organic life. The notion that man may
be improved but never replaced is a
new way of expressing an old romantic
As for Gunther's discussion of longev-
y: Te is only the unfulfilled who
sessed with remaining
cost of doing so as vegetables. /
n time in your lile.
e ob
live even.
th s why old
people in America are so depressing.
They are afraid to die—hecause they
have never
Stuart Berman
Francisco, Califor
Usually, I don't write to publications:
but this time. D just can't keep my
mouth shut. Herbert Gold's Girl Getting
Educated at Noon on Sunday. in yout
June issue, has to be one of the very
finest, most tightly written short stories L
have ever bad the pleasure of reading.
Man, it’s poetic. While it considers dat
ing as a sociosexual phenomenon, it also
tells it like it i a poignant man-
ner I haven't often encountered. This is
JT Ius
Reared as a swinger, the Prince Gardner
Hip Wallets are really Pocket Secretaries with
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/book for your unlisted numbers. When you
own a Prince Gordner Hip Wallet, you have
expert stitching. A variety cf fashion styles ond
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—— M double:
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Wherc-To-Buy-I? Use REACTS Card — Page 209.
but another example of the seemingly
never-ending series of outstanding edito-
rial feats from the PLaynoy bag,
James F. Freda
Washington, D. €
Ive always liked Gold's work, but I
can't remember being quite so im-
pressed by any other piece in Praynoy
as L was by Girl Getting Educated at
Noon on Sunday. It was real, perceptive
and beautiful.
jan Born
Austin, Texas
As an avid female fan of PLAYsOY, |
would like to say how very happy 1 was
to discover Gamma Gamma Gamma, by
Richard Duggin, im your June issue
This story had that special Cateh-22
quality: bizarre humor masking an under-
current of horror. A fine job.
Cecille Milder
Omaha, Nebraska
There are 20 men here at Hastings
College who greatly enjoyed Richard
Duggin's Gamma Gamma Gamma. None
of us ever imagined that the name of our
local fraternity would reach beyond our
campus. Thank you thank you thank you.
John Shepherdson, Pi
Gamma Gamma Gamma F
Hastings College
Hastings, Nebraska
Perhaps you would like a comment on
the word fieleronym, which you use in
the June Playboy After Hows to connote
a word spelled like another word but
different in sound and meaning. This
word was coined in 1883 in an article in
the Journal of Nervous Diseases by Burt
G. Wilder. a Cornell professor of neurol
ogy and vertebrate zoology. to mean
“vernacular names which
re more or
tin names
less precise translations of 1
ny other language," The word was
carefully reso iced 10 paired names such as
wolf and lupus, mouse and mus. By a
process that can only be called creative
lexicography, because there are no ex
amples of usage on record. this coinage
was extended to a definition in the Ce
tury Dictionary lour years later. that
reads; “A word having a different sound
and meaning from another but the same
spelling, as lead [meaning “to conduct”)
and lead a meak distinguished fom
that is a
homonym in a n
row sense:
word having. the sime sound as
" Once a word
but not the same spell
gels into a dictionary it’s likely to remain
in the tradition for some time, From the
Century it sot into the. many-volume
Oxford English. Dictionary and thence
imo Websters New International of 1909
and 1934. When, in the 1950s, the editors
of Websters Third New International
Dictionary examined the evidence for its
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Where-To-Buy-l? Use REACTS Card — Page 209
actuib use, they found none and accord-
ingly omitted it, During the present
re aware of but a single run-
PLAYBOY's use became the second. If
PlayBoy and many others decide the
word is useful and continue to usc it, it
will be forced into the
eventually, dic
clude it on the basis of genu
(So. too, with your word dejobbed. used
in an earlier After Hours column, which
we're putting in our files; it's not a coin-
age but is very rare.)
Those who have so far had no need
for the word Jietronyin have got by with
the words homograph (same spelling
identical to the eye—as in fair a market
and fair beautiful, bow of a boat and
bow to bend and bow and arrow), hom-
ophone (same sound—1 identical to
ihe ear—as in rite, write, vight, wright)
and homonym (same name, as in spring
source of water and spring to leap). But
homonym has become a generic word
for all three and is much more often
used than the other two.
Philip B. Gove, Editor in Chicf
Websters Third New
International Dictionary
Springfield, achusetis
For a sequel to the word-playjul item
to which editor Gove refers, see Ihis
month's "Playboy After Hours.
John T. Sladek’s The Man from Nol-
Yet (vtayooy, June) is a fascinating
and enjoyable reminiscence of that great
letter writer, Dr. Samuel. Johnson. It pro-
vides a fine record of his gruff and stern
ions. his habits and his many pe-
a feather for his cap.
J- L- Stell
Glasgow, Kentucky
The cover of your June issue is cer
tainly outstanding N
see more of Jennie Wallace in a [u
issue? P certainly hope so.
5, E. Littleton
St. Louis, Misso
y we expect to
Your June cover is, without a doubt.
the most strik 1 strongly
urge that Jennie Wallace be invited back
for future covers—or imeriors
msbury, Connecticut
from he mavsoy cover,
«c is one beautiful chick.
Can we hope for more extentled coverage
of that young lass in the future?
Twenty-nine Stud
State University of New York
Stony Brook, New York
Jennie—who hails from down under—
will make a pictorial reappearance in
“The Girls of Australia,” in an upcoming
issue of PLAYBOY.
_ 100Pipers?
There's a legend in Scotland,
so People say,
That when you sip a. good Scotch.
you hear a Piper play.
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that’s the only way
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Ifthe Scotchis mellow,
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Every drop bottled in Scotland at 86 proof. Blended Scotch Whisky.
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] ; 1 . And women start turning
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Screwdriver Orange. Mule Copper. And Martini Silver.
Pick your favorite Smirnoff drink. Then pick a woman to match.
gh society in Bangkok, Thailand. felt
an unexpected tremor in the cultural
explosion when American pianist Myron
Kropp made his debut—and. in all prob-
ability. his final appearance—there late
last year. Though this memorable musi-
cal event seems less likely ro have oc-
curred on a concert stage than in a Marx
Brothers movie. a straizht-[aced (though a
possible puron) review—by critic Kenneth
Langbell—appeared in The Bangkok Post.
In order to do justice to the occasion—and
to Mr. Langbell’s admirably understated
Giitique—we reproduce the latter here
Mr. Kropp had chosen the tide ‘An
Evening with Bach’ for his performance.
Indeed, from the very outset, it was an
g the social leaders of Bangkok
would not soon forget. .... A hush fell over
the room as Mr. Kropp appeared from the
right of the stage... W
sallow complexion and
ceptively fraillooking frame. the
who has repopularized Johann Sebastian
Bach approached the Baldwin concert
grand, bowed to the audience and
placed himself upon the stool
The evening opened with the Tocca-
ta and Fugue m D Minor, ihe “raging
storm’ as described by Schweitzer, which,
even when adapred for piano, gives us
an idea of what the young Bach, whose
as were dose to those of Buxtehude,
meant by virtuosity: bold melodic figures,
surging dynamics, foreful accens and
impassioned modulations which not
frequemly confounded the church con-
gregations. according 10 contemporaries
were alarmed by the intensity of
Bach's expressive power.
"As l have mentioned on
other occasions, the Baldwin concert
grand, while basically a fine instrument,
needs constant attention, particularly in
a climate such as Bangkok's. This is even
more true when the instrument is as old
as the one provided in the Chamber Mu-
sic Room of the Erawan Hotel. In this
humidity the felts which separate the
white keys from the black tend to swell,
causing an occasional key to stick, which
apparently was the case last evening
with the D in the second octave.
thy sparse, sandy
hair, a
“During the ‘raging storm; Mr. Kropp
must be complimented for putting up with
the awkward D. However. by the time the
‘storm’ was past and he had gotten into
the Prelude and Fugue in D Major, in
which the second-octave D plays a major
role. Mr. Kropp's patience was wearing
"Some who attended the performance
later questioned whether the awkward
key justified some of the language which
was heard coming from the stage during
softer passages of the fugue. However,
one member of the audience, who had
sent his children out of the room by the
midway point of the fugue. had a valid
point when he commented, over the mu-
sic and extemporancous remarks of Mr
Kropp. that the workman who greased
the stool might have done better to use
some of the grease on the second-octave D
key. Indeed, Mr. Kropp's stool had more
than enough gr id during one pas
sage in which the music and ]vrics both
were particularly violent, Mr. Kropp was
d. Whereas be-
turned completely arou
fore his remarks had been aimed largely
at the piano and were therefore some-
what muted, to his surprise and that of
those in the Chamber Music Room. he
found himself addressing himsel! direct
ly to the audience
"But such things do happen, and the
person who began to laugh deserves to be
severely reprimanded for this undignified
behavior. Unfortunately. laughter is con-
tagious, and by the time it had subsided
and the audience had regained its com-
posure, Mr. Kropp appeared to be some-
what shaken. Nevertheless, he swiveled
himself back into position facing the pi-
ano and, leaving the D Major unfinished,
commenced on the Fantasia and Fugue in
G Minor.
“Why the concert grand piano's G key
in the third octave chose that. particular
time to begin sticking I hesitate to guess.
However, it is certainly safe to say that
Mr. Kropp himself did nothing to help
matters when he began to usc his feet to
kick the lower portion of the piano in-
stead of operating the pedals as it is gen-
erally done.
“Possibly it was thi
Bach-like hammering to which the sticking,
keyboard was being subjected. But some-
thing caused the right front leg of the
piano to buckle stightly inward. leaving
the entire instrument listing at approx
mately a 35«degree angle from that which
is normal. A gasp went up from the audi-
ene, for if the pino had actually fallen,
several of Mr. Kropp's toes, if not both his
feet, would surely have been broken.
It was with a sigh of relief, therefore,
that the audience saw Mr. Kropp slowly
rise from his stool and leave the stage. A
few men in the back of the room began
clapping, and when Mr. Kropp reap-
peared a moment later, it seemed he was
responding to the ovation. Apparently.
however, he had left to get the red-handled
fire ax which was hung backstage in ca
of fire, for that was what he had in his
My first reaction at seeing Mr, Kropp
Legin to chop at the left leg of the grand
piano was that he was attempting to make
it tilt at the same angle as the right leg
wd thereby corect the list. However,
when the weakened legs finally collapsed
altogether with a great crash and Mr.
Kropp continued to chop. it became ob-
vious to all that he had no intention of
going on with the concert.
“The ushers, who had heard the snap
ping of piano wires and splintering of
sounding board from the dining room.
came rushing in and. with the help of
the hotel manager, Indian warch
men and a passing police corporal. final
ly succeeded in disarming Mr. Kropp
and dragging him off the stage.
"The co
sus of those who witnessed
Mr. Kropp's performance is that it will be
a long time before Bangkok concertgoers
are again treated to such a spectacular
In this space last June, we published
another musician’s tale—a capsule scenario
conceived for the sole purpose of confound.
ing electronic translators by feeding them
puns and other plays on words that, so far,
require a human brain to understand
aright. For those who came in late, the
- 153
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WhereTo-Buy-It? Use REACTS Card — Page 209.
is anti-
tuoso vi
story that was the vehicle for
automation ploy concerned a v
olinist who set hi
and a former convict who struck it rich
and tried to force the musician to perform
for him, for which a judge threw the erst-
while con in the pokey.
Now. along come a couple of chaps
from our Research Deparment with not
exactly a sequel but a bit of word playful
embroidery to reinforce our verbal man-
versusmachine plot.
He (the musician) had the patience of
Job and no one had to dun him to get
the job done, but there were days when
he walked around in a dare, yet he kept
his practicing up seven days a week, al-
though it made him so weak he'd have to
play sitting down
strength to go out to see a play. He did
his part, but he felt acute pain when he
would part the felt curtains and peer
through the pane at a peer-group pal,
who had a cute young son, relaxing in
the sun on the pier. Indeed, when his
patience neared exhaustion. he thought
of becoming one of a psychiatrist's p
tients. At such a moment, however rich
the plum toward which he strove. it
seemed of small nt. He felt so
plumb tuckered out that it seemed plain
common sense to forget dollars and
cents, take a plane to almost anywhere
where he could wear nought but seamed
swim trunks, carry no trunks or other
luggage with him, set his sights on sites
so remote—like tropic isles, he cites
an example—that the only aisles |
ever see would be bee-humming groves of
trees that would lead to the sea. However,
his thoughts would soon return to his
project: the need to project his image as
a genuine virtuoso.
One day, in a confessional mood, he
allowed as how he—tike the rest of man-
kind—liked to rest on the couch when
he allowed himself to do so, though he
did not couch it in those words, nor did
he voice the thought aloud on most occa-
sions. He also said that when he would
permit himself such respites, he felt so
guilty about taking this license that he
wished he could get a permit, like a driv-
er's license, which would be equivalent
to constitutional approval tor giving his
weary constitution needed relaxation
when it felt like kneaded dough. But he
never spent the dough to take a vacation,
no matter how spent he felt. Indeed, there
were times when the frequency of his fa
tigues got him to thinking he should don
fatigues and have his anonymous body
shipped 10 the morgue with a lener saying
he would deed it to science. But he would
not fret for long. Instead, he'd take up h
fiddle, fiddle with the fret and play Rimsky-
Korsakov's The Flight of the Bumble Bee,
one piece that brought him peace of mind
and refreshed him like a shot of vitami
By. (He recalled that his grandmother and
his grand mother used to call a qui
bee "one grand way to umwind"—aánd
they'd then listen to the wind, wind the
clock and go to bed. This was the same,
sane grandmother who, when he'd cut his
finger working on a seine net, had wound
a bandage around the wound.) The net of
the maner is that our man would th
wistfully of his end with a
manied fri
ng brood, and brood on the lonc!
ness of his own life, cven though this
same friend was too stupid 10 understand
a simple game like whist fully
But then his will of iron would
triumph over his heart of lead and he'd
let himself be led back to work by it. His
conscience was like a mailed fist that he
mailed to himself daily. Proof of his utter
fatigue was that just one tot of 90-proof
booze would make him utter pitiful
cries, like a hurt tot. So he would eschew
drink and chew gum instead. On such
occasions, he would part his hair neatly
and present himself to the music school's
faculty. who would always assure him he
had the faculty to be the greatest to ever
play a violin part, a sure boost to his cgo
in all ways. Inspired anew, he'd hold a
new violin in one hand, the bow in the
other, and how to the audience. Ironically,
no one had grasped the import of his
genius when this young Pole was just
another musical import.
One day he got so bored that he
poured himself a whole big drink and
drank it all down as if he were pouring it
in a hole bored in the ground by a giant
awl—and then subsided on the floor as
though it were the softest down. Pore
over that! And that’s not the whole story.
When he played in the recording studio,
even the soundest sound engineers weren't
bored, not even the one who hidu't won
a bet of a box of Toll House cookies
and then exacted a toll from his appren
tice to pay for it—which did not abet his
annoyance at losing a bet. In fact, he
nted to box the other bettor to sec
who was the better man, but that chap
had gone to sea. The ship's chaplain
worried about him, thinking he had a
bout of seasickness, "Has the chap lain
down; is he sleeping like a log?” the
chaplain asked when the man failed to
show for dinner. “Sho’ nui" said the
cook's knottying helper. "This is no
Cook's Tour, you know, no matter what
you and U Thant think. According to
the ship's log, we're not even logging onc
knot, to tie our previous. passage."
Anyway, the virtuoso's skill improved
until he was really sharp: Alone in his
flat, he would Hawlesly play Mozart's
Blat Sonata, the one that modulates to
Asharp. Or unn on his tape recorder
and reel off a reel of the Virginia reel, It
makes the mind reel. But on due consider
ation, he realized he'd gained no mone
tary consideration and that all this
rehearsing lelt the content of his wallet
(which he kept in his left pocket) at zero:
yet he was content to persevere, though it
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Where-To-Buy-l? Use REACTS Card — Page 209.
left the condition of his purse severe, and
he vowed he'd zero in on his objective.
Meanwhile, to be objective about it,
the former convict was no longer cutting
a fine figure in velvet jackets with rufl at
is had been his wont in
n he was not in want. We
nto that; suffice it to say he
t some said he'd
won't go
had it rough and th
have preferred to pay a kage sum, ie,
a fine. No matter what the figure, that
would have been fine with him. Part of
his trouble was that hc played the part
of the man who couldn't care less,
which was careless. "This former card-
sharp even thought the judge was a
when, in one sharp sentence, he ga
him a jail sentence: but although he was
an old pro, the ex-con understand
the pro and con of the
as mistaken as a miss t
prise who ha
. as in a novel n
case up by laying the law down; let this
verdict live in history and become part of
the lore of the law, for it is
We won't be forgiving w
search chaps for going ah nd for giv-
ing us the foregoing. 1f they weren't such
nice fellows, we'd hit them on the head and
lock them in the head for the pu
thcir punnyness. Now, did we he
one here say, “Whoever threw in that
last. pun is through"? Amen.
h our Re-
Marxists may be unsettled to learn
that, according to the Rockland County,
New York. Jowmal-News, the New City
Lutheran Church offers a special service
on the first Sunday of cach month: “Holy
Crowds of competitive shoppers must
have converged on H&H Resale in
Appleton. Wisconsin, after that firm ran
this classified ad in the city’s Weekly
Bargain Bulletin: “vor saLe—Used tomb-
stone. Perfect for someone named Homer
P. Hendelbergenheinzel. One only.
Tourists in scarch of an offbeat night on
the town will be interested to learn that
there's an ancient tavern in the London
borough of Southwark called The Boot
and Flogger.
We applaud the candor of the store
owner on Chicago's skid row who placed
the following sign in his window, bc-
neath a plaster bust of himself wearing a
sinister black eye patch: BLACK PAUL—
If one can believe the announcement
in This Week in Public Health —pub-
lished by the state of Massachusetts—
interested. listeners at a conference con-
cerning the problems of teaching sex
education in high schools were let in on
some closely guarded regional secrets, As
the blurb related it, “Marje
free-lance writer, author of t
education and former schoolte:
describe" How WeDo Itin Toledo, Ohio.”
Financial World reports that a name-
less Washington bureaucrat—doubtless
associated with the Department of the In-
terior—has finally isolated the root caus
of all the problems besetting the U.S.
the American Indians’ nonrestrictive
migration policy.
The Victoria, British Columbia, yer-
of TV Guide recently listed a panel
ussion on “Pre-Marital Sex," moder-
ated by a chap unfortunately named
Wendell Loveless.
The Harvard Crimson reports that
Harold Krents, a blind fist ycar student
at Harvard Law School, was recently re-
dassified 1-A by his draft board, despite
his repeated attempts to convince the
board that he has been legally blind all
his life. Philosophical about the mix-up,
Krents claims he is quite willing to serve.
“IL I go to Vietnam," he says, "my am-
bition is to be a bombardi
Sexual Revolution, New Math Divi
sion: The Glen Gove, New York, Penny
saver, a local weekly shopping guide,
contained the following ad; “waNteo.
llth year H.S. student. $5 per hour.
Your place or mine.”
Sticky-fingered day wippers, beware:
A Lower Manhattan psychedelic shop
displays a sign that warns, SHOPLIFTERS
Listed in the cum
mailorder clothbound
book service located
lowing provocative ‘Life of au
Amorous Man (hard)... $3.50" and “Life
of an Amorous Man (soft) .
nt catalog of a
and paperback
apan are the fol-
There must be something about the
artist's case! and the desert’s sand that
n in an English-
ma "s Joyce Cary E
Lawrence. Now add ^
Tree on Fire (Double: kingsize joy
of a novel that mixes gunpowder and
rose madder, to set off an explosion that
splashes blood and Notting-
ham 10 Djebel-Djurjura. the
working-class incendiary who gave us
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
and The Loneliness of the Long-Distance
Runner. In his kuest, he sends his in
flamed proletarian abroad to help the
in their fight ast the
ry jet set who must fly. not to
st playground but to the latest
killing ground. Meanwhile, back in the
When you come on in aVan Heusen shirt
nch of stiffs.
the rest come off like a bu
The people who unstulTed the shirt
Announcing today’s go-anywhere,
do-anything Hush Puppies:
That's right. Go anywhere. To a football came. A party. The office. Wherever
you go, these new Hush Puppies will get you there looking just great. Comfort's
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Where-To-Buy-Ii?. Use REACTS Card — Page 209
mother country is his friend Albert
Handley, a lowerclass artist as full of
sparks as a Catherine wheel. à man who
wrote begging letters to keep his numer-
ous brood alive when he was unknown
and who still doesn't pay his bills after
he's rolling in shillings. The novel shut
ues between the two, artist and fighter,
demonstrating that every artist must be
something of a fighter to safeguard his
art from fools, culturegrubbers and even
his own family: and every fighter must
be something of an artist, t0 know when
and where to shed his blood. Occasion.
ally, Sillitoe gets carried y by his
own prose and writes like Thomas Wolle
(the first) at his Icast restrained. But for
most of this ambitious and successful
the author creates a blaze that is
e and fine and funny as anything
10 come out of an English-speaking
try in a long time. One of the most
ning things about it is that it em
ploys sex as men and women generally
employ sex and not as a t
which a fad.
and bo A Tree on Fi
the publishers tell us. is the second. part
of a trilogy. It doesn't matter. This novel
supplies its own heat and light.
poline on
r can bounce
In a highly personal m on the
umstances sur
ng the wanton killings of three
black men during the 1967 Detroit riots.
Hersey saw in The Algiers Motel Incident
(Knopf) “all the mythical themes of ra-
tial strife in the United States: the arm
of the law g the law into its own
hands; interracial sex; the subtle poison
st thinking by ‘decent’ men who
that they are racisis; the societal
limbo into which so many young black
men have been driven ever since skwery.
in our country; ambiguous justice in the
courts; and the devastation in both black
and white human lives 1
the wake of violence. . . ." ‘These are
magnificent themes, central to our times,
but Hersey doesnt hold them together
It is not dificult 10 understand) and
sympathize with his failure, for the case
itself was full of complications. During
the riots. police received word that snipers
were operating [rom the Algiers Motel,
a wansicnt hostelry run at the time
y for a pleasure-loving black dien-
City police, state police and Na-
tional Guard troops rushed to the scene
found no snipers, only a number of black
men together with iwo white women. The
police went on a murdering rampage.
Three Detroit cops were wied in the case:
I are [ree today. Nobody knows for cer
: Y in that motel or whe
pulled dic uigger. Hersey went to Deaoit,
however, nor to solve the . bur 1o
get at the root causes of the riots, Why did
they start? Why the bi s among
blacks? And why the killing? Hersey's
a what went
66 6
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Where-To-Buy-I? Use REACTS Card — Page 209.
answers are overwhelmed here by an
coherence of material. His narrative tr
back and forth A larg
cast. of
wtertupted by
opinions. and con-
At onc point. Hersey
knowledges his problem: "I am con-
tinuously aware that my reliance in this
tive on the statements. of. witnesses
ds to fragment the story: it is not so
much written as listened to, in bits and
pieces.” And that is simply not enough
le truths to
to carry along Herse
his readers.
What Wiliam Malliol conveys with
bloody compulsion in his first novel, A
Sense of Dark (Atheneum), is that ma
tions that masquerade as civilized h
just about worn out the ca
male citizens to pass
imal. Some.
v of their
man rather than
ol's novel, have had so much expos
to violent death that they hunger for it
as men have traditionally hungered. for
home and family n is an
Englishman who has seen bis soldier fa
ther murdered. by the LR. A, his unde
fly off on
turn, and hi
tion by the Luftwaffe
enough, there is the fi
ng his sweetheart killed in
cident. Something
Imost the Oxford ge
comes deat
fervor. he e
ng the U.S.
samurai sword
the suici
rine prison camp. but both have the
place in Brian's apocaly ion. In irs
clipped. febrile bear. style be-
nes the novel's raison de morte. He has
powerful book that shows us the
satanic hands that have been raised to bless
the hell many fecl the U
alizing on the surface of this pl
Poet, novelist, sor
writer and, more
own songs on a
mong mod
For them.
|, Selocted Poems
the author's
+ first
1E this is what
mber him by as
own choice fron
became known in Canad:
Cohen wants us to remi
poct, he might be well
tate his energies in the fun
and songwriting, His la
flaccid (though proclaiming
his rhythms tend to be sack. There is
much sell-dissection, but the self presented
here singular nor as compli-
cated iously believes. He
m ambling clarity to diffuse
ity and sometimes even manages
pine the two ("Have you ever
noticed how private /a wet trec isja cur
tain of razor blades/Love me because
nothing happens”). But if the reader is
that Cohen does have a capa
to à root conundrum of our time: If ra-
tional men have ceased to be able to
feel, of i
what use is their to
themselves or to the world? In an eerie
baletdrama, The New Step
discloses a potential as play
t recalls but docs nor
The best-known poc
book. Suzanne Takes You Down, has
become a hit of the new pop music; and
L the rhythms are
sure and the yearning for dire
contact with another is sufficiently
plined to be both powerful and evoc
ative. It is precisely discipline that
Cohen tends to lack as a poet. He seems
ve that freedom in art comes €
i—as he'll discover, and as thi
book proves.
The Loser (Funk & Wagn
kably compu
amed William Hoffman, Jr
us along the devious ways trodden by his
special breed. In workmanlike prose, he
Ils how he turned his back on his family
. staked by phony checks, went in quest
of the handicapper's grail. Given his nose
for the horses, he might have come out
aheud—il it weren't for an inresistible
fascination with long shots. At length. he
resorted to Gamblers Anonymous. which
helped him back to the straight life—but
he hasn't yet reached his finish line, For
the old compulsion returns; and at the
book's end, he is once again out amor
the denizens of the gambling dem
world, tying to beat the system. It's
sucker's game, as Hollman, above all
men, knows; yet his book is honest, illu.
nating about the nature and the me
nics of the gambling addiction and
quite allecing. Repo has it that The
Loser is destined for the movies. This time,
at least, Hollman is decidedly a winner.
ll) is a re-
ve gambler
who leads
Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson,
ng not a little like Mar
sure reade:
that "the great m
of Senators and. Representatives servis
in the United States Congress, we be
lieve, are honorable men. But too often
they det themselves be victimized by a
system that puts almost irresistible pres
on men in high places who will do
nything they can get away with
Describing the system
part clearly a labor of
love for these experienced rakers of
muck, iging on their daily lesson
for civics students—the syndicated news-
paper column Washington Merry-Go
Round—the Cose Against Congress (Simon
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& Schuster) is a
ively textbook on
1 unethics. Understatement
is not in the Pearson-Anderson style
Mendel Rivers. chairman of the House
Armed Services Commitee, they say. is
onc of the capital's thirstiest drinkers
and, hence, "America's top security risk."
On lobbyists: “The evidence is more per
suasive that legislation is shaped as much
by hidden init
hates. Amo
many dep
Thomas De
of doubler
"ees as by public de
the cast of hundreds are
ly fami
el rediscovered the adsiu
"y bookkeeping, only rc
discovered. by aides, who took the story
(and pounds of documents) 10 Pearson
und Anderson, Adım Powell made the
understandable error of beliesi i pay
roll padding and junkets were protecied
by colorblind custom. The c of chis
cling and mooching and “abuse of pow-
CE" spams the distance from buying votes
and se
g influence ro such rourine
perks of office as free h
life insurance (no medical exam ac
quired), generous pensions aud cur rare
car rentals for commitice chairmen who
cum scrape together S730 a year for the
use of a Lincoln Continental. As outraged
insiders. Pearson and Anderson oller a
len-point program 10 overcome the “hi
paris inertia” that has blocked ae
form. Proposal number three is the most
imple and most drastic: “AI leners and
phone calls shall he made public as
ot d But the nine other
suggestions are ner far behind. which
explains why the chances for adopting
the package are about as good as thi
authors chances for Cabinet. appoint-
iras. cheap
When five writers independently make
the same scene, comparisons are not only
inevitable but useful, And here we have
two colle
professors, rwo free-lance w
lone newspaper reporter who be
cime. personally involved wi
hippies on
East and West Coasts; despite dif
» points, they preity much agree in
both observations and conclusions. Lewis
Yablonsky. author of The Hippie Trip (Pee.
sus), describes himself as “a 43-year-old
ther ‘hip’ professor” and as a sociolo
who "considers it almost impossible
to be totally objective in the study. of
human behavior.” His book proves the
Lanter point, Yablonsky has such unequiy
allcction for the hippies and their
is causes that he constantly seems
searching for positive thin:
port, But became he has tape-recorded
his interviews
gs 10 re
nd because he gives the
pts straight, many res
realize th.
lers will
the scene d
a morc grim than Yablonsky himself
reluctantly admits. In the flower people's
mardens, be found “diaos and mass
confusion." nor to mention rape. stava
tion and emotionally abandoned. chil
dren; and he notes that many hippies
“find that much of the hippie philosophy
€ summmer was
Where-To-Fuy-li? Use REACTS Card — Page 209.
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Where-To-uy-It?. Use REACTS Card — Page 209.
and way of life is even less satisfying,
more hypocritical amd more plastic than
straight society." The Hippie Trip should
be required reading on college cimpuses.
along with two other books. One is
We Are the People Our Parents Warned
Us Against (Quadrangle), by Nicholas von
Hoffman, a Washington Post reporter.
Unlike Yablonsky. Von Hoffman creative-
ly synthesized his interviews with sensitive
perceptions to produce a book that be
comes a curiously sutisfying amalgam:
fictional in feeling but ringing true as
reconstructed fact and incisive social com-
mentary probing the sick society that
spawned these hippie fugitives. Burton H.
Wolfe, whose affection for the hippi
blenky and Von
grier man. In The
ict), he documents the social
t developed from the Beats
to the Hashbury scene and scathingly
indicis drug dealers in particular and
American society in general for what he
calls “the deflowering of the flower chil-
dren.” The remaining two books—Voices
from the Love Generation (Little, Brown).
edited by Leonard Wolf. and The flower
People (Ballantine), by Henry Gross—are
litle more than tape-recorded interv
with individual hippies. Wolf, a
of English at San Francisco State College,
presents better material in a better way
Gross, whose prose amounts 10 a carica:
ture of the English language. is the only
writer among the five who is utterly
ment. Even his book, how:
ives ample evidence that for all
their good intentions. many of the hip-
pies have only paved another road to hell
Hippies (S
movement th
without. ju
The rose of the flower generation, Joan
Bacz, has written her first book, Daybreak
(Dial); and for the first few pages. it
looks like a disaster. Fragments of child
hood memories, dreams, the kind of scat
tered notes that might be found in a
diary. But where's the connection? Grad-
ually and fascinatingly, the unity becomes
dear. It is
1 odyssey, with past and pres
cnt intertwined, of an extraordinarily can
did young woman whose religion is the
affirmation of life. Her sketches of her
family, friends and a lover are precise
often witty and without a tinge of preten
tiousness. Miss Bacz also turns out to be
a first-rate reporter as she
oup-therapy session in the heart of the
generation g
p or records the conversa
tions of the inmates of the
and her mother time for civil
disobedience at the Oakland, Califor
induction center, A basic motif in the
hook is her commitment to nonviolence.
which is climaxed in a long conversation
with a “realistic” nonpacifist: “The only
thing that’s been a worse flop than the
organization of nonviolence has been
the organization of violence.” Daybreak
is a short book and is intended to be
experienced as a whole. Pulsing hand
id where she
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Where-To-Buy-It? Use REACTS Card — Page 209.
through it all is the beat of life—the
stiong vibrato that characterizes Joan
Baez’ singing. The book is uncategoriza
ble, as is Joan herself: and they are both
celebrations of life.
There will be room at the top for the
man climbing the business ladder if he
utilizes this formula: Private ethics and
business morality are as day and night,
ind never the twain shall meet. So, at
least, says Albert Z i ess As
a Game (New American Library): and,
proceeding from this premise, he puts
forth some rules for making it. Despite
attractive money olfers, avoid compan
in which nepotism is rife and in which
top executives are either tyrants or pic-
inthesky peddlers, For a first job, a
prestige firm is worth a fourth less pay
than that offered by a relatively un-
known company. Understand that whi
business expects (nay, demands) loya
1y. it rarely dispenses much of the same,
so don't hesitate to take off for greener
pastures. Since companies respect tigers,
don't admit you just want to do your
work, live quietly and carn a decent sak
ary—always appear intent on winning
the Key to the executive toilet. Psycho
logical tests are trying to fake you out—
fake them back by tailoring your an-
swers to fit the occasion. And as for
blufling—"an integral part of the game
—unhesitatingly manipulate age, salary
and other figures to the extent required.
JE you want a raise, go so far as to stage
a conversation into a dead tclephone as
the boss is entering your office; you
don't happen to notice him while you're
fighting off a rival's offer of huge stock
options and a deed to the planet Earth.
But bluff only when a goal is truly
important, and always be prepared to
have that bluff called, Somewhere in all
this ore doubtless are nuggets of value,
but it is up to the reader to dig them
out ne them for personal use.
Our own J. Paul Getty would shudder
at most of the advice proficred.
In his first novel, Happy Families (Scrib-
ner's), Newsweek books editor Saul Maloft
les go with joyous abandon, bursting
through the tight bounds of editorial word
counts, examining his theme for every
possible nuance with the dedication of a
Talmudist. But unfortunately, he has bit-
and rel
ten off far less than he wants to diew. The
beginning is promising enough: Robert
Kalb, 2 true son of a Herzog, comes back
to New York after banishing himself in
Chicago for seven lean years following
his divorce. His purpose is to establish a
relationship with his I7-yearold daugh-
ter. But out of fear of a rejection and
out of guilt for his past failures, he puts
off secing her. Instead, he stays and
delays endlessly in a world of fatherless
daughters and daughicrless fathers that
carries him from the pads of Greenwich
Village to the offices of a midtown news
magazine, from the kitchens of Morn
ingside Heights to the corridors of subur
ban Colonials. When he finally decides
to sec his daughter, she herself. appears
to have taken off, so Kalb ch 1er
istically decides to do nothing, realizing
that like father, like daughter; the gi
must bum with his own “wayward
blood." The book is laced with genuine.
ly funny spoofs of candy-store proprie
tors and White House residents. of
newsmagazine editors and the publish
ers of self-help books; Maloff has a com
ic eye and a ready wit. But he refuses to
use one word when three will do, and
he repeatedly invokes the same situation
and theme. His novel scems to pass in
review and review and review to the
point of diminishing returns.
The idea that we were put on this
planet to work threads the fabric of
every culture man h
tion of mot working scems somehow im.
moral to most people. This tenet has
long glorified physical labor and, morc
recently, the concept of full employ
ment. In Two-factor Theory: The Economics
of Reolity (Random House), a financier
and a politicakscience writer—Louis O.
Kelso and Patricia Hetter—denounce full
employment as a losers ploy. based on
ritualistic devotion to things as they
were before the dawn of the industrial
era. The authors claim that since tech
nological gee whizz has made full employ-
ment impossible, politicians can pursue
such a goal only with the help of wars
and totalitarianism—and won't achieve it
even then. Personal toil is only one well
spring of capital wealth, they contend; the
other source is invested capital itself, more
widely distributed by borrowing against a
future wealth created by that very borrow
ing. If that's not entirely clear, neither
are Kelso and Herter. In any event, these
iconoclasts are maintaining that the tra
devised; the no.
ditional capitalists, who cringe at Gover
mental tinkering with the cconomy, and
the Keynesians, who favor centralized in
tervention, and the Marxists, who crave
Governmental regulation through cen
tral ownership of the instruments of pro-
duction, are all wet, Their Holy
Grail is capitalism," under
which an endless round robin of debt
against tomorrow gives a share of capi-
tal to al] hands. Where's the cash to
come from? First, repeal the inheritance
tax so all that big wealth will be passed
on tax-free. presumably to spread in ever
wider ripples. Second, eliminate corporate
taxes so more stockholders can have more
profits and thus more capital. As simple
as that—on
questions, such as: In this utopia of happy
Tittle unemployed. capitalists, who will
build the hospitals and roads and bridges
and parks and museums, and who will
deliver te mail and outfit the Army and
s t0 a few
ing only answe
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Where To-Buy-It? Use REACTS Card — Page 209.
finance the dens,
to defeat cancer and heart disease? You
answered that one when you mailed your
check to Uncle Sam on April 15.
ly. expensive research
nneth. Keniston deserves an award
for academic daring. On the basis of in.
terviews with only H young men and 3
women. which ranged in length lom
wo hours to a maximum of eighu,
he has writen a penetrating 290-page
portrait of today’s American Young Rad-
icols (Harcourt, Brace & World), It is a
persuasive study of the antithesis of the
hippie: the involved, idealistic, deeply
committed young person who is deter-
mined to revolutionize society, Keniston,
a psychology professor at Yale, sees him
as the tue child of his parents. They
taught him to think for himself, and he
does; they taught him to have compas
sion for less fortunate people, and he
does; they taught him to hate hypocrisy.
injustice and violence, and he does. But
what his parents did not fully expect was
convictions, he would act on them, even
stead of merely preaching these
t Dor
though this meant giving up, at lea
the present, his individual carcer. In gen
eral, these leaders of the New Left prove
to be brighter, more emotionally stable
and far more self-sufficient than the
jority of their peers. In. Ker
today’s young radicals are strug
ion's view
ling with
two tough dilemmas. They are so opposed
to social manipulation that they are un.
comfortable with the role of leadership
which diminishes the ellectiveness of their
efloris; and in their abhorrence of all
violence, they must act in ways that,
paradoxically, elicit violence from oth
ers. For
the pul
American youth, Young Radicals ollers a
much-needed counterbalance. Any country
that can produce young people such as
these curt be doing everything. wror
nyone who is fed up with all
ied nonsense on the subject of
In a time when fiction tends toward
the brutally realistic or the blackly hu
morous, it is something of a shock to
come upon a book of old-fashioned “story-
telling.” It is even more of a shock 10 find
these stories quietly but firmly gripping.
even unsettling. This trick is artfully
turned by none other than the ag
Noel Coward in a quartet of short stories
lumped together under the tile of onc
) Each
story is based on a situation so cliche as to
make one think Coward is putting us on:
The middle-aged wife of a British planter
in the tropics succumbs to her sexual de-
sive for a
of the
1, Bon Voyage (Doubled
native servant: a rich widow is
left alone in Switzerland when her devoted
servant dies; a foppish English newspaper
columnist faces a social crisis; a group ol
illassorted. characters form the captain's
your hands around them
and try not to grin.
Once you pick up ourbrand through haze, dust and drizzle The price will surprise you
new extra-wide angle Sears because one side of each lens and it includes case, caps
binoculars, you won't want to has an amber coating. All and lens cloth.
let them go. The balonce, these, plus scientifically There's only one place in this
the feel and the shape positioned prisms combine to whole wide world that you
seem made for your hands. make everything extra sharp, can buy these extra-wide angle
Nowtake alook.Thingsore extra large. binoculars: at Seors.
7 times bigger. But these If you've clways wanted
are an extra wide 7 x 35so 1o own good binoculars, Sears Only at
the field of view is enormous Roebuck and Co. honestly
... 978 feet at 1000 yards. believes this is the finest value
And, they have a Japanese ever offered.
designed optical system;
you'll focus faster with the
oversize wheel, you'll slice
7 x 35 ond 7 x 50 sizes available at Sears retail stores ond through the cotolog.
$1.75 each. 3 for $5.00
$1.50 each
$1.50 each
at your favorite store, or write.
350 Fifth Ave., New York 10001
Where-Touy-l? Use REACTS Card — Page 209.
table on a Pacific Ocean anise ship.
Yet from these wizened ploys, Coward
Guves with a wicked knile slices of life
in the rare. His di
ratives suddenly
crescendos as the
last bit of
flayed from his naked, quivering charac
Coward knows his people and their
€ columnist shares his bath
with a pink-celluloid duck. we do nor
for a moment doubt When he gives
us the deadly conver
Ship. pasen
| these words a score of times. And
when he rlks of love and death and
each of the stories pivots on the
Aristotle Onassis is a day person and
a night person. By day, he is busy
amidirz his fortune (estimated at
5300.000.000). By night. he is ciha
El Morocco New York. throwing
any for Margot Fonteyn. or eme
royalty aboard his flagship Ch
(you know, the onc with the sw
pool that rises to the top at night.
and converted ino a dance
Onassis created a personal Ma
shall Plan for the rehabiliation ol
Monte Carlo as a watering spot for his
jet setters, At first, Prince Rainier was
delighted, until it became plin that
the outsider had a more scene holl on
the country than did the blood monarch
ight expect Onassis (Meeidith)
rich. stall,
boyhood in
a Turkish
Massacre. s "Aristotle settled
South America to make his fortune a
became a shipowner; today. his feci-
some 3.000.000 tous—resembles the Roval
Navy at her fighting peak. A man who has
s and queens and
i1 who has numbered
nd Churchills of ihe world as
his close friends, deserves Homeric
menmen. Bur. Frischauers book reads
like the 1967 edition of the Slatistical Ab
sbract of the United States.
Frischauer, to be
a risky
as told to the
Department. of Comi Auempting
to enumerate Ari's (his friends cail him
Ari) many financial coups, Frischitue
piles fpes onto figures onto fig
umil they become jndistinguishable
The unfavorable aspects of. Onassis’ mo
nopoly game. his troubles with various
governments, are glossed over or othe
wise handled like the summation for the
best Tine im the book
the acknowledgments.
ense. The
v. in
with Onassis telling his biographer com.
emily. “If my privacy. has 10. be
raped. T might as well Pe back and en
And why nor since this turns
out to be the gentlest rape in recent times.
True Grit (Simon & Schuster). by Ark:
sas newspaperman Charles Portis, poses
the most modern of literary quest
"s s handsomely designed,
richly Florentined rhodium
money clip. A capital accessory
for the man who has every-
thing. Rakish Rabbit stands
guard, shows off your good
laste. Yours for the pocketing.
Use order no. JY18001, $7.50.
Please add S0 for handling.
Shall we send a gifi card in your name?
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Playboy Club credit keyholders may charge.
le, one for
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the good life! The
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g. With our frolicking Fem-
lin in white kicking up her heels
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Beer Mug, MM319, $5; 10-0z
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$2.50. Please add 50€ for handling.
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Playboy Products, Deparument MYOOOI,
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hicago. IIl. 60611. Playboy Club credit
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6480. Also: Lady Madonna,
Em sing You honey, Say
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Iso: Love Is Blue, By
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Fakin' It, At The Zoo, etc.
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ince you'll sec it as a movic.
y litas a book? The
resounding yes. For it is doubtful if the
moviemakers who have purchased. this
new novel for $300,000 will have the
nerve, verve or ability to preserve its whip-
lash tongue-in-cheek style or ingenuous
nti-Western ways. The 1880ish heroine is
a precious LLycarold who vows to
avenge the murder of her father. And
she does so without any Hamietian hesita-
tion. She knows exactly who the murderer
is and, with the aid of an authentically de
piacd U.S. marshal—one-eyed and hard-
ng. 40 and paunchy—sets out after
wo Indian territory. In their pur
they are joined by a seedy Texas
er, out to get the same badman
The trio endures all the Saturday-serial
hardships that old Western flesh is hei
to, but their adventures are rendered in
a style that is up-to-the-minute Eastern
imp ce the moviemakers just might
cast Sandra Dee in the lead for sell-
destructive openers, by reading True Grit
now you may spare yourself a painful
ride out to Credibility Gap.
mor that underground movies
have become able is belied by
Ne More Excuses, a subterranean comedy
that attacks the very foundations of soci-
ety. Sans plot film maker Robert Dow-
ney simply free-associates while editor
Robert Soukis cunningly intermixes a
collage of impressions testifying 10 the
steep decline of American. civilization
The d idence is pretty dam
funny. chist
who bills himself
a clean-cut ana
icc," essays the
“a pi
role of a Civil War soldicr on the Un-
ion side, superficially wounded in the
rump and tansmigrated instantancously
—4on't brood over these details—to mod-
. hustling New York, There, one of
i hattan's
ins the
East Side "sing 's exp
e valucs of the scene: "I get laid
Later, a portly vollop is
Uy stripped and raped by a
ps hes a gymnast—
when an ABC television reporter ap-
pears at the foot of the bed to ask the
busy pair how they fecl about Vie
being effici
prowler—or perh;
the reporter, who happens to be
panzec, then dimbs upon the
elf. The 188t ion of Presid üt
James A. Garfield is documented—after
a fashion: An occasional faggot, Dow.
ney's Garfield finally gets caught flounc
ing out of the women's washroom. And
Allen. Abel, check leader
of a society called $.1.N.A. (concerned
with the Indecency of Naked Animals)
urges that we “enclose the vital areas of
the tongue
A handsome addition to any li-
brary. This handy binder protects,
preserves six issues of prized
PLAYBOY magazines. PLAYBOY's
name and Rabbit emblem stamped
in gold leaf on antique tan leather-
ette. Use order no. BY19901, $3.
Please add 50¢ for handling.
Shall we send a gilt card in your name?
Please send check or money order to:
Playboy Products, The Playboy Building,
519 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Til. 60611
Playboy Club credit keyholders may charge.
rabbits in
the round
Unusual styling creates the right
fashion image. Floating Rabbit
Cuff Links and Tie Tack cue your
good taste by setting off the im-
maculate cuff; the well-chosen tie.
Oval design in gleaming rhodium
with distinctive Rabbit at the cen-
ter of things. Code JY17501, $12.50.
Please add 50 for handling.
Shall we send a gift card in your name?
Please send check or money order to
Playboy Products, The Playboy Building,
919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Il. 60611
Playboy Club credit keyholders may charge.
rücularly if the brutes || coup grate
inches long or four | What a state fer solidt
o be Imi Endure”
How pets" p
are more than
inches hip]
station suggest à
ihe ch
Random shots of war's dev Press" oxlord of
85% Dacron/35*],
idea or iwo rattl
pund withi ios of No More
(uses, to the chea that man's. bestiality
on ihe battlefield is less amusing 1
his bestiality abed, aud more dangerous.
Though Downey approaches satire with
the zeal of an undergraduate arsonist,
amory home ht convert a
1 superp: the
his intl
few prudes
isc of sexual revolution. or at least per
suade them that they have liue to fear
from making love with the lights on
A disturbing standard of morality un-
derlies the major premises of Bandolerot,
a Weste
n that may—and should —mark.
if Hollywood ine:
ays about call
al of an er
à moratorium
on gratuitous violence and implicit rac
ism, We wouldn't place any bets on th
alter watching Dean Mar
robber and killer saved from the gallows
James Stewart her
amiable desperado who only robs I
becuse, he geuially philosophies, there
are all sorts of reasons for a feller to rob 2
a bank—specially il he owns a gun and Golden Vee
es money. Into Mexican bandit te Los oe
tory ride the fugitives l their hos
Raquel Welch, an exwhore made rich
and respectable th
by his bro
Boacaon potvesven
p marrige hus Available at fine stores everywhere, or write:
ad of GOLOEN VEE Div., Piedmont Shirt Co. Inc. 4 West 33rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10001
lowed by Martin's. by
us. Now Raquel feels she would
rather conson with a crook than with C 3
Sherif George Kennedy, who is hoty anterbu S Bold Ones
pursuing her in more ways than one, All
sioinlican id -xien at lasc unite tp defend |) Betis that brook cll the roles and speck
msqualie vire when! blocduit say. Pane | ise toos Shea: Ia wectbered, ecpela eede
diajerosibse ups SEG]
aly alice up badinan,
lawman, deputy and thief. As massacres
go. Bandolero! has a certain. sleazy vital-
ity. Whom 10 root for is the problem
that confronts a conscientious viewer,
unless he takes a cue from director
Andrew V. Medl:
ol Formula. In
a strict. observer
uglen’s rulebook,
US 5 scena um B Style No
good (white) guys pet t ng, Mexi- 1
D (white) guys get e NESE about $7.50
cans are expendable and. Indians (though
none appear in the picture) are a god
damn joke
As The Man
ith the Balloons, Marcello
ani offers a compleat course in
how to tum a bizare but dubious c
dy in ive one-man
The and emotional ol
sions of humankind are the jumping-off
place for Malian divector Marco
Ferreri and abo for. Mastroianni, who
plays a prosperous candy manufacturer . s
E b e GA oa ymo Brus Dun.
sample balloons in the ordinary course
36 East 3lst Street. New York, N.Y. 10016-
of business, he is seized by a compulsion
Where-To-Buy-I? Use REACTS Card — Page 209
Be an expert
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A true hifidelity automatic turntable
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Please send FREE detailed literature on
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to know precisely how much
loon cin hold without bursti
ir a bal
g He goes
a good many balloons before
himself out a window in de
spair, and the film as a whole gets pretty
pumped up with significance as it mean-
ders along. But Mastroianni's simpatico
manner, combined with his single-minded
concentration on whatever madness occurs,
is hilarious and highly sophisticated
Where the movie falters in purpose, Mar-
cello supplies his own, whether scolding
the Luge brute of a dog that shares his
flat, visiting four topless party girls in the
a dis
Apartment upstairs, turning on
cothéque or tuming olt
Or, best of all, combining a passion for
food and a passion for sex with the help
of his chic mistress (Catherine Spaak), on
whose bare tummy he draws a large daisy
and hungrily licks it off. Gourmet fare
this, for moviegoers craving something
rather special.
a steam bath,
For love of Ivy can boast one genuine
distinction: Never before have Negro ac
tors sawed in a completely frivolous
American sex comedy, Sidney Poitier de-
vised the original story with a nice fat
part for himself and an even nicer one for
singer Abbey Lincoln. There they are,
Poitier as a hip trucking executive who
operates a highly mobile gambling den on
wheels, Abbey as a simplehearted Southern
domestic who has spent nine years serving
some rich white folks on Long Island and
now yearns to live a little. Joy's social
comment is subminimal: The ofays adore
their maid and their thin veneer of liberal-
ism is mocked ever so gently when the
family’s dropout son and miniskirted
daughter (played with appealing fresh-
ness by Beau Bridges and Lauri Peters)
set Ivy up to score with the big trucker
‘The ultimate seduction scene, staged in
Poitiers Manhattan. town house, reveals
no new aesthetic directions; but never on
the sercen have black lovers been treated
this way—abed in elegant. surroundings,
just digging cach other far from the clamor
of racial strife and the war on poverty.
Poitier exercises his slow-burning charm
with the total assurance appropriate to
stardom, while Abbey, as an innocent who
has never taken a shower with a man but
rather likes the id
world’s great smiles.
sports one of the
Doris Day. if she
were black, would give her freckles for
such a part
The highly visible faces in Faces rellect
whatever bourgeois anguish it is that be
devils the membership of Blue Cross and
the Book-of-the-Mouth Club. The speci-
mens include the well-groomed housewile
with a purse full of charge plates, the busi-
nessman who tells raw jokes over a liquid
lunch. the goodlooking blonde who
haunts the best cocktail bar in town, the
Engagement ring thing we mean.
You'd be surprised how many
ex-playboys pick engagement rings
without any help from their bunnies.
So if you're the independent
type, take heart. Every ArtCarved
jeweler has been instructed to be
especially helpful to you brave
men, They will show you an exciting
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they'll explain our PVPs* Perma-
nent Value Plan.
If you prefer doing it together,
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; will be just as help-
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j To find your
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For free folders illustrating engagement
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Playkoy Club News 7
VOL. II, NO. 98
Share in the Fun—Apply
For Your Key-Card and Save $25
CHICAGO (Special) —The
Playboy Club-Hotel at Lake Ge-
neva, Wis., is the hit of the sea-
son! Keyholders and their guests
from all points are visiting the
$12,000,000 resort. And this fall
the Club-Hotel offers you even
more entertainment and recre-
ation—trapshooting, autumn
horseback riding along 25 miles
of bridle paths and more top
internationally renowned talent.
You'll find the Playboy beat
in 16 cities in the U.S. and in
Montreal, London and Jamaica.
Don't miss out on the good times
at each Club.
Now you can obtain your
Playboy Key-Card at the rate
of $25 during the Playboy Club's
Annual Review of its keyholder
roster. This rate is in effect in all
areas of the U.S., including states
where the Key Fee is normally
$50. (See coupon for list.)
Come to Playboy at Lake
Geneva and spend the day,
weekend or week. Stunning Bun-
nies welcome you to this Mid-
western “country club,” where
you'll find golfing, boating, swim-
ming, tennis and much more.
You'll stay in luxurious rooms.
Select among eight dining and
drinking areas for superb cuisine.
View exciting shows by the top
performing artists in the nation,
Why not see for yourself why
thousands of keyholders are rav-
ing about Playboy's playground.
For those of you who desire
a few more days of summer,
there's the Playboy Club-Hotel
in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, Bask in
the sun, swim in the azure-blue
Caribbean, party on the beach
into the wee hours
Playboy's the "now" place—
whether in Lake Geneva, Wis.,
Jamaica or 17 other locations
Join us! Mail the coupon today
for your Key-Card application
and save $25.
Atlanta - Baltimore - Boston
Chicago = Cincinnati - Den-
ver Detroit: Jamaica (Club-
Hotel) - Kansas City = Lake
Geneva, Wis. (Club-Hotel)
London: Los Angeles * Miami
Montreal * New Orleans
New York + Phoei -St
Louis * San Fran
Washington, D.C.
""Laugh-In's" DanRowan, Dick Mar-
tin laugh it up with Bunny Arlee.
CHICAGO (Special) —Get
ready to laugh it up st Playboy
for one entire sock-it-to-me week
of fun Sept. 9-14, 1968. In co-
operation with NBC-TV's smash
hit show “Laugh-In,” starring
the multivoiced Dan Rowan and
the exctic Dick Martin, Playboy
presents, all the way from beau-
tiful downtown Burbank, a mad
week of surprises styled after
“Laugh-In's” own distinctive
brand of nuttiness. There'll be
frivolity, drinks with the true
sock-it-to-me flavor and special-
ly selected goodies. Don't miss it!
Mail the coupon today for
your Key to the Playboy world
—always exciting, always new.
Verrry interesting . . . but insane!
Playboys and playmates relax by the outdoor pool at Playboy's Club-
Hotel at Lake Geneva, Wis. Lake and golf course are in background.
Talent Abounds at Lake Geneva Resort
LAKE GENEVA (Special)—
Vic Damone, Shecky Greene,
Diahann Carroll, Jack Jones,
Flip Wilson, Liza Minnelli—just.
a few of the outstanding stars
performing regularly at the
Playboy Club-Hotel at Lake
Geneva, Wis. Exciting vocalists,
comedians and lounge acts enter-
tain at Lake Geneva seven nights
a week.
Playboys and playmates
groove to the disco-beat amid
psychedelic lighting in the Bunny
Hutch. Dance to quartet music
in the Living Room. Take in a
lounge act in the Playmate Bar.
‘This resort brims with night life
Join the audience. See the larg-
est talent circuit in the world—
Playboy's—in all 19 Clubs.
Flip Wilson recently entertained
keyholders at Lake Geneva resort.
mm um ma ma BECOME A KEYHOLDER, CLIP AND MAIL TODAY»s ma ma ma ma j
Playboy Building, 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60611
Gentlemen: I wish toobtainmy personal Key-Card.
U.S. Key Fee during the 1968 Annual Review Period is $25 in all states, including
Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kangas, Louisiana, Missouri and Mississippis
where the fee is normally $50. Canadian Key Fee: $30 (Canadian). Key Fee in.
cludes $1 tor year's supscniption to VIP, the Club magazine, The Annual Account
Maintenance Charge. currently $5 in U.S. and $6 (Canadian) in Canada, is waived
Tor your first year.
C Enclosed find $. CBimefos
E] 1 wish only information about The Playbey Club.
lave more hrilliance and
sparkle because they are
100% fully polished by
our special process.
Available in a variety of
styles, starting at $100.
"largad to show beauty o! detall.
Where-To-Duy-lt? Use REACTS Card — Page 209
respectable traveling exec looking for
cheap thrills on strange turf—and the
cheaper the better. Together, these Ameri
can prototypes ought to spell dullsville.
seldom do is a tribute to thc
ions recorded by John Cas
savetes, who wrote and directed Faces on
€ budget Cassavetes’ wife,
na Rowlands. is the sole seminame in
a company of actors well below star quali.
ty: bu ike up for it by improvising
traumi wry sense of truth. The
entire movie smacks of Actors Studio
impromptu. The film is as grainy as an
old newsreel: the sound is raw and
d a good many scenes are too long by
1. Yer you can't pull your eves
om the plight of a
ng middle-class male (Johi
ley) whose still-comely wile (Lynn
lin) hats sex because she hates her
daily grind. His solution is to shack up for
ihe night with a sympathetic callgirl
(Gena): his mate's is to bail several othe:
frustrated wives into emergency session at
a discotheque full of flashy young studs.
Next morning, man and wife face cach
d almost
So they ju:
nd smoke. It's a
nant film, be-
poignant moment
cause, scene by sce
What you cat is what you are, ac
cording to Yeu Are What You Eor, which
apotheosizes its title with an idyllic se-
quence in which flower people sit around
simply cating flowers. Movies heretofore
purporting to explain the hippie revolu
tion seem ged compared with
Eat, w produced (by Pete
wrow of Peter, Paul & Mary, and
man Barry Feinstein) fom
n the multisensory media bag
ic tricks for every occasion. To call
this event a documentary would make it
sound much too dull and, i
. There is no nar
as such, and Yarrow
—doubling as musical director—has the
vivid score he wrote with Jolm Simon
ed to a point where groups like
Harpers Bizare. The Hell's Angels and
The Mothers of Invention sock it to you
at the speed of light. Its The Scene itself
rendered as total cinema, both visual and
visceral, an immense celebration of love
love love. Eats orgy of innocence is
alive with painted bodies and flashing
hair, not to mention a host of clectronic-
age primitives whose tongue kissing says
louder than words that they would rather
make love di . Numerous V. 1. P.s
identified with the Soul generation ap-
pear for testimonials at least flceüngly
—The Beatles on the rum, Tiny Tim
singing 1 Got You, Babe, the Reverend
tolm Boyd dancing at a be-in on the
wlerground hero Super
would be
n wa
h and u
Spade (murdered. alas, since completion
of the film) sexually integrating with a
voluptuous blonde 10 the accompaniment
of the Hallelujah Chorus. A pure extract
from the heart of hippicdom.
“Thinv-four years old and my life is
finished.” says Aune Jackson. facing the
camera with the frankness of a
1 who knows an
will understand why she
stay in her Connecticut kitchen fussing
over recipes and daily horoscopes. This
matronly chick. once a swinger and a
of Proust, decides to break out.
catches a commurer's special to
So she
Mau sents herself as a
S100 a movie star (Walter
Matthau) for whom her husband (Pac
short end of the
inhdelity shtick) handles public and pri-
vate relations. That's all there is to The
Secret Life of on American , written.
produced and directed by George (The
n Year lich) Axelrod. who can be
cd by his stale gags and stock
company style. Yet. Wife m
more than a locker-room wheeze about
sex in the afternoon. The longest and
choicest part of the movie is the bed-
room coni ion—a sly, warm. often
perceptive interlude between the jaded
idol and the idle Hausfrau. Matthau, as
Jlyearold roustabour plagued by
bad sin d press clippings thar cele
brae his existence in “a continuous,
electric Now," seems unable to make a
false move. Reminded of his reput:
chin th l coi
cludes. ^I guess probably 1 am.
Anne prauling selfdoubt beside him. a
faltering comedy becomes a workout [or
two pros who play championship tennis,
no matter how seedy the court
An i g with wo
nt priest travel
whores is the hero of Nezerin, made in
Mexico more t
wasnt yet
n à decade ago. when it
God is
(Belle de
el. in a richly phoic
autopsy on the body of Christian dog.
ma. suggests that the p died of
cinch, orthodoxy and irrelevance. Bu
Auels protagonist is a Joblike padi
ncsco Rabal) who loses his faith
but finds his humanity in the company
of prostitutes. one a fugitive murderess
the other a passionate soul whose hu
for goodness has carnal overtones. Beg
ging alms around the countryside, the
ilmet trio encounters. plenty of ev
dence that Divine Mercy c in un
reliable asset on the highway of life
‘The priest is stoned by workers when he
tries to sell his labor for a few crumbs
instead of Hysterical village
Michelob custom crafted glass steins.
16 oz. Set of four— $4.00
Send check or moncy order (no cash) to:
P.O. Box 8166. + College Station U
St. Louis, Missouri
Illegal in states where prohibited by law.
Anheuser-Busch, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri
Although engaged
in a most important
mission for his country,
he still had time to
stop fora belt.
His name is recorded in the pages
of American history. In very
small print. In his travels he
stopped for refreshment at a
New England Inn. Israel
Bissel is an authentic Amer-
ican hero. But not one insur-
ance company bears his name.
If you know what Israel
Bissel did, or if you're inter-
ested in honoring a forgotten
man, write: Israel Bissel Dept.
P, c/o Fife and Drum Belts, 3000
Des Plaines Ave., Des Plaines, Ill,
60018. We'll send you a complete
Israel Bissel Cockamamie Kit.
he belts are part of another campaign
to keep you from being forgotten,
They come in a memorable assortment
of colors, buckles and leathers. A Fife Z
and Drum Belt won't guarantee you a =
place in history. But there's a good
chance you won't be overlooked.
Fife 6 Drum Belts a
By Paris. -—— A =
Lif | ij 73 M we.
women beg him to perform miracles, He
visits a dying girl who refuses last rites
in favor of n with her lover
“Juan, not God," she murmurs. The
priests disillusionment is completed
when the church. dismisses his belief in
human dignity as heresy: he is Unown
into prison and beaten by sadistic thugs.
Buiuc's irony is untouched by the sav
ing humor of Don Quixote or Candide,
vet Nazarin succeeds on its own bleak
terms as a fable of thwarted idealism in
the grimmest classic tradition.
Novelist Romain Gary reportedly
wanted to find a film role that would
give full range to the talents of his
acresswife, Jean Seberg. So he adapted
onc of his own short stories (4 Bit of a
Dreamer, A Bit of a Fool, which first
appeared in rraysov, March 1964) and
dueced it himself. The result is Birds
in Peru, a suikingly false movie and a
prolessional setback for both M. and
Mme. Gary. The former favors countless
shots of gulls flying, long meaningful
walks along the shore and 1001 lin-
gering close-ups of his beautiful. missus,
who plays a nymphomaniac destined. to
keep a rendezvous with death. Is it in-
stinet that br
her to a desolate Peru-
rds from the nearby
islands come win in droves to dic?
There, one busy day, a failed fugitive
from reality (Maurice Rone) enjoys her
favors at least twice, after she has been
had by four masked carnival cclebra
the on
(Danielle Durrieux) and a truck driver.
Fo keep eroticism from becoming monot-
vian shore, where
m of a beach-front bordel
onous, the mythic qualities of the sex-
mad beauty are commented upon in
ach but fitfully amusing exchanges be-
tween her wealthy husband (Pierre Bras-
seur) and an armed chauffeur who does
triple duty as hired killer and alter cgo.
AI] of this was quite poetic on paper. But
on the se
it unwittingly begets laughter between the
lines. Particularly when the camera cuts
from a wifely indiscretion to a shot of
Brasscur sulking and vowing, “It’s the
last time 1 take her around the world."
» in full color, with every
nuance spelled out in baby talk,
n adventure
Ages ago, every Afri
drama offered an obligatory scene in EN
which a drunken bwana doctor sobers Grand illusion. Just
up to save a woman in childbirth. Dark between us, PBM
of the Sun revives the old bit, with Ken- clothes tend to make
neth More as the noble souse, There
few other humane acts in director Jack a man look a little
Cardill's bloodbath concerning a mission handsomer than he
vies in the Republic of Con really is. If you won't
go. A tale that could hardly be simpler "
plants Rod Taylor, Jim Brown d EIE yourself away,
disheveled Yvette, Mimieux aboard a we won't either.
rickety train bound for a jungle outpost Is that PBM? Very!
overrun by savage simbas. Within three
days, the train is supposed to chug back
of mercer
Pincus Brothers-Maxwell, 1290 Ave. of the Americas, New York/ Independence Mall East, Philadelphia, Pa,
Where-To-Buy-I? Use REACTS Card — Page 209.
with 550.000.000 worth of diamonds,
plus. if there's time. 62 white refugees.
The job pays handsomely. and the mov
ie pays its debt to morality by means a
a mesa some Brown's
ural black nobility gradually penc
Taylors thick-skinned
aor Cardiff has 10 engineer
a carloud of clichés (the only real villain
is a quastNavi), he keeps the actic
ablaze by setting oll the most god-awful
explosions of violence in many a moon
Indeed. there's nary a moment free from
ambushes. air attacks torture scenes
ti reed
Though dij
ies brutal slay
raped muns, che mercei
of two Negro children, a duel fea
turing an electric saw—and a he
at last |
compassion. throu
thanis by committing a ferocious mur
der, This is the kind of movie that slides
right by the censors because there's no
nudity in it
Inside every young director, appar
ently, lies a tract waiting be
/ ler out, England's Peter Collinson (Pent
s- house) delivers his message in The Lon
TONN silky smooth C BRA Day's Dying, Irom a novel by Alan White.
with dialog by scenarist Charles Wood.
who woe How 1 Won the War. The
words spoken by the actors are frequently
unintelligible, except when they resort 10
interior monologs: but they sound cryptic,
poetic and callous in the manner lon
established lor movie combat troops. de
Se ee ees | ploring the slaughter of war. David Hem
mings gives a taut, personable account of
himself as one of three British tonm
m Traditional, button-down, om Be d To ee are
Ready tapered. and essy Cie it (Tom Bell and Tony Beckley arc |
permanent press. In colors and mates) caught behind enemy lines with
patterns that are right now 3
Available at the better x ud German prisoner. (Man
department stores anc obie). The quartet performs. flawless
niversity shops. $6 and $7
E ty shop s Ip vec
unusually graphic—with cnoug!
med that Dying makes death
1 vomit
spitting up of blood and skewerin
ol onc ano
t, and almost any size audicuce—it is
a movie we would be reluctant to sec a
second time. Come to think of it, thats
r t0 disable a much larger
just how we felt s t tlie first time.
Totally commitied hawks, on the oth-
er hand, will find mud and blood made
The Green Berets, starring the
indestructible john Wayne, who also
codirecc E
to order ii
this adaptation. of the novel
by Robin Moore. Its the war gospel ac-
cording to Big John himself, Wayne's son
N Michael produced it, and son Patrick
M plays one of the strappi
they're all cour
purios who would fight to the death
lor any principle espoused by Republi-
Americans in
v. Black or white, your
ov old,
scous. straighithiuking
cans for Reagan. just as you'd expect. In
lact, outside the ranks of the Viet Cong,
the only character faintly infected with
villainy is a liberal jou
alist (David
Division, Soren Shirt Company
350 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10001
Janssen) whose paper disapproves of
the U.S. involvement Vietnam,
Available at: Barnard Sumner & Putnam, Worcester, Mass., Abraham & Straus, Bklyn. Jenss Dept. Stores, | |. zi
S4 — Niagara falls, NY., B. Forman Co., Rochester, N.Y., Erie Dry Goods (Boston Store) Erie, Fa., Josepn Horne €o. | “Thats newspapers for you
Pittsburgh, Pa., S. Kann & Sons, Washington. D.C., The Diamond, Charleston, W. Va.. Thalhimer, Richmond, Va
* says the
Where-To-Buy-It? Use REACTS Card —
Page 209.
It doesn’t take much to silence The
Squeaks. Just the softest, supplest leathers,
the spongiest, squashiest foam rubber
padding, and the most devoted craftsmen
Ad LÀ in the business.
Porto-Ped Shoes.
From S935 10 2495. Portage Shoe Co. Mi
Duke, squinting with illconcealed. con
tempt for a gutless pen-pusher who
pushes neutrality in a linen safari suit
1 never seems to get soiled. Janssei
learns a thing or two. of course. seci
how the V.C. rape and maim childr
while awshucksy Gls like Jim Hutton
helriend orp! ad dogs In this
(filmed somewhere in North
Carolina). complex issues become so
wonderfully simple thar the hear of b
Ue often glows as warmly as the bonfire
at a boyscout jamboree.
Re-creating the lean and hungry look
of southern Italy during World War
Two is the aim of Anzio. Add glorious
r wolor to more than three dec
ades of postWar prosperity.
v and it's dear that director Ed
ward Dmyuyk has a bale on his
hands. Somehow that era of whore
heroes and Hershey bars dematerializes
whenever Dmytryk musters up hordes
of cager Italians for his backgrounds:
war or no war, the well-fed natives who
have known /a doke vita can't quite
e their enthusiasm for the presence
jor movie company with
In the foreground of
. there is commando Pe-
n's war
ather major
Ik doing his rugged-but-warmly-
human Peter Falk thing about as well as
it’s ever been done. There are also such
cinematic Army re as Robert
Ryan. Earl Holliman and Arthur Kenne-
dy. not to mention Robert. Mitchum—
who has bv now worn out a regiment's
worth of khaki. Mitchum plays a laconic
war correspondent accompanying a troop
ol Ranger scouts on a customurily hopel
mission and figuring out, as the casualt
rise, that men kill one another “bee
they like 10"—that the search aud-destroy
kick cmm really turn a guy on before it
cancels him out. Mark Anzio down as an
antiwar movie of medi tensity-
Inodi le Evidence, John Osborne's
Broadway and London ‘stage success, is
the portrait of a failure—a. 30 vcar-old
London barri ing the biuer gall
of middle a his own prosecu
tor in the Kangaroo. court of sell judg-
meni he ties himself wicked,
object” and re-
«leemably medio
legal hack who feels
threatened by his sullering clients ca be
trayed wife Houndering toward
xl a homosexual family
in fear of police cutrapment, He
faithless husband and a dissatistied pl
Janderer, alternately flinging himself
Irom the bed of his tired
office Couch where he tries out acquies
cent receptionists. He cannot talk to his
Mod daughter, vet his blood boils with
envy of everyone. young. He is his own
worst enemy. and 1 matic conflict
js all Osborne requires to keep a theate
izle with spleen, In sev
ress 10 an
al respects,
the movie version of Evidence (directed
by Anthony Page) improves upon the
play. The cool film medium smoothly
manages the fantasy of the tial scenes
and cases the transitions between fash-
backs and the grubby realism of here
md Repeating his role of Bill
Maitland with nuances freshly defined
for the camera, England's Nicol Wil-
liamson mounts a tourde force perform-
ance unequaled by any English actor
since Laurence Olivier in The Entertain-
nother Osborne dissection of char-
The paris Osborne writes often
outmatch his plays; and Williamson in
Evidence is brash, mercurial, sad. per
ceptive—a most successful Failure, indeed.
