Full text of "PLAYBOY"
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PLAY BILL “п cies ron us And а round of drinks, too. You don't sce many magazines celebrating longevity
or anything else these days. What you do sce is a publishing landscape dotted with the bones of big maga-
zines, once considered institutions, that have foundered and died: Colliers, Look, Life. But Pravaov this month celebrates its
20th year and is not just healthy but damned robust. We're also the most frequently imitated magazine around, and you know
what they say about sincere flattery. So on this birthday, prosperous and flattered, we agreed to go out and have a little fun—
feeling that we owed it to ourself, by God
First we decided to interview the man behind гтлхвоу and something of a cultural force in his
own right: Hugh M. Hefner. The interview is good by all of our normal standards and extraordi-
nary in the way it reveals the essence of a man who has been so widely unknown, or misunder-
stood, up to now. As easy as they are on the eye and as full of information, Playboy Interviews
do not come easy. In fact, the process can be a lot like pulling teeth. Sometimes with a screw-
driver, When we started out to interview the boss, we took special care in selecting the inter-
viewer—wouldn't you? After some thought, we settled оп Larry DuBois, who has become a real
stand-by for us, having interviewed Jack Anderson and Roman Polanski, among others. DuBois
throws himself imo his work with a vengeance and, for this job, spent the better part of six
w all of this complex man's facets and explored. thoroughly
The results are remarkable and we've given DuBois a couple
A lot has happened in this first 20—more than we realized until we
went through the archives and selected some of the high points for an
informal album: Twenty Years of Playboy. We also have a ten-page
Playmate retrospective—which features а 40 рі company from our first
two decades—and (will it never stop?) our annual Playmate Review. Also,
there is Painted Lady, which Veruschka brushes on some skintight
clothes and is photographed by Holger. Striking, we think.
Over the years, PLAYBoy has published some of the very best fiction
around. Other magazines continue to bail out of the fiction business,
leaving us all a little poorer. But you can tak from this issue. Where
else could you find new stories by Saul Bellow, V. Nabokov, John
Updike and Sean O'Faolain? No NABOKOV
place we know oL Humboldt's
Gift is taken from Bellow's upcom-
ing novel of the same title, which
will be published by Viking. Na-
hokov's story, 4 Nursery Tale, will
be included in his collection Ty-
rants Destroyed, to be published
by McGraw-Hill next. fall, The
illustration for Nabokov's story
is by Elizabeth Bennett. Nevada
is Updike in good form, and
Diirling, or the Faithless Wife
O'Faolain just being marvelous, which is his specialty. Fiction lives.
But man does not live by fiction alone. He needs some journalism and
analysis, too. And never let it be s; that PLAYBOY does not serve the
whole n n this issue we have The Country That Wasn't
There, by Garry Wills. H is Wills's thesis that as Americans earnestly tried
to deepen their identities over the past few years, becoming black or gay
ог women, they lost their identity as Americans. This makes the third
пе Wills has appeared in this magazine in as many months. We've told
that if he keeps this up, we'll have to move him to Chicago and give BENNETT
m an office. So far, he's stayed put in Baltimore, writing his newspaper
column and working on a book about Thomas Jefferson. GALBRAITH
We decided that the time was ripe for A Layman's Guide to Monetary
Crises after it became clear that the dollar would never again be the Secretariat of curren-
Чез and that no smart German or Japanese banker would take payment in dollars if there
were a way to avoid it. John Kenneth Galbraith, eminent economist, wit and statesman, studied.
the situa and tries to dear up some of the confusion as well as offer remedies of his own.
As а companion to Galbraith’s article, there is Will the Real Gnomes of Zurich Please Stand Up!
by Andrew P. Tobias, who is а connibuting editor on financial matters to New York. Gnomes
and speculators are in bad repute these days—most days—but it's à dirty job and somebody
got to do it. Besides, your friend at the Chase isn’t above making a few bucks in currency spec
lations, as Tobias points out.
A while back. Bruce Jay Friedman took a little trip to the Caribbean to clear some of the cob-
webs, get New York out of his system and just generally relax. So he checked into Haiti. There
he ran into a regular rogues’ gallery of international con men and fugitives, some of them so
desperate and sleazy they would depress Mary Poppins. If it didn't make for a great vacation, it at least was terrific material for
Haiti, Goodbye, Friedman’s account of his trip.
Wills, Galbraith and Friedman you've heard of and read in these pages before. O'Connell Driscoll is а newcomer, but one we
expect you'll be hearing from more and more. Driscoll is a young California writer and Jerry Lewis, Birthday Doy is his first major
magazine article. It isan impressive debut. Driscoll spent several days with Lewis, traveling and watching him perform. He caught
all the moods and the strain and the very essence of showbiz—the paranoia. The illustration for Driscoll's article is by SI
Shea. To fill your January ration of serious nonfiction, there is the sixth installment of Richard Hammer's series on organized
crime and the fourth part of Morton Hunt’s examination of changing sexual attitudes since Kinsey. The Hammer installment
vestigations and string of convictions took him to the
and that's your crime and sex for this issue.
deals with the rise of Tom Dewey, the fearless New York D.A. whose
top—almost. Hunt examines extramarital and postmarital se:
But there's still humor and we all know that the only thing in shorter supply and morc desperately required in this world is
crude oil. But for humor, you don't have to go hat in hand to some Arabian sheik. One of the first things you should do is read
Marshall Brickman’s sexual-attitudes quiz, Is It Nice to Have Sex with a Brussels Sprout? Before
we took Brickman’s test, we thought that one over. We’ hot sure. Kumquats, certainly,
Rutabagas, never. But Brussels sprouts fall into that gray area covered by “taste.” (Assistant Art
Director Bob Post is responsible for the artwork that accompanies Brickman’s quiz.)
Then there is Art Buchwald's contribution, Can Tennis Swapping Save Your Marriage?
‘That particular aberration has reached epidemic proportions in some areas of society—not sur-
prisingly, those where a lot of tennis is played—and we thought it was high time somebody said
something about it. Buchwald got the nod. Lousy backhand, but the kid can write. The illus-
tration for Tennis Swapping is by Hedda Johnson.
For the past year or so, a number of funny young guys have been showing up at our offices,
moving in, doing a lot of typing, generally hanging around and getting on the payroll. We don't
m really mind—in fact, we're pleased—except it's bewildering. Every one of them has managed
2 to keep his sense of humor intact in spite of growing up in the Fifties
MORLEY "o and Sixties. It must have been the strontium 90 in the milk,
The first onc of these guys was G. Barry Golson. We enjoyed the stuff
he kept sending in as а Irce-lancer, invited him out from Connecticut to
have a look at him and liked what we saw enough to hire him. He keeps
writing these funny things and we keep publishing them. "This month
he may have tipped his hand and revealed his secret in Рт OK—
You're So-So. Read it and see if you, too, can maintain equanimity,
even a smile, in the face of life as it is. Golson's own method is re-
markably simple: "It шау be unorthodox, but whenever I feel plagued
by mental disorders, I tell myself that I'm OK, that life is pretty good
and that other people are a bunch of yo-yos.
"Ehe last guy to join this parade of wits is John Blumenthal, our new-
est A: at Editor. Your Horror-
scope is his first contribution to
PLaysoy. It seemed to Blumenthal
that astrology was woefully deft-
cient in at least опе re; lc
never scemed to predict any of the
genuinely awful things that hap-
pen to most of us. So Blumenthal
broke out some charts, spent his
evenings looking decply into the
heavens (it is rumored that he did
some barking from time to time,
but no one here is sure) and came
witha horoscope suited to the real world we have all come to know.
Life is, after all, six to five against, as Damon Runyon
Those of you who have heen reading New Republic
days who hasn't?) will recognize the name Judith Wax. Late last summer,
her parody The Waterbury Tales appeared in that magazine. It was so
faithful to the spirit of both Chaucer and Watergate that Time and
Newsweek picked it up and used it in their sections on national affairs.
We've known about Wax and her comic gifts for some time now. Just
as in every January for the past six years, she is on hand with That
HAMMER Tooke Was the Year That Was. No year is really short of material for Wax. But
е 1973 was ridiculous,
We're always glad to sce Robert Morley in our pages, and we're especially pleased to have
an article of his in this anniversary issue. No doubt every magazine has its favorites, and Morley
is one of ours. His wit is droll, his delivery is deft and we just like him. His article this month is
Mr. Morley, I Presume, an account of his trip to Africa basic Hemingway story.
Harvey Kurtzman and Will Elder are also old friends, They've been responsible for Liitle
Annie Fanny all these years and we thought it would be nice to run a picture of them and let
them know how much we appreciate their work. This month, they have Annie running into the
Mafia. I's an installment we couldn't refuse.
Quick. What do people think of when they i ? The gatefold, right? Well, for
STFEDMAN our 20th anniversary, we decided to do something special with that feature. While you enjoy it,
think of the work Staff Photographer Dwight Hooker went through to produce it. Of the 13
Playmates photographed by Hooker (who also shot this month's cover), this was by far the most difficult
Richard Steedman is the photographer responsible for the picture that accompanies Emanuel Greenberg's drink feature, The
Other Bubblies. Stecdman's big problem was getting the bubbles to behave themselves.
We took extra care with this issue. After all, 20 is а pretty important birthday. But we aren't planning for our old age just yet.
This year has great promise. And visionaries among us are looking to the next 20. Although the future of magazines is clouded,
what with Court rulings and postal hikes, the future of this magazine looks good. And who's going to argue with our track record?
a. s:
PLAYDOV. sanuany, 1875, voume з.
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
vol. 21, по. 1—january, 1974
BOOKS —— 22
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: HUGH M. HEFNER—candid conversation 63
HUMBOLDT'S GIFT—fiction - ............SAUL BELLOW B6
Playmate Reprise A NURSERY TALE—fiction 28: VLADIMIR NABOKOV 98
PAINTED LADY — picloriol E 122
O LUCKY GIRL!—playboy's playmate of the month А 138
FREE STYLE!—oltire ... E 160
TWENTY YEARS OF PLAYBOY —pictoriol... 197
I'M OK—YOU'RE SO-SO—psrody ...........6. BARRY GOLSON 213
ОМ THE SCENE—personclities 224
Pa BILL Ако MEL лос. P. 190 (3), Tas MLL PRANTE P 3, 4 (3), ED GALLUCCI. P. 3: HOLGER. P. 3 (1): DWIGHT HOOKER, P 179. 186: СІНІЦА, P- d: TOM КЕР. P. 4; JEFF LOWERTHAL. P. 3;
MURRAY HASDER. P. A. MINDAS. P- EO. 181. IA, тй, PATRICK MORAN, P. 216: N.Y. DAILY NEWS, F 133 (4). 134 (5). J BARRY OTIOURKE, P. 4 (3). 216, 217; PICTORIAL PARADE. P. 122. PONPIO
posi, р. UIS (3). тен. 191. SMOTWELL, P. 4, 140. 151, VERNON IL. SMITH. P. 3, 4, 216: MORT TADDER, Р. 3; IOPP-S CHEWING GUM. INC. P. 26, UT 1. P. 132 (3), 133 (3). 134 (2): WIDE WORLD
editor and publisher
ARTHUR KRETCHMER executive editor
ARTHUR PAUL art director
SHELDON WAX managing editor
MARK KAUFFMAN photography editor
MURRAY FISHER assistant managing editor
NORMAN associate edilor, G. BARRY COLSON
assistant editor = FICTION: ROBIE MACAULEY
editor, SIANLEY vALEY associate editor,
OUR C ASSETTES DON T modern living editor, ROGER WIDENER assistant
editor; иовкит t, CWEEN fashion director,
avin marr fashion editor; THOMAS MARIO
SELF-DESTRUCT! food е drink editor - CARTOONS: маннит
" Urry editor + COPY
Columbia cassettes are made to stay alive for a long time. In fact, they're the only STAN AMBER assistant editor = STAFF: ROBERT
E EE E J. SHEA, DAVID. STEVENS senior editors:
We have low noise/high output gamma-ferric oxide tape. And thanks to a 20-20,000 uvm cubo mid CH e,
Hz frequency range, what you hear is what you pet.
We use oversized Mylar slip sheets; impregnated with graphite. So there's CARL SNYDER associate editors; DOUGLAS C.
no friction. Then the tape is guided along by Delrin rollers, mounted in metal pins. RESO UTI UCASE Ue Cea ees Te
You can't find 2 more sure-footed cassette. JAMES R. PETERSEN, ARNIE WOLFE assistant!
е е x editors: SUSAN EISLER, МАША NEKAM,
And to top it off, each cassette comes with two extraself-sticking ENON Aves Dues GIO. pane
recording labels, an index and a bonus coupon. That gives you one free SX. meds m EUR EIN
C-60 cassette after you've bought 11.
editors; J. vauk Gerry (business & finance),
Our cassettes are something special. We call them fail-safe. You'll call NAT HENTOFF, RICHARD WARREN LEWIS,
them fantastic.
conbibuling edilors = ADMINISTRATIVE
editor; козе JENNINGS йиз c permissions;
MILDRED ZIMMERMAN administrative assistant
Walt Frazier reall лом STAERLER, KERIG rore associate directors;
н. MICHAEL, мэмәх executive assistant; BON
ALTREDZELCER assistan directors; JULIE FILE
a time out EE E
E - g
MARILYN GRABOWSKI west сой! editor:
Up to the final buzzer it's hustle and pressure. For
a complete change of pace Walt relaxes with his hi- дн Бен eee Ба?
system. He's a Pioneer hi-fi fan from start fo finish — ed c C M Put een eee
AM-FM stereo receiver, turntable, cassette tape deck Ra ALTA MT ONERE OR FEROCES INTRO
and speakers. After all, one great performer appre- Qux FEGLEY, DWIGHT HOOKER, POMPEO гози staf)
ciates another. For the finest in high fidelity, visit your photographers; MARO CASILLA, MILL AND
Pioneer dealer. U.S. Pioneer Electronics Corp. 4 MEL EIGGE. BRIAN D. HENNESSEY, ALEXAS URBA
178 Commerce Road, Carlstadt, N.J. 07072 > contributing photographers: JUDY JOHNSON
' e assistant editor; tro кшыл. photo lab
supervisor; JANICE BERKOWITZ MOSES chief
when you wan! something betler
Jonn mastno director; ALLEN VARGO та
THOMAS с. WILLIAMS customer services; ALVIN
WiEMOLD subscription manager
HOWARD w. LEDERER advertising director
ROBERT 5. Preuss business manager and
associate publisher; RICHARD. 5. ROSENZWEIG
executive assistant to the publisher;
07 / Canada: S. Н. Parker Co. Ont. | RICHARD M. КОРЕ assistant publisher
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Your October interyiew with National
Football League Commissioner Pete Ro.
zelle was perfectly timed and is another
example of the quality I've come to ех
pect from rraynoy. Commissioner Ro-
zelle’s comments are very entertaining
and Im certain I speak for sports fans
from all over the country when I say,
Thank you.
Dennis E. Wilson
St. Marys, West Virginia
Rozelle responds to interviewer Larry
Linderman's charge that militarism has
crept into football by saying, “We try to
put on a pageant and thats all... it
hasn't been our intent to be political and
we certainly don't want to hecome a cause
of political controversy among our fans.
I would remind Rozelle about a relatively
recent Green Bay Packers pregame show
in which Melvin Laird swore in more
than 300 Armed Forces volunteers. If that
isn't militaristic, I don't know what is.
Rob Waters
Norwalk, Connecticut
In your interview, Pete Rozelle ques-
tions the ability of blacks to quarterback
an N. team. АП I can say is that
white quarterbacks of consistently ques
tionable ability such as George Mira,
Bobby Douglass and Kent Nix have
had jobs for years as starters or backup
quarterbacks. To date. no black quar-
terbacks have been given comparable
Joc! Simmons, Jr.
Monroe, Louisiana
Commissioner Rovelle’s comments аге
especially interesting to me; last year, I
completed a study of institutional racism
in professional football. With the back-
ing of much evidence, 1 find, contrary to
Rovelle’s view, that racism is an everyday
part of the professionalfootball scene.
Rozelle argues that public knowledge of
the sports internal political problems
will ruin it. This implies that the game
must be saved at the expense of eradicat-
ing its social political ills. From my per-
spective, these ills will be more easily
eradicated only when the public becomes
aware of them. To choose between. “sav-
ing" sport and doing away with racism
should be easy. And, in reality, the choices
are hardly mutually exclusive.
As for Rozelles daim that the num
ber of black players in the league and at
quarterback is not regulated, allow me to
inform you that from performance statis-
including starting rosters and all-star
teams, it is clear that only the best black
players gain access to the N.F.L
Mediocrity is a white luxury. The list of
black quarterbacks presented by Rozelle
includes a minuscule proportion of the
quarterbacks who have played in the pro-
fessional ranks. Furthermore, six of the
nine quarterbacks mentioned were the
most marginal performers at quarier
back; they played only when all other
quarterbacks were too injured to play.
Rozelle also poinis out that quarterbacks
and linebackers “require more education
in technical and mental skills than any
other positions" and claims that black
players (who've largely atiended small
colleges) don't "ger the football educa-
tion they need to make the N. F. L.” Such
reasoning, prevalent throughout thc
N. F. L., is fallacious. Many white quar-
terbacks and linebackers have come from
ges and have done the job.
Rozelle maintains that “the
[N. F. L] owners take a great personal
interest in the players; they become part
of their families in many са Black
Americans have had to contend with such
white paternalism for 350 years, and to-
days young blacks find it repugnant.
More of the same won't е the situa-
tion any better.
Jonathan J. Brower
Assistant Professor of Sociology
California State University
Fullerton, California
1 wish your interviewer had forgone
your usual liberal borseshit concerning
the problems of race relations and drugs
in the N.F. L. and asked Rozelle to com-
ment on the most significant question in
the minds of pro-football fans today:
What is professional football going to
do to keep the spectators awake during
games? Today, most games are dominated
by the cheap field goal, which is usually
kicked by some 150-pound European soc-
cer player imported to make American
football one big yawn. At least if Rozelle
had answered that, I wouldn't have had
years, 5
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The quality goes in
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to sufler through an interview that beat
the same dead-horse issues of race and
fatcat football franchises into the ground.
Robert. Rossfeld
Evansville, Indiana
Congratulations on that fabulous cat-
alog of atomicage mutants, The Fallout
Follies (pLaynoy, October). Authors Scot
Mortis and Wayne McLoughlin had me
on the floor. Follies is one of the best
pieces I've ever read in your magazine.
Adrian Loveridge
Culver City, California
Well, at least it was the best satire we
ran last year. McLoughlin and Morris
took top honors in that category in our
annual writing awards.
I handle Glenn W. Turner's public
tions and all I can say is that your
article, The Promoters, which
Turner, really tells it like it ist
tions to you and to writ-
a Td like to say much
ad his legal batles,
but, at present, he is being prosecuted by
the Federal Government in Jacksonville
Florida, and the judge has placed a tight
gag rule on him, his auorneys and his
agents. Nevertheless, we were encouraged
by your report.
"Tom Bush
Altamonte Springs, Florida
My cor
er Stephen Y
more about Turn
Until the lobbyridden Government
passed a bunch of initiative-killing laws,
I worked for Glenn Turner's companies.
AIl those companies offered excellent sal-
able products and all it took to make a
good living was personal effort and a
positive attitude. I'm no longer working
but the tr and mot
got from that experience helps
me daily. Turner's genuine love for his
fellow man and faith in our goodness
have inspired thousands. God bless you
for featuring him, and remember, you're
only as great as you dare to be!
Joe Roth
St. Clements, Ontario.
We suppose so, Joc.
Yala's article is most interesting, but,
while it correctly documents the success
of Terry Knights Grand Funk Railroad,
it fails to tell the complete story of hi
later rock promotion efforts.
that "rewards are sure 10 follow” once
ight again assaults the musical tastes
of young America, Since Grand Funk,
Knight has been “rewarded” with critic
and commercial turkeys cach time his
Mom's Apple Pie group has released an
LP. As for his anonymous combo, Faith,
when it was discovered that its debut al-
bum was a rerelease of а record cut by
justifiably obscure Midwestern group,
Limousine, United Artists Records termi-
nated its agreements with Brown Bag
Records and Terry Knight.
John M. Lomax
Nashville, Tennessee
Stephen Yafa's profile of Davey Rosen-
berg in The Promoters captures only one
ide of him. Davey is а warm human
being who knows that the public is al-
He's truly
s hc claims,
the world's greatest press agent
Carol Dod:
псіѕсо. California
Miss Doda and her legendary chest can
still be seen at the place where topless
began, Davey Rosenberg's San Francisco
night club, the Condor.
In your September Party Jokes, dere
was a mention of a fictional band named
The Four Skins. I am writing to inform
you that there is an actual Four Skins
and I am in it, Enclosed is a photo of us
off the job. Thanks for your publicity.
however unwitting. I just hope that there
is no attendant rush on our name by
foursomes around the country with a
sense of humor as banal as our own
Redd Regan
Davis, California
Richard Hammer's September install-
ment of Playboy’s History of Organized
Crime wins my plaudits for its research
1 attention to detail. I was especially
struck by his statement, “Maybe the poli-
ns could outlaw booze, but all the
id all the pious pronouncements
were not going to stop thirsty people
from finding ways to buy and drink the
stulL" If we substitute the word marijua-
na for booze and eliminate the references
to thirst and drink, we have as good a
case as any for the legalization of pot.
Тап A. Overend
Toronto, Ontario.
As a longtime chronicler of the under-
world in fact and fiction, I congratulate
Richard Hammer for his accurate spa
ing in the muck of organized crime. Т
quarrel, however, with the limitations of
his purview, with its absence of value
judgments, as if to introduce them would
somehow corrode journalistic objectivity.
Hammer never addresses the central
questions of organized crime, which are:
What is its function? And does it supple-
ment and strengthen the маш» quo or
does it interfere with it? Organized
crime. of course, is the dark underbelly of
our capitalistic system, But more signifi-
cantly, the interests of organized crime,
thought to be opposed ro those of the
established rich, are, in actuality,
inseparably. Big business and
bossism have always gone hand in hand.
"The fix—that instrument of political cor-
ruption so popular during Prohibition—
ensured the continuing flow of illegal
revenue not only to the Syndicate but to
big business as well. Eroding the elector-
al process, sabotaging the Jaw and con-
trolling labor by racketeering serves not
only the interests of the mobsters but the
interests of corporations as well. Another
question arises: If gangsters perform so
effectively for the powers that be, why
are they persecuted, prosecuted, deport-
ed and harassed? The contradiction, it
seems to me, is only an apparent one.
The Mafia families have done well,
against odds. The Dow-Jones families
have done better, with the odds. Whe
the Dow-Jonesers go after the Mob, it's
only because the Mob has outlived its
usefulness. Who needs the Costellos and
the Lucianos to maintain order when the
Nixons and the Rockefellers can do it
without them? Why allow the Mafia all
that skimoff—more properly the loot of
Episcopalians? Yet, if our economy hi
bottom and the natives get restless, we
see the mobster rise again. After all,
didn’t Al Capone base his parole appeal
on the grounds that he wanted to "fight
rei Bright
North Hollywood, Californ
Your series points up the need to re-
think our attempts to legislate morality,
especially in the arca of gambling. Today,
as in previous years, illegal gambling
brings in billions to the underworld and
the flow of money isn't going to stop.
People who want to gamble are going to
whether it is legal or not. But if we le;
ize and regulate gambling, we provide
revenue for much-needed programs
while, at the same time, we choke off the
greatest source of income for organized
ne. Why shouldn't we give people the
freedom to strike it rich? That's free
Michael Boland
East Moline, Illinois
lam reading with interest your fine
seris on organized crime. We in the
field of law enforcement are constantly
combating those who perpetrate such
crimes. In general, the public is aware
of the рте suffered by society
through such activities as narcotics, loan-
sharking and hijacking. The crimes of
keteering. bankruptcy, fraud
Theres a lot of good
between" Winston...
and should?"
n tastes good GOOD, like a cigarette should
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
20 mg, "tar", 14 ng
and the illegal manipulation and theft
of securities and credit cards, however,
often go unnoticed. By alerting your
readership to these less well-known vio-
lations of law, you are performing a
eat service. In addition, there is onc
other point that comes through in every
Hammer article that is most important
to the vocal, interested and informed
public necessary for the fight against or
ganized crime: Corrupt public officials
e indispensable to the survival of the
кез. Supply our citizens with such
id you stimulate support
пе programs.
Robert B. Murphy. Chief of Police
San Jose, California
information a
been following Playboy's His
ganized Crime. To me, the
Hammer's articles are de:
ringers for the present Administration in
B. Reece
Phoenix, Arizona
Allow me to commend photographer
Michael Kornafel and you for your picto-
on Sacheen Littlefeather, Sacheen
(vtavnoy, October). But please clear up
one thing for me: I just read that Miss
lefeather is not,
night, an *
reported that the birth cc
of Sacheen Litdefeather lists her real
name as Marie Louise Cruz, whose moth-
er is listed as white and her father as Fili-
pino. Is this true?
David Burnt
Roanoke, Virginia
Sacheen did not claim she was an
Apache princess. She was bom Мане
Louise Cruz. Her mother was white, her
father a full-blooded White Mountain
Apache, and not Filipino. Sacheen has
changed her name legally and she does,
in fact, serve as spokesman for the Ameri-
can Indian Affirmative Image Committee
and belongs lo the United Вау Arca
Indian Council. No American Indian
to date has come forward to challenge
Sacheen's credentials.
Your pictorial convinced me that Sa-
cheen Litilefeather needs the Indian
movement far more desperately than the
movement needs her.
T. E. D. Klein
New York, New York.
G. Barry Golson's list of popular col-
lege courses in College (Yawn) Is
Tougher than Ever (2-2-2-2) (PLAYtOY,
September) is as barren and as inaccu-
rate а representation of today's college
life as Гус read. Golson pictures academe
as a hideaway where spoiled kids make
their four-year stay a “feverish pursuit of
higher indolence.” While the college
scene is more relaxed than that of some
ist, it hasn't reached the level of
frivolity that Golson attempts to satiri-
cally describe.
s R. Zambrano
tchburg, Massachusetts
Obviously, it hasn't.
I Lost IL in the Second Turn
(rtAvmoy, October) is an exciting ac
count of a NASCAR championship. Writ-
er “Stroker Ace" put me right behind
the wheel.
Richard Kilroy
Santa Cruz, California
You've done it again! By publishing 7
Lost It in the Second Turn, you helped
at least one person forget the woes of the
day and added a bright spot of humor
to his life. Thank you and keep up the
good work.
‘Tomi Frankovich
Shadyside, Ohio
ce," otherwise known as William
vely and Bob Otium, was so bricht
und so humorous thal we've awarded him
(them) first prize in our annual writing
awards best-humor category, Another
first for “Stroker”
I don't usually inspect popcorn as I cat
it, but this particular kernel in a batch 1
popped not long ago caught my atten-
tion. ! thought you might enjoy seeing it.
Douglas O. Smith
San Mateo, California
Pop! Pop! Hop!
"Thank you for Roger Rapoport's Sep-
tember article, It's Enough to Make You
Sick. Tm glad that a magazine of your
reputation has the guts to prick at the
AMLA” balloon of self-importance. You
have done our country a real ser
David J. H.
Hopkins, Minnesota
І represent doctors in malpractice liti
gation and recognize that there is some
truth in Rapoport's very critical article.
1 also recognize that generalizations are
almost always unfair and that to paint all
doctors and hospitals as incompetent—
because of the actions of a few—is also
unfair. Most. doctors appear to be sin-
cerely interested in the welfare of the pa-
tient and while a few don't keep up with
their particular medical specialty, most
do. But don't expect lawyers to solve the
problems generated by incompetent,
pompous or indifferent doctors. As it is,
we are the only ones who benefit fom
present system.
Bill Chanslor, Jr.
Houston, Texas
Rapoport’s article showed promise of
being useful and interesting. but when it
zeroes in on the hosp re I work—
Cook County Hospital in Chicago—i
xeportorial standards are far from accept-
able. Rapoport is out of focus. He pro-
vides statements from two quoted sources
but doesn’t look at the total institution—
where it's trying to go and how it mi
ures up. He culls a three-yearold tale
from Jack Starr the defunct
Look magazine about fly swatters in our
operating rooms, significantly overlook-
ing the current situation: a fully air-
conditioned array of 15 operating suites
that have been completely renovated at a
cost of $5,000,000.
Some of the things we're up to:
Reorganizing our emergency room,
where 800 to 900 patients are seen daily,
so that 90 percent of all patients arc эссп
and taken care of within three hours, Our
next goal is to make that 100 percent in
two hours—fur better than the private
Establishing the first frozen blood bank
in the country, assuring an end to agoniz-
ing shortages and virtually climinating
the hepatitis hazard.
Joining ex-Medical Corpsmen with
our own attending physicians and house
taff to upgrade health care for the
amates of the Cook County Jail.
Inquiries and applications to our t
ing programs are pouring i
the rate of last year, because we are trying
to create the new Kind of health-care sys-
dat Rapoport himself seems to seek.
Twish that when he came here he had not
overlooked. the more important d
we're undertaking to secure the hu
goals he wants.
Quentin D. Young, M.D.
Director, Department of Me
Cook County Hospital
Chicago, Ilinois
"This is the first letter I've ever written
to a magazine, but it's really no surprise
that Гуе picked yours. I simply want to
let you know that PLaynoy is, by far,
the most entertaining magazine available
today. Your articles are so excellent that
I devote a whole month to reading and
rereading them. Keep up the good work.
Louis Kokay
Ouawa, On
Further speculations concerning the drink that defeated the Japanese Imperial Secret Service in World War IL
Bits and pieces of the Brass
Monkey legend are still surfac-
ing. As hard to pin down as
quicksilver as boneless as
oysters, but as hard to ignore as
the jolt of brass knuckles. The
truth? Where does it lie?
Candidly, we don't
Itis rumored that
early in 1942 the Japan-
ese Imperial Secret
Service began a con-
E Centrated search for an
agent. Code name: Brass
Monkey. Affiliation: our side.
Gossip had itthatatrofficker
in information, probably Ha Fat,
the quinine dealer, had put the
Secret Service onto a drinking
club in the port of Macao,
The Japanese began
around the clock surveillance.
Heavy Traffic
The Clubs heaviest trade
was in a sunshine
yellow drink It was
named, like the club
itself, after a small brass
figurine perched in a
niche beside the en-
trance: The Brass Monkey.
Soldiers of fortune,
riftraff, purported
agents, and double
agents, ordered the
Brass Monkey. Smiled,
were content, and went
on with their business,
nefarious and otherwise.
One night an
Imperial Observer was
said to have noticed an
unusual pattern. The
club entertainer—a
Eurasian chanteuse of
notable endowments
who called herself
Loyana—sang the same
song repeatedly. Each
time upon request.
Loyana’s Swan Song
Next night, the Imperial
Agent allegedly returned with a
cryptologist from the Code
Division of the Kempeitei. Could
he discern a message in
Loyana's song, “My Love isa Мап
of Gold"? Was there a code in the
lyrics? In the changing notes of
the accompaniment?
Was the Brass Monkey a
to give a command performance
in a lonely, fog-wrapped
warehouse. |
Perhaps after hours
of “persuasion” she was
forced to tell it all.
In any event, the
night following the time-of-
disappeared. Not
long after the club '
PerhapsLoyanawas' invited”
closed. Not the Japanese fileon
the case, though. Till the end of
the war the Brass Monkey was
rumored to be a monkey wrench
in the plans of the Axis.
Still A Mystery
Who then, was the Brass
Monkey? Legend has it that
Allied Agents learned his iden-
tity from the coaster served with
the Brass Monkey cocktail. When
they crossed out the words, “No
Evil then removed all the let-
ters from “The Brass Monkey”
which did not appear in "See,
Hear, Speak," they were left with
the name: H. E. Rasske. That
name, though, could have been
an anagram for E. H. Kessar.
Or Rhea Kess. A woman.
Н.Е:з Homage?
Hearsay has it that every
few years since the end of WW T,
a gray-haired gentleman visits
а nun's cloister in Hong Kong
across the estuary from Macao.
Could he be the same man who
some say once enjoyed a rela-
tionship with Loyana? The same,
perhaps, who is identified as
H. E. Rasske, inventor of the
Brass Monkey cocktail?
What's a Brass Monkey?
Its an absolutely smashing
drink made froma
secretcombination of
liquors.Tasty smooth
and innocent looking,
but potent.
The color of sunshine
withthe mystery of
The Brass Monkey.
For menand
women who don't
just wait for things
Heubloin Brass Monkey 48 Proof, Mode with Rum, Белона Vodka and Natural Flavors. 61072. Heubleln, Ine, Hartlord, Conr. O6101.
Brand-new offer from the
Columbia Record & Tape Club
Any 13 +
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Yes, it's true! it you join the Club right now,
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You agree to buy 9 more selections (at
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зо you are not obligated to buy a record
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month! In fact, you need buy only three
Selections a year. and you may cancel
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chased your nine selections.
Your own charge account will be opened
upon enrollment. The selections you order
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You may accept or reject selections as fol-
tows: every four weeks (13 times a year)
you will receive a new copy of Ihe Club's
music magazine, which describes the Se-
lection of the Month for each musical in-
terest...plus hundreds of alternate selec-
tions from every field of music In addition,
about six times a year we will offer some
Special Selections (usually at a discount off
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il you do not want any selection offered,
just mail the response card provided by
the date specified
...ilyou wantonly the Selectionot the Month
for your musical interest, do nothing—it
will be shipped automatically
„it you want any ot the other selections
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card and mail it by the date specified.
You will always have at least 10 days in
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al our expense and receive full credit for it
You'll be eligible for our bonus plan upon
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deed, is the most convenient way possible
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II the application is missing, please.
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White rum. Puerto Rican rum. Something you can stay with.
The piano hasn't been tuned since last winter. But what of it?
All that matters now is being together.
White rum won't come between you. It's far too light, too dry
to ever get in the way. But it's there. Taking the rough edges
off the martini. Smoothing out the bloody mary. Shedding new light
on the screwdriver. And all because white rum is aged in white
oak casks for one full year— by Puerto Rican law.
If you're looking for something you can stay with
— or come back to —try white rum in your favorite drink.
With your most favorite person.
For Iree recipe book, write: Puerto Rican Rum, Dept P21290 Ave. of Ine Americas NY, NY. 10019
his is not a Polish joke. Honest. It's
just that an official tourist brochure
published by the Warsaw government ad-
vises visitors: “As for the tripe served you
at the Metropol Hotel, you will sing its
idehildren as you lie
praises to your gr
on your deathbed.”
Penaltics for pot busts are becoming
less severe in some parts of the country,
but a court in Port Neches, Texas, may
have come up with the most unusual se
tence we've heard of—as a story in the
Beaumont Enterprise suggests: “Gerald
Lec Klitz, 23, was sentenced to 15 fuxs in
jail on his guilty plea to possession of
Chief U.S. District Judge Oliver J-
Carter has a forthright way of addressing
defendants. During one slow-moving
trial, he told a prostitute: “I'd like to get
this case over so you can get out of here
and go about your business.” In a later
trial involving a lesbian, the judge one-
upped himself by declaring to a stunned
courtroom: “I know you want me to put
the finger in the dike for you and I'm not
going to do it.”
Most typographical errors are merely
human mistakes; some, however, are sub-
lime. The following news story appeared
in The Atlanta Journal and Constitu-
tion and we reprint it in full:
Pacifce Palisjdes, Calcf. (U.P.L)—
"Don't hurt me, lady,” the armed
intruder begged a mousewife mold
ing a statue over hisnmead, just after
she struck himnwith a lamp.
With tmose words, according to
police, the gunman fled from the
home of Mary Patricia Stephens, 41,
unsuccessful attdmpt
ending hi
tonrob her.
Mis. Stephens oold officers her ini-
to martiag arts began when
fhd returned home yesterday oo find
a man in und housd. He pointed a
pistol at hdr and demanded, “Give
me all your money or I'll kilInxou.
Ohe woman said she only had $5
and the bandit said it wasn't enough
and ordered her into the bedroom
and oold her to rdmove her clothes.
Shenrefusdd. The bandit ohen be-
gan tearing at ljmpnand hiono-
menman on herndressnand Mrsn
Stev-mens picked upn a nearby the,
head, according to police. n
Tme gunman responded by strik
ing Mis. Stephens on the head with-
nmis pisool. tmdn shd reached fo
statue and hio him on the side of
ime hdad
Just before he, left, the gunman
pleaded. “Don’t mkrt me, lady.
Police said umdy were searching
for the gunman, described in hisn-
carly 20
The newest member of the censorship
board in Clarkstown, New York. is Marty
Snyder, a Republican committeeman
who will assist in reviewing X-rated mov-
ies and vote on whether they're obscene.
Snyder does not believe the fact that he
is blind will make any difference. "Рог-
nography isn't a case of seeing,” he told
the press, “it’s a case of fecling." Asked to
define his artistic criteria, Snyder said
that while he was no stuffed shirt, he felt
that movies should return to the old
days, "when at least a girl had a thing
across her back.
Production of honey and beeswax has
dropped by 50 percent in Bengal, in case
you were wondering. The reason, says
India's Ministry of Forests, is that
tiger hunting has been banned. A re-
port in the highly respected Australian
Beekeeper explains: "So far, 29 honey
collectors have been caten by tigers and
this has rather discouraged enthusiasm
and dilig
Profiles of centenarians are standard
newspaper fare, but one that especially
gladdened our heart appeared in New
York's Utica Observer-Dispatch under the
We can't say precisely why, but some-
how this news item made us think of
Linda Lovelace: A rhinoceros at the Los
Zoo, name of Radha, put her
head through the bars of her cage
got stuck. Firemen freed her by coat
her throat with Vaseline.
Burning rubber: The Los
Angeles Times reported, with-
out further amplification, that
“the world record is 243.9
miles per hour sex by — /
Canada's Gary Beck."
Evidence of group sex gone amuck
comes to us by way of nouncement
in the University of Calgary's Gauntlet;
the student council had compiled a
definitive list of the university's student
groups and clubs, and the title read as
follows: “Copulation of All Registered
ties, Clubs and Organizations and
Current 1973-1974 Executiv
g what it is
As Carlos Castaneda tells it, he w
driving through the Sonora Desert
with his favorite Mexican sorcerer,
Don Juan, when he saw a pair of
headlights gaining on him from be-
hind. But suddenly they disappeared,
scaring Castenada and leading Don
Juan to observe, “Death is always Бе
hind you; sometimes he drives with his
headlights out.” We would only add
that sometimes he is driving not a
hearse but a Good Humor truck.
Bronco fan couldn't hear it: A Den-
ver football fan, despondent over the
Broncos’ 3310-14 loss to the Chicago
Bears this season, tried to kill him.
self, deputies said. He shot himself in
the head. but the wound was not fatal.
The man wrote a note before firing
the gun: “I have been a Broncos fan
since the Broncos were first organized
and 1 can't stand their fumbling
Police looked inside а refrigerator
and arrested a man sought for the
murders of two women in Chicago.
When they found bottles and pack-
es of food in the trash can at the
Division Sucet apartment of the sus-
pect’s wife, police opened the refrig-
crator and found him sitting inside—
cating olive
A 30-year-old New York City man
attempted to drown himself by jump-
ing into the East River at 23rd Street.
He was found by the Coast Guard, tei
hours later, still swimming around
the river. As they were turning him
over to the police, he tried to jump
back in.
"We human beings, through the his
tory of the world, have protected our
continents from cataclysmic carth-
quakes by murder,” said a Santa
Cruz defendant. He was accused of
U.S. Mint to find out what the Govern-
ment actually pays to manufacture all
that money whose value has been
diminishing so precipitously. The answer
confirms our worst suspicions: As usual
with Government, everything is back-
ward. Specifically, the most costly item to
manufacture is the one that's worth
ten murders, though his defense con-
ceded that he killed 13. “Just check
the records back from the beginning
of time,” he said. * 1 see
that during the time of war there are
no carthquakes.”
While on the а 2 year-old disc
jockey in Oregon cued up Sofily as I
Leave You and then hanged himself
with a telephone cord as it played.
Dr. Alice Chase, author of Nutri-
tion for Healih and several other
works on proper dietary habits, has
died in London of malnutrition.
A black man found hanging by
noose from a pine tree, with his legs
tied together and his hands bound be-
hind his back, was declared a suicide
hy an all-white jury in Газма, Ar
zona. The jury reached the verdict
after three minutes of deliberation.
A housewife was beaten to death by
the fins of a washing machine when
her bra became entangled in the drum.
Investigation showed that when her
bra strap caught in the spi
drum, her head was wapped so that it
was struck repeatedly by the fins in
the washer.
A man Port Elizabeth, South
Africa, killed himself by drinking
hydrochloric acid after unsuccessfully
attempting suicide by shooting him-
self in the head, slashing his wrists,
throttling himself with a necktie and
swallowing am overdose of sleeping
whales landed on a
remote be: the northern Mexi
can state of Sonora and died in what
was believed to be collective suicide.
Happy New Year, anyway.
Jeast—the lowly penny. Copper is expen
sive, after all, and the price has been ri
ing. The Mint now spends 57 cents to
make a dollar's worth of pennies. Nickels
are the second mest expensive (25 cents
per dollar's worth), then quarters (seven
and a half cents per dollar), dimes (si
and a half cents per dollar), silver dollars
(five and a half cents) and halves (four
and a pest by far is
our beleaguered paper currency, which
costs just nine dollars per 1000 bills
regardless of denomination. This means
that even the most expensive of green
backs—the onedollar bill—is still 63
times cheaper than one red cent. The
logical extension here is that the dollar is
really worth 1/63rd of a cent: or, alterna-
tively. that the penny is really worth $63.
Whichever the case, we find it disturbing.
