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А rousing new fragrance that stays with you. 

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the rest come off like а of stiffs. | 

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PLAYBILL 99" ап кмс 

sunny as the season 
is Connie Kreski—whose appearance on 
this month's cover heralds her selection 
iymate of the Year, A reg 
photographic portfolio of Connie aw 
within—along with a kingly abundance 
of entertainment for men, as befits the 
th that boasts the year’s longest day. 
Leading off the issue's fiction—with an 
ie tale of an extraordinary assassina- 

lion—is master fantasist Ray Bradbury. 
“Downwind from Gettysburg” he says, 
grew out of a visit to а Disney robot 

Glendale. As 1 watched the 
ag together the Lincoln. robor, the 

aught of Booth and the 
that April night in 1865 came to m 
nd 1 wrote this story. It is very personal 
My hero speaks for me in the midst of 
the emotions and confusions that fol 
lowed the King and Kennedy asasina 

tions.” Upcoming from the Bradbury 
pen are an anthology of ste 
the Body Electric, and 

phants Last in the Dooryard. Bloomed, 
his first book of poems. 

Ray Russell's tale, Gemini, is a story 
of ultimate sibling rivalry. His шем 
novel, The Colony (reviewed on page 34) 
has just hit the bookstores; and Naked 
т Xanadu, his November 1961 ч.лувоу 
story, has been acquired for feature 
filming—his third rrAvsov. effort to be 
adapted lor the screen. At the moment, 
Ray is well into his sixth book, a novel 
with a subject he describes as top secret 

A satirical story of medical intrigue 
and a comic glimpse at West Coast hip 
le round out this month's fiction. In J 
Do Not Like Thee, Dr. Feldman, Henry 
Slesar posits the predicument of a well 
liked. surgeon whose s inexplicably 
threatened: and in A Life in the Day OF. 
Frank M. Robinson wittily dramatizes the 
cultural shock that occurs when pseudo- 
hip meets superhip. Slesar is president 
of his own advertising agency but moon- 
ights regularly as chief writer for TV's 
suspense daytimer Edge of Night. He 

ew mystery novel forthcom- 
short fiction is included in 

е than 75 anthologies. А есап 
writer and managing e of the news 
magazine Censorship Today, Robinson 

lives in San Francisco, where his contact 
with the Bay Area underground led to 
1 Life. "b was impressed,” he told us, 
with the dillerences between those who 
are supercool and those merely acting а 
vole. With the latter, it's the thing to do: 
if wearing lamp shades and swallowing 
goldfish were considered hip, the unsure 
ones would be doing that.” 

Fresh from a one-man comedy triumph 
at New York's Town Hall, Jean Shep- 
herd returns to with Wanda 
Hicheys Night of Golden Memories, a 

bittersweet paean to that glorious teen- 
institution, the junior prom. Jean 
as recenily been hitting the college ta 

S. R. O. around 

givin performances 

the country—and between trips he's fur 
thered his love of flying by working 
for his instrument rating as а private 
pilot. His novel /n. God We Trust, АП 
Others Pay Cash, much of which ap- 
ared first in these pages, is now under 
tion by a major moviemaker 

е dismissed by the liberal com 
nity as rmless side show of oddi 
huwing hatemongers, groups such as 
the Minutemen are currently changing 
that opinion by entering а new рак 
of virulence and violence, In The. Para- 
military. Right. reporter Eric Norden ob- 
jectively examines the growth and goals 
of these sell appointed saviors of liberty— 
and his exe 
Minutemen to blow up a bunker: we are 
also privy to an exclusive interview with 
Minutemen chief Robert Bolivar De- 
Pugh. hours before he disappeared. 10 
avoid а jail term. A frequent. PLAYBOY 
aerviewer 1 free-lance writer, Norden 
scarching a new book 

edge of Gore Vidal's cele 

n with several 


is in London r 

The kee 
brated. wit—applied ruthlessly то every- 
one hom Bill Buckley to Ted Kennedy 
is vividly evident in this month's 
Playboy Iutersiew with the author. critic, 
politician and polemicist. But the central 
focus of the arranging discussion is on 
Vidal's fears for the social drift of 4 

al proposals to reverse it. 
Little. Brown published Vidal's latest col- 
lection of essays, Reflections upon a Sink 
ing Ship, in March, andthe writer promises 
another novel aher three new Hollywood 
projects, inciuding film versions of his 
own Julian and Myra Breckinridge. 

In Playboy's Guide to Mutual Funds. 
Senior itor Michael Laurence, ou 
prizewinning investment w 
chy the complex. threads of. investme 
company finance y that renders it 
mot опу comprehensible but. eminently 
useful and rewarding as well. Although 
this is only Mike's third financial article 
for us (the two others: Playboy Plays the 
Commodities Market in August 1967 and 
Heating Inflation: A Playboy Primer in 
March 1968). he's already winning an en- 
viable reputation (ог incisive lucidity 
combined with a delightfully sprightly 
style—a feat that might well make Mike 
unique among today's financial scribes 
were pleased to report that more such 
icles are in the works. He also m 

ca. and his radi 

yarn involving international monetary 
skulduggery and some ghostly goings on 
(The Legacy, November 1968). 

Alo on hand this month 
Seymour Krim, author of N 

s ofa 
Nemsighted Gannoneer, discusses the in 

Писисе of Thirties fiction on his gener: 
tion in The American Novel Made Us: 
Robert Morley and Robert Daley opt for 
the non 1 the daredevil life, re- 
spectively: in The Grand Hotels, Morley 
pays homage to his favorie lodgings the 




The Risk Takers, D; 
ley presents а coterie of men whe repeat- 
edly pur their lives on the line—and 
alyzes their motivation. LeRoy Neiman 
—who's been in the pits at countless in 
ternational races—takes an artist's look 
п the automotive sporting lile in Le 
Mans; and Robert L. Green dips into the 
ishionable subject of swim- and après 

s. With 

world over; and 



vol. 16, no. 6—june, 1969 



Ploymole Winner 

Swimwear Р. 115 

fonts (12); DAN MCCOY, P mi, 2. BARRY 
das (201, 161; LARRY SPAW, Р тов. 107 (5), 108 

v. JUNE, M5, VOL. ш, WO 6 




PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: GORE VIDAL —candid conversation... 77 
THE PARAMILITARY Е1©НТ—о! ............ ERC NORDEN 102 
DE SADE—pictoriol. 
THE GRAND HOTELS—arlicle.... 

5 ROBERT 1. GREEN 115 

LE MANS— mon at his leisure... cess ДЕВОҮ NEIMAN 124 
HARE APPARENT —playboy's playmate of the month... 7 _ 128 
PLAYBOY'S PARTY JOKES—humor — " 136 


PAELLA Y SANGRIA —food and drink 
THE RISK TAKERS —arlicle = 



WORD PLAY — satire... ени 
PLAYMATE OF THE ҮЕАЕ —рїс!огїа!......... 


THE LADY IN GREEN SLIPPERS—ribald classic... 
HOSTILEMAN—satire. 0... 
ОМ THE SCENE—person: 



HEFNER editor and publisher 

A. C. SPECTORSKY associate publisher and editorial director 
ARTHUR PAUL art director 

JACK J. KESSIE managing editor VINCENT T. TAJIRI picture editor 
LEHRMAN senior edilors; ROME MACAULEY fiction edilor; JANIS oont articles editor; 
ARTHUR ERETCHMER associate articles editor; лом OWEN modern living editor; юлуп 

STEVENS, ROMERT ANTON WILSON asociale edilors: KOBERT L. GREEN fashion director; 
DAVID TAYLOR fashion edilorz LEX DEIGHTON гате! editor; REGINALD FOTTERTON ay 
sistant travel editor; THOMAS MARIO [ood & drink editor: J, PAUL GETTY contributing 
editar, business & finance; ARLENE вооа copy ch KEN W. PURDY, KENNET 

AVNAN contributing editors: wenarp korr administrative editor: JULIA WAINBRIDGE 
assistant editors; BEV CHAMBERLAIN. associate picture editor; MARILYN GRAROW- 
SKIL төм SALLING assistant picture editors; MAIO CASILLI, DAVID GHAN, DWIGHT 
HOOKER, POMPEO POSAR, ALENAS онл staf) photographers: RONALD wer associate 
СКВА art assistants; MICHELLE ALTMAN assistant cartoon editor; JONN MASIRO 
; ALLEN VAREO assistant production manager; VAY PAPAS 


production manag 
Tights and permissions © HOWARD W. LEDERER advertising direclor: JULES KASE. 
Josen GUENTHER asociate advertising managers: SHERMAN KEATS Chicago а. 
vertising manager; ROWERT A. MCKENZIE detroit advertising manager; NEISON 
FUTCH promotion director; mamur onsen publicity manager; BENNY DUNN 
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ERICK personnel director; JANET vitcRIM reader service; ALVIN WIENOID sub 
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мена Wateh Co., Inc. 

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Highest praise to Karl Hes for com- 
эр back from the left to write The Death 
of Politics (prAYmOY, March)—a fresh 
bree of reason for the smoke-filled 
rooms, Highest praise as well to rivnov 
for braving the fury of the power holders 
amd power seekers by publ i 
Morgan. F 

Los Angeles, Californi 

The Death of Politics was the best 
antide I have ever read in PLAYBOY and I 
hope to see more like it. The libert: 

with the 
consent between individuals. 

Bill Sheppard 
ty of Arizona 

лувоу philosophy of mutual 

1 found Karl Hess’ anicle interesting, 
but 1 also found myself disagreeing with 
most of what he said. His reassertion of 
the traditional 
ideals of individu 
capitalism, which ns 
only truly revolut d th: 
can take, seems simply reaction 

and outmoded American 

lism laissez 

he m 

»nary si 

diction of how 
line separates revolution from re 


but it also reveals а func 
Hess’ thinki All sincere 
nts in American history have suc 
ceeded only to the extent that they have 
atiempted to break free of the old ideals 
—such as laissez faire and individualism 
—to substitute more contemporary doc 
trines, such ve responsibility 
and governi ion. The mod 
industrial economy h 
dependent thar the old 
economics—free competition, for instance 
—no longer work. 1 think Hess could 
spend his time more profitably if he 
worked to improve politics, instead ol 

out on 


соте so 

aws of classi, 


Douglas F. Watt 
Harvard University 
Cambridge. Massachuseus 

You've really done it. In The Death of 
Politics, by Karl. Hess, the one idea that 
rks has been put into the most 
potent magazine article ever published 
For a number of years, 1 have respected 

really w 


ideas of Ludwig Von Mises. Tom 
1 others: but never before have 

the ideas of archaic modern go 

so thoroughly put dow 
article. Even the interesting con- 
temporary penonalities—the Kennedys, 
Goldwaters and Mc saddled 
with their own political lameness. Th 
are hung up. ma politics. And 
as Hess says, just like Linus, they don't 
want to give up their blanket. The blan- 
ket of politics has, throughout our mod- 
n history, been destroying society, 
despite the positiveness, creativity and 
productiveness of most human beings. 
Peter Fleming 
Los Angeles, Californ: 


Thanks for the article by Karl Hess, It 
put into р any of us have 

been think for years. A few 
ilifomians y attempted to make 
the principles of libertarianism a reality 

by form completely new political 
party called the Peace and Freedom Par- 
ty. Sad to say, radicals from the New 
Left soon took control and mismanaged 
the party Our republic 
seems to be h rd disaster. One 
alternative might be the formation of а 
new national political party based on the 
concepts of libertarianism and laisser 
faire. Д m. new movement 
¢ one of the two exist 
take your pick. 

1o oblivion. 

at Berkeley and the. Harvard 
law School 1 have been exposed to 
what Karl Hess would call the politics of 
both the radical and the reactionary 
Like Hes, I have developed a philoso- 
phy that draws from the thinking ol 
Barry Goklw Ayn Rand, Norman 
Bruce. Unfortunately. 
ckground, which 
ble. has left me isolated 
ied, confused and abused. 
h the political Teftand-right 
polarization so socially acceptable in 10 
day's America, I have found myself. in. 
Моге, been strewn im bits 
hin my mind. I cannot 

my educatioi 
would find 

capable of bringing together 
that has, he 
and pieces wi 




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The House of 4711 

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This week's perfect martini secret. 

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truly say that either Berkeley or Harvard 
has prepared me to communicate the 
ideas I have developed. Fortunately, 
Hess has now done so for me. So, to all 
my friends on both the right and the 
left: Read Hess. Then come and let us 
reason together. 

Hess ma а 
at least he has declared his independence 
of the hypocritical clichés, both left and 
right, that have long made me become 
almost physically ill every time | read 
the dates. rehash by a William. Buckley 
or а Tom Hayden. The world would 
benefit if Hess and others of " 
thinking were to become the basis of a 
new political movement, 

John J. Pierce 

The Daily Advance 

Dover, New Jersey 

j { a steady stream of collec 
tivist writing in PLAYBOY, I found The 
Death of Politics by Karl Hess а refresh. 
i gree with many points in 

uments, but I 
n of poli 
is I do in а 

is the unique role of providing 
the orderly эптеп within. which 

s able enthu- 
siasm for liberty, looks for allies where 
He finds hope for 

SDS does not 
sm but posits 
iations of socialism. In addition to 
key difference between SDS and 
Hess the organization, as demonstrated 
4 conclusively on the na- 

s on coering 
ations with whom 
In his disenchantment with 
iment, a fee 
libertarian and notsolibertari 
Hess looks for 
ng found them 
happy. But SDS is not really revolution 
ary at all. It proposes, explicitly or in 
er government action: an ad- 
y liberalism. the 
at Hess found so objectionable. 
As editor of The New Guard, the 
magazine of You 
dom, I am in co contact 
ves whom Hess finds so hypo: 
а authoritarian, Bill Buckley. 
gled out in the 
alt on the nt 90 years 
ago. The phony businessman conserva 
nd the WASPish anti con. 
servative exist; but from Hes article, 

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one would conclude that they dominate. 
Their influence within the conservative 
movement is minuscule. A poll of YAF's 
membership, for example, showed almost 
по support for George Wallace. YAF 

not have a revolutionary image, 

because we do not engage in destroying 
private property (as SDS does) nor in 
otherwise engaging in violent or coercive 
activities. But to а pronouncec 
lishmentarian like Karl Hess, T suggest 
that YAF is, indeed, the revolutionary 
wave of the future. › not SDS, 
th rs has favored a volunteer 
is YAF's "Sharon Statement, 
ort Huron. Statement,” that 
issez-faire capitalism 
Arnold Steinberg, Editor 
The w Guard. 
Washington, D. C. 

t SDS 

Karl Hes tells us that “ultimately 
politics denies the rational nature of man 
Nonsense. n rational men revered 
aged in politics, societies four- 
Greece for а time and in th 
we period of our own countr 
The problems we face today will not be 
solved by the abolition of politics. They 
can be solved only by recognizing the 
overriding importance of politics in this 
era of ultima Hess is v 
when he says: “Man can survive in an 
inclement universe only through the use 
in not recog- 
nizing that survival depends upon the 
best minds! addressing themselves to the 
nprovement rather than the destruction 
of politics. 

Harold Willens, President 
Factory Equipment 

Supply Corporation 

Los Angeles, California 

Willens is cochairman of the Business 
Executives Move for Vietnam Peace. a 
group credited with influencing Lyndon 
Johnson's decision to de-escalate the war 
and nol to seek re-clection. 

Hess is suspect in his assumptions 
about human aggression. Perhaps he 
would do well to recall the words of the 
French anarchist Proudhon: “Liberty 
the mother, not the daughter, of order 
If Hess ants a free world, he 
must stop pussyfooting around with 
“governments for defense only," After 
all, to carry his reasoning a step further, 
gh to defend 

our faith entirely in the hands of man. 
Lowell Ponte 
Los Angeles, California 
Ponte is а libertarian-anarchist radio 
commentator in Los Angeles. 


1 think it was irresponsible of you 
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the concomitant dangers. P 
without a nose guard le: 
vulnerable to a feather ием; 

ry) without warning the reader of 
illow fighting 

the novice 
of the 

nasal ра: cause discomfort 
or even temporary ty. The pres 
ence of a little foreign body (1 am 

not to Woody 
the nostril, in at least onc 
nce on record, caused the collapse of 
berserk shin- 

ish. such. scan. 

aps we should not no 
dal by repetition. 

1 Routh 

London, England 

Author Routh speaks with some au 

thority, as he wrote "Shindai: the Art of 

Japanese Bed-Fighting,” a Dell. paper- 

back and the only published source of 
information on shindai 

What would America do without writ- 
ers like Robert McNear and short stories 
like Deatlrs Door (etaywoy, Minch)? And 
what would we do without а ma 
like rtaywoy that has the space and the 
taste to publish a true literary tour de 
force such as this? It's encouragii 
in the most contemporary of ma 
recognition of the literary values of yes 
olay and tomorrow. 
Bernard Geis 
New York, New York 
A former editor of Coronet and edi- 
lor in chief at Grosset & Dunlap, Geis 
now heads his own highly successful pub. 
lishing house. 

n in speeches, 1 mention the 
there are two important outlets 
al short-story w today: 
rrAvBoOY and The New Yorker. You are 
ing the banner high, giving lot of 
ne needed exposure, and. producing 
some wonderful short stories їп the 
process. 1 do not consider Death's Door 
successful as a short story, but I do think 
that MeNear develops an eerie quality 
at lends а wonderful sense of forcbod 
io the tale he tells. 1 feel that after 
marvelous sc much 
of the rest is cont 
ills onto р 
y that is too artificial, What the story's 
about is grim and t The mood is 
preity well sustained throughout, but 
what really bothers me is the Гай that 
the mechanics of the story аге w 
Fortunately for the author, one can 
t one саша learn 
ner elfort from. Mc 

learn mechanics 1 
mood. T predict a 

iter in Chiel 


Ken McCormick, 
Doubleday & Comp: 
New York, New York 

Your March interview with Marshall 
McLuhan was impressive, His theories 

@ 1963 эн. Schn Өтөт Се. Мами and ober ути с. 

120 years ago, it took Joseph Schlitz months 
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iding the commu media 
more olten. fascinat under- 
ndable-—but interviewer Eric Norden 
aged to ask him questions that. pro- 

voked some very nd the 

Cogent responses, 
ary of the media 
Anyone the 
am will thank 

result was а ludd sum 

sted in McLul 
you for publishing it 
Bruce Baker 

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 

For а periodical that has achieved nota 
ble success because of "hor". photographs, 

your publication of a splendidly "cool" 
interview. with Marshall McLuhan could 
be considered a pa atulations. 

Thank vou very much for the inter- 
view with Marshall McLuhan. Prayvsoy 
1 the dav before 1 was to write a 

ination for my college com- 
position clas, Included in our studies 

this term was the work of Marshall 
McLuhan, During the final exam, we 
were able ло use reference materials, The 

students, and especially the instructor. 

were surprised to sec, among my relerence 

citations, the March issue of PLAYBOY 
Terry W. Tihon 
Anamosa, Towi 

PLAYBOY S interview was 

ide ng collection of data 
The mountain quakes and out comes the 
Tittle mouselike revelations: So McLuhan 
joined the Roman Catholic Church, so 
McLuhan’s eldest son is becoming a 
literary critic. . .. 1 think FI join the 
Church and become a literary critic, 
icad of following the t m 
given in Understanding Media. 
Eric Bentley 
New York, New York 

iv n of thor 


Jan Kindler's personality sketch. Ely- 
sian Fields (ptAYuOY, March). was the 
most interesting aud enjoyable агае 
about a film or stage personality that 1 
have ever read. | n ainly 
that W. C F ar outrlasscd 
comedians of his time and will continue 
to do so as long as his filmy are viewed 
Although Fields died 22 years ago, his 
popularity is great aud seems to be 
increasing. | hope the sponsors of tele 
Y ike heed of "Fd rather be in 
Philadelphia" and "Who put pineapple 
juice in my р and pre 
ıt us with a special about the great 

Ost се 


elds other 


»capple juice? 

Fred Hahne 
Warren, Ohio 

of accolades should be 
besowed upon Jan Kiudler for en 
lightening the our idol, 
W. C. Fields. Without the comedy filins 

^ cornucop 

masses abou 

of Uncle Claude, this mundane sphere of 
ours would be barren, bleak and dank 
But amid all his presentalay popularity, 
old Willie is still being slighted. 1 urge 
every Fields fan 1o write his 
television stations and demand that they 
show more of his movies. Let us all lift a 

martini and drink à toast to the memory 
of the funniest man who ever lived: 
W. C. Fields, Pardon my redundancy. 

Andrew [aysnovitch 
W. C. Fields Fan Club 
South River, New Jersey 


My gratitude to PLAyboy for again 
exposing its readers to the thought 
provoking, mind-blowing experience of 
Avihur C. Clarke. His March article, 

Next—the Planets, was a masterpicce. 
Гапу Milo 
Manchester, Connection 

Arthur Clarkes article on the future 
promise of planetary exploration was 
most eloquent affirmation of the direc 
tion American space efforts ought to be 
taking. 1 say "ought" because it seems 
that NASA has no solid plans beyond 
the soontoex pire Apollo lunar. pic 


while the Russians, perhaps sensin 

simply 1 

bout the barren lunar sur 

beall and end-all of space exploration, 
ing concerted ellorts to get on to 

where the action is: the other planets in 

a human being 


s not the 

our solar system. 
Harold Stonc 
Chicago. Minois 
Arthur Clarke neglected to mention a 

speculation. perhaps more important. than 
the possibility of lile on Jupiter, That 
speculation is а hypothesis, first advanced 
by Russian astrophysicist Dr. 1, 5. Shklov 
sky. that one of the moons of Mars is of 
rüficial origin, In 1919, American 
omer B. P. Sharpless dereced what 
ners call a secular change in the orbit 
Phobos is less than 12 miles in diameter 



of Phobos, the nearer Martian moon. 

and circles Mars once every 7 hours, 39 
minutes at an altitude of а mere 3700 
miles. Sharpless noticed а very small but 
discernible acceleration in Phobos’ orbit, 
This spece-up is simply not assignable 10 
natural cause. unless, as Shklovsky 
supposes, the satellite is hollow (and 
therelore artificial). Hi 
dead, since it is rather quiet as а radio 

s also probably 

source, Shklovsky’s hypothesis may be 
playing ficant pint in the Soviet 
Union's continuing commitment to plan 
etary probes. Conlirmation of the hy- 
pothesis would certainly be а discovery 
without precedent, amd direct human 
study of Phobos might be comparable, 
in the level of excitement generated, 10 
turning Aristotle loose in the Sm 
nian. If Shklovsky is right and if the 


Johnny Carson. star cf NBC's “Tonight” Show 

Smirnoff makes the Blizzard howl. 
Smirnoff comes to the rescue of hum-drum summer drinking with the 
Smirnoff Blizzard: An avalanche of Smirnoff over packed ice. А. 
wag of lime. Then a frigid blast of Fresca? But unless you insist on Smirnoff, 
your Blizzard could fizzle into just another summer downpour. 

. * 
© nir по. you breathless. 

Photographed at the Jamaica Playboy Club-Hotel 

The wet-set is making waves in the 
Kings Road Collection. 

Out with trunks. In with swinging swimstuff. That's 
what’s making waves right now. In The-Men’s-Store. 

The truth of the matter is, we still have boxer-type 
swim trunks for guys who like to play it safe. 

But if you’d rather play it for style, we have 
the belted one-piece (looks like two) tank suit. The 
28-inch calf length Long John with belt. And the great 
John L. suit, belted and 17-invincible-inches long. 

The material is cool, fast-drying nylon. 

The colors are red, white and blue. And 
as for the prices, they’re each under $10. 

Add an extra long beach shirt in cotton 
Jersey, under $6. And join the swinging wet-set 
now. In The-Men’s-Store. 

P.S. Charge all your swimstuff on Sears 
Revolving Charge. 

When you want 
to see 
as well as you look 


—the serious sun- 
glasses. Many sunglasses are only 
dark glasses that shut out light. SUN- 
VOGUES filter out harmful infrared 
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Care professions and at finer stores. 
From eight to twenty-five dollars. 


The Serious Sunglasses 




Russians get there first, they might end 
up with the whole pie in a shorter time 
than we can imagine. 

Jerome Sullivan 
Dothan, Alabama 

In reading Arthur С. Clarke's lucid 
article, I took exception only to the 
superoptimistic editorial blurb that in- 
troduced Clarke's excellent account. The 
blurb began: “With conquest of the 
moon virtually accomplished. . . . 
е to be picayune, but in one 
clause of one sentence wis encompassed 
—by a ry of the New 
in the Ith Ce 
a thousand voyages of explo 
first, second and umpteenth labo: 
crossings of North and South Americ 
trepid explorers, and who knows how 

лу skirmishes and battles between and. 

mong competing great powers. 
Clarke protected himself with a few 
well-chosen, hedging remarks. But. your 
editors should be more tious. For 
Arthur C. Clarke: four stars. And for 
that blurb writer: one day on a black 

A. E. van Vogt 

Hollywood, Califor 
Van Vogt is the creator of such scifi 
s as “Slan” and "The World of 

Thank you for publishing Senator Jo- 

seph Tydings article, Americans and the 

Let's hope his 
aches our 

Gun, in your March issue. 
dear amd rational message т 
ators and Congressmen, so that strong 
gun-conuol legiskition—registration and 
licensing of all guns—will soon be passed. 

Karen Turnbull 

Lahaina, Hawaii 

Senator Tydings has clearly spelled 
out the issue 
statement of the facts—is thev 
the gun lobbyist imagines them. As for- 
mer commissioner of Internal Revenue 
1 proud to have played a part in 
з Control Act of 1968, 
with Tydings tremendous help. 
heldon $. Cohen 
Washington, D. C. 

ciate full well Senator Tydings 
frustrations over the defeat of 
eure that would have required 
of gun owners and the 
n of firearms. In October 1 
n work on a bill to control 
Il firearms in the state of 
After an extremely difficult 
«victorious in June 
1966, with the passage of that 
has been hailed as the best gun-control 
law in the Tt docs not appear 
likely, however, that many other states 
will overcome the pressure of the Na 
tional Rille Association and enact con- 
trols such as we have in New Jersey. This 

my office be 
the sile of 
New Jersey 
effort, we emer 

a law 


ig the case—i 
I have to с 

the public desires gun 
nd I believe it does—Congress 
ict a program of Federal 
licensing and registration. The concept 
of gun control is regulatory, not con- 
fiscatory. We believe that the sanest ap- 
proach to preventing gun crimes is to 
prevent guns from falling into the hands 
of undesirable persons. With all of the 
fear about crime and violence today, one 
would think that every American would 
be willing to bear the slight inconven- 
ience involved in a gun-control program. 
The proliferation of guns may not be 
desirable, but at least the law-abiding 
citizen who thought he needed a gun 
would know that he could get one legally, 
while those with the obvious propensity 
for crime and violence could not. If this 
society must have guns, then let us en- 
sure that only decent pcople can get 

Arthur J. Sills 



I consider myself a concerned and 
devoted. sportsman-hunter, like Senator 
Tydings. | am also а member of the 
condemned National Rifle Association. 
However, I agree with the Senator on 
the need for effective gun-control legis 
lation. Registration of firearms seems. to 
me and to other members I have spoken 
to, a reasonable answer. 

The good Senator says that no reg- 
istration fee would be charged. Мапу 
INew York sportsmen find this laughable. 
We were fed the same line last year in 
New York. Many of us supported the 
gun-registration bill—not realizing that 
the money-hungry administration would 
slap a registration fee on us. The fee 
is only three dollars, and this isn't bad. 
Tor the average gun owner. But for 
the collector, it is a real burden. There 
is now talk of gradually increasing the 
fee— perl per gun 
Looking to New York as an example, 
how can Senator Tydings expect support 
from a group of people being so tyran- 

ps to as much as S25 

Frank Joy 

; New York 

Tydings glosses over the importance of 
enforcing existing laws. I doubt 
ing another gainst breaking the law 
would be an effective solution to the 
crime problem. Gun control alone would 
probably have little effect on the increas- 
ing crime rate in the U.S. Permissive 
court decisions favoring the rights of the 
criminal over those of the victim do 
more damage. And the lack of law en 
forcement most assuredly is an important 
factor. How many unenforced laws did 
Sirhan Sirhan violate in Californi 
he used a concealed handgun to kill 
Senator Robert F. Kennedy? Two, three. 
five, ten? How much beter would 

E pass 



Like getting two tires in one. 

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Inside every fiberglass 
cord are over 3,000 fibers. 
In early fiberglass tires, 
these fibers rubbed a- 
gainst each other, weak- 
ened themselves. We 
found a way to add more 
protective coating. Result: 
Cord stays strong. 

The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. 1968. 


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the finest... 

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* Longines start at $75; Automatics 
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Seo them at your Franchised 
Longines-Wittnauer Jeweler, 




Since 1887 Makers of the Finest Wetche: 
Longines-Wittnauer Building, New York 

tit necessa) 


the situation be if two, three, five or ten 

onal unenforced laws were added 

to the existing body of unenforced laws. 

T am not gun nut. Г am not even a 
gun buff. I am just sick and tired of 
proliferating. ineffective and expensive 

overnmental controls. Let's kick this 
little-old-Tady hysteria. remove the crim 
inal from his privileged pedestal and 
preserve а touch of “live-and-let-live” for 
the law-abidi 

L D. Quill 
Camp Spr 

s. Maryland 

Your article on gun controls was the 
final impetus to set me doing something 
I've been meaning по do for a long tim 
Today 1 sent in my application to the 
National Rifle Association 
Robert W. Mausolf 
Salt Point, New York 

1 wish to thank you for publishing 
Gahan Wilson's March cartoon. feature. 
Overkill. Wilson's olfbeat humor is the 
first thing I look for in your magazine 
W. Scott Thornsley 
Harrisburg, Pennsylvan 

Gahan Wilson's Overkill transforms 
the cartoon into eloquent. trenchant so 
cial satire. His portrayal of the violence- 
loving American society is as revealing 
(and humorous) as it is frightening. 
Harry Agensky 
McGill University 
Montreal. Quebec 


C. Robert Jennings’ Cultwille U.S. А. 
in the March rtAYBoY was so penetrating 
wb convincing that any hopes I ever 
harbored about moving my family to the 
Golden State were shattered. E previously 
thought that the genuinely sick, schizo- 
phrenic lunatics in this country were 

those students who were demonstratin 
or protesting. or whatever, at our Uni- 
versity of Wisconsin. But after | 
of Californias pathetic psychopathic 
weirdos, practicers, Satanic 
Masses, Ката Sutra. posters, Mephisto- 
phelean beards, dirty-white loincloths, 
spontaneous prajna, Esoteric Qabalistic 
Astarianry and their 
and practices, I have firmly resolved to 
intelligent and normal 
family right here. 



Services. Vedanta. Zen, Sufism, 

ludicrous beliefs 
raise my sane, 

John Gueinzius 
Appleton, Wisconsin 

Do you realize that you are practically 
the first publication to even mention the 
existence of Sufis? There are more Sufis 
in the world than all other mystical 
groups presidents of 
both. Pakistan and India, not necessarily 
friendly toward each other, have both 
been involved in this movement, The 

combined. The 

country of Iraq, now in turmoil, was 

organized largely by Sufis. 

The fact that you have mentioned 
Sufism (and me) at all is to me so impor 
tant that I can overlook Jennings 
ing the field of medical diagnosis to say 
T wheeze when I talk. J do mot recall 
having wheezed once since infancy. I can 
also overlook Jennings saying that a 
beautiful blonde lady who was attracted 
то me was ап 


idhead. Did he пу 

Kissing her to find ош? This is а lan- 

stand. But mystics don't neces 
humor: We are far from being dualistic 
puritans, Thanks and God bless you. 
Samuel Lewis 
Sufi Ahmed Murad Christi 
Los Angeles, California 

lers of praynoy could under- 
rily decry 

ge re: 

d that а certain 

I was appalled to r 
bald-headed man claimed that I 
Satanist. | know that when onc is а 
public ligure, one's name is used without 
veracity by various groups to lend cre- 
dence to their causes; and generally, said 
causes are innocuous enough to require 
no rebuttal. However, being labeled a 
Satanist is а degrading accusation, as this 

am a 

cult represents the opposite of my belief. 
I want to state here that 1 have never 
considered being, nor ever 
would consider being, part of a Satanist 
cult. My bag is love, not hate 

Barbara McNair 

Los Angeles, California 

been, nor 

1 am saddened that Jennings failed 
to mention the Paratheo:Anametimys- 
tikhood of Eris Esoteric (POEE). About 
а decade ago. the goddess Eris revealed 
herself to the Keepers of the Sacred 
Chao (namely, Lord Omar Khayyam 
Ravenhurst and myself) and it that 
time, she explained tha 

not everybody 
would understand her glory at first 
glimpse. But she did not prepare me for 
the disappointment I encountered in 
Jennings’ article. Your hopefully inad- 
vertent omission of the world's first true 
religion has only succeeded in furth 
popular ignorance of the mos. profound 
metaphysical revelation to hit the holy 
market since the Bo Tree Episode. Please 
iake amends by printing this leer and 
disclosing that the world could not be so 
messed up without a reason. Somebody 
had to put all this confusion here. Her 
name is Eris (known to the Greeks as 
the goddess of strife and renamed Dis- 
by the Romans) and she did it 
because she likes it this way. Understand- 


ing this simple fact is absolutely all any- 
one has to understand about. anything. 
Don't let those Fanatic nuts mislead you. 
Just beware: Big Mother is watching 
Malaclypse the Younger. K. S. 
Omnibenevolent Polyfather 
of Virginity in Gold 
Fullerton, California 

When it’ time 
to stop playing 
a round. 

` In beer, going first class is MICHELOB.Period. 





n April of 1966, we took note in these 
I pages of the trend toward exotica in 
the naming of rock groups and predicted 
that future pop charts might well list 
such odd aggregations as Thom McAn 
nd the Loafers, Jack Daniels and the 
Four Roses or Judas and the Shekels. 
Fhe unchecked proliferation of rock 
groups in the three years since then, 
we're happy to report, has spawned a 
flock of names even farther out than 
those we conjured up. While this bizarre 
nomenclature initially seems to defy cate- 
gorization, exhaustive study reveals sever 
al common formulas for rubbing rock 
fans thc Onc of the most 
popular ploys is an appeal to infantilism 

ie., the subliminal suggestion that the 
item on sale is not merely a group of 
musicians bur also something good to 
chew, cuddle or suck. Hence, we have 
Bubble Puppy, Lollipop Shoppe, The 
Candymen, the Apple Pie Motherhood 
па. the Peanut Butter Conspiracy 
Peppermint Trolley Company. the M 
mallow Highway, the Chocolate Waich- 
band, the Cake, the 1910 Fruit Gum 
Company, Ultimate Spinach and. Vanilla 
Fudge. Other group names employ im. 
y reminiscent of childhood fables, such 
the Tuneful Trolly and the Wozud 
of Iz, Yet others try to capitalize on the en- 
during allure of the traveling side show: 
this tinsel-bedecked genre includes. Dr. 
West's Medicine Show and Junk Band, 
Circus. Maximus, Captain. Beefheart and 
his Magic Band and the Salvation 
Gypsy Carnival C; 

In stark. contrast to such lighthearted 
cognomens are the names used by those 
groups who elea to put on the establish- 
ment by seeming to represent it. Such 
ensembles include the National Gallery, 
the Corporate Body, the American Revo- 
lution, Mount Rushmore, Mother Love, 
Big Brother and the Holding Company, 
the Sound Investment, the Brooklyn 
Bridge, the Status. Cymbal, the Electric 
Flag. the GTA. (Chicago Transit Au- 
thority), the King James Version and even 
the United States of America. As о 
might expect, there is also a sizable cote 
of combos who prefer to advertise th 

right wa 




alienation and aberration: the Velvet 
Underground, the Deviants, the Petal 
Pushers and the Asylum Choir. Some. 
like the Churls, the Fugs and the Outlaw 
Blues Band, are manifestly bellicose in 
proclaiming their antiestablishmentarian- 
ism. Other groups, weary of earthly trib- 
ulation, are apparently looking forward 
to the new millennium: the Godz, the 
Act of Creation, the Mighty Redeemers, 
Salvation and Tomorrow 

Since not everyone is content 10 wait 
for divine deliverance, it's not surprising 
that mysticism, the occult and the vari 
ous symbols of offbeat religious lactions 
abo have prominent places in the rock 

‚ us the Sacred Mushroom, Nir- 
vana, the Druids of Stonehenge, the 
Devil's Anvil. the Prophets, the Pen- 
tangle and the Seventh Sons can at- 
test. Not all mystical quests end up in the 
stratosphere, however; others focus on the 
fertile soil of our planet, and groups such 
as Mother Earth, the Nitty Gritty Dirt 
Band and the Grateful Dead appear to 
be as groundbound as rock "n roll can 
get An even larger percentage of rock 
groups have followed the example of the 
Beatles by toremistically decl their 
affinity with particular animal species: 
the Tron Butterfly, the Moray Eels, RI 
noeros, the Yardbirds, the Elephants 
Memory, the Insect Trust, Steppenwolf 
and Serpent Power, among many others. 
Some especially antisocial assemblages, 
such as Pearls Before Swine, even go 
far as to hang the animal imagery on 
their potential patrons. A few vegetar 
groups eschew animals entirely in favor 
of plants, especially those with 
the Gi 

p powers: 

flower. the Swamp Seeds, Morn 
the Flower Pot Men and the Grass 

While rock groups depend on audible 

auli to move their audiences, 
few aggregations of this post- 
age whose names—such as the 
t Edition, the Graffiti and Rainbow 
Press—emphasize the reluctance of print 
culture to roll over and play dead. One 
group has even seen fit to use as their 
own, in lolo and without modification, 

or visual sti 
there are 

the name of author Н. Р. Lovec 
And there's а separate stratum of groups 
whose appellations have been culled 
from the vocabulary of William Bur- 
roughs; foremost among them are Canned 
Heat and the Soft Machine. 

In light of our 1966 predictions and 
the subsequent avalanche of even more 
improbable group names, wed т 
not risk predicting the top rock attrac- 
tions of 1970. It seems safe to say, how. 
ever, that the basic formulas will not 
change substantially; indeed, they seem 
to have been handed down intact from 
the ancients, who organized such weirdly 
named musical groups as the Ink Spots, 
the Cliquot Club Eskimos, Harry Horlick 
and the AXP Gypsies, Fred Waring and 
His Pennsylvanians and Phil Spitalny 
and His All-Girl Orchestra 


To Whom It May Concern: RCA has 
developed а kind of intra-uterine carly- 
warning system for ladies who don't 
want babies. It’s a contraceptive coil, with 
electronic components built in, that re- 
sponds to the waves of a nearby tr 
miter by resonating and giving off a 
signal of its own. When in proper posi- 
tion, the coil broadcasts an electronic all 
clear; if it's dislodged or misshapen, 
however, the wireless operator gets an 
electromagnetic 5 О S. The от rec- 
ommends monthly checkups; but to be 
completely secure, the cautious swain 
ıt be well advised to have one of the 
transmitters built into his mattress and 
the receiver hooked up 10 a siren. Or 
better yet, have her take a pill 


Unewrthir able treasure chest, 
the Chicago Tribune reports that "Cus- 
toms ollicials at Djakarta's Kemayora 
rport became suspicious of а woman 
because of the extraordinary size of her 
bust. In fact, she was so top heavy she 
tattered when she walked. They searched 
her and found 62 pounds of gold hidde 
in her bra. She was held for smuggling. 

Herb Caen notes in his Sam Francis- 
co Chronicle column that “Target Smut, 
ап antismut film made by а Los Angeles 




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for 174 years. 



Jim Beam. 
World's finest Bourbon since 1795. 


‘dean literature’ group, has been banned 
in Minneapolis as too smutty for audi- 
ences the 

rably subjective item on the 
chair, the London Tim 

Lewis, the poet laur 
to nominate Roy Fuller, the much re- 
spected poet . . . whose recent slimy 
volume New Pocms was received with 
something approaching rapture.” 

the question 
fornia’s Piece 

asked by neon signs for Ca 
О' Pizza chain. 

The Boston. Globe vecently published 
a recipe for French dressing that was 
omitted somehow from the Alice B. Tok- 
Jas cookbook; among other ingredients, 
it called for "V, cup acid." 

Sexual Revolution, Department of 
Motor Vehicle An ad in the Florida 
Ste University student newspaper of 
fered for sale a “1965 Honda 50. el- 
lent running condition—just overhauled. 
Must sell —I'm. preg (You meet the 
nicest people on a Honda.)" 

The last word on equality for women 
comes to us from Ontario, where Mrs. 
ava Sabia, alderwoman and outspoken 
mpion of women's rights, told the 
Federation of Women Teachers Assoc 
ing comes out of the Roy 
sion on the Status of Wi 
ray to God and hope She will 

al Comm 
then lei 
help us 

The following graffito was spotted in 
а New York subway station scrawled— 
perhaps by the dirty old man fom Lang 
In—on an ad for the film Chitty Chitty 

Department of Jurisprudence, Evolu- 
tion Division: An article in The Phila- 
delphia Inquirer read, in part: "Under 
challenge was а aw which 
forbids teaching ankind ascended 
or de fi - 



ly next fall, then rule whether 
such а man is constitutional." 

imes seen in the window 
t board: WE HONOR 

Sign of the 
of a Chicago d 

That Ought to Teach "Em: Until 175 
years ago in England. anybody convicted 
of attempting suicide was hanged. 

We applaud the candor of the frustrat- 
cd fellow who placed the following ad in 
the Bartlesville, Oklahon Examiner- 
Enterprise: “Part—full ti I need three 


Do it. Take off down the road to Freedom. 
Alone. Or with someone else who wants to go 
someplace else as much as you do. 

Suzuki can take you there. 

Eight new sportcycles. Eight new ways to 
get you where you're going, fast. 

Take a look at our Т-50011 Titan. A top 
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High-speed red-lined tires. Colors that jump. 
amous Dual-Stroke 
speedo /tach panel. 
d more. A lot more. And of course, 
the Suzuki 12 month /12,000 mile Warranty 
for added protection. 

The Suzuki Titan. Big, fast, stable, powerful. 
Get on it. It's the most exciting 
new form of expression 5 
you'll find. A 



for a man's cologne end 

with Numero Uno: 

In all the world there are only four basic 
masculine scents. With the Searcher Kit; you get the best 
of each—all different, all wild. 

‘Try all four. Then get a full-sized bottle of the one 
that makes itfor you. 

(€) Le Mans Inc. 1969 

girls who will to replace three girls who 
won't Call Mr. Vermillion, Room D.” 

Unnecessary Footnotes Department: 
On Route 17 between New Bern and 
Jacksonville, North Carolina, а sign 
stuck in a field prodaimed, UNITED kiss 
PAL—PUnG  wrrcowr. Underneath, 
squeezed in as an afterthought, were the 
words wire ONLY 

A men's outfitic 
is apily off 
the Man Who Has Everyili 

Greenwich Village 


Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista in- 
sisted that Fidel Castro was dead and 
that his guerrilla force in the Sierra 
Maestra. had heen wiped out. But in 
Herbert Matthews of 
Times published an in- 
terview with Castro, He was not only 
alive and well but quite for lable, as 
Senor Batista w soon to discover. 
Matthews has visited Cuba and Castro 
often since then, and he has г widely 
about the Cuban Revolution. In Fidel 
imon & Schuster), he ha 
a history and analysis of that revo- 
lution and a study of the complicated 
man responsible for initiating and sus- 
taining it. An experienced, empirical 
ist—he was 57 when he met the 
-old Castro—Mauthews is no prop- 
agandis He docs not attempt 10 еш 
phemize the absence of [ree speech and 
a free press astro’s Cuba, nor does 
he agree with all the works of the revo- 
lution. On the other band, Matthews 
makes dear what the | fts of the 
revolution have been to the mass of 
Cubans and rebus several prevailing 


The country 1 
Communist, for example, but it is Cas- 
по who remains in charge; as both the 
Russians and the Chinese have found 
out, Cuban communism is bristlingly na 
Hionalistic, exploratory and self-defining 
To consider Castro а pawn of 
misconception of the man 
revolution that, Matthews feels, cannot 
be reversed, no matter what happens to 
Castro. It is deeply rooted in Cuba not 
because the masses have become ardent 
MarxiscLet ists but because. this ha: 
been а radic 
the most rem 
ing the odd 
more than 

mmunist bloc shows a funds 

social revolution, one of 
rkable in history, consider 
: Castro never һай 
is before coming 
9: and his worst 
enemy, the most powerful nation on 
earth, is only 90 miles away. This is a 
lucid guide to Castro’s decade; and, along 
with Lee Lockwood's 1967 book. Castro's 
Cuba, Cuba's Fidel, it is essential reading, 
for those who would understand this 


(Pronounced Do-ers “White Label") 


HOME: Malibu, California 

AGE: 39 

PROFESSION: Lawyer, writer, entrepreneur. 
HOBBIES: Painting, writing screen plays. 

Factory into being, Hollywood's discothéque for 
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QUOTE: “Frankly, Е hate the snobbery and the 
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might as well play as best you can.” 

PROFILE: Confident, successful, but still 
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singular man and the portents of his 
revolution for the rest of Latin America 
—and for the United States. 

n Genet, so the story goes, wrote 
his first and perhaps greatest novel, Our 
Lady of the Flowers, on brown paper 
supplied p inmates in France to 
make b: i ” time, His latest 
book to be published here, actually 
written 25 years ago, Funeral Rites (Grove). 
ems to have been inscribed on a flim- 
пасс. Genet's usually powerful 
combination of intense homosexual- 
inal gossip, exacerbated Catholic 
nd existential 
set forth in a poetic rhetoric that never 
loses touch with a weird psychological 
truth—somehow doesn’t ignite in u 
novel. Ostensibly а lament оте 
death of а young lover killed fight 
the Resistance battle for Paris, it is v 
an exploration of power 
fold corruptions and betra 
ic world of the prison—magical at 
least in Genet's imagination—has here 
been replaced by the very real world of 
rench polit nch patriots of 
s were united in 
Genets hangup with bourgeois hypoc- 
risy leads him into elaborately absurd 
ellorts to shock his countrymen by de- 
picting Joan of Arc (symbolically, 
Charles de Gaulle) as a bedraggled slut 
and by hailing Hitler the master 
queer who gets his kicks by sending 
handsome young men to the slaughter, 
What is often intriguing in Genet sud- 
denly becomes callous and, more fatally, 

йу, such ty of Nazi 
power and its criminal abuses, cannot be 
fitted into Genet's p юп of the 
tortured dialectic between brute strength 
and compliant passivity. Funeral Riles 
was written in 1944, in the heat of the 
moment; by 1958, when he completed 
his play The Blacky, Genet had found a 
way to deal with a highly charged politi 
al question that was moving and true 10 
both himself and histo 

The Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson (Knopl), 
according to historian Eric Goldman, is 
that of “the strong man overwhelmed 
by fores from within and without” 
Goldman ought to know. He spent 
ee years in the White House 
llectual in residence, а 
position that seems to have yielded few 
rewards beyond the material һе col- 
fe with L.B. J. 
was always chaotic and 
sometimes humiliating. Goldman is not 
ely clear as to which forces from 
in finally defeated the President. 
it his mania for secrecy? His sus- 
verging on paranoia, of all criti- 

cism, even when it was friendly and 

constructive? His spread-eagle patriot- 
ism, which caused him to leap before he 

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looked wherever some small. benighted 
fronted the American flag (in 
n the Dominican Republic, in 
Vietnam)? Mainly, Goldman seems to be 
ying, it was L. B.J.'s failure to under- 
stand the manners and motivations of 
Metroamericins,” Goldman's compound 
ge for that rising class of suburban- 
ites who cherish style, status and the 
memory of John Е. Kennedy. The Metro- 
american, he s “liberal without 
ideology . . . flexible. р ic and a 
devotee of the ironic edg The ill- 
starred. White House Festival of the Arts, 
which Goldman organized, was in ta 
device to enthrall Metroamerici. Begin- 
ning as а pseudo event, it grew into an 
unmitigated disaster when Robert. Low- 
ell refused а White House invitation on 
the grounds that his presence would im- 
ply an endorsement of the war in Viet- 
nam. Other luminaries followed suit. and 
some of those who showed up circulated 
antiwar petitions. The futility of thc 
festival seems symbolic, Despite his loyal- 
ty and forbearance—until the pul 
поп of this book-—Goldman himself 
never won the President's confidence. 
L. В. J's suspicion of Eastern intellectu- 
als was lodged deep in his Texas heart. 
These people.” he kept muttering 
“What do they want from me?” He never 
found out. 

idelman, a self-confessed failure as a 
painter, came to Italy to prepare a criti- 
cd study of Giono. .. ." Thus begins 
Pictures of Fidelman (Farrar, Straus & Gi- 
roux). Fidelman, born in the Bronx, 
ing a pair of oxblood shocs. o: 
much to an archetypal sister by the n 
of Bessie, come pilgrim, expe 
у and defeat, undergoes metamot 
phosis, gives up art and emerges the mas- 
terpiece of his creator. Bernard Malamud. 
An Exhibition. the subtitle, is perfect for 
this work, а portion of which has illum 
nated PLAYBOY'S pages. It doesn't have the 
construction that а novel is supposed to 
have but is, rather, a series of vivid fres 
coes. Part real. part allegorical, the ex- 
hibition depicts. man—Fidel-man. the 
thful one—who begins his pilgrimage 
{айу pure in heart and ends blasted and 
betrayed, but still faithful in his fashion. 
During the journey. Fidelman learns 
humility through Shimon Susskind, а con- 
stipated prophet who sells religi 

trinkets in Roman. plazas and embodies 
more Giotto in a shrug than 
manages to incorporate into his entire 
manuscript. Everybody puts Fidelman 
down—an Italian girl painter with whom 
he lives and sometimes loves: pimps and 
prostitutes; the public 
himself, who knows in hi: 





comes to the т g in art. he is a 
schlimazel. Malamud. however, is the 
real thing. To take one's gilt to the 
borders of the possible, and then beyond, 

courting absurdity in the abstractions of 
the spirit, is a risk few dare to take. 

Malamud dares, And here he succeeds 
Hilariowsly funny. colorful as Chagall. 
sad as history. profound as art, and al 

s with irs tenacious roots decp in 
Jewish soil, Pictures of Fidelman fulfills 
ihe dream of every artist: by his art, to 
transform man into myth, 

There have been many bad novels 
about Hollywood. but Ray Russell's The 
Colony (Sherbourne) is not one of them. 
A bristly black comedy of the movie biz, 
it is, by turns, funny, erotic, tragic and 
macabre. Although Russell denies that 
the novel is autobiographical, he cannot 
deny that it is about an es 
editor from Chicago who defects to Hol- 
lywood to pursue a writing carcer and 
that its author ine editor 
Гот Chicago—rtaysoy's former Ex. 
ecutive itor, as а matter ol fact— 
who defected to Hollywood for the same 
purpose. It is a reasonable assump 
that the book is based, at least in part, 
on personal experience, and truth is 
proverbially stranger than fiction. Con 
structed like a mosaic, of many colorful 
tesserae, the book tells not one могу 
but several: that of Rudy Smith, for 
example, who harbors а vendetta against 
a Rolls-Royce; of Robin Craig, а super- 
star bizarrely done in by a vengeful 
woman; of Lovey Dovey, the beautiful, 
bed-hopping young actress who rises 
from total obscurity to stardom in the 
course of the book 
and resilience make her one of the novel's 
able and engaging characters 
ny other dram personae populate 
the novel, and though some of them 
come dangerously close to being stock 
types, they are saved from this fate by 
Russell's unflagging humor and 20-20 in 
sights. Several chapters first appeared, in 
somewhat dillerent form, in rLAvnov. 

nd whose frankness 

Somewhere between pulp and Proust, 
in the transient land. of Bestsellerdom, 
there's a 5100.000 gold mine. It belongs 
10 Mario Риго. who has hit the mother 

lode on his third novel, The Godfather 

(Putnam), a swift, sure narrative about 

rise, fall amd recovery of а Mafia 
ily in New York. In one blow, the 
book establishes Puzo 
a caliber big shot, 
MacInnes and 
who are тоо good to be put down but 
not good enough 10 be put up for the 
National Book Award. Puzo's talent is 
for pacing aud authenticity. Assembling, 
a cast of characters as large as Cosa 
Nostra informer Joe Valachi's (several, in 
fact, хе s) he leads them 
through labyrinthine intrigues. lucrative 
rackets and bloody wars, without pausing 
for breath. No matter that the characters 
(including a popular male singer who 
loses his voice, wins the Academy Award 

sa pexonovante, 
ng with Helen 


outright ste 


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The Uniroyal Masters seem almost too 
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and goes on to become а producer) never 
quite make it off the printed page. Nev- 
er mind that the godfather himself, Don 
Vito Corleone—a combination of the 
more warmly remembered qualities of 
Vito Genovese and Joe Profaci, the olive 
oil king of Brooklyn—comes across as 
а man whose persuasive reasonableness 
1 probity might be favorably compared 
with the nine Justices of the U.S. Su 
preme Court, Be grateful that Puzo is 
dy knowledgeable about the workings 
of the Ma d writes of his conspirators 
con spirito. 

One day Jast August, а Democratic 
county chairman in Pennsylvania called 
up the alorementioned best-selling author 
James Michener and asked if he would 
ike to be a Presidential elector from th 
state. When Michener апуу 
he ked on an eye-opening joum: 
into an electoral wonderland, a politic 
delic trip that has left him convinced tha 
the American method of electing Presi 
dents is a “time bomb lodged. near the 

of the nation.” In Presidential Lottery 
dom House), Michener combines his 
personal experience as а member of the 
archaic elecioral college with a histori 
cal overview to produce a surprisingly 
fascin 8 report on 
the complex subject of electoral reform. 
Members of the electoral college, selecied 
by aonyism or chance and legally free to 
cast their vores for whomever they wish, 
regardless of how the people of their 
маке vote, have the capabilities of turning 
any close election into a horse-trading 
shambles. The system of passing the deci 
sion to the House of Representatives il 
no candidate wins the majority of the 
ges votes—the upshot that Georg 
Wallace so desperately hoped for list 
November—holds the potential for a 
host of unpredictable possibilities. It w 
quite possible last November, for exam 
ple, by a series of adroit moves, for 
Muskie or Rockefeller (or even. Miche 
ner, for that matter) to have wound up 
as Chief Executive. Michener surveys al- 
tern, might defuse the 
electoral time bomb—such as cha 
the w take-all aspect of state-by-state 
voting to а form of proportional weight 
ing. or instituting a direct popular vote 
for the Presidency. His personalized han. 

ting and disqui 



ive syste 


dling of this usually dry subject brings 
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Diary of а Rapist), prize-winning stories 
and curiosities such as Notes from a Bol- 
tle Found on the Beach at Carmel, а sort 

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maa same | 

of Zen incrustation of thoughts and quo 
tations. and / Am a Lover, an effulgently 
romantic collectable item saved from 
creamy saccharinity by the author's astrin 
gent wit. Now, with a most impromising 
subject. Connell has come up with his 
most succesful novel, Me. Bridge (Knopl). 
which tells the other side of the story in 
his first. book, the wry and touching his 
tory of Mrs, Bridge's husband. Again. he 
uses the mosaic method.—rapidly accumu 
lating vignettes that masterfully surround 
the subject. the hero and the world, With 
admirable contol he ans the comic cpi 
sodes just short of the stylish punch line. 
and therefore aces out the reader. [t's a 
peculiar and idiosyneratic technique but 
more important, an absolutely appropri 
ше one. An unlikely sympathy for Mr 
Bridge is the styles secret weapon. If 
Connell insisted on his fondness. the read 
er would hate Mr. Bridge: but what he 
does not ask is therefore freely given. The 

reminder that hu exists in odd 

у one, and the reader's 
discovery that he shares. this recognition 
is one of the deep and disturbing satisfac- 
tions of this book. Besides, there is no 
better recent text about what it was like 
to own stocks dislike Jews, fret about 
bohemians, noncommunicate with chil- 
dren, practice law in a small town, resent 
the big ctv, distrust foreigners, repres 
sexuality. buy property and fret about the 
neighborhood. ignore history and own the 
world in the ше Thirties and early For 
ties. In other words, Connell's Mr. Bridge 
is а brilliant dissection of the quintesse 
tial small-town WASP—performed under 
the light of high art, with irony, insight 
and a bleak pity 

places is a nevess 

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ndards, he strikes while his 

ire is hot. The book's only minor fault 

w dearth of sighraecing: infor 
mation, which Fielding apparently feels 
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digger): 2 oz. sold atone SOG 

Color-mated to glasses, napkins say 
"Smooth Sailing.” $400 
Five packages of 40 each 1 
New tall, slender shape for serving 
Collinses and coolers. $295 
Set of 8 glasses (127-02. size) 3 
Print your name and address. Order tems desired 
by letter and send check or money order to: 
Dept. 69P 
Southern Comfort Corp. 
P.O. Box 12430 
St. Louis, Mo. 63132 
Prices include shipping costs. 
Offer void in Georgia, New Hampshire, 
Tennessee, Texas, and Canada. 


\ SABPy. 

how to be a great 

happy hour 

from an expert's 
point of view 

An inside look at what top bartenders do! 

There’s no more enjoyable hobby than girl-watching 

... and no better time for pursuing it than the Happy 

Hour. The observant host knows the Happy Hour is at its 

best when favorite drinks are expertly mixed. So read this 
new barguide carefully. It will make mixing time far happier! 

This guide shows you how to mix luscious tall coolers and smooth 
cocktails . . . the way they make them at famous hotels and restaurants. 
It has easy-to-follow recipes for well-known drinks made with all 
of the popular basic liquors: Bourbon, Scotch, gin, vodka, rum, 
Southern Comfort. There’s more to mixing than meets the eye. But 
once you learn the basic principle of drink mixing, you'll even be 
able to improve many drinks. Just remember this: (1) Most drinks are 
based on a single liquor: (2) other ingredients are added to enhance 
that base. (3) But, no matter what you add . . . the taste of the basic 
liquor srill comes through! Because this is so, it’s easy for you to 
improve a wide variety of drinks . . . 

Just learn the experts' secret for improving drinks 

Knowledgeable barmen simply "switch" the basic liquor called for 
in the recipe . . . to one with a more satisfying taste. A perfect example 
is their use of Southern Comfort instead of ordinary liquor as a 
smoother, tastier base for Manhattans, Old-Fashioneds, Sours, etc. 
The same switch improves the taste of tall drinks like the Collins 
and Tonic, too. The difference, of course, is in the unique flavor of 
Southern Comfort. It adds a deliciousness no other basic liquor can. 
Mix опе of these drinks the usual way; then mix the same drink with 
Southern Comfort. Compare them. The improvement is remarkable. 
But to understand why this is true, make the taste test in this guide. 


Ш -—— . 

Tips for better drinks 

Don't quess: Measure! Thc 
best drinks are made by exact 
measurements of the finest 
ingredients, Basic measures are 
pony = I oz.; jigger = 1% oz. 
dash — 4 to 6 drops. 

Shake or stir? In general, stir 
drinks made with clear liquors. 
Shake those with hard-to-blend 
ingredients like fruit juice. For a 
“frothy collar,” add а tablespoon 
egg white before shaking. 

Ice is important! Always use 
freshly made ice. Change for cach 
round, and don't skimp. Nothing's 
worse than a lukewarm cold drink. 
For best results, buy packaged 
ice. It's free of chemicals, air 
bubbles, impurities. It's crystal 
clear. slower melting. Makes 
drinks taste and look better. 

What is Southern Comfort? 

Although it's used like an ordinary 
whiskey, Southern Comfort tastes 
much different than any other basic 
liquor. It actually tastes good. right 
out of the bottle! And there's a 
reason. In the days of old New 
Orleans, one talented gentleman was 
disturbed by the taste of even the 
finest whiskeys of his day. So he 
combined rare and delicious ingredi- 
ents, to create this superb. unusually 
smooth, special kind of basic liquor. 
Thus Southern Comfort was born! 
Its formula is still a family secret . . . 
its delicious taste still unmatched by 
any other liquor, Try it on-the-rocks 
~~» then you'll understand why it 
improves most mixed drinks, too. 

You furnish the liquor 
and friends ; we furnish 
everything else . . . 




Large (12°x18") Пар of gay blue 
and red on white cloth. Fly it 
outside the house or at the bar— 
to greet Happy Hour guests. 
(Pole and cord not included.) 


Tells friends: "You are invited 
the Happy Hour flag will be 

fying at (you write in time and 

place)" Flag decor. Personal 

note size ; envelopes included, 


Quality cocktail napkins with 
Happy Hour fag. They give 
drinks а decorative note, add to 
atmosphere, as guests mingle. 


for just 


Print name and address. 
Send check or money order to 

Dept SHP Happy Hour Enterprises 
P. O. Box IMR, 
St. Louis, Mo. 63132 

Price includes shipping costs. 

Offer void in Canada and in any 
state where prohibited by law 


Make this simple "on-the-rocks" test 

Your choice of a basic liquor influences 
the taste of any drink vou mix. Prove it to 
yourself with this test . . . and learn the 
real secret of making better drinks. Fill 
three short glasses with cracked ice. Pour 
jigger of Scotch or Bourbon into one, a 
ger of gin into another, and a jigger of 
Southern Comfort into the third, Then. . . 

First — sip the whiskey, then the gin. Now do the same with Southern 
Comfort. Sip іг, and you've found a completely different basic liquor 

one that actually tastes good with nothing added. No wonder so 
many experts use it instead of the conventional whiskey called for in 
many recipes . . . this “switch” improves most drinks tremendously. 

Incidentally, on-the-rocks is among the most popular ways to drink 
all liquors today. Southern Comfort is at its best this way (add twist 
of lemon peel). It has a deliciousness no other liquor can match. 

But the amazing thing about Southern Comfort is its mixing ability. 
It improves not only drinks traditionally made with whiskey, but even 
tall coolers usually using gin, vodka, etc. This guide shows you how 
to mix many drinks both w: Select one. Compare both recipes. 
See how Southern Comfort gives the same drink a far better taste. 

First, try the best — and easiest - of all Collinses 

Comfort Ct 

Cool companion of champion girl-gazers 
at Hotel Fontainebleau, Miami Beach 

Try it See how а simple switch in basic liquors makes 
this the best-tasling, easiest-to-mix Collins by far. 

Jigger (1% oz.) Southern Comfort: juice % lime-7-UP. 

Мих Southern. Comfort and lime juice in a tall glass. 
Add ice cubes and fill with 7-UP. Its delicious! 

* Southern Comfort® 

See-worthy mate of skippers who land 
at Anthony's Pier 4, Boston 

Tall. smooth. and ternfic! Make it with Southern 
Comfort. and you'll hoist the best tonic drink of all 

1 pigger (1% 02) Southern Comfort 
Juice, tind ‘á lime (optional) • Quinine water (tonic) 

Squeeze lime over ice cubes in tall glass. add rind. 
Pour in Southern Comfort: fill with tonic and sur. 

"Southern Comfort® 

Play it cool with Happy Hour drinks like these! 


Juice, nnd % lime • 1 jigger gin + Quinine water (tonic) 

Squeeze lime over ice cubes in a tall glass and add 
rind. Pour in gin; fill with tonic and stir 

1 tspn. sugar - % jigger fresh lemon juice 

4 1 jigger (1% oz) gin + sparkling water 

= Use tall glass; dissolve sugar in juice: add ice 

cubes and gin. Fill with sparkling water. Sur. 
John Collins: Use Bourbon or rye instead ol gin 

Juice, rind % lime + 1 jigger light rum + cola 

Squeeze lime over ice cubes in a tall glass 
Add rind and rum. Fill with cola and stir. 

Instead of rum, see what а comlor S. C. is to cola. 


As served at EI Mirador Hilton, Palm Springs 

1 jigger (1% ог.) Southern Comfort 
Schweppes Bitter Lemon 

Pour Southern Comfort over ice cubes in 
à tall glass. Fill with Bitter Lemon and sur. 


Juice of ' lemon - juice of % orange 
4 dashes Curacao - 1 jigger (1% ог.) Jamaica rum 

Shake: pour into tall glass filled with cracked 
Ice; sur. Decorate with fruit; add straws. 

1 jigger (1% oz.) Bourbon or rye 

% jigger fresh lemon juice + 1 tspn. sugar 

Shake with cracked ice: strain into glass. 

Add orange slice on rim of glass and a cherry. ў 

The smoother Sour, as mixed at Hotel Mark Hopkins, San Francisco 

Comfort Julep 

Eyed with pleasure when they gather 
at the Brown Hotel. Louisville 

Here are the perfect measurements for the perfected 
julep, as mixed in the city where juleps were born 
4 sprigs mint + dash water „ 2 oz. Southern Comfort 

Use a tall glass; crush mint in water. Pack with 
cracked ice; pour in S.C. and sur until frosted. 

Bourbon julep- Add 1 tspn. sugar to mint, Bourbon replaces S. C. 

* Southern Comfort* 

Perfect measurements for swinging favorites! 

2 jiggers tomato juice + 1 jigger (1% oz.) vodka 
¥ jigger fresh lemon juice 
Dash of Worcestershire sauce 
Salt. pepper to taste. Shake with cracked ice 

until chilled, and strain into 6-02. glass. 


1 jigger (1% oz.) white Cuervo tequila 
¥ oz Triple Sec- 1 oz fresh lime or lemon juice 

Moisten cocktail glass rim with fruit rind: spin 

1 1 nm in salt. Shake ingredients with cracked 
ice. Stram into glass. Sip over salted rim. 

1 jigger (1% oz) vodka - orange juice 
Put ice cubes into a 6-oz. glass. Add vodka; 
fill with orange juice and stir. 

А new twist: Use Southern Comtor instead of vodka. 

Т jigger gin • juice. rind У lime - sparkling water 

Squeeze lime over ice cubes in 8-02. glass. 
Add rind. gin: fill with sparkling water; stir. 

To really “rev up" а nckey, use Southern Color instead of gn. 


Jigger Bourbon or rye • % oz. sweet vermouth 
Dash of Angostura bitters (optional) 

Stir with cracked ice and strain; add cherry. 
Dry Manhattan, Use dry vermouth and a twist af lemon peel. 
Rab Roy (Scorch Manhattan): 1% cz Scotch % oz sweer 
vermouth, bitters; mix as above. Serve with a twist ol lemon peel. 

Improved recipe used at The Mayflower's Town & Country Room, Washington, D.C. 


Bikini-watchers' delight at Sheraton's 
Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Honolulu 

Natch this exotic drink become your great summer love ! 
It's the most refreshing cooler under the sur 

Juice % lime» 172 ог. Southern Comforts pineapple juice 
Pack tall glass with crushed ice. Add lime juice and 

Southern Comfort. Fill with pineapple juice. stir 

*Southern Comfort" 

Easily mixed drinks for guys and their dolls... 

4 parts gin or vodka + 1 part dry vermouth 

Sur with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass. 
Serve with a green olive or twist of lemon peel. 

For a Gibson. use 5 parts gin to 1 pant vermouth, serve with pearl onion. 


This famous drink's as intriguing as its namesake 

1 figger (1% oz.) Southern Comfort - juice % fresh lime 
1 jigger Ocean Spray cranberry juice cocktail 

Shake with cracked ice and strain into cocktail glass. 

A favorite at the Hotels Ambassador. Chicago 

Dash Angostura bitters - ¥ oz. sparkling water 

М tspr. sugar (optional) • 1 jigger Southern Comfort 
Sur bitters. sugar. water in glass; add ice cubes. S.C. 
Top with twist of lernon peel. orange slice. and cherry. 

Regular Old Fashioned. Str 1 tspn. sugar with water and bitters, 
and replace Southern Comfon with Bourbon or rye. 

Juice % lime or % lemon < 1 tspn. sugar 
1 jigger (1% oz.) light rum 

Shake with cracked ice until the shaker 
frosts. Strain into cocktail glass. 

То gwe your Üaiqum а new accent, use Southern 
Comfort instead of rum, only У tspn. sugar. 


4 parts gin or vodka 
1 part Rose's sweetened lime juice 

Shake with cracked ice: strain into glass. 


% oz. fresh cream 

% oz. creme de cacao 

1 pgger (1% oz.) Southern Comfort 
Or gin or brandy 

Shake with cracked ice and strain. 


% ог. fresh cream 
1 oz white creme de cacao 
1 oz. green creme de menthe 

Shake with cracked ice or mix in 
electric blender. strain into glass. 

That's all, men... now watch yourself 
become the best mixer in your crowd! 

Want to join the American Society of Girl Watchers? 

To get complete Girl Watcher's Membership Kit—lapel emblem, wallet 
card, and 96 -раде Girl Watcher s Guide —send your name and address 
with 52.50 to: ASGW. 250 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10001. 

accommodations, Let's Go also offers ап 
excellent list of inexpensive, friendly 
hotels. The book's prime asset is its night- 
life coverage, for ıd kids drift into 
Е! looking as do most 
young Americans—for informal evening 
action. Regardless of how much bread you 
have to spend. if you're young, Let's Go 
is worth a long look. 

Fodor's Guide to Europe (McKay), the 
heart of Eugene Fodor's travel-publishing 
empire, unfortunately has no soul: Em 
ploying 140 "area specialists" as contrib 
wors, Fodor edits their copy into leaden 
prose even weightier than the 1045-page 
book. But if Fodor is а yawn to read, he 
does see fit to supply the reader with 
more comprehensive sightseeing informa 
tion than anyone else in the European- 

lebook game today. And unlike his 
competitors, Fodor covers eastern. Europe 
in detail. 

Aboard ond Abroad: Olson's Complete Travel 
Guide to Evrope (Lippincott) is an amiably 
written. useful guide to the Continents 
pleasures. Harvey Olson is far from com- 
ive in his touring information 
^d unspecific as to which hotels and 
restaurants in his lists are the best to 
patronize. Yet, the. volume (now in its 
13th revised edition) is the most literate 
of popular guidebooks. and Olson's chap- 
ters on suggested itineraries. travel hints 
and wines make it worth the 57.95 price 




For a number of years, former Univer- 
sity of Chicago prexy Robert Maynard 
Hutchins (now head of California's Cen- 
ter for the Study of Democratic Institu 
tions) has amused himself and befuddled 
the more gullible members of his lecture 

audiences by expounding on the imagi- 
пагу Ше and work of one Alexander 
Zuckerkandl, M.D. Ph.D. The lecture 

is a wickedly straight-faced puton of all 
the philosophical dissertations ever con 
ceived to befog the mind of man. Lest 
Hutchins’ scholarly joke be lost to pos- 
terity, а taped version of it was lifted out 
of the think tank and cut down to size 
as the basis for a whimsical animated 
film short by the team of John and 

Faith Hubley. Under the sime tinle, 
Zuckerkend (Grove). the text has now 
been pressed between hard and soft 
covers, along with the Hubleys' witty illus- 

trations, and makes wonderful nonsense 
из a kind of children's book for апу 
postgrad grownup who has а tongue 
in his check 

According 1o Hutchins, 

he first encountered the great. Zucker- 
kind! behind goatee in Baden- 
Baden, learned that he was a onetime 

student of 
ing without guilt 
Zuckerkandlism, which me: 
little as posible. 
must avoid questions of conscience and 
such outdated concepts as the doctrine of 

Freud and a native ol thc 
age of Adi (populated by a 
rdy breed known as Adlescenis). Liv 
s ihe stated goal of 

the perfect gift for Father's Day, June 15th 


if she doesn't 
give itto you, 
get it yourself! 

Jade East Atler Shave from $3.00. Cologne ftom $3 50; and а complete collection of masculine grooming escon- 
tials, As an alferrate fragrance, try Jade East Coral and Jade East Golden Lime. SWANK, INC. Sole Distribulor 

0 THE 


"Underground movies are really home 
movies that tell a story Irom а personal view- 
Point; a viewpoint any amateur can express. 

“But they have to move for audiences to see things 
your way. Baver Super-8 cameras make it happen, with 
professional features like Schneider 8-10-1 power zoom. 

autcmatic wiping mask, manual {/stop for fade-ins 
and fade-outs, true slow motion, bright 
easy-to-focus reflex finder, through- 
the-lens CdS electric eye exposure 
control and comtorlable grip de- 
Sign for steady hand-held shots. 
"It's a groove.” 

Seven cameras, from under $50* 10 under 
$420" Two great auto-threading projectors: one 
Super-8 thal synchronizes with your lape recorder, 
and the all-new Bauer Dual 8 projector thal sho 
your old Emm and new Super- movies. И features 
instant replay, slow motion, automatic end-o)-film stop. push- 
button rewinding and zoom lens. Prices start under $130" 
===) Allied Impex Corp.. 168 Glen Cove Rd., Сапе Place. 
[ES] (1168 ones Comp. 168 Sion Cove Re Carte ri 
32| In Canada: Kingsway Film Equipment Lid., Ontario 




First name for 
the martini 

Enjoy the 
excellent martini. 
It has a first name: 


[5] Manot. 


origimal sin, or what Freud called the 
superego: "Тһе superego turns out to be 
nothing but Adam and Eve in costumes 
from Die Fledermaus.” Sprinkled with 
pearls of wit and provocitive inversions 
—not to mention sly references to such 
thinkers as son, Aristotle and Alfred 
North Whitehead—the professor's spoof 
has an air of easy intellectual authority 
and should be required bedside reading 
Tor all those ossified educators who habit- 
ually put young minds to sleep. 

The Love Machine (Simon & Schuster). 
Jacqueline Susann’s latest gift to the 
world of letters. is ап item of such 
vapid vulgarity as to cast discredit imme- 
tely and forever on anyone and every- 
who had anything to do with ir. 
iduding the printer, his apprentice 
nd the boy who went for coffee. If only 
Amanda 1 beautifully of leukemia in 
ms of her husband while calling 
ame of her real lover in her final 
th, it would be enough. If Robin 
те the supersuccessful ruthless tycoon 
head of a TV empire without knowing 
anything about the business, it would be 
enough. If Maggie set the apartment on 
fire when she caught Robin in the living 
room with Diana, it would be enough. If 
Judith were beaten up by two homo 
Sexuals in the presence of her lover. it 
would be enough. If Robin went to Ham- 
burg, Germany. and had а sexual e 
counter with a girl who used to be a boy, 
it would be enough. If M; "s society 
husband knocked her down Ше stairs 
after she refused to go to P: h him 
to buy a baby so they could inherit 
money, it would be enough. If Ethel. . . . 
But that's enough. 


The women of the Greek island of 
Mykonos. you may not kno imous 
for their cultivation of domestic virtues 

So determined are these gritty ladies to 
preserve hearth and home that, legend 
has it, they once sent letters to Napoleon 
demanding that should he or his randy 
troops chance through Mykonos in their 
pursuit of empire, there were to be no 
гарез терели, no rapes—either of them 
or of their beautiful dark daughters. Dal 
liance, perhaps, but no rape. When they 
were not writing antirape letters to dic 
tators or weaving bright tapestries, the 
mykonaitis developed a native cuisine 
that contains probably the most tastefully 
elabor iations ever turned out on 
the s Creek theme of limb 
Mykonos, estucco taverna that you 
might expect to find on а sunny quay on 
that fabled isle instead of at 349 West 
16: Street іп Manhattan, has a varied 
menu that boasts lamb in nearly ten 

ohiko—"country style" lamb 
obably the most popular. It is 
cubes of lamb mixed with cheese, eggs, 
carrots, peas, celery and olives and 

Fiat 850 Spider $2136. 


Call Budget Rent-A-Car for this*7 Pontiac LeMans, 

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Air conditioning is slightly more. Pay 
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cool 6596 Dacron? 
polyester and 3596 

knit in black, white, 
navy, red, light 

blue or burgundy. 
Please order by 
product number. 
Playboy's, WA100, 
S, M, L, XL sizes; 
playmate's, WA200, 
5 (82), M(34-36), L(38) 
sizes, $6 each. 

Please add 50¢ 

for handling. 

Shall we send a gift card in your name? 
Please send check or money order 

to: Playboy Products, 
Department WBOIO 
919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60611, 
Playboy Club cre holders 

Playboy Building, 

may charge to their Key-Cards. 

sporty match-mates 

Playboy Shirts are set to swing. 
Wear with everything casual. 
Under the sign of the Rabbit: 


incased in feather-light pastry. Arni Sauté 
à la Mykonos are medallions of rack of 
lamb sautéed with Greek port wine. The 
lamb itself is very tender and obviously 
has never had to suffer the indignity of 
waiting on a steam table in the kitchen. 

Mykonos is one of the few foreign restau 
New York that preserves its 
ctlnicism from top to bottom: Even the 
bus boys are Greek, and the waiters in 
white turtlenecks look like male extras 
from Never on Sunday. The smashing, 
movieset decor is by Vassilis Photo 
poulos, who won an Oscar for his art di 
rection of Zorba the Greek. The tables 
and dhairs are artfully "rustic 
the proper complement for glasses of the 
resinous native wine. retsina, which, de- 
pending on your taste, can smack of 
either paregoric or nectar of the gods. 
This is not to say that. Mykonos is too 
homespun for the eleganti, Greek. ship- 
owners are frequent diners at Mykonos 
Niarchos has been known to dance with 
ouzo-oiled abandon in the aisles to Myk 
onos’ exciting bouzouki orchestra. Onas- 
sis has made the Mykonos scene with 
the missus, and Ari and. Jackie aren't in 
the habit of dropping in on mere joints, 
Those who would rather leave their lamb 
than take it will find that the Mykonos 
menu stands ready to please them, too. 
Hellenized beef and far 
delicious. The hot appetizers аге а 
hearty meal in themselves; а combina. 
tion platter of these includes country 
sausage, tiny meat balls. mousaka (cgg- 
plant) and light litle cheese pies. The 
postprandial star is galactoboureko, a 
magnificent milk, buter and farina cus- 
tard in а strudebleal pastry roll (filo) 
covered with honey and chopped pis 
tachio nuts. Mykonos is at its most lively 
and interesting after theater, 
should, of course, make re: 
Open 12 noon to 3 л.м. Monday through 

rants in 

nd seem 

eous dishes are 

(d you 


Ten years ago. Philip Roth's novella 
Goodbye, Columbus won a National Book 
Award and established its authors lit 
erary reputation. A film version should 
have been made then, not now, for the 
movie faithfully adapted (by Arnold 
Schulman) from Roth's first best seller 
somehow looks like what it is—one of 
the ten best of another decade. While 
the music, the dances, the advertisements 
and the skirt lengths that flash across the 
screen tell us the time is today, Colum- 
bus seems dated in several crucial ways 
larly in the hero's deep concern 
over his girl's being fitted for a dia 
phragm, an important point of the plot 
but a point made obsolete by changing 
sexual attitudes and the prevalence of 
the pill, no matter how adroitly scenarist 
Schulman tries to side-step it. So all right 
Grant that young people today swing to 

Show us a Jack Daniels drinker 
who doesn’t like George Dickel 
and we'll show you a Jack Daniels 
drinker who hasn't tried 

George Dickel. 



MI замы 


Taste all two. 

All two great Tennessee Sour Mash Whiskies. 

You'll find George Dickel has everything the other 
has except one thing. Fame. 

But, soon? 

Only George Dickel is filtered—cold—two separate 
limes. Once before aging. Once after. 

This makes us gentler whisky. 

It's called George Dickel. 

© Geo. А, Dickel & Со, 90 proof, Tullahoma, Tenn. 


Precisely color-mated in 


and WHITE 



$1.75 each, 3 for $5.00 
Side vents. Perma-Sized®. 
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$1.50 each 28-40. 
Reinforced side-vents. 
Lustrous broadcloth. 
Hip-hugging fit. 

$1.50 each. S-M-L-XL. 


$2.50 each. Side-vents. 
$3.00 each. Side-vents. 
at your favorite store, or write 
46 350 Fifth Ave., New York 10001 


ary Peere, in his 
ng One Potato, Two 
nd The Incident), makes a few 
heavy-handed attempts to update Roth 
with fashionable camera gimmickry. 
Peerce also flagrantly sentimentalizes the 

to figure out which 
job at a public 
y in the Bronx, and a liule Negro 
kid who appears to represent the au 
thor's instinctive identification with los 
ers. Notwithstanding those considerable 
objections, Columbus sill works as a 
movie about 80 percent of the time. It 
has the wit, spirit and pungency of 
Roth's original and preserves much of 
his dialog, which is savagely funny ethnic 
comedy lifted from the mouths of mod- 
ern, upwardly mobile Jewisl-Amer 
e the nomeanx riches who occupy 
1 homes on expensive acreage in 
thousands to have 
their children's noses bobbed and who 
otherwise aspire to all the trappings of 
white-Protestant snobbism. Into the heart 
of this social milieu comes а perfect Roth 
hero, the quizzical Bronx bookwor 
whose steaming loins and sarcism capti- 
vate the daughter of a prosperous sin 
manufacturer. They are а terrifically 
bright and believable romantic couple, 
as played by Richard Benjamin (of the 
TV siteom He & She) so wry and 
Rothlike that he seems to be secretly 
using himself with the substance of a 
enchantment destined one day to be 
пе Portnoy’s Complaint; and movie 
newconi mer model Ali MacGraw, 
provocative as a Botticelli angel who h 
picked up some four-letter words at Rad- 
cliffe. The acting is superior throughout, 
Nan Martin and Jack Klugman as 
of eternally watchful Jewish p 
ents, to Michael Meyers as the gi 
schnooky brother, an Ohio State baske 
ball star with a record collection. that 
includes all the works of André Kostela 
nerz and Mantovani. The film's put- 
down of middle-class manners, dimaxed 
by a Jewish wedding scene to end them. 
Occasionally leans toward. outright 
cruelty. But his unfailing humor and 
compassion add up to a belated triumph 
for Roth, who can hardly be blamed that 
tlie movies took so long to discover him. 





To be young, hip and Indian in mod- 
em Bombay means swinging with the 
rhythms of Western pop culture, fron 
Beatlesong to Home on the Range. To 
be a young Westerner in search of spirit- 
wal satisfaction or sitar lessons means 
finding oneself learning strange ways in 
m ble places. From that poter 
tial conflict of cultures, The Gre flings 
out filaments of sill-spun sitire, as deli- 
cate in texture as that of The House- 
holder and Shakespeare Wallah, two 
earlier films by the producer-director team 
of Ismail Merchant and James Ivory in 

collaboration with novelist Ruth Prawer 
Jhabvala. Thi 
ing in a style uniquely balanced between 
the sensibilities of East and West, tipped 
Westward this time by the presence of 
Britain's plucky Rita Tushingham, а 

Bombay, and Michael Yor 
singing idol taking time out (haven't 
they all?) to learn the sitar from a 
master. Authentic backgrounds in Bom- 
bay, Benares and Bikaner are ап inesti- 
mable asset to The Guru, beca 
Ivory—an American with a sensitive eye 
for discovering the points at which Mod 
and ancient civilizations intersect rely 
lets the dusty beauty of travelog cities 
becloud his view of the human comedy. 
lvory's India has room for hysterical au- 
tograph hunters port, the sari- 
clad smart set grooving at а party, the 
bizarre spectacle of a Miss Teen Queen 
contest in downtown Benares. As а com- 
plement to low-key performances by Mi- 
chael and Rita, the film is enhanced by a 
skilled native cast representing various 
defenses of trad particularly fine is 
the guru himself (Utpal Dutt, а ringer 
for Ravi Shankar), torn. between imp. 
tience with his celebrated disciple's undi 
ciplined life and scarcely concealed envy 
of the rewards that mare deca- 
dence can bring, The guru's two wives 
(played with lilting discord by Madhur 
Jaffrey and delectable Aparna Sen) seem 
amusingly attuned to the ambivalence of 
their roles—in the context of 
comedy that explores ambiv 
way of life today. 

». аз а pop 

sc director 

Fight fans will stand up and cheer. 
and even nonenthusiasts will applaud 
The Legendary Champions, 4 documentary 
about boxing that compresses а concise 
history of the American ting imo 77 
unforgettable minutes of manpower, guts 
and glory. Praise is richly deserved for 
producers William Cayton and Jim Ja 
cobs, the latter chielly responsible. for 
assembling a weastny of rare stills, en 
gravings and seldom-i-eyerscen movie 
footage into one of the finest sport films 
anyone has ever made. Th 
or Harry Chapin, it is also а com 
pelling slice of social history from the 
1882, when mighty John L. Sullivan 
n his decadelong reign as world 
heavyweight champ. until 1928, when 
Gene Tunney (looking amazingly like 
New York's Mayor Lindsay) went into 
retirement undefeated 
between, Champions bring 
score of legendary figures and revives a 
couple of arguments that have troubled 
boxing fans for decades—such as the 
famous "long count" of the second 
Dempsey- Tunney march, which. may 
cost Dempsey his chance to regain the 
title im 1927. Still "EN 
a filmed sequence of the controversi 
26-round ише between Jess Willard and 
defeated black champion Jack Johnson, 

to wri 





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who later claimed to have dumped the 
fight as part of a deal to clear up his 
debis and a bad jail rap. The pictorial 
evidence suggests a clean win for “Great 
White Hope" Willard, though Johnson's 
entire story remains a shameful episode 
in the history of racism in America 
Cham pions also offers such rarities as the 
first known fight movie—filmed in 1801 
by Thomas Edison himself, who hired 
Gentleman Jim Corbett for а display of 
the manly art—and а much later, delight- 
fully irrelevant snippet of silent-movic 
slapstick starring Den lie Chap 
lin and Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. On all 
counts, а knockout. 

Whips and chains аге omitted from 2, 
but they've got a little of everything else 
in this rank slice of cheese Danish, a 
sequel to Z, а Woman and subtitled I, a 
Woman, Part 11. The heroine, Siv Holm. 
bears the name of the authoress on 

whose novels both films are based, and is 
played by sultry Gio Peire. Poor Siv is 
married to a cultivated, sadistic antique 
dealer (Lars Lunde) who worships oh 
jets darl, uses nude photographs of his 
wile to peddle her favors to his clients, 
then, as an after-dinner diversion, likes to 
watch while wife and client couple. That 
sort of thing soon drives Siv to resume 
her nursing carcer and her affair with a 
married doctor, leaving hubby to his 
own peculiar pleasures, which are apt to 
fasten upon anything from Chinese vases 
to nude Lesbi 

n wrestlers. Why would a 
man behave so shamefully? According to 
2. it's because he's a fascist who collabo- 
rated with the Nazis during the War and 
has a locked trunk full of flags and 
swastikas to prove it, Such a heavy-hand- 
ed political note rather takes the steam 
out of the explicit sex that is often 
thought to be Scandinavia's contribution 
to joie de vivre. But 2, when it isn't 
merely Laughable, smacks less of freedom 
than of gothic sexual 
and made ıo measure for either snicker 
ing subteens or old men who sit at 
movies with coats on their laps. 

100 Rifes is climaxed by a big, bare 
blackonwhite bedroom scene between 
costars Jim Brown and Raquel Welch 
in which Hollywood finally allows that 
there's more to integration than drink 
ing out of the same cup. Otherwise 
Rifles vakes Title time off for love, be 
cause the outdoor action is sizzling, spec 
tacular and nonstop, once Brown rides 
into town as a black gringo whose mis- 
sion to Mexico in the early 19005 is to 
bring back a halfbreed bank robber 
(Burt Reynolds). He finds that his pris 
oner has robbed banks only to buy 
guns for a minor revolution, and. Brown 
himself reluctantly becomes its leader, 
fighting beside the beleaguered Yaqui In 
dians against the government's mounted 

uilt—cold as ісе 

Jederales, who are ruthlessly carrying 
ош a policy of genocide. Echocs of cor 

temporary events are ated rather 
dy— particularly in the portrait of 
U.S. railroad represi (Dan 
O' Herlihy) who suffers mi omfort 

at wil 

nessing the massacre of helpless 
п but feels terrible in the presence 
damaged train. It's clear by now that 
director Tom Gries knows how to make 
movies; his Will Penny was last year's 
finest Western. and a long shot beuer 
than Rifles, which will undoubtedly 
‘ove a bigger financial success. Here, 
the characters writen by Gries (with 
coxcenarist Clair Hullaker) have lite 
depth and the hero's clothes hardly ever 
look soiled, because he’s big Jim Brown 
and born to be beautiful. But even in an 
otherwise quite conventional shoot-em- 
up. Gries gets actors to act and works in 
some lively surprises en route to а wham 
тар finish. One of his liveliest is Raquel, 
as а vol revolutionary. full of fire 
and feeling, looking very dirty, indeed. 
and giving the first altogether admirable 
performance of her career. 

Live-it-uppers like Ilsa Steins stay 
alive and lively with Buco safety 
helmets and cycle accessories. Buco 
helmet standards begin where 
others leave off, Buco cycle accessories 
begin with handlebars and don't 
quit. See your dealer, or send 507 for 
color catalog, helmet research 
folder, and decal. Buco—the 
liveit-up line. 

The love-hate triangle of ta Prisonnière 
is occupied by a lusty young pop artist 
(Bemard Freson), his livein mistress 
beth Wiener) and a perverse Pari 
t exhibitor (Laurent Теле 
who spends his spare time paying girls 10 
act out his sadomasochistic fantasies in 
front of a camera, “Ihe shame is part of 
the pleasure,” says the amateur pornog- 
vapher as he ruthlessly explores his con- 
viction that most people are 
voyeurs as well as hypocrites, secretly 
getting their kicks from bizarre tales in 
the daily press of lechery, violence and 
bestiality. While clearly questioning where 
the line should be drawn between nor 
and abnormal beh La Prison- 
is no case study. lt is, in fact. 
what used to be called а wom: 
ture, here given а diabolical new twist 
by French writeralirecior Henri-Georges 
Clouzot, creator of such psychological 
clitl-hangers Wages of Fear and 
Diabolique. Behind the darkly gliuering 
surfaces of Clouzot's first film in eight 
ars lies a clasic female dilemma, lor 
his heroine—sevually straight and seem- 
ingly well satisiicd—struggles with the 
ambivalent desires shared by millions of 
women, On the one hand, she wants a 
fairly convention 

Say it like “beautiful 


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hi her steady man; yet she hungers for 
more dangerous fun with the kind. of 
quel, fascinating bastard who never 
plays for keeps. By trying to have both 
worlds, she is degraded and 1 
stroyed for love of the 
suades her to joi 
trollops (Dany 


опе of his 

rel) in orgies of Les 
bian exhibit It is a tribute to 
Clouzot’s artistry that he handles his 
sensational theme with devastating cine- 
matic skill, creating a cool орап world 
where characters rush to and fro like 

Opens wider. Closes flatter. Holds more. 
At leather counters from $10.00. 

