Full text of "PLAYBOY"
FOR 1974
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At AMC we expect every part in every car to last for at least
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And that's why we back our cars with this simple, strong
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AMC is the only manufacturer with a program to provide
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And a special trip interruption plan that pays up to $150 for food
and lodging if guaranteed repairs have to take place more than
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We even have a toll-free hotline to Detroit for you to call
if you ever feel we aren't living up to our promises.
And let's face it, when you make this kind of commitment
to stand behind your cars, you have to build them better.
We back them better because we build them better.
At class reunions almost
everybody has a gimmick.
Try picking the one
who doesn't go along.
1. Nope. He's Don Wand
Won school essay contest with "The Art of Pre-Marital Dancing."
Gimmick: 200 mm holder to balance his 100 mm cigarette.
2. No. It's Rah-Rah Mendelson, ex-cheerleader. Gimmick: He's
wearing it. Smokes whatever he finds in his pouch. 3. No.
They're not for
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
Can you spot
1973 R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
He's Moe Mentum, alias “Stone Hands" for dropping passes.
Just dropped statue of school mascot. 4. T. Deious, school bore.
Gimmick: His voice, off-key contralto. Smokes oval cigarettes (he J
sat on his soft-pack and liked it). 5. Curley Gilroy. His hair was
voted "Most Likely to Recede." Gimmick: Staples toupee оп. |.
Also staples his roll-your-owns. 6. Right, He's still his own 1
man. Likes his cigarette honest, no-nonsense. too. Camel
Filters. Easy and good lasting. ба. Kicky VII, ОЕШ SES
mascot. Has eyes only for Mendelson mu
(see 2 above).
Camel Filters. CAMEL
everybody | 3
(but they could be for you).
us Ca)
20 mg. “tar 13 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC
revolution has
been raging—il that’s the word—
for some time, but until now no
one has attempted to measure its
effects empirically, Since the first
Kinsey published in
1918, little has been done in the
United States to determine accu
rately what changes have taken
place in our sex lives. The Playboy
Foundation retained
nization to poll a representative
cross section of the adult popula-
tion to provide some of this infor-
ion. Morton Hunt, а veteran
human-behavior writer. who is Ше
author of The Natural History of MORRILL
results wer
research oi
1 The Mugging, was
signed to interpret th
series in PrAYnov. He and his wife,
Bernice Kohn, interviewed in depth
200 of the 9026 respondents to sup-
plement the basic survey informa
tion obtained from a compreh
questionnaire. Sexual Behavior in
the 1970s presents an overview of
the insights gained from this survey.
During the next five months. The
Playboy Forum will include special sections presenting addi-
tional material from the work, including find
premarital and marital sex, extra- and posima
bation and variant sexual practices, including homosexu
‘The entire Hunt report will be compiled into one volume to
be published by Playboy Press.
“1 was the last with the least."
Burl Reynolds Puts His Pants On the account of his per-
sonal experiences while investigating the Reynolds-Sarah
Miles brouhaha at. Bend. “This in part results from being
tapped in New York City. I had been feeling very oppressed
and dejected before going to Arizona, and when I got on the
plane and saw what lly out there—all thar beautiful
country—it. was a real thrill. The trip and the hard work en-
livened me and the subject became secondary to what 1 was
feeling. So the story is really about the Southwest and the
people who live there.” Thats hardly what we'd call "least."
In two stories this month, historical ji мп has been
ied into re fiction. Anthony Austin, who was born
China of White Russian pa correspondent in
Peking and experienced. firsthand the effects of the American
Janding in Shanghai at the end of World War Two. In When
the Americans Came (illustrated by Arsen Roje), he tells what
this meant to the White Russians living in that city. Gore
Vidal's Burr: Portrait of a Dangerous Man (with visual por-
traits by artist Phill Renaud) is a fresh and vivid examination
of Colonel Aaron Burr's attitudes and actions around the time
he killed Alexander Hamilton in а duel. Burr never revealed
how Hamilton had insulted him, but this story hints av what
dman says of.
Bruce Jay Е
as г
might have caused the fight. (It will
appear in Vidal's novel Burr, to be
published next month by Random
House.) Neither historic nor jour-
nalistic, thank God, Robert Sheck:
leys Fantasy Voices is about a man
who can't conduct his affairs w
out the help of
that gives him instructions. You may
have noticed that a lot of people
seem 10 suller from a similar dis
order; at least Sheckley's character
is aware of the problem. So. ар
parently, is Dan Morrill, whose
illustrative photograph accompanies
the story.
Stephen Yafa says this about the
supersalesmen he profiles in The
Promoters: “They
lot different from us, except they
got more blood runuing through
them: They're very speedy and have
tremendous energy. You get the im-
n animal that is capable of
y mom
asping everything around it be:
cause it’s always hungry. Money and
the abi ive well don't mean
much to them. It's the action they're
after, like machines that sputter and die when they're idling.”
of research that has been sorely needed is a cogent
-up to Darwin's famous work, To supply this, we present
The Fallout Follies, by Scot Morris and Wayne McLoughlin,
the only soldiers of fortune we could find who were willing to
brave the vast irradiated wastelands and come back with gen-
uine specimens of mutant animals whose chromosomes must
look like an asht
One animal we found hard to classify was “Stroker Ace.” We
know for sure that he's well versed in the fine art of trying to
bust his hump at high speed, as Z Lost It in the Second Turn
will testify. But we couldn't get him to take off his hel
goggles. so no one is really sure if hes a r ation of
ball Roberts or just a Bronx taxi driver out to make
buck, Little, Brown will soon bring out the whole story, Stand
on H, and you can decide [or yourself. A more serious job in
the area of sports was done by Lawrence Linderman, who
managed to ge. N.F.L. czar Pete Rozelle to sit still long enough
for this month's Playboy Interview.
Richard Hammer delivers again with Part IH of Playboy's
History of Organized Crime, in which sundry elements at
tempt to share New York City—with no love lost. This is also
the month you can look ahead to what's happening in the
world of threads in Robert L. Green's Fall and Winter Fashion
Forecast, And photographed by Michael Kornafel is Sacheen
Littlefeather, who represented Marlon Brando at this year's
demy Award ceremonies. Now hold onto your hat: As a
ial bonus, we've published this issue in English, num-
1 lots of the pages and stapled the whole thing together.
not a hell of a
nt and
/ Tull of cigarette butts.
vol. 20, no. 10—october, 1973
PLAYBILL.__. == 3
Aeris BOOKS... = чамы” Т
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: PETE ROZELLE—candid conversation = ve oen
SEXUAL BEHAVIOR IN THE 19705—« ccc. 84
SACHEEN—pictorial ee сәз
PAD WARMER—food and drink —
"COME INTO MY PARLOR"—playboy's playmate of the month... 114
BUNNIES OF 1973—pictoriol ess à 132
Bunnies VOICES — fiction 1 _. ROBERT SHECKLEY 143
BURR: PORTRAIT OF A DANGEROUS MAN—fiction........................GORE VIDAL 144
LADIES' AlD—ribold сіаззіє — i 155
ON THE SCENE-—personolities — зена: tm е 2. 174
= 214
PHOTOGRAPHY EY: PETER BORSARI / CAMERA S, P. D3, BROWN BROTHERS, P. 109, 11. CHARLES W. BUSH. P. 3 (су; MARIO CASILLI, P. 132: OAVID CHAN, F 133, 134, 133 (3), 136 (2). 136,
BRIAN D HENNESSEY, P. 134, 140; RICHARD # HENETT. P. H6, 17 (4): DWIGHT HOOKER, P. 136, 138, 139 (2). тар. laf CARL Ini P. 130; ALL WREMENTZ, Р, 2; ) BARRY спорте, P. 3 б
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Action is stopping on radial
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Actionis a light, fiberglass
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Action is sporting a
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Action is 13 of the
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Action is 29 miles to the gal-
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Action is finally stopping for
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editor and publisher
ARTHUR KRETCHMER executive editor
ARTHUR PAUL art director
SHELDON WAX managing editor
MARK KAUFFMAN photography editor
assistant managing editors
NORMAN associate cdilor, G. BARRY GOLSON
assistant editor + FICTION: ROME. MACAULEY
editor, STANLEY PALEY associate editor,
modem living «ditor, ROGER WIENER assist-
ant editor; ROBERT L. GREEN fashion director,
DAVID PLATT associate fashion director, WALTER
normes fashion cdilor; THOMAS MARIO
food & drink editor * CARTOONS: MICHELLE
URRY rdilor « COPY: ARLENE BOURAS editor,
STAN AMBER assistant editor « STAFF: MICHAEL
BERNICE T. ZIMMERMAN research editors;
J. PAUL GETTY (business & finance), NAT
Sow (movies), том: UNGERER contribut-
rama paranee administrative editor;
CATHERINE GENOVESE Tights & permissions;
MILDRED ZIMMERMAN administrative assistant
TOM STAEBLER, RERIG PONE associale directors;
н. MICHAEL SISSON executive assistant; Bon
ALFRED ZELCER assistant directors; JULIE FERS,
MARILYN GKABOWSKI west coast editor;
GARY COLE, HOLLIS WAYNE associate editors;
ute, SUMITS technical editor; МИЛ. ARSENAULT,
photographers; juny JOUNSON assistant edi-
tor: 1ro Krist. photo lab supervisor; JANICE
administrative editor.
THOMAS WILLIAMS customer service
avis WIEMOLD subscription manager
VINCENT THOMPSON newssland manager
HOWARD w. LEDERER advertising director
ROWERT s. PREUSS business manager and
associate publisher; RICHARD 5. ROSENZWE
executive assistant to the publisher;
RICHARD M. ROFF assistant publisher
Slacks. Not lacks.
The people who've
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slacks have been
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'They would
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“Fine slacks,”
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Yet despite their sensible cost (around
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Panatela Slacks is noticeable only
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Upon close examination, one sees that
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Stitches are perfect; and the fabric
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Sometime soon, visit a men's store
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Levis Panatela Slacks
trademark of Levi$ı
Levi's" is а registered trademark cf Levi Saus & Co „San Fr
our Slacks and their $lacks. Other than
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We're all but certain that you'll walk
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Because legs were
made to be fitted.
Not pulled.
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Bécause deep, rich sound |
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A 60-watt Allegro system
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Better sound isn't the whole
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е quality goes in before the name goes on?
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Gen. U. S. Importers: Van Munching & Со. Inc., М.Ү, N.Y.
1 greatly enjoyed your July interview
with the superlative Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
Until I began reading Vonnegut, 1 was a
conservative and a Christian. Now 1 a
n being
Terry Woodfield
Groves, Texas
Vonnegut may claim that cveryth
he says is "horseshit," but, as is so evid
in your interview, such a sentiment is a
lie. Vonnegur's language may be inele
nt, but I believe there is no one who
better captures the pulse of our times. In
your int Vonnegut goes beyond
telling it like it is by displaying a basic
understanding of the hi need to
belong and the contradictory human ten-
dency to be suspicious of systems. Thank
you for giving me a rare glimpse into the
mind of a genius, And that’s no horseshit.
Norman Gelas Dugas
Keene, New Hampshire
Vonnegut blames the loneliness in
American society and the dissolution of
community on “the factory system.” He
makes it sound if a monstrous indus-
tr су is keeping intelligent,
rational, individual beings from coming
together. This is nonsense. Inherent in
economy is free
С. Tom V
Brookfield, Connecticut
Your interview contains one i
inconsistency. Early in the interview,
Vonnegut decl "Our brains аге
two-bit computers, and we can't get very
highgrade truths out of them.” Later
on. he says, “The human brain is too
high-powered to have many practical
uses in this particular universe.” Which
is it, Kurt?
James L. Cunningham
Coconut Grove, Florida
Vonnegut reveals himself to be a witty,
charming man. Nevertheless, his overrid-
ing pessimism casts a doud over any
utopia he might conceive. Curing cancer,
getting to Mars, eliminating racial pre
dice or flushing Lake Erie won't b
him happiness, and it’s clear that he |
гу little faith in exerting effort to im-
prove the human condition. There'll a
ways be some fools who do, though. It
will be interesting to sce Vonnegut’s re-
action if he should ever owe his happiness
to one of them.
Nom Pliscou
Holtville, California
The introduction to my interview is
slightly misleading jonship
with the University of Chicago. The in
troduction claimed that the university
ver gave me a degree, which isn’t so. It
was almost so. In 1971. I was notified out
of the blue that I was awarded an М.А.
anthropology. This was not an honor
degree but ned one, given on the
basis of what the faculty committee called
the anthropological value of my novels. I
snapped it up most cheerfully and 1 con-
inuc to have nothing but friendly feel-
ings for the university, which gave me the
most stimulating years of my life.
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
New York, New
1 ea
Your Vonnegut interview is the first
PLAYHoY interview I've read in months.
m I missing something?
Dean Cowan
APO Seattle, Washington
We think so.
Max Gunther's How to Beat the Stock
Market by Watching Girls, Counting
Aspirin, Checking Sunspots and Wonder-
ing Where the Yellow Went (pcAvwov,
July) is fine for small t
literally could leave the cap
small change. The age
would probably attempt to purchase
securities when the stock market was low,
as predicted by any of the methods de-
seribed by Gunther. However, depending
on which particular stocks he buys, the in-
vestor might still wind up following
the footsteps of Jesse Livermore. to sui-
Gide, rather than in those of Bernard
ruch, to success.
James G. Urbanek
Parma, Ohio
James Jackson Kilpatrick's In Search
of the Savage Bijoona (vLaywoy, Jul
зга топ THREE
hter $149
Gillette makes it work.
OThe Gillette Co., Boston, Mass. Ф.М. of S.T. Dupont S-A.
Disposable Butane Lig
public service and much appreciated. 1
rent a trailer that contains a plain but de-
vious bijoona of the Sneaky Topple pe
suasion. But the worst thing al
that it practices. Manys the и
climbed into bed and dozed off, only
be awakened at the sound of its launch-
g from the vertical to the horizon
n. Its scary.
Don Schwarzman
"Tucson, Arizona
Kilpatrick's interest in the bijoona is
echoed by an editorial in the June
1973, issue of The Journal of the Ameri-
can Medical Association. which said
part: “Physicians have often been urged
to advocate clements of preventive med
the homes of the ies they
serve. the object being accident preven-
tion. Nowhere, however, have we seen
recorded a danger peculiar to the toilet
. All is well for [the male] unless
c of the house] decides to
ment the toilet lid with а pay cover.
[Then] he becomes a victim of the pe-
nile-slam syndrome when the unbalanced
seat crashes down
Jim Herron
Canonsburg. Penn:
cine in
I enjoyed In Search of the Savage Bi-
joona nsely, even though writer Kil-
e to one of
the most dangerous species, the Savage
Reverse bijoona. The reverse model is a
spring-loaded device that keeps the seat
in an elevated. position until sat upon.
Overrcaching for toilet. paper results in
an automatic flush and a reverse bijoon
whereby the seat rises up under the p:
tron’s shirttails. plunging patron onto a
suddenly seatless bowl.
Donn J- Shands
Houston, Те
Understa Kilpaticks amusing,
article treated bijoonas from a male point
of view. І must report, however,
when a lady rises from such a facility and
hears а loud thud, accompanied by a
ight breeze on her unprotected derriere,
it makes her feel great sympathy for all
Helen R. Chapman
ceport, Texas
In Scarch of the Savage Bijoona is a
disgrace to the few remaining educated
readers of PLAYBOY. Jts low-
truly reflects the decadence of tod
society. I suggest you
file it where i
forget to flush.
J.C. Matthan IV
Kenosha, Wisconsin.
In those days before Watergate pene-
trated thc publie consciousness, when
the unthinking herd seemed. mesmerized
by White House word wizardry, David
Halberstam’s July essay on Nixon, The
Worst and the Grayest, came on like a
prophetic flash of light. Halberstam's
piece goes a long way in revealing the
blemishes beneath the political cosmetics
of the Nixon gang. It took guts to write.
Thank you, Halberstam and PLAYBOY.
Valmore Cote
Manhattan Beach, California.
Tt seems Halberstam’s chief complaints
against President Nixon are that a group
ol his misguided devotees tried to
Larry O'Brien's telephone and that many
of the people he selected to serve with
him do not have scintillating personali-
ties. Halberstam can criticize all he wants,
but he can't undo the results of last No-
vember's Presidential electio
]. А. Joh
Your July cover struck me as quite sim-
ilar to one published a few years ago by
Psychology Today and later released
poster titled Authentic Self. What do you
Ralph Costain
Cincinnati. Ohio
A curious coincidence, Ralph. Our
cover designer swears he never sau it,
Nik Cohn’s entertaining account of the
shooting of Jesus Chist Superstar in
Jesus Christ Superham (ecavwoy, July)
exploited something of r
original stage productio
was a simpler depiction of a noble
But, once again, the hucksters are wa
forming real emotion into popcorn. A
of Superstar
James Evanitsky
Johnson City. New York
I have been a subscriber to your n
ine for more than 15 years. But Jesus
Christ Superham and its attending illus-
tration are insulting to my religious
convictions. Please drop my subscription
nuel R. Morales
al Gables, Florida
1 pity your souls [or the blasphemous
tion to Jesus Christ Superham
a hippie. cigareitesmoking
Christ sitting in a director's chair. I am
sure that on judgment day, when you
cach confront the savior you had the gall
to mock, he will say, “Depart from me, 1
never knew you.”
L/Cpl. R. W. Kalwat
Litle Creek, Virginia
As one of the few journalists who were
admitted to the filming of Jesus Christ
Superstar in Israel. I feel that E must take
exception to Gohn’s obviously prejudiced
report. True, I was on the set after Cohn,
but unless some miracle occurred in the
interim, I'm certain that he didn't scc the
same company I did. On most movie seis,
morale disintegrates as the shooting pro-
gresses, especially when the locations are
äs rough as they were in Israel. Notso here.
In contrast to Cohn's view, I have rarely
encountered such dedication to a project
as 1 saw on the set of Jesus Christ Super-
star. While I was with them, the shooting
war broke out on the Golan Heights,
barely 20 miles from where the Superstar
finale was being staged. Only one man in
а company of well over 100 asked our.
Although I spent a good deal of time with
Norman Jewison in the five days 1 was
re, 1 was never aware of the funky ser-
ty that Cohn described, and I simply
don't believe Jewison ble of the
statement Cohn attributed to him that
“We could have had Mary going down on
Jesus. right there on the cross." In the ten
years I have known Jewison, I have neve
heard him give v
ity—or blasphemy. I might also add that
the reverence the cast felt for Ted Neeley
was not only real but earned. Neeley was
ted man, always on the set,
whether he was in the shot or not. When
Judas sang, "Every time I look at you I
don't understand . . ." he was actually
looking at Jesus. This had nothing to do
with whether or not Necley’s salary was
n three figures”: it had everything to do
with how the Superstar company related
10 the project. 1 resent Cohn's piece be-
Cause, St to fi it
irresponsible and unrelenting put-down.
Т resent it even more because, after s
the completed film, I thought that Jewi-
son had successfully accomplished precis
ly what he had set out to do- до translate
a rock opera that had been enormously
1 the
into something at least as co
on the screen. I can anticipate
howls of i iom from the па
B'rith and fundamentalists, but E didn't
expect it in PLAYBOY.
Arthur Knight
Los Angeles, Californi;
a com
t tell you how much my wife and
I enjoyed Joseph Wechsbergs A Gross-
ing on the France (PLaynoy, July). We
boarded the France, that dowager of the
5 iversary, f
on our 25th r our first
cruise ever. From the moment we got on
makes the difference
makes the shoe
As all-leather shoes become rarer this Florsheim Beaumont in genuine leather is a further
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Don't go into hock before you
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Money and luggage.
Two things you need for a vaca-
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We make inexpensive casual lug-
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Made of washable vinyl, our nine
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They come in strawberry, tourist
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Our luggage will
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American Tourister
Casual Luggage
Experience. It shows.
Experience is what separates the men from the boys. Especially in automatic
exposure cameras.
After all, it takes a lot of practice to make automation reliable in something
as small and sophisticated as a fine camera, _
nce than Konica.
Well, nobody has more expet
The Konica Auto-S rangefinder cameras were introduced more than a
decade ago. And immediately proved that automation wasn't the exclusive
province of the novice.
Then Konica introduced the first automatic-exposure pocket-sized range-
finder 35, the C-35. And the first automatic-exposure professional
reflex, the Autoreflex.
Now anyone can have automatic exposure 35mm photography. The profes-
sional, the amateur and casual picture taker. With Konica's extensive experi-
ence to back them. And razor-sharp Hexanon lenses up front. All at prices
that anyone can afford. So go to your Konica dealer and see the difference
experience makes. Or write for detailed literature.
Konica Camera Co., Woodside, New York 11377,
In Canada: Garlick Films Ltd., Toronto
Makers of world-famous
Sakura Color Print Films.
Konica. The world's most experienced automatic cameras.
hoard, we were greeted with courtesy and
smiles; the officers in their dress whites
lined up on one side, the young stew-
ards on the other. From then on, the
cruise was nothing but fun, friendship and
lerful cuisine—a dream of a voyage,
even though we were traveling tourist
class. For our return, however, we booked
passage on tlie new Cunard Quecn Eliza-
beth 2. We were met by a negligent,
indilferent and hostile crew. Our ассо
modations were switched and our din-
ingroom seating changed without our
pproval. We received no help with our
baggage and we were sneered at and in-
sulted by the lowest diningroom pcr-
sonnel. The France may be ancient in
comparison with the sleek new Cunards.
but ГЇЇ take it any time—at any price or
fare diffi Many thanks to Wechs-
berg for g mc recall pleasant
Mitchell R. Friedberg.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
A Crossing on the France reminded me
of my experiences on the France's maiden
eastbound voyage. For the first day or
two, conf ned. Passengers kept
getting lost—possibly because few of the
stewards һай yet learned English.
Passagewiatys that should have been open
were closed. "The designations given the
decks were confusing: The "main deck”
was descriptive enough, but passengers
would have to descend to reach the
“upper deck.” Below that was the “prome-
nade deck” and. at the bottom. the "ve
randa deck" I was told I could dial
the news on the phone. The first mo
ing, I got the latest report on Fr
troubles in Algeria and word thi
Peruvians were rioting. The trouble was,
nobody ever bothered to change the re-
ach morning I dialed the num-
that conditions in Algeria
the Peruvians never
rioting. Nevertheless, the
wonderful. and now, wh
I traverse the Atlantic in six hours, 1
look buck on the old days with regret.
Herman Herst, Jr
Boca Raton, Florida
rime does pay
sorbing interest for readers. If
carelul, though, he's going to get himself
invited to the White House, as head of
the Department of Dirty Tricks. Political
persuasions aside, he should dedine, be-
cause his crimes are successful
Thomas Patrick McMahon
Nyack, New York.
Crime novelist. McMahon's latest. is
“The Hubschmann Effect.”
Donn Pcarce's account of the real hor-
rors behind the myth of Miami in Win
4 cold,calculated reasons
to buy Quatrecolor
Choosing a color TV is no spur-of-
the-moment decision. You need
some pretty strong reasonsto pick
one set over another.
Like the Quatrecolor™ modular
chassis that makes servicing quick
and easy. Because 75% of all our
circuitry is built onto 5 circuit
In fact, the National Electronics
Association rated the Quatrecolor
CT-701 as the easiest to service of
all color televisions they tested
in plant through June 1973.
Of course, we want those
service Calls to be few and far
between, So we engineer every
Quatrecolor set with 100% solid-
stale circuitry. To run cooler and
last longer. Because the only
tube is the picture tube.
And what a picture tube. We call
it Pana-Matrix™. It surrounds each
color dot with a black background.
So you get bright, vivid colors.
And asharp picture.
And you don't have to worry
about drops or surges in voltage
ruining the picture. Because
Quatrecolor has a special auto-
matic voltage regulator circuit with
SCR (Silicon Control Rectifier)
that maintains the correct
voltage level.
You won't have to fiddle with a
bunch of knobs to keep the
picture beautiful, either. Because
Panasonic gives you Q-Lock. One
button that electronically controls
Color, tint, contrast and brightness.
And Q-Lock's active color and
tint circuits automatically seek
out and maintain the best color
picture. Even when you change
channels, or atmospheric
conditions affect the signal.
Quatrecolor. From 17" portables
up to 25" consoles (measured
diagonally). чы
After all we put
into them, you owe
it to yourself to go
see the picture that
comes out of them. Guatrecolor
and 8 more that just look nice.
just slightly ahead of our time.
200 Park Avenue, Naw York 10017
The Brain.
Tired of missing great photos?
Yashica has solved your problem
with its exciting new SLR — the
TL Electro—the electronic camera
experts call The Brain.
Because its solid-state
exposure system guides
you to perfect pictures,
shot after shot. See
the TL Electro at
your local Yashica
dealer, today.
It's a whole new thing
YASHICA Inc.. 50-17 Queens Boulevard, Woodside, New York 11377
Slip on a pair of Koss K2+2 Quodrofones® ond slip into the closest
thingto o live performance you'll ever heor. Because unlike speakers,
the Koss K2+2 mixes oll four channels in your heod. See your Audio
Speciolist for a live demonstrotion. And write for our free color
catalog, c/o Virginia Lomm. The Sound of Koss Quodrafones will
take your breoth away, but the price won't . . . from $45 to $85.
“066 aupnronese
from the people who invented Stereophones,
KOSS CORPORATION, 4129 N. Port Washington Ave., Milwoukee, Wis., 53212
Ком S.r.l., Via dei Voltorto, 21 20127, Milan, oly
Some, Lose Some (PLAYBOY
moving thing to experienc
prising that Florida has become a place
where social undesirables die like flies
The Cubans and the elderly of today only
recall the Indians who were rounded
up and shipped to Florida by the Federal
Government 100 years ago.
July) was a
It's not sur
humidity, humricanes and tr
ewes did a better job on those s
outcasts than bullets
Michel Cohen
New York. New York
Brad Darraclrs superb article. The Day
Bobby Blew H (eLavnoy, July), on Bobby
Fischer's antics prior 10 his world-cham
pionship chess match is the clearest look
yet into the mind of this chess genius.
Ive a ag that the whole episode
ated in 1975, when Fischer is
forced to defend his title
Gordon W. Gribble
ew Hampshire
Darrachrs article is hilarious. if not al
ther kind or perceptive, As Bobb
арек, 1 also spent better than th
months in Iceland. tracking down the in
side story of why he played a Zwische
sug —it waiting move in chess—hefore he
lelt New York, Its a pity that Darrach,
ven your readers a truly
in all his
impe of F
splendor as a gamesman (both on and off
the board), could only come up with a
1 portrait of the champion as King
Ke much as
р. h-
ers mind operates at immense velocity.
and often he grows restless wi
pertinent conversation. Indeed. irs likely
that the champion’s lack of table m
ean be attributed. ло his boredom м
Darrach himself.
Frank Brady
Tannersville, Pennsylvania
Brady is an internalional arbiter of
the World Chess Federation and author
of “Profile of a Prodigy: The Life and
Games of Bobby Fischer.”
Fischer is no baboon,
ch would have ns believe
rly evide:
is a horse's
As is хо €
ticle. Fisch
king fools of themselves ov
him, especially when there are so many
real problems 10 face.
Ann Hotton
Venice, Florida
Your July pictori
on the t Playboy Club-Hotel, was
excellent report. on what looks to be
beautiful place
essay Great Gorge
R. L. Darko.
Sowth Bend, Indi
Can you still get prime quality for $1.26 a pound?
A pound of Volkswagen isn't
cheap compared to other cars. But
what you pay for is the quality.
Prime quality.
Just look at what you get for your
13 pounds of point, some of it in
places you can't even see. (So you
can leave a Volkswagen out over-
night and it won't spoil.)
A watertight, airtight, sealed steel
bottom that protects against rocks,
*DIN 70030
rain, rust and rot.
Over 1,000 inspections per one
1,014 inspectors who are so fin-
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Electronic Diagnosis that tells you
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A 1600 cc aluminum-magnesium
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Volkswagen's traditionally high
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Over 22,000 changes and im-
provements on a car that was well
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What with all the care we take in
building every single Volkswagen,
= we'd like to call it a filet
mignon of a car. Only
iW one problem. It's too
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Few things in life work as well as a Volkswagen.
When she asks you Find her Keep him around
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it's a Lotus. Copenhagen. comfortable chair.
The Eames chair and ottoman
The Lotus Europa Twin-Com Travel and accommodations
Special, from England. for two at the D'Angleterre from Hermon Miller. Probably
With mid-engine. And the Hotel'in Copenhagen for 7 the world's most comfortable
feel of a real racing machine. days and $1,000 to buy a fur. seating arrangement.
When everything's Take a Start the evening
just too much, good crew by letting her
relax in your on a midnight pick her own
personal savna. sail. orchid.
A Lord & Burnham window
greenhouse installed and 20
orchid plants to grow in it. Up
1o 48" X 72".
The Hobie Cot 16. А 16-ft.
catamaran, great for two,
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A Cecil Ellis sauna imported
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Go fly a couple If you want
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Regular or Menthol
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Princess for 7 days. And two near you. Plus two rackets of БОО ЕУ ТЕЬ
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Beat the Try to
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a two-person on a raft down that each of the 10 sweepstakes must be
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Rental, or he word Mulier. hond pented on о plor prse ai paper
3 Enter os ohen s you wah, but you moy enter only one эмр per.
"nd eoch enny must be толей separate 18. Мын РО. Box
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A pedal cor called a PPV—for
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Travel for two to Las Vegas rly are prizo too fanily toi
ond 2 to the Ferodo River ё Gens LP eer рс изүе emet
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7. For o Из! of winners, send o stomped. self odcressed envelope to MULTI-
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I'm very sure which sweepstokes to enter ond I've corefully read the rules.
The sweepstokes number is ond the prize is
‘Menthol: 11 mg. "tar," 0.9 mg. nicotine,
Regular: 14 mg. "tar," 1.1 mg. nicotine, av. per cigarette, FIC Report, Feb. 73.
Warming: The Surgeon General Has Determined
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| ary. STATE. ZP.
White rum. Puerto Rican rum. Something you can stay with.
There are times when you feel like you're the only two people
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White rum won'tintrudeonthatfeeling. It's there butneverinthe
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So if you want something you can stay with, try P^;
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* 1973 Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
el it like it is, sister: According to
The Dallas Morning News, dy
management. consultant for the General
Electric company told an audience of
career-oriented females at Texas Chris-
п University that a woman who wishes
to enter business or industrial manage
ment “has a natural opening she ca
capitalize on.
In San Jose, reports the Los Ange-
les Times, à blind man and a paraplegic,
both convicted of bank robbery and sen-
tenced to long prison terms, used ka-
rate to disarm and overpower the two
Federal marshals who were driving them
to prison,
Meanwhile, in Phoenix, a 36” dwarf
was accused of a $500 bank robbery. A
bank official, quoted in The Miami Her-
ald, said that while the bank's cameras
were working, no usable pictures resulted,
because the man’s head “just didn't come
up to the level of the counter.
Dear Ann Landers,” wrote Tactile
Tillie in the Raleigh News and Observer.
“Why don't some men realize that affec
tion during sex isn't enough? My hus
band never touches me outside the
bedroom. I'd give anything if he'd give
me a squeeze, put his arms around me, or
part my rump once in a while."
Good idea: In The Tampa Tribune, a
ge display ad for a monster film
tiled Schlock contained this Боасе
ign seen on a community center in
Our tumescentcgo-ofthe-month tro
phy goes to the Maryland man who, ac
cording to the Baltimore News American,
surprised a young schoolteacher sun-bath.
ing on her apartment roof, raped her at
knifepoint, forced her back to her a
t, raped her again—and then left his
telephone number. Police tra
the number and arrested him
cked down
Encouraging news from Todays
Health: In New York State, which has
the nation’s highest ratio of doctors to
patients (193 per 100,000), the life expec
tancy is two and one half years less than
in Nebraska, which has 98 doctors per
100,000 people
A form letter sent to prospective col
lege graduates from the Navy Recruiting
Command indicates that the old seethe-
world pitch has been updated. In de
scribing some of the goodies recruits can
expect from the new Navy, the letter said:
“Then there are free medical benefits and
low-cost insurance. And travel to foreign
ports—with 30 days’ paid vacation to see
and enjoy these erotic places.
Were didn’t have a
apher on hand to g
sorry we pho.
to ct a picture of
the winner in an event that was recent-
ly announced on the church page of
the Livermore, California, Independent.
"Women's Association members are en-
couraged to wear centennial garb in keep-
ing with the current church observances
А prize will be given for
ed box”
the best dew-
Some defense: According to the Green-
ville, South Carolina, News, Iowa State
moved the ball effectively against Okla-
homa State, but its offense was stalled by
“a fumble, two pass interceptions and a
couple of tits.”
ter: A
е at a Tucson depart
ment store featured specials on rifles and
Looks like a long, hot w
Colonel Sanders is probably mot
mused. but à fastservice fried-chicken
outfit is now prospering in Nova Scotia
under the g trade
nouth-wateri name
Deputy Defense Secretary William P.
Clements, Jr., who recently said that the
nation's 85-billion-dollar defense budget
may have to be increased to keep pace
with Soviet weaponry, has come up with
a way to cut costs. According to Dela-
ware's Wilmington Morning News, Clem-
ents has ordered limousines parked
outside the Pentagon to shut off their en-
s while w
iting for their passengers
The dance of life: A death notice in In
diana's South Bend Tribune concluded
on a decidedly upbeat note. “Burial will
be in Chapel Hill Memorial €
Friends ma
y ball in the funeral home
In Godfrey, Illinois, evangelist Larry
ayton held a cross aloft and told a tent-
ful of the faithful how Jesus calmed the
windlashed sea. "Jesus can calm the
storm in your life, too,” Clayton pro-
claimed. Just then, if we can believe a
writeup in the Chicago Daily News, a
prairie thunderstorm ripped the tent
A few months
back, a reader of
this column sent
usa limerick. That
kc. We
h dim-
ericks in Playboy
After Hours. They
are the exclusive
property of J. F.
O'Connor, our
Party Jokes Edi
tor, Hyperenthu:
astic readers might
recall O'Connor's
contribution to
these pages in Au
gust 1972, when
we asked him to
provide us with
the 12 most popu-
lar joke punch lines in modern
America. He spent three months
reading 250,000 jokes and then
us the punch lines without including
the jokes. (The winner was “Move
over, girls, I have to gargle!”)
We sent the wayward limerick off
to O'Connor, suggesting that while
we thought the limerick had its faults,
it was both charming and contempo-
тагу. Here is the limerick:
The standing position to Ps.
Is not exclusively Hs.
But when ladies essay
To do it that way,
They're very likely to Ms.
s O'Connor's
This limerick has several defects:
1. Starting out with Ps. might well
confuse some slow-uptake readers.
In a limerick involving this genre
of abbreviated wordplay, the stand-
guidance regarding the subsequent
confected abbreviations.
2. There is rhyme slippage. Ms
nd his have the Z sound and piss
3. There are metrical faults
three of the five lines, specifically
the second, fourth and fifth, as my
scansion signs on the attached origi
nal show, The fourth line is a par-
ticular problem:
What to do? Well. if we accept the
rhyme slippage, which ог and
almost unavoidable in this case, I с
Correct the metrical failings like this
Though the standing position to Ps
Isn't always exclusively Hs.
When the ladies effect
Micturition erect,
They're, of course, исту likely to Ms.
Effect could also be affect, which
would provide add
lib bite, but affect
would puzzle some
readers, To do it
had to be replaced
in the fourth line
to straighten out
the metrics, and
Туе used micturi-
tion in preference
to urination be-
Cause its morc
tasteful and has
humor appeal.
wouldstump m:
readers. though,
and this might
rule out its use.
И affect were to
be used—micturi-
tion wouldn't work.
with effect—we might making
water instead. Or, if additional
cuteness is desired, take your choice
of doing peepee, going tinkle or
making wee-wee.
That way likewise had to be т
placed in the fourth line for metrica
since it's normally inflected
as that way and not that
final accented beat in the line
quired, which erect supplies. Erect
also carries a hazy connotation of
penile erection even when used here
in the basic body-posture sense, and
that adds some subliminal spice.
Alternatively, the third, fourth and
fifth lines might read:
When girls try it matching
Their angle of snatching
Means, of course, that they'll
probably Ms.
A problem here is that angle of
snatching is obscure and does noi
immediately convey the necessary
image of urinating erect. This mi
better be done i
were to read:
the problem couplet
When ladies effect
Self-relief while erect. . . .
But all of these alternatives leave
point one unaccounted for. If I were
to presume to supply a more drastic
revision of the limerick, I would lead
oll with M; tablishing the ab-
breviation g nd the rhyme
pattern, with a result like this
The gains now achieved by a Ms.
Make her world more equal to Hs.
But parity dangles
By reason of angles—
A Ms. lacks the standing to Ps.
Standing is trisensed here, of course
Well, we're trisensed, too. In fact,
we're staggered. We feel we've mid-
wiled at the birth of a limerick, and
we offer it to the world with a rush
of creativity surging in our breast
from its moorings and sent it 35 feet into
ag it into six pieces and
knocking down a large oak tree nearby.
Ready for anything, Clayton later ob-
served: “It а mirade nobody was
seriously injured.”
Sex counseling has finally found its
logical setting—a swinging singles night
spot on New York's Fast Side. Since Group
Therapy (550 Third Avenue), an intimate
bar-restaurant, substituted stand-up psy-
chotherapists for comedians and jazz com-
bos, business has boomed. And why not?
It’s the only place in town where you can
get a technical opinion about multiple
orgasms or ejaculatory competence while
having a drink and looking over the
possibilities for an evening's compa
Ship. "No one listens to more probl
than a bartender or a night-club owner
says ex-Playboy bartender and Group
Therapy owner Jerry Lepson. So he de-
led to professionalize the answers. Cur-
rently, four cd therapists—three
is (one female) and a
woman psychiatrist who specializes in sex
counseling—take turns at the microphone
to moderate the rap sessions (once a night
Wednesday and Thursday, twice nightly
Friday and Saturday). Patrons are pro-
vided with pencils and pads on which to
write their questions. The night we were
there, psychologist George Cohen (who
has a private р d also teaches)
the 50-min with. psychia-
trist Merle Kroop (who is on the staff of
а sex-counseling clinic). Their technique
bined humor (Question: “How come
friend doesn't have оқ
How do you know—are you
with her all the time”), serious discussion
on such topics as primal scream therapy
nd an attempt to open up the ques
andanswer format to general discussion
(Heres a question on whether pen.
size is important . . . anyone want to
say anything about that"). Since the
crowd erally hip, many of them hav-
ing logged numerous psychotherapeutic
homs on the receiving end, somebody
ly does have something to say. De-
spite having to compete with hubbub,
hecklers and heavy action at the bar, the
therapists put on a bravura performance
They don't answer highly personal que
tions but are available after the show for
private conversat lentally, none
of the therapists ha ved any flak
fom professional organizations or from
their private patients, and the doctors
feel that what they're doing may encour-
age some people who need or want ther-
ару to investigate it more seriously.) The
nbience at Group Therapy is a mixture
of old neighborhood tavern, early Freud
and lots of corn. The walls are covered
with phobia charts, Rorschach ink blots
and quotes (“There are times when a
ar is just a cigar — Freud). Waitresses
and bartenders wear buttons proclaiming
themselves LAY ANALYSTS. The menu calls
appetizers st Session.” and entrees
that combine two dishes, i.c., chicken and
ribs, are labeled “Schizophrenics.” АЈа-
carte dinners, with entrees ranging from
$3.95 to $5.95, offer substantial amounts
of [ ble food; drinks are large;
and there's а 55 minimum on Friday and
Saturday nights, which covers [ood and
drink. "The whole thing may signal a
new trend in night-club entertainment.
Many of the questions, Dr. Cohen feels,
serve to convey messages between people
who want to use the therapist as a trans-
mitter of mating calls. As one young lady
1, as she departed with her new-found
friend, "Do you know of a bar where
there's a good gynecologist playing?”
Telephone: 212-689-9670.
Maybe you think you know all about
. And all about cars. And sex and cars.
And sex and cars and violence. Ha! In
Crash (Farrar, Straus & Giroux), J. С.
lard, hitherto known mainly for his
sci-fi (you've read him in PLAvzov), lays
into the whole syndrome like nothing
you've even dreamed. Sct in London, this
scenario for a nightmare begins when
Ballard (he tells it first person) skids
into a head-on collision at 60 miles per
hour. The other driver hurtles through
lis own windshield and dies spread-ca-
gled on Ballard’s hood, The victim's wife
is saved by her seat belt, and for what
scems like hours, she and Ballard sit there
“locked together face to face . . . the body
of her dead husband lying between из.”
He finds it all strangely erotic, and after
recovering from their minor injuries, he
nd the woman have a series of sexual en-
counters in various cars (they can't make
it in bed) that somehow "recapitulated
her husband's death, resceding the image
of his body in her..." Meanwhile, Bal-
lard meets Vaughan, a crash-scarred е;
scientist, now a kind of "accident bum’
for whom crash injuries "were the keys to
a new sexuality born from a perverse
technology.” The story develops with in-
eluctable illogic, surrealist y" a
mounting succession of hypnotic horrors
circumstantially portrayed. Numerous
aspects of this autocroticism are
plored in explicit detail, ending when
Vaughan, now completely mad, is hurled
to his death as he tries to crash into Eli
abeth Taylor's limo. This was to be his
way of raping her. He had long fanta-
sized “the marriage of her body with the
stylized contours of the car's interior,”
her wounds fusing together “her own
sexuality and the hard technology of the
automobile"—while he would die “at the
moment of her orgasm.” Maybe it all
sounds pretty wild—but what nightmare
isn’t? Ballard can write, and though he
frequendy overwrites, it’s hard not to get
caught up in this verbal acid trip with
its minatory vision of the sex-technology
mystique. You may decide to trade in
your car for a unicycle.
From its tide alone, Bourbon Street Black
(Oxford) would seem to be yet another
book of legends about that place from
which jazz came up the river. Actually,
however, this collaboration
Danny Barker (a New Orleans—re:
widely traveled musi
Buerkle (a sociologist and former musi-
т) is the freshest and most instructive
semicommunity in
ans, their relatives,
peers, friends and general supporters
whose style of life is built around the fun-
mental assumption that the produc-
tion and nurture of music for people, in
general, is good.” Although the book
staris far back in New Orleans’ past, its
focus is on the present. Among its revela-
tions is the fact that, contrary to what jazz.
writers have long been proclaiming, vin-
tage New Orleans jazz is not dying; there
more than enough young black musi-
cians in the city who fully intend to keep
the tradition alive. There is hardly any as-
pect of the New Orleans jazz musician's
life and work that isn’t probed by Barker
and Buerkle—attitudes about race and
religion, the influential role of the local
musicians’ union, the social history of the
music and what it tells of the social his-
tory of Creoles and darker blacks in New
Orleans. The musicians’ voices at the core
of this work make aficctingly clear the
sense of privilege and communal joy that
have always characterized the most com.
mitted jazz makers. A book of equal sub-
stance and quality of writing is Bruce
Cook's Listen to the Blues (Scribner's), Cook,
author of the admirably sensitive and
timental The Beat Generation, is а
p: nate but thoughtful partisan of the
blues, which he considers to be the fun-
damental American music. He blends
tory, sociology end, most importantly,
the life stories and perspectives of blues
men from diverse parts of the country to
aflirm his thesis that the blues is a living
heritage whose influence is only glancingly
understood by most Americans, induding
purported specialists. Cook's research
took him to Texas, Tennessee, the Missi
sippi Delta, Virginia, Louisiana and his
native Chicago. There are astutely con.
cise profiles of such blues bards as Rob-
ert Pete Williams, Fred McDowell and
Mance Lipscomb, as well as unusually
lucid and largely accurate analyses of the
impact of black blues on white country
and rock musicians, along with nearly
every other strain of current popular
music. In the best sense of the word, Lis-
ten to the Blues is a “popular” book, for
it warmly communicates the author's
knowledge and appreciation of the value
of the blues to those who create it and
who have been touched by it.
The Honorary Consul (Simon & Schuster)
represents a return to Graham Greene-
land, that grim country of whiskey priests
and wispy passions, Here in a backwater
Argentinian river-border province are all
the familiar played-out characters
bored Anglo-Paraguayan doctor, an aging
alcoholic British demiconsul, a ludicrous
machismo-espousing Argentinian novel-
ist, a 20-year-old Mona Lisa ex-whore, a
connubial former cleric and his blunder-
ing band of rebels, The consul marries
the whore; the doctor has an affair with
her; the cleric and his crew, mistaking
the consul for the American Ambassador,
kidnap him; and the doctor is drawn
into the middle of the whole muddle.
The wonder of it all, as always, is how
marvelously Greene moves events along
toward his theologically appointed show-
down: Though even with God there isn’t
very much, without God there is nothing.
Greene, certainly the best living British
novelist, writes with consummate polish.
Verbal plums abound; penetrating in-
ights adorn almost every page; and a rare
sense of humor is present throughout.
Greene's solitary sin, his Catholic tenden-
isness, is never venal. “To appreciate
Borges properly,” muses the doctor, “he
had to be taken, like a cheese biscuit, with
an aperiti Graham Greene goes better
with an after-dinner cognac and coffee
offering fictional delights, comic and
cosmic, best savored with a gathering
sense of ever darkening night. It's a boun-
tiful season for Greene fanciers. His
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newly published Collected Stories (Viking)
contains 40 entries, taken mostly from
other volumes. Though they vary con-
siderably in quality, none is less than
thoroughly professional.
Among the casualtics of Watergate,
there is poor Theodore H, White. Ever
since Kennedy vs, Nixon in 1960, he hz
been covering Presidential elections in
close detail. He started to do the same
thing with last year’s clection, although
t seem to be as much promise
the raw material. After all, Nixon
n't run i
all of the major events in the McGovern
Gimp were covered almost 10 excess—
even the Eagleton episode. Nevertheless,
White went ahead and was just about
ready to publish The Making of the Presi-
dent 1972 (Atheneum) when it was d
covered that a lot of that making had to
do with a criminal conspiracy. White
tried to recover: He added a Watergate
chapter, sprinkled some earlicr references
d argued that Nixon would probably
have won anyway. Maybe so, but tha
doesn't help the book a whole lot. Well,
three out of four ain't bad.
Key West is the end of the line: south-
ernmost point of the United States, a
haven for pirates and artists of varying
stripes and skills and, as such, a perfect
setting for Thomas McGuane’s third
Ninety-Two in the Shade (Farrar,
Straus & Giroux), As in The Sporting
Club and The Bushwhacked Piano,
McGuane’s earlier books, something is
terribly out of joint here: People do inex-
plicable thin imes harmless and
merely а and
deadly, and always without being quite
sure why. The central character of Ninety-
Two, Thomas Skelton, has returned to
Key West determined, alter vague failures
n greater America, to become a guide
for fishermen in pursuit of permit and
bonefish on the tidal flats. He becomes
victim of an elaborate practical joke
played by Nichol Dance, supreme guide
of the Keys and a elton admires
for his instinctive, nearly aesthetic ap-
proach to the craft. In revenge, Skelton
burns Dance's boat to the water line.
Dance, who has already killed one man
back when he tended bar in the Mid-
west, tells Skelton he will never allow
him to guide. Skelton promises that he
and the stage for a ritual American
act, the showdown, is set. Along the way,
McGuane introduces coholic sei
geant who runs the winos in a fleabag
hotel through morning sessions of dose
order drill; a former drum majorette who
is deeply into buying things on time and
remembers the days when she had a
whole stadium full of men right by the
acher who wins a free
ing first—
sometimes violent
hands down—in a pic-cating contest.
And McGuane writes about all of this
in his own unique idiom: “These were
heavy thoughts and Skelton sat down. He
new that the word ‘serious’ does not
derive from the word ‘cereal.’ He had a
feeling that on the Plains of America
everyone was named Don and Stacy. He
knew that spiritual mir m frequent-
ly lay waiting in the foothills where a
ranch was exchanged for a golf course;
and that the Spalding Dot, the Maxfli,
and the Acushnet soared over the bones
of dead warriors. So if he were driven
from Key West, he knew the Plains were
е he'd go.” McGuane knows
this fraction of the 20th Century. He
is one of our most promising young novel-
ists and this is his best book yet.
Marilyn (Grosset & Dunlap) is Norman
Mailer's biographical novel of Marilyn
Monroe. (The categories grow more and
more complex—Mailer himself has dis-
covered factoids, "facts which have no
existence before appeari
or newspaper, creations which are not so
much 1 a product to manipulate
emotion”) It was to be a 25,000-word
introduction to a collection of Monroe
photographs but grew into a 90,000-word
frontpage event complete with
Some of it is lovely, some of it is com-
pelling, some of it is pure gossip, lots of
it is boring old biography and all of it
costs 520 and makes you wish that some-
day Mailer would go back to writing pure
novels and produce that titanic book he
has been promising for so long.
“Those students are going to have to
find out what law and order is all about,”
Brigadier General Robert. Canterbury
said during the demonstrations at. Kent
ate University in May 1970. Four stu
book called The Truth About Ken! State
(Farrar, Staus & lly
The Murders at Kent State but changed to
avoid a libel suit—Peter Davies has assem-
bled crucial facts and pleads for indict-
ments of wrongdoers. Although former
Attorney General John Mitchell conced-
ed that the killin; were unnecessary,
unwarranted and inexcusable,” ni
he nor his successor, Richard Kleindienst,
brought the killers to justice. (The latest
Attorney General, acknowledging “the
sleazy atmosphere" at the Justice Depart.
ment, has promised to reopen the case.)
Davies, in eloquently controlled ange
has put together an indictment that
should have been made a long time ago.
The Justice Department concluded that
the G Imen were not surrounded
when they began shooting (the students
were at least 900 feet away); the Guards-
men still had tear gas; only a few were
injured (just one needed medical help):
and по student posed a threat to them
(witnesses say that no more than 15 stu-
dents were throwing rocks—and from
quite a distance). After examining nu-
merous photograplis, dozens of which are
reprinted here, and talking to hundreds
ol witnesses, Davies writes that “It is shat-
teringly obvious that the danger to the
lives of the Guardsmen was absolutely
minimal.” Then why the killings? An
event utes before the shootings
icion, Troop G, gathering on
the practice field to plot strategy, sudden
ly turned around and commenced firing.
“In other words,” Davies writes, “we are
left the clear possibility that a decision
was reached among these men to shoot at
the students.” Some Guardsmen have ad
mitted that the group agreed to shoot af
random. The victims, after all, were stu
dents—and everyone knows where the
on Adminisuation stood on that
m critic Hollis Alpert knows that
movies are a "business with a complex set
of operating rules." And rarely have the
been limned better than in his new novel,
Smosh (Dial). It teems with an insider's
insights into how Hollywood deals are
consummated and pictures are made.
One character, for example, “figured out
that there were four main things that
counted here: money. power, status and
be I've got the order wrong, but
we used to rate people on a scale from
one to ten. Let's say, six for money, four
Tor power, and so on. Then we added up
the point toral. Twenty-five points was
big stuff.” On such a scale, Alpert's char-
acters themselves rate high, abounding
with all the necessary elements. His anti
hero and antiheroine might seem to
some not unlike Robert Evans and. Ali
MacG er, a teacher
of French literature working on a book
about Camus, could be confused with an
Erich Segal. For the plot of Smash is a fic-
tional account, from script to grosses, of a
way success such as Love
nvolved are the usual hardheaded
The Hatchback of Notre Dame.
There's a new face on campus this immediately viable solution to our traffic
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to NYU, more and more Hondas have been performance, economy and a low price. For
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* Why? Well for openers, the Civic the car of the future. And it's here now?
Hatchback costs only $2250* and gets up Test drive it yourself.
to 30 miles to a gallon. Pretty nice And find out why we believe that new
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But economy is only half the story. familiar sight.
The Civic performance is even more
remarkable. ee
In comparing the Civic against other The New Honda Civic
economy cars, April Road Test magazine It will get you where you're going.
found that its 0-60 mph accele- : E
ration was bested only by
the Mazda RX-3 (which lists at
about a thousand dollars more).
And March Car and Driver
magazine reported: Its accele-
ration is not only better than
that of VW's and other small
displacement competitors like
the Toyota Corolla 1200, but it
also exceeds that of the stand-
ard engine Pinto as well. And
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Civic is no sitting duck on the
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Road Test summed it up
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“Clearly, the automobile has it
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"Suggested retail ($2150 for 2 Or Sedan). California add about $13. Dealer preparation, transportation, tax and license extra ©1973 Amencan Honda Motor Co Inc.
Brylcreem shows you how to
Without growing it.
Maybe you dont want to cut your long hair. Or grow
your short hair. You just want to look different. You can— if.
youre willing to spend a little time. Here's what you'll need:
Your hair, shampooed and towel-dried until damp.
A hair brush.
A comb.
If you have one, a blow-dryer or hot-comb is
important for three of these styles. But you must use it
properly. Always brush hair up and away from your scalp
and dry it from underneath. Pull hard to get rid of curly
tendencies. (If your hair is a bit too straight, small, circular
movements with your brush and dryer can give it more
life.) Longer hair should be dried with steady, continuous
Just one word of warning about blow-dryers and hot-
combs: they dry out hair. We believe it is vital to use a
conditioner on hair that is hot-air dried in order to keep it
healthy looking as well as styled.
If you don't have a hot-air dryer, don't run out and buy
one. Three ofthese styles work perfectly well without one.
1. Short
This is how youd like your hair to look. But it wont.
Because it isnt thick enough or long enough.
Blow-dry your hair up and away from your head for a
chunky feeling. Now it looks like it just grew an extra inch
in length. And doubledin thickness.
Lift your hair all over except one place—your
neckline. If you keep your hair close here, even flip it out,
itlooks longer.
When you comb, make a short part. Comb your hair
in the direction it grows. (Across the forehead and down
overthe ears for most quys.)
Since blow-drying dries out your hair, prevent this by
using a little Brylcreem Hairdressing before you begin. It
helps shorter hair in lots of ways. Its conditioners put
back the moisture hot-air drying removes, giving your
hair a healthy looking, natural sheen. Brylcreem also
makes your hair more manageable, so it does exactly
what its supposed to.
2. No part
Maybe you've had enough of parting your hair—and
seeing your forehead —to last you a lifetime. (Or at least
the next few months.) If so, try this.
Massage Brylcreerris new Dry Style into your hair.
Then comb top hair from the crown of your head
towards your forehead, side hair down to your ears and
forward to the temples, back hair down and under around
your neck.
Now you can leave your hair as is, or comb again for
an even fuller look. (But remember, no part.) Dry Style
is like hair spray in a bottle, controlling your hair naturally.
and invisibly.
3.Opposite part
You prefer your hair parted, but just want something
different. Hows this? It works without a hot-air dryer, too.
First, massage a little Brylcreem Hairdressing into
your damp hair, for body and manegeability.
Then, part your hair high, on the side opposite to its
“normal” part. Grooming away from the growth pattern
will temporarily straighten out waves and will also help
give the height this style requires on top.
Brush hair up andback on top, straight down and flat
to the head on the sides. Flip up the hair at the nape of
your neck.
Let it dry just as itis.
1. Side part
Heres how to get your hair looking its best if you
want a side part.
Brush and dry your hair in one smooth motion,
turning the ends under. This makes it look shorter. (Maybe
you can get by without a haircut for a few more weeks.)
change the way your hair looks.
Without cutting it.
Side hair is groomed under and towards your cheek.
Top hair goes to the side, then back away from your face.
If your hair has a mind of its own, use a spray of
Brylcreem Soft Hair Dry Spray with Protein before you
start blow-drying. It does two important things for longer
hair: conditions and controls. Spray it on, then massage it
into your hair and scalp. The protein penetrates your hair
shafts, helping to protect your hair from the parching
effect of blow-drying. And the styling control of Soft Hair
will help you get your hair going where you want it. And
keep it there.
2.No part
If you cant be bothered with blow-drying or youd like
to look more mature, try this.
Spray your towel-dried hair with Soft Hair Dry Spray
with Protein andmassage it in. This puts styling contro!
where you need it: down deep in your hair.
Then, with your brush, groom all your hair straight
back against your head. You've got a forehead again.
Earlobes, too. Flip the hair at your neck out and up.
Use the brush at the crown to lift your hair and turn it
under. This gives a little extra height where you may need it.
Another spritz of Soft Hair where your natural part
may betrying to appear will help prevent it
from doing so.
LZ >
3. Center part E
The last time you parted your hair on Я
the side it either fell in your food or made x:
you look lopsided. Try a center part instead.
With your hot-comb or blow-dryer, turn your hair
forward and under on either side of the part. Starting
from the part, your hair should go away from your fore-
head, towards your cheek and back to your ear. An
Ssshape. This makes your hair flip out at the bottom.
From the end of the part down the back of your head,
all hair goes up and under, for fullness. At the very bottom
make the ends flip by turning them up.
And dont forget Soft Hair Dry Spray with Protein. Its
conditioners will counteract the drying effects of a hot-
comb or blow-dryer. And itll control your hair while
keeping it healthy-looking.
After all, if your hair is dull and dried out, all the
styling in the world won't help the way you look. That's
why, no matter what style you decide on, we've gota
product that will help you.
Weve come a long way
since“a little dab will do ya?
lay starlet, the fair-
aghter of а first film family and
alcoholic homosexual star.
п Alpert keeps his story
moving along with an airy deftness—
from the moorings of Marina del Rey to
the projection rooms of Beverly Hills—
in a mood and tone that well befits his
Michael Arlen's two previous books
have been a collection of his nonparcil
TV reviews for The New Yorker (Living-
Room War) and a resonant family mem-
oir (Exiles). His third book, An American
Verdict (Doubleday), is a low-keyed ac
count of the mugging of justice in the
case of the Chicago police murder of
Black Panther Party members Fred
Hampton and Mark Clark in December
9, during a raid in which four other
ers were wounded. The events,
from the initial “shootout” through the
subsequent conspiracy by law-enforce-
nt officials to fabricate evidence that
would prove the homicides “justified,” are
familiar to newspaper readers. Arlen has
no new information, but, considering
how swiftly even the most horrific topical
events blur in memory, his careful sum-
tion of each stage ol this egregious act
of official lawlessness is valuable. By May
1970, an FBI report had destroyed the
Chicago police tale of a ferocious fire
fight that necessitated the КЇЇ of
Hampton and Clark self-defense.
(“There was physical evidence of be-
tween 83 and 99 shots having been fired
into the apartment by the raiders, and of
only one having been fired by any of the
ither.") Yet, alihough state's attor-
ney Edward Hanrahan and other lawmen
involved in the x; d its cover-up were
indicted. all were ultimately acquitted.
Arlen fills out the chronology of An
American Verdict with quick sketi
of the social topography of Mayor Daley's
Chicago as well as illuminating scc-
tions on street gangs, the quickness of the
media to accept police versions of events
as the “objective” story, and the symbiosis
of political and ccon nterests that
make Chicago work. Duly noted is the
fact that Hanrahan was defeated last
E in his re-clection campaign for Cook
County state's attorney. The black wards,
long controlled by the Daley organiza-
ered for the rest of the ticket.
But not for Hanrah: , 100, Was an
American yerdict,
The running argument between basc-
ball and football as to which is truly our
national sport may be beside the point
^ glance at the fall publishing lists indi
that Americrs current national
sport is reading about sports—from his-
tory to gossip, from how-to handbooks to
lev-ivall- hang-out life stories of star per-
formers. Towering (literally if not liter-
arily) over the crop is Wit (Macmillan),
the autobiography of Wilt Chamberlain,
E all time. The book was ce
Los Angeles newsman David Shaw, but it
is far from a glossy ghost job: In some
Ways, it is as powerlul as the dunk shots
the 7/1” Chamberlain slams through
the hoop; in others, it is as spotty as his
foul shooting. What the book has goi
for it (besides any fan's normal
п who describes himself as “just like
any other seven-foor black millionaire”) is
a roughhewn honesty. From his early days
as high school star in Philadelphia to his
present eminence, Wilt has been neither
an Uncle Tom nor a Black Panther.
Mostly, he has been himself—egocentric,
onated, filled with gusto lor all of
life's goodies. from $100,000 contracts to
his multimillion-dollar home, from high-
performance cars to high-performance
women (without regard to race, color or
national origin). Wilt pulls no punches
in his evaluation of either the on-court
skills or the off-court. personalities of the
men (Bill Russell, Elgin Baylor, Jerry
West, Bill Sharman, Karcem Jabbar) he
has played for, with or against. He is simi
larly frank about the girls who are
trigued by the possibilities of his size, by
the fans who think he owes them some-
thing, and even about his political ad-
ventures with Nixon. The book is a joy-
ful ego trip although Chamberlain's ego
becomes a bit overbearing when he at-
tempts to rebut the "loser" tag (hung on
him because his te: dency
to blow championships in the deciding
game) by continually pointing out how
many points he scored and exactly who
missed the easy lay-up that would have
won the title, Another self-proclaimed
ns had a te
m—this time in the broadcasting
booth rather than on the playing field
is Howard Cosell, whose autobiog,
phy bears the simple but majestic title
Cosell (Playboy Press). The book fasci
nates not only for its behind-thescenes
explorations of sports and TV perso
ties but also for the insight it yields into
the complex, sentimental, self-righteous
personality of Cosell himself. A lawyei
who gave up a lucrative practice for the
chance to do a nickelanddime radio
sporis show, Cosell ins the crusad
ing attorney even while he has become
the most controversial of broadcaster
Woven into the anecdote-packed stories
of his coverage of such events as two
Olympiads, Muhammad Ali's rise and fall
and the painful birth of Monday Night
Football are enough pronouncements
about athletes, TV executives, sportswrit-
ers and sports fans to fuel a dozen hot-
stove leagues. Cosell is not without
blind spots: He decries the seriousnes:
with which sports figures take every tiny
detail of their small worlds, without seem-
ing to recognize that he has built his
carcer around these worlds. Sports colum-
nist Larry Merchant is in the same line as
Cosell, but his book, The Netionel Foorbell
Lomery (Holt, Rinchare & Winston), is
written from the vantage point of a fan
who bets. Merchant decided to join the
15,000,000 Americans who lay heavy
bread on pro football—and to keep a
weekly diary of how he did, from opening
day kickoff to Super Bowl Sunday. In the
course of his financial ups and down
he opens up the world where bookies,
tipsters, bigtime bettors and поі
players gear their lives to such things as
the “early line" and the “outlaw linc,"
Roman Gabriel's sore arm and the
weather in Cincinnati. At first, Mer-
chants play-by-play of his bet-by-bet is
intriguing. But soon he is defeated by his
own formula: a weck-by-week rundown
of odds, point spreads, bets made, can-
celed and hedged; of team strengths,
weaknesses and records. By the time the
season reaches its [4th weck, and Me
chant his Mth chapter, its all pretty
boring. Still, in case you're interested,
Merchant wound up the season sub-
stantially ahead.
Also noteworthy:
abominable Flishm:
nemesis at Rugby, is
George MacDonald er’s Flashman at
the Charge (Knopf) As readers of
PLAYBOY'S prepublication serialization of
the book already know, this estimable se
quel finds our bounder-hero in the Cri-
where he survives the charge of the
t Brigade and gocs on to save India.
The engagingly
Aside from experiencing the piquant
of molten rubber mingling with.
the scent of burning leaves, there's an-
other reason for visiting Akron, Ohio,
this fall. It's to eat and drink at The Wine
Merchant (1680 Merriman Road), an oe-
haven where wine with your
a must—nor only because the cel
lar is so impressive but also because the
bearded, rotund owner, John Pisearzi,
staunchly refuses to stock hard liquor.
The fact that this pleasant little res
тати, which seats only 75, has prospered
Tumwater Firemen spend most of their
time making beer. famous natural artesian brewing water. In fact
it was one of the fellows from the brewery who
Give these fellows some good malting came up with the official motto of the
barley, some choice hops and alot of Tumwater Fire Department.
time, and they know just what todo ™ You guessed it.
with them. Because they all work iz
at the Olympia Brewery, here in
Tumwater, Washington.
The local Fire Department
is strictly a volunteer thing—
although it seems only natural
that the fellows would volunteer
for something that involves
water. After all, we spend y4
most of our time working
with water: Olympias ت
Somewhere on the road to a perfect steel belted radial,
most tire companies took a wrong turn.
"They started out to build the perfect tire.
A tire made with steel.
One so strong, it could drive over nails,
spikes and axe blades, and keep on going.
For 40,000 miles.
And by the time they were finished, their
tough, indestructible steel belted radials were about as
quiet and soft-riding as a locomotive.
"That's because most tire companies forgot
one thing: steel isn't exactly flexible.
And unless it’s made flexible, no steel
belted radial can give you good handling or a quiet
comfortable ride.
At Pirelli, we never forgot this while
developing our steel belted radial.
The Cinturato CN-75.
The CN-75 is guaranteed for 40,000 miles,
and can take at least as much punishment as any other
steel belted radial.
The difference is, the CN-75 also rides
smoothly and quietly.
Because of the way it’s engineered.
alignment or with defective shocks, brakes or similar defect. Pirelli Cinturato CN75 tires are also guara n 4
Credit or refund based on tread depth remaining.
The CN-75 is built with a new kind of steel
cord called “Trac-Steel 21" Comprised of more
individual strands than any other tire uses.
And the more strands used ina cord, the
more flexible the steel.
The result is a tire that gives you all the
strength, protection, and mileage of steel without
sacrificing a quiet comfortable ride.
In addition, every single CN-75 is com:
pletely X-ray inspected.
Because if even the slightest thing is wrong
with a steel belted radial, the effect it could have
on your car will be more than slight.
Most steel belted radials will give you the
strength and protection of steel.
But the kind of ride you get depends on
which steel belted radial you buy.
All the advant ofa steel belted radial
without the disadvantages.
inst defects in workmanship and materials ai
despite such a self-imposed handicap is
testimony to both its extensive wine list
(which. features over 400 selections) and
the quality of its cuisine. Piscazzi's menu
has an international flavor. Wi
momma, Lucia, he whips up such d
Ges 4 Carciofi di Aragorin (stuffed
baked artichoke hearts cooked with
chunks of lobster in a creamed Soave
wine sauce) and Sole Florentine (fillet of
sole covering a spinach soufflé, topped
with а cream wine sauce). The sole, like
all the other fish, is flown in fresh daily.
Aside from about a dozen other entrees
listed, there are two to food spe-
dals. which change according to what
fresh fish i ble. Or, if you're lucky,
you may arrive on a day when The Wine
Merchant. is featuring Steak Nomtanka,
cooked with German, Oriental, French
and oyster mushrooms—the latter freshly
picked in nearby fields only in the spring
and fall. It's a delightful dish, especially
when sampled with a little-known Bor-
deaux—Ci at $15. АП
dinners at The Wine Merchant are served
with soup, rice or ble and salad.
The first course andsome por-
tion of onion soup, prepared way
that would warm the heart of a Breton
chef, or a wedding soup—tiny veal meat
balls in broth. For those with mi
appetites, several imaginative sandwiches
are also offered, including thick broiled
bacon with melted cheese on Arab bread.
breaded veal steak smothered in a sauce
of wine and mushrooms on a toasted bun
and broiled Italian homemade sausages
on Arab bı th the exception of the
Middle Eastern variety, which Piscazzi
says comes from the same source that pro
vides for the Lebanese embassy in Wash-
ington, D.C., all the bread is baked on
the premises. It would seem that the more
fare the Piscazzis can prepare themselves,
the better they—and their customers—
seem to like it. The Wine Merchant is
open from
through S
Bank Americard are accepted and reserva-
tions are strongly recommended (216.861
Ingmar Bergman's favorite cincmatog-
rapher, Sven Nykvist, lets his consider-
able gilts carry him to the threshold of
nirvana in Siddherthe, based on the mod-
em classic by Hermann Hesse, whose
books have been atuacting hordes of
young readers for more than a decade.
Nykvist’s dreamy images may give them
just what they want—the beauty and
tranquillity of ancient India, a sense of
order, melting sunsets and incredibly
pretty people in scarch of a spiritual idea.
Two of India's top stars, Shashi Kapoor
in the title role and Simi Garewal as the
courtesan who teaches him the ridiness
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: With Gillette TECHMATIC its Good-bye Nick.
of sensual pleasure, are the chief orna-
ments of this deceptively simple tale
about a young Brahman who tells his fa-
ther, “I want to be free . . . I want to be
wild.” Siddhartha then walks away from
his religious teachers to find wisdom and
the meaning of life through firsthand ex-
perience as a wandering sadhu, or holy
man; as a wealthy rice merchant; finally,
as a ferryman on a riverboat, where he
attains peace in his old age. The ever-
changing river, of course, is a metaphor
for life itself; and Siddhartha’s discovery
that life is very simple, after all, holds
irresistible appeal. Nykvist photographed
iddhartha ou the estates of the maha
raja of Bharatpur and near the holy city
of Rishikesh (where the Beatles did th
meditating not so many years ago). His
camerawork is as restful as a stroll beside
the sea hand hand with a loved one,
and such pastoral imagery matches the
general level of perception achieved by
adapter-producer-director Conrad Rooks,
a 37-year-old independent film maker
whose first and only previous feature was
Chappaqua—a seldom shown but stri
ingly personal hallucination drawn from
his experience with drugs. In Siddhartha,
Rooks seems mainly a deadly earnest il-
lustrator paying а Гапу homage to Hesse.
The dilemma of modern young mar-
rieds, itchy to swing but secretly scared of
it, was pretty well covered several seasons
ago in Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice. The
subject reaches the same anticlimactic
cop-out in 1 Could Never Have Sex with Any
Мап Who Has So tittle Regard for My Husband,
directed by Robert McCarty and adapted
by Dan Greenburg (from a Greenburg
original titled Chewsday: A Sex Novel).
Carmine Caridi, Andrew Duncan, Cyn-
thia Harris and Lynne Lipton are paired
off as two couples sharing a summer
house at Martha's Vineyard, where they
play adult versions of kid games, such as
strip hideand-seck, and try to get their
nerve up for a bit of marital switcheroo.
Instead, they just get on one another's
nerves, though they do scatter a few of
Greenburg’s comic pearls along the way
A husband hearing his wife remark that
their sex life might lack variety, inno-
у queries, “You don't like our posi-
whilst the wife confesses she’s had
ms co-starring Warren Beatty,
“but we t go all the way." Best mo-
ment in J Could Never Have Sex is the
finale, when the four fraidy-cats hide be-
hind the door to avoid an unexpected
visit from a really swinging couple called
the DeVrooms. Too bad they go away.
This picture could have used a couple of
DeVroc as antidote for an overdose of
coy titillation.
The career of automobile racing driver
Junior Johnson—now in his 40s and re-
tired from active competition on the
ar circuit—is freely but vibrantly
The Last American Hero.
Adapted by William Roberts from Tom
Wolfe's whizbang prose in an Esquire
article about Junior, the movie calls him
Junior Jackson and takes a sympathetic
approach to this “wild-assed_ mounta
boy” who is determined to remain a
loner, to burn up the track without
selling himself body and soul to the
© ment manipulators whose spon-
sored, factory-buil cars dominate the
racing world. How Junior wins his tro-
phics at the expense of his impossible
dreams about freedom and rugged inde-
pendence is Hero's underlying theme
which hardly amounts to a starting
new perception of the American expo
ence. But director Lamont Johnson has а
lot going for him in addition to lively
footage of demolition derbies and stock
races. Jeff Bridges as Junior was never
better at giving his down-home shtick a
sense of inner-directed urgency and con-
viction, and he sets the pace for earthy
performances by Geraldine Fitzgerald
and Art Lund (with Lund especially
right ay Junior's dad, a stubborn moun-
tain man dedicated to making top-grade
moonshine). Another noteworthy figure
n the supporting cast is built for-speed
Valerie Perrine as a wack follower who
calls herself "a Georgia peach-pit,"
amiable girl with very low resistance to
winners. Junior's disappointment in love
is part of his evolution from hillbilly
rebel to superpro, and Last American
Hero salutes him in a pop saga phrased
with rough vernacular authenticity. It's
no easy feat to project the innate class
of a hero whose idea of a smart retort is,
‘I you had gas for brains, you couldn't
back a piss-ant out of a pea shell.”
Eddie Egan, the rugged former New
York City detective whose reallife ex-
ploits as а crime fighter gave impetus to
The French Connection, is at it again
a less smashing sequel called Badge 373.
Once more, Egan himself plays a pivotal
role as the police lieutenant who docs all
he can to curb the unorthodox methods
of Detective Ryan (read Egan) when
Ryan sets out to avenge the murder of a
fellow officer. Taking the part ori
ed by Gene Hackman, Robert Du
equally brutal, determined and convine
ing. He is also an unabashed rac
quick to call a Spanish-speaking culprit a
spick as to dismiss one of his 1
ment colleagues as “a little Jew prick.
Pending investigation of charges that he
pushed a dope pusher off a roof in Span-
ish Harlem, Ryan indulges his own thirst
for vengeance with practically no time
out for hearts and flowers; a brief call on
his dead chum's embittered widow (Tina
Cristiani, featured in our July issue)
and а few hours in bed with his fa-
vorite barmaid (Verna Bloom, putting
true grit into another thankles role)
the only indications that our hero may be
subject to recognizable human feelings.
The dirty work he uncovers has to do
with smuggling arms to guerrillas intent
on the liberation of Puerto Rico. Pr
ducer-lirector Howard W. Koch handles
every outbreak of violence competent-
ly—but without sufficient razzle-dazzle to
conceal the weaknesses of a sleazy script
by columnist Pete Ham
ng baggy suits and the
broad-brimmed hats of 1931 swagger
through Pete, Pearl & The Pole, made in
Italy but said to take place in Farming-
ton, West Virginia, where the piazzas
were presumably frequented by big-time
racketcers. In fact, the movie doesn't look
as wrong as one might expect, though it
often sounds like a prep-school parody of
Little Gaesar or Scarface. “You're a
bitch," says the Pole (Adolfo Celi) to
Pearl (Lucretia Love). “Well, us bitches
got rights, too,” his moll retorts. Pearl has
just got back after being kidnaped and
held for ransom by the Pole's rival, Pete,
who drives a vintage touring car with a
crank-wound Victrola on the seat beside
him (his taste runs to You Made Me Love
You and Sweet Georgia Brown). Tony
Anthony, who rose to eminence in Italy's
spaghetti Westerns, plays Pete as if he
were determined to stay a good 20 leagues
behind Clint Eastwood. To put it blunt-
ly, Anthony cannot act at all; his effort
here might move even Clint to a guffaw.
Chubby Checker shouts, "Lets twist
again!" and the sound of the Fifties
comes back loud and clear. At this point
in our social history, when almost any by-
gone сга can be packaged and sold as an
age of relative innocence, Let the Good
Times Roll obviously fills a need. Staged
in the spring of 1972 for the express pur-
pose of being filmed, two rock-n-roll re-
vival concerts (the first in Detroit, the
second in New York) brought together
such Fifties favorites as Chuck Berry,
ile Richard, the Shirelles, The Fi
Satins, Bo Diddley, Bill Haley and the
Comets, and more, Even a moviegoer for
whom the names strike no spark of гес
nition should find Good Times an exl
arating time trip. Its concert footage is
shrewdly edited and often combined, on
a split screen, with other samples of
Fifties memorabilia. There are flying sau-
cers, Charles Van Doren and the qı
show scandals, early Nixon political
speeches, plus TV interviews with carnest
public officials decrying the pernicious
moral degeneracy of rock rhythms. The
filmed concert is an overworked format,
but this giddy musicale has much more
rly rock to recommend it
nt in the history of the Ame
youth movement.