And since the Government can produce
larger bills for the same price as singles,
we now understand why it's so intent on
spending such vast sums of the taxpayers?
money. It's more economical that way.
Presumably in accordance with new
Federal statutes prohibiting job classi-
fication by sex, мете witnessing a new
spiciness in want ads. The Springfield.
Massachusetts, Union recently ran a list
g calling for a “cowperson”: “Applicant
must be proficient in profanity and must
share bunkhouse with four cowboys who
seldom bathe.” Not to be outdone, The
New York Times informed job seekers
that “a new business department of a
national company" was looking for a
ay/Cuy Frida
Who says religion has to be dull? (Sign
above a North Little Rock, Arkansas,
Much as we respect the intellectual in.
tegrity of the underground press, the case
of a New York publication called Rat i
lustrates what can happen when ideology
outruns common sense. Rat, you may re-
call, began as an alternative to the East
Village Other, which itself began as an
alternative to The Village Voice, the
granddaddy of all underground publica-
tions, started by Norman Mailer and
others as an alternative to every other
newspaper in Manhattan. Not too long
ago, Rat seized by feminist staff
members. Then it was seized by lesbian
€ Lorillard 1973
King Size
or Deluxe OOS.
Micronite filter
Mild, smooth taste.
Americas quality cigarette.
Kent. .
The Surgeon General Has Determined
Kings: V mg. “tar,” 1.1 mg. nicotine; That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
100's: 19 то. “tar,” 1.3 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC Report Feb. "73.
feminist staff members. Then it was scized
by black lesbian feminist stall members.
Then it folded.
In an article on the Hon
tal scene, the China Mail declared that of
all the marriages recorded in 1972, “44 per-
cent were not consummated in church.”
Kong mari-
Sound advice from the women’s section
of the Albuquerque Journal: “Do not
pee raw mushrooms; this is unnecessary
work amd a waste of good mushroom
ers and music lovers, sports fans
nd movie fans, photography buffs and
icma bull—all these and others
re well served by this season's crop of
gift book:
Kling in the artvolume array
The Rohon Master (Braziller), seventh in
the illustrious series of facsimiles of il-
his Book of Hours, done i
ary Paris, keeps to Braziller's stand-
rds of selection and reproduction.
igh compliment ows
the name of the Rohan Master, but no
ilerysoer will [ail to recognize the
ames of the American Masters (Random
House) whose private lives are subjected
to scrutiny by critic Brian O'Doherty
and photographer Hans Namuth. The
ames—Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko,
t Davis, Willem de Kooning. Jo
seph Cornell, Edward Hopper, Andrew
Wyeth, Robert Rauschenberg.
Underground art is brought above
‘ound iu Erotic Illustrations (Grove), which
imley culled fom clan-
rely printed volumes, Other new and
amply illustrated labors of love include
itive Erotic Art and Erotic Art of the West,
edited. respectively, by Philip Rawson
and Robert Melville, and published by
A different sort of art and artist is cele-
brated in The Art of Walt Disney (Abrams),
wherein Christopher Finch takes us "from
Mickey Mouse to the Magic K
with the help of 763 illustrations, ne.
alf of them in full color. А lay
10 à phenomenon of our times. Another.
Hollywood phenomenon receives his due
in The Busby Berkeley Book (New York
Graphic Society), by Tony Thom
Jim Teny. The g
lls from Berkeley's films demonstrates
s knack for combining anatomy and
The period in which Berkeley worked
forms the subject for photo-ich Grand
Musions (McGraw-Hill), by Richard Law-
ton and Hugo Leckey. Here, in the hey-
day of Hollywood. are Valentino and
h, Garbo and Dietrich, Bogart and
Boyer, amid a cast of hundreds, From
much the с era comes The Gershwins
(Adhencum)—letters, lyric, saapbook.
clippings and photos having to do with
the talented brothers, rounded up by
Robert Kimball and Alfred Simon and
intelligently put together by designer
Bea Feitler.
Now that MGM for all practical
purposes, no longer a movie studio (take
à bow, Mr. Kerkorian), The Golden Era: The
MGM Stock Compeny (Arlington House), by
James Robert Parish and Ronald 1.
Bowers, is particularly appealing. The
authors have compiled bios on the 150
stars and character actors, from June
Allyson to Robert Young, who worked for
nated Hollywood and, by extension, the
movie screens of the world. Lots of pic
tures, reams of facts—it's a trip.
To shake off the sense that America
is synonymous with show business,
п turn 10 Alistair Cooke's America
photo and-text. volume based
on the Anglo American jour-
nalists well. received TV series
One section ol
West (Regnery). ie
evoked in a remarkable selection ol
prints made from rare glass wer-place
negatives, circa 1859-1900. Compiled by
David R. Phillips, they bring back scenes
of labor and leisure in such roughsind-
ready towns as Leavenworth, Kansas: So-
corro, New Mexico; and Deadwood
Gulch, South Dakot
The American Indian
highly s
publishing business. Е week goes
by without some new work appearing. It’s
distinctly possible that the Indian cause
may suller from verbal overkill. But Deg
Soldiers, Bear Men ond Buffalo Women (Pren-
become a
tice-Hall), “A Study of the Societies and
Cults of the Plains Indi worthy
entry into the Held. illustrator
"Thomas E. Mails de;
that inhabited the
to 1850 and the intr
evolved to sustain and explain their live:
The artwork is profuse and fasci
the text is artless but informative.
What with the fashion world and the
moviemakers zeroing in om
Gatsby, we're undoubtedly.
gerald flood —books by
for him. i
The Great
n for a Fitz-
iim, about hi
n—but one of the mo
fascinating has got to be the handsome
facsimile reproduction of F. Scotts Ledger
(NCR). In that unlikely bookkeeping
receptacle, Fitzgerald set down a succinct
synopsis of the first 40 years of hi
The entries arc toucli
of-factness: April 1934, “Zeld:
tion. Clark Gable to lunch." March
n pawn. Hopkins Hospital. Work go-
ing badly—the two bad Scottie storics
& others."
The Best of Life (Time-Life)
1" The finest news
aphers and photo journ:
ther worked for Life or had the
show up in its pages. [E you
lieve it before, this volume should wi
you over.
For more high-caliber photography,
have a look at Alfred Stieglitz (Random
House). by Dorothy Norman. the first
jor book on the life and work of
this pioneer ol the lens. People (Viking)
aedi, Among his subjects
hchev, T, S. Eliot
offers 100 photographs by the esti
Allred Eise
Hider and Kl
full of color photos, to those good old cars
and the joys of racing; restoring and just
relishing them. Action on the slopes is
the spirited subject of Morten Lund's The
Skiers World (Random House), which
ps us, in four colors, from Stowe to
Kitzbühel, from Zermatt to As
n'y Champogne
ive account of the
rise of the bubbly. To move from the
sublime to the metely thirst-quenching,
who cin resist Lawrence Dietz's Sede Pep
(Simon & Schuster), “the history, advertis-
ing, are of solt drinks
in Americar
king) ойе
"s Cooking fer You (Vi
the home chef 260 varied, no-
e recipes, along with a tempt
color picture of cach dish and much
ditional expert advice, For after the h:
quet, there's Carl Ehwa’s The Book of Pipes
end Tobacco (Random House), which tells
as much as anybody would care to know
about the lore and lure of the bowl.
The Gladiators (P ice- Hall) is the best
“coffee table” book on pro football we've
seen. Big, bulging with beautiful color
photographs, replete with knowledgeable
descriptions of every phase of the game by
avariety of authors, it should help sustain
a fan through the off season.
Another of the niftier
big sports
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For the man who wants to experience all
Pictures of ihe Great Depression are amongthe
examples given in the volume on Photo-
Journalism to show how to make photographs
that comment on cvents and on people.
How to freeze motion at the cial moment
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heavens, through a microscope are shown and
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This valuable 64-
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тй the possibilities of photography are
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ions in your own darkroom. And now,
s whole marvelous world of photography
has been put into a remarkable scrics of
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Here, in magnificently illustrated volumes,
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You'll learn about all the possibilities open
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Actual book size: 1014" x 1014",
Hard cover, silver-stamped
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And by exami a
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Whether you are an experienced photogt
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"(Please Print)
SR оа
books is Joe Namath's А Matter of Style
(Little, Brown). With the help of plenty
of pictures and sportswriter Bob Oates,
Jr. Joe reveals how he passes, plots
апа perplexes the opposition (when he's
~ hcalthy).TheGreor
American Baseball
Cord Flipping, Trad-
and Bubble-
gum Book (Little,
Brown) isa pacan
by Brendan C.
| Boyd and Fred
C. Harris to b:
men, bumblers
| and the bubble-
| gum makers who
|| spread their im-
ages across the
land, Wanna trade two Stan Musials for
a Mickey Mantle?
Finally, just for the hell of it, The Har-
verd Lampoon Centennial Celebration 1876—
1973 (Little, Brown) offers a feast of
features, selected by Martin Kaplan, from
several generations of Cambridge wits,
including the memorable Lampoon take-
off on pt Aynoy. Happy reading
Near the end of the
campaign, Candice Bergen app
McGovern press room in Long Beach,
Califor and announced to the с
hausted reporters who were hastily phon-
ng in theirstories: “You all suck.” Well
it's a better line than anything she's ever
heen given in a movie, but did the re-
porters deserve it Timothy Grouse’s
The Boys on the Bus (Random House) goes
long way toward answering that ques-
tion. While the nation’s best political
journalists scrambled around the country
dutifully recording McGovern's blunders
and Nixon's noncampaign. of occasio
js, soaking up free whiskey, get-
by on four hours’ sleep а night,
trying to placate their editors and antici-
pate their compe stories, Crouse
covered the press itselE-—covered the cov-
erage. He is better with personalities
than with issues probably because the
reporters themselves are the best cvi
dence around that Spiro Agnew (R-LP.)
s ing at the moon when he
tried to paint the press as a vast conspi
aded men out to do in Ridi-
‘The truth is that these men
worked hard and followed only the stand-
ards of their profession, not the seductions
of ideology. They were as hard on McGov-
ern as they were on Nixon. Maybe harder.
And that is their job. Some of them
are likable, humorous men like James
Naughton, Jules Witcover and Dick
Stout, who finally irritated Jane Muskie
so much that she pushed а piece of cake
imo his face. (A joke, it was later ex-
plained) Some of these journalists are
hustling cgotists. Like К. W. “Johnny”
Apple of The New York Times. And
some are patrician gentlemen, like David
Broder of The Washington Post. But all
of them adhere to professional standards
and cherish the respect of their peers.
This alone makes them far more hon-
orable men than their enemies, the
p cians who ll scll honor and
dignity—their very souls—for a few mil-
lion votcs.
John Sack is one of our better re-
porters. His Vietnam book, M, was one
of the very best to come out of the war,
perhaps the best. But Sack has slipped
some—first with his Liculcuant Calley,
which he co-authored with Vietnam's
most famous (notorious?) soldicr, and
now with The Mon-Eating Machine (Farrar,
Straus & Giroux). Most of Sack's repor
is still first-rate, but the notion of stri
ing four magazine articles together, then
adding a little moral commentary to make
a book, was a little hasty. Especially when
that commentary is of the sort that claims
“We were all William Calley.” One ask:
“Even the soldiers who refused to commit
atrocities in My Lai?" On the same sub-
ject: The Mcn Who Won the Medal of Honor
(Random House) is a tirade that author
Len Giovannitti has passed off as a
novel. His narrator has been awarded the
Medal of Honor when the only people
he killed in Vietnam were Americans.
At the White House ceremony, he goes
for the Big Fragging. He fails and so does
this witless book.
"Fucking grex venalium, he mut
tered, displaying both aspects of his
ground—the slums and the university
halls...“ Well, that's quite a mutter, but
any chiller addict will promptly identity
the muiterer. Who but Dr. Jonathan
Hemlock, the multitalented dude—acad-
emician, art authority, mountaineer,
sexual athlete and smil ssassin for
CH—inyented by monomonickered
thor Trevanian and turned loose last
year in The Eiger Sanction, a sleeper
(though grabbed by the Playboy Book
Club) that was practically self-propelled
to bescsellerdom? Now Hemlock's b
The Loo Sanction (Crown), having split to
England on a leisurely lecture tour. He
thought, But hardly has he uttered his
mutter than he's set up by a comely col-
Icen, set upon by two goons and hauled
olf to Wessex (Thomas Hardy's name for
Dorsetshire), there to meet the vicar, a
bona fide cleric who doubles as head of
Loo, England's equivalent of the CII.
‘The vicar's problem is to retrieve films of
government bigwigs cavorting in an ex-
clusive orgy dub called, of course, The
Cloisters. The films have been sealed i
side a Marini bronze to be auctioned
Sotheby's—and whoever buys it will ob-
viously rule Britannia. So again its
sanction time for Hemlock. If you've
read Eiger, you'll know what to expect. If
not, expect а witty, swift-paced suspense
extravaganza, with aptly dubbed charac-
ters such as Amazing Grace, a bl:
ty who's always nude; Van(essa) Dyke,
a les ait critic; Maximilian Strange, who
runs The Cloisters and who combines a
Dorian Gray complex with the tastes and
talents of De Sade, Expect some damn
good writing (belatedly lauded by Gore
Vidal), with only occasional lapses. Ex-
pect throwaway gags, sophisticated dia-
log, show-off erudition—like that grex
venalium (Latin for “a herd of whores"),
which was Dr. H's reaction to an
ulua-Mod mob scene at a London vernis-
Also expect calculated camp—eg.,
loo is British slang for privy and the out
fit was so called because the HQ of MLS
and MI-6 adjoined the men's room. But
primarily expect the unexpected—jump
cuts from realism to eroticism to ex
oticism, and from the gracious to thc
grisly. ly. expect to be entertained,
even enthralled, and in Jonathan Hem-
lock expect to meet the James Bond of
the Seventies. P. S. Don’t expect another
sleeper: Crown printed 50,000 copies,
with an ad budget close to six figures.
George Plimpton's new book, Mad Ducks
and Bears (Random House), is a sentimen-
tal pilgrimage back to the gridiron,
which he artfully
of anecdotes, recollection
and diary excerpts to form a
world of pro football. It’s a triple head
er, actually. First, an aborted project for
a book on line play to be done by Plimp:
ton with John Gordy and
Alex “The Mad Duck” Karras,
men for the Detroit Lions, yields, instead,
a frightening /funny look at the thoughts
and feelings of men who live on the line
of scrimmage. Second, a huge chunk of the
book consists of the diary Plimpton kept
while he was training with the Baltimore
Colts to prepare for four plays he would
quarterback for a television special.
The final segment focuses on Plimpton's
.after your winemaster
„after you've done everything you can to make a fine wine,
you need one thing more to make it great: time.
After you've harvested the noblest grapes...
has worked his magic..
Nothing good happens fast.
== Paul Masson
мизине цур
[AR 10%
journalistic efforts to find out why the
at Colt team deteriorated so sud-
son. Like some other books
ether from leftover notes and
tapes, plus previously published magazine
pieces. this one could have been a zero.
t saves it iy the sometimeshilarious,
s 1 behavior of its in-
credible cast of characters; and Plimpton's
Skill at combining. his puzzled empathy
gluis into a таты
but always ent
In the years since World War Two,
New York City has become for the apoca
Іурхе what Loch Nes has been for the
ouster. Not e » claim
orc frequent sightings of total disaster
than New York. In г Ba-
kersfield, one can proclaim the end of the
world only so olten before the family has
him committed, Back East, persons sul
fering that syndrome are invited to
contribute to The New York Review of
Books. Emma Rothschild, a New York
Review convibutor, has described. with
ity and force her view of the Ame
pocilypse (automotive division)
this, her first book, Peredise tes (R:
dom House). She is a highly skilled
writer and an able researcher and her
book is easily the most readable and com-
pelling of all the currently fashionable
antitechnology tracts. Miss Rothschild is
young, English and a former reporter]
researcher for The Times of London.
Her youth and her overseas origins make
Paradise Lost even more impressive in
the comprehensive technological detail
ol its coverage, As described on the jack-
et, “This book looks at the many prob-
lems that айс the United States ашо
business, as well as the auto industry
throughout the world.” Which is putting
it mildly. To say that the book “looks at
problems" suggests ап objec
© overview of Ames automotive
which is not the case. Miss
y quote
prosecuting attorney ge
penalty. Even when some poor auto
mogul is quoted in a context that presents
him as aware of the problems and striv-
ing to do something about them, the lady
seems to duck with disapproval. Like
her fellow technophobes. she
absolutely no good in her chose
gets—even when they i
Like Ralph Nadei
d one of its products
the keystone for her text. Interest
enough, however, she has chose
ng success, to illustrate her
ct, the robust Vega prob-
ably proves the opposite of her intended
point. Far from being proof of G-M.'s in-
Ability to cope with the future, it seems
to demonstrate a capability for flexible
response to changing times, She de-
scribes a frantic industry, trying desper-
ng lor the death
£ she were a
case; when, in
ately to deal with hostile customers,
hostile labor and hostile governmer
med only with Henry Ford's worn-out
facturing technology and Alfred
g baule
perhaps hope
Sloan's 50-year-old. merch:
plan. Her only solution
is a better word—lies in her vision of
alistic reorder
s that would
of our tr
portation resources from the hands of
the auto biggies and turn it over to . . .
the people? One is not sure. Perhaps
c problem with her thesis has to do
with her vantage point. She is English and
she nied to uncover the definitive and
truth about the American automo:
as seen from New York. Ii is true
that the automobile. no longer works in
New York, nor in several of the smaller
satellite New Yorks seatre nd the
country. But those
places, and it would be hard, even unj
to blame the automobile any more than
the Democratic Party or pettiloggin:
legislatures or the builtin but
able Haws of a capitalist system. The
Sheridan, Wyomings,
our New Yorks. Like most antidotes for
apocalypse. Miss Rothschild's cure for
the automobile requires Шып everyone in
the United Stites simply stop living.
working and playing the way he is and
start way that would be more
ed a
nothing works in
is useless
acceptable 10 her and to her peers in the
amtitechnology intelligentsia, This seems
aharsh price for the nati just to
humble our auto-indust ablishment,
Bend Sinister (McGraw-Hill), we are i
formed from the handsome dust jacket,
is the novel Vladimir Nabokov
te Its republication at
s point in time (И one may borrow а
The book was
massacred in а
h a particu-
manner to
and locale have changed, but the old
theme hasn't. Adam Krug, professor of
philosophy. is a citizen of that Nabokov
n Erewhon somewhere between Stalin's
galloping lunacy and Hitler's bubbling
insanity. Paduk, a former schoolboy
chum of the professors (known as the
Toad in gei
boss of il
iler days), has just become
country im a bloody coup.
creed is called. Ekwilism, а
suggests its matter: the redis
ibution of human consciousness so that
s more than another, or
some such nonsense. Krug. whose wile
has just died after
unsuccessful oper
i» bring hounded to endorse the
new state philosophy. Although riddled
with grief, the professor hay enough mind
left not to lend himself to such an
ту event, after his refusal begins the
appearance of his friends and the sur
1 agony of polit on. Nabo-
kov's tale splendidly suited to the
task of t down the sinister bends
of olficial pursuit. With his background
of exile and his passion for wordplay
xd mirror image, he stylizes, as perl
no one else cin, the familiar and terrible
landscape that is to be seen between the
conscience and the concentration. camp.
Krug. of course. is destroyed, as any state
«an destroy an individual if it so wishes
but in the process of destruction, Nabo-
kov traces with magical art the equiv
шепсе of the madness into which Krug
retreats and the madness [rom which he
withdrawn. A beloved son is sacri
ficed to Krug's conscience and the state's
dumb will. and once again the classic am
biguity becomes clear: Nothing is worth
—nothing-—uxd except for the human
bility to swallow the stupidity and
ielty of others, mankind would have
given up long ago. Nabokov is unique in
many ways, but particularly in the way of
exploring the hidden corners of terror.
To quote his later masterpiece Lolita:
His Picture in the Pepers (Charterhouse).
by Time-Life film їйї d Schickel.
is described as “A Speculation on
Celebrity in America Based on the
Life of Douglas Fairbank Author
Schickel's discur
Fairbanks film and reaches the unsur-
prising conclusion that we perhaps
punish our ter raising them too
high. Ther great deal more of con-
jeaure and instant social analysis in a
book that manages to sound simultane-
ously glib and pontifical, and it is best
when it sticks to the salient facts about
Fairbanks himself—what he did, and
how, and where fabulous success
went sour. As tl їз first superstar-
ring stunt man, whose Zorro and Thief
Musicians, high-fidelity perfectionists,
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Cassette users rave about the frequency
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of Bagdad paved the way for swash-
bucklers such as Errol Flynn (not to
mention Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., who was
out of favor for long stretches because the
egocentric Doug, Sr., as age overtook him,
didn’t relish a grown son following in
Dad's flashy footsteps), Fairbanks mar-
ried America's sweetheart Mary Pickfo
and played king to his queenly Lite
Mary at. Pickfair, the celebrated family
seat that functioned as a kind of Western
White House back in the heyday of silent
movies. Doug and М ntertained roy
alty and rich embers of the
smart set who had once considered Holly-
wood. socially speaking, a cut below Dev-
id. By so doing. the gregarious
су a model they would follow for
encrations to come. Though the Fai
perfect union dis-
rupted by scandal and divorce years later,
their devoted fans never seemed to mind.
that Doug and Mary had severed ties with
former mates and their Catholic faith
in order to marry in the first place. When
treating Fairbanks as an t who
wrote, produced and performed the ath-
leüc spectacles that fixed his name in
the Hollywood pantheon, Schickel quotes
generously from writers and critics of the
also from Alistair Cooke's
0—ihen hastens back to his
bout fickle fame. touching
upon everything from Shirley N
ne's politics and Marshall Мела
oracular pronouncements to the assassi-
ation of John Kennedy. He scems, at
times, to return reluctantly to the rou-
tine business of biography. as if Fai
ks were merely a big name chosen for
ай—їһе comeon for a much morc
serious but less appealing book that
kel hasnt quite found time to write.
What is needed to bring the banking
try to lile is an insider's confes
written with great style and wit. Unfor-
ely. it is well known that bankers
ig the world’s least witty people
style in banks is frowned upon.
d, we are invited to settle tor
). а compre-
ble, diatribe
outsider, Christopher Elias. а jour-
ny years. Many of his arguments—
inst credit cards, а
pendence of the Fed,
шайы the “usuri
terest charg
and, in some cases,
is does a credi
the history of banking in this country
through one conflict of interest to
So, inste:
The Dollor Barone (Macmill
hensible, if less than delec
nalis who has been following ban
ith the so
good. How was it that the Morgan Gu
anty and Trust Company sold. 391,575
Central stock. before the
ignificance of that
cial difficulties w
that the Cleveland. Trust Compa
accumulated for its trust accounts.
cent of all the outstanding stock in—the
Cleveland Trust Company? How did
Chase Manhattan work hand and glove
with Gulf & Western as that conglome
ate acquired one company after another?
The general public
the stock market
about the "real" financial power in this
—the banks. The Dollar Barons
bad place to start to learn more.
The Gift (Random House) is Pete Ham
ill's short novel about а young sailor who
returns to his family for Ch
the Korean War. The setting is
Brooklyn and the people are poor Irish,
and the temptations for weepy sei
lity are great. But Hamill plays the
whole thing straight and the book is a
1 gem; not perfect but real
written with obvious feeling and hon:
The only thing is—S4.95 seems a little
steep for 83 pag
is not
Despite the gimmicks and the gewgaws
that pop up at Christmastime as just the
ift you've been looking for, multiple-
LP albums still rate five stars for yule
giving—or getting If your Christmas
bonus runneth over, you might feel like
ing on Philips’ fouralbum. 16-LP
ging of Richard Wagner's “Ring”
cycle recorded at Bayreuth during the
1966 and 1967 seasons. The conductor is
Karl Böhm: some of the principal singers
re B Nilsson, Kurt Böhme and
and the overall cffect
of total immersion in Das Rheingold, Die
Walküre, Siegfried and Gétterdémmerung is
nning. So is the price—S104.70—but
isumas comes but once а year. Anoth-
jor project has been completed just
a time for the festive season, RCA is
offering almost everything pianist Sergei
Radimaninoff recorded. The Complete
Rachmaninoff amounts to a fivealbum, 15-
LP collection, covers a 23year span—
from 1919 to 1912—and includes a large
body of his own work. In short, a collec-
хог dream. Also available from the same
company is the four-LP album The Tenor
of the Century: Caruso. It includes a number.
of selections not previously put out
On a more modest but impres-
sive nevertheless, is Gregorian Chant (Co
lumbia), performed by students of thc
Schola Cantorum of Amsterdam
ducted by Міш yan Gerven. TI
fantastic all the way through this three-
LP album and the voices and music arc—
well—heavenly. Although volume two of
The Ат of Igor Кірвіз, harpsichord and
c of England, Germany
actually a repackaging
of LPs that had previously been offered
singly on the Epic and Odyssey labels,
the new Columbia album is a worthwhile
convenience and makes a handsome gilt,
Then there's Angel's album of music for
Prokofiev's ballet Romeo ond Juliet, per-
formed by the London Symphony Orches
wa under André Previn—thrce LPs ol
tic sound.
E of Romeo ond Juliet, Capitol
has issued the complete sound tack from
the Franco Zefhrelli film. It holds up
very well on the turntable, which may be
something of a tribute to Zeffirelli, but
the real kudos obviously belong to good
old Will Shakespeare. They don't write
"em like that anymor i
ith words.
who is even slightly imo humor ca
vouchsale. Caught in the Act (Poppy) cap.
tures Gregory's farewell nightclub. pci
formance (he'll be limiting himself to
campus appearances) and by the time
he works his way through the two LP:
there's hardly a sacred cow-—political
or sođial—that hasn't been butchered.
Farewell and h
Old wine in new boules seems to be
the order of the day in the jazz/pop/rock
fells. Atlantic, long one of the most
prestigious names in those arcas, has re-
constituted the oll Commodore label
nto five twin-LP offerings under the
umbrella The Commodore Years. They in-
dude: wo albums featuring the tenor
sax (one with Coleman Hawkins and
Frank Wess, the other with Chu Berry,
Ben Webster and Lester Young): one
ng Jelly Roll Morton: a fourth on
the famous Town Hall ‘oncert of
1045. spotli such greats as Red
Norvo, Gene hrupa, Teddy Wilson, Don
Буаз. Charlie Ventura and Stuff Smith
filth album devoted to the wares of
LP reprises of its own to celebrate
ter century in the record biz: The Jaze
Years (with such luminaries as Monk,
Mann, Mingus, McGann and the MJQ.
Marvelous!) and The Soul Years (from
Lots of mistletoe.
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LaVern Baker to Betty Wright, with
Brook Benton, Ray Charles, Areth
nklin, Wilson Pickett and many others
n). Those age.
Ibum offer-
п die
sound tracks from Singin’ in the Rain and
Easter Porode, The Bond Wegon and Kiss Me
Kote, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers arid Rose
Morie, and Till the Clouds Roll By and Three
Little Words. Pass the popcorn. Jazz bulls
should dig Verve’s six-volume, single
stt ol The Newport Years, recordings made
ak over and the Jazz
be moved ло the Big
such stellar attrac
d and Billie Holi
ad Jimmy Rushing,
Teddy Wilson
Mulligan, Oscar. Peterson. and С
Hawkins. Halcyon divs, Copitol's Christ
t to rockuiks is a slipcased presen.
of three albums that well worth
: Seiler In. the Steve Miller Band.
Music from Big Pink lv. The Band and Quick-
silver Messenger Service. Vi l-
before the erctins t
may gi
pressive ant;
Nostalgia of another sort. mav be
indulged im by picking up on MCAS
sound mack from American Groti H
the Beach
Mauer theyre
bete Midler and
would do well to plu
Andrews Sisters (MCN).
elforts of Pa
iovs. Buddy Holly, the
II on tap. Followers of
the Pointer Sisters
inito The Best of the
The close-harmony
Masene and LaVerne
hold up surprisingly well. Thirty years
1 the likes ol Rum and Coca Cola.
Beat Me Daddy, Fight to the Bar. Rhum-
boogie and Hold Tight have lost little
of their luster.
Stevie We
a beautiful fusion of the lyric and
dactic, telling us
ders Innervisions (Tamla) is
view thats
cally op-
stant search
lor the Higher
Ground, but tl
(Jesus Children of America) and the
starkly rendered poison of the city (Living
dope (Too High), lies
of snares:
for the City). Wonder seems to s
all people delude themselves but have to
be willing to pay their dues and esi
tentially accept the present. "Today's
yesterday. / And all thi
ing” is the way he puts it in Visions, the
key tune of the album—pr
reggae, even
nod to Johns (All in Love ls
Гау. it’s all Stevie, unmistakably.
He plays most of s throug!
overdubbing, and there isn't a phony note
anywhere. М had it that. after
August car. crash, Wonder wouldn't. be
playing concerts for several mouths. We
wish him well: with an album like this,
he shows he hay a lot of sength——musical
d emotional fall back on
Hd is probably full of kient
these who thre
The w
Zappaphil gh one pass
of Pue or another have never been made
аге of Frank Zappa's sircon-cncrusted
groove of rancid madness. For these
henighted Tolk. the place to мап is not
with ан abortive um opus such as
20) Motels but with Overnite Sensation
(DiscReet). a happy return to the insane
preoccupations of yesteryear. like rai
der nd fucking. The latier al
п the most. bizarre circum-
es. as it does in Camarillo Brillo. а
ching encounter with а Ма,
whe breeds dwark. throws a
and has a “fuming incense stencher
“She snipped / Her rancid poncho |
jt rill we were un-concho / An
wayy occurs
out naked by the door / We did
was nse
Dinah-Moe Humm
ps the hi
less any more.
Dirty Lowe а
lighis in
The playing of 1
ways 1
newest efori, und
production, Valley Hi (|
rock fr
lesly negot
Shady Lies: d
Jackson Brown
ed by fine
en tasteful
1 Convention
days 1e
1 Nesmith’s
This is fotk
jew, all law
the country charm of
descending chords of
s These Days, punctu-
ic and steel g
cized but nonetheless successful. Th
rich albumin sound, productic
nical skill and taste.
Moria Muldaur (Reprise)—she of the
fine shape and the slinky, crystalline
vaice—has come out of the Woodstock.
woodwork to make a magnificent album,
her first solo album under her own name.
Maria has moved way from the
days of Jim Kweskin's Jug Band, and she
has brought with her a roster of accom-
a loi
ying musicians
ic slie sings: Richard
Keith, Mac Rebennack, Ry С
Ethridge. and more. The tuncs tend te
г: s: the raunchy, honky
stu (eg. Vaudeville
azzish pop. such as Midnight at
the Oasis, ıt song given great pro
duction by Lemy Waronker and Joe
Boyd and a beautifully insinuating vocal
by Maria: and two umes—Kate McGar
rigle’s The Work Song and Wendy Wald
man's Mad Май Me iat are beyond.
categorizing. The late Joni Mitchell
xd of song but w rc depth to the
ries. and Maria seems 10 infuse every
ıt of herself into this lovely and power-
I hardly be called
debut album, since Maria’s been on
for ten years or so, but it’s а da
g display of her Far-ranging. sophisti
dl clon
it from
you might not have k
In Goats Heed Soup (Rolling Stones),
maybe the best album the Stones lave
ever done Mick cavorts as everything
from the Devil's partner (Dancing with
Mr. D) to outra
he works in a Van Mori
shilts ıo a poignant,
d about lost love
Angie) im the frenetic do
ings of the superstars and their chicks,
the star-fuckers (Stay Stay). Jagger carries
out this prog:
because he is
Storal м
Y register in a ba
w lers os й
nd —still and forever—that
ng musically without
The others in the group
ively unsung sup
porters of the J stique, but Keith
Richard and Nicky Hopkins
lure charge of much of the
produced here The
old а occurs in the paced, flowing
and powerlul Can You Hear the Music.
© some fiue bass lines get clear of the
ensemble blast at rock-n-roll
umber, Silver Train. IVs good to know
up in the Mr
he assumed for
he never seemed
ive style of ca
10 care.
ic thats
a city where spiritu-
ous beverages are regarded with suspicion,
if not downright hostility, seems an un
likely place to look for fine food. Never-
af the be:
ples at thi
theless, you'll find som
food this side of N
della Fontana, a converted. church
South Fourth East in Salt Lake C
stained glass windows are still i
86 Proof Blended Scotch Whisky © 1973 Paddington Corp., N.Y.
One of the rare pleasures of Christmas.
seat some of the diners and the pulpit
decorates the lobby. Where the baptismal
font once stood, however, there's now a
ceiling-high fountain: the choir loft has
become a waiting room and bar (bring-
your-own, as defined by Utah law), and
the hushed reverence of the faithful has
way to an atmosphere of relaxed
derie, Everyone is welcome, and
guests include well-dressed familics cn-
Joying an evening out, high school kids
entertaining their dates i
nd, in the win-
ter months, a substantial number of cas-
ually clad and s
tanned skiers in from
the several major slopes that lie within
n casy half hour’s drive. (The surround-
ing Wasatch Mountains are touted as the
deep-powder capital of the world) Be-
yond the charm and сопу the
Fontana’s reputation is based on the
manner in which excellent service is com-
bined with superb cuisine. The emphasis
is oF ng as а total experience. If a
sign of good service is being barely aware
that you're being waited on, having needs
met almost before they've become con-
scious, then the Fontana's service is near
perfect. The pace is leisurely, calculated
to enhance the food and to allow you to
savor cadi course before the next is
served. (You can order à la carte, but do
yourself a favor—don't.) The first course
is the thickest. heartiest Minestrone we've
sted, crammed full of vegetables.
Resist the temptation to fill up on it, be-
cause there's fresh melon соз fol-
lowed by a crisp Heart of Romaine Salad
-bleu cheese
t's great), a pasta
course (your choice of ravioli, spaghetti
or spinach noodles) and Italian ice to
clear the palate. Up to this point, every-
thing has been prepared with such loving
care and attention to detail that it's hard
to believe the entree can measure up. It
does. The Parmiggiana al Forno is su
perb—tender slices of veal (when avail-
tble—beef when it isn't) cooked in a
lightly spiced sauce of parmesan and
mushrooms with a taste subtler than any
Italian recipe we've tried. Merluzzo al
Forno in Casseruola is а baked casserole
of halibut with mushrooms in a cream
sauce that makes you wonder why halibut
has never tasted so good. If you like chid
en livers, the Fegato di Pollo con Funghi
ill turn you on. Chicken?
Try the chicken breast, stuffed with de
ately scasoned dressing and served with
supreme sauce, or the Cacciatora, both ex-
cellent. There are over a dozen entrees
from which to choose and all, including
such presumably pedestrian dishes as
spagheui, га and lasagna, are pre-
and creativity. As if all
this weren't enough, there's still coffee
and dessert: а basket loaded with fresh
fruit and cheese. And one more plea
surprise: the size of the check. The din-
ll seven courses—will set you
k only $3.50 to $7.25 (for the New
York strip steak). Three-conrse 1
from $1.95 то and
salad or It A word of
ag is in ord those who feel
that no meal is complete without wine or
cocktails. Utah's liquor Taws. as we've
nplied, are, well, eccentric. Alcoholic
ges can be sold only by the bottle
е liquor stores. Fortunately. many
cating establishments just happen to have
such a store on the premises—a closet or
some other converted space stocked with
wines and/or drinksize minibottles of
hard liquor. The Fon!
"s store has an
adequate selection of wines. mostly do-
mest 4 liquor. If you want
mixed drinks. you'll have to take your
own bottle; you're also welcome to take
your own wine. Setups and mixes are
available at а nominal charge, as is wine
service. The Fontana is always crowded,
so reservations are strongly recommend-
ed (801-328-4243). Even so, you'll prob-
ably wait a bit before being seated; but
that’s to be expected in an establishment
that refuses to hurry its guests. The Fo
tana is open Monday through Thursday
from 11:30 a.m. to 10 rar., Friday and
Saturday until 11 р.м. or later. American
Express, BankAmericard and Master
Charge are accepted.
„ but no ha
Among directors of action drama, Hol-
Iywood veteran Don Siegel can claim
credit for such movies as Dirty Harry
and The Beguited, and he also helped
unch the с: m Peckinpah.
Siegel's 29th (йш, Charley Varrick, is a virt
ally flawless work of its kind—tough, un-
sentimental, fast-moving enter
played to the hilt. If anyone
ovie world still cares, it is also covertly
eer of
Mr. Right i
character, a stunt flier turned bank rob-
this instance is the title
ber who knocks over а bank in a whistle-
stop Western town and learns too late
that he and his accomplices have un
knowingly grabbed a huge stash of Mafia
gambling money in transit from Las
Vegas. When a Mafia killer (deftly
played by Joe Don Baker, a movie mean-
ic worthy of the name) comes after them,
Varrick frames his friends, tricks his
s and presumably wins the айтай
ion of every moviegoer who has ever
secretly yearned to get away with grand
larceny and murder. If anyone but
Walter Matthau were cast in the part, it
would be clear enough that Charley
ick is an utter son of a bitch, but M.
thau plays him with such easygoing
Teddy-bear charm that it becomes almost
cme when Charley says goodbye to his
dead wife (shot during the robbery), with
time out for a tender kiss as he sprin-
Kles gasoline over her stillwarm body
and sends her up in smoke in their geta-
way car. Felicia Farr (Mrs. Jack Lemmon
ate life), Sheree North and Andy
n lend effective support in a
piece that smacks of first-rate profession-
lism in all departments. W! спе
does may be of questionable value in the
long haul, but there's no denying his skill
at projecting Charley Varvick with a cer-
tain malevolent force.
d- and fourth-generation
American moviegoers whose great
parents or great-greacgrandparents came
over from the old country
includes а large majority of us—should
find The New Land an altogether admirable
sequel to Jan Troell’s The Emigrants. As
co-scenarist, director, photographer and
editor of his films, Troel exhibits the
same flawless taste and quiet compassion
toward the family of Swedish emigrants
(again led superbly by Liv Ullmann, Max
von Sydow and Eddie Axberg) who were
Second-, thi
last seen on the verge of settling down in
Minnesota. During the latter part of the
19th Century, they endure the hardships
of hunger, sickness, childbirth, gold fever,
untimely death prising—all
recounted in simple human terms with
litle emphasis on dramatic fireworks.
‘The touching epilog. in fact. is merely a
у portrait mailed back to
Sweden circa 1890 with a message from a
ites pointedly, “Your
brother's children have forgotten Swed-
р s. conditioned by
of shock, may find
Troells work slow in tempo, yet New
nd à Sioux
Would he walk
a mile for me?
The Surgeon General Has Determined
rette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
1973 R. J. Raynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. С.
25 mf. tal, 16 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette, ЕТС Report FEB.73.
Brylcreem tells you
how to have short hair
in 1974.
Short is still theopposite of
long. But super-clipped sides
are out. Your hair should be
about the same length all over.
Say 1’ to 1-1/2; depending on
texture. If your side hairs are
growing to this length a little
Brylcreem Hairdressing will
groom them so they dont look
fuzzy and unruly.
How short уси top hair should
be depends on how curly it is: if
your hair is straight, it should be
left slightly longer so it lies
smoothly in place; if your
hair is really curly, it should
be cut slightly shorter so it
forms a little bulk.
Conditioning with
Brylcreem Hairdressing
gives your hair a healthy-
looking bounce no matter
what lengthit is.
No matter how short your hair is
in 1974, it should cover your eartops by
about an inch. Dont tuck your hair behind your ears; it just.
makes them stick out. Brylcreem Hairdressing will train your hair
to cover your eartops neatly.
There is no excuse for short sideburns. They should stop about
1/2" above the bottoms of your ears.
how to have long hair
Longer hair today is layered е
hair; cut so your hair is about 4" In 9
long on the top and sides, and 6”
long in back. ( Ihe Apache look
is a thing of the past.) Keep your
newly styled hair in place all
day with Power Hold Dry
Spray, the long-lasting
hairspray by Brylcreem. A
little spritz will do ya!
If your long hair is getting
thin ontop, cut it shorter; it
will bulk up and look
thicker. If youre training
hair over a thin place, Power
Hold Dry Spray is your best
friend for holding it where
you want it all day.
First you make a definite
part in layered hair this
length. Then you comb it from
the whorl at the crown of your
head. Groom top hair forward,
side hair and back hair directly
Frequent shampooing
adds to the liveliness of
your hair. Brylcreem
Once-A-Day Shampoois
formulated to use everyday.
Its pHis close to that of your
scalp soit wont disturb your
natural chemistry.
Sideburns that extend beyond the
bottom of the earlobe are too long for
1974. Sorry. Sideburns are closer to your
head this year, too. Trim them parallel to
the floor, at the base of your ear, and
keep them that way every day when you
Whether you decide on long hair, short ]
hair, or even in-between hair in 1974,
weve got a product that will help you.
Меме come a long way
since“a little dab will do ya^
Land and its companion piece are defi
tive films—both idealistic and enligh
ened and mercifully free of the usual
flag-waving frontier corn.
Two of the seven deadly sins—namely,
gluttony and lust—are explored ad nau-
Seam in The Grande Bouffe (The Big Feast),
ably the most controversial major
film since Last Tango in Paris. In fact,
Italian director Marco Ferreri and a cou-
ple of outraged patrons came to blows
over BoufJe at the 1073 Cannes Film Fes-
tival, while festival judge Ingrid Ber
man volubly deplored having to sit
through such offensive material. Despite
the brouhaha, Ferreri’s farout comedy
won an International Critics Prize—and
deserved it, Vulgar but brilliant, crude
but pointedly sardonic, this outrageous
no-holesbarred satire costars Marcello
Mastroianni, Michel Piccoli, Philippe
Noiret and Ugo Tognazzi as four affluent
gentlemen—respectively, an airline pilot,
a TV producer, a judge and а chef—who
repair to an elegant mansion to commit
suicide by overfeeding themselves. The
idea of fornicating to death as well comes
as an afterthought, and the quartet is
etted thereto by three hookers and a
plump schoolteacher (the latter marvel-
ously played by Andrea Ferreol) who
evidently embodies some eternal female
principle—since she ultimately beats her
gluttonous male hosts at their own game.
