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ex its publication some 11 months 
1 thriller about a bunch of small-time 
» Boston hoods, The Friends of Eddie Coyle, was being called "the 
sleeper of the year" and had been purchased by Paramount for 
1973 screen release. Its author, first-time novelist George V. Hig 
gins, had a finely tuned ear for dialog and a chilling insight into 
the lile style of the second-echelon crook. That figured: Higgins 
is Assistant U. S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts—a full 
prosecutor who hits the typewriter nights and weekends, He made up his mind to enter Boston College 
law school some nine years ago when, alter covering the state courthouse as a reporter in Springfield, Massachusetts, 
he decided trial lawyers were having more fun than he was. “I like trying cases—bank-robbery, extortion, fraud, counter 
feiting, hijacking, fence, gun-control cases—but I still like writing.” Higgins told us after we sewed up the serialization 
rights to his second book, The Digger's Game (to be published by Alfred А Knopf in March). In this issue, you'll find the 
first of three installments of the adventures of Digger Doherty, an improper Bostonian who runs a bar (both аге pic- 
tured by artist Warren Linn), has a side line in burglary and is his own worst enemy. We think you'll find Digger even 
more entertaining than Eddie; you may sce him on film, too, since Higgins is busy drafting a screenplay. 

That's just for openers. Next, William F. Buckley, Jr., views with consummately stylish alarm the Presidents 
vip to Peking (on which W. F. B. was an improbable fellow traveler) in To China with Nixon, which will be enjoyed 
by Buckley connoisseurs who liked his most recent book, /nveighing We Will Go. Germaine Greer's style may not be 
as genteel as Buckley's; for one thing, she sometimes uses rather earthy terminology—a penchant that will set her back 
510 in court costs or a spell in the pokey if she ever returns to New Zealand, where she was convicted of using obscene 
language in a meeting at Auckland University last March. But. however 
she chooses to express herself, Ms. Greer is an articulate and intelligent T 
spokesman (woman? -personz) lor women s rights; with this month's Seduc- 

Поп Is a Four-Letter Word, she scores telling points in an argument that 


ago, a sli; 

мисс: BUCKLEY 

time Fede 

time. "Em busy being a lather to a new baby who's come to live in my 
house," she says without further explanation. 

PLAYBOY Stall Writer Craig Vetter reluses to wear any of the fashionable 
crowns of thorns in Confessions of a Lettuce Eater. "| got tired of listening 8 
to 89,000 conflicting voices, cach trving to bury us in guilt with all this 
pressure lor ‘relevant’ jobs, ‘deeply meaningful" relationships, "responsible" 
citizenship." As reported last month, Vener has found а way to handle it; 
he’s moved from Chicago to South Laguna Beach, Calilornia. Although 
he's churning out work at a greater iate than ever belore, he admits “I'm 
also getting into being a beach bum pretty well.” At the other end of the 
country, in Ossining, New York—where hes teaching writing to inmates at 
Sing Sing—lives one of America 

ting wood,” Cheever says. “A collection of my stories, called The World of 
Apples, will come out this year, including the three іп January's PLayBoy 
[Triad: The Widow, The Passenger, The Belly]. 

‘There's still more outstanding fiction this month. The peripatetic Paul Theroux, whose letters—and PLAYBOY 
contributions—in recent years have been postmarked Irom such exotic spots as Malawi and Maki 
Charlottesville, Virginia, where hes writer in residence at the University of Virginia. Next, he says, "Ell probably 
shamble back to England, where 1 have just bought a house.” His ollering herein, Dessert at the Belvedere, will be 
part of Saint Jack, a novelmemoir of a middle-aged Singapore pimp to be published soon by Houghton. Milin- 
пу happy hours over a period of thice years,” reports Theroux, "were spent researching this rewarding subject." 

Another tale comes [rom Sean O'Faolain, who is а winner lor the second year running in PLAYBOYS annual 
writing-awards competition. Reading an O'Faolain piece is so pleasurable and elflortless that one fails to realize the 
pains that must go into it. O Faolain's latest message tells us mournfully: “Неге I am, all alone, quietly sitting at my 
desk in my study, supposed to be working on the opening sentence of a short story. The date on top of the first page 
ol said story is 20 days ago. It reads, so lar as I can make out: “He had been stalking her now’ (now crossed out) ‘Lor 
over' (over crossed out and changed to about) ‘six’ (six crossed out and changed to three, which was crossed out and 
changed to two) ‘months, and not (пог crossed out and changed to so, which was crossed out and changed to far) 
from concealing’ (far from concealing crossed out and then 
restored by а wavy red line) ‘her pleasure in his’ . . . Flirtation? 
(crossed out) ‘Game’? (crossed. ош). My magnilying glass cannot 
decipher what was next proposed. Crumpet? Rompe? Gompe? 
Gasme? Gas meter? Pleasure іп his gas meter? Oh, 
I awaiting the outcome. Meanwhile, have а go 
latest completed story, The Inside Outside Complex. The Irel: 
O'Faolain writes about is far different [rom the besieged city of 


, is now living in 





Belfast, through which Tom Fitzpatrick guides us in And So It 
Goes. Fitz, a Chicago Sun-Times columnist and 1970 Pulitzer Prize 

ner, describes himsel len y Catholic shanty Irish." A 
is just out. 
On the level of horror films and roller-coaster rides, fear is a 

ig emotion. But to those who deal with real fear daily, irs 
«lly serious matter. William Neely rounded up six such— 
ce and Air Force General Robin Olds; cardiac surgeon 
Denton Cooley, M.D.: oilwell-fire capper Red Ad: 
d circus aerialist Karl Wallenda, intervi 
is for them in Fear. Neely, a former racecar dre who wrote our May 11079 ticle on Craig i Eê, confesses 
that his own biggest fear is not of death but of failure to succeed as а free-lance wı 1 was in corporate public 
k to that. Га rather farm." He could; he lives on a 167-acre 
cattle spread in West Virginia. We asked Los Angeles artist Charles Bragg why he made death a gnome in his stunning 
The Forces of Death and the Forces of Life. “Death to me isn't ominous—just an ever-present pain in the ass,” he 
replied. “By making him a gnome, I reduce him to something I can handle. I have to look at life as a gigantic joke: 
otherwise, I couldn't get through it every. 

San Franciscan Herbert Gold wi it’s possible to have Candy-Coated Nightmares in Nirvana by the Bay. 
Gold—another 1972 PLaynoy writing-award winner—is celebrating publication of My Last Two Thousand Years, 
an autobiography about “being a writer and a Jew in America" (and, he adds, “wondering why Anthony Quinn 
isn't playing me in a movie version"). Well, it's one thing, says Ralph Keyes, to grow up a Jew; it's quite another 
to grow up “half “Jewish and half WASP. I've been hurting lor a deviant 
identity. Finally I've found it in the struggle against heightism"—feistily 
outlined in Runts Lib. 

Despite his stature, which һе has recorded at 577.69”, Keyes likes to 
play basketball. This issue, as it happens, is replete with jocks of one kind 
or another: an outrageously campy wrestler, even more outrageously 
portrayed in Gorgeous George, M. D., by Richard Smith; world-champion 
pool player Steve Mizerak, profiled by our newest Stall Writer, Laurence 
Gonzales—himself a daily player who's no slouch with the сис; LeRoy 
Neiman, artist and training-camp follower extraordinaire, who limns the 
Super Bowl in Man at His Leisure (complemented, suitably, by Whiskey in 
the Kitchen cookbook author Emanuel Greenberg's punch recipes іп Pro 
Bowls!, which is illustrated by Robert von Neumann's ceramic sculpture); 

nd tennis fanatic Art Buchwald, more renowned (though one would never 
guess it [rom reading Advantage, God) as a political satirist and syndicated 
columnist. Smith, a technical writer lor IBM New York, tells us straight 
facedly that on his own time hes compiling "an illustrated history of 
chemical laundering in the United States from July 1930 to the present. 
You may believe that if you wish. Gonzales claims, more credibly, to be 
working on two novels and a volume of poe showing 
up with regularity as а guest/commentator on sports telecasts. Greenberg, 
а perhaps unique combination of home economist and ex-merchant m 
rine cook, has made something of a specialty of writing about spi 
sine. Buchwald dropped us a line saying hes devoting all his spare moments to perfecting his tennis game. 
discovered anyone can write a humor column,” he says, “but very few people can develop a good serve.” Calvin 
Trillin’s hobby is played in a different kind of court; this month Trillin, also best known as a humorist, does a new 
number in Adventures of a Liligious Law Buff. 

As you may have guessed, there's much more: an interview with All in the Family's Carroll O'Connor, a talented. 
and versatile actor entangled in a kind of love-hate relationship with the character he made famous (and vice ver 



—Archie Bunker. Plus a portlolio of erotic photos by Pete Turner; some equally erotic fortunetelling cards by 
nctly un-Biblical, it’s 

Hungarian-born artist-photographer Francois Colos; and the latest from Shel Silverstein. Di 
The Song of Songs Which Is Silverstein's. The ballads are featured оп Shel's new album, Columl Freakin’ 
at the Freakers Ball; one of them, Don't Give a Dose to the One You Love Most, was the theme song for the recent 
television special TD Blues, hosted by Dick Cavett. Due soon is a Silverstein children's book, Sara Cynthia Sylvia 
Stout Wouldn't Take the Garbage Out and Other Poems (Harper & Row); an animated film, The Gi Tree, 
based on his best seller; more albums, more movies, more everything hom the man who gave you 4 Boy Named Suc. 

Still with us? Come back to those golden days of yestei 
1972, that is—with That Was the Year That Was, by Judith Wax; 
invest in Blue-Chip Fashion Futures, Robert L. Green's Cre e 
Menswear Collection; catch a sneak preview of the latest Domi- 
movie, Impossible Object; tune in with stereo 
headphones For Your Eais Only; get to know ап unquenchable 
mento miss, Playmate Miki Garcia; and, of course, pick 
favorite in Playboy's Playmate Review. For auld lang syne. 




The Pleasure Principle. 

of a Christmas 
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Bob Cratchit, and Scrooge 
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J&B gift carton— 

yours at no extra cost. 

Have a Dickens © 

86 Proof Blended Scotch Whisky © 1972 Paddington Corn. N.Y. 

vol. 20, no. 1 january, 1973 



PLAYBILL..... С ب‎ NS 
BOOKS... 5 шы. 22 
MOVIES... . 28 
San Francisco THE PLAYBOY ADVISOR в 49 
PETE TURNER'S TURN-ONS— pictorial. = 84 
BY THE BAY—article.. — HERBERT GOLD 92 
GO-GETTER—playboy’s playmate of the month 124 
FOR YOUR EARS ONLY —modern living. 155 
Playmate Reprise Ё 
SUPER BOWL — тетп et his leisus LEROY NEIMAN 187 
“IMPOSSIBLE OBJECT" —pictoriol .. 191 
THE TUNBRIDGE DOCTORS —ribald classic 196 
ON THE SCENE—personal 208 

CASILLI P. 122-175, 126 (0), 13 (2). 165 (2), 168: RICK CLUTHE. Р. 4, JEFF COHEN, P. 3. 195,195, GARY COLE. P. 3. A WILSON EMBREY II P. 1- RICHARD FEGLEY LL AND HEL Fleece. P 165 0), 
166.100; DILL FRANTZ, Р.З, 4; KENFRAXTE. P. 2. 27; RICHARD R HEWETT, P.124, 126-177 (4), 131: DWIGHT ноокен, P 165 (3). 170. 172, 177; CARL IRL, 200). LANE, Р э; BRUCE MC BROON, 
T. V75: PATRICK MORIN. P. 3:3. BARRY O'ROURKE. P. 3. 4 (2). 108. 198: PHILIP PACOCK. P 3, POMPEO POSAR. P їл, 167. 176, V % SUIN, P. а (3). 199, BLL SUMMER, P. 3, DILL TROVE, P. 199; 

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when you want something better 


Н Parker 


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PAUL. art director 
SHELDON WAX managing editor 

MARK KAUFFMAN plotoxsaphy editor 

assistant managing editors 

nyn ediln. Groreury 
asistani editor + FICTION: ROME MACAVLEY 
editor, srwarv PALLY asociate editor, 
modem living editor, ROGER WIDENER Assi 
anl editor; wow а. GREEN fashion director, 
өм Y asociale fashion director. 


лїк nouses fashion editor: THOMAS 
Ame food & drink editor + CARTOONS: 

editor, SIAN AMBER assistant editor = STATE: 
WOLFE assistant edilors: SUSAN 
BERNICE Т. ZIMMERMAN sesearch editors: 
J. ғаш. GETTY (busines C finance), XAT 
LEWIS, RAY RDS JEAN s we лонх 
ker contribuling editors © ADMINISTRATIVE 
for; PNTRICIA FAFANCHLIS administrative edi- 
Lor; EXTHERINE GENOVESE righ Isc permissions: 
ERMAN administrative assistant 

VOM STAEDLER, RERIG rors месіне directors: 
HL MICHAEL SISSON executive assistant: won 
raczek, seren ZPLCR assistant directors 

м ERAMOWSKE west const editors мну 
HOLLIS WAYNE. asociale editors; BULL 
technical editor ARSEN ALT, 
DWIGHT HOOKER, гомгко roswe staff. photog 
наск LICHFIELD, ALEXAS vens contributing 
photographers; veo our. photo labi super- 
visor; JANICE веком ита сіне) stylist 


IN MASERO director: MAEN VARGO nda 

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soma s rurUss business manager aud 
associate publisher; MENARD S. ROSENZWEM. 
executive assistant lo the publisher; RICHARD 
м. korr assistant publisher 

Gen. U. S. Importers: Van Munching & Co., Inc., N.Y., N.Y. 


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‘The report on Joel Kaplan's dramatic 
Mexican jailbreak (Breakout, тылүзөу, 
October) was far and away the best non- 
fiction you've ever published. 
Bob Brown 
San Diego, California 

Several months a ll news item 
announced that two tes, one of 
them Americ had рей from a 
m by using a helicopter. I 
never a followup-—until 1 picked 
up rravnoy. My thanks to writers Eliot 
Warren Hinckle and William 
Turner for letting us in on one of the 
best stories of the 

“David R. Dull 
Kansas Missou 

subject that is essential to Kaplan's im- 
prisonment. I refer to his almost un- 

deniable guilt. 1 was living in Mexico 
City in 1961, during the time Карі 
was being tried for murdering a m. 

named L. M. Vidal, Jr. Among the Ме 
can detectives I talked to, and among 
newsmen whose stories I read, there was 
never the least doubt of Kaplan's guilt. 
Vidal's body was found in a shallow 
grave on the old Cuernavaca highway, 
Two Mexi one taxi driver, con- 
fessed they were hired by Kaplan to mur 
der Vidal. They. too. were sentenced 
While Kaplan was in prison, the Mexi- 
can papers repeatedly reported that. he 
had paid off judges and other officials to 
secure his release. The authors of Break- 
out semed to find some giant con- 
spiracy mounted against Kaplan to keep 
him in jail, But is there anything so 
surange about government officials’ not 
ing to release a convicted murder 
New Braunfels, 


amd Turner focus on the exploits of 
supersmuggler Vic Stadter. From per- 
sonal experience, I can attest that Stadter 
is everything they say he is—and morc. 
1 first met him in August 1961, when, 
along with some others, 1 flew to British 
Honduras with him to investigate 17,000 
eres of Land on which he had an option. 
Not only is St ler of long 

In Breakout, writers Asinof, 

g but he even looks the 
cold, steely gray eyes, a on his face 
id а cigar constantly mouth. 

In Edinburgh. Texas, we picked up 
two drums of gas. 100 pounds of cotton 
seed—and a trused-up pig. There were 
six of us in the plane (a twin Beech) 
and, with all our luggage, we were prob- 
ably 1000 pounds overweight. I flew co- 
pilot, because there was no other seat 
On take-ofl, I noticed Vic was using only 
80 percent power. | shoved the controls 
to the fire wall, and even then we just 
managed to clear the power lines at the 
end of the runway. It took us ten miles 
to gain 1000 feet. I asked Stadter why 
he hadn't used [ull power and he said 
he was saving the ci 

Only later in the flight did 1 learn 
what the gas drums were for. Period. 
ically, Stadter climbed back to the rear. 
to siphon gas from the drums into the 
plane's tanks. It turned out there was a 
1,000,000-peso reward on his head in 
Mexico, so he was reluctant to land 
there. While he was siphoning the gas he 
gave me a course head 180 degrees 
for seven cigars, then 150 degrees for 
five. It takes him ten minutes to smoke 
а cigar and five more before he wants 
another. Even with this rudimentary 
navigating, we crossed the Gull. 

1 subsequently heard several interest- 
ing stories about Stadter from an FBI 
ent who was investigating him, Once 
he was smuggling a DC-6 full of illegal 
monkeys into the U.S. He ran into a 
storm and they all got airsick and almost 
wrecked the plane. He had to climb to 
high altitude to get out of the weather, 
and all die monkeys died from the lack 
of pressure. Another story, even more 
grotesque, concerns a planeload of what 
are called Belize turd-dobbers. These are 
а sort of South American catfish. Stadter 
was hoping to cash in on a shortage of 
catfish im New Orleans, but the Customs 
people there recognized that the fish 
were illegal and impounded his pl 
The ice melted, the fish roued 
even the plane was ruined. В; 
uggler is obviously not casy. 
Cecil E. Stanfield 
Tulsa, Oklahoma 


1 suppose every teller of tall tales has 
the right to poetic license, and with 
three tellers, you have three times the 





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license. But Vic Stadte 
encounter with the law" was not, as 
your writers state, "a conspiracy case 
involving possession of marijuana." The 
сазе involved two and one half kilo- 
grams of pure heroin. As the Treasury 
agent who arrested. him, I should know. 
Our case against Stadter was built by 
the extensive undercover work of my 
partner and exh surveillance con- 
ducted by me and other agents. Two of 
the five defendants in the case became 
witnesses for the prosecution and testi 
fied against Stadter and his partners. 
During the trial, both of Stadter's co- 
defendants met with us and asked for 
‘They, too, gave us the full story 
dier, but they refused to testify 
(dim. The evidence against 
Stadter was overwhelming. He was con- 
victed by a jury of his peers. He still 
had some luck. however: he had a leni 
ent judge and received only eight years. 
For that amount of junk, most judges 
then were handing out sentences. 
If that had been the case, Joel Kaplan 
it still be languish Ihave 
mo personal animosity toward Vic. He 
did his time and that’s that. But, con- 
to whar your writers imply, he 
guilty as charged. 
William А. Carrozo 
(Address withheld by request) 

s “only serious 

I just finished reading Breakout. It 
has been a long time since | have read so 
a story. 

T Fabricant 
California State Prison 
Soledad, Califor 


I very much enjoyed Larry Siegel's 
parody The Rover Boys at College 
(ria nov, October). T you know 
that Arthur M. Winficld—the author of 
the "Rover Boys" series—was only а 
pseudonym. The “Rover Boys" 

ys" the 

Tom Swift" and “The Hardy Boys" 
stories, the "Bobbsey Twins” stories and 
the "Nancy Drew" mysteries were all 

written by one prolific author, the Tate 

Frank Della 
Niles, Ilin 


I deplore your pictorial portrayal of 
Jim Brown seducing Stella Stevens in 
Brown, Black and White (мАувоу, Oc- 
tober). I feel its а self-serving 
that degrades the qua 

Don Н. Till, Jr- 
асауШе, California 

As you may know, Southern white 
people don't mix with colored people— 
and they don’t like seeing photos show- 
ing colored men m p with white 

women, 1 have been a PrAY noy subscriber 
for several years, and 1 normally enjoy 
reading your magazine. Please, no more 
race mixing. 

Sam A. Choat 
Southaven, Mississippi 

Your September cover—showing model 
Sandra Josefski bending over to adjust 
a pair of superclunky shoes—is the best 
PLAYBOY cover I've ever seen. It’s espe- 
use I'm such 
a fan of the Forties look. Can vou tell us 
more about Sandra than just her name? 
Bill Morris 
1 Diego, California 
Sandy digs the Forties look herself, as 
the accompanying picture should make 
clear. She's 20, lives with her look-alike 

sister and just happens to be а re- 
ceptionist at our decidedly non-Forties 
Chicago editorial offices. 

I enjoyed John Medelman's beautiful 
е of marathoner Ron Daws (The 

Purity of the Long-Distance Runner, 
PLaynoy, October). Although I am not 

interested in becoming the jogging m 
ıress Medelman jokingly seeks, I am a 
director of the National Jogging Assoc 
tion. My own family runs 30 miles to- 
gether every week and we see many 
others doing the same. When asked 
what her mother does, my nine-year-old 
daughter rep “Жоға 
housewife, not a mother, but a runner. 
Penny M. Bohannon 
Washington, D. C. 

Ive just finished reading Medelman's 
excellently written article and now feel 
I know Ron Daws. Гус only bccn into 
running for about six months, but it 
keeps growing on me. I'm up to six 
miles in 37 minutes. This time last year 
1 was depressed, unhappy and weighed 
200 pounds. Now, with my running, I'm 
down to 161 pounds. I'm stronger men- 

tally and physically and my prowess in 
other areas has also improved. To Me- 
delman and Daws Î can only say: Keep 

on truckin’. 

Joe Hartley 

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 

As Medelman points out, distance 
«unlike most other forms of 
athletic endeavor—is а very personal 
experience. Its solitude, harmony and 
beauty are unmatched by virtually any 
other sport. I just wish that people would 
take a different attitude toward long- 
distance runners. Baseball, basketball 
and football players arc thought to be 
al; but most people regard distance 
Thanks for setting the 

Taylor. Jr. 

To the mass public, Ron Daws is 
hardly Joe Namath or Jim Ryun, But to 
the track ity, he is a 
dedicated distance runner who possesses 
fantastic tenacity and has shown a great 
of courage in overcoming his lack 
of natural athle ty. Runners such 
as Daws have done much to bring Amer- 
icin distance running out of the Dark 
Ages. Frank Shorter's marathon victory 
in Munich may signal the beginning of 
a golden cra for Americans in this an- 
Gent Olympic event. 


Your October interview with Meir Ka- 
hane, the militant leader of the Jewish 
Defense League, is outstanding. T think 
that everything Kahane says is correct. 
Gilbert Meltz 
West. Lafayette, Indiana 

is th 

Kahane is right. The probl 
there aren't enough 
ling to stand up and 

Jews in 


ion n Greenfield 
Houston, Tc: 

Kahane asserts that Jews should seek 
ош а repu 
from his ellois with his org: 
has succeeded: most people i 
J.D. L is tough. But T wondes 
reputation carries over into the entire 
Jewish community. And. if it docs, is the 
Jewish community proud of the label? I 
doubt it. 

Bob Cironc 

n t lor you to 
know di overwhel jority of 
American Jews deplore the Jewish De- 
By DEN EIUS justi 

wb violence on the 
Ka nd his followers 

anyone. Rabi 

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ČD Bedtime Story 


ойына} Also Sprach Zarathustr: 
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211284 ж VIKKI CARR 

9 m 
and postage 

y you join now and agree to buy eight selections 
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12' stereo 


Yes, it's true! — if you join right now, you may 
have ANY 10 of these selections for only $1.97. 
Just mail the postpaid application card (be sure 
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only echo the tactics of the international 
outlaws who hijack planes, send bombs 
though the mails and murder innocent 
athletes. As American Jews. we do not 
want to be dragged into the gutter with 

the J. D. L. 

Amy and Bruce 
Mineral Well 



As a Zionist, 1 do not question Ka- 
ies ideas that the United States is 
fundamentally WASP and that Jewish 
fe can be experienced more fully i 
Israel. But Kal unwittingly be- 
come а propag: for an old and 

redited anti іс canard: tha 
Jews are у 
people, must know thar over 800,000 
Jews in the metropolitan areas of the 
United St or below the 
poverty line. Most Jews in America are 

es exist on 

part of the great moderate center. They 
fear the reactionary right and are suspi 

cious of the an 
are concerned about 1га 
fear the loss of Ameri 
they are part of the new eth 
lution, which is ging 
melting-pot concept. There is a g 
sense of Jewish iden 
n ethnic consciousness that 
in all the good 

ist left. They 
I's security and 
support. And 

с revo- 



ity of Israel 

n the strength 
Kahane is more 
but cven 
of us who complete: sympathy 
with his motives still say to him: Come 
on home, Meir. Forget this new politi 
cal party you Israel, stop 
this juvenile terrorism, cut 
out the snide ren қайты non- 
Orthodox Jews and join the real fig 
the fight for Jewish pride and ethni 

awareness in America. 
Rabbi Israel B. Koller 
Santa Barbara, Californ 


interview with Kah; 
im down. 

Reading y 
I felt а growing urge to put | 
Bur. as Û realized later, he does the job 
better himself. It is ironic that the ve 
people who suffered. the most at the 
hands of rampant. nationalism. аге now 
treading the same path, toward 

members evermore- 
lı Defense League 
Bill Smee 
Elkhart, Indiana 

‘Those who justify violence are, in a 
se tha those who commit it. By 
his words and actions, Kahane has put 
himself and his group in com] 
the Palestinian terrorists 
dams King Hussein appears clearly а 
more rational and—in this instance, at 
Ieasi—a more moral man than the good 
rabbi himself. 

way, wi 

Sidney Krome 
Baltimore, Maryland 

пуопе is going lo fan the flames of 
itism, it’s Kahane. There is ab- 
solutely no logic to his thinking that he 
an Jews only by тш 
them into street fighters. Hlogicality, 
fact, seems to be the core of Kahane's 
problem. What interests me most is his 
claim that pacifism is not a Jewish tra- 
dition. Before modern Isracl. the 
stances of armed Jewish resistance to 
foreign domination could he counted on 

one band. That history covers a span of 
over 4000 year 
(Name withheld by request) 
Brooklyn, New York 

Kahane can deny to his dying day that 
the ideology of his group is [i 
But any reasoned compa 
terview and Mein Kampf will present. 



God м 

is to make his people 
more militant in the service of nai 
ism. The tragedy is that there is a 
n of legitimate Jewish griev- 
the American Jewish com- 
must. redress. ionalism 
tied before, ws should 
better th: that it j 


doesn't work. 

Alan Moskowitz 
Brooklyn, New Vork 


Kahane is right when he says 
o Jewish future in this county 
; re de white, Aryan and 
cventually—according to the immutable 
laws of ical development—National 
st. Nothing can alter this 
rabbi would therefore be 
ed to abandon his p: threats 
of violence aga ans of 
Aryan background who choose to believe 
National Socialism. He would also һе 
sed to remember that two can 
play the same game—as our Arab friends 
proved in h. Should the rabbi 
persi. in his mania for violence, he 
might well trigger a response that would 
the lives and fortunes of Ameri- 
can Jews everywhere, Heil Hitler! 
Matt Koehl. Commander 
National Socialist White 
People’s Party 
Arlington. Virginia 

nst these А. 

Your October review of The Be; 


Opera erroneously credits the score to 
1732). This is a com- 

John Gay (16 
mon mistake. The opera’s music was 
adapted. hom popular folk songs and 
famous tunes of other composers. by onc 
Johann Christoph Pepusch, a Gern 

years in s merely 
brettist. Pi epusch was I of Handel's 
and The Beggar's Opera was his 
tion to the stully and st 
seria. of which Handel was Europe's 
foremost exponent and which dominated 
London's operatic stages during the first 
half of the 18th Century. 

Richard А. Shapp 

Temple University 

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 

eotyped opera 


Joe McGinnis sensitive writing on 
The Ordeal of Daniel Ellsberg (Pravno 
October) gives us the inside story of a 
singular man who can overcome | 
childhood hang-ups and feel compassion 
for the people of Viemam. Ellsberg is 
far from being a brittle 
martyr: his first 
out and he still con: 
erated because no one is making him 
pradice piano, АЙ the same, he will 
undoubtedly go down in history as a 
great American—on а par with Spock, 
Einstein and Dr. 

Charles А. McLear 
Dayton, Ohio 

T am a Vietnam veteran in complete 
sympathy with Ellsberg. He served in 
responsible positions both here and іп 
Vietnam and he knows whut he's talking 
about. I cam assure you that the View 
mamese would sooner have the Сон 
ts in power now they would he 
beter off. If anyone should be tried, it's 
Johnson and Nixon, not Ellsberg. 
Lackland AFB. Texas 

displayed а realis 
the condition of the 
ng a hero 
id accepting their cc 
ıs McGinnis shows us, being 

miss’ moving account of 

hero is not much fur 
1 thon iss penned 
cellent and revealing sketch of. Ellsberg, 

Whether or not one agrees with Ells- 
berg's antics, one must p 
reportorial. objectivity. 
appearing from journalis 
Del Schrader 

Arcadia, € 



І hope. for your sake, that Joe МСС 
s' The Ordeal of Daniel Ellsberg has 
more truth to it than the fiction he wrote 
about the 1968 media campaign 
John № Mitchell 
Washington. D.C. 
Mr. Mitchell is the husband of Aar- 
tha Mitchell. 

— — Weare the Garrard Engine 
who madethe Zero 100 
Weare the Garrard Er 
who are going to sellit to yo 

Were engineers, not selesmell e 

Yet, here we are, looking out ai 
from the pages of this magazine, selli 
you the machine we made. Not becau: 
have anything against salesmen. But ` 
because we are so involved, over-invoh 
perhaps, with the Zero 100. 

It's understandable. After seven yea 
computations, of planning, of drawin 
redrawing, of failure after failure, we1 
the automatic turntable people 
never be made. 

A turntable that actually made a 
difference in the sound we heard, 
zero tracking error. That worked, 
theory, but in hard practical fact 

-We started traditionally, by 
defining the problem. 

‘angles, from 

the outside 
groove to the final one: 
To reproduce this soumi 
perfectly, a turntable 
should have a cartrid: 
head that tracks the 
record exactly as it was 
cut, at the same 90 
degree tangency. But 
no automatic Я 
turntable could ж 
achieve this. 

Our solution? We 
created a turntable _ 
like no other turntal 
A turntable with tw 

armofthe Zero > 
100, the more norma 
looking arm, is ће 6 
with the cartridge he 
The auxiliary arm, our — 
innovation, is attached to 
the first arm by a unique 
system of ball bearing рімб 
Because of the precisi: 
built into this auxilia 
arm, the cartridge 
head keeps turning 
so that the stylus i 
always at a 90 degree 
to the grooves of the reec 

The result? No distortion. 

Weare not men who аге! 


Stereo Review. 

Rolling Stone. TI 

they fill us with pi 
We stand proud 
And offer it to yi 

The Garrard 

Û Distributed by British Industries Company 


Think Silva Thins 100's.They have 
less "tar" than most Kings, 100's, 
menthols, non-filters: 

Menthol too. 

Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined 
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 


“According to the latest U.S. Government figures. Filter and Menthol: 16 mg. “tar”, 1.1 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC Report August, 72. 


Үз lib, take note: An art 

Science magazine tells the provoc- 
ive story of the Austral a 
fingerlength fish more precisely known 
as Laboides dimitadus. The male wrasse 
normally cruises the Great Barrier Rect 
with a harem of three to six females. 
When he dies, the most aggressive female 
in the harem undergoes behavioral and 
physiological changes that result in her 
transformation into a male. The zoolo- 
ist who studied these fish concluded 
that when a female wrasse finds herself 
not dominated, she takes on a 
gressive behavior pattern withi 
Tu less than two wecks, her ov 

ies have 
1 looks, ac 
ad bodily equipment—she is in- 
ible from 2 male. Hmm. 

turned into testicles and- 



A suggestion for the American Medical 
Asociation: In ancient China, people 
paid the doctor to keep them well. 
When they got sick, he had to pay them. 

Now that the clection is over, we can 
report this tidbit without giving equal 
time: A large banner on the side of a 
Greyhound bus carrying Gay Liberation 

members to the Democratic Convention 

Incidental Intelligence, Housebreak- 
ing Division: The Wall Street Journal 
1 California have sold 
y water beds for pets. 

reports that store 
thousands of 

We hereby invent—and. posthumously 
award—the Porno Peace Prize, It goes to 
the late Office of Strategic Services, fore- 
runner of the CIA, for conceiving an 
ingenious scheme to end World War 
Two with a giant smut bomb. In his 
book on the OSS, R. Harris Smith re- 
veals that Hitler was psychoanalyzed in 
absentia by some topllight American 
shrinks who concluded he was а border- 
line psychotic with fierce sexual hang- 

ups. This inspired a plan to bomb the 
Führers headquarters tons of 
hard-core pornographic pictures in the 
hope that Adolf would freak out com- 
pletely and have to be sidelined. The 
0.5. Army Air Corps, alas, refused to 
cooperate, and. the plan was scratched. 
San Francisco Chronicle columnist 
Herb Caen reports one of his readers 
spotted a cop with а HAVE A NICE DAY 
happy-face sticker—on his revolver. 
The municipal code of Ashland, Kı 
tucky, contains this solemn ordinance: 
“No person shall knowingly keep or har- 
bor at his or her house within the city 
any woman of ill repute, lewd cha 
or a common 
wife, mother or sister." 


prostimite—other. than 

We can remember when all you could 
expect was a free bar of soap in your 
mailbox. A few months ago, free sam- 
ples of pot were delivered 10 front 
porches in Winona, Minnesota 
with a card inscribed “Marijui 
pliments of your local pusher: 

According to the Alpine, California, 
Sun, a young lady named Pam “has a 
gorgeous four-year-old stud with iwo 
white cocks" Pam, the Sun informs 
us “is g him ready for some 


fall shows.” 


s cle: 


g up the envi 
The Reel, a porno moviehouse in Albu 
querque, has advertised: “It's ecology 
time at the Recl. We're recyding our 
wash, Three all-time hits return.” 

Doubtless to protect the public from 
the threat of winged ladies, the Rolls 
Royce corporation has taken out a new 
British patent, admiringly described by 
The New Scientist as “basically а sen- 
sible invention which will contribute 
toward road safety." The device is an 

automatic retractor tha 

pulls the hood 
ornament into the engine cavity in the 
event of collision. 

"The latest breakthrough in the sex 
revolution was chronicled in the classified 
section of The Berkeley Barb: “Jewish 
man, 3, secks girl interested in mar 

From a U.P.L. item datelined San An- 
tonio, we li » that one Gem L. Poe 
s struck by lightning while sawing а 
tree limb. Poe was uninjured, but the 
bolt melted his nylon socks and welded 
his fly shut. 


Who says a woman's life is dull? Two 
Years in My Afternoon, a novel by Eliza- 
beth Ayrton, is advertised thus: “Bizarre 
sexual entanglements, a child psychiatrist, 
a suicida] poctess a roving but loving 
husband, three marriageable daughters 
and a decaying country estate provide 
complications that every woman will find 

The education reporter for Salem's 
Oregon Statesman had trouble expla 
ing why students were transferring. from 
city to suburban schools, He did mote, 
however, that in at least one city school, 
"a complete senior high cunt was un- 

Our London correspondent has come 
across The Natural Method of Healing, 
а volume published in 1898 by Dr. F. E 
Bilz, in which there's a section оп "Sclf- 
Abuse." Dr z writes, “This belongs to 
the dass of carnal vices and consists in 
unnatural self-satisfaction of the sexual 
instinct, causing mental and bodily de- 
bility, degeneration and complete disin 
tegr The parents тич have a 
watchful eye on the child, must not allow 
it to sleep alone in а room, nor must th 
trouble of going to the child's couch dur- 
ing the night to see whether the child 
sleeps or not be spared. Threatened with 
these investigations, the child will hardly 
venture to perpetrate the vice; should it 





the hands must be 
covered with thick gloves with only 
thumb, tying them firmly round the wrist. 
Or the child may be put at night into a 
gown, cut so as to completely cover body 
nbs, which cows even the most 
hardened little sinner.” Perhaps appro- 
priately, the nest section of the book is 
titled “I 

has been made by 
a Hy old construc 
Stimator from 

mento. Several months ago. 
boarded a Pacific Southwest flight for 

k. The plane was hijacked over 
cisco. forced. to laud at the 

distant edge of il 


of negot 1 

dramatic shootout \ 

Next alternoon, hi his 

business. Lingnau took his seat on the 

PSA return flight to Sacramento and, 
yes, he was hijacked again. Thus, he be- 
came the first man in history to be hi- 
icked twice in less than 21 hours. We 
hope that’s a record to stand. and we 
were interested in what the world’s most 
experienced hijack victim might have to 
say about his adventures. In an age of 
New York to Cleveland. via. Guatemala 
the public needs to know about these 

called nd. 
him safely on the ground i 
mento office. proceeded to ask h 
questions. He narrated the events with 
eat detail and in a cold. dispassionate 
language that brought d the tough 
prose of Raymond Ch We first 
asked Lingnau when he realized he was 
hijacked on his first trip. 

his Sacr 

UE gor wind of it when one of the 
PSA stewardeses Gime up to а TWA 

stewardess. who w board to cach 

connecting San Fr isco, 
and told her to take her pin ofl—so 
they wouldn't hold her hostage,” he 

What was your first reaciionz" 
h, heh. Beh." Lingnau dau 
rs strange. You get a sort of helpless 

ut You're nor armed. 
t know what the hell's gonna 
happen. You Hung out to dry 
You want 10 do something, but what 
in yon do? 
Did you talk with the hijacker 
“No. they talked through the stew 

feeling in von 

You d 


ardesses. 1 didit even. know whit de 
mands theyd made until P read the 
papers. I you want 10 watch а hijack. 
. the passenger section. his the worst 
s in the house.” 
Miter they wok over the plane, 
where did it go? 
We landed in San Francisco. Out 

there—you proba 

bly saw the picture i 
papers—in the middle of nowhere. 
sat there .. . well. we sat there for 

ar four hours Still 
know what was going on. They 
started letting people go to the h 
‚+. Had to.” 

“How did that first episode end 

“FBI agents came on board. As I got 
it Tater, the first ЕНІ guy was supposed 
to be a TWA navigator who could take 
the hijackers out of the country. He 
came up the front ramp that leads to 
the niche where they served coffee and 
booze. ( there, With 
two pistols. The gent came up 
with his hands behind his head. All of 
а sudden, there was a revolver in his 
hand. And about this time, another FBI 
man. came from under the plane, where 
hed been hiding, ran a 


ker, By 
agent had ce 
t the hijacker 
is first FBI guy 

down the aisle firing 
the rear ol the 


plane. TI 

showed me some waining He didnt 
pan his gun back and forth, Passengers 
would've been in the ob fire. In- 
stead, he raised it, th it 

down the aisle and emp о the 
guy at the back. He did a hell of a job." 

“But wasnt a passenger killed iu the 

Yes, 1 talked with the guy who was 
i across Irom him. He told me that 
Іо stood up. Thats when he 
caught the slug in his back. My advice 
to hijacked passengers is simple: Duck.” 

“What was the general react 
other passengers during the 
“There was no screaming. Everybody 
was scrambling to hit the deck. Jt all 
lasted about twenty seconds. 

You must have been pretty unsettled.” 

Хо, mot really. Even alterward, 1 
was OK. Oh, 1 had сіз, 
what the hell." 

What about the second hijack 
must have been an incredible sensation 
to realize it was happening 

"Yes, it was, heh, heh. The mst thought 
that came was just plain, "Oh, shit” I 
mean, what else can. you think?” 

How did this one happen: 

On ihe second flight, we stopped. in 
Oakland. and thats where we took on 
friend. He di serous 
pout it, Just wanted the publicity, 1 
think. He let Ше stewardesses serve 
drinks, so everybody was pretty calm. 
No panic. A lew of the women cied, 
but they kept it зой. I think the stew- 
dese helped a lot. | know they're 
trained for this sort ol thing, but, Jest 
even so, they're usually prety young 
They were emendou 

“How did the wip end 

Well, he told the capiain 
San Diego, The women and children 
had been allowed тө leave the plane 
Oakland. Then a stewardess said the 
hijacker had agreed to release everyone 
clc il two men would volunteer to sta 



lew extr 


iUi seem to 


» lind 

We were o indicate if we 
would volunteer by turning on the stew 
ardess call light overhead. I think every 
one of them was turned on. So he picked 
two men, one of whom was а highway 
] d already informed 
n. through the stewardess. that 
med. The hijacker finally lei 
the other guy go. too, and just kept the 
The ly landed 

weren't chosen. 
I'd been unlucky How much 
more unlucky could 1 get? The odds 
were with me. I wish I'd had а ber on 
the chances of getting hijacked the sec 
ond time. Especially in so short a time 
Г wouldn't have to be working for a 
living anymore." 

So your advice for passe 
hijacked planes is to stay low? 

“And be calm. E mean, what else can 
you do 

їз aboard. 


No need to worry about the size of 
friend's waist or neck in searching for a 
fitting last-minute gift this holiday sea- 
son. Аз Jong as you know the dimensions 
of his or her mind. you can count on 
your Livorite bookstore to supply а work 
that will su friend to а T. Here 

with, а few new offerings that strike our 


novich) is m 
deserved. ийин 1 mod 
these two beautifully designed. volumes. 
with their hundreds of photographs and 
prints. the reader can find rare insights 
artists. incentives, meth 
and accomplishments. Aragon. 
E Ма Every canvas. 
every sheet of paper over which his cha 
coal. his pencil or his pen wandered is 
Matisse’s utterance about himself 

IVs through this that E have sought 16 re: 
il my protagonist.” He has succeeded 

that  acquaint Saver 
cl with nostaly 1 things 
there is The Police Gazette (М 
) Gene Smith's colleciiu 
enhanced. by 

ve than 

^ Henri 

ver. In 


& Schust 


1 of 


ems repre: 

ons of the or woodcuis— 

the fading pages of that yellow јон 
ol yesteryear, featuring such hot items as 
in the Station Following the Raid 

of Clarks Notorious New York Dive, 
Where Wine, Women and Song Were in 
Full Sway." On the subject of women 
and nostalgia, have a look at The Most 
of John Held (Stephen Greene), 177 illus- 
trations from the pens 
whose maga 



-büt Im easily recognizable at home thanks to the 

It's hard enough to distinguish Philip 
Scharf from his fellow violinists 
when you hear them in the concert 
hall. At home, it's next to impossible. 
Ordinary equipment brings vou 
the sound ot an orchestra, when 
what you should be hearing 
sound of the separate instrum 
within the orchestra. You hear music, 
but not musical instruments. Whi 
s unfortunate if you happen to like 
second violinists. And catastrophic 
if you happen to be one 
That's why Philip Scharf owns 
a Harman/Kardon 75+ 
The 75 + is a new receiver 
designed to reproduce even the 
slightest differences between 
instruments. Itcan capture the timbre 
of an oboe, the quiver in a violinist's 
bow —all the subtleties that set one 
musician apart from another. “You 
can practically hear the rosin falling 
from my bow; says Philip Scharf. 
(Attention, electronics 
enthusiasts: this capability of the 
75+ is due to its extremely wide 
frequency response and superior 
phase linearity. Every nuance is 
reproduced in proper phase with 
every other one— instead of 
nningalltopetherlikethis. And at 
45 RMS watts per channel, i 
h virtually 

handle tone bursts v 
no distortion.) 

Soa75* will bring 
you've never heard before, even 
from tapes and records you already 

have. But it can also he used in more 

ways than you've ever used a 
receiver before 
Besides using it as a stereo 

receiver, vou can use it as two sterco 

receivers. If you have an extra set 
of speakers, connect them to your 
75+ and create an extra stereo 
system. You can listen to Beethoven 
in the living room and Bread in the 
den, and each system has its own 
tone controls. 

You can use it as a four-channel 
receiver. Right now. Put all your 
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and flappers of the Twenties have come 
acterize that giddy decade. 

ive will get you seven that you'll find 
everything any reasonable or unreasona- 
ble gambler could want to know about 
poker. rummy, bridge, pinochle, casino, 
hearts, blackjack, craps, roulette, horse 
racing, chess, Scrabble, ghost and permu- 
tations of same in Playboy's Book of Games 
(Playboy Press), assembled by Edwin 
Silberstang and designed to be “А Мой- 
crn Hoyle for the Sophisticated On-the- 
Go Gamble 

o middle ground in bo: 
—you either dig it or you despi 
Eminent sportswriter Rex Lardner ob- 
viously is taken with “the manly art.” In 
The Legendary Champions (American Heri- 
tage Press) he transports us from the 
bare-knuckle era through the reign of 
Gene Tunney. He evidently believes that 

only the heavyweights are due the ac- 
colade legendary. Ah. well, no matter. 
Lardner re-creates the personae of box- 

ing’s past in superlative fashion. And the 
layout, type and use of photographs make 
this a knockout of à book. 

By all odds the season's most elegant 
art book is The Visconti Hours (Brazil- 
ler, a reproduction of luminated. 
manuscript created by two Italian artists 
of the late Ith and carly 15th centuries. 
The combination of childlike pictures 
nd sumptuous color is evocative of a 
religious impulse that has always com- 
bined innocence with splendor. A treat 
for the senses. 

Down Home (McGraw-Hill) is described 
modestly as а "social port of Wil- 
cox County. in the heart of black-belt 
Alabama. It is that—and more. Veteran 
photographer Bob Adclman’s scores of 
blackand-white pictures of blacks and 
whites in and around the county seat of 
Camden between 1965 and 1970 are 
sharp and revealing of place and charac 
ıer. Enriched by the people's own words, 
astutely edited by Susan Hall, these pho- 
tographs document the painful efforts of 
a Southern town to come to grips with 
astic changes in its way of life. 

André Kertész: Sixty Years of Photography 
1912-1972 (Grossman) is an eloquent 
statement of the photographer's achieve- 
k-and-white pictures, 
lovingly reproduced, tellingly display 
how Kertész got at the heart of the hu- 
п condition all over the world. A 
artist, Kertész has received not 
у the popular acclaim he deserves. 

Around the turn of the century, Ed- 
ward Sheriff Curtis set forth with his 
camera to captine the spirit of the 
ishing Indian life іп North America. 
After decades in rare-book collections, 
his monumental accomplishment has 
been made available to the populace in 
the outsized Portraits from North American 
Indian Life (Outerbridge & Lazard), 
generous selection of Curtis’ wondrous 

A melancholy yet beautiful volume is 

Diary of the "Terra Nova” Expedition to the 
Antarctic 1910-1912 (Humanities Press), by 
Edward Wilson. Thc author, who pcr- 
ished on Scott's ill-fated expeditio 
duced a series of water colors and р 
through most of the trek (whose 
ation was the South Pole) 
that convey the paradoxical grandeur and 
desolation of the polar region. Wilson’s 
final note to his parents, when he knew 
that death was only hours away, shows a 
man accepting his fate with selfless cour- 
ge. A moving experience, 

bout 50 years, Eddie Condon 
eping a scrapbook of his travels 
about the land with banjo. Sensibly 
tilled The Eddie Condon Scrapbook of Jazz 
(St. Martin's). it is now open to public 
Jaze bulls cannot fail to find 
n these photos of the 
of Louis Armstrong, Sidney Bechet, Pec 
Wee Russell and many other greats, all 
taken in their prime. 

The Gentleman's Alphabet Book (Dutton), 
with eerie drawings by Harvey Kornberg 
and queer limericks by Donald Hall, 
admits us to a 19th Century world. of 
dirty old men of all ages. To wit: “Unde 
Bertram politely stops by / To sce M. 
giret, and Enid, and Vi, / But induced 
by some gland.) Or the Devil, his hand / 
Always crawls on to Montague’s thigh." 

The Don Juan referred to іп Asimov's 
Annotated "Don Juan” (Doubleday) is, of 
couse, Lord Byron's great creation. 
The Asimov referred to is, of course, 
noue other than the tireles; Isaac 
who, in his role of professional cx- 
plainer, lets contemporary readers in on 
the allusions that fill this highly allusive 
comic epic. Milton Glasers drawings 
make it handsome as well as еше 
taining volume. 

For anybody with a trip to London in 
foreseeable Пише, Don Goddiud's 
ey (Quadrangle) is just the ticket. 

Understatedly subtitled “Another Book 
About London,” it contains everything 
a sensible visitor wants to know and 

good deal of value that most visitors 
don't know they want to know, all de- 
livered in direct, no-nonsense style. 

Autosport devotees will have а field 
day with Charles Fox's The Great Racing 
Cars and Drivers (Ridge Press), not so much 
for the test- 

although that is interesting 

enough in itself, covering as i 
nearly six decades of auto тас 
for the absolutely smashing color pho- 

tography splashed generously through- 
out the coffee-table-sized book. J. Barry 
O'Rourke's salonlike shots of Indy cars 
are especially striking. 

In the quarter century before his 
death last June, Ken W, Purdy had be- 
come the writer on 
automobiles who dri 
them. His best a 
ran in this magazine, have been gi 
together in Ken Purdy's Book of Automobiles 
(Playboy Press). Here are his revealing 



pieces on cars from the Model T Ford 
to the Jaguar, on drivers from Tazio 
Nuvolari to Jackie Stewart. A fi 
remembrance of а superb craftsman. 

Just as Teddy White has become the 
nation's quasi-official historian of the 
making of the President, so Norman 
Mailer has become the quadrennial phi- 
losopher-poct of our nominating conven- 
tions. Four years Mailer preserved 
1 prose the rivalries of the Republicans 
in Miami and the horrors of the Demo- 
crats at the siege of Chicago. Now, 
n St. George and the Godfather (Signet), 
he attempts to repeat the performance 
for both Miami-based 1972 conventions. 
Posing again as Aquarius, the admittedly 
subjective observer and commentator, 
npossible task of giving those g 
occasions. depth, color and 
There insightful de 
character (Wallace, "dign 
through pain and medi Hum- 
phrey. like a man “whose features. had 
been repaired after an accident"); flashes. 
of wit and raucous humor: уу out 
at young Republicans and liberated 
women; and the yptic questions 
(Is dread still loose in America? Are 
counterespionage and Christianity the 
tue poles of the Republican Рату). 
Though Mailer doggedly follows the 
of each convention, tak- 
rd 10 cele- 


ul the scenes, 

ng us bel 
really worthy of him. I's h 
brate or even analyze boredom—whether 
it's the product of McGovern righteous- 
ness or of Nixon calculatia 

Can an anthropologist trained for re- 
search in the jungles of New Guinea 
find romance, adventure and а Ph.D. 
thesis in the subcultural jungles of 
urb Americaz indeed, if that 
nthropologist is young. attractiv 
willing to sign on as a dancer in a top 
less bar. And yes again if she has а hus- 
band who will “pimp off” her earnings 
in that same bar, where he can keep 3 
eye on her and gather information about 
the bar's clients, Christina and Richard 
Milner did exactly that, made it through 
raduate school and now us the 
low-down on the high life in Black Ployers 
(Little, Brown). subtitled “The Secret 
World of Blac The black 
player lives in а wonderland where life 
is regarded as а game and society's most 
treasured values are honored almost en- 
tirely in the breach. Here the good wom- 
n is the "ho" and the good man the 
pimp who lives off her. Here status is 
ssured only by generosity: To become 
a "boss player" you may have to blow 
a hundred grand on 
friends. Here control over sexuality is 
erted by men—“I don't give no dick 
without money"—and mother is as much 





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an enemy as Whitey. The stress is on 
fice enterprise, the need for appropriate 
clothing, language and male networks to 
make it, and on bargaining that raises 
deceit to a high art and transforms ordi- 
discourse into poetry. The irony of 
the similarity between pimp and busi- 
nessman is never lost on the pimp. The 
Milners make no excuses for pimp bru- 
tality or lawlessness, and they were as 
bemused by the financial, sartorial and 
linguistic extravagance of this ghetto 
world as their readers will be. But their 
lity to accept and abide by the rules 
of “the Game,” their obvious liking for 
some of the players and prostitutes, and 
their respect for the logic of their world 
give this book a gusto rare in most nov- 
els. And that ain't "talkin' trash.” 

aking of pimps. Gentlemen of Leisure 
(New American Library) gives us "A 
Year in the Life of a Pimp," as cap- 
tured by the camera of Bob Adelman 


and the tape recorder of Susan Hall, the 
team responsible for Down Home. The 
gentleman in 

question calls himself 
m is pimp. but I don't 
usc it. I'm a professional gentleman of. 
leisure. I have absolutely nothing to do. 

connoisseur of resting and a television 
. 1 do make more money than the 
President of the United States. If I were 
n another way of life, I'd have to hustle 
more. As aL never had al- 
nyway. I could have played 
fist base, run the mile or become an 
entertainer, but I was а natural pimp, 
so I just pursued my talents.” 

Into the silent Fifties of Dwight D. 
Eisenhower whizzed Jack Kerouac. He 
was an automatic writer, autobiographi- 
cally spicing about automobile spree- 
inp. His oeuvre recalling the days 
when he and his country-crossing friends 
stayed up late smoking pot, drinking 
wine, listening to jazz—but mostly just 
d one another "beatifically." After 
On the Road, which was à runaway 
best seller, The Subtemaneans became 
Hollywood's first fling into the subcul- 
ture, and Kerouac himself soon emerged 
as a paraliterary figure, perforn 
night clubs, reading poctry on 
being profiled in Time and published 
even in The Saturday Evening Post. 
But then his celebrity waned, critics 
dismantled (Truman Capote 
put down his writing as ic 
typing") and the public deserted him 
Kerouac was publishing more and being 
noticed less. His was the fate of any 
literary fad, the coming of age of any 
enfant terrible. By the time he died in 
obscurity in Florida in 1969 at the age 
of 47, the man who had symbolized the 
Beat Generation seemed a bloated par- 
ody of his former self: а beersw 
TV-vatching, domesticated, churchgoing 

his wor 


But Visions of Cody (Мс. 
posthumously published 

remained unchanged. He was still а very 
uneven writer in the great Ame 
uadition of Whitman and Wolfe—capa- 
ble of lyric genius, of panoramic passages 
of vast sweep, but too often carried away 
by a sophomoric overdrive. The cha 
ters in Visions of Cody are all familiar 
members of the Kerouac road company 
thin fictional disguises of himself, Allen 
Ginsberg, William Burroughs and the 
fabled Neal Cassady as Cody. The story 
line—or rather route—consists of their 
travels and travails, and mostly talk, 
through inner space on drugs and across 
the national geography in cars, with 
every mile, every syllable, every "whore 
memory” treated with equal reverence. 
And the theme again is the Kerouac 
quest for the mythical long-lost brother. 
At times he sounds a bit like T. S. Eliot 
("Тһе poor lonely old ladies of Lowell 
who come out of the fiveandten with 
their umbrellas open for the rai 
other times he can be awkwardly rem 
cent of Theodore Diciser ("Tom Watson 
on this lovely earth was a crippled boy 
who lived in unostentatious pain with 
his grandmother in a (комогу house 
under great sidestreet trees"). There are 
also pastiches reminiscent of Proust and 
sentences that see ight out of Her 
ingway (71 feel as though everything 
used to be alright: and now everything 
is automatically bad"). But it's all K 
ouac, his own pantheistic self, celebrating 
with saccharine innocence "the unbeat 
able sweetness of man 

strewing everywhere fond and flowery 
farewells (“Adios, you who watched the 

sun go down, at the rail, by my side, 
smiling—Adios King”). He deserves 
from us at least one wistful wave, опе 
last sentimental goodbye of the road. 

The coterie of admirers of John. Wi 
liams Stoner and Butcher's Crossing is 
likely to lose its exclusiveness with the 
publication of Augustus (Viking). Novel 
or history, this is an excellent book 
in so many ways that Williams is bound, 
at last, to find a readership somewhat 
1 keeping with his talent Augustus, 
of course, deals with the Emperor Gaius 
Julius Octavianus, the august, 
successor to the gre s who, 
while still practically a boy, faced down 
such formidable opponents as Anton 
Cicero and Brutus to make good his 
grandunde’s declaration of succession. 
Shuttling between the years 44 в.с. and 
М aw. (the year of Augustus’ death), 
principals and auxiliaries to the d 
of empire pen letters to friends, collabo- 
rators, hi s, poets, lovers and. be- 

ning events that imp 
Thus, one gets to 


necessary ruthlessness reflected in his 
style. Even more subtle and effective is 
the way the author has his strong and 
dangerous protagonist addressed by oth- 
ers, in a counterpointing of sender and 
receiver, commentator and commented 
upon, so that the chiaroscuro of charac- 
ter is established and maintained by 
the testimony of many different. voices 
Sometimes the author allows a particular 
character his own voice for а protracted. 
comment, as in the case of Augustus in 
the dosing section of the novel, ге 
Ше emperor broods іп a letter to а 


friend, chillingly and at times heart- 
breakingly, on the terrible exigencies of 

power. Or from the diary of Augustus’ 
daughter, Julia, who writes sentiments 
of such pathos and power that they 

the Milletts and. Steinems sound 

like pale copies of the real thing. Wil- 
liams states 
grateful to 
book as it 

a preface that he will be 
those readers who take his 

intended—a work of the 
Readers can be grateful to 
g made it a superior work 

im for har 

of the imagination. 
Noteworthy: Without о Stitch in Time 
(Little, Brown) brings together thc 

choicest items from Peter De Vries's 
30 years of comic writing, than which 
there is little more comic in contempo- 
тагу letters. In quite a different spirit is 
The John Collier Reader (Knopf), a collec- 
tion of over 46 tales and the complete 
novel His Monkey Wife, guaranteed for 

many spine-tingling hours 
armchair. And Sadness (Farrar, Straus & 

Giroux) is the tide of the ini ble 
Donald Barthelme's new collection of 

short stories, which linger in the 

Looking trim and tough, muscles 

bulging against his jeans and blue-denim 
work shirt, Charles Bronson comes to 
the door with a blonde toddler named 
Zuleika wrapped around his left hip. 
‘Typecast, he would be perfectly at home 
in a Pennsyly 
worried eyes upon a w 
though his home for the moment hap- 
pens to be a VIP suite in М 
Hotel Pi 
abouts (but who's counting?), he is one 
of the highest paid actors 
—despite the fact that he's been seen in 
this country mostly as a supporting thug 
in such epics as The Magnificent Seven, 
and in The Great Escape and The Dirty 
Though he starred in—and prof. 

rre. At the age of 50 or th 

lomely from—Chato’s Land, 
you may not be aware that last y 
he was voted the most popular actor 

the world by Hollywood's fore 
corps. Thanks to films made, and shown. 

n press 

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almost entirely in Europe, he receives 
ectatic fan mail from Lebanon and 
Yugoslavia; in Japan, he outdraws every 
other star, Eastern and occidental. 

Bronson has touched down in New 
York on behalf of The Valachi Papers 
and The Mechanic, two new movies ex- 
pected to make his name a houschold 
word over here. Speaking of houscholds, 
Bronson and his wile, English actress Jill 
Ireland, head an entourage of a dozen or 
so, counting their own Zul nd five 
children of earlier marriages, plus maids 
nd tutors, who stay together most of the 
me—cither in their California home or 
abroad, wherever Bronson is worl 
Currently, they're scouting for a country 
home in Vermont. “California is all 
ght, but I never felt part of it,” says 
Bronson, whose views of life in the U. S. 
are terscly summarized: "I don't sec any 
difference between the Mafia and the 
al partes running the country 
* But he doesn't want anybody to 
get him wrong: "I'm so bloody patriotic 
it's ridiculous." 

Born in Ehrenfield, Pennsylvania, 
to a large Lithuanian-Russian’ family 
med Buchinsky, Bronson took apti- 
tude tests under the CI Bill following 
Army service and а wayward youth 
coal miner. part-time burglar (he 
robbed the company store) and hobo. 
“The testers told me I should go into so- 
cial service" More qualified as a recip- 
ient of that service, he stayed alive f 
а while with jobs as a pitch 



worked a Thril-O game in Atlantic 

City, making $75 for a seven-day week. 1 
also used to stand on street comers ped- 
dling Christmas cards. One week I made 
three and a half dollars.” 

Bronson's Jot improved when he de- 
cided he couldn't possibly do worse than 
the actors he saw in а touring produc- 
tion of Anna Lucasta. Not long alter 
ward, he landed a bit part in а Navy 
picture starring Cary Cooper and was 
on his roundabout way to superstardom 
—though practically no one іп Cali- 
fornia saw it coming. 

The European phase of Bronson's ca- 
reer took off in 1968, when he made 
movie France with n Delon 
(titled Farewell, Friend, still unreleased 
here), 1 usly refused. di- 
rector Sergio Leone's offer to do a 
spaghetti Western called A Fisiful of 
Dollars (Leone signed Clint Eastwood 
instead, and the rest is history). Charley 
subsequently did a horse opera for Leone, 
Once Upon a Time in the West, which 
ran in one West Berlin theater for four 
ad a half years. Then came the French 
se drama Rider on the Rain, gross- 
alone. Today, 
Bronson’s name on a marquee means 
y in the bank to movic-industry 
investors all over the globe, and his 
agents are threatening to raise hell with 
a theater in Munich that advertises 

Bronson above the title of Four for 
Texas, а 1965 Dean Martin-Frank 
Sinatra Western in which he appears 
for five minutes at most. 

Where does he go from here? Both 
Bronson and Jill shrug off the question. 
Money is no longer a problem: the 
needs, they say, are simple. When there 
are no official limousines calling for 
them, they prefer to travel by motorbike, 
and Charley gets around thé Hollywood 
hills in a thrce-quarter-ton pickup truck. 
Hardly а Continental sophisticate, he 
insists his French is lousy, though he has 
lost the “Scooptown accent” he picked 
up from Ehrenfield's mixture of Welsh, 
Irish, Spanish, Lith n and Yugo- 
slavian immigrants. "I have а tongue 
like a plank. When I do a language 
track for film, I learn the French 
log phoncticall5p" As to being a 
sex symbol from Amsterdam to Kyoto, 
Bronson wryly acknowledges his rep 
tation for refusing to do nude, or graph- 
ically sexy, scenes in a film. "Violence 
is different, it's performed in public, 
usually. But sex is very private, and 
they do it the same way in every pi 
ture, as a treat for voyeurs. Hell, Tm 
no prude, The first time I screwed a 
girl, I was only five and a half years 
old and she ix. I offered her a 
bottle of cherry pop. So she lay down 
and drank her pop and I dimbed on 
top of her. Nothing much happened, of 
course. But Гуе screwed girls in wheel- 
barrows and sewer pipes, Sex is not 
a subject I'm afraid of. Our children 
are sexually informed; we deliberately 
inform them. Sometimes it’s our chief 
topic at the di 

Bronson claims his dream of the fu- 
ture is to be a prospector or to spend 
a lot of time beachcombing. But Mrs. 
Bronson insists that Charley exaggerates 
his professional detachment. While they 
were working together in The Valachi 
Papers, she reminds him, his concentra- 
tion was so intense he couldn't seem to 
shake off the role at night. "It was 
weird. 1 felt as if I were married to one 
of the soldiers in the Мапа,” she says, 
smiling. "He's really a very serious 

Bronson good-naturedly mods agrec- 
ment. "She's right. I like acting better 

than anything else.” 
Whether or not The Valachi Papers 
boosts Charles Bronson to superstar 

status in America, his performance as Joe 
Valachi—the Mafia informer whose te 
mony in front of a Congressional crime 
committee in 1963 ultimately proved 
more beneficial to politidans th 
harmful to mafosi—is honest, affecting 
and strangely poignant. The role of 
squealer offers little of the machismo 
associated with Bronson’s established. 
image, but the story of Valachi is none- 
theless compelling and carries the sting 

of documentary truth pressure 
reportedly tried to discourage the por- 
trayal of such те 
Lucky Luciano, Albert Anastasia and 
Vito Genovese (Don Vito is played to 
bristling perfection by France’s Lino 
Ventura), whose presence gives Papers 
real impact. Based on the book by Peter 
Maas, the film unfolds chiefly іп flash- 
backs outlining Valachi's early career as 
a Майа hit man, his wooing of a slain 
capo's daughter (Bronson's wife, Jill Ire- 
land) and his subsequent invoiveme 
in many nefarious рап]. 
cluding a brutal episode 
chi witnesses the castration of his best 
friend, a mafioso swordsman convicted 
of balling Genovese's broad. The 1957 
ssassination of Anasta: n a Manhat- 
n hotel barbershop and the infamous 
Apalachin meeting of Mob chieftains 
are among the incidents that trip one’s 
memory like a morning headline. Unde 
director Terence Young, The Valachi 
Papers is a somber, straightforward 
chronicle, lacking the razzle-dazzle show 
manship of The Godfather but likewise 
lacking a questionable tendency to treat 
heels as semiheroes trapped by а feudal 
code of honor. Bronson's unsenti 
ized yet thoroughly human port 
a turncoat killer sets the tone [о 
atmospheric gangland drama in which 
cowardice, treachery and cruelty are 
shown to be precisely that—without rc- 
deeming virtues. 

One of the biggest and brightest sur- 
prises of the movie year is Diana Ross as 
the late Billie Holiday in Ledy Sings the 
Blues. While the former lead singer of 
The Supremes brings a hint of Motown 
sound to her renditions of such Holiday 
sta ls as Strange Fruit and God Bless 
the Child, the musical arrangements are 
reasonable facsimiles of the originals 
—and sung by Diana tremors of 
joy, sweetness and pain that are more а 
tribute to Billie than an imitation of 
her, which is all to the good. It is as an 
actress, however, that Diana triumphs 
over a conventionally sentimental and 
romanticized film biography, produced 
by Motown Records man Berry Gordy 
and directed by Sidney 1. (The 1раез 
File) Furic with lots of loving care. 
There is no need to be snobbish about 
the movie's cor slickness, though 
all the showbiz-saga clichés are preserved 
intaci—from the magical tryout scene 
that enables young Billie to get out 
of a brothel (inventing her professional 
name on the spot, naturally) into her 
first job with a band, to the standard 
photo-montage sequences using shots of 
fast trai 
paper headlines to mark the wail of a 
rising star. Some other effects are песа. 
lessly heavy-handed—the scene, for e 
ample, in which a hooded Klansman 
smashes ап American flag through the 



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window of her bus while Billie is tour- 

ginning to find solace in poe 
Lady works beautifully in so many ways 
t its flaws become forgivable. The 
1 wallop of the movie rests on 
ing and deftly modulated 
performance as a strung-out, hypervul- 
nerable neurotic who never quite loses 
her zest for Ше, even when she comes 
out of prison scourged by secret pain and 
those countless public humiliations she 
undergoes just for being black. Whether 
playing a hopeless jur 

stages of collapse or an irrepressible 
sprite given to fits of childish merr 
ment, Diana consistently responds in ori 
inal and unpredictable ways that make 
the role completely her own. Director 
Furie must share in her accomplishment, 
псе he achieves comparable results 
with Richard Pryor, playing an accom- 
panist billed simply a 1, and 
Billy Dee Williams as Louis McKay, the 
number-one man Holiday's life, a 
dude so steadfast and loyal you'd think 
he could help any dame keep her act to- 
gether. These three performances alon 
Ші Lady above the common run of 
movie musicals. Call it pop tragedy, with 
bittersweet words and music—the kind 
of thing that happens when someone 
like Lady Day starts singing Good 
Moming, Heartache in а smoky bistro 
after hours. 

The films of French writer-director 
Eric Rohmer are an acquired taste: yet 
moviegoers who found My Night at 
Maud's a talkathon and Claire's Knec an 
outright bore may be pleasantly sur- 
prised by Chloé in the Afternoon, the last 
in a cycle of romantic comedies that 
Rohmer calls Sis Moral Tales, Chloë is 
the most enchanting and agreeable of 
the four that have so far crossed the 
Atlantic. Like its predecessors, the feath- 
crweight tale tells of а man who is in 
love with one woman but becomes fcet- 
ingly attracted to another—the man in 
this instance being a young Parisian сх- 
ecutive (Bernard Verley) who has a wile 
and a child to whom he is devoted but 
nevertheless spends many free afternoons 
exploring his responses to an impulsive 
girl about town named Chloé, forme 
stress of an old friend. What he 
arns—or what we learn about him—is. 
the root of his problem is not Chlo: 
herself but those “afternoon anxieties 
с to all men as they begin set- 
ting dowi dream of a life made of 
first loves, lasting loves,” muses the rest- 
less girl watcher. Though the fellow 
never actually does anything, Rohmer 
creates a mood of impish erotic suspense 
about his making it or not making it 
with Chloé— played. seductively by Zou- 
zou, ап earthy French dish previously 
known to fout Paris as "Zouzou la Twis- 
teuse” because she danced on bartops at 
the drop of a chapeau. The morality 

Rohmer teaches is essentially as petit 
bourgeois as Neil Simon's Last of the 
Red Hot Lovers but far more sophisti- 
cated and subtle in every detail. At its 
impudent best, Chloé infuses guilty pas 
sion with the rhythm of light verse and 
becomes irresistible when Rohmer's hero 
Jets himself go in a breezy sexual fantasy 
about cruising the boulevards of Paris, 
where all women (bit roles played by 
heroines of earlier Moral Tales) surren- 
der without hesitation to the SOS from 
a blinker signal he wears on a chain 
around his neck. 

The hero of Two English Girls, another 
wistful romantic trifle, is а diffident 
and fairly philosophical young 
(Jean Pierre Leaud) who finds 
up of pieces that don't qu 

ing the innocent years prior to World 
War One, he drifts in and out of affairs 

i Markham 

with two English sisters (Kil 

and Stacey Tendeter) while they travel 
abroad, languish at home, disappear on 
secret escapades, move away or marry 

others. Utter has become 
almost a styl for director 
rangois Truffaut. This wry, triangular 
love story—based on a novel by Hemi- 
Pierre Roche, author of Truffaut's 
memorable Jules and Jim—is extremely 
old-fashioned in the telling: with slow 
fades between scenes and liberal use of 
lens, as if Truffaut were bent on 
framing his characters in a series of 
nt vintage portraits for a family 
m. Because һе master of the 
medium, he can get away with the semi- 
precious gestures that would make most 
movie directors seem cloyingly self- 
conscious or merely naive. Truftaut's 
delicate, spontaneous good humor pulls 
Two English Girls from the brink of 
anality time after time, if only by 
а hairbreadth—and once more he shows 
1 hand guided with fine 

nde the Ci Mur rages east of 
t. Joseph, Missou lings head 
ü est to dodge the draft and find out- 
door adventure, Instead, they find Bed 
Compony—murderers, liars, thieves and, 
at one point, a simple farmer who's had 
а bellyful of pioneer life and invites the 
lads to use his wife in exchange for a 
little grub money. "I resolve never to do 
a dishonest act," dedares the God-f 

Ohio boy (movie newcomer 

Brown) who joins up with a teenaged 
renegade (Jeff Bridges) and ultimately 

learns that the fear of God is a thin de- 
fense ag; y to man. 
Both Brown and Bridges invest their 
roles with down-home truth as well a 
bumptious boyish vitality; and, for an 
added plus, cinematographer Gordon 
Willis (whose work on The Godfather 
was justifiably applauded) filmed the 
picture in Kansas in а golden vintage 

inst man's inhumanii 

style that gleams like a Бай of sun- 
warmed wheat. А ricky-tick piano cha 
terizes Harvey Schmidt's low-key musical 
score and provides a clue to the handi 
work of co-authors David Newman and 
Robert Benton, who made their memo- 
rable movie debut with Bonnie and 
Clyde. The anatomy of American vio- 
lence appears to be the Newman-Benton 
team's continuing concern, though here 
they teat the subject gingerly, even 
tenderly—only occasionally lapsing into 
ialog that smacks of city-slicker smart 
ness (most pronounced in the case of a 
colorful bandit chief whom Benton and 
Newman acknowledge as their wry trib- 
ure to veteran director Joseph L. Mankic- 
wice—even to the point of leuing the 
character plagiarize a couple of famous 
Mankiewicz lines). Benton, directing hi: 
first feature, had the good sense to resist 
any gratuitous display of virtuosity, 

The dilemma faced by U.S. draft 
dodgers of 1972 vintage is so touchy 
a subject that Hollywood's film makers 
simply pretend it isn’t there. Director 
and co-author Allen Baron, an alumnus 
of network television, tries hard with 
Outside In, the story of a Los Angeles 
boy (Darrell Larson) who sneaks home 
from a Canadian refuge in time for 
his father's funeral, then h; 
awhile, creat 
for family and friends. While director 
Baron rates a pat on the back for what 
he aimed to do, good intentions are an 
unsatisfactory substitute for skill. Out- 
side In is м cted in a plain 
decla g a contrived 
cross cters—the hero's 
old buddy who served in Nam and came 
back to join the establishment on its 
own terms, another buddy who served 
time for draft cı ind has since 
so the 
sirl (Heather. Menzies) 
whom a fella can take to bed or for long, 
lyrical walks along the shore. Corny? 
Sure. Nevertheless, the movie treats its 
iled young American with decent re- 
spect, as the subject of a complex and 
challenging question: “I wonder what 
they're going to do with you . . . all of 

The self-absorbed her с of Ploy It as 
ff Leys—producer-director k Perry's 
film version of the novel by Joan Didion 
—sums up her life in Hollywood with 
a bleak phrase: “J was holding all the 
aces... but what was the game?” The 
book's deeply subjective, ultrafeminine 

view of existence (adapted by Miss 
Didion and husband John Gregory 

Dunne) is retained. оп film, not really 
telling a story but gathering bits and 
pieces of a mosaic until, at last, the por 
wait of a woman emerges, a woman 
much put upon by men, because it's still 
а man’s world, baby, and boys play 
rough. Though hardly a pretty picture, 

| a 



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Miss Did intelligence burns 
through every inch of it, and Tuesday 
Weld's performance as the cr 
minor actress / former model, 
Wyeth, adds star power to n 

otherwise might register as just another 
drab study of modern despair. Tuesday, 
winner of a special Best Performance 
prize at the 1972 Venice Film Festival, 

has traveled a long road from perennial- 
let status to recognition as a major 

talent, and Play It as Il Lays provides 
the role she always needed—that of 
a disturbed, complex, 


beauty whose hang-ups seem emotion- 
ally attuned to her own private and 
ofessional knocking about in the 

Hollywood hills. The movie has all the 
Í а one-woman show, except 
in a strong close-up of Adam Roarke as 
Maria’s husband, the «d of medium- 
hip Hollywood film m r who we. 
blue jeans and leather to prove that 
success can't spoil him. Some withering 
moments of truth also come to Tammy 
„аза nd, and to An- 
thony Perkins, as the bitch's bored hus- 
band in name only, а faggot producer 
suicide brings an end to the 
e's slender grip on sanity. ТІ 
first-person fable of divorce, abortion, 
dultery and death is а view from the 
California freeways of a girl driving 
herself crazy in the land of smog. 

a documentary built 
mainly on interviews with people whose 
blood runs hot over the current troubles 
n Northern Ireland. politicians, Т.А. 
leaders. bereaved families and, of course, 
udette Devlin. Sense of Loss can stir 
nce with its native eloquence 
d volatile temper, yet the movie pre- 
sumes considerable foreknowledge of the 
ous amd economic problems now 
tearing Northern Ireland apart. 
director Marcel Ophuls, who used a sim 
ilar technique to re-create the history of 
Navioceupied France іп his stum 
documentary The Sorrow and the Pity, 
here labors under the obvious disad- 
vantage of being a visitor from abroad 
dealing with an unresolved crisis, As а 
questioner, he is open-minded, compas- 
sionate and honest enough to let his own 
prejudice or impatience with his subjects 
асе here and there, yet he 
t from the material, se 
ly unsure of what to do next. Talking to 
people in the street, talking to women 
whose husbands are dead or interned in 
p for dissidents at Long Nesh, 
g to Miss Devlin on a desolate 
Irish beach. he collects all sides of nearly 
question without making the es- 
gument dear, and the result 
is that the viewer becomes disoriented. 
Pa his ow у 
prompts Ophuls to belabor a point from 
time to time, milking the irony of 

A Sense cf Loss 


bob to the 

stands ap 


ps it's 

Christmas in Belfast with holiday carols 
linked to the movement of troops in an 
armored van, or fading out with his cam- 
ста fixed on a pink bedspread in the 

empty room of a teenaged girl whose 

death (in a traffic mishap involvi 
British military vehicle) is sad, certain; 
but not especially relevant to the issucs 
Ireland tod: 

The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie is 
а masterful comedy by а film maker 
of unquestioned genius, Luis Buñuel, 
whose career has run a dazzling course 
from L'Age d'Or—the surrealist. classic 
of 1930—to Belle de Jour a few years 
ago. The dark, lucid intelligence and 
comic power of Buñuel, now 72, are 
as potent as ever in The Discreet Charm, 
a kind of cerebral farce about some very 
chic, very French, upper-middle«cluss 
people who live a completely ins 
istence—attending teas and luncheon 
and dinner parties, wearing the s 
cloth Шу balling one another's 
wives and occasionally even their ow 
nd allowing nothing whatever to inte 
Геге with their complacent social rou- 
tines. If a sit-down dinner party should 
be momentarily disturbed by mortar 
the garden and the unexpected a 
rival of shock troops smoking pot, the 
hostess simply calls for extra plates. IL 
the ambassador of а remote, barbarous 
republic discovers a buxom terrorist i 
his flat, he foils the assassination by at- 
tempting to seduce her. If the gentlemen 
of the company find their evening revels 
interrupted by police determined to 
jail them for trafficking in narcotics, 
they need only t т fingers 
influential mi gets on 



telephone to spring them. They are 


ldicis of privilege, the sort of snobs 
who need war orphans in order to justify 
charity balls. Reality seldom ener 
upon this welLordered litle world ex- 
cept in dreams, and everyone dreams a 
lot—troublesome dreams of murder and 
th and revolutionary justicc—but 
they vanish like morning dew when you 
have to wake up and dress and decide 
to do about lunch. Even a drawing 
ce from Buñuel slips into cool 
and cruelly satirical fantasy, made i 

i ando Rey, Stéph 
ne Audran, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Delphine 
Seyrig and Bulle Ogier, In France, that 
amounts to ar сам, every one of 
them perfectly straight-faced, performing 
Buiiuel’s small mirades with impeccable 
restraint. A jewel of a comedy in the 

апу class, 




for the cars. Here is 
nultiple-LP albums for 
ng and getting. First for 

Holiday cheer 
a sackful of 
Christmas giv 

the “heavy” мий. Seraphim has dipped 
into the Angel catalog and come up with 
The Seraphim Guide to the Clossics, а ten- 
LP slipcased set that runs from the 
Middle Ages through Bartok, Bug and 
Boulez, The performances are marked 
by the usual high standards of those art 
ists recording under the Angel label. A 

less ambitious but no less satisfying proj- 
ect is A Baroque Festival, а twin-LP album 
on Elektras Nonesuch label, which 

contains marvelous performances of the 
ks of Bach, Schütz, Buxtehude, Cou- 
perin, Scarlatti, Vivaldi, et al., and seems 
bsolutely perfect for the season, Colum 
bia has put together in three-record seis 
what it issued previously as single LPs— 
John Williams: Seven Great Guitar Concertos 
nd The Art of Igor Кірпіз. The latter en- 
compasses the harpsichordist’s perform- 
nces of music from France. Italy and 
Spain, including the works of Domenico 
nd Alessandro 5 Rameau, Cima- 
тоза and Soler. The Willi: 

tra, under Eugene Ormandy, and the 
nglish Chamber Orchestra, conducted 
by Charles Groves. Both albums are 
technically brilliant and artistically de- 

lightful. Opera buffs can feast on a 
banquet of Beverly Sills; the peerless diva 
has five—count "em, five—operas avail- 
able on the Audio Treasury label. You 
pays your money and you takes your 
choice. There're Donizetti's Roberto Dever- 
eux and Lucis di Lammermoor (conducted by 
Thomas Schippers), plus Maria Stvarda 
(which has the added attraction of Eileen 
Farrell in the role of Elizabeth) and Of- 

fenbach’s Tales of Hoffmann. All are three- 
bums. The fifth album (on four LPs) 


Massenet's Manon, which finds 
ills in the splendid company of. Nicol 
Gedda and Gerard Souzay. Beverly Sills 
is a phenomenon and to have five such 
albums available is phenomenal. 

Pop, jazz rock, folk and country dou- 
ble-LP reissues play a large part i 
plying the aural pleasure for this yule. 
From Columbia comes Benny Goodman's 


Flying Home and Jersey Bounce. Trio, 
let, quintet, sextet, septet and big 
nd—they're all here. Топу Bennett's All- 
Time Greatest Hits, also on Columbia, is 
filled with the likes of—well, you know 
— Left My Heart in San Francisco, The 
Shadow of Your Smile, Who Can ! Turn 
To. Put on a Happy Face 
Look Away, etc, etc. Ben 
ars ago, before Joan 
ical ist and reflected 
music, her the мг 
ballad. The Joan Boer Ballad Book (Va 
guard) is a marvelous reprise of that c 
—Barbara Allen, Go Way from My Win- 
dow, Black Is the Color of My True 
Love's Hair, Fare Thee Well—all de- 
livered in the pure, haunting style that 

dl dan ЖР” 
с d і 
i aM 
о» Же 
1 pube 2 ae 
lls Clit: 

%%» zv 
7. th 






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сажын | 

k of Miss Baez 
n’ and strum 
А for a quarter of a century 
now and to celebrate his silver anni- 
versary, the company has issued Chet Atkins 
Now and . . . Then. From Canned Heat, re- 
corded in 1947, to Knee Action, 
the album dramatically demonstrates 
why Chet has stayed at the top of 
his craft for so long. The Best of Otis Redding 
(Atco) is just that. Redding h: n gone 
for more than five years now, but his 
sound still echoes in the style of many of 
today’s top rock and soul singers. The 
two LPs conclude, fittingly, with (Si 
on) The Dock of the Bay, Otis’ bi 
hit; but there are 24 other tracks tl 
the Otis Redding story іп compe 
fashion. Polydor has undoubtedly come 
up with the cream of the re 
in packaging four doubleLP albums 
built around the late and still lamented 
Cream and its illustrious alumni. There 
are Heavy Cream, Ginger Baker ot His Best, 
Jack Bruce at His Best and Eric Clapton at His 
Best, any one of which will set you on 
your car, although the Clapton record- 
ings (induding Layla and Let It Rain) 
are clearly the most exciting of the lot. 

Jolm Prine sings marvelous blue-collar 
songs about the disillusioned and the 
dispossessed. He's often compared to 
ın and, on the basis of his Vietnam 

ballad, Sam Stone, has becn called a pro- 
test singer. But Prine is really into a 
different ethos and a different groove. 
Diamonds in the Rough (AUantic) is a 
sad and moving album, mixing senti- 

: "While 
ocean, / While out " 
bumped into the savior, / And һе said. 
‘Pardon me,’ / I said, ‘Jesus, you look 
tired.’ / He said, ‘Jesus, so do you. . . . 
Then there are moments of real р 
in The Late John Garfield Blues, which 
projects surrealistic movie images against 
a bleak Chicago backdrop; and Clocks 
and Spoons, an ambiguous song of sui- 
cide that builds on the T. $ 
measuring out a life with coffee spoons 
This isn't to imply that Prine is one of 
the artsy-folksy crowd. Far from it: Songs 
like Rocky Mountain Time are pure 
country, and their images of common 
so personally rendered that 
you can't fail to be touched, 

Eliot idea of 

We liked their initial offering (Of 
the Shelf, May 1972) and the follow-up, 
Betdorf & Rodney (Asylum), is even better. 
B. & R. produce a superior br 
‹ тоск рім stuff that is 
humable and well played. Their vocal 
harmonies are reminiscent of the Hollies 
and, sometimes, of Simon and Gar- 
funkel. A few of the tunes here, such as 





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Between the Ages, arc а trifle over- 
ambitious. But of the others, All 1 Need 
(dedicated to Dalton Trumbo, of all 
people) is a standout. Could B. & R. be 
the next S. & G.? Well, no. Listen to 
Simon and Garfunkels Greatest Hits (Colum- 
bia) amd you'll see what an impossible 
act that is to follow. 