Sean Connery's latest replaces
007, in tive and let Die (pictorially pri
viewed in our July
Moore, beuer known
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as Simon Templar of The Saint series.
Suave, cool and handsome, Moore Jacks
the carthy humor of his predecesor but
plays the Fleming game passably well. He
seems markedly less sex-conscious than
Connery, too, though that may be simply
ter of de-emphasis by scenarist Tom
Mankiewicz and director Guy Hamilton,
both experienced hands. Jane Seymour,
as Solitaire the sceress—whose powers
wane as her sex appeal increases—and
Gloria Hendry, as а bedworthy secret
agent, provide Bond's principal diver
sions from a plot tha
voodoo and a fiendish evildoer named
Dr. Kananga (Yaphet Kotto), who has
a scheme afoot for conquering the civ-
ilized world through drug addiction.
High point of the picture is yet another
stic chase in speedboass that zing
nd sea and occasionally collide
with police patrol cars. Except for this
episode, the movie ranks low to middling
on the Bond scale of hyperstimulant cin
ema. As a footnote, wend spotters will
note an unusual number of blacks among
the baddies, which must signify some-
thing, perhaps a putdown of the inverted
racism (black for good, white for evil)
thats been all too prevalent in action
movies lately.
involves violence.
over land
Montmartre. the Arcde Triomphe and
the Eiffel Tower are glimpsed as fleeting
reflections in plate-glass doors by a
troop of American ladies on a guided
tour of Paris. These giddy tourists in the
Gity of Light see little else, save traffic
jams and chromium snack bars; thus,
Paris isa case of love at first sight, because
it reminds them of places back home, like
Cleveland. That is the essence of Playtime,
a brilliant comic essay by France's
Jacques Tati, who has a great deal to
say—or show—about the ludicrous situa-
tion of human beings in a modern world
that is all coming to resemble Kennedy
Airport. Far superior to his 1971 Traf
fic—another episode in the misadven
tures of Tati Mr. Hulot—Playtime was
made in 1967 and appears at the age of
six to be not just a delightful social satire
but a prophecy fulfilled. Tati doesn’t
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invite moviegoers to roll in the a
would rather we chuckle along with him
at the patently absurd roles played. by
mankind on a planet where the revealed
religion is Progress. He sees devastating
implications in the opening of a swank
supper club occupied by frenzied dancers,
1 man toppling repeatedly off his bar
stool, a doorman with only a knob in his
hand, who politely helps patrons enter
through a nonexistent door. Гау rueful
metaphor is а merry-go-round world in
which, at last, it seems utterly reasonable
that the treasures of the Louvre cannot
compete for public favor with the dizzy
enchantment of cars moving up and
down on a hydraulic lift.
On a bleak Oklahoma hilltop circa
1910, two neer-do-well men and an em-
bittered woman defend their wildcat
drilling site against an army of thugs
recruited by a giant oil corporation.
George C. Scott and John Mills play the
beleaguered heroes of Oklahoma Crude with
bout as much gusto as a movie screen
can hold—Scott as a hired hand, Mills as
the estranged father of wildcatter Faye
Dunaway (a fine actress flagrantly mis-
cast—for Faye's inbred elegance d
all efforts to disguise her, with long.
underwear and Max Factor smudges, as a
feminist roustabout). First-rate cinema-
tography by Robert Surtees, plus the
screenplay by Marc Norman, might have
sustained the elemental conflicts of Crude
if producer-director Stanley Kramer had
ever decided just what kind of movie he
wanted to make, Living up to his reputa-
tion for sledge-hammer subtlety, Kramer
stages one showdown scene with stark
realism, another as farce—while Henry
Mancini’s velvety background music
treats love, hate, hope, fear and sexual
desire as if he hoped to turn every gush
of emotion into a Top 40 song hit. The
result is a film full of rumbling promise
but aesthetically out of sync, with е
its potent star power diminished by half.
Produced by Francis Ford Coppola (of
Godfather fame) and directed by his pro-
tégé, George Lucas (whose first film was
THX 1138, a muddled but promising try
at science fiction), American Grafiti has
very little plot and no particularly telling
points to make. It is, nonetheless, a satis
fying slice-of-life movie that takes the
pulse of teenagers in an average Califor-
nia town on one hot night in the
summer of '62. Every guy who's got
whecls is cruising the main drag or stop-
ping by Mel's Burger City to see where
the action is. There's a hop in progress at
the high school gym, if anyone is square
enough to care. Girls are picked up and
dropped as fast as they can be checked
out for their accessibility. Two buddies
named Steve and Curt (played by Ronny
Howard and Richard Dreyfus) are
eak louder
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enjoying their last night on the town be-
fore they fly away to an. Eastern colle;
and two less privileged chums (Charlie
Martin Smith and Paul Le Mat) are pre-
occupied with fast cars and even faster
chicks (fastest by far is a blonde named
Debbie, caught like a butterlly in a block
of crystal by Candy Clark) While a
generally firstrate cast of little-known
performers makes American Graffiti come
to life, substantial credit must be shared
with director Lucas and coscenarists Glo-
ria Katz and Willard Huyck, whose ruc-
ful reminiscence of what it meant to be
young in the Sixties is sharper than the
retouched portrait of Fifties youth in
The Last Picture Show. The lount of cul-
ture is a car radio blast
rent hits by The Pl
Boys, courtesy of a celebrated West Coast
deejay known as Wolfn ck. And
ng, the way Lucas t becomes
ly а tecnage social custom but a
classic American ritual as stylized as a
tribal salute to puberty.
Pinup boy Burt Reynolds enters bis
high for superstar status opposite
Sarah Miles in The Man Who Loved Cot
Dancing, an entert: „ though inconsc-
ham. 4 of homespun
erotic fantasy about a fe who
aped by train robbers. A woman's
rn from first to last, and talented
h has all the best of it. In another
vehicle. White Lightning, Burt is fully in
charge as an cx-con mixed up with boot
leg whiskey. wild n and corrupt
cops in one of those lethal little towns
down South. Great stunt driving. The
rest is good tough Reynolds rap.
nn is dressed like a dowager
s wildly wrong in 40 Corots, the
movie based on that Broadway hit about
а 40ish New York career woman who de-
cides to live happily ever alter with a
mill At least she doesn't dic
of cancer, dle-robbing movie hero.
ines so often do. Young Edward Albert
plays the boy in a manner to make a
P. T. A. chairlady Icel like Auntie Mame.
as cr
Little Cigors must have been meant as a
comedy. but don't ask why: A blonde
moll (Angel Tompkins) goes on a crime
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spree with a band of midgets—and falls
in love with their diminutive leader.
Give this one short shrift.
A herpetological horror show starring
more snakes than you can shake a shtick
at, Sssssss stars Dirk Benedict and Heather
Menzies as a boy and a girl who find that
love is a drag when a [ella turns into a
king cobra. Excellent make-up and pho-
tography, though only a confirmed snake
handler will watch this one with both
feet on the floor.
Triumvirate (Columbia) brings together
the talents of two third-rate rock stars,
Mike Bloomfield and John Paul Ham-
mond, and one great one, Dr. John.
There's a Jong, dull story (part of which
is printed on the sleeve) about how per-
sonal tensions and musical chaos almost
prevented the al-
bum from coming
off. Well, the tape
probably should
have been left in
the can. The open-
er, Cha-Dooky-Doo,
is pretty good, even
Hammond's sing-
ing is passable, but
Chris E
this point on, the
descent is rapid.
Mike is generally
off mike and. John
Paul's attempts to
sing “da blooze” (as
the pop press di
tinguishes the imi-
We always like a musici
come up the hard
fered torment and bad wom
arist Dave Markee and drummer Clive
Thacker add considerable support.
We had some unkind things to say
about Carney, but Leon Russell more
than redeems himself with Leon Live (Shel-
ter), a three-disc concert recording that is
the epitome of his vast talents. Since near-
ly every track is first-rate, you begin to get
a picture of Russell’s incredible creativity
and drive. When you can listen to more
than three sides of this powerhouse style
at one sitting, you'll begin to understand
what a Leon Russell concert is all about.
The set includes classic country rockers.
sometimes with an old-timey flavor, as in
Dixie Lullaby, sometimes freshened up
with new piano figures and Gospel fills,
as in Of Thee I Sing, occasionally quiet
and reflective, as in Sweet Emily. The
featuring Don Preston's guitar
his lines above the clamor of Jump-
ing Jack Flash), is superb throughout. A
Dallas Gospel group, Black Grass, was
touring with Rus-
sell last summer.
and they fit in well
here, with only an
Occasional strain-
ing to match his
ace and tempo.
"There are nods to
the blues and to
Little Richard—
for Leon
fne musical
couise on the trials
of touring and per-
forming Out in
the Woods, featur-
ing the Reverend
Patrick Hender-
son's dever vocal
obbligato to Leon,
n who's
who's sul-
tative variety) are, strong riffs by the
to put it charitably, Gospel girls, rhyth-
uninspired. As the | and really lived it. For this reason, | mic pauses and
Doctor has told | we were happy to learn about Sam Î jumps and, as al
ws brilliantly else- | Leopold's first album, Asa PR release | ways, Leon's per
cime Ol wem on || Gelb At aye 24 he is living in | fect pacing and
e, but | Evanston, a suburb of Chicago, and | gauging of the
been | has been pla
the wrong time.” | im the city
` But hi
Now that O Lucky
Nen! has made its
mark on Ameri
movie screens, we imagine the lines will
be forming at the record shops to scoop
up Warner Bros" originalsound-track
LP. "The songs and the performance by
composerpianistsinger Alan Price (he
is, incidentally, very visible in the movie)
are merely sensational. Price is close to
song; the title tune, Changes, Justice and,
especially, Poor People are several cuts
above most of the better pop stuff turned
out today. 1 voice is beguilin
ightforward and his piano work m
ng the folk-club circuit
ce the summer of 1972.
musical experience:
ar lessons from hi
cleaning lady in the mid-1950s.
audience response.
"The concluding of
fering, Its All
Over Now Baby
Blue, caps the most
important record-
cd statement Leon Russell has made.
ate back
Supersax Pleys Bird (Capitol) is a wild
thing. The idea behind it was to take
dassic Charlie Parker solos and turn them.
into ensemble charts. The results are
astonishing. Supersax is made up of Med
Flory and Joe Lopes on alto, Warne
Marsh and Jay Migliori on tenor and
Jack Nimitz on baritone, with Conte
Candoli’s trumpet the brass coun-
terpoint and pianist Ronnell Bright,
Hanna and bassist Buddy
g the rhythm (a brass choir
drummer J
Clark supplyi
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The reed work on some of the more
frenetic Bird solos is breath-taking, But
even on the slower, moodier pieces, the
transformation of the solos into a con-
temporary group sound is startling. Able
to leap impossible charts at a single
bound, it's Supersax!
Let's hear it for Choice records, a new
label with a couple of splendid debut
albums. A Flower for All Seasons duos Eddie
niels on flute, alto flute, clarinet and
ss clarinet, and Bucky Pizzarelli on clec-
tric and acoustic guitars. Bucky. who
created quite a stir when he teamed up
with fellow guitarist George В;
found another soulmate in Di
two, with Pizzarclli ust
backup sound for Daniels, are superi
ful as they weave their way through a se:
sion that ranges from Chopin and Ibert
through Harold Arlen's ds Long as I
Live and Henry Mancini’s Two for the
Road to a couple of ja77-boss:-nova
items, Samia by Les McCann and Blue
Bossa by Kenny Dorham. The Jimmy Giuffre.
3 / Music for People, Birds, Butterflies & Mos-
quitos is equally impressive. Estimable
composer-reedman Giuffre is heard here
on flute, clarinet and tenor sax,
with bassist Kiyoshi Tokunay
mer Randy Kaye, as they perform а dozen
of his compositions. Singly and in toto,
they're fascinating, with Tokunaga mak-
ing a major contribution to the overall
fectiveness of the album. But what we
really appreciate most about both LPs is
their ability to convey musical excitement
keeping the decibel count to an ear-
preserving level, and that—in this day
ad age—is something. The records are
available at $5.98 cach from Choice Rec-
ords, 245 Tilley Place, Sca Cliff, New
York 11579.
ly providing
The new one from Sly and the Fa
Stone, Fresh (Epic), makes a silly conces-
sion to somebody by printing the ly
to the tunes, thereby making people
read and reflect on Sly's stock in trade,
the great suggestive nonsense (Babies
Makin’ Babies, for instance) that his
music is designed to present through
those marvelous mumble
ululations and incoherencies that have to
be heard. This album is beautiful.
Bet you thought all the rock-star infat-
uation with gurus and things Indian was
over. Not so: We're getting another go-
round, or recrudescence, of the Perennial
Pop Philosophy in two very different al-
bums by George Harrison and Mahavish-
nu John McLaughlin. Harrison, the only
Beatle to survive musically, offers his
most appealing, if not sophisticated, mix
to date of pop music and Vedanta en-
lightenment in Living in the Material World
(Apple). Ranging from meditative prayer
to love songs, lawyer songs and rock ‘n’
roll, the album works best in the rock
mode: Don't Let Me Wait Too Long
a nice uptempo ballad in the latc
Beatles vein; The Lord Loves the One
(That Loves the Lord) uses a Gospel verse
with power and ease; the title tune, trac-
ing George's hopeful progress from birth
through friends John and Paul to Sri
Krishna's grace, is the best of the lot,
aided in no small measure by Klaus Voor-
mann’s fine bloop-bloop bass, Nicky
Hopkins’ piano and Jim Horn'ssax. The
big production numbers try to mix sin-
cerity and schmaltz, not too effectively.
Yet George's religiosity—here much more
firmly, musically grounded than in All
Things Must Pass—is going to speak
to millions. And that is no bad thing.
love Devotion Surrender (Columbia)
ly brings together the converging
ents of Carlos Santana and Mahavishnu
John under the devout auspices of $
Chinmoy, John's guru, whose message
adorns the album's inner sleeve. Carlos
began getting into. McLaughlin's music
with Marbles on the Buddy Miles
tana album, then developed that
tion in Caravanserai, This disc is no
Hindu hoedown, however, but а fresh
look at, among other things. the music of
John Coltrane. А Love Supreme is
grounded in some fine Larry Young or-
gan, over which Carlos and John trade
fiery guitar excursions, while Naima is
the quiet message, the best thing on the
album. In the traditional Let Us Go into
the House of the Lord, a wholly different
vor is evoked: a modal and arrhythmic
opening, then a middle section of congas
in up-tempo with guitars flashing
and, finally, a lovely lingering close. A
brief Meditation—McLaughlin now on
piano, Santana now on acoustic guitar—
concludes the proceedings, reverently.
We asked the Chicago Sun-Times's
Pulitzer Prize-winning television critic,
Ron Powers (whose last PLAYBOY contri.
bution was June's interview with Walter
Cronkite), to ponder the upcoming TV
season. Here's his gloomy report:
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice without
hanky-panky? Love Story without death?
Shaft without his gun? Yes, ГУ fans,
there's all of that—and less—in store for
you as the three major networks prepare
to unveil a new fall primetime season
thats so innocuous you wouldn't be
ashamed to watch it with your President.
Series adaptations of hit movics—s.
tized of all the earthiness that made those
movics hits—provide but one example of
television's New Banality this fall. Even
before the nation’s TV critics gathered in
Los Angeles in June to preview the sea-
son, there were disturbing indications
that the Nixon Administration's dis
pleasure with treatment of matters sexual
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Because there's a lot of
and/or ideological was getting through to
the license-conscious broadcasters. In the
carly spring, CBS had canceled Sticks and
Bones, David Rabe's blackly humorous
satire about a returning Vietnam-war vet,
just days before air time—ostensibly be-
ise it would offend sensibilities during
the wave of P. O. W. returns, That move
cost CBS a promising long-term associ
tion with producer Joseph Papp, who
severed his commitments with the net-
work in disgust after the decision. (For
more on Papp. see this month's “Thea-
ter” section.)
A few weeks later, CBS announced it
would cancel the situation-comedy series
Bridget Loves Bernie, though that tep-
idly amusing show about a Catholic bride
and a Jewish bridegroom was among
TVs top ten in the Nielsen ratings.
“Performance below expect was
the corporate rationale—but it was no
secret that the series had drawn fire from
outraged leaders in both the Catholic and
the Jewish communiti
Given that acquiescent atmosphere—
plus the U.S. Supreme Court crackdown
on “obscenity”—no one expected fall
1973 to usher in a new level of TV can-
dor on the order of All in the Family or
Mande. But then, no one quite expected
The Return of My Friend Irma, which is
about what we're getting. ABC, for exam-
ple, will tease viewers every week with its
desexualized version of Bob & Carol &
Ted & Alice. Another stern ruling from
the network, disclosed Anita Gillette, one
of the stars of the series, was that the
cleavage of co-star Anne Archer was not
to show.
Not only femmes but feminism seems
headed for peculiar mass-cult modifica-
tions at ABC. Another of the network's
ncw shows is com called 4dam's Rib
about a young husband-and-wife lawyer
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Пош Mr. and Ms, And in the episode
screened lor critics, the female half of the
team (Blythe Danner) was portrayed as
n ultimately helpless ninny, needing res
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Check shade(s}: Chesinut [] Brown O st hubby (Ken Howard). "Is the point
Natural (cloar) O Blende Г] Black O) of your series to keep everyone happy?
а woman critic asked Howard, “I think it
is, yes,” he replied. Lots of luck, Howard.
At NBG, producer George Schaefer said
sale E св
asn't sure Ле was happy with the
title the network has given his anthology
series about male-female relationships.
"That's understandable: The title is Love
Story. but ne'er will be heard a four-letter
word from the lips of Ali MacGraw. In
fact, there will be no Ali MacGraw; the
series won't have any regular stars and
the title, once again, is a gimmick. “
of 17 scripts Гуе seen,” said Schaefer,
“one or two will be slightly far out.”
Hot damn.
NBC will also offer what be the
nitively insipid sitcom: It will pair a
tive from Walt Disney movies (John
lly Field as
ESP in The Girl with
a young wife with
Something Extra.
In a new cop series, TV will demon-
strate—again taking its cue from the Ad-
i on—that you can be cut off
om reality and still get plenty of cheap
thrills. The CBS schedule, in particular,
will teem with gunslinging cops and de-
tectives, including the castrated Shaft,
i ard Roundtree in a 90-m
Tuesday series alternating
with Hawkins (starring Jimmy Stewart
recreating his Anatomy of & Murder
role), and Telly Savalas will lumber aft-
cr crooks as Kojak on Wednesday. CBS
also has a young new Perry Mason in
Monte Markham whose practice will
still be based on those quaint whodunits
that wowed 'em in the Fifties.
here are a few bright spots. Detective-
novelist Joseph Wambaugh, who has ar-
t g NBC series
based on his Police Story, told critics in
June that if the network does anything
idiculous" to the integrity of his plots,
"Il just walk off." ABC will present
atharine Hepburn in a special produc-
n of Tennessee Williams’ The Glass
Menagerie: will do a dramatization based
on Е. Scott Fitgerald’s The Last of the
Belles, with Richard Chamberlain and
Blythe Danner; and will offer Laurence
Olivier Shakespeare's Merchant of
Venice. There's upsurge in
series with black stars. Besides Shaft,
CBS is doing Roll Out! (with Stu Gilliam
and Hilly Hicks), a military comedy set
during World War Two. And NBC has
Tenafly. staring James McEachin as a
harried black middle-American_ private
eye; it could be outstanding.
The status of primetime news and
publicaffairs shows this fall is uncertain.
No network has a regularly scheduled
night, prime-time slot for documen-
, though NBC plans 30 hours of
such programing in 1973-1974, CBS 26
and ABC has promised 12. But how "in-
vestigative” will the journalism on these
documentaries be? A recent hard
terpretation of the fairness doctrine by
the Federal Communications Commission
staff would have the effect of virtually ex-
tinguishing broadcast journalism, should
istic control over a promi
also an
е ine
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it be upheld by the full seven-member
commission, The interpretation held that
a Peabody Award-winning NBC study of
failed pension plans in the U.S. violated
the fairness doctrine because it didn't
show examples of successful pension plans
on the same show. Traditionally, the fair-
ness doctrine has given broad discretion
to the broadcasters in presenting all sides
of a controversial issue over an indefinite
period of time, Network newsmen (in-
cluding CBS correspondent Da
send) fear that the decision against NBC,
should it be upheld, is а dangerous in-
fringement of First Amendment protec-
tion of broadcast journalism—and even
if it's overturned, another Administra-
tion warning will nonetheless ha
made perfectly dear.
In shor, the New Banality is here.
Pass the cottage cheese and catsup-
ve been
This fall, Joseph Papp’s New York
Shakespeare Festival replaces the Reper-
tory Theater of Lincoln Center—and the
dapper, dynamic producer promises revo-
lution. As he has shown in his past bat-
Чез, he is a willing infighter who wades
into action, mouth first. The man chews
on controversy like his ever-present cigar.
When CBS hooted Papp's production of
David Rabe's Sticks and Bones from the
network in March, Papp's cry of foul was
heard coast to coast—and he allowed his
projected four-year contract to lapse after
only 11 months and one televised pro-
duction, an updated version of Sha
speare’s Much Ado About Nothing.
At Lincoln Genter, he is plotting not
only a complete change in artistic policy
but also a total overhaul of the Vivian
Beaumont Theater, which he has pro-
claimed "a disaster.”
making a big splash. The emphasis will
no longer be оп revivals of dassics
(“There's something staid in that no-
tion”) but on new American plays by
new American writers, such as Rabe,
Jason Miller, Charles Gordone, Robert
Montgomery and Richard Wesley, whom
Papp discovered at his off-Broadway Pub-
lic Theater. One thing he will not have is
revolving repertory. “I think of that as
something old and European. 1 get tired
of seeing the same actors all the time."
The season's opener at Lincoln Center
will be In the Boom Boom Room, by
Papp’s prize playwright, Rabe. This is a
family play but with undertones of the
author's favorite subject, the war in Viet-
nam. The main character is a go-go danc-
er, a role, says Papp, for a young Marilyn
Monroe, if he can find one. He will fol-
low that with a two-character Irish pl
Au Pair Man, starring Julie F
black play: Strindbergs Dance of Death,
h Max von Sydow making his U.S.
He is dedicated to
stage debut; and a spaced-out rock musi-
cal (Papp was the first to produce Hair).
A look at that list—with its stars and its
revival oLa dassic—and one might be i
clined to accuse Papp of compromise, But
he has always been an unpredictable, cu-
rious combination of rebel and realist.
“Medium repertory with just good actors
is not enough," he says. "Perhaps it is in
a smaller place like Minneapolis, but not
in New York. In New York, you have to
compete with Broadway.” What he wants
is “distinguished performers—stars—with
the decibel to fill a theater.” But, he in-
The play is still paramount. I will
t with Orson Welles and ask him
play he wants to do”
The Repertory Theater used to do its
new works in the basement of the Beau
mont, at the tiny Forum Theater. Papp
will reverse the process. Rabe is to be on
the main stage and Shakespeare in the
basement, along with small versions of
major plays, done in some cases by major
actors. “Shakespeare is our Bach,” he says,
although he doesn't often play him the
traditional way. Asked if blacks would
object to his plans for a white Othello, he
answers, “Not with a black Iago.”
He hopes to bring a sense of spacious-
ness and of glamor to Lincoln Center
theater. At the root of his enterprise.
right next to artistic integrity, is his feel-
ing about money: “It’s always in the pic
ture. How much good theater product
we can disseminate to how many people
is based on our money-raising capacity."
Papp's fund-raising ability is fantastic: “I
don't go with a tin cup on the subway ask-
ing for charity. 1 ask the person who gives
me $100,000 to give me $200,000." Mrs.
Samuel I. Newhouse, the wife of the com-
munications king, once gave him $100;
this year, she gave him $1,000,000.
"here are two ways of bei
poor poor and rich poor,” he says, and
explains that when Jules Irving was in
charge of the Lincoln Center rep and
had between а $500,000 and a $750,000
annual deficit, they were ready to shut
up shop. In a $10,000,000 theater!” From
Papp's point of view, “That makes no
sense. The amount of money spent
can't be niggling” He keeps raising
the niggling level, which is now up to
$10,000,000 as а projected five-year defi-
cit. He says he needs at least that much
in order to be “freewheeling.”
With Lincoln Center, the Public Thea-
ter, Shakespeare in Central Park, mobile
theaters throughout New York City and
shows on Broadway, Papp is the most pro-
lific, probably the most powerful man in
the American theater. But he has never
been one to rest on his record. He now
plans to film and to tape his own pro-
ductions, another step in his ultimate
dream—to operate a national theater. Or,
as one of Papp's associates says, "All the
world’s a stage—and we own it.
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Fond of things Italiano?
Туа sip of Galliano.
The gow) was created for Liquore Galliano by Galitzine of Rome.
Actress Greta Vayarr was photographed along the Appian Way.
Three ye
„ I met an attractive and
«реп girl who had a notable sexual
reputation around town. When I came
into the picture, it was all sex at first, but
gradually we became very attached and
we now sce cach other daily. We are both
and she is becoming preoccupied with
d future, especially as regards
ge. My family is prominent in this
rather small town and I scem to have.
herited some hang-ups as a result. Despite
my need for her physically. emotionally
and intellectually, and my deep and pro-
found feelings about her, I still have a
funny feeling when we are out in publ
because I cannot scem to forget her past.
And neither can my friends nor my fam-
ily, who do not wholly accept her. I wish
neither to leave her nor to marry her, but
she won't wait through my indecision for-
ever. Do you see а way to resolve my
dilemma?—F. R., Conway, Arkansas
Jj it's gotten to where you can't stroll
down memory lane without getting.
mugged, then it's time to move. She may
want to follow you; you may have earned
the right to ask her to. Once you have es-
caped the prejudicial atmosphere of your
home town, you will be able to give your
future a fair hearing.
Bleue a virgin at 22 is a genuine social
handicap. Ive encountered so much
skepticism and pseudo-Freudian insight
that I stopped confessing the fact. No
one ever meant enough to me to try sex
until now. My new boyfriend does mean
enough. Should I tell him about my
handicap or let him find out for hi
selE—Miss G. A, Ames, Iowa.
Tell him. Virginity is a congenital de-
fect that can be corrected by a simple
operation. We've sure he'll cooperate.
Ё carry an acrosol breath spray in my car
case I'm stopped on the way home
from a bar by a state trooper—a quick
spray will prevent detection of alcohol on
my breath. A friend of mine says that lm.
making a big mistake. He daims that if
I'm forced to take a Breathalyzer test, the
alcoholic content of the acrosol spray will
put the meter right off the scale with a
reading that says І shouldn't be alive, let
опе be able to drive. Knowing if this is
fact or fiction may keep my fingerprints
off a blotter down at the local n. Is
my friend right—P. S. R, Hartford
Your friend is wrong, but you're still
making a big mistake. In most states, evi
dence technicians must observe a suspect
for 20 minutes before they give him a
Breathalyzer test. Use of an aerosol breath
spray would surely attract their attention;
it would not matter to the meter. (You
could rinse your mouth out with bourbon
and still not influence the outcome of the
lest.) However, it doesn't take a meter to
indicate that you are unfit to drive and
that you may not, for long, be alive If
you have to mask the odor of alcohol on
your breath, youve already had too much
to be on the road.
One of my girlfriends told me that mak-
ing love on a water bed is like having a
third person in bed who knows more
about pleasure than the two of us put
together. I want to get one for my apart-
ment, but my landlord says no. There's
nothing in the lease about it, but I would
rather convince him of the safety than re-
sort to legal measures. Can you help?—
L. D., Ann Arbor, Mich
Waterbed leaks are infrequent—a
frame and safety liner will prevent flood-
ing, should one occur. Your big worry is
weight; A six-byseven-foot water bed tips
the scales at 1600 pounds when full and
slightly more than that when occupied.
Check your city’s building code to find
the minimum floor-load capacity for
apartments; in most cities, is from 40 to
65 pounds per square foot. You'll be safe
unless your aquatic erotics include orgies.
Also, for a few dollars, you can obtain
tenantliability insurance, so that the tep-
aration of possible damage would not
diminish your landlord's bank account.
That should convince him.
For reasons that are not yer dear, 1
have always gone out with tall, willowy
blondes whose cup sizes equaled their
grade averages: they have all been dean's-
list caliber. The girl I'm engaged to fits
this pattern to the A and I find to my be-
wilderment that it really bothers me. Big
breasts arc a turn-on, and J doubt that I
can go through life without dropping my
gaze below eye level when I meet another
woman, or without wondering what sex
would be like with a more generously en-
dowed partner. E must add that sex is not
bad as it is—my attitude is the only thing
that’s wrong with my fiancée. I can't de-
cide if it would be honest—to myself or
to her—to go ahead with our marriage
plans. What do you thinki—F. J., Salt
Lake City, Utah.
J's not a question of honesty; ifs a
matter of maturity—yours, not hers. A
marriage is more than the sum of its ana-
tomical paris; success depends on quali-
ties of love, respect and compatibility. In
this equation, breast size ought to be in-
significant. Undoubtedly, yowve heard
the proverb that “more than a mouthful
is superfluous.” This advice overlooks the
possibility thal a man’s preference for
“All my men wear-
English Leather.
Every one of them?
“All my men wear
English Leather. .
Every one of them”
e breasts 15 deep rooted and largely
involuntary. No one should plunge into
a permanent relationship without some
regard for his specific likes and dislikes.
The result could be a marriage that floun-
ders sexually: The couple may never
know why, or the husband may fect guilty
because his wife doesn’t turn him on, or
the wife may feel guilty because she
doesn't turn her husband on. Living with
another person is not easy in the best of
circumstances; it would be foolish to start
with а handicap. However, you may not
have a problem. Your dating history is
hardly an accident; it suggests that you are
attracted to certain qualities (blondeness,
intelligence, etc.). Your last-minute con-
fusion about breasts may be a normal
premarital impulse to make mountains,
whether or not they are there. Mar-
riage will not end your enjoyment of the
le assets of other women, nor will it
idle speculation. Why not take time to
satisfy your curiosity before you make a
final commitment? Oscar Wilde said, “In
this world there are only two tragedies:
One is not getting what one wants and
the other is getting it."
Should т tip the piano player in a
lounge or club? If so, how much is ex-
pected and what is the most tactful way
to bestow the reward?—L. B., Fort Sill,
You don’t shoot the piano player if he
plays poorly and you don’t necessarily
tip him if he plays well. If you have
asked him to play a special song, leave a
dollar—there's usually a glass or а tray
on the piano. Or buy hima drink,
Д iter 15 years of marriage and a recent
divorce, Гат back in the ball game. I sus-
in my ycars in thc dugout, the
y have changed. How does an un-
married couple check into a hotel or
motel these days? As I recall from many
years ago, you carried in two bags, you
had rings that looked like wedding bands
and you signed the register Mr. and Mrs.
Is this still the case?—R. B., Philadel-
phia, Pennsylvania,
The rules of our national sport have
not really changed in 15 years. Innkeep-
ers are still concerned about the reputa-
lion of their establishment and do not
condone openly any activity that violates
law, custom or the other guests’ ideas
about propriety. Most hotels and motels
insist on a Mr-and-Mrs. signature; if
you're willing to falsify the register,
they'll look the other way. Confronta-
lions are vare—desk. clerks seem to be
blessed with the kind of indifference that
English teachers would call a suspension
of disbelief. There ате few laws that spe-
cifically prohibit the use of an assumed
name or fictional relationship when regis-
tering in a hotel or motel, unless it's done
with the intent 10 defraud. (Delaware, In-
diana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan,
Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Da-
на, Ohio, Virginia and New Jersey do
prohibit the use of fictitious names; Ar-
kansas, Georgia, North Carolina and
Mississippi also have laws against misre p-
resenting relationships.) In most cases,
you can avoid problems by paying the dou-
ble occupancy rate in advance. Bear in
mind that state laws against adultery, for-
nication or sodomy still apply, although
prosecution for conduct of this type in
private is rare. Be sure to double-lock
your door and keep your blinds drawn,
and do not admit anyone who is un-
invited. The risks of this kind of behavior
increase or decrease according to the com-
munity and its standard of morality. Be
sure you're familiar with both.
Why is the zipper on a pair of
trousers called a fly?—L. 5. Hollywood,
Technically, it shouldn't be. Fly is the
term for any folded material or flap on a
garment. When brecches were first de-
vised, the fly was a piece of cloth that
covered the front and that could be
flapped open. Men have laced, buttoned,
snapped and hooked their flies for cen-
turies; the zipper is a fairly recent inven-
tion and seems to have closed the case
once and for all. Fly now describes the
flap that covers the zipper.
Bam a 28-year-old widow and am hav-
ing an affair with a wonderful man who
calls me by that quaint old term, “mi:
tress.” This man is good to me in every
though 1 claim to be finan-
"dependent, he helps me out with
money if I need it. He spends as much
time as he can with me and sleeps with
me about three nights a weck. However,
one of my friends believes that as his inis-
tress, I should make him pay my rent and
buy my clothes. Personally, I am content
with the gifts he occasionally gives me,
the dates we have and the emotions we
share. Is my friend wrong, or should I
look for more? Also, besides sex and loyal-
ty, what should a man expect from his
mistress?—Mrs. G. S., Hamilton, Ontario.
Discretion. What а lover calls you is his
business. Whether or not, in this case, it is
actually your business, it is none of your
friend's. We see no harm in a vocabulary
that is Victorian; your relationship sounds
totally up to date. Before you negotiate
а new contract, you might keep in mind
Kurt Vonnegut’s warning that you ате
what you pretend to be, so be very care-
ful what you pretend to be.
AA tow weeks ago, 1 heard that if my bed
partner douched with alum before inter-
course, it sensation for
both of us. The idea seems plausible; I
remember a scene in a Little Rascals come-
dy in which someone put alum in the
would increase
lemonade and no one could talk because
thi s were puckered. I imagine the
principle is the same for the alum douche
Have you ever heard of this use of
alum?—G. C., Hanover, New Hampshire.
Yes: It belongs with the French tickler
and Spanish fly in the catalog of dement-
ed, dangerous sexual idiocy. Alum is used
medically as an astringent. Diluted solu-
lions have a drying effect, while more-
concentrated solutions act as an irritant.
An alum douche dries and shrinks the
mucous membrane that lines the vagino,
which then seems to be tighter because
there is less lubrication and more resist-
ance lo penetration. Frequent use of an
alum douche will cause serious drying of
the mucous membrane, along with irri-
tation, cracking and bleeding. We doubt
that your partner would find this pleas-
ant. As for your own sensation—alum is
a substance used to pickle dills.
WI, girlfriend recently showed me an
article on astrological birth conuol th
claimed the method is completely natural
and 98 percent effective. The article ex-
plained that a woman has two periods of
fertility cach month—one based on the
menstrualovulation cycle and one based
on the angle of the sun and moon at the
time of her birth (i.e, a woman is fertile
during ovulation and whenever there is a
full moon, if she was born during a fuil
moon). There usually are 13 astrologi
cally fertile days each year. To prev
pregnancy, a woman abstains from sex for
three days prior to, and for all the days of,
peak fertility. In addition, she follows the
ordinary rhythm method and abstai
from sex from the tenth through the 23rd
day of her menstrual cycle. My girlfriend
is eager to switch to this method, but
I would like your opinion first. Is it
eflectivee—A. С, West Orange, New
The ordinary rhythm method is only
about 65 percent effective, primarily be-
cause women are not as regular as other
heavenly bodies. Astrological birth con-
trol merely adds a few more forbidden
days 10 the monthly calendar, so that you
end up practicing near abstinence, which
is a very effective form of birth control.
We wouldn't call it natural. Unless you
can find true joy in a lovemaking sched-
ule that coincides with the appearances
of Halleys comet, your girl had better
avoid this gift to star-crossed lovers.
All reasonable questions—from fash-
ion, food and drink, stereo and sports cars
to dating dilemmas, taste and eliquette
l be personally answered if the
writer includes a stamped, self-addressed
envelope. Send all letters to The Playboy
Advisor, Playboy Building, 919 М. Michi-
gan Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60611. The
most provocative, pertinent queries will
be presented on these pages each month.
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Dd Aare do PAA
I heh the
an interchange of ideas between reader and editor
on subjects raised by “the playboy philosophy”
The U. S. Supreme Court view of por-
nography reminds me of the story of a
man in France who, a newscast reported,
complained to the police that he could
sec topless bathers on a beach. The police
investigated. The beach was 1000 feet
from the man's room and the bath-
ers could only be seen with binoculars.
Moses Durham
Easton, Maryland
There's no need to take booksellers
and theater owners to court to determine
whether or not pornography violates
community standards. The best way 10
determine community standards is to ap-
ply the good old frée-enterprise system.
If there are enough people in the com-
munity to kcep a blue-movie theater or an
adult bookstore in. business, that should
be sufficient evidence that pornography
is acceptable in that community.
George Hayes
Cincinnati, Ohio
Iam convinced that, ultimately, reason
will prevail and that the foolish and re-
suictive Supreme Court decisions on por-
nography will be reversed. Meanwhile, I
foresee a proliferation of court cases
throughout the country, testing what a
community is, what prurient interest real-
ly means and how much serious value
work must possess. Since the decisions
were announced, the supreme court of
Georgia has declared that the film Carnal
Knowledge, which is not even rated X,
is obscene.
Alter a long, 1 n New York
City testilying expert witness in be-
half of a well-done, educational Swedish
film called Language of Love, | had to
ask myself why the time of so many cit-
izens and officials had to be taken up
with such a trial, while muggings, rob-
beries, burglaries and rapes plague this
city. And Lalso wondered why the prose-
cution allowed the jury to see the film if
they really believed that it could be inju-
rious, As Alice said, “Things get curiouser
and curiguscr.
As a psychotherapist and marriage
counselor. I sometimes recommend vari-
ous erotic films, books and pictures to
my patients. Many of them report that
erotica helps to free them from their inhi-
bitions and, thus, helps them function
better with their spouses. Now they will
e more difficulty in seeing and read-
ing such seriously valuable material, and
Tam afraid I must enlarge my own library
for their perusal. I shudder to think what
an ambitious prosecutor might do to me
for this practice.
Paradoxically, the more contact people
have with sexually explicit materials. the
less they are affected by them. After 30
years of such exposure, I can testify lo
the stultilying effect of pornogr
really need more of this n
n less, so it can take its proper po-
on near the bottom of the totem pole.
Wardell B. Pomeroy, Ph.D.
New York, New York
Dr. Pomeroy, a participant in “The
Playboy Panel: New Sexual Life Styles"
(September), assisted in the research and
writing of the Kinsey reports on human
The Sex Information and Education
Council of the U.S. (SIECUS) is con-
cerned about the possible impact of the
Supreme Court's obscenity decisions on
ous educ: programs in the field
health professions and many tr:
programs for ministers include human
sexuality as an. important. part. of. their
professi curriculums. Many of the
materials they use are, for obvious and
important reasons, explicit. In addition,
many high schools and colleges have rec-
ognized that sex education is vital for the
healthy development of individual per-
sonality and for elimination of the igno-
rance and confusion about sexual matters
that still create widespread problems in
our society
t and former board members of
ling professionals in their
fields, will be watching closely for adverse
effects of the Court’s obscenity decisions
on important teaching programs.
Mary S. Calderone, M.D., M. P. H.
Executive Director
Sex Information and Education
Council of the U.S.
New York, New York
The worst possible consequence of the
Supreme Court’s decisions on obscenity
would be if publishers of books and mag-
azines and producers and exhibitors of
movies and plays were to react by censor-
ng themselves. ‘The best response would
be to proceed as if the Court had changed
nothing. I think the likelihood of crimi
nal convictions increases every time some.
one responds to the Supreme Court's
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decisions by engaging in self-censorship.
st few years, there has been
uration in public atritudes
toward sexually explicit materials. To-
day, aver mcricans treat the depic
tion of sex far more casually than do the
Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.
There could be very little that juries will
regard as “patently offensive” if the
are properly developed for them by
However, if self-censorship sets in and
the distribution of sexually expl.
rial is substantially circumscribed, public
attitudes will regress. Material that de-
pias sex frankly will then appear out
landish to juries and criminal convictions
will result.
I do not mean to suggest that the bad
consequences of the Supreme Court's de-
cisions can be entirely negated by а ven.
turesome response by publishers and
producers. The decisions will undoubted
ly encourage local officials to engage in a
substantial amount of random mischief,
My point is simply that the First Amend-
ment rights—and 1 know of no clause in
the First Amendment that excludes ob.
scenity and pornography—thrive wi
they are used.
Aryeh Neier, Executive Director
American Civil Liberties Union
New York, New York
a gre:
American constitutional rights are
menaced more by the notion that it is the
Supreme Court's peculiar job to interpret
ind protect them than by anything else
This becomes obvious when five m
four of whom were appointed by Richard
Nixon, decide that the First Amendment
doesn't apply to obscenity, that local com-
munities can decide what is obscene a
at, in doing so, they may i lev
dence re the effects of pori phy and,
instead, rely on assumption, whim and
Civil libertarians are under
indignant over this affront to r
good legal decision making. Law-and-
order devotees should be upset as well,
for the gathering avalanche of fatuous ob-
scenity cases is likely to keep police, D. A
and courts much too busy to deal effe
ely with people involved in real crimes.
Justice William О. Douglas noted in hi
minority dissent that the effects of the
ruling will not be limited to hard-core
pornography but will sooner or later over-
take serious literary ic endeav-
ors as well. It seems that to take away a
little freedom from a few is to undermine
the wider freedom guaranteed to all. All
people who value liberty, therefore,
must take it upon themselves to reassert
the Bill of Rights. The Court said that
obscenity laws are now a matter of local
option. Fine. Let's put every kind of pres
sure at our disposal on legislators to enact
laws that respect and reinforce the First
Amendment and not give in to the
son and
id а
a survey of events related lo issues raised by “the playboy philosophy"
SALEM. oRFGON—Under а new Oregon
law, possession of up to one ounce of
marijuana has been reduced from a
criminal offense to an ordinance “viola-
tion” punishable by no more than a $100
fine. The reform measure represents the
first time a state has moved to decriminal-
ize pot, although possession of more than
an ounce still constitutes a misdemeanor
or a felony, depending on the amount.
plaints have forced Oxnard police to turn
in their master keys that would open any
apartment in the city's low-income hous-
ing projects. The keys had been issued by
the Oxnard Housing Authority to reduce
the cost of replacing doors smashed by
Officers searching for crime suspects or
making drug raids. The police themselves
didn't care one way or the other about
having keys, а city commissioner re-
ported. He said he had discussed the mat-
ter with the chicf of police and had
learned that “they would just as soon
break the doors down."
NEW YORK сапун cightweck investi-
gation by The New York Times has dis-
closed that mistaken, violent and illegal
drug raids are not isolated occurrences, as
the Government has claimed, but have
happened frequently in the past three
years. In the Los Angeles area, one police
officer acknowledged that such “mistakes”
happen once or twice a month; and in
Miami, complaints of police harassment
connected with drug searches are so nu-
merous that the Legal Services of Greater
Miami can no longer handle the case load.
According to the Times, abuses of police
power and the no-knock laws occur on
the Federal, state and local levels: “De-
tails of each raid vary, but generally they
involve heavily armed policemen, arriving
at night, often unshaven and in slovenly
‘undercover’ attire, bashing down the
doors to a private home or apartment and
holding the innocent residents at gun
point while they ransack the house. . .
Sometimes the agents have warrants and
identify themselves. Sometimes they do
not.” Such tactics have resulted in at least
four deaths, including a policeman who
was shot by a terrified innocent woman
whose bedroom door was being brok
down, and a father who was shot in the
head while cradling his baby when raid-
ing officers fired a rifle in a neighboring
apartment. The newspaper quoted one
narcolics agent as saying, "I've been on
200 or so drug raids, and the no-knoch. is
the scariest. You ask yourself what would
you do if your door came crashing down
at three AM. and you had a gun. You'd let
go, right? Personally, 1 think the danger
might outweigh the value.”
WASHINGTON. D.C.—Almost one fourth
of the Navy's 137-man elite ceremonial-
guard unit in Washington has been
transferred to other duties for allegedly
smoking marijuana. A few weeks ca
lier, President Nixon's official military
guard at Camp David and the crew of
the Presidential yacht, Sequoia, were
similarly transferred because of suspect-
ed pot smoking (“Forum Newsfront,”
Prompted by the disclosure that the of-
fice of Daniel Elisberg's psychiatrist had
been burglarized in the name of national
security, two professional organizations
have expressed alarm at the “steady inza-
sion” of the rights of psychotherapists and
their patients. A statement adopted joint-
ly by the American Psychoanalytic Asso-
ciation and the American Psychiatric
Association said the burglary was one
“outright illegal act” that focuses atten-
lion on many more subtle threats to
confidentiality, such as subpoenas of psy-
chiatric records, FBI requests for informa-
tion on patients, public access to detailed
computerized records and questions about
psychiatric сате on job and college appli-
cations. The presidents of both groups
called on psychiatrists and therapists lo
resist attempts to invade the doclor-
patient relationship, but pointed out that
unlike clergymen and lawyers, doctors do
not have an inviolable privilege to protect
information relating to the treatment or
counseling of patients.
VIENNA, AUSIRIA—A man is being tried
on charges of adultery because he play-
fully drew a cartoon figure on his married
girlfriend's buttock—and then signed it.
His mistress failed to wash off the drawing
before she undressed later in front of her
husband, who immediately recognized the
cartoonist’s signature and filed a criminal
srocknotm—The Swedish parliament
has revised the national divorce law to
permit instant divorce јог couples with
no children under 16 years of age. For
couples with younger children, the wait-
ing period has been reduced to three
months. The new divorce law has the
effect of putting marriage in almost the
same category as voluntary cohabitation,
which in Sweden is legal for adults.
NEW YORK сіту slate supreme court
justice has declared New York City's new
amti-massage-parlor law unconstitutional
because of vagueness. The law was sup-
posed to close down parlors offering cus-
tomers masturbation and other sexual
acts, but Justice Martin B. Stecher found
the language so broad “that any human
contact more intimate than a handshake
falls within its proscription.” He said the
terms of the statute could be construed to
include barbers and manicurists.
gay liberation efforts of recent years, ho-
mosexuality appears still to be strongly
and widely disapproved of in the United
States. In а four-year study by the Insti-
tute for Sex Research at Indiana Uni-
versity, 3000 adults were asked, among
other questions, “To what extent do you
think homosexuality is obscene and vul-
gar?" Almost two thirds of the espond-
ents answered “very much,” 18.6 percent
replied “somewhat,” 7.4 percent said
“very little” and 7.5 percent said "not at
all.” When asked to compare prostitution,
masturbation, premarital and extramari-
tal sex and homosexuality, respondents
found the last two most objectionable
(86 percent in each case) and objected
least to masturbation (48 percent) and
premarital sex by an adult male with a
woman he loved (47 percent).
Correlating attitudes with back-
grounds, the researchers found that the
person who is most offended by homosex-
майу “tends to be a rural, white person
who was raised in the rural Midwest or
South... is more likely to claim a current
religion .. „is less likely to have had any
childhood sexual experience, especially
homosexual experience, and has more
guilt about the laiter when it did occur”
BOULDER, COLORADO—A lieutenant in
the Boulder police force was suspended
from duty for six days and demoted
to patrolman—apparenily because his
superiors learned he was living with his
girlfriend. He has sued in district court
1o recover his rank and back pay, charg-
ing that his private actions did not violate
police regulations on “immoral, indecent,
lewd or disorderly” conduci.
NEW YORK CITY—A Stale supreme court
justice has defied a higher court and ruled
for the second time that women receiving
abortions should not be required to have
their names recorded on fetal death cer-
tificates. Sticking to his earlier decision,
which had been returned by an appellate
court for reconsideration, Justice Samuel
A. Spiegel said he still could find no good
reason “to invade the right of privacy by
compelling disclosure, which is otherwise
useless in this context.” He added that
the regulation in question was not dic-
tated by any law or court decision and
repeated his belief that an "abortion
register” of women is morally and legally
yahoos whose fear of sex drives them to
impute wickedness to films and publica-
tions that take an open and honest ap-
proach to the subject.
John Douglas
Atlanta, Georgia
Tn the welter of words 1
about the Burger Court's v
First Amendment, I hope people don't
overlook Justice William O. Douglas
veiled thrust in one of his dissents at the
real obscenity of our times—the
Administration’s political behavior:
The list of activities and publica-
tions and pronouncements that of-
fend someone is endless. Some of it
gocs on in private; some of it is
inescapably public, as when a gov-
ernment official generates crime, bc-
comes a blatant offender of the
moral sensibilities of the people, en-
gages in burglary, or breaches the
privacy of the telephone, the confer-
ence room, or the home.
ng written
tion of the
Daniel Leahy
Chicago, Ш
The Watergate scandal proves only
10 honor among thieves. The
person: staff, his White
House staff and his re-election staff are
abandoning the sinking ship and drag-
ging one another down in a frenzied
scramble to survive. Alone on the bridge
stands Captain Nixon, who, even if
nocent of personal wrongdoing, d
whatever fate befalls him for having sur-
rounded himself with arrogant. power-
mad liars who have shown contempt for
the law, justice, civil rights and every-
thing else this country stands for. A man
with such bad judgment should not be
President of t country.
Edward Hartman
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvan
There's a family-court judge in Provi-
dence. Rhode Island, who apparently has
never heard of the principle of separa-
tion of durch and state. An unwed
mother who was trying to give her three-
month-old child to an adoption agency
appeared before this judge, Michael
DeCi ned that she
was a ic. He also learned that she
had not had the infant baptized because
she had no way of predeterminis
ligion of the adoptive р
ave been taught that a child that isn't
baptized doesn’t go to heaven; it's in
limbo." With that statement, he refused
(On page 60, “The Playboy Forum"
presents a statement on the U. $. Supreme
Gourt’s obscenity decisions. Letters con-
tinued on page 61.)
It is one of the most amazing things about the ingen-
iousness of the times that strong arguments ате made,
which almost convince me, that it is very foolish of me to
think “no law" means no law. But what it says is “Con-
gress shall make no law... ." Then 1 move on to the words,
“abridging the freedom of speech or of the press.” It says
Congress shall make no law doing that. What it means—
according to a current philosophy that I do not share—is
that Congress shall be able to make just such a law unless
we judges object too strongly. . . . It says “no law" and
that is what I believe it means. . . . My view is, without
deviation, without exception, without any ifs, buts or
whereases, that freedom of speech means that you shall
not do something to people either for the views they have
or the views they express or the words they speak or write.
— The lute HUGO L. BLAC
Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
t was supposed to end years of confusion over
pornography laws, the U. S. Supreme Court has handed down
а series of rulings that only further confuse the issue, increase
the likelihood of injustice and perpetuate the dangerous
ws can prohibit one particular category of expression
ing true to the First Amendments guarantee of
freedom of speech. Acknowledging "the inherent dangers of
undertaking to regulate any form of expression,” the Court
limits the material that cin be prohibited to “works which
depict or describe sexual conduct.” Good reasons should be
offered for regulating works in this category. Instead, Chief
Justice Burger's opinions simply assume that there is something
uely pernicious about sex als, wi ayals
of violence, say, appear still to enjoy First Amendment. pro-
tection. This fear of sex is central to the controversy over
obscenity and censorship; it is nothing less than tragic that it
alias a majority of the Supreme Court in 1973.
The Court states that we need not be concerned about any
loss of basic freedoms. What is prohibited has, by definition,
no worth, the obscene being confined to that which is “lacking
in serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.” But
uying to delineate valucless communication is like trying to
bottle fog. The Burger opinions use such terms as prurient,
offensive, lewd, lacking in serious value—which are words
about words, over whose meaning people will wrangle till
doomsday. The obscene is a subjective concept, € only
in the minds of the beholders, and there are no unambiguous
words to define it. The Court admits as much by acknowledging
that different standards for prurience and offensiveness exist
in different communities. If it had gone one step further and
conceded that such differences exist in individuals—that there
are ultimately 200,000,000 qualified judges of obscenity in the
U.S. and that cach has a right to his opinion—we might have
had decisions that made sense.
As it stands, however, the new communitystandards test
will do unlimited mischief to all legitimate national publishers,
who will be forced to meet the most conservative common
denominators for sexual materials or face constant Litigation
at the whin prosecutors. M le, the manufac-
turers of hard-core pornography will continue selling their
material to limited audiences in large cities, which have more
liberal standards than the country at large.
The Court doesn’t even try to justify this limiting of personal
freedom on the grounds that pornography is demonstrably
that J
of loca
A “Playboy Forum” Editorial Statement
dangerous. In 1970, after the most comprehensive study ever
made of the effects of sexually explicit materials, the national
Commission on Obscenity and Pornography concluded:
Tn sum, empirical research designed to clarify the ques
tion has found no evidence to date that exposure to explicit
sexual materials plays a significant role in the causation
of delinquent and criminal behavior among youth or
adults. The commission cannot conclude that exposure to
erotic materials is a factor in the causation of sex crime or
sex delinquency.
The Court simply ignored this commission finding and resorted
Instead to medieval reasoning:
ied, there is no scientific data which con-
dusively demonstrates that exposure to obscene mate
adversely affects men and women or their society.
reject this argumer From the beginning of civilized
societies, legista па judges have acted on various u
Indeed they hi
to justify huma
racism and
ave been used
nprovable assumptions 1
n sacrifice, slavery, the burning of witches,
number of other barbarities chat men in their
ignorance have imposed on one another by force of law. But
this may be the first time a U.S. Supreme Court has so openly
endorsed the basing of laws on whim, prejudice or theological
notions. Ironically the Court rejected this same fallacy—that
believing something ma g that the state cannot.
prohibit abortions on moral or theological grounds.
The greatest harm done by the Supreme Court's obscenity
decisions will not be that people will lose access to hard-core
pomography—although we believe that such access is, despite
these decisions, constitutional right. More serious is the re
stricting effect the decisions will have on all the arts and the
media of entertainment and information. Michigan attorney
general Frank J. Kelley was quick to warn: "This really sets
us back in the Dark Ages. Now prosecuting attorneys in every
county and мше will be grandstanding and every jury in
every little community will have a crack at each new book, play
nd movie.” Sherifis, police chiefs, district attorneys and other
public guardians already are moving against works that by no
stretch of the imagination can be called hard-core pornography.
Justice Douglas’ dissenting prediction that the decisions “would
make it possible to ban any paper or any journal or magazine
in some benighted place” has come true. The "raids on
lib " he warns about probably won't be [ar behind.
It’s understandable that many Americans are frightened by
the transition to greater freedom of sexual expression in
recent years. By both Jaw and long tradition, sex and sin are
practically synonymous in this country. But fearful people
could have been protected from offense by the adequate en-
forcement of existing laws prohibiting the sale of sexually
explicit material to minors and the public display or un-
solicited mailing of pornography. It’s also true that the com-
mercial exploitation of sex has its ugly aspects, but chielly
because sexuality has so long been subject to official suppression
in our society. The public has never had the opportu
to develop standards of good taste i
to enforce them in a free market. Now it may be another
generation before American society discovers the positive con-
tribution sexual candor can make to this culture when it is
finally permitted to join the mainstream of expression.
permission for the child to be given to
-old girl
was brought into Judge DeC г court
for violating Rhode Island's law that
kes sexual intercourse outside mar-
offense. The girl was de-
r as being an
t from a good home. She
g sexual intercourse with her
nd and had told
her mother, who gave her permission to
obtain birth-control pills. The mother re-
etted the fact that her daughter had
begun sexual activity at such an сапу age
but felt t ging contraception was
more intelligent than shutting her ey
"] don't go for it,” Judge DeCiantis
said. “A 11-year-old gil taking the pill so
she can go out and do this kind of мш;
we coming to, anyway?" He de
is opposition to giving “children”
birth-control pills and told the mother,
"This kind of activity is horrible. It was
bad judgment on your part." He conclud-
ed, “It's а very bad
thing. Мете pi g down
girlhood; that’ were doing" He
sentenced the girl to a year on probation,
I's so much better, I suppose. for a 14-
arold gi
س رور SS,
to become an
Thoi е
Boston, Massachusetts
I'm a woman who would like to be able Б: 25796
to take ап occasional walk without leel- s "
the need for "
bodyguard. I am con-
. yelled at, whistled a
offere owed, honked at, mur
bled to. smirked at and insulted. Any:
thing, it seems, but a genuinely friendly
the rare of | When the W
The offenders are | moment is worth V
though none of them are what 1 remembering — V
would call men. As any woman can tell | enjoy a cigar that's |
you, a real man worthy of a woman's at- | hard to forget.
tention will not make an ass of himself on | A long, slender,
the street. И he really has it, he doesn’t | mild-tasting A&C
have to force it on anyone. Сгепаег
sheryl Buc D You're ahead in
Nashville, Tennessee | flavor with A&C's
unique blend of
choice imported
and domestic.
the July | tobaccos. Youre
псп are noe bio. | a lable with |
nt | EL Steen. ahead
n with the fact of women's greater | де Grenadier
orgasmic capacity. But a physiological ca- | Op try Panatola
bility per se doesn't determine whether J р
or not one is monogamous or promiscuous. Saper OES &C Cr, dı
It only produces predisposition “on eh ‘SS aT АЕК. A renat lier.
: Real flavor, quality tobaccos
and a great shape
keep Grenadiers up front.
pout three per block.
all mal
Pepper Schw argu
female monogamy published i
Playboy Forum are spe
ple, she says that “W
men and women, that are then
by culture and experience.
Miss Schwartz also infers Irom wom-
en's multiorgasmic capacity a "probably"
stronger sex drive than men’s and. from
this, concludes that wom
not gett i Anton AR
that “It might be more reasonable to have | Look ahead. Buy the box.
several lovers than to expect one man to
satisfy all of one’s needs.” Unless she
means that a woman should have as many
men on hand during a given lovemaking
session as the number of orgasms of which
she’s capable, I don't see how this follows
at all.
She bemoans the sexual double stand-
rd. As far as I can tell, it probably still
exists for some men, but I know a lot of
them who admit that women can enjoy
berated sexuality as much as their own
(the women's) personal standards and
temperament allow. I also know many
men who are delighted that their wives
find sex as enjoyable as they (the men) do.
Miss Schwartz says that “Women don't
have a strong model of female sexuality
that entitles them to as much freedom as
men." Freedom is not a matter of having
а model to imitate but rather of being
ble to make choices. One of those choices
is monogamy, and choosing it certainly
need not imply bondage to a doublestand
lany more than it necessarily means
that the partners afraid
of sexual adventure. My husband and I
have chosen mutual fidelity freely and
without coercion or undue deference to
anybody's standards but our own. We sce
the choice as a true reflection of ourselves
and of a life style that we wish to live; we
do not sce it as a form of denial, We feel
c liberated.
About the only thing Schwartz says that
shows any tolerance is her last sentence:
ome women will find nonmonogamous
sexual styles more in keeping with their
desires.” Fine. 1 agree. But that doesn't
necessitate sweeping generalizations about
all women, implying that those who
choose monogamy have failed to respond
10 the аз women or to the free
dom the sexual revolution has afforded.
Mrs. W. O'Keefe
Boston, Massachusetts
English rape case reported in a
U.S. bar journal raises issues that
would baflle a metaphysician. Briefly,
the complainant, a girl of 18, was sleep
ing unelothed by an open window.
The defendant disrobed outside, climbed
through the window and had intercourse
with her, while she believed him to be
her boyfriend. Only afterward did she sus-
pect that he was somebody else and turn
on the light.
Both sides agreed that when the young
man was looking through. the window,
the girl had sat up in bed and held out
to him in a welcoming fashion.
aw then became whether or
invitation" excused his crime.
Of course, force is not necessary to prove
гаре; a man is guilty of statutory rape if
he deliberately makes a woman drunk or
drugs her to obtain sexual acquiescence,
if he acts while she is asleep or if he de-
ceives her in the dark by pretending to be
one she loves. Nevertheless, there is usual-
"cut evidence
ly no crime if there is cl
of invitation by the wont
The original trial convicted the de-
fendant of burglary under a section of the
law that makes it a crime to enter a house
as a trespasser with intent to commit any
ime, including rape. When the case was
ied. however, the issue narrowed
down to whether or not he had begun
trespassing at the time the open-armed in-
vitation was rendered. The defendant
was admittedly clutching the window
Was he outside the house and thus bi
invited in, or was he already in the house
s already a tresp
and th ser and a crimi-
nal when the girl's gesture was made
The defendant was released, although
the Lord Justice commented that the
legal point on which he overturned
the conviction was "as narrow may be
as the window sill which is crucial in
this case.
Howard Messing.
Attorney at Law
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Ive never written to a magazine be-
fore and I do so now only because The
Playboy Forum doesn't seem to condemn
sexual behavior that many people con-
sider perverted or unnatural. I'm 24, and
I grew up in à rural comm
casionally engaged in sexual intercourse
with farm animals. This was a group
thing, be animals (in this ca
goats) don’t willingly hold still for sex,
except maybe with the right a
When J entered college, I soon le:
that sex with animals is not only illegal
but is considered a perversion that would
never appeal to a sexually normal man. I
think I am sexually normal, because now
nterests are only іп women.
e, and 1 got involved in
imals only as a substitute for
ted some local girls. but T
couldn't make them hold still long
enough to do anything. Now. however, Î
keep wondering if what I used to do may
indicate some basic sexual abnormality
I'm unwilling to admit to myself.
(Name withheld by request)
Dallas, Texas
The way you describe your experiences
sounds like you participated in cultural
conformity more than bestiality, Laws
and popular opinion do nol dictate what
is perverse sexual behavior. I's the
thought that counts.
my sexual
girls. I d
ce I disagree with many of my sisters
in the women’s liberation movement
about rrAynov and since I feel that you
are basically nd honest, 1 am wi
to you about one example of how male
dominance leads to bias and scientific
accuracy. I refer to the field of gynecolo-
where 93.4 percent of all practitioners
the United States are male. The result
of this imbalance is that gynecologic
textbooks are rile with scientific errors.
This is not just an idle assertion. Writ-
ing in the American Journal of Sociology
na Scully and Pauline Bart report
that they examined 27 general gyne-
cology texts published in the United
States since 1943. Here are some of their
Two of the four texts published before
Kinsey's did not even index female sex
lity: women in general were then as
sumed to be more or less frigid. Two texts
even counseled the gynecologist to teach
nts to fake orgasm.
As late as 1965, many te
corporated Kinsey's
insisting that the vagi
the clitoris.
ven after the work of Masters and
Johnson, eight current gynecologic texts
continue to assert that the male’s sex drive
is stronger than the female's. (Over the
past two decades, at least half of the texts
have stated that the male's sex drive is
To quote Miss Scully and. Miss Bart
“Gynecologists, our society's official ex
perts on women, think of themselves as
the woman’s friend. With friends 1
that, who needs enemies?”
Let me state explicidy that I do
gree with feminist writers who c
there is something innately wrong with
le mind. Because T reject that
st claim, I think this study proves
the philosophical case for women's liber
tion. Removing experimental bias is the
hardest part of scientific discipline, and
such bias can never be removed when the
research and the writing of textbooks are
934 percent monopolized by one group,
whatever group that is and howew
much good will it possesses. The case is
especially absurd in gynecology, but isn’t
it likely that male domination of psychol:
ogy or history or anthropology or апу
other subject, induding office: manag
ment, creates equally ridiculous one-
ts had not yet
and were
as sensi
The Manchester New
Union Leader published
torial by its
tor in chiel, B. J. McQuaid, titled “Boot
the Pansies Out of UNH.” The ed
rial excoriated the University of New
Hampshire's board of trustees for voting
10 recognize a campus gay libera
ganization. McQuaid's remarks included
these choice bit
front-page edi-
ion or-
We had hoped,
great confidence, th
would crack down hard on university
raged these pansies
and f
Any student, male or female, who
(concluded on page 192)
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bringing in as little as $75,000 а sea-
son in TV rights. But as Rozelle him-
self is quick to point out, the sport
had reached a threshold of accelerated
growth and would undoubtedly have
prospered with or without his leadership.
Still, the N.F. L. has been faced with a
number of crucial problems during his
term as commissioner, and Rozelle has
almost always seemed. to have the right
answer at the right time—whether the
Subject was expansion, merger with the
American Football League, establish-
ment of the Super Bowl or the decision
to televise games on all three national
But although both №. Е. L. team own-
ers and players ave making more money
than they ever did before he took over,
the two warring factions seem to be ap-
preciating Rozelle less and less. Says
former AlLPro Bernie Parrish, “The
number of half-truths and deceiving
statements that Rozelle has handed the
players over the years would be hard
10 count.” And a recent poll conduct
ed by the N.F.L. Players Association
showed that more than 90 percent of ac-
tive pros feel that Rozelle's decisions gen-
erally favor owners interesis; there's
no denying that he has helped the aver-
age М. F.L. franchise multiply in value
by 500 percent since he assumed office.
But the owners, for their part, believe
that the commissioner is becoming too
independent for his own good. The N.
York Giants’ Wellington Mara has lil
ened Rozelle to an “iron hand in a
velvet glove,’ and Dallas Cowboys bank
roller Clint Murchison claims, “He has
milquetoast all aver his high hand.”
“Squabbling in public will cventually
ruin football; there’s no doubt it’s hurt-
ing us already, Polls taken by Louis
Harris—polls as valid as any political
polls—indicale that very clearly.”
“The most difficult owner for me was the
late George Marshall of Washington. He
would say to me: ‘The Redskins will have
a black when Abe Saperstein has a white
on the Harlem Globetrotters?”
Rozelle hardly relishes such talk, but he
understands that it comes with the terri-
tory—a territory he had no real reason
to expect would ever be his to oversee.
Nicknamed Pete at the age of five by
an uncle, Alvin Ray Rozelle grew up in
Lynwood, California, a Los Angeles sub-
urb. After high school and a two-year
Nawy tour, he attended Compton Junior
College and then the University of San
Francisco, where he received his B. A. in
1950. While a student, Rozelle was the
school’s athleticnews director and, upon
graduation, was hired as USF's assist-
ant athletic director, a post he held for
two years. In 1952, Rozelle became the
Los Angeles Rams’ publicity director (at
а starting salary of 85500), but after
three years, he quit to go into the more
profitable field of corporate public rela-
lions. By 1957, he was back with the
Rams—this time as general manager, at
a salary of 525,000 a year. N.F. L. com-
missioner Bert Bell had recommended.
him for the job because he felt Rozelle
could tactfully untangle a complicated
and bitter ownership dispute then rag-
ing among Ram stockholders. Rozelle
smoothed things out as expeditiously as
advertised, but his over-all performance
as LA's general manager was hardly
memorable. Although he made the club
a good deal of money by introducing
such souvenir junk as Ram sweat shirts,
“Alex Karras was very upset about being
suspended, cven though he had been bet-
ting on games. Karras has a great sense of
humor and he kids me, but it’s donc on
the square: He's not an admirer of mine.”
Ram cocktail glasses and Ram seat cush-
ions, the team’s scouting department
somehow disappeared under his aegis,
along with seven Ram players and a
Ram draft choice in an exchange for
overthehill Chicago Cardinal halfback
Ollie Matson—one of the most spec-
tacularly lousy trades in the annals of the
N.F.L. But despite the fact that the
team went nowhere when he was running
it, the young G.M.'s obvious intelli-
gence and sense of diplomacy impressed
the N.F. L.'s fat cats, and Rozelle be-
came the league's commissioner—at a
five-figure salary—soon after the death of
Al the height of pro football's popular-
ity—if not of the man who runs it—we
decided to send Lawrence Linderman to
talk with Rozelle in Scottsdale, Arizona,
where the commissioner and the le
team owners had gathered for a series of
meetings. Reports Linderman: "Over the
past few years, I've talked to several
N.F.L. players and sports journalists
about Rozelle, and I fully expected him
to be the silken, almost dilettantish dude
they portrayed. But the image in no way
does justice to the man, and I think the
same probably holds true of the way he
photographs; the many pictures Гос seen
of Rozelle—maybe it's his chin—always
gave me the impression oj a man afraid
to come out from behind his contract
clauses. Well, Rozelle in person is a lot
gutticr—and carthier—than that. In fact,
his speech is far more gravelly than befits
a skillful media manipulator—which he
is—and he could casily pass for one of
those underworld gamblers he spends so
much time publicly decrying. But he's
also given to wearing white loafers, chain-
smoking Vantage cigarettes and eating at
restaurants like ‘2P and The Forum, And
he's meticulously careful about what he
says in public, As he sees it, any offhand
criticism of an owner, player, official,
weather condition or stadium hot dog
might not be in the best interests of the
league and, whatever he may feel person-
ally, Rozelle almost always thinks first
about the best interests of the league. He
keeps his ego on an equally tight rein,
and E personally think that's a shame, but
maybe thai's none of my business. It was
my business, however, to delve into the
commissioner's methods of handling the
many problems currently plaguing pro
football, so we began our conversation
on that note.”
PLAYBOY: Although professional football
has reached unprecedented heights of
popularity under your direction, the
sport has been marked in recent years by
acrimony between pl
ers, and you've bee
d team own-
accused of trying to
suppress public awareness of such dis-
agreements. Ts that true?
ROZELLE: Yes, it is, (ise T think squab-
us already. Polls taken for the league by
Louis Harris—polls as valid as any po-
litical polls—indicate that very clearly.
Which comes as no great surprise to me,
for I strongly believe that sports are an.
emotional outlet, just as television
motion pictures are. Considering wi
Americans have been confronted wi
the last ten years, domestically and inter-
nationally, its clear that we need emo-
tional outlets; we have to have some
peace from our problems. I'm not daim-
ing that football is the nation’s salvation
n this area, but it's one of them, one little
thing that apparently has captured the
imagination of a large sector of our so-
ciety. But when football can't be a rela
tively pure outlet, a fun thing, then it
hurts itself, People are interested in pro
football because i it provides them with
emotional they don't want (0001
to get involved in the same types of court.
ses, racial problems and legislative
issues they encounter in the rest of Am
can life. I'm not saying that the press is
wrong to report any internal differences
we have, but at the same time, I think it's
our job to keep them from becoming pub-
lic issues, for anything that detracts from
the purely athletic aspects of the sport is
bad for us. IE we end up giving our
me the same problematical coloration
as the rest of the news, I don't think we'll
be the popular escape valve we are now
PLAYBOY: Is it realistic to think you can
convince the public that you're presiding
over nothing more than a “fun” sport
when the N. F. L. is involved in making
daily business decisions about such trou-
blesome matters as salary disputes, drug.
scandals, film and television rights, prod-
uct endorsements and the like?
ROZELLE: I think it's a realistic goal, but
we've certainly been unsuccessful in
hieving it.
PLAYBOY: One of the obvious reasons for
that failure is your own standing with the
players, who feel that your decisions gen-
erally favor team owners—and they feel
that way primarily because the commi
sioner is hired solely by the owners.
Would you like to see that changed?
ROZELLE: I don't know if 1300 pla
could really participate in the selection of
à commissioner, and I've never given it a
great deal of thought. I think it's а logical
point they could make, but it's only an ac-
ademic one. Rather than saying that the
commissioner is hired by the owners and
therefore is subservient to them, you have
10 look at whether or not the players are
getting a fair shake. I feel that the com-
missioner's role is to balance the interests
of the sport’s three elements: the fans, the
players and the owners. If any one ої
these three has too much of a good thing,
опе or both of the others would almost in-
evitably suffer, and you'd have а break-
down in self-government, That hasn't
happened, and I feel it's because Ive
balanced the interests of all three very
PLAYBOY. Even if thats true, what's to
prevent your eventual successor from
being susceptible to owner domination,
which is the rule rather than the excep-
п among sports commissioners?
ROZELLE: Two things: a strong league con-
stitution stronger
ince I inherited it, and a great deal of
confidence that's been built into the of-
fice—also something I inherited when I
succeeded the late Bert Bell in office. The
N. F. L's expansion has also strength-
ened the commissioner's hand. During
most of Bell's term of office, the league
1 12 teams: there now аге 26, which
makes it much easicr for a commissioner
to operate. In the old days, when three or
four clubs would get upset with Commis
sioner Bell—and I used to discuss this
with him—it was a major problem. But
with 26 teams, if four, five or six owncrs
are upset with me, it doesn't bother me at
all, other than personally; І don’t like
people to be angry at me. But that doesn't.
affect how I can operate the office, because
the larger the number of teams, the less
pressure you feel from any one of them.
For those reasons, I [eel that whoever
follows me will inherit even more than I
did from Bell
PLAYBOY: When you were hired by the
N. F. L in 1960, you were generally un-
known and hadn't previously been con-
sidered a candidate for commissioner.
How did you land the job?
ROZELLE: I got it strictly because of circum-
stance. Commissioner Bell had passed
away in October 1959 and in January, the
12 N. F. L. clubs met in Miami to pick a
successor. I was general manager of the
Los Angeles Rams and I was there voting
on behalf of the team along wi te
Dan Reeves, who was then president of
the Rams. For seven days, we sat in the
Kenilworth Hotel trying to select a new
commissioner, and after 22 ballots, we
were still a long way from coming up with
one. There just seemed to be irreconcila-
ble differences of opinion as to both the
type of commissioner wanted by the
teams and the specific individuals who'd
been proposed, and an impasse had devel-
oped. Finally, at the close of a frustrating
afternoon session, Paul Brown of the
Cleveland Browns and Wellington Mai
of the New York Giants took me aside
and said they were going to propose me.
That surprised me, because at that point,
I really didn't know either man.
PLAYBOY: Why did they want you, then?
ROZELLE: I guess because I'd been so timid
through all of the arguing that I hadn't
antagonized them. That's the only thing
1 could figure out, because the proceed-
ings had been highly emotional and every
person considered for the job had really
been cut up in discussion; I didn't want
10 be a party to that. Neither did 1 want
to be an object of that, so I told Brov
and Mara, "Look, I'm just a 33-year-old
kid from Los Angeles, and thinking of me
as commissioner just doesn't make any
that’s become even
sense. I'd prefer not to be proposed.
"They told me to just keep qui
they were going to nominate
and they did, at the next session. I was
asked to leave the room, because it might
prove embarrassing to hear myself dis-
cussed. I was glad to get out, but when I
did, a crowd of sportswriters was wait
right outside the door, so I went into the
men’s room—and stayed there.
time someone walked in, I'd wash my
hands until he left.
At last, someone came to tell me I'd
been selected as commissioner, which
gave rise to the line that I took the job
with clean hands. I was then taken down-
s to a press conference, and the re-
porters were as surprised as I was. The
first question was put to me by Louis Ef-
frat of The New York Times, who said,
“Mr. Rozelle, would you consider your-
self a compromise selection?" Everyone
in the room broke up, including me. ОЁ
course, if I'd known what I'd be fac-
ing when I took the job, I don't think
I'd have been laughing. I'd have been
PLAYBOY: Why? Was the commission-
ers job so different from what you'd
ROZELLE: Actually, because I was hired so
quickly, I didn't have time to envision
anything. But I certainly didn't foresee
some of the carly problems I'd have to
deal with, particularly the $10,000,000 an-
titrust suit that was filed against us by the
American Football League shortly alter I
got back from Miami.
PLAYBOY: What w: of that suit?
ROZELLE: The N. F. L. had expanded to in-
dude teams in Dallas and Minneapol
the A. F.L. had also been considering
having teams in those citics and claimed
that our franchises in Dallas and Minne-
apolis were established just to kill off their
league. They first went to the Justice De-
partment, hoping it would file an action
against us, and when that failed to hap-
pen, they filed a civil antitrust suit. That
gave me my first real experience in deal-
ing with the team owners. At least half of
them made strong recommendations as to
which attorney should defend the league,
nd in every case it turned out to be their
own club lawyer. I decided to seek out-
side counsel instead, and did—and we
won the case.