A film maker with avowed leftist lcan-
ings, Ferreri leaves little doubt that what
he has in mind in Grande Bouffe is а
symbolic celebration of the end of the
bourgcoisie—a hedonistic consumer soci-
ety glutting itself to the point of extinc-
tion. He tops his statement with a
climactic image of raw meat and sides of
beef hung over shrubs and trees outside
the house, largely ignored by a pack of
dogs—creatures too sensible to cat when
they're not hungry—though by this time
most of the principals have succumbed to
belching, farting, Fuckin
are so frequent that it sounds like а con-
their voluptuous rites in the best possible
ste, even with flourishes of real refine
ıt. Perhaps the most startling moment
h Tognazzi, near death
is a scene in wh
but ready to climax, lics stretched on a
kitchen table for an
sendoff, simul
soufllé and Though
gocs too far—or farther than necessary
for the film's avowed purpose—he is a
fierce, uncompromising satirist who sel-
dom loses sight of his goal. Like it or
loathe it, Grande Bouffe delivers a mag-
num of cultural shock. Beiter stay home if
such dark and heady visions repulse yo
Jean-Paul Belmo
lo is back and oozing
star quality from every pore in The In-
feritor. “On planes or trains, I like to
make love to a woman T don't know,”
murmurs Belmondo, coolly eying Carla
Gravina in his role as а potent. роже
hungry, dashing and filthy-rich heir
to $150,000,000. Though writer-director
Philippe Labro (whose last fi sa tidy
thriller called Without Apparent Motive)
exploits Belmondo's superstud image
even at the risk of cheapening his script,
The Tuhey itor is а provocative tale—load-
ed with fast action, sleek women and a
few fine true touches about life inside the
entourage of a reformed jetset swinger
who begins to turn serious when he dis-
covers that an act of sabotage caused h
father's plane to crash
chief of a huge press.and
glomerate. Belmondo as young Bart Cor-
dell becomes almost a Kennedylike figure,
meeting assassination attempts and learn-
g to his dismay that the Italian girl
whom he rebelliously married—and who
bore him a son—may be the pawn in a
ruthless Mafia takeover engi
ed by her
tempt to mix big-
ns and the intrigues of
an international crime syndicate with
spills, thrills and sex looks strained now
and then, But when the plot slackens,
atching Belmondo operate proi
The art direction, camerawork and
sheer gambler's instinct expended on the
film version of Joncthan Livingston Seagull
dicit a whistle of admiration. if not
undiluted praise. Producer-director Hall
Bartlett hi ed a movie chock full of
the prettiest pictures you ever saw of blue
skies, crashing surf, mountains, sunsets
and rly the wild and
trained gulls zooming in as doubles for
the title character (whose voice is supplied
by actor James Franciscus) and his winged
disciples. It's all unabashedly inspiration-
al and faintly banal, thus locked in close
aesthetic kinship with Richard Bach's
flyaway best seller about а bird addicted
to freedom, selfexpression,
speed and somewhat met
al musings. If one
nts to take the skep-
tical rather than
the bird’s-eve
view for a
Jonathan is doggedly middlebrow—orni-
thology’s answer to Lost Horizon and
Love Story, with a creamy musical score
composed and performed on the sound
track by Neil Diamond. Incurable dream-
ers aged seven to 70 are apt to find it
enchanting, all the same, and why not? In
an age of cynicism and moral slippage, a
languid little hymn to positive thinking
can justly lay claim to equal time.
Supreme Court or no Supreme Court,
porno movies are still with us, some of
them looking as uninhibited as ever. The
latest from San ncisco’s Mitchell
Brothers (creators of Behind the
Door) is Resurrection of Eve, again sta
ring blonde Marilyn Chambers—the girl
on the Ivory Snow box—as a scrumptious
young creature whose discjockey hus
band (Matthew Armon) introduces her
to orgies. Turns ош she likes them a lot
better than he does. Eve suffers from
sloppy sound and camera-
‚ plus all the other ills that
ks are heir to, yet beats most exi
competition as both sex and cinema
mely women's lib angle also helps
tle. And Marilyn is а born wi
Grace Kelly of hard-core, sizz
sex appeal when she simply jumps up to
the core of Mistress Pomelo, ап
made tribute t0 Tom Jones,
based on a creaky classic novel written
amuel Richardsor
some years earlier by
Adapter producer-director Jim O'G
nolly has Ann Michelle as the luscious
virgin at bay in the household of his lord-
Mistress. Pamela
cns and maid-
with such asides as "Lust.
could they have put out their
talon daws and grip
which the reply is,
mo conscience
quentia nally saggi
the burden of virtue too long pres
aand for
sts stars
Perhaps to satisfy the de
wholesome f: fare, The Opt
Peter Sellers as а Chaplinesque old
bum who sings on street corners in Picca-
dilly, his mangy cur alongside him, and
charms the bejesus out of two poor tyk
from the Battersea slums. Lionel (Olives!)
Bart contributed words and music for this
Anglish exercise in schmaliz—brim full of
kids, dogs, crotchets and corn. Pessimism
is apt to overwhelm optimism long before
The End.
A Brooklyn squ: amed George
feeling buried alive in his father’s print
ing shop, is the hero of Hurry Up, or I'll
Be 30, an amiable and quirky comedy by
81-year-old New York film maker Joseph
oby. John Lefkowitz as George and
Linda DeCoff as Jackie—the off off
Broadway actress who gives him just a
glimpse of the wide world beyond the
Brooklyn Br dd warmth, color and
counterpoint to writer-producer-director
Jacoby's Martylike portrait of a schnook.
Three meddlesome businessmen set
out to find suitable husbands for a dead
friend's widow and her comely daughter,
and make a wonderful mess of things.
That modest plot is all you need to
know of Lote Autumn, another masterful
human comedy made in 1960 by Japan's
Yasujiro (Tokyo Story) Ozu, whose work
was virtually unknown in the West until
after his death. For the uninitiated, an
Ozu film may seem as slow-paced and
special, at first glance, as а Japanese tea
ceremony. But have ра It’s people
who tend to compl life
simple,” is Ozu's timeless message, ex-
pressed here, a , with unfailing hu
mor and transcendent poetic truth.
Nostalgia is the key to some quality
Glms-for-TV programing on ABC. Jane
Fonda is scheduled to adorn the network
on December 23 in Henrik Ibsen's classic
of liberated womanhood, A Doll's House,
directed by Joseph Losey. It w:
in its American premiere las
We put more into it, so you
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The Maxell Ultra Dynamic Cassette.
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the New York Film Festival. A rival
movie version starting Claire Bloom as
plucky Nora got into theaters
fast, and thus helped television sidetrack
Jane onto the home screen—all to Ше
good, since Fonda's performance has a
decided edge in femini
Nora from caged canary to free soul was
never stated more cogently.
Another glint of pure gold in ABC's
псыр of films for television is pro-
vided by Katharine Hepburn in a new
production of The Glass Menogerie, the
luminous memory pliy by Tennessee
Williams, first telecast on December 16
but slated for a rerun on January 20.
Under producer David Susskind
rector Anthony Harvey
through the film ver
m of The Lion in
Winter—Miss Hepbum delivers a per-
formance as personalized as a monogram.
In the role of Amanda Wingfield. a Deep
South supermom who wants only the
best for her children, she expresses a New
Englandy indomitability that's far stern-
г castles in the
air still spoken of in hushed voices by
theater bulls who saw the original 1945
production starring the late great Lau-
rette Taylor, No imitator, Miss Hepburn
is inimitable. She also enjoys the advan-
tages of fluid camerawork by England's
Billy Williams (who filmed Women in
Love) amd a first-class supporting cast
headed by Sam Waterston, Joanna Miles
and Michael Moriarty. Though admi-
rable one and all, Moriarty (tlie movie
newcomer currently making а noise in
Bang the Drum Slowly) plays Menagcric's
Gentleman Galler better than any prede
cessor, as if the part had been written for
n just yesterday.
er stuff than the роѕѕапи
ABC's fashiest showpiece, however,
will be F. Scott Fitzgerald and "The Last of the
Belles,” a two-hour blend of pop biography
and vintage Fitzgerald drama slated for
January 7. While Richard
and Blythe Danner, as Seott
and Zelda, are the nominal stars of the
opus, they are of secondary importance
to the play-within-a-play offered by the
Emmy award-winning team of writer
nes Costig: nd director George
Schaefer. Costigan picks up the unhappy
couple at а captain's gala aboard ship in
1928, as they return from a European
voyage characterized by “booze and gen-
eral unpleasantness.” Costigan has Cham-
be g ship stewards with such
nes à gerald .
If there is any valid point to these me-
ndering scenes of marital unrest, it
seems to be to d the folks out in
televisionland that Fitzgerald was, by
God, a very distinguished but drunken
Americin writer whose heroines often
resembled his beautiful, flapperish wife.
y. though, the better part of
en up with Costigan's ex-
pert dramatization of a superior Fitzger-
ald short story titled The Last of the
Belles. Shot on location in Savannah,
Belles evokes an era of lost innocence in
America between World War Опе
the Roaring Twenties. Its hero
vard man in uniform (David Huilman)
who apparently serves his country by
paying court to the tow
à devasti
Calhoun, the one local girl whose social
credentials seem to be in order, As Miss
Calhoun, whose feverish seach for a
young man with "sincerity" actually
means that she demands uncritical wor-
ship of her somewhat shallow charms,
Susan Sarandon (heretofore seen princi-
pally as a regular on ABC's soap opera 4
World Apart) is a funny, captivating, in-
elfably sad paragon of classic Southern
Ignore an occasional flashb:
chamberlain /Fitzgerald at his writ
table —supposedly in the act of composi-
tion—and Last of the Belles outdoes most
previous efforts to catch the essence of
Fitzgerald on film. There's less stress on
plot than on probing characters of a
particular time and place and social mi-
Tieu. Steaming silences оп a country-dub
dance floor are part of it, or maybe jazz-
ing around in a vintage flivver. or
leaving discarded beaux in the dust,
while a world at war, oc
not quite subdue the insistent
beat of Back in Your Own Backyard a
Valencia. M it all seems faindy arch.
and magnoliascented, like an early W
ner Bros. period piece with Bette Davis
as the lence, that’s because
Costigan, Schaefer and Miss Sarandon
have done their work so well. The much
bigger names behind an imminent movie
of The Great Gatsby may find
tough act to follow.
ns away, can
ick v-tick.
Ifa line such as “It will be the end of
monarchy; E feel ill with shame" sends
er through your heart, then you n
need medical attention—but by all mea
buy tickets to Royce Ryton's Crown Matri-
monial. Everyon
else could safely skip this
nglish import. Why bother retelling the
story of the Duke of Windsor's abdication
unless there is some new insight into cha
acter or politics? This is still the head
suong Edward (although there is a vague
attempt to show that he would have been
a modern, forward-looking king). And
politics is largely a reason for name-drap
ping—"How was George of Greece?” said
matter-of-factly, so that one knows that
the characters are royal. The play's sole
innovation is that Mrs. Simpson is kept
olistage, leaving Edward—uncony
ly—to catalog her virtues and to reiterate
that she is “the woman I love." Perhaps
this should have been a musical. The most
intriguing character is Queen Mary:
Resolute. officious, she is devoted to the
nd negligent of her offspring. In
а better play, Queen Mary would be mon-
nd—despite the familiari
the drama— Edward might be tragic. but
Ryton's writing is easy and predictable
(here, with a thud, comes another cu
ne). Although he has an occasions
tendency to sound and look more
young Wiuston than young Windsor
George Grizzard gives quite a creditable
performance and Eileen Неге has thick-
ly brocaded herself into the costume and
the role of Queen Mary. The acting is
lively, but it cannot vivily a lifeless play
At the Helen Hayes. 210 West 46th Street.
A Japanese thief—he has just stolen a
camera from another Japanese, because
he is offended by the stereotype that all
Japanese have cameras—is handcuffed to
à radiator in the middle of a living room
and. to his dismay, is not the center ol
attention. In fact, everyone ignores h
All around him is exploding a crazy a
archic comedy called Nourish the Beast and
he is the least of the oddities onstage. The
heroine of this new play by Steve Tesich
(a comic discovery of the American Place
Theater) is а casual Earth Mother named
Goya. This is her house and these are her
people—an orphan who grows up to be
rge stolid cop (and finds neither
role satisfying), Goya's hysterical prodi-
gal daughter. a grandfatherly graybeard
who becomes violent when anyone calls
him grandpa, and the latest in a series of
husbands (when one dies, she places a
husband-wanted ad). The current one is
dying—very gracefully—and this time he
takes out an ad, which keeps the doorbell
buzzing and the comedy cascading, Like
that thief, the author smashes stereotypes.
His message is: You can be whatever you
want to be. At times the humor is a bit
too insistent, and some of the monologs
go on too long—the play could use some
judicious pruning—but it's original and
effervescent, a wise, crackling contempo-
rary equivalent of You Can't Take It
with You. The cast (directed by Edwin
herin), particularly Olympia Dukakis as
Goya and Randy Kim as the thiet, is
blissfully in tune with Tesich. At the
Cherry Lane, 38 Commerce Street.
It's happened to everyone.
Ona quiet Sunday morning,
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So Panasonic has given its
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Mig. Sugg. Ret
Ё am unusually afraid to ask an attrac-
tive girl for a first date, whether she is
old friend or a new intance. T
size that she will think that I am after her
bod, that she will be repulsed, offended
or, more realistically, that she will just
not be interested. In most , 1 would
like to have sex, but I am never pushy on
the first date and I play it conservatively
by car after that. The risk of rejection, of
being put down by a no, is greater than
the possible bencfit and ego boost of her
ing yes. What should I do:—K. A.,
ew Jerse
Avoid confusion: Ask her to leave her
bod home on your first date or ask her
for a second date first. Your fear is self-
defeating. Risks aren't real until you
take them, and then they become con-
sequences, which are a lot easier to live
with. Failure at least gives you something
tangible to work with; your forebodings
of rejection don't. 1] she says yes, keep in
mind that there are betler parts of the
anatomy to play it by than your ear.
During a forthcoming vacation, I ex-
pect to travel to England. I've heard that
it is possible to buy an old. prewar luxury
auto—a Bentley or а Rolls—for less than
$5000. Is this true and. if so, would I run
to any Wouble trying to get one ino the
United States—A. A.. Sr. Louis, Missow
A sales representative for Rolls-Royce
says that it is possible to buy a vintage
Rolls at a low price [rom a private source
in England but that the chances of find-
ing one are thin, especially on a brief
visit. He also warns that the quality of a
luxury auto available for $5000 probably
would leave much to be desired and that
unless you found a real bargain, the ex-
penses involved in transporting and. re-
storing the vehicle could bring the final
cost close to the price of п new model.
Current. U.S. autosafety requirements
would not interfere with your scheme,
since you would probably license the car
as an antique vehicle. (Caution: Some
slates restrict highway use of antique
cars.) None of the above arguments
would discourage a true classic-car buff.
Good hunting.
AAS a salesman for а clothing firm, I
often entertain clients, An incident oc-
cured on my kst trip that has me
puzzled. I called the buyer of my largest
account and invited him to lunch. He
accepted. When I met him at his office,
he asked me if I had an expense account.
I told him the truth, that I did not. He
said that fact changed the place where
we would eat, Instead of an expensive re-
past, we had beer and sandwiches at a
quiet restaurant. I don't think I will lose
the account because of this incident, but
I wonder what I should do if the ques-
tion arises again?—S. S., Chicago, Illinois.
The debt of a salesman concerns no
one but the salesman and the Internal
Revenue Service. Although the buyer
was presumably looking out for your in-
terest, he really should not have inquired.
The next time someone asks, imply that
you will be reimbursed for the meal.
en if you aren't on an expense account,
you can still say thal it is a business ex-
pense and claim a tax deduction.
"All my. men wear
English Leather.
Every one of them
Since 1 was 16 years old, Т have enter-
tained the fantasy of being spanked bare-
bottomed. T confided this desire to my
husband, but he seems reluctant to do it.
We have an extremely good sex life:
pressive, inventive, loving—and this is
the only area in which we disagree. Con.
sequently, 1 am becoming more and
more frustrated. How can I convince my
husband to try spanking?—Mis. R. C,
Fort Worth, Texas.
The desire 10 be spanked is a common
sexual idiosynerasy; an open mind and
an open hand combine well with a per-
son who gets turned on when turned
ет. After all, the buttocks ате a legiti-
mate erogenous zone, even if neglected
һу many lovers. Ask your husband to ex-
plain his reservations. He тау be ajraid
that he will hurt you—tell him that you'll
be sure to ask him to stop if you become
uncomfortable. Не may think it is
wrong—ask him to let the punishment
fit the crime. We think that he can be
persuaded 10 try spanking (at least
once). Sexual experimentation is its own
reward and you may end up hearing your
husband exclaim: “This is going to please
me more than it pleases you.”
For the pase few years, I've been living
with a gentle, slightly withdrawn long-
hair. E d tionship—we're into
drugs, music and lots of guiltfree sex.
Now, though my job, I have been ap-
proached by many attractive, well-off,
straight guys who'd like to date me. I
have gone out with several of them and
must admit that they are a different
breed of cat from my old man. They
seem to expect me to go to bed with
them, as though it has become a social
nicety to ball your escort (like
cabdriver or а bellhop). I'm miles from
being a prude, but Гус grown used to
sex in the context of involvement and
I'm put off by this casual payoff-forthe-
dinner attitude. Is it possible to ball
our rel
pping a > he
"All my men wear
English Leathers.
Every one of them”
Old Timer.
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perfect mixer
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Complete with 16-02. mixer,
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© Playboy Club credit keyholders may charge.
fully with jocks? I'd like to know
how to refuse their demands without b
coming uptight.—Miss M. M., Flagstalf,
Sexual freedom gives you the right 10
have sex and to be free of it. You can re-
fuse to go to bed with your dates and
probably should if you Jeel they view the
act as obligatory payment Jor the cue-
ning. But do it with style. One of our fa-
vorite parables tells of a young girl who.
passing the courtyard о] à rich merchant,
saw a kettle filled with boiling broth. She
had only a loaf of bread for dinner, so
she held the loaf over the kettle so that
the vapors would add flavor to her meage:
fare. The merchant came out of hi
house, saw what was happening and de-
manded payment. The girl reached into
her pocket, rattled a handful of coins
and announced: “I will pay for the scent
of your broth with the sound of my
silver.” I's up to you to determine the
currency and the vate of exchange ac-
cording to your own interests. Meaning
is where you make it.
Orc of the guys I drink with always
asks for buffalograss vodka or Polish-
bisou brew. Most bartenders say they've
never heard of the stuff or ignore him,
figuring that his requ ethnic slur
or an old joke. Seei s there are no
buffalo in Poland, Em inclined to think
my friend is putting us all on. Do you
agree? D. O., Macon, Georgia.
There are buffalo in Poland; they ure
called zubra and they ате fond of a wild
grass that grows in the Bialowieza Forest.
Zubrówka or Bison Brand vodka is fil-
tered through this grass, which imparts a
pale-green color and an aromatic herb
flavor to the bever (There's a blade
oj buffalo grass in each bottle.) Zubrowka
is the traditional drink served to return-
ing hunters in eastern Poland. It is avail-
able in this country, although not in most
bars, and it makes an excellent aperitif.
month ago, I married а won-
derful girl whom I had dated for wo
years. Now I find myself in a dilemma:
Her sex drive isn't nearly what mine is
and its driving me up а wall. For the
many months we dated, she insisted on a
hands-off policy, which ] assumed was
due to a series of unsuccessful affairs in
her past. In the month weve been mar-
ried. we've had intercourse only twice
The rest of the tiine she insists that E stay
on my side of the bed, and she politely
but firmly resists any affectionate
proaches. She stays up watching late
movies or reading murder mysteries until
two or three in the morning in what I
think is her way of avoiding intercourse.
Ironically, when the subject of newly
weds conversition with
friends, you
sexual desires.
when we do hay
comes up in
1 swear she was а slave to my
1 might mention that
intercourse, there is no
problem—she seems to enjoy it as much
as 1 do. I deliberately have not subjected
her to unusual positions or unique sexual
methods. I performed oral sex on her
once and she obviously enjoyed it, but
since that time she has resisted my ad
vances. 15 there anything | can do to
improve the situation?—F. Ry Fort
Wayne, Indiana
The other night we heard a character
in that old movie “Lady Luck" tell a
troubled friend: “Son, you just broke the
eleventh commandment—never accuse а
woman of your own imagination” Or
lack of one. Your letter is a catalog of
things you assume about your wife. Get
her side of the story and you'll probably
have company on your side of the bed.
Hoping to be able to move off campus, I
placed a want ad om a school bulletin
board for a couple of roommates to sh
ment Lh
joke. Г added. “Men
cred on an equalopportunity
Well. sure enough. two young ladies
called in response. Although they could
be pulling my leg, it is possible that
e serious. Should 1 do it —D, B..
Norman, Oklaliom:
Oklahoma doesn’t have a law against
cohabitation, so go ahead. A mixed apart-
ment, with everyone taking a full shave
of rent, cleaning, cooking, ct
very enjoyable and preferable to the
dormlile atmosphere of living with the
guys. But if you anticipate a harem ar-
rangement. with the ladies taking care of
cucrything and catering to your whims—
if, indeed, your fantasies have them pull-
ing more than your leg—you may be in
Jor a rude awakenmg. Know what you
want, know what they want and be sure
to read the lease as (0 financial liability
for the rent, should the arrangement not
work out.
can be
Goan the use of amphetamines (spe
increase one’s sexual desire? 1 am a
yea uate student and 1
amphetamines (black beauties and cross-
roads) quite frequently. especially around
exam time. I become extremely aroused
whenever I take one. Also, І don't con-
sider myself addicted to speed, but I
wonder if the two or three pills T take
each week could affect my offspring—
L. G.. Ann Arbor, Місіі;
According to “Sex and Drugs” by
Robert A. Wilson, amphetamines affect
the entire central nervous system and,
hence, all bodily functions, including the
sex drive. Speed increases circulation and
the pace of nerve impulses and produces
an exhilaiation that sometimes makes se;
more enjoyable. Typical black beauties
and crossroads are dextroamphetamines,
the least harmful of the drug group.
However, with chronic abuse, even these
can produce anxious or paranoid states.
Damage to future offspring has not been
A prophylactic created to make you feel
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New Conceptrol Shields.
The whole idea behind Conceptrol
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They're also available non-lubricated.
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We are making available through your local pharmacist educational material on tho value of prophylactics In the prevention of venereal disease
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conclusively documented, but we do know
that speed freaks tend to he distraught,
emaciated and potentially dangerous й
dividuals, highly suspicious and easy to
anger. With а personality like that, we
wouldn't worry about offspring—the
problem mould be finding someone who
would put up with you long enough to
conceive and bear your child.
Because 1 haye a problem with pre-
the a
Is there
R. B.. Philadelphia, Penns
First, define your terms. In one sense,
every ejaculation that a virgin has is pre-
mature, but that is not the same as a
shortcoming. If you discovered your
problem while masturbating, then you
do not have a problem. If you discovered
your problem. during am intimate en-
counter, then you do have a problem.
but probably not the one you think you
have. It's called end point. release. For
some men, sex is a test and ejaculation
becomes the bell that signals the end of
the exam period. You have to hand in
your answer whether you think you've
passed or not. Relax. One orgasm is no
reason to end the evening. It's not hard
to recover and there are plenty of things
to do in the interim. Don't feel embar-
rassed or anxious; we heard of опе guy
who, having ejaculated, tried to change
the subject and started lecturing his date
оп the political implications of Water-
gate. She lost interest, as you can im-
agine, Don't digress and don’t expect
your hair-trigger sensitivity to disappear
overnight. Novelty creates a friction that
can come as a surprise to the most ex-
perienced lover. Masters and Johnson
say that before you can condition your-
self, you must first learn. to sense the
level of sexual stimulation that precedes
the stage of orgasmic inevitability (just
prior to cjaculation). When you've
learned to identify this (masturbation is
опе way to learn, intercourse another),
ask your partner’s help in remaining
relatively inaclive at that point. The
urge will die down, then you can start
coital activity again. You may have to
start and stop many times, but eventu-
ally you should develop a sure sense of
control. Don't be afraid to talk to your
companion; more and more women real-
ize that duration of intercourse involves
both partners’ response ability and ave
от mu
ion, food and drink, stereo and sports
cars to dating dilemmas, taste and eti-
quette—uvill be personally answered if th
writer includes a stamped, self-addressed
envelope. Send all letters to The Playboy
Advisor, Playboy Building, 919 N. Michi-
gan Avenue, Chicago, Ilinois 60611. The
most provocative, pertinent queries will
be presented on these pages cach month.
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an interchange of ideas between reader and editor
on subjects raised by “the playboy philosophy”
In the October 1973 Playboy Forum
editorial statement titled The Court and
Obscenity, you severely criticized the
Supreme Court's obscenity rulings, but
you failed to say how they will specif
ly affect PLAYBOY. In fact, your comment
that “national publishers . will be
forced to meet the most conservative
common denominators for sexual materi-
als or face constant litigation at the whim
of local prosecutors” hinted that PLAYBOY
might do aboutface and march
straight back into the Fifties, So far 1
have heard little to dispel that impres-
sion. If you do plan to retreat to the
safety of euphemistic prose and coyly
hidden pubic areas, please let me know
so that I can cancel my subscription
Thomas Cunningham
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
We will not retreat from our present
editorial or pictorial policies. To alter
PLAYBOY in response to the Court's yul-
ings—which are directed at hard-core por-
nography—would mean that we have
been publishing obscenity—which we
haue noi. Our warning about the possi-
ble effects of the Courts obscenity rul-
ings refers to the danger that the
community-standards doctrine, carried to
its logical extreme, will, as Justice Doug-
las put it, “make it possible to ban any
paper or any journal or magazine in
some benighted place.” Though there
have been occasional attempts over the
past 20 years to prosecute PLAYBOY for
obscenity, none has ever succeeded. The
fact that the Court has permitted local
communities to determine their own
standards for obscenity means thal there
will probably be more litigation, but in
amy community where our editorial in-
legrity is challenged, we will defend
PLAYBOY as vigorously in the future as we
have in the past.
statement оп the
Supreme Court's decisions on pornogra-
phy described many Americans as “right
ened by the transition to greater freedom
of sexual expression in recent years." I
am not afraid of free expression about
sex, but T despise pornography. Sex to
me is a profound experience that eng
many of the special qualities that 1
us human, People want to care
someone and be cared about. Porno,
phy totally ignorcs this human dimension.
But 1 do agree with PLAYBov that each
adult should be free to choose whatever
material he wants to read or see. A moral
decision is meaningful only when it is a
free choice, and censorship prevents such
Donald Boyd
ttle, Washington
Your editorial stat t misses an im-
portant point. There is an analogy be-
tween the problem of air and water
pollution and the moral issues raised by
the sale of pornographic literature. If onc
groups consumption imposes hardships
on others—be they automobile ist
fumes or the sight of pornographic liter:
ture—then the group of consumers
should be penalized for their actions. You
may not think that people should be
bothered by pornography. That is irrele
vant. As long as people think they are
bothered, then, in fact, they are.
The Court recognized that morality is
important only to the extent that people
think it is; therefore, it did not attempt to
impose a national moral standard. Some
communities may adopt quite p
cal laws. But this is a problem many
dustries routinely confroi
must conform to diffe:
standards for different com
David Levy
Lewiston, Maine
Exposure to pollution is usually un-
avoidable and involuntary, whereas ex-
posure to pornography is a matter of
choice, and pollution does not simply of-
fend people, it measurably injures them.
One of the main issues in the obsceni
controversy is the procensorship forces’
bland dismissal of the abundant scien-
tific evidence that pornography hurts no
one. Also, your argument implies that the
majority in a community has a right to
suppress any sort of literary or pictorial
matter that offends it. To adopt that
principle would be to abolish the First
Amendment altogether.
when they
Everyone knows that pornography
twists and destroys the minds of those
who view it. It is good, therefore, that
upreme Court has taken steps to
the distribution of this dangerous
filth. However, we are concerned about
the judges who will have the respon-
sibility of protecting the moral sensibili-
ies of their communities. So much smut is
being produced that these men may be
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Olfer expres June 30, 1974
forced to spend all their time reviewing
it and thus will be hindered in their abil-
ity to mete out justice to other types of
criminals. Also, since immersion in ob-
scenity сап only degrade and pervert
one’s outlook, how long will it be before
these sume judges, their minds tortured
by what they have seen, take to molesting
innocent tots and other equally disgust-
ing forms of perversion?
Recognizing these dangers, we are pre-
pared to make a monumental sacrifice
for the American moral heritage. To save
our nation from moral subversion and
our judges from mental perversion, we
arc offering to sacrifice our own minds to
view and pass judgment on these lewd
literary and cinematographic debauch-
cries. Indeed, to paraphrase another
patriot, we only regret that we each have
but one mind to give for our country.
Ron Cluskey
Joe Gelling
Brimfield, 1
So pornography has no value? Not
true, according to a story in Time maga-
zine about the stresses astronauts and
submariners endure when spending long
stretches of time isolated from the nor-
mal world. On nuclear submarines, the
men are keen consumers of X-rated mov-
ies and what they call “crotch novels.”
‘The article quotes a psychologist who has
studied the submariners as saying, “The
Pornographic route has probably served
а useful purpose." Pornographic librar-
ies are even being proposed for nuclear
subs, to ease tension. Much of this sub-
marine rescarch will be used to help
astronauts endure long space voyages such
as the proposcd two-year trip to Mars.
Don't be surprised if the first movie
shown in deep space is Deep Throat.
Miroslav Novotny
Kaneohe, Haw
A Dallas jury gaye maximum sentences
of five years in prison and $5000 fines to
three men and two women convicted of
violating the states obscenity law by
showing Deep Throat. But, according to
Dallas Morning News columnist Robert
Miller, “some people in the office of
District Attorney Henry Wade, the same
office that prosecuted the [theater] em-
ployecs, are showing the film around
privately to various groups."
Arthur Lewis
Houston, Texas
In its decisions on obscenity issued last
June, the U. S. Supreme Court, in the ab-
Sence of any supporting scientific evi-
dence, said that it is reasonable for
legislatures simply to assume that pornog-
raphy is harmful. Is it really so reasona-
ble? A number of years ago, Denmark
removed restrictions on pornographic
a survey of events related to issues raised by “the playboy philosophy”
Los ANGELES—Of 460 doctors respond-
ing lo a survey, about fme. percent said
they have had sexual intercourse with
some of their patients and another eight
percent said they occasionally used other
evolic practices as treatment. However, 87
percent flatly rejected all forms of sex
as destructive to the doctor-patient re-
lationship, unethical or “professional sui-
cide.” The study, conducted by a team
of UCLA psychiatristsand reported in the
American Journal of Psychiatry, found
that the doctors most opposed to sex with
patients were psychiatrists, obstetricians
and gynecologists.
MONTREAL—The National Cablevision
Company has apologized to Montreal
parents whose children tuned in “Ses
ame Street” and ended up watching the
Miss Nude Galaxy Pageant, A Cablevi
sion oficial explained that an electronic
switch automatically shut off а weaken-
ing line signal carrying the children's
program and substituted the program on
the studio's test monitor. As it happened,
station cmployees were using ihe test
monitor lo look at a video lape of the
nude beauty contest.
British Columbia Liquor Control Board
threatened to close down a night club be-
cause il featured nude dancers without
having at least a three-piece orchestra as
required by law. The owner willingly
complied, hiring an orchestra consisting
of three nude girls. The board found this
acceptable. Suid a spokesman, “As long
as he has three musicians, how they are
attired is of no concern to us.”
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision to
let states define pornography on the basis
of community standards has inspired
fewer prosecutions than first expected
and so far, at least, judges and. juries
have not displayed a strong inclination
toward censorship:
+ A Manhattan supreme-court judge
ruled that four hard-core sex movies
were “patently offensive” but refused to
close them down, because “There is no
evidence before me to gauge the con-
temporary standards of the New York
communily.” He went on to declare the
New York State obscenity law unconsti-
tutionally vague.
* A jury in Little Roch, Arkansas, found
“Deep Throat” obscene by community
standards, but a jury in Jacksonville,
Florida, decided that the same film was
* In Los Angeles, an attempt to close
down “Deep Throat” as a public nui-
sance under the state's Red Light Abate-
ment Act [айса when a local judge ruled
that the law applied to brothels, not to
+ In Washington, D.C., a jury of ten
women and two men watched the sex-
orgy film “Distortions of Sexuality" and
acquitted its distributor of violating Fed-
eral laws against transporting obscene
materials across state lines. The Federal
prosecutor said the verdict would not
halt future obscenity prosecutions, but
added that further acquittals would com-
pel his office 10 “rethink” its attitude
about acting against sexually explicit
* The supreme court of Puerto Rico,
in overturning the conviction of a maga-
zine-store cashier, declared that the act of
censorship is more offensive than the por-
nography it is supposed to control and
called on law-enforcement officials to
concentrate their efforts against murder-
ets, robbers and other criminals, The
court said that the “confiscation of books.
magazines and newspapers by agents of
the public order is too reminiscent of the
tragic Nazi eva to be a tolerable activity.”
* The city council of Riverview, Mich-
igan, invited the neighboring community
of Inkster to join in endorsing proposed
state legislation against pornography and
obscenity. In response, the Inkster city
council sent the city fathers of Riverview
а copy of the First Amendment.
high school student has sued the FBI for
$65,000, alleging that the bureau. inter-
cepted her letter to the Socialist Labor
Party and then subjected her to a secu-
rity investigation. The letter was writien
ns part of a school social-studies project to
compile general information on the dif-
ferent political parties in the U.S. The
suil, supported by the American Civil
Libertics Union of New Jersey and the
Rutgers Constitutional Litigation Clinic,
seeks punitive and compensatory dam-
ages, the surrender of any FBI files on
students in the school project and a court
order forbidding the bureau from inter-
fering with citizens’ mail to lawful politi-
cal organizations.
sack MENTO— California husbands lose
their legal status as head of household
and women acquire equal credit rights
under a new state law that takes effect this
month, The Equal Property Rights Act
gives a wife joint control to acquire and
dispose of community property, meaning
that spouses will have to obtain each
other's permission before they sell even
household effects and clothing. A com-
panion law makes it illegal to refuse
credit to women for reasons of sex or
marital status.
Federal court has upheld a Connecticut
law under which a court may order unwed
welfare mothers to name the fathers of
their children. The decision permits state
welfare officials to deny welfare funds to
women who refuse to help the state
compel the fathers to pay child support.
Legal Aid Society lawyers argucd that
the law was used as a means of forc-
ing women off welfare rolls and that it
was as much an invasion of privacy as
forcing a wife to testify against her hus-
band. The court ruled, however, that
“The relationship that these unwed
mothers seek to protect from disclosure
is emphatically different. There is no
privilege to withhold the testimony of a
mere paramou
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Security officers, act-
ing on a tip, searched the U.S. State
Department Building and discovered a
room apparently used by Government
employees for surreptitious sexual activi.
lies. State Department press officials first
denied any knowledge of the matter but
later confirmed the report and said the
room, intended for storage of janitorial
supplies, was on the third floor in a
section of the building occupied by the
Agency for International Development.
SAN FRANCISCO—Giting a Federal coun-
erfeiting statute, the U.S. Secret Serv-
e has seized und destroyed some 2000
novelty coffee mugs bearing a caricature
of President Nixon on a facsimile of a
three-dollar bill. The
mugs had been manu-
factured in Japan for
a giftware importer.
The agent in charge
of the Secret Service
office in San Francisco
said the mugs violated
currency laws govern-
ing "similitude"—
resemblance to —
U.S. paper money. |
“Even one minute Y
corner of the bill,
if it’s in similitude,
is usually deemed a
violation. And that’s regardless of the
material. whether it's paper, cloth, glass
or anything.” The local U.S. Attorney,
who has declined to prosecute, said, “This
doesn't sound like the most serious viola-
tion Гое ever heard of.”
AUS] EXAS Phe Texas court of
criminal appeals has struck down the
provision of the state's new liberalized
marijuana law that would have permit-
ted sentence reductions for an estimated
400 to $00 people convicted under the
old statute, which made even first-oflense
possession a two-years-to-life felony. The
court held that the provision violaled the
slate constitution by delegating to judges
clemency powers ucsled solely in the gov-
ernor and board of pardons. The law was
challenged by Austin district attorney
Robert O. Smith, who has obtained
hundreds of pot convictions and who
opposed resentencing of Frank 4. De-
molli, serving a 23-year prison term for
pot possession (“The Playboy Forum,"
April 1973). Austin attorney Sam Houston
Clinton, Jr. who represented Demolli,
had argued that “We're unable to dis-
cover why criminal courts cannot by legis-
lative enactment be given control over
their own judgments.” He said he now
hoped that Governor Dolph Briscoe
would respond to the spirit of the new
law and the intent of the legislature by
exercising his clemency powers in the
cases that probably would have been
affected under the statute's original re-
sentencing provision.
books for adults and later did the same
for movies. I don't believe there was even
a ghost of a whisper of the word Den-
ny of those five turgid, philo-
up decisions issued. by
leads me to
sophically mixet
the Burger Cour. Th
suspect that the Danish ex
unrestricted pornography for adults
proved what every intelligent, nonbra
vashed person in the U. 5. could reasona-
bly assume—that pornography is totally
harmless. Could The Playboy Forum
confirm this?
In 1967, Denmark removed legal pro-
hibitions on the sale of written pornogra-
phy to those 18 years of age and over,
and in 1969, it ended the ban on pictorial
pornography and lowered the permissi-
ble age of access to 16 or over. If pornog-
raphy causes antisocial sexual behavior,
the number of sex crimes in Denmark
might have been expected to rise from
1967 on, but it has declined. This killed
the theory thal pornography is a trigger
of sex crime, but raised the possibility
that pornography might actually be a
safety valve for the impulses of poten-
tial sexual criminals, Psychologist. Berl
Kutchinsky, director of Copenhagen's In-
stitute of Criminal Science, has been
investigating the relationship between
pornography and sex crime т Denmark.
Kutchinsky found that there has been no
change in the vate of rapes in Copenha-
gen between 1959 and 1970, which seems
to mean this crime has not been affected
by availability of pornography. There
were drops in other sexual offenses dur-
ing the same period: exhibitionism (a
decrease of 58 percent), pecping (an 80
percent decrease), molesling of women
(down 56 percent) and molesting of girls
11 years of age and under (a decrease of
69 percent)
The sharpest dectine in these crimes
occurred after 1967, when pornography
was first legalized. After analysing rec-
ords of each type of crime, Kutchinsky
concluded that, in today's more relaxed
sexual climate, instances of exhibition-
ism and mild cases of fanny-atiing and
the like ojien don't bother people
enough to make them go to the police.
However, Danes consider peeping an
invasion of privacy and do report it, and
both police and civilians continue to
lake a serious view of child molestation,
so any reduction in the reporting of these
crimes is unlikely. Kutchinsky tentatively
concludes that. potential child molesters
ате able 10 satisfy their sexual feelings
through pornography, probably com-
bined with masturbation. As for the drop
in voyeurs’ bothering private persons,
that’s easy, because Denmark with free
access to pictorial pornography has be-
come, as Kutchinsky remarks, a "peeper's
Munch of this information has been
available to U.S. authorities for years,
since Kutchinsky reported his interim
findings in 1970 to the Federal Commis-
sion on Obscenity and Pornography.
President Nixon and his appointees on
the Supreme Court chose lo ignore this
An attempt by the United States C:
olic Conference to prevent the rebr
cast of two Maude TV episodes dea
with abortion succeeded to the
that the shows were not aired by CBS af-
filiate stations in 39 cities. Seven. major
U. 5. corporations also withdrew sponsor-
ship of the broadcasts.
The debate about whether sexus
terial should be protected under the
Amendment will continue for a long
time. But there is no question about the
Maude incident. As Archbishop John F.
Whealon, Catholic Primate of Hartford,
said in 2 published statement, “I see this
«+, asa usc of TV to advance the doc-
trine that abortion is an acceptable solu-
tion to an inconvenient pregnancy.”
Precisely. And that doctrine, whether
the archbishop likes it or not, is protected
by the First Amendment. Even if the Su-
preme Court can define pornography as
nonspecch, and thereby tke away its
First Amendment le; nobody can
claim that а doci bout abortion,
whether pro or con, is not precisely the
sort of speech the First Amendment was
intended 10 protect. By blocking the ex-
pression of this point of view, the Catho-
lic Church has set itself above the
Constitution and invaded the civil liber-
tics of us all.
1 was delighted 10 sce that the Na-
tional Organiza’ en, Zero
Population Growth and the National As-
sociation for Repeal of Abortion Laws
strongly oppose the Catholic Church on
this, J was sorry to see that Catholic Jib-
crals were not heard in defense of our
freedom of speech. И I were a Catholic.
I would howl long and loud against chi
attempt to make my church the propo-
nent of un-American and undemocratic
George Jackson
Phoenix, Arizon:
Also condemning this TV censorship
were the American Civil Liberties
Union, the National Council of Churches,
the Union of American Hebrew Con-
gregations, the Young Women's Christian
Association—U. S. A. and the Freedom to
Read Committee of the Association of
American Publishers, In a joint stat
ment deploring the obstacles encoun-
tered by “Maude” and the TV version of
the antiwar play “Sticks and Bones,” the
groups stressed television's responsibil-
ity to offer the public diverse points of
view and declared that failure to do
so “amounts to self-censorship on the
grounds of mere controversiality, a most
insidious abridgment of free expression.