As usual, Boz Scaggs proves himself 
pable of many styles of pop soul 
music. My Time (Columbia) offers up 
Motown sound, a Dr. John bit, a couple 
of big production numbers and morc. 
the disc gets off to a slow, old 
kind of start with Dinah Flo, 
h is commercial and dumb, ıl 
pick up with He's a Fool Jor You, which 
features the Boz falsetto and some fine 

superior vocal 
should be гос! 


John Fahey says he plays 
Primitive Guitar," by which he 
to mean a style formed on Ives y 
ragtime and jazz, country and 
Gospcl Of Rivers and Religion (Reprise) 
show т, just how sophisticated 
| prove. This is open and 
stress on phras- 
hard to imagine 
On several cuts, 
joined by classic jazzfolk such 


such a 

evocative music, with 

as Nappy La Mare and Joe Darens- 
bourgh. The result sounds like some- 
thing out of Wooden Joe Nicholas and 
his Orleans Band. Frequently 
you'll hear the strings squeak, as Fahey 
fingers his stops, or the tempo accelerate, 
perhaps inadvertently (as it often did in 

old music) and perhaps not. Who cares? 
This is the good old stuff, created and 

re-created lovingly. 

notes to The 

Can you dig it In 
Rite of Spring (Deutsche Gi 
Jonathan Cott describes the ovation a 
young audience gave to Michael Tilson 
Thomas’ performance of the work. “You 
might h anis Joplin had 
just g Piece of Му 
Heart.” Wow, man! Better yet. imagine 
how < and Joplin, both lately 
passed, would blow their minds at this 
piece of news. Anyhow, Thomas and 
the Boston Symphony dig in and blow 
here: Even Igors own version doesn’t 
have this kind of drama, Momma. Lay 
hands on this disc and find out what 
them cats i lready know. If 
The Rite ain't rock, it still can shock. 


We get few records like it: those you 

сап put om and play again and again 
on long Saturday afternoons, so fine you 
can't get enough. The Band's second 

album, The Band, was like that, and 

now they've given us another: Rock of 
Ages (Capitol). It’s live and lovely, а 
double LP recorded a ycar ago at thc 
ademy of Music in New York (where 
the ghost of Alan Freed still bops), а 
pure up of a concert, with them mostly 

moving through their Greatest. Hits— 
‘hest Fever, The Night 

The Weight, 
They Drove Old Dixie 
Mama Rag, Life Is a 
making them gr 
son is a bitch of a songwri 
often have that Dylan 
stoned country imagi 
often clusive myths about. 
ів spite of his electric gui 
folkic; Robertson w 
nd Allen Toussaint’s horn sec 
even better, hang 
in there with its main man, 5 
Young. Toussaint may be the only rock 
arranger around who doesn't use horns 
like dubs, or pour them like syrup over 
everything: They fit, beautifully, some- 
times filling holes you never noticed 
before. Don't Do It, which until now 
you could hear only on bad bootlegs, is 
a lovers lament (“my biggest mi 
was lovin’ you too much . . . and lett 
you know . . 27) that may be the album's 
killer, but it is all special music. 



Theatrical recapitulations of the 
works of. popular composers often turn 
out to be more of a travesty than a 
tribute. The revivers either spoof the 

material or turn сусту cune into an over- 
production number. Happily, Roderick 
and directed Oh 

Cook, who cona 
Coward!, 1 a with B: 
Cason and Jamie Ross, has taken quite 
а different course. He has simply se- 
lected some 50 of Noel Coward's best 
show tunes, plucked a few words from 
his plays and his books and put them 
onto a tiny stage without pretense or 

ыз, а per- 
minimum ol 

cussionist and a 
Cook partners 
Coward's devious wordplays with agility 
nd taste. 
singing voice. but these songs are more 
to be talked than sung and all three keep 
their syllables crisp and their Coward 
dry. As if Sir Noel himself were over- 
seeing their ma they suppress emo- 
tion; Cook sings The Party's Over Now 
if he were on the verge of expiration. 
The material is old but not dated: even 
Mad Dogs and Englishmen sounds freshly 
printed. Coward's verse has an insouci 
ance and an acerbity that have, unfor- 
all but. gone out of fashion in 
At The New, 154 East 54th 

and his 

ne of them 


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Ronrico. The rum with the bright taste. 


& Spirits Co., NYC. 80 pro 

General Wine. 

Would you use an ordinary ram on a holiday? 

my wife is rather 
inhibited. while I am quite free, which 
is proving unsitisfactory to both of us. 1 
would like her to have sex with other 
men (and 1 with other women); the 
idea is exciting to me. though she would 
never agree to such activities, Recently, 
1 had to force | € oral sex with 
me. P love my wife nt us both to 
be happy, but her псе to experi 
ly is d s our re] 
suggestions. for resolving 
this proble: Lincoln, Nebraska. 
You missed. the point. 
about sexual freedom, which certainly 
does not include the freedom to force 
your partner lo do something she 
doesn't want 10 do. Inhibitions are usi- 
ally based on fear and won't disappear 
until that fear has been dissipated. If 
you wish to lesen your wife's sexual 
inhibitions, you'll have to proceed slow- 
ly and lovingly and certainly with 
spect for her feelings. To force her into 
a sexual activity that cither disgusts or 
frightens her will only convince her— 
corvectly—that she is being used. 

Kay Ive been having “flashbacks” 
caused by past use of hallucinogenic 
ihing I can do 

—Н. K., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

See your doctor, who will probably 
prescribe Thorazine or another, related 
tranquilizer to lessen or eliminate flash- 
hacks. You might also visit a drug-treat- 
ment clinic at the local healih service 
or the counseling center of a nearby 

Sev , when I was just out 
of high school, I made the mistake of 
ag up with aom y years my 
senior. He was in the process ol getting л 
divorce and led me to believe we 

ied by the time Г com- 

I years ару 


ivorce that he could never even 
consider marrying again. 1 was so hope- 
lessly | him by then that L 
cont ee him anyway, ший 1 
met the man 1 later. married. My prob- 
Jem is that for the three years Гуе been 
rried, this old boy has continued to 
hound my footsteps with an invitaing 
ardor. Tve wied everything 1 know to 
make him stop. [rom reasoning with him 
ignoring him, but nothing seems 10 
work. He's a senior Navy officer and Im 
considering taking the matter up with 
his commander. Can you sugg 
les d lternativesz 
Norfolk, Virginia. 

You'll only involve yourself deeper һу 
pursuing the matter personally. Engage 

an allorney to represent you and instruct 
him to outline all. the alternatives, 
including the drastic one you mention, 
10 your old beau. 

ММ... 1 invite a girl to my apartment 
lor dinner, am 1 showing poor manners 
if P expect her to provide her own 
transportation? E would, of co 
ly reimburse her for her cab 
would find it d 
hour and a 1 

f behind th of my 
id. play Thomas Ma 
.—L. R., St. Louis, Missour 

If it’s impossible to find girls who live 
near you, then we suggest that your date 
gab a cab to your place and that you 
reimburse her. Devote that hour and a 
half behind the wheel to driving her 
home the next morning. 

L g the underground press, I've 
come across numerous ads for massage 
parlors. most of which hint that they 
oller more than just a simple rubdown. 
Are the ads just a comeon:—G. A., San 
isco, Calitornia. 

he answer is yes and no. According 
to Al Goldstein, executive editor of 
Screw. magazine, most of the girls in the 
massage parlors would be surprised if 
you showed up simply [or a massage. If 
the girl thinks you're а cop, however, 
that’s all you'll get. Otherwise, youre 
likely to find yourself haggling about the 
“extras” that may be available, ranging 
from $20 to $50, depending on whether 
you're interested їп manual manipula- 
tion, oral sex, genital intercourse or 
something really exotic. If the masseuse 
shows up partly or completely nude, you 
may asume that she is more proficient 
al massaging organs than muscles. Be- 
Jore “massage,” you might 
check to see if the parlors in your city 
have become targets for police raids— 
you wouldn't want to be caught with 
your pants down. 

oing Jor a 

Wes the season for the common cold 
and 1 am more than usually susceptible 

mz Js drinking 

а exer o help sweat them 
out, o[ any value: 
antihistamines, somet 

the symptom 
CF Aspirin? 
dand, Ohio. 
About the only thing authorities agree 
upon is that colds are caused by viruses, 
of which there may be up io 200, de- 
pending on the expert. Their very num- 
ber and variety limits the prospects of 
developing an eljective 

vaccine. I's 

Caring for your stereo has its 
own rewards — a lifetime of listening 

Care about the music you listen 
to — hear it on an Empire Troubador 
Turntable, complete with 1000ZE/X 
cartridge. Empire gives your records 
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at better hi-fi dealers. Write for your 
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World Famous Turntable Systems| 



possible to become relatively immune to 
the cold viruses prevalent in your com- 
munity, but once you leave it, you're fair 
game for those that prevail elsewhere. 
(Simply growing older may help, since 
one study has shown far more teenagers 
than people over 50 coming down with 
colds; apparently, age gives you time to 
become immune to more of the viruses.) 
Cold weather can lower one’s resistance 
to colds and low indoor humidity can 
dry out the mucous membranes that 
some doctors think may trap the viruses 
before they can infect you. Liquor is of 
little help; a stable body temperature 
helps in curing a cold and liquor lowers 
the body temperature while i raises the 
surface temperature. Exercising сап ac- 
tually intensify a cold's symptoms. Al- 
though an antihistamine will reduce 
swelling in the nasal passages, it will not 
block virus production. It will help, of 
course, if you have an allergy along with 
the cold. Nasal sprays can be potentially 
dangerous. Dr. Linus Pauling claims 
vitamin C is the answer, but most medi- 
cal doctors maintain it isn't; some even 
claim that high dosages of vitamin C 
can be harmful. Best thing to do for 
colds is to avoid them in the first place 
by staying away from people who have 
them. You might also restrict traveling 
from one part of the country to another 
during the winter months and stay well 
fed and rested to build up your resist- 
ance. If you do come down with а cold, 
do what your mother always advise 
Tuke aspirin for the head- and muscle 
aches, drink lots of fruit juice and get 
plenty of sleep. The average cold lasts 
from seven to ten days; if it hangs on 
longer, see your doctor. Antibiotics, in- 
cidentally, are of little value against 
cold viruses. hon! 

The October Advisor noted that an 
American could lose his citizenship by 
“voting in an election of a foreign s 
nd by "staying out of the U.S. during 
a war or national emergency to avoid 
serving in the military.” Î would like to 
mention that both of these provisions 
nd a number of others as well of 
Three. Sections 340 to 352 of 
igration and Nationality Act 
1952, have been declared 
in recent court find 
m A. Rama Criminal Inves 
gator, Immigr nd Natu i 
Service, Newark, New Jersey. 
Mr. Ramage is correct; court decisions 
have had the effect of amending the 
existing law. Probably the most fool- 
proof method of giving up one's citizen- 
ship is to formally renounce it before a 
U.S. consul abroad. Our “expert” for 
the original answer has been exiled. 

ММ... 1 was away on vacation, my 
girlfriend had an айай with another 
mun. I have stopped seeing her as à 
result, but she's always on my mind 

nonetheless. I can't decide whether 1 
should see her again or try to forget 
about her altogether. Other girls don't 
nterest me. Should I swallow my pride 
or continue to suffer withdrawal pains?— 
R. B., Knoxville, Tennessee. 

Why punish yourself? If other girls 
don’t interest you and she does, and if 
she wants to see you, too, then it seems 
foolish to undergo the self-inflicted pain 
of staying apart. By all means, date her 
and sec how things go. А temporary 
affair is seldom a good reason for a 
permanent breakup—especially if your 
relationship still holds meaning for both 
of you. Remember, you don't own her. 

Б it true tha 
harmful to my hi 

igh humidity сап be 
system? And, if so, is 
ny commercial product that I can 
use to prevent deterioration due to 
hum . D., Newark, New Jersey. 

Irs not likely that your system can be 
harmed by humidity. However, to pre- 
vent. possible corrosion of antenna lead- 
in wires Or other exposed wires and 
connections, you might spray them with 
an acrylic such as Krylon, 

Recently 1 purchased а pair of brown- 
nd-white shoes. Now friends tell me that 
two-toncd shoes aren't suitable for winter 
wear. Is this truc, or doesn't ally 
matter?—W. C, Albany, New Y 

Ii depends on where you live. In your 
state, and throughout the Norih, white 
or two-toned shoes are usually worn be- 
tween Easter and Labor Day only. So 
why not pack them in your bag for a 
trip to Miami or Los Angeles, where 
they wear such things year round? 

IM; boyfriend and I have been dating 
each other exclusively for a year and a 
half. Just recently, at his request, we be- 
gan to date others but promised that 
we would have sex only with each other. 
We love cach other, but since we hav 
no idea when we can marry, we feel 
there are advantages to dating around. 
Unfortunately, 1 am becoming increas- 
ingly uptight about the si 
around me, 1 see supposedly nice guys 
cheating on their wives and fincécs. 
I've kept my share of the bargain, but I 
cut help wondering if my boylriend 
is keep 1 have no evidence that 
he's betrayed me, just а vagu 
How can ] overcome th 
Miss C. H.. Madison, № 

Ц you're so uptight about mutual. fidel- 
ity that you feel betrayed on general 
principles, simply because your boyfriend 
is a member of the male sex, then you'd 
better have a good, long rap about the 
subject before you get married. How 
would you feel, once having tied ihe 
knot, if he went out of town on busi- 
ness or was olherwise exposed to temp- 
tations that you could not observe or 
control? While you're talking to your 

boyfriend, you ought to see if you can 
find out as well if he is simply trying to 
case out of the relalionship with you 
(while continuing to use you sexually), 
which may be one of the causes of your 
anxiety. If so, it might be wiser to break 
it off cleanly now. 

Hov did the word carat, for measuring 
the weight of precious stones, originate? 
—R. Е. Pittsburgh, Pennsylva 

A carat, equivalent in weight 10 200 
milligrams, comes from the alchemists 
carratus, which in turn derives from the 
Arabic qiràt, or bean; the veason is that 
in ancient times, the weights of din 
monds were computed by balancing 
them against the beans, or seeds, of the 
carob tree, extensively cultivated on the 
shores of the Mediterranean. 

О). a number of occasions, Ive run 
cross a reference to a drink called 
Pimnrs Cup. Could you tell me how to 
make one?—S. T., Phoenix, Arizona 

Sorry, but the ingredients of a Pimm's 
Cup are a trade secret. To partially ex- 
plain the mystery, Pimm's Cup is the 
brand name for a group of alcoholic bev- 
erages resembling cordials that are bot- 
tled in England and that can be used to 
make various slings. Supposedly origi- 
nated by a bartender at a Pimm's restau- 
rant in London, there are six Cups, cach 
with a different base: Pimm's Cup No. 
Т, gin (for a gin sling); 2 Scotc 
No. 3, brandy; No. 4, rum and brand: 
. 5, rye; and No. 6, vodka. The fa- 
vored method of serving is to mix with 
soda or fruit juice and serve im tall 
glasses with a garnish of lemon and cu- 
cumber rind. 

ММ... going into the details of my 
situation, I would like to ask a question 
И two people (married, but not to cach 
other) engage in oral sex without coitus, 
are they committing adultery?—D. B., 
Baltimore, Maryland 

Legally, most states require genital 
intercourse to fulfill a definition of adul- 
tery, leaving oral sex to such vague and 
allinclusive categories as “unnatural 
acts.” So the answer must be: What goes 
оп in your head depends entirely on 
what you have іп mind. Аз а woman in 
“The Ginger Man" remarked, іп a 
slightly different conneclion, "Oh, Mr 
Dangerfield, it’s зо much less of a sin. 
And jun too. 

All reasonable questions—from fash- 
ion, food and drink, stereo and sports cars 
to dating dilemmas, laste and etiquette 
—will be personally answered if the 
writer includes a stamped, self-addressed 
envelope. Send all letters to The Playboy 
Advisor, Playboy Building, 919 N. Michi- 
gan Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60611. The 
most provocative, pertinent queries will 
be presented on these pages cach month. 


ссср АКЕ 








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Outside of the United States, 
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КАУ The Playboy Club, Bunny. Bunny Costume and Rabbit Head symbol 

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For people who think great stereos 

only come in pieces. 

These are the pieces. 

А solid-state FM/AM tuner that 
can pick up the weakest FM signals 
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with virtually no distortion. Thanks to 
a Field Effect Transistor. 

Solid-state IF filters work with AM 
and FM to eliminate interference. And 
a unique interstation muting circuit 
takes care of those funny sound 
shadows between stations. 

Then there's the amplifier. 

This one has all-silicon transistors 
and a66 watt output (E.1.A. standard). 

Mozart and Moby Grape never had 
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For your records,the Sony HP- 610A 

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The speakers. Well, they're 
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4” mid-range and 2” tweeters. They 
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Now. You can buy components 
like these one step at a time. 

And that's okay. If you're handy 
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Or youcan get all of them under 
one dust cover. 

In case you're just handy with 
your ears. 

The SONY. HP-610A stereo system 

our Showroom, 714 Filth Ave, New York, N Y. 


an interchange of ideas between reader and editor 
on subjects raised by “the playboy philosophy” 

Judging by the excerpts quoted in an 
October 1972 Playboy Forum letter, The 
Dimension in Sex. by Herbert 
strong and accomplices, must be 
one of the literary curiosities of the 20th 
Century. Jt is dillicult 1o understand 
how anyone who admits that masturba 
tion doesn’t cause. pimples, sterility and 
the like can yet maintain not only that 
it is a sin and a perversion but that it 
causes temporary abscutanindedness. 1 
u Armstrong and associates seem 

ten to tell us what 
dence they have for this astonishing 
п. Could it be firsthand experience? 
Dana L. Turner 
The Dalles, Oregon 

Four of us were 
in California's 7 


in the nude 
inity River in a se 
cluded spot. when we were arrested by a 

sheriff's deputy. We were told that sever- 
al residents of the area had made com- 
plaints about us до the county shevill’s 

department: however, they could have 
seen us only if they had left their own 

property and walked downriver or 
through the woods тө find us е 

there is no path ro the place and the 
river is not navigable. 

Mier our arrest, the deputy did not 
allow us to pick up our dothes. He hand- 
culled us toge le to female rather 


us with covering 

icr. m 

than male to male and female to fen 
1 provide 
at the scene of the arrest but. drove us 
into town and exposed us to the citiz 
of Weaverville, Blankets were brought 
10 us at the courthouse. If the purpose of 
the law is to protect citizens from the 
sight of nude bodies, this is odd bel 

We spent a day and a night 
and are 

He did ıı 

iow out on bail awaiting trial. 
Mary Miller 
James D. 
Robert Froost 
Eurcka ifornia 


As reported in rravsov's 

1972 article Sudent Bodies, nude public 

appearances аге becomis 

among todays ui 

dipping is quite ent at 
lake in Upstate New York, which was 
purchased as a facultvstudent. play- 
wound by the State University of New 

York at Binghamton. Last fall, a local 


paper reported that one tourist came 
upon Empire Lake unexpectedly and wa 
shocked to the skin of his teeth.” The 
story stated: 

The unidentified ma 
plained to Sergeant V $ 
ton of the Tioga County Sheriff's 
Department that there was a “sink 
of sin” at the Take owned by the 
Sue University of New York. 

"Ehe man was showing his parents 
wiful Upstare New 
York when he was shocked to find 
ıt to be a nudist 

wound “be 

camp." Stanton said. 
“He for 
ment ib 
а Sodom 
Everywhere he 
he could see nothin, 
naked men and women 

eat embarrass 

ad то his g 
t he was in а sink of sin 
and Gomorrah all over 

turned his gaze, 
but raw stark- 

Sergeant Stai 
tion 10 the 
rience, the paper reported 

a kept his cool in reac 


arrowing expe 

1 advised him that 1 was not up 
to date on the subject.” Stanton ex 
plained, “but that 1 did have a few 
old copies of Captain Billy's Whiz 
Bang magazine, а 1935 issue of Es 
quire and an April 1071. PLAYBOY. 

7L assured. him that when 1 went 
home 1 would research the problem,’ 
the sergeant said. 

Bruce Coville 
Binghamton. New York 


An article in The Denver Past stated 
that а school-hallway art show included 
picture of a naked man and rhat this 

brought a torrent of protest do 
local school officials. A letter 
irate parent suaightlorwardly termed the 
picture repulsive. Another asked, rhe- 
torically, “To the bulging eyeballs and 
anious minds of our T-yearold stu- 
dents, is it art?” The self-supplied answer 
7 doubt iL^ The rather imagi 
live mother who wrote that lener 

at the possibility that 
ı become known the 

Irom one 



expressed d 

the school mi 

alter as the one with the pierre of “th 
nude dude.” And so on 

Oh, ves: the picture. It's a reproduc 
tion of Michekugelo’s Creation of 



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All you need is a road map to 
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And, after the last run of the day 
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Adam, which сап be found on the сей- 
ing of the Vatican's Sistine Chapel 
(whose reputation, incidentally, hasn't 
been sullied by the presence of Adam, 
“the nude dude” 

Joe Cordova 
Denver, Colorado 

I've been following with interest the 
letters in The Playboy Forum about 
Charles H. Keating, Jr.'s fund-raising 
drive for Citizens for Decent Literature. 
Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom, 
published by the American Library Asso- 
ciation, reports that CDL is being in- 
vestigated by the M 
general's office to see if it complies wi 
state statutes concerning cha s and 
frauds, The newsletter states 
t attorney general told 
patch and Pioncer Press 
that CDL apparently is spending the 
bulk of the money it receives for fund- 
g and very little for its avowed 
purpose of fighting pornography. 
Frank J. Howell 
San Francisco, California 


The storm stirred up by Richard 
Rhodes's artide Sex and Sin in Sheboy- 
gan (PLAynoy, August 1972) is still raging. 
A downtown Sheboygan tavern called 
The Jail has been selling bumper stickers 
a sardonic comment on the PLAYBOY 
ticle. Oakley Frank—the Sheboygan 
chief of police who brought charges 
against the late Jim Decko—wrote a let- 
ter to the common councils license 
committee urging it to put pressure on 
"The Jail to stop distributing the stickers. 
Members of the committee, which has 
the power to grant and to revoke tavern 
licenses, issued a warning to the owners 
of The Jail. 

The issue was thoroughly publicized 
in The Sheboygan Press, and well over а 
thousand of the bumper stickers have 
now been sold. Interviewed by the Press, 
Chief E asked whether. putting 
pressure on the tavern to suppress the 
distribution of the bumper stick 
"t leaving the city open to further 
by rLAYBoY. Frank replied as 


“IL think sorry day when we 
have to jump through the hoops and 
be careful where we step so we don't 
offend rrAvmo 

"1 think из а sad commentary 
that people who have nothing but 

хе to set 

filth and smut to peddle 1 
the level of the morals of our 

s com. 

Chief Frank's attitude toward р 
is typical of what the people of u 
munity аге up against. Is it any wonder 
that most of Sheboygan's good, talented 
young people leave, even run from, this 
town? There are som. tive notes, 


a survey of events related to issues raised by “the playboy philosophy" 


HARTLEPOOL, Axo—A warmheart- 
ed 48-year-old British housewife who op- 
crates а lonelyhearts club says she could 
line up a large number of girls willing 
to go to bed with British soldiers on the 
night before they are shipped off for 
duty іп strife-torn Northern Ireland. 
She announced, “If the army chiefs 
ould let me use their barracks, 1 could 
lay on plenty of girls who would be only 
too glad to give at least one night of love 
to these youngsters. 1 only want to see 
our soldiers have а little pleasure before 
facing danger and the threat of losing 
their lives.” Her offer has been poorly 
received by townspeople, who have 
written dozens of indignant letters to 
the local newspaper protesting her pa- 
triotic gesture. 

NEW york crry—Medical science may 
have discovered a treatment for one of 
mankind's more exotic afflictions—one 
in which the victim compulsively and 
continually uses obscene language. The 
disorder ts called the Gilles de la Tour- 
ette syndrome after the 19th Century 
French physician who first described it, 
and й is characterized by coprolalia (un 
controllable swearing), echolalia (com- 
pulsive repeating of what another person 
says) and facial or other muscular tics. 
The condition was generally considered 
untreatable until neurologists al various 
medical facilities experimented with 
treatments of haloperidol, a tranquilizer. 
Reports from a New York physician 
indicate that the drug has proved about 
80 percent effective with all patients and 
nearly 100 percent effective with some. 


An apparent increase in symplomless 
gonorrhea in men has been reported by 
physicians working in V. D. control. Tra- 
ditionally, it has been women who un- 
suspeclingly contract, carry and spread 
the disease, because noticeable symptoms 
ате absent in approximately 80 percent 
of female cases, while men are usually 
alerted by a burning discharge. Now, 
large-scale screening of Servicemen re- 
turning from Southeast Asia indicates 
that gonorrhea is asymptomatic in 20 per- 
cent or more of men who are infected. 
Experts are uncertain whether this re- 
flects any veal change in the characteris- 
lics of gonorrhea or merely better 
detection programs. 

A new and simple blood test for gon- 
orrhea is now undergoing field trials 
by the New York State Health Depari- 
ment, which hopes it will provide an 

effective detection method jor use in muss 
screening. The test doesnt determine 
whether the disease is active. but only 
whether the person has ever had it. A 
person showing “positive” would then be 
tested by older, more elaborate methods. 


In а speech advocating chastity and 
denouncing pornography, Pope Paul VI 
warned that "behind the initiation to 
sensual. pleasure, there loom narcotics.” 
He did not explain the link between sex 
and drugs, but said that “we live in a 
time when the animal side of human 
nature is degenerating into limitless 

In Salt Lake City, the Mormon Church 
issued a statement calling on its members 
10 oppose “smut in any of its many in 
sidious forms” because “history is replete 
with examples of nations that have fallen 
in а large measure through licentious 
ness.” No examples were offered, however. 

The former executive director of the 
U.S. Commission on Obscenity and 
Pornography told a group of doctors 
in Atlanta that people who enjoy por- 
nography tend to be well educated, well 
read and socially and politically active. 
Dr. W. Cody Wilson, speaking before 
the Medical Association of Айата, said 
the largest consumers of pornography are 
young nonreligious married. men, and 
he reiterated the commission's finding 
that sex criminals most often are people 
who were rarely or never exposed to por 
nography during childhood and youth 


Local courts are setting new records in 
penalizing pornographers. In. Oakland, 
California, a municipal judge levied fines 
totaling $270,000 and jail terms of up to 
18 months against а theater owner, а 
manager and a ticket taker convicted of 
showing obscene movies. In Cincinnati, 
Ohio, the manager of an adult bookstore 
was convicted іп а common-pleas court 
of selling obscene material, sentenced to 
а year less one day in jail and fined 
$20,500. The company was fined $205,000 
and police seized an estimated $1,000,000 
worth of films, books, records and maga 
zines from its warehouse. 


saN pIEGoO—An attorney walking 
through San Diego's Federal courthouse 
saw a woman, apparently a secretary, 
speak to а blank wall. She said, “Hello, 
wall,” and the wall said “Hello” back. 
The lawyer immediately sought а ve. 
straining order barring use of the hid. 
den surveillance equipment, charging 

that it allowed the Government to eaves- 
drop on conversations between attorneys 
and clients. A judge denied the vestrain- 
ing order after a U.S. Marshal insisted 
that the microphones and speakers in 
the walls were merely part of the court- 
house security system. 

CINCINNATI—The Ku Klux Klan is 
trying to cleanse its ranks of Govern- 
ment agents and informers by requiring 
members to take lic-detector tests. The 
Ohio Grand Dragon of the United 
Klans of America said. that Klan organi- 
zations in 22 states already have poly- 
graph machines and that the Klan has 
set up a polygraph operators’ school, 


new оғын, INDIA—The municipal 
council may be ashed to authorize a 
certain amount of graft among pub- 
lic officials as a means of controlling it. 
A member of the council has prepared 
a resolution that reads, “This house is 
of the opinion that the existing legal as 
well as administrative measures have 
miserably failed to curb corruption. 
This house, therefore, demands that cor 
ruption and bribery be legalized and 
suitable limits be fixed for different lew 
els and for different kinds of work 


SAN FRANCISCO—A 22-year veteran of 
the Sun Francisco police force has been 
granted $1161-per-month disability pay 
for а year, having successfully argued 
that his alcoholism was brought on by 
his job. A psychiatrist told the city's 
retirement board that public hostility 
toward police was the major cause of the 
emotional stresses that the officer at- 
tem pled to relieve by excessive drinking. 


OCALA, FLORWA—Local police have 
launched а campaign against the illegal 
use and possession of the killer weed 
tobacco. A city ordinance prohibits 
the smoking of tobacco by anyone under 
18, and police began enforcing the law 
on instructions from the city council. In 
the first month of the crackdown, six 
teenagers were arrested and faced with 
maximum fines of 5500 or up to 60 days 
in jail. The local school board has also 
passed а stiff no-smoking regulation. 
Since the vule went into effect, several 
students have been suspended and some 
of them turned over to police. 

INGYON, b.G—The nationwide 
“heroin hot line” has proved to be a 

costly failure, according to a New York 
Congressman, but Federal drug officials 
appear intent on continuing it. The toll- 
free telephone number wes set up by 

the Nixon Administration to encourage 
anonymous lips on drug pushers, but in 
its first four months of operation, it has 
cost taxpayers about $250,000, while net- 
ting only 14 arrests and two grams of 
heroin—which works өш to about 
$3,500,000 an ounce. U.S. Representa- 
tive Lester L. Wolff cited a General Ac- 
counting Office report in calling for an 
end to the hotline. program as “ineffec- 
live"; but а drug-control official in the 
Justice Department said, “We're not giv- 
ing any thought at all to closing it down. 
To the contrary . .. we're going to beef 
it up” The С. А. О. report covered a 
three-month period and stated that of 
28,341 calls received, 23,978 were un- 
usable—mosily from cranks, hecklers and 
people wondering if the hot line really 


Continuing research on marijuana 
and hashish has produced more contra- 
dictory announcements: 

+ Two Philadelphia psychiatrists claim 
that hash aud pot contributed to the 
emotional problems of 13 patients who 
used one or both drugs jor up to six 
years. Drs. Harold. Kolansky and. Wil- 
liam T. Moore of the University of 
Pennsylvania contend that their sub- 
jects’ problems developed when they 
started using the drugs and diminished 
or disappeared within 3 lo 24 months 
after the drug use stopped. An earlier 
study by the same psychiatrists, also link- 
ing marijuana with mental illness, found 
little acceptance in scientific circle: 

+ A marijuana research team al the 
University of Texas medical branch in 
Galveston. has reported sleep disturb- 
ances and lethargy among 14 volunteers 
who smoked marijuana regularly for 
ten days. 

“іп Greece, researchers connected 
with the University of Athens conducted 
а 20-year study of 30 hash smokers with- 
out finding any evidence of harmful ej- 
fects. A psychology professor at New 
York Medical College told а mecting of 
the American Electroencephalogra phic 
Society that the study found “no sign of 
chronic brain damage” and that “the ex 
tent and number of brain abnormalities 
did not exceed what you would expect 
with any group of the same age.” 


BALMIMORE—The Maryland Psychiatric 
Research Center was having trouble 
finding volunteers for a marijuanasmok- 
ing experiment until its need was re- 
ported in the local morning paper. By 
nine AM, the centers switchboard was 
swamped by more than 400 calls from 
eager applicants and had to close down, 
and employees arriving for work at the 
center had to push through crowds of 
would-be volunteers wailing at the door. 

however. When 1 checked last, the tav- 
em owners, despite the threats, 
planned to sell the stickers. And one 
bar is now selling a drink called the 
Sin City Special. 

J. R. Grollmus 
Sheboygan, Wisconsin 

g to many articles Гуе read 

recently, extramarital relations increas- 
ingly are considered acceptable. In every 
form, extramarital sex is now being 
practiced more widely than ever, from 
ordinary adultery without the mate’ 
knowledge through consensual adultery 
and spouse pping to group sex and 
group шиптир АП this makes me un- 
easy. Sexual freedom and experimenta- 
п before settling down are one thi 
but I think sex in violation of the m 
riage vows breaks one of man's oldest 
moral laws and could have disastrous 
consequences for a couple, as well as lor 

лу. You can only change human na- 
ture so much, and it's not natural to agree 
cheerfully to let one's lifetime mate go to 
bed with someone else. I think the rising 
ational divorce rate is the result of this 
eroding of the marital bond. Does The 
Playboy Forum take any position on the 
ethics of extran al SCN? 
Charles Porter 
Baltimore, Maryland 

Our basic ethical precept is that people 
should (есі free to jollow whatew 
moral code they prefer, as long as they 
don't harm others and don't ivy to force 
their views on the unwilling. Conv 
tionally, marriage is an agreement be- 
tween two people and, despite the ritual 
recited, we don't think the conditions of 
the agicement песа be inflexible. The 
essential ingredient in a good contract is 
that the terms be freely accepted by both 
parties. This means the couple might 
agree lo participate in swapping; they 
might decide to go their separate ways, 
each with full knowledge and consent of 
the other, and find their own extra- 
marital partners; they could do the same 
and agree not to inform cach other; or 
they could agree to adhere to the tra- 
ditional standard of monogamy. Many 
people, we believe, are not tempera- 
mentally suited to handle swinging or 
other open forms of marriage. Therefore, 
if their marriages are valuable to 
them, they will forgo extramarital sex— 
or, if one or both must have it, they 
will tacitly agree not to talk about it 

As for divorce, many marriages survive 
in spile of extramarital sex and many 
others break up for other reasons, Even 
where adultery precedes divorce, it is not 
necessarily the cause of it. According to 
the two Kinsey reports, half of all hus 
bands and over а quarter of all wives 
have had extramarital relations by the 
age of 40; however, Kinsey found that 
the effect of these activities on marriage 
could not be predicted. “There are 


ы many factors that тау affect the outcome 

For those who For the man It's a mini, of the extramarital activities, and the 
want the best по | who likes to go but it’s a lot record ic much more diverse than has 
matter how little | thru the gears. of camera. generally been believed,” he wrote in 

“Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.” 
His studies indicated that where the 
partners accepted. extramarital relations, 
thought them unimportant or simply did 
not let each other know about them, 
the stability of the murriag 
likely to be threatened. Extramavital 
relations apparently suit some people 
it's a question, nol of human na 
ture, but of individual attitude. 

it costs. 


was less 

FULLY AUTOMATIC FULLY AUTOMATIC Naval officers take an oath to uphold 
Single lens reflex (SLR) Ап SLR with through-the- | The smallest automatic e Covel Hitigh ome жесі 19 меи 

that to mean they should hold up its 

with thrcugh-the-lens Jens metering and full-frame 35mm. Easiest ШЕСІ д д 
fully automatic CdS expo- | match-needle operation. to operate of the exciting application, The October 1972 Forum 
ШЫ Set amer E асыр Erde new breed e И away Newsfront reports 1 based on a U 
speed and an electric eye lor depth-of-field preview. compacts. Just 4" x 2Y2” x а " Г 1,8. Se " 
sets aperture autcmati- Shutter speed range 1%”. Automatic exposure | CONN Ойы ы: EA V.S Бе a 
cally. Interchangeable 1-1/1000 sec. Inter- with natural light or flash. сопак may по шиде tequite апше 
55mm f/1.8 lens with changeable 55mm f/1.8 Retractable 40mm 1/2.8 shipmen and cadets to attend Sunday 
fast-change breech lock Jens with fast-change lens, red warning expo- church services. While this is true as far 
mourt, focal plane shut- breech lock mount, focal- | sure signals, easy zone as it goes, our superiors here at the U. S. 
ter, Microprism focusing, plane shutter, Microprism focusing and more. even è. ili йен зей © 
hot shoe flash connector, | focusing, hct shoe flash List price $89.50 DM CIMA dt Lye ots 
self timer. List price $239 | connector, self timer. including case. gion. or a reasonable facsimile of 
including case List price $200 including it. О ds y Sunday 
case. anárning, iere is a ‘mandatory. forma: 

tion and muster for church parties. 

поп Li Li ч 
Those who plan to attend services do so: 
the rest must attend a class in morals 
ЫШ т | and ethics. We must be present at one or 

the other, or face conduct and. aptitude 
reports that could result in dismissal 
$ (Name withheld by request) 
From its Sequential Cam System that antiquates U.S. Naval Academy 
ù the conventional noisy cam gear and swinging Annapolis, Maryland 
plate to its Synchronous Power Unit, the BSR 
McDonald 810 is designed to match or THE CAMEU'S NOSE 
, exceed the performance of any Tn 
automatic turntable currently 
available & Some other 
S highlights include a Veriable 

Petri International Сор. 432 Park Ave. South, Hew York, W.Y 10016 « U.S. Distributor A-H. Interhoto Corp. n Canada: Interphoto of Canada, Teronte 

protesting compulsory medical 
nce. Jo Friedlund makes physi- 
ns sound like embattled practitioners 
of free enterprise threatened by social- 
ist hordes that want to put them 

"under the state's iron thumb" (The 

Playboy Forum, October. 19 
cock. Опе m medical 
costs so much is t doctors are se 
and they are scarce. because. anyone not 
ted by the m al establishment 

friction Cue stopped by the police. Thus, 
Clutch to keep | medicine is a lucrative monopoly. pro- 

У thetone arm cued | tected by the government. M, however, 

doctors let the 

vernment determine 
who shall practice medi let them 
not holler when the government says 
who shall be created and how much 

У groove @An automatic 
tone arm lock to 
F eliminate accidental 
damage to the stylus or 

ч record ® A Concentric it shall cost, Bringing government a little 
| : e # Gimbal Arm Mount and way into your business is like inviting a 
ntroducing the ^ £I. NM et obere elis s 

operation featuring the widest | Pretty soon the whole camel is in your 
BSR McDonald 810 SW selection cf operating modes | tent and is sitting on you 
J Your BSR McDonald dealer will be Joseph Kelly 

Transcription 8ЕПЕ8 адан er BEES 
Automatic Turntable. Qu Ws HS S On ber 1972 Forum Newsfront 

of automatic turntables ® caries am item from Delaware s 

BSR (USA) Ltd. that corporal punishment for crim 
s Blauvelt МҮ. тооз MeDONALD (continued on pag 

Annual Report 


During the past few years. the Playboy Foundation has 
grown rapidly and has extended its activities into many new 
as of social and legal reform. It is now a fully staffed oper- 
ion directed by Burton Joseph. an eminent civil-liberties 
attorney. Because of the Foundation’s past accomplishments 
and its ambitions for the future, we believe it appropriate 

to issue an annual report on Foundation activities for 
PLavwoy readers. 
The Playboy Foundation was established in 1965, and its 

first success was gaining the release from prison of a West 
ginia man convicted of having oral-genital relations with 
a consenting woman. Subsequently. the Foundation’s activi- 
ties were highlighted by the ir of an Indiana man sei 

ing a on term for having had anal intercourse 
with his wife. the exoneration of a young unmarried Illinois 
couple charged w tion, and its participation in a 

U.S. Supreme Court case that reversed the conviction of a 
birth-control advocate: and 
contraceptive law, 

The Foundation’s scope has expanded each year, until to- 
day it advances the entire range of ideals and reforms put 
forth by Hugh Hefner in The Playboy Philosophy and dis- 
cussed in The Playboy Forum. These fall into three broad 
categories: the protection and extension of civil. rights and 
the modernization of laws pert x, drugs, 


overturned the Massachusetts 


1g to 5 

contraception nd censorship: and the support of 
research in the fields of human sexuality and population con- 
iol, Major projects of the Playboy Foundation during the 
st year have included the following: 

In cooperation with the 
the Foundation hi 
which deals with virtually all 

Rights of Prisoners: 
Civil Liberties Uni 
Prison Rights Project, 
onem! pr 
know зош prison conditions through litigation to guarantee 
access to inmates. The Foundation also helped defend 
a woman lawyer who, because of her prison-reform efforts, 
was accused of attempting to incite rebellion in T 

Capital Punishment: In cooperation with interested groups 
such as the NAACP Legal. Defense and Educ 
the Foundation hi ed in lobbying and litigation. to 
end the de: y 

Military Justice: With the ACLU. the Founda 
supports the Lawyers Military Defense Committee, which 
provides legal counsel and representation. for U.S. mili- 
тату personnel. 

Rights of Mental Patients: 
uted to the National Council for the Rights of the Me: 
Impaired im cases coi 
mental institutions. 

Rights of Juveniles: The Foundation has 
tional Wellare Rights Organization, the La 
of Chicago and other 
rights of mi 
ollenders with psychothe 
alternatives to reform school or ii 

Rights of Homosexuals: In seve 
the Foundation has aided individuals and their attorneys in 
challenging laws and policies t iminate against people. 
solely on the basis ol their sexual orientation— particularly in 
y ince, Civil Service employment, miti- 
y discharge and pol pinent. 
dom of the Press: The Foundation. participated in 
al cases involving the rights of the press, among them a 

lems. and has protected the publics right to 


s penal 

Yhe Foundation has contrib- 
sting involuntary confinement in 

ded the Na- 
al Aid Bureau 
ns in protecting the legal 
«Тоне to provide young 

nors and 

1 suppor 


id rehabilitation. programs as 
al important legal actions, 

successful legal challenge to the authority of police to r 
the offices of а California college newspaper im send of 
photographs of student demonstrators. 

Youth Counseling: A 24-hour emergency information and 
assistance center for Chicago's young people has heen estab- 

shed with the help of the Foundation. 
Abortion: The Foundation supports the work of vai 
abortion law-reform and abortion-referral groups: it assists in 
al actions aimed at repealing restrictive abortion laws and 
has aided individuals threatened with prosecution under 
е abortion statutes, Learning of the unprecedented man 
ighter conviction of а Florida woman for obtaining 
portion. the Foundation provided her with the legal counsel 
of a constitutional lawyer and other support. 

Political Reform: The Foundation has aided various ellorts 
to reform election laws and broaden voter partiGiparion, It is 
presently assisting the father of a student killed at Kent State 
University in his suit to establish the legal responsibility of 
the National Guard and the State of Ohio for actic 
dsmen during campus disorders. 

Mavijuana-Law Reform: As well as participating 
test cases challenging existing marijuana Jaws and unus 
severe marijuana penalties, the Foundation is a subst 
supporter of the National Organization for the Refor 
of Marijuana Laws (NORML), which has undertaken. both 
legal and educational projeas aimed at revising pot laws and 
coordinating similar efforts by independent reform groups 
on the state level. 

Sex Law Reform: Ihe Foundation is backing two major 
legal-vesearch programs intended to provide attorneys with in 
formation needed to challenge the constitutionality of laws 
governing consensual sexual conduct. between adults. 

Sex Research: Various clinics, researchers and. educational 
groups ded by Foundation grants. These org: 
include the Reproductive Biology Research Foundation. di 
rected by Masters and Johnson, the Sex Information and Edu- 
cation Councit of the United States (SIECUS), the Midwest 
Population Center vasectomy clinic and the Midwest Associa 
tion for the Study of Human Sexuality, the University of 
Minnesota. School of Medicine sex-ceducation. progim and. 
research groups workin: fter pills and once- 
a month. birth-control pills. 

Rights of Women; Besides supporting reform of abortion 
laws, the Foundation has joined the ACLU. in cases to 
establish equal legal rights lor women. 

Censorship: The Foundation has provided assistance i 
cases challenging the constitutionality of state and. Federal 
censorship laws, with particular emphasis on. protecting the 
individual's right of privacy and establishing clear and uni 
їо terial. 


is ol 

1 selected 



on morn 

legal standards for published sexual ui 

The successes of the Playboy Foundation have indicated 
the value of such efforts, the need to continue them aud the 
amount of work that remains to be done, m 1973. this 
work not only will be continued but will be expanded. Some 
of the à s bei lude test cases to. estab 
lish equal employment opportunities re 
examination of the grand-jury system and its potential for 
polit research projecs in penology with a view to 
improving or implementing rel tion programs: and fur- 
ther support of imaginative research projects. on human. 
sexuality, sexual adjustment and population. control. In 

1 report, which will appear cach. Jani 
ill continue to publish news of the latest Founda 
activities in The Playboy Forum. 


irdless of sex or race: 

dition to our annu 

we w 



now a 

thing of the past in the U.S Un 
mely, this means that we treat 
better than we do children 
nple, which is now rid 
whipping post, passed а Jaw three 
allowing educators to paddle 
school children. Apparently, what isn't 
E Еке а beautiful woman, appropriate as crimin hment is 
ally. many 
©з throughout the country have 
1 punish- 
the same 
ng laws to 

- requires the touch of an expert to useful in education. Ironic 
h its full potential. The KENWOOD 

ling, AM/FM Stereo Receiver 
music to the apex of perfect. 

КЕ SET себепле prevent parents from beating, their of 
г own talent for enjoying i (the battered-child syndrome) 
L life to the fullest. 1 was a delegate to the First Annual 

orporl Punishm 
DoD virile: held in New York City in May 197 
conference hit was called because the 
i tend toward resumption of 
While many such la 
dates back to the € 
Perhaps the impressi 
a propensity toward violence is more 
under ht of the fact 
that generations of Texas kids have been 
hit with ch paddles made from 
baseball bats split im half. During the 
1971-1972 school term, the Dallas Inde- 
pendent School District reported that 
90.354 paddlings were meted out for 
such offenses as forgetting gym shoes 
and failing to say "Su." 
Our culture must always have its 
whipping boys. As soon as it is forced to 
stop beating and dehumanizing prison 

TO BE CLASSIC Clues Аена уне Punidiment 


Introducing сиг new binder. Preserves Dallas, Texas 
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Single binder, $7. et of two $12.50. Ther € ar present 926 Americans in 

foreign prisons on drug charges. Though 
the State Department has refused to re- 
lease the information, we believe the ma- 
jority are n na ollenders. NORML 
is indignant at our Government's failure 
to even (y lo help these people, Due 
process, as we know it, is nonexistent in 
many countries, The systems of 

vial icion are often total 
shams: the prison se 
Playboy Products, Playboy Buildii for drug offenses are often extremely long: 
Dept. MB0101, 919 N. Michigan Ave" and the prison conditions are unbearably 
Chicago, IIl. 60611 poor. Hundreds of. American citizens arc 


nd o 

nces handed down 

Please send me: 

(no) single binder(s), MM196 at $7.00 each. Total $. locked up in miserable cages for conduct 
(no) set(s) of two binders, MM197 at $12.50 per set. Total $ that may not have even been а basis for 

Please add 50€ per item for handling Total $. 
No C.O.D. orders, please. 
O Payment enclosed, (Make checks payable to Playboy Products.) 
C] Charge to my Playboy Club credit Key no. [ 1 m 

criminal prosceution under our 1 
system. Yet the Government fails. to 
intervene, It applies pressure for scores 
ol other reasons—to protect / 
investments abroad, increase 
the importation of mariju 
refuses to help win freedom for these 
people. I suppose this is typical of the 
order of priorities that we find in this 
country—money over people. 

The Swe Department has refused 

(please print) 


10 give us a list of the names of these pris 
oners or the charges against them. It 
said this was confidenti. ind, іп Catch- 
22 fashion, told us that we would need 

cach prisoner 

written permission. fro 

before we could get this information. No 

pressure on the State Department. to 
change its policy. Concerned citizens 
should write to their Congressmen and 
to the State Department urging that the 
Government do everything in its power 
to help overseas. prisoners. 
Keith Stroup, Executive Director 
National Organization for the 
Reform of Mari 
Washington, D. C. 

¢ can help these people unless we put 

папа Laws 


Fm a little surprised to find the 
October 1972 Forum Newsfront. appar- 
endy suppor the idea that new: 
men should be granted immunity from 
1 legal questioning as witnesses. 
What is to prevent every scoundrel in 
the country from. instantly. becoming а 
newsman? Certainly it would pay the 
leaders of organized. crime to set up a 
newsletter here and there, and so em 
ploy their button men. Can't. you just 
sce the newest magazine on the market, 
The Mafia Monthly, with the largest 
staff of “journalists 

in the country? 

A. eldzamen 

Chica Illinois 

Journalistic immunity doesn’t allow 
a newsman to sidestep normal legal 
questioning as a criminal witness; it 
only permits him to protect the identity 
of an informant who supplies informa- 
tion that some public official or criminal 
wants to conceal. Your hypothetical 
scoundrel would cite the Fifth Amend- 
ment, not journalistic immunity, lo 
avoid selj-incrimination, Indeed, he 
could not claim to be a newsman unless 
he first publicized his illegal activities 
Even if he were that foolish, he still 
could not claim immunity, because he 

would be protecting himself, not an 
informant. Secret sources ave oflen the 
only means by which newsmen gain nc- 
cess 1o information that the authorities 
cannot obtain or politicians do not want 
revealed. At Ihe same time that a news 
man legitimately protects the identities 
of his sources, he protects the public's 
I to know. This is essential to in 
vestigative reporting, which we consider 
to be one of the most important public 

services that journalists. perform. 

"The Playboy Forum” offers the 
opportunity for an extended dialog be 
tween readers and editors of this pub 
lication on subjects and issues related lo 
"The Playboy Philosophy.” Address all 
correspondence to The Playboy Forum, 
Playboy Building, 919 North Michi 
gan Avenue, Chicago, Ilinois 60611. 

in living, 
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a candid conversation with archbigot archie bunker's better half 

As а television series, the idea was 
improbable. Impossible, some said. A 
similar program had been a hit in Eng- 
land, but who in America would want 
10 waich a wee! 

у situation comedy star- 
ring a middle-aged, blue-collar bigot 
who not only called a spade a spade but 
indiscriminately maligned members of 
other minority groups as "spicks," 
"Hebes," “dumb Роіасі “Chinks” 
and “tamale eaters” liberal politicians 
as “pinkos,” welfare recipients as “bums 
on relief” and anyone whose sexual 
s differed from his own as a “pre 
ven"? His dutiful wife, the outline con- 
tinued, would be a well-meaning but 
-minded and slightly addled home- 
maker whose ministrations to her potbel- 
lied spouse would evoke both sympathy 
and—]rom militant feminists—rage. Also 
occupying their lower-middle-class sub- 
urban home would be a buxom blonde 
daughter who didn't believe in God and 
her Polish-American husband—a college 
student droopy mustache 
shaggy hair clashed almost audibly with 
his father-in-law’s reactionary life style. 
The black family living across the street 
would provide a handy target for the 
ol's rantings, and various episodes 
would tackle such topics as menopause, 
impotence and homosexuality. 

"Ozzie and Harriet” it wasn't. And in 
the domain of American television com- 

whose and 

“I've heard some of the most privileged 
people saying the same dumb things 
about race and religion thal Archie says 
all the time. The only difference is that 
they don’t mispronounce the words.” 

edy, where witless programs starring 
talking cars, pampered chimpanzees and 
nouveau riche hillbillies have prospered 
in prime time, “All in the Family"—as 
the project was christened—seemed the 
remotest of prospects. Actually, four 
years elapsed from the time producers 
Norman Lear and Bud Yorkin hit upon 
the idea of adapting the BBC series 
“Till Death Us Do Part” until the mo- 
ment ils American version found a spot 
on the CBS network schedule, as а Janu- 
ary 1971 midseason replacement. By 
year's end, solidly entrenched atop the 
Nielsen ratings, it was the most talked- 
about television show of the new decade. 

This month marks the second anni- 
versary of "All in the Family's” television 
debut, and the phenomenon it sparked 
is, if anything, gathermg steam. The 
show has inspired one direct spin-of— 
“Maude,” featuring characters first in- 
troduced on “A. 1. T. F."—and a second 
British-American transplant, “Sanford 
and Son,” and is crediled with having 
paved the way for such shows as 
“M*A*S*H” and “Bridget Loves Ber- 
nie,” the themes and language of which 
once would have been considered too 
daring for the tube 

“All in the Family" also launched. 
а late-rising slar: 48-year-old Carroll 
O'Connor, whose deft impersonation of 
the malaproping Archie Bunker has 

“The world is rushing past Archie into 
a future that he can’t even же, and 
as it rushes by, it ignores him. That 
drives him wild. There атс millions of 
Americans like him.” 

made him while America’s favorite 
workingman—and earned him an Emmy 
«ward. For O'Connor, becoming the 
breadwinner of TV's. first family was as 
unexpected as the success of the show 
üsclf. One of three sons bom to an 
American lawyer and an Irish school 
teacher, he had grown up in New York 
City and served with the merchant ma- 
vine in the North Atlantic during World 
War Two. At the National University 
in Dublin, he established a substantial 
reputation in classical drama at the 
esteemed Gate Theater. After successes 
in Shakespeare al the Edinburgh Festi- 
val and in live contemporary teleplays 
оп the BBC, he decided іп 1951 to return 
to New York City and try his luck on the 
Broadway stage—but his luck was all 
bad. When nobody would hire him, he 
gave up on the theater and became a 
substitute high school teacher. It wasn't 
until three years later that he resumed 
acting, in summer stock. Subsequent 
parts in several TV dramas, a couple of 
flop plays and a wel wed. perform- 
ance in а Broadway revival of Clifford 
Odets’ “The Big Knife" led to his 1961 
molion-picture debut as a political op- 
portunist in “А Fever in the Blood.” 
Before long, he settled into а remu- 
nevative, if unspectacular, career as а 
supporting player in 26 films, among 


do in life, but TV is ied to a moral 
taboo about il. We're afraid the public 
will object; and most of the lime they 
don't object at all.” 




them “Kelly's Heroes? “Waterhole #3," 
"Doctors Wives" and “What Did You 
Do in the War, Daddy?"—in which his 
blowhard performance as an outrageous 
general inspired Lear and Yorkin to cast 
him as Archie Bunker. The impact of 
his association wilh "All in the Family" 
was made abundantly clear not long ago 
in theaters exhibiting revivals of “Cleo- 
patra,” the epic 1963 film starving the 
Burions, When O'Connor first appeared 
onscreen as Casca, concealing a dagger 
beneath his toga, audiences laughed and 
shouted, “Hey, there's Archie!” 

Despite many other roles since Casca 
(most recently as the Presidential candi. 
date in “Of Thee 1 Sing,” CBS’ rousing 
revival of the 1931 stage lampoon of 
national politics), the Archie image may 
well dog O'Connor through the re- 
mainder of his career—a fact that he 
tacitly acknowledges in his recently 
launched nightclub асі by wondering 
aloud whether O'Connor is Archie's 
master or vice versa. To ascertain the 
similarities and differences between the 
actor and the character he so credibly 
plays, Contributing Editor Richard War- 
ren. Lewis visited O'Connor at his home 
in Brentwood, California. Lewis writes: 

“O'Connor's house, an. 11тоот Hal- 
ian Mediterranean. mansion, is worlds 
removed from the tattily furnished bun- 
galow of the Bunkers. Everything, from 
18th Century French tales to hand- 
painted Duich screens, a sofa uphot- 
slered in hand-woven Indian yaw silk, 
a modern glassand-chrome coffee table 
and the Oriental carpeting, testifies lo 
the elegant and eclectic taste of O'Con- 
nor and Nancy, his wife of 21 years. 
Mis. O'Connor, ап accomplished por- 
trait artist who stands six feet tall, 
took те on a tour of the premises, 
which have been lauded in several archi- 
tectural periodicals 

“Ona table in the living room were vol- 
umes of biography, art and short stories, 
beside a сору of ‘The Great Robinson, 
а film script O'Connor has written about 
an upper-middie-class black lawyer who 
is exiled by his own people—a prop- 
erty scheduled to go before the cam 
eras this year, starving Sammy Davis J 
O'Connor, who was on the far side of 
the room tinkering with а four-speaker 
audio system, waved a cigar and mo- 
tioned me toward an illuminated ar- 
moire well stocked with expensively filled 
Waterford crystal decanters. He wore a 
short-sleeved sport shirt flapping outside 
his wash-and-wear trousers—a camouflage 
that barely concealed his ample waisi— 
апа а pair of fashionable suede Gucci 
loafers. When he spoke, his A’s were the 
broad tones of a classically trained actor; 
they sounded incongruous coming from 
the jowly face of Archie Bunker. 
atch in hand, he led the way 
through double French doors to а 
poolside terrace and sat down in а 

asbacked directors chair with his 
eight-year-old boxer, Fred, nestled at his 
feet. Sitting in the shadows of olive and 
cypress trees, we could hear the murmur 
of traffic on a nearby freeway, the calls 
of blue jays and the shrieks from a soft- 
ball game in the street, їп which 
O'Connor's ten-year-old adopted son, 
Hugh, was playing center field. After the 
standard pleasantries, we got down to 


serious conversation." 

PLAYBOY: Why do you think so many 
Americans have responded to Archie 
Bunker and what he stands for? 
‘CONNOR: Because he's recognizably re 
Everybody can relate to him in s 
way because they know him. Blacks have 
encountered him. So h 
been their neighbor. 
milies. Most of the 
secn in telev s are emxscu- 
lated com characters that nobody 
has сусг really touched or talked to. 
They're ger or smaller than life; if 
еуте d, they're sweetly flawed 
ut Archie is different. His llaws—racism 
and bigotry—involve him іп the rei 
world, not the make-believ їз is 
monumental di тіп American lite 
ature, not just a stick figure on televisi 
He's got more balls than anyone who pre- 
ceded him on the tube, and so does the 
idea of the show itself. 

PLAYBOY: Archie has been called a work- 
ing-class hero. Do you think that's wu 
O'CONNOR: No, I don't. By definition 
it hero is a champion of the underdog, а 
defender of principles, a man of nobili- 
ty. Archie embraces none of these 
tues. In fact, some critics have charged 
that we're presenting the wrong kind of 
example to the working class. An edito- 
rial in the Teamsters Union publication 
condemned us for caricaturing the work 
ingman as a potbellied, simple-minded, 
beer-swilling racist and bigot. 
PLAYBOY: Is Archie an antihero, tli 
O'CONNOR: Archie is neither hero nor 
antihero. He's а reactor—one of that bi 
group in the middle upon which both 
heroes and antiheroes feed. Not that he 
represents any particular class. This is 
one of the reasons for his popularity. 
There's something of Archie in 
people and on all levels. I know s 
лу rich people who have never bı 
blue collar in their whole lives who are 
more like Archie than any wo 
Гуе ever known. 

PLAYBOY: You say he's no hero, Is he 
ly moral? 

least basic: 

O'CONNOR. He thinks he is But his 
morality is mainly centered on sexual 


O'CONNOR: Anything that embarrasses 

Archie is immoral. Thats why sexual 
discusions in the home are forbidden 
And subjects like menopause, impotence, 
miscarriage and homosexuality, all uf 

which we've done shows about. Archie" 
daughter said to him onc night. "You 
can't even bear the mention of the word 
sex," and Archie replied, “I don't allow 
no four-letter words in this hou 
PLAYBOY: What about outside the house; 
would he go to an X-rated movie? 
O'CONNOR: He did go опе night. The 
kids dragged him off to sce one and he 
was very upset by it. But if he were 
down at Kelsey's bar and the boys sug- 
gested going to a great stag movie, he'd 
go—and enjoy himself. In one episode, 
he told Mike that when he was in the 
Army Air Corps in Italy, the boys went 
off to a whorchouse and he accompanied 
a single guy indulging 
himself. If he had been married at the 
c, he probably still would have donc 
But he needed the impetus of the 
boys saying “Let's all go out and get 
laid" before he could go along with it. 
PLAYBOY. Was he just having some fu 
or do you think he was trying to prove 
his manhood with the rest of the guys? 
O'CONNOR: A lot of sex is undertaken 
to prove something to others or to you 
self. I suppose some of it is undertake 
out of purely sexual desire, But 1 su 
pect that some of it—at least among 
those of Archie's generation and back 
ground —is undertaken out of guilt. 
PLAYBOY: Feeling as uptight as he does 
about it, how is Archie's sex lile with 
O'CONNOR: Except for a menopausal 
interlude she underwent on one of last 
years shows, Edith seems to me rathe 
content. 1 suppose if she were sexually 
deprived, it would show up in some way 
contrary to thc happy appearance she 
gives. I think they have a fairly active 
sexual life, limited only by the dimini: 
ing interest and abilities of advancing 
c. The writers suggest that there's 
something wrong with Archie 
ual way, what with the Іше jokes they 
give to Edith that have reference to his 
sexual inertia. But 1 don't believe that 
and I've complained about it. The fun. 
ny line has to take precedence, thou; 
and I сап get much support to cli 
these things. 
PLAYBOY: Is Archie f. 
O'CONNOR: If cheat r on his 
mind, he's forgotten about it, because the 
opportunities just aren't there for Archie. 
He seems to beat a path between work 
and home, and his recreation is mostly 
the neighborhood saloons where he 
likely to run into ladi 

wouldn't b 
can be picked up. But ev 

ady on the make, I don't thi 
he'd know what to do with it anymore. 
PLAYBOY: Do you feel that his sexua 
titudes influence any of his other views? 
O'CONNOR: Well, Archie regards his son- 
—who has no hang-ups about sex. 
or not as many as Archie—as a semi- 
pervert, and he demonstra every 

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keep dry. 

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ay. If Mike brought up the subject 
of contraceptives or birth control, he'd 
be told to get his mind out of the gutter 
PLAYBOY. Since Archie and Edith have 
only one child—probably for economic 
reasons—isn't it likely that they practice 
birth control themselves? 

O'CONNOR: Sure, but birth control 
gives freedom to ladies to enjoy them- 
selves sexually without fear of conse 
quences, so in that sense he feels it’s а 
bad thing. In the sense that it prev 
more blacks and Puerto is and im. 
digents from being born, birth control is 
а good thing, because all those welfare 
children will cost him money. 

at docs Archie have 



O'CONNOR: The fact il 
ent from hii 
The most 

t they're differ- 
. and therefore unequal. 
Imirable black guy in the 
still just a black guy то Archie 
He can never get over that то make 
genuine contact with the black man or 
let the black man make contact. with 
him. He m € «үй conversations 
with Lionel Jefferson, his black neigh- 
Lor's kid, but they 
barrier he has wii 
by his parents at a хе 
not really all his fault. They told 
when he was or seven that it 
bad business to play with black kids. 
he was told to be wary of the Jews 
he was probably told that no Catholi 
were to be trusted, either. Unless expe- 

always stop at the 

ience teaches him otherwise. he will 
carry these s m all 
his life. 

PLAYBOY: Have Archie's ra 
in any way since 

al attitudes 
the show 

Archie to change his at 1 
would have to come down personally 
nd speak to him 
PLAYBOY: Is he rcligious? 
O'CONNOR: Not very. He goes to church 
only unwillingly. Maybe once a year, with 
‘dith, he goes to one of the Protestant 
services, d Easter time or maybe 
t Christmas. He feels very strongly that 
xl is Шеге, but organized religion, de- 
riving from a system of belief and wor- 
ship. is not only beyond him but very 
ng to him. Ministers are selling а 
^d of morality that he doesn't accept. 
him what he should do 
fellow man, and his concept is 
that he should do nothing for his fellow 
man, because there's no man that’s do- 
anything for him. If he's geuing 
der his own steam, then every- 
с should do the same. He thinks. 
sters who preach that dogma are 
raving socialists, as contemptible a lot as 
the raving socialists who make up that 
communist front organization known as 
the Democratic ty 
PLAYBOY: How does Archie feel about 
the Repu 

а conservative, he finds 


the Republican Party more appealing. 
more truly American. He somehow 
the notion that the С.О. Р. stands for 
direct no-nonsense action, especially 
when it comes to {оге irs. Ма 
country is at odds with the United 
States, he thinks we ought to tell that 
nation how it should behave and to 
warn them that they'd better start shap- 
S up or suffer the consequences For 
those reasons, Barry Goldwater is the 
kind of Republican Archie likes. 
PLAYBOY: How docs he feel about Rich- 
ard Nixon? 

O'CONNOR: І don't think he likes N 
on all that well, other than because he's 
the Commander in Chief. We've had 
Archie criticize Nixon on the show once 
nplicitly if not directly, He 
approve of the Nixon wip to 
for example. And the President's 
51500 floor under incomes was а move 
that no New Dealer ever seemed to have 
contemplated, and I don't think Archie 
liked that. He doesn't approve of giving 
an y away to anybody. 

If he were unemployed. of course. 
he'd be the first ло pick up his unem- 
ployment check. And he's looking for 
ward то his Social Se But he 
thinks that welfare. programs are squeez 
ing his bucks. He's wrong: the war is 
squeezing his bucks. but he doesn't 
know how to disapprove of the war. 
Archie goes along with the Government 
line that we must interfere abroad for 
our own security. He doesn’t trouble to 
analyze it. but then how many people 
do? We accept what the President tells 
us in this country. We're contemptuous 
of foreign nations that go along with 
their dictators; yet in this country, we 
go along uuquestioningly. The President 
sends troops mbodia and you 
take a poll the next day and find that 70 
percent or 80 percent think he did the 
right thing. 

1 feel that the para 
d today is d 

mount issue in the 

c American Preside 

power to start wars. He can precipitate 
war more quickly than the presidium 

in Mosxow. 1 don w anybody in 


маг a 


aterally as ап 
з President. Except in a war of 
selfdefense, as World War Two. 
where an immediate response is v 
1 without asking anybody any 
one man has no right to make 
n for us. Wa matter. for 
the conscience and the mor idement 
‘of the people in the democracy. 
PLAYBOY: How would Archie fect about 
the view that war is a matter for indi- 
vidual conscience and moral judgment? 
Specifically, what would he think 
proposals of amnesty for draft. dod, 
who claim that our Vietnam involve- 
ment is immoral? 

O'CONNOR: As far as Archie's concerned, 
mnesty would be tantamount to letting 


PLAYBOY: What about another youth 
oriented proposil—that of reducing 
lies for those convicted of using 
O'CONNOR: Archie has heard that the 
ids like marijuana, so it must be bad 
nd he's heard chat it leads to U 
communil living and sexual 
and abandonment of responsibility and 
mally, to crime, so it’s a national men. 
ace, and the Communists n well be 
pushing it. 

PLAYBOY: How do you feel about m: 

O'CONNOR: My experience with it is 
slight. E first smoked marijuana 3 
ago aboard ship when I was in th 
merchant marine, One cigarette gave me 
the same feeling that several generous 
drinks would give me. In later years, I 
smoked it at a friend's aparunent and 
felt the sam 
noticed when I was driving home that 
ту depth perception had been есед 
in а startling way. Objects that were 
close to me seemed to be f. way. 
Needless to say. that’s not very helpfa 
lor driving. It scared me. So 1 dont 
think I'd ever use it except maybe 
home, with the knowledge that I wasn't 
going anywhere for the rest of the eve- 
ning. And as soon as it becomes legal 
PH Keep it in the house for friends who 
might want 
the cibinet 
PLAYBOY: Do you favor legalizing n 
juana, then? 
O'CONNOR: Oh, у 
be voted on. We free use o 
hol; matijuana to me should be 
s They say it leads to t 
to that. But the illc 
probably wh. 

0 yours 

s F'd felt before, but 1 

t, just as Т keep liquor i 

I think it 

is it eels 
ity of the drug is 

to a lot of 
things. In any event, heavy punishment 
for mere possession should. be eliminat 
ed immediatel 
capital pun 
O'CONNOR: He's 100 
of it, because he thinks its a deterrent 
to crime. Speaking for myself. m con 
aced that its no deterrent wh 
ind i as been, In fact, recent. psy 
chological studies indicate that it might 
even be a stimulus: Certain people want 
10 be punished. so they commit capital 

makes it le 

Archie's views on 

percent in favor 



crimes im order to get the ultimate 
PLAYBOY: How does Archie feel about the 

upsurge of violent crime in the 
O'CoNNOR І don't think he 
ids Ше nature of a 
ives people to crime and wha 
people i 
the terrible frustrat t the bot 
tom of society who feel that they're never 
going to make it any other way. They 


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might be caught, shot, thrown into the 
pen, but what the hell, the репу not 
lot worse than where they've been 
living. Archie's solution to crime would 
be more powerful suppression: tougher 
cops, tougher prisons, tougher laws. 
‘That'll eliminate the crime, all of which 
he says is coming from blacks and 
Puerto Ricans. 

PlAYBOY: Is he equally righteous about 

white-collar crime—such as 
O'CONNOR: Archie thinks that cert 

ds of corruption and thievery aren't 
really wrong. In one show, he upbraided 
ith for leaving her name and address 
on an automobile that she damaged. 
"That kind of dishonesty isn't corruption 
in Archies book, because he thinks 
everybody docs it, so by consensus it’s 
OK. He would expect politicians to steal 
a little if they could 
PLAYBOY: In another episode, Archie 
found himself the victim of Government 
surveillance. How does his view of priva- 
cy invasion compare with yours? 
O'CONNOR: At по time did Archie ob- 
ject to Government surveillance. He just 
doesn’t want it to be directed. against 
him. When it was, he chastised h 
friends rather than the Government for 
bringing it upon him. As far аз Archie's 
concerned, the Government сап do no 
wrong. As [ar as I'm concerned, searches 
and seizures are outlawed under the 
Constitution, and the Government is no 
more privileged than any citize 
ally, 1 know very 
our Government and every 
is going to do it, no matter 
е upon them. If 
tion gathered in an illegal w 
can't be introduced in court. that's the 
best we can do. A lor depends on who 
the Attorney General is. The guy who's 
the head of the Federal police will 
his own policies and he'll bend the 
regulations to suit himself while he's in 
control. Ramsey Clark went one way 
John Mitchell went another, 

PLAYBOY: What did you think of Mitch- 

еШ record as Attorney General? 

O'CONNOR: The greatest error that 
red his time in office the 

cruments prosecution. of the Chi 
Seven. 1 understand that many lawyers 
in the Department of Justice. strongly 
against prosecuting that case, 
& that it would never hold up. 
the Federal atto Chicago 
went al nyhow Ik there were 
two reasons the Government won Ше 
case and got convictions against those 
kids. One was Judge Hollman, who from 
all reports shouldn't be sitting on the 
bench; the othe William Kunsde 
1 reports shouldn't be prac- 
ting law. Berw 
became а shambles and the Governmi 
PLAYBOY: There are those who contend 
that the Government was equally unwise 


who fror 

en those two, the 


in deciding to prosecute Angela Davis. 
Do you agree? 

O'CONNOR: There again, J thought from 
the very beginning that they had abso- 
lutely по case and that a serious judge 
and jury would release that girl. It was 
ridiculous to charge her with conspiracy, 
and even more ridiculous that she was 
jailed without bond for over a year. The 
Government should pass legislation to 
compensate not only Angela Davis for 
the time and anguish she has 
behind bars but also the thousands of 
others who are held and then found 

PLAYBOY: How would Archie feel about 

O'CONNOR: He'd probably think the jury 
was rigged and ought to have joined 
Angela in her cell. 
PLAYBOY: Do you have 
ing а character whose v 
tithetical to your own? 
O'CONNOR: I don't have to share 
feelings of my characters to pl 
don't have to have known 1 
order to play a death scene or ge. 
1 wouldn't have 10 delve into myself to 
play Macdull's gricf at the. news of the 
rder of his children. I'm a kind of 
reporter of Archie's emotions. And I do 
а damn good job of reporting. 

PLAYBOY: But you seem to have a great 
deal of allection for him. 

O'CONNOR: J have a great deal of sym- 
pathy for him. As James Baldwin wrote, 


y problem play- 

ws are so ud 

m. I 

the white man here ік trapped by his 
own history, a history that he himself 
cannot comprehend, and therefore what 

сап I do but love him? As I said before, 
Archie is not altogether to blame for his 

PLAYBOY: Wouldn't you say that one of 
those weaknesses is the lack of a sense of 
humor about himself? 

O'CONNOR: Yes, I certainly would. Come 
to think of it, I don't believe we've done 
a show in which Archie has a real laugh. 
about anything. least of all himself. He 
sneers. He harrumphs. But he has never 
erupted in honest gales of laughter. 
PLAYBOY: Why not? 

O'CONNOR. Beciuse he's rendered. him- 
self incapable of ir. Things jus fi 
funny to people like him. And that's sad. 
He's unhappy because he feels threat- 
ened and thwarted. The world is rush- 
g past him into a future that he curt 
even sce, and as it rushes by, it ignores 
n That drives H wild. There are 
millions like hi Hes a working stiff 
who doesn't make much money and finds 
imsell terribly pinched. The world not 
only refuses to act as Archie wishes it to; 
it seems to be jeering at him. 

PLAYBOY: Archie шау feel he’s too much 
of a liule guy to be heard. But you're a 
celebrity and what you say makes new 
Why is it that you haven't spoken out 
ist what you think is wrong with 

O'CONNOR: | haven't spoken өш, or 


Organizations concerned with 
like eliminating pollution or 
cleaning up the ghettos, simply because 
I haven't got the time. St l think 
helping save the nation from pollution 
is a hell of a lot more important th 
appearing on a nightclub stage or ma 
ing record albums. But sometimes you 
must do th don't appear to be 
of much value to anybody else. I have to 
do whatever jobs I've contracted to do 
asa performe 
PLAYBOY; Still, don't you (ссі lty 
about not finding time for some kind of 
public-service work? 

O'CONNOR: Sure, I feel guilty. 1 worry 
about it, But, like most guilts, it's pal- 
liated by pleasures. Let me give you an 
example. During my most recent appe: 
ance in Las Vegas, while shooting craps. 
1 lost a couple of Gs. When my wife saw 
the markers 1 had signed on our hotel 
bill, she said to me in a very patronizing 
manner: “Think of the unfortunate 
children. you could 
school with that mone! 
right. I felt guilty. Сой 
next day, 1 gave an extra-large donation, 
PLAYBOY: If you have time to gamble, 
why can't you find the time for 
constructive activi 
O'CONNOR: Christ, don't you th 

if it coss me a couple of gr 
have no idea 
myself professionally 
guess that’s my big ego trip—trying to 
cover all of this new territory, doing 
night clubs, recordings, television spe 
cials, my own show, promoting written 

material of mine that’s been lying 
around for years and that pcople are 
suddenly showing an interest in. Instead 

of going at these opportunities conse 
ively, I've rushed at them like a child 
who's always had things doled өш to 
him in small 1 suddenly 
finds the gate open and a pile of goodies 
in front of him. I should be mature 
enough at the age of 48 to know that I 
can't encompass it all. That kind of 
avaricious attitude is more appropriate to 
the character of Archie than to my ow 
PLAYBOY: On whom have you based his 
character, if not on yourself? 

O'CONNOR: I'm using as my model а com- 
posite of people like Archie that I've 
known or met. I've taken his physical 


movements from а couple of аси 
ances—his cocky swagger around the 
house, the way he smokes and handles a 

2 If I'm imitating anybody's speech 
ранет, it’s that of a New York State 
supremecourt judge who once said in 
my hearing that he used to enjoy a 
certain restaurant out іп Queens but 
that he hadn't gone there in recent y 

because it had become “а regulah rende. 
vooze fa bums.” He talked exactly like 
Archie. His accent was pure Canarsi 
And this was а man who had been to 


` you bis day oda yourself. 







If you were to put that 

law school. 
judge in Archi 

job and put Archie on 

Ше judge's bench, you wouldn't be 
aware of the switch. 
So in the speech and in certain physi 

I haven't called upon 
1. Archie's bigotry 
asses. Гуе heard 

al characterist 

also cuts across all c 
some of the most privileged people say- 

ing the same dumb things about race 
d religion and philosophy that Archie 
says all the time. The only dillerence is 
that they don't mispronounce the words. 
PLAYBOY: How do blacks in the audience 
act to Archie's racism? 

O'CONNOR: Usually in a positive m: 
ner, One black letter writer told me the 
reason he liked the show was that for 
the first time ће felt that the racist was 
being portrayed plainly for everyone to 
see. He said he could sit back and look 
at this racist and say. what the hell ha 
1 got to bc afraid of? This guy is morc 
ightened, more thr an I am. 
PLAYBOY- The Ju of Ebony 
contended that such an attitude is Іші- 
blacks into a false sense of security. 
Do you think that may be true? 
O'CONNOR: Their argument is highly 
theoretical. They don’t bring forth any 
blacks who give evidence of being lulled 
imo a false sense of security. If they 
could somehow show me and Norman 

Lear that blacks are being misled by our 
program, that they're lying down and 
beginning to accept stereotyping all over 

gain, we'd quit. 
PLAYBOY: You once said. you'd never met 
a black person who didn't like the show. 
Would you still say that? 
O'CONNOR: No, 1 would Iv 
learned that Bill Cosby doesn't lik 
show, from what I hear of statements 
he's made on ious talk shows, And 
I've found out that Whitney Young 100k 
a dim view of it, Maybe there are more 
black people than 1 think don't 
like the show. But any black who's ever 
come to me im person, and there have 
heen scores of them, has always had only 
the best to say. 

PLAYBOY: Again according to Ebony, the 
show's use of racdal epithets such as 
“won” and "jungle bunny" has caused 
several ugly incidents and а great deal 
of tension ai a once-placid integrated 
New York high school. Docs that con- 
cern you? 

O'CONNOR: Well. some people sce ten- 
sion where others don't. I remember I 
having dinner in Rome and 1 ran 
to the American writer Max Lerner. It 
was at a time when an Italian flier who 
was flying a mercy cargo into the Congo 
had been butchered, Lerner said to me 
that he felt tension all over. Rome that 
ht. I felt nothing. I said, “Where do 
you find it?" He sid, "E feel it in the 
people. everywhere Т go." To me, Rome 
seemed to be Rome as always. At various. 
times during 1955, 1956 and 1957, I 


aght in public schools in New York. 
According to the papers, the school in 
which I taught a hotbed of juvenile 
crime; the tension was at a high pitch 
day in and day out. I didn't [eel that 
We had juvenile problems, but сусту 
school them. I guess the answer to 
this is if you're looking for tension, 
pu're sure to find it 

PLAYBOY: Dr. Alvin F. Poussaint. a black 
psychiatrist at Harvard, feels that All in 
the Family is deplorable "not only in 
terms of how it might be influencing 
so because it does 
hing at the kind 
of bigotry and racism Archie expresses.” 
How would you answer that? 

O'CONNOR: Well, he must feel personally 
in danger. Evidently, the black people 
who have come to me don't feel the same 
danger as Dr. Poussaint. 
PLAYBOY: Just what is the extent of your 
contact with black: 
O'CONNOR: | meet them in su on 
the street. One time, a black guy rigging 
а telephone line called to me from 30 
feet in the air. He said, “Hey, 
ight on, 1. "That's kinda going out 
of your w The working people 
1 run across endorse the show. So do 
a number of blacks in thc medical, den- 
tal and | 
lor 20 to 

on a very close basis. 
old pal 

them has bee attorney for а long 
time. and I don't think he'd lie. He's a 
criminal lawyer who comes across people 

on every level. and he tells me all thc 
blacks he knows love the show. 


O'CONNOR: Becau: is рей 

portrayed truthfully for the first time on 
; 1а 1, and blacks 
react favorably to the truth of the por- 

wayal. They are also seeing this man 
true condition, which is the condi- 
tion of a loser. Archie's a loser because 

of his basic errors in judgment—his rac- 
ism and his bigotry. These t 

oppressing the black man, but the black 
man sees in Archie the gradual loss of 
of the man who has oppressed 
st in the last stage of 
That fact emerged. very 
ly during the show in which his 
nsurance is canceled. He's living in a 
lirik arca, on the fringe of a black 
hborhood, can’t do a damn 
thing about it 

In the same show, we showed Archie 
trying to deal with the problem of which 
of three subordinates to fire. There 
too many black guys and too many 
white guys working at his factory, and 
only one Puerto Rican. So he fires the 
Puerto Rican and there's mo stati 
Ironically, he did this at the same time 
his insurance was being canceled: so 
he was discriminating unfairly at the 
same time he was being discriminated 


against unfairly. His powerlessness i 
shown in the circumstances that forced 
him to make the decision he made. On 
the job. white power and black power 
dictated that the Puerto Rican be the 
victim. Archie couldn't make an inde- 
pendent decision, even though the white 
worker he spared was useless to him. 
Someone who can't make an independ- 
ent decision is a powerless guy. 

PLAYBOY: According to a New York 
Times article by Lama 7. Hobson—the 

author of Gentleman's Agreement, a 
novel dealing with prejudi 

far from powerless. In fact, she thinks his 
power to make people look at 
lightheartedly is insidious i 
izes racism, making it seem less dan 
gerous and detestable than it actually is. 
O'CONNOR: 1 thought her article was 
nonsensical. The pivotal point of her 
argument was that we ought to usc 
worse epithets than we do on the show 
nd thus prevent the character of Archic 
from being in any way lovable. What 
we've done, and what I've done, is make 
Archie not the head of a lynch mob but 
a human being who is also a bigot. He 
has love in his heart for his wife, for his 
daughter, even for the son-in-law he’s 
fighting with all the time, He has human 

concerns, fears, weaknesses, moments of 
affection that make him person 
Laura Hobson didn't w. о do that. 

She wanted us to make him a onc- 
dimensional Jower-cl: 
PLAYBOY: How do you а 
fact 0 the Tunes r 
ed her view by m 
O'CONNOR: Well, letter 
wrilers supported her four to one. Т 
think there were a lot of people who 
didn’t write. Negative letters are always 
more numerous than positive lette 
And, in this case, a lot of them were 
written by Jews of the old school, the 
kind who Teel that the only way to 
ameliorate anti-Semitism or any other 
kind of racism is to smother it in silence. 
PLAYBOY: Do you receive a lot of hate 

O'CONNOR: Probably no more than any- 
body else. The really obnoxious hate 
mail is exemplified by letters tha 
Struthers, who plays my d 
ceived after a show іп which 
thrown her s around the black 
Mike Evans—who plays Lionel 
burst of enthusiasm. One guy wrote in 
nd said, you two 
niggers lı " Another 
guy wrote, 
ny wool over 

lership support- 
ly four to one 
lets say the 

nybody's eyes. We 
very insidious, 

All in the Family is а 

»mmunist show. 