John Lee Hooker is in berer form than
usual on Urban Blues (BlucsWay).
gets sympathetic backing as he
through such gutsy items as Think Twice
Before You Go and The Motor City Is
Burning, which puts you smack dab in
the middle of the Detroit riot. T-Bone
Walker's stylish way with a guitar is spot
lighted on Goin’ to Funky Town, a to
instrumental that opens Funky Town (Blucs-
Way) eight succeeding, selections
casily tain the mood and the stand
ard. Otis Spann's The Bottom of the Blues
(BlucsWay) would be closer to the top
if not for the band's intonation proble
outstanding, the slow. rolling tunes
like Nobody Knows and My Man, on
which Spann’s wile, Lucille, makes a
strong. recording debut vocalist.
The raw vitality of guitarist vocalist
Jos: Feliciano is brilliantly captured on
Feliciano! (Victor). The apparent lack of
gloss permits the emotions 1o shine
through—California Dreamin’, Light My
Fire and Swany prove that point d
ally. There jagged edges around
much of Jose's elloris. but he's always
te. which, alter all, is
Moby Grape, a hitherto neglected San
roup. has two Columbia LPs
out simultaneously. Wow ranges fom folk
to blues to country and western, vet falls
imo the broad category of competem but
easily forgettable pop albums: however,
Grape Jam. a collection of extended blues
improvisations with guests Mike Bloom-
field and AL Kooper, provides real musical
excitement, the
Marmalade, Boysenberry Jam and Black
Currant Jam.
able to communis
the name of the
notably in instrumentals
Swing Low, Sweet Cadillac (Impulse!) has
Dizzy Gillespie fronting a fine quintet
and displaying the extraordinary musicia
ship and bubbling ebullience that are his
arks. The title kirk, Mas Que Nada
d the okl Gillespie standby Kush high:
light the LP, which also glitters with the
work of reed man James Moody on alto,
tenor and flute. The latter. gentleman is
the star attraction on Moody and the Brass
Figures (Milestone). The title is a bit mis
leading. ly hall the nine n
involve only a quartet: but. t
ing an allstar brass section, with arrange
ments by Tom Metntosh, provide rhe
most enierainment. With one exception.
Moody sticks 10 his tenor and demon
strates both vivid. imagination and bril
liant tone.
A rock. orate
old:maid school:
detailing the life of
mz Thats what The
tempts on Miss Butrers (Vic
brought off quite well
thanks 10 a sympathetic approach to the
subject and a wellorchestrated musical
chart (the siyle is Baroque-folk) that
demands and justifies. more than one
Family Tree
tor), and it's
Most of the tracks on Georgie
The Balled of Bonnie and Clyde (Epic) ie
LE audevili
e Bullets La Verne and the best
» a tongue in check
selling title opus, or im a bluesy,
derived style. à la This Js Always w
Isk Me Nice. The British singer push
back no musical frontiers but entertains
well on such familiar fare as When Pm
Sixty-Foin, St. James Infirmary and Mel
low Yellow. The title ode of Merle
Haggintl’s The Legend of Bonnie and Clyde
(Capitol) hasict but the
remainder of the LP is good country and
ly Fool's Castle and
Che oflerings are musically
simplistic. but. Haggard delivers them all
n comi
Beautiful sounds pour forth in
some profusion on Does the Sun Really
Shine on the Moon? (Skye). The so
those sounds is Gary McFarland & Co.,
a septet dedicated to the proposition
that jz, pop and rock are all part ol
the same eminently playable
the Time L Get to Phoenix shaves equal
billing with Flamingo. Here, There and
Everywhere and O Mono, and the musi
ship is superb.
The Hits of Nancy ond Lee (Reprise) finds
Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood sing
ing their hit Jackson, plus You've Last
that Lovin’ Feelin’, Storybook Children
d eight others, Greemeich Village Folk
Song Salesman is a misdirecied satire:
Sand and Summer Wine aic too corny to
come off, The duo is strongest when stick.
ing mos closely to country styk
Juckson and Elusive Dreams.
The Wailing Dervishes (Atlant
LP by the
Mann, draws most of jis
the Middle East (the
as in
its a Wide Oval World.
Who says there's no place left to
Firestone has opened up a whole
new world of driving excitement. And
thousands of Americans have claimed
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World of Firestone.
In this world, you feel a new safety
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Wide Oval is a totally new kind of tire.
It's nearly two inches wider than stand-
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Soit grips better. Starts faster. Corners
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Others may try tolooklike it, but none
perform like it. Andit's built with Nylon
cord for maximum safety and strength
at sustained high speeds.
This is the year of discovery—the
Where-Ta-Buy-It? Use REACTS Card — Page 209.
year for you to dis-
cover what makes the
Wide Oval World go
The first stop on the
road to adventure is
your nearby Firestone
Safe Tire Center.
Nearly two inches wider
than your present tie. FIRESTONE TH
e The Safe Tire
Quality. Style. Look whos sot
them both sewed up.
Look who's boned up on olive—and created
a fresh new color for fall!
It's Pendleton's Bone Olive—ant
shirts. Fabled, cabled pullovers. Even slim,
trim slacks that meet their match in belt:
And ali are made to one strict standare
The Pendleton Shirt. Meaning pure virgi
wool. And four generation's worth of skill
And e kind of caring that makes our label
2 legend.
Bone up on Pendleton's new olives soon.
At your favorite store. Whatever you want
in Sportswe
. we've got it all sewed up!
Cape shoulder twill coat, $55. Long sleeve
shirt, $17. Worsted mock-turtle cable pull-
r, $21. Slacks, $25. Belt, $3.50. Also
in Adobe Brown, Nugget Gold, Stone Blue.
For more inform: : Dept. P3,
Pendleton Woolen Mills, Portland, Oregon
97201. © 1968 PWM.
Yesterday Byron Antman was writing his.
graduate thesis on creative computer
analysis. This morning he slipped into
his bronze Blazers and enrolled ina
sky-diving course.
One month ago Gordon Tweten
puton his sand Blazers
and took the kids to the zoo.
Last week he sold his drug
store and bought a ranch in Wyoming.
Bostonian Blazers from $15.95. (Slightly higher in the West.) Write for
fame of nearest Bostonian Blazer Dealer, Bostonian Shoes, Whitman, Mass.
Vance Arbuckle wore his cocoa
Blazers to the game last Saturday.
Suddenly, he jumped out of the stands.
And scored a touchdown for the
wrong side. But you should have seen
the two cheerleaders who carried him
off the field.
oud and a diimbek on four of
five numbers). The filth, Flute Bag
is a showcase for the bagpipe pyrotechnics
of Rulus Harley that proves that jazz is
CLEAN SWEEP IN ACRILAN”. You win the daily double, meet a backer
for your latest play at the pay-off window and discover she’s a fan of
nee i. Chinese food, bluegrass music and your favorite
€ you find it. guru. You credit your compatibility in part to
s ; your FORUM® Nehru sweater jacket of 100%%
The Board of Directors (Dot) brings to- fint Lustre Spun Acrilan acrylic. Wear one tomorrow
"SPORTSWEA R and clean up again.
gether the Mills Brothers and the Count
The tunes are vied and true, for the
most parti —Up a Lazy River, 1 Want to
Be Happy, The Whiffenpoof Se al.
— but the combination of Basic and the
Brothers is brand 1
The Waits 103rd Street Rhythm Bond
(Warner Bros.) is just what it claims to
be. The group doesn't develop its ma
terial melodically, but the rhythm sparkles
on the funky Caesar's Palace and Brown
Sugar, The Girl from Ipanema and ihe
gly Beatlelike Yellow Submarine.
Ehe only thing unwieldy about Present-
ing Joe Willioms and Thod Jones—Mel Lewis /
The Jarz Orchestro (Solid State) is the title,
Williams and the Jone aggregation
groove together with the greatest of ease
The orchesna has a fluid drive that oper
ates well at any speed and Wi
the top of his form delivering Woman's
Got Soul; Evil Man Blues; Hallelujah, 1 department stores and spe-
Loo Her So; and the like. cialty shops. Or write FORUM,
303 Fifth Avenue, New York.
The Hongmen's Beautiful Daughter (Elektra
also available on stereo tape) is an cerie
nip though the mystical world of The
Inaedible Swing Band. The
this highly original group- rn in
flavor and often jarringly dissonant—takes
some getting used 10, but here's some
thing of interest happening every second
4 Very Cellular Song almost. 13 m
tes’ worth of religion, humor and musical
The beautiful dreamer in
your life will be delighted
with this red and white
confection—the playmate
candy-striped nightshirt
and cap. Made of cuddle-
soft cotton flannel, the cap
and mini shirt adorned with
sly Rabbit are sure to keep her
toasty warm on the coldest
nights. Makes great gifting
because one size fits your
favorite sleepy time gals.
Use order no. MB20101, $6.
Please add 50¢ for handling.
On Eli and the Thirteenth Confession (Co-
Nyro sings 13 of her own
. amd the number is a lucky
deed. Her vocal style, somewhere
ina Simone's and Dionne War
wick’s, is well wed by her
piano le sometimes
a bit fragmented, make judicious use of
lolk-blucs imagery
between ?
Fhe peripatetic E. Power Biggs h
cently been having a go ar the Historic
Organs of Spain (Columbia), and the results
are spectacular, Spanish cathedral org:
are notable for their frompetas—agy
pipes that fan out hori
the keybe
globs Bon
and send
4l echoing down the
Theyre heard 10 magnific
elet in a raucous 17th Century. puton
called Imperial Battle, wherein composer
Juan Cabanilles employs the [ull comple-
ment of pipes to convey a vivid sonic
Shall we send a gilt card in your rame?
Please send check or money order t
Playboy Products, The Playboy Buildi
919 N. Michigan Ave.. Chicago, Ill. 606
Playboy Club credit keyholders may charge
© McKLIQ, 1968.
—A e. ,
score Risky
Borbo Ma Man
doesn't charge
you boat fare
for the bottle.
Most grand-old-name Scotches are
bottled in Scotland. Then all that
glassware is shipped first class. Sub-
ject to special taxes and handling
Not Muirhead's. This is the ‘name’
Scotch that travels in barrels and is
bottled over here. Which saves you
up to $2 a fifth.
Muirhead's not only travels light, it
has a light and lively flavor. Blended
from Edinburgh's best whiskies since
So why pay boat fare fora bottle?
Try Muirhead's.
Muirhead's Scotch. Costs you
less. Because it travels in barrels.
picture of. hortutory buglers, thundering
cannon and braying horses. Ws played on
a grand old organ in Segovia. Biggs also
visits Toledo. Salamanca and Madrid in
his organ tour of Spain and at each stop
finds unusual Baroque music to
demonstrate the flamboyant virtues of
these instruments,
A New Place in the Sun (Capitol: also
available on stereo tape) is another bull's-
eye not ouly for Glen Campbell, who's in
excellent voice on all selections (especially
splendid are She Called Me Baby. Visions
of Sugarplums and the fast-moving Free-
born Man). but also for cor
ry music,
Which is enjoying something of a renas
v Johnny Cosh at Folsom Prison
also available on stereo tape)
John Harord's Housing Project (Vic-
101). Spurred on by a wildly enthusiastic
audience, old-timer Cash delivers 16 nitty-
gritty ballads, most of them dealing with
prison lile: the dollar may be crumbling.
Son Hartford
lyrics that are clever
Two other outstanding
but Cash is sound. writer
turus out way
sometimes deep and ally unlike any-
oue else's: Housing Project (a spoken
introduction lollowed by 11 songs ol vary
ing moods) is a provocative experience-
and fun—trom the first witticism to the
Charles Lloyd in Europe (Atlantic) con-
tinues the all-conqucring odyssey of the
Lloyd quartet as it catches. the foursome
in concert in Oslo, Norway. The leaders
evocative work on flute and tenor (he
composed the half-dozen numbers per
lormed before an exuberant audience)
is ably echoed by his confreres. p
Keith Jarrett, bassist Cecil Mc
drummer Jack DeJohnette.
e and
Heir (Victor) is, of course, the music
—almost a full hours worth—from
Michael Butler's celebrated. rock
text that captures the affec-
tionate frenzy of the hippies’ brave new
Swiltian la
ging score
the conventions of
rock styles
while making good
use of both. Presumptuous though it is
to select high points, we most enjoyed
the teeny-bopper’s lament for her lost
world i
skewers all
comedy and 1
of the past decade
mors sw
s mos
friend, Frank Mills. the contrasted. sex-
wal merits of Black Boys amd White
Boys, and the airborne drug song Walk-
ing in Space.
Man Price is a British singer-composer-
pianist with deep roots in
material is down to earth and his beat
Keeps it moving. Sometimes he sounds a
bit like Ray Charles, sometimes like
Fats Domino—but he's got a style of his
own, d This Price ts Right (Parrot) is
definitely iu the right groove. Among the
best are The House that Jack Built. Sinon
Smith and His Amazing Dancing Bear and
Living Without You.
Percy Sledge is one of the few soul
singers who can turn sentimental. ballads
into art. On Toke Time fo Know Her (Aili
tic). he applies old-fashioned country soul
10 a dozem romantic ditties, including
Come Softly to Me, Spooky. Cover Me,
I's AU Wrong but Is Albright and High
Cost of Leaving. The only subpar track
is the overly lichrymose title song.
Morning Agoin (Elektra; also available on
stereo tape) is a worthy but ameven LP
lov folk singer Tom His social
con Blue, The Hooker aud
A Thousand Yea. olien seem wo far
removed from the subject to be convin
ing; however, his more subde—and more
personal —ballads, such as Morning Again.
the scll-reproachful 5o Much for Winning
d Victoria Dines Alone, are compelling.
mentaries, My
George Van Guitar
(Capitol) showcases the longtime master
guitarist on an amplified instrument that
has been his almost-exclusive domain lor
many years. The disc. is filled with
standard-type goodies that Van Eps—
backed by Frank Flynn on ma:
Jerry Williams on drums—injects with all
the tasteful ingenuity at his comman
nd what he has at his command is con-
siderable. The late and much Eimented
Wes Montgomery offers a beautifully con-
structed package on Down Here on the
Ground (AXM: also available on
tape). With rhythm, strings and wood
winds behind him, Wes applies his edu
cuted thumb to Georgia on My Mind, 1
Say a Little Prayer for You, Lalo Schifrirs
The Fox half dozen others. all
cleanly with Montgomery's
Eps’ Seven-String
ba: and
and a
ique musical signature
The Boston sound. so-called, is making
liule din in the pop world, and Eorth
Opera (Elektra) makes you wonder why
Peer Rows gs. though sometimes
100 much in the Dylan vein, are both
melodic and perceptive: the background
handed but subt.
s à com
support. s
bination of jazz and folk elements. Espe
cally elfective The Red Ate
Winning and Time and Agam.
are Sox
Anyone with unfond memories of abra
sive, lowHi Russian shoukd
lisen again. The new Soviet productions
now pressed and d for Stateside
consumption by Angel Records—are ma
jor league in every technical respec. Worth
noting among recent releases is a generous
serving of opera excerpts. performed. by
Store of the Bolshoi (Melodiya / Angel). The
Available at:
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collection leaves no doubt that Moscow's
Bolshoi Theater houses some rousingly
talented singers. Rusian opera. fills one
side: Russian and Italian. the other: and
there's not a dull track. on either. Ivan
Petrov, a Dlack-voiced basso in the ven-
erable Russian tradition, takes top honors
with a melodious Borodin's
Prince Igor.
aria from
On Soul Directions (Atco; also available
on stereo tape), young Arthur Conley—
once overshadowed by his mentor, Otis
Redding—comes into his own. Whether
belting out rhythm tunes like Funky
Street and People Sure Act Funny or wail
ing soul ballads like You Really Know
How to Hurt a Guy, Conley gives his all
The LP's high point is Love Comes and
Goes, one of the most soulful tracks we've
heard in some time
What can you say about a Nancy
Wilson LP that you haven't said before?
Easy (Capitol) once more demonstrates
Nancys unerring ability 10 come up
with the best material and to deliver it
with unstrained grace. On h
round are Antonio Carlos Jobim's Wave
and How Burt Bacharach's
The Look of Love and the outrageously
beautiful Gentle on My Mind. Ws Nancy,
that's all
nd this go-
Birthday (Warner Bios) is an ollering of
subtly shaded, highly polished pop-rock by
The Association.
arc as eng,
tion more memorable in
dude the Come On In and
Barefoot Gentleman; a pair of ballads,
Time for Livin’ and The Time H ls
Today; and The Bus Song, a shuffling,
philosophical ditty that breaks briefly into
an a cappella imerlude, barbershop style.
whose vocal harmonies
g as those of any associa-
The musical odyssey of Thelonious
Monk continues bated vigor
Underground (Columbia) features the quar-
let, sparked by the Monk piano and the
estimable tenor of Charlie Rouse, winging
it on Monk originals for the most part
Walked Bud,
an absorbing collaboration between The
lonious and y Jon
dricks, in which the latter's scat sin,
comes to the fore
with un
There is. in addition, In
vocal lumii
"The best of the blues, old and new, may
be found in Skip James’ Devil Gor My Wom-
an and Junior Wells Coming at You (both
on V. rd; both
able oi
also av
stereo tape). James, who began recordin,
in the carly Thirties, «ful si
and a primitive, delightfully unp
able instrumentalist on piano and guitar;
his laments and stories are with
robust, down-home imagery. Wells power-
house sound is the epitome of modern.
electrified city. blu here by a
formidable combo that includes guitarist
Buddy Guy and trumpeter Clark Teny
the ever-inventive singer makes the most
of 1! indigo selections, including To
bacco Road, Five Long Years aud Some
body's Tippin In
Belafonte Sings of Love ictor; also
available on sterco tape), and it's a sub
ject that the balladeer handles with feel
ing and perception. Belafonte’s voice
always seems tinged with a certain sad.
ness. which makes it an admirable vehi
cle for the likes of By the Time 1 Get to
Phoenix, A Day in the Life of a Fool
and When Spring Comes Around.
The San Francisco rock library com
tinucs to grow, and we're not about to
compl; Capitol's Quicksilver Messenger
Service and Steve Miller Bond introduce. a
pair of impressive groups. The hard
driving Messenger Service gets the point
across quickly on Pride of Man aud. I's
Been Too Long: its 12-minute-plus opus.
The Foot, which is instrumental most of
the way, is a musically coherent piece with
a compelling Spanish aura. The Miller
Band, which offers a more subdued sound,
devotes one side of its LP to a loosely con
nected bur melodic song cycle, Childien
of the Futwe; on the reverse side are a
half dozen tasteful blues.
M the anonymous fluteman on Sout
Flutes: Trust in Me (ASM) isn) Herbie Mann.
it's a helluva good imitation
V quartet ol
flute sidemen supplies the ensemble
sound thats augmented by such stellar
jazz is as pianist Herbie Hancock.
bassis Ron Carter, drummer Grady
Tae and percussionist Ray Barretto.
The three top perlormances run in
succession at the end of side one—Jn Ihe
Wee Small Hours, Scarborough
and Heitor Villa-Lobos’ Bachianas Brasi-
leiras Number heard
the list performed so well since the com
Five. We haven't
poser got together with Victoria de Los
Angeles abour a decade ago. We might
add that the Huteman, whoever he is. is
Everything on Broadway looks punicr
than ever me against the blis
tering impact of an off-Broadway revival
of Eugene O'Neill's A Moon for the Mis-
begotten. This is merely the story of Jo
sie, a big, loudmouthed country girl living
on a Connecticut tenant farm carly in
Josie is a virgin who pre
tends to be a slut. because she fears het
own wombwarm The
men of consequence in Josie's world arc
a pair of boozers who endure the pain
of existence by anesthetizing themselves
drunken father
this century
softness. only
with bourbou —her and
Presenting the Kings Road Col
Its notior Commoners.
There's one (at least) in every crowd, right? From our Kings Road Collection:
The one who knows if a hi-rise turtleneck can be v-neck pullovers under $14.50;
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And if he’s worth his wardrobe, he knows a guy $7; striped full-turtlenecks under $8.
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COOSA Casuals
Monsante registered trademark Rome Mfg. Co., Rome, Ga. 30161
her landlord. a has-been Broadway actor
and incurable momma's boy. retired to
the boondocks to play Oedipus in c.
nest as an act of atonement for his
mother's death. Though weak on plot
(the deed to the old homestead is the
device that shakes loose sundry revela
tions), A Moon for the Misbegotten
ranks as a masterwork roughly equal to
its companion pieces, Long Day's Jour
ney into Night aud A Touch of the Poet
the first three plays in the long cycle
O'Neill was working on when he died
This is his best writing. alive with proto
typal American experience and anguished
family biography. wrenched from him n
the end while geni
hot, Director Theodore Mann
s was burning white
tive to
the fact that the play's rough texture is no
more than a due to the truth about char
acters who speak their love iu a sucam ol
invective, keeps his actors exploring. the
human condition in depth, Salome Jens
as Josie, gives the kind of raw, touching
straightforward performance. that. trans
forms an offbeat ingénue into a major
actress: and the corrosive humor of W. B
Brydon. as her addled old dad. scems
almost to br
out in boils. In such solid
company, Mitchell Ryan, as the f
from Broadway. has to try hard to over
come his drawingroom blandness. We
were nevertheless carried along, as he is
Dv the intensity and immensity ol
O'Neill's compassion. At Circle in the
Square, 159 Bleecker Street,
Fort, an cxclamatory satire written by
Rochelle Owens and presented ot
Mama Troupe, has to do with a Lama
who is enamored of his pig. He calls the
sow Amanda and cannot keep quiet about
ing a wife with 12 tits. His
tastes naturally €
dway by the olbol-Broadway La
the joy of hi
ge a chorus of vil
lagers, who kill him as soon as they have
oughly hu
bestiality. The style of the piece
© Erskine Cald:
well yarn performed under the influence
of Marat Sede. Beneath the cover of a
cape, one lout is suckled on
mother before he disappears with his face
between her legs. In another scene, th
demonstrated. their own th
brings (0 mind a vin
œ by his
sheriff and his deputy drool through a
choreographed orgy with a plump slattern.
ly takes the stage to risk it»
reputation. as an intelligent. animal, but
the human actors leaping through hoops
lor director Tom O'Horgan (of Broad
way's Hair) are an uninhibited group ol
acrobats who snort, snuflle, sing. grunt
and nuzde one another's crotches on
command. O'Horgan is an ideal rin
master for nonplays of the New Theater
celebra freedom of expression. with
almost ei
the author's lack of art, At the Theatre
de Lys, 121 Christopher. Street.
»ugh circusy hoopla to conceal
What to wear when you g
caught with your pants down.
Jockey? Life®
underwear, of
course. Because
with this underwear,
when you're
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For example, take
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So check into Jockey Life
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It's the underwear for men
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So next time you're caught
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to the brief. The Life Hip brief. Likewise for the Life Cox'n shirt.
And it's going like a house on fire. — There's nothing uniform about it.
This hip-hugger is made for Dressy enough to be worn by
today's trim fashions; comes in itself, with its mock turtle
blue, black, white or red; $1.25. neck. It comes in about any color
And how about that tapered you want. $2.50.
Super Brute shirt. Crew-neck.
Special knit keeps it shaped to
your body. Neat as under or
outerwear. In a variety of colors.
You're going for a physical.
So you wear the Slim Guy Racer,
It's tapered to go underneath the
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At fine stores now. The great Same Price Sale. Today's turned-on styles at good old-fashioned prices.
Want dry feet?
You get them in
From Interwoven,
the company that puts
its foot down.
We weren't satisfied with the old absorbent socks. So we kept going until we got the patented Birdwick? process. It draws
moisture away from your skin and into a top layer of special yarn. Sport-Wick, in 18 colors. Cushion foot. One size for all. $1.50.
You don't get to be the greatest name in socks without putting your foot down. Another fine product of pg Kayser-Roth.
Where-To-Buy-It? Use REACTS Card— Page 209.
LL, The Playboy Advisor. a reader re-
fered in passing 10 performing sex in the
“missionary position.” 1 pride myself on
having at least an average imagination;
bur alter several mouths, my curiosity
has reached the point where [ have to
know sure, What
position?—-R. B.. Washington, D. C.
The answer, we're afraid, is going to
be a letdown, compared with what your
imagination might have conjured up. The
missionary position is simply the most
common one, in which the woman lies on
her back, with the man above her. The
term originated as a scornful joke among
the Polynesians, who were vastly amused
the carly missionaries told them
that this coital position was the only
“proper” onc.
Ficus 1 was of
la "Frisco speed
ball" at a pot party. Not knowing what it
was, T just played it cool and. said. "No
thanks, man, I'm flying high already.”
In case the opportunity presents itself
again, however, would you let me in on
the secret: What's a Frisco. speedball?—
E V. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Heroin and cocaine mixed 50-50, with
a dash of LSD for booster. Ws a bum-
steer clear,
Hios historicaly accurate is the morie
Bonnie and Clyde? 1 cart help wonder-
ing. specifically, about Clyde Barrow's
alleged. impotence, One would imagine
that such an aflliction would be profound.
ly humiliating 10 a man like Clyde and
that he would have kept it a secet. How,
ave learned
then. would the scriptwriters
about it— |. D... Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The film is a blend of fact, folklore
and imagination. Persistent legend has
held that Clyde Barrow somehow
"edd but various ursi Texas tale
mongers describe his hang-up in different
ways. Some say he was homosexual, some
that he s a fransvestile tone. yarn
has i that he actually attended his
brother Buck's funeral disguiwd as a
woman, while all the police in Texas
were looking [or him). He may hace been
asexual. Ay for his alleged impotence, only
Bonnie Parker knew for sure, and. she
died without telling. See the November
1968 vvv wow fora fast-person article by
W. D. Jones, the reallife prototype of
Bonnie and Clyde's sidekick, C. W
Yl get no sitis-
girls with Ly
school. In no case have
a girbto neck with me by
al date, by which t
and give up. In fact. my rela
opposite sex seem to be cl
as with the
principally by mutual hostility. T annoy
them, 1 suppose, because D want what
they have; while they annoy mc beciuse
they seem 10 lack the sense to see that I
have what they want. Whar do you recom
mend T. JL. Sterling, Colors
We recommend that you stop approach
ing girls as if you a trader bargain-
ith an unpredictable tribe of nati
Forget about meeting a deadline and
concentrate on making friends with yonr
dates. Friends, you'll discover, are nsually
willing to share what they have.
W ive just purchased a few boxes of
cheap” cigars. and written aoo the
front of cach is the following statement:
These cigars are predominantly natural
tobacco with a substantial amount of non-
tobacco ingredients." This statement has
me puzzled. What percent of a cigar is
percent. is nontobiaceo
are the nontobacco
ms and are they harmful? Is this
combination of tobacco and nontobacco
common to all cigars or to cheap ones
ouly—A, D. G. Riverside, California.
Il cigars contain an. infantesimal
amount of odorless, colorless and tasteless
adhesive, the purpose of which is to bind
the tobacco leaves. The cheap cigars you
mention are a combination of tobacco
and a material that is basically paper.
This nontobaceo ingredient varies in pro-
portion from brand to brand and ix not
considered. harm[ul.
WI, vire and 1 have been separated for
six months and we plan 10 be divorced.
At what point should explain my status
to girls I'm dating?—F. C, Somerville,
New Jersey
The sooner
impart the information is almost as impor-
tant ay when. Don't make a big produc
tion of at, but allow the subject to come
up in the natural course. of conversation
ns a fact you have no wish to conceal.
the better, but how you
Ay friend of mine tells me that the side
windows in his imported sedan are made
of tempered glass rather than the usual
safety glass found in all American autos
What's the difference between the two?
—C. RK. Pasidena. Calilornia
Safety glass (also. called. shatterproof
glass) consists of two pieces of glass
bonded together by a thin sheet of
vinyl. If struck by an object, the glass
may crark but, under most circum
stances, the plastic will prevent it pom
shattering, Tempered
lass receives ils
rigidity [rom a quick-cool tempering
process that makes it about cight times
stronger than normal window glass. How:
r, under sufficient impact, tempered
Where-To-Buy-lt?. Use
uosi9Je( YIM ANSNI ‘suANaIS fq souqes 189 qno
‘040 'geyyeunaq 'sepuo[q 'speeqpot IITA 08"
Page 209
How many
watts do you
really need
for good
high fidelity!
Everything electrical has a
watt (power) rating. This
goes for hi-fi components, too,
whether sterco or mono. How
many or how much you need
depends to a large extent on
our listening area and its
acoustical condition:
A room with thick carpet-
heavy drapes and over-
stuffed furniture absorbs a
great deal of sound. For ade-
quate listening levels, such a
ier power (watts) to the loud-
speakers than would a room
with hard surfaces, little drap-
ery and modern furniture. The
same is true of big, open
. small, compact
At maximum volume (watts)
some amplifiers may tend to
develop distortion. Loudspeak-
ers will simply reproduce any
ortion along with the high
fidelity music. So, if your com-
ponents are used in a big or
tain the amp!
To be sure of your require-
ments, the cxpert—your
Jensen dealer. He'll be glad
1o help plan your hi-fi system.
He will also demonstrate
Jensen loudspeakers—how
they preserve amplifier watts
and fidelity.
Shopping? The extensive
line of Jensen loudspeaker sys-
tems makes it easy to choose
the right one for you. Drop in
today and listen!
room, make cer-
lier has suflicient
Jensen Manufacturing Division, The Muter Company
5655 West 73rd S treet, Chicago, Illinois 60538.
Where-To Buy-I? Use REACTS Card
Page 209.
glass can shatter into harmless pellets—
thus leaving the driver. windowless—or
craze almost instantaneously into myriad
little cracks (except for a small, specially
treated “peephole” section in the wind
shield that supplies the driver with
enough vision to enable him to pull
off the road). Because of these drawbacks,
American safely regulations forbid the
use of tempered glass in windshields of
automobiles sold or brought into this
country, but place no restrictions on its
being wed in side or rear windows, Do-
mestie machines come equipped with
safety glass all around; some foreign
makes, such as Mercedes-Benz, use tem
pered glass as the law allows.
BAG a: inate g
one of the men
| Twas surprised when
in my office told me his
wife was going to visit her family for a
month and asked if he could take me to
dinner while she was gone. Somehow,
the invitation has become a rather hu.
morous semipublic issue at the office.
Several people know about it and have
expressed opinions ranging from "Abso-
lutely not" to "Go. It's just a free din-
ner." Without meaning to come on as a
square, T really would like to have your
views, as would everyone else her
Miss P. W., Boston, Massachusetts.
It's not necessarily wrong for a single
woman and a married man to dine to
gether, particularly if you arrange to make
il a foursome. You should carefully ex
amine the implications of the invitation,
however, as the danger of heartburn from
this kind of dinner is greal—for you, for
him and for her.
[T faculty
dinner dance for all department heads,
deans and other very important profes:
sors on. campus. The chapter decided that
all of the brotherhood would wear black
tie. However, they included no dress re-
quirement on the invitations, because
they felt “the faculty would just wear
suits, and that's good enough." Tt seems
to me that this is a horrendous breach of
etiquette, that the faculty 5
en at least a choice of dinner
business suit. Am | correct?—
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Yes, If the host or hosts at any eve-
ning affaiy plan to wear dinner jackets,
their guests should be injormed.
ould be giv-
jacket or
WWVhcn it comes to dating, 1 am the
type whose thoughtfulness approaches the
chivalrous standards of Don Quixote.
I've been di who more than
meets my naturally, 1 let her
know this i n ap
preciate; but it has backfired on me. 1
bestowed my gifts, my chivahy and my
presence so lavishly that she finds it en
barrassing. as there is no way for her to
reciprocate in kind. It is important to her
leals a
the ways most wor
to give of herself fully. expecting nothing
n return, and she is stymied in this situ
ation. Can two people like us make it, or
are we self-canceling?—]. S, Sarasota,
Examine your “gifi” to see if they
aren't merely tokens designed (0 conceal
what is really important to you. Compul-
sive giving is often a neurotic attempt to
immunize oneself against the pain of ex-
posing one’s true nature or the fear of
not being liked. It’s like talking without
listening. If neither you nor your girl is
able to accept what the other brings to
it, then your relationship probably won't
IHlos can 1 measure the weight of the
tonearm of my hifi system? Is there a
specific recommended pressure?—R. S.,
St. Louis, Missouri.
Recommended pressure varies accord.
ing to the individual specifications of
your cartridge and tonearm, The basic
principle is to get the weight as light as
possible without causing the stylus to
skip grooves or to bounce on the record.
You can pick up an inexpensive gauge to
measure tonearm weight ai any hifi
supplier. Follow the instructions of the
cartridge, tonearm or turntable manu-
facturer, with a dash of bial and error,
and you'll soon find the ideal weight for
your system.
a university has
tion, My room
mate is a good fellow but he has a habit
of telling me everything he doesn’t like
about the girls I date. His comments are
not only petty. ignorant and unworthy of
answers but they are also unsolicited,
unwanted and annoying. We get along
well otherwise and the situation is not
bad enough t0 make me want to look for
another roommate. I'd just like t0 know
good way to shut him up.—N. H., New
York, New York.
Tell him his comments are not only
created an irksome situa
petty, ignorant and unworthy of an-
swers but they are also unsolicited,
unwanted and annoying.
Whit is scam beer” and where can I
buy some?—L. T., Lafayette, Indian:
In California's early days, when a tall
beer was liquid gold to a thirsty Forty-
niner, somebody (Pete Steam, according
to apocrypha of the West) discovered
a brewing process that enabled the beer
to ferment at temperatures of 60-65
degrees rather than near-freczing ones,
as the dude brews did back East. Thu:
beer moved West ahead of refrigeration;
and overnight, every mining camp had
its own brewery. Steam beer is full of
“steam”; a European method of refer-
mentation (called. kvausening) raises the
carbonation content and gives the amber
brew (no corn or rice is used to lighten it)
Headthe class in a Racquet Club
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Raroa e.
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Asbury Par
"tm steret
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young man’s mood
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ter veh cy oe canara
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plenty of effervescent punch. The ako
holic content, however, weighs in at four
percent—about the same as other Ameri-
can beer, Just one brewery of this hind,
the Steam Beer Brewing Company in
San Francisco, survived Prohibition: its
product—Anchor Steam Beer—is keeged
and sold only in the Bay Area.
MA. 26, Pm a bachelor with a well paying
job in engineering. After some weeks of
ing amd bedding am atuactive young
lady, E find 1 really care for her and she
sometimes indicates that she feels strong
ly for me, too. However, if 1 respond too
mly, she begins to back off. She says
she feels 1 am looking for something per
manent and she definitely is not. I know
ibat her former lover dropped her very
abruptly and she has asked me to help
her n n her resolve not to go back
"m not thinking about geuing
a time and Ive told
her so; but I do want to feel that the
girl with whom I'm spending wonderful
nights cares something
1 clarify this situation
geles, California,
Clarity is born of light, not heat, so
cool it for a while. Plainly, the girl is still
involved in the emotional depths of her
previous liaison. and her wounds must
heal before she is again willing to tisk a
deep involvement. Help her by not make
ing emotional demands greater than she
can meet.
lor mc. How can
?—C. C. Los An.
ES, “acciden,” my parents discovered.
my birth-control pills and made me hand
over my sixamonths’ supply, Now they
ave watching me like two policemen
boyfriend and E plan to be ma
his graduation, less than a y
now. He is 24. Lam 19 and we both feel
that sexual activity has played an impor
tant and rewarding part in our relation
ship. We are los tying to think of a
logical way to overcome our problem and
would like your opinion—Miss M. C.,
Augusta, Georgia
If the problem is as simple as contra-
ception, it would be an easy matter to
obtain a new prescription and find a new
hiding place for your pills. But if the po
lictng problem means your privacy is
being utterly disregarded, then your
only solution is to get out of the house
and into your own apartment—an expe-
rience that would, by the way, be a good
prelude to marriage
Ti yeasonable questions—from fash
jon, food and drink, hi-fi and sports cars
to dating dilemmas, taste and etiquette
will be personally answered if the
writer. includes a stamped, self addressed
envelope. Send all letters to The Playboy
1dvisor, Playboy Building, 919 N. Michi-
gan Ave, Chicago, Hlinois 60611, The
most provocative, pertinent queries will
be presented on these pages cach month.
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an interchange of ideas between reader and editor
on subjects raised by “the playboy philosophy”
In the April Playboy Forum, a News
[ront item reported that sex crimes in
Copenhagen have been reduced by 26
percent. since. the Danes legalized the
publication of pornography. Copenha-
gen’s police chief was quoted as attrib-
uting the decline to the fact that “people
inclined to sex crimes vent their ness
through these books." But, according to
a later report (see The Playboy Forum,
May), the sale of pornography in Copen-
has been greatly reduced since its
vation, If this is correct, couldn't
with equal justice, attribute the re-
n of sex crimes to the fact that
fewer pornographic books were actually
being read during this period?
Post hoc, ergo propter hoc. speculation
gerous. My own guess is t
one relationship betwe
phy will ever
1 sexual behavior
not quite tha
Isadore Rubin, Ph.D.
The only truly scientific study of the
subject conducted so far tends to confirm
Dr. Rubin's statement that there is no
"one4o-one relationship between s
crimes and pornography.” After intervie
ing 1356 convicted sex criminals, the
Institute for Sex Research reported in
x Offenders? that pornography has no
ignificant effect—one way or another—
on the sex criminal.
However, the Copenhagen statistics are
nonetheless newsworthy: Even though
they don't prove a connection between the
availability of pornography and a decrease
in sex crimes, they do prove that the un-
ham pered sale of pornographic writing does
We alo consider it refreshing news to
find a police chief with the courage to
state a position that is stubbornly rejected
by many of his fellow law-enforcement
officials, though widely believed in the
scientific community—ie., that pornog-
raphy tends to neutralize deviant impulses
in the potential sex criminal. The oppos-
ing theory is stated below by the director
of the FBI,
nat lead to an increase in such offe
The following paragraphs on pornog-
raphy recently appeared in an article by
if r Hoover published in U.S.
News & World Report:
Such filth in the hands of young
people and curious adolescents docs
untold damage and leads to disas-
trous consequences.
Police officials who have dis
cussed this critical problem with me
unequivocally state that lewd
l plays a moti
lence. In case
inal has on his
his possession porno-
graphic literature or pictures. . . -
person or
k what comment
l and logical ba
Hoover's claims?
(Name withheld by request)
As we pointed out above, the only exist-
ing scientific evidence. concerning sex
criminals and pornography indicates that
the latter has no signifiant. effect on the
former. Thus, even if pomography were
found in the possession of sex criminals
in “case after case,” it would nol prove a
causal relationship between the possession
and the crime any more than the crimi-
nals’ possession of cigarettes or tooth-
brushes could be causally linked with
their crimes. However, having become in-
creasingly skeptical about undocumented
statements concerning the alleged posses-
sion of pornogiaphy by sex criminals, we
called the statistics. department of the
FBI and asked precisely what percent-
age of these offenders had pornographic
material in their possession when cap-
tured, We were offered a great deal of
evasive conversation but no statistics. On
the chance that this information. might
be in a confidential file, we asked flatly if
such statistics actually existed. The FBI
spokesman would not answer yes or no.
We therenpon contacted the police de-
partments of the three largest cities in
the U. S.—N York, Chicago and Los
Angeles—and were informed by each that
they did not compile such data. Since the
FBI could not oblain statistics of this
nature anywhere else except. from city
police departments (sex crimes do not
normally fall under Federal jurisdiction),
we are forced to conclude that the FRI
director's statement is purely impression-
istic and completely unsubstantia
‘The enlightened moral outlook repre-
sented by The Playboy Philosophy is
reaching even Southern Baptists these
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You'll like Canterfield suits, sport
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St. Louis, Mo.
days, judging by this story from the
Presbyterian S
the Southe:
. was told th.
is obscenity of oi
ation of war and the
glamoriring of military tradition.”
Dr. Kyle Haseldes editor of
Christian Century .
many Christians become so pr
cupied with sex as obscenity that
they ignore those obscenities that
are far more dangerous i0 m
wL The worst ol all obsceni
he added. is the glorilying of w:
because “war is the most dehun
iring of all human cmterprises, not
s effect upon those who are
Killed and wounded but also in its
ellett upon those who do the ki
and. wounding.”
Jane Lewis
Burlington, North Caroli
“You must be your own censor. Do
not call on us 10 advise you. Your choice
must be made at your own hazard. So
do this with ut caution," “Thus
spake Oklahoma County District Aw
ey Curtis Harris in a letter to uh
ter owners in Oklahoma City. Ha
wp war on “indecent and. obsc
films and one tactic in his campaign. is
exhibiting them himself. The motion-
pice trade journal Boxoffice wporied:
According to the Oklahoma City
Times, Harris disclosed that he will
conduct a private soree in the
Civic Cemer Music Hall of scenes
fom coufiscated motion pictures for
civic leaders who have supported his
drive mity. He ex pecis
to fill the 3P00seat music h
He also
the private scrceni
stated that he expects large repre
M us of Kiwanis 1
icmbers, Oklahoma City Univer
aduate students and faculty
Boxolfice quotes. Hanis as deoi
the audience [or his show as a "ücmcn
dous demonstr " “interested
m” ol d
in decency.” He cenainly shows a shrewd
tanding of what such citizens arc
y "interestec and the turnout
“demonstrate” how large an au-
ice lor dirty movies there is in Okla
Harris gave this as his reason for his
“We cannot. permit the reach-
ing of sexual deviation and promiscuity
to our youth, History s of bitter
1 wonder if the big audience for
Harris own show has destroved civiliza-
tion as we know it in Oklahoma City.
(Name withheld by request)
cramento, California
y of events related to issues raised by “the playboy philosophy”
inallaw code that would legalize most
forms of private sexual behavior between
consenting adults and expand. grounds
for legal abortion hax been proposed far
Connecticut. The code is the result of à
five-year study by a special lezislatiec
commission. The commission iccommend-
ed repeal of sex laws because “sexual
activity in. private, whether heterosexual
or homosexual, between consenting, com-
petent adults not involving corruption of
the young, iy no business of the law.”
ds il an error to assume that abolition
of donblestandard sexual morality and
of the fear of pregnancy will encourage
men to develop their talents and pur-
sue carecis ay industriousy as men do?
In an article in the British. magazine
New Society, author Inger Becker says tt
is, indeed, un error; she points out that
im Sweden, contraception is taught in the
schools, birth-control devices ave available
to all women who want them and Swedish
conventions impose no special sexual ve-
'onetheless, Swedish
srictiony on women.
girls tend to take casy courses in. school
and stopgap jobs afterward; ultimately,
they use their bodies to bap men into
supporting them. She notes that in onc
third of all Swedish marriages, a child is
boin during the frst cight months. If
women are uly to became men's social
and economicequals,theanticleconclules,
they will have to accept mare of the bur-
dens of equality along with its rewards.
Four contraceptives effective for e
tended periods will soon be available: a
doped by E R
month shot from
one-month injection d
Squibb & Sons, a th
the Upjohn Company, a shot effective for
six months and a tiny “time capsule"
whose effect, when i is implanted. un-
der a woman's skin. can lust as many
years as desired. The capsule releases
minule doses of progesterone into the
system and is removed when the user
wants to become pregnant, The Upjohn
and Squibb products await FDA ap-
proval for marketing, while the tune
capsule and the six-month shot require
further experimentation on human ber
In yet another development, a pill
thal ds easier to remember, because it is
taken every day than 20 days
per month, will soon be introduced in
While oral contraceptives now m use
are composed of two types of hormones,
progestogens (such as
estrogens and.
progesterone), both the lifetime and the
one-u-day pills use progestogens only.
This could mean a reduction for users of
these heo contraceptives of serious side
effects, such as thromboembolism
he Playboy Forum” August); many
researchers new believe it is the estrogens
that are sesponyible for the blood-tlottinz
PULADELPINA—A physician should nol
let his own values endanger the welfare
of an unmavied woman who requests
birth-control pills, Dr. Harold. 1 Lief
a Uniwersity of Pennsylvania. medial
school psychiatrist, arises, reminding
Physicians that the alternatives to contra-
ceptives for single girls include forced
marriages, abortions or illegitimate hil-
dien. The pills do not encourage sexual
laxity, Dr. Lief said: “I think the vast
majortly of girls who ask for contiace[
tives aie not virgius. Most will engage in
sex relations with or without birlicontiol
In both Colorado and California, a
“go slow” attitude on the part of many
doctors and hospitals has led to the re-
jection of many applications for legal
abortions. The New York Times reports
that the Colorado Medical Society has
advised its members not lo accepi ap-
plications from non Coloradans in vape
and incest cases and to use “great ye-
straint” in considering applications bawd
on other chcumstances. In. Califonia. a
seminar on abortion at UCLA raowaled
that the new law has not benefited
en in levels and has not
substantially reduced the munber of illegal
abortions. A Los Angeles attorney told
the group flatly, “I is not a liberal law,
despite the publics impression that it is
problems don't start in the bedroom but
begin with a luck of communication, be
lieves Dr. James P. Semmens, chie) of
obstetrics and gynecology at Oakland
Naval Hospital. Dr. Semmens, who od
vives people an marital problems, said
recently that he spends more time tell-
communication than
ing them abont
about sex techniques.
RICHMOND, VIRGINIA —A survey of mari-
juana use and sexual behavior amonz
students at the University of Richmond,
undertaken bythe student newspaper Vhe
Collegian. has been partly censored by the
untverstvs. Board af Publications. Al-
though the paper wax permitted to reveal
that 13.9 percent of the students had tried
pol, statistics relating to the percentage of
virgins among the Virginia students
were suppressed. The university adminis-
tration did not make clear whether it
censored the sex statistics because Rich-
mond students were copulating more than
normal or less than novmal—or merely
because it was felt that the students
shouldn't. know what they themselves
were doing.
An albactive 24-year-old schoolteacher
was forced lo resign from her job in a
small California community after being
censured by her principal for wearing
miniskirts to class that were judged “in-
decent” and not “fit to teach kids in" As
reported in the San Bernardino Sun, the
teacher had been instructed not to wear
skirts more than one inch above the
knee. She claims she complied with the
ruling but was accused by the principal
of altering her hemline from hour to
hour by manipulating her shoulder pads
and her straps. She says that he told
her, “It might be necessary to measure
your dresses several times a day.
Meanwhile, in Caracas, Venezuela. a
Roman Catholic Church. oficial has pro-
nounced that modern women must give
up miniskirts or be "condemned to hell.”
WASHINGTON, D. C—Unele Sam has been
accused. of voyeurism by the National
Association of Government Employees,
which claims that nude photographs were
taken of 300 air-trafhe controllers during
a physical ^ -mination without their
knowledge or consent. The Government
says that the men posed willingly for a
biomedical study,” but the union denies
this and demands that the photos. be
returned to the men. Union Vice-President
Alan J. Whitney pointedly added, in his
complaint to the Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration, “Please make sure each man
receives only his own photo.”
In two other cases of prurient prying
by officialtom, a woman working for the
Defense Department was forced to re-
sign after being accused of “immorali-
7" without being told what specific sin
she is alleged to have committed (she
admitted that a male friend had a key to
het apartment, so that he could feed her
pets while she visited ker mother on week-
ends), and a Post Office clerk was fired for
living with a girl to whom he was not mar-
ried. Plaintwely, the clerk told re porters,
verybody says you shouldn't
nied 100 young, and I'm only twenty-one?
NEW yorkK—A court has awarded
$300,000 in damages to a man who spent
more than H years in Matteawan State
Hospital for the Criminally Insane after
being convicted of a crime that. normally
carries a maximum sentence of three years.
Originally indicted for second-degree as-
saull, the man pleaded not guilty but
changed his plea to guilty only because,
after 18 inconclusive court. appearances,
he could no longer afford his lawyers
fees and the time lost from work. He
received a suspended sentence and was
placed on probation. After a parole in-
fraction two years later, he was ordered
to undergo a psychiatric examination. He
was, as a result, diagnosed as “paranoid”
and a "chronic alcoholic” and thereupon
locked up for “an indefinite period.”
Judge Henry W. Lengyel, in whose
court the man brought suit against New
York State, declared the psychiatric diag-
noses on which the man’s imprisonment
was based to be inadequate. Furthermore,
Judge Lengyel said that he had mo
meaningful psychiatric care and was bru
tally treated by inmates and attendants,
on one occasion being confined for cight
days, on a nearstarvation diet, in a small,
dark room without a toilet, a water tap,
a bed or a mattress,
okNtA—Police Chief Fred
is pioneering a program to
teach his staf} what it feels like to be
on the other side of the policeman’s qun.
Known as “Operation Empathy,” the
project, as reported in The New York
Times, has involved such mind-blowing
experiences for the officers as (1) 20 of
them being arrested, booked and jailed
in another California town as members
of a check-Jorging ving, (2) 40 of them
being sent to live as skid-row bums in
the scediest section of Los Angeles and
(3) others attending love-ins as hippies
or marching on picket lines with )
Leftists. In none of these operations were
they acting as spies, as other police officers
have done: Chief Ferguson simply wanted
them to learn what it feels like to be afraid
of the police.
dren of racially prejudiced parents have
no more bias than childien of un[neju-
diced. parents, ij they are entered into
an integrated. school system at an early
level, according to an experimental study
by Dr. Louis Diamant, chairman of the
prychology department at the University
of North Carolina. The research consisted
of giving doll families comprised of both
black and white members to two groups
of kindergarten children, one with biased,
the other with unbiased, parents. As ve-
ported in the Francisco Chronicle,
there was no attempt to reject the black
“family members" by children with prej-
udiced parents. Dr. Diamant commented
that racial. prejudice "stunts a child's de
velopment, because it requires constant
emotional effort to justify attitudes that
basically go against nature.
In support of Hank Brummer's con-
tention that the presence of genitals on
doll allays childish curiosity. while
their absence stimulates it (The Playboy
Forum, May) I have observed this in
our scven-ycarold daughter. She has a
rbie doll, which has quite a womanly
figure, and has made no remark about
iL When we bought her a Ken doll,
which is not anatomically correct, she
immediately asked, "Why does Barbie
have breasts and Ken not have a pei
As you may gather from her question.
she has had honest sex instruction equal
to her level of comprehension from. my
husband and me. It is hard to believe
that so many of my contemporaries are
bringing up their children in Victor
ignorance. Many of these poor children
nd their parents are headed for a great
deal of future heartache unless they
wake up now.
Mrs. L. Brilliant
Silver Spring, Mary
I's all very well to talk of the need
for more and better se
rLAYmOY often docs; but in this arca, it
ly true that the person
is as important as what is
ught. If you have some pious
trying to tell the facts of life to
ve a big job of
unteaching on their hands. For example,
my H-ycarold daughter recently came
home from the progressive private school
sh nds. I knew they al a
cussion of reproduction that day, so |
sked her, “Well, what did you learn
about sex today
education, as
the kids, parents may ha
ed to repress
Barbara Rurik
Chicago, Illinois
You present a strong case for hedonis
statement from the other side? This is
n excerpt from the Marylike Crusader.
published by The Marylike Gru n
Organization of Roman Catholics devot-
ed to promoting modesty and chastity in
modern societ
From an icle on immor in
modern literature. films and fashions:
Even am official of the National
seems u re of present d
In a Lie amide defend
AA dasification given to the film
version of Albce's Who's Afraid of
Virginia Woolf?, the Reverend Pat
rick Sullivan admitted that the film
would have been “condemned a
few years ago,” but then asked, cu-
riously, what would have happened
“had a girl appeared on a beach
A drop
makes quite
a splash
Nes onte e
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bikini not in 1966 but in 1800."
Sexual immorality, foul language
and. as if it didn't matter, bikinis
are thus condoned in a sweeping
and careless rela . A study of
murders and riots
would probably reveal the s
of so apparently trifling a thing as
the constant exposure of a won
The Rey. Winfred Wager
st Troy, Wisconsin
1 would like to set straight those per-
sons who write t0 rraYnoy extolling the
vinues of premarital sex: Dt is wrong.
inst, failure to control one’s sexual ap-
peutes until marriage is a sign of weak-
ness; it can be likened to the junkie's
to his craving for a fix. Second,
without the lasting commitment of nia
riage, genuine love is impossible; and
without love, sex is harmful and de.
structive, In short, the ouly type of ses
wal relation:
one’s own characte and exploitative of
one’s partner is one that takes. place
the context God established when He sine
tond marriage in order 10 purily se
Jelliey Arvin Nissen
Yuba City, California
hip that i» not ruinous to
Jn view of the furor in America over
the coha L
of college students,
thought eLavsoy might be interested
what the conservative London Times
lias wo say on the subject. Its editorial
was provoked by the suspension of Dr.
David Craig as dean of Cartmell Col-
lege, Lancaster University, lollowing his
suggestion. that bedrooms on campus
should be available for men and wome
students wanting to sleep together. The
Times felt that this idea "was pushing
the bounds of permissiveness just oo
Lu." However, the editorial went on to
But it should be equally evident
it is no use university authori-
es nowadays trying to stamp out
sex among their students. It was
reasonable to make the attempt. in
the past. not because students have
ever been pillars of sexual rectitude
use the consensus of stu
d chastity as
longer lor universities
to seck to n e sexual conduct
by Dr
case, th
decent about
because you cannot have a sexual
police without invasion of privacy.
An item in the May Playboy Forum
quoted Dr. Joseph Lerner of the Haw
State Hospital as saying that the needs
of the state must be put ahead of those
of the psychiatric patient's health. The
hiatrist should help his patient ac
cm. 7" defined as “the capacity
th the broad sanctions
conformity. w
of society" and “loyalty 10 one’s country
Dr. Lemwer thus proposes that we move
0 the era of George Orwell's 1984, in
which the individual exists only for the
bencfit of the 1 wonder if, had
Dr. Lemer lived in Hites Germ
would he have had the "maturity
achieve "conformity" and "loy
Thank God psychotherapists
tists usually place their. patients’
es ridiculous
amd hypocritic
Many patients lack inner peace a
acceptance: precisely se they have
tried 10 conform to these sanctions, What
they learn in therapy is that they cin be
diferent; they cm dead a full, rich, useful
lfare above the se
lie and enjoy the dignity due any hu
man being.
Richard C. Wise
Adanta, Georgia
By an ironic coincidence, the June
Playboy Forum contained. an item on the
banning of the film Titicut Follies and
Deay Playboy coutained a lener Irom pub.
lisher Ralph Ginsburg, saying, "most
crime is a manilestation of psychological
aberration, Who, then, is better equipped
andle the problem than the psychia
One cum predict a roar of dissent
from the clinical psychologists. Most. of
them see Trucut. Folles as an expose of
tional horror resulting precisely from
the wpe of ove we on psychiatry
suggested by Mr. Ginzburg
There is a powerful. refo
m movement
within psychiatry itself, backed by psy
chologists and sociologists and pushed
by the American Civil Liberties Union
stressing the nee of due process
and the [ruitl ice of imprisoning
1 deviants in jails misnamed hospi
Is. Which sort of instituti
mental hospital—a criminal ends up in
depends on ihe changing whims ol
courts and lawyers, not on established
scientific fa
Many disciplines, including psycl
have contributed to the understand:
the genesis of cr
on of dhe c es of the cen
tal nervous system that can cause deviant
behavior have been discovered and they
cim be recognized and handled by imer
nists, neurologists and neurosurgeons using
ward. methodology. Tt is appropriate
to screen ouble with the
adiv icluals in
true diseases of this n
n psychiatri
medical sociologist and does not prete
law for re, but
ist sees his role as a
the modi
to have unique power
inzburg remembers the old-
udian psychoanalyst, now disaedited
academic circles and melting into history
with the phrenologists and other pass-
ing pscudomedical fads.
Robert S, Shaw, M. D.
Assistant. C ] Professor
Harvard. Medical School
idge, Massachusetts
To my mind, the most relevant mes-
sage of the film Titicut Follies is that
the atrocities depicted represent a more
or less logical development of the pre-
hehavior is due to
ess.” The result of this circu
g (X is sick because he is
behaving in such and such a way, and
he is behaving this way because he is
sick) is the legal judgment that such
people, if they commit crimes, are not
responsible for what they have done and
therefore should be treated differently
from “normal” citizens. As Dr. Thomas
Szasz has pointed out for several years,
psychiatrists and courts have used this
as yet unproved belief about the exist
ence of mental illness to remove individ
uals judged to have this “disease” from
the customary due processes of law and
to assign them to the kind of prison hos-
pital so cloquently documented in the
Indeed, clinicians widely di
who is sick and who is healthy. and there
vous theories about the causes
of behavior labeled abnormal by our so.
ciety. This only points up an additional
problem; namely, that theories (which
are concept scientists)
are being understood as causes of be-
havior a
agree on
inventions of
furthermore, are being. used
n for denying many people
ic constitutional and human
More practically, one might consider
the treatment these people are forced to
undergo in the spirit of promoting men
tal health, Surely, Titicut’s documenta
tion of a typical prison hospital should
dispel any doubts about the deficiencies
of state prison hospitals, The patients
are treated with incredible inhumanity
and total denial of their status as human
beings. Both because of their sometimes
shocking crimes against society and. be-
cause of their classification
ill, they are re nans
are not handled in ways that mi
tribute to a cure. As one of the prison
ers pleaded during a hearing, which was
presented beautifully in the film: What
chance does a patient/prisoncr have to
pear less sick when he is imprisoned
in an environment that would drive any
man mad?
m y states, it is possible to rent
the film from Grove Press, It is not a
pleasant 84 minutes and, as Madison
s mentally
led as nonhu
it con-
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ue would put it, not for the
rted. But it should—indeed, it must—
be scen by professionals and lay people
G Id C. Davison, Ph.D.
Assistant. Professor of Psychology
State University of New York
Stony Brook, New York
ve PLAYROY teaches
a tradition, The best e
cin give is your sympathy for the civil
rights movement and for the peace
movement, You voiced opinions when it
w and unsife t0 do so
Thus. you brought into the open the is
sues Christ would have been concerned
about if he were alive today: racial and
ife. war and poverty. The
vast majority of Christian churches. to
day drown out these issues with preach-
s of booze. gambling
x. HE Christ said anything at all
pout the latter problems. the word that
Jd sum up his message is “respon:
ig people have finally found, in
such men as Hugh Hefner and Father
Malcolm Boyd. the wonderful quality
Christ had: the ability 10 tell it like it is
John D. Mitchell
Florence, Alabama
You will be delighted to hear that
PLAYnoY is now bein Sunday
school in Westport. Connecticut, W
liam Shafer. a Sunday-school teacher
the Greens Farms Congiegational Church.
used two of your articles—Harvey Cay"
God and the Hippies (rtAvsov. January
1968) and The Playboy Panel: Religion
and the New Morality (vLaywoy, June
1967) —in a class for high school students,
Some parents immediately objected. How
ter a church ng. it was agreed
tices from praynoy cin be used
in the future if they are relevant to a
ion class. Only a mino the
wished to add a warning
about “misuse of more controversial sce
tions of the mag
y ol
Hugh Crane
New York, New York
Through the encouragement of some
fellow ministers. I have recently become
aimed with praynov and its excel-
Tent articles. It comes 10 grips with con
temporary problems in a way that we. in
our conservative. backward church. H
all too often failed. to do.
The Rev. Rid
Linle Grove Christian
Dixon. Hlinois
d L. Daniels
1 owas lavorabhy impressed by Hu;
Hefner's analysis of “rhe new moralit
which he disused on a Chicago TY
structor and am tre
ndously interested the cflects the
tech tion of society has on hu-
man values and human activity, an arca
in which 1 am currently teaching a
Would it be possible to obtain an
elaboration of Hefner's views in printed.
form? This would be a good supplement
to Joseph che Situation
which my students now read
Dr. Sunder Josh
Clarendon Hills. Hine
Copies of “The Playboy Philosophy
and "The Playboy Panel" discussion of
“Religion and the New Morality” are on
the way.
1 would like t0 know why rravsov is
interested in getting dergymen to
the major part of the
metrically opposed 10
t clergy should stand for. My
concept of the clergyman is one who
preaches the truth of God as revealed i
the Bible and in Jesus Christ. A cl
man is, or is supposed to be, a Christ
The wend of rLAYBOY is to subvert the
principles of Christianity; therelore. get-
ting all the clergymen in the country to
subscribe to rrivmov only proves that
there is not a single. true. Christian
clergyman Helt
You seem to be stri
to ridicule t
the world sta
2 10 oppose and
forces th
ds of purity. rig
lity. troth and justice. May
ness. mo
God bring you to the judgment that you
deserve for contributing (0 the moral
breakdown of our nation. The only hope
you to escape this judgment is in
mning to Christ and the Bible.
If this lener is published, 1 want my
name withheld. Also. if you reply to this
letter. 1 do not want the name of your
onfi seen anywhere on the outside of
the envel
(Name withheld by request)
Springfield, Massachuseus
Near my home. a sign in bold leners
reals, come TO cHbRCH. This is the
wouble with the church today: We say
“Come in." where Jesus said "Go out.”
We have forgotten that the proper role
of Christians is to serve. We have for
gonen what poverty. hunger and war
v really We are obsessed. with
ards—our standard of living and
our standard of morality. Sexuality is still
frightening: Many laymen couldn't im
agine the pastor and his wile having a
wild bedroom romp.
Some pastors and lavmen are getting
out of the church. One can hardly con
demn them: Christ pant o
be comforting. not comfortable. I
the church mov
of the piciu
ity was n
or being moved out
as far as being a viable
You make out better at both ends
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means of ministry. But there will always
be a spark and. hopefully, the spark will
fan a Hame when the flame can warm
society instead of trying 10 burn it.
The Rev. Paul D. Gehris
Colonial Park Community
Baptist Church
Harrisburg, Pennsyly
This is a belared addend
"de Tux Organized Religion
Avnoy, April 1967) Far dan-
ws than the beliefs, prejudices or
bigotry of any religious group are the
nique adva s churches possess un-
10 Bishop
der our Internal. Revenue Code. Vast
sums are being chanucled by back doors
imo ecclesiastical treasuries, which now
we tremendous accumulations of tax-
fice wealth. I am presently doing re
search in this field to expand my study
Church. Wealth and Business Income,
which was published three vears ago. At
thar time, D found that religiously used
property belonging to churches toriled
79.5 billion dollars. In addition, the
churches have unknown resources in
form of cast
lcascholds. etc.
Churches, associations of churches and
stcerdoral orders are ihe only entities that
may receive unlimited amounts of reve-
nue, with complete immunity only
from taxation but from disclosure.
Vhis is also nue when the money c
hom businesses completely umelued to.
stocks, bonds, mortgages,
charities, even if t
Dave o file a report revealing
their earnings: but churches need not tell
the Government anything about their
financial activities—and they certainly do
not inform their memberships.
Having now reanalyzed several of the
diy tay rolls examined. in 1964. 1 have
found that exempt church real estate has
been increasing so rapidly that now the
total in the United States is probably at
leat 100 billion doll
! «eive other rins
10 unguesed billions from commercial
property and intangible sources,
The Internal Revenue Code must be
revised so that churches will enjoy no
preference or immunity nor given every
other business. and all church properties
must be taxed as if they were commer
cial real estate.
Martin A. Larson
Phoenix, Arizona
In addition to “Church Wealth and
Business Income," Dy, Larson also
written “The Religion of the Occident:
“The Theory of Logical Expression" and
other books.
rs. The churches
ay nou
Ph. D.
1 have followed wi
homosexuality in
sexually segregated prisons. In. Sweden's
penal instioutions, there is virtually no
such problem, They have so-called open
h interest your dis-
cussion ol America’s
prisons, where the prisoners cin regu-
Pp pi
larly receive visis from their wives or
their girlfriends. Inside some of the
prisons, there is a kind of small hotel,
where the prisoner, if he can. financially
allord it, can. place his family and main-
in a close relationship with his
tives. In the socalled closed. prisons,
the prisoners can also receive female vis-
itors. while the guard very discrectly stays
outside. leaving the prisoner
visitor alone for about an hour
In this
destroyed the sodomy
cause of the contact ma
family. the prisoner has a
when it is time to be re
and his
way. Sweden.
And be
ned with his
head. start
megrated into
Armand Pimico
Nice, France
I had heard about homosexuality in
"1 realize how bad
ar prisons. but 1 did
it was until I s
al boy. I had the misfortune of being
w for myself. As a teen
arrested as a result of heroin. addiction
and was sent 10 a New Jersey relormato-
ry. There were queens everywhere, and
it was common to see a weaker boy
being forced to submit to the sexual de-
mands of the stronger ones. The officials
knew of the situation but were always
‘too busy" to do anything about it
(Name withheld by v
Perth Amboy, New Je
Anita K. Adkison. who seems to fa-
vor death for homosexuals (The Playboy
Forum. June), is probably not far from
sanctionmg death for anyone who dis
mees with her warped conceptions of
morality. Tt is women such as Miss Ad
kison who are thorns in the side of an
enlightened democracy
The only way to prevent such people
from tuning democracy into "moboc
rey” iy for logic ro be taught in ele
meneny school instead of in college
Otherwise. we will never sec an end to
haved: and Negroes, Jews. Mexicans.
Indians and other minority groups. in
duding homosexuals, will continue to be
H. G. Vautilbursh
Lubbock, Texas
D feel compelled to rke issue with
Anita K. Adkisson. who wrote. “God
savs in the Bible" that homosexuals
should be pur to death, While 1 do feet
that homosexuality is a problem in our
society, 1 would imagine that the homo
sexuals themselves do nor necessarily shine
my opinion, As for God's opinion. 1am
afraid 1 am not in His confidence. And
while there is a good deal to be said for
the Bible
God. Since the Bible is some 2000 vers
old, there are probably more up-to-date
references for modern social reform.
(continued on page 220)
it was written by men. not by
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a candid conversation with the pioncering creator of “2001: a space odyssey,” “dr. strangelove” and “lolita”
Throughout his 17-year career as a
moviemaker, Slanley Kubrick has com-
milled himself to pushing the frontiers
of film into new and often controversial
regions—despite the box-office problems
and censorship battles that such a com-
mitment invariably entails. Never a fol-
lower of the safe, well-traveled voad to
Hollywood success, he has consistently
struck out on his own, shattering movie
conventions and shibboleths along the
way. Im many respects, his latest. film,
the epic 72001: A Space Odyssey," stands
as a metaphor for Kubrick himself. A
technically flawless production that took
three years and $10,500,000 to create,
"2001" could have been just a super-
spectacle of exotic gadgetry and lavish
special effects; but with the collaboration
of Arthur. C. Clarke, astrophysicist and
doyen of science-fiction writers. Kubrick
has elevated a sci-fi adventure to the level
of allegory—oating a stunning and dis-
turbing metaphysical speculation on
man's destiny that has fomenied a good-
sized critical controversy and become a
cocktail party topie across the country.
1n uncompromising film, 2001" places a
heavy intellectual burden upon the au-
dience, compelling each viewer to unrav-
el for himself its deeper meaning and
significance, Hs message is conveyed not
through plot or standard expository di-
alog bui through metaphysical hints
and visual symbols that
frontation and interpretation.
72001". begins several million years in
the post, with a vivid—and, to some.
mystifying—sequence on the dawn of
man. Al fast an apelike vegetarian
demand con-
“In "2001 the message is the medium. T
tried to create a visual experience, one
that bypasses verbalized pigeonholing and
directly penetrates the subconscious with
its emotional and philosophical content.”
living peacefully among other animals,
he suddenly becomes a carnivorous and.
warlike protohuman, eager and ready
to kill his neighbor in defense of the ter-
rilovial imperative. The cosmic midwife
of this transmogrification is a mysterions
black monolith that appears at a eru-
cial poini in the ape's evolution and ap-
parently inspires him to employ a bone
as both weapon and tool, The monoliths
are, in a very real sense, the prot
nists of the picture; they appear, Siva-
like, to offer man options for both good
and evil, as represented by the weapon-
tool—which, when flung triumphantly
into the air by a jubilant warrior ape,
dissolves into a spaceship langnidly ap-
proaching a satellite space station.
The year is no
lith has been discovered buried beneath
the moon's surjace—and. man is ready
Jor his next evolutionary leap. The
monolith broadcasts an earsplitling sig-
nal toward the planet Jupiler, and a
team of five astronauts (thice in hiber-
nation) is sent there to determine the
source of the mystery. But in the course
of the journey, four of them die at the
hands of Hal 9000—the ship's omnis
cient and omnipresent com puter—who is
so anthropomorphic that he suffers from
the alltoo-human sin of hubris. The re-
maining astronaut (Keir Dullea) per-
forms a mechanical lobotomy on Hal's
memory circuits.
Pursuing another monolith, floating
among Jupiter's moons, Dullea is sud-
2001. Another mono-
dently swept into a cosmic maelstiom
that huriles hinm through inner and
outer space into new dimensions of
“Within 200 years we will have reached a
stage of genetic engineering where another
tace could. transmit its genetic code to us
by radio and we could then duplicate one
of their species in our laboratories.”
consciousness. Finally, he emerges from
his space capsule, death-esed and white
haired. in an cerie Regency bedroom re-
plete with Watteau paintings. French
provincial furniture and a luminously
glowing floor. Here he witnesses—and
experiences—the succe stages of his
life from old age into senescence and
death—a death that becomes a mystical
rebirth as the astronaut, shrunken and
desiccated like the first apes, gazes up at
yet another monolith at the foot of his
bed and is absorbed into a sunburst of
energy. Reborn as the first of a new
Tace, the astronaut in Ihe last. scene
floats fetally in space within a cosmic
placento—his huge eyes, worldly and
otherworldly, turning for a last look at
the carth he has left behind forever.
Critical reaction to 20017. was veh
mently divided between those who
declared it either an unqualified master-
piece or an absolute disaster. “Teehni-
cally and imaginatively,” wrote Penelope
Gilliatt of The New Yorker, “it is stag
gering.” The W
called it “a gorgeous, exhilayating and
mindshetching spectacle,” and Cue ob-
d that il “dazzles the eyes and
gnaws at the mind.” But other reviewers
concurred with the film critic for Wom.
en's Wear Daily, who termed it
the worst film Tve seen, simply
the dullest.” and with John. Simon of
The New Leader, who loftily dismissed
the epic as “a hind of space-Spartacus
and. more pretentious still, a shaggy
Goll story.” But Andrew Saris of the
Village Voice waxed most passionate of
all the critics in his denunciation: “It is
hington Evening $
1I the attributes assigned to God could
be the characteristics of biological entities
who have evolved into something as remote
from man as man is remote from the pri
mordial ooze [rom which he first emerge
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anti-human, anti-science, and anti-progress
.. completely sexless, soulless: A dirge
for the future.”