... The public interest is not served when
a station's progran decision is made on
the basis o] fear of controversy, or when
an advertiser's sponsorship is determined
by fear of economic reprisal.”
Wendy Berlowitz, whose letter describ-
ing her arrest for taking her bra off in
public appeared in the October Playboy
Forum, has been acquitted. The judge in
her case ruled that the Oklahoma law
that makes it a felony for one to "Чему
expose his person" is unconstitutional
because of its vagueness, He added, inter-
estingly enough, that there is no "author-
y that breasts are part of the . .
‘private parts’ "Hf. generally accepted,
this would mean that the law could not
prevent women from going bare-breasted
in public. The police chief of Norman,
Oklahoma, commented, “I think that
this puts us back in the primitive ages
when people were allowed to do these
Robert Foster
Carson City, Nevada
In a TV debate on erotic entertain-
ment here in Honolulu, the participants.
were Jerlene Rome, mistress of ceremo-
the Dunes night club, who spoke
on behalf of nightclub owners and de
fended their right 10 show whatever the
customers will pay to sce; John Flint,
of the conservative Young Americans for
Freedom, who presented the traditional
libertarian position that one should
mind one's own business; and Gerri
Madden, of the Hawaii League of Decen-
cy, who espoused her own right to mind
everybody else's business.
nd Flint emphasized that there
is no scientific evidence that nudity and
stage lead to crime and that no
minority has the right to enforce its own
prejudices on other people. Against this
tional and democratic position, what
Madden have to offer? 1 quote from
the Honolulu. Star-Bulletin's report on
the debate:
Sex is sacred. Anything that's sa-
cred, you don’t joke about. And what
docs laughter mean? They laugh i
insane asylums. We must demand
that the community does not
further into the mire. The
i soul is the business of
A man carried away by lust will
commit horrible crimes. When you
have sex aroused through imagi
tion, that's damnable. . .. Their will
is weakened, and they go out of there
picturing things, picturing debased
I don't need to climb down a
sewer to know there's filth in there.
I know what they do at those shows.
They cavort around and show their
penises. Don't you put in the paper
that I said that. .
And one other thing that bothers
me—those conservationists always
talking about “quality of life.” 1 get
d at them. Purity of the water,
y of the air—who cares? It’s
purity of soul that we should be
worrying about.
As far as one can find an argu
amid all these blind assertions, M
scems to be saying that the pecu
ner in which she perceives sex. (“mires
“sewer,” “filth.” etc.) is the way sex really
is and that those who do not perceive it
that way must be compelled by law to act
as if they do.
Wed betta
may be Nixon's next
Supreme Court.
ch this woman. She
ppointment to the
In his letter titled “Crybaby Freaks,
R- H. Woods writes, “You don't acknowl-
edge the cxistence of God, so how do
you know that murder ng?" (The
Playboy Forum, October). This is an at-
titude typical of people who have been
to think that we can't discover good
ЧУЛЕР figure
out good and evil for ourselves whether or
not we acknowledge it. The old prohibi-
ast Killing, ste:
prehistoric times. Then, to give these
ary social rules weight, e:
fabricated tales of gods who ha
these Jaws together with promises of
supernatural rewards and punishments.
Such fairy tales (Woods's attempted sar-
csm is unwittingly accurate in calling
the Bible a fair » science fic-
tion with a bit of history thrown in for
good measure) may have been useful in
more ignorant ages. But today we are as
well equi sce what is good
t is bad in human conduct and
we don't need to complicate the
bringing in mythical dei
ме by
trel, Quebec
1 read in the papers that the legislature
of Tennessee has enacted a law ordering
that biology textbooks must give equal
space to both scientific and Biblical ac-
counts of the origins of the earth and.
of mankind. To set a crown of сос
tyranny on top of this pumpkii
statute, the law further states,
aching of all occult or satanic
liefs of human origin is expressly c:
ed from this act" Books on Or
religions or minority traditions w
Judaco-Christian theology are frequently
classified as occult; this law can easily
exclude cabalistic Judaism, Christian
Gnosticism, Sufism, spiritualism and the-
osophy. Finally, as a last blow at rational-
ism and liberalism, the law ordains that
the so-called Holy Bible is defined as
reference work, not a textbook and, there-
fore, unlike the science texts, does not
have to carry the disclaimer that its ac-
count of creation is theo
A few years ago the
board of education set up guidelines
(since modified) requiring biology text-
books to include the Genesis myth a:
alternative 10 the theory of evolution.
And last August, in California, two de-
vout members of the Assembly of God
[undamentalist church took insulin away
from their diabetic child because а faith
healer in the church said the boy was
cured. Their son died, of course, and the
parents then announced that he would be
iraculously resurrected four days later.
(He wasn’t) But how long will it be be-
fore dim-witted legislators in some state,
acing on Chief Justice Bu declar
g equa 3 space with insu
Last year, (wo members of а snake
those with laith can SEn drink poison
(Forum Newsfront, August 1973). Mean
Justices of the U.S. Supreme
displaying no more intelligence
than any of these other benighted souls,
work to make theological prohibitions of
pornography into the law of the land.
d, Christian soldiers. It’s a
William Loeb, publisher of the Man-
chester New Hampshire Union Leader,
wrote to Dear Abby to ge his opinion
of pornographi
comes to trying to put it stop to this type
of filth, I believe they should shoot the
people who exhibit these films.
Even in the light of the recent U.S.
Supreme Court obscenity decisions, shoot
hers is going a bit far!
Norm Pliscou
Holiville, California
A letter in the October 1973 Playboy
Forum quoted the insulting Janguage
used in an editorial published in the
Manchester New Hampshire Union Lead
tr in reference to homosexuals, Here's
about Jane Е the suggestion
of this newspaper that Miss Fonda cither
be refused sion to the United
States or, immediately following her
return, be tried for treason. She should
be shot if a verdict of guilty comes
Betty M. Graber
Houston, Texas
Jane Fonda is alive and well and will
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be interviewed along with her husband,
Tom Hayden, in the April uayuoy.
As the carlicr phase of the Watergate
investigation recedes into history, the out-
of what we've learned begin to
appear. First of all, if this is to be a co
tutional republic and not
state, the
does not у
ful political activity nor the covering up
by Government officials of their involve-
ment in cı inal acts.
Secondly, Watergate is not merely a
matter for the courts: The publicity at-
tendant on the Senate investigation h
been extremely valuable. Public reaction
at the ballot box is more important than
g sure that a few low-level culprits
go to jril—the issucs of political. princi-
ple at stake are more important than
questions of individual guilt or inno-
cence. The American electorate, nol the
courts, must be the final judge of the
Nixon Administration.
Thirdly, it is not true that press cover-
age of Watergate has been unfair. IE it
were not for the press, this infection in
the body politic might never have been
discovered. Virtually all the newspapers
in the U, 5. endorsed Nixon in the last
election. We heard no Administration
complaints about bias in the press then.
Nor do Т recall that Nixon or Agnew
chid the press for excessive preoccupa-
Чоп with the Eagleton affair. A free press
has tried to Uaim—between the civil dis-
obedience of the Sixties and the illegal
activities of the Watergate culprits. The
former were open, nonviolent protests
against laws and Government actions
de by ci i it of civil rights.
tempts by
ernment agents to deprive
people of their civil rights. Anybody who
can't see the difference is politically and
morally blind.
Edward Thomas
New Orlcans, Louisiana
The San Francisco Chronicle reports a
California supreme court decision that
held that a teacher may be deprived of
her teaching license for immorality. The
case involved a 48-year-old married
woman who, with her husband, belonged
to а club called The Swingers, where a
police spy observed her performing oral
copulation on three men. The court said
that this indicated “immoral and unpro-
fessional conduct . . . moral turpitude
++. unfitness for service . . . а seriou
defect of moral character,” and so forth.
These judges seem quite mad to me. 1
would say that this teacher performed a
Iness for the three men far superior
to loaning them five bucks till payday or
removing a speck from their сус or giv-
ing them lodging for the night. People
who give sexual pleasure are probably
doing more to make the world a better
се than all the doctors and psych
s alive, and cert n the
judges and the politicians. In short, the
judges’ view of morality is precis
wards, because giving a man a blow job
is a kindness, whercas locking him in a
cage is an atrocity. In а sane society,
Linda Lovelace would bc more likely
to get elected President than any of the
types currently being considered for
that officc—if she weren't canonized a
saint first.
ainly more tha
ren Robertson
са, Mexico
Anyone with a deep respect for tradi-
tion will be saddened to learn that law
and order has fi and
most historic institutions. The so-called
La Grange Chicken Ranch, an cast-
central Texas house of ill repute whose
lineage stretches back to the 1840s, had
served ny generations
of Texans that it was practically a state
shrine, like the Alamo. It operated 1e-
y and openly (if illegally) with
community consent, ull a thoughüess
television jou in Houston chose
to cite it as an example vf selective
enforcement, compelling state authorities
gly to do their duty (Forum
Newsfront, December 1973).
Not only did the Chicken Ranch pro-
vide our citizens with an old and stable
rock to which they could cling through
these perilous times of social turmoil but
it also helped to bridge the generation
p between sons and fathers and even
ndfathers and possibly great-grand-
fathers. Of course, it's a little ironic th:
a house of prostitution should now be-
come a sentimental landmark, but the
truth is that the Chicken Ranch will be
missed as much by those who never €
perienced its dubious pleasures as by its
regular customers.
Dr. Joc B. Frantz
University of Tes
Austin, Texas
s at Austin
I'm a navel lover, like the
kakce, Michigan, whose letter appeared
the October 1973 Playboy Forum. One
day it occurred to me that the world's
most erotic outfit is a pair of low-slung
hip-huggers and a snug halter, and that
thought led me to elevate the belly but-
ton to the status of most exciting part of
the female body.
Up to now we've hidden beh:
nyn s the man from Kankakee did,
from the scorn of the titsand-ass major-
ity. But 1 say enough of that. I'm calling
in Kan-
d ano-
on fellow navel watchers t0 come out of
their closets to breathe and ogle in
ght. Our preference has dignity.
The navel is noble!
My wife and I have been swin
for four years, and reject the frequent
assertion that most people arc pote
gers. We've heard lots of stories of
swingers who tied to tum on straight
uds, and most of the attempts resulted
a loss of friendship. Swingers who are
evangelistic tend to forget that the suc-
cessful swinger is a somewhat contradic-
tory blend of childlike hedonism and
emotional maturity. and that the vast
majority of Americans find such char-
acters either morally objectionable or
emotionally threatening.
Just about all new swingers go through
a frustrating and discouraging period of
answering ads until sooner or later they
find а couple who will guide them into
the “in” group. People who are looking
for meaningful relationships probably
will not find them through swinging.
Most of the couples we know are swingers
n the same sense that they are stamp col-
lectors, skiers, veterans, church members,
home improvers, athletes, garden enthu-
ists, college graduates and parents.
Swinging is a part of their lives: it doesn’t
define them. Swingers are interested in
sex with attractive. considerate. friendly
hedonists. Meaningful relationships do
occur among swingers, but they are not
the norm, because a common interest in
extramarital sex is no more logical a basis
for a deep friendship than a common in.
terest in mixed-doubles tennis.
(Name withheld by request)
Throughout the discussion the
Playboy Panel: New Sexual Life Styles
(September 1973) ran a thread of impli
tion that if one does not enjoy, or at least
accept, sexual diversion ranging from bes-
tiality to swinging, he or she is not really
with it and is therefore immature, stunted
and provincial. I can't help thinking that
many mature, satisfied, happy pcople
will be misled into thinking that they
have not arrived sexually until they can
embrace all the types of behavior de-
scribed by your panel. Should we not
allow that it is quite possible for a man
d a woman to find complete sexual ful-
fillment within the confines of tradi-
ional marriage?
Kenneth P. Turner, M.D.
Logan, Ohio
I found the Playboy Panel: New
Sexual Life Styles fascinating but utterly
depressing. The only members wh
avoided the mean. psechosociologi
the "scxologisc
(continued on page 60)
Annual Report
During 1973, the Playboy Foun pated in a
movement that won a major court victory, expanded its work
into new areas and continued its support of numerous other
projects to advance the social and legal reforms advocated in
The Playboy Philosophy.
The victory came with last January's Supreme Court deci-
sion legalizing abortion. This was especially gratifying because
of the Foundation’s long campaign for reform, which began
1066. The Foundation helped several abortion-reform
groups, including Ilinois Citizens for the Medical Control of
Abortion, the Clergy Consultation Service on Problem Preg-
ncies, the N Association lor Repeal of Abortion
aws, the W tional Coalition and local organizations
n several states, These organizations and others constituted the
movement whose efforts ultimately carried the issue to the
Supreme Court and produced the favorable ruling. Though a
decisive battle has been won. the Foundation will remain alert
to attempts by antiabortion forces in state or local gover
ments to limit the availability of abortion through restrictive
guideli ies.
One of the new recipients of Foundation support is the
ional Women's Rights Project of the American Civil Liber-
m. The project, which received a subs
provide the following lega
+ Direct legal representation in selected cases of 1
nificance as well as legal and strategic assistance to cooper
attorneys in other specific litigatis
* Compilation and analysis of existing Federal and state laws
that are sexually discriminator
nes or pol
1 informing wom-
en of their divorce, employ-
nent, cdu
ud uedi
aces and training progra
working in the arca of women's rights.
The Foundation has also made a sizable grant to the
AGLI Privacy Project, whose purpose is to chal
Jenge Jaws that restrict private sexual behavior between con-
ing adults, Like the National Women's Rights Project, this
«псу will act as а resource for attorneys and bring significant
tigation. This grant is a logical outgrowth of The Playboy
Philosophy and Hugh M. Hefner's commitment to individual
iberry in sexual matters, Other 1973 Foundation projects
related to sexlaw reform include:
* Assistance Tor the appeal of a California woman convicted
nd sentenced to jail for performing oral intercourse with a
consenting adult in a sex film that wis made several years ago.
Support of legal-aid 1 ging the constitution.
ty of procedu y Dangerous Persons
Act. The act allows a psychiatrist to institutionalize indefinitely
a person he has judged to be “sexually dangerous,” without
the legal safeguards afforded. convicted. criminals or mental
+ Support. through the A.C.L.U. of Northern California, of a
project to educate the public in the cost of enforcing Taws
gainst such victimless crimes as prostitution and consensual
sex and to draft model legislation designed to redirect law-
enforcement efforts to public safety. 5
id ıo the Homosexual Information Cente
California sex laws against homosexual acis betwc
ing adults.
ms for people
crvice employment to homosexual
Drug-law reform has long been a major concer
dation, which has participated in numerous
lenging both the laws and unusually sever
of the Foun-
ases chal-
continues to offer substantial support for the legal and educa-
tional programs of the National Organization for the Reform
of Marijuana Laws (NORML). Thanks in part to the еПогіѕ
of NORML, the Texas legislature was persuaded to liberalize
the state's strict marijuana law and the American Bir Associa-
tion voted to support the decriminalization of pot. NORML.
‘These were the Founda tion's major reform efforts during
1973. Others include:
Capital Punishment: In response to the restoration of the
death penalty in a number of states. the Foundation contrib-
uted funds to various organizations and cooperating attorneys
to monitor capital-punishment. cases to ensure full
protection of the law and the right of appeal to |
These groups will also coord
and historical research aimed
ality of death sentences.
Rights of Prisoners: In cooperation with the ACLA, the
Foundation continued to support the Prison Rights Project,
which deals with virtually every kind of problem faced by pris-
опет. The Foundation also aids Justice for Americans Impris
опей and Lost (JAIL), an organization that locates and assists
people imprisoned in foreign countries.
ate sociological, psychological
t challenging the constitution-
Police Misconduct and Community Redress: In addi
n to.
ion, the
joining the A.C.LU. in supporting specific liti
Foundation is helping the Chicago Council of Lawyers develop.
а legal-referral service. conduct. training seminars and
ition manual lor attorneys secking redress of
nst public agencies and othcials.
Sex Research: The Foundation continues to
and Johnson's Reproductive Biology Research Found:
the University of Minnesota medical school's prog
human sexuality, the Sex Information and Educat
of the United
individuals doing research on sexu
population control.
The Public's Right to Know: The Foundation is contribut
ing funds to Ralph. Nader's Center for Responsive Law in a
three-year program to compel Government agencies to comply
with the Federa
mate interest to journalists. schol
Censorship: Besides participating
cases, the Foundation continued its support of such organi-
ions as the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press,
the Freedom to Read Foundation of the American Library As-
tes (SIECUS) and selected other groups and
lity, sex education and
zivil Rights and Liberties: The
National Lawyers Guild's Grand
Project. The project will assist
witnesses called before grand juries, especially in investiga-
tions of the i SSC ers. Other
projects in this area concern the rights of mental patients, the
constitutionality of courtroom procedures and the
ment of military ju
ion is siding the
] Defense Witness
отуу in representing
Since it was established in 196:
helped hundreds of individuals
much more to be done. During the coming year, the Founda-
tion will especially concern itself with such serious threats to
our free society as censorship, wire ta and electronic sur-
veillance and Government encroachments on basic civil rights.
were Al Goldstein, Troy Perry and Made-
line Davis. At least they displayed some
genuine feeling. in contrast to all the
others, who, with their dogged carncstness
and belief that they knew what was good
for us, scemed to jump out of the pages of
Brave New World. Of these, however,
quite the most repulsive on every tenet of
human contict—whether physical, cmo-
tional ог intellectual—were panelists
Betty Dodson and the Kronhausens. If
these pathetic souls, vibrators in hand, are
the arbiters of international sexual taste,
we are truly lost. But congratul
anyway, for giving this revolting t
opportunity to discredit themselves so
completely before the largest liberal
readership in the world.
G. R. Greenhous
Maidenhead, England
The panel on new sexual life styles
makes important contribution to
greater public understanding and accept-
ance of divergent sexuality, As а staffer
on a suicide-prevention service, I can tell
you that many of the problems plaguing
people nowadays relate to sexuality and
sexual roles. Your panel went a long way
in clearing up some of the misconcep-
tions, prejudices and anxieties that sur-
round the subject.
Tim Williams
Buffalo, New York
‘The oftrepeated daim that masturba-
n is immature is just puritanical bal-
derdash, At 65, I often vent my semen by
hand. My wife lost interest in the sex
department about five ycars ago, though
she is still quite happy to accommodate
me when I have the urge. I Jove her as
much as ever, for a wonderful 35 years in
bed and out, and I have resolved to spare
her the bother of sexual intercourse a
sort of gift of love from me to her. She's
more in love with me than ever, and if I
need the relief that comes with ejacula-
tion, I masturbate or visit the neighbor-
hood massage parlor.
(Name withheld by request)
Los Angeles, California
The guy who wrote that he mastur-
bates belore а date because it delays his
orgasm when he's screwing later in the
evening (The Playboy Forum, Septem-
ber 1973) seems to think he's doing his
women a favor. Ridiculous. Why doesn't
he save both orgasms for the ladies; a
one-shot lover has to be one of the greater
ir sex must face.
This poor fellow has a lot to learn, in-
cluding the fact that the woman’s orgasm
isn't dependent on bis. There are all
Kinds of ways to satisfy a woman, with or
without male orgasm, so it’s stupid to
worry about timing. As for his own fun,
if after he comes (prematurely or not—
it doesn't matter), he uses his fingers,
тиЕ PLAYBOY SURVEY finds that, contrary
to popular belief, sexual liberation has
had little impact on traditional attitudes
toward or adherence to the ideal of ma
tal fidelity. In 's time, m.
people had only two alternatives to life-
long sexual exclus divorce and se-
cret extramarital relations. Since then,
we find, sexual liberation has made the
divorced far freer ital sexual
behavior, but it has had lite effect on
secret extramarital sex. As for the new al-
ternatives about which there is so much
talk—open marriage, mate swapping,
article By MORTON HUNT sexual liberation hasn't increased the rate
infidelity, nor decreased the consequences, but it’s
done wonders for the divorced
striking is the change in coital frequency:
"The median is more than twice a week—
more than double the median that
Kinsey found.
+ The contrasts are even тоге impres-
sive for divorced women. Roughly a
third of Kinsey's younger postmarital
women and a majority of those beyond
the mid-40s were having no coitus at all.
Only a tenth of our sample is sexually
inactive. The median frequency for the
ve is almost twice a week (nearly as
high as for divorced men)—roughly four
ter than in Kinsey's
group sex, group marriage, etc.—the data
suggest that they are mostly just talk.
Kinsey’s data combine the widowed
with the separated and the divorced
(here called simply the divorced), Later
studies showed the widowed то be sexual-
ly less active than the divorced, but by
omitting data for people over 55 (to ex-
clude most of the widowed) and by re-
weighting Kinsey's figures, we can make
reasonably sound comparisons of our
sample with his.
Man, 41: “My marriage had been so
rotten that I almost never felt апу sexual
desire. . .. I lost all belief in myself as a
After I left [my wife], 1 couldn't
bring myself to try it for nearly a year,
and then I was only half hard and just
barely made it. . . . Things slowly got
heuer; with one girl, I was functioning
marvelously. But for several years, ny
time with any new woman was al-
c of nervousness and worry.
ny forces have made it socially, cco-
lly and emotionally more feasible
for men and women to quit unsatisfac-
tory marriages: the divorce rate is now
more than twice as high as it was in 1938,
when Kinsey began his studies. Sexual lib-
cration has played a major role, taking
much of the onus off postmarital coitus
and permitting the divorced to lead full
and relatively normal sex 1
not the case a generation ар
* Of Kinsey's under56 postmarital
males, from four percent to 18 percent
were having no coitus at all, the hgure
being higher among older men. In our
mple, no divorced man of any age was
coitally inactive in the past year. (In all
comparisons with Kinscy, whose sample
was all-white, we use only the white por
tion of our own sample) Even more
es. This was
31: “I had always thought
that sex with my husband was very good.
After we broke up, I began to find out
what it was all about. One man taught
me how to be really aware of my own
body and my reactions. Another
man was so sensuous that I became that
way myself. ... But I have this fear of
getting trapped again. I get into a
panic whenever I think I'm too involved
with someone,
While todays divorced people—fe-
males in particular—are far freer in their
sexual behavior, they е not become
notably indiscriminate. Yet, for various
reasons—maturity, fear of premature en-
tanglement, need for self-retesting—they
are distinctly more casual and experi
mental than young singles. For
* Divorced males have a median of
ht coital par
under 25 have
34 have four.
* Divorced women have a median of 3.5
coital partners a year; single women un-
der 25 have one; and single women 25
to 34 have three.
Kinsey published no data on the num-
bers of postmarital coital partners, but it
is reasonable to suppose that our find-
ings reflect increases since his time that
are similar to the increases in coital fre-
quency of the divorced—that is, between
twolold and fourfold.
Kinsey also published no data on tech-
niques of foreplay and coital variations
used by posumarital people, In-depth
interviews with which we supplemented
our study suggest that divorced people
today are a good deal freer in both than
were those of a gencration ago, and our
survey data show them to be as free
as or freer than todays under25 hus-
bands and wives (who, aside from a
and single men 25 to
handful of sexual radicals, arc among
our most liberated respondents). Мет:
Nine tenths of our divorced men
more than four fifths of our d
women had at least some oral.genital ex-
perience in the past year—about the
same number as under-25 married people.
Ист: Divorced men and women were
more likely than 25 husbands
d wives to use positional variations in
n anal intercourse at least.
the past ycar—twice as many as in the
nder25 married group. Пет: Nine
tenths of divorced women and even more
divorced men rate sex as pleasurable or
very pleasurable, and more than four
fiftlis of the women reach orgasm at least
three quarters of the time.
Postmarital life still involves many
decp. complex problems—largely social
and emotional—but sexual liberation en-
ables the great majority of the divorced
to lead healthy, constructive, satisfying
sexual lives as they repair their egos, test
out new relationships and work their way
back into marriage—as, indeed, at least
four out of five do.
Man, 45 (physic : “She
was 20 years younger than I and very
seductive, Iong-legged, high-breasted. She
took the initiative, there on the waiting-
room couch. At first, I was all torn up
about it, but it made me feel you
and morc attractive, completely reawak-
ened inside. It went on for months. . . .
And now, listen to the funny part—she
was no good at all, sexually -
п contrast, sexual liberation has made
litle change im extramarital sexual be-
havior, Recent opinion polls have shown
that general disapproval of extramarital
sex persists in the United States, and 80
percent to 90 percent
of the husbands and
wives in the Playboy
survey say that they
and their mates would
object to any such ac-
tivity by cach other.
Significantly, most of
the young are as wr
willing as older people
to tolerate such behav-
jor in their mates.
Or in themselves.
Most husbands and
wives, at all ages, vol-
untarily refrain from
extramarital sex. A few
do so for prac
sons (fear of V.D. or
but most
1 reasons.
A very few of the latter.
igidly follow religi
edicts ("105 a sin to
commit adultery,” said one Roman Cath-
olic housewife. “I couldn't do it if 1 want-
ed to."): more have nonreligious moral
revulsion (“It’s wrong to play around,
‘once you've made your commitment,” one
bluc-collar man said. “It’s dishonest. И I
did, Га be miserable and disgusted with
myself"); most restrain themselves out of
moral concern for their partner's feelings
and for the integrity of the married love
relationship (a TV executive said: "My
wife and I have a very good and rare kind
of marriage, and 1 know it would hurt her
badly and make her feel terribly insecure,
so I simply don't let myself do it").
Man, 45 (married): “I was ripped up
by it, but for months I couldn't break it
off—I felt as if I were hooked on some
Despite all the talk, the Playboy survey
finds little increase in extramarital coitus
in the past generation. Kinsey estimated
that about half of all married men com-
mitted adultery. In our sample, only 41
percent have ever done so. To be sure,
many of them still are fairly young; an
eventual lifetime figure, we think, would
be about the same as Kinsey’s—but no
higher. We do, however, find an unm
takable increase in one part of the sam-
ple: $2 percent of our under-25 married
d divorced men have had at least onc
extramarital experience, as compared
with 27 percent 2 generation ago.
Our data show no over-all increase for
women from Kinsey's time. Indeed, they
seem to show a drop, but this is because
Kinsey's female sample was overweighted
with divorced women, whose extramarital
rates are higher than those of married
women; if we rewcight his data to correct
the imbalance, we find no over-all de-
«rcase—but no overall increase, cither.
By the age of 45, for instance, the adjusted
figure for a (continued оп page 286)
tongue and tocs to keep the woman
going—instead of lying back like some
spent stud—he's likely to discover a few
things he didn't know about his own
body's responsive potential,
Altea, Spain
I think the woman from Trenton, New
Jersey (The Playboy Forum, Septem-
ber 1978), is wrong in saying that in sex-
ual intercourse only five percent of meu
care whether or not a woman has an
orgasm. І believe I'm a typical malc,
and 1 am willing to devote a great deal ol
tender, loving care to my partners
For example, I once ran into a wom-
an who, at 25, had never experienced
n orgasm. I make no claims to being a
sexual athlete, so by conventional meth-
ods I couldn't pull her over the finish
line. She was normally passionate and en-
joved intercourse up to a point, but then
her excitement would tend to fade rather
than mount to а climax. After a few epi-
sodes like that, T decided to postpoi
intercourse and devote myself to trying
to masturbate her to orgasm. Each time
we did this she seemed to enjoy it a little
‘Then one day as 1 was stroking her
clitoris she built up a big he
and had her first orgasm. Soon she was
having one nearly cvery time, And then
every time, She got to enjoying them so
much that she'd squirm all over the bed
and I'd have to hold her down to keep
my ed er in the right spot.
From time to time, we tried screwing
without preliminary masturbation, and
it wasn't long before she got so she could
have an orgasm du ary ten-toes-
upandtentoesdown intercourse, too.
One day she told me that for the first
time in her life, she felt like a normal
After that, our custom was for
turbate her to cl
three times, and then we'd screw once or
twice. Having never had any orgasms be-
fore, she wanted to make up for lost time.
"What I did was apply common knowl-
edge—the value of foreplay im ses
to a particular situati Our attitude
was important, too—an amalgam of op-
timism, pi nd mutual concern. I
can only guess that the young woman
from Trenton has had a run of bad luck
in sexual partners.
(Name withheld by request)
Mt. Sterling, Kentucky
"The Playboy Forum" offers ihe
opportunity for an extended dialog be-
tween readers and editors of this pub-
lication on subjects and issues related to
“The Playboy Philosophy.” Address all
correspondence to The Playboy Forum,
Playboy Building, 919 North Michi-
gan Avenuc, Chicago, Ilinois 60611.
плот mw: HUGH M. HEFNER
a candid conversation with playboys editor-publisher on our 20th anniversary
From the moment viaynoy first hit the
newsstands in December of 1953, it was
obvious that Hugh Marston Hefner's new
publication—a 48-page, undated issue
with a cover and center spread featuring
Marilyn Моп 'asn't going to be just
another magazine. It was Hefner's own
vision of what a men's magazine ought to
be: а judicious blend of fiction, nonfic-
lion, humor, art and photography—all
reflecting a healthy appreciation of the
opposite sex and of what he called “the
great indoors" There had never been
anything quite like it on the market;
something about it struck a chord with
the 70,000 readers who made the first
issue a sellout. Within months, in an
era in which publishing empires were
crumbling, rLaynoy was thriving; it went
on 10 become the industry's biggest post-
World War Two success. As Time maga-
ипе commented in a 1967 cover story
about Hefner: “He was the first publisher
to see that the sky would not fall and
mothers would not march if he published
bare bosoms; he realized that the old
.. He took the old
fashioned, shame-thumbed girlie maga-
zine, stripped off the plain wrapper,
added gloss, class and culture. It proved
to be a sure-fire formule.”
So much so, in fact, that in less than
a decade, its creator had become not only
taboos wore going.
“I enjoy the public's fantasies about the
way 1 live almost as much as the way I
really live. And I can't deny being
amused at the mixed reactions 1 arouse,
often in the same people.”
a multimillionaire but the subject of
countless profiles in other publications.
He had also become the most flamboy-
ant practitioner of the affluent, sexually
uninhibited lifestyle he presented in his
magazine. During the —while
Hefner hardly ever ventured out of the
self-contained total environment he'd
constructed for himself in his Chicago
Mansion—the magazine grew into a di-
versified empire, with a string of Playboy
Clubs in 19 cities and hotels in Jamaica,
Wisconsin, New Jersey, Chicago and
Miami Beach,
As the decade ended, Hefne me
out'—with gusto— purchasing the world's
most luxurious private plane, a custom-
ized DC-9 he calls the Big Bunny. He's
used it to lake a number of trips lo
Europe and Africa and to commute from
Chicago to the latest addition to his per-
sonal and corporate world, the Playboy
Mansion West, a five-and-ahalf-acre es
tate from which he supervises the com-
pany's further expansion into films,
television, records and other areas of the
entertainment business.
Despite—or perhaps because of—the
conspicuous success of the magazine and
its offshoots, PLAYBOY and its Editor-Pub-
lisher have been subjected to criticism
from various quarters. First there were
the sexual puritans, who were shocked at
“There is an enemy out there. This
country—indeed, the whole world—con-
sists of two opposing forces: us, and those
who would force their own values and
attitudes on us.”
the sight of bare flesh, however tastefully
displayed. Then came the religious com-
mentators, who took with “The
Playboy Philosophy.” As flak from the
righi died down, it appeared from other
quarters: the radical left, denouncing
PLAYHOY's “materialism,” and the shriller
fringes of the women's liberation move-
ment, reviling its supposed sexism. Both
leftists and feminists chose to ignore the
commitment of the magazinc—and. the
Playboy Foundation, established in 1963
as an activist force in the batlle for preser-
vation of constitutional rights—to the
very causes they espoused.
Even more than critics, though,
PLAYKOY has spawned imitators—most of
them unabashed rip-offs of whal they see
as the rıaynoy formula. Some are pros-
pering, but PLAYBOY. readership, mean-
while, has continued to climb toward
an alltime high of some 26,000,000
monthly—more than the total of all its
imitators combined.
With vcavnoy approaching the end of
ils second decade, we decided to ask our
Editor Publisher selects all the
names for this feature—to approve our
suggestion for the subject of this 126th
“Playboy Interview." We couldn't think
of a more fitting occasion than our 20th
Anniversary Issue for the controversial
target of so much attention from the
“They say that imitation is the sincerest
form of fiattery, so 1 guess I've been
flattered more sincerely—and more
blatantly—than any other magazine pub-
lisher in history.”
press to speak for himself in the pages of
his own magazine: discussing what the
past 20 years have signified to him per-
sonally, to PLAYBOY and lo its readers,
and what the next 20 years may hold. Not
without some rescrvations—which he con-
fides in the interview—Hefner agreed.
For this unprecedented assignment, we
picked free-lance writer Larry DuBois, a
31-year-old former Time writer and cor-
respondent whose penetrating “Playboy
Interviews” with Jules Feiffer, Jackie
Stewart, Roman Polanski and Jack
Anderson convinced us that he had the
experience, ability, tenacity and good
humor we knew this job would entail.
We were right about it and him. Here's
his repon
“In the Butler Aviation terminal at
O'Hare airport outside Chicago, where
the private-plane set is pretty blasé about
your average limousine, people still snap
to allention when a huge Mercedes 600—
license number HITI310—pulls up, and
when the owner steps out, the place prac-
tically freezes like а snapshot to watch
him stride briskly through, followed al-
most at a trot by a couple of beautiful
blondes—one his girlfriend, the other his
highly competent secretary, who's madly
taking notes as he dictates a memo on
the fly.
“A jew hours later, over Los Angeles,
he and his friends are finishing their last
game of Monopoly, and as his plane
zooms in low over the freeway, trafic
slows 10 a crawl when drivers catch sight
of that sleek jet-black DC-9 with the Rab-
bit’s head on the tail. It belongs, of course,
10 Hugh Hefner; everybody knows that.
A's the most famous private plane in the
world, he's the most famous publisher in
the world and he leads one of the most
publicized personal lives of anyone in
public life.
“Then why do people always ask,
when they find out you've met him,
"What's he really like? It's а good ques-
tion, and the fact that it gets asked so
often is as good a demonstration as any
that, while Hefner has managed to make
his name perhaps as well known as that
of his magazine, the conflicting stories
about him have obscured his identity so
effectively that most people don't have a
clue to what sort of man he actually is.
After getting to know him as well as any-
one but his oldest friends, I still don’t
have any final answers to that question
myself, but I can say that in many way:
he isan even more remarkable figure than
his legend. And trying to reconcile one
with the other turned out to be an un-
forgettable experience.
“Last March, 1 showed up at Hefner's
Mansion in Chicago, expecting to be
there for the first of a couple of two-hour
interview sessions. I ended up staying six
months. Pm still not sure exactly how
that happened. Past of it, I must admit,
was the irresistible, almost extraterrestrial
seductiveness of a sybaritic environment
hermetically sealed from the strife and
Seasons of the outside world. But the main
reason I stayed—and stayed—was that I
realized soon after arriving that this was
the only way I'd cver walk out with
an interview I'd want to see published
anywhere, let alone in Hefner’s own
“During our first tape session, he re-
sponded to my questions about the maga-
zine and its critics with all the facility
and polish of an uncommonly shrewd
politician; but it was obvious to both of
us, I think, that if we went on like this,
I'd have just another slick interview with
the thinker and theorist; we'd never pass
beyond that. He's got a tremendous re-
serve, I found, and he's not about to sur-
vender much of himself to a stranger. So
he invited me to be his guest at the house
for a while so we could get to know each
other better.
“We quickly became friends, and I en-
joyed myself enormously. Hefner's world
really is fun. After months of playing
backgammon and pinball, getting to
know his friends, feeling the special
rhythms and patterns of his private world,
the tone of our interview sessions became
very personal—somctimes serious, some-
limes jocular, always enthusiastic and un-
tiring. ‘Being around Hefner, one of his
friends had told me, ‘is like plugging
yourself into an electric socket? He w
tight. The man is 47, but his energy is
staggering and he scems to know one
emotional pitch: flat-out, hard-charging,
turned on,
“Some days we'd talk far into the night.
Other days, when business matters were
piling up, he surrendered himself totally
to meetings with executives that turned
into 24-hour marathons; and when the
last bunch stumbled away at ten in the
morning, as likely as not, Hefner would
make a dash for the game room to ren-
dezvous with his pals and do a fiercely
competitive and often raucous six hours
on the pinball machines before retiring
to his quarters with a girlfriend. So much
for the popular notion that beneath all
the glitter, Hefner must be jaded or
bored. He's not.
“Whatever he's into at the moment, his
powers of concentration are—well—over-
whelming. Until you've had his atten-
tion, says one of his old staffers, you've
never had atlention. His mind is хо quick,
so totally focused on whatever he's doing
that if it doesn’t involve you, you might
as well not exist. One night, а pretty
young TV correspondent who had inter-
viewed Hefner carlier in the evening and
experienced that riveting attention of his
approached him at the Monopoly table
10 say good night. For at least a couple of
minutes, she stood at his side waiting for
him to look up and acknowledge her.
Finally, growing uneasy, she tapped hin
on the shoulder; he jerked his head
around and practically jumped to his feet
to shake her hand. It was one of those
moments that could have been interpret-
ed as rudeness, but it wasn’t. He'd been
so involved in that Monopoly game that
he hadn't even noticed her standing six
inches away from him.
“And so it goes. That kind of energy,
enthusiasm and concentration make him
an incredibly compelling personality.
Though none of these qualities has сист
been explored much by writers who've
tried to portray Hefner, they shouldn't
come as a surprise to anyone who's been
around him longer than an hour. But
there was one tremendous surprise for
me, which is a side of him that I hadn't
seen recorded anywhere, even though I'd
read everything there was to read about
him. When he's not serious, the man is
positively zany. A routine night of play-
ing games with him is as funny and off-
the-wall as—and not unlike—a Marx
Brothers movie. And in a conversation
with him about, say, that day s Watergate
news, he offers the same kind of mordant
satirical perceptions you might expect
from a Lenny Bruce, who happened to be
a cherished friend of his. 1 don't think it's
an exaggeration lo say that if Hefner had
the kind of personality that opened up in
a crowd, he could be a very successful
stand-up comic,
“But he saves all this for his close
friends and, believe me, it wasn't easy lo
get й on lape. Much of what I consider
the best of our interview sessions, in fact,
came from questions I asked as a result
of bantering at the Monopoly table, play-
ing backgammon, splashing in his Jacuz:
grotto in Los Angeles, riding in the Mer-
cedes to and from airports. If he hadn't
been willing to share those moments with
me, I wouldn't have been able to share
them with the reader,
“As a result, I think you'll be able to get
some sense, if not of what Hugh Hefner is
really lihe, then at least of what it's like to
be around him. 1 think you'll also see
that it's a forceful, funny, absolutely ex-
traordinary experience. Like his legend,
Hefner is larger than life, the kind of
elusive, contradictory, sometimes madden-
ing, sometimes just mad genius it те
quired not only to build a $200,000,000
business empire and 10 create a prienle
world thats been called—vather un-
imaginatively—a ‘Disneyland for adult?
but also to have an absolute ball playing
with it all.”
PlAYbOY: Why are you doing this inter-
HEFNER: It seemed like a natural, if
unique, editorial notion for our 20th
Anniversary Issue.
PLAYBOY: Do you have any reservations
about being interviewed in your own
HEFNER: Well, I hope it doesn’t seem like
a man talking to himself when it appears
in print.
PLAYBOY: Do you think read:
Tieve that you agreed to do this without
any special controls or limitations?
HEFNER: Certainly. Just don't bring up
s will be-
anything that might jeopardize your fur.
ture as a PLAYBOY contributor.
PLAYBOY: What could be fairer than that?
OK, g How
to start PLAYBOY in the
first place, and why?
HEFNER: Well, to really begin at the begi
ning. I got the journalism bug early. T w:
publishing my own neighborhood news-
paper at the age of eight or nine—labori-
ously typing out cach issue on an old
Royal—and selling it door to door for a
penny а copy. As a child. I spent most of
my spare time writing and cartooning—
fantastic stuff, filled with mad scientists,
monsters, supersleuths, space travel, that
sort of thing. I remember being repri-
manded by one of my gra
ers for draw
ide school teach-
ing cartoons in class when I
ing. She sent the
gs home to my mother with a note
ng that if I continued to waste my
time this way in school, I would never
amount to anything,
In high school, 1 started drawi
np a Car-
toon autobiography called School Daze
for the amusement of any Фах
which continued after graduation—
through two years in thc Army and col-
lege after that—and eventually turned
into an autobiographical scrapbook that
I still update from time to time. In the
Army, I became a magazine bufl—study-
ing the editorial concepts and contents of
various publications, By the time I wa
graduated from the University of Il
nois—where I drew cartoons for the Daily
Ші and edited Shaft, the campus humor
magazine—I knew I wanted to start a
magazine of my own. The only thing
wrong with that dream was the money:
I didn't have any.
1 tried to sell a couple of comicstrip
ideas to the newspaper syndicates, but
they weren't interested, and I wound up
working as a copy writer in the ad de-
partment of Carson Pirie Scott for $40
a week. That led to my next job, as a
copy writer in the promotion depart-
ment of Esquire, at $60 a week. I thought
at would be exciting, because in my
early teens, Esquire had represented a
world of urbane sophistication that real-
ly appealed to me. But the magic I'd
found in the magazine wasn't present in
the job. There weren't any Petty Girls
working at. Esquire.
PLAYBOY: Is that story true about your
leaving Esquire because they wouldn't
give you a five-dollar raise?