But most of the mail I get is reas 
ably literate. And 95 percent of it is 
fiom people who feel the show has done 
something to or for them, One 17-year 
old kid wrote and said our show had 
amily from permanently break- 
‚ He hadn't talked to his father 

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in a year, except when his mother forced 
him to say good morning and good 
evening. One might he was co 
through the living room while his f 
was watching the show 
said. "Hey. sit down and watch this." 
Suddenly they were both laughing to- 
gether and when the show was over, they 
began to discuss it. The kid said, "Hey. 
A woman wrote in 
to say that her husband was getting off 
some bursts of racism at the table one 
lLyearo!d daughter, 
when he paused in the one-way conver- 
jected: “Have you finished, 
\ lot of people write that we're 
naking them understand their own feel- 
ings and their own prejudices. 
PLAYBOY: Do you feel that's what you're 
O'CONNOR: Absolutely. If there were 
ny doubt in my mind, I wouldn't do 
the show. If T felt for one moment that 
this show was doing any harm. I'd drop 
it like a hot coal. 1 сап make a goddamn 
good living without All in the Family. 
PLAYBOY: Did you anticipate the amour 
of controversy the show would generate 
when you agreed to do it? 
O'CONNOR: To a certain extent, I did. 
I was living in Rome at the time; 1 had 
1 apartment there, which I kept at a 
igh rent for four months after I re- 
turned to the United States, so sure was 
I that the American. public would c: 
plode in indignation about 1 show 
and force CBS to take it off the air. In 
my contract, I insisted on round-trip air 
transportation [rom Rome for myself and 
my family. I just didn't think the Amer 
can pcople could stand to listen to a 
character who talked about coons and 
Hebes and spicks, even though the pub- 
lic knows damn well that most people 
talk this way in their homes. I thought 
they wouldn't want to be reminded of 
or that the guilt feelings they would 
feel from this would surface and inspire 
a protest. I would bet you 
money. I was so sure that we were going 
to fail Furthermore, the show was al- 
ready a two-time loser. ABC had paid 
for two previous pilots and buried both 
of them. Then—wham—we went to 
рег one on CBS and we've been 
Imost ever since. 
PLAYBOY: And with that success, you've 
spawned a number of spin-offs—nota- 
bly Sanford and Son and Maude, also 
produced by Lear and Yorkin, plus a 
haltdozen other, newly controversial 
shows, What do you think of them? 
O'CONNOR: First of all, I haven't seen 
any of them. Fm familiar with Maude, 
of couse, because that setup got its start 
from one of our episodes. But in general, 
Im contemptuous of the phenomenon. 
Hollywood's contingent of plagiarists has 
dipped into our store of goods to pluck 
out a little bit here and there. Га be 
surprised if they hadn't. This “creative” 

town was started by buttonhole makers, 
penny-arcade owners and thieves of zip- 
per patents. That mentality still exists. 
1 react to those who lift ideas from our 
show the same way I react to the dis- 
honesty of humankind that has always 
existed. It pisses me off, but there's 
nothing I can do about it. 
PLAYBOY: Isn't it r 
поп being the sincerest fc 
а kind of backhanded tribute to your 
O'CONNOR: Well. 1 suppose so—bu it still 
pisses me oll. 
PLAYBOY: Were you surprised. aher a 
dozen years as а character actor in the 
movies, to find yourself a star? 
O'CONNOI ankly, yes. It was just a 
thing that seemed unattainable, I was 
quite content being one ol the highest- 
paid supporting actors in 
and being well respected in it OT 
course, I had other aspirations. I wanted 
to write plays, movies, perhaps a novel, 
and poetry or song lyrics. I always felt 
that as a successful supporting actor, I 
could make a very good living and find 
the time somehow to do these other 
things. I wasn’t looking for stardom at all. 
PLAYBOY: Are you glad you found it—or 
do you feel over 
O'CONNOR: I feel just fine about i 
recent years, I've had billing equal to the 
star of any picture 1 made: but producers 
could have made those pictures without 
me. Now there are people who, if I'll 
do the picture, can raise the money to 
ice it on my name alone. Now th 
с not just for work but because 1 
n create other work. Wha 
dous thing for the ego. The greatest satis- 
ictor is to be needed. If 
a vacuum-cleaner salesman, you 
don't have to become too personally 
involved with the product you repre- 
sent. If people aren't buying it, you start 
selling another one, But an actor isn’t 
selling somebody else's product; he's sell- 
ing himself, When you're not geuing 
work, it's a serious personal reproach. 
But there's nothing like the satisfaction 
you feel when they're buying what 
you've got to sell—and paying а great 
deal 1с To be offered a quarter of a 
is up front to do a picture, 
percentage of the world 
gross, is incredible to me. 
PLAYBOY: [t has become fashionable 
mong the wealthy—even in. Hollywood 
—not to flaunt their aflluence quite as 
conspicuously as they used to, or at least 
to feel guilty about it. How do you feel 
bout having all that money? 
O'CONNOR: Many years ago. I told 
ther Powers, who is a friend of mine in 
Rome, “Father, I've fought the fight 
against materialism for years, but I'm 
afraid I've lost it." "There's no sense in 
pretending that I don't enjoy the luxu- 
ries. Thoreau said, “Simplicity, simp! 
simplicity!" He was tall 

away from the acquisition and owner 
ship of things that clutter up your life, 
lest your soul be no longer open to the 
spiritual things the world has to otter. 
But I find no difficulty at all in exper 

encing soul stimulation and at the same 

h I 

time owning a Masera 
until a few months ago. 
PLAYBOY: What docs owning a Maserati 
do for the sou! 
O'CONNOR: There's something uplifting 
about owning the bestlooking, best 
performing car of its type in the world, 
about the way it runs effortlessly up 
through the gears to 140 miles an hou 
PLAYBOY: Did you often drive it that fast? 
O'CONNOR: 1 never had the guts to 
take it any faster than 120, but I drove 
it over 100 as olten as 1 could. I had 
to test whether this high-priced, his 
powered machine was all men said it was. 
And iı always was. I got the same exhila 
ration out of renewing that knowledge 
every time I did it. 
PLAYBOY: Apart from 
rati, has stardom brou 
your life style? 
O'CONNOR: Well, its cost me а lot— 
and not just in money. The highest 
price you have to pay for becoming a 
celebrity is that you become a fugitive. 
Because every place I go I'm recognized 
I now consciously find myself ам 
looking at people, which is a loss. 1 сант 
move without being stopped by people 
Tor autographs or conversation. Even at 
the better restaurants, people come up 
10 my table and just stare at me while 
Im eming my scaloppine, And I can't 
go to a ball game, or any other kind of 
sporting event, or ГШ be forced to sign 
autographs for everybody in my section 
of the sands. I even get stopped at 
supermarket check-out counters. People 
take snapshots ol me in the street. One 
guy followed me down Westwood Boule 
vard the other night, taking pictures v 
a movie asses don't 
help: they recognize me in the biggest 
pair of shades you ever saw. At the De- 
ginning, that kind of adulation was a 
novelty. Its still enjoyable, but it can get 
to be а pain in the ass. Being the ob. 
served all the time is unsculiug. 1 can 
Imost leel eyes on the back of my neck 
PLAYBOY: Do those who approach you in 
public greet you as Carroll O'Connor or 

nges in 



as Arclue Bunker? 
O'CONNOR: More than half the time, 
they call me Archie—kind of in fun, you 

know—but an awful lot of strangers call 
me Mr. O'Connor. I don't think most 
people mix me up with the character. 
couple of actors did, though. They nev 
knew me belore, and they thought 1 had 
etly like Archie. I look differ 
nera, and I certainly sound 
different offcamera, but it was inconcei 
able to them that I was just playing а 
role. I had to be that guy. The public 
never had any problem with it 

PLAYBOY: You don't think ther 

danger that you'll be stereotyped and 
stuck with Archie the way S Connery 
s been with James Bond? 

‘CONNOR: I don't think so. Гус had a 
number of movie scripts submitted. to 
me that have nothing to do with Archic. 
Ive comp'eted а TV musical i 
that A 

g (e do with 
dramatic spe 
going to do later in the year, teni 
titled H's a Man's World, or Is 10, in 
which TIL do three one-act plays, one of 
them my own, that 1 
with the Archie character 

PLAYBOY: Do you and Archie have any- 
thing in common as far as life styles are 

O'CONNOR: Not ich. Archie 
both like beer, but he has 
coucept of the finer things. Occasionally, 
he'll have a still shot of rye or bourbon, 
but he has no taste for other. booze, let 
alone the kind of wines I drink, For rec- 
reation, 1 like to read and travel; Archic's 
idea of a perfect ev wou'd be to 
take night game at Shea Stadium— 
or just sit at home watching pro football 
on television. 

PLAYBOY: Would he watch All in the 

O'CONNOR: | think so. Maybe he'd get 
some laughs out of But he might 
recognize himself on the screen and те 

as nothin 

There's also 

sent the reflection 
PLAYBOY: What are his tastes in food? 

O'CONNOR: Archie is a lover of good, 
solid, well-cooked American dishes: steak. 
chops, stews. If yon took him into a 
h restaurant, though. and surprised 
him with some of the French veal dishes 
the marvelous way they do potatoes 
and other vegetables, 1 think | 
But he's never been exposed to it, He 
has to get by with the Twinkies Edith 
puis in his lunch box. If it were possible 
—and we'll have to fantasize about this 
for a тотен ГА like to take Archie to 

love it 

» osteria wp in the I 

а country inn. situated little town 
north of Parma where 1 once spent some 
time, where everything the owners served 
was absolutely fresh, where they hand-cut 
the pasta and pressed their own red wine, 
Inan sage in a subterranean 


their own 
and die herbs to flavor the ragout 
were all available in the garden 

We would start the meal with an anti- 
pasto of salami, fresh olives Irom the 
countryside, fresh onions eaten raw, with 
white wine to wash it all down. Then 
we would have a dish of spaghetti alla 
tarbonam—tha's with egg 
ad cheese mixed up in the 
ammentionable number ol calories. 
Next there would. be veal chops. Now, 
that sounds like very plain cooking, but 
as the Найапз do it in the country with 
those ancient recipes, veal chops can. be 
unbelievably beautiful. The ve; 
would be fresh zucchini or melanz 
which we call eggplant, cooked alla sicil- 
inna, with cheese and tomato. Also а 




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serving of fagiolini—large cold string 
beans vinegarand-oil dressing. All 
this would be served with homemade 
chianti. At the end, there would be some 
pungent cheese and then pears stewed in 
ip with a mixture of oth: 
fruit. and doused with maraschino bran- 
dy. Wed also have zuppa inglese, an 
i aricty of English trifle—a soft, 
creamy sort of thing. And, finally, all 
the espresso and brandy we could drin 
А meal of this kind once took my wife 
and me [rom one o'clock until after five 
to consume. And then we went to a 
rmhouse belonging to my host and 
napped until nine o'clock that night. 
Non credo que chÀ'abbimmo mangiato 
tutta la questa cosa! “I can't believe 1 
е the whole You'll have to 
forgive me for І got carried 
away. It must be getting close to dinner- 
lime. Anyhow, І think Archie would 
love that kind of meal—although he 
might leave Edith after eating it 
PLAYBOY: You and your wife have stayed 
together for 91 yems. Why has your 
mariage worked while so many other 
show-business unions 
O'CONNOR: We need cach ост. When 
people who are married stop needing 
ch other, they begin to discover mu- 
tual faults and then find reasons they 
shouldn't be living togethe 
PLAYBOY: What do you need from each 
O'CONNOR: What 1 need from my wile, 
and 1 suppose the same goes for her, is 
human closeness and warmth, her coun- 
sel, her criticism, her spiritual support 
for what I do artistically. She's the checl 
and balance on me that every human 
being needs. She provides the physical 
love and spiritual love that we all need. 
1 hope she derives the same from me. 
PLAYBOY: Why do you think the divorce 
we—in and out of Hollywood —is so 
O'CONNOR: І don't know. I can ошу 
think of friends that have been married. 
for a number of years and then split up. 
The fella usually "What do I need 
this broad for anymore? She's nothing 
but headaches.” уре she's giving him 
physical love, bur he isn’t geuing any 
Or vice versa. So 
he begins to balance the debits against 
the cred ys. "What do 1 need 
her for?" And she does the same, Му 
wife and 1 often find cach other wani- 
ing. but you see, the need is always 
there between the two of us. I guess 
we were just a lucky combination, We 
shared the same interests, the same 
friends from the beginning. 
both very much interested 
the theater but the whole professi of 
entertainment. And we always had a lot 
to talk about. These are very important 
things—a similarity of interests, а simi- 
y of artistic and professional drives, 
a sharing of friendships The whole so- 

ts and 

We were 
з not only 

dal and professional enclave w 
same for her as it for mc. 
PLAYBOY: In the course of your г 
ship, have you developed any rules of 
behavior for yourself to keep things run- 
ng smoothly? 

O'CONNOR: Only one: I try to control 
my temper. I succeed now more than 1 
did years ago. My advice to anybody is 
to try to get control early on. It's like a 
hole in a dike, that temper thing. If you 
don't patch it up when it happens, it 
gets bigger and bigger and all kinds of 
other troubles come flooding in. So you 
have to stifle yourself. 

PLAYBOY: Can you recall occasion 
when you couldn't control your temper: 
O'CONNOR: Yes, 1 can. But it didn't 
have anything to do with my wile, It 
was prompted by the way my career was 
going back in 1954 and 1 
returned from Ireland, wh 
understand why people would ve 
me any work. 1 would tell producers 
what I had done; they knew the men 
Га worked for. ‘They knew all the people 
—like James Mason and Geraldine Fitz- 
gerall—who had come from the Gate 

55, after we 
n I couldn't 

Theater in Dublin. It was а good седеп 
tial to have. But in spite of that, I wasn't 
getting any work. | couldn't even get 

arrested, I wasn't depressed, though; 1 
is hell. I felt that. everybody 
s stupid, a bunch of ignoramuses. 
How dare they not hire m 
While I was looking lor work, 
ly on what Nancy made 

as a teacher; her take-home pay was 
about $325 a month. So with me 
the rather advanced age of 30 and mar- 
my wife and 1 were 


obliged to live with my mother in Forest 
Hills—in the house where I grew up. 
That didn't 

do much lor my ego. I 
n support the two ol us. 
‚ту mother had one kind of 
ile and we had another. We wanted 
y and our own place. In order to 
‚ L had to do something to bring 
in some extra loot. Finally, 1 went over 
to the board of education in Brooklyn 
and took the first exam that came up— 
which was for nglish teacher, 
though history had been my major in 

college. 1 passed th h exam and 
got a substituteteacher’s license and 
then I started to make about 5325 

month, too. So after a while, we had 
plenty of money and we got our own 
apartment, in. Rockaway, Queens—not 
w from the neighborhood where the 
Bunkers live. We had a new car and 
nice furnishings. We lived very well. 
PLAYBOY: Did you like teaching? 
O'CONNOR: Well, 
taught first at a junior hi 
the West Side of Manhattan, then at 
Textile High on 17th Street. and finally 
at the High School of Performing Arts, 
all as a substitute teacher. le was 
kind of a tough school, Шоц 

it was а challenge. 1 

ran into a Blackboard Jungle situation 
I had a class of 45 boys from the ages of 
14 to 19 who were the most troublesome 
in all the other classes at the school. 
"The administration's remedy was to take 
these misfits out of the other classes and 
put them all into one hellhole of a class. 
And to whom did they give that assi 
ment? То the most inexperienced teacher 
in the whole goddamn school—Carroll 
O'Connor, who had been kidded about 
his girl's name since he was ten. 

My task was mainly to keep them in 
, because they'd been given up on as 
far as Jearning was concerned. At first, 
the kids all thought I was a сор who 
had been planted in the school to inves- 
tigate drug pushing. They questioned 
me about it all the 
never admit that 1 was or I w 
must tell you frankly, I controlled my 
class by intimidating them and geting 
physical in one or two instances. The 
very first I found onc of the boys, 
who was a senior, sitting in my chair 
with his [eet on the desk. I later learned 
that this class had, in the previous term, 
whole row of desks on fire and 
ihe teacher, keeping the doors 

с, but I would 

set а 

who were tying to 
n to put ош the fire. This boy, 
Who was now sitting desk, had 
finally let everybody in to put the fire 
out with extinguishers. He was an Ital- 
ian kid. There was some competition 
between him and а black kid as to who 
was the real boss of the class 

Anyway, when I саше into the room, 
ihe dassroom was utter pandemonium. 
A game of tag was going on—using only 
the tops of the desks, not the lloor—and 
the object was to avoid being tagged. 
There was another game going on that 
g blackboard erasers at 
one another: if you were hit, you were 
ош. Chalk was being fired around. 
Cards were being played. The most ve- 
spectable students were playing black- 
k: they were the quiet ones. And the 
Talian kid was in my chair with his feet 
up on my dex. I got attention by 
slamming the door behind me with 
such force that 1 was afraid Fd break all 
the glass in it. I didn't say anything, 
because I just had 4 feeling thai words 
wouldn't do at the moment, 

They all stopped. and everything got 
quiet as they looked me over. My first 
move was to walk over to the desk, half 
kick and half push the boss kid out of 
the chair. I gor him în the as. The 
chair went over and he went over, land 
ing on the foor. As he started to get up. 
mad, I grabbed hold of him and told 
him I w 

involved throw 


going to punch his teeth 

down his throat He said. “Don't!” 
"OK," I said, "then get into this scat 
here," He sat down. I looked up and 


told the rest of them, with 
glare that Archie would have 

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proud of, “AI а yah, siddown!" And 
it worked. I've kept a variation of that 
look in my repertoire, playing it for hu- 
ther than for menace. I use it, in 
ight-club act I do four weeks 
Reno and Vegas. 
t kind of act do you do? 
O'CONNOR: Weill. I start with a mono- 
log as Archie, and then I sing some soi 
of the Thirties from my first album, 
Remembering You. That's it; no frills 
like tap dancing or chorus girls. 115 sort 
of a cross between live theater and after- 
dinner speaking. 
PLAYBOY: What are some ol the high- 
lights of your Archie segment? 
O'CONNOR: | do about 25 minutes com- 
g about the state of the world, 
iar Archie dialect. For my 
night-club debut in Tahoe, I did some 
stuff thi al then. Li 
Wallace is a man to be 
you hear he come out de udda day lor 
busin’ da black people If the Federal 
Government buys the buses aud builds а 
bridge from Alabama to West Africa 
І also talked about on in Ch 
"One a da reasons Nixon wanted diplo- 
matic relations ovah dere was so he could 
send ovah a lotta people that would do 
da country a lotta good far away." 1 also 
had jokes about Howard Hughes, Sam 
Yorty, Hubert Humphrey and the pill: 
che pills. The 
e this pill for, 

"I don't mean no he: 
kinda headache you 
you get in a motel." 
PLAYBOY: What was the critic reaction 
to your night-club debut? 

O'CONNOR: h a few exceptions, it 
was a smash. And according to the pit 
bosses, the high rollers came in 10 sce 

however, did have the effrontery to say 
that my singing was “slighty off-key" or 
that I sounded like I was singing iu the 

PLAYBOY: Have you used 
jokes in your act? 

койу ethnic 
O'CONNOR: No, and caleulatedly so. We 
have Archie making ethnic slurs on 
the television show, but the barbs are 
always answered by members of the f: 
ily, usually by the son-in-law, In 
ight-club act, there's nobody th 
retaliate, so 1 don't do that. Most of the 
humor of All in the Family hinges on 
Archie getting a lot of static. Sometimes 
ters give him racial remarks 
vent given somebody else 
iib one. Once or 
twice it’s happened that there was just 
answer into the sc 

ve eliminated the barb 
PLAYBOY: That’s a form of self-censorship. 
Have you had any censorship imposed 
on you by the network or the sponsors? 
O'CONNOR: It's a curious thing. When 
it comes to our show, C s off. 
D think car has 
been very forceful in his arguments. On 
the ng show, he wisely took a 


when the wi 

it's because Noi 


strong stand. He told the CBS bı 
“On this first show, we're saying the 
worst we probably will ever зау. If we 
get it over with now, we'll have а much 
easier time.” There were several cor 
tested lines, but they let us use just 
about any racial epithet you can think 
of. I referred to coous, Hebes, spicks, 
Polacks. We even had micks in there 
someplace. We somehow got it all said. 
We also got some sexy stull over. 
PLAYBOY: What was the contested mate- 

One of the things CBS ques- 
tioned was when Edith and | came 
home from church and we obviou: 
interrupted the kids balling upst 
There was some kind of suggestion that 
we modily that business n 
said, “No, that's what they were doing 
d it's too vital a part of the plot, and 
furthermore, we're going to be geting 
into a Jot of this stull as the series goes 
on, and we might as well get the audi- 
ence used to it" CBS backed down. 

PLAYBOY: Didn't it scem absurd to you 
that the network would question the 
mere implication that a young n 
couple was making love offcamera? 

O'CONNOR: Indeed it did. Balling is one 
of the best things we do in lile, but 
let's face it— IV is still tied to а moral 


taboo about it. 1 really think all of us 
in the industry lag behind the public. 

Were afraid the public will object; and 
most of the time they don't obj all 
They keep fooling us. 
PLAYBOY: Have there been any conflicts 
among those involved in the show about 
what sort of material should be used? 
O'CONNOR: Yes, we've had creative dif- 
ferences that have been hard to resolve 
and we've had friction on the show over 
my rejection of a lot of material. Good 
ing is very hard to come by, especial- 
ly for television. The medium uses writ- 
ing voraciously, lil blast furnace 

would burn up sawdust. Nobody can 
keep up with its demands 

ordinary kind of mindless situati 
edy finds itself short of acceptable ma- 
terial, so ion with the 
kind of show we became, lifted 
into the commodity 

" co 

gine the situ 

Now, there 
the writt 

re many actors who 
1 word with a great deal 
өс it's part of a 
script by the time they see it. The; 
more than willing to do whatever is 
given to them. I guess I'm perverse. I 
regard everything writen that's handed 
to me with the utmost suspicion. The 
first thing 1 sce is a scripts faults; the 
last thing I'm ready to see is its merits. 
Well, certain of our story lines I've 
felt weren't real, and I've said so. As 
everybody connected with the. 
knows, a week never passes that I don't 


ge all sorts of things—and occasion- 
ly that causes problems. And one day 
had a disagreement that. suddenly 
out of proportion. This was 
which the black kid, Lionel, h 
mother and his uncle came to our house 
on Christmas Day to pass the us 
pleasantries. Lionel noticed that 


mother was standing under the mistletoe 

"Look out. Momn M 

devil with anybody standing 
mistletoe.” She was then sup- 
posed to look at me and smile expect- 
andy. | was to look at her in mixed 

bewildermen d horror, and walk 
1 didn't think this business rang truc. 

very hip, smart kid who 
knows Archie v well. He would never 
put his mother in а position where 
Archie might insult her. So we began ar- 


lled Norman on a Sunday and went 

over to his home and told him I felt 
very strongly about this, that Ға been 
thinking about it for two days and соп 

bsolutely right. I said 
we ought to change it or cut it. Norm: 
asked lor suggestions. Perhaps if Mrs 
Jefferson herself. would instigate a joke 
that might turn against her, D said. it 
might somehow take the curse off. So we 
made the change. Monday mori 
came in for reli 
ance in everybody to go along with the 
change. 1 began getting so many argu 
ments that 1 finally siid. “This must be 
cut or I guess w e à show." It 

cluded that 1 w: 

brought the whole thing up 
suggesting that we ought to con 
sider going back to the original 

1 don't think he realized how seriously 
I was taking the whole thing. At first I 
was objecting to something I just 
thought was wrong. 1 had objected to 
many things like this before and wed 
le some adjustment. Sometimes the 
saor, John Ri me 
out of it: other times we would reach а 
compromise; other t thing I didn't 
like was cut. But here was a situation 
that for some strange reason was getting 
beyond my objecting to а minor bit of 
business. My ego had become involved. 
uddenly, my resentment exploded, 
thought: “I'm the star of the 
berone show on TV. 1 carry 75 
ent of every episode. If I were some 
e Jad 
ordered out c 


ie. Gleasoi 
the street 

1 сөшійігі 
imagine how anybody would set up this 

kind of argument with a big star 
Jackie or Lucy. Why were they persis 
ing in this thing when they knew Car 
roll O'Connor didn't want it? 1 called 
my agent U ht and said, "Be pre 
pared to get me out of this show at the 

(concluded on page 205) 


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Part one of a new crime novel 
By George V. Higgins 

mission hump of the XKE. The 
touched the one nearest the gearshift 
The fat man, cramped in the passenger 
bucket, squinted at it in the moonlight. 

e driver said. "Three 
no outer d 
ou got a problem of b 
There's a whole mess of ар 
ments back up on the place, and they 
got mostly kids in them and them 

fucking bastards never go to bed, it 

seems like. What сап I tell you, except 
e careful. 
ok" the fat man said. "I'm 


like I was minding my own 
This is what you say it is. 

іс Qe 

tomorrow morning nobody's even gonna 
know I was there. Nobody'lll remem- 

ir said, "but that’s 
st you got to get through 
tonight I'd be worrie 

tomorrow. Fi 
tonight. Its 

about, I wa 

"FW decide what I'm gonna worry 
about,” the fat man said. 

"You got gloves?” the driver asked. 

“I don't like gloves,” the fat man 
said. "In this weather 1 don't 

a boslon mic 

like the digger 
can be rough, but a juice man 

might be vougher—especially 
over a mailer of eighteen thou 
like gloves. 

spots me, the hi 

it the hell, somebody 
t comes, I'm de; 
gonna help me. 
ke you say you're nobody’ 
even gonna know I w 
til everybody's Бес 

s in there umn- 
ound handling 





nd so forth." 
t T thought,” 


the driver 
ў d that about you. 
The Digger goes in barc-ass.” The driver 
pulled a pair of black-vinyl gloves out 
of the map pocket on his door. "Wear 

The Digger took the gloves in his 

left hand. “Whatever you say, my friend. 
It’s your job." He put the gloves in 
No,” the driver said, “I really mean 
. You want to go in barcas, you 
go in һате-азз. That's all right with me. 
But you get to that paper, the actual 
paper, you put them gloves on first, and 
you keep them on, OK?" 

x d help them," the 
ny people handling 
the stuff and all. I wouldn't think i'd 
ke much difference, time they found 

Well, take my word for i driver 
said, "it does. It really does. Now, I 
really mean it, you know? This is for 
my protection. Gloves on as soon as you 
get to the paper.” 

Gloves on.” the Digger sa 
You get inside,” the dri 
go left down the corridor and it's the 
fourth door. The fourth door. "There's 
about six doors in there all got 
the company name on them, but this is 
for the fourth door.” He touched the 
second key. "It says "General Manager" 
down the bottom. there, so in case 
you get screwed up, that’s the one you're 
looking for. 

Can I use a light” the Digger asked, 

Not unless you really have to,” the 
driver said. “Near as I can make out, 
there's no windows anybody can look in 
and see you moving around, but you 
never know what'll reflect off something. 
I was you, unless I absolutely had to, 1 

"OK." the Digger said, "no light." 

“I don't think you're gonna need one 
anyway,” the driver said. “We got a 
pretty good moon here and all. You 
should be able to get along all right." 
Fourth door." the Digger said. “Must 
be some kind of suspicious outfit, got a 
different key for every door and all. 
They must be afraid somebody's gonna 
come in after hours or something and 
steal something." 

"Well," the driver s; ^I don't know 
that for sure. lt could be, this'll open 
any once you get inside. Bur 
the offices're separate, you know. They 
haven't got any doors between them. So 
it's not gonna do you any good, you get 
into the third door or something, be- 
cause what we want isn't in there. I'm 
just trying to save time is all. 

The driver touched the third key. It 
was smaller than the first two. “ADT,” 
he said. "Metal box right behind the 
door, just about eye level. The lock's on 
the bottom on the right. It's got ће 


ellow monitor light, so you won't have 
no trouble find anyway. Twenty- 
second delay before it rings. Plenty of 
time. Oh, sometimes they forget to set it 
when they lock up. If the yellow lights 
off, don't touch it. You do and you'll 
turn it on and then you're gonna have 
all kinds of company. I'm pretty sure it's 
So you turn it off. T told him, I 
t alarm's on. I don't want 
nobody coming in Monday and seeing 
the alarm's off and looking around.’ He 
said he would. But just to be on the safe 
side, don't touch it if the light isn't on. 

“Do I still go in if it’s off” the Digger 

‘Sur the driver said. “The impor- 
tant thing is, get the paper. I'm just 
saying, it'd be better if the alarm w: 
on when you go in. And you shut it off 
and get what we want and then turn it 
on again and get out, You got another 
twenty seconds when you turn it on. Oh, 
and it's a cheapie. No puncher for when 
it’s on and off, no signal anywhere it got 
turned off. Single stage, it all works off 
the key. If it’s on, and you don't turn it 
off, it rings. But that's all it does.” 
"Chickenshit outfit," the Digger s; 
“Well.” the dri id, "its really 
st for the typewriters and, you know, 
case the junkies come in and start 
tearing the place apart. They don't keep 
пу real dough there, It's just for in- 
truders is all.” 

“Trespassers.” the Digger said. 

“Yeah,” the driver said, “trespassers. 
ng of which, | assume you're not 
a shitter or anything.” 

“No,” the Di 

“You А 
don't you? 

“Well, Im pretty su 
said. “I never done 



much oL 

but when 1 been in someplace, 1 never 

did, no. 
Well. in case you get the urge," the 
“wait ull you get home or 
1 had a real good guy that I 
always used to use, and he was all right. 
He could get in anyplace. You could 
send him down the cathedral d he'd 
steal the cups at High Mass. But Jesus, I 
used him probably six or seven years 
and 1 never have the slightest problem 
with him, and the next thing T know, 
he's into some museum or something 
they got out there to Salem, and he's 
aft lver, you know? And he shits, he 
turned into a shitter, Left himself a big 
fuckin’ pile of shit right on the god- 
ned Oriental rug. Well, he wasn't 
working for me or anyt ad hell, 
everybody in the world was gonna know 
the next day he was in there, because 
the silver was gone. But that was the 
end of him as far as I was concerned, 
didn’t have no more use for him. The 
thing is you don't want nobody to know 
you been in there until youre ready, 
OK? So no shit on the desks or any- 
thing. Keep your pants on, 

driver said, 

"The stuff we want," the driver sa 
“you go over to the file cabinets and 
they keep them in the third onc from 
the window. The middle drawer, OK? 
In the back, behind the ledgers. They 
keep the ledgers up to the front, and 
then there's the divider therc, and the 
booksre behind the divider. There's 
three of them. The one they're actually 
using’s on top and then there's two 
more, the reserve ones.” 

You got a key for the cabinet?” 
Digger asked 

“Usually not locked,” the driver said. 
“Tf it’s locked, the key's on the frame of 
the door you just came through. Up on 
the wood there, over the door. But 
probably not gonna be locked. If 
locked, unlock it and then when you 
through, lock it again and put the key 
back. If it's not locked, just open it 
and take the stuft and then close it up 
in. OK 

OK." the Digger said. "You 
some iceled checks, I assume.” 

"Don't need them," the driver said. 

"Somebody might go looking for somc- 
thing and then they notice they're gone. 
I got a way, I got something I can copy 
all ready." 
"They don't use a check signer or 
ything?" the Di 
‘Sometimes they do," the driver said. 
ometimes they don't. It's got а meter 
on it and they're pretty careful. about 
that, anyway. It’s only when the guy's 
away they use that, and T guess they 
must've had some trouble or something. 
because they keep that locked up prett 
good and its in another one of them 
offices, in a safe. So Fm not gon 
bother with trying to get that." 

"OK." the Digger said. 

аке from the first book," the driver 
They're all numbered in sequence 
and they're about, they just started. us- 
ing the book theyre using now. So 
theyre probably gonna, by the end 
of the month they'll be gewing down 
to where they'd bc using it up. It's a 
six-across book. Take the last five pages, 
ОК,” the Digger said. 
Don't take no more'n that,” the driv 
er said. "You do and they're liable to 
spot it the next time they use the book." 
From the floor under the driver's seat һе 
produced a razor knife. “Take them out 
lu along the binder. Don't leave. no 
‘eds. Shreds can fall out and get some 
body looking. Nice clean cuts. One page 
ага time. Don't use where it's perforat 
ed. Cut them out right along the binder 

“Don’t take nothing from the other 
the driver said. “Тһе petty cash 
Us probably got about eighty dol- 
ars in it. Leave it be. No stamps, no 
currency if there's any, no nothing. Five 
pages of checks and that's all, You give 

(continued on page 122 



тзе | to the goo: 

“When I said help you 
in mind wı 

as the strudel and rum 

nd u 



the internationally known feminist argues that—even without violence—sexual exploitation is rape 

NCE IN A HOT COURTROOM in New Zealand, I had occa- m 

saying fuck in a public meeting whether she was as dis- ІР 
gusted and offended by hearing the word rape used in a similar m 
context. She wasn't. 1 asked her why. She thought for a moment and is A FOUR- 
said happily, “Because for rape the woman doesn't give her consent.” MW 

My liule linguistic inquiry opened a sudden [=] [е] 

peephole on the labyrinth of crazy sexual attitudes LE | м ER WORD 
that we have inherited from our polyglot traditions 

{although it did not prevent my being sentenced to three weeks in jail). The craziness extends into our (mis)under- 
standing ol the nature of sexual communication and thereby finds its way back to behavior. Our muddled responses 
10 the word rape have their source in the sexual psychosis that afflicts us all, especially the policemen and judges 
who аге most vindictive in their attitudes toward those few sexual criminals who have sufficient bad luck or bad 
judgment to fall foul of the law. 

Otherwise quite humane people entertain the notion that women subconsciously or even consciously desire to 
be raped, that rape liberates their basic animality, that, like she-cats, they want to be bloodily subdued and sav- 
agely lucked, regardless of cheir desperate struggles and cries, Women are thought to provoke the sexual rage of men 
who in turn may need to add blood lust to their sexual desire in order to achieve full potency. Darwin is sometimes 
quoted as the ideological ally of the rapist and forcible impregnator—how else but by his marauding activities could 
the survival of the fittest be assured? 

Yet many women are afraid of rape as of nothing else. Women who have been raped may, as а consequence, be 
too terrified to leave their house by day or night or so distressed by male nearness thar they cannot take a job or get 
onto а crowded t There may be some truth in the notion that the lonely spinster who is terrified of intruders is 
actually longing to be violated, but her subconscious wish is of the same order as the wish of a mother to destroy her 
children, which is chiefly expressed in her far es that they may have come to violent harm. The Ї that a father 
feels against the man who rapes his daughter might as profitably be construed as jealousy. For all practical purposes 
what the spinster experiences is a fascinating terror that may become an obsession. The man who actualizes her 
fantasy is in по way gratifying her or benefiting her, except his own overweening estimation. The extent 10 
which all men participate in this fantasy of violent largess can be dimly detected in their willingness to laugh at 
Lenny Bruce's description of his aunt going into Cenir cach day for her appointment with the flashers or 
in the sneering assumption that older women and unattractive women аге disappointed if intruders or invading 
soldiers don’t rape them, 

Many (men) believe that rape is impossible. The more simple-minded imagine that the vagina cannot be pene- 
uated unless the woman consciously or subconsciously accepts the penetration, and so the necessary condition of rape 
cannot be fulfilled. The difliculty of getting a Lully erect penis into the vagina is in direct proportion to the difficulty 




of overcoming the woman, either by 
physical force or by threat or by drug 
ging her or by taking her by surprise 

The i pe is impossible may 
n invalid extension of the view that 
all women subconsciously desire or pro- 
хоке rape. It is certainty true that 
women do not defend themselves against 
rapists with any great efficiency. 
though they know that a sharp blow to 
the groin will incaps or 
high heel smashed into the temple 
certain effect. they seldom 
of what forms of self- 
iccessible to them. The 
fault lies nor in their suppressed lechery 
or promiscuity but in the induced pa 
y that is character! 
have conditioned. them 
counter groups have developed routines 
in which a woman is encouraged to fight 
off a would-be rapist. Even strong heavy 
women have had to struggle to overcome 
the passivity that impeded the rélease of 



of women as we 
Feminist ei 

energy iu self-defense: passionate. urg 
ing from the other members ol the 
was needed before they could 

itage of their own strength and 

Without special help. most women 
have no idea hoy to defend themselves 

«no concept of themselves as people 
with a right to resist physical misuse 
with violence. They ше like childre 
being beaten by their parents and their 
teachers. or slaves being brutalized on 
the plantation. Their physical strength 
remains unexploited because of ihe 
pathology of oppression, Women are 
poorly motivated to be as aggressive with 
their assailants as iheir 
with them. and so rape is eaver th 
should be. But this cannot 
justify the contemptuous attitude ol the 
rapist. Women's helplessness is itself 
part of the psychosis that makes rape a 
national pastime, And even encounter 
groups have not yet developed the kind 
of psychic energy that em defeat а gun 
or a knife or the frenzy of di 
The fear of sexual as 
ir dis int 
likened to the male fear of castration. As 


be held to 

ult is а speci: 

best be 

wity i 

women с 

derelict old meu who drooped their pal- 
lid tools at my mother and me when we 
-bathed in the beach park, but I re- 
per an occasion when much less sin- 
avior provoked wild terror. А 
i simply came. up to me and 
offered me a sweet: his kind n 
the most hideous thing I had ever seen 
Usually 1 invoked my parents’ rage be- 
cause T consorted so readily with strat 
but this time 1 recoiled from the 
зе, speechless with fright. Then I was 
nd mnning until my lungs 
ning, and 1 fell down and 
d in the grass desperate nor to 
look up for fear 1 would see that inde- 
able smile. Whenever I saw that man 


ile was 

were sc 


hanging out in the lane be 
ment. looking up my ch skirts as I 
went up or down the stairs. 1 was te 
fied. When I wied to explain to the 
grownups why I loathed that man, I 
had no words for it. but 1 knew it was 
the greatest fear of all. worse than spi 
ders or octopuses or falling olf the roof. 
Devoted sadists might a y ter- 
ror was simply the terror of my own 

ме femaleness, but it 

Freud, because | was presumably in my 
phallic phase and unaware of my vagina: 
and if such a view is not to be justified 
by the great apologist of female ma 
ochism, it is not to be justified 

ow our apart 

жие that m 

would be 

What 1 мау afraid of was таре as El 
Чїйдє Cleaver described it. "bloody, 
hateful, bitter and malignant" even 

though I had no clear idea of what it 


Sexual intercourse between grown 
men and litle girls is automatically 

termed rape under most codes of law. It 
does nor matter whether the child invites 
t or even whether luli; 
v of a felony. 

nd from 

he and he only is gu 

From the child's point of view 
the common-sense point of view, there is 

n enormous difference between inter- 
course with a willing Не girl and the 

forcible penetration of the small vagina 
of a terrified child. One woman 1 know 
with an uncle all throu 
childhood, and never realized t 
ng unusual was toward unti! she 
t away to school. What disturbed her 

is not what her unde һай done 
but the attitude of her teachers and the 
school psychiatrist. They assumed that 

she must have been traumatized and dis- 
gusted and therefore in ned of very spe- 
cial help. In order to capitulate to their 
expectations, she beg; ke symp- 
toms that she did mot until at 
length she began to feel truly guilty 
been guilty. She ended 
тү for this 


up jw 

ппате lechery 

е crucial element in establishing 
iher or mal penetration is 
is whether or not the penetration 
was consented to, Consent is itself an in- 
tangible mental act: the kaw cannot. be 
blamed for i that evidence of ab- 
sence of consent be virtually conclusive, 
хо th an who has not been si 
gely beaten or threatened. with imme 
diate harm or rendered unconscious has 
little chance of legally proving that she 
ped. Consent 
procedure: it may be heavily condit 
or thoroughly muddled, and the 1 
not allow itself to be drawn into ethical 
conundrums. Most of us do not live ac 
cording 10 the bare letier of the law but 
according 10 moral criteria of much 
grener complexity. Morally, those of us 
who have a high opinion of sex cannot 
accept the idea that absence of resistance 
sanctions all kinds of carnal communica- 


а wd 

not as 


;ovather th ely ө 

such а negative 
must insist that only cvi 
ve desire dignifies sexu 
ouse and makes it joyful. From a 
proud and passionate woman's point of 
view, anything less is rape. 

The law of rape was not made with 
woman's pride or passion in mind. ‘The 
is no more and probably even 
less the focus of the rape statutes than 
the murder viaim is the raison (ёе of 
the homicide statutes. The crime of rape 
ther considered an offense not 
the woman herself but against 
the men who made the law, fathers, hus 
bands It is а crime against 
legitimacy of issue and the correct trans 
mision ef | The illegitimate 
sexual intercourse constitutes the offense 
what the woman who complains must do 
js primarily to dissociate herself from 
any suspicion of complicity in the out- 
rage against her menfolk. This she must 
do by making a complaint immediately. 
She is regarded as the prosecutrix of the 
rapist and he has all the recourse 
her accusation that any defendant has 
against the state prosecutor, and then 
some. Only a girl child escapes the 
ordeal, because she is automatically 
deemed incapable of consent. An adult 
s actually called upon to prove 
her own innocence in the course of 
rape prosecution, as well as managiug to 
establish that the circumstances of ihe 
man’s behavior are as she alleges. 
man has to be very unlucky to be 
convicted of the crime of rape. He has to 
be stupid cnough, or drugged or drunk 
cnough, to leave a milewide t 
blood, bruises, threats, semen, screaming 
at have you, and he has to have 

dence of pos 





chosen t d of woman about whom 
the e nothing but good to 
say enough chutzpah to get 

down to the police station at once and 
file her complaint. and, if it results in a 
L to face down public humiliation, 
y evidence about her morals 
nd demeanor is admissible. The most 

the court will do for her is to rule that 
evidence em; 

hating from a district other 
the one she actually lives in is 
admissible. Then the jury must feel 
confident that no clement of consent 
red into the woman's behavior. 
Nevertheless, men do go to jail for 
rape. mosly black men, nearly all of 
them poor, and neither the judges nor 
the prosecuting attorneys are hampered 
in their dealings by the awareness that 
they ше rapists, too, only they have 
more sophisticated methods of comput 
ion. A «ері 
s body by pressing the point of 
a knife against her throat: а man who 
owns an automobile may stop on a lone 
ly road and tell his passenger to come 
across or get out and walk, ‘The hostility 
of the rapist and the humiliation of 
the victim are not necessarily diflerent. 
(continued on page 164) 

d man forces his way into 

they called her jampot, and a session with her could be very sweet—if you lived through it 

“WHY THE BLACK SUIT?” Gunstone asked. 

"My others are at the cleaner's," I said, even as I was rolling “I've just come from a funeral” 
around on my tongue. But that would have made him ask who had died. I had the fluent liar's 
sense of foresight. Gunstone was calmed. 

Lunch was the Tanglin Club's Friday special, my favorite, seafood buffet. I followed Gun- 
stone's lead, taking the same things he did, but I soon found that my plate was overloaded with 
oysters and prawns rather than the crab and lobster, which Gunstone had taken in two small 
helpings. I put some oysters back and got a frown from the Malay chef. 

Gunstone was one of my first clients, a man in his 70s who had come to Singapore when it 
was no more than a rubber estate with a few rows of shophouses and godowns. During the war, 
he had been captured by the Japanese and put to work on the Siamese Death Railway. He 
had told me a story about burying his best friend near the Burmese border and had made it sound 
like a testimonial to loyalty. It was my abiding fear that Gunstone’s (continued on page 90) 




sensuous, bizarre, wry, provocative—the erotic visions of a premier lensman 

AS A RULE, Pete Turner is very much into reality, photographing products and people for advertisements about 
zippers, suits, cameras, airlines, detergents, shampoos, cars and motorcycles. Though a good deal of creative 
thinking goes into those ad shootings, they don't allow much room for the exploration of one's personal erotic 
fantasies. So when we asked this award-winning New York lensman to capture his private daydreams on film, he 
enthusiastically accepted the challenge. "The assignment was a great change of pace for me, but don't get the 
idea it was all fun and no work," says Turner, tongue wedged only partially in cheek. “I had my problems— 
building a special platform for a model's breasts to hang over, designing a leather garter belt, finding 14 vibra- 
tors. But the toughest job was lighting a water bed from below so that, in case the bed broke, no one would be 
electrocuted.” We don't find any of Turner's finished products shocking, but they struck us as definite turn-ons. 

Says Turner: “This picture speaks for itself . . . 
Pm a staunch backside man.” 

“Cycles . . . shock absorbers . . . saddles . . . and 
а gatter-belled lady—tough and provocative.” 

“What this really does | 
is give a tantalizing 
preview of balling on 
fur... my idea of 
something to do.” 

“A sensuous, 
Sophisticated woman 
lolls znvitingly on the 
back seat of a dynamite | 
car . . . a favorite 



“The water bed is a 
sex symbol in itself 

. . . gelling one thats 
silvery and self- 
reflecting makes it 
that much kinkier."" 


“The notion of great-looking legs in sexy 
spike-heeled shoes forming a vagina . . . I love it.” 

“Even one vibrator provides an 

erotic stimulus . . 

- 14 are out of sight.” 




engine would stop one day in some hotel 
room reserved in my name. And then 
Га have explaining to do. 

When we'd got to our table, I said, “I 
hope I haven't boobed, Mr. Gunstone, 
but I've fixed you up at the Belvedere 
this afternoon." 

He stabbed a prawn, peeled off its 
shell and dunked the naked finger of 
pink meat into a saucer of chili paste. 
“Don't believe we've ever been to the 
Belvedere before, have we, Jack?" 

“The other places were full,” I said. 

"Quite all right,” he said. "But I ate 
at the Belvedere last week. It wasn't 
much good, you know." 

"] know what you mean, Mr. Gun- 
stone. That food is perfectly hideous." 

“Exactly,” he said. "How's your sal- 

1 took a forkful, smeared it with 
mayonnaise and atc it. “Delicious,” 1 

“Mine's awful" he said and pushed 
the salmon to the side of his plate. 

"Now that you mention it.” I said, 
does taste rather——" 

“Desiccated,” said Gunstone. 

"Exactly." I said. I pushed my salmon 
over to the side and covered it with a 
lettuce leaf. I was sorry; I liked salmon 
the way it tasted out of a can. 

"Lobsters pretty dreadful, too," said 
Gunstone a moment later. 

1 was just emptying a large claw. It 
was excellent, and I ate the whole claw 
before saying. "Right again, Mr. Cun- 
stone. Tastes like they fished it out of 
the Muar River.” 

"We'll shunt that over, shall we?" said 
Gunstone. He moved a lobster tail next 
to the discarded salmon. 

1 did the same, then, as quickly as 1 
could, ate all my crab salad before he 
could say it was bad. 1 gnawed a hard 
roll and started on the oysters. 

“The prawns are a success," he said. 

“The oysters are"—1I didn't want to 
finish the sentence, but Gunstone was 
no help—'sort of limp." 

“They're cockles, actually,” said Gun- 
stone. “And they're a damned insult. 
Steward!” A Malay waiter came over. 
“Take this away.” 

Demanding that food be sent back to 
the kitchen is a special skill. It is done 
with panache by people who use that 
word. 1 admired people who did it but 
could not imitate them. 

“Yours, tuan?" asked the waiter. 
Yes, take it away," I said sadly. 

"Do you want more, tuan?" the waiter 
asked Gunstone. 

“If I wanted more, would 1 be asking 
you to remove that plate?" Gunstone 

‘The waiter slid my lunch away. 1 but- 
tered a hard roll and ate it, making 

(continued from page 83) 

crumbs shower down the front of my 

“That steward,” said Gunstone, shak- 
ing his head. “The most intelligent 
thing I ever heard him say was, ‘If you 
move your lump of ice cream a bit to the 
right, tuan, you will find a strawberry.’ 
God help us.” 

1 laughed and brushed my jacket. 
till,” I said, “1 wouldn't mind joining 
this club." 

"You don't want to join this dub,” 
said Gunstone. 

"I do," I said, and saw myself lying in 
the sun, by the pool. and one of those 
tanned longlegged women whispering 
urgently, Jack, where have you been? 
Tve been looking everywhere for you. 
It's ай set. 

“Why, whatever for?” 

“A place to go, I suppose," I said. The 
Bandung, where I spent my spare time, 
had nothing to boast of except the senti- 
ment printed on its matchboxes: THERE'S 

Gunstone chuckled. “If they сап pro- 
тошке your name, you can join.” 

“Flowers is pretty easy.” 

“I should say so!” 

But Fiori isn't, 1 thought. And Fiori 
was my name, Flowers an approximation 
and a mask. 

"Now," said Gunstone, looking at his 
watch, "how about dessert?" 

Gunstone's joke: It was time to fetch 

"The old-timers, I found, tended to 
prefer Malays, while the newcomers 
went for the Chinese, and the Malays 
preferred each other, The Chinese 
dients, of whom I had several, liked the 
big-boned Australian girls; Germans 
were fond of Tamils; and the English 
lellers liked anything young but pre- 
ferred (һеш girls boyish and their 
women mannish. British sailors from 
H. M.S. Terror enjoyed fighting each 
other in the presence of transvestites 
Americans liked clean sporty ones, to 
whom they would give nicknames, like 
"Skeezix" and "Pussycat" (the English 
made an effort to learn the girl's real 
name) and would spend a whole after- 
noon trying to teach one of my girls how 
to swim in a hotel pool, although it was 
costing them 515 an hour to do it. Amer- 
icans also went in for a lot of hugging in 
the taxi, smooching and kidding around 
and sort of stumbling down the side- 
walk, gripping the girl hard and saying, 
“Aw, honey, whoddle Ah do?" Later 
they wrote them letters and the girls 
pestered me to help them reply. 

Djamila—" Jampot,” an American fel- 
ler used to call her, and it suited her 
—was very reliable and easy to contact. 
She was waiting by the Hong Kong and 
Shanghai Bank with my trusty suitcase 

as we pulled up in the taxi. I hopped 
out and opened the door for her, then 
got into the front seat and put the suit- 
case between my knees. Djamila climbed 
in with Gunstone and sat smiling, rock 
ing her handbag in her lap. 

Smiling is something girls with buck 
teeth seldom do with any pleasure; 
Djamila showed hers happily, charming 
things, very white in her broad mouth. 
She had small ears, a narrow moonlit 
face, large darting eyes and heavy eye 
brows. A slight girl, even skinny, but 
having said that, one would have to add 
that her breasts were large and full, her 
bum high and handsome as a pumpkin. 
Her breasts were her virtue, the virtue of 
most of my Malay girls; they appeared 
to be worn or carried, and, unlike the 
Chinese bulbs that disappeared in а 
frock fold, these were a pair of substan- 
tial jugs something extra that moved 
and made a rolling wobble of a Malay 
girl's walk. "That was the measure of ac 
ceptable size, that bobbing, one a second 
later than the other, each responding to 
the step of Djamila's small feet. Her bot- 
tom moved on the same prompting, but 
in a different rhythm, a wonderful agita- 
tion in the willowy body, a glorious 
heaving to and fro, the breasts nodding 
in the black lace of the tight-waisted 
blouse, the packedin bum lifting, onc 
buttock pumping against the other, creep- 
ing around her sarong as she shuffled, 
showing her big teeth. 

"Jack, you looking very smart," said 
Djamila. "New suit and what not. But 
why you wear that?" 

“I put it on for you, sweetheart," I 
said. “This here's Mr. Gunstone, an old 
pal of mine." 

Djamila shook hi 
“Jack got nice friend: 

"Where's that little саг of 
Jack?" Gunstone asked. 

“It packed up,” 1 said. "Being fixed." 

“What's the trouble this time?” 

“Suspension, 1 think. Front end sort 
of shimmies, like Djamila but not as 

“It's always the way with those little 
French cars. Problems. It's the workman- 

The taxi pulled in front of the Bel- 
vedere. The doorman in a top hat and 
tails snatched the door open and let 
Gunstone out. 1 handed over the sui 
case; it was a good solid Antler, a sober 
pebbly gray, filled with copies of the 
Straits Times and an R. A. F. first-aid kit, 
a useful item—once we had to use the 
tourniquet on a Russ seaman, and 
the little plasters were always handy for 

"You should get yoursell a Morris,” 
said Gunstone at the reception desk. 

1 could not answer right away, because 
1 was signing my name on the register 
and the clerk was welcoming me with a 

(continued on page 206) 

hand and said. 



“On the eleventh day of Christmas, my Godfather sent to 
me—eleven paparazzi ashooting, ten Congressmen aleaping, 
nine chorus girls adancing, eight governors amilking, seven 
Castellammarese aswimming, six actresses alaying, five gold 
records, four turkey birds, three French chicks, two orders 
Scungilli and a capo di tutti capi in a pear tree.” 


THE STORY 15 TOLD that a Mill Valley 
video-freak commune decided to make 
the bread for some new equipment with 
a litde advanced, underground, commer- 
cial, sellout short subject. So they dressed 
a girl їп а nun's habit and installed her 
at San Francisco International Airport, 
where she was greeted at the gate for the 
hip midnight ten-dollar PSA fight from 
LA. by a rabbi who began by chastely 
kissing her. The hidden video crew filmed 
audience response as the rabbi embraced б 
her sweetly. He put his hand under her | 
habit. They began to struggle. She was 
gasping. Her cowl was knocked awry. Also 

article By HERBERT GOLD |. muggings may not be any 
more fun in san francisco—but it's still a nice 
place to idle away the rest of the century 


his tie. They were both panting and bit- 
ing. and his tongue was in her mouth, 
darting in and out, as she bent backward 
and eventually tumbled to the vinyl- 
marble floor, and they rolled around in 
an ecstasy of Welcome to San Francisco 
(Joseph L. Alioto, Mayor) while the cam- 
eras rolled. Tongues, zippers, cowl, pink 
folds and crevices undulating. 

Well, the people streamed by without 

Finally, one very straight citizen, may- 
be an insurance executive just in from 
bit of desert sun, bent over the ecumeni- 
cal thumping forms where they lay, 
tapped the pseudo nun on the shoulder, 
and asked, "Did you come?” 

Despite encroachments of smog from 
Oakland and high. s from Manhattan, 
San Francisco remains a name and place 
apart from other American places and 
yes but sexually 
stic. Another big American me- 
tropolis, drilling subways, crowding 
highways, yes; but with a certain juice 
and languor to its making out and mak- 
ing do. The time of the flower children 
is over—partly because everyone now 
believes in being turned on. The police 
joke with the whores, they tease the 
transvestites, they laugh along with the 
tourists at the parade of Cockettes near 
the Palace Theater in North Beach at 
midnight on weekends; they don’t beat 
them up as much as they do in my 
ancestral Cleveland. Hip Sheriff Hon- 
gisto introduced a gay minister to serve 
the gay community in the county jail 
lice, real-estate promoters and bi 
thugs are never quite Gilbert and Sul 
van characters, or even lovable rogues 
from Guys and Dolls, but Veblenian 
marginal differentiation shows its power 
in San Francisco. So it's a big American 
city, true—but not just another big 
American city. Many visitors and trans 
plants grind their teeth and hate it. It 
doesn't solve a fellow's problems. The 
Chamber of Commerce Tourist Bureau's 
gulls, cable cars, Golden Gate Bridge 
and romantic fog tend to zap hometown 
kids straight in the liver, prov 
stant hepatitis, or at least a jaundiced 
gaze. The town is being strip-mined for 
movie-of-the-week atmosphere. Disney 
discovers crookedest street іп the world. 
Ford Times borrows picturesque Tele- 
graph Hill The Gray Line ships in 
busloads of chiropractors with aching 
backs for a dose of female impersonation 
cchio's) or here’s-where-the-stars-got- 
start (Purple Onion). 

San Francisco is not Positano or Aca- 
pulco. They are tired, too. But despite 
the media overload, despite its being 
fed into the great international media 
meat grinder and coming out Hilton 
Hamburger and Fisherman's Wharf link 
sausage, San Francisco remains some- 
thing of what people have always 

thought about it. The Southern Pacific 
Station still looks like a Western depot. 
While New York and Paris seem to be 
yearning to become larger versions of 
Cleveland, and Cleveland is becoming 
Detroit, San Francisco remains myste- 
riously itself, This may last for our 

What is this mysterious "itself" which 
Friscoville might remain? It is Halloween 
Time Forever. It is International Bo- 
hemia Village. It is the American city 
to which the freaks can flee without 
thinking themselves freaky, and where 
the straights can taste of strange without 
shivering. Like fine domestic wine, do- 
mestic California Strange is a comfort at 
San Francisco's open-air table. Much of 
the revolution of style originated here, 
and is domesticated here, and is civilized 
in this permissive, Italianate, salt-fog 
port, this white and sparkly city whose 
areas of creeping tract and virulent 
high-rise only show how much there 
remains to lose. 

One day an old friend came to town 
for the first time. It happened to be the 
season of the Chinese New Year, and 
the streets were filled with costumes, 
dragons, papier-máché, firecrackers and 
clanking bands dancing like segmented 
metal caterpillars. The day had been 
sunny and dry; the parks were filled. 
This is a city for strolling, and we 
strolled. The Mime Troupe performed 
its guerrilla theater, with a medieval 
Pope portrayed by beautiful Sandra 
Archer. Bobby Shields, the genial white- 
face, did his fantastic energy-raising ac- 
robatics in Union Square. A timedag 
rock band set up in the Panhandle for 
an audience of speed freaks who thought. 
it was 1967 again. 

It happened that night that my friend 
had a meal in the New Pisa, one of the 
Italian family-style restaurants on upper 
Grant, along with a Japanese opera 
troupe, which rose after the spumone to 
sing Oh! Susanna in Japanese, in order 
to show its appreciation for the meal. 
Then my friend fell into conversation 
with a pretty girl, who described herself 
as an actress and sex researcher. They 
discussed the theater. They discussed sci. 
ence. She said goodbye to the group 
she had come with and they went to 
La Tosca for a cappuccino, continuing 
their duet. Two сар: 
puccinos on the leather banks of La 
‘Tosca. Little flutterings in the heart and 
elsewhere, She took him home with her 
that night. 

The next day my friend asked me 
with a certain incredulity, “Is it always 
like this here?” 

“Not every day.” I was forced to ad- 
mit. "On Tuesday, for example, I drive 
my daughter to nursery school. And 
Chinese New Year is over soon. Next 
month, 1 think.” 

But for some who come to San Fran- 

cisco, Chinese New Year never ends, 
despite the alcoholism and breakdown 
rates, the busing and ghetto issues, the 
complacent hustle of city hall. It's possi- 
ble to treat San Francisco as a continu- 
ous costume party, Halloween by the Bay, 
and, amazingly enough—the flower-child 
spasm was partly about this—some m 
age to make of Halloween a way of life. 

Here is a birthday party at Sally 
Stanford's humorously posh New Ог. 
leans-brothel restaurant on the Bay in 
Sausalito. The fest cost thousands. A 21- 
year-old ex-car parker—call him Lenny 
—was honoring his dope lawyer, who 
was just turning 30. Oysters flown West, 
steaks, girls in various stages of stoned 
and groovy silence, pink and chartreuse 
sweet liquids; and pilots, lawyers, group- 
ies. coaches. rugby buddies and even 
а few proud parents of the business- 
men. Lenny's mom and dad, glad that 
their son the accused dealer could 
afford to spend a couple, three thousand 
on a little birthday party, walked about 
in their Macy's groove clothes and. said 
"Yes, Lenny has a good head for bi 
ness. Yes, Lenny bought us a little house 
in El Cerrito, plus some income proper- 
ty in Oakland. Yes, we're Lenny's mom 
and pop, man. Right on.” 

Lenny was wearing hotpants full 
Pan Cake makeup, dark-red Cockette 
lipstick and, resting on his skinny arms, 
the two girls he was planning to ball 
later. Sally Stanford herself, the ancient 
madam now playing at crone's career, 
beamed over the money she was making 
and poured champagne. A satisfying fis 
cal popping filled the air under the 

I don't want you to think this ch 
orgy, with all the good food and drink 
and beautiful girls and men grown rich 
and dramatic in the dope trade, was 
actually very rowdy and joyous. Е 
body was too stoned to do much 
social line. But I enjoyed the fish and 
meat proteins and a cholesterol dessert. 
In the john two chauffeurs were discuss- 
ing the virtues of Cessnas and Beech- 
crafts of various models in making the 
run up the coast from Baja. The Stall 
Headquarters of the Dope Air Force, а 
combination mercy and М nd gen- 
eral teenage rip-off operatio 
salito. More planes than most nations 
h seats at the UN; the largest private 
air force on a war footing since Mike 
Nichols gathered his fleet for Catch- 
The unzipped pilots, relieving them- 
selves of early champagne ballast, didn't 
stop their professional mur 
because 1 happened to be standing th 
alongside. “What if 1 were 
asked the crewcut one, 

He looked at me 1 said to the 
other, “1 think the Nixon radar screen 
just made it easier. They're overconfi 
dent.” And he shook himself dry and 

(continued on page 112) 

owls Ө seven super punches to put you on the scoreboard 

COMING UP, the season of the Super Bowl, when virtually every eye will be glued 
to the tube. (We can't all be as lucky as PLAYBOY artist LeRoy Neiman, an on-the- 
spot Super Bowl spectator whose rendering of the color and action begins on page 
187.) You'll find the viewing more exciting, and more convivial, if you ask other 
football fans to join you. ОГ course, game watching is serious business. You wouldn't 
want to be off somewhere mixing a drink just when a punt return goes 45 yards. 
Nor would you want to neglect your guests. A flowing punch bowl, combining 
hospitality, style and convenience, handles everything neatly. The brew can be pre- 
pared ahead of time, and, once set up, it’s just about self-sustaining. 

Punch has an undeserved bad name these days, owing to the pallid concoctions 
proffered at charity and alumni functions and at those pay-back parties thrown by 
young career girls for everyone they've met in the past year. Old-time bowls were 
unabashed rousers. One Royal Navy favorite called for 80 casks brandy, 1 cask 
wine, 9 casks water, 1/10th cask lime juice, 34 ton sugar—a blast to curl the hair 
on a bosun's chest. Either extreme is to be shunned. Think of your punch as a 
number of drinks made up in a bowl. Each serving should approximate the potency 
and proportions of an individual cocktail. Sweet and (continued on page 210) 

drink by emmanuel greenberg 



article By WILLIAM Е. BUCKLEY, JR... «с... nixon sudde 

grabbed the television mike to announce not only that we were ending qur ostracism of Red China but 
that he would himself visit China sometime before the following spring, the shock waves were everywhere 
palpable; but Mr. Nixon knew enough about his constituencies, voluntary and co-opted, to know that he 
might safely proceed from the television studio to a fancy restaurant in Los Angeles, there to cele- 
brate his diplomatic triumph in a highly publicized private dinner at which the champagne corks popped 
in complacent harmony with the impending public elation. А few precautions were taken, as if by 
a master electrician running his eyes over the fuses. I sat viewing Mr. Nixon's television performance 
in the relaxedly hushed living room of Governor Ronald Reagan in Sacramento, with my brother Jim. 
We were together not only because of ideological consanguinity, or because we are friends, or because we 
thought foresightedly to man the same fortress at а moment when President Nixon would say something 
we were alerted to believe would be more than his routine denunciation of wage-and-price controls —we 
happened to be at Sacramento because carlier that afternoon two of my television sessions had been 
taped, one each with the governor and the Senator, wherein we probed the differences between their 
iews and mine, when we could discover them. But the coincidence was happy—we could reflect now 
together on the meaning of Mr. Nixon's démarche, without pressure. 

‘The governor turned off the television after the network commentators began transcribing the de- 
lighted stupefaction of the international diplomatic community. There had been no comment in the room, 
save one or two of those wolfish whistles one hears when someone on one's side in politics says something 
daringly risqué; kinky, even, gauged by the standards of Nixon-straight. The television off, there was 
silence in the room for a second, not more—the telephone's ring reached us. The butler appeared. “Dr. 
Kissinger,” he said to the governor, who got up from the floor and went to the sequestered alcove where 
the telephone lay. He wasn't gone for very long, but even by the time he returned, somehow we knew 
that the question Did Richard Nixon say something he shouldn't have said? Did he undertake a course of 
action he should not have undertaken? was somehow not up for generic review. Nixon had pierced the 

veil, and the defloration was final. Henry Kissinger had, within five minutes of the public announcement, 
reached and reassured the most conspicuously conservative governor in che Union that the strategic inten- 
tions of the President were in total harmony with the concerns of the conservative community. We sensed, 
all of us, the albescent tribute to Mr. Nixon's solid good sense. 

The balance of the evening was given over only glancingly to the great catharsis, which not many 
months later, by compound interest, would emerge as a Long March jointly undertaken by the United 
States of America and the People’s Republic of China. The dissenters were much more than helpless; 
they were paralyzed. In a matter of hours the political emotions of the country were permanently re- 
arranged. Nixon had done it. Surely Nixon is our bargaining agent, the old anti-Communist community 
reasoned. I thought of the mine workers, who on one occasion were surprised when John L. Lewis an- 
nounced the agreement he had reached with the operators. The terms appeared dismaying. But it is 
casier on such occasions to reason a priori, from faith in the leader. John L. Lewis will not make settle- 
ments strategically disadvantageous to his constituency. No more Richard Nixon to his. To be sure, 
we lisped out our reservations. Senator Buckley issued his cautionary notes. І broke wind with heavy 
philosophical reservations. A fortnight later a few of us met in Manhattan and decided, as a matter of 
historical punctilio, to suspend our formal support for President 
Richard Nixon. The press. though visibly amused—as if grandfather 
Bonaparte had come in from the village to disown the young em- 

peror—gave the story attention, faithful to the spastic journalistic im 
perative that anything that might conceivably embarrass Richard 
Nixon is newsworthy. But that was about it. There was the formal CHINA 
gesture by Congr: 

man John Ashbrook, who ran primary campaigns 
against the President in New Hampshire, Florida and California WITH 
But it was much too late. The Zeitgeist was so far ahead of us it had 
time to stop and laugh as we pulled our way potvaliantly up the 
Spende oliin AÛ aor Wie pred day cine wi gle te NIXON 
high in Pcking, the President of the United States toasted the Chairman 

2.18 there а road back? 




of the People's Republic of China; after 
which we disappeared from sight. 

1972. One important effect of Presi- 
dent Nixon's trip to China [the 
Gallup Poll reported today]—and 
the period leading up to this his- 
toric event—is the far more favor- 
able image the U.S. public has of 
the Communist Chinese today than 
they did in the mid-Sixties. Respond- 
ents [to the poll] were asked to se- 
lect from a list of 23 favorable and 
unfavorable adjectives those which 
they feel best describe the Commu- 
nist Chinese. The terms “ignorant,” 
“warlike,” “sly” and “treacherous” 
were named most often in 1966, the 
last time the measurement was 
taken. Today, however, “hard-work- 
ing,” “intelligent,” “artistic,” “рто- 
gressive” and “practical” outweigh 
апу negative term used to describe 
the Chinese. 

It was mid-January in New York and 
І was lunching with friends, among 
them Theodore White, already em- 
barked on his industrious monitorship 
of a Presidential year. Someone asked 
White whether he would succeed in get- 
ting a ticket on the coveted flight to 
Peking accompanying Nixon. You might 
as well have asked the queen whether 
she would get a ticket to the coronation. 
“If I don't get one,” he said excitedly, 
“I might as well give up writing my 
book! How can one write a history of 
the making of the American President in 
1972 and not travel to Peking with Nix- 
om" He elaborated, most discreetly, on 
the measures he had taken—the strings 
he had pulled, the people he was pre- 
pared to exalt, or to strangle, according 
as they proved helpful, or obstructive— 
in transacting his application. His eyes lit 
on me suddenly, and the pointed mirth 
that makes him such good company fas- 
tened on the subtle reticulations of my 
own position. You son of a bitch, he said, 
if you're on that plane and I'm not, I'll 
never speak to you again! That afternoon 
I wrote and applied perfunctorily for а 
seat. Five weeks later, White and I were 
facing each other across the aisle of the 
Pan American press jet, en route to 
Hawaii, first leg on what we were repeat- 
edly reminded was a historical voyage, 
a presumption none of us doubted. 1 had 
had a call, in Switzerland, from the White 
House—did 1 really want to go? . . . 
Yes, 1 said, over the transatlantic phone, 
1 was most anxious to go. Forty-eight 
hours later Ron Ziegler reached me to 
say that I was among the chosen. Forty- 
eight hours and 20 minutes later, Herbert 
Klein called me to say the same thing. 

The mood aboard the press plane was 
mostly muted, inquisitive in an unobtru- 
sive way; languid like the professional 

athlete on the eve of protracted exer- 
tion. The build-up was subtle, but palpa- 
ble. Mr. Nixon paces himself carefull 
with an eye on the relevant coordinates: 
his health, and television prime time. He 
does not believe in arriving anywhere 
unrested, uncomposed, or unobserved. 
Though he is capable of staying awake 
all night, he does not chart his trips so 
as to make this likely. It was only on the 
fifth night that, experiencing impasse 
with Chou En-lai, he stayed up until 
dawn, pressing his position—presumably 
on how to phrase the vexed question 
of Taiwan (he might as well have stayed 
in bed). Accordingly, we spent a day 
and a half in Hawaii, which we left 
at dawn, destination Peking. The Presi- 
dent left with us, but to go only as 
far as Guam, there to "overnight," as 
they put it. 

Safely on board, Teddy White was 
Buddhahappy, sitting with a pile of 
news clips on his tray whence from time 
to time he would pluck out an anti-Red 
Chinese tidbit and offer it to me play- 
fully in return for anything favorable to 
the Red Chinese 1 might supply him 
from my own pile, gentleman's agree- 
ment. Now he beamed. “1 have a 
here that says the Red Chinese have 
killed thirty-four million people since 
they took over Ch What will you 
offer me for that?” I foraged among my 
material and triumphantly came up with 
a clip that said the Red Chinese have re- 
duced illiteracy from 80 percent to 20 
percent, but White scoffed me down, 
like a professional pawnshop broker. 
"Hell" he have that one al 
ready. Fverybody has that one" I 
scrounge about for more pro-Chinese 
Communist data, and finally tell him, 

jisconsolate, that 1 can't find one more 
item to barter for his plum; he smiles 
contentedly at his ta 
I wonder if he hasn't, however, lost 
the war. 

We merely refueled at Guam and went 
on ploddingly to Shanghai Guam- 
Shanghai is only four hours, Guam- 
Peking six. But all along we had been 
lirected to stop over there, before flying 
into Peking, giving 85 out of 85 report- 
em the opportunity to wire back the 
knowing historical observation that the 
purpose of the stopover was indisputa- 
bly to wrest from us а jetage facsimile 
ol the traditional obeisance of the visit- 
ing dignitary who, on his way to an au- 
dience with the Emperor in the Middle 
Kingdom, was made to pause at the 
hem of the imperial gardens to beg 
leave to proceed. But it is also a Chinese 
tradition that official guests are not made 
to stop merely in order to water their 
horses. So therefore there was a grandish 
meal at the airport, prefiguring the rou- 
tine that lay before us—one official 
Chinese seated next to every American 
nd the round tables; like the other 
Chinese we would meet, functional in 

English, but not very much more than 
that, White, who had left Harv 
years earlier to devote himself to 
ову, could not suppress his curiosity 
about the great ci 
he had not seen 
(Oaober 10, 1949), went on with 
his questions. "What has become of the 
old race track?" he asked. "lt—is—a— 
people's— park," said his host measured- 

"A people's horses’ park?" another 
reporter asked solemnly, confident that 
the satirical turn the questioning had 
taken would go unnoticed (it did). “No,” 
said our host, not quite getting it, 
sensing the danger, "a people's pa 
Walter Cronkite turned to White and 
explained matteroffaaly: "They race 
people there." That too passed without 
difficulty. But White was not to be de- 
terred. He gave up finally only when, 
on asking “What will we see Shang. 
hai" he got back the answer, "A city 
of ten million people.” Cronkite, re 
sponding to the many toasts that had 
been offered to us at four- or five-minute 
intervals during the long lunch. rose 
gravely, glass in hand, to toast a “most 
auspicious beginning.” 

Back on the plane, the final leg of the 
trip, to Peking. We are boarded ошо 
buses, making our very long way to the 
Nationalities Hotel, beyond the Great 
Square of the People. There is no other 
traffic, only bicycles, and the drivers use 
their horns as routinely as safari drivers 
plying their mosquito swatters, to keep 
the road clear of the bluesuited bicy- 
dists, half of them wearing white gauze 
masks over their mouths, а native pre- 
caution against the spreading of germs. 
Why doesn't the cold kill the germs? I 
wondered. Or why don't the germs kill 
the cold. . . . 1 was slipping into fanta- 
sy, under the torture of fatigue alter 17 
hours’ journey. In the hotel lobby full of 
bags and people and confusion we 
found we were expected to cat yet 
again. I went to the dining room with 
Bob Considine, who asked, in the best 
manner of W. C. Fields, "Do you have 
a bar?” The comrade in charge of the 
dining room answered, “Yes. You wa 
lange juice? ^ said Considi 

"whiskey . . . wheeskee . . . glub glub 
he motioned with his hand on an 
ary highball glas. "Ah," ihe 

functionary smiled, "beeh;" "Take me," 

Considine turned austerely toward me, 
"to the nearest war lord." We stumbled 
off to our rooms. Large. utilitarian, 
mid.Victorian, comfortable, dimly lit. 
plenty of hot water, chocolates and hard 
candy and fruit on the table, instant serv 
ice at the press of a button. 1 do not 
know whether Considine rang for a war 
lord. I was within seconds sound asleep, 
snug in bed in the capital of Red Cl 
When you are very tired, and your 
bed is warm and your room is silent, 

(continued on page 104) 


fiction By JOHN CHEEVER 

wherein the metaphysics of revenge, flirtation and obesity are ironically delineated 

м^“ LITTLETON would, in the 
long-gone days of Freudian jar- 
gon, have been thought maternal, al- 
though she was no more maternal 
than you or you. What would have 
been meant was a charming softness 
in her voice and her manner and 
she smelled like a summer's day, or 
perhaps it is a summer's day that 
smells like such a woman. She was a 
regular churchgoer and I always felt 
that her devotions were more pro- 
found than most, although it is im- 
possible to speculate on anything so 
intimate. She was on the liturgical 
side, hewing to the Book of Common 
Prayer and avoiding sermons when- 
ever posible. She was not a native, 
of course—the last native, along with 
the last cow, died 20 years ago— 
and I don't remember where she or 
her husband came from. He was 
bald. They had three children and 
lived a scrupulously unexceptional 
life until one morning in the fall. 

It was after Labor Day, a little windy. Leaves could be seen 
falling outside the windows. The family had breakfast in the 
kitchen. Marge had baked johnnycake. “Good morning, Mrs. 
Littleton,” her husband said, kissing her on the brow and 
patting her backside. His voice, his gesture seemed to have 
the perfect equilibrium of love. 1 don't know what virulent 
critics of the family would say about the scene. Were the 
Littletons making for themselves, by contorting their passions 
into an acceptable social image, a sort of prison, or did they 
chance to be a man and a woman whose pleasure in each 
other was tender, robust and invincible? From what I know, 
it was an exceptional marriage. Never having been married 
myself, I may be unduly susceptible to the element of buffoon- 
ery in holy matrimony, but isn't it true that when some couples 
celebrate their 10th or 15th anniversary, they seem far from 
triumphant? In fact, they seem duped, while dirty Unde Har- 
ry, the rake, seems to wear the laurels. But with the Littletons, 
one felt that they might live together with intelligence and 
ardor—giving and taking until death did them part. 

On that particular Saturday morning, Marge's husband 
planned to go shopping. After breakfast, he made a list of 
what they needed from the hardware store. A gallon of white 
acrylic paint, a four-inch brush, picture hooks, a spading fork, 
oil for the lawn mower. The children went along with him. 
They went, not to the village, which, like so many others, lay 
dying, but to a crowded and fairly festive shopping center on 
Route 64. He gave the children money for Cokes. When they 
returned, the southbound traffic was heavy. It was, as I say, 
after Labor Day and many of the cars were towing portable 
houses, campers, sailboats, motorboats and trailers. This long 
procession of vehicles and domestic portables seemed not the 
spectacle of a people returning from their vacations but 
rather like a tragic evacuation of some great city or state. A 
car carrier, tying to pass an exceptionally bulky mobile home, 
crashed into the Littletons and killed them all. I didn't go to 
the funeral, but one of our neighbors described it to me. “There 
she stood at the edge of the grave. She didn't cry. She looked 
very beautiful and serene. She had to watch four coffins, one 
after the other, lowered into the ground. Four.” 


She didn’t go away. People asked 
her to dinner, of course, but in such 
an intensely domesticated community, 
the single are inevitably neglected. 
A month or so after the accident, the 
local paper announced that the State 
Highway Commision would widen 
Route 64 from a four-lane to an 
eightlane highway. We organized a 
committee for the preservation of the 
community and raised $10,000 for 
legal fees. Marge Littleton was very 
active. We had meetings nearly every 
week. We met in parish houses, court- 
rooms, high schools and houses. In the 
beginning, these meetings were very 
emotional, Mrs. Pinkham once cried. 
She wept. "I've worked sixteen years 
on my pink room and now they're 
going to tear it down.” She was led out 
of the meeting, a truly bereaved мо- 
man. We chartered a bus and went to 
the state capital. We marched down 64 
one rainy Sunday with a motorcycle 
exor. 1 don't suppose ме were 
more than 30 and we straggled. We carried picket signs. I re- 
member Marge. Some people seem born with a gift for 
protest and a talent for carrying picket signs, but this was not 
Marge. She carried а large sign that said sTOP GASOLINE 
ALLEY. She seemed yery embarrassed. When the march dis- 
banded, I said goodbye to her on a knoll above the highway. I 
remember the level gaze she gave to the lines of trafiic—rather, 
1 guess, as the widows of Nantucket must have regarded the sea. 

"When we had spent our $10,000 without any results, our 
meetings were less and less frequent and very poorly attend- 
ed. Only three people, including the speaker, showed up for 
the last. The highway was widened, demolishing six houses 
and making two uninhabitable, although the owncrs got no 
compensation. Several wells were destroyed by the blasting. 
After our committee was disbanded, I saw very little of 
Marge. Someone told me she had gone abroad. When she 
returned, she was followed by a charming young Roman 
named Pietro Montani. They were married. 

Marge displayed her gifts for married happiness with 
Pictro, although he was very unlike her first husband, He was 
handsome, witty and substantial—he represented a firm that 
manufactured innersoles—but he spoke the worst English I 
have ever heard. You could talk with him and drink with 
him and laugh with him, but other than this, it was almost 
impossible to communicate with him. It didn’t really matter. 
Marge seemed very happy and theirs was a pleasant house 
to visit. They had been married no more than two months 
when Pietro, driving a conyertible down 64, was decapitated 
bya crane. 

She buried Pietro with the others, but she stayed on in the 
house on Twin Rock Road, where one could hear the 
battlefield noises of industrial traffic. I think she got a job. 
One saw her on the trains. Three weeks after Pietro's death, an 
18-wheel, 36-ton truck northbound on Route 64 for reasons 
that were never ascertained veered into the southbound lanes, 
demolishing two cars and killing their four passengers. The 
truck then rammed into a granite abutment there, fell on its 
side and caught fire. The police and the fire department were 
there at once, but the freight was combustible and the fire 

ht that, ехрегіє 

эи Enlai, he stay. 
essing his position—, 
to phrase the vexed 
n (he might as well ha 
Accordingly, we sper 
alf in Hawaii, which 
destination Peking. 7 
t with us, but to go 
juam, there to "over 

оп board, Teddy W 
зарру. sitting with a 

was not extinguished until three in the morning. АШ traffic 
on Route 64 was rerouted. The women's auxiliary of the fire 
department served coffee. 

"Two weeks later, at eight p.m, another 18-wheel truck, with 
a load of cement block, went out of control at the same place, 
crossed the southbound lanes and felled four full-grown 
trees before it collided with the abutment. The impact of the 
collision was so violent that two feet of granite was sheared 
off the wall There was no fire, but the two drivers were 
so badly crushed by the collision that they had to be identified 
by their dentalwork. 

On November third, at 8:30 P.M., Lieutenant Dominic De- 
Sisto reported that a man in working clothes ran into the front 
office. He seemed hysterical, drugged or drunk and claimed to 
haye been shot. He was, according to Lieutenant DeSisto, so 
incoherent that it was some time before he could explain what 
had happened, Driving north on 64 at about the same place 
where the other trucks had gone out of control, a rifle butlet 
smashed the left window of his cab, missed the driver and 
smashed the right window. The intended victim was Joe Lang- 
ston of Baldwin, South Carolina. The lieutenant examined 
the truck and verified the broken windows. He and Langston 
drove in a squad car back to where the shot had been fired. 
On the right side of the road, there was a little hill of granite 
with some soil covering. When the highway had been widened, 
the hill had been blasted in two and the knoll on the right 
corresponded to the abutment that had killed the other driv- 
ers, DeSisto examined the hill. The grass on the knoll was 
trampled and there were two cigarette butts on the ground. 
Langston was taken to the hospital, suffering from shock. The 
hill was put under surveillance for the next month, but the 
police force was understaffed and it was a boring beat to sit 
alone on the hill from dusk until midnight. As soon as sur- 
veillance was stopped, a fourth oyersized truck went out of 
control. This time, the truck veered to the right, took down a 
dozen trees and drove into a narrow but precipitous valley. The 
driver, when the police got to him, was dead. He had been shot. 

In December, Marge married a rich widower and moved to 
North Salem, where there is only one two-lane highway and 
where the sound of traffic is as faint as the roaring of a shell. 


the 707 for Rome. The plane was 
not quite full and there was an empty 
seat between him and the occupant of 
the port seat, This was taken, he was 
pleased to see, by an exceptionally 
good-looking woman—not young, but 
neither was he. She was wearing per- 
fume, a dark dress and jewelry and 
she seemed to belong to that part of 
the world in which he moved most 
easily. “Good evening,” he said, set- 
ding himself. She didn't reply. She 
made a discouraging humming noise 
and raised a paperback book to the 
front of her face. He looked for the 
title, but this she concealed with her 
hands, He had met shy women on 
planes before—infrequently, but he 
had met them. He supposed they were 
understandably wary of lushes, mash- 
ers and bores. He shook out a copy of 
The Manchester Guardian. He had 
noticed that conservative newspapers 
sometimes inspired confidence in the 
shy. If one read the editorials, the 
sports page and especially the finan- 
cial section, shy strangers would some- 
times be ready for a conversation. The 
plane took off, the мо SMOKING sign 
went dark and he took out a gold 
cigarette case and a gold lighter. They 
were not flashy, but they were gold 
"Do you mind if I smoke?” he asked. 

“Why should I?” she asked. She did 
not look in his direction, 

“Some people do,” he said, lighting 
his cigarette. She was nearly as beau- 
tiful as she was unfriendly, but why 
should she be so cold? They would be 
side by side for nine hours and it was 
only sensible to count on at least a 
little conversation. Did he remind her of somcone she disliked, 
someone who had wounded her? He was bathed, shaved, cor- 
rectly dressed and accustomed to making friends. Perhaps she 
was an unhappy woman who didiked the world; but when the 
stewardess came by to take their drink orders, the smile she 
gave the young stranger was dazzling and open. This so cheered 
him that he smiled himself; but when he saw that he was tres- 
passing on a communication that was aimed at someone else, 
she turned on him, scowled and went back to her book. The 
stewardess brought him a double martini and his companion a 
sherry. He supposed that his strong drink might increase her 
uncasiness, but he had to take that chance. She went on read- 
ing. If he could only find the title of the book, he thought, he 
would have a foot in the door. Harold Robbins, Dostoievsky, 
Philip Roth, Emily Dickinson—anything would help. "May I 
ask what you're reading?" he said politely. 

"No," she said. 