Though Kubrick is by now accus
tomed to living in the eye of such criti-
cal hurricanes, his early background was
hardly tempestuous. He was born in the
Bronx in 1928, the son of a doctor wha
still practices there. Kubrick's adolescent
ambition to become a jazz drummer was
sidetracked at the age of 13, when his
father gave him his first camera—a
Graflex. Habitually quiet and introspec-
live, young Kubrick made few friends,
but his photographic talent. blossomed
rapidly. In 1945, two months before he
graduated from Taft High School m the
Bronx (with a lukewarm 67 average), he
snapped a picture of a weeping news
dealer surrounded by paper announcing
F. D. R.'s death, submitted the photo to
Look and received $25 for his first pnb-
lished work, Shortly thereafter, Look also
gave Kubrick his [ust job: he became one
of the youngest photographers in the
magazine's history.
Kubrick stayed with the magazine until
1950, supplementing his modest income
by playing chess in Washington Square
Park at 25 cents a game (he is still a
superior player); but he was becoming
increasingly intrigued with cinema. His
fost film. “Day of the Fight? was a
short documentary abont prize fighter
Walter Cartier. It cost all of $3900 1o
make, but Kubrick
couldn't retrieve even this investment.
Finally he sold the work to RKO-Pathé
at a $100 los. After one more unher-
alded documentary, Kubrick decided to
try his hand—and his luck—at a feature:
length film. He quit his job at Look,
raised $20,000—mostly from his father
and his uncle—and began shooting “Fear
and Desire" the story of four soldiers,
isolated behind enemy lines during World
War Two, who gain insights about them-
sel in their struggle to rejoin their
outfit. Kubrick now regards the film as
pretentious and amateurish. hut many crit-
ies welcomed it as a remarkably sensitive
first effort. Though rejected by all major
distributors, “Fear and Desire” toured the
arthouse circuit and eventually broke even.
Afler a decidedly commercial murder
mystery called “Killer's Kiss". Kubrick
went lo work on "The Killing.” an intri
‘ately contrived melodrama invoking a
vace-track robbery. The film starred
Sterling Hayden and won Kubrick his
first widespread recognition. As Time
breathlessly declared: “At 27, writer-
director Stanley Kubrick has shown more
audacity with dialog and camera than
Hollywood has seen since the obstreper
ous Orson Welles”? Time subsequenily
called “The Killing" one of the ten best
films of 1956, but the movie proved a
box-office dud.
Undismayed, Kubrick again focused
his attention on a military subject: the
blood-soaked battlefields of ihe western
soon found he
is corduroy.
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front in World War One. The result was
Paths of Glory,” the tragic story of three
innocent French soldiers who live through
a futile c ment with the Germans
only to be executed as cowards by their
own high command. With Kirk Douglas
ly de
picted the bleak horror and meaningless
ness of war. Though it, too, fared only
modestly at the box office, it was univer
sally hailed as a major work of cinematic
art, and it made Kubrick a name to be
reckoned with, Douglas, impressed with
Kubrick's talent, asked him to divect the
forthcoming “Spartacus” in which Doug-
las was to play the starring role. “It was
the only film 1 didn't have full directorial
control over,” Kubrick. recalls ruefully;
in the leading role, the film movi
but “Spartacus” was viewed by the crit-
ics as a cut above the standard Cinema-
wopic spectacular. It also made money.
Never one to rest on his laurels, Ku
brick had already selected his next film
an adaptation of “Lolita,” Vladimir Na
bokov's sexy, scintillating best seller
Undaunted by the looming censorship
problems involved in depicting the siory
of a passionate liaison. between a middle:
aged man and a sensuous nymphet,
Kubrick selected James Mason to play
Humbert Humbert and a Holly-
wood unknown—Sue Lyon—for the lead
vole. Kubrick then wisely decided to
make the film in England, whew the
chance of censorial intervention was less
likely than on home shores, The result
was one of the biggest box-office hits in
Hollywood history—and a superbu»
dance of rave reviews. Arthur Schlesing-
er, Jr, then moonlighting as a [ilm
critic from his Presidential advisory post,
called "Lolita" “a brilliant and sinister
film, wildly funny and wildly poignant
Well before the returns on "Lolita"
were in, Kubrick was characteristically
blocking out his next project. He had
long been concerned with the prospect
of accidental nuclear holocaust; and his
fears were reinforced by a novel, “Red
Mert." by Peter George. In collaboration
with George—and with an indeterminate
amount of assistance from black humor-
ist Terry Southern (Kubrick and South
ern still disagree heatedly on the extent
of Southern’s participation)—Kubrick pro-
duced “Dr. Strangelove,” an. overwhelm
ing critical and commercial success. The
film's. darkly satirical antiwar message
offended some Cold Warriors and travel-
ers on the ultyaright, bul critic. Stanley
Kauf|nenn described it as “the best
American picture that I can remember
since Chaplain's ‘Monsieur Verdoux and
Houston's ‘Treasure of the Sierra
Made!" And Time declared, “It ful
fills Stanley Kubrick’s promise as one of
the most audacious and imaginative direc
tors the U.S. cinema has yet produced.”
Kubrick's meteoric career—launched
into even higher orbit by his ambitious
space odyssey to 2001—has made him a
near legend in Hollywood, where he has
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won the devoted admiration of his
co-workers and the respect of fellow
rectors, and actors; no mean feat in
Tinseltown. Marlon Brando, who has
worked with Kubrick (though not always
harmomously), reports: "Stanley is unusu-
ally perceptive and delicately attuned
to people. He has an adroit intellect
and is a creative thinker, not a repeater.
nol a fact gatherer. He digests what he
learns and brings to a ne:
project an
original point of view and a reserved
passion." Kirk Douglas is more blunt
"Success can't hurt that kid. Stanley always
knew he was good."
To discover what has made Kubrick
so respected —and controversial—a direc-
for, and to plumb both his own com-
plexilies and those of "2001," pLaysoy
mlernewed Kubrick at his elegant man-
sion outside London, a short drive fiom
MGM's studio at Borham Wood, where
he is working on his latest filn—a biog
raphy of Napoleon, Interviewer Eric
Norden found Kubrick—"a slim, relaxed
man with thinning hair, dark beard and
intense eyes” —sprawled in a chair on the
spacious expanse of lawn overlooking
his elegantly tended gardens, “As Ku
brick crossed one scuffed shoe over a
wrinkled pants leg.” writes Norden, “I
began by asking him to decipher the
metaphysical message of 2001 Though
his answer was enigmatically cvasive, he
was far more voluble about his space odys-
sey, and the destiny il prophesies for the
human race, than about himself as man
or moviemaker. It may be that he feels
his private life is too dull to talk about
or perhaps too interesting, or simply no
body's business but his own. But 1 think
it's mow likely that he is one of thow
rare men whose self-concem is plural and
impersonal, to whom the present is less
teal than the posible, who live less in the
world of tangible reality than in the un-
charted country of the mind.” But not
completely uncharted, Norden might have
added, since many of Kubrick's im
live extrapolations are predicated on
theories and formulations with which
science-fiction fans are fondly familiar
What lifts Kubrick's prognostications be-
yond the realm of most conventional sci-fi
speculation is his preaceupation nol with
mechanistic externals but with the phil
osophical implications of man's future
PLAYBOY. Much of the controversy sur
rounding 200/ deals with the meaning
of the metaphysical symbols that abound
in the film—the polished black monoliths.
the orbital conjunction of earth, moon and
sun at cach sage of the monoliths’ inter
vention in human destiny, the. stunnii
final kaleidoscopic ma
space that engulfs the surviving astronaut
and sets the stage for his rebirth as a “star
child” drifting toward carth in a translu
nt placenta. One critic even called 2007
“the fi ietzschean. film,” contending
elstrom of time and
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that its essential the Nietzsche's
concept of man's. evolution from ape to
human 10 superman. What was the meta
physical message of 20013
KUBRICK: It's not ge that I ever
imend to convey in words. 200/ is a
nonverbal experience; out of two hours
and 19 minutes of film, there are only a
little less than 10 minutes of dialog. 1 ried
visual experience, one that by
passes verbalized pigeonholing and directly
penetrates the subconscious with an emo
tional and philosophic content. To con
volute McLuhan, in 2001. the message is
the medium, 1 intended the film to be an
intensely subjective experience that reaches
the viewer at an inner level of conscious.
ncs, just as music does: to "explain"
a Beethoven symphony would be to
emasculate it by erecting an anificial
barrier between conception and apprecia-
tion. You're free to speculate as you wish
about the philosophical and allegorical
meaning of the film—and such specu
tion is one indication that it has suc
ceeded in gripping the audience at a
deep level—but I don't want to spell out
a verbal road map for 2007 that every
viewer will feel obligated to pursue or
else fear he's missed the point. I think
that if 2007 succeeds at all. it is in reach
ing a wide spectrum of people who would
not often give a thought to man's destin
his role in the cosmos and his relation-
ship to higher forms of life. But even
in the case of someone who is highly
igen, found in 2007
would. if presented as abstractions, fall
10 create
rather lifelessly and be automatically
assigned to pat intellectual categories: ex
perienced in a moving visual and emo-
tional contest, however, they can resonate
within the deepest fibers of one’s being
PLAYBOY: Without laying out a philo
sophical road map for the viewer, can you
tell us your own
interpretation of the
meaning of the fil
KUBRICK: No, for the reasons Ive al
ready given. How much would we ap
precate La Gioconda today if Leonardo
had written at the bottom of the canvas:
“This lady is smiling slightly because
she has rotten teeth"—or “because she's
hiding a secret fom her lover"? It
would shut off the viewer's appreciation
and shackle him to a “reality” other than
his own, 1 don’t want that to happen to
PLAYBOY: Arthur Clarke has
film. “I anyone understands it
id of the
in the first
we've failed in our intention
Why should the viewer have to see
1wice to get its message?
KUBRICK: 1 don't agree with that stare
ment of Arthur's, and I believe he made
it facctiously. The very nature of the
visual experience in 2007 is 1o give the
viewer an i
neous, visceral reac
tion that does not—and should not
require furthe cation. Just speak
ing generally, however, I would say that
you cant take the
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The original—ask for it by name!
there are elements in any good film that
would increase the viewer's interest and
appreciation on a second viewing; the
momentum of a movie often. prevents
every stimulating detail or nuance from
having a full impact the first time i
seen, The whole idea that a
should be seen only once
of our traditions
is an extension
conception of the film
s an ephemeral emenainment rather
than as a visual work of art. We don't be.
lieve that we shoukl hear a great piece
of music only once. or see a great paint
ing once. or even read a great book just
once, But the film has until recent ve
been exempted from the cate
situation I'm glad is fin
PLAYBOY. Some prominent
cluding Renata Adler of The Ne
Times, John Simon of the New Leader.
Judith Grist of New York magazine and
Andrew Sarris of the Village Voice—ap-
parently felt that 200/ should be among
those films still exempted from the ne-
gory of art: all four castigated it as dull.
pretentious and overlong. How do you
account for their hostility?
KUBRICK: The [our critics you mention
all work for New York publications. The
reviews across America and around the
world have been 95percent enthusias-
tic. Some were more perceptive than
others, of course, bur even those who
praised the film on relatively super-
ficial grounds were able 10 get something
of is message. New York was the
only really hostile city. Perhaps there
a certain clement of the lumpen literati
that is so dogmatically atheist and ma-
terialist and earth-bound that it finds the
grandeur of space
feries of
and the myriad mys
intelligence anathy
But film € ly have
any clfect on the general public; houses
everywhere are packed and the film is
well on its way to becoming the greatest
money-maker in MGM's history. Per-
haps this sounds like a crass way to evalu-
ate one’s work. but I think that, especially
with a film that is so obviously different.
record tendance means people.
ics. fortunately. r
things to one
nother after they sec it—and isn't this
really what it's all about?
PLAYBOY: Speaking of what it's all about
—if you'll allow us to return to the philo-
sophical interpretation of 2001—would.
you agree with those critics who call
a profoundly religious film?
KUBRICK: | will say that the God concept
is at the heart of 200/—but not any
traditional, anthropomorphic image of
God. I don't believe in any of earth's
monotheistic religions, but I do believe
that one can construct an intriguing
scientific definition of God. once you ac
cept the fact that there are approximate-
ly 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone.
that exch star is a life-giving sun and
1 there are approximately 100 billio
ics in just the visible universe, Civ
en a planet in a stable orbit. not too hot
and not too cold, and given a few bil-
lion years of chance chemical reactions
created by the interaction of a sun's en-
ergy on the planet's chemicals. it’s fairly
certain that life in one form or another
ually emerge.
to assume that there must be. in fact
will ev It's reasonable
countless billions of such planets where
biological life has arisen, and the odds
of some proportion of such life develop-
ing intelligence are high. Now, the sun
is by no means an old star, and its plan.
ets are mere children in cosmic age. so
it seems likely that there are billions of
planets in the universe nor only where in
telligent lile is on a lower scale than man
but other billions where it is approxi
mately equal and others still where it is
reds of thousands of millions of vems
in advance of us. When you think of the
giam technological strides that man has
made in a few millennia—less than a mi
crosecond. in the chronology of the uni-
verse—can you imagine the evolutionary
development that much older life forms
have taken? They may have progressed
from biological species. which are fragile
shells for the mind at
mortal machine entities—and then, over
imumerible cons. they could emery
from the chrysalis of mauer wansformedt
into beings of pure energy and spirit
Their potentialities would be limitless and
their intelligence ungraspable by humans
PLAYBOY: Even assumi the cosmic evo-
lutionary path you suggest. what has this
to do with the nature of God?
KUBRICK: Everything—beeause the
would be gods to the billions of less a
best, imo im
vanced races in the universe, just as man
would appear a god to an ant that some
uled man's existence. They
would possess the twin attributes of all
deities—omniscience and omnipotence.
These entities might be in telepathic com
munication throughout the cosmos and
thus be aware of everything that occurs.
tapping every intelligent mind as ellort
lessly as we switch on the r
might not be limited by the speed of lig
nd their presence could penetrate to the
farthest corners of the universe; they
ght possess complete masiery over mat
ter and energy: and in their final evolu
tionary stage. they might develop into an
integrated. collective immortal conscious
ness. They would be incomprehensible to
us except as gods: and if the tendrils of
minds, it is only the h
could grasp as an explanation.
PLAYBOY: If such acatures do exist, why
should they be interested in man?
KUBRICK: They may not be, But why
should man be interested in microbes?
The motives of such beings would be is
alien to us as their intelligence.
PLAYBOY: In 2001, such incorporeal cea
tures s
and control our
how comprehe
lio: they
consciousness ever. brushed men's
nd of God we
em to manipulate our destinies
evolution, though
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whether for good or cvil—or both, or
ither—remaius unclear. Do you really
e i's possible that man is a cosmic
ng of such entities?
1 don't really believe anything
about them; how can I? Mere specula-
ion on the possibility of their existence
is sufficiently overwhelming. without at-
tempting to decipher their motives. The
important point is that all the standard
attributes assigned to God in our history
could equally well be the characteristics
of biological entities who L us of
years ago were at a stage of develop-
nt similar to man's own and evolved
into something as remote from man as
man is remote from the primordial ooze
from which he first emerged.
PLAYBOY: In this cosmic phylogeny you've
described, isn't it possible that there might
be forms of intelligent life on an even
higher scie than these entities of pure
energy—perhaps as far removed from
them as they are from us?
KUBRICK: OF course there cauld be; in an
inite, eternal universe, the point is
that anything is possible, and it’s unlike-
ly that we can even begin to scratch the
surface of the full range of possibilities.
But at a time when astronauts are. pre-
paring to set foot on the moon, I think
it's necessary 10 open up our earth-bound
minds to such speculation, No one knows
iting for us in the universe. I
think it was a prominent astronomer who
wiote recently, “Sometimes 1 think we are
alone, and sometimes I think we're not.
In either case, the idea is quite staggering.”
PLAYBOY: You said there must be billions:
of planets sustaining life that is consider-
ably more advanced than man but has not
yet evolved into non- or suprabiological
forms. What do you believe would be the
eflect on humanity if the earth were con-
tacted by a race of such ungodlike but
technologically superior beings?
KUBRICK: There's a considerable difference
of opinion on this subject among scic
and philosophers. Some contend that en-
countering a highly advanced civilization
-even one whose technology is essentially
comprehensible to us—would produce a
traumatic cultural shock elfect on man by
divesting him of his smug ethnocentrism
and shattering the delusion that he is the
center of the universe. Carl Jung summed
up this position when he wrote of contact
with advanced extraterrestr life that
the “reins would be torn from our hands
and we would, as a tearful old medicine
man once said to me, find ourselves
‘without dreams . . . we would find
niellectual and spiritual aspirations
outmoded as to leave us completely
alyzed.” ] personally don't accept
position, but it's one that's widely
held and can't be summarily dismissed.
In 1960, for example, the Committee
for Long Range Studics of the Brookings
Institution prepared a report for the Na-
tional Acronautics and Space Administra-
lion warning that even indirect contact
acts that might possibly
be discovered through our spice activities
on the moon, Mars or Venus or via ra.
dio contact with an interstellar civiliza
tion—could cause severe psychological
dislocations, The study cautioned that
“Anthropological files comain many ex-
amples of societies, sure of their place in
the universe. which have disintegrated
when they have had to associate with
previously unfamiliar socictics espousing
different ideas and different life w
others that survived such an experience
usually did so by paying the price of
changes in values and attitudes and be-
havior.” It concluded. that since intelli-
gent life might be discovered at any
time, and that since the consequences of
such a discovery are “presently unpre-
dictable,” it was advisable that the Gov
ernment initiate continuing studies on
the psychological amd intellectual im
pact of confrontation with extrater-
I life. What action was taken on
report I don't know, but I assume
that such studies are now under way.
However, while not discounting the pos-
sible adverse emotional impact on some
people, I would personally tend to view
Such contact with a tremendous amount
of excitement and enthusiasm. Rather
than shattering our society, I think it
could imme:
Another positive point is that it's a
virtual certainty that all intelligent life
at one stage in its technological develop-
ment must have discovered nuclear cn-
ergy. This is obviously the watershed of
any civilization; docs it find a way to use
nuclear power without destruction and
harness it for peaceful purposes. or does
hilare Sic x would S th
vised a means of adan itself to
the bomb, and this could prove tremen
dously reassuring to us—as well as give us
specific guidelines for our own survival. In
any case, as far as cultural shock is con
cerned, my impression is that the atten
tion span of most pcople is quite brief;
after a week or wo of great excitement
and oversaturation in newspapers and
on television, the publics interest would
drop off and the United Nations, or
whatever world body we then had, would
settle down to discussions with the a
PLAYBOY: You're that
terrestrials would be benevolent. Why?
KUBRICK: Why should a vastly superior
bother 10 harm or destroy u
gent ant suddenly traced :
nd at my feet n Ig.
let's talk things over," I doubt very much
that I would rush to nd him under
my heel. Even if they weren't superintelli
gent, though, but merely more advanced
than mankind, 1 would tend to lean more
toward the benevolence, or at least in-
difference, theory. Since it's most unlikely
that we would be visited from within our
fan intelli-
message in the
l am sentient;
own solar system, any society capable of
traversing lightyears of space would have
to have an extremely high degree of con
trol over matter and energy. Therclore,
what possible motivation for hostility
would they have? To steal our gold or oil
or coal? Is hard to think of any nasty
intention that would justify the long and
arduous journey from another s
PLAYBOY: You'll admit, though, that extra
terrestrials commonly pormayed in
strips and cheap science-fiction films
yed monsters scuttling hungrily
after curvaceous earth. maide
KUBRICK: This probably dates back to the
pulp science-fiction magazines of the
Twenties and Thirties and perhaps even
to the Orson Welles Martianinvasion
broadcast in 1938 and the resultant mass
hysteria, which is always advanced in sup-
port of the hypothesis that contact would
cause severe cultural shock. In
lines with which Welles opened that
broadcast set the tone for public consider.
ation of extraierrestrial Life for years to
come. Tve memorized them: "Across an
immense ethereal gulf, minds that arc to
1 sense, the
our minds as ours are to the beasis in the
mellects vast, cool and unsym
regarded this earth with enviou:
nd slowly and surely drew their pi
against us... .” Anything we can imagine
about such other life forms is possible.
of course. You could have p:
izations. or decadent civilizations that have
elevated pain to an aesthetic and might
covet humans as gladiators or torture
objects, or Gvilizations that. might. want
us lor zoos, or scientific experimentation.
or slaves or even for food. While 1 am
appreciably more optimistic, we just can't
be sure what their motiv
Im imerested in the argument of
Professor Freeman Dyson of Princeton's
Institute of Advanced Study, who contends
that it would be a mistake to expect that
all potential space visitors will be altruistic,
Or to believe that they would have any
ethical or moral concepts comparable to
mankind's. Dyson writes,
him correctly, that "Intelligence may
deed be a benign influence creating iso
lated groups of philosopher kings far
apart in the heavens" but it's just as
likely that “Imelligence may be a cancer
of. purposcless technological exploitation
sweeping across a galaxy as irresistibly as
it bas swept across our own planet"
chotic civil
I remember
v" Dy
son concludes that i's “just as unscientific
to impute to remote intelligence. wisdom
nd serenity as it is to impute to them
irrational and murderous impulses. We
must be prepared for either possibility and
conduct our searches accordingly.
This is why some sci
ists caution, now
we're npting to intercept. radio
from other solar systems, that if
message we should wait
while before answering it, But we've been
transmitting radio and television signals
(continued on page 158)
He's a member of that select fraternity, an urbane undergrad who goes out of his way for the out of
the ordinary—from the girls he dates to the challenging courses he takes. And one of the books he
cracks most often is PLAYBOY. Facts: PLAYBOY scores first in college-male readers. Some 2,000,000
students, a commanding 69% of all college men, read PLAYBOY. To win over the college market,
run with PLAYBOY. It has their loyalty. (Source: 1966 Reader's Digest Survey by Marplan Research.)
New York + Chicago + Detroit + Los Angeles + San Francisco + Atlanta » London + Tokyo
THE TIME: the present. THE PLACE: Upstate New
York, a large room filled with pulsing, writhing,
panting machines that perform the functions of
various organs of the human body—heart, hing
liver, and so on. Color-coded pipes and wires
swoop upward [rom the machines to converge and
pass through a hole in the ceiling. To one side is
a fantastically complicated master control console.
DR. FLBERT LITTLE, a kindly, attractive young
general practitioner, ix being shown around by
the creator and boss of the operation, DR. NORBERT
FRANKENSTEIN. FRANKENSTEIN is 69, a crass medical
genius. Seated at the console, wearing headphones
and watching meters and flashing lights, is pr.
TOM SWIFT, FRANKI a's enthusiastic first
tir: Oh, my God—oh, my God—
FRANKENSTEIN: Yeah. Those are her kidneys
. That’s her liver, of course. There you
got her pancreas.
c: Amazing. Dr. Frankenstein, alter seeing
. L wonder if I've even been practicing medi-
cine, if I've ever even been to medical school.
(Pointing) That's her heart?
FRANKENST "Thats a Westinghouse heart.
They mak mn good heart, if you ever need
one. They make a kidney E wouldn't touch with a
ten-foot pole.
urine: That heart is probably worth more
than the whole township where 1 practice.
: That pancreas is worth your
whole state. F
LITLE: Vermont,
FRANKENSTEIN: What we paid for the pancreas
— yeah, we could have bought Vermont for that.
Nobody'd ever made a pancreas before, and we
had 10 have one in ten days or lose the patient
s “OK,
you guys got to have a crash program for a pan-
he job. We don't
So we told all the big organ
creas, Put every man you got «
care what it costs, as long as we get a pancreas by
next Tuesdi
And they succeeded.
nt's still alive,
she was a lovely
old lady—at least what
there was left of her—and she
had the best set of sweetbreads
that money could buy
she? Believe me, those are some expensive sweet-
LTTE: But the p: nt could afford them.
FRANKENSTEIN: You don't live like this on Blue
LrrrGé: And how many operations has she had?
In how many years?
FRAN N: I gave her her first major opera-
tion thirty-six yews ago. She's had seventy-eight
operations since then,
Lr And how old is she?
FRANKENSTEIN: One hundred.
terne: What guts that woman must have!
FRANKENSTEIN: You're looking at ‘em.
Lr: Emean—what courage! What fortitude!
FRANKENSTEIN: We knock her out, you know.
We don't operate without anesthetics.
UTE: Even so. . «+
FRANKENS laps swirt on the shoulder. swivr
s an car from the headphones, divides his
attention bet
FRANKENSTEIN: Dr. Tom Swift, this is Dr. Elbert
Little. Tom here is my fi
en the visitors and the console.
t assistant.
swirr: Howdy-doody.
FRANKENSTEIN: Dr. Little has a practice up in
Vermont, He happened to be in the neighbor-
hood. He ed for a tour.
LITTLE: What do you hear in the headphones?
swirt: Anything that's going on in the patient's
room. (He offers the headphones) Be my guest.
LITTLE (listening to headphones): Nothing.
swirr: She's having her hair brushed now. The
beautician's up there. She's alw
hair's being brushed. (He lakes the headphones
FRANKENSTEIN (to swirT): We should congratu-
s quiet when h
late our young visitor here.
swier: M hat tor?
Lirrir: Good question. What for?
FRANKENSTIN: Oh, D know about the gre:
honor that has come your way.
I'm not sure Z do.
You are the Di
FRANKENSTEIN: Little, aren't
you, who was named the Family Doctor
of the Year by the Ladies! Home Journal
last month?
LITLE: Yes—that's right. 1 don't
know how in the hell they decided. And
I'm even more flabbergasted that n
of your caliber would know about it.
FRANKENSTEIN: I read the Ladies Home
Journal from cover to cover every month,
um You do?
FRANKENSTEIN: I only got one pa-
tient, Mrs. Lovejoy. And Mrs. Lovejoy
reads the Ladies’ Home Journal, so 1
ad it, too. That's what we talk about—
what's in the Ladies’ Home Journal. We
read all about you last month. Mrs. Love-
joy kept saying, "Oh, what a nice young
man he must be. So understanding.”
1iriLE; Um.
FRANKENSTEIN: Now here you are in
the flesh, I bet she wrote you a lewer,
LITTLE: Yes—she did.
FRANKENSTEIN: She writes thousands
of letters a year, gets thousands of let-
ters back. Some pen pal she is.
Lutte: Is she—uh—generally cheerful
most of the time?
FRANKENSTEIN: If she isn't, that's our
fault down here, If she gets unhappy.
that means something down here isn't
working right. She was blue about a
month ago. Turned out it was a bum
transistor in the console. (He reaches
over swirt’s shoulder, changes a setting
on the console. The machinery subtly
adjusts to the new setting.) There—she'll
be all depressed for a couple of minutes
now. (He changes the setting agam)
There. Now, pretty quick, she'll be hap-
pier than she was before. She'll sing like
a bird.
LITTLE conceals his horror imperfect-
ly. cur To patients room, which is full
of flowers and candy boxes and books.
The patient is syivia Lovejoy, a billion-
aires widow, svivi is no longer any-
thing but a head connected to pipes and
wires coming up through the floor, but
this is not immediately apparent. The
fist shot oj her is a cvose-ur, with
GLORIA, a gorgeous beautician, standing
behind her. svtviA is a heartbreakingly
good-looking old lady, once a famous
beauty. She is crying now.
sylvia: Gloria ———
svLvia: Wipe these tears away before
somebody comes in and sees them.
GLORIA (wanting to ay herself): Yes,
ma'am. (She wipes the tears away with
Kleenex, studies the results) There. There.
sylvia: I don't know what came over
me. Suddenly I was so sad 1 couldn't
stand it,
GLORIA: Everybody has to cry some-
svyrvia: It’s passing now. Can you tell
I've been cr
conta: No. No. (She is unable to
100 control her own tears anymore. She goes
to a window so SYLVIA can't see her cr)
CAMERA BACKS AWAY fo reveal the tidy,
clinical abomination of the head and
wires and pipes. The head is on a tri-
pod. These is a black box with winking
colored lights hanging under the head,
where the chest would normally be. Me-
chanical arms come out of the box
where arms would normally be. There is
a table within easy reach of the arms.
On il are a pen and paper, a partially
solved jigsaw puzzle and a bulky knit-
ting bag. Sticking out of the bag are
needles and a sweater in progress.
Hanging over svivia’s head is a micro-
phone on a boom)
SYLVIA (sighing): Oh, what a foolish
old woman you must think I am
(Crona shakes her head im denial, is
unable to reply) Gloria? Are you still
svivia: You're such a good friend,
Gloria. I want you to know 1 feel that
with all my heart,
GLORIA: | like you, 100.
syivia: Bb you ever have amy prol
lems I can help you with, I hope you'll
ask me.
cron: T will. 1 will.
mowanp versy, the hospital mail
clerk, dances in with an armload of let-
ters. He is a merry old fool.
perkey: Mailman! Mailman!
sylvia (brightening): Mailmas
bless the mailma:
perny: How's the patient today?
svivta: Very sad a moment ago. But
now that I sce you, I want to sing like a
nergy: Fifty-three letters today. There's
even one from Leningrad
sylvia: There's a blind woman in
Leningrad. Poor soul, poor soul.
penny (making a fan of the mail, read-
ing postmarks): West Virginia, Honolulu,
Brisbane, Australi
SYLVIA selects an envelope at random.
svLvia: Wheeling, West Virgi
Now, who do I know in Whee
(She opens the envelope expertly with
her mechanical hands, reads) “Dear Mrs.
Lovejoy: You don't know me, but I just
read about you in the Readers Digest,
and I'm sitting here with u ming
down my checks" Reader's Digest? My
goodness—that article was printed. four-
teen years ago! And she just read it?
peeny: Old Reader's Digests go on
and on, I've got onc at home I'll bet is
dit every time E
need a lite inspiration.
SYLVIA (reading on): “I am never going
to complain about anything that ever
happens to me ever again. I thought I
was as unfortunate as a person can get
when my husband shot his girlfriend six
nything the matter?
months ago and then blew his own brains
out. He left me with seven children and
with eight payments still to go on a Buick
Roadmaster with three flat tires and a
busted transmission. After reading about
you, though, I sit here and count my
gs" Isn't that a nice lener?
DERBY: Sure is.
svLviA; There's a P. S.: “Get well real
soon, you hear?” (She puis the letter on
the table) There isn't a letter from V
mont, is there?
peasy: Vermont?
sylvia: Last month, when I had that
low spell, I wrote what Em afraid was a
very stupid. self-centered, self-pitying le
ter 10 a young doctor I read about in the
Ladies’ Home Journal. Vm so ash
1 live in fear and wembling of w!
going to say ba
at all.
cLom: What could he say? What
could he possibly say?
svivi: He could tell me about the
real sullering going on out there in the
world, about people who don't know
where the next meal is coming from,
about pcople so poor they've never been
to a doctor in their whole lives. And to
think of all the help I've had—all the
tender, loving care, all the latest won-
ders science has to offer.
cur To corridor outside syivia's
room. There is a sign on the door say-
STEIN and LITTLE are about to enter.
LittLe: She's in there?
FRANKENSTEIN: Every part of her that
isn't downstairs.
k to me—if he answers
tres And everybody obeys this
sign, I'm sure.
FRANKENSTEIN: Part of the therapy.
We treat the whole patient here,
GLORIA comes from the room, closes
the door tightly, then bursts into noisy
Oh, for crying out loud. And what is this:
GLORIA: Let her die, Dr. Franken
stein. For the love of God, let her die!
atre: This is her nurse?
FRANKENSTEIN: She hasn't got brains
enough to be a nurse. She is a lous
be: A hundred bucks a week she
makes—just to take care of one woman's
face and hair. (To GLORIA) You blew
honeybunch, You're through.
and scram.
cLom: I'm her closest friend.
FRANKENSTEIN: Drop her a linc.
GLORIA: I'm her only friend.
FRANKENSTEIN: Some friend! You just
asked me to knock her off.
GLORIA: In the name of mercy, yes, I
FRANKENSTEIN; You're that sure there's
a heaven, ch? You want to send her right
"Either our demands are met by this afternoon or we go topless
and really mess up the school image!"
wp there so she can get her wings and
cLom: T know there's a hell, I've
seen it, It's in there, and you're its great
FRANKENSTEIN (stung, leiting a moment
pass bejore replying): Christ—the things
people say sometimes.
GLORIA: It’s time somebody who loves
her spoke up
GLORIA: You wouldn't know what it
FRANKENSTEIN: Love. (More to him-
self than to her) Do I have a wile? No.
Do I have a mistress? No. 1 have loved
only two women in my lile—my mother
a in there, 1 wasn’t able
to save my mother from death. I had
just graduated from medical school and
my mother was dying of cancer of the
everything. “OK, wise guy.” I said to
myself, "you're such a hotshot doctor
from Heidelberg, now, let's see you save
your mother from death.” And cvery-
body told me there wasn't anything T
could do for her, and I said, “I don't
give a damn, I'm gonna do something
anyway" And they finally decided T
was nuts and they put me in a crazy-
house for a little while. When I got out,
I—the way all the wise men
al to be. What those wise
didn't know was all the wonderful
gs machinery could do—and neither
1 L but I was gouna find out. So I
went to the Massachuseus Institute. of
Technology and 1 studied mechanical
engineering and electrical engineering
and chemical engincering lor six long
years. I lived i mic. D ate two-da
old bread and the kind of cheese they
put in mousetraps. When I got out of
MIT, I said to myself, “OK,
just bincly possible now that you're the
only on canh with the proper
education to practice 20th Century
medicine.” I went to work for the Curley
Clinic in Boston. They brought in this
woman who was beautiful on the out-
side and a mess on the inside. She was
the image of my mother. She was the
widow of a man who had left her five-
hundred million dollars. She didn't have
ves. The wise men
lady's goua die.
Shut up and listen.
tell you what we're gonna do."
umre: Thar’s—that’s quite a story,
Im gonna
FRANKENSTEIN: It's a story about
love. (To Grorta) That love story start-
cd years and years before you were
born. you great lover, you. And it’s still
going on.
Last month, she asked me to
a pistol so she could shoot
FRANKENSTEIN: You think I don't
know that? (Jerking a thumb at Live)
102 Last month, she wrote him a leuer and
said, "Bring me some cyanide, doctor, if
you're a doctor with any heart at all.”
LTTE (stariled): You knew that, You
you read her mail?
FRANKENST So well know what
shes really feeling. She might ty to
fool us sometime—just pretend 10 be
happy. I told you about that bum tr
sistor last month, We maybe wouldn't
have known anything was wrong if we
hadn't read her m; ned to what
she was saying to lame-brains like this
one here. (Feeling challenged) Look—
you go in there all by yoursell. Stay as
Jong as you want, ask her anything.
Then you come back out and tell me the
truth: Js that a happy woman in there,
or is that a woman in hell?
LITTLE (Hesilating’
FRANKENSTEIN: Go on in! I got some
more things to say to this young lady
—to Miss Mercy Killing of the Year.
I'd like to show her a body that's been
in a casket for a couple of years som
time—let her see how pretty death is,
this thing she wants for her friend.
LITILE gropes Jor something (0 say,
finally mimes his wish to be fair to every-
one. He enters the patient's room. cor
To room. svivia is alone, faced away
from the door.
sylvia; Who's that?
ume: A friend—somebody
wrote a letter to.
syivis: That could be anybody. Can
I sec you, pleaxct (Lirie obliges. She
looky him aver with growing affection)
Dr. Litde—family doctor from Vermont.
LITTLE (bowing slightly): Love-
joy—how are you today?
SYLVIA: Did you bring me cyanide?
syLviA: I wouldn't take it tod
such a lovely day want to
miss it, or tomorrow, either. Did you
come on a snow-white horse?
Lemme: In a blue Oldsmobile.
svivia: What about your patients,
who love and need you so?
LITTLE; Another doctor is
for me. I'm taking a week off.
syivia: Not on my account,
urn: No.
SYLVIA: Because I'm fine. You can see
what wonderful hands I'm in.
svrvis: One th
other doctor.
ur: Right.
syrvis: I do wish I had somebody to
talk to about death, though. You've seen
a lot of it, 1 suppose.
svpvis And it was a blessing for
some of them—when they died?
LL: I've heard that sai
SYLVIA: But you don't say so yourself,
ute: Bes not a professional thing
for a doctor to say, Mts. Lovejoy.
sytvia: Why have other people said
. It's
1 wouldn
g I don't need is a
that certain deaths have heen a bless-
Le: Because of the pain the pa-
tient was in, because he couldn't be
cured at any price—at any price withi
his means, Or because the patient was
vegetable, had lost his mind and couldn't
get it bad
sYLVIA: At any price.
utr: As far as I know, it is not
now possible to beg, borrow or steal an
artificial mind for someone whos lost
o If I asked Dr. Frankenstein about
it, he might tell me that it’s the coming
syLvia: It is the coming thi
ume: He's told you so?
syivia: D asked him yesterday what
would happen if my bi ed to go.
He was serene. He said 1 wasn't to wor
y pretty little head about that.
We'll cross that bridge when we come
to it,” he told mc. (Pause) Oh, God, the
bridges Tve crossed
ccr To room full of organs, as before.
SWIFT is at the console, FRANKENSTEIN
and LITTLE enter,
le the grand
and now here you are back at the
ue: And I still have to say what I
said at the beginning: "My God—oh, my
FRANKENSTEIN: It's gonna bc a little
tough going back 10 the aspirinand-
laxative trade alter this, ch?
‘es. (Pause) What's the cheap-
FRANKENSTEIN: "The simplest thing.
I's the goddamn pump.
ume: What does a heart go for
these days?
Sixty thousand dol
lars. There ate cheaper ones and more
expensive ones. The cheap ones are junk.
The expensive ones are jewelry.
ume: And how many are soll a
year now
FRANKENSTE hundred, give or
take a few.
urne: Give one, that's life. Take
onc. that’s death.
FRANKENSTEIN: If the trouble is the
heart. It’s lucky if you have trouble that
cheap. (To swim) Hey, Tom—put her
10 sleep so he can see how the day ends
around here
swirt: It’s twenty minutes ahead of
FRANKENS What's the difference?
We put her to sleep lor twenty minutes
xtra, she still wakes up tomoriow feeling
like a million bucks, unless we got
other bum transistor.
nite: Why don't you have a televi
sion camera aimed at her, so you can
watch her on a screen?
FRANKENSTEIN: She didn't want one.
LITTLE: She gets what she wants?
(continued on page 106)
stanford coed vicky drake tossed her hat into the ring—along with the rest of her clothes
I you're
good enough
Above: At campaign headquarters, Vicky and her volunteers look over letters and requests for posters to be answered; later, she doffs her
see-through campaign dress to strike a campy pose in front of the campus’ Leland Stanford Mausoleum. Below: Vicky shows off her party
lines while dancing topless at The Morgue and (opposite) demonstrates just how fetching a flower child con be back in her own bock yard.
WHEN BLONDE Victoria Drake decided to run
for president of Stanford University’s student
body, she launched a whistle-copping cam
paign based on a well-proportioned platform
of 38-22-36. Un-Victorian posters of her nude
figure (shown on our opening page) and a
self-sexplanatory campaign bution (take an
other look at the n Student Body) soon
cropped up on campus to carry Vicky's mes-
sage to the voters, Since Stanford’s student
population is mostly male (5-to-2 ratio), the
posters disappeared almost as fast as they were
tacked up, and are still being sold at cam
paign headquarters (a room in one of the
men's dorms). From a starting field of five
candidates—plus several write-ins—our body
politic emerged with a plurality of the votes.
Lacking a majority, however, she was forced
into a runoff election with Denis Hayes, a
history major whose elforts—though decidedly
less flamboyant than Vicky's (she had ap
peared at dorms and fraternity houses, danc
ing topless and making off-the-buff speeches)
ye him the presidency. Vicky, who's
financing her education by working as a top-
less dancer at The Morgue, a Palo Alto night
dub, docsn't mind that Denis won There
are no hard feelings. Actually, I was just
offering a little distraction for book-weary
students." Although she los the election,
in our book Vicky's every inch a winner.
FRANKENSTEIN: She got that. What the
hell do we have to watch her face for?
We can look at the meters down here
and find out more about her than she
cin know about herself, (To swirr) Put
her to sleep, Tom.
swirr (lo Larter): It's just like slow-
ing down a car or banking a furnace.
urne Um
FRANKENSTEIN: Tom, too, has degrees
in both engineering and medicine.
utue: Are you tired at the end of a
day, Tom?
SWIFT a good kind of tiredness—
as though Fd flown a big jet from New
York to Honolulu, or something like
that. (Taking hold of a lever) And now
we'll bring Mrs. Lovejoy in for a happy
landing. (He pulls the lever gradually
and the machinery slows down) There.
irrrir: She's asleep?
FRANKENSTEIN: Like a baby.
swirr: All I have to do now is wait
for the night man to come on
urna body ever taken her
a suicide weapon?
FRANKENSTEIN: No. We wouldn't worry
about it if they did. The arms are de-
signed so she can't possibly point a gun
at herself or get poison to her lips, no
matter how she tries. That was Tom's
stroke. of genius.
urrie: Congratulations,
Alarm bell sings. Light flashes,
FRANKENSTE! Who could that be?
(To urne) Somebody just went into
her room. We beuer check! (To swirt)
Lock the door up there, Tom—so whoever
it is, we got ‘em. (swiFT pushes a button
that locks door upstairs. To LrrrLE) You
come with me.
CUT To patient’s room. SYLVIA is
asleep, snoring gently. cLoria has just
sneaked in. She looks around furtively,
takes a revolver from her purse, makes
sure it's loaded, then hides it in syuvia's
knitting bag. She barely finished
breathlessly, FRANKENSTEIN opening the
door with a key.
FRANKENSTEIN: What's this?
cLom: ] left my watch up here.
(Pointing to watch) I've got
FRANKENSTEIN: Thought I told you
never to come into this building again.
cron: I won't.
her right there. I'm gonna check things
over. Maybe there's been a little hug-
gery buggery. (To cuor) How would
you like to be in court for attempted
murder, ch? (Into microphone) Tom? Can
you hear me?
swier (voice from squawk box on wall):
1 hear you.
FRANKENSTEIN: Wake her up agai
goua give her a check.
swirr: Cock-adoodle-doo,
Machinery can be heard speeding up
(continued from page 102)
below. svivia opens her eyes, sweetly
ing, Norbert.
FRANKENSTEIN: How do you feel?
syivia: The way I always feel when I
wake up—fine—vaguely at sea. Glor
Good morning!
GLoRIA: Good morni
svivia: Dr. Little! You're staying
other day?
FRANKENSTEIN: It isn't morning, We'll
put you back to slcep in a minute.
sylvia: I'm sick again?
FRANKENSTEIN: | don't think so.
SYLVIA: I'm going to have to have an-
other operation?
FRANKENSTEIN: Calm down, calm down.
(He takes an ophthalmoscope from. his
sylvia: How can I be calm when 1
nk about another operation?
FRANKENSTEIN (info microphone):
—give her some tranquilizers.
swier (squawk box): Coming up.
sylvia; What else do 1 have to lose?
My ears? My hair?
FRANKENSTEIN: You'll be calm
SYLVIA: My eyes? My eyes, Norbert—
are they going next?
baby doll—will you look what you've
done? (Into microphone) Where the hell
re those tranquilizers?
Should be taking effect just
sylvia: Oh, well. It doesn't. mauer
(AS FRANKENSTEIN examines her eyes) Y
is my eyes, isnt it?
FRANKENSTEIN: It isn't your anything.
sylvia: Easy come, easy go.
FRANKENSTEIN: You're healthy as a
sYLviA: I'm sure somebody manufac
tures excellent eyes.
FRANKENSTEIN: RCA makes a damn
good eye, but we aren't gonna buy one
for a while yet. (He backs away, satisfied)
Everything’s all right up her. (To
GLORIA) Lucky for you.
SYLVIA: I love it when friends of mine
are lucky.
swirr: Put her to sleep again?
FRANKENST Not yet. I want to
check a couple of things down there.
swier: Roger and ou!
an entering the machinery room min
utes later. swirt is at the console.
swirr: Night man's l
Good morn-
troubles at
home. You want a good piece of advic:
boy? Don't ever get married. (He scruti
nizes meter afler meter)
GLORIA (appalled by her surroundings):
My God—oh, my God.
utter: You've never seen this before?
ciora: No.
She was the great
hair specialist. We took off everything
else—everything but the hair. (The read.
ing on a meter puzzles him) What's th
(He socks the meter, which then gives
him the proper reading) That's more like
GLORIA (emptily): Science.
FRANKENSTEIN: What did you think it
was like down here?
cLORIA: I was afraid to thi
can see why.
FRANKENSTEIN: You got any scientific
background at all—any way of
preciating even slightly what you're
sceing here?
GLORIA: 1 flunked earth science twice
high school.
in beauty college?
GLORIA: Dumb things for dumb people.
How to paint a face. How to curl or un-
curl hair. How to cut hair. How to dye
hair. Fingermails. Toe the sum-
FRANKENSTEIN: | suppose you're gom
na crack off about this place alter you
get out of here—gonna tell people all the
Gazy stuff that goes or
GLORIA: Maybe.
FRANKENST Just remember this:
You haven't got the brains or the educa-
tion to talk about any aspect of our
operation. Right?
GLORIA: Maybe.
the outside world?
cLoria: Nothing very complicated—
. Now I
What do they teach
at will you say to
just that. -
GLORIA: That you have the head of a
dead woman connected to a lor of ma-
chinery, and you play with it all day
long and you aren't married or any
thing, and that’s all you do.
FREEZE SCENE as a still photograph
Fane TO black. FADE 1x same still. Fig.
ures begin to move.
FRANKENSTEIN (aghast): How can you
call her dead? She reads the Ladies’ Home
Journal! She talks! She knits! She writes
letters 10 pen pals all over the world!
GLORIA: She's like some horrible for
tunetelling machine in a penny arcade.
FRANKENSTEIN: I thought you loved
GLORMA: Every so often, D sec a tiny
little spark of what she used to be. I
love that spark. Most people say they
love her for her courage. What's that
courage worth, when it comes from
down here? You could turn a few [au
cets and switches down here and she'd
be volunteering to fly a rocket ship to
the moon. But no matter what you do
down here, that little spark goes om
thinking, "For the love of God—some-
body get me out of here!”
FRANKENSTEIN (glancing at the con
sole): Dr. Swift—is that microphone open?
swir: Yeah. (Snapping his fingers)
I'm sorry.
(continued on page 217)
MAN IS AT LEAST a million years old and
beginning to look it. He has lost most of
the hair d oncc covered his body and.
kept him warm without his having to
decide on the color and the fabric and
whether to have two buttons or three.
Back in the old days, he had only one
button and it was permanently set in the
cemer and unaffected by styles. Nor
was there any question about whether
t0 have side vents or a center vent. Year
after year, he went along with the same
old center vent, and it worked very well
"The change has been so gradual—just
rc of how much he
deteriorated. Once his teeth were so
strong that he could gnaw a bone as
well as any of the other animals. H his
incisors and canines stuck out a little,
enabling him to take a bite without h
ing to raise his upper lip, so much the
better. 7 had orthodontia would
m as ridiculous. Never in
as wildest dreams did he imagine what
it would be like to have a tooth drilled or
to try to keep an upper plate from slip
ping during a spirited conversation.
In carly times man walked every-
where he went, and not on the advice of.
his physician. Not until the domestica-
modern man may not know it,
but he’s part of a
self-extenction conspiracy
that’s working better every day
tion of the horse did he get where he
wanted to go sitting down. Not until the
invention of the wheel were there any
unfortunate consequences from exceed-
ing the speed limit or turning without
signaling. Walking or rur from
place 10 place, breathing air uncontami-
nated by sulphur compounds and hy.
drocarbons, he kept himself in shape
without steam baths masage or a
morning routine of exercises.
His good health was also furthered by
a sensible diet, consisting of never having
quite enough to cat. Not cooking his
food, he did not lose the essential ju
nor did he become upset if he ordered a
three-minute egg and got a twominute
- There was no such thing as well
done, medium and rare—only extremely
rare, or raw. It did not occur to him to
worry about silt, sugar or cholesterol.
Vitamins did not have to be added, be
cause they had not been taken out. His
only concern about food was getting it.
Man at first wore no shoes. He went
barefoot everywhere, and not because he
belonged to some protest group. Since he
wore no shoes, he had no corns,
toenails, athle
foot or need for a pod
t. Thanks to calluses that grew thicker
ad of thi he never required
p. If his heels were run over, they
were his own heels and no one dared say
they looked slovenly and should be fixed.
Man was, in short, in fine physical con
dition. He slept without sleeping pills and
kept regular without taking anything
that could be spelled backward. If he
caught a cold, he simply waited until
he got over it, instead of disturbing his
sleep to take am antibiotic every four
hours, He breathed deeply, from force of
bit; and, despite a highly developed
sense of nell, was never oflended by
bad breath or (continued on page 110)
rius FALL, Pierre Cardin has turned. his—and our—atiention to the creation of an eminently elegant. wardrobe of
wearables specifically designed for the American man about town. Particular note should be taken of the suit and top
s as higher armholes and narrow
coat offerings: Both extend to stylishly correct new lengths and include such de
sleeves, Cardin's feli hat, worn with the suit and topcoat, adds a jaunty touch that is both practical and good-looking
The dashing boulevardier on these pages is right in step with the times, having assembled a fall ensemble that includes: a wool twill six-
button double-breasted overcoat that features a greatcoat collar, slanted flap pockets and a deep center vent, $195; a felt hat with rakishly
shaped brim and center crease, $40; a chalk-stripe woal flannel six-button double-breasted suit with deep side vents, $195; an imported
cotton fly-frant shirt featuring a longer-point higher collar and French cuffs, $15; and a wide silk tie, $10, all by Pierre Cardin, U. S. A,
DEPOPULATION (continued from
perspiration odors. Nor did he worry about
offending. After all, there was no perfume
or aftershave lotion to help one sex
recognize the other, and the olfactory sense
was on its own.
Since carly man lived close to his
work, he was spared the wear and tear
of commuting. Self-employed, he was
never upset by having someone less com-
petent promoted over him. Nor was his
blood pressure made to rise dangerously
at thoughts of the income tax, Big Gov-
ernment and giveaway programs.
When the decline began is not known
precisely. It was slow at first. 1t was
hundreds of thousands of years before
man became overweight, lost his muscle
tone and started going to a psychiatrist
use there was something wrong with
sex life. What is clear is that, once
the decline began, it became increasingly
rapid. Man has deteriorated more in the
past 50 years, perhaps in the past 5, than
during any previous millennium.
This decline, both physical and s
ual, has shown such increased rapidity
with each generation that it can hardly
be an accident. There is too much evi-
dence of a carefully thought-out plan.
Obviously, man has decided to do
away with the human race. Not all at
once and openly, but gradually and by
subtle, ingenious means. He could get it
over quickly with a thermonuclear holo
«aust, but this would be too evident, too
sy and rather heavy-handed. Intelli
gent creatures on some other planet
might be watching. ‘They would expect
something better of the race that has
produced 52 flavors of ice cream, dri
in banks and the electric toothbrush.
Why man decided to exterminate the
human race is not really known. A hint
of the reason, however, may be found
by anyone who watches TV commercials
and, for purposes of rescarch, stares at
himself in the bathroom mirror immedi-
ately upon arising.
At any rate, it is now clear what is
going on. Man is engaged in an intri-
cate, many-faceted plan to rid the earth
of what was once called Homo sapiens
but now, in an increasingly sexless socie-
ty. is referred 10 simply as Homo. Under
cover for many year, perhaps because
it was not yet perfected, the plan is now
out in the open. There is no longer any
reason to stand aloof or to leave it to the
nation is for everyone.
to this worthwhile
project. The easiest, employed. by
persons, is simply to sit. Before inven.
tion of the chair, people sat on stones
and logs and the ground. Everything
they sat on was either hard or rough or
damp, and we can understand why they
were always geuing up and walking
around. Besides, they had to go get
110 whatever they wanted, there being no
ge 107)
home delivery or room service.
"The straight chair made it casier to sit
for long periods. But it was the uphol-
stered chair, followed by the molded-
plastic chair, that made it possible to si
for hours on end. A contribution was
also made by the rocking chair, a contriv.
ance that gave ambitious people the
feeling they were on the move and get
ting somewhere without getting up. Of
recent years, the chair has become a
home within a home, its equipment in
duding a bui vibrator and an ice-
making machine. Some of the later models
have bathroom facilities. Once settled,
the sitter has no reason to leave. If
the chair is placed in front of a televi-
sion set, with 2 remote-control device for
changing channels, so much the better,
because now there is something other
than think to do while sitting.
"Thanks to year after year of si
you become comfortably soft and flabby,
with a stomach that you cannot keep
from patting and rubbing. "Its mine,
you mumble happily, "all mine."
More important, the cholesterol count
rises in the blood, the arteries harden
and you can look forward to a coronary
or an embolism that will bring you to
a swift end. When this comes, you will
not even have to get up from your chair,
t is the latest type, the kind that folds
up around you and can be moved di-
rectly to the slumber room.
radoxical though it may at first ap-
pear, exercise can be as effective as sit-
ting. As a matter of fact, the two may
profitably be combined. First, sit for
several years, until the walls of the ar-
teries have thickened and the heart has
Brown unaccustomed to strain. Then
suddenly take up a vigorous exercise,
such as broad jumping (in either sense
of the words) or weight li
you may get nothing more th
out of all this, there is always the possi
bility of something a little more spec-
tacular, such as a ruptured aorta.
Even if you take up exercise gradual-
ly, by choosing the right exercise you
can do wonders. Consider bicycle rid-
ng. Riding a bicyde in heavy tratiic or
fter dark without a light will, i
accident, Riding a motorcyde is even bet
ter, since a motorcycle has room for a pas
senger, and the average accident will thu
dispense with two persons
Among other sports highly recom-
mended are sky diving, sports-ar racing
and karate. A small p
glider affords endless opportunities for
exciting crashes, especially if you play a
me of chicken, heading straight for a
at full speed, to scc whether it will
pull to one side before you do.
One of the nicest combinations of sit-
ting and exerci isometric tension
performed in a wheelchair, where you
are confined with casts on both legs aft
er a skiing accident. How is this done?
You wheel your chair up until you can
reach out and press against the living-
room wall, (Be sure to set the brakes.)
Day after day, you press with all your
might, building up the biceps, triceps
and pectoral muscles. If you are faithful
to this exercise. pushing at the wall dur
ing every waking hour, you will not only
develop magnificent muscles but, one
memorable day, push the wall down
and bring the ceiling tumbling onto
your head. This is approximately what
Samson did, setting a good example for
future generations of physical-ftness bulls.
The automobile, of course, offers in-
teresting possibilities to be of service in
the cause. Until writers got to poking
into things that were none of their busi
ess and vote-conscious legislators pushed
through restrictive bills, automobiles were
admirably constructed. They had spearlike
steering columns to pierce the chest, un
padded dashboards to crush the vital
organs and splintering glass to take care
of the eyes.
But all is not lost. If safety belts are
not fastened, a front-seat passenger can
be catapulted through the idshield. 1f
doors are not locked, they can spring
open and dump backscat passengers
into the path of an oncoming car. One
belt that will be found helpful is a bel
or several belts, of Scotch or bourbon
just before crawling into the driver's
Seat The two cus you try wo drive be-
tween will really be only one car, and this
an lead to interesting consequences.
Once, man believed that air, which at
that time was ii ible and odorless, was
present in unlimited quantity. Unless
there were clouds, as far as he could see
he could see nothing, and he assumed
all this was Pollution of air th
stretched out to infinity was a discour:
ing prospect sore said impossible.
Fortunately, man was wrong. Scie
ts have discovered that there is only a
thin envelope of air around the earth.
"The amount of air is definitely limited.
Complete contamination is fairly easy.
What joy there was when this discov-
ery was announced! Those who had
been rather. halfheartedly sending pollui
s into the air. convinced that it was
a hopeless, never-ending task, went back
to work with new zest. They held their
heads a little higher, there was a litle
more spring in their step. It was not
their imagination: Their eyes did smart
a little more and it was a little harder to
take a deep breath. There was a fullness
their hearts, almost matching that
lungs. Some burst into song, de
edly discovering how soon this brought
on a fit of cough
As a means of destroying the human
race, air pollution is extremely attrac-
tive. It has the three prime requisites: sub-
tlety, gradualness and total effect
(concluded on page 227)
The University of Illinois card section offers a Rabbit-fire salute to its favorite magazine during half time of the 1967 Michigan game.
pre-season prognostications for the top college teams and players across the nation
“in TIMES of such turmoil,” sai ly unctuous politician during homecoming festivities at a major state ur
versity last fall, “when all kinds of undesirable clements are attacking our most hallowed traditions, it is nice to sce
at least one part of the American scene untouched by rabble-rousers and revolutionaries. Thank God for college
football! There aren't any long-haired New Lelters or black militants on our football squad. Football players are dis-
ciplined. They know how to get along together.
The curious assumption—widely held among more stolid alumni—that college football players are uniformly
well-scrubbed, short-haired, moral-rearmament types who couldn't. care less about social justice was blown apart
by a number of incidents on several football squads last fall, though athletic departments and sports editors
tried atly to play it all down. It is foolish to assume that racial concerns (lext continued on page IH)
DEFENSIVE TEAM. Seated, I to r: Jon Sandstrom, middle guard (Oregon State]; Joe Greene, tackle (North Texas State);
Jake Scott, defensive back (Georgia); Tany Kyasky, defensive back (Syracuse). Standing, | ta r: Ted Hendricks, end
(Miami, Floride); Bill Stanfill, tackle (Georgia); Bob Stein, end (Minnesota); Bill Hobbs, linebacker (Texas A&M); Bob
Babich, linebacker (Miami of Ohio); Rager Wehrli, defensive back (Missouri); Ron Pritchard, linebacker (Arizona State).
Purdue's defense stops Indiana's John
OFFENSIVE TEAM. Kneeling: Dee Andros, Coach of the Year (Oregon State]. Seated, I to r: Leroy Keyes, halfback (Purdue);
Ron Sellers, end (Florida State}; Ted Kwalick, end (Penn State); George Kunz, tackle (Notre Dame]. Standing, | to r: Terry
Honratty, quarterback (Notre Dame); O. J. Simpson, halfback [Southern Call; Guy Dennis, guard (Florida); Larry Smith, full-
back (Florida); Mike Montler, tackle (Colorado); Charles Rosenfelder, guard (Tennessee); John Didion, center (Oregon State).
Isenbarger in battle for Rase Bowl berth.
also students and the
racial inequity
bly calls
lege athletes are
wave of concern about
atly white squads, Resent-
rebellion of black athletes
—aimed more at athletic administrators
and coaching staffs than at white athletes
destroyed squad morale at a few major
universities list scason and the result
showed clearly on the scoreboard. ‘Though
some of the racial gripes may be imagi-
ary. some are obviously real. One star
Negro athlete from a football-factory
school told us, “The: my soul
brothers sitting on our bench. IH a black
player on our squad isn't good enough to
make the first team, he doesn't have a
scholarship for very long. Only white
pl ride the bench and keep th
This unfortunate sit
course, less from bias among coaches tha
from the tendency to recruit academically
unqualified athletes in order to build a
winning team. Since a large proportion
of ionally deprived,
it is no surprise that many black athlete
uggle for classroom survival i i
singly competitive acade:
Thus, if they are anything short of super-
stars, they are casily bypassed at schools
where coaches have a win-or-else contract
So the social revolution has come to
college football, and its effects are likely
to be c mor n
than last. "The only possible solution is
lor university adminis ns to lift
some of the pressure to so that
coaches everywhere can begin 10 look
upon their players—white and black
alike—more as human beings and stu-
dents than as hired gladiators.
Also, the National Collegiate Athletic
Association should more carefully police
member institutions, so that fewer de-
vious methods are used to keep an ace
hlete school or to
passable student who
football coach.
aicresting development on
ion results, of
at this
dismiss an oth
the college gridiron scene. anit one th
is also likely to become increasingly ir
Üuental in the immediate future, is
the arrival of computer technology. The
ranking of teams has, heen
delegated by the wire services to selected
groups of sportswriters or coaches, who
vote cach week during the season for the
the past
top ten teams in the nation. This, of
course, is a totally e method:
the selectors’ inevitably
affected. by re nd un
equal i
A major br
rankings sc y
Chicago-based research agency that has
programed a computer to compare teams
by the one objective measuring stick—
game scores. A complex mathemati
procedure calculates score differe
interrelated, weblike manner. For cx
ample, th score of a game between
Purdue and IHlinois could have some effect
(though nall one) on the
rankin n though Stanford
plays neither of the teams. Also, as the
season progresses, the games played earlier
the year have decre fluence on
the teams’ rankings. Last year, we watched
the weekly results of the compute
tions (it would take a mathematician
five years to do all the computing of a
single Saturday's scores) and we are con-
ic than the
end, the computer's top ten
Notre Dame, Houston. Loui
Sou California, Miami,
Purdue, Georgia, Oklahoma
EL Paso. The Assoc
Press poll, however, listed South
fornia, ‘Tennessee, Okt:
None Dame. Wyoming, Oregon State,
Alabama, Purdue Penn. State.
Looking back over the season, we think
we would rather have trusted the com
puter’s judgment.
But a new season is upon us and the old
locker-room arguments about who can be;
whom are about to begin. We have some
ideas of our own, based on bushels of
reports gleaned from pr
1 over the country. So here goes.
There's something new this yea
the East: Syracuse, for a change, isn’t
arly all of
At season's
teams were
iana State,
and Texas at
will be reduced to using the forward
pass. Since big Ben's arsenal inc
Is Tony Gabriel and John Masis, the
finest receivers he's ever had i
might even instruct his qui
heave passes beyond the i
mage, thereby openi new en in
Syracuse football The Orange defense,
though, again. Led
by ravne cornerback
Tony Kyasky and tackle Are Thoms, the
defensive unit should be even more
able than last y
the toughest ii
Another major reason for a less plo
s fact that the
Penn State,
season is the
opposition is much str
for example.
tougher th: ks to the re
turn of halfback Bob € impbell and of line-
backer Mike Reid, who were supposed to
be the big gu 7 but were sidelined
with injuries. Nearly everybody ebe re
turns, too, including
tight end Ted Kwalick, the best of hi
i has
breed anywhere. Penn St
returned to the glories of the
era, and the only possible dilliculty we
sce for this season is finding a ca,
placement for graduated. quarterback
Tom Sherman, If this is accomplished,
the Nittanies may win ‘cm all.
Penn State — 91 Holy Cross 73
Syracuse 64 Colgate 55
ttsburgh 64 Rutgers 55
West Virgina 64 Boston College 45
Navy 5:5 Boston
Army 46 University — 45
Buffalo. $2 Villanova 46
Yale £1 Harvard 45
Corell &l Penn 36
Princeton. 12 Columbia 36
Dartmouth — 54 Brown 18
Gettysburg — 72 Lafayette 55
Temple 64 — Delaware 46
Holstra 64 Lehigh 37
Bucknell 55
TOP PLAYERS: Kwalick, Campbell, Onkotz,
Smear (Penn SL). Kyasky, Thoms (Syra-
cuse); Cindrich, Weston, Ferris, Orszulak
(Pitt); Crennel, Brown (W. Virgini;
Clark (Navy); Jarvis, Johnson (Army) i
cevicz (Holy Cross); Luzny (Buffalo); Bur-
ton, Powers (Colgate); Van Ness (Rutgers);
Hughes (Boston U.); Kroner (Boston C.);
Moore, Sodaski (Villanova); Dowling, Hill
(Ve leiber, Sponheimer (Cornell); Moore,
Bracken (Princeton); Gatto, Emery (Har-
vard); Koenig, Lawrence (Dartmouth); Jo
seph (Penn); Kontos, Murphy (Brown);
Domres (Columbia); Waller, Callahan (Tem-
ple), Havrilak, Onischenko — (Buchnell);
Jennings (Lehigh), Zimmers, Lewis (Lafa
yette); Favero, DiMuzio (Delaware); Barton,
Maloney (Gettysburg); Williams (Hofstra).
Now we get to the really good news:
Pittsburgh. Coach Dave Hart has done
a monumental rebuilding job. H
skilled coach, of course, but
no peer. Since
team after the
t has spent more
peoples living rooms 1
leaner salesman. Pennsylvie
vines and steel towns
recruiter's Shangri-l
picked them cle: he result is thar
most of the few seni the P
burgh squad this year will be carrying
water buckets while younger men exact
some retribution for the unseemly man
ner with which oppon
the Panthers in recent. years.
sophomore crew is the most
in school history
s a recruit
a vacuum
ad Hart
s 0i
and if the youngsters
ature quickly, Piusburgh will be
the most d
the country
tically improved team in
Among the new men to watch
(continued on page 122)
fiction By RAY RUSSELL secin. This is Carter, John Henry, Captain, U.S.A.F., Moon Shot HERE
One, Re-entry having been effected, this craft is now 30.25 minutes away from touchdown at Point Pin
Point and all systems are go, I am in good health, discounting a posible mild case of space
euphoria, am observing Earth at this moment, repeat have Earth in range on my view screen, COMES
reception clear, and a mighty pretty gal she is, too, my oh my, smiling up at me, big as life,
right underneath me, fat and sassy as ever, a sight for sore eyes Old Mother Earth, I'm telling
you. This here is Carter, John Henry, Cap— or did 1 identify myself already? . . . Anyway,
this is Atlanta's favorite son and—excuse the expresion—fair-haired boy, a genuine Yankee
Doodle Dandy, born on the Fourth of July, 1945, full-fledged citizen of the U. S. of
A. and the first man to set foot on the Moon. Correction. First man to set foot on
the Moon and come home to tell about it. The real first man on the Moon was my HE NRY
buddy, that other John Henry, and since I've got (continued on page 118)
all you generals and senators
and public-relations sharpies— and
you, too, mister president
and mister premier—
you're in for a real surprise
“The only way to tell
if they've real is to bite
them, Mr. Hancock.”
118. handle. We start out real formal—Cap
JOHNHENRY (continued from page 115)
another half hour till 1 touch down and
there’s still about 600 feet of tape left on
the reel here, I figure I may as well tell
you all about it, Because once I home in
for that famous pinpoint landing this
fancy new chariot is capable of, once 1 get
down there where those cameras are snap-
ping and the band is playing and all the
big brass is standing at attention and the
biggest brass of all is waiting to pin a
medal on my chest . . . by that time, it
will be too late.
Let me fess up and tell you that I didn’t
warm up to the idea at first. Oh, I knew
I wouldn't be taking the 239,000-milc trip.
to the Moon alone, I knew I'd be onc
half of a iwoman team, all through my
training 1 knew that, but it sure took me
by surprise when they told me that the
other stud on that team was going to be
one of them!
I mean, me?—riding to the Moon
alongside a Russian? Whooo-eee! What a
Of course, I get used to the idea pretty
quick. I dig that Darwin quote: “Adapt
or die." So I go along with the gag—
symbol of international understanding,
pledge of mutual trust, peaceful coexist-
ence, hands across the sea, the whole scam
(man, there was some mighty fancy lan-
guage flying!). And I dig why they pick
me, too—Mammy Carter's li pickaninny,
John Henry. Great public relations, you
know? I bet the propaganda boys sat up
all night thinking up that one. The Black
and the Red. The Darky and the Russky
Tovarish and the Tar Baby. The Com
rade and the Coon. A little cornball for
my taste, a little obvious, wouldn't you
say? But I’m a good boy, I go along.
Of course, mixed in with all this spi
of-cooperation stuff there's a kingsize
slug of the old Red, White and Blue, too.
Just to give the milk of human kindness
a litte kick, I guess. I mean, I get some
pretty strong hints that even though I'm
supposed to be buddies with this guy.
nobody's forcing me to forget all th
good old game spirit 1 learned back in
Boy Scouts, nobody's telling me 1 have
to take a back seat to anybody, nobody's
ordering me to jettison all the n.
sibling rivalry out of this nice litle
package of brotherly love. But this new
added ingredient isn't obvious at all—it’s
very soft sell. Still, I get the drift. It
would be oh, so nice, they're telling me,
if the American half of this team could
somehow end up Number One Boy in
the eyes of the world. I keep a straight
face while they feed me all this farina.
Not long after, 1 meet my teamie for the
first time.
Now, first thing I notice about this
cat is that he's a John Henry, too—lvan
Genrikhovich, John son of Henry, just
like me, my daddy's name is Henry, too.
Ivan Genrikhovich Yashvili. What a
Carter, Tovarih Kapitan ^ Yashvi
but pretty soon he says to just call him
Vanya and I tell him to call me John
Henry, which he does, almost: Johugenry
is the best he can do; but shucks, who
am I to complain? One thing 1 got to say
for him—he can talk English a damn
sight better than I can talk Russian.
All through indoctrination and dry
runs, we stay pretty formal except for
that firstname stuff. And then the big
day comes. We smile and shake hands
for the reporters. We cram our tails in-
side this mother and strap ourselves into
our custom-made couches—they're per-
sonally ta
that couch is like slippin
man back into the cookie cutter, old
man Schirra said back in '62, and it's
the best description I've heard yet, and
here comes the countdown, that nerve-
racking ride to zero that seems to take
ie, and then POW!!!—lift-offt
Man, the noiset The vibration! Millions
of pounds of thrust turn this thing into
a Mixmaster! Our body weight doubles,
then redoubles as the g forces squash us
back imo our couches! Like a ton of anvils
dropped on us! We force ourselves to
breathe, strain to open our lungs against
all those g anvils pressing down and doing
their best to flatten us out and squeeze the
air out of us, breathe, that's all you can
think of, breathe, baby, breathe; because
if you don't, you'll slip into a grayout
and then you'll be knocked cold com-
pletely. And the g anvils keep dropping
on us, g after g alter g... .
In two minutes we're going 6000
miles an hour, the booster engines drop
off and this stripped-down tin can of
ours keeps building toward peak veloc-
ity . . . we hit it, 25,000 mph . . . we
almost black out. . .
And then all those g anvils are gone
and the noise has shut up and the only
thing holding us to our seats are the
straps, because we're lighter than a
couple of soap bubbles. Zero gravity. I
check the instrument panel and take a
slug of o. j. from the squeeze bottle and
tum and grin at Vanya. He grins back.
We're on our way. The First Men
The Moon.
Is hard to stay formal when you're
cooped up in a thing like this, and
there's not too much to keep us busy
right now, all the automatic gizmos are
ticking along A-OK, so pretty soon we
begin to loosen up and talk.