The only Dopp Kit. 





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puppes lost іп a maze of their own 
design. АП experience somehow looks 
fragmented. kaleidoscopic—whether it's 
a feverish nightmare. an electronic gal- 
levy display or the bizarre sight of 

photographer laying out the tools of his 
Trade with surgical precision. Where 
Clouzot falters, at last, is in coaxing his 
audience to respond emotionally to his 
mismatched lovers. However much the 
ad Mlle. Wiener, who looks like 
aged Je finally. suf- 
quite a lor). they don't inspire deep 

ne Moreau 

ahy, becuse the tone from. the 
very start has been almost too coldly 
detached. the sense of alienmion too 

total. The shocks of La Prisonniére are 
Hectuitlized, vet there hasn't been a 
more hypnotic portrait of wickedness on 
film since Belle de Jour. 

Can Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy 
Humppe and Find True Happiness? is an all- 
butindescribable movie musical. Call it 
gogo and you wont be far 
for Anthony Newley's semi 
al one-man show deid 
«Шу owes something to 814. “А really 
erotic romantic movie.” is Newley's own 
description of his work (the trath of 
ement was voluptuously. illus- 
ch issue of rrAvnov): 
so happens to 
üt of the artist looking at 
iliry re 
а totally theatrical bend of 
. gall. girls and loads of spir 
ited showmanship. As producer. director 
and star, the protean Newley (with out- 
side help from Herman icher on the 
script and Herbert Kretzmer on the 
score) has his head in the clouds and his 
art forever tied to Mother England's 
raffish music halls, His hero, Merk 
«тай thia Life itself must be a musi 
comedy-fantasy, is a [amous singing st 
age 40, who gathers his children, his old 
mum, his wives, countless mistresses and 
artifacts on а splendid beach in 
whore they are joined by à 

but Heironymus Merkin 
be a port 

crew, writers, producers and а tr 
savage movie critics. Savagely satirizing 
the last (“We've seen all this before— 
the pathetic search for identity, wrapped 
pseudo pomography,” sueers one) 

and indulging his own enormous vanity 
Newley makes the picture's faults pracu 
ly inseparable Irom its impudent 
ms, "ht isn’t the best thing ever 
written,” he cracks. “Birth of a Nation 
was beter . . . but сап you. remember 
опе good song?" Heironymus has several 
good ones, notably ОЛ, What а Sonofa- 
bitch I Am 

inspired. notions als 

and abo boasts some oddly 
ıt casting —G 
Jessel under a white umbrella, as a kind 
of deathly Presence barking out old 
comedy routines; and Milton Berle, as а 
flesh-peddling devil named Good Time 
Eddie Filth, both grandly at ease in 
their roles. Joan Collins (Mrs. Newley) 
as one of two wives, ydept Polyester 

te of the Ycar Con- 
56) as Heironymus 
»nocence, Miss Humppe, com 
plement the film's eye filling decor. Those 
improper nouns should clue you, however 
that there's litte subtlety afoot. Newley 
even inclines to such excesses as а talkin 

тобо! scene and a literal Lifeisa-game-ol 
chess bit. Not everyone admired the 
tragicosmic pretensions of Newley's stage 
musicals. Roar of the Greasepaint and 
Stop the World! Want to Get Off. 
«| not everyone will warm 10 Merkin 
But it is one of a kind—a razzlelazzle 
musical, as well as an authentic personal 
statement. by a formidably gifted fellow 

Poontang, and Playm 
nic Kresk 
ideal of 


The Jefferson Airplane really socks it 
to an appreciative audience—at the Fill 
mores, East and West—on Bless Its Pointed 
Little Head (RCA: also available on sterco 
tape), The 50-minute program consists 
mainly of up-tempo, raucous rhythm 
numbers that generate lots of vitality: ош 
only complaints are that the Airplane’ 
group vocals g and 
Grace Slick—who is in fine form—gets to 
do her thing on only Somebody to L 
nd the suspenseful Bear Мей. 

Astrology and witchcraft may be bur 
geoning, but the cults worshiping Bobby 
Short and. Mabel. Merce 
have bee он. The troops got togerh 
er lor Mabel Mercer and Bobby Short ot 
Town Hall (Atco: also available on sieico 
tape), now a two-LP vinylizing of that 
historic concert. Bobby is a master of the 
songs everyone seems to have forgotten, 
ior no good reason, apparently—/'m 
Throwing a Ball Tonight, That Black 
and White Baby of Mine, Bojan 
Harlem—while Mabel is the high pries 
єз of the fey and the  sophisticatedly 
sentimental, with a penchant for Cy 
Coleman ditties. As the capper to the 
concert, Miss Mercer апа Mr. Short i 
up for The 59h Street Bridge Song 
Here's to Us, which ranks 
t two-for-one b; 

scem always to 

s one of the 

gains of the day 

Recorded in Nashville under Chet At 
kins’ supervision, Guitar Sounds from Lenny 
Breau (КСА) is nonetheless а jazz set all 
the way—and а sup 
‘Tastefully echoing vat jazz 
tarists from Django 10 Wes. Breau swi 
lightly on King of the Road and Cold, 

Cold Heart, shows his mastery of har- 
monics on My Funny Valentine and 
oflers some classically inllucnced mus- 

ings on Taranta, As the accompaniment 
was wisely limited ıo 

bass el drums, 
ones and cleanly 

mpeded by estra- 

Brean's cascading. ove 
picked arpeggios are u 
neous sounds, 

Themes Like Old Times (Vivit) overcomes 
the atrocious pun in the tite by the 

Price P.O.E, East Coast: slightly higher Gulf and West porte 

The Jaguar XKE Convertible Roadster. Modestly priced at $5534. Jaguar © 



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sheer weight of i 
most famous original radio themes. Nos- 
talgianiks will bathe in a sea of 
e—tiny bits and pieces from th 
of Easy Aces, Life Сап Be Beautiful. 
Stella Dallas, Chandu the Magician, 
Gang Busters, First Nighter, Lum and 
Abner, and on and on, Oh, frabjous joy! 

The Thorn in Mrs. Rose's Side (Tetragram: 
maton; also available on stereo tape) 
is her highspirited son Bill. who can't 
really sing but proves himself artful at 
socking home his satiric fables ol the 
hip life. such as Buzz the Fuzz and It's 
Happening. The syrupy string arrange 
ments aren't on Rose's wave length, and 
their inclusion is incomprehensible, be- 
cause he accompanies himself ably at 
the рі 

This year's anv 
Berlioz, who died in 

rently recording most of the composer's 
major works. British conductor Colin 
Davis—generally considered the world’s 
leading Berliozian—has been tapped for 
the assignment. For openers, he leads the 
London Symphony Orchestra and as 
sorted choristers and soloists in Roméo et 
Juliette, а longish "dramatic symphony" 
brim full of passionate yearnings and 
mercurial fantasy. It easily supersedes all 
previous recorded versions of this fragile, 
rapturous music. Despite the stormy 
course of his personal life, Berlioz was 
essentially à cool composer, and. Davis 
rightfully plays him with an appropriate 
blend of intensity and understatement. 

Soul '69 (Atlan also available on 
stereo tape) finds Aretha Franklin. bow- 
g slightly in the direction of jazz. with 
the ince of an allstar cast led by 
and David “Fathead” New 
ma he blues on Ramblin’ 
and River's Invitation. changes the pace 
with a rellective Crazy He Calls Ме, then 
puts several pop tunes—such as. Elusive 
Buller{ly—through some stunningly soul- 
ful changes. 


just possible that George Benson 
will pick up the mantle dropped by the 
Montgomery as the 
tarist. Shape of Things to Come 
able on stereo tape), an 
nds Wes’ old recording com 
that lush backup 

doxicil counterpoint Ior Benson's 
basic soul approach. The tour de force 
of the sesion is Benson & Co. turning 
Chattanooga Choo Choo into a rocker 
that really moves, "That's talent 

The Versatile Impressions (ABC: also avail 
able on stereo tape) is, perhaps, the last 
joint venture. by arranger Johnny Pate 
and the mellifluous trio, who are now 

operating their own record label. This Is 
the Life, Oo You're a Livin’ Doll and 
Sermonette have plenty of spring 
swing: and Pate provides suitably lush 
settings for Curtis Mayfield’s soaring 
countertenor on Just Before Sunrise and 
The Look of Love. 

in their 

James Cotton and Buddy Guy аге 
both gifted blues men, but Cotten in Your 
Ears (Verve 
stereo tape) has a definite ed 

Forecast; abo available on 
on But 
Чуз Left My Blues in San Frenciseo (Ches: 
also available on stereo tape). Guy is 
in good vocal form on Keep. H to Му 
self. When My Left Eye Jumps and 
Mother-in-Law Blues, but. his guitar 
doesn't ger enough exposure and his ac 
companists sound. uninspired. Cotton's 
charts leave plenty of space for his ener- 

monica, and his band is always 
s on The Mule, an uptempo 
irm ol rock 

with it- 
ditty that exemplifies the c 
^n roll at its unpretentious best. 

There are no Beatles songs on the 
M. J. Q's first Apple release, Under the 
Jasmin Tree. All Jour compositions are, 
Happily, by John Lewis, and the predom. 
inant fluence is Oriental; th 
numerous passages in which Percy Heath 
lays down a chamlike founda 
Connie Kay adds Near Eastern percus 
sive effects while Lewis and Milt Jackson 
exchange. melodic. ideas with their cus 
ле and precision. Three Little 
lings, а wiptyeh of balladic themes 
that are given brief but exhaustive de 

lar more jazz than 



velopment, cont 

Electric acid-rock has lost its shock and 
seems to be at a musical impasse, as 
shown by ted Zeppelin (Atlantic; also 
available on месо tape). the Cream’s 
Goodbye and the Iron Butterily’s Boll 
(both Atco; also available on 
tape). Zeppelin, the much-heralded new 
group from Britain, has a fine guitarist 
in Jimmy Page, but the compositions are 
musically vacuous and singer Robert 
Plant tries too hard to sound black. The 
displays the group's spirited interaction 
but also highlights their ineusitivity to 
dynamics and tone colors. The Butterlly 
is the least ambitious group of the three, 
but as In the Crowds and Beldu-beast 
show, they are also Ше most musically 


am LP, which has little new material. 

lenny Bruce/ The Berkeley Concert (Re- 
prise; also available on stereo tape) fills 
two LPs with the rev 
the late comic turned social conscience 
‘The liner notes proudly announce that 
there has been no editing, which means 
that the producers probably ¢ 

ing with censoring. The two. of course, 
аге not synonymous and the album 
could have profited from а judicious 
pruning of a number of ofl-target 

PJ. is Paul Jones. And smooth. 

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segments, As has been said before, Bruce, 
in his last years, was shedding more and 
more of his comedic skin in order to 
hold up a melancholy mirror to the 
foibles of an America mired in а morass 
of moralistic hypocrisy. From this poign- 
antly perceptive album alone, it should 
be abundantly clear to any but the most 

udiced that Lenny fervently believed 
the basic legal structure of America; 
his attacks were always directed at those 
who had debased it. 


Sherman Edwards, a high school histo- 
ry teacher turned songwriter, gets this 
season's prize for nerviness. He has had 
the effrontery to write 1776, a musical 
comedy about the signing of the Declara 
tion of Independence, in which the hero 
is a stulfy prig named John Adams, the 
heroine the United States of America and 
the climactic scene—the closest this mod 
est show comes to a production number 
—is devoted to the line-by-line signing of 
the document itself. Amazingly, Edwards, 
helped enormously by Peter Stone's in 
telligent book and a strong, in-character 
cast, actually brings off that last moment 
which is blatantly, outrageously patri- 
otic but undeniably stirring. Even more 
amazingly. Edwards and his collaborators 
almost bring the whole show off. Impos 
ble as it sounds, this is a likable little 
musical about an enormous subject, as 
admirable for what it doesn't do (no 
brassy overture, Broadway chorus line 

obvious anachronisms and few melodia 
matics) as for what it does do. By plac 
ing America’s founding in perspective 
1776 makes a credible case for Adams? 
being the real father and Benjamin 
Franklin the foxy unde of their country 
As played by William Danicls and How 
ard da Silva, the “obnoxious and dis- 
liked” Adams and the charming but 
self-satisfied Franklin are not comic cut 
outs from an 1 Am an American Day 
pageant but very human, flawed individ- 
uals. The characters testify to the truth of 
one of the many aphorisms delivered by 
Franklin: “Revolutions come into the 
world like bastard children. Half com 
promised. half improvised.” But for all 
its merits, 1776 does have its silly side. 
Sample sillies: Piddle, Twiddle and Re- 
solve (not Walt Disney animals but an 
Adams ditty describing the inaction of the 
Continual Congress) and another num 
ber in which Adams tries to convince 
someone, anyone, finally even that Linky 
Virginian named Thomas Jellerson, to 
write the Dedaration for him, with each 
candidate dancing out of Adams reach 
and singing, "But, Mr. Adams,” a repar- 
tee that rings of Gallagher and Shean 
ı some of the Lapses into corn, how- 
e ingratiating. Try to keep a 
ght face when John Hancock, the 
president of the Congress, writes his 
name first on the Declaration and an old 




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codger from Rhode Island cackles like 
Granny Frickert, “That's a pretty 
signature, Johnny!” At the 46th Street, 
226 West 46th Street. 

Why do Hamlet? There are at least two 
good reasons: to give a great actor a 
crack at the part and to give a g 
director a chance to discover some new 
relevance in the old play. But Ellis 
Rabb, the artistic head of the APA Rep- 
епогу Company, as both Hamler 
director, offers more of а non 
tion dan a new 

his head 
breaks lines into harsh rhythms (“Get 
thee! To a nunnery!"): he collapses on 
his knees doll: he races 
through soliloquies. He is athletic; he is 
whimsical; and in the Osric xene, he 
outlops Osric. One novel touch: Polo 
nius is in front of the stag 
he is stabbed. so thar rhe 
watch him dic. Since this is the first 
Hamlet on Broadway since Rosencran. 
and Guildenstern Ave Dead, those two 
school chums are greeted by laughter of 
recognition from the audience when they 
first wander out on stage. They are now 
fully enshrined, like & as David 
Merrick characters 

audience can 

the weak 


contrasted. blacks and whites, 
Tihon's scenery and lighting 
k [or more. Strongest of 
the actors is Richard Easton as Claudius, 
noble part that emphasizes the ver- 
v of Easton, who also plays the lead. 
in The Misanthrope, AP Vs most uniform- 
lv enjoyable production of the season. 
"This is not sparkling Molière. but it is 
quite funny, a Misanthrope for those 
who have mo beuer Misanthrope with 
The APA is still 
n ensemble company. just a group 
of actors, some very good (Easton, In 
Bedford. Donald Mollat and. usually. 
lis Rabb). some less good. The success of 
cach production depends on the choice 
of play. The better the play, it appears, 
the less effective the company, and vice 
versa. How else can one explain the 
disaster of Hamlet and the surprise suc 
cess of CodeA-Doodle Dandy? Generally 
considered one of Sean O'Cascy's distinct 
ures, Dandy proves to have some 
charming assets im the hands of the 
APA. The ingrown backbiting and tight 
es of a small 
shly revealed 

which to compare it 

sexual repress 

community arc h: 

nts of humor. The use of a 
ical giant cock as provocaleur is 

idv metaphoric. The chick 
is struttingly essayed by Barry Bostwick, 
the APA's odd-bird specialist this year 
exceedingly creepy. 
Hamlet's father). Best 

Lorcleem, Easton's judicious Messenger 

and the animated scenery contrived by 
James Tilton. As the cock stirs up the 
town's passions, trees twist, а fence 
writhes, а house quakes. The scenery, 
literally, takes a bow at the final curtain 
and earns йз most well-deserved ap 
plause. At the Lyceum, 149 West 45th 

Successful musicals often have peculiar 
ancestry, being adapted from novels, 
plays. movies, 
shirts; but San F 

has behind it one of 
tales of all. A th 

he most convoluted 
ter workshop in Watts 
improvised an enraged play on the theme 
of a ghetto те (imagine 
Beckett plus Brecht plus the corner-boy 
humor of insult); then Joseph Tuoni. a 
white man. put the text together. The 
Watts and off Broadway New York pro- 
èwed in the March 

PLaynoy) provided ferocious theater, ap- 
з equal measure to experimi 

theater bulls and white-guilt bulls 

new San Етапсімо producer hired a new 

director, Oscar Brown, Jr, a gen 
Sammy Davis Jr., who says he has grown 
weary of playing Tonto in the wi 
man's world. He narrowed his eyes and 
decided the play needed songs, and he 
wrote some kicky, clever and bitter music 
with such titles as Mighty Whitey, Head 
Nigger in Charge and We Came in 
Chains. In some of the music there aic 
also hints of show tunes and one fine old- 
fashioned hymn. Result? A less ferocious, 
move bittersweet and com experi- 
ence that has attracted both the black and 
the white communities of the Bay Area. 
An analogy in the tradition is the evolu- 
tion ol Bredus Three-Penny Novel, 
stutled with murder, cime, extortion 
pimpery and greed, into a Threepenny 
Oper characterized by grace and even a 
Kind of romance. Oscar Brown here per 
forms the task that Kurt Weill performed 
for Brecht, but the evening is still hardly 
a loving, nostalgic tour of Ye Aulde Race 
Hauel White guilt and black self 
hatred might become а little icky on the 
prosy naked stage, but Brow iming. 
words and music add the leaven of wit 
that gives coherence to а powerful expe- 
rience and, therefore, staying power. The 
actor calls himself Big Black, 
imous as а conga drummer with Dizzy 
lcspie. endows Big Time himself with 
а sleepy, sad, generous soul. He has the 
stage miracle known as presence—style, 
size, helt and reserves of power 
опе else could do the subtle things he 
docs with his deft and discreet drums. 
Now this musical version will eventually 
go on the road and to Broadway, and 
then to an original-cast album, a movie 
nd—who knows?—maybe even onto 
Watts sweat shirt. the Committee, 836 




nd no 


ish Leather 

"My men wear Engl 

or they wear nothing at all” 

“I think men are beautiful. 

Туе always thought so. 

Even when they were unkind to me. 
But men аге men. 
And they need what we can give them. 

They need love, 
they need understanding, 
and they need English Leathers. 

All my men wear English Leather 
or they wear nothing at all?’ 


= i 

Бе raton Red 
СОО or Longhorn 100's- 
you get a lot to like. 



Vii now, Гуе been in complete control 
of every relationship Гуе had with wom- 

cn; but, at 26, I find myself deeply 
volved n girl of an entirely ФЕ 
ferent background than my own and it 

ng wocful problems. She comes 
from a family that feels that, with matu- 
ty, one must break away from close 

ental ties, and she objects to my liv- 
ing at home and main ng a close 
relationship with my parents and sib- 
lings. I don't sec it that way, so she cries 
whenever we discuss it and urges me to 
move out on my own. We are deeply in 
love, but our engagement has been put 
oll several times over this conflict. 1 was 
away from home for two years—in the 
Army—which proves 1 сап manage with- 
out my parents, and I do not intend to 
give them up merely to prove my love. I 
feel the problem is of her creation and 
is, therefore, hers and not mine. I des- 
perately need your advice.—M. K., New- 
ark, New Jersey. 

We don’t think your fiancée expects 
you lo give up your family as proof of 
love, but she has every right to expect 
you, at the age of 26, to cut the cord and 
begin structuring your own life, In other 
words, if keeping your family requires 
both your physical presence and your 
emotional dependence, then they are 
keeping you. In mast successful mar- 
riages, the man stops identifying as a 
son before he becomes a husband. 

The other day, some friends and I 
were discussing the bottles in which al- 
coholic beverages are sold. We wondered 
why distillers commonty use fifths instead 
of quarts, the more usual liquid measur- 
ing unit. 
B. T, Mer 

Quarts predominated in the U.S. un- 
til World War Two, when new taxes 
were levied on distilled spirits. Then, 
fifths (one fifth of a gallon, that is)— 
which ате smaller—were used in order to 
stretch. available stocks and to make the 
price rise seem less painful. Nonetheless, 
quarts are widely used today. 

After you've decided on the barome- 
ters location, call the Weather Bureau 
for the precise atmospheric pressure and 
then adjust your instrument accordingly. 
No further correction is necessary unless 
you change locales. Also, before reading, 
lap the glass once or twice, to make sure 
the needle isn’t stuck. 

Wil fiance is а oneman antitipping 
gue. When he takes me out to dinner. 

percent to a good waiter or waitress. 
day now, I expect to have coffee “acci- 
dentally” spilled on my dress. How can I 
make him stop with this nonsense?— 
Miss B. J., Cleveland, Ohio. 

Tell him what you told us. 

key" was а word for a 
pimple or similar skin invitation, but my 
teenage children seem to have а 
different—and secret—meaning for it 
Can you make me hep?—B. W., New 

By my youn. 

We'll do our best, old fellow. A hick 
€y is also a red blossom on the 
caused by suction from ап 
source (usually a mouth). This concen 
trates blood in the intercellular spaces of 
the area and enlarges the capillaries of 
the skin. 


Please settle an argument between а 
1d and me. He says th: 
was a giant machine with five 
side it; but | say that the bi 
was actually an ordinary gorilla suit, 
with one n inside, and that trick 
photography was used io make him ap- 
pear gigantic. Who's rightz—H. P. L, 
New York, New York. 

Neither of you. For a few special 
shots, с gigantic mechanical gorilla head 
was used. which had three men inside it, 
operating the eyes, nose and mouth; and 
a huge imitation foot was created for 
one or two scenes. But almost all the 
time he was on camera, the hero of the 
greatest love story of the 1930s was noth- 
ing but a hand puppet, not much bigger 
than a fist. Ingenious camerawork by 
cinemagician Merian С. Cooper turned 
this mobile molehill into the mountain- 
ous monster on the screen. 


nd I have all but signed the 
aration for the trip to the 
But before I take the final 
there is one change I would like to m: 
otherwise near-perfect person. 
What can 1 do about her snoring?— 
J. S. Portland. Oregon. 

Assuming you don't want to begin 
your married life in separate rooms, 
there are various expedients that either 
silence the offender or temporarily deaf- 
en the victim. Since sleeping on the back 
is generally the cause of snoring, an 
AnteSnore Ball (attached to the pajama 

in this 


Select a large Long Island 
duckling to serve 4 people. 

Salt and pepper, and place 
f $ $ Roast in 

4 2 hours. 


one-half an orange and a sprig 
of parsley in the cavity. 
325 degree 
єў 3 oven for 
WAZ at Baste with 
ZIP “the рой 
during the 

Place under a medium flame for 
the last 15 to 20 minutes to get 
а good brown crust, 
Put the cooked 
us ona hot cà 
platter; garnish ef 
with orange 

Marnier slightly, 
pour over duck 

just as you 
bring it to 
the table. 

For delightful cocktail ond gour- 
met recipes, write for our free 
booklet. The complete home 
entertainment cook book, 
The Spirit of Grond Cuisine 
by Saul Krieg, published by 
Macmillan, now at your 

DEPT. PB-6, 730 FIFTH AVENUE, N.Y., N.Y. 10019 




top below the shoulder blade) restores 
quiet by making the supine sleeper turn 
ta one side. If she sleeps in the таш and 
is nonclaustrophobic, an Anti-Snore Cuff 
(linking one wrist to a cord tied to the 
bed) serves the same purpose. For the 
vilim, there's a Noise Neutralizer, a 
device that produces a lulling sound. 
Finally, a Nowe Muf] can be worn over 
the ems. or earplugs may be inserted. 
Or, you сап garrote her, 

W know that the chesterfield coat was 
named for the famous 19th Century сагі. 
Did the blazer also get ity name from a 
notable person?—R. L., P. 
No. But the captain of the British ship 
H. M. S. Blazer gets the credit. This sar- 
torial salt inadvertently brought about a 
new fashion wave when he ordered his 
crew to spruce up their appearance by 
weming blue jackets with metal buttons. 

Because 1 am shy. every date of mine 
turns into а silent stare-out-of-the-window 
match. Would you please give me some 
g to the point where E 
ihe tion or myself 
much longer —B. L- St. Louis, Missouri. 

Youve got to work with what you 
have. so take your adversary, shyness, and 
use it as a lool to defeat itself. You 
might try something like, "Let's. talk 
about the difficulties of being shy, then 
we can gel to the things we'd be saying 
to cach other if [ weren't so shy." The 
important thing is that talking about it 
helps and, once you do this, you'll find 
the problem less and less difficult to deal 
with. In addition. there are obvious ice- 
breakers—such as plays and movies—that 
give you a chance to spend a large part 
of your date silently yel provide some- 
thing to talk about toward the end of 
the evening. 

Lloyd's of London reputedly is unique 
n the field of insu 
d t from other compa 
5. D, Su Paul, Minnesota. 
Founded in the 17th Century, Lloyd's 
is game to insure almost everything from 
sailing boats to salient bosoms. 
„it ds а world center for shipping 
information, The corporation. does not 
itself transact insurance business bul acts 
аха governing body. The actual coverage 
is provided by “underwriting members," 
individuals who accept а portion of the 
risk for their personal account. They are 
formed into syndicates composed of from 
а few to several hundred members. Thus, 
large sums ате available and the risk is 
spread. Candidate underwriters must be 
Sponsored by six members and are elect- 
ed only after they have proved they can 
mect their liabilities. They must also 
deposit approximately $50,000 т cash or 




seenvities with the company and are sub- 
ject (a strict regulation, Although mem- 
bership has heretofore been restricted to 
British subjects, Lloyd's rules have re- 
cently been relaxed to enable citizens of 
other nations to participate. 

ІМІ. other will soon be со 

me. Гуе arranged to have her meet my 

latest girlfriend by acquiring three tick. 

ets to a local concert. My spo 

the ır . 

pact accommodations. in the rear, Who 
the front seatz—M. H., Lincoln 

ing to vi 

Your mother, of course. Good manners 
dictate that any older person be offered 
the front seat, so that he or she can avoid 
the task of serunching into the cramped 
back one. But why not take a cub, so 
you'll all be more comfortable? 

Bd tier 23 years of marriage and two sons 
(Гап 17 and my brother is 19). I think 
my Father is having ai th anoth- 
er woman. I’m pretty sure my mother 
doesn't know about it, IF my thoughts 
arc right, what should 1 do?—M. $., San 
adro. C 

Nothing. Plan your own life so that 
you profit from the mistakes you think 
аге being made around you. 


MM ics checking into a hotel without 

luggage. should T tip the bellboy who 

shows me to my room? If so. how 

much?—P. P., Baltimore, Maryland, 
Yes—al least a half dollar. 

ve been told that theres some signifi- 
cance in the placement of horses’ hooves 
in equestrian statues. Is this so]. R, 
Dayton. Ohio. 

lecording to the Infantry Journal 
traditional that “when all four [hoov 


are on the ground. which is rare in 
statues commemorating a hero, the vider 

died a normal death. One hoof in the 
air signifies that he died of wounds 
sustained in action. Bul if two are 
mised, it means that the vider was killed 
on the field of battle.” 

Мег my husband nor I is a prude 
regarding nudity and small children, but 
we totally di 
front of our two sons 
1 feel that one should not 
but ought to be natural about it in c 
cumstances where it is normal to be 
mude. Would you be kind enough to 
give us your opinionz—Mss, L. G., Syra- 

ound the house st 
five and seven. 
le the body 

cuse. New Vork. 

What makes nudity natural or unnatu- 
тїї in the privacy of the home is the 
attiinde of the people who practice it. 
Thus, if you felt uncomfortable exposing 
your body to your children and acted 

self-consciously abont it. nudity would be 
unnatural for you, even if the kids saw 
you coming out of the shower, Yonr 
husband, on the other hand, may be 
unself-conscious enough lo have his na- 
kedness seem nalural even at the dinner 
table; and particularly since ihe poten- 
tial audience consists of his own sons, 
we'd suggest that you settle lhe argument 
in his Javor. 

V. it possible for me to attend the deliv- 

baby? Im the father, not the 
mother —W. D., New York. New York. 
That makes it a bit more difficult; but 
some piogressive hospitals do allow a 
husband to be present during childbirth, 
depending upon state or bourd-of-heulth 

regulations in the area, Consult your 
wife's obstetrician, 

which were 
g my fiancée, 
lot since 1 

WMI; sexua experience 
merous prior to meet 
on my mind 
aged. 1 love her very mudi 
and don't parti ant to tell her 
t if it would upset her or 
ge our relationship. Do you think 
honesty demands that E bare all£—G. L., 
Cleveland. Ohio. 

If you think your sexual past reveals 
anything about your present character 
that your fiancée ought to know, then 
tell her. If you feel the past is inelevant 
and you'd rather not muddy the waters 
by stirring them up, you're not obliged 
to say anything. 

Sou а uda 

ide or outside Маска. D., 
Seattle, Washington. 
Outside, just like other 

xk sweater be wom 


it eoe chat the druidic religion of an- 
cient Ireland. still exists and ew 
ers in the United. States?—s. M., 
Cambridge, Massachusetts. 

Yes. The United. Ancient. Order of 
Druids exists as а secret society in our 
country and claims that its teachings 
embody the mystical. knowledge of Mer- 
lin and the other great Celtic 
Like all such brotherhoods, they claim 
that their hidden wisdom is astral; but 
outsiders tend to regard it as mostly 



IN reasonable questions—from fash- 
ion, food and drink, hij and sports cars 
to dating dilemmas, taste and etiquette 
will be personally answered if the 
writer includes a stamped, selfaddressed 
envelope. Send all letters to The Playboy 
Advisor, Playboy Building, 919 N. Michi- 
gan Avenue, Chicago, Ilinois 60611. The 
most provocative, perlinent queries will 
be presented on these pages each month. 

A man's world. Shiny wood, smoke, pretzels, 
good conversation, and best of all, the best of all, 
Miller High Life. For over six generations, 
the great premium beer. 

Miller makes it right! 

© VILLER BREWING со, мата 

в for people 
“going places 

The special place is San Francisco 
Old Crow makes it a little more special. 

Theclang of the Powell Street Cable Car. Majestic Golden 
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number one Bourbon: Crow. It doesn’tcome any better. 
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makes any time and any 

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Old Cr OW d join CROW | осон 

‘Taste made it the world's most popular Bourbon. ^j 




an interchange of ideas between reader and editor 
on subjects raised by “the playboy philosophy 


Texas is in the process of revising its 
penal code and materials ave being gath- 
ered to be used in drafting the new 
atutes. One of my areas of responsibil- 
Would you please for- 
installments of The 
nd The Playboy 

is obscei 
1 approp: 
Playboy Philosophy 

Cameron М. Сип 
е Council 


A friend sent me your 1969 PI. 
Calendar with this note on the envelope: 
I dare you to put this on your wall. 
And that’s where it is. which may sur- 
prise—to put it mildly—certain of my 
shioners, should they drop in on 
their vicar. 
I lost onc member of my congregation 
not long after 


I objected to her 
ation of er Avnoy. 
any of my regular pa- 
those who 
and at 
tend church services are the older genera- 
"LAYnoY's world seems remote from 
"The young leave home, 
nd church life and 
ling the Bible. 

ing to their lives, more power 
ne B. Botelho 

Clear Lake, Wisconsin 

а psychologist and teacher. I must 
expres my great appreciation ol 
PLAYBOY. lt has been an invaluable aid 
my classes in psychology and in mar- 
d the f: lv at Sullolk Co: 
Community College. where I try t0 use 
its liberating sexual attitudes as an 
dote to the often stilling conservatism ol 
some of my middle-aged students I 
think Hugh Hefner deserves honorary 
degrees from every psychology depart 
ment in the country. 

Thanks, and keep up the terrific 


yde Park. New York 


1 recently obtained copies of The 
Playboy Panel: Religion and the New 
Morality and Harvey Cox’ aride God 

and the Hippies for usc in my American 

social history class. 1 now need 50 more 
copies of each: the enrollment is almost 
double what we had anticipated. 1 sup- 
pose the word got around that we have 
been dealing frankly with many current 
issues and utilizing much of The Playboy 
Philosophy mater 

I want to express my appre 
only for these classroom aids but also for 
the continuing excellence of pLavuoy. For 
the first time, many of the girly here have 
been able to explore current. problems 

Edward D. Jervey 
Professor of History 
Radford Со! 

Being a devout Christian, T seldom 
agree with The Playboy Philosophy or 
with the attitudes of most of your con- 
wibutors. But 1 read rrAvBOY because it 
expresses ideas directly oppo: 
opinion, to the traditional Christian phi 
losophy. It thus helps me in my attempts 
10 think. objective! 
The February Playmate, by the way, 
is the most attractive you have presented 
in some time. Let's sce more like her in 
the future, 

Michael W. McClintock 

Waco, Te 

I felt like throwing пр after т T 
tide the Brevard County, Flori- 
da, edition of the Orlando Sentinel: ^ 
woman reporter described her part 
n the police harassment of а man 
whose only offense was a desire to take 
female-nade photographs. This happened 
near the nation’s space center, where one 
would think relatively intelligent’ and 
forward-looking views would prevail. Not 
so. The journalist answered a classified ad 
in another newspaper, which read, “Ama- 
teur photographer wants amateur model. 
Your picture Iree.” The police had inve 
пей the ad and found out the man's 
and his job. When the reporter 
went to meet. him in a hotel room, the 
cops ha id the Eau 
Gallic chi € and the 
security chief from the amateur photog 
rapher’s company were in the room next 

The man took a few pictures of the 
dothed woman and made some feeble 
wuempts to persuade her to pose in the 
nude, Then the guardians of morality 

If you're about. 
to buy a watch, 

why not make 
sure it's a 

1 stop watch 

2 time out stop watch 
3 doctor's watch 

4 yachting timer 

5 tachometer 

6 aviator's watch 

те zone watch 
8 skin diver's watch 

9 regular watch 

Why not make sure it's the 
Chronomaster by Croton, $100. 
Write for free fact book: 

Dept. P-6, Croton Watch Co., 
Croton-On-Hudson, N. Y. 10520 



SINCE 1878 




burst in like the Gestapo and collared 
the photographer. What crime had he 
committed? The article read, "The only 
ge that could be placed 
ist "Johnson" was that he rented a 
l Post Office box to receive answers 
ads under a fa 

If he committed no serious crime, why 
did the police bother him? Apparently. 
they think a desire to photograph female 
nudes is evidence that a man is capable 
of anything, “ "What if he got with some 

he end justifies the means in 
Even if we can't press 

Furthermore, criminal or not, the ama- 
teur photographer's activities cost him 
his $10,000-a-year job. That was why the 
security chiel participated in the т. 
to tell him he was fired. 

АП this was presented as perfe: 

boveboard. unexceptionable conduct by 

the girl who helped in the persecu 
ion of this man. In t iccount 
ng, bi „ spying and deg 
ing a man of his livelihood, the only 
indic t any of the participants 
momentary pang of conscience 
occurred when the reporter admitted she 
couldn't look the unfortunate man in 
the face. What convincing proof that the 
conventional notion of morality is totally 
ick! The st kind of immoral beh 
is that which is committed in the 
of decency. 

Unfortunately, I require a security clear- 
ance to hold my job and I must ask that 
you withhold my name to protect me from 

(Name withheld by request) 
Satellite Beach, Florida 


We wish to respond to some of the 
comments made by Larry R. Littlejohn 
1 Dr. Franklin E. Kameny in the March 
Playboy Forum. Mr. Littlejohn is incor- 
a accusing behavior therapists of 
making value judgments with respect to 
heterosexual and homosex 
It is not our opinion, nor is it that of 
any other behavior therapist we know, 
that there is anything wrong with being 
a homosexual, Mr. Littlejohn and Dr. 
Kameny should be aware that a minority 
of homosexuals do not want to remain 
seems inappropriate to 
desire to change as im 
Dr. Kameny suggests. This 
seless as characterizing homosexual 
moral. If, indeed, it 
ogative of the homosexual to 
sexual, it is equally his right 



remain hom 

with respect to Mr. Little- 
john’s question about the behavior thera- 
pists responsibility when confronted 
with a client told by a court that he 
must change his sexual proclivitics or 
Tace imprisonment, we can speak only 
for ourselves, We would exercise our 


a survey of events related to issues raised by “the playboy philosophy” 

Ecclesiogenic neurosis—a form of men- 
tal disturbance caused by certain kinds 
of religious upbringing—is so wide- 
spread in our sociely that two of its 
principal forms, frigidity and impotence, 
can be called “emotional plagues,” ac- 
cording to psychiatrist William S. Kro- 
ger. Writing in The Journal of Sex 
Research, Dr. Kroger reports that in one 
study of 186 neurotic clergymen, 90 per- 
ceni of them were found ta be suffering 
from the ceclesiogenic neurosis, whereas 
only 27 percent of the representatives of 
other professions suffered similar emo- 
tional illnesses. In another study, 39 per- 
cent of the first 1000 patients reporting 
to а suicide-prevention center had the 
specific symptoms of the ecclesiogenic 
form of mental instability. These symp- 
toms usually include chronic depression, 
guilt feelings, insomnia, loneliness and 
—in women—such psychosomatic physi- 
cal dysfunctions as menstrual abnormali- 
lies, severe pelvic congestion, vaginismus 
and frigidity, In many cases, the religion- 
induced neurosis can also take the form of 
fetishism or perversion; the patient gei 
erally fecls utterly helpless and typically 
seeks hypnosis, believing that no other 
method can relieve his compulsions, 

This disease, says Dr. Kroger, is most 
prevalent where children “are subject to 
the ‘fire-and-brimstone’ type of strict reli- 
gious upbringing,” and the cure seems to 
require a barrage of different therapeutic 
techniques ranging from behavior. ther- 
apy, tranquilizers, yoga and orthodox psy- 
choanalysis to the hypnotic suggestion the 
patient craves, 


Efforts are under way in three states to 
modernize criminal laws involving pri- 
uate moral offenses. In Connecticut, a 
sweeping revision of the criminal code 
Leing presented to the general assembly 
will scrap such charges as lascivious сат- 
riage, fornication, seduction and adultery. 
In New York, the Correctional Associa- 
tion of New York, a private agency au- 
thorized by the state to examine prisons, 
has recommended that the state legisla- 
ture abolish the abortion law and the 
criminal statutes against prostitution and 
homosexual conduct between consenting 
adults. The association's: secretary de- 
dared that government power should 
concern itself not with “moral or reli- 
gious standards” but with “matters of 
public order, public safety and public 
law” In California, Assemblyman Willie 
Brown, Jr, is sponsoring a bill to 
egalize certain homosexual acts between 
consenting adults in private, oral copula- 
tion between men and women and sexual 

intercourse between unmarried adults. 
“What I'm attempting to do,” said Brown, 
“is knock out the blackmail and the public 
condemnation, and free the cops [vom 
being Peeping Toms in rest rooms, so 
they can go ош! and do some honest 
criminal investigation.” 

see why an unmarried girl would want 
to have а male guest all night," Mrs. 
Edna Jones of Poughkeepsie told the 
press, explaining why she and her hus- 
band Robert had filed suit against Vassar 
College to prevent a new “open visiting 
policy from going into effect. The Jones- 
es, parents of a sophomore at the coed 
college, sought to overrule a student vote 
that had abolished the old 11 тм. cur- 
few for male visitors and allowed them 
to stay the whole night through; but 
Vassar officials quickly worked out a com- 
promise with the Joneses, before the case 
came to court. Under the new new rule, 
each corridor im each dorm will vote 
individually whether it will keep the old 
11 vw. curfew or accept the new all- 
night visitation system. Left unanswer 
What happens to a boy who gets into 
the wrong corridor by mistake? 


new yorkK—Local television station 
WCBS canceled a part of “The Mike 
Douglas Show” in which William R. 
Baird, crusader for birth control. ap- 
peared as а guest. During the progran 
Baird briefly displayed a plastic model 
of a uterus and а coat hanger to illus- 
trate the lengths to which present abortion 
laws drive desperate women. The segment 
was aired in many other cities across the 
country, including Boston, where Baird 
is currently fighting а ten-year sentence 
for displaying a birth-control pill and 
handing out contraceptive samples dur- 
ing а lecture. 

Baird challenged. WCBS ruling that 
his exhibit was not in good taste for an 
carly viewing hour by pointing out that 
much more grisly material is shown regn 
larly on the six o'clock news. He told 
rravpov that a WCBS official replied, 
“Any parent who is responsible would 
not let his kid watch the six o'clock 


st, Lotis—4À person's opinions about 
obscenity are often determined Ьу his 
occupational, educational and economic 
background, says Marshall. В. Katzman, 
an instructor іп psychiatry at St. Louis 
University. As part of а test, Katzman 
showed photographs of women in varying 

poses and degrees of nudity to 3H 
persons, 29 of them women. Policemen 
and psychiatrists labeled the fewest num- 
ber of pictures as obscene, while small 
businessmen, laborers and probationary 
policemen produced the highest number о] 
obscene ratings, Pictures usually regarded 
as obscene. tended to be black and white, 
of poor quality, possesed little artistic 
value, had less attractive models and 
showed а greater degree of nudity. In 
general, the study indicated that those in 
the higher socioeconomic groups declared 
fewer pictures obscene than did the less 
economically and educationally privileged 
persons in the lest group. 


judge granted U.S. citizenship to ап im- 
migrant who described himself as “bie 
sexual with homosexual tendencies.” The 
judge declared that the man’s “private 
deviate sexual practices with consenting 
adults” did not prevent him from being 
“of good moral character" under the Im- 
migration and Nationality Act. "The 
court may not function as a freewheeling 
censor over public morality,” the judge 
went on. "True, petitioner is an individ- 
ual whose secret actions are unpleasantly 
peculiar when measured. against what is 
incompletely known of conduct generally, 
but he would not be fairly dealt with were 
there added to the burden of his invol- 
untary sickness the characterization that 
he lacks the good moral character the 
statute demands.” The ruling defies 
numerous precedents in which persons 
have been denied citizenship оп moral 
grounds because of their sexual. propensi- 
ties, and the Immigration and Naturaliza- 
tion Service announced it would appeal 
the decision, 


SAN rRANCISCO— The Trees for the City 
committee organized a “Plant-a-Tree 
Week” including a poster contest—then 
recoiled in anguish when they discov- 
ered that one of the winning posters, 
which they had taken for a picture of 
а palm tree, was actually a depiction 
of a pothead's dream: a super, king-size 
marijuana plant. Removing the poster 
from us place of honor with the other 
winners, officials tersely 1014 the San Fran- 
co Chronide, "They're not the sort 
of trees we recommend for street plant- 
ing.” Disqualified winner Alex Allen, 17, 
interviewed by the newspaper, comment- 
ed, “I did it to find ош where people are 
а... I wanted everybody to enjoy it.” 

Ватт has been arrested for possession of 
marijuana, with bail set at $25,000. In 
Dallas in 1959, Miss Barr was hit with а 
15-year sentence for a first conviction of 
pol possession, San Antonio News col- 


umnist Paul Thompson wrote: 
enormous rap [Candy got out after ser- 
ing three years at бос] is still dis- 
cussed in hushed tones among students, 
here and abroad. of anomalies and 
hideous flukes in the administration of 
Texas justice” Thompson compared 
Miss Barr's huge bail in her latest. case 
with the few thousands of dollars nor- 
mally required of persons accused of 
anything from burglary and robbery to 
murder and rape and concluded, "Candy 
Barr never has professed to be a lady. 
But at the rate some law-enforcement 
agencies are going, they'll make something 
Digger out of hera martyr.” 


PHILADELPIA—Judge Raymond Pace 
Alexander says that it would be highly 
desivable for wives to pay conjugal visits 
to their husbands in jail “and would 
make a comvict's future life worth living. 
Otherwise, a prisoner won't be worth a 
damn. We'll be sending monsters out 
into the community.” Judge Alexander 
occupies the bench in a community seri- 
ously disturbed by the problem of sex in 
prisons; according to the district attor- 
ney's office, homosexual rapes are "epi- 
demic? in the jails of the City of Brotherly 
Love. The judge would also permit sex 
for unwed inmates “if they have legiti- 
mate long-term common-law relation- 
ships.” He thinks that “in five years, 
normal sexual relations in prisons, prop- 
erly supervised, will be the practice in 
many states.” 


The mounting assault against the 
death penalty continues to gather mo- 
mentum, In recent events: 

* Conservative William F. Buckley, Jr., 
blew the minds of some of his followers 
by coming out squarely jor abolition of 
capital punishment. 

* The National Urban League called 
for abolition of the death penalty, on the 
grounds that it has manifestly failed to 
deter criminals and is discriminately af- 
plied against. blacks and the poor. 

* The NAACP Legal Defense and Ed- 
ucational Fund, Inc—whith last year won 
the Supreme Court decision abolishing the 
prosecutors. traditional right to dismiss 
jurors who have qualms about the death 
penalty—is now preparing a new case for 
the highest court, which challenges the 
death penalty оп three technical constitu- 
tional grounds. If successful, this will fur- 
ther impede capital punishment and 
necessilale new legislation in all states, 
But the fund intends to continue the 
fight even. then, secking “total abolition 
of capital punishment їп the United 
States,” according to a spokesman. 

The effectiveness of the campaign 
against the death penalty can already be 
measured: 1968 was the first year in which 
no person was executed in this country. 

professional privilege of refusing the case 
for therapy. We feel that other beha 
therapists, in keeping with the standards 
typical of professional conduct, would 

David C. Rimm, Ph. D. 
Richard J. Morris 
Department of Psychology 
Arizona State University 
Tempe, Arizona 


Your editorial reply to Dr. Kameny 
states that “the available evidence indi- 
ies" that homosexuals show “a com- 
pulsion based on phobic reactions to 
heterosexual stimuli." This is open to 
question. While one is always unhappy 
at having to contradict so sexually lib- 
1 à public. your state- 
“The sexually inverted m 
himself rejecting his biological role"— 
is so wrong that it must not go uncha 
lenged. Neither males nor fem 
bly programed to follow pa 
roles. What can safely be 
les do have 
but to be- 
lieve that nature has purposes of some sort 
would be to fall into the trap of teleology 
that every freshman philosophy student 
learns to avoid like the plague. Biologists 
report observed behavior: they do not im- 
pute purposes to the phenomen: 
tins for the sociologist, 
terpret such behavior in its 
nplications. Today we are giving 
careful study to the ambiguous "vast 
ues and so- 
structures” that, despite your deni- 
al of its existence, does, in fact, make of 
the homophile population а true minor 
y Tt thei 
single attribute"—their emotional orien- 
tion toward members of their own sex 
—that homosexuals 
community of sorts, 

Let us drop unscientific legacies from 
the past that would insist men and wor 
en must be shackled to some sort of bi 
logical predestination, and let us accept 
ad thc picture of multiple potenti 

ics that modern research is revealing, 
W. Dorr Legg, Director 

One Institute 

Los Angeles, California 


I was elated by Dr. Kameny's letter 
and depressed by your answer to it, һе 
use you spoke the tragic wuth 1 have 
to live with. I am a 20-year-old homosex- 
al who was introduced to this way of 
ile when I was seduced in the rest room 
ion at the age of ten. 1 had 
my first real affair two years ago with a 
man old enough to be my father. We 
truly loved cach other, but 1 had to 
leave him in order to continue my edu- 
ion. At times I do not feel I will be 


Some people like it for what it is. 

We think the Javelin SST manages to 
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It unites the two worlds of speed and 
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Yet it lists for less money than any 
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We give you a bigger standard engine 
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We include reclining bucket seats as 

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Of course, you can get options like the 
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But even without a single option the 
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Recently, however, word has gotten 
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And in our first year, we were the 
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'This year, in addition to SCCA Trans- 
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But you don't have to be a pro to be 
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Here are just a few: Hurst shifters. 

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Order them through your American 
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The new Tiparillo LP. 
Should you share it with a friend? 
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165 millimeters.long, to be precise. 
iz] Almost too long for a single man. 
Almost long enough for two. 

able to live 
ib stresses 
living hell 

1 have succeeded in e 
thousand times over I could be a 
sexual. Г envy every happy straight couple 
1 see. Dam willing to undergo a 
10 become straight. 

ny longer with my emotion- 
І sce for myself a Ше of 
airs loneliness ап i 



1 feel that your answer to the le 
from Dr. Franklin E. Kameny gives an 
excellent and complete exposition of the 
point of view of the most liberal. and 
progressive thinkers now working in this 
field. However, there is onc point 1 would 
like to-emphasize in regard то you 
the homosexual 
er good through his relations with 
les than the heterosexual gains i 
lations with females.” Intrinsically. this 
is certainly true: but in our sexually fru 
tating society, the homosexual must be, 
of all groups, the least sexually frustrated 
ge city 
separated fiom his sex partner with the 
heterosexual away from his wile or gi 
friend. ‘The latter has much more trouble 
making а casual pickup than the for 
The homosexual knows fom the grape 
vine the bars where he can make on- 
if he uses the Turkish baths or 

lin ast 

Compare the homosex 


1 sex rel 

s he can 
the spor. These pi 
perlecidy sale and provide partners of a 
very dillerent type from the women the 
heterosexual can. find commercially. Thi 
is a great practical advantage of the gay 
life and I think it faced 
squarely, 1 would go i 
the ar 
society seriously реп 
Myra А. Josephs, Ph. D. 
New York, New York 

x pensive, 

should be 

5 is one of 

As a woman and a Lesl 
with your reply 
ny's Іепег. You assume, without prool or 
. that homose: 
compulsion to engage in sexu 
their own kind. Haven't you 
that so-called normal people are in the 
grip of phobic reactions to homosexual 
fact, this is a serious neurotic symp 
suffered by nearly all heterosex 
evidences the sexual immaturity 
security of most of them, 

Are you confusing love with compul- 
sive sexual atu i 
heterosexual males love and 
people but sexual stimuli 
from females? Does love, i 
involve phobic reactions ю one or the 
other sex? 

When you say the homosexual rejects 
"his biological role," 1 presume you 


your view, 

mean reproduction. My conservative 
guess is that 95 percent of sexual y 
has nothing to do with reproduction and 
half of what does is 100 much, If. Mrs. 
Stimulus is on the pill. where is the 
biological role for her or Mr. Stimulus? 
As human beings, it is time we got away 
from our fixation on imitati 
We can do much bener 
love сап transform mere lustful compul- 
ake of sexual intimacy 
experience of lasting beauty. 
1 am surprised at your advocacy of 
1 conformity. 1, for one, do not care 
to inhabit the belly of the bellsl 
curve where the great, dull ave 
arn 10 delight in diversi- 
male, black and whi 

and n 



ty: male and f 
old and young, heterosexual and homo- 


E ali 

We don't assume that all homosexuals 
are under a compulsion lo engage in 
sexual acts with their own kind; our 
answer to Dr. Kameny referred only to 
the exclusive homosexual. Obviously, a 
person who can respond to both hetero- 

sexual and homosexual stimuli does not 
feel compelled to have relations solely 
with his own sex, nor is he phobic to- 
ward the opposite sex. H is true that 
some—bul not “nearly all.’ as you claim 
— heterosexuals have strong phobic reac- 
tions toward homosexuals; however, such 
Jeclings of revulsion avc in no way intrin- 
sic to heterosexuality. 

Sexual love, in our view, involves more 
than a simple neurological response to 
stimuli, and и does not necessitate phobic 
reaclons lo either sex. Helerosexuals 
often respond positively, occasionally 
even erotically, to the attractiveness of 
members of their awn sex. 

Our remark about the “biological vole" 
ol heterosexuality did nol refer to repro- 
duction necessarily, but to the simpli 
animal, if you will—fact that the male 
and female bodies have been structurally 
adapted to cach other by millions of years 
of evolution and (for all the delights of 
warietism) heterosexual. coitus still is onc 
of the fundamental satisfactions of a full 
human life. The exclus 
who does himself the disservice of never 


experiencing this kind of satisfaction. is 
practicing self-deception, we think, if he 
argues that this avoidance is something he 
prefers rather than something he feels 
rom pelled to do. 

We feel that possession of a heterosexual 
capacity is "average" in the same sense as 
posesing two eyes, say, or four limbs or 
a funchoning sel of genitals. There is 
nothing dull about having. the ability 
to participate in the full range of human 
experience. However, let us be absolutely 
clear once again that we raise these points 
only to defend those homosexuals who 
seek psychotherapy and were condemned 

as “immoral” by Dr. Kameny for violat- 
ing the group solidarity he feels homo- 
sexuals should share. We are not pressing 
therapy upon anybody, male or female 
homosexual or heterosexual, if they 
happy in their present circumstances. But 
we suspect thal those who are secure in 
their happiness would not be so quick 
Jo. misunderstand our neutral words as 
a threat lo Ihem or a put-down of their 
personal. dignity. 



I read with interest the leuer of Wil 
liam McDonough (The Playboy Fornm 
February) on psychiatric injustice and 
as а student of psychology, ] feel Т 
should point out a lew things you over 

И you would consult any competent 
psychologist, you would soon learn that 
so are 
delusions of. persecut 
1 might add that compulsive letter wı 
may show itself as a neurotic symptom. 

IL is, of co ficult to tell from so 
little evidence, but if Mr. McDonough" 
letter is any indica i 
thought processes, he del 

¢ of the symptoms of p: 
. choi 


nd long tales of mistreatment 


some of the symptoms of ps 

Do not forget that Mr. McDonough 
has not been commi 
for a simple 

L psychiatric obser 
apparently the deci: 
professional psychi 

ugh to conduc a 
within our soci 

ve bec 
п by a typical letter from an 
Em afraid that rather than pass new 
s to protect people like McDonough, 
we'll just have cept the judgments 
of profes 1 of patie 
God shows us а way to really c 
mentally ill. 
Kenaid B. French 
Summerville, South Carolina 

While God will certainly get around 
10 solving this problem eventually, He 
has not been in any particular hurry 
about it: such 
reform is the responsibility of man him- 

The need for such laws should be 
evident from a simple fact: If you are 
accused of stealing from a store, the opm- 
ion of one supposed expert from the 
police department (on fingerprints, lel us 
say) іх nol enough lo cominci you. You 
have а right to counsel: to produce oppos 
ing experts to testify on your behalf; and 
to have your вий demonstrated beyond a 
reasonable doubt before you can be sen- 
1enced. Those accused of the "crine" of 
mental illness have, in most states, none 
of these тї из and сап be locked up for 
lije on the testimony of two individuals 


ts, until 
e the 

and, in the meantime, 




who are not challenged or contested by 
opposing authorities in the same field. 
This is manifestly unfair, especially since 
psychology and psychiatry ате not yet 
exact sciences like mathematics and 

As for your perceptive diagnosis of the 
paranoid symptoms of McDonough, he 
frankly admitted in his February “Playboy 
Forum" letter that this was the official 
diagnosis of himself (“paranoid schizo- 
phrenic with a sociopathic reaction” 
Whether these symptoms—or those of any 
inmate—are necessarily indicative of 
mental illness, however, is disputed by 
Dr. Thomas Szasz in his book “Law, Lib- 
erty and Psychiatry": 

Inasmuch as there ате no clear or 
generally accepted criteria of mental 
illness, looking for evidence of such 
illness is like searching for evidence 
of heresy [during the Inquisition): 
once the investigator gets into the 
proper frame of mind, anything may 
seem to him to be a symplom of 
mental illness. 

A тап who is locked up against his 
will generally feels persecuted, frequent. 
ly is suspicious of those who locked him 
up and often writes numerous letters to 
those he thinks may help him get out, 
Sometimes, such a man is paranoid. 
Sometimes, he is just reacting normally 
10 a horrible situation—you might de- 
velop all of Mr. McDonough’s “para 
noid” symploms if you were indefinitely 
sentenced to а prison-hospital. (See the 
account of two psychologists who volun- 
tarily underwent this experience, in the 
May “Forum Newsfront.") If you haven't 
yet learned how difficult it is to distin- 
guish between the normal resentment of 
the involuntarily imprisoned and the com- 
plicated delusions of the true paranoid, 
you've been dozing in class, 


The February Playboy Forum letter 
from William L. McDonough brings to 
mind a related situation that occurred in 
y family. My older brother. now 29, be- 
came ill with what was eventually diag- 
nosed as pa nd, after 
a series of d 
local dinics over 
voluntarily comm 
1e Hay 

Hospital conditions then, as now, were 
deplorable: crowded wards, often sadistic 
attendants, lack of adequate medi 
Май, low budgets by the state govern- 

ent. Му brother's ward, for example, 
had a single psychi who had time 
to see each patient about once a month. 
Patients also were counseled by psych 
atric social workers, each of whom had 
about. 75 cases. 

My brother was fortunate. A psychiat- 
ric social worker took an interest in him 
and devoted considerable time to working 
with him. Eventually, the social worker 

helped him to a point where my brother 

felt he was ready to leave Мара and 
attempt an adjustment to normal life. 
The social worker, therefore, recom- 


. my brother's 

ime a political issue. The 

ge of the ward, who 

mended that he be rclea 

At this point, howev 
freedom bei 
had seen my 
dozen times dw 
recommended ар; 
"The social worker, who had less authori- 
ty but had worked with my brother 
nearly every day for a year, argued for 
release. The social worker suggested that 
I join the conflict; I did, by writing a 
leier suggesting that Т would attempt to 
publicize the board's procedures if some 
shortly after that, my 

thing was not doni 
brother was released. 

This occurred over two years ago, and 
my brother has made а successful— 
though, at times, of couse, difficult—ad- 
justment to society. He has suffered at 
least one relapse; but through the help 
of state aid and outpatient clinics, he 
now ive house with 

other ex-mental patients and plans even- 
tually to finish his schooling and seek a 

was the right thing, the decision could 
have easily gone the other way two years 
ago. As with thousinds of other mental 
ents, he had virtually nothing to sty 
about his future at a crucial point in his 
. Legal safeguards are needed for all 
of the mentally ill, including those in 
Mr. McDonough's situation. 

James К. Willwerth 

Novato, California 


Men in this nation's Armed Forces 
losc their rights as human beings and 
tutional rights to fair treat- 

ment when they enter the Service. 

In October 1968, 27 men at the Presid- 
io stockade staged a sit-down strike and 
refused to obey an order to go to wor 
They were protesting the fatal shooting 
of a fellow inmate who had tried to 
escape. When they refused to obey 
ders, they were arrested, but they offered 
по resistance to arresting оћсег 

They were then charged with mutiny 
instead of the usual charge of disobeying 
an order. Lieutenant General Stanley R. 
Larsen, Sixth Army comma 
garded the pleas of other hi 
ollicials and Army counsel and refused to 
lower the charges, although he kindly 
eded that the maximum penalty of 
h would not be sought upon convi 
tion. The first three men convicted have 
received sentences of 14, 15 and 16 years 
at hard labor, forfeiture of all pay and 
dishonorable discharges. 

These men showed great courage in 
their display of conscience; they deserve 
a much better fate. 

Henry Jensen 
Ferndale, California 

When 27 young men at the Presidio 
stockade were charged with n the 
North American Broadcasting. Corpo 
tion, a nonprofit educational radio asso- 
ciation of some 800 stations, attempted 
to cover their courts-n 1. We were 
prevented from doing so. Everyone in the 
media r became aware that the 
U.S. Sixth Army—from the commanding 
officer of the Presidio and the inspector 
general down to the stockade guards— 
was making an example of these 27 men. 
The prisoners allege that they have been 
intimidated by the guards; certainly, 
these guards have been uncooperative in 
helping us to gather the news. The 
NABC decided to devote its attention 
to the background of the case and to the 
prison conditions themselves 

What we uncovered at the Presidio 
could not be conveyed in one or even 
roadcasts. Private Richard 
apparently killed without 
ion. When we examined the of 
ficial Army records, we found that Bunch 
was of unsound mind and had no busi- 
ness being put into the stockade. The 
officers at the Presidio tried. as best the: 
could, to cover up the case. Fortunately 
for our Government, the public and the 
press, the 27 men in the stockade put the 
potlight on the situation. 

Our taped interviews with prisoners 
make it clear that the facts in the Pre- 
sidio mutiny are being cone: .Hi 
are excerpts from a statement by an 
eyewitness to the kill 

PRISONER: I was with Bunch the day 
he was murdered, and I saw exactly 
what happened, and to my eyes it 
was murder . . . | was standing 
there when it actually happened, 
and he was in the middle of the 
street, and I was about ten feet 
away, and I heard the footsteps and 
heard the gun click as the rounds 
were chambered and the sound of 
the shot; and I saw exactly what 
happened, and there was no call of 
“Halt” given, and there was none of 
the procedure that they are sup- 
posed to follow, The guard cracked 

up after he did it. He started having 
the shakes and saying, "Oh, God, 
what did I do?" and things like 

axnouxcer: It was declared justi- 
fiable homicide immediarely after- 

prisoner: Yes, as far as I know, it 
was declared so two hours alter- 
ward that they had said "Halt" and 
they had done all those things that 
they hadn't. 

ANNOUNCER: What was this young 
man, Rich: Bunch, like? 
prisoner: Well, I only knew him the 

one day. I had just met him that 
day, but as far as f could tell, he was 
very unlike many of the prisoners 
that I have been with on details, 

like myself. He didn't seem scared 
and withdrawn, and he had some 
d of purpose, He was bothering 
the guard constantly, like, “If I run, 
will you shoot me?” And just before 
he d I heard him say, "И you 
shoot, aim for the back of my head. 

Besides the shooting of Private Bunch, 
the 27 men who staged the sit-down were 
protesting conditions in the stockade. 
Here is what a prisoner had to say about 

ANNOUNCER: What are the conditions 
there like in terms of crowding, food, 
ion, toilet facilities, these mat- 


I was in the stock- 
ade, it was inadequate completely. 
The toilet situation was ridiculous 
and the whole bathroom situation 
sit was unsanitary—it really was 

ANNOUNCER: How would you describe 
Prisoner: Well, there were four toi- 
lets for almost a hundred prisoners. 
The toilets didn't have toilet seats 
and they leaked. When we flushed 
them they leaked all over the floor. 
"They were constantly stopped up— 
at least one of them, usually two or 
three—and quite а few times there 
was stuff from the toilets all over the 

ANNOUNCER: Woukl this include hu- 
man excreme 
PRISONER: Yes, and there was aly 
a few inches of water on the floor. 
And the food was completely inade- 
quate. A few weeks before the muti- 
ny, it had been geuing worse and 
worse, until we were getting hardly 
nything to eat, And what there was 
tasted shitty. 

Another prisoner, asked to describe 

the stockade, said: 

PRISONER: The food problem was 
really bad, nobody was getting 
enough to cat, and everybody was 
always left hungry, and we were 
really crowded. We didn't. really 
have room to breathe. The air seemed 
ys stuffy, and you ak 
ways had to wait in line for a couple 
of hours to take a shower... . 
ANNOUNCER: Were you ever in one 
of the disciplinary or administrative 
segregation cells? 

prisoner: Yes, I was. They are about 
six feet Jong, just room enough for 
you to lay down, and about nine 
feet tall and four 
wide. There is а чес! 
on, and there's nothing else to sit 
down on besides the floor or 

ANNOUNCER: Are there any toilets in 
these cells? 

PRISONER: No, there's not. You | 
to call the guard. 


Do the guards always 
respond to the call? 

prisoner: Not always. They sort of 
get tired of oper 

ng doors. 

ANNOUNCER: What do you do when 
the guards won't respoi 
PRISONER: Just suffer, mostly 

As for the mutiny itself, here's 
one of the participants described 

PRISONER: In the morning as ever 
body was getting ready to get 
formation, a group of us, actually 28 
of us, ked over and sat down in a 
4 оГ а bunch of people, supposed 
to be a circle, but it 
bunch of people. We started singing 

stuff like We Shall Overcome, Free- 
dom. This Land Is Your Land, 
things like th a fellow 

who had made up a list of griev- 
ances, there were six altogether, The 
whole idea was just to get these 
grievances across to somebody. It 
doesn’t take very long in the Army 
before you realize that the system 
works best when somebody's watch 
; you, especially like a 
We were kind of hoping that may 
somebody would notice and may 
put a bug into the Arn 
things like they were supposed to һе 
doing, anyway. Maybe clean up the 
scene ttle And so this fellow 
stood up, and when Captain 
mont, the correction officer, the guy 
who's in charge of the stockade, 
came over, we stopped singing and 

grievances and 
things. The сар 
which was really frustrating, and we 
really didn't know what to do, so we 
just started singing again, and pretty 
soon Captain Lamont came back. 
They brought a fire wack and we 
while they were going 
nd we were really kind 
of scared, and they brought over all 
these MPs, and we were still si 
We didn't know what to do. So the 
MPs came in, and they all had gas 
masks оп. We were scared for a 
while they were going to try to ga 
us; we didn't know. Pretty soon, they 
just came over and picked us up, 
carried us inside and that was it. 
ANNOUNC ter Captain 
Lamont had read Article 94 of the 
Military Code, which defines muti- 
ny, to you? 

PRISONER: Well, I guess he did. We 
were sitting there, not looking any- 
where, and he сате back and they 
daim he read Article 94. I guess he 


did. I don't know, I didn't hear it. 
ANNOUNCER: Did anybody have any 
that what they were 

doing there might possibly consti- 
tute a capital offense? 
PRISONER: Oh, no. I guess nonc of us 


knew what we were geuing into 
when we walked out there, One guy 
got scared, Т guess, and just left, We 
just knew something had to be 
done. Nobody even thought of that 
"That's just too insane. 1 mean, this 
s America, and things like that are 
supposed to happen in Russia or 
some bad place like that. So when 
we walked out there, we really 
didn't know what to expec, We 
didn't know what to do. We really 
hadn't thought out this situation, 
other than to figure t 5 
down, and surely somcbody would 
come over and listen to us, because 
that's such ап u I thing for a 
bundi of prisoners to do. Unfortu 
nately, nobody listened to us, nobody 
did anything too much, except try 
and screw us, I guess. 

We have got our teeth firmly into this 
matter, and despite the harassment, 
threats, intimidations and MP escorts 
provided every time one of our vehicles 
enters the Presidio, we are going to take 
this case to its conclusion and report o 
t until we get the kind of action needed 

iti шоп. I 
ted States, there is no 
on why we should afford one or two 
men the power of life and death over 
our youngsters by virtue of having 
separate system of judicial procedure for 
the Army. We feel that if the Army 
unable to conduc itself properly, then 
those judicial rights should revert to the 
civil courts supervised by the civili. 

1 want it plainly understood th 
not out to hurt the Army, which 
great number of conscientious and dedi 
cated men in its ranks. The people we 
must weed out, so that the Army can 
once more become a proud Service, 
the people who abuse their authority 
and neglect their du d their re- 
sponsibilitics to thc enlisted men in their 
charge. What is being fought is injustice, 
not a branch of the Armed Forces, 1 feel, 
s I'm sure others do, that we can give 
the 27 men the exoneration they deserve 
pting the stability of the 
est Army in the world. 

Michacl Erickson, Cl 

North American 
Broadcasting Corporat 

San Francisco, California 

As we go lo press, the sentence of the 
first soldier convicted of mutiny at the 
Presidio, Private Nesrey D. Sood, has 
been reduced on review from 15 years at 
hard labor to two years. Other 
are pending. 

without. di: 





Justice, small-town Texas style, is illus- 
trated by th aces of the stall of 
the Oleo Strut coffeehouse during the 
past eight months. Some of their troubles 
were reported by Thomas M. Cleaver 
in the February Playboy Forum. The 





collechouse is one block south of the city 
d police station and half a block 
the main fire stat ite its 
location on the main street of town, the 

been brok 
and civilians have been physically at- 
tacked inside and outside the premises 
nd sangs of local toughs known as 
cowboys" have ripped plumbing from the 
walls, broken furniture, glasses and dishes 
aside the building and (some 
1 sometimes anonymously) ih 

death to persons connected with the colfee- 
se. Members of the staff have been 
followed home by local citizens waving 
chets and other weapons, аге contin- 
uously threatened with violence and have 
been arrested and jailed for minor viola- 
tions of the aw (for which others are 
петеву warned), such as dr 

g ап auto- 

The local police department has been 
unable to solve and prosecute one single 
crime committed against the Oleo Strut's 
department and сап perform an excel- 
lent professional job im other meas of 

ction. The 10- 
» sons of the 
vea, openly boast 
that they have heen encouraged in their 
is by certain police offi- 
ve promised them immunity 
from prosecution. 

The manager of the coffeehouse was 
sted and held on $50,000 bail for 
posesion of marijuana after 002 of an 
found (under curious circum- 
the front se the 
bonds for murder 
tent to Kill were set at 51500 in 
this county. The ci nees surround- 
aedy of 
nember of the city 
sell a jud, 

ıl ceremonies. А 
semblance of sanity retur 
grand jury decided not to indict the man- 
ager on the possession charge. 
arly 20 years of law 1 
have not seen our double standard е 
difference between what we say we be- 
tually do—practiced 
locality. I only hope 
-lorm results, in the long run. 

€ wa 

jeve and what we a 
so obviou 
that some 

from the abuse of law, utter hypocrisy 

criminal conduct of local citi- 

the past months. 
Davis Br 
Killeen, Texas 

and actu: 
zens dur 

goes on. yet few people a 
ce to the red man. Of course, 
td man is scattered all over the 
country and numbers only about 500,000 

to 1,000,000—the much-documented. poli- 

ion took cure of that. 
But who can tell you more about the 
ethical system of the white man than 
the Indian? Не the enti ne- 
let of justice a pplied by 
soldiers, pol 

су of exterm 

n Affairs. Lucky for the 
grants who came to this country that 
they didn't have а Bureau of Immigrant 
Affairs to help them * 
we might still have 1 
Jewish reservati 

Here in Ok’ though the ma- 
jority of whites claim Indian blood and 
profess respect for the Indian, the whites 
ctually own everything: and the Indian 
suffers from lack of education, is racked 
by disease and has seen his culture vir- 
tually wiped owi—he is а strang 




Having been convicted of selling five 
dollars’ worth of marij sceds and 
stems to informer, 1 am currently 
serving а sentence in the 
Sune P 

My case is ui 
ty, the mandatory legal minimum sen- 
tence in Michigan, is generally regarded. 
as too harsh even by judges. The custom- 
ary practice is to allow the accused to 
Пу to а lesser ch Further- 
bail was set at $45,000—an 
le sum foi aise—so I sat 
for four before being 
tried. There were ju 
rand Ti му in the 
s, but 1 an ошу one 
who h sent to the peniten 

Why this special treatment for 
The authorities will prol 
i Tam а "1 
Actually, 1 have опе pr 
(for unarmed robbery when 1 was very 
young) and пем (which did not 
lead to a trial) for being house 
where pot was being smoked. Is t 
habitual criminality? 1 believe that my 
al a I wrote for a De- 
troit underground newspaper, the Warren 
Forest’ Sun. The col was called 
"Dope-O-&ope," amd in it I presented 
ci а to coun- 
ulated by the nar- 
сос b ngered the local 
olhicials, and 1 g punished as 
symbol of the Detroit hippie community 
and of others who urge more realistic 

ДЕ tion 
Incidentally, the Michigan. House of 


was а colui 

міс facts about mariju: 
mythology cii 


Representatives. rece ceived а Te 
port from a subcommittee formed to 
study the use of drugs among youth in 

the g the report was a 
letter from subcommittee chairman. Rep- 
resentative Dale Warner, which stated, 
“The key implication from this study for 

te. Accompan 

wmakers is that а total re-evaluation 
and velom of our drug-control laws is 

Larry L. Belch 
State Prison of Southern Michigan 
Jackson, Michig: 


The Akron Beacon Journal reports 
the case of a gogo girl who was sen. 
tenced to a term of two to fifte 
for the possession of m. 
judge imposed this stiff 
though two courtappo 
and the assistant county prosecut 
self had urged clemency. 

The article goes on to state that: 

[Mr] баһа 

ded guilty to two 
counts of possessing marijuana. He 
said that he was satisfied by the 

up dr 
and w: 

[She] even volunteered to work 
h the prosecutor 
talks to students about the dangers 
of drugs. It's extremely hard to find 
ex-addicis in this town who are will- 
ing to talk about this problem. 

"But everybody was willing to co- 
operate on this except the judge. 
с declared. . . . 

What also is puzzi 

s lor the past eight months 
is showing rehal с prog- 


ny to court 
the court's past record 
ting probation. Court records 
show that no less than on 51 occa- 
sions did [Judge] Reed д 
Dation in 1968. The c 
shooting with intent 
shooting to kill, stabbi 
possession of narcotics 
other felonies. 

эӊ to wou 
d a host of 

Is ch 

e such a th n the 


ag as ju 

United States today when people who 
shoot to kill 

be released on proba- 
I gets up to 15 years for 
merely possessing (not selling) marijuana? 
Robert A. Blunk 
'etsboro, Ohio 
A careful reading of the news story 
indicates that even the enlightened pros 
ecutoy—and, apparently. the indignant 
reporter. who wrote up this travesty of 
justice—belicued that marijuana is ad. 
dicting and that the girl is an “ex-ad- 
dict." With such misinformation in the 
minds of those who were in favor oj 
clemency, we can only wonder what 
weird beliefs about marijuana may have 
inspired the judge. 

1 ol a communications outfit, 
of the various support units 

ajority of our troops 
Vietnam. Ours is quite an elite group, 
by Marine Corps standards, being select- 
ed for training from the top ten percent 

ll M ruis based om gen- 
ptitude tests administered. during 
basic training. АП аге planning to work 
for at least а B. A. Many of us come 
from upper-middle-class families and are 
known as respectable citizens in our 
home towns. By all rights, we should be 
classed as all-American boys—but our 
preference for marijuana brands us as 
x under constant threat of 
prison sentence. 

Every month, we sec the local mom. 
masan and pay her 5150 for ten pounds 
of pot. Day in and day ош, we sit 
around stoned, but we still maintain 
righer efficiency rate than most of. the 
socially acceptable booze drinkers around 
here, We smoke upon awakening. on 
watch, before bed and during off hours. 
To add a touch of civilization, we've 
turned our hut into a home that now 
serves as a meeting place for all the 

the атса. Here, we listen to 
а а lot and discuss politics 
We've even gone Communist, sharing all 
expenses, dothes and miscellancous ge: 
For this type of living to work, every 
man must do his share; but for us, it has 
worked, without straining relationships 
and creating h 

We prefer to alcohol. because 
pot induces а subtle relaxed state from 
which one can effectively come down on 
short notice то play soldier. if necessary 
—a feat not posible if you're drunk. Al- 
though we don't claim that pot smoking 
gives one an infallible insight, were 
convinced that it can open your mind 
10 new points of view, heighten your 
awareness and. appreciation of aesthetics 
and bring to prominence some of the 
more peaceful aspects of man's nature 
(Name withheld by request) 
FPO San Francisco, Californi: 


Late last year, а 2l-yearold student 
at Oakland. University gave a lecture on 
poer William Butler Yeats’ concept of 
freedom: he stripped naked to dr 
Yeats’ meaning. As a result of this event 
(and of the current unrest on à number 
of starecollege campuses), the Michigan 
senate, led by state senator Robert J. 
Huber, decided to undertake а HUAC- 
like probe into education in Michigan 

An editorial then appeared in the Za 
peer County. Press, addressed to the in 
vestigation in general and to Senator 
Huber in particular. The conclusion of 
that editorial is quoted below 

community is tolerati 
mding up in open 

= it and not 
м ndignation 
Fhere are so many priests in the 
area who are quick to stand up with 
open-housing placards, but they're 
silent on a real moral issue like 

Fond of things Italiano? 
Try these new recipes 
from Galliano. 


س س ت ت س ت ت ا ت ت ا i‏ ت ت ا ا ن ت ت == 

New and ultra-sophisticated Galliano recipes 

to add to your collection. Each one a 

prize-winner. But you’d expect that from апу 

mixed drink made with Galliano. The fine 

Italian liqueur that has conquered America. 

Let a Galliano cocktail win you over. 

Perhaps tonight? 

| | 


(Prize Winning 

Recipe—Notrou Beech Hotel 
Competition. Bakomes) 
{speciolty of Buccaneer 

Hotel, St. Creix, V-I) 

1 oz. Golliono 
les. Golliono 

Voz. Light Rum 
lor. Pineapple Juice 

Ya ez. Apricot 
Flavored Brondv 

lox. Barbodes Rum 
Ya oz. Apricot 

2 ог. Pineapple Juice 
Ya oz. White af Eaa 
Va or. Lemon Juice 
Shoke well, pour into 
© fall gloss with ice cubes 

Flovered Brordy 

Ya oz. Lemon Juice 

Legg white or 

Vz or. Frethy 

Add crushed ice ond 

Sad decorate with Irast. 
put in blender lor 30 
fo 60 seconds, Serve in 10 
1o 12 oz. brandy элй. 


{Aibine Covette, = 
New Oriento! Hotel, 
Melbourne, Australio) 
In eoch torge cup. 

pour 1 oz. meosure 

ol Goalline. 

add ane tecspoon. 

ol suger. odd 

hol strong block 

calles іо opproximotely 
Уз inch trom top ol сыр, 

swiazle, then odd cream 


(Created by 
C. Charles Fiore 

Boston. Mossochosetis] 

1 or. Colliono 
3 ог. Orange Juice. 
Ya tsp. Lemon Juice. 

Pour over ice ord stir, 


Vs iiager Gallieno 

Vilager White Rum 

Vs legas Triple Sec 

Juice ol 1 lime 

Shoke with crocked ice end pour 
unstroired into stemmed gloss 
with lime slice es garnish. 



TA ог. Galliano 
Loz. White 
Creme de Merthe 
Shoke well with 
crocked ice. Sirain 
іча cocktail gloss, 


Fal ofd-foshiored gloss 
with crocked ice. Four 
Т oz. Galliano over ice 
ord squeeze ond diop 
Ya section fresh time 

into gloss. Stir end зеле. 

T LE LE TER ECCE EA‏ کے کک E E I‏ کے کک کے کک کت 




Yeah, take that you stupid priests. 
You're wasting time demanding such 
lly things as an end to discrimina- 
tion in housing. Who cares if a 
black man’s money won't buy the 
same house a white man's money 
will buy? Forget it and join with 
Senator Huber in debating this real 
moral issue, . < 

Bur seriously, folks, Senator Hu- 
ber obviously wouldn't recognize a 
real moral isue if he woke up in 
bed with it. 

The Rev. Earle R. Ramsdell 
The Rev. Thomas E. Sagendorf 
The Rev. David Yord 
Interfaith Action Council 
ter Flint 


Reality c to Colorado 

s annual 
symposium. Last у was the 
Presidency; this y the students chose 
to study violence. Various persons cime 
to expound on the subject: Michael 
Klonsky, national secretary of SDS; Ivan- 
hoe Donaldson, cofounder of SNCC 
John Sack, war correspondent for Es- 
quire; amd comedia 
Other events included a Black Pa 
film titled Huey and a presenta 
Euripides’ The Bacchae called Dionysus 
in '69. 
Klonsky began the week by expla 
t he thought was wrong with 
society; he made some very valid 
points. Colorado ings’ contribu 
to American journalism. the Colorado 
Springs Gazette Telegraph, covered the 
event and criticized Klonsky for employ- 
if the most. impor- 
tant thing about his speedi was the 
fact that he used words such as “bastard” 
Throughout the week, the 



reports stuck to the trivialities, 
d and 

whatever the speakers s 
the sw 

of cach account. The Ga 

te lifted sen- 
tences out of context in Dick Gregory's 
speech, leaving out his thoughts, concen- 
cating on his "bad words" 
cases, entirely misquotin 
The climax of this local idiocy fol- 
lowed a presentition of Dionysus in '69 
in which cight cast members were nude 
during two scenes. The play was a mov- 
ing, perplexing portrayal of the human 
condition, the violence inherent in 
people, the questions of justice and venge- 
nd the type of mind that has built 
sick, racist society. The newspaper, 
of course, fixed its attention on the nudi. 



ty. The Gazette managed to find a girl 
who said, as the most immoral, 
completely insane thing I've ever scen in 

my life... . I bawled. 1 was physically 
sick.” Despite the implication that this 
was a typicil reaction, when the play 
ended, the sull filed with 

les were 

people who had по scats. One minister 
exhorted his congregation to punish the 
college by withdrawing their accounts 
from a bank owned by a member of the 
college's board of trustees. He called 
Colorado Springs a modern Sodom and 
Gomorrah. Our enlightened mayor is 
sued a statement that read, in part, “I 
id will not condone, under any 

у y of any kind. . . . 
There аге two sides to all questions; but 
when one side becomes distorted and dis 
figured to the point that only with ob- 
nd filth can. it be described, I 
ht to be heard. 
Colorado Springs 1969, popu- 
lated by men and women who are er 
slaved by the unrealistic morality that 
has destroyed so many lives in the past, 
perverted our nation and caused untold 
frustration, impotence and guilt. The 
whole episode served to remind me how 
very badly rLavuoy is needed. 

Mike Delong 
Colorado Sp 

ngs, Colorado 

Would-be censors do not understand 
that much of the demand for pornogra- 
phy springs from its being forbidden. 
gives it а scarcity value that it 
wouldn't possess if it were freely avail- 

Much pornography is low in a 
ality, and if the [alse impor: 
has acquired by being suppressed were 
removed. the poor quality of this ma- 
terial would immediately become appar- 
ent. This has been the experience of the 

In any case, what right does anyone 
€ to stop an adult from choosing his 
own entertainment. so long as this ente 
iment docs not infringe on the rights 
of others? If the individual had an un- 
restricted right to make [ree decisions in 
this area, I'm sure his conscience would 
answer for his own behavior. 

Joseph Kulik, Jr. 
Chicopee, Massachusetts 


A violation of my human rights oc- 
curred during the ill-fated Pornography 
and Censorship Conference at tlic Uni- 
versity of Notre Dame, where 1 am a 
student. The conference was planned as 
an demic discussion by a legitimate 
student group. The administration pres- 
sured the student. leaders of the confer- 
ence i nceling the screening of a 

film dat had been labeled hard-core 
pornography by the New York State Su- 
preme . When it developed. that 

the film would be shown on campus һу 
group that would not 

for Decent Literature dem 
county prosecutor swear out а warrant to 
confiscate the movie. The film was seized 
by a dozen officers using physical 
lence and chemical Mace. 

I am disgusted with administrative, 
udent and civil authorities for their 
lack of regard for the right of students to 
view this film, a right supported by any 
number of established schools of thought 
from the Bill of Rights to the existential 
t philosophers. The arbit 
tic decision to confiscate the film was 
exactly the sort of travesty on justice our 
conference was set up to investigate. Aft 
er a private screening, the county prose- 
cutor solemnly asserted that the film was 
definitely pornographic.” Amazing! Did 
he expect us to ventilate the issues of 
pornography and censorship with Walt 
Disney travelog: 
Any justification for this act of repres- 

sion, especially within the context of an 
academic. conference, ly ques- 
tionable. A callow minority has used 
brute force to impose its verdict. And 
now, to make the situation even sicker, 
several students are awaiting a grand 
jury decision about. prosecution for their 
part in the conflict. The diarge will be 
showing a pornographic film at а por- 
nography conference! 

James E. Metzger 

University of Notre Dame 

Notre Damce, Indiana 


“Malice in Maryland,” a letter in the 
February Playboy Forum, told of several 
people arrested in Baltimore because ac 
tor Mark Isherwood was allegedly nude 
during one scene while making ап un- 
derground film. I am their lawyer. After 
reviewing other films made by these young 
people. our state's attorney. Charles Moy- 
an. decided not to press charges. However, 
before they could be dropped. permission 
had to be obtained from a judge of the 
supreme bench of Baltimore. The case 
came up before Judge Solomon Liss, who 
dismissed the charges with an artwork of 
his own in three stanzas: 

Old Baltimore is in а spin 
Because of Isherwood's. display of 


She cannot bear the shame and 

Brought on by showing the “bare” 

Charlie Moylan was in a sweat. 

O'er his decision, he did fret. 

On the judge's discretion—should he 

No! Instead he entered а “stet.” 

And so—go thou and sin no more. 

Disrobe, if need be, behind the door; 

And if again, you heed Ше сай ој 

Rest assured, the judge will do his 

There may be malice in Maryland, but 
there's benevolence in Baltimor 
Fred E. Weisgal 

Attorney аг 

Baltimore, Maryl; 



А neighbor has given me а pamphlet 
titled "Is the School House the Proper 
Place to Teach Raw Sex?” 
Dr. Gordon V. Drake and distributed by 
Christian Crusade Publications of Tulsa 
Oklahoma. Т copied down the adjectives 
and descriptive phrases used by Dr. 

Drake to describe sex educators. and I 
think readers of The Playboy Е 
might find the list amusing. This is what 
sex educators are. and do, according то 
Dr. Drake: 

They “wallow in sexsationalism" and 
in the mire"; they “reclassify forbidden 
fruits of the past into juicy sex 
; they may eith 
or admit а fra 
they “peddle Fre 
warped logic” and contribute 
but sheer degeneracy to the 
education of our youth”; they remind 
Dr. Drake “of Karl. Marx, who declared 
that ‘religion is the opiate of ihe 


for today 

people" and who knew “that religion had 

10 be destroyed before communism could 

hope to maintain control ol tion by 

reducing it 10 slavery and dumb obedi- 
they promote “ 

supposed dignity of the classroom, is 
i] sin jist plain dirty talk"; they 
Ne: shade of muddy 
nisters colored athei 
camp followers of every persuasion: 
beat psychiatrists to ruthless. publishers 
of pornography"; and, of course, they 
are “degenerar 
docs PLAYBOY know about this 

Chicago, IHlinois 
See the answer to the following letter 

y came across an attack on sex 

a group called MOTOREDE 
(Movement to Restore Decency). Among 
other things, MOTOREDE says: 

ion in time to do 
I on 

ese forces of e 
every front, But our first concern is 
з our school ildren. For 
is a mater of record that the Com- 
munists are. behind a massive effort 
to destroy the m 

make us helpless against their strate 
gy of congu 

By far the most dangerous and 
disastrous step in this whole pro- 
gram 10 promote degeneracy is the 
present increas 
to invioduce con 
imo our schools, all the 
av from kindergarten. through high 

[We] do not believe that the cur- 
rent drive [oi 

ious "sex. educa: 

(concluded on page 783) 

„е‏ ت مت م 

Put this A 
in your washer 
and smoke it! 

A pipe, in a dishwasher? "That's enough to make a guy leave home. 

But wait. That pipe is The Pipe, the first pipe to break with tradition 
and find something better for its bowl. Pyrolytic Graphite. That's space age 
missile material. Onc of its many wonders is the way it cornes clean. A wipe 
with Kleenex or a dash of water does it—leaves the bowl clean-as-new, no 
hangover odors (the one thing gals hate about pipes). 

But men don't choose their pipes just because they clean so simply. 
Men like pipes because they smoke good. And The Pipe's wonder- UE 
bowl smokes better than good. 10 to 20% cooler, with 84% less tar, 71% 
less nicotine. 

Break-in? None of that with a pure carbon liner. The Pipe smokes mel- 
low from the first puff, and there's none of the other fuss that causes so _ 
тапу men to give up on pipes. The Pipe lights up in two puffs and 
keeps smoking the whole bow] through. "There's no drying-out, 
no bitterness. 

Dandy Dad's Day or Grad's Gift. He'll feel better, do 
better and look better with The Pipe leading the way. 
$12.50 in Ebony, $15 in Burnt Orange and seven other 
tie and shirt-matching hues. Rally 
Stripes too. The Pipe for him. 

lu.W ү T 
| ҮЧҮ, 6WUt CLL 
(0 Y4Y VIL 

DADA NA pu р P ББ 

Gard/ Venturi Companies, Н 
94103. Member of The Pipe and Tobacco Council cf Am: 

For “The Story of The Pipe" write 

t Bldg, San Francisco, 
. U.S. Patent 3,420,244. 


Can you spot the druggist from Toledo? 

Of course not. 

That's the point. 

Somewhere in our picture is what 
appears іо be just another Italian 
playboy sitting in his expensive Italian 
sports car. 

But somewhere up there is a very 
dependable druggist in his very de- 
pendable Karmann Ghia. 

It looks like a racy sports job be- 
cause it was designed by the Ghia 
Studios of Turin, Italy. 

It runs like a Volkswagen because, 
underneath, that's exactly what it is 

Complete with4-wheel independent 
suspension, front disc brakes, 4-speed 
synchronized gear-box, oil cooler and 
rear-mounted air-cooled engine. 

To put an end to the suspense, the 
Karmann Ghia is the snappy number 
just left of center. 

Andforasnappy$2,575* it'syours. 

So yov can look like the kind of 

person to whom price is 
no object. 

And with the money 
you save, it won't be. 



а candid conversation with the acerbic social commentalor, political 

polemicist, playwright, producer and author of “тута breckinridge’ 

One of the few happy developments of 
1968—a year disfigured by police riots, 
student rebellions, political awassinations 
and а rancorous Presidential campaign 
—was the emergence into the national 
consciousness of Gore Vidal. “Myra Breck- 
midge,” Vidal's controversial 11th novel, 
which appeared in February of last year, 
has sold some 1,500,000 copies—an almost 
unheard-of success for a serious literary 
And Vidal reached an 

work in America. 
even larger audience six months later. At 
Loth political conventions and on election 
night, he appeared. opposite William F. 
Buckley, Jr.. às а commentator jor ABC. 
Except for one viluperative exchange bi 
tween the two authors on the bloodiest 
night of the disturbances at the Demo- 
«тапс Convention т Chicago—an e: 
neither really 
many observers agreed that the pugnacious 
polemicist and editor of the National Re- 
view had finally met his caustic match in 
Vidal. At least the television. audience 
discovered that there was someone on the 
left with a tongue and a mind as sharp as 
Buckley's on the right. 