When the stewardess brought their dinners, he passed her 
tray across the empty seat. She did not thank him. He settled 


down to eat, to feed, to enjoy this 
simple habit. The meal was unusually 
bad and he said so. “One can't be too 
particular, under the circumstances,” 
she said, He thought he heard a trace 
of warmth in her voice. “Salt might 
help." she said, “but they neglected to 
give me any salt. Could I trouble you 
for yours?” 

"Oh, certainly,” he said. Things 
were definitely looking up. He opened 
his salt container and in passing it to 
her, a little salt spilled on the rug. 

"Fm afraid the bad luck will be 
yours," she said. This was not said at 
all lightly. She salted her cutlet and 
ate everything on her tray. Then she 
went on reading the book with the 
concealed title. She would sooner or 
later have to use the toilet, he knew, 
and then he could read the title of 
the book; but when she did go to the 
stern of the plane, she carried the 
book with her. 

"The screen for the film was low- 
ered. Unless a picture was exception- 
ally interesting, he never rented sound 
equipment. He had found that lip 
reading and guesswork gave the pic- 
ture an added dimension and, any- 
how, the dialog was usually offensively 
banal. His neighbor rented equip- 
ment and seemed to enjoy herself 
heartily. She had a lovely musical 
laugh and communicated with the ac- 
tors on the screen as she had com- 
municated with the stewardess and as 
she had refused to communicate with 
her neighbor. The characters on the 
screen relentlessly pursued their 
сірі. There was a parade, a chase, 
a reconciliation, an ending. His com- 
panion, still carrying her mysterious book, retired to the stern 
again and returned, wearing a sort of mobcap, her face heavily 
covered with some white unguent. She adjusted her pillow and 
blanket and arranged herself for sleep. "Sweet dreams,” he 
said, daringly. She sighed. 

He never slept on planes. He went back to the galley and 
had a whiskey. The stewardess was pretty and talkative 
and she told him about her origins, her schedule, her fiancé 
and her problems with passengers who suffered from flight fear. 

The sun rose as they approached the Alps. Here and there, 
the brightness of а spring morning could be seen through 
the cracks in the drawn shades; but while they sailed over 
Mont Blanc and the Matterhorn, his companion continued to 
sleep peacefully. 

Beyond the Alps, they began to lose altitude and he saw the 
Mediterranean breaking against the shore line and had an- 
other whiskey. He saw Elba, Giglio and the yachts in the 
harbor at Port'Ercole, where he could see the villas of his 
friends, He could remember coming (concluded on page 210) 

HE SUBJECT TODAY will be the 
Т of obesity and I am 
the belly of a man named Lawrence 
Farnsworth. I am the body cavity be- 
tween his diaphragm and his pelvic 
floor and I possess his viscera. I know 
you won't believe me, but if you'll 
buy a сті de coeur, why not a cri de 
ventre? I play as large a part in his 
affairs as any other lights and vitals; 
and while I can't act independently, 
he too is at the mercy of such dis- 
parate forces in his environment as 
money and starlight. We were born in 
the Midwest and he was educated in 
Chicago. He was on the track team 
(pole vault) and later on the diving 
team, two sports that made my exist- 
ence dangerous and obscure. I did not. 
discover myself until he was in his 40s, 
when I was recognized by his doctor 
and his tailor. He stubbornly refused 
to grant me my rights and continued 
for almost a year to wear clothes 
that confined me harshly and caused 
me much soreness and pain. My 
one compensation was that I could 
unzip his fly at vill. 

Гуе often heard him say that, һау- 
ing spent the first half of his life 
running around behind an unruly 
bowsprit, he scemed damned 10 
spend the rest of his life going 
around behind a belly that was as 
independent and capricious as his 
genitals. I have been, of course, in a 
position to observe his carnal sport, 
but I think I won't describe the thou- 
sands—or millions—of performances 
in which I have participated. I am, 
in spite of my reputation for gross- 
ness, truly visionary, and I would like 
to look past his gymnastics to their 
consequences, which, from what I 
hear, are often ecstatic. He seems to 
feel that his erotic life is an entry 
permit into what is truly beautiful in 
the world. Balling in a thunderstorm 
—any rain will do—is his idea of a 
total relationship. "There have been 
complaints I once heard a woman 
ask: "Will you never understand that. 
there is more to life than sex and 
nature worship?" Once, when he ex- 
claimed over the beauty of the stars, 
his belle amie giggled. My open 
knowledge of the world is confined to 
the limited incidence of nakedness: 
bedrooms, showers, beaches, swim- 
ming pools, trysts and sun-bathing in 
the Antilles. The rest of my life is 
spent in a sort of purdah between 
his trousers and his shirts. 

Having refused to admit my exist- 

ht that, experic 
эц Enlai, he say. 
ng his position—,. 
to phrase the vexed 
n (he might as well ha 
‘Accordingly, we sper 
alf in Hawaii, which 
destination Peking. Т 
t with us, but to go 
^uam, there to “ovem 

on board, Teddy W 
зарру. sitting with a 

d until three in the mori, 
érouted. The women's auxilia 
Іі coffee. 
| at eight pa, another 18-wheel 
lock, went out of control at the 
липа lanes and felled four 
* with the abutment. "The im| 
“hat two feet of granite 
бег, but the two di 


ence for a year or more, he finally 
had his trousers enlarged from 30 to 
34. When I had reached 34 inches 
and was striving for 36, his feelings 
about my existence became obsessive. 
"The clash between what he had been 
and wanted to be and what he had 
become was serious. When people 
poked me with their fingers and 
made jokes about his bay window, his 
forced laughter could not conceal 
his rage. He ceased to judge his 
friends on their wit and intelligence 
and began to judge them on their 
waistbands. Why was X so flat and 
why was Z, with a paunch of at least 
40 inches, contented with this state 
of affairs? When his friends stood, 
his eyes dropped swiftly from their 
smiles to their middles. We went one 
night to Yankee Stadium to see a ball 
game. He had begun to enjoy himself. 
when he noticed that the right fielder 
had a good 36 inches. The other 
fielders and the basemen passed, but 
the pitcher—an older man—had a 
definite bulge and two of the um- 
pires—when they took off their 
guards—were disgusting. So was the 
catcher. When he realized that he 
was not watching the ball game—that 
because of my influence he was un- 
able to watch the ball game—we left 
This was at the top of the fourth. 
A day or two later, he began what 
was to be a year or a year and a 
half of hell. 

We started with a diet that empha- 
sized water and hard-boiled eggs. He 
lost ten pounds in a week, but he lost 
it all in the wrong places and, 
though my existence was imperiled, 
I survived. The diet set up some 
metabolic disturbance and he gave 
it up at his doctors suggestion and 
joined a health dub. Three times a 
week I was tormented on an electric 
bicycle and a rowing machine and 
then a masseur would knead me and 
strike me loudly and cruelly with the 
flat of his hand. Farnsworth then 
bought a variety of elastic underpants 
or girdles that meant to disguise or 
dismiss me and, while they gave me 
great pain, they only challenged my 
invincibility. When they were re- 
moved in the evening, I reinstated 
myself amply in the world I so much 
love. Soon after this, he bought a 
contraption that was guaranteed to 
destroy me. This was a pair of gold- 
colored plastic shorts that could be 
inflated by a hand pump. The acid- 
ity of the (concluded on page 212) 




nothing else matters. Nixon had a point, 
though, staying over in Guam. Nixon 
always has a point. 

They ask you, What did you find in 

that surprised you? Or—more 
‘What did you find in China that 
d you most? But one is better off 
asking such a question of someone who 
has just returned from terra altogether 
incognita; from those parts of the Up- 
per Amazon (I take it there are still 
some) about which we have all learned 
from National Geographic that no hu- 
man being from the civilized world has 
ever uaveled there (interesting ques 
tion: What is the “civilized” world? 
What does the word nowadays mean?). 
Mysterious China, during the period 
since Liberation, has not been mys 
terious in the National Geographic sense. 
There have been travelers to China all 
along, even during the convulsions. 
Much was seen in China even during the 
Cultural Revolution that was not laid 
on for foreign visitors to sec. The con- 
trol of visitors’ movements, during the 
Cultural Revolution, was less thorough 
by far than the control after the Cul- 
tural Revolution; than the control today, 
when by contrast with pre-ping-pong 
China, it is considered a country rela- 
tively open to discreet inspection by for- 
cign journalists. But even during the 20 
years largely dosed to Americans, there 
were others who went there, others who 
reported on China in our own language, 
among them some who measured China 
by Western values. Clement Attlee led a 
delegation of Englishmen there 18 years 
ago, one of whom wrote а mordant Іше 
book called No Flies in China, urbanely 
mocking the only absolutely verifiable 
revolutionary achievement in the city of 
Shanghai—in fact, the reporter hadn't 
seen a single fly. But then possibly he 
wouldn't have noticed the absence of flies 
if their ab: е hadn't been remarked 
to him, and if he hadn't read somewhere 
that Shanghai used to be full of flies. 

What would have surprised us?—trav- 
eling to China a few months after Ross 
Terrill of Harvard did, and James Res- 
ton of The New York Times, and Wil- 
liam Attwood of Newsday, and dozens of 
Canadians and Australians and, for that 
matter, French and West Germans, 
whose reports we had read. “Have you 
noticed about the dogs?” one journalist 
asked me, four days into the trip. No, 1 
id, scratching my head. Were the dogs 
class-consciousless, 1 wondered? What 
had I missed? . . . “There are no dogs,” 
he said. 1 hadn't noticed, but it was true. 
True, more exactly, that we hadn't seen 
any dogs. Not true, necessarily, that 
there weren't any, someplace—it would 
not have done for President Nixon to 
have presented the Peking 200 with two 

104 dogs Another journalist, after three days 

(continued from page 98) 

in Peking: “Have you noticed about the 
grass" Same thing. There was no grass. 
I mean, there was no grass. The explana- 
tion may be simple. Maybe grass is ex- 
uemely hard to grow in the climate 
around Peking. On the other hand, grass 
grows all right in Maine and їп the 
Laurentians, where it is also very cold. 
No doubt there is another explanation, 
on the order of having to use all the 
available earth for food, or perhaps there 
is a positive cultural antipathy toward 
grass as conspicuous horticultural con- 
sumption. But I hadn't in fact noticed it. 

What the questioner is really asking, 
alter a trip of this nature, is: "What sur- 
prised you that surprise the news- 
men who have previously reported on 
their travels throughout China?” But 
even that question generates an answer 
only on the assumption of the incompe- 
tence or venality of your predecessors. 
‘This cannot safely be assumed, mostly 
because in conspicuous cases the people 
who had been to China were neither in- 
competent nor, all of them, beholden to 
the Communist myth. Of the ideological 
sycophants there were of course a num- 
ber, but their writings, though distract- 
ing, are disregarded by the practiced 
reader as automatically as the lesser stars 
by the navigator. One does not examine 
the reports on China of a Felix Greene, 
except as one is interested in ideological 
pathology. It was a problem for years 
where Russia was concerned, and al 
though it's true that there are people 
around who are willing to say gaspingly 
about China the same kind of thing the 
boys used to say about Stalin's Russia, іп 
China, on the whole, observers have 
bcen at once more cynical and more 
wise. The more cynical—the Wilfred 
Burcheus, the Felix Greenes—presuma- 
bly know what they are doing but are 
willing to do it anyway. Joseph Stalin 
had his apologists even after the Moscow 
Trials were exposed. The typical jour- 
nalis. visiting China is as I say at once 
wiser and more jaded, so that on the one 
hand he does not automatically accept on 
their terms the representations of his 
hosts, but on the other hand is world- 
weary about applying only standards of 
conduct that would have satisfied Wood- 
row Wilson, or the Committee for Cul- 
tural Freedom. 

What would have surprised us? Well, 
we'd have been surprised if, say, a politi- 
cal prisoner had been tied to a stake 
outside our hotel and shot for breakfast. 
We'd have written home about that. 
We'd have been surprised if, turning a 
corner during an unaccompanied walk 
through the streets of Shanghai, we had 
bumped into a corpse in the middle of 
the street, dead of undernourishment, or 
boredom. We'd have been surprised if the 

secret police (they cali them the Social At 
fairs Department—the Maoists are really 
wonderful on terminology, though after 
a certain amount it cloys, like Franglais) 
had come in one night to the hotel and 
dragged Barbara Walters off in hand. 
cuffs—you could have counted on us to 
cause a hell of a good row. 

But that kind of thing didn't happen. 
So what was it that did surprise us? 

Lcaving out the nonexistence of dogs 
and grass, and the trivial anomalies that 
strike each observer differently —what was 
it that surprised all, or nearly all of us? 

If you winnowed down the list ruth- 
lessly, I think you would have something 
very nearly like general agreement on 
the following. 

It surprised us that the airport greet- 
ing given to President Nixon was so 
scandalously spare. There were present 
at the airport (1) an honor guard of a 
couple of hundred soldiers; (2) a diplo- 
matic retinue of several dozen Chinese, 
led by Chou En-lai; and (3) us. One jour- 
nalist, struggling to assimilate the impli- 
cations of it, ventured the ingenious 
explanation that perhaps the Cultural 
Revolution had been so successful, this 
was in fact all the Chinese that were left. 
Americans are good at absorbing social 
shock. Richard Nixon proved superb at it. 

‘Ten hours after he landed he went to 
the microphone to return the toast of 
Chou Enlai, and oh, what a crafty toast 
it had been. It drew its strength from 
the implicit friendship between the 
American and the Chinese people. Alas, 
‘Owing to reasons known io all, con- 
tacts between the two peoples were sus- 
pended for over 20 years.” Chou En-lai 
went on to say, in the principal banquet 
hall of a capital city in which the Chi- 
nese people did not at that moment 
know even that the President of the 
United States was physically present 
in their city (they would learn it the next 
morning, when Nixon's picture appeared 
in the papers, visiting with Mao Tse- 
tung), in a country in which the people 
haven't the liherty: to choose what they 
want to read, or to write what they want 
to write, or to express themselves іп be 
half of the kind of society they want to 
live in, or to take the job they want or 
leave a job they don't want, or to prac- 
tice the religion they want to practice or 
to leave the city for the counuy or the 
country for the city, or to travel to anoth- 
ег part of China, or out of China . . . said 
Chou in his toast, “Тһе people, and the 
people alone, are the motive force in the 
making of world history." And he toasted 
the health of the President 

The surprise came when Richard 
Nixon did what he did. He could have 
Bot ыр, a genial, wizened smile on his 
face, to thank Chou for whatever efforts 
he was prepared to make to further the 
peoples interests, the world over; to 

"These days, you advertise a sextet, you better deliver." 



encourage him to join the United States 
in а joint search for peace: to toast 
the health of all leaders of the People's 
Republic of Chi 
the People's Republic of China . . . 
have sat down, smiling. Perfectly proper. 

We could not believe it, what he did. 
1 mean, there was no one there who was 
unsurprised—except, maybe, those who 
had projected rigorously how Richard 
Nixon characteristically does things: the 
imperative fusion of Quaker rectitude, 
and political exigency. . . . He began, 
under the shadow of that reception at 
the airport, by thanking Chou for his 
"incomparable hospitality." И Milton 
Berle had used those words, under simi- 
lar circumstances, the general response 
would have been: “Good old Uncle Mil- 
tie. That’s the way to treat those snotty 
bastards who sent a corporal's guard out 
to meet the President of the United 
States.” Then Mr. Nixon talked about 
bridging the differences between the two 
countries. Then, in a breath-taking ges 
ture of historical ecumenism, Mr. Nixon 
talked about undertaking a “long march 
together.” ‘The Long March being Red 
China's Bastille, Winter Palace, and 
Reichstag fire, the invocation of it by 
Richard Nixon as historically inspiring 
could have been matched only by Mao 
‘Tse-tung's bursting into the hall and 
saying that he wanted to be there pass- 
ing the ammunition to Richard Nixon 
next time America faced the rockets’ red 
glare. Then Nixon quoted Mao himself, 
in tones appropriate to Scripture. "Then 
he toasted not the health of Mao and 
Chou but, directly, Mao and Chou. 

Nor was that by any means all. Presi- 
dent Nixon did not return to his table to 
sit down. He returned only to pick up 
his small glass of liqueur, armed with 
which he strode to the adjoining table, 
crowded with Chinese officials, and 
paused, effulgently, to toast each one of 
them individually, his cheeks flushed 
(with grand purpose—Nixon is to ай in- 
tents and purposes a teetotaler), and on 
to yet another table of Chinese digni- 
tarics, to do the same. I commented in а 
dispatch cabled that evening that 1 
would not have been surprised if Mr. 
Nixon had lurched into a toast to Alger 
Hiss. My comment was taken amiss here 
and there. When I wrote it, I had no 
reason to know that the next morning 
U. P.I. would report that the widow 
Snow had just released the text of a let- 
ter received from Richard Nixon during 
Edgar's last hours on carth, expressing 
hope for his recovery and saying, “It will 
strengthen you to know that your dis- 
guished career is so widely respected 
nd appreciated." Edgar Snow had been 
a full-scale Communist apologist, writing 
from China, during the Forties and 
Fifties, as only a Communist sympathizer 

106 could. But there could not have been 

y observer of that extraordinary scene 
in the Great Hall of the People who 
understood the raised Presidential glass 
as motivated other than by a рше 
transideological desire to touch the soul 
of Chinese Maoists, in a way poor Nixon 
has never succecded in touching Ameri- 
can Democrats. It was an astounding ges 
ture, freighted with innocence. But he 
would have had a hell of a time explain- 
ing it to the Committee on Un-American 

‘Anyway, that surprised us. 

We were surprised the next day when 
they took us off to see the ballet, the 
Red Detachment of Women. М was а 
small hall, and we had our only glimpse 
of Chiang Ching, Madame Mao Tse- 
tung, whose displeasure over a ballet in 
1965 that showed insufficient servility 
to the thought of Mao Tsetung had 
triggered the Cultural Revolution. 
‘There was no chance that the Red 
Detachment of Women would uigger 
anything among American viewers sur 
rounding the President of the United 
States other than contempt. tempered 
by pity. It was as if the President had 
called together the chiefs of the black 
republics of Africa to a ballet in the 
White House on the theme of Little 
Black Sambo. What surprised us was not 
so much the hard-drug ideology—we are 
a country that absorbs Jane Fonda—as 
the curious social effrontery. The Chi- 
nese had nothing at all to gain, but un- 
mistakably something to lose, from a 
concentrated display of agitprop as art 
to a conscripted audience of Americans 
who sensed the restraints imposed upon 
the President by the diplomatic situation; 
and worried both that he might visibly 
fret under the strain; and that he 
wouldn't. (Oh, how much R.N. might 
have accomplished, the following night, 
in his next public toast, by an urbane 
reference to the Red Detachment of 
Women. How easy, how effective, how 
inspiriting, how just!) There could not 
have been anyone in the audience who 
didn’t think: Orwell. Rose Macaulay, on 
reading 1984, commented late in her life 
that she really didn’t understand how 
George could have written such a book, 
because such a society as he described 
was simply unthinkable. I thought of 
Rose Macaulay. There was no need for 
our hosts to make us think of Rose Ma- 
caulay After all, they had taken the 
trouble not to shoot dissidents outside 
our hotel room. Why should they do it 
10 art, a few feet away from us? 

And—iemember, the list із as com- 
pressed as D can make it—there was 
surprise over the affair at Peking Uni- 
versity. Every morning we had a choice 
of five or six tours to take—typically, а 
to an army unit, or a cooperative, 
or a hospital, or a museum, that. 
thing. It happened that on this morning, 
the day after the ballet, the majority of 

us signed up for a tour of Peking Uni 
versity, the center of learning in pre- 
Liberated China, where at about the time 
of the Versailles Conference a young 
assistant librarian, Mao "Fse-tung, is said 
to have steeped himself in 
better to compose his visions of a 
New China. 

So there we were, 30 or 40 of us, on 
that hallowed ground, in the cold, cold 
rector’s office, wearing our overcoats, 
and seated in a great semicircle. A trans 
lator was giving us in English the rec- 
tor's dreary account of the noble aims of 
Peking University under the patronage 
of Chairman Mao. The whole mech: 
cal business was exasperatingly slow, 
sodden harmony with the text. which 
was boiler-plate Mao, as revised by the 
Cultural Revolution. The reporter next 
to me leaned over and whispered, “That 
guy'—pointing to the rector—"speaks 
perfect English. He sat next to me at the 
banquet last night. Hell, he got h 
Ph.D. at the University of Chicago in 
the Twenties.” It was so, and in quick 
order all of us knew it, and it became 
evident that he was not speaking in Eng- 
lish only because of the Red Guards, 
who, it transpired, were still in control 
of the university, and who didn't under- 
stand English. Two of them, chunky, 
unsmiling 20-year-olds, flanked their 76- 
year-old rector, cars cocked for ideologi 
cal error. He committed none. 

Does anybody get dismissed 
PKU? was one question. 

No, nobody gels dismissed. 

Do you ever decide that а student 
should return to farm, or work? 

We have no such cases. 

Do students pick their own specialties? 

Their choices are combined with the 
needs of the state. 

What was it that was wrong with PKU 
before the Cultural Revolution? 

We were imitating the elitist practices 
oj Russia. 

What did you do to remedy that 

A Meo Thought Propaganda Team 
came in the fall of 1968, stayed a full 
year, and then left a revolutionary coun- 
cil to run PKU. 

What is it that PKU now has that it 
didn't have before? 

Sufficient class consciousness, and a 
proletarian spirit. 

‘The rector, tall, thin, gray, wore his au- 
thority as naturally as Robert Hutchins, 
spoke a little anxiously, and after a 
while, sensing that we all knew that he 
knew English, began discreetly helping 
his translator. Hearing him, a doctor of 
science from Chicago, say what he said, 
was a deeply saddening experience. 1t 
would have helped if he looked like Car- 
mine De Sapio, but he looked like H. B. 
Warner. A little like Pasternak, who 
died more or less trying. The rector at 

(continued on page 150) 


humor By CRAIG VETTER › сок everybody can 
get off on a little guile now and then. It even feels good some- 
times to stay up all night, smoking cigarettes and fretting 
about sin. But there is a limit, and somewhere back in the 
sincere years of protest and marching, some chemical-eyed 
radical raised the guilty ante by shouting out that if you're 
not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. It had 
a Ben Franklin ring to it, all right, and from that point on I 
was, they told me, guilty for almost everything, which is a 
lot, and for a while I believed them. 

I marched, I sang nasty little songs about the President, I 
demonstrated, I got billy-club status bumps on my head in 
Century City and Berkeley, I even wrote to the balding fool 
who sits in the Senate for me, But every time I made a good 
Christian move on one of my sins, they brought me another: 
The air is poison, they said, oil is spilling into the ocean, we've 
turned outer space into a garbage truck, Lake Erie is dead, the 
blue whale is close to gone (and here my notes begin to fuzz 
over with fatigue), our rivers bubble with cyclamates and our 
soft drinks are full of phosphates, they raise our cattle on X 

rays, corn flakes won't protect you in even a five-mile-an- 

hour head-on collision, color-TV radiates deadly hor- 
mones and not one American car meets the minimum 
daily requirements for vitamins and minerals. I was 


appalled, I am appalled, and when I asked who was respon- 
sible, they told me to look (if I ever got my hair cut again) 
at the infinite series of faces in the barbershop mirror that 
was me me me, sitting there, taking a trim while the planet 
went to hell. 

Finally it vas too much, and not long ago, in a moment of 
herd guilt overload and moral breakdown, I decided to stop 
feeling guilty for the things I could not change (by cither 
prayer or street fighting), and almost immediately the stoop 
went out of my walk. OF the 13 or 14 things I was guilty of 
last year, all were highly personal and private. 1 swear I was 
in a quiet dope stupor with friends, giggling over trifles, when 
Lake Erie got it. And that’s not all I'm innocent of. What 
follows is a list of things I did absolutely nothing about last 
year and over which I feel no guilt. 

Boycotts: І bought lettuce, I bought grapes, I probably even 
bought goods from South Africa. Every time I shop I exploit 
someone. It used to be called bargain-hunting. 

Nonbiodegradable, fancy-colored toilet paper: 1 use it on the 
theory that it adds a dash of color to the industrial waste. 

Bangla Desh: Didn't even buy the album (the song had a 
good beat but lousy words). 

Vietnam war: I've asked the President to stop it in many 
ways over the years and every (concluded on page 236) 

tired of carrying the weight of the world around? 
pou ve got company 




playboy’s ubiquitous shel—now a numero uno іп the music biz—whips up 
a whole new batch of ballads definitely not for the bubble-gum set 

OUR PEERLESS COMPOSER-CARTOONIST Shel Silverstein tells us he's exhausted these days, and we can understand why: 
He's been writing a book on erotic comic strips, working on two animated films and completing a book of children’s 
poems (due from Harper & Row soon)—and turning out songs. Herewith we present Shel's latest lyrics, most 
of which appear on his just-released Columbia album, Freakin’ at the Freakers Ball, featuring Dr. Hook and the Medicine 
Show and employing almost everyone who was in the vicinity of Sausalito at the time. Says Shel: *We had a gas re- 
cording, like when this girl violinist auditioned naked, and we managed to get some music out as well. Its a good 
album and I want everybody who reads this to go out and buy three copies, because I need an expensive vacation.” 


Come on, baby, grease your lips, 

Put on your hat and shake your hips, 

And don't forget to bring your ships. 

We're goin’ to the Freakers Ball. 

Shake your mojo, bang your gong, 

Roll up something to take along. 

Feels so good that it must be wrong. 

Freakin’ at the Freakers Ball. 
All the fags and the dykes, they boogie’n’ together. 
Leather freaks all dressed in leather. 
The greatest of the sadists and the masochists, too, 
Screamin’ “You hit me" and “I'll hit you.” 
FBI dancin’ with the jun 
All the straights swingin’ with the funkies. 
Cross the floor and up the wall. 
Freakin’ at the Freakers Ball. 

Hard-hats and long- hairs lovin’ each other. STACY BROWN GOT TWO 
Brother with sister, son with mother. ڪڪ‎ 
Smear my body up with butter. Have you heard about Stacy Brown? 
Take me to the Freakers Ball. He got every chick in town. 
So pass that roach, pour the wine. He got looks and he got class. 
ЛІ kiss yours if you'll kiss mine. Do anything to get a little lass. 
I'm gonna boogie till | go blind. And everybody shouts at him as he walks his girlies past 
Freakin’ at the Freakers Ball. Everybody got one. 
Everybody got one. 
Everybody got one, 

But Stacy Brown got two. 
Do you know the reason for his success? 
They say that he is double blessed. 
They say that Stacy Brown was born 
Just a little bit deformed, 
But still his girlfriends wake up smilin' every morn. 
Everybody got one. 
Everybody got one. 
Everybody got one, 
But Stacy Brown got two. 
Why they climbin' up the wall? 
Young ones run and old ones crawl. 
He got two and that's a fact, 
But no one knows where the other one's at— 
On his elbow? On his knee? Or underneath his hat? 
Everybody got one. 
Everybody got one. 
Everybody got one, 
But Stacy Brown got two. 


She's a liberated lady and she's lookin’ out for herself, 
And she don't need your protection and she does not want your help, 
And if you're lookin’ for some pretty flower, you better go look somewhere else, 
"Cause | warn you she’s a liberated lady. 
She got off work at the foundry; she was feelin’ kind of beat. 
On the bus she had to stand and let some fella have her seat. 
And she pinched the ass of a guy who passed her walkin’ down the street. 
When he called a cop she didn't quite understand, 
So she stopped off on the corner for her usual shot of rye. 
When some guy lit her cigarette, she punched him in the eye. 
Then he kicked her in the balls, it was enough to make her cry, 
But she stood there and she took it like a man. 
She's a liberated lady and she smokes them big cigars. 
You're gonna find her drinkin’ boilermakers at the corner bar. 
And in 30 seconds flat she'll change a flat tire on your car. 
Look out—she's a liberated lady. 
She come home to find her darlin’ husband cryin’ in distress. 
She said, "Why ain't supper ready and why is this house a mess?" 
He said, “Тһе kids have drove me crazy and | need a brand-new dress, 
And how come you don't ever take me dancin'?”” 
She sat down to smoke her pipe and she thought back to the time 
When she was satin, silk and lace, with nothing on her mind. 
But now she’s gotta mow the lawn and pay the bills on time, 
And pray to Mrs. God she don't get drafted. 
They got into bed that evenin' and she strapped her dildo on. 
She climbed on top of him and said, "OK, let's get it on." 
"You know I've got my period and my headache isn't gone." 
And he fell asleep—the chauvinistic bastard. 
But she's a liberated lady and she smokes them big cigars. 
You're gonna find her drinkin’ boilermakers at the corner bar. 
And in 30 seconds flat she'll change a flat tire on your car. 
Look out—she's a liberated lady. 


Oh, ever since my masochistic baby went and left me, 
1 got nothin’ to hit but the wall. 

She loved me when | beat her, 

But | started actin’ sweeter, 

And that was no way to treat her at all. 

Yes, she is the one that I'm dreamin’ of, 

And you always hurt the one you love, 

And ever since my masochistic baby went and left me, 
1 got nothin’ to hit but the wall—oh, no— 

Nothin’ to beat but the eggs; 

Nothin’ to belt but my pants; 

Nothin’ to whip but the cream; 

Nothin’ to punch but the clock; 

Nothin’ to strike but a match. 



There was Gemini Jim and Scorpio Sal, 

They was livin’ by the Golden Gate, 

Freezin' their nose and wearin’ leather clothes 

And dealin’ every way but straight. 

They had a Leo dog and a Capricorn cat 

And everything was goin’ fine, 

Till into their life on a starless night 

Come the man who got no sign. 
Look out, Momma, he’s headin’ this way, 
One eye yella and the other one gray, 
Lookin’ for a soul, but he won't get mine. 
He's the man who got no sign. 

Well, he walked right in, sat right down, 

And rolled himself a righteous smoke. 

He lit his roach with a lightnin’ bolt, 

And he took a toke and spoke. 

Said he was born in an astrological warp, 

When the moon refused to shine, 

On the cusp of nowhere and nevermore. 

He's the man who got no sign. 

Then he told the story of an endless search 

To find his missing part. 

And Sal, she sits and smiles at him 

And tries to do his chart. 

Till Pisces Ben, who was Jim's best friend, 

Said, “Man, you must be blind. 

Your chick is lost ‘cause her star is crossed 

With the man who got no sign.” 

Then late that night two shots rang out 

From Jim's old 32. 

He caught the stranger and Scorpio Sat 

Doin’ what they shouldn't do. 

When we got to the shed, there was Jim by the bed, 

Where Scorpio Sal lay dyin'. 

But a blood-red stain is all that remained 

Of the man who got no sign. 

The arrest was made by Sheriff Slade, 

An Aquarius through and through. 

And the jailer was a Sagittarius, 

So he beat Jim black and blue. 

They dragged him up the courthouse steps. 

They said, "Jim, how do you plea?" 

He said, “Мап, the moon's in Virgo, 

So the blame don't fall on те.” 

The jury all was Libras, 

So you know they was more than fair. 

But his lawyer was an Aries, 

And an Aries just don't care. 

The judge, he was a Cancer, 

And Cancers have no friends. 

Ви! the hangman was a Taurus, 

And that's where Jim's story ends. 

But late at night, when the stars are right 

And the moon is gray and dim, 

Two ghostly figures roll around 

Оп the grave of Gemini Jim. 

One is the ghost of Scorpio Sal 

As she moans and shrieks and grinds, 

In the endless come that she's gettin’ from 

110 The man who got no sign. 


Don't give a dose to the one you love most. 
Give her some marmalade; give her some toast. 
You can give her the willies or give her the blues, 
But the dose that you give her will get back to youse. 
1 once had a lady as sweet as a song. 
‘She was my darlin’ and she was my dear. 
But she had a dose and she passed it along. 
Now she's gone, but the dose is still here. 
So don't give a dose to the one you love most. 
Give her some marmalade; give her some toast. 
You can give her a partridge up in a pear tree, 
But the dose that you give her might get back to me. 
So if you've got an itchin'—if you've got a drip, 
Don't sit there wishin’ for it to go "мау. 
M there's a thing on the tip of your thing or your lip, 
Run down to the clinic today—and say: 
Don't give a dose to the one you love most. è 
Give her some marmalade; give her some toast. 
You can give her the willies or give her the blues, 
But the dose that you give her will get back to youse. 
(Seriously—the thing has reached epidemic proportions, so if you have 
any questions about it, get a checkup or phone 800-523-1885—they'Il be cool about it.) 


1 met her on a corner in Duluth (that's the truth). 
She was tryin' to fix her shoe in a telephone booth (her name was Ruth). 
She said she was just waiting for a bus, 
But | hid my thumb, ‘cause | knew just what she was. 
And 1 ain't gonna let no thumb-sucker suck my thumb. 
ІНІ drive you crazy and leave you deaf and dumb. 
It'll make you crawl and climb the wall. 
Leave you without no thumb at all. 
So | ain't gonna let no thumb-sucker suck my thumb. 
V'Il tell you what them thumb-suckers like to do: 
They suck your thumb till it's wrinkled like a prune. 
They'll say you've got the sweetest thumb of all, 
But then they suck the thumb of the guy livin’ down the hall. 
That's why І ain't gonna let no thumb-sucker suck my thumb. 
ІІ drive you crazy and leave you deaf and dumb. 
It'll make you crawl and climb the wall. 
Leave you without no thumb at ail. 
So | ain't gonna let no thumb-sucker suck ту thumb. 


Dave McGunn was a surfin' bum, half-crazed by the blazin' sun. 
From Waikiki to the Bering Sea, he rode 'em one by one. 
Now he hung offshore "bout a mile or more, out where the dolphins played, 
And his wild eyes gleamed as he schemed and dreamed 
To ride the perfect wave. 
Oh, ride the perfect wave, Dave, ride the perfect wave. 
If you wait it out and you don’t sell out, you may ride 
The perfect wave. 
He crouched in the spray and he waited all day till the sun gave way to the moon, 
And his legs grew cold and he grew old and wrinkled like a prune. 
And the years rolled by and the surf broke high and the 40-foot breakers sprayed. 
But he sneered at ‘em all, sayin’, "Too damn small; I’m waitin’ 
For the perfect wave.” 

He was sleepin’ on his board when he woke to a roar as thunder shook the sea. 
"Twas the dreaded California quake of 1973. 

And he stared at the reef in disbelief, then paddled with tremblin’ hands 
As a monstrous crashin’ tidal wave came roarin' ‘cross the land. 

It was 12 miles high and it filled the sky, the color of boilin' blood. 
And cities fell beneath its swell and mountains turned to mud. 

Its deadly surf engulfed the earth and left not a thing alive, 

And high on the tip with a smile on his lip was Davey hangin’ five. 
He hit the top of the Golden Gate at a thousand miles an hour, 
Over the top of the Empire State and the tip of the Eiffel Tower, 
And as he wiped out, you could hear him shout, as he plunged to a watery grave, 
“Hey hi dee hi, I'm glad to die—I've rode 

The perfect маме." 


1 was settin’ in my basement; I'd just rolled myself a taste of 
Somethin’ green and gold and glorious to get me through the day, 
When my friend yells through my transom, “Grab your coat and get your hat, son. 
There's a nut down on the corner givin' dollar bills away." 
But | sat around a bit, and then І had another hit, 
And then I rolled myself a bomber and I thought about my momma. 
Then | sat around, fooled around, played around awhile and then 
| got stoned and | missed it, | got stoned and I missed it, 
| got stoned—and it rolled right by. 
| got stoned and | missed it, | got stoned and I missed it, 
| got stoned, oh me, oh my. 
It took seven months of urgin’ just to get that local virgin, 
With the sweet face, up to my place—to fool around a bit. 
And next day she woke up rosy—and she cuddled up so cozy, 
But when she asked me how I'd liked it, it hurt me to admit 
| was stoned and І missed Й, | was stoned and | missed it, 
| was stoned—and it rolled right by. 
1 was stoned and | missed it, | was stoned and | missed it, 
| was stoned, oh me, oh my. 

1 ain't makin’ no excuses for the many things | uses 
Just to brighten my relationships and sweeten up my day. 
And when my earthly race is over, and they lay me ‘neath the clover, 
And they ask me how my life has been—l guess 1’ll have to say 
| was stoned and | missed it, | was stoned and І missed it, 
| was stoned—and it rolled right by. 
RVO ENCEPT -MASOCHISTIC BABY (BY SHEU SILVER: | was stoned and | missed it, | was stoned and I missed it, 
MUSIC! CA REN NOR N YOUED ET PERMISSION | was stoned, oh me, oh my. 


112 ance bewe 

NIRVANA BY THE BAY (continued from page ө) 

free. 24. a veteran of Vietnam, cool as 
On the way out, a desperate group of 
tourists from a nearby table clutched my 
arm. They were ready to weep with 
frustration and desire. They watched 
100 freaks gobbling up caviar, French 
wines, steaks, oysters, cool, so cool, and 
these Latter-day Saint tourists from Salt 
Lake City felt that 1, perhaps the eldest 
member of that crowd, was their last 
hope for salvation short of the return of 
bearded Joseph Smith. “Who are those 
people?" “опе hissed, his fundamentalist 
talons scrabbling against my corduroy 
“The strike committee from Pacific 
said. and they nodded. 
ys knew San Francisco 

No picturesque weirdness means that 
San Francisco escapes being ап Ameri- 
can city, with all the problems of an 
American city, while it also has some of 
the provincial, exempted charm of other 
hilly and provincial port cities, such as 
Leningrad. Marseilles, Naples and Ha 
which live freed from the responsibil 
ities of capitals—Moscow, Paris, Rome, 
Jerusalem—and therefore preserve some- 
thing traditional, highly colored by the 
sea and less hectic. Once, thanks to the 
gold rush, San Francisco had an 
hour in the sun. This year, Mainland 
China Trade Stores opened with soft 
commer smiles in the wake of the 
President Nixon China spectacular, and 
perhaps San Francisco could have an- 
Other gold rush if shipping and trade 
really begin to shuttle between the old 
opium states and the West Coast. 
Whether or not the town becomes Ven- 
ice again. a window to elsewhere. it still 
shares certain household frets with all 
other American centers—race, poverty, 
welfare, slums, freeways, school systems, 
smog, the resentments of middle Amer- 
ica, the rage of deprived America, the 
flight of money from the central city. It 
is not exempt from the Seventies. 

The problems that San Francisco 
shares with almost any other great 
American city can be summarized, alas, 
n its dogged, traditional city-hall poli- 
tics and its burden of mayor. Mayor 
Joseph L. Alioto is an old-fashioned 
Jersey City-style chieftain, formerly an 
able, overhungry lawyer. now coyly giv- 
ing out to hagiol 
Dante every nigh 
before tucking himself into bed 
Despite the squall and screech of Tar- 
tini. however. it's Abandon Hope. All Ye 
Who Enter Here for those who seek his 
aid for a limitation on high-rise massifi- 
cation and destruction of the city, He 
continually talks about “striking a bal- 
economics and aesthetics." 

Economics means the real-estate powers 
behind him; with the word aesthetics, he 
means to tar all those who long for 
clean air, viable streets and ecological 
balance, neighborhood feeling, realist 
tax rolls, in addition to the precarious 
human balance and elegance of San 
Francisco, with a brush that somehow 
means to say they are mincing nonfidu- 
ciary faggots. At one time he had ambi 
tions to rise to national eminence— 
Vice-President? even President?—but a 
series of sourings, induding civil and 
Federal suits for fraud involving his 
several-million-dollar fee in a complicat- 
ed util case, now have confined him 
to such provincial politicking as intro- 
ducing Humbert Н. Humphrey to his 
favored real-estate fat cats. He visibly 
chafes under tasks too small for him— 
Dante, the violin and San Francisco— 
and is doing his best to remold the city 
into Manhattan, that eerie, luminous suc- 
cess that seems to be his archaic ideal. 
He'll go for governor of Califor 
when his legal troubles subside. 

But Mayor Alioto, Jersey Cityman, 
Homunculus Tammany, somehow fits 
the old boss tradition without really 
representing what San Francisco has be- 
come. The traditional formulation of a 
man, a real man, a bounding savage 
armed with the leg bone of an antelope, 
doesn't seem to fit the local model. Here 
he is armed with pen, brush, guitar, or 
merely his pink and busy tongue. De- 
spite all the money, power, shipping, 
unions, major corporations, despite the 
fact that it really is Mayor Alioto's 
American dream, it’s still a consumer's 
casy garden city, a terrarium іп Amer- 
ica. But gardens, as everyone knows, are 
filled with worms and other beasties 
The green hides violence. red in tooth 
and claw. 

The barker at The Condor in North 
Beach looks like the star of a TV pilot 
called The Young Dentists—on speed. 
He's skinny, sharpfeatured and very 
fast, and he suggests slurping eroticism 
while doing busywork with his teeth. He 
paces back and forth with methamphet 
amine rancor, chanting, "Come on іп, 
organic sex! Sex is the best aphrodisiac! 

Come on in, all topless and bottomless 
college coeds!" He doesn't specify the 

The Jesus people on the sidewalk 
outside The Condor are no longer 
shooting, sniffing or smoking: they've 
found Jesus, or at least Pat Boone. They 
have long hair. Their complexions look 
up at their scalps reproachfully, sa 
Shampoo a little. One of them is selling 
Jesus Now, with a headline: "Mosi 
FINDS CHRIST, LEARNS LOVE." “It's free, it's 
pers a girl in a granny dress. 
She is thrusting the paper into hands 
that promptly litter. 

А long-haired young man with squ: 
wire glasses. like a lobotomized Harvard 
kid, is crying out with fixed Teutonic 
smile: “Abstain from filth!" Mean 
while, he too is handing out leaflets that 
fall to the street from the nerveless 
fingers of tourists 
"Aw, knock it off,” says the 
Young Dentist. 
not you 
"Knock off this abomination!” cries 
the ambassador from Jesusin-San-Rafa 
“Here, read the truth as we learned 
The battle between the drag’em-off- 
the-street barker at the topless bar and 
the Jesus freaks. "Be saved by Jee-2uz!” 
"Get some sex! It's organic!" 
christ will save youl” 
‘or Christ's sake, get the fuck out of 

'm working this door 


"We'll do what we can for you. Jesus 
loves you!” 

"Tell you what you can do for me, 
go across the street and let Jesus love 
Coke's Bar.” 

It was a countdown between the 
shorthaired busincssman selling sex and 
the long-haired freaky Christians selling 
salvation. Some leather-jacketed allies of 
The Condor gathered about the barker 
to consider extreme unction; that is, 
kicks rear, shoves over curb. But in 
the typical distortion brought about by 
the media, the fact of my standing there, 
gaping like a journalist, changed history. 
They said, “Aw, fuck," and went 
to drink and enjoy bottomless dancing, 
not living up to their promise. The 
Jesus freaks eventually climbed inio a 
blue VW bus and drove back to their 
commune in the Haight, where they get 
high on Christ and brown rice. They 
mix the traditions. 

A few weeks later they were busted 
for housing runaways 

Heroin is still sold in all the adjacent 

When I packed my wagon and hit the 
trail from New York in 1960, 1 had 
plans to spend a year in Friscoville, 
where there had been happy times on a 
it in 1957—Allen Ginsberg, the Co- 
Existence Bagel Shop, Mad Alex the 
Talker, Bob Kaufman the poet (Notes 
Found at the Tomb of the Unknown 
Draft Dodger), my brother beatniks get- 
g beaten about the head by Offer 
Bigarani on upper Grant. By the time I 
came to stay, the beat movement was 
frazzled away by a combination of media 
ging times and natural 
ars were being traded in for 
washerdryers, wine for grass and the 
long somnolence that would suddenly 
erupt in 1966-1967 (flower. ch 
Haight-Ashbury, "We are the ch 
of the Beats") needed a certain. incuba 
tion period. Still. doorways and chess 
bars were filled with patient dissemblers. 

(continued on page 154) 




northern ireland’s six counties—a land of 
internment, rubber bullets, fire bombs, gun fights 
and murder—more than one reporter could bear 

THE axı is on ity way. In a few hours the Aer Lingus 
flight will be taking off from Belfast, heading for Shannon 
and then Chicago. This is the fourth time in less than a 
year I'll be saying goodbye to Northern Ireland. Only this 
time it's different. This time I'm determined not to come 
back. 1 like too many people here. I don’t want to see 
them get hurt. I've written enough obituaries already. 

The situation continues to grow more absurd, more 
brutal, more hopeless. I keep thinking of a line from the 
movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Katharine 
Ross had dodged around Bolivia on horseback with Paul 
Newman and Robert Redford, helping them stick up 
banks, watching people get shot down. Earlier, she had 
warned Newman and Redford that she would leave be- 
fore the end. "I don't want to watch them kill you,” she 
said and they understood, Once you heard Katharine 
Ross say she was going home, you knew that the movie 
was over except for the final shoot-out. 

Well, that's the way I feel now as I sit here in the 
Europa hotel, waiting for Leslie Dunne, the hall porter, 
to call and tell me the cab has arrived. It's all over but 
the final shoot-out. I don't want to see the blood bath. 

Is strange. Now that I'm leaving, it isn't the big crowd 
scenes I'll carry with me. I found them difficult to visual- 
ize even hours after they'd occurred. There are shouts, 
curses and screams. There are dull explosions of the 
Webley & Scott pistols that fire bone-breaking rubber 
bullets at 110 miles an hour; popping sounds from CS- 
gas-canister launchers; the dull thud of exploding nail 
bombs. The images blur. Of all che crowd scenes, I recall 
two almost trivial incidents: 

A riot in the Creggan district of Londonderry that 
lasted seven hours. I am standing against the wall of 
St. Mary's Church, watching the British soldiers who are 
pinned down behind their plastic riot shields by а bar- 
rage of rocks hurled by a mob of hundreds. À boy, no 
more than 12, scurries past ше, bent over to keep out 
of the line of vision of the soldicrs, who are separated 
from us by a low brick wall. He carries a milk bottle with 
a long wick in his left hand. It is half filled with gasoline. 
He hurls it at the soldiers, using both hands with the 
sweeping motion of a hammer thrower. The fire bomb 
explodes in the midst of the soldicrs, setting two of them 

afire momentarily. The crowd (continued on page 116) 113 



|| was Gorgeous George who almost 
singlehandedly transformed pro- 
fessional wrestling from a sport 

to a spectacle; who ushered 
television out of the electronics 
laboratory and into the living 

zoom. . .. No one who has grown up in 
the unremitting hothouse glare of the 
commercial tube will ever be able to im- 
agine how brilliantly those first feeble 
sparks of video-at-home illuminated the 
Spirit of postwar America. Yet even then, 
when a simple test pattern was miracle 
enough to command our rapt attention, 
Gorgeous George was Special: A pio- 
neer in scarlet tights and golden ring- 
lets, he pranced and preened his шау 
across the barren plains of the American 
consciousness, breaking the hard ground 
from which has since sprouted such 
unlikely and exotic fruit as Liberace, 
Little Richard, Muhammad Ali and 

Monti Rock III. 

The television camera's red eye winks 
on. A wheezy Wurlitzer belches the open- 
ing bars of Pomp and Circumstance into 
the freshly perfumed air, and Gorgeous 
George, splendidly arrayed in a robe of 
rich orchid brocade, dark-puce tights and 
fawn buskins, begins his triumphal 
mince down the aisle. 

Ignoring the thunderous tide of boos 
and catcalls crashing around him (“Неу, 
faggot, where's yer pockabook?"; “Thay, 
thweetheartl"), the flaming Fauntleroy 
of the grappling game swishes toward 
the ring, the rippling muscles of his 
stout, beer-hall Adonis physique radiat- 
ing that disquieting amalgam of brute 
strength and finicky prissiness that has 
earned him the nickname “The Iron 
Doily." Once again, the fabled halo of 
marcelled ringlets shimmers golden in 
the spotlight. Once again, the nation’s 
boldest experiment in psychotherapy is 
about to unfold. 

‘The story of George Raymond Wag- 
ner, M. D, is one of the most unusual 
—and ultimately tragic—in the history 
of psychiatry. Just how did this highly 
sophisticated New York psychoanalyst 
transform himself into that outrageous 
killer/fruitcake Gorgeous George? What 
qualities of intellect could have led 
George Wagner, M.D., to trade his 
dinicians gown [or an embroidered 
wrester's cape? 

Unlike most doctors Wagner had 
come to the practice of psychiatry by way 
of dry cleaning. His internship behind 
him, the fledgling physician decided to 
try the family’s failing dry-cleaning firm 
before electing a medical specialty. 

“I loved the smell of the fluid and the 
entire dry-cleaning ethos,” he wrote lat- 
cr, "particularly the opportunity to pro- 
vide courteous, same-day service. The 
only real problem was in withstanding 
the emotional pressure. A customer 
would bring in a lovely Parisian gown 

with a huge champagne stain across the 
bodice and I'd go completely to pieces. 
As it turned out, 1 was overidentifying 
with the garments a common dry- 
cleaner's syndrome." He decided to spe- 
dialize in psychiatry. 

At Bellevue, where he went for train- 
ing the young Dr. Wagner became 
known for his extraordinary zeal. Dr. 
Reece Tatum, a fellow resident at Belle- 
vue, has written that Wagner “seemed to 
have difficulty moderating his abundant 
enthusiasm for work. It took us months 
to accustom ourselves to the idea that 
the bloodcurdling screams that so often 
emanated from his service were not the 
nightmare terrors of the psychotic pa- 
tients but merely Dr. Wagner expressing 
his glee over some bit of insight that 
either he or one of them had just 

Clearly, Wagner was already beginning 
to work on the frontiers—some said the 
lunatic fringe—of conventional psychi- 
atry. If so, he was not alone; for the late 



some litile-known facts about a тап of many talents— 
noted psychiatrist, champion wrestler and certified fruitcake 

Forties and early Fifties were years of 
enormous ferment in the mental-health 
arena. The spirit of the time is best 
illustrated by this passage, astonishingly 
close to coherence, from a popular con: 
temporary work, Dr. Frank Slaughter's 
Medicine for Moderns (1947): 

The domain of psychotherapy 
outside of classical psychoanalysis is 
very broad; so broad, in fact, that 
we are only beginning to realize its 
possibilities through various forms 
of emotional catharsis. 

And what. Dr. Wagner postulated, if 
the ancient chariot of dramatic cathar- 
sis could be (continued on page 252) 



AND so IT GOES (continued from page 113) 

stops throwing rocks to roar its approval 
and to taunt the two nowterrified. 

Another riot at thc Unity Flats, a 
Catholic enclave on the edge of the Prot 
1 Road area in Belfast. It 
ternoon and the Protes- 
e marching past the flats on the 
me from a football match. The 
ig and the rock throwing go on 
until dark. This happens every Saturday 
in Belfast and the television crews are al- 
s there, waiting for what might turn 
out to be the climactic riot of the season. 
This time, a middle-aged woman with a 
florid. hate-filled face stands on the 
street corner in the midst of the mob, 
shouting at the residents of the Unity 
Flats. She is screeching at the top of 
her lungs 

“Oh, we'll fuch the Fenian bastards. 
We'll fuck the Fenian bastards. . . ." 

A major of the British grenadiers, 
dressed in battle jacket and plaid dress 
ants, walks through the crowd and 
stops in front of the woman. He places 
his walking stick right on her shoulder 
to assure he will get her full attention. 
See here, madam,” the major says, “this 
is all going to be very low key here 
today. АП very low key. Do you 

No crowd scenes. But I do remember 
the faces. So many of them. Now every 
time a name pops into my mind, a face 
comes with it, as though it were a pass 
port photo sitting in front of me. 

1 see Jim McCrea's. weather- 
beaten face looking out at me from under 
his tweed cap. He is about 50 years old 
and his tall, spare figure is topped by a 
full head of gray hair that sprouts from 
under his cap. McCrea makes his living 
digging graves in the Milltown Cemetery, 
Belfast's burial ground for the LR. A 
He is Catholic, but he expresses no great 
partisanship about the troubles, He 
prides himself on being good at his job. 

We were standing near an open grave 
McGrea had just finished digging lor 
Топу Henderson, a 20-year-old 1. R. A. 
man who had been killed a few days pre- 
viously by a gun blast in the head. 
"What do you think of it all?" I asked. 

McCrea acted as though he didn't un- 
derstand the question. But he answered 
another that he apparently wanted me 
to ask. “When we cover him over,” 
McCrea said, "his body will be about 
five feet down. That's pretty good, when 
you consider there are three І. К. A. men 
already down there under him. 

“Twenty-one years, I've been working 
here. It’s not so bad. There's no great su- 
pervision. I make eighteen pounds а 

nig week and the ground's good. There's 

places you could work where the 
ground’s like heavy clay. Sticks to your 
shovel. This is almost like sand. But 
maybe that's because we open it up 
so much." 

1 lost sight of McCrea during the fu- 
neral. There were more than 1000 
L R. A. supporters gathered around the 
grave and the final words were said by a 
fat man in a black-leather coat named 
Malachy McNally. He looked and sound- 
ed amazingly like Jackie Gleason would 
Gleason had a Northern Irish accent. 
"We do not grudge, O Lord, that the 
flower of our youth has been placed here 
in the last eighteen months,” McNally 
intoned. "The tragedy is that а man 
must be prepared in this day and age to 
lay down his life in the cause of Irish 
freedom. As the great Terence Мас 
Swiney said: "It is not those who can 
the most but those who con en- 
dure the most who will win. ” 

There were a few seconds of silence as 
McCrea and three assistants moved for- 
ward and began shoveling dirt over 
‘Then McNally concluded the 
Farewell, comrade,” he said, the 

McNally. He was one of the first people 

lifted by the British when internment 
was declared on August 9, 1971. He has 
been held in a cage at the Long Kesh 
prison outside Belfast ever since. McCrea 
still digs graves at Milltown. I have seen 

im at many funerals since that day. He 
always gives me a formal nod when he 
sees me, as if the two of us share a 
deep secret. 

1 remember asking McGrea on the day 
of the Henderson funeral just how long 
it would take to chisel Hendersor's 
name into the L R. А. monument above 
the graves “Little more than two 
hours,” he said. The other day. I noticed 
that the man who engraves the names 
was 25 behind. 

FH remember Jim McCann and his 
brother Brendan, too. The morning 
after the police captured Jim trying to 
fire-bomb Queen's University in Belfast, 
Brendan came to tell me about it. 7 
need about filty pounds,” he said, “for 
little odds and ends to take to James 
up in the Crumlin Road Jail and for 
money to hirc a lawyer." He settled for 
ien pounds. Four hours later, he was 

on the phone. He was in a pub around 
the corner and he was in deep trouble, 
he said. 

When I arrived, Brendan was sitting 
at a table. He was leaning forward, with 
head cupped in his two pully hands. 
Fm such a lonely man," he said. 
“There's my old brother James. He's the 

tower of strength, and he's sittin’ up in 
the Crumlin Road Jail. And what am 
1 doin? All I'm doin’ for him is sittin’ 
here nursing this awful head of mine. 115 
the drink, you know. It’s the drink that‘ 
got me feeling this way. If only my head 
would stop pounding. 

A darkhaired young woman came 
through the door of the pub, headed 
toward Brendan with a determined step. 
Attached to each of her hands was a 
smali child, a boy on one hand and a 
girl on the other. “Brendan,” she said 
coldly, "Brendan, youre litle better 
than a cri al. What did you do with 
the money? 

Brendan looked up. He gave the girl 
a helpless look, spreading his hands 
in front of him. "Deirdre" he began, 
as God is my judge, 1 didn't take 
hy money that wasn't mine. And all I 
did with it, anyway, was buy fruit and 
newspapers to take 10 James and your 
brother Peter up in the. Cruml 

"Brendan, you're twenty-nine years 
old. You're a ied man with four 
children and you haven't been home 10 
your wife in two days. You haven't been 
home since you came to my house and 
talked my mother into giving you that 
ten pounds you promised you'd take up 
10 the jail to give to the boys lor fags 
and things they need." 

“Deirdre, love, let's not go on like this 
about things you don't understand. 1 
went up to the jail and 1 took with 
me all the newspapers and magazines a 
man could find. I took fruit and 1 even 
took three bottles of lime juice laced 
with vodka.” 

Brendan shrugged his thick shoulders 
and threw up his hands. "Wouldn't you 
know those guards would suspect some- 
thing from the likes of a McCann? They 
wouldn't let me leave the lime juice. 5 
what could 1 do but drink it myself? 
Deirdre, you understand these things. 
don't you, love?” 

Deirdre sat there across from Bren- 
dan, glaring, The waitress came to 
the table. Brendan's face brightened 
“There's a good girl" he said to the 
tress. "Bring Deirdre a vodka and 
peppermint. ГЇЇ have another Guinness, 
100. I do believe my head is beginning 
to feel a little better.” 

Brendan finally went to the jail the 
next day and got straightened out with 
his brother Jim. I went along with 
him. Jim McCann's face appeared des- 
perate. “They'll h: me to hold 
me in this place. “L promise 
you now. I'm gett 

Two months later, he did escape from 
the Crumlin. Someone smuggled a file to 
him and he 
the window of his cell. He made his way 
to the outer wall, climbed it 
face to lace with a British sentry. Incredi 
bly, the sentry thought Jim was part of 

(continued on page 191) 


from playboy’s exclusive 
international collection: 
creative menswear by the 
world’s top designers 

the Grand Ballroom 
Plaza Hotel was once 
again center stage for the opening night 
of Playboy's annual Creative Menswear 
International Designer Collection —a 
gala fashion show that was to go on 
tour of the States and Europe—presided 
over by our own Fashion Director, 
Robert L. Green. Although the evening 
has traditionally been a black-tie affair, 
this year's invitations read “Dress Beau 
tiful," and (text concluded on page 206) 

ABOVE: The Gatsbyesque combination of a 
wool check jacket, cashmere V-neck, buttan- 
down shirt, polko-dat pocket square and check 
tie worn with flannel slacks, wing tips and a 
straw hat is a look that could only hove been 
put together by the great Bill Blass. 


/ 7» iig i) т. 

LEFT; The hell-bent-for-leather noeds. 
of the serious motoreyclist inspired 
Hermés of Paris to create this super- 
soft duotone calfskin jump suit thot 
features industrial zip closures at 

front and cuffs, worn with matching 
gauntlets, fiberglass helmet with visor 
опа o pair of thick-soled lace-up boots. 
RIGHT: Rome's Bruno Piattelli takes his 
fashion cue from that most traditional 
of fabrici—-tweed—and comes up 

with a tweed-trimmed knit cardigan, 
worn with matching tweed slacks 

and o wool turtleneck. 


RIGHT: А rising young Manhattan designer, 

Tom Fallon, demonstrates a flair for Г —À 

coat lined in red corduroy and worn over 

a cashmere pullover, polka-dot 
scarf and pleated satin slacks. 
New Yorker, John Puntar, - 
who's affiliated with Ben Kahn furs, 

has applied his talent 10 the classic 

toggle coat and offered us a dyed 

Toscana Sponish lambskin model 

thot features a self-fur lining, 

worn atap a black-woal turtle- 

neck and a pair of jeans. 



digger's ZaAME Continued from page 78) 

them all to me. I want thirty checks and 
I dont want no moren thirty checks 

к," the Digger said. 
“The guy 1 got,” the driver said, "it's 
gonna be important for him the checks 
went out sometime this month, because 
he's on vacation and he'll be able to 
prove where he was all the time. We get 
checks from one of the other books, they 
start со in, he's not gonna be pro- 
tected. OK? 
“OK,” the Digger said. “How'd you 
meer him, anyway?" 
Tt was a business thing," the driver 
said. "He needed some money and this 
friend of his sent him around to see me. 

"Jesus" the Digger said, “1 don't 
know where the hell youd be without 
us guys pressed for dough. You'd proba- 
bly have to go out and work for a 

"Some guys.” the driver said, start 
the Jaguar, "some guys need more'n 
they have, some guys have more'n they 
need. Its just a matter of getting us 
together, Dig, that's all it 
ing of changing sides,” the 
Digger said. "If I get through this with- 
out doing time, I'm definitely go 

recommend it" the driver said. 
it's lots more comfortable. Still, it 
shouldn't take you more’n an hour, and 
"re fifteen hundred bucks ahead of 
here you were when you closed up 
Yeah," the Digger said, "one and a 
half down, sixteen and a half to go. 
Someday, my friend, I'm gonna get 
smart, and when I do, well, I just hope 
you can find another guy is all.” 
“Digger,” the driver said as the fat 
man began to get out, “as long as they 
keep making women and horses, there'll 
always be a guy to find. ГЇЇ see you in 
the morning." 

look tired. Dig." Harrington 
said. "You look like you been up all 
night or something.” Harrington. was 
foreman at Boston Edison. He worked 
on Saturdays as à supervisor. He took 
the Dort Ave. bus home every night; he 
got off a block away from the intersec- 
tion of Gallivan Boulevard. The Bright 
Red was on that corner and he stopped 
couple of cold ones. Week 
nights he drank his beer and read the 
Record, Saturdays were quiet and he read 
the Record at work, his feet on the des 
and a cardboard container of collee 
growing cold beside the portable radio. 
Saturday nights he talked. 

“I was" the Digger said. “You'd think 
a guy as old as I an'd learn sometime, 
you can't stay up all night "thout feeling 
like hell the next day. Not me, I never 

in lor 

“You out drinking or something?" 
Harrington asked. 

"Nah," the Digger said, "I was down 
to the Market, I see this guy. I had 
something to do, I just didn't get 

around to going home is all. 1 guess I 
roll in about four. What the fuck, it's 
Saturday. It’s not like it's the middle of 
the week, you hadda come in here and 
bust your as, everybody gets out of 
work the same time. I can handle 

“See, I was wondering," Harrington 
said. "You look like that, 1 see you 
looking like that, I was wondering, may- 
be you got that problem agai 

“Martinis,” the Digger said. “No, I 
didn't have that. That's a funny thing, 
you know? I think, I haven't had tha 
kind of problem since the frst time 1 
was talking to you. Which was a pretty 
long time, 1 think. No, that much I 
learn, I don't drink no more of that 
stuff, that fuckin’ gin. That stuff kill 
you, 1 know that much. No, it was 
something else." 

"Broads," Harrington said, "You're а 
stupid shit, Dig, I always told you that. 
You're a stupid shit, fool around with 
the broads. That's dumb. 1 maybe grew 
up in Saint Columbkille’s, I maybe 
don't know my ass from third base, I'm 
out here, the chocolate factory, 1 still 
know enough, I don't fool around with 
no broads. I know that much, at least. 
You're a dumb shit, staying out all 
fool around with broads. It don't 
ip you got to know that. The 
thc monkey, a cunt is a cunt. 
Why you wasting your time? Oughta go 
home and slee] 

hole. You stayed up till four in the 
morning because you wanted to. You're 

a fuckin’ asshole. I thought you had 
more sense. You're too old for staying 
out like that. No wonder you look like 
death warmed over. You ей ош be- 
cause you wanted to. You're an 

"I had a reason,” the Digger said. 
“Sure you did,” Harrington said. “You 
wanted to get laid was your reason. 
You didn't get laid. You're an asshole.” 

"Look," the Digger said, "I went to 
ga» the other week.” 

“So 1 hear," Harrington said. “All the 
high rollers going out to Vegas. ‘Look, 
you dumb shit.” they say to me. ‘you 
can't lose. Up front you pay a grand 
and they give you eight-twenty back in 
the chips and the plane ride and the 
hotel and everything. Broads. You never 
see the broads like you see the broads in 
Vegas. Got to fight them off.’ So I say: 
‘OK. L believe you. How come I gotta 
tell them the name every bank I ever 
had an account, huh? It’s probably, they 
want to make sure, I'm a nice fellow, 

don't want to give the money 
somebody doesn't need it or something 

probably it’ Oh, no, thar's not it 
Its just to be sure, you know? They 
don't no deadbeats ОК, that's 


g I'm gonna w 
difference does it make, I'm a dı 
or not? No difference at all. So all 
I'm not going. They ask me that, the 
bank accounts, I think they think I'm 
not gonna win. They think I'm gonna 
lose is what they think. Now, they been 
at it a lot longern 1 have. 1 think 1 bet 
with the smart money this time. 1 think 
I'm gonna lose, too, and 1 can't afford to 
lose. So I'm not going. 

"Well" Harrington said, "I dunno if 
you was around or not, but I take many 
kinds of shit. The wife won't let me; I 
don't have no balls; when am 1 gonna 
get smart: all the rest of it. Then every- 
body goes, and it gets quiet. Beautiful. 1 
actually enjoy coming in here, three or 
four days, although 1 think, them mil- 
lionaires get back from Vegas, I'm go 
па have to go down the parish hall, 
drink tea with the guild, I expect any 
peace and quiet 

“Then everybody comes back,” Har 
rington said. "Funny thing, 1 don't hear 
nothing. Nothing about broads, 1 don 
see anybody with the big roll, noth 
I start to wonder, what is i? Girls 
wouldn't do it? Nah, can’t be that. All 
you guys talk nice, use the deodorant 
there. Steaks tough? Frank Sinatra goes 
there and the steaks'te tough? Can't be 

you guys're over the Bulge, some of you 
were in Korea, every single one of you 
s the Medal of Honor, at least in 
here. Beats me. 1 just can't understand 
it. See, І know you guys didn't lose no 
money. You're all too smart for that. 
You all told me so, a lot. So I finally 
decide, you're being пісе to me. I'm 
Mickey the Dunce and you're all being 
nice. Out pricing the Cads with all the 
dough you won, you're just not telling 
me because you don't want me to feel 
bad. You guys, you're saints, you know 
. Dig? Saints. 1 said that to my 

you know," the Digger said, 
ipal trouble is, you got 

"My wife claims that" Harrington 
said. "She also says 1 hang around the 
wrong type of guys and it gets me in 
trouble, it won't be her fault. She says a 
lot of things. But then I say: "Look, did 
І go to Vegas and win a million dollars? 
Not me. I'm too smart for that. Nobody 
fakes old Harrington into wi 
million, no sir’ That shuts her up. 
"She thinks I'm one of the bad guys,” 

the Digger said. 
She does,” Harrington said, "she has 
said that. But she don't say it no more. 1 
said: ‘Look, you like the sterco all right. 
You give me а lot of stuff and all, but 
(continued on роде H6) 

tongue-in-cheek remembrances of sundry newsmakers who—in word or deed —made the headlines in ^72 


humor By JUDITH WAX 

The Nielsen charts were dimming 
Cute Dickie Cavett's star, 

But then the network brass stepped in 
And brought him up to Paar. 

Our Henry's a hit in Pehing or Paree; 
He's tops in D. C. or L. A. 

The nation's awaiting his how-to-do book: 

“The Sensuous Statesman,” by K. 

Father Phil was brought to trial, 
Then back in stir they clamped him. 
It seemed severe for smuggled mail. 
(Perhaps he hadn't stamped 'em.) 

When Winnipeg signed Bobby, 
The Black Hawks lost their king. 
They moaned, “Quick! Alka-Seltzer! 
We hate the Hull-H thing!” 

“Drunk driver Tom,” wrote Anderson. 
The proof? Well, there was none. 

The guilty guy, it seems, was Jack, 

Of reckless hit and run. 

Can a pol turn TV star? 

So they asked of Cleveland's Stokes. 
New York newsman Carl says, “Sure! 
Dif rent Stokes for алет folks.” 

Those guys who needled Martha’s rump 
Were terribly unkind. 

The rules say Martha gives, поі gels, 

A pain in the behind. 

Willie Mays became a Met; 

New Yorkers, they yelled, “Say hey!” 
San Francisco wanted him 

But not his Giant pay-hey. 

Dick threw Liz a birthday blast; 
Her new rock weighs a ton. 

It proves the women's mags are right: 
Forty can be fun! 

While George and Richard did their best, 
It wasn't quite enough. 
Burt Reynolds got the ladies’ vote 
For posing in the buff. 


Feisty Miss Fonda went over to 'Nam, 
Where critical things she did say 
Capitol Hill then bravely resolved 
To take Janie's Oscar away. 

Egypt's Sadat had the Russians get out 
His language was measured and stately, 
Saying, to wit, Oh you once gave a dam, 
But what have you done for us lately? 

Bill Proxmire got himself a "lift" 
And grafted falling hairs in place. 
We hope in time he won't be just 
Another pretty Senate face. 

Ms. Chisholm sought high office, 

The Presidential prize. 

They turned her off when Shirley said, 
“I don't wash windows, guys.” 

A great new act was born last year, 
And no doubt William Morris 

Will sign those stars of Chess-capades: 
Bobby-boy and Boris. 

Some call Alice Cooper strange; 
We cannot think what for. 
Alice is as average as 

The boy-girLit next door. 

“The Godfather"—who'd get the role? 
We never doubted whom they'd choose. 
“Don” Brando obviously made 

An offer they could not refuse. 

Tiny's missus wished to work; 
It sorely strained the match. 
Tim believes a woman's place 
Is in the tulip patch. 

Miss Hollander wrote, "Happiness? 
A hooker can achieve it!” 

Poor thing—she loved America 

So much they made her leave it. 

When Clifford Irving pitched his book, 
He hadn't meant to brag. 

He simply thought that Van Pallandt 
Was Howard Hughes in drag. 

miss january teaches modeling, lobbies, 
writes insurance, maintains a growing 
menagerie—and turns down beauty titles 

пкт GARCIA isn’t the kind of girl you meet every day. 
Oh, she's the usual melting-pot mixture (English, 
Irish, French and Spanish, in her case) and she likes 
the usual things (popcorn, Tom Jones, All in the 
Family). But how many women—or men—you know 
could sustain Miki's frenetic pace? Besides working 
at two jobs—as a Sacramento model and an insurance 
underwriter—25-year-old Miki is an amateur lobbyist 
for homeless animals, civic fund raiser, volunteer 
instructor for a class of Mexican-American teenaged 
girls who want to break into the modeling field, assist- 
ant director of an annual beauty pageant and owner 
of three hens, three cats. four pigeons, a rooster and a 
pair of rabbits. Miki is so busy, in fact, that after win- 
ing a dozen contest titles, she turned down the 13th 
d biggest, that of Miss California World—not 
because she's superstitious but because it would have 
conflicted with other commitments, foremost of which 
was her date to be a Playmate. Miki grew up as an 


Keeping vp with Miki is a full-time job. She moy be appeal- 
ing to the Rotary Club for beauty-contest sponsors (above), 
enrolling students in her modeling class for Mexican- 

Americon teenagers at the Sacramento Concilio center (top 
right) or maintaining the outstanding Garcia swimming form 

At near right, Miki buttonholes a legisla- 
tar friend, state assemblyman Walter 
Karobian, to enlist his support for Pets 
& Pals, Inc., a local humane soci 

ty; ot 
for right, time out far a fast hot dog. 

Air Force brat, living in ten cities in 
four countries before settling in the 
Sacramento area іп 1908. Her Spanish 
surname, in a locale of lingering anti- 
chicano bias, caused her some minor 
problems at first. “Now that I'm bet- 
ter known in town, 1 do what I can to 
combat prejudice,” she says. “Before 
the Miss California-Bikini contest, of 
which I'm assistant director, 1 combed 
the countryside making speeches at 
council and civic meetings, 
signing up Indian, Mexican and black 
contestants. I was sick of all-white 
beauty contests." This month, Miki 
and pageant director Jane Pope, a 
local PR consultant, plan to inter 
ionalize their bikini competition 


h a contest in Hong Kong. 
other new side line is the Mik 
swimsuit, designed by Miki and cro- 
cheted as a fund-raising project by 
women from a predominantly black 
Baptist church. What makes Miki 
run? "I'm not really an activist," she 
says. “I just want to help people. 
But this pace is be 10 get to 
me. Like last night: One of my hens 
refused to sit, and 1 was up till all 
hours hatching eggs under an electric 
blanket, then feeding chicks with an 
eye droppa. l'm a wreck." We disagree. 

Getting ready for the Miss Colifornia-Bikini pageant, which was o highlight of the California Exposition and State Fair in September, 
mistress of ceremonies Miki dresses (above left) ond coaches a Mexican-American contestant, Yolanda Weeks [above right]. Below, 
Баск at the suburban home she shares with her pets, Miki relaxes at last—and catches up on family news with her brother, Kent. 


The husband was perusing a detailed sex man- 
ual and his wife asked why. He replied that he 
was ured of being in the same old rut. “But I 
don't understand.” she protested 

"Well," said the husband, "let me put it to 
you another way. . .." 

We understand that the ecumenical movement 
has reached a milestone with agreement on 
the text of the first Jewish-Catholic prayer— 
one that begins, "Oy vay, Maria. 

Im writing a letter home; explained the GI 
to the chaplain, "and I'm stuck on something. 
is there a hyphen in hard o 
Son,” gasped the clergyman 
you telling your folks in that letter 

“Just this, sir," answered the soldier. “I'm 
tdling Mom and Dad we're finally able to 
attend services in your field chapel—the one 
we all worked so hard on." 

whatever are 

We've been told that acupuncture fees in 
China are so modest that they're referred to as 
pin moncy. 

The pro quarterback. was petitioning the court 
to have his recent marriage annulled, "On 
what grounds?” questioned the judge. 
Vonvirginity." replied the quarterback 
“When I married her, I thought I was getting 
a tight end, but instead I found I've роце 
wide receiver.” 

My timing is terrible," commented опе park- 
bencher to another. 

“What do you mean, Georg 

Now that the sexual revolution ha: 

I seem to have run out of ammunition. 


Our Unabashed Dictionary defines Chinese 
Casanova as a Don Whong. 

Three girls had been arrested for streetwalking 
and arraigned in night court. When the judge 
demanded an explanation from the first. she 
said that she was a nightclub hatcheck girl 
who had simply been walking home, When he 
questioned the second young thing, she 
him the same answer. Turning to the third, 
he said, "And I suppose you're a hat-check 
girl, too." 

"No, your Honor, 

Amused by her frankness, the jud 
"Really? How's business these nights?" 

Lousy,” the pro retorted, "with all these 
hav-check girls around,” 

she confessed. 

The Scottish sergeant major walked into a 
Glasgow drugstore and took a beat-up condom 
out of his kilt. “How much, mon,” he asked 
the proprietor, “would it cost to fix this?” 

"Let's see.” murmured the druggist. "I could 
aunder and disinfect it, heat-weld the holes 
d tears and insert a new clastic in the top. 
That would cost you two shillings, the same 
the price of a new one.” The sergeant major 
said that he would think it over. 

He returned the next d 

“Ye've convinced us, mon," he announced. 
“The rrregiment has decided то rrreplace." 

A frank female rebel named Glutz 
Disdained any ifs, ands or buts; 

When they asked what she'd need 

То be totally freed 
Of her hang-up, her answer was “Nuts!” 

Howls from the men's room caused. the bar- 
tender and several patrons to race in. “Every 
time I flush this thing." insisted the querulou: 
drunk, "it bites me!” 

"Of course it does,” the bartende: 
"You're sitting on the mop bucket. 


Our Unabashed Dictionary defines nipple as a 
titular head. 

My blind date last night turned ош to be 
your ex-boyfriend,” groaned the secretary to 
her roommate. “and, believe me, now I 
why you referred to him as the wild ‘Texas 


The Italian immigrant traveling from New 
York Gity to Charleston, South Carolina, by 
train arrived at his destination in bad humor. 
“What happened, Carlo?” asked the cousin who 
met him at the station. 

“Goddamn conductor tella me no do too 
many things," fumed the paisano. "I take оша 
my sandawich and he say, “No—inna dining 
car." I starta drinka some vino and he say, “No— 
inna clubba car.’ So 1 go inna clubba car, mecta 
girl and she go inna empty compartament with 
те and then goddamn conductor comes alonga 
yelling, ‘No'foka Virginia, no'foka Virginia! 

Heard a funny one lately? Send il on а post- 
card, please, to Party Jokes Editor, FLAYnOY, 
Playboy Bldg., 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 
Ill, 60611. $50 will be paid to the contributor 
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned. 

“As a matter of fact, it did come with some 
interesting interchangeable accessories.” 




framed in the window she was— 
a pearly promise of connubial bliss 

Bray at a quarter to five o'clock, 

lighting-up time at 5:15, November 
first, All Souls’ Eve, dedicated to the suf- 
fering souls in purgatory, Bertie Bolger, 
bachelor, aged 41 or so, tubby, ruddy, 
graying. well known as a dealer in an- 
tiques, less well known as a conflator there- 
of. walking briskly along the sea front, 
head up to the damp breezes, singing in a 
soldierly basso, "My breast expanding to 
the ball,” turns smartly into the lounge of 
the Imperial Hotel for a hot toddy. 

‘The room, lofty, widespread, Victorian, 
gilded, overfurnished. as empty as the 
ocean, and not warm. The single fire small 
and smoldering. Bertie presses the bell 
for service, divests himself of his bowler, 
his vicuna overcoat, his lengthy scarf 
striped in black, red, green and white, 
the colors of Trinity College, Dublin 
(which he has never attended), sits in 
а chintzy armchair before the fire, pokes 
nto a blaze, leans back and is at once 

invaded by a clear-cut knowledge of what 
month it is and an uneasy feeling about 
its date. He might earlier have adverted to 
both if he had not, during his perambula. 
tion, been preoccupied with the problem 
of how to transform a 20th Century buhl 
cabinet, now in his possession, into an 
18th Century ditto that might plausibly 
be attributed to the original M. Boulle. 
This preoccupation had permitted him to 
glance at but not to observe either the red 
gasometer by the harbor inflated to its 
winter zenith or the hay barn beside the 
dairy beyond the gasometer packed with 
cubes of hay, or the fuel yard, facing the 
hay barn beside the dairy beyond the gas 
ometer, heavily stocked with шоши 
etes of coal, or the many vacancy signs 
the lodginghouses along the sea front, or 
the hoardings on the pagoda below the 
promenade where his mother, God rest 
her, had once told him he had been 
wheeled as a coifed baby in a white pram 
to hear Mike Nono singing “I do liuke to 
134 be besiude the seasiude, I do liuke to be 

8 THEN, a dusky Sunday afternoon in 



besiude the sea," or, most affectingly of 
all, if he only heeded them, the exquisite, 
dying leaves of the hydrangeas in the 
public gardens, pale green, pale yellow, 
frost white, spiking the air above once- 
purple petals that now clink softly in the 
breeze like tiny sea shells. 

He suddenly jerks his head upright, 
sniffing desolation, looks slowly about the 
lounge, locates іп a corner of it some hy- 
drangeas left standing too long in a brass 
pot of unchanged water, catapults him- 
self from the chair with a “Jaysus! Five 
years to the bloody day!," dons his coat, 
his comforter and his bowler hat and 
exits rapidly to make inland toward the 
R.C. church. For days after she died, the 
house had retained that rank funereal 
smell. Tomorrow morning a Mass must 
be said for the repose of his mother's 
soul, still, maybe—who knows? Only God 
knows!—suffering in the flames of 

It is the perfect and pitiless testing 
date, day and hour for any seaside town 
in these northern islands. A week or two 
earlier and there might still have been a 
few lingering visitors, a ghost of summer's 
lukewarmth, a calmer sea, its waves un- 
heard and, the hands of the summer time 
clocks not yet put backward, another 
hour of daylight. This expiring Sunday, 
the light is dim, the silence heavy, the 
town turned in on itself. As he walks 
through the side avenues between the sea 
and the main street, past rows of squat 
bungalows, every garden drooping, past 
grenadiers of red brick, lace curtained, 
past ancient cementfaced cottages with 
sagging roofs, he is informed by every 
light. oblong or half-moon, blank as 
ht or distantly lit from the recesses 
behind each front door, that there is 
some kind of life asleep or snoozing be- 
hind number 51, SAINT ANTHONY'S, LIL- 
JOE'S, FATIMA, 59 (odd numbers on this 
SLIEVEMISH, SEA vIEW, names in wl 
paint, numbers in adhesive celluloid. 
Every one of them gives a chuck to the 
noose of loneliness about his neck. I live 
in Dublin. 1 am a guest in a guesthouse. 
I am Mr. B. I lunch on weekdays at the 
United Services Club. I dine at the 
Yacht Club. Good for biz. Bad for Sun- 
days, restaurants shut, homeless. Pray 
for the soul of Mrs. Mary Bolger, of 
Tureenlahan, County Tipperary, de- 
parted this life five years ago. Into thy 
hands, O Lord. 

On these side avenues, only an. odd 
front window . Their lights flow sear- 
ingly across little patches of grass called 
front gardens, privet hedged, Lonicera 
hedged, mass concrete hedged. Private. 
КЕЕР OFF. As he passed one such light, in 
what a real-estate agent would have called 
a picture window, he was so shaken by 
what he saw inside that after he had 
passed he halted, looked cautiously about 

136 him, turned and walked slowly back to 

peep in again. What had gripped his at- 
tention through the unsuspecting window 
had been a standing lamp in brass with 
a large pink shade, and beneath its red 
glow, seated in an armchair with her 
knees crossed, a bare-armed woman read- 
ing a folded magazine, one hand blindly 
lifting а teacup from a Moorish 
table, holding the cup immobile while 
she concentrated on something that had 
detained her interest. By the time he had 
returned, she was sipping from the cup. 
He watched her lay it down, throw the 
magazine aside and loop forward on two 
broad knees to poke the fire. Her arms 
looked strong. She was full-breasted. She 
had dark hair. In that instant, B. B. be- 
came a voyeur. 

The long avenue suddenly sprang its 
public lights. Startled, he looked up and 
down the empty perspective. It was too 
cold for evening strollers. He was aware 
that he was trembling with fear. He did 
not know what else he was feeling ex- 
cept that there was nothing sexy to it. 
To calm himself, he drew back behind 
the pillar of her garden gate whose 
name plate caught his eye. LORELEI, He 
again peeped around the side of the pil- 
lar. She was dusting her lap with her two 
palms. She was very dark, a western type, 
a Spanish-Calway type, a bit heavy. He 
could not rn the details of the room 
beyond the circle of light from the pink 
lamp, and was he glad of this! It made 
everything more mysterious, removed, 
suggestive, as if he were watching a scene 
on a stage. His lonelines left him, 
his desolation, his longing. He wanted 
only to be inside there, sale, secure and 

"Ah, good evening, Bertiel" she 
cried to the handsome man who entered 
her room with the calm smile of com- 
plete sang-froid. “1 am so glad, Bertie, 
you dropped in on me. Do tell me your 
news, darling. How is the antique busi- 
ness? Come and warm your poor, dear 
hands. It is going to be a shivering 
night. Won't you take off your coat? 
Tea? No? What about a drink? 1 know 
exactly what you want, my pet. I will fix 
it for you. 1 have been waiting and wait- 
ing for you to come all the livelong day, 
melting with longing and love.” 

As he gently closed the door of the 
cozy little room, she proffered her hand 
in a queenly manner, whereupon our 
hero, as was fitting, leaned over it—be 
cause you never really do kiss a lady’s 
hand, you merely breathe over it—and 
watched her eyes asking him to sit 
opposite her. 

The woman rose, took her tea tray 
and the room was suddenly empty. Her 
toe hooked the door all but a few inches 
short of shut. He was just as pleased 
whether she was in the room or out of it. 
АП he wanted was to be inside her room. 
As he stared, her naked arm came slowly 
back into the room between the door 

and the jamb, groping for the light 
switch. A plain gold bangle hung from 
the wrist. The jamb dragged back the 
shoulder of her blouse so that he saw the 
dark hair of her armpit. The window 
went black. 