He rubs my fur the wrong way when
he calls me an African, but I can see he
doesn’t mean any harm by it, he's just
trying to tell me that one of their big
Russky poets, sort of like their Shake-
speare, was part African, this Pushkin
cat. I tell him that’s real fine, I bet he
was a swinger. Then he asks me if I'm
the son of a slave. That tickles me so
much it makes me hugh out loud—
shows he's got U.S. history all tele-
scoped into a few years—and 1 tell him,
no, but my greatgreat-granddaddy was
a slave. He nods his head and says, "My
father's father was a serf.”
"That kind of breaks the ice, and pret-
ty soon I'm asking him where he’s from,
what part of Russia. He says “I mot
Russian, Johngenry. 1 from what Rus-
sians call Gruziya, what my people call
Sakartvelo. You call it, 1 think, Georgia.”
That really cracks me up. "You, too?
Just a couple of [i'l ole
that’s us!” And I start
best down-home drawl—
Jawjuh, Jawjuh,
No peace Ah fahnd,
Jes an ole sweet song
Keeps Jawjuh awn mah mahnd. . . .
"You grow any cotton over there
in your Georgia, Vanya? Any corn or
He says, “Corn, tobacco, yes. Cotton,
no. Also oranges and lemons, like your
California and Florida. Abo ta, al-
monds, silk, sugar beets, wine!”
“What part of Georgia you come
from? You a farm boy?”
He shakes his head. “From city, big
capital. Tbilisi, what you call Tifis.
Don't that beat all. I'm from the
capital of Georgia, 100.”
He smiles. “From my home comes
"You don't say. That some kind of
He laughs.
“Well, why didn't you say so in the
first place? Say, was he some kind of kin
to you? That name of yours, Yashvili, it
sounds like his, sort of chopped down.
n my home. many names sound so.
Cholokashvili, Orachelashv à
vili, Taktakishvili. But not only Georgi-
ans live in Georgia. Is like your country,
melting pot. Sixty-five percent, Georgi
Ten percent, Russians. Rest, Armenians,
Ossetians, Abkhasians, Ukrainians, Azeri
Turks, Jews, Greeks, Kurds. Many
And thar's the way it goes, the first
few hours out from Earth, until that bad
time comes, that first rcal bad bad time.
Now, the big problem on a trip like
this, you know, isn't air—the life-support
system includes tanks of a compound that
absorbs the carbon dioxide we exhale and
releases simon-pure 100-percent oxygen.
As for food, we only need like less than
a week's worth, because the whole round
uip to the Moon, going and coming, is
only 130 hours—which is 14 hours short
of six days—so food storage is no prob-
lem, either. (Hell, even if they forgot to
store food aboard. we'd make it .
be mighty hungry and mighty sk
the time we got back, but we'd make it
—five and a half days? It would be rough,
(continued on page 209)
"No! Is Stalin, Yosef
a quick-change artist's guide to short-order shrubbery—
instant mustaches, sideburns and beards
hair today,
gone tomorrow
PRESENTING the hairiest of all purons: Clean-shaven urbanites are sporting false facial foliage that can be whisked on for
a party and, if necessary, whisked off for working hours. The artful smoothie in this feature turns an o bevy of brush-
loving birds by instantly sprouting the type of face fuzz that pleasantly tickles each of their fancies. Here he keeps a stiff
upper lip, despite the nearness of two comely distractionists who is Zapata (left) and Britannia mustaches, $25 each.
Right on time for a pressing engagement, Before an elegant dinner à deux, he
the young man hos the situation well caters to his dcte's whimsy for whiskers
in hond; he's hirsutebly adorned i by serving up a stylish side order
traditional boot sideburns, about $60. af muttonchop sideburns, about $100.
The gentleman cultivates an even more As a swashbuckler, our man comes on
sophisticoted image—a look that this strong in a mariner's beard, obout
blonde definitely prefers—by favoring $100. All stick-on shrubbery ovciloble
€ Freudulent Vondyke, about $80. PHOTOGRAPHY BY J. BARRY O'ROURKE by mail fram Hollywood Joe's, N.Y.C.
Ralph €
fearsome pair of lineback
back Dennis Ferris. The Panthers are
arboring secre dreams of being the
erell team of 1968 (a la Indiana last
ndrich and Lloyd Weston,
nd i-
ycar). We think they just might.
Something new has happened at
West Virginia, too. The Mountaineers
have decided to a
bandon their poor rel
atives and move North to the big city to
seek a better future. The break with the
Southern Conference became official last
spring. The move was well timed, because
coach Jim Carlen is bringi
ginia back to gi flu
aggregation will almost
dimly remembered. winni
decade ago.
Things are tough for the military these
days Both West Point and Nava
Academy are lean on manpower. W
bodies are scarcest at Army, where both
forward walls suffered heavy g
casualties. The Cadets will have suflici
backheld talent—returnees fra
joined by nilty plebe h
Hunter. The problems at. Annapolis are
the reverse. Coach Bill Elias is scraping the
ler looking for throwing a ning
types to replace depa
as ever the optimist,
the Navy attack will t
fback Billy
ied John Cart-
ad Tery Murray. Nevertheless,
flatly predicts
even better this
akes the
disappointment in "67. But a glance a
the Middie schedule dampens hopes for
a winning season
e Doc Urich, Parseghian's
longtime assistant, took the helm at Bul
Falo three years ago, he has brought the
Bulls a long way. This year's squad should
be the strongest in school history, and the
Bulls could wind up in a Bowl game at
son's end. Holy Cross will he stronger,
too, if the Crusaders can find a few good
new linemen to go with a veteran. back-
field. New blood on the Colgate coaching
stall augurs a better future. On paper, the
1967 team promised to be a good one, but
the offense suffered from arth
wam won only iwo games.
ikedgling coach Neil Wheelwright will
open up the attack to take
quarterback Ron Burton's multiple skills.
This will take the pressure off an already
excellent defense, so the Raiders should
be a much bet
er football team.
r progress on
ron excellence, a
the Scarlet. Knights will
100th anniversary of col-
celebrate. the
lege football. a game that they
(continued from page 114)
tion of. Princeton) back
in 1869. With a lile more beef up
front and fewer injuries. Rutgers could
rive a year ahead of schedule. Bruce V.
Ness presumably won't have to pl
his n this year and,
, he could turn out to be
nding quarterback.
If the Boston University team can for-
get last year's embarrassment. (they won
only three games after preseason prog-
nosticator had nan m the
improved. sq
may recoup some
season's defensive J as superb, but
ic offense suffered a season-long attack of
acute ineptitude, The defenders, led by
gritty linebacker Pat Hughes, wi
be tough and, if the offense c
how to move the ball (finding
(with the cooper
re out
15 will
quarterback would help), the Ter
With the amival of new coach Joe
Yukica, things should be looking up at
Boston College, too. He's inherited
capable squad, and v»
holes in the offensive line, BC fans should
be ucated to a more potent attack. Biggest
new gun in the E
back Fred Willi
Villanova sullered
vere. impoverishment v
coach Jack Gregory f
litely called a
new fullback Mickey Kerins should give
Wildcats the r pum k that was
so obviously missing a year ago. If a
bright. group of sophs comes through,
Villanova won't play dead for anyone.
that Eli quarterback. Brian
Dowling will still be on his Frank Merri-
the Ivy League. But don't bet amy mon
ey on it; things rarely turn out the way
they're supposed to on the cerebral cir-
cuit. The Yalies won't have quite the
depth nor the emotional incentive of last
year, and. gii g feats of heroism
s might not be so
ivals, Dart-
as much better than
indicate, and if c
ick can find a suitably glue-fingere
replacement for departed receiver Bill
E the Red will be ready.
Qu k Bill Robertson retums, so
supersoph slinger Dick Furbush may de-
but as a halfback,
Princeton. won't
be bel
d. In
fact, the ‘Tigers’ incredible rash of
ries last season n m look a good
deal timer than they really were. There-
fore, if everyone stays healthy, the Tigers
could grind everybody under with their
but will menacing single-wing
The D:
tively green, and that’s no joke, son.
mouth squad will be rel
outstanding erbacks, Bill Koenig
amd soph Jim Chasey, should keep the
Indians’ multiple offense interesting; but
unless the new men grow up in a hu
this will have to be listed as a rebuild
year in Hanover. A similar—but ev
more acute—situation is extant in Cam-
bridge: 41 scholars were lettered in fooi-
ball at Harvard last fall and 27 h
nee fled with diploma in h
them are the acrial tandem of G
amd Ric Zimmerman, leaving no expe
enced quarterback candidates and a dearth
of good receivers. Flashy halfback Vic
Gatto returns, but he may not have many
blockers in fron
will be tougher, b
won't any
year’s: won-lost
direst need last sca
covered a bright new
Bernie Zbrzeznj (prono
who came off the bench
ter Lord
the schedule prob;
record. In a
t of
on, the Quakers dis
t on
ed Zbize^ inj),
to score
touchdowns and throw for a third
hy d
thrower Pancho Midr, he could help
Penn become the surprise team of the
ue in '68. Prospects are still bleak at
Brown. Last ycar's problems (lack of speed,
size and a healthy quarterback) have been
aggravated by graduation. Finding replace-
ments for 14 starters will be dillicult, so
Bear fans will have to wait at least another
year for a winning season
Temple should ae the
Middle . The Owls
are even sharper than last year, when
they won their first Conference cham
pionship. Hofstra lost too much
to challenge Temple, though
schedule should give them another win-
we season. Delaware, the one-time
power of the league, will partly recover
from last year’s dismal showing but the
squad is still 10 young for a shot at the
title. Both Bucknell and Gettysburg are
more formidable and either could take
the pionship — from.
Conference — ch:
Gel top soph
crop in years and a favorable schedule
will probably allow the Bullets to win
more games than any other t
lgop, though ‘Temple
win more Conference games
the championship. Bucknell's rugged
non-Conference schedule, on the other
hand, could result in the Bisons having
poorer wonost record than some of
their weaker M. A. C. foes, Bucknell soph
Tanas Onischenko could become a bril
liant defensive tackle. Lehigh will also be
improved, partly because of the presence
(continued. on. page. 196)
bly will
nd, thus,
“You can take our word for it, Sir Roger. They're both the same size.”
fledgling legal aide dru hart is cali-
fornia personified—from her back-to-
nature bent to her passion for baseball
THE CALIFORNIANS, wrote O. Henry 60 years ago, are
not merely inhabitants of a state—they’re a race of
people; and one of the loveliest specimens of that
species is 19-year-old September Playmate Dru Hart.
In transition from the leisurely pace of growing up
in the San Fernando Valley to the rush and respon
sibility of her new life as a career girl in Los Angeles,
Dru manifestly embodies the effervescent enthusiasm
and vitality O. Henry attributed to the denizens of
that swinging state. Whether at a ball game in
Chavez Ravine (she's a selfadmitted baseball nut)
or in the course of her hectic days as personal secre-
tary to prominent Los Angeles attorney William
Anderson, Miss September enjoys both with a native-
Californian gusto. Dru—"It's short for Drucilla
which makes it obvious why I like to be called Dru’
—also digs such mixed-media recreation as rock "n"
roll, surfing and waterskiing with the endlesssum-
mer set. Her notably informal speech pattern fur-
ther places her firmly in the tunedin generation:
“Without making a big thing out of it, I guess I do
try to groove to the fun side of life as much as
possible. But, at least for me, it doesn’t take a chem-
ical or even surroundings like the Sunset Strip to
flip me out. Unless the Dodgers have a big home
series—I’'ve been mad about them ever since they
As a legal secretary, Dru Hart takes her varied respon-
sibilities sericusly- whether locating a dusty lawbook,
receiving last-minute instructions from her boss or carry-
ing necessary files to the Los Angeles County Courthouse.
Days at the courthouse are especially busy, but Dru likes them
best. "The greatest por! about my job," she says, “is thot every
case is different, so the work never gets routine. Law is still pretty
much of a mystery lo me—but it's o gos." Briefcase in tow, she
often spends her time running errands between the office and the
courtroom—interrupted only for a quick sandwich or a dash Io the
drinking fountain. Because of her active work weeks, Dru reserves
Saturdays and Sundays strictly for pleasure, particularly baseball.
Opposite, top left: She drops in ot the Bizazz in Glendale to pi
up on outfit for a special event—a Dodgers-Cubs game. After try-
ing on c couple of way-out “nude look" dresses—occomponied
by much laughter—she opts for a less wild herringbone tweed
"The other clothes were really out of sight, but I felt silly
in them"). On o visit home (opposite, top right ond center], Dru
and her sister Lynn rummage through the record collection—
mostly rhythm and blues—and settle down for a long musical
session with Cokes and conversation. “Lynn and | have become
much closer lately,” says Miss September, “more like friends
thon sisters, if that mokes any sense." Aller changing into her
new suit, Dru relaxes briefly with Coco, the family poodle, until
fellow Dodgers fan Rick arrives to take her to Chavez Ravine.
| it
came to town when I was nine—I spend most of my warm-weather week-
ends on camping trips with friends. We usually split for a place I dis
covered with my lamily—a long, beautifully clear lake called the Cachuma
Reservoir about a hundred miles up the coast. We sleep overnight on the
banks and then hike up into the hills. You're so completely detached from
the city, it's easy to imagine how isolated the first settlers must e felt.”
Dru currently maintains a small aparunent in Van Nuys, halfway between
her family’s home and Los Angeles, but she's looking for a larger place in
A. “to fill with big bright paper furniture, plastic cushions and a huge
sterco system.” Although she's satisfied at the moment with her carcer as
a lawyer’s girl Friday, she says she might abandon the staid surroundings
of law offices and courtrooms for something more glamorous. “IE fashion
photographers weren't quite so obsesed with tall, emaciated girls,” says
Dru, “Vd like to try my luck at modeling. And I'm turning on to act-
ing, too. For some time, I've thought about joining a little theater
group; I wish now that I'd taken some dramatic training in school—
it would help. But I'll have to see how things turn out when 1 move to
L. A.” With what Dru has going for her, things should turn out just fine.
Sporting a souvenir pennant
provided by Rick, Dru rivets
her attention on the progress
of the game (top}—and, like
any good fan, reflects the
team’s changing fortunes in
her reactions. “I get really in-
volved with what's happen-
ing; i's a kind of therapy
When the Dodgers win, I go
away feeling like l've won
something, too—and when
they lose, well, | try not to think
about it." On this night, Dru
gloats good-naturedly over
her team's victory, reminding
Rick that he's lost the bet
they made belore the game.
After an cxamination, the curvaccous blonde
phoned her gynecologist. and asked, “Doctor,
would you see if by chance I left my pantics
in your office?”
He looked in the examining room, returned
to the phone and told her, "Im afraid they're
not here.”
“Sorry to trouble you, docto
“ril try the dentist.”
she replied.
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines pylon as
what a nymphom: ight say at a nude
beach party.
While inspecting their honeymoon motel room,
the bride discovered a little box attached to the
bed. "What's this for?" she asked her husk
“If you put a quarter in,” he answered, reach-
ing into his pocket, “the bed starts vibrating.
“Save your money,” she cooed. “A quarter
in and I start vibrating, too.”
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines triplets as
what you might get from small doses of LSD.
Two old friends, both prosperous businessmen,
hadn't scen cach other in some time and hap-
pened to meet on the beach at Miami. "What
brings you here, Jack?” asked one.
‘Actually, Fred, a uagedy. My business was
burned to the ground, and I'm taking a vacation
on part of the $250,000 insurance money.”
“What a coincidence," responded Fred. "My
business was destroyed by a flood and I got
almost a million in insurance,"
After a moment of thoughtfui silence, Jack
ned close to his friend and whispered: “Tell
Fred—how do you start a food:
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines chest pro-
tector as a bouncer at a topless restaurant.
Asked by his teacher to spell “straight.
third-grade boy did so without error. “Now.
said the teacher, "what does it mean?"
Without. water
Then there was the Eskimo who rubbed noses
so indiscriminately that he contracted syphilis.
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines prudery as
meddle-class morality.
Twas married twice,” explained the man to a
newly discovered drinking companion, “and
Til never marry in. My first wife died after
cating poison mushrooms and my second died
of a fractured skull."
"That's a shame,” offered the friend. “How
did that happen?
‘She wouldn't eat her mushrooms.”
Not that 1 believe in reincarnation,” said the
young man to his hyperprudish date, “but what
were you before you died?”
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines homoge-
neous as a wise old queer.
AIL 1 need in an apartment,” says a bachelor
we know, “is cnough room to lay my head—
nd a few close friends,”
The sexy coed was being driven back to college
by her wealthy father's chauffeur when a tire
blew out. Seeing that the chauffeur couldn't re-
move the hubcap, the gir] reached for the tool-
box and asked, "Do you want a screwdriver?”
“Might as well," he muttered. "I sure c
get this damn hubeap off.”
asked the desk sergeant.
"He must have been,” she replied. “I had to
show him what to do."
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines scratch pad
as a Greenwich Village bank.
Mather," the sweet young thing asked, "re-
member when you told me the way to a man's
heart was through his stomach?
“Yes, dear." the mother answered.
“Well,” the girl went on, "last night I found
a new Tute."
Discussing their respective employers, onc
pretty secretary confessed to her friend, “When-
ever I take dictation, he has me sit on his desk
and then plays with my stockings while he's
talking. Does your boss ever do such things?"
“Oh, no,” replied the other. “He's above all
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines girls’ school
as an institution of higher yearning.
Hey, lover,” said the hipi
child he'd just met, “h
picked up by the fuz?
“No,” she answered, "but I bet it really hurts."
to a pretty flower
e you ever been
Heard a good one lately? Send it on a post-
card lo Party Jokes Editor, vivuov, Playboy
Building, 919 N. Michigan Ate., Chicago,
ILL, 60611. $50 will be paid to the contributor
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned.
howto be a son of a beach and shore up the inner man
SEPTEMBER HATH not only 30 days but also the swectest
tasting, most enjoyable clambakes of the whole year. Men
who entertain are ready to toast the fact that the gnats have
fled, the weekend traffic jams have been unraveled and the
teeming shores are now unteemed. The best and timeliest
way we know of celebrating is to cruise to a deserted cove,
light up a beach fire and place on the glowing coals bundles
of softshell clams. live lobsters, split chickens, golden corn
on the cob and potatoes lavishly rubbed with butter. The
merry quintet of foods that make up the modern shore dinner
is reminiscent of pre-Puritan Indian parties that, tradition
has it, glorified the end of the summer's harvest with a whole
day's catch of seafood. It was steamed over whitehot stones
nd seaweed, Intended as a sacrificial offering to tribal gods,
the heaping feast was usually rescued before it was completely
incinerated and went instead into the bellics of heap-big
"The guiding principle of any outdoor shore dinner is
expressed in the simple words fire power. It can be employed
in a number of ways. One is the imu, which is Hawaiian
for the holc-in-theground approach. It involves not only fire
power but also muscle power and is still practiced on a sur-
prising number of beaches up and down the coast line. To
manage it properly, you must be the sort of man who can
unerringly tell the difference between nonexploding rocks and
the type of shale rocks that do pop when heated, because
they contain water. You arrive at your site carrying shovel,
pickax, rake and tarpaulin, The men in your shore party are
divided into squads. One digs a saucer-shaped pit at a point
comfortably removed from the high-tide mark. Another leaps
about, gathering seaweed or other nonbitter leaves such as sassa-
fras or grape. A third combs the beach, gathering dry logs or
driftwood for the fire built above the
rocks. For big parties, a cord or two of
wood is usu ally ordered beforehand. When
the rocks are white-hot, they're draped
with seaweed, then with the dams, lobster,
chicken, corn and potatoes; after that,
a second bed of seaweed, the tarpaulin
and, finally, about six inches of sand to
hold the heat in tow. It's Daniel Booneish
but still the accepted style of those bake-
masters who cater to huge political clam-
bakes, outsize chowder parties and other
eating circuses.
"There's a new breed of New Englander
that has discovered a more modern ap-
proach, and it’s as simple as this: You
use portable grills or, if the party is held
on your own patio, your own barbecue
equipment; an outdoor stone or brick fire-
ace is perfect. Build a double layer of
coal fire and, when the charcoal begins
to turn gray, take the ingredients for the
dambake—wrapped i idual. porti
foil bundies—and place them above the
coals. 1n an hour or less, your dambake is
ready to unpack, releasing the most tan-
ng. fragrances this side ot Martha
tive. A few days me your |
seafood dealer who specializes
to clambakcs, tell him how m
combers you're entertaining and he'll fill
suitable pot (your own or one that he
furnishes) with all ingredients scrupulous-
ly tailored to your own seafood fancies. If
you want to include shrimp or baby blu
fish, to use sausage instead of chicken or
substitute yams for white potatoes, he'll
satisfy your whims and deliver the com-
plete feast-in-a-pot to your station wagon,
cruiser, patio or terrace. All you supply is
the fire and a brigade to carry those end-
less buckets of beer and ice.
Outdoor hosts with sensitive noses
tuned to the pervading aromas of
grilled steaks and chops all summer long
will notice that at an alfresco shore dinner
all the sweet fragrances of dams, lobster,
chicken, corn and potatoes are trapped
inside the aluminum foil or under the lid
of the clam cooker. Eventually they're set
free; but during their en a culi-
mary miracle takes place. The potatoes,
chicken and corn emerge bursting with
flavors so deli
seems that nothing on land or sea could
possibly rival their new gusto. The suc-
culent coalition has come about because
everything in the bundle has been steam-
baked in the rare liqu
the lobster, set off with a fa
There are many pleasure-seeking mari-
ners, nevertheless, who enjoy watching
the viands over the charcoal bed almost
as much as g them. For these pur-
ists, the best thing is the naked clam
bake; that is, one in which everything is
cooked uncovered directly on the hissing
es more attention; hosts must
ng to put their pilsner glasses
down long enough to turn the young
broilers or to make sure the corn in the
husk isn't charred beyond recognitio
The important thing to remember
that all fish and shelllish—outside of a
few specimens such as abalone and octo-
pus—are tender in their raw state. You
cook them to transform their flavor;
riotous flame only toughens and dries
Split lobsters above the coals must be
broiled shelkside down, so that the
flesh doesn’t turn to rubber. Only when
the very edges of the lobster shells be-
come charred does the flesh side briefly
face the fire for a final benediction and
sealing. Shrimps on a skewer are always
more tender and tasteful if their shells
are left on and merely cut down. the
back, so that the veins cin be removed
Cherrystone clams out of the shell are
tenderly wrapped before
they're exposed to the hot embers. All
seafood broiled directly over or under a
fire should be generously swabbed with
melted butter before, during and after
the broiling. But seafood needn't be
blessed exclusively by butter. ‘There are
four other dips (recipes follow), which
may be served hot or cold; these,
together with drawn butter, may all be
offered at one time as a bounteous med-
ley. ‘Thus, if you're broiling swordfish,
still at a seasonal peak, the assortment of
sauces will transform the solo offering
into a rich seafood varidte.
While seafood grilled outdoors over
coals must be handled more cautiously
than meat, the field of choice these days
for a shore menu has become Lucull
In the dominion of the sea, the clam
is only one of at least 160 kinds of com-
mercial fish and shellfish that throng
America’s offshore waters. From mussels
to mullets, they all lend themselves to
carousals in the open air
Shore dinners these days are no longer
confined to down-E,
deep. Anyone who's ever tasted the fresh
wares on
»iso or the coq stone
crabs and pompano from Florida's w
n bacon
are pure ocean tre;
and truck express, shore lines have now
been rolled back so that seafood parties
can be staged in the most secluded inland
Any site that you select for your shore
dinner should be far from the maddin
crowd. Thomas Gray, who penned the
famous line, was, incidentally, a studious
gourmet and collector of recipes. Tt was
therefore quite natural for him to campos
a line equally famous—"What
avene to f All contemporary cats
will savor the following ichthyological
(Serves six)
1 db. fresh crab meat or 2 71297. cans
tendonless crab. meat
V4 cup green pepper, m
14 cup celery. minced. ext
2 medium-size scal
iced extremely
14 cup mayon
2 teaspoons prepared. mustard
poon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Salt, celery salt, pepper
1 long loaf French bread
While famished members of the party
are npatiently for the clambake
to be uncovered. one of the best t
rary appeasements at the shore
aab canapé.
should be prepared indoors, chilled and
carried to the picni sulated bag.
Examine fresh crab meat
carefully remove any pieces of
Break up large pieces of meat
Combine all ingredients except bread, sea:
soning to taste with salt, celery salt and
pepper. Keep chilled until needed. Place
mixture in heavy saucepan over moder:
until ingredients
rther cooking is um
bread and toast above coals.
crabmeat mixture on toast. (Ow
pan may be rubbed with soap or deter
gent paste for easier cleaning, later.)
(Serves six)
6 dozen large-size steamer clams
ive lobsters, 114 10 114 Ibs. c
3 split chickens, small broiler size.
Ibs, cach
6 cars corn on the cob, silk removed.
husk left on
size potatoes
size onions
Salt, pepper
14 Ib. softened butter
Brush chickens with salad oil. Sprin
kle with salt and. pepper. Broil under a
preheated moderate fame indoors or
over a charcoal fire outdoors only unt
chicken is light golden brown on both
sides. I should not be completely
cooked. Wash clams well. Wash. potatoes
well and cut a thin slice from cach end
Coat generously with softened butter
Peel onions, leaving t whole. The
onions are an optional item; they add
to the general succulence. For cach por
tion, place a lobster, a half chicke
car of corn, 12 dams, à potato and an
onion on a piece of cheesecloth 24 ins
by 36 ins. Bring ends of the cheese
cloth. together and tie to keep the lobster
a place. Pour about 4 cup water over
the cheesecloth. Place sheet of
heavy-duty aluminum foil 18 ins. by 36
(continued om. page 211)
on a
he tried to seal himself off from the world, but the door chimes kept ringing like a death knell
fiction By DAVID MADDEN J. D. ovr: 10 him. A man began talking to
him. Through the pain in his head, in his ey g- Who were these people? Why
was he on the couch? On the coffee table sat an empty Jack Daniel's fifth and two glasses. Why two? The voices went
on talking to him. “Yes?” asked.
Chimes. he ed himself up to answer the front door, a m.
pale-rose carpet. True. Light through the wide window clashed on
pulled the drape cord, darkened the room. Light flickered from the television sei
an who had been talking to him were talking to each other in a family sit
grecting a neighbor at the door. But J. D. still heard chimes.
Going to the door, he wondered why he wasn't at the office. Labor
ed off his chest and flopped onto the
The chimes. He stumbled to the k
the corner. The man and the wom
ion-comedy series. "The husband was
Where (continued on page 142)
were Carolyn? Ronnie? Ellen?
The sudden smell of flowers, thrust at
him in red profusion as he opened the
door, made J. D. step. back
flowers!" No, she was gone. With the kid:
"This the Hindle residence?
“My wife's in Florida.”
The young man hooked th
handle over J. Ds arm and started back
down the walk.
A p
“Hey, come back here, fells.”
My deepest. sym-
You just said you were Mr. Hindle.
“Nobody dead here, pal. Wrong Hin
dle, maybe. You beter check.
J. D. handed the young man the bas-
on endless roofs below
t J. D. as he paused a mo
ment on his porch, which was at the
crest of a roll in the Rolling Hills Homes
community. Blinking, he went in and
turned off the TV, picked up the boule
d the glasses and started to the kitch-
m to find colfee. As he passed the front
door, the chimes sounded.
The young man again with the flowers
“L checked and doublechecked, Mr.
Hindle. They're for you.
“Listen, nobody died here. The card's
unsigned and the whole thing's a m
take. OK?” J. D. shut the door and
went om (o the kitchen. Through the
window over the sink, he saw the deliv-
to his truck without the
ery boy ge
‘They stood on the porch, red, fresh,
About to leave them there
car come down the
nd set th
jJ. D. saw a fami
Street, so he took the roses
just inside the door
Every morning since they had moved
into this house three years ago, J. D.
had found coffee in the pot as depend-
ably as he had seen daylight in the
yard. This morning. daylight hung full
and bright in the young birch tree, but
the pot was empty. When he found the
colle, he re he didn't
to operate the newmodel percolator.
When he finally found the
se dt solitary,
Now, how did the damned stove
work? The latest model, it left him far
behind. The kitchen was a single. int
ted marvel —or mystery— princess pink
e second outfit since they had built the
For Carolyn, it had every conv
ience. On the rare ocasio n J. D.
entered the kitchen, he simply dangled in
the middle of the room, feeling immersed
in a glimmer of pink that was, this
morning, a hostile blur.
s wh
(continued from page 137)
He let the hot water in the bathroor
washbow! run, filled the plastic, insulat
ed collee mug, spooned instant. collec
from the jar into the cup and stirred
viciously. The fist sip scalded hi
tongue; the second. as he sat on the
edge of the tub, made him gag. Perhaps
four teaspoonfuls was to
In the hall, he slipped on Ronnie's
plastic puzzle set suewn over the al-
ready slickly polished floor, and the pain
of hot coffee that spilled down the front
of his shirt made him shudder.
His feeling of abandonment seemed.
more intense than his feeling of content-
ment yesterday he watched Carolyn
ad the kids board the plane. Sitting on
the couch, he tried to see their faces,
1 stood on the
porch, holding a green urn of 1 "
boh hands, though his burden looked
"What do you want?"
God's name, what. for?
ik there's a card.”
J. D. set the coffee cap on the
table and took a card out of its tiny
white envelope: “We extend our deepest
sympathy to you in your recent bereave
ment James L. Converse, Manager,
Rolling Hills Homes."
"Wait a moment, will you
Leaving the man holding the lilies,
J. D. went to the telephone in a con-
fusion of anger and bewilderment and
dialed Converse’s number. His office
didn't answer. Labor Day. His home
idn't answer. Gone fishing, probably.
hing OK
“I ean take a joke,” said J. D., tà
the flowers. He tipped ihe deliveryr
He set the lilies beside the roses.
But he showered, the more he
thought about it, the less he felt inclined
to take a joke like this.
Out of razor blades. In this world’s-
fair delux hroom exhibit, he knew
there was de dispe
in the fixtures. somewhe
found it, he would prol
nazed. Since
When he
bly be delight-
Carolyn. always saw
to it that hi ready, he had
had no occasion to use the dispenser.
But he remembered it as one of the bath-
room's awesome lemures. He pushed a
button. Pink lotion burped out onto
his bare toes. He ripped a Kleenex out
of a dispenser under the towel cabinet.
It seemed that the house, masterfully
conceived to with human
ly existed fi
his morning, now that its more
ired human beings had tempo-
beings had not r
Where were his underdothes, his
shirts, his trousers—which Carolyn had.
ng for him on the mol
gizmo every morning? In the fi
houses they had had—each representing
or step in the insurance company's
—he had known where most
things were and how 10 operate the
cilities. He remembered. ly where
his shirts used to hang in the hou
Greenacres Manor. As second
president, perhaps he spent morc timc
away now, more time in the air. Coming
home was more and more astro.
aut's reentry problem.
His wrist watch informed him that two
hours had been consumed in the simple
act of getting up and dressing himself —
in lounging Clothes, at that. As he entered
the living room again, he heard a racket
in the foyer. When he stepped off the
pale-rose carpet onto the pinkish marble,
er lapped against the toc of his shoc,
‘The roses fay finned out on the marble.
A folded newspaper, shoved through the
brass delivery slot, lay on the floor. When
J- D. picked it up, water dripped on hi
He removed the wantad section and
the comics and spread them over the
fourbranched run of water, stanching
its fow.
He wished the chill of autumn had
not set in so firmly. How nice it would
be to sit on the veranda
morning paper leisurely in
filtered through the large umbrella
opened the drapes a little and sat in his
black-lcather easy chair. The cold leather
chilled him thoroughly. He would have
and read the
to turn the heat on.
On page two, as he ducked his
tongue to alleviate the bitterness of the
tongue, cad a news report
twice about the death of Carolyn Hi
dle, 36, and her children, Ronald H
Hindle, 7, and Ellen Hindle, 9, in a hur
ricane near Daytona Beach, Florida. Sur
vived by J. D. Hindle, 37, vicc president
T'm sorry, all lines to Florida a
"But, opcratoi emergency
“Whole sections of the Florida coast,
. are in a state of emergency. Hurri-
cane Glor i
“I know that! My wile—"
And with Labor Day. Do you
wish me to call you when I've contacted
the Br Hotel, or do you wish to
place the call later?"
"Call me.”
J. D. flicked on the tele
gulped the cold nt coffe, Jt was a
mistake. They had mistakenly listed sur
vivors instead of victims. Or perhaps they
were only—the phone rang—mi:
"Mr. Hindle, oi call to
Breakers Hotel in
registered there
(continued on page 254)
ACCORDING TO TIME-HONORED (if not entirely reliable) Horatio Alger tradition, almost
any ambitious young man, with a lot of good fortune, could quickly reach the top of
the ladder in the business world. The principal ingredient in the formula for success
was luck: a careening carriage being pulled wildly along a street by a team of run-
away horses—and, of course, inside the carriage, the terrified, nubile daughter of a
multimillionaire. The young man needed only to fling himself on the horses’ harness
and, by dint of courage and brawn, bring beasts, carriage and the terrified, nubile
daughter to a safe halt just short of
“My hero! You have saved my life!" the lovely damsel would breathe in gratitude.
“I shall see that my father rewards you!”
Soon afterward, our hero would find himself happily and wealthily ensconced as—
at the very least—a vice-president in one of the tycoon's giant companies and married,
equally happily, to the tycoon’s daughter.
I have no way of knowing how many—if any—Horatio Alger-style success stories
were actually recorded in the history of American business. Certainly, the aspiring
executive of today would have an extremely hard time trying to make his mark by wait-
ing for a runaway Cadillac to pass him on Madison Avenue, Wacker Drive or Wilshire
Boulevard. These days, reaching the upper rungs of the ladder of corporate success is
hardly a matter of luck. Few, if any, of our modern-era business executives are born.
Virtually all of them are made—in the sense that they are produced by various
processes of education, training and experience.
Fortune magazine, which has established an enviable reputation among business-
men for its intensive coverage of the business world, has, at various times, sought to
determine the qualities that make the nation's executives. I recall one survey con-
ducted by the magazine that was aimed at gauging the level of education among
executive personnel. In the course of the study, questionnaires were submitted to the
chairmen, presidents, vice-presidents and other top-level executives of more than 800
U. S. companies. Results indicated that, of the 1700 upper-bracket management men
responding, two out of every three were college graduates and one fourth of the remain-
der had at least some undergraduate training.
Impressive as these statistics might scem—and they do reflect a very high propor-
tion of college graduates in the ranks of top management—a similar study made more
recently, but among a smaller group of business leaders, showed that the proportion of
college graduates was even higher: around 85 percent in this particular sampling. The
educational qualifications of U. S. business executives are even more striking when some
additional facts are considered. As Fortune pointed out, less than two percent of all
Amcrican male college graduates have made Phi Beta Kappa. But in the upper strata
of U.S. business management, the ratio of @BKs is five times greater than this:
Nearly ten percent of the men holding top-level executive positions are entitled to sport
BK keys on their watch chains. And among the men who are at or near the a pex of
the business pyramid, some five percent made the dean’s list, graduated cum laude or
better or were chosen as valedictorians during their college careers, Eleven percent of
these top executives were members of academic societies while attending college.
Charting the educational-attainment levels of younger executives through the years
from 1900 to the present day, one is struck by the steady and unwavering upward curve.
The conclusions are inescapable. The modern-day bu
mal education than his predecessors,
ess executive obtains more for-
nd the beuereducated | (continued on page 151)
a pictorial preview of the cinematic
loveltes who beautify the upcoming
barbra streisand musical
"Tui MoNTH in New York, just a few blocks
from where it all began four and a half years
ago, Columbia Pictures world-premicres its
Jong-heralded film adaptation of the hit musical
Funny Girl. The poignant story of comedienne-
singer Fanny Brice's ill-fated love for gambler
Nicky Arnstein and her subsequent rise to
fame in the Twenties, Funny Girl combines
the potent talents of Omar Sharif and super-
songbird Barbra Streisand in a screen-debut
replay of her star-making role on Broadway.
In addition to the much-publicized kissing
scene between the ancestrally incompatible
stars, much of Funny Girl's footage is devoted
to the lavish stage spectaculars that were the
trademark of Florenz Ziegfeld, whose Follies
made Miss Brice an international star. Pro-
ducer Ray Stark (who just happens to be mar-
ried to Miss Brices daughter, Frances) and
director William Wyler—trying his hand at a
musical for the first time—have created a stun-
ning celluloid version of the Follies; in keep-
ing with Ziegfeld's own specifications, Funny
Girl's chorines are as statuesque and zs cx-
uavagantly endowed as were their predecessors
in the original lineup. In this exclusive
PLAYBOY pictorial, the glamorous girls of Fun-
ny Girl reveal themselves as more than capa-
ble of making the Twenties roar once again.
Alená Johnston (right and opposite page, top),
who was discovered in Hollywood by comedian
Bill Dano, landed her first role in The Ambushers.
Jonet Hamlin (opposite page, bottom),
© former Miss Nevada, hos been signed to
donce ot The Desert Inn in Las Vegas.
Yvonne Shubert (above), a former Los Angeles Ployboy Club
Bunny, is a native Californian who relishes adventure. “I flew
oround the world o few years ogo,” she says, “ond | plan to
cover the same territory agoin soon—only this time by boot.”
A lover of good food—especially her own—Yvonne wistfully
observes, “If 1 didn't have to wotch my figure, | think I'd dine
on fondue bourguignonne and a greot burgundy at least three
times o week.” Blonde Barbaro Stevens (above right and
black-wigged at right ond opposite page) was born in Los
‘Angeles, moved to New York City when she wos 12 and there
began o modeling coreer thot soon awakened her ambition to
become on octress. Funny Girl marks the shapely (38-24-3B)
Miss Stevens’ first film oppeorance. "The Follies sequences in
Funny Girl were os physically demanding as a marathon track
event," she says, “but—thonks to Omar Shorif, who is the most
charming man I've ever met—it was on experience | wouldn't
146 hove missed for an unlimited charge account ot Bullock's.”
Funny Girl's Caroline and Christine Willioms are cinema's newest sister actresses.
Christine (right and opposite page) was a Los Angeles Playboy Club Bunny ond, at
six feet, the tallest Playmate ever to appear in the magazine (October 1963). “In
spite of my height,” says Christine, “or perhaps because of it, | find I'm really
attracted to shorter men. I'm also attracted to silver Ferraris, which has nothing at
all to do with my height but everything to do with, well, silver Ferraris.” Christine,
who was born in Los Angeles, is "mod about horses. | have a couple of friends who
ovn ranches in Nevada,” she says, "ond whenever I con, I like to get out there
‘ond ride wild stallions until they're manageable, Maybe | don't look like a bronco-
buster, but | am." Caroline was born in Antigua, British West Indies, when the girls’
father, an electronics engineer, was assigned to o project there. "Aside from high
school plays,” Caroline says, “Funny Girl is the first acting I've ever done. | met
producer Ray Stark and, after we'd talked a bit, he asked me to try ou! for a part.
Although | don't think | have enough control aver myself in front of the camera,
acting gives me a lor of self-confidence.” Caroline has already decided whor kind
of film she eventually wants to star in: “I would like to get a very sexy role written
just far me, in which | could really be myself—I guess I'm a secret sensualist.””
Kathy Mortin (opposite page) attended the Sorbonne in Paris for three years, during
which time she modeled houfe couture for such French mogozines as Elle and Poris-
Match. Finding clothing to grace her 5'10", 36-23-37 dimensions had been o
problem for Miss Mortin until recently, when she began designing her own fashions.
“I do semirevealing high styles—slits to the waist, bockless dresses; that sort of thing
works well for toll women. And,” she adds, “I would very much like a coreer in
designing. Acting is greot fun and wonderfully chollenging, but you almost have
fo give up everything else in order to become successful at it. | think the world hos
too many other becutiful and groovy things going for it.” Bettina Brenna (top left
ond above) is o groduote of UCLA, where she majored in theater. Upon graduotion
in 1966, Bettino—all 6'1” of her—londed a role in TV^s Beverly Hillbillies and lost
yeor was the featured showgirl at Nevodo's Sahora-Tahoe Hotel. During a stint in
Los Vegos, Bettina says, “I quit my dancer's job on a hunch and, within a month,
was hired for two movies.” Anne Francis (left! has oppeored in 23 films since going
to Hollywood at the age of 15. In 1966, she won a Golden Globe Award as TV's
most popular octress for her femole-detective theatrics in the Honey West series.
In Funny Girl, Anne ploys the girl who was Fonny Brice's closest friend in the Follies. 151
Virginia Ann Ford (top, left and right), on expert equestrienne, learned to ride on
her family's ranch just outside Dallas. Discovered by Columbia during a talent
search through Texas, Virginia Ann hos already appeared in two other films. She
was a history major at Southern Methodist University and, with cause, is a Civil
War buff: Her great-grandfather was Robert E. Lee. lowa-barn Karen Lee (above)
wos o "Slaygirl" in The Silencers and Murderer’s Row before being signed for
Funny Girl. Miss Lee was first sighted by Columbia while appearing in Las Vegas
with the Thunderbird Hotel’s own Ziegfeld Follies. Joni Webster (right) studied at
San Francisco State College before embarking on an acting career. In three years,
Joni has guested on such popular television series cs The Monkees ond The
Virginian and has londed parts in several films. Outdoor oriented, she spends her
early-autumn weekends waterskiing at Lake Meod, Nevada. Chris Cranston
(opposite page), Miss Winternationals 1967, is a successful model. “I enjoy acting,
but I'm not really absessed with being a star,” she says. Chris, whase favorite
sport is skiing (which, come winter, she pursues regularly at Cali
rnio's Mammoth
Mountain), hopes that she will soon find the right man to settle down with,
152 “and then every once in a while I'll take a movie role.”
executive is most likely to rise fastest and
Thus, on the face of things. it would
appear that the
universities provide the best of all exec
tive breeding grounds. It would. appear
that the principal prerequisi
in business is a colles
once he has his sheepskin in hand. the
college grad
top of any corporate: pyramid.
Unfortunat St appearances are
sometimes decciving—nd even the most
accurate and carefully compiled. statis
al all the facets of
For many
nessmen of
tics do nor always rev
the story they strive to tell
asoned. bu
years, Iland se
my acquaint have noted a very
definite and ing tend tow
overspeciali educa In
too many
on the technical w
ces, the emphasis has
g of y
men and women who intend to make
iheir carcers in the business world.
Admittedly, this is an age of special-
—3à fact that holds as true for the
ss world as it docs for, say. the
al profession. FIL be the first to
that there is a great need for spe-
alization in business—and. 1 will ev
concede that business could not operate
/ without specialists
as disheartening
d overspeciali
ion among
young executives especia edw
cation. Ht seems that many young men
are devoting an inordinately large portion
of their aculemic lives to the study of the
useful disciplines" —while ignoring those
subjects that aid an individual in develop
ing imo a multidimensional human being.
es show that, for a long time,
there has been a steady relative decline
le college students
ber of m
liberal arts courses or who
choose elective courses designed to
broaden their cultural interests. "To the
young executive, speculativ
as forcign as the game of boccie," Wal-
ter Guzardi, Ji. wrote in a recent
agazine article: Culturally, Guzzardi con
duded, the young Ame ive i
a narrow man.
1 hink that at deas some of
me for this lies with our colleges
Tm sure that a part of the
nt student unrest stems from fee
the ed l establishment is not
in tune with the times. D cn feel con
siderable sympathy for the gent col
Jege student who resents depersonalizati
The universities have been
study of the useful disciplines ;
in a great many instances, done [i
make the h es appealing to young
n who are cager to h
thought is
le to
(continued fram page H3)
the attitude that education should tach
simple motor tasks. This attitude can pro
ducc a breed of depersonalized. autom;
tons. But the entering. freshman. studen
desiring 10 prepare himself for a business
arcer, is attracted. by useful or practical
» have intrinsic value
t the “soft
ts or the soc
mple—because he is not
3t they have any practical use.
more than
1 attended college
can recall bein
reaching processes that prevailed—as. it
ppcned—ar the University of California
Berkeley. I left. Berkeley to complete
my education at Oxford. There 1 found
that che student was granted much greater
m. Compared with Berkeley, there
ely more emphasis on the bu-
courses— dea
was in
manities. The student at Oxford was
lowed to learn at his own pace and en.
couraged to read widely far be
limits of
can a
jy specialty or n
t of the bh
so be laid
ic for overspes
the doorsiep of some
companies that. according to reliable ac
counts, prefer to hire the one-track type
and shun the man with broader interests
Scores of books purport to provide infal-
lible guides for executive selection. At
least as many firms specialize in testing
applicants for executive positions. Most of
the books and testers say—or at least
hint unmistakably—that an. applicant
desirability falls in proportion to his cul-
tura Merests. On at least one test, ac-
cording to Martin Gross, author of The
Brain Watchers, evidence of a desire to
arts museums taken
sly, I disagree vigorously with
uitudes. Wh fied il
todays young executive is extremely
well educated professionally and. that he
has the knowledge necessary to do
job well, I deplore the n
formal educatie
and of his interests. 1
mot help but feel that an education
that fails to broaden one's outlook is an
inadequate education. Neglect of the
humanities—which give a student cultural
interests and at least some under: g
of people, the world and its institutions
—can have no beneficial effect.
Today's top executive n
aware of all that goes oi
He must realize that hi
business in gen
social whole. He must
whole and all its p:
large corporation. €
within his corpor
rest of the world.
ust be
100 much
action be-
ween other segments of
society for that to be possible.
Beyond this, the one-track execu
here is fa
ess and
who ters outside the
D gra
boundaries of
p of n
his own
sionalism cannot do a
top levels of managemen
loses touch with human realities. Guz
zardi has pointed out that the average
x executive docs nor have much of
stockholder mentality.” “That white
ed old lady im sneakers in whose
stout defense members of top manage
m ak so vehemently
row protes
aper job at the
. because he
so often.
is tive su young
executives.” he charged. leave
her fate to the boss"
To me, a veteran of more than half a
century as a businiessm
of young executives are i
This new breed of executives
seems to have lost—or, quite possibly.
never ha man understa
ilerence in |
t least in part due to the
superspecialized educations, thei
assumption. Tt is
their useful disciplines
havent been useful enough to inculcate
in them the simple truth, known to all
successful businessmen, (hat although the
stockholder may be a “whitehairal old
lady in sneakers," she is still a stockholder
Whether the young executive likes it or
nor, stockholde i beings who
have invested in the company that em
ploys him and pays his salary. The stock
holders, after all, own the compan
The statement. that young execu
leave the stockholder’s fate to the boss is
startling—and frightening. The man at
the top of the corporate heap worries a
s are hu
for he was
through his formal
his e
lucation à
rly experience, th ness has its
psibilities: to employees, to stock
and to society.
s about a stockholder's fate is, very
probably, one of the principal reasons the
boss is at the top while the young execu
ives who do not have the “stockholder
" are still well down the ladder
ow from personal experience that
my own college education —especially at
Oxford—served me in excellent stad
throughout my business carcer. E learned
knowledge 1 ga
But n
ned to good advan
studies i
zons—were of the greatest value. It
from these studies thar I gained. under
1 insight into the structure and
the functioning and the dy-
t world and our society. At the
ierests thi
h great pleasure and y
fiction thoughout my life. They helped
me be a better man—and a better busi
nesman. My exposure to a wide variety
(continued on page 218)
1 developed i
provided me wi
article By NAT HENTOFF 4 rew montns aco, the superintendent of the building where I have an office drew
ame aside as I was going to the elevator. "Listen," he said very softly, “I shouldü't be telling you this, they told me
Not to, but a couple of FBI guys were asking about you yesterday.” t
It was a warm day, but I went cold. “What did they want to know?”
"Oh, do you just work here or do you live here, too? Where do you go in summer? Who comes to see you?"
"There was only one possible reason for the FBI's interest in me. I have been writing and speaking against Ameri-
can policy in Vietnam for a long time and, more specifically, I was one of the first few hundred signers of 4 CaH to
Resist Illegitimate Authority, which pledges support of young mea who in conscience resist the draft. Adding my
name to that call had hardly scemed to me a revolutionary act. I thought these young men courageous and the least
I could do was to say 60 publicly.
"The chill left in the wake of the FBI wore off quickly enough, but acertain amount of apprehension remains.
I remember, as today's young cannot, the effect on this country of Senator Joseph McCarthy—the careers blighted,
the fear that paralyzed and shamed so many who thought themselves liberals. So does the man who wrote the de-
finitive book on tic pathology that was then called McCarthyism. The book is Senator Joe McCarthy and the
writer, Richard Rovere, is a calm, moderate political analyst for The New Yorker. Last (continued ou page 170)
how the establishment's artillery of suppression —harassment, reprisal, physical force—is
deployed agatnst those who would exercise their constitutional right to activist disagreement
“Are you going to sit there on that gorgeous little bottom—uwhich
we shall call exhibit A—and
tell the court you didn't encourage him?"
FRANCE there lived a king who pro-
med that the knight who showed
himself best in the art of jousting for
one whole year would receive his
daughter in marriage and half his king-
dom to boot. "This announcement
i 1 the young nobles.
beauti f the kiug-
dom, however, scarcely compared —in
their eyes—with those offered by the body
of her lusty Highness.
1 who jousts successfully for
dedared one noble kni
wins a lifetime of thrust and party.”
Among the many great men who hur-
ied to court for the yearlong tourney
was one who was included in the ranks
of the knights only because he had once
undertaken a journey 10 the Holy
Sepulcher. Without a trace of noble
blood. he nonetheless distinguished him.
self with his strength, fervor and cour
age. The thrusts from his lance were so
powerful and piercing that he brought
low the highest in the land—counis, bar
ons and dukes—costing many their lives.
His prowess could not fail to attract
the attention of the king. who duly in-
vited him at the tourney's halfway mark
to dine at the royal table. The brave but
rude knight sighed deeply in the face of
his greatest challenge. for court eti
quete was his invincible enemy. His
squire, better versed in these things,
tried to advise him but could nor ov
come the knight's timidity. At dinner,
the knight was seated next to the prin
cess herself. She chatted with him most
idmiring his manly form, and
s to offer him the best of the
food. The knight, however,
ied and could offer the pri
fair words nor sweet de’
The princess was quite distraught by
his manner. "What kind of rough, un
polished peasant is this?” she wondered.
When the sweetmeats and fruit were
passed, the knight took a ripe pear.
sliced it in half with his dagger, stuffed
one hall in his mouth, peel, core and all,
and tossed the other in front of the prin-
cess. She could barely conceal her dis-
gust. She shuddered to think that this.
man might win her hand; for, fond as she
was of the delights of coupling, she prized
refinement as well as vi
Ignorant of the impression
made, the knight left the dinner
turned to court next day to score the
most spectacular of all his victories. At
the end of the bout he rode past the
i with a shout of triumph,
confident of winning her admiration and
affection. The lady looked down at him
and called out: “That is, indeed, a vul
gar hero who knows no better than to.
stull his mouth with an peeled pear
and offer uh to me. He has no
g of the fine ways of life,”
knight’s squire heard the angry
words and ran to his master to find out
what had happened. The knight blithely
the unpeeled pear
Ribald Classi
from a 15th Century German tale
told of the fine time he had had, the
excellent food, the luscious pears. . . -
"Good sir" said the squire, “I fear
you have nothing morc to gain from this
tournament, no matter how well you
joust, Your table manners have bet
you. However. the pi an still be
yours, if you heed my Leave the
count. ride to a region where no one
knows you and disguise yourself as a
clown. Shave your head in ihe manna
of clowns, shave off your beard and pre-
tend yourself dumb, uttering never a
word, Thus turned out, go back to court
and mingle with the princess’ entourage.
Whenever one of the people curses you,
pushes you over, hits you or otherwise
mistreats you. as is the usual lot of a
clown, seek refuge always with the prin
cess, Sleep every night by her fireplace
and let no one ever drag you away,
even if it threatens to cost you your lile
In this way, you cannot fail to find some
opportunity to further your cause.”
The knight followed the squie's cou
sel and returned to court well disguised
as a clownish mute. He was cons
to be seen in the princess’ emou
had repeated reason to seek. refuge with
her, so that she finally told her retinue
“The down belongs io me. Any who seek
my favor must leave him in peace.”
One night it happened that she sat
with her ladies in waiting beside the fire
boudoir. The too, was
there, enjoying the warmth, He sat on
the floor opposite the princess and let it
be noticed that lustful passions were
burning in his loins. His attentions, in
turn, awakened the princess’ desires as
she was made unavoidably aware of hi
arousal by the pressure it imposed on
the lower part of his flimsy costume.
n her
She sent her ladies in waiting away to
bel, except one old maid who stood
highest in her favor for all the many in-
sights she had shown in the past im as-
sisting her mistress’ inclinations. The old
woman had quickly seen where the shoe
was pinching, on both sides, and whis-
pered to the princess: “My lady, never
has a need pressed itself on you with
great gency. Your
the clown, He has crept after you until
he has at last struck the right moment
The remedy is at hand. Just put yourself
to bed and I will bring him to you with
out much ado." The princess agreed.
The old maid dragged the clown to
her mistress’ bed, undressed him and
pushed him swiftly under the sheets.
The clown snuggled himself up against
the princess for warmth and she took
him in her arms, caressing and seeking
caress. Then, when the moment ap
proached for which the princess longed
most ardently, the clown, feigning inno-
cence, did nothing more, but lie on his
loving lady like a wooden log.
The old maid watched the inert cou.
ple anxiously. When it became obvious
that the clown would not further pursue
his endeavors, the faithful old wom:
decided on a drastic corrective to help
her mistress. She took out a pi
pricked the clown in the r
him at last to thrust forward where suc
cor was most needed. As often as the
old maid pricked, the clown continued
his pricking; but when she stopped, the
clown stopped, too.
At ud the princess cried aloud:
“Prick him, my dearest Irmeltraut, do
not stop pricking, or else the clown will
not know what to do.”
Tn this way, their coupling progressed
until the princess was satisfied, The old
maid dien dragged the down out of the
bed, dressed n and set him outside the
door, where he slept soundly till dawi
Belore the res of the cour was
awake, he slipped away to his stables
where he threw off his clown's disguise
and donned once move the armor of a
knight. his visor covering his beardless
face, That day in the tournament, he
overcame his powerful rivals, toppling
this and that noble duke with equal
ease. Recognizing the knight who had
behaved so grossly at her father's table
bur a few months before, the princess
called ou h vehemence: “There's the
vulgar hero who knows no better th
to stuff his mouth with an unpeeled
pear and offer the same to me. He wil
never taste the finer joys of lile."
Undaunted now, the knight threw up
his visor and shouted back with equal
vigor: "'Prick him. my dearest Irmel-
traut, do not stop pricking, or else the
clown wil t to do, 1
galloped out of the arena
The kings daughter,
truth and fearing disgrace if that tale
were told, went to her father and urged
that this bold knight had. indeed. shown
himself to be the mest skillful jouster of
the yearlong tourney. The king agreed
and announced the wedding forthwith.
giving the vulgar knight the opportunity
to prove himself as hardy between the
sheets as he had been in the lists- need
of neither pinprick nor any other
goad —Retold by Jack Aliman
| not know w
realizing the
LY | 157
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW (continued from page 96)
for so many years that any advanced civil-
ition could have received the emissions
long ago. So in the fi ysis, we really
don't have much choice in this matter;
they're either going to contact us or they're.
not, and if they do we'll have nat
say about their benevolence or malevolence.
iven if they prove to be malevolent,
their arrival would have at least one usc-
ful by-product in that the nations of the
carth would stop squabbling among them-
selves and forge a common front to defend
the planet. 1 think it was André Maurois
who suggested many years ago that the
best way to realize world peace wound be to
stage a false threat from outer space; it's
not a bad idea. But 1 certainly don't be-
lieve we should view contact with extra-
terrestrial life forms with foreboding, or
hesitate to visit other planets for fear of
what we may find there. If others don't
contact us, we must contact them; it's our
PLAYBOY: You indicated earlier that in-
telligent life is extremely unlikely else-
where within our solar system. Why?
KUBRICK: From what we know of the
other planets in this system, it appears im-
probable that intelligence exists, because
of surface temperaunes and atmos
pheres that are inhospitable to higher
life forms. Improbable, but not impossi-
ble. I will admit that there are certain
tantalizing dues pointing in the other
direction. For example, while the con-
sensus of scientific opinion dismisses the
possibility of intelligent life on Mars—as
opposed to plant or low orders of organ-
ic life—there are some eminently respect-
able dissenters. Dr. Frank B. Salisbury,
profesor of plant physiology at Utah
iversity, has contended in a
study in Science magazine that if vege-
tation exists on a planet, then it is logi-
Gil that there will be higher orders of
life to feed on it. "From there,” he
writes, "it is but one more step— granted,
a big one—to intelligent beings.”
Salisbury also points out t
ber of astronomers have observed strange
flashes of light, possibly explosions of
great magnitude, on Mars’ surface, some
of which emit douds; and he suggests
that these could actually be nuclear.
explosions. Another intriguing facet of
Mars is the peculiar orbits of its twin
satellites, Phobos and Deimos, first
covered in 1877—the same year,
demially, that Schiaparelli discovered
his famous but sill elusive Martian
“canals.” One eminent astronomer, Dr.
Josif Shklovsky, chairman of the depart-
ment of radio astronomy at the Shtern-
berg Astronomical Institute in Moscow,
has propounded the theory that both
moons are satellites
launched. by Martians thousands
of years ago in an effort to escape the
a num
ise dying surface of their planet. He bases
this theory on the unique orbits of
the two moons, which, unlike the 31
other satellites in our solar syste
faster than the revolution of their host
planet. The orbit of Phobos is also de-
ng in an inexplicable manner
and dragging the satellite. progressively
closer to Mars’ surface. Both of these cir-
cumstances, Shklovsky contends, make
sense only if the two moons are hollow,
Shklovsky believes that the elites
are the last remnants of an extinct an-
cient Martian civilization; but Professor
Salisbury goes a step further and sug-
gests that they were launched within
the past hundred years. Noting that the
moons were discovered by a relatively
small-power telescópe in 1877 and not
detected by a much more powerful tele-
scope observing Mars in 1862—when the
planet was appreciably nearer carth—he
asks: “Should we attribute the failure of
1862 to imperfections in the existing tele-
scope, or may we imagine that the sat-
ellites were launched into orbit between
1862 and 187 There are no answers
here. of course. only questions, but it is
fascinating speculation. On balance, how-
ever. I would have to say that the weight
of available evidence dictates
ligent life on Mars.
PLAYBOY; How about pos
the probabilities, of intelligent life on the
other planeis?
KUBRICK: Most scientists and astronomers
rule out life on the outer planets since
their surface temperatures are thousands
of degrees cither above or below zero
and their atmosphere would be poisonous.
T suppose it’s possible that life could
evolve on such planets with, say, a liquid
ammonia or methane base, but it doesn’t
apy cel. As Venus goes,
the Mariner probes indicate that the sur-
Tace remperanue of the planet is ap-
proximately 800 degrees Fahrenheit, which
would deny the chemical basis for mo-
lecular development of life. And there
could be no indigenous intelligent life on
because of the total lack of
—no life as we know i
any case: though D suppose that intelli-
gent rocks or crystals, or statues, with
silicone life base are not really impossi-
ble, or even conscious gascous matter or
swarms of sentient electric particles. You'd
get no technology from such creatures, but
if their intelligence could control. matter,
why would they need it? There could be
however, even re-
motely humanoid—a form that would
appear to be an eminently practicable
iversal life prototype.
PLAYBOY: What do you think we'll find on
the moon?
KUBRICK: | think the most ex
pect about the moon is that if alien races
have ever visited earth in the remote past
and left artifacts for man to discover in
the future, they probably chose the arid,
nothing about them,
ting pros
airless lunar vacuum, where no deteriora-
tion would take place and an object could
exist for millennia. It would be inevitable
that as man evolved technologically, he
would reach his nearest satellite and the
aliens would then expect him to find their
calling card—perhaps a message of greet-
g, a cache of knowledge or simply a
cosmic burglar alarm signaling that an-
other race had mastered space flight. This,
of course, was the centr ion of 2001.
Bur an equally fascinating question is
whether there could be anether race of
intelligent life on earth. Dr. John Lilly,
ch into dolphins has been
funded by the National Aeronautics and
has amassed consi
ble evidence pointing, to the possibility
the batilenosed dolphin may be as
intelligent as or more intelligent than man.
[Sce Deep Thinkers in rLavuoy, August
1968—Fd.] He bases this not only on its
brain size—which is larger than man’s and
with a more complex cortex—but on the
fact that dolphins have evolved an exten-
sive language. Lilly is currently attempt-
ing, with some initial success, to decipher
in this is obvious,
communicate w
to communicate with alien races on oth-
er planets, Of course, if the dolphins are
really intelligent, theirs is obviously
nontechnological culture, since without
an apposable thumb, they could never
create artifacts, Their intelligence might
also be on a totally different order than
man’s, which could make communica-
tion additionally difficult. Dr. Lilly has
written that “It is probable that their
intelligence is comparable 10 ours, though
in a very strange fashion . . . they may
have a new class of lae brain so d
similar to ours that w thin our
lifetime possibly understand. its memal
processes.” Their culture. may be totally
devoted to creating works of poetry or
devising absit mathematical concepts,
and they could conceivably share a tele-
pathic communication to supplement their
high-frequency underwater language.
What is particularly interesting is that
dolphins appear to have developed a
concept of altruism; the stories of ship-
wrecked sailors rescued by dolphins and
carried to shore, or protected by them
gainst sharks, are by no ns all old
wives’ tales. But Fm rather. disturbed by
some recent developments that indicate
not only how we may treat dolphins but
alo how we may treat intelligent
on other planets. The Navy, impressed by
the dolphin's apparent intelligence, is re-
engaging in under-
ion experiments in which a
live torpedo is strapped to a dolphin and
detonated by radio when it nears a proto-
type enemy submarine. These experiments
have been officially denied: but if they're
(continued on poge 180)
our annual autumnal survey
of classic revivals and new directions
T f
1832 1518
"iit :
for the academic year
nation’s college campuses,
hitherto among the bastions
of sartorial conservatism,
have been taken over by an explosive
assortment of revolutionary attire and
suits, wide Ges, medallions and nom-
g worn from
accessories tunics, shaped
traditional garb are l
Berkeley to Boston, This is not to
say that the natural-shoulder bution
down look has dropped out of school
the Ivy image is still strong, but the
are upbeat new fashion courses
student can. take and still be a
didate for the bestalressed list.
Widespread as this wend is, col-
Tegians in various sections of the
comury staunchly maintain their dis
tinctive fashion identities, culling the
slotue of Cornell first president, An-
drew Dickson White, is totally eclipsed
by four sociable climbers—ond a fosh-
ion leader down front—who reach new
sartorial heights in on upbeat, offbeat
orray of decidedly untraditiancl col-
legiatewear. On the peck “tol, left to
fight; Jon Cutler has on ultracasual
look that’s not shared by oll his cam-
pusmotes; he combines on acrylic pile
zip-ront jacket featuring o stond-up
collar and leotherinser pocket panels,
by McGregor, $55, with Western-style
boots and blue jeans. Headman Philip
Madsen favors on Argyle-patterned
brushed-wool and alpaca pullover with
a duol crew- ond turtleneck collar, by
Brentwood, $20, plus cotton and ace-
tote twill jeans, by Contoct, $9. Tony
Biddle is the center of attention in a
wild wool tweed two-button plaid suit
with slonted-flop pockets and a deep
center vent, $165, wom with o dork
cotton broadcloth shirt with high medium-
spread collor, $18.50, and cashmere tie,
$16.50, oll by Bill Blass. Tony's shady
friend, Alfredo Wills, is oll ayes in a
wool herringbone Harris tweed eight-
button double-breasted suit with greot-
| coat lapels and leather-covered buttons,
by Stanley Blacker, $110, plus c Dacron
Ond coton permanentpress tapered
shirt with mediumspread collar ond
French cuffs, by Truval, $16, and a hond-
blocked oncient-madder wide silk tie, by
Tucker, $10. Down front: Beorded Borry
Wasserman scares fashion points with
leslie Kirpich in his Holmesion double-
breasted wool outercoat with belt, buckle
sleeve straps and removable shoulder
cope, by Cortefiel, $110, plus a cotton
brocdcloth shirt with long-pointed collar
end French cuffs, by Sero, $9.50, ond
a wide ribbed-silk tie, by Damon, $5
best of contemporary creations and com-
bining them with classic campus stand-bys.
In order to delineate the diflerences—and
similarities—in regional tastes. we made
our annual pilgrimage to colleges in the
Northeast, the South, the Midwest, the
Southwest and the West Coast, this time
to imerview students on their apparel
preferences, as well as to photograph
Using these interviews—plus our
rch files—we ve compiled a color-
loosened their rep-striped ties and are
smartly styling up their wardrobes with
wearables that are eminently with it.
Tony Biddle, a junior at Cornell,
Stylish scholars-in-residence at Ricketts House
take a courtyard study break to demonstrate
how they easily earn top fashion grades. From
left to right: Smartly garbed Joe Rhodes goes
for a Donegal tweed three-button shaped
suit with a greatcoat collar, fabric-covered
buttons and flared leg bottoms, by Franklin
Bober for Clinton Swan, $95, a Dacron and
cotton chambray permanent-press shirt with
high medium-spread collar and French cuffs,
by Aetna, $9, ond a wide silk and cotton
hand-blocked poisley-print tie, by Berkley,
$6. Mark Radomski sports a brushed-pigskin
snop-front jacket with stand-up collar and
snap-flop pockets, by Cresco, $55, over
houndstooth plaid English wacl slacks, by
Dunlee, $25. Middle man Ric Lohman prefers
an antiqued-leather vest with a knitted Do-
cron and wool back ond two side pockets,
$30, thot casually coordinates with Donegal
tweed waol slacks, $22.50, both by Mc-
Gregor, an Orlon and waol patterned-knit
turtleneck, by Brentwood, $18, ond a re-
versible cowhide belt with a sotin-finish bross
buckle, by Paris, $7.50. Indion-booted Sam
Keys weors a wool tunic jacket with stand-up
collar and deep center vent, by Silton, $28,
aver homespun-weave cotton ond ccetate
slacks, by Contact, $10. Lane Mason is turned
on by on antiqued-lecther mack-turtleneck
jecket with ribbed wool ond cotton knit
sleeves plus turnbuckle closures over a hid-
den zipper, by Robert Lewis, $60, and
royon acetate and nylon low-rise twill slacks
with flored leg bottoms, by Paul Ressler, $15.
steps of the classically columned Playmakers
Theater, five Southern gentlemen (occom-
ponied by a ring-a-ding Dixie belle and a
mopey mascot) show off their topflight ward-
robes. From left to right: Mustachioed Mike
Hewes leans toward traditional tailoring in a
three-button wool worsted shaped suit with
matching vest, by Linett, $125, an imported
cotton broadcloth shirt with high lang-pointed
collar end French cuffs, by Aetno, $8, and a
pebble-weave wide silk tie, by Oleg Cassini,
$8. His pillar pal, Joe Hester, keeps casually
cool in a wool houndstooth plaid zip-front
jacket with sueded-leather stand-up collar
and packet trim, by H.I.S., $25, Italian cotton
suede slacks, by Dunlee, $20, and a wool
pattern-knit mock turtleneck, by Jantzen,
$22.50. Paul Clapp, directly behind honey-
of-a-blonde Andrea Beerman, gaes for a
plaid Shetland wool twa-button sparts jacket,
by Worsted-Tex, $55, cotton ond acetate
Iwill jeans, by Contect, $9, an imported cot-
ton broadcloth shirt with high medium-spreod
collor and French cuffs, by Aetna, $8, and a
silk and cotton diagonal-striped wide by
Berkley, $6. Callin Moller supports the trend
to leatherwear by donning a sueded-buckskin
zip-front jacket, by C. O. Ericson of Sweden,
$80, bold-striped wide-wale carduroy jeans,
by Contact, $10, ond a washable lamb's-wool
turtleneck, by Robert Bruce, $17. End mon Tom
Harvey digs a ribbed-waol mock-turtleneck
pullover, by Jantzen, $22.50, that coordinates
with his Fortrel and cotton permanent-
press corduray slacks, by Glen Oaks, $11.
comments, “A small minority of students
here uropeurinilnenced
clothes about two years ago and now the
look has really caught on. Some guys go
way out, but most prefer to wear clothing
to buy something that’s just a
Suits: For the winter months ahead,
you'll want at least one heavier-weight
style, preferably
id bc worn with spread-collar
shirts in such colors as royal blue, brown or
or Two-button suis in window.
pane plaids, a look we especially like,
are a fashionable alternative to the tradi-
tional three-button models. As your
clothing collection and budget dictate, also
check out the eight-button double-breasted
styles that feature wider lapels and more
at the waist
Sports jackets: Smart. matriculants are
blazing new fashion trails in both single
and double-breasted. blazers with cotton
or Hatknit wool turtlenecks in place of
buttondown. shirts. Easteners who go [or
more avant-looking garb are decking
themselves owt in Nehru jackets. and
love beads or medallions, usually worn
to rock concerts or T. G. 1. F. panties off
Slacks: For
corduroy and dependable denim walk
away with rop honors, While a few stu
denis are sticking 10 conservative shades,
most are brightening their fashion image
with slacks in more vivid hues—induding
classroom wear, classic
minute group of undergrads by the Tri-Delt
sundial earns admiring glonces (from coeds
Soro Stroight and Erica Price) in a bright
array of smartly styled campuswear. From
left to right: Fashion leader Tom Damm
wears a plaid Scattish wool and cashmere
three-button sports jacket, by Clubman, $65,
with British wool worsted slacks, by Austin-
Hill, $24, an imported cotton satin shirt with
high medium-spread collar and French cuffs,
by Hathaway, $16, and a wide diagonal
striped tussah silk tie, by Hut, $6.50. Chic
Oxley, on the pedestal, digs o wool snap-
front tunic jacket with stand-up collor ond
snap cuffs, by McGregor, $13, plus hounds-
tooth plaid Orlon ond rayon permanent-press
slacks, by Contact, $14. Jay Miller, down
front, puts his best fashion foot forward in
a wool sixbutton doublebreosted shaped
blazer, $85, and wool box plaid slacks, $30,
both by Hardy Amies U.S.A., plus a Kodel
and cotton permonent-press shirt with medium-
spread collar and barrel cuffs, by Manhattan,
$6.50, and an Italian silk wide tie, by Lino
Lentini, $15. His informally attired schoolmote,
Craig Palmer, is foursquare for a hooded
thick-and-thin-stitch wool knit warm-up sweater
with deep front-tunnel pocket, $27.50, ond
plaid wool and nylon slacks, $18, both by
Sebring/Sir Bates. Ken Gillum adds a Con-
finental note with on antiqued-leather
double-breasted outercoat with slont pockets
and deep side vents, by Cortefiel, $150, over
cotton corduroy twill slacks, by Poul Ressler,
$15, and an Orlan turtleneck, by H.LS., $9.
istration Annex building, five Southwestern
students wear duds that are equolly at home
in classroom and off campus. From left to
right: David Williams likes a cotton corduroy
Norfolk-style belted jocket with flap pockets
and a center vent, by Catalina-Martin, $42,
bold plaid flannelfinish cotton slacks, by
Contact, $14, and a bulky flake-knit cotton
turtleneck, by M.A.N. Casuals, $20. Foreign
student Hamdan A. Hamdan optsfor a leather-
like polyester-coated cotton zip-front jacket,
$30, matching slacks with en extension waist-
band, $20, both by Paul Ressler, and a Shet-
land wool fishermon’s-knit pullover with a
dval crew- ond turtleneck collar, by Catalina-
Martin, $17. Raven-haired Ellen Shenkarow
is behind John Espedal all the way in his bold-
striped raschel-knit mock-turtleneck pullover
with button shoulder closures, by Jantzen,
$23.50, and cotton suede slacks with ex-
tension waistband, patch pockets and flared
leg bottoms, by Paul Ressler, $17. Vern Statler
receives warm support from Borbora Myers
for wearing on Acrilon knit mock-turtleneck
pullover, by Sebring/Sir Bates, $9, over
cotton tweederoy low-rise slacks with wide-
flared leg bottoms ond Western pockets, by
Paul Ressler, $15. Walt McKinney is conserva-
tively au courant in a wool three-button
houndstooth ploid shaped suit with flap pock-
ets and deep side vents, by Tempo, $110, an
imported cotton broadcloth fly-front shirt with
high pointed collor and French cuffs, by
Pierre Cardin, $15, and a silk grenodine
wide tie, by Ralph Louren for Palo, $12.50.
fo Bee hcm
forest green and royal blue. For less
informal occasions, plaid lightweight
worsted styles that coordinate—rather
than contrast—with a patterned sports
jacket are preferred. While you make your
selections, keep in mind that the skin
uliralowslung look is a
slightly looser types des
the shoe rather than stop an inch or two
above it
Shirts: The increasing acceptance of
the shaped suit over natural-shoulder
offerings has inspired Eastern. under-
grads to update their oxford button-
down shirt wardrobes with rich-colored
tab and medium-spread collar styles fea-
turing both barrel and French cuffs.