Vidal's mixed-media breakthrough as а 
firstmagnitude celebrity was neither a 
surprise nor an overnight success. Though 
he's only 43, he has been excelling in a 
remarkably disparate number of careers 
for close lo a quarter of a century. Often 
concurrently, he has been a novelist, a 
writer of television dramas, a Hollywood 
scenarist, a theater critic, a playwright, a 
member of inner White House social 
circles, a political columnist, а television 
personality and even a political candidate. 

change that man ion 

“If we survive long enough to evolve a 
rational society. there will be a trend 
loward bisexuality. For one thing, bisex- 
uality is, quite simply, more interesting 
than monosexualit 

Literary success came carly. Graduated 
from Philips Exeter Academy in 1943, 
Vidal served ош the War on а ship 
transporting men and supplies from is- 
land to island in the Aleutians. His first 
novel, “Williwaw,” was based on these 
Wartime experiences. Written when he 
was 19, it was followed in 1947 by "In a 
Yellow Wood.” and Vidal found himself 
in contention with Truman Capote for 
lionization as America’s brightest young 
literary light. But both books ате marred 
by a tendency to mime the styles of 
Stephen Crane and Ernest. Hemingway. 
Vidal conceded later, “easily the 
cleoerest young fox ever to know how to 
disguise his ignorance and make а virtue 
of his limitations.” In his third novel, 
“The City and the Pillar.” Vidal wisely 
forsook the flat realism of the first uo 
but he also abandoned convention. A 
frank and sympathetic homosexual. ro- 
mance, И cast him out of. literary. favor 
with readers and critics alike. 

Ете more novels followed in quick 
succession. About three of them—"Search 
for the King? “The Judgment of Paris” 
and "Messiah" —Vidal says, somewhat bit- 
terly. “These works resembled hardly at 
all the books that had gone before. but 
unfortunately, 1 was by then so entirely 
әш of fashion that they were ignored.” 
In 1954, thoroughly discouraged and in 
need of money, Vidal turned. to writing 


for television. A score of sevipts through 
the next two years—some originals, some 
adaplations—earned him аз much money 
as had the previous near decade of 
novel writing. The most successful of his 

“The people recognized themselves in 
1. B. J. and recoiled. He was the snake- 
oil salesman, just as Nixon is the realtor 
intent upon selling us that nice develop- 
ment land that turns out to be swamp.” 


television plays, “Visit to a Small Planet,” 
presaged Vidal's deepening political con- 
cerns. The visitor of the title—a sophisti- 
cate from outer space—comes to earth to 
see a war, even if he has to start one him 
self, because, he explains, "Its the one 
thing you people down here do really 
well” Vidal adapted the show for Broad- 
way, where it enjoyed a twoscason run. In 
the late Fifties, he wrote two more plays 
for the tube (in one of which he played 
a minor vole) and worked on a number 
of filmscripts, including “Ben-Hur” and 
Tennessee Williamy "Suddenly, Last Sum- 
mer.” His second Broadway play, “The 
Best Man,” followed in 1960—and also 
тап [or two seasons 

By 1960, in fact, it began to seem as if 
Gore Vidal was the collect nom de 
plume of a halfdown equally gifted 
men. Three movies written or inspired 
by Vidal, as well as the play, were ap- 
pearing simultaneously in New York; 
Jack Paar and David Susskind had. dis- 
covered in him a provocative new guest; 
and his theater criticism was appearing 
regularly in The Reporter. To top it off. 
Vidal was the Democratic candidate for 
Congress т New York's 29th District. 

The writer's active interest in politics 
came even earher than his commitment 
to writing. (71 have, since childhood,” 
Vidal told The New Yorker, “said that 1 
would rather be President than write”) 
His parents were divorced when he was 
ten, and his mother married Hugh D. 
Auchincloss, who is also the stepfather, 
through another marriage, of the present 
Mrs. Aristotle Onassts—the link that was 

“tt is quite true that "Мута Breckin- 
has earned те а great deal of 
money. Jf 1 e lo say that I1 had writ- 
ten il in order to make money, I would 
be understood and absolved of sin.” 




to make Vidal a frequent White House 
visitor in Camelot's first years. Vidal spent 
much of his childhood in the company 
of his maternal grandfather, Thomas 
Pryor Gore, the blind Senator from Okla- 
пота, guiding the fervidly isolationist old 
man around the Capitol and reading 
newspaper editorials, the Congressional 
Record and works on monetary theory to 
him. At Exeter, still very much under 
his grandfather's influence, he organized 
а group that propagandized against Amer- 
ican participation in World War Two. By 
the time he decided to run for Congress 
in 1960, the conservatism of his youth had 
evolved into a tough, if not radical, liber- 
alism—favoving recognition of Communist 
China, Federal aid to education and a 
decrease in defense spending. Vidal lost 
the race but garnered more votes than 
had any Democratic candidate in the 
district since 1910. 

Committing himself again to writing 
—and to the novel, with “Julian,” a 
fictionalized biography of the Fourth Cen- 
tury Roman emperor who tried in vain 
to turn back the tide of Christianity— 
Vidal rejected two subsequent offers to 
run for office in New York. And in 
March 1963, he broke his links with the 
Kennedy White House in a magazine 
article called “The Best. Man—1968." 
“There ave flaws in his persona hard to 
disguise." he wrote of then-Attorney Gen- 
eral Robert F. Kennedy. "For one thing, 
it will take a public-relations genius to 
make him appear lovable, He is not. . . 
He has none of his brother's human eas 
or charity.” Vidal's opinion of Robert 
Kennedy changed as Kennedy himself did 
in the following years, but the possibility 
of a conventional political carcer for the 
writer was closed, 

His fascination with the ways of pow- 
ev, however, remained very much alive, 
In “Washington, D. C." which was pub- 
lished in 1967, Vidal shifted novelistically 
from Roman to American imperial poli- 
tics, tracing the fortunes of a number of 
archetypal figures who, in the years from 
1937 to 1952, helped transform the Ameri- 
сип republic into what Vidal calls “pos- 
sibly the last empire on earth” Like 
“Julian” before it, the book was ап in- 
stant best seller. 

In “Myra Breckinridge,” Vidal moved 
from the surgical dissection of political 
venery lo a broader and bloodier attack 
on America's social and sexual mores. 
The book's title character participates in 
orgies, an interminable anal rape and 
а sadomasochistic coupling that ends ina 
broken neck [or one ecstatic partner, all 
їп the course of what Vidal considers “a 
mad hymn to bisexuality.” Most critics 
found the book's theme less affirmative. 
In the words of The Reporter. “Others, 
including . . . Mailer and Albee, have 
declared war on the American. Dream, 
but по опе so far has disposed of it in 
quite such a nightmare fashion.” 

With his fiction becoming increasingly 
polemical, Vidal has often turned to the 
critical essay in recent years to promote his 
T About “Rocking the Boat,” the first 
hardcover collections of nonfiction, 
New York's Mayor John V. Lindsay wrote; 
“Vidal is the most ingratiating of icono- 
clasts. For while he is leveling the house- 
hold gods with a devastating sally, he has 
disarmed you with the sliest grins.” The 
second anthology—and Vidal's most recent 
book—is “Reflections upon а Sinking 
Ship," published this spring by Little, 
Brown. Hs 25 pieces of literary and social 
comment fully justify the Manchester 
Guardi pronouncement that "Vidal 
has an acute and impish intelligence 
which makes him the nearest thing im- 
aginable to a new-model Bernard Shaw.” 

Vidal divides his time between homes 
in Rome, where he does most of his 
writing, and їп New York Gity—al- 
though a number of projects have made 
him a frequent Hollywood visitor. this 
year. Shooting began a few weeks ago on 
his adaptation of Tennessee Williams’ 
“The Seven Descents ef Myrile;" and he 
is both writing and producing big-budget 
film versions of “Julian” and "Myra." He 
satisfies his interest in politics by working 
for the New Party, which he helped found 
after the defeat of Senator Eugene Mc- 
Carthy and the bloodshed of the Demo- 
cratic Convention, Our interview began 
with the political turmoil of the past 
year and a half—and the outlook for the 
new Administration. 

PLAYBOY: As one who was intimately in- 
volved in last year's electoral process— 
first as ап carly supporter of Senator 
Eugene McCarthy's c then as a 
political commentator for ABC at the 
Republican and Democratic Conventions 
—what do you see as the prob: 
pact of the Nixon Administration on 
this country and on the world? 
VIDAL: “People arc what they 
Eleanor Roosevelt used to say, 
sorrow than in triumph. Nixon is wl 
he is and—again, Mrs. Roosevelt. 
can't change people." There is, of course, 
a popular myth that people do change: 
but in real life, they don't. With age and 
experience, they simply become morc 
adroit at selling themselves. Nixon has 
never been interested in issues or ideas, 
only in self-promotion. His Congression- 
career was а perfect. blank—nothing 
accomplished, no one represented except 
T r for those who con- 
tributed to his famous slush fund. He 
did fight the Commies, however, and so 
became known. Reports on his Vicc- 
Presidential years show that at Cal 
meetings, he seldom had апу 
about issues but 
promoting the party. 

PLAYBOY: Soon after the election, News- 
week suggested that Nixon's quilifi 
tions us а complete political tech 
are among his redeeming Presidential 

assets Do you feel there's any truth to 

VIDAL If the technician were interested 
in solving real problems, we would all be 
his debt. But if Nixon has ever had 
ту ideas about the American empire or 
the situation of the blacks. he has been 
careful not to confide them 10 us. More 
to the point, since he is imerested only 
in self promotion, he is not about to 
j irc The Career by taking a strong 
n on any issue. The ghettos wi 
be "solved," he tells us. by giving tax cuts 
10 private industry for doing business with 
the blacks. Well. it doesn’t take a pro- 
found student of the human heart to know 
that the tax cuts will be accepted gladly 
nd that the ghettos will be no better 
off. It is a proof of his banality not only 
that he thinks we don't know how inade 
quate what he proposes is but that the 
very way he puts his “solution” shows 
that to him the ghetto is something 
inaurable—to be improved, mot elim 
ed. But then. of course, he is а con 
servative as well as ап opportunist, and 
conservatives believe that the poor are 
ys with us, that the human heart is 
ly. we're all rascals, 

Шу, that should 
masters. It is the liberal dis 
things can be п 
m liberal, and so un 
are in power? 

VIDAL: Yes, and because they m to do 
nothing, while the lively new radicals of 


the left have given up. The only thing 

and right have in common is a dis- 
n for the liberals. The conservatives 
are now tending toward fascism—cack 
down on dissent, support your local police. 
disobey the Supreme Court—while the 
New Left wants to destroy the entire sys- 
tem. Emotionally. I'm drawn to the Nc 
Left. 1 would certainly go to the bar 
cades for апу movement that wants to 
sweep away the Pentagon, Time magi 
zine and frozen ch fried potatoe! 
But what is to take its place? The New 
Left not only have no blueprint, they 
don't want a blueprint. Lets just sce 
what happens, they say. Well. I can tell 
them what will happen: first chy, 
then dictatorship. They are rich in Tom 
Paines, but they have no Thomas Jel- 

PLAYBOY: Nixon has announced that after 
an ега of confrontation, we must now 
begin an era of negotiation. Do you sce 
this as a hopeful si 
VIDAL: He enjoys taking trips abroad and 
thinks himself ional expert 
because. over tl ars, he has met a 
h whom he ha 
interpreter for as long 
I think he'll do a lot of 
ng, but nothing much wil 
You know, empires have thei 
namic, and individuals don't much 



as 30 minutes. 

their progress. Take the American empire. 
Up until the end of the 19th Century, we 
confined to our own continent, sc 
ing land from Mexico. uying to invade 
nd. of course, breaking every 
ade with the indigenous 
population, the Ind 
for slaughtering them 
priating their land. By 1 
tinent was full up. We were at the edge 
of the Pacific Ocean, dressed to kill, with 
no place to go. The result was a serious 
ional depresion—emotional as well as 
economic. Fortunately, that master ther; 
pist. Teddy Roosevelt. was able to contrive 
а war with Spain that put us into the 
empire business in a big way: Not only 
we "free" Cuba but we took on Puerto 
Rico and. most significant, the Philip 
pines, Westward the course of empire 
flowed and still Hows. When Teddy's 

in Franklin maneuvered the Japanese 

s expro- 
the con- 

excuse to go 10. England's 
inst Hitler—we became the gr 
est power in the Pacific. Now Amer 
white hordes are on the mainland of Asi 
sustaining а much-deserved defeat. 
PLAYBOY: Obviously, you feel that the 
U.S. should withdraw from its commit 
ments in 
VIDAL: If we continue, not only shall we 
ро bankrupt. we me quite apt to be 
destroyed in а nuclear war with Chi 
But сап we stop? 1 doubt it. Empires are 
ps there will be а remis- 
but it's not very likel 
Meanwhile, the biopsy report is malig 
Happily. we w least have been the 
shortesi-lived. empire in histor 

PLAYBOY: Do you think public sentiment 
for peace is sufficiently strong to influence 
the new Administration in the direction 
of à negotiated settlement іп Vietnam? 
VIDAL: Certainly the war is hurting the 
econo 1 the people don't like that. 
But at a deeper level. 1 think our people 
revel in war and blood. particularly if 
the victims belong to "inferior" races. 
PLAYBOY: That doesn't sound like the 


statement of a man who identifies him- 
self as а liberal. 
Vipat: The sad paradox of liberalism is to 

want majority rule while realizing that 
the majority is instinaively illiberal. The 
Bill of Rights was the creation of the 
educated few, not of the ignorant many 
who would have rejected it—and i 
tice do reject it, quite as firmly as Mayor 
Daley did last A 
ing the police 
odd. the nobly 
myself admiting—if only brielly— 
treatment of his kulaks. The police rep- 
resent the same class in this country, as 
. M Chicago, 

l, the 
1 found 

its most bitter and igne 
they had a chance to revenge themselves 
on their economic and intellectual bet- 
‘The result, as the Walker Report 
| was "a police riot.” At the moment, 
the real danger to America is not anarchy 
but repressive police. power. The fact 

that we recruit our police from the 
class that provides us with o 
makes them even more d 
because the 
their respect: he is their brother, while 
the college professor тер 

erous to us, 
criminal at 

Ts there such a great difference 
the values of 
and the "kulaks" of this countr 
The dilterence 
tion and the Dark Ages. One Chicago 

n? They want to show 
people fucking. They want everybody to 
Alter some 
that he'd d 
ers say in an 

those hippies v 

the place." 
I discovered 
one of the dissen 
that there was something si 
society that preferred its d 
watch people | 
instead of mak 

ig love. 1 sai 
sonable point of view. Sex is 
good, Murder is bad. Wouldn't he prefer 
jds to watch love being made to 
i? Voice shaking with 

LI thought 

iolence and killi 

degenerates. fucki 
kill them all!” 
and Dr. Rose Franzbl 

The cops should 
It was as il M 
ч had never live 
its certainly 
itle really new about the 
tolerance you abhor, and 
has survived periods of even 
right-wing hyster 
the Joe McCarthy era i 
point. Is there 
the usual deg 
current prospects? 
VIDAL: Yes. 

more intense 

use for more than 
ee of pessimism about our 

The strain. of violence that 
always run deep in our society 
ted by two race w: 
inst the blacks and 
t the yellows. It is 

been. exacerl 

onc abroad 

series of. showdow 

course, ever since the Puritans. 
these shores. Incidentally 
bal lore that 
here to esc 
fact, they м 

it is part of 

driven first out of Eng- 
n out of Holland, because of 
secution of others We ha 
. But then things 
tury, and we 
inning as а nation, with a 

the 18th С 

n intolerance of other 
races and cultures, combined with 
tional ethos based entirel 
roduced an Amer 
“ugly” but, worse, unable to 
understand why he is so hated in the 
world. The soc 
Tace the. prospect. of 
fare in the cities, institutiot 
sassinations in our poli 
our Chicagos 
y moment turn nucle- 
Yet the white major 

у upon human 

al fabric is di 

ics, suppression 

d 10 all that is happen 
lence is still our greatest pleasure, w 
er on television or in the 1 
PLAYBOY: Speaking of violence on tele 
ion, one of the most memorable moments 
in kıst увагу Presidential campaign was 
your shouting match with William Buck 
ley оп ABC during the Democratic Con- 
vention. In retrospect, how do you feel 
about that episode? 
VIDAL: Т was reluctant to appear with 
him at all. For one thing, I knew it 
would reduce me to his Теке Га look 
like a left-wing entertainer, balancing his 
right-wing clown act. But the size of the 
audience finally tempted me: as a polem 
cist, it was too good an opportunity to 
tes а success? 
As debates, yes—though poor Bill 
not at his best. I've never seen any- 
one sweat as much as he did on camera. 
Finally, on electi е refused 
together to debate me—or even meet 
me—and so we 
curtain between us, answer 
K. Smith's questions sepa 
think where Bill got such a reputatio 
а debater. I found him a bit of a bird- 
unable t0 pursue any train of 
hi logically, no doubt. because he 
doesn’t want to let on to what extent 
he really is fascist-minded. 
was on the ai cist,” by the way, is 
nor a word I use often—and is therefore 
even to Nixon's White 
House. Unable to be honest, he is forced 
to be personal, accusing Norman Mailer 
of wile stabbing and so on. Needless to 
say, this sort of ad hominem attack is 
very much admired by the kulaks. 
Remember his response t0 my sugges- 
tion that he a "erypto-Nari? He 
was no Nazi, he shrieked, because he 
had been in the infantry—non. sequitur 
dl he would punch me in the nose: 
hubris! Tt was a fascinating display of 
sh temper, with eyes rolling, tongue 
ad, as always, the 
ion: The only ac- 
ssroom, teach, 
ing Spanish. For the record, I way in the 
Pacific with the Army during the W 
Thus. 10 make—or avoid—a point 
will say anything. Cont 
billing. Buckley is not an 

your point of view, were 

as T implied he 


one they dare display in public. he has 
be able to make а nice niche for him- 
self as а sort of epicene Joe McCarthy 
PLAYBOY: Though you say you don't 
usually use the word “fascist,” you've 
already used it twice. 

vipat: It's on my mind, obviously. Pres 
sures from students, New Left and mi 
int blacks could cause the conse 
majority of the country to counterattack, 
то create what would be. in elect. a fas- 
cist society behind а democi 
PLAYBOY: Do you think America 




me, are more susceptible to 
other people? 

But we 


100 Century waves 
slave societies like 
nd Sicily have not yet 
absorbed, and these new Ameri- 
‚ by and large, do not take easily to 
the old American values. It is unkind to 
mention this, but nonetheless true. 
ar the success of George Wallace 

id, Poland 

Irish and Polish comi 
North, Our new Americans are pr 
foundly illiberal. They hate the poo 

the black, the strange. To them, life's 
purpose is to conform to rigid tribal law. 
А conception like the Bill of Rights is 
alien to them. Until they've been here а 
while longer, they will always be suscep- 
le to Wallace-style demagogs—unless, 
of course, they change ws, which is al 
ways а possibi 
PLAYBOY: ЇЇ you really believe а f 
takeover is in the works, what do you 
propose to do about it? Do you intend 
to continue living abroad, as you have 
Jor several years, or have you considered 

staying in this country to help organize а 
beral opposition? 
VIDAL | am ol iwo minds my usual 

Tate. For some years I've divided my time 
between Rome, where I write, and New 
York, where [—what's the wordz—poli- 
tick? Dissent? But I'm losing heart. For 
one thing, Fm convinced that man is 
biologically prog and now 
that we have the m 
e on the pl 
our past reco 
we avoid tori 
to as "nuclear holoca 
vc on an ov 


rd ta ause for 

give one 
ming I'm wrong and 
l writers 

what ed 


resources— including; sea [arm 
develop ellective and equitable 
ional systems of distribution 
won't be possible to feed the 
generations. So there will be [amine and 
disorder, Meanwhile, we are destroying 
our environment. Water, carth 
re being poisoned. Climate is be 
1. Yet we go on breeding, creating an. 
15 more and more 
consumers to buy заасан end- 
less, self-destructive cycle. But though 
thoughtful people ar 
what we are doing to ourselves, nothing 
is being done to restore the planet's 
ecological balance, to limit human popu- 
lation, to create social and political and 
omic institutions capable of coping 
let alone solving—such relatively 
s as poverty and ra- 
Ш tell Detroit that 
mst abandon the fossil fuel-burn- 
ing combustion engine? No onc. And so 
the air goes bad, cancers proliferate, di- 
mate changes. 
PLAYBOY: Do you think drastic reform is 


aware of 

likely to be effected by our present sys- 
tem of government? 

vipat: No. And I find that hard to 
lmit, because for all of my adult life 

I've р t we call the 
democr t no longer 
works. ess. Last year, Bl 

percent of the people wanted strong 
gun-control le 
al the € ss did not, on instructions 
from the Rifle Association. 
Congress, President, courts are not able 
to keep industry from poisoning Lake 
Erie, or Detroit from making cus that, 
Че from the carbon monoxide they 
create, are murderous weapons, To this 
degree, at least, the New Left is right: 
‘The system cannot be reformed. 1 part 
company with them оп how its to be 

replaced. They are vague. I would like 
lo be specific" programmatic,” to use a 
word they like even less than "lil 

PLAYBOY: And what is your progra 
= 1 would like to replace our pres 
tem with an Authority—with a 
3 A—that would have total con- 
trol over environment. And environment 
means not only air, carth and water but 
of services and products, 
and the limita . Where the 
Authority would no jurisdiction 
would be over the privare lives of the 
citizens. Whatever. people said, wrote, 
ate, drank, made love to—as long as it did 
n0 harm to others 


would be allowed. 

the pri 

our citizen allowing any entre 
preneur the right to poison a river 
order to make mon 

: Isn't wha 

bsolute control 
reas of our lives and 
1 and political 
liction in terms? Isn't 
that the Í your 
Authority would sooner or later circu 

ribe the private Ше of every сийе 

bsolute soc 


its own sphere, be absolute, it would 
never be the i 
There would be 

s hotel, 
anonymous specialists going about their 
business under constant review by a 
council of scientists, poets, butchers, poli- 
tcians, teachers—the best group one 
could assemble. No doubt my Venetian 
ancestry makes me prone to this sort of 
government, because the Most Serene 
Republic was run rather like that and 
no cult of personality сусг disturbed 
those committees that managed the state 
with great success. It can be done. 
PLAYBOY: Would you explain what you 
mean when you say the Authority would 
be able to limit births? 
I п just that, Only ce 
people would be allowed to have ch 
Nor is this the hardsh that 
first appear. Most. people have 

be ran 

no talent for bringing up children and 
they usually admit it—once the damage 
tely, our tribal props 
y woman think her life 
aplete unless she has made a replica 
of herself and her loved one. But tribal 
propaganda be changed. One can 
just as casily convince people that 10 
bring ап unwanted child into the world 
is а social crime as grave as murder 
Through pr the Japanese made 
it unfashion місу after 
the War and so—alone of the Asian 
countries—kept their population viable. 

PLAYBOY: Your ends may be commend- 
able, but let's discuss the means. What 
would happen to the citizen who didn't 
wish to live in your brave new world 
—to the devout Roman Catholic, for 
example, who refused 10 accept your 
populationcontrol. measure 
VIDAL If he didn't want to en 
he'd simply have to accept the Auth 
уз restrictions. The right to unlimited 
breeding is not а constitution ran- 
тее. If education and propaganda failed, 
those who violated. the birth-control те 

strictions would have 10 r their act 
as for any other c ıl offense, 
PLAYBOY: With imprisonment? 

vipat. 1 don't believe in prisons, but 

there would have to be some sort ol 
punishment. Incontinent breeding en- 
dangers the human race. That is a [act 
with which we now live. If we don't 
limit our numbers through planned 
breeding, they will be limited for us i 
the natural way - and war. I think 
it more civilized to be unnatural and 
it popu 
would beco 
family if only a few people w 
10 have children? 
VIDAL: The family п economic, not a 
unit; and once the econom 
t is gone—when 
able to get jobs and suppor 
he unit ceases to have à 
In today’s cities, it is not 
ily—which was, esse 
al group wor 

of the 
re allowed 




food. For better or worse, we arc now 
Our own, and attempts to revive the 
ly ideal—like Daniel Moyni 

s proposal for the blacks; apparently 
he wants to make Trish villagers of them 
will fail. As for the children that. we 
. Id like to sce them brought up 
coi lly, the way they are in сенай 
of the Israeli kibbutzim. I suspect that 
eventually, the whole idea of parenthood 
will vanish, when children are made 
impersonally by laboratory insemination 
of ova. To forestall the usual outraged 
leners declaring that I am against the 
“normal” sexual act, consider what Fm 
talk the creation of citizens, 
not se e, which will conti 
s always. Further, I would favor an 
telligent program of cugenics that would 
decide which genetic types should be 

do wir 

ag аром 
val pl 




Ballantine's: what Scotch is all about. 




continued and which allowed to die off. 
It's within the range of our science to 
create, very simply. new people physi 
ly healthier and intellectually more com- 
petent than ourselves. After all. we do 
regularly in agriculture and in the breed- 
ig of livestock. so why not with the 
ce? According to the somber 
the Nobel Prize- 
‘ist who once contravened 
al doctrine by suggesting that we 
should look for genetic diflerences among 
the races—our preservation, through ad- 
vanced medicine, of physically and men- 
now making the race 

PLAYBOY: Your critics would charge that 
the utopia you propose is actually a 
nightmarish world reminiscent of Nazi 
Germany and of George Orwell's 1984, 
How would vou answer the 
VIDAL: Most th human wrong. The 
Authority would probably be no excep- 
tion. But consider the alternatives. Nu- 
clear to reduce population. World 
nine. The comi i 

10 power of 
dictatorships. The crushing of 
freedom. At least the Authority would 
antee more private freedom to its 
citizens than they now enjoy. 
PLAYBOY: Realistically. do you see any 
chance of such an “enlightened” dicta- 
torship coming to power? 
VIDAL: Dictatorship. по; enlightened, yes. 
Could it happen? Probably not. It takes 
100 long to change tribal thinking. The 
majority will always prefer a бегу death, 
howling tribal slogans. A pity—but then, 
it is not written in the stars that this pecul- 
iar race endure forever. Now may be a 
good time for us to stop. However, since 
Т believe that one must always act as 
though our affairs were manageable. T 
should like to sce a Party for Human 
Su al started on an international 
scale, 10 try to persuade people to vote 
willingly for a life-enhancing as well as 
“preserving syste 
PLAYBOY: Your detractors, on both right 
and left, would argue that the proposals 
ade reflect a characteristic 
Vidal trait: intellectual arrogance and а 
ic elitist contempt for the people and 
to govern themselves, Do 
you think they have a point? 
VIDAL: I do not admire “ihe people," as 
such. No one really does. 
wisdom is usually false, their instincts 
predatory. Even their sense of survival— 
so highly developed in the individual— 
goes berserk in the mass, A crowd is a 
fool. But then, crowds don't govern. In 
fact. only in America do we pretend to 
worship the majority, reverently 
ing to the herd as it Gallups this w 
nd that. A socialist nd of mine 
island, a Labor M. P., once said. "You 
Americans are mad on the subject of 
democracy. But we aren't. because we 
know if the people were given their 
head, they would bring b 
the birch and, of course, th 

‘Their folk 

ggers out of the count unately. 
the Labor Party has no traffic with de- 
mocracv." I want the people to be hap- 
py. but more than that, I want them to 
be humane—something they are not, as 
everyone from Jesus to Karl Marx has 
о notice, 
your cynicism 

had occasion 

VIDAL Realism is always called суп 
I am a pessimist—who tries to act like an 

AYBOY: All right—despite your pessi- 

mism about the furure of America and 
the world, and your disenchantment 
with the democratic process, уоп cam- 
paigned actively last year on behalf of 
Senator McCarihys nomination and. 
were subsequently active in the move- 
ment to Launch a fourth party, the New 
Party. If everything is so bleak and hope- 
less—short of the accession to power of 
the Authority—why did you bother? 

VIDAL: [t's better to be futile than. pas- 
sive. I supported McCarthy because he 

mobilized the youth of the country 
acted as if the national institu 
might still be made to work. Bur he 

iled. The next move. to my 
was the New Party, which came 
ing at Chicago. It is a place for the 
Oung. an alternative to the sys- 

tem that has made Richard Nixon em- 


peror of the West. 
PLAYBOY: Despite your longsta 
mosity toward the late Senator Kennedy, 
you were ready тө support him for the 
Presidency before McCarthy announced 
his nomination. Supporters of Kennedy 
Still argue that, despite the tardiness of 
his entry into the race after. McCarthy's 
New Hampshire primary victory, Kenne- 
dy was the only peace candidate with a 
al chance of victory, and that Mc- 
thy's failure to withdraw in his favor 
—allegedly prompted by personal pique 
—merely played into the hands of Hu- 
bert Humphrey and made his nomina- 
ion inevitable. If Kennedy had lived, 
do you believe that McCarthy's role 
would have been that of a spoiler? 

VIDAL: I believe just the opposite. 1 think 
Kennedy the spoiler and that he 
should have withdrawn in favor of Mc- 
Carthy. After all, it was McCarthy who 
went imo New Hampshire and destroyed 
L. B. J., something Bobby did not have 
the courage to do. For all of Bobby's 
renowned toughness and abrasiveness, he 
was politically conventional and timid. 
He wanted to be President in the “nor- 
mal” way. He wanted “to put it to- 
gether.” Well, it isn’t together anymore. 
Jt was his bad luck to be caught in а 
revolution he didn't understand. though 
he did like its rhetoric. Yet the conserv- 
ative majority of the country hated him 
and thought п à revolutionary. I won- 
der what will happen when the real 
thing comes along. The two Kennedys 
were cl rvative politicians, 
nicely su litional game but 
hardly revolutionaries or innovators. 

PLAYBOY: Would you have preferred Ken. 
nedy to Johnson? 
VIDAL: Certainly. Although Bobby had 
been very much involved in getting us 
mo Viemam—he once said we had 
every moral right" 10 be there—toward 
the end, he saw the light, or the votes 
and became а peace candidate. Abo. 
though 1 believe in character 
changes. ] do have a theory that if vou 
keep giving a conservative politician lib 
eral speeches to read, he will eventualls 
become a liberal, and vice versa. Friends 
of mine who were close to Kennedy tell 
me that in the last months of his life, hc 
really seemed to believe his own rhetoric. 
had come to identify with the poor and 
the dispossesed. If so, good. Strangely 
enough. T always found him a touching 
figure under the bad manners. He was 
obsessed bv his relative inferiority to his 
older brothers. As a result. he had to be 
twice as tough as everyone eke, have 
twice as many children. What a tense life 
it must have been—and, finally, sad. 
PLAYBOY: How did you feel when you 
learned of his assassination? 
VIDAL: Depressed. In а str 
you come to like vour mies rather 
better than. your av] 
wasn't surprised. It seemed inevitable. Noi 
long ago. something like 30 percent of 
those living in one Manhattan neighbor 
hood were found to be in need of psy 
chiatric help. At the same time, there arc 
200,000,000 guns in private hands in the 
United States: that's one for every citi 
zen. Were it not for fear of J. Edgar 
Hoover, we would all be dead. 
PLAYBOY: In this kind of society—with 
that many guns—do you think that pub 
men can cflectively be protected from 

Anybody can murder а Presi- 
dent. Once. sitting next to Jack Kennedy 
at a horse show, I remarked how easy it 
would be for someone to shoot him. 
"Only," I said, "they'd probably miss 
and hit me" "No great los," he ob 
served cheerfully and then, beaming ar 
the crowd and tr 


пре way 

me the plot of an Edgar Wallace thriller 
called Twenty-Four Hours, in which 
a British Prime Minister is informed 
that at midnight he will be assassinated 
Scotland Yard takes every precaution: 
10 Downing Street is ringed by guards 
midnight comes and goes. Then, the 
telephone rings. Relieved. the Prime Min 
ister picks up the receiver—and is electro 
cuted, The President chuckled. He often 
spoke of the risk of assassination, but I 
doubt he thought it would ever hap- 
pen to him. His virrne—and weakness— 
was his rationality, He had no sense of 
nan affairs, 

T think so. But then, the artist is 
always more concerned with the moon's 
а side than the man of acti 
However, I am not prone to mysticism 




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or Yeatsian magic. Only once have I ever 
had what's the word?—presentiment, 
In 1961 I dicimced, in full color, tl I 
was in the White House with Jackie. 
Dress soaked h blood, she was sob- 
bin What will become of me now?" 
Yet І don't “believe in" dreams, and I 
certainly would not believe in this dream 
if someone else told it to me 
PLAYBOY: Do you believe that the assassi- 
nations of John and Robert Kennedy 
wi he work of lone lunatics—or of a 
well-organized conspiracy? 
VIDAL: 1 tend to the lone-lunatic theory. 
Oswald. Sirhan. They arc so typical, as 
anyone who ever served in the Army 
knows. We are a violent country with a 
high rate of mental illness, much of it 
the result of overcrowding in the cities, 
Wwherc—like rats under similar conditions 
in а laboratory experiment—we go 
ane. То allow any nut to buy a gun is 
folly no other country in the world 
permits. During year’s French revo- 
lution, involving millions of people, 
there were fewer casualties in two weeks 
than there were in the first hour of New- 
ark's ghetto. riot 
PLAYBOY: To return to the Kennedy assas- 

sinations, don't you feel there may be 

some evidence 10 support the conspi 
theory. particularly in the Oswald case? 

VIDAL: Like everyone else, I believe the 
last book I read: apruder Frame 313, 
J. F. K. pitches backward, not forward." It 
does seem as if Oswald might have had 
help; and if he did, then there was, 
indeed. а conspiracy. I realize that a 
generation brought up on horror comics 
and Gunsmoke convinced that thc 
Machiirds did in our Prince, just so they 


could make the White House their 
aviary; but T think it not very likely. 
The villains, if they exist, are prob 

‘Texas ойтеп, fearing а Kennedy repeal 
of the oildepletion allowance: in othe 
words. a conspiracy as unserious politi- 
cally as the John Wilkes Booth caper. 
Nevertheless, just as a phenomenon, it is 
that a nation that has never 
obsessed by co 
of “them” is a symptom. of р 
Look at Joe McCarthy's great success. 
Look at Mr. Garrison in New Orleans. In- 
cidentally, 1 used to know Clay Shaw; 
and if there is anyone less likely to have 
wwolved in a political murder, it is 
harming apolitical 
dicted, My. Garrison's case 
was nonsense. 
PLAYBOY: Whoev tal John Ken- 
nedy, and for whatever reasons, do you 
believe that if Kennedy had lived, he 
could have reversed, or at least arrested, 
i y you decry? 
But then, no опе could—or 
an. "These things are cyclic. By and 
arge, Kennedy drifted. When he did act, 
the results were disastrous. Consider the 
Bay of Pigs, which took for granted that 
the United States has the right to inter 

coup d'état. should be so 



the social dec 

vene militarily in the affairs of other 
nations; and Vietnam, where he—not 
Eisenhower—commitied us to active mil 
ary support of a corrupt regime. There 
are those who believe that had he lived, 

he would have got us out of Asia. But I 
doubt it. The week before his assassina- 
‚ he told an associate, “I have t0 go 

the way with this one"—mcaning 
ter Cuba, he did not dare look 
on communism, particularly with 
an election coming up. 

PLAYBOY: Apart fiom forcig ‚ how 
would you assess the Kennedy Adminis- 

Mediocre. Presidents are supposed 
to be made in their first 18 months, 
TI те able to push 
through ms. Kennedy’s first 
18 months were a blank. Nothing hap: 
pened. And by his third summer, it was 
in even to him that he was botching 
the job. In private. he was full of com. 
plaints and excuses. He felt that he 
could do nothing with the Congress, and 
so he did nothing with the Congress. 
Re-elected in 1961 with a proper. major- 
ity, however, he thought he would do 
„ І doubt For 
onc thing, he would have been holding 
the franchise for his brother and thar 
would have meant a second Administr: 
tion as cautious as the first. More to the 
point, the quality that gave him his great 
mm was пог of much use to him as 
EE ronic detachment 
about him: 1 remember. 
once he was complaining about how the 
“ throws money around, 
ol stopping them." It 
didn't seem to occur to him that even at 
this late date in the reign of the military- 
industrial complex, the Administration 
was his. not theirs. 
PLAYBOY: Don't you thi 
the groundwork for genu 
ress by giving the nation a new momen- 
tum in peace and c rights that could 
have come to fruition in his second term? 
VIDAL: On almost every subject, he made 
at least one splendid speech, and left it 
at that. Domestically, he was simply 
carrying forward the program of the 
New Deal It was left ta Johnson to 
complete the New Deal. He rounded out 
not only Kennedy's interrupted first term 
but Roosevelt's fourth. 
PLAYBOY: In the foreign-policy area, many 
ny cite Kennedy's ha 
n missile айыз as 
major accomplishment 
— perhaps the greatest of his carcer, They 
point out that set the stage for a 
subsequent thaw in the U. S. Soviet rela- 
tions and thus substantially reduced the 
danger of nuclear war. Do you agrec? 
VIDAL: In 1965 asked whether or 
not Sovier missiles in Cuba really jcop- 
ardized the security of the United States, 
Kennedy said, “Not really. But it would 
have changed the balance of political 
power. Or it would have appeared to, 

nk Kennedy laid 

е social prog- 

dling of the Cul 


and appearances contribute to rea 
Kennedy's handling of the crisis was 
asterpiece, which 
g at all except his own 
id made himself scem force 
the mauer ended, the 
Cuba, 90 miles away 

and we were neither stronger nor weaker, 
despite all dhe theater 
Is your hastility to the Kennedy 

г prompted exclusively by political 
ilerations, or is there an clement of 

animus in your opposi 
VIDAL: Personally, I didn't like Bobby 
bur I did like Jack. The others don't 
interest. me. As for my opposition—is it 

likely that, with my view of what needs 
doing in the country, I would ever be 
much pleased with the works of such 
conservative and conventional politicians? 
PLAYBOY: What wi you liked personal- 
ly about President Kenned: 
VIDAL: He had a fine dry kind of humor, 
not very American, coupled with a sort 
of preppish toughness that was engaging. 
I remember once giving to а particularly 
bright magazine writer a very guarded 
report about my childhood, which was 
much the same as Jackie's. We were both 
brought up in Hugh Auchindoss'—our 
stepfather's—house in Virginia. I lived 
there from 10 to 16. Then Jackie's moth- 
er married Mr. Auchincloss and Jackie 
moved into my room, inheriting several 
shirts of mine, which she used to w 
riding. 1 don't remember her in those 
days—I enlisted in the Army at I7—but 
our lives overlapped: We have а һай 
brother and a half in common. 
I was un ате of her. however, until 
the Forties, when I began to get reports 
from friends visiting Washington that 
she had introduced herself to them 
my sister: 1 was, pre-Kennedy, the fam- 
ily notable. In 1949, we finally met and 
I allowed her claim to be my sister to 
stand. Anyway, 1 certainly know what 
her childhood was like, since it was 
pretty much the one 1 had endured. So 

told the interviewer something about 
life in that world, described how seques- 
tered it was, how remote Пош any re- 


During the Depression, which was un 
known то us the Roosevelts seemed 
Lucifer’s own family loose among, us; the 
American gentry liked to call them the 
Rosenfelds, on the fragile ground that they 
were really Dutch Jews and, therefore, 
Communist. since all. Jews were Commu 
nists except the Rothschilds, who didn't 
look Jewish. You have no idea wh: 
muddled v of things the American 
мосгасу had in those days, with their 
ferou anti-Semi hated of the 
lower orders and fierce will to protect their 
property from any encroachment, Liberal 
hagiographers will always have a difficult 
time recording the actual background of 
our Republics Gracchian princes. 
Anyway, not wanting to give the game 

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away, I made а vague reference in that 
interview to what I thought was an ui 
real "golden season" and let it go аг 
that. One nig] i 

mon at Hyann 
"Gore, what's all this golden season shit 
you've been peddi about life at Mer- 
rywood?” I thought him ungrateful. 
“You hardly expect me to tell the truth, 
do you He ignored that and chose 
ascad to mount, as Jackie listened, а 
fine Grade against our family, how each 
of us was a disaster, ending with, “Mer 
rywood wasn't golden at all. It was . . . 
it was . . ." he searched for a simile, 
found one and said t phantly, “Tt 
was the little foxes!” But, of course, he 
was a cheerful snob who took a delight 
a having married into what he regarded 
as the American old guard—another 
badge for the Kennedys, those very big 
foxes who have done their share of spoil- 
ing in the vineyard. But the Kennedy 
story is finished. The age of Nixon has 

d Kennedy might not 
agree that the Kennedy era is over, 

VIDAL: When Teddy Kennedy fist ran 
for the Senate, there was a great cackling 
from even the most devoted of the Ken- 
nedy capons: He was too young, too 
dumb—in fact, they were so upset that a 
number of them openly supported his 
opponent in the primary, Speaker Me 
Cormack's nephew. At about that time, E 
asked a member of the Holy Family why 
the President had allowed his brother to 

run, The member of the Н. F. admitted 
that it was embarrassing for the Presi- 
dent, even admitted that Teddy was not 
exactly brilliant. but added, “He'll have 

wonderful advisors and that’s all that 

is big money. X can be 
stupid or a drunk or a religious man 
but if he has the money for a ma 
political carecr and enough pol 

ical flair 
to make a good public impression, he 
will automatically attract to himself quite 
a number of political adventurers, some 
talented, With luck. he will become the 
nucleus of a political team that then 
creates his speeches, his positions, his 
deeds, if any—Presidential hopefuls sel- 
dom do апу finally, X is 
entirely the team’s creation, ipulated 
rather than manipulating, in much the 
same way that the queen bee is powerless 
in relation to the dron nd workers. 

At the moment, the Teddy Kennedy 
hive is buzzing happily. There's honey in 
the comb and perhaps one day the 
swarm will move down Pennsylvania 
Avenue to occupy the White House. But, 
once again, I doubt it. For one thing, 
there are too other swarms at work 
—Humphrey, Muskie, McCarthy, not to 
mention the possibility of a Nixon sec 
ond tenn, followed by а good bee like 
Lindsay, or a bad bee like Agnew. The 
future is obscure. Rut one thing is cer- 
п: The magic of the Kennedy name 

will have faded in four years, be gone in 
eight years, By 1972, E. M. K., as he's now 
being touted, will no longer be a Ken- 
nedy as we have come to think of that 
splendid band of brothers. Rather, he 
will be just another politician whom we 
have seen too much of, no doubt useful 
in the Senate but noth 
amili stodgy, us, trying to 
evoke memories that have faded, he will 
have to yield to new stars, to a politically 
i ronaut or to some bright tele- 
vision personality like Trudeau. By 1976, 
Camelot will be not only forgot but 
storable, if for no other reason than 
Arthur's heir will by then be— 
cruclest [ate of all—unmistakably fat. 
PLAYBOY: How do you feel about the Age 
of Johnson? 
ad. He did so much in his first 
18 months. He was able to force through 
the Congress all sorts of constructive 
ion, ranging from public health 
ighis. He was something of a 
wonder, in marked contrast to his prede- 
cessor, who treated him with contempt; 
the Kennedy courtiers, in fact, fled at his 
approach. He had every reason to dislike 
them. It’s been argued that Johnson's pro- 
grams were inadequate, but then, w 
adequate in times like these? At 1 
did what he could do, given the kind of 
Government we have, and that is the 
most any conventional party politician 
can be expected to do. 
PLAYBOY: What might a radical politi 
ViDAL: The word "radical" comes from 
the Latin word meaning “root.” 
cal politician could go to the root of 
things—something no conventional poli- 
tician dares do, for fear of what he'll 
find. But, of course, there are no radical 
politicians close to the top of our system 
nor are there apt to be until—a para- 
dox—it's changed. Our politicians—like 
our people—are about equally divided 
between conservatives and reactionaries, 
with very few radicals of any kind. 
PLAYBOY: Would the leadership of your 
Party for Human Survival be radical? 
VIDAL: By definition, yes. After all, they 
would be creating a new social order to 
save our old race. 
+ Since the idea for such a party 
do you sce yourself as a radical 
In thought, certainly. I'm not so 
sure in deed, С the power, would 1 
also have the faith in my own rightness 
to pull down the house and dieu die 
energy, as well as the wisdom, to build 
anothe But then, Voltaire, 
sale among his Swiss lakes, made possible 
the French Revolution—and Bonaparte— 
just as Bernard Shaw prepared the way for 
Harold Wilson. Analogies are pointless, 
thank God, Each case is different, Each 
life is different. All that cin be said of 
this time is that radical action is necessary 
if we are to survive. 
PLAYBOY. In your opinion, did L. R. J— 
though by your definition a convention 

П orde 

politician—have any sense of what the 
times required? Or was he merely shor- 
g up what you consider the old, out 
moded social and political institutions? 
vipat: Like Kennedy, he simply contin 
ued the New Deal—which, in his youth, 
had all the glamor of radicalism, without 
its substance. Roosevelt saved capitalism 
by accepting a degree of welfarísm. John- 
son applied the same formulas, with less 
dramatic results. When Roosevelt's ex- 
per Second 
World War disguised their inadequacy. 
I've often wondered if Johnson instinc- 
tively hoped to repeat the Roosevelt 
reer: domestic reform, followed by the 
triumphant prosecution of a war. Poor 
man! He was doomed from the begin- 
ning. After Kennedy, he was the wrong 
age, the wrong class. from the wrong re 
gion. І always thought the fact that he 
wasn't a bogus Whig nobleman was a 
point in his favor—but his public man. 
ner gave offense, and 1 could never 
derstand why, since his sort of folksy 
hypocrisy is the national style. But per- 
haps that was why: The people recog- 
nized themselves in him and recoiled, He 
was the snake-oil salesman, just as Nixon 
is the Midwestern realtor, gravely intent 
upon selling us that nice acre of develop- 
ment land called Shady Elms that turns 
out to be a swamp. We're used to these 
types and prefer something grander as 
our chief of state, a superior con m: 
preferably of patrician origin, who 
disguise With noble phrases who and 
what we are; to euphemize, that is the 
Presidential task. God knows they all do 
it Take Latin America, In that sad 
continent, we support a wide range of 
military dictatorships that our Presidents, 
invariably, refer to as necessary links in 
the bright chain of freedom with which 
we are manacling the world, In our way, 
we are as predatory as the Russians, and 
every bit as maniacal in our confusing— 
and debasing—o[ language: Free means 
ге, democratic means oligarchic, lib- 
erated means slaughtered. А fine pair 
of superpowers, suitable for history's 

PLAYBOY: Do you think the various supe 
power confrontations in Asia or the 
Middle East might lead to a nuch 
showdown that would end just that w. 
VIDAL: It certainly would seem so, 
though 1 personally see the last struggle 
for men's minds, the ultimate blow for 
freedom, struck in Latin America, with 
us confronting the Soviet in the harbor 
of Rio de Janeiro, while the Chinese 
hover in nearby Montevideo. Brazil is 
much too important to lose, the way we 
os" China. Finders keepers, as they 
say. But since I'd like to see the world’s 
people survive the destruction of these 
two political systems, 1 don't look. with 
much pleasure on what will probabl 
be a war only а few survive, their genes 
significantly altered by radiation. Tt could 
very well be that intense atomic radi 

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se the remaining human sur- 
vivors to mutate, to change biologically. 
"There is now a theory that the various 
radical changes that have occurred on 
earth—the extinction of dinosaurs, the evo- 
lution of man from ape—were the result 
of shifts in the magnetic pole that mo- 
ily removed our usual outer en 
һ to be exposed 
то intense Bur to strike а 
cheerful note— is my constant de- 
sire to make happy my fellow gibbons 
the handful of survivors of an atomic 
war would be so irradiated that their. 
ollspring. though perhaps rather odd- 
looking. might make possible the next 
great twist in that biological spiral that 
has brought us from amoeba to Spiro 
Agnew. I find the thought of a dramatic 
change in our physical and intellectual 
structure most exciting. Certainly we've 
е about as far as we can with these 
ugly, weak boc lorned with feathery 
tentacles and soft. protuberances; as for 
our minds—well, the less said about 
those primitive instruments. the better 
PLAYBOY: То get back to politic—— 
VIDAL: A subject I've yet to stray from. 
Shaw said that the only topics worthy of 
am adults attention were politics and 
ion, both in the largest sense. 
PLAYBOY: Do you believe it matters mud 
who the President is? You seen 
to take the Spenglerian view that indi- 
vidual men don't really alfect history. 
VIDAL: A good ruler in a falling time 
falls, too, while a bad 
national ascendancy rises. That 
long view. But, men certainly 
events. In physics, there is no action 
without reaction. Therefore, any act 
matters. And that is why the only moral 
life is to act whatever one does is of 
great moment. Though the American 
empire may be collapsing and попе can 
stop its fall, І would still rather have 
seen McCarthy ау President than Nixon 
or Humphrey. Yet even in McCarthy 
case, one cannot be certain how effective 
he might've been. I suppose the most we 
сап demand of а conventional President 
is that he have some understanding of 
what is going on and a willingness to 
confide in us. Johnson was а compulsive 
ather like Roosevelt, but without 
леге High Episcopal charm. 
Worse, Johnson did not, does not and 
never will understand the nature of the 
American. empir its consequences to 
us and to tlie wor 

might c: 


ndicated in his 
that he understood 
trial complex, 

Eisenhower? He 
rewell speech 
the mil 
which many people now 
tes our foreign. policy. 

Eisenhower understood the m 
tary-industrial complex better than any 
other min for the simple reason that he 
was its chairman of the board for eight 
years and а loyal branch manager before 
that. What is puzzling is that he decided 
to bring up the subject just as he was 



retiring. Ва 
know? All 
a master politic 

1 conscience? Who will ever 
inating man, and 
n. Гуе heard а good 

deal about him over the years: My father 
t West Point a few years alter 
Eisenhower and they shared mam friends. 

a fact, Eisenhowers doctor, General 
Snyder, delivered me some 43 yews ago 
in the cadet hospital at West Point, 
when a маг shone over the Hudson 
Palisades, and shepherds quaked. 
Eisenhower's career demonstrated how 
it is possible to fool all the people all the 
time. He was a highly imelligent, cold- 
'ooded. careerist who was determined— 
much like a Stendhal hero—to rise to 
the top, and did. "I may be stupid," he 
а press conference, "hi 
least I'm sincere!” Actually, he was nei 
ther, but it suited his purpose to play 
the part of the bumbling man of good 
will who was "not an expert in these 
matters? but somehow would do his best. 
‘The people loved the performance aud, 
of course, The Smile. Intimates report 
that until the great promotion, he was a 
gloomy, scowling officer who was m 
lousty transformed when he arrived in 
nd where, sid an adm 
he learned to sm 
The proof of his political genius is 
that he left the White House almost as 
popular as when he entered it. His se- 
cre? He never committed himself to any 
cause or to any person. All that mattered 
the single-minded conserving of his 
own popularity. I once asked Gener: 
Snyder if he thought Eisenhower would 
i ively for Nixon in 1960. He 

others was never his weakn 


Nor d of selfishness à bad 
quality other Gen- 
лей in а simi- 

lar way. But then, army staffs are the 
same everywhere, and those who rise to 
the top, particularly in peacetime, are 
usually master politici yzantine 
ci It is true that a lifetime spent 
in the military hierarchy makes one to- 
tally unfit to respond to the needs of a 

n population, but that is 
problem. Even so, had 
less lazy 

us, he regarded the Presidency as a ki 
of brevet rank, a sign of the nation's 
gratitude, involving no fixed duties to 
disturb his golf game. 

PLAYBOY: You. in dorcign affairs, Eis: 
hower managed to keep the pe: 

effectively than his two Democratic pred- 

VIDAL: Political generals hate real wars. 
That is an axiom. Or, as the laundry- 
minded General Powers says in Visit to a 
Small Planet, “IL there is one thing that 
destroys an army's morale and discipline, 

i jor war. Everything goes to hell, 
iore damned sheets and pillow- 

cases" Although John Foster Dulles 
pursued what seemed to be a militant for 
cign policy, full of massive retaliations, 

agonizing reappraisals and calls for cap- 
tive nations to throw off the Red yoke, 
in actual fact, Dulles was just another 
"good American": that is to say. а sponta- 
cous hypocrite who was able to sty one 
thing, mean another 
genuinely be ind if he was thought 
inconsistent. or сеге. While Dulles 
spouted Scripture to the heathens, Fisen- 
hower resolved to do nothing—and I must 
say, those years look. positively golden in 
retrospea. A State Department f 
mine once gave 
subject wa 
where it looked as if one of our military 
juntas was about to be replaced by a libe 
al non-Communist regime. Johnson 
distraught. "What, what." he cried, 
To which one of his advisors 
ust be suppressed. though 
his wisdom ought to be carved over the 
White House door—replied, “Mr. Presi- 
dent. why not do nothing?" "That was the 
nhower genius, When come such 
Or has one come already? 
PLAYBOY: You feel it better for our Prosi- 
dents to do nothing, yet your Authoi 
would do everything. 
vipat: Let us say that, 
probably better for conve 

d do a third, vet 

cians to do as little as possible, since 

their actions tend to make worse what 
ever it is they're dealing with. Even Fise 
hower managed to begin the Vietnam 
war by not following his normal instinct 
of staying out of mischief. In his memoirs, 
he tells us why we didnt honor the 
Geneva accords and hold elections in 
tnam: because some 80 percent of the 
e vored for Ho Chi 
This is very candid. The son of 

ht have found in Stalin's 
memoirs, had he not made ghosts even of 
ghosts. But at least Eisenhower did not 
commit the troops. That was for K 
to do, acting on the best mili 
e. Eisenhower at | 
generals are not warriors but bureau- 
is, dreaming of expanded T, Os, pro- 
motions, graft—all things that small wars 
e possible. Getting back to your 
question, the Authority would be activist, 

thing one m 

knew that 

in those areas of crisis that conventional 

politicians refuse to face 

PLAYBOY: Do vou think that under your 
Authority. the average citizen would find 
himself more or less happy? 

VIDAL: Моге. Alter all, he would be de- 
nied only one “pleasure”—the un 
thorized bringing into society of а new 

citizen, Otherwise, he would be freer in 
his private life than he is now. At p 
ent, nearly every form of sexual activity 

i ise is forbidden him by laws 
that vary in their medie 

dary cunnilinguist in California di 

covered when he was sent to Alcatraz for 


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an act of extreme—indeed. positively 
Christian—unselfishness performed upon 
his legal mate. Of the countries of the 
West, the United States is the only one 
to have m as such. 
Though thes 
they still exist—a joy for blackmailers, 
particularly those who are entrusted with 
the power to enforce them: the police. 
One of the reasons for the great rise in 
crime in recent years is that most police 
departments ате more concerned with 
cracking down on prostitutes, gamblers 
and homosexualists than they are with 
what should be their proper function: 
the protection of life and property. The 
Authority would make it very clear that 
morals are not the business of the state. 
Tf a woman can get 5100 from а man for 
giving him an hours pleasure, more 
power to them both, She is a free agent 
under the Authority and so is he. In any 
case, she is no worse than the childless 
fe who insists upon alimony once a 
marriage ends. 
"That various ге 

ious establishments 

kinds of bel 

or sin- 

ss, not the state's. Nor 

will that Baptist. minister or Christi 
brother be allowed to impose his prim 
live superstitions upon a secular society, 
unlike the past—and even the present— 
when whatever the churches thought to 
be sin was promptly made illegal by state 
legislatures: whiskey, gambling, sex. The 
result has been a society of peculiar cor- 
ruption im which the police, more than 
any other group, have been literally de- 
moralized. The Authority would guar- 
мес everyone the right to do as he 
pleases, as long as his activities are not 
harmful to the general welfar 
PLAYBOY: And who will interpret “the 
general welfare"? 
VIDAL: The Authority. I don't think it 
will be a particularly difficult task. Take 
cigarette smoking. Cigarettes kill and 
cripple many of those who smoke them. 
That is a fact. Yet cii te advertise 
are allowed to spend millions of dollars a 
year to convince young people that cig 
теце smoking is a glamorous, status 
enhancing thing to do—and so the young 
are hooked early and made addicts. I 
think this sort of advertising is against 
the general welfare and should be for- 
Iden. After all, the survival of the race 
is slightly more important than the mar- 
ket listing of the Ameri "Tobacco 
Company. But since the Authority gu 
antees personal freedom, anyone who 
wants to smoke сап. He will be duly 
warned on the cigarette package, how 
s to the lethal dangers of smoking. 
turally, I realize it will be difficult to 
convince the average American of the 
ty of this. From childhood we 
have been taught that whatever makes 
money must be good. Further, whatever 
is expensively and ingeniously advertised 
ble and worthy. And, of course, 
to the consumer Amcrican, immorality 

means just one thing: sex. I suspect we 
in for a drastic uphea 
overdue revision of the nation's etl 
standards, and that would be the Au- 
thority's work. 
PLAYBOY: Could it succeed? 
VIDAL: Why not? The worst sort of dicta- 
torships now have the means to mainta 
themselves im power as a result of ad. 
vanced communicat 5o why nor use 
those s ans toward good ends? 
The preserving of the human race. the 
hammering out of a new code of ethics. 
PLAYBOY: Would your Authority legalize 
wat: Certainly. In the private spher 
everyone has а perfect right to kill him- 
self in any way he chooses—gin, cig: 
ettes, heroin, а bullet through the head. 
As Т said before, it is not for the state to 
decide whether or not he is to live or 
die, what he to eat, drink, smoke, 
make love to. Obviously, it would be 
inconvenient if everyone decided to 

drunk or stoned; but the point is, cvery- 
the Wolf- 

опе won't. І remember wh 
enden Report first 
nd proposed that homosex: 
tween consenting adults be m 
"There was an enormous outcry. 
by supply would be endangered, the 
bric of society disrupted, the streets 
crowded with young men selling thei 
bodies. There was a marvelously insane 
premise at work here: И homosexu 
legal, heterosexuality would wither 

A state of affairs t not even 
the most militant pederast has ever 
dreamed of. Since England finally made 
ever consenting adults choose 
to do, not only has the oversupply of 
babies continued, as usual, but there has 
been no noticeable decline in heterosex- 
ual relationships. 

In the debate before the laws were 
changed, however, one heard the tribal 
voices loud and clear, calling to us from 
the Stone Age, when our lives were short 
па our natural enemies m; and, to 
protect the tribe, it was a duty to breed. 
Now, 50.000 ye т, the tribal mind 
is still programed in the same way: Make 
as many babies as possible and try to 
any sort of behavior that 
might curtail the supply, Yet we live 
with daily evidence that the human race 

ne out ii 

is committing suicide through overpopu- 
lation. This sort of doub'e-think is usual 
with us. A perfect examp!e was the astro- 
ut who saw fit to read to us from the 
moon a barbarous re.igious test, d 
proved by the very fact it was being read 
from the moon, 

PLAYBOY: Do you foresee a dr 
if everyone is free to turn on in any 
way he pleases? 

VIDAL: We a drug culture alr 
Sleeping pills, aspirins, the nightcap th: 
too olen becomes an Indian war bon- 
net. Ideally, reality should be so interest- 
ag that we don't need tranquilizers and 
stimulants. But since there ате too many 


people in the world and not enough for 
them to do—certainly very little that is 
interesting—the American majority serve 
their 40 hours a week in order to stun 
themselves with beer, television, whatever, 
come the weekend. Fewer people with 
more interesting things to do is as good 
n aim as any for a soci 
PLAYBOY: Do you spe 
with drugs? 

VIDAL: Yes, and mostly from unplea 
experience. M а has по effect on 
me, possibly because I've never smoked 
cigarettes. But I've tried hashish and 
mescaline and found the results phy 
ly depressing. One attempt to 
opium made me ill. But I'm fortunate; 
my life is sufficiently interesting to make 
me want to keep alert what senses I 

have. That's why I gave up whiskey two 

years ago and now drink only wine, a 
slower and more graceful way of height- 
ening and then pleasantly losing reality. 
But if 1 had to choose between the ag- 
gressive drunk who smashes up a car and 
the passive marijuana smoker who bores 
me to death ty, Td take the pot- 
head any day. Incidentally, those who 
oppose drugs because they breed crime 
should realize that if all drugs were 
made legal s 
be done under the 
would be no criminal trafficking 
and, hence, no desperate hophi 
mitting murders in order to get 
for the next fix 


ely. this 
solution is much too intelligent for our 
people ever to accept. Punishing others 
is one of the great pleasures of the tribe, 
not casily relinquished. 

PLAYBOY: What ncw horizons do you fore- 
see for that oth. t tribal. pleasure, 
sex? Under the Authority, do you be- 
licve the trend would be toward the type 
of polymorphous transsexuality you ex- 
alted in Myra Breckinridge? 

VIDAL: I exalted neither Myra пог her 
views. But J do think that if we survive 
long enough to evolve a rational society, 
there will be a trend toward Бехи. 
For one thing, bisexuality 
ply. more interesting than monosexu: 
ity. And we are bisexual by mature. The 
tribe, however, has done its best to legis- 
late our behavior, and this has done an 
enormous amount of damage. Homosex 
ual behin ural as heterosexual 
behavior. That it is not the norm is 
irrelevant. Bluc eves not the norm in 
Mexico. If we really insisted that every- 
one try to conform to that sexual activity 
that is most practiced at any given. mo- 
t, then we should have to ad that 
the statistical norm is neither hetero- nor 
homosexual but onanistic. Myra found 
group sexuality int ‚ and so do 1 
Tt was something our pre-Christian ances 
tors recognized as a part of man's reli- 
gious lile, as well as a means of pleasure. 
PLAYBOY: So far, you've ned more than 
$1,000,000 from Myra——almost as much as 
cqueline Su n and Harold Robbins 

have ma 

de from the sexy soap operas 
you satirize in your book. Some critics 
have charged that you have emulated 
and exploited that which you purport to 
condemn. Is there any validity to that? 
VibAL Te is quite иие that Myra has 
earned me a great deal of money. If I 

were to sav that I had written it in order 
to make money, I would be immediately 
understood and absolved of every si 

But at the risk of shocking everyone, 1 
must point out that if 1 wanted to use 
g for making money, I would have 
sctled in Hollywood long ago and 
bought a chain of Encino supermarkets 
I write to make art and change sactery. 
That 1 do either is certainly arguable, 
but money is not an interest 

PLAYBOY: Your late father reportedly told 
you that with Myra Breckinridge you 
had gone “too far.” How did you answer 
viar: My father did wonder if. perhaps 
I had gone too far, to which I replied 
that only by constant skirmishing on the 
ntier are new territories opened up. 
Being an inventor and an aviation pio 
neer, hesaw the point to that. Twenty-one 
years ago, The City and the Pillar acted 
much larger scandal than Myra. Now 
fully alluded to as a delicate, 
sensitive book. The scandal of 148 has 
become the worthy book of 1969. But the 
judgments of those who write Гог news- 
papers are generally worthless, becius 
journalists ше paid to ipate and 
exploit the moral pre judices of their read- 
ers. H you want to know what ihe stu- 
members of the tribe are thinking, 
d the Chicago Tribune or the 
York Dui) News. Their attitudes reflect 
every sort of ancient superstition and bear 
no relevance to the world we live in. 
That's why 1 enjoy the various undo 

ground newspapers. They are dizzy and 
often dullwitted, but they reflect the 

living aspeeis of our civilizatioi op- 
posed to our tribalism, which is decadent 
nd hopefully. dying. 

PLAYBOY: Newsweek charges that Mysa 
By ‘becomes, in the end, a kind 
of erotic propagate” Гог homosexu: 
Is this true —and, if so, is it intentic 
VIDAL: Mira. favors anything that would 
limit population, but there is consider 
able evidence that she dislikes homosex 


uality. Why else would she have become 
а woman and fallen in love with Mary 
Ann? Ci ly her depressing reporis 

on the activities of Myron. her 
n hardly be called ero 

Despite her temporary. vi 
Myra was never strict; 

as a messiah, 
anything goes. she maintained, as long 
as it doesn't further crowd the world 

PLAYBOY: In Oscar Wilde's day, homosex- 
wality was known as "the love that dare 
not speak its name," but today it has 
become, in Mike Nichols’ words, "the 
vice that won't shut up." Do you consid- 
er the growing candor of homosexual 
1 homophile organizations 

a healthy sign, or the price one pays for 
social progress? 

VIDAL: I'm in favor of any form of sexual 
relationship that gives pleasure to those 

I have never heard a 
convincing ent to the contrary. 
Our. problem is semantic. Tribalisis have 
ight us to view male and female homo- 
sexuality as а form of disease, instead of 
what it is: a term used to describe not 
personality but a specific sexual act. 
Properly speaking, the word is an adjec- 
tive and ought not to be used as a noun 
at all. To say that Richard Nixon 
about him as a politician or even— 
nating thought—as a lover. Since there is 
no such thing as a heterosexual personal- 
ity, there сап be no such thing as a 
homosexual. personality—though it's cer 
tainly true that homosexualists often de- 
velop a rich variety of neuroses as a 
result of persecution; but then, хо do Ne 


groes. Jews and—in some cules 
women. In any сазе, to try to alter the 
sexual nature of an adu at 

and hopcless—business. Unfortunately 
it is also a very profitable one for quacks 
like the late Dr. Bergler. 

PLAYBOY: The charge was recently made 
by Ram paris magazine and critic Stanley 
g others, that а homo- 
coterie—the "Homintern 
melodramaticilly term it—has а strat 
hold on American culture and advance: 
own values, and the fortunes of its fellows, 
the expense of the heterosexual artist. 
Do you believe there's any substance to 

As lar as I know, there exist 
no protocols of Sodom. All that matters 

п the arts is excellenc 
sex life of the а 

work must be judged as a thing 
Do Saul Be lows hererosexual. preoccu- 
pations undermine his considerable ап? 
The question sounds silly, because it is 
silly. True art is rooted in the common 
human condition. 
PLAYBOY: After your first two novels, Iil- 
liwaw and Ina Yellow Wood, you were 
ied. with Truman Capote. Norma 
nd John Horne Burns, as one of 
e brightest ary lights of the post- 
War ста. But in 1948, your third book, 
The City and the Pillay, created a literary 
scandal. as you pointed ош. because of 
5 explicit account of a young man's 
homosexual disintegration, and you 
abruptly consigned to literary lim- 
emotional effect did this 


ortunately, even at 22. I thought 
that what mattered most was not the 
world’s view of me but my view of the 
world, and so I survived. Others did not 
—like Burns, the best of u War novel- 
ists.” After the press attacked his. Lucifer 
with а Book—in much the same way as 
they ed The City and the Pillar— 
Burns fled to Europe and deliberately 

drank himself to death at 36. One must 
be very tough to endure as a writer in 

America, Since Гуе endured for almost a 
quarter century, I must be tough. 

PLAYBOY: You wrote once th 
sense, Im not an ‘Ame 
whole attack—my wit 
tasteful to Americans.” Would you elab- 

VIDAL: Wit and irony are distasteful to 
Americans, who believe that 10 be seri- 
ous is to be solemn. This is not only a 
hangover from our Puritan beginnings 
but also a stage through which second- 
and sometimes third-generation Amer 
cans go as they try to make their own the 
language and the customs of a country 
still somewhat alien to them but to 
whose Ila 1 prejudices they feel they 
оме а passionate commitment. In absorb- 
i new culture, the ironies are the last. 
thing to be noted, and those who in- 
dutge in them are the first to be con- 



have wi TI 
yard of stillborn talents which con- 
ms «o much of the brief ignoble history 
of American letters is a tribute to the 
power of a democracy to destroy its crit- 
ics, brave fools and passionate men.” 
How is this done? 
vivat: De Tocqueville predicted that a 
society organized like ours would prove 
to be hostile to the original man. He 
believed that a terror of publ'c opinion 
ic of democ- 
те not truly а democracy 
have we entirely fulfilled De 
grim proznosis—but no 
t we are not resourceful 
уз of dealing with dissidents. 
n them into show business cha 
The clum- 
ns of Paul Goodman, the 
shrill d of Dwight MacDonald. 
the visceral rhetoric of Norman Mailer 
re al! rendered small by television, by 
ine profiles and—yes!—by imer- 
ss. But that is no reason to stop. 
Something is bound to break eventually 
—other than one's self or art. 
PLAYBOY: You have admitted that, as а 
young writer, your “competitive in- 
stina” were very intense and you deeply 
resented the success of other м re 
these competitive instincts still strong— 
€ you mellowed over the ye 
VIDAL: Does one mellow or does one rot? 
The two processes are perhaps the same, 
Unlike most writers, my competitive 
nstinct—though highly developed —dwas 
never personal. "That yy 1 have 
never begrudged another writer his 
cess, but I have sometimes deplored the 
taste of the moment th s made wha 
I thought bad work successful. Happi 
since injustice is the rule, one is quite 
apt to be its beneficiary as its victim, 
PLAYBOY: You have characterized Norman 
Mailers The Naked and the Dead а 
“a dever, talented, admirably executed 
fake” and said of his subsequent work, 

We tu 
ters, not to be taken seriousl 

sy exhortat 




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а novelist 

iot sure, finally, that he should be 
I, or even a writer, despite 
formidable gifts. He is too much of a 
demagog.” Are the roles of writer and 
demagog really mutually exclusive? 

VIDAL I think in the ten years since T 
wrote that piece, Mailer has borne me 
out: He lias almost ceased to be а novel- 
ist and has become a superb journalist, 
with himself as subject, pluckily taking 
on the various occupants of the Amer 
can pantheon, from 
Pentagon. Yet to be 
be more worthy than a pere of the 
highest order, particularly one with a 
messianic desire to change soc 
time, but we cer 
сега of wr 

1 con- 

American letters? 
VIDAL: Yes and no. In the Thirtic: 
ers were much involved w 

there has always been a 
view of the serious, dedicated 
being a sort of divine idiot 

liam Faulkner mumbling he was just a 
farmer and didn’t know much about 
them things. For most of the country’s 
history, our serious—as well as our sol- 
ters were terrified of being 
thought politically engaged. For one 
thing, few of them knew much about 
politics, ideas or even the actual every- 
day life of the country. For another, in 
century, they were much attracted to 
the Flaubert-Joyce-Eliot sacerdotal tradi- 
tion: the writer as holy man, too pure 

for the agora. This attitude was useful 
to Flaubert, who was not all 
th; . but I don't think it has 

done M cr much good. Of 
course, if political novels mean Alle 

Drury and social engagement means Dal- 
ton Trumbo—in other words, artless 
work—then one сап see why the ambi 
tious writer would steer clear of that sor 
of co or genre. He would be 
mistake, however; much of th 

ag hus been passionate and 
ad most of the worst, in our 
time, private and proud—those dread 
exercises, usually taking place on cam- 
pus, where last summer's adultery turns 

best wri 

out to have be a reenactment ol 
PLAYBOY: You acted оп your 

concern in perhaps the most d 
lc in 1960 by running for Congress 
v York's 290. Congressional. Dis- 
t. Do you still have political ambi- 
„ despite your defeat? 

VIDAL: No. But in that election, T took 
some pleasure in carrying the cities of 
Poughkeepsie, Beacon, Hudson and King- 
ston, and getting the most votes of an 
s. Two years later, 
1 the nomination for 
we against. Javits, I was then 
lı the sort of choice that seems 
10 have haunted me all my Ше. I I were 

to be a serious politician. it was quite 
plain that І could not be a serious wi 
er. Not only is there not enough energy 
for the two carcer, they аге incompati- 
Ме. The writer is forever trying to sa 
exactly wl he means and the politici; 
is forever uying to avoid saying what he 
- In 1962, I had returned to novel 

le's absenci 
and so the specific choice for me tha 
was between writing Julian a 
ing a race for the 
novelist. In 1964, 
lor Congress, For the last 
nd with very lide 
t watched the man I had selected to 
take my place win the election in the 
Johnson landslide. 

Also, to be practical, if one wishes to 
influence events, the Congress is hardly 
the place to do an 
audience has more power most 
Congressmen. If he is also able to use 
television, he is in a splendid position to 
say what id. Best of all, 
anting nothing for himself, he is more 
pt to be listened to th: who 
lusts for office. But no m: 
to rationalize my situation, I am split 
between а te and а public self. 1 

пе. 1 chose to 
I was asked once 

was tr m childhood to be a poli- 
tician, but I was born a writer. From 
time to time, I have tried to bring to- 

gether the two selves, but it has not been 

‚ something every 
politician longs to possess and few d 
yet I am compelled to candor of a kind 
that ble in a conventional 
politician. So 1 constantly undo myself, 
making impossible that golden age. the 
Vidal Admini on. No doubt just as 
well For пм 
PLAYBOY. Looking 
you've writte 

your career, 
Sometimes I 
speaking ironically. I simply 
meant that by doing all the things I do, 
T have avoided being taken scriously by 
idemics. I don't 
known category. so the un 
make judgment. But, slowly, it is begin- 
ning to seep down that there may be 
neone quite different on the scene 
whose career can eventually be made а 
touchstone for others. Not that what 1 
what | do will ever be very 
attractive—or easy to imitate. Mailer is 
more in the main tradition than I; any 
young man who wants to be a writer can 
m than with 
p м who 
sold out and took it hard: 
ny P jor can Tive out 
thal legend. But cach of us is what he is, 
and the only sin is to pretend to be what 
one is not. 

am or 

iler nor Capote nor myself 

riters of very different 
gifts—came into his own until he found 
his proper voice. M 

ler spent y 

cles masterpieces, and 

trying to write 

the time of that time was disastrous for 
him. Capote was not quite so ambitious 
—or literary. He simply wanted to be 
famous through writing, and so he copied 
the works of writers who were currently 
in fashion. He plundered Carson. Mc- 
Cullers for Other. Voices, Other 


abducted Isherwood’s Sally Bowles for 
Breakfast at Tiffany's: in short, was ruth- 
lesly ned to 
reportage those 
without creative i nd began 

other words. 
id that is 

to do interesting work. 1 
he'd found his own voice, 
ng is all about. 

PLAYBOY: Reviewing yo 
writer, do vou think vou've re; 

VIDAL: 1 have sometimes wondered. what 
would have happened if, in 1954—hav- 
ng just published The Judgment of 
Pars amd Messiah, iwo books that T 
u mong my best—1 had had the 
money 10 continue writing novels. But 
those books failed and I was forced to do 
other things; contrary to legend. I have 
no income: I've supported myself since I 
was 17. And so, from 1954 to 1964. T 
worked in theater, television, movies, 
criticism and politics. It was a very inter- 
esting time and I dont in the least 

regret it. Nevertheless, with Julian, I had 
to begin all over а But had I spent 
those ten years after Messiah just writing 
novels, [ sometimes wonder what the 
result would have been. 

PLAYBOY: You seem to feel that in Mail- 
er's and Capote's case, the novel wasn't 
really for them. Perhaps it’s not for you 
VIDAL: Perl 

»s it's not for anyone. It is 
certainly no longer the regnant art form. 
Films occupy the attention of the young. 
The day of the important audience for 
the riovelist is past—and before anyone 
writes in to say what a large audience 
the Book-of-the-Month Club. nd 
look at all those paperbacks.” may I say, 
having had three best sellers in a 
tha very small. percentage of the 
country reads novels, and that 
age is declining. Twemy years ago. there 
was great excitement when a new book 
by Hemin or Faulkner was pub. 
hed. 7 there is little general i 
i s new novel, outside of 
the world of publish: where best sell 
ers continue to be qufactured in a 
dispirited, mechanical way 

PLAYBOY. One of best 
your Julian. ig it did you dis- 
cover any similarities between Rome's 
decline and fall and contemporary Ameri- 
сап soc 
VIDAL: No. But some of the problems the 
book poses are relevant to both t 
For instance, Christianity, with its hatred 
of the flesh, was repulsive to the civilized 
(concluded on page 27 




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fiction By RAY BRADBURY | some boys don't dream of grow- 
ing up to be president— they dream of pulling the trigger 


AT 1015 THAT монт. he heard the 
sharp crack from the theater down 
the hall. 

Backfire, he thought. No. Gun. 

A moment later, he heard the 
great lift and drop of voices, like 
an ocean surprised by a landfall 
that stopped it dead. A door 
banged. Feet ran. 

An usher burst through his of- 
fice door, glanced swiftly about, 
asif blind, his face pale, his mouth 
trying words that would not come. 

"Lincoln . . . Lincoln. 

Bayes glanced up from hi 5 s desk. 

"What about Lincoln?" 

"He... he's been shol 

“Good joke. Now——" 

"Shot. Don't you understand? 
Shot. Really shot. For the second 
time, shot!" 

The usher wandered out, hold- 
ing to the wall 

Bayes felt himself rise. “Oh. for 

And he was tunning and passed 
the usher, who, feeling him pass, 
began to run with him. 

“No, no," said Bayes. “It didn't 
happen. It didn't. It couldn't. It 
didnt, couldnt. . . .” 

"Shot," said the usher. 

As they made the corridor turn, 
the theater doors exploded wide 
and a crowd that had turned mob 
shouted or yelled or screamed 
or, stunned, simply said, "Where 
is he?" "There!" "Is that him?" 

"Who did it?" "He did? 
old him!" "Watch out!" 


Two security guards stumbled 
into view, pushed, pulled, twisted 
now this way and that, and be- 
tween them a man who struggled 
to heave back from the bodies, the 
grasping hands and now the up- 
flung and downfallen fists. People 
snatched, pecked, pummeled, beat 
at him with packages or frail sun 
parasols that splintered like kites 
in a great storm. Women turned in 
dazed circles seeking lost friends. 
whimpering. Men, crying out, 
shoved them aside to squirm 
through to the center of the push 
and thrust and backward-pump- 
ing guards and the assaulted man, 
who now masked his cut face 
with splayed fingers. 

"Oh. God, God." Bayes froze, 
beginning to believe. He stared 
upon the scene. Then he sprang 
forward. "This way! Back inside! 
Clear off! Here! Here!" 

And somehow the mob was 
breached, a door cracked wide 
to shove flesh through, then 

Outside, the mob hammered, 
threatening damnations and 
scourges unheard of by living 
men. The whole theater structure 
quaked with their muted wails, 
cries and estimates of doom. 

Bayes stared a long moment at 




the shaken and twisted doorknobs, the 
chattering locks, then over to the guards 
nd the man slumped between them. 
Bayes leaped back suddenly, as if an 
even fresher truth had exploded there in 
the aisle. 

Dimly, he felt his left shoe kick some- 
ng that spun, skitte: like a rat 
chasing its tail, along the carpeti 

торе, find the still half-warm 
pistol, wi but disbelieved, 

backed down the aisle. It was a full half 
minute before he forced himself to turn 
and face the inevitable stage and that 
figure in the center of the stage. 

сон sat in his carved 
his head bent forward. 
an unfamiliar angle. Eyes flexed wide, 
he gazed upon nothing. His large hands 
rested gently on the chair arms, as if he 
might momentarily shift weight, rise and 
declare this sad emergency at an end. 

Moving as under a tide of cold water, 
Bayes mounted the steps. 

“Lights, damn it G 

Somewhere, an unseen technician re- 
membered what switches were for, A 
kind of dawn grew in the dim place. 

Bayes, on the platform, circled the 
occupant of the chair and stopped. 

Yes. There it was. A neat buller hole at 
the base of the skull, behind the left ear. 

“Sic semper tyrannis," a voice mur- 
mured somewhere. 

Bayes jerked his head up. 

The assassin, seated now in the last 
row of the theater, face down but sens- 
ng Bayes’ preoccupation with Lincoln, 
spoke to the floor, to himself 


He stopped. For there w: 
stir above him. One security g 
flew up, as if the man had noth 
with ii 
its way down to sil 

“Stop!” said Bayes. 

The fist paused halfway, then. with- 
drew to be nursed by the guard with 
mixtures of anger and frustration. 

None, thought Bayes, I believe none 
of it. Not that man, not the guards and 
not . . . he turned to in the 
bullet hole in the skull of the slain 

From the hole, a slow trickle of ma- 
chinery oil dripped. 

From Mr. Lincoln's mouth, а simi 
slow juid moved down 
over the chin and whiskers to rain drop 
by drop upon and shirt. 

Bayes knelt and put his car to the 
figure's chest. 

Faintly within there was the whine 
and hum of wheels, cogs and circuitries 
still intact but malfunctioning. 

For some reason, this sound reared 
him to his fect in alarm. 

“Phipps ... 1?" 

е ns more 

ng to do 
The fist, urgent to itself, was on 

nce the killer when: 


on of 


The guards blinked with incompre- 

s snapped his fingers. “Is Phipps 
coming in tonight? Oh, God, he mustn't 

see this! Head him oll! Tell him 
there's ап emergency, yes, emergency ас 
the machine plant in Glendale! Move! 

One of the guards hurried out the 

And watching him run, Bayes thought, 
se, God, keep Phipps home, keep h 

Strange, at such a time, not your own 
lile but the lives of others flashed by. 

Remember . . . that day five years 
past, when Phipps first slung his blue 
prints, his paintings, his water colors out 
on a table and announced his grand 
plan? And how they had all stared at the 
plans and then up at him and gasped: 


Yes! Phipps had laughed like a fa- 
ther just come from a church where 
some sweet high vision in some strange 
ciation had promised him a most 
peculiar so 

Lincoln. That was the id 
born again. 

And Phipps? He would both engender 
and nurture this fabulous ever-teady 
giant robot child. 

Wouldn't it be fine . . . if we could 
stand in the meadow fields of Gettysburg, 
listen. learn. see, hone the edge of our 
zor souls 
Bayes circled the slumped figure in the 
chair and, circling, numbered the days 
and remembered years. 

Phipps, holding up a cocktail glass one 
night, like a lens that  simultancously 
proportions out the light of che past and 
the illumination of the future: 

*] have always wanted to do a film on 
Gettysburg and the vast crowd there and 
far away out at the edge of that sun- 
drowsed impatient lost thick crowd, a 
farmer and his son trying so hard to 
hear, not hearing, trying to catch the 
wind-blown words from the tall speaker 
there on the distant stand, that. gaunt 
man in the stovepipe hat who now takes 
oll hat, looks into it as into his soul 
rummaged the on scribbled lener 
backs and begins to speak. 

“And this farmer, in order to get his 
son up out of the crush, why. he hefts 
the boy up to sit upon his shoulders. 
There the boy, nine. years old, a frail 
encumbrance, becomes ears to the man, 
for the man indeed cannot hear nor sec 
but only guess what the President is 
speaking far across а sca of people th 
at Gettysburg and the President ice is 
high and drifts now clear, now gone, 
seized and dispersed by contesting breeze 
and wind. And there have been too 
лу speakers before him and the crowd. 
all crumpled wool and sweat, all mind- 
less stockyard squirm and jostled elbow, 
and the farmer talks up to his son on hr 
should whisper; What? 
And the boy, tilting hi 




What's he хау; 


head, leaning his peach-fuzz ear to the 
d, replies: 



nd seven years: 

“'—ago our fathers brought forth 
s, yes! 
“on this continent ES 

“Continent! A new nation. conceived 
in liberty, and dedicated to the propo- 
sition that. all men art 

“And so it goes, the wind leaning 
against the frail words, the far man ut 
tering, the farmer never tiring of his 
burden of son and the son, obedient 
cupping and catching and telling it all 
down in a fierce good whisper and the 
father hearing the broken bits and some 
parts missing and some whole but all 
fine somehow to the end. . . . 

““. . . ol the people, by the people, 
for the people . . . 
+... shall not perish from the carth.’ 
"The boy stops whispering. 

“Tr is done. 

And the crowd disperses in the four 
directions. And Gettysburg is history. 
nd for a long time the father can 
not bring himself to ease his translator- 
of-the-wind down to set him on the 
carth, but the boy, changed, comes down 
at last. 

Bayes sat looking at Phipps. 

Phipps slugged down his drink, sud. 
denly chagrined at his own expansive- 
ness, then snorted: 

ГИ never make that film. But I w 

And that was the moment he pulled 
forth and unfolded the blueprints of the 
Phipps Eveready Salem, Illinois, and 
Springfield Ghost Machine, the Lincoln 
mechanical, the electro-oil-lubricited plas 
tic India-rubber perfect-motioned and 
outspoken dream. 

Phipps and his born-full-tallat-birth 
Lincoln, Lincoln. Summoned live from 
the grave of technology, fathered by a 
romantic, drawn by need, Маррей to life 
by small lightnings, given voice by an 
unknown actor, to be placed, there to 
live forever, in this larsouthwest. comer 
of oldnew America! Lincoln and Phipps! 

“We must stand, all of us, downwind 
from Gettysburg. It’s the only hearing 

And he shared out his pride among 
them. To this man he gave armat 
to that, the skeleton; another must trap 
the ouijasspirit voice and sounding word: 
yet others must 

ir and fingerpr 
touch must be bo 

Derision then was their style of 1 
Abe woukl never really speak, they 
knew that, nor move. It would all be 
summed and written off with taxes as а 

But as the months lengthened into 

(continued on page 110) 

row the pre 
Yes, even Lincoln 
vowed, copied, the 

us sl 

re doing? 


«See Uie ld man at the comer 
c you buy your papers? He may 
ave a silencerequipped: pistol un- 

ias gun. What айош your 
Arsenic works slow but 

а cyanide 


These patriots are not going to 1а, 

зей. take their freedom ашау from 

them. hey have learned the silent 
Khije, the strangler's cord, tlie tinget 
тийс; that hits sparrows at 200 yards. 
Only their leaders restrain them. 
Traitors hewaye! Even now the cross 
hairs ате on the back of your necks,” 

MULTILITH LEVTER, bordered in 
К and headed “In Memoriam," 
dressed to a small group of 
liberal Congressmen who had voted 
to deny appropriations ro the House 
Comm n American. Acivi 
ties for the fiscal year 1904-1965. It 
was one of thousands ‘run off by 
triots accusing HUAC's foes 
ш and abetting “the interna 
tional Communist conspiracy"; but 
few of the letter’s recipients were 
inclined 10 dismiss it as the work of 

tee on t 

paramilitary org: 

x extremists heavily armed a 
tion. One Congressman 
on the Minutemen bate list, Repre- 
sentative Henry. Gonzalez of Texas, 
100k the threat seriously enough. to 
torney General Robert 

urge then? 


т his -coaj. -That extra. Jountam, 
ет an the pocket of the* insurance 
salesmanthat calls on you might be z 

т au(omobile meckanic may , 
AME А booby ran. 

шешеп. , 

"ef recent 
ó "I håve be 

Lis 30 
By recent. de- 
velopments, Gonzalez expla 
he meant the assassination 
Чу. А week later, 
Gonzalez formally urged the War- 
‘Yen Commission, then initiating 
‘probe Of ue Presidents death, to 

nation, Attorney General. Kennedy 
replied that he could find, no proof 
the Minutemen had viol 
quently, nó action the Department 
оГ Justice’ could take, “unless there 
is sufficient evidence to establish 
that these acts are beyond the pro- 
arcas of speech, pres and 
assembly guarantees of the F 
Amendment то the Constitution 
Kennedy's position failed to mollify 
Minuteman) “maximum” leader 
Robert Bolivar DePugh, who charged 
that the Attorney. General had, in 
fact, been covertly harassing the or 
Г. Robert 
nything и 

ganization. since 1961 
Kennedy: can't. find 
we've done illegal," said DePugh, * 
certainly is not because he 
L" DePugh subsequently 
Kennedy “the most dangerous trai 
tor im American public Ше. 

Despite their early public 
as gun-happy buv relatively] 
kooks—"the first. World War Three 
buffs, as one observer dubbed them 
=the Minutemen: in recent y 
have evinced a tendency to transl 
their threats into action. Senator J 


those paranoid patriots 
—the minutemen—plot 
to save america by 
ue Le thein 

ned ioa ~ 



William Fulbright, the bête noire of the 
ultraright ever since his exposure o 
neral Edwin A, Walkers indoctrin: 
of his troops with Birchite prop: 
adit in 1901, has received hundreds of 

s from 

ers. In 
side his pen 
rille, The plor to 
was the brain child of “Jolin Morris.” the 
nom de guerre of a Dallas Minuteman 
activist and form er lor George 
Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party, 
who was convinced that the systematic 
juidation of lea berals 
the coi огге the oppo- 
able the paramilitary right 
rol of the Government." 
amber of fellow 
Min n Kansas City that Ful 
bright would make an ideal first. victim 
\ former aide io DePugh, Jerry Milion 
Brooks nicknamed “the Rabbi” because 
of his virulent ms that 



during one of his speaking tours in Ar 
kansas, One Kansas City Mi 
up the money for Mo 
loaned him а 1952 Buick to get to Little 
Rod. A Texas man was supposed to 
hive a private plane and fly him out of 
the state after Fulbright was zapped. 
According 10 Brooks, “Morris pur 
chased a rifle with a telescopic sight: but 
on the day he was to depart for Little 
Rock, news of the plot leaked to De 
Pugh. who blew his top. At this stage, he 
was still preaching his principle of delib- 
erate delay, which means all the empha- 
^d propaganda and 
stockpiling arms, so you don't zap any 
body till the outfits. ready to function 
fully underground. DePugh met. Morris 
on а bridge in Lexington, Missouri, and 
told him he had to call oll the plan 
because, succeeded. or f. 
all that would happen was that the a 
thorities would be sicked onto the Min 
memen. DePugh made it clear th 
Morris went ahead, he'd be the 
who'd end up six feet under. The poor 
guy panicked and it out 10 Okla- 
he 3 

sis is on recruit 




DePugh ha 
was ever a serions pl 
life, but admits having "talked" with 
Morris. “The whole thing was blown up 
out of all. proportion,” he asserts, add. 
ing: "But Just because Tve exercised. а 
restraining influence in the рам, 1 
doen't mean FI always do so. Tl 
is no aa doo brutal or illegal for us 
ke if it will help save this country 
from communism—including assi 
tion. Thorell be a lot of dead sobs 
belore this fight is over." 