HEFNER: I not only didn't get the raise, the
head of the promotion department spent
almost an hour tying to convince me
that I wasn't a good "company man” to
consider quitting for that reason. He was
right. Anyway, Esquire moved to New
York and 1 started thinking seriously
bout a magazine of my own.
The most popular men's magazines of
the time were the outdooradventure
books—True, Argosy and the like. They
had a hairy-chested editorial emphasis,
with articles on hunting, fishing, chasing
the Abominable Snowman over Tibetan
mountaintops. 1 confess that I'm a little
more urban oriented than that; I'm an
indoor guy and an incurable romantic, so
I decided to put together а men's m
e devoted to the subjects I was more
nterested in—the contemporary equ
lents of wine, women and song, thou:
not necessarily in that order. Esquire had
changed its editorial emphasis after the
most of the lighter ma-
icrial—the girls, cartoons and humor. So
the field was wide open for the sort of
magazine 1 had in mind.
PLAYBOY: What made a guy like you, from
a fairly straitlaced Protestant back-
ground, want to publish a magazine like
HEFNER: Perhaps in part it was because of
my straitlaced Protestant background.
My parents are wonderful people and
they instilled in me an idealism for which
I'm grateful. Ay a kid, T remember being
moved to tears by such ic movies of
the Thirties as Mr. Smith Gocs to Wash-
ington, which dealt with the typical Amer-
ican theme of one man against society
fighting for the most b
ideals, and so I admired the image of an
onoclastic individual who questions the
accepted “truths.” But my parents also
ic democratic
raised a son whose skepticism of bullshit
included even the bullshit they them-
selves accepted;
they had been r
in a very strict, almost puri
tantism. So at а very early age, I began
questioning a lot of that religious fool
ishness about man’s spirit and body bi
conflict, with God concerned primarily
with the spirit of man and the Devil
dwelling in the flesh.
The Puritans thought they could sim-
ply repress man’s sexual nature, and they
reaped a whirlwind as a result. Their
code of sexual morality—which became
America’s—was nothing more than a set
of rules laid down by people who be-
lieved that all pleasure was suspect. Н. L.
Mencken defined the puritan as a person
who is terribly afraid that someone some-
where is having a good time. That carried
over into the idea that work was virtuous
but that enjoyment of the rewards for
that work might somchow lead to deca-
dence. I wanted to edit a magazine that
would express my views on these
subjects, а ma
sex and the benefis of materialism,
ne that tried to put some of the
play and pleasure back into life. So part
ly, I guess, I started PLAYBOY as а kind of
cause. But the other half of it is that pub
lishing a sophisticated men's magazine
seemed to me the best possible way of ful
filling a dream I'd been nurturing ever
HEFNER: Sorry, that just slipped out. 1
don't know what came over me. 1 remem-
ber, in the days prior to PLavnoy, walk-
ing the streets of Chicago late at night,
looking at the lights in the high-rise
apartment buildings and very much
wanting to be a part of “the good life" I
thought the people in those buildings
must be leading, I suspect that a. great
many young men who haven't yet found
what they want in life have had similar
feelings, I wanted to be where it was hap-
pening—whatever жаз. When I fi
nally found out, of course, it wasn't wi
J thought it would be; it was infinitely
better, unbelievably more exciting than
I'd ever dreamed. But there w
could guess what was coming when 1
started the magazine.
I still didn't have any money, but I was
27 years old and I was afraid that if T
didn't try it on my own soon, I might
have to learn to be à good comp
Iter all. I went to the bank
household Ian of 5200; then E went down
the street to Local Loan and put up my
furniture as collateral for another 5400.
Then I went to friends, relatives, friends
of friends—anyone who'd listen—and
managed to raise another $3000. A hun-
dred dollars here, $50 there; I took
whatever I could get. One writer friend
contributed an с for the first
and took his $200 payment in stock. 1
was probably the most lucrative m:
article anybody ever wrote. It made him
a millionaire.
Anyone familiar with the business
could have told me that there's no possi-
ble way to start a major m
53600, but 1 didn't know
good thing I didn't have any friends who
were familiar with the business, As a
frame of reference, Time, Inc., started
Sporis Hlustrated about the same time
I started PLAYBOY, and I understand they
went through $30,000,000 before it
turned a profit. If I'd known as much
about publishing then as I do today, 1
probably wouldn't have been foolish
enough to take the chance. Sometimes
ignorance really is bliss.
PLAYEOY: Were you confident of PLAYBOY'S
success from the very beginning?
HEFNER: On the contrary, I was so uncer
tain about the magazine's chances that
the first issue didn't even have a date on
it. I figured, well, if it doesn’t sell out in
agazine on
that dUs a
the first month, well leave it on the
stands a second month. I was the entire
editorial staff; and I didn't have a single
day of professional editorial experience.
We printed 70,000 copics of that first
issue—and sold almost all of them in the
first couple of weeks. With that initial
response, I got a small advance from a dis-
tributor and we were able to print a sec-
ond issue, and then a third, and so on.
PLAYBOY was a success, as [ar as ] was con-
cerned, when I realized it was going to
produce enough profit to permit me to
continue publish
On our first anniversary, 1 remember,
the employees of the company—seven
of us by that time—celebrated in a booth
at а local sandwich shop. I knew we
were in business to stay, so I picked up
the check. I still had по idea, of course,
that in the years ahead гилүзоу would
become the most successful magazine of
its time and that the Rabbit would be-
come famous around the world as the
insignia of a huge, diversified eny
Did you know that 1 almost called the
nagazine Slag Party and the symbol was
inally going to be a stag? I changed
my mind just before we went to press,
thank God. Somehow, it wouldn't have
been the same. Can you imagine a chain
of key clubs staffed by beautiful girls
wearing antlers?
PLAYBOY: We'd rather not. How do you
explain Ше magazine's phenomenal
HEFNER: I think it was the right idea in
the right place at the right time. A great
many of the traditional social and moral
values of our society were changing,
PLAYBOY was the first publication to rc-
flect those changes. We offered an alter-
nate lifestyle with a more permissive, more
Jay-and-pleasure orientation. People get
less sense of identity out of their jobs now
than ever belore, and with increasing af-
fluence, how one spends one’s leisure time
and finds value in it is more important
than ever. An article in a university quar-
terly а Гем years ago offered an inter-
esting comparison of riaynoy and Poor
Richard's Almanac. Ben Franklin was
writing a guidebook for coping with life
when a more frugal, work-oriented pur
tan ethic was essential to survival in a
frontier society; PLAYnoy came along and
offered a new set of ethical values for the
urban society. The editor
лувоу came through loud and dear:
Enjoy yourself. Paul Gebhard. director of
the Institute for Sex Research, once said
that the genius of Pravnoy was that it
linked sex with upward mobility, and
that’s a sociologists way of expressing
what Pm tal
In the y d that, of
course, rLavnoy has become much more
than that—more than the embodiment
of an upwardanobile, pleasure-oriented
lifestyle, and more than just a magazine
rs since he
of “entert nce our
rather modest beginnings, it's become
not only onc of thc most popular maga-
zines in publishing history but also—
graphically, literarily and journalisti-
cally—one of the best in the world. Hell,
s the best.
It may not surprise you to learn that
T also think Pravnov is one of the most
important and influential magazines in
the world, in terms of the impact it's had
iot only on sexual morcs but as a cham-
pion of individual rights. Somewhere be-
tween our covers—though you look like
the type that never gets beyond the
centerfold—you may have noticed that
we've devoted a great deal of space, in
articles, in interviews, in The Playboy
Forum, to championing for others the
same freedoms and opportunities we're
lucky cnough to enjoy ourselves.
PLAYBOY: Have you done anything to
support these freedoms and opportuni
tics, apart from advocating them in the
HEFNER: That's why I started the Playboy
Foundation, which backs many of the
same causcs we espouse in the magazine
especially the ones that are unpopular
enough to have been left largely una
tended to by the Government and other
foundations. We've supported countless
civil liberties cases, the antiwar move-
ment, Jesse Jackson's PUSH and other
civil rights organizations, political reform,
sex research and education, abortion re-
form before it became popular, prison
reform before it became popular, and the
continuing campaign to reform our re-
pressive sex and drug laws, as well as
ny number of cha and community-
fund efforts. For a long time, we were the
chief sponsor of the Kinsey Institute and
the research of Masters and Johnson, and
right now we're the biggest financial sup-
porter of the National Organization for
the Reform of Marijuana Laws, because
I think making criminals out of people
who smoke marijuana is very damaging
to the social fabric of this society. I've
made the social commitment through this
and lar foundation fori
same time; they're the m
of my stock in Playboy.
PLAYBOY; The funds for yo
come from profits on what Life called
“the house that flesh built." By talking
only of rLaynoy's editorial and financial
commitment to social and political causes,
"t you downplaying the importance of
nude pictures in the magazine's success?
HEFNER: I never want to be accused of
that. I love those ladies. They are, and
always will be, an integral part of
PLAYBOY'S total editorial package, just as
sex should be an integral part of the total
human experience. рілувоу has tried to
integrate the crotic and intellectual in-
terests of its male readers, and that has
proved to be a far more controvei ad
misunderstood editorial concept than I
could have guessed when we began. Even
as relatively sophisticated a magazine as
Newsweek has criticized ртАүвоү [or
marring its otherwise excellent editorial
content with what it termed а “peck-a-
boo” interest in sex; but as far as I'm
concerned, incorporating the two is
PLAYBOY'S greatest virtue. There's a de-
contaminating process that takes place
as a result of the open publication of
nude pictures of the human body. I'm
convinced that because of rLavnoy, our
society suffers from fewer sexual h:
ups than it did 20 years ago.
"There are still people, of course, who
t that they don't think sex is dirty
but that it ought to remain private, a
concern of the individual. They fail to.
understand the nature of human sexual
ity. If you don't encourage healthy sexual
expression in public, you get unhealthy
al expression in private. If you
itempt to suppress sex in books, maga-
zines, movies and even everyday conver-
sation, you aren't helping to make sex
more private, just more hidden. Youre
keeping sex in the dark. What we've tried.
to do is turn on the lights.
PLAYBOY: But the magazine's nude photog
raphy has been criticized for encouraging
not open, healthy sexuality but a voy
curistic, look-but-don't-touch attitude.
HEFNER: There's a lovely line in our new
film, The Naked Ape; “Voyeurism is a
healthy, nonparticipatory sexual activity.
Ihe world should look at the world.” We
are sexual beings, whether we try to deny
it or not, and open, healthy sexuality re-
quires that we not be ashamed of our
own bodies. When PLAYBOY started, most.
men probably would have been uneasy.
in the presence of a wife or girlfriend,
about opening up a magazine with nude
pictures in it. What pLayuoy has been
saying is that a person shouldn't feel
guilty about an open interest in sex
We've taken some of thc shamc and
mystery out of human sexuality,
this kind of repression of our sensual
interests that has led to the kind of voy-
sm that makes looking a subsi
for, rather than a preamble to, touching
PLAYBOY: Don't you enforce a look-but-
don't-touch policy in the Playboy Clubs?
HEFNER: Of course we do. And we've been
criticized for it by the same people who'd
shout even louder if we permitted any
policy. One critic referred to the
as “a bordello without a second
floor.” If we permitted members to man-
handle the Bunnies, we'd have the equiva-
lent of that second floor, and you don't
need a vivid imagination to see where
that would lead. The policy was estab-
hed for the protection of the Bunnies,
and we've continued it at their insistence.
We don't attempt to police their per-
sonal lives, just keep them separate from
the operation of the Club.
ng the magazine, as well
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as choosing Bunnies for the Clubs, your
taste in women has been criticized as im-
mature, showing an almost infantile
preoccupation with big breasts.
HEFNER: Well, I can’t deny that І prefer
big ones to small ones, but to me that's
rather like saying that 1 prefer girls to
I'm very suspicious of the pop psy-
nalysts who suggest that there's
something infantile about being attract-
са by those physical characteristics that
һ the sexes. In fact,
мау women are built is 10 me, on
the inspired notions of creation,
PLAYBOY has unashamedly fought
asexual image of female beauty long
projected in the women's fashion maga-
zines with then -chested, bony ladies.
PLAYBOY: It’s been said that PLAYBOY is
I as on pulchri-
hung up on youth as wi
tude, that it's doing a disservice to older
women by fostering an adolescent taste
in men for pretty young gi
HEFNER: Does that mean PLAYBOY would
be more mature if it ran photos of 40-
year-old Playmates? If I prefer to publish
pictures of pretty young women—and I
do—it seems to me that says less about
PEAYHOY's maturity or mine than it does
about our society's emphasis on youth and
beauty. My taste
a personal aberration; it happens to
be shared with some 26,000,000 PLAynov
readers. PLAYBOY's readers ure no dilfer-
ent in this regard from the overwhelm-
ing majority of the male population of
the world. Since time immemorial, youth
has set the universal standard of physical
beauty, and the reason is simply that a
shapely, firm young face and body are
more attractive sexually and aesthetically
than bulges, sags and wrinkles.
PLAYBOY: The girls you feature in the
magazine may be too young to have wrin-
kles, but praysoy has been accused of
retouching its pictures to eliminate every
other flaw of nature, thus creating a
fantasy of female perfection that the
reader will find unattainable in real life.
HEFNER: That's simply untrue. We do try
to pose and photograph our Playmates as
attractively as possible, but the editorial
emphasis in PLaynoy has always been on
feminine beauty that’s both real and nat-
ural, with a sort of girl-next-door believa-
bility. They may be better looking than
the girl who lives next door to you, but
that’s only because we have photogra-
phers scouting all over the country for
lates for our centerfold. We publish
pictures of beautiful women—the most
beautiful we can find—because I'm
reasonably certain our readers would
rather look at a pretty face and figure
than a plain one. It’s also healthier, in
my opinion, to associate the erotic as-
pects of our photography with images as
attractive as we can make them. But we
do relatively litle retouching. As а mat-
ter of fact, we cosmetize our pictures far
less thay the women’s magazines do, and
probably no more than our ladies do
themselves before they go out on a date.
PLAYBOY: How about the criticism that—
until recently—you cosmetized your nude
pictures by not publishing any that
sbowed pubic hair?
HEFNER: Personally. I've always felt that
this hang-up with body hair was so incon-
gruous as to be laughable, even though it
was, and still is for some people, what
separates obscenity from acceptable erot-
ict. Is amusing to consider the fetish
our society has made of pubic hair in
light of the hang-up the older generation
has also displayed over the long hair of
young people. If these foolish fuddy-
duddies are to be believed. the (all of
Western civilization is imminent because
of an excess of body hair. But as society
began to mature in its ability to accept
reality, 1 felt we could begin to present
photography with more realism, and at
the point when frontal nudity became
commonplace in both motion pictures
and the legitimate theater, 1 was satisfied
that a major part of the public was no
longer hung up on hair, and we decided,
carly in 1969, to “go pubic,” as one wit
pur it
PLAYBOY: Do you think you made the
right decision—and at the right time?
HEFNER: It was certainly the right deci-
sion, and my feeling that the public was
ready to accept it turned out to be right.
The initial reaction was mixed, of
course; it seemed at first as though we'd
be damned because we did just as much
as we'd been damned before because we
didn't. But thanks to the taste with
which we've always tried to edit the mag-
azine, the readers seem to have accepted
pubic hair in PLAYBOY just as they do on
their own bodies. It’s about time.
PLAYBOY: With or without pubic hair, ac
cording to some members of the women’s
liberation movement, the girls featured in
PLAyBoy—particularly the Playmates—
re treated as sex objects.
HEFNER: PLAYBOY treats women—and men,
too, for that matter—as sexual beings, not
as sexual objects; not as things but as
people. In this sense, I think, rrAvnov.
has been an eflective force in the cause
of female emancipation, Gloria Steinem
once called me the father of women’s
liberation, and 1 rather liked that. She
didn't mean it in the complimentary
sense, of course, but there’s more truth
to that interpretation than would
care to admit.
As far back as The Playboy Philoso-
phy, 1 wrote that the major beneficiaries
of sexual emancipation would be women,
because they've been the major victims of
our repressive sexual heritage, which rele-
gated women to the level of chattel—first
the possession of their fathers and then
of their husbands. Female virginity has
been prized in our society simply because
an unused possession is valued more high
ly than a used one. It’s part of our
Judaco-Christian heritage that women are
either "good girls or "bad girls’—
on the basis of their sexual behavior.
Women have traditionally been either
put on pedestals or damned as the source
of all sexual temptation and sin. These
are two sides of the same coin, since both
place women in a nonhuman role.
PLAYBOY has opposed these warped se:
wal values and, in so doing, helped
women step down from their pedestals
and enjoy their natural sexuality
much as men.
PLAYBOY: Does that involve their becom-
ing as sexually aggressive as men?
HEFNER: Whatever turns them—and their
men—on. But I'm not suggesting tha
women become like men. Our deepest
drives and most fundamental identities
are rooted not only in our sexuality but
in the differences between the sexes. It's
on this point that I part company with
the more radical members of women's lib
who suggest that the ideal we should
strive for is some sort of unises society
which all cultural and behavioral distinc-
tions between men and women cease to
exist. What a drab, unexciting world that
would be!
PLAYBOY: Well, no one could accuse
PLAYboy's Playmates of being indisti
guishable from men. The trouble is that
many women find the image of a pinup
nude dehumanizing.
HEFNER: The innovation of our Playmate
pictorials was an attempt to humanize
the pinup concept. There's a rich tradi
tion of pinup art in America that goes
back to September Morn, the Gibson
girl at the turn of the century, the John
Held girl in the Twenties and the Petty
and Varga girls in the Thirties and
Forties. They were all unreal, highly styl-
ized projections of erotic male
Pinup photography followed in the same
tradition, using movie stars and glamor
girls of the period—sexual images unat-
tainable to mere mortals—in unnatural
poses and artificial studio sets.
PLAYBOY changed all that. For our
Playmate features, we choose girls from.
everyday life—secretaries, college stu-
dents, stewardesses—instead of
aloof movie queens or professional mod-
cls; and we pose them naturally, in real-
life settings. Accompanying the pictures
a story about the girl that adds to her
reality as a person. The entire girl-nest-
door concept that we created for our
centerfold was intended to make the
Playmates more a part of real life for
our readers. If some people still consider
it dehumanizing for a woman to appea
naked in the pages of a men's magazine,
they're really objecting to the sexual
Guglielmo Marconi, youd be amazed. The wireless
you invented could receive only dot-dot-dash. With a lot of
hiss and crackle.
This Sony can receive Bach-Bacharach-Beach Boys.
With hardly any distortion.
We gave it a big 6' speaker and 5 watts of power (for
the now sound of the Beach Boys). A resonant hardwood
cabinet (for the beauty of Bacharach). And a loudness
control (so no Bach pianissimo gets lost).
All at a price that would have seemed reasonable to you
No baloney, Marconi.
connotation in the pictures, and that’s
just the same old repressive puritanism
under a different label.
PLAYEOY: As you know, some feminists
think that the Bunnies, too, are a male-
chauvinist creation and that the costume
is demeaning to the wearer.
HEFNER: When we first conceived the idea
for The Playboy Club, we simply wanted
distinctive costume for the girls who
ited on our members, and an adapta-
tion of our already famous Rabbit trade-
mark seemed logical. The extent to which
our Bunnies have become known around
the world suggests that we were right;
the word Bunny has even entered the
language as a synonym for a pretty girl.
PLAYBOY: The [act attractive girls
are part of a slickly packaged lifestyle/
business enterprise convinces many of
PLAYBOY'S adversaries that you regard
women, if not as sex objects, then as no
more Шап ап accessory to "the good
along with clothes, sporis cars, stereos
nid penthouse pads,
HEFNER: Anybody who feels that way ob-
viously misses the whole point of what
pravnoy is all about. Far from being an
accessory to the good life, women—and
the romantic liaison between them and
our male readers—are the very point
and purpose of what PrAvuov espouses as
a guide for living. The physical accou-
terments are there to provide the most
ant possible environment for the
between two people to
ce the magazine has al-
ways been an extension of my own
dreams fantasies, it shouldn't be too
difficult to figure out what's most impor-
tant to me. The fact is that if you could
find your way to the very heart of Hugh
Heiner, what you would find is a man
ated by romance. More than wealth
and power and whateyer other primary
ns most men have, what lights
my romantic relationships w
PLAYBOY: Haven't most men passed th
period by the rime they reach their 40s?
HEFNER: After their 30s, too many people
“settle down" into a kind of dull, gray
tediu rationalized as maturity.
Its an aging process that might more
ightly be called hardening of the cmo-
i xteries. It dries up one’s enthusi-
asm, snufis out our lust for life. When I
was in college right after the war, there
was à great resurgence of interest in F
ott Fitzgerald, and I got very caught up
in his works, but even then I was struck
by his downbeat attitude toward middle
age. There were many aspects of his writ-
ing 1 could relate to, but I couldn't un-
derstand that melancholy feeling about
ile's being downhill after 40. 1 refuse to
succumb to that. My 40s have been better
than my 30s, which were fabulous, and I
expect my 50s to be even better than my
but in my case
think the boy was father to the boy.
PLAYBOY: That boyish ent of
yours obviously extends ro your relation-
ships with women. What kind of woman
are you attracted 10?
HEFNER: Well, there isn't any one phys
type, since the most important women in
come in a variety of shapes
and sizes: some blonde, some brunette,
some tall, some short, some big-breasted,
some smalbbrcasted—believe it or not.
What really turns me on is a woman who
Ли, unaffected, enthusiastic, oper
nd honest What often passes
cation in our society holds no
appeal for me whatever
PLAYBOY: Aren't women.
ticated ones—ever put
HEFNER: Some are, of course, but I'm not
apt to come in contact with them in the
PLAYBOY-oriented world I live in. Cur
ously enough, a great many women are
attracted to а man who has been rom:
tically involved with a number of other
women. There's also something compli
mentary about being singled out for at-
tention by а man who has numerous
lovely ladies to choose from.
PLAYBOY: Part of the pul
about you has to do wii
of your personal relationships with the
women vou pick as Playmates. Tell us
about it.
HEFNER: "here isn’t any casting couch
volved, if that’s what you mean. I've
been personally involved with a number
of our Playmates over the years, but Гус
never let my personal Ше interfere with
the editing of the magazine, or vice
Curiously enough. however, there does
seem to be a rather high correlation be-
tween our most popular Playmates and
those who have been the most important
to me personally.
: You're obviously living a life
ny men relate to in their
des are often disap-
even unsophi
olf by your
you'll become jaded?
No way. If anything, it seems to
ing the other wa
more turned on by a romantic relati
ship today than I would have thought
possible a few years ago. lm more оре
more sensually and sexually responsive
now than at any previous time in my life.
PLAYBOY: Most of the women we"
around you are at least 20 years you
For one thing, I simply find
m more attractive physically than
women my own age. "There's also some
thing nice about an aflair that's the first
rious relation a girl's life: it per-
around. I'm
е seen
mits you to recapture your own early
omantic responses. It’s а way of holding
onto your youth and the enthusiasm you
first felt about life and love.
PLAYBOY: It's been argued by a number of
female writers who've written articles
about you that what you're really doing
is avoiding more mature women who
might challenge you more and demand
more equality in a relationship.
HEFNER: I don't think an older woman is
necessarily any more of a challenge than
a young one. Young people today have
really got it together—in a way that we
never did when we were their age. |
think it’s a mistake to prejudge any rela
tionship on the basis of the ages of
the two people involved. Our society's
condemnation of relationships between
older women and young men is particu-
larly strong, and it doesn't таке any
sense to me at all. I have a secretary who
happens to be into younger guys right
now, and I think it's groovy. Each indi-
vidual has to decide what's right Гог him-
self or herself, and no one сїзє is really in
position to make that decision for
п. Different strokes for different folks.
But let me also add that I don't go
looking for any sort of challenge in a ro-
mance. ] want а woman who comple-
ments the person I happen to be, not one
who wants to make me over or demands
kind of relationship I'm not comfortable
with. Pm not looking for a female Hugh
Hefner. A romantic relationship for me
is an escape from the challenges and
problems I face in my work. It's a psycho-
logical and emotional island I slip away
to—away from the trials and tribulati
of the rest of my lil
goes home from the hi
to a wife or girlfriend w
ho also gives him
Im not going to pattern my life after
some fashionable notion of an emanci
pated relationship in which both part-
ners are equal. IE that works for others,
that’s OK, but it wouldn't work for me. 1
dmit to being a rather strong-willed
dividual. I make most of the decisions in
my life, and I like it that way
PLAYBOY: Do your girlfriends like it. too?
HEFNER: If they didn't, they wouldn't
stick around. But I tend to be attracted
to the sort of woma n't competi-
nd doesn’t feel frustrated or resent-
use she isn't in charge. There are
great many women around who
want a man to call the shots. establish the
nature of the relationship, and so forth.
"s male chauvinism, so be it. It's the
1d I don't apologize for it
h individual ought to seek the
ionship that
nost satisfies his or her
needs—with a partner who complements
him rather than competes emotionally
PLAYBOY: Surrounded as you are by
women, there must be a great temptation
to simply play the field. Yer, over the
years, you've always had a girlfriend with
whom you've preferred to spend most of
your time, Why?
HEFNER: While variety certainly has its
own rewards, I’m essentially a sentimen-
tal, quite sensitive, romantic fellow, and
I need the kind of emotional rapport
that's possible only in a longterm
PLAYBOY: Your most publicized romance
in recent years has been with Barbi
Benton. What drew you to her?
HEFNER: Barbi is something special—
bright, spirited, with an enthusiasm for
whatever she's into that’s really quite coi
tagious. She was a college kid when I mer
her—a Sacramento girl, straight-A. stu-
dent, excheerleader, ex-Miss Teenage
America contestant—who'd gone down to
Los Angeles to study premed at UCL.
She was working part timeas a model and
I met her on the set of our TV show
Playboy After Dark carly їп the first
We started rapping while they were set-
ting up the lights and cameras to tape
the next segment, and | invited her to
come along with me and a few friends to
the Candy Store, a local discothèque.
after the show. I already had a date, but
t night 1 only had eyes lor Barbi. One
y friends —I think it was Shel Silver-
i—asked her whether she ever dated
older men. She said she'd never been out
with anyone over 21, and I told her that
was OK: neither had 1,
So we started dating, but it remained.
rather casual for a while, because she
really wasn't sure she wanted to get in-
volved with a guy with my reputation. 1
remember the first night I picked her up
at her college dorm. I pulled up in a
limousine, which really freaked out her
girlfriends, and instead of being
pressed by that sort of status thing,
she made a point afterward of di
her own car and meeting me someplace
else for our dates. I dug that.
It took a while for the relations|
get serious; there was a college boyfriend
in the picture, and she was also geu
the rush from guys like Jimmy
once she decided our rel:
at she wanted, it was wonderful.
She's a sports nut—an expert. skier,
swimmer and gvmnast—and I, as I've
said, am a very indoor guy. I remember
one trip we took to Acapulco, soon after
our romance got going, when some of the
gang decided to go kiting over the bay.
Naturally, Barbi had to be the first one
10 try it and, romantic fool that 1 am,
not to be outdone by my mew girl-
fricnd, I decided to try it, too. So there 1
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was, high above Acapulco Bay, hanging
onto that kite for dear life, wondering if
the motorboat that was pulling the kite
would be able to put me down safely on
the little raft where I'd started. From
that height, the raft looked about the size
of a postage stamp, and I can't swim а
stroke. Fucking incredible!
PLAYBOY: You must have been crazy,
HEFNER: Love-crazy..My life is too sweet to
be risking it with such daredevil foolish-
ness, but there 1 was, just the same. The
only other time I got involved in such a
dangerous sport was when I was in col-
lege. I learned to fiy, got my pilot's li-
cense and spent one summer learning to
do stunts in a Stearman trainer—doing
stalls, spins, loops, Immelmanns, every-
thing. But even then, I never went stunt.
flying over any lakes.
PLAYBOY: There's also been considerable
publicity recently about your concur-
rent relationship with Playmate Karen
Christy, who Chicago Man-
sion. Time reported, "Long a two-of-
everything consumer, Hefner has lately
extended the principle to his romantic
ic... . Somehow the arrangement con-
tinues to work.” Does it?
HEFNER: Not as well as it did before the
press started playing around with it.
Some of the gossip columnists in. Holly-
wood have made it sound as though
Barbi is being replaced, which isn’t the
case at all.
к\лтвот: Isn't any involvement with
more than one girl at a time bound to
cause complications?
HEFNER: It depends on the relationships
T think, and what sort of understanding
you have with the girls involved. There's
always the chance of someone's being
hurt in any romantic situation, and if
you care about the feelings of others, that
can produce conflicts and tensions—some
of them self-imposed, some imposed
by circumstances. Tm aware that any
woman with whom I'm involved may
haye needs or desires that are different
from my own, and when that happens,
you have to adjust the relationship
PLAYBOY: Does the subject of marriage
ever come up?
HEFNER: Occasionally.
PLAYBOY: How do you handle it?
HEFNER: By simply being open and honest
being preceded by my reputation, which
nnounces that Im not apt to be getting
married in the near future and that my
lifestyle isn't apt to dramatically change
as a result of any new relationship. So in
most cases, a girl has different expecta-
tions with me than she might with anoth-
er man, and that makes it easier for me
to avoid disappointing her.
You know, I tried marriage once a
long time ago, right after I got out of col-
lege, and I took the idea of being mar-
ried very seriously. I don't enter into
anything halfheartedly. I expected to be
m 'd to the same woman the rest of
my life, but even then the misgivings
were there, the fecling that something
was missing: I knew it was less than what
I really wanted, but 1 thought that was
one of those things you had to settle for.
My marriage was like the jobs 1 had be-
fore I started PLAvBov—the kind of com-
promises most of us make in the adult
world. And, like those jobs, the marriage
wasn't a happy experience,
It had nothing to do with Millie, my
ex-wile. She's a great lady. We're still close
friends and we have dinner together reg-
ularly with our two children: our daugh-
ter Christie, who's a Phi Beta Kappa at
Brandcis; and our son David, who'll be
graduating from high school this June. It
ns out Hefner's а family man. How
about that? T sure Jove those two kids.
But when the marriage was over, I felt
Tike I had broken out of prison. J ob-
viously wasn't ready for marriage dhen,
and maybe I never will be.
PLAYBOY: Is it even a pos:
HEFNER: ОГ course. But I do enjoy the ad-
tages of bachelorhood without most
of the disadvantages. 1 don't have to do
my own cooking and cleaning, and I
don't have very many lonely nights. I'm
not saying my lifestyle is the one that's
right for everybody. There are legitimate
reasons for geuing married; but there are
also legitimate reasons for mof getting
married, and in my сазе, those are rather
dominant. I have this keenly developed
sense of personal freedom, a portion of
ve up when you
accept the responsibilities that go with
marriage. It would mean that I'd be liv-
ing much of my lile according to а pre
conceived set of expectations that—at this
time, at Ieast—I'm not willing to accept.
1 think most people wind up living their
lives according to other people's expec-
tations and forgetting about what it is
they really want for themselves. All that
would drive me up a tree.
PLAYBOY; In other words, you're selfish,
HEFNER: Everyone is, and should be. It’s
just that we all have different ways of ex-
pressing our sell-concern—some of it en-
lightened and some of it hurtful—to
ourselves and to others, as well as to soci-
ety at large. “This above all: To thine
own self be true, and it must follow, as
the night the day, thou canst not then be
false to any man.” I think there's consid-
erable merit in that, and it was a favorite
quote of mine as I was growing up.
I expressed some of my views on en-
lightened self-interest in The Playboy Phi
losophy, and some of the critics claimed
I was advocating a form of selfish hedon-
ism, which isn't the case at all. What
Tm saying is that every one of us needs
a personal sense of identity and selt-
worth in order to function satisfactorily
in society. If you haven't worked out your
own needs, how can you successfully deal
with anyone else's? If you don't like
yourself, you're not going to be able to
like those around you. As one who has
learned to like himself just fine, I think
Ive taken an important step in getting
myself together as a person. It's amazing
how, once you take that step, a lot of the
need to throw your weight around disap-
pears, because if you're content with who
you are, you don't need хо prove any:
thing—to yourself or to your subjects.
Playboy: Right, Hel.
HEFNER: One of my little jokes.
PLAYBOY: Then why did you make us kiss
your Playboy ring when we arrived at the
HEFNER: 1 heard you've got a kinky thing
for jewelry.
PLAYBOY: The public has heard, in nu-
merous stories about your personal life,
that you have a Kinky thing for a lifestyle
that's one continuous round of dham-
pagne and caviar, communal sex with
wall-to-wall women, water beds, baby oil,
vibrators, mirrors on the ceiling and
video-tape equipment for instant replay.
HEFNER: Sounds OK. But you ought to
come to one of my wild parties.
PLAYBOY: Frankly, in the weeks we've
spent at both Mansions, we haven't seen
anything wilder than a couple of your
pet flamingos humping on the lawn in
HEFNER: Sorry I missed that. But for real
excitement, you should take a dip in the
fish pond when the carp are spawning.
You know, Art Buchwald, who's a friend,
once wrote a very funny column about
the first time he stayed at the Chicago.
Mansion. He had all these wild expecta-
tions, and he described how he ended up
spending all night playing gin rummy
with me
md some of the guys. He went
airs to the pool, he said, and it was
empty. He checked the steam room and
there, barely visible through the haze, w
what he thought must be one of the Bun-
nies who live in the house. It turned out
to be Shel Silverstein,
Buchwald spoofed the Playhoy mys-
tique, but other reporters have seemed
genuinely disappointed not to find a
full-scale orgy taking place in the ball-
room on their arrival. They've dismissed
the tales of revelry in the Mansion and
attempted to create an image of Hefner
as a square rather than а sybarite.
PLAYBOY: Which image is the true one?
HEFNER: The truth is somewhere in be-
PLAYBOY: You have two dozen Bunnies
ing in the Chicago Mansion, plus visit-
ing Playmates and others aspiring to be
Playmates or posing for various pictorials
for PLAvmoY. Doesn't that create any
HEFNER: Nothing we can't handle.
PLAYBOY: Guests who stay at the Man-
sion—celebrities, writers working on as-
signments for the magazine, personal
friends—must expect some fun and
games with these girls.
HEFNER: Gloria Steinem did an article-
interview on me for McCall's a couple of
years ago in which she described a writer
arriving at the Mansion being asked by a
pLaynoy executive if he would like a
Bunny sent to his room. A few minutes
ter, the executive supposedly called the
er's room and asked, “Well, how was
My male guests usually know me well
enough to be tever hap
pens in the house is a matter of al
initiative and the personal preferences of
the people involved. The sort of imper
sonal exploitati the story
ign to me.
That was a complete bibrication
ware that wh
in McCall's is completely for
It's simply not my style
PLAYBOY: Do you find that that sort of
misrepresentation occurs very often in
stories about you and pLayuoy?
HEFNER: I think writing about rraynoy
and the lifestyle of its publisher is rather
like a Rorschach test. Our society suffers
from so many hang-ups related to the en-
joyment of sex and materialism that writ-
ers frequently produce pieces that are
more 3 projection of their own preju
dices and fantasies—or those of their
readers—than they are about us.
PLAYBOY: In an article for Esquire, Rust
Mills marveled at the private world
you've managed to create for yourself—a
controlled environment in which, in con-
trast to the world outside, everything
works. Is he right?
HEFNER: Nothing always works. But mine
comes about as close as humanly possible
for a total environment as complex and
ambitious as the one I've created. Hills
saw that the Playboy Mansion is more
than just an elaborate pleasure palace
it’s a place in which 1 can both work and
play without unnecessary interruptions
or inconvenience. Man is the only animal
able of controlling his environment,
and what I've created is a private world
that permits me to live my life without
a Jot of the wasted time and motion that
consume a large part of most people's
The man who has a job in the city and
а house in the suburbs is losing wo or
three hours a day simply moving himself
physically from where he lives to where
he works and back again. Then he has to
energy to go out for
lunch in some crowded restaurant, where
he’s more than likely dealt with in a
rushed and impersonal fashion. He's liv
ing his life according to a preconceived
notion—certainly not his own—of what
айу routine ought to be. I've elimi
nated that problem by having my office,
take the ише a
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personal staff and a conference room here
on the premises. In addition, I have a
video-phone hookup with the Playboy
Building a few blocks away, which permits
me to hold instant minimcetings with fel-
low Playboy executives when necessary.
"rhe details of most people's daily regi
men ure dictated by the dock. They eat
breakfast, lunch and dinner at a time
generally presc al custom.
They work during the day and sleep at
night. But in the Mansion it is, quite
it to be. I happen to be a n
so if I want to begin my day in the late
afternoon, 1 often do, 1 can. The
round-the-clock services of the Mansion
permit me, or any of my guests or any of
the Bunnies, to order breakfast at mid-
night or dinner at noon if we wish.
With our video-tape equipment, I can
watch a TV special when it’s actually
aired or the following day, if 1 prefer. A
pool table, pinball machines and other
electronic games in the game room, a
bowling alley, gym, swimming pool and
steam room are all available to anyone in
the house at any time of day or night. We
also have a library of feature films on
nd for our guests that ranges from
isney to Deep Throat. Norman Mailer
observed, after staying at the Chicago
Mansion, that it was like being in a
spaceship “outward bound and timeless,”
nd I think that captures the feeling of
the place very nicely:
PLAYBOY: Isn't your fascination with fancy
electronic gear more than а matter of
personal convenience? In one interview,
you were quoted as saying, “Neat to
beautiful women, 1 like gadgets best.”
HEFNER: Next to beautiful women, I like
iul women's gadgets best. The elec-
pment simply makes life more
enjoyable as well as more efiicient—pro-
ling everything I need for work and
ay right here at my finger tips. OK, I
admit that I'm also inuigued with the
James Bondian gadgetry that can en
hance any man's mid-20th Century life-
style. But where Bond used his gadgetry
for death and destruction, mine is in-
tended for living and loving.
PLAYBOY: Tom Wolfe called your ultimate
gadget—that rotating, vibrating circul
bed—"the center of the Playboy world.
Is it?
HEFNER: It's certainly the center of my
world when I'm in Chicago, since I work
in it, play in it, cat and sleep in it.
PLAYBOY: Is there really any advantage to.
a round bed?
HEFNER: Well, it gives me something to do
with all those round sheets in the linen
PLAYBOY: Much of the control you exer-
cise over your environment—including
the electronic gadgetry that's built into
and around your bed—has been made
possible only by the technolog
vances of the past 20 years.
"s true. And I think thit
asingly, others will be applying ad-
vances in electronic technology to the
same ends. Marshall McLuhan predicted
improved methods of electronic
communication will make it possible for
more people to avoid the inconvenience
of separating where they work from
where they live and to turn their homes
into electronic entertainment complexes.
Our homes will become the centers for
most of our ies. In that respect, I
suppose you might say that the controlled
ronment of the Playboy Mansion is
the shape of things to come. But you're
going to have to find your own Bunnies,
PLAYBOY: Why is control so important
to you?
HEFNER: I'd like to hear the arguments on
the other side. What virtues are there in
being without control? One of the great-
cst sources of frustration in contempo-
rary society is that people feel so
powerless, not only in relation to what
happens in the world around them but
in influencing what happens in their
own lives. Well, I don't feel that [rustra-
tion, because I've taken control of my
life—and I'm even lucky enough to have
some influence outside it as well.
PLAYBOY: Some people might wonder
whether it's possible to get the most out
of life when the private world you've
created seems to cut you off from so
much of the rest of it.
HEFNER: Physical insulation isn't the same
psychological isolation. A private
world that manages to minimize wasted
time and motion actually permits greater
attention to individual interests and mat-
ters of greater importance. During one
period in the Sixties, when I rarely ven-
tured outside the Chicago Mansion, I
developed a reputation as a Howard
Hughes-style recluse. We've both chosen
to live in sel contained, separate physi-
cal worlds, but Hughes has purposely cut
himself off from all contact with other
people, and the Playboy Mansion was
conceived as an environment in which I
could more readily enjoy the company of
When гтлувоу first started, I was a fa-
miliar part of the social scene on Chica-
go's Near North Side. Then the magazine
began growing so rapidly and I got so
totally immersed in it that I found it
more convenient to live at the office than
to go home to an apartment. That ar-
rangement worked for a while, but by
the end of the Fifties Td decided I need-
ed a place to escape to when the work
was done—a house elegant and elaborate
enough to make me want to leave the of-
fice routine occasionally, and that turned
out to be the first Playboy Mansioi
The concept worked so well that with-
in а year I was doing almost everything
in the Mansion. I moved my office and a
secretary in and, with the arrival of the
Bunnies, my social life was increasingly
concentrated there, too. The house soon
became a favorite hangout for friends, as-
sociates and visiting celebrities. Instead
of going out for a few drinks in some
crowded, smoke-filled bar, we relaxed
and rapped in front of the fireplace in
the main room, ordered our favorite food
and drink from kitchen and bar fa
ities superior to most of the res
in town, played pinball or pool
game room, took a swim or a stcam, or
wound in the romantic comfort of the
underwater bar, which can be reached
most easily by sliding down a fire pole
from the floor above. The pole was typical
of the playful innovations T introduced
as a contrast to the grand turn-of-the-cen-
tury elegance of the house. Such a place
should also have secret passageways, I
figured, and since there weren't апу, I
added them. The Mansion ended up
working so well that going out came to
seem like a useless exercise. What the hell
was it I was supposed to go ont for
PLAYBOY: Perhaps to visit places that
couldn't be brought to you.
HEFNER: Places hold no interest for me. A
friend recently suggested driving up
from L.A. to San Simcon, the old Hearst
caste. He thought I might be interest
in seeing how another famous editor-
publisher had lived. But I doi
Hearst, and the grandeur of his old do-
main is now something for the tourists
What I'm interested in is rela
with people. Visiting the most beautiful
or historic spot in the world would have
no meaning for me unless it were shared
with someone 1 cared about. Visiting
Paris just to sce the sights would bore me.