PLAYBOY: Onc of your biggest assets as
commissioner has been your surprising
ility to persuade team owners—who
m't known for being the most tractable
of men—to go along with you on key de-
isions affecting the N.F. 1. How have
you been able to manage that?
ROZELLE: I think the big th
going for me in that regard has been the
success of the league I don't have quite as
much control over things as people be-
lieve, so I frequently receive more credit
than I deserve, and occasionally more
icism as well. Pro football was taking
off when I became commissioner, and
when a sport's successful and you're i
chief executive officer, much of the cred
flows to you and you develop a good track
record. That gives you tremendous lever-
age when you sit down with people and
patiently try to change their opinion on
given issuc. In dealing with owners, J
think the most important thing to do
keep them from painting themselves into
а corner. When you need a couple more
votes on something, you want to avoid
a situation where individuals say, “I'll
never do this!" When that happens, it
takes a complete backdown for a man to
come around to your side of an argument,
which is difficult to accomplish, because
the owners are all proud men. If that
kind of situation doesn’t arise, it's casier
for the owners to change their minds. If
they want to.
PLAYBOY: Which N.F.L. team owners
have been the most difficult for you to
deal with?
ROZELLE: The most difficult owner for me
was the late George Marshall of the
Washington Redskins. He was a very col-
orful man, and he was also very, very
strong-willed, a quality I suppose you'd
have to say he was famous for. Marshall
always made me feel like a boy when I
was around him, and that was true even
when there were serious issues between
PLAYBOY: Did your run-ins with Marshall
rcvolve around his policy of not hiring
black football players?
ROZELLE: That's onc of them. The Red-
skins, then the most southerly team in the
league, had always been identified as a
Dixie team. They'd never had a Negro
player and it had become a kind of team
tradition. That had always been their
pattern, and Marshall personally found
it difficult to make a change; at least that
was the impression he gave me.
PLAYBOY: Do you think he was a racist?
ROZELE I don't know what he was; I
didn't get into that kind of discussi
with him, because I wanted to change
that situation, not irritate it. I can't tell
you what was inside Marshall, except to
say that his team had a particular tradi-
tion. He would explain it with one irrev-
“The Redskins will have a
Abe Saperstein has a white on
people like Edward Bennett W
also talked to him about it. Ed was a close
friend of his and was doing legal work for
M nd eventually he got own
in the club. The fact that the Redskins
didn't hire black players embarrassed
d, made absolutely no sense to him,
ind I know he talked to Marshall about
it. In the discussions I had with Mar-
shall, I softly tried to point out that he
was creating a problem for the league and,
in a practical way, a problem for the
Redskins as well, who weren't successful
during that period, because they were
miting the talent on their team. Our
talks were oblique and 1 only made sug-
gestions to him, because I didn't want
him to get his back up and say, “This is
my football team and ГЇЇ run it any w
I damn well please.” Quietly, we were
able to get that policy changed.
PLAYBOY: Although those Redskin teams
were the most blatant examples of racism
in modern pro football, many black
players feel that Jim Crow is still alive in
the N. F. L. One of their main ch arges is
that N. F. L. t
signing blacks in disproportionate num-
bers to certain positions, such as running
back, and excluding them from playing
other positions, such as quarterback.
ROZELLE: The charge of stacking has no
validity and, as far as black quarterbacks
are concerned, the N. F. L. has had more
than many people realize. George Talia-
rro was p ily a running back, but
he played some quarterback for the New
York Yanks and Baltimore Colts in the
early Fifties. Willie Thrower was with the
Bears in 1953, and Charley Brackins with
cen Bay in 1955; Marlin Briscoe started
five games with Denver in 1968; Jim
Harris started the '69 season as Buffalo's
regular quarterback; John Walton played
in preseason games for the Rams last
, primarily a punter, has
year; Dave Lew
played quarterback for Cincinnati; Joe
Gilliam was a backup quarterback for
Pittsburgh last year; and Karl Douglas
was given a good trial as the Colts’ quar-
terback in 1971-1972. My own conclusion
оп the subject of black quarterbacks is
this: The black N. F. L. quarterbacks I've
mentioned came, for the most part, from
small black colleges, where they didn't face
major college game competition. Also, it's
likely that the colleges they played for
didn't have the money to hire large coach-
ing staffs, and so they weren't taught to
lay the position as completely as quarter-
cks at major colleges. These are the
basic reasons, and I think anything to the
contrary is fallacious.
PLAYBOY: Is the charge of stacking really
all that fallacious when you consider
that there's never been a black starting
center in the N. F. L?
ROZELLE: I can't honestly see that a cen-
ter’s function is that much different from
other positions on the line, so I really
can't explain it. I'd like to talk to more
people about it. But I do know that
black publications report that close to 40
percent of the league's players last year
were black, which is very high, I think, in
comparison to the black percentage of the
national population.
PLAYBOY: We're not disputing the fact
that there are a great many black players
in the N. F. L; we're talking about what
appears to be racial exclusion at the posi-
tions of quarterback and center, and this
isalso true at middle linebacker.
ROZELE: Actually, middle iebacker
might be similar to quarterback in that
small-college coaching staffs—which teach
well below the pro level—have put black
athletes at a disadvantage.
PLAYBOY: If that's the case, why wouldn't
black wide receivers, tackles and running
backs be similarly handicapped?
ROZELLE: I think that a quarterback and a
linebacker require more educa i
technical and mental skills than
other positions. In a smallcollege situa-
tion, players just won't get the football
education they need to make the N. F. L,
just as а student at a smaller-stalfed
School isn't going to get the same educi-
tion that a black or a white student will
get ata university that has more money to
spend on teachers.
PLAYBOY: Do you think all this stems from
the fact that, until recently, most major.
colleges excluded blacks from playing cer-
tain positions?
ROZELLE: ] don't know enough about the
colleges to comment on that. But I would
think there's no reason for stacking. After
all, you can only keep so many pla
and if you're stacking at a single posit
someone's going to have to go—and then
a rival team can end up with an out
standing football player. And no coach
wants that. If you've got a good football
player, you want to use him.
PLAYBOY: Surely you don't think such ra
Cal egalitarianism has been prevalent i
certain college conferences until recent-
ly—or do you?
ROZELLE: "The important thing is that
today blacks are getting the opportunity
to play for the major Northern
Southern schools, and they're ta
vantage of that, rather than attending the
small black colleges to which, for the most.
part, they were historically limited. And
I think this i» going to be helpful i
developing black quarterbacks and line-
PLAYBOY: Another grievance among black
players in the N. F. L. is their conviction
they're paid less than white players.
Are they right?
ROZELLE: We've never really done a study
on it, but forgetting quarterbacks—which
you have to do to get a good idea of aver-
age N. F- L. salaries—I believe that much
more than 40 percent of the 50 best-paid
players in the league are black, so by that
measurement, there's no complaint to be
made. One problem, perhaps, is that
more blacks than. whites come into the
league as free agents, because they've
played for small, out-of-the-way schools.
In those cases. the initial contract will be
smaller than one given to a drafted
but when a free agent proves him-
self, he moves up the payroll rather
quickly. Although there's ап undercur-
rent of suspicion on this matter, 1 don
sce it as a major р . IE it wer
sure you that the Players Association,
which is a very intelligent and aggressive
organization, would be raising the ques-
tion with the owners or with me. It hasn't.
been raised. And on a very practical level,
the owners wouldn't even want that ques-
tion to come up. because it would lead
to dissension on a club, which can seri-
ously interfere with a team's chances of
Vince Lombardi
summed up wl ny sports critics feel
is the N.F. L.'s obsession with victory
when he said, "Winning isn't everything,
it's the only thing.” Do you feel pro loot-
ball attaches too much importance to
ROZELLE: No. But I haven't met a player or
a coach whose goal isn't to win the Super
Bowl The ne holds true for team
owners, especially for those who—like
Lamar Hunt, Bill Ford and Clint Mur-
chison—are in football as an avocation,
not as a way to make their livelihood; for
them, the only thing they want out of it
Super Bowl victory. That doesn't
n they don’t like to make money on
all teams, only that their pri-
concern is in winning a champion-
ship. And I sce nothing wrong in that.
PLAYBOY: In new book. North Dallas
10. former Cowboy receiver Peter Gent
depicts N. F. L. club owners as little more
than right-wing zealots who try to enforce
martial discipline, restraint and conform-
ity on their players. Do you take issue
with that description?
ROZELLE: Yes, I do. because as a group,
team owners just don't exert much influ-
ence on individual players. In fact, an
awful lot of N.F. L dub owners have
practically no influence on their players
at all, simply because they're nor full-time
working owners. Men like Ralph Wilson
in Buffalo, Gerry and Alan Phipps in
Denver, Art Rooney in Pittsburgh, ne
Klein in San Diego, Max Winter in Min-
ncota Bill Ford in Detroit, John
Mecom, Jr., in New Orleans and Phil Ise-
lin of the New York Jets don’t take very
active roles in running their clubs. And
even Dallas Clint Murchison complete-
ly delegates з of the
Cowboys to his club president, Tex
owner is the philosophical antithesis of
the description you've given me: Edward
Bennett Williams in Washington is an at-
torney deeply committed to promoting
individual rights.
If most team owners aren't au-
nd regimental, and if they
play such limited roles in running their
teams, why is it that so many N. F. L.
player—and explayers such as Dave
Meggyesy. Bernie Parrish and Johnny
Sample—accuse them of blacklisting
outstanding but outspokenly dissident
ROZELLE: There's
sembling blacklisting
least not сє I've been com
And I'm close enough to the dubs to
know. Ability is the key to a player's ca-
reer in the N. F. L., and any idea that
blacklisting exists is totally erroneous,
There are always players who'll have
never been anything re-
the N. F. L, at
trouble with thcir clubs, and yet they're
either traded to another team or, if put
on waivers, they find another coach will-
ing to take a chance with them, often
fecling the player involved hasn't been
handled right. You may sce discontented
ballplayers moving around, but if they've
got ability, they find a job.
PLAYBOY: Then why—as Bernie Parrish
points out in They Call It a Game—was
Walter Beach, an excellent Cleveland de-
fensive back, unable to find employment
in the league after he clashed wii
Browns owner Art Modell?
ROZELLE: Blacklisting had nothing to do
with it, and neither did his relationship.
with Modell. Beach was about 33 and had
played with four or five football teams
before finding a home with the Browns,
where he had a fine career. But by 1967,
when the incident you're speaking of
took place, the Browns coaching staff felt
that Beach was no longer the defensive
back he'd been. I want to remind you that.
defensive backs can go downhill in a у
very easily, because it's an extremely de-
manding position. Theres no mystery
why Beach wasn't picked up by another
team after he was released on waivers by
the Browns; his career was at an end, Just
Tast summer, a Federal judge dismissed
a case Beach brought on this very subject.
As far as the Parrish and the Meggyesy
books are concerned, I felt that Meggyesy
was being his own brand of idealist and I
disagreed with many of his views. But I
was much more concerned with the Par-
rish book, because it was filled with innu-
endo and charges about pro football—
such as black-isting—that he wanted to
be true but that he coukln't back up
with fact. Fm not asking anyone to accept
my word that both their books were filled
with and empty charges
Meggyesy and Parrish presented any evi-
dence they had to a grand jury in Cleve-
and and nothing happened as a result.
In fact, to the best of my knowledge, cv-
eryone who's ever openly criticized any
aspect of the N. F. L. was brought before
that grand jury, which was working on а
criminal indictment against the leagu
The grand jury subpoenaed an incredi-
ble number of records from each of the 26
N. F. L. teams—records relating to every
facet of our operation. We had to sit back
and take it for 18 montlis as all our critics
walked into that grand-jury room and
then held press conferences on the court-
house steps.
PLAYBOY: Why do you say you had to take
it Couldn't you have responded to the
charges as they were made?
ROZELLE: That wasn't done because our at-
torneys didn’t feel it was appropriate to
publicly discuss a pending court action
igainst us.
PLAYEOY: You gave the impression at the
time that your silence was judicially im-
posed. At any rate, what do you consider
the main issues that were involved in the
grand jury's investigation?
ROZELLE: It wasn't a question of a few spe-
cific issues; they went into discrimination,
player contracts, the option clause, the
Players Association, television—just about
everything they could think of. And
after a year and a half, the indict-
ment was dismissed—in May '72—and
noth more has been heard of it, But
no one in the Government ever came out
and said, “We've looked into this thor-
oughly and we find no cause for action
t the N. F. L” So we came out with
a statement; at а press conference, 1
noted that the grand jury had been dis
1 and that, in our opinion, nothing
had come of irs investigation. I had to
gamble a little in saying that. because no
one had officially cleared us—and this is
point out that we were never told why we
were being inv ed. Our attorneys
found that rather strange, but other than
defending ourselves ag:
suucture. Most players testified
they were underpaid in relation to
s that still a bone of conten-
id team owners?
it is. I think the answer to
disputes is simply to see if
labor is getting a fair shake. During
the negotiations that preceded the last
N.F. L. labor contract, the players and
owners jointly commissioned the Arthur
Andersen accounting firm to survey the
individual club finances of all the league's
teams. After first standardizing the clubs
various accounting procedures, informa
tion was developed regarding profits and
other significant cial factors. Tt
turned out that the average pretax team
profit was $452,000. The players didn't
want to accept that fig at least пи
leadership didn’t—because it meant
there wasn't that much money available
for them to ask for. In effect, they were
saying that even though the accoun
firm they'd helped hire had looked into
the matter, the owners were somehow still
able to cover up their profits.
PLAYBOY: That figure of $152,000 was for
the 1969 season. Since then, attendance,
ticket prices, television revenues and
even stadium scaring capacities
creased substantially, so average N.
team profits should be much higher by
now. In fact, couldn't they easily be twice
or three times the 1969 figur
ROZELLE: I honestly don't know. I do know
that income's gone up: but so have ex-
penses. In what proportion to cach oth
1 can't
PLAYBOY: Not even to the extent of being
able to give us a general indication of
N. F. L. profit pictur
ROZELLE: I don't have the profit pictures
of the clubs, except for those required by
the SEC to make annual public disclo-
sures. Green Bay, for example, showed a
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1972 net income of $180,203 and the
Patriots, $545,313. But the dubs don't
send yearly profit statements to me. I
might get a glance at a bottomline figure
ol what some club did the previous year,
but in general, I'm not aware of dubs’
specific financial conditions.
PLAYBOY: That's hard to believe.
don't you think you should be?
ROZELLE: I don't think I have an obliga-
tion ro ascertain the financial picture.
PLAYBOY: Then how can you have any
ility when you say that the players
ong in feeling that there's financial
inequity between. themselves and team
ROZELLE: Based on what Ive heard, Га
have to say I have a general impression
that there is much more equity involved
than the players realize. I think their
are due to human nature; the
player sees a filled stadium. If he saw а su-
permarker filled every time it was open,
he'd feel it was doing extremely well.
PLAYBOY: And he'd probably be right.
You say you have a "general impression"
of the N. F. L.'s finances; doesn't the na-
ture of your job obligate you to know ex-
actly what the league's finances are?
ROZELLE: I think I have enough of an im-
pression to guide me in the things I con-
trol—and I don't run the labor relations:
between the players and the owners, so
my feelings are x there.
‘The commissioner's job in such matters is
only to get the players and the owners to-
gether for talks. 1 know it appears I'm
being an advocate for the owners when I
say there's more equity there than the
players realize, but that's precisely the
reason I suggest an independent financial
study of the N. F. L. be done by an appro-
priate body both sides would respect
believe. I've had discussions on this with
the owners, and I think such a study
would benefit them as well as the players
and the public, because it would climi-
nate suspicion. But we certainly won't use
nother accounting firm, because its find-
ings would be suspect, as was proved by
the jointly sponsored '69 financial study.
PLAYBOY: Whom would you like to sce
conduct such a study?
ROZELLE: A joint House-Senate committee,
because then no one would dispute the
findings. Everyone keeps saying that
the N. F. L. won't open its books, but I've
told the owners they're going to have to.
nd they've
1 they will. Congress is
talking about changing various aspects of
pro football, so I'd like to sec its members
go directly to the financial heart of the
league to discover whether or not our self-
government is working, Before Congress
moves to change апу part of the N. F. L.
it should first investigate us thoroughl:
PLAYBOY: What has Congress indicated it
wants to change?
ROZELLE: Several things, but I would think
the most publicized one would be our
policy of television blackouts of home
PLAYBOY: Not only are Congressmen. in-
terested in changing that but the White
House itself last season put pressure on
the N. F. L. to rescind that policy during
the play-off games. How was that pressure
ROZELLE: I was in Florida just before the
play-offs started, when I got а message
that Richard Kleindienst, who was then
Attorney General, had tried to reach me.
I called him back and he told me of the
President's wishes on lifting the TV
blackout, and so I asked to meet with
Kleindienst to discuss it. He was at first
reluctant, but then agreed to it, and I
flew into Washington that afternoon, He
explained to me that if we didn't volun-
varily change our TV policy for the play-
off games, the Administration would
issue a statement in support of legislation
for lifting the blackout. Kleindienst also
told me that if we didn’t go ahead and
televise the play-off games in home ci
his office would review our antitrust
PLAYBOY: How much concern did that
cause you?
ROZELLE: Well, I wasn't overly worried.
about the antitrust part of it, because the
N. F. L. has only two limited exemptions.
The first was passed in 1961 1 enables
pro football and all other team sports to
sell TV rights in a package, as opposed to
having individual teams selling. hts
separately and occasionally competing
with themselves. Our other antitrust ex-
emption was passed in 1960, after І an-
nounced our imention of merging the
A. F L. and the N L. We successfully
sought a special bill that would exempt
us from any litigation based upon the fact
that the A. F. L. had become part of the
N.F. L. Without that, we couldn't have
gone ali егдег, because the
potent г litigation would have been
100 extreme, For example, we could have
been sued by every college player comi
up in the draft who, instead of 1
rafted by two leagues, would now be
drafted by only one. Those two bills are
only antitrust exemptions and be-
cause they're extremely limited ones, 1
wasut terribly concerned about the At-
torney General reviewing them. I was far
worried TV-blackout
ing challenged by the Adminis-
more about our
policy b.
PLAYBOY: Did you fcel that. Kle
аппам lled for?
ROZELLE; І was just very sorry that the
Administration hadn't first given us а
opportunity to review for it the ramifica-
tions of changing our TV procedures. Es
sentially, the Administration wants us to
adopt a rule stating th
game is sold out by Friday, we'll televise
it in the home city on Sunday. This
[ET imilar to a bill introduced by Se
tor John Pastore, who wants us to exper
ment like that during the regular season.
But even given the guarantee of a sold-
‘out game, ending the local blackout will
seriously hurt our sport.
PLAYBOY: In what way?
ROZELLE: Let me give you a rather painful
case in point: Our top attraction
Super Bowl, was played this year
degree weather in Los Angeles, and it.
televised locally. It turned out that nine
percent of the ticket buyers—who'd p.
$130,000 for seats to the Super Bow!
didn't go to the game. That was a shock
to us.
PLAYBOY: 1. you had your sellout, plus
additional TV moncy through. coverage
of the Los Angeles market, so what's the
ROZELLE: If we have a well-publicized pol-
icy of televising home games provided
they're sold out, people are e
going to wait to purchase tickets.
people think there's a chance of watch
from the comfort of th
room, they'll wait until Friday to buy
their tickets, and in no time at all, our
tendance will suffer. In 1950, the Los
Angeles Rams made а deal with Admiral
television; their home games were put on
local TV and the agreement was based on
the attendance of the previous year. At
tendance went way down that year—even
though the Rams won their conference
championship—and, although there ob
viously weren't that many TV sets in
Т.А. then, the Admiral people wound up
paying them a tremendous amount of
money because of the drop-off in attend-
ance. That was one of the things that con-
vinced Commissioner Bell and the other
club owners that you just shouldn't give
away what you're trying to sell.
PLAYBOY: Could the N. F. L. operate prof-
bly if its only source of income were
TV revenue?
ROZELLE: Not at all. Last y
the 26 teams тесе
$1,500,000 apiece
, each of
ved something like
from the networks,
which is far below the annual cost of
running a franchise. Although TV
nues will increase, they won't incr
dramatically as they have in the past.
urthermore, if pro football suddenly be-
comes a studio show—in the sense that
10.000 to 15,000 people
in the stadiums—it's no longer very im-
portant to watch a pro game anymore. It's
crowd. psychology; you can sce the same
great football game sitting alone
the Coliseum, but it’s not going to have
the same impact on you as it would if you
were part of a crowd of 90,000 people.
Really, I think the TV blackout is one of
reasons for the popularity of
al football. I didn't begin the
blackout—it was there before 1 became
commissioner—but its been an intelli-
and if we change it, 1 strongly
feel that our popularity will decrease.
PLAYBOY: After you told all this to Klci
dienst, were there any further Adminis-
tration pressures put on you?
ROZELLE: No, we merely had more dis-
cussions. But I was extremely surprised
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that something like the N. F.L's TV
policy could be an issue at that level of
PLAYBOY: Do you think it should be that
big an issue?
ROZELLE: No, I don't. Football is a game;
it should be something to enjoy and to
keep in the proper perspective. All it does
is temporarily keep our minds off the scri-
ous problems of the day-
PLAYBOY: Does it follow that if American
society gets healthier, pro football will be
less important—and less successful?
ROZELLE: І suppose that’s possible. I've
been told that during the Depression,
most forms of entertainment did very
well, apparently because people felt the
need to escape their troubles. "That's an
interesting area for conjectur
ing realistically, the onc t
surely drag us down in a hurry would be
ange in our TV-blackout policy.
PLAYBOY: If that policy isn't cha
how much longer do you think pro foot-
ball can continue to grow?
ROZELLE: I really don't know. I'd be satis-
fied—and I don't think this is defeatism.—
to sce us just hold what we have with
al growth. I think it would be ex-
tremely difficult to accelerate much more,
for there's been great growth in the last
20 y
PLAYBOY. Do you sce any cvidence of lev-
cling off in popularity?
ROZELLE: On а television-r: yes.
there were indications of it this past year.
ABC's gs were about the same as
they had been in 771, and although МВС
was up. CDS went down fractionally.
"There was an over-all gain in our TV rat-
ings, but I would have to say that a
lcvelingolt factor was clearly indicated.
PLAYBOY: Arc you at all worried that the
public may be starting to get its fill of
ROZELLE: The only clear barometers by
which we cin judge the question of over-
exposure are TV ratings and attendance,
both of which were up last year. Another
measurement we use is the publicopinion
poll, which we take periodically. A Harris
Poll we took last year showed that 71 per-
cent of the public feels our TV coverage
is about right. I feel it’s about right my-
self, so I don’t see us changing our present
TV pattern. Thus, we won't be televising
games on weck nights other than Mon-
day and, when further expansion takes
'e—idcally, we'd like to have 32 teams,
зс then we'd have four fourteam
divisions in cach conference—we won't be
televising more games, For example, rath-
er than showing an Oakland-Los Angeles
game in, say, Seattle, we'd just carry the
Seattle team's game. That doesn't mean,
incidentally, that Seattle has an inside
tack on an №. Е.І. franchise. I have to
mention that or all the cities hoping for
a franchise—and the list is exte
will get upset with me.
PLAYBOY: One thing you haven't me
tioned is the N. F. Ls possible use of pay
"TV. 105 been speculated that within the
next few years, the Super Bowl will be-
come a closed-circuit theater-TV attrac-
tion, Will it?
ROZELLE: That's not being considered, and
we have no plans even to start thinking
seriously about it. But I wouldn't pr
clude anything in perpetuity: if we were
back in 1940 and [ was being asked if
we'd be only on radio forever, I'd prob-
ably be saying yes. We don't know what
the future holds, but basically, we're com-
mitted to free television. Our only pos-
sible use of pay TV would be some kind
of cable arrangement that will be consid-
ered if and when CATV become:
accepted mass-communicitions medium,
By that, I mean that if the great m:
of the nation's telev
up for cable TV, we'd give some consider-
ation to televising home games on CATV.
At that point, however, we'd again have to
start wi
on stad
ighing what the effects would be
im attendance. But it's going to
be aw before we're confronted with
that choice: By 1980, I'm told that only
about 30 percent of the country will be
wired for CATV. And I can't see what
would compel us seven years from now to
shift our policy to reach ошу 30 percent
of the nation.
PLAYBOY: What makes you think that
seven years the television audience won't
have wearied of football the same way it
done with boxing and baseball?
ROZELLE: I can't honestly answer that, be-
cause TV's done that to other forms of
entertainment as well as to sports. I re-
member that when quiz shows were at
their peak, everyone was home watching
The $64,000 Question and most people
couldn't conceive that those shows
wouldn't be there forever. So it's very pos-
sible the same thing could happen to us.
PLAYBOY: Even if it declines, why do you
think the sport has been able to achieve
the level of popularity it now enjoys?
ROZELLE: I think it's based on several
things. "The game's fast-paced, complex
tion is more in keeping with our times
than other forms of entertainment. 1
believe that the ‘TV exposure we've got-
ten and our policies in regard to TV have
taken the game to an ever-increasing
number of people, just as exp
merger have, and that's made pro football
national in scope. The excellence of our
ТУ coverage itself has been a factor; such
things as instant replay have made mil-
lions of TV fans for us, and much of this
audience then wants to go out and see
n person. J abo think that the
competitive balance has been
very important, becruse in sports, people
want to sce a contest. Last season, nearly
40 percent of our games were decided by
seven points or les - L. football is
good competitive entertainment, and all
nsion and
these things help explain its increased
PLAYBOY: Since you haven't mentioned it,
are we correct in assuming you disagree
with the idea that football's popularity is
predicated on its violence?
ROZELLE: Well, I think there's violence in
football, but it’s a disciplined form of vio-
Jence rather than open, undisciplined vi
olence. But if you're going to try to find
a word that describes professional foot-
ball, action is a much better choice than
violence. When you sit in the stands of a
huge football stadium, I don't think you
be ued—as you might be on the
side lines—by the sport’s physical contact.
T really don’t think that, in a stadium or
atching a game on ТУ, the steady le
ig you get is of violence. If you're sitting
at the top of the Los Angeles Coliseum,
you can't hear the contact, as you can
down on the field or at ringside at a box-
ing match. What you're left with is a
sense of flow, of movement—of action. To
me, the idea that football’s popularity is
violence seems completely
ased оп
PLAYBOY: Violence, however, is respon:
ble for football’s high incidence of game
What preventive steps, if any, arc
ng to cut down on them?
ROZELLE: I don’t think we can control in-
juries other than the way we're doin
it—by working with the sporting-goods
companies and by conducting studies.
stitute is now studying such factors as
the number of N. F. L. injuries incurred
on baseball infields—where the hard sur-
njuries on artificial turf
versus natural turf.
PLAYBOY: When will that study be fin-
ROZELLE: It's ongoing, but we have some
initial results. The entire injury history
of ће N. F. L.'s past three y been
fed to them, and we're continuing with
more detailed research this season.
If they discover that artificial
a significant factor in causing sc-
"juries, will you ban artificial turf
from N. F. L. stadiums?
ROZELLE: The first progress reports indicate
that there may, indeed, be more injuries
on artificial turf, but not serious inju-
xies—mosily abrasions and that sort of
thing. The findings aren't yet conclusive,
but even if they turn out to be, banning
artificial turf would present a seri
problem. About half ou
artificial turf, and the footb
don't necessarily control the choice of
turf; the stadiums do. Many stadium
groups use artificial turf because it allows
them to hold as many events as they want
to, thus enabling them to amortize the
cost of the stadium as quickly as possible.
Artificial turf is more economical in the
sense that it can guarantee stadium usabil-
ity. I you have adverse weather, you can
The Adams Apple
(permission to disregard.
previous instructions)
A while back we introduced
anice, simple drink called the
Adam's Apple-
Apparently our Adam's Apple
was too simple. People couldn't
resist thetemptation to com-
plicate it. That's OK. with us.
One quy we know made it a
short drink so there'd be room To make
in his tall glass for apple slices me 8 M сс
and OR Sticks. ... of Smimoff in an ice-filled
We've heard of people adding са (tall or short), Add
cloves, nutmeg, lemon juice, apple aice ere tos
even crushed mint. р,
Is there no end to this mad- eni moff-
ness? We certainly hope not. leaves you breathless®
still hold an event one day and another
the next day; but it's hard—in fact, it's
impossible—to convert a sea of mud into
a baseball diamond overnight. All of this
is to say that it would be extremely diffi-
cult, and perhaps impossible, to walk into
somebody's stadium and say, "Tear up
your artificial surface." If the study shows
that some artificial surfaces produce a
higher incidence of injuries than natural
turf, I'd just hope that the improvement
in artificial surfaces—as we get into new
generations of them—would eliminate
that problem.
PLAYBOY: Pro football injuries have been
a source of controversy for another rea-
son; many of the sport's critics contend
that players shouldn't be allowed to com-
pete while they're handicapped by such
serious injuries as broken bones.
ROZELLE: I agree that seriously injured
players shouldn't be playing, and for the
most part, I don't think they are. The one
thing we've tried to stress is the upgrad-
ing of the teams’ medical departments.
We want each club to have a very compe-
tent physician who has authority over the
coach and everybody else as to whether or
not a player can play. He's got to make
the decision. I think that in the last five
or six years, we've seen a great improve-
ment in the physical examinations that
are given, in medical treatment generally
and in decisions as to whether an injured
player can or can't play. Example: This
year, a player—whom I don't care to
name—was a first-round N.F.L. draft
choice. Неа performed for four years in
college, but when he was given a thor-
ough team ph:
this year's draft,
n was made that
he shouldn't be in football, because of a
heart condition. The club that had select-
ed him thought it had lost a first-round
choice. Further examination cleared him,
but if it hadn't, the team was prepared to
accept the I results.
PLAYBOY: What are the responsibilities of
the N. F. L. regarding player injuries?
ROZELLE: They're great. First of all, I want
to say that the owners take a great per-
sonal interest in the players; they become
rt of their families in many cases, Not
all, but most of the owners are close to the
players. They have a strong emotional in-
terest in the players’ physical well-being
and, beyond that, a heavy practical one:
The 26 dubs pay out in excess of
$5,000,000 a year in medical payments
and in salary to injured players who don’t
perform for all or part of the season. An
N. F. L. player injured in training camp
or in pre-season or regular-season games
receives all the money called for in his
contract, plus all medical expenses until
he's well. I really believe that our league
now has a highly sophisticated. medical
PLAYBOY: Unfortunately, that sophistica-
tion is often used to get an injured player
76 ready for a game in situations where,
under less expert medical care, he
wouldn't be allowed—or even be able—
to play.
ROZELLE: The team physician obviously
understands medicine and also under-
stands football. He's unique in that way
and his decision—as told to him by the
club owners—must be made keeping the
player's best interests at heart, and not
the coach's or his teammates’. If he says
that a particular injury won't restrict а
player to the extent that he can't contrib-
ute and, more importantly, that no fur-
ther harm will result from allowing the
injured man to compete, well, he's the
guy who has to answer for it if something
serious should occur.
PLAYBOY: Don't you think the N.F.L.
commissioner should at least set some lim-
its as to how much a man may be injured.
and still be allowed to play?
ROZELLE: As a nonmedical man, I don't see
how I could. Medical science isn't so pre-
se about injuries that I, as a layman,
could determine which injuries you can
be allowed to play with and which you
can't play with.
PLAYBOY: To alleviate the pain of in-
juries, players are injected—and now
even sprayed—with painkillers. Do you
think there's any inconsistency between
condoning that and publicly bemoaning
players’ use of pep pills?
ROZELLE: If you're talking about the use of
painkillers for a minor injury, I really
have to defer—again—to competent phy-
sicians. But I'm very opposed to the use of
amphetamines, which was much more
common in the N. F. L. several years ago
than it is today. Now I think there's a
greater awareness of their dangers not
only in football but also in Government,
because it wasn't until two or three years
ago that the Food and Drug Administra-
tion and Congressional committees got
on the problem.
PLAYBOY: As we go to press, reports are
circulating about a drug scandal that will
implicate at least four N. F. L. players
said to be involved in smuggling and/or
selling large amounts of cocaine and hash-
ish. How seriously do the arrests of
N. F. L. players on drug charges affect the
ROZELE: First, I want to note that we've
been in touch with the FBI and other
agencies and we're confident that the re-
роп» aren't true. But I also have to poi
out that there are hundreds of thousands
of people under investigation at any given
time, and if four are profe football
players, well, that’s the price we pay for
being in public life. As to the effect of
actual arrests: When a player is picked up
for possession of pot or other drugs, I
frankly don’t like getting letters from
fathers who complain that the N. F.L.
comes into their living rooms and to their
kids, who idolize the particular player
who's been arrested. Obviously, we have
players who take drugs, and it would be
silly for me to deny it. Our players come
out of college, where drug use is particu-
larly heavy. Football is no different from
the rest of our society, but we hope to
minimize drug use in the N.F.L., be-
cause if a player gets heavily into drugs,
it presents two problems: It's difficult for
him to play football and it's bad for
our image.
PLAYBOY: Some members of the sports
press have suggested that players con-
victed on drug charges should he banned
from the N. F. L. Do you feel that ath-
letes should be treated differently from,
say, executives in this regard?
ROZELLE: І go both ways on that. First, I'll
tell you what I've told players: I think
they have to realize there is a double
standard. You see, the income and other
benefits that accrue to a sport and every-
one in it come directly from the public,
so I don't think a player can live his life
with the freedom of someone not in the
public eye. When you're dependent on
the mass public for support, when you've
got to bring in as many people as you can
to be television viewers, ticket buyers and
radio listeners, I don't think you can af-
ford to ignore their feelings on the issue
of drugs. So because our standing with the
public is so very important to us, I say
yes, there has to be a double standard.
But I said I go both ways on the ques-
tion, and here’s the other half: I don’t
feel we can have automatic suspensions
for drug use. Our attorneys investigated
the drug question for more than six
months when we began developing our
drug program, and they encountered a
number of serious problems involved in
setting up automatic sanctions such as
suspension. One of the most important
was a medical problem; if a player goes
on the operating table and the surgeon.
doesn't have complere knowledge of
every drug he's been taking, the player
can die from anesthesia. If you were to in-
stitute automatic suspension for drug use,
players wouldn't be candid with team
doctors about their drug habits—and the
very last thing we want to see is an acci-
dental death.
The problem is similar to what the
Armed Services once encountered with
both venereal disease and drugs. When
both those things carried automatic sanc-
tions, they weren't reported by Gls, and
not only did the problems spread but in-
dividual cases were invariably more seri-
ous than they should have been, which
caused the military to alter its policy. So
I think it's understandable why we won't
automatically suspend players we find
using drugs. We will, however, continue
to educate them about the harmful effects
of drugs through the team doctors and
the material we provide.
PLAYBOY: What about players who might
prove to be chronic drug users? How do
you deal with them?
ROZELLE: Again, automatic suspension isn’t
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the answer, but TI qualify that to the
extent of saying that if I see a continu-
ing drug problem with a player, it's very
possible he could be suspended, Not
blacklisted or quietly put out of the
lcaguc—suspended. When a player has
ach a problem, we look into it thorough-
ly. We talk to the judge and the prob.
officer and I talk to the player. I've told
ers, “Look, it’s a problem for
office, it's a problem for your team
t's a problem for you. If you're going
to keep getting the benefits from our
sport, let's not have a repeat of this.” I'm
not saying suspension couldn't result from
a drug arrest, but if a judge and a proba-
tion officer tell me a man's best chance for
rehabilitation lies in allowing him to do
what he's best suited for—in this case,
playing football—thar’s a strong persuad-
ing factor with me. The mail from angry
fathers bothers me, but I also realize that
a problem can develop with anyone, and
if one of the best ways to help the individ-
ual correct it is to allow him to parti
in pro football, that judgment will be
made. But, again, I'm not ruling out sus-
pension in the best interests of the league.
PLAYBOY: Although this is a far less seri-
ous matter than the subject of drugs, a
number of N. F.L. coaches still won't
low their players to have long ha
How do you fecl about it?
ROZELLE: T would prefer better grooming
rather than leaning toward total freedom.
ROZELLE: Because, again, I think we have
to appeal to as much of the public as pos-
sible to continue the success of the sport.
And I know how most fathers rightly or
wrongly—fecl about their kids’ grooming.
PLAYBOY: But aren't you, in a sense, giv-
ing those fathers direction about how
they should view young men with long
ROZELLE: "That's going to an extreme. I
didn't say I wanted a row of 40
on N, F. L. teams, because I think
has to be given to an individual. I just
feel that extremes should be avoided.
PLAYBOY: If that’s true, why have you
lowed so much militarism to creep into
N. F. L. half-time pageants, a trend that
has resulted not only in public debate but
also in formations of Air Force jets flying
over football stadiums?
ROZELLE: The last flyover we had was at
the 1972 Super Bowl, and it was cl
P. O. W. tribute, which everyone around
the country was more or less for. There
were no flyovers this year. You know, it's
tougher Шап hell in a 90,000-seat stadiu
with TV cameras around to just present
a harmonica player down on the field.
Half-time shows have had patriotic motis
because they have scope and they're fairly
traditional, Unfortunately, a lot of people
read things into half-time shows, and
in political ways. The conservatives say,
"таре the right thing to show,” and the
s terrible, you should
antiwar demonstrations at half
time." Well, they both read too much into.
it. We try to put on a pageant and that's
all. It’s really a kind of national tragedy;
the war in Vietnam and the divided fecl-
ings about it made both the flag and the.
national anthem political. It hasn't been
our intent to be political and we certainly
don't want to become a cause of political
controversy among our fans.
PLAYBOY: Regardless of their political
. L. fans seem united in their
feeling that pro football is rapidly beco
ing a sport only the affluent can afford to
attend regularly. Does that concern you?
ROZELLE To a certain extent it docs, yet
we're fortunate, sense, that our teams.
play only a small number of games each
y ason tickets to all other sports cost
much more money, because many more
gamcs arc played during the hockey, bas-
ketball and baseball seasons. While pro
football may be considered expensive on
a per-event basis, it still takes only $50 to
$75 to buy a season ticket. And if they
care enough about football, most people
in the country regardless of income
bracket—can come up with that kind of
money. But to go to the basic question:
Yes, increased ticket prices bother me.
We don't want to price ourselves out of
reach of people who like football, yet con-
tinuing inflation has caused team m
agements to feel forced to raise ticket
prices. I personally hope, however, that
our prices will reach a period of stability.
PLAYBOY: Another complaint by football
fans concerns the growing number of
N. F. L. teams that tack the cost of exhibi-
tion-game seats onto season-ticket prices.
Why has this been instituted?
ROZELLE: About half the clubs in the
N. F. L have such a ticket plan, and it’s
because they felt it was а better alterna-
tive to meet spiraling costs than if they
charged astronomical prices to attend
regularseason pames. They felt that by
obligating the purchaser to buy tickets for
preseason games, they'd be able to pro-
inment while, at
the same time, keeping their regular-
season prices at a reasonable level. There's.
been litigation over it, and so far, the
litigation has gone with the dubs.
PLAYBOY: We're not ques ng the legal-
ity of such a policy, because if football-
team owners want to charge $50 to see a
game, it seems to us they have the right
to; and fans have a right not to pay the
price. We're talking about coercion. Is it
right to, in effect, force fans to attend pre-
season games in order to attend regular-
season games?
ROZELLE: It may have been economically
necessary. But this goes back to the teams"
finances and, again, I have to tell you
t they don't send me financial state-
: By not shedding any new light
on the subject of N. F. L. finances, aren't
you adding to the suspicions you've said
already exist among players and fans?
ROZELLE: Опсе more I'll tell you that those
are the reasons I want to have an inde-
pendent financial study made and that it
has to be a Congressional study, in view
of Congressional talk about regulating us.
PLAYBOY: You've already noted that many
members of Congress want to r the
N. F. L's TV policy. Are there any other
aspects of pro football they're interested
in changing?
ROZELLE: There's been some talk of chang-
ing our option arrangements and our
player draft, both of which are necessary
to preserve the league's competitive bal-
nce. If we had a situation where the ath-
letes were free agents, the richest owners
in the league would simply buy up the
N. F. L's best players and we'd wind up
like the old All-America Conference,
which had the Cleveland Browns beating
everyone so easily that fans both at home
and on the road stopped going to their
games. So we say that upon expiration of
а player's contract, there's a one-year op-
tion period, and unless he agrees to a new
contract during that time, he becomes a
free agent the following May first and
can then sign with any club he wants to.
When he does, however, his new team is
obligated to negotiate a fair compensa-
tion in players and/or draft choices with
the club he's left. If the two front offices
can't agree on what's fair, then both must
accept the judgment of the commission-
er as to the settlement. In that way, play-
ers aren't bound to teams they don't wish
to play for; yet, at the same time, the com-
petitive ability of the teams they left isn’t
necessarily impaired.
We think our player draft is also re-
sponsible for keeping N. F. L. teams con-
tinuously competitive; without it, there’s
no way Don Shula and the Miami Dol-
phins could have won a Super Bowl. If
we ever got to the point where baseball
was several years ago, when the Yankees
completely dominated the sport, pro foot-
ball wouldn't be at all healthy. We need a
cycle, with our down clubs able to come
up, and the draft ensures that by allowing
teams to select the best graduating college
players in inverse order of their standings
during the previous pro season. In other
words, the N. F. L. team with the worst
record picks first each year and the team
with the best record picks last. This has
consistently allowed the weaker teams to
grow into formidable clubs.
In addition to our competitive b:
ance, another thing that keeps our sp
healthy is its honesty. Scandal could very
easily be pro football's downfall, which is
why I feel the integrity of our sport is so
terribly vital. And to keep that integrity
above suspicion, we're fighting legalized
gambling as hard as we can. The league's
concern about it is this: If you legalize
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gambling on football games, you enhance
the possibility of so-called fixes; but this
isn’t our paramount concern. My major
worry would be the suspicions bettors
would attach to all our games. We know
that people now bet on football and we
spend $200,000 a year on our security de-
partment to run down rumors of fixed
games and to police our sport.
We're not Pollyanna about gambling,
but with legalized betting and the way it
would operate with point spreads, we can
envision the day when, let's say, the New
York Jets, six-point favorites, are ahead
by five near the end of the game and they
have the ball close to their opponent's
goal line. Obviously, the intelligent thing
for the Jets to do is to run out the clock
and take the five-point win. But if they’re
playing at home, a big part of the crowd
n Shea Stadium will be booing because
they won't be happy with just a team
they also want to win their bets. And
they'd curse the Jets for stalling out the
clock rather than kicking a field goal or
for another touchdown.
PLAYBOY: Didn't a similar situation occur
at the end of the 1958 N. F. L. champion-
ship game between the New York Giants
and the Baltimore Colts—and wasn't
Colts owner Caroll Rosenbloom suspected
of ordering his team to go for a touch-
down instead of a field goal because a.
three-point win wouldn't have allowed
him to collect a big bet he'd allegedly
made on Baltimore?
ROZELLE: Right, and the suspicion was to-
tally without merit. The championship
was won by the Colts in a sudden-death
situation and many people, indeed, felt
that rather than going for a touchdown to
break the tie, the Colts could much more
easily have kicked a field goal. But, of
course, people in football know that field
goals are far from automatic; they can be
blocked and they can be missed. The
Colts scored on third down, not fourth
down, which many people tend to forget:
on fourth down I’m sure they would
have tried for three points. That's an
even better illustration of the N. F. Ls
c against legalized bewing than the
one I gave you, for the Colts didn't really
have to make a hard fourth-down choice,
and yet many bettors are still speculating
about the reasons Baltimore went for a
PLAYBOY: A poll taken not long ago by
Football News showed that 46 per-
cent of football fans would like to see
football betting legalized, with 11 percent
undecided on the question. That would.
scem to indicate not only that a majority
of fans might well go along with legalized
football betting but that a sizable minor-
ity of them are already gambling on
ROZELLE: In answer to that, the National
District Attorneys Association, which
includes about 5000 D.A.s from all over
tells us that less than three per-
cent of the people in the country bet on
sporting events through a bookmaker.
And because betting is still illegal, there's
a minimum of complaining about the
outcomes of our games. But if betting
were legalized. police switchboards dur-
ing the season would be flooded with
complaints and calls for criminal investi-
gations. There's sufficient pressure on
our players now without their having to
put up with that kind of flak.
PLAYBOY: As far the N.D.A.A. cesti-
mate is concerned, it doesn’t seem likely
that virtually every newspaper in the U. S.
would carry N. F. L. point spreads for the
benefit of only two percent of the reader-
ship. But if you're so opposed to football
betting, why haven't you asked news-
paper editors to stop publishing point
ROZELLE: There's no real way we can put
pressure on newspaper people and Гуе
never tried, because I'm sure they'd feel it
would be an attempt by us to infringe on
freedom of the press. They think it’s in
the best interests of their newspapers to
print the point spreads, and I don’t ques-
tion that. Instead of moving in that direc-
tion, we're presenting our objections to
legalized football betting before state leg-
islatures that are considering passage of
such measures. Not long ago, we met with
a number of members of Ше New York
State legislature, New York being the
state that's most actively pursuing legal-
ized football betting.
PLAYBOY: Why does the №. F. L. supply the
newspapers with the league's weekly in-
jury lists, which are invaluable aids to
ROZELLE: We really do it for the opposite
reasons—to avoid suspicion and i
endo, If we didn't force the clubs to dis-
close injuries, inside information about
disabled players would almost certainly
seep to gambling interests, and then heavy
money would be placed the other way on
a given game. "The game might then be
en off the boards, meaning that book-
ers wouldn't accept bets on it. When-
ever that happens, it creates suspicion
about the honesty of our games; we make
spot checks with bookmakers about three
times a week to sce what the point spreads
are, and if we learn that bookies aren't
accepting bets on a specific game, we im-
mediately investigate. Normally, these
things have to do with an injury situa-
tion, and that’s why we force disclosure:
so there can’t be inside information for
gamblers to act upon.
PLAYBOY: It’s been suggested that the
profits made through syndicate bookmak-
ing operations subsidize organized crime
and that legalized betting would signifi-
cantly weaken criminal interests. Do you
agree with that?
ROZELLE: On the contrary. The same type
of argument was used in the Thirties
when Prol ion was lifted; we were
told that ending Prohibition would end
organized crime and, of course, it didn't.
Thesame is true when the subject is legal-
ized football betting, especially when you
realize that legalizing it won't have a
major effect on organized crime's income
from bookmaking. The reason is simply
this: You don't have а tax problem when
you deal with a bookie, but you're going
to pay taxes on what you win from a lc-
galized betting operation. I just can't
foresee Federal, state or local govern-
ments’ saying to the bettor that his win-
nings will be tax-free. Additionally, all
Kinds of rumors would be floating
around to the effect that relatives of var
ous players had been seen at the off-
stadium betting office and that they
therefore not only had inside information
but were probably betting for the play
themselves. "Therc's no question in my
mind that we'd get much more suspicion.
attached to our sport if betting were legal-
ized. Yes, there's gambling on football
today, but why not also legalize heroin
and prostitution?
PLAYBOY: Docsn't it strike you as inconsist-
ent that while you inveigh against legal-
p. you permit your security
forces to work closely with bookmakers—
presumably, with the understanding that
the N. F. L. won't turn the bookies over
to the police?
ROZELLE: The men we work with arc
known to law-enforcement people
bookmakers, but knowing they're book-
makers and convicting them are appar-
ently two different things. We deal with
people in that business because we need
to get accurate betting information
and our telling the police about them
would hardly be a news bulletin at the
station house.
PLAYBOY: Whatever the reasons for deal-
ing with bookies, isn't it true that N. F. L.
security men assure them that they won't
testily against them in court?
ROZELLE: 1 don't know what their relation-
ship is, because I haven't explored it with
y people. But I'm sure the per-
ng us betting information realizes
s being done in confidence. It's an odd
relationship, but it’s a very necessary one
if we're going to accurately police our
PLAYBOY: The morality—and even the le-
gality—of that position seems dubious,
but let's go on to one of the results of
the N. F. L.'s collaboration with bookies.
When your security forces are tipped oft
that players are suspected of betting on
or rigging games, it's been the league's
policy to give liedetector tests to the
players involved. Are they required to
take such tests?
ROZELLE: No, it’s not mandatory, and we've
given them to both owners and players.
‘And our purpose in giving chem isn’t pri-
marily to catch the guilty but to clear
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the innocent. For example, three or four
years ago, NBC came out with a report
that a grand jury in Detroit was about
to accuse Len Dawson and other N. F. L.
players of gambling on games. We quickly
investigated. found that the charges were
groundless and told the players involved,
“Listen, we've looked into this deeply
enough to fecl we know that you're not
guilty. But for us to come out with the
strongest possible denial—which we want
to do—we'ye got to have some backup.
We'd like to be able to say that the players
are so upset about this thing that they've
virtually volunteered to take lie-detector
tests. And the tests show that theyre
clean.” We were able to do that and Daw-
son and the other players—who were
clean—benefited from it.
PLAYBOY: If you found evidence that a
team owner had bet on N. F. L. games,
would you discipline him as severely as
you have players who've been found to be
ROZELLE: I would oppose discipline similar
to what was imposed on the players; I'd
more likely force the owner to sell his
franchise. I don't want to prejudge the
umstances that might enter into such
a situation, but you're talking about a
violation of the strongest rule in the
N.F.L.s constitution. The action I'd
take would therefore be stronger than
what was done to the players, because just.
suspending an owner from football indefi-
nitely and then ending that s
after a year—as we did Paul
Hornung and Alex Karras—wouldn't be
PLAYBOY: How did you happen to find
out that Hornung and Karras were bet-
ting on games?
ROZELLE: Our security people had picked
up rumors, so we started looking into
them and talking to players. We began
our investigation in December 1962 and
finished it in April 1963, after talking to
about 20 players and thoroughly investi
gating rumors concerning each of them.
l want to mention that we never found
evidence that Hornung or Karras ever
gave less than his best on the field or
that they ever bet against their own teams.
They were betting relatively nominal
amounts, but it was a dear violation of
the player contract and the N. F. L. con-
stitution, and so we suspended them.
PLAYBOY: How did they react?
ROZELLE: Hornung was frankly more un-
derstanding and much more of a man
about it. Paul knew he was wrong; he
didn’t bet big money, but he was giving
out some information on games and a
man was placing small bets for him. Paul
acknowledged all this the first time I
called him into our offices to talk to him
about what we'd heard. On the day I
announced our findings and actions, 1
called Paul up to tell him about his sus-
pension before our press conference and
he took the news as well as could be ex-
pected. Karras, however, was very upset
bout being suspended, even though he
had, in fact, been betting on games. He
felt that my action was the wrong thing to
do and said so publicly and in a highly
critical way. He's never changed his opin-
ion and he still enjoys needling me in
speeches. Karras has a great sense of
humor and he kids me humorously, but
ifs done on the square: He's not an
admirer of mine.
PLAYBOY: The most recent N. F. L. gam-
bling suspicion involving a player was
your Bachelors HI run-in with Joe Na-
math a few years back. How did you feel
when it seemed you were pushing the
Sport's top gate attraction into retirement?
ROZELLE: І wasn't really bothered in regard
to the game's top player's not being in the
league, because I'd gotten inured to that
in 1963, when Hornung was probably the
N. F. L.'s number-one man. But on a per-
sonal level, 1 felt very badly for Joe. He
had announced his retirement rather
than sell his interest in a INew York bar
and restaurant whose telephones were
g used to place bets—and we had
alty to his partner
decision. The entire episode was a very
distasteful experience for me, as I'm sure
it was for him, because it lasted in a high
glare of publicity for some six weeks be-
fore we had a chance to really sit down
and work things out.
PLAYBOY: Namath has the reputation of
being something of a prima donna. Was
he that way during your talks?
ROZELLE: I can't say that I know Joe, but
we spent a number of hours together just
before he came out of retirement—which
wasn't a sham, incidentally—and I thor-
oughly enjoyed a person. When he
wants to, he can just have tremendous
charm, and I found him to be a really ap-
pealing guy. And I was almost amazed by
а [ew things I hadn't known about him at
that time: I knew he had a great arm, but
I hadn't been aware of his knowledge of
football, his mental approach to it and
the dedication he gives to the sport. We
discussed the Jets’ Super Bowl win over
the Colts, and it was obvious to me then—
since become obvious to everyone—
that he has a lot more going for him
than just an arm. Namath is an exciting
player, and he helped make that Super
Bowl game against the Colts about the
ing one that’s been played so
Since that Jets-Colts game, Super
Bowls—including this past season's Dol-
phins-Redskins match-up—have become
ingly bland and anticlimactic af-
Have you figured out why?
ROZELLE: Our people feel it's the result of
extreme caution, especially in the teams’
game plans. Coaches talk about how mis-
takes can hurt you, and they usually go
into the Super Bowl feeling that if their
teams can avoid mistakes, they've got a
good chance of winning. That's a very
conservative approach to the sport and
changes the entire pattern of exciting
play that we saw during the play-off
"The key to it is more wide-open play in
the Super Bowl, but that's not really some-
thing the conimissioner's office can bring
PLAYBOY: Have you decided how much
longer you intend to remain in that
ROZELLE: I really don't know. I've had con-
versations on that subject with people ii
the past, and I've also had several good
job offers, but I enjoy what I'm doing
and its never boring. If someone had
asked me about pro football's future
when I became commissioner in 1960, I
wouldn't even have come close to pre-
dicting what the sport has achieved in
1978 as to number of teams, television cx-
posure and revenue, attendance, and so
on. And even now, the future of the
N. F. L. is something I’m just not vision
ary enough to give a calculated. guess
about. There are some other carcer fields
that interest me—such as public relations
and television work—but when I sit back
and realize what's happened to the sport
in the 18 years I've been commissioner, I
say to myself, “Well, why not sit back and
enjoy being a part of this?" Although
we've achieved some stability, the job will
never be Civil Service; we're always going
to have crises, but I hope not to the de-
gree of those in the past. And since I real-
ly enjoy football per se, I finally can't see
any reason to leave. I've been in sports all
my life and it’s hard to imagine doing
something that wouldn't have a sports
PLAYBOY: When you finally do leave your
job, how do you think people will remem-
ber your administration of pro football?
ROZELLE: 1 would hope they'll remember
that I made a strong and, for the most
part, successful effort to balance—fre-
quently with compromise, but balancing
as best 1 could—the interests of the
sport's club owners, players and, most im-
portantly, its fans. But I really won't be
surprised if that doesn't happen, for 1
think I'll be remembered mostly for what
І was publicly identified with in the me-
dia—things like television negotiations
and disciplinary actions, which I find
somewhat unfortunate.
PLAYBOY: How do you think people will
remember you personally?
ROZELLE: Due to the types of things I've
been most identified with, I think T
come across as a rather cold, hard per-
son, and I have to attribute that to
feeling forced to keep a somewhat aloof
exterior—except with the small number
of very, very close friends that I relas
with, And they are probably the only
people who will ever really know Pete
A young man discovering the new trends that eventually become the ‘‘now” trends. When he picks
up on a new food or drink idea, a new place to travel or a new product to try, others soon follow his
suit. And one magazine keeps him informed and helps him set the pace. Fact: More men spend
more money to read each issue of PLAYBOY than is spent for any other magazine in the world. Want
this active, adventurous audience to discover you? Put yourself in PLAYBOY. (Source: A.B.C.)
New York • Chicage * Detroit * Los Angeles * San Francisco * Atlanta * London * Tokyo
the first major national
survey since the kinsey reports
reveals marked changes
in the sex habits of americans
liberation movement. In the quarter
century since Dr. Alfred i
celebrated census of Ameri
here have been dramatic
in the frequency with which most A
icans engage in various sexual activities
and in thc numbcr of persons who
dude formerly n tech-
niques in th This
distinct. end toward liberation—long
intuitively recognized but never con-
firmed by actual measurement—has now
been investigated in an extensive nation-
al survey funded by the Playboy Found:
tion. The survey, conducted by a priv
research organization, studied the sexual
re or forbidd
attitudes and behavior of 2026 persons
in 24 cities and suburban it re-
examined most of the sexual practices
studied by Kinsey and his associates, and
thus provides measurements of change.
In a few instances, it explored areas of
behavior not reported on in the Kinsey
re some of the key findings
al sex has become both ac-
nd widespread; the change is
ly noteworthy in females. Kinsey
ed that one third of the single
n his study had had intercourse
by the age of 25; the Playboy survey found.
that today, about three quarters have
done so before they are 25. (Kinsey's pub-
lished data deal with white-only samples:
in all direct comparisons of our own data
with his, we use only the white portion of
our sample, The charts on pages 86-87,
however, are based on our total sample,
some ten percent of which is black: fig-
ures in the charts therefore differ somc-
what from those used in our direct
comparisons with Kinsey's data) Kinsey
reported that nearly half of the women
who married before the age of 25 had
had premarital sex; in the Playboy stu
too, half of the women who marr
before 25 had done so, and among our
youngest married women, four fifths had
done so. The overall incidence of pre-
marital sex (text continued on page 88)
Beginning on the previous page isa full
account of a far-reaching sexual-
liberation movement in the United
States—charted in a comprehensive
survey sponsored by the Playboy
Foundation and conducted by a private
research organization. On these two
pages arc graphic reports on the
incidence of a variety of ordinary and
extraordinary sexual practices among
contemporary Americans—fellatio,
anal intercourse,* cunnilingus,*
masturbation, homosexual contact,
sexual intercourse,* animal contact,
mate or partner swapping,* sadism
and masochism—and on the proportion
of intercourse that results in orgasm.
The data in the graphs are taken from the
survey's complete representative urban
sample, which includes blacks. In the
article, some data are presented on
whites only to compare them with Kinsey
data, which are based only on whites.
55 & over
i с ауре zu p. DEL
55 & over.
(heterosexual) in past year
in post year
ever (after the age of 11)
45 & over
among males has increased only slightly,
but single males are beginning their pre-
marital coital experiences earlier: By the
age of 17, nearly three quarters of our
noncollege males had had premarital
coitus, as against about two thirds of
Kinsey's; of those males in our sample
who have had at least some college educa
tion, more than half have had premarital
coitus by 17, as against about a quarter in
Kinsey's sample.
The virtual abandonment of the dou-
ble standard has affected the choice of
coital partners by young single males, In
Kinsey's sample, nearly a third of the men
who were single between 16 and 20
had coitus with prostitutes at least once
during those years; the same was true for
men who were single between 21 and 25.
In our own sample, only three percent of
single men in the 18-to-24 age range had
had contact with prostitutes in the past
year; this one-year basis is not directly
comparable with Kinsey's five-year basis,
bur the figures suggest that the use of
prostitutes by young single males today is,
at most, only about half as widespread as
it was in the Forties, and possibly much
less so. Young husbands are only a little
more likely, but young wives are much
more likely, to engage in extramarital sex-
ual activity today. Kinsey reported that
fewer than one wife in ten under the age
of 25 had had extramarital coitus; the
Playboy survey found that no fewer than
24 percent of wives under 25 had done so.
This incidence, though smaller than that
of husbands under 25 (32 percent), is
much closer to it than a generation ago;
n this area of behavior, women are at
taining sexual equality.
* Oral sex is far more widely used than
it used to be. Kinsey reported that fewer
than four out of ten husbands with more
than gradeschool education had ever
made oral contact with their wives' geni-
tals or had ever had their own genitals
orally stimulated by their wives; the
Playboy survey found that more than half
n as many had engaged in marital cun-
nilingus and fellatio in the past year
lone. (In Kinsey's sample, men with
only gradeschool education were much
less likely than other men ever to have
had oral-genital experience. Since our
sample includes virtually no grade school
men, we use only the relevant part of
Kinsey's sample, in order to avoid ехар-
gerating the change from his time to ours.)
"Fhese practices are especially common
today among younger men and women:
More than four fifths of single males and
females between 25 and 31 and about
nine tenths of married persons under 25
had practiced cunnilingus or fellatio, or
both, in the past year.
* Heterosexual anal intercourse is much
more widely used today than formerly,
although it remains primarily an experi-
mental or oc nal variation, chiefly
among younger persons. Kinsey com:
mented in his volume on male sexuality
With this article, eLaysoy presents
the major findings of a comprehensive
survey of the sexual behavior and
attitudes of the American people, a
study that explores the principal areas
investigated 25 years ago by Alfred
Kinsey and his associates and, in a few
important instances, goes beyond the
Kinsey work.
The Playboy Foundation retained
The Research Guild, Inc., an inde-
pendent market-survey and behavioral-
research organization, to do the field
work with a representative sample of
urban and suburban adults through-
out the nation. The Research Guild
staff developed a basic questionnaire
of more than 1000 items with which it
examined the backgrounds, sex edu-
cation, attitudes toward sexual prac-
tices and complete sex histories of 2026
persons who participated as subjects
in the survey.
The sample, collected in 24 cities,
closely parallels the composition of the
adult (over-17) American society: It
includes 982 men and 1044 шотеп and
is roughly 90 percent white and ten
percent black; 71 percent are married,
25 percent never married, four percent
previously married (and not remar-
ried). All other major demographic
characteristics of the sample—age,
educational attainment, occupational
status, geographical location—roughly
match those of the entire American
Morton Hunt supplemented the
questionnaire data with in-depth tape-
recorded interviews in which he sought
clues to the meanings of the trends
that showed up in the data. His inter-
view sample consisted of 100 men and
100 women and was similar in char-
acter to the questionnaire sample.
Hunt interviewed the men; his wife,
author Bernice Kohn, interviewed the
Hunt's complete report on the sur-
vey is lo be published as a book,
“Sexual Behavior in the 1970s," by
Playboy Press. This article is adapted
from the book manuscript. Detailed
reports based on Hunt's book—on
(1) premarital sex, (2) marital sex,
(3) extramarital and postmarital sex,
(4) masturbation and (5) homosexual-
ity and other variant behavior—will
appear in installments in PLAYBOY
in succeeding months.
that “anal activity in the heterosexual is
not frequent enough to make it possible
to determine the incidence of individuals
who are specifically responsive to such
stimulation." In sharp contrast, we found
that nearly a quarter of all females and
more than a quarter of all males in our
total sample had experienced anal inter-
course at least once, and that nearly a
quarter of married couples under 35 had
used it at least once in the past year.
+ Couples have, in general, consider-
ably increased the variety of their coital
techniques. scy’s study indicated that
virtually 100 percent of American males
who were having intercourse used the
missionary (male-aboye) position much
or most of the time; our survey shows that
today, six percent of married men and 11
percent of single men had not used this
position in the past year. Three out of ten
married males in Kinsey's sample used
the female-above position at least oc
casionally; in our sample, nearly three
quarters do so. Only one out of ten mar-
ried males in Kinsey's sample used rear.
entrance vaginal intercourse occasionally
or more often; four times as many of our
married males do so. Fewer than a quar
ter of the married males in Kinscy's study
sometimes or often used side-by-side in-
tercourse; half of ours do so. As for the sit-
ting position, a favorite in many other
cultures, fewer than one tenth of Kinsey's
married males used it occasionally or
more often, as compared with more than
one quarter today.
* Sexual liberation has resulted in
measurable, and sometimes noteworthy,
increases in the frequency of sexual inter-
course by the single and the married, the
young and the not-so-young. In Kinsey's
sample, those single males between 16
and 25 who were having sexual inter-
course (with nonprostitutes) were, typical-
ly, doing so some 23 times a year (this is
the median. or mid-poi half of these
males were having less intercourse than
this, half were having more). In the
Playboy survey, the median frequency for
single males between 18 and 24 who are
having intercourse is 33 times a year, a
definite, though not remarkable, increase.
In the case of young single females, how-
ever, the increase is both definite and
remarkable: In Kinsey's time, single fe-
males between 16 and 20 who were hav-
ing intercourse were doing so about once
every five to ten weeks, and those between
21 and 25 about once every three wecks;
in our study, single females between 18
and 24 who are having intercourse are do-
ing so with a median frequency of more
than once a week. The married, similarly,
show increases in coital frequency—and
in every age group. In Kinsey's studies,
the frequencies based on male statements
differ here and there from those based on
female statements, but if we assume that
the truth lies somewhere between them,
the median frequency for married people
25 or younger, a generation ago, was
about 130 times a year; today, to judge
from our sample, the figure is about 154.
"T he increases in older groups are propor-
nately larger: For the ages of 36 to 45,
for instance, the Kinsey median was some
(continued on page 194)
that's what a nice girl like me is
doing in a place like this.
"I'm а hooker.
e 4
she dreamed of
dancing, of love, of a
new life —and dr. rokoff
was the door to it all
pa. ROKOFF had not expected `
anyone that afternoon—his
few remaining patients came
at fixed intervals—and the pro-
longed ringing at the door of
his one-room office and home
seeped into his dream as part
of the clamor that had come
over Shanghai in the month or
$0 since the end of the war. He
saw himself, in this dream, at
a soiree at the czarist officers’
dub, perusing one of the local
English-language newspapers
with the help of his pocket
dictionary. The newspaper re-
ferred to the war tidily as
World War Two. He contemplated the
others, standing silently with bowed
heads. “Gentlemen, put this down in
your field dispatches: September 27, 1945.
We are outflanked. Our World War, the
World War, is now only World War
One.” From the wall a painting of Nich-
olas H in an admirals uniform gazed
vacuously into the middle distance, as
though the Autocrat of All the Russias
were secretly passing wind. Dr. Rokoff
downed a yodka, killed the taste with
some herring—vile stuff both, the buffet
was better in World War One—and dri
ed out into the night.
Along Avenue Joffre the American
soldiers lurched, singly and in groups,
as hands plucked at them and faces, white
and yellow, male and female, beckoned
and leered. In the slashing neon light
outside the Renaissance Café the downy
face of a young American sailor rose be-
fore him. "Uh . . this where they've
got that White Russian colony you hear
about?” Dr. Rokoff could understand
that much. "Yes. Shanghai has several sec-
tors, you see. We are in the French Con-
cession, where most of us Russian émigrés
are living, although some of us are liv-
ing also in the International Settlement.
There are also the Chinese sectors: Nan-
tao and——" “Uh . . . is this where you
get them White Russian girls?” Dr. Ro-
koff turned angrily on his heel; he was
suddenly back in his room, sitting at his
desk, and an American Army officer in a
meticulously pressed uniform filled the
doorway. “Dr. Constantine Коко?” Dr.
Бокой stood up. "Yes." "We have dis-
covered what you have been doing. We
are confiscating your license. Have you
anything to say in your defense" The
ofhcer took off his gold-braided cap to
wipe his forehead in the steamy noonday
heat; he had meticulously parted steel-
gray hair like General Zubronoff’s during
the retreat before the Bolshevik offen-
sive in eastern Siberia. Dr. КОКОН was
ashamed of the room’s peeling walls and
his own seedy appearance. The ringing in
his head grew louder: he woke up.
"Horoshó, odni minüku," he called
out. "All right, one minute." The ringing
ceased. He lifted himself heavily off the
couch and straightened the bedspread to
hide the sheets underneath. How faded it
was, the embroidered flowers smudged
and torn. He folded the material partly
under, partly over the pillow, as his wife
used to. Dousing his face in a basin of
cold water behind a folding screen—run.
ning water was not yet fully restored—he
put on his white coat and went to the
“Doktor Rokoff?”
It was a young woman, smiling uncer-
tainly. A tall. elderly man stood behind
her. "Ya nadyéus," she said. "I hope—”
“I didn't know if you received patients
in the afternoons. 1 couldn't find your
name in the telephone book.”
“Please come in.”
He studied them warily across his desk
when all three were seated—the girl with
her narrow shoulders and pinched, un-
painted face, the gaunt man sitting ram-
rod straight beside her. The girl placed
her hand on the man's arm and the man
took off his pince-nez. “My wife,” he said,
with a ceremonious nod toward the girl,
whom Dr. Rokoff had taken to be his
daughter, “my wife wishes to work in the
Arizona Bar.”
“1 beg your pardon?"
“That is why we are here.” His grave
voice and manner would have befitted a
government minister reporting to the
“We have discussed it
“Oh—well. .. .”
“Then what is there left to say? Please
keep me in touch with further develop-
ments.” Dr. Rokoff's head ached and he
felt put upon. Derelicts he could contend
feeble-mindedness was too much.
‘ow, if you'll excuse me——"
“Doctor,” the girl intervened,
my husband, Ilya Stepanych Go
a night watchman at the Jardine Math-
eson Company warehouse.”
“1 shall bear mind. Also that you
wish to work in the Alhambra Bar.”
‘Arizona Bar.”
‘Ah, yes. Now”
“1f you can fix my leg."
“If you can straighten it.”
Even in the dimness of the stairway,
Dr. Rokoff had been aware of some trou-
aslant, a mixture of delicacy and Russian
peasant in her face—he realized that she
reminded him of Maria. though his wife
had never been this preity. Perhaps their
daughter would have been. The past
clung to him these days like a bad con-
science. What he had felt, seeing his door-
way unexpectedly alight with this young
woman with eyes brimming with
what?—something he couldn't find a word
for—life?—was, he realized now, a
tremor very like joy. It was part of his un-
hinged state since the end of the war, no
“What is the matter with your leg?"
“I broke it ice skating."
“Three and a half years ago. A doctor
put it in a cast. But afterward, it was
The husband, as though hearing his
cue, leaned forward, placing an envelope
before Dr. Rokoll. and sat back trium-
phantly. "Sixty dollars, American cur-
rency.” In faded violet ink, in curlicued,
old-fashioned Russian handwriting, the
envelope bore the words NINA'S LEG.
Dr. Rokoff was aware that the long
silence was lending itself to misinter-
"Nnn-da." the husband said. "Mmm-
yes" as though prepared for this out-
come. “All right. I'll sell my stamps. That
should bring another fifty American dol-
Jars, Lam sure.”
The girl touched his arm again. “Il-
yusha, I told you, we're not selling your
stamp collection. Doctor, will you let me
pay you the rest in installments? You see,
now that the Americans have arrived
well, we hear that the Americans pay
well for dancing with them.”
"Just dancing?" The words escaped
he wished he could unsay them.
She regarded him coolly. "And talking
a little.
“My wife speaks excellent English,”
the husband offered. With his long, cloud-
ed face and shabby suit, he did remind
Dr. Rokoff of those cabinet meetings
in Vladivostok. The Provisional Govern-
ment of the Maritime Territory. no less.
When was that—1921? Dr. Rokoff, just
turned 30, was assistant minister of public
health. They met interminably, plying
onc another with judicious observations
on the demoralized state of the Bolshevik
government in Moscow, avoiding the ob.
vious: their own imminent military col-
lapse. Then the last railroad station. The
last border town. White sheets over Chi-
nese padded coats in the glistening Man-
churian snow. Maria pulling the tiny
white-painted sled with their infant in it.
“We had hoped,” the husband contin-
ued, "to have one hundred American dol-
lars saved up by the time the war ended.
A colleague at the warehouse was able to
change Occupation tender into American
currency for us, Akh, what you cannot
change on the Shanghai black market!
However, the war ended too soon.”
Too soon, yes. Poor fellow. When-
ever the war ended would have been too
soon for you. For me, too. The Japanese
Occupation—wonderful, wasn’t it? Like
being immured. At last. You with your
Nina and your stamps. Me with my.
Now the doors have been blasted out of
their frames. What are we to do, we dam-
aged ones who prefer the dark?
He went around the desk. The girl
wore flat shoes. The right shoe was only
partly laced: a strap sewn onto the hecl
buttoned around the leg. “Please lift your
skirt,” he said. "Higher." It was a shapely
leg, finely boned, and bent perceptibly to
the right below the knee. She tensed
when he took off the shoe and removed
the doth wound around the instep. She
did not cry out when he pressed the sole
of the foot, but he saw her eyes singed
with pain.
‘The Russian colony was full of incom-
perents. There were people practicing as
doctors who would not have been male
nurses in Russia. One of them had turned
the journalist Filipoff into a morphine
(continued on page 208)
ms. littlefeather—thrust
into the spotlight on oscar
night—has managed to
combine a career and a cause
OU DON'T EASILY FORGET а name like Sacheen Littlefeather— especially if it's
associated with a face as arresting and singular as hers. The first time most
people encountered Sachéen Was at the Academy Awards ceremonies last
March, when she made an unscheduled appearance to announce Marlon Bran-
do's rejection of the Best Actor award. "I was acting less on behalf of Brando,”
Sacheen explains, “than as а representagiveOf the American Indian Afirmative
Image Committee.” Political activism is a big part of the life of the 26-year-old
Apache, but only part of it. "Most reporters," she says, “glossed over the fact that I'm
an actress. So far, Гуе had only a couple of cameo roles-*in The Laughing Police-
man with Walter Matthau and Freebie and the Bean with James Caan—and one E
minor part in an Italian film, America. But I've learned to be patient and develop a Jr
of humor about my work, I mitan, why else would I play a prostitute in America 12249171
if 1 didn't want to get back at all those. Italian actors who play Indians f. pem иф E e
thinks the dues paying is worth it. "Acting makes me happy," she says. “E only ence otter hor oneourcement
hope 1 can make others just as happy watching me." No problem there, Sacheen. ot the Academy Awards show.
“If there was any one event that finally made me proud
to be an Indian, it wos the foke-over of Alcatraz by Bay
Area 1969. | was attending college ot the time
and, frankly, Yd always felt litle but shame for my In
dian heritoge. But Alcatraz changed all that—and me, too.”
Thou art not for the fashion of
these tim
Where none
will sweat but for
Shakespeare said that. He said every-
thing, asa matter of fact, and although he
did not live long enough to meet these
seven promoters personally, he would be
pleased to know that they conform to his
dictum. They are among the country's
most successful promotional and public-
relations people; by the rigorous applica
tion of energy, intellect and muscle, they
have turned chutzpah into cold hard
cash. Lots of it—for themselves, their
families and sometimes even for their
clients. While they are out there making
all this money, they ате also determini
what records we buy, what film stars u
рау to see, what sporting evenis we go to,
where we build our vacation homes, what
under our arms, in our mouths,
on our fect and over our privates.
How do they do all this? H's easy; we
help them. Asa people, we love to be pro-
moted, there is so much security in letting
someone help us make up our minds. Our
Government, for instance, is alway: '
to help: For decades it sold us the Yellow
Menace; then overnight, as our President
shook hands with Chairman Mao, it sold
us instead the Yellow Compatriot, and we
seven fellows who've never lost a nickel underestimating the taste of the american public
bought that. In fact, we owe our very
existence lo one of history's great pro-
moters, Christopher Columbus. You re-
member him—he promoted the idea of a
New World to Queen Isabella of Spain
and then went out and discovered it
There are no hard-and-fast rules in pro-
motion as to whether the product actu
ally exists. As women and other great
promoters have known down through
the centuries, suggestion is often more
enticing than reality.
The following seven Wunde
derstand all this and more. They
our needs before we do, and the
them. It's not just being in the right place
al the right lime, they say, it’s discipline.
Slay with it, maintain self-control and
don't look back. You should be prepared
to lose everything, but if you start with
nothing, there is little downside risk, so
slop worrying. Go do it.
hey did. And while some of them
seem 10 be speeding through life like mar-
athon runners past a picnic, at least a few
have taken time off to enjoy the rewards
of thetr own success, That, for any of us,
may be the hardest discipline of all.
PUBLICIST JIM MORAN knows more about
everything than you and I will ever
know; yet. in spite of this handicap. he
тапар life. What he does for
his living is а $150,000-a-year mystery. It
something like this: A sane busi-
nessman with a new product decides to
find an unconventional means of publi-
cizing it; being both sane and convention-
al. he seeks the assistance of a sympathetic
maniac. Others who have been through
this sort of thing refer him to James Ster-
ling Moran. “He likes his booze.” they
say, attempting to suggest that Moran
isn’t quite as crazy as he may appear
The businessman then meets with him in
Moran's П.тоот New York apartment
and is offered the opportunity to pay
Moran а $3000 “30-day cogitation fce."