Minuteman wrath is nor 
“subversive” tors. In 


restricted to 
the fall of 
men, led by a 

n's politi 

sel as a loca 

of ihe organizari al 

ına arm, the Patriotic Party, hatched a plot 

to assassinate Stanley Marcus, millionaire 
owner of ihe Neiman-Marcus depan- 
ment store and one ol the city's few 
outspoken liberals, An informer prese 

planning sessions told journalist 

п W. Turner, an. ex-EBI. agent 
pers intended to ambush Marcus 
e of his out-of-town ice "an 

ps. si 
assination in Dallas would be too 
much.” Once more, however, DePugh sot 
wind of the plot and aboried it at the 
last moment. 

А more grandiose and 
Minuteman effort was the 
introduce cyanide pas 
ming system of the N 
Building during а Ge Assembly ses- 
sion. Minuteman defector Brooks claims 
that ihe plan was initially approved by 
DePugh, who then developed cold feet 
and backed out. "He got the idea at our 

other a 


training session im Independence, Mis 
souri, in rhe summer of says 
Brooks. "A bunch of us sitting 

around in а bull session and. somebody 
wondered how you could wipe out every- 
body in the UN all at once, and опе of 
the guys suggested mortars. but 1 said. 
"No, even with a direct hit, you'd only 
гар а few, despite those glass walls” And 
then Bob [DePugh] siis to me, ‘Do you 
think you could get hold of a 
nide?’ He asked me because 1 was work 
ing for an extermination outfit at the 
time, and D said. "Sure, as much as you 
want’ So he told me 10 get him some, 
d T bought twenty gallons and took it 
ack to headquarters. Some of it went out 
to ken Goll [the Reverend Kenneth Goll, 
leader of an alfiliated p i 

the Soldiers of the Cros] an 
1 we'd keep the rest for the UN 
He told me he'd select one of our New 

пу cya 

York guys to put it imo the air-condi 
tioning ducts, and 1 found out kiter 
they'd picked а membe h the 

New York state police and whe could 
use his credentials to get. into the UN 
basement. Bur then Bob decided h 
wanted то wait, and some of the guys 

шеп all excited about the ide 
were really pissed off and decided to go 

ahead on their ow 
This activist 

ti De- 
Pugh's eed. the суа 
nide and prepared to act independently 
in defiance of DePugh's instructions. Ac 
ıo political historian. Geor 
yer, who scrutinized the Minutemen 
closely in his book The Farther Shores of 
Politics: “Del аз were outraged 
at this developm 

faction. ch 

oderation,” sec 

h lovali 

t and made plans 10 
shoor the ^s leader in а room lined 
with butcher. paper. To obliterate any 
trace of the crime, the bloody paper was 
to be burned, the body buried in a deep 
grave somewhere in Missouri and the 
gun smehed down, Both the plot and 
rplor fell apart when the 
s got wind of t d stepped into 


coi thor 
the pict 

Brooks, who blew the whistle on 



ide plor in Kansas Citv's U. S. Dis 
nia Court during DePugh’s trial. dor 
violation of the National. Firearms Aci 
—and who is now hiding out in the 
Alaskan undra do escape bis former 
des! reiribition—bcelieves that the 
ng their time for a 
fresh attack on the UN. with or wite 
cyanide gas. “That place is a symbol of 
everthing they hate.” he explained to a 
“Vhey're bound 10 take an 
ack at it someday.’ 

Real or im aed Ci 


Minutemen arc. bid 

munis in 

t years. In the predawn 
October 30, 1966, 19 heavily arn 
шешеп, divided imo three bands, were 
intercepted by staked.out. police (tipped 
by an FBI informant) as they zeroed 
in on leftwing camps in a threestare 
rea. Targets of the coordinated. forays 
were Camp Webatuck at Wingdale, New 
York. where fire bombs with detonators 
had already been set i 

place; Camp 
Midvale in New Jersey: and а pacifist 
community at Voluntown. Connecticut. 
established by the New England Com 
mittee for Nonviolent Action. According 
to Queens district attorney Nat Hemel 
who helped coordinate the roundup 
Minutemen, disguised as бип 
ed to bum the camps to the gron 
along with their inhabitant, А 
police official added. "E don't know what 
they thought they were 
plish, bur they had plenty of hardwi 
ible 10 get the job done. 

As the Minutemen were being herded 
imo custody, raids on secret munitions 
and basement arms caches by 
y and city police ollicers 
senal of Minuteman 
1.000.000 rounds of rille 
munition. chemicals 
ng bomb detonators, consid: 
io c Sinduding 30 
al shortwave sets tuned 


neued a 

to police bands—125 single shor 
villes. 10 dyn: 
12 30-caliber machi 

bombs, 5 
guns, 25 
g. throwing 
1 bazooka. 3 gre 
d grenades and 50 
meter monar shells. For good 
there was even a crossbow re 
plete with curare-tipped arrows. 
Wrested in the roundup was the man 

pistols, 240. knives. (huntis 

nd machete), 
de launchers, O lı 


Disirii Atiorney Hemel identified as the 
Fast Coast coordinator of the Minute 
nen: Milton Kellogg, a wealthy Upstate 
busines Poli meed 1 1 

Es Iwo homes. in Syracuse 

they һай confiscaied — 
I hypodermic needles. 6 
syringes, 4 handguns, 1 rifles, 2 shotgun 
gunpowder and 5000 rounds of amn 
tîon—files disclosing, that the extent ol 

Minuremen activities in the New York 
New England area was far greater than 
local authorities had hitheno suspected, 

(continued on page 146) 

that long-haired whippie is now a movie marqu a flesh-colored film 
based on the 18th century's classic eroticist and his kinky pastimes 

© KIND of sensation is keener or n 
active than that of pain,” wrote Ce 
Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade. who 
chose to call himself the Marquis de Sude 
“hi is simply а matter of jangling all ou 

nerves with the most violent possible 
shock." Born in 1740 to titled. parents 
then educated in the spirit of the liber 
tine by his uncle, a profligate Beneilic 
tine abbot, the Marquis cime to believe 
in the right of the individual to abuse 
and exploit any privilege. without regard 
to moral or legal restrictions. "Crime is 
the soul of lust,” he hypothesized. "lt is 
not the object of debauchery that excites 
us but, rather, the idea of evil” Conse 
quently, from 1763 to the French Revo 
lution. his Ше was plagued by an almost 
uninterrupted series of arrests, prosecu 
tions and incarcerations for ойе 

ranging from logging and sodomy to 
aphrodisiac poisoning. His bizarre co 

pulsions also inspired the seduction of his 
wife's sister and а number of household 
orgies with а bisexual harem of servants 
While in prison 1782. he turned 
10 writing, lor want of other diversions 
the wildly imaginative sexual atrocities 
that fil his works ave testimony to his 
bestial appetites. “Every man wants to 
be а yam when he fornicate.” he 
claimed. But while he favored all forms 
of personal violence, he was repelled by 
the impersonal mass cruelty of the Reve: 
lution. Ironically. ir was not his sen 
sational sexuality but his criticisms of 
Napoleon that finally confined him to an 
asylum in 1803, where he remained un 
til his death in ISH. Now, in De Sade 
an American International film starving 
Keir Dulles, director Су Endheld offers 
а surrealistic chronicle of the personal 
excesses and public disgraces of the man 

who gave sadism a bad name: his own 

In Richard Motheson's original screenplay, reality and illusion fight for control of Sode's deranged mind—represented cinematically through 
impressionistic fantasies. In prison, he is tortured by a hallucination (opposite, top) of his sister inlaw, Anne (Senta Berger), being seduced 
by his uncle, the dissipated abbot (John Huston). The scene is an agonizing parody of ће Marquis’ own carnal cravings for her (opposite, center) 
In another bizarre episode iobove), he relives an orgy in his baronial home with a mole secretary (Rolf Eden! and four cooperative house: 
maids—a riot of sexual vandalism that climaxes in his wife's bedroom. Recalling an almost legendary orgiastic exploit (sequences below), 
the Marquis is surrounded by costumed prostitutes and midgets—whipping ond then begging to be whipped by the company to whom he 
has proffered condy treated with Spanish fly. This outrageous incident in Marseilles in 1772 resulted in the death penalty for poisoning 
and sodomy; though the sentence wos overruled in 1778, he was returned to jail again that same year for yet another sexual offense 

Sade's grotesque recallections also include a Rabelaisian ramp in a theater (cbove), where the arnately attired and revealingly unaired 

guests gorge themselves on the myriad pleasures of libertinage. Scenes of the Marquis in one of his tamer brothel escapades reveal his 
Peculiar fandness for strawberry jam (above, center), as well os his awn unique version of blindman’s buff (below, left) and some rather 

untidy but exuberant drinking habits. When other, more violent goings on were reported to the gendormes, the luckless Morquis was not 
only arrested ond imprisoned but barred from the nation’s brothels for топу years by official edict. While his woy-out proclivities never 
equaled the abuses recounted in his copious writings, the screen life of the infomous Sade more thon justifies his claim to erotic notoriety. 




cries of hi 

years. their ou 
accepting smiles and st 
They were a gang of boys caught up in 
some furtive | ply joyous mor- 
Iuary society who met midnights in n 
ble vaults to disperse through. graves 


The Lincoln Resurrection Brigade 
prospered. Instead of. one mad. fool, a 

dozen. maniacs fell to villing old mummy 
dust news files, begging and then pillering 
death masks, burying and then digging 
p new plistic bones. 

Se toured the Civil War battlefields 
| hopes that history, borne on some 
morning wind, might whip their coats 
like flags. Some prowled the October 
fields of Salem, starched brown with 
rewell summer. snilhing airs, pricking 
cars, alert for some lank lawyers un- 
ixious for echoes, plead 

recorded voice. 
ig their case. 
And пове more anxious nor paternal 
proud worrying than Phipps until the 
mouth when the robot was spread out on 
delivery tables, there to be ball-and-sod 
cied, voice box locked in. rubber eyelids 
peeled back to sink therein the decp sad 
eyes ıl ad seen too much. 

The e appended ti 
might hear time lost. The large. 
knuckled hands were hung like pendu- 

lums to guess that time. And then upo 
1 man’s nakedness they shucked on 
suiting, buttoned buttons, fixed his tie, 
gathering of tailors, no, disciples now on 
а bright and glorious Easter morn, 

And in the last hour of the Там day 
Phipps had locked them all out as he 
finished the final touches on the recum- 
bent flesh and s d at last opened 
the door and, not literally, no, but in 
some metaphoric sense, asked them 10 
hoist him onto their shoulders а last 

Amd in silence watched as Phipps 
called across the old battlefield and be 
ig the tomb was not his place: 


youd, say 

And Lincoln, deep in his cool Spring- 
field marbled keep. turned in his shim- 
bers and dreamed himself awake. 

And rose up. 

And spoke. 

A phone rang. 
jes fell away. 
heater phone on one far stage 
Oh, God, he thought, d 
“Bayes? This is 
nd told me to 
Said. something about 

I buzzed 


ran to lift the phone. 
Phipps. Buck just called 



“You know Buck. 
Must have called from the nearest bar 
Tm here thi 
line. One of the generators acted up. We 
just finished repairs 
He's all vight. then? 


n the 

(continued from page 100) 

"He's gr He could not take his 
eyes off the slumped body. Oh, Christ 
Oh, God. Absurd. 
coming over. 
"No, don't!" 

ve you shouting?” 
his tongue, took a deep 
breath, shut his eyes so he could not see 
the thing in the chair and said, slowly 
Phipps, l'm not shouting. There. The 
lights just came back on. I can't keep the 
crowd wi to You— 
“You've Lying.” 

But Phipps had hung up 
{ utes, thought B 
Oh, God, he'll be here in te 
Ten minutes before the n 
brought Lincoln out of the g 
the man who put him back in. 

He moved. A mad impulse 
wish to run backstage, start the tapes, see 
how much of the Fallen creature would 
motivate, which limbs jerk, which lie 
numb. Mor i for that 



n who 
уе meets 


There was only i ow for 

And the mystery was enclosed in the 

an who sat in the third seat over in the 
last row back from the stage. 

Th wwin—he was an assassin, 
wasn't he? The assassin, what did he 
look like? 

He had seen his face, some few mo 
ments ago, hadn't he? And wasn't it a 
face from an old, a familiar, a faded and 
putaway daguerreotype? Was there a 
full Were 
ошм. eyes? 

Slowly Bayes stepped down from the 
stage. Slowly he moved up the aisle and 
stopped. looking in at that man with his 
head bent into clutching fingers. 

Bayes inhaled, then slowly exhaled 
question in two words: 

“Mr. 2 Booth 

then shudder 

mustache? there dark and 


y m; 
d let forth 


Bayes waited. Then he dared 
“Mr. .. - John Wilkes Booth?” 

To this the assassin laughed. quietly 
agh faded into a kind of dry 

rman Llewellyn Boot 
tn: the s 
Thank God, thought E 
have stood the other. 

Bayes spun and p. 

- Only the 

nc is- 


yes. 1 couldn't 

No time. Phipps was on the freeway 
Any moment, he'd be hammering at the 
Bayes spoke rigidly to the theater 
wall directly in front of hi 
And it wa 


echo of the alfrighted 

had sat there not 
1 jumped to terror 

300 people wh 

cried. Booth. 

Bayes. in the sime 
“Too good a chance to miss 
“What!” Bayes w 
You don't dare say that a 
"Because," said Booth, head down 

hid, now light, now dark, jerking 
into ond ош of emotions he only sensed 
as al t roe, faded with 
hier and then silenc 
its the auth.” 
whispered, stroking h 
1 actually did it” 
yes had to keep walking up. 
the aisles, circling, айай! to мор 
id he might rush and strike and keep 

on striking this kill 

Booth saw this and said: 

“What are you waiting for? Get it 

“1 will not" Bayes forced his yell 
down to a st Imness. “I will not be 

есине 1 killed а m: 


to figure a н who kills 

because a humanoid computer was sh 

“Pity,” mourned the man 

Booth: and, saying it, the light w 

of his face 

“Talk,” said Bayes 


wing throw 

wall, 4 the night roads, Phipps 
in his car and time running out. “You've 
got five minutes, maybe more, maybe 

1 you're a 

less. Why did you do it, why 5 
somewhere. Start with the fa 

d w 


He waited, The security gi 
nd h, creaking une: 


ard, yes,” said Booth, “How did 

you know?" 

s me. AL 

said Booth. "Th 
c it. Things. People. 
Places. Afraid. People 1 wanted to hit 
but never bit. Things 1 always wanted 
never had. Places 1 wanted to go, never 
went, Always wanted to be big, famous 
why That didn't work, So. 
1 thought, if you can't find. something 
to be glad about, find something to be 
sad. Lots of ways to enjoy being sid. Why? 
Who knows? E just had to find something 
awful to do and then cry about what I 
had done. ‘That way, you felt you had 
accomplished something. So. I set out to 
do someth 

now her. 

“You've succeeded. 

Booth gazed dow his hands hung 
between his knees as il they hell an old 

“Hey, it's bad luck to see your bride just before the ceremony." 




дену remembered and simple 

“Did you ever kill a turtle?” 
"When I was ten, 1 found out about 
death. 1 found out that the turtle, that 
big dumb rocklike thing, was going to 
live long after 1 was dead. 1 figured if I 
had to go, the turtle went first. So 1 took 
а brick and hit him on the back until I 
broke his shell and he died. 
Bayes slowed in his constant. pacing 
and said, "For the same reason, 1 once 
let a butterlly live. 

No." said Booth, quickly, then added, 
"no. Not for the same reason. A butter- 
fly lit on my hand once. The butterfly 
opened and shut its wings, just resting 
there. I knew I could crush it. But T 
n't, because I knew t ten min- 
utes or an hour, some bird would eat it. 
So 1 let it just fly away. But turtles?! 
They lie around back yards and live 
forever. So 1 went and got a brick and I 
was sorry for mouths after. Maybe I still 
am. Look. i 

His hands trembled before him. 

And what," all this 
to do with your being here tonight?” 
“Do? What?" cried Booth, looking at 
if ke were mad. “Haven't you 
been listening? Do? Here? Great God, I'm 
jealous! Jealous of anything that works 
right, anything thats perfect, anything 
that's b ul all to itself, anything that 
e what it is! Jealous! 
“You can't be jealous of machines." 

"Why not, damn it?” Booth clutched 
the back of the seat in front of him and 
slowly pulled himself forward, staring at 
the slumped figure in that high-backed 
chair in the center of the stage. "Aren't 
machines more perfect, ninety-nine times 
out of a ed, than most people 
you've ever known? I mean really? Don't 
they do things right? How many people 
can you name do things right one third, 
one half the time? "That damned thing 
up there, that machine, not only looks 
perfection but speaks and acts реест 
Чоп. More, if you keep it oiled and 
wound and fixed, it'll be looking, speak 
ng, acting right and grand and beautiful 
a hundred, two hundred years after I'm 
in the earth! Jealous? Damn right 1 

"But a mach 



ne doesn't know what it 

1 know. | feel!" said Booth. “I'm 
outside it looking in. I'm always outside 
ws like that, I've never been in. The 

hine has it. I don't. h was built to 
do опе or two things exactly on the nose 
No matter how much I learned ог knew 
or d the rest of my life, no matter 

what I did, I could never be as perfect, 

ıs fine, as madde s deserving ol 
destruction ng up there, that 
man, that t ure, that Presi 

Не was on his feet 
stage BÜ feet away 
1 nothing. Machinery oil 
. on the floor under 

now, shouting at 

President," murmured Booth, as 
if he had come upon the real truth at 
. Yes. Lincoln. Don't 
you se Jong time apo. He 
can't be alive. He just can’t be. Из not 
right. A hundred years аро and yet here 
he is. He was shot once, buried once, yet 
here he is going on and on and on. 
Tomorrow and the day after that and 
all the days. So, his name being Lincoln 
and mine Booth . . . | just had to 
come. 2 

His voice 

aded. His eyes had glazed 

Sit down 
Booth sat, 

said Bayes, quietly. 
and Bayes nodded to the 
. "Wait outside, 

When the guard was gone and there 
was only Booth and himself and the quiet 
ig waiting up there in the chair, Bayes 
turned t lust and looked at the 
assassi words carefully 
and said: 

"Good but not good enough." 


“You lI the reasons why 
you came here tonight." 

You just think you have. You're kid- 
ding yourself. MI romantics do. One way 
or the other. Phipps when he invented 
this machine. You when you destroyed it. 
But it all comes down to this, Very plain 
and very simple, you'd love to have your 

picture in the papers, wouldn't you 
Booth did not answer, but his shoul 
der straightened. imperceptibly 

"Like to be seen coast 
ne covers?" 

to coast on 


Get free time on TV?" 

“Be inter 
Like to have trials and. lawyers 

'wed on radio? 

ing whether а mau can be tried for 
proxy murder — 7" 


“That is, attacking, shooting a human- 
oid machine” 


Bayes waited. Booth was breathing fast 
now, i and ош, in and out, his eyes 
face. Bayes let more 

ndred. million 
мі month, next 

talking about 
hg, next week, n 



the comer of Воо 
mouth. He must have felt it. He r 

d to touch it a 

true real 
es lor a 

“Fine to sell your perso 
story to ional syndi 
fine chun! 
Sweat moved down Booth's face and 
itched in his palms 
"Shall I give you the 
questions I have just asked 
Bayes wai 
more push 
tions, mor 


swer to all the 
? Eh? Eh? 
а. Booth waited for m 
p. more driving, more ques 

id Bayes. 



rapped on a far theater door 
Bayes jumped. Booth turned to stare 
The knock came, louder. 
es, this is Phipps! Let me in 
a voice cried outside in the night. 
Hammering, pounding, then. silence. 
Booth and each 
like conspir 
"Let me ‚ Christ, let me in! 
More үсе а crazy drum and 
tattoo, then silence again, the man out 
side panting, circling, pe 
another ent 


J" said Bayes 
Do you get worldwide TV-radio-hlm- 
newspaper gossip-broadcast pub- 

Booth held his breath. 

“No,” said Bayes. 

Bootlrs mouth broke open but stayed 
N." Bayes spelled it simply, "O." 

He reached in, found Booths wall 
snapped out all the identity cards and 
handed the empty wallet back. 

No?" asked Booth, stunned. 
Booth. No pictures. No 
No col- 
umns, No papers, No advertisement, No 
glory. No fame. No fun, No self-pity. No 
resignation. No immortality. No nonsense 
about tiumphing over the dehumaniza 
tion of man by machines. No martyrdom 
No respite from your own mediocrity. No 
splendid sull No maudlin tears. No 
renunciation of possible futures. No trial 
No lawyer. No analysts speechir 
up this month, this year. thirty 
sixty years, ninety years after, no stories 
with double spreads, no 

Booth rose а rope had hauled 
him tall and stretched him gauni and 

"No, Mr. 

y you 


ү. no. 


"I don't understand. 1—— 
"You went to all this trouble? Yes. 
And Pm ruining U me. For, when all 

is said done, Mr. Booth, all the 
reasons md all the sums summed, 
you're sheen that never was, And 

you're going to stay that way, spoiled 
and marisistic and small and mem 
and rotten. You're a short man and 1 
miend to squash and squeeze and. press 
and batter you an inch shorter instead 
of forcegrowing you, helping, you gloat 
nine feet tall.” 

You can't) 

cried Booth. 
(concluded on page 241) 


WHEN 1 me, I should like to do so in the 
foyer of the best hotel in the w 
one thing, 1 feel most confident in hotel 
foyers; and for another, disposing of my 
corpse would be a final test for the hall 
porter. I have always been 
hotels—about people, тоо. 1 suppos 
but that need not concern us. For me, 
the best hotel in whatever place I hap- 
реп to be is a must. Ensconced in any 
other establishment, 1 tend to sulk 
Once, on a steamer to Сарп. 1 was 
examining the luggage tags of опе of the 
most beautiful girls 1 have eve 

snob about 

t hotel from the 
I decided there and 
to stay 
where she Yet it not the 
child's bı prompted my 
but the obvious wealth of her con 
jon. He was, I decided, an Indian prince 
ling and, as such, could be relied upon 
When we landed. 1 followed hard on 
шег heels. up the mountain to Ana 
capri and through the revolving doors ol 
igri-La. only to be dismissed by 
obdurate reception clerk. Forced to 

when I discovered to my dismay th 
bound for a differ 
¢ 1 had selected 

n to adjust my 

not one to suffer lightly the 
bitter with the suite, our 
globular globe girdler raps 
on the myriad pleasures and 
occasional pitfalls of the 
worlds best caravansaries 


return to the hotel of my original choice. 
Г spent my holiday in jealous despair. 

Each new hotel has for me the excite 
ment of an untried mistress, | am impi- 
tient with the p laris, eager to 

register and afterward to rid myself of 
the atten ns of the bellhop who has 
preceded me with my key along the 
corridor and unlocked my room. I watch 
him demonstr heating, 
the coset light, vision. remote 
controls, and long for the moment when 
he will withdraw and leave me in posses 
sion. 1 know from experience it will be 


time before my luggage 

arrives; and meanwhile, my room and I 
will be getting t0 know each other. As 
soon as the bellhop collects his fee and 
withdraws, 1 hurry into the bathroom to 
spect the plumbing, to admire the 
tumblers wrapped in cellophane and th 
lavatory pan decorated as if for a mar- 

riage. Is there a bidet? How large arc 
the soap bi How many towels? 1 
listen to the noise of the toilet flush, 

make sure I understand how the lavatory 
taps function. These grow more compli 
cated with every year. I hurry back imo 
the bedroom to inspect the thickness of 
the drapes. the pile of the carpet. I 
adjust the lights, toy with the television. 
take in the view. ‘This is the moment of 
truth, and E must ask myself whether this 
is really the best bedroom I can expect 
—for the price. Am I on the right side of 
the building at the right height? Do I 
want to look out over the swimming 
pool or the garage? Now is the time for 
action, if I decide to ch. T must pick 
up the phone and demand to be con- 
nected with the desk clerk: get into the 
poker game amd be prepared, il neves- 
have him call my blut. My 

sary, to 




decision as to whether to accept the 
commodation proffered ог to 
mprove on my hand depends 


gely on the ambiance 1 have al 
countered at the reception desk. 1 can 


usually tell whether 1 am being given 
the bunrs 1 day, 1 will 
small back room over the dusil 
ı penthouse suite is 

another, eve 
quate, Having decided to stay ри 
то explore the closets, paying 

attention to the way the doors 

writing paper, read the breakfast menu 
and the other brochures provided. I like 
to know that I can write letters on all 

cereals, bars and re 
ready to sample Grape-Nuts Flakes, to 
plan an evening in their Sapphire Room 
or the House of Genji. to have a cocktail 
in the Eagles Nest or the Imperial. Vik- 
ng, a nightcap in Nero's Nook. 1 avoid 
believing that 
en the trouble to find а 
re, he may also have 
taken the trouble to find а decent chef. 
1 have always believed in myself as a 
world jurist where hotels are concerned. 
L still hope that even now, in the after 
noon, the early afternoon, of my life, 1 
may be invited to serve. How pleasant it 
would be to travel the world in the 
company of a few others like myself, 
ampling the delights of extravagances 
provided by great hoteliers and to award 
the annual Alerts "There would have 
to bc several, naturally: for the hotel 
that had the best wine cellar, the hotel 
with the best plumbing, the one with the 
best hall porter, the best hotel built in 
the past year, the hotel with the most 
beautiful setting, or simply the most beau- 
tiful hotel. If actresses are entitled to Os- 
is, why not hotels? The latter аге more 
exciting, more unpredictable and, with 
notable exceptions, better behaved. More- 
over, hotels, except those in the very top 
class, have to show oll. | am never intim 
dated by ostentation: being in the enter 
tainment business myself, 1 understand it. 
Once, while staying at а hotel in Fez 
where the uniforms of the staff were the 
most magnificent 1 have ever encoun- 
tered, 1 approached a lackey even more 
gorgeously auired thin the bellboys, 
ined 10 be the hall porter, 
and made some trivial request about 
procuring a fleet of camels for the after- 
noon. "I think you are making a mis 

if а man has t 
name, however bi: 

take," remarked my accosted. "I have the 
honor to be the personal aide«decamp to 
His Majesty the King of Libya." I shook 

him warmly by the hand but did not 
apologize. In selecting what are, in my 
opinion, the seven great hotels of the 
world, I am tempted to indude this 
beautiful Moroccan caravansary; but 
things have changed in Morocco since 1 
was there; besides, a simultaneous. visit 
of myself and the King of Libya may 

have ensured an unnatural and tempo- 
rary standard of excellence. An ev 
more potent reason for not including it 
in my list is that I have forgotten. its 

in favor of the Roberts 
Award Committee, when it is formed, 
arriving anywhere incognito. Let us sce 
the best you can do—not the worst— 
should be our admonition. Personally, 1 
m careful, when arriving at any hotel 
where I suspect I may ally, at least. 
—be unrecognized, 10 employ a games- 
manship ploy of which I and not Ste- 
Potter am the inventor. “I think, 
rk casually, leaning across the 
ception desk and addressing the clerk, 
"you may be expecting me. My secretary 
has made the reservation: Robert Mor- 
ley." I speak the last two words slowly 
and loudly. The impression | wish to 
give is that I am far too modest to 
believe that my name will mean any- 
thing to him; and if, as sometimes hap- 
pens, the idiot hasn't, in fact, heard of 
me, he will begin to check his list. 
Nothing here," he will remark after he 
has done so. I take care to appear thun- 
derstruck. "Are you quite certain? My 
scaetary has been with me a number ol 
years and this is the first time anything 
like this has happened.” 

After this, I play it by ear. I, as 
sometimes, there is plenty of accommoda- 
tion available, I like to believe thar 1 
will be offered something a little better 
than would have been the case if I had 
not established that I had a secretary. If 
the hotel is full, well, the reception clerk 
may feel a little uneasy and manage to 
find me а niche, providing that 1 am not 
traveling with my mother-in-law, Dame 
Gladys Coope 

We were in Las Vegas together the last 
time I employed my gambit and had the 
clerk on the ropes and about to produce 
the accommodation. Suddenly, Gladys 
spoke. "You know perlectly wall, Robert, 
you haven't reserved anything. You are 
only confusing the poor young mi 
and, in any cas, 1 don't want to stay 
here. 1 am sure we shall be much hap- 
pier in that nice motel next door." That 
would have been the end of that, except 
that the nice motel next door was full 
and we were obliged to crawl back ten 
minutes later. "Another time, perhaps 
you'll leave it to me," I told her, survey- 
ing the inadequate accommodation. with 
which I had eventually been provided. 

Another time,” replied Gladys, "I will 

have ту seaetary handle the reserva- 
tions. We stand а better chance. with 
her; at least she exists!" 

The re fed to 
serve on the Roberts Committee is that I 
have a nose for good restaurants. Put me 
down anywhere in a strange city and, 
like truffle hound straining at the 
leash, I will lead my party to the most 
delectable morsels. Where hotels are con- 
cerned, my perception is equally uncanr 

son I am so well qu 

Halla-dozen steps across the threshold 
ond I can tell whether a hotel is fully 
adjusted. If not, then 1 prefer to put my 
polo sticks back into the boot of the 
Rolls-Royce and drive on. However im- 
posing the façade, splendid the foyer, 
exuavagant the furnishing, gorgeously 
costumed the bellboys and luxurious the 
beds, unless a hotel is "adjusted," neither 
you nor I will be happy there. In a 
restaurant, опе can return. the beef Stro- 
апо to the chef with a courteous re- 
quest that he try again and, while he is 
doing so, continue to toy with the caviar. 
The meal can be salvaged. But there is 
nothing to be done with a hotel that is 
Ш adjusted except pack and leave. It 
won't be difficult for you to do so carly 
on your first morning, because the cham- 
bermaid will already have made an en 
trance, or at least knocked loudly on your 
door, demanding to know if you rang. 
She does this to ensure that you will not 
oversicep and fail to give her а chance to 

do your room when it suits her fancy. In 
on illadjusted hotel, you will not be 
able to enjoy breakfast in bed. If you 

persevere with the telephone, you vill 
eventually be able to contact room serv- 
ice; but, having done so, you will be well 
advised to allow for the inevitable time 
Jag and order Juncheon. ‘The last time 1 
sayed at a hotel in New York, I was 
amazed to find the breakfast t being 
trundled to my bedside a bare 20 min- 
utes after D had put down the phone. 
“This can't possibly be my breakfast," I 
told the waiter. “I ordered it under 
hour ago.” The waiter shrugged 1 
shoulders sympathetically and started. to 
wheel the individually gathered, sun- 
drenched blueberries with pasteurized 
double cream and thin hot cakes out of 
the door and back along the corridor. 
After a struggle, I regained possession. 
“Finders keepers!" I told him. 

The best room service in the world is 
enjoyed by guests of the Westminster 
Hotel in Le Touquet-Paris-Plage. There, 
опе can reach out and press the bell push 
ably decorated with a picture of a 
er) and, within two minutes, the 
breakfast tray is resting lightly on one's 
stomach. The Westminster i: I have 
noted, а supreme example of efficiency in 
this respect; but all over Europe, unlike 
the U.S. A., there are hotels that expect 
their guests to order breakfast around п 
o'clock and are pre i 
in five minutes of their having done so. 
"The simple secret is to have а kitchen on 
each floor; it is а secret that, except. in 
rare instances, you Americans have not yet 

For my money, and I a good 
deal of it is required whenever 1 am 
а guest there, the greatest hotel in 
the world is the Ritz in Paris. It is really 
two hotels, опе situated in the Place 
Vendome and the other in the Rue Cam- 
bon. 1 have never quite understood. the 

(continued on page 122 


attire By ROBERT L. GREEN 

inis year's long hor 

ми sports and able 
bodied shoremen cooling 
it in see-worthy beach 
garb. Such bold 

styles as tank-type опе 
piece suits and 

vertical striped 

dahigh trunks. by Oleg 
assini lor Sea Mark. 

512 (shown below), 

are making fresh fashion 

mer will find water wise 

waves. Broad self-pattern 

or solid-color web belis 

keep the suit not the 
wearer—up tight. From 
Malibu to Miami Beach, 
aprés-sea aquaneats are 
donning pullover caftans. 

velour shirts and raja robes, 

In short, its a buyer's 

market for the sand-and 

sun хело deep-six ou- 
dated duds and hit the 
beach in high style. 

fresh ideas for making 
а fashion splash 
af pool or beach 

Clockwise from opposite poge, 
top: Attentive wader likes 

а colton ond stretch-nylon 
terry tank suit with a zip 
front, by McGregor, $25. 
Brawny mon prefers 
floral-patterned cotton 
trunks, by Brentwood, $6. 
Sportive sun bather keeps 

his monekinied mermaid 
close at hand while basking 
їп horizontal-striped 
stretch-nylon: mid-thigh 

trunks, by Brentwood, $12 
Poolside player relaxes in a 
cotton terry jacket, 

by Jones, $22, worn 

with terry knit trunks, by 
McGregor, $7. Great 
outdoorsman goes for stretch- 
nylon knit below-the-knee 
trunks, by Himalaya, $7. 
Romontically entwined chap 
wears stretch-Lastex. belted 
trunks, by Oleg Cassini 

for Sea Mark, $12 

Below: Dashing young 
beochnik, with his date in 
tow, is turned on by 

a multicolor striped 
cotton velour 

hooded санап with 

а rawhide neck closure, 

by Oleg Cassini 
for Sea Mark, $75. Above 
center: Stylish overseer 

keeps casual in striped 
cotton duck beach pants, by 
Poul Ressler, $7. 

Below center: Cool, clearly 
contemporary fellow 

in see-through choir 

wears а cotton knit 

tank top, $5, over stretch- 
nylon knit horizontal 

striped trunks, $7, both 

by Cotalino-Mertin. Opposite 
page: Fashion man of leisure 
cottons to a Roman- 

striped full-length raja 

robe with bution front, by 
Alexander Shields, $50. 

‘Kuowa ay) dn роу 1,изәор 11 
sp Buoj sv ‘xas pramuaid 
ynm Buom Sunpjou s a434 yp, 




geography of this beautiful building. To 
walk from the Place Vendóme to the 
Rue Cambon takes me at least five min- 
utes and I have to cross several streets in 
order to do so: and yet if I make the 
ime journey through the Ritz itself, 
along the elegant arcade, with its show- 
cases pli With diamonds and brode- 
ric anglaise, | am there in half the time. 
А simple explanation occur to the 
reader—one way is circuitous, the other 
direct—but what happens to the streets? 
They certainly don't run through the 
Ritz itself; indeed, in the center of the 
hotel, there are only а number of mys- 
terious secret gardens, gravel-pathed and 
silent, 1 haven't the least idea how many 
bedrooms there are in the Ritz, only that 
in proportion to its size, there are very 
few. lı is the extravagance of the build- 
ing that attracts me; I do not care for 
hotels that conserve space. I do not ap- 
prove of batteries for hens or humans. 

I am essentially a Rue Cambon man 
myself. although I often enter the hotel 
from the Place Vendome and admire the 
1 foyer, peopled at teatime by clabo- 
rately bewigged archduchesses and ex- 
jonarchs waiting with well-bred boredom 
for their cucumber sandwiches. In the 
evening, a small string orchestra plays in 
the restaurant and an indescribable and 
ssuring melancholy hangs in the air. 
‘The diners have, for the most part, eaten 
all the caviar they are ever likely to active- 
ly enjoy on this carth, but the spoon still 
travels to the mouth loaded with the litle 
black grains and returns stained to the 

In the Espadon, which is the restau 
t on my side of the hotel, the pace is 
together brisker is caen, but 
on toast. There is no vast entrance hall 
nd a comparatively narrow passage 
ds from the Rue Cambon up а short 
flight of steps to the reception desk im- 
mediately opposite the hall porter’s. Far- 
ther on, where the passage ends and the 
glass doors of the Espadon open invit- 
ingly, is a small foyer usually cluttered 
with tables overflowing, from the restau- 

int, and with French windows opening 
onto one of the gardens where, on sum- 
mer evenings. it is also possible to dine. 

But it is with its bedrooms t the 
Ritz really sores. The timeless elegance 
of the furnishings, the gilt and the glit- 
ter. the huge wardrobes, the small sofas, 

the brass bedsteads—and the golden 
docks. 1 can never look at the last 
without a twinge ol conscience; for once, 

long ago, I stopped all the clocks in the 
Riz by yanking out a wire from one 
my daughter's bed when she com- 
ned the ticking was too loud and kept 

ГИ won fix that,” 1 told her. 
and Т did. The trouble was that the next 
£, по one would believe I was the 
prit. In vain, I telephoned the hall 
porter to confess my guilt. "Impossible, 

(continued from page 114) 

to blame" he 
ching for the 
the same in all the rooms 
“At least,” 1 begged him. 
“send someone up to my suite to investi 
." "Useless, cher monsieur," he pr 
tested, “the fault is with the elecuicity 
supply. Our engineers are in conference 
h the minister.” In the end, 1 climbed 
onto a chair and poked the wire back into 
its socket. At once, my clock. like all the 
others in the Ritz that morning, started 
again. But, for me, the Ritz is the best 
hotel in the world not because of its 
electric clocks, or even despite them, but 
simply because it is the most comfortable 
to stay in. A guest in the Ritz is a guest 
of the Ritz, and no member of the stall 
ever forgets this simple fact for a single 

If you walk out of the Ritz into the 
Place Vendóme and turn left into the 
Rue de Rivoli, you will come in a mo. 
ment to a teushop. Last summer, seated 
inside, 1 found an old friend and joined 
her for is sad how байз 
anished from the 
youth, they were obl 
ion and visiting cards. 
In any case, my friend. у 
th, was lamenting the passin 
“It is something 1 miss, 
ke Baden-Baden." 

monsieur, you are not 
assured me. “We are sea 

“Not for me,” she replied. “And even 
if you were right, I don't suppose I 
should care Гог it nowadays. 1 used to go 
there when 1 was a little girl, and what 1 
remember most about Baden-Baden is 
the grand dukes and their enormous 
trunks. The porters at the Baden-Baden 
lway station were the strongest porters 
in the world: they had to be 
my friend continued, “one 
trunk as large as those: and 
опе has to be on one's 
guard. year, 1 saw one at the Ritz, 
of all places. И was Late at night 
they were wheeling it along the р 
1 happened to open my bedroom door 
ad there it was. Behind walked the 
owner. 1 am certain he wasnt а grand 
duke. He looked.” she stabbed ihe air 
thoughtfully with her fork, he 
might have been a traveling 
One couldn't be sure, naturally. 
know. Robert, dear. | am not 
moreover, I am a very simple won 

have a suite of room the Ritz, 
er at the Hótel de Paris in Monte Carlo. 
and a small house in London. With 

these, unlike most women J know, I am 
content, Bur if 1 am right about t 

nd 1 hope very much 1 
not right—why, then, 1 may have to 
consider reopening my apartment i 
Versailles: at any rate, during the sum 
mer months The danger, I 
would hardly arise in the wine 

time of the year, I prefer Monte Carlo.” 
do L" E told her; and. indeed, 1 
do. 1 am drawn to Monte Carlo. like a 
pilgrim to Mecca or an art lov 
Florence, because. Monte Carlo still rep 
resents, for me. r ol gambling, 
the world. In the cemer of a whirlwind. 
although 1 have never proved this theory 
personally, there is said to be a vacuum. 
I can prove, however, that at the heart 
of Monte Carlo, in the great entrance 
hall of the Hotel de Pari ag Stins, 
There in the entrance h 
sibly by some fabulous interior decorator, 
sit the ladies and gentlemen in wait 
піс hats and wearing great 
ies of jewelry and eye shadow, or 
Шалта and occisionally toupeed. 
they sit in the hotel as to the manner 
born. Elegant, resourceful, infinitely ра 
tient, they neither fidget nor fuss Their 
purpose is to reassure the ordinary tray 
cler that he, too. has arrived. Every now 
and then, one of them will risc and 
make his or her way to the elevator or 
ош onto the terrace. Ht is not lor us 10 
inquire where they are. going. They aic 
going off duty, and that must suffice us. 
The Hotel de ıs more to offer 
even than i It moves with the 
a superb rool res 
rant and am indoor swimming pool. It 
Iso has the prettiest breakfast chi 
Europe and the unique advantage that 
people never stay there on business or 
because they want to look at churches or 
trudge round picture galleries. ‘The 
to put their feet up and to enjoy the 
selves. There are not nearly 
places where one cin simply рш о 
feet up in Europe: but just on the edge 
of it, just before you cross the Bosporus 
and find yourself in A: i 
Ш Turkish village called Ye 
20 miles from Istanbul on the Sea 


IL, arranged pos 


There is somet 
bout the Sea of M 
бше to sı 

very attractive 
Т would not 
ay on the Bosporus, which is 
ngly narrow, so thar the Russian 
т way up the channel 
last in some unlortu 
nate Тшту front. parlor. No such d. 
presents itself to guests of the i 
which passed all the tests to which I 
subjected. it and one that 1 nor oc 
curred ro mean carthquakc. 1 am not 
fond of earthquakes, and this onc ¢ 
s is their custom, unawares 
about to мер into а bath. 1 draped 
myself in а towel and hurried into the 
A few doors opened and one or 
two guests made for the elev 
others returned to their 
tremors subsided. 1 hesita 
which course 10. pursue, and then 1 hap: 

Hors, while 
rooms as th 

pened ло ghince out of low. Whi 
Т saw persuaded. me to hiny down the 
irway and msh pell to the gar. 

den, where 1 joined the dozen or so chefs 
(continued on page 218) 

o wasitive \ 
he America 


article By SEYMOUR KRIM 1 was еми stane, shaped, wherted and given a world with a purpose by the American realistic 
novel of the mid- to Пало 19305. From the ege of 14 to 17, I gorged myself on the wor g with Of 
rue and th ; caching up with Angel and. then keeping pace till. Big Tom's stu end). Ernest Hemingway, William 
rell; Joli Steinbeck, John O Hara: James Gain, Richard Wright. Jolin Dos Passos, Erskine Caldwell, Jerome 

E that E wanted to be such а novelist, To me, an isolated. super 

Thomas Wolle (be 

"кЇн me about 
ety of human 

beings whe c bourbon and 

S s 
“brinch water, Gloria Wandrous. juke joints, ИИИ speeding trucks and big highways. Bigger. continued on page 125) 


LE MANS, а smail French town nestled 
about 200 kilometers southwest of Paris, 
each spring explodes with a roar as 
400,000 auto-racing enthusiasts come to 
watch the grueling 24-hour test of stamina 
and skill officially titled Le Grand Prix 
Endurance, Begun in 1923, the Le Mans 
e to the famous 
(safety experts call it mous) running 
мап. At Le Mans, half-a-hundred. drivers 
sprint to their cars and take off in a 
cacophonous symphony of shifting gears 
and howling exhausts (right). Top speeds 
around the 8.3-mile course are reached on 
the threemile Mulsanne Straight, where 
Mario Апіеці Mark IV Ford topped 
211 mph in 1967 
poned until late September because of 

race has also given its n 

year's race, post 

the French student riots, was won by the 
team of Pedro Rodriguez and Lucien 
Bianchi piloting a privateentry Ford 
СТЧО. In overcoming an early lead set by 
four hard-charging Porsches, Rodriguez 
Bianchi made it three in a row for Fords 
at (Endurance. “Le Mans off-track area," 
says peripatetic artist. LeRoy Neiman, 
is as colorful as the French flag. Music 
blaring from loud-speakers mixes with 
the drone of the racing cars. Long-haired 

girls emulating Françoise Hardy's laconic 
look crowd around Coney Island-type 
stands offering Grand Marnier crepes 
suzette, soupe de poisson. parfum, ver- 
mouth and brut champagne. The race 
starts in the late afternoon, and as the 
Monetblue sky turns black and the 
lights of the race cars blink on, the ex- 
citement mounis. To enjoy the page: 
of Le Mans knowledgeable spectators 
check into а nearby hotel a da 
in advance, so that they can м 
time trials, mingle with dri 
mechanics at an outdoor café а the 
prerace tension that develops as the start 
ing hour draws near. The true devotee of 
the vingt-quatre heures stays tr 
and awake—for the entire event: 
ping breaks the mood and lessens the 
flavor. The box seats over the pits are the 

int. bur a blanket by 
the course shared. with a jolie fille—can 


ог two 

ideal vantage p 

be exciting and perhaps more rewarding, 


leroy neiman captures 

the carnival color and epic 
competition of le mans—the 
world’s hairiest 24-hour race 



Thomas, U.S.A., U.S.A! Nothing to 
me in those crucial, irredeemable years 
was as glamorous as the unofficial seamy 
side of American life, the smack. brutal 
ity and cynical truth of it, all of which 
I learned from the dynamic novels that 
appeared in Manhattan between 1936 
and 1939. 

They were my high school, my reli- 
sion, my major fa 

; instead of 
adventure or detective 
were no groovy comic 

Рае Hamill wrote 

books then, su 
out ten yea 
mto his head over in Brooklyn; or, if 
there were, | was alr а kid snob 
tucked into my literary American dream 
escaped into the vision of reali 
these fresh sh pioneering 
ging 10 print from all 
corners of the country. In an odd 
even thou 
bitterly or without faith, they were p 
triotic in a style that deeply impressed 
my being without my being able to 
break down why: They had integrity to 
things that people did or said, 



were all wuthful in 1er 
life. This was a naked free show about 
my те jonal environment that I 
damn well did not receive at home—a 
home full of euphemisms and. conceal- 
ments, typi ih the death of one 
parent and the breakdownsuicide of the 
other hanging over the charade of good 
manners—or in the newspapers, on the 
radio or at the movies. Except for the 
fairy tales read to me as a big-eyed child 
and an occasional boy's classic such as 
Robinson Crusoe or Treasure Island or 
the Tom Swift books, this was the first 
body of writing that had ever really pos- 
sessed me: and apparently 1 was never 
to (and will never) get over it. 

How can | communicate the savage 
ess of the American. novel of 30 
as it was felt by a keenly 
teen , 1 guess, 
although it was primarily a man’s novel, 
а certainly not totally, Land the other 
members of my generation who were 
given eyes and ears and genuine U.S. life 
style by it knew nothing about Theodore 
Dreiser and Sherwood Anderson— its 
d his beautifully pensive younger 


ge boy?—or gi 

al present created by those men 
ed in the first paragraph and were in 
spired to become prose writers because of 
them. It wasn't really a question of talent 
il you responded to the leaping portrait 
these craftloving 
realists (superrealists. in actuality) were 
showing with professionally curved words, 
ed the talent out of yourself: at 
t you creamed 

(continued from page 123) 

over in their style, point of view and 
impact; then, later, in painful effort to 
do equal justice to your own personal 
test tube of experience 

The deservedly legendary American 
novelists of this raw-knuckled period be 
fore the War (they were our celebrities, 
on high!) encouraged an untested, un 
formed young guy to dig into his own 
worst personal experience and make 
something exciting out of it in the form 
of a моту. The whole movement was, in 
the finest and least self-conscious sense, 
the story of myriad personal lives in th 
country: it encouraged everyone caught 
its momentum to look hard at the 
unique grain of his or her lile and 
interweave with other lives. None of us. 
who in the late Thirties were swept up 
into the romanticheroic fantasied career 
of wanting to be novelists were in any 
sense fated for this role, in my opinion; 
we were baited beautifully by the gusher 
of skilled novels—Maritta Мо, John 
Fante, Dorothy Baker, Bessie Bre 
el Fuchs, Pietro di Donato, 
phine Herbst, the early Robert Paul 
Smith, Tess Slesinger, Frederic Prokosch, 
ladys Schmiu, Irving Fineman, 
Albert Halper, Nathanael 
y Hall—that seemed to be 
goosing each other to shine more truly 
than the next, To a young, hungering 
mind once hooked by the constantly 
fresh stream of national lives th 
their debut in these novels—characters 
from all parts of the country, waitresses, 

niac, juzmei 
thing—it wa 
once the “real” American scene entered 
your imagination through the eyes of 
i idual recorders and 
consciences who seemed to loom 
up, suddenly, hotly, with a rush before 
the Th s decade ended in World Wai 
Two, there was nowhere else for the 
youthful truth maniac to go but 10 the 
new novels hurrying each other out of 
the New York publishing womb. New 
fiction was the hot form, contested, a 
gued, encouraged from Story to the 
Masses to Esquire to the (then) Satur- 
day Review of Literature to The New 
Yorker; the city buzzed with the maga- 
zine unveiling of any new talent: i 

news that traveled. with enthusi 
win Shaw in The New Yorker, Di Dona 
to in Esquire, James Laughlin telli 
like it down at his family's. Pitts 
burgh steelworks in Story, before he be- 
came publisher of New Directions). 

It is very true that as the Thirties 
drew to а vicious close with the Spanish 
Civil War and Hitler's preparations for 
the new blood-and-iron stom, 
rope, the politicalization of 
novel became е е and the bleak 
international scene seemed to throw its 




heavy shadow over our comparatively 
virginal literary pine thrust and make it 
suddenly wearier. But all of this is seen 
from the cool view of later years; where- 
as if you were just comi а 
human being in the : 
seemed like one nonstop fiction: 
As a high school boy, although 1 boug 
my New Masses every week. because the 
Communists were truly involved. with 
fresh fiction (O Meridel Le Sueur, where 
are you now?) no mauer how slanted 
their typewriters, | found the political 
propagandistic implications of the new 
novels much less important than 
powerful concrete punch they delivered 


ies novelists. it 
seemed to me inside my comer-shooting 
young head, was a pioneer: they were 
ickling unrecorded experience in each 
hidden alley and cove of the county 
that 1 wanted to be a part of, bringing 
to ground for the first time, binding 
up and sending it East for exhibition 
before the rest Certainly 
their moral fla nd burn 
ing steadily or they would not have gone 
to the huge 
entire country and its people accessible 
to fiction; but apart from the explicitly 
political base of men like Farrell and 
hant Odets in dra- 
although his politics was a 
artoon strip compared to the flash 
originality of his voice), this Паше w 
used to warm their faith 
writing truly rather th: 
defiant gesture. 

Their moral integrity—Weidman to 
his New York garment center, Sarovan to 

Fresno pool 

hg cottonwood swamps (of 
is more concerned with how 

knowledged truth, that 
smelled and suf 
writen. They 
were to my imagi outriders, ad- 
vance scouts; and what they brought 
back from the contemporary American 
frontier was and precious to 
all of us who were waiting as the infor- 
mation now hugged to earth by 

1 saw 


more private te 
As а boy of ten or eleven, 1 had wanted 
to be an explorer, my fani 
oll in the 
Robert Peary and F. А. Cook, who 
fought over discovering the North Pole 
and Robert Falcon Scout a 
Amundsen, who jointly hed the 
Souther one. It was no accident, 1 be 
lieve, that the American novelists of the 
‘Thirties took over the explorer's role in 
my mind after the merely geographical 
aspects of exploration had faded into the 
bottom drawer of childhood. Who elsc 
but these self-clected. self-taught, self 
starting, gutsy men and women with th 
in their proud nostrils were 

(continued on page 202) 

sniff of glor 

DR. HORACE FELDMAN arrived at Ponchawee Manor with every expectation of being liked. The boy who handled his 
luggage liked him and admired the Feldman Mercedes. The lady in Registration beamed the moment the Feldman 
paunch touched the front desk. The resort manager, Mr. Glassmacher, shook the Feldman hand, but gently, gently, in 
consideration of those surgeon fingers. A gratifying entrance, but no surprise to Dr. Feldman, a man accustomed to 
admiration, liking and respect. 

"There were two married couples and a widow lady at his assigned table in the d 
г, and 60 isn't so old when an unmarried 50-ish doctor with a healthy round face and a cute mustache breaks 
ad beside you. “So you're a surgeon, Dr. Feldman?" she said coyly and nudged Stanley, the bus boy, in the ribs. 
inley, tell the cook he don't have to carve the roast beef tonight, we got an expert." Dr. Feldman chuckled and 


fiction By HENRY SLESAR 

ng room. Her name was Mrs. 

he was a fine human being 
with a golden heart—a regular 
albert schweitzer—so 

who would want to kill him? 

, performing the only operation of its kind on the 

ested his soup. Before the coffee, he admitted to being 
iliolumbar artery, on cases that would otherwise prove fatal. 
“Fortunately,” he said, “not many people need the operatioi 
Mis. Shear clapped her hands ‘A monopoly! monopolist said, didn't v 
his patients were char surance, cveryone liked Dr. Feldr even morc. Not only was he a li 
surgeon with golden g with a golden heart. And a fine gin-rummy player. Later that eve- 
ning, he won $14 from Mrs. Shear, her friend Mrs. Elkins and two men, both named Harry. Everybody liked him. It 
looked like a good week at Ponchawee Manor. 

but when they do, they come to ine. 

ed at the 

ble (it quickly became known (continued on page 216) 

| АДС" 


since starting bunny | 
training, this once-shy 
miss from the | 
garden state 

js blooming 
with new-found 

WHEN you meet Helena Antonaccio 
for the first time, she has a charming- 
ly modest habit of lowering her eve- 
lashes—a persistent. holdover from 
her bashful teens. “I was always a shy 
type,” she admits, “but since becom 
ing a Bunny, Гуе learned to be more 
outgoing. Looking back on it, though, 
I don't know how I ever got up the 
courage even to apply for the job." 
Our New Jersey miss had gone to New 
York to try out for а wig-modeling 
assignment. “I'd done some face mod 
cling,” she says, "so T had a little 
confidence in myself. But when I 
didn't get picked lor the wig layout, 
I was really depressed. Not ready to 
go home and admit defeat, I just 
started walking around—and 1 found 

t of The Р 
wondered. wh 
like, so I went i 
asked the Door Bunny what it took 
to qualify. She directed me to the 
Bunny Morher, who interviewed me, 
nd then— 

boy Club. 
Lit was 

and, on an impulse 

had me try on à costume, 
just like that—told me E was accepted 
lor training. So instead of being a 
failure, I went home with an exciting 
new career. My folks were as happy 
as Twas. And now to be a Playmate, 
too—I'm sure glad I didn’t get 
that wigmodeling job.” So are we. 

After visiling briefly with her stuffed. 
animal menagerie, Helena readjusts her 

eyelashes for the first day of Bunny training. 129 


Top, left to right: Mrs. Antonaccio drives her daughter to work. "I get nervous about new things," Helena says, "but 

talking to Mom always manages to calm me down." At the Club, Helena is greeted by the experienced Bunny who 
will guide her through the training session. Opposite page, top: While her new friend shows her how to comb ond 
fluff the cottontail, Helena tries on her costume and (above) receives an official welcome from the Bunny Mother. 


Above: Bunny ears securely in place, Helena reports to the Training Bunny for her first class. “There's so much to 

leon," our trainee says. “Which glasses for which drinks, how to set up the tray, how to serve, moking out bar checks 
—it's hard to keep everything straight." Below, left to right: Heleno pouses for some last-minute advice from her 
Bunny buddy, then practices her lesson (with her Room Director ploying the customer) and proves to be quick study. 

Bock home, Helena uses her father's wineglass to demonstrate the famous Bunny Dip. “'It's nat that dificul," she says, "but 
if you do it wrong, it looks pretty silly." Below: With the Bunny Manual clase at hand, our fledgling Bunny takes to bed. 


1 always worry when you leave on a business 
trip," sobbed the salesman's lovely young wile. 
Don't worry about me, honey,” he answered 
soothingly. “I'll be back before you know i 
“L know," she said. “That's what worr 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines hula as а 
shake in the grass. 




During her annual checkup, the wellcon- 
structed miss was ed to disrobe and climb 
onto the examining table. 

"Doctor," she replied shyly, "I just can't 
undress right in front of you.” 

“All right,” said the physician, “I'll flick off 
the lights. You undress and tell me when 
you're through." 

In a few moments, her voice rang out in the 
darkness: “Doctor, I've undressed. What should 
I do with my clothes?” 

"Your clothes?” answered the doctor. "Put 
them over here, on top of mine." 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines sex survey 
as а pubicopinion poll. 

Then there was the neophyte nudist who, 
despite his efforts to appear inconspicuous, 
stuck out like a sore thumb. 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines centaur as 
the world’s cheapest hooker. 

The precocious teenager returned late from 
school one afternoon and confessed to his 
mother that he made love to his girlfriend on 
the way home. “I'm disappointed in you," his 
mother scolded. “But for telling the truth, you 
may go to the corner for a milk shake. 

“fhe next day, the boy came home latc 
again, and this time he confessed to making 
love to one of the neighbors’ wives. “Well, at 
least you're still honest,” he was told, and 
again he was rewarded with a milk shake. 

On the third day. the boy strode into the 
house and proudly announced to both of his 
parents that he had stayed after school to 
make love to his teacher. As his mother began 
to scold him, the father picked up a frying 
pan. "Don't hit him," she pleaded. “At least 
he told the truth. 

“Hit him, hell.” his father exci 
going to cook him a steak. How long do you 
expect him to keep this up on those lousy 
milk shakes?” 

Twas the night before the nuptials and the 
brideto-be's father was unmercifully teasing 
his future son-in-law. “Are you going to be a 
man and do it tonight, or are you going to be a 
mouse and wait until tomorrow night?" he 

Before he could stop himself, the nervous 
young man blurted out, "I guess I'm a rat, sir 
—1 did it last night! 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines asphyxia- 
tion as a fanny fetish, 

Young lady,” the football coach asked, “what 
are you doing with that varsity letter оп your 
sweater? Don't you know that it's against 
campus rules to wear a letter unless you've 
made the team?” 
"Yes, sir," she said. 

Our Unabashed Dictionary defines orgasm. as 
the gland. finale. 

А fat man was seated on his front steps drink- 
ing a can of becr when a busybody spinster 
from down the street began to berate him for 
his appearance. 

"What a disgusting sight," she said. “If 
that belly was оп a woman, Td swear she was 

To which the man simply smiled and re- 
plied, “Madam, it was and she is.” 

lop hian 

Grrr,” said the wolf, leaping ас Litle Red 
Ridinghood. “I'm going to eat you. 

“For God's sake," Red replied. "Doesn't any- 
body screw anymore?" 

The draft-boar wes eyed Ше swishy 
young man with suspicion. They had orders 
to watch out for potential draft evaders feign 
ing homosexuality. After subjecting the chap 
10 an extensive physical and psychological 
examination, one of the board members de- 
clared: "Well, fella, it looks to me like you're 
going to make a good little sold 
abulous," replied the young man. "When 
сап I meet him?" 

Heard а good one lately? Send it on а post- 
card to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY, Playboy 
Building, 919 N. Michigan Ave, Chicago, 
Ill. 60611. 850 will be paid to the contributor 
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned. 

sorry, but I just don't happen to [eel like it anymore." 

“Well, Pm 


food and drink By THOMAS MARIO this simpatico spanish pairing of a 
savory casserole with a piquant wine punch rates a rousing round of olés 
CERTAIN FOOD-AND-DRINK COMBINATIDNS—such as cheese and port, curry and beer or 
caviar and champagne—have never become clichés, because their ensemble chords 
twang so beautifully that you can barely think of the one without the other. In the 
summertime, the most delicious of the Damon and Pythias partnerships is paella and 
sangria, the rice casserole and the wine punch, both imports from Spain. 

Many a Spanish professional chef exuberantly hails the fact that his paella is never 
the same twice. Among the uninhibited recipes, you'll find paellas with mussels, tiny 
artichoke hearts and spicy garlic sausages; others with shrimps, chicken livers, whiting 

— Paella у 




m, chicken, quail 
nch side of the Spai 
arc even more unrestrained, offering 
paellas studded with veal, partridge, eggs, 
mushrooms, salt pork and tongue and, as 
though these weren't enough, a rare filet 
mignon or two tossed atop the whole 
voluptuous pile. 

Undoubtedly, the first paellas were 
cooked up by peasants who, haying rice 
and little else to eat, gathered into the 
pan scraps of pork, bits of onion, a wild 
mushroom or two and any stray pimien- 
to that could be obtained. But today's 
paella masters—individualists to their 
core—follow a more advanced guideline: 
Every morsel of flesh or fish that goes 
into the pan must be supremely delicious 
in its own right. In Valencia, you may 
find your paella chock-full of fresh 
mountain snails and baby eels thinner 
than your finger. But if you live in an 
area where fresh snails and eels are 
hard to come by, you shouldn't be con- 
tent to settle for such carbon copies as 
frozen eels or canned snails. Certainly, in 
this country, it makes sense to include in 
the paella the tenderest of baby broiler 
breasts and the tightest hard-shell clams 
from the nearest shore. Giant Spanish 
onions should be used, for their sweet 
and mellow flavor. Your garlic, even 
though you may not buy it by the yard, 
as they do i 

Spain, should be stony hard 
and fresh, spurting juice the first mo- 
ment the point of your knife penetrates 

it. Your olive oil must be virgin or first 
pressing; it may come from France or 
Italy, but if you're going to strive for 
authenticity, you'll want to use the best 
Spanish olive oil obtainable 

You can make paclla in a huge restau- 

t-size skillet or saucepa i 
Dutch oven. But the particula 
sists on the authentic Spanish paella pan, 
sometimes called a paellera—a shallow 
utensil at least 14 inches across, with two 
short handles on opposite sides. Don't 
buy one made of tin; it will tend to 
scorch the food quickly. The heavier 
minum р more practical and 
available in American gourmet 
kitchen shops. Incidentally, it has many 
other uses: for browning or glazing fish or 
eggs or crepes at a party buffet, for m: 
ing kingsize omelets at party brunches or 
for serving huge summer seafood salads. 

There's no lid on a paella pan, and 
this is the key to perfection. From the 
cook's viewpoint, paella is a horizontal 
her than ical creation. Unlike a 
deep stewpot built for long slow simmer- 
nd the smallest possible evapora- 
п, the рас п permits the cook to 
work quickly in his wide shallow crater, 
where heat hits every ingredient almost. 
instantly. Оп a small studio stove, two 
flames may be necessary to keep the 
paclla simmering, 

all n 


"The first cooking step is to gener. 
coat the bottom of the pan with olive 
oil. It may seem like a lot of oil, but in 
the finished paella, with its wealth of 
solid food, there will be no hint of an 
oilladen dish. Meat and poultry are 
quickly sautéed and then set aside. 
Chopped onion, garlic and rice spring 
to action only long enough to make 
the rice opalescent when stock is poured 
into the pan. Meat, poultry and seafood 
are plunged into the bubbling lake while 
the rice slowly swallows the liquid—and 
the medley in full view reaches its sump- 
tuous finale. When the paella is done, 
the rice should be half dry, half dewy, 
ither desiccated like Chinese rice пог 
buttery-wet like risotio alla milanese. 
The entire performance moves in such 
double time that occasionally the rice 
ill become tender while a small pool of 
liquid still lingers in the pan. If this oc- 
curs, the paella should be gently stirred 
and allowed to rest over a low flame until 
the rice soaks up the remaining stock. 
There are partisans who the 
best paclla is опе that is made one day 
and reheated the next; y violate the 
puris's code, but the rich marriage of 
flavors, after a days living together 
not only consummated but sanctified. 

The ingredient that gives rice its lus- 
cious Iemon color and its herb flavor, 
both faintly bitter and sweet, is saffron 
—current American price, $407 рег 
pound, a highflying figure until you real- 
c that saffron is simply another word 
for the dried stigmas of the flower known 
as the Crocus satwus and that it takcs ap- 
proximately 225,000 of these individually 
handpicked stigmas to make a single 
pound of saffron. But a sixth of an ounce 
of sallron threads will provide enough 
of the golden stigmas to flavor at least 
four pacllas. The unpulverized saffron 
Spain is usually heated in the oven for a 
few minutes to release its aroma and 
then. pounded in a mortar before it goes 
into the paella. Saffron. powder, a morc 
convenient form and one that can be 
sured, is available on 
most gourmet spice shelves 

Like the matador and his bull, every 
paella must have its sangria. A good 
angria goes down so easily and in such 
healthy quantities that even. the most 
fastidious chiteau-wine specialists. find 
themselves taking long draughts rather 
than sips. Spanish hosts like to marinate 
the wine and the fruit peel at least an 
hour before serving, to give the sangria its 
fruit-flavored overtones. But its basic wine 
taste shouldn't be awash with notice- 
ble quantities of other fruit juices; even 
the brandy and liqueurs that. sometimes 
go into sangrias must not be overpoured. 
"Ehe best Spanish red wine is rioja, a 
frequently heavy-bodied red table wine; 
mount of rioja that flows into. 
es is rather limited. Actually, 

sist 0 

any good dry red wine with a light 

ў iforn 
jolais—will help 
White sangria 
ine seems like a 

gamay or a 
make a sup 
made with dry white 
contradiction in terms, since the word 
sangria means bloodletting. But white 
sangria appears frequently at. parties, and 
it's beautiful for recharging the flamenco 
spirit with each swallow. 

Speaking of words, etymologists be- 
lieve that the Spanish word paella was 
derived from the Latin patella, a planter 
which food offerings were once pre- 
sented to the gods. We prefer the Sj 
iards own explanation ich tells how 
I the effort is really directed toward a 
certain doncella (Spanish for maiden) 
and how the finished dish is therefore 
pa-ella—for her. 

The word for the following paella and 
sangria recipes is delicious. Each will 
serve six to eight. 


14 Ibs. pork loin, center cut 

2 chicken breasts (4 halves), boneless 
and skinless 

1⁄4 Ib. chorizo sausage, 14-in. slices 

1 Ib. sliced leg of veal, pounded thin, as 
for scaloppine 

14 Ib. chicken livers 

14 Ib. bay scallops 

Olive oil 

2 sweet red peppersorcanned pimie 

2 green peppers 

14 Ib. fresh mushrooms, sliced thin 

1 Ib. raw shrimps 


1 Ib. fresh peas or 10-07. package frozen 

3 large doves garlic, minced extr 


nish onion, minced extreme 

ly fine 

14 teaspoon saffron powder 

Ya teaspoon oregano 

2 cups long grain rice 

4-5 cups chicken broth, canned or fresh 

Salt. pepper 

Remove bone and fat from pork. Cut 
into Lin. squares, 14 in. thick. Cut chick 
en crosswise into l-in. chunks. Cut. veal 
into Lin. squa 
into halves. Cut peppers 
squares, discarding stem ends, sceds 

membranes. Using a scissors, cut shi 
shells through 
ing shells on shrimps 

Shell fresh cup oil in 
pork until deep brown; 

an. Sauté chicken. chorizo, 

n if necessary; remove 
nd dry pan, Add %4 
ever low flam Add 
saffron, oregano rice 

(continued on page 214) 

cup oi 

garli and 

WATCH THE pranioervise highdiving 
daredevil clinging to his tiny platlorm 
near the ceiling of the arena. His ioes 
grip the edge. Drums roll, He dives into 
the void. The mob gasps. 

He plunges five stories before the 
торе around his ankle stops him short 
d yanks him back part of the way he 
has come. Upside down, he swings back 
and forth, his head only eight feet from 
the ground. He then unhitches himsell 
stands and accepts the crowd's tumultu 

ous applause. He is a grinning 24-year 
old Pole named Sitkiewicz. and he is 
the featured. aeríalist with this year's 
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey 
Circus. He is a very amiable chap. al 
ways laughing. He says good morning to 

people, even at n 

Там word in alienated man. By learning 
onc trick no one else will try, he has set 
himself apart Irom the rest of the world; 
and for performing this trick 13 times a 
week, he carns something over $200. The 
elephants are not the only circus perform- 

1. He speaks no Гап 
anyone else around speaks, the 

ers who work for peanuts. Sitkicwicz: са 
reer is good for about ten years, if the 
rope doesn't break. After ten years, if he 
wants to stay employed, he had better find 
а new and more dangerous trick 

Watch the death-delyng, snake-wres 
Hing daredevil. His name is Kurt Sever 

in. He calls himself "author . . . world 
traveler photo journalist ad 
venturer." His specialty is snakes. In rhe 

past, it has also been sharks, crocodiles 
and the puberty rites of Latin-American 
jungle tribes, Today, wading through 
the Amazon jungle, he comes upon an 

conda thicker through the middle 
n a man’s thigh. About 18 feet long 

the anaconda dangles from a tree Severin 
decides to grab it by the head while 
his guide photographs him and it, both 

An instant later, the huge constrictor 

has flung Severin to the ground and is 

coiled around him, crushing the life out 
ol him. 

"Keep snapping,” gasps Severin, who 
sees a great series of photos in this. 

He has the anaconda by the throat 

with both hands, but the anaconda has 

him by the throat, too. Jis tail is 
wrapped around Severin's windpipe and 
is sliding aroumd in 
Severin, contemplating how long the series 
of photos should be, fights for time. But 
soon his face goes red. He can't breathe 
or talk. He manages to pry the anacon 
Ча loose enough so ihat he cam зау 
“Remove the necklace 
Three men. struggling, at Last get the 
snake oll Sever 
"Did you get 
Severin, fingeri 
Severin is happy. “Tve had much clos 

а second loop. 

lot of photos?” gasps 
his swollen throat 

er calls than that with cobras.” he says 
Watch the death-defying daredevil Josè 
Meillret pedaling а spec in a wind 


Ts it the wish for fame, 
fortune or death that drives 
men to seek danger and 
lay their lives on the line? 


break behind a racing car at speeds of 
over 108 miles per hour, the former world 
record, which was set in 1941. In ihe 
Sixties. Meitlrer first raised the record to 
109.6, then to 115.9. These are records no 
one gives а damn about. They 

re worth. 

absolutely nothing commercially, Fach 
atiempt costs Me 

reta short, bald, 50ish 
gardener with a concave dent in his skull 
Irom an earlier crash—thousinds of dol 
kus of his own money 

Now watch Meiffret оп an autobahn 
in Germany leaning forward over the 
handle bi ning to make the over 
siw sprocket go around. 
dose to 60 miles an hour, һе 
behind the windbreak jutting upward 
from the rear of ihe racing car. The 
mob tensely leans forward along both 
sides of the measured kilometer. “The 
spectators stare down from the over 

ducks in 

passes, Now the racing car, with 
Meiffret tucked into the windbreak. is 
speeding along at 100 miles per hour 
115... 125. Inside the wind 
break, Мейе is straining to keep his 
front wheel one inch [rom a roller bar 
If he touches the roller bar, he knows it 
won't roll, it will fling him off his bike 
and kill him. If he drops back out of the 
windbreak through loss of a pedal. or 
fatigue or a heart spasm, the wind will 
throw him off the bike and kill him. If 
he hits a crack in the road, or a pebble, 
he is a dead man 
Out of the measured. kilometer rock 
ets the racing саг. Josè Мейес is still 
in the windbreak, upright. alive. Ladies 
and gentlemen, а new absolute speed 
record for miles per hour pedaled in a 
windbreak behind a racing Gu: 127.98 
mph, by the death-defying José Moitlret, 
daredevil of international cycling! 

This article is concerned with death 
and with those who risk it deliberately 
gratuitously and perhaps compulsively 

But that's not fair. you say. Each of 
the three men mentioned so far sounds 
like some kind of nur. The Pole is in a 
ciraus, exactly where he belongs. indis 
tinguish ks ther 
Severin has gone to the Far East to see 
some snakes. Good. because we don't 
want him around here. Мете is Iranti 
Gilly and unsuccessfully trying to find 
backers for a new record attempt, for he 
has no money left to pay for it himself 
Glad t0 hear it, We are not interested in 
crackpots acting ош death wishes 

But wait. 1 have some more daredevils 
for you. The boundary line gets fuzzy 

Watch the war photographer at Khe 
sinh. His пате is David Douglas Dun. 
nd he is famous for photographing 
the art treasures of the Kreml 
Picasso's secret hoard of his own work 
Duncan docs not have to go to war. He 
is over 50 years old and he has been to 
too many wars already: World War 
Two. Palestine, Greece, Korea, Indo 
But he recently went into the 

able from the other frez 



Marine outpost at Con Thien, got his 
ve. Now he flies 

Xd came out 
runs from 
which is being bombarded on the land- 

bping a grim 
day terror and death, A 

skids the length of 
blows up. Юшкап, r 


p. braves the 
g explosions, and. pho- 
ng charred 
blaze. A direct hit 

tographs I 
dead ones out of th 
p part of the m 
leaving hundreds of scorched but unex- 
ploded artillery shells to be disposed of. 

phs Marines gingerly 
ag scores of live, d 

ged shells 
to be buried. 
rocket explodes fuel hoses that lead. like 
n gasoline dump. М 

cameras click, A 
d they will all be 
stantly immolated. Duncan, at 
knows the da 
nc days, Duncan flies out of 
‚ he shepherds his 

fuses to the ma 
€; Duncan": 

Khesanh. In. New Yor 
i › Life maga 
Then he turns 
and flies back to Vietnam, ba 
ag shells, terror and 
death. He might be photographing artsy 
scenery for McCall's, which o 
550.000 for some shots of 
chooses to go back into combat, Why? 

“Death wish? 
no death wish 
for me. But it’s the most i 
of our time, perhaps in the е 
of our country 

1 television. 

paid him 

псап. "I have 
е too much 

onworker fastening ribs 
to the skeleton of a skyscraper 30 or 
street. His name 

is Edward 1 

across the void on an сїрїн. 
to get to а cup of collec someone has 
sent up on an exposed dumb-waiter. 
across the 
ach beam while studying the coffee 
s not to spill it, Listen to 

carefully so 

"You're mor zy тап up there 
then it gets to be habit. You 
only focus оп you 
ground. You have to | 
speed. You always start out on a b 

same speed. you" 

ve a sense of 

Of comse, big beams vou € 

1 to yourself you c 

and climbed i 
nally, I'm оң 
steel beam w 
id looking a 
looking out and seeing v 

the top. sta 
ay up there, ; 
1 around up there, 

ad as I stood there 

a sudden I am thinking to myself, "This 

is what D want to do!" Eddie 
then 13 or М. 

When he was an apprentice, climbing 
a ladder while balancing about 20 cups 
of cofice for the men, he fell 
two flights, Landed on so 
got scalded and nearly drowned by the 
coffee. Working on the Firs National 
Gity Bank Building in New York, he fell 
into the void but landed on a be 
three stories down amd. though hurt 
held on. The older workers told him 
he'd never live to sec 30. 


Working on the Verrazano-Narrows 
bridge approach, he got one ling 
crushed and another amputated—ih 

surgeon r 
sewed the 

ved the crushed finger but 

putated опе back on i 
crooked position, so Eddie could use 
to hold onto beams, One day, high on 
bridge, he turned to find а buddy 
re. feet dangling into 

emptiness, voice pleading, "Help me, 
Eddie had a grip on the man's clothes 

but couldn't hold him. » fell 350 
feet to his death watched h 
fall, naked back showing as the shirt 
flapped in the wind. 

1 nearly got killed three times 
the bridge," says Eddie. "Sure, 
heen thinking about it, But 1 couldn't 
I love it too much. 1 wake up 
aking today might be my last day. 
But that doesn’t mean I'm going to stay 


xh the diver 140 miles of 
id 432 feet below the surface of 
His name is Robert Stenuit. In 
side the capsule that has taken him to 
the bonom, he takes а deep breath of 
pressurized gas, holds ii 
down into the water. Ac him in 
the gloom is the rubber house in which 
he will live for two days. Above him is 
feet of water. Wearing only a swim 
suit, holding his breath, he pauses to 
look straight up toward the sun he can- 
mot sce and to realize that, at 
depth, if anything goes wrong. he will 
have no chance of reaching the surface — 

So he swims over to the rubber house 
and climbs in. The gas in there tastes to 
him as fresh as mountain air. "What 
Im in this other world,” he thinks. 
What silence. What 
He hurries to со ge 
Ibergh, swims ii 
doesn't Their 
ag slivers of 
walls. In dark and cold, they wrestle 
into place the four-foot 
ders that will purify their rubber house 
of the rapidly accumulating carbon 
dioxide. But one cylinder is flooded and 
the other has the wrong cover on it and 
is useless. They аге panting from exer 
tion dioxide level in the 
rubber house is grous. 

and swims 

ss fron 



d the c. 

So they wait while а new cyhnder is 
sent down, When it comes. they wrestle 
the rubber house. They work 
Шу. At Fast they hear it workin 
gis rushes in the way it is supposed to. 
They are, momentarily, safe. That nigh 
on the boom of they eat corned 
beef, drink canned water and carrot 
In the they work outside ot 

After 49 hours on the bottom—the 
longest deep dive ever—and four days 
decompressing, they come out into th 

с sca 


sunlight. again 
“Our succesors." exults Stenuit, "will 
the depths that long or longer 

hey will colonize th 
ing its resources instead of pill 

You are against 
you tend to be f 
ironworkers and divers, 
take too тапу chances. 
bravery. where it sec 
though not c 

war photographers, 

Я nuts, 

you say, 

if they doni 

You arc lor 
S to pay oll, 
clear € 
bravery is or how much рау-ой is 
aybe you would like to 
daredevils you approve ol 
quality of bravery th 
the ones you don’t. or that you 
ng of risk i 
the good it may do—for someone else. 



You arc against the death wish, what 
ever that is. You think nobody has a right 
to risk his life very much. We have a lot 

nd that kind of 

So let us see what you think ab 

certain athletes, 
Waich daredevil bulllight El 
Cordobés, in Madrid. His first ll ol 

the day gore 
der the 
both his own 

him three inches deep un 
rm. He springs up, ignores 
wound and the bulls 
s and. Kills it so skillfully 
that, in the general delirium. he is 
warded both cars 

Ducking into the infirmary, he allows 
his armpit to be sewed up without any 

utside to lace 
This one hooks him at 


anesthetic, th 
second bull. 
once. He springs to his feet. runs b; 
to it and it spears him again, th 
him, wheels and is on top of him. Its 
horn rips part of his costume off, he lies 
with his back bloody and exposed and 
the horn digs for him. His men drag 
him free and wy to carry him off, but he 
breaks loose, scoops up his bloody ck 
and gives the bull a hair-raising series of 
molinetes, passing the animal behind his 
back. His costume is half gone, he is 
covered with blood, his eyes are 
fanatics and he 
again and again bel 

Pcople are эсге: no, no 
me is shouting, "Get h 
He doesn’t know what he's 

out of there. 
doing." El Cordobés is being р 

1 over 

€ us thrills, but such 

516,000 today to gi 
(continued on page 150) 




they stared at us. They always 
us. When we were very little, we 
Later, we hated it. Now they 
don't stare . beca we're never 
together anymore. We put space between 
us. Miles and miles of geography. We 
in two different cities, 

Who's older, you or him? 

Me! I'm older! He was bom at three in 
the afternoon and I was born ten minutes 
before three. 

He was so glad to get rid of you, he 
shoved you out! 

Or: He w 
wanted the whole place to himself. 

Some teachers thought. it was funny to 
h our names. Why not? 
Iways good for a laugh. Now, let 
. How will 1 tell you apart? I can 
put you in the jist row and your brother 
in the last row, but then 1 might forget 
who 1 put where, 1 mean whom 1 put 
where. Class, any suggestions? 

Teacher? Why doesn't one wear a warf 
around his neck every day and the other 
docsi't, and that way we'd always know 
which is which. 

Class, if you keep оп laughing while 
someone is veciting, how do you expect 
те to hear that person recite? 

We tried getting i ferent classes 
1t couldn't be done. Everything was alpha- 
betical. Once, опе m al time, the class 
list actually split between our names. 

But: Oh, no. I'm sure you boys want 
to be together. 1 don't think anybody 

stared а 
liked that 

s greedy even then, He 

will skin me alive Jor putting one extra 
in a class this time. 
hat time we took a stand. Right up 

to the principal. 

But: What's the matter with you fel- 
lows? Ave you antisocial with cach other 
or something? 

How do you exp! 
that you'd like to be in 
than your own God given identical twin? 
ally when they've already kindly 
rule to keep you together? 

We did wha For instance, 
we never walked to school together 

So: Where's your twin brother? 

We never walked home togeth 

So: Why didn't you wait for him? 

Clothes. After a certain age, we never 

in to a principal 
different class 

we could. 

lc salespeople se 

their stocks for two alike (imagine, 
your own house, having to look for a 

a clothing). But. that 
didn't wor There we 

ments as to who should get wl 
when; and if I got red last time, I got 
blue this time. And: What ave you guys 
trying to do, be different? Who es 
twins who weren't dressed alike? 
Or: You guys could really wok a 
racket. One of you stays home and the 
difference, beenuse there 

Y saw 

other answers the roll twice and 

never know th 

aren't two guys dressed alike anymor 
Who hasn't lived for the first pair of 

long pants? But long р: us 
more twins than we alr My 
brother had this birthmark, sort of, above 
his right knee. I didn't. As long as we 

wore short pants, you could tell us apart. 
But when we got our first longies. .. . 

How the heck do you expect us to tell 
you apart пош? 

Roll up your pants and prove it. Roll 
up the underwear, too. 

Wi to get u 

I's no [ип being with someone when 
you don't know who И is. 

And always, of course, there was: Do it 
like your brother did it. Or else: Don't 
do it like your brother did и 

We had the best luck with our friends. 
Our close friendships were with dillerent 
people, we didit share our fiends; per- 
haps it was the only freedom, the only 
i lity we ever had. We 
d the word “identity” 

dressed in the 


prolog, they say- 

I me J 
redhead, а 

ural redhea 

v. She 
d, ] found out 
laer, and she was very feminine, she 
glowed with femi nd yet she had 
this almost masculine directness that 1 
admired. 1 went to the party looking for 
someone like Joan. I've been looking for 
someone like Joan all my lite, and there 
she жаз. Jt sounds corny when I say it, 
but from the first moment Î saw her, 1 
w I would love her to the 

She had these big green 
pale, milkwhite face, a real 
of face, th so vulnerable one touch 
of the sun would burn it. And all this 
red, red hair а wilderness of 
it, crashing down her shoulders | 
1 of molten copper. Finely chis 
res, delicately modeled nostrils. 
But, with all this delicacy. 
Imost mgh 
when shi ely amused, Not a 
phony girlish giggle. Not an inhibited 
tuer. A big, loud Laugh! I loved that. 

1 loved her 

And, what was really wonderful, she 
loved me. How lucky сап a g 
ask you 

which helped instance 
liked Japanese food, hated Chinese food, 
and our first real “date” (funny, old- 
Lashioned-sounding word) started. with 
dinner in a J We 
shaved dislikes, too, such as an aversion 
to strenuous sports, a tendency to physi 
cal la Iwe 
both detested Liszt, лой. Anto 
ad Utrillo; n we knew 
each other heuer, we ally confessed 

was a 

redhead sort 

a mass of 

а refreshing, 

lor of the sa 

ed me things, 

that, no matter how hı 
were bored with Mo; 

We ate sashimi and teriyaki and dr 

We listened to Bach, Verd 

We went to Kubrick 
met movies, and we ave 
Antonioni and by Losey. 

We went for long dri ad those 
were the only occasions on which we had 
1 minor difference of opinion: 1 liked то 
drive with the top down, but 1 had to 
dose it because of the sun and what the 
sun does to redheads. 
Yowre the only man i 
could ever love,” she wa 

She would say, “I can't even remember 
what the oth e like, it’s so wonder- 
ful with you 

Darling," she would say, “you're so 
different from other meu. I didn't ki 
it could be such [un just sittin 
talking 10 someone. 
1y wonderful 
would say. 

And опе day she said, “Tell me about 
your family 

d we tried, we 



novies and Lu 
led movies by 

the world I 
1 say. 

s we 

itlerem darling, 

ich to tell P said 

ot My moth. 
er and father died years ago. 1 h 
sister and three brothers who don't live 
One of them is my twin brother. 
Really? Your twin? Tell me 


1g to tell. He lives there 

are really two of you? 

ical twins?" 

“Yes, identical. 
That m ı look exactly alike?” 
“Well, it doesn't mea really: 
biologically, the word " simply 
ins—but, yes, in our case, we look 

аспу alike?” 
so fascinating! And you 

“But tha 
never told m 
“Why should I 

have told you? I's 

How marvelous! To be а twin! Опе 
hall of a pair! Tell me, what does i 
feel like: 
“Look, honey, not from you. I've had 
that every day of my life, 1 

see how t 
world as sweet 
nary with me: 
“Ко. Of course not.” 
We dropped the subject. 
‘That is, we dropped the subject, but I 
didn't; my own mind kept bringing up 
the subject. 1 kept hearing the voices ol 
those kids at school, years before 
Here comes the Gold Dust Twins. 
Mike and He, they look ali 
(continued оп page 200) 

n be two in thi 
е. You 


ге not 

I| there are по 



PARAMILITARY RIGHT (continued from page 104) 

and that the paramilitary activists had 
even succeeded in infiltrating the state 
police. Hentel announced in the aler 
math of the raids that for two years, an 
named state policeman—one of three 
te troopers comprising a Minutei 
ction squad”—had looted heavy w 
ons from armories for the organization 
and had tipped off Minuteman leaders on 
pending state and Federal investigations. 
According to Hentel, the trooper 
also served as an organizer for the Min- 
шешеп and had recruited ional 
Guardsme possible leaders of M 
utemen cells, The three state policemen 
were subsequently cashiered, but mo 
criminal action was taken against them. 
The Minutemen the raids 
were drawn from a cross section of lower- 
middle-class America; in addition to the 
state troopers, there were a cabdriver, а 
gardener, a subway conductor. a fireman, 
a mechanic. a plasterer, a truck driver, 
а licavy-equipinent operator, a draftsman, 
several small businessmen, horse groom 
and two milkmen. Most were respectable 
family men in their late 20s or early 30s, 
known to their neighbors as solid, church: 
going pillars of the community—but they 
inhabited a world removed from the 
P. T. A. and the Rotary Club. One of the 
milkmen, nicknamed “Nathan Hale” be- 
cause of the inscription LIBERTY OR DEATH 
оп the stock of one of his semiautomatic 
rifles, carefully stored highly volatile plas- 
tic bombs in the refrigerator. One of the 
leaders of the group, Jack Lynn Boyce 
of Katonah, New York, a former Madi- 
son Avenue copywriter and more recently 
a sophomore at Danbury State College 
in Connecticut, stockpiled his own pri 
vate arsenal; in а six-A.M. raid on his 
home, police seized an undetermined 
number of bazookas, 10 machine guns, 

3 mortars, several handguns, an antitank 
missile launcher, 12 walkie-talkie sets, а 
sawed-off shotgun, automatic. rifles and 
a large quantity of ammu n. Out- 

side Boyce's spacious twostory farm- 
house, a Betsy Ross flag with 13 stars 
fluttered proudly in the breeze, and 
his porch door was flanked by two up- 
right howitzers. Buried in the back of a 
behind his house was the neighbor- 
hood's only fallout. shelter; Boyce was 
a regional Civil Defense officer. In his 
spare time, he sharpened hi 
ship by lobbing cans of peas from a 
modified mortar at cows grazing in a near- 
by pasture, while his brother, equipped 
with a walkie-talkie, served as forward 
illery observer. Bemused neighbors re- 


corded no direct hits. Another of the 
band. a Long Island gardener, held те 
cruiting sessions for the Ku Klux Klan in 

his greenhouse; and one of the most dedi 
cated members, a Reserve master sergeant 
in the Green Berets, taught unseasoned 

recruits the rudiments of jungle warfare 
in his back yard. 

Despite appearances, this group маз 
viewed by New York authorities as any- 
thing but ludicrous. "Kooks they are, 
harmless they're not," said one officer of 
the Bureau of Special Services, the un- 
dercover intelligence unit of the New 
York City police force. “It's only due to 
their own incompetence, and not any 
lack of motivation, that they haven't left 
a trail of corpses in their wake." 

In the aftermath of the roundup, а 
high New York City official revealed to 
The Washington Post that if the orches- 
trated raids on the leftist camps had 
proved successful, the Minutemen's next 
move was to have been an assas tion 
attempt on former CORE leader James 

Farmer, marked for death as а “top 
black Red." Hentel adds that during the 
raids, hundreds of copies of a forged 

pamphlet, purportedly issued by a black 
nationalist group, were discovered in the 
Bellmore, Long Island, home of Minute- 
man leader William Garrett. The leaflets 
—which Hentel characterized as part of a 
plot to foment racial violence—had been 
thrown Irom speeding cars in racially 
tense areas of Queens and Long Island, 
urging Negroes “to kill white devils and 
have the white women for our pleasure. 