But if a girl I was romantically involved
with were there and couldn't come to me,
Id yo hallway around the world to be
with her.
PLAYBOY: During the Sixties, when you
spent virtually all of your time in the
Chicago Mansion, didn't you ever feel
ike just taking a stroll around the block
or a drive in the country?
HEFNER: When I felt like it, I went out.
Irs that simple. Obviously, I didn't feel
like it very often, because there were
often weeks, and sometimes months,
when I didn't go out at all. I remember
one winter, Chicago had a record snow-
fall. I thought that was too good to miss,
and since I couldn't bring it inside—at
least not without melting—my girl and I
took a midnight walk and wound up
building a snowman in front of the Man-
sion. When we got back, we learned that
the news had spread through the house
like there'd been a prison break—"Hef's
gone out! Hef's gone ош!" There were a
Jot of jokes of that sort—even around
ral Wine & Spirits Co., NYC, ВО proof
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but life is al-
I'm painfully
Yt enough
here—about my lifestyle,
ways a matter of choices
are that there simply
c in one short life to do all
ags 1 want to do, so I've tried to el
te the distractions, inefficiencies and
conveniences thar get in the way of
whatever I'm doing. Thar
the house is all about.
PLAYBOY: Then what made you decide, in
the late Sixties, to widen your horizd
build your pri ne, take trips, buy
your West Coast Mansion?
HEFNER: [ think a lot of men be; to re.
evaluate the pattern of their lives i
their middle years, whether they're m
ried or single, successful or unsuccessful,
and I decided that what had worked very
well for me earlier in the decade wasn't
sfying any longer. 1 was fortunate
nough to be able to dramatically change
really what
hat’s another example of the impor
tance of staying in control of your lif
The company had grown so big that onc
п could no longer hold onto the reins
as tightly as I had. I began to delegate
i t of authority to my
key executives, and that wasn't easy, be-
cause Playboy has always been such a
reed to host a new TV series,
Playboy After Dark, to be taped in Los
Angeles, because I knew that would force
me out of the house and into new areas
of activity. In addition to its obvious
promotional values, the TV show
intended as a first step in Pl
Enterprises West Coast diversifi
10 moti i
plane to provide prompt, comfor
transportation between our Chicago head-
quarters and our
throughout the country
the world.
The plane is a Ic
concept behind the house: We ordered a
stretched version o from Douglas
crat, with l gas tanks to
give it intern nd had
a custom interior designed that turned it
to an айо ment. In that way,
whatever time is spent in transportation
isn't wasted, since 1 cin do anything
aboard the Big Bunny that I do in the
Playboy Mansion. Well, almost anythi
We don't 1 swimming pool or a
bowling alley on the planc.
Id had an apartment on top of the
Playboy office building in Los Angeles
1 years, but with more of our ac-
1 the res
house. What I fou
з I had envisioned—an elegant
һ Tudor home, set on five and a
cres of ground just a block and
а half from Sunset Boulevard in Holmby
7g Hills, that became Playboy Mansion
West. T now spend almost as much timc
there as I do in Chicago.
PLAYBOY: What's the attraction?
HEFNER: I don't think anything 1 could
say would adequately describe the place.
The main building was inspired by a
mansion England called Holmby
House: it's built of stone, with slate roofs
and The grounds ave
handsomely i roll
а variety of uces, plans and flowers
what is reputed to be the largest redwood
forest in Southern California. We added
is court and a se g pool, with
adjoining ponds and waterfalls, and i
troduced exotic varieties of fish. birds
als as а finishing touch. It
s the Chicago Mansion, but
leaded w
even more impressive because of the ele-
gance of the lecture and the grounds,
Th te guesthouse, à green-
house me house, with an outdoor
b; done in the same
t can be
built. as a part of the pool, tl
mered by swimming through a water
nd includes an elaborate series of J
cui baths that arc enjoyed more as a
1 activity than for their
In short, the West
itable Shangri-La,
and rumor has it that you really do start
bly after leaving the
PLAYBOY: As a guy who carned rather than
inherited his money—who started out as
a middledass working sil don't you
ever take a look around you at all this in-
and wonder if it's too
"s all a dream
nd irll all be
credible luxury
good to be true, feel that
and maybe yoi
HEFNER: ] still have certa sense of
wonder at all that's happened. but that
adds to my enjoyment of it, I don't think
Til ever become jaded by the success or
the life I'm leading: it’s simply not my
mature. As а mater of fact, E feel like a
kid in the world’s biggest candy store.
PLAYBOY: Must you be so |
HEFNER: I could р
I'm having too good a time. PI
cool, affecting that hip sense of wea
with it all that’s so fashionable these days,
would be foreign to me. If my enth
strikes some people as unsophisticated,
that’s their problc
PLAYBOY: A good deal of your c
is directed, during your leisure hours,
toward games—backg:
pinball, cards and a dozen other such
pastimes, Why?
HEFNER: When I finish with my work, I
с to lose myself in games of v
kinds with friends. И my game playing is
enthusiastic, it’s because that’s the way E
approach almost everything I do. I enjoy
ing it
mon, Monopoly,
the competitive nature of game playing,
as well as the social contact that goes
with it, Most of my friends are serious
game players, too. Backgammon is what
we're really into now, as you know.
great gamc—relatively simple in concept
and easy to learn. but qu
in its strategy once you begin to really
e sop
get involved in it. Its
morc excit
like cards, it’s played on
a board wher sce the
moves—with the opportunity for consid.
erable interplay-
A couple of friends
Pips—atter the 1
on the board
(d 1 recently
п LA. called
pieces—and the major appeal of the cl
move your
long with an excellent res
and discothèque, is backgammon. Pips
become, in the few short months since it
opened, the most popular celebrity ha
out in town, just as backg:
come the most popular р;
PLAYBOY: You said most of your friends
game players. Being serious
about games seems a contradiction in
terms. Isn't it rather frivolous to devote
as much time and energy as you do to
that sort of th
HEFNER: The ability to enjoy such frivo-
lous pastimes is part of what life ought 10
be all about. The notion that work
dally redeeming, but that play isn’t, is
a hangup that still persists in our
сту. Alter the meetings, dictation and
editing are done, I'm ready to relax and
play—whether irs in my rotating bed or
the game room with the gang
amon has be-
are serious
PLAYBOY: Or in your rotating bed with
the gang?
HEFNER: You've been peeping.
PLAYBOY: Your guest registers at both
Mansions read like the proverbial Who's
Who of show business, sports, polities
journalism, ап, sc law and even
religion. De you consider yourself a
celebrity buff?
HEFNER: Unashamedly so. But most of us
are, no matter what degree of success
we have achieved. 1 grew up in the
‘Thirties and Forties, and film stars were
my idols as а kid, so the celebrities of
show business have special meaning for
me. They're the closest thing Americans
ve to royalty, and the biggest of them
enjoy much the same prestige.
PLAYBOY: Among the celebrities you've
ed are George McGovern, Ringo
т, Rudolf Nureyev, John Kenneth
braith, Liz Taylor, Timothy Leary,
alph Nader and Linda Lovelace. What
do you have in common with such a
diverse list of people?
HEFNER: Some are close friends who stay
at the house whenever they're in town.
Others are just casual acquaintances 1
The first true rosé wine was produced in France.
The best still is.
Vive la Nectarose.
know socially or with whom I share some
commo: terest. In. terms of common
interest, I remember an evening of serious
conversation with the Reverend Martin
Luther King, Jr. and fellow clergymen
Bishop John Robinson, Dr. Harvey Cox
and the Reverend Jesse Jackson. Jesse
has become a close friend in the years
since King's death, and the Mansion is
something of a sanctuary for 1
he feels the need to get away from it all.
On another occasion, about a year be-
fore his marriage to Miss Vicki on the
Tonight Show, Tiny Tim spent a nervous
evening here asking my advice on women.
He obviously didn’t take it.
PLAYBOY: The Rolling Stones stayed for
four days at the Chicago Mansion during
their last American concert tour, What
can you tell us—for publicat:
that legendary visit?
HEFNER: Mick and the boys spent most of
th ne with us conversing on impor-
tant social issues of the day over brandy
in the library. And for relaxation, we
yed a few games of chess.
HEFNER: Won't buy that, eh? Well, let's
just say that a good time was had by all—
starting in my Roman Bath and ending
four nights later with an impromptu con-
cert by the Stones and Stevie Wonder in
the ballroom. When the tour was over,
the Stones told the press that the high
point of their eight weeks in America
had been the time they spent at Hefner's
house in Chicago.
PLAYBOY: Does that kind of informal con-
cert happen often?
HEFNER: Well, Buddy Rich is a guest
the Chicago Mansion whenever he's
town, and one evening he brought his
entire band over as a surprise. They set
up their standsat one end of the ballroom
and did an entire show for us. On another
evening, we were throwing a party for
Ssome visiting dignitaries from Morocco
when the entire cast of Hair came in
singing Aquarius. They wound up naked
in the pool doing most of the score
from the show.
Most of the musical moments at the
Mansions aren't that elaborate, of course.
Harry Nilsson entertained us around the
piano with several of his songs at a party
last New Year's Eve. Tony Bennett did
the same thing on a different occasion.
Shel Silverstein—who is one of my closest
friends and stays at one of the Mansions
as much as he does on his own houseboat
in Sausalito—regularly regales the Bun-
nies with his songs, a number of which
have been inspired by incidents that took
place here.
PLAYBOY: Including Freakin’ at the Freak-
ers Ball?
HEFNER: No comment.
PLAYBOY: Tom Jones has been an occa-
sional guest of yours; has he ever per-
formed at either Mansion?
HEFNER: Not musically.
PLAYBOY: Got any more hot items for the
gossip columnists?
HEFNER: Well, let's sec. I don’t want to
compromise Chuck Percy's reputation,
and I don't know what this may imply
in terms of his Presidential chances in
1976, but on a recent visit to the Chicago
Mansion, the Senator challenged me to
a game of ping-pong—and lost deci
story we
HEFNER: Oh, no? Well, Masters and John-
son, the noted sex researchers, spent a
t here prior to their marriage, and
they stayed in separate—but adjoining—
bedrooms. Norm Mailer and Budd
Schulberg once spent a long weekend in
the same two adjoining rooms, but their
relationship didn’t work out quite as
well On the second night, I d to
referee a verbal bout that threatened to
turn physical. When Mailer invited
Schulberg to step outside for some old-
fashioned fisticuffs, Budd—the soberer of
the two—declined with the obseryation
that he had once refused to fight with
Hemingway, and if he hadn't fought
Hemingway, he wasn't going to lower
his standards now and fight with Mailer.
Most of the time around here, though,
it's make love, not war. Warren Beatty,
another noted sex researcher, spent a
considerable amount of cine at the Cl
cago house when we were both
involved in the McGovern campa
I sec him more regularly now at the L.A.
Mansion, where he can usually be found
heading in the general direction of the
Jacuzzi, being a well-known lover of
water sports,
PLAYBOY: Yevgeny Yevtushenko, the Ru:
ian poet, stayed at the Chicago Mansion
during onc of his visits to America. Did
you get along?
HEFNER: Well, we spent several hours de-
bating the relative merits of our two
systems of government. But he departed
early the next morning, disgruntled be-
cause he hadn't been able to interest
any of the Bunnies in further cementing
Soviet-American relations,
PLAYBOY: You haven't mentioned the big
parties you throw for a few hundred
friends every week or so in either Chi
cago or Los Angeles. Do the stars come
to gaze at one another on these occasions?
HEFNER: And at our Bunnies, and at the
Playmates—and vice versa. Bu
gest turnouts—in terms of show-business
celebrities, at least—are the popular
closed-circuit telecasts of sporting events
that I host several times a year. Last
summer in the L.A. house, we screened
a Muhammad Ali fight, and half the male
stars in town were there, plus a few fe-
male fans as well. Groucho Marx and
our big-
George Raft were on hand, representing
the old Hollywood: Bill Cosby, Jac
Nicholson, Burt Bacharach, Joe Namath,
Jim Brown, Tony Curtis, Bob Culp,
David Steinberg, Jimmy Caan, John
Derek, Clint Eastwood, the ever-popu
Warren Beatty, Harry Nilsson with Sally
Kellerman, Ryan O'Neal with Ursu
Andress, Don Adams with Don R ickles—
everybody was there. Tommy Smothers
looked around at the room of familiar
faces and said, “If somebody set off a
bomb in here tonight, you'd have to start
show business all over aga
PLAYBOY: In another interview, you said
you enjoy your reputation almost
much as you do your lifestyle. What did
you mean?
HEFNER: I meant that I enjoy the public's
fantasies about the way I live almost as
much as the way I really liye, And I can't
deny being amused at the mixed re
tions I arouse, often in the same people.
Even if they put me down, they ea
They want to know what's going on
those Mansions. What's it like on th
plane? What does he really do with those
Bunnies? There's even a story going
around about the stars on the cover of
the magazine representing the number
of times I've made Iove with that month's
PLAYBOY: Ihe version we've heard i
volves the girl on the cover.
HEFNER: I hate to spoil all those fantasies,
but the number of stars designates noth-
ing more than the geographical edition
azine. I think it's been of
great value to PLaynoy, though, that the
boss isn't a faceless chief executive but
a guy people can fantasize about and see
a representative of the good life the
magazine promotes.
PLAYBOY: A number of your personal
tastes—for simple clothing, food and
drink—don't exactly fit that image.
HEFNER: PLAYBOY has never taken the po-
sition that there's only one right kind of
neckwear or music or one right way to
live your lile. The magazine promotes
not what people should be doing to look
hip but an attitude that has to do with
voring life however you choose to
about it. I'm a living testimonial to that.
It would be an affectation for me to wea
ings I didn't enjoy because I felt |
ought to. And Pepsi happens to be what
llike to drink. As a matter of fact, I like
Pepsi so much that I used to polish off 25
or 30 bottles a day, and I started worry-
ing about putting on weight, so I began
smoking my pipe, rhinking that would
cut down my drinking.
PLAYBOY: Did it?
HEFNER: No, I just acquired another bad
t. As for my plain tastes in food, I
imply enj d chicken more than
pheasant under glass. It’s a hangup of
minc, probably a result of retarded cat-
ing habits in my misspent youth.
PLAYBOY: Is it really truc, as we've heard,
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when you went to Maxim's in Paris,
generally considered one of the world's
finest restaurants, you dispatched an aide
to the kitchen beforchand to provide
them with your personal recipe for fried
HEFNER: It's true. My aide spent the after-
moon showing them how to prepare
Southern fried chicken the way I like it,
and with all due credit to Maxim's, it
was delicious. It tasted just like Colonel
Sanders. You must understand that at
that point, we'd been traveling for a
month through Africa, the Greek isles,
Italy, Spain, England, and so forth, and
by the time I got to Paris . . . it sounds
like a song: “By the time I got to Paris,
she was risin'.” Anyway, by then, I was
pretty horny for some home-cooked
PLAYBOY; Did Maxim's ever recover from
your vis
HEFNER: Apparently they took it rather
well, because later they tried to sell me
the restaurant. But I didn’t like the
chicken that much. 1 guess the real bot-
tom line about food is that it's just not
important to me. I've been known to go
for two days without it. All it gives me is
the energy I need to do what I really get
pleasure from. Do 1 need to spell that
PLAYBOY: Is it a four-letter word?
HEFNER: Four letters, sounds like.
And besides being fun, it's not fauening.
I should have mentioned that in The
Playboy Philosophy.
PLAYBOY: In areas other than food, drink
and dothes, you could hardly be accused
of simple tastes. Your lifestyle is so ex-
traordinarily lavish, in fact, that some
people regard it as an embodiment of the
philosophy of conspicuous consumption.
HEFNER: Well, there's no denying that I'm
one of the nation’s major consumers—or
that I haven't tried very hard to conceal
that fact—but my feeling, frankly, is that
T earned it and I have a right to do with it
exactly what I damn please. And I'd feel
the same way about it even if 1 didn’t also
spend a good deal of what I've made on
the causes I happen to believe in. But
beyond what anyone thinks of me, there's
an implicit assumption I can't accept in.
the hostility some people—particularly
among the affluent young left—fecl not
only toward conspicuous consumption
but toward materialism itself, and the
assumption is that it's evil. They make
no distinction between the ills wrought
by materialism—corporate greed, urban
blight, pollution, artificial obsolescence
and the like—and the benefits of materi-
alism, which indude, thanks to technolog-
ical progress, a longer and healthier life
and a better ability to feed and clothe
the people of this planet.
They also fail to appreciate the fact
that, thanks to the benefits of material-
ism, their own lives—however simply
they choose to live—are very different
from, and very much better than, the
simple life led by those in the underde-
veloped countries of the world. If a kid
gets hungry in Taos, he can wash dishes
somewhere and make enough to get by
on. Or he can hock a watch to pay for à
meal—or a doctor. Or if worst comes to
worst, he can always go home to San
Francisco. The kids in Burma and Tan-
zinia don't have those option:
don't see too many of these idealistic
young kids throwing away their motor-
cycles and their stereos, or using the
money they spend on jeans and lowered
shirts to buy food and clothing for the
poor instead. I'm not saying they shoul
but they should examine their own val-
ues before condemning other people's,
and they should realize that by rejecting
materialism itself rather than the excesses
of materialism, they're throwing out the
baby with the bath water.
PLAYBOY: Many of these young people
you're talking about seem to feel that
TLAYbOY accepts materialism as unques-
tioningly as you say they reject it.
HEFNER: We've never believed—or im-
plied—that money can buy happiness.
But we don't feel it's the root of all evil,
either. It's all in what you do with
Money can certainly be used exploitively
and for destructive ends, the Watergate
campaign funds are a perfect case in
point. But it can also be used to enhance
life—ior oneself and for others—and
that’s what we've tried to promote in the
magazine and the way I try to live myself.
Tm fortunate enough to live very well,
indeed, but it’s not the money that mat-
ters to me; it's not even the things I can
acquire with it. It’s the pleasure—and
the personal freedom—it can provide for
me and for those I care about.
PLAYBOY: Isn't there any level on which
the money itself—the fact that you made
it yourself and that you've made as much
as you have—is gratifying to you?
HEFNER: Certainly. The financial part of
my success isn’t meaningless to me. But
it's much more meaningful to me that
the thing I decided I most wanted to do
when I was in college—to start and cdit.
a magazine of my own that I could be-
lieve in—is exactly what I've been able
to do. And T take great satisfaction in the
fact that this has been the most imitated
magazine of my time, that it's had so
many different impacts on our social and
sexual values. All these things are much
more meaningful to me than the dollars
Гуе earned,
People who are major bu
cesses, with whom our net worth would
be all we have in common, hold very lite
interest for me. I have very few friends in
ness suc-
business, and sitting around with the
head of a huge stecl company talking
about how we got to the top would bore
me shitless. I know there are men for
whom it would be important to make an
extra half billion dollars so they could
se from being the 64th richest man in
the world to the 23rd richest man. But
I've never had any interest in making
Playboy Enterprises as large as General
Motors What I've really sought is to
create a unique and exciting company
that also shows a nice enough profit so
that we can do what we want to do with-
ig about money.
Two years ago, you decided to
finance future ех) n and diversifi
cation by going public. After keeping
Playboy an almost completely personal
enterprise for so long, it must have been
a painful decision to scll stock to the
HEFNER: Not at all. I only went from 80
percent ownership down to 70 percent
ownership, so it wasn't exactly like scll-
ing out my control. But you're right to
the extent that it wasn’t a decision that
came naturally to me. Td equate it with
my decision in the late Sixties to start del-
egating more authority. They were both
made reluctandy but for the good of the
company. When we went public, it was
because I felt it was a proper step to
assure greater growth.
PLAYBOY: To judge from how the stock
has fared, Playboy's position in the mar-
ket isn't very good.
HEFNER: I don't think the stock market re-
Пса» the true value of the company. We
just happened to go public immediately
before a dramatic bear mood hit the mar-
ket, and as far as I'm concerned, the drop.
in the stock is related to the period of
recession, inflation and poor political
leadership that has caused the market to
fall so much, rather than to any problems
in Playboy, which is a very healthy and
expanding enterprise.
Playboy is entering what is going to be
a very exciting period of growth in all
inds of entertainment and leisure-time
activities. Among the projects we've
planned are convolled-environment resi-
dential villages located on the grounds of
our hotel properties and offering hotel
services. In the last five years, we've also
invested $50,000,000 in our new resorts
in Wisconsin and New Jersey; they're
both expected to add considerably to the
appeal of Playboy Club membership and
to produce a very nice profit.
Were also considering a number of
new magazines—fresh concepts, all of
them very different from PLaynoy and
Oui—that promise to tap fresh markets
for us. The film division, which has sey-
eral major theatrical features in the
works, has acquired the rights to That
The world’s most popular
Christmas Club. 7
Luxuriously gift-wrapped
at no extra charge.
Championship Season, which won not
only a Pulitzer Prize but the Tony
awards for best play and best director on
Broadway. d ABC led off its fall
made-for-TV movie season with Deliver
Us from Evil, one of three major tele
sion features we've completed—all of
them produced under budget and all of
them turni e profit.
PLAYBOY: You Jost money on your
film, Macbeth, Didn't that chasten you?
HEFNER: It was only disappointing com-
mercially, not ally. It was well re
viewed, and it was voted best picture of
the year by the National Board of Review
of Motion Pictures. so I'm certainly not
sorry we made it. The film business is
lways a crap shoot in which only a small
percentage of films make moncy, but it's a
alculated risk I'm happy to take, because,
on a longrange basis, film making is
going to be an increasingly important
form of expr society moves
beyond the p ind I want to be
personally involved in Playboy's develop-
ment of expertise in that field. In the
not-distant future, when cible television,
cassette video tapes and ev
publications become major forms of mass
communication, Playboy will have the
experience to take advantage of those
n electronic
g the
nbs to match
пе last decade—
nightclub. atmos-
phere to more informal dining and
drinking and to more contemporary en
tevutinment of every kind for young
singles and couples ch of enjoyable
alternatives t0 the tube and the movie
from the traditio:
Were also redesigning and ex-
cs in many of ou
of them—in Montreal,
Detroit and, most recently, Los Angeles—
have been moved to new locations that
reflect the sl urb centers ol
social activity.
But the most important. news for our
members is that I'm going to be more per-
ally involved than ever before in the
policies of The Playboy Club, and there
will be an even greater emphasis on
ng to our clientele—just as we em-
phasize our readers’ interests when we're
iting the magazine—that should make
our Clubs, resorts and hotels among the
most popular gathering places on the
contemporary scene in the y head.
PLAYBOY: How do you [cel about the pro-
liferation of pLaysoy imitators in the past
year or two, and the fact that some of
them are obviously trying to copy more
п your magazine?
HEFNER: They say that imitation is the
sincerest form of flattery, so I guess I've
been flattered more sincerely—and more
blatantly—than any other magazine pub-
s inspired an.
unprecedented number of similar publi-
cations since we started 90 years ago. The
first of any significance was Escapade,
followed by Nugget, Dude, Gent, Rogue
and Gavalier. Each enjoyed some initial
success, then floundered—to be replaced,
more recently, by Penthouse, Galler
Genesis, Cog, a black version titled
Players and several dozen foreign varia-
tions on the theme, such as Lui in France,
Playmen in Italy, etc, The trouble with
most of these magazines is that they try to
compete by shamelessly copying our own
publication instead of offering т
something fresh and original
Penthouse ample. It wa
going to be called Playgirl until lawyers
warned its publisher, Bob Guccione, of
the danger of trademark infringement in
using a title so similar to PLaYnoy’s. So
he settled on Penthouse. a name closely
associated with rrAvmov—our first ТУ
series was titled Playboy's Penthouse and
Playboy Club showrooms are similarly
named—but not dose enough to be
The primary feature in each issue of
Penthouse is a picorial ripoff of our
own Playmate of the Month, a
tively retided “Pet of the Month"—
which, in turn, inspired such derivative
spinoffs as an annual Pet review, “Per
of the Year” and a Pet calendar.
This copyeat concept extends 10 other
editorial features as well—including the
Playboy Interview and Playboy Forum,
which Penthouse picked up without even
bother Че. Recent issues h
included a kinky comic strip, à la Little
Annie Fanny, while Guccione's personal
cartoon contribution is pseudo Feiffer—
1 1O те
at, without any
Penthouse even
key instead of a
ces at the end of
cach story and article. Such inspired i
novation, The only th i
"What Sort of Man Re
1; and, believe it or
other imitators even
that, along with an attempt to duplicate
the art and design of our magazine that
ompted Time to refer to one recently
йв “PLAYBOY plagiarism.”
Of course, the most blatant rip-off of
I is Gallery. After taking offices
the street from the Playboy Building
several lower-echelon PLAYBOY
they produced a first issue
that attempted to duplicate rLavsoy ex-
actly, page by page. Unfortunately, the
result looked less like the original than
one of the numerous PLAYBOY paro-
s produced by the college humor
of his wit or insight.
has а small symbol—
Rabbit—which it pl
ot, some of the
include a copy of
PLAYBOY: Considering the debt that Pent-
house, Gallery, Genesis and the rest owe
to rtavnoy, how do you react when their
publishers tell interviewers that PLAYBOY
is old-fashioned and that their own maga-
zines are more in tune with contemporary
HEFNER: I think it's very funny, but what
you expect them to say? Because
they concentrate almost totally on the
most obvious aspects of PLAYBOY ap-
peal—the permissive sexual orientation
and the nude pictures—these magazines
are actually the old-fashioned ones, hark-
ng back to pre-rLayuoy days when sex
was separate from the rest of man
terests. Actually, I think the appeal of
Penthouse is the implied naughtiness of
the Victorian-porn approach it takes in
its kinky letters section and its nude pho-
tography. It's so old-fashioned diat it
the virtue of nostalgia going for
PLAYBOY: Considering the limited nature
of its editorial content, how do you ex-
plain the favorable press coverage Pent
house has received in the past year?
HEFNER: The one thing Guccione docs
well is publicize his publication. He
mounted an effective newspaper ad cam-
couple of years ago that used our
t trademark as an attention
nd created the ide:
house wis out to give PLAYBOY some real
competi Guccione further drama-
tized the idea with personal attacks on
PLAYBOY in the press. It's an obvious
que, bur the media went for it
's no denying thar Guccione is a
talented promoter, and he’s
photographer: he's just not
PLAYBOY: In a recent interview with Guc
cioue for Screw, the interviewer su
ed that there's a love-hate rel 5
underlying n not only to
compete with PLaysoy but also to follow
your footsteps in other arcas—with a
Penthouse key club in London, a resort
hotel, a Penthouse book club, a line of
Penthouse products and a recent
nouncement of plans to get into mot
picture production
HEFNER: T hc compulsion seems to extend
to hiis personal life as well. He's attempt
ng to create a very familiar public image
ing for the
ment that he’s moved into his own Peni-
house mansion. But I don't really object
to this energetic impersonation of his:
if I were he, I'd want to be me, too.
PLAYEOY: What made you decide to pub
lish Oui, which might sccm to some like
PLAYBOY imitating itself?
HEFNER: I wanted to try some new ideas,
variations on the theme, that w
make sense in PLAYBOY but n
new, slightly more frivolous, far-out
azine, Oui is international in its editorial
emphasis, which appeals to me, because
(continued on page 288)
һо good
гу good
A man for whom success is no accident. He approaches a casual get-together with the same enthu-
siasm and interest that he gives to every facet of his life. And this man's life has many facets. Not
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New York - Chicago , Detroit - Los Angeles * San Francisco + Atlanta * London + Tokyo
the check that bounced,
the mafioso furioso, the
ficti airplane bank notes
2 each step led toward the
idea of the dead poet
IT SO HAPPENED that I, Charlie Citrine, a lanky bald person with kinky back hair, ambled into a sort of eminence while
my friend Von Humboldt Fleisher dropped dead. He, the poet, died in a dismal hotel. I, a different sort of writer, re-
mained to mourn him in prosperity. Y couldn't help it, I had made money, too. Ah, money, the money! Humboldt
thought I had a lot. He said I was a millionaire. He didn’t say, he accused me of making millions.
And money wasn't what I had in mind. What I really wanted was to do something good. Besides, how much is a
lot? In Chicago in the rackety Twenties, kids used to go treasure hunting in the March thaw. Along the curbs you
sometimes found Indianhead pennies, buffalo nickels and other high va bles. And just this spring I found myself,
almost an elderly fellow, treading the curbs, staring just as keenly into the slush. Because I needed some luck. Then I
realized with a shock of despair—what
is a dime? And even if I were to find
a dollar—what's a dollar?
But Humboldt would tell people,
“Citrine? He's loaded. There's money in
his kind of wri ” Many reports were
brought to me of all the damaging and
mordant things he said. By this time—
speak of writing!—there were stunning,
pitiful, awful messages scribbled over
Humboldt’s wide, pale face, A poet ob-
sessed by money; that, in part, was what
Humboldt had become. He envied, hated
and admired me for having made it. Well,
he exaggerated, and he didn’t live to see
the witty, cranky Mammon take it all
back. He died five years ago. Those five
years have had the weight of 50.
In his day, Von Humboldt Fleisher
was famous. That day was long ago and
brief. A kid from West End Avenue in
New York, he published at the age of 22
a book called Harlequin Ballads. You
would have thought that a young man
who had educated himself in the public
schools, on the steps of the 42nd Street
library (an intellectual forum) and at
CCNY would be clumsy, that he would
fumble, that his syntax would be coarse.
Not at all. His Modernist avantgarde
poems were musical, pure, piercing, radi
ant, witty, humane and highly Platonic
(desiring passionately to return to an
original perfection). The words werc
impeccable. This poetry was the work
ol agel.
I was then 19 and I used to pi
tion pool in the Rathskeller at Ma
Wisconsin. Someone had left Humbolde’s
book lying on the felt-covered massive
green slab under the warm light, and I
pinched it. Instead of taking it to lost
and found, I went out to the terrace and.
began to read. I read all afternoon and I
stayed up all night, much moved. These
poems also were treasure reclaimed from
the gutter. The sublime and vulgar
American mixture, Antichrist was sup-
posed to come from the slums. All the
genteel people were worried. But here in-
stead, to surprise everyone, came a Hun
boldt. Perhaps he was not wholly
American. In his elegance, he was slightly
foreign. I was a bit foreign myself. All
the closer to me, therefore, all the truer.
He was willing to speak openly of deep
emotions in a way that
dawn I took off my clothes and jumped
into Lake Mendota in my underpants. So
carly in the morning, T didn't think any-
one would be watching, but an old
woman ran out onto the pier threatening
to report this obscenity to the police. I
waded out dazed, and that afternoon in
my suffocating attic on Langdon Strect,
1 wrote Humboldt a letter.
ight was his big year.
Conrad Aiken praised him, Т, S. Eliot
noticed the ballads favorably (this was
cating; Humboldt worshiped Eliot).
Even that unappeasable purist Yvor
Winters had a good word to say for them.
Humboldt was made, First of all, he
conquered Greenwich Village. The best
doors in the Village opened to him.
Behind those doors Russian literature
and Marxist politics were discussed. New
York was a very Russian city in the
Thirties. It was a case, as Lionel Abel
correctly said, of a great metropolis wish-
ing with all its heart to belong to another
county. Leninism, Stalinism, Trotskyism
preoccupied thousands of people, Hum-
Bolshevism, the Smolny Institute, the
Shakhty Engineers, the Moscow. Trials,
the Spanish Civil War. He
much affected by Trotskys history of
the Russian Revolution and by Sidney
Hook’s From Hegel to Marx. We
new those books. You couldn't be taken
seriously in New York if you didn’t know
them. Some of us were on fairly quict
terms with this information, but it
not in Humboldt to know anything
quietly. He was a great talker—not gar-
rulous but an extraordinary conversi-
tionalist. In fact, the Mozart of
conversation. He was taken up by H
vard, Yale and Princeton, by scholars, edi-
tors and critics. He knew Max Eastman
and Edmund Wilson, Calverton, Hook,
the Partisan Review. He was invited to
Kenyon by John Crowe Ransom, who
ng them. He knew a lot about
so courted and flattered and pu
by women. When we met, he quoted
1917, when he saw that the Bol-
n gover
He was giddy with power, with
triumph. Humboldt later added that his
own Mai intasies had been realized
said i
sheviks had captured the Russ
Success, for he often described himselt
as a Manic Depressive. To Succeed you
needed Manic energy, but you paid the
Depressive price. Humboldt hid been
warned against Fame and, like any well-
read person, he knew what a lot of
trouble Beauty was. He was in a danger-
ous position, he said. When he talked li
and Danger glowed like
1 globes at са
Humboldt had answered my Madison
letter and in 1939 I had gone to New
York t0 sce him. Hé received me co
ially in his room on Bedford Street and
opened a boule of gin, which we drank
neat. Then he began, delightfully, to talk
and he never stopped. His theme for the
day was Success and, as we crossed the
Hudson on the Christopher Street Ferry
to have lunch in Hoboken, he lectured
me endlessly about it. He covered the
problem under numerous headings—Cal-
sm, Grace, Depravity: the steward-
ship of John D. Rockefeller, who insisted
that his money had come str
God. Next Humboldt spoke about the
meaning of eminence in an age of social
revolution. Masses, melting pots, sccth-
g populations, technical transforma-
tions. What was social station in a
country like the U. S., anyway? Besides,
Henry Adams had said that mechanical
progress would break our necks in а few
decades. There was a tremendous lot of
embroidery in these monologs of Hum-
boldrs. He reasoned, he illustrated,
cited, adduced, he crooned, he barked, he
aughed, he was somber.
Humboldt, that grand, erratic, hand-
some person, with his wide blond face,
rounded at the temples, that charming,
fluent, learned, decply worried man to
whom I was so passionately attached,
lived out the theme of Success. Naturally,
he died a Failure. That's all that can re-
sult from the capitalization of certain
nouns. Humboldt, in my opinion, had
far too many capitals—Poctry, Beauty,
Wasteland, Politics, Unconscious. And I
must not forget Manic and Depressive.
“Lincoln was our great Manic-Depres-
sive,” he said. Alter the war, Humboldt
added Winston Churchill to the list.
‘Churchill was a classic case of Manic-
Depression. Whats wonderful about
Manic-Depressives, Charlie, is that they
have the power to make entire nations
act out their condition. Emerging from
rresistible. They make
d Revolutions. They capture His-
They force mankind to enter into
their cycles.
Poor Humboldt didnt
cycles on mankind very effect
Manics with more cnergy, more lust,
stronger demons beat him out. One
morning he woke up to find himself, like
young Byron, famous; 30 years later, the
ame was gone and he died in a flop-
house near Times Square. Just a little
earlier, in June of that year, l'd had a
glimpse of him across 46th Street. He
didn't see me and, because we hadn't spo-
ken in 12 years, I didn't approach.
I was appalled. He had become gross,
he had gone all gray. His face was gray
and mad. He had the grimness of death
all over him. He stood at the curb eating
prevel sticks out of a bag, grinding them
1 his teeth hungrily. Hidden, still, b
ter, very bitter, I watched him for a while
and then I took off.
This gray, gross, weak Minotaur with
bloodshot eyes, Humboldt, six months
before his death had moved into the Hs-
combe Hotel, not far from the Belasco
Theater. At the Belasco a dozen years
ago, my play Von Trenck ran for eight
months. Then 7 was а Success. Humboldt
made a scene on the sidewalk opening
night. He came from the Village with a
group of eggerson, his cheering section
from the White Horse on Hudson Stect.
impose his
ly. Other
He had then just been
Bellevue. Of course, he was crackers. And
suffering. He carried a picket sign. He
(continued on page 112)
“Gee, Mom—you were incredible!”
SINCE WORLD WAR TWO, the international monetary crisis
has become a fixed feature of what people with a gift for
cliché call the financial landscape. Through the Fifties
and into the Sixties, crises happened in Britain roughly
at two-year intervals. There were occasional unspectacular
episodes involving the French franc and the Italian lira.
In the past six years, the crises have been much more seri-
ous, and all have involved the dollar. The summer and
autumn of 1971 and the autumn and winter of 1972-1973
produced spectacular episodes, the last blowing up with-
out any seeming reason or warning. Both ended with de-
valuation of the dollar. Since then, the dollar has wavered
and then got stronger. But more crises are ahead—perhaps
next time for the pound again and maybe one day even
for the yen.
A monetary crisis is, in all respects, a curious thing. It
gets large and alarming headlines that are read by people
who remain unperturbed, Things are not right in the
world; there is mismanagement somewhere, but it is not
a thing that will affect people personally. A monetary
crisis is bad somewhere, but it does not have an identifi-
able effect on the life of anyone living in Des Moines,
Lyons or London, Ontario. For most of us, it is an im-
portant nonhappening.
A further peculiarity is that neither its causes nor its
consequences are much understood. Not only are the by-
standers confused, which is understandable, but so also
are many of the participants. When a crisis comes, the
Secretary or Assistant Secretaries of the Treasury, the
Minister or Deputy Ministers of Finance, the Chairman
of the Federal Reserve and other central bankers fly to
meetings in London or Paris or Washington. When they
emerge from these meetings, they are described as grim or
unsmiling. Reporters question them, and after some
thought they say, “No comment." This is not surprising,
for a fair number either do not know what is wrong or
do not know that they do not know what is wrong. The
reporters, all of whom will write alarming pieces on the
development, are, needless to say, similarly ignorant.
‘The problem is that there is no such thing as a purely
monetary crisis. What is so described is a manifestation—
a symptom—of more deeply seated problems in the eco-
nomic life of the afflicted countries. And, this being so, it
follows that there is no monetary remedy for the disorder.
Durable improvement is only possible in consequence of
fundamental changes in economic policies of the countries
concerned—changes that, because they involve unions,
taxes, prices and budget priorities, are not only politically
contentious but far beyond the competence of monetary
experts to bring about. Being human, the experts do not
wish to admit that they are helpless—that they manipu-
Tate levers to which no machinery is attached. So they
what is a dollar and why are they saying all those bad things about it?
persuade the public, and more urgently themselves, that
they have a solution. A little time and international good
will, a further deployment of monetary expertise and
there will be a new workable world monetary system.
It is hard to believe that such great matters involve
such fraud—that those involved are fooling themselves as
well as the public. Money is important to almost everyone.
Its possession is agreeable and undeniably а solvent for
many personal problems. There is a natural mystery as
to how anything intrinsically so worthless as a few pieces
of paper can do so much for the man who owns them.
We want such things understood and handled. So the
temptation to believe that there is some priesthood that
has penetrated the mystery of money and can, by incanta-
tion, resolve its problems is overpowering. And so is the
temptation to be a priest. Yet even a moment's thought
is sufficient to raise doubts about the omniscience of those
involved. The search for a solution to the world's mone-
tary problems, in its modern manifestation, has been
proceeding with mounting energy for half a century, with-
out results. This should suggest that the effort, like the
pursuit of perpetual motion, could be a chimera.
‘There is also the instant process by which monetary
experts are made, Thus, on February 8, 1971, Mr. John
Connally of Texas became Secretary of the Treasury. An
eminently successful politician and lawyer, especially in
the pursuit of his own ends and those of his more affluent
friends, Mr. Connally had never been previously accused
of having knowledge, training, background, instinct, in-
sight or other qualification where monetary problems
were involved, his own personal assets apart. His acces-
sion to office coincided with the onset of a monetary crisis;
overnight, he became a world expert. His peer had not
been seen since the days of Hjalmar Schacht, John May-
nard Keynes or Montagu Norman. In a blaze of publicity
that omitted reference only to his personal contribution,
he was held to be leading a brilliant search for a solution,
and finding it. Then Mr. Connally left office. His standing
as an expert dissolved the day he resigned. Soon afterward,
so did the remedy that he had negotiated. If such is the
nature of the great monetary expert, the layman will per-
haps be persuaded that monetary expertise does not come
to much. He will be right.
The latter-day monetary crisis is the consequence of
two irreconcilable but inescapable features of modern
economic life, together with some subsidiary aggravating
tendencies. The first feature is the compulsion of modern
national states to manage their economic systems in their
own way, in response to differing institutional develop-
ment. Or, in the case of the United States, to make prayer,
rhetoric, faith in the free market and predictions that are
derived almost exclusively from hope a substitute for ac-
tual management. The second cause is the need, in a closc-
ly interconnected world where there must be a good deal
of advance planning of economic activity, for some reason-
ably predictable relationship among currencies. Among
the important contributing causes of trouble are the mod-
ern transnational industrial and banking enterprises that
can shift funds across national lines with consummate
case and, increasingly, persuade the public that any ad-
verse consequences are the shady work of international
speculators and Arabian sheiks. Also heavily at fault are
economists who have allowed their affection for gadgetry
to obscure their judgment.
Divergence in national economic policies naturally
causes divergence in the costs and prices of goods among
different countries. It makes the costs and prices of tankers
or television sets low in Japan, higher in Britain and may-
be, as in the case of most s, prohibitive in the United
States. This divergence has profound competitive effects
when costs and prices are converted from one currency to
another—from yen or marks or pounds to dollars—at a
fixed rate of exchange. So much is obvious, but a number
of factors have combined to make the divergence in policy
and in costs and prices particularly grave in recent times.
Of these, the most important is the interaction of wages
and prices in causing inflation.
Until sometime after World War Two the main in-
fluence inducing inflation was an unduly high level of
private borrowing and investment or an undue excess of
public expenditures over receipts. The remedies—higher
interest rates, higher taxes, less public spending —were
more or less equally available to all modern governments.
And all or most governments had a tendency to apply the
same final rule—to aim at a generally balanced budget
unless unemployment or idle plant capacity minimized
the danger of inflation and indicated instead the desira-
bility of a deficit and the resulting expansion. In the past
quarter century, however, major institutional changes—
stronger unions, more competition among unions, a
lessened incentive by the modern bureaucratic corpora-
tion to resist wage increases, a heightened ability and will-
ingness to pass wage increases along to the public—have
made wages in their direct effect on prices and prices in
their effect on wages a primary cause of inflation.