He let ош a long, whistling breath 
like a safety valve and resumed his long 
perambulation until he saw a similar 
light streaming from the window of an 
identical bungalow well ahead of him 
on the opposite side of the roadway. He 
padded rapidly toward it. As he reached 
its identical square cement gate pillars, 
he halted, looked backward and forward 
and then guardedly advanced a tortoise 
nose beyond the edge of the pillar to 
peep into the room. A pale, dawnlike ra 
diance, softly tasseled, hinted at com- 
fortable shapes, a sofa, small occasional 
chairs, a рош, a bookcase, heavy gleams 
of what could be silver or could be 
EPNS. Here, too, a few tongues of fire. 
In the center of the room, a tall, thin, 
elderly man in a yellow cardigan, but not 
wearing a jacket or tie, stood so close 
beside a young girl with a blonde water- 
fall of hair as to form with her a single 
unanalyzable shape. He seemed to be 
speaking. He stroked her smooth poll. 
‘They were like a still image out of a sì- 
lent film. They were presumably doing 
something simple, natural and intimate. 
But what? They drew apart abruptly 
and the girl, while stooping to pick up 
some shining object from a low table, 
looked in the same movement straight 
Out through the window. В.В. was so 
taken by surprise that he could. not stir, 
even when she came close to the win- 
dow, looked up at the sky, right and left, 
as if to see if it were raining, turned 
back, laughed inaudibly, waved the small 
silver scissors in her hand. 

In that instant, at that gesture, some- 
time after 5:15 on the afternoon of No- 
vember first, the town darkening, the 
sky lowering, his life passing, a vast illu- 
mination broke like a sunrise upon his 
soul. At the shut time of the year, all 
small towns become smaller and smaller, 
dwindle from out of doors to in of 
doors; from long beaches, black roads, 
green fields, wide sun, to kitchens, living 
rooms, bedrooms, locked doors, drawn 
blinds, whispers, prayers, mufiling blan- 
kets, nosehollowed pillows; from mak- 
ing to mending; to litler and liter 
things, like this blonde Rapunz 
scissors and a necdle; all ei 
dreaming, and might dreami 
dreamless sleeping. How pleasant 
could be in that declension to a white 
arm creeping between a door and a 
jamb, bare but for a circle of gold about 
a wrist and a worn wedding ring on one 
heavy finger. But I am outside. When 
the town is asleep in one another's arms, 
I will sleep under the walls. No wife. No 
child. Mr. B. 

"The head lamps of a motorcar sent 

(continued on page 142) 

humor By RALPH KEYES jesse corpsrzm looked 
up at the faces hovering over him that spring evening in 
1971. A little representative of the South Vietnamese gov- 
ernment would be speaking soon and the waiting University 
of Connecticut students were growing restless. Lined up 
single file in front of the auditorium, the mob cracked and 
undulated like a snake about to strike. A single undersized 
cop tried to keep order. 

Suddenly, a cry rang out: “Let's get that shrimp cop!” 

Click! A lifetime of simmering fury raced through Gold- 
stein's 5/4” frame. The years of taunts, of jeers, of people 
telling him to stand up when he was already on tiptoe, 
came bubbling to the surface. Goldstein’s fist shot low into 
the air and from his mouth came a shout soon to be heard 
round the world: 

“Short power!” 

A few months later, disc jockey Mike Miller sat in his 
Wichita home watching television. The Jolly Green Giant 
was casting peas from on high and Miller shifted his 5/515" 
body uncomfortably. Then credits appeared on the screen 
for The Longest Day. 

Click! Miller shot bolt upright, his body laced with 
agony. "Why not The Shortest Day for once?” The pain in- 
tensified. “And how come there isn't a Jolly Green Midget?” 
Miller’s teeth gnashed with anguished insight. The next 
day, a grimly determined gremlin launched Mike Miller’s 
Miniclub on his radio show, banning listeners over 5/47, 

In another part of the country, at the same time of 
year, Wendell Wagner was perusing the bulletin board of 
New College in Sarasota, Florida, straining his toes and 

up against the wall, six-foot oppressors! 
uh, not that far up, please 





occasionally hopping off the ground to 
read the higher notices. There were de- 
mands posted on behalf of women, 


Click! Click! The sophomore lowered 
his heels and pulled his frame up to its 
full 4710” height. The next day, a list 
of Short People's Demands was posted а 
few inches below the bulletin board. 
Among Wagners proposals were a low 
student center, bodyguards to prevent 
short students from getting stepped on 
and mandatory courses on all aspects of 
tall oppression and the history of short 

Unknown to one another, Goldstein, 
Miller and Wagner were firing the open- 
ing salvos in a movement aimed at the 
very ankles of American society: the 
struggle against heightism. 

Evidence of heightism іп American 
society is overwhelming. Surveys consist- 
ently show that tall people are hired 
sooner, paid more and promoted faster 
than those of shorter stature. The Little 
Lie prevails in sports, corporate life, 
schools, the media and the very fabric of 
the English language, as Americans are 
led to believe that tall is terri 
silly. Examples of this disci 

Sold on height: A survey of 140 sales 
recruiters found that 72 percent chose a 
hypothetical 61% applicant over an 
equally qualified 5/5" candidate. Another 
study, conducted by a University of 
Pittsburgh administrator, found that a 
sample of their graduates six feet and 
over averaged significantly higher start- 
ing salaries than those shorter. Bonuses 
paid by companies тап 19.4 percent for 
candidates 6/2", compared with 4.2 per- 
cent for candidates graduated cum laude. 

Police and fire departments are the 
biggest bigots, rarely accepting anyone 
under 5°7” or 5/8". Detroit's Sanshiro 
Miyamoto, though only 55^, wants то be 
a cop so badly he's been sleeping in trac- 
tion trying to reach the Detroit Police 
Department's heightist limit two inches 
above him. Weights on his legs got him 
only an inch and a half, so Miyamoto 
has been having his wife pound him 
over the head with a board, trying to 
raise the other half inch. He failed. 

Pituitary politics: Every American 
President elected in this century save 
Calvin Coolidge was the taller candi- 
date. (Results of the 1972 elections were 
unavailable at presstime) Over а cen- 
tury ago, one study of the U. S. Senate 
revealed that the average Senator was 
510%” tall, a height several inches 
above the national average at that time. 

This study, completed in 1866, came 
shortly after the Altamont of heightist 
politics, when big Abe Lincoln brutally 
oppressed “The Little Giant” Stephen 
Douglas by winning more votes and 
getting elected President. 

Little Edgar Hoover's long reign as 

FBI director provided small consolation 
to short people. He claimed to be 5'9", 
instead of his actual 5/7", and kept his 
office chair screwed up high, the better 
to hover over visitors sitting before him 
in a low-slung couch, 

Even when someone small such as 
Henry Kissinger “rises to the occasion,” 
detractors tower above them, like Robert 
McNamara, who is alleged to have said 
of Kissinger, "Henry is, above all, a 
short man, and that complicates him— 
intellectually, physically, sexually, and 
so forth.” 

Sports shorts: Sports are a nightmare 
for the small, basketball being only the 
most obvious example. Even stars such 
as Houston Rocket guard Calvin Mur- 
phy (59°) and New England Patriot 
end Randy Vataha (5710) were drafted 
late, then had to “prove themselves.” 
After being cut by the Rams, Vataha got 
icked up by the Patriots only at big 
Plunkett's behest. Some sports, of 
course, favor little people, but who ever 
hears of them? Quick—name the winner 
of last year's Kentucky Derby. Riva 
Ridge, right. Now name the jockey. Or 
how about Enrique Pinder? He's the 
world bantamweight boxing champ. 

Even when a small athlete does make 
it big, the sneering press goes berserk: 

When Miami's 57" Garo Yepremian 
kicked a field goal to beat Kansas City 
in the 1971 A.F.C. play-offs, reporters 
crawled all over themselves in search 
of demeaning descriptives. "Somehow," 
wrote Sports Illustrated, “it would —must, 
surely, оп Christmas Day—come to this. 
"That the longest game in the history 
of. American professional football would 
be decided by the smallest player on 
the field." 

Media microshots: This nation's media 
are the worst perpetuators of. heightist 
stercotypes. “Feisty,” usually followed by 
"little," is the newspapers favorite de- 
scription of any untall person who 
doesn't shuffle and grin like Mickey 
Rooney (as in “Alabama's feisty little 
Governor George Wallace"). 

Jay Rockefeller is "tall, tanned and 
toothy" to the press and Miami Beach 
Police Chief Rocky Pomerance is “a big, 
bright, benign bruiser.” Roman Polanski, 
on the other hand, is described by a 
“friend” as “the original five-foot Pole 
you wouldn't touch anyone with." Fa- 
vorite press epithers for small winners 
include di utive, bantam, pintsized, 
sawed-off, gnomish, mousy and molelike. 

Language atrocities: The English lan- 
guage is based on an implicit heightist 
bias Compare "look up to," for exam- 
ple, with “look down upon.” Or "get- 
ting high" with “feeling low." Why are 
customers never longchanged? How 
come a person who gets shafted isn't 

ever given “tall shrift"? Must our lan 
guage stoop so high? 

Short rage: When George Wallace 
was shot by Arthur Bremer, the press 
completely overlooked the heightist issue 
volved. The contretemps was dealt 
with purely in terms of its effect on the 
elections and as a manifestation of U.S 
violence. But what of the implications 
of a man 56” firing at one 57”? Might 
not Bremer have been filled with short 
rage and been identifying with the op 
pressor in a symbolic act of sclf-hatre: 
Wallace was the symbol of diminu 
uppitiness, “the fighting little judge,” 1 
man of whom his six-foot mother-in-law 
could say: "Why, George is hardly titty- 
high, but he’s a giant.” 

Such comments might be a red cape 

for small assassins, filled with short 
shame. In fact, most Presidential assassins 
in this country have been small—or, as а 

pseudoliberal report to the violence 
commission put ii iot tall." 

Giuseppe Zangara, five feet tall, even 
had to stand on a chair to get a shot at 
Franklin Roosevelt in 1933. He missed. 

Reveille for runts: When Jesse Gold- 
stein's fist slashed the air, he stood small 
and solitary. Goldstein called a few т; 
lies but each time found himself alone, 
arms crisscrossed over his chest, singing 
We Shall Undercome. A petite university 
secretary did volunteer her Saint Ber- 
пага to pull carts filled with moyement 

By the time Wendell Wagner tacked 
down his list of demands just months 
later. consciousness was changing. Sev- 
eral newspapers reported his efforts and 
he received nine sympathetic letters. 
Six small students at the University of 
California at Davis wrote: “Hurrah for 
genetically superior shorts (excluding 

Mike Miller, for his part, received 
nearly 300 letters from pint-sized and 
proud listeners who wanted to join his 
Minidub. All signed cards reading, “I, 
— feet, __ inches, am proud to be small, 
and do hereby swear to look down on big 
people.” Members agreed to boycott 
heightist establishments, such as restau- 
rants that purposely install their count- 
ers above eye level. 

A movement was tottering to its feet 
Confused, disorganized, hard to spot— 
but a movement. 

Power to the pips! Support began 
cropping up in unlikely places. Assistant 
Secretary of the Treasury Edwin Cohen, 
5'5", suggested in a speech that Ameri 
cans under 56” should pay only half 
the taxes of taller people to compensate 
“for the inequities thrust upon the short 
people of the world.” Merle Haggard 
recorded Billy Overcame His Size, which 
described well the agony of growing up 
small. (An unfortunate cop-out ending 

(continued on puge 236) 


king, queen and knavery—artist françois colos? 
kinky twists to an old fortunetelling shtick 

As the Brahma once said: “Walking is not the 
only way to the Shrine of the Ancient Ones." 

Though you are different from those about you, be undaunted, for their attention 
is actually motivated by admiration and may ultimately be turned to your advantage. 



Be not afraid to seek new avenues of approach. 


Fulfillment will soon be yours if you exercise restraint 

You don't know the inspiration your beauty is to others. 

Beware of flashy dudes 

To come to grips with the situation, move confidently. 

who whistle dirty songs. 

One of similar interests is waiting to take you in hand. 

Suppress your need to dominate and allow another to guide you. 





him scurrying down an unlighted lane 
that may once have led to the mews of 
tall houses long since leveled to make 
room for these hundreds of little bunga- 
lows. In this abandoned lane, the only 
window light was one tiny, lolty aper- 
ture in the inverted V of a gable rising 
like a castle out of tall trees. Below it, at 
eye level, the lane was becoming pitch- 
dark. Above it, a sift of tattered light 
between mourning clouds. Hissing dark- 
ness. A sheaving wind. The elms were 
spiky, as if the carth's hair were standing 
on end. He stiffened. A bird's croak? A 
sleepless nest? A far-off bark? He stared 
up at the tiny box of light whose inac- 
cessibility was so much part of its incite- 
ment that when it went black like a 
fallen candle, he uttered a “Hal” of de- 
light. He would never know who had 
put a finger on the switch of that float- 
ing room. A maidservant about to emerge 
into the town? To go where? To mect 
whom? A boys den? An old woman 
lumbering down the long stairs? 

‘That B.B. was 
laughing happily at himself. Bertie Bol- 
ger. the well-known dealer! The Peep- 
ing Tom from Tipperary! That was a 
queer bloody fit 1 took! And Jaysus, I 
forgot all about the mother again: Well, 
she will have to wait until next year 
now, though surely to God they'll let her 
out before then? Anyway, what harm 
did she ever do bar that snibby way she 
ueated every girl I ever met? If it 
weren't for her, 1 might have been mar- 
ried 20 years ago to that Raven girl I 
met in 1950 in Arklow. And a hot piece 
she was, too. . . . 

The next Sunday evening, he was pad- 
ding softly around the back roads of 
Bray. He could not locate the old-man- 
blonde-girl bungalow. He winked up at 
the litle cube of light, But Lorelei was 
dark. The next two Sundays it was rain- 
ing too heavily for prowling. On the 
fourth Sunday, the window of Lorelei 
was brilliantly lighted and there she was, 
plying a large dressmaker's scissors on 
some colored stuff laid across a gate- 
legged table under the bare electric bulb 
whose brightness diminished the ideality 
of the room, increased the attractions of 
the dressmaker. Broad cheekbones, like 
a red Indi: raven hair; the jerky head 
of a blackbird alert at a drinking pool, 
He longed to touch one of those fingers, 
broad at the tip like a little spade 
Twice the lights of oncoming cars made 
him walk swiftly away, bowler hat down 
on nose, collar up. A third time he fled 
from light pouring out of the door of 
the adjacent bungalow and a woman 
hurrying down its path with her over- 
coat over her head and shoulders. Lop- 
ing away fast, he tumed in fright to the 
running feet behind him and saw her 

Monday morning, 

(continued from page 136) 

coat ends vanish under the suddenly 
lighted door lamp of Lorelei. Damn! A 
visitor. Spoiling it all. Yet he came back 
to his watching post, as mesmerized as a 
man in a picture gallery who returns 
again and again to Portrait of Unknown 
Woman from scores of portraits of iden- 
tified women in other rooms, unable to 
tell why this one face made him so 
happy. The intruder, he found, made 
no dilference to his pleasure. 

“Jenny! Isn't that a ring at the door? 
Who the divil can that be?” 

“I bet that will be Mrs. Ennis from 
next door, she promised to give me a 
hand with these curtains. you don't 

ind, darling, do you?" 
find! I'm glad you have friends, 

“Hoho! I've lots of friends." 

“Boyfriends, Katy?” 

"Go "long with you, you ruffian, don't 
you ever think of anything but the 
one thing?” 

“Can you blame me, with a lovely 
creature like you to be there teasin’ me 
all day long, don't stir, ГЇЇ let her in." 

In? To what? There might be a hus- 
band and a pack of kids, and at once he 
had to sell his Portrait of Unknown 
Woman for the known model, not being 
the sort of artist who sces a model's face 
below his window, runs out, drags her in 
and spends weeks, maybe months, look- 
ing for her reality on his canvas. 

Every Sunday he kept coming back 
and back to that appealing, roseate win- 
dow, until one afternoon, when he saw 
her again at her tea, watched her for a 
while, then boldly clanged her black 
gate wide open, boldly strode up her 
path, leaped up three steps to the door, 
rang the bell. A soft rain had begun to 
sink over the town. The day was gone. A 
far grumble of waves from the shingle. 
She opened the door. So close, so sol 
so near, so real he could barely recognize 
her. His silence made her lift her head 
sideways in three interrogatory jerks. 
She had a slight squint, which he would 
later consider one of her most enchant- 
g accomplishments—she might have 
been looking at another man behind his 
shoulder. He felt the excitement of the 
hunter at her vulnerable nearness. He 
suddenly smelled her. Somebody had 
told him you can always tell a woman's 
€ by her scent. Chanel—and Weil's 
itclope—over 60. Tweed—always а 

ше woman. Madame Rochas—the 
10s. The 30s smell of aftershave lotion: 
Eau Sauvage. Mustache. Wisps of man 
scent. The 20s—nothing. She had a 
heavy smell Tartly she demanded, 
“Yes?” Unable to speak, he produced 
his busines card, handed it to her 
spade fingers. HERBERT BOLGER / ANTIQUES | 
2 HUME STREET, DUBLIN. She laughed 
at him. 

"Mr. Bolger, if you are trying to buy 

something, I have nothing for you; if 
you are trying to sell me something, I 
have even less." 

He was on home ground now; they all 
said that, he expected it, he relied on 
them to say it. His whole technique of 
buying depended on his knowing that 
while it is true that the so-called Big 
Houses of Ireland have been gleaned by 
the antique dealers, a lot of Big House 
people have come down to small dis: 
couraged houses like this one, bringing 
with them, like wartime refugees, their 
few remaining heirlooms. Her accent, 
however, was not a Big House accent. It 
was the accent of a workaday country- 
woman. She would have nothing to sell. 

"Come, now. Mrs. Eh? Benson? Well. 
now, Mrs. Benson, you say you have 
nothing to sell, but in my experience, a 
lot of people don't know what they have. 
Only last week, I paid a lady thirty 
pounds for a silver Georgian saltcellar 
that she never knew she possessed. You 
might have much more than you 

He must get her alone, inside. He had 
had no chance to see her figure. Her 
hair shone like jet beads. Her skin was 
not a flat white. It was a lovely, rich, 
ivory skin, as fine as lawn or silk. He felt 
the rain on the back of his neck and 
turned up his coat collar. He felt so 
keyed up by her that if she touched him, 
his string would break. She was frowning 
at him incredulously. There was one 
thing she possessed that she did not 
know about. Herself. 

“Well, it is true that my late husband 
used to attend auctions. But- " 

"Mrs Benson, may I have just one 
quick. glance at your living room?" She 
wavered. They always did. He smiled 
reassuringly. “Just one quick glance. It 
will take me two minutes.” 

She looked up at the rain about her 
door lamp. 

“Well? All right, then. But you are 
wasting your time. I assure you. And I 
am very busy. 

Walking behind her in the narrow 
hallway, he took her in from calves to 
head. She was two women, heavy above, 
lighter below. He liked her long strong 
legs, the wide shoulders, the action of 
her lean haunches and the way her head 
rose above her broad shoulders. ide, 
the room was rain dim and hour dim, 
until she switched on a central 150-watt 
bulb that drowned the soft pink of the 

ing lamp, showed the furniture in 
exposed all the random 
marks and signs of a room that had 
been long lived in. At once he regretted 
that he had come. He walked to the win. 
dow and looked out through its small 
bay up and down the avenue. How ap- 
pealing it was out there! All those cozy 
little, dozing little, rosy little bungalows 
up and down the avenue, and those dark 
trees comforting the gabled house with 
(continued on page 184) 

"COME ON, JACK, whatsa matter 
— ya 'fraid U play me?” Asch is 
talking to Colay 
ou been playin’ all day 
and І haven't even warmed up,” 
Colavita says. 

Asch finishes his game of 
straight pool as the exchange 
continues. — Colavita shuffles 
across the plush carpeting of 
the Crystal Room in the Sher- 
aton-Chicago Hotel, the prac- 
tice room for contestants in the 
world’s biggest pool rouma- 
ment, the U. S. Open, sponsored 
by the Billiard Congress of 
America. Colavita “warms up" 
by running out 15 balls. 

Just as he's getting set to beat. 
Asch a second time, an official- 
looking man walks up. “Let's 
go. boys, this table's for display. 
If you keep coming over here, 
I'm going to have to ask your 
fathers not to bring you next 

‘Twelve-yearold Colavita. un- 
defeated at that particular ille- 
gal table, just mumbles, "Yes, 
sit,” as he’s been taught. His 
father, he knows, is in the 
next room playing his most 
important game of the year. 
‘The word Have a good time, son, but don't make waves. 

Across from the forbidden table are three other tables for 
contestants to practice on. At one of them a pudgy blond 
man casually knocks balls around. He is only in his 20s, but 
his hairline is already inching backward. He moves around 
the table with a slow disjunct gait. as if his spine were a 
Slinky. You stand and watch 100, maybe 200 balls go down 
without a hitch. You begin to wonder what's going on. He 
doesn't seem particularly concerned where the balls go. 
doesn’t scem 10 take much time or effort putting them there. 

hey all go in. The other players. who work so hard at it. 
t get nearly as many. 

at the table is Steve Mizerak, the 
er in the world. Like Willie Hoppe or 
Irving Crane—and like young Jack Colavita—Mizerak was 
taught the game as soon as he was tall enough to reach the 
table. Unlike your normal prodigies, Mizerak more or less 
ignores the game, playing only a few times a month except just 
before this tournament. From qualifying matches all around 
the country have come 32 men who will play in the Scventh 
Annual U.S. Open. Thirty-one of them have skill. Mizerak 
bas only his gift. 
here are also 16 contestants who have qualified for the 
women' sdivision matches, which are held just before the 
men's each day. While the men must have 150 points to win 
a game, the women need only 75. First prize for the male 
winner is 55000; the female champion gets only $1500. But 
the apparent discrimination is justified: In 1971, the high 
run for th 9. For the men, it was 108. Safeties 
(defensive maneuvers intended to leave the opponent wi 
sonable shot) ma s game and 
is always excruciatingly slow, never daring. The plain fact 
is that the women contestants just don't have the egocentric 
flair that makes so many of the men interesting to watch. 
Donna Ries, a student of clinical psychology from Kan: 
City, Missou year's women’s 




when it comes to playing pool, steve mizerak 
їз extraordinary—which means he’s more ordinary 
than most folks—and that’s what keeps him winning 

division, thinks that the men 
outshine the women because 
men bet more hea: and are 

generally more competitive. As 
far as Mizerak is concerned, 
women will never be excellent 
pool players, because they li 
what he calls the “inner 
strength” necessary to w 
stand the high pressures in- 
volved in serious pool playing. 
Aside from that, he really 
doesn't have an explanation. 

Dorothy Wise, a handsome 
-haired lady from San Fran- 
cisco, was champion {гот 1967, 
when the B.C.A. first sponsored 
а women's tournament, until 
1972, when she s defeated 
first by Geraldine Titcomb, a 
1971 runner-up, and then by 
Madelyn Whitlow, wife of Al- 
ton Whitlow, a contestant in 
the men’s competition. All the 
players were upset, however, by 
("The Kid") Balukas, а 
shy—nearly comatose coser 
to the truth; she spoke hardly a 
word during the entire tourna- 
ment, her father doing most of 
the talking for her—13-year-old. 
Ms. Balukas started playing 
when she was four years old 
(that seems to be the age when you can see over the edge 
of the rail) and won two games in the U.S. Open when she 
was nine. She is too young at this point for anyone to know 
what will develop, but there are some interesting impli 
for her future: Oddly enough, her favorite game is 
and it’s rumored that she plays pool only to please her father. 
Js it possible that she will move оп to revolutionize women's 
pool? She doesnt think so. As far as she's concerned, the 
reason women don't play well is their inability to play 
position properly. Perhaps she's right: In studies done in 
1958 and 1965. evidence strongly suggested that females 
perform more poorly than males on spatial tasks and are 
less likely to analyze geometric designs in terms of their 
component p: 



The official competition takes place in the Grand Ball 
room. a mockelegant place with too many hundreds of 
pounds of gaudy chandeliers and the wrong style of pillars. 
Тһе fresh green felt on the tables glares under the cold blue 
light from the fluorescent tubing hung for the tournamen 
The carpeting on the dance floor is done in broad сапһ 
colors vaguely suggesting something Oriental As if this 
weren't enough. three sides of the room arc hung from floor 
ing with blood-red. velvety curtains. 

some coherence in decor is created by the players and 
spectators, whose dress leans toward white wingtip shoes and 
Argyle socks, matching purple ticand-shirt combinations. 
rullied culls, simulated-diamond stickpins, ivory buttons and 
pomaded ducktail hairdos. Most of the time it’s difficult to tell 
if they are trying to appear well dressed or have simply been 
out of touch since the mid-Fifties. While some look like small- 
gangsters, others just seem to be color-blind. 

Of course, in addition to these representatives of the 
underbelly of the pool world, there are the regular hard-hats 
in plaid shirts and khaki pants, out to see how the legendary 
players work, and w take back something to talk about over 





the quarterai-rack bar table. And the 
blacks turn out in an array of leather 
hats and studded wristbands, rainbow- 
suede vests and high-heeled shoes, not 
to mention pink- and puce- and avocado- 
tinted sunglasses. . . . Then come the 
promoters and officials, carefully sewn 
and zippered into Robert Hall, bargain- 
basement and. neo-bland suits spanning 
the spectrum from light gray to dark 
gray. It's more like a recreation room 
tlie local asylum than the site of a world- 
championship pool tournament. 

Four tables making an open square in 
the center of the room arc in use simul- 
taneously during the eliminations. Asso- 
ated with each pair of subjects are two 
chairs and a card table supporting ash- 
trays and water pitchers, blue chalk and 
talcum powder. Behind each card table a 
staff of judges observes the contestants in 
silence, displaying with an overhead pro- 
jector a record of the results. Beyond the 
playing area, spectators shift and fidget 
on the worn wooden bleachers. 

At cach table are two kinds of pa- 
tients. One is an acute depressive, sit- 
ting down, sipping water, trying not to 
look too hard at the score and wonder- 
ing when his opponent—the manic—is 
going to stop making those damned 
shots. The manics move around, pocket- 
ing balls with malicious glee, between 
ripples of applause from the audience. 
One such case, a man named Hopkins, 
defeats his alter ego 150 to 1, on the 
strength of an opening run of 141 balls. 

Many microcosmic dramas of victory 
and defeat are witnessed in this tourna- 
ment. Luther ("Wimpy") Lassiter, winner 
of the 1969 tournament, and legend- 
ary player in his own right, is defeated 
twice (disqualifying him) in his frst 
four games. His eyes have gotten so bad 
lately that he has had to paint the end 
of his cue red. Lou ("Machine Gun") 
Butera—nicknamed (ог his rapid-fire 
style of play—misses one shot that is so 
easy and obvious that he throws his cue 
onto the floor. He is out of the running 
alter three games. Younger contestants 
such as Steve Cook and Andrew Ten- 
пеш, Jr. are especially hard hit when 
confronted with the seasoned players 
more in control of their nerves. 

Game after game, and almost point 
alter point, what takes place is not so 
much the victory of one man in a game 
the spectacle of one man seeking out 
and destroying another's ego. finding his 
little weaknesses and jumping in to take 
advantage of them. And beyond a cer- 
tain level of technical accomplishment, 
the game comes closer and closer to 
being one man’s character against anoth- 
er's: Psychological inadequacies lose the 
matches more often than motor-skill de- 
ficiencies. To most of these men, pool is 
war, and defeat means more casualties. 

In competition as fierce as this, the 

players are cautious, hypertense and 
cagey. Their movements around the 
tables are quick and abrupt, but their 
shots are carefully planned and executed 
with grave concern, Only rarely will you 
эсе а player attempt a difficult shot, even 
a bank or cushion shot that he's made 
many times in more casual play. The 
pressure is simply too great. If the ball 
doesn't crop, it could mean the end of 
the game. 

The exception is Mizerak. We see him 
at one point faced with a shot that, for 
all practical purposes, is impossible. 
Nevertheless (before a crowd of over 
100 people, clamped to their seats, reni. 
tent with nervous tension), he flips his 
wrist, shrugs his shoulders and watches 
the object ball deflect off three others, 
making no fewer than three right-angle 
turns before it dribbles toward the ap- 
pointed pocket, almost pausing for a 
moment—and then drops. There is а 
second of breathless quiet while people 
double take to make sure it has really 
happened. Then the audience explodes. 
Behind the table a judge's spectacles 
tumble into his water glass as he stares 
in disbelief, not so much that Mizerak 
made the shot but that he had the nerve 
to try it. And that's the point. 

When you think of the best in the 
world, you might picture a dapper man 
in his 40s, like Willie Mosconi, totally 
dedicated to improving the game of 
pocket billiards. Or perhaps a cigar- 
smoking hustler who vaguely resembles 
a new species of rodent. But not Steve 
Mizerak, who can be found most of the 
year casting pearls before seventh grad- 
ers at the Samuel E. Shull School in 
Perth Amboy, New Jersey. And not a 
man who, most days goes out after 
school to shoot a dedicated but mediocre 
game of golf. And most certainly not а 
man who plays pool only when he has 
to. You'll never find him in Johnston 
City hustling the hustlers, and you prob- 
ably won't sce him in other tournaments 
Yet he's the first man under $0 ever to 
win the U.S. Open. 

A candid, humorless 27-year-old, 
Mizerak grew up the middle-class son of 
а professional baseball manager and play- 
er who later turned to running a pool 
hall to support his family. Steve drives a 
new Ford and drinks an old fashioned 
occasionally, for social reasons. He lives 
in Woodbridge, New Jersey, with his 
wife, Linda, and their infant son. He 
likes to bet on his golf game but always 
loses. Twice a year he goes to the track 
—more cash down the tubes. Occasional- 
ly, he makes promotional tours for 
Brunswick—but, he emphasizes, only for 
the money. For fun? “I do very little 
for fun," he says with a dry chuckle, 
“except play golf.” 

About his growing fame all he has to 
say is: “Well, somebody's liable to read 

an article and want me to come over to 
his house for exhibitions or lessons." He 
has two students right now who pay $20 
to $25 an hour for help with their 
games, which Steve describes as "not too 
good—one guy can run maybe forty or 
fifty balls. The other guy can run twenty 
or twenty-five. You can't really teach а 
man too much" Everything he says 
comes out with a shrug. 

This is what makes the critical differ- 
ence. The man is extraordinary, which 
means he's more ordinary than most 
people. And this makes him so strange 
that he really doesn’t care: The amazing 
shots he makes, the high runs, the title 
he takes home year after year are not a 
matter of nerve and courage. Because һе 
is relaxed, apprehension cannot betray 
him. With no concern, there is no fcar: 
with no fear, no tension; and without. 
tension, there is no flickering of an eye 
or random twitch of a muscle to keep 
any of the balls from falling into the 
intended pocket. In almost any game, 
practice is the deciding factor. Pool is по 
exception, but Mizerak is. He's the living 
embodiment of the textbook natural 

Consequently, when the final match 
approaches, i ely not Mizerak who 
is thinking about that monumental car- 
‘om shot he just made but his opponent, 
"Dapper" Dan DiLiberto, defeated only 
by Mizerak in the final game of the 

DiLiberto has been wearing the same 
blue double-breasted suit coat all week. 
les still clean. He's a tall, trim 33-year 
old from Miami who was once a profes- 
sional boxer and bowler. Now he plays 
pool for money and paints for relaxa- 
tion. His striking blue-black mustache 
and full head of hair, combined with his 
muscular build and decisive movements, 
make Mizerak look like a cartoon figure 
by comparison. 

For this final confrontation, a single 
table remains in the center of the room. 
Everything seems a litle brighter, а 
little cleaner, and the audience looks 
somehow different. The people have all 
changed their clothes. ight the dia. 
monds and pearls are real, and real 
money in 100s and 50s is changing 
hands. The nervous chatter has given 
way to intense silence—until the official 
introduces DiLiberto without realizing 
that the contestants haven't shown up 
yet. Someone in the audience punctures 
the dead quiet Hey. Danny. this 
isn't a chess match!" Finally DiLiberto 
appears, grinning sheepishly. 

"Тһе first game goes very quickly, end- 
ing in not much more than an hour. To 
everyone's amazement, DiLiberto wins it, 
and he's greeted with nearly five min- 
utes of standing hysteria. Mizerak just 
sits there, sipping his water, calm and 
unruffled. You cin see his thoughts in 

(concluded on page 238) 

“Gee, Onan... 

doesn’t the moon make you feel romantic?” 



digger's FAME Continued from page 122) 

the Digger gets that Zenith for a 
hundred and Lechmere's knocking them 
down for threefifty, 1 don't hear по 
complaints from you.’ See, 1 stand up 
for you, Digger.” 

“You interested іп a portable radio?" 
the Digger asked. 

"No," Harrington said. 

"How about a nice color TV?" the 
Digger asked. "RCA, AccuColor, the 
whole bit 

"No," Harrington said. "I touch the 
stereo the other night by mistake and 
I burned myself. I'm gonna be s 
there some fine night, watching the 
game, and some сор gonna come i 
ides, 1 can't buy nothing right now, 1 
are if you're giving it away. The 
wife wants a boat. l'm supposed to be 
saving up for a boat.” 

"Look." the Digger said, "I need some 

“Jesus,” Harrington said, "I could use 
some dough mysclf, You get ahold the 
guy that’s passing owt the dough, give 
him my name. 1 could use about thirty- 
five big ones, right this minute. I got to 
buy a boat. Get that? I had a boat. I 
had four rooms over to Saint Columb- 
kille's, 1 had a nice boat. She don't like 
that. We pot to have a house. ‘I cant 
afford no house, I said, 71 haven't got 
the down payment, for God's sake." She 
says: ‘Sell the boat.’ I didn't want to sell 
my boat. 1 didn't want to buy the house. 
I sell the boat. I buy the house, Nine 
years we had the house, eight of them 
she's been complaining, we should get 
another boat. 1 give up. 
^m serious," the Digger said. 

“You're serious, is it?" Harrington 
asked “You think I'm just horing 

“You're not serious the way I'm seri- 
ous,” the Digger said. “I need eighteen 
thousand dollars and 1 need it right 
away. Yesterday would've been good.” 

"Oh-oh," Harrington said, "you guys 
did take a bath out there, didn't you?" 

The Digger nodded. “The rest of the 
guys, not as bad as me. But | went in 
right over my head." 

“Jesus” Harrington said, "that why 
you're out all night?” 

yup." the Digger said, "| take all 
kinds of chances and you know what? 
I'm not even close to even.” From the 
end of the bar a customer demanded 
service. "Shut your fuckin’ mouth, I give 
you a bat in the head," the Dipger 
shouted. “ГИ get to you when I'm 
damned good and fuckin' ready. Right 
now I'm talking to а guy.” The custom 
er said he thought he could get a drink 
n the place. “You can get a drink when 
1 feel like gettin’ you a fuckin’ drink," 
the Digger said. "Right now I don't feel 
like it. Paul, ‘stead of sittin’ down there 
like a damned dog, come around and 

146 give the Joudmouth bastard what he 

wants. Pour it down his fuckin’ pants, 
all 1 care." At the end of the bar, a small 
man with gray hair got off his stool 
came around to the spigots. He st 
to draw beer. “I got to get ew 
Digger said to Harrington. “I got to fi 
а way to get even and that's all there 
isto it.” 

lowre not gonna do it pushing 
gion said. “You're not 
gonna do it that way, I can tell you 
right now. You, 1 think you're gonna 
have to find something a lot biggern 
radios to sell, you expect to make that 
kind of dough." 

“Well, OK," the Digger said, "that's 
what I was thinking.” 
rington said, “you're gon- 
na have to sell the place, here.” 

“No,” the Digger said. 

“Whaddaya mean, “Мө?” Harrington 
asked. "You haven't got anything else 
you can sell. You don’t dress that good, 
you can't sell suits. You got a car there, 
isn't bad, but you got to get around and 
you couldn't get more'n a grand for 
you sold it, anyway. What the hell else 
can you do, sell your house? Can't do 
that. Some guy make you a price on the 
wife and kids?” 

“well,” the Digger said, “I mean, 
there's other ways of raising money.” 

“Not without g chances" Har- 
rington said. "That kind of money, you 
either got in the bank and you go in 
and you take it out, or else you got it in 
something else and you go the bank and 
you practically hand it over to them, or 
else you go the bank with а gun and 
you say: "Gimme everybody else's mon- 
cy. There's no other way, and that last 
one. that's risky.” 

"There's other ways.” the Digger said. 
"Look, this place. You know what I 
hadda do, get this place? I hadda get 
up off the floor is what I hadda do. 
Johnny Malloy, I get out of the slammer 
and Johnny Malloy gives me a job and 
no shit. Me, I figured it's temporary. 1 
got to have something to do. I never 

had any idea of running a barroom all 
my life 
“What's the matter with running a 

hed 1 

had a 


Harrington asked 

7 the Digger said, “but th 
Takes money, get а bar. 1 did 
money. All 1 had was a goddamned 
record. Was all 1 could do, keep the 
probation looking the other way while 1 
was working here. Se, Malloy gets the 
cancer. He knew he had it. He says. 
there wasn’t anybody else had the mon- 
ey, wanted to buy it. They're all laying 
off. He told me that. "Wait it out and 
steal it off the wile, they got in mind. 
Bastards, I'll sell it to you for what it's 
worth. Not what I could get for it if I 
was all right and 1 just wanted to sell. 

What it’s worth, That's about 
what I'm getting offers lor’ 

“I said: “John, 1 haven't gor what the 

ace's worth. You know that, the Dig 
1. “I'm working for you, for 
sake. I shouldn't even be doing 
you're taking a chance with the 
Fm waking a chance with the 
probation, what the hell. I can't buy this 

"He says You quit too fas, my 
friend. What I got in mind, you just 
keep on working for me, only 1 won't be 
here. You work for the wife. Only in 
stead of me keeping what I got left after 
1 pay for the stock and the lights and 
you and all, you pay for the stock and 
that, and pay her like she was working 
for you, and you keep whats left. You 
do that long enough. she's all right. the 
kids finish school, I don't have to worry 
about none of that stuff, because I trust 
you, and you end up with the place. 
Me, what the hell 1 want with money? 
Where Im going. moneys no good 
What 1 need is somebody who's gon 
pay money to Evelyn." 
said: ‘John, OK, all right, sure. But 
the license. I can't get on no license. 
You want your wife оппа license He 
says, no, he don't want that. Somebody'd 
take it away from her. He says: "Look. 
муал you see what your brother can 
do, the governor? Try for a pardon." 

“So 1 do it,” the Digger said. “I go sec 
my holy brother and I ask him, does he 
know anybody. See, by then he's almost 
getting over it, I did time. Well, no, he 
don't know anybody, but then he's in 
pretty thick with Bishop Hurley there. 
Maybe Hurley knows somebody, So it's 
this way and that, and then 1 get this 
call from this Rep I never heard of 
before, will I meet him? Sure I'll meet 
him. So I meet him, and he's got quite a 
lot to say, how do I like the weather and 
what about the way the Red Ѕохте do 
ing, all kinds of shit, and finally he gets 


to the point: Не wants five hundred 
bucks. For what he don’t say, why he 
wants it from me, but he knows me and 

he knows I want this pardon, which 1 
didn't tell him, and he says: "Running 
lor office, it’s very expensive. 1 got this 
printing bill” Then he shows me this 
bill, it’s all beat to shit. He's been 
carrying it around for probably two 
years, ever since he got elected, showing 
it to six or eight guys а week. Thats 
how I could do it, boy, get even: All 1 
need's one of them printing bills. Any 
way, it's for five hundred and thirty 
bucks and he says: 1 dunno how fm 
gonna pay it" 

"| come back to Malloy, 
said. “I ask him and he say 
the five. "That's cheaper'n I figured." 

"Now, I don't know this Rep from 
a hole inna ground,” the Digger said, 
"and Reps don't give pardons, governors 
do that. But J do it. Two months later, 

(continued on page 238) 




Top: Woll-Boll 13-year calendar mode ol polystyrene measures 14" x 147, by IDG, 
$10. Above: Pewter beakers are meticulous reproductions of original Eorly American 
ones, by Reed ond Barton, $10.95 lor 10 oz; $8.95 for 6 oz; $695 for З oz; ond 
$495 lor 2 oz. Above right: Schulke-French corrected 18mm lens system is specially 
designed to fit the underwater Nikonos camera; comes with optical viewer that allows 
user to see exactly what the lens is taking, by French Underwater Industries, $399. 




left: Acrylic ice chest 
designed by Edgar 
Watkins/Cubics meos- 
ures 10" xB" x8” ond 
holds obout seven stond- 
ard troys of ice; top 
is I thick, from De- 
signed-Rite, $75. Right: 
Traditional English-type 
lennis-racke! press of 
polished mahogany, 
with solid-brass hord- 
wore ond а leather 
handle, holds up to 
six rackets between 
separators; can be 
disassembled for stor- 
оде, from Feron's, $60. 


Above: React-A-Matic sunglasses with oviator-style gold-filled frames fea- 
turing Corning Photosun ophthalmic lenses thot shift from light to dork 
depending on the degree of ultraviolet; indoors, glosses stay а neutral 
gray ond will not lose their properties after continuous use, by Renauld, $30- 



Above: Two precision weather instruments housed іп aluminum coses include 
а barometer, $45, and а thermometer-hygrometer, $35, both from Georg 
Jensen. Below: A selection of 12 Antinori Italion wines housed in а wooden 
chest with wrought-iron fittings, from Julius Wile & Sons about $37. 


Top: Model ТІ-2500 
electronic calculotor 

that operates on a re- 
chargeable bottery or 
A.C. current features 
a keyboard on which 
numbers ond opero- 
tions ore punched in 
some sequence os one 
would write problem on 
paper, from Texasinstru- 
ments, $119.95. Above: 
Max for Men hoir 
dryer, by Gillette, $21. 


Above: Model 761000 Sabre-Lathe multipurpose shop tool includes o lathe, iigsow, 
grinder, buffer, disk sonder, drum sonder ond polisher oll operated by o powerful 
three-speed motor; measures 33:" x 10" х7", by McGrow-Edison, about $40. Leh: 
Whisper Drive blender stirs, chops, grates, mixes, blends, whips, crumbs, purées, 
grinds coffee, sharpens knives, juices oranges ond crushes ice, by Ronson, $89.95. 

Above: Slow Down acrylic paperweight and pad combination that's 
designed and produced by Private Papers and Millicent Zahn, from 
Bergdorf Goodman, $30. Below: Conves school bog from Denmark 
hos pockets, sheaths, pouches and compartments galore; is a favorita 
tote of pilots ond photographers, from The Chocolate Soup, $22.50. 

Above: Double-faced wrist watch in 18-kt. gold is designed for travelers; feo- 
tures rugged lizord band and 17-jewel movement, by Bueche-Girod, $470. 



PKU chooses to live and to hang on to 
power, and has to pretend he can't speak 
English, and presides over a university 
gutted of spirit and intellect. which, 
Sinologist White concluded, after survey- 
ing the curriculum, offers fewer courses 
in Chinese history than any important 
university in the United States. We were 
surprised. Not so much that PKU is as it 
is but, once again, that we should have 
been allowed to see it under the circum- 
stances. We were surprised, but I began 

to get the idea; and the idea is deadly. 
‘The long march for America has been 
away from Wilsonianism in foreign poli- 
cy, but we have not meditated what else 
it is that we are losing along the way. 
We did not make the world safe for de- 
mocracy—Wilson's stated objective—by 
our venture into the First or the Second 
World War. In fact, a very good case 
can be made for the idea that the more 
strenuously we sought to export our de- 
mocracy, the less democracy flourished, 
and perhaps it wasn't coincidence. It was 
well before Nixon's China trip that we 
gave up on that illusion, reducing our 
general position by one gigantic step. 
Now we committed ourselves to making 
the world safe for those countries that 
wished to resist subjugation by a major 
Communist power. Call it, if you will, 
the Fulbright Reservation. It was neatly 
: “Insofar 

its own frontiers, that na- 
tion, however repugnant its ideology, is 
one with which we have no proper quar- 
rel." The corollary of the Fulbright Res- 
ervation was that we did have a proper 
quarrel with any nation that was mot 
content to practice its doctrines within 
its own frontiers, though I think the 
Senator would have wanted to refine 
that just a little, to read: subject to 
United States resources, and to our eval- 
wation of the strategic implications of a 
defeat of the country resisting the expor- 
tation of a foreign ideology. It was, of 
course, the application of the ЕШЬ 
Reservation that brought us to war in 
Korea and Indochina, and to the brink 
of war in Quemoy, Berlin, Lebanon 
and Cuba. 

The China trip did much to dislodge 
the Fulbright Reservation, though Ful- 
bright himself, and many others, had 
meanwhile done a great deal to put pres- 
sure оп the dam Mr. Nixon yanked 
open. They did this by seeking to cx- 
plain, or if you prefer, to explain away; 
by managing to understand, and then 
to tolerate, that which was formerly 
thought of as quite simply repugnant. 
And, at the other end, by seeking to dis- 
parage, and otherwise abuse, that which 
was formerly accepted, if not as ideal, 

150 quite dearly as nonrepugnant. In this 

(continued from page 106) 

endeavor much of vocal American soci- 
ety has engaged over recent years. Mar- 
tin Luther King said about America that 
it was "the greatest purveyor of vio- 
Тепсе” since Hitler, even as some histo- 
rians were discovering that the Cold 
War could not truly be said to have 
been primarily the fault of the So 
Union. At the barricades іп Ameri 
academies, students and. professors were 
denouncing this country as militarist 
and materialist and racist, while we 
began indulgently to understand certain 
historical necessities, certain quite un- 
derstandable practices, under the ci 
cumstances, in Russia and China. The 
young American president of the Na- 
tional Students Association went to 
North Vietnam to broadcast to the South 
Vietnamese the news that theirs was the 
worst military despotism in history. Pro- 
fessor Noam Chomsky and like-minded 
folk were saying you could not believe a 
word uttered by the Government of the 
United States, while urging us to accept 
the word of the government of the So. 
viet Union on everything from statistics 
on genocide to the control of atomic 
testing and production. A perfect equ 
m was finally reached, in the egali- 
tarianization of Them and Us, in a 
speech given in the spring of 1971—by 
Senator Fulbright. General de Gaulle 
prefigured it all when he used to refer to 
“the two hegemonies,” but most people 
put that down as sour grapes from 
the junior varsity. Fulbright now was 
talking about our unnecessary fear of 
the growth of Soviet naval power in 
the Mediterranean. “This is not to sug- 
gest that the Russians are lacking 

ambitions in the Middle East," he sai 
“There is no doubt that they desire to 
maximize their ‘influence’ in the Arab 
world and that they derive gratification 
from sailing their warships around the 
Mediterranean. This, however, is normal 
behavior for a great power: It is quite 
similar to our own. We too keep a feet 
in the Mediterranean, which is a good 
deal farther from our shorcs than it is 
from the Soviet Union; and our main 
objection to Soviet ‘influence’ in the 
Arab countries is that it detracts from 
our own. Were it not for the fact that 
they аге Communists—and therefore 
‘bad’ people—while we are Americans 
—and therefore ‘good’ people—our poli- 
cies would be nearly indistinguishable.” 

There, now. 

Professor Ross Terrill, an Australian 
teaching now at Harvard, moved rather 
more philosophically into the question 
in two bi les published in 
The Atlantic immediately before Presi- 
dent Nixon's trip. They were, reportedly, 
closely examined by all of us, and al- 

stantly apparent and sometimes even 

schoolboyish (it was "Mr. Chou," but 
just plain "Rogers"), he did not attempt 
to disguise, in the manner of the Stalin 
apologists, the lack of freedom in China, 
as conventionally understood: with em- 
phasis on the qualifier. “Turning back 
toward the hotel, 1 pass a Protestant 

church—its closed gates bearing the 
banner ‘Carry through the Cultural 
Revolution to the end" Sometimes he 

tried to explain a particular deprivation 
"Wherever I walk, there is а People’s 
Liberation Army man with boyish grin 
and fixed bayonet. ‘Back the other way. 
Well, it is a sensitive area. . . . There 
жаз an openness and a practical root to 
nearly all the restraints that met me in 
China." But the effort is halfhearted 
—there wasn't, after all any readily 
understandable explanation of the prac- 
tical root for the refusal of any news 
vendor to sell him the morning papers. 
Nor does Terrill tell us that the strait- 
ened freedom is otherwise compensated 
for, say by meritocratic integrity. "An- 
other PLA [People’s Liberation Army] 
officer, a tough, cheery man who con- 
fessed his total ignorance of medicine, 
was head of a Peking hospital.” He 
does not even begin to suggest that there 
is cultural freedom in China. "I found 
cultural life far more politicized. . . . 
Public libraries, and museums too, are 
closed. Churches are boarded up, empty, 

and checkered with political slogans. 
In 1971 you simply do not find, as you 
could in 1964, segments of social and in- 
tellectual life around which the tentacles 
have not curled.” The propa- 
in the style of the Red Detach- 
ment of Women, is altogether relentless. 
Terrill confirms that іп Shensi, with 
a population of 25,000,000 people. 
100,000,000 Mao works were published 
during the Cultural Revolution. A litle 
liberty, perhaps, for the people liberated 
on Liberation Day by the People's Lib- 
eration Army of the People's Republic 
of China? “1 inquired of the spokes- 
man of the factory Revolutionary Com- 
mittee, ‘Can a worker trausfer work by 
his own individual decision? 1 mi 
have asked if the leopard can change his 
spots.” Terrill too knew about the plight 
of higher education. “At PKU I saw the 
English class, which was reading, and dis- 
cussing, Aesop's fables. . . . They received 
me with clapping—though few, I found, 
knew what or where Australia is. 
But after all that, the breath-catching 
evasion. The cement poured on the 
floor Senator Fulbright secks to stand 
on. “People ask, China free? but 
there is no objective measure of the free- 
dom of a whole society." He explains 
that there are differences in ours and 
the Chinese historical experience that 
account for many differences in attitude. 
But he agrees that yes, "At one point 
we and China face the same value 
(continued on page 203) 


the world’s greatest top-spinner 

LONDON, ENGLAND—Art Buchwald, the 
oldest professional tennis player in the 

cocked serve, which is now used by every 
professional tennis player of any note, The 

history of the game, dropped dead today holds service as he serve puts a spin on the ball that causes 
of a heart attack on the Centre Court at d А 1 it to go through the legs of the opponent. 
Wimbledon. He was 93 years old. envisions his own obituary He will also be remembered for his 

Мг Buchwald was playing in the 
final match of the men's singles against 
Pancho Romero and was leading 6-1, 
6-0, when, in the third set with the score 
4-2, Romero hit a blazing drive down 
the middle of the court Buchwald 
clutched his heart, blood drained from 
his face, but he managed to return the 
bali, much to the surprise of Romero, 
who hit it into the net. 

He was rushed to Queen's Hos- 
pital in an ambulance but was 
dead on arrival Ап attend- 
ant said Buchwald's last words 
were, "Tell Romero he was 
lucky this time, but I'll be 
waiting for him to play that 
final championship game 
in the sky." 

Art Buchwald started 
late in the tennis business. 
"The early years of his life 
were spent writing a news- 
paper column on politics 
and the human foibles of 
our society. Then, at 45, he 
started scarching for new 
worlds to conquer. One 
day he picked up a tennis 
racket in a friend's house. 

"Whar's this?" he asked. 

The friend said, “It's a 
tennis racket.” 

“Show me how the game 
is played.” 

Тһе friend took Buchwald 
out onto his tennis court and 
in an hour Buchwald managed 
to get the hang of it. In two 
hours he was beating his fri 
with what has since been described 
as “the fastest second serve in 

The friend told Buchwald he was 
a natural and should join the proles- 
sional ranks, but at first the columnist 
was reluctant to take the sport seriously. 
Its true he played at Forest Hills and 
Indianapolis the following year, winning 
both the men’s grass and the day cham- 
pionships, but it wasn't until 1975 that 
Buchwald started to play for money. 

He gave up his column and his writing 
career to concentrate on tennis and never 
touched a typewriter key again, 

In 1976 Buchwald toured Australia, 
where he was unscored upon in 47 
matches, In 1980 he won $3,500,000 in 
prize money, not counting fees he earned 
for shaving-lotion testimonials. 

Mr. Buchwald invented the backhand 

- » 



“choked forehand.” where the ball is 
hit first as a lob but then drops dead 
in the forecourt. 

A favorite with the ladies, the silver- 
haired Buchwald was followed every- 
where he played by what was called 
Artie's Army. 

He had to pay two bodyguards to 
escort him out of stadiums, because 
women would always try to rip the 

crocodiles off his tennis shirts. 

Buchwald never believed іп 
training and the night before 
a particularly rough match 
he could be found in a caba- 
ret, dancing with three or 
four movic stars until five 
in the morning. 
ihen he was 75, he 
ized for setting а 
bad example for American 
youth. Buchwald replied: 

“I play better when J dance 

the night before." At least 

that’s how it came out 

in the newspaper. 
Although he was a ter- 
rific competitor and fought 
for every point, Buchwald 
never questioned a lines 
man's call. He always 
praised his opponents, no 
matter how badly he beat 
them, and sometimes shared 
his prize money with them 
when he felt they had played 

particularly well. 

Besides winning every possi- 

ble tennis championship in 

the world, Buchwald had been 
a member of the Tennis Hall 
of Fame for 40 years. An entire 
wing of the hall had to be built to 
house all his trophies. 
Because of his tennis, Buchwald had 
friends among kings, presidents and em- 
perors. He had been knighted for teach- 
ing King Charles's daughter the game. 

He had also received the Order of Mao 
Tsetung for introducing tennis to the 
People's Republic of China. 

When President Christopher Kennedy 
was informed of Buchwald's untimely 
death, he ordered every tennis net in the 
United States to be lowered to half-mast. 

The President said, “America has lost its 
greatest topspinner. It will be impossible 
to find someone to replace him. But after 
a month of mourning. 1 have ordered the 
game to be played again. Art Bud 
wald would have wanted it that wa 

Ja 151 

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NIRVANA BY THE BAY (continued from page 112) 

awaiting the next call, San Francisco 
as a town in which no one had to 
decide whether or not to open the win- 
dow. Good working. A host of lawyers, 
doctors, architects, postanalysands were 
deciding not to get but to get 
happy on the Bay. А nice place to idle 
away the rest of die century. 

‘Then, around 1965-1966. . . . No, 
let's name the night. On the night when 
I heard the Jefferson Airplane in the 
Matrix on Fillmore—amplified? What's 
this? Speak a little louder, I can't hear 
you—it was clear that a new implosion 
had occurred, and an explosion would 
follow. The cybernetic revolution had 
hit the beat guitar. It was as if every 
washer-dryer in the universe were churn- 
ing out its Bendix slurp ‘n’ roll. I was— 
how to put it?—charmed. 

"The rest is the history of the moment. 
The primal horde discovered Levis. Old 
Cronus was dealing at the corner of 
Haight and Ashbury. Poster art became 
ual rock "n' roll,” and the youth- 
quake became a market. Into the great 
media machine was fed the hope and 
dream of a time. "I'm not putting down 
the Vi declared a retired 
activist from Berkeley, no longer inter- 
ested in politics, tuned in, turned on, 
dropped out and cured like beef jerky. 
“After all, Vietnam brought us all to- 
gether, so it was a real good thing." 

And in the flash of a season, it was 
Mafia hip, MGM groovy, a style for 
every college and big city in the coun- 
try. А revolution, a fashion and an in- 
dustry all in one. Then the bands were 
no longer playing for frec in the park. 
The Diggers stopped serving their buffa 
lo stew in the Panhandle. Emmett Gro- 
gan was writing his memoirs for Little. 
Brown. Posthip in San Francisco is like 
postbeat: There are still people in door- 
ways, hiding out, waiting for the next 
movement. The town staggers along, 
looking for its next movement. There 
are those who swear that when it hap- 
pens they won't tell anyone. But if they 
don't, will it be a movement? There are 
guru poets in the Friends & Relations 
Hall on the Great Highway, beating old 
coffee cans till their heads spin, expand- 
ing their consciousness and destroying 
their eardrums, but are they really a 
movement? "They say, "We're a counter- 
cultural biggie,” and maybe they are, 
but the шайіс whooshes by and not 
many stop to receive the message. 

On Haight Street a strung-out speed 
freak in dirty denims stops а passer-by 
and invites him to her pad. "I may not 
be a flower child anymore," she says 
enticingly, "but come with me anyway. 
Have you ever had a real pig?" 

Haight Street for а while was а teen- 

tnam war," 

154 age slum; then worse, a speed and 

heroin real-estate hell. It dropped all 
the way out. And now speculators are 
buying in ара 

The special story about San Francisco 
may be that it is a place to drop out 
while not absolutely dropping out. A 
former graduate student and mad bomb- 
er, fled to Canada after trying to end 
the war in Vietnam by ending the Bank 
of America, now dwells at relative peace 
with himself in Bernal Heights. He con- 
fessed, regretted, returned, did a bit of 
prison, had his skull fractured in the 
showers by a patriotic felon, recovered, 
wears а steel plate in his head and 
now works for Sparkics, delivering pack- 
ages. He has a pretty wife. “That’s not 
the way,” he says about bombing. The 
urban-rural slum, an interracial commu- 
on the hilly slope of Bernal, gives 
him a home. There are even unpaved 
streets, and chickens, and back-yard gar- 
dens, plus coffeehouses and theater 
groups and action art galleries. Despite 
his periodic headaches and dizzy spells, 
life isn't too bad. A doctor says he won't 
necessarily develop epilepsy. 

A former hotshot editor, once quick 
and randy, now ecstatic, says calmly 
about his projects for the future: "Til 
neither make plans for the future nor 
not make plans. I'll neither do things 
nor not do things. I'm learning about 
my body and soul these days, but I don't 
care if I'm really learning, either.” His 
smile is beatific. His walk is smooth. His 
heart is pure. 

A former Manhattan women’s 1 
tion activist has come to San Francisco 
and is losing the struggle against her 
sexist hang-ups. She still raises her con- 
sciousness at consdousnessraising meet- 
ings, and exchanges clitoral knowhow 
with her sisters, but more and more she 
tends to regard her husband as a human 
being. She can't fight the town. 

The habits of transferees from major 
corporations—insurance, banking, real 
estate, conglomerates left over from the 
great mergers of the Sixties, advertising- 
agency managers and media organizers 
—are known for a certain inevitable life 
direction. The pattern can be predicted. 
They arrive in their Eastern J. Press or 
Brooks Brothers neatness, look around 
with a certain distance and hauteur at 
the grayhaired, long-haired groovers, 
and they swear on their honor: "Well, I 
won't wear the vest. I'll wear the three 
piece suit without the vest. But that’s as 
far as ГЇЇ go.” 

"Don't swear,” I tell them, 

Pretty soon some little State Univer- 
sity of New York at Buffalo dropout, now 
waitressing at the Trident or Shandygafl 
while she "gets her shit together i 

it's im- 

to recount her life story: “Neil broke my 
heart three weeks ago. Maybe I'm not a 
woman, just a little girl, but my heart 
breaks, too. So three weeks ago, when 
Neil broke my heart, I decided” 

And Mr. Media Transferee is nod- 
ding, nodding, nodding. Tell me more. 

A few weeks later, as he sits there still 
nodding, he is wearing boots, jeans, 
leather jacket, has grown a mustache, 
smokes a lot of grass. "I chose a lower- 
paying job to live out here,” he is telling 
some girl, "because six months ago. when 
my wife broke my heart, I knew 1 

Its the sportscar menopause all the 
way. What looked like the groovy horde, 
maddened flower ghouls and warlocks is 
now, in the flash of a season, just stand- 
ard American to Mr. Media Transferee 
He may not have qualified as а card- 
carrying teenager іп 20 years. "That's no 
reason for not changing his life, 

1 speak with due diffidence as one of 
his spiritual cousins. I have lived in 
Cleveland, New York, Paris, Port-au- 
Prince, Detroit and New York, with way 
stations in Havana, Key West and Fort 
Bragg—a tipsy itinerary, I'll admit—and 
until I came to San Francisco, I always 
dreamed of eventually settling in Paris, 
the City of Light, where 1 had spent idle 
student and dreamy bohemian years. 1 
would be a stroller on both sides of the 
river. In the capital of misery and the 
paradise of hope would I dwell forever, 
just like Villon, Carco and Sartre. 

So when 1 arrived to pass a season in 
San Francisco, having sublet my flat in 
Greenwich Village, it was just to do a 
job. І was having a play produced at the 
old Actors Workshop. Hm, so this is 
Frisco. 1 thought. 

‘Two weeks later I phoned New York 
and told my tenants to keep the place. I 
was staying. I left my clothes there so 
long they have come back into style. My 
blue suit, fit only to wear at Stalin's 
funeral, is now just right for the mid 
night show at the Palace, including the 
movie Reefer Madness and the Cock- 
ette’ newest comeback stage presenta- 
tion. 1 still have things in storage with 
various friends around — Manhattan, 
though I recognize the law that states 
that a loan for more than a year is a 
gift. Never mind those lamp shades, Jap- 
anese prints and wide pants, Marcus; 
they're yours. 

Why? Why have 1 sold ош Paris, 
abandoned Manhattan? 

I'm trying to say it's fun here. Sad, 
true, that one must offer to change the 
name Russian Hill to Kansas 
Hump in honor of the all-American 
developers who are neatly blacking out 
the views, so that you'll have to make 
masked guerrilla raids on a tower to see 

(continued on page 232) 

tuning in without turning off your neighbors 

GOOD HEADPHONES can be the equal of the finest speakers 
made. You can also high-decibel your favorite rock or 
opera or rock opera in the middle of the night without 
disturbing your neighbors; they offer an opportunity to 
hear fine nuances and channel separation that can be 
appreciated no other way—and they do all this at a price 
that’s modest when compared with the cost of even a 

The Koss HV-1 
stereophones are 
extremely light (9 

ounces, less the cord) 
and have a frequency 

response of 20-20,000 

cycles. The eorpieces 
ore of soft sponge, 

isoloting the 
listener from room 
noises, the Sharpe 

Model 770 feotures \ 
liquid-filled ear 
cups, very low dis- 
tortion, coiled 
10-foot cord ond 7 

mediocre pair of speakers. Increasingly more popular 
with today's stereo fans, headphones can run the price 
gamut from a rock-bottom five dollars for an off-brand 
set to a high of around $160 for a superb pair of electro- 
static phones guaranteed to deliver all ten of the audible 
octaves and equal or outdo speaker systems costing ten 
times as much—and which (concluded on page 230) 


type of head- 
set is offered in 
Stonton's Борћозе 
that uses elec- 
trostatic elements 
оз speakers, pro 
ducing o smooth 

designed sa yau con 'edjustobls headband: sound. Polarizer 
heor phone or doorbell- Priced at $100, it (not shown) in- "A 
Cord length is 10 has a lifetime cluded in the 
feet. Cost: $40. DIEA EE $160 price. ( 


( A new ) 




presides, it's true. We watch from a corner (overinformed 
and underknowledged) while our generals hump the 
planet and our priests bless them on their way (call it 
the way of the cross), while lizard kings do a death-grip 
waltz on the bones of the same dance done before 
and the tribal legions raise their banners one against 
the other, while the garbage and the bones collect 
waist-deep around the men who proclaim each absurd 
war holy. 

And informed sources said today that God is on 
our side. Although the Lord was not around to comment, 
Death had this to say: “Kiss my rumpled ass and sing 
power. There are no fair fights and only | can save 
you from love gone wrong.” It is stylish to despair. 


| | ^ 45 

^ V d 

and be damned. 

Death.... No one needs 
saving from love: 

“Kiss your own dead ass 

Still, imagination holds out—for what isn't, and 
never was, but might, some say, come to be. It's a fool's 
vision, perhaps, but they have found it in caves, on ruined 
walls and in the notebooks of young dead poets. Dumb 
dreams of the artist depicting a planet in love with itself, 
where the Gnome is silly for a time. Where men can 
tweak his beard and dare to be naked and vulnerable, 
loving and inefficient, and without the borrowed power 
of Death over one another. 

It's true the Gnome has his way over man in the end; 
the game isn't fair, it just is. Still, there's no reason to 
serve the dark bastard, to run his errands for him, to 
extend a soulless kingdom while we have the light. For 
if death is his threat, life is our only revenge. Sing: "Kiss 
your own dead ass and be damned. There are no real 
fights among men, and no one needs saving from love." 





despite the difference in the circum- 
stances; indeed, Шеу could both be 
worse in the latter case, and that sort of 
thing happens every day. Probably the 
commonest form of noncriminal rape is 
rape by fraud—by phony tenderness or 
false promises of an enduring relation- 
ship, for example. 

The woman who is assaulted and 
raped by a total stranger may sufler less 
than the woman who endures constant 
humiliation at the hands of people she 
is trying to know and love. The inade- 
quates and psychotics who are arrested 
for rape have been known to select their 
victims and lie in wait for them; other 
criminal rapes may involve women who 
are known to or even related to their as- 
lants, but for Ше most part, the selec 
ion of the victim is as бога us as it 
ight be in an automobile accident. 
That element of haphazardness can help 
ihe woman avoid permanent psychic 
damage, because she is not compelled to 
internalize the experience, and so to feel 
guilty and soiled as a consequence of it. 

One of the great injustices that the 
victims of pe must suffer is 
the necessity of reliving the experience 
in minute detail over and over agai 
from the first complaint to the police to 
the last phase of the trial. By attempting 
to prosecute the man who has raped her, 
a woman dissociates herself from the 
crime and endeavors to reconstitute her 
self-esteem, but it is a rare woman who is 
so independent of the evaluation of oth- 
ers that she can survive the contemp- 
tuous publicity that her attempt will 
draw upon her. If she fails to make her 
accusation stick, so that people assume 
that she is malicious or hysterical or that 
she enticed her rapist, she is in more seri- 
ous psychic trouble before. The 
odds against her succeeding in her prose- 
ation, even after the police have reluc 
Чу agreed to charge her assailant, are 
ther worse than four to one. If a wom- 
only concern is for herself and her 
eventual recovery from the experience, 
then she is much better advised not to 
prosecute. Rape is a habitual crime, 
however, and any woman who decides 
mot to prosecute ought to spare a little 
thought for the women who will be 
ped as a consequence of her decision. 
lt is true that women have attempted 
to frame men for rapes that were never 
committed. Some have done so out of 
fear of punishment for an illicit sexual 
relationship that has been discovered. 
Others have done so because they need- 
ed abortions, others for revenge and 
other ulterior motives, for politics or 
policy. Some studies of rape quote a per- 
centage of phony rape charges as high as 
20 percent, but important to re- 
member t| the essence of the frame is 
that it is public, and that a good deal is 

left to the discretion of law enforcers in 
deciding whether or not a woman has 
been truly offended. There are not too 
many profeminists in police stations. 

Criminologists believe that fewer than. 
one in five rapes are reported, making 
rape the least reported crime on the 
books. "Those figures are, 1 believe, co 
servative, even within the terms of their 
narrow legalistic definition, which re- 
fers to the second gravest crime in the 
statutes—what we might call grand rape. 
The punishments for grand rape are 
very savage, but it was not women who 
decided long ago that rapists should be 
blinded and castrated or hanged with 
benefit of clergy (as they once were) or 
sentenced to jail for life (as they still 
are). Nevertheless, even from a woman's 
int of view there are instances 
rape is an injury just as serious as 
homicide, and perhaps more so. A black 
friend of mine spent years of passionate 
effort to see that the seven white youths 
who raped her when she was 16 years old 
and a virgin spent the maximum time in 
jail, for they ruined her life by cursing 
her with a child whom she could never 
leave and never love. (The wonder of it 
is, of course, that a white jockocratic 
court convicted on the evidence of a 
black girl.) 

It is in the interests of everyone in- 
volved that pregnancy must not be al- 
lowed to be a consequence of rape. This 
means that all women claiming rape 
must be entitled to abortion, long before 
the offense can be proved. To wait for 
any legal process is to increase the degree 
of physical and mental trauma involved. 
Nowadays a raped woman has a pretty 
good chance of getting an abortion, 
especially if she can supply reasonable 
circumstantial evidence of the offense, 
However, the women who are most trau- 
mutized by rape are religious and shel- 
tered women who are not likely to get 
over their experience by the necessity of 
committing what they devoutly believe 
to be a mortal sin as a result of an act 
committed upon their person against 
their will. In cases of scrupulous reli- 
gious conscience, religion can be the 
woman's only consolation, but most cases 
of normally muddled morality would be 
best aided by the adoption of a protocol 
by medical officials confronted 
rape cases. One practical solution would 
be to order the removal of the contents 
of the womb by aspiration as part of the 
diagnostic procedure. This would dimin- 
ish the element of psychic intrusion and 
relieve the woman of the necessity of 
making a difücult moral choicc arising 
out of circumstances beyond her control. 
The procedure is the same as biopsy as- 
piration, which is commonly practiced 
and need occasion very little discomfort. 

The woman who is not impregnated 


or physically injured as a result of rape 
may nevertheless suffer acutely. The 
idea, so commonly entertzined, that 
women somchow enjoy rape is absolute- 
ly unfounded, and a further indication 
of the contempt that men feel for 
women and their sex! functions. One 
might as well argue that because most 
men have repressed homosexual or femi- 
nine elements in their personalities, they 
enjoy buggery and humiliation. Women 
are, as a result of their enculturatior 
masochistic, but this does not mean that 
they enjoy being treated sadistically, al- 
though it may mean that they ur 
consciously invite it. Because of this 
masochism, women frequently take thc 
whole burden of horror upon themselves. 
I know personally of a case in which a 
woman has been repeatedly raped by 
her mentally retarded brother for 30 
years and has never sought any protec- 
tion from him because of the distress 
that the knowledge would cause her par- 
ents. Her struggle to cope with the situa- 
tion alone has had a marked effect on 
her psychic balance, and yet it is not 
beyond a law-enforcement officer to 
argue that she is guilty of collusion, that 
she із an accomplice, in effect. 

Bored policemen, amusing themselves 
h girls who come to them to com- 
plain of rape. often kick off the proceed- 
ings by asking if they have enjoyed it. 
Rapists often claim in their defense that 
the prosecutrix enjoyed herself, that she 
showed evidence of physical pleasure or 
even had an orgasm. Most of them are 
lying. Some are sincere, but men are no- 
toriously incapable of judging whether or 
not a woman is feeling pleasure, and 
women are not so unlike men that terror. 
cannot cause somethi 
toms of erotic excitat 
Even if a woman were to have an or- 
gasm in the course of a rape, it need not 
necessarily lessen the severity of the 
trauma that she suffers. Th would 
seem, is quite understandable in the case 
of men raped by women, which, al- 
though not an entity in law, is still a 
possibility. Malinowski describes with 
thrills of disgusted horror the rape of a 
Melanesian male; if the dear evidence 
of the victim's sexual excitation makes 
any difference to his sense of outrage, it 
is to intensify 

The man is the fair game of wom- 
en for all that sexual violence, ob 
scene cruelty, filthy pollution and 
rough handling can do to him. ‘Thus 
first they pull off and tear up his 
pubic leaf, the protection of his 
modesty, and, to a native, the sym- 
bol of his manly dignity. Then, by 
masturbatory practices and exhibi- 
tionism, they try to produce an егес 
tion in their victim and, when their 
maneuvers have brought about the 
desired result, one of them squats 

(continued on page 178) 



Misa Auguat 

Linda Summers (above) has left her job 
at one of her stepfather's health-food 
stores in fovor of a new vocation: 
She's learning to become a real-estate 
escrow officer for a firm in Chula 
Vista, Colifornia, just south of San 
Diego. “I'm still eating natural foods, 
though,” she hastens to add. Besides 
‘on-the-job training in her new position 

—for which she applied on the advice 
of a boyfriend in the realty business— 
Linda is toking night classes at the 
Union Bank in San Diego. “I love my 
new work,” she told us, “though | do 
miss the store. We certainly got a lot 
of troffic through there after my Play- 
mate story appeared in the magazine. 
The customers were curious—but nice." 

Misa Apnil 

Vicki Peters (right) reports that she's 
sharpening her photographic skills: 
"I've just bought а new electric Nikon 
and I'm doing а lot of shooting.” She 
prefers people as subjects: “In all 
honesty," she claims, “I think Га be 
good at doing nudes.” While in Flori- 
da on a Playmate promotion, Vicki 
photographed the Sebring race, where 

"people kept taking pictures of me 
taking pictures; then they sent them to 
me from all over the country. It wos 
really a kick.” An added bonus of her 
centerfold appearance: “Opportuni- 
ties are opening up in acting. But I'm 
going to be picky about whot | do. If 
І сап! make quality films, I'd rather 
keep on working behind the camera.” 



Miss July 

Carol O'Neal (opposite) has 
abandoned her duties aé a re- 
ceptionist in Chicago's Playboy 
Canter io reum tojenliege At 

ington, where she's completing 
her sophomore year, she's ma- 
joring in liberal arts. “I'm also 
taking one drama course, in 
advanced acting," she says. 
“If ту  Playmate-appearance 
schedule permits, I'd like to try 
out for some campus produc- 
tions. In high school | was al- 
ways cast as an ingénue; maybe 
here | can broaden my scope." 

Misa june 

Debbie Davis (left) wanted to 
get away from Los Angeles, so 
she headed for Hawaii—to the 
island of Mavi, far from the 
tourist scene. "I'm staying with 

a girlfriend here, in а mar- 
velously ramshackle building 
in the former colonial i 
Lahaina," she says. " 

being on another planet." In 
California, Debbie's thing was 
powerboats; in the islands, she 
grooves on sailing and going 
to the movies. "There's only 
one theater here, but they 
change the show every night." 


Misa November 

Lenna Sjööblom [righi)—pro- 
nounced "whi-bloom," in case 
you've been wondering—is 
plonning to use her Playmate 
modeling fee to finonce a re- 
verse migration to Europe, not 
to her native Sweden but to 
Holland. “Гуе met a number 
of Dutch people here in Chica- 
go," she explains, "and found 
them very easy to get clong 
with. If | live іп Rotterdam, 
ІШ have ту independence 
but still be only о day's jour- 
ney from my parents’ home, 
which is near Stockholm." 

Miaa Decemben 

Mercy Rooney (opposite) is 
busy working as а Bunny in 
the Los Angeles Playboy Club 
and, twice weekly, atten 
three-hour classes at the Film 
Actors’ Workshop on the 
Warner Bros. lot. “I'm really 
serious about developing what- 
ever dramatic talent 1 have,” 
she says, "so Im tcking 
courses in comera lechnique 
and acting." She's also test- 
ing for television commerciols 
ond was seen last month in 
women’s-magazine ads for о 

170 national line of bathing suits. 


Misa Octoben 

Sharon Johansen (above) has a new 
pupil in her conine obedience school: 
a collie belonging to singer Eddie 
Fisher. Since gracing PLaYeor's gate- 
fold, Sharon hes clso gone comping in 
Yosemite, landed TV roles (Columbo, 
Love American Style] to follow up on 
her film part as o beach дігі in Your 
Three Minutes Are Up with Ron Leib- 

mon and Beau Bridges, and she hos 
accumulated several pets. “I have a 
tree house in my apartment where my 
Siamese, Slinky, my poodle, Coco, and 
my new gray-striped cat, Onassis, 
ploy. The other night a date came 
over for the first time, took one look 
at my animals, turned and left, saying, 
"This is too much for те.” Silly man. 

Misa Manch 

Ellen Michaels (right), having won her 
associate in arts degree from Queens- 
borough Community College, hos post- 
poned her plans to go on for a B. A. 
in elementary education. “ГИ probably 
end up teaching, but right now I'm 
encouraged by my progress in model- 
here in New York City," she says. 

ve had jobs in the cosmetics, fashion 

and catalog fields, and | hope to land 
some TV commercials." Ellen has criss- 
crossed the continent from Texos to 
Canada on behalf of PLAYBOY—signing 
autographs and meeting the press. “It's 
fun being a Playmate,” she reports. 
“The only unnerving thing, to me, has 
been the proposals of marriage 1 
sometimes get from seventh graders.” 

Misa September 

Susan Miller (left) disappecred fron 
view for some weeks after her debu 
on PLAYBOY'S centerfold. “I've beer 
enjoying myself," our 671” Ріауток 
told us when we finally located he 
back at her West Los Angeles home 
Been doing a lot of traveling, strictly 
first-class—in jets, seaplanes, helicop 
ters, chauffeured limousines,” she say: 

enigmatically. Eventually, she expects 
to resume posing os o professional 
model—although she talks of learning 
to be о photo stylist. Perhops becouse 
she's been modeling since her eorly 
teens, when she wos discovered sun- 
ning on the beach by оп agent, Susan 
rejects the pressure of a full-time job. 
"Thot," she soys, “just isn't my bo: 

Miaa May 
Deanna Baker's dream—of buying 
some property in the mountoins ond 
going bock to noture—is in the prac- 
ess of coming true, thonks to the 
money she eamed os с Playmote and 
os a Bunny in the Denver Playboy 
Club, o career she hos now forsoken. 
“It's jus! too for to commute to the 
city from here," she told us over the 

telephone fram her house on an acre 
near the continentol divide, north- 
west of the Colorado capitol. Deanna 
has an option to buy the land, and she 
ond some friends have established the 
Space Cily Custom Furniture Compony, 
which manufactures hand-toaled pine 
tables, chairs ond water-bed fromes— 
stuff she describes os “funky rustic.” 



Misa Febnuany 

P. J. Lansing (right), unlike 
Deanna, has chucked Colorado 
and opted for the urban scene 
—in her case, Chicago, where 
she's employed as a Bunny at 
the new Playboy Club. “I 
really enjoy living in Chicoga," 
P. J. says. "There's such a vari- 
ety of things to do, so many 
places to go. | particularly en- 
joy the wide selection of French 
restaurants.” When she's not 
Bunny hopping in the Club, 
P. J. makes personal appeor- 
ances for pLaysoy—ond hos en- 
rolled in a photography course. 

Miss Januany 

Marilyn Cole (opposite) has 
taken up а new hobby: riding 
“I've just gotten this big white 
gelding, Seamus,” she told us. 
“After | become sure enough as 
ап equestrienne, | want 10 try 
riding to hounds.” Since her 
PLAYBOY appearance, Marilyn 
has been much in demand as a 
model in and around London; 
she's also been able to indulge 
her fondness for travel, via 
trips ta the United States, brief 
vacations in Greece and Mo- 
rocco ond a winter skiing 
holiday in the Swiss Alps. 



SEDUCTION (continued from page 164) 

over him and inserts his penis into 
her vagina. After the first ејасша- 
tion he may be treated in the same 
manner by another woman. Worse 
things are to follow. Some of the 
women will defecate and micturate 
all over his body, paying special at- 
tention to his face, which they pol- 
lute as thoroughly as they can. "A 
man will vomit, and vomit, and vom- 
it" said a sympathetic informant. 

For Malinowski the trauma is directly 
connected with loss of dignity and oblit- 
eration of the individual's will, at which 
his body actually connives. Women, too, 
have been known to vomit and vomit, 
to wash themselves compulsively, to burn 
their clothes, even to attempt suicide, 
after a rape. Nightmares, depression, 
pathological shyness, inability to leave 
the house, terror of darkness, all have 
been known to develop in otherwise 
healthy women who have been raped. 

Malinowski was writing from the 
point of view of the rapee. The injury 
for him lay not in an outrage to his tu- 
tors and guardians, nor in injury to his 
body. nor in an unwanted pregnancy, 
but somewhere even more fundamental, 
in his will, and thence in his ego, his dig- 
nity. In this perspective the legalistic 
category of grand rape fades into unim- 
portance. Sexual rip-offs are part of every 
woman's daily experience; they do not 
have the grati 
ter, with the special reconstructive ener- 
gies that disasters call forth. They simply 
wear down the contours of emotional 
contacts and gradually brutalize all 
those who are party to them. Petty rape 
corrodes a woman's self-esteem so that 
she grows by degrees not to care too 
much what happens or how. In her low 
moments she calls all men bastards; she 
enters into new relationships with suspi- 
cion and a forlorn hope that maybe this 
time she will get a fair deal. The situa- 
tion is selfperpetuating. The treatment 
she most fears she most elicits. The re- 
sults of this hardening of the heart are 
eventually much worse than the conse- 
quences of fortuitous sexual assault by a 
stranger, the more so because they are in- 
ternalized, insidious and imperceptible. 

Тһе idea that a woman has merely to 
consent, or to give in to sexual contact, 
provides the basic motivation for petty 
rape. Silence or failure to resist is fur- 
ther misconstrued аз consent. Then, by 
a further ramification of blunder, passive 
silence is thought to indicate pleasure. 
The breakdown in sexual communica- 
tions occasioned by acceptance of these 
related vulgar errors can be illustrated 
by an example. 

A young Cambridge undergraduate at 
a party in London missed his last train 

178 back to Cambridge and so asked around 

the party for a bed for the 
male guest, who lived nearby, said he 
might use her spare room, unconcerned 
by the fact that her husband was away, 
for the young man and all his family 
were well known to them. She duly 
drove him to her apartment, where clean 
towels and pajamas were laid out for 
him, and he was wished a good night's 
rest in the spare room. She had had a lot 
to drink at the party and was feeling 
giddy and rather ill, so she was grateful 
to slide between the sheets and pass 
quietly out. 

It was beneath young Lochinvar's dig- 
nity to stay in his room, though, and his 
hostess was just slipping through rather 
swirling veils of sleep when he climbed 
into the bed beside her. She resisted, but 
there was little point in making much 
to-do; having the police called to the 
apartment would have made a scandal, 
upset everybody and left her in a ridicu- 
lous situation. The law would take only 
one view of an unaccompanied married 
"woman's invitation to a young man to 
stay the night, regardless of the fact that 
Victorian sexual paranoia is gradually 
ebbing in other areas. She scolded and 
pleaded, exaggerated the degree of her 
drunkenness and even resorted to being 
sick, but the young man's ego would give 
no quarter. Like a Fascist guard in Mus- 
Italy, he woke her every time her 
eyelids began to close. Then he made his 
little show of force. She offered only 
passive resistance and so got fucked. 

It was, of course, a terrible fuck. She 
was exhausted, distressed and mutinous; 
he was deeply inconsiderate and cruel, 
although he fancied himself a nipple 
twiddler and general sexual operator 
and believes to this day that he gave her 
the fucking of her life. He has boasted 
of his conquest just often enough so that 
his talking about it has come to her ears 
and reduced her to a state of misery. She 
has never told her husband what hap- 
pened because of the sheer unlikeliness 
that he would exonerate her from any 
taint of desire for the little shit, however 
nobly he decided to behave. Worst of 
all, she must see her enemy frequently at 
dinners and parties in friends’ houses 
and endure his triumph over her time 
and time again. She has not allowed the 
circumstances to corrode her self-esteem 
to any serious extent, but her enemy 
cannot lay the fact to his credit. 