Hemel feels that a racial conflict was 
only narrowly averted through the coop- 
eration of local newspapers and radio 
stations, which clamped a news blackout 
on William H. Booth, 

sion on Human Rights, contends that 
there was a "ticin" between the Minute- 
men and rumored a 
Negroes that led to racial disturbances in 
the East New York, Bushwick, Lafa 
BensonhurstGravesend and South Ozone 

Park areas of the city in 1966. 
The raids put a temporary crimp in 
Minuteman plans, but they failed to 

break the back of the organization, even 
the New York/New England area. In 
June 1967, five New York City Minute- 
men organized an assassination attempt 
inst Herbert Aptheker, director of the 
American Institute of Marxist Studies 
nd a member of the national commitice 
of the U.S. Co ty, whose 
Brooklyn camp: had 
been the a abortive 

this ti 
pipe bomb on the roof of the Allerton 

tors ne planted a homemade 
ity and So. mer in the 
Bronx, directly n upstairs room 
where Aptheker was scheduled to ad- 
dress an audience on Marxist dialectics. 
Duc to a defective n. the 
bomb exploded after the shatter 
a skylight above the spe 

nd causing considerable бата 
empty auditorium. The Minutemen plot 

g mechan 



ters were swiftly apprehended and their 
leader was sentenced to two years in pris 
on; his four codetendants—one of them 
the owner of a Bronx sporting goods shop 
—were let off with lighter sentences. 
The six Minutemen who launched а 
second attack on the pacifist encamp 
ment at Voluntown late last summer 
fared no better. Once again, FBI infiltr 
tors in their ranks had tipped off local 
authorities—but this time the warning 
almost came too late, State troopers, 
alerted by Federal agents to the impend- 
ing raid, had stationed themselves in force 
t the entrance to the 40-acre farm two 
miles north on Route 165. but the Min- 
utemen slipped through the cordon and 
surprised two women residents of the 
camp outside ihe main farmhouse 
(None of the pacifists had been apprised 
by police of their danger.) According to 

igues a 
h fixed bayonets, "spoke 
quietly, moved quietly and seemed. very 
self-assured.” The Minutemen shoved the 
women inside the farmhouse, bound them 
securely and taped their eyes and mouths, 
before setting forth to ransack the ground 

‘The scenario was abruptly interrupted 
by the belated arrival of the state troop 
ers. The Minutemen opened fire and а 
brief gun battle ensued before they 
threw down their weapons and surren- 
dered. Six people were shot in the melee 
—one state trooper, four raiders and one 
of the women residents, who was wound. 
ed in the hip when a trooper's shotgun 
discharged as he side-stepped a Minute 
man's bayonet thrust. The six men wer 
charged with conspiracy to commit arson 
and assault with intent to Kill. One of 
them was identified as chairman of his 
home town's Wallace for President org: 
i another served as cociairm 
of the Wallace campaign in 

Minuteman chief DePugh invariably 
denies responsibility for such terrorist 
raids and claims they are carried out by 
local leaders without his approval. But 
in recent years, DePugh has encountered 
own share of difhculties with the law 
He was sentenced to four years’ imprison 
ient for violations between. May 1963 
and August 1966 of the National Fire 
ms Act, wh es it illegal to possess 
red automatic weapons; he is 
appealing the conviction, And on March 
4, 1968, a Federal С 
dicted DePugh and his chief a 
ter Patri 
minding a conspiracy to dynamite the 
police and power stations in Redmond, 
Washington, diversionary tactic 
preparatory to robbing the town’s thre 
banks—all р 
Minuteman coffers ii 
the са 


ich mal 

le, Wal 
k Peyson, on charges of таче 

ıt of a bizarre plan to swell 
the tradition of 
rly Bolshevik terrorists. Redmond's 

(continued on page 242) 

Систан fiberglass һудгоріапе 
that's steered by body 
English. from Hana. $550, is 
‘shown with а 20-hp 
outboard, by Kiekhaeter 
Mercury, $480. 

Studio 11 battery 
powered head 
phone set houses an FN radio. 
by Panasonc, $99 95. 

Gyroscopic binoculars can 
be used at 10 ог 20 power, 
image is stabilized 

despite holder's 

erratic motion, by 

Math Systems, $4500. 

Gut-strung tennis rackets 
in brass over steel, $60, 
and all steel, $52. 

both by Tensor. 

Elmo Super 104 толе camera 
accepts all standard super-8 Мт 
cartridges, has 85mm to 34mm 
тоот lens. by Honeywell. $169.50 

Maverick. a 
peppy six cylinder 
7 newcomer to the 
эта! саг market 

sports а 105-hp е 
comes with three-speed 
manual gearbox or optional 
semiautomatic or Cruise-O-Matic 
transmission. by Ford, about $2000 

Eternal Calendar comes with 
blocks that are turned 

to correct date, from 
Edwin Jay, $5. 

Swinger portable Smokeless and 
typewriter comes with а spatterproo! vertical 
transistor radio broiler with dual heating 

cuted и ы шү elements, by Presto, $30 
case, earphone jack, by 

Royal, $69.95. 

Swiss-made watch 
with 17-jewel movement has 
a nylon sail-line band, 

from Destino, $40. 

Booze Buoy plastic 
floating bar comes with glasses, 
ice bucket and metal stand 
(not shown), 
by Red Coat, $128.95. 

‘Sea-Doo propeltertess 
Jet-stream aqua-scooler that's 
Powered by an air-cooled engine, will 
do up to 25 mph. operates in a minimum of 
three inches of water, by Bombardier, $995. 

Bookshell miniature 

railroad trom West Germany 

includes cars, locomotive and oval 

track, trom Rockefeller Solid-state AM/FM 

Industries, $33. clock radio with 
five-inch speaker, 

by Arvin, $6455. 

Acetate gol! umbrella houses a glass 
flask lor a linksman's favorite 
beverage, from Rigaud, $10. 

Bridgeveryone game can 
be used by bridge 
players at all levels of proficiency, 

by Robert Н. Hallowell I 

Industries, $24.95. E UN 1 


Taperllex psychedelic slalom water ski 
of redwood has hard. gloss 

Melamine coating, from Superior 

Sports Specialties, $79.95. 

Gerald McCabe—designed 
glass and steel 

20-inch cube table, by Eon, 
about $160. 

Electric clock 
with rotating decorative 

sundial, from Ted 
Arnold Ltd., $27.50. 

Super-8 and 8mm 
silent and sound 
reprints of Hollywood 
film classics. 

from Sears, Roebuck, 
ranging from $5 to $100 

Groove Tube solid-state 
portable TV with 

seven-inch screen operates on 
A.C., 12-volt 

system ог optional 

battery pack, by Emerson, $125. 

А Psychedelic strobe 
Honda Mini Trail motorcycle light puts out one to 
that's designed lor off-the-road roughriding fifteen flashes per 
Teatures a three-speed transmission. second, by Polymedia 
telescopic front suspension and Group. 3125. 
large knobby tires, folds to fit 

in trunk of car, by 

American Honda Motor Со. 

about $250. 

Swilch-Able surglasses 
tome with four pairs of 
interchangeable lenses, by 
Rayer. $5. 

Board Chairman, а 


topped walnut 

record cabinet filled Cotton robe that's 
with tins of caviar, pheasant pàlé, ideal for late- 
smoked trout, elc, Irom ~ evening lounging, 
S. S. Pierce, $100 from Alexander Shields, $50. 





insane bravery as this is not pretty to 
watch, "Get him out of there,” we scream. 
At last the fearful passes end. He kills 
the bull with a stroke. Now we cheer 
ourselves hoarse for him and award him 
p down to parade him. 
1 the ue on their shoulders. 
Watch ghe daredevil racing driver, 
Jackie Stewart, on the LHmile, 175-curve 
Nürburgring. Listen to his reaction to the 
Fuchsrdhre, а windy downhill plunge into 
а dip. then a steep uphill climb. imo a 
sharp dell 1, followed by a right, 
felt and another right. 
Stewart says: “The fist time you go 
down that hill, youre in fourth ge: 
and you decide you should be able to 
ake it in sixth gear Hat ош. So the 
next time around, tha at you try: 
you go downhill in sixth g а hundred 
and sixty-thr c» an hour, switching 


an ear, Men ju 

nd t 

hack and forth from one side of the road 
to the other, the tees and hedges going by 
You can't see anything but greenery and 

you think: ‘Christ, I'm going тоо fist. It's 
bloody terrifying” You think: Tm not 
going to have enough time to do every- 
thing’ In the dip at the bottom of thy 
hill. the g forces are tremendous; you're 
squashed down in your seat, the suspen 
sion isn't working and you realize you 

can't contol the car You 
think: ‘Ie is going to 1 line up 
the hill, whatever that be.’ You 

€ foot off the accelerator 
onto the brake accurately—you only get 
comer of it, and the car is going up 
the hill like on tram tracks. You're strug: 
gling to steer it and. at the same time, 
you're trying to come down Iwo gears 
and get it slowed enough lor the lefi- 
hander, and then there is a right, left, 
right coming—I tell you, its bloody 

But the second time you do it, you 

nd body are synchronized to the 
ments you're competing against, and 
like in slow motion. 
ify you again until next 
ave been some 

n't ger your 

"It won't te 
year, when there will 
improvements to the car and tires, 
эп go down there a Little bit faster." 
Or watch the daredevil moun 
aber, Walter. Bonari, the Superman 
h faces in winter—alone. See 
him on the north face of the 

horn, climbing without gloves for 
ter grip, while the helicopters and light 
planes buzz about him all day. Every 
year or so up to now, he has made one 
of these fantastic climbs, selling his sto- 
and photos in advance to various Eu- 
ropean may: very climb is mudi 
the same. Leaving his 70 pounds of gea 
behind, he climbs а little way up some 
sheer rock wall, hammering in pitons 
Then he climbs down to get his gear 

of the Alps, whose specialty is climbi 

sheer not 


(continued from page 14 

and climbs up again, removing the pi- 
tons as he goes, lor he will need the same 
pitons again higher v 
Each night, he 
sack to pitons pl: 

hooks his sleeping 
«І more or less solid. 
ly in a fissure in the rock, curls himself 
into it in a letal position, lights his spirit 
heater on his knees and cooks himsell 
some bouillon or tea out of chunks of ice 
broken oll the wall. He 

cats some dried 
gat candy 
ss there all night. trying to 
sleep but kept ама 
I terror 

Meanwhile, back in their warm, sale 

homes, Europeans watch that day's part 
of the climb on television, thank God 
they are not Walter Bonati and ask 
themselves what the hell he ts doing up 
there alone. 
He has been up there as long as sev- 
һ days in the рам. The Matterhorn 
mb takes only four. There is a huge 
Gross atop the Matterhorn. raised there 
long ago by climbers who came up the 
asy way; and on the final afternoon, 
Bonatti at list spies the cross, with 
halo of sewing sun behind it. The cess 
seems incandescent and miraculous all at 
nd Bonatti feels blinded. He climbs 
1 meters be 
and approaches the cros with open 
arms. When he feels it against his chest 
he embraces it, falls on his knees and 
begins to weep. 

Do these people have a vision ol Ше 
that is denicd to most of us? Or аге they 
al «талу? And w г 
spectators killed by stray racing cars or 
rescuers killed trying to get climbers olf 
mount; walls? We also don't want to 
pay for any of the risk taking via tax 
dollars. When а guy puts to sea in a 
ten-foot canoe, we don't want the Coast 
Guard going alter him on our money. 
Should they be stopped? I don't know 
how you сап stop most of them: you can't 
put police lines around every mountain 
or every sea. But would you want to stop 
them, if you could? 

And let's look at this so-called death 
wish. Is there such a thing and, if хо, is 
it everywhere and always deplorable? 
Or do we me sy Label 
(because we do not understand) on 
Шу something else: Be, 
ıd technique of such awc- 
some perfection that it removes most of 
the danger we. (то nce, think 
there? 15 it possible, most of the time. 
that most of these people are saler than 
you and I a king to work? Is it I 
ther possible that they have а perfect 
righ псу of society's approval or 
disapproval, to risk their lives as much 
as they please? Is it also possible that 
you and 1 absolute need of 
such men around us, the useless as 
much as the useful, those who pet away 

‚ usually, by cold 



ween himself and s 

the fin 


about the lives 




have an 

with it as much as those who, misjudg 
ing the length of the rope, regale us 
with brains upon the floor? 

Let us look more closely. 

You ask what kind of 
who regularly choose to risk their 


men are 

A few of the ones 1 have known 

tthe world calls weirdos 1 

think José Мейит. the speed сусам, is 

a bit strange, and 1 think this principally 

because his insanely dangerous record 
tempts are worth nothi 

ebe and nothing to him coi 

to be wha 

He docs it strictly for glory: “At such 
speeds. 1 belong по longer to the earth 
amd not yet to death. Av such speeds 1 
am—me!” Meillret, small, poor, stepped 
on all his lile, suddenly found a 
to make people take notice. In 
windbreak, crossing into the 
kilometer at 127 miles per hou 
his head filled 
thought: “Twenty seconds more aud the 


he says 
only onc 

Wils with 

record is mine anew, The record will be 
my revenge on life, revenge on the mis 
ery 1 have sullered.” To get to that mo 
nt, he practiced strict chastity. slept 
on a board, ше only health loads. Ee 

had written hundreds of letters, trying 
10 line up backers and cooperation. and 
he had speni every sou he owned. His 

fe w 

as not important to him, compared 
the record. 

I think Donald Campbell. the former 
land- and waterspeed record holder, 
was a bit strange. Campbell had all 
soris ol fetishes and superstitions and 
also believed he could comn 
with the dead. Just before setting. his 
final reco 


as he sat d 
quiveri r. his 
went calm, and in а moment, he rocket 
ed safely down the run at 403 miles per 

his cockpit 

е suddo: 

g with fe 

hour. He explained that his dead La 
thers face had appeared lo him. 
reflected in the windscreen. his dead 

"s voice had assured him he would 

bell reeked of death. Stirling Moss once 

ng drivers claimed. G 

told me he was absolutely certain 
Campbell would shortly. kill himsell. 
Moss was right. Campbell's boat blew up 
as he tried lor the water speed record. 

And talking t0 Floribebased Kure 
bout snakes and about fear is 
ainly an unsettling experience. “1 

he says. “И is one 
thing 1 am not acquainted with. I get an 
uncomfortable feeling at t 
he not frightened. with 
coiled around him? "No. 
e three people around 10 get 
L only wanted 10 have 

es, but il is 

it oll me 

ture of myself with ihe 
send to my wile.” 
Severin. has been in the wat with 

th crocodiles. He has heen 
nd about 20 revolu 
as to have been the first 
(continued on. раҳе 176) 

sharks and w 

in three w 
tions. He сї, 



| М 



tion can be as low as one fifth of 

onc percent. 
Of couse, professional n 

1 investors, even if they 
are paid six-figure salaries for devoting 

ecessarily better inves 
tors than anyone else. And to the extent 
that diversification reduces risk, it also 
lessens the chances of large profit. But 
professional investors do, in th 
gate, perform better than 
the people who invest 
in the aggregate, are not out to make a 
Killing. They just want to sce their mon 
ey grow: slowly, perhaps, but steadily 
di ive salety, year after year. 
For this type of person. mutual funds 
over the years have proved ап excellent 
investment. For the man who couldn't 
care less about the intricacies of high 
finance but still appreciates wealth and 
all the freedom it implies, mutual funds 

reports, аге not 

may be the best investment of all. And 
even the markerwise young pro, con 
fid а few thousand into a 

small fortune without the aid of outside 
се, might do well to sink a small 
п of his hard-earned specu 
profits into а well-chosen fund; it won't 
provide him many thrills, but neither 

will it break him. 
Until a few years ago. a strong recom- 

was its convenience. There were so many 
stocks that the chap who was unwill 
10 spend more than five minutes cach 
Sunday with the financial. pages couldn't 
hope to make an intelligent choice. In- 
in a mutual fund. on the other 
mplicity. All 

mendation for 



one had to do was fill out а coupon 


пе or newspaper and a salesman 
would soon be calling to talk about the 
fund he represented. Often it wasn't even 

iccessary to fill out the coupon. Especial- 
ly for the youngish investor—or anyone 
cbse seeking large but relatively distant 

s—the funds were all vagu 

ly similar, 


making the decision even easier. You just 
bought one and forgot about it. 
But nowadays. picking a fund seems 

almost as dilficult as selecting a first-class 
stock, In fact, the number of funds is 
Teasing faster than the number of 
listed stocks. In 1968, owing mainly to 
the astonishing rate of corporate disap- 
pearance through mergers, the number 
of different sha Че on the New 
York Stock Exchange actu 
ished. Mutual funds, which are not sold 
on the stock exchanges, increased in 
number by about 100. Fund assets have 
multiplied a hundredfold since 1910 and 
now total some 53 billion dollars. Within 
the past decade, the number of mutual 
funds hay almost doubled: there are now 
over 500 active and readily available 
funds, which means that the investor's 
choice is anything but 


There's a fund for doctors and dentists 
(Pro Fund): for farmers (Farm Bureau 
1 Fund); for teachers (N. E. A. Mu. 
und): for airline pilots (Contrails 
Growth Fund); and even for cemetery 
c Investment Fund) 
e funds it invest only in other 
funds (Pooled Funds, and First Multi 
fund of America) and funds that invest 
only in specific industries, Oceanographic 
Fund and Ocean Technology Fund, for 
example, are pledged to invest almost 
exclusively underwater; International In 
vestors, among others, keeps а fixed. per- 

e of its assets in gold-mining stocks: 
Life & Growth Stock Fund ollers a 
portfolio of growth stocks and lifein 
surance companies; Century Shares Trust 
«oncenuates on insurance and bank stocks: 
id. Conglomei nd 
Convertible Securities Fund concentrate on 
— you guessed it—corporate conglomerates 
and convertible bonds. Corporate Leaders 
Trust holds only the biggest and best- 
known companies, making it similar to 
Founders Mutual. Fund, wh 
rrogantly pledged to “full 
all times in 40 common stocks selected be 
cause of dom nce in their own industrial 
classification." There's а fund that spe- 
dializes im the sophisticated. investment 
technique called arbitrage (Fürst Pruden- 
tial ge Fund), а fund open only 
to $20.000-aycar-and-over employees of 
| Electric (it's called Ellun Trust 
s 10,000 shareholders): and there's 

a fund for German subscribers to The 
Reader's Digest. Since this is available only 
in Germany, American Digest fans might 
want to investigate Vanderbilt Mutual 
d, which "does not invest in liquor, 
tobacco or drug stocks" -or Provident 
Fund for Income, which "does not in 
vest in liquor. tobacco, gambling, drug 
or foreign securities.” Mates. Fund. the 
top performer for most of 1968, shuns 
tobacco and booze, and also avoids 
firms пу way connected with the 
munit industry; it may or may 
not be the fund found 

ate Fund of Ame 


M was forced to 
tions. Followers of Jeremy 
hams economics will be delighted 




ance: the fund is barely a 
nd alr 

ly one underachieving manage 
ment team has been thrown out of the 
ing. Among the 175-odd funds awaiting 
EC clearance at this writing was one 
ibat would enjoy all the usual fund 

prerogatives, as well as the ability to buy 
contiolling interest in other businesses, 

al estate and to speculate in 
ul yer another fund. now 
nis to concentrate solely 
s im the environs of Roch 
New York. 

to develop re 


Besides the bewildering ar 
tual funds, each fund oflers 
s in which the investor ¢ 

to be played with the profits whenever 
they arrive, and a surprisingly broad 
spectrum of charges that the investor 

year and—in some cases—for ultimately 
getting out, The annual management 
charge and the getting-out cost 
terribly significant to the small investor 

(în the mutual-fund dictio: thats 
anyone with under 510,000 invested). but 
the entry fees which consist largely of 

s be formida 
ble. Most funds charge an initiation fec 
amounting to 9.3 percent of your invest 
ment; some charge less (between one and 
tight percent) and around 60 funds 
charge nothing at all. (Examples will be 
discussed later) The funds that charge 

decisions; but. it 

ns that these 
е funds are more difficult. to 

extra effort 

To invest in a fund, you c 
put up as much cash as you care to 
(though most funds demand a minimum); 
you Gin put up some money and declare 
your intention to pay more 
relatively short time; or you can sign a 
contract committing yourself to fixed 
payments over а much longer period, 
perhaps five or ten years, sometimes with 

the fillip of an elaborate insurance pro 
m to assure that the money will be 
c even if you There are 

п such contra 

few people for whe 

tual agreements may be a good bet, but 

investors would do well to avoid 

The funds themselves like to er 
€ that the future is unpredictable, 
and such contract pl. penalize the 
investor if, the time comes, he 
doesn't саге to fulfill his commitments. 
And по matter what the funds say, no 
investor should sign a mutual-fund pur 
chase contract in which most of the sales 
man’s commissions for the entire term of 
the contract will be extracted from the 
first year’s payments, In such arrange. 
ments, about half the first year's “inves 
gocs not but into a 
salesmun's pocket: the SEC with. some 
justification is trying to make such deals 

If this range of choices doesn't se 
wide enough, there's also a broad | 
ply of fundlike institutions—discussed in 
detail later—that serve the same ge 
eral purposes but can’t call themselves 
atual funds because they are differently 
constituted; u 1 funds, these 
are sold on the stock exchanges, just like 
(continued on page 161) 




everything was changing so fast, you 
had to be a real phony to keep up 




YT WAS GOING TO BE A GREAT PARTY, Је thought, inspecting himself in the bathroom mirror, even if it had been a pain 
in the ass to get ready for. He'd had his sideburns professionally trimmed, but the mustache and beard he'd had to 
do himself, shaping the beard carefully so it curled under just so and working on the mustache literally hair by hair, 
to get it to lie right. But the effect was worth itlar out, but not too far. 
He smiled at the mirror and his image smiled back: long brown hair I 
his forehead cui 
say what you wanted to about WASPs, man, but they weren't h: 
him and he tried а lew other expressions, The Since 
the living room into the bedroom: the youthful Anything Is Possible IF You Only Believe look; the Help Me! look, 
lor the older cr d, finally, the turn-off one of Irritated Uninterest. Not bad, not bad at all. 
One last smile and he shook his h in pleased amazement. Damn, he was a good-looking bastard! God bless 
genetics or whatever. 
He stepped back from the mirror and smoothed his toga arment, carefully draped over his left shoulder 
and caught just above the ankle, Great, just great! He'd picked it up from the Hare Krishna people, but in another 
month or so it'd be the * thing, Xis thing. He splashed a little lime lotion on his face, flashed a congratulatory look 

ling to his shoulders, with the bangs oyer 
h even and white, skin a smooth healthy 

at the mirror, then padded into the 
room for a final check. 

The stereo had been programed for 
early Glenn Miller at the start—good for 
mood music as well as а Laugh—thi 
old Beatles tape, plus some country rock 
around midnight, when everybody was 
stoned out of his gourd on grass or wine 
and to finish up with some harpsichord 
tracks when people wanted to make out. 

Chips and dip, salami and cheese on 


the coffee table under the Saran Wrap 
(risky, but a great ploy— Its just to 
remind us, man"—and he could get away 
with it). The new Barb, an old copy of 
Crawdaddy and especially Tuesday's is 
sue of the Times. The one with the 
photograph showing him clutching his 
STUDENTS FOR FREEDOM sign just before 
the pigs waded in, The photographer 
had caugh him just right—nobody 
could look at it without feeling for him 
—but he liked the caption суеп better. 
Youth in anguish.” Youthful innocence. 
the hope of tomorrow (all summed up 
in himself) being crushed by the fascist 
state. What was the name of the kid who 
had really been hit? The ugly kid with 
glasses? He couldn't remember, but it 
really didn't matter. 

And then the frontdoor buzzer was 
blasting away and he straightened up. 
smoothed the wrinkles from his toga and 
ler The Smile flood face like lı 
from the morning su 

By ten o'dock, the party was going 
full blast. the sterco blaring, couples 
sprawling out on the rugs and couches. 
people rapping in little groups, а few 
huddling turning on—only 
God kn А brought what, but 
there were а lot of glazed looks float 
around. Politically, it was prety well 
balanced. A few old-line activists, but 
mostly second. echelon. all of whom had 
seen the Times and really fell out when 
he flashed on them. 
Some over-30s, but that 
only made for contrast, 
sow the hell. 

And then a chick was 

plastered up against 
him and it took him a 
scond to place her. 
How long had it been 
since he had done a 
number with Suc? Jesus, 
she had bæn forget- 
table. He wondered 
who she had come with; 
he sure as hell hadn't 
invited her. 
It's a great party, 
Jeff, really great," she 
breathed, and he felt 
like telling her to go 
brush her teeth. There 
was a brief lull in the 
music and for a mo- 
ment, the background 
noises came crashing 
through—cubes tinkling 
in glasses, a chick gig 
pling, some kid cough- 
ing, who hadn't been 
able to hold in thc 
smoke. the overloud 
talking of people not 
yet adjusted to the sud- 
den silence. 

There had been а 
sticky moment carlier 
in the evening, when 
an older type had shown up, with a gu 
yet: there was nothing for it but to 
company the square on a battered 12- 
string Jeff kept hidden in the doset, then 
do a solo number before flashing а smile 

and saying, “This is a party, not a per 
formance,” and turning the stereo back 
on. Mr. Man was pretty well out of 

it by then and was now sitting on the big 
beat-up couch by the window, staring 
moodily out at the night. 

. Been so long,” Sue was s 

iying to sock it in. He 
aware of her; all he wanted to do was 
get away, get a drink and rap with the 

little blonde in the living room who had 
been so awed by him earlier. 
Accusingly: “You're not listening!” 
Oh, God. . . . He peeled her hand off 
his shoulder and felt her stiffen. The 
ht from the kitchen pale, but he 
could make out the faint veins pulsing 
in her neck and the fine network of lines 
starting to firm up around her eyes, “I'm 


sorry, Sue, you were saying something?” 
Messy bit, but if he didn’t let her know 
the score, somebody else would—you get 
to be 25, man, you're a stone drag. Phen 
he had pulled loose, mumbling а bland 
use. Suc, gotta fill my cup.” and she 
fled past him into the living room. to 
fold up on the couch next to Mr. Guitar 
Man. Maybe they deserved each other, 
he thought. American Gothic, up to 

And then he had refilled hy 

paper cup 

from the jug of rosé on the coffee table 

nd the party was picking up a 
it was great, just great. 

“Gee, Mr, Beall, I saw your picture 
the Times with the pig clubbing you." 

A freshman, the warm wine sweat glis- 
tening on his smooth cheeks— Jeff had 
seen him hanging around the edges of 
the sitin at the Poly Sci lecture hall. "It 
didn't hurt—the pigs are all queer, they 
don't too hard.” 

"It must've been а really inside trip,” 
the kid said sympathetically, then drifted 
off, while Jeff frowned after him and 
wondered uneasily just what the hell the 
kid had meant to say, and reflected, but 
only for a moment, how great it would 
be to be 17 again. Then he started 
ping at the wine and let the conversa- 
ns in the room close over n like 
soapy water over dishes in a sink. 

M The synthetics are really a bum- 
айй; eee 

". . . Trustees are out to kill the third 
world. ... ." 

“. . . Sure, but Dylan copped out, 

Soul food, that's an issue. . . 7 
“Fuck the estab Jef said 
miably to nobody in particular, "then 
ducked into the kitchen for a refill on 
the salami. The blonde was in a corner 
with a shorthaired squeaky«lean wear- 
ing a Nehru jacket and beads—the poor 
slob had been stuck with hand-medo 
He was also very stoned and the chick 
looked like she badly needed rescuing. 
He picked up a couple of plates of 
lunch meat and said, "Hey, chickie, how 
about a hand?" and she slipped away 
and flashed him a grateful smile, She was 
maybe 17, with waistlong hair and green 
cyes—she definitely made the other 
chicks at the party look like old hags- 
"Look, man, she came with me, she's 

The Level. Reserved look, eyes slightly 
narrowed. “You some sort of react 
man? You dont own anybod 
then he had shoved the chick into the 
living room and he was dumping the 
plates onto the table. Somebody offered 
n a joint and he took a toke and 
passed the roach on to the girl, Always 
take a puff for social standing, but never 
get stoned; too easy to let down the old 

eyed and he nodded 10 
the one, all (continued on page 212) 

ае аот ee 
та@' ну SC) ss 

detache d 

millioooooonaire . 


BEAUTY AND TALENT, particularly of the cinematic variety 
abounded among 1968's delightful dozen Playmates. But editors 
unanimously concurred that. our first was also foremost and 
hailed January's Connie Kreski as undisputed Playmate of the 
Year. Her ingenuous freshness and femininity. so apparent 
в. was immediately recog 

in PLAYBOYS photographic uncoveragi 
nized by England's Anthony Newley 
producer-dircctor literally bumped into her in the eleva 
our London Club a little more than a year ago: he screen 
tested her the next day and signed her within the week for a titk 
role in Сап Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget. Mercy Humppy 
and Find True Happines?—the Freud- and fun-filled fantasy 
previewed in rLaysoy last March. Connie remained in London 
after her debut before the cameras on the island of Майа. “I 
should have been born in London,” says 1908's choicest center 
fold. “I love the people and especially the feeling of openness 
and space. There's grass all (text continued on page 160) 

s well, The actor-author 




> MUTUAL FUNDS „сарон page 152) 



common stocks. You incur ordinary stock- 
broker costs to buy or sell them, but mar- 
ket fluctuations sometimes make these 
special shares a t bargain-base 
Like their no-comm 
cousins, these outfits also lack salesmen, so 
they. too, arc more difficult to learn about, 
Somewhere in this forest of alteri 
tives, there's a fund for almost every type 
of investor and for almost every invest- 
iment goal, but. the search isn't made any 
er by the fact that most information 
bout f and ob- 
fund” itself is part of the and in 
ne ways it's an unfortunate term. since 
excludes а whole class of. investment 
compames t shouldn't: be excluded. 
“Mutual fund" is the popular term for 
what are properly called open-end invest- 
ment com i asted with closed- 
end investment companies (the ones sold 
оп the exchanges. just like stocks). From 
the investor's point of view, there are 
two types of openend investment. com- 
panies: those that charge commissions 
and those that don’t. The commission 
the noncommission 
nd the two comprise а 
percent of the : 
ness. Mutual funds are “open-ended” be- 
cause they create. new shares оп demand 
for any investor who is willing 10 pay 
for them; then they use this money io 
make more investments. They will с: 
in shares (redeem them, in financial. jar 
gon) whenever shareholders request it 
The shares that are turned in simply cease 
to exist, and the fund's capitalization 
shrinks accordingly. In. other. words, the 
number of shares in an open-end invest- 
ment company is not fixed: it rises as new 
shares are sold and diminishes as unwanted. 
re redeemed. 
гу corporations could never get 
ase they cut place 
curate value on many of their assets 
such as real estate, whose worth de- 
pends largely on how someone 
might be to buy it, or 
about as tangible as 
corporate shares are sold in the v 
stock markets. The markets permi 
investing public to set ity own value on 
at it thinks cach sl 
ever tual funds’ 
solely of stocks and bonds (and um 
some cash), and since all these invest- 
ments have a specific stockmarket. value 
at any given moment, mutual funds can 
compute their net ast value instantly, 
right down to the last penny. Usually, 
the funds make these computations once 
or twice each business day, and the 
figures are published in most daily news- 
papers. On one afternoon, for example, 
I the investments and cash in a fund's 
portfolio might be worth 510.000.000— 

ment prices 




e is worth. How- 

since m consist 

quite modest for a fund these davs—and 
the fund might have 2,000,000 shares in 
the hands of the public. The net asset 


has paid all its bills) would then be 
precisely five dollars. Any of the fund's 
investors could redeem his shares and 
receive five dollars for each 
who м 
purchase sh 
(in most cases) the con 
doubtless because of its size, is called a 
The funds that charge com 
at or near the lega ximum rate of 
9.580 percent are called load funds. 
Those that charge somewhat less than 
the full rate are called lowdoad funds, 
and those especially interesting ones tha 
charge noth t all are called no-load 

A good knowledge of how mutua 
fund commissions actually work 
tremely useful to anyone who hopes to 
make an intelli, . Unfortu. 
nately, a discussion of commissions touch 
so closely on the funds’ self-interest. t 
reliable information extremely hard 
to come by. We will consider the co 
mission question at some length: but 
for the nonce, it's sufficient for th 
ader to understand that the comm 
sion money he pays when he buys 
fund does not go to the people who run it. 
1t goes to those who sell the shares, usu- 
ally stockbrokers or salem 
have no comection with the fund itself. 
The people who run the fund are paid 
not from commissions but from the 
fund's investment income. Typically, the 
fund management takes an annual fee 
equal to one-half percent of the fund's 
total asset value. That doesn't sound like 
much. and for most investors it isn't. If 
you own 35000 worth of a fund. for 
instance ged about $25 
а year for all that div tion and pro- 
fessional gement, For smallish 
tors, this is certainly a bargain—less, in 
fact, than the cost of a year's subscrip- 
tion to The Wall Street Journal. But if 
the fund has assets totaling one billion 
dollars (there are currently ten funds 
Over that k). management fees c 
come to $5,000,000 a year—which ought 
most of the experts in the со 
e belatedly recog: 
ement costs do not rise 
directly with the size of the assets super 
vised. and these enlightened funds ге 
duce the management percentage as the 



is ex 

who often 

you're bein 



fund grows. Other funds reward manage- 
ment not just according to size but on 
the basis of how well the fund. performs; 
is commendable 

such an arrangement 
not only because it re 
hut because it provides the fu 
ers with an incentive to do more than 
just lure in new shareholders. 

Mutual funds make money for their 

shareholders in two ways: from dividends 
(or other income from their invest 
ments) and from selling their invest 


t а profit, Like most companies. 
funds pay dividends to their stockhold 
ers usually quarterly. Each investor i 
the fund gets his portion of all the 

dividends the fund receives from. the 
various investments in its portfolio. after 
operating expenses (including manage 
ments ан) have been deduced. Гах 

law all bur compels ihe funds 10 pass 
such dividend income along u 
holders. The fund pays no taxes on th 
money, because it simply acs as a pipe 
line channeling the dividends to its in 
vestors, who then pay taxes on it. (Under 
curent лах Там, however, eadh tax 
payers first S100 in dividends—indud- 
ing dividends passed on by mutual funds 

free, a point well worth the 
ideration of those who doi сш 
ппу receive dividend income. Interest 
income—such as the interest [rom sax 

—is tà 


bonds or 
From time to time, a mutual fund will 
also run up profits or losses when it sells 
investments from its portfolio. If th 

acounts—is ful 

fund has held such investments for more 
than six months, the profits are long 

term capital gains, Long-term capital 
gains, as every investor should. know. 
мі at lower rates than ordinary 
at half the taxpayers ordinary 
- whichever is les The 
sharcholde pay this 
ax en his portion of the fund's 

ining the 

mutual fund 



capital-gains profits each. year 
the fund has the option of те 
profits (and paying the tax on the inves 
tor's. behalf), it usually returns the mon 
ey to the shareholders in what is called a 
capital gains distribution, which is made 
However, funds strongly urge sh 
holders to accept capital gains. dis 
tions—and even dividends—not in cash 
but in additional shares of the fund. This 
provides the fund managers with more 
money with which to make new invest 
ments, and it also gives them an ever 
larger pie from which to extract 
cut. More important, however, are the 
advantages that reinvest 
for the shareholders ihi 
usually permit sharcholders 
all their profits without. рауй 
al commissions. Mutual-fund profits can 
thus compound nosi riding 
manner. and the fund share owner who 
reinvests all his profits is reasonably as 
sured that not erode the 
value of his original investment. More 
than 70 percent of all tund shareholders 
elect to take their capital g 
tional shares; the percentage of investors 
taking their dividends in 4 
(continued on page 186) 

1 provides 



s in addi 

os is lowe 


most invariably 
ul traumatic experiences 

ГУ set as 
in his high. nasal 
might a week, 
к sch Ediscipli 

1 hall dozed in front of my 
the speaker droned o 

societies ше 

voice as a form of 
1 sentence my 
mum of three hours viewing 

on. Like so many othe: 
educitional TV is a great 

bul a miserable reality: murky films 
ol home Ше Kurdistan, jowly English 

thors being interviewed by jowly Eng. 

in lile 

lish literary critics, pinehed-faced ladics 


ich the proust of the indiana 
plains recalls a heart-rending 
celebration of that most american 
f adolescent rituals, 
the junior prom 


But I watch 
because it is there 
А classic ex 
ribe of lower Micron 
continued, tapping a pointer on the map 
behind hı 
1 ol 
appeared. on the 
When an Ugga Buggah reaches pu 
bey. the page 168) 


wsly—l suppose 

an t 
rolling in 
bathed in sweat. | 
His expression 

face leaned 

was strangely 

(continued. on 


^ Some 

"Why don't you bug out now and ГЇЇ call you Friday." 

the lady in green slippers 
IN THE YEAR 1756, I was living in Paris and working as a 
journeyman at the printing house of Claude Hérissant in the 
Rue Notre-Dame. I was just 22, bold, good-looking and 
attractive to the fair sex—or so I thought. It was May 27, 
on which a humiliating adventure befell me. 
With my friend Boudard, I had gone out one morning to 
ings of another friend, Renaud. Just as we 
were crossing the Pont Saint-Michel, we met a very pretty 
» her husband, a man dressed in black, wearing а 
square wig with three bobs, who looked like a lawyer. 1 had 
never seen a lovelier of the lady, a more 
provocative and elegant dress Шап the one she wore, but 
most particularly—never more charming feet, shod in a beau- 
tiful pair of green slippers. I thought I would never stop 
looking, and Boudard had to call те several times. 

During dinner, I could think of nothing but this encounter, 
and I spoke about it a great deal. Afterward, we walked in 

the Tuileries gardens and I was far from calm. I was inflamed 
by a restless desire and passion aroused by the sight of that 
delicate nymph in the green slippers. Finally, I made my 
excuses to the others and went away. About eight o'clock in 
the evening, I found myself in my own district and, in fact, 
near the end of the litle Rue des Prêtres, where lived La 
Macé, one of my compatriots from Nitry. She was a fairly 
well-known procures. 

She was stationed on her doorstep; when she caught sight of 
me, she threw up her hands with joy and asked me how I was 
keeping, “Very well,” I said. 

“What brings you here?” she said. 

“Oh, just strolling,” I s 

“How long has it been since you had a girl?” she said. 

“A long, long time!” I said 

“Good. I am in a position to provide you with a delightful 

Twas i 
since midday, when, crossing the Pont 
prettiest woman а man ever set eyes on." 

“Whoever she із, even Madame de Pompadour herself, the 
one 1 have for you is her equal. Come in and I'll give you а 
book with some very clever pictures to amuse you while you 

enture, a unique adventure that won't cost you a penny,’ 

trigued. "Gladly—because I have been on fire ever 

int-Michel, I met the 

It was rather cold that evening. I settled down on a sofa by 
a blazing fire and picked up the book. It was Dom Bougre 
and I had just reached the part where Saturnin and little 
Suzette are looking through a crack to sce what is going on in 
"Toineue's bedroom when the door opened and La Mac came 
in with a torch. A young nymph was following her. To my 
utmost astonishment, it was my beautiful lady of the Pont 
nt-Michel, dressed in the same clothes, even down to the 
dainty green slippers! 

Without ado, she threw her arms about my neck and began 
to play the whore to the best of her ability. Ac 11 o'clock, La 
Macé cune in with a tasty supper and some liqueur that 
inflamed me even more. The lady was so ravishing that she 
was ravished many times. I had never seen such nobility, 
assurance and passionate wantonness before. At one o'clock, I 
could plow no more and I fell asleep, 

I woke in bed with one of La Mace's prettiest whores beside 
ше. "Where is the lady?" I shouted to La Macé, 

Right beside you,” she said, “It is the 19 
It is not the same,” I said. “This is Spirette Laval, one of 
your prettiest whores, 

“You drank too much wine and liqueur last n 
©. "It is the same.” 

Exhausted and depressed, 1 went out and wandered to the 
Pont-Neuf, where I sat down on a stone bench, After a long 
time, 1 raised my head to watch а large carriage full of ladics 
going by. They were gaily dressed and seemed to be returning 
from some ball. Then, to my great bewilderment, I saw my 
lovely companion of the night before sitting in a place of 

ght,” said La 

from “Monsieur Nicholas” by Restif de la Bretonne 

Ribald Classic 

honor among them. She did not notice me. I ran after the 
carriage, hoping that fate would permit me to discover the 
identity of the lady; but my strength failed me and at last I 
had to stop. 

and entered the box of the Gentlemen of the Chamber. 1 
inquired her name and was told it—a name of such exalted 
rank that the thought took my breath away. I was afraid to 
pursue any further. Shortly after this, I pointed out to 
Boudard—who knew all the Paris gossip—that gentleman in 
the square wig who had accompanied the lady on the Pont 
Saint-Michel. Boudard assured me that he was not the lady's 
husband but a lawyer employed by her; he often served as her 
escort when she made trips to various parts of the city. 

Still the anguish of that mystery remained. I could never 
forget the astonishment of those circumstances on the night of 
тау life's greatest pleasure, 

It was nearly twee years after this that the revelation, in all 
its horror, came to me. I was drinking wine with a company 
of acquaintances in a house in the Rue de la Harpe when a 
certain gentleman happened to mention the name of the 
Comtesse d'E— This was the вате mysterious lady. “And 


what do you know of her?" I asked. 

“It а most curious story,” he said. "The lady has an 
unfortunate history, though she is at heart a person of modest 
ighier of a duke and was 

excesses are notorious—not only did he betray his wife many 
but he actually refused to sleep with her. The poor 
given over to a mania for revenge, conceived the idea of 
g with another man, then getting Monsieur le Comte 
runk and into her bed for once—which would explain the 
child that ensued nine months later. It was a matter of con- 
tempt repaying contempt, injustice for injustice. 

"But" I protested, "if the comte were really under the 
impression that the child was his own, how, then, would he 
feel the sting of the lady's revenge?” 

“Ah.” said the lawyer's clerk in the square wig imitated 
from that of his master, “that is very simple. The comte. for 
the rest of his life, must lam: the shortcomings of ‘his’ son. 
So, to accomplish this, the lady went God knows where and 
found some wretch to serve as the real father. His only 
qualification, in the lady's eyes, was that he be 
crookfaced, illfavored, ignorant and degen 
man who had been hanged on the gallows and left seven days 
in the sun, Somewhere she found such a man. 

—Retold by Jonah Crai 



nd unvarving for both 
aces are performed and 
adulthood must eat a 
meal during the post- 

rites are rigoron 
sexes. Difficult d. 
the candidate fo 
sickening rit 

1. the top. 
sping his A pple like an iron 
tongue lolling out in pain. 
“The adults attend these tribal rituals 
perones and observers. and 
look upon the ceremony with indulgence. 
Here we see the 1 dance in progress." 

A heavy rumble of dr then a 
moiling herd of sweati her-clad. 
dancers of both sexes appeared on screen 
amid a great cloud of dust. 

ОГ course, we in more sophisticated 
socicties no longer observe these rites.” 

Somehow. the scene was 100 painful 
lor me to con ng. Somethin 
dark and lurk awakened i 
my breast. 

“What the hell do vou mean we don't 
observe. puberty ries?" 1 mumbled rhe- 
torically as 1 got up aud switched off the 
set. Reaching up to the top bookshelf. T 
took down a leatherete-covered. volume. 
my high school class yearbook. I 
afed through the pages of photographs: 
biology teachers, pimply-faced 
lantern ll coaches. 
Suddenly, there it was—a sharply etched 
photographic record of a true pube 

the primitive tribes of north- 

ng had been 

"The Junior Prom 
ved by one and all. The 
annual event was held this year at the 
Cherrywood Country. Club. Mickey be 
ley and his Magic Music. Makers. pro- 
vided the romantic rhythms. АП agreed 
s an unforgettable evening. the 

True enough. In the 
of my Manhattan a 

"You going to ihe prom?" asked 
Schwartz, as we chewed on our salami 

sandwiches under the stands of tlic foot- 
ball field, where we preferred for. some 
reason to take lunch at that period of 
our lives. 

"Yep. 1 guess во, 
as E could. 

“Who ya 


T answered as coolly 


Flick joined the 
t à bottle of Neh 

"1 don't know. I was thinking of 
Daphne Bigelow.” 1 had dropped the 
of the most spectacular girl in the 
re high school, if not in the state of 
a itself. 



in a 

(continued from page 165) 

tone of proper awe and respect. tinged 
with disbelief. 

"Yep. E figure I'd give her 

Flick snorted, the казу orange pop 
going down the wrong pipe. He coughed 
and wheezed brokenly for 

I had once dated Daphne Bigelow 
and, although the occasion, as faithful 
readers will recall, was not it riotous suc 
cess, E felt that I was still in the runni 
Several occasions in the past. month ha 
led me to believe that I king a 
comeback wii 
disinaly acknowledged my presence in 
the halls between dasses, once actually 
speaking to me. 

“Oh, hi th 
that mu 

hi. D. 

ph,” I had replied 
witily. The fact that my name is not 
Fred is neither here nor there: she had 
spoken ло me. She had remembered. my 
face from somewl 
go formal.” said Schw 
read on the bulletin board where 
уа gotta we; г formal to the 

“No kiddin?” Flick had finished off 
the orange and was now fully with us. 
“What's a summer formal?” 

“That's where you wear 
white coats,” T explained. I was known 
as the resident expert in our group on 
all forms of high life. This was because 
my mother was a fanatical Fred Astaire 

ariz. "T 

"Ya gort 

т а sumni 

г of those 

h опе of 
ceived a prim white envelope cont 
an engraved invitation 

us re- 


The Junior Class is proud to in- 
wite you lo the Junior Prom, to be 
held al the Cherrywood Country 
Club beginning eight em. June 
fifth. Dance to the music of Mickey 
Iseley and Ins Magic Music Makers, 

Summer formal required. 

The Committee 

tion I 
wed, The puberty rites had 
1 the supper 
k was of nothing else. 
gonna take?" my old man 
Tight to the heart of the 
maner. Who vou were taking to the 
prom was considered a highly sign 
decision. possibly affecting. your whole 
life, which. in some tragic cases, it did. 
‘Oh, I don't know. 1 was t 
couple of girls.” 1 replied in ; 
manner, as though this slight 
didn't concern me at all. My ki 
who was takin 
interest, sneered derisively and went 
back to shoveling in his red cbl He 
had not yet discovered girls. My mother 
the me 

Tt was the first engraved invit 
had ever rec 

paused while slic 

“Why take that nice Wanda 
w, come on, Ma. Thi 
This is important. You don't take Y 
da Hickey to the prom. 

Wanda Hickey was the only girl who I 
knew for an absolute fact liked me. Ever 

since we had been in third grade, Wanda 


s the prom. 

jokes and once, wher 
ly sent me a valenti 

loitering around the tennis courts, the 
ball diamonds, the alleys where on long 
summer nights we played kick the can 
or siphoned gas to keep Flick's Chevy 
running, In Lact. there were times. whi 

I couldn't shake her. 

Nah, I haven't decided who I'm gon- 
па take. 1 was kind of thinking of 
Daphne Bigelow.” 

The old man set his boule of Pabst 
Blue Ribbon down carefully on the ta- 
ble. Daphne Bigelow was the daughter of 
of the lager men in town. There 
in truth, a street named after her 


ton for punishment, 
The old man licked 
m off the table. He was referring 
unforgettable evening I had once 

spent with Daphne in my callow youth. 

"Oh, well, you might as well lean 
Jewon once and for all.” 
He was in one of | 
The White Sox had 
ight, and а los 
that usually brought ou 
de. He 1 
some smoke toward the ceiling and w 
п: "Yep. Too many guys seule for the 
fist skit that shows up. And re 
the rest of their lives. 

Ignoring the innuendo, my mother set 
the mashed potatoes down on the table 
1 said, “Well, [think Wanda is а very 
nice girl. But then, what 1 think doesn’t 


is philosophical 

moods. dr 

1 the practiced. turn of 
е veteran martyr, whose role 
s publicly as posible. 

summer formal 1 

rent а 

1 wear one a’ them 
the old chuckled. 
wledge, worn 

monkey suits? 

He had never, to 

nore formal th 
er in his life. 

“Tm going down to that place on Hoh- 
n Avenue tomorrow with Schwartz and 
about it.” 

“Oh, boy! Ladida” said my kid 
brother with churacteristically eloquent 
understatement. Like Lather, like son. 

The next day, aher school, Schwartz 
and I went downtown to a place we both 
| passed countless times in our daily 
meanderings. Hanging out over tl 
sucer was the cutout of а tall, cream. 
faced man dressed 10 the nines in high 
silk hat, stiff starched shirt, swallow-tailed 

(continued on page 220) 

attire By ROBERT L. GREEN 

see the shirt. see the man under the shirt. cool, man, cool 

HEAT-REATING SEE-THROUGH SHIRTS with tapered body and full sleeves are shaping up 
as this warm-weather season's aitiest attraction. To succeed with this adventuresome 
fashion—a look that’s right out of a 19th Century romantic novel—the wearer 
should be а bit of a sartorial grandee, preferably with the lean build of a first-rate 
fencing master. И you fill the bill, try an elegant combination of a comfortable and 
contemporary white, black or brown open-weave shirt with a pair of velvet or tricot 
flared slacks and a loosely tied scarf. The man here keeps matters well in hand while 
making the most of a delightfully ticklish situation; he's donned a cotton lace shirt 
that features a long-pointed collar and button culls, by Mike Weber for Boutique 

Sportswear, $16, with an art nouveau-patterned silk neck scarf, by Handcraft, $8. 169 



QostLEMAN, сот 





1и. (N 





Grow ER 
OE NER т т 





<\ > у 





You ramenc, P3 
WER- 4 



ооа | i, 

ID кте, Ў гр TAKE %0 

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(Ap: on 






SANG ems 









parachutist to photograph himself in 
flight. He did that in 1934 

But 1 do not know if I believe him 
about Lack of fear. To get a photo of a 
«obra striking, he decided, he would 
have to give it something to strike. Why 
not himself? Why not, indeed. He built 
a plastic shield around his camera, pro- 
voked the cobra and it came right through 
the shield and hit his hand, missing a 
grip on the hand but pumping out enough 
venom to kill approximately 22 people. 
Severin dropped the camera, which 
broke open, spoiling the film. Another, 
stronger shield w: time, 
Severin got the shot h 

“Tm not afraid of snakes or sharks or 
als. I'm afraid of bugs, though. I'm 
afraid of d 1 once slept in the bed 
of y 1 just died of yellow 
fever. I didn't know it at the time, 
course. Later, 1 was scared for eight 
days. It is not a funny feeling to think 
be encroaching on 

something might 

Severin speaks five languages, pla 
the violin and is interested in painting, 
ballet and classical music. When he 
talks, he makes excellent sense; it is only 
when vou mull over, later, what he has 
said that you become awed, or appalled. 
Fear of snakes is all in the mind,” he 
says. "Snakes are not slimy. As a matter 
of fact, they have a very pleasant touch 
I's like plastic, Its really quite nice.” 

tever Severin may think about 
; most other habitual risk takers are 
olten terrified, and they admit it. In 

fact, what most separates them from the 
rest of us is not that they risk death but 
that they subject themselves to frequent 
terror, an emotion most of us struggle to 
avoid at all costs. 

Every racing driver, every time he 
loses control ol a car and waits lor it to 
bit wh going to hit, is ter- 
fied. Every matador, when be is down 
d the bull is on him, is terrified, EL 
Cordobés, gored by the first bull he ever 
faced in Madrid, lay on the sand with 
the horn rooting about in his intestines: 
“It wasn't the pain D was worried abo 
it was the fear. When 1 felt the horn in- 
me, 1 was so scared 1 thought my 
nd J would dic of the 

ever it 

heart would мор 

José Meiffret on his record bike is 
scared —he carries his last will and tes 
ment in his jersey pocket. The ironwork- 
cr. Eddie Lannielli, is scared by every 
accident: "When something happ 1 
your fear comes back. but you suppress 
и. You just put it ош of your mind." He 
talks about his most recent accident. He 
g on top of a beam about wo 
p. and the bolis at the base of 
the uprights broke or pulled out 
whole thing fell over sideways. Eddie 
suffered a back injury that kept him out 



nd the 

(continued from pas 

e 150) 

of work for m o matter 
how much youre pre] lor some- 
thing like that to happen, it happens so 
fast you're not prepared for it. A lot of 
guys get killed, and I'm still alive and 
I'm very grateful.” 
The climber, Bonati 
much terror 
more. Climbing 
unable to find two other climbers 
higher up, as night fell. At 27,000 feet, 
unable in the darkness to go up or 
down, without any food, heat or shelter 

has known as 

of any kind, he was forced to spend the 
ight in the open on an ice shelf, be 
ing himself with his arms all night to 

keep himself awake and alive. That w 
prolonged terror. 

Innumerable times, Bonatti has found 
himself clinging to some sheer wall, cer- 
tain (for the moment) there was no 
possible way to go either up or down. 

On die Lavaredo in Italy, һе had ıo 
inch across a ledge of snow. On 
the Dru ‚ he had to lasso a jut- 

ng projection and swing across the 

void like Tarzan, while wondering if the 
торе would slip olf or rhe. projection 
snap. Once, he was caught in a storm 
with six other men on a narrow ledge on 
Mont Blanc. Lightning was attracted 
by the group's sick of pitons, ice 
and such. Bolt after bolt blasted 
Kled around the group. The 

ated with electricity 

They could 
not get rid of the cursed sacks of steel— 


hout them, they could get neither up 
nor down the mountain. They simply 
had to huddle there, terrified, wait 
«d or blasted off the ledge. 2 
in, lightning crashed 
iti found himself screamin 
known good many people 
abitually take risks; and although 
d a number of them say they 
enjoy the danger. I have never heard 
опе sty he enjoyed the terror. 
Hab risk takers are able to do 

be fri 

what they do. first because they sup- 
press (or. in some cases, eliminate) cer- 
fears that * normal in all of us: 

of height, fear of the depths of ihe 
fear of excessive speed. fear of bullets 
d bombs. fear of wild beasts, fear of 
snakes. АП of these fears. in them as in 
us, are basically fear of the unknown. 
Once all the facts and details are ki 
the [ears become much less fearsome 

a says, snakes 
¢ you know that, 
raid. In fact. he 
almost all feared creates “will sc 
out of there at the approach of v 
sharks were as dangerous as write 
of our beaches would be un: 

In other words, at least p Е 
in's bravery is only knowledge. Similar- 
ly. the bullfighier is not norma 

of the bull, be 
learning how to hi 

spent у 
adle bulls, just as the 
racing driver has spent years learning 
how to control speed that would fright- 
en most of us. The mountaineer knows 
rocks, knows which fissures will hold a 
piton and which won't; and hc 
knows that once anchored io а piton, he 
is absolutely safe. по matter what the 
height. David Douglas Duncan goes in 
to photograph wars knowing in advance 
nately what he will find there— 
once a U.S. М пе trained for 
combat, He knows he won't be surprised 
by anything, he knows he won't panic 
nd he knows instinctively now how to 
recognize places and moments that. hc 
judges overly dangerous: these he avoids 
In other words. he knows when to stick 
his head up and when not to; he obeys 
ules, and these rules keep him 
live. Occasionally, he will expose him- 
self to get a picture; but by moving 
fast, he cuts the risk to a minimum. He 
is, of course, a brave man, but he is nor 
a foolish one, and he accepts risk on| 
when certain he understands it exactly 
and has put all odds in his favor. I once 
heard h tell Guy Lombardo that he 

would never drive one of. Lombardo's 
speedboats: "I would be terrified. Im 
not trained for that. I don't know a 
thing about it.” In combat, Du 

obviously as vulnerable 
some stray shell; but while in combat. 
he runs no risk of being sideswiped by a 
taxicab, or mugged in the park, or hir 
on the head by a suicide on his way 
down from the roof. The odds can bc 
said to come out almost the same, once 
you realize, as Duncan does, that life is 
mot very safe. 

In addition to possessing knowledge 
and technique, most of these risk takers 
bproach each dangerous place only 
alter having taken every posible pre 
caution in advance. Bullfüghters alw 

have a surgeon present in the arena 
infirmary (indeed, surgeons are required 
by law in Spain) and the richer bullfight 

ers often travel with their own personal 
horn-wound specialists—just in case. 
kiewicz hangs around for an hour after 
his act; then, when the show ends and 
the audience empties out, he goes up 
and rerigs his rope himself for his next 
dive. No one else is allowed to toucn it. 
The racing driver, Jackie Stewart, 
feels that the modern, 
Grand Prix car is so strong that the driv 
er can survive almost any crash. The 
only danger then is fire. 
wears fireproof long underwear, герт 
coveralls, fireproof gloves, socks and shoes 
ad a fireproof bandanna covering. all 
face except his eyes. Inside all this in 
hour race he nearly sullocates. 

m very safety cor 
scious, as perhaps you've noticed," he 
told me once. "But in a fire, а man 
ought to be safe for thirty seconds, dressed 


"Td walk a mile 
for a Camel? 

This message is strictly for smokers who never tasted a Camel cigarette. 
Camel smokers, you know what we mean.You other guys, start walking. 


ume, somebody 

that way; and by tha 
ought to be able to get 
seconds is quite a long tim 
That was the day of the 1966 Belgi: 
Grand Prix, Stewart crashed 
storm and the car crumpled aro 
so tight it was 15 minutes before they 
got him out. The fire suit wouldn't have 
saved him. The next year, he turned up 
for the same race wearing, in addition to 
his fire suit, a patch over his breast, giv- 
ing any eventual surgeons his blood 
Pre art [ecls—all. risk 

Why do men such as these seem to 
search out danger? 

Psychologists will rell you that each 
of them first selects a difficult profession 
order to separate himself from the 
mass of men. Later, each raises his stake 
up to and beyond the danger line. in 
order 1o sepa h er from 

ч nc professi 
hologists will give you many such 
ations, overlooking what are, in 
cases, the Most 
who ch out danger do it lor 



(wo basic ones: 

joney and for the pure pleasure of it. 

For the standouts, the money 
only one wa The pleasure 
comes big, too. sometimes even oi 

Sturt with mone 
n motive. C n 
more so. bullfighters carn fantastic sums 
Sitkiewicz may earn only а bit over 
S200 а week, but what else could he do, 
id. to carn so much? Some pho- 
earn good pay also; but Da- 
vid Douglas Du having taken the 
precaution (that word again) of selling 
his photos in advance to both Life and 
ABC television. will earn ten times as 
much. by going into sticky combat zones 
most others want по part. of. 

By working high up on narrow beams 
where not many other men will go. Ed- 
die lannielli carns (counting bonuses 
nd extra vacation time) roughly $20,000 
ost twice what laborers like 
himself earn below. He 
death. yes, but his special skill is so rare 
isky being out of work, a 

the si 

plest of all 

and. evi 

r racers 

1 the time. 
in шом danger and 
sometimes, ly, even a little 
And there are plea 
Start with the 

пас of m 


To control anything—anything at all 

delights man. He is delighted to con- 
tol the way а plaut. grows or the shape 
ol a bush or a dart thrown ri 
board, or a car driven fast 
Чо not be surprised to he: 

nd well. So 
п that there is 
pleasure in controlling a very hot car, 
ng bull or 
The controlled. forces. are 
ple. and therefore 

one's feet 

ideed, or 
оп a beam. 
tremendous. unpredict. 

17g the pleasure of control is that much 

greater. А man thinks: "Look at me, fr: 

ile and puny human being that | am! 
Look wi T am controlling!" This is 
never said aloud. because the fragile and 
puny human being im question. would 
much rather have уоп believe him a hero. 
But this is the way he feel. He gets a 
kick out of controlling something hardly 
ybody else сап control. It's nice that 
you down there are watching him and 
control. but he would feel 
whether you were there or not. 
the principal applause he is listening 
to is his own, 

lenge. At a world convention held 
London, on u s the 
ventat iwin Link о of sending 
man to live at a depth of 400 feet. Li» 
ten to the diver Robert Stenuit: “All 
heads turned to Four hundred 
feet! The very idea made my insides 
ich. Did 1 really want to descend to 
that awful depth, ıo shiver night and 
day and perhaps to furnish headlines Гог 
the journals ths ze in 

1 really did. Always 1 have found joy 
in danger lucidly accepred and prudent 
ly overcome. And when a reporter put 
the question to me, 1 heard myself answ 
ОТ course. Yes." 

То me, it was the most extraordi 
dventure of which a diver 

There is pleasure in provoking terror 
in others, too. The gasp Sitkiewicz hi 
when he dives from the roof is pure 
pleasure to him. Most of the risk takers 
1 have known delight in talking about 
danger, delight 





ing list 
lannielli: says 
е the hardest. 

King acros an 
inch balancing yourself. 
wind. al ога sudde 

wind stops—and vou 1 
your b Its some feeling 
that happens" Eddie always enjoys the 

admiration, the near wonhip. wh 
he talks like this. All of these men are 
aware fom such reactions, from the 

questions they are constantly 
(But why do you do it. why 
from the hyporhesizi 
the background id 
people don't understand wl 
how they can accept such risk. and this 
is very pleasant. H is nice to feel so sin- 
gular. The desire to feel singular is basic 
10 the human personality; but the timid 
derk at his desk may have to do without 
fulfilling this basic need every day of his 
long. sale life, subsisting on his Mitty- 
esque Г 

There is 

psychologists in 


bo the simple pl 
ity. All of the risk takers 
They go crazy in static 
ns and. normally they go оп tak- 
ing risks however long they may live 

physio act 

re casily bored. 


on a trip. as has bee 
East t0 see more snakes: 
had an urge to do thin 
sorts of funny situations, 
it's dont know. 
others | n't see! 
danger se one goes 
known. Fm a senior citizen. People tell 
mc | should sit оп my big fat ass and 
digest what | have seen and not expose 
myself оге. But 1 can't do it. Т 
have to go out.” 

There is pleasure as well in the belief 
of most risk takers that they are con- 
ng to the world by doing some- 
ing dangerous that has to be done 
Stenuit believes one day men will colo- 
nental shelf. thanks to hi 
pioneering dives. И he is wrong, he may 
be accused of having risked his life for 
nothing. Nonetheless, rime, hı 
believed һе was contributing his best 
and most important talent to the world. 
Duncan believe he is 

€ always 
to be in 
It's curiosity 
t to see thi 
t involves 



beca o the un- 


So does 


у throw some light on the awlul 
struggle in Vietnam. So does Walter Bo- 
naui believe that he and all mountai 
“We d 
the most stunning way of 
of a 

т lives—th; 
n c d of himsell. 
come to pleasures that a 


to describe. 

“1 think we appreciate life better. be- 
cause we live doser to death." the 1 
Marquis de Portago once wrote ої 

drivers. Does this make any sense lo 
you? Danger heightens all the senses. A 
man feels extraordin alert and alive. 

Up to a certain point. alcohol does this, 
too. and T suppose drugs do. although 1 
do not know this personally. Bur I firmly 
believe that nothing simu 
much as danger 

docs а 
have to be very much danger. 

One extremely hor day list January, 1 
was hunting quail on the King Randh in 
south T There were other shooters. 
most of whom T did nor know. and I 
was worried about possibly getting my 
head blown off by accident, or blowing 
off someone ches, and this m 
alert Powas watching everybody 

fully. and then the girl ne: 
jumped back and blasted à 

She stood. there пену 
move. The rattler, t 
brokenly near her leet, 
and shot its head oll. 

At lunchtime, we gathered in a 




of oaks and dined on a мех made Irom 
kid дош and on broiled baby lamb 
chops and drank cold Rhine wine, and 

talked of 
of us shoot 

aulesnakes. There were nine 
s in all, hunting in groups 
d the total score in rattlesnakes so far 
was four. Much of the King Ranch was 

“There's a moral here—never heckle a flamenco dancer." 



still under water from the fall hurricanes 
and the rattlers seemed to have come up 
ото the higher ground from all over: the 
sun had brought them out of their holes 
стой» to con 

and it was plainly very Чап 
e shooting, But nobody wanted to до 
home yet. Our excitement was too high 
In the hunting through a 
grove of mesquite trees. Т did not sce 
turned ош to be the biggest rattler 
day. a six-footer, until I was with- 
The diamondback rat- 
of country is almos 



of th 
in a stride of it 

ipossible 1o see 

der in thar 

I gave it barrels, This disturb- 

ance set off a bevy of quail, which flew 

all abou me. People were shouting 
“Shoot!” but 1 was quivering too much 
even to reload. 

But this emotion passed and we went 
on hunting, often through high. hum 

"Some chance ol 
I thought. bu 
anyway working 
over every blade, every shadow. I have 
never felt so alert in my life. presumably 
because my life depended on my alert 
nes. 1 have never felt so keenly 
back. or the 
color of 

mocky grass 
rattler in here." 

seeing а 
1 plowed 

through it eyeballs 

aware of the sun on my 
smell of gunpowder, or the 
birds. or the buzzing of insects. I felt 
nd thirsty and tired in a 
pleasant way. enjoying food and drink 
d rest in advance. while still slo: 

through fields, trying to flush. quail 



When п 
gether at 
and drank gin and tonic mixed out of 

ht fell, the groups came 10 
dirt crossroads in the dark 

the mmks of the shooting cars. The 
total score was seven каше We all 
agreed it was madness to have hunted 
in there that day. We were all glad we 

had done it. Ice tinkled in glasses. They 
were the best gin and tonics 1 have ever 
tasted. 1 was excited. alert. aware of all 
of the sights. sounds and. smells of the 
night. This lasted until E fell asleep later 
back ar the til the 

inch. and even u 

next morning, when I lay awake in bed, 

tening to the dew drip off the roof 

ng good all over 

This is level of the excitement 
that exists in danger. There is another 
that is perhaps imposible to describe to 
someone who hasn't experienced it 

Years ago. in the streets of Jerusalem, 
Jewish terrorists waved David Duncan 
to take then mowed down the 
three Arabs he w Duncan raced 
after the photographing 
the whole as police and bullets 


s with 

terrorists’ car 


came from all directions. Later, Duncan 

Now. some will assert that danger is a 
drug. that 
it alone: and this is truc, though not in 
the way the speaker usually means. 1 
have never heard a habitual risk taker 

а man gets so he can't leave 

articulate what the "drug" is or what 
the sensation feels like; but to me. it is 
purely and simply the extraondinary ex 
hilaration a man feels to find the danger 
isclf still alive, 1 have felt 

this exhilaration. 

gone and hi 

For many years, ] have gone to the 
fiesta at Pamplona each July 
the streets with the bulls most mornings. 
md this js not particularly dangerous. 
There are many tricks for keeping well 
clear of the horns. and normally thc 
bulls. obeying their strong herd instinct 

vun think to flank and 

and run in 

gnore the runners 

completely. The only real danger is 
bull separated from the herd. A bull 
alone will gore anything it secs 

There was one morning 1 ran in [ront 
of the bully and. when they were close 
1 leaped high up onto a window grating 
hoisting my Чегпёге out of danger 
When the herd had gone by. 1 dropped 

into the i and siun 
n the barrie 
arena into which the herd 
peared. There were other 
street with me and mobs of people crowd 
ing the barriers along both sides of the 

ramp that goes down to the tunnel under 

down street aga 

tered betwe х toward the 

had di 

men in the 

the stands. 
Suddenly, the men on the fences 
started shouting: “Falta uno!” There 

was one bull still loose in the street 
The men in the street scattered. and 
there I stood. face to face with the bull. 

who. for a moment, could not decide 
what to do. 

I searched for an empty spot on the 
fence. There was none. What to do? 
Where to run? I remember thinkin; 
calm. Think it out carefully, If you pan- 
ic, you are lost. I saw 1 was the only 
man in the street. The bull was ten 
yards away. In the other direction. was 
the ramp under the stands and the arc- 

na floor beyond. I thought: Can I beat 
the bull into the arena? If 1 could get 
into the arena, 1 could perhaps hurdle 
the barrera to safety. But I saw that the 
bull would catch me in the tunnel or 
before. I thought: It's the only chance 
you have; start running. 

І ran. 

The tunnel was 20 yards away . . . 
ten. І could hear the bull. 

Suddenly I spied a gap atop the 
fence. I leaped up there. The bull 
rushed by under my feet. A moment lat- 
er, the wooden door slammed behind it. 
І was safe. 

1 felt none of the quivering one feels 
after losing control of a car or nearly 
stepping on a rattlesnake. Instead, I felt 
a flood of exhilaration. 1 did it! Look 
at me, I'm still alive! 

lt was one of the most stupendous 
feclings of my life, accompanied by 
much of the wonder of first sexual inter- 
course: So this is what all the talk has 
been about. 

It wasn't a fecling of relicf nor of 
gratitude. It was exhilaration. 1 had faced 
real danger and got out of it on my own 
two feet and I was still alive and 1 felt 
great, absolutely great. 

Then 1 thought: This must be the 
drug they speak of. It is a sensation I 
could get to love entirely too much; and 
the next day, I was afraid to run with 
the bulls (though I have run many times 
since), fearing that I might go for that 
extraordinary exhilaration again and this 
time, possibly, do something really stupid. 

And so some of the habitual risk ta 
ers go for this feeling sometimes and 
some of them find it occasionally, but it 
must be rare. A feeling as glorious as 
that can't be common, and I suppose 
you can call it a drug, if you want to. 

On a more practical level, you can't 
have a safe world and a progressive one. 
(Probably you can't have а safe world 
under any circumstances, so you might as 
well try for the progress, whatever the 
cost.) And you must admit that most 
progress comes from risk. This has always 
been the case. Five hundred years ago. 
Columbus risked his life and his ships 
and crews to discover a new world he 
didn't know was there, and that's why all 
of us are where we are today. The men 
of his time later called Columbus a hero. 
But there must have been a hundred other 
captains who never found the new 

world, because they looked in the wrong 
place; and some of them didn't come 
back, and no doubt “normal” people of 
the time called daredevils 
obeying some stupid death wish. 

Or think of Edison fooling around 
with high voltage he didn't understand, 
high voltage that had killed several men 
before him and would kill many after 
him. Edison was obviously a daredevil. 
Was he acting out а death wish as well? 

All of progress comes from pushing a 
little closer to the edge than the guy before 
you, and this involves risk. The world 
needs risk takers, needs an oversupply of 
them, and the spillover becomes the circus 
performers and daredevil athletes, all of 
whom have the same temperaments, basi- 
cally, as all explorers and most inventors. 

Cut off the right to risk one's Ше, and 
progress would end and society would 
atrophy and die, The right to watch 
men risk their lives on mountains, in car 
races, bullfights and circuses is equally 
important. We need to know where 
death is, if only to avoid it; and such 
men show us that and much more. Of- 
ten accused of having a death wish, 
they make careers out of staying alive. 
And that is the simplest, most singular 
thing about them. It should not be over- 


such men 

that beats 


the others 


Meet the man who makes 
an honest bourbon- 
but with manners. 


Bourbon came out of the hill country. 
fi) Honest but unmannered. 
E] How to make an aristocrat 
231 out of it was a challenge to 
I. W. Harper. He started 
D by keeping the true 
honest taste of 
bourbon but polishing 
off the rough edges. 
_ Which explains why 
| Mr. Harper’s 
whiskey is 
A known as 
honest bourbon- 

And which explains, 
too, why winning medals all 
over the world got to bea 
habit with I. W. Harper. 




PLAYBOY FORUM (continued from page 75) 

intended by its originators and pro- 
їз to provide a needed and 

objective, instead, to 
reate an unceasing and dangerous 
obsession with sex in the minds of 
our children. 

As a psychologist, I have long admired 
PLAYBOY'S cllorts to combat some of the 
genuine ills of our sociery—such as the 
ignorance and neurotic sell-righteousness 
expressed in the above passage. I hope 
you will see fit to comment on the 
MOTOREDE movement 

Virginia Lee Bender, Ph. D. 
San Francisco, California 

The quality of Dr. Drake's allegations 
Speaks for itself. It might add. perspective 
if we pointed out thai the publishers of 
Christian. Crusade Publications had а rec- 
ord of finding a Communist under every 
bed, long before they began to discover 
that there was a Communist in состу 
bed: Two of their previous publications, 

Communism, Hypnotism and the 
Beatles” and “Rhythm, Riots and Revolu- 
tions,” are attempts to prove that rock 
music is a Communist plot. 

MOTOREDE is а front for the John 
Bich Society, which every sane conserv- 
ative [rom William Buckley, Jr., to Barry 
Goldwater has by now repudiated. It was 
the Birch Society that for several 
circulated а book, "The Politician,” 
which declared, without a shred of evi- 
dence, that former President Dwight 
Eisenhower was а “conscious agent of 
the Communist conspiracy." After Eisen- 
howers departure from office, the 
Bnchers spread other fairy tales, like the 
following (from the Birch magazine, 
American Opinion): 


In the mid-1930s . . . there were 
reports that experimental stations in 
Asiatic Russia had pens of human 
women whom the research workers 
were trying to breed with male apes 
in the hope oj producing a species 
better adapted to life under social- 
ism than human beings. 

As columnist Frank Meyer pointed out 
in the conservative National Review: 

The false analysis and. conspira- 
torial mania of the John Birch Soci- 
cty has moved beyond diversion and 
wasle of the devotion of its members 
to the mobilization of that devotion 
in ways directly anticonseroatiue and 
dangerous. . . . However worthy the 
original motivations of those who 
have joined it and who apologize for 
il, it is time for them to recognize 
that the John Birch Society is rapid- 
ly losing whatever it has in common 
with patriolism or conservatism— 
and to do so before their own minds 
become warped by adherence to its 
unrolling psychoses of conspiracy. 

The Bircher “unrolling psychoses” 
have advanced quite far since then. 
Many Birch-run bookstores are now 
carrying two books, “World Revolution” 
and “The Federal Reserve Hoax,” which 
claim that the Communist conspiracy is 
only a front for another, even more 
diabolical conspiracy—the Bavarian Illu- 
minati. (See the April “Playboy Advisor” 
for details about this fantasy.) According 
to the Los Angeles Free Press, some of 
the California Birchers believe that there 
is yel an older, and even worse, conspir- 
acy behind the supposed Hluminati—a 
conspiracy of snake men who pass as hu- 
mans but are actually descendants of 
Cain, who was unnaturally conceived by 
we and the serpent. These chimeras 
involving cros-fertilizalions between wom- 
en and apes or snakes are a telling com- 
ment on the kind of sex education the 
Birchers themselves have received. 

In announcing the formation of 
MOTOREDE to из members, the Birch 
Society declared, according to The Re- 
view of the New 

Estimating from past experience, 
some ten percent oj the membership 
of these committees will be members 
of the [John Birch) Society. The 
remaining 90 percent will consist of 
good citizens, drawn from every level 
and division of American life, who 
are seriously concerned about the fu- 
ture of their children and of their 

Parents who are, indeed, concerned 
about the future of their children and 
their country will welcome honest criticism 
and discussion of sex education, which is 
still in its infancy and, admittedly, im per- 
fect. But irresponsible charges of subver- 
sion hurled at those members of the 
community who are sincerely bying to 
develop programs in the schools contribute 
only to an atmosphere of fear and igno- 
rance. The professional demonologists 
who use the magic word “communism” 
are engaged in a medieval witch-hunt, 
the only motive of which is to destroy 
not lo correct. A precise picture of their 
tactics, in context with another group, 
was given in The Sacramento Bee. 

A group of 110 persons gathering 
here from 42 California localities 
has vowed to fight sex education in 
schools and has formed a new organ- 
ization, California Families United, 
to tackle the issue. 

James Townsend, who described 
himself as a “professional fighter" 
against communism since 1934 and 
as founder of the Citizens Committee. 
of California, offered tips to the 
group on how members could be 
most effective in heading off school 
classes in sex education, 

“When you go back to your com- 
munities, f you're not already a 

member of an organization, start 
one—and don’t hesitate to join ten 
more. Со to school-bourd meetings 
in your town and in other town: 
applaud and groan at the right 
limes and, if necessary, stomp your 
feet and scream. . . . The more bra 
zen you ave, the more attention 
you'll get. 

“Our main objective is to stop sex 
education throughout the state of 
California—and 1 don't mean change 
it, 1 mean stop it completely," he 

The following letter, from another 
community, indicates additional press 
x posure of those who confuse sex educa- 
tion with subversion. 

Congressman Larry Winn, Jr. asked 
the House Un-American Activities Com. 
mince for information about the mem- 
bership of the Sex Information and 
Education Council of the United States. 
thereby implying that he thought sex ed 
ucation might be some sort of subversive 
plot. Here is what The Kansas City Star 
had to say: 

From what we have heard, [SIE- 
CUS] is composed of responsible, 
concerned individuals. Certainly the 
people in the Kansas City area who 
have been interested in sex educa- 
tion in the schools could never be 
undermine the morals of America. 

But however you quibble over 
words, the damage has been done. 
We are not sure how the term "un- 
Ame can be applied to 
education. Sex is a function of exist- 
ence that. concerns organisms Irom 
the amoeba to mankind, and. wheth- 
er it can be defined in terms of 
Americanism scems doubtful 

And most certainly the answers are 
not likely to be found in a Congres 
1 committee that is supposed to 
deal with subversion and sabotage. 

tees that are concerned with 
nd health would seem 
ate. Unless you happen 
to believe that sex is a diabolical plot 
invented by the Commu 

Berkeley, Missouri 

“The Playboy Forum” offers the oppor- 
tunity for an extended dialog between 
readers and editors of this publication 
on subjects and issues raised in Hugh 
M. Hefner's continuing editorial seri 
“The Playboy Philosophy.” Four booklet 
reprints of “The Playboy Philosophy." 
including installments 1-7, 8-12, 13-18 
and 19-27, are available at 504 per book- 
let. Address all correspondence on both 
"Philosophy" and "Forum" 10: The 
Playboy Forum, Playboy Building, 919 М. 
Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60611. 



prince of wails 

iT's A LONG way from the Welsh 
coakmining town of Pontypridd 
to the ABC-TV studios in Los An. 
geles; but Tom Jones, 29, has gone 
the distance, selling 24.000.000 
records en route and signing the 
biggest nightclub and telev 
contracts ever offered to а British 
entertainer. The Flamingo in La 
Vegas will pay him 5810,000 for 
опе month's work: and ABC, in 
combination with England's ATV, 
will 1elevise five у s boom- 
ing baritone and high-powered 
hip swinging at a total package 
price of S21.500.000—a safe in- 
yestment, considering the popu- 
larity of his current АВС variety 
series. To avoid the unusually 
burdensome English income t 
Jones recently became a corpora- 
tion—Management Agency and 
Music—sharing control with pop 
singer Engelbert Humperdinck. " 
really don't take much notice of 
the money part of it,” Tom say 
but his 5150.000 home in Surrey, 
long with the Bentley Gontinen- 
l and the Rolls-Royce limousine 
represents a noticeable change 
from his far less affluent days in 
Wales. Inspired by such Stateside 
balladcers as Billy Eckstine, Billy 
Daniels and Ernie Ford, Tom 
sang for years im church choirs, 
then graduated at 16 to singing in 
the local pubs. Working days as а 
building laborer and performing 
wherever he could, he finally was 
heard by Gordon Mills, a hit song- 
writer, who decided on the spot 
to manage his career. Tom's first 
international hit, It's Not Un- 
usual, was recorded іп London 
in 1965, and such subsequent 
smashes as What's New, Pussycat?, 
Green, Green Grass of Home and 
Delilah have earned him a variety 
of honors—including a Grammy 
nd a Royal Command Perform- 
ance. Now, four years and eight 
Ed Sullivan ater, he 
looks forward to stints at New 
York's Copacabana and the Fla- 
mingo. concerts from Australia to 
Hawaii and renewed production 
of his TV series in Los Angeles 
Laer this summer. “It's fine once 
you've made it in America,” Jones 
reflects. “But it's difficult to main- 
tain staying power." In his case, 
we doubt it. With a yearly income 
that should soon reach £ 1,000,000 
and with the promise of contin- 
ucd video and record success, Tom. 
Jones has more than enough go- 
ing for him to guarantee a long 
and lucrative stay in the limelight. 

ARTHUR ASHE courting success 

of poise under pressure plus а demoralizing serve 
have made 25-yearold Arthur Ashe the nation's top-ranked tennis 
yer—and the only black star in an otherwise lily-white sport. 
Ashe's celebrated cool reflects the steadi, her, who 
was caretaker of the Richmond, Virginia, playground where Ar- 
thur first swung a tennis racket. The eldi 
th and а . wept with pride 
List year as his son whipped Tom Okker in the U.S. Open finals 
at Forest Hills. There had been liule opportunity for Ashe, Jr 
10 master his game in segregated Richmond, but seven scasons 
under the tutelage of R. Walter Johnson, a Lynchburg doctor 
who guides young black tennis hopefuls, helped him develop a 
serve powerful enough to win several major tournaments and a 
scholarship to UCLA. Though the Dallas Country Club canceled 
its 1966 invitational tournament rather than let Ashe compete, 
he found himself accepted—indeed, lionized—throughout the сіг 
cuit. It was during his two-year Army hitch, as а systems analyst 
at West Point, that Ashe—conditioned in childhood to maint 
nsult—began to speak out against disci 
nation. As his social consciousness matured, so did his court style: 
the previously mercurial Ashe, whose inconsistency had been at- 
tributed by critics to lack of the killer instinct, won more than 30 
straight matches and, last December, helped the U.S. win the 
Davis cup for the first time since 1963. Recently sprung from 
the Service. he can now envision a well-paid pro career, pos- 
sible film roles, additional business affiliations (he already 
represents Philip Morris, Coca-Cola and Wilson Sporting Goods, 
nong others) and a continued assault on. American apartheid. 
Ashe considered leaving the cup team in sympathy with the 
Olympic boycott but decided that “People don't listen to losers. 

Now working for the Urban League, he favors ап approach 
to equality that is “admittedly slow, but coordinated and sure.” 
Militants may disagree—but everybody listens to a winner. 



Tse pays, Buck Henry enters laughing. In the wake of The 
Graduate—which he scripted—he suddenly became one of 
Hollywood's hottest screenwriters. “The Graduate,” he says, 
“was one long ball to work on. Mike Nichols is a hell of a 
director.” Candy, Henry's next effort as scenarist, was a different 
story, however. ng the film as it was being shot,” the 
New York-born writer recalls. "I was also writing to accommo- 
date actors who would suddenly appear and be put in the pic- 
ture. Which is all right, 1 suppose, but it’s not the way to make 
а film,” Henry, 39, has just completed his most difficult screen 
assignment to date—an adaptation of Joseph Heller's antic 
World War Two novel, Catch-22, in which he again teams up 
with Nichols. “It was quite a challenge to rework Hellers sense 
of structure without о do so. T also had to cut down 
the number of characters, from about 75—too many for a film 
—io 30." Henry said upon returning to his home in Hollywood 
Hills after nearly three months near mas, Mexico. where 
part of Catch-22 was filmed, In addition to writing the script, 
Henry (who played the hotel desk clerk in The Graduate) por- 
ways Caich-22's Colonel Korn. “I started out in show business as 
n actor.” he says. “Just after I was graduated from Dartmouth, 
the producers of ап ill fated off Broadway play needed а уо 
man who could conve ruption, handsomeness 
and sexual appeal. Instead, they got me.” A busy—if little-known 
—actor during the ies, Нешу uh 

he cos 
Smart, which soon led to his carcer as а filmwr ‘ve only 
adapted novels so far," "but next у intend to 
te my first o Judging from his satiric 
hus far. it se that rival screenwriters will 
aluily, I they intend to pass the Buck. 

have to strive 

MUTUAL FUNDS (continued from page 161) 

. Fund shares, incidentally, 
are not purchased in round numbers, 
nor even in whole numbers, but in dol- 
lar amounts, After deducting the applica 
ble commission (if any), the fund simply 
adits the investor with however. many 
shares the remaining money will buy— 
computed down to four decimal places. If 
the shareholder elects to reinvest his div- 
idends and capital gains. these, too, will be 
converted into shares to the nearest ten 
thousandth, guaranteeing that every penny 
of the investor's money is always working 
for him. 
Despite such 
investors have tended to shun the 
in the oft-mistaken belief that they сап 
fare beter on their own, In the short 
тип, they posibly сап. Given a pinch 
of savvy, almost anyone could concei 
ably pick a stock that would outshine 
a mutualfund investment—lor a month, 
a year or even longer. Not a single 
mutual fund so much аз doubled its 
investor money in 1968, but literally 
hundreds of stocks did. In fact, on the 
hecounter: market s not 
ally a market but a collection of them, 
where brokers buy and sell Tule known 
stocks), 52 stocks advanced by more than 
1000 percent in 1968. At least a few in 

lvantages, many younger 


vestors must have been fortunate enough 
to own the year's best performer, Dive 
co Inc., a company so obscure th 
research hus failed to unearth the. n 
ol its operations, other than that 
“formerly in the sw 
The company doesn't seem to have so 
much as a telephone, but it docs have 
lots of tax losses, and these were suf- 
ficient to propel it from 1 cent a share 
(January 2, 1968) to 52.1? (December 
for an impres of 

31. 1968), 
21.100 percent. The odds 
a winner such as this 

Who in his right mind would buy a 
stock in а company that doesn't even 
have a phone? And if the odds ag: 
making one such investment are steep, 
the odds against making a series of them 
—tuking the profits Irom the first stock 
sinking them all into a second, taking 
the proceeds from the second and invest 
ing them all in a third, and so on 
impossible. It would be easier to pick a 
IZhorse parlay. something no one 
ever done. The problem with stock pyr- 


amids, as with 12-horse parlays, is that no 
matter how lucky or perspiccions the 
benor might be. sooner or later the 

whole edifice is bound. to collapse. and 
when it docs, the ultimate bad bet wipes 

out the profits from all the previous 
good ones. 

But there is a sort of parlay that 
investors can and do make money on, 
technique that’s at once re 
nd prosaic. The only require- 
ment is patience and the leverage of 
compound interest. For investors gifted 
vith patience, funds can provide scads of 
compounding, by virtue of the aforemen- 
tioned commission-free reinvestment of 
dividends and capital gains. Essentially, 
compounding means that after the ini- 
tial investment has produced dividends 
of one sort or another, the investor then 
begins receiving dividends on his divi- 
dends, then dividends on the dividends 
on the dividends, and so on, ad in- 
finitum. How this actually works for the 
fund investor is best understood through 

an ancient and well known financial for- 
cilled the rule of 79. a 
that is knowable but not. worth 

ing, the number 72. divided by the 
prevailing rae of compound interes 
will reveal the number of years required 
for a sum of money to double. An invest- 
ment that increases at 18 percent а year, 
for instance, will double every four yc: 
—because 72 divided by 18 cqualy 4 
Fighteen percent may seem а bit steep, 
but it’s theoretically quite achievable in 
funds these days. In fact, it's very close to 
the gain that the average mutual fund 
racked up last year. In the рам decade, 
top-performing funds cach. year, 
with capital gains reinvested, have pro. 
duced average annual returns as high as 
percent, and never lower than 14 

The funds deserve credit for this. per 
formance, but not quite as much credit 
as one might think. An exhaustive com- 
puter survey, conducted a few years ago 
at the University of Chicago, showed 
that the average annual profit (before 
taxes) on any New York Stock Exchange 
investment held for one month or longer 
—regardless of what the company was, 
when the shares were purchased or when 
they were sold—was 9.3 percent. [fa ran- 
dom investment іп stocks returns 9.3 per- 
cent, п seems reasonable (o expect that 
highly touted and highly paid fund man- 
agers сап produce twice that Assuming 
npound.inierest rate of 18 percent, 
the rule of 72 reveals tl your 
could invest a paltry $1000 in funds at 
the age of 20 and at 60 emerge a million- 
€. If he's not willing to sweat out 40 
years, he сап up the initial ante to 
550.000 and watch it run to almost 
$1,000,000 in only two decades. Of course, 
this example is wildly theoretical, in that 
it makes several assumptions of a future- 
predictive nature. The future, as we all 
know, is never predictable. But still, the 
example does emphasize a basic point: 
that compound interest is not to be 



the manifest adv: 

Mages of 

compound interest, the problem of pick- 
to be s 

estor should select w 
ll give him the L 

of rerum. 


investors (probably 
newcomers) actu: 

l: to make as 

as short a ti 


les to зау. а good n 
sprung up to accommodate then 
ars ayo, the SE 

vatively, but it now 
t conservative enou 
ch: n Manuel F 
expressed. his concern, in a 
tional business magazine, about an 
asingly speculative climate. that has 
been enveloping the mutual fund. bu 
s successor, Hamer Н. 
ned to Congress last Fel 
cult of performance among 
o focus on shortterm 
profits in order to make their shares more 
The cult of performs 
ists—not only am 

mer SEC 

y abour 

aly ex- 
investors. Investoms, like 
ave no way to predict the 

y on the evi- 
"ce of the past when selecting the 
they think will make the mox 
ey for diem. In other words, they 
buy funds that have a past or current 

«ls periodically — 
to how well they 
performance derby— 
never new ratings are published, 

anked funds. Mates 
one that refuses to 

y just how 
in а win- 

other fund that it was lii 

with investor moi 

bile dictu, Mates Fund 

sions or a sales force), its size had grown 
by a factor of ten in six dizzying months. 
By the end of the y the fund was so 
successful ue Imost forced out 
of business; one of the socks in its 
portfolio had gone from $3.25 10 $33, 
and suddenly comprised about one fifth 
of the fund's assets. As noted, the securi- 
ties Jaws insist that no single investment 
constitute е than. 1/20 of а fund's 
assets, so. Mates Fund had to sell. Un- 
fortunately, for reasons too complicated 

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to discuss, the zooming stock was such 
that it couldn't be sold on the open 
market. Lacking a market. 
possible to evaluate, As а consequence, 
Mates was forced to stop redeeming its 
own shares—almost unprecedented 
event in the mutual-fund. business. The 
fund now hopes to resume normal operz 
ions shortly, though one is not entirely 
1 this case 
sparked all the initial 
interest in Mates Fund a i 

was im- 


published. pe 
riodically in some of the financi 
zines. As published, however, they are 
often incomprehensible, and a beter 
source is usually а brokerage house, Any 
reputable broker will be able to lend you 
abu om Wiesenberger 
and Comp New York firm that pub- 
lishes à huge annual compilation of data 
(including easy-to-read charts) about past 
and current fund. performance. The best 
of the rating services is probably the 
Lipper list. published in various forms 
(induding a weekly ranking of the hot- 
test funds) by the Arthur Lipper Corpo- 
ration, а brokerage house in New York. 
You сап buy the big Wiesenberger book 
for $40, but the Lipper service costs up 
to $500 annually, so it's best to borrow a 
broker's copy. 