Wiping up his spilled martini, the busi
nessman asks what he might expect to get
for his money.
Nothing," Moran replies. "Or every
thing. During that thirty days I shall
devote myself to research and develop-
ment of ideas. I may solve your problem
or you may blow three grand. In either
ay Б
then wish me to implement my ideas, it
will cost you between thirty-six and fifty
thousand dollars, plus expenses. Frankly.
n't return your money, If you
compared with a one-minute commercial
on TV, I'm a great fucking bargain.”
It is necessary to Moran's stratagem
that he remain an anonymous benefactor
to his client. He won't discuss his present
projects nor the companies employing
him. He gets paid to dissemble publicity
as news; if he blows his cover, the news
story loses its credibility. Reporters back
off. “Christ,” they shout, “it's another one
of Moran’s stunts; we've been had.”
Familiarity sometimes breeds con-
tempt. City editors grow wary, but in
Moran they are dealing with a former
newspaperman who saw the light; Moran
knows their problems, what turns them
on and what puts them off. "If my ideas
are good,” he asserts, “it's their obligation
to cover them.”
Among the several hundred Moran-
inspired incidents they've been obliged
to cover:
* A bizarre accident in front of the
United Nations Building: A kid on a
white horse bearing a lance roams the
streets of New York to promote a local
hotel. Nobody pays much attention. But
in front of the UN he lurches forward, his
lance punctures the radiator of a taxicab.
Water shoots into the air. There is a terrif-
ic commotion, a threat of violence; news-
men from the T'imes and Post and Daily
News and Associated Press rush to cover
the story. Photos are sent out over the
wires and in them the name of the hotel
is prominently displayed. Only much
later is it revealed that this apparent acci-
dent was a staged coi nce; that the
taxicab driver was, in fact, an employee
of Moran's and that the shooting water
resulted from a small pump having been
concealed within the cab's radiator.
Moran scores again.
* A camel crosses Manhattan. laden
with Persian rugs and parks in front of.
the New York Times Building: It won't
budge. When people stop to inquire, its
Bedouin keeper explains that there was to
be a Persian-rug sale at Madison Square
Garden. But the Times will not run an ad
for it—no room, they say. So the camel is
boycotting the Times. Curiosity mounts.
Camel dung messes the sidewalk, the
Times reneges, runs the ad, as well as a
small news item, and $2,000,000 worth of
rugs are sold in Madison Square Garden.
Chalk up another for Moran.
* The same camel becomes the first
customer of the One Hump Camel Wash.
In a parking lot next to Toots Shor's,
photographers gather to shoot the event.
"They get a picture of a sudsy camcl balk-
ing at the entrance while a desperate man
tries to push him in. The man is .. .
Moran . . . who owns the camel and has
as his client the detergent manufacturer
whose product name is boldly displayed
over the One Hump Camel Wash.
n the line of duty, Moran has literally
acted out some of our more venerable
clichés, and has won considerable publici-
ty doing it. It is he who once sold an
‘box to an Eskimo, found a needle in a
haystack (it took 82 hours) and changed
horses in midstream.
But none of Moran's professional esca-
pades are as intriguing and complex as
the man himself. Thrice married and di-
vorced, he lives alone in his baronial West
End Avenue apartment—a baroque af-
ir cluttered with exotic impedimenta
including pith helmets, clawed traps,
gongs, a hand-carved embossed antique
piano, Balinese masks, Venctian wall
carvings, animalskin drums (in each
bathroom), zithers, tapestries, "Turkish
hookahs and a 10,000-volume library. He
carries himself with the bearing of a pro-
fessor, an illusion further enhanced by
his long gray-lecked beard, his soft, pre-
cise tones, his scholarly mien.
The haughty posture represents a per-
fect front for the madman within. He
will, for example, appear as a guest on
the David Frost show and listen pa-
tiently to a computer expert explain his.
most recent digital discovery. Eager to
assist, Moran will stroke his beard and
ask: “You're familiar, of course, with
De Groots principle of the excluded
"The computer expert clears his throat,
studies the somber, erudite gentleman
beside him and nods. "Of course,” he
replies. Sweat forms on the upper lip.
Please, God, change the subject. And
when in time the computer expert rushes
back to his books to learn of De Groot, he
will find there is no De Groot. No princi-
ple of the excluded thirteenth. Only that
«тату fellow sitting beside him in front of
millions giving him acute gas pains.
It is this sort of action that Moran, 65,
loves and lives for. Women come a close
second. “Someone defined youth for a
man as a time when a woman can make
you happy and miserable; old age as a
time when women make you sad; and
middle age as a time when women make
you only happy. By that definition I'm
middle-aged,” says he. His emphatic tone
carries a suggestion of defiance: Others
may go gentle into that good night, but
not Jim Moran. “My sex life has never
been better," he reveals. "Never." It is
aided and abetted, he explains, by ten
women in their early 20s who respect
Moran's wisdom, delight in his classical-
guitar virtuosity and have only good
things to say about his physical prowess.
"With me they get no deception, no lies.
1 rotate ‘em through here pretty good.
And taking notes along the way: He
recently published How I Became an
Authority on Sex.
What prevails is a sense of detachment.
In the end, he must be by himself in order
to create; permanent relationships com-
promise the privacy of one's thoughts.
Suddenly now an idea comes into his
head. He reaches for a tin of Dr. Rum-
neys Mentholyptus Snuff; he taps the top
three times for luck, snorts a hefty noseful
and gares out through watery eyes to the
polluted Hudson below. Tomorrow an
ostrich will be discovered laying eggs on
the mayor's desk; news reports will be cer-
tain to disclose the name of the moving
company that has been mysteriously
called in to transport the bird from city
ball. Only later will it be revealed. . . -
What: (a) weighs 365 pounds, (b) es-
corts nude women to airports in the line
of duty and (c) once insured a pair of
siliconed breasts for $1,000,000?
"The answer to all three of the above is.
Davey Rosenberg, who bills himself as
“the world's greatest press agent.” Well,
the bulkiest, at any rate. Davey, 37, credits
himself with the rise to glory of that p.
ticular art form known as topless enter-
tainment. “All I had to work with was a
Rudi Gernreich swimsuit and a flat-chest-
ed cocktail waitress named Carol Doda,”
he explains by way of historical perspec-
tive. That was back in 1964. The Beats
had filtered away from the North Beach
area of San Francisco, leaving behind sev-
eral hundred Italian restaurants and sev-
eral million tourists from Kansas City
looking everywhere for a little action.
Along came Davey, fresh from promo-
tional alliances with several pro athletes.
He was after, well, bigger things. Just
then, as serendipity would have it, he ran
into a North Beach nightclub owner who
sought to boost trade by snipping the bra
straps off his go-go dancers. Davey, master
of the malapropism, tells it best: "I'm in
the Condor and Pete comes over to me
and he says to me, "Davey, I got some busi-
ness I want you to help me curtail.’ So I
say OK, but now I gotta find a handle. So
Im walking down the street, it’s four
А.М. and I see on the newsstand this
picture of a four-year-old girl in a topless
bathing suit. So bells ring! "That's it—
TOPLESS! I personally am responsible
for the name topless entertainment. 1
personally put topless in the dictionary.
Then later we branched out, of course,
into bottomless. I had a whole bunch of
merkins made up special for the event
In the meanume, it was press agent
Rosenberg’s task to keep the customers
packing into Big Al's, El Cid and other
nude nighteries that rim Broadway in
North Beach and ream tourists to the
tune of §2.75 per drink—lots of wa-
ter, a spray of Scotch, and don't order
“For a while,” says Davey, “people used
to come just to watch Carol Doda’s tits
grow. They growed from a 34-B up to a
44-D. When they stopped growing, I
stepped in with a few campaigns. I'm al-
ways thinking, thinking, thinking . . .
and what I don't think up myself I steal.
So one day I see in the paper an item on
Grauman's Chincse Theater. So I got
fresh cement poured in front of Big Al's
on the sidewalk and I stage a press confer-
ence and I have all our big-name topless
entertainers lie down and stick their
(continued on page 102)
“What about me? I'm hungry, too.”
for the man on the move, a festive
break in those setting-up exercises
THE TIME IS MOVING bày plus one; the
place, your new digs, where the
furniture hasn't even begun to scrape up
acquaintances with the floors and
wallls; the people, a number of your
easygoingest friends from your old
fiefdom. You can be sure that when you
phone your invitations, your invitees will
get the impression—what with the
nerve-wrenching ordeal of uprooting,
transporting and replanting—that you're
the captain of the Titanic asking them to
join you on the bridge. And that's the
secret of your party's success. The very
fact hata (continued on page 182)
food and drink By THOMAS MARIO
jHEIPROTTIOTERS| (continued from page 98)
boobs in the wet cement. I called it a
landmark of busts. What happened? I got
arrested, that's what happened. For dis-
turbing the peace. Fine with me. Press-
wise, the police are my greatest ally."
The sidewalk—riddled with craters—
was later decreed a safety hazard by the
city’s Public Works Department and re-
surfaced. So Davey moved on. He man-
aged to get La Doda's breasts insured
with Lloyd's of London to promote her
return to Broadway. Thinking, thinking,
thinking all the time, he ushered in San
Francisco's first topless Santa Claus, nude
nubile bathers in the city's newest public
fountain and topless Berkeley coeds.
Says Davey, less humble than large,
“The day I die, the street will die."
His greatest challenge: to get Carol
Doda on the Johnny Carson show. It
would seem to be a natural, but not to
Johnny, who wants no part of such parts.
Still, Davey keeps trying. A nonswinging
bachelor devoted to his mother and fa-
ther, he delights in his own success. De-
spite women’s lib, the decline of
guilt as traditional American neuroses—
and even despite the Supreme Court, as
of the time this issue went to press—
North Beach topless-bottomless clubs
continue to prosper. They are about as
erotic as pot cheese, but no matter. As
long as Davey keeps pushing the prod-
uct—for fat fees netting him “a good in-
come for an illiterate"—people of both
sexes will come and pay to visit “the
adult Disneyland of the universe.” (Guess
who thought up that phrase?)
A somewhat vainglorious flack, Davey
loves to be the center of attention; all 365
pounds of him pout when ignored.
Among those who have ignored him most
recently is Henry Kissinger. Davey sent
Henry unretouched photos of some of the
girls who take it all off for the tourists.
Why? "Look, Henry might come to San
Francisco and be searching for a date. So
l offered him his pick, plus а lifetime pass
to the Condor. He never answered. Well,
so Im not hurt, maybe he has other
things on his mind."
Future plans—"To diversify myself,”
Davey confides. And, indeed, he has. He
is now promoting San Francisco s first X-
rated men's room, deep in the heart of
the financial district.
poreo UNE,” bannered the Sunday
New York Times sports section early in
1971. Directly under the front-page head
ran a fourcolumn photo of Robert
Woolf, Esquire, standing between hockey
star Derek Sanderson and basketball star
Calvin Murphy, two of the 300 pro-
fessional athletes Woolf represents, ad-
vises and promotes. In the photo, all three
men smile with the certitude of those who
102 know what it means to prosper: Exuding
confidence, beatific, they impart an air of
implacable trust in themselves and in the
lavish, benign kingdom of sports.
Eighteen months later, in his lawyer's
Boston office, Sanderson is sitting across
the desk from Woolf and nervously suck-
ing the juice from the bones of his South-
ern fried chicken lunch. He is grousing,
cursing and miserable. Woolf consoles, in-
terrupts to take an emergency phone call.
Murphy. on the other end, is upset,
frantic and edgy. The Houston Rockets
aren't playing him, there are rumors
afloat that he's about to be traded. Will
Woolf check them out?
“TI see what's going on. Cal.” Woolf
tells him. "What? Buffalo? Hey, that
might not be so bad. For Christ's sake,
Yeah. Right.
* Woolf hangs
Sanderson licks his fingers, then his
mustache. “Calvin's got trouble, too?"
“Well,” says Woolf, “you know, they
stop playing you for a few games, you
to wonder.”
“I know,” says Sanderson. “I fucking
goddamn know.”
Woolf smiles, places a call to the Rock-
ets’ general manager. “I don't know why
they think it’s their attorney's job to
make sure they're playing,” he tells the
man. “But when they get worried . . .
well, you know. Cal's a little worried. If
there's nothing to the rumor, I'll tell him,
Ray, it will put his mind to case. It's not
my business to interfere with a team’s or-
ganization. Oh, thanks, Ray. Sure. OK,
Г... fine, T'I tell him everything's OK.
Well, you know, he wants to play, he
wants to contribute; who can blame him?
Bye. Ray." Woolf hangs up.
"You can't fucking blame anybody for
wanting to play the fucking game they're
paid to fucking play,” Sanderson ob-
serves, downing three French fries whole.
Compared with Murphys, Sander-
son's current problems seem massive and
unsolvable—to himself and everyone else
in the sports-crazed city of Boston; but
not to Bob Woolf, whose grace under
pressure is equaled only by his ability to
navigate safely through the choppy wa-
ters of professional sports. Notwithstand-
ing the moral virtues pro sports are
meant to exemplify in the American
scheme of things, expansion has blown
the lid off their integrity. Tammany Hall
and Billy Sol Estes might profit from a
study of the manipulations of many new
franchise owners. In order to compete,
they have been known to bid for players
with money they don't have and with
promises they can’t fulfill. Rec ats of
their largess often wind up victims of
their hype. Derek Sanderson is, at the mo-
ment, such a victim. Tempted away from
the Boston Bruins by a $2,600,000 con-
tract with the Philadelphia Blazers of the
World Hockey League—* Derek had to be
the world's highest-paid athlete so he
would feel it was worth while to play
new league,” says Woolf—the sybaritic
hockey star was benched after ei
games. The Blazers claimed he was phys
cally unfit to play. Sanderson and Woolf
claimed that the Blazers couldn't afford
to pay Sanderson and were trying desper-
ately to dump him, preferably with a
breach of contract on Sanderson’s part.
For 30 Blazer games, Sanderson showed
good faith by sitting it out in the stands.
Mobbed by fans, yelled at to cut his hair
by nonadmirers, he was permitted to
hang around the Blazers’ dressing room
fully clothed, but was not allowed by the
Blazers’ management to don skates in any
league game.
As the man who helped get Sanderson
into this bind, Woolf feels compelled to
extract him from it—with dignity and
with a just cash settlement, “This scene is.
contrary to anything I've ever been in-
volved in,” he repeats daily as he fields of.
fers from other hockey clubs and parries
questions from sports editors across the
country. Occasionally, he pauses to ask a
tor, "What would you do?” And on
this particular afternoon, with Sanderson.
munching toward the marrow of a chick-
en leg, Woolf pauses to take a phone
call from his mother, now 78. He has just
finished speaking to the Rockets’ general
manager in tones of easy authority, but
confidence gives way to a son’s frustration
when Mother phones. “Momma,” says
Woolf, 45, “I've been doing this for three
Later, he hangs up, smiling. “Му moth-
er's telling me how to practice law. She
doesn't want I should get discouraged
with our problem, Derek. ‘If you come
over, maybe we could talk it out,’ she tells
me. Oh, gosh.”
Sanderson snorts. “I'm going,” he says
suddenly. He flips the chicken into a
wastebasket. “I got a hot one lined up to-
night. Last night was outrageous. All she
wanted was to go at it, boom boom boom.
"That's my kind. See ya." He stomps out,
turns at the door and tells the visitor,
“They don't make ‘em any better than
Woolf's success does seem to prove that
occasionally nice guys finish first. It helps
to possess a shrewd analytical mind, and
in sports it doesn't hurt to operate from a
position of humility and boyish enthusi-
asm. Way back, Woolf decided that ath-
letes had replaced movie stars as national
celebrities, With proper management,
they could capitalize on their fame. Auto-
graphed T-shirts, for instance. Personal
appearances. Caricature wrist watches.
Helmets. Bats. Sneakers. Talk shows—
whatever the traffic would bear. Then,
too, many professionals weren't getting
paid as much as they deserved. A former
collegiate basketball player caught up in
crimina] law, Woolf entered the world
(continued on page 222)
funny thing happened on the way to the nascar chamfronship—damn near broke my ass
memoir By “STROKER ACE"
1 CAME WHIPPING into the pits at 97 miles
an hour with all my brakes gone. This lit-
tle move is absolutely, flat guaranteed to
give everybody a little thrill right down
the line—and 1 could see all the other
crews hopping right up on top of the pit
wall as T came past, with the car doing
wide, sweeping fishtails. And when I
slowed down just enough,
1 doublecluiched the balls out of it
and popped that rascal right into reverse.
And I came sliding right up against
Lugs Harvey's belly button.
He shook his head and then ran
around to the driver side and stuck his
big. sweaty face right into the window
at me.
I yanked down my mask.
“Brakes,” I said. "No fucking brakes.”
He nodded (continued on page 108) 103
no doubt about it,
world war eleven was
some mother!
The Beegle
This is a beegle, the first mutant
species that we discovered an our his-
toric voyage shortly after World War
Eleven.* It is a cross between a bee and
оп eagle. Scores of these scucer-eyed
birds swarmed about our ship as we
neared the Panoma Straits.
The beegle is a successfull species
in its native hobitat, an obvious bene-
ficiary of widespread radiotion. A
worker beegle sucks the nectar from а
palm tree, then flies to his mountain-
side beegle hive to store his honey ina
reat row of Ball jars. Then he performs
his communication donce, a lascivious
spectacle that resembles a cross be-
tween the funky chicken and the high
hurdles. The other creatures immedi-
ctely make a beeline for the palm tree,
aided by the extreme acuity of their
many-faceted eyes (normal beegle vi-
sion is 20-20-20-20-20, etc).
Through all of this, the Great Bald
Queen Beegle remains in the n.
queen that we saw wore maroon
and hummed with a lisp. We renamed
‘our vessel the H. Ms. Beegle in his or
her honor.
“In Florida, this was known as World
Wor Kathleen.
Cruising along the Isthmus of Australia enabled us ro study severol new
species that have sprung up there*—notably, Һе buckoroo. As our woggish
first mote put it, “Wallaby domned! This here's buckoroo country!”
The buckaroo mating ceremony is frightening to behold. Two stags,
competing for a piece of whitetail, lower their antlers, hop toward eoch
other and crash in mid-air. The stog with the milder concussion is the
winner. The mating act itself is o risky, dangerous affoir, and oral-genitol
acts are often fatal.
We found one young buckaroo that had punctured a hole in his mother's
pouch ond fallen out. We named him Bamboo and nursed him back to
health on а diet of beegle honey and Mexican jumping beons.
Including the octopussy, the buffaleon and the kittyhawk.
Eat your heart out, arles Darwin,
The Blackhead
This is an unretouched photo of the vicious blackhead, o cross between
a black widow and a copperhead. Blackheads live on greasy ploins neor
virgin forests and usually come out the night before o prom. Blackheod:
mate once, offer which the female kills the male by squeezing its head off.
We found o large blockhecd colony on the shores of Crater Pond, neor
Hershey, Pennsylvonio, along with other unsightly animals such as the wort
hog, the horny mole ond the ubiquitous hickey. One blockhead gor sore
‘ond bit cur bumbling first mote with its poisonous Fangs. We hurried him
back to sick bay for the only known antidote to a blockhead bite: massive
doses of Cleorasil.
Blockheads thrive on peanut butter and pepperoni pizzos ond are prey
to mony natural enemies, including the tweezerbird and the ultraviolet
lomprey. Their most formidoble enemy, however, is o cross between a dik-dik
and a meadowlark—known os the Dik-Lark—which соп clear out on entire
blockhead community in no time, leoving all mirrors clean ond spotless.
The Armadildo
This little bugger is an ermodildo, a
cross between an armadillo ond a per-
sonol vibrator. It is a nocturnal, burrow-
ing onimol that ranges throughout
North Americo—although colonies tend
to concentrote in girls’ schools, in con-
vents ond in the Houston suburbs neor
Mission Control.
Its fovorite hiding ploce is a top
dresser drawer, undernecth the li
gerie. Occasionally it comes out (3.2
times per week, on the overage), tail
wagging, to explore the underbrush. It
digs smoll holes and it eots, roots, and
Some of the ormadildos we sow
were cronky, but only when they
weren't given enough love. Usuolly
they wolk around with а wry, cocky
smile ond moke good pets: They come
when they're called, they don't pester
when the owner has a heodache and
you can't hold a candle to them for
In one subspecies of this breed,
when on adolescent male reoches his
13th birthday, he hos с big party ond
onnounces, "Today | am a fountain
With its tiny bobwhite’s head on its graceful manta ray's body, this ani-
mol is a bob-‘n‘-ray. We kept one specimen an board ship for a while, but
after caughing up a lat af dry humor, it gave a lost, plaintive mating coll—
*"Wa-lee-balooal”—and died. We were sarry to see it go—it had been c
gaad skate. However, we faund it had left us twa bob-‘n’-ray eggs in the
crow’s-nest; and when they hatched, we nursed the infants an а diet of
Piel’s beer. We named one of them Bab ond the ather Ray, but no ane
could ever remember which was which.
During the mating season. these animals skim across the water like giant
Frisbees. They will mate with anything, a habit they have inherited from
their manta-ray ancestar, ane of the most pramiscuaus species in the post-
war world.* We saw ane manta ray making eyes at a Partuguese man-af-
war. If there is an offspring, we will call it the Man a’ la Manto.
*Our royal geneticist has been able te mate monta rays successfully with
sugar care {producing the sugar ray), with a TV tube (the cathode ray) and
with Charley the Tuna (the ray charles, of course).
The Tortilla
This is a fortilla,* a cross between a
tortoise and а gorilla. It is found deep
within the jungles af Mexico but acca-
sionally can be found atop a thatched
skyscraper, brandishing a native girl
and fending off villogers in their crude
When aroused, the male tortilla
stands erect and beats on the underside
of his shell, producing a thunderaus
shack wave that can be heard for miles.
As a result, all tartillos are deaf. Their
mating call is “Huh?”
These animals are very cunning, as
we discovered when cur jocular first
mote tried to restage Aesap’s fable
«baut the race between the tortillo and
the horelip.** Our tartilla got an early
lead, then stopped and lay down next
о а stream, pulling its head and limbs
inside its shell. We realized it was not
asleep bur wos cleverly disguised as a
covered bridge. When the harelip
came along later, it ran full speed into
апе of the darkened orifices. И didn’t
come aut.
*Nat to be confused with the burrita,
which is a cross between a burro and
о mosquito.
**The horelip is another indigenous
species, on indescribable mutation of
о Hore Krishna fanatic and о tulip.
The Mariguana
This is a morigvana (Latin name:
cannabis galapogos). He is much like
ап iguona but is twisted at both ends,
hos a pungent smell, and his nose is
nearly always alight.
He hos a stronge behavioral ritual:
His eyes become bloodshot as his
breathing pattern becomes irregular.*
He will sit and stare at a sunset for
hours, occosionolly emitting his moting
call: "Ocooh-woww." Mariguanas will
laugh at anything, including Cheech
and Chong albums ond late-night re-
runs of Gilligan's Island. They move in
а slow, deliberate shuffle and often
have greot difficulty remembering
what it wos they started out to do.
A hungry mariguano will eot any-
thing in his path, We saw one consume,
with no apporent ill effect, a whole box
of vanilla wafers, a bowl of rodishes
and a ketchup sondwich.
Аз a mariguana ages, his ash gets
longer, until finolly, at deoth, there is
nothing left but the dark stub of his
tail, about the size of a common house-
hold insect. The young may stash these
corpses in a secret common grave, but
often swallow them under stress.
He will take a long, deep breath—
end hold it.
The vamoose is с breed of flying, bloodsucking elk that inhabits the
Transylvanion north woods. It is classified os an endongering species, os it
comes out ot night to prey on unsuspecting giraffes or to lurk around the
deposit windows of all-night blood banks. It always returns before sunrise
to sleep in an abandoned World War Five bomb shelter. It con be blinded
by the sight of a silver TV antenna but con only be killed by driving a hom-
burger through its heort (due to the high price of o good steak nowadays).
Our royal geneticist decided to breed a domestic, commercial vomoose
by crossing a Beluga goosey and a bullwinkle.* The crew was rightly in-
censed by this outrageous experiment and voted to keelhaul the royol
geneticist. Bearing torches, they smashed down the door to his lab but were
repulsed by the odor of guono. Our indelicate first mate dubbed it the
Royol Ordure of Vamoose, at which point the crew voted to keelhaul him.
“The former, a cross between an arctic dolphin and a Canadian goose; the
latter, an amusing hybrid of a bullfrog and o periwinkle
108 buggers, they were slam
I LOST ГТ Continued from page 103)
and pulled his head out just as the whole
right side of the car went up into the ай
he crew had jacked it up and was snatch-
ing off the wheels. Behind me, they be-
dumping in the gas and, in front,
Limpy Clawson came hopping up with
that crablike gait of his. He had a cloth
rag in his left hand and a paper cup
full of cold Dr Pepper in his right. He
stuck the cup in through the window at
me, hitting the doorsill with the butt of
his hand and spilling most of it right
down into my lap. I drank what little
there was left of it and tugged my mask
back up, contemplating the prospect of
finishing the race with sticky balls. Then
impy swabbed off the window with his
rag and stepped back just as the car came
banging back down on all four.
Poised over by the right fender, Lugs
waved to get my attention. Then he drew
asmall circle in the air with his left hand;
he was holding his thumb and forefinger
together. And then he held both hands
out in front of him and motioned down-
ward with the palms. And then he jerked
his right thumb back toward the track.
I hit the throttle and got the hell
out of there.
Lugs had just told me a lot. This is
what Lugs had told me with his hands:
“Mr. Ace, it sore grieves me to tell you
that your brakes seem to be hopelessly
shot. Ruined. There is no goddamn drum
left, as you can see from the position of
my thumb and forefinger. However, in
my experienced mechanical judgment,
you should be able to finish the race if
vou will only take it easy, as I am indicat-
ing by holding my palms down. And
while you are mulling over these fear-
some prospects, may I respectfully suggest
that you get your ass back into the race,
since we don't have that much time left.
Ii sure was nice seeing you again here in
the pits, but now you gotta go.”
AII this took 26.7 seconds. Dr Pepper
and all.
Everybody does this, though maybe no-
body in the world does it as well as Lugs
Harvey, who can make a fast pit stop look
ke he is directing the goddamn Mormon
Tabernacle Choir through a tricky sec-
tion of Handel's Messiah or something
like that.
We talk to each other this way for damn
good reasons: (1) I have got cotton stuffed
into both ears. (2) I have got my Bell hel-
met over that with its big, padded ear-
es and (3) who the hell wants to listen
to Lugs Harvey talk about brakes in the
middle of a race, anyway?
I wound that sumbitch up as high as
it would go in second gear and, while
doing that, I looked all around through
all the other cars for Turbo Ellison and
Hack Downing.
When last I left
the two of them
ing around the
track in that order, front bumper against
back bumper, as if they were welded to-
gether. Turbo was leading the race. Hack
was second. I am third.
Take it easy, my ass.
I cranked into the number-four turn
and came howling back down the main
straightaway—and out of the quick cor-
ner of my eye 1 could see Lugs standing at
the pit wall with the two stop watches on
his clipboard. In a couple of seconds,
when he got my time calculated, he was
going to have something of a mechani-
cal fit.
And there was Hack Downing,
bastard. Turbo was smack in front of
and, going through the one-two tum,
they looked all blurry and stretched out,
like the longest race car in the whole
goddamn world.
Understand, now, everybody knows
that Hack Downing is a drafting sum-
bitch: He is known all over the South
for it.
Here is the way it goes: At top speed, a
car churns up a whole lot of air turk
lence behind it, and if you are riding a bit
off to one side. it can suck the fillings
right out of your tecth. But at the same
time, just behind the same car—right
smack behind it there is this little, nar-
row envelope of q г. People who
know all about physics have a proper
term for this, 1 think. But race drivers
around the South all know it just natu-
rally and most of them don't know what
physics means. They can't spell physics:
they can't pronounce it; hell-fire, most of
them would have a tough fucking time
making the letter P.
‘They all call it drafting.
Any race driver with any balls at all
knows that if he can ease his car right up
behind, he can ride along inside this little
breather space. Right away a couple of
great things happen. One: He can back
off just a little bit on his own gas. because
the car in front of him is pushing all the
air and doing most of the work. Two:
He is actually conserving fuel, a factor
that can just win the race for him if it is
close. Three: If you really pin down that
physics bullshit, there are times when he
is actually going just a little teeny bit fast-
er than the car in front. Thus, four: If his
timing is really good, then he can pull off
what is known as the slingshot. Now, I
don't know what Christ's name Fin-
stein called the slingshot, but consider
this: When the car directly in front of him
slows down just a touch for a hard cor-
ner—well, then, just for that split second
there, the back car is still going faster,
see? So. if a driver is good enough, that is
the precise second when he will whip his
car around and pass the front car—sling-
shoting out in front.
Item five: Drafting also drives the
front driver goofy. I mean, every time he
glances into his rear-vision mirror, he sees
nothing but windshield and radiator be-
hind him and the only thing he can do is
trust the other driver a whole awful lot
and pray to beat hell that nothing goes
wrong on the track out there in front of
him. Any frontrunning driver who hits
his brakes at a time like that knows god-
damn well that he will absolutely,
promptly end up with a 4000-pound stock
car right up his ass.
And there was Turbo: screaming down
the back straight, steady as could be. With
Hack Downing right on his tail pipes.
I touched my brakes going into the
turn and got just about what 1 expected.
Nothing. So I just stayed on the gas. I
mean, what the hell. right?
The force of the curve without any
brakes was twisting the car on its frame
and just about pulling me out of the seat
toward the right-side door, and my damn
heart and spleen and bowels and every-
thing sloughed over to the right side of
my damn stomach and hung there like
tapioca pudding shaking. Tires howling
to beat hell, I came up alongside J. К.
Hoffman in his Olsen Garages Mercury
and we rubbed door handles there for a
fast second or two. Old J. R. always races
with an unlit, dead contraband Cuban
cigar clamped right in the middle of his
mouth, and when I nicked him, 1 also
glanced over at him: He bit the fucking
cigar smack through and it fell away
from his face somewhere into the inside
of his car.
Well, screw you, Hoffman. If you can't.
race that sumbitch, you'd best park it.
And now you, Hack, my boy. And I
snuck right up behind him. At, oh, say,
about 198 miles an hour.
We all came off the number four like a
damn three-car close-order parade and I
could look up ahead and see old Hack
hunch up his shoulders and hunker down
his head when he suddenly saw me in his
mirror. That’s not all I could sce: Just
out of the edge of my left eyeball, I could
see Lugs Harvey holding up a pit sign
that had Ez smeared on it in giant chalk
letters. And then he was gone. And then
came the end of the straightaway, just
like that.
Easy, my ass. As we say in racing.
Just ahead, Hack dropped his left
shoulder just a teeny bit and hunched
his head down even further. I knew
what it meant.
It meant that he was about to slingshot
Turbo, that's what it meant.
And, sure enough, he hauled right out
10 the left and rifled up alongside Turbo.
The space between them was thinner
than a goddamn infield-concession stand
Good for Hack.
Bad for Turbo. That's because 1 was
tail-piping Hack and what neither one of
them bastards knew was that / was the
(continued on page 186)
article By RICHARD HAMMER costello, luciano,
Lansky and the others had better manners than their chicago
counterparts—and more ambition. today, new york's booze;
tomorrow, the gross national product
(THERE ARE NO COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUES on the benches in New York's
Central Park, but maybe there ought to be. The nation's elder states-
man Bemard Baruch sat on one of them for years, holding court,
philosophizing, advising, handing down judgments that would influ-
ence the direction of the nation and the world. And just inside the
southern boundary of the park on 59th Steet, there is another bench
where, during the decade after World War One, an under-
world elder statesman, Arnold Rothstein, held court.
listened to propositions, philosophized and handed
down advice.
On a bright warm day in the сапу fall of 1920,
Speakeasy roids were followed by a shart and somber cere-
mony: A Prahibitian agent pedlacked the doors and posted a
Ctostb sign that sent potrons in search of onather speak.
A classic pre-Prohibition saloon, which (according ta Prahibitionists) taok food from the mouths af workingmen's children and ctherwise can-
tributed ta natianal morol decay. After 1920, such salaans were replaced by illegal speck-eosies, most of which were converted back rooms
‘and cpartments where thirsty Americans continued to wet their whistles with baatleg booze thet was either diluted, palluted or even poisanaus.
relaxing on his favorite park.
bench, Rothstein came to a de-
cision that would send tremors
down through the years. Pro-
hibition had been the law of
the land for nearly nine
months, but it was clear that
the law was barely enforce-
able. There weren't enough
Federal or state agents and
many of them were easily
bribed political hacks. And
much of the nation, particular-
ly the big cities, showed no in-
dination to stop drinking just
because the law said to. People
were drinking just as much,
and many would soon bc
drinking even more. Only now,
instead of patronizing a neigh-
borhood saloon or a gilded
night club, they were drin
ing in the thousands of speak-
easies that had sprouted since
January 17 and that, though
illegal, made little pretense of
being anything but what they
were and opened their doors
to anyone who knew the pass-
words—"Joe sent me.” And
now, instead of buying stock
for their private bars from
neighborhood package stores,
they were patronizing the
neighborhood bootlegger. For
liquor and beer and vine were
still available, but not from
legitimate businessmen; gang-
sters had moved in and were
selling booze “right off the
boat"—which could mean that
it really came right off the
boat; or maybe from an illegal
distillery; or was good stuff
that had been cut, reblended
and rebottled, watered down;
or came from a homemade
In 1929, crime became truly or-
ganized when the country’s mast
powerful mabsters assembled in
Atlantic City ta gambol on t
beach, settle their differences ond
coordinate their criminal enter-
prises “for the good of cll.” In
the pointing (left to right) ore
Meyer Lansky, Lucky Luciano, Al-
bert Anastasia, Frank Costello and
Dutch Schultz, whose contrariness
resulted in his deoth four years
later. Right: (1) Frankie Yale, dap-
per Brooklyn baotlegger who
crossed Chicago's Al Capone and
became New York's first recorded
victim of the Thompson subma-
chine gun. (2) One af hundreds of
nameless "hoads" gunned down
on the streets of New York during
Prohibition. (3) Legs Diomond,
whose celebrated ability ta sur-
vive serious bullet wounds was
(4) put ta the test once too often.
Inustralion by Kinuko Craft eller. Reginald Marsh circa 1929
still and was only a litle better than
During these early months, Rothstein—
millionaire gambler, swindler, loan shark,
fixer, friend and confidant of politicians
and gangsters—had made no move to cut
himself in for a piece of the action. He
was essentially a loner, a man who wanted
to run his own show his own way, But
bootlegging, he saw early, was just too
and too complex to be controlled by a
single man, or even by a single organiza-
tion, Rothstein, however, was wary of
developing an organization of his own,
because he didn't trust the intelligence
or balance of the labor pool he would
have to draw upon: the underworld.
He understood that with hoodlums com-
peting for control, violence was iney-
itable, and he was a man who abhorred
violence in most circumstances. He had
no desire to cross the Federal authorities,
for he was certain that they would make
a major effort to enforce the law, at least
at its outset.
So Rothstein stood aside and let others
open up the business and take the initial
risks, Some he financed, provided with
bail and lawyers when they were arrested
(and, as security, in addition to the usuri-
ous rate of interest a Rothstein loan en-
tailed, anybody who borrowed from A. R.
was forced to take out a noncancelable
insurance policy, with Rothstein as the
sole beneficiary). But that was all. How-
ever, he watched and examined and
thought. By the fall, he was convinced it
was time for him to make his move. All
he needed was the opportunity.
It came on the warm day in Central
Park. A Detroit bootlegger named Max
Big Maxey" Greenberg had been run-
ning Scotch and other good whiskey
across the Detroit River from Canada
since January and had done well enough
to buy a fleet of trucks and open a string
of warehouses. But the competition for
good whiskey from Canada was incrcasing,
driving the prices up. Most of Greenberg's
money was tied up in the stock on hand,
in his trucks and storage depots, when he
was approached by a contact in Canada
who could guarantee a continuing supply.
of good whiskey. To secure the deal,
Greenberg needed $175,000; he didn't
have it. He went to his friend Irving
Wexler: thief, sometime dope peddler
and strikebreaker, now seeking to become
a bootlegger and winning a reputation
under the name “Waxey” Gordon. Н
Gordon could come up with the money,
Greenberg would cut him in as a partner.
But in 1920—within a year, it would all
change—Gordon didn’t have that kind
of bank roll. He knew someone who did,
however: Arnold Rothstein. Gordon took
Greenberg to meet Rothstein at his bench
in Central Park.
Rothstein listened to Greenberg's pitch
and questioned him dosely, his mind
moving far ahead. When Big Maxey had
112 finished, Rothstein turned him down. But
Rothstein came back with a counterpro-
posal. It was stupid, he said, to buy booze
in Canada at the high prices caused by
competition. The way to buy it was to tie
up the production of whole distilleries
right at the source, in England and Scot-
land. Greenberg was intrigued, but that
would take a hell of a lot more than
$175,000. Don’t worry, Rothstein told
him. He would make all the arrangements
and would, instead of lending Greenberg
the money in cash, cut him in for
$175,000, taking as collateral his trucks
and warehouses—thus giving Rothstein
immediate transportation and storage
facilities—and, of course, as much life
surance as Greenberg could take out.
And, in lieu of a finder's fee, Waxey
Gordon would be given a small percent-
age of the new partnership, and thus his
hoped-for start in the business. Green-
berg and Gordon agreed with alacrity.
Rothstein set about the bootleg busi-
ness not on a chaoticand random basis, as
did most other early entrants, but with an
approach copied from big business. He
sent Harry Mather, a former Wall Street
bucket-shop operator who had done jobs
for him in the past, to England as his Fu-
ropean agent. Mather was to tie up the
output of good Scotch distilleries and
make arrangements for shipping the
whisky to a point just outside the Ameri-
can territorial waters in the Atlantic.
Within weeks of his arrival, he had
bought 20,000 cases of good Scotch and
leased a Norwegian freighter to haul the
stuff to a point off Long Island.
At home, Rothstein pulled together
the other threads of the business. He
bought half a dozen fast speedboats to
carry the booze ashore and, to make cer-
tain it got there with no trouble, he
bribed the Coast Guard at Montauk
Point not merely to look the other way
when the freighter arrived but actually to
help unload it onto the speedboats and
even to carry some of it ashore in Govern-
ment cutters. At the landing zone, he had
the Greenberg trucks, protected by tough
gunmen, and in Long Island City and
other points around Manhawan, he
leased warehouses to store the merchan-
dise. And he cemented contracts both
with other bootleggers and with the bet-
ter speak-easies in midtown to purchase
the Scotch.
During the next 12 months, Roth-
stein’s Norwegian freighter made 11 trips
carrying booze to the man who had sud-
denly become the most important dealer
in illegal Tiquor in the East. But as the
ship set sail on its 11th voyage, Rothstein
was tipped that a new officer-in-charge
had assumed command of the Coast
Guard station at Montauk and was going
to take the ship when it started to off
load. Rothstein urgently signaled the
ship. diverting it to Havana, where an
agent of a sometime Rothstein partner,
Charles A. Stoneham, sportsman and
owner of the New York Giants baseball
gle the whiskey into the States another
way (though Rothstein's partners, Gor-
don and Greenberg. were told that Stone-
ham had bought the booze at cost, so
there were no profits from the trip)
"Though the final voyage of the Norwe-
gian freighter had been turned from a po-
tential loss into the usual profit of more
than $500,000 for Rothstein, it gave the
gambler pause, He had in a single year
made several million dollars out of rum-
running—or, in his case, Scotch-run-
ning—but buying abroad and waiting for
a shipment to reach the States tied up a
lot of ready cash for months, and if, by
chance, that shipment happened to be
picked off by the Federal men, the money
was irretrievably gone. There were, he
figured, quicker and easier ways to turn
Prohibition into a buck. Also, in his
year as a whiskey importer, Rothstein
discovered what he had suspected: Boot-
legging was just too big for one man to
control. There were too many people in
it, all with big ideas about their own roles.
and their own power; the competition
was intense; he could not command
events nor the actions of other people.
This was not the game Arnold Rothstein
liked to play, so he decided to get out—of
importing, at least.
After the freighter's final trip, he
called in Gordon and Greenberg to tell
them that it had been profitless—for
them. And he told them he was quitting
the racket; the business would be theirs
after they paid up what they owed him,
plus the usual high interest. They paid
readily enough and without complaint.
Then Gordon, with Greenberg receding
to a secondary role as junior partner
and aide, pyramided what Rothstein had
started, becoming one of the leading il-
legal liquor importers along the Atlantic
Seaboard and one of the biggest over-all
bootleggers in the East. By the end of the
decade, he would be a multimillionaire,
would own blocks of real estate in New
York and Philadelphia, where he cen-
tered his empire, would live in a castle
complete with moat in southern New Jer
sey, would own a fleet of ocean-going
rumships, night clubs, gambling casinos.
His Philadelphia distilleries would be
cutting, reblending and rebouling booze
for scores of other major bootleggers
around the country for a share of their
But Rothstein, although no longer im-
porting, was not completely out of booze.
In his year in the business, he had put
together an efficient organization, and
while much of it had been turned over to
Gordon, Rothstein was not willing to let
it all go. He owned pieces of some of the
best speak.easies and he held onto them,
turning their back rooms into h gam-
bling casinos. And he had in his employ
a killer named John T. Noland, who
(continued on page 130)
"Oh, n
. . -says men’s hair stylist valerie lane, “and let me
run my fingers and some scissors through your hair."
Miss October lives just a
short distance fram her wark
at Mr. Ron’s in Newport
Beach, Califarnia. “The shop
is located in back af a group
of affices, aff Pacific Coast
Highway, the main drag. Sa
we don't get a lot af walk-in
customers who just see a sign
and stop. But I'm always busy,
which proves that word af
mauth is the best advertising.”
“just л TRIM, please. A little off the top,
and leave the sides full.” “OK.” says the
barber as he turns on his clippers—and
proceeds to give you white sidewalls. It’s
happened to almost all men at one time
or another—not so often, perhaps, since
the transformation of barbershops into
"men's hairstyling” salons, but the pros-
pect of hair spray and Hot Combs can still
makea mana mite uneasy when he climbs.
into that revolving chair. It's not that
way, fortunately, at Mr. Ron's in New-
port Beach, California, where Valerie
Lane is ready and able to reassure all her
nervous customers. “When I first started
my job, I couldn't believe how uptight
most guys were when they walked in. Usu-
ally, they were carrying some wadded-up
picture showing a great-looking guy with
this tremendous head of hair, and they'd
say, 1 want my hair to look like this"
Well, that's fine, except they might have
four hairs on their head, and they expect
me to make them look like the guy in the
picture. But I can identify with their ap-
prehension. I was always scared to death
to get my hair done for fear of what some
beauty operator would do to it.” Keeping
in mind that the customer is always right,
Valerie handles these situations delicate-
Although she notices a definite
trend toward sharter hair
styles, Valerie predicts that
men will never return to the
simple routine of a haircut,
“Let's face it, men are peo-
cacks, and naw that they've.
gatten used to the idea
that their hair can be styled ta
really imprave their lacks,
they're not abaut tc get aut
the Butch Wax again.”
ly. “I try to explain to guys that all faces
aren't structured the same way and sug-
gest ways to style their hair so itll look
good for them. I mean, if someone with a
really round face comes in, chances are
he'll ask for a hair style that’s flat on the
sides and full on top, thinking that'll
make his face look longer. Actually, that
would just make his face look fatter. I
have to tell him chat the sides should be
full, so his face will be better propor-
tioned.” Valerie has been styling men's
hair since she was graduated from high
school in Long Beach. "I didn't want
to go to college," she explains, "and 1
wanted to make some money right
ay. At first 1 thought about going to
beauty school, but a guy I was dating at
the time kind of jol suggested that I
become a men's hair stylist instead. ‘Hey,
I said, ‘that’s not a bad idea.’ It sounded
kind of fun, and there weren't many
women doing it, so the unique aspect of
the work appealed to me. I took a styling
course and started. Mr. Ron’s is the only
place I've worked.” But that's not where
Eventually, I'd like
she plans to stay. “
to open my own shop,” says Valerie. "In
fact. I'd like to open a couple of them,
and I sometimes fantasize that if they
were successful enough, I'd have other
people run and staff them. That way I'd
have to work in the shop only a few days
a week. That would be ideal.” Perha
for her, but it’s certainly not the way a
whole lot of customers would prefer it.
Above right: One of a hair stylist’s occupational hazards—a few wisps of cut hair are whisk-broomed away by a fellow employee at Mr.
Ron's. "When | first started doing this wark,” she says, “I only tried to make my customers happy. Naw I’ve learned to kind of bring
the guy around ta my way of thinking by pointing out why his ideas may not be right far his face. So | make my customer and me hoppy.”
Left: Valerie and colleague Dan Simmans begin a busy workday. Above:
Having suggested a new hair style ta a new customer, Hugh Sackett,
Valerie halds up the mirror for his final approval. After a moment of
serious appraisal, Hugh's smile shows that it's obviously a job well done.
Enjoying a needed day off, Valerie gets together with friends Diane and Joe Leaverton and Don Simmons for a picnic in nearby Loguna
Canyon. Above: They toast Valerie’s dream of becoming an independent businesswoman when she opens her awn styling shaps. “First, I’ve
get to think of something really clever to call them. ‘Miss Valerie's’ just doesn't make it. That sounds like some old maid's nursery school.”
Although she's never strayed far from the Southern California coast for any length of time, Valerie hos no urge to live anywhere else.
"Some people might think I’m narrow for staying close to home all my life, but to me, it just means I'm perfectly happy ond have every-
thing І need right here. | do some water-skiing, | love the ocean and! have my friends. | can't see any reason to go looking for more.”
The couple was divorced. but remained good
friends. When the man happened to break his
arm. he called up his ex-wife one night and
asked if she could possibly come over to help
him take a bath, and she readily agreed. After
she had helped him into the tub and had begun
washing his back, she noticed a change gradu-
ally take place in his anatomy.
“Now, isn't that sweet,” she coocd. "Look
Harry, it still recognizes me!”
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines breast-fed
as a female FBI agent.
Look,” said the rural general practitioner to
the dejected mother of a dozen children, “I
want you to put both of your feet in a ten-
gallon crock when you go to bed at night and
keep them there until you get up.”
But six weeks later the woman returned,
pregnant once again. "Didn't you follow my
instructions about the crock?” asked the exas-
perated doctor.
"Well, sort of," replied the woman. "We
didn't have no ten-gallon crock, so I had to use
two five-gallon ones.”
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines pornogra-
phy as cliterature.
Adopting the metric system would have
certain psychological advantages—such as
being able to claim 18 centimeters instead of
seven inches.
While touring a Government building in
Washington, a man had to visit the john. As he
rejoined his tour group, he exclaimed, “Talk
about bureaucracy! The graffiti were all neatly
printed—and in triplicatel”
A campus biggie went out for the first time with
Every man should have a girl for love, сопь
panionship and sympathy,” philosophized the
wise old bachelor, “preferably at three different
Not many people know that Sherlock Holmes
had a secret vice unrevealed in the stories.
When Dr. Watson came around to 221B Baker
Street one afternoon, the housekeeper told him
that Holmes had a visitor, а schoolgirl. Watson
sat down to wait but then heard muflled sounds
coming from the study. Fearing that the school-
girl might be an assassin in disguise, he broke
open the door, only to find the great detective
and the girl—for it was, indeed, a quite young
girl—engaged in a rather shocking form of play.
"By Gad, Holmes," huffed the doctor, "just
what sort of schoolgirl is this?”
Smirked Holmes, “Elementary, my dear
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines gay daisy
chain as swish kabob.
What time did you pull out this morning?"
asked one bus driver of another as they washed
up at the terminal,
“I didn’t,” said the other driver, shaking his
head, “and I'm worried about it.”
The giant tackle had viciously slammed the
ball carrier out of bounds directly in front of
the visitors’ bench, As the big man got to his
feet, the opposing coach, choking back an ex-
pletive, gave him the finger.
“What'd I tell ya?” chortled the tackle to а
teammate as they trotted back to line up.
“We're still number one!”
I want someone who'll do absolutely everything
I ask for as long as I want,” muttered the pros-
pective client.
“Lorraine's your girl," said the madam, “but
it'll cost you five hundred bucks.”
Lorraine, of course, insisted on the money up
front, so the man handed it over and then pro-
ceeded to outdo KrafftEbing's kinkiest case
histories in his successive exactions. Finally, he
produced a studded belt and set to beating the
girl with it mercilessly. After a time, she gasped,
"I can't . take much more! When . . . are
you going . . . to quit?"
"When you agree to . . . fulfill my next and
final demand," panted the client. "Give me
back my five hundred!”
Heard a funny one lately? Send it on a post-
card, please, to Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY,
Playboy Bldg., 919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago,
11. 60611. $50 will be paid to the contributor
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned.
“So many—and so little time.”
FASHION (€ ; ттан
FORECAST \ анаар.
2 А $210; worn over a polyester-and-
ج at tire 4 $5 3 cotton shirt, by Enro, $14; sleeve-
The urban renewal of country tweeds.
less V-neck cashmere pullayer, by
Gino Peoli, $30; and wool plaid tie,
Do by Briar Tiemakers, $7.50. Above:
29 эч Donegal tweed double breasted suit,
` the definitive statement T чо Es $170, tone-on-tone satin shirt with
on the coming trends in ah mediumspread callar, $25, both
64 NS E by Pierre Cardin; and a wool knit. >
‘square-bottom бе; by Resilio, $6.50.
А boom market in belted coats ond
sweaters. Above: Wool herringbone
double-breosted coat with epaulets,
$250, worn with double-pleated
slocks, $65, plus a wool coble-
stitchturtleneck, $65, oll by Ralph
Lauren for Polo. Right: Acrylic knit
showl-callar self-belted cardigan with
patch pockets, by Londlubber, $25;
Harris tweed slocks by Chaps
division of Polo, $32; multicolor.
check cotton shirt, by Excello, $20;
осгуйс knit sleeveless V-neck pull-
aver, by Levi's Fenotele, $13; and a
plaid wool bow tie, by Chest Knots. $6.
"Us FALL and winter will
be the seasons of the
which—the question being,
of course, which outfits to
select from the almost limit-
less variety of looks that are
now acceptable. Рет!
open shirt? Or
in rweeds, flannels. muted _
plaids, belted’ or- -wrap
styles? Doit, just as long
as whatever you choose dors >
Fit to be tied. Right: Loden-
cloth belted coot, about
$170, herringbone-
potterned slacks, obout $50,
ond an eggshell knit turtle-
neck, obout $20, oll by
Calvin Klein. Far right:
Gobardine shirt suit, by S
Pinky & Dionne for Pretty =
Boy Floyd, $110; and
a geometric-print shirt,
with matching bow tie,
by Bouncing Bertho's
Banana Blanket, both $30.
Balancing your checks. Left: Herring-
bone worsted cheviat self-potterned
windowpane-plaid three-piece suit, by
Arthur Richards, $185; and a cottan/
woal-plaid shirt, by Clydella for Eagle
Shirtmakers, $26. Abave: Glen-ploid
жоо! and Veston polyester dauble-
breasted two-button jacket, $110,
double-pleated slacks, $45,
‘and on Art Deca combed-cattan
shirt, $23, oll by J. Hornby of London,
SLICING UP THE BIG APPLE (continicajom page 112)
adopted the name "Legs" Diamond (the
Legs from his speed in fleeing from the
cops during his pety-thieving days).
With his brother Eddie, Diamond had
worked for Rothstein as a strikebreaker
and, when Rothstein moved into liquor,
as a guard for the trucks. Now Diamond
came to Rothstein with a new proposi-
tion. While a number of big and tough
outfits were coming to the top in the
bootleg business, the highways were still
filled with hundreds of amateurs trying
to make a quick buck. They had little
power or little ability to retaliate if they
ran into trouble. Diamond wanted Roth-
stein to turn him loose to prey on these
amateurs; he and Eddie and their gang
would hijack the trucks and turn the
booze over to Rothstein to dispose of.
Since Rothstein was into both wholesale
and retail outlets for booze, he bought.
the idea and financed the Diamonds.
For а couple of years, it worked well.
But by 1924, the amateurs were giving
way more and more to the tough pro-
fessional gangs. With soft targets scarce,
Diamond went against Rothstein's orders
and began to try his luck hijacking the
professionals. One of those he picked on
was William V. “Big Bill" Dwyer, an Irish
exstevedore who, in partnership with
a rising Italian mobster named Frank
Costello, had moved to the top in the ille-
gal liquor-importing business. Dwyer was
the wrong guy to take on. He went to
Rothstein and told him to call off Dia-
mond or it would be open season on the
hijacker. Rothstein, who was becoming
weary of Diamond's penchant for vio-
lence, anyway, and of the whole uncon-
trollable bootleg racket, informed Dwyer
that Diamond was running on his own
and he wouldn't mind at all if Dwyer put
astop to him. Dwyer tried: In October of
1924, as Diamond drove down Fifth Ave-
nue, a car pulled up alongside and
pumped a load of shotgun shells at Dia-
mond. Somchow, Legs received only
minor wounds. Diamond. who would
become one of New York's most conspic-
uous and flamboyant hoods, couldn't
understand it. “I don’t have an enemy in
the world,” he said. But the shots had
their effect; the Diamond mob fell apart;
Legs became little more than a feared
outlaw among outlaws, everybody's tar-
get, who managed to escape both upper-
and underworld retribution until 1931,
when he was finally gunned down.
The shedding of Diamond was Roth-
stein's last direct involvement in bootleg-
ging. He decided to let others take all the
sks and remain, himself, strictly a pe-
ripheral figure. He would bank-roll those
who needed moncy at the usual high in-
terest rates, He would, for a price, use his
political muscle, which went to the top of
Tammany Hall in the person of his close
130 friend boss Charley Murphy and his heirs,
to put the fix in when a bootlegger was
arrested (and the fix was good: during the
Rothstein years, of the 6902 liquor cases
that went before the New York courts,
400 never went to trial and 6074 were
By the middle of the decade, Roth-
stein’s importance in bootlegging was al-
most at an end. He had always wanted to
be the top man in whatever he did, and
that just wasn't possible in booze (a
besides, he used to point out to friends,
he himself didn't drink). He gradually
turned his energies back to his first love,
gambling—owning casinos and staying
involved in some perpetual card game.
His loan-sharking continued to prosper;
he went heavily into jewel smuggling, a
thriving business in good times, when the
wives of the nouveaux riches were trading
all their loose change for sparkling gems;
and, in the last years of his life, he became
more and more involved in narcotics,
then a small but expanding business,
sending his agent to Europe and the Near
East to make purchases and supplying the
big dealers in the underworld with the
junk. In November of 1928, after welsh-
ing on losses of more than $300,000 in a
card game, Rothstein's life came to an
end; he was fatally shot at the Park
Central Hotel on New York's Seventh
Avenue (no one was convicted of the
crime). In another couple of days, he
could have paid off his losses with a
flourish: He had bet heavily on victories
for Herbert Hoover in the Presidential
election and Franklin Roosevelt in the
New York gubernatorial race and when
they won, he stood to collect nearly
$600,000; further, even without those
bets, there had been no need for Roth-
stein to welsh, for the initial accounting
of his assets revealed an estate of about
$3,000,000. And if he had really been
tight, there were scores of friends in the
underworld who would gladly have come
up with the money for him.
As the years passed, Rothstein's influ-
ence remained strong and he was con-
stanly sought for advice; the philosopher
of the underworld, constantly preaching
cooperation and the most limited use of
force, unconcerned with ethnic or reli-
gious ties, butonly with intelligence, imag-
ination, ambition and nerve—he made
use of anyone who could help him, unlike
most underworld leaders, who seemed
unable to break free of traditional ties
and suspicions—Rothstein had drawn
into his orbit all those who would lead.
the underworld in the years ahead. His
ideas would influence their thinking and
their actions.
In the first years of Prohibition, three
young hoodlums, then little more than
hungry thugs, had been drawn into
the Rothstein circle and were changed
forever. They were a Calabrian named
Francesco Castiglia, a Sicilian named
Salvatore Luca: and a Polish Jew
named Maier Suchowljansky. They would
become infamous as Frank Costello.
Charlie “Lucky” Luciano and Meyer
Born in 1891 in Cosenza in the south of
Italy, Costello was the oldest. He arrived
in New York at the age of four and settled
in the Italian community in East Harlem,
where, though considered one of the
neighborhood's brightest boys, he took to
the streets after finishing elementary
school and became leader of the 104th
Street Gang, a bunch of young Italian
hoodlums. Afflicted early with throat
trouble—the result of a slipshod opera
tion to remove tonsils and adenoids when
a child—he never spoke much above a
rasping whisper and that soft voice
seemed to lend added authority and im-
portance to whatever he had to say. In
these early years, he was considered one
of the toughest young hoodlums in the
area. By the time he was 21, he had been
twice arrested and twice freed on charges
of assault and robbery. In 1915, though,
at the age of 24, he went to prison for the
first time—and it would be 37 years be-
fore he saw the inside of a cell again. He
was convicted of carrying a gun and sen-
tenced to a year. Released from prison,
Costello promptly took up his old life.
And he renewed a friendship he had
made a year or so earlier, with Luciano,
and teamed up with him in a steady pa-
rade of burglaries, robberies and other
crimes. With Prohibition, his world and
his outlook altered. For many Italians at
that time, it would have been unthink-
able to form close friendships and lasting
partnerships with Jews like Rothstein,
Lansky, “Dandy Phil” Kastel and others,
with Irishmen like Big Bill Dwyer, even
with Sicilians like Luciano. But Cos-
tello was an unusual man, unconcerned
with background; he had married a
Jewish girl named Loretta and would
remain married to her for more than half
a century, until his death this year.
Six years younger than Costello, Luci-
ano was born in the poverty-stricken sul-
phur-mining town of Lercara Friddi in
the Palermo district of Sicily. He had
been brought to New York in 1906, where
his family seuled on the Lower East Side,
in a district teeming not only with Sicil-
ians and Italians but with Jews as well.
His formal education, like that of most
‘of the mobsters, ended with elementary
school, though while there, he developed
a racket he would later use to earn mil-
lions: He sold, for a penny or wo a day,
his personal protection to the younger
and smaller Jewish kids who were being
waylaid and beaten on their way to and
from school. In the streets, Luciano was
soon leading a gang of young Sicilian
toughs through their ghetto. It was not
long before he graduated to bigger things
(continued on page 156)
LOT HAS BEEN HAPPENING around the world of Playboy
A Clubs and Club-Hotels, we found as we begin our an-
nual survey of Playboys Bunnies, who now number
1000. In Los Angeles, the Club moved this summer from its old
Sunset Strip location to brand-new quarters in Century City.
Earlier, the Montreal Club had pulled up stakes and gone to
new premises on Mountain Street, and plans for relocation of
the Detroit Club are expected to be announced soon. After
two-month summer closing for extensive remodeling, the Miami
s reopening at the same address, on Biscayne Boulevard,
but with a completely new look and expanded live entertain-
ment. And overseas in England, the Portsmouth Casino Club is
in full swing and the Manchester Casino Club is due to open
shortly (with discothéque and restaurant as added attractions).
All of this is being enjoyed by a record total of keyholders: just
over 1,000,000. Warning: If you're one of them, and you
plan to game with Playboy at its English casinos in London,
Portsmouth or (soon) Manchester, (text continued on page 142)
playboy presents its yearly array
of international cottontarls
Ploymate-Bunny Gwen Wong (above) divides her time
these days between the new Las Angeles Ploybay Club
and her fast-growing interiar-design clientele. In recent
months, she’s dane the decor for three area homes and
twa office buildings. New Orleans’ Jillian Bergamo (top
right) is on animal lover whose ménage has included as
many os five dags and cats at once; Phoenix cottontail
Toby Ostreicher (right) used ta be a high schaal teacher.
Battersea Fun Fair, an amusement park in London, provides a colorful backdrap
for Bunny Zee Tomkins (above) of Playboy's Park Lone hutch; halfway around
the world, the rocks at, White River Beach in Jamaica set aff the beauty of
Bunny Bridge Ryan (below) af aur Caribbean outpast at Ocho Rios. At right is
native Georgian Karin Sims af the Atlanta Ploybay Club; her goal is ta be а nurse.
"Му ambition is to become a super Bunny," says Coke White
(above) of Kansas City. Off duty, she keeps busy—and fi
playing volleyball and baseball. “The only time | sit down,” she
claims, “is ta watch a movie.” Great Gorge Club-Hatel Bunny
Alyson Merkel (below) is on accomplished chareagropher.
Travel tops the list of fovorite postimes for oll three of these Bunnie:
(top left) of Boltimore, Jan Serott (еН) of San Froncisco ond Ter
(obove) of St. Lovis. Jill olso roises tropical fish; Jon fences, designs clothes and
hos spent two years tutoring underprivileged children; and Terri worked for o
couple of seasons cs o dude-ranch hand and trail guide in the Ozork country.
linda Sorensen (above) confides that she hates dieting ond smog. We can’t see why she'd need
1o diet, but the smog may come with her territory: Los Angeles. Across the country, Boston's
Sora Reynolds (top right) finances college studies by working as a Customer Service Bunn
helping keyholders with reservations, local enterioinment orrongemerts ond the like. At righ
the reigning Bunny of the Year: Coni Hugee of the Loke Genevo, Wisconsin, Playboy Club-Horel.
Playboy Plaza Bunny Carol Vitale (left), our August
1972 cover girl, has appeared in three af PLAYBOY's ar-
nual Bunny pictorials; LA's Ruthy Ross (below), last
year's Bunny queen, in two. This is a first, though, for New
Yorks 1973 Bunny of the Yeor, Bonita Rossi (above).
Nancy Turner (above) alternates wark at the Miami Club
with closses in travel agentry—the better to visit her mum
in Australia, at discount fores. Detroit's Corolyn Larkin
(below) is c Tigers fan; Cincinnoti's Cher Miller (right), Miss
Photogenic ot the Bunny Beauty Contest, o Bengels rooter.
Denver cottontail Terri Johnson (above left), a hometown girl, hos hometown volves: She wants to get married ond raise a family. Simone
Pertuiset (above center) attends Montreal’s McGill University ond plons to go into ogriculturol research. Portsmouth Casino Club Bunny Lor-
raine Turrell (above right) confesses that she hates to go to bed at night—or get up in the morning, for thot matter. Chicogo's Sue Huggy (below)
admits to wanderlust—which she frequently satisfies by working as a Jet Bunny aboord Hugh Hefner's DC-9-32, the Big Bunny. Kacey Cobb (right)
of the St. Lovis Club hos set her sights on finishing her course of study in business and interior design at Washington University this yeor
142 а field that attracts a heavy proporti
you must register on the premises 48
hours in advance of play. That's the
British law and it's ironclad.
With the addition of the Portsmouth
Club, ofücials for the Bunny Beauty Con-
test found their job just a bit more difî-
cult. Contestants at the pageant, staged at
the Playboy Towers in Chicago, num-
bered an all-time high of 22—up from 19
when the competition started four years
ago. But the judges—comedian George
Kirby, actress (and Academy Award nom-
inee) Cicely Tyson, writer-editor George
Plimpton. columnists Jim Bacon. Maggie
Daly, Irv Kupcinet and Dorothy Man-
ners, Warner Bros. casting director Nessa
Hyams and cartoonist-balladeer-poet-
humorist Shel Silverstein—duly deliber-
ated and came up with a winner: Bunny
Coni Hugee of the Playboy Club-Hotel at
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Black and beau-
tiful, Coni received her bachelor's degree
in retailing from the University of Wis-
consin in May, “You know, I've never
had a feeling like that in my life before,”
says Coni of the moment her name was
announced as Playboy's international
Bunny of the Year. “I just wanted to
throw my arms up and keep jumping
around in a circle. 1 could hardly stand
still long enough to get the crown put
on.” With the title, Coni won a bonanza
of prizes, including a replica of the classic
Model A Ford and a free trip to Great
Britain, which she's already taken. “1 fell
in love with London,” she reports. But
first place in her heart still goes to At
lanta, a city in which she hopes someday
to use her retailing savvy by opening a
women’s ready-to-wear shop.
Runnersup in the Bunny Beauty Con-
test were New York's Bonita Rossi, a
veteran of television. commercials who
hopes to move on into motion-picture
roles; Montreal's Maryse Larose, a native
of Haiti who's a popular model in her
adopted province of Quebec; San Fran-
cisco's Nikki Johnson, member of a prim-
itive-dance troupe and a featured dancer
at Black Expo '73; Cincinnati's Cher Mil-
ler, who first won national acclaim in
1967, when she was a winner of Seventeen
magazine's Be a Model contest; and
Phoenix’ Vicki Snell, who also repre-
sented her hutch in last year's contest.
While awaiting the results, the 22
Bunny finalists turned the tables by
doing some voting of their own—and
choosing their list of the Ten Most
Beautiful Men in the World. They were:
Muhammad Ali, Clint Eastwood, Senator
Edward Kennedy, Joe Namath, Paul
Newman, George Plimpton, Robert Red-
ford, Burt Reynolds, Omar Sharif and
Mark Spitz, Runners-up were Neil Arm-
strong, Jim Brown, Robert Evans, Jean-
Claude ly and Rod McKuen. It's
not surprising that a heavy proportion of
the men on the list are in showbiz: That's
n of
Bunnies, too. New York’s Gloria Hendry
was James Bond's short lived love interest
in the latest 007 epic, Live and Let Die
(see PLAYBOY'S July layout); she's also
been cast in Black Caesar, Slaughter’s Big
Rip-Off and Hit Man. But she always
comes back to the Club: “Being 2 Bunny
is my security,” she says. “Besides, I enjoy
working there. It helps me learn more
about people—all kinds of people—and
that helps my acting.” Gloria's hutchmate
Jackie Zeman is one of two “K-Girls”
on disc jockey Murray the K's television
show. Across the continent in Los An-
geles, 11 cottontails sing and dance as the
Bunnyettes: Ninette Bravo, Niki Cl
Playmate-Bunny Cathy Rowland (who's a
songwriter, too), Jaki Dunn, Laurie Cam-
marata, Barbara Garson, Lynn Moody,
Jo Jo Burke, Bevy Self, Pat Holvay and
Kandi Keith (who's also been signed
to appear in an Italian movie, Sergio
Bravo). Bunny Lynn, fresh from TV com-
mercials and Mod Squad roles, is in the
film Scream, Blacula, Scream; Ninette
was seen in the Alias Smith and Jones
series, Community theater interests Great
Gorge Club-Hotel Bunny Alyson Merkel,
a choreographer who has spent 15 years in
dancing lessons and seven in vocal stud-
ies; and New Orleans cottontail Linette
Burgess, whose local little-theater group,
Le Petit Children's Theater, produces
plays for youngsters—sometimes as many
as 10,000 а day. Linette feels it’s more de-
manding to work before children than
before grownups: “You might be able to
fool an adult when you blow a line, but
children are smarter. They know what's
going on, and you really have to be on
your toes.” Now thoroughly stage-struck,
Linette is angling for a transfer to the Los
Angeles hutch, where she'll be closer to
Hollywood's professional drama coaches.
Bunny thrushes abound, too. Gloria
Weems of New York, Sheila Ross of Bal-
timore, Sher Dixon of St. Louis and
Zorina London of San Francisco sing
professionally in night clubs (Playboy
and others). Gloria recently returned
from an engagement at the Palace Hotel
in Paramaribo, Surinam; and Sheila has
cut two records for Warner Bros. this
year. Television provides opportunities
for Kansas City Bunnies Leslie Norman—
who has, edectically enough, been Chrys-
ler Corporation's Midwestern regional
Dodge Girl and American Motors’ Kan-
sas City-area Gremlin Girl—and Barbara
Earp, who is daylig ап ad agency
аз а producer of commercials. Perhaps the
longest-running showbiz career is that of
London's Bunny of the Year, Ginger
O'Doherty, а native of Londonderry,
Northern Ireland, who has been dancing
since the age of two. She made her first
trip to the United States when she was
11, on tour with the Gaelic Singers. As a
competitive Irish dancer, she won more
than 30 cups and 300 medals before turn-
ing professional.
While some Bunnies are looking to see
their names in lights, others are looking
to see theirs on diplomas. Boston's Marcy
Feinzig was just graduated magna cum
laude from Boston University; "I've al-
ways been a bookworm,” she says. “My
brother used to kid me that my idea of
light reading was browsing through a dic-
tionary.” An education major, Marcy did
her student teaching in the field of cri
nology at Homebase High School in
Watertown, Massachuseus, taking her
students on field trips to courts and pris-
ons. Marcy hopes to combine her interests
in education and criminology by landing
a teaching position in a penal institution.
Another Bostonian, Bunny Mei-Yong
Tam, enters Columbia this fall with
a $6000-per-year scholarship for a six-
year course in the universitys Medical
Scientist Training Program. And Boston
couontails Sara Reynolds and Renée
Worthington have been hitting the books
at the University of Massachusetts, where
both are seniors. In Miami, Joy Hughes
is bringing straight A’s home from her
prenursing course at Charron-Williams
Business College; Nana Wagner is attend-
ing real-estate school, from which Renée
Camper has already graduated and be-
come a licensed realtor. At Arizona State
University in suburban "Tempe, Phoenix
cottontail students include Dawn Grote-
wold, majoring in ceramics, and Jennifer
Edl, who's in graduate school after earn-
ing her bachelor-of-fine-arts degree. In an
ASU ceramics class, Dawn and Jennifer
met—and recruited to Bunnydom—Lee
Mar, an elementary education graduate
of the university. Though pottery is
definitely a side line for Lee, Dawn and
Jennifer plan to open their own shop
sometime in the future.
St. Louis Bunny Maura Hemann
earned a bachelor's degree in special edu-
cation from Southern Illinois University
this spring; her fall schedule is a triple-
header, calling for teaching retarded chil-
dren, working toward a master's degree
and Bunny-hopping at the hutch three
nights a week. Chicago's Tina Gerard has
just completed requirements for her mas-
ter's degree in teaching, specializing in
mathematics, at the University of Illinois’
Circle Campus. “Working as a Bunny is a
wonderful way to put yourself through
school,” Tina says, “because the hours are
so flexible. I'm looking for a position in
high school or junior college teaching,
but І may decide to sign up as а subs!
tute teacher and continue working at
the Club.”
Great Gorge Bunny of the Year Waren
Smith has her master’s degree in commu-
nications from Montclair State College,
and hutchmate Bea Edelstein carned hers
in speech pathology from Seton Hall uni-
versity. Bea also studies yoga, plays the
violin, dances and holds green-belt stand-
ing in Karate. Strenuous hobbies are, in
(concluded on page 180)
Portrait of a
fiction By Gore Vidal
SPECIAL DESPATCH to the New York Evening Post,
A written by Charles Schuyler:
"Shortly before midnight July Ist, 1833, Colo-
nel Aaron Burr, aged 77, married Eliza Jumel, born
Bowen 58 years ago (more likely 65, but remember: She is
prone to litigation!). The marriage took place at Madam
Jumel’s mansion on the Washington Heights and was
performed by Dr. Bogart (will supply first name later).
In attendance were Madam Jumel's niece (some say
daughter) and her husband, Nelson Chase, a lawyer
from Colonel Burr's Reade Street firm. This was the
colonel’s second marriage; а half century ago, he married
‘Theodosia Prevost,
“In 1804, Colonel Burr—then Vice-President of the
United States—shot and killed General Alexander Ham-
ilton in a duel. Three years after this lamentable affair,
Colonel Burr was arrested by order of President Thomas
Jefferson and charged with treason for having wanted to
break up the United States. A Court presided over by
Chief Justice John Marshall found Colonel Burr inno-
cent of treason but guilty of the misdemeanour of propos-
ing an invasion of Spanish territory in order to make
himself emperor of Mexico.
“The new Mrs. Aaron Burr is the widow of the wine
merchant Stephen Jumel; reputedly, she is the richest
woman in New York City, having begun her days humbly
but no doubt cheerfully in a brothel at Providence,
Rhode Island. ...”
I don't seem to be able to catch the right tone, but since
William Leggett has invited me to write about Colonel
Burr for the Evening Post, І shall put in everything and
look forward to his response; “I don't think’ —and he'll
gulp air in his consumptive way—“that the managing
editor will allow any reference to what he calls ‘a dis-
orderly house.’”
Well, the euphemisms can come later. Recently, mys-
teriously, Leggett has shown a sudden interest in Colonel
Burr, although his editor, Mr. Bryant, finds my employer,
the colonel, “unsavory” and adds, “Like so many men of
the last century, he did not respect the virtue of women."
Because J am younger than Mr. Bryant, I take Colonel
Burr's "unsavoriness" as a nice contrast to the canting
tone of our own day. The 18th Century man was not like
us—and Colonel Burr is an 18th Century man still alive
and vigorous, with a new wife up here in Haarlem and an
old mistress in Jersey City. He is a man of perfect charm
and fascination. A monster, in short. To be destroyed? I
think that is what Leggett has in mind. But do I?
I sit now under the eaves of the Jumel mansion. Every-
one is asleep—except the bridal couple? Somber thought,
all that aged flesh commingled. I put it out of my mind.
This astonishing day began when Colonel Burr came
out of his office and asked me to accompany him to the
City Hotel, where he was to meet a friend. As usual, he
was mysterious. He makes even a trip to the barber seem
as if it were a plot to overthrow the state. Walking down
Broad Way, he positively skipped at my side, with no
trace of che stroke that half paralyzed him three years ago.
At the corner of Liberty Street, the colonel paused to
buy a taffy apple. The applewoman knew him. But then,
every New Yorker knows him on sight. The ordinary
people greet him warmly, while the respectable folk
tend to cut him dead—not that he gives them much
opportunity, for he usually walks with eyes downcast or
focused on his companion. Yet he sees everything.
“For himself the colonel, and not a dear worm in
iu"—obviously a joke between Burr and the old bid-
dy. He answered her graciously. Businessmen hurrying
across from Wall Street quickly took him in with their
eyes, then looked away. He affected not to notice the
ation his physical presence still occasions.
“Charley, are you free for an adventure tonight?”
“Yes, sir. What sort of an adventure?”
The large black eyes gave me a mis-
chievous look. “Half the fun of an ad-
venture is the surprise.”
In front of the City Hotel an omnibus
was stopped, its horses neighing, pissing,
groaning. Stout, prosperous men con-
verged on the hotel; sundown is their
time to meet, gossip, drink and then go
home on foot—because that is faster than
going by carriage. Nowadays, lower
Broad Way is almost blocked with traffic
at this hour and everyone walks; even the
decrepit John Jacob Astor can be seen
crawling along the street like some an-
cient snail, his viscous track the allure
of money.
Instead of going inside the hotel.
the colonel (put off by a group of Tam-
many sachems standing in the doorway?)
turned into the graveyard of Trinity
Church. I followed obediently. I am al-
ways obedient. What else can a none-too-
efficient law clerk be? I cannot think why
hc keeps me on.
“I know—intimately—more people in
this charming cemetery than I do in all
of the Broad Way." Burr makes a joke of
everything, his manner quite unlike that
of other people. Was he always like this
or did the years of exile in Europe make
him different from the rest of us? Or—
new thought—have the manners of New
Yorkers changed? I suspect that is the
case. But, if we seem strange to him, he
“i knew that
this world was now
far too narrow
a place to contain
the two of us"
is much too polite to say so. Full of the Devil, my quarry.