Choose those with tapered tailori
thus avoiding the sloppy. spare-tire look
that wide-cut shirts often hav
Sweaters; Turtles and mock turtles in
bigstitch weaves store the most fashion
points with Ivy Leaguers. i
in style at the local Hofbräu, combine a
cotton turtleneck with a tweed sports
jacket or a solid-color blazer, worsted
slacks and penny loalers or boots. Oth
topdrawer pullovers include. lamb'swool
V-necks and. bution-shoulder crews.
Outerwear; Old winter comes
East with a venge:
we. so be prepared
for cold snaps in coats that are hefty as
well as handsome. For dark Moi
morning nudges to cight-a.m. casses,
might try an acrylic pile rip-tront
ket with stand-up collar and leather-
piped pockets or a naturakcolor sheep-
skin coat with curly wool lining, For an
evening on the town, consider a double
breasted behed outercoat with a remov-
ble shoulder cape that can be worn as
the clements and the occasion dictate.
Dick Tracy-style trench coats are a classic
coverup often worn throughout mid-Lall.
Shoes: Round out your hasic footwear
wardrobe with a pair of monk-strap
boots or Gucci-style loafers that have a
metal bit across the instep.
me svim: The men of Dixie are
noted for their traditional taste in clothes,
but today's fresh fashion winds have
warmed the campus landscape w
multitude of multihued new thre
are being accepted with surprising
Suits: Southerners are playi
to the vest with tnee-piece models in
deeper shades. Single-breasted three-
bution jackets are still the accepted
fashion norm. bur two-button. shaped.
styles with deep center vents and angled
hacking pockets are rapidly gaining
ground. Double-breasteds. too. are
creasing in popula
-toned, med
ls chat
it close
a dai
m-spread-coilar shirt
d a wide dub-patrerned tic.
Sports jackets: Boss tweeds im single-
breasted three-button. styles are king on
most Cottonland campuses; look for bold
Shetland plaids. plus solid-color herring-
nd hopsacks. A double-breasted
navy-blue blazer or single breasted honey
colored model also makes a wise invest-
neut and invariably brings a maximum
return i well as w
Slacks: The majority of Southern gen-
tlemen attend class casually attired in
denim, poplin or wide-wale corduroy;
er, for beer blasts or study dates, they
switch to a dressier worsted or s
press twill, Big bold plaids, as well as
miniature checks, are often worn with a
pullover or a blazer. While you're shop-
ping. check out both bold striped and
comfortable cotton suede styles that fea-
ture a slightly flared bell-bottom.
While the ubiquitous bution-
down still heads the collegiate fashion
1&4 list, pointed-collar shirts are now being
worn for more formal occasions. Tom
the University of
“The guys here
have taken strongly to rich, solid-color
shirts with French culls, Chocolate, apri-
cot, pink. purple and French-blue models
are combined with light-colored wide ties
in bright golds and reds. The solier hues
of the ties help emphasize the shirt tones
and look especially great with a shaped
ters: For
a random s
carly fall, have on
pling of V-necks,
crews and c s in Shetland, alpaca
I synthetic blends. Later. when the
temperature drops, pick up a few bulky-
knit wool turtlenecks trimmed with a
contrasting color band around the neck.
Outerwear: For on-campus casual-
ness, consider either a poplin wind-
breaker with zipin lining. a glen-plaid
wool hipength coat or a rugged sheep-
skinand-eonhnoy style. When the occa-
suit or sports jacket and
it off with a singlebreasted.
air outercoat or a herringbone
with slight suppression at the
sion calls for
tie, top
loafers a
want to |
lace-up. wi
Both penny and tasslestyle
e wom to clas. You'll alo
ve on hand several pairs of
g tips and wingtip tassles
for dressier doings. Depending on your
wardrobe needs, also consider a pair of
monk-strap boots that buckle across the
anowest: If you're a newcomer
be forewarned that balmy
autumn days are followed by a lon
tough winter. We'd advise vou, therefore,
to do your shopping carly and stock up
on wimerweight wearables that are as
iul as they are functional
is: Doublebreasted pin stripes are
ng a dose second to singlebreasted
to this arca
styles worn with a vest that either co-
ordinates or conservatively cannasts with
the shade of the suit. If you already have
a dosetful of solid-color styles, supplement
your selection with a subtly parterncd
glen plaid or houndstooth check picked
from the many weight. fabrics
now on the mark
i navy, honey
ul bottle green have the campus scene
well buttoned up. However. vou'll want
to build on this solid foundation and ob-
tain a Shet icket and a
plaid-with-overplaid three-button model.
Six bution double-breasted sports jack-
ets are also being donned by Midwester
ers, so give strong consideration to this
western, Nehru and tunic jackets are
being worn by a liberated minority of
students—usually to offcampus parties
on weekends.
Slacks: Corduroy, denim. twill
poplin styles 1 topdrawer choices.
As inclement weather increases, you'll
want to ward eff the chill with solid-
color wool worsteds and heavyweight
are a
tweeds, Plaid and pinstripe slacks, too.
play an important. fashion vole on all
Midwestern campuses, Pick a paner
that can be worn with both sweater and
sports jacket. selections.
Shins: Tatersall checks, pin stripes
and rich-toue solid shades earn the hy
ew fashion marks, Buttondown coll;
are still de rigueur for classroom wear.
but many Midwesterners now don medi
um- or longer pointed styles when the
occasion. calls for m
Sweaters: Ken Gillum, a senior at Mi-
ami University of Ohio. comments: "Un.
deigrads here are wearing nuitlenecss
rather than buttondowns with blazers.
Dark-colorcd mock turtles also are often
worn with a subtle-patterned sporis
jacket, The trend to turtlenecks is very
strong at Miami and I sce it gaining
«ceptance during the comin
ar." In addition to turtlenecks.
n scholars also favor such stylish
V-neck Shetlands, popcorn
stitch cardigans and Orlon crews, Colors
span the spectrum, ranging from vil
yellows and reds to subdued shades of
blue and. brown.
Outerwcar: Mid-America’s frozen pl
ml windy cities call lor outer garb that
does a yeoman's job in keeping out the
cold. One such type is a new leather knee
length double-breasted overcoat with deep
side venis. We predict that it will take
the Central States by storm. pun intended.
Other styles to consider inchide navy wool
s jackets with a stand-up collar
and hooded pullovers with from tunnel
pockets. Natural-colored raincoars with
Zip-in linings are often worn 10 class on
drizily days during the early fall. For eve
ning engagements, single-breasted camel s-
hair topcoats or double-breasted belted
vy-blue gabardine models are preferred,
Favored footwear indudes pol
cd chukkas, wing-tip Lrogues, penny
loafers. and the ever-popular sneakers,
Alter the first snowfall, boots in a variety
of shapes and sizes are worn with both
pauerned slacks and dungar
THE SOUTHWEST: Fashion lawmakers
unto themselves, Southwestern stude
re quick to try clothing innovations—
the more offbeat the heuer. On many
campuses, Eastern togs Western
wear are mixed and matched, depend-
ing on the individuals whim. John
Espedal, a senior at the University of
Arizona, makes this point: "Here, many
students prefer to wear leam cowboy
clothes, such as shirts and slacks that arc
a suit and a
very tight fitting but still comfortable:
Suits; Vested interest js shown in
three-piece, three-button models with
slight suppression at the waist. Dark sol-
ids are preferred, but wise Southwesterners
ako acquire at least one glen plaid or
houndstooth to be worn with a solid color
or bold-stripad wide tic.
Sports jackes: The basic blazer in
(concluded on page 257)
WHEN THE ALARM CLOCK woke Ralph Stewart that morning,
there was a diaphragm in the bed. Karen's, of course. Look-
ing at it, Ralph wondered if she knew it was no longer with
her. No, probably not. Had the week at her mother's made
her forgetful?
From the kitchen, Karen called, "Ralph! You getting up?"
“Sure. sure," Ralph said. He sat there, looking at it. She
must think it was still with her. When she discovered it was
gone, what a moment that would be.
"Ralph! Breakfast is ready and you're going to be late
for work!”
“Sure, sure.” Chuckling to himself, Ralph wrapped it in a
Kleenex and tucked it away in the drawer of the night table
on Karen's side. ‘Then he padded off to brush his teeth.
Alter 2 week away, Karen was pleased to be back in her
own kitchen again, though that wasn't what made her smile
as she waited for Ralph to come in for breakfast. She was
imagining the look on Ralph's face when he'd seen it lying
there in the bed. At first she'd thought of pecking around thc
bedroom doorway to see what he'd do next, but he might
have seen her and that would have spoiled the effect. Be-
sides, it was even better this way, wondering what would be
the first thing he'd say when he came through the kitchen
He came through the kitchen door. He said, "I'm starved.”
Not a word from him during breakfast. He kissed her
goodbye, said, "See you at six," grabbed his briefcase and
Hadn't he seen it? She went into the bedroom and looked.
the bed and it was gone. That was strange. He Aad found it,
but he hadn't said a word about it, And he'd taken it away
with him. Karen paled. Could it be? But there was no other
expla: She'd been away for a week and Ralph must
have thought it belonged to somebody else.
Ralph came into the apartment a little after six with a
small smile already tugging at his lips. What would she say?
She said. “Oh, there you are.” Coldly.
Chipper as a cricket, Ralph said, “Anythi
ag happen tod
thing much," she said. Coldly.
All evening, Ralph waited for her to say something. and
she never did. Also. there was a definite chill in the air. a
definite chill. Ralph began to [eel irritated. both because his
joke seemed to have fallen flat and because Karen was
acting very distant, for some reason, At ten o'clock. they had
sudden flare-up over whether to watch the spy show on
channel two or the special about the V i
Bridge on channel four. Voices weren't raised, but anger
quivered in their tones and one or two cutting remarks were
exchanged. Ultimately, Ralph went down to the Kozy Korner
and watched the spy show there
When he got home, K
or at least appearing to be
sheets and lay there a long while, star
had never mentioned it. Also, she was 3 very cold
distant, for no good reason at all. He'd been trying to avoid
the thought, but as far ly one
explanation, She must think she'd lost it somewhere else.
After Ralph left for vio
apartment door beh ple
and cried for a quarter of an hour. The argu over
breakfast had been the most violent of their four years of
riage. Ralph had said some things——
But one thing in particular, one unforgivable thing in
icular. To bring up Howie Youngblood again afer all
she was very young
weekend, and she hadn't even known Ralph then. and she'd
told him everything about it even before they were married,
and to bring that up now, to throw it in her face like that,
e. she knew why he was doing it. Trying to justify
actions, that’s all. She wondered could be that
girl at Ralph's office, that Linda Sue Powers. Ralph very
rarely menti
the name out
nd innocent, and it had been a college
ned her anymore, and when Karen had thrown
at breakfast that morning, Ralph had seemed
to hesitate, as though maybe he felt guilty about something.
When Grace from down the hall came in for their usual
midmorning coffee, Karen said to her, “Grace, sometimes a
i talk to,”
Grace said, looking bright and
person needs a trusted friend, someone she c
“Oh, Karen, you know mi
alert. "Silent as the tomb.
So Karen told her everything.
cept about putting it in
the bed, of course; that was too persona
important anymore, anyway.
and silly and hardly
It was the first time Ralph had taken Linda Sue Powers to
lunch. “I don't know why I should bother vou with my
he said. “We're hardly more than office acquaint-
Jh, I hope you id
She had very nice blue
friend,” she said.
"Fd like to," Ralph said. And before he was done, hed
told her everything. Except about finding it in the bed, of
course; that was unimportant by now and not the sort of
thing to mention to a young lady.
k of me as more than that,” she said.
s. "I hope you think of me as your
The fight at the Culbersons! party was just the climax to
five weeks of border skirmishes aud commando raids. The
fight, which took place in front of 18 exceedingly interested
spectators, lasted 20 minutes and culminated this way:
Karen: "And I suppose you haven't spent every night the
past two weeks with that Powers woma
Ralph: “Evening. you filthyminded bitch, evening, not
night; we've been working at the office. And it’s left you
plenty of time to howl, hasn't it?
Karen: “Ralph. I w
Ralph: "Divorce? The way you carry on, I could. practically
get an annulment!”
t a divorce I want a
The lawyer said, “We always requ
ng between the principals. to sce if any sort of recon-
tion is possible. You two are both intelligent peopl
maybe this marriage can still be saved. What caused the
angement, can. you tell me that? What started it?”
n said, "I suppose it all started with Linda Sue Powers.”
Ralph said. "I believe the name my wi
Howie Youngblood.
r had to shout and pound on his desk before
t down,
c at least this one
e is looking lor is
Alter the divorce, they met one last time at the apartment
to divide up their possessions, neither trusting the other to go
in first Ralph rived with Linda Sue Powers.
Karen brought along a pipesmoking chap she didn't intro-
They moved through the apariment together, their escorts
waiting in uncomfortable silence in the living room, the
Is talking in monosyllables as they said, “That's
or, “VU take that,” or, “You can throw that out if you
There were no arguments now, no squabbles. no
rousing of p they got to the night ta
opened the drawer. "So that’s where you put
taking it out and unwrapping the Kleen
he said. He sounded faintly bitter.
She nodded. “I know,” she said. “I put it in the bed for a
“You did?”
She frowned at the drawer. “And you—
"Then they looked at each other and they both u
and for just a second, something very much like hope spr
up in their eyes. But then Karen shook her head and said,
“No. There are things you said to me——7
Ralph said, "You accused me of some things —"
Karen said, "And there's that woman out there.
king with that smokestack of yours.
"They looked away from each other, their faces set. "Well,"
id Karen. She turned and threw it into the wastebaske
Ralph said, "Aren't you going to take it with you?
“T've got a new one,” she said.
the things no guidance counselor tells
about campus li
war Every red-blooded male wants to know is, “Where does
my alma mater stand in the ranks of the sexual revolution?
re there other schools that put fewer
ions on life, liberty and the pursuit of heterosexual
To answer these questions, we conducted a two-
year study of the morals and mores on 25 American campuse
—specially selected 10 present a national cross section. We cor-
responded with faculties at these schools and then checked
with knowledgeable students—to discover both the official pol-
icy and the unofficial reality. We studied the limitations and
opportunities presented by each school’s location (its proximity
to the happy hunting grounds of other schools and of nearby
metropolitan arcas) the male-female ratio and whether the
coeds are mostly swingers or are only interested in the capture
degree—or a husband.
The results of this original rescarch are shown on the accom-
panying chart. The 25 schools listed are numbered in descending
order of permissiveness: the number-one school, the University
of Wisconsin, being clenly for those who are hedonistically
ebullient, while number 25, Bob Jones University, is for those
who are less responsive to cirthly matters.
Our representative cross section includes every type of school
(Ivy League, state, megaversity, small college, sexually segre-
gated and coed), as well as every major demographic ar
s guide to academe
The chart'e categories are intended as a descriptive primer
and offer the undergrad, grad student or graduate an oppor-
tunity to determine which schools arc populated by like-minded
souls, whatever his personal predilections may be, The column
headed “Official Attitude” rates the general posture of the
administration. (open-minded, cautious or sti) and its pari
tab rules. Because these characteristics are open to subjective
evaluations—visiting hours are more often intended to placate
parents than to coerce their kids—we chose to combine the
two variables and present our overall impression of each
school's official position regarding a student's social and socia-
bility rights. A leer grade was chosen in a spirit of tur
being fair play.
A thorough perusal of the chart will provide the campus
characteristics that are never found in college guides or cata
logs. Undergrads who can't fully utilize the information by
transferring from one school 10 another might at least make
one or two enlightened side wips during their academic carcers.
Knowledge, after all, is power.
Alumni may be grateful for or rueful about their collegiate
pasts—or decide they were born too soon to make the non-
academic most of their higher education. In which case, they
may now become unofficial guidance counselors of the kind
colleges somehow don't provide. (chart overleaf)
campus action chart
m/f ratio
Good | Poor
2. U of California
at Berkeley
The party school;
beer is served in
the Student Union.
Big city fish/ Brewmaster
Traditional autumn bon-
J ire has been replaced
by the sweetly sce ted
smoke of burnipg grass
3. Bennington
College, Vt.
= Soul culture
Leslie Howard
Holly Gclightly"s
R ethereal
alive and well
in Vermont
heard about
irls is true,
4. U of California Excellent
at Los Angeles
Beach] club
5. U of Miami,
Water-skiing 101
i. Southern Meth-
odist U, Dallas
7. Reed College,
Portland, Ore.
Wealthy and
advises frosh girls
about the pill
teeth @)
Blanket dates on
Western College's
Antioch College,
low Springs, Ohio
10. Harvard U/
Radcliffe Colleg
Camo Mass.
11. U of Chicago,
Culture and
avant-garde politics
12. Cornell U,
ithaca, N.Y.
Ivy League's prime
party school
f adventurer
Boston Cambridge is the
U.S.' most exciting i
student complex
The least
frivolous coed
4 in the country
Very social:
boasts 53
13. U of Penns:
tania, Philadelphi
14, New York U,
New York, N.Y.
15. Oberlin College,
Oberlin, Ohi
16. Boston U,
17. U of Arizona,
1B. Syracuse U,
Syracuse, N.Y.
19. Louisiana State
U, Baton Rouge
20. Ohio State U,
21. Princeton U,
Princeton, N.
22. DukeU,
Durham, N.C.
23. U of Missouri,
24. Michigan State
U, East Lansing
25. Bob Jones U,
Greenville, S.C.
TUDE | _ on-campus-off
myt ratio
A Fair Good | Greek-letter Owns a Super Business
5-2 social life Mustang ly o schoolers
man dominate
/ campus
Ey Good | Excellent] Downtown Village | Slightly non- campus
7-5 campus is plumage | conformist in Greenwich
buta j
middle- '
Good | Peor Painfully | Aged Cycle city
6-5 sincere | Holden f
Caulfield C
ES c
c Good | Good Locking for | Humphrey Date girls from
5-7 seeking a creative | Bogart the School of
fora bag husband Fine Arts
to be in
c Fair | Good Campus style
32 is like a
burlesque of
campus style.
No hippies,
_fow big brains
c tar | rar f| | Upmansnip Country The water
32 club tower in
muscleman Thornden
(5 Fair Fair | Restrictive TR SS) Schoolis
3-2 antebellum J
C Fair Poor |Football and Corn-ted Bedraces
3-2 fraternity pins home- around
coming The Oval
i -l
8 None | Good | Very clubby— traditional A favorite weekend roost-
eating clubs and ing place for New York
F. Scotl's ghost and Philly
Narcissist birds
E =
[3 Fair Fair Functioning student
32 judiciary sets the tone
volley. A
ball Ser Np
star Wie
Fair Fair | Jonah Jones and Teresa | Hepcat i
32 ‘old Kingston Trio Brewer Good cor ie
decoris > " i sexually
xm segregated
| area in the U.S.
^ —but the laun-
y P | aromat swings
c Fair Poor = by Live- ] Most prosperous lettuce |Nobody misses the annual
a3 stock farmer in Midwest Rabbit Show—no fooling
F Good | Poor |Piety Little
1-1 Women | Men
DISSENT (continued from ge 155)
Rovere wrote
t un at is E Totalitarian
hard war
"No governme:
can go on
that its. people lia
give." There will be
how free we really ar
the odds on the outcome,” Rovere con.
ied. reminding us that “repression is
the safest, surest, cheapest course for any
government to take.”
What are the odds? What do the aw
puries of the present tell us about nest
year and perhaps five years from now
—even if the war ends? It seems rele
vant here for me to tell you that 1 am on
the board of directors of the New York
Civil Liberties Union and that indicates,
1 trust, my conviction that everyone's
right to dissent, regardless of ideology.
is due the full protection of the Consti-
tution, specifically
Rights. Furthermore, in. exa
evidence and the au
in mind what L F. Stone, editor
publisher of his own newsweekly, said
recently. A doughtily independent jour
ist who was not in the least intimidated by
Joseph MeCarthy, Stone acknowledged
that there is real danger of increasing
repression in this counny. “But,” he
emphasized, “our duty as believers in and
practitioners of disent is mot t0 scare
ourselves to death unnecessarily. I don't
fecl very optimistic im terms of the im-
mediate future, but 1 don't feel hopcless."
Among those I ialked w in che
months of research for this article was a
prominent theologian who has been im
active opposition to the war. We spoke
min Spock, Yale chaplain
n Colhm (subject of last
month's Playboy Interview) and three
others had deen indicted by a Federal
Grand Jury in Boston on January fifth for
5 E" to counsel young men to
viokue the draft laws. One of the “overt
aas” charged against Spock and Coffin in
particular was the distribution of A Call
to Resist Ilegitinate Authority. [Spock,
Cofin and iwo others of the five have
since been convicted and their cases are
on appeal —Ed.]
1 still speak and writ the
war but Fm more careful the
theologian said; and he then told me of
what had happened to George Huntston
Williams, Hollis Professor of Divinity at
the Harvard Divinity School, A scholar
«| not an activist, Professor Williams
talk in ol selective con-
ious objection to war during a
meeting last October 16 at Boston's Ar-
lingron. Street. Church. Six weeks lau
members of the FBI visited. the proles
sor at his office and said tha e they
were questioning him concerning a pos
sible indictment, they had to warn
of his rights.
| hé wded, 8
cannot. figure
said the thcoloj "was
very disturbed by the incident. One of
his specialtics is the history of the Ger-
man church in the 1930s. He told) me
he never thought he'd hear the knock on
the door in this country, but now he’s
not so sure. He hasn't done much since
then against the war. E expect that's one
of the reasons the FBI went to see him.”
Across the county, in Oakland, Cali
fornia, another stratagem in the war on
dissent is being midate or-
ganizers of and. participants in amidraft
demonstrations. Alier a Large turnout of
antiwar protesters. last October. during
Stop the Draft. Week y men
were indicted on "conspiracy" charges
that could lead to a prison sentence of
up to three years and a $5000 fin
Among the counts against the dissenters
are such acts as the printing and dis-
tribution of leaflets, the mee physical
marching to an induction center and
the opening of a checking account for
Stop the Draft Week. Subsequent. anti-
draft demonstrations in the Oakland
area have been Jess well attended. and
much less cflective.
The war on dissent is by no means
limited to opponents of the war in View
nam. Even if that war does end soon,
tempts 10 repress free speech and the
right of assembly, among other legiti-
mate democratic processes, will contin:
ue. Still vulnerable are the n
black mi
who just happe
ts and som
not so m
to be black. “Much of
the troublemaking in the months and
years ahead,” Richard Rovere wrote in
the same New Yorker amice, "will be
the work of Negroes, and I. Gin even im
agine the imposition of a kind of Ameri-
cim apartheid—at least in the North,
where Negroes live in ghettos ibat are
easily sealed oll."
ciful? Consider
about Chicago from
this memorandum.
. Miller of the
s Union there:
g the summer of 1967, we «nv
the machine attempt to use every possi-
ble and often Lawless measuie to "keep a
cool summer’ Using a mob-action stat-
ute, indiscriminate arrests ard exces
sively high bail ($10,000-S50,000), they
swept the streets of, and imprisoned with-
om hearing, some 250-300 black citizens
for a minimum of a week
Several of those “lawless”
were declared | unconst
United Sunes Di
Chicago this p
however, imme
nances that
being “worse than the old ones.”
them, for instance, is a süipulat
anyone continuing an activity deeme
ly to lead 10 breach ol the peace
police have ordered him 10 stop
druge with disorderly conduct. “Deemed
Jikcly" is so loose a term that it can c
compass anyone the police want to seize.
ional by a
ia Cour judge in
March. The city council,
ately enacted. new ordi-
Miller chutracterizes as
ter the
Similarly. therc is another stipulation t
anyone knowingly entering property open
to the public and remaining there with
"malicious or mischievous intent” give the
police free reign to stop amy demonstration
they choose.
New York Ci awhile, has
passed emergency measures for “riots
and other disorders” that are shocking in
view of the fact that Mayor John V.
Lindsay has Jong been considered one of
the country's most commited civil liber
tarians. The new res, enacted last
spring, severely restrict civil liberties by
the imposition of curfews and the dos-
ing off of “disturbed” areas with accom-
nying harsh penalties for infractions
of these emergency Jaws, The mayor is
permitted to impose these restrictions on
the free movement and free assembly of
New Yorkers whenever he has
to believe that there exists a ck
danger of a riot or other public
€ New York Civil Liber
tics Union pointed out in a futile pro-
test, “This condition docs not prete
be objective. It does not even re
that ad id present danger actually
eist; it merely requires that the mayor
believe it exists. He doesn’t have 10 be
right: he only has to be sincere. Such a
provision Duly substitutes the rule of
the ^
rule of law
ting is the power the n
ow has to use hi
icy measures il
na act of violence"
the N. Y.C. LU.
has taken place, As
also changed. condition. is so
vague as to be meaningless. Hardly a
day passes without "am act of violence."
‘The bill docs not even bother to state
whether or not the act of violence has to
occur in New York City. It would ap-
pear that this bill permits the mayor to
dedare a state of emerge n New
York simply because th a riot in
Devoit, without any requirement to
show the existence of a similar threat
her. Had this bill been passed prior to
the assassination of Manin Luther King.
it would have permitted the mayor to
restrict civil Liberties in New York be
n act of
t was
cause of the possible cleats of
And New York City is gene
sidered to be the most “liberal”
come expert in keeping their city
whether or nor a clear and present. dan-
ger to the peace exists. A proclamation
last summer prohibited "all persons...
from gathering on the public streets or
sidewalks in groups of 12 or more . . -
except lor recreational purposes in
or other recreation A sim
proclamation w 1 enforced
immediately after the murder of Martin
Luther King. Precedents for immediate
arbitrary use of “emergency” powers are
(continued on page 228)
ally con-
in the
am issued a
man of notable calm and one
I have for years been trying
to emulate, never with much
success, once observed in his
journal that his neighbors in
Concord "sometimes appear to
work themselves into a state
of excitement over remarkably
As nearly as I can make out,
in 1845, when Thoreau had his
pad at Walden Pond. the people of Con-
cord lost their cool only over an out
break of scarlatina or canker h—and
then never for long. Whats more, the
t scems to have been harmless
enough. The witches had all been hy-
gicnically disposed of 150 years before
—and, besides, that was in Salem,
Massichuseus. During the recent un-
pleasintness in Washington in thc
1950s—a period most of us seem as
forgetful of as the Germans are of
Nazism—l was having a lively little
discussion about Senator Joe McCarthy
with a lady from Wisconsin. “1 really
don't know much about him,” the lady
said. “We're from the northern part of
the state, you know.”
But back to Comrade Thoreau. It is
true that he was once thrown in the
pokey in Concord for nonpayment of
taxes; but it was only overnight, and
he got back to Walden Pond in plenty
of time to pick himself a pail of huckie-
berries for supper, | have never spent
the night in jail—for nonpayment of
taxes, anyway—but the sessions I've had
with the friendly folks from Internal
Revenue have always left me in such a
state that I couldn't possibly keep any-
thing on my stomach except a filth or
so of Irish whisky.
Now, the village near which I eke out
an uncertain existence has more or less
cleared up scarlatina, and there
hasn't been an epidemic of
rash in years, We're
sullering from something much
a wave of universal
mild hysteria over nothing
very much, that not only is
contagious but may he fatal
Upzoning, for instance;
it’s one house for every four
acres wound here: and if
you're against that, as I am, you're
likely to be greeted in the village
by the president of the local garden club,
asking, “What do you hear from your
Commie friends in Peking these diys?”
We have also come out for democratic
tooth decay; and now that fluoridation
has been defeated, people without civ-
ities are looked upon with almost as
much suspicion as Timothy Leary and
his cohorts when they were carrying on
in an estate up the road from here.
Now that Leary has moved to San
Francisco, the estate has been turned
over, for the summer anyway, to the
Boy Scouts, which is just about as Amer-
ican as you can get. The move to get
rid of Leary was led by the Reverend
James Dandy, an Episcopalian who is
always preaching sermons on "God Is
Love,” although recently there was one
called “Nobody Had to Turn On Jesu:
I didn’t hear the Tater, but if called
upon, 1 could deliver verbatim a treatise
I heard in my youth in Marshalliown,
Iowa, called “Would Jesus Drive a Chev-
rolet?" The question is one that haunts
me still,
We are very large in God people
around here. The Last time I went to
the city—as you'll sec, it may be the last
time ever—there were only two other
individuals in my car. One was the preach
who c n a few miles to the leeward
of Dandy. Preach is responsible for a
number of books that a great many people,
none of them close friends of mine, have
apparently bought and in some cases even
read. Preach is famous for other things
as well, among them the fact that in 1960,
he was one of the leaders of the crusade
to keep the Pope out of the White House.
low, who also wore a funny collar, were
in my car as the wain started the haz-
ardous journey to Babylon. Both of
them had a minefresh copy of the
morning Times and they stared reading,
sometimes hardly moving their lips at
all (I should note that this was the
morning after one of the
Middle East.) Just before the train got to
Valhalla, Preach looked up from his pa-
per and said in a loud, clear voice, one
suitable for delivering a few words
about the Sermon on the Mount, “I
can't for the life of me see why they
stopped fighting." Look, next time, I
may get off at Valhalla and stay
There wasn't much clsc in the Times,
although I did note, with alarm, that the
nal marble championship was about
10 come up again. Myself, I'm still not
quite recovered from what happened last
year in that odd event. The winner then
was a boy of 13 from York, Pennsylvania,
named Barry Blum. I have never been
much i
Anyway, Preach and this other
rmistices in the
terested in marbles, but as you
will see, I am something of an expert on
mothers; and | observed that Dany's
mom, a Mrs. Augusta Blum, also of York,
Pennsylvania, was quoted as having told
don't care if you ruin four pairs
nts. Just win the national" (The
italics arc mine; at least I think they are.)
Barry did wear out the knees of one
pair of trousers, and at the time the crown
—I'm quoting the Times here—was placed
on his head, his right hand was cal-
louscd and bruised. He had participated
don't look now, but arewt we coming down with a case of hysteria?
All Scotches are good.
One Scotch is so good
its the worlds best seller.
in 95 games in five days. My Webster's
Unabridged defines "game" as "sport of
any kim frolic, or fui
But back to Barry and mom. By the
way, in case you hadn't guessed, there
Mr. Blum, not in York, Pennsyl-
. According io the Times, Mrs.
Blum said that Barr
which is no doubt true; but there is no
mention of posible harm done to Bar-
ry’s interior, an area that in
experience is far more vulnerable. and
takes forever to scab over. Not only
that; the doctoring lasts longer and is a
good deal more expensive.
moved out of the boys bedroom. It was
replaced with a marble shooting ring ten
feet in diameter. And from that day on,
Barry slept on a couch. He told the
Times reporter. "Vll be glad to get back
to my soft bed." Then he added. with, 1
should guess, some rue and regret, that
very few of bis fiends play marbles.
They seemed. to have what they consid-
cred more important things to do, "like
going out with Td say, put
arbles first, rather than spending mon-
cy on ; to a movie with a girl.”
Everybody got his values straight?
Crowns all in place?
The director of the marble brouhaha,
1 by the name of Oka Hester, said
the pressure on the bows taking
part was a lor like that in the world se-
ries. “It would get some kids down.” he
said, "but not Barry.” Hester, who is 54,
siid that the marble chi
open only to boys under 14. After that,
they're past. their. prime.
The Times reporter. didn't describe
the crown that was placed on Barry's
head. Was i hé or studded
with rubies ds? Was Bany
allowed to kecp it? Or did he have to
give it back to another boy not yet 14
pur aside childish things like
ig girls to a fick? But among the
ewgaws given Barry was a plaster bust
of John F. Kennedy. And Barry's photo-
graph will be hang in something culled
the Youth Hall of Fame in. Allentow
Pennsylvania, All in't far from
. which is nice.
only a little. 1o pick up the paper that is
published in my very own village. Polit
ly. this sheet is perfectly willing to let
Bury Goldwater prove that he isn’t
Communist. As usual —you'll sec why in a
minute turned fast to the inside pages
and looked at a story the editors didn't
think was very newsy.
children——1 refuse to call them teenage
hind been picked up by our local defend-
eis of che faith for mowing rocks at the
pionship is
the Times, | was abl
wenry two. local
windows of à commuter ti None of
the commuters was hurt much—externally,
anyway—but the engineer had t0 be carted
off to the hospital to be treated for minor
cuts and bruises.
When asked why they had done it,
one of the 22, à lad of 17 or thereabouts
nd, no doubt, an eagle scout, com-
ined that there weren't enough recre-
| lis stricdy
from Squaresville around here," he said,
nd what's to do at night?” What about
the town issuing a rifle and a few rounds
of live ammui n to our leaders of
tomorrow? | mean, you have to b
fun, don't you?
Another possible Presidential candi-
date involved. with the rock-throwing
said (I felt with some lack of logic) that
final exams were coming up in the high
school the following week. "The kids get
nervous." he added. And one of our local
subdebs, apparently the product of at
least a few sessions with a shrink, said,
“It seemed good way to get rid of
ve some
t least some of our hostilities.” Si
leave it there?
In addition to the usual ill-tempered
bilge about upzoning. the letters page of
the paper had a communiqué from one
of the founding fathers of our local John
Birch Society. He reported that a teach-
er in our frilly local high school had cor
rupted the youth by pl Tom
Lehrer record in a music course con-
cerned with the American folk song.
Had the teacher defended her action?
Had the school board raced to her rev
cue? Don't be silly. The teacher apolo-
gized for her heresy and said that she
wouldn't play that record "or any othe
of the kind" ever again: and the presi
dent of the school board. one of our
leading hardware clerks, said that
her would continue to be under
ation. In other words, if
like that happens again, it's cithe
electric chair or a dram of hemlock for the
ys save the frontpage headline
“Well, so much for a fate worse than death!"
of any newspaper until last, because,
whatever the news is, it’s always bad.
The moming I'm discussing was no
exception. In a type slightly lager than
that used by The New York Times to
announce the end of World War Two,
our paper reported that drug cases in the
L then read the story below the head-
line. As Harry said,
“Reading a newspaper
contact. What you have to waich out
for is the small type.” Sure enough. It
appeared that last year in this populous
county, four (not 40. not 400. four)
indiciments had been handed down by
the grand jury for the use or posession
of drugs. And in the first half of this
year, /] people had been charged—not
ndicted, charged —with use or poss
n of same. “300 PERCENT.” Eleven cases
As the reporteress responsible for the
headline wrote, “The statistics are still
small, and one mass arrest, such as the
capture of four addicts . . . may give
an exaggerated picture to the tora" (AIL
of the italics are mine.) Mass arrests of
four. Junkies mingling with the Here
fords,” switchblades abrandish. Hyste
cal, everybody? AIL you kids up tight by
As I put aside the paper that mori
ing, I thought, not for long, about my
mom, ad still is) the most
uptight person Ive ever come across.
aders who are confused about the
ing of the term up tight should
consult a person under 30, if they can
find one they can trust.) T haven't met
your mother, of course, but mine! When L
used to do something utterly selfish, such
as go to school, my mother would sigh
volubly and say, "Don't worry about me,
don't give me another thought. Of
course, the fact that / probably have a
| tumor and, in order to dull the
cxcruciting pain, have had to take ten
is ol aspiri
sit until J was well into puberty
—35 or so—that I. discovered ten entire
ns of aspirin is two tablets. But you
ta wonderful reporier Mom
would have been, mass arrests, no mat-
ter where you turn. Have you captured
your addict today?
! see wh
When I got to the city on the morn-
ng of the day I'm writing about, T
walked from Grand. Central to the New
York. Public. Libr on 4nd Street. a
building in which I have spent a. good
many relaxed and happy hours.
mother has observed with some reg
that nobody ever got rich by reading a
book, which in my case cannot be denied
but, as T said, there have in the past bee
some compensitions. Im the future? As
you'll sce, I just don't know.
When I got to the library, T went im-
tely to the photostating room. I
had ordered reproductions of some mag-
174 azine material to be used in a book I'm
writing. There was some delay. The
doe-eyed young man in charge was dis-
cussing with a friend the number of an-
gds that can dance on the head of a
pin: and since 1 hoped the two of them
would come up with a definitive answer
to a question that has always puzzled
me, T didn't interrupt. Eventually, how-
ever, the colloquy ended, the issue still
1 doubt, and the first young man ac
cepted my receipt for the 520 check 1
had left for the photostats, Happily—1
thought—they were exactly where they
should have been.
Nevertheless, when the young man
came back, he was close to n
bill only came to fourteen-filty
ad at this time of day, we d
any change" It was then 10:30 Ai
that point, I had the kind of inspiration
that almost never occurs to me when
I'm at the typewriter. For weeks, the
library had been broadcasting an appeal
for funds; so I said to the young priest,
"Look, why don't you keep the change
as my contribution to the library
He looked at me if Fd just an-
id all
those Brink's robberies. "I couldn't pos-
sibly do that," he said. “I'm simply not
nounced that I was the brains be!
The later statement was onc I was
cager to delve imo; but by that tim
the youthful theologian was backing
away, toward a table at which sat two
elderly wardens whom I believe I re-
member from some of the Warner
prison films of the Thirties. The
could he have been Ronald Rea
and the wardens talked at some length,
jingling their key chains and fi
their rifles. As they talked, they would
first look at me, then nervously thumb
tluough a book that, I assume, com
graphs of those most wanted by the
Finally, the elder of the uvo
—possibly Pat O'Brien—rose.
rifle at the read
to the place 1 was standing. Then, in a
tone usually reserved for the very old, the
mentally retarded or those condemned
prisoners about to partake of their last
supper, he said, "Now, suppose you tell
me what this is all about.”
Smiling beatifically, as is my wont, I
said, “It’s very simple. The library owes
me five dollars and fifty cenis, and you
don't have the change, and so 1 want to
contribute. it ——"
“Who sad we didnt have the
^ he demanded. He reached into
p pocket of his pants, the one on
ht, took out five singles and two
quarters and slapped them on the desk
that, among other things, separated us.
After 1 managed to pick up the moncy,
O'Brien snarled, “If you really wam to
make a contribution, there's a place
dow i the only place."
Anxious not to add to my already
lengthy list of felonies, I said thanks
, walked the last mile
and dashed for the clevator. And, sure
enough, on the fast floor of the library,
behind some theatrical posters, one of
which advertised David Merrick's pro-
duction of a play called Uncle Tom's
Cabin. | did come acros a dusty stron:
box on the front of which was a cob.
webby sign that
an envelope. Naturally. So I tiptoed over
to the guard who stands just inside the
front door, the one who, when he inspects
my dispatch case, always seems to be cc
tain that the Gutenberg Bible I've
snatched is inside.
"E don’t have an envelope," I coi
fesse in a whisper, pointing to the sig
"Do you suppose I could put my co
tibution in anyway
“IC it says envelope, it means env
lope,” snapped the guard, thus dosing
the mauer for all time.
After my escape from the and
1 kept listening for the sirens—I stopped
in a nearby bar and had two double
vodka tonics in quick succession. 1 lelt
the change from the $5.50 on top of the
bar. The bartender didn't seem to know
that it was hot.
I don't think we ought to spend too
much time with my friend from Chase
Manhattan Bank; but we're discussing up-
tightness here, and irs my theory that
the epidemic is à lot more widespread
than the flu trouble we had in my fa
thers War. I dropped into the Chase
branch on 42nd between Madison and
Park to close my account, for reasons of
no consequence hae. When the teller
pushed the check representing the final
balance across the counter toward me, I
said, “I'd like to cash this."
"We can't do that" sud my friend
from, etc. And he dosed the mouth that
looked like a drawstring purse
“I wonder if you'd mind telling me
why.” T asked, wondering if the problem
was, like the boy's at the library, inade-
e funds.
"Because you're no longer a depositor
here," said the drawstring purse. Any
. I don't really blame my buddy
at Chase Manhattan, There are certain
professions in which a kind of friudu
lent solemnity seems to be absolutely
necessary. Banking is one; but anybody
handling money that isn’t his own is
ikely 10 have that mouth and that atti-
nstance; C. P. Avs:
» the scrupulously
honest expense accounts T always ann
in; hatdheck girls, especially if they
French; and anybody, even a janitor, who
is on the payroll of Internal Revenue
The list of up-tight professions is, of
course, endless, and we don't have time
to go into them in any detail here. Em
balming, for instance. It's just as well
that those people don't start gig
(continued on page 178)
rur ga
is stor. I didn't have
vmasters, for
ons who turn dow
MARISOL artful assembler
A SENSUAL SERORITA named Marisol carved out a place for het
self in the pantheon of contemporary art when she oemed, three
years ago. The Party—an assemblage depicting 15 lifesize
ince then, Marisol's work has atiracted
1 atiention—and many big-league com-
Hugh M. H
of 1967, her threedimensional renderings of heads of
L. B. J. as a h:
ne-foot bulloon
«l Europe. Marisol (who:
hi) is no stranger to the €
before her first one-woman show—ol small bi
in New York in 1957. Five ye:
«d famous for, creating hi y
Hing for such mixed-media paint
nd pl. ww. One
kc derrière for which Mari-
pert at
ing, sculpting. wood
€ bears—and bar
sol has received a ni ber of complimy ^m usually the only
id," she says, “when f need a model." A model of disci:
as well, Marisol works daily in her Broach studio from
late morning until midnight, interrupting her regimen only for
partics and gallery openings—to which she is usually escorted by
such friends as film maker Andy Warhol (in two of whose flicks
Marisol has guest-starred). Now a full-fledged celebrity,
more—or less—than having an artist you respect y
work." ft also doesn't hurt to know that hundreds of mu
Success once scared me, but I now re
JIM WEBB folk-rockefeller
two YEARS aco, songwriter Jim Webb, then barely 20. was just
inother struggling kid trying to make it in Los Angeles. A $50-
week button pusher at a tiny Los Angeles recording. studio,
Oklahoma-born. Webb had dropped out of California's San
in a cheap apartment
Bernardino Valley College and was livin
where he slept curled up in a blanket on the floor
quick succession, he turned the end of an allair with a longtime
girlfriend into the bittersweet ballad By the Time I Get to
Phoenix ai ispired by a nonpsychedelic mip in a balloon—
wrote the superhit Up, Up and Away. The two songs, as recorde
by Glen Campbell and ‘The Sth Dimension, respectively, gà
nered a total of eight Grammy Awards—aind Webb now heads a
Iingconing S350.000:-ycar corporate complex ranging from
music production and publishing to talent management for a
stable of young songwriters who he hopes will duplicate his
ie thing now D was two vems ago—writ
Then. in
success, "lm doing the
ing songs.” Webb told us: but since 1966 he's moved into a 22
room Hollywood pad equipped with gym. recording studios and
ihe business meeting rooms in which he now has to spend much
of his time. “At first, T didn't see the poetry in business—my mind
isn't mathematical—bur there's a delicacy, an art. to it.”
And the haunting imagery of Jast summers Mac bthur Park,
d Haris. proves that Webb's busy execu-
A near
compulsive worker. he has literally dozens of projects in the
works—including several songs for Barbra Sure
lyrics for an upcoming movie version of Peter Pan, an avant-
usical film anda TV special starring the composer singing
his own songs. “It's raken a long time to work up the guts to
he savs,
written lor actor Rich:
tive schedule hasn't impaired his musical sensibilities.
snc. music and
JOSEPH STRICK znner-directed
“WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW is no more junk,” says Joseph
Stick, the intansigendy independem producerdlirector of
Ulysses. As long a The Savage Eye (his award-w
18 film essay on Los Angeles), Smick dreamed of wranstor
James Joyce's classic into a motion picture, Othe
Joyce himself, had thought about it; but the potential wrath
of the censors over its outspoken croticisin made the task 100
hot to handle, When the puritanical Production Code was
scrapped in 1966, however, Strick was finally able to bring his
drem into sharp focus on the screen—with virtually all of the
original four-letter dialog intact. Strick’s interest in cinema
began dining World War Two, when he spent over three years
in B-V7s tacking enemy submarines with a movie camera: by
Wars end. he was hooked on film making, Financially unabl
to produce the pictures he felt compelled to film. he commer
companies thar
cialized his scientific kno!
developed high-precision instruments, and sold out when he had
amassed enough money lor his movies. He plunged headlong into
feature films and made The Savage Eye, The Balcony imd then
Ulysses. Invited to show the Joyce epic at the 1967 Cannes
Film Festival (see Ulywes at Cannes, vrAYsov, May 1968),
Suick angrily withdrew the film when the festival director
sanitized about 20 of its subtitles, (He shrewdly avoided U. S.
censorship problems by the unique expedient of releasing
Ulysses nationwide for à three-day run, then decamped before
the bluenoses got organized.) Currently, Strick is hand at work on
writing the screenplay lor Emile Zola's classic La Terre and
directing Justine. trom Lawrence Durrell's magnum opus, The
Mexandyia. Quartet. He feels that “an artist works for him
sell: the film maker should be in touch with his couscience
and not with the public.” He's dearly in touch with both.
by promot
WIRT inset pom pacc 17
e they're at work. And that last is
one of the many reasons I have always
thought Richard M. Nixon woukl make
a dandy undertaker’s assistant. Not head
of the whole shebang, you understand,
because he is a very competitive fellow,
and I don't like ro think what lengths he
might resort to just to drum up a little
Cops s up tight. Ever met
one with a seme of humor? Judge:
Not too long ago the big city, a
ninakcourt judge by the name of
Shalleck wrote a 29-page opinion of a
young woman who had played the cello
a little theater off Times Square with
out having a stitch on above the waist,
Judge Shalleck did not give us his com-
ments on the lady's virtuosity on the
cello, we were favored with
thoughts—if th: the word—on an ex-
traordinary number of other subjects.
but his
There were, for instance, quite a few de-
batable sentences about “the pristine
uty of human female breasts," about
Rudi Germeich and even Yves St.
The judge, who appens to
generation's answer to the Rena
allround man, said of Pablo Casals that
he would not have become great "if he
had performed nude from the waist
down." The remarks of the judge cause
me to wonder if he has ever heard the
sound of a human voice, save his own,
let alone heard the music of Pablo C;
I have listened to Casals many times
Puerto Rico, in this country and
France. For all I know, he could have
been nude from the st down I
wouldn't have noticed. I believe that's
hat it’s all about—music, 1 me:
According to the Times, Judge Shal-
leck is "known among his colleagues as
be his
"Em in the advertising game, too! You fellows
looking for a couple of nice giri
a with a ‘delightful sense of hu-
" What's more, at one time, the
judge wanted to be a playwright. And
you think the theater's in wouble now?
Generals are almost always up tight—
ither De Gaulle or Chiang Kaishek
lot of 1 On the other hand,
ng Brazil's most recent bloodless
revolution ways are—two oppos-
i& generals we said to have met in a bar
in no mans land,
General A said to General B, ^
many troops have you got?
“Twelve thousand," said B. "How
many have you got?
“Fourteen thousand,” said A,
"OK. You win,” B replied, “Let's
have another drink.”
Would it surprise you if I say that.
failing to get into Valhalla (and there's
a long waiting list the next time I
il D intend staying?
But to finish off my day in the city. I
had lunch with my oldest friend, a fel-
low who after Our War went into book
publishing because he loved hooks, good
books. He had majored in literature a
Princeton, had read in that field dur
a year at Magdalene College, and his
master's thesis—he got it at Yale in 1949
—was concerned with that witty and sub-
verive man, the Reverend | Laurence
“AIL T want out of life” my friend
said at the time, "is enough money to
live comfortably on and a job I respect.
I don't want to wake up at forty with
more money than I know what to do
with and an ulcer.” Now he is, like me,
more than somewhat over 40, and he,
unlike has his ulcer, much morc
moucy than he knows what to do with
and a third wile.
"he lunch dealt
faults of number three; and, T must ad-
mit, the dist was formidable: but I
couldn't help thinking of a question my
nly with the
friend once asked, oh. a long time ago,
under somewhat similu circumstances.
The question was, “Whatever happened
to old-fashioned reticence
After his fourth martini, two
of wine and a
ter of brandy, m
1 said, only hice wives—so far,
ing you." said my friend.
cconomy-size snil
oll to sec
he's had five or si
I don't murder the little
woman. And I'll tell you one thing: il
ever murder was justified... . Well, so
long. old buddy.
Old buddy said, “Goodbye,” and hc
added, in a voice audible only to his
Own inner car, in noth
ing who has mot ience in every
ig." The latter isn't original; it comes
from Sterne: but I doubt if my friend.
would carc to remember.
I spent the rest of the afternoon wander-
ing through the streets of the city, looking
at the uptight faces of people hurry
nowhere in particular—those about to be
come totally paranoid and the far more
numerous ones who already were. The day
nded, appropriately enough, at a cock
party. Why and how I got there is no-
body's business: besides. I don't remember
1 had stopped several times along the w
to have a glass or two of life
vitamin-filled ved! 1 don't n
the purpose of the get-together, either,
nd E never met the host or hostess, But
judging by the guests the
they may have been casting a revival of
Murder, Inc. A single example will do.
There are others.
At one point, I got caught in the cross
fire between warring aficionados of the
film. Afiwionados ol y kind are apt
to be uptight, unpleasant people; but
those who fancy themselves experts. on
the kinema are the worst of the lot.
These two groups were doing battle
over whether The Graduate was or was
not a beuer flick than Bonnie and Clyde
I felt it incumbent on me to mention
1 like M: Keule that
they dont make movies like that any
more. l added, sotto that Thad
seen Errol Flynn in Robin Hood 19 times,
but nobody appeared to be listening.
On the way out, 1 managed to avoid
any involvement with the group that
was te one another what each had
shrink and what the shrink
had srid back. Are shrinks talking more
these days? Iu my brief encounter with
one of them, he just sat there and took
notes that 1 knew perfectly well he
passed directly on to the hangman.
had assembled,
that and Pa
said to his
On the train E
on the other side
wae lour transistor. r
tuned to a ditterem station; bur T
myself that question again. “Whatever
happened to old-fashioned reticence
And D remembered. —1. think you'll sce
why—a tip [took to Pittsburgh not too
long alter My War. My comp:
Eleanor Roosevelt. She was
n tan A D.A.
reasons D cannot
on was
e a speech
and so,
was I
Tt was a rough flight. There were
thundershowers the whole way and the
prop plane was held together with paper
dips and Scotch tape. Mrs
vead a little: she signed autographs: she
asked about and, with apparent interest,
liwened 1o the unabridged autobiow
phies of two stewardesses, a. middle aged
salesman fom Gary, Indiana, a H-vcar-
old boy from Bogotá and. I'm afraid, my
Mer our pl
e made one particularly
hazardous drop of several hundred. feet,
during which Mrs. Roosevelt read. T
asked her if she ever got frightened
when she was flying. “Oh, no." she said.
1 don't allow myself 10. T try to concern
myself only with those things I can do
something about."
Outwardly, Eleanor Roosevelt was
the most cheerful and the Teast uptight
person 1 have ever known, Even toward
the end of her extraordinary life, often
when she was in great pain, when asked
how she was, she smiled—and she felt
fine, thank vou very much, indeed. And
1 believe it was du
Piusburgh that |
managed her
ig the
asked her
how she
good cheer. Ht was really
c simple, she said: she had been
t up by her Grandmother Hall. a
woman who was, I gather, even more
austere than her motherin-law, Sara
Delano Roosevelt. Grandmother Hall had
taught Eleanor that when she felt ill or
tired. she so. That
made you unple
was never ro si
s expected to
Mrs. Roosevelt said, “one w
ud if thar
excused yourself.”
Once while she
posible, you
was First Lady, she
said. she found her young grandson,
Buzzie Dall, crving in the second-floor
hallway of the White House. "T said to
him. "Oh. Buzze. cvy where
people are, We ay by ourselves. Now,
you go find a bathtub and ay imo it
Maybe thar’s the trouble. Not enough
Grandmother Halls these days, not enough
batiubs. Nor enough reticence. One
thing is cettain: There isn’t an Eleanor
Roosevelt anywhere around
There was one other pleasant moment
the night E retuned from my most recent
amd, as Fve said. maybe last venture
into the city. Ii happened shortly after 1
got imo bed in the glass house, alone
except hooker of Scotch
dog. Everybody rd met at the cocktail
sliughter was just about to take olf for
Europe and they all seemed to think
they'd find peace of mind once they got
there, A bluebird,
1 thought the
for a and the
of the couple Td scen
the previous spring in a line waiting to
get into the Sistine Chapel. They were
from Missoula. Montana. and cach wore
a sign saying not only that but that each
was a member of somethin
Feople-to-People Program. The line out-
side the chapel was long and consisted
mosily of Americans and Germans. MI
of Germany was in Rome last sprit
which caused
ene to wonder who was
back home planing the war
The line moved slowly, kugely be-
cuse all of the tickets were being sold
by with a face that had nev-
innocence. Mis. Peopleto
People turned w Mr. PoP. and. in the
voice that is issued along with the pass
port, said, “Wed have two lines for a
thing like this."
"l knew,” e
why we're ahead of ‘em
Remembering (hat. precious moment
I started Laughing, and [ went to sleep.
still smiling. I didn't even finish the
Scotch, The way 1 look at it is this: A
man who has seen Missoula, Montana, its
well as the Sistine Chapel, has been about
everywhere he needs to go. Particularly il
he has also flown to Pittsburgh with a
reticent. woman,
er los its
her husband.
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW (continued from page 158)
truc, I'm afraid we may learn more about
man through dolphins than the other way
around. The Russians, paradoxically,
scem to be one step ahead of us in this
area; they recently banned all catching
of dolphins in Russian waters on the
grounds that “Comrade Dolphin" is a
fellow sentient being aud killing him
woukl be morally equivalent to murder
PLAYBOY: Although flying saucers are fre-
quently an object of public derision, there
has been a good deal of serious discussion
in the scientific community about the
possibility that UFOs could be alien space-
craft. What's your opinion?
KUBRICK: The most significant analysis
of UFOs I've seen recently was written
by L. M. Chasin, a French air force
gencral who had been a high-ranking
NATO olliccr. He argues that by any legal
rules of evide now sullicient
ighting data irom reputable.
sources—astronomers, pilots, radar opera-
tors and the like—to initiate a serious and
thorough world-wide investigation of
UFO phenomena. Actually, if you ex
amine even a fraction of the extant testi.
mony you will find that people have been
sent to the gas chamber on far less sub-
stantial evidence, OF course, it’s possible
that all the governments in the world
really do take UFOs seriously and perhaps
are already engaging in secret study proj-
ects to determine their origin, nature and
intentions. If so, they may not be disclos-
ing their findings for few that the public
would be alarmed—the danger of cul-
tural shock deriving from confrontation
with the unknown which we discussed
earlier, and which is an clement of 2001,
when news of the monolith's discovery on
the moon is suppressed, But I think even
the two percent of sightings that the Air
Force's Project Blue Book admits is un-
explainable by conventional means should
dictate a serious, scarching probe. From
all indications, the current. Government-
authorized investigation at the Univer-
sity of Colorado is neither serious nor
One hopeful sign that this subject may
st be accorded the serious discus-
it deserves, however, is the belated
but exemplary conversion of Dr. J. Allen
Hynek, since 1948 the Air Forces con-
sultant on UFOs and currently chairman
of the astronomy department at North-
western. University. Hyn
official capacity pooh-poohed UFO sight-
ings, now believes that UFOs deserve top-
prionty attention—as he wrote in PLAYBOY
[December 1967]—and even concedes that
the existing evidence may indicate a pos
sible connection with extraterrestrial life.
He predicts: “I will be
iprised if an in-
tensive study yields nothing. To the con-
trary, E think that mankind may be in for
the greatest adventure since dawning hu-
man intelligence turned outward to con-
template the universe.” 1 agree with him.
PLAYBOY: If flying saucers are real, who
or what do you think they might be?
KUBRICK: I don't know. The evidence
proves they're up there, but it gives us
very little clue as to what they are.
Some science-fiction writers theorize half-
seriously that they could be time shuttles
flicking back and forth between cons to a
“One thing about these film-obscenity cases—you get
to see a lot of great movies!"
future age when man has mastered tem-
poral travel; and 1 understand that bi-
ologist Ivan Sanderson has even advanced
a theory that they may be some kind of
living space animal inhabiting the upper
stratosphere—though I can't give much
credence to that suggestion, It's also pos-
sible that they are perfectly natural. phe-
nomena, perhaps chain lightning, as one
American science writer has suggested;
though this, again, docs not explain some
of the photographs taken by reputable
sources, such as the Argentine navy
which clearly show spherical metallic
objecs hovering in the sky. As yo
probably deduced, I'm really fasc
by UFOs and 1 only regret that this field
of investi ion has to a considerable ex-
ipted by a crackpot fringe
aims to have soared to Mars on f
ing saucers piloted by three-foot-ts
humanoids with pointy heads. Th
of kook approach makes it very casy to
dismiss the whole phenomenon which we
do at our own risk
I think another problem here—and
one of the reasons that, despite the over-
whelming evidence, there has been re
markably little public interest—is that
most people don't really want 10 th
about extraterrestrial beings patrolling
our skies and perhaps observing us like
bugs on a slide. The thought is too dis-
turbing; it upsets our tidy, soothing,
sanitized suburban Weltanschauung: the
cosmos is more than light-years away from
Scarsdale, This could be a survival mech-
anism, but it could also blind us to what
may be the most dramatic and important
moment in man's history—contact. with
another civilizatioi
PLAYBOY: Among the rcasons
those who doubt the interstellar origin of
UFOs is Einstein's special theory of rcl.
tivity, which states that the speed of light
is absolute and that nothing can exceed
it. A journey from even the nearest star
10 carth would consequently take thou
ids of years. They claim this virtually
rules out interstellar travel—at least for
sentient beings with life spans as short
as the longest known to man, Do you find
this argument vali
KUBRICK: I find it difficult to believe that
we have peneuated to the ultimate depths
of Knowledge about the physical laws of
the universe. It seems rather presumptuous
to believe that in the space of a few hun
dred years, we've figured out most of what
there is to know. So [ don't think i
right to declaim with unshakable cert
that light is the absolute speed Limit of
duced by
the universe, I'm suspicious of dogmatic
scientific rules; they tend to have a rath-
cr short life span. The most eminent
European scientists of the carly 19th
Century scoffed at metcorites, on the
grounds that "stones can't fall from the
sky"; and just a year before Sputnik, one
of the world’s leading astrophysicists
stated flatly that “space flight is bunk.
Actually, there are already some extremely
Sometimes even Wrights
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“I got news [or you—her voice ain't the only thing
about her
teresting theoretical studies under way
—one by Dr. Gerald Feinberg at Columbi
University —which indicate that short cuts
could be found that would enable some
things under certain conditions to exceed
the speed of light.
In addition, there's always the po
bility that the specd-of-light 1i
even if its rigid, could be circumy
via a space-time warp, as Arthur C
has proposed. But lers tke
slightly more conservative, means
evading the speed of light's rest
If radio contact is developed be
ourselves and another civilization
in 200 years we will have reached
netic engine
to us
it its genetic code
tern and artific
of their spec
vice versa. This sounds fantastic only to
those who haven't followed the tremen-
dous breakthroughs being made in genci
But actual iv
be impossible even if light speed can't be
ved. Whenever we dismiss space Might
beyond. our solar system on the grounds
that it would take thous:
ave thinking of bein
avel wouldn't
that’s ‘technically augmented.”
duction and death—within 24 hours; well,
man may be to other creatures in the w
verse as the fruit fly is to man. Th
ay be countless races in the universe
h life spans of hundreds of thousands
or even millions of yeis, 10 whom a
10.000.ycar journey to canh would bc
about as intimidating as an afternoon
in the park. But even in terms of
our own time scale, within a few years it
should be pos
or induce a
lile functions the duration of
interstellar journey. They could spend
300 or 1000 years in space and be awak-
ened automatically, g no different
than if they had had a hearty cight how
The speed-oflight theory, too, could
work in favor of long journeys; the pe-
culiar “time dilation” factor in Einstein's
relativity theory means that as an object
acelerates toward the speed of light.
time slows down, Everything, would ap-
pear normal 10 these on board: but if they
had been from earth for. 56
s, upon their return they would be
merely 20 years older than when they de-
parted. So, taking all these factors. imo
tonsidenuion, Pm not unduly impressed
by the ckiims of some scientists thar the
speed-of light limitation renders inter-
stellar travel impossible
hibernatory suspension of
PLAYBOY: You mentioncd freezing
nauts for lengthy space journeys, as in the
“hibernacula” of 2007. As you know,
physicist Robert Entinger and others have
proposed freezing dead bodies in liquid
nitrogen until a future time when the
can be revived. What do you think of this
I've been interested in it for
nd I consider it eminently
ible. Within ten years. in fact, 1 be
lieve tha i of the dead will be a
ry in the United States and
throughout the world; 1 would recom-
mend it field of investment for im-
aginative speculators. Dr. Ettinger's thesis
quite simple: If a body is frozen cryo-
gcnically in liquid nitrogen at a temper:
tune near absolute zero—minus 459.6
degrees Fahrenheit—ánd stored. in ad-
equate facilities, it may very well be possi-
ble at some determinate date in the
future to thaw the corpse
then cure the disease or repair the physical
damage that was the cause of death,
"This would, of cou 1a consider
gamble: we have y of knowing that
future science will be sulficiently advanced
to cwe, say al Cancer, or év
successfully revive a frozen body, In a
dition, the dead body undergoes dam-
ie in the course of the freezing process
itself; ice crystallizes within the blood
stream. And unless a body is frozen at
the precise moment of death, progres
sive braincell deterioration also occurs.
But what do we have 10 lose? Nothi
d we have immortality t0 gain. Let me
read you what Dr. Ettinger has written:
sed to be thought that the distinction
1 death was simple and ob-
ng man breathes. sweats and
A liv
es stupid rema 1 one just lies
There, pays mo attention alter a
while gets putrid. Bur nov
is that simple.
Actually, when
the concept of f
e nearly as fa
bit as revolution it appears at
first. Alter all, cou thousands ol
patients "dic" on rhe operating table
and arc revived by artificial stimulation
of the heart after a few seconds or even
a few minutes—and there is really little
substantive difference between. bringing
t back to life after three mi
th or after
20" stage of 300 yea
it concept is now gaining
mount of attention wit
scientific Community, France's. Dr. J
Rostand, an internationally respected. bi-
ologist, has proposed that every mation
begin a freezer program immediately
funded. by government ey and utiliz
ing the top scientific minds in cach coun-
ty. “For every day that we delay," he
says, “umald thousands are going to an
unnecessary grave.”
PLAYBOY: Are you
frozen yourself?
n "intermez-
s. Fortunately, the
interested in bi
1 would be if there were ade-
able at the present
re not.
quate facilities
time—which, unfortunately. the
A number of or ions are attempting
10 dissem e funds
to implement an elfective freezing pro-
grim—the Life iion Society of
Washingta Sociery of New
York, ctc—but we are still in the infancy
of ayobiology. Right now, all existing
ities—and there are only a
t sufficiently sophisticated
istic hope. But that could
ply will change far more rapidly
than we imagine.
A key point 10 remember,
by those ready 10
concept as preposterous, si
has made fantastic strides in just the
past 40 years: within this brie! period of
time, a wide range of killer diseases
that once were the scourge of man-
kind, from smallpox to diphtheria, have
been virtually eliminated throug
ies and antibiotics: while others, such as
betes, have heen brought under. con
wrol—though not yet completely climi
wansplanis are almost a viable
and organ banks are being
s ol spleens,
this. whole
h vac
nated—by drugs such as insulin.
s for future
nt surgery.
ger predicts that a "freezec
who died after a severe accident or mas
mernal damage would emerge rc
ted Brom of the fu:
quilt of His im
ns—heari kidneys
be grafts,
ach and the rest
med after L
gown in the
oruory fiom somcone's donor cells. His
arms and legs may be “bloodless arti-
facis of. fabric amd plastic, dive-
ed bv uny moras" His brain cells.
writes Ettinger. "may be mosily new
regenerated from the few which would
be saved, and some of his memories and
personality traits may have had to be
imprinted onio the new cells by micro
techniques of chemistry and physics.”
Vhe main challenge 10 the scient
the future
in this ar
be re
cause ol death;
. we have every reason f
a result of recent. expe
^ne. So before anyone dismisses the
idea of freezing, he should take a
scarch look at what we have accom-
plished in a few decules—and ponder wh
were capable of accomplishing over the
next few centuries.
PLAYBOY: If such a program does succeed.
the person who is frozen will have no way
of knowing, of course, if he
successfully revived. Do you think future
scientists will be will if they're
able, 10 bring their ancestors back 10 lile?
KUBRICK: Well, 20th Century man may not
be quite the cup of tea for a more ad
vanced civilization of even 100 years in
the future; but unless the future culture
ever be
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[ nis
has achieved —immortality—which is
scientifically quite possible—they them-
selves would be frozen at death, and
every generation would have a vested
a the preservation of the pre-
frozen. generation in order to be,
1 turn, preserved by its own descend
OF course, it would be something of a
letdown if, 300 years from now, somebody
ist pulled the plug on us all, wouldn't it?
Another problem here, quite obvious-
y is the population explosion; wh
be the demographic effect on the
of billions of frozen bodies suddenly re-
vived and taking their places in society?
But by the time future scientists have mas-
tered the techniques to revive their fro-
zen ancestors, space flight will doubtless
be a reality and other planets will be
open for colonization. In addition, vast
freever facilities could possibly be con
structed on the dark side of the moon to
store millions of bodies. The problems
are legion, of course, but so are the
PLAYBOY: Opponents of cryogenic {reez-
ing argue that death is the natural and
inevitable culmination of life and that
shouldn't tamper with it—even
we're able to do so. How would you
answer them?
inevitable th:
Death is a discase
no more natural or
llpox or diphtheria.
das susceptible to
cure as any other disease. Over the
cons, man's powerlessness to prevent
death has led him to force it from the
forefront of his mind, for his own psy
chological health, and to accept it
unquestioningly as the unavoidable ter-
mination, But with the advance of
science, this is no longer necessary—or
desirable. Freezing is only one possible
means of conquering de:
th, and it cer-
tainly would not be binding on every-
one; those who desire a “natural” death
cin go ahead and die, just as those in
the 19th Century who desired. “God
ordained” suffering resisted anesthesi
As Dr. Ettinger has written, "To cach his
own, and to those who choose not to be
hozen, all I can say is—rot in good
PLAYBOY: Freezing and resuscitation of
the dead is just one revolutionary scien-
ic technique that could transform our
iety. Looking ahead to the y
your film, 2001, what major social and
scientific changes do you foresee?
KUBRICK: Perhaps the greatest break-
through we may have made by 2001 is
the possibility that man may be able to
e e old age. We've just discussed
r of
the steady scientific conquest of discase;
even when this is accomplished, how-
ever, the scourge of old
But too
ge will remain.
people view senile decay,
th itself, as inevitable, Its noth-
“Remember: military targets only! Be sure you hit nothing
except bases, dumps, roads, factories
bridges, trains, ships,
houses, fields, forests, buildings, vehicles, or anything else
that may look suspicious.”
ing of the sort. The |
Rusian scientist V. F. Kuprevich has
written, “I am sure we can find means
for switching off the mechanisms which
pe" Dr. Bernard Strehl
an eminent gerontology expert, contends
there is no inherent contradiction,
no inherent property of cells or of Meta-
zoa that precludes their organization
ino perpetually functioning and self-
replenish dividuals.
One encouraging indication that we
may already be on this road is the work
of Dr. Hans Selye, who in his book Cal-
ciphylaxis presents an intriguing and well-
buturessed argument that old age is caused.
by the transfer of calcium within the body
—a transfer that can be arrested by c
culating throughout the system. specific
iron compounds that flush out. the cl-
m, absorb it and. prevent it from per
meating the tissue. Dr. Selye predicts
that we may soon be able to prevent
the man of 60 from progressing to the
condition of the man of 90. This is
something of an understatement; Selye
could have added that the man of 60
could slay 60 for hundreds or even
thousands of years if all other diseases
have ben eradicated, Even accidents
r his rcl
would not necessarily imp
i y: even if a ma
by a steamaoller, his mind and body
will be completely. re-cr ble from the
niest fragment of his tissue, if genetic
ing continues its rapid. progress
act do you think
will have on the life style of society at
the turn of the century?