The unhappy experience of Mates 
Fund notwithstanding, one of the imer- 
esting aspects of the mutualfund per- 
nce derby is that sucess breeds 
anks, it tends to 

stay there for a while, The reasons for 
this are obscure (for anyone who's inter- 
ested, the subject is discussed in detail in 
the June 1968 Fortune), but they def- 
initely relate to the influx of Gish from 
new investors that usually accompanies а 
high position in the fund-performance 
list. A high rank 
1 new 
Once а fund management 
new money, it is free to buy good new 
stocks whenever it finds them; it can buy 
when the market goes down (obviously, 
this is the best time to buy) 
count on receiving useful rese 
hot new stocks from brokerage houses 
eager to get their hands on some of that 
incoming cash. Funds not blessed with 
new money, on the other hand, must dip 
into their reserves to make new invest- 
ments or to meet redemptions. I they 
are fully invested and have no cash 
(most funds try to keep some in re- 
serve), they must sell old investments, 
often at a loss, or at least at a time when 
they should not be sold. To the extent 
that a fund enjoys a steady stream of 
new money, it will be able to make the 
sort of good new investments that will 
keep it high in the rankings; and 
when a fund stays high in the rankings. 
it keeps getting more new money. Por 
folio managers—the men who actually 
make the funds investment 

ng means new 


nvestors mean new 

blessed with 


"Boy! Mom's really stacked, isn't she?" 

own well-being, financial as 
chological. It's not simply tc 

well as psy- 
ppease their 
- engaged in 
red battle to get into the 
t least into the top 25, on the 

top 10, or 

Ordinary sources of investment 
formation are generally defici 
their coverage of mutual funds 
The Wall Street Journal and The New 
York Times (available at any well 
stocked newsstand) occasionally run 
perceptive reports about funds, Bar- 
‘lable cach Monday 


ron’s (av at the 

nd four times а year 

d discusses what stocks they 
re buying and selling. 
Forbes (published twice a month by 
Forbes, Inc, 60 Fifth Avenue, New 
York, New York 10011: subscription 
$8.50 annually) runs a regular column 
about funds and a complicated rating 
cach August. 
An otherwise dull magazine called 
Financial World (published weekly at 
17 Baucry Place, New York, New 
York 10004; $28 annually) features a 
lar column, bylined by Edward 
scusses the fund. business 
with perception and intelligence. 
n expensive monthly mag: 
led Fundscope ($39 a year from 
undscope Inc, 1800 Avenue of the 
Stars. Los Angeles, California 90067) 
publishes more statistics about mutual 
funds than most. investors would ever 

The jazziest, most candid and most 
esting, of all the liter bout 
mutual funds is ine 

trolled-circulation periodical, for money 
managers only; but if your broker gets 
а copy, its well worth borrowing. 


J this jockeying, the casual 
whe guess that most funds 
share the same objec to make as 
much money as possible for their share- 
holders. This, unfortunately, is just not 
true. A great many funds, especially the 
newer ones, and most especially the ones 
that the reader will be looking for, do 
uy to maximize profits—but by and large, 
the scope of their investment goals is 


much broader. Some funds. for асс, 
эте interested only in the preservation of 
capital—10 accommodate investors who 

have reached that lofty state where their 

imary concern is simply keeping 
what they ve. Other funds pur 
sue the maximization of income—for 

widow and orphan types who must live 

on wl 
a fixed sum ol 

honey. Most other. funds 
can generally be ranked according to their 
willingness to take risks. 

Since the funds с 
two ways—from dividend income and 
from сар ins—the most sensible 
way to classify them would be to divide 
them into two groups: income funds and 
capitalgains funds, which might better 
be called growth funds. But even here, 
we're forced to add a third category, 
special funds, to pick up everything that. 
doesn't fall into the first two categories. 
(Many of the funds listed earlier would 

make money in 

qualify as special funds) Income funds 
are for anyone who has a specific sum of 
cash and doesn’t want to risk di 

ing it in the process of trying to make it 
grow. But the lure of tax-favored capi- 
ns profit is so great t even 
income funds sometimes don't seem terri- 
bly interested in income. Of 15 incor 
oriented funds recently tabulated by 

mes) and 
ed 5.69 percent. Since ev 
Treasury notes are 
round six percent, the objective observ- 
er condude that people solely in- 
terested in income shouldn't be dabbling 
in funds at all. 

In fact, the straightincome funds have 
a relatively small following: They ac- 
count for less than five percent of the 
mutual-fund business. One of the reasons 
they attract even this much attention 
that the conservative nature of their por 
folios makes them relatively sale ine 
vestments and sometimes, in periods 
when speculators are disenchanted with 
gh-llying growth stocks, makes them 
good sources of capitil-gains profits as 
well. The year 1968 was such a period, 
and it embarrassed a great many funds 
because their declared intentions simply 
did not reconcile with their actual pes 
formance. Funds that chimed to be 
vesting primarily for growth wound uj 
producing nothing but income—and not 
much of that. And funds set up to invest 
for income were beset with embarrassing- 
ly large cap ins. Channing Growth 
Fund, for example, "grew" a modest two 
percent, while its conservative sister fund, 
Cha Income Fund, grew about 13 
u increasing the value of its 
investo Vs percent, In 


mes fa 

ouis like the Mg group. the 
manages run different but 
named funds designed to 

ї results. (One of the happy aspects 
of such multiple arrangements is that the 
managements usually let their sharchold- 
ers shift dy g from one fund in 
the famil nother, without having to 
repeat the helty com 

disons) Of nine 

such management groups this author 
knows about—each offering one fund 
dedicated to growth and another dedicat: 
ed to income—the income funds outgrew 
their growth counterparts last year in all 
but one instance. Fundscope’s list of 15 
income funds, which includes virtuall 
Ш income funds of any consequence, 
averaged 17.9 percent growth in 1968. А 
ble group of 173 growth funds 

averaged just 12.3 percent 

Bur at least they grew. While stocks 
on the average went up four to eight 
percent in 1968 (depending on which 
lex you read and how you read it), 
Manhatan Fund, one of the largest 
апа bestkn of the growth funds, 
declined. seven percent, As the fund's 
president, ex-wizard Gerry Tsai. ] 1 
mitted to his shareholders: “Our invest- 
ment judgment on growth stocks was 
faulty. Put simply, we tended to overstay 
better-known growth stocks." In business, 
as in life, faulty judgment hurt. 
Manhattan's Hamletlike tendencies to 
overstay lost it $134,000,000 in profits 
that it could have taken but didn't. Tsai 
may be more candid than most. growth 
fund presidents, but hi 


s fund was not 
its less-th: perform- 

875 lished funds 
tracked by Fundscope through 1968, 48 
wound up trailing the Dow-Jones Indu 

ial Av The D. J. I. A., as most in- 
stors are well aware, is a widely followed 
rket index comprised of 30 somewhat 
stodgy blue-chip stocks not noted for 
their volatility; last year, assuming rein- 
vestment of dividends, the Average gained 
7.3 percent. Of the 48 


did less well th T almost 
two thirds—bi as growth 
funds. Besides T: Fu 

four other growth funds grew negatively. 

In fairness to the growth funds, 1968 
was а very peculiar year, and their 
verage 18 percent increase is not to be 
faulted, being precisely the figure needed 
to compound $1000 into $1,000,000 (in 
40 years) according to the rule of 72. How- 
ever, before any readers rush out to 
make $1,000,000, they must be cautioned 
that it's highly unlikely that any growth 
fund—even the best, whichever that 
ight be—can sustain such a growth rate 
for 10 or 20 years. The best-performing 
funds each year will probably gain more 
than 18 percent, but the ranks of the best 
will change as time goes by. This is be 
е success breeds success in the mu- 
ness, it also ca ^ 
the seeds of ultimate failure. To the 
extent that а fund's current. prosperi 
lures money from new investors, the fund 
itself must suffer sooner or later, because 
it will someday be too larg n 
bly. The Federal laws th 



ni t govern 
mutuakfund. activities assure this. Not 
only can funds have по more tl five 

percent of their money in 

any one 

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company but they also can't own more 
than ten percent of any single company's 
shares. These restri re designed to 
keep funds from exercising а manage- 
ment role in the companics in which 
they invest (a role they often exercise 
anyway), but their real effect is to cramp 
the style of a fund once it has grown 
beyond а certain size. Consider a hypo- 
thetical billion-dollar fund. The five per- 
cent rule says the fund may own up to 
$50,000,000 worth of any one stock (five 
percent of a billion). But most potential 
investments, especially the smaller, more 
promising companies, where the biggest 
profits атс often to be made, have less than 
350.000.000. in shares—and the fund is 
imited ıo owning only ten percent of 
them. The result, quite simply, is that 
fund gets larger, it is forced to diversify 
ngly or to invest more and more in 
well-established firms with vast numbers of 
shares outstanding—the very companies 
that, because of their large size, usually pr 
le the least . Common sense 
dicates that the number of small, 
companies is limited 


and even if а large 
fund elects to confine itself to these. sooner 

or later it will own as much as it can of 
them and will have no place else t0 go. In 
the process, it will also pick up a number 
of small, promising companies that fail to 
live up to their promise. The message 
should be clear: Once a fund gets past a 
certain size, its activities are increasingly 
restricted, Jt can diversify by buyi 
ап ever-larger number of smalkcomp: 
stocks; n buy everbigger chunks of 

«d companies: or it ca 
ever it does, 
mg the profits that 

the well-establisl 
do both. But wl 

likely to keep m. 
cied most of 
ч у 
1 only 6.5 percent, slightly less u 
and Poors broad coi 
average. Massachuscus Investors 
"Frust, with assets over two billion dolla 
has for years acted very much like the 
Dow-Jones Industrial Avera 

Perhaps the most interesting illustra 
tion of the dilemma of success is pro- 
vided by Enterprise Fund, a growth fund 
headquartered in Los Angeles. With- 
out qualification, Enterprise been 
the most consistently successful of all 
mutual funds in recent years, И has 
been the only fund to rank among the 
top 25 for each of the past six years. No 
other Га hed this feat 
10, when new legislation changed the 
re of mutual funds and meaning- 




$10.000 investment 
at the beginning of 196: 
load and 
quent pvestment of 
distributions and dividends—was worth 

close to $70,000 at the beginning of this 
year. In the case of Enterprise, success 
has assuredly bred success, The fund's 
sets increased by а factor of several 
hundred g the period discussed, 
growing from $3,000,000 to almost one 
billion dol new 
money, attracted. by the fund's impres- 
sive performance. Enterprise's philoso- 
phy. as enundated by its portfolio 
manager, Fred Carr, is to invest in “emerg- 
ing growth situations" —small. companie 
that promise great success. How many 
such companies there are is open to 
question: At Jast count, Enterprise had 
some 350 stocks im its portfolio, which 
surely makes it less flexible than when it 
was a $6,000,000 fund and could invest 
n the most promising 35 of those 350. 
Carr, in fact, has recognized the prob- 
lems of bigness has divided the 
Enterprise portfolio internally into a num- 
ber of different bundles, each tended by 
а separate m wer. Whether this at- 
tempt at self-imposed smallness will 
work remains to be seen, for the five 
and ten percent. rules still apply 10 the 
fund as а whole, not to the individual 
bundles. Yet the fund increased over 40 
percent in per-share value last year—an 
unprecedented gain for a fund so large. 
In fact, Enterprise was outperformed by 
only а few other funds, one of which was 
the ill-starred Mates Fund. But no mat- 
ter how well Enterprise does in years to 
come, it will certainly not duplicate its 
record of the past six years. If its size 
were do increase much again. 
it would wind up owning almost 80 
billion dollars’ worth of securities, which 
wouldn't leave much for the rest of us 

The dilemma of Enterprise Fund is 
Iso the dilemma of the man who wants 
to invest in funds. Few people would 
want to buy into a fund with 
proven track record, but a fund with 
good tack record may have grown too 
large to sustain its pre rate of suc- 
cess, Most printed information about 
mutual funds will tell you, in one way 
or another, that the only real measure of 
value is how a fund has performed over 
several years, Unfortunately, this just 
isn't ‚ and most of rhe mutual- 
fund rating services admit it. After arm- 
ing the reader with endless pages of 
statistics about past performance, the 
services will note, with some coyness, that 
past results should u stances 
bc construed as an indication of future 


rs. Most of that was 


п un- 

der no circ 


Despite contradictions 

such as this, 
there ате а few guidelines that would-be 
mutualfund investors сап follow. First, 
it never hints to know how a fund's 
unagement is being compensated. Be- 
les the growing number of funds with 
sliding compensation schedules (which 

agers get а smaller 
cut as the pie expands), some funds, 
especially newer ones, their man- 
agement on the b 
fund performs in comparison w 

broad ket averages 
In addition, the potential investor 
should make sure that all the fine-print 

terms of the fund—such as those relatin 
reinvestment of profits, ultimate. with- 
drawal of money, posible charges for 
getting owt—are suitable. The fund's pro- 
speetus—which by law must be given to 
the potential investor before he commits 
himseli—will yield all this information, 
though in many cases only reluctantly. 

The prospectus will also give the inves- 
tor a relatively recent gl at the 
fund's portfolio—for w that's 
wonh. In a typical growth fund, many 
stockholdings will mean nothing even to 
the most sophisticated investor: beyond 
that, the informati l probably be 

stale, Funds are required to divulge the 
make-up of their portfolios twice а у 
and most funds do it quarterly: but this 
information is usually months out of date 
before the investor gets it. Anyway, the 
law permits funds to hide five percent of 

their investments; so if they're into some 
thing really imeresing, you probably 
won't find it. 

AIL other things being equal, which the 
never ave it is wise t0 pick a fund with a 
good track record, though preferably one 
that hasn't been so good for so long as to 
bloat the fund то а point where it waddles 
rather than runs. Most fund literature 
tells the investor to p fund that's 
performed well in both up and down 
markets, but this advice is dubious, In 
general, stocks have been rising for so 
long that most funds h 
experience in bad markets. Even if you 
do find a fund that did well in 1929 or 
in any of the more recent setbacks (1962 
ar 1966. for instance), there's no 
t the same canny men are still ar 
the helm. Chances are they were so well 
rewarded for their perspicacity that 
they've now retired or gone on to better 
jobs. So don't pay nearly as much anten- 
tion to past performance as уоп pay to 
present performance. That is, once you've 
decided on а "ve bought 
it, keep ап суе on if, over time, you 
find it’s not doing as well as many other 
funds, or if it's nor doi well 
in general, then you should consider sell- 
ns out. OF course, the commi 
will have paid may make this more d 
ficult. If you paid the typicil 9.3 percent, 
for instance, unless the fund has iner 
93 percent. by th 

уса" had much 


fund, or once yc 

time you sell. you'll 

take a loss. 
Th one of the big problems in- 
volved in investing in the load funds. 

Not only is the price of admis 

id, it tends to lock. 
the investor is Iree to 
if getting out 
taking a loss duc solely to the 
then the investor 

but, once it's been 
you m. OF course, 
л our ar апу time: but 


would have done better not getting in at 
all. m bornes to the load funds, they 
do lower their commissions drastically 
on Кине purchases. This partially accounts 
for their increasing, ittractiveness to very 
wealthy investors, but it's small consola 
tion te the less affluent. 

who generally 
the rop rite. Here's a 
mutualfund. commission 

have 10 pay 
sample of a 
schedule. ls taken from the prospectus 
of Feber Capital Fund (run. by the 

Enterprise people), but similar rates ap- 
ply to most others. 
Amount of Investment Charge 
5 300 bur under 5. 25.000, 8.50 

S 25.000 but under S 50.000. 6.906%, 
S 50,000 bur under 5125.000. . 1.9067, 
25.000 bur under 5250.000, 2.90%, 
50.000 but under $500,000. 180°, 
5500.000 and mare ... -100% 

The larger figures are especially inter- 
esting m that they ше entirely hy. 
ропе: Fleder wont allow апу 
investor тө purchase more than 550,500 
shares To get the lower 

worth of 

lso buy 

entages, must 

other funds in the Enterprise group 

Even the smaller figures in the table a 
what mythical In a form of 
maticil legerdemain peculiar to mutual 
funds, the dead funds compute their 
missions not оп the value of the 
shares purchased but on the entire trans- 
commission included, As ап ex- 
ample, say you want to invest 51000 in a 
fuad. The commission, a salesman tells 
S85. So S85 




is Bro percer 

goes to 

the salesman. and related. middlemen, 
and the гем. —S915—buys vour fund 
shares, Suddenly, voi not investin: 

1000 at all. You g 5915 and 
paying S85 for the privilege. Long divi- 
sion reveals that 585 iy 9.289 percent of 
S915, and that’s the typical commission 
Transaction: 93 percent. Thi 
is a trivial point, to be sure: so trivial 
thar the funds should consider comput- 
4 1 ht- 
forward manner, rather than making 
potential customers resort to maihemat 
ics they haven't used since high school. 
Short of writing for a prospectus and 
recomputing the figures, the easiest way 
of determining a given fund's maximum 
commission сом is to consult the mu- 
the daily fi 1 
ly papers are woefully 

dons more str: 

tualfunds ist 
pages. Many € 
skimpy in their mutualfund. statistics, 
bur even the worst usually publish some 
sort of listing. which might include sev- 
eral hundred dilereni funds, arranged 
in alphabetical order. with two prices 
after cach name. In terminology mon 

Old Spice with 

a twist. 

meet the party hosts | 

handy helper 

She's on hand to make certain your party's 
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Contact your Club's Cotering Menager or use attached coupon 

Miss Marilyn Smith, Catering Director 
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The Playboy Building, 
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Chicago, Illinois 60611 
Гат planning a party for. 
Please send me more information on parties at 
The Playboy Club. 




Playboy Club Credit Key No. OOOO OOOO С 

Playboy Clubs are located in the 
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ih Massachusetts, it's Playboy of Boston, 9307 




appropriate to over-the-counter stocks, 
the two prices are usually headed “Bid” 
and “Asked.” The bid price isn’t really a 
bid at all—iv's simply the net asset value 
per share of the fund for that particular 
oon. That's the price at which the 
fund will redeem whatever shares it re- 
ceives that day. The asked price is the 
price at which it will sell shares, and 
the difference between the two prices is the 
amount the investor will have to pay in 
commissions. From these figures, readers 
сап compute precisely what commission 
they'll have to pay to purchase а par 
ticular fund. Nonmathematiians can 
simply examine the two figures to see if 
the dillerence (called the spread) is rela- 

vely rge, then the 
commission on that fund is high, and 
vice versa. If the two figures are identi- 
Gul, that means there's по сопи 
all. In other words, the fund is 
load, and you can buy into it at net 
assct value, A recent mutual-fund list- 

ing in The Wall Street. Journal, which 
cach business day publishes onc of the 
most comprehensive of all such listings, 
showed 297 funds, of which 32 were in 
the no-load category. 

It’s almost incredible that so many 
mutual funds can flourish while there is 
their com- 
actures. In any ordinary busi 
ness, the firm that charged the lowest 
commissions would very quickly garner 
most of the trade. But in the mutual 
fund business, the opposite holds true. 

such a gross disparity amon; 

mission st 

The firms with the highest commission 

съ as a group, account for a majority 
of the business. One reason. for this is 
that he 1 product 
perfor unknowable, A fund 
that you pay 9.3 percent to get into 
adeed, outshine a similar one that 
charges no commissions at all. There's no 
way of telling until after the fact—when 
the information is too late to act on. 

mutual-fi future 



A simpler reason is that high commis. 
sions attract good salesmen, and good 
salesmen sell funds. In fact, it’s some- 
thing of а cliché in the muual-fund 
business that fund shares are not bought 
—they are sold. This is by way of estab- 
lishing the crucial role of the fund sales 
man, and the equally crucial role of the 
ample commissions that seem necessary 
10 sust: him. Lower the commissions 
and you will lower his incentive to sell 
funds. Having reduced his incentive, 
you will find new fund sales diminish 
ing. We have seen how the absence of 
new money c: а fund's growth, 
but im extremis, it can do worse than 
that. If sales of new shares diminish to a 
point where redemptions exceed them 
—that is, if more shares are being 
cashed in than purchased—then a fund 
is in bad trouble, because it’s forced to 
sell some of its investments to r 
to redeem its 5 
forced liquid; 
sell investments they'd prefer to keep, thus 
forgoing future profits. Moreover, since 
the redemption rate often rises when stock 
values are declining, such forced sales 
usually occur at just the wrong time, 
making funds sell stocks at the very mo- 
ment they should be buying more. 

In fact, the redemption-sales ratio (re- 
lating money going out to money com- 
i in) is the Achilles’ heel of the 
mutual-fund business. The danger of a 
run on mutual funds, similar to the 
bank rans that occurred with such dis- 
turbing frequency in the Bonnie and 
Clyde era, has never been real, be 
continuing  growth—and an ever- 
expanding sales force—has enabled funds 
to meet redemptions easily out of new 
cash, That is, in the aggregate, they've 
always had enough money from new 
sales to redeem the shires of current 
investors who, for various reasons, want 
out. But as the fund industry matures, 
it's at least possible to imagine a day 
when a relatively large number of 
tors, who might have purchased fund 
shares long before for the kids’ college 
or for retirement, decide to get out. If, 
as seems most likely, this increased 
desire to redeem comes at a time when 
moncy is scarce, stock values arc declin- 
ing and sales of new fund shares are off, 
then the funds will be forced to sell 
many of their investments to raise 
enough cash to meet redemptions. A 
wholesale liquidation of this sort—esy 
cially nowadays, when monolithic ins 
tutions of one stripe or another control 
а sizable chunk of all common-stock in- 
yestments—could cause а stock-market 


sell-off of major proportions, feeding on 

itself in a snowball effect, as mor 
more fundholders perceived ever 
ishing stock prices and decided ih. 
they, too, should unload. Such a situa 
tion actually occurred in Japan in the 

carly Sixties; there, however, the govern- 
ment halted a potential snowball by 
creating a state stock-buying company to 
provide a stable market for shares that 
the funds were forced to liquidate. 
Obviously, а fund selloff of this mag- 
nitude has never occurred in the U.S. 
In a report to Congress 30 years ago, the 
SEC examined the performance of 40 
open-end investment. companies. (that’s 
all there were back then) during the 
boom-and-bust decade between 1927 and 
1936. Those years were darkened by the 
worst stock market in American fir 

cial history; but yet, the SEC. discov- 
ered, not a single fund went bankrupt, 
nd funds sold $564,000,000 in new 

shares and redeemed only $142.000,000 
in old ones, In other words, sales outran 
redemptions four to one, even during 
the great crash of 1929 and the subse- 
quent Depression. More recently, in the 
brief market crash of Мау 19 
the Dow-Jones Industrial Average fell 
8.5 percent, fund values deteriorated. 
drastically, but people kept buying more: 
sales were $292.000.000 that month, and 
redemptions only $122,000,000. Fund buy 
ers also predominated in the stock-market 
decline that began last December, though 
the precise figures aren't yet available. 
One reason for this unflappable inves- 
tor behavior is that a market collapse 
tends to lure new customers into the 
funds: shrewd investors who know a 
bargain when they see one, and less- 
shrewd investors who have been chas- 
tened in stocks and reach the belted 
recognition that they can't do as well on 
their own as they might have hoped. 
Ultimately, the face that funds аге pur- 
chased heavily even in bad t pe 
ods is a great credit to the individual 
investors responsible for the buyin 
They are b nting, and doing it 
¢ extent that they do 
hunting without the aid of 
a salesman, however, they are defeatin 
the funds case high commission 
rates. In fact, for the intelligent inves- 
tor, the most pernicious thing about 
mutuablund commissions is mot their 
size but what they represent. In load 
funds, as in life insurance, a salesman. 


successfully. To tt 

their b 


must be paid, whether or not the cus- 
tomer needs to be sold. To the investor 
us spent weeks or even months 


g just tbe fund pundits tell 
him to do—reading dreary prospeciuses. 
deciphering arcane charts, siting in а 
sy board room thumbing through the 
senberyer books—and then, after all 
this work, finally settles on the one fund 
that js precisely right for him, it is 
rather galling to be forced to give up 9.3 
percent of his money to the salesman 
who just happens to take his order. The 
investor didn't need to be sold and the 
salesman. didn't sell him: the fund sold 
їе. П anyone is to be paid for the 

sales job. it should be the hard-working 

The load funds have an interesting 
answer to this, (Actually, they have sev- 
eral arguments to support their commis 
sion structures, but none as engaging as 
this one.) The notion is that a mutual 
fund salesman must be compensated for 
all his working time—not just the two 
minutes he might spend writing the 
telligent investors order, but all 

hours he spends telephoning Young Re- 

publican membership lists, attending Ki 
wanis luncheons and making friends ас 
suburban P. T. A.s The salesman, as the 
n, is a valuable pillar in the 
freeenterprise firmament, who spends 
much of bis time praising the virtues 
of capitalism 1o those — oft-negleaed 
174,000,000 Americans who, lor various 
reasons, do not спе to invest. To resist 
the tide of revolution, the load funds may 
be justified in taxing those who have the 

funds see I 

list propaganda effort directed 
those who don't. But such а campaig 
seems to frustrate the very elements of 
choice that are so vital to our free 
markets. Besides, mutual-fund salesmen 
spend very little time with the people 
who really need conversion, and—in this 
writer's experience—fund salesmen are 
not particularly ve defenders of 
capitalism. anyway 

One of the reasons for this is that 
price competition, that bastion of free 
enterprise, is simply legal in the mutual 
fund business. Section 22(d) of the In 
vestment Company Act of 1940, which 
was written with the grateful cooperation 
of the fund industry, makes it a Federal 
crime to sell a mutual fund at a price less 
than whatever the fund's distributor de- 
cides it should be. Last year. both the 
Justice Department and the. President's 
Council of Economic Advisors urged re 
peal of 22(d) and, more recently, Senator 
John Sparkman of Alaba 
that his powerlul Bani 
Committee. intends to carefully consid- 
er repeal. The load-fund lobbyists 
strong and well entrenche 
this sort of opposition, they 
to capitulate sooner or later. 

While load funds certainly provide 
their salesmen with incentives to treat 
potential responsively and 
cordially, and while the constant influx 
of new cash generated by these в 
may help the load fund's performance 
considerably, the would-be purchaser ol 
load-fund shares must still include the 
ission cost in his investment calcu 
lus. Fund salesmen try to minimize the 
difference between their funds and their 
no-load brethren, In the long run, the 
salesmen will say, it's not the 1 cost. 
that counts but how well the fund per- 
forms, By and 1 this is hogwash. As 
а [amous economist once noted, in the 



ing and. Currency 



Bold new 
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lf you have 
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For after shave, after shower, 
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long run we arc all dead. In thc mcan- 
time, the future performance of any 

а cannot be known. But the 
commission cost, since it is paid in ad- 
vance, is manifestly knowable. Its the 
only cost in а mutual-fund. investment. 
that you can calculate precisely before 

you commit yourself. To justify taking 
the investors money, the load fund 

should promise performance not just 
comparable with а no-loxd's but Deiter, 
so much better as to compensate for the 
commission loss and what that would 
grow to if it were [ree to compound ove 
the years Certainly, many such load 
funds exist: Load. funds outnumber the 
no-loads by about ten to one, and by 
twice that if you compare assets тае 
than funds. But at the sta 

one can tell which lo: 
sufficiently in the forefront to justify their 
commission charges. In terms of what 
they oller the investor. most load funds 
have а 9.3 percent handicap to overcome 
and the would-be purchaser must weight 
his bets accordingly. 

Until a few у 

ıd even the 
services such a 

, fund salesmen 
vious statistical 
perger—tried to 
„ despite their 

imply load 
steep commissions, generally outperform 
noloads. This is simply not trne, and 
most likely never was. As а matter of 
syndicated financial writer J. A. Living- 
ston, in a long and perceptive series of 
articles published last summer, advanced 
impressive statistics—representing а ten- 
year period—to show that the no-load 
funds, mainly because they allow the in- 

vestor to begin with his full capital rather 
than with only 90.7 percent of it. gen- 
erally make more money for their in- 

Fundscope tend to conti 
perhaps the simplest affirmation of all is 
that the best- performing fund in the past. 
two years, Neuwirth Fund. is a no-load. 
In fact, according to Forbes, four of the 
top five performers in 1968 were n 
(In the first two and a half months of 
this year, however, only 1 of the top 
25 funds were no-loads—which probably 
proves nothing except the protean na 
ture of mutual-fund statistics.) 

Because the nodoads, at least in the 
aggregate, do offer what se be 
better value. and because. lacking а sales 
force 10 beat the drums for them, they 
re more difficult to learn about than 
load. funds here an alpha- 
betical list of well-established 1 
mutual funds, All of them have been 
around for at least eight years. which 
gives them something of a track record. 
All are dedicated to growth. which makes 
them somewhat speculative and there- 
fore meresting for the younger 
investor, and all have performed. cred- 
bly—or at least reasonably well in 
the past few years. None charge redemp- 

Recent statistics published in 
m this, and 


ms to 

we present 


Чоп fees and—except where noted— 
they all permit automatic reinvestment 
of both dividends and capital-gains 
come. The list is not a recommendation, 


nd Ше reader might want to 
ne some of these, or others not 
listed. Addresses arc included. becausc— 
on request—any fund will send a pro- 

merican Investors Fund, 8R Field 
Point Road, Greenwich, Connecticut 
06830, has been a top performer since 

1962, and its assets аге now well over 
11,000,000, Мапу of its investment de- 
cisions are based on technical analysis— 
which m. the fund's mana 
preter d nee sheets. 

De Vegh Mutual Fund Inc, 2 

change Pla New York, New York 
10005. is relatively small, with assets 
around. $50,000,000, Especially consider- 

ing its size, it has a commendably low 
expense ratio, which means that its man- 
agement is quite diligent їп keeping 
costs down. 

Drexel Equity Fund In 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 
both relatively new (1961) and. 
ively ound $42,000,000). 
It's done quite well in recent years and, 
like A. I. F., it often invests on the basis 
of chart action. 

Energy Fund, 55 Broad Street, New 
York, New York 10004, has assets over 
5100,000,000 and favors energy-related 
stocks—oil, uranium and so on. 

Ivy Fund, Inc, 155 Berkeley, Boston, 
Massachusetts 02116, was founded in 
1960 and been rated (by Fund- 
scope) an above-average performer in 
six of the past eight years; it all but 
doubled its investors’ money in 1967 
and showed a healthy 39 percent in- 
crease last ye 

Penn Square Mutual Fund, 451 Penn 
Square, Reading, Pennsylvania 19603, 
has a respectable long-term record and 
is assets around $170,000,000 

however, its 

1500 Wal- 

nut Street, 
19101. is 


now b 

reinvestment program is 
slightly restrictive, and the would-be 
buver should check this carefully. 
Scudder Special Fund, Inc.. 345 Park 
Avenue, New York, New York 10022, 
s been а top performer for the р 

decade. though it has been. publicly avail- 

able for only three years. 

Would-be sw 
vestigate the g three 
funds as well. These are less seasoned 
than the previous seven: all were formed 
in the past few years and ай fall into 
the gogo category: that is, they are 
designed for investors who are willing to 
entail substantial risk in hopes of sub- 
stantially higher profits. 

Hubshman Fund, In Filth Ave- 
nuc, New York, New York 10019, em- 


ploys sophisticated investing tech 

—short selling, leveraging its position by 
investing with borrowed money, and 
dabbling in sophisticated options called 
puts and calls—in the pursuit of greater 
profit. Results so far have been mixed: 
the fund did fairly well in 1967 but 
barely kept pace with the cost of in- 
Ration in 1968. Hubshman Fund recently 
declared its intention to become a load 
fund. so that by the time you read th 
it may по longer be ible without 
commission. And two months ago, the 
fund's chairman and president, Louis 
Hubshman, Jr, was chastised by the SEC, 
which charged that the fund had been 
overgencrous im rewarding its manage- 

Neuwirth Fund, 
Building, Middletow 
is only two years old and has so far com- 
piled а record just short of incredible. 
The value of each of its shares increased 
300 percent in 1967 and another 72 per- 
cent in 1968. As noted, this has made it 
the top-performing fund for two straight 
years, a feat accomplished by no other 
tual fund of any description in mod- 
ern memory. However, like most funds, 
it has fared poorly so far this year, 
g 8 percent in the first ren week: 
Gibraltar Growth Fund, 24 
rise Boulevard, Fort Lauderd 
3304. is also quite new, and performed 
just about as well as Neuwirth Fund 
1968. In the first few months of 196 
however, the fund showed a loss of about 
2 percent. 

Two of these ten representative. no- 
load funds—Energy аза Hubshinan— 
deserve special discussion, because each 
of them exemplilics а particular. genre 
of fund. Energy F the 
very few no-loads that are n 
purpose funds. The most attractive thing 
bout special funds is that they are very 

Middletown Bank 
New Jersey 07718, 

one of 

nd is 

so speci: 

casy for salesmen to sell. A fund de- 
ined especially for doctors is presum- 
ably ваму sold to doctors. And the 

salesmen of а fund pledged to specialize 
in oceanography, for instance, can capital- 
ize on the glamor and the prospective 
riches of an industry that is just. begin- 
ning to surface, But while these funds 
© casy to sell (that's why almost all of 
we Toad funds—they're а sort of 
1's delight), they are hell to run, 
ny portfolio. manager will 
ine the frustration of super 
fund pledged (as an improl 
ple) to full investment in the fricd- 
chicken business, and suddenly discove 
а genuinely promising company bur 
somewhere in the computer industry. 
indusny from whidi you are exduded 
by charter. The logic here should be clear: 
Unless the investor has some unique in- 
sight into the future of oceanography or 
fried chicken, he shouldn't be committing 
his money to a portfolio that is Largely 
restricted to either. Generally speaki 

Playboy Club News | 


JUNE 1969 


CHICAGO (Special) —No mat- 
ter where you're headed on va- 

cation this summer, there's а 
Playboy Club nearby. And, your 
Key-Card cnables you to make 
the Playboy Clubs an integral 
part of your vacation planning, 

Heading for Europe? Then the 
London Club is a must. Located 
in the heart of Mayfair, it has 
five floors of fabulous wining, 
dining and entertainment plus 
the added attraction of gaming. 
Plan to spend at least an evening 
at the Club sampling Playboy 
London style. 

If Canada is your destination, 
be sure to include Montreal and 
the Montreal Playboy Club. 
You'll enjoy all that Playboy has 
to offer with a charming French- 
Canadien touch. 

Perhaps your plans call for a 
resort vacation? In addition to 
the Playboy Clubs, there are two 
Club-Hotels: Choose the Lake 
Geneva Playboy Club-Hotel in 
Wisconsin or the tropical pera- 
dise in the Caribbean, the Ja- 
maica Playboy Club-Hotel. Both 
feature complete resort facilities 
plus all of the best of Playboy. 

Going West this year? There 
are Playboy Clubs in Los An- 
geles, San Francisco, Denver and 
Phoenix. Each Club offers some- 
thing a little different, a little 
special. And The Playboy Club 
is always the perfect place for 

luncheon, dinner and an evening. 
of entertainment. 

Perhaps you're headed East 
this summer? There's a Playboy 
Club ready to greet you in Balti- 
more, Boston and New York 
whenever you're in the mood for 
the good life, Playboy style. 

If the Midwest is in your va- 
cation planning, be sure to visit 
Clubs in Chicago, Detroit, Cin- 
cinnati, Kansas City and St. 
Louis. And if the South beckons, 
you'll be welcomed in Atlanta, 
New Orleans and Miami 

No matter where you're head- 
ed on vacation, The Playboy 
Club is there to greet you and 
entertain you. If you're not a. 
keyholder, use the coupon below 
and apply today for your vaca- 
tion and year-round key to the 
good life. 

Atlanta * Baltimore * Boston 
Chicago * Cincinnati * Den- 
ver * Detroit * Jamaica 
(Club-Hotel) * Kansas City 
Lake Geneva, Wis. (Club- 

Hotel) * London * Los An- 
geles - Miami - Montreal 
New Orleans + New York 
Phoenix * St. Louis * San 

PROPOSED —Cleveland 
Great Gorge, N. J. - Wash- 
ington, D. C. 

Disco’s the Grooviest Spot in 8 Clubs 

Michael Сайап and wife Patricia 
Harty swing at LA. discotheque. 

CHICAGO (Special) —The 
really “їп” place to be seen these 
nights is the discothéque at 
cight Playboy locations. Key- 
holders are delighting in the 
psychedelic lighting, the latest 
way-out sounds and the beau- 
tiful disco Bunnies. 

Clubsin Atlanta, Denver, Lake 
Geneva (Club-Hotel), London, 
Los Angeles, New York, St 
Louis and San Francisco feature 
a complete discothéque eve- 
ning, for a marvelously low price. 
And, when the spirit moves you, 
you can always head to опе of 
the other popular rooms for a 
late dinner or a wee-hours break- 
fast in the Living Room. 

Get in on the dísco fun by 
applying for your Playboy Club 

The Playboy Club is where the action is for you and guests when trav- 

eling for business or pleasure in the U. S., Canada, England and Jamai 


JAMAICA (Special) —Hundreds 
of happy vacationers have al- 
ready enjoyed seven fun-filled 
days and six romantic nights 
under the tropical stars at the 
fabulous Jamaica Playboy Club- 
Hotel. And, they've enjoyed ev- 

Division, Dept. 9219, Playboy 
Building, 919 N. Michigan Ave., 
Chicago, Ill. 60611. 

7$139 (U.S. currency) per person is 
based on double occupancy. $169 for 
single occupancy, $95 for third per. 
son in room. АЙ rates exclusive of 

erything from an air-conditioned 
room with a view to bounteous 
breakfasts, gourmet dinners, 
cocktail parties and a farewell 
champagne brunch for only 

Why not solve your where- 
to-go-this-year quandary by 
making it a vacation to be re- 
membered forever by joining 
Swingathon '69 now. You can 
lave eny Saturday from now 
through October 25, and return 
the following Friday. For com- 
plete information, write Hotel 

New Minimum Age 
For Keyholders: 21 

CHICAGO (Specialj—A 
new minimum аре—21 years 
—has been established for 

Playboy keyholders. If you 
are a gentleman of at least 
21 years of age, write now for 
your personal Playboy Key- 
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we put honey in the bowl 

the m ude a fund has, the better 
off its investors are, When the time comes 
to get into the ocean or the frying vats. 
your fund will be free to do so; and when 
both businesses begin to go dry, your 
fund will be free to get out. On the 
other hand, to the extent an investor 
enuine insight imo some particu 
dustry, he would be well advised to 

individual stocks that he knows 
Hubshman Fund is a "hedge" fund. 

Hedge funds, as a rule. 

re private invest- 
nt pools in which wealthy investors 
combine their cash and entrust it to a ho 
shot ger, who can then play tricks 
with it, Because hedge funds are private, 
limited partnerships, they don't have to 
follow the SEC rules. Th 
comes from their habit of hed; 
investment position: At any given ume, 
a hedge fund not only will own stocks 
but it will have sold other stocks short. 
ng into the intricacies of 
, lor the hedge 
it Gan make a profit not only 
when stocks go up but (assuming it has 
chosen the right losers) when they 
down as well Keeping a continuing 
portfolio of both long and short po 
tions has been a key to succesful specu- 
lation in commodities lor generations, 
but the technique has only recently 
come to the stock market. In fact, the 
of one m 

hedge fund is the inventio 
Alfred Winslow Jones, who is now ap- 
proaching 70 but is sill quite active— 
nd quite wealthy. One of the most 
interesting. things about private hedge 
funds—at least for those who run them 
—is that the manager generally gets 20 
percent of the profits. A hedge fund that 
Jones runs has supposedly gained over 
1000 percent in the past ten years; even 
considering the gement fec, 
would make it more successful th 
publicly available mutual f 

Because of performances like this, the 
hedge-fund idea has spread rapidly in 
the past few years. Hedge funds are 
private operations, so mo onc really 
knows how many there are; most. likely 
there are hundreds, and they probably 
account for 15 billion dollars in invest- 
ment capital—five or six times more than 
just three years ago. Rumor has 
there under-30 m 
running hedge funds than there are in 
the entertainment industry. Given all 
this action, it’s not surprising that a few 
resourceful souls would try to translate 
the hedge-fund ide mutual fund 
Hubshman Fund is the first and—at least. 
temporarily—the only one that's 
no-load. It was followed by the H 
Fund, which had 
since 1951 but decided to transmogrifv 
into a hedge fund two years аро; a third, 
Hedge Fund of America. appeared last 
year. The newer entries are both load 

? any 



also а 

ctually been a 

funds, so the small investor will have to 
pay standard commissions to get into 
them. However, Hedge Fund of America 
lowers its commission bite to around 
tight percent for investments over 51000, 
and gives further breaks to investors 
who go in over 51600, over 53300 and 
so on. Hedge Fund of America has not 
be ‘ound long enough for menin 
Tul statistics to pile up. but of the two 

that have, Heritage Fund-—the load 
fund—has substantially outperformed 
Hubshman Fund. no-k 

is erstwhile 
cousin, According to Fundscope’ 
ubsh wed 30.6 percent in 1967 
and 5 percent in 1968. while Heritage was 
racking up gains of 58.7 percent and 
17.9 percent. So, in this сазе, the load 
fond was the better buy, as its ga 

more than compensated. for the ini 
commission cost. Parenthetically, an ів. 
teresting fact about Heritage Fund is 

that its management is paid no annual 
fee whatever unless the fund ошрег 
forms Standard and Poor's broad stock 
index: this is the som of meaningful 
incentive that more fund managements 
might emulate. 

We noted earlier that the technical 
meaning of the phrase “mutual fund 
excludes а whole genre of fundlike insti 
tutions that really shouldn't be exclud 
ed. These are the closed-end investment 

compat eglected elder brothers. 
of the m Is. Like mutual funds, 
they arc in the business of investing 
other people's money, Unlike mutua 

funds, they have a fixed. number of 
shares outstandir 1 they neither is 
sue new shares nor buy back old ones; 
that’s why they're called closed-ends. 
"The shares in these companies are trad- 
ed on the various stock markets, just like 
socks. Obviously, they don't have any 
sılesmen: You buy them through your 
stockbroker, and pay normal stockbroker 
fees These fees, unlike mutual-fund 
commissions, are extracted at both ends 
of a transaction (you pay to buy and 
then pay more to get out). but the com 
mission cost of a closed-end fund is still 
considerably cheaper than the cost of a 
load fund, Moreover, because the market 
itself determines the price of closed-end 
sh sometimes sell at a discount 

from the actual value of the investments 
they own. Frequently. closed-end shares 
representing $25 in assets will be selling 

for 520. Such profits may be largely illu- 
sory, however, because when the time 
comes to sell, the discount may per 
or even be greate 

When the author first discussed these 
wvesunent. companies, in an 
article in these pages in March 1968 
(Beating Inflation: A Playboy. Primer), 
he listed half a dozen welLestablished 
closed-end funds then selling at substan- 
tial discounts from their net asset value 
Alas, these discounts have now narrowed 

three cases—turned. 

drastically and—i 

into premiums. When shares in these 
companies sell at а premium, it means 
that investors are willing to pay more 

for them than their assets аге currently 
worth—presumably in anticipation of 
future profits. It also means that 
tors who purchased those shares a 
ago now have helty сар 
should consider 
seldom wise to pa 
shares (sooner or 1 
selling at a discount again), they are not 
as attractive as they once were. Still. 
Barron's and The Wall Street Journal 
h Monday publish a table of closed- 
cnd funds, the shares market 
ue, their actual asset value and the 
percentage. difference. At this writi 
handful are selling at relatively small d 
counts, and the potential investor might 
do well to examine them. Three that have 
been in business since 1929 or earlier, 
that have assets over 5100,000,000, that 
have more than doubled in value in 
the past decade and that are currently 
selling on the New York Stock Exchange 
at a discount are: Surveyor Fund (for- 
merly General Public Service Corpora- 
tion), Tri-Continental Corporation, and 
U.S. & Foreign Securities Corporation. 
But before buying the closed-end funds, 
aUs in 
а count because they're sitting on 
bagful of pups. (А pup is the oppo 
emerging dog.) 
The most intei 

er, they'll all be 

ics а good idea to find out wi 

their portfolio: 

perhaps they 


companies gencrally—are cur- 
rently the dual-purpose funds. These arc 

based on an idea that originated i 
Great Britain, and they mighr better be 
called two-for-one funds. The notion 
is si nvesors are interested 

in income and others solely in 
capital gains, The dual-purpose funds 
bring the two together and pool their 
ney. When the investments from 
the pool begin to run up profits, the 
ors get all the income and 
the сар Ivestors get all the 
capital g simplified. example, 
y that Widow A, who has $1000 and 
wants all the income she can get from it, 
wd Executive B, who also has $1000 
id wants all the growth he can. get, 
join forces, The result is 52000, which is 
duly invested and, in а year's time, 1 
prod not unreasonable five per 
cent ten percent i 
capital р ive percent of $2000 is 
$100, and that would go to the widow, 
who finds she has received a ten percent 
return on her $1000 investment. The 
ten percent in capital gains amounts 10 
5200, and that goes to the executive, 
who discovers he's blessed lia 20 pe 
cent return, Almost lously, both 
ties are mak uch as they 



ed a 

in dividends and 


p twice as 

“Ts il tennis or surf? I know 

would if the fund h 

The dual-purpose funds are obviously 
more complicated, but that’s essentially 

how they work. Each fund has two class- 

dnt brought them 

es of shares—income shares and 
shares. When the funds were 
(seven are readily available and 

identic for 
both classes of shares, But, as with other 
closed-end companies, their 
shit the stock ex- 
changes. As noted, this means that vou 
must pay stockbroker Гесу to buy them, 
and the whimsy of the market place 
determines the price. For some ultimate- 
ly whimsical reason, the capital shares of 
six of the seven dual-purpose funds are 


you're some type of bum." 

currently sel 
Like their closed 

at substantial discounts. 
d cousins, the dual- 
e tabulated 

al shares 

purpose сар 
every Monday in the fi papers. 
Below is a recent (March 10) listing of 


percentage d 

The discounts, as the table shows, 
nge from 7.7 to 21.2 percent, with one 
nd—for no apparent reason—selling 
t a slight premium. In the case of the 
six discounted shares, the figures, as the 
ying goes. only half the story. 
Remember, the capital shares account 
for only half the funds’ assets, and the 
income shares take up the other half. 
But capital shareholder. gers all 



Net Asset Value Difference 

und Capital Share Price 
» DualVest Fund sias 
те Fund. RBR 
4 Capital Shares 1137 
Fund of Boston 11.50 
Putnam Duolund 9.75 
Scudder Duo-Vest 7.88 

9.63 + 





198 Enjoy none of the dual fu 

the gains from both. This means, in the 
case of Leverage Fund of Boston in the. 
table on page 197, that while the net asset 
value of cach capital share is 514.60, the 
capital shareholder also has another 
$14.60 working for him, because he gets 
all the capital gains from the related. 
income share, which also is worth 
314.60. In other words, on this pa 
lar day, the investor could actually buy 
1 the future capital gains from $29.20 
in professionally managed stock for the 
lordly sum of $11.50, plus broker fees. 
€ put it a few months ago 
Owning dual-fund capit 
shares is just like operating on a 40 per- 
cent margin—without having to worry 
about margin calls from your broker." 
It’s difficult to explain why these dis- 
counts exist ar all. Given the leverage 
or, one would expect that premiums 
even substantial preminms—are in or- 
der. Some observers—most of them asso- 
imed with load funds—have chimed 
that the dual funds are ineptly man- 
aged, but this is dilicult claim to 
sustain. For one thing, the dual-fund 
rs are known quantities in the 
fund business (most of them have been 
successful running other funds); and. for 
another, the record simply doesn't bear 
this out. In terms of market the 
l shares of the seven dual growth 
sed an average of 35 perce 
year—substantially outperforming 
ny other group of funds one cares to fin 
з well in terms of net 
asset value, increasing around 30 percent. 
Yet all seven. were selling at а dis 
t from net asset value all last year, 
то do so as of this writ- 
this pe- 



supposedly the gathering pl 
ol informed buyers and sellers, is actually 
peopled by boobs. A more charitable 
nation is that anyone who inv 
tively well off d 
Mively conservative, and th 
с for new intelligence t0 penetr 
the consciv y The 
funds old and, 
f: avesting public, the di 
counts on their capital shares narrowed 
sharply during the month of February 
(the average dropped from 17.6 percent 
to 11.4 percent, and that’s when that 
time this is read, the gap may have closed 
further. 1n Great Brita 
1 sh. 


cresting is the fact i 

discounts have persisted in U.S. du 

fund capital shares at a time when they 
лге rapidly disappearing from the oth 
closed-end investment. companies. Log 
cally, one would expect just the oppo- 
site. Ordinary dosed-end companies 
ads’ glamorous 

twoforone potential. Moreover, ord 
ry closed-end companies are set up to 
endure forever, so that their sharchold- 
ers will always have to go to the market 
and find a buyer when they want out 

The dual funds, however, have а built- 
in expiration date (between 1979 and 
. depending on the fund), after 
come investors. get thei 

money back (it ranges from 

$9.15 to $19.75 a share, depending on 


the fund)—and the capital sh 
get all the rest. 

‘or younger investors, the expiration 
dates of the dual funds seem to с 
most precisely with the dist 
when they might most be needing the 
money. And even if those discounts pe 
sist for the next decade (assuredly, they 
won't), the dual-fu vestor is guar 
teed to get full asset. value—whateve 
that might be—when the time comes. ОГ 
course, he ways get out before- 
hand, by selling his shares in the market 
place. Putnam Duolund—the опе sell- 
ing for a premium—trades over the 
counter, and the rest are listed on 
New York Stock. Exchange. 

The six that are listed. on the 
board seem especially attractive, 
only because of their discounts bu 
cause the N. Y. S E. offers а "Monthly 
Investment. Program" that n 
investors (or large ones, for that m 
ter) to buy listed shares in fixed-dollar 
mounts. The transaction must be ini 
med through a broker, but 
irs all done through the mails. The 
investor simply sends whatever amount 
he cares to whenever he fecls like it, 
the stock he’s picked is bought for hi 
at i се the d 
check is rec 
ownerhip of fractio 
puted. as with funds, down to four deci- 
places), so that, as with funds, every 
penny he spends (less broker fees, of 
course) goes to work for him. In all 

Hows « 

stock transactions, the brokerage cost 
makes purchases of less than $200 or 
$300 uneconomical, it 

M. 1. P. investor doe self to 

accumulate that much, the program ac- 
cepts lesser amounts, down to $40 a shot. 
The M. I. P. ako allows automatic rein- 
vestment of dividend or other income, 
though with the dualfund capital shares 
there won't be amy, since the income 
shareholders get all the dividends, and 
capital gains keep piling up to the cred 
it of the capital sh 

ique сап be used to pm 
ny doselend investment compi- 
ny stock—as long as it’s listed 
on the big board.) 

Before the investor rushes out to buy 
into the d s, however, he should 
be aware th makeup pro- 

a the event 


п, that the 
become literally 
А prior obliga- 

es could 
worthless, due to the fu 
ion to give the income investors th 
у back. The would-be investor 
should also scrutinize the funds’ portfo- 
lios to make sure that the funds are 
investing in the sort of things he c 
live with. The dual fu 
to paying their income 
minimal annual dividends; 
this obligation, some of them have тє 
tively I 
led conservat 
these investments don't. promise capital 
gains, the capital shareholders will 
suffer. Most of the funds have resolved 
their built 
heavily in convertible bonds—a 
mendably clever solution, even though 
the bond market has been going to hell 
as interest rates break through record 
levels. The would-be investor should also 
know that management fees for all dual 
funds (except Hemisphere and С 
from capital gai 
vidend income, which 
‚ thar the income  sharcholders 
re subsidizing the cost of m 
nd the capital shareholders are 
a free ride; bu 
agement has an extra incentive 10 pic 
duce lots of income, which, once a 
may not work in the best interests of the 
capital shareholder. 

Both these problems should diminish 
with time. Once. the dual funds have 
grown to a point where they сап easily 
meet their income obligations, which 
fixed, they cin begin to cater to th 
dreams of their capital | shareholders, 
which are probably limitless. These 
dreams might even approach fulfillment, 
because over the years, the double lev 
age elleci—magnified. even further 
the i 
could conceivably 


sare c 

nd to meet 

by investi 




а discoun 
into a m 
of investment profits, 
Jound exclusively to the 
benefit of the capital sharcholders. 

ОГ all the investmentcompany situ 
ions currently available, the deeply dis- 
counted dualfund capital shares seem 
among the most promising. The y 
estor, who's willing to accept 
the possibility of total loss and the 
im vagaries of market caprice, n 
profit h from а w 
wvestment—or investment. prom 
these two-for-one shares. Or he 
just as well (and incur less risk) 

смог who gets in à 




n most 
of the other funds discussed: closed-end 

‚ nodoad or even full-load 

which course the investor 

assuming he chooses wisely and 
ihe market holds up—he'll find, in the 
near or di: re, that he has been 

well rewarded for his foresight, 

“Do you realize we haven't bailed since the vibrator blew out?” 





(continued from page 160) 

ski boots and PK poles, and she'll be 
thed for the slopes in a 

rabbit jacket from Alper Furs and s 
fashions from Peter Kennedy: for riding 
back to the lodge. shell have an Arctic 
Panther snowmobile and will be wearing 

snowmobile suit lined in leopardskin, 
with boots, from Arctic Enterprises. Con- 
can also ther scene 


gun and Grisbi knile—all from 
Divers. Should she encounter any sl 
—pool sharks, that is—a Brunswick cus- 
d cue with monogrammed case 
should stand her in good stead, or she 
n bowl them over with a new ball, also 
from Brunswick. For her less strenuous 


ativil our winsome winner will be 
dressed in a combination of Aris custom. 
gloves, forward-looking fashions from 

Walter Holmes’ Vibration collection and 
imported shoes from Thayer McNeil. To 
highlight Connie's on- or offcumcra ap- 
pewancs, she'll receive a selection of 

Saunda cosmetics and a wardrobe оГ 
Brentwood Bellissima wigs, and she'll be 
further adorned with a Lady Hamilton 
diamond wrist watch, a gold Rabbit 
with ruby eye from Maria Vogt and ап 
Azalea Pink Linde starsapphire ring de- 
signed especially for о y jewel. 
out. Connie's gatefold grab bag 
an AM/FM stereo auto unit. from 
. W. Electronics, on which—if her vocal 
attributes come anywhere near her visu 
ones—she may soon hear the finished 
products of her Monument Record Coi 
poration contract. She can then toast her 
success with a [ull case of Paul Masson. 
Magnum brut champagne—or write home 
bout it all on her new Smith-Corona 
electric typewriter. With a nationwide 
tour of Playboy Club cities in her future, 
Connie now looks forward to the State- 
wets missing in the 
de of Detroit. I've only been 
id Los Angeles," she says. “I 
aven't seen much of Ameri 
ig from public reacti 

Playmate’s ma 
pparent tha 

debuts, it’s 
seen enough of Con 

t America hasn't 
ic, either. 

“Already? I thought it would take them at 

least a w 

ek to build an ever-tightening net of 

incriminating evidence.” 

(continued [rom page 144) 

You guys should have been named 
Pete and Repeat. 

And the salespeople. Well, we usually 
get only one of cach size in the same 
color, ma'am, I can see you have a prob- 
lem when you have to dress two alike, so 
1 can try to order another one for you 

And the teachers. Z don’t mind having 
two students with the same last names, 
or name, but when they also look as 
alike as two peas in a pod—well, did you 
ever try to tell the difference between 
two identical peas? 

1 tried not to let it spoil things. 

We hated to be separated. 

One time, I had to go out of town on 
а business trip. Before E met Joan, I used 
to like these trips on the expense ac- 
count; T used to milk them, make them 
last as long as I possibly could, get out 
and see the sights, live it up. But now I 
hated every minute of it. I wanted to be 
with her. I finished my business in a 
hurry, cut my trip short, rushed back. 

“Oh, how I missed you,” she said. 

“Don't ever go away again," she said. 

I never did, 

But then she went a 
weeks of vacation coming, and I thou 
she could arrange to take her vacation at 
the same time and we'd go away togeth- 
ег. Mexico, Hawaii, maybe even Europe, 
it didn't matter; the main thing would 
be to be together, for a lot of days, all 
day long, from sunup to sundown, and 
all through the night, the nights, the 
delicious plurality of nights. 

"Oh, my dear, my dear, І can't! I'd 
love to, but I can't, not this time!” She 
told me about the Iongawaited trip with 
her girlfriends, something that had been 
planned before she met me, and she just 
couldn't let them down. 

“It will just be two weeks, darling. Oh, 
I know long time, and I'll ache for 
you every minute, but in two weeks I'll 
be back, and th 

So I let her go. 

The days were empty. Tt was worse 
than the time I was out of town, because 
then I had business, sales conferences, 
packing and unpacking and packing 
to keep me busy. 

1 stayed late at the office, I killed time 
at a doubledeature Bogart revival, I 
watched a lot of stuff on television, any- 
thing to fill up the hours, deaden the 
pain. I didn’t see anybody. I didn't want 
to see anybody. Only her. I used to th 

ay. T had two 

that "counting the d а 
figure of speech. But I literally counted 
the days. One day, two d ес days. 

On the third day, the first letter came. 
It was full of love, full of chatter. And, 
somewhere in the middle, on the fourth 
page (I should have realized it could 
happen, knowing what city she went to), 
she wrote: 

Thad the strangest experience today. I 
was walking down the street and I was 
sure | saw you coming toward me, but 1 
knew it couldn't be you. Because this 
man walked right past me without recog- 
nizing те. and he was wearing a cordu- 
тоу car coal, and you don't have one. 
Well, I stopped him and, sure enough, 
he was your twin brother. I told him 
who І was, Oh, darling, you two really 
do look alike. We couldn't have lunch, 
because he was busy, but he said he'd 
call me, You know, though, you're better 


T suppose it had to happen 

The nest lener said. in part, He final- 
ly called, end we had dinner together 
last nighi. И was very nice of him, T 
thought, and 1 didn’t think you'd mind. 
T mean, it's not like he's a complete 
stranger, is i? H's funny, 1 feel as if I 
almost know him. But he's not as much 
fun as уоп. even if he is just a little bit 
better dances. My darling, 1 do miss you 

Th was one more lener, and then 
she returned. 

І knew she was back. 
phone kept ringing 
wouldn't answer it. Later th 
heard. her my door, ringing the bell 
knocking. pounding, calling my name. I 
sat there. silent. in the dark. After a 
while, she went Some time passed 

ringing. | 
t evening. I 


and then the phone started ringing 
in. T let it ring. 
Each shvilling of the telephone bell 

long sharp icicle that stabbed my 
heart. froze my hear ed me 
and again and again. 

After a while, it stopped. 

Then it started again. the pointed 
stick of ice. jabbing into my heart. time 
after time after ti alier time. 

I took the phone off the hook (think- 
ш. wryly, as 1 did it, how odd it is thi 

still that word "hook." even 
though telephones haven't had hooks for 

Thad some Scotch. about half а bottle, 
left over from the previous Christmas, a 
gilt from someone. 1 don't know who. I 
drank most of it. It took а long time. It 
had no effect on me whatsoever 

He was greedy even then. He wanted 
the whole place to himself. 

How does it go—"It is better t0 have 
loved and lost than never to have"—but 
that's nonsense. То have а love like ours 
and then to lose it, that's like the story 

we use 

of two blind men someone told me a 
long time ago. "| asked two blind men 
how it felt 10 be blind. One said he 
didn't know- he was born blind. The 
other said miserable—he just got blinded.” 

Sitting in the dark, in the silence that 
was broken only by the hum of the 
uncradled phone, 

It's not that E hate her. E couldi't hate 

I understand why she did 
4 ness of it. the uniqueness, 
the curiosity. In her place, I might have 
done the same. 

I don't even hate h Т used to think 
I hated him. when we were kids, but 
now I know that I can't hate him with 
ош hating myself 

But it can't go on lil . For his 
sake, as well as lor mine and The 
Pete and Repeat, the Gold Dust Twins, 
It’s got to stop. 

And it will stop. 

Sweetheart she s in the last letter 
you'll get a kick out of this. We played 
tennis yesterday and | saw this mark he 
has above his knee. It's kind of funny- 
looking. and Im glad. youre the tem 
I'm going to marry; | wouldn't want all 
my kids to have knees like that. (Pim 
only kidding: there me other reasons I 
prefer you, too!) 
uld have to do it when I 
Tennis, And she hates 
sports. hates the sun for wh: 
redheads. ‘There was only опе way she 
could have seen that mark on his knee 
and I knew I would have to do what I'm 
going to do tonight. 

Гап going to toss a coin. 

Heads I Kill him, tails Е Kill m 

1t really doesn't matter, just a 
опе of us is Lice, 

her; 1 love her 
he sir 

I knew I w 

it does to 

long as 






the real explorers of this country's unad- 
vertised life? The novelists who electrified 
me and hundreds, perhaps thousands, of 
young kids like myself between 1936 
and the outbreak of the War were ideal- 
ists in the most adventurous sense, no 
matter how stained their material seemed 
to be on the surface. И you s: 
body, as I soon be 
ing into print on the De Witt Clinton 
High School s an 
adult, “I wanted to write,” it could mean 
only one thing: the novel. A bigness 
impossible to recapture in 1969 attached 
to those three power words “wanting to 
write.” One had the image of climbing 
the jaggedest of the Rockies alone. fly 
ing solo like Lindbergh, pitting one’ 
ultimate stult against all the odds of 
middle-class life and coming out of the 
toughest kind of spiritual ordeal with 
that book-that-was-more-th book, that 
was the payoff on just about everything, 
held in your hand, It was heavenly com- 
bat, the way I pictured it, self-confronta- 
tion of the most hallowed kind; and if 
my vision of it was ultraultra, then the 
legendary American novel itself at this 
time was the most то! ichicvement 
there was in U.S. life for the dreamer 
who lived inside everybody with a taste 
for language. style—and justice! 

To have wanted to be a writer in this 
country in the late Thirties had about it 

gorgeous mystique that was inseparable 
from the so-called American Dream on 
which every last one of our good writers 



myth-hungry society had the option 
to try to fly above the skyscrapers, then 
t American nov- 
$ not only an act of literature but 
с allumation of the dream dust 
coated ай of us born under the 
АП the driving personal. ambitio 
ergy, initiative, the prizing of individual 
conscience and courage that operated or 
was supposed to operate in every other 
branch of national life entered strongly 
о wanting to be а novelist—but with 
a twist, The act of writing а novel made 
use of all these widely broadcast qualities, 
ус. but the reward one sought in it was 
not palpable gold; best sellers as such 
were sneered at unless they ocurred by 
accident; the goal was one of absolute 
truth to the material, to 
on the unmapped moral and aesthe 
landscape of huge America that would 
somehow redeem the original intentions 
of the country and the seles made by 
nd represent the purest kind of success 
story for the person who brought it olf 
This meant that being а typical good 
American novelist in the Thirties, even 

202 wanting to be one, was not finally de- 

(continued from page 126) 

pendent on having an extraordinary gift 
for telling a story in print. Certainly, 
there were п: ive and stylist 
cV" such Faulkner, Hemingw: 
perhaps even the carly O'Hara, James 
‚ Djuna Barnes—each buff and lover 
of the period will name his or her own— 
nd their overpowering skill with the 
craft was ohen а virtuoso. performance 
that set standards and became models to 
aim at. But the American novel became 
a great art only in its outward finish 
nd skill, in the Thirties, because of the 
notivation that made 
perhaps the sweetest. 
amble in n life, You might 
most say that the romantic promise of 
the country as a unique society of poten- 
tial total justice for all, pegged on the 
limitless possibilities of each individual 
—all the raging hope that the American 
Dream slogan meant to the imagination 
of its most ardent dreamers—was all part 
of the religion of wanting to be a novel- 
ist when I got the call while in high 
school. If the idea of the mystical 
can novel had not been bou 
all of these big national feelings and 
aspirations that writhed around in the 
direct center of one's being, that wa 
more th. erature” and seemed to be 
the most thrilling embodiment of one’s 
destiny as а member of а making-the- 
impossible-possible society, I doubt if 1 
and so many prose writers my age would 
have chosen the written word as our 

It was the ambition (when the time 
came at 15 or 16 to tell yourself w 
you “wanted to be”) chosen in the pride 
Of the secret imagination by rebel 

s, now in their 40s, who bclieved the: 
could rebuild reality closer to the Amer 
сап soul's desire by writing in the light 
faith that would transform 
its of frustration о: justice 
into the opposite. By this I mean that 
because they wanted to believe in the 
promise of the country, were inseparable 
from its myth, were tied up emotionally 
and psychologically and every other way 
with Amer Imost as if it were a 
person—with their own fulfillment as 
human beings actually dependent upon 
the fulfillment. of the nation at the 
poetic height at which they conceived it 
—they felt they could let go in the novel 
to the full extent of their negative imagi- 
nation. Everything bad, awful, unjust, 
alul, stupid amd outrageous in thei 
or theirs in relation. to the 
nd them could be discharged at 
nal form, with the 
ion that st 
and right to give such ferocious bite to 
negative expression because it was all an 
attempt to redeem an invisible. psychic 
Bill of Rights. Tow 

was ў 


shown by the extent of the 
dark "realism" in the characteristic novel 
of the time, was the climate in which the 
fictional life of the Thirties grew to 
bursting; the more the novelist envi 
sioned “the way things should be, 
more he and his readers felt he had the 
duty to show the ugly side of the land, 
the failure of the ideal, the color of the 
pus, the company goons beating down 
the strikers. 

We kids who wanted to write the 
American novel knew without analysis, 
responded totally with our sharpened 
feelers to the unspoken values that lay 
behind any particular book in questio 
if Weidman's What's in It for Me? on 
O'Hara's Hope of Heaven showed heels 
and weaklings with special corrosiveness 
of scene, dialog, action, nailing them to 
the wall with the brilliance that comes 
from a mixture of contempt апа pity. we 
shared enthusiastically in the experience 
we knew that in writers of 
s stripe, the moral 
t, rather than ех 
teinbeck, Wolfe or Wright 

implicit or explic- 


beca sc 

WES as in 
It didn't matter to и: 
it, because we were instinctively clued in 
to the intention of all the late-Thirties 
novelists just by wanting to make the 
same nitty-gritty comment on our own 
Ше; we knew by [eel that even if a 
specific book bailled our haughty teen- 
age heads, it contained a purposive 
thrust about а segment of the country’s 
аз Giticizing Americ 
der the table in order to purge and lift 
it: it was forever encroaching on the 
most taboo, subtle and previously unde- 
fined aspects of our mutual life to show 
a truer picture of the way we lived. 
Those of then, who couldn't forget 
what we had already been through—who 
remembered each hurt, black skin, Yid- 
nk, wop ignorance, 
too tall too poor. afraid of 
girls, afraid of boys, queer, crippled, sis- 
sies, young-bud neurotics/psychotics, the 
most vulnerable and stung of the new 
generation who could fight back with 
words—it was we who thought th 
being novelists would heroically тесі 
oumelves by re-creating the bitter truth 
about our perso 
ronment. Obviousl tivity of 
the most pierc ind to provide the 
openings in the. personality where p 
ful experience could lodge. and stick, so 
that one day it would all be poured 
forth in answer against frustration (both 
personal and social) vou must never 
forget that we who wanted lo be nove 
not only thought it was the most [ree 
and ultimately ethical means of Ameri- 
can expression, we were abso squeezed by 


dish nos, Irish dr 
too short, 

the very existential nuts into needing 
fiction in order to confess, absolve and 
justify ош life. The majority of 

us who wanted to write were already 

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middle-dass losers who couldn't make it 
nside the accepted framework, the thin- 
skinned minority who were set apart in 
our own psyches to observing when we 
med 10 act and to thinking when we 
wanted to participate—the kids who 
were constitutionally unable to do the 
suddle-shocd American thing during the 
smoking acid bath of adolescence. 

Do T therefore mean, to hit it square- 
ly. that writing fiction for me and my 

breed was a pimply kind of revenge on 
life, an outcast tibe of young non- 
Wheaties failures getting their own back, 

all the shrimpy, titles. thick-lensed, crazy- 
headed dropouts and sore losers of 
American youth resolving in the utter 
misery of the datcless Saturday night to 
shoot down their better-favored. peers in 
the pages of a novel? Yes, I flatly mean 
u part; the mimetic ability, the gi 
to recreate lifelike scenes and dialog, to 
be good at acute descriptio 
Lave one’s moral perceptions heightened, 
is spiced and rehearsed by unhappiness. 
Wasn't the novel, to those of us caught 
in the emotional hell of American 
teendom, а wish-fulfillment device for 
would-be lovers banished from the sen- 
d that tumed us via radio, 
d, movie marquee and our own 

unconscious? From (in my 
case) the big, smooth, “in” gentile world 
of blue eyes and blonde һай and supple 
tennisracket bodies that I felt I could 
ever be part of and that then seemed 
like the top of the heap? 

Yes, the American novel for those of 
us who were precocious outsiders—and. 
there were a thousand reasons why each 
one of us failed to measure up to the 

‚ lo even 

afternoons amd made us silendy 
nto the bathroom mirror on $ 

was a magic, lifelike 
which we thought we could work off our 
ме wicls, transform. them into mes 
of hope and light and remake our 
lives themselves by the very act of writ 
ing a novel. This art form, then, for us, 
was many things: the frest and most 
1014] kind of expression for reality-lovir 
sis; the place where truth could be 
1 in real life 
mind (psyche 

told as it could n 
place but one 

was still a decade off for most of 

and a form so close to living matter itself 
that the illusion of personally control 
ling experience instead of being its fall 
uy or victim could not hav 
sronger. Sure, the novel was а let 
1 form, even for those of us who war 
ed to use it for the rede 
fication of self; bur it was 
female art that was responsive lo the 
most private subjective needs and it pro- 
icd the only complete outlet for being 
that was choked and distorted. in our 


204 waking relationship to society. To us, it 

was the golden cup of a modern fable 
one that we could fill to overflowing 
with alb the repressed hunger in our- 
selves and also one that could announce 
Our fame, toast us to the sky becuse of 
our verbal triumph over the weights that 
nearly crushed us, make come true 
imagination what could not be realized 
the bruising action of daily life 
ОГ course. it was action on а 
level, action with words; but in the fina 

nies was 

great real 

ic style of the TI 
.  bangban 

п our 

radio tube, driving as 
the Salt Lake tats 
s style is like the metal of 

You can't lay his story 
cw of Literaturc). 
But this was only the outward enameling 
that we swung with ly caressed 
because it was «ll so new and fresh, a prose 
like the artifacts of the country itself— 
streamlined. Our stripped down, whipped- 
down appreciation of. power loved it bul- 
leting across the p-ge, Yet behind the lean, 
aware, dirty knowingness we were stylis- 
tically tuned in to was that assumption, 
as if by divine right, of impossible frec- 

most modern 
plane, lit up like 
а racing саг on 
(James Са 
an automa 

el me 

dom—the novelist working out his total 
hidden life before our eyes—that made 
novel writing in America such а tremen- 

dous adventure, no matter how pinching- 
ly personal the original motives might be 
that drove you to your desk 

I am certain that those of you reading 
this who came of age in the same Iate- 
‘Thirties period recognize the excitement 
bout the novel that I am пу 
recapture because it made me what ] am, 
їаПу. Can vo human 
lly molded by something as 
abstract as а literary form? Yet it was 
quite real, not only in my case but in 
that of the sensitive ci 1 of an entire 
generation who graduated from high 
S. novel һай grown 
ally stretched us with 
broad-shouldered possibilities. Our 
ues, coloring and slant as people were 
^d by the overwhelming idea of 
being novelists, the beautiful. obsession 
that kept us secretly. spiritually high like 
arly Cl ns. It pulled us up with 
humility, humbled us with pride, made 
us into every character we imagined and 
put us in every story we could cook up; 
not outwardly as 
d there we 

g to 

һе а 

so big that it lite 

but w 
might express it 
inembryo tough! 

п actors as 
coolly loved. 

ourselves for the infinite т 
thar easily gave itself to us 
could be goddamned sure to no one else. 

When T flunked out of college in 1940, a 
year after finishing high school, for cx 
ample, this was not even remotely see 
as а failure by me and mine but, rather. 
as a new and soon4o-bcsignificant. phe 
nomenon that I would be able to write 
about from firsthand experience. The 
first time I got laid, drunk. smoked 
“tea.” shipped out (and jumped ship 
before we left Sandy Hook), saw death, 
spent the night in а hospital-clean Pitts- 
burgh jail, masturbated over the fantasy 
of going to bed with my sister, put on 
women's panties and silk stockings for 
kicks, got into my first adult street. fight 
and almost had the mortal shit kicked 
out of me—all of these firsts and а 
hundred others were special, fated, grand 
experiences for me and for those like mi 

because 1 was а novelist-to-be and I was 


proof vest we all 
ovel (which was another 
ion or faith in the no 
churchily modern sense). 

ar with my output knows; but 
І was made ind mind and 

ier in thei newer 
eration (and even my own exact со! 
temporary, Tony Cu ce Bernard 
Schwanz) has been created by the mov 
ics. The reasons I never added my own 
by-line to that passionate list are many 
some perso: well as cultu y 
not have had the “talent”—although 1 
published my small share of vivid short 
stories—or, what is more likely, the 
needs of the post-World War Two per 
od shifted їп my eyes and in those of my 
friends and we put much more impor 

one famil 

tance on trying to understand a new 
world zooming up around us than on 
t we already knew. We 

. in manner, crisply intellectual. 

instead of openly lyrical; but much of 
same apocalyptic sense of possibility 
that we once felt in the U.S. novel now 
went into ation (Ше name ol 
the game was literary criticism), until 
the work of became lor us a 
means to examine life itself. Wasn't that 
what all about, anyway?—at least, 
sincere and often troubled 
rationalization at the time. But even 
though the form began to slowly cha 
in the late Forties and сапу Filties tor 
rada iti 

tion instead of fiction, the goal rema 
essentially the same: the 


it wa 

so ran ou 

minority of us, to nonfic 

personally cared, because thei 
s were so helplessly involved 
in this newly shifting, remarkably unst: 
ble. constantly selLanalyüng and self- 
doubting society that had shot up alter 
the War. 
And I was 

the same: I sweared the 

“Look at it this way—your medium is your message!" 




national anxiety out in myself (What 
ction was | going to go in?) the 
а of the novel sill h: 

as a kind of star but get ther and 
farther distant a other 
15— politics, poetry, sociology, history, 

inting, etc exposed and I u 
powerfully to educate myself, now that, 
s а nonnovelist, 1 was being challenged 
socially and even in print. The dream of 
being а novelist, the dream that bein, 

novelist had been in this counuy, 

me warm for 20 years: I had. put 

lden hope eggs 
w 1 was torn 
fantasy by my fa 
forced 10 fend. for 
hard-boiled community (the 
literary-politic: zines, where I pub- 
lished) that had no sympathy for my 
tle nal couplet of "What the 
п Novel Me Me." They 
thought it was either а put-on, because I 
had wr none, or а sentimenta 
dulgence. Therefore, whether it was be 
cause D temporarily allied myself. with 
the so-called new criticism in its more 
cerebral search for reality—and there 
were a number who had wanted to be 
fictionists (even wrote their one or two 
novels) who took this further crook in 
the country’s prose road along with me 
—or because basically I did not think 
"noselistically; n all honesty, I 
am forced to doubt, or else all my for- 
mer covetous years were pitiably unreal 
jeve, because truth no long- 
er seemed to me to reside in my beloved 
my voung 
[ties to 

Ш my 

lure to 


regard the novel as a used-up medium. 
For a person like myself, confessedly 
t hope and direaion by this 
tified in all my agon 
n goofs by its very existence, be- 
se 1 thought I could one day redeem 
them through it, the beauty of knowing 
the novel was there like a loving woman 
for me to go to when beaten to my 
knees, it wasn't an easy emotional matter 
for me to say in my mind, “It doesnt 
sing for my time the way it once did." 
But 1 said it—at least for myself. What 
had happened, not only to me but, I'm 
to others who came from my 
environment, was a fundamental 
с in our perception of where the 
significant action lay: The fictional real- 
m on 
seemed to lead almost log 

which we had been shaped 

Шу to that 

it was now impossible to restrain our- 
selves from wanting to go over the edge 
mo autobiography, the confessional es 
say, reportage, because in these forms we 
could escape from the growing feeling 
that fiction was artificial compared with 
using novelistic sweep on the actual єх- 

perience we lived through every d. 

In other words, the very realistic Thir- 
ties novel that had originally turned us 
de us want to take that giant step 
her into the smellable, libelous, un- 
faked dimension of sheer torn-pocket 
my actual goodbye-world flip-out 
1955; James Agee actually pounding 
on his small car in $ Monica а у 
before he died and telling a friend. of 
mine who had casually quoted a line 

from Agee nd only book of 
poe: low ! L should have 
written only poetry!,” sobb 

ged on the hood with 
wan looming tight-faced over Paddy 
Chayefsky and me at the Russian Tea 
Room, saying moodily that he had to see 
the isolated Сіон! Odets, Golden Boy 
with cancer, who had crept back to New 
York to sniff the ozone of dead triumphs 
before perishing on the Соам: my те 
membering while Kazan spoke with dis 
embodied Haines how 1 had met Oders 
ty of North Carolina 
iken me for a drive in 
lillac and switched me on so 
I rapped pre-On the Road about 
speed and how the strange iodine odor 

and wiry Brillo 
reportorial facts now became the truer 
story far those of us whose appet 
what is had been built up to а point no 
longer satisfied by fiction. 

feeling of 
gly had about the 
pingful statement for the 
nd Sixties, the audience for 

In ad rele 

vance th: 

re firs mentally and emo- 
ally bowled over by its momentum. 
TV, movies, electroni 
of every sort were cutting i time 
people who were totally alive to 
their era could spend on prose fiction; if 
it was story you wanted, in the old 
Saturday Evening Post sense, you could 
ized for you on the late: 
a multimedia 
bed: and 

to the 

е show wi 
g with you 

it was only the specialists, criticteach 
the people in the book u 

le, who 
ut strenuously 
t the. novel's dash 
was being ta way from it by the new 
media. These electronic whispers of to- 
morrow could in а momentary flash do 
К прет. and Conrad spent their 
lifetimes trying to achieve with words: 
“Above all to make you sec.” 

Of course, you can say that the post- 
Faulkner U.S. novel по longer 
sought out for story values per se but, 
ather, for radical insight into existence; 
that the form provided a framework for 
attack from 
surd” qua 
the realistic Th 

to hol 

to me 


1d also more than granted that extraoi 
dinarily talented. writers. were. opening 
up this form and g it as limitless 
ocean which can only define it- 
(Marguerite Young), writers such 
as John Barth, Young herself, Ralph 
Ellison, William Burroughs, Joseph Hel- 
ler, Norman Mailer, Hubert Selby, Ken 
Kesey, Donald Barthelme, etc; the list is 
big because there were and ате that 
many highly imaginative writers who 
have been Ча 
fiction du 
cally, as the 

its effec. 

novel has shed 
eness in our society, there has never 
been since the Twenties such а yell of 

native talent, wild originality. deadly 
challenge.) But the basic fact 1 noticed 
as the deluge of new fictional expres 
sion increased ership became a 
than the great th 
1 been—and the practical im- 
possibility of keeping up with the diver 
sity of new books (new lives!) beca 

obvious—was that the impact of the novel 
on our beings, on my being, was no longer 
as audial as it had been. From my ow 
changing point of view, tremendous State- 
side writers could still appear 
loosely called а novel—and what forn 

has become looser?—but I felt that the 
entire role of dı 

American novelist as 1 
lly heroized it had to be wans- 
ato something entirely dillerer 
as to be as masterful to the imagi 
nation of the Sixties as 
me in the Thirties. 

In this sense: For me and my breed, 
writing fiction was not an entirely realis- 
tic, naturalistic, rational һи ter 
prise, in spite of the auth 
imitation of reality оп which we were 
nderneath the accurate 
I bathed in dream or 
myth; we who wanted to mythologize 
ourselves and America (and they wer 
inseparable) were tying to personally 

had ori 

it м 


surlace, it w 

lift the national life into the realm of 
justice; we were auempting to 

se the 

freedom of our 

icin experience imo th 
itual payoll. We wanted to 

salem" (Blake) out of Americ 
green breast” (Scott Fitzge 
and the novel was our transcendent, our 

more-than-coukd-everbe vehicle for this 
rocketing need toward fulfillment of 
both ourselves and the national seed that 
had begotten us. In other words, ош 
novel was a form of imaginative action 
Ш you, the novelist, couldn't make it to 
the height of your vi led 
straight or nonliterary life because of 
one l p or another, then you did it 
through your books even better; but the 
goal was the same as the man of action's, 
your books were decds that came out of 
your mixture. of vision and moral com- 
mitment (Hemingway, Farrell, Wolfe) 

ion in 




208 own lik 

Settle an argument, will you—is this the 

Paris Hilton or the Lisbon Hilton?" 

and they stood as the seal of where you 
were humanly at as clearly as if you had 
sewn your cardiogram into the binding. 
"There could be no faking about taking a 
stand and you were measured every step 
of the way by readers who took your 
fictions as acts that influenced the world 
of the U.S. spirit until they were ошай 
waned by new and more penetrating 
fictional commitments. It wi soul con- 
test of the keenest kind, with the country 
as beneficiary. 

But the effectiveness of such imagina 
tive action today seems to have been 
reduced (о mere toenail picking by the 
tornado voices of the mass media, 
Whether or not you and I like it, we 
have all—novelists as well as readers— 
become pawns in the newscast of cach 
"s events. “Our” novel can no longer 
lect these events in even an indirect 
sense: Almost every ounce of my energy 
(for example) is used in coping with my 
; things happen too fast for me 

nce of some 

10 be affected by the 
protagonist а fiction; I am spun 
ound by cach latest threat to my sur- 
vival; and what was once the charism: 
lure of the American novel now becomes 
for me and countless others an exi 
gance instead of a necessity. But isn't 
that what makes art forms change—when 
life leaves them in the lurch? When 
concern moves away from them. not by 
design but by a gut barometer whereby 
we seek out what is most vital to us and. 
jettison the rest? Because of my existe 
1: ience with fiction as it related 
directly to my Tife—and 1 concede that 
this could be a flaw of temperament, 
although it is backed up by my profes- 
work as an editor of new writing 
and am forced to believe that i 

for readers all over the country; and I 
felt and feel that prose must find а form 
that can meet this reality 


when the novel was more than a novel 
and evoked a mystic response that 
molded being itself, as well as ап au- 
thor's reputatioi 

But what happens, then—I have had 
to ask myscelí—to our significant writers 
e still either in love or "impris 
' in a traditional form that is losing 
its cultural importance in spite of thcir 
sonal flights? What happens 
пиу: ask myself also—to that a 
some authority of thc imagi m 
encouraged, demanded. people who 
themselves novelists to create human. 
beings (like nature itself) and dictate their 
lives and fate (like gods or supreme jus- 
es of the universe)? What happ 
further, to that great ton of submerged 
American experience locked inside them 
selves, more raw, subile, potential human 
riches than the combined knowledge of 
sociologist-psychiatrist, precisely because 
it was garnered by their blood as well as 
brain? What happens, in short, to il 
special mission, what to me for many 
years was almost a holy mission, of mak- 
ing an imaginary American world that 
would be more real than the actua 

And where, as а final question, does 
the legendary U.S. novelist go when, 
except for a handful of individuals, he is 
no longer a culture hero in a radically 
new environment, when his mediun 
passing into the void of time and when 
he is still stuck with a roaring inner 
need to speak, confess, design, shape, 
record—the whole once-glorious shmear? 

There is one drastic way out and суеп 
up, as I personally see it now in 19 
and that is for the American novelist to 
abandon his imitation or caricature of a 
reality that in sheer voluminosity has 
dwarfed his importance and to become a 
communicator directly to society, w 
out hiding behind the mask of fiction 

make it clear that what follows 
represents my own need and desire imag- 
ined out of the confusion of our time 

and my unwill 

agness to accept а litera- 
у a reflection of our 
helplessness; commiued novelists, 
and some very sharp oncs, too, will 
doubtless block me out of their conscious- 
ness and continue to make an ever wilder 
rt of their materials to match the паці. 
ness that fevers our days; I will always be 
a sucker for their spirit and bow to the 
new images they will oller us, but my 
compelling feeling "that now as never 
before is the time for writing to become 
direct action and cause things to happen 
kes even potentially great novels grow 
I compared with what Т can envision 
if the novelist puts his power into speak- 
3 straight to his audience.) 

The American novelistic imagination 
as T received it with open hert and 
mind 25 and 30 years ago was really the 
most fully human expression of this 

What to put on to make 
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Put on Jockey? Life® 
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nd it is the new 
izing of American writing by the 
boldness of direct communication, the 
revolutionizing of the writers relation- 
ship to his reader, that seems to me 
tremendously needed right now 
than the pale echo of fiction. Instead of 
novelists. I believe we now actually have 
only literary individuals themselves, men 
and women struge h their own 
destinies as people in relation to oth 
people and with the problems that 
thr swamp us all—emotional, 
sexual, political. racial, artistic, philo- 
sophical. financial—and that these should 
be sined to the reader as candidly as 
possible, so that һе, 100, сап be brought 
imo the umial nonnovel of Ameri- 
ife uly demo- 
tion. that 

y at that time; 


меп do 



nd make possible a t 

cratic prose of total comm 
can lead то new action in society itself 

I believe the ex-novelist, the new com- 
municaor we can already sec in the 
early and various stages of his making 
(Mailer, again, with The Armies of the 
Night, plus Miami and the Siege of Chi- 
Wolle amd The Electric 
Kool Aid Acid Test: Norman Podloreiz 
Making И: Dan Wakeficld's Between the 
Lines; Jan Cremers I Jan Cremer: Erje 
Ayden’s The Legend of Exje Ayden: 
Iding Dawson's An Emotional Mem- 
oir of Franz Kline: Irving Rosenthal’s 
Sheeper: Ned. Rorem's Paris Diary; Tay- 
lor Meads Anonymous Diary oj a New 
York Youth; Frederick Exleys A Fan's 
Notes; my own Views of a Nearsighted 
Cannoneer). should speak intimately to 

cages Tom 

а 5 
sweat of his own inner 
he (or she) will not have 
ied the right to speak openly about 
ything or to be trusted; he should 
try to tell the blunt wud: a lever, 
and this includes the risk of discussin 
other individuals as well —no one should 
be immune from the elfort to clea 
house, undo bullshit, lay the entire busi- 
ness of being an American right now оп 
the public table without shame. So that 
the new communicitor's — statement— 
about himself, his friends. his women (or 

if he's gay), people in public life, 
cities, the war, his group therap: 
ing secretly to be a star, wanting to 
sleep with Mamie Van Doren (or Su: 
Sontag), still hoping to love and be 
loved, putting his being directly before 
the reader, as if the page were a tele- 
phone and asking for an answer—be 
evidence of the reality in which we are 
all implicated, without exception, and be 
in itself а legitimization of this reality as 
a first step to changing it 




Mow can we suffer from too much 
wuh? Who isn't heartened то see it 
when an author respects us enough 10 

tell us where he id by the 

lly lives 

very nature of his w us to 
reciprocate? But there is а more sig- 
nificant reason lor total leveling than 
moral staigluforwardnes in а time 
mous lor its credibility gaps. and. that 
the power that can return to literature 
а daring public aa that has to be 
respected by even those pragmatists who 
habitually reduce words to playthings. IF 
I write about my own being in rclation- 
ship to other, real, named, Social Secu 
ty-numbered beings amd present it to 
der, it is inevitable that you 
100. will be pulled into the scene (at 
leas а few hundred of you will know 
cither me or one of my real-lile cast of 
characters) and must up an in 
volved position about what you're bei 

told and experiencing, You are interact 
with me and my interactions. with 
others so closely—assuming Т have the 
ability as well as the stomach for truth— 

you, the r 

that you have become part of the expe 

ence, whether or not you seek it. You are 
there. included in the network of 
my life, as 1 am induded in yours, and 
what vou have seen and heard and iden- 
tified with will 
not be put aside like a “story.” because it 
is an extension of the same reality that 
unites us both; I will have established a 
sense of commur bout the 
destiny of both our lives in this uncer- 
tain time that becomes as real as if we 
were communi 1 the flesh—and as 
existentially suspenseful. Reading then 
becomes a crucial event, because some- 
thing is really happening i 
and not in liter 
I have written, our very lives will touch, 
the reader is just as much а pa 
as the writer, your isolation or 
ference has been penetrated by reading, 
just as mine has by writing, and the 
alienation of our mutual situation has 
been broken though by my need to 
ne what I have and 
re my consciousness. 
In other words, I want Americ 
10 again become 
life of the individual in th 
not just his novelty-secking mind; 1 want 
it 10 be necessary and important once 
in—even more important, since 1 see 
purpose as having changed—as 1 
knew it when it shaped me; t 
this selfishly, because Т have devoted my 
dreams to this business of words and m 
own selfrespect as mere human. refuses 
10 accept that what I once took vows for 
can be written off as a second-rate art, 
which “made-up” elevant writing 
often seems like now, in the aftermath ol 
the elecionicvisual explosion. But ap 
from my own investment in lite 
ч. rationalize and say that the 
source of my ideas doesn't spring from 
my own unappeasable imagination as a 
would-be American novelist who was 
once promised the world and shall never 


) my communic 



ture alone; due to what 

make you expe 


n prose 
potent force in the 
country and 


nd 1 wı 


and Ic 

forget that in deny that once 
a gifted writer tells it to his equals 
exactly like it is, we are moving into a 
new dimension, where writing is used to 
speak divectly to being? And where the 
talents of reporter and. pamphletcer аге 

ing those of novelist to awak- 

en iduals to the fact that we all 
share а common. bag as probably never 

It seems plain to me that the man we 
used to call the American creative writer 
now beginning to express living histo- 
ry through himself so urgently that he is 
becoming its most genuine embodiment, 

he imagination that once led h 
build 10 the stars has been 
forced into coping with his own imper- 
ilad life on the sume quaking ground 
that holds us all. Out of necessity, he is 
being pushed toward a new art of per 
sonal survival and, as a result, he must 
move ever further into the centers. of 
action to fight for his fate: if he left the 
decisions of our time to the 
while he concentrated his 
in the old days, һе would be 





y a pur of each day's events to 
pretend they don't shake him and domi- 
nate his existence. His only choice is to 
insert himself into these events through 
his writing upon 
эмен of a helpless observer, to 
wy to їое 
itself with his art, so that he can save 
himvell as а man. His driving песа for 
direct participation in our national life 
now makes the new communicator want 
to change America in a pact with his 
readers, and to begin by changing his 
own life in the commitment of la 
on th 
or myself, time 1 
vision I saw or read into the Amer 
novel that immediately made me а char 
acer in it, the hero who wants to be a 
novelist, could be fulfilled only if the 
novel was real and was aded out, Per- 
haps—in the light of this late recogni- 
tion of my own need 10 personify what 
ny others existed. solely in the 

to become an acor 


ce the n 


s shown 




magination—1 was scheduled all alon 
hot to write novels, as E always thought, 
but io try to pur their ess 

action. If this is so, I embrace ii 
as the more exciting and now ne 
of the alternatives; for just as І once 
believed that art was the highest condi 
tion to which a person could П 
now believe that if this is true, it is the 
duty of those who conceive such an ideal 
to use it on society itself and take their 
literary lives in their hands, if need be, 
in the dangerous gamble to make the 
word deed. That's where the new prose 
action is 30 years after I got hooked—for 
‚ chums, for deadly r 


> A LIFE IN THE DAY OF (continued from page 151) 



right. "Thanks" she said. There was 
just the right amount of quiver in her 
voice and he gave her the Sincere look 
and said, "The means of production 
belong to the state,” which wasn't a bad 
line at all. 