In the half-light of the cemetery, Burr did resemble the
Devil—assuming that the Devil is an inch shorter than I
(no more than five feet, six), slender, with tiny feet
(hooves?), high forehead (in the fading light, I imagine
l horns), bald in front, with his remaining hair
piled high and powdered absently in the old style and
held in place with a shell comb. Behind him is a monu-
ment to the man he murdered.
“I shall want to be buried at Princeton College. Not
that theres any immediate hurry" He glanced at
Hamilton's tomb. No change of expression in face or
voice as he asked, "Do you know the works of Sir
Thomas Browne?"
“No, sir. A friend of yours?"
Burr only grinned, a bit of apple peel, red as old blood,
on his remaining incisor. “No, Charley, nor was I present
when Achilles hid among women." Whatever that meant.
I record it all.
“I have always preferred women to men. I think that
sets me apart, don't you?"
Knowing exactly what he meant, I agreed. New York
gentlemen spend far more time with one another than in
mixed company. Lately, they have taken to forming clubs
from which women are banned.
“I cannot—simply—be without the company of a
“But you've had no wife—”
“Since before you were born. But then, I have not
lacked for . . . gentle companionship.”
He gave me a swift grin; suddenly, in the
pale light, he looked to be a randy boy of
14. Then abruptly he became his usual
self, full of dignity save for that curious,
unexpected wit. I always find his bril-
liance disturbing. We do not want the
old to be sharper than we. It is bad
enough that they were there first and got
the best things.
"We shall be met presently at the hotel
by my old friend Dr. Bogart. He has
rented a carriage. We shall then drive
to the Haarlem Heights—or Washington
Heights, as 1 believe they are currently
known.” A fugitive smile.
Burr delights in tomb inscriptions.
"Elizabeth! Of all people. Never knew
she was dead." Burr slipped on his oc-
tagonal glasses. "Died 1810. That ex-
plains it. I was still in Europe, a fugitive
from injustice.” Burr removed the glasses.
“I think her birth date has been—as Jer-
emy Bentham would say—minimized.
She was older than I but . . . beautiful!
Charley." In the churchyard
trees, birds chattered, while Broad Way's
traffic was at its creaking, rattling worst.
"I know you're writing about my ad-
venturous life.” I was startled. Showed it.
Му face has no guile, "I've observed you
taking notes. Don't fret. 1 don't mind. If
1 were not so lazy, I would do the job my-
self, having done part of it already.”
“An actual memoir?”
“Bits and pieces. I still have a lingering
desire to tell the true story of the Revolu-
tion before it is too late—as it may be al-
ready, since the schoolbooks seem to have
cast the legend of those days in lead. It is
quite uncanny how wrong they are about
all of us. Why do you sce so much of Mr.
Leggett at the Evening Post?”
I literally stumbled at the rapidity of
his charge; and it was a charge of the sort
for which he is celebrated in courtroom
cross-examinations. I gabbled. “I see him.
because—I have known him since I was at
Columbia. He used to come there, you
know, to talk about literature. About
journalism. I'd thought, perhaps, as a ca-
reer, I might write for the press before I
took up the law. ...”
Whatever Burr wanted to get from me
he must have got, for he changed the
subject as he led me out of the graveyard
and into Broad Way, where the flaring,
hissing street lamps were now being lit
and where passers-by cast flickering, dark
shadows. He led on to the barroom of the
City Hotel, where we sat down and drank
madeira until the arrival of Dr. Bogart, a
thin, white old man with a parrot's face
and a most birdly manner.
Burr was exuberant, festive. I still had
no idea why. “Dominie, you're late! No
excuses. We must set out immediately!
The tide is at the full.” He put down his
glass and I did the same, noticing how
the gentlemen at the nearest table were
straining to hear our every word. Not an
146 casy thing to do, considering the rumble
of masculine voices in the smoky room
and the sound of the bartender cracking
ice with a hammer.
"Heigh-ho!" Burr started briskly to the
door, causing a covey of lawyers—some
with awed bows of recognition. to scat-
ter. “To the heights, gentlemen." He
clapped his hands. "To the heights!
Where else?"
Aaron Burr's recolleaion:
At about the third week of June
1804, I was sitting in the library of my
Richmond Hill house with William Van
Ness and his former law clerk, Martin
Van Buren. We were going through a
number of newspapers just arrived from
Upstate and enjoying some of the more
fantastical portraits of me (including a
learned dissertation on the precise num-
ber of women 1 had ruined) when Van
Ness showed me а copy of the Albany
Register dated April 24th, 1804. It con-
tained what looked to be a letter from a
Dr. Charles Cooper reporting on a dinner
party at Albany and stating, "General
Hamilton and Judge Kent have declared,
in substance, that they looked upon Mr.
Burr to be a dangerous man, and one who
ought not to be trusted with the reins of
“That is hardly exceptional,” I said.
‘Then I saw what had attracted Van Ness’
eye: “I could,” wrote Dr. Cooper, “detail
to you a still more despicable opinion
which General Hamilton has expressed of
Mr. Burr." We looked in vain for that
“more despicable opinion,” which was
nowhere given.
"It is the usual Hamilton diatribe.”
William did not take the matter seriously.
Nor did I at first.
But in the night, I began to meditate
on just what was meant by “more despica-
ble.” Hamilton had already called me
Caesar, Catiline, Bonaparte (while him-
self dreaming of a crown in Mexico,
should he fail to subvert Jefferson's feu
dal utopia). What did he now mean by
more despicable? I fear that my usual
equanimity in such matters had been
shaken by the recent election, I did not
sleep that night,
The next morning, June 18th, I wrote
a letter to Hamilton asking for “а prompt
and unqualified acknowledgment or de-
nial of the use of any expressions which
could warrant the assertions of Dr.
Cooper." I endosed the newspaper
cutting. Van Ness, looking very grim,
went off to deliver it to Hamilton.
On June 2ist, I received a long reply
from him in which there was a good deal
of quibbling as to the precise meaning of
despicable. He then declared that he
could not be held responsible for the
inferences that others might draw from
anything he had said "of a political
opponent in the course of a I5 years
I answered him the same day, remark-
ing that “political opposition can never
absolve gentlemen from the necessity of
a rigid adherence to the laws of honour." I
pointed out that the accepted meaning of
the word despicable conveys the idea of
dishonor. I asked for a definite reply.
The next day. Hamilton gave another
letter to a friend of his—complaining of
my peremptory style but refusing to be
any more definite than before—and
authorized this friend to tell Van Ness
something in addition. Hamilton's recol-
lection of the dinner, it seemed, was
somewhat hazy, but, to the extent that
Colonel Burr was discussed, the context
was entirely political and bore upon the
current election for governor. Apparently,
no reflections upon Colonel Burrs
private character were made by General
It was about this time that I learned ex-
actly what it was that Hamilton had said
of me and I knew that this world was now
far too narrow a place to contain the two
of us.
Hamilton's friend made one further at-
tempt to get him off the hook but only
further impaled the slanderer by remark-
ing that should Colonel Burr wish to
inquire of any other conversation of Ham
ilton's concerning Burr, a prompt and
frank avowal or denial would be given.
"This was too much. I told Van Ness to set
a time and place for an interview.
It was determined that we would meet
across the river in New Jersey, on the
heights known as Weehawk. Nathaniel
Pendleton would be second to Hamilton.
Van Ness would be second to me. Pistols
would be our weapons. Hamilton then
asked that we delay the interview until
after the close of the circuit court. It was.
agreed that we meet in two weeks’ time,
on July 11th, 1804.
For two weeks, we kept our secret from
all but a handful of intimates. I put my
affairs in order; wrote letters to Theodo-
sia; prepared a will. I worried a good deal
about the debts I would leave behind if 1
were killed. No doubt, Hamilton was in
the same frame of mind. If anything, he
was in a far worse position than I: He
was deeply in debt, largely due to "The
Grange. a pretentious country seat he had
prepared for himself several miles above
Richmond Hill. He also had seven chil-
dren. Fortunately for them, his wife was
a Schuyler, so the poorhouse would never
claim these relicts.
I soon discovered that I had made a
mistake granting Hamilton a two-weck
delay. He immediately arranged for one
Samuel Bradhurst to challenge me to a
duel with swords. I had no choice but to
answer this gentleman. We fought near
Hoboken. I was at a considerable disad-
vantage, since Mr. Bradhurst's arms were
about three inches longer than mine. It
was Hamilton's design that I be, at the
least, so cut up by Mr. Bradhurst that I
(continued on page 176)
iia playa
$555 E pop poll „с
THEY LOOM LARGE in our lives, these people who make music. Some are stars who can hardly leave the house with-
out getting attacked and whose private lives are of interest to millions; others are folks who slip around unno-
ticed, until they pick up their instruments and start to play. All of them—assuming that they reach us and we
listen—get inside our hi and thanks to the media, they're brought to us from just about everywhere: the swamp
and the concert hall, Hollywood and Harlem, Nashville and Memphis. Some would say it's unfair to have them
compete. But our poll is no test of their skills, except their ability to make friends and influence people; it’s a cen-
sus of our readership, which is large enough to include people of all musical persuasions. So press on to your ballot
and the instructions for using it; honor the music makers who've added something to your life. They'll appreciate it.
(Please choose one.)
1. Burt Bacharach
2. Count Basie
3. Louis Bellson
4. James Brown
5. Les Brown
6. =
. Eumir Deodato
. Maynard Ferguson
. Lionel Hampton
Woody Herman
. J. J. Jackson
. Harry James
. Quincy Jones
i. Thad Jones / Mel Lewis
. Stan Kenton
. Henry Mancini
- Chuck Mangione
. Charles Mingus
Sun Ra
. Buddy Rich
. Bobby Rosengarden
Doc Severinsen
. Billy Taylor
. Clark Terry
Gerald Wilson
(Please choose four.)
- Nat Adderley
. Herb Alpert
. Cat Anderson
- Chet Baker
. Ruby Braff
Oscar Brashear
. Randy Brecker
. Bobby Bryant.
9. Billy Butterficld
10. Donald Byrd
юмро а
. Pete Candoli
. Bill Cha:
. Don Cherry
Buck Clayton
6. Burt Col
|. Miles Davi
Harry Edison
. Roy Eldridge
. Don Ellis
. Jon Faddis
Art Farmer
Maynard Ferguson
. Dizzy Gillespie
Bobby Hackett
Il Hardman
Ede Henderson
Al Hirt
. Freddie Hubhard
. Harry James
39. Jonah Jones
38. Thad Jones
51. Hugh Masekela
35. Bob McCoy
36. Blue Mitchell
37. Cynthia Robinson.
38. Doc Severinsen
39. Marvin Stamm
40. Clark Terry
looky Young
(Please choose four.)
1. Chris Barber
2 Dave Bargeron
3. Harold Betters
4. George Bohanon
5. Bob Brookmeyer
6. Garnett Brown
7. Jimmy Cleveland
8. Buster Cooper
9. Vic Dickenson
10. Maynard Ferguson.
11. Carl Fontana
12. Bruce Fowler
18. Curtis Fuller
14. Harry Graves
16. Urbie Green
17. Al Grey
. Dick Halligan
. Bill Harris
Wayne Henderson.
Dick Hyde
25. Grachan Moncur III
26. Turk Murphy
27. James Pankow
. Roswell Rudd
32. Bill Watrous
35. Dickie Wells
34. Kai Winding
35. Si Zentner
(Please choose two.)
- Cannonball Adderley
. Gary Bart,
. Benny Carter
- Emilio Castillo
- Ornette Coleman
. Hank Crawford
- Sonny Criss
10. Paul Desmond
11. Lou Donaldson
ky Green
. William Green
14. Alan Holmes
15. Paul Horn
18. Yusef Lateef
19. Arnie Lawrence
20. Fred Lipsius
91. Jackie McLean
92. Charles McPherson
23. James Moody
24. Oliver Nelson
Эв. Art Pepper
26. Bill Perkins
27. Bobby Plater
28. Marshal Royal
29. "Tom Scott.
30. Bud Shank
81. Zoot Sims
32. James Spaulding
33. Sonny Stitt
34. Grover Washington, Jr
35. Bob Wilber
36. Edgar Winter
37. Paul Winter.
38. Chris Woods
|. Jimmy Woods
40. Phil Woods
(Please choose two.)
1. Gene Ammons
2. Curtis Amy
3. Gato Barbieri
4. Gerry Bergonzi
5. Mike Brecker
6. Sam Butera
7. Al Cohn
8. Bob Cooper
9. Сожу Corcoran
10. Eddie Daniels
11. Eddie “Lockjaw” Davis
12. Joe Farrell
13, Frank Foster
14. Bud Freeman
15. Jerry Fuller
16. Stan Getz
17. Dexter Gordon
18. Johnny Griffin
19. Eddie Harris
30. Joc Henderson
2. Illinois Jacquet
3. Rahsaan Roland Kirk
24. Al Klink
25. Yusef Lateef
26. Charles Lloyd
27. Eddic Miller
28. James Moody
. Oliver Nelson
30. David Newma
31. Ray Pizzi
. Tom Scott.
- Archie Shepp
. Buddy Tate
icky Thompson
anley Turrentine
. Junior Walker
43. Grover Washington, Jr.
M. Ernic Watts.
45. Ben Webster
(Please choose one.)
1. Pepper Adams
2. Jay Cameron
3. Harry Carney
4. Leroy Cooper
5. Benny Crawford
6. Ronnie Cuber
7. Eddie Daniels
В. Charles Davis
9. Charlie Fowlkes
hacl Garrett
H1. Chuck Gentry
. Jim Horn
б. Steve Кирка
. John Lowe
|. Gerry Mulligan
I. Pat Patrick.
- Cecil Payne
. Romeo Penque
22. Jerome Richardson.
23. Ronnie Ross
24. Clifford Scott
95. Bud Shank
26. Lonni e
27. Sahib Shihab
28. John Surman
(Please choose one.)
1. Alvin Batiste
9. Barney Bigard
3. Acker ВИК
1. Phil Bodner
5. Ray Burke
6. John Carter
7. Frank Chace
8. Buddy Collette
9. Eddie Daniels
10. Buddy De Franco
11. Pete Fountain
12. Rob Fritz
18. Jerry Fuller
14. Jimmy Giuffre
- Benny Goodman
William Green
17. Jimmy Hamilton
18. Woody Herman
19. Ре Huko
20. Rahsaan Rol
21. Walt Levinsky
. Fred Lipsius
. Matty Matlock
. Bob Palmer
. John Payne
Ant Pepper
Russell Procope
. Perry Robi
29. Tony Scott
30. Pee Wee Spitelara
31. John Surman
32. Bob Wilber
33. Phil Woods
d Kirk.
. Count Basi
(Please choose one.)
Mose Allison
Burt Bacharach
Eubie Blake
Darius Brubeck
. Dave Brubeck
Ray Charles
Alice Coltrane
Neal Creque
ick Corea
2. Duke Ellington
. Bill Evans
Herbie Hancock
. Donny Hathaway
. Hampton
. Earl "Fatha" Hines
. Nicky Hopkins
|. Dick Hyman
Pete Jackson
. Ahmad Jamal
th Jarrett
Elton John
5. Hank Jones
John Le
Ramsey Lewis
Les McCann
Marian McPartland
- Sergio Mendes
. Lee Michaels
. Thelonious Monk
Peter №е
. Randy Newman
i- Oscar Peterson
. Billy Preston
. André Previn
39. Leon Russell
40, Joe Sample
41. George Shearing
42. Horace Silver
3. Lonnie Liston Smith
Billy Taylor
45. Cecil Taylor
46. Allen Toussaint
47. McCoy Tyner
48. Dick Wellstood
49. Mary Lou Williams
50. Mike Wolford
51. Bob Wright
2. Neil Young
53. Joc Zawinul
(Please choose one.)
. Brian Auger
Booker T
3. Owen Bradley
4. Milt Buckner
5. Jim Cathcart
Ray Charles
Wild Bill Davis
Bill Doggett
Keith Emerson
10. Ronnie Foster
11. Johnny Hammond
12. Isaac Hayes
13. Groove Holmes
14. Garth Hudson
15. Dick Hyman
16. Keith Jarrett
17. Al Kooper
18, Ray Manzarek
19. Dave Mason
20. Brother Jack McDuff
21. Jimmy McGriff
22. Lec Michaels
Spooner Oldham
. Don Patterson
|. Billy Preston
Sun Ка
Merle Saunders
- Shirley Scott
Jimmy Smith
Richard Tce
Rick Wakeman
Walter Wanderley
tevie Winwood
. Khalid Yasin
(Please choose one.)
- Roy Ayers
Larry Bunker
i. Gary Burton
Gary Coleman
Don Elliott
Gordon Emmanuel
Victor Feldman
Terry Gibbs
Tyree Glenn
Gunter Hampel
Lionel Hampton
Bobby Hutcherson.
Milt Jackson
Stu Katz
Phil Kraus
Johnny Lytle
Mike Mainierî
Carry Mallaber
Buddy Montgomery
Red Norvo
. Dave Pike
Emil Richards
. Cal Tjader
Tommy Vig
Clement Wells
(Please choose one.)
. Arthur Adams
. Laurindo Almeida
. Chet Atkins
Elek Bacsil
. Jeff Beck
scorge Benson
. Chuck Berry
Mike Bloomfield
. Mel Brown
|. Kenny Burrell
|. Charlie Byrd
Glen Campbell
Eric Clapton
- Larry Coryell
Steve Cropper
. Herb Ellis
. Lloyd Ellis
. José Felici
Al Gafa
. Eric Gale
. Jerry Garcia
João Gilberto
Grant Green
L Marty Grosz
. Buddy Guy
Jim Hall
Gcorge Harrison
i Terry Kath
| Barney Kessel
. Albert
B. B. King
. Freddie King
Alvin Lee
. Mundell Lowe
. Pat Martino
i. John McLaughlin
Tony Mottola
Jimmy Page
39. Joe Pass
40. Keith Richard
41. Howard Roberts
42. Carlos Santana
48. Bola Sète
44. Cat Stevens
45. Stephen Stills
46. Gabor Szabo
47. Peter Townshend
48. Philip Upchurch
49. David T. Walker
50. T-Bone Walker
51. Mason Williams
32. Johnny Winter
(Please choose one.)
1. Walter Booker
2. Ray Brown
3. Jack Bruce
4. Mike Bruce
5. Herb Bushler
6. Joe Byrd
7. Ron Carter
8. Jack Casady
9. Peter Cetera
10. Stanley Clarke
11. Bob Cranshaw
12. Art Davis
13. Richard Davis
14. Chuck Domanico
15. Donald "Duck" Dunn
16. George Duvivier
17. Cleveland Eaton
18. John Entwistle
19. Wilton Felder
23. Rick Grech
24. Bob Haggart
25. John Heard
26. Percy Heath
27. Michael Henderson
28. Milt Hinton
29. Charlie Larkey
30. Earl May
31. Cecil McRee
32. Paul McCartney
33. Charles Mingus
34. Monk Montgomery
35. Carl Radle
36, Chuck Rainey
37. Rufus Rei
38. Larry Ridley
39. James Rowser
40. Jule Ruggiero
41. Jack Six
42. Dave Troncoso
43. Philip Upchurch
44. Andrew White Ш
45. Bill Wyman
46. El Dee Young
(Please choose one.)
1. Ginger Baker
2. Louis Bellson
3. Hal Blaine
. Art Blakey
. John Bonham
. Karen Carpenter
. Kenny Clarke
. Jimmie Cobb
. Billy Cobham
. Jack De Johnette
. Bobby Durham
. Vernel Fournier
John Guerin
Chico Hamilton
- Louis Hayes
. Roy Haynes
. Red Holt
. Stix Hooper
. Paul Humphrey
. Al Jackson, Jr.
24. Elvin Jones
25. Jo Jones
26. Philly Joe Jones
27. Rusty Jones
28. Connie Kay
29. Jim Keltner
. Gene Krupa
- Bill LaVorgna
. Mel Lewis
. Shelly Manne
Harvey Mason
- Roy McCurdy
. Buddy Miles
Mitch Mitchell
. Keith Moon
39. Joe Morello
40. Idris Muhammad.
41. Sandy Nelson
42. Carl Palmer
43. Bernard Purdie
44. Buddy Rich
45. Max Roach
46. Mickey Roker
47. Bobby Rosengarden
48. Bob Scott
49. Daniel Seraphine
50. Jack Sperling
51. Ringo Starr
52. Grady Tate
53. Ed Thigpen
54. Marshall Thompson
55. Charlie Watts
56. Tony ms
(Please choose one.)
1. Curtis Amy, soprano sax
2. Ian Anderson, flute
3. Ray Brown, cello
4. Paul Butterficld, harmonica
5. Buddy Collette, flute
6. Ry Cooder, mandolin
7. Papa John Creach, violin
8. Kenny Davern, soprano sax
9. Pete Drake, steel guitar
10. Bob Dylan, harmonica
11. Keith Emerson, Moog
12. Joe Farrell. soprano sax
. Maynard Ferguson,
- Al Grey, baritone horn
. Tommy Gumina, accordion
. John Hartford, banjo
. Dick Hyman, Moog
. Budd Johnson, soprano sax
- Doug Kershaw, violin
Rahsaan Roland Kirk, flute,
manzello, stritch
. Steven Kupka, Flügelhorn
Steve Lacy, soprano sax
Yusef Lateef, flute, oboe
. Hubert Laws, flute
- Charles Lloyd. flute
- Chuck Mangione, Flügelhorn
Herbie Mann, flute
. John Mayall, harmonica
- Charlie McCoy, harmonica
. James Moody, flute
- Airto Morcira, percussion
. Ray Nance, violin
. Walter Parazaider, flute
. Jean-Luc Ponty, violin
. Sun Ra, Moog
. Mongo Santamaria. congas
Earl Scruggs, banjo
John Sebastian, harmonica
- Bud Shank, flute
. Ravi Shankai
Clark Terry, Flügelhorn
Jean Thiclemans, harmonica
. Michael White, violin
Russ Whitman, bass sax
. Bob Wilber, soprano sax
Stevie Wonder, harmonica,
. Rusty Young, steel guitar
(Please choose one.)
Mose Allison
Harry Belafonte
Tony Bennett
Brook Benton
Andy Bey
Bobby Bland
David Bowie
James Brown
Oscar Brown, Jr.
Solomon Burke
‚ Jerry Butler
Glen Campbell
johnny Cash
- Ray Charles
. David Clayton-Thomas
Joe Cocker
. Perry Como
Alice Cooper
Bobby Darin
Sammy Davis Jr.
. Neil Diamond
Bob Dylan
|. Billy Eckstine
- John Gary
26. Marvin Gaye
27. Al Green
28. Merle Haggard
29. George Harrison
30. Johnny Hartman
31. Donny Hathaway
32. Isaac Hayes
33. Dan Hicks
34. Mick Jagger
35. Dr. John
36. Elton John
Kris Kristofferson
39. Steve Lawrence
40. John Lennon
41. Jerry Lee Lewis
42. Gordon Lightfoot
43. Dean Martin
44. Johnny Mathis
45. Curtis Mayfield
46. Paul McCartney
47. Don McLean
48. Van Morrison
49. Mark Murphy
50. Randy Newman
51. Harry Nilsson
52. Buck Owens
ilson Pickett
54. Robert Plant
55. Elvis Presley
56. Lou Rawls
57. Jary Reed
Little Ri
61. Cat Stevens
. Rod Stewart
64, Grady Tate
65. James Taylor
66, Johnny Taylor
67. Joc Tex
68. Leon Thomas
69, Mel Tormé
70. Andy Wil
7A. Jimmy Witherspoon
75. Bobby Womack
76. Stevie Wonder
77. Neil Young
(Please choose one.)
1. Lorez Alexandria
2. joan Baez
3. Pearl Bailey
4. Teresa Brewer
5. Joy Bryan
6. Lana Cantrell
7. Vikki Carr
8. Jeanne Carroll
9. Betty Carter.
о. Chér
1, June Christy
Merry Clayton
3. Judy Collins
l- Rita Coolidge
. Ella Fitzgerald
j. Roberta Flack
. An
. Eydic Gormé
. Linda Hopkins
. Lena Home
- Helen Humes
tha Franklin
Luncan Hunter
. Carole King
- Teddi King
j. Gladys Knight
. Peggy Lee
Abbey Lincoln
. Claudine Longet
. Mi
- Barbara McNair
iam Makeba
Carmen McRae
. Melanie
}. Bette Midler
iza Minnelli
Joni Mitchell
Melba Moore
- Laura Nyro
. Odetta
Esther Phillips
. Maryann Price
- Bonnic Raitt
. Helen Reddy
. Della Reese
inda Ronstadt
- Diana Ross
. Bully Sainte-Marie
. Carly Simon
. Nina Simone
. Grace Slick
. Ma
- Barbra Streisand
. Tina Turner
. Sarah Vaughan
- Dionne Warwicke
Margaret Whiting
j. Nancy Wilson
. Tammy Wynette
(Please choose one.)
Allman Brothers Band
‘The Band
Bee Gees
- Carpenters
- Creedence Clearwater
Dr. Hook and the
Medicine Show
Emerson, Lake & Palmer
. Family
. 5th Dimension
. Four Freshmen
Grand Funk Railroad.
. Grateful Dead
- Guess Who
. Dan Hicks and the Hot
i. Hi-Lo's
Hot Tuna
. Jackie & Roy
Jackson 5
Jefferson Airplane
. Gladys Knight & the Pips
Led Zeppel
. Loggins & Messina
. Johnny Mann Singers
. Moody Blues
26. New Heavenly Blue
. Pink Floyd
. Poco
Kenny Rogers and the
First Edition
30. Rolling Stones
31. Seals & Crofts
82, Slade
33. Sly & the Family Stone
34. Sonny and Chér
38, Supremes
39, Temptations
40. Three Dog Night
41. Ike & Tina Turner
„ War
43. The Who
44. Yes
(Please choose one.)
Mose Allison
. Ian Anderson
. Harold Arlen
. David Axelrod
Burt Bacharach-Hal David
. Carla Bley
- Oscar Brown, Jr.
Dave Brubeck
9. Ornette Coleman
10. Betty Comden-Adolph
11. Chick Corea
Miles Davis
. Eumir Deodato
4. Neil Diamond
. Bob Dylan
16. Dukc Ellington
17. Gil Evans
18. Bob Florence
. David Gates
Dizzy Gillespie
"Tom T. Hall
Herbie Hancock
George Harrison
Isaac Hayes
Dan Hicks
Carlos Jobim
29. Dr. John
30. Elton John-Bernie Taupin
31. Quincy Jones
32. Carole King
33. Kris Kristofferson
34. Robert Lamm
35. Michel Legrand
36. John Lennon
37. John Lewis
38. Gordon Lightfoot
39. Melba Liston
40. John D. Loudermilk
41. Henry Mancini
42. Johnn:
. Curtis Mayfield
. Paul McCartney
. Eugene McDaniels
. Don McLcan
- Johnny Mercer
rles Mingus
. Joni Mitchell
Thelonious Monk
Oliver Nelson
Randy Newman
Harry Nilsson
. Laura Nyro
ny Rankin
. Lou Reed
Gcorge Russell
Leon Russell
. Lalo Schifrin
. Scals & Crofts
Horace Silver
hel Silverstein
. Paul Simon
Cat Stevens.
65. Stephen Stills
66. Jule Styne
67. James Taylor
68. Allen Toussaint
69. Peter Townshend
70. Jimmy Van Heusen
ті. Sid Wayne
72. Stevie Winwood
73. Bill Withers
74. Stevie Wonder
75. Neil Young
76. Frank Zappa
(Please choose one.)
1. Cannonball Adderley
2. Gene Ammons
3. Roy Ayers
4. Gato Barbieri
5. Bee Gees
6. Al Relletto
7. Art Blakey & the Jazz
8. Blood, Sweat & Tears
9. Bread
10. Dave Brubeck
11. Kenny Burrell
12. Charlic Byrd Trio
13. Chase
14. Chicago
15. The Chicago Jazz
16. Dennis Coffey
17. Ornette Coleman
18. Alice Cooper
19. Chick Corea
20. Crusaders
21. Danny Davis & the
Nashville Brass
22. Miles Davis
23. Emerson, Lake & Palmer
24. Bill Evans Trio
25. Stan Getz
95. Dizzy Gillespie
27. Grand Funk Railroad
ЭВ. Al Grey
29. Bobby Hackett
30. Chico Hamilton
31. Johnny Hammond
32. Herbie Hancock
33. Eddie Harris
34. Hampton Hawes |
35. Earl Hines |
36. Al Hi
37. Groove Holmes
38. Hot Licks
39. Hot Tuna
40. Freddie Hubbard
41. Bobby Hutcherson-Harold
42. Illinois Jacquet
43. Ahmad Jamal Trio
44. Jefferson Airplane
47. Rahsaan Roland Kirk &
the Vibration Society
48. Yusef Lateef
49. Ramsey Lewis Trio
50. Charles Lloyd
51. Loggins & Messina
52. Mahavishnu Orchestra
53. Malo
54. Chuck Mangione Quartet
55. Herbie Mann
56. Shelly Manne
57. Hugh Masekela
58. Les McCann Ltd.
59. Marian McPartland Trio
60. The Meters
61. Charles Mingus
62. Willie Mitchell
63. Modern Jazz Quartet
64. Thelonious Monk Quartet
65. Mothers of Invention
66. Oscar Peterson Trio
67. Jean-Luc Ponty Quartet
68. Max Roach
69. Sonny Rollins
70. Pharoah Sanders
71. Santana
72. The Section
13. George Shearing
74. Archie Shepp
15. Horace Silver
76. Jimmy Smith Trio
717. Lonnie Liston Smith
78. Supersax
79. Gabor Szabo
80. Clark Terry
81. Jethro Tull
82. Ventures
83. David T. Walker
84. Jr. Walker and the
АП Stars
. T-Bone Walker
j. Grover Washington, Jr.
- Weather Report
"Tony Williams
- Teddy Wilson Trio
- Winter Consort
» Phil Woods
92. World's Greatest Jazzband
93. Young-Holt, Unlimited
“iDa реа
--——------- CUT
Please put down the numbers of listed
candidates you choose, the names of your
write-in choices; only one in each category,
except where otherwise indicated.
ihe 173
a22 E pO
Trl MI
Instrumentalists and vocalists, living or dead, are
eligible. Artists previously elected (Herb Alpert,
Louis Armstrong, Count Basic, Dave Brubeck, Ray
Charles, Eric Clapton, John Coltrane, Miles Davis,
Bob Dylan, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Benny
Goodman, George Harrison, Jimi Hendrix, Mick
Jogger, Janis Joplin, John Lennon, Paul McCartney,
Wes Montgomery, Jim Morrison, Elis Presley, Frank
Sinatra) are not eligible.
Name and address must be printed here to authenticate ballot.
NOMINATING BOARD: Cannonball Adderley, Herb Alpert, lan Anderson, Burt Bacharach, George Benson, Ray Brawn, Eric
Clapton, Hal David, Miles Davis, Buddy De Franco, Billy Eckstine, Duke Ellington, Keith Emersan, Raberta Flack, Pete Faun-
tain, Stan Getz, Lionel Hamptan, Slide Hampton, Herbie Hancack, Milt Jackson, Mick Jagger, Elton John, J. J. Johnsan, Carole
King, Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Paul McCartney, Gerry Mulligan, Boots Randolph, Buddy Rich, Daniel Seraphine (for Chicago),
Doc Severinsen, Jimmy Smith, Ronald Townson (for The 5th Dimension), Kai Winding, Edgar Winter, Phil Waods, Si Zentner;
plus cll other musicicns wha gat enough votes to be listed in last February's results; and David Axelrad, Capitol; Don
De Micheal; Nesuhi Ertegun, Atlantic; Milt Gabler, Commadore; Nat Hentoff; Jimmy Hilliard, Warner Bros; Teo Macero,
Before compiling the list of performers on the pre-
ceding pages, we sent nominating ballots to all of the
above—the list came to several hundred people. Now,
our readers’ ballot has a finite number of spaces, so, of
course, we can’t get everybody on it—and for everyone
we add, we have to drop someone. So we try to get a list
that reflects the range of today's musical spectrum—and
it’s possible that one or more of your favorite artists may
not be included. If so, do not panic. You can still vote
for that artist; just print his (or her) name in the appro-
priate space on the ballot—which is the flip side of this
detachable page.
If the person you wish to vote for is on the list, you
don’t need to write the name—just the number. Last
year, some readers wrote in names when numbers would
have sufficed, which made things a little bit harder, not
only for them but also for the people (and computers)
who tabulated the vote,
The difference between a Big-Band Leader and the
leader of an Instrumental Combo is the difference
; Jack Mcher, Dawn Beat; Jahn Rosica, CTI; Bob Thiele, Flying Dutchman; and Gearge Wein, Newpart Jazz Festival.
between nine and ten. If the group has nine pieces or
fewer, it's a combo; ten or more, and it's a big band.
Speaking of big bands, the reason you are asked to
vote for more than one person in some categories is that
big bands usually carry several men in those categories.
In voting for the Jazz & Pop Hall of Fame, keep in
mind that the following people are ineligible, because
they've already made it: Herb Alpert, Louis Armstrong,
Count Basie, Dave Brubeck, Ray Charles, Eric Clapton,
John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Bob Dylan, Duke Elling-
ton, Ella Fitzgerald, Benny Goodman, George Harrison,
Jimi Hendrix, Mick Jagger, Janis Joplin, John Len-
non, Paul McCartney, Wes Montgomery, Jim Morrison,
Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra.
When you've completed your ballot, make sure it has
your name and address on it; otherwise, it won't count.
Then mail it to PLAYBOY JAZZ & POP POLL, Playboy
Building, 919 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
60611. Ballots must be postmarked no later than Octo-
ber 15, 1973. Results will be in our February 1974 issue.
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WHEN THE CONFEDERACY became troubled by a shortage of niter,
which was essential to the production of gunpowder, an enter.
ing Bureau in Selma, Ala-
led to try an untapped source. On October 1, 1863,
he inserted in the Selma Sentinel the following notice:
prising agent of the Niter and Mi
bama, de
The ladics of Selma arc respectfully requested to pre-
serve all their chamber Iye collected about their premises
ons with barrels will
for the purpose of making niter. W;
be sent
round for it by the subscriber.
ed) Jno Haralson
Agent, Niter and Mining Bureau
This notice inspired Thomas B. Wetmore, a young lawyer
пр as provost marshal of Selma, to inscribe a
who was servi
poem to his friend:
Jno Haralson! Jno Haralson!
You arc а funny creature;
You've given to this cruel war
A new and useful feature.
You've let us know, while every man
Is bound to be a fighter,
The women, bless them, can be put
To making lots of niter
Jno Haralson! [no Haralson!
Where did you get the notion
Of sending barr
To fill them with that lotion?
We thought the women did eno
Alsewing shirts and hissing:
But you haze put the lovely dears
To patriotic pissing.
Jno Haralson! Jno Haralson!
Can't you suggest a nenter
And faster method for our folks
To make up our saltpeter?
Indeed, the thing's so very odd,
Gunpouderlike and стану
That when a lady lifts her skirt
She shoots a horrid Yan
Not to be outdone, Haralson wrote a reply:
The women, bless their dear souls,
Are every one for war,
Tosoldier boys they'll give Шей shoes
And stockings by the score.
They'll give their jewels all away,
Their petticoats they'll lower,
They'll have salt peter or they ll say
In earnest phyase—" Wet more!”
The women were it not for them,
Our country would be lost;
s round our street
an Alabama tale from The Story of Selma
Ribald Classic
tributed to the fun. The following poem was supposedly
written by
They charm the world, they nerve our hearts
To fight at every cost.
What care they how our powders made?
They'll have it or they'll bore
Through mines or beds in stables laid,
And, straining, cry “Wel more!
Women, yes they stoop to conquer
And keep their virtue pure;
It is no harm to killa beast
With chamber lye, Рт sure.
But powder we are bound to have
And this they've sworn before;
And if the needful thing is scarce,
They'll “press” it and "Wet more!”
irresistible nonsense was circulated widely and sur-
reptitiously, and after the Civil War, even a Yankee con-
a Boston widow:
Jno Haralson! Jno Haralson!
We read in song and story
That women in all these years
Have sprinkled fields of glory;
But never was it told before
That how, midst scenes of slaughter,
Your Southern beauties dried their tears
And went to making water.
No wonder, Jno, your boys were brave;
Who would not be a fighter
If every time he shot his gun
He used his sweethearts niter?
And, vice versa, what could make
A Yankee soldier sadder
Than dodging bullets fired fiom
A pretty woman's bladder?
They say there was a subtle smell
That lingered in the powder;
And as the smoke and fire grew thick
And din of battle louder,
That there was [ound in this compound
A serious objection,
That soldiers could not sniff it in
Without a stiff erection.
—Retold by Ralph Draughon
and was pushing narcotics, just becom-
ing an underworld moncy-maker with the
enactment of the Harrison Act, which
de and forced
thousands of people who had become ad-
dicted to legal opium-based patent medi-
nes to turn—as Prohibition would
usc drinkers to turn to an illegal mar
ket to support their habit. In 1916, Luci-
ano’s career as а pusher came to a sudden
end; he was arrested and sent to prison
for a year—it would be 20 years before he
jail again. Back on the strcets, he
umed the leadership of his gang,
teamed up with Costello and was soon
joined, as well, by Lansky. As his reputa-
tion as a neighborhood tough with imag-
ination grew, he came to the attention of
older, powerful underworld leaders, par-
ticularly those of the Sicilian Mafia, What
set Luciano apart from most of his Sici
n friends were driving ambition, consid-
erable native intelligence and shrewdness
and little prejudice or suspicion of out-
siders. He recognized the value of brair
as well as courage. At a young age, he
became a dose friend of Lansky's and
would remain his friend and partner al-
most until the end of h fe.
Lansky was the youngest. He was born
in 1902 in Grodno, in the Polish Pale of
Settlement, then under Russian rule,
and brought to New Y Lower East
Side, with his younger brother, Jake, in
1911. Although he was small as a child
and as an adult would never stand more
than a few inches above five fcet, Lans
was, nevertheless, tough and belligerent,
good with any weapon and seemingly
ways in the middle of a fight. While his
education ended with the eighth grade,
he was something of a mathematical
prodigy; he combined this with mechani-
cal aptitude, a penchant he shared with
Luciano. Wherever , he was
trailed by a taller, handsomer and. four-
years-younger Jewish kid named Ben
min Siegel, nicknamed “Bugsy.” The two
were a team and would remain so, the
leaders of a gang of young Jews
lums. But when it was time to graduate
from petty larceny into more daring and
violent crimes, Lansky, with Siegel at
elbow, looked for those with brains, cun-
ning and ambition to match his own. He
found them in the older Costello and
It was Prohibition that gaye them, as it
gave so many others, the chance to move
up from the small time. And it was Roth-
stein who showed them the way. In re-
cruiting strong arms and guns to protect
Rothstein liquor shipments, Legs Dia-
mond had, on occasion, made use of the
services of Costello, Luciano, Lansky and
their friends, and in so doing, he opened
the door to the master. They knew Roth-
п by reputation, knew that he was a
from whom they could learn what
he wer
h hood-
could never be discovered in the streets,
And Rothstein had enough cgo to be flat-
tered by their respect and by their will-
ingness to listen, ask questions, follow his
advice. They were his pupils and he
taught them well. He lectured constantly
on the need for organization; freelancers
in the rackets were only looking for
trouble, were always wi ad at the
mercy of the stronger, whether from the
world outside or from the underworld. In
organization (though he himself had al-
vays shunned it; what applied to others
did not necessarily apply to him, he was
sure), there was the strength and the abil-
ty to go alter what was too big for the
ingle man.
But Rothstein's ideas about or
n far exceeded those commonly under-
stood and practiced in the underworld.
As they stood, he said, the gangs were
ridiculous; ethnic exdusivity and ri-
valry were both stupid and wasteful.
nize the best,
make alliances with anyone who could
help, and to hell with where they came
from. Look around at the way big busi
nesses were run and copy their methods,
That, Rothstein insisted, went beyond
just selection of personnel, hiring and
training of specialists, departmentaliza-
tion and diversification, prudent use of
money and time. It went to the creation
image. Prohibition was giving the
an opportunity that mi
in, a chance to walk at least part
way through the door to respectability
and a measure of social acceptance as a
good businessman, dealing in an illegal
commodity, certainly, but a businessman
nevertheless, All this could be blown if
the image was only a grosser and richer
reflection of the old portrait of the gang-
ster. Let Capone and his Chicago con-
temporaries dress garishly, flaunt their
wealth and power openly, becoming the
objecis not merely of public fear but of
public derision and amusement as well.
‘The outward facade won more than half
the battle, according to Rothstein, and he
pointed to himself as ап example. His
pupils—and they followed his advice—
should look only like the successful bu:
nessmen they were; they should dress in
good clothes, but clothes from the same
tailors and in the same conservative styles
the Wall Street bankers’; they should
atch social leaders and ape their m:
nets and their style; they should live
quiedy and conservatively, giving little
indication of th th or power. They
should avoid public display, notoriety or
publicity as much as possible, remain i
the background and let the light sh
somebody else, for when the light shone,
so, too, did the heat. Look at Johnny
"Torrio; he had practiced these rules
amassed great power and wealth, but few
seemed even to know his name, while
everybody knew Capone, and this would
eventually be Capone's und.
Rothstein also lectured on the limited
use of force. And he taught them one
thing more: Survival was dependent on
alliances with those in political power.
Cultivate them assiduously. Rothstein
had the key to the doors, he would open
them and let them through.
Beyond these doors, the young gang-
sters discovered a changed world, As
money from booze poured into their
pockets, they no longer had to seek favors
from Tammany Hall; now Tammany
leaders came to them, and so did the po-
lice; they could buy and own Tammany,
and much more.
Using these contacts, Costello managed.
to corrupt the political world of New
York even more than it had been corrupt-
ed before. He had already begun to make
a number of contacts with contempo-
raries who had become ward leaders, and
now, through Rothstein's influence, he
widened his scope, began to forge deals
with Tammany, with city hall, with the
police department that would, by the
end of the decade, pour more than
$100,000,000 а year їп graft into official
pockets up and down the line and would
give the gangsters free rein to operate al-
most any racket in the cit
The moves to capture the allegiance
of the politicians could not have come at
a more opportune time for the racketecrs.
For Tammany was embroiled in а strug-
gle for power. Boss Charley Murphy was
coming to the end of his long rule; he
would die in 1924. The heirs apparent
were greedy, venal and eminently cor-
ruptible. They were James J. Hines, out
of the traditional mold of Irish Tammany
bosses. He had come up the long political
lder, and the closer he came to reach-
ing his goal of power and wealth, the
more desperate he became to achieve it,
seeking support wherever he could find
it. He bought the assistance of, and
eventually sold himself to, almost every
Trish mobster in the cit
Hines's chief rival was the first Italian
to drive a wedge into the once solid Irish.
suzerainty over Tammany. He was Albert
C. Marinelli. As Hines sought support,
strong arms and votes from the Irish un-
derworld, Marinelli turned to the Italian.
The struggle between Hines and Mari.
nclli intensified and when Murphy died,
the other powers in the Hall, rather than
throwing in behind one or the other and
so alienating the loser, turned to George
W. Olvany as their new lcader. But Ol-
ny was a weak mediocrity who made
iule use of his power. So the struggle b
tween Hines and Marinelli continued.
Arnold Rothstein was friend to both, and
to Olvany as well, and soon Costello be-
came their friend and their benefactor,
too. In the process, the Hall fell com-
pletely to the underworld. Before the end
of the decade, both Hines and Marinelli
(continued on page 232)
at what point
in time
did your addled
brain become
ua aj la
an, 1974 When life was simpler, when
coffee was still 26 cents to go, when Water-
gate was still fresh and exciting rather
than a part of our daily ablutions. . . .
Remember? Remember Senator
Sam would lean over to Senator Howard
and whisper something, and they'd both
giggle, and you'd feel kind of . . . tingly
all over? Were you the type of person
who hoped the camera would zoom in on
John Dean's face just as he was about to
make an important point? Or were you
the kind who hoped the camera would
zoom in on Maureen Dean's legs just as
she was about to cross them? No matter.
We all became Watergate addicts of one
kind or another back then, and most of
us got hocked for good. So let's take a
tip through. memory lane together, to
those good old days that began and
ended with the crash of a gavel—hefore
the Watergate series went into reruns.
Immediately following the arrests at
the Watergate, the first thing one of
the burglars said to his superior was:
А. “І think we'll be able to keep
a lid on it.”
B. “Tve got some good news and
some bad news for you, boss.
The good news is that we got
inside the Democratic Head-
D. “Docs this mean І don't get to
go to Miami?
John Dean testified that during the
March ?Ist meeting, he warned the
President there was a “
growing on the Presidenc
A. conspiracy
B. canker sore
C. cancer
D. azalca bush
. Which of the following is not a nick-
name used by White House staffers
in private conversation?
The Brush” Haldeman
. “The Pipe" Mitchell
C. “Chuckles” Colson
. “L. Patsy” Gray
Dean testified that John Ehrlichman
instructed him to take а briefcase of
sensitive documents to the Potomac
River and:
A. "deep-twenty" it
T. "decp-fry" i
C. “decp-s
D. “deep-throat” it
. Special counsel Richard Moore, the
“fatherly” witness who refuted some
of Dean's testimony despite occa-
sional lapses of memory, responded
to one question in the following way:
A."FlL let the answer stand—
whatever it was
В. "I can't unders
hatever it was.
. "I'll stand on my answer—who-
ever Lam.”
D. "Let me answer while I'm stand-
ing—this boil's killing me."
nd my answer—
6. Dean claimed that the President dis
cussed with him the matter of certain
Watergate defendants’ demands for:
A. Executive privilege
Executive clemency
. Fxecutive washrooms
D. more Parks sausages
7. Liddy’s statements to the press, to
. Former police
the prosecutors and to the Senate
select committee can best be sum-
marized in the following way:
A. “Tm guilty, but so are others
higher up.”
m guilty, but no one higher
up is guilty.”
m guilty, but I'm also horn
Anthony Ulas
wicz who delivered moncy to the
defendants, said he rcfused to bc in-
volved after September 1972 and said
(concluded on page 220)
BURT REYNOLDS ton page 131)
was an accident, but I never bought it.
I knew him and I knew the way he drove.
So it's important, at minimum, to get it
pronounced right. Gila Bend. With an H
up front.
In any case, I get going. I'm off to fer-
ret out some answers to the celebrated
Burt Reynolds-Sarah Miles Gila Bend
puzzle, а case that brought temporary re-
lief to the Hollywood community, victims
of a long drought in scandalous acti
1 don't know it at the moment, but I am
not fated to be the one observer in a great
horde to discover that the butler did it.
Or the nanny. Or the busboy or the ma
or. Before long, I'm going to be over my
head in police chiefs, rattlesnakes, bad-
assed wranglers, Japanese masseuscs, CLA
agents, relatives of Barry Goldwater, John
Wayne-style mothers, you name
the moment, its not important.
know is that I am not exactly feeling
a tiger these days, and it’s a chance to get
out of the city. Amazing the way a lot ol
slips off your shoulders when you get on
a plane. Goodbye Valium, goodbye put-
downs, goodbye taxes and the same iden-
tical people. Farewell to fighting your way
to sleep at five in the morning. I'm on my
way. To Gila Bend. A friend, who is a
Southwest freak, tells me not to get cute
with the wranglers.
“But I'm in shape.”
“Not that kind of shape.”
And he's right. Lean, crazy, stockyard.
guys, chair-throwing, eyegouging, a lot
of leaping over bars and throwing you
through a window. Sumbitch. Yahoo.
Jesus Christ, I hit this guy with сусгу-
thing I've got and he keeps on coming.
I'll probably take my friend's advice.
Dropping down over Phoenix, it be-
gins. Southwestern talk. The fellow be-
hind me is describing somet
snowflakes that fell on his ranch in the
Southwest, each one "bigger than a silver
dollar.” Each one with a different pat-
tern, too, like fingerprints. I tell him I
haven't been to Phoenix in 20 years and
all | remember is a night club called The
“The Flame, eh? Well, you've been
What does he mean, I've been there?
Because I know The Flame? And if I
didn't know The Flame, I hadn't been
there? What's so terrifically Southwestern
about that? I let it go and tell him I'm
headed for Gila Bend. Note the “head-
cd." When in Rome, etc.
“That’s rough country," he says. “I lost.
an engine flying over it. You can't fly out,
jeep out, bulldoze out; you put one foot
in front of the other foot. Otherwise,
that's where you stay.
And now I'm there, Steve McQucen
country. Not Randolph Scott. but
Nicholson, Lee Marvin, the Cadillac
West, scene of the new contemporary
Westerns that don't gross too well at the
box office but that I love so much. Ben
Johnson and Karen Black and the Ann-
Margret of yesteryear. Once in a while,
Paul Newman drops in, but he doesn't
stay. Stetsons, pickup trucks out the ass.
Trailer camps and land development,
sassy drum majorettes and Arnold's Pickle
and Olive Company. Bulldozers plowing
up choice land, leftover cowboys maki
up quick-buck schemes and losing every-
thing, My favorite kind of West. I'm pick-
gout Cybill Shepherds all over the place,
except that no one's told them they're
pretty. This, finally, is the quintessential
home of prettiness. Except that I remem-
ber I've said that about London, Stock-
holm, New York, every р been.
What I see around me are incredible mis-
matches. Memin-
ger. Rangy, long-legged Cybill Shepherds
walking around with humpbacked little
Southwestern weirdos, guys who've been
thrown from a horse and kicked in the
head. And the reverse. Lean, terrific оок
ing, blue-eyed wranglers, not an eighth of
an inch of fat on them, led around by
massive, shapeless Papago Indian brides;
no one ever told them they were great-
looking guys. Meekly, they walk along,
nd out of the side of his mouth, one says,
‘She's breaking my balls." Wranglers with
Jewish-Papago moms? What ап incredi-
ble country!
Sudden fags, too. A guy who ambles up
like a cowpoke and hits me with a high-
pitched voice full of heavy Mae West into-
nations. In a barbecue pit. “Gila Bend?”
he says, lowering his eyelids. “Why on
earth would you want to go there?
"There's not even a pitcher show. All you
can do is go snakin’.” This is too much for
me. Southwestern wrangler fags who go
- I like the pitcher-show stuff and
in’, but I can't deal with the rest.
So now it's tomorrow; I rent a car and
1 down toward Gila Bend, except that
a little birdie whispers to me that 1 ought
to visit The Phocnix Gazette; they were
close to the action; maybe there's some-
thing in their files. Maybe I'm not so anx-
ious to get down to Gila Bend.
About the case. For that lonely band
who might have missed out on it, it goes
something like this: They're shooting a
Western called The Man Who Loved Cat
Dancing. Big best seller. Not as big as
they figured, but big enough. Big names.
Burt Reynolds. Sarah Miles. George
Hamilton. Lee J. Cobb. MGM. Sarah
Miles of Ryan’s Daughter fame, the wife
n who is always described as
guished Robert Bolt." He gets
involved only with distinguished things.
Lady Caroline Lamb. A Man for All Sea-
sons. a fellow around named
David Whiring. who is described as her
business manager. Young kid, 26, former
Time correspondent, who gets infat-
uated with beautiful flm stars Can-
dice Bergen (“In the bright sunlight, her
spun-gold hair framing her face, a faint
mustache of milky health elixir on her
upper lip . .. it is onc of the world’s most
perfect faces”); Inger Stevens, Paula
Prentiss and now the beautiful, unpre-
dictable (she enters rooms on her hands),
outrageously quotable Sarah Miles
("When nature calls, I must have а wee-
- It makes a pleasant sound—tir
tinkle—and it does relieve one so.").
begins by writing ап article about
h Miles: The Maiden Man-
Eater,” and somehow gets himself adopt-
ed by Sarah and Robert Bolt as “one of
the family,” an example of those triple-
edged Pinteresque arrangements the Brit-
ish are able to handle without batting an
eyelash. David is moody. unpredictable,
alternately witty and deeply depressed,
bordering on the suicidal. He threatens
to take his own life if they ever unload
him and, indeed, makes one such at-
tempt. They keep him on board, Sarah
taking him along for the filming of Cat
Dancing. Though Sarah describes the
relationship as brother-sister, he watches
her with a wary eye, gets upset by her
obsession with wranglers. ("By Christ,
they're wonderful!” she tells the press.)
They're shooting part of the picture near
Ajo and the company stays at the nearby
Bend TraveLodge. On the fateful
night, the way it’s supposed to go is this:
Sarah gets bored by a party for the com-
pany at the Palomino Bar and
(to which David isn’t invited). Even
though she's knocked out by the wran-
glers, she's bored anyway. All anyone
wants to do is cat. And she's got a jittery
stomach. So she hops into Lee J. Cobb's
Maserati-powered Citroen and they shoot
back to the motel; she stops in at Burt
Reynolds’ room. Little haziness on just
how long she stays. Time is a little hazy
throughout the story. Unlike film-shoot
ing schedules, everything is approxi-
mate. What's for sure is that Reynolds
aged by little ReTsuKo, а
Tokyo-trained masseuse hired in Scotis
dale to work on the company. Alter a hazy
amount of time, Sarah goes back to her
own room and walks right into Whiting,
who leaps out of a clothing rack, foan
over with jealousy. Whiting: Where have
you been, where have you been, where
have you been? Miles: None of your busi-
ness, none of your business, none of your
business. Later, Sarah tells an investigat
ing officer that David “slapped” her; but
at the inquest, the slapping gets escalated
into a "beating," with Sarah receiving
two goose eggs” on her forehead, a
bloody nose and a cut lip. Whatever the
ne Evans (who is looking after Sarah's
child, Thomas) enters, tries to pr 1
Sarah and David. Sarah tells the nanny to
So smooth, its the fastest-growing
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call Burt, who, apart from being a gen
ely fine actor (Cosmopolitan centerfold
to the contrary), has carved muscles, trape-
zoids, lats, the works. This seems to cool it
for Whiting, who splits the scenc. Reyn-
olds appears, tells Sarah, “My God, you
look like a mess!" and takes her back to
his room, where he looks after her for the.
night. This includes bathing her wounds.
Next day ah returns to hi ad
finds Whiting dead. Burt is called, takes
his pulse ("Something I must have picked
up in the movies
refers to a
а pill bottle ощ of David's hand. Pills
arc found all over the place, 12 different
ieties: sleepers, vitamins, downers, etc.
wuallv. the police chief is sum-
moned and it looks like a routine O.D.
case, 190 many tablets of methaqualone
tricky new downer. very popular with
kids. But then, all of a sudden. it
doesn't. When David gets rolled over onto
his back. Too much blood, all pouring:
out of what becomes a famous "si
shaped" wound on the back of the kid's
head, And he's bec d up pretty
Bruises on his chest, wrists.
badly, to
pelvis, etc, Blood in three rooms, blood
on towels, Kleenex, back in his own room.
ound of activity. Important 1
yers showing up. and then everyone, in
the words of the local police chief, “haul-
g ass" The
pressed on by the dead boy's mother,
Mrs. Louise Campbell, and a court
order, the principals are forced to re
turn and test person at a second
n inquest, and then,
| | ||
“Well,I did like you said. 1 mated the pandas.”
session of the i
verdicts divide.
visiting professor of pharmacology at the
University of Arizona, says that Whit-
ing’s drug level of ВВ milligrams per
100 milliliters of blood was only “one
third of the lethal level, and not much
higher than а doctor would prescribe.”
He's not buying the O.D, trip for a mi
ute. But Maricopa County medical ex-
aminer Heinz Karnitschnig, implies that
Brodie’s figures are old ones; he has new
material indicating that the dosage was
lethal.” Theres a suspenseful wait for
the verdict of Hollywood's famed "coro-
ner to the star: Noguchi, whose
credits. include Joplin ilyn
Monroe, Bobby Kennedy and Sharon
Tate. The Japanese forensic spec
goes with Karnitschnig,says there's eno
» the boy's body to sup-
port the O.D. thesis. In the question-
ing of the principals, Mulford Sonny"
Winsor IV, local justice of the peace, is
thrown off his game by Sarah Miles’s
dinging white blouse ("One way or
nother, I've been naked in all my films —
by now Гус gor a veteran pair of
breasts"), administers the wrong oath
and admits, "You're so pretty, you shook
me up.” Upset at being called back for
what seems to be a perfunctory question-
ing session, Reynolds calls the justice of
the peace d the local folks
get their backs up. Big dispute over
whether he's a plumber or a "plumbing
lost all respect for Burt
Bend police chief Ton
Cromwell tells me later. “the day he cast
aspersions on our justice of the peace, a
man who knows the law and didn't have
to drop his drawers in Cosmopolitan to
get where he is.” Variety's Army Archerd
quotes Dan Melnick, MGM produce:
vice-president, as backing up his star,
Reynolds, by sending him a set of plumb-
ng tools ying, “If g
gets too dull, you can always go in with
the plumber in Gila Bend.”
The inquest ends with
verdict from the coroner's jury: "We, the
jury .. . say: That the dead body in-
spected by us was the body of David
Andrew Whiting. that he died la.
Bend in Gila Bend Precinct, Maricopa
County, Arizona, on the Ith day of
February 1973, and that said death was
the result of poisoning due to an over
dose of drugs. Whether this overdose was
taken intentionally or accidentally has
not been determined. Also, it has not
becn determined whether or not physical
injuries found om the body were con
tributing factors in the death or how
these injuries were sustained.” Very
fudgy. Yet the jury checks with Mulford
"Sonny" Winsor IV and asks if they can
ve a verd € this, They're asking—
but its the only kind they're going to
give. Press very restless. Too many un
answered questions. Too much blood.
Too much courtesy, even shyness, on the
part of the law. A quality of the perfune
tory about the questioning. What about
all that blood? And all those wounds?
How come the stars’ lawyers got to sit at
the same table as the deputy county at
torneys, while David's mom and her at
torney, Raul Castro, had to sit in the
spectator section? And exactly what was
Sarah doi п Burt's room all that time?
r that one up herself,
room. It’s right up her
Hey. “If anyone had been beaten up as
badly as I was, it was not the most ide
In fact, it just Бе.
to get under way. A lot of heavy theo-
rizing on. New York's Upper. East Side:
Could Reynolds have beat the kid up
and shoved some pills down his throat?
Could Sarah have beat him up? Awful
lot of speculating on the various affair
combinations. Burt and Sarah. Sarah and
the nanny. David and the nanny. Bi
Sarah and the nanny. David, Sarah
the nanny. Bolt, David and Sarah, End-
less combinations. None of them involve
Lee J. Cobb. Нез not linked with any-
one. Neither, for some odd reason, i
George Hamilton. Е
And what about the Japanese mas
зеце? And the starshaped wound?
That's the one that gets me. Like the
organic prunes in the Howard Hughes-
Clifford Irving affair At Elaine's, some-
опе comes up with a Phillips-screwdriver
theory. It’s the only thing that makes a
star-shaped wound. The kind of tool you
n uncertain
outside the cow
Salem reireslies
| es Naturally grown menthol.
P m 7` «Rich natural tobacco taste.
af NC A * No harsh, hot taste.
4 rey a с
я) Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined pae eun ова Tobacco со.
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health SUPER KING: тїт mg. nicotine,
4 а. REB mg. "tar", 1.3 mg. nicotine, av. per cigarette, FTC Report FEB. '73.
Б. NX v
use on foreign cars. Someone clobbered
the kid with a Phillips screwdriver, And
people are buying it. It's very latc. Some-
one orders a Phillips screwdriver, on the
At The Phoenix Gazelle, a terrific-
looking columnist, blue-eyed, well-mus-
cled, British accent, secs me picking
through the files and introduces himself.
Paul Dean. Anything he can do 10 help
me? He's an itinerant journalist, been
around the world three times, settled in
Phoenix because he likes it there, The
only thing he can do to help me is to help
hi rching over to audition for
some new James Bond picture. Or a Fred-
erick Forsyth novel. (I'm suddenly aware
that there are a lot of terrificlooking guys
marching through this story. What's going
on here? 15 this a closet I see before
me—with me living in it all these years?
ІГ it is, I'm staying right in there) Dean
likes the notion that Reynolds could have
smacked the kid around. "After all, if а
lovely lady is under attack, summons your
istance, you go after the blighter and
punch him in the nose, don't you?”
“Not automatically. I size up the
n first. Look the guy over. Make sure
Em not getting sucked in by the lady
Then I decide whether to move.”
He thinks that one over, doesn't seem
pleased, but decides I'm all right and he's
going to help me anyway. He tells me
the fabled Japanese masseuse, Re-
TsuKo, is living in nearby Scottsdale. Not
only that but just the other day, chief
Tom Cromwell of the Gila Bend police
department called her, asked her some
questions about Reynolds, the condition
of his body while she was massaging
him. Any marks, etc. What's this? The
case is supposed to be closed. It ain't that
closed. And I'm within spitting distance
of the fabled ReTsuKo. I thank De:
and track the little rascal down to Jack
LaLanne’s International Health Spa in
Scottsdale, right beyond the Camelback
Mountains. Damned if they don't have a
camel's back, too. I could have called
ahead, bur I decide to be very Columbo,
very Harper, and simply drop by. Some
ladies see me and think it's men's day at
the spa, which it isn't. I run outside, haul
them back in. ReTsuKo is busy with a
ady client, but she'll sec me in 90 mi
utes or so. I'm assuming that she's got
clients backed up for months on the basis
of the Burt Reynolds publicity, but it
tums out she hasn't. She's massaging
very quietly, anonymously, on Camelback
Road. I wait in the lounge, watching
lies work on those unsightly
bulges: it's my view theres no way on
earth they're gonna get ‘em to disappear,
They should just swing with ‘em, but
casy for me to say; they're not my bulges.
I spot ReVsuKo and she is small. 1
mean big-league small. You can put two
162 of her in your pocket. A little embarrass-
ing to admit this, but I get a terrible urge
for Japanese food. I've just heard about
a Scottsdale law that says women can't
massage men, and vice versa, but when
she comes out, I tell her that what I'm
looking lor is the exact same massage she
е Burt Reynolds. She's a very pretty
litle thing and I forget about her height
and my yen for shrimp tempura. She says
I have a pleasing personality, but she's
little edgy. I figure money talks, nobody
ks, so I mention а pleasing figure to
go with my pleasing personality. She's got
to check with her husband, Mr. Roberts
(her name is ReTsuKo Roberts), to see
if it's all right to slip me this massage a
her home. She can't do it, obviously,
Jack LaLanne's. Her husband, she says, is
former CIA pilot, who went through
the window of his cockpit in Laos, €s-
caped from the Laotian version of the
Cong, but has poor eyesight and can't Пу
anymore. This is getting a little weird. It
gets even weirder. She got to Burt Reyn-
olds and Sarah Miles у Gold-
water's sister, who recommended her to
the Hilton people, who passed her
to the MGM Cat Dancing comp
Barry Goldwater's sister is crazy about
ReTsuKo and calls her a “comedian.” 1
notice she docs a lot of giggling, but I
don't sce the comedic talent quite yet.
She suggests І check into the Scottsdale
Hilton and she'll come over with her spe-
ial massage table. I check in and it's not
that hard to take. The Hiltons have done
Iding a beautiful new hotel
mc farther away, come to think of it, but
I figure it’s worth it. These spools have a
ay of unwinding; suddenly, the Gold-
ers and the СТА are in the picture. At
this rate, 1 may wind up in Beirut, talk-
ing to Palestinian guerrillas.
Nine o'clock on the dot, ReTsuKo is at
the door and following close behind is
her husband, lean, silver-gray hair. and a
guy who can knock off a quick 100 one-
armed push-ups. He can also pull out
your Adam's apple and feed it to you, if he
gets carried away. Somehow I'm nor sur-
prised to see him. We shake hands, he
helps her set up a low-slung, finely tooled
Sonylike table, which she could have set
up by herself. Is he going to sit down and
watch me get massaged? No, he just want-
ed to say hello, He'll be downstairs at the
bar. I's not very relaxing, but I go along
with it. He leaves and ReTsuKo is still a
little edgy. This is just a massage, right?
she wants to know. Of course, a Bi
Reynolds massage. It turns out that Reyn-
olds shamed her. How so? He wanted her
to do “a little sexual."
“Well, maybe you shamed him.” 1 e:
all about massage parlors in New
k, LA., places where its almost im-
possible to get a massage if you don't
want the masseuse to do "a little sex-
ual,” You ask for a straight massage and
they think you're some kind of freak. She
doesn't hear any of this. All she knows is
that she's studied for two years, learning
how to manipulate nerve endings, at Pro-
fessor Nagasomebody's in Japan. I say ter-
ific, and she can forget about the sexual,
just give me the same massage she gave
“Better,” she says, as I whip off my
clothes. It's going to be better, because
she didn't have her table at Gila Bend
nd had to work Reynolds on a motel
bed. The table enables her to hop all
over the place. She puis some cold eye
patches over me and goes to work. I'm a
little worried about the disgruntled CIA
fellow down at the bar, Bare-assed, with
patches over my eyes—I'm not exactly
ready to deal with the CIA. RéTsuKo
tells me Burt has a terrific body, but he
n't that natural a person. Sarah has a
fine body, too, lean, really dynamite, and
little more natural. Re FsuKo.
would prefer doing women, because there
isn’t all that muscle to get through. At
first, she was impressed by her assign-
ment, the cast of Cat Dancing, but then it
was just another massage gig. Who would
have impressed her? Henry Fonda o
Peter O'Toole, either together or sepa-
rately. They're more her style. One nice
thing about Burt is that even when she
backed down on doing “a little sexual,”
he Jet her keep the extra bread. (The fee
was $20; he gave her $40.) She felt guilty
bout this and threw in an extra massage
for the lady hairdresser on the picture, a
friend of Burt's.
I'm starting to get into the massage.
She really does know about nerves
she's discovering entire communication
centers of New York tension in my neck
nd shoulders that I never knew I had.
She tips in at a fast 85 pounds soa
wet, but she gets all 85 pounds behind her
fingers and each probe is like the perfect
punch that "Torres used to take out Pas-
trano. I've brought all this East Coast ten-
sion to Arizona and she's able to smoke it.
out, all ihe while saying "Poor baby, poor
baby.” For a split second, I'm a lonely GI
listening to "Tokyo Rose and really dig-
ging it. I'm ready to throw in the towel
and go A.W.O.L. We're both really cook-
ing, when there's this pounding on the
door. The CLA guy. A lot of my te
shoots back in. He just wants to let her
know that he's waiting. Of course, he's
iting. We all know that. He goes back
to the bar and ReTsuKo apologizes,
saying he's shamed because he can't fly
and has to carry her massage table. Every-
body is shamed around here. We go back
to the massage, and now she really ups the
te. I'm not exactly sure how she's pull-
ng it off, but whatever she’s doing,
comes across as either heavy raindrops on
my ass or light-footed Japanese poni
Maybe a combination. Ponies and rain-
drops. She does an elaborate slapping
1.715 o Re oso
“He pulled something called executive privilege on me. . . ."
thing on the soles of my feet and talks
about relaxation. I’m going to be relaxed
for a month. I'm not sure I want to be this
ed. The CIA guy shows up again and
he's a little testy now. but I'm too relaxed
to worry about й. ReTsuKo tells him to
relax and apologizes. He heads for the bar
again and we're off. To tell the truth, up
front, I was hoping for "a little sexual.”
Tim always ready for “a little sexual’
some kind of family thing that got passed
on—but I swear to you this is better 0
sexual. Suddenly, I*m right behind
Lindsay and his effort to throw the mas-
sage parlors out of the city—but only if
he replaces them with a city full of
licensed ReTsuKos. This has got to be a
substitute for hash, coke, skag. Assign
cach junkie a ReTsuKo and you can
close down the methadone clinics.
Meanwhile, ReTsuKo can't get over
how big I am. Burt's got the Киз and the
pecs, but she's marveling over my bigness.
This is some Japanese cupcake. No won-
der Goldwater's sister passed her along to
the Hiltons, who passed her along to
MGM. I'm the most relaxed fellow in
Arizona when the CIA guy comes back.
This time, he shoves open the door and
says, “Fuck it, I'm getting out of here.”
Very tense there for a moment, and I'm
ied about my Adam's apple. ReTsu-
Ko says don't worry, he's like a little boy,
she can handle him, and then she finishes
me off with more ponies and raindrops.
She leaves; 1 make a feeble attempt to
check the local Scottsdale action, but then
1 collapse, drugged, sure that I’m going to
sleep for a week. I haven't made it to Gila
Bend; I certainly haven't solved any mys-
teries; but I've gotten myself some son of
a bitch of a massage. Miraculously, I wake
up the next morning and decide she's
overdone it a little; there are two pressure
points at the base of my neck that are
pounding away. Is it possible she and the
CIA guy have slipped a finely tuned elec-
tronic gadget in there and that all my ac
tivities for the next month will be piped
back to some underground headquar-
ters? I've been reading too much about
I say goodbye to the Scottsdale Hilton,
but not before a blonde lifeguard right
out of the Cybill Shepherd cookie cutter
comes up and asks, “Is it possible, in your
view, to sustain a one-on-one relationship
for the dur. n of a lifetime?" What am
I, some older, venerable sage type she's
spotted? I tell her that the prospects are
"Farnum, what kind of marriage manual is that?"
a little dim, in my view, and she looks for-
lorn. A single strand of pubic hair peeps
out of her bikini bottom, but I'm not
blowing Gila Bend for any pubichair
strand. 1 ind of thing.
Maybe Vil catch her on the w
1 hear it gets to be 126 degre
summer down at “the Bend" (they call
the fan-belt capital of the world, because
everybody's fan belt breaks down there
on the way to Tucson), so T get Hertz's
two-door Montego special in tiptop con-
dition before I head out. The garage
mechanic says his dog just bit a neighbor
child. Is he covered under norn ur-
Idon't know about things like that.
I just love the expression—neighbor
child—and can't get over how casual he
is. Of course, the neighbor child's father,
equally casual, is liable to stroll over and
casually put one between his cycs. A
breakfast of old-fashioned buttermilk
pancakes—"tender as a woman's heart"
and I start traveling, headed 60 miles
south of Phoenix. Glen Campbell coun-
try. I pass the Triple A Ranch, the Quick
Seed rnold's Pickle
and Olive Company, a massive sheep farm,
fourlegged wooled sweaters, benign,
fairy-tale animals, totally oblivious of the
chaos in meat prices. I turn on the
dio—Stevie Wonder, Roberta Flack, Mar-
ic ties it all together.
At a drugstore, І spot а classylooking
ight citizen, a pillar of respecta
caking out with a copy of Anal Nieces—
th all this conservative stult, they're
just as horny here as they are back East.
Now I'm in the craggy, ferocious Gila
Bend desert country. І used to fly over
it and 1 get a little nauseated, as І re-
member crawling along the bosoms of
nastylooking pock-marked mountains. 1
can still smell the sweet and sickening
fuel as it leaked through to the cockpit of
an old prop-driven trainer. The Air Force
owns millions of acres in this territory,
used it and still does as a gunnery range.
The idea then was to build up simulated
Korean villages and ammo dumps and let
the new jet fighters practice blowing
them to ribbons. Build them up again,
blow them out. That was salute-the-flag,
the-Marines-are-coming, gung-ho and my-
country-tisof-thee time. It still is, at least
for the Air Force.
On the ground, they've got F-84s dis.
guised as MIGs, and also simulated SAM
ile sites. The jets fly over and practice
wiping them out. The poor bastards on
the ground paste the targets back to-
gether and the jets zero in again. It goes
on like this.
Now I'm in Gila Bend, and it’s a lucky
thing I jam on the brakes; otherwise, I'd
be оп my way to "Tucson. Em а pretty
good describer, but I'm going to pass on
describing this burg. Someone back in
Phoenix said it was "2000 people and
Johnny, walk’er to a bar and say...
“Don’t give up the ship
“What more could you want for
seven ewe lambs? She's comely, strong, great in bed and
never heard of women’s lib.”
thats a bunch. Two thousand if you
throw in the rattlesnakes.” You sce the
Santa Fe Railroad, some motels, a feed
company, and then you're past it. You
can't call it a small town; it just begins
and then it's over. There's not even room
h хо gossip. And they ought to be
thrilled they have something to gossip
about. They ought to send Burt Reynolds
all. mysterious weekly check for the
he handed them.
I find the now-noworious TraveLodge
and it's more insignificant than adver
tised. E haven't reserved а room and say
I'd like one. The fellow gives me the key
to room 135, and, with a wink, says,
“That's the one Burt Reynolds had!
Now I identify myself and he gives me the
score card on room requests. Reynolds is
1. That is, curiosity seekers ask
n that of any of the
p h Miles follows closc
nd David Whiting, the dead boy,
the end of the list. Only a few
people want to sleep in his pad. No one
ants Lee J. Cobb's room.
ife says she doesn't.
il days. “Between you,
me and the fence post, it just won't
wash." The motel manager's wile says if
there was all that screaming, if Whiting
as, indeed, beating up Sarah Miles, how
come there was no sound? She's got a
point there.
Later, i
shifts sl
Reynolds’ room, the wind
ghily and the whole Trave-
rian suspense novel. The m
nts to know if I think any money
changed hands to keep people q
don't know, ma'am, I just got here, but
5 my notion that it didn't work that
she says, being very fair and judicial. The
newspapers described a “massive pool
of blood" around the boys head. Who
cleaned it up? I ask. Just one of the girls,
she says, got the room back in shape in no
time, just as if a guest had had a rough
night and dropped his cookies. That's all
there was to it, One more thing. She saw
Sarah Miles after the “incident” and she
certainly wasn't all bruised up the way
they had her pictured in The National
Taitler. Docs she remember David Whit-
ing? Nope. Nobody does. He just sl
around, was almost invisible. I'm going to
be hearing this often in Gila Bend. All
anyone knows is he ordered the same
meal cach time he entered the dining
room: a dub sand ad a shrimp cock,
|. Do I think Burt “bashed” the boy?
Again—I don't know, mam. I just
rolled in. ILI find out. ГИ sure let you
know. How's business? I ask her. A little
slow, actually. When it
I go to my room. What did he mean,
Burt Reynolds room? It was my room
first. That is. I've been in that room a
hundred times. Anyone who's traveled
been in that room. Its the room I
check into once in a while to get a cold,
mentliolated quiet so I can get a piece of
writing done. Which I never get done. I
think Truman Capote gets writing done
rooms like that. Or at Jeast he did in
Kansas once, Do I smell dried blood? I
swear to myself that Im smel
once saw a homicide detective pick up a
kitchen knife, liule serrated job, with a
drop of blood on the end. Looked like
catsup to me—what there was of it I
could see—but he pinned a stabbing
homicide on the kitchen owner with it. I
get carried away once in a while, but I'm
no homicide dick, and I decide not to
look around for bloodstains. What am I
supposed to do with them if I find them?
They found blood all over the place a
couple of months hefore and the com-
pany went on making Cat Dancing.
It’s too late to catch the police ch
I go out to the TraveLodge and the
first fellow I run into, a heavily muscled
Mexican, tells me he's heard I'm а writer
and that I might as well check right out,
because the town was totally unaffected
by the “shooting.” Suddenly, it’s a shoot-
ing. Everyone refers to it as either a
shooting or a killing. Maybe they know
something I don’t know.
The Mexican asks me how I can expect
the town to get excited about one shoot-
ing when at least four guys a month fall
aslecp on the Santa Fe tracks and get cut
in thirds. What do they do that for? I
ask. He can't help me. They get sleepy,
so they lie down on the tracks.