KUBRICK: That's almost impossible to
sav. Who could have predicted in 1900
what life in 1968 would be like? Tech-
nology 1 many ways, more. predict-
able than human behavior. Politics and
world allairs change so quickly that it's
difficult to predict the future of social
institutions for even ten veurs with a
modicum of accuracy. By 2001, wc
could be living in a Gandhiesque para
dise where all men are brothers, or in
dictaromhip, or just be
g along about the way we are
today. As technology evolves, however,
"s little doubt that the whole con.
cept of leisure will be both quantitative
atively improved.
What about the ficld of enter:
KüBRICK: I'm sure we'll have sophisticated
3D holographic television and films, and
is possible that completely new forms of
entertainment and education. will be de-
vised. You might have a machine that
taps the brain and ushers you into a viv-
id dr perience in which you are
more ser similar
hine could directly program you
with knowledge; in this way, you might,
for example, easily be able to learn fluent
German in 20 minutes. Currently, the
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“That ll be all for now, Miss Dunn. I have to get
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learning processes are so laborious and
time-consuming that a breakthrough is
really needed.
On the other hand, there are some
risks in this kind of thing; I understand
that at Yale they've been engaging in
ments in which the pleasure
mouse's brain has been loc
and stimulated by electrodes; the result
that the mouse undergoes an eight-
hour orgasm. If pleasure that intense
lily available to all of us, we
might well become a race of sensually
stuhified zombies plugged into pleasure
stimulators while machines do our work
and our bodies and minds atrophy. We
could also have this same problem with
psychedelic drugs; they offer great prom-
ise of unleashing perceptions, but they
also hold commensurate dangers of cà
yg withdrawal and disengagement
life imo a totally innerdirected kind of
Soma world. At the present time, there
we no ideal drugs; but ] believe by
2001 we will have devised chemicals
with no advese physical, mental or
186 genetic results that can give wings to
the mind and enlarge perception beyond
its present evolutionary capacities.
Actually, up to now, perception on
the deepest level has really, from an
evolutionary point of view, been detri
mental to survival; if primitive man had
been content to sit on a ledge by his
cave absorbed in a beautiful sunset or a
complex cloud configura he might
never have exterminated his rival species
—but neither would he have achieved
mastery of the planet. Now, however,
man is faced with the unprecedented
tion of potentially unlimited material
1 technological resources at his disposa
tremendous iount of leisure time.
At last, he has the opportunity to look both
within and beyond himself with a new
perspective—without endangering or im-
peding the progress of the species, Drugs,
intelligently used, can be a valuable guide
to this new expansion of our consciousness.
Bur if employed just for kicks, or to dull
aiher than to expand perception, they
an be a highly negative influence. There
should be fascinating drugs available by
2001; wh; ke of them will be
the crucial question.
PLAYBOY: Have you ever used LSD or
other so-called | consciousness-expanding
KUBRICK: No. I believe that drugs are
basically of more use to the audience
than to the artist. I think that the illu-
sion of oneness with the universe, and
absorption with the significance of every
object in your environment, and the per-
vasive aura of peace and contentment is
not the ideal state for an artist. It tra
quilizes the creative personality, which
thrives on conflict and on the clash and
ferment of ideas. The artist's transcend-
ence must be within his own work; he
should not impose any artificial barri
ers between himself and the mainspring
of his subconscious. One of the things
that’s turned me against LSD is that all
the people I know who use it have a
peculiar inability to distinguish between
things that are really interesting and
ing and things i
duces on a "good" trip. They seem to
completely lose their critical faculties
and disengage themselves from some of
the most stimulating arcas of life. Per-
ps when everything is beautiful, noth-
ing is beautiful.
PLAYBOY: What stage do you believe to
day's sexual revolution will have reached
by 90012
KUBRICK: Here again, it's pure specula-
ion. Perhaps there will have been a
present trends, and the
pendulum will swing back to a kind of
nco-puritanism. But it’s more likely that
the socalled sexual revolution, mid-
wifed by the pill, will be extended.
Through drugs, or perhaps via the sharp-
ening or even mechanical amplification
of latent ESP functions, it may be pos-
sible for each partner to simultaneously
experience the sensations of the other;
or we may eventually emerge into. poly-
morphous sexual beings, with the male
ad female components blurring, merging
and interchanging. The potentialities for
exploring new arcas of sexual experience
are virtually boundless.
PLAYBOY: In view of these trends, do you
think romantic love may have become
unfashionable by 20017
KUBRICK: Obviously, people are finding it
increasingly easy to have intimate and
fulfilling relationships outside the con-
cept. of romantic love—which, in its
present form, is a relatively recent acqui-
sition, developed at the court of Eleanor
of Aquitaine in the 12th Century—but
the basic love relationship, ev
at its most
is too deeply ingrained in
vche not to endure in onc form
or another. lis not going to be easy to
circumvent our. primitive emotional. pro-
graming. Man still has essentially the same
set of pair-bonding instincts—love, jeal-
possessiveness—imprinted for indi-
vidual and ui millions of years
ago, and these still lie quite close to the
(continued on page 190)
Your dragon.
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you'll want to wear some-
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Where-To-Buy-It? Use REACIS Card — Page 209.
n these allegedly
ied times.
, eve
and libe
One can ofler all kinds ol im-
melleciual arguments against
n instimtion—its inher
m. etc; but when you
10 it, the Family is the
and visceral and vital
d outside
the family
1 in society, You n
c's hospital room du
ty st
Iy God, what a re
binh muteri:
t Is i right to take on this
terrible obligation? What am I really
doing herz" and then you go in and
look. dow fae of your child
and—zap! icient programing tikes
over and your response is one of won-
der and joy amd pride. It's a classic
cwe ol tically imprinted social
terns, 1 re very lew thi
this world th:
importance in emeles
re not susceptible 10 debate or ration
al argument, but the family is one of
them, Perhaps man has heen to libe
ated" by science and. evolutionary. social
wends. He his been turned. loose. fom
religion and has hailed the death of his
gods: the imperative loyalties of the old
hation-stare are dissolving and all the
old social and ethical values, however
reactionary and narrow. they
am unquestionz
and of
often. were,
(continued from page 186)
y sane throu
have someone to cire about,
that is more important than himself.
PLAYBOY: Some critics e detected not
only a deep pessimism but also a kind of
nthropy in much of your work. In
Strangelove. for example. one re.
ted that your directorial
. despite the film's sintiwar mes-
ge. seemed curiously aloof and detached
and unmoved by the annihilation of m:
wl, almost as if the carth were b
deansed of an infection, Is there
truth to thai?
KUBRICK: Good God, no. You don't stop
being concemed. with m
recognize i
is and preter To me, the only
orality is that which endangers
l in
the species: and the only absolute evil
that which threatens its anuihilation. In
the deepest sense. I believe in mins poten
capacity for progress. In
^. I was dealing with the in-
herent irrationality in man that tirent
ens to destroy him: that irrationality is
with us as strongly today. and must be
conquered. But a recognition of insanity
does imply a celebration. of. it—nor a
sense of despair and futility about the
" v ol curing it.
PLAYBOY: In the five ye Dr.
Strangelove was released. the two major
nuclear powers, the U.S, and the U, S, S. R.,
and in
Stran gelo,
“Could I borrow some oil? Its for my bedspring.”
have reached. substantial. accommodation
with each other. Do you think this has
redueed the danger of nuclear w
confident Sovie
the over
American détente in
Greases the dieat ccidemtal war
through carelessiess; this has always been
the greatest menace and the one most dif-
ficult to cope with, The danger that nu-
r weapons may be used—perhaps by
secondary power—is as great if not greater
than it has ever been, and it is reall
quite amazing that the world has been
able 10 adjust 1o it psycholog
so little apparent dislocation.
Particularly s the pos:
war breaking out as the result ol
mmanticipated flare-up in some part of
the world,
ad. cal
pulting confused
men into decisions th
of mal rationally. In
the serious threat remains that a
psychotic figure somewhere in the mod
ern commund structure could start a
u the ve limited ex
ge of nuclear weapons that could
devastate wide areas and cause
merable casualties. This, of course
the theme of Dr. Strangelove: and Vm
not entirely assured. that somewhere in
the Pentagon or the Red amy upper
echelons there does not exist the reallife
prototype of General Jack D. Ripper.
PLAYBOY: Fitil-safe strategi: have sug
gested that one way to obviate the da
ger that a screwball might sp:
would be to administer psychole
ness tests 10 all key perso
nuclear command. structure.
because any seriously dis
turbed individual who rose high within
the system would have to possess con
siderable self-discipline and be able to
cllectively mask his fixations, Such tests
already do exist to a limited deg
you'd really have to be pretty far gone
to betray yourself in them. and the type
would |
ighly controlled. psychopat
Would. that
be an eflective safegu
personality wot 10 have given himself
away long ago. But heyond those. tests,
re you going to objec
ie sanity of the Pre
Commander-in-Chief, the ultimate res
ty for the use of nuclear
des? Ies improbable but. not
sible that we could someday a
psychopathic President, or a President who
suffers ervous breakdown, or an
holic President who, im the course of
some stupefying binge. starts a war. You
could say that such a man would H
tected and. restra
vely assess
lent, in whom
c de
y his aides—bue
h the powers of the Presid
ney what
re today, who really know:
Tarfeiched TES
the possibility thar a psychopathic indi
vidual could work his way imio the lower
echelons of the White House stall. Can
you imagine what might have happened
they Less
amd even n
ecce ES
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“Today youre going to march in there and ask
for an increase
at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis
if some deranged waiter had slipped
LSD into Kennedy's collee—or, on the
other side of the fence, into Khrushchev's
vodka? The possibilities are chilli
PLAYBOY: Do you sl the bdief of
some psychiatrists that our continued
reliance on the balance of nudear pow-
er, with all its attendant risks of global
catastrophe, could reflect a kind of col-
lective death wish?
KUBRICK: No, but I thi
helps expla
k the fear of death
why people accept. this
an sword over their heads with
Man is the only
ind is
at the su orally pable of
ing 10 grips with this awareness and all
its implications, Millions of people thus,
to a greater or lesser de xperience
emotional xicties, tensions and unre
solved conflicts that frequently express
themselves in the form of neuroses
nd a general joylessness that pe
meates their lives with frustration and
in knowledge.”
bitterness and increases as they grow older
and see the grave yawning before them, As
fewer and fewer people find solace
religion as a buffer between themselves
and the terminal moment, I actually be
eve that they unconsciously derive a
kind of perverse solace from the ide;
that in the event of nuclear war, the
world dies with them. God is dead, but
the bomb endures: thus, they are no
longer alone in the terrible vulnerability
of their mortality. Sartre once wrote that
if there was one thing you could tell a
man about to be executed that would
ke him happy. it was that a comet
would strike the earth the next day and
destroy every living human being. This is
not so much a collective death wish or
self-destructive urge as a rellection of the
awesome and agonizing loneliness of
death. This is extremely pernicious, of
course, because it aborts the kind of fury
nd indignation that should galvanize the
world into defusing a situation where a
few political leaders on both sides are
seriously prepared to incinerate millions
of people out of some misguided sense of
national interest.
PLAYBOY: Aic you a pacifist?
KUBRICK: I'm not sure what pacifism
really means, Would it have been an act
of superior morality to have submitted
10 Hider in order to avoid war? I dont
think so. But there have also been tragi-
cally senscle: such as World War One
us wars that. pock-
es today's situa-
ferent from a ng
ory. man has the
means to destroy the entire species—und
possibly the planet as well, The problem
of dramatizing this to the public is that
it all seems so a 7 it’s
rather like saying,
die in a billion years.” What is required
inimal first corrective step is a
nt bal
ance of terror—one that people can un-
derstand and support.
PLAYBOY: Do you believe that some form
of all-powerful workl government, or some
radically new social, political and cco
nomic system, could deal intelligently and
ightedly with such problems as nu-
clear war?
KUBRICK: Well, none of the present sys-
tems has worked very well, but 1 don't
know what we'd replice them with. The
idea of a group of philosopher kings run-
ng everything with benign and omm
cient. paternalism is ive, but
where do we find the philosopher kings?
And if we do find diem, how do we pi
vide for their successors? No, it has to be
conceded that democratic society, with
ii herent strains and contradictions, is
tionably the bes ne ever
worked out. E believe it was Churchill who
once remarked that democracy is the worst
social system in the world, except for all
the others.
PLAYBOY: You've been accused of rev
ing, in your films, a strong hostility 10
the modern industrialized society of the
democratic We: la
of mort jon—toward automa-
tion. Your aitics clim this was especially
evident in 2007, where the archvillain of
the the computer Hal 9000, was in a
sense the only human being, Do you be-
lieve that machines becoming more
like men and men more like machines—
and do you detect an eventual struggle for
dom nce between the two?
KUBRICK: First of all. I'm not hostile to-
rd machines at all; just the opposite,
fact. "There's no doubt that we're
a mechanarchy, however, and
that our
with our
ready complex re
will become ev
more complex as the machines become
more and more intellig y
we will have to share this plmnct
with machines whose intelligence and
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“For a moment there, I thought you two were gonna
set the woods on fire.”
own. But the
ently managed
asurably en-
bilities far surpass our
intenelationship— il intelli
by man—could have an imme
ching efect on society.
Looking into the distant futur
suppose its mot inconceivable tha
semisentient robotcomputer subculture
could evolve that might one day decide
it no longer needed man. You've probably
heard the story about the ultimate com-
puter of the future: For months scientists
think of the first question to pose to it.
and finally they hit on the right one: “Is
there a God?" After a moment of whirring
and fishing lights. d comes oul,
punched with the words: THERE 1s Now.
But this problem is a distant one
ng up nights worrying
our toasters and TVs
ed, though I'm not so
sure about imegrared telephone circuits,
which sometimes strike me as possessing
a malevolent life all their ow
PLAYBOY: Speaking of futuristic electronics
ad mechanics, 2007's incredibly elabo-
rate gadgetry and scenes of space flight
have been hailed—even by hostile critics
—as a major cinematic breakthrouel
How were you able to achieve such re-
markable special effects?
KUBRICK: I can't answer that question
technically in the time we have available,
but | can say that it was necessary to
conceive, design and engineer complete-
ly new techniques in order to produce th
special effects. This took 18 months and
56,500,000 out of a $10,500,000 budget.
1 think
must go to Robert H. O'Brien, the presi
dent of MGM. who had sullicient faith t
allow me to persevere at what must hav
at task without end.
Bue | y 10 make this
film in such a way that every special-elfects
shot in it would be completely convine
——something that had never before
n accomplished in a motion picture.
PLAYBOY: Thanks to those special effects,
2001 is undoubtedly the most graphic
depiction of space ft the history of
films—and yet you have admitted that you
yoursell refuse to fly, even in
jet liner. Why
KUBRICK: I suppose it comes down to a
rather awesome awareness of mortality.
Our ability, unlike the other animals, to
conceptualize our own end aeates tre-
mendous psychic strains within us: wheth-
er we like to admit it or not, in exch
W's chest a tiny ferret of fear at th
te knowledge gnaws away at his
and his sense of purpose. We're
fortunate, in a way, that our body, and
the fulfillment of its needs and. func-
tions, plays such an imperative role in
our lives; this physical shell creates a
butler between us and the mind-paralyzing
realization that only a few years of exist
ence separate birth from death. 1£ ma
ly sat back and thought about his im
ding termination, and his terrifying
nificance and aloncness in the cosmos,
he would surely go mad. or succumb to a
numbing sense of futility. Why, he mig]
ask himself, should he bother to write a
t symphony, or strive to make a liv-
or even to love another, when he is
more than a momenttry microbe on a
note whirling through the unimag-
mmensity of sp
Those of us who a
forced by their
own sensibilities t0 view their lives i
this perspective—who recognize that there
s no purpose they can comprehend and
that amidst a countless myriad. of. stars
their existence gocs unknown and un-
chronicled—can lall prey all too easily to
ultimate anomie. | can well under
ume for Matthew Arnold
where ignorant
wd there is
itude nor
th nor surcease from pain.” But eve
for those who lack the sensitivity to more
than vaguely comprehend their transience
nd their triviality, this inchoate aw
ness robs life of meaning and purpose;
why “the mass of men lead lives of quiet
desperation.” why so many of us find our
lives as absent of meaning as our deaths
The world’s religions, for all thei
parochialism, did supply a kind of con-
solation for this great ache; but as cler
gymen now pronounce the death of God
1o quote Arnold again, “the sca of
man has no crutch left on which to le
and o hope, however irrational, 10 give
purpose to his existence. This shatiering
recognition of our mortality is at the root
of far more mental illness than I suspect
even psychiatrists are aware,
PLAYBOY: I life is so purposeless, do you
feel that it's worth livin
KUBRICK: Yes, lor those of us who nan
ge somehow to cope with our mor
ty. The very meaninglessness of life
forces man to create his own meaning.
Children, of course, begin life with
untarnished sense of wonder, à. capacity
10 experience total joy m something
as simple as the greenness of a |
but as they gow older, the aware
ess of death and decay begins to im-
pinge on their consciousness and. subtly
erode their joie de vivre, their idealis
and. their assumption of immortali
a child matures, he secs de:
everywhere about hi
lose faith in fai the ultimate
goodness of man, But if he's reasonably
iuh and
i emerge. from
twilight of the soul iuh of
lan. Both because of amd im spite
wareness of the meaninglessness
of life, he can forge a fresh sense of pur-
pose and affirmation. He may not recap-
ture the same pure sense of wonder he
was born with, but he can shape some
thing [ar more enduring and sustaining
ag fact about the un
not that it is host
flerem; but if we can come to
terms with this indillerence and acce
the challenges of life within the bound
ol death—however mutable man
ke them—our existence
have genuine men!
as a species can
md fulfillment. However vast the da
nes, we must supply our own Light.
PLAYBOY. Will we be able to find
deep meaning or fulfill as
individuals or as a species, as long as
we continue to live with the knowledge
thar all human. life coukl be snulled out
at any moment in a nuclear. catastrophe?
KUBRICK: We must, for in the final anal-
y be no sound way to elim.
u of selLextinciion without
ging human nature: even if you man-
ged to get every cou
10 the bow and arrow, you would still
be unable to lobotomize cither the
knowledge of how to build nuclear war-
heads or the perversi lows us to
try disirmed down
ationalize their use, these iwo
megorical imperatives disarmed
world. the first country to amass even a
few weapons would have a great incen-
tive to use them quickly. So an argu
ment might be made that there is a
greater chance for some use of nuch
disarmed world,
icc of global extincion,
ed to the teeth, you
but à great
e of extinction. il. they're used.
I you try to remove yourself from an
arthly perspective and look at this trag-
radox with the detachment of an
extraterrestrial, the whole thing is totally
irrational. Man now has the power
one mad, incandescent momen
point ow te the
Ges; our
less chai
n a world
have less chance for some use
10 exterm
endre spe
eneration could be ihe
ory could vanish
; one misstep and
all of pirations amd wrivings
over the millennia could be terminated.
One short circui computer, one lu-
matic in a command structure and we
could negate the heritage of the billions
who have died since the diwn of man
and abort the promise of the billions yet
unborn—the ultimate genocide. What an
irony that the discovery of nuclear pow-
er with is potential for annihilatio
also constitutes the first
imo the universe that
t worlds.
earth. One miscalculation and
the achievements of
in a mushroom
must be
Unhappily, the
e among emerging
the cosmos may be very
that it will mauer except to
iet would
have no significance on a cosmic scale:
to an observer in the Andromeda: nehu
lac, the sign of our extinction would. be
no more than a match flaring for a sec
ond in the heavens; and if that match
does blaze in the darkness, there will be
none to mourn a race that used a power
that could have lit a beacon in the stars to
light its funeral pyre. The choice
ions i
us; the destruction of this pl;
is ours.
of new runners Jack Paget and Paul
Midwestern sometimes
grumble about Nowe Dame's persistent
policy of not accepting Bowl bids. But
every game is the battle of Armageddon
— victory over the fr
success of an other
is situation is fu
the fact that n
her compli
h fans look upon
allront to
y and a of their
rights, In the South Bend scale of values,
fore, this may be a dismal season—
the White Knights of the Greensward will
couple of
should c
1, season records for scori
st the Trish
1. In short, the offense will be br
t but the defenders will be conside
fall. In f;
for and.
be s
ably less ferocious than last y
up r
Terry H
could be
st-stringers if given the slightest
Iso a surplus of
. fast running backs.
led by
atc of the
c promising sophs come
especially in the secondary.
Tony Capers and defensive back
To top it
vuoy All-America tackle Ge
is becfy and experienced. ‘The
Irish defensive corps. howevei
on how well son
(continued from page 122,
ic Jackson are the most welcome
ewcomers. Though it will probably be
jer to score on Notre Dame this year,
Purdue $ lows 46
Ohio State Bl Minois 46
Minnesota 82 — Wisconsin 45
Indiana 73 Northwestern 3-7
Michigan State 64 — Michigen 37
Ohio University 82 Western
Toledo 82 Michigan — 63
Miami 73 Kent State 37
Bowling Green 73 Marshall 28
Notre Dame — 82 — Xavier 45
Dayton 55
TOP PLAYERS: Keyes, Williams, Kyle, Phipps
(Purdue); Foley, Mayes (Ohio St); Stein,
Jones, Carter (Minn.); Gorso, Isenbarger,
Sniadecki, Snowden (Indiana); Brenner, Bai-
ley, Saul (Mich. St); Podolak, Bream (Iowa);
Pleviak, Naponic (ML); Criter, Schoessow
(Wisconsin); Johnson, Stincic (Michigan);
Rudnay, Kurzawski, Cornell (Northwestern):
Hanratly, Kunz, Seymour, Olson, McCoy
(Notre Dame); Green, Zolciak (Bowling
Green); Hamlin (Western Mich.) Babich,
Arthur (Miami); Mess, Tucker (Toledo); Car.
mor, Bryant, Conley (Ohio U.} Hurst, Ball
(Marshall); Corrigall, Walter (Kent St);
Biebuyck (Oayton); Shinners, Waller (Xavier).
the brutal ollense may carry the Irish un-
scathed through the season, even though
“Actually, i's my library card. I'm
Jorty cents overdue!"
every opponent on the schedule will be
tougher this year than last.
Noue Dame could meet defeat in its
second game, against perennial oppo-
nent Purdue. The Boilermakers, if you
can believe it, look better this year th
las. Returning for this year's festivities
e thtee All-Conference backs, including
riaywoy All-America halfback Leroy
Keyes. (Listing Key merely a di
sibly the best receiver in the country, the
best punter and. Kickoll. spec i the
Big Te | heave a pass better
than most college quarterbacks.) Of
equal moment is the fact that a covey of
top receivers returns to complement pass-
er Mike Phipps, who is probably the
leading junior quarterback in the na
tion, Most of the Boilermakers’ gradua-
tion losses were linemen; but by fortunate
coincidence, the sophomore contingent is
loaded. So if the Boilermakers don't be-
come too complacent from reading their
prss clippings
among teams with
it could be a big
confidence in the ove
Keyes and Company I
the numberone team in the county.
Purdue's strength is symbolic of a new
revival of power in the Big Ten this
son. For the past four or five yems,
hoary legend of the Dig Ten's over
supremacy in college football has I
badly shaken. In fact. it has been tho
oughly disproved. Pedagogical prophets
and sportspage whiners alike have pre-
dicted that the Big Ten would go the way
of the Ivy League: Gridi would
be sacrificed on the al
cellence, and second-rate
laden teams would play
ball in ivy-covered stadiums. B
about to happen. ‘The abandonment of
one insupportable preconception doesn't
necessitate the
In fact,
loption of
Big Ten
the season
ycar in rece
siderably bener than a year ago. bui
the improved opposition. will probably
predude any p n rhe won-lost
column. The mos dr ally im
proved te the n De
bly be Ohio Stue:
been stockpiling talent through three
relatively lean y nd his efforts have
paid olf, Woody doesn’t take deleats
easily: he has a long list of scores 10 set-
tle and e on the
Buckeye calendar. Not € c
Buckeyes big. deep experienced
but Woody has armed himself with his
favorite weapon—a whole colle
bellicose fullbacks. Jim Otis
Ten will p
Woody Hayes ha
is the year of rever
ESSE o ju yoana
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Blended from 18 of the world's most savory tobaccos. You'll Like it. Women love it.
Huff return, and soph John Brockington
may be good enough to displace both of
so. k Rex Kern
could play a 1 Bill Long.
So look for Woody's new wrinkle for "08
—seven yards and a cloud of dust,
One thing in Ohio State's favor is that
Minnesota is missing from the schedule.
Coach Murray Warmath always seems
better team from the available
nyone thinks possib
to build
athletes tha
wen. happily, Murray has a surfeit of
choice pupils in camp. The Minnesota
defense. ded by ravsoy All-America
end Bob Stein, will be as rugged as al-
s. and the offense should be consid-
sly more explosive than in "67. Jim
icr and soph Barry Mayer could be
the best fullback tandem in the natio
The Minnesota- Purdue game should d
cide who goes to the Rose Bowl.
What can we s
pulling game
) breakneck heroics.
Bishop James A. Pike wore a lapel button
that proclaimed, Gop Is ALIVE AND PLAY-
true identity, John Isenbarger returns, as
do his classy classmates Hany Gi
Jade Butcher. Incredibly, there
speedsters on the soph squad uh:
en our fiend
ol these worthies could lose hi
g bath by season's end. ‘There are also
a number of new quality linemen to
replace graduation loses. m short, the
Hoosiers should be an even more powerful
ew this year than last. Trouble is, how-
st become une
a simply can't expect
10 bushwhack any unsuspecting teams this
year, This ict, together with a tougher
schedule, will probably mean that the
Hoosiers will win fewer games with a
bener team, But one thing is for s
Johnny Pont has led them out ol the
wiklemess and they are here to stay for
a whi
ugherty has esiablished a
at Michiy State—a
bad season is always followed by an ex-
cellent one. If he turns the trick this
year, Duffy will De a miracle worker.
"s major problem, inellectise play-
ship (wonslaon: more prob-
lems). is again a facor. Also. last season's
enppling. rash of injuries continued in
g practice, H the halt and 1
some of the fine newcomers
» State could
me re-
cover and i
take over quickly, Michi
have a good year. Bur we doubt that the
Spartans can survive the ordeal of playing
Minnesota, Notre Dame, Ol State, Ladi-
nd Pardue consecutively.
m Iowa
ed that despite Iowa's dismal
have insi;
years now,
won-lost records, Ed Podolak is the finest
quarterback in the Big Ten. The lowa
squad is at last deep enough and skilled
enough to give Podolak some support: but,
incongruously, he may not have a chance
to take advantage of it. Reason: Junior
Mike Cilek and supersophs Larry Law-
rence and Roy Bash look even sharper
than Podolak to some observers. The
Hawkeyes will be better in all. phases of
the ^ especially in defense, which
was last season's. Achilles heel.
If the Hlinois team can at
to Jim ^s coaching
terback Bob Napor
some of last ye:
ment cam be assuaged, The squad is
still thin—by past Minois standards—
and a bit of player dissension has taken its
toll on morale, Yet, the one thing that
did most to scuttle Hlini hopes last sea-
recur with
ist. adjust
s and
"s disappo
son—injuries—probably wo:
such devastation, With fullback Rich
Johnson and speedy Dave Jackson and
Till Huston rejoining Naponic in the
backheld, the Ilinois offense could be
Wisconsin, we are happy to 1cport, is
lescing nicely. Last season's indi
position (no wins) was caused. primarily
lack of reserves,
as the season. progresses
We confidently predict that North-
western will be the number-on
the mation thi
first five games (Miami, Souther
due, Notre Dame and Ohio State). Such
a schedule would intimidate lesser
man than Alex Agase, But in football,
Ales has the insunctive belligerence of a
water buffalo and his teams make up in
deeper and abler this
ince Alex took over a
game breaki
Sheer guts can accomplish a lot on the
football field, however. so the Wildcats
should come out of the season with a
couple of big scalps to go along with
the seus.
1t looks like slim pickings at Michigan
this fall. The Wolverines have a
Hight veteran backfield. but depth
positions is a very serious problem. H
ollense is v
> receivers can. be. found to catch
suspect. Ron Johnson is a fantastic run
and on a more notable team, he would
y ference
cochampions could aga e the
Toledo should do a replay of last y
when the Rockets enjoyed their best seaso
exer. Ohio University looks even. morc
Jable. with all of "67s best players
Both Bowling Green and Mi-
chance 10 usurp Conference
honors. Both squads are experienced and
will field tenacious defenses. Miami's bul-
warks will be manned by PLavioy All-
Americi Bob Babich, who is tabbed: by
pro scouts as the ronghest linebacker in
the country, Kent State begins a rebuild
ing job with new coach Dave Paddington,
who has instilled a razzle-dazzle offense
called the shooting L
Florida $1 Aubum 54
Tennessee — 82 Mississipi — 55
Georgia 73 Vanderbilt, — 46
Alabama Mississippi St. 37
Louisiana State Kentucky 28
Clenson 64 Wake Forest 5.5
Virginia 64 North Carolina 37
NCState 64 Maryland 37
South Carolina 64 — Duke 28
East Carolina 7-3 — Furman 46
Virginia Military 5-5 — Richmond 46
The Citadel 55 Davidson 45
William & Mary 4-6
Florida State 82 Southern Wiss 7.3
Niami 64 Virginia Tech 46
Georgia Tech 46 Tulane 46
TOP PLAYERS: Smith, Dennis, Yarbrough,
Mann, Tannen (Florida); Rosentelder, Weath-
erford, Kell (Tennessee); Morel, Allen,
Hamlett (LSU); Stanfill, Scott, Lawrence
(Georgia); Ford, Samples, Childs, Wade (Ala-
bama); McClinton, Carter (Auburn); Can
mon, Shows, Hindman (Mississippi): Healy
(Vanderbilt): Pharr, Rhoades (Mississippi St.);
Lyons, Palmer (Kentucky); Gore, Ducworth,
Mulligan (Clemson); Capuano, Carpenter,
Jordan (North Carolina St.); Quayle, Shelly
(Virginia); Muir, Galloway, Bice (South Caro-
lina); Summers, Pate, Dolbin (Wake Forest);
Bomar, Chalupka (North Carolina); Pastrana
(Maryland); Biddle (Duke), Colson, Wheeler,
Tyson (East Carolina); Small, Isaac (Citadel);
Habasevich (VMI); Cavanaugh, Zychowski
William & Mary); Keith (Davidson); Hewell,
Hahn (Furman); Gillette, O'Brien, Irvin (Rich-
mond); Sellers, McCullers, Glass. Fenwick
(Florida St. Hendricks, Opalsky, Acuff,
Pierce (Miami); Wilcox, Sias (Georgia
Tech): Moore, Haber, Bankston (Tulane);
Barnes (Southern Miss); Davidson, Harvey
(Virginia Tech.
In conton country, this should he the
year of the alligator, In h
at Florida. coach Ray Grave
allowed his Gators to
from the top and the current t
best group of ailletes he has fielded
yet. In fact. with the possible except
of the kicking game, the Florida squ
hus no apparent
AIL Ame fullback Lamy Smith leads
the most exciting backfield in the South
1 rravsoy AllAmo "c
nis anchors an agile offensive line. To go
weaknesses. rrvaoy
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$1.75 the pair. Or $133 for the liveliest color set around. i
Burlington Gold Cup Socks
Burlington Socks, A Division of Burlington Industries, 1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N. Y. 10019 BE) “DuPont T.M,
Where-1o-Buy-1t Use REACTS Card — l'age 209.
"OK. If I promise lo do all I can to get
the troops out of Vietnam, eradicate the slums,
legalize marijuana and guar
everyone, then will you
with all this offensive muscle, the Gators
have the most rugged defensive unit
recent years. David Mann, says Grave
the best college linebacker he h:
coached, With a bit of luck. Florid:
finish the season undefeated
The situation ar Tennessee is the re
verse of a year ago: 7
a veteran defense 10 go with an inespe
enced offense. Graduation nearly obliter
ated the attack unit. However, the few
sin blue chippers and the re-
placements are nearly the equal of their
AIL Ame! ad
"s superb crew.
he Vols will have
ivors a
Charles Rosenfelder leads sive line
that might outhit Jast y
Soph center Chip Kell will probably dim
fond memories of departed Bob Johnson.
‘The backfield, despite losses, will be dead
ly. as passer Wyche
Mike Jones step into st
Alabama won eight gar
because a great quarterback. carr
vely ordinary squad to victo
couldwi otherwise have won
Ken Sı
able is
ubha 1 runner
s Jast
bler is gone and no one compar-
e him. The Ala
bama squad as a whole should be sounder
my Wade could tu
lable to rey
up another passer, we won't
see an Mabama powerhouse.
Georgia amd LSU will
problems at qu
Prospects at Georgia are bright. however,
because sophomore Mike
Cavan will probably be running the
show by midseason. H coach Vince Dooley
can scrounge some offensive linemen to
e replace-
ment rterback, 100.
antee an annual wage for
go lo bed with me?
block for runner Kent Lawrence, the Bull
dogs could challenge Florida and Tennes
sec. The Georgia delense, led by rtayboy.
MbAmerica tackle Bill Stanfill, will prob-
ably be the stingiest in the South.
The LSU coaching staff is looking
for someone who can
pproximate q
terback Nelson Stokley's superhero per
g his senior year, when he
ed to stay healthy the whole sea-
son. Unless someone cin be found to
ignite the offense as Stokley did, the
Tigers can't expect to be as potent, The
mimning game will l
if the youngsters on the defensive unit
survive the opening game with
AXM without too many traumatic expe-
riences, the LSU defense will be as vicious
as ever.
mated t
quickly mne, last. year's
weakness, has shaped up and quarterback
Loran Carter ranks with the great college
Mississippi nomination for
Southeastern Conference dark horse. Al
formance dur
L though, and
in upset some higher-
ns if its young linemen mature
The runt
is our
though the Rebs suffered severe gradua
tion losses, the replace are first-rate
The best group of yearlings in cons lea
tues a brilliant young pa Archie
Manning. As many as ten. sophomores
will be start
be eviden
should have their hest offensive u
several seasons. Consistent passing, long
missing in Oxford. should make the big
difference. ‘The Rebels will finish strong
Vanderbilt, Kentucky and. Misisippi
sand growing pains will
bur by midseason the Rebs
nit in
State are still fighting the rebu
batle. Most progress seems (0 be in
Nashville, where athletic director Jess
is pumping fresh life into the
Vanderbilt athletic. program. Some. prog.
ress will be evident this year, A gung-ho
ign is under way, so look
a major revival of power in il
Tew veas.
Dicky Lyons was virtually a oneman
team at Kentucky Last. year, and he may
have to repeat the performance this sex
son if newcomers Stan. Forson at q
terback and Raynard Makin at fullback
don't measure up to advance billi
The Wildcat squad will be sturdier and
injuries probably won't be as dev
ing this y last. but the schedule is
so horrendous that a break-cv
would be à minor miracle.
Qu. k Tommy P
now-healthy Andy Rhoades w
Mississippi State the olle
evidently missir
still a problem. Yet, things
up in Starkville.
cased a bit and more top-flight play
are available than in recent
Clemson will again be the favorite to
win the Ar tic Coast. Conference title.
though the non-Conference schedule may
prevent de Ti from having ihe
best wondost record. Buddy Gore could
be an MLAmerican, if coach
terba arr
se thal was so
but depth is
in “67
re lookii
The schedule has been
Howard can. patch up a depleted. ollen:
sive line to provide some blocking
Tiger defense should be
school history, so no one is
up a high score on them.
Only 5 of 9? starters
Nonh Carolina State's. Liberty Bowl
team, so the Wolfpack can't hope to do
it 1. There is a good supply of flashy
offensive backs, however, and with field
goal specialist Gerald. Warren, the Wolf
pack will still have good scoring porential.
I the young linemen come throug
year could be a repeat of List
Most improved te &, C. C.
should be Virginia. A souped-up passing
game will rike some of the presure otl
tailback Frank Quayle, who is one of the
the best
ping to run
ren from.
best runners anywhere. The Cavalier
defense will again be solid. If the open-
ing game with Purdue doesn’t prove 10
be too ghasily an experience, Virginia
could have its winningest season in years
Coach Paul Dievel’s campaign to
revive South Carolina. gridiron fortunes
will litle progress ihis year
The ocks will depend on an un.
t rback, ggs.
game should be explosive,
because Be v Galloway returns
and Warren Muir could develop into the
most crunching fullback.
The bench is the problem at Wake
Fommy 5i
ted soph qua
The end of car socks 1
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Australia ond japan. Linings Sanitized treated for hy
Forest. though the Deacons have come
long way in the past few seasons. The
defense seems to have been shored up and
the offense should still be hot. Non
Conference games against the likes of
Purdue, Minnesota and Florida State could
keep the Deacons from looking as good as
e junior college transfers
ough. Wake Foret could bc
the upset team of the league.
ls going to be another lean year at
Duke and Marylind.
th Carolina squad will still be
. slow and small. though they will
€ benefit of a year's experience
under coach Bill Dooley. There is a good
backfield and supersoph Tony Blanchard.
(Docs son) will add size and speed to
the offensive line. The good news at Mary
land is that quarterback ALE
healthy and will return. Several outst
ing sophs are on hand. The Terps should
do much 10 erase memories of last sc;
mpaign. Duke has the potential
10 field the best passing attack in the Con
ference, but not much else to go with
East Carolina, with its gutsy sin
ollense, will continue to dominate
An outstanding
The Citadel will be the
most improved team in the Conference,
Pro scouts insist that linebacker John
Small could be the best in the Land by
the time he graduates.
If the University of Flor nt the
number-one team in the South this seasor
there is a good chance that Florida S
allahassee is t
t ever fielded
Suite. The offense features. two blue
chip quarterbacks, Bil Cappleman and
Gary Pajcic, who will throw to a whole
covey of surehanded receivers, best of
whom is pravuoy All-America flanker Ron
Sellers. Some adequate running backs to
take the pressure oll the passers could
produce a victory in the September 28th
game with archrival Florida—and lead to
a major Bowl at season's end.
will be Miami
gely to the presence of
cx defensive end Ted
Hendricks, Offensive. problems. are un-
d: lack of an elective passer and
IE sen
defeaicd season.
Word from
‘Teal realizes his potential and if runner
finem Opalsky gets some blocking, the
icanes could be as potent as
gh the punishing schedule may be
too much for them.
Georgia Tech is on its way back to
respectability, but this year's squad. will
he too young to make a complete come
back. It is unlikely 1
licvable rash of injuries will be repeated,
so the Yellow Jackets should gain poise
as the season progresses.
st year,
at last year's unb
1 emes his third
program at Tul;
Coah J
year of a rebuildi
with more quality
than i Cent season
Wave 1 two years a
the Green
Nebraska $2 Colorado 55
Kansas 73 Oklahoma State 4-6
Missouri 13 lowa State 37
Oklahoma 6-4 Kansas State 37
Texas A&M $2 Texas Christian 45
Texas $2 Rice 46
Arkansas. 13 Baylor 31
Texas Tech 55 SMU 37
North Texas St. £2 — Lovisville 64
Tulsa 64 Wichita State 55
Memphis State 64 — Cincinnati 46
Houston 82 WestTexs St. 64
TOP PLAYERS: Davis, Patrick, Orduna (Ne-
braska); Wehrli, Staggers (Missouri); Doug-
less, Zook (Karsas); Hinton, Barrett, Owers
(Oklahoma); Montler, Schnitker, Anderson
(Colorado); Kolb, Philpott (Oklahoma St):
Davis, Jones (Kansas St); Muldrew (lowa
St); Hobbs, Hargett, Krueger (Texas A&M);
Gilbert, Abbott, Robertson (Texas); Adams,
Dickey, Barnes, Montgomery (Arkansas);
Ray, Montgomery (TCU); Shelton, Winston
(Rice); Stevens (Baylor; Moylan, Stewart
(Texas Tech); Levias (SMU); Greene, Shank-
lin, Ramsey (North Texas St); Rushing,
McRipht (Memphis St); Jenkins, Wood
(Tulsa); Bouggess, Phelps (Louisville); Pate,
O'Brien (Cincinnati); Jones, Stiverson (Wich-
ita St. bw Cloud, Gardner, Peacock
(Houston); Morris, Drones (West Texas St).
‘The Big Eight could very well be the
strongest Conference in the country thi
year. At least six of the cight are capi
ble of winding up in the nation's top 20
teams. With a round-robin schedule,
however, somebody is going to get cl
inated, and there is a good possibility
that the combatants will take turns
knocking one another out of the national
When the debris clears, though, the
winner should be Nebraska. One year ou
of the Conference throne room is enough
for the Huskers. The oflense, led by full
back Dick Davis and super quarterback
Frank Patrick, returns almost intact, and
c defense will 1 iovable as ever
"There are probably more great qui
backs in the Big Eight this year t
Conference has ever had in a si
son. Best of the lot is Kansas slinger Bobby
Douglas, whom pro scouts tab as the
prospect in college ball. Douglass will be
surrounded by virtually the same team that
as um
quarterback Terry. McMillan
moti rookie fullback James Harrison eive
the Tigers a sorely needed offensive punch
to go with a defense that was second best
the last season. Couch Dan De-
vine almost always fields more power Uim
opponents expect him to, and we have
hunch that this year will be no exception
Despite a good supply of returning
talent, it will be hard for Oklahoma to
pent last years success.
with Notre Dam da
Sooners, still fast and clusive, will move
the ball well, but size and reserves are
lequate for the harrowing schedule.
Luck and injuries will determine. Okla-
homa’s forunes this season.
Colorado's entry into the Big Eight
quarterback derby is Bob Ande
who will probably be 90 percent of the
Buflalo offense this year. Graduation.
cleaned out the offensive line except for
viaywoy All-Americi tackle Mike Mont
ler. Unless the Bulls cin find. some help
for Montler, passer Anderson won't
much time to throw tw fine
Monte Huber and Mike Prucu. The Colo-
rado squad is deep, however, so with it
lile luck, this season could be anothe
winning one.
Both Kansas State and Oklahoma
e will be stronger, but that also ap-
y every team on their
schedules, so fans probably won't notice
much difference. State's offense
will be dramatically improved. Tuilback
Russell Harrison could be the top sopho-
more back in the nation and junior
college Mack Hei was the
leading J. C. runner in the country last
ich Vince Gibson can
ar) in
ansas State could
be this year's big surprise in the plains
coummry, Towa Stue begins rebuil
new coach John N
g team.
The last few years have been le:
in cow county. The three winningest
teams in the Southwest Conference ii
h had 6-4 records.
val season. The jugger-
Is appear to be Texas and Texas A&M.
so the Conference honors should be de-
cided when these aggregations tangle in
the final game of the season on Thanksgiv
ing Day. If we had to choose a winner
right now, l would go to ASM.
Coach Gene Sullings
uim and gutsy group of infighters at
College Station. A bhizkrieg offen
built around. superb slinger Edd Hargett
combines h a hellfor-leather defense
that wreaks mayhem upon
"The defensive ringleader
Americi linebacker Bill Hol
Tense, watch the fleet Larry Steg:
fact, A&M has everything to be all-
victorious except. enough reserve to cope
with more than a few injuries. So if the
1 ones
our n
assembled a
Aggies stay healthy. they will be among
the land's leading teams.
Coach Darrell Royal has at List com-
pleted his lon; tion
project ar Texas. Result: The Longhorns
should resemble the Texas war ma-
chines of the carly Sixties. Backfield aces
Chris Gilbert, Bill Bradley and Ted Koy
return along with a crop of prime year
l Ii. displace some of the v
rans, Mos! notable is gangbusting fullback
Steve Worster, who will probably be
Texas hero his firs year. If the Long
homs can shake the injury bug that h
cred them the past two seasons, they
and arduous recoustru
who n
be a full match for Texas A&M
Arkansas should be the chart climber
in rhe Southwest Conference. The re-
building project at Fayetteville was ap-
parently a short and efficient one, because
this squad looks nearly as good as any
coach Frank Broyles has fielded. The ar-
rival of heralded sophomore quarterback
Bil Montgomery will give the Pork
needed ollensive stability, To take advan-
age ol Montgomery's talents, Broyles is
switching to a pro type offense,
s this sea
depends heavily upon finding an elfec-
tive quarterback—a problem th.
gued the Frogs for several seasons.
red Taylor has a Éibulous stable
of runners and. the defensive line could
piegnable. Regardless of
erback problem, TCU will be
tougher, but so will the opposition, so it
will be difficult for the Frogs to do bener
p break eve
k Robby Shelton fully
recovers from last season's injuries, Rice
could be a surprise team. Shelton has a
prime group of receivers and the Owls
have had a full year to adjust 10 Bo
n's coaching style.
Baylor is ready, but a devastating sched
ule could defeat any chance of a decent
won-lost record. The Bea las have
ty at quarterback, the offensive line
ms a
“Ws nice lo see an old organization that isn't
afraid to change with the times.”
could be the best in years and the Bear
defense will be solid. Yet, if Baylor
es even, coach John Bridgers will
s It looks like another skimpy
at SMU, Ph I Jerry Lev
returns ar split end. but Mike Livingston,
the other half of last year's great passing
combo, has graduated, If new passer Chuck
Hixson cm get the ball to Levias often
enough, the Mustangs will again pull off
a couple of startling upsets. But the SMU
squad will be too yo ad too small
to compete with most opponents.
North Texas State will be the power
of the Missouri Valley Conference. The
Eagles still have the sizzling thicat of
passer Steve Ramsey and flanker Ronnie
Shanklin, The defense is anchored by
PLAYBOY All-America tackle Joe Greene
whose lethal presence has given the Nor
it a new name
Texas defensive u the
Mean Green.
Graduation losses cut heavily into the
Memphis State olfense, though the de-
Tense—always coach Billy Murphy's stock
in trade—will remain one of the most im-
penetrable anywhere. Tail
pas. a blazer, could help give the 7
an awesome running Tulsa
field. the usual aerial circus, thi
with help from highly touted soph slinger
Johnny Dobbs (ihe coach's son
looks so good that years quarter-
back Mike Stripling could be moved to
sers with green
linemen will be though, and
finding. replacemen few tons of
graduated defensive beef is a knowy
Both Wichita State and Cin
should move up. thanks io an abundà
talent. Both teams should. come
of new
on strong by the end of the season
Irs dificult to believe that Houston
could be more impressive than last. year.
but that seems 10 be the cise. There won't
be as much dazzling backfield speed, with
Warren MeVea missing. But McVea's re
placement, Carlos Bell.
er and a mudh more powerful runner. He
d fullback Paul Gipson may be the most
crushing vu twosome in the country
The Cougars’ defensive quickness and
‘lity is amazing. H the Houston schedule
singed a little dither the Cou
1s would probably go undcfc
year. With a Tittle luck, they
a better block
ed this
ight do ii
Demosthenes Konstindies Audrecopo-
lous. known 10 the general public as Dee
Andres and to: worshiplul Oregon Suite
fans as The Great Pump!
most charismatic football coach. since
Knute Rockne, An Okla counny
boy with a Southwestern drawl and a per-
al sense of humor. Andros has a
ious combination of mth
n. is ped
If you wear
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Which is where Manly shoes come in.
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clicits almost
nic devotion from his players. "These
me qualities give him that most valu-
able of alb coaching skills—reeruiting
xpertise. At Oregon State, Andros is ap-
proaching the cul
most remarkable revitalizations in modern
Hl annals. When he took over in
965, the football prog
in a state of torpor. In. 1956, with only
| Andros just barely
m g his team to the Rose Bowl.
Last year, the two most stunning upsets
were both engineered by Audios scrappy
Beavers over the number-one and number
two teams in the nation, i Cal
and Purdue. The season also induded.
however. a mass attack of acute infectious
ineptitude on the afternoon of the Br
ham Young game, which illustrates the
risk an emotionally mercurial team must
and flinty hardness u
of one of the
n was
Oregon State 91 Stanford 64
Southern Cal 82 Washington 55
UCLA 64 Oregon 44
California 64 Washington St. 3-7
Texas at El Paso 82 — Utah 55
Arizona State — 82 Colorado State 37
Wyoming 64 Brigham Young 37
Arizona 64 New Mexico — 28
New Mexico St. 64 — Utah State 55
Idaho 64 Air Force 37
Pacific 64 San Jose State 37
TOP PLAYERS: Sandstrom, Didion, Enyart,
Preece (Oregon St); Simpson, Snow, Battle
(Southern Cal); Agajanian, ‘Jones, Purdy
(UCLA); White, Williams (California; Wash-
ington, Snider (Stanford); Cope (Washing-
ton); Harris (Washington St.); Dames, Welch
(Oregon); Pritchard, Plummer, Hill, Rose-
borough (Arizona St); Guilford, Murphy,
Bramlett (Texas at El Paso); Nels, House
(Wyoming); Bozich, Boyett (BYU): Nelson,
Klahr (Arizona); McBride, Kerl (Utah); Stone,
Hendricks (New Mexico); Kishman, Jackson
(Colorado St); Olsen, Detwiler, Taylor (Utah
$t) Hackley, Taylor (New Mexico St.);
Thiemens, Hendren (Idaho); Epping (Air
Force), Heinz, Redmond (Pacific); Tucker
(San Jose St).
The result of this astonishing season is
that Andros! Beavers are known fur and
wide as the Giant Killers. But ih
to the silver doud: All
to Kill a giant
Killer, so Oregon State is now the subject
tious combi
el myriad darkly laid game plans. But, as
Dee Andros himself points out, the mark
of a ruly m is not just that it
) occasionally
itcm c
tagged as the
win even when it has Dec
nt nuc to
team 10 beat.
Any team that hopes t0 upend Ove
State this
on its hands. Only fixe of
2 starters have graduated. and the
coming sophs ane so good that Andros
thinks several of last year's starters. will
ride the bench mud) of this season,
1Avnoy All-America players John Did
at center and Jon Sandsirom at middle
achor lines that are big and ag
erback Steve Preece, who
is generally underrated by opponents
usually to their regret—is one ol those
enigmatic college quarterbacks who don't
seem to do anything with exceptional skill
1 games. Therefore, if The
npkin can maintain his squ
ab impetus through another
season, Oregou State should lead the West,
with a good shot at the national champion
ship. For his momentous accomplishments
of the recent. past as well as the bright
prognosis for his immediate future, we tab
Dee Andros our Coach of the Year
ers will be surprised that we
Southern Cal as the
After all, ©. J. Simp
ar. But one
except win b;
Great P ls
haven't selected
giam of the We
son returns for his senior y
halfback, even of O. Js caliber, doesn’t
football team. In all the glare of
glory from
npionship t
get that now mis
some fans may for-
ig is al
ent of players who were less publicized
but equally invaluable, What team can
lose five players who were first-round pro-
draft choices and still thrive? Seven
starters from the defensive crew are miss.
ing. On the brighter side of the picture
is the fact that couch John McKay had
better athletes siting on his bench Tast
year than most of his opponents could
put on the field, A good example of this
quarterback. Mi
who should become the best
the West Coast. Yet, new men—no n
ter how talented—ne unproven and le
experienced. By the end of the season,
the Trojans could be on the march, but
" contin-
is junior jolmgren,
the going will be precarious in early
son. The first game. against Minnesota
1 Minneapolis, will tell the story.
"Tommy Prothro has worked a few grid-
iron miracles in the course of his carecr,
bur overcoming UCLA'S graduation losses
this year would seem 10 be a md
the powers of even a coach of Pro
guile. Gone are Heism "
quaneiback Gary Beban and seven other
ters, The defense will be as
good this id the running gime—
with Greg Jones, Rick Purdy and prize
newcomer Mickey Cureton—will be better
T But there isn't
who Gut throw the bomb like Beban, and
the blockers will ar best be unproved.
California may be the team to watch
on the West Coast, Coach Ray Willsey
seems to have completed his reconstruction
n Trophy-wis
nyone around
Berkeley, The Bears will be
sers will provide the
hores. Quarterback Randy Humphries
has developed. into a dandy, and soph
running sensation Bob Darby will help
juice up the offense. We have a strong
hunch that the planetary. influences
apes in Berkeley this fall
hereby nominate. C. m
onalimb pick of the year
Stanford is another illustration of the
fact that West Coast. football is stronger
ever. The Indians, in fact, resemble
in their unaccustomed experi-
nd depth. Gene Washing
project at
experienced for
of quality J. ©. 1
so wc
orni out
is one
ick who could well gain enough polish
this season to make Stanford a contender
for Conference honors. Look for the Indi
open attack.
n for several years
—and reni gma. The Huskies
either begin their season sloppily and
then end up like Gang Busters or the
other way around. as they did E
If coach Jim Owens ever finds the proper
ingredients for a consistent the
Huskies could regain some of their past
glory, The running will be bru
though still rather slow "
game could be the big surprise of "68,
thanks to the sudden emergence of senior
uterback Jerry Kaloper. Injured his en-
3 Kaloper may be the Ime
bloomer who will lead the Huskies throug]
a sucessful campaign.
Or should t
proved. The Ducks will be bigger. wiser
and as fast as ever. The offense should
be excellent, if passer Tom Blanchard re
covets Irom a knee operation. New split
ans to field a
zon tremendously in
end Bob Newland is destined for
dom. led by middle guard
George Dames, will be beefier and hope
fully less porous.
A new coach, Jim Sweeir
the kof resusci
ington State's football
much pro 1 be expected this sca-
son, be y doesn't have much
material t0 work with
Two new members—Texas at El. Paso
and Colorado Stite—have joined
Western Conlerence. Unless Arizona State
the El Pasoans will dom-
te the loop their first time out, De
spite the loss of Billy passing
will he Miner? strong swit and
the ground game should be more mus
cular, The UTEP team has received mudh
in other parts of the
country than they rightly deserve, but that
situation was partly rectified in "6
they knocked off Ole Miss in the Sun
Bowl Look for the Miners t0 repeat last
taken up
ng Wash
laborious t
vss ca
ise Swe
can stop ty
"From time to lime, we of the International Red Cross get
disquieting reports that your prisoners are not always treated
according lo the Geneva Convention.”
Z Ghirtmakers.
r of this magni
the Wilshire colla
At Roger Kent, New York, Boston and Philadelphia: Jacobson's, Michigan; Jordan Marsh.
Florida; Maison Blanche, New Orleans; Younker Bros., Des Moines; Donaldson's, Minnesota;
Pincus Co., San Antonio; Young Men's Shop, Charlottesville, Va. or write
208 — cuscecspceros oan
season's. performance and to wind up in
the nation’s toj
Arizona State is no pushover, either.
Tn fact, Oregon State coach Dee Andros
ith the Sun Dev-
rows en-
looks upon the game
lost and the squad is so loaded with qual
ity vererans that senioritis is the major
ihr ag season.
Wyoming lost the entire starting back
field from last year’s all-victorious squad,
plus most of the defensive crew and the
nation’s deadliest kicker. New thrower Ed
nakowski looks good enough and the
defense will still give the enemy fits, but
this will be a slightly olf seson in the
high country.
Arivona’s team will be more adept in
every phase of the game and, indeed.
could turn. out to be the dark horse of
the Conference, Both Uta amd New
Mexico have new coaches. With moie
material on hand, Bill Meek at Utah
will probably win more in his freshm
season than. Rudy Feldman will at New
Mexico. Colorado
ation will dampen its inaugural season in
the Western Conference
New Mexico Stare and Idaho also
s will
amusual sight this season, becuse
Jim Wood will field a good defense
while the offense, with four sophs in
the senting backfield, will be less than
spectacular. With a title luck, Y C (uo
periods) MeNease could field the top
Independent tam. in the West his first
season at Idaho. Duce i0 the mrival of
talented new quarterback Steve Olson, the
Vandals will throw the ball 75 percent of
the ume. Pacific has received such a mas
tte an allwinn
ues losses vin grudu
have new coaches. Las Cruces fi
sive boost in the form of junior college
transfers that anything could happen, de
pending on how well all this material can
be put together
As we said carlier, it's a bad year for
the spirand polish boys. The Air Force
Academy seems destined for another vic
tory drought. Coach Ben Martin has
only a. handful of Iecermen returning
thes the Faleans will Face a bighttul
schedule with a small amd in
crew. The offense will be rewel up. so
the fly-boys should at least get ou the
scoreboard more often. this season
Since only the
mprobable is certain in
college football, there will no doubt be
the usual number of surprises this seven.
Somewhere an unheralded new superstar
from oblivion to. become a
me. A supposedly. mediocre
wil cmer
team will surprise everyone and wind up
among the top ten. So det the revels bi
it should be fun and games,
no Lu
like I
is fuel.
but uot fatal.) So air and food,
y. are no problem. The problem
enough fuel for two lilicolls,
» push this bucket of bolts plus
a pair of grown men up and out of à
vitational field—twice—that’s the prob-
We need every speck of fuel we cin
n imo this thing, Those sliderule
boys downstairs have got it figured down
to the last drop—and there's no margin
lor enor,
Thars why Fm a mite upset, I
no rod
to spare for a safety
vou could sw, when, second day out
from Earth, 1 take mysell a good long
glim at the fuelstorige gauge. “Vanya,
old buddy,” 1 say, "looky here."
He looks. He shakes his head. 7] see
nothing, Johugenry.”
“Figure it out, buddy. Fig
much fuel we need to ger where we're
ping. Then, making allowances for the
lesser gravity of the Moa eure our
how much well need to get back, Then
look at this gauge again.”
He uses pencil and paper. He double-
cheeks his figures. ‘Then he looks up at
me with a big frown. "You are right,
"Not enough [uel to get us back?
me out. how
“Not © fuel 10 get ws both
back," he says.
k about. conversation stoppers. We
just sit there, sweating. Oh, the air con
c. bur
bour wi
hunk of
ditioning is f
We're thinking
other's weight—we're
how tha mediumsize
muscle and bone strapped in the next
couch is going to make all the difference
herween the other one getting back to
arth or dying on the Moon. Weight:
just a few pounds; just the difference
between life and death. And we don't
say a thing for a long, long time
Finally, he breaks the silence. “John
gemy, this is... accident, you thin
“Sure. What else?”
“1 do nor know. But how
accident? AIL is done with
with mathe precision,
lest. How cn it be accident?”
"Hell, man, what else could it be
He turns 10 me. " Johngenry, before I
am coming to join you, when | am s
a Moskva, I
tional cooperation
But 1 am told also,
wholesome c
to be fri T
yer lov rivals. There must be a total
dedication on my part, it is suggested, a
healthy striving to be best—not for my-
self, not for vanity, but for glory of all
Soviet peoples.
"Sounds kind of familia, Vanya,” I
"You alo?"
ist real
“Me alo. What arc you getting at.
"b do not know," he says, unning
away trom me, “I do not know what 1
ng at"
silence ses in. We just do ou
job. We don't say anything we don't ab
solutely have to say. Bur upstairs, in the
old head-bone department, each of us
just ws knows
that his survival, his own personal sur
cm almost hear the other guy's whe
aclickin? Each of
vival. depends on ieamwork—up 10 a
critical point. that is, the exact moment
of which neither of us has figured out
yet. At any time before that point, nei-
ther of us can. destroy the other without
destroving his own self. But we know.
both of us. that when that. critical mo-
ment comes—in the next hour, or the
next day, belore we land on the Moon
h cold, clean scientific ruth
lessness (m ceptable. vou dig. by
the knowledge that theres no point. in
both of us cashing in), one of us will
decide that the other is suddenly ex:
or after—wi
pendable. Clickety-dick. Those wheels
keep tu
Sleep? Forget i
So is a couple of raildbagging iav-
ekers who set down on that chunk of
green cheese right on schedule, just 65
hours after liito from. Earth, The
blasts from our newstyle vernier rockers
ave like columns of fire, burning holes in
the Moon as they pinpoint v gently
We open the
nl waves me
down to rhe surface.
hatch, Vanya steps aside 2
ahead, I hang back and we do the okl
“Alter you" routine. Neither of us wants
10 turn his back on the other. Finally
Vanya climbs out of the hatch and be
comes the first human being to set [oor
on the Moon, He whips around right
away. of course, and watches me as I
follow dose behind him.
T won't go into all the jazz about the
weird sensation of Earth minus gravity
and the way that Moonstulf undies
soundlessly under your. boots—you'll get
I rhat in the official log tape: and be
des. you've seen it in old movies. But
the you don't get in the log and
the movies, the thing you'll never get
unless you stand. up there yourself with
your body one sixth Earthweight and
nothing. not even air, between you and
the stars, and see old. Earth hanging like
a big dinner plate in the black sky. is
that feeling of . . . hell, I don't know
what to call it, Anything you've ever
been. any ego you ever had, any
and w ever had of
way by a big €
re something
hiv opinion
yourself is all wiped
cr. and you're naked. vou
else, you're not even you anymore, you're
very small and very big at the same time,
you're humble and glad about it, you're
brand-new, clean, purged, free, fresh,
Vanya fecls that way, too, E can tell. I
can tell by the look on his face through.
the helmer, Well, we snap our pictures
nd dig up our samples and tape our
otes. It doesn't take very. long, we're
nor supposed to stay there very lang.
That was what we French call an American’ hiss.”
Stevens—Lafayette Plaza
Land's. Bristol Plaza
Martin's Men's Shops
Alan Clothes
Carlo Brothers of Greenwich
Mantown of Groton
Slossberg's Gentlemen's Wear
Stieglitz Men's Shop
Regal Men's Shop
Oscar Gross—The Varsity Shop
Horwood Clothes.
Regal Men's Shop
Weiner's Clothes
Greenberg's College Shop
Feister & Raucher
Garfield Jones
Riccio s of Southington
H. Frankel & Sons, Inc.
Copacino's Men's Shop
Point Men's Wear
Carston's Red Hanger Shop
Nicotra's Dept. Store
The Lincoln Shop
A. H. Phillips Co., Inc.
Don Greggor University Shop
The VIP Shop of Georgetown
Ed Crackels Men's Shop
Deriel's Men's Shop Inc.
Sea Urchin
Wolf's Beachwear
Royce Riehlman's Univ. Shop
Russell's Inc.
Kennedy's—N. Federal Hwy.
Kennedy's—S. Andrews
King's Toggery for Young Men
Gerard's Men's Beach Wear
Burdine's—Westland Center
Arcade Men's Shop
Leibo's Executive Shop.
Town & Country Men's Shep
Village Store
Myrick University shop
Lansons Gaslight Shop
Beasley's Men Stores
Burdine's—Flagler St.
Douglas Allen
‘Arnold's Nen's Wear
Moorefield of Allendale
Sardine s- Dodeland Center
Roberts of Miami
Falk's of Tampa.
Cy's Men's Store, Inc.
The Varsity Shop
Best Clothing Co.
Howard Sanders Men's Shop
Robley Hats—Kicks & Lids
LeBlanc’s Inc.
Earl Watkins Inc.
Rutl's Men & Boy's Clothing
The Oxford Shop
King & Prince—Store for Men
The Oxford Shop
Al Dixon Men's Wear
Tifton Clothes Shop
Betk-Hudson of Five Points
Irvin's "The Man's Shop”
Allan Lewis Co.
The Canterbury Shop
Michael A. Clark, Inc.
Snyder's Men's Store
Levine's Store for Men
Peerless Clothing Co.
Frank Leonard University Shop
Reamer's Ltd.
Tru-Fit Clothes.
Norman Wetzier
Frank Wright's
Henry's, Inc.
Raymond's Inc.
DeVono's Men's Wear
Hotlman's Inc.
Barrie's Ltd.
Stewart Men's Wear
Park Men's Shop
Fuller's Men's Wear
Thempeon's Men's Sh
jompson's Men's
Alcon's Alcove
Linehan Besse-Raker's
Sam's Men's Store
Lise pept Store ss
wyer's Campus Shops, Inc.
Bob's Haberdashery
Clicky's Men's Shop.
Puritan Clo!
Feinstein's Men's shop.
The Pant Shep
Riseberg's Men's Store
Frank's, Medford Square
Star Store Men's Shop
g Co.
Barry Hoffman
Mardell's Inc.
Harry Daniel's, Inc.
Sawyer's Campus Shops, Inc.
Colonial Men's Shop
George & Olson Inc.
Joubert's, Inc.
Cobleigh’s Men's Store
The Pro Shop Inc.
Stuart Shaines’, Inc.
The College Shop
Stone's Men's Shop
Reliable Clothes Inc.
Dartmouth Co-Op
Roussell's of Keene Inc.
Reliable Clot
Lynch's Nen's Store
Theriault's Men's Shop Inc.
Bob & Irving
Jules For Men & Boys.
Britts Dept. Store
Bruskin's Men's/Boys' Wear
Louis Levine & Sons
Price’s Men's Store
'imiani's Custom Shop
Gribben's Gentry Den
Archie Jacobson.
Miller's Stag Shop
's Lampos!
Bill Macy Inc.
Feldman's Suburbis Fashions
; Inc.
Palmer's Me
Miller's Stag Shop
Satny Bros.
Harry's Men's & Boy's Shop.
Snellenburg s.
Tracy Inc.
Ben Krones
Max Goldstein & Sons
Sendrow's Men's Apparel
Varsity Shop
Winograd's- C.
Feinbloom's Men's Shop
Singer's Gentry Shop.
Princeton Clothing Co.
Saigent's Men's Shop
Iry Lerner's Fashions
Goldin's Men's Shop
Smart Men's Shop
McElgunn's Inc.
Man’s World
Feldman's Suburbia Fashions
Modes for Men & Boys
Mertan's Varsity Shop.
L's Grs,
M. Cohn & Sons, Inc.
Robert Matthew Clothiers
Bates Troy
Arkay Men's Wear
Bauman’s Inc.
Fredy's Men Shop
Links Men's Shops.
Mr. Eric Men's & Boys" Wear
Paramount Formal Wear
Kimald & Mattar, Inc.
The Kleinhans Co.
Moreys Ltd.
Riversides Men's Shop
The Style Corner, Inc.
E & W Clothes Shop
Weber Stores
Harold's Men's Shop
Reinholtz Clothing.
Reichert's foggery Shop.
Alexander Harvey Clothing.
Phil's Style Center
‘Auburn Pants Store
Poe Apparel Ltd.
iogle's Apparel Ltd.
Wilson Clothing to.
Jack's University Shop.
Shortor's Men's Shop
Murray Stevens
Tom Kinnoy's
Norris’ Men's Wear
B&B Lorry's
David's of Jamaica
Worthmore's London Squire
Pearson's Men's Wear
The Printz Co., Inc:
H. G. Refalowsky
The Country Squire Clothing
Walach’s Men's & Boys’ Shop
Nur-Lee's Men's Shop.
Weber Stores
‘Stockwell’s Men's Wear
Kennedy Bros. Inc.
De Feo Brothers.
Hammond & Cooke
Gramatan Men's Shop.
Bloom & Bloom, Inc.
Frost Men's Shop.
The Mannerly Shop, Inc.
Macy's. Tiger Shop
Phil's Style Center
Ring's Dept. Store
Wormser Hat Stores, Ine.
“Huddle: Shop
J.T. Men's Shop
Carnahan's Men's Store
The Printz Co.
Sterio's Men's Shop
Slax "N Jax
Boland's Men's Wear
M. Schwartz & Co.
Mr. Marty's Hole in the Wall
Len David Ltd.
A. Knobler—trondequeit Plaza
Cove Menshop
Wilson Clothing Co.
Seneca Clothing Co.
The Gallery Shop
E. T. Taylor & Co.
Garber's of Staten Island.
Archie Jacobson.
Viebb's Men's Apparel
Regent Men's & Boys"
Greene's Men's & Boy's Wear
M. Hantt & Son Inc.
Irving's Men's Shop
B. C. Moore & Sons Inc.
“yim Viheatley's
The Closet, Ltd.
Crissman s.
Currin & Hay
Providence Men's Store Inc.
Gader Harris & Son
Wagoner’s Men's Store, Inc.
Black's Men's Store
Rosenfeld's Quality Shop
Stage Shop
Dryman's Men Shop
Larkins-Dee's Clothing Store
The Men's Shop.
Esquire Men's Shop.
Herman's Clothing
Larkins Clothiers
Barron milis, Inc.
George W. Evans Inc.
Pickett's Men's Shop
Hooper & Moore,
Chester's Men's Shop Inc.
Long's of Rockingham, Inc.
Epstein's Store for Men
Sir Richard's, Ltd.
L Kittner’s Dept. Store, Inc.
J. S. Mann's
Anchor Co. Inc.
Miller's Variety Store
Robert's Men's Shop
Kuhns & Shankweiler
Sanders Clothes
Spritzter's Oxford Shop.
Zeiden's Inc.
Bart Pursel Clothier
te, Inc.
dames R. Evans Co., Inc.
The Manly Store
S. Kronenberg Sons Inc.
Bob Wise Men's Store
Wein Bros.
Clinton Mosteller, Inc.
Davy's Family Shoes Menswear
Marty's Men's & Boys’ Wear
Heineman's Dept. Store
Jules Pilch Men's Wear
Rudoiph’s Inc.
J. Covitch & son
ELLWooo ciTy
Keller's Dept. Store
L Press & Co.
Trone & We
Jules Pilch Men's Wear
Newman's for Men
oser's Young Men’
brane Ue Men's Shop
Mors Man's Wear
laxler's Men's & Boys"
London Mal
DeVuno's Men's Wear
;cc ci Clothing
Gece! Clothing Store, In.
Bob Davis Inc.
Joe Katz
glznt's Apparel for Men
Henry 8. Klein to
Ae Clothes s
s es Shop
The Printe Bo. Wt
Nanaca Men's & Boy"
Eicheriy's Men's Shop
Ray L Vay Men
tay Nay 's We
Pattavenenia’ S
Jim Brady Shoes
E David
Ico Men's & Boy's
Kovrot Men's Shop
lips’ Men's Stor
Hermans Shlezate snop
seph Home Comi
The Male Box”
Paul's Nen’s Shop
Walter Jones
Jack Gross Men's Shop
H Rentschler Men's Clothier
Morris Men's Shop
Carl's Stag Shop
Scan this list for the store nearest
you that features campus clothes
fashion-approved by PLAYBOY—
the quality brands advertised in this
issue. You can spot a Playboy Man
Rabbit and PMOC.sign in the window.
J, Kleinbaver, Inc.
C. Russell Johnson Clothiers
Galen Cates & Son
George's Men's Shop.
“Ted Getz" Clothier
Rudolph's Inc.
The Tiger Shop
John B. Stetz
Carroll House
Wilson’s—For Men & Boys
DeVono's Men's Wear
Ben Solomon
The Prep Shop
Wilson's Inc.