She sucked on the joi 
held her breath for a long moment, Alter 
Jet it out, she nodded toward. the 
stereo and said, “The All for One are 
ly be 
Womb to Tomb," he couldn't help 
correcting “On Walkin’. WSAN played 
il th i 
over the country 

She shook her head 
unds like but 
's a dr 

. coughed, then 

nd looked serious. 
—the lead cimba 
* and just for a 
second the world slipped. sideways, be- 

cuse he suddenly wasn't sure. 

Then he was off again, flashing her 
The Smile and squeezing her hand, sty 
ing, “Don't go home eaily—in fact, do 

go home," and he knew she wouldn't. 

ists had lined up against the Progressive 
Leftists, and somebody shouted over to 
him. do you think. Је 
were respectfully silent and that was more 
like i 

"You work with the pi 
matically, “youre just playing i 
the hands of the estublishment.” 
pproval and the confronuti 
ed à differ 


doz t ways, al 

mber came up on the sereo and the 
heavy beat rolled over the room like a 

p." a voice said. 
Old, middle-30s, baldi 
fessor cras 

Maybe а} 
g the party to score on a 
chick. “I's the all-purpose answer,” Jell 
said easily. 
"pm Jenk 
picture of yd 
А nod. W. 

the Times. 
t him out, see what he 

Jenki: d him thoughtfully fo 
ared his th 
After clas, 1 run the Free. Tutorial 
Studies. We need tutors for the ghetto 
freshmen—I s 1.5. rally 
Jast week and thought you might like to 
help ou 

There was no end to the freaky 
people wanted you to do. “Sorry. 
that's not my bag," he said coldly 
started to move away. The bionde w 
back in а corner with the Nehi 
and it was time to break it up. 

Jenkins smiled faintly down 
drink. "Not 
guarantee yor 

Why, the condescending old fart; you'd 
think he had never тип into that onc 
before! Jett whirled. 

“Heavy, old man! Look, you sit in, 
you сапу the signs, you get clubbed! 
Think anybody's going to cry for you? 
Get bid, will you! 1 ny thing, you 
do yours!” Holier than thou, bullshit. 

The mumble of the party again, some: 


pres covera 

I get your pictur 


“Now that June is rolling around, let's promise to 

keep in touch after graduation. 

body being sick in the john, the click of 
the lock on the bedroom door, a chick 
n the Кисеп and somebody 

hysterically in the living room, 
and wine and 
Лал inv 

100 many people, Chris 
ed half that number—a few more cigarette 
burns on the window sill and spreading 
puddles on the faded rug slowly seeping 
into the wool. the sweet smell of pot and 
he was getting а contact high 

Somebody was clutcl 
doing the heavy-brcathing 

. see you alone, Jell. 

Old women, dogs 
loved him. Yesterday's radical, the pro- 
fessional student. working for a Ph.D. in 
sociology and she'd get it about the time 
of the Second Coming. Drunk out of her 
mind and probably feeling very sorry tor 
herself because, at 30, she was the last of 
the vestal vi love me, love my g 
complex, and who wanted that kind o 
package dea 

“Damsel in distress in the kitchen and. 
all that rot,” he said, trying to edge past. 
“Be right back.” 

She hung ото him a 
nd vied to get the words out without 
slurring them, and when they finally 

ame, they were like. pearls strung о 


She closed her eyes and for a 
panicky moment he was alraid she was 
$ 10 vomit down his toga. Then she 
ishing a damp strand of hair out of 
eyes and tying hard ıo focus on 
him. "Оона know . . . how you do i 
Jal." she said, closing her eyes 
»ldamm. generations 
арат now . . сава figure out the 
auitudes from one day то nex'—nest 
< dunge, everything changes so da 

ж то be a real phony i0 keep up 

nd licked! her lips 



with them. 
He could feel the 1и 
his neck. а 

t at the back of 
«| 90 pounds over 
not in a million y 
ting him down. 

id lightly. And 
then she was holding onto him again 
ıd it wasn't for support and he could 
feel his skin crawl--hot and sweaty and 
the monthly smell. Me forced himself to 
hold her gently lor а moment and nuzzle 
her neck, and when she was blinking 
sudden hope, he murmured, 71 would like 

I really would, but it 

у own mother 

king son of a bitch 

to help you, At 
would be like 
"You're а s 


s back in the Ii 
id Ann was fadin: 

ng room 
into the back 
the room. 
с could [cel 

Kl, like roses on old wallpap 
the in 

were smotherii 

13 him 

noises heat 


himself start to drown in his own party. 
Out of 

the со of his 

пег һе 



glimpse of the huge old co 

by the window. Mr. Gu 

r Мап, toy 

with a drink. 
ince melted 

Sue, sitting next to him, 
looking 35 instead of 95. starting to 

shrivel right before cyes; Jenkins 
beside her, his face a remote mask; and 
Aun at the far end, eyes closed, probably 
passed out. АП of them with that odd, 
frightening, glazed look about them, like 
wax dummies in a muscu 

He shivered, then was caught up in 
the party once more. He was the guy 
who made it tick, who made it go. the 
one who was with it. He was the mirror 
for people who wanted to check how the 
mustache lay, how the toga fit, whether 
the smile was right and the attitude was 
"in." He was the hero, the star, the win- 
ner, to be chaired through the market 

He could feel his ego expanding and 
filling the room like Styrofoam. and he 
knew he was getting very stoned, but it 
felt good. good. good—the music was as 
sharp as diamonds and the food was 
пома and everybody . . . everybody 
ed him, 


It was two in the morning when, 
suddenly. above the roar of the party, 
he heard the door buzzer and instinc- 
tively knew it wasn't the police and, just 
as instinctively, that whoever it was 
shouldn't bc let in. Then there was 
laughter and shouting in the hallway 
and а pounding on the door and the 
party him frozc—it was like 
watching a film where they end up on a 
single frame and hold it. Dancing, laugh- 
ig. shouting and then sudden silence 
and the living room was filled with plaster 

Somebody stepped to the door and he 
wanted to shout Don't let them in! and 
then the door was open and the laugh- 
ing crowd outside tumbled in like a 
bushel of leaves driven by the wind. 
They pulled at his party like so many 
human magnets and the movement in 
the room started to quicken and, within 
seconds, the party wits rearing aga 

Jeff didn't any of them. 

He was standing in a corner all 


never touching hi 
around а rock, and then somebody w 
standing in front of him. 
]чйеу He hated the full name and he 
hated the tone of condescensi 

The stranger was dressed i 
had à drooping bi 
old-time cowboy vill 
within Jeli whispered That's sharp, and 
he way wearing а FREE LEONARD button 
1 who the hell was Leonard, anyway? 
Name's Lee." the si 


. and something 

had really worked at it to pitch it that 
low, and then he was fingering Jell's toga 
ıd the people around them were sud- 
dently silent and tense and the stranger 
said, “Too bad it spots so easily." and 
somebody laughed and Jeff couldn't 

think of anything to say, and th 
chick he didn't know came up and said, 
“I saw your picture in the Times—you 
looked cute," and a lot more people 
laughed and then they all drifted away 
and Jeff caught himself staring down at 
the wine paper cup and noting 
that the cube he had dropped in to cool 
it had almost melted. 

He fled into the kitchen and bumped 
to the blonde and she dropped a plate 
of sandwiches on the floor and he almost 
skidded on them, then blurted, “You're 
going to stay over, aren't you?” and she 
looked at him as if she wasn't quite sure 
who he was and said, "Did you ask? 
and ducked under his arm into the living 

He turned back to the party, trying to 
quiet his panic, and ran into the kid 
who had been at the Poly Sci sit-in. The 
goddamned toga, he was thinking fu- 
riously, goddamned asshole toga. He tried 
to start a conversation, but the kid snicl 
ered and said, "Later. man," and wan 
dered over to the group that had gathered 
around the cowboy in black. 

“You can't trust. the dogs,” the cowboy 
was saying, “they'll gul the proles every 
time, On the other hand, the police ате 
predictable,” There was а chorus of agree 
ment; the crowd grew. Jeff didn't have 
the faintest idea what they were talking 

He reeled over to the open window 
and tried to suck some fresh air and 
stop the room from spinning. There was 
singing and shouting in the street below 
and he leaned out to see what was hap 
pening. Some stoned students were lurch- 
ing down the street, singing a pop song 
—but he couldn't place the tune, he 
couldn't place the tune, he couldn't re 
member ever having heard it. Farther 
down the street, beneath a street Limp, a 
small army of workmen was painting 
over storefronts and changing signs. He 
squinted his eyes, but he couldn't find 
the familiar Me and Thee colteeshop; 
the sign that swung out over the side- 
walk was gone 

nd in its place was 
something called THe RooKERY. He didn't 
know the street anymore, he realized 
suddenly; all the “їп” spots, his spots, were 
gonc. and he had never heard the songs. 
and he couldn't keep his groups straight, 
and he didn't know the people, and . . . 
who was Leonard, anyway? 

Every two years, Ann had said. And 
faster all the time. But you never noticed 
the buds until the day they blossomed 

And then he was sinking down imo 
the sofa by the window, still clutching 
his paper cup, to sit next to Mr. Guitar 
Man and § nd Jenkins and Ann. He 
could sense the glaze creeping over his 
face and felt something very light and 
feathery on his neck and shoulders, 

Tt was, he imagined, the dust settling 

gently down. 

Shirt, shorts, hat, tie . . . you'll be labeled 
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Mix well. Shape into 
thick, keeping hands wet to sh; 
id stir well, Sauté, stirring constantly, 3 chicken breasts (6 halves). boneless easily. Set aside in refrigerator unt 
minutes. Add chicken broth, pork. chick- and skinless CRIA Gu dicke дашат ROO 
еп. chorizo, veal, chicken livers. scallops. 115 Ibs. lobster tails, thawed if frozen wise into Lin. chunks. Cut green peppe 
aps. Bring 2 large green peppers lengthwise поз, Remove and dis 
1 medium-size zucchini nes. 

Paella y Sangria (continued [rom page 140) 

peppers, mushrooms and sh 
liquid to a boil. If chicken broth is ш mediu 1 stem ends, seeds 
asoned, add 1 to 2 teaspoons salt. Olive oil Peel zucchini and cut 


па memi 
half lengthwise, 


Reduce heat; simmer 10 minutes. Add 3 large cloves garlic, minced extremely hen cut crosswise into Lin. chunk: 
id simmer 15 to 25 minutes long, fin Heat 1 cup oil in paella pan. Sauté 
stirring gently but as little as possible. o 802. can plum tomatoes, drained, meatballs until brown: remove from 
keep ingredients from sticking to pan chopped finc pin, Sauté chicken until light, suc. 
bottom. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. 2 cups longgrain rice brown: remove from pan. Sauté 
1 teaspoon saffron powder peppers and zucchini, using more oil if 


teaspoon. paprika 

necessary, until just barely tender; re 

14 1b. (cooked weight) boiled, shelled ® tablespoor moxe from pan. Wash and dry pan. Add 
shrimps 5 cups chicken broth, cammed or fresh pe (up oil, Heat for à mine or two 
54 Ib. lean chopped beef бог. can pitted black olives, drained ger low flame. Add remaining onion, 
2 slices stale white bread А Soak bread im cold water а few min ши. tomatoes, rice, sallron and paprik 
1 Lage Spanish onion, very finely wes, then press gently to remove excess isa stir well. Sauté, stirri ig constant! 
: > 5 j "-— Б vm ng 
поса денет, рит uh men chopper, ins 5 minutes. Add lemon juice, chick 
E ine blade, the shrimps, previous! Г 
| egg Mr ES ps previously broth, meatballs. chicken, lobster, green 
Salt. pepper chopped beet, bread and 1⁄4 cup minced 
minced’ peppers. zucchini and olives. 17 «ске 
f teaspoon oregano onion. Add egg, 1 teaspoon salt, М н P 
broth is unseasoned, add | to 9 te 

no and cumin. 

14 teaspoon ground cumin teaspoon pepper, or 

spoons salt. Bring liquid to a boil. Re- 
duce hear and simmer 20 to 30 minute 
stirring gently from time to time. Sprin- 
kle with salt and pepper. 


2 live northern lobsters, 11/4 Ibs. cach 
1 Ib. raw shrimps 

2 doze 
11b. 1 

neck clam: 

1 Ib. squid. 

cup olive oi 

1 green pepper, 

1 sweet red pepper, large dice 

3 lange cloves garlic. minced extremely 

1 large Spanish onion, m 
lv fine 


14 cup finely minced fresh parsley 

? tablespoons finely minced culantro 

3 large tomatoes, peeled, minced fine 

2 cups long grain rice 

1 large bay leaf 

cups cam broth, f 

Salt, pepper 

Cur live lobsters i 

ced extreme- 

spoon salfron powder 

‘esh or bottled 

half (or have sea- 
do this for you, if lobst 
v). Ren 
each Jobster cross. 

re to be used at oi 

ove sic і 

rack claws; 
nto 3 chunks, Using scissors, 
shrimp shells through back 
side, leaving shells on shrimps 
intact. Scrub dams well, Cut halibut into 
gin. chunks, discarding bone. Have 
squid cleaned by fish dea Boil about 
Ya hour or until tender, id cut 
crosswise into 14-in. slices. Peel asparagus 
with vegetable peeler. Discard hard. ends; 
cur crosswise into Lin. pieces. Boil until 
just tender, then drain. Heat oil 
24 “Well, I guess that answers my next question." paella pan over low flame. Sauté peppers 




Myers's doesn’t make a nice, 
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Use Myers's Rum every time the 
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Myers's— the true Jamaican Rum. 84 Proof. 

until just barely tender. Add garlic, 

liron. parsley. culintro, to 
tocs, rice and bay leaf, Sauté 5 minutes, 
stirring frequently. Add clam broth and 
10 а boil Reduce flame so that 
merely simmers. If dam broth is 
uiscasoned, add 1 teaspoon salt. PI. 
in pan the lobster pieces, shrimps. clams, 
halibut, squid and as 
slowly. & pan frequently, checking 
bottom to avoid scorching. Cook 
i ad has absorbed all 

salt and pepper. just 

belore serving. 

1 fifth light dy 1 wine 

peach, peeled and sliced 
6 slices lemon 
1% ozs. cognac 
1 oz. triple sec 
1 or. татахаа 

1 tablespoon or more sugar to taste 

6 ozs. iced club soda 
Cut е 

© peel of orange in a s 

t. White part should be cut 
with ower ресі, so that orange 
exposed. Leave peel attached to orange 
bottom, so that fruit may be suspended 
in pitcher. Pour wine into glass pitcher. 
ас, triple sec, 
то dissolve 

ice cubes to pitcher. Stir. 

| fifth dry white wine 
| whole orange 

2 slices lemon 
slices lime 
oz. cognac 

piece stick 

¢ strawberries, stems removed, 

6 ozs. iced club soda 
Cur. entire peel ol о 

procedure in above recipe. 

imo glass pitcher. Add lemon 

gnac, su; i 

Stir to 


Pour wine 

peel over rim. Let mixtur 
room temperature at least 1 hour. Add 
and 1 tray of ice cubes to pitcher. 

With paella and sangria gracing his 
groaning board. the host is able to of 
a feast that echoes the elegant simplicity 
of its Iberian birthplace. Al that re 
mains is to reap а harvest of bravos. 


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as the Feldman table) and the doctor was 
surprised to get a grunt instead of a how- 
do-youdo when he introduced himself, 
The man's name was Moritzer. He was 
in his late 40s, sallow, thin and unhappy- 
looking. A bad choice for the 
table, the others agreed, sitting on the 
porch after lunch. 

Dr. Feldman submitted а defense. 
Don't judge so quick.” he s Mo- 
not be feeling so well. 
y have business troubles. 

Give Moritzer a chance. 

He gave Moritzer a chance at the rec 
hall. “Well, what's your pleasure" he 
asked. rummy I'm 

red of. Like to 
shoot some pinodiez You play ping- 
pong? How about pool? 

“No, thanks,” ) 
came here to rest, 

“Yeah, so what? 

“Nothing, nothing,” 

the doctor said. 

"E don't think I heard your first name. 

is Horace. D always hated that 
They used to call me Horse. Th 
so bad when I was a litle Y 
but then I put on а few pounds. 
chuckled and patted his solid midsection. 
“What's yours?” 

“My name is Moritzer 

Later that evening, Dr. Feldman was 
playing checkers, and winning. Then he 
looked up and saw Moritzer in a rocker, 
regarding him with eyes thar could cur- 
dle sour aream. The Feldman hand shook 
and he lost the game. 

He was going into his room (the Feld- 
man suite) when he saw Moritzer com- 
g down the hall. slapping his thigh 
with a rolled-up evening newsp: 

“Good ni Mr. Morit 

Moritzer didn't. answer. 

the man said. 


т.” he said, 
Didn't even 

a had a little trouble get- 
ting to slecp that night and he blamed 
unt nothing 
troubled. Could it be 
Ily didn't like him? 

mote as it seemed, 
dinner the next day. Moritz- 
ely surly; he was selec- 
tually spoke a dew 

to him, of course 

Dr. Feldman wa 

Moritzer ac 
"That. possibility, 

persisted а 

Cr was not 

tively surly. 

words to the married couples. He ас 
tually answered Mrs. Shems questions 
about his marital status (he was married, 

but his wife didn’t like the country). 
But to Dr. Feldman: not a word. 

А lesser man might have been comfort- 
ed by indignation or contented with 
indifference. Not Dr. Feldman. To ihe 
Feldman psyche, Moritzcr's attitude wa 
a challenge. 

After dinner, the doctor said: 
for a walk, Moritzer." 

“I hate walks,” Moritzer said. 

“Good for digestion. Doctor's orders.” 

To his surprise, Moritzer grunted and 


(continued from page 127) 

agreed. They walked down the main 
road amd into the narrow. wooded road 
that circled Ponehawee like a laso. By 
mutual assent, they were silent. Here and 
there, the path narrowed and grew rock 
Now and then, one or the other 
lose his [oot 
‘Careful, careful," 
when Moriver stumbled against him. 
"Careful yourself,” Moriuer said un- 
pleasantly. A few steps later, he tripped 
and almost knocked the doctor 
"The Feldman temper was held. but then 
it happened a third and a fourth time. 
“Hey, careless.” he said, with a forced 
smile. “Watch where you're sho 
When they got back to the Manor, the 
doctor was taking pine needles out of his 


Dr. Feldman said 


ed, he invited Moritzer to mixed doubles 
on the badminton court. The team of 
Moriuer-Elkins os. Feldman-Shear, A top 
attraction. Actually, Moritzer turned out 
to be а gloomy but quickanoving op 
ponent, and Mis. Elkins wasn't bad, 
either. Feldman-Shear lost badly. The 
the ladies sugges ion: the b 
against the girls. That would have been 
all right, but twice, lice Moritzer struck 
the doctor on the back of the head with 
his racket. Once was an accident, Dr. 
1 told himself, But twic 
t alternoon, Dr. Feldman м 
his first dip in the Pond 
setting an example for the timid. An 
hour Later, one of the married couples, 
Mis. Elkins. Mis. Shear and even Moritz 
er turned up in swimsuits, It developed 
that Moriver was a nifty swimmer. Un- 
like the doctor, who required water 
wings, he wore swim fins and a face mask 
and spent a lot of ti the water. 
The result was a lot of g from the 
wom rks. 

t for 
wee pool, 

ne under 


crawl, а di 

was doing the Feldm 
movement, slow but ellective, wh 
felt a hand close about his ankle. It had 
ty be а hand, he reasoned; there wasn't 
aquatic lile in the Ponchawee swim 
pool. And the hand seemed i 
Dr. Feldman beneath 

tent upon pulli 

the surface. At fiet. he reacted. good 
naturedly, calling ow merrily, “Hey, 
cut it our. down theret; but when his 

er, he 
“Blub, glub!” Dr. 
eldman cried and kicked out with his 
other foot to str shoulder bone or 
mething equally hard—a face mask. 
Vhe hand let go and the docto 
panting. paddled to the pool's edge. 

That night, the Feldman sleep was 
disturbed by а dream of drowning. It 
was no wonder, then, that he hesitated at 
Moriver’s very first overture of friend- 
ship at breakfast. 

nose filled up with chlorinated w 

л ж» иис. 


he said. 
n said, thoughts 

Come lor a ro! 

of water. 

On the lik 
The lake," Dr. 
then decided he wa 
Look. let's 

aid and 

being silly 
nvite the wome 

“Pooey,” Moritzer said. “I'm a married 
тап. Enough is enough. You want to go 
for a row, OK. 1 not, OK. 

"OK." Dr. Feldman said. 

"They went down to the boathouse and 
took out the soundest-looking том 
It was a beautiful The Take was 
glassy, except Гог a ripple here and there 
that indicated the presence of a fi 
warming itself near the surface. Whe 
Dr. Feldman learned that tackle was also 
ailable, he was suddenly enthused. 
Moritzer didn't fish liked to row. 

were fish- 

boat skimmed the water smoothly 

under Moriters саку oar stroke. The 

doctor was willing to fish in the middle 
ol the lake. but Moritver wanted to round 
the bend and head for a more distant 
shore. After a while, they couldn't sce the 
pink rool of Ponchawce Manor anymore. 
For half an hour, Moriver napped in 
the rowboat and Dr. Feldman fished. But 
nothing nibbled on the 
nd Moritzer started gett те 
t up on the other side of the craft and 
regarded the doctor with folded arms 
and baleful eyes. Then he began a slow 
rocking from side to side. 
“Shush.” Dr. Feldman said. 
scare the fish." 
"What fish?" Moritzer said. 
Soon the rocking became more violent 
Могиле,” the doctor said, "what are 
Moritzer didn't answer. He 
nd rocked. "Moritzer, arc 
у vy? You keep this up, you'll turn 
the boat over.” 


to do. 

do you want us 


maner, Feldman?” Mo- 
astily. “You didn't bring your 
er wings? 

joke is a joke," the docior said 
frostily. “Lers go back already 

Unbelievably. Moriver stood up. He 
planted his feet on both sides ol the 
хеме and rocked so hard. that the boat 
began shipping water. 

Dr. Feldman looked incredulously at 
the water stains on his whiteduck trou- 
sers and cried ош: “Moriver, 1 believe 
you're а cnuy ma 

“Yeah, so learn how to swim, Feld- 
Moriver sud, and the doctor 
lize that maybe Moritzer 
жет. dida't just dislike him, 
ver really hated h 
d him dead. 

“Moritzer!” the doctor. screamed, as 
he felt himself losing hi nce. He 
grabbed the side of the boat for support 
nd found himself clutching one of the 

began to тє; 
sullen Mor 
ybe Moi 
Moritzer w: 

, maybe 



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oars He slipped it out of the lock and 
d to use it as а balancing pole. This 
zer laugh. He sounded 
one of those fiends in the old movies, 
and Dr. Feldman was terrified. He didn't 
have to think about hitting Moriver 
with the oar, he just did it, He caught 
Moritzer broadside on his left сат, and 
Moritzcr went sleepy-looking and top- 
the side and into the water 

pled over 

with nighty splash. The boat was cap- 
sized a ater and, for а grim five 
seconds, Dr. Feldman thought he was 

underneath it. But, no—there was day 
light and, gasp g. making all 
kinds of heaving noises, he managed to 
ding to the bottom. He didn't worry 
Moritzer; he was too 
ad yelling. It wouldn't 
because Moriuer 

Ponchawee Manor was less enjoyable. 
There were policemen and а local re- 

the dini 

l plenty of clucking tongues in 
and the doctor was 
al version of the 
th culated J the 
wd found its way onto the police 
Jt was an accident, of course 



“What I'm trying to tell you, Miss Jackson 
me, youre not just another cog in a great big machine. 

thought w 
fully, maybe that’s all it was), and M. 
ters drowning was explained by the 
blow on the head he sustained when the 
boat capsized. Dr. Feldman thought it 
was permissible not to mention the busi- 
ness with the oar, just as he didn't men- 
tion Moriuers deliberate rocking. Fair 
was fair, But he wasn't sorry 10 climb 
behind the wheel of his Mercedes and 
put Ponchawee Manor behind him. In 
fact, he was actually happy to return to 
the office Monday morning and see the 
unlovely but not unwelcome face of 
Hilda, his nurse. 
“Well, doctor? 
have a good 
“Not bad, not bad." Dr. Feldm: 
"Only, there was a little accident 
You weren't hur?" Hilda asked with 
quick concern, 
No. no” Dr. 
some poor man got drowned. Otherwise 
I had a wonderful time. > he 
rubbing his sur nds together in 
anticipation of saving yet another life, 
"who's our first patient this week?” 
“Is а Mrs. Moriver, 


d. "Did you 

n said. 

n said. "But 


is that to 


(continued from page 122 

ad spied from the corridor. 
y. I felt these were the men 
to follow. They scemed content to stand. 

around for a time, chatting, and so was 
I. We were presently joined by an Amer- 
icın professor who was, I had learned 

previously, in Turkey to arrange a pro- 
grim for а computer. It appeared that 
the American Government had given the 
Turkish government a computer, 1 
which the latter was unable to find а use. 
To help the Tu ir problem, 
the Americans had now thrown in the 
professor. whose task was to find a job 
worthy of the computer's prowess. “L am 
thi he had told п ting it 

to work analyzing th 
from various provinces. I 
about the local authorities. but I 

pretty sure the computer will get quite a 
shock" On the occasion of the earth: 
quake, I was delighted to sce him. “Is it 
fc for me to return and have my bath 
He consulted his watch and 
ll to wait another four min- 
utes. We should either have another quake 
most i psisted, or we 
shouldn't. I waited patiently, while 
continued to observe the minute h 
Eventually, he looked up. “Bathtime, 
said reassuringly, and I and the chefs 
returned to our tasks. 
While still in this part of the world, а 
I, perhaps, about the Hilton Hotel 
Athens. Although not one for my list, 
it stands head and shoulders above all 
the other Hilton Hotels at which I have 
ed, including the London Hilton 
which stands head and shoulders above 
ace. Ik would be foolish 
ton or to deny that 
Athens, he has im- 
posed new standards of comfort and 
d ess not only on the natives but 
also on some of his guests. He reassures 
the American traveler —alihough not. odil- 
ly cnough, the British. Bur, then, docs 
anything reassure us? For myself, it is thc 
Hilton d m. А slow mover, 
m frequently a 
At the inaugu: 
London Hilton, 1 was ret 
duce the cabaret, which was perlormed 
the courses and. was intended to 
emphasize the international flavor ol the 
feast. Japanese jugglers followed the bird's- 
nest soup h singer, the poulet. 
‘The waiter assigned t0 our table glanced 
at the affluent. and dis 
who included M 

icked by the doors. 
I party to launch the 

ed ао intro- 



Ladies, will you please put. your " 
in the center of the table, where we can 
Ш keep our eyes on them." 

American waiters are experts оп сш- 
ting any proceedings down to size. How 
often they demolish the elegant, sophisti 
cated atmosphere so carefully built up 

by host and. proprietor with that. honest 
shout of “Who gets the consommé?” But 
their English cousins are seldom far be- 
hind, The best waiters, like the best 
lovers, are Latins. What the Englishman 
and the American lack. in technique in 
both bedroom and banquet hall, they 
attempt unsuccessfully to cover up with 
Alas, there is more to laying 

table or a lady than high spirits. Outside 
of London, the traveler who stays in а 
British-owned and -operated hotel must 
not expect 10 be pampered. He will And 
that meals are served when it suits the 
Hotel Catering Act to do so. Bedrooms 
are kept at a temperature that will en 
the 10 spend money on 
gas or electric fires 10 мор shivering. 
Bathrooms are scarce, bleak and remote. 
What I find most depressing about Brit 



ish hotels is the display of literature in 
their public rooms. A British hotelier 
would rather shoot himself than buy a 

paper or a book for his guests to read. 
Such magazines as one finds in the smok 
E The Crown, The Feathers 
or The George must not only be at least 
а year old and bereft of cover but must 
also have been issued free, and deal 
i such subjects as canoeing or topiary 
The more 
longer the con 
discipline. You are 
pected to upset 
Having done so 
morning, I phoned for assistance. 1 was 
prepared for the stall to remove the 
sheets, but not the mattress. There was 
nothing to do but get up—never a wise 
thing to do in Manchester ший one is 
tually required at the theater. I was 
stepping imo the bath when the phone 
rang. Big Brother had been info 
We understand," a voice told me, 
you have soiled your bed. There wi 
an additional charge on your bill 
where, after 

ii эт ol 

modern the hotel in 
the bedroom, the 
The emphasis is on 
ot, for instance, es- 
out morning collec. 
Manchester. опе 

ferent from the hotel in New Orleans 

мау of a fortnight, there 
wasn't а bill ас all "We Tike actors,” 
they told me, and diarged only for tele- 
phone calls Were it not that any hotel 
quite so recklessly conducted must have 
long since gone out of business, I would 
proudly in my list. On the 
whole, the British find little pleasure in 
staying in their own hotels, possibly be- 
cause there is very little pleasure in doing 
so, with the exception of my fourth 
great hotel-—Claridae's in London. No 
praise can be too high for this superb 
annex to Buckingham Palace. It is the 
refuge of monarchs and. presidents, pro- 
tecting them while they reign and carin; 
for them long after they have abdicated 
or been deposed. Uneasy lies the head 
that wears а crown, except on a Clar- 
idge’s pillow slip. The management also 
entertains film producers, landed gentry, 

clude it 

ambassadors, debu 
cated by 

actors intoxi- 
1 sobe: 
isely comfort- 


able. superbly intima y 
tained, more of a club than a hotel and 
more of a home than cither. Most sur- 
prising of all, there are few foreigners on 
s май. 

there was а Brit 
my filth hotel, 
а. Vien is 

enough, " 
waiter on the май of 
the Imperial in Vie 
city of make-believe. Where else would 
you find the horn of a unicorn on dis- 
play next to а golden rose? It is a city 
where horses prance under the chande- 
liers in the riding school and where the 
Russians, g а bint [rom their hosts 
stabled their own cavalry in the ball- 
room of the Imperial and roasted an os 
on its marble ase. Bur when they 
left, their hosts. not а whit abashed by 
such vandalism, managed to get every 
thing back in place, along with the gilt 
mirrors and the chandeliers, and re- 
opened for business within a year. Very 
comfortable it was when P was there 
making a film called The Journey with 
Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr. Yul's 
part in the picture demanded that he 
should be constantly chewing on a wine 
glass; but the rest of us sat around happi- 
ly in the hotel dining room, munching 


wberries, and 
red forth to the loca 
d by а vast quantity of 
rdboard on which cotton wool had 
been affixed and which had to be sca 
tered over the countryside to represent 
the snows of yesteryear. 

1 was accompanied by my wife and 
children, who in those days were fasci- 
nated with the enormous gas balloons 
sold in the Prater just beside the Great 
Wheel immortalized in The Third Man. 
These they would bear back to the Impe- 
rial in triumph and then, forgetful as 
ever, release, whereupon the balloons 
would sail upward and bump along the 
ceiling. It seemed that there was alw: 
| porter perched on а stephulder in ou 
Wg room. "You really mustn't bother 
1 would tell my son. "But he 
likes it, Poppa, he really does.” would be 
the reply. Not, of course, the only reason 
for including the Imperial, but c 
one of them. 

А hotel is onl 
my sixth among Uh 
supreme folly of dressing 
as if they wı 

good as its staff. and 
ıs persists in the 
up its employees 
bout to attend а children 
costume party. Don’t be diss there 
fo on arrival. the door of youn 
is opened by a gentleman sweltering 
in the guise of a becleater or when your 





nother dressed 
are not in 

luggage is unloaded by 
as if for the paddy fields. You 
the Tower of London or Vietnam, you 
are not even in Disneyland: you have 
merely arrived at the Century. Рига in 
Beverly Hills, California. There are vari 
ous thee our the costumes. The hotel 
is built on part of what used to be the 
20th Century lot and some think the film 
company threw in the wardrobe along 

ies а 

with the Land. sec a sinister 
tempt to Jull the nation into a false sense 
of security, so that when the threatened 

Chinese invasion finally takes. place, the 
Americam populace will be ciught un 
awares. "Don't worry.” they will be tell 

arc merely bellhops 

ing one another, “they 
from the Century Plaza.” 

Once you have passed over the thresh- 
old, however, you will be very comfort- 
able, indeed, in this hotel. It has the 
most cflicient elevators, the best room. 
service and the most enjoyah'e beds ol 
any hotel in America, It is beautifully 
quiet and, except for the dressing. up 
already noted, quictly beautiful. 

Not as beautiful, of course, as my last 
great hotel, the Grini Palace in Venice: 
but then, the latter has the manifestly 
unfair advantage of being on the Grand 
Canal. No other hotel in the world са 
setting, and one can 
to the Grini than 
10 note that it deserves ro be exactly where 
it ds. It has the incomparable advantage 
of not having been built as a hotel. It was 
originally intended to be and, indeed, 
still is, a palace. The corridors meander, 
the bathrooms are never quite where you 


expect, the furniture not dreamed up by 
т interior decorator but collected piece 
by piece over the years, until at last 
the room is complete and fit for a guest. 
The last time 1 stayed there, 1 sent a 
bedside lamp crashing onto the marble 
floor. "If 1 can afford to pay for 

will," I told the desk clerk. He dismissed 
the suggestion with a chuckle 
Jong way from Manchester 

comfortable and. con- 
ter п Hong Kong, the 
Tokyo Ніко re Marques in 
Acapulco, the Black Buck in Wiesbaden 
and, surprisingly, the Europa in Len 
grad. But the seven Т have written of are 
the top. They have a reputation for 
perfection that over the years they have 
cherished and stiven successfully 10 
maintain. Most of us go through lile 
mied by a few anonymous, please 
able scents: a Hower sniffed in childhood, 
kind of wood fire, hops dry 
ing shoed, furniture polish, 
ickle, straight bourbon. 
nd again, perhaps in a su 

in the country 

house, or wall er 
comes borne over the 
fragrance, which delights. Thus, when 1 
first cross the lobby of a new hotel, I w 
pause for а moment with my nostri 
hopefully flared. What is the scent. for 
which I am patiently sniffing the air? It 
is the smell of confidence that comes 
from perfection. 

ir a remembered 

"Sure 1 knew you were a Communist. Why do you thin 

I married you? I'm [rom the FBI.” 

(continued from page 168) 

trousers and an 
stick held with 
dove-gray gloved 

coat, striped morning 
ivory-headed walking 
an салу grace by his 
hand, In red. sputtering neon under- 

We climbed the narrow, dark wooden 
steps to the second floor, Within a red 
arrow painted on the wall were the 

We went past a couple of dentists’ 
offices and а door marked nait. BONDSMAN 
wonder if ed Astaire ever comes 
7 Schwartz said. 

Jh, come on, Schwartz. This is se 
ous" J could feel excitement rising 
deep inside me. The prom, the engraved 

the summer lormal; it was all 
starting то come topether. 

Al's Sw wear turned out to 

а countei 
length mi 

rors, Schwartz opened n 
tions with a swarthy, bald, hawk-eved, 
shirtsleeved man behind the counter. 
Around his neck hung а yellow measur- 
ing tape. He wore a worn vest with a 
half-dozen chalk pencils sticking out of 
the pocket. 

“Uh... wed like to . 
Schwartz began confidently. 

“OK, boys. Ya wanna make it big at 
the prom, am I right? Ya come to the 
right place. Ya goin’ to that hop out at 

. uh 

errywood, right?" 

"Ub . . . yeah." 1 replied. 

“And ya wanna summah fa 

"HEY, MORTY!” he shouted out 

FAWTY REGULAHL” His practiced eye 
had immediately sized us correctly. 

“COMIN’ UP!" Morty's voice echoed 
from the bowels of the establishment. 

Humming to himself, AI began 10 pile 
and unpile boxes like we weren't even 
there. 1 looked around the room at the 
posters of various smartly turned out 
men of the world. One in particular, 
wearing a summer formal. had a siriking 
Romero, his disti 
sideburns and. bronze face 
nicely with the snowy whit 

There was another pictur 
Martin, who was at that time at the peak 
of his movie career, usually. porrrayin 
Arab princes who disguised themselves as 
beggars in order to make the scene at the 
marker place. He was always falling 
love with a slave girl who turned out to be 
princess in disguise, played by somebody 
like Paulette Goddard. Tony's roguish 


resemblance to € 
guished g 

of Топ 

“OK, kid, take it off, ТЇЇ have it ready 
for you next week. 
Schwartz disappeared 
Al turned to me. “Here, 
He held it out invit- 

somewhat flyypecked, showed that he was 
into Desert Son; 

busily i 

tion of bow ties disp 


this coat 

“OK ON . I plunged my arms into its volumi- 
SHAWT, AL, BUT I'M OUTA nous folds. I felt 1 on my 
TIES. HOW "BOUT. THAT. shoulder bla pward 

DING?" shouted Morty from the back 

мепїпд up. his 
CLEANED YET!" came from the back 

ck. Could be beth. Fits 
"Take it in a little here; pull 

like а glove. 
in the bias here. 
He took out his chalk and made a few 


marks on m 

through the 

barked Al. He turned to me. 

“This suit just come in Irom anothah 
job. Don't worry about how it looks. 
We'll dean it up an’ take it in so's itll 

ke new. An' doan worry 
"bout the stain; we'll get it ош. Musta 
been some party. Here, try on these 

He tosed 

a pair of m 

fit good. trousers over the counter at m 
Morty the hot Tittle cubicle, as T ch 

in a gray smock, 1 stroked the broad black- 
апе! two suits on ре that lined. the outer seam. I 

them over the count 
look and stalked L 

Шу in the big time now. They 
rumpled, of course, and they 
smelled strongly of some spilled bever- 
brit they were truly magnificent. 

* Al a dirty 
e shadows, 

to Schwartz. 
behind the cu 

ê De araia tle i 

into my ear, An aromatic blast of p: 
mi and pickled herr ade my head 

ried, башы the green. curta 
up the other suit. In the n 
dark reddish-brown stain that covered 
the entire breast pocket was a neat little 
hole right through the jacket, Al turned 
the hanger around and stuck his finger 
through the hole. 

IEY, MOR TY!" he shouted. 


“Ah, Perfek. Jus. right 
k in the w He gy 

Put a бше 
bbed sever- 
ule in 

in as he 
m. Then it 

tly measured the i 
I over. 

new со: 

Schwartz emerged from the fitting 
room shrouded in what looked like a 
parachute with sle 

“Perfick! Could shouted 
А! exultantly, darting from behind the 
«oui He grabbed Sdiwart by the 
shoulders, spun him а nd and, wii 
a his hand up 

single movemen 
Schwartz’ crotch, measured the ins 
spun him arou in. made two сі 
marks on. the sleeves—whidh came almost 
10 his finger tips—yanked up the collar, 
punched him ту in the kidn 
the while murmuring in a hoarse st 

made for 
be betuh, P 

vou. Just perfick 

Kk. Like tailor 

Schwartz smiled weakly throughout the 


"Now," he said, behind his 
counter once 
shi "em st 
Or pleated, maybe? Very 

indica ed several sli 

We both peered down at the shirts. 
The Monte Carlo number was, indeed, 

spilly, its high. stiff, V-cut collar arching 
over cascading ribbons of razor-sharp 

оу, now that’s a shirt!" Sdiwartz 
breathed excitedly 
“That's what Z want,” 

other shirt would do. 

I said aloud. No 

уе for 


brow. “But how did you 
nd fifteen and а half, 
for you. right 

I nodded. wondering why he bothered 
to wear round his neck 

ued briskly, “how 


ght me off guard, I had 
heard the word "stud" before, but never 
in a tailor shop. 

"OK, I guess not. I'll throw 
Maybe even some matchin' cuff links, 
100. because you're such high-class cus- 
tomers. Now. I suppose уа wanna go 
first-class. right?” 

Al directed this question at both of us, 
his face assuming a look of concerned 

Schwartz answered uncert 
for both of u: 
"p knew 


that the minute you two 




walked in. Now, Fm gonna show you 
somepin that is exclus ho Ars 
Swank Formalwear.” 


With an штер 
he bent over, slid open 
placed. atop. the. count 

unfocused ту ey 

ous mystery. 
drawer and 
n object that 
s with its sheer kalei- 

doscopic brilliance. 
о place else in town. can supply you 
sley cum- 

with a genuwine Hollywood 
mabund. It's our wademaurk.” 

I stared at the 
glowing, se g fabrie 
ing myself a total smash on the dance 

lv see- 

only a buck extra. And worth five 

times the price. Adolphe Menjou always 

wears this model. How "bout it, men?” 
We both agreed in After all, 

you only live once. 

ОГ course, included for on 

dolla more is our fawmal bow 

matchin’ booteneer. 1 would suggest the 


"Sounds great,” I answered. 



... And then he forced me to perform an unnatural act." 

"Isn't that everything?” asked Schwartz 
ı some concern. 

Is that 
light fantastic widout a p 
eut-leathah dancin’ pumps?” 
Dancin’ what?” T asked. 
“Shoes, shoes,” he expla ably. 
“Aw we throw in the socks for nuttin. 
How "bout it?” 

“Well, u 
So that's it, boys, ГИ have 
ing all ready the day before the 
ally knock ‘em dead.” 
other loud argument 
nd Al. Their 
down the long 
Hight of narrow stairs and out into the 

Step by step, 
the wil 
The prom, which was now two weeks oll, 
began to occupy our minds most of the 
waking day. The semester had just about 
ed ихе out; our junior year was 

You gota be 

How do you expect to 


As we left, a 
broke out between Morty 
voices accompanied u 

the ancient tradition, 

1 ritual was being acted ou 

almost over. The trees and flowers were 
п blosom, great white clouds drifted 
across deep-blue skies and baseball prac- 

Б —but somehow, this 
m the rest. The 
we һай heard. 
па of 

prom was something t 
about since our e у 
golden hung over the word itself. 
Every couple of days, the bulletin bo: 
school announced that the prom com- 
mittee was meeting or requesting some- 

There was only one thing wrong. As 
each day ticked inexorably by toward 
that magie ni t the Cherrywood 
Country Club, I still could nor steel 
myself то actually seek out Daphne Bi 
and ask her the fatal question. Time 
. I spotted her in the halls, 
drifting by on gossamer wings, her ra- 
diant complexion casing a glow on all 
those around her her dazzling smile 
lighting up the corners of the world. 
But each time, Т broke into a fevered 
sweat and chickened out at the last 


The weekend before the prom w 
sheer torture. Schwartz, always. ethcient 
and methodical, had already made all his 
$. We sat on the steps of my back 
nly to 

Lud Kissel next door struggle v: 
adjust the idling speed on | 
ravaged carburetor so that the family № 
didn't stall at 35 miles ап hour. He had 
been drinking, of course, so it was quite 
а show, 

“How ya doin’ with Daphne Bige- 
low?" asked Schwartz si 
ing full well the 

“Oh, that. T haven't had time to ask 
her,” I lied. 

“Ya better get on the stick. There's 
only a week left." 

“Who you got lined up?” I asked, 
tossing a pebble at old Lud, who was 
now asleep under his running board. 

“Clara Mae Mattingly.” Schwartz. re 
plied in a steady, expressionless voic 

I was surprised. Clara Mae was one of 
those shadow, quiet girls who rarely 
were mentioned outside of honor rolls 

donically, know- 



and чиш Tike that She wore gold- 
rimmed glasses and still had pigtails. 
“Yep.” Schwartz added smugly. gr 
fied by my reaction. 
“Boy, e cam spell" И was all 
1 could to say that was good 

bout her, other than the fact that she 
was female. 

"Sure can," Schwartz agreed. He, too, 

had been quite a speller in our grade 

and on more than one occa- 


school day 
sion, Cla 
with a bril 
Indian wrestling now almost extinct but 
which at one time was a Waterloo for 
many of us among the unleuered. С 
Mae had acti 

had demolished him 
play of virtuosity in a 

Шу once gone to the state 
d lost out to a gangly farm 





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girl from downstate who apparently had. 
nothing clse to do down there but read 
ter nights 
You gonna send her a corsage?" I 
Iready ordered it. At the Cupid 
Florist" Schwartz’ self-satisfaction was 
“An orchid 
Yep. Cost cight bucks.” 
“Holy God! Eight bucks!" 
truly impressed 

Webster's through the long 

I was 

“Thar includes а gold pin for it." 

Our conversation trailed off as Lud 
Kissel rolled ont from under the running 
hoard. rose heavily to his knees and 
crawled off down the driveway on all 
fours, heading for the Bluebird Tavern, 
which was closed on Sundays. Lud always 
got restless in the spring, 

А few hours later, after supper, I went 
out gloomily to water the lawn, а job 
that purportedly went toward earning 
my allowance, which had reached an 
alltime high that spring of three dollars 
week. Fireflies played about the cotton- 
woods in the hazy twilight. but I was 
troubled. One week to go: less, now 

because you couldn't count the da 

the prom itself. In. the drawer where 
I kept my socks and scout knife. buried 
deep in the back, were 24 one-dollar 
bills. which 1 had saved for the prom 
Just as deep in my cowardly soul. I 
knew I could never ask Daphne Bigelow 
to be my dare. 

Refusing to admit it 10 myself, I whis- 
dled moodily as I sprayed the irises and 
watched a couple of low-lying bats as 
they skimmed over the lawn and up into 
the poplars. Mis. Kissel, next door, 
creaked back and forth on her porch 
swing, a copy of True Romance open in 
her lap. as she waited for Lud's return 

with his usual snootful. My kid brother 
сате out onto the porch and, from sheer 
habit. 1 quickly shot a stream of water 
over him, catching him in mid-air as he 
leaped high to avoid the stream. It was a 
superbly executed shot. 1 had led him 
just right. He caught it full in the chest, 
his yellow polo shirt clinging to his ribs 
wetly, like a second skin. Bawling at the 
top of his Iu 

» he disappeared into the 

house and slammed the screen door be 
hind him. Ordinarily, this small triumph 
would have cheered me up for hours 
bat tonight, 1 tasted nothing but ashes. 
Suddenly, his face reappeared in the 


Instantly, like a cobra, I struck. Sweep- 
ing the stream quickly over the screen 
door, I got him again, Another scream of 
rage and he was gone. Again, I sank into 
my moody sca of reflection. Was I goin 
to boot the prom? 

Flick had asked Janie Hutchinson, а 
tall, funny girl who had been in our 
class since kindergarten. And Schwartz 


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was lined up with Clara Мас; all he 
had talked about had been that crummy 
orchid and how good a dance 
Flick had stopped asking about 
Daphne ever since the past Wednesday 
when 1 had gotten mad because he'd 
been needling me. All week, I had been 
cleaning up my Ford for the big night. 

he was. 


went all the w 
total love, it was my Ford V8, а con- 
vertible that 1 had personally rebuilt 
at least 35 times. I knew every valve 
spring personally, had honed each valve, 
burnished every nut and bolt she cam 
‘Tuesday, J had Simonized her complete- 
ly; Wednesday, I had repeated the job; 
and Thursday. 1 had polished the chrome 
until my knuckles ached and my back was 
stiff. 1 had spent the past two days minut 
ly cleaning the interior. using a full can 
of saddle soap on the worn leather. Every 
thing was set to go, except for опе thing— 
no girl, 

A feeling of helpless rage settled over 
me as 1 continued spraying the lawn. I 
flushed out а poor, hapless caterpill 
from under a bush. squirting him merci- 
lesly full blast until he washed down 
the sidewalk and disappeared into the 
weeds. I felt а twinge of evil satisfaction 
as he rolled over and over helplessly. It 
was getting dark. All that was left of the 
un was д long purple-or streak 
the weuem horizon. 7 


the secl mills to the north 
began to light up the twilight sky. E had 
worked my way down to the edge of our 

weedy, pock-marked bed of sod when, 
out of the corner of my eve, 1 noticed 

something white approaching out of the 
gloom. E sprinkled on, not knowing that 
another piece was being fied. into the 

intricate mosaic of adolescence. 1 kicked 
absent-mindedly at a passing toad as 1 
soaked down the dandelions. 

"What ате you doing? 

So deeply was I involved in self-pity 
that at first my mind woulda 
Startled, E swung my hose around, spray- 
we on the sidewalk ten 


ing the white fig 
feet away. 

Tm sorry!” I blunted out, seeing at 
once that [ had washed down a girl 
dressed in white tennis clothes. 

“Oh, hi, Wanda. I didu't see you 

She dried herself with a Kleenex. 

What are you doing?” she asked 


"Um sprinkling the lawn.” The toad 
hopped past. going the other way now 
І squirted him briefly, out of general 

you been playing tei Since she 
ing a racket, it seemed the right thing to 

“Me and Eileen Akers were playing. 
Down at the park," she answered. 

Eileen Akers was a sharp-faced, bespec 
ticled girl I had, inexplicably, been 

aring tennis clothes and was carry- 

brielly in love with in the third grade. 1 
had come t0 my senses by the time we 
got into 4-B, It was a narrow escape. By 
then, I had begun to dimly perceive that 
there was more to women ihan bi 
able to play a good game of run sheep 

“Tm sure glad school's almost over, 
she went on, when I couldirt think of 
ything to sav. "I cam hardly wait, 1 
never thought ld be a senior.” 

Yeah," I said. 

“I'm going to camp this summer. Are 


Yeah,” 1 lied. I had а job already 
lined up for the summer, working for 
surveyor. The next camp 1 would see 

would be in the Ozarks, and I'd be 
ng an M-I. 
Wanda swung her tenn ket at a 

е bug that 
Il speed. She missed. The bug soared 
angrily up and whirred off into the dark- 

“Are you going to college when you 
graduate next year?” she asked. For some 
reason, I didnt like the drift of the 

pped by barely above 

1 don't get drafted 
rmy. He's in 
Bud Hicke 

1 guess so. 
"My brother's in the 
the artillery.” Her brother 

. he doesn’t write much,” she 
“But he's gonna ger а pass next 
September, before he goes overseas.” 

“How come hes in the artillery? 

^P don't know. They jus put him 
there. I guess because he's tall. 

“What's that gotta do with it? Do they 

© to throw the shells, or something?” 
don't know. They just did it” 
Then it happened. Without thinking. 
without even a shadow of a suspicion of 
planning. 1 heard. myself asking: "You 
going to the prom?" 

For à long inwant she said nothing, 
just swung her tennis racket at the air 
she finally answered, 



иез so, 

nna be great" I said, trying ıo 
e the subject 
who are you going wit 
She said it as if she really didi 
way or the other 
"Well, I haven't exactly made up my 
mind yet" 1 bent down unconcernedly 
and pulled a giam milkweed out by the 

ier have Г” she sa 

It was then that 1 realized there was 
no sense fighting it. Some guys аге born 
to dance forever w Daphne Bige- 
п floors under 

lows on shining 1 
skies, Others—well, they 
do the best they can. I didu’t know thar 
yer, but 1 way beginning to suspect some- 



endless starry 

vould уоп... well... 1 
you see, І was 

Here I go, in over the horns: “Wanda, 
uh . . how . <. going to the 
prom with ше?” 
She stopped twitching her ter k- 
et. The crickets cheeped. the spring air 
was filled with the sound of singing 
froglets. А soft brecze carried with it the 
promise of a rich summer and the vi- 
brant aromas of а nearby refinery. 

She began softly, "Of course, Гуе 
a lot of invitations, but I. didn't say yes 
to any of them yet, I guess it would be 
fun to go with you,” she ended lamely. 

"Yeah, well, naturally, I've had four or 
five girls who wanted to go with me, but 
T figured that they were mostly jer 
@ as All wee 
1 along. 
e dic was 

is т: 

апуу . 1 meant to ask 

st. There was no turn- 
. Once a 
asked to the prom, only а total 
bounder would even consider ducking 
out of it. There had been one or two 
cases im the past, but the perpetrators 
had become social j . driven from 
the tribe 10 fend for themselves in the 
unfriendly woods. 
Later that night, 
kitchen table, м 
the une: 
thoughifully on a р 
sandwich while my mothe 
the sin 

hunched over the 

hanging over 
her rump-sprung Chinese-red 
droned on monoto- 
. t going to have to 
мор squirting Randy. 

“Yeah,” I answered, my mind three 
light-years away. 

"You got his new 
shirt all wet. 

“Sorry.” 1 said auomaticilly. Tt was а 
phrase E used often in those days. 

"B shrank. And now he can't wear ii 

“Why not?” I asked. 

"It comes up around his chest now.” 

“Well, why can’t he stretch it? 

“You just stop squirting him, th 
You hear me?” 

DEUS a sill 

“You heard 


sh Gordon T- 

"s ull. 


nyway," I said 

what 1 said. No more 
That ended the conversa 
bed, 1 thought briefly of 
elow, but was interrupted by 
the bed on the othe 

Daphne H 

a voice side of 
the room. 

“You rotten crumb, You squirted my 

“Ah, shaddup." 

“You wait, l'in gonna дет voi 

1 lıughed raucously. My kid brother 
wailed in ı 


The old n mca 

nt what he said and. 

we knew it. I promptly fell asleep. It had 
been a long and tumultuous day. 

I broke the news to Schwartz the next 
morning, alter biology. We were hurry- 
ш through the halls berween classes on 

our way to our lockers, which were side 
by side on the second floor 

“Hey, Schwartz, how about double- 
dating for the prom?" I asked, I knew he 

had по car and 1 needed moral support, 

u! FII help you clean up the 

"Eve already Simonized her. She's all 

Ave you gonna send Daphne 
chid, or wh 

“Well, no . .." 1 said, hoping he'd 
forget what he asked. 

"What do you mi 

“Well, Lam going to send 

“I thought you said you wer 

"b never s 

“Are you nuts? You just s 
weren't gonna." 

" or- 

1? Ya gotta send a 


a send a 


send а corsage to 
Daphne Bigelow. You asked me if I was 
send a corsage to Daphne, and 

he's gonna think you're a 

real cheap 

It was gett 

ridiculous. Schwartz, was 

being even more of a numskull than 

schwartz, I have decided not to ask 
phne Bigelow to the prom.” 

He looked directly at me, which 
caused him to slam into two stol 

n girls, Their hooks slid across 
the floor. where they were trampled un- 
derfoot by the thundering mob. 

“Well, who are you taking: 
oblivious to their shrieks of d 

“Wan Hickey,” 

“Wanda Hickey!" 

Schwanz completely thrown by 
this bit of news. Wanda H 
never been what you could call a n 
маг in our Milky Way. We walked on, 
ying nothing, until finally, as we opened 
our lockers, Schwartz Well. she sure 
is good а 

It was 


he asked, 

an algebra 
at Clara Mae 
s a spelling nut. Maybe we both got 
we deserved 

ter that day, in the study hall, after 
d polished off a history theme on 
some stupid thing like the Punic Wars, 1 
got to thinking about Wanda. I could 
see her sitting way over on the other side 
of the room, a dusty sunbeam filter 
through the window shades and I 
up her straw-colored. hair, She was kind 
of cure, ГА never really no before. 
Ever since second grade, Wanda had just 


“Hey, Pop, when will I have hair on my chinny-chin-chin 



225 fi 

been there, 
Helen Wca 

along with Eileen Akers, 
hers and all the rest of that 
throng of girls who formed 
an erotic backdrop for the theater of 
my mind. And here I was, at long last 
taking Wanda Hickey—Ianda Hickey 
—to the prom, the only junior prom 1 
would ever attend in my life. 

As I chewed on the end of my fake 
marble Wearever pen, E watched Wanda 
through half-closed eyes in the dusty 
sunbeam as she read the Lady of the 
Lake, Ahead of me, Schwartz dozed 
fitfully, as he alw id in study hall, 
his forehead. occa 
desk, Flick, to my right, struggled sullen- 
ly over his chemistry workbook. We both 
Knew it was hopeless. Flick was the only 
one in our crowd who consistently 
flunked everything. In the end, he never 
even graduated, but we didn't know that 

The prom was just five days away. 
This was the last week of school. Ahead, 
our Jong summer in the sun stretched 
out like a lazy yellow road. For many of 
us, it was the Jast peaceful summer we 
were to know. 

Mr. Wilson, 

the study-hall teacher, 
wandered aimlessly up and down the 
isles, pretending he was interested in 
we were pretending to be doing 
From somewhere outside drifted the cries 
of a girls’ volleyball game, while I drew 
pictures of my Ford on the inside cover 
of my three-ring notebook: front vie 
rear view, outlining the di 
ngs with ink. 
"That morning, on my way to school, I 
had gone down to the Cupid Florist 
Shop and ordered an orchid. My 94 
dollars were shrinking fast. The cipht- 
dollar bite for the orchid didn't help. 
Schwartz and T were going to split on 
the gas, which would come to maybe а 
buck apiece. After paying for the sum- 
mer formal, I'd have а ten dollars left 
lor the big night. As I sat in study hall, I 
calculated, writing the figures down, add- 
ng and subtracting. But it didn't come 
out to much, no matter how I figured it, 

Schwartz passed a note back to I 
opened it: "How about the Red Rooster 

І wrote underneath, "Where else? 
1 passed it back. The Red Rooster was 
part of the tribal ritual, It was the place 
you went alter a big date, if you could 
afford it. 
nced over across the room at 
and caught her looking at me. 
She instantly buried her head in her 
book. Good old Wanda. 

On the way home from school every 
day that weck, of course, all we talked 
bout was the prom. Flick was doublc- 
dating with Jossway and we were all 
going to meet afterward at the Rooster 
and roister until dawn, drinking deeply 
of the sweet elixir of the good life. The 
only thing that nagged me now was 
ncial, Ten bucks didn't look as big 

as it usually did. Ord . wn bucks 
could have gotten me through a month 
of just fooling around, but the prom was 
the big time. 

Friday night, as I sat in the kitchen 
before going to bed, knocking down a 
erwurst on whole wheat and drinking 
a glass of chocolate milk, the back door 
squeaked open and in breezed the old 
man, carrying his bowling bag. Friday 
night was his big night down at the 
Bowl. He was a fanatical bowler, and. 
a good onc, too. He slid the bag across 
the floor, pretending to lay one down 

i ht arm held out in a 
graceful follow right leg trail 
in the classic bowling stance. 

“Right the pocket,” he вай 

“How'd you do tonight?" I asked. 
ot bad. Had a two-oh-seven game. 

Damn near cracked six hundred." 

He opened the refrigerator and fished 
around for а beer, then sat down heav- 
ily, downed two thirds of the bottle in a 
mighty drag, burped loudly and said: 
“Well, tomorrow's the big day, ain't 
“Yep,” I answered. “Sure i 
"You takin' Daphne Bigelow?” he 

ih. Wanda Hickey 
“Oh, yeah? Well, you can't win ‘cm 
all, nda's old man is some kind of a 

“I guess so." 
“He drives a Studebaker Champion, 
don't he? The green two-door with the 


The old man had a fine eye for cars. 
He judged all men by what they drove. 
Apparently, а guy who drove а two«oor 
Studebaker was not absolutely beyond 
the pale. 

“Not a bad car. Except they burn 
afier a while," he mused, omitting no 
aspects of the Studebaker. 
hey used to have a weak fr 
Bad kingpins.” He shook his Iu 
ly, opening another beer and г 
for the rye bread. 

I said nothing lost in my own 
thoughts. My mother and kid brother 
had been in bed for an hour or so, We 
were, for all practical purposes, alone in 
the house. Next door, Mrs. Kissel threw 
ош а pan of dishwater into the back 
yard with a swoosh. Her screen door 

“How ya fixed for tomorrow night?” 
the old man asked suddenly, swirling his 
beer bottle around to ra he head. 

“What do you mean?” 

“I mean, how arc ya fix 

My father never talked money to me. I 
got my allowance every Monday and that 
was that. 

“Well, I've got about ten bucks,” 

“Hm.” That was all he said. 

Alter sit in silence for a minute or 
so, he said, “You know, I always wished 1 

t end. 
ad crit 

coulda gone to a proi 

How can you answer something like 
that? He had barely gotten out of eighth 
grade when he had to go to work, and he 
never stopped for the rest of his life. 

“Oh, well, what the hell.” He finally 
answered himself. 

He cut himself a couple of slices of 
boiled ham and made a sandwich. 

“I was really hot tonight. Got a string 
of six st 
‘The old hook was mov 
of wood." 

He reached into his hip pocket, took 
is wallet and said, “Look, don't tell 
He handed me a $20 bill. 

“I had a couple of bets going on the 
second game, aud Fm a money bowler 
t. No doubt of it. In his 
ly teens, he had scrounged out a 1 
ing as а pool shark, and he had never 
lost the touch. 1 took the S20, glommed 
onto it the way the proverbial drowning 
man grabs at a straw. I was so astounded 
at this unprecedented gesture that it 

aight strikes in the second 

getting а lot 

never occurred to me 10 say thanks. He 
Thad. A 

would have been embarrassed. 
miracle had come to pass. Th 
doubt about it—the prom was goi 
an unqualified blast. 

"The next day dawned bright and sun- 
perfect as а June day can be—in a 
steel-mill town. Even the blast-furnace 
dust that drifted aimlessly throu 
soft air glowed with promise. I w 

у, dusting off the car. It was goi 
be a top. dow ht. If there is anythi 
more romantic than a convertible wi 
the top down in June g to à prom, 
Td like to hear about it. Cleopatra's 
barge couldn't have been much more 

My kid brother, his diminutive Flash 
Gordon T-shirt showing a great expanse 
of knobby backbone and skinny belly. 
yapped around me as I toiled over the 

"Look what you done to my T-shirt!" 
he whined, his runny nose atrickle. He 
was in the midst of his annual spi 
cold, which would be superseded by his 
summer cold, which lasted nicely to the 
whopper he got in the fall, which, of 
course, was only a prelude to his winter 
long monster cold. 

“Stay away from the fender. 
dripping on it!” I shouted 


shoving him aw: 

only about an inch 

I couldn't help laughing. It was true 
Flash had shrunk, along with the shirt, 
which Randy had earned by doggedly 
eating three boxes of Wheat 
the box tops and mailing them ii 
25 cents that he had, by dint of Гегосіс 
l, saved from h 

“Look, ГИ get you another Flash Gor- 
don T-shirt.” 

“You can't. They're not givin’ ‘em 
no more, They're givin’ 

Jonathan Lawrence is doing 
everything for his thinning hair. 

Everything wrong. 

Like shampooing too often. 
And using bar soap or whatever" 
handy. Both drying. And dry ha 
tends to be brittle. Breakable. (And 
the more his hair breaks, the less 
he's got.) 

Since all that shampooing 
makes his hair uncooperative, 
Jonathan uses a grooming agent. 
Sure, it keeps his hair from dancing 
all over his head. By squashing it. 
Making it look even thinner. Be- 
sides, it only glosses over the dry- 
ness problem, and makes hair dirty 
all over again. So, back to another 
drying shampoo. 

How to beat it? Shampoo once 
a week. With Pantene® Shampoo 
for Men. Does more than 
simply wash dirt out. 

Washesinbodyand shine. Whileour 
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Next: Pantene Hair Groom 
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Gently. Undetectably. Hair looks 
thicker, fuller. And t 
a lot toa man who doesn't have a lot. 

And, to keep hair fresh and 
clean between shampoos, Pantene 
Hair Lotion. A daily splash and a 
scrub of the fingers does it. Keeps 
hair healthier looking, too. 

can mean 

Everything from Pantene — 
Shampoo, Hair Groom Spray, Hair 
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| All dogood while they 
keep your hair 
looking good. 

Everything right for your hair. 



Duck beanies with a propeller оп top 

“Well, then, stretch the one you got 
now, stupid.” 

“It wont stretch. It keeps getting 

Не bounced up and down on a clothes 
pole, joggling the clothesline and my 
mother's wash. Within three seconds, she 
was ont on the back porch. 


Sullenly, he slid off onto the ground. 
I went back to work, until the Ford 
med like some rare jewel. Then I 
went into the house to begin the even 
e laborious process of getting myself 
п shape for the evening ahead. Locking 
l took two showers, 
ew bar of Lifebuoy 
n to a nub. I knew what happened 
10 people who didn't use it; every week, 
litle comic strips underneath Moon 
Mullins told endless tales of disastrous 
promis due to dreaded b. o. It would not. 
happen to me. 

I theu shaved for the second time that 
week, using a new Gillette Blue Blade. 
As usual when an important shave was 
executed, I nicked myself nastily in sev- 
eral places. 

"Son of a bitch," I muttered, plaster- 
ing the wounds with little pieces of toilet 

Carefully, I went over every inch of 
my face, battling that age-old enemy, the 
blackhead, and polished off the job with 

ious application of stinging Aqua 
icked my hair, combing 
getting just the right 
nsouciant pitch to my pride and јоу, my 
d.a. cut. Tonight, I would be a truly 
nt specimen of lusty manhood. 

5 fast approaching when I 
emerged from the bathroom, redolent of 
re aromas, pink and svelte. But the 
real battle had not yet begun. Laid out 
on my bed was my beautiful summer 
formal. Al was right: The clegant white 
coat truly gleamed in virginal splendor. 
Not a trace of the red stain nor the 
sinister hole could be detected. The coat 
was ready for another night of celebra- 
tion, its lapels spotless, its sleeves smooth 
and uncreased. 

Carefully, 1 undid the ү 
tooned ту pl lo shirt. It 
was the damnedest thing I had ever see 
once [ got it straightened out: long, 
ug. gauzelike shirtails, a crinkly 
front that thrummed like sheet metal 
and а collar that seemed to be carved of 
white rock. I slipped it on. Panic! It 
had no buttous—just holes. 

Rummaging around frantically in the 
bos the tux came in, I found a cello- 
phane bag containing little round black 
things. Ripping the bag open, 1 poured 
them out; there were five of them, two 
of which immediately darted under the 
bed. From the looks of the remaining 
three, they certainly weren't. buttons; 

but they'd have to do. Although I didn't 
know it at the time. ] had observed a 
classic maneuver executed by at least 
one stud out of every set ever rented 
with a tux. Down on my hands and 
knees, already beginning to lose my 
Lifebuoy sheen, sweat popping out here 
and there, | scrambled around for the 
missing culprits. 

‘The ordeal was well under way. Seven 
o'clock was approaching with such ra- 
pidity аз to be almost unbelievable. 
Schwartz, Clara Mac and Wanda would 
already be waiting for me, and here 1 
was in my drawers, crawling around on 
my hands and knees. Finally, amid the 
dust and dead spiders under my bed, 
1 found the two studs cowering together 
behind a hardball I'd lost three months 

Back before the mirror, I struggled to 
get them in place between the concrete 
slits. Sweat was beginning to show under 
my arms. l got two in over my breast- 
bone and then I nied to get the one 
at the collar over my Adam's apple. It 
was impossible! I could feel from deep 
within me several sobs beginning to 
form. The more I struggled, the more 

nvfisted I became. Oh. no! Two bla 
ish thumb smudges appeared on my snow- 

white collar. 
“MA!” I screamed, “LOOK AT MY 

She rushed in from the kitchen, carry- 
ing a paring knife and a pan of apples. 
“What's the matter?” 

I pointed at 

the telltale 

My kid brother cackled in delight 

when he saw the trouble I was in, 
"Don't touch it" she barked, taking 

control immediately. Dirty collars were 

her métier. She had fought them all her 

life. She darted out of the room and 

returned instantly with an artgum eraser. 
“Now, hold still.” 

I obeyed as she carefully worked the 

stud in place and then artistically erased 
the two monstrous thumbprints. Never 
my life had I experienced a colla 
remotely like the one that now camped 
its grasp around my windpipe. 
Hard and unyield dug mercilessly 
into my throat—a mere sample of wi 
10 come. 

Where's your tie?" she asked. I had 
forgotten about that detail. 

“It... ack... must be... in the 
box," I managed to gasp out. The collar 
had almost paralyzed my voice box. 

She rummaged around and cime up 
with the bow tie. It was black and it had 
two metal clips. She snapped it onto the 
wing collar and stood back. 

Now, look at yourself in the mirror.” 
I didn't recognize. myself. 

She picked up the midnight-blue trou- 
sers and held them open, so that I could 
slip into them without bending over, 

True to his word, Al had, indeed, 

nin the seat. The pants clamped me 
n a viselike grip that was to damn near 
emasculate me before the evening was 
ош. I sucked in my stomach, buttoned 
the waistband tight, zippered up the fiy 
and stood straight as a ramrod before the 
mirror. I had no other choice. 

"Gimme your foot.” 

My mother was down on all fours, 
pulling the silky black socks onto my 
feet. Then, out of a box on the bed, she 
removed the gleaming pair of patent- 
leather dancing pumps, grabbed my 
ight foot and shoved it into one of 
them, using her finger as a shochorn. 1 
tromped down. She squealed in pain. 

“1 can't get my finger out!” 

I hobbled around, taking her finger 
with me. 

STAND STILL!" she screamed, 

I stood like a crane, one foot in the 
with her finger jammed deep into 
the heel. 

“RANDY! COME HERE!” she yelled. 

My kid brother, who was sulking un- 
der the day bed, ran into the room. 


She was fr 
“What for?" he asked sullen 


1 was getting an enormous cramp in 
my right buttock. 

“STAND STILL'" she yelled. 
Randy looked оп impassivel 
a scene that he was 
family legend. embroid 
more as the years went by—making him- 
self the hero, of course. 

Her voice quavered with pain and exas- 

“He squirted my T-shirt.” 

"If you don't take off his shoe th 
instant, you're gonna regret it" This 
time, her voice was low and menacing 
We both knew the tone. It was the end 
of the line. 

Randy bent over and tugged off the 
shoe. My mother toppled backward in 
relief, rubbing her index finger, which 
was already blue, 

“Go back under the day bed,” she 
pped. He scurried out of the room. 1 
straightened out my leg—the c 
iding like a volcano in the m 
my bones—and the gleaming pumps 
were put in place without further inci- 
dent. I stood encased as in armor. 

Whats this thing?” she asked from 

Ч me. I executed a careful 180- 

“A cummerbund!" She had seen Fred 
Astaire in many а cummerbund while he 
spun down marble si ith Ginger 
Rogers in his arms, but it was the first 
actual specimen she had ever been close 
to. She picked it up reverently, its paisley 

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"Now I understand, Professor Kirkbright—you 
never intended to blast off!” 

descent jewel. 
“How does it work? 
g it closely. 

Before 1 could answer, she said, * 
see, I has snaps on the back, Hold sil 
She drew it 
light. The snaps c no place. It 
rode snugly halfway up my ches 

She picked up the st 
it ош. 1 lowered my arms 
ened up and there I stood — Adonis! 

Posing before the full-length mirror on 
the bathroom door, I noted the rich 
accent of my velvet stipes, the gle 
my pumps, the da 
sparkle of my high 
What a sight! What a feel 
the way life should be. This is what it's 
all about. 

I heard my mother call out пот the 

ext room: “Hey, what's this thing?" She 
came out holding a cellophane bag con- 
да oon object. 
dh, that’s my boutonniere.” 

“Your what?” 

“Ws a thing for the lapel. Like a fake 

It was the work of an instant to install 
my elegant wool carnation. It was the 
crowning touch, I was so overwhelmed 
that I didn't care about the fact that it 
didn't match my black tie, as Al had 
promised. With the cummerbund 1 was 
wearing, no one would notice, anyway. 

Taking my leave as Cary Grant would 
have done, | sauntered. out the front 
door, turned to give my mother a jaunty 

ice lighting up the room like an 

she asked, exam- 

wave—just in time for her to call me 
back to pick up Wanda's corsage, w 
Га left on the from-hall table. 

Slipping carefully into the front 5 
h the celluloid-topped box safely 
beside me, I leaned forward slightly, to 
avoid wrinkling the back of my coat, 
started the motor up and shoxed off 
the warm spring night. A soft 
moon hung overhead. and the 
purred like a kitten. When I pulled up 
before Wanda's house, it was lit up from 
top to bottom, Even belore my brakes һай 
stopped squealing, she was out on the 
porch, her mother Il bout her, 
father lu the background, 

1, I moved up the 
walk; my pants wi i Td 
taken one fuse step, God knows what 
would have happened. In my sweaty, 
Aqua Vely ‚1 dutdied the 
al largess i 

Wanda wore 
gown, her milky 



This was not the old W; For опе 

thing. she didn't have her gl 

id, the way the true myopia victim's 
always are 

“Gee, thanks for the orchid,” she whis- 
pered. He e sounded strained. In 
accordance with the tribal custom, she, 

100, was being mercilessly clamped by 

Her mother, 
Wanda, only slightly puffy here 
there, sa “You'll take care of her now, 
won't you?” 

“Now, Emily, don't start yapping,” her 
old man mutter in the darkness, 
“They're not kids anymore.” 

They stood in the doorway as we 
drove off through the soft night toward 
Schwartz’ house, our conversation stilted, 

our excitement almost at the boiling 
point. Schwartz rushed out of his house, 
his white c 
ness, his h: 

(d surrounded. by 

Five minutes Inter. Clara Mae piled 
into the back seat beside him, carefully 

holding up her daffodil-vellow skirts, her 
Jong slender neck arched. She, 100, 
w ng her glasses, 1 had never 

t a good speller could be so 

v. a good half head short- 
laughed. nervously as we tooled on 
toward the Cherrywood Co 
From all over town, other cars, polished 
d waxed, carried the rest of the junior 
ss to their great trial by fire. 
The cub newled amid di 

only barely detectable. Parking the car 
in the lot, we threaded our way through 
the starched and. crinolined crowd—the 
girls’ girdles creaking in unison—to the 
grand ballroom. Japanese lanterns danced 
in the breeze through the open doors to 
the garden, bathing the dance floor in a 
fairytale glow. 

I found myself sa 

And, "Y I believe 
perfect.” Only Flick 
Philistine, failed to 
Already rumpled in his summer 
he made a few tasteless wisecracks as 
Iseley and his Magic Music 
struck up the sultry sounds that 
had made them famous in every steel-mill 
town that ringed Lake Michigan. Dark 
and sensuous, the dance floor engulfed 
us all. I felt tall, slim and beautiful, not 
ig at the time that everybody feels 
ented white coat and 
black pants. T could see myself standing 
on a mysterious balcony, a lonely, cle- 
gant figure. looking out over the lights of 
some exotic city, а scene of sophisticated 


ise to the occasion. 


ied moment when 
Mickey Iscley stood in the baby spot. his 
wp. before а microphone 
shaped like a chromium bullet 
AIL right. boys and gi 
lic ring of feedback framed his words in 
an echoing nimbus. "And now, some- 
thing really romantic. A request: When 
the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano. 
We're going to turn the lights down for 
this one. 
wow! The lights faded even low 

Only the Japanese lanterns glowed dimly 
гей, green, yellow and blu п the 
enchanted darkness. It was unquestionably 
the high point of my existence. 

Wanda and I began to maneuver 
around the floor. My experience in danc- 
ing had been gaincd almost entirely from 
reading Arthur Mur nd prac- 
ticing with a pillow for a partner behind 
the locked door of the bathroom. As we 
shuffled across the floor, 1 could sce the 
black footprints before my eyes. march- 
g on a white page: 1-23: then the 
white one that sa Pause. 

Back and forth, up and down, we 
moved metronomically. My box step was 
so square that 1 went le right 
angles for weeks alterw: The wool 

rode high up on my lapel and 
inning to scratch my cheek, and 
an insistent itch began to 
right shoulder. There was some 
wire or horschair or 
shoulder pad that w: 
its way into my flesh 
shing concrete collar, 
having wilted, 


s beginning to bore 

had removed а 
wide strip of skin encircling my neck. As 

cessant abrasive action 

nic м 

for my voice—due to the 
1 of the collar, i 
more thi 

"When the sv 


-.. come baa 
who doubled as the band's 

the drummer, 
romantic voca 

the most r € flower 
ееп. At least 14 hes across, it looked 
like some kind of overgrown Venus 
flytrap waiting for the right moment. to 
strike. Deep purple, with an obscene 
yellow tongue that stuck straight out of 
t, and greenish knobs on the end, 
clashed almost audibly with her turquoise 
dress. It looked like it was breath 
and it clung to her shoulder as if with 
As I glided back and forth in my 
aceful box step, my left shoulder began. 
itch that helped take my 
4 off of the insane itch in my right 
ich was beginning to feel 
army of hungry soldier ants on 
The contortions 1 made to 
relieve the agony were camouflaged nice- 
ing fit brought оп by 
the orchid, which was exhaling directly 
into my face, So with a 
ly esence of Smith Brothers cough 
drops and sauerkraut 
“When the deceep papani ИИ 
«+ Over slececepy gaaardennnn. wallllls 
bled the vocalist. into. his mi- 
crophone, with which he seemed to be 
dancing the tango. The loudspeakers 
rattled in thi er time as W: 
started to sweat through her taffeta 
felt it running down hı 
back was alre 


k. My own 


Чу so wet you could read 233 



the label on my undershirt right through 
the dinner jacket. 

Back and forth we trudged doggedly 
across the crowded Ноо 
Murray ad man, Schw: 
actly the sime мер м 
rectly behind me. We were all in a 
four-part lock step. As I hit the lower 
left-hand footprint in my squ 

righthand corner of his square. 
ic we did that, our elbows dug 
nto each other's ribs. 

gle fragrance of the orchid 
per by the minute and the 
ted my Jock- 


The ju 
жаз getting ri 
sweat, which had now satura 
ey shorts, was pouring down my legs in 
rivulets. My soaked cummerbund had 
turned two shades darker. So that she 
shouldn't notice, 1 pulled Wanda doser 
to me. Sighing, she hugged me back. 

[апда was the vaguely chubby type of 
girl that was so popular at the time. Like 
Judy Garland, by whom she was heavily 
influenced, she strongly resembled a pink 
beach ball—but a cule beach ball, solt 
and rubbery, 1 felt bumpy things under 
her taffeta gown. with little hooks and 
knobs. Schwartz caught me a nasty shot 
in the rib cage just as 1 bent over to kiss 
her lightly on the bridge of her позе. It 
ted salty. She looked up at me, her 
yopic eyes catching the 
the red and green lanterns 

great liquid 

relleaion of 
During a brief intermissi nz 
and I carried paper cups dripping syrupy 
pundi back to the who had just 
spent some time in the ladies room 
struggling unsuccessfully to repair the 
damage of the first half. As we were 


sipping, a face from my dim past floated 
by from out of nowhere—haughty, ala- 
baster, green-eyed, dang. 
“Hi, Daph,” I muuered, spilling a 
little punch on my gleaming pumps, 
which had turned during the past hour 
nto a pair of iron maidens. 
“Oh, Howard." She spoke in the 
breathy, sexy way that such girls always 
have at proms, "Id like you to meet 
meron, He's at Prince- 
gure, probably born in 
loomed overhead. 
s Howard." 
the first time I 
ceionian. It was 


a summer form 
“Budge. th 

not to be the last. 
They were gone, Funny, I couldn't 

even reme 

rellected, as 

again. We swüng back into action 

opened with Sleepy Lagoon. 1- 

in now. I had broken out 
i. I felt it sp 

lashed on 
by the sweat. The horsehair, meanwhile 
had penetrated my chest cavity and was 
working its way toward а vital organ. 
Trying manfully to ignore it, I stared 
fixedly at the tiny turquoise ribbon that 
held Wanda's golden ponytail in place. 
With troubles of her own, she looked 
with an equ t my ma- 
roon-wool carnation, which by this time 
had wilted into a dump of lim. 

АП of a sudde The band 
played Good Night, Sweetheart and we 
were out—into a dri 

“Do you think I like making passes at other men's 
wives? You know that’s why Im seeing an analyst.” 

the door. My poor little car, 
joy of 

the pride 
y life, was outside in the 

We stood under the canopy as the 
ring thunderstorm raged on. It wasn’t 
going to stop. 

You guys stay here. ТЇЇ get the c 
1 said ft ү. Alter all, E was in ch: 3 

Plunging into the downpour, I sloshed 
through the puddles and finally reached 
the Ford. She st have had at least 
а foot of water in ady. Hair 
streaming down over my eyes, soaked to 
the skin and muddied to the knees, I 
bailed it out w collee сап from the 
trunk, slid behind the wheel and. pressed 
the automatictop lever. Smooth as silk, 
1 to lift—and stuck halfway up. 
п poured down in sheets and 
ng Mashed, 1 pounded on the 
ys. furiously switched the lever olf 
and on. I could sce the country club 
dimly through the downpour. Finally, 
the top groaned and flapped into place. 
1 threw down the snaps, rolled up the 
windows and turned on the tion; the 
battery. was dead. of hoisting 
that goddamn top had 
yelled out the wi 
his Chevy 


This had never, to my knowledge, hap- 
pened to Fred Astaire. 

Flick expertly swung his Chevy around 
and slammed into my trunk as I eased 
her into gear, and when she started to 
roll, the Ford shuddered and hi. 
Flick backed up and was gone, hollering 
out the window: 


Wanda, Schwartz and Clara Mae piled 
in on the damp, soggy seats and we took 
off. Do you know what happens to a 
-wool carnation oi 
1 heavy June dow! 
Midwest, where it rains not water but 
carbolic acid [rom the steel-mill fallou? 
l had a dark, wide, spreading maroon 
stripe that went all the way down to the 
bottom of my white coat, My French 
cuffs were covered with grease trom 
fighting the top, and I had cracked a 
пай, which was beginning to throb. 

Undaunted, we slogged intrepidly 
through the rain toward the Red Roost- 
пу side, Wanda 
ious to the ele 
love eye 
tic. Schwartz 
seat and Clara. 
ne. The savage 
ng its final and most. 

looked up at me—obli 
ments—with luminou 

truly an incurable 
giggled [rom time to ti 
tribal rite was ne 

es for 

a blue neon 

down im the rain set the tone for this 
glamorous establishment, A of 
undefined sin was always connected with 

the name Red Rooster. Sly winks, nudg. 
ings and adolescent cacklings about what 
purportedly went on at the Rooster 
made it the "in" spot for such a momen- 
tous revel. Its waiters were rumored real- 
ly to be secret henchmen of the Mafia. 
But the only thing we knew for sure 
about the Rooster was that anybody on 
the far side of seven years old could pro- 
cure any known drink without question. 
The decor ran heavily to red-check- 
credoildoth table covers and. plastic vio- 
Jes, and the musical background was 
provided by a legendary jukebox that 
stood а full seven [cet high, featuring 
red and blue cascading waterfalls that 
gushed endlessly trough its voluptuous 
façade. In full 200awate operation, it 
could be felt, if not clearly heard, as far 
north as Gary and as far south as Kanka- 
kee. A triumph of American aesthetics. 
Surging with anticipation, 1 guided 
Wanda through the uproarious throng of 
my peers. Schwartz and Clara Mae trailed 
g ribald remarks with 

We occupied ining table. 
ediately, iter sidled 
over and hovered like a vulture. Distrib- 
uting the famous Red Rooster Ala Carte 
Deluxe Menu. һе stood. back, smirking, 
and waited for us 10 impress our dates. 

"Can E bring you к, 
gentlemen?" he said, heavily accenting 
the gentlemen, 

My first impulse was to order my fa- 
vorite drink of the period, a bottled 
chocolate concoction called Kayo, the 
Wonder Drink; but remembering that 
better things were expected of me on 

ijthing to dr 

prom night, I said, in my deepest voice, 
"Uh... make mine bourbon 

Schwartz grunted in admiration. Wan- 
da ogled me with great, swimming, love- 
sick eyes. Bourbon was the only drink 

that I had actually heard of. My old man 
it often down at the Bluebird 
ern. 1 had always wondered what it 
tasted like. I was soon to find out. 
How will you have it, sir?" 

“Well, in a glass, I guess.” I had failed 
10 grasp the subtlety of his question, but 
the waiter snorted in appreciation of my 
humorous sally. 


Rocks? I 
rocks, but 
well, what the hell. 

"Sure," I said. "Why пор" 

АП around me, the merrymaking 
throng was swinging into high gear. Ca 
ried away by it all, I 
bad heard my old man use oft 
make it a triple.” I had some vagu 
that this was a brand or something. 

“A triple? Yes, sir.” His eves snapped 
wide—in respect, I gathered. He knew 
he was in the presence of a serious 

The waiter turned his gaze in Schwartz 
ection. “And you, sir?” 

he continued. 
ad heard about getting your 
never in a restaurant. Oh, 

added а phrase 1 

it the same.” Schwartz had never 
been a leader. 

The die was cast. Pink ladies, at the 
waiter’s suggestion, were ordered for the 
girls and we then proceeded to scan 
the immense menu with feigned disinter- 
est. When the waiter returned with ow 
drinks, I ordered—for reasons that ev 
today 1 am unable to explain—French 
lamb chops. turnips, mashed potatoes 
and gravy, а side dish of the famous Red 
Rooster Roquelort Italian Cole Slaw and 
strawberry shortcake. The others wisely 
decided to stick with their drinks. 

Munch sticks Wanda, 
Clara, Schwartz ed sophis- 
ticated postprom repartee. Moment. by 
1. 1 felt my strength and matu 
my dashing bonhomie, my 
handsomeness enveloping my friends in 
its benevolent warmth. Schwartz, too, 
seemed to scintillate as never belore 
Clara giggled and Wanda sighed, over 
come by Ше romance of it all. Even 
n Flick, siting dwee tables away 
dipped Schwartz behind the lelt ear 
with а poppyseed roll, our urbanity re 
mained unrullled 

Before me reposed a sparkling tumbler 
of beautiful amber liquid, ice cubes 
bobbing merrily on its surface, a swizzle 
stick sport | enormous red rooster 
sticking out at a jaunty angle. Schwart/ 
arly equipped. And the fully 
pink ladies looked lovely in the reflected 
light of the pulsating jukebox. 

Thad seen my old man deal with just 
this sort of situ: Raising my beaded 
glass, 1 looked around at my companions 
ind said suavely, “Well, here's mud in 
yer eye.” Clara giggled; Wanda sighed 
dreamily, now totally in love with this 
man of the world who sat across from 
her on tliis, our finest night. 

Yep,” Schwartz partied wittily, hoist 
ing his glass high and slopping a little 
bourbon on his pants as he did so. 

Swiltly, 1 brought the bourbon to my 
lips, intending to down it in a sing! 
dev care draught, the way Gary 
Cooper used to do in the Silver Dollar 
Saloon. I did, and Schwartz followed 
sui. Down it went—a scr g 100. 
proof rocket searing savagely down my 
gullet, For an instant, Г sat stunned, 
le to comprehend what had hap 
pened. Eyes watering copiously, I had a 
brief urge to sneeze, but my throat 
seemed to be lyzed, Wanda and 
Лага Mae swam belore my misted vi 
sion; and Schwartz seemed to have disap 
peared under the table. He popped up 
again—face beet red, eyes bugging, jaw 
k, tongue lollir 
Isn't this ro c? Isn't this the 
most wonderful night in all our lives? 1 
will forever treasure the memories of this 
wonderful night.” From far off, echoing 
as from some subterranean tunnel, I 
heard Wanda speaking 

Deep down in the pit of my stomach. 
1 felt crackling flames licking at 

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rds. I struggled to reply, to maintain 
clan. my Tabled savoir-jaire. “Urk 
шк... yeah,” I finally mans 
with superhuman effort. 

Wanda swam havily 
was gazing across the 
adoring еуез. 

мо focus. She 
ble at me with 

The waiter was 

Schwartz nodded dumbl 
there, afraid to move. An 
two more triple bourbons mate 
Irom of us. 

а raised her pink lady high 
reverently, "Lets drink to 
ht of our lives. 
g back. Another 
ich. For 

I just sar 
istant later, 

lized in 


happiest п 
There was no tu 
screamer rocketed down the I 
an instant, it seemed as though this one 
wasn't going to be as lethal as the fist, 
but then the room suddenly tiled sid 
ways. 1 felt torrents of cold sweat po 
ng from my forehead. Clinging to the 
edge ol the table, 1 watched as Schwartz 
gagged across from me. Flick, I noticed, 
had just chugalugged his third rum and 
Coke and was cating а cheeseburger. 
"The con tion deep inside me was 
now clearly out of control. My feet were 
smoking: my diaphragm heaved convul- 
sively, jigs my cummerbund: and 
Schwartz began to shrink, his face alter- 
nating between purple-red and chalk- 
white, his eyes black holes staring fixedly 
at the ketchup bottle. He sat stock-stil 
awhile, cooed on eot: 
s beyond understand 
she was saying. Faster and 
ever-widening circles, the room, the juke- 
box, the crowd swirled diz 
1n all the excitement of pre 
the prom, I realized that I hadn't 
gle thing, all d 
Out of the maelstroi 
ously appeared belore me: paper-pantied 
lamb chops h n bubbling grease, 
piled yellow t mashed pota 
toes awash in rich brown gravy. Maybe 
is would help, I thought incoherently. 
sping my knife and fork as firmly 
1 could, 1 poised to whack off a piece of 
meat. Suddenly, the landscape listed 45 
d the chop I was 
attack. skidded off my plate— 
swath through the mashed 


potitoes—and right into d 

Pretending not to notice, | addressed 
myself 10 the remaining chop, which slid 

wound. eluding my grep. until I 
managed to skewer it with my fork. 
Hacking oll a chunk, I jammed it fiercely 

ly. Suill 
slithered ove 

d, missing my target complete- 
paled on my fork, the chop 

finally I man 

То my surprise, I didn't feel 
ıer. Maybe the tur 

thought. Lowe: у 
inch of the plate, to prevent en 


mishaps, I shoveled them in—but the 
Hames within only fanned higher and 
4 the potatoes and gravy. 
My 5 began to turn cold. I wolled 
the Red Rooster Roquefort Talian 
Cole Slaw. My stomach began to rise like 
a helium balloon, bobbing slowly up the 
alimentary canal. 