“So death comes casy in Gila Ben
“Nothing to it," he says. “Especi
some of the bar:
wetbacks, m
a plenty hot fire.
A "TraveLodge waitress, Ireland-born,
freshly divorced from a gunneryrange
GI, says she didn't think much of the
Cat Dancing folks, figuring they were a
bunch of people who
don't actually work for a living. She loved
Burt Reynolds, though, and stood on her
toes to slip him a kiss. Every woman I run
into has the same story, and that would
include the Iadies in the old-age home if
they had one. The women couldn't get
over Burt and the men, for the most part,
could just as well have passed. Dave, the
Travelodge bartender, on duty at the
time of the “incident,” is not among
the Reynolds lovers. He turns out to be a
Jewish guy from Bay Ridge, Brooklyn,
and when two truckers ask for beers, he
says, “Don't rush me. I'm not an Arab,
I'm a Hebe." I don't sec the logic in that
statement, but nothing surprises me any-
more. It wasn't anything Reynolds said
that got Dave pissed off but something in
is eyes. “His eyes told me he thought I
a peasant. I'm from Ridge.
laybe it’s because he’s a new star.
When he gets a little deeper into it, he'll
case up."
‘For Christ's
Sullivan once
While I'm flashing back to the story
about the guy who went around bragging
that he once pissed next to Gene Krupa,
Dave hints that he can tell me plenty, or
at least he could if he weren't part of the
management. I take him aside and all he's
got for me is that Sarah Miles drinks grass-
hoppers and that the Big Four kept
constantly checking one another's where-
abouts. What am I supposed to do with
that? What I do is try to figure out who
lly at
You mix up Papagos,
эз, wranglers and you get
sake,” says Dave, "Ed
shook my hand at
aS UT >,
f New ‘Cherokee
168 shooting pool with his friend, a on
the Big Four are. I think they're Reyn-
olds, Sarah, George Hamilton and an
actor named Bo Hopkins, whom I remem-
ber from The Getaway and who always
seems to be in the picture. I ask Dave if
there's any action in the vicinity and he
tells me to forget about it. "Nothing be-
tween here and El Centro. The GIs at the
gunnery range are dying for a cha
use penicillin, but there's no w:
an inconspicuous blonde head slumped
over at the end of the bar, except that it's
not that inconspicuous. I recall the motel
owner's telling me about a blonde girl rc-
porter, staying at the TraveLodge. So
he'd blown her cover the second 1 checked.
in. I march her over to a side table; she
trots along like a naughty child. We al-
most exchange information, Turns out
she knew and worked with David Whit
ng. I want to know about Whiting and
she wants to know what I was doing in
Phoenix. Mexican standoff. We decide to
be friends and tell each other nothing.
She says 1 have a big advantage being а
man and I look at the piled-up blonde
hair and I'm not convinced. J flash on the
idea of bouncing around the world as a
team, her getting the blonde-hair materi-
al, me getting what's left over—but then
I drop it; it’s probably a TV series.
What she’s done is to get me thinking
about Whiting. Really thinking about
him. The reality of him. This was a friend
of hers, about the same age, a writer, and
he's dead; one way or another. he went
out in one of those Burt Reynolds motel
rooms. She gives me a little tidbit. “The
key to David,” she says, "is that he lost his
father when he was very, very young.” 1
give her a little tidbit in return, men-
on the picture, and we call it quits. Much
later, І remember how cagey I've been
and I don't like myself for it. I call her in
Los Angeles and apologize for being so
gey. But that’s much later. A trucker at
the bar tells me по matter how badly T
want action, to avoid the Owl Buffet at all
costs, very rough wrangler place. 1 shoot
right over to the Owl Buffet.
T take a seat at the bar and read a
sign—or warning—berween the mirrors:
g Reynolds’ friend, the hairdresser
Tn other words, I'm supposed to keep
my mouth shut or I'll get my head hand-
ed to me. At the end of the bar, I get my
first wranglers, live of them, real vintage
types; each of them looks as though he’
been chewed in a giant mouth for a while
and then spit out. The worst and most
chewed-up one is named Earl
Fach time Earl misses a shot, he
picks up a d nd asks the bartender,
"Can I hit him with 0 He mi
another shot, picks up a spittoon
says, "Can I hit him with this?” And so
on, with giant ashtrays, pool cues, beer
Very good-natured stuff, and the bar
tender tells me, "Don't pay them no
mind.” Everyone kids the one
about the way he lost his car. A girl
Snt ere about the Papago wife who's
left him. "I got all the pussy I wanted off
that girl.”
“Well, she hid plenty more from you,”
says Earl “because 1 happen to know
shes out there right now, passing it
around at the trailer camp.
Big laugh from everyone. and then the
man who lost his wile slumps over the bar
and says, “Oh, hell, T can't drink, I can't
shoot pool and I can’t get a hard-on.
‘The bartender rubs it in a bit, telling him
he's so dumb he'd lend a man his horse so
he could steal his car.
"There's an awareness that I'm at the
bar—let’s not kid ourselves, with my
beard and my California-casual outfit, T
don't exactly fade imo the wallpaper at
the Owl Buffet. I decide to shoot some
dice and take a try at old Earl.
“Those movie people ever come in
He fixes me through
that probably kills
n eye slit—a look
attle swiftly and pain-
lessly—and after a long pause, not exactly
a Pinter pause but more of a deadly South-
west wrangler pause, says: “No comment
“Fine,” 1 say, and then 1 decide to run
right up the middle on him, none of this
end-around stuff. After all, what's the
worst thing that can happen? My Blue
Gross is paid up and there's probably a
halfway-decent doctor around. Maybe
not in Gila Bend, but somewhere in the
area, working with the Indians.
“ГИ bet you've been waiting to say that
all your life.”
Second pause, much worse this time,
and I feel an involuntary muscle start to
go in my left arm, probably nota heart at-
tack but definitely not a sign of physical
fitness. Suddenly, Earl laughs, or gullaws,
1 suppose, wraps a bear's arm around me,
says I'm all right and buys me a drink. I'd
guessed right. There's а TV set in the
Owl Bullet—thars the local pitcher
show—and I'd imagined Earl watching
the parade of celebs on the seven-o'clock
news, cach of them saying “No comme
I've always wanted to say “No comment,”
so I figured Earl did, too. The problem
to get rid of him. I've got a friend
Tor life. He tells me that during the in
quest, a woman resembling Sarah Miles
came into the Owl one night wearing a
blonde fall and escorted by a fellow Earl
saw later on television. The fellow placed
a call on Sarah's behalf to New York,
using a credit card, but when the cll
came through, Sarah, or the woman re-
sembling her, ran and hid behind the
Then both Earl and the bartender go
to work on Reynolds. He's а man, just
like they are, puts his pants on one leg at
а time. The next day, the police chief is
going to tell me the same thing. That
Reynolds puts his pants on one leg
ata time, All the men in Gila Bend stand
as one i that Burt
behind this theory:
jnolds puts his pants on the same w
y do. What makes them so sure? He
could really cross them up if he thought
of another way of getting his pants on.
And the women in Gila Bend would love
ch. As for Sarah, the bartender says
she was good-looking but nothing to raise
the flag about.
“You sce, I'm different,
he says. “If T
se the fag, I got a little woman
sittin’ back home who'll raise the flag and.
the whole damned flagpole!” Earl and the
"m the
bartender lean in close now—
new buddy and I'm going to get h
a blockbuster.
“Don't say you got it from here,”
the bartender, “but just between you, me,
Earl and the fence post, the whole thing
don't smell right. It don't feel right. And
that’s the way most people around here
figure.” I promise not to let the cat out of
the bag, and then I leave. Earl follows me
out to the car. He wants to hang around
with me. I'm not looking for new friends,
but I can't tell him that. I say I'd like to,
but І have to “mosey around some.” He
understands that and we say goodbye.
Southern-police-chicf timc: Big. Beefy.
Heavy hands. Weighs in at 230. Ice-cold
eyes. Got the right name, too: Tom Cro:
well. Except that he's not Southern. He's
from Illinois; they'll do it every time. We
make some hard eye contact. Something
like arm wrestling, except that I've gotten
good at the eye thing. 1 пу to think of
someone who can stare me down. Maybe
Chou Enlai, but that’s about it. Has
something to do with losing your father.
Alter that, you can return anyone's stare.
We go at it awhile, chatting casually. as
though there's no duel going on. He's
proud of a daughter who broke 100 words
a minute in
coup before the Reynolds-Miles case? Ar-
rested the same man twice for two sepa-
rate homicides, Fellow killed his brother
in Ajo, then killed another man in Gila
Bend. “Maybe he's not finished.” I say,
but the chief doesn't think that's funny.
The eye battle ends in a draw and the
chief takes a deep breath. “The case,” he
officially closed.” But the “official-
leuers from all over the country. And
they hurt. "How much did those Holly-
wood bums pay you to close the case:
"Ehe letters really sting.
"Hell," he says, “I didn't haul ass out of
here, the MGM people He switches
the subject around to how industrious the
Until now, if you wanted a good wallbanger, you had to go
where the wallbangers were. A bar. A restaurant. Or maybe
you could invest $15 in the ingredients and iy to make them
at home.
Now Club” introduces
the wallbanger in the can.
It's V2 pint of the best
wallbanger you ever tasted,
and your total investment is
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But best of all, you don't
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to enjoy it. Because a Club
Wallbanger can go where all
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The Club Wallbanger.
The only wallbanger that can
go wherever you go.
The Cub* Cocktails, 25-48 Ргсо ©1973 The Club Distilling Co, Hanford, Ct, Merlo Pe, Cal.
“To put it bluntly, Miss Capworth, there are certain assignments with the Central
Intelligence Agency where intelligence is not the primary requisite."
British reporters are—and I tell him,
finc, but has he сусг actually looked at
the British tabloids? They make ours
look like The Christian Science Monitor.
He doesn’t really want to talk about the
press, although, obviously, all that atten-
tion from people all over the world had
to affect him a bit. Mostly, though, he
seems to feel he's been made a fool of. It
really hurts. Hurts his stomach. “If only
they'd stuck around an extra twenty-four
hours,” he says, "we'd have had a proper
investigation, and maybe we'd have found
exactly what the inquest found. An O.D.
But every time I tried to talk to someone,
there wasan attorney standing in front of
him.” What would it take to reopen the
case? Some hard evidence. Getting the
coroners and pharmacologists together.
One of the drugs in question was Man-
drax. Shouldn't someone go to England,
where the drug is manufactured, and ask
the people there what the tolerance level
is? There are just too many unanswered
questions. Too much blood. Questions
about keys. And mostly about time. Time
is driving the chief bughouse. No one
seems to have gotten the time straight
and the chief runs through the case a
hundred times, trying to break through
on the time sequence. And the brui
All over David's body. Markings on his
chest, pelvis, hands, bruised Knuckles,
jawbone, the star-shaped. or stellate,
wound. .. . And how about the way he
was found, crumpled up in the dressing
room? Think about it, When people
O.D., how do they go about it? Marilyn
Monroe, etc. They pop the pills in bed.
Or they slump over in the driver's seat of
а car. Whar's this dressingroom stuff?
Ever heard of a guy O.D.ing in a dress-
ing room before? 1 tell the chicf there's
nothing more attractive than seeing a
well-trained criminologist, customs man,
homicide dick go to work with real pre-
cision. Spurred on, he says, “I may look
dumb, but .. .," a line that comes to us
courtcsy of TV, then proceeds to lecture
me with that precisi Em talking
about—on the subject of rigor mortis,
how you'd have to break the aim and
crack off the fingers of a dead man if you
wanted to get something out of his hand,
and he was in a certain stage of rigor.
But all of this thinking is unothcial. The
case is closed. Crimes are solved by man-
power, man hours. He's got eight men on
his staff and he's from Gila Bend. He's
lucky if the L.A. police take his phone
calls. "I just wish," he says, “I could take
a year's sabbatical and go off on my own
on this one. You bet your ass I'd come
back with some answers.”
1 get the impression he doesn't think
the answer lies in the arca of the rumors
that are floating around New York and
California, that. Reynolds took the kid
out. I also get the impression he doesn't
feel the story that came out at the inquest
right on target, either. The real
McCoy was somewhere in between, and if
the story were told, it probably wouldn't
result in any new actions or arrests. Dep-
uty County Attorney Douglas Peacock,
who did some of the questioning at the
inquest, seemed to feel the same way: "I
wish somebody would have said what
happened. It probably wouldn't have
changed anything. It probably all was
justifiable. But... ." Did he mean that
someone probably struck David before he
died? he was asked. “Right,” he said. To
use the current phrase, this is where the
chief's head seems to be at—and there is
all this pressure building up inside him.
Its going to drive him up the wall.
Before I leave, I begin to get the first
fuzzy image of what David Whiting’s
mother is like. The chief is obviously
down on Reynolds for mouthing off at
the local justice of the peace in front of
the national press; he has generally good
feelings about the movie people who
passed through, and MGM in particular.
This is not a case of a small-town yokel
pissed off at highfalutin showbiz types.
On the contrary, he's a rather sophisti-
cated man. He gets paternal about the
dead boy, referring to him on a first-name
But the one he has a grudging ad-
miration for is Mrs. Campbell, David's
mother. "I've got to give the old girl cred-
it,” he says. "She came in here with her
guns high and firing, determined to get
some answers. [Attention, staff of Psycho-
analylic Review: Robert Bolt, recording
his first mecting with Sarah Miles: “She
came into the party like a ship in full sail
with all guns firing."] She poor-mouthed
a lot, said she had no funds, but she shook
the place up. ‘That was her son, and
aned if she wasn't going to find out
what happened to him.”
The police chief and David's mom have
their differences, mostly disputes over
David's belongings—his clothing
in the middle, unable to relinqu
vid's belongings without a court order. At
one point, the old girl locks herself in
the chiefs office, shutting out the depu-
tics—so she can call her lawyer. Every-
thing she does, this "tiny, wrenlike
woman, throws the chicf off his game;
but in spite of the hassle, he comes up
with unconcealed admiration for her. In
one instance, she points at Cromwell's
briefcase and asks: “Is that your brief-
case or my son David's?” I'm beginning
to get a little feeling of her style. The
more I hear about her, the more she re-
minds me of someone I knew.
Later in the day, I read some notes
taken by Irene Guilbert, a local st
for The Arizona Republic. They tell
of her first impressions of the “subdue
mouselike little lady' hg
Bend: "She had been in [Ch
well's] office but minutes when voices
began rising, Cromwell's as well as
Mrs. Campbell's. Soon Chief Cromwell
strode out, red-faced, saying, 1 can't deal
with her. Forey [a deputy], get the hell in
there!’ As the reluctant Forey obeyed,
Cromwell said to me, ‘He used to be а
minister; he can handle her’ Evidently, it
worked, because voices quieted. Cron
well entered again, voices
Cromwell, angry, with Mrs.
dashing around in his wake, shrieking, ‘Is
power so important to you that you can
treat the mother of а poor dead lad like
this? The argument was over David's
possessions. Mrs. Campbell wanted them
immediately—Cromwell said they were
pounded, . . . The police were left very
shaken, because . .. they had expected to
be solicitous and comforting to a gricl-
suicken mother and had not expected
1 spend the rest of my time in Gila
Bend picking my way through rumors the
way you might step through a mine field.
‘They're all over the place. The towns-
people insist the whole affair meant noth-
ing to them, tha 1 to just go
about their busine:
puts his pants on, etc. But everyone a
little rumor to toss in, a theory. Several
question Sarah's bruises. “The bruises
t after a while it looked as though
Sarah Miles was the one who was dead
ad David was alive.” Even little Thom-
year-old son, gets into
"sa story that his 29-year-
old nanny was heard saying: “The reason
Thomas is acting so precocious is that he
was the one who broke in and found
David dead.” There's plenty more where
these came from—but by this time, all I
really care about is David and his mother.
I've phased out my Hollywood stage of
the story and I'm working on the mother-
andson legend. They wouldn't let Da-
vid's mother speak at the inquest, but she
insisted and finally got a list of testimon
als read into the record: Time magazine's
John Steele (David was a staff member
Tor three years) found him “one of the
brightest young men with whom I have
come into contact .. . a young man of
high character and honesty." A film pro-
ducer, Warren Kiefer, had this to say:
“He was one of the very few men I have
ever known intimately who demonstrated
from the very first day 1 met him in
London . . . courage. ... He became, for
both me and my wife, in his short life, a
Standard of what in fact an exceptional
young man can and should be.” So where
does Sarah Miles come off calling Mrs.
Campbell “half-mad"?
Come to think of it. Mom's really got it
in for Sarah. Her final words to the in-
quest jury: “We believe that Sarah Miles
will find in her own conscience the best
rebuttal of her allegations about my son.
Somewhere along the line, I get my
hands on D: last letter to his mom.
Its dated ] id is written
from London. Here's some of it: “All
gocs well here. My skiing trip was very
successful. I have bought some splendid
new cameras. I am just finishing the first
draft of a screenplay. I have bought the
film rights of a book called The Mis-
tress, by Andrew McCall, and, generally,
things are going very well here, d
Options . . . scrcenplays . -
. .. David's mother would lı
these sound like the ravings of a "half-
mad" young man. I poke around some
more, following Mrs. Campbell's t
bit. A waitress at Mrs. Wri
Room remembers her storming into the
restaurant and saying, “I hear you have
some god-awful barbecued food here and
that all of your fish is frozen, too.” But
the girl recalls this with affection, She's
one of those women who can get
with this kind of th
make you love it.
T had that kind of mother. She used to
walk over to a baby carriage, look inside
and tell the proud mother, “What an ugly
child.” I dont know how she did it,
but she made the mother love it. The
mother knew that, in some weird way,
ugly meant beautiful. It's a tough one to
pull off, but my mother had that knack.
So, apparently, does David's mother. At
least in the legend I'm creat
Ferrante, of Western Auto Associ:
who drove David's mother back
to the inquest from the Westward Motel
in Buckeye, didn't see any of this edge to
the woman. But he was with her all the
vay. He found her motherly, pol
5 M to like people
like her, especially middle-class people
like us. You see, we get into battles and.
Jose them. A woman like her just keeps on
coming.” Ferrante has а boy, 15, and an
eight-year-old If one of them
were to die, tragically, like David, would
he wade in? "You bet your life. With ev-
crything I had. Bat the thing is, I'd prob-
ably have to drop out at some point.
Thats the thing about Mrs. Campbell.
She'll never drop ou
Late at night, back at the Trave-
Lodge, | stand in my room, the Burt
Reynolds room, and it really gets to me. A
Kid is dead. A wri just getting
off the ground. (Го his credit, Reynolds
"Where is this wench who claims to
turn straw into gold?”
points this out on the courtroom steps,
right after he's taken a rap at the local
“plumber.” “Let's not forget," he says, “а
boy is dead.") And his mother is not ta
ing no for an answer. She plans to keep
on coming. And brother, do I know that
d of mother. We all had them, all 35 of
my friends in the Bronx, 34 of whom be-
came dentists and doctors. And me. We all
had John Wayne for a mother. The fa-
thers were invisible, so the mothers took
over, but at least there was one John
Wayne in the
skirts. We paid a
there was a kid whose father was in the
ickets, a “bad Jew,” but I notice those
guys didn’t turn out so terrifically, either.
Whatever the case, David is dead, but at
least he's got a john Wayne mother on
the case. Taking on coroners and police
chiefs and lawyersand movie studios. With
tention of quitting. The way those
tough Bronx mothers wouldn't have quit.
The way my mother would have hung
there. Even in Arizona. In the Andaman
Islands, if thats where the trail led her.
Forget about why these mothers hang in
there. The textbooks might hint there’s a
little guilt in the picture. Maybe they
didn't do too hot a job on the kid when
he was alive. Not important. Маз, Camp-
bell is going to keep on coming. David is
out of private day schools and St. Albans
nd London and his moth-
now lives and works in Berkeley and
married to a former official im the
istration, Neither David
nor his mother ever set loot in the Bronx,
but put all that aside for the moment.
She's some kind of Bronx Jewish Joh
Wayne mom, at least in the story Im
making up. Standing in the Burt Reyn-
olds room, I start to focus on David and
Im tempted to check out his last room,
but I don't do it. What’s that going to
accomplish? АП these goddamned rooms
are the same, any
Driving up to L.A. through the desert,
I start to see David as some kind of toi
tured Seymour Glass type, pill popping,
sporadically brilliant, unable to cope. His
colleagues in the Luce group r
him as being “flaky—a starsst
a lust for the life of the
Beautiful People.” Well, that’s not quite
Seymour Glass, but I make an adjust-
ment; I force it to work. Quirky, brillia
erratic—all of it snuffed out just as he's
starting to cook. The trouble is, as they
at Watergate, it just won't wash. For
example, when 1 get to L.A. (I miss G:
dice Bergen—one of David's crushes—by
ten minutes: she’s off to China, and I
don't know the Zip Code), 1 take another
look at David's last letter to his mom.
ph I missed the first time
yhat I need is roughly six pairs
of boxer shorts. I find the English variety
abominably badly cut. They should be
for a 33” waist; thus the size should be
either 32%-34” or more likely simply 54”.
Plaids, stripes and other bright colors
would be appreciated, and I suggest you
unwrap them, launder them once and
then airmail them to me in a package
marked ‘personal belongings.” . . . There
are various kinds of boxer shorts, but it is
the most standard normal cut which T
kind of sad, in a way, but
little hard to work with. “Abomi
badly cut” boxer shorts. He's got to have
the most standard normal cut. Where's
the quirky brilliance? Where's the failed
gen at happened to Seymour
Glass? This guy is into boxer shorts. And
they have to have the right cut or he's not
going for them. That's what happens
when you fool around with legends. They
have a way of backfiring on you. I even
swing with the bo
figure ГИ give him the boxer sh
then I get my hands on some of
vine stuff. I try an ar
and Paula: Two Real Fun Kids.” Right
off, he’s got Dick Benjamin and Paula
Prentiss “bounding into the living room
of their Manhattan apartment like frisky
elk. Dick with his hand-in-the-cookie-jar
grin and Paula with breasts squirming
like live puppies beneath her jersev top.”
Now I'm in big trouble. Its going to
be hard to work with those live-puppy
breasts. All right, the kid was 25 when he
knocked off the piece, but you just don't
do live-puppy breasts. Even if you're just
getting off the ground. You take live-
puppy breasts out, even if it hurts. And
particularly if you want to be Seymour
Glass. 1 have to remind myself that he
doesn't want to be Seymour Glass. т the
one whos making this all up. And his
magazine work, give or take a live puppy-
breast allusion or two, is readable, Com-
petent; slick. Not that easy to pull off
Try keeping someone glued to the page
with 6000 words on a starlet and you'll
get the idea. But there's no way I'm going
to get Seymour Glass out of him. And the
deeper in 1 go, the more trouble I'm in. I
round up one of the female stars of whom
he was temporarily enamored, and all she
can remember is that he was "swe:
For a while, I was working with a
young Robert Ryan or Hurd Hatfield
vision of David (I'd come off Seymour
Glass), and she hands me “Mike Nichols
with 2 paunch." If you had to do him in
the films, which actor would you pick for
she says. “Kind
P Art Garfunkel.” I can't deal
with this and I decide to quit while I'm
behind. Not fool around anymore. I for-
get all about Seymour Glass and li
pic and WASP Art Carfunkcls
decide to go back to my original made-up
(but possibly truer than the real thing,
the way the Italian spaghetti Westerns
often achieve an epic form that's more ac-
curate than the American realistic films)
version of the story, the one I like about
the gray-haired little old lady sailing into
a strange Arizona town, guns firing, load-
ed for bear, absolutely determined to find
out what happened to her son, her mas-
terpiece, and nobody better stand in the
way. I'm not sure what happened to
David Whiting that night (carly mon
i n Gila Bend, and that troubled
police chief isn't, either. As David's writ-
ergirlfriend put it: "Every one of those
thousand jour: s who covered Gila
Bend has a little piece of the truth. If you
could put all those pieces together, you'd
have the answer." More important, if I
were on the stand in Maricopa County
and I had told even a litle fib, I wouldn't
be sleeping very easy—not with my leg-
endary mother on the case. Noc with this
woman who obviously plans to keep on
So I'm going to stick with my mother-
and-son legend for a while. I don't know
how it squares with the facts, but it would
make a terrific film. You'd need someone
er, to tackle
of it, a
David Whiting would be perfect. Got all
the stulf and he'd probably work cheap.
Except that... well...
The great impostor.
It is nota cigarette.
Noris it everybody's idea of a cigar.
It's an A&C Little Cigar. Slim, filter-tipped
and devilishly smooth tasting.
It tastes great because it's made with a
special blend that includes imported cigar
tobaccos. Cured for mildness and flavor.
And it looks great!
Naturally, itall adds up to
Regular or Menthol.
There are twenty A&C Little Cigars in
the elegant crush-proof pack.
JAMES THOMPSON mr. district attorney
SLOUCHED IN THE CHAR of his lare, glasswalled Chicago
office, U.S. District Attorney James Thompson talks on the
phone, telling a reporter that it’s much too early for him to
think about running for mayor. After the call, he tums to a
visitor and says, “Guessing who's going to succeed Daley is
the favorite pastime of pol reporters here, If they get
someone who looks fway-decent candidate and he
doesn't deny his interest, that just fans the flames to a white
heat in this town.” Certainly, Thompson is more than halfway
decent. After his appointment in 1971, he launched a massive
attack on political corruption in the mother-lode city of such
connivings—prosecuting Cook County Clerk Edward Barrett,
numerous aldermen and, in his most significant conviction to
date, former governor Otto Kerner, whose reputation had
been that of a clean—if stillly starched—public official. Since
then, "Big Jim” (he's 68" and weighs 230 pounds) has been
almost daily news, which he doesn't mind at all. At a confer-
ence of U.S. attorneys, he and a colleague held a tongue-in-
check impromptu seminar, telling fellow Federal prosecutors,
“TV-news people love visuals. If you can show them a bag
of heroin or a confiscated arsenal of rifles, you'll get 30 seconds
on the air any time." He was joking, but there's no denying
that he knows how to get coverage, and that ability, together
with his sincere outrage at official malfeasance, has made him
the most important, and feared, Republican in town. It's also
prompted speculation about his future, although he recently
dedined an offer to head N ics-enforcement
"I want to stay in Chicago,” "hompson.
y looking for a town house on the стуу N
adds, “It would be perfect for me: a big, stately place with
coach house in back, where the mayoral cabinet could mee
WAYLON JENNINGS best by a country mile
tr ne HADN'T given up his charter-flight seat to a friend back
February 1959, the world might have known Waylon Jen-
nings only as an accident statistic. The flight ended in a crash
outside Mason City, Iowa, killing all aboard, including Buddy
Holly, Richie Valens and J. P. “Big Bopper” Richardson, the
guy to whom Waylon—who was then vocalist and bass side-
man with Holly's group, The Grickets—gave his seat. Instead,
columnists аге now speculating that Jennings could make it as
“the performer of 1973," and fellow artist Kris Kristofferson
has called him, simply, “the best country singer in the world.”
But it’s been a slow climb for Jennings, who's been singing for
his supper for nearly 25 of his 36 years. He was pretty broken
up by the airplane tragedy: “I just kinda quit for quite a little
while,” he drawls. He went back to Lubbock, and later to
Phoenix, to work as a disc jockey occupation he had taken
upat the age of I2 for radio station KVOW in his native Little-
field. Texas, a place he describes as "out in the suburbs of a
cotton patch." The local station manager recruited Jennings
after hearing him sing at a box supper. "I was so scared I like
to died. I learned two songs—and then went and sang one of
them clear through to the tune of the other.” By the early Si
more seasoned Jennings was ready to form his own
Since 1965, Jennings—who now lives
ars, singer-composer
Jesi Colter—has been recording for RCA, with some 20 al-
bums to his credit. He thinks the last two, Lonesome, On'ry
and Mean and Honky Tonk Heroes, which he's produced
himself, will make the difference. “Everybody had ideas of
how I should sound instead of how I did sound,” he says.
“Now I'm just going to go ahead and do my own thing. It's
not the instrument or the arrangement that makes country
music; its the soul and the performance. Otherwise, Dean
Martin could be the biggest country singer in the world.”
outside Nashville with his wife of fou
JOHN LEONARD changing “
“I ALWAYS WANTED to be the Great American Novelist,” muses
John Leonard. “After three novels, it was clear 1 wasn't goi
it" Instead, as editor of The New York Times Book
Review, Leon probably the most powerful man in Ame:
can book publishing—not a bad consolation prize. And a lucky
break for literary bulls. Controversial, argumentative, often
feisty, Leonard's new Review has shaken the mildew out of lit-
тагу criticism, a shopping guide," he
says. “We'll Ia ns, publish career essays, inter-
view everybody in sight, even. occasionally. decla Un-
conventional is the best word for the Review and its 34-year-old
editor, whose career is a zigzag of left to right and East to West.
After flunking out of Harvard in 1958, he was discovered by
William F. Buckley, Jr. who put him to work on the conserva-
tive National Review. “I Iways vaguely liberal" Leonard
recalls. “Buckley helped radicalize me." He moved on to Berke-
ley, where he was director of drama and books for San Francis-
FM station, KPFA. After a first novel, The Naked.
Martini, Leonard moved East again, this time to work with п
grant apple pickers in New Hampshire. In 1967, The New
York Times hired him first as book previewer, then as critic—
and he found his métier, Witty, urbane, scathingly precise,
his reviews have run the topical gamut from Nabokov to The
Parwidge Family. On Hubert Humphrey: "One doubts that
Humphrey could inspire bacilli to connive at anthrax.” Oa
Jean Genet: “The only thing more ng than a novel by
is a cri “Merv
always comes on like Charlie Brown in a rep tie." Chiefly an
editor now, Leonard still finds time to write—surprise!—the
ubiquitous “Cyclops” column formerly in Life and Newsweek,
now in the Sunday Times. "Editing a magazine,” he says, “has
none of the grosser ego satisfactions of a regular column:
but there are subtle pleasures attached to it.” We've noticed.
re war.
Burr (continued from page 146)
‘ould not be in any condition to succeed
in our interview on July Ilh. Fortu-
Bradhurst thdrew from the field of
honor, leaving me unscratched.
On the evening of July fourth, I at-
tended the celebration of the Society of
the Cincinnati at Fi ' Ta
Hamilton was most poised. In fact, I
have scldom seen him so charming. "I
must congratulate you on a successful in-
terview,” he murmured as we bowed to
each other in the taproom.
“I hope your friend Mr. Bradhurst
make a swift recovery.” I turned aw:
Despite Hamilton's notorious
gance and shortness with those whose
minds worked less swiftly than his ow
he had the gift of enchanting others when
he chose. Suspecting that this might well
be his last public appearance, he meant
for all the world to remember him as he
was that night, still handsome despite the
fleshiness of too much good living, still
able to delight with subtle flattery those
older than himself, to dazzle with his bril-
liance those younger.
As we sat at table in the long room—a
group of middle-aged men who shared
nothing but the fact that we had all been
ar the same time and had fought as
s in the Revolution—l, too, had
the sense that this might be my last ap-
pearance upon the republic’s brightest
stage. There was a good chance that I
would be killed. There was an even ber
ter chance that Ha would be
lled. But whatever happened, nothing
would ever be the same again in а week’
1 felt curiously detached as I sat in the
place of honor (despite my recent elec-
toral defeat, І was still Vice-President of
the United States); saw myself as from a
great distance already a carnival м
works and no longer real.
Others have written that I was moody
nd distant that night. Obviously, I was
not in full command of myself. But then
the ultimate encounter was at hand. The
man who had set himself the task of rui
ing me during "15 years competition”
was now about to complete his work, and
I must ve known in some instinctive
way that he would again suceced, no mat-
ter what happened on the Weel
І was genuinely moved when at the
company's request General Hamilton got
his fine tenor voice sing The
Drum. a song that no veteran of the Rev-
olution can listen to without sorrow for
his lost youth and the dead he loved.
Needless to say, 1 did not realize with
what cunning Hamilton had prepared his
departure from this world, and my ruin.
Charles Schuylers account, continued
Today the colonel was in а most curi-
ous and excited mood. “If it amuses you,
Charley, we shall go to the Heights of
Weehawk and I shall act out for you the
duel of the century, when the infamous
Burr slew the noble Hamilton, from be-
hind a thistle—obviously a disparaging
allusion to my small stature, Yet Hamil-
ton was less Шар an inch taller than І,
now he looms a giant of legend,
with a statue to his divinity in the Me
chants’ Exchange, his temple. While for
me no statue, no laurel, only thistle!
1 was delighted and somewhat embar-
rassed. Burr almost never speaks of the
duel; and most people, unlike Leggett,
are much too nervous of the subject ever
10 bring it up in his presence, even
though it is the one thing everyone in the
world knows about Aaron Burr, and the
one thing it is impossible лог to think of
upon first meeting him.
“He killed General Hamilton," my
mother whispered to me when the ele-
gant litle old man first came into our
Greenwich Village tavern, alter his re-
turn from Europe. “Take a good look at
him. He was a famous man once.”
As I grew older, I realized that my fami-
ly admired Bury more than not and that
my mother was pleased when he took a
fancy to me, and gave me books to read,
ged me to attend Columbia
College and take up the law. But my first
glimpse of him at a table close to the
pump-room fire was of the Devil himself,
and I ball expected him to leave not by
door but up the chimney with
and encou
the flames.
We walked to Middle Pier at the end of
Duane Street. “I've ordered my young
to stand һу.”
The colonel's eyes were bright at the
prospect of such an unusual adventure—
into past time rather than into that airy
potential future time where he is most
at home.
"It was a hot day like this—30 years and
one month ago. Yet I remember being
most unseasonably cold. In fact, I or-
dered a fire the night of the tenth and.
slept in my clothes on a sofa in the study.
Slept very well, I might add. A detail to
be added to your heroic portrait of me.”
An amused glance in my direction.
Around dawn, John Swartwout came to
ke me up. I was then joined by Van
and Matt Davis. We embarked from
Richmond Hill."
The till young boatman was waiting
Jor us at the deserted slip. The sun was
fierce. We were the only people on the
rf: The whole town had gone away
for August.
We got into the boat and the young
man began to row with slow, regular
strokes upriver to the high green Jersey
shore opposite.
“On just such a morning. . . ." He
hummed to himself softly. Then: “My af-
n order. 1 had set out six blue
boxes, containing enough material for my
biography, if anyone was so minded to
write such a thing. Those boxes now rest
at the bottom of the sea.” He was blithe
even at this allusion to beloved.
daughter: trailed his finger in the river;
squinted at the sun. "What, I wonder, do
the fishes make of my history?"
I tried to imagine him 30 years ago,
with glossy dark hair, an unlined face, a
steady hand—the Vice-President on an
errand of honor. But I could not associate
this tiny old man with that figure of
"Love leuers to me were all discreetly
filed, with instructions to be burned, to
be returned to owners, to be read at my
grave—whatever was fitting. My princi
pal emotion that morning was relief.
erything was arranged. Everything was
well finished,
“Did you think you might be killed?"
The colonel shook his head. "When 1
woke up on the sofa, saw dawn, I knew
that I would live to see the sun set, that
Hamilton would not.” A sudden frown as
he turned out of the bright sun: the face
went into shadow. “You see, Hamilton
deserved to die and at my hands.
I then asked the question I had wanted
to ask since yesterday, but Burr only
shook his head. "I have no intention of
repeating, ever, what it was that Ha
ton said of me."
In silence, we watched the steamboat
from Albany make its way down the cen-
ter channel of the river. On the decks,
women in bright summer finery twirled
parasols; over the water, their voices
echoed the gulls that followed in the
ship's wake, waiting for food.
Apparently the Wechawk Heights
ook just the same now as they did
then.” The colonel skipped easily onto
the rocky shore. While 1 helped our sailor
drag his boat onto the beach, the colonel
alked briskly up a narrow footpath to a
wooded ledge.
Ideal for its purpose," Burr said when
1 joined him.
The ledge is about six feet wide and
perhaps 30 or 40 feet long, with a steep
cliff above and below it. At either er
green tangle of bri
view of the river
The colonel indicates the spires of New
York City visible through the green fo-
h partly screens the
tices, too, and laughs. "From habit. When
duelists came here, they were always very
quiet for fear they'd wake an old man
who lived in a hut nearby. He was called
the captain and he hated dueling, If he
heard you, he would rush onto the scene
and thrust himself between the duclists
and refuse to budge. Often to everyone's
great relief.
Burr crosses to the marble obelisk at the
center of the ledge. “I have not seen this
before.” The monument is dedicated to
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appealing to our prurient interests."
the memory of Alexander Hamilton
Parts have been chipped away, while the
is scribbled over with love
The colonel makes no comment.
Then he crosses slowly to a large
© tree, pushing aside weeds, kicking
pebbles from his path. At the base of the
tree, he stops and takes off his black jack-
down at the river. I grow un-
inot think why. I tell myself that
re no ghosts.
When Burr finally speaks, his voice is
matter of fact. “Just before seven o'clock.
Hamilton and his second, Pendleton, and
the good Dr. Hoyack—Hamilton was al-
ways fearful for his healh—arrive. Just
down there.” Burr points. 1 look, half
pecting to see the dead disemba
there is only river below us.
“Pendleton carries an
does Van Ness. Which looks most pei
" morning, but the umbrel
»ur f We are now
the law.
are to disgui:
about to brea
Burr leaves his post at the cedar tree,
walks to the end of the ledge. "Now Gen-
Hamilton arrives there, with his
For an instant I almost see the rust-
colored hair of Hamilton, shining in
summer sun. I have the sense of being
apped in someone else's dream, caught
in a constant circi asing present.
horrible sensation.
Burr bows. “Good morning, Ger
Mr. Pendleton, good mor
turns and walks toward me. “Billy
swear he now thinks me Van Ness. “You
and Pendleton draw lots to see who has
ion and who will give the
choice of posi
word to fir
With blind eyes, the colonel indicates
for me to cross то the upper end of the
‘our principal has won both choices,
Mr. Pendleton.” A pause. “He wants to
stand there?” A slight note of surprise in
Burr's voice.
I realize suddenly t
my eyes: through green leaves w:
fects brightness.
Burr has now taken up his pos
full paces opposite me. I think I am going
10 faint, Burr has the best position. facing
the heights. I know that I am going to die.
I want to scream but dare not.
1 am ready.” The colonel seems to
hold in his hand x heavy pistol.
He looks at me, lowers the pistol
quire your glasses? Of course, General. 1
al Hamilton satisfied?” Burr
then "Good, I am ready, too."
1 stand transfixed with t
takes aim and shouts, “Present!”
And I am killed.
Burr starts
з Burr
me, arms out-
stretched. 1 feel my legs give way; feel the
the burning of the bullet in my
feel myself begin to die. Just in
Burr stops. He becomes his usual
d so do 1
Hamilton fired first. I fired an instant
's bullet broke a branch
* Burr indicated the tall
My bullet pierced his liver and
spine. He drew himself up on his toes.
Like this." Burr rose er. "Then
fell to a halisi n. Pendleton
propped him up. ‘I am а dead man.’
Hamilton said. I started toward him, but
Van Ness stopped me. Dr. Hosack was
coming. So we left.
“But . . . but Т would've stayed and
gone to you, had it not been for what I
saw in your face” Again the bli
Burr's eyes. Again he sees me as Hamil-
ton. And again I start to die, the bullet
“I saw terror in your face, terror at the
evil you had done me. And that is why I
could not go to you or give you any com-
fort. Why I could do nothing but what I
did. Aim to kill, and kill.
Burr sat down at the edge of the mon
штеп. Rubbed his eyes. The vision—or
whatever this lunacy was—passed. In a
quiet voice, he continued with
me. the world saw fit to believe a differ
ent story. The night before our meeting,
Hamilton wrote a letter to posterity. An
astonishing work reminiscent of а peni-
tent monk's last confession. He would
reserve his first fire, he declared, and
perhaps his sccond, because, morally, he
disapproved of dueling. Then, of course,
he fired first. As for his disapproval of
dueling, he had issued at least three
challenges—that I know of. But Hamil-
ton realized better than anyone that the
world—our American world, at lcast—
loves a canting hypocr
Bunt got to his feet. Started toward the
path. I followed dumbly.
“Hamilton lived for a day
He was in character to the very last. He
told Bishop Moore that he felt no ill will
oward me. Thar he had met me with a
fixed resolution to do me no harm. What.
а contemptible thing to say!"
Burr started down the path. I staggered
after him. At the rivers edge, he paused
ind looked across the slow water toward
the flowery rise of Staten Island. “I had
forgot how lovely this place w:
ever noticed.”
We got into the boat. “You know, I
de Hamilton a giant by killing him. If
he had lived, he would continued
his dedine. He would have been qu
forgouen by now. Like me” This was
said without emotion. “While 0 ht
have been my monument up there, all
scribbled over."
d look in
As usu:
nd a half.
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BUNNIES OF 1973 (continued from page 112)
fact, rather common among the cotton- it, though," she adds quickly. “I'm
ta Phoenix Bunny Connie James has — suicily a trail biker.
earned a purple belt in the kenpo school Another Angeleno, Dyane McMath,
of karate, and St. Louis Bunny of the — rises at 4:30 Ам. c
Year Rhetta Penninger lifts weights—as Santa Anita race t
does fellow cottontail Joan Egenriether, ing workouts; she's I
a lifeguard for the
Bunny Monica White teaches yoga classes was a
at several Miami Beach hotels, including into a race wack near where we li
the Playboy Plaza, Los Angeles Bunny to be dose to the a
Barbara Garson, daughter of схтасесаг — cquestrienne, London
driver Joe Garson, is one of the few wom- lam hz
en in the country allowed in the pits at prizes with h
championship-lass events. She's often s ambition is to be a vete
been a scorer for Dan Gurneys All- Montreal, Bunny Попа Wahl
American. Racers team, for which Bobby
Unser is the principal driver. "Havi
leged children on trips to the 200
Пап cottontails sta
work in the pits. That India
this year, though, I could have done with-
out, I spent my vac
in Indy watching it
's charg
d. I should
a motorcycle racer
for a boyfriend helps, too; bara’
customized an offroad machine for her, chased a
and she won an award in the Tridents gate the South Florida w
Custom Car and Motorcycle
Los Angeles Sports Arena. “I don't race
down the
“I know back at the start of the season that I said
I didn’t care what you did on your own time as long as
you gave me 100 perceni on the playing field . .. however... .
y so she can get to
ck in time for morn-
arning to be a horse
ast four years. Miami trainer there. “I've loved horses since I
d," Dyane recalls. “1 used to sneak
ed, just
pals.” Another
Van Boo-
s won more than 300 jumping
horse Charley Brown; Gi
arian. In
a volun-
worker, taking underpriv
ace-car driver fora father helps, she says ball park. Once or twice a year, the
ge "cleunout-
ace thecloset days" to provide clothing for
n from the Club — On Phoenix not-uncommon 110-degree
‚ Bunny Toby Ostreicher goes inner-
lt River. Over
's guy in Miami, Chris Adams recently pu
18-foot boat, learned to nav
ters and
how atthe teaching other Bunnies to waterski. St.
i Eiscle, a self-con-
fessed camping freak, makes her own fish-
g poles from green limbs, tent string
and beercan pulltabs. Denver Bunny
Shelia Winkler, an amateur ichthyologist,
has 13 aquariums in which she breeds hy-
brid guppies; another Denver cotronta
Nancee Walsh, is a pilot. Which figu
Both her parents are, and she and her
dad once spent three years building an
acroba nt pla Ту ambition,"
says Nancee frankly, "is to pilot Hugh
Hefner's jet.”
There are already cottontails aboard
the Big Bunny, of course, but they're
there as hostesses, not cockpit crew. The
Jet Bunny contingent now numbers 14,
all stationed Chicago—where they
n they're not in
Of late, these high fliers—Anne
Denson, Playmate-Bunny
Britt Eld
icko English,
thy Jovanovic, May-
nelle Thomas, Leah Anderson (named
first runner-up for the Miss Photoflash
title in Chicago this year), Karen R
Michele Spietz Joy Tarbell, Sharon
Gwin, Pam Gazda, Carole Green, Rebec-
ca Shutter and Sue Hugey—have been
speeding about the country with Sonny
and Chér, who've chartered the Playboy
jet to meet concert commitments.
And within the past year, several other
cottontai ve been logging flying
hours—as traveling representatives for
Playboy. Los Angeles Bunny of the
Year Bevy Self, Great Gorge B. O. T. Y.
Waren Smith, Denver Bunny Judy Bei
Adanta Bunny Ida Wilson and Chic
Bunny Leslie Moehrle jetted to Ја
a publicrelations visit for Playboy
As Pureiboi Bani Garu—a. rough
Japanese version of Playboy Bunny
Girls—they һе nstant celeb
anese-language publications,
round the world, six London
McDonald, Anna
Gardiner, Rema Nelson, Rebecca Wel-
Pekoe Li and A
New York Bunnies Sohelia Maleki
Jackie Zeman toured Brazil on be
Playboy Records.
Even if your head's not in a spin from
traveling through Bunnydom, you can
be forgiven for seeing double in three
of the Playboy Clubs. Twin Bunnies
Julie Anne and Tomie Winsor work in
London; in New Orleans, keyholders
often confuse Sherry Crider with twin
Merry; and in Adanta, the same problem
arises with Brenda and Glenda Lott. But
single or double, the view is fine at any
Playboy Club, and it’s not 100 soon to
stop by and start thinking about your
nomince for Bunny (or ` Bunnies)
of the Year—1974
MYTH.Marijuana useleadsto heroin.
FACT.'Marijuana use per se does not dictate whether other drugs will be used
nor does it determine the rate of progression, if and when it occurs, or which
drug might be used."
"Whetherornotmarijuana leads to other drugs depends on the individual,
on the social and cultural setting in which the drug usetakes place, and onthenature
ofthedrug market. The fact shouldbe emphasized that the overwhelming majority
ofusersdonot progress to other drugs.”
MYTH. Marijuana use causes crime andaggressive behavior.
FACT.“Insum, the weight of evidenceis that marijuana does not cause violentor
aggressive behavior; ifanything, marijuana generally serves to inhibit theex-
pression of such behavior."
MYTH. Marijuana is addictive.
FACT."Ina word, cannabis (marijuana) doesnot leadtophysical dependence.”
MYTH. Marijuana usersaresocietal ‘drop outs.’
FACT.“ The most notable statement that can be madeabout the vast majority of
marijuana users — experimenters and inter mittent users — isthat they are essen-
tially indistinguishable from their non- -marijuana using peers by any fundamental
criterion other than their marijuana use.”
“Young people who choose to experiment with marijuanaare fundamentally
thesame ae socially and psychologically, as those who use alcohol and tobacco.”
learly indicates there i:
‘ylegal reforms. Peopl
an ation forthe Reform of A i ingout.
apublieinformation/lobbying effort at the commu Veask yoursupport acontributor,
and/oran organizer in our: sponsible ma апа laws, Wecannot permita ationto be
madeoutlaws beeauseofanaehronistieand unjust marijuanalaws.
Nic report inandofitself, w
ed, convicted and jailed forsmoking ma
О Love
0 Anxioustocontri
rnish me enough n
lor D5, ‘Cin or L125 people.
D) Lam interestedin becoming involved ina largescaleefforttoreformmarijuana
aw: ndmeadditionalinformation formy C] club, O military base,
D Dheadshop, О.
D Include ___‘LiberateMarijuana’bumperstickers. Twofor
sif tion).
Dinclude sheetsof Liberate Marijuana’stamps.S2a sheet.
Name E
Address TER
City State Zip
NORML Advisory Board: Howard 5. Becker, pi Northweste
STE The Cathedral Church of 5 h
D Gladman Memo
г. PhD New York
rith, an Raphael, California; Be N: US
Washington Dt Veil, MD Washington DC; Dorothy V. Whipple, MD Washington, DC; Leon NR MD Johns Hopkins Univers
inberg, MD Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts 181
PAD WARMER „спон pase r00)
dinner party among rolled-up rugs and
vacant bookshelves seems so wildly out
of gear fosters a whatthehell spi
that makes the big platter of browned
Bratwurst, the foaming beer and the
shrimp, apple and pistachà 1 twice
us tempting as they would be if offered in
a well-ordered dining room with every
bread-and-buttcr dish and every little
saltcellar meticulously in place.
You can turn the great upheaval into
an evening of relaxed fun simply by tak-
ng first things first. It's always а wise
nove to carry in your own car the con-
tents of both your liquor
your wine racks, as well as barware, silver-
ware and valuable glassware. China and
kitchen equipment, from carving sets
to Dutch ovens, will arrive with the total
van load but will be easily found in iden-
tifiable crates or cartons.
Setting up the food and drink should
be as effortless as possible, but don't pin
all your hopes on too-easy options;
they're sometimes deceptive. For instance,
you may decide to turn your party into an
indoor picnic by arranging for a local
caterer to supply the goodies. If you ini
mately know the caterer’s offerings, his
nctuality, etc., well and good. But if
you have to begin scouting the neighbor-
net and
hood for a new caterer, the time spent in
preliminary visits, planning and phone
calls may only lead to the conventional
deli sandwiches on plastic platters, dull
salads and last week's cheesecake.
However, there are some party dishes
turned out in your own kitchen that
at first may seem like extended culinary
nts but which. in fact, arc often fr
and easy. A boiled-beef platter, for ex-
ample, is one of the most gemütlich of all
dishes for a pad-warming party. It takes
three to four hours’ cooking time. But the
main job consists of nothing more oner-
ous than lowering a piece of beef and
vegetables into a pot of water. While the
brisket is slowly getting tender, you can
unpack several wardrobes or fill a wall
with books. It’s the kind of party dish
accompanied with garnishes that you can
expand or keep down, following your
own cpicurean whims. In France it’s
called bouilli; when a chicken is added to
the beel, it’s a pot-awfeu. Hollanders
sometimes cook salt pork with the beef
and call it hutspot. The German and Aus-
trian versions, known asgedämpjtes Rind-
fleisch, often come to the table looking
like elaborately groomed productions, but
almost all of the garnishes outside of
a fresh horseradish sauce are tart salads—
“If your wife comes home, do I leave
or just shove over?”
проз from Germany —
able in this country in jars.
s a simple
to a specialty cheese shop.
matter to assemble a tray of French cheeses
ich as cantal, brie, reblochon and roque-
fort, delectable with the predinner drinks
or with the fruit bowl at the dinner's end,
or borh. A skewered antipasto would sug-
gest a shop featuring Italian foods:
no-hassle appetizer made up in minutes
by jabbing folded slices of Genoa salami,
prosciutto, artichoke h nd other
delicacies on a wooden spear. For the best
large veal Bratwurst, you would go to a
German part of town or to a shop spe-
cializing in freshly made Wursts. The
shrimp, apple and pistachio salad that
follows is assembled from shrimps freshly
boiled and shelled, available at any rep-
utable seafood shop; cooked fresh crab
lump or cooked fresh lobster from the
same source could fill the salad bowl ju:
as sumptuously and as easily.
A house is not а home unless it’s
toasted. To insist that the only way to
warm a new pad is with iced French vin-
tage champagne is a form of Bacchic
racial snobbery now gencrally outmoded.
Obviously, French champagne is in a dif-
ferent class from American sparkling
Burgundy. But just as many avin du pays
is enjoyed not because it's less expensive
than a prest but
because its easy drinkability fits in with
modern informal living, so do the other
. from German Sekt to sp
sé, serve perfectly for any pad
ing. Each sparkling wine within its own
family is cndowed with its own person-
Americans who taste ome asti
spumante and then gencralize about all
asti spumantes have much to learn about.
the liveliness, flavor aud relative dryness
of the charming bubblics from the Pied-
mont region of Italy. The uncontrolled
tidal wave of bottled cold duck that has
flooded the U. S. is a reminder that the
Original cold duck from Germany was
a half-and-half mixture of iced sparkling
white wine, iced still wine and orange
peel; it's one of the most magnificent
after-dinner drinks you can uncork; it
can be mixed in a large pitcher or in the
individual glass.
For men on the move, we offer the fol-
lowing explicit ways of saying welcome.
Each recipe serves six.
3/ Ib. bel paese cheese in one chunk
9-oz. jar tiny artichoke hearts in olive
ted mushrooms in c
ian sweet red and yellow
peppers in wine vinegar
6 large red radishes (or more, if desired)
ya Ib. thinly sliced Genoa salami
YA Ib. thinly sliced prosciutto ham
With scissors, cut off sharp ends of 6
wooden skewers. Cut cheese into cubes
peppers into 18 strips about м in. wide
d 11 ins. long. The above will supply
cnough for 6 skewers, with leftovers.
Portions may be enlarged 1
pieces, or additional skewers may be made
wp for second helpings. Fasten a radish
at the end of each skewer. Allo
pieces of pepper for each, fast
of ingre nately to skewer. Chill
well. Brush h reserved oil
just before serving.
2 to 21⁄4 Ibs. large veal Bratwurst
2167. cans small white beans (not
baked beans)
1⁄4 cup French dress
2 tablespoons wine vinegar
2302. cans chopped
2 tablespoons very finely minced shal-
lots or scallions
Salt, pepper
Salad oil
п beans; wash well to eliminate
d and drain well, Place beans
in mixing bowl Add French dressing,
vinegar, mushrooms and shallots;
well. Add salt and pepper to taste. Let
salad marinate in refrigerator at least 3 to
cold water; slowly bring toa boil. As soon
as water boils, drain Bratwurst; wipe dry
with paper toweling, Melt enough butter
to cover large skillet, Add an equal quan-
tity of ой. Sauté Bratwurst until well
browned. Serve hot with sharp mustard
and cold bean salad.
4 Ibs. (first cut) fresh beef brisket or bot-
tom round
1 medium-sized head cabbage
6 large carrots, peeled
6 medium-sized potatoes. peeled
Bring 3 quarts water to a boil in large
pot. (A bouquet garni of a bay leaf, a few
me and a few peppercorns is
mes added to pot; beef purists pre-
fer the bouillon
notes.) Add beef, on
out these grace
ns, leeks,
parsley, parsnip, tomatoes and
spoons salt. Bring to a second boi
reduce flame and let barely sim
то 4 hours. Cut cabb;
leaving cach wedge attached to core.
About half an hour before cooking of
beef is completed, add cabbage, carrots
Remove and set aside beef, cabbage,
Carrots and potatoes. Strain broth and
serve as first course, if desired. Or cool
bouillon and serve on the rocks with
vodka as bull shots. Carve meat
grain with very sharp knife. A
cabbage in center of platter. Place beef
th slices overlapping on cabbage, Gar-
nish with carrots and potatoes. Pour a
small amount of hot broth onto beef just
before serving. Serve with cold prepared
horseradish or hot horseradish sauce
(below), small sour pickles, sharp mus-
tard and coarse salt.
1 cup beef bouillon
1⁄4 cup light cream
14 cup fresh white bread crumbs
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons prepared
Salt, pepper
In saucepan, combine bouillon, cream,
bread crumbs, butter and horseradish.
Bring to a boil; simmer 5 mi Add
salt and pepper to taste.
Boiled Beef, Viennese Style: Prepare
beef as above. At the table, pass hot
horseradis| d а compartmented
of assorted relishes on the sweet-tart
side. These are available in jars and
should be chilled before emptying onto
‘They include sour pickles and small
4 hours. Place Bratwurst in kage pot with and potatoes and simmer until tender, white onions in the same jar, Senfgurken,
Hair like yours
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itto, use Wella Balsam Instant Hair
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together. With Wella Balsam Conditioning
Shampoo and Wella Balsam Instant 0
©1973 The Wella Corp.
kled beets, celery salad. pickled squash,
pickled vegetable salad and pickled red
cabbage, which may be served hot or
cold. If served hot, allow 2 jars for 6
people and omit cabbage in recipe above.
Potaufeu: Add а 41b. fowl to pot
alter beef has simmered 1 hour. Serves
8-10. If a 3-Ib. spring chicken is used,
place in pot after beef has simmered
2 hours.
2 Ibs. (cooked weight) shrimps, boiled
and shelled
1 large Delicious apples, peeled and
2 cups celery, Yin. dice
114 cups mayonnaise
1 tablespoon very finely minced chives
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons sugar
4-02s. shelled salted p
Salt, pepper
Boston lettuce
Cut apples into Yin. dice. In large
bowl, combine shrimps, apples, celery,
sc. chives, lemo: х, sugar
Add salt and
yonnaise if
desired. Chill several hours. Line serving
ter with lettuce leaves. Place salad on
top and sprinkle with balance of pis
1 may be further garnished
with wedges of hard-boi and
led egg
For unveiling your pad at a
supper, try these light fondue sandwiches
along with a bubbly or beer.
Ib, shredded gruyére cheese
Softened butter
Salt, pepper
6 large slices boiled imported ham
12 slices large white sandwich bread
Beat eggs well in top part of double
boiler. Add cheese and 14 cup softened
butter. Place over bottom section of dou-
ble boiler with simmering water and
cook, stirring constantly, until mixtui
becomes thick and resembles soft scram-
bled eggs. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Chill slightly. 1f butter separates from
se mixture, stir to blend ingredients.
Sauté ham slices in butter until lightly
browned. Spread cheese mixture on б
slices of bread. Fold or cut ham slices and
plice on cheese. Top with remaining
slices of bread. Cover or wrap with wax
paper and chill in refrigerator until serv-
g time. Spread тор slice of bread with
softened butter. Place sandwiches bu
tered side down on preheated skillet or
griddle. When bottom is brown, spread
top with butter, turn and sauté until
brown. Cut sandwiches d before
It’s your move.
“I can't speak for the r
st of the rabble,
but he certainly rouses me!”
(continued from page 113)
for many years. But ronble came du
the week when the engineers were testing
the generators in the newly constructed
Conglomerate Building across the street
from his apartment, It must also be men
tioned that sunspot activity was unusually
high that week, cosmic-ray output re
aximum and the Van Allen
belts temporarily shifted four degrees 0
the south.
Mr. West had two big problems on his
mind. One had to do with Amclia—love-
ly, d
her parents were in Europe. The very
thought of her made his hands itch
his nose tremble. But then he thou
about the penalties for statutory incest-
pe and decided to postpone that one
The other problem concerned his
shares of South African Sweatshops, Ltd.
They had been slumping lately and
he was thinking of cashing them in
nd buying International Thanatopsis
To come to a valid market decision,
Mr. West had to assess such factors as Je-
verage, margin, seasonal variation, inves-
tor confidence, the Dow-Jones averag
alfalfa futures and many other things. No
one can be expected to think about those
things himself. It was obviously a job for
The Voice considered the problem
^g breakl.
got a solution
in discounting cer
The dith-
in proper-
induced їп tensile web
id Mr. West.
nd flexibility can be com-
s a single gradient function,” the
Voice went on, "but an absolute one in
terms of selfendosed systems homeo-
stasis. Therefore, molar
will result in
product strength.
What are you
West asked.
“The apparent reversal of Frochet’s
Law is due to the fact that energy flows
through endoriented web-and-pebble sys-
tems can be considered a simple bipo-
Jar variable. Once you understand ihat,
the industrial applications for this form
of lamination are obvious.”
Not to me, they're пой” Mr. West
shouted. “What's going on here? Who are
There was no reply from the Voice. It
had signed off.
During the rest of the day, he could
hear numerous Voices in his head, They
Martin Bormann is alive and well and
working as a Scientology auditor in Ma-
naus, Brazil.”
alking about?” Mr.
were saying all sorts of suange
ing Lady in the third at Aque-
“You are a potential ruler of the solar
system, but your evil pseudo parents have
trapped you in an unclean mortal body.”
That sort of talk alarmed Mr. West. He
figured that one Voice in the head was
tional, normal and perfectly OK. But
hearing а lot of Voices was one of the
signs of a crazy person. And, worst of all,
ouldn't g nswers from his own
dividual V
He kept calm over the next few days
and tried to solve his own problems
ed. He sold Sweatshops, Ltd., and it
promptly went up five points. He bought
Thanatopsis Corporation and it fell to
a record low when Time magazine
nounced a new immortality serum as
He rubbed his twitching nose with his
sweating hands and thought, "Let's sce, L
could sneak into her room at night wea
ing a black mask. She'd probably know
who I was, anyhow, but I could deny
the whole thing in court and who'd take
the word of a dummy? Or I could tell
her that the latest technique in sex edu-
But he knew that these solutions were
filled with danger. He was simply no
good at solving his own problems, and
there was no reason he should be. That
was work for his Voice—which he pic
tured as a miniature West about the
size of a pea who sat in the part of his
looked out
West's м
n labeled CONTROL CENTRAL and
t the world through. Mr.
es and sorted ui
e decisions,
"That was the normal, rational wa
nature bad intended. But his own per-
sonal Voice was no longer speaking to
him, or had disappeared, or simply wasn't
getting through.
Toward the cud of the week, he be-
impatient. “Solve something, damn
you!” he shouted, pounding his forehead
with his fist. But nothing happened ex-
cept that various Voices told him how to
fix liquid helium at room temperature,
how to build a multipletakeoff sub-
stance extractor out of an old. washing
machine and how to vary his collage tech-
nique with overprinted rotogravure back-
"Then, at last, the generator tests were
completed, sunspot activity started to de-
cline, cosmic-ray activity returned to nor-
mal, the Van Allen belts shifted four
degrees north and Mr, West stopped
hearing Voices.
The last wo messages he rec
“Try wearing a strapless push bra one
size too small. If that doesn’t get his atten-
tion, nothing will!
“Go forth, then, and lead My Children
ry on Mount Alluci, and tell
them to render praises unto Me, for only
gs out and
y that
ed were
“That wasn't your daughter screaming—
that was me.”
this Place of Righteousness shall remain
alter the Evil Nations have destroyed
cach other with Fire and Plague,
ke sure that you buy with Clear Ti
as much unentailed land as you can, be-
cause the price of real estate around here
going to go Sky-High after the Balloon
goes up next year."
However, that was not quite the end of
the matter. For on the day that the Voices
stopped, Mr. West read an interesting
item in The New York Times. The item
told how a municipal policeman in Rio
nde do Sul. moved by what he called
n my head,” went to Manaus
tin Bormann, alive
and well and working as a Scientology
Mr. West also glanced at the sports
pages and found that Leaping Lady
had won the third race at Aqueduct the
previous day.
The following evening, on the seven-
o'clock news, Mr. West heard that the
Smithsonian had been blown up, with
great loss of stuffed animals.
Mr. West found this disturbing. He
hurried out and bought an armload of
newspapers and magazines. In Art Times,
he read how Calderon Kelly, in his latest
oneman show, had varied his collage
technique with overprinted rotogravure
backgrounds, achieving an effect ar c
profound and lighthearted. And Science
Briefs had a column about John Wolping,
who had just announced а new form of
Jamin: g energy Hows through
end-oriented | web-and-pebble
The Wolping Method was expected to
revolutionize la оп techniques,
Mr. West was especially interested in a
New York Post feature story about a new
religious colony on the northern slope of
Mount Alluci in eastern Peru. Two dozen
Americans had followed Elibu Littlejohn
Carter (known as The Last Prophet) to
this desolate place. They were confidently
awaiting the end of the world.
Mr. West put down the newspaper. He
felt strange and numb and disoriented.
Like a sleepwalker, he picked up the tele-
phone, got the number of Braniff, called
and booked a flight to Lima for the fol-
lowing d;
As he put down the telephone, a clea
unmistakable Voice in his head—his
Voice—said to him, "You should never
have sold Sweatshops, Ltd, but you can
still recoup by doubling up on
sis, which is really going to take oll
he n aure Mr. West was back at
Control Central! "Where have you
been?" the big Mr. West asked.
"I've been here all along. I just haven't
been able to get a connection until now
“Did you happen to hear anythi
about the world’s coming to an end next
Mr. West asked.
stull the miniature Mr. West said.
“Now, look, about. Amelia—all you have
to do is spike her Kool-Aid with two Nem-
butals tonight and you can figure out the
rest for yourself.
Mr. West canceled his tip to Peru.
Thanatopsis Corporation split ten for
one at the end of the month
got hooked on Nembies. Every man must
follow the dictates of his own inner
nd Amelia
I LOST IT. п...
only one who didn't have any brake
And that's the way we got into the middle
of the turn, right up there on the bank-
ing. Crissakes, I think maybe I hunkered
down my own shoulders there for just a
litle bit.
Turbo wasn't having any of that old
bullshit, not a second of it. He had more
power left than either one of us in his
monster goddamn Plymouth and he was
а dead, immortal cinch to ошар both of
us down the straights. So he put his foot
right into it. And, as we came off the
turn, he inched up ahead of Hack again
d he drew a goddamn bead on the
Hot damn. Drew a bead. That means
that Turbo came diving down to his left.
going to beat hell, and he chopped Hack
off right there. Good for Turbo.
Bad for me.
Naturally, Hack hit his brakes ri;
now. Well, hell. fans, it was either hit 1
brakes or let Turbo rip off the whole
hr side of the car. Which certainly
a lot of sense. Except that 1
ht there on. Hack's t fring,
Oh. shit
es for what they
Stock Car Racing.
sumbitch Ieft as quick as
1 could and got out of Hack's air pocket
and out into the turbulent world on my
own. And there we were: three abreast
on the back straightaway, all three cars
fishtailing an awful lot, pufhng up
smoke from the tires. With Turbo on
the outside, poor old Hack in the middle
And Stroker Ace—no goddamn brakes—
roughly on the rail.
They tell me the crowd went wild.
There was no way we were going to
make it through the turn in that sort of
р. No fucking way.
Well, hell. Somebody simply had to
give it up. I stayed on the throule and 1
тап all the prospects through my mind
са very quick public opinion poll:
Tcranked tha
Question: Mr. Racer Man, has
Turbo Ellison ever been known to
back off in а race?
answer: Turbo Ellison? Are you
, how about Hack
there was just one split flash there whe
1 could glance to my right and see two sets
of radiators and hoods glaring at me. And
that’s exactly when Hack Downing bow-
els froze right up. He cased off and let us
And then it got worse. Worse.
For one thing, 1 was already into the
turn too damned fast for а guy who
couldn't tap his brakes, and that meant
that there was probably only one thing
to do. So I did it: I cranked the wheel
hard left and let that sumbitch drift right
Well, you got to know how to do it and
I hadn't spent all my wasted youth in cars
for nothing: I once got a brand-new Nash
Rambler into a four-wheel drift coming
‘ound that big turn near Wendover,
Utah, and drifted the damn thing all the
way to Lily's whorchouse in Ely. E
is in Nevada.
So I stayed right on the gas and listened.
to the car do strange things and twist and
pop and I was so full of torque that my
damn eyes began to water and my tongue
was squashed over against all my
right-side teeth and I could feel the rough
texture of all my fillings and that one
gold cap that 1 have back there on the
third upper-right molar.
ї а clean sort of snap?
nd the right side of the windshield sud-
denly turned into a spider web of little
radiating cracked lines from the su
And the gearshift began acting like it was
going to jump clean out the rightsidc
door, so І tore one hand loose from the
wheel and held the shift lever down with
the butt of my hand. And 1 looked along
the nose and drew a bead on the mai
And I stayed on the gas.
Turbo must have heen right out of hi
ng along
skull, There he was, hammer
nicely, right beside a car that wa
fucking sideways. Turbo was going fr
ward, right cnough, giving it
had—and here was this damn car going
just as fast sideways, for God's sake, with
the front stretch coming up.
And you think that dumb bas
would choke up just a little bit?
snapped right out of the turn
and there was only one small comfort.
Small comfort: I was in the groove and
Turbo was on the outside. Probably mad-
der than hell, I would venture to зау.
We rocketed down the stra ight and, this
time, Lugs was just a despairing blur.
Smudge, and he was gone.
Down at the end of the straight, race
starter Dollar Bill Handley had the white
опе more lap. Except that he
asn’t waving the flag in that very flashy
er of his that is something of a tra-
dition all over the South. He was just
nding there with his poor goddamn
mouth open, watching the two of us
hy him. About two full seconds
after we had gone by, he jumped out of
the w;
QUESTION: Let's see, now. About
one more of them dumb fucking
dipsy-doo turns and you'll have no
more windshield. Is that right, Mr.
ANSWER: One more. Right.
Question: Or any chassis. Is that
correct, Ace?
ANSWER: Correct, yes. No chassis.
Not to mention nuts, bolis, doors
and roll bars. And pretty soon that
gearshift is going to boogaloo right
over where Г can't even reach it, for
QUESTION: But what the hell, Ace?
You do want to win this race, don't
ANSWER: Well, yes. Matter of fact,
I do.
OK, then. Let's try it one more time.
Jesus Christ, there's only this one more
lap to go. You do this and you've
done it all.
Two hands, this time: I wheeled left
mmed my foot down on the pedal
1 пудов hurt inside my $75 hand-
made Italian-leather driving shoes. And
I yanked it back hard to the right and
clenched my teeth. 1 also clenched my
rmpits, kneecaps, elbows, thighbones
and testicles (which were already pretty
well clenched, anyway, from that spilled
Dr Pepper). And around we went.
Crack! The goddamn windshield sort
of imploded when the frame twisted and
for a few seconds, the inside of the car was
full of gently floating, drifting little pieces
of glass, like the pictures you sce of a
spaceship at zero gravity. Then the gear-
shift just sort of jiggled right out of the
damn socket and lay on its side, kicki
and quivering. And then the glass shat
tered on the tachometer and sprinkled
itself down on top of my right knee like
bright, shining crystal rock cand:
There was still the goddamn back
straight. And I eased the wheel left.
nd let the car snap back around.
And there I was: ahead of Turbo Elli-
son. I glanced at my rear-vision mirror
1d discovered that there wasn't any rear-
n mirror.
But I knew he was back there, all right.
That's because he came powering right
along and gave me a sharp whap! on the
rear bumper.
Uhhuh. Well, at least it was nice to
now that the rear bumper was still tli
So I took my right hand off the wheel
for just a second and I flashed old Turbo
Га peace sign and then I got set to
crank into the last tur
Im not sure where Turbo was just
then. Except that he sure as hell didn't
е enough room to come aro
nd 1 was just too busy to check and see.
Down the main straight—and by this
me I had my foot locked into the gas.
And two things happened:
Thing one: Just as I rolled past Lugs
Harvey, the whole fucking transmi:
blew apart.
Thing twi
nd me
And just after th
the checkered flag. The winner and new
SCAR champioi
1 took my feet off everything and let
the car roll and roll. And then I shook my
head around a little bit to try and unlock
my neck muscles.
And I sort of drummed my finger tips
on the steering wheel and I hummed a
few bars of Stick It in Your Far, Mrs.
The car coasted and coasted and coast-
ed. Right through the number-one and
number-two turns, and I let the rest of
the drivers come on around me, includ-
ing Turbo Ellison, You recall Turbo
Ellison. He's number two, that fucking
Finally, just as I was reach
turn it off, the engine just gave an apolo-
getic kind of little cough and died.
wisps of blue smoke started curling up
from around the hood edges.
And then the steering wheel came right
off in my hands.
1 sat there, parked alongside the in-
field, until the fire truck came up. Lugs
was perched on the front fender, still
carrying the clipboard with the two
stop watches attached. He hopped off
before the truck even stopped and came
running up.
Lugs gave me his us
cheery postrace
“You dumb bast ——'
"Hey, Lugs. How you doing? Here'
I handed him the steering wheel out of
want you to take this herc award and ¢
it to old Turbo. Tell him he knows where
he can hang it.”
Lugs snatched the wheel away and
threw it down and kicked it halfway
across the infield, just missing a few s
this front windshield replaced and maybe
check the oil and check on the transmis-
sion. It squeaks just a bit there on the
turns. You know. Probably nothing seri-
ous. Oh, yeah. The brakes need just a lit-
tle work. Think maybe you can have it
ready for me by, say, five o'clock?"
Lugs threw down his clipboard and
stamped it right in half under his heel.
When he gets real worried, he always
stutters just a little bit
“ELLEfor crissakes," he said
yyou scared. me half to d-d-d-death, you
сталу sumb-b-b, uhhh, you sumb-b-b-b,
ummmm- 3
"Bitch," I said. Then I unhooked the
master release on all my safety harnesses
nd shrugged them off. “Look out, there,
just for a second” Then 1 sort of
squinched around in the front seat
put the bottoms of both my feet ag
the door. Sure enough. it fell right off
thought that might happen.”
Lugs kicked the door, too. Then he
danced around a little bit, holding onto
one hand.
"You could have been kkkkkilled,”
he said, full of reproach. “I tole you to
take it easy. God's sakes, I even wrote it
on the fucking chalk hoard. rz. No
brakes, for God's sakes. And you had to
go out there and take off after Turbo El-
Tison. You coulda been killed out there.
“Uh-huh, Listen; How'd I look on
those turn
Lugs thought about it for a long min-
“Never seen noth-
Shit, this whole place was nothing but
eyeballs and elbows and teeth for them
last two laps. I mean: You was absolutely
t fucking sideways, you crazy |,
And that Tur
Come on, you guy
said. “Your godda
Shall wez" I said to La
He bowed. It was not really all that bad
a bow for a guy with his size stomach.
"Let us,” he said.
And we took our victory.parade. lap.
standing up in the back of the fire truck.
Lugs waved at everybody just as much
as I did. Hell, a couple of times there, I
m blowing kisses to the crowd.
the fire chief
1 adoring public is
“This he
Chicken King
said Clyde Torkle, the
my sponsor, "
imported champ: the real
stuff, See here. right ou this label? It says,
right here: “Napa Valley.
ad looked
- Lugs
"Forkle shrugged.
a bu
They're all
ch ol gahdam
anyways. Here, have some
Lugs made а face. “Shit. doesn’t
body have any beer around here?
We were sitting in the Goodyear v.
the two big back doors open and the tail
gate down. I had my shoes off and my
driving uniform unzipped down to my
belly. 1 also had lipstick all over my neck
and a check for $26,890.64 in my pocket.
The crowd had gone home and, out-
side. the slanting sun was turning the
track into a sort of shimmery gold. There
re just a few trucks and campers left,
and one or two lonely drunks throwing
up in the infield. and the air had cooled
down real quickly like it does in the
South. And. maybe, if a man breathed
in deeply enough, he could smell honcy-
suckle. This is the best time around a
race track.
We were sitting on stacks of tires
wrapped in brown p
per and there was a
on washtub full of ice and
bottles in front of us.
Clyde Torkle had his cowboy hat
pushed back and his forehead was sweaty.
He had started drinking, 1 suspect, just
about the first time he saw me get his
d-new car sideways on the track. And
d a really sort of finc,
ny glow to it. Matched the tip of his
"1 can't believe it,” he said. “I gor the
champeenship. Honest to God, T can't
"You better believe
burped, gently. “This here"—he waved
one of his greasy hands at me—"this here
is the greatest fucking race driver ever to
get ahint the wheel of a race car. I mean:
Did you see that finish
‘Shit fire, 1 seen it. I don't believe it,
but I sure saw it.”
ideways," Lugs said, nodding,
“And going faster than Turbo. Side-
"Never mind that," I said. "Mor
gne here."
Lugs leaned over and pulled a fresh
boule out of the washtub, He closed one
big, massive hand around the cork—the
fancy aluminum [oil those little tiny
wires and all—and he simply snatched
the whole thing right off in one smooth
pull, The wine sprayed up and down
cross his stomach. Then he leaned back
and yelled out loud.
“Charley!” he yelled.
And Charley Heffer stuck his head
up at the back doors. “I'm countin’
tires.” he said.
“How many you got"
“1 got. uhhhh . . . I got, mmmm . . .
shit, Lugs, you made me lose count." And
his head disappeared.