The effect of a budget deficit was much the same in all
countries. But the impact of wages on prices and the re-
ig effect of prices on wages differ radically among
countries, depending on the structure and traditions of
the trade-union movement, the stage of development of
the corporations and the sensitivity of the unions and
corporations to international competitive effects—a sen-
sitivity that is relatively high in Germany and Scandi-
navia but much lower in Britain and nonexistent in the
United States. And, a most important point, as there is
no very strong tendency toward convergence in wage-
price behavior among the advanced industrial countries,
so also is there none in the policy for dealing with it. Some
governments, notably those of the United States and
Britain, admit of the need for controls in
practice but not in principle. Some, as i
the case of France, are unbothered by the
principle of controls but do little to en-
force them. Some use informal restraints
Some have no controls. Where wage price
inflation is concerned, divergent r
tendencies must be assumed.
There is also continuing and perhaps
increasing divergence among modern
states in the productivity of labor. Thi
too, affects costs. At some stage, with in-
creased industrialization and affluence, it
was always imagined that workers would
reduce their efforts and substitute leisure
or a lower level of diligence for pecu
niary return. Numerous philosophers have
won a modest reputation and income by
that the time of increased
е was near and explaining how it
would be used. Such a slowdown evidently
has been occurring and, as might be ex-
pected, it has come first in the older in.
dustrial countries, notably Britain and
the United States. But when this en-
lightened embrace of leisure by the prole-
tariat means not turning up for work on
Monday or i i
praise for it is less universal or ecstatic
than we were earlier led to expect.
A second factor affecting productivity
is that different countries use their cap
tal and technical resources in different
ys. Since 1950, the United States has
nvested technical manpower and capital
very heavily aments and in the
space race, und we've exported them
y for our Asian war. ny and
n part because of arms limita
s imposed by the victorious powers
alter World War Two, have been forced
to concent r more of their resources
on their civilian industries, including
their export industries. This has added
powerfully 10 their competitive advan-
. One wonders if it would not h
ta е
heen wise, in the negotiations seeking an
end to the Vietnam Henry
Kissinger to have 1 apose а
similar restriction on us. I once suggested
it, but the idea was not well received.
In the past ten years, all of the diver-
actors—wage-price in the
predictable slowdown, the differing use
of capital and technical resources
been mostly unfayorable to the United
States. Given fixed rates of conyersion
tying the mark, yen, pound and other
currencies with the dollar, the result was
able. Where they were in competi-
the cheaper overscas products pro-
gressively replaced the more expensive
American products. This happened in
the United States, in the markets of the
competitive country and in third
countries. The excess of sales over pur-
chases—the favorable commercial
ance long a feature of the American
relationship with other countries
dwindled and disappeared. Overseas
military expenditures and capital exports
continued. So unspent dollars accumu-
lated in foreign hands.
No one could avoid selling to Ameri-
cans or serving American tourists. And
since the dollars could be exchanged at
the bank, th centive to avoid
us as customers. But since we were not an
economical place to buy, the dollars so
exchanged and accumulated were not
readily spent. And as dollar holdings i
creased, so did the a
xiety as to their
ntually, the anxi
led to a general ellort to be rid of them;
and others, sensing the inevitable effect
of these fears, borrowed dollars to ex-
change. It ndubitably, one of the
ic laws of economics that before any-
one can sell, there must be someone to
buy. and if there is a major desire to be
rid of something, there will be
repugnance about acquiring it. Th
currency crisis. Prior to the de
of 1971 1 1973, so m:
rid of dollars, so few wanted to buy them.
that their purchase at fixed rates had to
be abandoned.
In principle—a principle that has
greatly captivated economists—currency
crises can be avoided by not having fixed
rates of exchange. If dollars or. pounds
€ too plentiful and people desire to be
id of them, let them overcome the reluc
tance of buyers by taking a smaller num-
ber of marks, yen or Swiss francs. At some
level, reluctance will be overcome. And
at the new rate of exchange, since dollars
or sterlin inge for less foreign cur-
rency, foreign products will be more ex
domestic products cheaper. At
this point. the underlying trade imbal-
ance that produced the surplus of cur-
rency in foreign hands will be corrected,
"This solution, сі l if not miraculous
its simplicity, has appealed as a flash
of revelation to many economists. It is
called the float. The name is used lovii
ly by the cognoscenti. It has, more than
ng else, given rise to the notion
there is a purely monetary solution
to monetary crises. Unfortunately, 25 a
і OL exist.
The shortcoming is simple but devas-
There is no way of conducting a
number of business transactions
without knowing, within fairly narr
limits, what you are going to have to pay
or receive. here is an element of futu-
y in newly every business transaction,
This increases as economic life becomes
more highly organized, The float makes
the value of all future payments uncer
i the
A buyer can overcome uncertainty
to what he will have to pay by having
the transaction in his own cmrency. But
this only transfers the uncertainty to the
seller, who does not know what he will
receive. He can hedge—ensure against
what marks will cost six months from
now by buying them now for future (
six months hence) delivery. But there is
a charge for this, which, with uncer
g sharply. And
it’s a solution that is available to the siz-
able company only and only where the
forward market is well developed. For the
yen, lor example, it has never becn good.
The need for some degree of certainty
is present in every kind of business trans-
action. The ordinary tourist planning a
trip to Europe wants some reasst
that his dollars will pay for his hotels
meals. He can buy a package tour in dol
lars; that only transfers the risk to the
company that organizes the tour. The
company can make dollar arrangements
with hotels abroad; that shifts the risk of
currency fluctuation to them. As with
these simple transactions, so with those
who buy and sell automobiles, television
lcs, computers, art. To conduct
international trade on a vast scale with
large and unpredictable fluctuations in
the rates of exchange between the rele
vant currencies may not be impossible.
Trade s
uncertainty is ve handicap.
Proponents of the float would agre
that widely and erratically fluctu
rates arc a handicap. Most of them would
also concede that leaving rates to find
their own level—refiecting not only the
differences in national economic policies
but also speculation on the course of
these policies and the course of exchange
es themselves—will cause such fluctua-
n. Here enters one of the subsidiary
causes of the present problem: the exist
ence of large nal corporations,
"cluding very specifically the banks,
that are able to move funds between
countries in very large amounts at very
short notice or even to postpone move-
ments they would ordinarily make. If a
floating currency seems likely to fall, they
п quickly desert it in large amounts for
another that seems likely to appreciate.
The act then fulfills the expectation. The
resulting fluctuation сап be very gre:
The word float has an ingenuously be
nign sound. One imagines drifting gently
m pool stitutions and
ies being what
re, the float takes place on a
tempestuous sea.
The speculation that gi
tempest, it must be emphasized, is under
the most le
of е
rvives many obstacles. But such
profit of those concerned. There wa
much mention of international spec
lators and the emerging interna
uncial vilains of our time, the Middle
Eastern oil sheiks. Until there is absolute
evidence of innocence, it had better be
ssumed that the major operators were
the big commercial banks here and
abroad and the corporations on one or
nother of Fortune's lists, foreign or
domestic. The U. S. Tariff Commission re
cently put the short-term liquid assets of
corporations subject to such moyement
(continued on page 218)
@ procrastinator’s
guide to last-minute
yule largess
Following the numbers: 1. Plastic Maxi-Mug with a 14-oz. capacity, by Heller Designs, $10 far 6. 2. Spiral-bound desk diary, from Ragin
Enterprises, $8.50. 3. Perfume, by Norell, comes in a variety of sizes, from $16.50 to $50. 4. WM-10 wireless microphone transmits sounds
through any nearby FM radio, by EV Game, $29.95. 5. Styling hair drier, by Vidal Sassoon, $35. 6, Battery-powered dictating machine
weighs only 10 ozs, by Dictaphone, $110. 7, Swiss-made sports timer with interchangeable bezel, from Abercrombie & Fitch, $52.50.
1. Battery-powered AM/FM
multiplex stereo headphone
radia, fram Playbay Walk,
$90.2. Vinyl backgammanset
+ with silk-screen board, fram
Z & Co., $30. 3. Ellsworth Kelly,
published by Harry N. Abrams,
$35. 4. The Clear Dial clack
е зі radio an which station numbers
L а and hours of the day seem
to flaat in air, by Panasonic,
1 $75. 5. Bollinger 1969 brut
\ 1 champagne, from Julius Wile,
24 V about $14.6. Molded stack-
2 4 ing ashtrays, from Playboy
: Walk, $6 for set af 4.7. Tele-
caster six-string electric guitar,
@ _`
by Fender, $350, 8. Spanish-
made Tati directional lamp,
from George Kovacs, $66.50.
9. Fiberglass Endura matar-
cycle helmet, by Yamaha,
$52.50, 10. Double old fash-
ioned crystal glass with coaster
оп chain, from Gucci, $29. 11.
Ektosound 140 movie camera
with fast £/1.2 Ektar lens, by
Kodak, $274,50, 12. Plastic
desk organizer, fram Raynor,
$9. 13. Trendsetter 11 solid-
state portable TV with 9-
diagonal-inch screen and
Instant-on saund, operates
on A.C., by Philcoa, $124.95.
every woman he desired was his for the asking—
but there was just one little catch
RF THE FLUTTER, the rapture of fantasy! Erwin
knew these things well. In a tram, he would always sit on the righthand side, so as to be
nearer the sidewalk. Twice daily, from the tram he took to the office and back, Erwin looked out the
window and collected his harem. Happy, happy Erwin, to dwell convenient, such a fairy-tale
German town! He covered one sidewalk in the morning, on his way to work, and the other in the late
afternoon, on his way home. First one, then the other was bathed in voluptuous sunlight, for the sun also
went and returned. We should be: so morbidly shy that only once in his life,
taunted by rascally comrades, had he accosted a woman, and she had said quietly: “You ought to be
ashamed of yourself. Leave me alone.” Thereafter, he had avoided conversation with strange young ladies.
In compensation, separated from the strect by a windowpane, clutching to his ribs a black briefcase,
wearing scuffed trousers with pe, and stretching one leg under the opposite seat (if
unoccupied). Erwin looked boldly and freely at passing girls, and then would suddenly bite his nether
lip: This signified the capture of a new concubine; whereupon he would set her aside, as it were,
and his swift gaze, jumping like a compass needle, was already seeking out the next one. Those
beauties were far from him, and therefore the sweetness of free choice could not be affected
by sullen timidity. If, however, a girl happened to sit down across from him, and a certain twinge
told him that she was pretty, he would retract his leg from under her seat with all the signs
of a gruffness quite uncharacteristic of his young age, and could not bring himself to take stock of her:
The bones of his forehead—right here, over the eyebrows—ached from shyness, as if an iron
helmet were restricting his temples and preventing him from raising his eyes; and whi
s when she got up and went toward the exit. Then, feigning casual abstraction, he
looked—shameless Erwin did look—following her receding back, swallowing whole her adorable
nape and silk-hosed calves, and thus, after all, would he add her to his fabulous harem!
"The leg would again be stretched, again the bright sidewalk would flow past the window, and
in, his thin pale nose with a noticeable depression at the tip, directed streetward, Erwin
would accumulate his slave girls. And this is fantasy, the flutter, the rapture of fantasy!
n such à
n mind that Erwin wa
a relief it w;
One frivolous evening in May, Erwin was sitting at a sidewalk table. He watched
the tripping throng of the avenue, now and then biting his lip with a quick incisor. The
entire was tinged with pink and the street lamps and shop-sign bulbs glowed with a kind
n anemic but pretty
young girl. Rather fittingly the calé phonograph was singing the Flower Aria from Faust.
A tall middle-aged lady in a charcoal tailor-made suit, heavily, yet not ungracefully, swinging her
hips, made her way among the sidewalk tables. There was no vacant опе, Finally, she put one
hand in a glossy black glove upon the back of the empty chair opposite Erwin. “May 12
queried her unsmiling eyes from under the short veil of her velvet hat. “Yes, certainly,"
ed Erwi ad ducking. He was not awed by such solid-built women with
Down onto the table with a resolute thud went her 99
urday, or
thly light in the gathering dusk. The first lilacs were being hawked by
of unca
slightly rising
thickly powdered, somewhat masculine jow
oversized handbag, She ordered a cup of
coffee and a wedge ol apple tart. Her deep
voice was somewhat hoarse but pleasant.
The vast sky, s ith dull rose,
ker. A tram screeched by, inui
dating the asphalt with the radiant tears
of its nd shortskinted beauties
walked by. Erwin's glance followed them.
1 want this one,” he thought, notch-
ing his nether lip. “And that one, too.”
Т think it could be arranged," said his
viscvis in the same calm husky tones in
which she had addressed the waiter
Erwin almost fell off his chair. The
lady looked intently at him, as she pulled
off one glove to tackle her coffee. Her
made-up eyes shone cold and hard, like
showy false jewels. Dark pouches swelled
under them and—what seldom occurs in
the case of women, even elderly women—
hairs grew out of her felines!
wil. The shed glove revealed а big
wrinkled hand with long, convex, beauti-
ful fingernails.
"Don't be su
prised,” she said with a
у mufiled a yawn and
added: "In point of fact, I am the Devil.”
Shy, n: took this to be a fig-
ure of speech, but the lady, lowering her
voice, cont s follow. d
Those who imagine me with horns
and a thick tail are greatly mistaken.
Only once did I appear in that shape, to
some Byzantine imbecile, and 1 really
dont know why it was such a damned
success. I am born three or four times
every two centuries. In the Eighteen-
seventies, some fifty years azo, T was bur-
ied, with picturesque honors and a great
shedding of blood, on a hill above a clu:
ter of African villages of which I had
been ruler. My term there was a rest after
more stringent incarnations. Now I
a German-born woman whose last I
band—I had, I think, three in all—was
of French extraction, a Professor Monde.
In recent years, I have driven several
young men to suicide, caused a well.
known artist to copy and mul
picture of the Houses of Parliament on
She gobbled up her slice of tart and
Erwin, mumbling something, reached for
his hat, which had tallen under the table.
Чо, don't go yet," said Frau Monde,
simultaneously beckoning the waiter. "I
im offering you something. I am offering
you a harem. And if you are still skepti-
cal of my power see that old gentleman
scs crossing the street.
ve him hit by a tram.”
Erwin, blinking, turned streetward. As
the ched the tracks, he took
out hi rchief and was about to
sneeze i
both sides of the avenue, people rushed
toward the tracks. The old gentleman,
his glasses and handkerchief gone, was
ig on the asphalt. Someone helped
him up. He stood, sheepishly shaking his
head, brushing his coat sleeves with the
palms of his hands and wiggling one leg
to test its condition
“I said ‘hit by a tram,’ not ‘run over,"
which I might also have said,” remarked
Frau Monde coolly, as she worked a thick
neled holder. “In
у case, this
She blew two streams of gray smoke
through her nosuils and again fixed
Erwin with her hard bright cyes.
“I liked you immediately.
ness, that bold imagination. You remind-
ed me of an innocent, though hugely
endowed, young monk whom I knew in
Tuscany. This is my penultimate night.
Being а woman has its points, but bei
an aging woman is hell, if you wi
pardon me the expression. Morcove
made such mischief the other day—
you will soon read about it in all the
apers—that 1 had better get out of this
fe. Next Monday, I plan to be born
elsewhere. The Siberian slut I have
chosen shall be the mother of a marvel-
ous, monstrous ma
“I see,” said.
“Well, my di
hat shy-
т boy,” continued Frau
Monde, demolishing her second piece of
try, "I intend, before going, to have a
of innocent fun, Here is what I
suggest. Tomorrow, from noon to mid-
night, you can select by your usual
method"—with heavy humor, Frau
Monde sucked in her lower lip
culent hiss—“all the girls you
fore my departure, I shall have them
ithered and placed at your complete
. You will keep them until you
have enjoyed them ай. How does that
strike you, amico
Erwin dropped his eyes and said softly:
“If it is all true, it would be a great
"MI right, then,” she said, licking the
pped cream off her spoon
ht. One condition, nevertheless,
must be set. No, it is not what you are
thinking. As I told you, I have arranged
ion. Your soul I do not
n odd number. This
. Otherwise, I can do
my next incarn
require. Now, this is the conditio
total of your choices between noon
lnight must be
is essential and fin.
nothing for you."
Erwin cleared his throat and asked, al-
most in a whisper:
"But—how shall I know? Let's say I've
chosen one—what then?”
"Nothing," said Frau Monde. "Your
feeling, your desire are a command in
themselves, However, in order that you
may be sure that the deal stands, I shall
given you every time—a
smile, not necessarily addressed to you, a
dane word in the crowd, a sudden
patch of color—that sort of thing. Don't
worry, you'll know.”
"And—and—" mumbled Erwin, shul-
fling his {ect under the table, “and where
is it all going to—uh—happen? 1 have
only a very small room.
"Don't worry about that, either,
Frau Monde, and her corset creaked as
she rose, “Now it’s time you went home.
No harm in getting а good night's rest.
T'I give you a lift.
In the open taxi, with the dark wind
streaming between starry sky and glist
ing asphalt, poor Erwin felt tremen-
dously elated. Frau Monde sat erect, her
crossed legs forming a sharp angle, and
the city lights flashed in her gemlike eyes
"Пете your house,” she said, touch-
Erwin's shoulder. “Au revoir
Many are the dreams that can be
brought on by a mug of dark beer laced
with brandy. Thus reflected Erwin when
he awoke the next morning—he must
have been drunk, and the talk with that
funny female was all fancy. This rhetor
cal turn often occurs in fairy tales and, as
in fairy tales, our young man soon real-
ized he was wrong.
He went out just as the church clock
had begun the laborious task of striki
noon. Sunday bells joined in excitedly
and a bright breeze ruffled the Pers
lacs around the public lavatory i
small park near his house. Pigeons settled
on an old stone Herzog or waddled along
the sandbox where small children, their
flannel behinds sticking up, were diggin
with toy scoops and playing with wooden
trains, The lustrous leaves of the lindens
moved in uke wind; icir acc-ofspades
shadows quivered on the graveled path
and climbed in an airy flock the trouser
legs and skirts of the strollers, racing up
and scattering over shoulders and faces,
and once again the whole flock slipped
ck onto the ground, where, barely stir
ring, they lay in wait for the next foot
passenger. In this variegated setting,
Erwin noticed a girl in а white dress who
Ind squatted down to tousle with two
fingers a fat shaggy pup with warts on its
belly. The inclination of her head bared
the back of her neck, revealing the ripple
of her vertebrae, the
der hollow between her shoulder blades,
4 the sun through the leaves found
fiery strands in her chestnut hair. Still
playing with the puppy. she half rose
from her haunches and dapped her
hands aboy The fat little animal
rolled over on the gravel, ran off a few
feet and toppled onto its side. Erwin sat
down on a bench and cast a timid and
avid glance at her face.
He saw her so clearly, with such piere-
nd perfect force of perception, that,
it seemed. nothing new about her fea-
tures might have been disclosed by years
of previous intimacy. Her palish lips
twitched as if repeating every small soft
mov of the puppy; her eyelashes
beat so brightly as to look like the raylets
of her beaming eyes; but most enchant-
ing, perhaps, was the curve of her check.
(continued on page 116)
“AILT sell is cheeseburgers, but I sell a lot of cheeseburgers.”
from two decades of beaut, a choice array of what has become an international institution
MARILYN MONROE Bit parts in “The Asphalt Jungle" and “All About
Eve” had marked her for stardom, but news that she’d once pored in
the nude caused a sensation. The shot at left, featuring MM os "Sweel-
heart of the Month,” made rtavsoy’s first issue о virtual sellout.
JANET PILGRIM “Playboy's Office Playmate," Miss July 1955 (below)
made history as the first of our girlnext-door types—and as the only
Playmate to grace the gatefold three times. Janel, once PLAYBOY Sub-
scription Manager, lcter headed our Reader Service Department.
MARGUERITE EMPEY We were twice blessed with Marguerite (above)—
in May 1955 and February 1956; the latter was photographed by Russ
Meyer, later king of the skin flicks. Marguerite eventually became a
well-known figure in the nudist movement in Southern California.
CARRIE RADISON А? the age of ten she was in summer stock in Min-
nesota; at 13 she sang with New York's City Center Opera. After
appearing as Miss June 1957, Carrie (right) wen! on to become c
Bunny—first in Chicago, then in Phoenix, New York and New Orleans.
IN A NATIONALLY CIRCULATED interview—not the one you'll find elsewhere in this issue—a reporter once asked Hugh
Hefner what PLAYBOY would be without its Playmates. “I don't think people buy PLAYBOY for just the Playmate, if
that’s what you mean,” he replied. But, he went on, she's an integral part of the magazine—just like good articles,
good interviews, good pieces of fiction. We'll buy that, and so do our readers. In tribute to the 242 girls who have made
the center spread of pLavnoy what it is, we present here a distillation of the past two decades. We may have omit-
ted your personal favorites, but we're sure you'll enjoy this editorial return with us to the golden days of yesteryear.
LISA WINTERS She was tao shy to pose for a man, so it was lucky for
us thal photographer Bunny Yeager spotted Lisa (right) at a Miami
bus stop and talked her into becoming a centerfold celebrity.
Readers voted Miss December the most popular Playmate of 1956.
ELSA SORENSEN “Danish Pastry," we called this yaung thing from Co-
penhagen (below) who, thartly affer she cavorted thraugh our pages in
September 1956 on о supermarket shopping spree with singer Guy Mitch-
ell, married him. The union, we regret 1o report, wasn't a lasting ane.
JOYCE NIZZARI Another of Bunny Yeoger's finds, December 1958's
Playmate (above) become a Bunny herself—in Playboy Club cotfentail—
before wedding actor Jack Hogan of the “Combat” series. Joyce and
Jack live on Oahu; both did “Hawaii Five-O” segments last season.
JAYNE MANSFIELD When she appeared anonymously as Miss Feb-
ruary 1955, Jayne (left) was an unknown actress from Texas. Readers
wrote in asking her name; praducers, too, showed interes! and a rale.
in Broadway's "Will Success Spail Rack Hunter?" launched her career.
GINGER YOUNG Our centerfold selection for Moy 1960, Ginger
(above) was another of топу stor-struck Playmates. This green-eyed
redhead impressed viewers of several {ор television productions of the
fime, notably “The Steve Allen Show” and "The Jerry Lewis Show."
STELLA STEVENS An oble aciross who's still every inch оз beautiful
оз when she was Miss Janvary 1960, Stella (right) hos ployed opposite
many of Hollywood's top leading men, from Glenn Ford Io Gene Hock-
man. She's currently the female load in Cineramo's comedy “Arnold.”
ELLEN STRATTON Our first Playmate of the Yaar, Ellon (lef) wos
working as a legal secreiary when we invited her to be Miss December
1959. Ellen subsequently traded in her steno pod for a Bunny Cos-
tume in Chicogo—and still later became a successful New York model.
YVETTE VICKERS Miss July 1959 (below), photographed for our goto-
fold by the ubiquitous Russ Meyer, wos a devotee of then-lashionable
beatnik coffeehouses who went on fo a career in films (none of them
Meyer's) ronging from “Attack cf the 50-Foot Woman" to “Hud.”
HEIDI BECKER At the time of her June 1961 magazine appearance,
Heidi (right) had spent only four years in this country. A native of
Austria, she emigrated to Wisconsin at 16, became a Milwaukee hair
stylist and loter moved west fo Los Angeles, where she was a Bunny.
CHRISTA SPECK An L.A. bank secretory, German-born Christa (below)
became friends with Heidi before making PlaYsoY's pages. Miss Sep-
tember 1961 wos chosen Playmate of the Year, then married puppet-
cor Marly Krofft, whose “Lidsville is a kids’ hit Saturdays on МЕСТУ.
CHRISTINE WILLIAMS I! may be true that goed things come in small
pockages, but Christine (above) is living proof that they come in tall
ones, foo. Chris, Miss October 1963, stands six feet in bare feel. Film
fans moy recall her as a showgirl in Barbro Streisand's "Funny Girl.”
JUNE COCHRAN A winning smile ond other obvious attributes not
only made June (left) our December 1962 Playmate but won her the
title of Miss Indiana in the 1961 Miss Universe pageant and in the 1962
Miss World competition. She was 1963's Playmate of the Year as well.
of the all-time most popu-
lor Ploymotes, Miss De-
tomber 1963 (right) was
discovered in the cast of
a high school ploy. After
reigning as Ploymate of
the Yeor, she went on to
films, IV, summer stock
and a pholo business.
worked as o Bonny in ТГ
Miomi and Chicago be- БШ
fore posing for PLAYBOY'S
June 1963 gotefold. Con-
nie (below) has olso been
ап Oleg Cassini model
and the siar of several
films, including a horror
movie, “The Blood Feast.”
CHINA LEE Miss Augus! 1964 (above) is talented (remember her in
Woody Allen's "What's Up, Tiger Шу"), efficient (she's trained hun-
dreds of Bunnies) and athletic (she pitched New York cotfontoils lo the
1963 Broodway Show League fille). No wonder Mort Sahl married her.
NANCY SCOTT When we found Nancy (left) and persuaded her to
become Miss March 1964, she was working as о medical technician
for o tos Angeles doctor. Shortly thereofter, she decided to chonge
careers ond suited up as a VIP Room Bunny in the LA. Playboy Club.
our October 1965 gole-
fold girl (left) won the
crown of Playmate of the
Year—1966, she spent
time enjoying her prizes,
notably а set of flying
lessons, then became a
model ond a regular
on “Playboy After Dark.”
first black Ploymote (be-
low) was c college co-
ed and, along with hor
twin sister, Jon, a Bunny
in the Chicago Playboy
Club when she adomed
the centerfold in March
1965. Jennifer loter mod-
eled in New York City.
JO COLLINS Miss December 1964's life is never dull, Jo (above) be-
come Playmate of ihe Year, got sent to Vietnam, wed (and split from)
boseball stor Bo Belinsky, was hoaxed into a widely publicized date
with о fake P.O.W. and is now Ploymote-Bunny Promotion Manager.
DINAH WILLIS Most of the time, it doesnt pay to write in ond osk for
o chance to be a Ploymote; usually, our misses of the month are found
by professional photographers. A New Mexico poodle trimmer—loter
a Bunny—Dinoh Willis of December 1965 (right) wosa notable exception.
USA BAKER Photographer Bill Figge, one of California's champion
Playmate scouts, happened upon her at с wedding; the bridesmaid
shortly was transformed into Miss November 1966, Lisa (above) learned
to ski os Playmate of the Year, ond schussing is now her favorite sport.
ANGELA DORIAN Thnt's the name her press ogent invented for Miss
September 1967—and Playmate of the Year—1968 (right). She's used
her real one, Victoria Vetri, in films such as “Rosemary's Baby,” “When
Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth,” “Group Marriage" and “The Honey Factor.”
DOLLY READ One of six British Bunnies who came to Chicago to learn
how fo staff Ployboy’s London Club, Mist Moy 1966 (lef?) spent а
decade in drama school in Brisiol-—which paid off with a role in "Be-
yond the Valley of the Dolls.” She's now Mrs. Dick ("Laugh-In") Martin,
GWEN WONG Argyles are coming back, but April 1967's Playmate
never went out of style. One of the first Jo! Bunnies on Hugh Hefnor's
plone, Gwen (below) combines cottontailing о? the new Playboy Club
in Century City with a rapidly growing interior-decorating business.
DE DE LIND Maybe it’s the sun-blonde hair, or the freckles, or the wide-
screen smile, or all of the above, but Miss Augus! 1967, a former
feen-magazine model (right), has drawn more fon mail—1610 letters,
at latest couni—Ihan any other Playmate in the magazine's history.
CYNTHIA MYERS “Wholly Toledo!” we exclaimed, typographicolly,
over the abundant attributes of our December 1968 Playmate. Cynthia
(below) landed one of the leading roles in "Beyond the Volley of the
Dolls'"—ond a place in the heart and home of co-star Michael Blodgett.
coll me Mike,” Danish-born
Maiken (above) advised after
gaining international attention
оз our October 1968 Play-
mate. At that time а Bunny in
-the Montreal Club, Majken left
to vacation in Scandinavia,
returning lo Canada to a
busy schedule of modeling.
toble nymph in the fille role
of Anthony Newley's film “Con
Heironymus Merkin Ever For-
get Mercy Humppe and Find
True Hoppiness?,” Miss Janu-
огу 1968 ond Playmate of the
Year—1969 (left) has been
actor James Coan's constant
companion in recent months.
SHARON CLARK She was trucking cround on Truk, teaching English
to Micronesian students, when we photographed her as Augus! 1970's
galefold personality. Sharon (righi) returned to California, became
Playmate of the Year—1971, and lives, we hear, happily ever after.
MARY AND MADELEINE COLLINSON Our only twin Playmates, the
Collinson sisters—that’s Mary at left and Madeleine at right below—
won dual billing on PLAYBOY's October 1970 centerfold. Ex-models from
Malta, they're now in films (“The Love Machine," “Т th
CLAUDIA JENNINGS Self-styled Queen of Ње B Movies ("Truck Stop
Woman” and seven others), Miss November 1969 and Playmate of
the Yeor—1970 (above) can now afford to await roles more in keeping
with abilities that have rated raves even from acerbic critic John Simon.
UV LINDELAND Her name, in her native Norwegian, means "life.'^
And 1972's Playmate of the Year (left), first seen here as January 1971's
choice, enjoys hers. She's done summer stock (""Marriage-Go-Round"')
end a movie ("Save the Tiger”), under the name liv Von Linden.
ЦЕКО ENGLISH This Joponese-American beculy (above) represented
Okinawa іп the Miss Universe confes! before PLAYtOY spotted her.
She's since been a Bunny in the Atlanta ond Chicogo clubs, Miss
June 1971 ond is now a high-flying hostess on our Big Bunny jet.
MARILYN COLE She was just о skinny kid from Portsmouth, on the
English seacoast. Then Marilyn (right) grew up—spectacularly—moved
fo London. became a Bunny, then London Club's PR girl, Jonuory
1972's Playmate and finally Playmate of the Year—1973. Good show.
KAREN CHRISTY This girl from Abilene sow o Bunny-recruitment od in
a Dallas newspoper ond shortly thereafter found herself o Windy
City cottontail. Today, Miss December 1971 (left) is a model and
Hefner's favorite backgammon partner at Chicago's Playboy Mansion.
JANICE PENNINGTON When first we met Janice (below) ond invited
her to become Miss Moy 1971, she was making television guest shots—
on “Lough-In,” on specials with Bob Hope and other shows. Now she's a
regular on CBS-TV's long-running daytime series "The Price Is Right."
was silently frantic, red-eyed. On one side
this picket sign read THE AUTHOR OF THIS
PLAY Is A FINK. On the other side it was
CITRINE 15 A BETRAYER. This was reported
But now on the night of his death,
Humboldt had been
in his stifling room, dr
reading Yeats and Hegel and, in ad-
dition to these visionary authors, the
Daily News and the Post, kee]
with Leonard Lyons and the M
Farl, the National League. Used Car
Prices, Banking News. As long as he had
fingers, they would creep toward the
world’s pulse. Then at about three a.m.
(insomnia, he often used to say, is com-
mon with ManicDepresives, he de-
cided to take his garbage down. He was
in the elevator with the pail when his
heart atack began. When the pain
struck, he pressed all the buttons, appar-
ently, including the alarm button. Bells
rang, the door opened and he stumbled
into a corridor. "There he fell, spilling
cans, rinds, crusts and fighting for
breath. He ripped off his shirt. He was
removed in а police ambulance and was
dead on arrival at the hospital.
At the time of which I speak—or
didn’t I speak of a time?—T started out
one morning to see Murra, my account-
ant, and I found that my Mercedes Benz
had been attacked in the night. Not just.
scratched or dented by a careless driver-
Somebody had pounded it all over, I
assume with baseball bats, and this ex-
pensive car, no longer new but worth
$14,000 three years ago, had been mauled
with a ferocity difficult to grasp—to
grasp. E mean, in an aesthetic sense, for
these Mercedes coupes are beautiful, the
silver-gray ones in particular.
My elegant car, the shimmering silver
motor tureen that I had had no business
to buy—a tense, tall, mustached person
like me, hardly stable enough to drive
this treasure, much less own title to it. I
nearly broke down—appalled, almost
swooning. Because everything!—the deli-
cate roof with its sliding panel, the fend-
ers, hood, trunk, doors, locks, lights—
had been beaten and clubbed. The win-
dows were shatterproof, so they held up.
but they looked spat on all over. They
were covered with white fracture blooms,
they had a kind of crystalline internal
hemorrhage. I felt like a man covered
with tropical rash and out of his head
with the itch thrust under a scalding
shower. Someone had done to my car as I
had heard rats did in warehouses, running
wild, racing through by the thousands and
tearing open sacks of flour for the hell of
it. I felt a similar rip at my heart, and as
if my blood were pouring out. The ma
chine belonged to a time when my in-
112 come was in excess of $100,000.
HUMBOLDTS GIFT кылг rom page s)
First of all, how could such a thing
happen on the street? How could anyone
get away with such a clatter in the mid-
dle of the night? It must have sounded
like rivet guns. The car was parked
around the corner from my high-rise, in
a sort of lane. But wouldn't the doorman
have heard the racket?
1 knew perfectly well who was respon-
sible for this assault. I had been warned
any number of times that something was
going to happen. But I must be the orig-
nal Hear No Evil, the second monkey.
Late at night the phone often rang
and when I picked up the receiver, my
caller was already yelling, “Citrine! You!
“Yes? Yes? What?"
“You know what, you son of a bitch.
Look what you're doing to me. Pay me.
“Doing to you?”
“To mel You fucking-A right. The
check you stopped was to me, wasn’t it?
Make good, Charlie. Make that lousy
check good. 1 warn you. Don't force me
10 do something.”
“I was fast asleep. I'm trying to wake
up. Mr.”
“No names. Get smart for once in your
life. Jesus, is it ever time. No-no, no
names! All we're going to talk about is a
stopped check. Four hundred and fifty
bucks. That's the only subject.”
These gangster threats in the night,
against me—mel Of all people! А pecul-
jar soul and, in my own mind, almost
comically innocent—made me laugh.
Some people are provoked by the way I
laugh. I should have checked myself.
“Christ,” he said, “you sound like the
alarm going off in one of those jewelry
stores that sell to the niggers on State
Street. Man, you may be in Who's Who,
but that’s not a normal way to laugh. Lis-
ten, Citrine, you lost this dough to me in
a poker game, and you'll say that you
were drunk, but that's a lot of crap. I
took your check, I don't give a shit about
the lousy money, but 1 won't hold still
for a slap in the face.”
“You know why I stopped payment.
You and your buddy were cheating.”
‘Could you prove that?”
“The host saw. He says you cheated.
George swears that you were flashing
cards to each other.”
“So why didn't he speak up, that dumb
prick! Why didn't he stop the game?"
He may have been scared to."
“Who, that health fiend, with all that
color in his face? For Christ's sake, he
looks like an apple, with all that jogging
five miles a day and the vitamins he
takes, but he has no guts. If we cheated,
he should have thrown us out.”
“Well,” I said, “it wasn't a good eve-
ning. I was high, though you don't seem
to believe it. Nobody was very rational.
Everybody was out of character. 1 think
we should just forget it.”
“What? I have to hear from my bank
about your stop order, which is like a
kick in the ass, and then drop it? You
k I'm a punk? I'm sorry now we got
into all that talk about education, I men-
tioned that I went to that cow college
outside Moline. I saw the look on your
face when 1 told the name of my Catholic
“What's college got to do with it?”
"Don't you understand what you're
doing to me? You've written all that
stuff. You're supposed to be famous.
But you dumb asshole, don't you under-
“You wake me at two in the morning
and ask me to understand. Can't we meet
in the daytime, when my head is dear?”
“No more talk, day or night. Make
good that check or I lower the boom on
you. When I say boom. I mean boom."
Г received several such calls, alway:
the small hours, from Rinaldo Cantabile.
In this respect he resembled the late Von
Humboldt Fleisher. Humboldt had often
used the dramatic properties of night to
bully and harass people. Now, I had sev-
eral times discussed this Cantabile matter
with George Swicbel, at whose kitchen
table we had played poker. It was George
who prevented me from paying the debt.
He had ordered me to stop my check.
George was an old friend, a businessman,
who knew or said he knew the ways of
the underworld. For many years he had
wised me up. He had told me about
whores and brothels. the track. machine
politics, the racket unions and the Syndi
cate. He was, so to speak, my expert, my
authority, and his reputation was at
stake. George and I had sat next to each
other in the fifth grade at the Chopin
Grammar School near Western Avenue.
Dear old school days. For 45 years we had
been friends. So what George told me
carried weight. "You don't pay him," he
said. He then repeated in a loud shout,
“Don't pay, Charlie! Those punks were
cheating, cheating, cheating; I never saw
anything more raw."
“But, George, Cantabile wants to
know why you didn’t call him on ht
away. Honestly, I think he has a point.
"He's got nothing. He's nobody. I
shouldn't have let him into my game. If
he'd lost three bucks, we'd be chasing
him still. Also, half the time he's spaced
out on drugs. You were in no condition
to notice, Cha but Cantabile was
talking a mile a minute about literature,
psychology, the Book-of-the-Month Club,
and you"— George laughed with his spa-
cious, breathy laugh—"talked about ev-
erything I'd warned you not to. For
instance, my past, my family, your di-
vorce, my divorce, You mentioned a lot
about yourself and your ideas—ideas no-
body understood one milligram of. Also
about how we got taken in Africa on that
beryllium-mine investment.”
“Well, I must have been exceptionally
(continued on page 196)
LIBRA (The Scales]
CANCER (Tho Crab
at last, someone has had the guts io step on
astrolog ys rose-colored glasses—so brace yourself, buster
IN THESE TURBULENT TIMES of ours, we are but fragile, sensitive souls cast upon a stormy sea. We like to be
pampered and coddled and made to think that everything will be all right—even if it won't. Our clergymen
tell us that our wasted, meaningless lives have some higher purpose. Our Government tells us that peace and
prosperity are just around the corner, Our psychiatrists inflate our ailing egos. But the worst optimist is the
astrologer, who each month predicts what joyous and wonderful things lie ahead for us, Flip through your
magazine horoscope someday—you'll see that it is either sickeningly optimistic (continued on page 228)
(wey ец) SV
[sss n approaches, corks will pop from well.iced
bottles and a pale. luminescent beverage will gush forth in
a glory of foam and froth. The mood definitely will be cham-
pagne. but the wine may or may not be. Americans tend
to call every wine that bubbles champagne and at one time
that was the only sparkling wine. But today the designation
is generally reserved for the elegant, somewhat austere wines
of the Champagne region of France, a relatively small area 90
miles east of Paris. For reasons of treaty and trade agreement,
Spanish sparkling wines are labeled espurnoso, German effer-
vescents are Sekt or Schaumuwein, Italian are spumante and
French sparklers grown outside the designated area are called
vins mousseux. The United States is one of the few countries
where the name is not forbidden, but wines so labeled must
making the case for wines
that sparkle plenty but aren’t champagne
be identified as American champagne, California champagne
or New York State champagne
World-wide demand for French champagne, combined
with dollar deval: ion, has prices at almost punitive levels.
Fortunately, nearly cyery area that produces still wines also
produces sparklers, with some very enticing specimens among
them. They may not have French champagne’s cachet, but
neither do they carry its heavy tag.
The Loire valley, particularly Vouvray, Saumur and Anjou,
is a fertile source of fine effervescents. Caterers often serve
them at “champagne” breakfasts and wedding receptions, i
variably to rave reviews. They're round, soft, lightly sweet,
with a charming, fruity aroma characteristic of the chenin
blanc, the most prolific grape of the region. Interestingly
enough, "poor" years make bewer sparkling wines than
“good” years in this area. Priced at about half the cost of
champagnes, these Loire-valley sparklers are prime candidates
for anyone's year-end fete.
Some blanc de blancs are shipped under the Roger Gouin
and Ackerman labels. Made from white (blanc) grapes, they
tend to be lighter, drier and more tempered than wines bear
ing district names. Both firms market sparkling vouvrays
rosés, and Ackerman also bottles an inviting blanc 18
which has more body and flavor than its blanc de blancs.
Loire sparklers are primarily sipping wines, but locals will
occasionally spike one of the drier offerings with a dash of
crème de cassis, to make a somewhat boisterous kir. Another
andby of the region, Sparkling Nectarose, has been trans-
formed into a still frisky, though less frenetic, Crackling Nec-
tarose, and seems all the better for the change. It's fairly sweet,
beguiling and fun, Just don't take it seriously.
Sparkling burgundy is familiar as a red and, less frequently,
as an oeil-de-perdrix. But in the past seven or eight years,
sparkling white burgundies have come into prominence. A
brand named Kriter is now the largest-selling sparkling wine
in France and Great Britain, and it's doin, ly in the
States, thank you. Enthusiasts have compared Kriter to cham-
рабте, which it is not. But it's very good, fairly light and soft,
without champagne’s brilliant, (continued оп page 246)
A NURSERY TALE (continued from page 100)
now slightly in profile; that dipping line
no words, of course, could describe. She
started running, showing nice legs, and
the puppy tumbled in her wake like a
woolly ball. In sudden awareness of his
miraculous might, Erwin caught his
breath and awaited the promised signal.
At that moment, the girl turned her head
as she ran and flashed a smile at the
plump little creature that could. barely
keep up with her.
“Number one,” Erwin said to himself
with unwonted complacency and got up
from his bench.