Rosenberg's—Oxford SI
Rosenberg ford Shoppe.
Nanning Dwer's inc.
Kearse-Pacgett Co.
Martin's Men's Shop
Abraham's Men's Shop
Belk Robinson
Brocks Men's Wear
Condon's Dept. Store
Leon's Men's Wear
Henry's Men's Wear
Hallman's inc
Bob's Men's Shop
Robin's Men's Shop
Tyler Brothers
Harvard Clothes Shop
Nate's Inc.
Fredericks, Inc.
Fredericks, Inc.
The Stag Shop, Inc.
The Quality Stop
‘The Stag Shop, Inc.
Argabrite's Varsity Shop
‘Thompson's Haberdashery
Southern Dept. Store
Weaver's Inc.
Southern Dept. Store
Varsity Shop
seph Ney's Men's. Sh
Rucker-Rosenstock, Inc.
The Stag Shop.
May Rudasil! Co. Inc.
Newman's Trend Shop
Ken Platt-—Men's Wear
Souther Dept. Store
Fuller's, Inc.
Anderton's Dept. Store
Souther Dept. Store
Cocky Rodgers
Southern Dept. Store
Casey's Inc.
E. M. Payne Co.
Silver Brard Clothes
Silver Brand Clothes
The J. B. Wilt Co.
Dunhit's Inc.
Shapiro's Men's Store
Johnson's Men's Wear
Silver Brand Ciothes
Biafora's, Inc.
Stern Brothers
Crews” Store
The Stag
Plaza Men's Shop
Belcher & Mooney Men's Store
David's Ltd. Men's Wear
United Clothing
1 then it’s time for us—for one of us—
10 climb back into the bucket and lift off
for home, sweet home. That means it's
zero hour, the moment of truth, time to
the men from the boys.
face each other. 1 hear him over
ng. | don't know how long
we just stand there.
"Buddy." D say. Just that, no mor
^t let the
m do thi
. manipu-
nto th
Phen, “Buddy
to us. We can’t der th
late us like this. We can
ng hands.”
“L do know
we c
not what you mean,
hell vou dont. You almost said
it yourself. out there in deep space,
when you said, ‘How can it be an acc
dent? You were thinking it, but you
wae afraid to say it, because you
couldn't believe it, you couldn't believe
nyone could be low enough to pull a
y pulled on
us, anyone. beast of all your glorious
People’s Republic.
"You are not rational... ."
"People's! That's a biugh! H's just
You know, you"
a lot for granted, big boy... .
a government, baby. just a government
that’s no diferent from any that ex
was or ever will be, Ask that serf grand
pappy of yo ments. Ask
about gover
nvbody of my color. Ask the red 1
dians about the treaties they signed with
governments, Ask . . . hell ask your-
sel. Ask voursell what you meant when
ou said it couldn't be an accident.”
"But this . . . what you are su
ing... i5... monstrous.”
“Monstrous? Hell, n
square, irs just pol
little game they p
and me as chespieces."
“Aw, come on, baby, you're not that
dumb. They want to have their cake
1 cat it, too. They want to make a b
show of cooperation. but that’s all it i
a show. Two or three cats at the very
highest level. they put their heads 10
gether and they say, ‘Look, pal. you
know I know that all this lovey
dovey crap is for the birds. Ther
be a winner and a lose "s what
kes the world go round, that's wi
keeps us in our jobs . . . so let's fix it so
got to
e beginning to take a hell of
ill be a wi nd a loser
s not tell anybody, least of all
chespieces, ler it be just our
ng to him, I can tdl, He
hates to admit it crossed his mind, hates
to think both our governments deliber-
ately doublecossed us and are in ca-
hoas to. play off one man against the
olli ronaut against cosmonaut, sur-
ival of the fitt the best mai
“H this is r
I needle him:
“If this is uue
pose w
dying. But we must not p
We must nor fight each other, We
not—if what you say is ue—give Un
that satisfaction. We must draw lots, Tha
is rational, that is socialist reali:
ry sure, or Yankee know-how oi
French loque or British bulldog spirit
or you name it. Knock all that crap out
of your head. Vanya—you're only half
right. Why should even one of us 2
If you really want to show them some
th why don't we both elect to dic,
right here, together?
1 got him now. He
“You are si side to
iumph. Only humanity to triumph. To-
gether we radio back to Earth our de-
—" he st
you know
2o then seful
l be served by both of us
rt as enemics,
to face death together here, in
hood to cach other. . . ."
“Thar's it...”
A brotherhood transcending poli
ambitions . . . a loyalty to soi
er than governments. . ~
“Now you're talkin
"I do not know, Johngenry, I do not
ow... it is mot an casy thing... .”
“Hell, D know that! You think I
want to die? Bur we've gof w! We
can't let them get away with this
We've got to show them!" I put my
gloved hands on his shoulders. “Vany
©... L saw your face . . . just after we
landed . . | I know you felt the same
way I did . . . like you'd been washed
dean, made over again, forgiven . . . isn't
thar right? Isn't
"Yee. ss ym eos
"Look at it Vanya, look at it all.
Above us. all around us, the stars, the
planets, all of it bigger than anvihi
we could ever dream... call it infi
y. call it God . . . look
Me docs. He turns around. and looks
up, amd out, and beyond, and when hi
Lp twist that little valve
on his helmet and all the air rushes out
into the vacuum and he explodes silent
ly inside his suit and he falls. kind of
slow and easy big feather, to the
crunchy soil of the Moon, It's all over
before you can say Tovarish Kapita
Ivan Gemikhovich Yashvi
And now here T
down to Mother Ear
m, easing this crate
i, settling it down
to the landing pad careful and. gentle,
like à momma robin dropping a precious
egg in her nest. Fm so dose now I can
sec them, T t all The flags
flying— The big shots
—ours and the y
There's the Pre by God. just like
they promised: there he is. The M
himself, w i
pedal on me.
Aud there's the Premier. And there's the
band playing, those shiny butterscotch
trumpets and. trombones and. rubas pol
ished like rows and rows of yellow mir-
rors—T can't hear what. they're. playing,
but FI give you odds it’s that same
down h
when 1 was in the children's choir
the church. put on this oratorio thing by
Handel or whoever. | remember it real
See, the conqu'riug hero comes!
Sound the trumpets, beat the
drums... .
» FH just bet th: what theyre
ying down there. Well, you kecp on
sounding those trumpets
these drums, because |
right, And you're not going to like it onc
little bit, I suppose the story will go out
that this bucket went out of control. but
that will be a lie, because Tve got it in
complete: control
Is. doing everything
T want it to do. this baby, this pre
instrument. Of course, maybe some smart
reporter will search the wreckage and find
this tape and break the real story, That'd
be nice. But. either way, you folks down
there are in for the surprise of your lives.
AI you generals and Senators and pul
relations sharpies, and you, too, Mr. Pres-
ident and Mr. Premier
1 do worry a little about one
? id. “You are not rat
. and, you know. he may h
< Maybe the slide-rule bri
an honest mistake. Or m
k in the fuel |
there was a slow |
nobody's fault, and we lost some that
av. M so, P suppose you could
t Fm about to do is piety rotter
it or wrong in this one
case? Look at it this w:
about t
But is ity
as a des just sty
whole mess of
t the big-brass types
hing out in one wav or an
other for a long time... . Hell. just say
Tm getting back for a lot of folks
oh, there's plenty to choose from. the
have been
Novgorod acre, the Black Hole of
Calcuna, the Hungarian Revolution,
Vietnam, Dresden, Hiroshi Babi-Yar
the Niseis in Double U Double U Two,
you pick it, all those folks sautéed in a
big frying pan by Ivan the Terrible,
roasted by napalm. char-broiled by in-
cendiary bombs. If Em right, of cours
so much the bener: but even il
Fm seuling a whole lot of old
here nc to set ‘cr
wc go, ü
what | did to you, but it was the only
way I could be sure of getting back here
old buddy, I'm sorry about
and doing what I knew 1 had to do. So
ill the reporters and boys in
the band, too—that’s right, play your
ans out, you cats—
ry about
Myrtle-wreaths and roses twine
To deck the hero's brow divine.
Like I
‘just have to take your chances.
sc, man oh when E tilt this
Ducket and turn these vernier rockets on
that pretty flag-draped platform. where
all those big shots are standing, all kinds
of flaming hell are going 10 bust loose
I'm making for damn sure that this p
ticular conquering hero goes out in a
blaze of glory, and I'm taking as many
of you with me as 1 can. Hold onto your
hats. you son of a bitches, here comes
John Henry!
y. sorry about you boys, but
Here's why: We're so anxious for you to see how
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long lasting, deep diamond finish that we make this
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Here's how: 1. Send in sales slip from purchase of
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SEA IT NOW (continued from page 136)
ins. Fold foil to adle. Place
bundlc on charcoal grill i to 2 ins. above
double bed of coals, If barbecue equip-
ment is hooded, close the hood. If it is
not make your own hood over grill,
using aluminum foil. Bake 45 minutes to
1 hour, turning bundle once. To test
doneness, pierce potato with fork. Serve
with drawn butter and any or all of the
dips below. Each person should have an
outsize dinner plate or platter. Wooden
nks such as those used for steak are
useful tableware outdoors. Use the ocean
oa finger bowl.
Things to remember: becr or ale and
a boule or can opener, bib-size napkins,
a anting board and a heavy knife for
splitting lobsters after cooking. If the
weather turns two shirts colder, or in the
case of a sandstorm or hurricane, the very
same clambake may be cooked indoors in
(Se x)
6 dozen largesize steamer dams
€ lobsters, 114 to 115 Ibs. cach
3 split chickens, small broiler sue, 134
Ts. cach
6 cars corn on the cov, husk and silk
6 medium-size potatoes
Salad oi
Salt, pepper
Brush chickens with silad oil: sprin-
kle with salt and pepper. Broil under a
preheated moderate flame indoors—or
over a charcoal fire outdoors—only until
chicken is light golden brown on both
sides T not be completely
cooked. Wash dams well. Wash potatoes
well and cut a thin slice fiom each end.
Bring 114 ins. water in a 20-quart all-
purpose clam cooker to a rapid boil over
“If the fool doesnt stop howling,
hell blow his cover
a barbecue fire, Add lobsters, potatoes.
chicken, com and clams, in that order.
Cover pot. Steam 20 10 25 minutes or
until. potatoes tender. Serve with
drawn butter and any or all of the dips
below. The same dambake may be made
indoors; normally, the large cooker re-
quires two gas flames.
(Serves six)
6 dozen largesize steamer dam
6 live lobsters, 114 to 114 Ibs. cach
3 split chickens, small broiler size, 194
Ibs. cach
ü cars corn on the cob, silk removed,
husk left on
6 medium-size potatoes
6 lb. melted butter
Salt, pepper
Over the open fire, some exposed
foods will be cooked faster than others
The bakemaster should therefore place
longercooking foods on the fire first.
asy mancuyering, two barbecue
fies are sometimes helpful
Place point of knife between head of
Jobster and body and cut each lobster in
two. Remove sac in back of head. Crack
daws in several places for easy removal
ol meat when Tobster is cooked. Sprinkle
with salt and pepper. Wash clams well.
Wash potatoes well and cut a thin slice
from each end. Brush each potato with
butter and wrap in a double thickness
of aluminum foil, Place pouuoes directly
on coals. Allow from 34 to 1 hour's cook-
ing time, turning potatocs occasionally. To
tet doneness, pierce with two-pronged
fork. Brush chickens with butter and
sprinkle with salt and pepper. Grill
slowly, turning with tongs. about 1⁄4
hour or until drumstick is tender. Brush
chickens with butter while grilling. Brush
lobsters with butter and sprinkle w
salt and pepper. Grill, shell side down,
about 3 ins. fom coals, until shells begin
10 char—about 15 minutes, Again brush
with butter, Turn lobsters and grill flesh
side about 3 minutes. Dip corn in cold
water. Grill, turning frequently,
10 minutes: husks will be charred bur corn
inside will be tender. Husk and brush with
butter. Place clams on wire screer
mill or on wire grill,
large. € may be ser
shells open. Serve with drawn butter and
any or all of the dips below.
(About 134 cups)
1 1b. sweet or slightly silted burner
Juice of 1 lemon
Break butter into small pieces
aucepan over very low
c in top of double boile
mering water until butter melts
pletely. Carefully skim off foam from
top. Pour butter into another container,
carefully avoiding white sediment on bot
tom. Stir in lemon juice. Serve warm.
flame or
(About 1y cups)
3 mediumssize fresh tomatoes, about 2
blespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons butter
vsze clove
piued ripe olive
nis anchovy paste
lemon jui
Freshly ground bi
cold water for a nute or
so. Remove skin and stem end of toma-
toes. Chop tomatoes coarsely. Heat oi
cr and garlic over a moderate. flame,
but do not brown. garlic. Add. tomatoes.
Simmer slowly until tomatoes are 0
- Put tomatoes, olives, anchovy paste.
and len
smooth. Add black
Serve hot or cold.
hold. under
juice in. blender, Blend until
pepper to
(About 1 cups)
shallots or
minced fine
2 tablespoons minced parsley
| cup dry white wine
39-02. jars mushrooms minated in
Y( cup meled burter
Ina small saucepan, heat shallots, pars
€ is reduced. to
al wine un
ibout V4 cup. Pour into blender.
mushrooms and butter and ble
ture is smooth, Season with salt
pepper if necessary, Serve hot or cold.
(About Di
nd green part,
ween pepper
1 cup cider vinegar
14 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons soy saute
14 cup cold water
Put all ingredients in blende
until smooth, Serve hot or cold.
Ccuky pie
(About D cups)
2 tablespoons celery, finely minced
2 tablespoons onion. finely minced
1 tablespoon carrot. f iced
2 table
1 tablespoc
ely n
poon b
1 carry. powder
2 tablespoons iour
1 cup hor dam broth, fresh or bottled
1 tablespoon dry sherry
tablespoons orange juice
2 tablespoons heavy sweet cre
Salt, pepper. monosodium glut
Samé celery. onion and carrot i
ter only until onion turns yellow. Stir in
curry powder and flour. Slowly stir in hot
clam broth. Bring to : reduce fla
“22. Over the rail, man, o
and simmer 3 to 5 minutes, stirring fre
quently. Add sherry. orange juice and
heavy cream. Add salt, pepper and mono-
sodium glutamate tw wsie. Remove from
fire cool suw slightly, Pour into
blender and blend until smooth, Serve hot
or cold.
(Serves six)
3 Ibs. extra-large shrimps, 12 1 a tb,
36 cherrystonc Cams, out of shell
18 slices bacon
becue dip (recipe. above)
e. firm beelsteak tomatoes
Salud oil
Partially cook bacon—umil slices have
lost their raw look and are still pliable.
Cut each slice in half sc. Dr
dams well, drying on paper
Dip each clam in barbecue dip and wrap
with half slice of bacon. Cut out stem
end of tomatoes and cut. into 18 chunks
suitable for skewering. Fasten the b
wrapped clams and tomatoes on skewers,
allowing 6 clams and 3 pieces tomato to
each skewer. Cut shrimp shells with scis-
sors from top of back ro tail and wash o
veins. Dry shiim aper toweling
brush with salad oil. shrimps on
skewers (6 to cach), runi ch. skew
carefully from thick end of sh
end, so ih;
gh iai they will 1e
suaight when broiled, Broil clams
shrimps over charcoal fire, about 4 ius.
from source of hear. Broil cams until
bicon is brown. Broil shrimps about 3
to 4 minutes on cach side. Serve with any
or all of the dips
s six)
11 Ibs. halibut steak
114 Hs. salmon steak
11% Ibs. swordfish steak
3 slices bacon. very small di
16 teaspoon dried basil
3 tablespoons olive oil
6 ozs. dry red wine
2 Mon cans Talim plum. tonioes
15 cup red wine vinegar
3 tablespoons finely minced parsley
freshly: ground pepper
There are y different versions
of the Tulin fish siew called. cioppino
as there are cooks who m: Normal
ly. indoors it includes fish such as whit-
ing. cod. sca bass, and shellfish such as
crab. The best outdoor
is one that do
as on
version, howev
Wt require entangle
ment with bones or shells and that can
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be sluiced down with a spoon, dippi
imo a Imge chowder bowl The sauce
for the cioppino may be made indoors
and the fsh added outdoors, or the
whole assembly may take place under
the open sky. A wonderful accompani-
ment is a dish of polenta or corn meal:
in this case, grilled over the charcoal
while the cioppimo is simmering in a
saucepan. A titan-size salad and three or
four bottles of California barbera or moun
tain red complete the outdoor scene.
Carefully cut away all skin from fish:
Cut away flesh from bones. Cut into 1-
in. squares and sprinkle generously with
salt. Sauté bacon, onion, garlic and basil
in oil only until onion turns yellow. Add
wine, tomatoes, vin xd parsley. Bring
to a boil and simmer 5 minutes. Sea-
son to taste with salt and pepper. Add
Stir once until fish is coated with
pot and sim about 10
es. Avoid excessive stining in order
sauce. Cover
10 keep fish intact,
(Serves six)
2 cups corn meal
2 cups cold water
1 cups cold water
1 cup milk
teaspoons salt
egg yolks, beaten
2 tablespoons butter
14 Ib, melted. butter
The mixture for polenta should be
cooked indoors the day before the party
and chilled overnight. It will then be
firm cnough to slice and grill over char-
coal. For results, use corn m
from a fresh. package
In a mixing bowl. combine corn meal
and 2 cups cold water. Stir well. In a
heavy saucepan, bring rhe 4 cups water,
milk and salt 10 a boil.
slowly into saucepan, stirring constantly,
Simmer over low flame, tinting Me-
quently, 10 minutes, Remove about 1⁄4
cup of the cornmeal mixture and stir
imo the egg yolks. Add yolks gradually
to siucepan. Cook about 3 minutes
stining constantly. Add 2 table-
1 butter melts.
Pour corn meal
spoons butter and stir ur
Pour polenta into a greased shallow pan
or casserole to a depth of at least 11/4 ins.
Chill in refrigerator. To prepare for
caving, cut polenta into 15-in.-thick slices.
Cut slices in half. crosswise, if necessary,
Brush polenta on both
Place on well
to handle over f
les with melted butter
oiled wire broiler charcoal fire. If
hinged broiler is uscd, it should not be
closed. Brown on both sides. Serve with
All signals are go for establishing a
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N: Leave it open. (To
d every word you've
Groria) She's H
said. How does that make you feel?
She cm hear me now?
iN: Run off at the mouth
some mor. You're saving me a lot of
trouble. Now 1 won't have to explain to
her what sort of friend you really were
and why 1 gave you the old heave-ho.
GLORIA (dhawing nearer lo ihe micro-
phone): Mrs. Lovejoy?
swirr (reporting what he has heard
There's a loaded revolver in
. Mrs. Lovejoy—in case
FRANKENSTEIN (not in the least worried
about the pistol but filled with contempt
and disgust for ovora): You total. imbe-
e did you get a pistol?
rom a mailorder house
Vhey had an ad in Real True
They sell guns to crazy
ort: T could have had
Fd waned one. Fourte
g to get!
to be exhibit
pistol now
A at your t
ume (fe swirry Shouldn't you put
the paient to sleep?
swirt: There's no way she can hurt
croga (lo LITTLE):
What docs he
"nes Her a fixed so she
"| point a gun at herself
coria (sickened): They even thought
of that
is entering. sylvia is holding the pistol
though t{ull:
sv You mustn't ger n at
Gloria, Norbert. I asked her for this, I
begged her for this
FRANKENSTE Last month.
ter now.
svivia: Everything but the spark.
SYLVIA: k that Gloria says
she loves—the tiny spark of what I used
to be, As happy as I am right now, that
spark is begging me to take this gun
ad put it out.
FRANKENSTEIN: And what is your reply?
syivia: T am going to do i
This is goodbye. (She fries every which
way to aim the gun at herself, fails and
fails, while eRANKENSTEIN stands calmly
by) That's no accident, is it
FRANKENSTEIN: We very much don't
want vou to hurt yourself, We love
you, 100.
(continued from page 106)
syivia: And how much longer must I
live like this? I've never dared ask be-
FRANKENSTEIN: T would have (o pull
a figure out of a hat.
svivia: Maybe you'd better not. (Pause)
Did you pull one out of a hat?
FRANKENSTEIN: At least five hundred
syivia: So D will still be alive—long
alter vou are gon
FRANKENSTEIN: Now ds the time. my
dear Sylvia. to tell you something 1 have
wanted to tell you for years. Every or-
n downstairs has the capacity to take
care of two human tead of
one. And the pluml g have
been designed so that a second human
being can be hooked up in two shakes
of a Lamb's rail (Silence) Do you un
derstand what 1 am saying 10 you, Syl-
(Silence. Passionately) Sylvia! E will
second. human be alk
about marriage! Talk about great love
stories from the past! Your kidney will
be my kidney! Your liver will be my
liver! Your heart will be my heart!
Your ups will be my ups and your
downs will be my downs! We will live
in such pi
the gods the
hair in envy!
syivia: This is wl
in this world.
sylvia: Well, then—heve it is Nor-
bert. (She empties the revolver into him)
CUT TO same room almost a half hour
later. A second nipod has been set up.
wilh FRANKE NS IN S itid on lop. FRANK
EXSTEIN jv asleep and so is SYLVIA. wire,
wih arne standing by. is feverishly
making a final connection to the machin-
ery below. There me pipe wrenches and
a blowtorch and other plumber's and elec
triciams tools lying around.
swine: Thats gotta be it. (He straight-
ens up, looks around) That's gotta be it.
Line (consulting watch): Twenty-eight
you wa
“Now that we're engaged, shouldn't you stop wearing
your HAD ANY LATELY button?”
utes since the first shot was fired.
swirr: Thank God you were around.
LITTLE: What you really needed was
a plumber.
swirr (mio microphone): Charley—
we're all set up here. You all set down
CHARLEY (squawk box): All set
swirr: Give em plenty of mar
cLoga appears numbly in doorway.
cuantey: They've got ‘em. They'll be
higher than kites.
swirr: Better give ‘em a touch of
LSD, too.
cuartey: Coming up.
swirt: Hold iU 1 forgot the phono-
graph. (To umm) Dr. Frankenstein
said that if this ever happened, he want-
ed a certain record playing when he
came to. He said it was in with the oth-
white jacket. (To
Groria) See if you can find it.
GLORIA goes to phonograph, finds the
Groria: This iv
ciora: Whi
swirr: I don't know.
GLORIA: There's tape over onc side.
swirt: The side without tape. (GLORIA
puts record on. Into microphone) Stand
by to wake up the patients,
cuarLey: Standing by.
Record begins to play. It is a Jeanetie
MacDonald-Nelson Eddy duct, “Ah,
Sweet Mystery of Life."
swirr (into microphone): Wake ‘en
filled with formless pleasure. They
dreamily appreciate the music, eventual-
ly catch sight of each other, perceive
cach other as old and beloved friends.
SYLVIA: Hi, there.
svivia: How do you feed?
Fine. Just fine.
“It's not the beatings, the indifference, the drinking
or the philandering, Ernie, is your breath."
(continued. from page 154)
of liberalarts subjects made my n
more flexible, more receptive to n
more readily aware of changing circum-
stances and, at the same time, more con-
vinced of what constitutes real and lasting
flatly that I consider my liberalarts ed-
ucation to have had far greater overall
importance than any of the purely tech
nical or professional subjects 1 studied.
I do not doubt that what I have said
will appear to border on heresy for
those who still cling to the concept of
the business executive as a superspecialist,
n well aware that there are many
nies that want th
be accountants, their production experts
to be production experts, and so on—and
amn Aristotle and Zwingli.
Now, none of this is imended as a
at business departments or manage
ment facultics in our universities and
colleges. Both are excellent, generally
conceded to be the best in the world.
My point is that there has been a grow-
ing tendency toward specialization at the
expense of broader subjects that not only
expand the horizons of the students’ minds
but make them better human beings and,
in the long run, better managers.
I particularly like what John Ciardi
has written in his essay “An Ulcer, Gen
uk , Is an Unwritten Poem.” Ciardi
argues: "Let [a man] spend too much
of his life at the mechanics of pract
ty and either he must become something
less than a man or his very mecha
efficiency will become impaired |
frustrations stored up in his in
for having been jilted.”
Happily, there appears growing evi-
dence that the trend toward producing
superspecialized executives is being
slowed or even reversed. There seems
proof that some of the nation’s business
leaders are recognizing the need for more
diversified education of executive peron-
nel, Take, for example, the survey con-
A. Bond,
Sixty six big-business
were asked to give their opinions re
garding the educational requirements
they considered essential for top-level
executives. Nearly one third of the r
spondents said they believed an educ
tion in the liberal arts or humanities
provided the best background—and this
third did not suggest that any secondary
field of emphasis wa
many of the chi secutive offic
terviewed believed that basic liberalarts
courses modified. by secondary reference
to business gave the tyro executive. the
best grounding. The third-largest group
is needed. Almost as
held that liber:
by a secondary emphasis on science
and/or engineering would provide the
business executive with the best and
most helpful. educatioi ckground.
As if this were not sufficient to indi-
cate the shift in the business education
wind, witness the findings of two recent
major studies that were conducted by
the Ford Foundation and the Carnegie
Corporation. The results of the two
studies were published jointly and, al
though there were some areas of dis-
agreement, one conclusion stood out
sharply. Both studies strongly recom-
mended that business education should
be based solidly on the liberal arts.
I have discussed the problem of the
narrowness of the young executive's
education with more than a few busi
ness leaders with whom I
ed. Almost without exception, they—and
this includes those hoklovers of a past
cra who themselves received little or no
formal education beyond grade school—
agree that the executive whose mind has
been tained for
entation is only ha
The men who a
tually head the na
tion’s largest corporations appreciate the
importance of the humanities in the edu
cation of young men who hope to achieve
success in business. Several major compa
nies have even sponsored programs under
which their more promising young execu-
tives could expand their cultural horizons
by taking liberal-arts courses on company
time and at company expense.
One of the first of these programs
was launched by the Bell Telephone
Company in 1953, when a group of the
firm's executives attended a two-semester
course at the Institute of Humanistic
Studies at the Univer
y of Pennsylvani
ave since followed suit,
and many colleges and universities have
developed special liberalarts courses for
executives. In addition, some corporati
have gone in for crash programs, sending
selected executives—not infrequenuy men
who are already on the upper rungs of
the corporate ladder—to seminars and
courses designed to increase their knowl-
edge and appreciation of matters cultural.
These comp stand that, al-
though he may have a string of degrees
after his name, the executive whose
education has been almost entirely pro-
fessional is not well equipped to under-
stand the broader social implications of
business. He is most likely a rather empty
man, whose sole concern im life, to the
point of obsession, is his job and the
struggle for advancement. Success becomes
the end in itself. It might surprise him
to learn that his one-track. preoccupation
lessens his chances for success.
I asure you that if I were contem-
plating the establishment of, say, a new
company or a foreign subsidiary, 1 would
Other companies
not rely on an exceutive with single-
function orientation to conduct the n
tiations. Not on your life—or, rat
on my hopes and expectations of success.
‘The men 1 would choose for the task
would have to solve problems and make
decisions on the spot. Although they
might conceivably be weak in certain
technical areas. they would be well-
rounded individuals whose education had
enriched their intellect and judgment—
rather than merely providing them with
a degree of practical or technical know
how. Such has always been my policy.
and I am firmly convinced that it is
largely responsible for whatever successes
I have achieved during the course of my
business career,
"Todays young executive has two
choices. He can choose to be educated
rrow specialist, liule more than a
asa n
useful disciplines and disdaining all c
or he can choose to become a well-
rounded man—a man of taste, disce
ment. understanding and intellectual
versatility. If he selects the former course
of action, he is quite likely to remain a
junior or middle ve through
out his career. Hf he chooses the 1 h
will greatly increase his chances of reach-
ng the top—and he will enjoy life and
himself much more in the process.
in, Concentrating entirely on the
ade execu
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(continued from page
As a strong bel heteroses
ty, and also as an interested American, 1
agree that we need a solution to rhe homo.
sexual problem. but ner onc such
Hider’s final solution of the "Jewish
Enic J. Simmerer
Seattle, Washington
I must reply to the woman who
would sentence homosexuals to di
Does she know for sure that her hust
does not have h
her son or her daughter? A beloved sister
brother or any other relative? Homosex
y is not tattooed on an individual's
ad. | have lived among "heteros"
who think that 1 am 100-percent normal.
Our society would be shocked to
learn of the many people in all profes.
sions who are homosexuals, Many are
teachers, lawyers, judges, ministers, priest
nuns, artists, actors—even grocers! The
Armed Forces are full. of homosex
So, is this woman sure 1
bigotry isn’t passi
someone near and dear to he?
(Name withheld by request)
St. Louis, M
her religi
I got a huge kick out of the way
Anita K. Adkisson flatly declares, "Here
is what God says about. homosexuatity.
"There wasa man in our neighborhood who
daimed God talked 1o him: his family
had him committed to a mental hospital
Why is it thar some people can say they
know what God says and be locked up.
while others cin make. the
and be respeciable, even. influential? Is
it just that some nuts are organized?
L. Rogers
Chicago. Illinois
Ania K. Adkisson's: outofcontext
Biblical quotation on homosexuality.
"They shall surely be put to death,
adds noth c public discussion of
homosexu is the utterance. of a
dosed m
Miss Adkisson is guilty of willful mis
interpretation when she fails to point out
that God, as the Old Testament describes
Him, demands the death penalty for 17
ollenses. besides. homosex idultery
iion of betrothed
or disobeying
one's pare ping or selling another
person: injuring a pregnant woman: being
a witch or a wizard: being a false prophet
person who misleads the faithful: wor-
shiping or saaificins to false gods: blas-
incest other
phemy: refusing 10 worship the Lord or
to obey His commandments; defiling or
workin the Sabbath; approaching
Mount i or the Tabernacle; disobedi-
ence to priests and. judges; and failure
of the owner to restrain a known killer
ox. Anyone who takes this sort of thing
as literally applicable 10 the present day
The Old Testament
code is the product of a relatively primi
tive society struggling to reproduce and
io maintain dis identity among more
numerous and. powerful. neighbors.
Humanization of the law and tolera-
tion of nonconformists have taken civi
lied men many centuries to achieve,
We will be able to deal move fairly and
responsibly with the homosexual when
we reject ignorance and prej
old L. Call, President
San Francisco, €
I must voice my opinion or bust! | am
a 24year-old happily married. housewife
and a mother. T am not a prude, but I
have never read such a thoroughly dis-
gusting letter as the one in the February
Playboy Forum from the fellow in the
U.S. Army who is in love with another
wile, He claims that their love is as
wonderful as that of any heterosexual
couple. | find it hard to believe that
person as mixed up as he is doesn’t seck
professional help or commit himself t0 an
institution. How can this fellow genuine-
ly believe in his love lor another man? It
not normal in the eyes of God. If God
had meant man 1 Jove man, there
would have been no Eve
Mas. J- Crenna
San Diego, Califor:
Not being theolo; would not
attempt to interpret what is “normal in
the eyes of God” But we think you
might find it beneficial to know some
theologians’ opinions that are different
from—and more tolerant than—your
own, The Reverend Canon Walter D.
Dennis, an Episcopal priest who is canon
of New York's Cathedral of St. John the
terion ax a heterosexual marri
m, we
believes a homosexual. relation-
“should be judged by the same cri-
ge—that is,
whether it is imended to foster a perma-
nent relationship of love.” Another Prot-
estant theologian, Norman Pittenger, has
said, “[Homosexuals| cannot be expected
to ‘give up sex’ altogether. And if it hap-
pens that one is dealing with a couple
who, so far as one can see, deeply and
truly love one another, it is pretty close
to spiritual homicide to separate them
2.27 Similar opinions ha
presed by such Koman Catholic theolo-
gians as Eduard Sclullebeec The
National Catholic Reporter recently stat-
ed editorially that “the homosexual is the
victim of a scapegoat mechanism and, in
this respect, there is no diff
tween antihomosexual feelings and the
been ex-
, and
nee b
feelings of anti-Semitism, anti-Negroism,
anti-Catholicism, etc.”
Dr. William Graham Cole, president
of Lake Forest College, sees the message
of both Old and New Testaments as
chiefly one of love and tolerance, and
says in “Sex and Love in the Bible":
What face does [the Christian
community] present to the world,
more especially to the sexual deviant?
Is it a fellowship of reconciliation, of
love and accepting forgiveness, or is il
made up of self-righteous Pharisees,
gossiping and judging and rejecting?
Does it surround the sinner with
hostility and threaten him with harm,
or does it welcome him into a com-
munity of those who know themselves
fo stand in need of forgiveness, who
cannot cast the first stone because
they. too, fall short of the demands
of a righteous God?
Until such time as the church,
clergy and people take seriously
once more the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. . . then the homosexual
- - - will turn elsewhere for help.
+++ The fact that [the] Holy Spirit
clearly speaks and works through
channels outside the church, re-
deeming and restoring [through
secular psychotherapy]. should serve
as a warning to the Christian com-
munily in its self-righteous pride.
Recently, there have been many let
ters in The Playboy Forum discussing
homosexuality. The necd for compassion
for these people is dramatized by C
Hugh Montcfioi bridge, Fi
land. who sugg sermon th
Jesus himself may have been homosexual.
He askel why Jesus remained unmar-
ried, when marriage was almost unive
sil in the Middle East of his time. Car
Momtehore suggested that the answer
might be that Jesus was “not by nature
the marrying sort.
Explaining that his suggestion was not
n irreverent one, he added:
This kind of speculation about the
nature of our Lord can be valuable
f it underlines, as 1 believe it does
here in a particularly vivid way.
how God in Christ identifies Himself
with the outsider and the outcast
from society.
Our police force and our Immigration
officers should € note of the cinon’s
After five years of m
mained sexually unfulfilled and be;
entertain thoughts of an extramarital re
ionship a ble means of satis-
fying my sex drive. Hower
that I loved my husband too much to
fall casually into bed with another man.
I worked up my courage and went to
my husband, Through objective discus
sion, we got to the root of the matter,
He. too, had considered aticmpting to
find satisfaction with someone else, but
not because he didn't love me. In fact,
that very love had led him to place me
on a kind of pedestal and would not al-
low him to subject me to his desires. We
discovered that I, on the other hand.
could not abandon myself completely.
because I feared that to do so would
cheapen me in his eyes. We realized
that cach of us was hung up over a con-
cern for the opinion of the other.
Since making this discovery, we have
worked for complete freedom in our love-
making: it took a surprisingly short time
for both of us to feel free to suggest varia-
tions and to give both verbal and physical
expression to our impulses. We now enjoy
our sexuality 10 the fullest.
On the basis of our experience, I
maintain that when a couple can ap-
proach each other with complete hones-
ty and can think of cach other as a lusty
well as husband or wife, their
red love and concern will afford
them pleasure far surpassing what is
available in an adulterous relationship.
Extr al sex is really the product of
a failure to communicate.
(Name withheld by request)
Montpelier, Vermont
d at 16 and I was the
mother of two at 19. After six years of
marriage, my husband decided that he
and graduated with a
was employed by a
firm: this was when our good
litc was supposed to begin. In the
"I moved to the suburbs for the same reason most
family men do—it's a great place to raise hell.
"You've thrown me out for the last time,
tomorrow [start smoking pet.
e. 1 had taught myself bookkeep
ing and 1 held a position nearly as well
paid as my husband's.
day T found my husband
rifiend in a Kama Sutra. position
our cu. Tr crushed. me even more
T found out that this had. been
four years. Our children
xl my
going on for
ind. E wanted. to
My husband. felt
rc interesting to
were only nine and ten
straighten thi
that 1 would become n
him if | were to engage in exiramarital
soe I for this—bur try
ig odo n ppy. | consented
Just occasional extramarital sex wasn't
enough for him: we then became what is
—touples who reg
known as “swinge
ularly swap their mates for a night
husband's favorite remark 10 neweor
was. “We have swinging to thank lor sex
ing our marriage.” The “saving” lasted
one aud a half years. P found: there
wasnt any trust or love berween us any
more—just a constant search for new
292. and moreesciting sex. L abo realized that
my Lusband’s sexual desires were t nding
toward the mule-with-male type. MI the
added excitement did nor compensare for
our growing mutual contempr. Our di
vorce became final last month, alter 15
years of marriage.
(Name withheld by request)
Fort Worth, Texas
Divorce I. M. Allen attacks
U.S. Divorce Reform’s vonadversary
pproach o2 the grounds that the
present system "proreds. people and pie
vents chaos” (The Playboy Form. Febni
anv). The opposite is. in fie, the cise: the
present evem ruins lives and makes it
posible for ks vers to exploit aimes of
divoree for their own financial gin
to a report by the Calitor
nia Aserib'y Taterim) Cornminee on
Judiciary, “The soupulous. comc'enions
lawyer is rarely besought Jor divorce.”
This leaves the field open to inexp:
enced, incompetent or unethical mem
bers of the bar. “For the
the report
rent, their
mes, "divorce is their
apher's salary, their baby's shoes
and sometimes th sold Gadill
The simplest uncontested cise is generally
worth a couple of hundred dollars: a case
involving even a moderately well-to-do
husband accused (not necessarily guilty) of
vhdelity is ordinarily worth a few thou-
sand to the lawyers. How unrealistic to
expect them to forgo anything like that
for mere considerations of ethics or morals.”
The report then documents certai
ethical practices, such as accepting a fce
from the wife as part of a private agree
ment and then irying to collect in court
from the husband as well
The problems faced by a couple seek-
ing divorce are not hmited to their
dealings with lawyers. Judges usually have
little inclination t0 hear divorce cases:
nd even those who are interested have
sufficient time 10 employ any real un-
derstanding of the hu problems in-
us uv to avoid appoint
to domesticrelations couris, regard
duy there as “a kind of K. P.”
From the lorcgoing, which is a meie
suggestion of the kind of case that can
bc built ist (he present system of
handling maritzb breakup, it should be
clear that no prog really be made
im the handling of family problems
unti] lawyers and judges aie completcly
climinated fom divorce procedures.
George Partis
volved. Ju
Founder cad Executive Director
United Suites Divorce Reform, Inc.
Kenwood, California
Aber rewling the lener by draft resister
Dennis Riordan (The Piayboy Forum,
May), E knew 1 had to write 10 you.
lana 23-yenold German student
and have heen living in the U.S. lor a
year. Every day D see on TV. American
planes dropping bombs on a littie coun-
uy and hundreds of thousands of Amer-
ican men hebring there. Most of them
dont even know why: they just were
told 10 Kill because the people there are
the enemy
We. the German u
back to lile the 6.000.600 Jewish people
who died in World War Bur it
the duty of my generation 10 ensure that
this horrible thing does not happen
E 1 support Mr. Riordan.
Dow) think Jam ane Americ The
opposite is true. 1 am very fond of the
American. people, This is why Fam so
concerned about the war in Vietnam
Klaus Beutel
Austin, Minnesora
Borbaa Osky
relerence to the
(The Playboy
May). Tike much of the discussion of the
Vietnam war and related: issues
tionally appealing but ds based ou
is emo
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Club credit keyholders may charge
factual distortions and shallow thinking.
Nothing of value is contributed. by
woefully dechring that our society has
forgotten that the Bible prohibits killing
under all circumstances. First, the Bible
contains no such absolute prohibition:
indeed. it contains accounts of slaughters
at God's hand or by His command that
make Vietnam look mild in comparison.
Second, our society has never adhered to
While ion of
warfare is clearly a desirable and per-
haps a necessary objective, nevertheless
the realities of imernational power poli-
tics are such that a nation that prohib
ited Killing absolutely would not last
long as a sovereign state, ] am sure that
few Americans feel that Killing is right. I
am equally sure that few Americans
would fail to respond with neces:
force 10 a direct threat to our natio
such a view the clin
Opponents and proponents of the w
in Vietnam cin shout “Thou shalt
Kill” and “Stop communism” at one ar
other if they wish. but catch phrases that
have no value other than their emo
tionalism will only obscure the relevant
issues and impede a final resolution. A
solution that is ultimately satisfactory to
the nation must be based on a careful
ind realistic evaluation of the net result
of cach of the many possible courses of
Michael A. Walters
Arlington, Massachusetts
In the April Dear Playboy. Art. Kleps.
Chief Boa Hoo of the Nco-Amcrican
Church, wonders why he and his hippie
friends and followers consistently
persecuted. IF this air of amazement isn't
just a rhetorical if Kleps truly
can't see why an Trish cop finds hippie
I think T
ideas “as alien as moon dust.”
can. explain.
Animals (and we are animals) always
react with fear to something they don't
understand, Paint a crow white and tum
him loose among a flock of regular crows
and they'll peck him to pieces. bec
white crow is a threat to the tradi
crow way of life
Similarly. man’s gre:
est fear is fear of the unknown, and any
thing ipo facto, un
known. Primitive min got rid of inno
vators bv throwing stones at them: the
Romans fed them to the lion
cops, jails and loony bins as our firs
‘ine of defense
new or idea is,
we have
Humans spend a lot of
nd er nd
y develo}
y wrinen
anwrinen laws by which to live and then
beating them into all members of the com
munity. People feel secure with these laws:
le saciifices in order to main.
tain them. This is à big investment, Along
comcs a man in a psychedelic robe who
tells them to chuck it all and, of course,
he looks like a threat
My advice to Art
they have m:
Kleps and other
PLAYBOY's College
Bureau is looking for
campus representatives—
one man to a campus.
We need enthusiastic guys
to handle PLAYBOY
promotion and publicity
in the campus area—to (cs
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Add a little bulge to
your billfold? Drop us a
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be a campus rep.
PLAYBOY Building
919 N. Michigan Ave. + Chicago, illinois 60611
ippies is to develop thicker skins and a
more realistic understanding of human
Ouo Norris
Omaha, Nebraska
Trod Runyon, who is in the Anchor-
ge State Jail (The Playboy Forum, April).
has my sympathies for being arrested on
na possession charge. However, I
ad everything hami
for." I believe that marij
should be legalized and Im in Vietnam.
to delend my right to vote on that belie
This is a followup to my letter i
which I told how 1 went to Alaska with
my dog to live in the mountains and
commune with God but got busted when
1 gave some free pot to an Army deserter.
1 am now a free man again and I feel
that PLAYBOY deserves much of the
credit. At the time of my a
change in the law was alr under
consideration in the state legislature:
bur the publication of my letter in The
Playboy Forum helped. focus
on this issue and enabled a lor of people
to see the cruelty and the irrationality of
the present. marij statu
partly by this public sentiment and p
ly by their own courage and independ
ence (an old Alaskan tradition). the
legislators have reduced the crime of
possessing grass from a felony to a mis-
demeanor. Thus, instead of facing a pos-
sible two-to-tenyear sentence, I was facin
ther a fine or a maximum of one year
prison. The judge, showing the same
dependence, let me off wi
Coming out of
n there,
never imagine what it is like
how one sits looking at the four walls
and wies, with every atom of his being,
10 teleport himself out of the cell 1o a
place without guards and guns. Just
being able to enter a cafeteria for a cup
of colice becomes a meaningful. experi-
ence. There are no words that adequately
describe the thrill of freedom regained
after you thought you had lost
Trod R
1 congratulate
your June
Your rebuttal was certain-
significant. contribution to public
nity on a prejudice-clouded issue.
As a student o[ psychology. propa.
ganda analysis and advertising, | am
ly amazed at how easily people
nisled by arguments like Mr. Lordi's,
d “experts,” some
you f
Playboy Farum answer to mari jua
1 Lord
half-truths and a large number of cmo-
tional adjectives are used to sell a thesi
that cannot. bear a half hour of skepti
scrutiny. If people could be trained to
think and to analyze when they read,
instead of just believing whatever is
printed, we might have a utopia.
- Korwin
ion, New York
you want about the ph
harmlesmess of marijuana, its
ects seem to be almost alw
ible with our kind of progressive,
ological civilization, Almost every
mg student [ve known who
Started using grass regularly soon switched
liberal-arts college, where he took up
sophy ntal mysticism and—
ay Gises—got hooked on the Ch
1 Ching bit, Hindu
ophy, American Ind
ions or some
ionscnse. Pot smokers don't
become vicious, depraved dope fiends,
but they certainly will not contribute
anything toward beating the Russians in
the space race, curing Cancer or advanc-
ing science and industry in any way.
but worthless
Newark, New Jersey
As a lieutenant colonel in the U.S,
Army, 1 recently sd the court
martial of several enlisted men, who cach
received two years in prison and bad-
conduct discharges. Their only crime was
smoking mariju:t
Fo speak out against this travesty of
justice would jeopardize my own career,
but E wish good luck to rrAvnov and to
others who me fighting creeping Big
Brothe America.
(Name address
withheld by request)
Tam in in the U.S. Army, sta-
tioned in Vietnam, and [ have acute con-
nce problems about mia
my woops. John St
probably wasn't. exi
said 75 percent of the
smoke grass; in my company, I would
set the figure closer to 100 percent, Yet
I have never ordered a man arrested for
this ollense. Why should I put a blot on
the pennanent record of a brave fighting
man just becuse he amuses himself. dur
ing his brief respites from battle, w
harmless herb?
(Name withheld by request)
ana is regretta-
ponsible. Being a liberal
I generally agree with PLAYBOY
but radicalism is a perverted olfspr
liberalism, Your condoning the we of
this drug places you outside the whole-
some world of liberalism d inside the
zarre and Fanatical swamp of
T am not impressed by your statistics
and scientific reporis. If only one out of
a hundred who try marijuana. eventually
turns to heroin because of that experi
ence, then marijuana should be banned.
Lt. Charles A. Haigh
APO San Francisco, California
The operative word in your argument
is “if.” Lieutenant. If your grandmother
had wheels, she'd be a wagon. There is
no evidence that anybody ever. tuned
to heroin because of marijuana.
I am about to be courcmartialed. for
possession of por; 1 face a possible dis-
honorable discharge plus fivc ycars at
rd labor. The gimmick that tapped
me was classic: The guys from O.S. 1.
(the Air Force's Office of Special Inves-
ht a friend of mine and
uaded him that his penalty would
be (ume he signed a statement nam-
others on the base who also smoked
ss. He named me and, to my shame, I
Tet them play the same game on me,
signing a statement naming vct other
ninals" (They can be awlully per-
suasive when they've got you alone in
the back room.)
"Thousands of lives are being rui
this way each year. Please keep pi
the facts about marij
nks into the heads of our legi
tors and they repeal these cruel Law:
(Name and address
withheld by request)
The medical services of all colleges
and universities in America should make
birth-control devices available ou request
to female students, regardless of age. I
feel very strongly about this, having seen
my roommate po to Mexico for an abor-
i end go through the
id giving up an
coeds feel
We that we are free,
responsible individuals in choosing to go
to bed with our boyfriends
I, for example, cannot. marry
for at least two more years, and E will
not put us through the nonsense of
bDackseat petting every weekend. Since
we are unable to get contraceptives at
the health center, most of us go to pri-
vate physicians with pho 1 de
meaning stories about getting married,
or we make up fictitious birth d
(Name withheld by request)
San Diego, California
In a brief amiabortion leuer full of
name calling (The Playboy Forum, April),
D. A. Jalkinskey of Cleveland says, "We
have sterilization, contraceptives and absti-
nence; isn’t that enough?" Obviously not.
Sterilization is out of the question for
many people, be
versible. Contraception is not foolproof.
Abstinence, as an alternative, is ridiculous.
Mr. Jalkinskey may find contraception
acceptable now, but he is just the sort of
person who, nor too long ago. fought the
dissemination of birth-convel informa-
tion; many such people still do. In-
cidentally. | am not "ugly. stupid or
promiscuous": | am a happily married
mother of four lovely childrei
Mis. Sylvia Spic
Santa Ana, Calil
Recently. my girlfriend became preg-
nant. I took her to a doctor, who gave
her shots that were ineffective. We then
icd a nurse, who tried to induce
miscarriage but also failed
Three days after the visit to the
nurse, my girl miscarried spontaneously
I took her to our campus infrmar
where she developed an infection requir
ing weaunent im a hospital. Somehow,
policewoman got into the ambulance
t was taking my girl to the hospital
She subjeaed. my girlfriend 10 a barrage
of questions that she was in no condition
to withstand. The girl said enough to
criminate hersell and me. and now the po-
lice are trying 10 find out who helped us.
Yesterday. after the police interrogat.
ed me for three hours, I was frightened
into signing a statement telling almost
everything that had happened, but I
would not reveal the names or the
whereabouts of the doctor and the
nurse. The police tried to persuade me
that these people were evil, self-secking
acketcers who were exploiting my girl-
friend and me, 1 don't see it that way.
because the doctor took little money.
the nurse none at all. They were merely
trying to help a girl who had threatened
to commit suicide because her parents
would have made life hell for her if they
had found out she was pregnant. To-
wind the end of my sesion with the
police, one officer asked me if I ever at
tended church, When I answered no, he
turned beet red and charged out of the
room. Such was the reasonableness of
my inquisitors. Their language through-
out the interrogation was offensive
I have obtained legal advice, but Im
mainly worried about my girl pulling
through this in good condition. The po-
lice were on her neck all the while she
was so ill and they have continued to
plague her ever since she began to recover
Tomorrow my girlfriend and I will be
fingerprinted, photographed and taken
to count. The cost of the lawyer is high:
the emotional price is higher. She is on
the verge of insanity or suicide and I am
on the point of running away with her,
far from this 20ih Century version of
the Spanish Inquisition as possible. The
portion laws are perpetuated and en.
forced by legislators and by policemei
who cannot tell the difference between
good and evil,
(Name and address
withheld by request)
o. T became pregi
father was a wonderful person. but we
discussing. the situation
rally decided on abortion.
Friends gave us the name of a reput:
ble doctor in another province. ‘The
weekend of my sixth week of preg-
nancy. we went io sce him. I had my
abortion that week. The operation took
only minutes and the doctor worked un
der very sterile and sanitary conditions.
There were no immediate aftereiicets. It
l cons
ider myself. very lucky 10
ilegal but successful
I asked the doctor why he performed
abortions at the risk of losing his pi
and his freedom. His reply still ring
my ears: "Because there are young coi
ples like you who need my help and be-
Giuse 1 disagree violently with Canadian
e welLeducated
. most of his patients
professional people,
like myself. His list words to me were:
Love and sex are beautiful. Never for
get that. But when you get home, have
your family doctor give you a prescrip:
tion for the pill. I don't want you back
‘Thank God such doctors exist!
(Name withheld by request)
"Toronto, Ontario
To understand the attitude toward
abortion that I de over 30
as a general practi d abort
one must realize that the abortionist is
the man who's confronted by a wom
burdened with a pregnancy she does not
want. She knows she does not want it
and is determined to get rid of it, regad-
less of any religious or legal prohibitions
that might exist.
On the other hand. the relationship of
almost everyone else to the question of
bonion is on a holierthan-thow level
of authority, telling the pregnant wo
what she must do and forcing her to do
it at the point of a gun (the power of the
law). 1 wish these people could listen to
a woman begging, pleadix ng, even
tempting to force the abortionist to per-
form the operation
The abortionist is often
usurping God's authority as the giver
and taker of life. In medieval Europ
this attitude was used as a reason to foi
bid docto
ol this position: is it any less absurd to
forbid a doctor to terminate a pregnan-
cy? The argume God inserts a
soul in a fertilized the moment
of conception is scientifically unprov-
able. To i: the fetus is a full-
fledged human being because has a
ist t
full set of genetic components and will
develop imo an infant if left alone is
simply a restatement of the soul argu-
ment in apparently scientific language.
Abortion is essentially the last stage
series of possible birth-control meas-
the first stage being abstention from
sex and the intermediate stages being the
use of various kinds of contraceptive. de
vices. Human beings are always producing
sperms and ova and making decisions
bout when to terminate their develop-
at. MI these cells are alive and all are
potential human beings. Thus, in my
view, abortion is no more wrong than the
© of celibacy. All of us are con-
t finding an answer to the
quesion of when a developing fetus
should properly be called a human being
full human rights. My own answer
this moment occurs when the fetus
is developed to the point where it is able
to breathe and to live separated from the
mother’s womb. It can be argued that
my position is purely a matter of perso
conviction based on my feelings for the
pregnant women involved and on my own
philosophical and religious views. This
argument would be correct; but, by the
same token, the conviction that the fetus
is human from the moment of conceptio
is equally arbiwary, eq
atter, Everyone is € to his own
belief in this matter, because none can be
scientifically or logically verified.
An abortionist saves the honor and
self-respect of many women, helps other
women live better lives, saves homes
from being broken. reopens doors si
on young people whose education
opportunities are threatened, Yet for these
services to society, I spent 25 months in
the Oklahoma State Penitentiary. an epi-
sode 1 neither resent nor regret, becausc
now I can tell the wuth about abori
from experience
1 challenge anyone to justify by a
means whatsoever—his Christan con-
science, his respect for the dignity and the
netity of lile or merely his own personal
philosophy—society's right to hold a gun
in the face of a woman and force her 10
continue a. pregnancy she does not want,
so long as oue child remains hungry or
W. J. Bryan Hi
Grove, Oklahom
* D.O.
“The Playboy Forum’ offers the oppor-
tunity for an extended dialog between
readers and editors of this publication
on subjects and issues raised in Hugh
M. Hefner's continuing editorial series,
“The Playboy Philosophy.” Four booklet
reprints of “The Playboy Philosoph
including installments 1-7. 8-12, 13-18
and 19-22, are available at 50€ per book-
let. Address all correspondence on both
“Philosophy” and “Forum” 1o: The
Playboy Forum, Playboy Building, 919 N.
Michigan . Shicazo, Illinois 60611.
Slowly, but not too slowly, it ruins the
lungs. There is no noise, no mess, as
there would be in a nuclear explosion.
"There is no chance, as there would be
in the employment of bacteriological re-
sources, that some persons might escape
by building up immunity.
It is the universality of this method
that gives it its greatest appeal. After
all, everyone must breathe. There is
no way to avoid the intake of polluted
air, except by stopping breathing. Of
course, if everyone could be counted on
to stop breathing for as little as half an
hour, the job could be done quickly and
efficiently. There would be no need to
bother with the laborious and expensive
process of air pollution.
But there would be a few spoilsports
who would refuse to cooperate. There
would be others who, despite their good
intentions, after years of breathing,
would find themselves hooked. Still oth-
ers might try to kick the habit, but
would backslide after experiencing the
iscomforts of withdrawal.
What, you ask, can I do to help?
Write to your stne and Federal rep-
resentatives and members of the Supreme
Court, pointing out that legislation forc-
ing you to install an antismog device on
your car is an infringement of your per-
sonal liberties. If you are hauled into
(continued from page 110)
court for failure to install such a device,
take the Fifth Amendment. Refuse to say
whether or not you have such a device.
And do not let anyone find out by looking
at your car. The Fourth Amendment, on
unreasonable searches and seizures, pro-
tects you from this.
Keep careful account of the voting
record of your Congressman. If he leans
toward Federal legislation to require in-
stallation of exhaust devices and other-
wise shows himself an opponent of air
pollution, do your best to see that he
not reelected. He is probably a Com-
munist or a dupe of the Communists, who
want to keep the human race going, to
have something they can make trouble for.
Now, finally, a quick look at water
Until recent. years, efforts at water
pollution seemed to be making little or
no progress. With water covering seven
tenths of the earth, the magnitude of
the project discouraged all but the most
dedicated and stouthearted.
Liule by litde, however, the work has
gone forward. Results are beginning to
show. As one leading water polluter said
during a television. interview, “It has
been a long. hard struggle, but I think
we have turned the corner. Given con.
tinued support by an aroused citizenry,
l am confident we shall win."
ndustry, of course, spearheads the
drive, sending a vast tonnage of waste
matter into rivers, lakes and other wa-
terways. But the humblest individual
plays a part, adding his mite to the sew-
age that gathers volume as it goes from
house to house and at last, a raging tor-
rent, empties into the sca near some
populous bathing resort
As the houscwife finishes her laundry
dl empties her washing machine of the
, insoluble detergent,
she can rejoice in more than having the
family’s clothing clean. She is helping
pollute the water of the nearby E.
thus preventing the loss of no telling
how many man-hours, previously wasted
on the idle pursuit of fishing.
Do your bit with garbage and trash
Your own efforts, added to the good
work of huge pipes funneling sewage
to the ocean and barges dumping ra-
dioactive wastes, will, ere long, achieve
rc all after. Someday, even
ger bodies of water will be filled
with such quantities of waste that they
will be almost solid.
‘Then man can walk on water, which
hasn't been done for 2000 years.
"To sum up, with regard to elimi
of the hum. e: We have done well.
but we can do better, We are in sight of
our goal. One last great push
n ra
DISSENT (onn por page 170)
being set throughout the country. and
they are dangerous. precedents,
At the same time, individual
senters are being repressed. In recent
months. H. Rap Brown. national chair-
n of SNCC. has been undergoing a
complicated series of court cases, When
he was first released on bail. it was only
on condition that he nor leave the lÍ
counties of the southem district of New
York, where the of his hwy
William Kunstler, is located. The judge
who made the decision did nor try to
hide his iment: “Mr. Brown is not going
ke speeches, because he is going
ve 10 stay in Mr. Künstlers dis-
except when goin from
atime. the attempt to silence
to and
mial” F
Brown worked. He had to cancel many
speaking engagi this country
1 abroad. When he finally did go to
California to speak, he was jailed, And
last May. he received the maximum sen-
tence of five v jail and a $2000
ne for viol: (al Firearms.
Act. That law forbids anyone und.
felony indicimenr 10 transport a gun
acos sune lines. The change against
Brown was that while under an indict
ment for arson in. Maryland, he carried
bine in his luggage on a plane from
New York to Baton Rouge last. August.
There is not only a
ients in
s question as
a did. indeed, know he
the time but
hood that he
to whether Brow
was under indictment
empt to silence hi
Ar the time of Brown's s
New Orleans on May 22, William Kun
stler declared: 71 would hate to think my
country used a liulekno w like this
to persecute and silence this man." ft did;
and the case is now on appeal.
Another illustration of how dangerous
it is becoming to be a militant black dis-
senter is what happened to Clifton
Thirley Haywood, a Negro Mus
Oaober, he
consecutive five-year sentences hwo
510.000 fines for violations of the Selec
live Service Act—the heaviest sentence
for such violations of the Selective Set
ice Act since World War One. The jail
term and fines were imposed even though
was wo
Haywood had told Judge Frank M.
Scarlett of the United States District
Coun in Brunswick, Georgia, that he
ng to violate his religious be
liels and emer the Armed Forces. I H:
wood not black, and a Muslim
besides, would the semence have been
that severe? Even Senator Richard) Rus-
sell of Georgia knows the answer to that
wary of this year, poet-polemicist
Jone with the
charged pos
“Martha! This kid's been sniffing glue agair
session of guns during the violence in
t summer. received. nearly a
nce—iwo and a half to
years. plus a $1000 fine, with no pro-
n ted. The rca because of
what LeRoi Jones has written—the First.
Amendment nowwithsinding, The judge
said explicitly thar he made the sentence so
severe in large part be af a poem by
Jones that had appeared in the previous
month's Evergreen Review. The poem. the
judi "antiwhite and full of
obscenities.” Only on the day of the sen
tencing was Jones or anyone else aware
that he was also on trial for writing a
poem. Rellec this or
ry. Allen Gi
for a writ
tence, said: "Fm getting scared. because
of policestate purposes in this country.
A lot of things 1 imagined in How! are,
. LeRoi
ag signat
me that LeRoi had told them in private
nd his wife and they both told
that he didn't have any 1 called
California the other day 10 get people to
ign the petition and. found that. Ferlin-
gheni and Baez were in jail Aud now
Spock. Everythi us
Mb way.”
The growing thr
ers" is not limited to blac
amd objectors to the war. The und
ished “war on poverty." for instance, has
nereasingly limited the possibilities of
dissent lor those of the poor who h
a very wei
views and
1 other roles in
ed projects under the Eco-
nomic Opportunity Act. At the end of
year, new legislation gave local gov
ernment ollicials throughout the country
mudh mowe connob over antipoverty
programs, thereby making it much casi
er to dismiss stall members who are crit-
ical of those local government
officials. Previously, bins had been p
on political acivity by antipovercy per-
sonnel, and these have now been extended
10 include nonpartisan political activity.
Another way of deseribing this process is
co-optation: If you want to get on the
payroll and stay there, don't make waves.
Another group experiencing pe
for dissent and nonconformity are the
young-—not only those who resist the draft
Lut young people as a whole, In Youth
— The Oppressed Majority (viaywoy, Sep-
tember 1967). 1 indicated the scope and
variety of pressures on the young, Those
pressures are increasing. Recently. Ira
Glasser of the New York Civil. Liberties
Union reported in a memorandum to all
e: "The
chapters in the s mber ol
ations of siudems’ civil liberties by
school adi
my knowledg
sirators is growing at an
rate, These violations have, 10
en roughly into three
categories: 1, Denial of duc process: 2. Re
pression of individual expression (mainly
long hair and dress codes); and 3. Harass-
ment of political activity.
"Denial of due process cases h:
volved things like summary suspension,
hearing without counse
lice t0 intenogate
hows without notif
The longhi
cluded some of the most
arbitrary standards imagi
parems, ci
and dress-code Gises have
zarre and
ble. despite
to you
orders from State Commissioner of Edu.
the effect
cation James Allen to that
pose such si
late directly to educational goals. Harass-
ment of political activity ha
forms, including illegal search
threats of suspension for distributing le:
lets or circulating petitions, repression of
student clubs organized for political pur
pose." And New York is far from the
only state in which the Bill of Rights is
not considered to apply to the young.
Bur is there really that much cause
for urgent concern that the right t0 dis-
sent may become emasculated? After
all there have alw repressive
forces thoughout our ry. What de-
termines the strength and ellectivencss
of those forces of repression, however, is
the mood of the mation iy given
time—and also the degree to which the
majority of us understand and are com-
mitted to the Bill of Rights. A few yems
ago. Supreme Court Chief Justice Eal
Warren said he was not sure the Ameri-
n people would vote for the Bill of
Rights if it were up for ratification to-
day. In December 1967, the Harris Poll
posed this question: “Do you feel that
people who are against the war in Viet-
"Who's Mr.
€ the right to undertake pe
nonstrations against the wa
the same question had
asked the previous July, 30 percent said
opponents of the war do not have
position, one that
First Amendme
down and the war esci
comespondingly I
cmn deaths, w
percentage of the ci
will cominue tw support the vi
of dissent under the First Amendment?
And if the racial divide grows wider and
deeper, leading to more violence, how
much opposition will there be to loosely
phrased “emergency laws" es and
Another way of measuring and pre-
ress and watching what it docs,
The present Congress has quite dealy
moved 10 the right. His most enthusiastic
response during the Presidents State of
the Union Message in January was to
the section that began: “Now we at
every level of. government—siate, local,
Federal—know that the American people
have had enough of rising crime amd
Jawless this counury." There were
cheers, whistles and 11 bursts of applause.
That section. incidentally. contained. this
chilling Orwellian 1 And finally, I
ask you to add one hundred FBI agents
to suengthen liw enforcement in the
the individual
n and
rights of every citia
True, there have a
for repression in Cor
the pist two vean.
louder and more insistent than at any
time since the presence of Joe McCarthy
loomed over Capitol Hill. In. May 1967,
to protect
ways been voices
ress; bur duri
they have become
Assistant Attorney General Fred Vinson
was testifying before the House Armed
Services Commiuec. Many of its mem-
bers were pushing for immediate and
relentless. prosecution of all those who
had given support to young men resist-
ing the draft. Vinson explained that the
Firs Amendment protects the right. of
free speech unless utterances. constitute
a «| prese 10o the
counny." Responded Representative F.
Edward Hébert of Loui: “Let's for-
get the First Amend
On the Howe in September
1967. Emanuel Ce of New York,
chairman of the House Judiciary Com-
mitice red a liber-
al, spoke sternly responsibilities
which march along with disent” and
asked whether dissenters
the point where the flow of the F
Amendment reaches the wall of
b present danger" The time
come, Celler added, "to extend the
of law within and without the bound-
of this land.” fmprecise, but Unea-
ening. and farther limning the mood of
Congress. lt is not a mood consonant
with the conviction of Supreme Court
Justice Hugo Black that “the
Amendment. grants an a
believe in any gover
[ro] discuss all governm
fio] argue desired
existing. order,
In December 1967, as news broke that
Stokely Carn el was g home
from his travels abroad, a number of
Congressmen prepared special greet
While overseas, € l, indeed,
spoken velie
policies: but that was all hi
had given his opinions. Procl
gressman Robert Michel of
"L rise to express my complete
with President Johnson on one point. I
am referr press reports: that. the
President. feels very strongly that Stokely
Carmichael should be prosecuted f
tion if and when he retu
had done. He
id Con-
is to the United
"This paw spring. there were passion-
ae speeches in Congress in opposition
to the bly in Washington
of the members of the
Campa ! had bee y
the Tate Martin Luther js were
the demonstrators access 10 the Capitol
submitted to forbid the to deny
or its grounds and to Gumpsites on public
Kal Mundt even ac
ollicials of “lacking
wp against dissent
while, other Congressmen were volu
bly exacerbated by the waves of dissent
on college campuses throughout the coun-
uy, particularly the rebellion at Columbia
But, it can be claimed, these are just
Congressmen who are themsclves. exer-
cising free speech. What is Congress ac-
tually doing and planning with regard
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zig against the United States" would be li
to the suppression of dissent? The an-
swers are hardly encouraging to believ-
ers in the Bill of Rights. Last May, by
an overwhelming vote of 306 to 54, the
House voted to cut off Federal financial
aid—loans, grants, traineeships, fello
ships—to students who take part
ins or other disruptions of aca-
ions, The New York Times
"To turn. Federal stipends into
a device to regulate student views and be
havior is to stoop to methods generally
associated with wulitarian states...
Federal imerference with higher education
is an intolerable violation of academic
Also lust spring, as part of a civil
rights bill, Congress made it a Federal
crime to travel from one state to another
—or to use radio. television or other
interstate facilities with an intent to in-
cite a riot The maximum penalty is five
years in prison and a $10,000 fine. "The
bill defines a riot as a public disturbance
involving thee or more persons endanger-
ing either property or persons. Here, too,
as in various local antiriot measures, the
As Attorney
id last yea
| individual
"The state of mind of a
when he twels . . . inte
very difficult to prove.” What does "in
nd what of free speech
irt. Amendment?
Also alarming was the sweeping 7240
4 vote by which the Senate in May
passed a crime-control bill that allows
wide latitude in the use of wire tapping
and electronic surveillance and the ad-
mission of evidence obtained through
such means into court cases. Under the
bill's prov not only can the Feder-
al Government tap wires and use bugging
devices with much greater legal freedom
but state and local law-enforcement of-
ficials cam use electroni
against any crime "dangerous to life,
or property and punishable by
ment for more than one year.
therefore, would be all the alleged crimes
so broadly designated in the incr
"conspiracy" statutes. stating the
perils in this new bill, The New York
Times noted that the voting indicated the
Congressional mood “is against safeguard-
ing privacy. Snooping and tapping were
approved not for a few serious crimes
but for a ty, Furthermore, wi
taps would be permitted for up to 48
hours even without a court order.”
A further indication of the mood of
Congress is a proposal this year by 19
Senators, led by James Eastland of
Mississippi, that peacetime ueaon be
declared a Federal crime. If the bill is
passed, anyone convicted of giving “aid
or comfort” to the Viet Cong or North
Vietnamese or “any other nation or armed
group engaged in open hostilities
ble to a prison term of up to ten years
ind a fine of up to $10,000. Without a
declaration of war. then, dissent against
a particular act of foreign policy could
be interpreted as giving aid or comfort
—and we would be close to a peacetime
police state. "Evidence" of such aid or
comfort would be all the more easily ob-
tained through the expansion of permis-
sible wire tapping and bugging-
Congress, meanw is not only
passing and con: ag repressive bills.
lu recent months, there has been a
marked resurgence of activities by va
ous Congres commit-
tees, The venerable House Un-America
Activities Committee has been look:
into “the Communist instigation behi
Northern ghetto riots” and is
ploring the “infiltrated” D
League in Dallas, Representative J
Pool of Texas, one of the committee's
more fervi members, has also been
urging an investigation of the Students
for a Democratic Society, the largest na-
tional organization of the New Left
In addition, the energetic Congressman
Pool has called for a “preliminary in-
vestigation” of underground newspaper
“These smut sheets,” he said during
speech ar Yale last November, "are today’s
Molotov cocktails thrown at respecta
bility and decency in our mation. .
Responsible publishers know that fr
dom of speech can be lost if the First
Amendment is abused by the mudslingers
who tell one lie after another to destroy
those who oppose them." But this is just
rhetoric. Who would tke Pool serious!
The Liberation News Service, which pro-
vides material for much of the unde:
ground press, reported in November: “In
Dallas, the Southern Methodist University
S. D. S. chapter dissolved itself under the
heat of Pool’s attack last month, the
Dallas Draft Information Center was
illegally evicted from its office and Notes
from the Underground (an independent
student newspaper) was banned from ca
pus in a donble-think statement by the
president of SMU defending freedom of
the press" Congressman Pool, funher-
more, as a self-prodaimed champion of
“our beloved freedoms,” has proposed that
"Congress should deny funds to any uni-
versity that permits S. D.S. 10 have an
organized chapter on its campus.”
While Congressman Pool beats the
campus bushes for subversives, the Sen-
undertaken a large-scale investiga
ion of the New Left, including civil
rights and antiwar groups. As The
York Times observed on October
1967, the chairman of the subcommit-
tee, Senator Eastlan ed the
unanimous approval of his subcommittee—
including Senate Minority Leader Everett
McKinley Dirksen of Illinois and Demo-
cratic liberal Birch Bayh of Indi.
for an investigation-authorizing resolution
t amounts to a license to hunt for sub
version in practically every organization
of disent now in existence.”
The immediate focus of Eastland's
resolution was on the Chicago meet
of the National Conference of New Poli-
s at the Palmer House last September
Represented at that convention were
367 groups, from Dr. Martin Luther
King's Southern Christian Leadership
Conference and SANE to the Commu
nist Party, which, by the way, is a legal
organization. (And out of more than
2000 delegates to thar conference, only
seven registered as Communists.) Be
fore Eastland had his resolution to in-
vestigate, agents of the subcommittee
were at the conference; and when they
left. letters, files and other documents of
the participating groups disappeared
h them.
s permanent
Senate unit, John. MeClel-
Investigating Subcom
mittee, is also resurgent. It is engaged
in, among other expeditions, search to
determine whether the violence in the
ghettos has been “instigated and prec
tated by the calculated design of agitators,
militant activists or lawless elements.”