What happened is just one of the zil- 
lions of forms of petty rape. There is no 
punishment and no treatment for of- 
fender nor victim in a case like this. It 
just has to be crossed off as another 
minor humiliation, another devaluation 
of the currency of human response. The 
woman in this instance revenged herself 
by s of 
friends, but he hardly noticed. His ac 

count of the affair, needless to say, is very 
different from hers. 

The attitude of the rapist in such an 
example is not hard to interpret in 
terms of the prevailing sexual ideology. 
A man is, after all, supposed to seduce, 
to cajole, persuade, pressurize and even- 
tually overcome. А reasonable man 
will avoid threats, partly because he has 
a shrewd idea that they will not produce 
the desired result. A psychotic rapist is 
quite likely to desire fright and even 
panicstricken resistance and struggle as 
a prerequisite to his sexual arousal or 
satisfaction. But пос your everyday pusil- 
lanimous rapist. He simply takes advan 
tage of any circumstances that are in his 
favor to override the woman's independ- 
ence. The man who has it in his power 
to hire and fire women from an interest- 
ing or lucrative position may profit by 
that factor to extort sexual favors that 
would not spontaneously be offered him. 
A man who is famous or charismatic 
might exploit those advantages to humil 
iare women in ways that they would oth- 
erwise angrily resist. In cases like these, 
mutual contempt is the eventual out- 
come, but what the men do not real- 
ize is that they are exploiting the 
oppressed and servile status of women 
The women’s capitulation might be ig- 
noble, but it is morally more excusable 
than the cynical manipulation of their 

One of the elements that is often 
abused in the petty-rape situation is the 
woman's affection for the rapist. This 
might not even be a completely nonsex 
ual affection: There is a case on record 
in Denyer in which a woman who was 
brutally raped explained to the judge 
that she would have been quite happy to 
ball with her assailant if he had asked 
her nicely, but as soon as they got into 
her apartment, he beat her up and 
raped her. The parallel in petty rape is 
the exploitation of a woman's tender 
ness, which would involve eventual sex- 
val compliance, for a loveless momentary 
conquest. Because a woman likes a man 
and would like to develop some sort of 
relationship with him, she is loath to 
make trouble when he begins to prose. 
cute his intentions in an offensive way. 
Her enemy takes cold-blooded advantage 
of that fact. For lots of girls who slide 
into promiscuity, this is the conflict in 
which they are defeated time and time 

In all but the most sophisticated com- 
munities, a young woman who wishes to 
participate in the social life of her gener 
ation must do so as a man's guest. Dat- 
ing is a social and economic imperative 
for her. This situation is the direct result 
of her oppressed condition, and however 
venal her motives may seem to be, she is 
not totally responsibic for them. For her 
the pressure is disguised as pressure to 
fall in love and go steady; he may see it 

(continued on page 224) 

“Cancel my appointments. Рт breaking in a new gift wrapper." 



Head of a famous circus family, Wal- 
lenda has spent a lifetime on high, taut 
wires. His family goes up with him 
in dangerous combinations, Spectacular 
falls have killed some of the troupe. The 
rest stay with him. 

1 HAVE no personal fears. When your 
number is up. your number is up. My 
daughter is afraid to fly in an airplane 
because—who knowsz—it might be the 
pilots number that's up. 

Of course, I know it is dangerous. The 
accident in Detroit came at the end of a 
seven-person pyramid. God knows what 
caused it. You can't question the dead 
and the young шап who gave way is 
dead. It was not our fault: it was not 
the fault of the wire apparatus. Every- 
thing was in good shape. We never knew 
why the boy couldn't hold it anymore 
He must have panicked, or he had 

pinched nerve, or went dizzy. There are 
so many reasons. 
My youngest brother died in July 

1936, the first time he ever used a net 
We'd had a big accident and 1 was in 
the hospital. 1 said. “Look, you can take 
Ш my apparatus, but you have to use a 
net.” I was here in America at the time 
АП I heard was that he fell from the 
high wire into the net and bounced out 
onto the concrete floor and died. 

From then on, 1 said, “Well, now it's 
happened." That was our first fatality— 
with a net. Now I say what has w 
ppen has to happen. 

This last accident had nothing to do 
with the high wire. | was working on 
her's husband, 
who was very wanted to help 
me; he wanted to climb up that pole 
Unfortunately, he touched. one of the 
high hightension clamps. There was 

y from the pole—thar was not 
ated and he touched 
with my own eyes. I w 
daughter saw her husband falling: she 
screamed to me, "Daddy." 1 thought 
that the whole thing was elecuric and we 
would all get killed. 1 didn't know how 
to get oll. I was standing about 70 feet 
up in the air and everybody said. "Don't 
come to the pole, don't touch the pole. 
You'll be electrocuted.” So we shut all 
the lights off and 1 had to go down that 
pole in the dark to save myself. 

But you go right back. It's the only 
thing to do. Just like my daughter did, 
the next day. And she was thinking 
about her children, too. It's only the 
survivors you can do good for. When the 
good Lord tells me 1 have to quit, then 
ГІ quit. But I haven't thought about 
I can't say ГЇЇ perform another six 
months, 1 can't say if ll do it another 
ten years. 1 hope [ will. 


Palance has played just about every 
kind of movie badman. Alan Ladd fi- 
nally outdrew him in "Shane" and killed 
evil itself. Tired of his image, Palance 
has been taking roles that lampoon his 
earlier, menacing characters. 

FOR ACTORS theres always fear. Even 
alter your most sensational success, 
youre constantly thinking of something 

ing up. So many actors sit 
around thinking about the one role. I 
ching 70 and 

“What is your 

very when somebody asks, 
favorite role?” Because 

ts you've played seem dead. 

all those 

It’s like going into the gr 

ng ош. a corpse and s 
ther than somet 
something coming out. But il you don't 
give somebody an answer to a question 
like that, he thinks you're putting him 
оп. You're not really. What you've done 
is totally meaningless, nothing. This 
crushes an awful lot of people. The sui- 
cides. Like Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn 
wanted to be recognized as an actress 
rather than аз a sensuous, erotic freak. 
I'm sure women—a lot of women actors 
ае terribly afraid of getting old, be- 
so few women go gracelully into 
ter roles. Men can bridge this a 
little better. If there is a bridge to travel 
on at all. И there's another role. 

The telephone. 1 did a painting re- 
cently—I paint infrequently, but 1 did 
painting of a man siting in а very dark 
room behind a window. Outside is the 
sun, beautiful trees and g 
sini e in a strait jacket, whistling. 
And beside him is this enormous thing 
he's looking at, and you know this 
is а telephone. I call the painting 
The Actor. He's waiting for the tele 
phone to ring. He's tied to it and the 
telephone cord goes to his navel. 
is it The world of an 
most actors. The telephone must ring— 
gent desperately trying to get 
producer, to the money people. It’s an 
actor's life. W's like he's wrapped 
a telephone pole. 

ad he's 

an a 


Henry has been head of the Missis- 
sippi NAACP for over ten years. His 
home and office have been bombed and 
threats on his life don't even worry him 
anymore. Still - . . he doesn't drive 
around. Mississippi alone. 

1 кхо I live in a situation where any 
white man in the state can shoot me 
down any 
will happen ıo him. And, man. that's 
not easy to get off your mind. So I guess 
living with fear is sort of like learning to 
live with a broken leg 

There's no question: The most fright- 
ened I have ever been was the night 
they bombed my house and set it afire. 

lay of the week—and nothing 

1 was really afraid that night, because 
they bit my daughters room. The 
flames had engulfed the room and there 

was smoke everywhere: | couldn't find 
her and she couldn't find me. We were 
screaming for cach other and 1 though 
“My God, I've killed my only child with 
my ideas.” But when we finally met in 
the smoke and clasped each other and 1 
got her outside, out of the danger of the 
explosion and fire, you know, that. fear 
like all the others before it, 
But for a few agonizing minutes I was 
overcome completely with fear and ] 
probably came closer to losing control 
than at any time in my life. 

1 guess my other great fear c 

was gone 

me dur- 

ing the Sixties, when we were doing a lot 
of marching. I had been jailed after a 
in with the chiel of police. They 

told me that they were worried about 
security. Like some damn lynch mob wa 
going to come get me. So they decided to 
transfer me 10 а jail in another county 

and they wouldn't even tell my wife 
where they were carrying me. There 
were 12 or 15 blacks outside the jail whe 

they brought me 
wrapped in cha 
didn’t know where I 
up—in the river, across the railroad 
tracks, or where. I knew I couldn't de- 
fend myself and it was а damn helpless 

ош with my body 
locked. Now, I 
going to end 

keling. Damn helpless. 
Luckily. | had established a rapport 
with the Kennedys and Bobby Kennedy 

called the sheriff of our county and said. 
"Fm holding you responsible for his 
safety." I think that call is perhaps why I 
am alive today, Because they had no т 
son to walk me out of the jail in chains 
unless they had something che іп mind 
But even then 1 knew that freedom is 
to some degree bought with blood. You 
sec, it's not that you're afraid, it’s what 
you can do even though you are afraid 
You can’t let it get you. You'd back up 
every time. 

whatever it is you are: 
fighter pilot, high-wire 
stroller, heart surgeon... 

... Something is out there 
waiting, and if it doesn’t 
do you in, it will at least 

scare the hell out of you 

Adair developed a simple method for 
putting out oil-well fires: Get close and 
plant an explosive that staves the 
flames. It’s made him а lot of money; 
but then, he hasn't had any competition 
for 30 years. 

rea A lot of jobs we get into— 
whether they're in Sumatra or the Middle 
st or wher —Pyou've got a lot more 

to копу about than fires. Rebels, for in- 
stance. You're more afraid of those guys 
than you are of the fires or explosions. 
Over im Libya, theyd blown up four 
wells and when we were going in there 
to blast ош the fires, we got buzzed by 
а never know 
via during the Bia- 
fan war, working just a few miles 
from the front lines. And if that wasn't 
h, we had to worry about witch 
doctors. They're still there, you know. 
They come up with their followers, You 
don't talk back to them, IH tell you that. 
I guess I came the closest on New 
Years Day in 1053. 1 was crushed by a 
big dragline and they gave me up for 
dead. They took me hack to the hospital 
and couldn't get a heartbeat or any- 
thing. But I could hear them talkin 
could hear everything they said, but I 
couldn't move anything to let them 
know. 1 was afraid they were going to 
pull that sheet over my head. And I 
tied, man, I wied ıo move anything, an 
id, a finger, anything, The doctor 
е me shots and 1 could hear them 

aking. Then they got a little heartbeat. 
That's a weird feeling. 

There's a lot to worry about, We've 
1 sharks to contend with in the Red 
a, leopards in the jungles of Mozam- 
ad poisonous snakes im Guate- 
Had them all. But the one thing 1 
illy worry about, a really worry. 
is the way some of those guys drive when 
they're taking you to a well fire. They're 
Il excited a and they get to 
driving faster and faster. Hell, you finally 
just have to say, “Slow down before you 
Kill us all.” 

nd nervou 



Olds finished first іп 17 dogfights. He 
shot down 13 German planes in World 
War Two and still had the touch 20 
years later. One more MIG kill. and 
he'd have been Vietnam's first асе. He 
was unhappy about missing Korea, 

IN WORLD WAR TWO, I was very young, 
tremendously eager, and 1 knew I was a 
коой pilot. There were times when I was 

very excited—times when I might have 
a momentary tightening of the stomach 
muscles, constriction of the throat. or 

whatever. But things happen so quickly 
nd you're so damned busy coping that 
you really "t got time to sit there 
and be afraid. Fear comes at night when 
you're alone, when you're dropping olf 
to sleep. and that takes on а more—to 
изе а word I'm not sure. of—mordant 
. . anyway, a deeper thing of dread 
And this builds and builds and builds 
Thad a roommate who was that way, and 
sur 1, it happened: he was killed. 
But I never let myself think things like 
that. I was shot at and missed and shot 
at and hit quite a bit in World War 
Two. There were wild ; like get 
ting hit very, very solidly strafing an air 
field. Pieces of your airplane are lying 
off, and you're knocked upside down 
right above the ground, going like the 
hammers of hell, and you manage to 
extricite yourself and roll out and try 
to gei nd you get slammed again. 
You know it is g you may not 
have time to be frightened—but by God, 
they certainly have got your attention. 
When I first took over my wing in 
Vietnam, the big talk wasn’t about the 
MIGs but about the SAMs. I'd 
airplanes before, but those damn 
When I saw my first one, 
there were a few seconds there of sheer 
panic, because thats a most impressive 
ght 10 see that thing coming at you. 
You feel like fish about to be h: 
pooned. You go to bed at night 
whether you like it or not, you 
dream about that damn thing. I'd wake 
up at the bottom of my bed. dodging the 
mn things. 1 had ove 
nd never got used to it. 1 got 
гу. If you're just one or two seconds 
olf, you've had the schnitzel. In Vietnam 
I did the same thing I had in World 
r Two, lived one day at a time, The 
only things you were interested in were 
flying. eating and drinking. You do a lot 
of drinking. If you didn’t, you couldn't 
sleep at night, because all these things 
were going through your head, whether 
they were aggressive thoughts or not—so 
strongly you couldn't go to sleep. So 
about three good belts of Scotch, sleep 
like a baby, you're up six hours later 
and ready to go ag; 



To keep his patients alive, Cooley 
has tried а number of radical surgical 
techniques. He was one of the first to 
experiment with artificial. heart valves; 
he performed one of the first successful 
heart transplants in this country. 

PEOPLE Ask how a man can get ac 
customed to seeing flesh and. blood. Bu 
it doesn’t bother you to make a thre 
foot incision in a patient. It's а matte 
of building up tolerance to sometl 
In the beginning. 
thing to actually go 
goes <c 

мо а pat 
ау time your experience in- 
creases. Routine things you just take in 
stride. But as you get imo more difi- 
cult problems to handle si 
fear other things: the death of a p 
particularly on the i 
is one. 

At first the 

most routine appendec- 
а very шіррінд experience 
nade my heart race and made me 
break out in a cold sweat. At the present 
time, my threshold of fear has bee 
raised to the point where it takes some- 
thing like a hearevalve ring that will 
not hold suture—where Шеге is a dis- 
tinct possibility that you'll never get the 
valve seated and that it will float 
out once you get the heart started—o 
create (сағ in me. 

So, even today, there are 


nes when 

the uneasy feeling returns to me. The 

first valve and the first transplant—both 
of these things—brought it back. Every 
my whole career, was on the line. 
1 think 1 came away from it in good 
shape, but I had no way of knowing just 
xl on my feet 

how I would be able io 
if it had been a total fiasco. 

When we did the first heart trans 
plant, we had the heart all sewed in 
place, then the moment came to restore 
the circulation to the coronary. system 
and wait for the hei its re 
sponse, The anticipation was so great 
that defeat or failure at that time would 
have been a real catastrophe for eve 


the loss or the death of the p 
tients die all the time from heart disease 
—but I would have opened myself 10 
serious criticism if it had been a failure, 
and my judgment would have been ques 

tioned. Bur I think we ha certain 
responsibility to develop some new 
things to challenge some of the old rule: 

and regulations . . , and not just leave it 
to some subsequent generation of physi 
ike these discoveries, 



184 Eve. He tui 


s onc cube of light and, the window 
being slightly raised above the avenue, 
he could see the scattered windows of 
other cozy little houses coming awake all 
over the town. An hour earlier, he might 
have been able to sce the bruise-blue 
ic of the Trish I could live 
one of those little houses out th 
he turned to look at her uncertainly 
—like a painter turning from easel to 
model, from model to сазе, wondering 
which was the concoction and which was 
the truth. 

“Well?” she asked impatiently. 

His eye helicoptered over her cheap 
Turniture. Ten seconds sufficed, Не 
looked at her coldly. If he were outside 
there now on the pavement, looking in 
at her rosy lamplighting. . . . 

There is" she sid defensively, 

She opened the leaves of large folding 
doors in the r . led him into the 
flooded it with ligh 
An electric machi 
skew on the wall, a long dea 
strewn with scattered bits of m 
lores wire dummy and, incongruous- 
ly, over the empty fireplace, a lavish ba- 
roque mirror, deeply beveled, sunk in a 
swarm of golden fruit and flowers, 
carved wood and molded gesso. Spanish? 
Italian? It could be English. It might, 
rarest of all, be Irish. Not a year less 
than 200 years old. He flung his arms up 
to itin un ined excitement. 

"And you said you had nothing! 
She's a beauty! I'd be delighted to buy 
this pretty bauble from yo 

She sighed at herself in her mirror. 

“I did not say I had nothing, Mr. Bol- 
ger. I said I had nothing for you. My 
mirror is not for sale. It was my hus 
band's engagement present to me. He 
bought it at an auction in an old house 
in Wexford. It was the only object of 
any interest in the house, so there were 
no dealers present. He got it for five 

He darted to it through an en 
groan. He talked at her through it. 
Structurally? Fine. A leaf missing 
here. A rose gone there. Some scoundrel 
dotted it here and there with com- 
mercial gold paint. And somebody 
done worse. Somebody's been cleaning 
it. Look here and here and here at the 
white gewo coming through the gold 
leaf It could cost а pounds for 
old leaf to do it all ov n. Have 
you," he said sharply to her in the mir 
ror, "been cleaning it?” 

1 confess 1 tried. But I stopped when 
I saw that chalky stuff. coming through. 
1 did, honestly. 

He considered her avidly in the fr. 
So appealing in her contrition, a fallen 
ed to her behind him. How 




(continued from page 112) 

strongly bi and bold she was! Bold as 
brass. No question—two women! 

“Mrs. Benson, have you any idea what 
this mirror is worth? 

She hooted at h ly. 

“Three times what you would offer 
ne as a bu nd three times that aga 
for what you would ask as a selle 

Го conceal his delight in her tough- 
ness, he put on a sad face, 
ady! Nobody trusts poor old B. В. 
But you don't know how the game goes 
I look at that mirror and 1 say to myself, 
“How long will I wait to get how much 
for um? I “Price, опе hundred 
pounds. and I sell it inside а month. 1 
sty, Price, two hundred рош and I 
have to wait six months. Think of my 
overheads for six months! If I were li 
ing in London and I said. ‘Price, three 
hundred pounds,” Id sell it inside a 
week. If I lived in New York, 1 could 
Price, fifu hundred dollars" and 
sell it in а day. If I lived on a coral 
sland, it wouldn't be worth two coco- 
nuts. That mirror has no absolute value. 
То you its priceless because it has 
memories. I respect you for that, Mrs. 
Benson. What's life without memories? 
TII give you ninety pounds for it." 

‘They were side by side, in her mirror, 
in her room, in her life. He could sec 
her still smiling at him. Pretending she 
was sorry she had cleaned it? Putting it 
they do! And 

on. They do, yeh know 

they change, oho, they change. Catch her 
being sorry for anything. Smiling now 

like a girl c 

nt delight. 

“It is not fo 
re not on 

е, Mr. Bolger. My 
mories the market. That 
is not a mirror. It is a picture. The da 
my husband bought it. we stood side 
by side and he said,” she laughed at 
the mirror, " "We're not a. bad-looking 

He stepped sideward ош of her 
memories, keeping her framed. 

“ГИ give you a hundred quid for i 
couldn't possibly sell it for more than a 
hundred. and fifty. There 
ny people in Dublin who know the 
ue of a mirror like yours. The most 1 
can make is twenty-five percent. You аге 
a dressmaker. Don't you count on m 
ing twenty-five percent? Where аге you 
from?" he asked, pointing eagerly. 

"Fm а Ryan from Tipperary,” she 

laughed, taken by his eagerness, laugh 
ing the louder when he cried that he was 
Tipp man himself. 
"Then you are no true Тірре 
n if vou don't make fifty percent! 
What about it? Tipp to Tipp. А 
hundred guineas? A hundred and ten 
guineas? Going, going. . . 2" 

“It is not for sale," she said with a 
dipped finality. “It is my husband's mir 
ror. It is our mirror. lt will always be 

ато" and he surrendered to the 
уаһу she was staring 
As she closed the door on his de- 
parture, there passed benween them Ше 
smiles of equals who. in other circum- 
stances, might have been friends. He 
walked away, exhilarated. quite satisfied. 
He had got rid of his fancy. She had not 
come up to his dream, He was cured. 
The nest Sunday afternoon, bowle 
». scarfed. standing 
askew behind her pillar. the red lamp 
«d for him, would now always glow, 
the dark head of Mrs. Benson, 
esed dressmaker, born in 

nglish biscuit, r 
her civil 
How appe 
cory path of habit 

ng! She has beaten 
nd he lusts to have 

it, to have her, to own her, at least to 

е her. "I сап make antiques, but I 
rt make age; 1 could buy the most 
worn old house in Ireland and would I 
own one minute of its walls, trees, tones, 
moss, slates, gravel, rust, lichen, aging? 
And he remembered the old lady in a 
king house in Westmeath, filled w 
18th Century stuff honeycombed by 
woodworm, who would not sell him 
much as a snuffbox because, "Mr. 

Bulgey, there is not а pebble in my 
garden but. has its story.” 
Bray. For sale. Small modern. bunga- 

low. Fully furnished. View of sca. Com 
plete with ample widow attached to the 
front doorknob, Fingerprints alive all 
over the house. He pushed the gate 
open. smartly leaped her steps, rang. 

А fleck of biscuit clung childishly to 
her lower lip. Her delicately 
Hoated face as 
ly as а past thought across 

defective beyond 


present surprise 
"Not you ag 


“Mrs. B.! I have a proposition.” 

“Mr. B.! I do not intend to sell you 

and she laughed 

B! I do not want й. What I 
have to propose will take exactly two 

She sighed, looked. far. To 
the night sea? 
"For two minutes? Very well. But not 
one second more! 
She shows him into the living room 
and, weakening—in the name of hospi 
tality? of Tipperary? of country ways?— 
she goes into the recesses of her home 
for an extra cup. In sole possession of her 
merior, he looks under the vast u 
brella of the dusk, out over the pi 
tured encampment of roofs. Could 1 live 
here? Why docs this bloody room never 
look the same from the inside and the 
outside? Live here? Always? It would be 
remote. Morning train to Dublin, In the 
evenings, this, when I had tarted it up a 
bit, made it as cozy inside as it looks 
from the outside. 
(continued on page 211) 


= ТТЕ 


turning witnesses to 
jelly, our would-be belli 
puts on a dazzling dis- 
. play of legal acumen— 
` and sometimes even 
avoids losing his shirt 

When I was in college, I 
thought about going to law 
school, until someone in a 
movie I saw said, “I'll have 
my lawyer draw up the pa- 
pers.” It was Clark Gable, ог 
someone equally in command 
of the situation. Having closed 
his deal man to man, Clark 
began to stride toward the 
door, casually tossing off that 
final line as he jammed on his 
hat. I suddenly realized what 
a lawyer would be left with 
to say under similar circum- 
stances: "Now I'll have to go 



186 with an employee of Macy's custome 

back to the office and draw up the god- 
damned paper 

When my family suggested to me that 
I might go to law school, I said, in a 
tone that was meant to approximate 
Clark Gable's way of dealing with such 
suggestions, “I'm no papersdraw-upper." 
That closed the subject for me and left 
them, 1 think, more convinced than ever 
that law school would have been a good 
idea, since eccentricity is always more 
acceptable in а professional man. 

I don't really regret not hi 
degree—as it happens, a fri 
who owns a computa-proj 
me an honorary degree in anythi 
ume I want it—and I certainly dont 
regret not having to draw up the god- 
damned papers. But when my mind 
wanders, 1 have to admit, it often slides 
to à stop in front of a vision of me as the 
shrewdest courtroom operator. of them 

There I am, pacing back and forth 
in a three-piece suit—an elegant suit, 
but not so elegant as to give the jury 
the impresion 1 am putting on airs. 
With my cutting crossexamination I am 
transforming the previously self-assured 
ыйл ог my opponent into instant 
n ics. 1 am summing up my case with 
өріс and deeply moving cloquence, 1 
am constantly saying, "May it please the 
court" 1 am making the fine points. A 
fantasy lawyer? Certainly. But it's not 
all fantasy: Sometimes I sue. 

1 now realize that during the first few 
years of my jous practice іп New 
York the legal advice 1 handed out 
casually at parties was not always pre- 
cisely appropriate—since I had picked 
up most of my law in the carly Sixties 
while sitting in Federal courts in the 
South as a reporter covering the race 

story, my advice would have bcen pre- 
cisely appropriate only for those people 
whose personal lega] problem w 
to desegregate 

as how 
school district—but. my 
npressive that nobody 
seemed to notice. If someone mentioned 
that, say, the alum ng he had 
contracted to have installed on his house 
at horrifying expense had reacted to its 
first exposure to rain by sliding slowly 
and gracefully to the ground, I would 
say something like, “Well, 1 think the 
thing to do would be to get 
doen't work, you could s 
a writ of manda 

kicked up to the Fifth Circuit. ive 
it is generally accepted in legal circles 
that I was the first person ever to cite 
Brown vs. Board of Education as a prece: 
dent for the awesome damages that could 
he collected from а department store t 
delayed the delivery of a floor lamp— 
а position 1 took during a conversation 

g order on that umil you can 

ause hearing on a per- 

relations department in 1964. 

shing that in the 
Federal court of the Southern District of 
New York a man of my legal knowledge 
was permitted to serve as a juror with 
ordinary laymen. Anybody with an ex 
tensive legal background, after all, 
obviously exert disproportionate i 
ence on the other jurors. The w 
happened was that I did my best durin; 
the examination of prospective jurors 
(the voir dire, as we litigators say) to 
pretend that 1 was an ignorant layman 
myself. I figured that being left on the 
jwy and given an opportunity to ol 

serve its deliberations firsthand would 
be invaluable preparation for the day 
when I would be trying а case before a 
jury myself. When one of the lawyer 

asked me where I lived, for instance, 
I refrained [rom saying "Perhaps you 
would like to refresh your recollection 
by consulting the card in front of you — 
сусп though I had waited for years to 
invite someone in court to refresh his 
recollection, since the vision that the 
phrase always brought to my mind was 
of a tired, gray old memory suddenly 
being transformed into a memory fresh 
nd green as a Salem ad. 


tried not to overwhelm the lay jurors 
with any dazzling displays of legal acu- 
men. When the plaintiil’s lawyer told 
us in his opening statement that the case 
we were about to hear involved a train, 
I decided against interrupt 
him that everyone was perfectly aware 
of the Supreme Court's reversal of its 
Plessy vs. Ferguson ruling on separate 
but equal facilities for railroad-coach 
passengers—which was just as well, since 
the case, as it turned out, did not 
cern the constitutionality of segregation 
on trains in Louisiana but the possibili- 
ty of a whiplash injury during a derail- 
ment in New Jersey. The plaintill, 
young man who had studied the violin, 
claimed that the accident had shattered 
at might have been a lucrative con- 
cert career, and the defense lawyer im- 
plied that the accident had given the 
plaintiff an excuse to abandon a musical 
career whose financial rewards probably 
would have depended on how gener- 
ous people emerging Bom the Times 
Square subway station were feeling to- 
«some carnest but screechy fiddler 
sawing away on 42nd Seet. 

І was not impressed with the pl 
although professional cour- 
tesy kept me from showing my disdain 
during the trial. He obviously had the 
same idea E had about not appearing in 
court in clothes that made him seem 
flashy. He was wearing a plain gray suit 
and a striped tie and a white button- 
down shirt. But somehow he looked su 
piciously flashy anyway—as И his wile 
had to station herself at the front door 


of their house on courtroom mornings 
so that she could strip off 1 mond 
wrist watch and make him change his 
white-on-white shirt (the one he always 
wore with his cightounce gold culf 
links) and send him back to wash the 
stickum out of his hair. Also, he made 
no fine points at all. And he didn’t say 
May it please the court" once. 
Not long after the jury had begun its 
deliberations, I realized that keeping 
legal knowledge to myself would ha 
amounted to dereliction of duty. One 
elderly woman on the jury had an 
nounced that she refused to render а 
verdict on the case one way or the other. 
She explained that the violinist had not 
proved that he was injured 
but the railroad had not proved that he 
wasn't. She considered the case a draw. 
The other jurors, not being accustomed 
to offering cogent explanations of leg 
points, could not seem to persuade her 
that the violinist, as the party su 
the one who had to demonstrate : 
“ИГІ may explain, madam,” 1 finally 
said, rising fom my chair and begin- 
ning to pace up and down the jury 
room—which was not easy, since the 
tables and chairs left practically по pac 
ing space—"what you have failed to 

in the wreck, 

understand is the concept of "burden of 

proof.” It is a concept fundamental to 
our system of jurisprudence. In every 
case brought to court, one party has the 
burden of proof. In criminal cases, the 
prosecution must prove its case beyond 
а reasonable doubt. In civil cases, such 
s the one we are now considering, the 
plaintif must prove his case by thc 
preponderance of evidence. Therefore, 
the violinist must present more evidence 
than the railroad presents—demonstrat 
ing that he was, indeed, injured during 
the train wreck in question and that said 
injury did constitute cause for а loss 
of income, as well as what we call pain 
and sullering. Thank you very much. 
1 returned to my chair and sat down. 
The jurors looked quite 
pressed. The woman stared at me for a 
Jong time. “That's your opinion," 
finally said. 
nd a half hours later, despite 
ard me repeat my cogent legal 
explanation approximately 60 times, she 
remained unconvinced. I was no longer 

p im- 


Burden of 

1 shouted at her. 
mned. proof, lady! 
yone's entitled to their opinion 
But fair's Гай 

she said. 

My entire practice changed wher 
realized that what I should be talking 
about to Macys and other New York 
bureaucracies was not Brown vs. Board 
of Education but smallelaims court. 

(continued on page 190) 


leroy neiman tackles 
the beauties and 

the “beasts” of pro 
footballs biggest bowl 

_ man at 
his leisure 

SUPER BOWL. There were nearly 
30,000 empty Los Angeles Coliscum seats 
at the first Super Bowl in 1967, and the 
hero of Ше game—between the 
Bay Packers and the Kı 
was an aging pass rec ned Max 
McGee, whose previous reputation was 
for moves he had used to escape from 
the Packer training camp after curfew. 
The event has since become a certain 
sell-out, and there have been many more 
surprising heroes and unlikely moments. 
Baltimore quarterback Earl Могай was 
very bad when he was expected to be 
good, and very good, two years later, 
when he was expected to do little more 
than hold for extra points. Johnny Sam- 
ple and Tom Nowatzke have been Super 
Bowl stars, while Mel Renfro, Duane 
Thomas and Johnny Unitas have, some. 
where along the line, been goats of var- 
ious sizes. But no one has dominated 
a Super Bowl the way Joe th did 
. The Jets’ viciory that year, 
although considered a fluke by some, 
gave future bowls an element of -un- (sd 
predictability that had been missing 
from the first two 
LeRoy Nein 


Floats, jets in formation ond, most important, pretty girls ore oll essenticl to o Super 
Bowl. Above: A petite baton twirler stops to inspect a large foctboll player. Left: Neiman 
heods for o suitable spot to sketch other side-line attractions. His resulting drawing is below. 

mes. PLAYBOY'S e. үү 
has watched and painted е 

his impressions of three Super Bowls and 
agrees that, so far, the Jets 
remains the most significant, “ 
Jets’ artist in residence that i 
flew down to Miami with the team. Na- 
math had everyone from Baltimore so 
furious. because of his statements to the 
press, that Colts followers were absolutely 
fanatical. As the Jets’ buses pulled into 

m parking lot on the day of the 
game, we saw a mob of Colts fans waiting 
at the Iocker-room entrance, They started 
pounding on the bus and trying to shake 
it while policemen were making а corri- 
dor from the bus to the lockerroom 
door. Somebody yelled, ‘Let Joe go first’ 
and th said, ‘Yeah. Good idea.’ The 
crowd wasn't prepared for him to be the 
first one out, so by the time they could 

react, he was in the locker room.” Last 
year, perhaps to avoid kind of 
scene, Dallas players took taxis to the sta- 
dium. "But that didn't work so smoothly, 
either. Four or five players, including 
quarterback Staubach, got caught in 
traffic and very nearly missed the kick- 
off. Watching the teams warm up before 
the game, I asked Calvin Hill to point 
out Duane Thomas. He did and I began 
tO sketch. A few moments later, Hill 
came back and said. “1 made a mistake. 
That's not "Thomas! He pointed to an- 
other player and said, "That's Thomas 
over there.’ I thought maybe Thomas 
ted himself so much his teammates 
im. But during the 
ig to everybody on 
the bench. In fact, the Cowboys" bench 
was fantastically noisy throughout the 
game. I walked over to the Dolphins’ 
side once, but it was so depressing over 
there, I left immediately. АП in all. how- 
ever, the atmosphere of а Super Bowl is 
far from depressing for the impartial fan. 
and that, with the exception of 1969, is 
what I am. But I do wish they'd play the 
game in one of the competing teams’ 
cities. It would scem less contrived if 
they did it that way" Eventually they 
will perhaps, but this year the game 
returns to Los Angeles, site of the first 
Super Bowl, and it's а good bet there 
won't be 30,000 empty seats this time. 


game, he 

Right: Dallas’ Roger Staubach sets to poss 
over Miami defenders. Neimon's field- 
level perspective capture: 

choas one senses wotcl 
fram the side lines, 



WINS LAW BUFF ................. 

Whoever invented New York's small- 
claims court had me in mind. For a 
filing fee of 53.18, anybody can sue 
anybody for damages up to $500. For 
$3.18, in other words, you can become a 
lawyer. You have the right to subpoena 
witness You have the right to cross- 
examine. You have the right to deliver a 
simple and deeply moving summation be- 
fore an audience of several dozen people. 
You have the right to say “May it please 
the court" to a real judge who is wearing 
a black robe and looking solemn. For an 
exua $25 or so—making a total invest- 
ment of around $30—you сап buy a pro- 
fesionally prepared transcript of your 
performance, And it all takes place in 
the evening—meaning that your job 
does not interfere with your р 

When I'm in the audience 
claims (waiti 

the evening's cases as a sort ol bu 
шау). 1 can never understand w 
the court reporter looks so bored—let- 
а loll back and closing his 
ey Шу, like а man typ 
his sleep. ("When people in this city 
don't have anyone to talk to,” 
once told by a small-claims court report- 
“they come down and talk to ше?) I 
myself find every new case fascinating 
even before either party says а word, 
since the appearance of Ше parties 
alone gives me a strong impression—in- 
variably wrong—ol what the case will 
be about, Is that husky man poing to 
be sued for the medical expenses that 
resulted from breaking the 
the timid-looking man on his lefi? No, 
he turns out to be the plaintiff, suing the 
timidlooking man for permitting 
dog to devour the husky man's newly 
upholstered settee. 

1 have dithculty restr 
from making comments. I want tO Walk 
up to the plaintill's table апа congratu- 
ate a young woman who, in suing an 
partmentb 1 for the return 
of some illegal “key money" she says she 
had to him to get ап apartment, 
bolsters her case by presenting as wit- 
nesses other tenants who respond to her 
fully prepared series of questions by 
testifying that they had similar experi- 
ences with the same man. ("Th 
your homework, counselor,” I want to 
say. "A very solid piece of work, 
decl") After a prosperouslooking gen- 
Heman itemizes a | 
he is suing another prosperous-looki 
gentleman, the defendant—who claims 
the work involved was just some infor- 
mal advice to a friend, in the days when 
they were still friends—says, "At the 
rate he's charging, Judge, it figures out to 
ht hundred and eighty thousand dol- 
lars а week, or over forty-five million 

Т was 

nose of 

ing myself 

dollars a ycar. What's a man who makes 
that much money doing spending all 
night in small-claims court?" ("Bravo!" 
І want to shout. "That's telling that 
pompous papers-draw-upper! 
goes into amazing de 

à mover hired for a simple job of moving 
her belongings from one small apartment 
to another managed to do hundreds 
of dollars’ worth of damage aud break 
parts of three sets of china. (“What the 
hell are you doing with three sets of 
Small claims is used by a lot of New 
who are interested not in mak- 
iminations but merc- 
ly in wreaking some small vengeance 
on the phone company or a deparument 
store or Con Edison or some other or- 
panization that has no wa t to a 
summons except to assign some conven- 
tional memberofthe-bar lawyer to han- 
die its defense. I was in the audience 
one even g engineer was 
suing a r ay for not hav- 
ing a car ready for him at the London 

to re: 

airport despite his confirmed reserva- 
The lack of a car had obviowly 

spoiled the beginning of a carefully 
planned on, but the engineer was 
having some difficulty pro y fnar 
P Ы 

portation had probably 
money. The rental-ca 
man who devoted а lot of 
to maintaining an expression 
that he was accustomed to pra 
а court of considerably highc 
tion, was the one making the 
—the relevant fine point i 
being a lack of mutuality in the con- 
иза. (Since the rentabcar company 
would have been unable to collect from 
the engineer if he had broken his part. 
of the agreement by not showing up at 
the airport, he could not collect from the 
company for breaking its part of the 
agreement by not having а car there in 
case he did show up. For the customer's 
immense pain and suffering, there is, as 
we litigators say, no remedy.) But as the 
engineer walked out of the courtroom, it 
was apparent from the look on his face 
that he believed some small measure of 
justice had been done. What he was 
thinking about as he left, I would guess, 
was not how he might have countered the 
point about a lack of mutuality but how 
much a rentabcar company has to pay 
a superciliouslooking papers-draw-upper 
per һоиг, and whether that rate increases 
after five, perhaps to double time. 

ly, it would be unprofessional 
of me to engage in anything that could 
be considered a harassment suit, but 
there is nothing at all unprofessional 
about the threat of а harassment suit. In 
much the same way that minor mobsters 



пе points 
this case 

in novels win debating points with a 
local merchant by mentioning the fear- 
some names of their patrons, 1 occasion- 
ally catch the ear of the bureaucracy by 
king about the model of Ameri 
justice that can be found at small-claims 
court—the proud feeling it gives us all 
to know that any simple citizen. with. 
$3.18 can go right down to I1 Centre 
Sueet and seek his evening in court 
against even a mighty corporation and 
its exceedingly highly paid attorneys. 
Invoking the name of small claims, I 
find, breaks through the relentless polite- 
ness of even that grounded stewardess 
I'm always connected wi 
the telephone company to comp! 
of its eccentric billing methods. 
method of dealing with department 
stores, I find th n of small сі 
surpassed in effectiveness only by the 
alm threat 1 occasionally make to chain 
myself to the front door at 8:50 the 
following moming. 

The first time one of my small-claims 
discussions actually materialized into a 
ppearance was several years ago, 
according to my complaint, the 
deft repairwork of some garage people 
ad caused the motor of my car to fall 
out on the Long Island Expressway. 
Since the motor fell out several weeks 
ter the repairwork had been done, my 
evidence was what we | tors call ci 
cumstantial ("Why else would my motor 
fall out?" was one of the questions 1 
had prepared). Reduced to its essentials, 
fact, my case rested principally on the 
possibility that the garage people would 
not show up in court, I remain con- 
vinced that if they had not appeared, 
my strategy would have worked br 
Бату and 1 would have triumphed 



my very first court appearance. 
A lesson was learned, of course. abou 
the risk involved in even a forceful and 

ticulate practitioner's going into court 

armed with only circumstantial evidence. 
For my next case— suit against a con- 
wactor for the money I had to spend 

having his repairs repaired—I amassed а 
fat file of bills 
bon copies of stiff, legalistic letters. My 
witnesses were carefully prepared. Ih 
cticed my final argument for hours 
front of a mirror. Three weeks before our 


scheduled appearance, the contractor 
sent me a check for the money he owed 

"Do you think we could go to co 
anyway?" I asked my wife 
he ca 
litigators say. 

When I thought about it, I decided 
I had outgrown small-daims court any 
way. Decisions are always made by the 
judge at small claims, and 1 felt ready to 
face a jury. 1 was somewhat pessimistic 

(concluded on page 200) 


dominique sanda and alan bates 
search for the meaning of life— 
among other things—in a film 
suffused with generous 

helpings of flesh and fantasy 

While Harry's mistress, Natalie (Dominique 
Sando), ond her partner look on at right, 
Harry (Alan Bates) and his dream woman, 
Hippolyta (Leo Massari), tour the exotic 
party of his surrealistic fantasy (below). 




THOUGH seemingly complex—with puz 
g relationships and flights into fantasy 
—John Frankenheimer's Impossible Ob- 
ject actually deals with one very simple 
theme: The search for love, life's object, 
сап be comic and tragic, triumphant and 
pathetic, or all of these at once. Star- 
ring Alan Bates and Dominique Sanda, 
the forthcoming Franco London Film 
production of Nicholas Moslcy's novel 
details this life quest in the frustrated 
alfair of two enigmatic lovers. Harry. 
an English writer, devotes himself to his 
art while shunning interpersonal relation- 
ships; his French mistress, Natalie, accord- 
ing to Dominique, “wants everything 
but does not know what ‘everything’ 
means. To her, an ‘impossible object’ is a 
dream that scems to be out of reach, but 
once it becomes possible, the dream 
changes to one as out of reach as the las 

Pursuing that clusive vision, Natalie, mar- 
ried to a businessman (Michel Auclair), 
begins an entangling liaison with Harry, 
but her demand for deeper commitment 

temporarily forces them apart Torn between Natalie and 
his wife, Elizabeth, the writer retreats into his imagination 
and weaves a fantasy—the surrealistic scenes shown here— 
about everyman's ideal woman, Hippolyta, who searches him 
out, seduces him and yet makes no emotional demands on him. 
In the dream sequence, filmed at the Cháteau du Regard, 
north of Paris, Hippolyta leads Harry through a garden party 
attended by many alluring but coolly impersonal women, the 
kind he finds particularly attractive, But strangely enough, 
even in the fantasy, he can't flee the real world completely, for 
appearing at the dream party are Natalie, his wife and his son. 
“Fhe complications, both actual and imagined, that arise later 
in the film are even more bizarre. But we'll leave those to 
readers curious enough to seck out the Impossible Object for 
themselves. It strikes us as a wonderful way to escape reality. 

At the imaginary affcir (left), Natalie weltzes near the pool, 
gathering spot for such improbable—and mad-hatted—spectators as 
French dancer Christine Ferry (near right), Flemish model Michele 
Henderson (center right) and Swedish model Mala Fox (far right). 
Accenting the baroque pool scene (below) are several symbolic 
statues inspired by the works of Belgian artist Paul Delvaux, 

NS ee 



AND SO IT GOES „шл от page 116) 

a work detail. He nodded, then walked 
away. Jim McCann leaped off the wall 
and trotted through the streets of the city 
to a place where he could hide until he 
could be taken across the border, dressed 
as a priest. 

Bernadette Devlin and the Reverend 
lan Paisley are recognized on sight. But 
whenever I think of either of them, I sec 
two other faces. Neither of these two 
faces has ever been in the hh Times 
or the Belfast Telegraph. One belongs 
to а great admirer of Bernadette 
will never be in а news; 
5 dead. His name was 
and he was 28 years old when he went 

Thad gone to St 
town HH miles south 
dene sp 
of the town hall there. I arrived. more 
than an hour early. Alrea 
street fronting the old building was 
almost filled. 

McDivitt. known by nearly everyone 
in Str: as “the wee dummy,” was 
red shirt and was back 
inst Ше brick wall of a building di- 
rectly across the street from where Berna- 
dette would speak. One of the organizers 
of the rally pointed him out to me. 
"There's one of Bernie's greatest. fans,” 
the man said. "Eddie McDivitt nev 
isses a speech Bernie gives here, ev 
though he can't hear а thing she says 
Deaf and dumb since birth, he is." 

MeDivitt remained st the wall, 
smiling and waving at people in the 
crowd. He seemed to know everyone. A 
little liter. Bernadette was driven 
through the crowd to within a few fect 
the town-hall steps. 

She delivered а speech about the rights 
of the working class that was received 
with great enthusiasm by the predomi 
nantly Catholic audience. Bernadette is 
good street speaker. She moves her arms 
and changes position continually, like a 
busy welterweight fighter. She his a 
method of delivery that makes each mem- 
ber of the crowd believe he or she is 
being addressed personally. 

No one was more enthusiastic about 
Rernadette’s speech than McDisitt. He 
applauded loudly whenever he 
others begin to dap and he shouted 
his approval in an unuranslatable bawl- 
ing sound. 

We have one thing in common 
with the people of Derry and the people 
of Belfast,” Bernadeue said, her voice 
full of scorn. "We arc all sick and tired 
of being stepped on by the corrupt rc- 
gime ol the six counties. We have fought 
for our survival up in the Bogside at 
Derry and down on the Falls Road in 

ny border 
werry. to 

from the steps 

ly. the narrow 


194 Belfast. And so now we're not asking. 

We're demanding that internment be 
ended immediately. 

The crowd roared in the alte 
sunshine. Bernadette stood there glower- 
ing. looking even more angry and deter- 
mined than she does іп photograph 
Several men formed a barricade and 
helped lead her back to the car parked at 
the foot of the steps. The crowd surged 
forward, each man and woman seek- 
ing to shout a greeting or obtain an awto- 
graph. McDivitt tried to push his way 
through the crowd, too, but couldn't 
it. Bernadette's car moved off be- 
fore he got close. 

With few hours of Bernadette's 
ne, the trouble started. 
ч for the mob was the drapery 
shop of Gilbert Bruce, a Protestant who 
had refused to shut down his shop to 
protest internment. His place 
burned to the ground. After this, cars 
were turned over and set afire to 
form a barricade at the town's main 

The British army moved in. First they 
fired rubber bullets, then. С mis 
ters, The crowd retreated slowly before 
them. Prominent in the crowd was Eddie 
MeDivitt, the town dummy. 

Eddie crouched in a doorway whe 
soldier fired a rubber bullet that struck 
the wall above him and bounded away. 
He ran to retrieve the bullet and ducked 
behind a hedge to look at it. He was 
pleased to have such a trophy. He waved 
it high above his head and then pointed 
it moc 
though іг were a pistol "Drop that 
weapon and put up your hands." Eddie 
was ordered by an army обсег speak- 
ing over а portable hand mike. 

Eddie couldn't hear the order, of 
course, and the soldiers were too far 
away for him to read their lips. He 
continued to smile 
bullet. An army ma 
rifle with 
that smashed 
s still smilin, 




nd wave the rubber 
ksman, using a -303 
li. fired a shot 
to Eddie's forehead. He 
as he fell to the ground. 

telescopic si 


Jan Paisley is a different mater. In a 
strange мау. he and Bernadette need 
cach other. If Paisley didn't have Ber 
dette and the Catholic Church to attack, 
where be? If Bernadette 
hadn't had Paisley and the Br 
ay targets, she would never h 
elected to Parliament. 

Paisley is the more entertain’ 

would he 

се been 

g. сус 

scarlet whore of Rome.” Out 
scheduled meeting between an Ulster 
wp and the Pope, Paisley once flew 
10 Rome. He was thwarted by thc Vati- 

rds, whom he later described. 
“blaspheming. cursing, spitting Roman 

Paisley mesmerizes his followers. He is 
a marvelous sight at the head of an 
Orange march. They call him the Big 
Fellow. And he certainly is that, stand- 

ng O^" and weighing better than 250 
pounds. His facial appearance is truly 
inusual. In profile, his vague eyes, prom- 
inent nose and protuberane lips make 
him look like something copied from an 
ancient Roman coin. 

ГШ never forget a visit | made to his 
Martyrs’ Memorial to hear his Sunday- 
night political sermon. The churdi, 
built by Paislcy's followers at a cost of 
5420.000. seats more than 1000. There is 
never an empty seat. The church looks 
Out onto а vast stretch of grasscovered 
parkland on the predominantly Protes 
tant east side of the city. The Union 
Jack flies from а flagpole on the front 

It was the only church I'd ever attend- 
ed where there was а total hush ev 
before the service began. When Paisle 
finally climbed the five steps leading to 
the pulpit, the only sound in the whole 
church was the clatter of his shoes on the 
steps and а few scattered coughs that 
echoed in the huge room. "We are 
here,” Paisley began in his booming ora- 
tor's voice, "to speak about a common 
ground on which all men of Ulster can 
he united and. settle their differences." 
Hundreds of heads nodded agreement. 

“1d like to go to Armagh and shout in 
the papist cardinal’s ¢ isley shout- 

to tell him he is a sinner. I'd like to 

до то Rome to shout 
Then Га go to th 
and shout it in their c 
re sinners and nothing but fuel for 
hell. The only way men can be saved 
by K to the truth of the Holy 
Bible. And that is how we can find com- 
mon grounds for our political dillcr- 

at the Pope. ‘You 
ve all sinned! You have all sinned!" 
Protestant bishops 

too. Al men 

Ulster, too.” Everyone in the 

aed to nod. as though con- 

vinced they had just listened to the 
1 solution. 

‘ow it was time for the evening col- 

lectio I it a silent collection. 
because Paisley requests that only paper 
money be contributed. A pound note is 
lest paper-money denomination 
М. Аз exchange rates 
worth something morc th 
his morn: elevenah 

the time, 

it wi 

sley said, wer 
lect five hundred pounds for our ch 
building fund. I trust that you here to- 
night will be able to better that mark 

Paisley opened the hymnbook on the 
lectern in irom of hi 
arms, indicating it was time for sor 
“This is a grand old hymn, ley 

“and I want you to all stand and si 


and throw your h ds into it 
with all your spirit.” 

(continued on page 251) 


“Oh, don't worry about my husband, silly; he's 
busy defending my honor!" 



Ribald Classic 

the tunbridge doctors 
Anonymous song from 
The New Academy of Complements, 1671 

You maidens and wives and young widows, rejoice! 
Declare your thanksgiving with heart and with voicel 
Since waters were waters, I dare boldly say, 

There ne'er was such cause of a thanksgiving day! 
For from London Town there's lately come down 
Four able physicians that never wore gown: 

Their physic is pleasant, their dose it is large, 

And you may be cured without danger or charge. 

No bolus nor vomit, no potion nor pill 
(Which sometim but oftener do kill), 

Your taste nor your stomach need ever displease, 

If you'll be adviséd but by one of these. 

For they’ new drug, which is called The Close Hug, 

Which will mend your complexion and make you lock smug— 
A sovereign balsam, which, once well applic 
Though grieved at the heart, the patient n 

r died, 

In the morning you need not be robbed of yo 
For in your warm beds your physic works be: 
And though, in the taking, som 5 required, 

The motion's so pleasant you cannot be tired. 

For on your backs you must lie with your body raised high, 
And one of these doctors must always be by, 

Who still will be ready to cover you warm, 

For if you take cold, all physic doth harm. 


Before they do venture to 
They always consider their patient's complex 
If she have а moist palm or a red head of hair, 
She requires more physic than one man can spare. 
If she have a long nose, the doctor scarce knows 
How many good handfuls must go to her dose: 
You ladics that have such ill symptoms as these 
In reason and conscience should pay double fees. 

ive their direction, 

But thar we may give to these doctors due praise, 
Who to all soris of people their favors conveys: 

On the ugly for pity sake skill shall be shown. 

And as for the handsome—they're cured for their own! 
On silver and gold they never lay hold, 

For what comes so freely they scorn should be sold. 
Then join with the doctors, and heartily pray 

Their power of healing may never decay! El 



announcing the prize-winning authors and their 
contributions judged by our editors to be the past year most outstanding 



Best Major Work Best Short Story 

DAN JENKINS was almost unanimously 
voted first place for September's Semi-Tough 
(now the title of his novel from Atheneum), 
an antic account of the life and times of 
football Giant (and full-time red-neck) Billy 
Clyde Puckett. Michael Crichton's The Ter- 
minal Man (serialized іп rLavuoy's March, 
April and May issues), an updating of Frank: 
enstein, came in second. 

SEAN O'FAOLAIN, who is considered to be 
Ireland's greatest living fiction writer, re- 
peated last year’s first-place finish with his 
haunting June novella, Falling Rocks, Nar- 
rowing Road, Cul-de-Sac, Stop, about willful 
men and scheming women. Nelson Algren's 
The Last Carrousel (February), the tale of 
а сату shill who fancies himself at large 
with Bonnie and Clyde, was runner-up. 

Best Essay Best Article 

RICHARD RHODES, with The Killing of 
the Everglades (January), an cloquent cvo- 
cation of Florida's great 
dictment of the irresponsibility that has led 
to its destruction, took first prize. А winner 
іп both 1964 and 1971 was this year’s runner- 
up, John Clellon Holmes, whose travels 
Germany culminated іп March s melancholy 
and compelling Encounter in Munich. 

HERBERT COLD: recollection of the liter- 
ary Fifties, In the Community of Girls and 
the Commerce of Culture (August), placed 
first and has since become a chapter in his 
My Last Two Thousand Years, a collection 
of memoirs. Marshall Frady's Shirmishes 
with the Ladies of the Magnolias (Septem- 
ber), dissecting the curious asexuality of the 
Southern belle, won second place. 


IN A TIME WHEN authors can write about virtually anything in just about any style they happen to like—and very 

often get it published—deciding what is the very best writing of any year is a little hazardous: like having to choose 

between good meat and good fish . . . chacun à son goùt and all that. The problem is doubly confounding when you 

have to decide what is the best writing you’ve published. After all, if you didn't like it, what is it doing in your 
magazine? But every year we go back and single out those articles and stories that have given us special pleasure and 

made us feel that we are privileged to be editors. And that's just about the only standard we use in deciding on 

the winners of our annual writing awards. To show the winners how pleased we are with our own good taste, we give 

ch of them the silver medallion shown at left and $1000 ($500 for the runners-up). Here are our choices for 1972. 

Best New Contributor (Fiction) Best New Contributor (Nonfiction) 

July story, The Silver Bullet, an ironic look 
at a group of young blacks who attempt to 
start a protection racket and are frightened 
away from their first hustle by a single tough 
guy. Runner-up Robert Crichton’s Gillon 

l sketch of Grateful Dead 
), the product of a 
h them. In Shut Up and 
August), second-place 
inger describes а nonce 

1 Have Known ( 
six-week stay wi 

Show the Movie: 
winner Larry Le 

з Cameron, Poacher (October) is the classic municative encounter between an East Coast 
adventure of a man's success at grappling film critic aud a California film class that fig- 
with his own obsessive goal. ures movies should be seen and not averred. 

Best Humor Best Satire 

DAN GREENBURG was assigned to write 
about his experiences at My First Orgy in 
hopes that the author of Scoring, and a pro- 
fessional Nebbish, would strike out. He 
didn't, but we published the piece anyway 
(im December) and decided to award him 
first prize to show that there аге no hard 
feelings. Robert Morleys Take Me to Your 
Tailor (January) was a close second. 

G. BARRY GOLSON's pseudoscientific sam- 

ic opinion, The People—Maybe! 
icated a dramatic ground swell 
pathy. But nor 
among PLaybor’s editors: We liked the picce 
so much we've hired him as Assistant Arti- 
cles Editor. Woody Allen, winner for 1969, 
wound up sccond with his Match Wits with 
Inspector Ford (December). 




about the likelihood of finding an ap- 
propriate case, since opportunities to 
perform before a jury are limited for 
someone who has not gone through the 
formality of becoming a member of the 
bar. Then, to my absolute delight, I was 
threatened with а suit by a fuel-oil sup- 
plier. A letter from the company's Taw- 
yer said that if I did mot pay 591.06 for 
some [uel oil my wile had supposedly 
ordered, I would be taken to court and 
would therefore be faced with pay 
much more—a calculation he à 
d on the assumption that he was 
dealing with some layman whose re- 
sponse to being sucd would be to hire a 
lawyer. 1 waited quietly for the sum- 
mons to be served. 

When it arrived, it turned out to be 
an even more splendid. document. than 
I had dared hope for—a handsome form 
that went on and on about deponents 
and complainants, and then, as if that 
weren't enough, repeated it all in $h 
ish. It said that we were being sued in 
the civil court of the Bronx. [or $94.06 
—the price of the fucLoil delivery that, 
ccording to an informal deposition I 
had already taken from my wile, we did 
not need and had asked to have re- 
moved. I tossed the summons dramati- 
cally onto the breakfast table. “We'll see 
about this in court,” I said. 
you'd better call W: 
id. Wally Popolizio 

ly" my wile 
awyer who 


represented us when we bought our 
house a [ew years ago and has ever since 
felt some responsibility to prevent me, 
if possible, from doing anything that 
would clearly result in my being sold 
into bon 

“I see 
attorney," 1 

Naturally, I will refuse to pay the 

ninetyfour dollars and six cents" I 
told him. 

“I expected you to offer me all sorts 
of sensible advice 
compromise, W; 
I've been underestimating you 

According to my wife's theory, Wally 
figured that getting the jury trial out of 
шу system was а bargain at $94.06, 
it made it less likely t 
from the audience during some crit 
trial one day to harangue the jury with 
my summation and thereby get myself ar- 
rested for impersonating a mouthpiece. 

A few days after I filed a request for a 
jury trial, I got a telephone call from 
law "Hello, coun- 
d, in my most professional 

the [uel company 

selor,” I 

“TI tell you what your trouble is! Your trouble is 

уоште trying to keep too many balls in the ai 


aner, when he had explained who he 
was. He immediately offered to settle for 
half. I was intransigent, of course, hav- 
ing the negotiation advantage of know- 
1 would not give up the jury 

trial even if he offered a settlement that 

paid me 59406. P had already 
ishing the quest 
sk the prospective jurors in the 

g sat through 

voir dire. Y 
той dire examinations, 1 had prepa 

my questions wi 

№ the awareness that sly 

litigators often use what is supposedly an 
examination of the juror fications 
pretest for arguing their cases. 

fell me, madam, if you will be so 
kind," I would “Do you think you 
would be able to render a fair verdict in 
this case even if one of the es is 
shown 10 be a simple homeowner trying 
to protect his family in the city and the 
other party is shown to be a rich and 
probably rapacious oil corpora 

When the notice of the oial date 
finally came from the court, 1 was ec 
ic—until my wife informed me that 
the day in question was the day we were 
to start а long wee id in the country 
she had been looking forward to for 

“But it's only a weekend in the coun- 


But it's only forty-seven doll: 
three cents if you settle for hall, 

volved.” I 
Think of the sacrifice that engi- 
we saw in small daims made when 
the rental car wasn't there on the first 
iom. They had offered 
him a gift certificate, if you'll nember, 
and he turned them down.” 

“He should have taken it," she said. 
“Wally says smart lawyers settle.” 

“The trial must go on,” I said. 

"In that case,” she said, "I might have 
to testify for the ny. They did 

"But a legal principle is 

y from the Bron: 
outrage," 1 s 
she said. 
1 still think а lot of what the trial 
ight have been like. The jury, of 
course, would have been convinced. of 
our case before the first piece of evi- 
а ir 
The ойлгис driver would 


tion he had been given to deliver the 
ой. ("Do you always do business that 
way, Mr. Pabalomaz") At times, my 
opponent would пу to object as I 
turned scs to jelly, but my 
culm rebuttal would result in his being 
overruled every time. “И it please thc 
court," 1 would say to the judge, “I am 
merely tying to refresh the witness’ 

ofa Gremlin 

1. Gremlin is the only little economy 6. And more headroom in the trunk. 
car with a standard 6-cylinder engine. Andonly American Motors makes this 

2. Reaches turnpike speed easily. promise: The Buyer Protection Plan backs 

3. Weighs more than other small cars. every 73 car we build. And we'll see that our 
And its wheels are set wider apart. dealers back that promise. 

4. Has a wider front seat. 
5. A wider back scat. 

4. A simple. strong guarantee. just 101 words! 
When you buy a new 1973 car from an American Motors 
dealer, American Motors Corporation guarantees to you that, 
except for ures, it will pay for the repair or replacement of 
y Part it supplies that is defective in material or workman 
ship. This guarantee is good for 12 months from the date the 
is first used or 12.000 miles. whichever comes first. All 

we require is that the car be properly maintained and cared 
for under normal use and service in the fifty United States or 
Canada. and that guaranteed repairs or replacement be made 
by an American Motors dealer 

2. A free loaner car from almost every one of our 
dealers if guaranteed repairs take overnight. 

. Special Trip Interruption Protection. 
а. And a toll free hot line to AMC Headquarters. 

AMC РЕ Gremlin 

We back them better because we build them better. 

Buckle up for safety 




“Га put your giant slalom up against anybody's!” 


judgment. Which gets priority: the indi 
vidual's freedom or the relationships of 
the whole society? Which unit is to be 
taken . . . the nation, wade union. our 
dass, my cronies, me? This is the hinge 
on which the whole issue turns.” (Those 
who hear a familiar ring are right— 

the implied doctrine is undiluied fascism.) 
Terrill gives examples. He has told us al- 
ready about Professor Fu, a scientist ir 

dined to the study of pure science, who 
however was recently instructed by the 
state to devote himself entirely to pest 
control. "Professor Fu . . . did not make 
own decision to take up the problem 
of insect pests—it was handed him. Is 
ong?" He recalls the writer Kuo 
Мо јо, who used to satisfy himself, befor 
Liberation, writing books suited to his 
own taste, for small audiences. The gov- 
ment decided he should appeal to 
wider audiences. “The writer . . . cu 
not now do books [or 3000 or at most 
8000 rcaders, as Kuo used to in Shanghai 
in the 1950s, but must write for the mass 
millions—and he's judged by whether he 
сап do that well or not. Is that wrong?" 

Is that wrong 

Wrong! What is wrong? 

What's right is things like Eliminating 
Graft. (Why, then, oppose Musso! 
The elimination of these conditions in 
China," writes histor 
man, exultantly, "is so striking that ne; 
ative aspects of the new rule fade 
relative importance.” The loss of every 
known freedom is defined, now, as a 
Negative Aspect. 

We have been 50 ye 
nis of Wilsonian polities, our expe- 
rience as imperial power having 
taught us, fitfully, that the Wilsonian 
idea simply didn’t work. But we never 
tried to do without it altogether. The 
Wilsonian idea, during its brief golden 
age, was not only a mandate Lor concert 
cd action by the good states against the 
bad states, which mandate foundered in 
its first test ag; 
ag Ethiopi 
1 chat it was impra 
like the United Nations Convention on 
Human Rights, at least preserved a loose 
set of criteria concerning the human 
condition that аге epistemologically op- 
timistic. Wilsonianism believed there 
were ways societies should behave to 
ward their citizens 
Very well. IL we cannot march in to 
the Tibe »m being overrun by the 
Chinese, who proceed genocidally to ex- 
tinguish a religious creed, we can express 
ourselves on the heinousness of the act 
with philosophical and moral security. 
We will try land. not to be censorious, 
let alone priggish, in making judy 
and we will be scrupulous as to the form 
in which they are pronounced. We will 

that м 

discovering the 

major st 

nd shouldn't behave. 


is ا‎ 

(continued [rom page 150) 

be worldly enough, for instance, to re 
ognize the probability that Ghana will 
move quickly from emancipation as а col- 
ony of England to selfrule as a one- 
party state. But never so worldly as to 
dismiss the subsequent torture and mu 
der routinely practiced under Nkrumah 
as merely а Neg Aspect—who 
knows, perhaps even appropriate? 
The retreat hom Wilsonianism to- 
ward ideological cgalitarianism is quite 
general, though there are interesting € 
ceptions, mostly arising from polemica 
opportunism. George McGovern has 
ainst the Greek colonels and 
эм Pr Thieu with a fervor 



never summoned against, say, Tito, 
or Ho Chi Minh or, for that matter, 
in recent years, against the. Devil. 

aded it greatly when Agnew went to 
reece and to Spain. mot at all when 
went to. Romania or to Yugo- 
ia. There is something there that 
seems to say: It is the higher duty to sus- 
pend criticism of any power that is strong 
enough to 
is still fashionable to inveigh against un 
democratie societies but only provided 
that they are (a) weak and (b) allied, 
in some general way, with the West. The 
further they recede from the family's 
orbit, the Jess we criticize them. This is 
so for reasons that are psychologically 

nitiate a world war. You see it 

understandable. You castigate Cousin Joe 
when he starts hitting the bottle, but 

the alcoholic at the other end of town is 
а statistic. Aud then—no question about 
it—there is the racial point. Arthur 
Schlesinger remarked somewhere that he 
finds it disquieting that his fellow intel- 
Iectuals seem to be saying that commu 
nism, which would never be tolerated 
here (read: among civilized white Amer- 
ians). is somehow OK over there (read: 
among uncivilized yellow people). 

But now, with the Fulbright Terrill 
Nixon offensive, even those words of 
Mr. Schlesinger. uttered only а few years 
ayo, seem ely reactionary. They 
rely. after all, on acqui in the 
proposition. that 

But is communism wrong? 

We were in Hangchow, and of course 
there was а banquet, We were restless 
Tired and a little bored: demoralized 
and a little ashamed. There wae so 
many var lulged. СІ 
vanity had us flying in from Peking in 
two shifts because they wouldn't let us 
use our own big Boeing jet. insisting 
that we use their little jet, which was 
Russian at that. Our deadlines for filin; 
copy meant that the first shift. couldn't 
leave before one a.M., the second therc- 
fore not until four a. "The hotel 
Hangchow, hailed as a tourist center ever 
since Marco Polo, proved to be too small 

su (c 


ties o be 


10 give us cach the indispensable solace 

of a single room. "The day was gray and 
cold. There had been no hard news. The 

night before, Nixon and Chou End. 
had been up umil dawn, chewing the 
impasse. We did not know what was the 
nature of it and were tired of sending 

speculation back home, Then—sensing, 
something am -the President invited 
us all to his villa at four рм. We 

got there, wandered about a bit in the 
ardens and quarters, and found 
finally the outdoor patio where we were 
expected. It had been rigged for one ol 
those group pictures, planks on 
scaffolding, with i 
which meant He would be po: 
us We lined up, already shive 
cold. Mr. Nixon entered. beami 
all posed. Then he turned around to 
genially and said: Im 
ve out the details of what 
we're working on, but you must under- 
stand that in order to help you do your 
duty of reporting the news well. 1 can- 
not risk doing my duty, which is diplo- 
adly. So help me that was all he 
said, but it took him 20 minutes, during 
which the wind and the cold went to 
work lisciviously on our bones and our 
spirits, as we stood silently there on the 
scallolding, 80 titans of the American me- 
dia, chin just above the head of the man 
in front, four tiers of us, like cadets hav 
ing one last docile session with the drill- 
before graduation. Then, the 
bricfing at an end, Nixon said, sort of 
teasingly, that if any of us wanted to pre- 
sent our spouses with proof that we had 
indeed been in China with the President, 
not, er, elsewhere doing something else, 
he would be glad to have his picture tak 
en with each of us individually. End Sulk. 
Kightyodd grand musta lining up to 
have their picture tiken with the Presi- 
dent of the United States, making self- 
conscious conversation as the line moved. 
forward slowly. The indignity, all the 
ng for its h sell 
inflicted, hung heavy in the stomach two 
hours later in the banquet hall, where we 
reported as told to do promptly at 7: 
There we stood, waiting. Nixon and 
ligand шлш шато тте p 
dinner booze was the same Chinese 
syrup. with zero anesthetizir . For 



more bi 


the first time 1 was asked a provoc: 
. by the Chinese oficial мапе. 
is we all were, 

for the principals, and for the first (and 
1 answered a Chinese short 
ly. He had heard, he said, that I was 
conservative" What was an American 

conservative? I answered crisply: some 
onc who believes in individual free 
dom and in—l reached for the most 

incendiary word—capitalism. Did I really 
believe in "capitalism"? he asked mock- 
gly. Yes. 1 said, and for all anyone is 
permitted to know, you do too. He 
feigned ignorance of the allusion to his 




intellectual paralysis, and smiled as sick- 
ly sweet as the Ch с he brought 
to his lips to toast me with. Joe kraft 
said he was going next door to the bed- 
room to fetch something (the banquet 
hall abutted the hotel). He came back 
two hours later (he mised a splendid 
meal) and in plenty of time for the 
toasts, which were just beginning. 
"Where on earth have you been?” I 
whispered. “Slee he winked. Trés 
cool We were listening to the usual 
business from the Chinese toastmasters. 
We were relieved to learn [rom Chou's 
toast that thu Thines people still feel 
friendship for the ¢ people, and 
that nothing had $ ррепей to change 
that since last nig 
Nixon, and by God, he w 
evolution led by George Wash 
the revolution led by Mao Tsetung. But 
alter all, why not? As Terrill would say 
is that wrong? Both were revolutions, 
weren't hey? 

Albert Jay Nock wrote a line that 
never leaves the memory. 1 paraphrase 
him: "E have often thought that it would 

ng lo write an essay on th 
question: How do you go about discove 
ing that you are slipping into a dark 
such essay I think you would 
have to reflect on the special problems a 
democracy has in mobilizing public att 
tudes in such a way as to inform fore 
y in directions that are essentially 
moral. The great toralitarian systems do 

should publicize | Scire annie 

Tsetung friternizing with President 
Richard Nixon to satisfy the people that 
a friendly relationship with the United 
States was the right thing to do. Only 
two years аро, Chairman Мао pro- 
nounced that “U. S. imperialism is sliugh- 
tering the white amd black people in 
its own country. Nixon's fascist atroc- 

ities have kindled the raging flames 
of the revolutionary mass movement 
in the United States. The Chinese 

people firmly support the revolutionary 
struggle of the American people. 

speech in which that passage prou! 
was still being pasied rou 
e we were th 

“If you're calling the Berrymans. they seem to 
be out. Any indication as lo where you think they might have 
gone will be appreciated by your FBI” 

now redirected the public on the proper 
attitude toward America, he could. redi- 
rect it back to where it had been, as 
Hitler and Stalin twice changed attitudes 
toward cach other, on cither end of the 
Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact. 

А free society cannot do this kind of 
thing. And America—young, inexperi- 
enced and moralistic—ean do it least. 
When we fought hand in hand with 
Stalin, Churchill had said he would make 
а pact with the Devil himself to defeat 
Hitler. In America, our leaders. far from 

s in him, who before 
Unde Joe.” Thus have 
the Chinese Communists been trans 
formed, under diplomatic exigency; so 
that now the polls tell us that the Ameri 
can people, assimilating the Nixon trip. 
have discovered that the Chinese е 
prise is “intelligent,” "progressive" and 
"practical" To be sure, the Chinese 
dot do things the way we do. bur their 
distinctive ideas on how to do things 
are understandable—ánd anyway, who 
are we to criticize? Who ever said we 
were so great? 

And then too, a free society makes 
decisions concerning its own defenses 
with some reference to what it is that it 
seeks to defend itself against. Our own 
defense budget is a great extravagance 

los it is defending something that 
is indeed worth 80 billion dollars а y 
defending, and at the risk of a nuc 
war: That i in own. 
ing and manning 1000 multipletargered 
nuclear Minutemen. As the differences 
between what we are and what we might 
become in the absence of an irre- 
sistible defense system diminish in our 
mind, so does the resolution diminish to 
make the sacrifices necessary to remain 
free—the tacit national commitment 
the risk of death is better than the 
certain loss of liberty. 

Nineteen-sixty: “Do you believe thar 


ted States should defend itself 
even at the risk of nuclear war?” Yes, 
70 percent—of the student body of Yale 


versity, in answer to that question 
incteem-seventy: same college, same 
quesion—"Do you believe that the 
United States should defend ibel even at 
the risk of nuclear war?" Yes, 10 percent 

Is that wrong’ 

Well of course it depends. Presum 
bly if the people in the Dark Ages had 
known it was dark and why it was dark, 
they'd have done something about 
itet in the light. / ter of fact, 
eventually they did. “H the whole world 
is covered with asphalt,” Iya Ehrenbui 
“one day а crack will appear 

gas w 


I have not worked that out 

phi 1 

How will we know then that it is 

PLAYBOY INTERVIEW | (continued from page 74) 

end of the season.” The mistletoe inc 
dent, on top of an accumulation of 
other disputes, had made me determined 
not to continue on the show. I felt T 
could no longer continue in an amicable 
creative relationship. 

PLAYBOY: It sounds more as if. with your 
stake, you were abusing the star's 
erogative to throw his weight around. 
sing it right- 
y—and properly. 1 think, I wasn't 
really throwing my weight around to 
ar. If I had left 
а surrende 
how much ego 

O'CONNOR: Not abusing it. 

show people 1 was the si 
the show, it would have be 
not a victory. 1 ask ло 
is there in а surrender? 
PLAYBOY: How was the conlli 
O'CONNOR: I got what 1 м: 
cut the mistletoe reference. 5 
ly, my contract was rencgot 
my ego was assuaged. 
PLAYBOY: Do the terms of your con 
provide for financial participation 
in the Family's extensive merchandisir 
O'CONNOR: They do. But Um probably 
getting screwed out of the proceeds. T 
Should be receiving a piece of the profits 
from posters, buttons, m 
zines, beer mugs. records and the rest of 
it. Most producers of hit television shows 
create. additional revenues through thi: 
sort of merchandising, which involves 
everything from Mission: Impossible spy 
its embellished with replicas of the cist 
to David Cassidy lunch boxes adorned 
with his likeness, 
PLAYBOY: Doesn't this sort of tl 
ently trade on the show" 
quick buck? 
O'CONNOR: That's exactly what it does. 
Capitalizing on the show to make money 
1 other ways is the name of the game. 
I've never read The Wit and Wisdom of 
Archie Bunker, but that's fi i 
s long as I get some loot out of it. I 
didn't care for my mug being connected 
with silly things like sweat shirts or the 
"Archie. Bunker for President” cam- 
gn or any of that horseshit. 1 think 
pove all that; 1 feel it’s demeaning 
But Norman said: "You might as well 

1 resolved 
мса. They 


g pät- 
success for a 

long with it and make some mone 
because if we withhold approval йз 
ing to be bootlegged anyhow.” How- 

item that uses my 
10 зау 

sked Tor approval of any 

And 1 did 1 


g on the bumper stickers used 
Preside i 



we rejected anh 
to be using Archie to ram home a spe- 
cifically partisan. political idea. We ap- 
proved the slogans that really bespoke 
Archie's ан н the same way the 
show docs, L Build a Better Уем 
or “Bunker's the 
or "I'm a Dingbat 


779 (187 
Tor Bunker.” 
PLAYBOY: How would you r 


t to 


‘America—Love It or Leave I^ bump- 
er sticker with Archie's name on it? 
O'CONNOR: І would immediately reject 
it as offensive, even without Archie's 
name. Inherent in that asshole bumper 
sticker is the smug implication that 
everybody who fails to display one 
doesn't love his country. That's an insult 
10 every other driver on the road. 
PLAYBOY: If Bunker h car, would he 
stick that sentiment on his bum] 
O'CONNOR: Absolutely, along with “Sup- 
which is an- 
other mesage that gripes me. Of course 
we should support our local police; 
they're the guys who protect our person 
and our property. But again, the ir 
plication in that goddamn bumper sticker 
is that people without it aren't support 
ing their police. And that’s a wretched 
slur. The sentiments we used on one of 
the Bunker for President 
tons might very well apply to people who 

port Your Local Police”. 


think like that: “Archie Says: The Trou- 
ble with America Is THEM!” 

PLAYBOY: Your record album, a nostalgic 
pacan to “the beloved Thirtics"—as you 

call them in the liner notes—is yet a 
other example of All im the Famil 
ancillary dividends. What was beloved 

out the Thirties? 
O'CONNOR: They're beloved in senti- 
mental retrospect because they were the 

years of my adolescence, the time when 
I was growing up. It was probably the 
last great decade in America. because of 
the upbeat mood pervading the nation, 
despite the rampant deprivation. The 
system had ler everybody down. People 
felt y 
of them were, with nowhere to go and 
nothing or no one to пит to for help. 
There were bread lines, and jobs were 
ce. And there was a terrific fear 
among those who were still working that 
tomorrow they would be on relie. And 
certainly there was a fear of world war 
and potential loss of young manhood 
But there were always voices in Ше 

doned and turned out, as m; 

Depression that said things were going 
to improve. Leaders like Roosevelt were 
always keeping our spirits up. There 
мү that fear of the end of the world 
that we live with today. One could look 
with hope to tomorrow, to next month, 
to next year, to the next program the 
Government was going to undertake 
One saw the future, or at least felt that 
he could look for it. І don't really feel 
we can look for a future anymore. 

1 hate to be that pessimistic, but I 
almost feel afraid to imagine where ГІ 
be five or ten years from now, or where 
my child will be. Fm filled v Kind 
of terror because I'm unable to plan for 
him or for myself. It's an extremely u 

settling feeling that things are going on 
over which Ive got no control what- 

soever. And I'm not the only one who's 
afraid. Almost everybody 1 talk to on 
these matters is uptight. I catch ей 
fear and they catch mine. It goes arou 
like a current. Fm talking not just 
bout people like me. 1 mean everybody 
—hard-hats and longhairs, young and 
old, black and white. These groups are 
so busy at cach other's throats that they 
don't realize how much they hit 
common, that we're all 
and we're all going to sa 
hell if we don't get the г 
the tiller. We all share the same sense of 
helplessness, the same fecling that things 
re getting out of control and that our 
institutions, even if they don't lie to us 
yd 1 think they do—aren’t Шу 
working anymore. If we could just get 
together, we could start turning things 
this country 
Are you speaking for Archie or 
for yourself when you say that? 

O'CONNOR: Are you kidding? If Archie 
had to sit and listen to all this—me 
telling him to join forces with blacks 

and radicals-he'd tell me to go hump 
PLAYBOY: And how would you reply? 

O'CONNOR: Ld tell him Ed 

my sister. 

her hump 

“He always quits after the foreplay.” 




(continued [rom page 117) 
the 400 guests enthusiastically responded 
ith a colorful array of finery that ri- 
led the oneofa-kind offerings (from 
65 of the world’s foremost designers) be- 
ing showcased onstage. As in past years, 
the roster of contributors read like a 
Who's Who of international fashion and 
included such sartorial luminaries as Bill 
Pierre Cardin, Hubert de Givenchy 
and Yves St. Laurent А number of 

women's-wear. designers Bonnie Cashi 
Willie Smith, Calvin Klein, Anne 
garty and made first appe 
ance Special Coty Av 

winners Alan Rosanes and Pinky and 
nne of Flo Toronto. And this year, 
an innovative fillip was provided by the 
ше of electronic projection. equipment 
that enabled a behind-the scenes illustra 
tor to sketch each ourfit—with the draw- 
ing visible to all on iant screen—as 
they were displayed by live models on 
the runw: 

The Designer Collection, in Green's 
estimation, “demonstrates anew that mul- 
tiple forces are producing. fresh 
d pproaches to dress and cr 
а new definition of style." One of these 
forces, nol unexpectedly. is street fash- 
ion, the source of the "layered look’ 
that dominated this year’s show. Layered 
entries ranged from Кирет Lycett- 
Green's salt-and-pepper-tweed coat worn 
over blackandwhitestriped crew and 
cardigan sweaters to Bill Blass's Scott 
"izseraldesque ensemble, shown on 
page 117. 

Though it origi 
the layered look came 10 m 


the street, 

са on 


just one i ion 
that the yins of fashion are 
getting closer me. Another is 
this year's unisex concept from Roberta 
of Venice: hisandkhers pants suits in 
an abstract print of red, purple, green 

the women's т 

and black. The fabric she uses is wool 
jersey (light for her and heavy for him). 
unctional sportswear was also p 

nent featured in this years show. 
Bonnie Cashin's bicyding suit includes 
trousers that cling and а sweater with a 
funnel neck that can serve as а hood 
Larry Kane, on the other hand, chose to 
apply his talent to a fencing costume 
and came up with a black-and-white 
woolknit model, while Hermés offered 
the sophisticated leather cycling suit seen 
on page 118. Designer Ralph Lauren 
opted for a slight v n on the classic 
tennis watchers outfit of blazer and 
slacks by presenting a handsome blazer 
suit with striped jacket, pleated white- 
flannel trousers and white. bucks—with 
the finishing touch of а sleeveless V- 
neck sweater, yellow buttondown shirt 
and a full bow tie 

In this year's show. that most ele- 
gant of colors—black—also was suddenly 
back and used in a variety of ways. Tom 
Fallon adopted it for his satin trench 
coat on page 120, while Peter Demini 
and Cerruti of Paris saw it as the logical 
color for their evening suits. 

Obviously, these thumbnail sketches 
of this year’s collection don't begin to 
capture the excitement of the event. But 
they do offer us at least a glimpse of 
tomorrow's clothes. Make room in your 
wardrobe closet. 


"Nurse, would you please do something about 
thal? It's really gelling to be awfully depressing!” 

(continued from page 90) 

copy of What's On in Singapore. 1 was 
not worried about being asked about 
Gunstone and Djamila; anything is pos- 
sible in a big expensive hotel, and the ac- 
commodating manager will always smile 
and say he remembers you. In the eleva- 
. "Yes, your Morris is а good 

said Djam 
The elevator boy and the bellhop 
stared at her. My girls looked fine, very 
preuy in 1 nd on the street, but in 
welllighted hotels they looked diffe 
ent—not out of place but promine 
nd identifiable. 
“I hate these Ameri 
“So do L" I said. “Waste of money. 
“Nice and big” said Djamila. She 
ме a low, throaty laugh. Most of my 

n cars" said 

girls have bad throats. Something 10 do 
with their line of work—all those germs. 
“Here you are, sah. Seven-ol-five, 

id the Беор. He followed us in and 
swung the suitcase onto a low table. T 
could hear the newspapers shifting in- 
side. He hadn't quite figured out the situ 
ation. He started his spiel about the 
lights and i-there'sanytl 
but I gave him 50 cents 
1 the door. 

“Your light 

I said, pushing the 
Your TV, your washroom, your 
wireless ng to add a 
the occasion. The theme from Doctor 
Zhivago came in on the radio, helping a 
bit. "E chink everything is in order. 

You couldn't do better than a Mor 
said Gunstone. He creaked over 
and took me by the arm. “What's she 
like?” he asked in a whisper. 1 began to 
have a hideous feeling that this was, in- 
deed, his Jast stand. Killed in action on 
the Belvedere border; destroyed while 

tacking a jampot. 

‘Oh, very rewarding,” 1 said. 

Dj sitting on the edge of the 
double bed, removing her silver bracelets 
with dainty grace, admiring her arm, 
isplaying her pretty fingernails to he 
sell as she pulled each bracelet past 

Gunstone, in a stuffed chair, seemed 
to breathe with difficulty as he twisted olf 
one of his shoes. Then he pulled off the 
sock and began to try to poke the 
thing into his shoe with a trembling 


That was too much for me. T'm not 
the type of feller who goes in for sym- 
bols, but that was too much for me. On 
my way to the door, I said, as heartily as 
1 could, “III leave you two to get on 

п it. Bye for now.” 

The elevator boy, sceing the feller he 

had just deposited on that floor, looked 

y from me, at the button he 
punching, and ! could tell from the 

movement of his ears and a peculiar 
tightening of a section of scalp on the 
back of his head that he had summed up 
the situation and was grinning foolishly. 
1 felt like soc 

“What's your name” 

“Tony-lah,” he said. A person sobers 
up when he has to tell a stranger his 

we, Tony.” 1 handed him 
id. "Nobody 

likes a blabber. 