My nose low over the heaping dish of 
strawberry shortcake, piled high with 
whipped cream and running with juice, 
I Knew at last for a dead certainty what 1 
1 to do before it 
Tront of everybody. 1 
feet. A : y 
ck my extremities, 1 tott 
to chair, grasping for the wall. 
seconds ater, I was on my 
g the bowl of the john 
weserver in pitching seas. 
ting me as usual, lay al 
most. prostrate on the tiles beside me, his 
body wracked with heaving sobs. Lamb 
chop, bourbon, turnips, m: 
toes, cole saw—all of it 
ош of me in a great roar 
out of my mouth, my по 
very soul. Then Schw 
we took turns retel 
ing. A head thrust itself 
directly into the pot. It was Flick 
g wretchedly. Up came the cheeseburg- 
cr. the rum and Cokes, pretzels, ро 
chips, punch, gumdrops, а corned-beef 
sandwich, a fingernail or two—every- 

x he'd eaten for the past week. For 
minutes, the three of us lay there 
ad quivering, smelling to 
heaven, too weak to get up. It was the 
absolute high point of the junior prom; 
the rest was anticlima: 

Finally, we returned 10 the 

faced and shaking. Schwarz, 
pled. sat жога 
girls didn't say much. Pi 
ight bourbon. 
p played the scene 
out bravely to the end. My dinner 
was now even more redolent and dis- 
reputable than when Fd first wen it on 
the hanger at Al's, And my bow tie, which 
had hung for a while by one clip, had 
somehow disappeared completely, per 
haps Hushed into eternity with all the 
rest. But as time wore on, my hearing 
and eyesight bes ‚ту 
legs began to lose their rubbe 
the room slowly resumed its even keel— 
at least even enough to consider gening 
up and leaving. The waiter seen 
know. He returned as if on cue, bea 
a slip of paper. 


пе rush 
ng torrent, 
‚ ту саг, my 
12 opened up, 


aded it to him with as much 
of a Hourish as 1 could There 
wouldn't have been any poi 
over the check; I wouldn't have been 
able to read it, anyway. In one last at 
tempt to recoup my cosmopolitan image, 
1 said olfhandedly, "keep the change. 
Wanda beamed in u sled ecstasy. 


he drive home in the damp car was 
not quite the same as the one that had 
begun the evening so many weeks car- 
lier, Our rapidly ferment 
the enclosed air rich Р 
Schwartz, who had stopped belch 
with head pulled low between his s 
der blades, s ıt ahead. Only 
the girls preserved the joyousness of the 
occasion. Women ahways survive. 

In a daze, I dropped off Schwartz and 
Мае and drove in silence toward 
s home, the ght of dawn 
шло sh the east 
stood on her porch for the last 
ritual encounter. A chill dawn wind rus- 
ded the lilac bushes. 

"This was the most wonderful, won- 
derful night of my whole life. 1 always 
dreamed the prom would be Tike this," 

breathed Wanda, ely up 
s all I could manage. 

new what was expected of me 
es closed dreamily. Swaying slight 
ed forward—and the lint odor 
of sauerkraut from her parted lips coiled 
slowly up to my nosuils. This was not 
the script. I knew Т had better ge 
that porch fast, or else. Backpedaling 
desperately down the stairs. I blurted, 
“Bve” and—fighting down my rising 
gorge—clamped my mouth tight, leaped 
into the Ford, burned rubber and tore 
olf into the dawn. Two blocks away, 
I squealed 10 a stop alongside а vac 
lot conti only a huge Sherwin 
Williams WE covek THE 
EARTH, it aptly read. In the blessed dark- 
ness behind the sign, concealed from. pry 
ng eyes, І completed the final rite ot 
the tribal ceremony. 

The sun was just r 
the car up the driveway y 
quictly imo the kitchen. The old man. 
who was going fishing that morning. sat 
the enamel table sipping black collec. 
He looked up as I came 
u look like you 
prom," was all he said. 
1 sure did.” 

The yellow kitche 
ly on my muddy pants, my maroon 
streaked, vomitstained white coat, my 
cracked fingernail, my greasy shirt. 

"You want anything to eat?” he asked 
At the word my stomach heaved 
1 shook my head num 
КМГ thought,” he said. "Get 
some sleep. You'll feel better in a couple 
of days, when your head stops banging.” 
nt back to reading his paper. I 
staggered into my bedroom, dropping 
bits of clothi My soggy 
Hollywood paisley cummerbund, the vet 
стап of another gala night, was flung 
beneath my dresser as T toppled imo 
bed. My brother muttered їп his steep 
acros the room, He was still a kid, But 

is time would come. 

ng as | swung 
xd cased myself 

ıd a hell of 

light glared hard 

g as D went. 

[thought I saw a Pussycat 


- You did. You did. The Pussycat is a delightful new orange-sweet 
sour that mixes up about as quick as a cat. This national prize 
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Ask for Instant Pussycat Mix at your favorite Food or Liquor Store. 






man of the Second and Third Centuries, 
perhaps the most brilliant of Western 
centuries. Bur then the Christians, those 
ins, conquered the 
lled them pagan and de- 
it. Our р that we are 
the children of the barbarians, not of the 
civilized, and we have only just begun to 
realize that there ave other values than 
those preached by the sava 
PLAYBOY: You've used the words 
and “civilized” a number of times. What 
do you mean by them? 

ibal is what we were and to a 
degree—vestigially—still arc. By wibal, I 

an relationships 


zed and 

hidden away im уа 
earth, The Old 7 ment is a genuine 
tribal document; the New Testament, 
an abortive attempt to civilize the Old. 
To civilize means, literally, to citify, Put 
another way: bal versus civilized is 
the village versus the city, To this day, 
the villa actionary and noner 

ious parts of the 

that interplay of ideas that makes it pos- 
sible ıo write King Lear or to put a man 

(continued from page 96) 

Пу. the village has 
5 virtues—good manners. a degree of 
kindness—and the city its demerits. too 
easily named: but man's great advance 
in the past 2000 years been the work 
of those in s: after all, Shakespeare 
left the village of Stratford 10 be gr 
in the city of London, Or, to put the 
larger frame, it was the city 
of Rome that, for all its horrors, repre- 
sented best, and the marauding 
tribes north and cast, de. 
stroyed it, man's worst. The of 
course, is that culturally, in Americ: 
we are descended from the tribesmen, not 
the city men, and so it is hard for us to 
make а ci n—but we are begin- 
ing to. 

PLAYBOY: Could this be 
about. America? 

VIDAL: If 1 dwell on our imperfections. 
is to see them changed. As one who lives 
in Europe as well as America, I can say 
with some confidence that only thc 
Amcricans save the world from 
America; only our dissidents сап curb 
the Pentagon, restore the plinet's ecolog- 
ical balance. Oh, I'm very American in 
my ambitions for our second-rate cultur 

on the moon. Natu 




m optimistic nore 


“You're leaning on my peephole!” 


If we survive, we may yet be ci 
nd that is something to work for 
PLAYBOY: onc remarked of 
Thoreau. "He has a military cast to him. 
He feels himself only in opposi 
tion.” You your liveliest on the 
ttack. Would you say that you have an 


VIDAL: J wouldn't say it. but others do. 
ally sets me off is injustice. In 
defense of those I admire, Fm always 
ready—eager?—to do battle, Although Т 
have the killer instinct altogether too 
well developed, I do пу to deploy it in 
good causes. This pugnacity is inherited 
from my mother's family, the Gores, 
an Anglo-Irish dan of eloquent, t 
tempered politicians, lawyers and preach- 
ers. In me, their furious blood is only 
tially diluted by a more genial Latin 

PLAYBOY: Many men in hi 
shared your moral indi ion and mili 
tant iconoclasm have ре bitter and 
lonely outsiders alienated not only from 
society but from the warmth of hu 
contact. 15 that true of you? 

vipat: I think of myself as cheerful, even 
on the attack, and though I am nor 
gregarious nor anxious to be loved, T 
have quite enough company out here on 
the edge of things. For me. the only 
danger is a tendency 10 drift toward the 
cemter—which means that at some point, 
I must make my getaway, whether it be 
from the White House or from literary 
respectability. At one time or another, 
I've had a number of fine convention 
my grasp: the 
theater, Congress, telev 
served my purpose—or perhaps once I 
had got the range of it—t always found 
some way of р ig ош. I'm not a 
courtier; I'm a critic—something most 
people who consider power exciting find 
difficult. to understand. At the time of 
break with the Kennedys, Arthur 
Schlesinger told my sister that he feared 
I had a death wish. To which 1 a 
swered, "T have a life wish—and I can't 
live vicariously.” But most people are 
like Arthur. They want to belong—in 
his case, to be a Kennedy: it is а touch- 
ing. even sweet, instinct—but not for 
пе. T can only breathe outside. 
PLAYBOY: Is that the way you'd like 
remembered? Outside? 

tory who have 


careers. with 

once each 



VIDAL; 1 outside, certainly. and by 
choice. As for being remembered —1I have 
little interest in the idea of posterity. 

Think of the thouxinds of years of 
atirely lost. What 
vives and what does not is simply а 
matter of chance, and so incilculable. 
All that matters to me is what I do this 
morning, and that Т do it—and am here. 

tian literatu 

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Comfort Dial will adjust to any So now you know what to 
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Your only problem is what 
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Ф E 



"Oh, Mr. Booth," said Bayes, on the 
stant, almost happy. "I сап. I can do 
ything with this case I wish, and I 
vish not to press charges. More than 
that, Mr. Booth, it never happened." 
The hammering came aj this time 
on a locked door up on the stige. 
“Bayes, for God's sake, let me 
is is Phippst Bayes! 
at the trembling, the 
Кеп, the rattling door, even 
Imly and with 


Just а moi 
He knew tha 

t in a few minutes this 
calm would pass, some d 
break; but for mow, there was this 
splendidly serene thing he was doing; he 
must play it out. He addressed the assas- 
sin апа watched him dwindle, and spoke 
further, and watched him shrink: 

“It never happened, Mr. Booth. Tell 
your story, but we'll deny it. You were 
never here, no gun, no shot, no compu- 
terized data-processed assassination, no 
outrage, no shock, no panic, no mob. 
Why, now, look at your face. Why are 
you falling back? Why arc vou sitting 
down? Why do you shake? [s it the 
disappointment? Have I turned your fun 
the wrong L" He nodded at 

the ‘And now, Mr. Booth, get 
"You can't make” 

Bayes took a soft step in, reached 
down, took hold of the man's tie and 
slowly pulled him to his feet so he was 
breathing full in his face. 

“IE jou ever tell your wife, any f 
employer, child, man, won 
uncle, aunt, cousin, if you ever tell ex 
yourself out loud going to sleep s 
night about this thing you did, do you 
know what I am going to do to you, Mr. 
Booth? I won't say, Mr. Booth, 1 ci 
tell, But it will be awful and it will take 
the better part of a da 

Booth’s pale ook, his head 
bobbed, his eyes peeled. wide, his mouth 
open like one who walks in a heavy rai 

"What did I just s 

He shook Booth until the words fell 
out of his chattered teeth: "Kill me!" 

He held tight ıd sha 
man firmly у 
massaging the shirt and the flesh beneath 
the shirt, stirring up the panic beneath 
the cloth. 

“So long, Mr. Nobody, and no maga- 
zine stories and no fun and no TV, no 
celebrity, no games, no excitement, no 
hi es; now, get out of here, get out, 
run belore I Kill you.” 

He shoved Booth. Booth ran, fell, 
picked himself up and lunged toward а 
theater door, which, on the insta from 
outside, was shaken, pounded, riven, 

(continued from page 112) 

Phipps was there, calling in the dark- 


The other door," said Bayes. 

He ted and Booth wheeled to 
stumble in a new direction to stand 
swayed by yet another door, putting one 
hand out 

“Wait,” said Bayes. 

He walked across the theater and, 
when he reached Booth, raised his fa 
hand up and hit Booth once, hard, a 
slapping strike across the face. Sweat flew 
їп à rain upon the 

“I just had to do that,” said Bayes. 
“Just once.” 

He looked at his hand, then turned to 
open the door. 

They both looked out into a world of 
night and cool stars and no mob. 

Booth pulled back, his great dark liq- 
uid eyes the eyes of an eternally wound- 
ed and ild, with the look of 
the seltshot deer that would go on 
wounding, being shot by itself forever 
jd Bayes. 
rted. The door slammed shut. 

yes stared at 
that shuddering but remote door. Phipps 
But Phipps would have to wait. Now... 
The theater seemed as yast and empty 
as the field of Gettysburg in the late 
п the crowd gone home and the sun 
set. Where the crowd had been and 
no more, where the father had lifted the 
boy high on his shoulders and where the 
boy had spoken and said the words, but 
the words now, also, доп 
On the stage, i 
reached out. H 
coln’s shoulder. 
And what he had come to find he 
found. What he needed to do he did. 
For tears were running down his face. 
He wept. Sobs choked his mouth. He 
could not stop them. They would not 

ter a long moment, he 
fingers brushed Li 

Mr. Lincoln was dead. Mr. Lincoln 
was dead! 

And he had let hi 

murderer go. 

^I don't know about you, but for me, it makes it just 
a little bit easier to know that there is someone 
who cares about guys like us.” 



242 litical vi 


chief of police reports that the FBI knew 
of the conspiracy in a and alerted 
local officials. 

Most such Minuteman plots have so 
far been aborted—or so it seems. As one 
Minuteman activist in Pennsylvania told 
ure, some of the guys get 
That's all in the game. But there 
are a lot of bombings—and murders—i 
is country that never get solved; and 
after the first day, you never read any- 
thing about it in the papers. We're not 
happy about all these convictions, but it’s 
still just the visible tip of the iccbe 

In response to the burgeoning of Min- 

iolence—reported and unre- 
latures of New York and 
California, two states that rank high in 
Minuteman activity. have alrcady passed 
legislation outlawing all pa 



New York Attorney Gencral Louis J. 
Lefkowitz ted an intensive 
to Minuteman activities in the state at 
the request of Governor Rockefeller. In 
his report to the governor, which galv; 
nized the legislature into action. Lefko- 
witz charged that his olhce's ten-month 
probe had disclosed “shocking evidence 
of violence and potential guerrilla war- 
re” by Minutemen activists in 33 coun- 
es: for one thing. Minutemen had told 
ors they would not hesitate 
“Communist sympa 
as Earl Warren, Hubert Hum- 

phrey and Nelson Rockeleller. Lefkow 

warned that the Minutem 
, reading, thinking and 
bombs and violence . . . actively prepar- 
ing for a private war" New York State 
Minutemen were not dismayed at being 
outlawed. "This won't stop us,” one 
Long Island Minuteman assured a re- 
"We've always been underground; 
we'll just burrow a little deeper now. 
California proscribed the organization 
the spring of 1965, after an Rl-page 
vestigative report by Attorney General 
"Thomas С. Lynch characterized the Min- 
шешеп as а group “led by men who 
have publicly stated: ‘When ou 
tutional Government. is threatened, we 
are morally justified 
lence to discourage Communists 
their fellow travelers’ Notice is 
served that 
Minuteman leadership as to what consti- 
tutes а threat to our Government and 
action the Minutemen will take to 
counter such a thr 

п were "train- 
g guns, 

the decision rests with the 


That presents the 
fantastic situation of a private citizen 
raising a private mili force to accom- 
plish by violence whatever objective the 
citizen decides in his judgment is best 
for the country. Such a military force is 
improperly labeled guerrilla; the more 
precise term is insurgent. 

Other states, alarmed by i 

creasing po- 
tiated inves 

(continued from page 146) 

tigations of раг: 
ad а number 
strongly urged 

ol Congressme 
Federal probe. of the 

tors have not escaped the wrath— 
r only verbal—of the p litarists. 

asey Representative Charles Joel- 
ed a probe 
ics, he was deluged 
by thousands of letters accusing him not 
only of bad judgment and nice but 
of insanity and treason. From Cincinnati 
сате one billet-doux indicting Joclon 
for being 

ymous letter from Colorado told him 
simply: “We'll get you, Laddy Boy." 
Perhaps because of, rather than despite 
such threats, Congressional pressure for 
Federal crackdown on the Minutemen 
continued, with some effect. The 
FBI and the Treasury Department have 
stepped up their eflorts to infiltrate the 
group and nip its lethal plots. Local, 
ity and state police, who initially treated 
the Minutemen as а bad joke, have also 
increasingly concerned—as. dem- 
onstrated by the spiraling arrest rate of 
Minutemen for terrorist 
al possession of weapons. The latter 
charge constitutes the | Minutemen’s 
Achilles hee! Пу Peyson. an ex- 
Marine, was convicted of illegal. posses- 
sion of an automatic weapon in 1966; 
Rich Lauchh, Jr, a founding mem- 
ber of the Minutemen, is now serving a 
п a Federal penitentiary for at- 
ng to sell 100 submachine guns, 
ber machine guns, mortars, a 
75-mm recoilless rifle and small arms to 
Federal investigators posing as represen 
atives of a Latin-American government; 
nd а host of lesser Minutemen have also 
allen victim to the Federal Firearms 
But despite the surveillance of Feder- 
al, stare and local police, the Minute- 
ional cflectiveness has not 
Agents and 
land the Treasury 
we succeeded in penetrat- 
emen cadres, but the 
structured. according to 
the пуз “cell” system. 
Members of one unit do not know the 
identity of any other Minutemen, even 
though they might live hallway down the 
block; hydralike, the group is thus able 
to survive the lopping off of one or more 
units. M emen аге also exhaus- 
tively trained in the techniques of clandes. 
tine intelligence and security. According 
to the California attorney general's re- 
"The Mineman org: i 


ground network, and its routine opera 
tions in these times of peace are conducted 
along the lines of a tra 
for the hostilities to come. Each member 

ssigned a number that becomes his 
cation in all communications; he 
amed about the use of the telephone 
in contacting headquarters; he is ad- 
vised in the use of mail drops; he is 
warned to use two envelopes in or 
tion correspondence and to place 
opaque material between the inner and 
ower envelopes, 10 prevent the letter 
from being read by means of infrared 
and he is instructed to employ 

gems and devices 
s security measures.” Secrecy, for the 
Minuteman, is а way of life—to such 
extent that even the national leadersh: 
does not know the membership figures. 
“I don't сусп know the members 
names,” says DePugh. 

Tiis сай Deja peudonym. Ù live nol Way 
of knowing exactly how many members 
we have, except that each group is sup- 
posed to have a minimum of five and а 
maximum of fifteen. So I strike an aver- 
age of eight.” DePugh's most recent esti- 
mate: 25.000 “hard-core” members, fully 
trained and armed, plus approximately 
65,000 supporters and recruits undergoing 
instruction and indoctrination. “Only a 
relatively small percentage of thoe will 
ever become ‘secure’ members and be 
corporated into the unit chain of com- 
mand," DcPugh explains. "We make a 
real effort to weed out all the weak links 
п advance: we're looking for quality, not 
quantity; one min ready to give his life 
is worth fifty who'll crack when the heat 
is on. Thats why I reject three out of 
every four membership applica 
very outset.” Other estimates rang 
an improbable low of 500 (from J. Ed 
Hoover, who derides the group às а “pa- 
per organization,” despite the attention 
it receives from his agents) to an equally 
improba able high of 100.000 (by a fervent 

Kansas City. Most 

othcials апа informed 
vc the organization has 
between 5000 and 10,000 
members and 30.000 to 40.000 supporters, 
but the “activist” percentage remains in 

Whatever their actual number, there is 
no doubt that the Minutemen have be- 
come a potent force on the ultraright. 
And there is no doubt that the founder 
and national coordinator has traveled a 
long way since the bucolic days when he 
peddled vet ary medicines to Midwest 
mers. Robert Bolivar DePugh wis 
born 45 years ago in Independence, Mis- 
souri, where his father served ший re- 
cently as a deputy sheriff, (The elder 
DePugh. his 70s. is a fervent 
supporter of his son's political activities 
nd a charter member of the Minutemen.) 

now in 

m Robert attended the University of 
Missouri for three semesters and then 
enlisted in the Army in 1942, serving as 

а radar operator 
until he was discharged 

п the Signal Corps 
1914 on the 
a of a panel of medical 

“We may already be too late, Mr. Parker." 


ML | 










examiners. who diagnosed him as suffer- 
ing from a "psychoneurosis, mixed type. 
severe, manifested by anxiety and depres- 
sive features and schizoid personality 
It was during his stint in the Service 
politics w 

‚ who 
hold allegiance to th 
I was really quite naive politically in 
those days." he recalls. "I knew ther 
an unbridgeable gulf between. our 
ns, but | didnt suspect they 
Communists or at the very least Comn 
nistoriented, as I can now sec in retro- 
spect was the case. It was just a kind of 
visceral reaction; 1 knew in my guts that 
these people weren't loyal Americans. 
fier leaving the Service, DePugh r 
turned to college, 
the University of Colorado and Topeka's 
Washburn University—all in rapid. suc- 
ssion, He was а bright student but bad 
silver attention span and didn't 
ny one school long enough to 
rn a degree. He was particularly inter 
ested in chemisuy and genetics, however, 
and during his days at Kansas State or 
nized "The Society for the Advance. 
emt ol Canine Genetics.” which in its 
dissolution several years later had 2000 
dog-breeding members across the country 
and was afliliated with the International 
Genetics Society. 

In 1951, DePugh founded the Biolab 
Corporation in Independence, a pharm: 
ceutical supply house specializing in vit 
min supplements for dog-food products: 
it foundered in 195 ces of 
opinion” among the stockholders, and 
DePugh worked for а dog-food company 
until 1959, when he revi 

ipany headquarters to its pre 
ent site in Norborne, Missouri. Within 
а year, Biolib was a thriving venture, 
producing dozens of veterinary-medicine 
products and worth over $230,000, AU 35, 
DePugh was Norborne's leading citizen 
d à prototype small-town America suc 
cess story. With a prosperous business. 
devoted wife and six handsome childr 
he appeared to have everything 
wanted. But DePugh was 

Until the late Fifties,” he remembers, 
“L was so preoccupied with gening an 
education and earn ng that 1 
didn't have any opportunity to think 
seriously about politis and fore’ 
lair. И way only after Biolab became 
ı success and I found myself with some 
leisure time on my hands that. I began to 
really think а 
heading—and I didn't like what I saw. I 
began to study anti: 
ture and, suddenly, I grasped the phe- 
sucess of the international 
Communist conspiracy. Within 50 years 
aher the Rusian Revolution, it con- 

estless and dis 

cl was 

bout the wity the мо 



tolled one third of the carth’s land sur- 
е and population. I realized that i 
this kept up. my children—or at the most 
optimistic estimate, my grandchildren— 
would be living under the Marxist boot. 
1 decided that it was my duty to do som 
thing about it. and stop sitting back on 
my butt preoccupied with how much 
more money | was going to make this 
year over last." 

minded Пепа began discussing the sor 
ry state of the world at weekly political 

Birch Society. But by the beginning of 
1960 disillusionment had set in and the 
came to the reluctant conclusion that the 
Birehers were “all talk and no action 
d could. never be politically efective. 
he idea of the Minutemen first came to 
DePugh during а duckhunring expedi. 
tion оп the shore of an isolated Missouri 
lake with nine of his friends 
in June 1960, at the height of the U-2 
‹ As they crouched їп a muddy 
duckblind, one of the party expressed 

apprehension over the international situ- 
ation and another jokingly reassured 
him, “Well. if the Russians invade us. we 

can always come up here and fight on as 

i па." "There's no record of 
ah's crying Eureka. but he began 
discussing the idea seriously, and ducks 
were soon Гог ot 10 talking 
about how bad off the country would be 
in case of invasion." he recalls, "and how 
а group such as ours could become а 
suenilla band, We were just talking at 
first, kicking it around. But somehow the 
idea caught on.” 

One of the sportsmen, a veteran of the 
U. S. Army Special Forces, dusted off his 
instruction manuals and the group began 
conducting twice-weekly se in 
orilla warfare, with each inc as 
Signed a particular feld of political 
study and instrucied to prepare а posi 
tion paper on its rekitionship 10 the 
establishment of an "extralegal^ para- 
military opposition to the awaited leftist 
take-over of the nation. Alter several 
months of study and research, DePugh 
synthesized the results into the first 
Minuteman manifesto. which postulated 
cight key conclusions їп terms oddly 
evocative of the current. revolutionary 
jargon of the ultraleft: 

1. Our diplomatic war against com- 
munism has already been lost by 
bunglers or traitors within our 
own Government. 

‘This diplomatic war has bee 
continues to be lost by appointed 
Government officials beyond the 
reach of public opinion. 
cannot win a diplomat 
ast communism abroad until 
we first establish a genuinely pro- 
American Government at home 
\ pro-American Government can 
по longer be established by nor- 
mat political means. 


5. The minority-vote blocs, con- 
trolled labor unions and corrupt 
political machines, so completely 
monopolize the American polit- 
ical scene that there is no chance 

for the average American citize 

10 regain. control. of. his destiny 

at the ballot box. 

Any further effort, time or money 

spent in trying to save our coun- 

пу by political means would be 

The leaders of most other con- 

servittive org; ons р 

agree that it ically i 

sible to elect conservative Gov- 


8. We condude that the American 
people are moving inexorably to- 
ward a time of total control and 
frusrarion such as must have 
been felt by the people of Bu 
рем and East Germany when 
they finally staged their suicidal 
revolts. Therefore, the objectives 
of the Minutemen are to abam- 
don wasteful, useless efforts and 
begin immediately to prepare 

for the day when Americans will 
fight in the streets for 
ir liberty. We 

once ag; 
their | 
feel there is overwhelming evi- 
dence to prove that this day must 

es and th 

At last. DePugh 

I his rightthinking 
ds were convinced. the only. elfec- 
tive defense against “the Communist 
menace” had been found: They would 
fight fire with fire, In justification of his 
decision to launch. the Minutemen, he 

cites the 1960 Annual Report of idu 
House Committee on. Un-American Ac 
tivities, which concluded: 

Events of the past year have pro- 
vided convincing evidence that the 
American. people cannot rely com- 
pletely on. this. country's. Armed 

Forces to protect themselves 
Communist domination 
This is not becuse 


forces lack the power or the wil 


d th (ny uher 
we the nature of the attacks be 
made on the United States by its 
major and only sig ny 
are so designed as to render conven- 
tional military forces as inellectiye 
as possible for defense purposes. 


From the outset. DePugh ма 
ed by the odds against him. 
that the road 
азу,” he 
Edmund Burkes dictum that “The 
only thing necessary for die triumph. of 
evil is for good men to do nothing.” We 
were pre] 
freedom. our very lives on the I 
we have.” 

DePugh’s n 
were transmog 

s undaunt- 
We knew 
to be 

red to put our businesses, ow 



nto the 

e fellow 
ed over 

vive the insult of being 
ina jelly jar. But we think 
agree it's appropriate to ser 
Tuborg ш our Viking-inspi 

They are made of Iroqi 
china. They come in Copen 
gen blue or bone white. 
They're, just like our be 
sturdy, but quite civilized. y 

ina Company, Box 626 
, New York 14902 



“Don't be a spoilsport, Chester. How can І go to 
a spouse-swapping party without you?!” 

National Coordinating Council of the 
fledgling Minutemen of America, and 
DePugh appointed himself national co- 

ordinator. АЙ were rank amateurs at 
political organization amd. at first. the 
p's progress was h Dur own 

nuveté was our biggest obstacle." De 
Pugh remembers, “None of us had any 
background in even local politics; 1 was 
a chemist, another founder was a vereri- 
nar d the rest were realest 
agents, nce men and шоме 
We would have had difficulty genin 
new Kiwanis post off the ground. much 
les organizing am elective dandestine 
resistance movement, 
As a result of their political inexperi- 
ence, few on the ultravight fringe had. 
heard of the Minutemen а y 
its formation, and those who h: 
sed the group as an ineffectual 
cabal of crackpots issuing grandiose 
pronunciamentos on guerilla warfare 
from the padded comfon of their arm. 

chairs. But slowly, а hard core of disci- 
plined activists be to 
DePugh: disgruntled anti-Semites chafing 

at the Joh ch Society's * 
tion om Jews. tigger happy 
Nazis disgusted with George Lincoln 
Rockwell's "do-nothing" approach and 
disillusioned dropouts from “responsible 
ош such as the Reverend Billy 
Hargis Christian Crusade, Surrounded 
by this handful of faithful apostles. the 
paramilitary messiah spread his nets on 


ers. The catch. though 
was promising. “We 
ady to kill or be killed for 
DePugh savs of the lean 
т. "and we found them." De- 
Pugh's life now had new direction and 
purpose: һе had discovered the road for 
which he'd searched and he was prepared 
to travel it to the end. 
Tris not an easy task for an outsider 10 
ap that road, for DePugh had avoided 
nent on the ultimate destina 

needed men г 
their country 
carly ye 

and aspirations 
nutemen, as set forth 
Pugh's voluminous propa 
simple: to prepare for 
" or Uprising that 
by an underground 

Communist. in- 
n be resisted 

Minuteman leaders daim private: 
at their aim is not to 
selflefense" civilian au 

ries to aid the Armed Forces in a n. 
tional emergency but to overthrow and 
replace tfe. United Stites Government 
through insurrection: and the Minut 

men confidently predict that the day 
pproaching when they will be able to 
come out of hiding and forcibly seize the 

re wracked by 
icial violence and economic. chaos, In 
the ensuing struggle. Minutemen leaders 
say they ате quite prepared to utilize all 
the tools of subversion—sabota E i 

16 of power in a n 


nst (n own Government, which 
consider riddled with card-carrying 
nd fellow t 
г poring over hundreds of pages 
of Minuteman literature —including De- 
Pugh's Blueprint for Victory. the 
movement's Mein Kamp{—this reporter 



realized that little could be learned of 
the о tegy or uhi- 
mate a ganda and 
even less through newspaper accounts of 

ureman activity, which 
le more than a running 
ests and convictions, 
skein of the 

ount 10 
(count. of 
el the 

cover how se menace 
constitutes—as well as to find out what 

dual Minutemen е1 
phoned DePugh at Independ- 
ence, Missouri (national headquarters of 
his Patriotic Party), and requested ап 
interview. Td been warned by several 
journalists that as DePugh’s legal prob- 

lems multiplied he had grow 
chary of the press, which he 
a "handmaiden of the Communist 
spiracy.” But D was greeted with unex 
pected cordiality n tied up for the 
next five days, but ГЇЇ sce you 
nd give you as much time as you need.” 
he promised. “No later, though. After that 
TI be—tied up." 

In the interim, he suggested 1 speak to 
Roy Frankhouser, Jr., in Reading. Pe 
sylva nd Dragon of the Pennsylva- 
nia Ku Klux K nal politics 
coordinator of the Minutemen. He gave 
me Frankhouscr's number a oll. T 
reached Frankhouser that evening. 

fter some initial sparring 
convince him that I had no ideologi 
ax to grind. We arranged to 
ighis later; one of his men would pick 
me up at Readings airport and drive 
me to an un ied destination where 
Frankhouser would be waiting. It sound- 
ed mildly melodramatic, but 1 agreed. 
We've got some that 
1 Frankhouser 
e lucky. we mi 


and regi 



y ht even let you 
in on it. 

The Reading trip wasn't one I would 
easily forget, I was met at the airport by 
a smalleved man who identihed himself 

as "Roger" Half an hour Imer aft 
cars twice, we rendezvoused 
pkhouser and hi le. Bob 

Imperial Nighthawk of the 
in the darkened parking lot 
of a Pennsylvania roadhouse. As Frank- 
houser and Richland. jackknifed into the 
k scat beside me, Roger was restive 
and impatient. 
“You're twenty m 

SU he said, 

in а hoarse whisper Fd at first thought 

was an 

his normal speaking voice. “They're ex- 

pecting us at cle 
"There was а wreck down the road.” 

ion ned was 

said Richland. “They 1 some girl 
aid out on the highway with her lace 
bashed in. Her nose must have been 

smashed all the way back into her skull; 
the whole top of her head looked like 
pink jelly." He was visibly upset. A well 
groomed, lanky man in his late 30s, he 
sat hunched over, tugging nervously at 
the knot of his regimental-stripe tie— 
I wondered how his Ivy League t 
survived the change to Klan rega 
and wiping a crumpled silk handkerchief 
back and forth under his chin. “It was 
terrible. They'll never her looks, 
and she must have been а pretty girl, 
too. White.” he added, 

Obviously discomfited by his licuten- 
ant’s squeamishness, Frankhouser reached 


door shut and told 

over to slam the c 

Roger to get going. “We'll have to kill 
lots of young girls belore this fight is 
over" he grunted. "Black and white.” 

ї young man of 29 with 
and sophisticated, he was а type more 
likely to be found debating Marcuse in 
campus New Left salons than regaling 
red-necks in the satin sheets of a К. К. К. 
Grand Dragon. 

Richland didn't reply апа Roger 
pulled the car out onto the highway lead- 
It was an overcast, bit- 

nd we 

He was a sli 
dosecropped black | 
mustache and one good сус 

ir. а 

ing to Pottsville 
terly cold night in late February 
headed for а 
Minuteman man 


1 asyerunexplained 
in the Appalach 
ian Mountains. I was to be the first jour- 


ch an “action 
as opposed to standard training 
drills, and Frankhouser cautioned me to 
stay in the background. 

me of the guys didn't want you 
along,” he explained, “and they're liable 
to be a little edgy.” He smiled and 
added: “Some of them think it might be 
а good idea if you didn't come back. It's 
pretty wild country up there and you 
can hide a lot of things—even nosy 

His litle joke over. he slapped my 
shoulder with bonhom Don't worry,” 
he said heartily. “We don't mind publici- 
ty this time.” 

nalist included on 


As Rogers mud-spattered gray Ford 
pulled into the snowy foothills, Frank- 
houser finally explained the purpose of 
the mission: “We've round 
bunker up there we use for sioring heavy 
arms and a printing press. We just found 
out yesterday that some fink in another 
unit tipped off the FBI, so we've been 
deaning everything out of the place be. 
fore they move in.” He lit a cigarette 
and chuckled expansively. "Tonight we 
blow the place up." 

By now we had left the main highway 
and were careening precipitously up the 
mountainside. The Imperial Nighthawk, 

ot an und 

still shaken by his brush with nonide- 

ological violence, stared out the sleet 

laced window, but Frankhouser waxed 
loquacious, studiously disregarding the 
looks Roger occasionally 
darted over one shoulder 

“We've got hundreds of bunkers like 
this all over the country,” he boasted, 
“all of them packed with machine guns, 
mortars and automatic weapons—and 
that’s in addition to the caches of arms 
we wrap in plastic and bury under 
ground. Our men do twenty-fourhour 


guard duty in shifts over each bunker to 
ensure security. When D day comes, we 
won't be in the streets with popguns.” 
“When will D day come?” I asked. 
Frankhouser shrugged. "Who knows?" 
he replied. “But one thing is certain: 
For the first time since Hucy Long, the 
stage is set for the rise of an American 
brand of fascism. Not that right-wingers 
can take any credit for it. The race riots 
have work for the black 
nationalists our biggest recruiting 
ents; 1 wish there were a hundred 

done our us; 


Stokely Carmichaels and Rap Browns, 
After each Watts, each Detroit, we ¢ 
thousands of new backlash m. 
and best of all, a big slice of them arc 
disgruntled cops and National Guards 
men. Multiply those figures in light of 
what's going to happen in the big cities 
over the next three or four 
and you've really got the makings of a 
revolutionary Under those 




S. es 
such a splash, 

that now we're making a spray. 

All over America, men are splashing on Nine Flags. 

It'sa hit, 

So now we're coming out with Nine Fisgs Aerosol. 

It's a bomb. 

We've taken the same nine exotic fragrances. 
With essences imported from the same nine exciting countrie: 
To make the зате nine great shaving colognes. 
Convenient and handsome, they'll go anywhere in 
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they'll go anywhere In the world. 
At just $3.50 each, no man should be without a country. 

Ф м СР: 

Nine Flags Shaving Cologne 

Оте Colton Company./ Essences Imperted./Blended In U.S.A. /Avallable in fine stores everywhere. 



cs. anything and everyth 
is possible—including a right-wing tak 


involved in 

lave Minutemen bes 
inciting the i 

"You т 
heat things up?” He smiled. "Not vet. 
ord to just stand 
ès and pick up the 
heritors of social 
ht say. And the 
ne holds true for the black national- 
ists: after cach bloody rior they get a lot 
of uncommitted niggers going over to 
their side. It's sort of a symbiotic situa- 
tion. Let them shoot the Jews on their 
list, we'll shoot the Jews on ours, and 

then we can shoot cach other 

The idea amused him; he waved his 
hand magnanimously when Richland 
gestured suspiciously at the whirring 

таре recorder balanced on my lap. “It's 
all right. Let him print what he wants to. 
1 don't have anything to hide—at least. 
not anything I'd tell hin 

Т asked Frankhouser how the Minute- 
men planned to accomplish their seizure 
of power. 

"Look at Germany and Taly,” he said. 
“When the people see their society dis- 
solving into chaos, when they're thr 
ened on every side by riots and violence 
and economic convulsion, they'll turn to 
fore tough enough and ruthless 

“Take... good .. .care. . Of .. . yourself, .. you. 
ic TAE Racin 

belong ... lo 

enough to impose order. That's what 
nost people rcally want, vou know—or- 
der, Not abstractions like freedom and 
ity and justice. Thats all r 
the fat times, but when the pinch is on, 
they want their property and their lives 
proveaed and thev don't give a damn 
how it's done or who does it. That's why 
мете working and organizing now—not 
10 take over tomorrow or the nest day, 
which would posible, bat to be 
ready when the time comes. and even a 
small. tight-knit and welltrsined nucle 
of men can play s role all our of 
proportion to its numbers. It only takes 
one wolf to terrorize а herd of sheep, 
you know. Cigarette? 

I declined. “The first thing we've got 
to do,” he continued, “is dissociate 
ourselves from old-fogy conservatives 
е the John Birch Society. We've got 
to develop l revoluti pr 
gram that will appeal ıo the working- 

eq ıt for 

be i 

es—bread-and-butier. issues 
We've got to convince the worker that 
he’s being economically oppressed by the 

powers-that-be and only we can save him, 
It's the carrot and the stick. in a sense; 
the niggers and the fear they breed arc 
the stick. and the carrot is the pr 
not only the 
them but all the economic. advan 
we can deliver. We're reall 

nise of 

v from 

entering а 

ssurance of safer 

fantastically exciting age— ре of 
cc war, where the color of your ski 
is vour uniform." 

Roger interrupted to tell us we were 
within a half mile of our destination, 
and to speak softly. He had switched the 
headlights off, and we now inched slong 
at less th: n miles an hour. F 
houser, п his vision of the future, 
continued in muted tones. 

"Hitler had the Jews; we've 
niggers. We have to put our main stress 
on the nigger question, of course, be- 
cause that's what preoccupics the mi 
—but мете not forgetting the Jew. If 
the Jews knew what coming— 
believe me, it's coming as surely as the 
dawn—they'd realize that what's going to 
happen in America will make N 

Well build better gas d 
more of them, and this time there won't 
be any refugees. The average American 
has only a thin vencer of civilization 
separating him from the you 
know—lar less of a veneer than the 
Germans had. When tha's stripped 
way and he really gocs wild, w i 
thing really explodes, there'll be а rope 
hanging over the lamppost for every Jew 
ieser in America. Је 
their shoes! But 
Napoleon said about 


—you can't make an omelet 
breaking eggs.” 
He paused and seemed to brood for a 

few seconds, 

“OF couse, there are some good Jews, 
you know. Jews like Dan Burros, who 
was а friend of mine. Yeah, print that 
some of my best friends are Jews. Dan 
Burros one ol the most patriotic, 
dedicated Americans you'll ever meet in 
your life. 

Frankhouser fell silent. Burros was a 
fanatic American Nazi who served as 
Rockwell's lieutenant for years, then re- 

zine called 
lan leader. 
s house 
issue of 
‘exposed his 

signed 962 to edit a maga 
Kill! and. finally be 
He had rushed into F 
in October 1965 br 
The New York Times tha 
Jewish ancestry. snatched a loaded pistol 
from the wall and blown his brains out. 
Frankhouser's reverie was interrupted 
as the car came to а stop. After turning 
off the engine. Roger motioned the three 
of us to remain in our seats while he 
got out, holding what looked li 
pair of cistinets, Two loud, 
itched clicks resounded through the 

thickly forested mountain slopes and 
том instantly from up 

were echoed a 
the road. I didn't see the (wo men 
dressed ino plaid hunting jackets 
matching caps, until they were with 
five feet of us. Both were young, w 
healthy outdoor faces, and both cradled 
12-gauge shotguns under their arms. They 
said noth but Roger nodded to 



A new kind of hair groom. It's made with protein. 
Like your hair is. 

Hairis protein. Protein 29°15 made with protein. It 
makes your hair look younger, thicker, and livelier. And 
its available in three forms: liquid, gel and aerosol. 



to us. We climbed out 
ing in 

them, and the 
nd sood beside the car, shiv 
the still, moonless night. 

is is him," said Roger, jerking à 
thumb in my direction. "He's got a tape 
dor nt to say 


recorder, so if you 
hing, don’ 

One of the men didn't acknowledge 
my presence, but his companion, a 
tanned sis-Iooter in his early 20s, walked 
forward and pumped my hand vigorous- 
iroducing himself as Tom Jordan. 
You just write the truth about us, 
mister, that’s all, and we'll be real good 
His smile was warm and open, 
his eyes empty. “We just hate to make 

He turned and motioned us to follow 
him off the road and into the tangled 
derbrush. The snow was several 
inches deep and the going was dificul, 

doubly so since no oi 
We walked for most 
of the time in what appeared to be spirals 
—evidently to ensure that 1 would never 
be able to retrace our steps—and finally 
halted in a small clearing sentried bv 


about 20 

snow-laden pines. Roger clacked his 
noisemaker again: this time four men 
eralized out of the shadows, all 
identi ting outfits, all 

limped up to the group а 
ly for a mo 
There were no introductions this time. 
He dug one booted foot into the ground 
and sid, “Here it is. We've got every- 
g out but the rockets. You 
look before we set the fuse. 
I glanced down, but could see пош 
frozen. carth. Rog 

d spoke quiet- 

nent, then called me to his 


b ached 
pried his fingers imo the ground and 
pulled up a dirt-covered trap door. А 
thieefoot square of light glowed at my 


The Feds could be standing on it 
and they'd never guess it was there,” he 
s close to good humor as 1 ever 
saw him. “Go down and sce for yourself.” 

1 dimbed with dilliculty about 12 
feet down а wooden li nd 
narrow tunnel leading into а room ap- 
proximately 22 feet long and 18 feet 
wide. The air was dank, and light Nick- 
cred from three kerosene lamps hanging 
on the rooted dirt walls, The bunker 
was equipped with electric light fixtures, 
but tlic generator, also underground, had 
been detonated е here were two 
bunks built into a wall a number of 
empty rille racks and several lethal- 
looking red-finned rockets, each four feet 
long. reclining on roughhewn pine 


Ader nto a 

clambered down behind me, 

250 followed by Frankhouser and the Impe- 

and the others 

ighthawk. Jorda 
ed outside, 
rockets arc 
Roger told me, pick 
right hand 
nge of th 
inching tube and carry one hell of a 
pay load. You could sit on a roof in New 
York and lob one of these on Newark 
and wipe out half a city block with 
wiser. It took us two years of 
| a lot of close calls 
them eperatio 
now we're stockpiling them all 
the country. Theyre light, portable 
deadly—the ideal weapon for our kind 
of resistance movement.” 

Frankhouser called my attention to 
small makeshift laboratory built into t 
back wall. “This is the chemical closet, 
he said, pointing to a jumble of Bunsen 
burners beakers and empty test tubes. 
“Every bunker is equipped with one, no 
maner how rudimentary. W ly use 
it for making nitroglycerin and nito- 

I asked if that wasn’t pretty vola 
erial to play around with 
Khouser appeared offended. 

“We're not amateurs, you 
Ever nit goes through 
ig in the manufacture of 
nitroglycerin. H you've got the right 
chemicals amd the right measurements, 
anybody with a [air degree of intelligence 

lide beauties,” 






man in 

1 over to а hall-empty steel 
rifled through the draw 
cted a sheaf of papers. 
hese are a few of our confidential 
" ls." he said, "but it won't 
harm for you to take a look.” He 
handed me a three-page mimeographed 
phler tied “Nitroglycerin.” U be- 
ically, the produ 
ycerin involves the gradual addi 
glycerol 10 а mixture of nitric 
phuric acids, followed by sep: 
the nitroglycerin from the waste products. 
The following directions will serve for 
the laboratory preparation of NG in small 
amounts.” It concluded with the admon 
tion 10 be careful in handling the solu 

jon of n 

from 30 to 60 t 

than in dyn 
Roger slumped on one bunk i 

ent boredom, but F 

г my shoulder. ca aing 

other points of interest in Ше Minute- 

nes more explosive power 
te form.” 

ı ordnance manuals. 
“That one is about Molotov cock- 
tails." the crudest com- 
се , but 
пе them on that 


They're sill damn 
sucer fighting or in terror роті 
aded me a bookler 
the student that “The best setup for 
g ‘Molotov cocktails’ is as follows: 
ng the small disposable-type beer bot- 

tles, filled with a homen 
ture of two-thirds and one-third 
Duz, fill the boules and cap them with 
ап inexpensive bottle capper available a 
res. Tape a rey 

Je napalm mix- 

Frankhouser laughed as I finished 
reading it aloud. “Wi 
up joint training sessions with the ni 
gers, shouldn't we? A community of com- 
mon interest, and all that shit.’ 

1 asked him what else was manufac 
ured i “ 

“You'd be surprised 
of killers you сап produce 
tively unsophisticated equipmi 
replied, referring me again to the M 
wreman manual, where novitiates were 
ructéd that “A good cheap explosive 
n be made by distilling iodine crystals 
When kept in ammonia. th 
stable, but when 
highly explosive. . . 
while dry is pe 
placed i 

should really set 

те very 
Purc sodium me 

dried o 

пе gas (or nerve gus) is obtained 
when small slivers of [a common com- 
mercial plastic] are inserted i 
. The results are 


taken immedi 

I asked Fı if these sorts of 
weapons had been used by Minutei 
in the terrorist attacks 
that have plagued c 
oups in recent years. 

He grinned and said, "Let's just say 
we're not doing all this for our own 

Roger gl is watch and told 
us the fuses were ready. As we tn 
ankhouser gestured to 
rel at the foot of one bunk, from wh 
two wires extended out the tunnel and 
up the ladder 

“That's filled with hydrogen gas.” he 
explained. “We use the wires to spark it 
off clectrically, This whole place will 
disappear without a trace. And the noise 
of the explosion is a damn sight less 
than dynamite, too; you won 
to hear it more than a half mile 

Lugging the last of their cached wes 
ons, the three Minutemen led the way up 
the ladder. E was the last to so. 
houser turned to look back over his 
shoulder at me as he reached the top 

id bombing: 
1 rights and peace 



be able 

АП we'd have to do is slam this 
trap door shut and leave you here to g 
up with the bunker" He smiled boy 

hly. "Unless 
where to look, 
body in a thou 
Forcing а smile, I climbed out into 

somebody knew just 
they'd never find. your 

"Oh, sure, I've thought of marriage, but my career comes first." 



icy might air. Roger led us back to 
edge of the clearing, stopping on the 
tch а cigarette from 
the Imperial Nighthawk's mouth and 
grind it out under his heel. Jordan w 
crouched over the wires that snaked out 
of the bunkers mouth. He looked up 
at Roger, waited for his nod, and then 
touched the two wires together. There 
was a soft muffled bump and the carth 
in the clearing rippled for a few seconds 
and then ebbed to its familiar contour 
In the silence that followed, three of the 
men patted down the disturbed ground 

ith spades while Jordan сш off the 
wires with a pair of shears where they 
extended from the earth. 

Frankhouser, the Impe 
and I turned to follow Roger 
һе car. 

^A shame that place was compro- 
Frankhouser murmured аз we 
d through the snow, “but we've 
got plenty more." 

As Left the car. back at my downtow 
hotel, Frankhouser told те, "What 
you've seen tonight may not seem too 
impressive in a military sense. But re- 
member, it only takes one match to 
ignite a tinderbox.” With a sure flair for 
melodrama, he lit a cigarette and flicked 
the match into the gutter. Roger didn't 
good night 
Five days later, I took a plane for 


ial Nighthawk 
k to 


Kansas City. When I checked in at the 
rport motel, DePugh was waiting for 
aged. Tall and heavyset. he 
was dressed casually in kha ad 
a red wool pullover. His jet-black hair 
was receding, and he sported a luxuriant 
beard, “for my home town's centennial 
celebration” —an explanation 1 had no 
reason to doubt at the time, although I 
Tater discovered there w erent and 
practical DePugh's 
features were handsome uwboned 
fashion. but his skin was unusually pale 
п the muted light of the motel coffee 
shop where we had an early lunch before 
driving to his office in Norborne. His 
dark eyes were deepset and commanding, 
with a di ing habit of dancing 
around and beyond mine as he spoke 
and then suddenly fixing on me with a 
baleful stare to punctuate а point. In the 
ime I spent with him, DePugh was 
friendly and accommoda 
but Т never felt completely сото! 
under that gaze. 

Sipping a lemonade—he neither drinks 
nor smokes, but sucks constantly on 
medicated throat lozenges—DePugh went 
out of his way to put me at case. 

“From what the pres prints about 
ly expected me to be 
h a Thompson sub- 
nc gun," he said, smi “But 
Im glad you and I want you to 

me а 


morc reason. 



e look back over the course of four 
years, we realize that the university is a 1 
entity—dnever stagnant, fore 

ung, growing 
er in transition 2: 

be my guest while you're here, There's a 
lot 1 have to say, and not much time to 
say it 
At the time, 1 missed the significance 
of that lust remark, and merely won- 
dered how he had earned his reputation 
for taciturn hostility to the press. 
DePugh ¢ ао Norborne in 
on, crammed with 


nd cartons 
stamped with the name of his veterinary- 
medicine firm. He appeared preoccupied 

on the ride and chatted desultorily 
about his impending four-year sentence 
for violation of the Federal ns 
Act, ами me that the cache of ma- 
chine guns discovered on his property 
by Feder мей there as 
part of ncup." I asked 

him if he would peacefully surrender to 
serve his sentence when and if his ap- 
vals to the h courts were exhaust- 
ed. “TI cross that bridge when I come 
to it.” he replied. 
DePugh’s spirits seemed. to lighten 
n we left Highway 10 and pulled 
into Norborne, a dusty farm community 
of 950 people, most of whom seem not 
to have decided whether their celebrated 
neighbor has put the town on the map 
or blackened its name with notoriety. 
The Biolab Corporation, a seedy seve 
room, one-story white stucco i 
on Main Street, doubles as M 
headquarters, and the front. room was 
piled high with literature and back cop- 
ies of the organization's house organ, 
On Target. The sickly sweet smell of 
i A preparation clung heavily in 
k, veterinary med 
ag mixed in two huge 
s by whitesmocked lab technicians. 
DePugh introduced me to his wife, a 
small appledumpling woman with a 
t smile amd haggard eyes, and to 
ughter. Christi реп red- 
ected high 
and was now 


head who had recently been cl 

school homecoming, quee: 
addressing envelopes at an overflowing 
desk. He then ushered me into his private 
office, a windowless room lined with floor- 
to-cciling bookshelves. DePugh slumped 
into the leather swivel chair behind his 
desk—ornamented with an antiaircraft 
shell and lincred with clips of 30-caliber 
ammunition and unopened letters—and 
shouted for coflee, which was served us 
by a teenager with a soraggly beard whom 
he proudly introduced as a Minuteman 
iufilirator in the national headquarters 
of the leftist W. E. B, DuBois Clubs. 

As we sipped our coffee, I glanced at 
some of the books on his shelves: Texts 
on guerrilla warlare by Ché Guevara, 
General Giap, Mao Tsetung and Gen- 
eral Grivas of the Cypriot resistance 
movement adjoined Н. C. Lea's three- 
volume occult classic Materials Toward 
a History of Witchcraft, the Dep: tment 
of State's fourvolume Documents of 
German Foreign Policy, 1915-1915, As- 
sault Battle Drill by Major General J 





Yummy, yummy, yummy, I’ve got Cuervo in my tonic. 

Cuervo is as light as vodka. Cuervo Poor vodka. Lucky Cuervo. 

is the same proof as a lot of vodka. And lucky you, so press on. After 
But Cuervo has a yummy taste. The — you'vehad a yummy, yummy Cuervo 
law won't allow vodka to be yummy. in your tonic, you'll no doubt want a 

yummy Bloody Mary, a yummy 
Cuervo Martini, a yummy Cuervo 
Sour, а yummy Cuervo Margarita, 
etc. Go do it. It’s legal. 



Fry, On War by Von Clausewitz and as- 
sorted volumes of Kant. Nietzsche, 
Schopenhauer, George Orwell and Boris 
Pasternak. If nothing else, DePugh's 
reading tastes were catholic. 

He watched me cataloging his library 
and then smiled indulgently. “If you're 
looking for Mein Kampf. it’s noi there.” 
he said. “I read and reread it when I 
was a teenager. I could quote it to you 
from memory.” 

Vere vou impressed 

"Fm a compulsive r 
lot of things impress me. 

I asked. 
der,” he said, ^ 

As my tape recorder spun quietly on 
the desk 

y (ога 

us, I toll рери 
to the Appalachians 
his “troops, sked how the 
hes of arms they were stockpiling 
cross the nation would ultimately be 

"Those stockpiles are bei 
for the time when the struggle reaches 
the point of armed confrontation. In 
the interim, we intend to continue our 
campaign of overt political. propag 
ad proselytizing.” 
“Do you really believe а handful of 
men with machine guns, mortars and 
homemade bombs could ever overcome 
the United States. Army, the National 
Guard and local police forces?” 1 asked. 

"First of all, well have a lot more 
n a handful of men ready to fight 


when the time comes. Of course, we 
could never overwhelm the Govern- 
ments military power in conventional, 

set-piece but the whole purpose 
of revolutionary guerrilla warfare is to 
so terrorize and demoralize the state 
ws that it'll collapse from iis own 
I stresses and contradictions, € 
по didn't conquer. Cuba mili at 
the time Байма Hed into exile, the 
government. forces still had overwhelm- 
ing military superiority and could have 
wiped out the rebels in а traditional 
military batle—but Castro and Guevara 
blended political persuasion and terror- 
ism with guerr € so effectively 

ih ed the state's morale 
and to defend itself. Even 
fter Phu. the French still 

maintained. military supremacy in Indo- 
china and could have fought on for years 
the Vietminh: but Giap's bril 

it use of insurgency tactics eroded the 
French will to resist and they scuttled 
nd ran. М the height of his elective: 
ness on Cyprus, General Gri 
one hundred fulltime terroriste—but by 
selective ions and 
nd dynamic use of psychological wa 
e, he brought the British to thei 

He steepled his fingers thoughtfully. 

"The success of any guerrilla insurgency 
is prelicued. оп two 
among the population 

as had only 



the state 
of those elements by even a tiny minority 

pparatus. Ruthless exploitation 

of insurgents 
I listened, absorbed. Despite his fan 
icism, and the patent absurdity of his 
Weltanschauung. the man emanated а 
disturbing aura of power and purpo: 
wveled to Kansas City expec 
counter -belt Robert Welch 
untutored hick do 
the tired nostr 
leavened with a fillip of paramilitarism 
to tiril'ate the lunatic fringe; instead, I 
had fo n urbane, intelligent, even 
mildly cynical political theorist who ap- 
peared seriously до envisage the da 
when his followers would seize power in 
nation bled dry by foreign wars 
t home by racial strife 

п topple a government 
the strongest. milit: ac its 

“А key factor in the 
in the crunch we could 
count on support [rom sizable segments 
of the Armed Forces and police; in fact, 
if you break down Minute nber- 

to employment categories, you'll 

find more cops tl ny other single 

on as а 
particularly effective method of terrori 
ing the opposition,” I said. “Are the 
Minutemen prepared to liquidate their 
political enemies? Have they already be- 
gun to do so" 

DePugh seemed prepared for the 
question. “You could hardly expect me 
to tell vou if we'd removed anybody in 
the past,” he said. "We don’t volunteer 
that kind of information. In fact, up till 
now the Minutemen have adhered to 
what I call the principle of de 
delay. The past eight years have been 
used to marshal our strength, to tr 
nd harden our cadres for the 
when we'll be dealing in bullets inst 
of pamphlets; any premature acion 
such ats assassination could only give the 
perfect excuse for cracking down 
nd I've deliberately discouraged 

on us, 

"Then you've refrained from resorting 
to assassination only lor strate 
sons?” L asked. 

“I have no moral qualms whatsoever 
ical assassination, The stakes 
gele are too high, lor both 
America and all of Western civilization, 
for us to forgo any means, however 
brutal, that could Up the scales in our 
favor. In fact, of course, we're сїнє 
praew i 

counterass pol 
questions won't be decided by the q 
ity of your argument, but by the quality 
of your marksmanship, 
He plucked the silver foil from a 
throat lozenge and popped it into his 
mouth. "You know," he went on, "one 
with a telescopic rifle can have 
more impact on the course of history 

there are certain individuals who 
the keystones of the state structure 
—and if they're surgically removed, опе 

by one, the whole edifice could collapse. 
He smiled. "When vou really think 
about it, assassination is a relatively hu- 
ns of cllecting political change. 
ıd of riots and revolutions and street 
Darles that would kill hundreds of thou 
in policy by 

ating rchitects 
gressive concept, actually." 
Are vou training Minutemen as po- 
litical assassins?” I asked. 
He looked through 

its Quite а pro- 

mound of pa- 

pers on his desk and tossed me a four 
page mimeographed. pamphlet stamped 
"When using telescop- 

the paper began, “the 
sniper aims his rifle by placing the top 
of the post reticle (the cross hairs in 
most civilian-type scope sights) on the 
aiming point But the snipers final 
concentration should be on the reticle 
rather than target.” Every problem 
conlront spiring from 
adverse winds to crowds surrounding 1 
victim, was covered: and particular at- 
tention was given to targets in moving 
vehicles: “At ап average speed. of 2100 
feet per second. it will require one-half 
sccond for the bullet to travel 350 yards. 
During this half second an automobile 
would move about seven feet for each 
ten miles рег hour 1 
50 miles per hour the vehicle would 
travel 35 fect in this one-half. second. 
Since the average passenger car is about 
1 feet long. it will be necessary to lead. 
the front edge of the car by three and 
one half lengths for the bullet to strike 
in the vicinity of the drive: 

Two more pages of detailed instruc- 
tions on firing distances and velocity 
ensued. complete with diagra 
lowed by exhortations on 
finished reading, DePugh leaned back in 
his chair, “That's just the basic instruc- 
tions сусту one of our members starts 


* seat. 

out with," he id. "We follow it up 
with months of training and firing at 
moving and station Мап lor 

man, we probably have better marksmen 
than the Army or Marine 

I started to hand the document back 
to him, but he waved it aside. 

“Keep it souvenir,” he said 
“Maybe some diy there'll be somebody 
you want ont of the way, and iH come 
in useful 

He crunched his love ally, 
you know, a rifle is a relatively crude 
means of killing a man, We go throug! 
damn thorough arms training, but guns 
are only one small element in lly 
modern resistance arsenal. All this stress 
mirol and registration has а 
me sort of a chuckle; 


жауз Ive 
often thought of writing a book called 
1001 Ways to Kill a Man Without 


5 Е 


Using Firearms—dedicaed to Sen 
Dodd, of course.” 
“Would you care to name a fe 
“Well, the most lethal we 
disposal are chemic 
cal-warfare agents. The m 

ere they hold a regular job duri 
the day and have an орропипйу 10 
moonlight a few hours in the eveni 

tor oo "Yes we've done it right here at Bio- wh 
lab, and elsewhere across the country 
DePugh s he added, “Thougl 
ur o ial experiment got me into hot projects of their own. Fd suspect i 
1 bacteriologi- — water with my kids, A few years ago. we some C BW. 
n in the street developed our first batch of nerve gis ev 
seems to believe there's something si- and decided to tv out а simple on the the Re Anmy has: we've gone into 
ional about these devices—that Family pet, a one-hundred-eighty-pound — such advanced phases of biological war- 
n only be manufactur ul ad. We dihued it down 10 Fare as the selective breeding ol various 
sophisticated. top-secret Government lab- approximately one tenth of what we pathogens in order to or de 
ornories. But the unique thing about aghi would trigger a noticeable physi crease their. virulence r 
CBW. Бер al vespa gave him a whill: them r ant 1O ant 
diced. with thoratory he walke bout six steps and fell over a knowledge of bacteriology coupled with 
facilities, and at surprisingly low сом. Чен doornail, We tried. artificial tie can produce 
АН that’s needed. is а certain level of respiration and gave him oxygen, but log cuts that are unique, tha 
educuion and training amd reatively none of our ellorts could revive him and exist nowhere in nature: and a number 
rudimentary equipment: almos amy my children didirt speak to me for a of these have qual 
competent chemist, for example, could wee suited to the activities of 
symhesize deadly nerve gases of various The smile faded, amd he stoked ihe movement. сутте portable 


pons at 

gents rese 
rther deve'oped th 


пе д 

genis is that they с 

a ol 


ticularly well 

types.” raft shell on his desk pad ab sive to manufacture 
I knew DePugh was a trained chemist, леу. опе man with a test tube 
amd his Biol ics were far from. “OL course. our techniques are much — could wipe out a whole Army base. We 

ated now. We have a wor pusly never unleash sach 

Tasked number of our own physicians and bac agents among the general population. 

k on the production This would only turn. public sentinu 

ol biological agents and, just as impo unalterably against us. But by c 

tant antitoxins to immunize our own — ling virulence and range. we've got 

cv men. Most of this research goes on alter selective death-dealing weapon that. could 
hours in public and private institutions — ellectivcly terrorize the opposition." 

Mrs; DePuy ed the roi 
form us that dinner would be at six and 
that she was going home now to bake a 
blueberry pie—" Bob's favorite dessert 
DePugh tossed her the car keys. 

With a deepening sense of unrcality, E 
resumed our con “Whit spe 
cific biological agents are the Minmene 
currently working оп 

“There are fiftv or sixty possibilities, 
tid, “but we've narrowed our sights 
down to seven that we lee are partic 
lay well suited то guerrilla. activity. 
Preamonic-plague | as is onc hell of 
а killer. but. irs difficult to reduce the 
plague’s virulence sulliciently to use it 
ou specific targets without infecting the 
innocent. We've had the most success to 
dare with equine encephalitis virus 
Weve developed three unique str 
of it that we feel hold маман 
promise and oller n 
portunities, On 
developed. by 
Пу а honey, 
When do you plan to put these bio 
Is io usce? 

y mol at this 
gh repel. “We'd only 
ploy CBW. when the struggle had 
reached the final point ol armed. coi 
frontation bewe us 1 һе мам 
ht now were essentially still in 
itary phase. а period where te 
ЧЧ assassination шау 
growing role, bur 
one thing, the popu 
irt ready to support ап undergrou 
resistance movement уе: the economic 
nd racial situations haven't det rated 
А sulliciently. This is the time lor т 

ds I understand it, the guaranteed annual income stiletto, пог the howiter. A poison that 

would come to about a quart a duy. will Kill one key man is more valuable 

rudimentary. "Have vou ever wiel 10 more sophisti 
produce nerve gas yourself?” 

Through the open door 1 could see — teriologists we 
his pretty tenage daughter lau 
coquettishly with the hippie-Minute 
who had brought our collec. My 4 
tion st 

ck me as unre: 

to in 


ny ii 

teresting op- 
sirain in particular, 
doc Oregon, is 


i oper 
gle. Foi 

The sparkling wines from Lejon Champagne Cellars, San Fran: 

A Lejon Extra 
у Dry Champagne. 

Cold Duck. 

Pink Champagne. 

Sparkling Burgundy. ? 



to us now than a pathogen thar сап 
neutralize five thousand, 
“Are vou manufacturing poisons, ta 

D asked. 
Our inedicalrescarch tc ve 
done exhaustive research ology, 

wd have seleacd a number ol | 
that could be quite productive: under 
the proper circumstances. Theres really 
h thing as a poison thar doesn’t 
с, vou Know, but there are 
to are extreme’y dillicult 
erem Take insu 
avaiable fu 

по st 
leave а 
detect in 

" any 


is readily 

acit and is a natural ingredient 
of ihe body. A dose of insulin that 
would have no cllect on 

would kill a healthy hu 

how would an autopsy ever be able to 
iine tha 
traces of insulin discovered in the system 
could just as well belong there naturally? 
Another dandy poison’ that's extreme: 
ly dithcuh lor a pathologist 10 detect 
succinytcholine, You may remember that 
this is what the prosecution. claimed. Dr 
Coppol but the 
muiderer. mesel things up by. injec 
it all in one place 

dete was murder, since any 

no usd то kill his wile 

п rhe visible skin sur 
face, If hed been more cautious and dis 
persed it in two or three spots. prelerably 
under the sc lp. bed would have been 
the wiser, because the likelihood of detect 
ing succinyleholine in а routi 

is virtually nil.” 
He fiddled with a dip of .80-caliber 
munition, “But you don't even 1 

ie amtopsy 

to be (har sophisticated: there 

number of common houschold 
that make finc poison. T 
icd a common autor 
Der d. 

seal bise Ethylene glycol ha 
а pleasant, sweetish таме and сап easily 
be added 1o a solt drink or a slice of 
stard pie without vour victim ev 
tecting it belore i 
10 one C isa 

s too late. 


no known antidote. N 

ns ghat can 
in а medical examin, 
cial point to remember is th 
cases of sudden death, 
not performed. and death is attributed 
to natural causes. There aren't enough 
doaors in the country to ренот 
on everybody who appea 

sable lesio 

autopsy. is 

у to 
heart failure or shock or 

diabetic seizure or li 

kidney disease € 
es Let's кау you've slipped 
ethylene glycol into some- 
body's food. "Ehe average doctor would 
examine the outward symptoms and 
variably diagnose the cause. of death as 
he: lure—which dn was, ol course, 
but artificially induced. Even when vou 
tem. i 

er heme 

а dose of 

do have less the 

ason to foul 

thoriries have v suspect 
play. is a pretty slipshod. pre forma 
aair, Believe me, if you select the right 
poison and go about it carefully, it’s the 

1 ihe world to Kill а man. 



actly “I have а distiner. preference lar 
nicotine sulphate. a common liquid alka- 
loil that сап be administered orally 
imravenously or through direct absorp- 
m by the skin. Whats lovely about it 
5 1 nox instantancously fatal 
id leases no traces except in the blood 

Personally.” he continued m 

stream—and even in an шору. its 
very rave do take а blood analysis, be- 
liec it Nicotine sulphate is 

a wide 
all y 


range of 
ud have то 

ing solutions: 

is € 
your targer's beer. or 
lotion wi It's absorbed quickly. par 
ticularly if he's nicked himsell while shan- 
ing. and unless it's washed oll with cold 
sixty seconds. itd cause diz- 
pse, respiratory. paralysis and 

n. described 
manufacture th. 

ther poison. so 
Lam unwilling 
out it for a wide-circulation 
After this I asked: “Do vou 
ir Favorite poisons? 
houghi а it. "Well. il 
has done grear thi 

eyanide gas gun. You may remembe 
that one of their assassins whe defected 
to the West in Berlin а few vears ago. a 
guy named Bogdan Stashinsky, confessed 
10 having liquidated iwo prominent 
Ukrainian exiles with an ord water 
pistol filled with cyanide. АН you have 
to do is wait on well till. your 
tim passes vc 
mouth. with 

y hin 

слу d 

vour nose and 

damp 1 
in the face. 


The fast. inl 

and with «dy all 

in the air will be disipat 
get has died climb 

1 sixty sec 

ide sme 

ce the t 
«ht ol stai 
nosed as hear 
with the ıwo Uk 
u actually. stockpiled 




do vow intend using them 

es of this country,” he 

ravely, pushing his chair back and 
ng 10 my side. here, and 
show you son haven't 

showed а 

y other jou 
1 followed DePugh Irom his office 
h a dusty storcroom heaped with 
jus dabeled  "Biolab. Vitami 
Supplemenis" and imo a Lage room 
Tintered with old newspapers and. mag 
vines. There was no lurnilure other than 
eight steel file cabinets, cach drawer se 
сигу padlocked. He stood in the middle 
of the к 1 gest 
We're in the process of disper 
»versive files,” he said. "What you 

ved toward them. 

sce here is only our California records 
The master files—containing ever one 
hundred thousand names [rom all fifty 
Mateshave been buried underground 
in seve nd 

Al places across the country 
ed I 
v and ¢ 


s broken down by st: 
v have gone out to local 
branches, In recent months, we've totally 
decentralized our intelligence sstem so 
that if something should happen to me 
or this headquarters, our records will still 


be intact.” 

He wok а key from his pocket a 
pened the top d, 

awer on the ead ci 

net. Te was packed with hundreds of 
three-by h white Ше cards. ar 
n alph order 

д dossier in Califor 

теты” He selected а cwd at 
lere a Commie who lives 
The card lists his 

dress and. phone number, 

adquarters has а comprehensive port- 

folio containing all he inlormat 
we've gathered on his movements, his 
ab, his personal. tastes—w quor, 
boys, drugs. etc. When and il the time 
comes to neutralize him, well have all 
the information down pat.” 

He renamed the card amd sammed 
the drawer shut, locking it and Guetully 
testing the handle 

“We have eighteen thousand emes in 
the Calilornia file alone. Now. needless to 
гу. we've had to break these down acc 

g (o the importance of the ind 


п rhe overall scheme оГ things and 
сма а set of. priorities.” He tapped 
the first drawer. “File A contains the 
names of the runolthemill fellow 

travelers and parlor pinks, the types who 
join diferem Red fronts or show up on 
picket lines but aren't full-time. opera- 
tives and. 

Hy dileru 
hough they have тө be kepi under 

They're ese 

surveillance and som у deat with, 
they dont constitute a really serious 
threat.” He rapped his knuckles on the 
second drawer. “File B here con is the 

cards of those who are the next step up 

the subversive Fadder—full-time Pary 
members, draltcud bumers. civil rights 
iator. Whenever we have the man 

power, we trv to keep them under full- 
time surveillance, but thevre still Di 
Small fish” His eyes narrowed, d he 
reached down ind unlocked the bonom 

drawer, which cà ned fewer cards, 
“Now this is file C—the really danger 
ous types, the. bi tors, the 

most dedicare 
б ahis particula 
bitches weg 
“IE you're c 
ave all traitors, wha 
pose to take agii 
He smiled enigmatically. 
tion—when the rime comes.” 
“Would that i 
His voie was neutral 

These son 

ve special 

ced that these people 
action do vou pio 


"No, Robert, please—not 



2 has benaved his country to 
the most ruthless enemies it has ever 
known. The penalty for treason is 
death, and if the execution of the sen- 
tence is left to us .owe accept the 
responsibility He smiled. “Don't wor- 
y, Your name isn’t on the New York 
lt. 1 checked before you сате out 

М spare, апа 
mustache whom 1 
edo the 
he said expressionlessls 
“TH be right back,” 
mured, his jaw tightening as he | 
the other man ош 

Alone for a momen 
down some of the names i 
C ме. Each card in 
phorostatie copy, the i 
wes triple spaced, D had ti 

in file 


a wiih 




room. on 



di ne to jot 

down 1| potential victims before. De 
Pugh returned. Most of the. addresses 

¢ in the Stanford area and none of 
the n familiar. Û heard DePugh’s 
Footsteps and slipped my pad and pencil 
puds before he opened the door. 
ce records, 
"Lets go eat," he said, reruriin 
file to the. drawer and. locking: it. 
As we left the building, 1 asked De- 
Pugh how he could be certain that his 
information on mere than 100,000 
names across the country accu 
"Suppose у ive the order to 
liquid; ady in sour C file,” I 
suggested, l it turned subse: 
quently that he wasn't a s 
all, How would you feel about sending 
an innocent man to his death?” 
He shrugged. “About as guilty as Lyn- 
don Johnson feels sending thous 
ids to die in. Vietnam," he replied in a 
bored tone. “And anyway files are 
tantly checked. and double-checked 
M we y on the 
ist, he belongs th 
Are there amy prominent. names on 
the lise" I asked ay we walked along 
Norhorne’y streets toward his house. 
He chuckled. “There are names. on 
that dist that anybody who reads а n 
paper would recognize.” 



« preoccupied. no longer avid 

v his intelligi 


he ig day 


u were n 



уеге at 

uly of 





“Would you cue to name a few of 

Why not? Secretary Robert Spange 
McNamara.” he replied. hissing the mid- 

dle name sibilantly. “Hubert Humphrey. 
William Fulbright, Bobby Kennedy and 
Marin Luther Ring. [This was early 
March 1908 —опе month before King's 

i three months before Ken- 
nedy's.] They're the most dan; 

ous men 

» God knows they're 

His face suddenly. hardened. and he 
hahed and gripped me by rhe anm. 
"Remember what 1 told carlier 


about the principle of deliberate delay 
he asked. "Well. that phase of the struggle 
iy just about over. The Minutemen are 
now entering the revolutionary stage ol 
ictivities, and from now on no holds 
avrei." He released my arm abruptly 
ad pulled the wrapper oll 

wra nother 

lozenge. “No holds at all. We're through 

I askal him what had caused this 
sudden ol tadics but he just 

shook his head wordlessly and walked 
on in silence. Suddenly, his eyes bright 

ened, "Heres my place. You're going to 
love the wiles blueberry. pic! 
After DePugh dropped me olf at my 

motel later. il 

ї evening, I way unable 
to sleep. Throughout dinner and during 
the ride back from Norborne, he had 
porated messianically on his hopes 
future, occasionally ranging oll 
to such disparate topics as the respon 
sibility of the existential philosophers 
(the сий of nausea,” as he characte 
ized them) lor modern Weldschmerz, and 
ol Keynesi 

ed, frequently 
witty conversationalist, and only once 
did the mask slip—when 1 asked him 
how enduring he thought Martin. Lu 

ther King’s nonviolent — philosophy 
would prove in light of rising black 
militancy. "Phat phony bastard!” His 
knuckles on the sicerin were 

е. "Неъ been а Red tor lor 
years, And they give the Nobel Peace 
Prize to that fraud, tl 

Luther King 
il it were 

keep bis appointmemi at my motel, and 
no one answered the phone at his home 
or office. 1 learned 
Associated Press 

that a Seattle grand jury had issued a 
warrant for his arrest on bank-robbing- 
conspiracy charges the day before and, 
one step ahead of the law, DePugh had 
gone into hiding. I suddenly realized the 
real reason for the beard and, more 
Hy, for DePugh's uncharacte 
knes with me: He viewed our 


from a friend in 

what he 
ground: phase. of the 
also have accounted 
for his statement, shortly alter receiving 
the phone call from. Seattle, that the 
principle of deliberate delay was а 
thing of the past and the Minun 
men were now Entering a new phase of 

Mcrrorism and assassination. 

In the months since our final meetin: 
marked bv the assassinations ol Dr 
King and Senor Ke à 

spate of terror attacks on peace and civil 
rights advocates—DePugh has successful- 
ho cluded the police, 
ground bulletins to the Тайм 



with apparent. impunity, (Underground 
Bulletin No. 2, issued tom “somewhere 
in the United States” after the election. 

that George Walks Ameri 
can Independent Paty is Con 
controlled. When th i. 

gain control of his 
Pugh wrote his followers, it turned 10 
the ALP.. whieh today “is controlled at 
the top by the same hidden hand that 
controls the Democratic Party and. the 
Republican Party.") His FBI “W i“ 
circular cautions that “DePu ed 
ly carries а pistol and has access to other 
types of weapons. including hand gre- 
nades. Consider extremely dangerou 

Even if DePugh is apprehended and 
imprisoned, there is little doubt that the 
Minutemen will continue to. [uncti 
well before he went imo hiding, N 
selected. а “second st ob dederis 10 

tion in thi 

run the organi event of his 
death or incarceration. Bat the basi 
question remains: Can DePugh and his 
Minutemen really do what they. say? 

The answer seems to be that they can- 
not by themyelves—but they are not 
alone. Other paramilitary groups are 
burgeoning acros the country under the 
stimulus of growing racial unrest. some 
of these arc leftist, and some black, such 
as the Black Panthers. But th ше 
doubt hat the lars wd most. orga 
ized groups cluster around DePugh's end 
of the political spectrum. He is on par 
ticularly close terms with the Reverend 
Kenneth Goll of Englewood. Colorado, 
leader of the Soldiers of the Cross. ап 
organization of betw d 12.000 
members. g pr у Са 
Southwest. Сой, who 
the Communist 1 

e is 


fornia and the 

aduated Irom 


to Gerald L. h's Christian Anti 
Communist and went into the 
witch hunting business on his own several 
years ago. blends Protestant funda- 
mentalism and Semitism (his olt 

t The United 
Jewish as Coney Island” 
I і 

repeated. theme is 
Notions is a 

with judo. ka torture. mu 
lation and such desert survival techniques 
s the eating of toads and. 


Another group ou good fraternal 
tems with the Minutemen—áand. with 
Gols ошш— the Саона Rangers, 

commanded by 
Gale, U.S. Army (Ret), who org 
Philippine guerrilla 
Japanese in World W 
10 General Dou; 
views the Comin 
got your 

Colonel Wil 

lorces à 

Pwo is un 
las MacArthur 

sts as took of 

Jews, you got your 


Jews and you your white 
Jews. Theyre all Jews and theyre all 
the ollspring of the Devil.” The cole 
nels favorite aphorism is, “Turn a n 



aside out 

nd you've got a Jew 
ends th: 

Adolf Hitlers repu 
criminal is all a 

Wind jer C Fuse 

те 3.5 

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million Jews Hitl 
killed аге right here in America. And if 
we тип them out of here, they'll go down — Party 

about Rove we Warnell them in 
hers. I've gor two ovens ready for them 

The Rangers are one component of rel 
ме networ 

y groups operati, 

the Southwest, A report by the Califor party w 


with the Ku Klux Klan, the N: 
States Rights Party, the Christian Defense 
League and the Church of Jesus Christ 

Church of Jesus Christ— 
m. founded in 1946, has bloss 

into a sting of a 
to Flo 
Reverend Dr. Wesley Swift of L 
а, reaches over 1.000.000 listen- 
weekly radio broadcasts, 
whieh artfully blend racism and evar 
His subordinates 
concept of the Christ 
sion: The Reve 
ol the sect’s St. Peter 


t the admission of James 
Meredith to the Univ 
police confisca 
car. The church's most 
ic preacher is the Reverend 
а peripatetic anti-Nearo 
agog who wears a Confede 
а vest. Also a member of the Ku Klus 

and the Minuteme 
ıizer of the bloody 

Connie Lynch 

п show you top- 
prove the six 
r was supposed to have Inform 

пч Negro оре 

nd start screaming Сео 
the Largest ра 

every state of the 

servative. estin 

al reveals th: 
timate connections viously initi; 

addition to the Min- 

fluent parishes from 
а. Its founder, the 


T wine hr 

n Potito, minister 
burg. Florida, parish 

political і 
local elections -r 
af depo 

е organizing demon- 

sity of Mississip- 
small c 



cted the ра 

ied. an 

‚ Lynch. was 



DePugh is the National St 
with headqua 
and, next to the Minutemen, 

саме its membership f 
ate is 2000 members 
8000 то 12.000 active s 
as formed in 1958 by Di. Edward 
the R, Fields. a chiropractor who had pre- 
ted an 
ional Ше course of which he plastered the 
windows of Jewish-owned shops with 
nti Semitic stickers—and. Jesse B. Ston- 
whose prior ventures 
s klca 
and founder of the 
Christian. Anti-[ewish 
dyocated mi 

Rays Uie convicted. Killer of Dr 
A Luther King, Memb 
NSRP. is predict 

ih and Negro populations—in sev 
Southern states. But by 1060. Fields re- 
rty along p. 
lines: A party uniform (white shirt, 
- black. trousers а 

d with a th 
ne Ilag niscent of the Nazi SS e 

is were stockpiled 
ry discipline imposed on all mem- 

Lincoln Rockwell whip up whites 
housing demonstr 
ly linked to both Swift and 


es Rights 
rers in Savannah, 

wilitury organization in 
the nation. The N.S.R 

nion, but refuses to 
ures; a con- 


Jew Week" in 

le of the K.K.K. 

ing Judaism 

of James 
in the 
«і oto 
amd the 


soup was initially 
tion and contested 
e Jew- 


tivists have been involved 
a number of terrorist attacks on Ne- 

"I don't care what the vole was. Miss Finch—the 
senior-class play will not be ‘Hair. 

groes and Jews. The party broke 
to the news on October 1 when 
te blast destroyed a Jewish syn 
п Atlanta; five men were arrest 
ied for the crime, all of then 
“Р. members, In 1963—the same 
year the party Launched a “Fire Your 
ager" campaign to drive more Negroes 
out of the South—a scuflle erupted in 
San Bernardino, 
formed N.S.R.P. pickets and high school 
students, during which one of the storm 
troopers shot and wounded a student, On 
September 15. rmingham's 16th 
Street Baptist Church was shattered by a 
dynamite blast dur y services, 
amd four Negro children died. An 
N.S.R.P. member was arrested in connec- 
tion with the bombing, charged with il- 
legal possession of dynamite and—in the 
absence of conclusive eyewitness evidence 
placing him at the scene—senteneed 10 
nonths in prison. After an N.S.R.P. 
lly in Anniston, А in late 1965. 
in which speakers urged patriots to drive 
‘the nigger out of the white m 
street,” one of the galvanized party sym- 
pathizers i се took off in his 
car with two friends and fatally shot the 
first Negro he saw. 

In recent y 
Rights Party has solidified irs links with 
other i 


urged its member to increase their 
stockpiles of weapons. The N.SR.P. is 
still relatively small. bur growing 
is its potential for violence. Its member 
ship reflects considerable cross-pollination 
with the Klan and the Minutemen, 
but its leaders Гай to exercise even the 
comparative verbal restraint of the pre- 
underground DePugh. The California 
Fı iding Committee on U 
Activities has warned ih. 
ization is . .. more pote 
zcrous than any of the Ame 
avi groups. 
The Ku Klux Klan, despite its long 
record of violence, has not ший recently 
become a genuine ary organiza- 
tion. The Klan has tr 
insirumemt of locil terrorism 
than national revo' ution. Its murders, 
beatings and tortures have generally 
beca Guried o visae паз of 
vengeance against “uppity” Negroes and 
rel or imagined white wanoss to the 
“Southern way of life," rather than 
part of an orchestrated program of sub- 
version. But all that is changing. 
Today there 

can 5 

the coun- 

individuality most j 
subordinate itself to any one man's 
The current strength of all Klans to- 
gether is estimated to be from 50,000 
to 100.000, with an additional 1.000.000 
sympathizers.” The Largest and most vio- 
lent Klan—and the one most closely 

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linked to the Minutemen—is the United 
Klans of Ame i 
nd by Robert Shelton of Tuse 
Alabama. Shelton's Klans have at 

nates гип as 

as $5,000—scattered 
including Penn 
‚ New Jersey. | 
Ohio, Wisconsin, Nel: 
(Pennsyly and Dragon Roy Fr 
houser, J ms—possibly with some 
there are currently more 
in Wisconsin than in South 
der Shelton's leadership, the КІ 
have adopted а distinctly paramilitary 
orientation. Large caches of arms. includ- 
ing automatic weapons, have been stock: 
piled across the country; Klan “mi 
committer have been established to 
h members the techniques of guenil- 
la warfare: "rifle clubs" and "sportsmen's 
dubs” have been established as fronts; 
€ instructed by Shelton 
to join the National Rifle Association, 
thus allowing them to buy Government- 
subsidized ammunition at low prices 
Klansmen have been holding more and 
more field exercises, Minutemen. style, 
where members are taught sniper and 
rapid-fire shooting and instructed in 
mortar firing and the construction and. 
handling of dynamite, fuses, Molotov cock 
nd booby traps. (A recent Klan 
taught trainees how to sabotage 
plants.) One 
group—Nacirema, Inc. 
even alleged to specialize in assassina- 
Its members аге composed of the 
elite of Klan toughs, and are exhaustively 
uained in the tactics of terror and 
sabotage. The “VIP Sean › 




lies, outfitted in white helmets and. gr 
d slacks, is also reportedly being 
enlarged into а well-armed р 


lice force. In plain clothes, its mem- 
bers served as bodyguards Гог George 
Wallace at his American Independent 
Party rallies; whe е са 

1967, К.К.К, Grand 
Minuteman chief. Frank- 

Pennsylvania in 
Dragon and 

nkhouser es 
means of ter- 


fighting a futile rearguard action. and 
nge with the times. We're not out to 
conserve the system. now, but to change 
it in ways that will protect the white 
race—even if that means a revolution. 
The Klin is a nationwide organi 
today, not а regional defense force, 
nd strategy are attuned to 
the ‘Twentieth Century. Along with the 
Minutemen, the Klan is developing 
thousands of dedicated guerrilla fighters. 

our tactics 

If the niggers push us too far, we won't 

But Frankhouser denies any formal 
ational unity between 
nd the Minutemen: 

tion are always open between us, 
Klan's military committees are doing ex- 
the Minutemen are Чой 

got the same enemies, the same friends 
and the same goals, We're fightin 
der different leadership, but 
fighting together just the same.” 

In addition to the major pa 
ns, а host of lesser 
appeared оп the national horizon 
the past two years—pi 
response to the deterior: 
i a the ghettos of the major cit 
the devastating Detroit riots, loi 
right-wingers formed outfit called 
Bi bers to 
arm and organize uli 
block by block into 
force. In late 1967, Bre. 
Donald Lobsinger orga 
eral Douglas MacArthur Shooti 



ad admonished his followers to join 

N. R.A. in order to 
receive arms training in anticipation of 
the next racial holocaust. Lobsinger 1 
айгасей thousands of Deiroiters to his 
rallies, and recruited hundreds of mem- 
a racially tense пе 
the event of future disturbances in the 
Negro areas of the city, Breakthiough’s 
potential for violence is real and meu 

In Newark, a similar armed vigilante 
group was formed in 
l rioting—the North W 
Commiuce, led by a 
named Anthony Imperiale. T 
encourages all members to own fir 
in the nd has ew 
ens to patrol 

both it und 


ishborhoods. In 


gle cruisers.” The committee has an esti- 
ed membership of 1500, at 1 1000 
of whom belong to a local gun dub. 
Iso rumored to have b- 
central cache of arms some- 
ewark, but he denies the 

ittee has been de- 

"potential threat. to 
nil order in New Jersey.” 
With all its constituent organizations, 
the paramilitary right in Americ 
ally small. Including the К 
the total membership. probably amo 
to no more than 150,000 —and of 


number only a minority of zealots will 

ever be w 


ng to jeopardize the 
security by engaging 

violence. But with each new race riot. 
with every deepening of the bitter divi 
sions between black and white, left and 
right. young and old, with cach new 
economic convulsion and social upheaval. 
their numbers and determi 
almost ce 

The parami 
hope of ever seizing power in Ameri 
—even an America convulsed by 
war. H there is a right-wing take-over, it 
will almost certainly be validated at the 
polls, and ity leaders will be respectable 
men of dle forced to uphold 
“law and order” by curbing the tr 
tional democratic liberties of freedom of 
press. speech and assembly. Thus. the 
Minutemen and their allies are outsi 
crs, and will remain so. But the Minute- 
man is very much a child of this society 
nurtured ped by the political 
demonology and hysterical anti-Commu- 
nist rhetoric of the Cold War, shadowed 
through life by the Bomb and squeezed 

nly grow. 
ary right has no rca 

the n 

t understand. It 

breeds paranoia—and elevates it into a 
fe stvle. But the implications of the 
Minuteman mentality transcend 
noia, The Minuteman addresses himself 
to very real problems—racial chaos, eco- 
nomic unrest and 
clusive war in 
national ru: 
litical di His 
probiems may be irrational, violent and 
vicious, but it is unquestionably а re- 
flection of the extremity of the social 
crises confronting us. If American cities 
rn, our best leaders 
йрету bullets, if 
thousands of young men continue to die 
ly as well as physically. 
meless rice paddies, the sickness th: 
spawned the Minutemen will 
virulence, and may spread through 
out society. 

Philosopher Daniel Bell has wr 
that ours “is a fragile system. H there is 
a lesson to be learned from the downfall 
of demoa government 



and exacerbates. po: 

sponse to these 

point comes 
ies or social move- 
blish ‘private 
armies’ whose resort to violence—street 
fighting, bombings. the breakup of 
opponents! meetings, or simply i 
i anot be controlled by the 
elected. authorities, and 
violence is justified or m 
: respectable elements in society. 
Minutemen nong the symp- 
toms, not the causes, of the malaise t 

the worst side of our society and ourselves 
before it’s too late—if we care to look. 





Write to Janet Pilgrim for the an- 
swers to your shopping questions. 
She will provide you with the name 
of a retail store in or near your city 
where you can buy any of the spe- 
cialized items advertised or edito- 
rially featured in PLAYBOY. For 
example, where-to-buy information is 
available for the merchandise of the 

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any of your other questions on fash- 
ion, travel, food and drink, hi-fi, etc. 
If your question involves items you 
saw in PLAYBOY, please specify page 
number and issue of the magazine as 
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