Are we at the start of a new period of
McCarthyism? Seven prominent religious
and civilliberties leaders sent a letter
10 Congress last spring expressing exactly
that fear. Among them were the late
Martin Luther King; Roger Baldw
founder of the American Civil Liber
Union; the Reverend John €. Bennett,
president of Union Theological Seminary:
Father Robert F. Drinan, S. J., dean of
Boston College Law School; Rabbi Mau-
rice Eisendrath, president of the Union of
American Hebrew Congregations; Robert
M. Hutchins, president of the Center
for the Study of Demoer: Institutions:
id Dr. Benjamin Spock. “The dangers.”
their letter said, manifest. These
vestigations are not aimed at deter
mining the adequacy of laws concerning
overt acts that actually threaten national
security. . . . Th estigations are
imed ii rOsanet areas of First
Amendment freedoms— freedom of speech.
freedom ol assembly and association. and
freedom of the press. They threaten to
repeat the experience of the 1950s, when
cry of communism by Senator Mc-
rthy and his acolytes stilled
most orthodox politics. Though we believe
that today's dissenters and protesters will
not be easily intimid.
that the effect of
will be to i
guilt by association, the greater the num
ber of those who will prefer
to visibility and will prefer to rer
side the political dialog. More
that, however, it may well lead, as in
the Fifties, not only to silence but also
to persecution, prosecution and loss of
“Perhaps the most serious conse
quence.” the letter concluded, “may be
“The undertow is terrific!”
“Our group had thirty-
the further lowering of the quality of
debate concerning the nation's prob-
lems. With the isolation of the substa
tive criticism of the activists from the
iam mainstream, the search for
Y turn up scapegoats, and
the means of dealing with the conditions
xreasingly repressive.
ty of repressive me
has been considerably increased by a
particularly ominous act of Congress at
the end of last year, It passed a b
ing new life to the Internal Security
Act of 1950, pare of which the Supreme
Cour had declared unconstitutiona
Surprisingly little public attention w
given this development, but both the
original act and its new amendments
merit close study. The 1950 bill was ve-
toed by President Harry Truman, who
id it represented “a clear and present
danger to our institutions” and “would
make a mockery of the Bill of Rights
and of our claims to stand for freedom
in the world.” The Senate voted to over-
le Truman's veto. One of the votes to
seven percent more moral decay
override was that of Lyndon Johnson,
Among other provisions, the original act
set up a fiveman Subversive Activities
Control Board and required Communist-
front and Communistaction or
to register themselves. with the Attorney
General. In 1965. the Supreme Court
decided that the latter section was uncoi
stirutional beca ted the Fifth
Amendment tee nst self
incimination. The newly amended act
ts the Subversive Activities Control
Bond to conduct its own hearings
whether organizations are Com
Communist controlled or Communist
filwated. H the board declares that a group
falls into one of those categories, the names
of all members will be publicly listed with
the Attorney General. In arguing un-
successfully against the adoption of this
end run around the Supreme Court, Con-
gressman John Culver of Iowa warned:
"Fo grant such frightening power (to es
tablish a public black list of organizatio
deemed Communist or "Communist. infil-
trated’) to a bureaucrat, to five men or,
indeed, i0 (any) Government official . . .
is most dangerous and inesponsible, be-
cause it may only sere to stifle dissent
—it may only serve to Kill expression
of controversial views in this nation. To
the extent that it denies the political vi-
ty and vigor of our own free
tions, then it dearly aids and abets the
Communist movement.”
When the measure came up in the
Senate for final adoption on December
1. only five Senators were in the cham-
ber, and this extraordinary piece of leg-
lation became law by a vote of three to
two. It may be significant to remember
that in cartier debate, Senator Dirksen told
his colleagues that the President had called
him to the White House and told him he
wanted the bill pa E
ator from Hlinois then raised the fag to
obscure the Constitution; "We are at a
time when we have 10 call a spade a spade
in this country. The time for fooling is
past. We have 475.000 youngsters and
Oldsers out in Vietnam. What do you
think they think when they read about
these things going on in the Senatc—
people trying to stop the Subversive Ac-
tivities Control Board from doing its
There arc further dangers to disent
the new legislation. As a group of
civihiberties lawyers, induding Melvin
Wulf of the American Civil Liberties
Union and William Kunstler, have point-
ed out: “The statute, as amended, is, to
put it conservatively, even more "at war
with the First Amendment’ than its
predecessor. For example, the definition
of a 'Communist-front organization’ has
been further ‘liberalized’ to provide that
ssed. The sonorou
an organization may be registered as a
"Communist-front. organization’ if it *
substantially directed, dominated or
controlled by one or more
a Communistaction organiz
(emphasis added). The aet previously
defined a ‘Communistfront organiza
tion’ as one that "Ps substantially di-
rected, dominated or controlled by a
Communistaction organization." '*
How can it be proved that one Com-
munist, who may well have hidden the
fact that he is a Communist, is "substan
tially” directing, dominating or con:
tolling your group? One key test, under
the new amendments, is whether your
organization is involved in "advocacy.
espousal and teaching of a creed or of
causes for which the Communist. move-
ment stands.” As Representative Culver
emphasized in his losing battle the
House, it would be quite possible for
"innocent organizations" to take posi
tions on matters of policy that im par
ticular don't deviate from those of
the Communist movement. “An organi
members of
ion. .
zation advocating human
grams designed 10 meet the
the cities following last summer's
Culver noted, “could be cl
Communist front i|
sified as a
the Communist Party
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should find it expedient to exploit such
As if the amendme
Security Act were
enough to dissent, "the most serious
pects of this bill." as Congressman. Wil-
liam Ryan of New York has warned.
“involve not what it alters bur what it
leaves unchanged. The restrictions on
freedom of association. inherent in the
original act are unchanged." So is the
ability of the Government 10 weaken and
eventually destroy organizations through
lengthy and expensive legal proceed-
gs This happened. as William Kun-
siler recall izations under
the old act.
tion those organi
ts 10 the Internal
ot threatening
Also still in effect is Tide H,
100 of the original Internal Security
Act. This provides thar the Pres
alone, under certa
tion of war by
rection” within the United States or
imminent. invasion" of this country or
any of its possessions—can declare a n
tional “internal-security emergency.
n conditions—a dec-
à a “insur
is the President does this, the At
t to
General is required by the
apprehend “any person as 10 whom
there is reasonable ground to believe
that such person probably will engage
in. or probably will conspire with others
to engage in. of es
According 10 the December 27
New York Times, six
jonage or
mps were actu
ly set up for "dangerous" people—at
wool. Pennsylvania; Avon Park,
o, Oklahom Florence,
Wickenburg, Arizona: and Tule-
- California. At uU me, Charles
R, Allen bad de e camps in
The Nation and other publications. In
the June 1967 Realist, Allen wrote that
he lad recently reinvestigated the situ-
ation: “Briefly. I found that the program
s still in full force. That the Johnson
Administration is all set to swing into
are at least 1,000,000
Security Emergency
to be usal if need be.
That the FBI has a thing called “Opera-
tion Dragnet that it can throw into
full gear ‘overnight.’ That the concent
tion camps are, in one form or another,
still ready on a ‘stand-by basi ad that
they cin hold at least an initial comple-
ment of " Hc also daims that
“the likely candidates for being picked
up in ‘Operation Dragnet’ have expand-
ed considerably since the passage of Title
1I so as to include the whole black-hippie-
dissent stene.”
Allen asked Walter Yeagley, head. of
the Internal Security Division of the Jus
tice Departinent—charged with carrying
“I say to hell with racial imbalance:
I'm through being bused in every day!"
out these details of the Internal Security
\ct—for an interview about the camps.
Yeagley wrote Allen that he did not con-
sider the inquiry "a subject for public
ier this year. however,
Yeagley and other Government oficials
were interviewed. by William Hedge-
peih, a senior editor of Look, in the
course of an investigation by that maga-
zine about the existence of the camps.
Hedgepeth could find no evidence “either
cil preparations or of pl
Federal Government for mass-level
incarceration of Americans via Tide I
of the McCarran. Act.” But he was care
ill the law lies on the
ampsites exist... it could
happen her." And he quoted Melvin
Wall of the A. C. L. U.: “The mere exist-
ence of the camps is really beside the
point. If the law went into eflect, they'd
have no trouble finding some place t0 put
ful to ad
books, the
‘em all? An Federal. official
agreed with Wulf: out. camps.
we could transfer and double up in our
prisons to hold people. We've got the tal-
nd the t down and s
ig our transfers in a hurr
That's the point. The law exists,
plenty of space can be found to intern
all those picked up under that law. In
19 i nterview on New York radio
n WBALEM, former FBI agent
Jack Levine revealed. how quickly the
roundups could take place. "The FBI,"
he said, “estimates that within a matter
of hours every potential saboteur in the
United States will be safely interned.
"IL be able to do this by the close
they n » on these
people; and they (the FBI) envisage that
with the cooperation of the local police
throughout the country, they'll be able
10 apprehend these persons in no time at
Nor is such a forced march to concen-
tation camps without precedent in
American. history.
World War Two to 110.000 people a
Japanese ancestry—70,000 of them Ameri-
Gm citizens by birth—who were herded
o “relocation” camps for as long as
four years. The most comprehensive ac-
count of that time of hysteria is Allan R.
Bosworth's 19 hook, America's Con-
centration Camps. In his introduction to
the book, Roger Baldwin of the American
il Liberties Union, by no a
armist, warns: “The laws and the m
re ready for another day, another
war, another emergency, another n
- In onder not to be caught aga
provising measures for security in wartime
or a national emergency deckued by the
President, Congress has thoughtfully pro-
vided that next camps will be ready
for the immediate internment of all per-
sons, aliens and citizens alike. whom the
FBI and other intelligence agencies sus-
pect of sympathy with whatever enemy
then confronts us.”
In retrospect, it’s instructive and hardly
Campus is
what sculptors wear
` when the chi
R ire doe. P
C >is Americas big:
ampus 1S Dericas gest selling sportswear.
A sculptor’s life isn’t all rock and chisel. Even when the
chips are down, he wants to look good. These Never-Iron
toughest polyester on the market. In black, luggage, olive
jeans take anything and still say style. Made ofCone® Mill and bronze. Buy a pair—and create.
65% Cotton/35% Vycron Tough Stuff* poly:
ester — the
Campus — for men, teen-men and boys. At stores everywhere,
reassuring to consider the names of some
of those who supported the mass
imprisonment of the Japanese. When
President F Roosevelt signed. Ex-
Order No. 9066, which put the
machi motion, Earl Warren, then
auorney al of Califor
the order was most wis
alo upheld by the United States Su-
preme Court in 1944, with Justice Hugo
Black as its spokesman. In one of the
three dissenting opinions, the late Justice
Robert H. Jackson observed: "A military
order. however unconstitutional, is not
apt to Last longer than the military emer-
gency... . But once a judicial opinion
rationalizes such an order to show that it
conforms to the Constitution the
Court for all time has validated the prin-
ciple of racial discrimination in criminal
procedure of transpla
zens. The principle then lies about like
1 loaded weapon ready for the hand of
any authority that can bring forward
a phus of an urgent need.
The weapon is still loaded. William
Peterson, professor of sociology at the
University of California, ended a
de, "Success Story, Japa American
Style.” in the January 9, 1966 New York
Times Magazine: “The Chinese in Cali-
fornia, 1 am told, read the newspapers
ble cl
these days with a particular apprehension,
They wonder whether it could happen
here—again.” And not only the Chinese
are apprehensive.
st as there is a precedent in Ameri-
can history for "relocation" camps, so
there is a chilling diversity of precedents
for the suppression of disent. From
1798 to 1800, the Alien and Sedition
Aas were in force, providing jail terms
of up to five years and fines of up to
$5000 for anyone who spoke or wrote
about Congress, the President or the
ederal Government “with intent to de-
fame them or bring them . . . into con-
tempt or disrepute.” Ostensibly designed
to protect the country fom subversion
by the French, with whom America's re-
lationships had deteriorated, the Alien
and Sedition Acts were really intended
by the Federalists in power to cripple the
opposition Republican Party of Thomas
In the first four months during which
the laws were on the books, 21
paper printers, all of whom put out Re
publican. journals, were arrested. One
prominent Boston editor died as the result
of mistreatment in jail. Among many oth-
ers arrested was a Con . Matthew
Lyon of Vermont, who had written in a
letter that President John Adams had an
“Oh, just whatever you can pronounce, Fred.’
“unbounded thirst for ridiculous pomp.
foolish adulation and selfish avarice.’
For that opinion, the Congressman was
sentenced to four months in a tiny, un-
heated cell in a Vermont jail and fined
In revulsion against the Federalist
sweeping and arbitrary use of the acts.
the electorate defeated them in 1800 and
the new President, Thomas Jellerson,
doned all who had been convicted under
the laws, But throughout the 19th Cen-
tury, there were strong forces against
dissent both within and outside the courts.
In 1835, for instance, a mob advanced on
the Boston office of the Liberator
wspaper edited by William
and dragged him through
the streets at the end of a rope. And for
many years, abolitionists couldu't meet
in the city of New York without having
to cope with organized disturbances.
But Garrison and the other abolition-
ists not only persisted in dissent but also
resisted Jaws they considered an affront
to their consciences. On July 4. 1854.
m, in the course of a speech in
agham, Massachusetts, held up a
copy of the Fugitive Slave Law. which
required the turning over of runaway
slaves to their masters, He burned the
copy of the kaw publidly—a precedent of
its Kind for todays bun of draft
cards, Other acis of resistance to the
Fugitive Slave Law provoked riots, di-
rect confrontations with Jaw-enforcement
officials on the streets and the snaiching
away of runaway slaves from Southern
masters who had gone North to claim
here was also resistance to the Mexi-
n War, and Henry David ‘Thoreau was
jailed in 1846 for refusing to pay ta
to support that War. (A United
stamp in honor of ‘Thoreau, iro
was issued last ye:
parallel with current. public st
of dissent, Theodore Parker.
) In another striking
tionist clergyman, said during the same
period: “What shall we do . . . in re
gard to this present War? We can refuse
to take any part in i
others t0 do the same:
if need be, who suffer because they re
luse. Men will call us traitors; wl
then? That hurt nobody in 76. We are a
rebellious nation; our whole history is
treason; our blood was attainted before
we were born: our creeds are infidelity
to mother church; our Constitu
ather What
we Gin encourage
we cin aid men,
ion trea
of that
the world
bid us commit treason against man, and
set the example, let us never submit. Let
God only be a master to control our
In the last half of the 19th Century.
there were intermittent atiempts, by law
nd by mob violence, to repress the
scent. labor all m
radicals insisting
inner of
mnd women on
Specialty of
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A shirt that is more than some-
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ently Gant in a 50-50 cotton-
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Pageant Stripe Madras button-
down is about $10 at discern-
ing stores everywhere.
ties in post
g World
teria in World War One did not even
exclude. clergymen. ‘Theodore Roosevelt
declared that “the clergyman who docs
not put the flag above the church had
bener dose his church and keep it
dosed.” In their book Opponents of
War: 1917-18, H. C. Peterson and Gilbert
Fite wote that "in some cases, min-
sterial opponents of war were handled
roughly. or even jailed. Reverend Samuel
Sibert of nois, was jailed in
December he said in a
sermon that he opposed war. In Audu
bon, lowa, two men, one of them a min
ister, were seized. by a aowd who put
ropes around their necks and dragged
them toward the public square, Alter one
of them signed a check for a 51000 Libe
ty Bond, he was released. The minister
was released. becu of the imervention
of his wife. The Sacramento Bee, Decem-
ber 27, 1917, headlined the report, "NEAR
In 1917, Congress passed the Espio-
nage Act, still on the books, which made
it a crime, punishable by a 510.000. fine
and 20 years nyone 10 “convey
false reports or False statements with intent
10 interfere with the operation or success
of the military or | forces of the
United States or to promote the success
of its enemies . . . or attempt to cause
insubordination, disloyalty. mutin
fusal of duty in the n
forces of the United States
fully obstruct. recruiting or enlistment
The next year, to make doubly sure
the lid was on dissent, the Sedition Act
came into being. It prohibited anyone,
on pain of a $10.000 fine and 20 years’
imprisonment, to “utter, print, write or
publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous
or abusive language about the form of
government of the United States, or the
Constitution of the United States, or
the uniform of the Army or Navy of the
United States, or any language intended
t0... encourage resistance to the United
States or to promote the cause of its
Security in time of war is onc thing,
but the 1918 act invited a return to the
ibitrary Srepression of 1798. In the
course of World War One, more than
2000 people—ineluding pacifists and So-
Gialists—were prosecuted, many for simply
speaking against the War. With the War
over, there were further abuses of the
Bill of Rights. In. Red Scare, Protessor
Robert K. Muray describes the start of
this next stage under Attorney General
^. Mitchell Palmer. On August 1,
“Ed never chases other women. He's too
fine, too decent, too old.”
Palmer established within the Justice
Department's Bureau of Investigation
“the so-called General Intelligence, or
miradical, Division. As its head, he ap-
pointed young J, Edgar Hoover, charging
him with the responsibility of gathering
nd coordinating all information concer
adical activities. Under the
£ c of bureau chief Wil
liam Flynn and through the unstinting
zeal of Hoover, this unit rapidly be
came the nerve center of the entire. Jus-
tice Department and by January 1920.
m r on radicalism the depa
Us primary occupation. In fact, there
s that both Flynn and
ing domestic
eneral da
issue of radicalism in order to enhance
the Bureau of Investigntion's power and
prestige . . . and started it on the road
to betoming the famous FBI of the
present day.
In that connection, it’s worth remem
bering the durable J. Edgar Hoover's
persistent attempts to link black militan-
cy, antiwar activiics and campus pro
test movements. with communism
his annual report to the Attorney
I dst January, Hoover asserted that
Communist Party leaders are "pleased
with the disturbances on campuses
the disruption of city life by war proest-
crs and riots in the gheuos." Pleased
they may be; but their direction of any
of these activities has never been
proved, in hard. fact, by the director of
the FBI nor anyone clse. Nonetheless, this
past May, Hoover went on to charge
recklessly that the New Left, typified by
Students for a Democratic Society, con-
stitutes “a new type of subversive, and
their danger is great.” As The Harvard
Crimson said in an editorial the sime
month, "Hoover commands more cooper
ation Congressional committees
than does any other man, with the pos
ble exception of General Hershey. Aud
as head of a 16,000-man, 5200.000,000
organization, Hoover has the kind of semi
autonomy that makes his political s
particularly dangerous.”
"They were dangerou
of his career, for h
to ferret out radicals
helped. result
Palmer that reached a climax on January
2, 1920, when more than 4000 suspected
radicals were swept np in a dragnet
encompassing 33 major cities in
states. “Olten such arrests,” Robert Mu
ray w Red Scare,
without the formality of warrants as bu-
agents entered. bowling alleys, pool
lés, clubrooms and even homes
ed everyone in sight. Famil
were separated; prisoners were held
communicido and deprived of their
right to legal counsel. According to the
plan, those suspected r
American citizens were
Federal agents but were turned. over to
at the ver
rly eflorts
ed radicals
n a series of raids under
rites in “were made
dicals who were
not detained by
Ld ie
It’s time your feet cought up with the rest of you. There
a four-inch tie or o turtleneck ond. ..those sturdy, sensible shoes. C'mon, mon, get
yourself some Dingo boots from Acme. Dingo's go everywhere todoy's
clothes go, but with o little more floir, o lot more style, Aren't they o lot more you?
10. A subsidiary of Northa
242 The Committee:
e Is for prosecui
ndicalist laws. All aliens, of cour
ceraied by the Federal authorities and
reserved for deportation hearings.”
What the reaction of the citizen
ry? “The mas of Americans,” Murray
notes, “cheered the hunters Irom the
side lines, while Auorney General Palmer
once again was hailed as the savior of
the nation." As for the individual states,
daring 1919 and 1920, at least 1400
persons were arrested under state syndical
ist and sedition Lanes: 300 were sent to
prison. “Although such Laws varied slight-
ly from si " Murray adds, “the
eflect was generally the same, Opi
were labeled objectionable and punished
for their own sake, without any considera
tion of the probability ol criminal acts:
severe penalties were imposed for the
y of small offenses; and a practical
censorship of speech estab-
lished facto
Even free elect
ion u
ex post
s were subverted in
the name of antisubyersic » Ber
ger, a Socialist, w elected 10
Congress from the Wisconsin fifth dis
trict (im 1918 and in a special election
the following year) and was twice re-
fused his scat by his colleagues. Only
one Congressman voted for Berger the
first time, only six m 1010. In. January
1920, the New York State Assembly, by
a vore of 40 to 6, denied seats to five
freely elected. Socialist
By the end of 1920, the Red Sce hi
abated. The next wave of repression be
gan with the formation of the House Un-
American Activities Commitice in 1938
ad reached its feverish height during
the 1950-1954 surer of Se Jo-
seph McCarthy. As W: her Goodman has
documented in his definitive
The Extraordinary Carcer
ecent book,
of the House Commitice on Un-American
lelivities, thousands of reputations were
in public hearings before HUAC.
sampl e under HUAC, the
American € ies Union tells of
^a successful Miami businessman-builder
who relied on his Fifth Amendment privi
lege before HUAC, lost his business
finally had to Jeave Florida: he was forced
to carn a living doing odd jobs and
7A girl with a
was fired because
ther invo
lore thi
job as a pot washer
her husband and
ed the Fifth. Amendment bi
Commitee. Her
draftsman, lost his job. too. In a similar
a girl who worked
nent division lost her
job because her father declined to testify
before the HUA though she herself
was not involved in the hearings
“A firelepartment captain. who denied
he was à member of the Communist Party
at the time of his testimony bu
10 discuss hi
case, another cit
for a county gover
chivity, wa
years! serv-
dismissed from his post when he
one mouth
ice and reriremi
Herbert H. Hy
their stare Coi
total number of individuals whose loyal
ty or security had been subject to official
scrutiny by some organ of American Gov-
ernment clearly extended into the many
millions. The number of American fami
lies who had been aflected by inquiry
about one of their family members, and
the additional number of familie
id encountered such an inquiry thr
a field igation of one of
it benefits"
in The Radical Right,
nan estimates that by the
ilties, as a result of HUAC, other
investigating committees,
aterparts and the adminis
rs of Federal security progr
ms, “the
inves their
friends or atives
have be ge as to make quite a dent
im the consciousness of the American
Bur what kind of dent? In
1954, the ki
Joseph. McC.
ng klixon of loyalty test
thy, was shown by a Gal-
lup Poll to be held in generally "favorable
opinion" by 50 percent of the Ameri
cin people, who felt he was serving his
country in useful ways. In opposition
was 29 perce ad the rest had “no
opinion." With regard to his Congres-
sional colleagucs, Richard Rovere wrote
in Senator Joe McCarthy, “The truth is
thar everyone in the Senate, or just
hour everyone, was sewed silf of him.
Paul Douglas of [Hlinois, the pos-
scssor of the most cultiv
Senate and a man whose courage and
integrity would compare favorably wi
y other American's, went through the
| Truman years and the first Eisen
years without ever addressing
himself to the problem of McCarthy.
Senator Jolm Kennedy of
setts, the author of Profiles in Courage,
book on political figures who had battled
strong and sometimes prevailing winds
of opinion and doctrine, did likewise.”
McCarthy was finally discredited,
largely by his behavior during the tele
b Army-MeCarthy hearings in the
late spring of 1054. He clearly revealed.
himself to à pated and then
palled national audience as a bombastic
bully, contemptuous of legal procedures.
After his decline | condemi
tion by the Senat
of respite from
appeared that McCarthy
ated mind in the
pression of dissent, It
ke the Red
before had been
of the New I
rest, the Vietnam war
black activism, we are again at a point
tional history at which the Bill
of Rights is in clear and present danger.
ition to the repressive bills
recent months and those being
4 by Congress, and. h
ensive hunt for “subversives” by
Congression now
also the use of the draft as a weapon
against dissent. Intimations of what was
10 come appeared in the fall of last year,
as the large-scale October peace demonstra
tions at the Pentagon were drawing
Ht, increasing student un.
the rise of
long w
al committees, there is
On October 19. Congressman Burke ol
Florida grimly addressed the House
Speaker, 1 would like to su
ay help curb these disg
first of all, that the proper
authorities would exerci
tive and immediately round up these
hippies, have orders processed. for them
and turn them over to some rugged mil-
ining center for some good
ning. If they qualify . . . they
then fulfill. th. ion to
ures ihat m
would hop
¥ mwoycar obli
their country. . .. These may be drastic
actions, Mr. Speaker, but these are di
tic times. If these long-haired protesters
want to remain citizens of America like
several million others, they must start
ing the responsibility this citizenship
requires.” And shut up.
After the Pentagon demonstrations,
Congressman Roman Pucinski of Mlinok
revealed on the floor of the House: “I
have asked the Selective Service people to
look at every one of these people who
have been arrested and find out what their
Selective Service status is and how n
of these people are enjoying the privil
of not serving in the Service because they
are going on to higher education, They
have a right to come here and protest
inst their Government, but they do not
have a right to stay out of military serv-
ice.” And if they exercise the first right,
let them pay for it
On October 26, rhetoric was turned
into action, when Selective Service Direc-
tor General Lewis B. Hershey sent a lene
to all I t boards "recommending.
that they quickly induct anyone, regard-
of what kind of deferment he has,
d interfered wi h the EIE or
by local
n” ds interpreted as
not a
And É
ers, sym-
1 of draft cards and other
bolic turning
acts of protest.
Eight House member attacked
Hershey recommendation as “a
denial of due process clearly d
repress dissent against the war in Viet-
nam.” Hershey was unimpressed. He said
he had “talked with somebody” at the
White House before issuing the lier: and
the next month, he added, “Until the
President tells me to change my course
TIl sail it. And he hasn't stopped me.
Hershey has also opposed allowing d
registrants to have counsel with dh
when they appear before local
boards, An appeal against that order has
been turned down—witliout commeui—
by the Supreme Court.
local boards, following
have continued
10 strip dissenters of their dele
Included have been not only young men
but also a 87-year-old member of the
‘Temple University faculty, married and
with two children, who had turned. in
his draft card during a Washington
peace demonstration. Other professors
and instructors have been reclassified for
the same kind of act, as have a Protes-
tant chaplain a
Cornell, another Catholic priest
ester and a number of div
In the state of Oklahon
that the use of the draft against dissent
has been extended 10 make a young
man vulnerable for just being a member
of a particular organization opposed to
it appears
244 the war. John M. Ratliff, a University of
Oklahoma student, has been reclassified
LA by Tulsa Draft Board No, 76, spe-
cifically because of his
Students for a Democratic Society. "The
local board wrote Ratliff that it “did not
feel that your activity as a member of
S. D. S. is to the best interest of the U.S.
Government. . , .’
Moreover, according to the December
14, 1967, Village Voice, "a phone call
to the Tulsa Draft Board No. 76
confirmed that all the state's draft
boards had been "ordered by Genera
Hershey to review the status of all S. D. S.
students.” As the Voice noted, “The
cident raises several questions. How did
Dralt Board No. 76 get the S. D. S. mem-
bership list? Does this mean that mere
membership nization, never
ited by the Government as subversive,
will result in the automatic loss of sur
dent deferment
The use of governmental force by a
dali board to war on dissent is, how-
an org:
ever, at least an act that can be fought
the demoa
process. The
board makes its move; then it can be
in court. At present. suits
against General Hershey ipulation
of the draft to idate dissent are
being c rd by the American
Civil Liberties Union, the National Stu-
dent Association and other groups, More
disturbing is the increasing use by gov-
ermment—Federal and locil—of secret-
police tactics.
As authoritarian states have demon-
strated with cold effici
comrol—and ultim
is to infili
ncy, one way to
tely destroy—dissent,
e the opposition. In a demo-
cratic society, a reasonable case be
made for infiltrating secret, illegal and.
violent groups—the Mafia, the Ku Klux
Klan, the Minuemen, or a revolutionary
culre, right or left. committed to assassina-
tion political weapon. But serious
questions arise when the state moves by
stealth to gather information about those
who we simply exercising their First
Amendment rights. During a Washing-
ton press conference of the American
Civil Liberties Union last September,
for example, it was discovered that
among those present were Secret Service
the proceedings. Nor
is it reassuring when Newsweek discloses
that "in New York, Los Angele
ies. local police and
ms Masquerade ay newsmen, especi
as newspaper photographers, to collect in-
formation unobtrusively at antidraft and
e demonstrations.”
some of the infiltrators
be agents provocateurs,
role for law-enforce
a free society. Last
December in Chicago, the Chicago
Peace Council exposed three policemen
who had been posing as exceptionally
active members of that antiwar group.
Karl Meyer, chaiman of the council,
sonnel i
noted that the three infiluators “invari-
ably took the most militant positions,
trying to provoke the movement from its
nviolent course to the wildest kind of
ventures." Jay Miller of the Chicago
A. C. L. U. called the use of these agents
provocateurs, uying to pet groups to
bound to have an effect
On dissent.
There were also infiltrators, many
dressed as hippies, among the demon-
stators at the Pentagon on October 21,
1967. Among them were agents of the
FBI, the ice, the V
police and Army intelligence. In Novem
ber, Colond George Creel, nt chief
of the Army's public information office,
told a George Washington University
public-relations clus, “There were more
men infiltrated by us into the crowd at
this demonstration than at any event 1 can
reme "Were any of them provoca-
iene Ne lento Ea ing.
In New York City in recent. months,
plainclothesmen dressed as hippies have
been active in peace demonstrations and
some have later been identified by legiti-
mate participants as H
the demonstrators on to more
Provocative action
Sccret-police infiltration has also moved
onto campuses. The extent to which spy
g and political surveillance have been
spreading in the colleges was detailed
by Frank Donner in Spies on Campus
(rLAvsov, March 1968). In a recent in
stance, during the student rebellion at
Columbia last spring, a shaggy-haired New
Leftist, usually wearing a safari jacket and
cowboy boots, turned out to be a police
man attached to the Burema of Special
Services (New York City's “Red Squad").
ing infiltrated the campus protest
movement for two months, this same
disguised cop was the man who finally
arrested $. D.S. leader Mark Rudd on
charges of riot, ng to riot, criminal
trespass and criminal solicitation.
Yet another method of stifling dissent
is open, brutal police contempt for such
Fist Amendment rights as "the right
of the people peaceably to assemble”
without being clobbercd. If enough
heads are busted and enough blood
flows, the exercise of that right becomes
so perilous that potential dissenters de-
ade to stay home. Las June, when
15.000 antiwar demonstrators athered
outside the Century Plaza Hotel in Los
Angeles, where President Johnse
attending a dinner, the police descended
on the peaceable lirgely white, middle-
class assemblage as if they were invad
a bik ghetto in revolt. "Some
police clubbed wildly.” the American Civil
Liberties Union reported, “others held
the demonstrators so their coll
could club them: others surron
crowd. compressing it, preventing
al they had ordered and dubbing
“So you see, son—the human takes his pollen and. . . .
those who came within swinging range.
Caught in the crush were children, preg-
nant women, old people, people on
crutches and in wheelc A p
paralyzed boy was hit on the head, k
to the ground, clubbed and kicked, when
he told an officer to stop hitting bis
mother. One officer knocked a baby from
her mother's arms; another beat up a man
who tried to pick up the child." Within
a week after the police had rioted, the
rman of the Board of Police Commis-
sioners announced that the board had
“reviewed all the circumstances of the
occasion” and found “the police had taken
proper action.”
The Committee of the Professions, a
peace group in New York, has released
detailed reports of brutality against
demonstrators at the Pentagon last Odo-
ber. In statements signed by professors
and other professionals, there are de-
scriptions such as this: "For most of
Saturday night, unprovoked arrests were
accompanied by great violence. People
were pulled away with no warning.
clubbed and kicked in the sight of their
friends." Similar accounts have come
recent months from participants
war demonstrations in Chicago, O:
nati, lowa City, Cleveland, San
ncisco, San Jose and other cities. In
New York, The New York Times in No-
vember reponed ihe following attack on
500 young demonstrators: "A sudden
charge by about 90 patrolmen into thc
front ranks of the marchers, many of
whom were young women. Billy dubs
swung and blood spauered the sidewalk.
The flying wedge of policemen sent the
crowd reeling back in disorder. Some
youths were flung against the iron fence
of [a] high school and ordered to stand.
spread-cagled, with arms and legs stretched
wide apart, while plaindothesmen searched
them. One youth was dragged by the hair
across the street and thrown into a police
In one of several complaints to New
York Mayor John Lindsay, the New
York Civil Liberties Union got to the
core of what appi pattern of
harsher police nst demon-
strators throughout the country by refer-
ring to “the atmosphere of intimidation
which now hangs heavy over all future
antiwar demonstrations."
‘The pattern continues. Last January,
the Berkeley Barb reported from San
“No blindfold, thanks.”
Francisco about a demonstration on the
appearance in that city of Secretary of
State Dean Rusk: “Police repeatedly
sprayed Mace at close range into the
faces of persons held helpless by other
cops. Police continually pursued, clubbed
and Maced demonstrators blocks from the
airmont Hotel—where . . . Rusk was
saying, “This country is committed to free
speech and free assembly. We would lose
a great deal if these were compromised.”
"The same paper carried this account
of police savagery: “The fury of them!
The way they were beating people!
"There were two or three of them on foot
behind us and two on motorcycles. One
kid was falling behind and one of the
cops drove him between two cars and
ran his Harley over him, He drove right
over him! I turned away. Tom [her
companion] said he went over him
again. I turned back and the cop was off
his cycle and started beating him... . I
saw a girl beaten all bloody around the
face and head. Everywhere you looked,
people were screaming and running.
Anybody who couldn't run fast enough
beaten and arrested.
In May, at Columbia University, po-
lice were called to clear the campus in
the carly morning. Students had staged
ns to protest Columbia's expansi
to neighboring Harlem without having
consulted or shown real concern for the
community. They were also demanding
more internal democracy on campus and
the severance of Columbia's ties with
the Institute of Defense Analyses, a con
sortium of 12 universities engaged in
secret war research and in devising means
g” our domestic ghettos. The
ness of the police at Columb
was such as to cause Dr. June Finer, a
medical volunteer on campus that night,
to declare: “I've been involved in demon-
stations before. In the South in "64 and
"65, I saw policemen I thought were un-
doctor, a member of the Medical Com-
mittee on Human Rights, si
pltinclothesmen and detectives were like
wild animals. They were beating up
people who had offered no resistance at
all and, in most cases, were bystanders.”
other police riot, this
go Peace Council parade
ag. Joseph L. Sander in The Na-
led more bloody detail to the
panen of police intimidation of dis-
sem through violence: “The police
hunted in poses through the Loop,
resting many whose but-
fied them as march parti
y officers removed their
one at
last spr
nd name plates for this
Newsmen and TV crews were frequent-
ly ordered to “get those cameras out of
here!” Often, too, a uniformed police
officer would step before the camer
prevent its recording the actual descent
of a raised club. At one such posidem.
onstration encounter at the comer of
Randolph and State streeis, an officer in
a riot helmet, furious because the street
was not cleared [ast enough. ordered
the driver of a halted. station wagon to
drive right into the crowd. The motorist
started forward and knocked down two
ming sanity.”
girls before. re
to show naked force is not limited to
Preparing [or
growing readiness of the police
iwar demonstrations.
increased black unrest as well as for
more dissent against the war if it contin
ues, police departments, The New York
Times has reported, “are purchasing
armored cars and stockpiling such equip:
ment as qeargus grenades, other non
lethal weapons and shotguns... . At
least one police department, according
to a major helicopter manufacturer who
asked not to be identified. wanted to
» armed helicopter like the ones
the Army uses against the Viet Cou
Vietnam.” TI
ful in a new way to those departments
that adopt a suggestion recently ad
vanced by the Institute for Delense Anal
yses—a met that could be moved by
hand or could be dropped by helicopter
to sweep out a portion of a crowd.
Also in more and more police arsenals
ult guns,
and armor
at helicopter could be use
are such weapons as Ston
which shoot through wall
plated police commando vehicles that
have 18 gun ports and carry a combat
crew of 12. Los Angeles is proud of a new
20-0n, ranklike personnel carrier equipped
with a machine gun. recargas launchers, a
smokescreen device. chemical fne. extin
guishers and a siren that can disable
people merely with its sound.
There is no question that police de
partments need necessary equipment to
handle riots, but the scope of present
police overkill in wcaponry cmn only. as
Representative. Jobn Murphy of New
York makes clear, “intensify the fear in
ion's cities. They are not weapons
of law enforcement: (hey are weapons
of mass destruction." “The President's
National Advisory Commission on Civil
Disorders agrees; “The commission. be
licves there is a grave danger that some
communities may resort to the indiscrim
imate and excessive use of force. The
harmful effects of overreaction are incal-
culable. The commission condemns moves
to equip police departments with mass.
destruction weapons, such as automatic
villes, machine guns and tanks."
But most police departments continue
Caught up in
“warfare,” they scc
ted 10
to ignore these warning
their own rhetoric ol
themselves as an army mand
squash peace demonstrators and dissi
dent blacks. In return, more of those
who take to the streets will inevitably
escalate their own response. “The thing
to remember" James Farmer, former
Light up a
taste of
Excitingly new, surprisingly different aromatic pipe tobacco!
national director of CORE. underlines,
that the young b
throwing bottles and h
ks will not just be
icks.” And
creasing numbers of them, he add
be returned veterans from Vietnam,
skilled in guerilla-wafare techniques.
And others of the young, not black,
pushed to violence, will react in kind.
“We are not at war in our cities,” Roy
Wilkins of the NAACP kept saving all
spring. "The weapons of warfare have
no place there.” But the police are p
g more and more weapons of war in
the cities; and throughout history. arm
ments, when at hand, have exemually
bcen used.
And the weapons are becoming more
nd more sophisticated, There are not
only the commando cars and helicopters
but also a wide choice of “nonlethal
pacifiers, The Institute for Defense Anal
yes, for instance, is fond of a foam
generator that can block streets or spray
crowds. The beauty of it, the manufac
avers claim, is that people immersed i
the foam become very disturbed by loss
of contact with their environment
As has been indianed, espe
popular among consabularics
days is Mac
to its manuf
Equipment Corpo velops assail-
t with his own small "cloud" of tear gas
from which he cannot escape. . . . The
a spray that, according
tds incapacitat
| only temporary in na-
unc" But the humiliating | memory
lingers on.
In the past three years, more than
250.000 cans of Mace have been sold to
1000 police departments in the United
Staes. As of April first, each of the
11.500 members of the Chicago police
force, for example, is required to Gury
a spray can of Mace in a holster
tached to his pistol belt, It is becoming
more and more evident, however, (d
the effects of Mace may be more than
temporary. Dr. Lawrence Rose, a San
Francisco ophthalmologist, who ha
treated victims of the chemical and has
conducted his own tests, reports tha
Mace c ise permanent eye damag
has pronounced deleterious dilectis on
the cemral nervous system and
inflict second-degree burns on the ex
posed skin. In late May, the mayor of
Paterson, New Jersey, nervously banned
the use of Mace by his police because of
a report he had received from the
United States Surgeon General's. ollice
confirming Dr. Rose's finding that the
chen cause. permanent eye dam-
age. But sales still rise,
cops add. Mace to their basic weaponry.
A further problem with Mace and
other “nonlethal” chemical pacifiers is
that their eflects can. be indiscriminate
and quite possibly fatal Gas or chem
cal sprays turned on a crowd can incipac-
group, someone with a
a severe respiratory con-
dition could die as a result. But a spoke
m for Smith & Wesson, a leadin
manufacturer of chemical crowd con
tolles, is quoted in The New York
Times business section: “We're selling all
we can make, and we feel that the equip
v making is lifesaving equip-
ment.” As national values and priorities
become increasingly distorted, so does la
guage. And so do people. In the past two
. gun ownership in the United States
ian. not police—has increased by 25
al €;
s well as
itate passersby
and i
“Well, Colonel! It's a whole new ball game."
As the Times notes, “Demo-
graphic facts—there are more whites than
Negroes and more of them have
money—would indicate that the dis
tion favors whites." Shotgun sales are
up particularly 2 Moutgomery
wealthiest and
k in a gunshop in
e suburb of Detroit,
told a Wall Street Journal vepore
“Hate is getting big. The word is that i
there's any trouble this su and you
see a black man in hiborhood,
shoot to kill and ask questions later."
And after the summer? Docs hate stop
as the leaves. fall?
With police arming as if for Arn
geddon and with more neighborhood vigi
lante groups forming, there is reason to
listen carefully to the Reverend Audrew
mikd-mannered assistant to the
iin Luther King: "We are al-
most facing the danger of a rightwing
militny takeover of our cies. If. we
have another couple of summers of riots,
you will get much more s
lice action —and certainly no change
Also looking ahead is the Defense De-
ent, which ha ted a program.
cilitate the recruitment of ex-Service-
men by police departments. The De-
fense Department offers soldiers discharges
up t0 three months in advance of their
normal separation times if tey sign
up as policemen. As Allen. Young of
Liberation News Service observes, “Th
plan affirms a general affinity berwee
the police and the military—both reler
to outsiders as "civilians. " "That. affinity
is constantly being strengthened hy the
Army's takeover of instruction ol local
police in what it calls "rior control" At
Fort Gordon, Georgia, th
uous sessions of Amy's Civil Dis.
obedience Orientation Goure. “Each
ce early February," The Ne
York Times reporis, “a new class of police
officers, Guardsmen and occasional Secret
Service or Federal Bureau of Investigation
mts has completed the course, directed
by the Army's Military Police School.”
The high point of one class
a helicopter swooped ov
v contin
ting a white cloud of gas that was forced
down on rhe [simulated] mobs by thc
downdraft of the rotor blades."
As the Army, National C
police become incr
the “civilians
land local
ingly intertwined.
nay become
targets encompass not only ;
denis bu as shown at Coh
y dust spring, such hitherto
privileged groups of the citizenry as
college students. And, considering the
history of peace demonstrations during
the past year. also included are
ul more adult middle-class dissenters.
The military-police attitude toward
ms at times leads to scenes
t could have taken place im South
or Poland. Last October, for in
Chancellor William H. Sewell of
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“I meant get out there and fight!”
y of Wisconsin brought in
on police riot squad to dis
perse 200 people sitting outside a room
where representatives of Dow Chemical
Company, manufacturers of napalm,
were holding interviews. "Instead of clear
ing the building,” wrote [ames Ridgc-
v of The New Republic, “the police
chibbed. stomped and tear-gassed those
inside as well as 1500 students standin,
outside. When students called the u
versity hospital and asked for ambulances
to take away the unconscious, the hospital
refused. When an intern asked for med
cal supplies so that he might on his
own help ihe injured, rhe | hospital
refused. Neither Chancellor Sewell. nor
i licutenant, Joseph Kauf
man, dean of student affair. appeared
at the scene: yet they wasted no time
in suspending 13 students: then in the
mame ol safety, they Gilled off the Dow
But [oi
is by no means the only
method 1 used to ensure conformit
on American campuses, Dissenters can be
ad are being simply severed from aca
demic i
itutions. Just a few months
yo. a Brown University assistant pic
ssor of psychology was suspended
from teaching duties for the rest of the
rm because he took
CD recruiting
professors. at
New Je
student petition asking to have political,
us and
and uhy at
ck Community College in New
York were told their contracts would not
at dn an anti-
iwo philosophy
State College in
- fired for supporting a
social organi on
four [
be renewed becuse they supported the
ht of students to participate in dem-
onswations and took part in one the
selves. What was the demonstration in
which the four teachers were involved?
A minute of silence at the flagpole on the
campus as a pi the war in
Vietnam! There more such
firings of faculty, and the trend is up.
Also up. as T have shown, is the ex-
tent of campus spying and political sur-
ce. As more and more names of
dissenters. off as well as on campus, are
fed imo FBI files and other Govern-
ment dossiers, it will he all the easier to
keep track of potential “troublemakers”
for the vest of their lives—with ai
ellects on ihe cancers of those who have
been so marked. The Defense Depart-
ment has 14,000,000 life histories in its
security files; the Civil Service 8.000.000.
The FBI won't tell how many it h
but it does acknowledge dossiers on
100.000. “Communist sympathizers.” Aud
es are be ded ar a great-
ated The Justice De
has proudly announced its
reinforced capacity to track down
new n
lv aceele
remisi" in antiwar cadres and black
communities through the pouring of
more and more inlormation into the
computers of the department's. intelli
ne items of imel-
gence ey General
Ramsey Clark proc t spring. "lr
ranges in the thousands of items dail
from Federal, state and local. sources.
Professor Alan Westin, wrotc
The Snooping Machine (vLavwoy, May
1968) and the book Privacy and Freedom,
has demonstrated in great and omi
deil chat as methods of surveillance
recordkeeping become incacasingly eth-
cient and interlocked, whatever a man has
done—or has been suspected of doigt
time of his lile can. be frozen. into
al computers. And there
ut extenuatia
formation or change of opi
Packard has noted dryly.
the possib
ity of redempti
comprehensible 10 a computer.”
Without s realizing it, we
are Man Wes
he crisis of surveillance technol
How that technology will be used,
lor what ends and with what site
guards depends, of course, on the de
gree to which this society really values
civil liberties. And that’s why the cur
rent war on dissent is so crucial. It is a
testing ground, and the resulis may de-
e the nature of American lile for
terms ^
ades to come.
mism as to what may happen 10 the na-
ere are certainly reasons for pessi
ture of American life, Pve detailed
many of them in this article. Another,
not widely reported, is a disclosure made
by Cal McCrystal in the April 23, 1968,
New York Post: “It is now a fact of lile
that any civil servant in the Defense
Department who criticizes U.S. policy
lor t m
m—or elsewher
ads to lose not only his job bu
ple chance of getting another
irst of all. he must be examined.
by a psychiatrist on whose report the
patients supervisor will determine his
fitness for duty. If he is fit, it means he
no longer disagrees with U. S. policy. If
he isn't fit. then he must leave, Aud on
his record. permanently is the fact that
he received. psychiatric treatment, as a
result of which he was declared unfit for
IF so pervasively powerful an insti
the Defense Department is made
tically immune from even. the
expression of dissent, a recent
diagnosis of our society by Senator Eu
gene McCarthy becomes. all the
disturbing. He spoke, as Dwight
the growth of
and somewhat autonomous
military establishment whose influence
reaches into almost every aspect of our
national life. ... The threat it poses is not
so much. that of a conspiracy as it condi
toning, in our lives and in
A particularly revealing example
how this conditioning works was an un-
signed letter to The New Republic a few
monihs ago from a draftee. Opposed to.
the war in Viemam, he had one quiet
confrontation with the Army. He gives
so syster
did. ol :
no details about it, but he does indicate
that it worke
lener, howey
out to his advantage. The
s is notin the least buoyant:
ient of resignation fron
ences in the Service have
à L
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taught me quite a few things. First of
all. the Army does not fit the extreme
Left's stereotype of a dique of fascist
ollicers brutally orde nocent enlist-
ed men to their doom in Vienam, On
the contrary, the enlisted men are the
bulwarks of the system. Like mos
Americans, they are either 100 igno
1o question it or simply conform and
ize away any doubts they may
- IE T sound unduly cynical a
bitter, it is because I am. I will be a ci
again in a relatively short time
and D intend 10 steer clear of. political
activism. then. If the Amy is a
cross section of society, then this societe
is gravely ill, and incuvably so because it
doesn't even know it is.
His case is far from unique. The ma
jority of the young remain concerned
with keeping their records clean. and
going "teo far" in expressing
ever dissent they feel. Those who
plan to go into government or into Lar
corporate structures already know what
to expect. They would not be in the
least surprised at the statement. given
to The Wall Street Journal by Colonel
W. F. Rockwell. chairman of Rockwell-
Standard Corporation of Pitisburgh:
“We don't ny to tell employees. what
they can or can't do off the job. but w
pick them carefully to begin with
Among other things, we don't go look-
ing for people who'll go out looking for
trouble.” "We assume,” said an off
of a large Eastern metals procesor in
the same article, “that people who hold
higher jobs here won't do or say any-
thing that might reflect negatively on
the company. like speak for some rad
cal political outfit or get tossed in jail
over civil rights. I a customer doesn't
like our product, OK. But wed hate 19
lose out because someone doesn’t
one of ow en's: dd *
While it is true that many Americans
lling to restrict. themselves to the
expression of only “correct” ideas. an
mpressively committed: minority cont
wes ro insist on exercising its full
of speech and advocacy. More than 2
Americus have signed a Statement of
Support for Dr. Benjamin Spock,
William Sloane Coffin and the tv other
supporters of draft resistance whose cases
are now in the Federal courts. These
signers have pledged to back
reluse to serve in Vietnam and those
diced men and all others who refuse to
be passive accomplices in war crime
even though they know that the maxi
mum penalty fi p and abetting draft
velusil is five years in. prison, a $10.000
fine or both, And young men in unprec
edented numbers are signing statements
that they will refuse to serve in the Arm
Forces as long as the United Sues
war in. Vietnam—-442 at Harvard, 300 a
Yale and 320 law students from 20 law
A newly formed National. Feder
of Priests’ Councils—represen
000 of the est ied 65.000. Roman
tholic priests in the United. States
also testifies to the strength of the forces
mobilizing against the war on dissent. In
May. even though a Catholic priest, the
Reverend. Philip F. Berrigan, was
tenced to six years in Federal prison for
a symbolic act of protest ihe pouring of
blood on draftboard files in Baltimorc—
this federation of pricsts adopted
haion dedaring, "lr is consiste
Catholic tradition. that men make [rec
and individual determination about the
justice of an individual war, and that
men have the right to resist the draft
have held
breaking wi
out ag:
eral Will
Wallace Ford. Brigadier General H
B. Hester, General Matthew B. Ridg
way, Lieutenant General James M. Gavin
amd General David M. Shoup, former
ine Corps commandant.
It was the dissenters—students and
many adults—who made Eugene Me
Carthy national political figure,
brought the kate Robert Kennedy into the
Presidential campaign. and finally forced
Lyndon Johnson to declare that he would
n for a second term. Clearly, dis
not going to be so easily muted
this time as in the years of Joe McCar:
thy nor so easily crushed as in the period
of the Red Sere. For even when the
war ends, the dissenters—in the universi.
ties, in the ghettos, and including
many in the middle class who want full
rights extended to everyone in this
country—will Continue to speak and act.
And though a minority. today's nucleus
of dissenters. over and under 30. black
nd white are a good deal tough
however inwardly scared some of them
may be And they're more resilient.
Fred Brooks of S. N. C. C., arrested in De
cember for refusal to submit to induc
tion, said th if conviced, he would
continue 10 organize blacks in jail: "You
1 organize in jail just as well as you
cm out They'll be getting out some.
If today's dissenters retain their cour
age and their commitment to re-cuergize
America democracy across the board,
they may be able to make our cities
able, to awaken Congress ro the needs
of all the people and to tum. education
on every level into the creation of citizens
for whom freedom is a fundamental
ue, a basic necessity. 1 do not, therefore.
feel hopeless about the outcome of the
war on dissent, But,
stated in this article, I do not underesti
mate the strength of the forces. working
10 stille dissent, for (eir greatest. sup:
por comes from the apathy of ihe
majority. As edncnor John Holt emphit
not r
s I have dei
sizes in an essay in Robert Theobald’s
Social Policies Jor America in the Seven-
ties: l believe that freedom is in
serious danger in this country because
so many people . . . do not feel free,
never did. don't expect to and, hence,
don't know what freedom
should be worth making
For a great man
freedom is little more tha
makes it seem right w despise, hatc ai
even kill any foreigner who supposedly
has less of it than they do. When, rather
rarely. (hey meet someone who feels
free and acts fice and takes his freedom
seriously, they are more likely than not
to get frightened or angry. "What
you. some kind of nut? For. alis, the
man who has no real freedom. or thinks
he hasn't, doesn't think about how 10
get it; he thinks about how 10 take
away from those who do have it.”
There is the veal danger. For how
ans is freedom more than a
Abraham Lincoln. a an Presi-
dent Johnson is fond of quoting in other
contexts, pointed out: “Our defense is i
the preservation of the spirit which
iberty as the heritage of all m
ds everywhere. Destroy. this
spirit and you have planted the seeds of
despotism at your own doors. Fan
ize yourself with the chains of bond
ad you arc preparing your own limbs
10 wear them. Accustomed ta irample o
the rights of others. you have lost the
genius of your own independence and
become the fit subjects of the first e
ning tyrant who rises among you.”
That spirit, I believe, has mot yet
heen destroyed in this county, If it is,
the majority of us will get the kind of
country we deserve. The success or fail-
ure of the war on disent depends on
you. More than 100 years ago, Henry
David Thoreau wrote: “There are thou
sands who are in opinion opposed to
slavery and to (he War, who vei
elec do nothing to put an end n
them; who, estecmíng themselves chil-
dren of Washington and |
down with their bands in their. pockets
and say that they know not what to do.
and do nothing... . They hesitate, and
they regret, and sometimes they peti-
tion: but they do nothing in carnest and
h eflec. They will wait, well
posed, for others to remedy the evil. that
they may no longer have it w regret.”
If you
for others to successfully. f
or why
ach fuss
ow only wait, well disposed.
ht for the
continued right to dissent, you may dis
cover that you will have waited t00
long. Today's dissenters are. as William
Sloane Collin. has emphasized, the tr
patriots: for they know that the essence
of the American tradition is the
ight to
a free man, They ako
ight is nor exercised by
speak and act as
know that if this
enough of the citizemy, it will atrophy
"Mother doesn't allow me to smoke, Mr. Walters."
“Well, she was a
her plans.”
"She didn't say exactly where she
would be staying?
“No, she left
but—— Listen, could
has been there?”
1 did, sir. She hasn't”
"That opened up the entire state of
Florida, On television, games and old
movies, but no word of the hurricane
He would have to take the day off and
uy, somehow, perhaps through the Red
Cross, to track her and the children
down. Chimes.
On the porch stood the fi
ask if she
. D. accepted them. On the card was
written in lovely script: "They are. just
Our heartfelt sympathy. The
J. D. picked up the roses that had
spilled, put them in their basket and
hooked both baskets of roses over his
arms and carried. the urn of lilies with
them imo the living room. Still, there
was something wrong. Flowers so soon,
so quickly? He looked up the newspaper's
phone number and dialed i
"Fm just the cleaning lady. mister.
‘They put out the paper, then locked up
Just as J- D. placed the receiver in its
lle, thé ringing phone startled him.
Mr. J. D. Hindle?”
"Western Union. Telegram."
“Read it, will you?
“Dearest Jay: The
ig wonderful, wonderful tim:
miss you. But return
than planned, Love and kisses,
Ronnie and Ellen.
I knew it, I knew it! God, God...
When was that telegram sent?”
“This morning.”
“What time, exactly?”
“Hour ago. Eight o'clock, You want
me to mail it”
nd T are hav-
We all
"Some people like to keep a record.
Yes. Please do. And thank you very
The flowers smelled li
and he bent over them and led, his
eyes softly closed. Then. glancing down
at the newspaper on the Hoor, he be
came angry. He dialed the home of the
editor of the suburban papcr.
Are you certa
Li Mr. Ga , its your accu-
racy that’s being questioned. That tcl
gram was dated today and sent an hour
ago. Now, I want to know where your
information came from. What town?
Why? This house is full of flowers.”
“Well, if we're in error, Mr. H
spring now
(continued from page H2)
well cer
morrow's paper. Me:
correction in t0-
nwhile, T'I) investi.
gate the mater immediately and call
you k when T've tracked something
“YH be waiting.
Chimes. J. D. picked up the flowers
again and carried them to the door. The
odor was good, but they breathed all
the oxygen, and the overtone of funerals
still emanated fom them, He would un-
load them all on whichever deliveryman
it was this time.
Bill Henderson stood on the porch
holding a tray covered with a white
cloth. “Nancy sent you something hot,
‘That was sweet of her, Bill
" J. D. set the flowers outside oi
porch. "Come in" J. D. was smiling.
He was aware that Bill noticed he was
“We were about to risk our lives on
the freeway today, to visit Nancy's people
when we saw the newspaper. Jay, I
"Thanks, Bill, but save it. I's a mis
take, A stupid mistake. I just heard from
What? You
Yes. Well, she sent a telegram from
Florida an hour ago. Didn't even. men-
tion the hurricane.”
“That's odd, Mu
mind down there.”
“Yeah, a little inconsiderate, in a
She might know I'd be worried about
mean she’s OK? She
t be on everybody's
Maybe the telegram was delayed.
The hurricane and all."
“What're you trying to say?"
“Why can't it be the newspaper that’s
“Well, it just doesn’t seem likely
“I gave that editor hell. He's going to
call back. Look. let's shut up about
OK? I've got a hangover from drinking
alone last night."
“Why didn't you call me? We could
have had a few hands of poker.
b. Why didn't 1? Tc was a strange
night, And now all this flood of flowers
this morning. My stomach's in knots.
Have a cup of collec with me before
you hit the highway."
y's well go
h our tri
Lifting the white cloth from the way,
J. D. felt an ceric sensition in his stom-
ach that the sight of the smoking food
dispelled, ^I
OK? Not eno
going to cat this anyway,
h collee for both of us.
You have this and I'll make some more
at for myself."
Running the water in the bathroom
waiting for it to get ste:
ng hot, J. D. heard the telephone ring.
basin ag,
"Hey. Bill. you mind getting that for
J. D. spooned coffee into the plastic
mug and watched it stain the water.
Steam rising made his eyes misty. Bill
was a blur in the bathroom door. J. D
blinked the tears from his eyes. Bill's
face was grimly set.
"Whats the matter with you
“That was the editor. He thought 1
was you, so he started right in with his
report. The story . . . checks out . . .
through Associated Press, He made other
nquiries and found out that < the
boies are being shipped back tonight by
J- D. slung the cup and coffec into
the tub and with the same hand,
enched, slugged Bill in the mouth,
"Whats the mauer with you, Jay?
n't you want me to tell—"
“You son of a bitch! You made the
whole thing up. I see the whole thing
now. lt was you, back of it all. Your
masterpiece. Not jus one more stupid
practical joke. You put everything into
this onc."
"You think I'd do a terrible thing like
that just for laughs?"
"Not until now, | didn't. Why else
would you come around? You had to sce
how it was getting ro me. OK. I fell for
it. All the way. So far, Fm still sick, and
TH be sick all day.
“Jay. you better get out of this house.
You're not used to being alone he
Nancy and 1 will stay home. You come
on over with me and—"
“You're the one that better get out of
here, before 1 kill you!”
ring up at Bill got to his feet.
Without looking back. he walked out,
leaving the front door open.
Still so angry he could hardly see or
Ik straight, J. D. went into the living
room and flopped onto the couch, sat
isfied that all the pieces of the puzzle
were now in place. The mixture of emo-
tions that had convulsed him was now a
vivid anger that struck at a singl
ject. Secing the tray of food. no longer
ig, on the footrest of h
ped to his feet and took the
(ay into the bathroom and with precise
flips of his wrist. tossed. the eggs. toast,
coffee, jelly, butter and bacon into the
toilet and Hushed it, Over the sound of
water. he heard the chimes
With the tray still in his ha
went into the foyer, whe
stood open. Among the lowers he
set out on the porch stood a wom
smartly dressed. She held a soup treen
in both gloved hands. The sight of the
ay surprised her and she smiled
perhaps, thar she
1 the end of a Tine and that J. D.
uly for her. She started to set the.
iving, "Im Mrs.
Merrill, president of your P. T. A, and 1
ds, he
the door st
the tr
^ on
just want you to know—" But J. D.
stepped back and lowered the way in
one hand to his side
^A stupid, criminal joke has been
played here, Mrs, Merrill, 1 won't need
the soup. thank you, Come again when
They're having a won
my wile is home
derful time in Florid:
With that horrible hurricane and
"Yes, hurricane and all.”
J. D. shur the door and turned back
and. locked. it
He closed the d
on the couch again. His head throbbed
ipes and lay down
as though too lage for his body. Ju
his head touched the cushion. the tele
phone rang. He let it. Then, realizing
that it might be Carolyn. calling in per
son, he jumped up. It stopped before he
could reach it, As he returned to the
couch, it started. again. Maybe she was
finally worried about the hurricane.
about Wis worrying about it
“Mr. Hindle. this is Mr. Crigger at
Greenlawn, It is my understanding that
you have not vet made arrangements for
your dear wife and chil——
Seeing three red-clay holes in the
ground. J D. slammed the receiver in
its cradle.
Chimes. J. D. just stood there, letting
the sound rock him like waves at sca
Among the flowers that crowded. the
porch stood the first delivery boy
“If you touch those chimes one more
ume. j
"Listen. mister. have a heart, lm only
doing what 1 was told
“Tin telling, you
J. D. jerked the basket of lowers from
the young man’s hands and threw it
back at him. He turned and ran down
the walk, and J. D. kicked at the other
baskets, urns and pots. until all the How-
ers were strewn over the lawn around
the small. porch
He slammed the door and locked it
again. Standing on a chair. he rammed
his fist against the eleciricchimes mech
anism th: was fastened to the wall
above the front door. The blow started
the chimes going. He struck
again, until the pain im his hand made
him stop
Reeling about the house searching Tor
an object with which to smash the
Unable to finish.
again and
chimes, J, D. saw in his mind images
from a Charlie Chaplin movie he had
scen on the late show one night in the
ly years of television: Charlie ent
gled in modern machinery on an assem:
bly Hine. The film moved twice as fast in
his head. He found no deadly weapon
in the house nor in the g
joined the house. Seeing the switch bos,
he cut oll the c
Lying on the couch again, he tied
to relax. He thought of people passing,
of more people coming to offer their
rage that ad.
Where-To-Buy-t? Use REACTS Card — Page 200
of the flowers strewn like
ty in the yard, €
tures of im
would bc shocked at
would hear of the flowers in the yard;
for until they all knew the truth, it
the stories she
would appear to the neighbors
J- D. had no respect, no love, felt no
remorse for his dead family
hered the flowers
nful and took
He went out and gi
into one overflowing 3
them into the house and put the
leather casy chair. Then he brought in
the baskets, urns and pots.
He had heard that lying on the floor
relaxed tense muscles und nerves. He
wied it. He lay on the c 5 and
legs sticking straight out. lew
shuddering sighs. he began to drift, 16
He recalled the funerals of some
proached the wives
departed friends.
families, he had attended to i
details himself. How aruficial, mi
less, ridiculous, even cruelly stupid
Coldness woke him. The room was
black dark. The cold odor of roses
lilies was so strong he had to suck in air
to breathe. He rolled over on |
and rose on his hands and knes
holding omo the couch, pulled himself
Weak and shivering, he moved across
t heaved
the floor as though on a deck ih
nid sank. When he pulled the cond. ihe
drapes, like stage curtains, opened on icy
stars, a Luminous sky.
None of the light s
switch in the
inched along unti
Perhaps if he ate somethin
itches worked.
c mai
ge. Using matches, he
he found the switch,
lo get
he remembered throwir
In the relrigo
The pink stove gh
ight of the ki
1 dials, like the control pa
lor, stacks of FV din-
amed in the
The but-
fluorescent che
airplane. were a hopeless confu:
“So much for our opening remarks; and now, gentlemen,
shall we debate the issues?”
t the first week
in September could be so cold. Perhaps
it had something 10 do with the hu
canes. Arctic air masses or something.
What did he know of the behavior of
weather? Nothing. Where was the switch
to tum on the electric heat? He looked
until he was exhausted. Perhaps he had
better get out of the house for a while.
ing behind the wheel. his hand on
the igi here he
could go. A feeling of absolute indeci-
sion overwhelmed him. The realm of
space and time in which all possibi
lay was a white blank.
As he sat there, hand on key, st
through the windshield a
by the monotony of a free
he experienced a sudden intuition of the
essence of his last moments w
». Ronnie and Ellen in the b.
Carolyn sat beside J. D. saving aj
what she had said im simil
nd in silence for month:
haps years. belore that: 7
away for a while. Somct
ing to me. Em dyi
ion, he
if hypnotized
g is happe
g very. very slowly;
do you understand that. Jay? Our life.
IVs the way we live, somehow the way
we live.” No. he had not understood.
Nor then. He had only thought. How
wonderful to be rid of all of you for a
while, to know that in our house
ent grinding the wheels of r
down the same old grooves, to feel
the pattern is disrupted,
keeps the wheels turnin
The telephone ringing. shattered his
He went into the house.
ceiver on the floor, he
] ihat he had only imagined the
wr of the phone, But the d
were going. He opened the door. There
was only moonlight on the porch. Then
he reme the chim
with his fist. Something had somehow
sparked. them olf
As he stood on the threshold of his
house. the chimes ringing, he looked out
over the rooftops of the houses below,
where the rolling hills gave the develop-
ment its name. From horizon to horizon,
he saw only roofs, gle | moon
their television ls bristling
si the glinering stars.
though there |
power failure.
AH lights
were out
how long he must have slept. He looked
for the man in the moon. but the
ared faceless. Then, with the chimes
g the brilliantly lighted house at his
ack, he gazed up at the stars; and as he
1o see Cavolyn’s face and Ronnie's
nd Ellen's and
clearly. bega
and he realized
the stars had di
he knew d
id children à
at he would never scc his wile
(continued from page 164)
xl double-breasted cuts is
at home on the range from Arizona
State to Texas Tech, Bold-plaid Shet
lands, herringbones aud tweeds, wo, are
fashion musts. However, the man about
campus may wish to update his image
with a hal-helted coton corduroy Nor-
folk jacket to be worn with plaid wool
or llannelfnished cotton slacks and a
bulky turtleneck.
Slack apt to
wear skintight wheat or faded.blue Levis
to dass one day and e corduroy
both single
TS are
bellbottoms the next For on-campus
c ation leather and cotton
suede are favore anels, worsteds and
tweeds are switched to for dares.
The buttondown with barrel
cuffs is still the winning look, but more
and more Southwesterners are defecting
to the modified-spread collar.
cuffs. Knit solid-color spo
worn with jeans or a sports jacket and
plaid slacks.
Sweaters: V-necks, crews and cardi
ns are worn both to class and on casual
dais. We predict that wool turtlenecks
with metal shoulder-button closures will
be readily adopted by Southwestern stu-
Outerwear: The cold facis are that
even farSouthwestern campuses. have
an occasional frosty day or two. Cut the
chill with a leatherlike polyester-coated.
„front jacket or a shcepskin-and-cor-
pfront style. At least one ove
asted camel's hair,
should see you through the winter prop
erly dressed. Depending on the dimaic
conditions of your campus, you may want
to have on hand several pile-lined poplii
golf jackets and a corduroy stadium coat.
Shoes: Deep in the heart of Texas at
Baylor and SMU, boots are often worn
with Levis, Other styles to consider
clude wingtip tassles bluchers, penny
loafers and a pair or two of sneakers.
THE WEST Coast: From Reed College
to San Diego State, matriculants way
out West keep in step with the times
while marching to the stylish beat of a
different. drummer. Beads. medallion
t bellbottoms. medit
n shirts, Nehru jackets and other
pickings fresh from a flower child's gar
den of fashions are often interchanged
with less costumey gub and worn both
to and after c i. a junio
at Cal Tech, says. re, clothes
have an eclectic, i ional look. I
sometimes wear a poncho one day aud a
three-bution suit the next—if the occ
sion calls for it. But my everyday attire
is usually a turtleneck or sport shirt and
Suits: Three: or
two-button shaped
models with wider lapels have a slight
edge over the more conservative Ivy-
nspired styles. IE you're attending school
“Til say one thing for birth-control pills—
more girls are graduating.”
in sunny Southern California, look for
rmanent-press fabrics that are colorful
ightweight. Farther north, a tweed
wool suit will come in handy when
temperatures drop. Double-breasted pi
pes straight from Bonnie and Clyde
ide ties ave occa-
as a puton.
kets: The West Coast stu
1t body is clothed in both Nehrus and
tunics, as well as bold Shetland. plaid
sports jackets and blazers, Personal style
is paramount and undergrads occasion
ally go to extreme fashion lengths in order
to assert their sartorial independence.
Slacks: For classroom lcan low-
corduroys, acetate wills and popl
are the allcumpus choices. At some
schools, denims cut olf at the. knees
worn for Saturday touch-football scrim-
mages as well as for study sessions in the
dorm or fraternity house. On
Houndstooth ne glen
tered slacks receive a rousing reception
Shirts: Buttondowns in suipes, deep
solids and Hower patterns are the most.
popular styles, For olf
ing, some students cotton to loose fitti
e guru or medita-
tion shirts with balloon sleeves, Others.
stick to dark-colored models with medium-
spread collars that ft high on the neck,
e slightly wider and equally handsome.
Sweaters: Turtles and mock turtles
worn with sports jackets and. patterned
slacks or Levis have earned the West
mpus wassail
cotton or rayon aceta
Coast fashion nod of approval. On cool
er days warm bulky fisherman's knits
are often worn in place of an outer jack
et. Later in the year, ski sweaters, often
featuring bold stripes and zigzag patterns,
come off the slopes and into the class
ar: Students in northern Cali
ngton will be
weathering the rainy season togged out
in navy or naturalcolored trench coats.
Later in the year, we predict that short
leather jackets in a variety of collar and
frontclosure styles will increasingly be
fornia, Oregon and Wash
worn. Farther south, cauvasduck hip
length coats and featherweight nylon
parkas—olten with drawstring hoods-
€ the favor
Shoes; We advise fledgling frosh to
t the campus before they buy. At
some schools. boots made of polished
leather or supple imitation suede are the
preferred footwear. At others, sandals,
Gucci-style loalers and plain-toe bluchers
set the pa
This year's Back to Campus dearly
reveals that revolutionary fashion head-
lines are being made on campuses across
For a look at what students
are wearing at five represent
colleges—Cornell, North Carol Miami
of Ohio, Arizona and the California Insti
tute of Technology—turn back to the
photo portion of this feature on pages
the country.
ive regional
Write to Janet Pilgrim for the an-
swers to your shopping questions.
She will provide you with the name
of a retail store in or near your city
where you can buy any of the spe-
cialized items advertised or edito-
rially featured in PLAYBOY. For
example, where-to-buy information is
available for the merchandise of the
advertisers in this issue listed below
Miss Pilgrim will be happy to answer
any of your other questions on
ion, travel, food and drink, hi-fi, etc.
If your question involves items you
saw in PLAYROY, please specify page
number and issue of the magazine as
well 2s a brief description of the items
when you write.
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