That doll: would have come 
пау, and 1 could have saved it if 1 bad 
gone down the fire stairs, which was 
ly did. But seven flights of 
g unpainted cement was 
1 my age should tolerate. 

mo the 
cool 1 armchair 
ppily for a few minutes 
reading What's On and looking up every 
so often to admire the decor. Some of 
nds did not think much of the 
new Singapore hotels—too shiny and 
tacky, they said: по character at all. 
Character was weevils in your food, 
metal folding chairs and a grouchy bar- 
man who insulted you as he overcharged 
you; it was a monsoon drain that hadn't 
been cleared for months and а toilet 
—like the one in the Bandung—located 
in the middle of the kitchen. Someday, 1 
thought, I'm going to reserve а room at 
the Belvedere and burrow іп the blan- 
kets of a wide bed—the conditioner 
on full—and sleep for a week. 
ground floor of the Belvedere w: 
ian marble and there was a chande 
hanging in the lobby that must have 
en years to make. 1 was enjoying my 
self in the solid comfort, sipping my gin, 
looking at a seashell mural on the 
lounge wall, periwinkles spilling out of 
conchs, gilded sea urchins and. fingers of 
coral; but 1 became anxious. 

It was not only my 
about Gunstone's engi 
the annoying suspicion that the seven or 
cight tourists there in the lounge were 
jı my direction. They had seen 
1 with Gunstone and. Djamila 
they had guessed what I 
was up to. The ones who weren't laugh- 
i me despised me. If I had been 
younger, they would h: id, Ah, what 
а sharp lad, a real operator—you ve got 
to hand it to hi but a middle-aged 
m s the sume thing was a dull 
dirty procurer. I tried to look unruflled, 
cosing my legs and flicking through 
the little pamphlet. Recrossing my legs, 
1 felt an uncommon breeze against my 
ankles: 1 wasn't wearing any socks. 

How could 1 be so stupid? There 1 
was in the lounge of an expensive hotel, 
g my black Ah Chum worsted, my 
spotless collar and shoes my amah had 
buffed to a high gloss—but sockless! 




“Gee, Harold, when you said you wanted 
to get into my раш...” 

That was how they guessed my trade, by 
my nude ankles. I wanted to leave, but 1 
couldn't without calling attention to 
myself. So 1 sat in the chair in а way that 
made it possible for me to push at the 
knees of my pants and lower my culls 
over my ankles. I tried to convince my- 
sell that these staring tourists didn't mat- 
ter—they'd all be on the morning flight 
to Bangkok 
1 lifted my drink and caught a lady's 
eye. She looked away. Returning to my 
1 sensed her eyes drift over to 
in. You never knew with these 

other in public, sometimes h 
sisterly foolishness. The о 
people began staring. They were making 
me miserable, ruining the only drink 1 
could afford. 

“Telephone call for Brishop Bradley 


. Bishop Bradley. . The slow 
nouncement cime over 
the loud-spe: з the lounge, a doth- 

faced box on the wall above a slender 
palm in a copper pot. No one got up. 
Two ladies looked at the Ioud-speaker. 
It stopped, the voice and the hum be 
hind it; there was an expectant pause in 
the lounge, everyone holding his breath, 
knowing the announcement would start 

again in a moment, which it did, monot 

“Bishop Bradley . . . telephone call 
for Bishop Bradley. . . - 

Now no one was looking at the loud- 

1 had fastened all the buttons on my 
cker. 1 stood up and turned 
patient face to the repeated com- 
mand coming from the cloth-faced box. 
I swigged the last of my gin and, with 
the eyes of all those people on me and 
the clerical garb I was wearing, strode 
in the direction of the information desk. 
1 knew that now they were sorry for star- 
ing at my sockless ankles, for judging me 
prematurely. “There goes the bishop.” 
they were saying. 

То keep up the show, I paused at the 
desk and mumbled something: then I 
walked out to Orchard Road. with a 
stately episcopal ed there 

Alter a litte while, though, Gunstone 
nd Djamila appeared in the hotel door 
way and I offered up a small prayer of 
thanksgiving: He had pulled through. 
"The old boy's engine had not stopped 

the Belvedere. 

black suit ja 




BACK IN 1345. а pair of New Englanders—Francis W. Pettygrove 
of Maine and Asa L. Lovejoy of Massachusetts—Hlipped a coin 
to determine what they'd name their new city at the confluence 
of the Columbia and Willamette rivers. Peuygrove won, and 
the place was duly christened Portland: Lovejoy’s hoped-for 
Boston, Oregon, was consigned to oblivion. Portland has since 
muddled along fairly well, but its newly elected mayor, 32year- 
old Neil Goldschmidt—who, when he takes office this month, 
will be the youngest big-city mayor in the co 1s munic- 
ipal decisions can мо longer be left 10 chan с got to 
have a plan.” Goldschmidt told. Port ag his hard- 
n May's nonpartis у. when, aided 
by doorbell-ringing housewives and students. he astonished the 
pros by winning ar majority. “Portland [population 
619] is a very sm g city.” the mayor-elect points out. 
“In terms of growth and problems. we're about ten years be 
areas.” So, he believes, his town still ha 
residential decay. poisoned air and asph 
icis. The automobile ranks high. in 
phy: “h eats up too much land." И 
s now planned for Portland were built. he charges. by 
1990 one out of ten persons on the city's bedroom east side will 
have been evicted by а highway or be living right beside one. 
To head off city problems, Goldschmidt proposes better mass 

est E 

buried business dist 

ids de 

idt, who first drew attention as 
‚ was elected а city commissioner 
1970. Ever self to promoting 
the consolid surround 
County: “I'm willing to work myself out of a job,” he avers. 
And into what? А local newspaperman observes: "The may- 
оғ job has not traditionally been a steppingstone to highea 
ойсе in Oregon. Хей looks as if he might be the exception.” 

their пей 
head of a local leg: 

g Multnomah 


ROBERT DUVALL face without a name 

AF you иғмемвғк Tom Hagen. the German-Irish consigliere 
in The Godfather, or M* A*S* H's. Major Frank Burns, the 
pious surgeon who coupled with Hot Lips Houlihan after 
blurting "God's will be done,” then you might. sympathize 
With the man who played them, а man most moviegoers know 
I. "Yeah." he says, “Tm 

only as "whatzisiame"— Robert Du 
the guy you usually read about in the closing ph of a 
review: you know. the one that begins. ‘Also featured. in the 
film is..." The 4Lycarold San Diego native with the Low 

East Side accent is used to such faint praise. "Tt comes with the 
job." he says. "See. Гус always been a character actor and lm 
very deliberate about the roles I choose. Because of that. 1 sup 
pose, E don't get thc recognition I should, But if I can't 
in the morning feeling charged about my work. then wh. 
point?” Duvall's carcer began when he left the Army 
to study at the Nei 

n 1955 
hborhood Playhouse іп New York. After 
а journeyman's dues onstage, he debuted onscreen as the piti 

fully rewarded Boo Radley in To Kill a Mockingbird. More 
character party followed. and even a рай of leads in two 
limited-disribution cllorts until, on the crest of bis successes 
in The Godfather and—as Jese | The Great Nosth- 
field, Minnesota Raid, Duvall tested lor, and got, his frst 
starr 73. columnist 

Im pl the cop,” Duvall says, "but 1 wed to do it only 
on the condition that 1 don't duplicate Gene Hackman's Pop- 
eye. I have my ow 

ideas for the character and he's got a whole 
new set of nuances. movements, cccentricities--hell, he's a 
completely dilferent guy. That's what I'm most excited about" 
According to The New York Times's Vincent Canby. “Duvall 
is such a good actor that he seems entirely different from one 
film to the next.” Odds are that as long as he stays enthusiastic, 
they сап only remember his name 

fences will, too. Now, i 


GAIL SHEEHY getting 

lism is horseshit.” says С 
is new joum: 
antecedents go back to Homer” 
y ghi up in a controversy over her per- 
lization of an article in New Y ine. to which she 
is a contributing editor. The pica 4 Sug: = 
took her and her readers to the 

“CALLING гг ‘new 

tion hustle. Forced by circum: ticularly the hookers’ 
refusal 10 confide in a "straight" woman——to research some of 
her story with secondhand i ion. she wrote it up as if it 

ud. It wasn't un 

revealed that she had ex; 
ally from the text. 

publication that her editor, 

helps to be a wom 
tilistic interest in 
по а book, Hustling, duc out 

about the 
м appeared 
he wrote ly 

Is of the Essence, 
from а 

Shechy's lit 
frst play in the hire 
night. After thar. most of her 
ballerina. Not until she 
d college did Shechy 

and got the mumps on өрені 
energy was directed tow 
had 10 choose between l 
ide that ballet wı 
‚ induding five y 
s» page of the Ne 
In her spare time, she wrote lor New Yor 
Sunday n Looking back at some of her assignments, 
she recalls, “After my piece өп the amphetamine epidemic, 

tened my lile. 1 had 10 move. But I 
c my lile hom what 1 write about.” Whatever 
sind ob journalism thats culled, for Gail Sheehy, it works, 





(continued from page 101) 

into Nantucket so many years ago. They 
used to line the port rail and shout: 
Oh, the Perrys are here and the Saltons 
and the Greenoughs.” It was partly gen- 
uine, partly show. When he returned 19 
his seat, his companion had removed her 

mobcap and her unguent. Her beauty in 
the light of morning was powerful, He 

could not diagnose what he found so com- 
pelling—nostalgia, perhaps—but. her tea 
tures, her pallor, the set of her 
conesponded чо his sense of 
“Good morning." he said. “Did you sleep 
She frowned: she seemed to find this 
ipertinent, “Does one ever?" she asked. 
опат note, She put her mysterious 

book into a handbag with a zipper and 
gathered her things. When they landed 
at Fiumicino, he stood aside to let her 
pass and followed her up the aisle. He 

went behind her through the passpor 

id health check and joined 
се where you claim your 

at the pla 

But look, look. Why does he point out 
her bag to the porter and why. when 
they both have their bags, does he follow 
her out to the cabstand, where he ba 
gains with a driver for the trip into 
Why does he join her in the са? 
Is he the undiscourageable masher tha 
aded? No. no. He is her husband. 
wife, the mother of his children 
woman he has worshiped ра 
ately for nearly 30 years. 



(continued from page 95) 
sour can be adjusted at the last mo- 
ment, to suit the crowd's taste 

Most punch-bowl disasters are due to 
overdilution from melting ice. This can 
be avoided by mixing your punch in 
vance and refrigerating it—to chill and 
mellow before pouring over ice. Present 

iti modest-sized bowl. refilling from. 
the fridge as needed. Use fresh. hard- 
frozen ice with each new batch. Ice can 

in te 

perature as much as ten de- 
ces, Cold ice chills faster and melis 
slower А chunk of ice holds up better 
than cubes. You can make a small block 
at home by freezing water in a milk 
emon or in ісесшізе пау with the 
separator removed. You сап also reduce 
dilution by freezing some of the punch 
1 it as ice, to chill the mixture. 
Allow extra time lor this, as whiskey 
retards Ireez 

When figuring the yardage you'll get 
from onc bowl, plin on three to four 
d about four drinks 

ounces per serv 

lor cach customer over the course of a 
game. For . use Large. 
sturdy glitssw How punch 

cups or stemmed glasses. And food, il 
you offer it, should be simple and hearty: 
wedges ol cheese, boneless roasts that slice 
easily, good bread and hand-held relishes. 

So here are rrAYmoOY s seven snper 
bowls—cnough to carry you through the 
six play-oll games and the finale in good 

(35-40 drinks) 

1 quart bottled-in-bond bourbon (100 
proot) or 114 fifths straiglit bourbon 

1 pint peach liqu 

1 quart cranberry-juice cocktail 

1 cup lime juice 

n dub soda or 

l, drained. 
ts and chill. 

16-oz. can dvu 
Міх dwst 4 i 
serve, pour over block of 
Add chilled soda and fruit and stir 
quickly. A bit of the Fruit should go into 


ice aud stir. 

1 boule Lillet 
1 pint orange liqueur (see note) 
y, cup lime j 
1 cup seedless or seeded grapes, halved 
bottles champagne, chilled 

Slice oranges into bowl. Sprinkle light- 
ly with sugar. Turn several times, Pour 
in Lillet, orange liqueur and lime juice. 
Chill in refrigerator. When serving. pour 
half of mixture imo chilled punch 


Québec! That’s where it’s all happening 
this winter. We'll give you a devilish choice 
of slopes to flash your style on. And a heady 
aprés-ski life to swing into. Parties. Dinners. 
And new friends who'll invite you. 
(She may even teach you French!) 
Next day it's back 
on the big hills. 
Or a dozen other 
winter fun things. 
You name it. 

Québec gives you 
a good run 
for your money. 
And you'll love 
every bit of it. 
You devil, you! 


A chronometer is a watch with a “degree” in accuracy—and the 
papers to prove it. Yet up until now chronometers have been iden- 
tified only by a tiny word on the face of the timepiece. 

Omega reasoned that since an Omega chronometer is more than 
an ordinary watch, it should have a distinct look of its own—bal- 
anced and precise. just like the chronometer inside. 

That's why the Omega Constellation Chronometer flows so very 
smoothly from case to band and back again. The Constellation is a 
completely integrated design, inside and out, all around. The case 

is carved out of a solid block of metal (18 karat gold or stainless 
steel), then finished by hand. Each link of the band is precisely 
contoured and fitted to the next, so that the overall look is one of 
Perfect harmony. 

Take a good look at the Omega Constellation. It's a good way to 
tell a total chronometer from a watch. 

Omega Constellation Chronometers. In stainless and 18k gold, 
from $195 to $1350. For free brochure write Omega Watch Co., 
Omega Bldg., 301 E. 57th Street, New York, N. Y. 10022. 



bowl Add v, cup grapes and 1 bottle 
chilled champagne. Stir once or twice to 
blend. Garnish each serving with grapes. 
Repeat with remaining mixture and 
champagne when needed, so your punch 
is fresh and sprightly. 

(Note: You can substitute vodka or 
brandy for the orange liqueur, to get a 
little more zing and a Пие less sweet 
ness Using exu champagne, rather 
than brui, will make your bowl a bit 

(50 drinks) 

2 fifths dark Puerto Rican rum 

114, cups lime juice 

1 cup orgeat (almond syrup) 

I pint rain-water made 

гог. can pineapple juice 

nts club soda, chilled 

ion of fresh fruits— 

mcs, lemons, oranges, strawlx 

grapes, apples, pineapple, grapefruit 

or cock! 


Mix first 5 ingredients and chill. Pour 
half into bowl over block of ice. Add 
1 pint chilled soda and some fruit for 

garnish and stir quickly. Repeat with rest 
when needed. 

oLD rro 
(35 drinks) 

1 fifi Jamaica rum 
1 fifth light whiskey 
1% cups lime juice 
1 cup brown sugar, packed 

ux or fruit liqueur 

4 ozs. créme de по] 
9 quarts club sod. 
2 limes or lemons, thinly 
Con n. whiskey and lime juice. 

dissolved. Add 

bine r 

Add sugar, stirring 

queur and chill, Pour over block of ice, 

adding chilled soda just before serving. 
Float [ruit on top for garnish. 

(Note: This is a modern variation on 
the Colonial pride, fish-house punch, and 
quite potent. IE you prefer a little extra 
dilution, pour over block of ice immedi 
ately, instead of prechilling.) 

(90 drinks) 

1 pint fresh strawberries. hulled 
1 fresh pineapple, peeled. cored and 
2 cups st 
2 cups lemon juice 
бог. can frozen. orange-juice concen- 
trate, half-thawed 
2 cups water 
2 boules kirsch 
2 quarts club soda, chilled 
Slice berries into bowl. Add pineapple 
and sug, 1 slosh around. Pour in 
lemon juice, orange-juice concentrate 
mix well and chill. Wh 

and water; n 

serving, pour half of mixture over block 
of ice, stir in 1 bottle kirsch and 1 qu 
club soda. Repeat wi i 

ture, kirsch and soda when needed. 

(30-35 drinks) 

6 eggs 

1 cup sugar 

1 quart cold milk or 1 pint milk, 1 pint 
light cream. 

1 quart cold strong coffee 

1 filth cognac 

pint coffee liqueur 


Vo pint heavy crea 

Bitter chocolate 

Separate eggs. Beat yolks with 54 cup 

light and lemon-colored. Stir 

n milk and coffee. Slowly stir in cognac 

nd liqueur. Chill for about 30 minutes. 

whites with a good pinch of salt 

until they begin to hold their shape. 

Gradually add remaining 14 cup sugar, 

beating until stiff but not dry. Carefully 

foll beaten egg whites and whipped 

cream into egg-yolk mixture. Top with 

shavings of bitter chocolate. 

n, whipped 

(30-35 drin 

1 quart tomato juice 

3 cups beef bouillon 

1 cup lemon juice 

Bay leaf 

Several grinds black 

Pinch curry powder 

14 teaspoon celery salt 

1 bottle aquavit 

Lemon slices 

Heat first 7 ingredients together. 
and modify seasoning, if necessary. Bring 
just to a boil. Add aquavit, stir, remove 
from heat. Should be served warm but 
not hot, with lemon slice in cach mug 
or cup. This can be made in 2 batches 
quite easily, splitting the warm mixture 
1 adding Y bottle aquavit to each 

Now that we've given you the bas 
game plan on how to serve up seve 
super punch bowls, the ball, as they 
is in your hands. Whether you opt for 
a quarterback. 
extra point or whatever, the 
can't help but be а wi 


ad result 

“Say, there! This is my corner!” 





secretions I had to refine informed me 
of how painful and ridiculous he felt. 
When the shorts were inflated, he read 
from a book of directions 
formed some gymna 
worst pain to be inflicted on me so 
and, when the exercises were finished, 
various parts were so abnormally 
noted that we spent а 

to recog 

as his detestation of solitary 

- He liked games well enough. 
but he did not like gymnastics. Each 
ng. he would go to the bathroom 
and touch his toes ten times. His but- 
tocks (there's another story) scraped the 
washbasin and his forehead grazed the 
toilet scat. I knew from the secretions 
that came my way that this ерегіс 
was spiritually crushing. Later he moved 
to the country for the summer and took 
up jogging and weight lifting. While lift- 
ing weights, he lea in 
d Rusian, hoping to give 
nity, but he 

ed to count 

performance some di 
not successful. Both jogging and 
ight lilii rrassed him intense 
Th ctor in my favor was 

g emh 


(continued from page 102) 

hiis conviction that we lead a simple life 
"E really lead a very simple life," he 
often said. If this were so, T would have 
no chance for prominence, but there is, 
I think. no first-class restaurant in Ew 
rope. Asia, Africa or the British Isles to 
which I have not been taken and asked 
to perform. He often says so. Going 
fter a dish of crickets in Tokyo, he 
e me a friendly pat and said. "Do. 
your best, man.” So long as he considers 
this to be a simple life, my place in the 
world is secure. When I fail him, it 
not through malice or intent, After 
Homeric dinner with 14 entrees i 
southern Russia, we spent a night to- 
gether in the bathroom. This was in 
Tiflis. I seemed to be threatening his 
life. It v the morning. He w: 
crying with pain. He w 

as three i 

s weeping and 

perhaps | know more than any other 
t of his physique about the true 
loneliness of thi away!" he 

shouted at me. "Go What could 
be more pitiful and absurd than a n. 
ked man at the dog hou trange 
country casting out his vital? We went 
to the window to hear the wind in the 
trees. "Oh, I should have paid more 
attention to spiritual t he shouted 

H I were the belly of a secret agent or 

“The Hogans have two guns, Ihe Jacksons 
have three guns, the Wrights have five guns, the 

Spencers have four guns... . 

a reigning prince, my role in the clash 
of time wouldn't have been any differ- 
ent. I represent time more succinctly than 
any scarecrow with a scythe. Why should 
so simple a force as time—told accu- 
rately by the clocks in his house—cause 
him to groan and swear? Did he feel 
that some specious youthfulness was his 
principal, his only lure? 1 know that 1 
reminded him of the pain he suffered in 
his relationship to his father. His father 
retired at 55 and spent the rest of 
his life polishing ston 
trying to learn 
from records. He 
an athletic man, but 
had been overtaken in the middle of 
the way by an independent abdomen. 
He seemed, like his son, to have no capac- 
ity to age and fatten gracefully. His 
paunch, his abdomen, seemed to break 
his spirit. His abdomen led him to 
stoop. to walk clumsily, to sigh and to 
have his trousers enlarged. His abdomen 
seemed like some precursor of the angel 
of death, and was Farnsworth, touching 
his toes in the bathroom cach mo 
struggling with the same angel? 

I don't know wh 
went around the world three times 
months, He may have thought that tr 
el would heighten his metabeli: 
diminish my importance. I won't go into 
the hardships of safety belts and а cha 
otic eating schedule. We saw all the 
usual places as well as Nairobi, Mad: 
‚ Mauritius, Bali, New Guinea, New 
Caledonia and New Zealand. We saw 
Madang, Goroka, Lee, Rabaul, Fiji, 
Reykjavik, Thingvellir, Akureyri, Nar- 
sarsuak, Kagsiarsuk, Bukhara, Irkutsk. 
Ulan Bator and the Gobi Desert. Then 
there were the Galápagos, Patagonia, the 
Mato Grosso jungle and, of course, the 
Seychelles and the Amirantes 

It ended or was resolved one night 
sseto's He be; 
and Parma ham and with this he 
two rolls and bunter. After this, he h 
pagheti alla carbonara, a steak with 
iied potatoes, a serving of frog's legs, 
whole spigola roasted in paper, so 
chicken breasts, a salad with an oil dres 
ing, three kinds of cheese and a thick 
zabaglione. Halfway through the meal, he 
d to give me some leeway, but he way 
not resentful and L felt that victory might 
be in sight. When he ordered the zaba 
glione, I knew that I had won or that wı 
had arrived at a sensible truce. He was 
not trying to conceal, dismiss or forget 
me and his secretions were bland. Le: 
ing the table, he had to give me anothe 
two inches, so that walking across thc 
piazza I could feel the night wind and 
hear the [oun ad we've lived 
pily together ever sin 

like his son, he 

ad been a 

there was the year we traveled. 
drove him. but we 

1 the meal with figs 

Cutty Sark at Christmas. | 

>. Cutty Sark Scots Whisky. The only giftof its kind: 


214 three pale hydrangea 


My husband," she said, pouring, “al- 
iked China tea. You don't mind?" 
m very partial to it. It appeals to 
thetic sense. Jasmine flowers float- 
May I ask what your husband used 

10 doi 

Ken was an assessor for am English 
insurance company. He was English." 

He approved mightily, fingers wide- 
spread, chin enthusiastically nodding. 

A fine profession! A very fine pro- 

So fine” she 
took out a policy о 
bare thousand pou 
amily?" he asked tenderly 

She smiled. softly. 

“My daughter, Leslie. She is at a 
boarding school, 1 am hoping to send 
her to the university. What is your 

Her profile, from being soft as а sea 
Hower, changed to the obtuseness of a 
death mask. But, frontally, her lower lip 
caught the light, her eyes were alert, the 
face hard with character. 

“It is а simple little proposition. Your 

splendid. object, 
but for your business quite unsuitable. 
Any woman looking into it can only half 
sce herself. What you need is а great, 
wide, large, giltframed mirror, pinned 
inst the wall, clear as crystal, a 
job, where a lady can 
sce herself from top to toc twirling and 
turning like а ballet dancer." He smiled 
mockingly. "Give your clients status. 
He proceeded earnestly. "Worth another 
two hundred pounds a year to you. You 
would be employing two assistants in no 
I happen to have a mirror just like 
that in my showrooms. I've had it for six 
years and nobody has wanted it.” He 
paused, smiling from jawbone to jaw- 
bone. "I would like you to take it. 
Asa gilt.” 
shrewdly he watched her turning her 
teacup between her palms as if she were 
пау glas, while she ob- 
rj shrewdly out 

leaned | 
How do you mean, ‘Go on'? 
"You have only told me half your 


proposition. You want something in 

He laughed with 1 teeth, 
tongue and gullet, enjoying himself 

g him. 

He rose, walked to the window, now 
пе of those black mirrors that painters 
minate color in order to re 
ight had blotted ош cvery- 
impresion of two or 
leaves. wavering 

use to c 
design, The n 
thing except. а 

(continued from page 181) 

outside in the December wind and, in- 
side, himself and a dark Jamp shade. The 
reflection made him happy. He felt that 
he had already taken up residence here. 
He turned to the woman looking at him 
coldly under eyebrows as heavy as two 
dark mustaches and flew into a rage at 
her resistance. 

‘Damn it! Can't you give me credit 
for wanting to give you something lor 
your own sake?” As quickly, he calmed, 
The proud animal was staring timid! 
humbly, contitely. Or was she having 
him on again? She could hide anything 
behind that lovely squint of hers. He de- 
manded abruptly, “Do you ever go into 

She glanced ш the doors of her 

“I must go there tomorrow morning 
to buy some linings. Why? 

“Tomorrow 1 have to deliver а small 
Regency chest to a lady in € 
On my way back, I could call for you 
here at ten o'clock, drive you imo Dub- 
n and show you that big mirror of 
mine, and you can take it or leave it, as 
“Не got up to go. "OK? 

She gave an unwilling assent, but as 
she opened the front door to let him 
out, added, “Though 1 am not at all 

sure that 1 entirely understand you, 
Mr. в" 
"Aren't you?” he asked with an impish 

“Not at all sure.” 

1 am not!" she 

id «тоху. 

way across her ten feet ol gard 
he turned and laughed derisively, “Have 
t the surface of your mirror,” 
aged out and was lost in the 
foggy dusk. 

She returned slowly to her studio. She 
approached her mirror and peered over 
its surface. Flawless, Not a breath of 
dust. With one spiuled finger, she re- 
moved a flyspeck. What did the silly 
tle man mean? Without being aware of 
what she was doing, she looked at her- 
If, patted her hair in place, smooth- 
ned her fringe, ged ihe shoulder 
peaks of her blouse, then, her dark eye- 
brows floating, her bi ids 
her back straight, her chin and boso 
lifted, she deawled, “I really am afraid, 
Mr. B. I still do not at all under- 
nd chuckled at the effect. 

arly mouthed the 
ized her scissors 

lly to work. She 

would simply let the temo'dock tra 
take her to Dublin. 

He took her to Dublin, 
and to he 
that there was a second рап w hi 
proposition. He sometimes persuaded the 
owners of beuer-clas country hotels to 
allow him to leave one or two of his a 

nd to lunch, 

tiques, with his card attached, on view in 
their public rooms. It could be a Dutch 
landscape, or a tidy piece of Sheraton 
or Hepplewhite; free advertisement. for 
him, free decor for them. Would she like 
to cooperate? “Where on carth,” some 
well-off client would say, “did you get 
that lovely thing?”—and she would say, 
"Bolger's Antiques.” She was so pleased 
to have foreseen that there would be 
some such quid pro quo that she swal- 
lowed the bait. So, the next Sunday, 
though he did not bring his big mirror 
he brought a charming Boucher fire 
screen, The following Sunday, his van 
was out of order, but he did b 
handsome pair of twisted Georgian 
candlesticks for her mantelpiece. Every 
Sunday, except during the Chrisma 
holidays, when he did not care to 
her daughter, he brought something 
тусй bronze chariot, Empire 
style, containing a clock, a neat Nelson 
sideboard, a copper warming pan and a 
r of antique dueling pistols, so that 
ways had something further to 
discuss over their afternoon tea. It all 
amused and pleased her until the day 
came when he produced a pair of (he 
swore) genuine Tudor curtains for her 
front window and she could no longer 
conceal from herself that she w " 
formally courted and that her living 
room was being transformed from what 
it had been four months ago. 

The climax came at Easter, when, for 
Leslie's sake, she weakly allowed him to 
present her with two plane tickets for a 
Paris holiday. In addition, he promised 
to visit her bungalow every day and 
sleep there every night while she was 
away. On her return, she found that he 
had left a comic WELCOME HOME card on 
her hall table; that her living room was 
sweet with mimosa; that he had covered 
her old-fashioned wallpaper with (he ex- 
plained) a hand-painted French paper 
in (she would observe) a pauwern of 
Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, the Arc 
de Triomphe and the Opéra; that he 
had replaced her old thread-worn car- 
pet—she and Кеп had bought it nearly 
20 years ago in Clerys in O'Connell 
Street with (he alleged) а quali Persian 
arpet 300 years old; and exchanged 
her plastic central-clectric shade for (he 
mentioned) a Waterford cluster. In fact, 
he had got rid of every scrap of her 
except her mirror, which now hung over 
her fireplace, her pink lamp and, she 
said it to herself, “Me?” 

The next Sunday, she let him in, sat 
opposite him and was just about to say 
her rehearsed bit of gallows humor—"I 
am sorry to have to tell you, Bertie, that 
I don't particularly like your life, may I 
have mine back again, pleasez"—when 
she saw him looking radiantly at her, 
realized that by accepting so many dis 
guised gilts she had pur herself 
fake position 
shame and rage. 



and burst tears of 





“Not bad. Not bad at all.” 


years of servitude with his mother had 
1 female tears seem as ludicrous 
baby's squealing face, laughed 
ingly at her, enchanted to see this 
ul woman so completely in his 

Ihe experience filled him with 
such joy that he sank on his knecs beside 
her, Hung his arms about her and said, 
“Maisie, will you marry me?” 

She drew back her fist, gave him such 
a dout on the jaw that he fell on hi 
poll, shouted, "Get up, you worm! And 
get ош!” With hauteur, he went. 

She held out against him [or six 
months, though still permitting him to 
it her every Sunday for afternoon tea 
and a chat. In November, without warn- 
ing, her resistance gave out. Worn dow! 
by h 


т Leslie? 
erhaps by a weariness of the flesh at 
the prospect of years of dressmaking? 
Certainly by попе of the hopes, dreams, 
illusions, [cars and needs that might 
ve presed other hard-presed women 
to holy wedlock; above all, not by the 
desires of the flesh—these she had never 
felt for Bertie Bolger. 

He made it а lavish wedding, which 
she did not dislike; he also made it 
showy, which she did not like. But she 
was to find that he did everything to ex- 
cess, including eating, always delending 
himself by the plea that if a man or a 
woman is any good, you cannot have too 
much of him; a principle that ought to 
have led him to marry the fat lady in the 
circus and her to marry Paddy O'Brien, 
the Irish giant, who was nine feet tall 
nd whose skeleton she said she had 
once seen preserved in the College of 
Surgeons. “Is he all swank and bluff" 
she wondered. Even on their honey 
moon, she discovered that after a day of 
boasting about his prowess compared 
with all his competitors, it was ten to 
one that he would either be crying on 
her shoulder long past midnight or yelp- 
ing like a puppy in one of his night- 
mares, both of which performances (her 
word) she bore with patience until the 
morning he dared to give her dogs abuse 
for being the sole cause of all of them, 
whereat she ripped him with a kick like 
а cassowary’s. She read an article about 
xhibitionism. That was him! She read 
a thriller about а тапіс depre: 
gler and, peeping cautiously across the 
pillows, felt that she should never go to 
bed with him without one of his dueling 
pistols under her side of the mattress. 

Within six months, they both knew 
that their error was so plenary, so toi 
so irreducible that it should have been 
beyond specch—and was not. He said 
that he felt a prisoner іш this bloody 
bungalow of hers. He said that whenever 
he stood inside her window (and his 

sive stran- 

216 Tudor curtains) and looked out at those 

of lovely, loving, kindly, 
warm, glowing, little peaked bungalows 
outside there, he knew that he had 
ked the only goddamn one of the 
whole lot that was totally uninhabitable. 
She said she had been as free as the wind 
ssion of her 
she was a bully. She told him 
bluffer. He said, “1 thought you 
ns, but Ive eaten beuer." She 
“You're а dope and a dreame 
d, “You're a dressmaker!” She 


until he took forcible poss 
property and filled it with his 
He said 

“You don't know from one minute to 

the next whether you want to be Jesus 
Christ or Napoleon.” He shouted, “Out- 
side the four walls of this bungalow, 
youre an ignoramus, apart from what 
little Ive been able to teach you. 
She siid, "Outside your business, Bertie 
Bolger, and that doesn’t bear close 
amination, if 1 gave you three minutes 
to tell me all you know, it would be si; 
too much.” All of it as meaning- 
d unjust as every marital quarrel 
е Adam and Eve began to bawl with 
voice, "But you said . . " and "I 
know what | said, but you said. ” 
"Yes, and then you said... .” 

His older, her more recent club ас 
quaintances chewed a dearer cud. At 
the common table, three or four of 
them mentioned him one day over 
lunch. "They used their eyebrows as 
words to describe one of those waxwork 
effigies that manage somehow or other 
to get past the little black ball into tli 
most select clubs. Mimes, mimics, fair 
imitations, plausible impersonations of 
The Real Thing: a procession of pup- 
pets, a march of masks, a covey of 
levee of liars, chaps for whom 
s means ancedotes; al- 
truism, alms; discipline, suppression; jus- 
tice, calling in the police; pleasure, 
vomiting in the washroom; pride, swank; 
love, lust; honesty, guilt; religion, fear; 
p |. But would 
any of them 
They would look you str: 
button of your waistcoat with- 
out humor, “A white man." And Maisie? 
"A very nice little wife." Dear Jesus! Is 
life in all clubs reduced е this to 
white men and nice little wives? Some- 
times to worse. As well as clubbites, there 
are clubbesses to whom the truth is told 
between the sheets and by whom it is en 
ged, exaggerated, falsified and spread 
After all, the men had merely 
kicked the testicles of his reputation; the 
wives castrated him. They took Maisie's 
ра А fine, natural countrywoman, 
they said; honest as the daylight; warm 
as toast if you did not cross her, and 
then she could handle her tongue like 
the tail end of a whip; a woman who 
carried her liquor like a man; as agile at 
contract as а trout; could have mothered 



the top 

ten and would never give one to Bertie, 
whom she let marry her only because she 
aw he was the sort of weakling who a 
ways wants somebody to rely on and did 
not find out until too late that he was 
miles away from what every woman 
wants, which is somebody she can rely 
Their judgment made him seem less 
he was, her morc. The result of it 
s that Bertie was soon feeling the cold 
wind of Dublin's whispering gallery on 
his neck and had to do something to as- 
sert himself unless he was to fall dead 
under the sting of its icy mockery 
Accordingly, one Sunda 
November, a year after his marriage, he 
packed two suitcases, called а cab and 
drove off down the lighted avenue to re 
ame his not-umimportant role in life as 
the Mr. В. of some lonely sexless guest- 
house. It had not, at the end, been her 
wish. If she had not grown a liule fond 
of him, she did feel sorry for him. Be- 
ides, next autumn Leslie would be down 
on her fingers and up on her toes at the 
starting line for the university, waiting 
eagerly for the revolver's 201" 
This is «Шу. Bert she had 
shrugged as they saw the taxi pulling up 
outside their window. ands and 
wives alw: 

room at his lost 

It's nothing 
d said, to comfort him. 
1 pleaded. 
house. But they carry on." 

"You bitch!" he had snarled, making 
for the door. "You broke my heart. ] 
thought you were perfeci 

She need not have winced, knowing 
well that they had both married for 
reasons the heart knows nothing of. Nev- 
ertheless, hearing the taxi go, she had 
gone gloomily into her dining room, 
which must again become her work- 
room. The 60 pounds that he had agreed 
to pay her every month, though much 
more than she had had before they met, 
would not support two people. Looking 
about, she noted, with annoyance 
she had got d 
out of him. 

So then, a dusky afternoon in Bray, at 
a quarter to five o'clock, lighting-up 
t 5:15, a year later, All Souls’ Eve, 
d to the souls of the dead suffer- 
ng in the fires of purgatory, Berti 
Bolger, benedic and bachelor, aged 
44, tubby, ruddy, graying, walking se- 
dately along the sea front, sees ahead 
of him the Imperial Hotel and stops 
dead, remembering. 

“I wonder!” he wonders and, N 
ing over the promenade's railing, sky 
blue with orange knobs, rusting to death 
since the 19th Century, looks down at 
the damp pebbles of the beach. "How i 
she doing these days?” and turns inland 
toward the town, 

At this ambiguous hour, few houses in 



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Bray show lighted windows. The season 
is over, the day silent, Iandladics once 
more reckoning th snoozing, 
ing of minute repairs, or pr 
а, The Billows. Swan 
Pecring ahead of him, 
Mr. В. sees, away down the avenue, a 
glow from a window and feels there- 

at the first, delicate, subcutaneous tingle 
has so often felt in the presence 

of some desirable object whose value the 
owner does not know. Nor docs he know 
why those rare lighted windows аге so 
troubling. suggestive, inviting, reject 
amiliar, foreign, like any childhood's 
nonesuch, griffin, mermaid, unicorn, 
hippogrilf, dragon, centaur, семей castle 
in the mountains where there grows the 
golden rose of the world’s end. Know- 
ingly, he ignores that first fu-oll glow, 
turns from it as from a temptation to 
sin, turns right, turns left, walks faster 
nd faster as from pursuing danger, un- 
til his head begins to swim and his heart 
to drumroll at the sight, along the per- 
of the familiar avenue, of a 
lighted roscate window that he knows he 
knows. As he comes near to Lorelei, 
hc looks carefully around him t0 be 
sure that he is not observed by some 
filthy Paul Pry who might remember 
him from that year of his socalled 
murriage. He slows his pace. He slowly 
stalks the pillar of his wife's house. He 
peeps inside and straightway has to lean 
inst the pillar to steady himself, fecl- 
his old dream begin to swell and 
swell his old disturbance mount, fear 
and joy invade his blood at the sight of 
her seated before the fire, placid, sel 
absorbed, her teacup in her hand, her 
eyes on her book, the pink glow on 
her three-quarter more than ever 
appealing, inciting, sealed, bonded, 

He has neglected her. He owes her res- 
titution. He enters the garden, twangs 
the gate, mounts the steps, rings the bell, 
turns to see the dark enfold the town. A 

ter of ine The Бев of the 


Egyptian pillars bearing, in 
ised lettering, the out otto of 

It's Berti 
“Hello, Maisi 
"I'm so glad you dropped in, Bertie. 

Come in. Take your coat off and draw 
up to the fire, It's going to be a shiver- 
ng night. Let me fix you a drink. The 
I suppose?” Her back to him: "As 
ter of fact, I've been expecting you 
every Sunday. Гус been waiting and 
waiting for you." She laughed. "Or do 
you expect me to say Гус been longing 

ed n 

and longing for you since you aban- 
doncd me last November?" 

He looks out, shading his eyes, secs the 
ndow opposite light up. They, too, 
p shade, 

the Naughtons 
n't it? It looks very cozy. 
Very nice. 1 sometimes used to think I'd 

there, looking across 

at you." 
She glances at it, handing him the 
whiskey, and then they sit opposite 

each other. 

“They're all alike, those bi 
Why did you come today, Ber 

“ls our marriage anniversary. 1 
didn't know what gift to send you, so 1 
thought 1 would just ask. Hello! Your 
mirror is gone!” 

“L had to put it back in my workroom. 
If you want to give me a present, give 


“Тауыш 1 never did 
did 12 Next Sunday, I swear! Cross my 
heart! ТЇ bring it out without fail. If 
the van is free.” 

In this easy way they chatted of this 
and that, and he went on his way, and 
he came back the next Sunday, though 
not with his m ime every 
Sunday month after month for tea ога 
drink. On his fourth visit she produced, 
for his greater comfort, an old pair of 
felt slippers he had left behind him, and 
on the filth Sunday а pipe of his that 
she had discovered at the bottom of a 
drawer. Не did not come around Christ- 

ing that Leslie would prefer to 
be alone with her mother. Instead, he 
spent it at the Imperial Hotel. In a bluc- 
paper hat? She refused to let him send 
them both to but she 

did let him send Leslie. For her own 
ter present she asked, "Could I pos- 
; Berie'—and he 

pr p his prom- 
ise, saying that someday she would be 
sure to give up dressmaking and not 
need it, and anyway, he was somehow 

id. after all, she had 
a mirror of her own, but he promised, 
theless, that he would give it to her 

soon. The music of the steam carrousel 
played on the front, the town became 
lish tour up and 

е prome- 

made, voices carried, and now 
he went for a swim before cı 
until imperceptibly it was autun 
with the rainy light fading 
four and her rosy window appe: 
him to come inside, and in her n 
Ба TOR e E 
m, and speculatively back 
hind him pouring his di 
were her husband and thi 
home. Jt was a full усаг а 

round the 
her he- 

in, and No- 

vember, and All Souls’ Eve, before she 
saw him drive up outside her gate ac- 

icd by his man Scofield’ in his 
nd-pink van, marked along its 
side in Gothic silver lettering worckx" 
ANTIQUES. Protruding from it was his big 
mirror, wrapped p. She 
greeted it from her steps with a mock 
cheer that died when Scofiekl's eye fit- 
ted from the mirror to her door, and 
from door back to mirror, and Бегіс 
me, and she did the same, 
1 three knew at once u 
ror was too big. Still, they tried, until 
the three of them, in the garden, were 
row looking at them- 
selves in it where it leaned against the 
1 privet hedge lining the avenue, 
cold wind cooling the sweat on Шей 

1 suppose,” Bertie said, "we could cut 
the bloody thing up! Or down!" 
remembering one of those many elegant, 
useless, disconnected things he 
learned school from the Benedi 
he quoted from the Psalms d s 
Christ about the soldi alvary dic- 
lor his garments: serunt sibi 
vestimenta mea et super vestem. meam 
miserunt. sortem." 

"Go оп!” he interpreted. “Сш mc 
frigging shirt in bits and. play cards for 
me jacket and me pants," which was the 
ign for her to lead him gently indoor: 
and make three boiling-hot toddies for 
their three shivering bones. 

He was silent as he drank his first 
dram, and his second. After the third. 
dram he said, ОК. this was it, he would 
^r come here again, moving with her 
nd Scofield to the window to look at 
his bright defeat leaning against the 
pant hedge of pi 

And. behold, it was glowing with the 
rosiness of the window and the three of 
them out there looking in at themselves 
from under the falling darkness 
wilderness of stars over town and s 
vision so unlike] 
inviting, promi 
g that he swept her to h 
her so long, so close, so tight that the 
next he heard was the pink-and-bluc 
an driving away down the avenue. He 
ed for reassurance to the gleaming 
imony in the garden and cried, 
ell leave it there always! It. brighi 
es everything more real!” 

At which, as well she might, she burst 
into laughter. "You bloody loon!” she 
Ч stopped, remembering cour 
bout how, at a certain season 
of the y. i or а woman looking 
imo the dark surface of a well may see 
there not his or her own eyes but the 
eyes of love staring up. 

“If that is what you really want," she 

i tly and looked out in awe at 
them both staring in. 


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n and held 


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people, places, objects and events of interest or amusement 


There's something about the term backstage tour that conjures up the 
image of brown-shoed chicken farmers and their wives from Hickory 
Corners, Michigan, being herded about by some tip-hungry cuff shooter 
with a toothpick in his mouth. In the case of Backstage on Broadway at 
700 Eighth Avenue in Manhattan, nothing could be further from the 
truth. Backstage really does take you behind the scenes for an 
educational as well as a leisurely look at what makes a Broadway or an 
off-Broadway production tick. And your guide is someone who's 
professionally connected with the theater world: perhaps a lighting 
director, a stage manager or even an actor between roles. There's plenty 
of time for questions, and if you're a student majoring in theater or 
communications, Backstage cn also arrange special tour package deals 
that are below the going 53.50 rate. Sorry, OA! Calcutta! has dosed. 


The next time you wake up 
with a jerk—having 
experienced some kind of 
premonition, that is—don't just 
roll over and nod off again, 
write the damn thing down 
and sen to Robert Nelson 
at the Central Premoi 
Registry, Box 482, Times 
Square Station, New York, New 
York 10036. Nelson's hobby is 
recording premonitions, and to 
date he’s logged in more than 
0— about one percent of 

which have been fulfilled. Some 
of the hunches sent to Nelson 
are pretty farfetched, but the 
wildest опе came from a 
contributor who fecls certain 
that Dr. Benjamin Spock will 
be appointed Secretary of 

Ih, Education and Welfare. 
-| But don't hold your breath. 


“Backward, turn backward, O ‘Time, in 
your flight," wrote American poetess 
Elizabeth Akers Allen bi 1860. And 

if she'd hung around until now, she could 
have got her wish by subscribing to a 
100-page digest-sized English magazine 
called Then, which reconstructs a single 
year from the past, reporting on major 

and minor events with direct quotes and 
illustrations from periodicals of the era. 

So far the staff of Then has covered three 
big ones—1848, 1901 and 1920; you can 
order them for $1.50 each or take a year's 
subscription (six issues) at $8.75 from 
Then Limited, 28 James Street, Covent. 
Garden, London. Now, if they could just 
invent a time machine, .. . 


Until recently, the wildest way to get high 
in Calgary, Alberta, was to enter its 

annual rodco aboard a bucking bronco. 
But no longer; not since the Intern: 

Hotel up there created a tasty new drink 
called The Godfather. The secret is to 
combine one ounce dark rum and one 
fourth ounce anisette in a rock glass, 

add ice and then fill with orange juice. 

It's a blast! 


If your idea of à great evening is to stretch out on the carpet with 
some popcorn and watch old movies, then you'll flip over Cinema 
Leo—a tiny theater an Diego, California, where up to 85 

film buffs can sprawl on the padded floor and dig Captain Blood, 
Gentleman's Agreement and other vintage flicks. As if that weren't 
enough, the management even throws in pillows to use as back 
rests. The price for an evening is just two bucks—and you don't. 
have to worry about finding gum parked under your scat. 


The kinky Clockwork 
Orange acrylic sweater at 
right costs $110. Why? 
Because the face of Malcolm 
McDowell and the elbow 
eyeball are created from an 
original painting by English 
artist Douglas Field and then 
appliquéd to the sweater in 
a limited edition of 150, 

So what you've bought is a 
wearable work of art. Others 
are available, and there's an 
American series coming up. 
Where to buy the sweaters? 
Jackie Rogers in New York 
or Mike Bain in L.A. 

So get it оп! 



Calendar art has exhausted 
just about every subject 

from puppies to male nudes. 
So there was nothing for 
Format Sales in Manhattan 
to do but come up with 365 
headlines culled from 121 
years of The New York 
Times. For nine dollars, 
postage paid, you can take 
your pick of а 15” x21” wall 
calendar or a smaller desk 
model and boggle your 
friends’ minds with 
historical data. 






When Robert Motherwell wanted a custom 
floor design created for his New England 
studio, he knew the man to call—Gordon 
Mayo, a 34-year-old entrepreneur who's made 

a million turning what's underfoot into 
resin-coated works of art. Although Mayo has 
specialists around the country who will pour 
you a standard floor covering at only $1.50 per 
square foot, he still makes personal appearances 
—creating any pattern you choose— provided. 
the price is right. Contact him at Research 
Laboratories, 2145 South Grand Avenue, 

Santa Ana, California. Signed and sealed, your 
far-out floor will cost you at least four figures. 


Having a last name that sounds like the 
terminal croak of an asthmatic frog has only 
helped increase the popularity of Jim Rumph, 
a prolific West Coast sculptor whose creations 
range from hideous one-of-a-kind demon 
candlesticks to mass-molded fertility mugs 
(below), which, for $8.50 cach, come with a 
grinning little creature lurking inside. Other 
evilnesses that have crawled from the mind of 
Rumph include Pornogarumph statues, The 
Family Called Nasty and even a chastity 
belt. Rumph's headquarters is at 10560 Main. 
Street, Fairfax, Virginia, but a word. 

of caution: Don't drop in unannounced. 




SEDUCTION ............... 7 

as a kind of being on the make, corre- 
sponding to his own fairly impersonal 
desire for sexual gratification. If she gets 

s a result of her dependence 


pon a man as an escort, neither. party 
thinks that she has anything grave to 
complain of. and yet a great wrong has 

been do 

For most young women who set out 
өп the dating road to marriage, petty 
таре is а constant hazard. The fact that 

ys for the night's entertain- 

ment, that he owns and drives the car, 
that he has initiated all that has hap- 
pened means by extension that he is also 
entitled to ini 

The. physi 
She would probably be disappointed if 
nifested no desire for her. but she 
the problem of not seem у 
с keeping him interested. His self- 
esteem prompts him 10 achieve as much 
s he cin before she dr 
c. The clement of petty 
when he threatens to throw her over 
she doesn’t come across or whenever he 
decides that he does not like her well 
enough to move gradually through the 
stages of intimacy as she desires them, but 
will force the pace to get as much as pos- 
sible out of an otherwise unsatisfactory 
мег. His use of the vocabul 
tenderness becomes fraudulent, He may 
even fake an excess of sexual desire. 
roup of law students at the first 
university 1 attended had a competi 

sce who could fuck the most women 
one semester; one ploy that they all 
ша k of heavy 
be if they were 
writhing in torments of desire. As they 
were after quantity and not quality, this 
not often the case. Tt worked very 
well in the main, but party because 
ing the class prero, 
geois and wi 


маз a tr 

disrupting the lives and expectations of 
women situated in less fortunate circum- 
stances, like the hero of My Secret Life, 
but more callously. 

The man who won that competition 
expert in exploiting womens 
nd vanity. amd their tenden 

themselves that the contact 
they were experiencing was a genuine 
personal encounter and not а crass 
poll He and his friends were 
y of the gestures of 
derness. but their use of them was ut- 
rly self-centered. They were simply ex- 
excising a skill like angling, drawing silly 
women to their own humiliation. The 
only way to earn their respect and 
ondship was to resist them, so they 

only encouraged toughness and sus- 
picion in this cold world. The girls they 
had had never realized they'd been vic- 
ms of petty rape until they grasped the 
ict that the first time was also the last. 
For such rich and handsome young 

10. delude 

men. petty rape was а sport that by vir- 
ше of their privileges they played with 
great success, There were occasional ugli 
ses that marred the lightheartedness 
their proceedings. One of them was 
ned with a paternity suit, but all 
nds turned up in court and testi 
fied that they had had carnal knowledge 
of the plaintill. and so he got off. In fact, 
they committed. perjury, but it did not 
disturb their sleep. 

The group-bonding skills of males wi 
ys defeat the interests of isolated 
women. Men will conspire to sec that 
acts of petty rape are successful. Many 
n would be appalled to le: 
how their most intimate behavi 
physical peculiarities are discussed by 
meu, and this supplies a further dimen 
sion of petty rape by blackmail. There is 
по point in resisting a man’s advances if 
he iy going to talk about how he had you 
зу case. especially when word is 
generally less respected than his. I was 
once pestered for three or four days by а 
detestable male chauvinist who explained 
my consequent dislike of him as pique 
because he refused to fuck me. When 

sex is an ego contest, women get fucked 
over all the time. 
Petty rape is sometimes called seduc 

which is not 
Pe or particularly damaging 
A woman who capitulates to а sedu 
considered to do so because she really 
wanted 10 or because she is too silly 
100 loose to know how to resist. И 
hr even be thought to be in her 
interest. to overcome her priggishness 
bout sex. The man who excuses his un 
loving manipulation of women's suscep 
tibilitics in ways such as these cannot 
honestly claim to have the women's in- 
terests at heart. His assumption that he 
knows what is good for them is over 
weening even il it is which it 
usually is not. 

Some men decide that it is their prero 
© to punish a woman in а sexual en- 
counter, either for her looseness or for 
teasing or for lying and evading the 
issue. The distortion of an 
spouse into a chastisement is. pathologi- 
cal, but not uncommon. An economics 
student, son of a high-ranking public 
official. boasted to me once that because 
girl had lied to him that she was men- 
struating, he punished her by raping 
her, buggering her and throwing her out 
of his rooms in Cambridge in the small 
hours of the morning. knowing that she 
would find no kind of transport to take 
her back to her home in the country. He 
had absolutely no understanding of her 
motives for lying to him. He believed 
she was stalling him; in fact, all she 
needed was time to build up a desire 
for intimacy that he was forcing on her. 
She could have walked out earlier, or 
screamed and brought the housekeeper 

arded as à contempt- 




scue. but rhat would have meant 
ı summary end 
developing relationship. Either 
course would have required positive hos- 
tility, which she simply did not feel. She 
had very litle understanding of the 
l hostility that he did feel, which 

о her 

underlay а good deal of his sexual re 
sponse, especially in casual alfairs 
The men who do cruel things to 

е not a class apart; they аге 
ly incapable of relating (o 
rly every case 1 have de- 
scribed, the details were told to me by the 
men, who explained their comparatively 
humane auitudes toward me as а result 
ob my own respect for myself and my 
own straightforwardness in sexual 
ters. both results of my unusually priv 
leged status as a woman: I was also older 
than most of them. But I have not en- 
tircly emancipated myself. from. the fe- 
male legacy of low self-image. sell-hatred 
d identification with the oppressors. 
which is part of the pathology of oppres- 
sion. The girls who have been 
ed in the ways that 1 have described 
the fault upon themselves. They think 
they must have made a mistake some: 
where. that their bodies have provoked 
disgust. that they were too greasy in 
their conversation. The internalization 
of the injury is what makes peny r 
such sidiously harmful 
against What the 
done is to exploit and so intensify the 
pathology of oppression 

Many petty rapists do not wittingly 
dislike women or hate them: they do not 
revenge themselves upon their mothers 
through other women's. bodies 

ious way. С 

not tot 
women. In n 


an offense 

womei men have 

п any 

oup-therapy sessions at 

t centers for sex offend: 
producing results that seem to indicate 
that repressed hostility toward the moth- 
is one of the most. commen uncon- 
ns for violent rape. But 


scious moti 

these conclusions ought not to be regard- 
ed as particularly enlightening: if an an 
alyst is seeking evidence of an infantile 

trauma involving women, it is almost in- 
evitably going to involve a mother or a 

^. It is small wonder that 
psychotic at- 


mercy of опе w 

iude to women 
thrown upon th 
almost exclusively during the for 
years between one and five. Women's 
hostility to one another may be ex 
plained by the same phenomenon. at 
least partially. Teachers anywhere, wom- 
en in authority over men in any capacity 
attract а good. deal of antagonism, some 
of which masquerades as aflection. 
There are other discernible 
for active sexual hostility in the male. 
Religions that rely upon guilt mecha- 
nisms for their hold upon the faithful 
build up an image of the female as 
occasion of he nuns at my Catholic 
primary school prepared the children for 
ping and being raped by treating even 


"Mr. Dickens has just invented the Christmas office party.” 




"Aud thats where babies come [rom. Now, do me 
а favor—dowt tell all your friends.” 

the littlest girls’ bodies as dire induce 
ments to lasciviousness, to the point of 
forbidding us to bare our upper arms or 
our collarbones, and begging us all not 
to look at our “private parts” even when 
we were washing them as perfunctorily 
s possible in the bath. This wanton 
stimulation. of sexual tension still goes 
on in religious schools. If scientology 
nd other forms of psychic manipulation 
for eventual co an he declared Ше 
some ion should be paid 
1o this process, enacted without fear of 
reprisal upon the very young. 
Undue aestheticism іп representing 
ior can also have harmful 
elfects. The ity of sexual fan- 
tasy as it is stimulated by commercial rep- 
resentations of the wom 
leaves many immature men unable 10 
cope with the eventual discovery that 
women do not fecl smooth and velvety 
all over. that their pubic hair exists and 
is not swan'sdown or vine tendrils, that 
a wom docs not smell like a 
bed of (Most. convicted rapists 
who have been subjected to any degree 
of analysis have shown aggerated 
dislike of menstruation.) For most men. 
ual experience begins and persists 
oughout the years of most intense Ji- 
s activity, the teens, as fantasy 
masturbation rather than actual 
ion with the object of 
their desire. It is not surprising. the 
that the 

sex object 

in hea 


tween the ego 

reality long after 
active sexual Ше has begun in ear- 
t the permissive society has 
fact, is merely the pre 
al fantasy, with 
по degree of emancipation of 
the sexes into genuine communication 
and mutual understanding. 
Women are mot yet consum 

rs ol 

commercial softcore pornogi 
do not have the same fetishistic attitude 
toward men's bodies ihat men h 
toward women's, Instead they are further 
alienated from the area of male sexual 
orientation by their own culture of ro- 
mantic fantasy. Attempts to duplicate 
the marketing of images of women’s 
bodies have been made with men's 
bodies without much success, and similar 
inauthenticities were represented. When 
my husband, Paul du Feu, posed for the 

phy: they 


gatefold in the British edition of Cosmo- 
vas found necessary not only 
with body makeup 

politan, it v 
to cover h 
hide his penis behind his upraised thigh 
but also to airbrush his navel and the 
les on his belly clean out of the 
ure. Men trying to understand fei 
reactions to the commercialized 
cotype of women ought to study 
their own reactions to the degradation 
and desexualization of Paul du Feu. 

Those wl women most аге 
often the most successful. womanizers. 
The connection used to be recognized in 
common parlance by the expressions 
ladykiller and wolf. Sylvia Plath de- 
scribes a crucial encounter with one such 
in The Bell Jar, leaving it to the reader 
to estimate the role that this humiliation 
plays Esther Greenwood's. eventual 


arco's small flickering smile re- 
minded me of a snake Fd teased 
i nx Zoo. When I tapped 
on the stout cage glass the 
snake had opened its clockwe 
jaws and seemed to smile. Then it 
struck and struck the invisible 
pane till 1 moved off. 

I had never met a woman hater 
before. T could tell Marco w: 
woman hater, because in spite of all 
the models and TV starlets in the 


room that night he paid attention 
10 nobody but me. Not out of kind- 
ness or even curiosity, bur. because 
Га happened to be dealt to him. 
like a playing card їп a pack of 
identical cards. 

Young Esther has no hope of beating 
Marco at the game he has been perfect 
5 most of his adult life. He sweeps aside 
her tremulous attempts 10 remain ind 
pendent. On the dance floor he forces 
her to give up all idea of independent 

u're a 

“What did 1 tell you 
breath scorched my car. 
perfectly respectable dancer 

T began to sce why woman haters 
could make such fools of wome 
Woman haters were like gods 
vulnerable and chock-full of power. 
‘They descended and then they dis 
appeared. You could never catch 

Marco’s excuse for treating all women 
like sluts is an impossible love for his 
first cousin (probably a narcissistic fan- 
казу), who is to become а nun, Alter hc 
has assaulted Esther, and she has partly 
beaten him off and he has partly given 
up. saying, “Sluts, all sluts . . . yes or no. 
it’s all the same,” Esther goes back to her 
sexscgregated hotel, climbs onto the 
parapet of the roof and feeds her ward 
торс to the ui ind. Marco has 
brought hier to the beginning of the end. 

In all cases of petty rape, the victim 
does not figure as a. personality, as som 
one vulnerable and valuable, whose 
responses must not be cynically tam- 
pered with. So great is women's need to 
believe that men really like them that 
they are often slow to detect perfunctrori 
n proffered caresses or the subtle 
age in attitude when the Rubicon 
has been crossed and the softening up of 
the victim can give way to unilateral 
atification, Not all woman haters can 
belie their feclings of hatred and con 
tempt successfully throughout 
encounter. When their situation is sc- 
cure—say. when they have the victim safe 
behind the hotel door and know that she 
is not about 10 run screaming. th 
the lobby in а torn dress—they may 
abandon all pretense of tenderness and 
get down to the business of hate fuckin 
and yet still the wretched woman 
tempts to roll with the punches. Her 
enemy may use physical and verbal 
abuse, even a degree of force to mike 
her comply with forms of sexual inter 
she docs not desire. Mostly 


s into an impersonal, mastur 
batory frame of mind. After the love- 
less connection is over, he cannot wait to 

get rid of her, either by giving her cab 
fare or shutting her out of his mind by 
going to sleep or pretending to. 

Guilt and disgust may follow. The 
man may be sorry that he went with 

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such an abject creature, but he will not 
blame himself for the poor quality of 
the sex he has had, any more than when 
he finds the woman unresponsive be- 
se her sexual submission has been ex- 
torted from her. If he is distressed by the 
crassness and perfunctoriness of the love 
he has made or embarrassed by the will- 
ingness and generosity of the Iove he has 
been given, he will abuse the woman in 
his mind. She is a dog, a pig. goes with 
anyone, is so dumb she wouldn't know 
you were up her till you coughed. Like 
the grand rapist, he excuses his conduct 
on the grounds that she asked for it. by 
her lewdness, her willingness to discuss 
sex, her appetite at dinner, the mone 

she made him spend, the dress she had 
on, the size of her breasts. If she has 
joyed and responded to caresses up to th 
point when they became brutal and then 
struggled to escape, then she is а tease 
who leads men on and then wi 

chicken out when he gets to the. nitty 
gritty. No punishment is too severe for 
а tease. 

Some men who are very well awar 
their own preference for force fud 
and their hostility to women may doubt 
that women's sensibilities are clevated 
enough to perceive their own humilia- 
tion, Feminists are at least beginning to 
spell it out for them, but too many men 
do not realize that the sloga 
to Rape" docs not so much re! 
rapes committed on the с 
streets of the cities as to the d 


y brutal- 

ization of contact between brother and 
sister, father and daughter, teacher and 
pupil, doctor and patient, employer 

d employee, dater and date, fi 
and fiancée, husband and wife, adulta 
cr and adulteress, the billions of petty 
liberties exacted from passive and wor 
dering women. The solution 
found in the 

not 10 be 
Hing of the 

in be caught and punished but in 
the correction of our distorted notions of 
the nature of sexual intercourse, which 
ationale of the law of rape 


© now struggling to discover 
and develop their own sexuality, t0 
know their own minds and. bodies and 
10 improve the bases upon which they 
n with men. 
The men who continue to assume that 
women must be treated as creatures who 
do not know what is good for them, to 
be cajoled or coerced or punished at the 
will of a stiff-standing cock, seek to im- 
prison women in the pathology of their 
oppressed condition. Some women are 
coquettish, although far fewer than the 
mythology of rape supposes: the only 
way to put an end to such fa gu 
is to cease to play the game, simply by 
g women at their word. The wom- 
n who says no when she means yes 


and so loses a man she wants will find 
à way to sec him again to tell him that. 

she meant yes all the time—if she really 
did mean yes that is. Jf she didn't 
really mean yes, then she is better left 

ny man who realizes that he likes 
screwing mutinous women, that he is 
bored at the prospect of balling only 
women who want him, had better be 
aware that he finds resistance and ten- 
sion essential to his satisfaction: He is a 
petty rapist and should lock to it. 
The al 

donment of the stereotype of 
uction, coi the chase 


ther than diminishing it. Once the 
course of sexual manipulation is 
ipted, the unexpected may occur, 

ішіпе erotic development. can 
place, Even the rapist author of My 
Secret Life. whose sexual activity was cn- 
tirely dependent upon the possibilities 
ob exploiting lower-class women, was 
e that coercion and insistence were 
not in his best sexual interests, eve 
when he had paid for the use of a wom- 
s body and was in some sense en- 
titled to it: 

A custom of mine then, and al- 
ways followed since, is putting down 
my fec—it prevents mistakes, and 
quarrels. When paid, if a woman 
will not let me have her, be it so— 
she veason—perhaps а 
good onc for me. 

Nothing that I have said should be in- 
preted to mean that no m should 
ke love to а woman unless he is 
prepared to marry her or to undertake а 
long and serious affair with her. A onc- 
night stand сап be the most perfect and 
g sexual encounter of all, as 
long as there is no clement of fraud or 
trickery or rip-off in the way in which it 
develops. If women are to free then 
selves from the necessity of deploying 
their sexuality as а commodity, then 
men will have to level in their dealings 
with them, and that is all we ask. There 
is still room for excitement, uncertainty, 
'onism in the development of 
ndship, but if you do not like 
us, cannol listen to our part of the con- 
versation, if we are only meat to you, 
then leave us alone, 

As women develop more confidence 
and more self-esteem, and become as 
supportive toward one another as they 
have been to men, they also lose their rc- 
luctance to denounce men for petty 
rape. Where before they respected men’s 
privacy а good deal more than men re- 
spected theirs (despite the phony claims 
of chivalry), they are now beginning to 
tell it how it is. A theatrical impresario 
well known for his randiness recently 
ited a b 

has some 

Uy tom 

ading women's 
is hotel for a business meetin 
amazement. for she had 
gambits long out of style, he leaped on 

her as soon as he had her fairly 
the room. She held him off until sudden- 
ly he ejaculated all over the front of her 
dress. Gone are the days when she would 
have slunk out behind a newspaper. Her 
dress is a museum piece of the women's 
movement in her country, and the joke 
will be around for years. 

Rape crisis centers are being set up by 
groups of women more interested in self- 
help Шап in vindictiveness. Here a 
woman who has been traumatized by a 
sexual experience cin соте for counsel, 
for medical and psychiatric help. She is 
not regarded as a culprit or challenged 
about the length of her skirts or the 
thickness of her суе make-up: her word 
is believed. as the first step to reco 
maged by sexual mis 
is encouraged to exter- 
nalize the experience rather than to en- 
ter ngs of guilt and shame, and 
she ight how to defend herself 
against future assault and. bru ion, 
суеп from her husband. who by law has 
the right of rape over her. Menstrual as- 
piration will also be practiced as the 
technique becomes better. known. and 
the instruments more widely available. 
Force fucking is being phased out. 

The new feeling of solidarity among 
women will render petty rape quite fu- 
tile. Wome to rejoice to 
think that their men treated other wom- 
єп badly cannot accept it once their 
consciousness is raised. A musician re- 
turning to his feminist old Tady alter a 
protracted tour abroad boasted that he 
managed to be faithful to her (some- 
thing she had never demanded) by та 
ing the adoring groupies give him blow 
jobs and then get out. He was proud 
that he had never even kissed one of 
them, let alone balled one. ‘To his amaze- 
ment, his old lady walked out on him. 

Women are finding, in the stirring 
of women's advocate Florynce 


crowd i: 

better than suckin’. 
ons may be liule more than ridicule 

Our weap- 

and boycott, but we will use them. 
Women are sick to their souls of Leing 
fucked over. Now that sex has become 
political. the petty rapist had better 
watch his ass; he won't he getting away 
with it too much longer, How would you 
feel if a video tape of your last fuck were 
playing at the Feminist Guerrilla cinema? 
We didn't start this war, but we in- 
tend to bring it to an honorable settle- 
ment, which means we have to make 
a show of strength sometime. People 
who are fighting for their lives fi 
any weapons that come to hand, so it 
is foolish to expect a fair fight. Sex be- 
becoming as public as any other 
expression. of politi 
time I write an article like this, FI tell 
you all the names. So don't say you 

A Christmas. 
gift suggestion 
for the man 
who has 
from OUI, 

the magazine for the 
man of the world. 

This Christmas, give him the world 
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deliver only about eight and a half 
octaves. For excellence of reproduction, 
the better headphones are hard to bi 

To the untutored eye, all headphones 
look more or less the same, but there 
are certain differences the buyer should 
know. One of the most important of 
these is the ear seal—that is, how well 
do the headphones seal out the external 
sounds of the room while at the same 
time scaling in the Grateful Dead or 
a Mahler symphony? Most headphones 
offer an almost-perfect seal that guaran- 
tees your own little sonic universe. Such 
phones usually have liquid filled ear cups 
that fit snugly around the cars and pro- 
vide a soundproof chamber eliminating 
all the sounds around you. 

Excellent, you say—but what if some 
people prefer being able to hear the 
phone ring or the doorbell buzz? 

The answer is “hew-through” head- 
phones that are equipped with foam 
carpieces that set on the car rather il 
fit snugly around them. The better mod- 
els offer excellent sound, but at the same 
time you'll be able to hear the other 
noises within the room. Though they 
dont provide a completely separate 
acoustical ronment, hearthrough 
headphones usually offer the ad 
‘of being somewhat lighter in we 
phones with complete-seal qu 

ies. And 
if you wish, you can always reduce the 

effective background level of noise 

| Dynamic 

(continued from page 155) 

the listening room by simply turning up 
the headphone volume. 

Since headphones vary in both weight 
nd design as far as саг cups and head 
bands go, try them on before buying— 
and spend enough time listening so 
you'll have an idea of what it's like 
to wear five-ounce headphones for half 
an hour as opposed to sets weighing a 
pound and a half. This is not to say 
that weight alone makes for comfort; 
one design that fecls like a feather to 
some people may strike others as having 
all the coziness of a bench vise. Head 
phones also diller in the length of cord 
attached. On some. it's long enough for 
you to wander from room to room, while 
with others you're limited to a dozen 
or so feet from the sterco set. 

An суеп more important difference, 
however, lies in the type of headphone 
itself. Most contain small сопсчуре 
speakers, much like those іп standard 
speaker cabinets but on a miniature scale 
They couple the music to the eardrum 
through the air cavity within the ear 
cup. A good bass response is achieved 
despite the tiny size of the speakers, be- 
cause the amount of air within the car 
cup that the speakers have to move is 
minuscule compared with the amount of 
air within a living room that a standard 
woofer has to shove around. 

Another type of headphone is 
on the electrostatic speaker, consist 



of a plasticfilm diaphragm suspended 
between two clectrical grids. Such head- 
phones are almost always more expensive 
than the cone or "dynamic" type—but 
they do oller exceptionally smooth re- 
sponse and a frequency range usually 
much greater than that of the dynamics. 
Electrostatic headphones come with trans 
former control units (polarizer boxes) 
that have to be connected to the speaker 
terminals of your receiver—you can't 
just plug them into the headphone jack 
оп the front panel of your set—and have 
switches that will tum on either your 

or the headphon 
lraphonics? Fourchannel head- 
phones are оп the market that, at the 
flick of a switch, will allow you to enjoy 
either regular stereo ot "surround sound” 
if you own a four-channel amplifier. All 
four channels are faithfully reproduced 
via two speaker clements in cach car сир. 

If you dig headphones, it’s also. possi- 
ble to purchase various accessoríes— 
extension cords, for example, as well 
as connector boxes so you can operate 
two or more headphones at once, allow- 
с your musical solitude. 
idphones frequently sound 
superior to standard speakers? With 
some, of course, it's the total exclusion 
of extrancous sound. And you're hearing 
the two channels exactly as recorded, not 
sitting ten fect away from the speakers 
with the sound bouncing off the hard 
plaster of your walls or being absorbed 
by drapes and overstuffed fur 
‘Through headphones, the sound is inde- 
pendent of room acoustics, which can 
make even the best speakers sound tinny 
or mushy. 

One last notso-obvious advantage of 
headphones: Through them, you cin 
listen to binaural reproduction; in fact, 
it is only through headphones that you 
сап hear binaural sound faithfully re- 
produced. probably the mos realistic 
reproduction of sound currently avail- 
able. One recent binaural demo record 
was made by constructing a model of the 
human head, drilling holes where the 
cars should be and inserting the record- 
ing microphones in them, so that micro- 
phone placement during recording was 
cars would have 
y t. Listening 
10 the record over headphones exactly 
duplicates the recording situation: the 
sounds of a basketball game and a string 
quartet recorded. in this fashion 
uncanny in their accuracy. 

It’s unlikely, of course, that if you 
own a stereo set youll want to listen to 
it only on headphones. But for the quiet 
hours or those times whi t to 
shut out the rest of the world while yor 
soak up your favorite sounds, they can't 
һе beat. The choice is wide. the cost is 
modest and the results can be astounding. 


п you w 

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Full electrics. The Harley- 
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A most responsive, beautiful 
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Sets you free. 

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Member Motorcycle Industry Council 

‘Harley-Davidson SS-350. 

Man Гедле A marran hyaadnam Machina 


NIRVANA BY THE BAY continued jrom page 151) 

the blessed blue, albeit polluted В; 

the other hand, 1 can found such 
nizations as the Ecological We: 
men, devoted to destroying ugly 
and concrete, and thus far mot lose a 
single member of my group (I'm alo 
the only member). A few years ago, in 
another great battle, I was cochairman, 
along with S. 1. Hayakawa, of the Аші- 
Digit Dialing League. Well, we've got 
nothing but digits now. You can't win 
them all. We voted in a city-wide initia- 
tive against the Vietnam war. The freaks, 
the artists, the conservationists, the litte 
old ladies and The Grateful Dead cime 
together to stop the Panhandle freeway, 
and we won that battle. We also cleaned 
up the oil slick on the beaches. We are 
not а sweet garden separated from the 
real world, like Italy, It feels here as if 
we are living real life, only in a more 
advanced stage. (ОГ course, Italy may 
feel the same way about hersell.) 

Take Project Artaud and Project One, 
warehouses to the people, They were 
defunct real-estate disaster arcas, gloomy 
brick and space in perish 
the town, What's valuable? asked а few 
revolutionary innovators. Well, for one 
thi Ks, space, windows, doors, 
rooms, rools—these things we love. The 
gloom we cin do away with. Artists need 
space, and so do galleries, film. makers, 

g parts of 

g br 

literary magazines, free schools, con- 
sciousness-raising women's groups. revo- 
lutionaryaction societies, Zen meditators, 
musicians (especially rock musicians, who 
tend er foundations and send 
neighbors to the emergency telephone): 
gropers and rappers need space, embryo- 
feeling orgs need space—people need 
spice. Dollars per square foot is a real 
issue, Project Artaud formed a соора 
tive, including automobile-repair gurus 
the courtyard, to take over the mori- 
bund buildings and give them to the 
people. spelled The People. at minimum 
1 basic metaphysic 
is countercultural 
estate ferment, and it works. Project One 
followed. Project Artaud, just as a few 
years ago the Frer Press lollowed The 
Barb. Home orgimic-food bakeries. yo- 
ghurteries, leather connivers. all the 
enterprises of the countercultural fe 
ment find an amiable environment south 
of Market in an old blue-collar, light- 
industry, heavyarucking part of town 
They even had a reading by Үсуш- 
shenko, with mobs waiting to support a 

to sl 

rents, plus occ 


sessions. TI 

new concept i 
times think they are all of San Francis- 
co, somewhat in the state of mind of the 
DuPont executive of the Thirties who 
relused to sponsor a Sunday-afternoon 

square footage 


radio program on the grounds that "On 
Sunday afternoon everyone. is playing 
polo." In fact, San. Francisco. is middle 
dass suivers. union people. dockmen. 
straight insurance clerks, Chinese and 
Japanese immigrants looking to make 
out OK, а kage black and chicano pop 
ulation—the usual mix of a great Ameri- 
can city. АП the turned-on minority do 
is what is most important: give the city 
tone and reputation, its style in the 
breeze of the mind. The flower children, 
the traditional bohemians and the polo 
players are merely the minority that sets 
the tone. Out in Daly City and South 
San Francisco, im the Sunset amd the 
Richmond. there are the standard-sized 
OK Americans who attend. services. at 
the First Church of Christ Discount 
(АП Prayers Guaranteed") and think 
Che Guevara is somebody girllriend. 
They are decent people who lead decent 
lives and read the San Francisco Exam- 
iner, lagship of the Hearst empire 

But the stroller looking for other 
news of the city might have found, say, 
the Physicians Exchange Pharmaceutical 
Service (PEPS) storefront оћсе оп Pow- 
el, along the cable-cir tracks. Iusid. 
instead of doctors or clerks, there were 
cots with freaks sleepi 
house wines, nothin 
happening. Once іп a while Га hang 
around. They'd give me collec and Vd 
feel so good. "Say," 1 might ask, "what 
are you chaps reall 

The shrugs were beginning. 

"Really, really doing? 

The shrugs were continuing. 

"Don't tell me, I dont want to 
know,” I added 

"OK. you're a friend, mumble, mum- 
ble,” they'd sry. They were all link. 
cadaverous fellows with beards like 
young Howard Hughes fresh out of San 
Jose State. There were bunches of pencils 
in their pockets. They would write little 
things down. sleep awhile. then write 
some more, They smelled the same and 
didn't speak much to cach other, in the 
fashion ol amily, as if they communi- 
cated by smell and didn't need to talk. 
They had the electronic-genius look. an 
indry smell. They read Mad mag 
ad the underground pres. and 
only occasionally 1 noticed a ravishing 
pink blonde girl waking up om the cot 
in the back room. 

"EP didn't hear 
response to an expl 

a dew drug 


word,” I said ii 
ation. 1 couldn't 

make out. 

Somehow it was nice to laze and ge 
fullle in that room, until one day it wa 
closed and sealed ву ORDER OF U. s. мак 
зим. and the beards and cots were gone 
And now it’s rented 10 a gift shop. 

Who, what, where, why, how? Weath- 
ermen. underground pres service. dope 
exchange, con rip-off freaks, kids playing 
send-away-lorsimples? A pure exercise 
lly didn't know. 

s and. nights. P; 

ris used to 

You can take aWhite Horse anywhere 


be like this. I remember the pretenders 
to the throne of Holy Russia. printing 
posters, plotting their White revolution; 
probably they still have an office in 
Montmartre, three-generation refugees 
from Lenin, 

Once I thought I saw the pink blonde 
girl on а cable car, but I couldn't catch 
her to ask what had happened, where 
our friends were meeting now. She was 
rubbing her chin in the collar of her 
suede coat. Perhaps that was a signal to 
me. I rubbed my own chin in response, 
but she just rode the cable car up Hyde 
Surcet to the su - Maybe I chose the 


graph hills at dawn? 
knights shrouded re the stock- 
who must be at work by seven 
AM. to keep up with Wall Street. When 
i o'clock in the morning in the 
1 of the soul of Manat 
night in San Francisco 
Scou. Fitzgerald; the young 
the death of the 
more, no ing on the pond. Bill 
Graham, bi 10, is an ancient San 
Francisco rock millionaire. Soon he'll be 
start: new mari 
new id see. It's 
The girl from PEPS may be haunting 
some other place, waiting for the next 
Federal padlock. (Or maybe she's hi- 

king a plane someplace. holding it 
for ransom, gett small denom- 
ns and tr whether 
sk for the hal the roast 
dinner) Tt does sometimes seem 
the heist artists have more style in S 
adseo: the check writer who keeps 
ing Bentleys (his psychiatrist says he 
has а Bentley fixation), the would-be 
rapist who rejected his victim at the last 

ute, morosely de: her 
ball breaker. А 
mit authorit 

to decide 

ut or 


o a nymphe 
cisco jury awarded her 
$50,000 for her psychic wounds. 
local porn producer m 
ired by this tragic episode 

and a San Fra 

judgment of 

c to all the 
lence, spite and 
A young actress raped at knife: 
point in the hall of her apartment house 
proceeded afterward to trudge upstairs to 
her flat, telephone her boyfriend and say: 
“A funny thing just happened to me. We 
could use it in an improvisation. . . ." 
Another well-known social lady had 
the following conversation with a rapist 
who invaded her house and forced her- 
self and her childre 

American troubles of v 


234 front of him: 

Rapist (as she reported the conversation 
to the police): Gosh, you're beautiful. 

Lavy: Well, Im a little overweight 
these days. 

plices held the family at bay. The rapist 
returned to the lady. 

Rarist: Would you like me to rape 
you, too? 

LADY: No, thank: 

‘The rape team then gathered up a 
few baubles and left. The lady reported 
to her friends аг the leader. stopped 
ping the maid when his accomplices 
approached. “And I think that shows 
glimmer of sensitivity in the man, don't 

don’t mean to imply that random 

violence, drug fiends and sexual ten- 
sions are just cute in San Francisco. But 
they sometimes seem lo be different. 
When D was slugged on the neck by a 
disappointed. stock-market investor, and 
knocked sprawling into Montgomery 
Street, his fist question as I came up 
was why at hadn't lived up to its 
early promise. [t had gone up. then it 
went down, then up again, and now 
back down. How can you count on a 
who recommends a stock 

deserved to be hit because 1 
exphin it to him, either. 1 
showed a glimmer of sensitivity in the 

man that he didn't stab me, too. 

I did bc- 

cause my w 

t mind getting married, 
le told me to go on w g 
in North Beach. 11% good for the legs. 
wind and  cardiovascu and 
therefore the heart: my soul is aired in 
fogs salted by the sea, peppered by bu- 

п spices; and although not the same 
Га not what you'd call prowling any- 
-I have а new perspective on the 
Ius 4 
y Const, the In. 
on Broadway, up. 


in the B 

and down Columbus and Gram. where 
ghosts, artists. tourists, pimps and 
would-be pimps, dealers and dealecs, 
marks and targets wander the time-la 

For example, Ken Rand, proprietor of 

the Minimum Daily Requirement café 
had a liule problem with the speed 
j hores, two-bag bu: 
men, runaways and pouting poets who 
hang out without buying more than 
collec. One evening he just got fed up 
with this nearalbino lady, very ugly, 
about 99: huge doughnut buttocks, whit- 
ish hair a dite darker at the roots, 
complexion of blah and bump. about 10 
pounds overweight, poorly distributed. 
She looked like a girlfriend of Baby Doc 
Duvalier, I thought (I had just come 
home from a stroll in Portau-Prince). 
She was talking too much, and she 


wasn't talking to anyone visible, Ken 
approached her with his neat, 
chioed suave (he attended various East- 
ern schools and enjoys his scene with 
а certain Charles River hauteur). “АП 
tight, Marlene, you should go someplace 
else now 

She said, “Unh.” 

“Come on, Marlene, let's give us а 
rest. Let's move, Marlene. ГІ walk you 
to the doo! 

“Unh.” This was half of unh-unh. 

He took her by the elbow, firmly, 
between several fingers, and urged her 

forward. She flounced. She was not 
wearing a miniskirt, shielding half the 
squeezed, puddled doughnuts: she w 

wearing some kind of semi-Bermud 
shorts and bare feet. Ken's pressure 
around elbow got through to her, be- 
cause she was angry, but he walked, still 
gracious and smiling, as far as the door 
with her. Whereupon sh red, stared 
balefully out of eyes d 
eyes made oinks, and x 
nile es iere wag по ове T 
there was plenty, but nothing else. She 

took a breast and, still fixing Ken with 
that silent oink, lifted it between sud- 

denly skillful fingers. And shot him a jet 
of milk straight between the eyes. 

Ken recently closed the M. D. К 
opened the Sand Dollar, a relaxed and 
nt seaside restaurant in Stinson 
ich, down the coast a few miles [rom 
North Beach. 


I get up in the morning and it's once 
more time to go where the city leads 
me. Another day of Halloween in that 
American place where fluent bohem: 
spoken. A piece of st 

Richard Brautigan is writing а poem. 
about a girl with hair down to her ass 
and everybody wants her, and there is 
Richard Brautigan, lonely with his bra 
dy on the terrace at Enrico's, looking to 
find the girl he has just written about. 
The parade of girls with hair down to 
their asses passe 

I am an antigua. I too 
there alone, inspired by the sight of 
Richard Branigan, but determined. not 
to write a poem about girls with hair 
down to their asses. 1 writ 

am sitt 

The anti guru. 

Stood on the mountain 

ended his arms 

10 the masses below. 


And cried 
Jo not follow me: 






(continued from page 107) 
time I did, he started in on me. It's his 
fight now (and he insists). His guilt. 

Gun control: When guns are outlawed, 
only police and the National Guard will 
have guns. Legislation doesn’t seem the 
way to keep weapons out of the hands 
of murderers. 

President's council on drugs: Y was go- 
ing to write to them when I saw the foot- 
ball stars urging me to do it, because I 
figured. it meant you didn't have to give 
up drugs to join the fight against them. 
But I got high instead. 

Space-program spending: If they really 
wanted to free this money for other use, 

I guess they would take a shitload of 
envelopes to the moon and let the 
world's stamp collectors underwrite the 


Exploitation of women: We've already 
figured out who's doing what to whom, 
now жете just haggling over price. ГЇЇ 
pay anything. 