"That there,” Lugs said solemnly,
“chat there is the greatest fucking ti
buster in the whole world, I me
ley is the greatest. You unde
Aint a thing that Charley don't know
about tire compounds, Always saves the
best tires for Ace here, Hell, Charley tells
me what tires to put on and when to
change 'em. Shee-it, Imagine that. He tells
mc. You understand
7 Lugs said. He
but we don't have any be
"Thank you. Just a drop. There, that's
fine. Uhh, well, congratulations to the
champeenship. Mr. Ace
"You can call him Stroker.” Torkle
said. Then he thought about it for a min-
utc. "Well, for today o
“Mr, H
“Mmmmmm?" Lugs said.
"Mr. Harvey, what do you want done
with the car?”
Lugs looked blank. "Whut car?”
“The race car. The one you all won the
race in. Its still asittin' out there by the
Lugs swung his head around and
looked at Clyde.
And Clyde thought about it, s
“Relax, Miss Goodbody—you can't stop an idea whose time has come.”
his head. "Well, now," he said. “Uh-huh.
The car. The car, right?" He looked at all
of us, "You know, now, that there is the
car that won the champcenship. I me
That there is a historic car, you dumb
peckerheads. You realize that we just won
the gahdamn title in that very car? You
can’t just let it sit out there.”
“Sure can't.” the maintenance man
1 didn't ask you," Clyde said.
Excuse me, sîr.
ive it back to the garage in
town?" Clyde asked Lugs
ed back and yelled aga
he velled.
And Charley Hetter stuck his head up
over the tail gate again, “Now what
1 nts to know kin we drive
at car back to the garage in town.
Mr. Tore," Charley said,
body knows that when Lugs builds a car,
he builds it to run five hunnerc miles.
Five hu t miles. And that’s all.”
Lugs burped agai nd then the
fucker self destructs, " he
“And that ain't all" Charley said.
“When Ace here gets through with a ca
the goddamn frame is bent all out of
shape and the chassis is sprung and the
doors is all off and the windows is often
it out."
Torkle nodded, blinking. Then he
sniffed deeply and a perfect tear came out
of each eye and rolled halfway down each
jowl. “Listen.” he said. “Think of Go-
shen, New York. I mean: That's all I
And he sniffed again.
sure. Goshen, you dumb bas-
tards. I mean: Old Messenger, the world’s
most famous noning horse, right? I
mean: Опе day Old Messenger just up
and died right there in harness. Just fell
right in his traces and by-God died.
And, by God"—Torkle snuffed again,
heavily—"and, by Jesus, they buried him
right there on the spot, And today, to this
very day, there is a little old. teensy white
picket fence around his very grave there
in the infield at old Averell Harriman's
race track. And there's а little old printed
ign that says: "Here Lies ОГ Messenger,
Greatest. Fucking Harness. Horse That
Ever Drew a Breath!”
Then he really started crying.
Lugs stood up and put one big hand
over his chest.
By damn.” he said
and"—Torkle looked up—“and we'll
bury that car right there in the infield.
And I'll have a monument made out
of real, solid Georgia seawall marble
The maintenance
don't thi
“we'll dig a hole
blinked. “I
re allowed to do that, sir,”
ked you? Here, have some
Uhhh, y
there. But, no, I don't th
up and bury
you what
truck, fell
“Yessir, I ha
Imported,” Torkle said.
Lugs poured some more
“Now, you take your tuck.”
. you know where Hobbs Corners
Just a drop
nk you can just
aid Lugs. “You got a
ve. This here
sure good
essir, I do."
It's imported from Napa Valle
Me said. "Them fucking for
“Well.” Lugs said. “Vou just load up.
at race car in your truck. Now, don't
to pick up the steering wheel in the
infield there. And then you drive the
whole thing over to Hobbs Corners. You
got that р:
“Act like уоште going to rape me.”
Charley stuck his head up. “Take the
tires and all,” he said, He turned to me.
“You know, Ace, you flat rooned them
tires on the turns. I mean: goi
Ways at the speeds you was
damn. Talk about flat spots.
He nodded.
plenty mor
“More wine, Charley
again, a little bit unsteady
“You made me lose count again,” Char-
ley said. “But, yup. Just pour her right in
g side
going. Hot
nothing. Goodyear got
Torkle got up
пух: gs said to the mai
tenance man. “You get to Hobbs Corners
and you come to the stop light. And you
turn left there and you go on past the
hardware store. And you go on down the
road a section and you come to a sort of
fawn-colored house. Got thatz"
“Uh-huh. Yessir.”
“Well, then. On the mailbox, you'll sce
painted there: "Turbo Ellison, R. F. D."
And you take that race car and you dump
it right in the middle of the driveway.
Best if you do it at night.”
“Well. sir. All this will cost
Torkle jammed his hand down deep
into his pocket. And he came up with a
fistful of big bills. He bent over at the tail
gate and peeled a few off.
he said. "Thisll cover it,
е will. Yessir. Uh-huh.
"Remember, now." Lugs said. “Turbo
Ellison. Dump it right there in the fuck-
ing drivew
“So much for that,”
Torkle said. “Now,
Lugs snatched the top off another bot-
tle. “Cups!” he yelled.
We all held ours out. Charley Helfer
popped up at the tail gate. “Me, 100,” he
| "Sumbitch, but. T swear: A [ew more
and I may start to like this
“I propose a toast," Torkle said.
“And I accept,” said Lugs.
Not you, asshole. No. I propose a toast
to the new NASCAR champeen. And to
the greatest fucking feat of stock-car driv-
g ever done on any race track at any
time, anywhere."
I stood up to drink the toast
And Charley looked up over the t
he said. "Kin I ask you
"Did you
in the race
“No, why?"
“Well, look there.”
1 looked down at my crotch, It was all
iously yellow-stained.
You are not going to believe this,” I
said. “But that is Dr Pepper.”
Torkle burped. “That Dr Pepper. Ar
other fucking forcign:
piss in your pants out th
he said.
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admits publidy to homosexuality
should be booted off campus and
prosecuted in court for violation of
applicable statutes.
Pansy student organizations have
been officially aided, it is said, on
many college campuses. This is the
most disgusting depth to which our
permissive educators have yet de-
scended, far more degenerate than
their promotion of student fornica-
tion through socalled “parietal
hours" of intersexual dormitory vis-
The Union Leader is New Hamp-
shire's only statewide newspaper and is
well known for its right-wing views.
P.C. Mollema, Jr.
Kcene, New Hampshire
In the June Playboy Forum, Dr. Don-
ald B. Rinsley insists that homosexuality
is some sort of psychiatric illness requir-
ing therapy. This is an example of the
lengths to which some people will go in
trying to demean sexual expressions that
eud, on whose
authority Rinsley relies, not only felt that
homosexuality was the result of “arrested
psychosexual development" but also that
any form of se: ion other than.
male-female geni act resul
orgasm was perverted. But Freud ¢
invent sex, and variations on the th
have been practiced by thousands of
people for several thousand years i
cultures. Many therapists, even Freudians,
have ceased to describe thc variations
as unhealthy.
Steven D. Mount
Seattle, Washington
I have occasionally let men make love
to me, but this leaves me fecling cheated
ol my self-respect. When I go to bed with
a man, I'm usually drunk and need К-У
Jelly to facilitate intercourse. In the arms
of another woman, I lubricate copiously.
А dean-smelling female, a pair of warm
ats close to my own are w n me
on. I much prefer a woman's kiss to that
. І drove a woman to her
ment from the local gay bar. Be-
fore she got out of my car, I leaned over
and we kissed. The kiss was sweet, clean,
gentle, simple, soft, enjoyable and appre-
ciated. Had my passenger been a man, Т
probably would have endured a probing,
sloppy, drunken tongue dawn my throat.
(Name withheld by request)
Washington, D.C.
1 liked the letter in the June Playboy
Forum praising navels. I prefer innies
to outies, but, in any case, the sight of an
192 umbilicus turns me on just as much as a
(continued from page 62)
glimpse of breasts, buttocks or pubic hair.
ds а laugh that laws regulating public
dress require women to cover those other
paris but allow them to leave the navel
exposed, with lust-crazed navel gazers like
me freely roaming the streets,
(Name withheld by request)
Kankakee, Michigan
John Griffin's letter on mcision
(The Playboy Forum, June) failed to
mention that cancer of the cervix is more
common among women whose sexual
partners were not circumcised. This dis-
ase is found in prostitutes and among
women in India, South Ame nd
Africa. In Isracl, where circumcision is
wellnigh universal, 1 cancer is
Dr. Irving Kessler of Johns Hopkins
University School of Hygiene and Public
Health is now seeking out the widowed
and divorced spouses of cervical cancer
victims to learn if the same
developed in subsequent
director of the National Cancer Institute
in Washington, D.C., recommends th
every male capable of intercourse have
himself circumcised, regardless of his age.
Hairy Soffer
Brooklyn, New York
105 about time our society changed
some of its archaic laws and stupid atti
tudes about nudity, and I'm doing my
part to help. Last summer, I publicly auc
tioned off my bikini top at a busy Noi
Jahoma, comer before a cheering
ime crowd of about. 1200—includ-
ing the police chief, the sheriff and the
city manager. Everyone seemed to be hi
ing а good time and no one looked of-
fended (though the sheriff said he was),
but I was arrested immediately for
decent exposure, a felony punishable by
30 days to ten years in jai
Wendy Berlowitz
Norman, Oklahoma
A neighbor gave me a copy of Praynoy
and when I read The Playboy Forum, it
became clear to me what type of reader
you auract. There is nothing new in
The Playboy Philosophy; your brand of
bullshit appeals only to the lower in-
stincts in man and does nothing to ad-
vance or uplift a man's life. You say that
everyone should be allowed to do as he or
she pleases, as long as it doesn't hurt any-
one else. Who are you to say that а person
no right to hurt others? You don't ac-
knowledge the existence of God, so how
do you know that murder is wrong?
Your Playboy Forum is nothing more
than a place for a bunch of crybaby freaks
to let off steam. These freaks speak out
ist those who condemn pornography
as a cause of increased sex crimes. They
want blood when it comes to the Water-
gate situation, but when it comes to drug-
law enforcement, they bitch and ay.
They want capital punishment abolished,
then they call for legalized murder in the
name of the right to abortion. They sup-
port equal rights for women, then they
applaud when PLAYBOY uses them in a dé-
grading fashion as Playmate material.
Of course you think the Bible a
fairy tale, but believing that this universe
created itself, wound itself up, is not only
a fairy tale but science fiction. When the
Bible tells me it's wrong for one man to
lie with another man for sex, I believe
] believe the Bible when it says long hair
is a shame unto a man but a woman's
glory. There are people who will alway:
Jap up your brand of bullshit, but don’t
try to make out that you're high-class ma-
terial. Yours is gutter-type filth, peddled
to gutter-oriented peopl
No, I'm not 70 years old, only 42
R. H. Woods
Elko, Neva
Are you suggesting that ignorance,
intolerance and puritanism are charac-
teristics of old age, and that youre
I've heard that terrifying midnight
raids, complete with drawn guns and bat-
tered doors—often the wrong ones—have
become a wademark of U.S. narcotics
agents in pursuit of marijuana suspects.
Our Royal Canadi Mounted Police
take a somewhat different approach 10
apprehending marijuana violators. A
story in the Toronto Globe and Mail хе
ported that when Mounties raided an
apartment last May “and carried off nine
boxes containing 213 marijuana plants in
the carly stages of growth, all they left
behind was a message for the apartments
occupant to give them a call." He did,
and was charged with and pleaded guilty
to cultivating marijuana.
R.C.M.P. superintendent Marcel Sauve
noted that his men would have waited
ound had they found large quantities
of hashish or heroin, but said he couldn't
spare men for minor cases such as this
one. He also said that he can't recall a
ase in which a suspect has failed to
respond to thc please-getin-touch ap-
proach, which he cl s "plain
common sense in a case like this."
John G. Murphy
Scarborough, Ont
The Playboy Forum” offers the
opportunity for an extended dialog be-
tween readers and editors of this pub-
lication on subjects and issues related to
“The Playboy Philosophy” Address all
correspondence to The Playboy Forum,
Playboy Building, 919 North Michi-
gan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611.
National Clothing Study by Opinion Research Corporation
You'll thank Live-Ins for making it with Cotton,
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75 times a year, while our 35-to-44 mar-
ried people have a median of about 99;
and for married people beyond the mid-
50s, the percentage inc is сусп
larger, the median having risen from
96 to 49.
= The rates of orgasm for females have
eased along with frequencies of int
course; this cin be taken as one measure
of the satisfactoriness of intercourse for
today's females—and, considering the
general nature of contemporary male-
female sexual interaction, ап indirect
measure of the satisfactoriness of inter-
course for today's males. In Kinsey's sam-
ple. only about half of the younger
females who were having premarital
intercourse were having any orgasms at
all as compared with three quarters. in
our sample; and the median frequency of
orgasm for our single females was three
(continued from page 88)
times as high as that for Kinsey's females.
Among married women, similarly, there
is evidence of an increase in orgasmic
regularity: 58 percent of our married
women, but only 45 percent of a com-
parable subsample of Kinsey's married
females, have orgasm all or almost all the
time, and the percentage of those who
only sometimes or never have orgasm has
dropped from 98 to 15.
+ Homosexuality, as well as we can tell
from the somewhat unuustworthy data,
has not increased in incidence, although
it most definitely has increased in vi
sey's figures, and our own, present
cult statistical problems, with wl
we will deal in more detail in a later in-
stallment in this series; our guarded con-
clusions, however, are that some 20 to 25
percent of all American males have at
least one homosexual experience and
“Your head still isn’t in the right
place. In my book, dreams about the Dow-Jones do not
vate as true occull experiences.”
that this figure is about the same as an
educated downward correction of Kin-
scys exaggerated incidence. Our female
figures, smaller to begin with, also show
no increase. Much of the homosexual ex-
perience induded in both Kinsey's fig-
nd our own is early or adolescent
ay or experiment. When we look only
at those persons with homosexual experi
ences beyond the mid-tcens, ог at those
are mainly or exclusively homosex-
п adult life, we again find figures
ugly smaller than. Kinsey's or close
to his when statistical adjustments. are
made—but at no point were we able to
find proof of any increases whatever.
‘The social changes related to sexual lib-
n have been vast, profound and
unprecedented. For the most part, they
have been highly visible—in newspapers,
magazines, books, television and movi
There is no doubt that sex has become
the property of the media and a major
concem of the public at large.
Consider these ез ples:
+ Although Kinsey's first volume (pub-
lished in 1948) was immediately acclaimed
as jor contribution to knowledge,
much of the public and many academic
persons regarded Kinsey, his associates
and their work as unwholesome and sus-
pect. By the end of the Sixties, however,
search had become so respectable
that any number of doctoral candidates
were engaged in it and foundations and
Government agencies were funding proj-
ects that studied such phenomena as pros-
ution and homosexuality.
* In 1944, anthropologist John J.
Honigmann wrote in the Journal of
Criminal Psychopathology that sexual in-
teraction in the presence of a third party
questionably be considered ob-
scene in our society and, indeed, that
“our cultural norms would scarcely toler-
ate such a situation [even] in the scientific
iboratory." (Kinsey witnessed and filmed
I acts but said nothing about
cely a decade
Dr. William Masters and Mrs. Virgi
Johnson were closely scrutinizing couples
in coitus in the laboratory and recording
the condition of organs and tissues at
every stage of intercourse. When they
published their findings in 1966, under
the title Human Sexual Response, medi-
cal men and the general public alike
hailed the work, and only a few intellec-
tual troglodytes considered the book ob-
scene. Professional journals of sexology
and sociology have followed suit boldly,
even publishing articles by researchers
who have attended groupsex parties and
who have been participants and/or ob-
servers at pickup bars and at homosexual
publictoilet encounters.
+ In recent years, the border between
the showable and the unshowable, the
would u
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"It's no good, Angela u're even taller than me lying down!”
8 5 ) 8
speakable and the unspeakable, the print-
able and the unprintable, had practically
disappeared—at least until the Supreme
Court's ruling in June of this year opened
the way for a new border somewhere
short of total freedom. During the past
decade, female and male nudity made the
grade in X-rated films, in the theater—on
and off Broadway—and in mass-circula-
tion magazines. Onstage, copulation was
represented explicitly (simulated) in Oh!
Galcuita!, cunnilingus in off-Broadway's
The Beard and homosexual rape in For-
tune and Men's Eyes. Hard-core blue mov-
ies showing full-color closeups of erect
penises penetrating every available orifice
and freely spouting semen began to be
xhibited at eroticmovie houses
in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San
Francisco, Des Moines, Kansas City, Nash-
ville, Dallas, Denver and elsewhere, At
the bottom of the literary ladder, low-
grade hardcore pornography of no dis-
cernible literary or artistic merit, but of
great explicitness and infinite perversi
became available by the millions of copii
in some 850 bookstores that specialized
in erotica and, to some extent, in many
of the more conventional bookstores
throughout the country,
Even in respectable literary works, de-
scriptions of sex acts ceased to be poeti-
cally allusive and indirect. Novels by such
writers as Philip Roth and John Updike
began to include clinically graphic scenes
of masturbation, fellatio, cunnilingus,
bDuggery—oh, yes, and intercourse—of
such explicitness that Lady Chatterley
seemed second cousin to Heidi. Words
such as fuck, cock, cunt, prick and the like
began to be freely used in respectable
books and magazines, and in late 1972,
the unthinkable happened—the mag-
isterial Oxford English Dictionary, for
nearly 90 years the ultimate authority on
the English language, included the word
fuck in ited supplement.
+ In the Thirties, the most advanced
and liberal marriage manual in print was
Theodore Hendrik van de Velde's Ideal
Marriage. Dr. Van de Velde advised the
use of foreplay—he included (daringly,
for that time) oral-genital stimulation—
and described, in most refined terms, a
number of alternative positions. Here's a
In the astride attitude, there is
no possibility of mutual embrace or
Kisses. On the other d, the full un-
impeded view of cach other's bodies
-.. has a strongly stimulant effect.
And the opportunity, often missing
in other attitudes, of gazing face to
face, into one another's eyes, of be-
holding, in the reciprocal play of
expression, the rising tide of excite-
ment to its ecstatic culmination,
greatly enhances all the other stimuli
of this attitude,
He recommended the genital kiss (if
needed), but he warned the husband to
use it with “the greatest gentlencss, the
most delicate reverence,” and cautioned
the wife, in employing fellatio, to exercise
utmost “aesthetic delicacy and discre-
tion” in order not to cross “that treacher-
ous frontier between supreme beauty
and base ugliness.” (Presumably, this
meant that she should not carry it through.
to the point of ejaculation; Van de Velde,
like most other authorities of the time,
regarded fellatio to orgasm as a species
of perversion.)
Today's marriage and sex manuals take
а lustier, earthicr approach. They urge
readers to attain maximum sensation and
some of them recommend—along with a
wide variety of positions—simultancous
oral-genital stimulation to orgasm, anal
play with the finger or tongue, anal inter-
course and the use of vibrators, mirrors
nd crushed ice (a handful of which,
jammed into the crotch at the moment of
orgasm. immensely heightens the experi
ence, according to Dr. John Eichenlaub).
The tone of the prose employed in such
books has changed radically from that of
Van de Velde. For example, in Every-
thing You Always Wanted to Know
About Sex ..., Dr. David Reuben de-
scribes 69 as follows:
sistent throbbing of
st her lips and experi-
ences а slightly salty taste, as well as
the characteristic but not unpleasant
odor of the sudoriferous glands of
the Because the penis is much
larger in comparison to the clitoris
she can also sce the male genitals as
she proceeds. By simultaneous cunni-
lingus and fellatio every possible
sense is brought to a fever pitch
and a mutual orgasm occurs rapidly
unless the couple switches to a penis-
vagina position. The most presum-
ably undersexed man or woman will
be brought to an explosive orgasm by
using this technique providing they
arc willing to do
She feels the
Indeed, the immensely popular sex
manuals written by “J” (The Sensuous
Woman) and “М” (The Sensuous Man)
employ a palpitating, salivating eroticism
not far removed from the hard-core por-
nography that once was sold only under
the counter:
Put your girl in a soft, upholstered
chair and kneel in front of her so
your head comes about to the level of
her breasts. . . . Now slide her off
the chair and right onto that beauti-
ful erect shaft. The feeling is dizzy-
ing. She is wet and very, very hot;
you are face to face and in about as
deep as you can bi ‚ You lean
back with your hands on the floor
and raise your pelvis to plunge into
her for a few moments, and chen she
should take over the action by mov-
ing her pelvic area up and down on
your penis—faster and faster. . . -
[It’s] an exciting way to come. When
you do explode, you'll find yourself
in each others arms—exhausted,
wet, beautiful—a total state of
А.Е. O.—all fucked out.
—The Sensuous Man
He may wish to investigate you
anally with his mouth and tongue
and expect you to reciprocate. Now
don't freeze. 1 you have washed
this area, it is not dirty and, if you'll
stop wailing like a banshee or playing
Purity Raped for a moment, you will
notice the beginning of a curious,
warm and divinely demanding sensa-
tion and be secretly hoping he'll go
on to the next step.
—The Sensuous Woman
+ In addition to all this talk, we are now
surrounded by evidence that people are
openly doing things that a generation ago
were unthinkable, or at least were among
the most guarded of personal secrets.
Sex-therapy clinics and nude encounter
groups are burgeoning, and not just in
New York and on the West Coast. Stu-
dents of both sexes room together openly
in many colleges. Pickup clubs and
singles bars have spread like crab grass. So-
called massage parlors provide paid-for
sexual services. Sex magazines and direct-
mail companies offer dildos, equipment
for sadomasochism and assorted other
sexual devices; New York and a [ew other
cities have shops that openly sell such
merchandise. Gay baths that function as
places for quick sexual encounters now
flourish in a number of cities.
* Open marriage and flexible monog-
amy have been advocated by a number
of best-selling authors. Group marriages
have become a reality; close to 2000 com-
munes were located by one newspaper
survey in 1970, a large number of which
volved some form of group marriage.
Unwed alliances have cither grown in
number or come out into the open, or
both: One reads every day of actors and
actresses, jet setters and other celebrities
who openly live with their lovers or who
have children out of wedlock, by choice.
* Several states have moved toward the
model penal code adopted by the Ameri-
can Law Institute in 1962 and have re-
vised their sex Laws so as to drop from the
list of crimes most or all private sex acts
between consenting adults. Hlinois, Con-
necticut, Colorado, Oregon, Ohio, North
Dakota, Delaware and Hawaii have wiped
out their long-standing penalties against
private consensual sodomy, both hetero-
sexual and homosexual. In mest states,
ainst fornication, cohabita-
tion, adultery and sodomy still stand, but,
with a few notable exceptions, such laws
are now rarely enforced.
* In January 1973, the Supreme Court
handed down its epochal decision that
recognized the constitutional right of
as part of the right of privacy—
le for themselves whether or not
terminate pregnancy by abortion.
in proscribe abor-
fetus is viable, except when abortion is
necessary to preserve the life or health of
the mother) Ten years ago. legal
d easy abortion in the United States
was unthinkable: five years ago. it w
thinkable but nonexistent; in 1972 it
was legal, subject to certain limitations.
half a dozen statcs; and in 1973 it
legal everywhere.
the old laws
(However, states still
tion in the final trimester. when
Thus, things unseen and unheard of a
generation ago or even a decade
now to be seen у
And yet, for all the words and the st
new phenomena around us, we have
had no good way to judge whether the
changes that have taken place affect only
a highly visible minority or the large un-
seen majority; whether the increase in
freedom, wl s scope, has strength-
ened love relationships and marriage
among the sexually liberated or weak-
ened them; whether sexual liberation is
bringing the liberated greate
or only a frenetic quest for stronger sensa-
tions and new kicks; and whether Ameri-
са is becoming a dissolute and degenerate
nation ora sensuous and healthy one
The Playboy survey attempts to pro-
vide a body of information from which
such judgments can be derived. We
sought. in resurveying the territory that
Kinsey mapped out during the Forties
and reported on in 1918 and 1053, to
measure, scientifically and. precisely. the
changes that have taken place since then.
Many of the measurements yielded амо
ishing results—some because they re
vealed change greater than expected, but
some because they thoroughly refuted
certain widely accepted beliefs about the
scope and meaning of sexual liberation
In the 2026 completed questionnaires
and in 200 supplemental depth interviews
our survey teams and interviewers exam-
ined sexual attitudes before they investi-
uted behavior, The Kinsey group had
tached little value to verbally expressed
titudes, reasoning that an individual's
acts show what his atitudes really are,
while the things he says are "little mor
than reflections of the attitudes. which
the particular culture in which
ised.” Kinsey himself had orig-
n a biologist dealing with infra-
human creatures—wasps, in [act which
may account for his antiverbal bias. Most
sociologists and. psychologists. however,
do not share his bias against attitudes. In
fact. sociologist Ira Reiss, a leading inves-
tigator of contemporary sexual mores, re-
cently compared the attitudes expressed
izable group of unmarried college
with their actual behavior and
concluded that “in the great majority of
cases, belief and action do coincide.”
Because attitudes were so sparsely re
ported in the first and second Kinsey
we can make few direct com-
works. Bur even
ase line, it is
parisons with
without а firm statistic
abundantly clear to anyone who is ac
quainted with the state of sexual attitudes
а generation ago that in many particulars,
our ic shift toward per
missiveness. Americans are much more
tolerant of the sexual ideas and acts of
other persons than formerly and feel far
ous previously for-
bidden acts as possible for themselv
and, hence, to indude such acis in their
own sexual repertoires.
The Roper polling agency a
tional samples. in 1937 and aga
“Do you think it is all
both parties to a marriage to have
previous sexual intercourse?” There was
virtually no change over that span of
rs: In both 1937 and 1959, 22 percent
aid it was all right for both men and
women, eight percent said it was all right
for men only and somewhat more than
Lit was all right for neither. Our
own survey shows a major shift: Depend
ing on the degree of emotional involve
ment between the partners. premarital
is considered acceptable for males by
a large majority of our men and by 37 to
3 percent of our women. It is considered
acceptable for women by 44 to 81 percent
of our males and 20 to 68 percent of our
ng on the close
ked na-
n 1959,
ness of the relationship.
More than half of all women and al-
most half of all men in our survey dis-
agree with the statement “Homosexuality
is wrong.” Nearly half of the men and
women, in fact, believe that homosexu
ity should be legal: slightly sr
portions feel it should not
express no opinion. Near majorities or
even large majoritics of our total sample
take the supposedly unpopular or avant
garde view on similar issues. For instanc
distinct majorities favor legal prostitution
and legal abortion, and divorce laws t
would eliminate the need to offer reasons
to the court.
intercourse as among the
vilest of perversions and the blackest of
sins. We expected to find some measure of
tolerance for it as a result of the general
Mole Female Male female
18—24 |25 & over | 18—24 | 25 & over | 18-24 | 25-34 | 35-44 | 45-5455 & over | 18-24 | 25-34 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55 & over
None 1.7%) 121% | 31.5%) 116% | —%| —%| 1.0% | 4.9%] 51% —% | 05% | 24% | 5.1% | 130%
1-3 times 16 28 43 -= ЕЗ = 10 28 64 = 14 |810: = 5.2
4-11 times 65 15 51 12 = = 15 14 24 12 05 24 44 E
12-24 times 141 93 81 87 14 25 67 58 |166 12 28 52 |190 18.5
25-52 times 10.9 | 150 140 | 159 68 | 114 | 155 | 31.0 | 346 120 |13 |233 |2703
53-104 times 103 | 724 98 | M5 [189 [278 |38 |303 | 205 [лт [315 [316 [304
105-156 times 38 | 195 | 89 | м1 [20 [ae |242 [170 | 64 [229 |258 [168 | 76
157—208 times 60 | 47 sims fear за [72 |14 | — [wi |59 |95 [32
205-313 times 27 | — a ЕТЕШ ЯЛЫ КВЗ ]p wur ]pew jp SAR EAST 802 -
314-365 times 16 | 28 BIDA 14 [25 [is [= | = 48 |o |10 | — =
More thon 365 times | 16 | 19 | 09 | 29 | 68 | 20 | 05 = 48 |o |- [oe | —
Not ascertained AIL ILE ESL ECRIRE RE = |14 [es |32 | 4
Medion lost year |
(number of times) 22 103 24 99 155 148 102 52 50 53 |17 99 52 49
liberal trend, but we were in no way pre-
pared for the results that came out of the
computer: Only a litte more than a
quarter of all men and women in our
survey agree with the statement “Anal in-
tercourse between a man and a woman
wrong," while substantially morc than
half of each sex disagree. The data are
worth listing here in detail:
(percentages are rounded)
Men Women
Agree strongly 17% 18%
Agree somewhat. 10% 9%
Disagree somewhat 2695 25%
Disagree strongly 33% — 329;
No opinion M% 169%
t permissiveness of the
replies is, if anything, under-
stated by this table, since the unusually
large proportion of “No opinion” replies
probably signifies unwillingness to criti-
cize the practice. This is not to say that the
majority of our sample considers anal in-
tercourse appealing, exciting or mutually
satisfying; clearly, however, the majority
no longer accepts the traditional negative
evaluation of the act.
The Congressionally authorized Com-
mission on Obscenity and Pornography
found that only a t
feel that adults should be allowed to read
or see any sexual materials they wish, but
more than half indicated that they would
feel this way provided it were proved that
such materials do no harm. Our data indi-
cate a similar mixture of restrictive and.
permissive feelings about erotica: Four
tenths of the men and women in our sur-
vey sample say that pictures, drawings,
movies and prose that show or describe
sexual acts either disgust them or cause а
mixture of disgust and delight—yet from
half to more than nine tenths of our sam-
ple also admit to being sexually aroused
by material of this sort. The latter figures
are two to four times as large as the
comparable figures reported for women
by Kinsey and are consistently larger,
though by a smaller degree, than his
figurcs for men. In some part, the greater
capacity to be aroused probably has to do
with mere opportunity, But in all like-
lihood, a substantially larger number
of persons than formerly— particularly
women—today see erotic material with
some frequency; and while they continue
to feel some revulsion or guilt. probably
attributable to cultural conditioning,
they have become sufficiently uninhibited
to be aroused by it.
Generally speaking, we found that per-
missive attitudes about sex were more
common among the young and among
males than among older persons and
females, Permissive attitudes generally
were associated with higher education,
political liberalism, white-collar status
“Mister, I can make your dollar go farther.”
and the absence of strong religious feel-
ings. Conservative attitudes
on the other hand, were more common
among older persons and among women
and generally were associated with lower
educitional attainment, pol conserv-
atism, blue-collar status and religious de-
voutness. We were surprised, however, by
the magnitude of the age factor; with cer-
ions, i adowed the other
major influences on sexual attitudes.
We found the young, the middle-aged
and the old in substantial accord only or
those sexual issues that threaten no one
and represent no danger 10 marriage or
social stability. The statement “Sex is one
of the most beautiful parts of life" won
the agreement of nine tenths or more of
the men and women in every age group.
In contrast, women under 25 are three
«а half times as likely às women of 55
and over to believe that premarital inter
course makes for better and more stable
maniage (the percentages were 64 and
18, respectively). Again, nearly twice as
many persons under 35 as over 35 think
that homosexuality should be legal, and
sim erences exist on the impor-
tance of virginity and the wrongness
about sex,
lar d
of masturbation. These permissive atti-
tudes, though the: h
youth, do not necessarily express youthful
ponsibility and general rebellious-
ness; they may do so to some extent, but
they are also part of the contemporary
nd have been learned and adopt-
h toa declin-
€ correlated wi
1 evolution from libera
servatism that is repeated in every genera
tion, or has something been happening
that does not replicate the past? One
would expect that the status and habits
that go with increasing age would natu-
rally make people more conservative
about sex, as they do about politics,
money and many other things. Reiss and
others have pointed out, too, that there
a strong tendency for the sexually per-
missive to become more conservative as
their own children approach puberty, be
cause, as parents, they feel responsible for
may happen.
But the differences in attitude between
the very youngest group in our survey
matur m to con-
and the 35-to-44 group—the first in wh
pubertal children would bc involvcd—
showed no sudden discontinuity, nor was
the curve flat thereafter, as it should
have been if children were the cause of
conservatism. While some part of the
swing to conservatism is surely due to the
inherent nature of the life cycle, we feel
that the data may suggest something more
interesting than this: They suggest that
for the past generation, a major—and
permanent—re-cvaluation of sexual atti-
tudes has been occurring throughout our
society, a process that has left its mark on
each age group. The greater part of one’s
attitudes toward sex is acquired in the
learning years of the teens and young
adulthood, and the attitudes of each age
group therefore tend to indicate what the
norm was for that group when it was at
the formative stage. Here, for instance, is
the striking record of the growing toler-
ance of men and women toward hetero-
sexual cunnilingus:
(percentages who agree)
Under 25 25-34 35-44
85% — 8995 77%
ien 86% 89% 8%
45- 55 and over
Men 56 18%
Women 67 47%,
(The paradoxical dip for those under 25
does not signify a revival of puritanism
but, rather, the inexperience and inhi
tions of the very youngest members of
this group; by the age of 20 or there-
abouts, however, permissiveness on this
mater is суеп more predominant than it
is in the 25-to-84-year-old group.) In each
age group. virtually the same percentages
are permissive about fellatio as about
cunnilingus, showing the same degree of
change along the age parameter.
A considcrable number of the under-25
men and women report that the use of
some stimulants and depressants makes
their sexual experiences more pleasu
ble; others report the opposit
Thirty-six percent of the women and
30 percent of the man state that alcohol
makes intercourse more pleasurable; how-
ever, 12 percent of the women and 27
percent of the men find that it makes in-
tercourse less pleasurable.
Six percent of the women and 11 per-
cent of the men state that barbiturates
make intercourse more pleasurable; six
percent and nine percent, respectively,
report the opposite effect.
Twelve percent of the women and 15
percent of the men state that hallucino-
gens make intercourse more pleasurabl
four percent and seven percent, respec-
ely, say the opposite.
Forty-one percent of the women and 45
percent of the men state that marijuana
200 makes intercourse more pleasurable; only
two percent and four percent, respective-
1y, vote the other way.
"Two percent of the women and six
percent of the men state that hard drugs
make intercourse more pleasurable; two
percent and five percent, respectively,
say the opposite.
Slightly smaller percentages of persons
in older age groups say that alcohol makes
intercourse more pleasurable, but only
very small percentages of older groups
ve anything good—or anything at all
to say about the other drugs. In the age
groups [rom 35 up. only about five to ten
percent have ever had intercourse while
using marijuana, but nearly all who have
done so thought it made sex more pleas-
ble. Only a few scattered individuals
have had sex while using the other drugs
mentioned above; nearly as many of them
reported negative effects as reported posi-
tive ones.
‘The real significance of what is
pening, however, begins to appear when
we compare the importance of the age
factor with the other major variables in
determining attitudes. In most cases, age
has never been as important as such other
factors as educational level or degree of
religious feeling; today it is generally as
powerful as—and in many cases more
powerful than—these or the other classic
determinants of sexual attitudes. The
process of change has been affecting all
kinds of Americans, significantly nar-
rowing the gap—among the younger
people—berween the devout and the non-
devout, the bluecollar people and the
white-collar people. the college-educated
and the non-college educated, the pol
liberals and the political conservatives.
In the older hall of our sample, for in-
stance, college-educated women arc con-
iderably more permissive about fellatio
than their noncollege peers: Three q
ters of the former do not think fellatio
wrong, compared with a little more than
half of the latter, Among women in the
younger half of the sample, however, four
fifths of the college-educared—and
most as many of the noncollege—women
no longer think that fellatio is wrong.
Occupational status is also correlated
with sexual attitudes, but again, we
found that younger persons are more per-
missive than older persons at both blue-
collar and white-collar levels, and that
young blue-collar men are now generally
as permissive as the older white-collar
men, Consider this example:
(percentage of males who agree)
Under 35 35 and over
White collar 65%, 439,
Blue collar 41% 27%
‘The more lurid accounts of the growth
of sexual liberation might lead one to
imagine that younger Americans balk at
nothing in the catalog of sexual behavior
and that sexual liberation means the cast-
ing off of all internal and external rc-
straint. Indeed, among our interviewees,
we found some advocates of sexual libera-
tion who took this view—and were em-
Larrassed by their own inability to enjoy
every activity suggested to them. As one
young divorcee said, “I feel so silly—this
fellow I'm secing is keen on rimming me
[performing analingus}, but 1 always get
embarrassed and turned off by it. I guess
I'm not as loose as I'd like to be.” And a
young man said, "Some of my friends tell
me Em still hung up because I can't bring
myself to try it with guys. Maybe they're
right—I mean, what difference does it
really make?—but I'm chicken, or some-
thing; I just can't do it."
Most people, however, read a different.
meaning into sexual liberation; they re-
gard it as a frecdom within which they
have the right to remain highly selective,
choosing only those sexual acts that mect
their emotional needs. Many persons
have adopted or at least tried a number
of practices that were proscribed and
avoided by all but the sophisticates a gen-
cration or so ago, and many contempo-
rary Americans are somewhat less fettered
in enjoying their sensations than their
precursors were; but by and large, they
have added to th repertoires
only acts that are biologically and psycho-
y fee from a
remained highly discriminati
choice of sexual partners and they con-
tinue to attach deep emotional signifi-
cance to their sexual acts rather than
regarding them as sources of uncompli-
ited sensuous gratification,
Con: nding that premarital
intercourse has become the prevailing
standard. Young women today are much
more likely than their mothers were to
feel they have a right to complete sexual
lives before marriage, but they do not ex-
ercise that right in a purely exploratory
or physical way. The inhibitions of the
demi-vierge of the Forties have been re-
placed by sexual freedom within the con-
fines of emotional involvement, not by
in Reiss's termi-
ider ou
[reeand-casy swingin
nology, the contemporary norm is “per-
missiveness with affection.” In Kinsey's
study, almost half of those m
women who had had premarital inter-
course had had it only with their fiancés;
in our own sample, while twice as many
have had premarital intercourse, an even
larger proportion—slightly over halt—
limited it to their fiancés; and among
the youngest women in our study, the fig-
ure is still higher. It is very likely that
there are more single women today who
are willing to have intercourse on a pure-
ly physical level, without emotional tics,
but most sexually liberated single girls
“I think we should make it а point
Lo come in some night and find out what
the hell's going on with this watchman.”
still feel liberated only within the context
of affectionate or loving relationships.
nning to accept
ital freedom and to regard
Ithy. One woman, a 50-year-old
ly, commented:
з parents are be
Ten years аро. I would have want-
ed my daughter to go with a fellow,
fall in love, have a courtship and get
married. Now, I only want to get
across to her that wh: i
to know whi
sex, ready to t
physically and emotionally. I want
her to feel that the important thing
is to have a veal experience with
someone, and not to think she
му just because she's
as to
marry some
slept with
Premarital si
still has marria;
a loving relationship
the qu
seems to he integrally connected to the
strength and security of the emotional
relationship. A young housewife de-
scribed the growth of her sexual life in
the following terms:
I thought it was quite good before
we got married, and no doubt it was,
but being married. and having our
own place made a. big difference in
my whole mı
course, there
citement before та!
rying to get togeth
find some privacy, and keep it hi
den—but that was an artificial cx-
citement. Once we could take our
minds off those extrancous concerns
and pay more attention to cach
other, it rapidly got very much bet-
ter, and we took а lot more t
seemed to penetrate much deeper
into total feeling. We had varied our
lovemaking before marriage, but in
the first few years of marriage, we
varied it a lot more and tried out
many new things; we kept some and
dropped others as we came to under-
stand what we both enjoyed most.
Sometimes there's a lot of foreplay,
sometimes not, depending on the
mood we're in. We both like oral acts
very much, with the one limitation
that he doesn't like me to bring him
too close to climax that way, because.
it makes it difficult for him to last.
lc me. Now I. as it happens,
more than once, and I
just love to do so, so we try to arrange
it so that he sends me off into one
and then another, and then joins
me for the grand finale, and 1 do
mean grand. ‘The best position for me
is the standard one, but I also get
great pleasure out of being on hands
and knces and being entered from the
rear, which he likes best. We've tried
just about everything possible, in-
cluding my sitting up on him with
my back toward him. We even use
anal intercourse, although every-
thing has to be just right, in terms o£
my stomach and bowcls, for me to
want to do that. At first we did that
very rarely, because there was pain,
but he found it very exciting, so 1
persisted and learned to relax so that
there is no pain, and now—though I
don't know how it's physiologically
possible—I actually climax in that
position. . . . We have sex less fr
quently now than we did seven years
ago, at the beginning of marriage,
because it’s not so novel a thing an.
more, but at the same time it's lots
PRN fe
more exciting becanse of the fami
arity and case of it, and a much rich-
er and freer experience than ever
before. The only thing that limits it
is when we're unhappy with cach
other about something, because it
isn’t possible for either of us to enjoy
the physical thing unless we're етпо-
tionally in tune.
Even masturbation continues to be
linked to sexual acts of emotional signifi-
cance; a lerge majority of men and
Women in every age group say that while
they masturbate, they fantasize about
having intercourse with persons they
love. But they do fecl notably freer than
they formerly did to administer such sex-
ual relief to themselves in times of ten-
sion or deprivation.
While we found very small increases in
the percentage of all males, or all females
who have ever masturbated (a little over
nine tenths of all our males and six tenths
of all our females have done so at some
time in their lives), we did find that girls
are far more likely today to start mastur-
bating carly in adolescence, and that boys
begin somewhat earlier; both single
males and single females, moreover, mas-
turbate considerably more frequently in
the mid-20s-to-mid-30s group than for-
merly, Both of these trends indicate
lessened guilt feelings, rather than sex-
ual hunger, since these same people are
also having more intercourse.
Even more indicative of lessened guilt
feelings is the increase we found in mas-
“OF course you don’t believe in nudity on the stage—you
don’t believe in it off the stage either!”
turbation among the married. An cxam-
ple: Kinsey's data showed that in the
Forties, more than four out of ten married
men between the ages of 26 and 35 still
masturbated, and with a median frequency
of six times a year; today, according to our
data, more than 70 percent of married
that age group do so, and with a
median frequency of 24 times a year. Kin-
sey found that a third of the married
women in the same age bracket mastur-
bated, their median rate being ten times
a year: while we found no increase in the
median rate, more than twice as many do
so today.
These remarkable increases might
mean that there is more sexual dishar-
mony in the marriages of the young today
than there was a generation ago, but other
data from our survey—the answers to
questions on marital happiness and mari-
tal sexual satisfaction — effectively elimi-
nate this possibility. It is more likely that
young husbands and wives feel more at
liberty than their counterparts of a ger
eration ago to turn to masturbation when
ever sexual frustration develops out of
sexual or emotional conflict, unayoidable
separation or abstinence caused by illness,
pregnancy and other extrinsic factors.
Our data concerning sex outside mar-
riage further amplify our general finding
that liberation has not cut sex loose froin
significant personal relationships or from
the institution of mai ге. As mentioned
earlier, there is a small but distinct in-
crease in the incidence of extramarital
behavior among under25 males and a
major increase among under-25 fema
but a close look at the ovei
an examination of how carly in marriage
persons with extramarital experience be-
gin ng it, makes us think that there
is little lifetime change. What has hap-
pened is that the males who will be un-
faithful start being so earlier; as for the
females, they apparently are on their way
to catching up to the males in the inci-
dence and earliness. But in the over-all
picture, there is very little change thus
far. The great majority of people still feel
that love and sex are too closely inter-
woven to be separable at will or for fun.
Anywhere from 80 to 98 percent of the
men and women in our study say that
they or their mates would object to any
kind of extramarital sex experience by
their partners. And extramarital affa
at least in the eyes of those who
currently divorced, are related to the dis-
integration of marriage—more than half
of the divorced males and females who
had had extramarital relations say that
such activities caused their separations ог
divorces. This is much the same range as
Kinsey reported; apparently, for many
contemporary persons—and certainly for
most of those who have had ext
relationships and whose marriages have
subsequently broken up
sexual activity
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"Oh, that, well—there's this dizzy blonde
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outside marriage has lost none of its tra-
ditional significance as a serious breach of
ust and intimacy and as a major offense
against their marital partne!
Divorced persons, in the newly free c
mate, are much more apt to be sexually
active and experimental than their pre-
cursors of a generation ago; and since
many of them go through a stage of
avoiding emotional entanglements—even
while testing themselves sexually—they
seem, at least on the surface, to fit the pic-
ture of ШЕ s better th
our premarital single people do. К
reported, for insti
ace, that four to 18 pe
cent of his postmarital males under 56
(he included widowers in this category)
were sexually inactive, the figure being
higher among older men, None of the
divorced men in the Playboy survey
are sexually inactive. Our divorced males
have a median of eight. intercourse part-
neis a year (there are no comparable Kin-
sey figures), while our single white males
under 25 have only L5 partners а
and our single white males [rom
have four. Kinsey reported that from 28
10 61 percent of the divorced women and
widows under 56 in his study were sex-
ually inactive, depending on age. Only
nine percent of the comparable divorced
women in the Playboy survey are sexually
inactive. Those who are active, moreover,
havea median of 3.5 partners per year, as
compared with only one partner for our
single women under 25 and three for our
single women from 25 to 34.
It is in the phase of sexual testing, and
avoiding emotional entanglement, t
they often say things such as this you
woman says:
Y had always thought that sex with
my husband was very good, but after
we broke up and I was dating some
older and really hip guys. 1 began to
find ош what it was all about. One
man | went out with for a while
taught me how to be really aware of
my body and my movements. Anoth-
er man was so sensuous about every
little detail that 1 became that way
myself, One of the fellows I'm seeing
now is getting me to sce the fim-and-
games side of sex. My only problem
is that 1 have this fear of gening
trapped again. I hate being alone,
but I get into a panic whenever I feel
someone closing in on me or think
Im leuing myself get too involved
with someon
But consonant with our other findings,
liberation has not really sundered sex
Irom emotion. even for the divorced, as is
clear from the fact that four out of five
of them eventually remarry, most of those
s enduring for life. In ou
moreover, it was often clear
that much of the posimarital behavior of
the divorced is aimed at the restoration of
ego strength and iy а preparation for re-
newed intimacy—when it can be fou
The following narration by à m
aged, formerly divorced man illustrates
the point:
1 was shaken up pretty badly by the
breakup of my mariage. I didn't
even date for half a year. Then |
started in, and gradually got imo the
sex thing. and realized that I'd been
pretty stuffy and blocked as a sex
partner up to then. I opened up and
learned a hell of a lot from different
; I had ball. But I
didn't want to get too close to any-
body, and I was honest about it—I
always laid it right on the line, and
those who didn’t like it got out, and
those who did had a ball right along
with me. There was one gal who'd
been married to а homosexual and
was really ripe, just like me: we went
at it hot and heavy for a couple of
years. Sometimes we'd screw for two
or three hours, off and on, until we
were so exhausted and hungry and
thirsty that we had to stop and feed
ourselves before we could get back to
it. With her, I learned how to work
up to it slowly and carefully and ex
cite her in all sorts of little ways, and
then, when I was finally in the sad-
dle, pace myself so 1 could last for an
hour, maybe, while she had one, two,
three—or half a dozen—climaxes. It
was great; it was good lile.
I wasn't planning ever to marry
again, but then I met a girl I liked,
and more than liked. After a while, I
realized she was someone 1 had
thought existed anywhere. I didn't
feel the least fear of geuing totally
wrapped up in her, and she felt the
same about me, Our sex was just
finc—about as good as any I'd been
having—but it was only part of the
whole magoo, and we both knew
after а few months that we just had
to be married to each other. We've
been married for ten years and we
still feel the same. The sex is still
fine, too—naturally, we don’t do it
nearly as often as we used to and we
don't шу to make it last as long, ci-
ther, but it’s great anyway. It’s still a
big thing in our lives and yet not a
big thing in а way; 1 mean, it's not
wh є thinking about or plan
ning or working on all the time, it's
just there, part of us, like breathing
and sleeping.
In those aspects of sexual behavior that
we have viewed so far, we have found no
evidence that sexual liberation has pro-
duced sexual anomic. Despite the exten-
sive changes that the liberation has made
in the feeli Ame
bout thei bout the le
macy of maximizing sexual pleasure and
about the acceptability and norm:
of a wide variety of techniques of forep!
and coitus, sexual liberation has not re-
placed the liberalromantic concept of
sex with the recreational one. ‘The lat-
ter attitude toward sex now coexists with
the former in our society, and in many a
person's feeling, but the former remains
the dominant ideal. While most. Ameri-
cans— especially the young—now feel far
freer than their precursors to he sensation-
oriented, at times, rather than person-
oriented in their sexual activities, for the
great majority sex remains intimately
allied to their deepest emotions and inex-
wicibly interwoven with their concep-
tions of loyalty, love and marriage. The
that most ans have
own bodies,
* o
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web of meaning and social structure that
surrounds sex has been stretched and re-
shaped; it has not been torn asunder.
But sex supplies a vocabulary for love,
and liberated Americans today use their
greater freedom as a broader and more
expressive language, as well as an end
in itself. Educated, nondevout, politically
liberal and white-collar people feel freer
to use advanced techniques of foreplay,
both expressively and sensuously, than do
noncollege, devout, politically conserva-
tive and blue-collar people. Yet, as we have
noted already, the shift toward liberalism
among the young is narrowing the gap.
There is a dominant, ncar-consensus scx-
ual cthicamong the young, despite the di-
versity of their life styles. As an example,
the older half of our sample, there is a
wide gap between noncollege males and
college-level males in the incidence of
ngus, while in the younger half of
our sample, morc men in each category
have practiced cunnilingus and the gap
has vanished; indeed, the noncollege men
seem to have gone beyond the college
Some college No college
35andover 689; 50%
Under 35 — 759; 8367,
Actually, noncollege and college men
under 35 probably are doser in their be-
havior than these figures indicate: The
dillerence shown is due to the fact that
the noncollege men start coitus sooner
and marry sooner, and so get around to
cunnilingual activity earlier.
Still more remarkable is our evidence
that the buttocks, and even the anus—re-
garded as crogenous and sexually attrac
tive areas in many other cultues—are
gaining some measure of sexual accept-
ance among Americans. We do not find
evidence of increased. perversion in this
trend; there was no response in our sur-
vey or interviews indicating obsessive
anality or coprophilia and coprophiy
(fecal fetishism), However, we do find that
“Goody! You're making home movies! We thought
you were showin,
home movies!”
rather large minorities of men and women
have had at least some experience of non-
pathological forms of anal stimulation.
We did not determine how many persons
respond strongly to such stimulation or
employ anal foreplay regularly, but a
sizable minority of younger Americans
(almost a majority) and a small but meas-
urable minority of older ones have experi-
mented with such techniques as fingering,
Kissing and tonguing of the anus, and,
as mentioned earlicr, about a quarter
of married couples under 35 engage in
anal intercourse at least now and then.
(In our youngest group—18 to 24—the
cidence of anal techniques was not as
high as in the 25-00-34 group: presumably,
many of the former have not yet broken
through early inhibitions but will do so.)
Since the new freedom does not jcop-
ardize the basic conception of marriage
and does not disjoin sexuality from
affection or love, sexual liberation has
occurred hin a framework of cultural
continuity. A genuine break with the past
and a repudiation of all cultural values
concerning sexual behavior, such as some
sexual revolutionaries advocate, would
have quite different
Among the
* Nonvaginal and nonheterosexual sex
acts such as masturbation, sexual union
with animals, sadomasochistic acts and
homosexuality would replace vaginal
coitus altogether for an increased number
of persons,
+ There would be a major increase in
sexual acts that fundamentally alter the
connection between sex and marriage,
such mutually sanctioned extramari-
airs, mate swapping and marital
here would be a growing preference
for sex acts that are devoid of emotional
significance or that are performed with
‘There is no evidence that any such rad-
ical change, or such violent discontinuity
with the past, has occurred.
The Playboy survey found that sex
acts with animals are actually less com-
mon today than when Kinsey was taking
histories. Only five percent of our total
male sample and two percent of our total
female sample have ever had any kind of
sexual contact with animals; Kinsey's fig.
ures were eight and 3.5 percent, respective-
rity in contemporary humor and
phy, we find them uncommon
in reality: Only three percent of married
men and fewer than one percent of mar-
ried women, and ten percent of single
men and five percent of single women
have ever performed sadistic sexual acts:
fewer than one percent of married men
and two percent of married women, and
six percent of single men and ten percent
of single women have ever been on the
masochistic end of an SM inte
and very much smaller percentages of our
whole sample have had sadistic or masoch-
istic experiences in the past year. For
most of these persons, such experiences
have been very few in number. Finally,
oral, anal and masturbatory methods of
gratification have not been substituted,
in any systematic or significant way, for
vaginal intercoi
We also found that the much-publi-
cized sexual practices that greatly alter
the relationship between sex and mar-
riage are far less common than they are
gencrally alleged to be. In our total sam-
ple, only two percent of married males
1 fewer than two percent of married
females have ever participated in mate
swapping with their spouses, and most of
them on very few occasions. (The inci-
dence was somewhat higher for younger
couples—five percent of the husbands and
two percent of the wives under 25 have
practiced mate swapping; five percent of
the husbands and a little more than one
percent of the wives between the ages of
25 and 34 have done so; but some of this
activity seems to have taken place prior to
аце) The incidence of secret exstra-
intercourse, despite the popular
impression that it is virtually universal,
ot, as noted earlier, ased meas-
urably for the over-all sample for either
though it has risen moderately for
under-25 males and markedly for under-
25 females. The great majority of all
married people, including the young, still
re not inclined to grant their mates per-
mission for overt extramarital sex acts.
If sex had become devoid of emotional
significance, we would expect to find an
increase in recourse to prostitution and
in group sex, especially with multiple
partners. There is no increase in the use
of prostitutes. As for multiple-paruner
sex, only 13 percent of our married males
and two percent of our married females
have ever engaged in such activity, and
most of this took place before marriage
also, for two thirds of the married males
and nearly all of the married females,
there was only one such episode. Among
our single people, there has been a little
more of this kind of thing: Twenty-four
percent of the single men and seven per-
cent of the single women in the sample
have had multiple-partner experienc
but a third of the men and half of the
women have done so only once. We did
find that many persons today are willing
don the privacy—at least on an
experimental basis—that our culture has
always held to be essential to sexual
course: Eighteen percent of our m:
males and six percent of our married fe-
males have had sex in the presence of
others, although some part of this was
premarital and, in any case, three quar-
ters of all these persons have had only
one such experience. An astonishing 40
percent of our single men and 23 percent
of our single women have had sex in the
presence of others, but it is hardly a way
of life, since nearly half of the men and
more than three quarters of the women
with such experience have done so only
ally, in an attitude section of the
questionnaire, we offered the statement
"Sex cannot be very satisfying without
some emotional attachment between the
partners”; there was very little difference
in the reactions of the various age groups,
large or very large majorities of all of
them agreeing with the statement—most
of them stror
ism is the emergent id. the great
majority of young Americans—and a fair
number of older oncs—are trying to live
up to. Sexual liberalism covers a broad
range of possibilities, but essentially it
combines the spontaneous and guilt-free
enjoyment of a wide range of sexual acts
with a guiding belief in the emotional sig-
nificance of sexual expression: It identi.
fics liberated sexuality as the expression,
the concomitant or the precursor of
monogamous heterosexual love, whether
within or without marriage.
We thus find our survey results contra-
dicting what both the evangelists and the
Cassandras of sexual liberation have been
saying; we find ош ing with the
more balanced apprai
ociologists as Reiss and Erwin Smigela
by psychologist Keith Davis, sexologist
Isadore Rubin and other behavioral scien-
tists, who say that there has been no cha-
otic and anarchic dissolution of standards
but, rather, a major shift toward some-
what different, highly organized st
t remain integrated with existing so-
values and with the institutions of
love, marriage and the family.
This by no means belittles the scope or
significance of the changes; it merely
quantifies and defines them. The changes
that have taken place are none the less
aportant and profound for having done
so within the culture rather than by
breaking with it; indeed, they may be
more valuable than total, radical change
would be, for while they have brought
(and are bringing) so much that is pl
urable, healthful and enriching into
American lile, they have done so without
destroying emotional values that we
lity of
rightly prize and without demol
ecessary to the sti
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addict after a minor operation; the opera-
tion had not even been necessary. By the
time Dr. Rokoff got him, he had sunk to
the heroin dens Nantao. Dr. Rokoff
was stabilizing his intake, trying at the
same time to uncover the psychological
roots of the addiction in the hope of en-
abling him to overcome it, when the of-
ficers' club cut off his morphine supply.
“I'm sorry, Kostya," the head of the club's
hospital had said, “the Japanese have re-
duced our ration." Dr. Rokoff had had to
go to the black market. Even so, Filipoff
had broken off treatment. Where was he
now? Dead
He found a measuring tape in one of
the drawers where Maria’s things still
Tay untouched. “Hold both legs out.
Straight.” The right leg was inch
shorter than the left.
He went back to his cha Phat piece
of cloth doesn't do much good.
“Te hurts less to walk.”
What you need is a special shoe.” He
wrote on his prescription pad. "Here.
This man, I know him. It’s all explained
here. Wear the shoes he makes for you for
a few days, then come back to see me.” He
held out the piece of paper and the enve-
lope with the 60 American dollars.
The girl shook her head vehemently.
“Doctor, doctor, it's not for a shoe we
“А shoe may be all you need."
"What American will nce with mc
with this leg?
The stridency of her cry released a
flood of resentment within him. This
fever, this feverish wind blowing under
the skirt of every virgin
whore, young and old, rich
in this famished Babylon of the China
Coast, was it now searching out the last
forlorn crannies of the Rus:
and blowing the halt,
to his office? He could h:
everybody was hanging out signs—pr.
“Why do you need the money?” (What
business was it of his? He was losing con-
wol of himself. But she answered.)
“To buy a gas stove.”
“ome, now!”
‘or three and a half years, we've had
to make do with a kerosene cooker. It
breaks, I hate it.”
"Then buy a new kerose
“We want a gas stove.”
Kindly take this, and this.” He held
out his prescription blank and the env
Gorin looked like a child pulled two
ways in a grownups’ argument.
“Dr. Rokoff!” the girl blazed at him.
е cooker.”
The husband sat up even
(continued from page 92)
“The war is overl The Americans have
Dr. Rokoff bridled. “For us to grovel at
their fect and scramble for their dollars
and smile when they kick us aside?”
“The Americans are not like that!”
“What do you want?"
“I don't want to rot."
^We all rot. In Shanghai, Paris, San
Francisco, New York, all Russian émigrés
rot. We are people without a country.
People without a country rot.”
"People who have lost courage rot! I
want an operation before it is too late.”
“Courage? dkh, there is no such thing
as people with courage and people with-
out courage. Courage is a commodity, a
talisman, a magic verse—it passes from
hand to hand. You borrow a little cour-
age from others of your kind to get you
through the day. Our kind has spewed us
or the French, with their precious little
settlements and concessions—garden par-
ties at which we ‘White Russians’ were
the footmen, one step, we consoled our-
selves, above the Chinese, the 'Chinks'?
"Dr. Rokoli, 1 came to you about my
leg and you're telling me about garden
parties and footmen and-
“Lisen to the doctor, Ninachk
Gorin said respectfully. “He's right.”
You see, your husband knows what I
mean!” Exhilarated by the rush of words
to his head, he yielded to the pleasure of
talking seriously to somcone again, even
though he knew he was rambling, “And
now that it’s the Americans who are in
charge, do you want me to go to them and
say, “Kind sirs, though only a stateless per-
son, I am a doctor and I want to practice
my profession splendidly ? And
after the Americans, we will doubt!
see—oh, unth
able!—the Chinese take
over in Ch о what would you have
me do—establish an expensive practice in
abortions and fake nostrums and buy a
passport on the black market for some ba-
nana republic of South America and have
my ears assailed by Spanish as well? Be-
fore it’s too late, you said? For twenty-five
years, it has been too late. Nothing can
please us, there is no reason for anything,
there is no future. Russia has spewed us
nd our only function is to become
“Doctor! 1 am talking about my life
and you quote me the words of a song to
make fashionable tears with at émigré
night dubs!”
He laughed, delighted at being found
out "You know that song? Alexandre
Vertinsky sings it at that night club on Yu
Yuen Road. ‘Someone clse's cities. And
above them, someone else's star! Very
beautiful." He realized he had been pac-
ing between the desk and the window.
His headache was gone. Nina was smiling
up at him impishly. The unwelcome moil
outside had invaded his room with an
impish, kindred face.
“Can the operation be don
“Апа can you do
He sat down. “This is how it is.” They
craned forward as he sketched the opera-
tion on his pad. showing where the bone,
set incorrectly, had grown together at a
slight angle, affecting the position of the
foot during stance and gait. Operative
treatment would call for breaking the
bone again at the same place and realign-
ing the bone fragments. A bone plate
might be necessary. The leg would be
kept in a plaster cast while the bone knit
together again.
“The same thing happened with the
coloncl’s horse,” Gorin informed them.
“Were you in the cavalry?” Dr. Rokoff
“Yes. Third Cavalry Regiment. I was
the bookkeeper. In the beginning. In the
end, I was taking care of the horses.
There were no books to keep anymore.
"Whose army? What was the gener
Gorin pondered, then shook his head.
“The colonel's horse broke its leg and the
bone was badly set. The colonel had to
shoot it."
Nina frowned. “How long would the
leg be in a cast?
“Two months, at least.
“And then? Would it be st
“Yes, if the fragments are realigned
"And the same length as the other
id the foot will stop hurting?
“The tenderness should disapp
“And will you do it?”
Can you do it? Will you do it? It kept
coming back to that. Hell, it had been
all along.
with the chase after the Ameri
their dollars that had stiflencd
her appeal, it was fear. He looked
at them in wonderment. “Why, why did
you come to me?
"Al," Ge
said, “we wanted the
"he best?"
“My colleague at the warchouse, the
able to get American dolla
for us on the black m
were the best doctor in Shangh:
us how you saved his life.”
"I saved his life?”
“During the Revolution, doctor," Nina
said. “You took a bullet out of his chest
near the heart. His name is Ivanofl, Boris
Vasilievich Ivanoff.”
Ivanoff . .. such a common name. He
was disappointed at not bcing able to
one who w;
«t, he told us you
He told
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сау, E
se Doone |
Zir. Phone. 1
Soc. See
Date of Birth
remember the man. “Where did йз...
exploit take pla
In the province of К
‘Ah, yes, he could remember the field
hospitals in Kazan. But that would have
been 25 years ago. What kind of doctor
had he been since, unable to preserve his
own infant daughter from the cholera ep-
idemic, unable to save his own wile
ing to question the diagnosis of stom:
ulcers by that speci:
so swiftly!—it was too late, when a s
ple hysterectomy could have saved her?
And what kind of doctor had he become
the past three years, since the Filipoff
affair? He wanted to tell them: “Dear
good pcople, don’t you know what they
say about Constantine Rokoff on that
black market where your friend got you
those American doll
anything over the g
cers of jam at the Ren:
What could he have done? Filipoff had
blabbed. Soon other addicts were coming
to see him, Should he have turned them
away, abandoned them to Nantao? А
other evasion! Surely some providence i
which he no longer believed had sent tl
strangely matched. couple into his room
to wake him up! The stoici h which
he had watched the loss of his reputation,
as his regular practice shi
scended to what he wa: lispenser
of injections that could not be had
other doctor's office in the colony; the
comfort he took in working among the
most wretched of his fellow exiles, giving
them some hope at least of slugging their
way back to health; the point of honor he
made of not charg yone more than
he could pay ng anything at
all if he was penniless; his own slide into
virtual penury—was not all this a pre-
tense, a way ofavoiding the truth: that he
had wanted to escape from the demands
of his work as general practitioner, that
he wanted to have his license revoked?
“Mrs. Gorin.”
“Yes, doctor.
“I will perform the operation.”
He had never seen such radiance in
anyone's eyes.
n, I think he
Ilya Stepanych Gorin climbed the
broad curving stairway to the Arizona
He was carrying on a conversation in
d with Dr. Rokoff. “Dr, Коко,
you appear to assume”—the words were
fall i “you
appear to assume that to be a professional
dancer in a respectable business like the
Arizona Bar is synonymous with ... that is,
is respectable,
nd І don't mind admitting that I am
to take a look for myself- " The
prickly silver light in his eyes and the
crazy music tearing at his eardrums inter-
rupted his train of thought and he found
himself in a dim, crowded dance hall with
210 high balconies and huge distorted faces
carved out of shiny rosy glass beaming
down on the dance band at the back.
A whitegowned Chinese waiter came
through the crush. "Wanchec table? Wan-
chee dancing girl?’
Gorin gaped. Here were the American
soldiers and sailors who paid so well for
being danced with. They made up per-
haps half the men on the dance floor.
The others, both whites and Chinese,
danced in the normal the foks-
1101, as it was called in Russian (the
word, he bel d, was borrowed from the
English). But the Americ held theii
partners at arm's length, twirling them
around in a strange, offhand manner. It
must be, he thought, the dance of il
cowboys. "Wanchee Chinese girl?’ the
waiter asked. “Loshian girl? Portuguee?”
A few feet away, an American soldier
flung his partner away from him and
turned his back on her in sudden міо.
lence. Gorin started forward to catch her
hefore she fell, thinking at the same in-
stant that Nina could not work het fter
all: Ameri
and, as the room drowned in a screaming
beat from the bandstand
tesque masks overh
to pulsating red, his hand and the gi
made a perfect fit and miraculously they
were some distance away, the Chinese girl
arched in another spin, smirking up at
the placid face of the soldier. “Want
Flench girl?” the waiter asked; then, los-
ing his patience: “Wei
n took off his pince-nez.
nquired, in English.
rs," the waiter said, and he left
spellbound by the gyrations
on the dance floor. Ekh, Пуа Stepanych,
s just a dance, and you imagined good-
ness knows what, No wonder Dr. Rokoff
thought you were a little... ппп-йа. "Dr.
Rokoff: You also evidently assume
Nina married me only because of her
Permit me to inform you that when
1 arrived in Shanghai from Harbin
before the skating accident—before the
accident, mark you!—she brought a letter
to me—yes, to mel—from her mother, ask-
ing me to look out for her. Her mothe
you may not have heard, is an actress of
great talent.” He recalled the orderly
world backstage at the Ru
Theater in Harbin, where he was in
charge of the pulleys. His colleagues, the
actors and actresses, all treated him with
table?" It was another
itated at the interruption.
“I... looking . . . Arizona Bar." The
waiter led him to the bottom of a st:
case and pointed up. As he climbed the
stairs, he wished he had not come. On the
landing above, there was another door,
another waiter. Summoning his best
English, he said, “I... want tlk...
With the door closed behind him, the
insensate music snapped off. The room
seemed dark and empty, until his eyes
adjusted themselves to the pink glow of
the small table Lamps (right before him,
a woman's bare shoulder!) and his ears
caught a murmur of voices and the sl
ery notes of a piano. The waiter led him
to an alcove where there was more light.
A man, a white man, said, “Yes, I am the
ager. What is the troubl
h? Somcone making trouble?” An
n officer sitting next to him lift-
ed a flushed, handsome, noJonger-voung
"Usual thin
to Gorin, “1 am not giving
any more, I have with Chicf Inspector.
Wong the matter arranged.”
"Out," said the American. "We don't
need any cops in this place. ‘This god-
damn corruption in this goddamn coun-
got to stop. And I'll tell you who's
Uncle Sam."
uddenly understood. They
thought he was а policeman. Because of
his watchman's uniform. He had to wear
it because he had stopped off on the way
to work. He bowed to the American offi-
cer. “Sir. How do you do? I watchman.
Night watchman, Jardine Matheson
Sprechen. Sie Deutsch?" the manager
ked. Gorin didn't understand. “Russe?
Ahi—yes. Roshian.’
“Hey,” the American gripped his glass.
said beat it.
No. no, major," the manager said.
“He is not from the police. He is a. . .
Gorin chuckled with ple:
sure at hav-
ing been mistaken for a policeman, and
behind the
iting for
he looked ind him, F
row of Russian bar girls w
customers stared at him expr
He tumed back to the American. “Sir.
My wife want work Arizona Bar. Dance.”
He brought out Nina’s pictur
"What's he saying?” the
“He i
here,” the mana
"He's asking what?”
"M his wife can work bel
here. Or dancing. Or perhaps with y
"Hey, you a Kraut?”
“I am Cherman, major, but anti-Hider
since 1934."
“You mean this joker here is
his wife can work here!
in nodded. “Wife. Picture, My
" He leaned over the table and hand-
ed him the picture.
‘The American looked at it for a long
time. Then he looked at him and said
d the bar
asking if
"We think the Government has some nerve sending a
female to check our tax returns!"
slowly, “Why, you poor bastard. You poor
A dancing couple brushed by. A sprin-
kle of notes came from the piano. Gorin
was transfixed by the look of profound
compassion on the American's face. His
chest tightened. He wanted to grab the
American's hands and say, “Thank you,
brother, for understanding.” But what
there was to understand began forcing its
way up again and he could not speak. He
ed weakly at a Chinese waiter with a
y of drinks. After the waiter was gone,
he turned his congealed smile on the Rus-
an shout, "Hey,
ble look
was gone from the American's face. Gorin
accepted a glass. “Siddown!" He sat down-
The manager scemed displeased. “This
picture is not satisfactory. It is only show-
g the face. It is not showing the figure.
The legs.
the American said. "How
bout it, Ivan? Her legs any good?”
Ah, yes." The drink burned, burning
away the tightness in his chest. Gorin sel-
dom drank. “Yes. Leg good. Dr. Rokoff
He turned to the bar girls and said in
Russian, “Опе leg was bent, you sce. Di
Rokoff has straightened it. Dr. Rokoft is
a remarkable manipulator of fragments,
though in other matters he tends toward
Everything seemed to be getting noi
icr, and there were more people danc-
ing. The Amer
an and the manager were
ion. They were arguing,
s sure, about whether to employ
ina. There was a full glass in his hand.
He got up and went to the bar. "Where is
the need for this exaggeration?” he de-
manded of the bar Га good and
decent woman wishes to improve her fi-
nancial situation by dancing, is there any
need to assume that... . That is what I
should have put to Dr. Rokofll Yes, I
should have!" The faces were a row of
painted, powdered stone. He swallowed
there of the drink. The warmth was
spreading. It calmed him down. The girls
were smiling and he smiled in response.
There were some American officers at the
bar now and the girls were smiling and
drinking with them. Then the American
who had been at the table was standing
next to him, Nina’s picture was in front
of him on the bar. Gorin gripped the
Americin’s hands in his, saying, “Spasibo,
bratyets. Thank you, brother, thank you.”
The American was saying something he
could not understand and, in his bad
English, Gorin tried to explain to him
his real plan about Nina and the Arizon
Bar, not the plan of the gas stove but the
other plan, his private plan, which he
would tell her about after she got the job
here and they saved a little money.
‘They would use the money to go back
to Harbin—yes!—where Nina was born
and her mother was still living, and they
would make a new life there, because
there were stables there and he knew
horses from the time of the White /
The American looked sober and un-
friendly. He had placed an American
bank note next to Nina's picture on the
bar and was saying something. Gorin
could make out “Five dollars, huh?” but
he would not listen. He told him how li
friend Ivanoff had promised to write to
Harbin and arrange for a job for him and
he would earn plenty of moncy himsclfÉ—
himself, yes!—he pushed the bank note
away—because he knew how to take care
of horses and Nina would not ave to
dance with anyone. The Amer
a second bank note on the bar
something sharply, demandi 1 an-
swer, but Gorin did not understand, he
Шу would not listen, as he told the
n his bad English how the gas
stove was only the excuse and they would
go back to Harbin and there they would
be happy aga
Nina lay in the women’s ward of the
Club of the Officers of the Imperial Rus-
sian Army and Navy. It had been the
whist room at one time: the men’s ward
was contained with difficulty in the for-
mer ballroom and billiard room. The hos-
pital had begun as a clinic in a comer of
the building, but as the officers and their
wives and other relatives began to fail,
the white iron beds marched slowly across
the building, driving the card and bil-
liard tables and the ballroom furniture
into the basement.
Afternoon sunlight buttered the scab-
biness of the walls, Some of the other
women sat on the edge of their beds in
gray y nightshirts, staring,
conversation, a hypnotic singsong
on the theme of those of their circle who
had died or gave promising signs of dying
(Da, mátushka, da, and our turn is com-
nd our turn is near”), would not re-
sume until closer toward evening. Nina
turned back a page of her notebook and
reread what she had just written:
My dear Friend!
Iam writing you from a funny lit-
tle hospital in Shanghai, Really, 1
must tell. N. about it the next time
1 visit Florence; he must put it into
one of his novels. The hospital is
attached to (you would ncver guess)
4 club of czarist officers. Sometimes
in the evenings you can hear a shout
from the billiard room. “Yellow ball
in corner pocket—bouf!" Just like
Chekhov's Cherry Orchard. Other
evenings the generals and their wives
and daughters arrive in their uni-
forms and their finery, and the strains
of the waltz and the mazurka keep
me pleasantly awake late into the
night. Some of the women in my
room were ladies in waiting at the
court in St. Petersburg, and the talk.
is all of the balls and flirtations and
gossip o£ those days.
"The only trip Nina had ever made
the 22 years of her life was from Harl
to Shanghai, and the letter, like the other
letters in the notebook, and in all the
other notebooks locked away in a drawer
at home, was not addressed to anyone she
knew. In the novels, novellas and short
stories that filled the Russian-émig:
brary in Harbin, the heroines of some of
her favorite books wrote to kindred spi
its, favoring the salutation "My dear
Friend"; so haut monde, it seemed to Н
its very tactfulness bespeaking worlds
of intimacy. She liked to write late iı
the evening, in bed. "Write, Ninachk:
write,” Gorin would say reverently,
ing up from his stamp albums.
your mother my regards.” She had told
him they were letters to her mother in
Just two days ago, a famous doctor
xepaired my stupid leg. It lies there
in front of me in its plaster cast, like
a great. big cocoon, hurting a little,
but that’s fine—the doctor says a
little pain is normal after an oper-
ation. It means my leg is knitting
together, healing, getting ready for
my new life.
(The Alps. She, Nina, flying on s
Rolf in pursuit. The French Rivier
spray of foam. René's enamored face.
New York. Fifth Avenue! Hobbling
down the sameness of some Shang
street, she would stop sometimes and
close her eyes and let the sunlight pry
them ever so slightly apart. Seen through
the golden haze of her eyelashes, the street
would lose its familiar look. Wall and
pavement would tremble and dissolve
and the shimmer would be her longed-
th Avenue. She imagined st:
а jauntiness in her step, a crystal
line feeling. Up ahead, Bob stood waiting
impatiently by a founta
'Okh, hot" The woman
worked her bare, purple-veined fect o
the wooden floor. “Hot. Even the floor
Nina looked away. The sight of those
feet under that tent of a nightshirt always
brought out the room's sour smell.
The woman was starting on her. “Your
husband is late today, isn't he?"—craftily.
lIyusha, Poor Hyusha
Comes every day, ch? But late today,
isn't һе?”
How was she to tell hi
"Never learned to talk, eh?”
“Leave her be, leave her be, mátushka'"
—the dirgelike voice from the
‘She'll lie here а few months, she'll learn
to talk, she'll learn.’
n the widow of an offi not
to be insulted in this fashion! Who do you
imagine you are?” the woman bellowed.
“Js your husband an officer?" The young
(continued on page 216)
1 she was leav
© Lorand 1972
Micronite filter.
Mild, smooth taste.
For all the right reasons.
р Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
0 | mg. “ter,” 11 mg. nicotine; That Cigarette Smoki ngerous to Your Health.