Television violence. 
after the news. 

Lack of blacks on the PGA tour: 
Wasn't sure they'd thank me if I joined 
the fight and we were successful 

The Irish rebellion: А soccer match out 
of control. I don't even like the sport, 
but evidently they are crazy about it. 

War toys: Was going to buy the kid 
à Bible but couldn't figure out whether 
to give him the Catholic or the Protes- 
ant version. When he saw the problem, 
he asked for a plastic 50-caliber semi- 
automatic antipersonnel weapon and 1 
bought it for him. 

Always a relief 

Voter registration: Someone told me 
that when 1 failed to register, 1 ceased to 
be a significant person 10 R s 
nd George McGovern. Which makes the 
three of us (аһ, democracy) even. 

Water-shortage crisis: I think when it 
gets bad enough. they'll stop watering 
the graveyards. Then I'll adjust my toilet 

Powershoage crisis: You give them 
nd Canyon and they still aren't 
ppy- Let them cat candles. 
Legalization of marijuana: Will just 
give the Surgeon. General funds enough 
to link it with cancer. I'm happy with 
"possible brain damage." 

Dog crap in our city streets: Solution 
here is to teach dogs to use toilets so that. 
their shit, like ours, сап be dumped into 
oceans and streams, where no one will 
step on it, 

Nuclear testing: Finally, someone does 
something about the weather and there 
s nothing but bitching. 

Compulerization of society: There ік 
no such thing as a mean. sniveling, petty 
ог corrupt computer—which makes them 
an attractive alternative to the bur 
ats they are replacing. 

Organized erime: 
essary and in general а 

Unknown long-range effects of pollu- 
lion, preservatives in food. use of DDT, 
use of drugs, noise pollution, etc., ete. 
ele.: The long-range effect of life on this 
planet is well known to be death and the 
tip would be a lot more pleasant i 
everybody carped less over little things 

along the way. 

“All of them!” 


(continued from page 135 
suggested that the way to overcome 
shortness is to die a war hero, saving big 
soldiers.) More attention began to get 
paid to a group founded 15 years earlier, 
the Little People of America, long con 
sidered too militant and radical because 
of their underfive-foot requirement. 

Activists in the movement agree that 
the most important task they face is 
muting internal debate so that an in 
an be forced to confront 
mental heightism. 

Actor Billy Barty, founder and former 
president of the Lite People of 
ica, has been feuding with his coll 
Michael Dunn. Barty feels Dunn 
taining derogatory stereotype! 
people. Dur 
Tom Thumb. 

Even worse than such name-calling is 
the tendency 10 height worship that is 
displayed by some sawed-olls. Whe 
Mickey Rooney brags about his d 
dren, what tops the list is their heigh 
One is 64”, another 63". Even worse 
is Laugh-In’s 5417 Arte Johnson: 

Manied to a woman 57”, Johnson 
consons with known basketball players 
and has even tried to become an oficial 
in the notorious National Basketball 

Lowering consciousness: As the move 
ment spreads, America's small ones will 
be made more aware of their oppressioi 
through consciousnesslowering sessions 
in which participants will be urged te 
keep the following points in mind; 

+ Never respond to salutations like 
“Hiya, shorty" or "Right on, runt. 

+ Do not look up at tall people. Stare 
them right in the belly. Make them look 
down. Back away, if necessary. 

= Never reach up to shake hands 
Stick your hand out mo higher than à 
90-degree angle, even if it means hitting 
someone's fly. Make the humiliation his 

* Never det tall people stoop to kiss 
you. Back off and suggest they first get 
on their k 

+ Never 

of litde 
feels Barty is an Uncle 

stand on tiptoe [or 
кез as this encourages 
subconscious stereotyping. Under 
the implicit bias built ino whatever 
youre tempted to reach up lor. De 
mand, instead, that it be lowered. Tear 
it down, il necessar 
Standing small in the saddle: In or 
der to publicize the movement, activists 
have decided to give annual awards for 
outstanding work in the field. 
The Alexander Stephens Awa 
Diminutive Dignity will be given in 
honor of the Confederacy's. Vice-Presi- 
dent. Never topping 100 pounds, Ste- 
phens was once informed by a hulking 
lyrannosaur of a Congressman: "Why, 




I could swallow you and never know I'd 
In that 

case.” replicd Stephens, 
more brains in your belly 
ad in your head." This 
year's Stephens Award goes to: 

Dick Сакен Не replied when asked 
if he was self-conscious about his height 
(56^). "No. but Fm self-conscious about 
other. people's." 

The Alin Ladd Only Partly Selling 
Out Award en in honor of one of 
Hollywood's few short leading 
Though he allowed himself to be placed 

н platforms before kissing lady stars, 
add did not perpetuate little-man ster- 
The Ladd Award winner this 



accept lint 
he stands у 
down the offer of а TV s 

wouldn't cl his name to Billy 
A special John Brown Friend of the 

Movement Award is given this year to: 

Burt Pretutsky—the West ma 
columnist who w 
never tiken any write 

I personally h: 
above the h 


"Hell of a ceremony, Harvey." 

of 57” seriously, Tm not certain just 
how it is that height destroys their tal- 
ent, but I suspect that they're constantly 

bumping their heads on things." 
A petit point plan: The following fivc- 

point program should liy a founda. 

tion for the movement to redress short 


1. Proportional representation for Jit 
tle people. The movement will be or 
ganizing to bloc-vote toward this end so 

there сап be more candidates like 
Brother George Wallace and Sister 
ley Chisholm. the five-foot Brook 

Bombshell. For 1976. visionaries antici- 
pate а Chisholm-Wallace ticket the na 
tion can get under. 

2. A boycott of heightist institution 
Thom McAn Shoe Stores, lor 
have be 
“IE you want people to start looki 
to you.” Picketi 


of John. Wayne and 
Vanessa Redgrave movies n 
taken, demanding that they be rated T. 

be under 

3. One basket on every basketball 
court to be converted to a hole in ih 

1. Lower urinals. It is unconscioi 
a small man should have to 


upward in the performance of his bodily 
functions. Likewise with library shelves, 
ba counters and public telephon: 
Dangling from a receiver cord robs little 
people of their dignity. 

5. An Equal He Amendment, 
eliminating size as a requirement for any 
employment whatsoever, АШ job inter- 
views must be conducted over closed-cir- 
cuit television, focusing only on the f; 

Some members of the movement's 
Piranha Brigade ("Small but Deadly") 
ive morc extreme agendas, such as seiz- 


g Rhode Island as a sanctuary for 
small. citizens and requiring mandatory 
birth contol for anyone over 5%”. So 

far. there is little support for such pro- 
posils. So fur. 
But to lower ihe consciousness of an 

apathetic indeed, require 
drama ас. And ounce 
the sky bı 1 with the glow 
of burning clevatorshoe factories, the 

American. people—espe 
six fect—should lîst 
OI the Bi 

Му those over 
п for а new, angry 





(continued from page 144) 
the way he looks: So he lost a game, big 
deal. Al y Dapper Dan ground 
out that there's no way his nerve 
can last. Later Mizerak admitted that he 
wasnt worried about losing the first 
game. He wasn't exactly certain he was 
even trying his best to win it After all, 
DiLiberto gave him enough shots. When 
asked why he didn't take advantage of 
those opportunities. he just shrugged 
Besides, the rules favored him. In dou- 
ble eliminations, the challenger needs 
more victories than Ше defender, In this 
case, DiLiberto needs to win two games: 
if Mizerak wins опе, he xc 
With Mizerak it's just a m 

cool and wait 

the w 


ins the title. 

iter of keep 
Anyone who 

When the second g 
rak has cha 
aber coat 
always, wears 
One ol Mizerak's oper 
ke two b 

шей from a dı 

nd dies Dappe 
blue coat, still dean 

ig moves ds to 
nk shots in a row, 
nd, in a way. defiant gesture 
parable to hitting а home run with the 
handle of a bat. By the time Mizerak. 



misses for the first time, the tension is so 
great that he and Dan begin talking to 
cach other, unheard of in tournament 
pool, even when the players know each 
other. At one point, Dan is left with a 
shot he cannot reach over the unbroken 
pack—even by sticking one mechanical 
bridge on top of another to elevate his 
cue. Aier nutes’ deliberation, 
he decides to try it one-handed, leaning 
all dhe way across the length of the table 
and jabbing at the cue ball with liis stick. 
“I hope you make it." Mizerak says. 
“Га ouly trying te help. you.” Dan 
Inevitably, Mizerak wins with a he: 
breaking score of 150 10 18, barely more 
than rack lor Danny. 
movement is too sure, his 

several n 



сайт. Even before the last ball finds its 
perfunctory way to the pocket, on an 

87-ball run. onc that Mizerak's 
mind is already turning toward Perth 
Amboy, where he’s still tying to break 
85 on the local golf couse. As far as 
pocket billiards goes. he'll be back at the 
tournament this year. Until then, he 
doesn’t much want to be bothered with 
Title colored balls on а cloth-covered 



“Nine orgasms! And you complain about 
not having equal rights!” 

digger’s game 
(continued from page 116) 
the pardon comes through. And it's a 
good thing, тоо, because Malloy’s got 
trouble hanging on. "Now we got to get 
n арр says. D say: What the 
hell we need an appraiser for? Tell me 
what it's worth. PI pay it! He says: We 
don't need an appraiser, you need an 
appraiser. You want to get on the license 
don't you? ON. Пе telly me, fifty-four 
к. appraised value, Now the appraiser 
comes in. He looks around, ‘Fifty-four 
housınd. he says. He was here proba- 
bly inutes. Two grand he 
charges. D thought that was kind of 
high. I said: ‘You work pretty fast.’ He 
says, old hundred-aaminute, ‘Im an 


expert appraiser, Been at it а long time 

particularly bars and re: 
сше, hars what does it 
«| Mulloy says "Another thing that 
Mis broha the 
Now yowre gonna get on the 


does it: indaw's on 

“L think Malloy was probably dead 
about a month,” the Digger said. "He 
didn't list long after he got things taken 
care of the way he wanted. 1 go see my 
fat fuckin brother. Just by way of no 
wm. he says: "You might've thanked 
me, getting the pardon and all, you 
іш so well I said: "Thanks? 
the hell for? АШ you did was send 
the thief around. I paid the five” He 
says: “What five. I tell him. Turns out 
he paid а guy a grand. So I ask him, 
the Rep? Sec, the same thing, Fm will- 
ing w go the five, he still shouldn't b: 
the brother out of the grand. 
deed. he says, no such thing. It's 
guy. Thats їшшу, 1 think, and I tell 
him about the Rep, and he says: ‘Well, 
1 think probably Fm gonna check that 
out" Aud he docs. 
nother telephone. call, 
. “Тһе Rep again. Will 1 
meet him? 1 meet him. I meet him 
Parker House. He says: "E certainly want 
to thank you, the loan. you give me, and 
now E want to pay you back.” Hands me 
this envelope. Five-thirty in it. I count it 
«LI say: "Here's thirty back. I loaned 
the five.” He gets this dumb expres- 
face. “Oh, yeah, 


h' he say 
"now 1 remember you. you cheap luck. 
You should've called à cop," Har- 
ston said. 

7] could've,” the Digger said. "I could 
who've called the ghinny Pope in his 
fuckin’ bubbletop limousine, I could've 
done that. too. Would've done me about 
as much good. 

“Хом. you look at that,” the Digger 
said. “The Rep, the guy with the 
brotherinlaw, my fine fat brothe 
What does he produce? Every single 
mith for fourteen years I been sendi 
Malloy ihreefifty. Gimme a few 
more years, 1 own this place, the w 
the deal finally worked out. "Те place 

took care of O'Dell’ Malloy said to me, 
"it took care of me aud it'll take care of 
Evvie and take care of you. Take care 
the place, Digger.” He was right. I took 
care the place. I worked like ard. 
1 produced. My brother, he's just as big 
he's got to eat a lot—you got to 
. you weigh two-ninety—whar 
he done? | eat at home, what the wife 
cooks. He's throwing down the lobsters 
the Red Coach. He's got a пісе 
Electra Twoanda-Q. I got to hump it 
ound, find something used that 1 can 
aflord. After 1 find it, 1 get hell for 
buying it. He's gor the place down to 
Onset, his cottage, it’s got eight or nine 
a couple baths up and one down. 
ауа cottage. I got three boys and a girl 

as me, 
at а lo 


and 1 practically got to hock the Social 

y to get half a bath in th 
the pantry was. I got a house. He's 
two-car garage, 1 got no ga 
the summer, I get the 
Morgan's lawn, which he never cuts 1 
had in the winter. The snow and all, it 
looks better in the winter. In the winter, 
my fuckin’ brother's down to Delray for 
a couple weeks, I sce where he goes to 
id in the fall. Now, what ] want 
to know is this: How come them guys? 
How come them guys and not ше? 
ington drank some beer. “You're 
our joint.” he said. "God's pun 
you. Pretty soon you're gonna get 
ir on. your hands and moles on your 
face and pimples on your ass. Every- 
body'll be able to tell. Don't do your 
brains any good, either. Keep it up. 
you're gonna turn simple, and you don't 
ther, you was to ask 
hers and filty H 
id а good act of contrition. Our 
Blessed Mother don't go for your filthy 
habits, you know. 
Fuck you,” the Digger stid. 
tened to you plenty of times. АШ I was 
doing was thinking out loud.” 
"You listened 10 me” 
said, "E was buying the beer 
Now you know what Fm gon 
do? lm gonna go h 
ing. the kind of d 
md w 

That's the 
that buys the beer does the 

ome. You're think- 
ing you do, 1 dont 
en vou do it 

Ar 1130, the Digger 

dosed up. The 

small man with gray hair took а long 
time locating his jacket and lunch box. 
“For the love of Mike, will you come 

the Digger said. 

"Some son of a bitch stole my рар 
the small man said, “I «ішігі even finish 
reading it. I think I had about half a 
beer since I get in here this after, and 
now some son of a bitch steals the 


ul" the Digg 
door, "Fm not pay 
No money. Tl 
no dough." 

“I was on my feet about six hours 
the small ma 

said, holding the 
ng you. Got tha 
ks for your help, but 

п said. 

“You were on the tap for six hours. 
100," the Digger said, “I loan you money 
nd you don't pay me back. You're into 
me for thirty or forty bucks and I never 
sked you for it and you never paid me 
back. You come home from the tack 
nd you're tapped out and I stand you a 
couple beers and I listen to you. what 
horrible luck you got, and then I give 
you five, you don't have t ask the old 
dy for carlare, she's gonna. know you 
se. And you always take it. Now the 
ng for you to do is, shut the fuck up 
Wd go home. 

10 Copley Square 
and parked his car in front of the public 
He entered the Boylston garage on 
the St. James side and took the eleva- 
tor to the third tier. At row D, he found 
a mustard-colored Coupe de Ville with a 
gold-vinyl roof, It had Maryland. plates. 
The Digger wied his wquue-butted 
key in the driver's side door. Di worked. 
Tt also worked in the ignition. He drove 
the Cadillac down the ramps to the exit. 
There was а sleepy kid in a blue Fisen- 
hower jacket on dut 
“I lost my check.” the Di 
the attendants booth there wi 
"You gota pa 
. "Thrcedifty." 
Here,” the Digger said. He presented 
a fivedollar bill. The kid gave him 
change. “Thats a жеміне the Di 

said. On 

y the max," the kid 

the whole act if y 
ou get undressed and every 

“I know," the 
At Logan International Airport the 
Digger took the ARRIVALS l nd put 
the Cadillac into an стру space in 
front of the grounddevel е to 
United nes, He got ош of the car 
and locked it. At the top of the escala 
tor, he tu left nl 
the bar. He found а short, swarthy man 
seated m a table for iwo at the 
windows. He sat down. He put the key 
in front of the m: 

"Where is it?" the man asked. 

“Right down to the mete 
ger said. "Right down in front. 

"You were supposed to pur it inna 
regular garage.” the man said. 

“He didn't tell me that.” the Digger 
said. “He said: "Leave it in front of the 
United terminal and take the keys in^ 
That's what E did." 

“There's liable to be " 
€ nmooper watchin’ it, I go out.” the 
man said. 

“Thats your problem." ihe Di 
said. "You should take it up with him is 
what I chink. 

"I don't give a fuck what you think.” 
the man said. "Key ОК 
up." the Digg 
"OK." the n ng 10 get up. 
The Digger grabbed him by the left 

1 could make 

Digger said. 



the Т 

some fuc 

"So I told thi. 


1 make a lot of bread апа 
she got real friendly. . . . 



240 start olf first-class. 

rm and the man sat down agi 
There’s another thing he told me. he 
told me you were gonna have some 
money belonged to ше. 

"You get that from him,” 

the man 

"You can get your arm fixed over 
10 the Mass. General,” the Digger said. 

open all night, they never 
dose, Your face, too. The Boston City's 
open all night, 100, they got an emer 
gency room, but guys 1 seen afterward, I 
was to make a choice, if E was you I'd go 
the Mass. General. Get up five hundred 
and save the beef on the Blue Cross is 
my advice.” 

“Two hundred.” the man said 

“Five hundred," the Digger said 
"This was hunyup, and йз not my 
usual line of work. I did it, I said I'd 
do it, the five. Gimme the five, I break 
nose so you know 1 mean 

“You got to leave go my am,” the 
п said. 

“TH leave go,” the Digger 
keep it in mind, D cm 
enough I caught you the first time. 
Nothing funny, the next time I get you, 
you're gonna need treatment.” The Dig- 
ger let go. 

The man reached into his left-hand 
pants pocket and removed a few bills. 
He put them on the table and started to 
iddown," the Digger said, 

The man sat down, The Digger count 
ed the bills. "OK id. "yor " 

“Thanks a whole fuckin’ bunch," the 
man said. 

“Don't give me no shi 
said. "I know who you are. I know what 
your fuckin’ name is and 1 know what 
you fuckin’ do, 1 got a dime or so and 
you tried to screw me, I decide 1 want to 
drop one of them dimes, call. somebody 
I know in P. D.. you 
need more'n one Cadi 
greasy ass.” 

Fuck you,” the n 
to get up again, warily 

“Ies OK," the Digger said. “I'm satis 

id. “You 
move fast 



," the Digger 



lac то save your 

a said. Hc 

fied, You can go now. Ch iny 

“I could Kill you, you know,” the man 

I don't know any such fuck 


thing,” the Digger said. “You eve 
a pass at me, well, you better make а 
good one is all. You'd be lying inna 
window down to Tessio's before the sun 
come up, and I'd be having a beer on 
your luck, Fuck oll." 

The short, 
Digger beckoned 
“Wild Turkey, id. "Double." 

“It’s almost closing, id 

“Two Wild Turkeys.” the Digger said. 
“I gotta ride the trolley, I might as well 



thy man left. 
pock-faced wai 

she s 

In the Hoodlights on the apron of 
the terminal to the north, two priests 
escorted а large number of middle-aged 
people toward a Northeast 727. Each of 
them Guried а TAP fli white 
and red. 

pe bà 

The waitress сате back. 
drinks on 

ıe put the 
"Ehiec-ift she 

the table. 

eger put a five on the table. 
“Keep il,” he said. "Whats that?" 

“Pilgrimage, most likely" she 
squinting, “Those’re Portuguese Airlines 
bags. They connect with TAP in New 
York. Probably going to Fátima,” 

The Digger watched the passengers 
straggle aboard after the waitress had 
left, He finished the first Wild Turkey 
and raised the second to his lips. “Jesus 
Christ,” he said to himself, "I think I'd 
rather take the trolley.” 

“Is that fuckin" paper here yer?" The 
Greek began talking as soon as he had 
shut the door of the sparsely furnished 
office of The Regent Sportsmen's Club. 
Inc, on Beacon Street, Boston. His 
black hair was shiny from recent. wash- 
ing; more black hair bloomed from un- 
der the collar of his white polo shirt. 

^" said Croce Torre, alo 
ic Toney, "I meant to 

great thing you 

Толеу had a 

known as R 
tell you before what а 
are to start off a week. 
belly. He was grinning. 

"Look," the Greek. said, “the start of. 
the week's most of the week. in my end 
of things. 1 got today and I got tomor- 
row to get this new stuff squared away 
so сап take саге my regular business. A 
week and а hall's already lost. The long 
er T wait, the more shit I get. I finally go 
around. I mean, I can't hack around the 
of my life with this goddamned 
? We're gonna do it, for 
Christ sake, let's do it.” 

On the other side of the office, Miller 
Schabb gray-metal desk and 

sat at 

muttered into the telephone, "Yeah, 
Herbie, yeah, T hear yon. I know, it's. 
22. Yeah, the busy season, Well, there's 

another season, too, Herbie, isn’t there, 
not quite so busy. You told me about 
that one yoursell. Nobody in the world 
wants airplanes then, You get my р 
I'm still going to be wanting airplanes. 
That's if I get my airplanes now. You 
can't give me airplanes now, when I 
nt them, you're not going to sce 
much of me later on. you follow me?” 
"Look" Torrey said, “I don't run 
the U.S. Май, you know? The stult just. 
got here. It come in, it was here the 
st thing. Must've, maybe it come іп 


"Well" the Greek said, “OK. Let's 
have it so we can sec what we got to 

work with here.” He removed his blu 
and.white-cord sports jacket, His biceps 
stretched the woven fabric of the polo 

shirt into а coarse mesh. 

Tow old're you, Creek 

Forty-one,” the Greek said. " 
the fuckin’ paper, will you? 

“Miller's got the paper,” Torrey said. 
“He wanted to look it over. He'll be off 
in a minute, so calm down, for Christ 
sake. You lived forty-one years, you look 
great, you can afford a couple minutes. 
Sit down and relax. Christ, 1 wish to 
God. I'm thirty-one and I wish to God 
T looked as good as you do.” 

The Greek rubbed his middle. It w 
flat. “You don't look like 1 do because 
you don't work at it like I do.” 

Schabb said: “Thats right, Herbie. 
Now you're gening the idea: When you 
got airplanes up the gazoo, I'm going to 
be a nice fellow to know, No, Herbi 
no, 1 wouldn't threaten you 

“The first thing I do, every morning,” 
the Greck said, “over to the Y. I'm there 
they open, seven o'clock, I play 
Il an hour. Swim half a mile. 
ake а little steam, then 
nd I shave, I get dressed, I go 
over the diner in the square, bowl of 
Total and black coffee. Good solid meal 
and it don't put any fat оп you, some- 
thing happens and you haven't got time 
for lunch, you're still all right. Three 
s I've been doing that. Sec, you get 
older. you got to do something, I didn't. 
use to have to do anything аг all, keep 
in shape. Now I dı 

“1 couldn't take that," Torey said. 
“You probably have to get up about six 
to do that.” 

‘Six-thirty or so," the Greek said. 

"Yeah," Toney said, "well, sce, I 
couldn'tve done that today. Last night, 
Sunday night, OK? Nice quiet night. I 
was married, 1 didu't use to do any- 
thing Sunday night. Watch the tube or 
something. But last night, I'm down to 
Thomasina’s there. White dam sauce. 
Few drinks, couple bottles of w hen 
we go up the Holiday, very good group 
up there. Pick up this 
my place, she's got to make an omelet, 
OK? By now, two in the moming. 
Cheese omelet, little more white wine, 
time we finish cating the omelet, йз 
alter three-thirty. 

“Then you ate he id. 
“Then it’s almost four . No, you're 
right. You couldn'rve got up with me.” 

“There a 
Torrey said. “I don’t sty 1 did 
know, but if I did, that won't put any 
weight on you. 
schabb said: “No, Herbie, no Electra. 
You put an Electra out there on the end 
of the ramp. half my trip's going to sce 
it and blow ri; vay. "Oh. no, Mill, 
not that colle ‘Them 




irl, we go back to 

rt lories in mulli 


I don't care what they did to them, th 
still got a reputation. You got 10 give 
me a jet, Herbie. 

“Just kind of a degenerate is all 


Greck said. "You're a fuckin’ degener- 
с, Richie. 1 dunno how you can look 
the fuckin' mirror in the morning." 
“My friend," Torrey said, "it was a 
good enough night, 1 can't. I can't even 
sec the mirror. Last Wednesday, there, I 
go to the ball game. Then afterward we 
go to this club, all the college kids and 

Whynt you hang around play- 
wounds or something?" the Greek asked. 
опе, you fuckin’ degen- 
crate, you're giving them bad habits. 

Yow, look, 
н think anything you 
want. The fact is, 1 bought three planes 
from you. I filled the one I had and the 
other two're going to be filled 
don't fill the other two, I'm still good 
for the money and you know it. You try 
to get from the Knights of Columbus 

you don't know n out kids any- 
more, Greck. I pick up this kid and we 

go back and you know what it 


“You're shi е," the Greek said. 

“I am not shitting you.” Torrey said 
"Strawberry. They got that spray now. 
Now. you old fart, you tell me I'm 
teaching bad habits a kid's got strawber- 
ry in the beaver before I ever meet her. 
You just tell me that 

“L don't fuckin’ believe it,” the Greek 
said. "She must've been a hooker or 

"She's a file clerk down to this insur- 
ance company," Torrey said. "She's no 
hooker, because I didnt give her no 
money. Hell, you look at her, you figure 

she walked in а bar by mistake, thought 
it was a church. You'd just be wron 

more'n that, Greek, huh?" 
"You guysre gonna ta 
word," the Greck said. 


€ over 
"The n 

ус to taste like London broil.” 
"Толеу said, "she's having di 

ner, you're having dessert. That's а gi 

idea, Creek. 

the Greek said, "well. I tell 
you, I think I'm gonna get myself а nice 
place way the hell out in the country 
and go out there with the family and 
start a chicken farm. I'm not gonn 
bring kids up in a world, people 
ing around with vanilla pussy, hot-fudge 
cocks. This fuckin’ country's going to 
the dogs, you know that, Richie? Guys 
like you." 

Schabb "Thats a hell of a lot 
better, Herbie. Yeah. Yeah. Seven-twenty 
seven's fine, Herbie. Now, read it back. 
to me." 

"You ough 

пу it before you knock 
су said. "You look good 

enough. You could still make out." 

"I look good because T want to look 

ood and ] work at it.” the Greek said 
vot because I want to go around like a 
goddamned pervert. You want to go 
ound in them yellow things, shirts, 
pants, the white shocs, robably 
all right, you look like а nigger pimp. 
Don't matter to you, I got some self- 
You're afraid," Torrey said. "You 
work so hard taking showers there, you 
probably don't think, you're not surc 
you can get it up." 

"Also," the Greek said, 
to look good. Your action, you can wear 
a fuckin’ dress if you want. Pcople're 
probably gonna laugh at you some, but 
ht You take me, your aver- 
age stiff borrows some, he thinks I col- 
lec my own, he doesn't pay. So. he 
be starts thinking about not payi 
nd of looks at me out there, he 
thinks: ‘Son of a bitch can do the work 
himself, I don't pay.’ So he pays. I'm up 
the hundred two hard guys cost me. Plus 
which, T don't get the kind of heat you 
get when you start moving guys around 
personal, Nice and peaceful is the way 1 
like things.” 

Schabb said: “AN right. That's finc. 
Herbie, you got а deal. Always a pl 
ure to talk to you" He hung up. He 
smiled. “I got the plane. for Columbus 

so, I need 

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“Please, Roger, we’ 

Day." said to Torrey. To the Greek. 
he said. Greek.” 
You know you got a degenerate lor a 

the Greck said. "He's eating 

1 Е 
little kids: 

“You cating kids, Richie" Schabb 
You ought 1o be ashamed of your- 

1 can't help it.” Torrey said 
remember the other night, there. 
thing goes black and then 1 did it again.” 
“Told you about the suwherry one 
Schabb id. "Unbcl Ме. 

1 gues." 

1 don't believe it^ ihe Greek said. "I 
should've gone in the Church like my 
mother was alw me io do. 1 

some paper for me to se 
eah,” Sehabb said, "right 
He removed a thick packet of papers 
cherksized. held together with а rubber 
band, from the desk. He tossed it across 
the room to the Greek: it lauded on 
the second grayanetal desk. “The Greek 
moved behind the desk and slipped th 
packer out of the band 

4 some trouble, 


u h Torrey said 

10 Schabb. 

Yeah," Sabb said. “Youd think 
e trying to steal airplanes, “stead ol 
buying them. probably the best custom- 
er he's gor. One more like this and we'll 
have to hijack tli . For 

guy rhars always griping about how 
lonsy business is, he's sure awful tough 
10 do business with. 

"You count this 
asked. Не was sorti 


aned thi 

sini?” the Greek 
p the papers into 

242 nee piles. 

e not e 

en moving yel." 

аһ» said. 
money there 
the whole 

ded at it is all 

s quite a bit of 

Maybe the boys didnt w 
e after all." 

it onecightyeight K.” the 
That's quite a bit of mones." Torrey 
the Greek 

“Hotel” the G 
“Three K, promo, free dri 

маш. tips for the bells." Schabb said- 
“Pretty high, you ask me,” the Gree 

said. “We deliver the fish, we also gor 10 

pay to ice them down, How many guys 

we hud? 

ighty.” Sd 
“Eighty К in front hon 

Greek said, “sixty-six K, ws 

back in counter" Sch 

What'd that cost us? 

“Twenty-two.” Schabb said. 

“Twenty-five К. counters and. promo, 

twenty-eight for the plane," the Greek 

said. "Any other expenses 
"Yo count the rent 
phone her?" Torrey said. 
steep, three bills, Паре ext 
© you the air conditioning.” 
ined nice of them.” the 
said. "No. Fifty-three, expenses 
-five starting out with the 
collect it all." 
Torrey What is this shit, we col- 
lect it all?" 
“Just what 1 said. 
“we collect it 

bh said. 

them.” the 
bb nodded. 

it, we 

wann: and 
vs preuy 

i, they do 


the Greek said. 
I, we got onethirty 

here. We don't collca it, we less 
Plus the points, of course.” 

Greek.” Torrey said. "I don't under 
stand this. That's what we got you for, 

you know, collect it all 
"E could use a collec," the Greek said. 

“MILL” Torrey said, “get collec." 

“Why should 1 get cofee?” Schabb 
said. "E don't even want coffee. 1 told 
you, anyway, we ought 10 get a pot and 
pur it in here 

“That don't work,” Torrey said. 
had one up to the place in Lynn there 
somebody was always going home at 
night and leaving the thing plugged іп 
So you get one of two things. You got a 
pot that's: practically welded е to: 
gether, all the coffee stewed away, and 
that’s useless. Or else there's enough cof 
Tee, you come 
got a pot you're never gonna get 
the таме of it. And somebody 
spilling it. It's e; 

in the next day and you 
id of 


For muin man,” the € 
youre awful dainty, Richie 
knew you're so ne 
“Neve d Torrey said 
"Mill. willya get colfee. for Christ sake.” 
No. Schabb said. "Fm no errand 

boy. Call somebody up. you want collec, 
have them bring it up. You're do 
that, ГЇЇ have a cup myself, mater of 
fact. Large regular and а Dii 
о calls" Torrey said, "Fm expect 
ing a call. I don't want the line tied up.” 
"Rid the Gree id. "this is just 
a waste of time, all right?” 
"Looks like it.” Torrey said. 
"Mr. Schabb, the Greek. said, "me 
ad Richie want са Richie and m 
we're nor going for collec. You're p 
lor collec. got that? Now, go for collec. 
Get me ажо blacks. Get him what he 
wants. Pay for it yoursel, Don't talk 
about it по more. Just do it, all right?" 
Schabb looked at Richie, 
“Don't look at me, Mill." Torrey said. 
“The n d to tell you nice, I tried 
to tell you nice, you don't want to be 
told Now you got told the 
other way fuck out of here and 
get the fuckin’ collee and just do it, all 

ss Lam the errand be БАЙ 
uing up. 

the Greek said, “you're just the 


calle lor everybody and so me and 

Richie here can have a little discussion, 

just between him and me. You had a 

guy that's nice enough to go out and g 

little more experience, none ol this 
would've happened.” 
Мет the door closed, the Greek 

asked: “Is he all right? 
“He's a great guy," Torrey said. “The 
thing about him, he's perlect, you know? 

Because he still, basically he’s still a Dusi- 

nessman. you know what 1 mean? He 
sill thinks like they do. He likes the 
pussy probably а little me aver 

age mu 
of a wise 

d guy ош 

ss, but he still, he's still a 

businessn He wied to line up the 

id, “Шага һе 

hz” Torrey said. 
tards with a license to 
screwed. themselves for a 

steal, gettin 

“Wouldn't be bad for dough, cithe: 
the Greek said. "Some of those guys, you 
сап really make out on them, They got 
good dough. The fashy ones in the knit 
suits and El Ds. Take them ri; 
the fuckin" hurdles, Th 
know fuckin’ everything.” 

“He'd do it lor nothing,” Torrey said. 
“Milley bates lawyers. He thinks he 
should've beat that fraud thing." 

"Well, shit.” the Greel 
thought he got an s.s. out of it.” 

Sure," Torrey said. "Myself, I think 
he made out beautiful. A suspended and 
a fine and he hadda make restitution. So 
a thousand the fine, thirty thou, I think 
it was, they got him for, he told me him- 
self, well, he didn't actually tell me, but 
1 could tell, you know? He got closer to 
seventy-five before they nailed him. So, 
forty К profit, he don't go the can, he's 
still mad as hell. 1 had the fix in; he 
says. "It was in the bag. I give, my lawyer 
tells me it's live for him and ten for the 
d something for the judge, 
bc dismissed. No су x 
. So I pay it over. Then, 
whammo, I get 
1 got screwed. 

“So,” the Greek sud, "big deal. He 
got fucked. 1 can understand that, But 
still, he comes out of it all right. 1 clout- 
ed a car when 1 was a kid and 1 done 
three months up the Lyman School. The 
қау got the car back, roo. | would've 
taken his deal. 1 wouldn't care if some- 
body did blow smoke up my ass 

“That's what E tell him,” Torrey said. 
“This what Im saying, he thinks like 
a businessman. He don't know is all. АП 
he knows is he ca more 
and he don't trust. anybody that looks 
straight. 1 tell you, Greek, we got our- 
selves a fine fat galler in this guy.” 

“Ies all right to talk about things in 
front of him, then,” the Greek said 

“He is joined up,” Torrey said. "I pe 
sonally guarantee it. He is in. He knows 
about the man. He knows the guy i 
Worcester and he knows, he know 
about, the guy in, how we got to send 
down to Providence. | put it right on 




its gonn 

or someth 

1 between the eyes 

get bonded i 

him. 1 said: ‘There's maybe some things 
you don’t understand about this. kind 
оү the way it works, what you 

got to do, you know? So I'm te 
right now, your own personal informa- 
tion and nobody else's, because if 1 catch 
you telling anybody else, I'm gonna kill 
you, all right? A piece of this. we got to 
work this on the OK from Worcester, 
and we get that OK, there's a price on it. 
We got to pay the 
dence the 

ling you 

попсу down to Provi- 
‚ all right? You unde 


that? You're 
gonna be connected is all there i 
Because you 


can't do this, you're not my 
connected. You understand that.’ 

"He says: You're not telling me any- 
thing I didn't know, I started talking to wl 
you. I was looking for you, for Christ 
sake. You think I went loo 
body, I didn't 

"OK. thei 
know, it's like getting ma 

know? We never had no divorce, we theyre mot sa 
sot any now. You 
in, and. vou stay in. That me 
па уоп take your medicine, 

out someday 
rand jury or somethi 

OK, thar's what you do. You go out and 
you take your fud 

I told you, 1 don't have no objections." 
"I hope se. | hope you got it Now. 
nd. I'm responsible for “Well,” the Greek said, “I look at this 

clear in your n 

n this, you're you 

you come ir 

1 I'm doing 

g for some my own goddam 
now the guy | was look: you get him 

. you 

ried, it’s like 1 
im ‘Maly, there, you l 

to have 

time. the: 
get out somed 


ase I have to. OK? 
ey said, “he 

“Have some Christmas cheer?” 

1 got to be sure and 
to it. you got to be sure, because I ge 
ass. 1 been covering my ass for a long 
I know how to do 
bring a guy in, I'm taking а chance is 

chances. I wanted L 

in the shit, I'm the guy gon- 
hive to go down there, explain how 
But you come, and that T can't do. So 1 better not 
ve to, Mill. There's a lot of guysd 
nother crack 
atisfied he's already 
figure, they figure he's gonna 
That they don't want. 
r guys like you that 

‘Theyre looking Га 
didnt always understand 

they said they understood 
medicine. You not be one of them. Because. you turn 
nd wreck you ош to be one of them, FII 1 
something. And ГИ do it, Mill, no mat- 
ys "OK. ter how much I like you personally. TI 
do it! He says: ‘OK! He's OK, Greek. 
what is this shit. if we collect: 



244 know. Dig 

stuff, all righ? Three kinds of paper.” 
He tapped the stack nearest his right 
hand with his right forefinger. “Jew 

paper. Names I recognize. Easy stuff. Big 
sports with the fatas yachts and the қой 
in Newton. Every one of them 
ш. used to 
losi ing, used to paying. No pissing and 
ed some of them à 
d deal now and 

fast hundred К for a 
then, its a Sunday and they 
hurry and the banksre closed 
thing is. they're so used to losing, 
don't lose all that much. I figure there's 
Jess'n half what we got here, there, What 
we oughta get off them guys, we oughta 
get a piece of what they pay the cunts to 
fuck them. Then we'd really make out.” 

The Greck tapped the middle stack. 
"Not one goddamned name in here I 
recognize. The addresses | do. Needham, 
Wellesley, Beverly. that kind of thing. 
Duxbury, Hingham, Sharon. 

"Now 1 make a guess on that," the 
Greek said. "professional guys, Doctors, 
lawyers, guys that бх people's teeth and 
fect and that kind of stull. Sweat their 
balls off twenty years and all of a sud 
den they're making thirty 
ght out of the 

e inna 

nd they go 
minds. Get 

their hair styled, 
know everything. 
they go to Vegas and lose about six K 

“Theyre guys knew; Torrey 
said. "I dunno much about them." 

“Just what E thought,” the Greek said, 

“1 left that out. First thing they do, they 
get themselves а smartass broker like 
him, and they lose about two К. That 
makes them feel so good, they go to 
Vegas and drop six.” 

"They got it, though,” Torrey said. 

“Most of them, yeah,” the Greek said. 
“They just don't know they gor it, it's in 
appreciation on a house or it's in what 
they can borrow from the bank. The 
got it, they just don't know they got it 
So first you gotta convince them of that. 
that they got it. Then, the next thing, 

got to convince them they owe it. 

See, they're used to getting things, they 
spend money, they get а new car or they 
get a boat or a trip or something. Fur- 
ture. They already had what they got 
for this. You got to convince them of 
t. лоо. Then, theyre not used to a 
; like me. They all, they all borrowed 
money. When they badda pay the 
money, guy sends them a letter. They 
haven't got the money, guy sends them a 
piece of paper. Any banker inna world’s 

onna trust а guy, kind of job they go 
› I gotta teach them that: 1 dont trust 
them. Few calls do it, 1 snarl at them 
They pay. They read all them books, TI 
get that, 

"So wheres the problem?" 

"Problen's this,” the Greek said, tap- 
ping the pile on the left. “These guys 1 
ег Doherty's group, the guys 


round The Bright Red, there. I 
€ to say, I would have to say if 
somebody was to ask me, we got twenty- 
eight K in the Digger and them, and 
that’s gonna be hard to get ош. 1 don't. 
think bringing in them jamokes was 
such a hot idea 

“We hadda fill the plane," Torre 
said. "We had fourtecn beds at thc 
hotel, we're gonna have to pay for, at 
least one night, we don't use them, the 
whole three nights, they don't rent them 
to somebody else. Miller told me he was 
coming up empty, his other prospects. 1 
said I'd sce what I could do. So 1 tried 



“Richie,” the Greek said, "you hang 
wound the wrong type of guys You 
know them gu 

Yeah," Torrey said, “L know them 


"You know them guys" the k 
suid, "you don't know them too good. 
Thosere hard Harps They haven't got 
twenty-eight К in the one place since the 
day they're born, all of them put roget 
er. In addition to which, they are very 
tough guys. 1 used them myself, some 
body got it in his head the Greek was 
running a charity here. 1 had very good 
results. The Ше Di „ he's got a 
machine gun, Most guys know the 
Digger, know he's got a machine gun. 
s one ol those things everybody knows. 
There's talk the Digger used the m: 
chine gun a couple times. ] get the 
Digger personally, 1 call in the Digger, I 
et somebody else he sends around, he's 
tied up and he can't do that. particular 
пе. it don't. make no dillerence. You 
get the same thing and you get it, 100. 

You get one or two of them bastards 
from ‘The Bright Red aud you send 

them around to whale the piss out of 
somebody. they go around and whale the 
piss ош of him, That could give me 
ne trouble. Maybe they decide now, E 
go to see them, there isn’t anybody big 
ough, come in and whale the piss out 
of them. Then what do 1 do? 
“Two things" Torrey said. "That's 
only if they welsh. 1 know the Digger a 
long time. 1 know Mikey-Mike Magro a 
long time. Theyre a couple of loud- 
mouth micks is what they are.” 

“They can also deliver," the Greek 
said. "Never mind how much noise they 

"You gimme a chance to finish.” Tor- 
rey said, “that’s what I'm saying. I know 
the guy and I don't like the guy, but 
1 got to say, 1 never sce the guy come 
up short on anything. So I don't think 
you're gonna need anybody, go in and 

whack him. His friends, cithe су 
lose, they pay. I thought of that when 1 
ask them.” 

“Suill, maybe they don't,” the Greek 
sid. “Then who's got the problem? You 
got the problem? No, I got the problem. 
Which you give me. Which you didn’t 
ask me, was it all right for everything, 

ing me this big fat 
Richie, that's what 1 
sking me before. 


dache. See, 
don't like, you not 
don’t want no more of that.” 

Miller Schabb opened the door after 

knocking. He carried a large paper bag 
that was wet at the bottom. "You guys 
through kissing and hugging?” he asked. 
“OK for the niggers to come in now 
"Come on in. Mil,” Torrey 
"Shut the fuckin’ door and shut your 
goddamned yap, too, while you're at 
The Greek didn't know where you stood 
abb put the bag on a pad of white 
paper. "Look at that,” he said, "god- 
damned stuft. Gets all over you, got to go 
an it isn’t even ten o'clock yet and 1 
bet its n Iveady. I tell you som 
thing: Tonight on ihe way home, I'm 
stopping at Lechmere and getting а сог. 
You get it,” 


Torrey said, “you clean 


“Sure,” Schabb said, "sure, TI clean 
it. I also sweep out and 1 clean the toi- 
let, too. "That's what I do, Greek, I'm 
the shit detail.” 

“Willya come off it 
Toney said. 
nothing against yo 
know. He's getting old. 
he just wanted to be sure. 

the Greek said. “See, Mill, 
somebody should've told you. You got. 
see, Richic's the kind of partner you got 
He gets himself all pissed off 
or something and then he goes out and 
does something, and then everybody 
clse's got to run around and everything, 
trying to cover his ass [or him. Richies 
OK for а partner if you watch him real 
dose and don't leave him go down the 
North End and start waving his arms 
at the cops or something. Ir don't mean 

“It don't mean nothing. 
“long as you understand wh 
Greek. This is my business. Miller's in it 
nd youre in it, because I wanted you 
That's all. H's still my busi 
"work it with you guys, either 
one of you, ГШ go get some new guys 

nd vun. it with them. 1 can do it. I'm 
the guy with the OK. don't forget.” 

Schabb distributed the cups of coffee 
“L dunno what Fm gonna forget.” he 
d, "since I wasn't here and all. You 
guys mind telling me what this is all 

"The Greck's afraid he can't do his 
b is all," 

Mill. for Christ 
ck don't have 
He jos didne 

ing worried, 

to watch 

guys i 

ness. 1e 

Torrey said. "He don't want 
but thats basically what 


T don't like that 
Richie," the Greek said. here, I 
been doing this пине twenty years. 
putting money out and getting it back 
in again, and I'm as cold as a nun’s cunt. 
You, you had а good idea, now you don't 
want to listen to anybody else, you want 

kind of 
1 come 


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10 start something, pretty soon you got 
the FBI putting three guys in white 
sedans out there and all. OK, don’t lis- 
ien. Be a big asshole. Then when you 
fuck it up good and everybody's good 
and screwed, you can tell everybody you 
screwed it up because you're just like a 
little kid and you wanted to. I guess." 
The Greek leaned forward, toward 
Richie. "Now you can do that, you 
want," he said, “you can. But I was here 
when you got here and ГИ be here when 
you're gone, I still got my regular busi- 
ness. And you're not gonna fuck me up 
with it, cleai 

“What he's afraid of" Torrey said to 
Schabb, "he's afraid the guys down to 
The Bright Red'll tell him to go home 
and make him cry.” 

“1 don't know those guys," Schabb 
said. "I was after some other guys, I 
know them from around town. You see 
them various places. I had about thirty 
of them, the movers that don't always go 
home at night like they're supposed to, 
I figured them for naturals Except I 
n't figure, I was talking the last two 
weeks in July, first week in August. 
"That's when these birds take the family 
to the Cape and pretend they're behav- 
g themselves. I got about four out of 
the lot and I was counting on twenty. 
We could've lost some serious money on 
that. So I asked Richie.” 

“Richie give you some bad advice, 
then,” the Greck said. “ГІ do the best I 
can with it this time, but I don't want 

no more of this. Next time, ask me, too, 

sce what I got to say.’ 
"OK," Torrey s 
it all right, we got the Holy 
‘The Greek d: “What?” 
“Yeah,” Schabb said. “Saint Barbara's 
Holy Name from Willow Hill there. 
Going to Freeport over Labor Day. 
Three glorious days and nights of sun, 
sand, excitement and luxury i 
the glamor center of the Caribbean, a 
welcome daiquiri in the well-appointed 
Casino Lounge, a pineapple in ever 
spacious room, a spectacular 
sparkling beaches and azure water from 
your own private terrace. Plus: а sur- 
prise gift for the ladies, an orchid cor- 
ge about the size of a quarter that 
we get for thirty-eight cents apiece. All 
for the incredibly low price of three 
hundred and fifty dollars a couple, in- 
cluding round trip by jet and transfers 
between the airport and the hotel. I cut 
the parish school in for five hundred to 
get the pastor to let me in the door, but 
I did ic" 
“Рег couple," the Grec 
taking their wives, 
"Sure," Schabb said. “One or two of 
them wanted to know if they could 
bring the Kids, but I said I couldn't 
ange it. 
“Isn't that something?” Torrey said. 
“It sure is,” the Greck said. "It's a 


id. “They're 

246 mes of shit is what it is Those guys 

haven't got ten bucks to put on the table. 
What're you giving them, counters, how 
much you staking them?” 

“Twenty dollars а couple,” Schabb 
said. “I could've done a litte better, it's 
a cheap plane ride, but I figured the 
twenty was enough, That'll get them in- 
side at night.” 

“IWI get them inside the first night,” 
the Greek said. “Daddy'll lose the 
twenty while the little woman watches. 
‘Then he'll lose six bucks more. Then 
they'll go back the room and eat the 
fuckin’ pineapple. Why the Ішекте we 
giving away pineapples, for Christ sake? 
Who wants a goddamned pineapple? 
Everybody wants pineapple," 
Schabb said. “They started doing that in 
Hawaii. Pretty soon the word got around, 
Now your average clown doesn't think 
he's been to a resort if there isn't a 
apple on the commode when he 
walks in Ше room." 

“Yeah,” the Greck said. “Well, this 
group, we probably ought to give one 
slice of pineapple. All night long the old 
lady'll be at him, dropping all that great 
American dough, gambling. He wasn't 
so goddamned stupid they could've 
yed home and seen a movie on the six 
bucks. The next two days they spend 
getting dhe sun, on which we don't make 
no money, the way I get it. We'll be 
lucky we make expenses. 

We get unlucky,” the Greek said, 
СП be worse. The silly bastards won't 
quit. They'll lose their fuckin’ shirts and 
sign everything you put in front of 
them, and then I'll have to go out and 
ke а lot of washing machines and sec- 
ondhand cars to write the stuff off. Why 
Christ you want them nickel-stealing 
for. can you tell me that?” 

, they're not signing апу pa- 
" Schabb said. “The priest thought 
Of that one right off, and I agreed with 
him. ‘No, id, ‘nothing like 
that. No credit gambling. Just what they 
bring with them. \ 
of operation, Father, trying to victimize 

people. were just а travel 
agency. Labor a slack period in 
the package-tour business. Just a way to 

ep the airplanes going and the hotels 
full. Frankly, we expect to take a loss on 
this, but the hotels make it up to us. 

"At least you didn't Пе to a priest,” 
said. “What are we gonna do 

with this?’ 

“We're gonna take pictures of them,” 
Torrey said. "That first night, they're 
blowing the twenty, we're gouna, we got 
this guy with a camera. He's gonna take 
about eighty pictures of those jerks. 
Then he's gonna send them back and 
Mill's gonna make up a brochure." 

Schabb grinned. 

"I don't get it," the Greek said. 

“It makes the 3” Schabb said. "I 
talked to the Philadelphia group the 
other day; they did that. They got a 
deadhead bunch and they made about 

sixty dollars on the deal. But then they 
put it on the brochure: Holy Suck- 
ers Men's Club, Satisfied Customers at 
Play in San Juan. Ten pictures of fat 
guys and women. You should see the 
business it gets them. ‘The used-car deal- 
ers and the appliance distributors and 
the Rich Kids A-C., the guys who really 
want to go and have the money were 
interested in, they take the pamphlet 
home. How does the wife argue with 
them? You've really got something you 
can work with, then. A trip like this is 
just something you get through. Then 
pays and it pays and it pays, and it just 
never stops. 

"You see, Greek?” Torrey asked 
“Now you understand. That all right 
ith you?" 

“That's pretty fuckin’ good,” the 

Greek said. "I got to admit it. That is all 

‘You never would've thought of that, 
would you, Greck?" Torrey asked. 

Мо,” the Greek said, “Just the ne 
as you didn't think how I was gonna get 
twenty-eight out of guys down in Dor- 
chester there. Just like Mr. Schabb there, 
got himself all steamed up, he's gonna 
have some empty seats on the plane and 
he's gonna lose, maybe fifteen. thousand, 
so him and you get together and now as 
a result, we got а pretty good chance of 
losing twenty-eight, instead. See, there 
was something you guys didn't think of 
in a million yems, and another thing 
you didn’t think of was to ask me if 
maybe I thought of something. I'm dil- 
ferent than you, Richie,” the Greck said, 
"I always known, 1 known ever since I 
got out, and that was a long time ago, 

"m the kind of guy that's got to thi 
about things, you know? Because there’ 
certain things ] can do and certain 
things that if I do them, I'm gonna get 
inna shit. You, I done all right, sec? 
You, you don't.” 

The Digger got up at H and asked his 
wife for ten dollars. 

"How come I got to give you te 
lars out of the house money?" A, 
Doherty asked. She was 39 уса 
She was 5/5" tall and she 
She wore a nine-dollar 
‘ou don't give me enough as 
then you're always coming back and dip- 
ping into it. Гуе been saving up to get 
my hair done. I got to have it frosted 

1 thought you were gonna quit hav- 
ing that," the Digger said. "You're al 
ways telling me how it hurts. And it 
costs, wh 

“Thirty dollars" she said. "It does 
hurt, it hurts a lot. They take а crochet 
hook and they pull your hair out 
through this cap that's got holes in it. 1 
do it because I thought you liked it. You 
told me you liked it, you didn't care 
about the thirty dollars. Now I suppose 
you're more interested in what you can 

iim. N 

FP WA | 

“Who left the front gate open?" 


do with the th s'n you care how 
1 look anymore. 

“Oh, boy" the Digger said. He was 
cating four fried eggs, blood pudding 
and toast. “It does look good. I don't 
care about the thirty. You're a good 
looking woman. You take care of your- 
self, I appreciate it. Theres very [ew 
women I ever see, raised four kids by 
themselves and look as good as you do. 
J said that lots of times.” 

“It's nice to hear,” she said. ^I don't 
know t's worth ten dollars to me, but 
it iy nice to hear. You shouldn't cat so 
much, you know. That stafl’s all full of 
cholesterol. You're going to get yourself 
a nice heart attack if you don't stop 
stuffing yourself all the time. 

Look," the Digger said, "I quit smok- 
ing, right? You remember that? I got off 
the butts. Well, that don't do the weight 
no good, you kuow? You're s jed. 

how much I weigh, why the hell is it I 
couldn't get a minute's peace around 
this house every time I tight up 

not likely to forget you quit," she 
said. "It was like living with a regular 
bear. No. I kuow that helps. And 1 
thought: Well, let him put the blubber 
on, hell take it off later. Only you 
didn't, You just keep on. getting bigg 
and bigger. T bet vou weigh two 
hundred and fifty pounds.” 

1 don't.” the Digger said. 
to think so, OK. But I don't 

“You don't,” she said, “it’s because you 
sh more. You're probably up to two 

ty-five. саг crushed 

"Hey." id, "quit th 
kind of talk, What if the kids hear you? 

“If you g” she 
said, "you know, you'd know where they 
II went over to the pool. Any- 
way, Anthony's fourteen.” 

So wh v asked. 

“I don't think he thinks the 
brings them anymore," she said. 
ОГ course he don't" the Digger said. 
"He's known different since he was sis. 
Hes the horniest little bastard I ever 
seen. That still don't mean he oughta 
hear his mother talking like а Longshore 

1 don't see what dillerence it make 
she said. "He сап hear the bed squeak 
ng, you know. As much as you weigh, 
the whole house probably moves around. 
He knows about sex id he knows we 
do it." 

You w 


You damned 
me i 


Look.” the Digger said, “are you 
ing your period or something? [ask you 
ten bucks, you give me nothing bui 
grief. You don't want to loan it to me, 
say so, ГИ go cash a check.” 
Aggie Doherty 100k her handbag 
fom the cupboand. "IIl loan you ten 
she said. "That means T get it 
ht" die Digger said. “When 
248 1 close up tonight, TI tike it out of 

the deposit. You'll have іс tomorrow 
“How come you 

didn't take it Sat- 

she asked, handing him the 
money. "You should've taken some 
joney when you closed up Saturday. the 

way you usually do, so I ООП 
much money you're spending.” 

I did." the Digger said. 

Uh-huh,” she said, “that’s what 1 fig. 
ured. Then last night after everybody 
else went to bed, all of a sudden you 
went ош. Now today you need ten more 

Who'd you spend all your 
on, Sunday night when it’s the 
only night you can spend home with 
your family and all of a sudden you've 
got to go out? What cin she do for you 
that I can't doi 

"Look," the Digger said, "you went to 
bed, ninethiry. Matthew and Patricia 
went to bed before you. Paul right after 
ward. Tony come in about ten-thirty 
and he went to bed. See, I'm such a good 
father. I take my family the beach on 
Sunday, its my day olf. The пас 
down and the traffic back, I buy practi 
cally every kind of hot dog there 
the world, everybody takes rides at P. 
gon Park, I even give Tony five, so he 
can go off and scc what's female and 
breathing he can try to get in trouble. I 
come home with ten or eleven bucks left 
out of twenty-five I take Saturday night, 
everybody craps out on the old man by 
eleven. So J sit and I think and I watch 
the news, I'm still wide awake. Im not 
used to your kind of hours. It’s my one 
night oll, for Christ sake, Fm. supposed 
to spend it looking at the newspaper or 
something? So 1 go down the Saratoga, 
see what's going on." 

"Thats what I asked you," 
“who was she?” 

“1 spent four bucks on some drinks, 
the Digger said. “I meet Ману Jay dow 
e and we talk and I had the four 
aks. A guy 1 know comes along. he's 
, my big mouth, I told him, he oughta 
take a cab home. No dough. So I lend 
him five. 1 was there a long time, 1 
didn't leave till after two, me and Marty 
we cach leave the kid a buck, we take up 
the table all that time, So 1 got a buck 
and change оп me now. I had four lousy 
drinks and I lend a guy five and now I 
been out all night in а whorehouse. You 
better get some fresh news, sweeth 
You can't make out nowhere on 
bucks anymore. АП 1 did was have 

“Martinis. 1 suppose,” she said. "You 
drink too much, too. That isn't good for 
the heart. 1 could smell it on you when 
I woke up." 

"You must've got your nose frosted in 
stead of your hair," the Digger said. 
drinking bourbon,” 

Irs по better for the heart, 
“Just for my informa 
for? You got another fr 
a cab; 


she said, 


ion, what's ten 
end who needs 


as for the car," the Digger said. 
"Haven't you got enough gas to get 

10 work?" she asked. "You could go to 
work and take it out of the till." 

"Im not goin the Digger 
said. “WI ее a 
guy. Then I 

“Where's the guy live. you need ten 
dollars’ worth of gas,” she asked. "New 
York City?” 

"The tank's almost empty.” ihe D 

ger said. He pushed the plate away. “II 
have some cole if it won't do 
y harm." 

“Tt won't help it.” she said. pour 
the coffee, "Of course T keep forgett 

the way that car uses gas you pr 


couldn't go more'n twenty miles on a 

tank, any! 
“You know," the Digger said, “I could 
et теп dollars easier, I was to go over 
the Poor Clares and. beat them out of it. 
And they haven't even got ten dollars, to 
hear them talk, although I see they prob- 
ably got a hundred thousand dollars’ 
worth of real estate, Jesus Christ, are you 
gonna start in on the car again? 

The Digger drove a 1968 Olds Ninety- 
Eight convertible. It was d 
had а red-teather interior. 

It had factory 

"Em just being pi 
don't think you need such an expensive 

car two years.” the Digger 
said. "For two. years, you've been being 
practical about it. Two усиз and I 
haven't spent a dime on it except f 
tires and gas and stuff. Not one dime. I 
think that's pretty good. That's a good 

ar. It’s well buil, just like you. No 
pair bills.” 

“Ws still a great big car," she said. “It 
burns a lot of gas and you have to buy 
тінімен. I drive it, the one day a year 
Im lucky cnough to get the car, it’s very 

hard lor me to drive. If you'd. drive 

smaller eat, I could have а Volkswagen.” 
“It is a great big car," the Digger said. 
^As you just remind me for a couple 

hours, I'm a great big man. I need a big 
car. I can't get in one of them puddle 
jumpers. I get in, I can't move. ‘Th 
not built for a man my size. I'd break 
the seat down in a week. Friday night, 1 
was in one of them Jaguars. I couldn't 
nove. I thought to God, I'm going to d 
before I get out of this thing and they 
have to bury me in i 
Who do you know, owns a 
she asked. "You told me you w 


e wa 

ad 1 was,” the Digger 1 
went out, alter.” 
For what?" she asked. 
“То sce а guy,” the Digger said. “I 
went down the Saratoga and this guy I 

now, he wanted to show me his new car 

ight's ¢ 

she said, "you wi 
ing to kill you 

rry me. The 
You spend 


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way too much money. You drink too 
much. You got friends | never see, I 
don't know their names, th 
Whatll I do. Jeny, with four 
kids in school? Whal Î do if something 

apens to you?” 

"Ride around im a big car every day 
and enjoy yourself," the Digger said. 
"How the hell do I know what you're 

gonna do, be doing when I'm dead? ГИ 
he dead. Won't be nobody dipping in 
the house money, at least, which 1 notice 
is up around sixty bucks a week. Pm al- 
ways dipping into my dough for twenty 
more around Thursday. after I go and 
give you the forty Monday. And do I 
sive vou a load of shit about that? I do 

k to me about what it 
costs to run this house," she said. “IE I 
spend forty-five dollars a week оп food, 
most of it goes down your gullet. The 
kids go off to school on ten cents’ worth 
of Wheaties, wearing cheap shoes I can 
get for them in the basement, and if 
Paul ever sees a pair of pants Tony 
didn't wear for a year first, he won't 
know what to do with them.” 

Her shoulders sagged. Then without 
g bim, she said: “Jerry, 1 do the 
L really do. I hunt around 
I cm get things on sale. But you 
come down here, you've got to have the 
s» and the blood pudding I have to 
shop for special at the delicatessen, one- 
seventy-five a pound. and it's really ter- 
rible for you, and you cat three pounds 

week, OIF you go whenever you like in 
vour airconditioned convertible big car. 
Can you understand, does that maybe 
make some sense to you? The trouble is 
that I'd do anything to make you happy. 
1 love you. And you know й. Th 
what the trouble i 

“Lemme try it for the four Ii 
пе," the Digger said. 
can get it tmough your head this time. T 
bought the car used. The air condit 
ing was in it. I agree with you, it’s silly. 
You put the top down, what good's the 
You leave the top up all the time, 

do you want a convertible for? 
guy the before me, he 
didn't. He wanted the air for rainy days 

nd the top for nice days. OK, he was 
buying it. he could have it the way he 
liked. 1 didn't put it in. You take it the 

Don't you 


way you find й. 1 wouldwt've saved 
no money, I had the air taken out. 
It would've cost me money. So I leave 
ie in. Although w. I knew 
how much it was gonna cost 
me, I would've paid the extra dough to 

it out." 

“Anyway,” she said. "the point is that 
money to spend on Jerry's just money, 
and Jerry'd got it. Something his family 
needs, Jerry wants to know right off, 
how come ch?” 

“Where'd you learn this?” the Digger 
asked. "You didn't know all these songs, 

d how 

250 1 married you. I looked you over pretty 

good. 1 didn't hear nothing like this. 
Now you got that trap of yours work- 
ng every minute. 1 wished I knew what 
the hell happened to you, made you 

to be able to go to confession 
"ou still can," the Digger 
blocks down, three over. Из а church 
thing, youll recognize it right olf. 
"Course, it don't sound the same, there's 
likely ло be some hairy-looking bastard 
wound talking English like a 
t, but it’s right there. Every 
Saturday, confessions three to five and 
seven to eight-thirty, unless Father Alio- 
to's got tickets to the ball game. Then 
seven to seven-fifteen.” 

7E can’t go to confession," she said, 
can't tell them what we been doing. 

Oh, lor Christ sake," the Digger 
| "wake up or something. Things ve 
nged. Nobody pays any attention, 
that. birth-control Ч Thats just the 
ghinny Pope raving around. "Them guys, 
they must feel like they're running a 
drugstore, everybody coming in, one way 
or the outer. They're used to hearing i” 

"Em not used to saying it,” she said. 
“ICIL bother me. What ib he asks me, 
Jeary, what do I муг" 

Look him straight inna screen," the 
Digger said. “Tell him: "Ihe foam" 
Then you зау: "What difference it 

make? My husband don't like the rub- 
ber boots, you take the pill you're liable 
ow a tail or so ; and I ain't 
them put th as 
inside me’ Then ask him: “This how 
you get your cookies Father? Asking 
people?’ That'll slow him down." 

“OL course I'll also be telling him," 
she said, “my great Catholic husband 
don't want any more children. Docsn't 
believe in sex lor that anymore. Just 

something he likes to do, like bowling or 
You can tell him that, too," the 

Digger said. "Matter of fact, tell him I 
ией both and I think it over, 1 hadda 
give up one or the other, itd be bowl- 
1 see the ghi 

around with a couple hundr 
the next kid to eat and w 

ar and go 
to school on, and some more lor a bigger 

house so 1 can do what 1 like to do with 
out the whole goddamned world looking 
on, well then Tl say: ks, Pope,” 
«b maybe well think about having an- 
other kid. Otherwise, my way. 

IL you didn't spend every cent on 
yourself,” she said, “we wouldn't need 
the extra. 1 know lots of families that 
haven't got anywhere near what you 
make, and they live much better. Their 
Kids've swimming in the ocean this week. 
Our kids're over the M. D. C. pool, They 
go to the Cape, the kids go to camp, and 
ll nicely dressed. I never 
ave an extra dime, and when I do, you 
come back and take it. You and your 

thav’s where the 
got the big con 

nderful friends. 
money goes. You've 
vertible. You're going to the track. 
You're going to New York, to see the 
Giants. We can't айога twelve hundred 
dollars for three weeks at the Cape, but 
you've got a thousand dollars to go to 
Las Vegas. How much did you lose out 
there, Jerry, in four days by yourself? 

“All of it,” the Digger said. “Just like 
you said.” 

“How much more did you lose?” she 

“We been through all of this before 
the Digger said. "I told you, I was taking 
a hundred bucks extra. E didn't bring no 
checks with me. That's all I took. So all 
right, l'm a bastard. Get off my back. 

"Eleven hundred dollars,” she said. “А 
hundred 1езўп we couldn't allord [or 
three weeks. АШ on yourself. Oh, Jerry, 
"s selfish. T think that’s very 
selfish. I thought it was the limit when 

i s for the sea- 
riots, but at least 
something for it. I 


would've been able to see it, суеп, if 

give you 

of them so you could 
ike the boys once in а while. But th 
this is Ше worst thing you ever did, 
Jerry. the absolute worst thing.” 

“Good, Digger said. "That's 
about the twentieth worst thing I re- 
member. Now maybe you'll just howl 
about Vegas all the time and give me 
nge from the car and the clothes 

“Those wer 

you'd got mc 


the worst until this one,” 
she said. "Now you've topped them. I 
hope you don’t think of а way to top 
this, I don’t understand it. I never will. 

How could vou come from the same 
mothe d. father as Paul, and be so 
different? So inconsiderate and mean. 


ы that I will never understand. 
' the Digger said. 

al is 
ree with you 
“Couldn't you, 


she said, "couldn't 

you just uy to be more like him? 
Couldn't you do that?" 
"Well" the Digger said, "I could. 

"Course, ГА have to get rid of you and 
them t, him being a priest and 
I, 1 don't think I could qualify. But PU 
give it some thought, yeah." 

Think about us," she said. 



about your family once in a while, in- 
ad of just yourself. What's happened 
Jerry. think about thar. Il you 

it out, tell me, will you? Just 
tell me?” 

The Digger stared at his coffee сш 

until had left the kitchen. “So 
far, the cup, “so far it's really 
been a great day. I cin hardly wait for 

the rest of i 

This is the first of three installments 
of “The Digger's Game.” Part H of the 
novel will appear in the February issue. 




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(continued from page 114) 
hitched to the powerful team of mode: 
medical science and electronics? What if 
a trained psychiatrist were to deliver 
that catharsis on—television! As he sub- 
sequently wrote, in a technical paper 
delivered before the Society of Psycho- 
analytic Medicine: “A modern psychia- 
trist could give more therapy in a single 
ime hour in front of a camera 
in a liletime beside a couch 

Like Pasteur and Freud, Wagner 
found his careful reasoning greeted with 
bitter criticism by the more conventional 
spirits of the time. No less an authority 
than Dr. Max Rosenbloom of Downstate 
Medical Center wrote, "I cannot help 
but suggest that this Dr. Wagner is 
playing with less than a full deck." 

Undaunted, Dr. Wagner pursued the 
logic of his premise. The choice of pro- 
fessional wrestling as his vehicle for mass 
therapy cime easily: In 1936, while still 
in medici school, he had been the 
Olympic middleweight champion. He 
had long considered a wrestling match as 
onc of the most direct forms of human 
interaction, rivaled in intensity only by 
an act of vigorous copulation. A violent 
confrontation between two adversaries, 
especially between a dislikable, unfair, 
sexually confused neurotic and a val 
iant, reality-oriented "normal," could be 
universally comprehended as symbolic of 
psychic struggle. Thus was born the 
ic good-guy/bad-guy dichotomy that 
has persisted as a staple of the sport to 

By taking the badguy role upon him- 
self, Wagner reasoned, he would be in 
an ideal position to tap America’s vast 
reserves of pathology. "Like a lightning 
xL" he wrote, “I will draw to myself 
and harmlessly discharge the enormous 
destructive energy of the nation's leisure- 
time hostility. The more they hate mc, 
the more they will be free to love one 

George's final hypothesis was that 
though the American people had a richly 
varied spectrum of hates and resent- 
ments, the country would be u ous 
in refusing to abide an uppity fruit. 
Dr. Wagner immediately set about. pre- 
paring his “Gorgeous George" persona. 
First he assembled a file of the most 
revolting conceivable combinations of 

cissism, transvestism, exhibitionism, 
aggression and cowardliness, drawn from. 
psychiatric case studies. While he re- 

scarched, he let his own normally short, 
dark h grow down to his shoulders 
and bleached it blond. Then he picked 
the robe: 

keen al eye, his h 
cleaning savvy and an ii 
into one of the most ii 
of finery west of the Vati 
many fine examples remain on display 
in the world’s most prestigious wrestling 

By the spring of 1949, Dr. Wagner 
was ready to dazzle an American Psychi- 
atric Association symposium by outlining 
his revolutionary theory and, simulta- 
neously, parading an exquisite collection 
of ciimson velvets, carmine silks and 
apricot lamés before his astounded col- 
leagues. Again, the reaction was cool. Dr. 
Pincus Lett, the well-known researcher 
in psychodynamic, remarked, “Nowhere 
is Шеге the slightest shred of empirical 
evidence to support Dr. Wagner's inane 
hypothesis. It is a gra ult to the 
scientific community and to wrestling 
fans everywhere. 

“Empirical evidence" or not, Gorgeous 
Gcorge became an overnight success, Not 
surprisingly, Dr. Wagners psychiatric 
uaining had a marked cea on his 
g style, and his bel n the 
ring olten took on what he liked to think 
1s the psychological subtlety of the 
nal martial arts СТ let my oppo- 
nent's own latent homosexuality defeat 
him"). He cannily induded in his grap- 
pling arsenal such cunning and dev: 


which he slammed his opponent to the 
nd re- 
тешу "What are you 

thinking n more spectacular 
example was the “fairy mind waves" ma- 
neuver, which featured a beady-cyed 
George prancing gingerly around his 
wildered adversary, “hypnotizi 
with a barrage of rap 
and driving him to distraction with 
quick, dry little kissing sounds. 
Unhappily, the creative juices spilled 
over into his psychiatric practice. As his 
wrestling style became increasingly ana- 
lytic, his consultingroom tactics began 
to reflect the influence of such non- 
stacks Calhoun. and 
n Mountain Dean. According to some 
of his colleagues, he began ignoring such 
theoretical niceties as whether or not an 
association clicited under the threat of a 
flying headlock could 
called “tree 
By the winter of 1950, the level of 
outrage within the profesion had 
reached the point at which the Com- 
mittee on Ethics of the American Psy- 
chiatric Association felt it necessary to 
warn Dr. Wagner that hi mboyant 
and unsivory public persona [was] in- 
consistent with the effective treatment 
of patients and with the traditional dig 
nity of the psychiatric profession." In 

any sense be 

пу patient?” 
the hol 

clfcet, he was being asked to choose Where's 

tween wrest иту The nurse gave 

With the ta of the E tresses a long, careful st 
Committe vily o “Why don't you just 
shapely shoulders George launched a doctor? LIH get the resident.” 
desperate to justify his w 

thodox activities. To an already sta: spectators Mashed through G: 

as!" he blurted. 

added a full 
«d benefit 

gering work load, he 
schedule of chi 

ity cases 

Jt was just 109 much 

On the night of March 7. 1950, he was 
in his dressing room at. Madison Square 
Garden, preparin s comest with — For one 
Haystacks Callow the 
ne: One of his pat Bellevue 
was demanding w sce him. He made his 
choice iustantly. Leaving ins 
the preliminary bouts to be stalled eve 
longer than usual he 
nearest. саре е chartreuse 
ied the first cab he ca 
| been a quiet evenit 
Bellevue. When а taxi disgor 
sure in fhaminge silk shores, 

gehts and long Il 
mur spread t 

felt the heavy mitt of i 
brocided should 
tense moment, 

Dr. Was 
| been m 
т. in a fl. 
the floor w 

ictions for 

threw а 

half nelson. 

cape, a nervous 

a whirlwind barra 
Locked by ra 

ui em 

myency the cape 
pranced wildly up 
dors, delivering headshrink 

d waves to staff. member 

om The caped 
fidently up to the 
approached the desk behind hi 


t here, ah, 

ge of thousinds of restless 

"My Guns ca 

ook a step toward his ward and 
* on his 

the careful 

I equilibrium іш which the sey 
r and 
sh, he slammed the 
h a deh flyi 
scissors kick, lollowed quickly by a crush- 
eagle pounce and a bruisi 
The nurse's shni 
а pair of burly black. orderlies leaping 
to the fray, only to be sent reclin 
f rabbit punches 
to his 

s brought 


ad down rhe 
s aud fa 
who tried. 

enveloped the tattered remnants of his 
splendid costume. 

Jt was Gorgeous George's final bout 

Though the age of television has 
moved into its second quarter. century. 
our understanding of the effects of tele 
vised mayhem remains woefully incom- 
plete. Many of Dr. Wagners critic 
used d a Belle 
vue as for scurrilous рет 

^s ove 

unfortu cident 


sonal attacks on his motivation and 
objectivity, but попе of them has been 

able to muster a convincing body of scien- 

tific evidence against his theory. In fact. 

ue Char the continued popularity of professional 
rgcous wrestling. the knowled that at least 
teetered some TV violence has а purging ellect 

wers and the recent enthusi 
astic embrace of the Gorgeous George 

on some vi 

standard of unisex elegance all point 
toward a day in the nottoodistant fı 
ture when this most d nd maligned 
of American psychianric thinkers may at 
by det be vindicated. Sadly, Gorgeous 
George will never sce that day. After his 
Bellevue match, he retired quietly from 
both professions and opened a small bar 


and grill in Los Ап 

18 in 19 
worked om his 

before his untimely death 
he vended bar 

tantly fingering the butt of his revolver to subdue him. Nurses wept, patients p ig, FEET ase a Dear: а 
wd involuntarily muttering, “AML right, howled, an alarm wailed out over the шлу! шр Tis a te dit ышы 
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AND SO IT GOES (continued pon page 191) 

Organ music flowed over the congre- 
gation. Voices began to boom as the col: 
lection baskets were passed around: 

“I love to tell the story, 
Twill be my theme in glory 
To tell the old, old story 

Of Jesus and his love: 

wd over. For perhaps 15 
ent on this way, with 
When we get to the last 
. d sing out love. 
Sing i cut. Talk to Chri Jesus and 

1 the gift of his love.” 

The service was over. 
down from his lectern. 
tion drifted out into the street. Many 
of them boarded buses that had trans- 
ported them аз much as 50 miles. "Dr. 
Paisley is right,” the woman whose face 
1 won't forget said to her husband as 
they headed toward their car. “Тһе 
Catholics must be stopped.” 

In truth, Paisley had said nothing 
about stopping the Catholic. He had 
talked about love and unity. In North- 
nd, people hear what they 

Paisley directed his flock to sin 
chorus over 

Paisley climbed 
The congrega- 

1 remember, too. a long talk I had one 
night with Billy Irwin, a stern-faced lit- 
Че man who admires Paisley a great deal 
but professes that he is a. political and 
religious moderate. Billy is 57 and, like 
so many Protestants, considers himself 
n Irish, "Sure enough,” 
re brought up under 
nd we love our country. 1 went 
the British y during 

the Jack 
to fight in 

World War Two. And where does the 
LR.A. think they come off, anyway? 
When I was fighting the Germans, they 
were feeding the German submarine 
crews that used to put into Donegal Bay. 
Thats part of the bitterness, too. 
‘They've always gotten along with the 

lly is typical of many who haven't 
t in the street fighting as yet 
ont other than civil 
war. “I hate it all,” he said, "but 1 
leave. All me money's in my home. / 
I'd have as good a chance of selling it 
and getting my money now as I would 
a block of cells in the Crumlin 
Road Jail. So what do you do? I'm not 
a coward. When a man threatens me 
with a gun, I know what Гуе got to do. 
I've got to get a gun of my own 
Perhaps 1 met Billy at a bad time. His 
house is on the border line of a Catholic- 
Protestant neighborhood, Raiders from 
the Catholic side have repeatedly tried 
to set it afire. Perhaps that's why 1 re- 
member him as the man with the an- 
griest eyes I've ever 
AIL the other faces I take with me out 
of Northern Ireland are in turn sad, des- 
perate and frightened. 
Т а t the look that came 

when J asked him about the death—six 
months before—of one of his best friends, 
Father Hugh Mullan. Father McGuigan's 
eyes bulged. His ех me firm. 
"I'm afraid I can't say anything about 

You see, the inquest 

"It's Mrs. Santa Claus, of course, dear.” 

I had spoken with Father McGuigan 
tppened. He couldn't 

just а day after it 

talk about it th either, Now, six 
months later, it still had him ticd in 

Father Mullan, а curate at Corpus 
Christi Church іп the Ballymurph 
tate in Belfast, had been shot to dı 
cither by Protestant gunmen or by mem- 
bers of a British ра nit on Au- 
gust 9, 1971, d i 
broke out following internment. 
uher Mullan y round man 
with a bald head and an infectious laugh. 
He had a natural rapport with childr 
He could play the gu nd carry 
а tune. Father McGuigan and John 
McKenna were with Father Mullan the 
day he died. All three were in McKen- 
та? living room crouched on the floor, 
trying to avoid the rifle fire that kept 
zooming over the McKenna home from 
Protestant-dominated streets. on г 
side of it. McKen 
the shots were being fired not only ТУ. 
members of the Protestant Ulster Volun- 
teer Force but by soldiers as well. 

It was just past suppertime when 
the event that triggered Father Mulla 
death occurred. Carryin 

weed-grown field 
спу in front of the McKenna house 
and was struck the back by a bullet. 

Father McGuigan saw him fall and 
raced through the door, intending to ad- 
minister the last rites, He ran only a few 
steps and then turned and raced back. 
He didn't have the necessary vestments 
with him. “Don't worry, Felix,” shouted 
Father Mullan, racing out into the field, 
“T'I do it. 1 have mine. 

Father Mullan ran to his car, pulled a 
stole from a small black bag and began 
running across the field toward the 
wounded man. w Father Mullan go 
down right after he got into the field,” 
McKenna rt ad 1 thought he 
was а goner. 

But he got 

xdkerchi ig it over 
nd he kept running until hc 
ned m d Кас 
magine they 
e and then 

his head 
reached the wo 
down beside him. Can you 

let him get all the 
they shot him?" 
But that wasn't the end of it. Fı 
Quinn, 41, another member of th 
pus Christi parish, ran into the field to 
assist Father Mullan. Quinn was killed 
instantly by a bullet that struck him in 
the back of the head. Gerald Mooney, a 
ld former British soldier ser g 
id m shed out into the 
field next. He m 
Jan's side. "T lifted the priest 
him in my arms" Mooney He 
was praying to himself and when he 
realized І was picking him up, he shook 
his head and said: "No use, lad. Run for 


it. Save yourself! The shooting grew 
heavy then and I had to drop Father 
Mullan and dive for cover. I could see 
the bullets hitting all around him. Then 
he groaned one last time and that must 
have been the bullet that killed him, be- 
cause he was quiet after that.” 

For a long time after Father Mullan's 
death, a sign was posted on the spot 
where he died. rins 15 THE PLACE WHERE 
sign was crudely printed, as though it 
had been done by a child’s hand. 

Father Mullan had lived next door to 
the McKennas. He had been a close 
friend as well as their confessor. All of 
the houses on the street were constructed 
within the past two years. Every house 
has a fine view of the Black Mountains 
overhead. The air is fresh and clea 
The day Father Mullan died, there were 
125 families living on the block and the 
streets adjoining. Nine months later, all 
but six of those families had moved out. 
le newly constructed homes were v. 
мей and their doors and windows 
bricked over so they could not be used as 
bases for snipers. 

And Father. McGuigan, who believes 
that if he had come prepared with his 
own chasuble Father Mullan would bc 
today, still refuses to talk about 
ppened. But he is only one of 
hundreds of people in Northern Ireland 
who have been damaged. 
anager of the restaurant in the 
Europa hotel is 51 years old now and 
she remembers the night the Germans 
bombed Belfast. She was formerly the 
manager of the lunchroom in the Grand 
Central Hotel, which was destroyed by 
an I. В.А. bomb. All she can talk about 



is the bombing campaign of the 

bout it. 

For ye 
my best fr 

has reason to think 

ill tell you, "one of 
lor me as a м 
ic over here to the 
ed to get a. parttime job 
But 1 couldn't do it. She 
1 days later, she 
‘I got a part- 


she ма 
g for me. 
went on looking. Sev 
came | 1 smili 
me job, she said. ‘It’s going to wor 
out fine.’ Two days later, the L К.А. 
bombed the restaurant, 1 went to the hos- 
pital to sce her. J couldn't believe it. She 
had lost both legs at the knees. She had 
lost the liule finger of her right hand. 
She had lost one eye. She's fifty-three 
years old and she smiled at me and 
“1 guess T should 
alive, shouldn't I? 

Leslie Dunne, the hall porter, just 
g to tell me the cab is waiting. This 
has not been a good visit. The Europa 
has been bombed three times by Ше 
1. R. A. since it opened in August 1971. 

‘The windows in this room do not shut. 
H's freezing. The door at the end 
of the hall was blown out. The wind 
whips down the hall with a great swoosh- 
ing noise. They search you every time 
you enter. 

My shocs are missing and the manager 
says I shouldn't worry. Probably some- 
опе has taken them as a joke, he say 
lt is not an answer that makes me feel 
much better. The shoes are gone rather 
than shined and it's I and not the Eu- 
ropi’s manager who will be wearing 
white Adidas jogging shoes with red and 
blue stripes on the plane across the 
Atlantic. Oh, well, writers are supposed 
to be eccentric. 

‘There is only one stop 1 want to make. 
1 want to go up to the Clonard district, 
the great stronghold of the Provision: 
IR. A, and see Lilly Hannaway befo: 
depressing 100- 
yearold tenement on Cawnpore Street 
and she has been fighting the British for 
most of her 52 year 

Lilly Hannaway will never sto 
husband, Liam, was picked up 
first batch and interned in Long kesh 
prison camp. So were her three sons, 
Dermott, Terry and Ke 

I'm in luck. Lilly is home. She looks 
d but defiant. The imprisonment of 
the men in her family has hardened her. 
Tt has broken her heart and twined her 
lile into a lonely, dreary ordeal. She lives 
for the day they will be released. She 
visits them at every opportunity, taking 
them encouraging news about the success 
of the bombi 
turns to her tiny living room, 
ch: nd waits. "It broke my heart. the 
day they came and wok my men,” she 
said, "but were going to win in the end. 
Of course we are. This is our country, 
a't it? Even il get when it’s all 
over is enough g 10 bury ourselves 

It is a Saturd 
driver is a Protestant, He h: 
fied to drive his cab into the Clon 
district, whidı is a well-known Catholic 
ghetto. Now that we are out of the 
he [eels relieved. "We'll never give in to 
them, You can see what they're 
like. You've been here long cnough. 
You've seen it, haven't you? They won't 
work. They don't keep their houses 
clean. They drink too much and have too 
many children that they won't care for. 
We'll ne if we have to 
do them all in before it's over.” 
A soft rain is falling. The I 
tains are covered with green. The cab 
stops in front of the airport terminal 
"Doing an article, are you?” the cab 
driver says. "Here's my name and ad 
dress. Send me a copy, will you? But for 
God's sake, don't usc my name. You'll 
get me killed." 

s been terr 

give in—e 

5 Moun- 


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