00's. 19 mg. “tar,” 13 т. nicotine av, per cigarette, ЕТС Report Feb. 73.
people, places, objects and events of interest or amusement
In this age of overkill, the poster has become cliché decor.
Stroll into any head shop and what do you see? Mark Spitz with a
chestful of gold. Raquel Welch with a chestful of chest.
Ho-hum. If it's gen-u-ine posters you're after, try Miscellaneous
Man at 1728 Thames Street, Baltimore, Maryland—a unique
store that boasts an exceptionally large collection of original
graphics, ranging from ancient circus and vaudeville
broadsides (the one below costs $70) to recruiting bills from various
wars. Miscellaneous Man’s latest catalog of over 300 19th and
20th Century posters and related arcana costs just a buck and even
listsa rare preblende pinup of Marilyn Monroe.
тозт SES
We're not quite sure how a top-notch seamanship
school ended up in Boulder, Colorado, but no
matter. The Seafarer School on Sugarloaf Road
offers an extensive selection of correspondence
courses, ranging from Basic Boating Skills ($40)
to Air Navigation ($295), as well as a marine
clearinghouse service designed to aid boat
sellers, buyers, charterers, traders, owners and
crew members in contacting one another. With
tuition you'll receive navigational tools, charts,
tables, etc. From there on, it's just you
with the wind and the rain in your armchair.
No, the Х1/9 is not some inscrutable algebraic puzzler that de-
fies you to solve for X. It's Fiat's new Bertone-bodied, mid-engined
two-seater sports car—obviously imported to give the Porsche 914
arun for its money. Looking vaguely like a Model 128 stretched
thin, the X1/9 costs about $3500 and features four-speed synchro-
mesh transmission, four-wheel disk brakes, rack-and-pinion steering,
all-round independent suspension and a 1290-c.c. engine that
will push you to a maximum speed of about 105 mph. Furthermore,
Fiat gives you the choice of many colors, has incorporated a
roll bar into the rear window structure and, best of all, also has
thrown in a removable roof panel for all you breezy riders.
In case you haven't heard, Holly Woodlawn,
transvestite star of Andy Warhol's Trash, has
attempted to pick up where Theda Bara left
off. Currently in the can is a 24-minute
black-and-white silent drama, Broken Goddess,
in which Holly not only stars but steals the show.
(He/she’s the only character.) Goddess is the first
production of director Peter Dallas’ Immortal
Films, a company dedicated to restoring “glamor
and elegance to the American screen,” and will
be released with Blonde Passion, a forthcoming
silent tale of love and insanity starring
Candy Darling. We're speechless.
Does your Sumerian Libation Cup leak?
Does your angel-sleeved hooded ceremo-
nial robe have a nasty rip in it? Has your
King Tutankhamen Scarab Ring lost its
zing? Despair no more, you witches, war-
locks and weirdos of the cosmos—this is
your chance to come out of the closet in
style. The Warlock Shop (300 Henry
Street, Brooklyn, New York) will supply
your every whim and fancy, however
imacabre, by mail order, no less. And for
prices even you can afford. (Their
catalog's 50 cents.) May the powers of
Here's an item that will keep you warm,
make you new friends and even serve
asa hedge against inflation. Ready?
It’s Charles Densler's hand-painted
Turkish sheepskin coat, which comes in
two lengths, long ($1000) and three-
quarter ($750), as well as four sizes—
S, M, L and XL. Densler, who's at 213
W. 85th Street, Manhattan, will custom-
ize each coat to the design you choose,
from an Art Deco cityscape to a monkey
on your back—or you can let him do
his own thing. Come summer,
you hang it on the wall.
Earth, Air, Fire and Water smile upon you.
Occasionally, we all engage in
some spectacular activity that
we'd like to cinematically record
for posterity. Sky diving, perhaps.
Powder skiing. Jumping into bed.
Sure, you can hold a movie cam-
era in yourhot little hands.
Or you can pull on a balanced
Point-of-View camera helmet
(8mm, Super 8 or 16mm) and
let the action rip. POVs have
already been utilized in a
number of movies and TV shows.
At $89.95 from Gilbert-Waugh
Productions, 3518 Cahuenga
Boulevard West, Hollywood, Cali-
fornia, the helmet’s one sure way
to put an audience in your shoes.
Every weekend for two months,
art professor George Bucher
drove 65 miles from his home in
Freeburg, Pennsylvania, to
New Holland, where Sperry Rand
had given him space to work
on his sculpture—a 12-foot-high
sphere (appropriately titled Ball),
created by winding 117,000 feet
ofbaler twine onto a wire frame
and then painting the layers
with polyester, If you'd like a pint-
sized son of Ball for your art
gallery, Bucher is accepting com-
missions for various sizes,
commencing from three feet in
diameter at $350. “Ball is almost
like a focal magnet," he com-
ments. “It’s difficult to stand
near it and not be attracted.” Any-
thing you say, George, but we'd
rather not stand too near. , . .
The racing teams of Vince Grana-
telli, Roger Penske and Mario
Andretti all swear by them... and
Prince Philip owns one in gold.
It’s the Accusplit-I digital stop
watch—the greatest invention
since the second hand for people
who want to know how fast
men and/or machines are moving.
The hand-sized quartz-crystal
Accusplit measures action to 2
hundredth of a second, features
two modes for intermediate tim-
ings, weighs only 15 ounces and
comes in three casings: high-
impact plastic ($199.50), alumi-
num ($250) and spun gold
($275). То order one, write
ТАЕСО, Box 296, Los Altos,
California. Тісі... tick... tick.
intern came in with the tea: Ni
the dinking of spoons in glasses
regiment is he i
is my butter?"
Eat your by
butter is on the bre:
id. “The
“the ii
1. There are no re
1 him place a glass and реце
hit table, "How is the | he
ed him “Oh. it’s fine"
“You mean there's less pain than. yes-
dh. Well... a little more, perhaps.”
well have a litle more medica-
“Where, I am аук
the next bed de
" the woman in
ded. “is the butter?
Where is the butter on this bread?” She
chewed loudly
Nina turned her face back to the wall.
Dear God, how was she to tell him?
(71 had to." she said.
"T know," Bob said.
“I had to leave li
at the way I love yor
“Lunderstand. Don’t cry.”
Bob and she stood against the railing
But I do love him.
on board the President Coolidge. The
paper ribbon wound around her index
finger snapped: it quivered across the
yellow water, entwined in all the other
ribbon K to the wharf, where, indis-
tinguish ow in the receding crowd,
Hyusha held the other end.
Bob and she were in the bridal
In the velvet darkness, the ocean
pered: a gleam of moonlight sculpt-
ed his smooth young back as his dress
shirt fell to the floor. She turned her head
away on the pillow, her heart beating
The scene was bloued ош. Nina
opened her eyes. She still felt her heart
beating, She felt flushed and. moist. She
closed her eyes a;
(The glow of their cigarettes in the
dark. Happiness like a deep quiet pool
п her heart. "Dear," Bob said, deeply
noved, “why didn't you tell mi
“I was ashamed.)
And yet she had not set out to withhold
herself from Gorin. “Sleep. Ninach
sleep.” he had said the night she n
nto his room after the priv попу
in Father. Nikodim's vestry, as he spread
an army blanket for himself on the floor.
She had for am older man's
delicacy of feeling toward an 18-year-old
in. Buta month passed and they were
er aud daughter, or like mother
and child. She thought it her wifely duty
to talk to him about it, but that seemed
only to frighten him. She embraced him,
and he held onto her
c cere
and presently was
sleep. and they did not talk of it again,
own relief. He had never been
I, though he was already past 50.
(She told Bob all of this now. There had.
been boys in Harbin, but she had never
(continued [rom page
dreamed of giving herself to any of them.
Her true life was not to begin until she
ped. Her mother had placed he
ary boar
ng for Americi. Her father? Oh, he
musician, And a Don Juan, her
mother said, He had disappeared before
she was five. She remembered him in his
black sable coat, standing with her one
evening outside the Harbin opera house
smoking a long, perfumed cigarette. She
remembered the laughter of the men and
women coming out of the banquet room
of the Hotel Moderne: one of the men
gold ruble. Har
of the Orient, they called it: а refuge for
all the wealth and privilege that had been
thrown across the Chinese border by the
her birthplace: who reme
bered it now? And where was the laugh
1 the glamor by the time she grew
up? p wvasion of Mandiuria
had killed it, Time had killed it. Every-
one who could leave had left. And she?
They said to me: There is Shangl
You must go to Shanghai. There are ships
Shanghai for every corner of the world.
So that is what I dreamed of and that is
where I went, and three weeks a
. the nese attacked. Pearl Har-
bor. Shanghai was cut olf. And 1 broke
my leg. I thought: The war will go on and
ou, you are a cripple, now you will never
catch up. Give up. give up, give up
Bob held her tenderly.
“Iyusha saved me. Î agreed to many
him, 1 had nowhere to turn, He said, 1
know I am 100 old for you. But if you
would let me take care of you. . .
The scene shifted
Bob were standing at the ship's
On the pier, a Filipino band was pl
Aloha. Bob was reading her the sl
Kong. Manila. Guam
2 ble days
San Francisco. Hyusha cime toward
ve hér + the Paris
Кто when she and
them through the crush. He was w
his old raincoat. which belted at
wail d he looked
guished and military. He
lands and he embraced her.
She began to сту. "Ilyusha, dear Il-
yusha, tell me Em selfish, tell me it was
heartless of me to divorce you. Tell me
s wrong of me and I'll stay!”
Hyusha said, “Nina. Ninachka. List
И, for a kindness, you miss your life, you
will never forgive yourself, or me.”
And you, Hyusha? What will you do?"
He told her, smiling pinkly, rather
pleased with the cleverness of it, but she
could not make him out. She could see his
face over the heads of the people jostli
between them, his lips carefully fran
the words "Understand? Understan
but she could not hear him above the
noise of the crowd drawing him away.)
"she exclaimed.
was standing by her bed. He
- No, no, I wasn't asleep." Still,
the hubbub of the crowd. But
gger of the rain
coat, in irs place the washed-out waich
mans blue, so tame on ihe shoulders,
so tight. so pathetically tight about the
neck, Ir probably hurts him. It hadn't oc-
curred to lier before. “Did you have some-
thing to c.
"Oh, yes. The cooker works very well."
He sat down. She could sce he was flus-
tered. “What is it, Hyus
—ah—1 have arranged. matters with
the people at the A
You went there?”
“I stopped by. They have
reed to em-
ploy vou. It seems а pleasant enough
She hoped he had not complicated
things for her. [t didn't matter. There
were plenty of other bars. (She closed her
eyes again. 10 see the time Bob and she
first met. She was sitting behind the b.
when he came up, the wings of the Ameri-
сап Air Corps shining on his chest. He
id. Hello. look like
“Hello. You don't, e
"Will you dance wi
She felt guilty, with Hyusha beside her.
^d opened her eyes Nyusha looked
—ah—was not entirely honest
with you
“What is it, my dear?”
“The cooker, as always, is a misery.
“I knew that oom was very still.
They were all
fter this is over. ib
thing—" He wrung his
re is some:
nds in the ef-
He was putting money aside t0 buy her
a pair of dancing shoes, if she knew him.
back and looking at his dear, kind
face, she prew hi the kind of sad-
ness she had known as a child, waiting to
be discovered in some wrongdoing. The
time she had snipped off the dog's whisk-
me back to her. Mama. she thought,
s. Lam so unhappy.
close to t
Rokoff's telephone, reinstalled
Ow a
ess in the Inter
with influential English and
friends, awakened him at iwo in
the doctor took him at first
jeerers in the street below. Dr.
having resumed advertising in il
cal directory in the White Russi
Novaya Ратуй (The №
given up sleeping in the
his glutinous dreams, after leaving him
for a whil eturning at night. He
had been dreaming that he had p
his shabby walls a dean b
riched the room with the East Ind
The caller sounded spiteful:
one of the
nd en-
“He certainly chose a great last breakfast.”
218 curb, everyth:
"Can't you damn dudes get anything straight?"
tapestry that used to hang in his office
Kiev. Yet the walls were bloated with
nd the beige was running leprous
to the floor. He searched about fora bucket
when half the ceiling
the street collapsed, leaving him full
view of the people in the street. It was
then that the telephone rang, and it took
him a moment to realize that it was the
young intern calling from the hospital.
Dr. Rokoff went back to his couch and
lay down. He gave himself five minutes of
» doi nor thinking any-
He had to walk to the hospital. In the
erted streets, the Chinese shop fronts,
rded up for the night, looked like a
cated for departure.
been off in the reali;
ment? No, he would have spotted it in
the postoper . Ап infection,
after all? ways a small chance
of that in the best of operating rooms,
and converted. clubroom. . . .
No, he had operated in peasant huts
and he had never been more careful. He
Kicked a stone; if it reached the opposite
would be all right. It
d the wall fronting
had to be all right. There was nothing
wrong in the way he had broken and
reset the bone, nothing! The jeep was
Imost on him before he saw it. Too late
to jump back. He thought: There it is;
it isn’t a question of realignment or in-
fection, it is in general too late. But
instead of smashness and oblivion, the
screech ended in nothing: the street still
there, the close-up face of an American
soldier at the wheel of a jeep skidded
skew and touching him with a fender.
From under a visored doth cap, tranquil
eyes in a strong, broad face regarded him.
quizzically. Dr. Rokoff felt foolish.
“Lam sony,” he said.
“Thats all right,” the American said.
“This is China. You walk in the middle of
the street and drive on the sidewalk—
"b am looking for—how you say2—
“Oh, sure, n't no law
against huntin’ down a pebble in the
shank of the night.”
A magnanimous giant in a children's
book. What was he saying? The Ame
cans were a new breed of теп, а young.
a pebble, Shoot
people uncorrupted by defeat. If he shook
this American's hand, some of their new
strength would flow into him and it
would not be too late. He stepped around
the front of the jeep. “Please. Permit
me” But with а grating of gears, the
jeep shot away.
The intern was waiting for him beside
Nina's bed. Dr. Rokoff cut open the plas-
ast. "Mama!" Nina said in a high,
ar voice. "I didn't mean to do itl" The
smell hit him
The operation was performed very
successfully by Dr. Коко, with Dr.
Steinberg, driving halfway across the city,
assisting. Gorin stood waiting outside the
ating room, where the two doctor
jackets hung from the clamps of an empty
billiard-cue rack. This must be the former
rd room, he kept telling himself.
But how could it be, when Nina told him
the billiard room was now the men's
ward? Maybe they moved the billiard
room here first. Then, after a few years,
they had to move it down into the bas
ment, That was probably it—yes. He
started in panic when Dr. Коко and an-
other man in white passed by, but they
did not notice hı
Kostya,” the other man said, "
give you a liti?"
Dr. Коко stood by the window, stir-
ing into the gray morning.
“Kostva,” Dr. Steinberg said, "how
1 since we worked togeth-
an I
Not now. Good-
“You never performed a better oper:
tion, Kostya."
“Volodya, 1 beg of you
“Listen to me. Nobody could have fore-
seen it."
n found his voice. "Dr. Ro-
Dr. Rokoff turned around, His face
was unrecognizable.
“Wait!” Dr. Steinberg commanded.
“Are you—" He took Gorin by the
elbow. "You must try to understand. The
very best of doctors cannot
The fact is, y
i at the press
wound. There was no choice
“Volodya, go"
“But to amputate.”
Gorin sink to the floor, propped
айм. the cue rack. He could see Dr.
Rokoff’s white stubbly face before him
nd he could hear him saying, “Gorin, my
brother, before God I am guilty. Some-
thing was bound to have gone wrong. For
me, the Americans arrived too late. What
brought you to me?" But the voice was a
dry rustling in his ears and the morning
light was unreal, and it was lamplight
again before he stood bewildered beside
ina's bed, afraid to look any lower than
her bright, cheated eyes.
| d
Ty m ORRIN ias beco
У Imported Can ian Mists wo.
d e 2101012
ERB RA onica or paee 17)
to Attorney Herbert Kalmbach:
A. "Мога
B. "Something here is not kosher.”
C. "Are these guys Hoydelman and
Oydelman strictly kosherz
D. “A kosher pickle is a thing of
Jeb Magruder, in describi
“inured” the White House h:
come to lawlessness, admitted
е kosher boy like me,
own crimes but said he'd been influ-
enced by the c
. The Incre
B. Gordon Liddy
С. James Bond and Mission:
D. his former m
sor of ethics
The testimony of Liddys secretary
was memorable for litle except the
t that she had a musical name.
Her name was Sally:
A. Melody
B. Harmony
C. Zappa
D. Moog Synthesizer
n advised that other
оу refute his
mony, repeatedly avowed that his
“only ally” was:
A. truth
B. integ
С. Allah
D. Mescalito
ter and profes-
Ehilichman testified that the FBI had
not pursued the Fllsberg investiga-
tion bec I.
H 5
А. “just friends" with Ellsberg's
B. “close friends" with Ellsberg's
C."constant companions" with
Ellsbei chiatrist
D. Бе ied at the timc
13. A shocking phrase was used in the
“enemies list" where it
gested that Federal age
be manipulated so as to
our political enemi
A. feel up
B. get a little nooky off
C. penetrate with deep, sensuous
D. screw
When witnesses testified that certain
campaign contributions had been
laundered" in Mexico, they meant
the money w;
А. smuggled across the border and
converted into pesos
B. smuggled across the border and
converted into tacos
deposited Mexican. banks,
g it difficult to trace
D. scrubbed in Mexican tap water,
making it get sick
15. The first public figure in Washing-
ton to denounce the activities of the
Committee to Re-Elect the President
and, by extension, the White House
stall was:
ohn Dean, April 19
ames McCord, March 1973
‚ October 1972
a Mitchell, June 19:
$e de.
“And, another thing, he mentally undresses everyone.”
"When Dean was asked why he
ken campaign mon for his
honeymoon rather th: i
penses on a credit card, his response
A. “My assets were tied up in the
stock market.”
made ап error in judgmei
don't like to live on credit
isa peculiar
moon. Maureen wanted cash on
the barrelhead.”
When Dean finally told Haldeman
that he intended to spill the whole
story to the Watergate investigators,
deman is supposed to have re-
ith the following colorful
Е you haven't brushed your
teeth until now, you certainly
g to get them clea
B. “Once the tooth paste is out of
the tube, you might as well
s going to be very
rd to get it back in.”
found the cap off the tooth-
ube again, you silly
tivities emanating fom the White
Housc—apart from те Warergate
break-in itsell- with one
phrase; he called
A. White House tales of terror
B. White House horror sto
C. Teenage Fiends from the White
House Crypt
D. Elmer
Senator Sam generally speaks with
Boston accent
D. God
Dean claimed that at the crucial
September 21st mee the Ova
Office, the President grected him,
pointed at H. R. “Bob” Haldeman,
"Bob's been doing a good job of
telling me about you, John."
б. “Bob's been telling me what a
good job you've been dı
ood job, and tell me, Bob, are
you going to the john
to the john, Bob, а
good job, I'm telling you!
d do a
3 -B
4-C 9-р
5-A 10-В
How good it is =
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined -
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. [IU
20 mg "tar", 14 mg.nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC Report FEB.73.
Winston tastes good,
when a cigarette should.
IHE) BRU OVERS) (continued from page 102)
of sports biz when a Red Sox no-hit
pitcher sought his advice оп negotiat-
ing a contract. “Oh, wow,” said Wooll,
“this is an area that has been virtually
Eight years later, he has tapped nine
out of twelve Boston Celtics as clients,
Sanderson, Jim Plunkett, athletes on
more than half the teams in every div
sion of every major league in pro sports.
ir advisor, manager, surrogate fa-
ther and number-one fan. A staff of eight
im put together a
ach client. Woolf
handles taxes, invesunents,
drafts, contracts, endorse-
king engagements, wills and
- His athletes draw an allowance.
“I wy to teach them how to handle
money,” says Woolf.
“These are often young, inexperienced
kids who have been coddled and pro-
tected from the time they entered high
school. They're continually getting sur-
rounded by fringe people with wild
schemes for quick riches. I get calls at two
A.M. from young clients, would I send
five thousand dollars fast, they've got a
friend with a wild idea. Most of my time
I spend preventing exploitation. . . ."
What distinguishes Woolf from others
performing similar services is his rapport.
with the men he represents. He walks the
snowy streets of Boston with despondent
Plunkett after yet another Patriot det
opens his home to all, is avai
s for any emergency. His family i
cludes a loving wile, three happy children
and dozens of clients who drop by for
snacks, pool games and moral inspiration.
Team owners and managers who have
to deal with him at contract time find
Wool bly as good as his word. He
won't renegotiate a clients contract for
more money and, because of it, last усаг
lost basketball star Julius Erving. In his
quiet and unassuming way. Woolf is a
n of strong principle. With an income
00,000 a year, one might assume that
ord to be. The suspicion lingers
that he still would be if he were to go
broke tomorrow. "Му job,” he says, "is to
make sure an atlilete gets what hes worth
and learns how to manage what he gets.
His body is his skill, and it сап depre-
ciate very fast."
When it seems to be depreciating over-
night, as in the case of Sanderson, Woolf's
“Jim gota raise Jor naming him after his boss, and I
got a raise for not naming him after my boss.”
solid reputation enables him to deal di-
reculy with management—in this case, the
Blazers’ owner —in an atmosphere no
ble for its lack of contempt, distrust
deception. The mceting takes place at
acation home in Hollywood,
In the end, Sanderson walks
played as a Blazer) and his
n the Boston Bruins.
Woolf? He leaves the way lie came in: re-
spected, unperturbed, slightly awed by
the power he s unbelievable!"
he exclaims. “Think of the damage 1
could do to sports if I ever lost my head."
But there must be something dificult.
“There is,” he admits. “The hardest thing
is trying to do it all as a gentleman."
Terry Knight, 30, has learned to ex-
press himself with precision ("I may
mention discipline many times, because
to me discipline is the essence of any pro-
motional campaign"), with humility (“As
a singer, I worked until nobody would
ive me") and with conviction (“My
thing is not to sell record albums, my
thing is to turn a group into a longev-
ity mone er”); but it is not until the
subject turns to his former rock group,
Grand Fu Railroad, that he begins to
Il. turkey: “It cost me a fucking fortune
to get the exposure I should have been
getting for free” and “On their last tour,
when I wasn't in charge, people came to
see them the way they come to a car wreck
to see the remains. ГИ tell you what the
problem was, they weren't fucking hun-
gry any longer.”
Pop-music wade papers gloated over
the decline and fall of his relationship
with Grand Funk, three young men who
are currently suing Knight for more tha
58,000,000 and arc being sued by him
and others in turn for $56,000,000. Hip
young writers delved into every detail of
the separation and divorce with such
smarmy seltrighteousness that Louella
her grav
Grand Funk w:
boondock rock! I mean, like, those dudes
couldn't even play Tea for Two and they
were grossing, like, 550,000 a night, man,
just for balling their guitars in front of
spaced-out teeny-bopp vs why.
Dig it?
Yet let it never be said th.
engincer of Grand nk Railroad, did
not give rock critics something to hate.
And it may now come as a mild surprise
to these critics and their readers to learn
that Knight had it calculated all the way.
In fact, he ran only bad reviews of the
group in his ads. He reasoned that kids
were аһы: g lied to and would
take the reviews as a hype. He refused
to let G. F. R. appear
refused to allow them to be intervi
in short, he turned aesthetic host
a massive financial suc
did it without much
part of the master plan—a case study in
Knight, the
superb music promotion—and it all
began when he got a call one winter night
from three musician friends who were
playing a gig on Cape Cod and eating
snow to stay alive. That was 1968. Knight,
himself poor, fronted them 2 little
money, then listened to their music. "I
didn't know whether 1 liked it or I hated
it," he recalls. But something told him it
would sell if properly packaged—expe-
rience, perhaps, for Knight had put
time as a Detroit disc jockey in his
ind had developed a comme
Consigning а sizable chunk of G. F. R.'s
camings to himself, he choreographed
the group's stage act from start to finish
When histrionic performer Jimi Hendri:
died, he realized that “there was а gap
here” and he determined that one of the
group would fill that gap by ripping off
his vest during each gig, kneeling on the
stage and ng intercourse with his
Fender. (Eventually, the musician would
object that it got his pants dirty and
would refuse to copulate; Knight would
offer to launder his pants for him after
every performance, but by then nothing
would case the tension.)
Knight wanted Grand Funk to be
“bigger than life.” They were actually
three farm boys from Michigan with lots
of ambition and not much talent, but
when they were hungry they listened
well, and Knight told them enough about
a stage presence to make them a highly
salable commodity. Having done that, he
then went out and spent several months
pounding on doors to get them a record
contract. Then he talked Capitol Records
into putting up $250,000 to promote their
first album.
Knight is a very persuasive person.
Intense. Deceptively boyish. And very
good at hard-nosed pitching. But if you
work for him, listen and don't talk back.
Because he has a . . .
stands socict i
ationship to cul-
tural trends, and you will be part of ita
leader of it, in fact—if you pay attention.
What I say to record executives
‘Fuck truth and honesty and being cool
and sitting on your ass behind a desk, fig-
uring out what kids are gonna listen to in
On When I want to know, I go to
Omaha, I get out among the people. I
have to be on the street. On the street I
learned that after any national catastro-
phe, like the first Kennedy assassination,
there will be a swing toward fun esca
entertainment. After 1963 it was the Bea-
tles singing 7 Want to Hold Your Hand.
Then what happened? The Beatles grew
introspective. Vietnam. Another cycle of
depression, so I put together Grand
Funk, a totally escapist group, and they
played to capacity houses wherever they
went. In one month in 1969, we played
dates. They put on a great show. I mixed
the sound from the middle of the audi
ence. I made it incredibly loud. Why? Be-
cause it's a fact that loud music affects the
fluid in the inner ear and creates a sense
of cuphoria and you go home from a con-
cert feeling stoned. That’s why.
Did it work? Christ, did it work
Thanks to his innerear awa
Knight's income now inercases by
$1,000,000 every 90 day g to
The Wall Street Journal. He invested
wisely, he observes. “I exist a
inment complex today—including a
limousine company, two publishing com-
panies, a movie company in partnership
with Twiggy and a new record company.
Brown Bag
While he was running Grand Funk's
railroad, he never let the boys read their
awful reviews, he isolated them from the
public and spread their faces over two
blocks of billboard in Times Square,
nong other places. When they gr
they learned that they were dis
schlock musicians and they freaked. Now
Knight has moved on, with Brown Bag.
to promote new groups—first Mom's
Apple Pie and, more recently, Faith. He
has saturated the news media with press
leases informing one and all that Faith
members must remain anonymous. Only
their thumbprints appear on the record-
ing contract. They're photographed from
behind, naked to the waist. Their arms
are interlocked, Could they be . . . queer?
Who are these gay and nameless blades?
Knight is telling no one, not even those
You're out of cash. And out of town.
Look forthe Master Charge sign or the 1.
Vacation? Business trip?
Whenever you travel, and you
need money, you can get it with
your Master Charge card. It’s
good for cash at over 14,000
banking offices across the U.S.
And, if you like, you can stretch
out your payments.
master charge
“Glad to sce yow're finally getting something
down. on canvas."
who couldn't care less. He has launched
yet another assault on the musical tastes
of young America, and rewards are sure
to follow. He's been to Omaha: he should
Like many other promoters, Knight re-
fuses to socia hh
lower myself to their
“Nothing personal, it's professional disci-
pline. When you get too close, you begin
to listen to excuses.” But groups а
really where Knight is at. It’s promotion
that gets him off. Not to mention 9000
units of vitamin E twice a day. If there
is any challenge left, it is purely one of
status, "It would please me to convince
the people with muscle in the indus
пу that I am not a bullshit hype. If
they would pay attention the way I
have, it would make the word promoter
taste a hell of a lot beter to me and
eryone else.
In the lavishly furnished rotunda of a
boathouse lodge fast by a lake in Orlan-
do, Florida, a black woman on an im-
ks down and sobs: “My
by from me when I
the organization and my husband
nds wouldn't hav
thought I was crazy, too ... but Fm
gonna show 'em, so help me, God and
Glenn Turner, I'm gonna dare to be
great it it kills me!”
The audience of 100 women rises to
parents took my |
left me and my fi
nothing to do with me, caus
its feet. Cheering, Shouting. Stamping:
"GO! GO! GO!" The black woman
brushes away tears, a look of defiant self-
confidence sweeps over her features. She
is one of thousands, millions now, who
have been c
aght up in one of America’s
most incredible evangelistic movements,
a lapel-tugging, hard-sell, beatthe-bushes
sales Gospel whose followers worship at
the shrine of a man with a harelip, a tou-
pee, false teeth, boots fashioned from the
skin of unborn calves, red double-knit
straightlegged suits and legal actions
pending against him in 46 states of the
The unstoppable Glenn W. Turner
comes about as close to being a working-
class hero as anyone in recent. memory.
We created him, America, now we don't
te know what to do with him. He has.
elf into the hearts and minds
of the proletariat; has won fame, fortune
and a devoted following by twisting and
warping the Ho Alger myth out of
shape. “You know what's wrong with the
world?” he yells. “We're too dignified!”
(Cheering) “Who says you got to go to
college? I come into the world with a
harelip, the son of a sharecropper, I never
got past the eighth grade and I'm driving
You know
why! I
supposed to go to
school, then wait six years. I made a profit
my first month! And I'll teach you to be
stupid just like me!” (Wild applause)
achine salesman,
company. He brought in 23 recruiters
and sold 51,000,000 worth of distributor-
ships even before he found a full line of
products to distribute. He wasn't worried.
‘The worst he could do was go broke.
"Going broke, s just like
brushing your teeth. You have to do ita
few times to get over your fear of failure
Sure I made mistakes. I bought sixty
seven years’ worth of eyebrow pendi
from a manufacturer ‘cause nobody told
me better . - . but T put errors out of
ind, and so can you!”
the same exhilarating pitch wher-
ever Turner, 39, travels in his Сопуай
880. He runs down the aisle, laps up
onto the stage, pulls off his suit coat, loos-
ens his tie, throws off his boots, jumps up
. "Fake it till you make it,” he
dience docs go. It goes crazy
at and fever of promised suc-
ces. Chimney sweeps, chambermaids,
midgets, cabdrivers, hash slingers—"real
folk"—they come thick and fast to hear
Turner's husile; many leave a few thou-
sand dollars leaner; they have taken the
plunge, have signed up and paid theii
money to join Turner's Koscot Interplan-
сагу Cosmetics as “distributors.” What
they get in return for their checks puzzles
and upsets law-enforcement э cv-
erywhere. But at the moment, it doesn’t
matter. Turner is about to mount the
stage in the rotunda. The women he will
speak to are salesladies in many of his cor-
ions, which now number 70; some
some sell. self-motivation
Ш are frantic with delight at
being invited to his Orlando "clinic" for
a week of instruction; they are, in his
Way up. One has
nization “Christian
healthy round of ap-
пзе. Others have cried, kissed, hugged.
Now, Glenn: At leisure he plays tlic in-
formal host—no flamingred croupier's
suit tonight: Levis rolled up over his
boots, a captain's hat, a polo shirt. He
talks about himself, about how he felt
dumsy in public in the carly days but
soon got to where he could make tears
flow. The checks started coming in. "IE it
Ш collapses on. me tomorrow
Г pick up and start again,” he says.
Later he reads from a poem given to him
by one of the young ladies in attendance.
“The poem I want to read to you is /f by
Rudolph Kipling,” he announces. Ru-
dolph? Occasionally, like a nervous
friend, his lack of formal education be-
- Turner likes what Rudolph
y. he analyzes the verse line by
- Two hours later, the bleary-eyed
women file urner and his charming
hc reckons,
with the h
ity in
wife. Alice, shake all hands. In three days
he will be in Venezuel:
Rico, then M.
then Puerto
ys Mexico .. . Italy
the word around the
them up. Puting down
the corporate ethic of hard labor, low
wages and a gold watch at the end of 50
years. It's out there for the asking. Go get
it. 1 did. “I took two lemons—my speech
100% Scotch Whiskies. 86.8 Frool. Imporied by Somerset Importers, Ltd., New York, N.Y.
ank You” bottle
f sedin to say enough.
your feelings in words, a gift
F of smooth, satisfying
Johnnie Walker Red Scotch
can say all you ever
| wanted to say...and more.
'This gift has never left
any giver speechless.
And the message always comes
across smooth and clear.
Say Johnnie Walker Red?
You won't get it
by just saying "Scotch?
impediment, my harelip—and I turned
them into lemonade. You
In recent years, Turner's sales methods
have been called “a cancerous vice.” а
“Frankenstein,” “an enormous fraud” by
Federal and stare authorities. They in-
volve “multilevel distributorships" if you
like them, “pyramid sales" if you don't.
an. too."
In either case, it will—or would have,
ший Turner's most recent round of
hasles—cost you up to 55000
y the right to sell his products —
which now include wigs, pink fur coats
and minkoil body lotion—and the first
thing you did when you paid up was
nd try to sell someone else a
distributorship for a hefty commission,
and the first thing he would then do .
and so it went. The problem with chain
letters is that they seldom work. Some-
times you don’t even get back the price of
your stamp. But in spite of the odds,
у Koscot converts turned a hand-
some profit. At its inception, Turner's
mization was riddled with sloppy
anagement; no defined sales territories,
clusive sales areas, no logical chain
of command, no way of controlling head-
hunters who stormed people in the streets
for their check. Complaints flooded the
of attorneys general. They set out
пр Turners style; and the venge-
ance with which they have attacked the
man suggests that they see more at issue
than consumer protection. For as long as
greed has flourished, others have bilked,
cajoled and coerced under the corporate
ethic of sanitized larceny, Tha's what
chandising more marginal than Turner's,
but few corporate heads have been so
bold as to preach heresy
of establishment. success. Governme:
igencies. so it seems, are paternalistic
toward the unedui
them and find thi al jobs as long
5 they keep their place. If they start driv
ng Eldorados, they must be either pimps,
gangsters or dope dealers. The idea that
they, too, might have a right to succeed
on the basis of their own initiative and
hustle offends, infuriates and boggles the
mind. There is something goddamn . . .
revolution: . about this concept.
А bastard. child of capitalism, Turner
sells these have nots the confidence to
play at the Horatio Alger myth. Far from
being a cynical crook, he demonstrates
a genuine love for them and is, for
instance, a leading employer of the hand-
icapped in Florida, A magnificent sales-
man. he also happens to be a miserable
business administrator, Surrounding h
is a crew of subordinates who display lit-
Че of his warmth, openness or sympathy
for the meek. They look, act and carry on
like a hard-nosed corps of mercenary sol-
diers; and Turner, who is à genius at
aspiring his troops, is so shaky on troop
deployment that he has in the past al-
226 lowed them to run amuck, plundering
neighborhoods at will. Civil suits have
cost him a small fortune in legal fees
alone. Attempting to extricate himself,
Turner recently relinquished control of
his companies and now functions primari-
ly as a consultant. He has worked out a
tentative agreement with civil plaintiffs
to the tune of $4,700,000 in liquidated
funds, turning over this amount to an in-
dependent holding company. Its nego-
ble stock will be issued to those who got
burned and want their money back.
Under similar duress, lesser men might
be expected to retreat from the wars of
commerce. Not Turner; he has set about
nce in yet another direction. With-
n 18 months he plans to open 1000
mind spas" throughout the country.
“These are just like health spas,” he ex-
plains, “ ‘cept we're gonna exercise and
develop the mind. It's a place where you
an go and jack up your attitude for
twenty-five dollars à month. We're callin’
it Welcome to Our World. There's no
pyramid sales involved. I had my fill of
Despite their eagerness to quash his ac-
tivities, few states have any statute
multilevel selling. And Tur
his defiant nature, has worked hard to
dean up his operation. Too late.
haps: In May, a Federa
tment was handed down against him
by the Post Office, the IRS briefly locked
up his Sand Lake facility and, à month
later, he was arrested in Germany, facing
extradition to Britain on charges of fraud.
About these and other adversities he
remains philosophical. “When you're the
fastest gun in the West, everybody's al-
ways trying to draw on yow” And in a
more meditative analogy: “When a feller
reaches for the sun, he's bound to get a
few blisters.”
Blisters, guns, civil and crimi
suits—all impart the same advice: If you
sense in yourself a talent for promotion,
do it, but go easy on administration
Chances are you'll be terrible at it and
will suffer the consequences of overreach-
ing ambition. Turner may still do himself
in. I he isn't in jail or otherwise occupied
at the time, he plans to run for President
in 1980, He says he would legalize ma
juana but hang smugglers who try to
bring it into the country illegally. There
are other inconsistencies in his platform;
they may bother you, but they don't
bother Turner. It will all work out,
“God.” he confides, "has programmed
my computer." Looking up past the tur-
rets of his $3,000,000 Orlando castle,
he smiles.
Jay Bernstein, the world's most success-
ful young show-business public-relations
man. has just taken delivery on one of the
world’s most expensive automobiles. a
Stutz Blackhawk. For this hand-tooled
n touring car he paid 537,000, the
expense of which presented no problem.
‘The difficulties set in when Bernstein
tries to understand why he bought it. He
dy owns a customized Fleetwood
After one spin around the block on Su
set Suip, where his office is located, hi
takes his driver aside and asks: “Jack,
what will I use this car for?” It is a solemn
The driver reflects. “Well.” he ex-
plains, “you'll use it for . . . pleasure.
Bernstein sighs mournfully and climbs
back inside.
t 35, Berst reached the top
of his profession, and he has m:
to do so at least in part by avoiding ple:
ure at all costs, except where it happens
to coincide with business. He safaris with
client Bill Holden in Africa, kayaks with
dient Isaac Hayes in Hawaii, sport fishes
with client Susan Hayward off the Baha-
mas. Dozens of framed color photographs
on his office walls bear witness to these
excursions, and proudly he takes a visitor
on а guided tour, jabbing at each onc
with a long-bladed dagger. “Here 1 am
with Susan . . . with Isaac. . . now over
here are my TV Guide covers, just a few
of the clients I've had on the йош...
and over here are some of the Nielsen
ratings I helped achieve, апа"
a ritualized weapon of great signifi-
cance in the Hindu religion. Bernstein
suddenly turns. "Yon like it? Here, it's
yours. I insist, take it, I have another one
at home."
Upon doser inspection, it develops
that the kris has a cigarette lighter em-
bedded in the butt end of the handle.
The visitor makes an earnest effort to т
fuse. Too late. Bernstein loves to give
things away, has probably given away ev-
erything in his possession that anyone has
ever paused to admir
What he has given away free to one of
his newest clients, Mark Spitz, is open to
speculation. The fee for his professional
advice is not: It is definitely costing Spitz
a cool $12,000 a year and it will cost you
the same, unless you happen to be the
sponsor of a TV special employing Bern-
stein to ensure good ratings, in which case
it will set you back $25,000 per shot.
Lihat in hell do you get for all
money? You get Oklahoma-born Jay
his май of 42 dynamo [lacks hustling
press and media coverage when you want
. and ge when you might
want that even more. If you are a celeb-
rity and you get arrested on a messy mor-
als charge, for instance, Tay will use his
contacts to get the arrest buried deep in-
side the morning newspaper; when and if
you get acquitted, the news will make
page one. If, as a celebrity, you get picked
up in a rior and hauled off to jail, Jay
might very well smuggle a camera into
your cell, slip it around your neck and
have a reporter send out à story over the
"When he i
nviled us sailing, I thought it meant just
lying in the sun with our bras off."
wires explaining how you were mistaken-
Jy аттеме@ аз a rioter while photograph-
ing location shots for your next film.
"Thesc-are but a few of the services he
has provided'in the line of duty. When
the major ‘Hollywood studios collapsed,
they abandoned their elaborate publicity
departments, whose energies had been
concenuated on protecting the stars and
the public from one another. Enter ]
Bernstein, independent PR man. ready
and waiting to pick up the slack. You and
1 may be convinced that the star system is
1. but Hollywood isn't. It still main-
s lines of defense and its anach-
ronistic belief in projecting an image.
Bernstein knows all about projecting an
image. He's terrific at it. Needless to say,
thy departmentstore
owner, Jay refused to be carried along
into the family business. As a youth, he
earned spending money by shoveling
dung out of Oklahoma outhouses, Even-
tually, he moved West to brcak into show-
biz, got fired from a couple of jobs and
sank his last $400 into his own PR firm.
i ten years later, it costs him
580,000 а month “just to keep the lights
"I've created a monster ] can't get out
of,” he confides, pausing to spray Binaca
into his mouth. Two squirts later he con-
tinues: "I'm a computer, I run my organi-
zation by clecronic. Гус got to have
efliciency or I'm dead, it's the nature of
the business.
Efficiency is as close at hand as the lit-
Ue transistorized beeper that each mem-
+ =
LEE, i
her of his staff is required to wea
times. He can be beeped on a golf course,
in bed with his old lady, anywhere day or
night. When a PR man's services are
needed, Bernstein explains, they are
needed now. “I don't tolerate failure.
We're the Green Berets of the public-
relations industry, and 1 try to run my
firm just like a general. My employees
are units, I don't have time to be nice to
them. І don't want to hear about thei
personal problems. 1 have a house rabl:
nd а house priest for that. I am totally
dedicated, ninety-five percent of my time
is spent in my business, I demand the
same from people who work for me. It's
the only way I can survive. For example,
1 know exactly how much time 1 have at
night to get my sleep. I'm a bachelor, I
have Jack drive my date home at mid-
night. Now, if I should wake up at four
the morning and have to open my cyes
to look at the clock, it would take me a
long while to fall back to sleep. So I've
had a dock built beside my bed that's
operated by a button. If I wake up now,
1 keep my eyes closed, I push the button
and the clock speaks, It says ‘Four-thirty-
seven’ and 1 fall asleep immediately.
easy to see but difficult to behold.
In an age of practiced lassitude among
rich young men, Jay Bernstein is out
there hustling 1
sensitivity and humanistic conce
sists on coldly impersonal relationships.
Patton would have admired him, but Pat-
ton is dead, I Bernstein were not quite
“Remember when ‘laying them in the aisles’ was just
a show-business ex pression?"
so candid. and, in an odd wa
cent—about himself and his career, he
would be damned intolerable.
Yet he is as open as a child, and not in
the least cynical’ He underst
people better than they underst
selves. Backstage at a press conference
with Spitz, he demonstrates his knowl-
edge. ("Spitz is easy to work with. I say,
"Take the red pill, then the green pil
and he
takes them without
As Spitz listens, Ben
ly instructs him on how to handle the
pres. “They'll be after your throat
today,” Jay tells him. "Its part of the
tend. First they love you for winning
medals, then they hate you for trying to
make a living, and eventually they'll be
back on your side again, But at the mo-
ment, expect the worst.
Five minutes later, Spitz gets it. He hats
10 announce his association with an
m—“ Money didn't hav
ng to do with it, I like the quality
product.” But the newsmen scol
at that. One says that Spitz seems to be en
dorsing everything except hemorrhoi
Spitz smiles. Another asks: “Is it true you
plan to replace Flipper the Porpe
When he геше?” Spitz smiles aga
Doesn't lose his cool. Does SS а
asses, just stands there and paries these
loaded questions with considerable skill
How? Only his press agent knows lor
sure, and throughout the press confei
ence, Jay Bernstein never saysa word.
rant doodling on a napkin. He's read
somewhere that 93 percent of American
hers buy skates for their children. Facts
e this stick in his mind. What he would
Depression, so he's gone into sports pro-
motion. He reasons: “Anything you're
good at as a kid you'll stick with if there's
an outlet.
some ideas on how to make roller skatin,
work as a sports attraction. Where there's
a wheel there's a way, il only he can find
the angle. The angles turn out to be
ved olf the corners of a looped wack.
aranges to present the world’s first
roller-skat marathon at Chicago's Coli-
seum. People come to watch, they fall
asleep in droves. The “Nightly Sprint to
Nowhere" goes on the road. People fall
asleep in Louisville,
Leo Seltzer begins to lose faith. He
doesn’t know yet that he has invented
one of America's two original sports—the
other being basketball. АП he knows is,
he’s losing money. Along comes Damon
Runyon, He likes Seltzers folly, and
offers to help. Together they devise a set
ol rules to make the marathon into a con-
inners, losers, heroes,
ns, pratfalls, clbows, grunts, fig
пісіра well as
ys Seltzer, “it's got
Miami; promoter
nd female pa
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to have empathy.” It docs. He ge
nd copyrights а name: Roller Derby
Now he owns a name and a sport that
people will pay to see. “Everybody loves
my game,” he decides. "It gets rid of
OAKLAND, 19:8 Nobody loves Leo's
game any longer. On a good night it
draws 200 fans into a 10,000seat auditori-
um. There is plenty of leg room. Like
Candide, Seltzer wanders back to his gar-
den, wondering where he went wrong.
Ten years earlier, Roller Derby and Mil-
ton Berle were the two hottest properties
on television. They were, of course,
almost the only propert soon be-
came television's first victims of overex-
posure. Derby Queen Tully Brasulin and
other talents named Pee Wee, Bumper,
[ а Bouncing Betty experienced
a rapid dispiriting descent into obscurity.
The Derby died on its tracks, never to
roll again, it seemed.
But wait. Leo has a son, Jerry, who
used to cat lots of paint chips and pencil
lead and sofa strings as a kid. Somehow he
survived his gastronomical habits and
grew up to graduate from Northwestern's
School of Business. Bored, he heads West,
dabbles around the fringes of Roller
Derby, which is like being on the fringe
of a fringe, and discovers in himself,
much to his amazement, inherent
gift for promotion. He revives his father’s
moribund idea and sets out to apply a few
resuscitation techniques of his own de-
vice. In a deserted garage, he kinescopes
the games and syndicates them to an Oak-
land TV station. Attendance picks up.
Along comes video tape, a vast improve:
ment over the fuzzy kinescope prints that
made many viewers think they were
watching Martians with acne. Jerry, so
of Leo, capitalizes a parent company for
$500, locates a sponsor and sends off a
videotaped game to Portland, Oregon,
At the end of the televised turbulence,
the announcer asks, as an afterthought
"Would you like to see Roller Derby in
Portland?” Hundreds write in. Seltzer
books a game there. The track arrives but
not the players, whose plane is grounded.
Two hours late, they show up anyway.
Ni ient fans give them a
standing ovation. Just for making the
game. Seltzer he's got a hot one.
There is nothing to do but expand.
By 1961 there are 40 TV stations carry-
ing the Derby. "It hardly seems to be any
sort of revelation now,” Jerry will remark
e years later, "bur at the time E was
d, for it suddenly occurred to me
e thousand p
at there were no longer any boundaries
as we had known them. As far as the great
сус extends, people have the same inter-
ests.” In the particular case of Roller
Derby, these common interests include a
zest dor hoked-up violence, pseudo
slaughter and calculated chaos. “I pro-
«c programs | wouldn't watch myself,"
Selzer will also later r No ci
chomping carney теј vies
tyle and elegance befitting the
ghbred stable and uses
pant of his Roller Derby revenue to pro-
duce a film on ballet.
But his gen He
owns the leagues, players, skates, uni-
forms and concessions. He is forced to
outbid no one but himself, and his
players work for w above their
ges not fa
“Good grief! Oil!”
former salaries as secretaries, truck d
ers, dishwashers, stevedores. They don't
seem to mind. Roller Derby has quickly
become the last rags-to-riches Hollywood
myth: They seck fame more than fortune,
shot at glory. “They're all escaping
from something,” Seltzer reveals. Famous
or not, Roller Derby stars arrive early to
put up the track they will skate on, and
they go back later to pull it down, Th
are no pretentions other than to emer-
tain. Selzer, 41, insists on a lighthearted
approach, Sitting in his Oakland ollice,
he manipulates his television shows to
draw fans for live performances; he insti-
tutes a concept of regional home teams
that small-town blue-collar audiences сап.
identily with; he puts his stars im direct
contact with his fans; he shortens the
tracks, spruces up the uniforms, adds
cities to his offseason touring schedule
and prospers.
OAKLAND, 1973: Twenty million people
now watch Seltzer’s Roller Derby on tele-
vision, 5,000,000 pay to sce it live cach
ar. Filty-thousand paid to see one
Chicago, 17,000 at Madison Squa
Garden, 35,000 at the Oakland Coli:
Some sportswriters now reler to Jerry
uer as “the finest promotional mind
in professional sports." Others go out of
their way to ignore him. Two years ago.
Seltzer attempted to buy The Golden
Seals’ National Hockey League franchise.
He had the money but not the reputa-
One N. H. L. owner fell asleep as
de his presentation. “I knew we
were in trouble when nobody bothered to
wake him up,” Seltzer recalls. “They
called me a "hippodrome proi
e the franchise to Charley
already tried to sell out. 1 won't
touch i
Is he bitter, then? "Sometimes the lack
of personal recognition among my pe:
bothers me. In Roller Derby, 1 didn
start with the most palatable subject
Look at me today. 1 could fool anybody.
My strength is conceptual—puuing our
teams on tour, for instance, Execution,
forget it. I have a staff for that. I don't
like to do something the same way twice,
it's a personal quirk, and it can tend to
drive you batty if you work for me. Arc
Roller Derby games fixed? No, not exact-
ly, but let's put it this way: You pick a
team in any game, ГЇ bet against you and
win. The fans don't care, they come for
the noise, the color, the body contact. We
don't take ourselves seriously: everybody
see us for the sham we are,”
Seltzer smiles broadly. Behind him on
the wall of his plush office, he and P. T.
Barnum stare nose to nose in cameo Gni-
cature, "My secret,” says Seltzer, “is th:
I know how to usc people.” He leans for-
ward to shake the hand of an Inquiring
Writer. “I'm using you, I hope you realize
Oh, dem promoters, they sure know
how to close a d
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SLICING UP THE BIG APPLE conina rrom pace 15)
not only would be on the payroll of the
underworld that supported them but
would also be partners with underworld
ders in some of their ventures.
h, among others, one Arthur
heimer, who adopted the name Dutch
Schultz, and Marinelli with. "Joe the
Boss" Masseria, Luciano, Costello aud
others. As Tammany capitulated, so did
the rest of the city’s official complex.
which took its cue from Tamman:
Mayors, district attorneys, police commi:
sioners and others would all be depend-
ent on the underworld, afraid to move
without first getting clearance from the
n, would tell the press
ked who his new police commis-
sioner was going to be, “I haven't had any
word on that yet" By that, he meant
the word from Hines, Marinelli and the
‘Though there were parallels between
New York and the Chicago of Torrio and
Capone, there were also decided differ-
ences. Torrio had fallen victim to the vio-
lence that ma icago scene, had
been forced to fice for his lile. leaving be-
hind the brutality of Capone and a city
strewn with the bodies of Dion O'Ba
Hymie Weiss, the victims of <
tine’s Day and hundreds more. The city
had become a war zone, its street cor
battlegrounds, its gutters often rivers of
blood; Torrio's dicta of cooperation and
peace were forgotten.
Such, though, w
not the fate of New
York. Perhaps the barons competing for
power, mostof whom had come under the
Rothstein influence at one time or anoth-
er, had listened and paid close attention
to his words. Perhaps, too, New York was
just too big for any one man or organiza-
tion to control and there was а recogni-
tion of this simple truth, For whatever
reasons, the city itself escaped the ki
ravages that filled Chicago. There were
shootouts. Dutch Schultz was not above
putting his enen
often in public
early Thirties, he was embroiled in a run-
ning war with the young Irish killer Vin-
cent "Mad Dog" Coll, ich the body
count ran up to a score or more. Louis
“Lepke” Buchalter’s guns w
busy in the Garment District of Man-
haitan, where he was moving in on the
rackets. Legs Diamond's count was high.
Bootleggers had a nasty penchant for
knocking one another over. Frankie
Yale, the Brooklyn bootlegger-killer-
Unione Siciliane president, was cut down
in his car on 4fth Strect in Brooklyn in
1928 by a submachine gun (the first time
that weapon, a stand-by in the Chicago
gang wars, was used in New York), but
Killers, it turned out, had been sent from
e to pay olf Yale for
232, some double crosses on liquor shipments.
But the body count in New York never
matched Chicago's, even though the New
York underworld was proportionately
much larger. And though the city itself
was the scene of many of the killings,
there was a kind of circumspection about.
the murders. Most took place in lonely
ambushes, in sparsely populated restau-
м5 ог speak-casics, on streets where
there were few people about, at night, on
back roads during a hijacking or after a
one-way ride. The warfare, unlike Chica-
go's, tended to be private. The public was.
ely involved, seldom caught in strect-
corner Cross fire.
By the middle of the Twenties, the
bootleg business in New York had been
left to the strongest, and despite some-
times sudden and violent confrontations,
they managed to cut the city up among
themselves and ma 1 the power with-
1 their own provinces to repel attempted,
invasions. Aside Irom the older mafiosi,
who were just emerging into the world at
large, the bootleg rulers were mostly
young, still in their 20s when Prohibition
arrived and, if they survived the violent
decade, only into their middle 30s when
it ended. Though they were often rivals
and biter ones, they were often, too,
friends and allies on a temporary or even
а semipermanent basis. Their compara-
ble ages and great ambitions both drove
them apart and, particularly in the later
struggles with the older gangsters from
generation, brought them togeth-
ding them, too, were common
interests in turning Prohibition into.
wealth, and the lessons of Arnold Roth-
‚ Later, all this would enable many
of them to work closely together to forge
national Syndicate that would make the
nderworld an organized business.
The Bronx was the realm of Dutch
Schultz. a name he was lat. It
was short enough to fit in the headlines,”
he complained. “If I'd kept the name FI
genheimer, nobody would have heard of
c." He was only I8 when Prohibition
became law, but he had already served a
prison term for unlawful entry (his rap
sheet would eventually list 13 arrests, for
me from disorderly conduct to.
homicide). Tough and merciless, Schultz
fought his way to the top in his borough
eventually bossing an empire that would
include liquor and bee
numbers, protection and assorted. other
rackets and would n him millions
every year. But Schultz was a miser. He
paid those who worked for him as little as
possible and would rage when
had the temerity to ask for a raise; Otto
"Abbadabba" Berman, a human comput-
er who handled all Schultz's financial de-
ls and even worked out a method to rig
the numbers so the payoff from the policy
racket would be more astronomical than.
usual, had to threaten to take his valuable
services elsewhere before Schultz agreed
to pay him $10,000 a week.
Schultz never spent more than two dol-
lars for a shirt or 535 for a suit, and rarely
had them cleaned. "You take silk shirts
now,” he once said. “I think only queers
wear silk shirts, I never bought one in my
ife. Only a sucker will pay fifteen or
twenty dollars for a silk shirt.”
As Luciano, a meticulous dresser, later
. "Dutch was the cheapest guy I ever
knew. The guy had a couple of million
bucks and he dressed like a pig, and he
worried about spending two cents for a
newspaper. "That was his big spending
buying the papers so's he could red
about himself.
But for all his parsimony, Schultz was
willing to spend money to solidify, expand
d protea his empire. He 100k Jimmy
Hines in as a partner, thereby not only
gaining Tammany’s protection but also
buying a piece of it. And he bought him-
ѕе a piece of the Bronx Demoaatic or-
ganization, too, becoming such a power
that boss Edward J. Flynn (later ло be a
major dispenser of patronage for Roose-
vel). when sheriff of the borough in
5, made Schultz a deputy sheriff. And
Schultz, like all who rose to power, was
nereiless with his enemies; they had a
way of dying or disappearing. Thus, the
Dutchman became the strong man of the
Bronx and later, when he muscled in on
policy, of part of Harlem as well.
Brooklyn was more populous and thus
more profitable, so no m
complete suzerainty there. Until his
death, Frankie Yale, with his base in the
Unione, a tight organization and his early
entrance into rumrunning, had j
slice. Another slice belonged to
Jewish boy who aspired to culture and
a more genteel life and thought the
way to get it was through the riches of
illegal booze, and who spread out from
the Jewish ghetto into more of Brookly
His name was Abner "Longy" Zwillman.
As the competition in the borough in-
tensified, Zwillman, while maintaining 3
hold there, saw more riches and less
trouble in the outlying districts and
began to branch out into then-sparsely
populated Queens and beyond into Long
Island's Nassau County. He crossed the
Hudson Rive sey.
where he linked up with a rising voung
Italian mobster named Willie Moretti,
who sometimes went by the more Anglo-
Saxon. name of Willie Moore, Together
they controlled bootlegging in their prov.
ince and moved into gambling with a
ring of back-room casinos that stretched
down the Hudson from Fort Lee, directly
across the river from Manhattan and
ily reachable then by ferry. Through
Moretti and growing out of his own
bootlegging, Zwillman met and became
friends and partners with his contem
n could hold.
to northern New J
poraries, Luciano, La » Costello and
the rest
Brooklyn, in the mid-Twenties, was
"Can't you find a shady nook somewhere else, Mr. Martinez?"
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becom: territory the
young Italian gangsters were looking on
as their own. A handsome young Italian
named Joseph Doto—who took a name to
match his good looks and v.
Adonis, or, to his friends, Joe A—moyed
in from his original Manhattan base. The
waterfront was gradually coming under
the influence of a tough killer named Al-
bert Anastasia, and a young and rising
mafioso named Vincent Mangano was
moving up in tlie wake of Frankie Yale.
But the real power and the real big
moncy lay in Manhattan, which was split.
up a dozen ways among a dozen groups.
In Harlem, just beginning to fill with
blacks but still Italian ground, Ciro Ter-
ranov: gave the orders;
in Little Italy in Lower Manhattan, other
mafiosi, those who would be called the
Mustache Petes—Joe Masseria, Salvatore
Maranzano and others—controlled all
the rackets, terrorized the people, warred
on one another and were just beginning
to edge into the outer world, a world still
forcign to them and their methods.
The rest of the island, the world of the
middle and upper classes, was the realm
of the young mobsters who could adapt to
this society and could deal with it on its
terms. Costello, Luciano, Lansky and Sie-
gel (soon joined by Adonis) worked close-
ly together in midtown. They supplied
good whiskey to the best speak-easies
to the best people and they cut them-
selves in for pieces of many of the speaks
they serviced. They worked together and
they worked with others. Needing regular
sources of supply, they struck up deals
with Waxey Gordon, Ma Воо-Воо”
Holt and Нату Stromber ias “Nig”
Rosen, who had become the bootleg pow-
ers in Philadelphia, a city vital to their
success, lor there Gordon and his friends.
ran a suing of distilleries where domestic
liquor was produced and imported whis-
key was cut, reblended and rebouled.
They came to arrangements with Enoch
"Nudy" Johnson, the boss of Atlantic
City, whose resort community was one of
the prime landing zones for the imported
stuff, and with Charles "King" Solomon
of Boston, whose port was constantly busy
unloading booze. In search of supplies
to keep their growing list of thirsty cus-
tomers happy, they bought from the
Cleveland. powers—Moe Dalitz, Morri:
Kleinman, Sam Tucker and Louis Roth-
kopf—who were running a regular ferry
service across Lake from Canada.
Lansky, as treasurer of the group in
ddition to other activities, was often
patched on quick trips around the
country to seek out new alliances and
new sources of supply. He also went to
a, Bermuda, the other British
lands and Cuba to tie up whiskey sup-
plies there and to strike the toughest
ins, somet
singularly adept.
g at which he proved
Adonis, in partnership with Luciano
and the others, put together what was
сайей the Broadway Mob. Its territory
was the great center of Manhattan and its
dients were the class speak-easies—such
places as Jack and Charlie's “21” Club.
Jack White's, the Silver Slipper. Sher-
man Billingseys Stork Club and the
rest. In some they had a personal invest-
nt, to all they supplied only the best
whiskey, "right off the boat"—which
meant from Gordon's distilleries, from
distilleries they took over, from their
other sources, but not the rotgut that was
being turned out in the thousands of stills
in East Harlem, Little Italy and celse-
where. Not satisfied with only Manhat-
п, though, Adonis also branched out
to Brooklyn and, backed by the grow-
ing reputations and might of his associ-
ates, was soon entrenched there, And he
followed another pursuit that was to en
trance him all his life: He became one of
the master jewel thieves of the era.
Costello, meanwhile, was ubiquitous.
Quiet, dignified, radiating success and
power, he became the go-between for the
underworld and the Tammany polit
cians, succeeding Rothstein in that role.
But pulling the strings of politics was
only one Costello role. Backed by a
540,000 loan from Rothstein, Costello
went into partnership with Big Bill Dwy-
er. By the middle of the
decade, both had become million:
The Government would charge Dwye
with evading more than $2,000,000 in
taxes in just two years—taxes, that is, and
not income. The partnership broke up in
1925, when both were indicted for bribery
and rumrunning. Costello beat the rap
and rose steadily upward: Dwyer, how
ever, was conyicted and sent to the Fed
cral prison in Atlanta, When he emerged,
he decided to go straight, becoming a re-
nowned sportsman who brought profes
sional hockey to New York, opened race
tracks around the country, including
Tropical Park near Miami, and eventual.
ly settled down in Miami to a life of rich
respectability. But Dwyers departure
signaled more than the end of a s
man: it also marked the end of
the influence of the Irish as leading un
derworld figures in New York went with
him, and the Italians and the Jews now
moved to the fore.
Dwyer, though, w of Costel
105 partners. Costello teamed up in brew-
ery and bootlegging enterprises with
Owney “The Killer” Madden, an English
born gunman who had served a term in
Sing Sing for murder. Suave and su
Madden was eventually sent down to Hot
Springs, Arkansas, to oversee the Mob's
growing interests in that wide-open resort
And Costello was into morc. With a for
mer Rothstein Wall Street operator and
swindler named Dandy Phil Kastel, he
er as a гиш
only or
branched out into gambling, gaining a
near monopoly on the punchboards u
infested every candy store in town, and
the two soon secured a monopoly over the
abundant slot machines. Later, Kastel
would ov the Costello interests in
New Orleans.
Inseparable in these years, Lansky and
Siegel not only worked closely with their
friends and partners but also took off
from the Legs Diamond trade. Bringing
together the toughest Jewish hoods they
could round up. they formed the Bugs
and Meyer Mob. With their cars and
guns, they were the protection service lor
the group's booze shipments, and they
were its hijacking arm. Selling their serv-
ices to the highest noncompeting bid
ders on a freelance basis, they would
protect or hijack—it didn’t mauer which.
"The quality of their service was excep-
tional, but the price was high and soon,
rather than paying Bı Meyer,
many a bootle ed it would be
a lot simpler and cheaper just to cut them
in as partners. But. they soon discovered
that they were geuing more than Lansky
and Siegel as partners; they were getting
Adonis, Costello and Luciano, too, which
often meant that the original owners be-
came servants or were forced out alto-
To those who watched closely, it be-
came evident that Luciano was emerging
as the leader among these equals and as
one of the rising young powers in the un-
derworld. Behind Adonis in the Broad-
way Mob, there was Luciano. He had his
own bootlegging going, too. He was in-
volved with Costello in almost everything
Costello did, and with Lansky and Siegel
He was in partnership with Zwillman and
Moretti in a number of their deals and
had mership, too, with Gordon.
Schultz was his friend and, at times, part
ner. In the Garment District, he was
working with Lepke and Lepke's strong
gun, Jacob "Gurrah" Shapiro, and with
the rising young Thomas Lucchese, known
as “Three " Brown, union and
management protection rackets,
and all the rest. There seemed to
be hardly an area of crime in Manhattan
in which Luciano was not involved i
some way. As his power and stature i
creased, he was wooed inten:
competing Mafia rulers,
Masseria and Ma
worked at times with one and then the
other, cooperated with them when need
be, he delayed until late in the decade
making the decision to join one. Before
he would become an underling, even sec
ond man, he wanted his own power to be
substantial enough to allow him to set the
terms of a merger. And during this period
of his rise, his power base lay in his part
nerships with Costello, Adonis, Lansky
hough he
п his dea
young princelings.
The longer Prohibition lasted, the
deeper seemed to become the thirst of
Americans. Prices kept going up, both in
the domestic market and at foreign
sources of supply. Comp n for those
supplies among rival bootleggers intensi-
fied. In order to keep the customers
happy, in order just to keep them, the
bootlegger had to be able to fill his orders
promptly and at a competitive price. In а
time of mounting demand, this was not
hrough 1926 and 1927, hi
КҮ increased sharply, and so did
the almost concomitant casualties. Lansky
might go to Nassau and buy all he needed
from the Bay Street Boys, but there was
increasing dai that somewhere be-
tween Atlantic City and the Philadelphia
. or somewhere between the
s and the point of delivery, the
might be hijacked. A deal could.
be struck with Dalitz and his Cleveland
friends, with the Reinfelds, Brontmans
and Rosenstiels in С, » but there was
no guara that vital whiskey
would ever reach The
ags with the other
its desti
Bugs and Meyer Mob was constantly on
the road, protecting the shipments of the
irtners, hijacking those of competitors.
But this was a dangerous and costly game,
cutting into the profits and the personnel
and potentially bringing the East to the
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edge of a Chicagolike war. In a number of
Eastern. cities, the realization that there
had to be a better way seemed to strike al-
most simultaneous!
Rothstein had arways preached the ab-
solute necessity of cooperation. So, too,
had Torrio, his contemporary and his in
tellectual equal. Now Torrio was back
from Italy; he had discovered that the
climate there was nearly as treacherous as
in Chicago, for Mussolini had dec
that he was going to round up
can hoodlums he found in I
packed his bags and set sail for home. In
New York, he immediately renewed his
contacts with his old underworld friends
nd promptly began ro echo the Roth.
c that competition was bad for
business and so was violence— just. look
at Capone in Chicago.
But what Rothstein and Torrio were
talking about was not just cooperation
jong the gangs of a single city like New
York. That would come eventually and
ble and should be
the moment, it was
only partially practical; the rivalries—
ethnic, religious and genera
were just too deep to bring about more
than a temporary truce. The cooper:
they saw as attainable was sectional and,
ultimately, Instead of every-
body from every city competing with one
nother in search of booze, there should
was eminently de
worked for, but a
be some sort of merger. At the very least,
central buying office should be estab-
lished that would take the orders from ev-
eryone, buy in huge quantities and, since
there would be no competition, at re-
duced prices, then make sure everyone
got his allocation. The buying office
would make its purchi da,
nd, the West Indies, from domestic
levies, everywhere; it would make
the shipping arrangements and handle
tucking schedules. A member from every
group that joined would se
of central committee to make sure tha
nobody got shortchanged. This kind of
cooperation would benefit everybody; it
would guarantee that every member got
all the booze he needed at reasonable
prices; it would sharply cut down on
the number of hijackings since they
wouldn't be hijacking one another's ship-
ments anymore and, in combination, their
guns would be numerous enough to tu
back any outsiders who tried.
At the end of 1927, that organi
came into being. It was called the Seven
Group—not a group of seven men but a
group of powers. Its charter members
cluded Luciano and Costello from Man-
hattan; Lansky and Siegel, the enforcers;
Adonis fr m Manhattan and Brooklyn:
Zwillman from Brooklyn, Long Island
and northern New Jersey; Nucky Joh
son from Atlantic City; Waxey Gordon
and Nig Rosen from Ph
Torrio, as counselor, adv
es in
vc on a kind
or, elder states-
nd as a major underworld power
in his own right. From this central core,
alliances were formed with King Solo-
mon in Boston, Danny Walsh in Provi-
dence, Moe Dalitz and his associates in
Cleveland. Within the year, more than
22 gangs, from Maine to Florida and
westward to the Mississippi River, were
nked to the Seven Group and much of
the bloody competition that had marked
the first eight years of Prohibition came
to an cnd (except in Chicago, which
wrote its own special story for the decade)
and the first tentative steps had bee
taken toward an
alliance of nation
But the underworld does not act in a
vacuum unaffected by outside events, And
there were some disturbing omens for
anyone who thought that Prohibition had
an unlimited future. Now that boot-
legging was beginning to emerge from
chaotic competition into monopolistic
organization with increasing profits and
peace for all, the realization began to
seep in that Prohibition itself might be
only a temporary national aberration,
that liquor might well become legal again.
‘The signs were there. Governor Al Smith
of New York had for years made no secret
of his disdain for the drys, his absolute
conviction Prohibition not only
wasn't working but was actually dele-
terious to the nation. Now, in 1928, the
Democrats nominated Smith to run for
President against the Republican Herbert
Hoover, and $
for an end to the Noble
across the nation. In November, Hoove,
trounced Smith badly, but the reasons for
the defeat were many—not just Smith's
wetness. He was a Catholic in a Proto-
tant country; he was a city boy—a Lower
East Side New York City boy, at that,
vith the cigar, derby and accent—in a
still essentially rural country; and he was
a Democrat running against a Republi-
can, and the Republicans had brought
the nation cight years of unparalleled
prosperity and good times.
But the indications were clear that
Smith's demand for repeal of the 18th
rejected as
Amendment had not. beei
fully as he himself. Indeed,
happened to the economy
months before hi
friends that he saw some very d
turbing signs on Wall Street and around
the count doing well,
ind trouble on
g to reach
beginning to look to him like one big
bucket shop, and he knew from experi-
ence that bucket shops could go on for
only so long before collapsing—nobody
was going to be able to stand in the way
of the people's getting a legal drink.
“Boys,” Torio told his friends in New
York soon after the election, “we'd better
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t planning. I give Prohibition anoth-
four. maybe five years.”
But planning for a new and unknown
future was а vast and complex undertak-
ing. far beyond the scope of a single or-
ation. In the underworld in those
months, there was increasing talk of the
desirability of a national conference of
underworld leaders, especially of those
who had emerged with Prohibition and
so were young enough to expect to lead
rime into this unexplored territory. The
proposals went around the nation and by
carly spring of 1929. there was unanimous
agreement. that such a conference ought
to be held, and soon. Dalitz and hi
friends in Gleveland—which had been
the scene of smaller mectings—oficred to
be the hosts. But the Glevekind cops.
though on the pad. had developed the
annoying tendency of picking up suspi-
outoftown mobsters they
pened to spot and throwing them i
can for a few hours. Any major influx of
outoktowners would certainly mean а
great deal of undesirable publicity and
Harassment. Dalitz’ offer was politely de-
clined, Then Nucky Johnson offered the
sanctuary of his bastion in Atlantic City.
What could be safer? Johnson ruled the
town like a personal fiefdom. And, be
sides, if the conference were held at the
beginning of the holiday season
thousands were flocking to the se
sort, who would notice a few extra visi-
tors, eve. very rich ones?
On May 13, 1929, in their huge limou-
sines, with chauffeurs and armed body-
guards to protect them. the delegates
began arriving, taking over the President
Hotel on the Bo
from Chicago and brought
al brains in h
Thumb” Guz
down personally from Boston and Nig
Rosen and Boo-Boo Holl came up hom
Philadelphia id there were
Moe Dalitz Lou Rothkopf and Chuck
Polizzi (his real name was Leo Berko-
witz; an orphan, he had been raised by
the Polizzi family lopted its
name; with his adopted cousin, “Big Al"
Polizzi, he would become one of the lead-
ing Cleveland mobsters, the man who
could deal with and be accepted by both
the Jewish and the Tt ons).
The Detroit Purple Gang sent a large
delegation headed by its boss, Abe Bern-
stein. Boss Tom Pendergast of Kansas
City couldn't take time off to attend per-
sonally, but he sent a surrogate, John
Lazia. Zwillman was there as the northern
New Jersey power. And from New York
came the largest and most prestigious
delegation of all. It included To}
ciano; Costello; Lepke: Adoni:
ne of Costello's р: n the gami
d bookmaking business, Frank F
son; Lansky, using the occasion to cele-
long hi
d, some thou
outfit, Jake
g Solomon
ian organizati
brate his honeymoon with his new bride,
Anna Citron: Vince Mangano: Frank
Scalise. a Brooklyn mafioso; and Albert
ag Masser
ion Luciano and
had finally thrown in with, on th
bout a year earlier, with Luciano emerg-
ing as the number two man to Mass
atore Maranzano. who w
er competition with Joe the Boss
rule. In fact, the list of delegates
cluded not a single one of the older
Mafia rulers around the . those the
younger genera
Petes. Perhaps, if invited. they would not
have come, for they disdained outsiders,
were suspicious to the extreme of any-
and this meeting was swar
ad other non
absence permitted Luciano, Costello,
Adonis, Lansky and the others to lorm
Tricndshipsand forge alliances that would,
in a few years. propel them to the top of
the new organization of the underworld
and would spell doom for those who
stayed away, uninvited.
The Atlantic City conference
three da
But. their
ans. very
intermingling gaierv—Nucky
avish host, providing car-
od whiskey, high-priced
d a never-ending p
of willing girls—and serious business di
cussions. Rest periods found the gang-
sters strolling along the beach with their
trousers rolled up around their knees,
their shoes and socks in their hands. their
feet washed by the lapping surf of the
Atlantic Ocean.
For the first time in the history of
American crime, the major leaders of the
underworld were not only gathered in
peaceful enclave but were looking to, and
planning for. the future. The success of
the Seven Group was held up as a model,
and there was general agreement that as
long as Prohibition lasted, this was the
way to go: from that time on. there would
be cooperation all across the nation in
buying and dealing booze, an end to c
throat competition. When Prohibition
ended. as all were now convinced it
would, there was the possibility of going
legit. Money would be sct aside for tha
day. Breweries, distilleries and 1
проте franchises would be bought and
the control of liquor would remain right
where it had been during the dry years.
“After all,” Luciano said, "who knew
about the liquor business than из?"
completely legitimate w:
something, of course. that nobody at At-
lantic City ever contemplated. Even with
liquor out of the way, there were myriad
other illegitimate enterprises into which
they could move, and there were enter-
prises they were already in that could be
expanded sulliciently to take up some of
the slack. Some wi
stricily local, such as
protection and union busting, even poli
cy and other forms of minor gambling.
While they were certain to grow, each out-
fit would handle its own without interfer-
ence. But there were some that could
ily mushroom on a national scale, re-
re the cooperation and alliance of
nization and might end up even
bigger than booze. Gambli
major one, in casinos of a
horses and any other kind of spor
event. If Americans liked to do апу
better than drink (putting sex aside,
though sex, through the control of strin
of cathouses, was still a good business for
many), it was to gamble. And except on
horses and then only at the tracks, gam-
bling in most places in the United States
was just as illegal as liquor. The mobs
would begin to work out ways to give the
public every opportunity to gamble, and
would do so in cooperation where that
was feasible, as, for example, in the dis-
s ion of racing odds and results
cross the race wires, and deals would he
worked out with Moses Annenberg, who
controlled the wire syndicate.
The New York group. led by Torrio.
Luciano and their friends, and backed by
Daliz and his friends from Cleveland
aud others; opened up a discussion of the
unfortunate increase in underworld vi
lence, particularly in Chicago. While vio-
lence and force were part of the business
nd were sometimes necessary, the way
Capone was going at it, witness the Saint
Valentine's Day Massacre, was just too
much. This was hurting everybody, Forc-
ing the cops and the politicians to put the
heat on. Something had to be done to get
the heat off. Capone agreed and set up a
deal. The most prominent of the nation's
gangsters and the most voluble advocate
of violence would stand an
short jail term on a minor charge as a sop.
to the public outcries.
Then, on May 16, the delegates packed
and went home.
Before the next major steps could be
taken and the national Syndicate could
really come into being, those who stood
in its way would have to be eliminated.
Those of another gene ad another
background so wedded to their traditions
that they could not see into the future,
could not see the necessity of cooperation
and peace and businesslike methods, the
necessity of working аз equal partners
with those of different backgrounds,
would Lave to follow the Irish into the
garbage bin. They would not fade grace-
fully, so they would have to go violently
по, Costello and their allies
went back to New York, to а war that
This is the third in a series of articles
on organized crime in the United States.
“My God! Talk about an energy crisis. . . ."
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