He followed the graveled path with
scraping footsteps, in gaudy, reddish-
yellow shoes worn only on Sundays. He
left the oasis of the diminutive park and
crossed over to Amadeus Boulevard. Did
his eyes rove? Oh, they did. But, maybe,
because the girl in white had somehow
left a sunnier mark than any remem-
hered impression, some dancing blind
spot prevented him from finding another
sweetheart. Soon, however. the blot dis-
solved, and near a glazed pillar with the
tramway timetable our friend observed
two young ladies—sisters, or even twins,
to judge by their striking resemblance—
who were discussing a streetcar route in
vibrant, echoing voices. Both were small
and slim, dressed in black silk, with saucy
eyes and painted lips.
“That’s exactly the tram you want.”
onc of them kept saying-
“Both, please,” Erwin
“Yes, of course,” said the other in
response to her sister's words.
Erwin continued along the boulevard.
He knew all the smart streets where the
best possibilities existed.
“Three,” he said to himsel
ber. So far so good. And il
night right now"
Swinging her handbag, she was coming
down the steps of the Leilla, one of the
best local hotels. Her big blue-chinned
companion slowed down behind her to
light his cigar. The lady was lovely, hat-
less, bob-haired, with a fringe on her
forehead that made her look like a boy
actor in the part of а damsel. As she went
by, now closely escorted by our ridiculous
val, Erwin remarked simultaneously
the crimson artificial rose in the lapel of
her jacket and the advertisement on a
billboard: a blond-mustached Turk and,
in large leucrs, the word yest, under
which it said in smaller characters: 1
"That made four, divisible by two, and
Erwin felt eager to restore the odd-num.
ber rigmarole without delay. In a lane
off the boulevard. there was a cheap res-
taurant that he sometimes frequented on
Sundays when sick of his landlady's fare.
Among the girls he had happened to note
at one time or another there had been a
wench who worked in that place. He en-
“Odd num-
were mid.
tered and ordered his favorite dish:
blood sausage and sauerkraut. His table
was next to the telephone. A man in a
bowler called a number and started to
jabber as ardently as a hound that has
picked up the scent of a hare. Erwin's
Blance wandered toward the bar—and
there was the girl he had scen three or
four times before. She was beautiful in a
drab, freckled way, if beauty can be drab-
ly russet. As she raised her bare arms to
place her washed beer steins, he saw the
red tufts of her armpits.
“All right, all right!” barked the man
into the mouthpiece.
With a sigh of relief enriched by a
belch, Erwin left the restaurant. He felt
heavy and in need of a nap. To tell the
truth, the new shoes pinched like crabs
The weather had changed. The air was
sultry. Great domed clouds grew and
crowded one another in the hot sky, The
streets were becoming deserted. One
could feel the houses fill to the brim with
Sunday-afternoon snores. Erwin boarded
a streetcar.
"The tram started to roll. Erwin turned
his pale face, shining with sweat, to the
window, but no girls walked. While pay-
ing his fare he noticed. on the other side
of the aisle, a woman sitting with her
back to him, She wore a black-velvet hat
and a light frock patterned with inter-
twined chrysanthemums against a semi-
transparent mauve background through
which showed the shoulder straps of her
bodice. The lady's statuesque bulk made
Erwin curious to glimpse her face, When
her hat moved and, like a black ship,
started to turn, he first looked away as
usual, glanced in feigned abstraction at
a youth sitting opp him, at his own
fingernails, at a red-cheeked little old
man dozing in the rear of the car and,
having thus established a point of depar
ture justifying further castings around,
Erwin shifted his casual gaze to the lady
now looking his way. It was Frau Monde.
Her full, noJonger-young face was blotch-
ily flushed from the heat, her mannish
eyebrows bristled above her piercing
prismatic eyes, a slightly sardonic smile
curled up the comers of her compressed
4 she said in her soft
husky voice. "Come sit over here. Now
we can have a chat. How are things
“Only five,” replied Erwin with em-
“Excellent. An odd number. I would
advise you to stop there. And at mid-
єз, I don't think I told you—
you are to come to Hofi-
mann Street. Know where that is? Look
between number twelve and number
fourteen. The 1 lot there will be re-
placed by a villa with a walled
‘The girls of your choice will be
for you on cushions and rugs. 1 shall
шесі you at the garden gatc—but it is
understood,” she added with a subtle
smile, “I shan't intrude. You'll remember
the address? There will be a brand-new
streetlight in front of the gate."
“Oh, one thing,” said Erwin, collecting
his courage. “Let them be dressed at
first—]. mean, let them look just as they
were when 1 chose them—and let them be
very merry and lovin
“Why, naturally,” she replied. "Every-
thing will be just as you wish, whether
you tell me or not. Otherwise, there was
no point in starting the whole business,
n'est-ce pas? Confess, though, my dear
boy—you were on the very brink of en-
rolling me in your harem. No, no, have
no fear, I am kidding you. Well, that's
your stop. Very wise to call it a day. Five
is fine. See you a few secs after midnight,
Upon reaching his room, Frwin took
off his shoes and stretched out on the
bed. He woke up toward evening. A mel-
lifluous tenor at full blast streamed from
a neighbor's phonograph: “I vant to be
i ‘Number
one, the maiden in white, she's the most
artless of the lot. I may have been a little
hasty. Oh, well, no harm done. Then the
twins near the pillar of glass. Gay, paint-
ed young things. With them I'm sure to
have fun. Then number four, Leilla the
rose, resembling a boy. That’s, perhaps,
the hest one. And. finally. the fox in the
alchouse. Not bad, cither. But only five.
Thats not very many!”
He lay prone for a while with bis
hands behind his head, listening to the
tenor, who kept wanting to be happy:
“Five. No, that’s absurd. Pity it’s not
Monday morning: Those three shopgitls
the other day—oh, there are so many
more beauties waiting to be found! And
1 can always throw in a streetwalker at
the last moment.”
Enwin put on his regular pair of shoes,
brushed his hair and hurried out
By nine o'clock, he had collected two
more. One of them he noticed in a café
where he had a sandwich and two drams
of Dutch gin. She was talking with great
animation to her companion, a beard
fingering foreigner, in an impenetrable
language—Polish or Russian—and her
pray eyes had a slight slant, her thin aqui
Tine nose wrinkled when she laughed, and
her elegant legs were exposed to the knee.
While Erwin watched her quick gestures,
the reckless way in which she tap-tapped
cigarette ash all over the table, a German
word, like a window, flashed open in her
Slavic speech and this chance word (of-
fenbar) was the “evident” sign. The
other girl. number seven on the list.
tuned up at the Chinese-style entrance
of a small amusement park. She wore a
scarlet blouse with a brightgrcen skirt,
and her bare neck swelled as she shrieked
(continued on page 268)
direct from vienna,
a foolproof quiz that will
reveal what you never knew
about your sexual preferences, your
sexual fantasies and the
geography of bolivia
pIsTRESSINGLY high percentage
of concerned and intelligent
young men may be seen these
days wande the streets in a di-
sheveled manner, eyes wild and darting,
seeking the а a difficult and pro-
found quest "Why am I so horny
all the time?" In response to this and re-
lated queries, and in direct consequence
of today's breezy climate of sexual en-
lightenment, we herewith publish the
latest and most comprehensive example
in the current trend of selfanalysis
through print: the Wurst-Besser Com-
plete and Inclusive Sexual Maladjust-
ment Lest, named after two of the most
respected toilers in the field of sexual
theory. Dr. Teman Wurst is professor
of secretions at the University of Vienna
and holds the degree of D-T. (doctor
of tumescence) at that institution, earned
through his brilliant work in kissing and
tickling. Dr. Anna Besser is most widely
known for having developed the Reme-
dial Fondling Program now used by
many therapists; in addition, she has a
limited practice in New York and once
shared a cab with Wilhelm Reich. Work-
ing together, Drs. Wurst and Besser ar-
rived at their startling insights into
human sexual practices utilizing the sim-
ple yet bold technique of observing actual
couples during the act of intercourse,
often through terrestrial telescopes. This
test is based on their assumption (now
generally accepted) that we are ail quite
ЗИ and that our happiness depends upon
the extent of the illness and our adjust-
ment to it, Whether you're a social ninny,
a narcissist, a neurotic or merely а
garden-variety necrophiliac, the following
questionnaire, compiled by 2 team of
dedicated researchers, all wearing lab
coats, will help you determine how sex-
ually maladjusted you really arc. Answer
all the questions, selecting whichever
answer most closely approximates your
honest response. At the end of the test
you'll find a discussion, scoring and ex-
planatory section. Start now, do not cheat
or rub out your answers.
Professor Vilmos “Happy” Wedekind,
a pioneer in the field of child molestation,
has stated that “So soon do we as children
consider sex, as therefore is it so extreme-
ly early in the tiny mind, that it is for
many to deal with, some difficulty” (trans-
lation by Helga Wedekind). Few psychia-
tists can argue with this, and the first
part of the quiz will reveal the sources of
your sexual temperament.
1. Where do babies come from?
A. Puerto Rico.
B. The doctor brings them in a
little black bag.
С. When a man and a woman wish
to expressa mature, abiding love
for cach other, they go out and
rent a baby.
D. Noopinion.
2. Babies are:
A. Punishment; a visitation from
God, like the Plague of Toads.
Cuddly-wuddly little numkins.
The random result of spermato-
zoic implantation of various ova.
D. Of no interest until they can
kick in for part of the rent.
3. As a child, did you have any siblings?
A. None.
В. One.
C. Two.
D. ‘Three or more.
4. Were you pleased with that situation?
A. Yes.
B. No.
C. Confused.
5. Did you play with your sibling?
A. Alot.
B. Occasionally.
C. Rarely.
(continued overleaf)
emums against a semi-
we background through
he shoulder straps of her
уз statuesque bulk made
glimpse her face. When
and, like a black ship,
he first looked away as
in feigned abstraction at
opposite him, at his own
red-checked little old
is casual gaze to the lady
way. It was Frau Monde,
young face was blotch-
the heat, her mannish
ed above her piercing
a slightly sardonic smile
orners of her compressed
n,” she said in her soft
оте sit over here. Now
chat How are things
replied Erwin with em-
What is a sibling?
A. A male member.
B. A family member.
C. Present indicative of the verb to
D. Like a spider, only with more
7. How many pleasant memories do you
retain from your childhood?
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Buckle my.
D. Shoe.
. Until the age of seven (what Wede-
id calls “those wonderful, sick
years"), did your parents require you
to masturbate?
A. Occasionally.
B. Rarely.
C. Only when 1 couldn't get regu-
lar. normal sex.
9. After the age of seven, how frequently
did you masturbate?
A. Daily.
B. Hourly.
C. Never stopped
10. During puberty, did you examine
your developing body, including
A. Yes.
B. No.
11. If yes, indicate what you used:
A. Eyes and hands.
B. Dental mirror.
C. Sniperscope.
D. Calipers.
Е. Tracing paper and charcoal.
12. As an adolescent, did you ever make a
brass rubbing of the privates of a
close friend?
A. Never.
B. Sometimes.
C. Frequently.
13. Masturbation:
A. Makes you blind.
B. Makes you nearsighted only if
you don't quit early enough.
C. Causes pornography.
D. Is illegal in several Northern
states and Canada.
E. Is encouraged in several South-
ern states and Mexico.
14. Are you using this questionnaire to
masturbate with?
A. Huh?
B. No, no—see? Both my hands
are on the desk.
C. Have a headache
‘This section is designed to determine
your mature sexual attitudes, if any, and
Teveal any abnormalities or obsessions.
Do not look at the paper of the person
sitting next to you. Answer quickly,
15. What is the silliest part of the male
A. Hand.
B. Nose.
C. Gland of Cowper.
D. Sex organ.
E. Upper lip.
16. How long should the male organ be?
A. At least four inches.
B. At least five inches.
С. At least six inches.
D. At least seven inches.
17. What is the capital of Bolivia?
A. Bolivia.
B. Lima.
C. Sucre.
D. At least nine inches.
18. The best lubricant for sex is:
A. Your own saliva.
B. The saliva of a bystander.
С. The poems of Rod McKuen.
D. The Lawrence Welk recording
of Bubbles in the Wine.
19. The missionary position is:
A. Manon top.
B. Woman on top.
C. Both on top, missionary under-
D. Praying during intercourse.
20. Coitus interruptus refers to that part
of the Catholic Mass that occurs after
the response.
A. True.
B. False.
21. During normal sex, you usually
A. First.
B. Second.
C. Third.
D. Fourth or other.
22. During sex, you and your partner
reach orgasm:
A. Always, and simultancously.
B. Never. but simultaneously.
C. Simultaneously, but in different
D. Orgasm? 1 never lose control.
23. Directly after making love, you usual-
ly like to:
A. Have an orgasm.
B. Have a complete and thorough
physical examination, including
X rays, liver-function tests and
blood count.
C. Smoke a large pipe.
D. Eat a banana-and-peanut-butter
E. Introduce yourself.
24. At the moment of climax, you often.
A. Scream, “Into the boxcars, all of
B. Visualize a surgical glove stuffed
with lentils.
C. Become rigid and dammy, like
a dead carp.
D. Exclaim, "O rapture! O sublime
. . . Such exceeding lubricity; I
spend... I die!"
25. The correct number of breasts for a
woman is:
А. Опе.
B. Two.
C. Threc.
D. Any even number.
26. The most unusual place you have
ever had intercourse is:
A. In the lavatory of a 747, 30,000
feet above the Andes.
B. In an inner tube at Lake Placid.
C. In an inner tube, 30,000 feet
above the Andes.
D. On the afikomen, or ceremonial
Passover matzoh.
27. (To be answered by heterosexuals
1. If you were a homosexual (and
don't be so sure, stud; nobody's
100 percent anything), your idea
of an evening's fun would be to:
A. Go to the park and roll hetero-
B. Design tacky pants suits for
suburban matrons.
C. Mince around with your hands
on your hips, saying “Dearie.”
D. Take a weekend pack trip
across John Wayne.
(Io be answered by homosexuals
If you were a heterosexual (and
you probably are; just look deep
within yourself), your idea of an
evening's fun would be to:
A. Go to the park and roll hetero-
B. Bomb the hell out of Cambo-
dia, just to teach them a lesson.
C. Go to a locker room and com-
pare talcum powder with the
D. Trade punches with an elderly
28. (Answer quickly and honesily.)
1. Yellow-check trousers with pleats
are "all reer!”
A. True.
B. False.
2. Sen Sen is sure-fire with the
A. True.
B. False.
3. Spooning on the first date is OK,
but only up to “first base.”
A. True.
B. False.
4. Any freak scene with more than
two chicks can get heavy unless
one of them swings both ways.
A. Truc.
B. False.
Recent studies prove that over 96 per
cent of all automobile accidents inyolve
daydreaming drivers engaged in reveries
of sensational sex with a Swedish dental
assistant named Kristin. The power of
these waking fantasies, or, as the Swiss
call them, daydreams, is so great that the
normal senses are overpowered and the
hapless motorist doesn't see or hear that
semitrailer barreling toward him. The re-
sult is often a late appointment, embar-
rassment or death. Answer the following
to reveal important aspects of your fan-
tasy life.
29, Have you ever thought about kissing
a horse? Be honest.
(continued on page 262)
wast, mystenions, forbidding
thal was oup intrepid explorer,
afina didnt stand a shanga
article Ey ROBERT MORLEY OF ALL THE MADNESS I experienced as a child, nothing reached a higher
quotient of insanity than the geography lessons. I was instructed to draw the course of the Euphrates River and to mark and
name the principal tributaries, Who was I at the age of eight to decide the relative eminence of rivers? I still do not know
where the Euphrates rises and falls. I sometimes wonder whether, indeed, the Euphrates is still rising and falling, so scldom do
I hear it mentioned. And even today, as I travel the globe, I am still trying to hide the fact that I have only the haziest idea of
how the world fits together and why, for example, when flying out of Britain, 1 must pause at Frankfurt en route to Kenya. I
had decided on Kenya for a holiday, because if one is to bask in the sun, it’s smart to get as close to the equator as possible,
Mombasa is not only near the equator, it is thoroughly spoiled. 1 am not one for the unspoiled (continued on page 130)
and photographer
holger play
a fascinating game
of undress-ups
З... OF PLAYBOY will по
doubt recoll ten remorkoble pages in our
January 1971 issue in which haute couture
model-octress Veruschka was painted to
lock like c panther, a snake and other slinky
living things; then she droped her body
over logs, wound it around tree limbs and
generally behaved in a most olluring way.
Because that was one of our most talked-
about pictorials ever, we were delighted to
welcome Veruschka and her paintbrush
back for another exclusive PLAYBOY pictorial,
So here she is—paint once more
provocatively applied, her optical illusions
more ingenious and captivating than
ever—and we hope she'll be back again.
Still more of Veruschka’s dazzling trompe l'oeils: Weoring
black semigloss and an Avengeress-tough stare (opposite poge),
in very faded jeans that go one better than skintight (middle)
and posed on cloth, as a flamenco dancer (above).
She had to be something of a contortionist,
but Veruschka herself applied the paint
for every “costume.” As a Thirties gangster,
she shoots from the hip—and other places.
Swishing a sleazy feather boa, stripper Veruschka
wriggles out of her disappearing “costume.” Opposite poge:
A blonde and glittery Veruschka brings off her most amazing
characterization yet as she becomes the inimitable MM.
WR MOREL 0 PRESUME (continued from page 121)
terrain, the empty beach, the thornbush,
the flyblown kiosk with the lukewarm
beverage. Give me the marble terrace, the
steps leading down into the water. J can
ignore the high-rise apartment at my
back. Lam locking the other way.
When I leave the water, I like elegant
patio furnishings and a cool drink—not
out of the coconut but from the refrigera-
tor. I like the loving care of the barman,
not the childlike friendliness of the
noble savage. I am not interested in ecol-
ogy. I refuse to worry about the fate of
the spotted hartebeest. If it's had its day,
that's all right with me. I shall manage
without the creature. On the other hand,
when it's hot, I prefer not to manage
without ice and air conditioning. Why
should 1?
It was exceedingly hot in Mombasa. I
had only to put my nose outside and the
skin pecled. Fellow visitors coated their
features with cream and wore plastic
shields. My world was full of the chicken-
mayonnaise crowd and I was content to
lie in the shade behind some rocks and
watch a honeymooning French couple
play ches every aftemoon under a
coconut tree.
In the bar one evening 1 met a man
who had a house in Lamu, a town farther
up the East African coast toward Italian
Somaliland; and the next morning I was
flying there. I decided against making the
journey byroad and dugout canoe through
the mango swamps, as I didn’t fancy һау-
ing to stand upright in the latter, watched
by rapacious crocodiles, When we landed,
the pilot warned us against taking photo-
graphs of the ground staff, who were con-
victs. They seemed remarkably young to
be serving prison sentences. But farther
along the path to the jetty and the
motorboat that was to take us across the
lagoon to the town itself, we came upon
a more mature group breaking stones.
In Lamu, I was welcomed by the cura-
tor of the museum, who introduced me
to his parrot. The parrot came from
London and hadn't learned to fly, on
account of a defective wing. Each after-
noon at four local time, wl і
shop closing time in Britain, the parrot
insisted on being put to bed in a dark
room with the door locked. Until that
happened, he screamed.
The rest of the town came from Alice
in Wonderland. Once upon a time, Lamu
was the richest port on the coast, with
plumbing far in advance of anything Eu-
rope had experienced up to then—in-
cluding the bidet. Wealthy residents even
drove gold rods into the walls of the
houses by way of ostentation. Little re-
mains of the elegant extravagance that
demanded four slaves to a canopy as the
local sherifs paraded the main street. The
sherifs still parade, holding thcir own
umbrellas; the sons of the prophets are
180 everlastingly marrying the daughters of
the faithful, and everlastingly divorcing
them the пем morning. A night with a
sherif for her virgin daughter. and moth-
er goes to heaven, or so they tell her.
A great deal remains in Lamu, includ-
ing even the British. There are many
cannons on the waterfront and a pletho-
ra of bones in the sands beneath. Lamu
played a home madi around 1800
against the neighboring island of Pate
and won 1700 to 6—a famous massacre,
as when the tide went out suddenly, the
away team couldn't get off the reef.
Usually when Lamu lost, she lost to the
cannibal tribes, the Portuguese, the Ethi-
opians and, of course, the British.
One afternoon I lunched on my hotel
terrace and noticed the beach being pa-
trolled by soldiers. The oldest of all the
English residents had taken to exposing
himself by the waters edge and the
newly appointed district commissioner
was determined for some reason to catch
m in the act. "Will they shoot him?" T
asked anxiously. They won't even catch
him, I was told. His wife is keeping
him indoors.
Later, I signed the visitors’ book imme-
diately below the Aga Khan, who had
just left. There is one family in Lamu
that subscribes to his faith and he had
taken pains to meet them, but not while
he was alone. If you are a follower of the
Аваз and catch him alone, he must ac-
cede to your request. The family was
anxious to buy the local mosque at a
knockdown price, knock it down and
build a hotel. The Aga Khan was
courteous, circumspect and perpetually
accompanied on his walks along the
On the way back from Lamu I stopped
in Ma Kenya, to lunch with the
British and take tea with the Krauts. Na-
tionalism is encouraged by the package
tour. The Germans are winning hands
down; there are at least four jumbo
flights each week from Frankfurt. Of the
Americans, there is little sign along the
coast. They simply haven't the time to lie
around in the sun; besides, that sort of
life comes easier and cheaper at home. If
they come to this part of Africa at all, it
is to Mombasa or Nyali Beach, and then
only for two or three nights, to rest up
between safaris. Americans are in the
game game, and how well they play it.
‘The men try to look and dress like
Stewart Granger; the women favor Dor-
othy Lamour—the head turbaned, the
figure sheathed in fiery African colors.
‘They are armed with cameras, not rifles;
zoom lenses, not cartridges.
There is not really a great deal to buy
in Africa, but Americans have a stab at
shopping. Occasionally, they are stabbed
themselves. One party, in particular, was
nearly speared to death by the Masai be-
cause they laughed too loudly and bent
themselves double, pretending to have
been wounded by the dancers’ spears.
"The tribesmen, suddenly bored by audi.
ence participation, decided to play it for
real. None of the visitors was killed,
but the guilty tribe was punished by
being deprived of the dance concession
for a spell.
Some tourists also ask for trouble by
stepping out of jeeps to feed an elephant
the remains of a picnic lunch or by
climbing down from a tree hut to proffer
a leopard a drink. Punishment when it
comes is condign; an elephant takes its
time trampling а man to death. When
it's finished, all that’s left is a thin,
red mush.
ОГ course. not all trouble is invited.
"There can be no harm, surely, in tea on
the lawn and no blame attached to any-
one, except possibly the Jioness herself, if
she chooses to hunt and catch a baboon
among the chocolate biscuits and the but
tered scones. ‘Two of my guests finished
up in the wees and quite an old lady up
to her neck in the pond,” Mr. Pascoe told
me. Mr. Pascoe is manager of the appro-
priately named Hunter's Lodge, which
stands just to the side of the Nairobi-
Mombasa highway. “We have a good
many lions here,” he went on proudly, “I
usually take guests for an evening ramble
and we nearly always see something, even
if it’s only a snake.”
Water holes are a great feature of
the game lodges. Floodlit and with a
thoughtfully provided artificial salt lick,
they provide an opportunity for the
game to have a look at the guests in their
natural habitat. All day the latter have
been bouncing around in jeeps, making
it difficult for the elephant and particu-
larly the leopard to count them accurate-
ly. But here, bunched at the bar, they can
be inspected by the wart hogs and hyenas
at leisure.
ting next to me at the bar was a
Kenya policeman's wife, who had lived
in Africa all her life and who knew a
good deal about the Mau Mau. “We had
à cook in those days," she told me, “who
was one in a thousand, the kindest, most
obliging, most dedicated cook in all of
Africa, famous for his spaghetti souflé
With this talented man in the kitchen, I
couldn't go wrong as a hostess and he
might have stayed forever, had not my
husband come home one evening and
told me that our splendid chef was the
senior Mau Mau oath administrator for
miles around. It was a terrible oath, you
know,” she continued, “the worst sort of
black magic and quite unmentionably
obscene. Arrangements were made that
he be arrested in his own village because
he was such a charming old man. That
night the fellow cooked his last souffié,
or so we thought, and the next day we
drove him back to his home, where a
dozen soldiers werc waiting. He got into
the truck and bumped off to prison and,
(continued on page 236)
article By RICHARD HAMMER a politically ambitious young prosecutor
takes on the syndicate and proves that the pen can be as mighty as the sword
o ay e
efforts by Federal, state and
BY THE EARLY Thirties, it cians and police took money became their servants. There
scemed that nothing could halt
the spread of underworld pow-
er. Most of the country's major
cities and many of the smaller
ones were, in important ways,
controlled by criminals. Politi-
and orders from the racketeers;
businessmen facing bankruptcy
during the Depression had no-
where else to turn for cash, and
so fell under their control; ип.
ions sought their services and
were times when the entire
nation seemed at the mercy
of the Mob.
But the specter of govern-
ment by gangsters also in-
spired the first major reform
local authorities. The Federal
effort was led by Elmer Irey
and his associates at the Inter-
nal Revenue Service. When
all other tactics seemed un-
availing, there was still the
possibility of sending gangsters
for income-tax evasion.
In New York, longignored
civic corruption was suddenly
in the spotlight of the Seabury
commission. And a little later,
the city itself would join the
drive against the underworld
when a new mayor, Fiorello
“Little Flower” La Guardia,
and his reformist fusion ad-
ministration came to power.
Under the spur of President
Herbert Hoover and Treasury
Secretary Andrew Mellon,
Ircy had kicked off the Feder-
al drive in Chicago in 1927.
He had collected enough finan-
cial evidence to send Ralph
and Al Capone, Jake Guzik,
Tom Dewey launched his politi-
cal career by jailing gangsters.
Frank Nitti and others to pris-
on. In Kansas City, his agents
had brought about the dis-
grace, if not the total collapse,
of the Pendergast machine.
And in New York, the multi-
millionaire bootleggers and
racketeers were being put un-
der the tax microscope. The
initial target was Waxey
There was little affection
for Gordon in the fiedgling
national crime Syndicate. His
control of illegal distilleries
in Philadelphia, New Jersey,
New York and elsewhere, and
his hold on foreign sources of
supply, had given hima degree
of independence and power
Fiorello La Guardia promised to
run the gangs out af New York.
that forced almost everyone to
come to him. Moreover, re-
quests for deals with Gordon
usually resulted in his de-
manding 2 partnership, and
his tough, arrogant manner
further alienated his business
associates. In Philadelphia, he
had feuded long and bitterly
even with his allies, men such
as Nig Rosen and Boo-Boo
Toff. Perhaps mue serivus,
the enmity between him and
Meyer Lansky had deepened
over the years, By the end of
the Twenties, they would
The dying Dutch Schultz contemplates the bullet holes he received on October 23, 1935, in Newark's.
Palace Chop House. In direct defiance of Syndicate orders to leave public figures alone, Schultz had set
out to assassinate Tom Dewey. Luciano considered this good for Schultz but bod for public relations.
Death and taxes equally threatened mobsters once the Treasury
Department decided that ill-gotten gains were taxable income.
rarely speak to each other or
sit down together in the
same room. Lucky Luciano, Joc
Adonis, Longy Zwillman and
his partner Willie Moretti,
Tommy Lucchese, even Lan-
sky's oldest friend and longtime
partner, Bugsy Siegel, all of
whom had tried to work with
both, found it increasingly diff-
cult to keep the peace between
the two sccmingly indispensa-
ble men. They wanted no
showdown, but if one were to
come, they would side with
Lansky. The “Little Man,” as
the 54” Lansky was often
called, had brains and ability,
kept his ambitions to himself
and preferred to stay in the
background as a man who
would not challenge the
power of anyone else. Even
more than Frank Costello,
Lansky seemed content to
guide obliquely by suggestion
and subtle persuasion. So Gor-
don's vitriol against Lansky
won him no points in the or-
ganization. And he lost points
in the early Thirties when he
made himself another power-
ful enemy in Dutch Schultz,
as each began invading the
others brewing domains in
anticipation of legal beer.
Gordon, with his wealth,
power and ostentation, was as
natural a target for Irey’s tax-
men in the East as Capone
had been in the Midwest, and,
according to some underworld
sources, the Ircy investigation
was secretly abetted by Gor-
don's multitude of enemies.
Through Lanskys brother
Jake and others, the taxmen
were quietly fed information
' = a
_ Mayer Lansky 2 Charlie. “Lucky” Luciano 'ank Costello.
Vito Genovese
- Willie Moretti
his war with Dutch Schultz, earned himself the nickname "Мой Dog” in July 1931, when his gunmen fired at rival mobsters
оп Monhotlan's Upper East Side and instead hit several children, killing a five-year-old boy. Seven months later, Coll was comered in the
telephone booth of a 23rd Street drugstore and riddled with machine-gun bullets. His new bride was among the few to weep at his funeral.
and leads about Gordon's
sources of income, In a num-
ber of private underworld
meetings, the decision was
made not to deal with Gor-
don by the old, violent meth-
ods, though some, especially
Schultz, favored such action.
To kill Gordon, the wiser
counsel went, would only re-
sult in more bad publicity at
a time when too many bodies
were already littering the
landscape, so the undoing of
Waxcy Gordon would be left
to the Government.
But Schultz could not resist.
taking one last blast at Gor-
don, and in April 1933, he
sent 2 crew of killers after the
bootlegger. As they went in
the door of Gordon's room at
the Carteret Hotel in Eliza-
beth, New Jersey, Cordon
escaped, Not so lucky were
two of his aides, who were
both gunned down,
Schultz's failure to get Gor-
don was his last chance. The
Government's tax case had by
then been fully developed and
put in the hands of a young
United States Attorney in New
York. He was a small man with
a mustache, an immense ego
and outsized political ambi-
tions, a small-town Michigan
Republican who had become
a Wall Street lawyer before
entering public service. His
name was Thomas E. Dewey. As
a prosecutor of businessmen,
financiers and industrialists
indicted for financial pecu-
Jations, Dewey маз some-
thing less than brilliant; he
seemed unable to convict prom-
inent citizens. With gangsters,
however, it was different. He
Bo Weinberg, the financial wiz-
ard of the Dutch Schultz mob,
paid the price for disloyalty. He
vanished one night in 1935—
reportedly the victim of a one-
way swim in the Hudson River.
seemed then a vengeful tiger with an
instinct for the jugular Within five
months of his appointment as an Assist-
ant U.S. Attorney in 1931, he did what
prosecutors had been uying to do for
years: convict Legs Diamond. Unfortu-
nately, Diamond never scrved a day;
while free on bond pending his appeal,
he was murdered in an Albany, New
York, rooming nouse, probably by the
Schultz mob.
In 1933, Dewey was named interim
U. S. Attorney and personally took charge
of the tax-evasion case against Gordon.
His presentation was masterful, replete
with histrionics, selErighteousness and
scorn. Gordon, he told the jury, had a
real income in excess of $2,000,000 a
year, was spending more than $6000
a year in owned vast amounts of
property, including several homes with
lavish furnishings, spent money on innu-
merable luxuries and then had the gall
to file income-tax returns declaring a net
income of only $8125 a year. The jury
was convinced. Gordon was convicted in
December 1933, fined $80,000 and sent
to prison for ten years. That was the end
of Waxey Gordon as a major underworld
figure. (Released just in time for World
War Two, Gordon immediately got into
the black market and ended up back in
prison. When next on the streets, he re-
turned to an occupation of his youth,
pushing drugs, and by the late Filties was
hack in prison once more.)
With Gordon out of the way, the next
target for the IRS and Dewey was
Schultz. This upset the Dutchman and.
gave rise later to his plaint that the cops
were after him, that he was not
only because his name fit the hea
better he should have remained Arthur
Flegenheimer. For by this time, Schultz
was, indeed, a household name, con-
stantly in the headlines as the Seabury
inyestigation and others dug deeply into
his racketeering and his relationship with
politicians. But worse for Schultz, though
he didn't know it yet, was the fact that
he had also become a target for his some-
time partner in the underworld.
The Dutchman had an unpopular
penchant for trouble and violence. He
had fought Gordon for control of the
beer business in New York and New Jer-
sey, while almost simultancously warring
with "Mad Dog" Coll, the young Irish
killer and beer runner who had left
Schultz in the late Twenties to form a
rival gang. The struggle lasted about a
year and filled the streets, alleys and riv-
ers with bodies from both sides—nobody
was ever sure how many, since the Castel-
Jammarese war was going on about that
time and there were other internecine
battles as well.
For a short time in the middle of the
Schultz-Coll war, there was a truce, but
only because Coll was out of commission.
A car filled with his gunmen had roared
through east Harlem prepared for a
shoot-out with some of Schultz's troops in
residence at a social club. Coll's men
sprayed the area with bullets, hitting
several nearby children and killing a five-
year-old boy. That outrage finally com-
pelled the police to intervene. Coll was
picked up and charged with murder, His
trial was something of a farce. Coll's lav.
yer, Samuel Leibowitz (who would win
the reputation as the nation’s most vin-
dictive hanging judge when he sat on
the countycourt bench in Brooklyn),
riddled and ridiculed the state's case and
Coll won a directed verdict of acquittal.
But this was Coll's last hurrah. No
sooner was he back in circulation than
Schultz was after him. Coll's older broth-
er, Peter, had already been gunned down
оп a Harlem street. Coll replied by shoot-
ing several Schultz hirclings Schultz
stepped up the attack and Coll went into
hiding but was tracked down to a room-
ing house in Manhattan's Chelsea district.
On February 8. 1932, he left his room to
make a telephone call at the corner drug-
store. Schultz's killers waited until he
closed the door of the phone booth, then
riddled it, and its helpless occupant, with
submachine-gun bullets.
‘The Dutchman's victory was some-
thing of a disappointment to his under-
world friends Luciano, Lansky, Costello
and Louis "Lepke" Buchalter. For them,
Schultz had become an object of concern
and envy. His successes in battle and in
capturing the Harlem policy racket made
many fear that he would soon be casting
eyes on their domains. Furthermore, they
themselves were coveting the Schultz em-
pire and would not have objected if Coll
had eliminated the main obstacle to their
taking it over.
When Coll failed, the next hope was
the Federal Government. In the waning
days of his Presidency, Hoover, pleased
with the early successes of his Treasury
agents, began to pressure them to go
after Schultz as well as Gordon; and in
January 1933, Dewey presented enough
evidence to a Federal grand jury in New
York to indict the Dutchman for fail-
ing to file tax returns for 1929, 1930 and
1981. In those years, the Government
charged, his provable taxable income
from bootlegging alone amounted to
$481,637.35, and he was thus in arrears
for $92,103.34, plus interest. It appeared
to be an airtight case; the Government
could not lose.
But Schuliz was a different breed from
Capone, Gordon and the rest. Where they
had readily surrendered to authorities
upon indictment and gone to trial,
Schultz had new interests in policy, in res-
taurant protection and in breweries that
needed his personal attention. "That at-
tention could best be given while he was
a free man, so he went into hiding, at
least officially. With the overt and covert
assistance of bribed police and politi-
cians, he managed to remain at large,
even travel about, despite more than
50,000 wANrED posters prominently dis-
played all over New York. He lived open.
ly at a number of apartments around the
city, receiving friends, associates and those
public servants on his payroll, and he did
not abandon his nightclubbing nor his
regular visits to Polly Adler’s brothel.
By mid-1934, nearly a year and a half
after the indictments had been handed
down (and by which time Republican
Dewey was out of the U.S. Attorneys
office and temporarily practicing law on
Wall Suet), Schultzs flouting of the
law had become too blatant to ignore.
Franklin Roosevelt's Sccretary of the
Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, put the
heat on Federal and local officials. FBI
director J. Edgar Hoover ordered his
agents to bring in Schultz without delay,
and New York's new reform mayor, La
Guardia, who had ridden into office on
the promise to “throw the bums out," dì-
rected his new police commissioner.
Lewis J. Valentine, to get his men off
their asses and after the Dutchman.
Schultz turned to his supposed friends
for help, not suspecting the kind of help
they really wanted to give him. At that
moment, though, they helped him hide
ош and he offered to cough up $100,000
аз a settlement if the Government would
withdraw the indictments. Like his prede-
cessor in the Hoover Administration, who
had turned down a much more generous
$400,000 offer from Capone, Morgenthau
refused. “We don't do business with crim-
inals,” he said.
The search for Schultz intensified,
and with the then-trigger-happy FBI in-
volved, Schultz decided to avoid any con-
frontation. On a cold November day in
1934, he walked into the Albany office of
United States Com: s
Hubbard and said, “I'm Arthur Flegen-
heimer. I am under indictment in the
Southern District of New York. 1 wish to
In the following months, Schultz, free
on $75,000 bail, toiled at preparing his
defense. The last thing his battery of
lawyers wanted was a trial in New York
City, where Schultz was notorious. La
Guardia's campaign against the under-
world and the continuing Seabury rev-
elations had finally caused citizens to
withdraw some of their tolerance toward
glamorous gangsters. A change of venue
was requested and eventually granted.
The trial was scheduled for April 1935,
in Syracuse. The Governments case,
built with diligence by Dewey and his
staff before they returned to private prac-
tice, was handled by John H. McEvers,
special assistant to Attorney General Ho.
mer Cummings. McEvers paraded witness
after witness before the jury to lay out
the details of Schultz's bootleg empire
and the amounts of cash that flowed into
it. There seemed litle possibility that
the Government would lose, particularly
(continued on page 164)
a eL.
“You shouldn't blame yourself, Santa. Mother warned me
you wouldn't come unless I was good.”
small-town miss nancy cameron
took a chance on the big city—and
it’s worked out just fine, thank you
Cameron isn’t the introspective
sort, but on the eve of her
20th birthday—which just hap-
pens to coincide with ours—
we caught her in a reflective
mood. "Ive been thinking
what would have happened
if I hadn't gotten away from
home." Home for Nancy was
Arnold, Pennsylvania, a small
town about 20 miles outside
Pittsburgh. "I'd probably have
gotten married—to my very
old-fashioned high school
sweetheart—and most likely
have seuled for a career as a
dental assistant.” Nancy makes
a face. “And I'd never have
gotten to meet Alice Cooper.”
We should explain that Miss
January works for her boy-
friend, Paul St. John, a rock-
concert producer in Pittsburgh.
Nancy books hotel reservations
for incoming groups, ensures
that rooms are supplied with
ample provisions of food and
drink and arranges press par-
ties, limousine service and the
like. “Somebody was throwing
a party for Alice after the con-
certand Paul wanted me togo,"
says Nancy. “But I told him I
was tired and we argued about
it. So I'm sitting home alone
when the phone rings and
there’s a man on the other end
of the line saying, ‘Hello, Nan-
cy. This is Alice.” And I hear
Paul laughing on the line like
it was some big joke. But Al
ice was really quite nice. He
straightened everything out be-
tween us.” Nancy pauses, then
says, "Now, I don't mean to
give the impression that I'm a
close friend of every rock star
who passes through Pittsburgh.
] don't even like to show up
“I really con't say thot | have сп
everyday routine,” says Nancy.
“But 1 like it like that.” One day,
no! too long ago, began (top left
опа right) with a brisk shower and
(center) some work on friend Paul's
Rolls-Royce. "The Rolls," she tells
us, “has to be kept tuned constant-
ly. Paul doesn't let me work on it
too often, but | gladly do what he
lels me. We're going to enter the
cor in shows, but that’s a long way
off. Neither of us has the time now
to get it into the kind of coi
it needs to be in for compe!
at the concerts. But if I hadn't
met Paul, I never would have
had the opportunity to go in
the first place.” In fact, says
Nancy, it was Paul who encour-
aged her to go to Pittsburgh. “I
had been working as a dental
assistant for several months—
in Arnold. That was a drag.
I had been modeling, too, just
for the sake of doing something
different. I model two or three
times a week; there’s not a
whole lot of that kind of work
in Pittsburgh. Anyway, one day
I was on a job at a shopping
center, promoting a modeling
agency; Paul passed by, and
we met. Since then, I’ve done
things I'd never thought I'd
ever be doing, met people I'd
never thought I'd meet, had
experiences I'd never thought
I'd have.” At the time she took
off for Pittsburgh, Nancy was
just a few months out of high
school. “1 had been very popu-
lar," she recalls, "secretary of
my junior and senior classes,
drum majorette, principal's
pet and all the rest. But I knew
nothing of Rolls-Royces, rock
stars, fine restaurants Or big
cities. The only time I'd ever
gotten out of Arnold to any
major new place was to Chi-
cago, where I competed in a
national gymnastic meet.
[Nancy placed second in over-
all competition, which in-
duded turns on the uneven
parallel bars, horse, rings and
free exercise.] But then 1 had
to go back to my job as a dental
assistant. Eventually when
more modeling assignments
started to come my way, І quit
dentistry and worked nights as
a receptionist at a country
Top to bottom, left to right: Next,
Nancy works out with her older sis-
ter, Debbie, ot a local gym. Debbie
spots as Nancy executes a hip cir-
cle on the uneven parallel bars and
а routine on the bolance beam.
Then it's off to cn assignment as a
demonstrator for a cosmetics firm,
where Nancy gives her younger
sister Robin a lesson in make-up
application. At dusk, she attends a
cookout with Poul ond some friends.
A go at the chain sow turns a limb
into firewood, and soon the bright
glow of a campfire warms the night.
club. Which was OK,
with modeling during the day
and working at night, my life
consisted of not much more
than work and sleep. That is,
until Paul came along.” Nancy
hasn't abandoned her old life
entirely, though. She still finds
time for exercise with her sis-
ters, who belong to Sokol, an
Arnold gymnastic group. "I've
been a gymnast my whole lile,
as have my parents and their
parents before them. We're all
Slovak, and it would be hard
to find a people crazier about
gymnastics than the Slovaks.
Since my mother is an instruc-
tor and my sisters still com-
pete, I guess we can match any
family as gymnast fanati
For the moment, however,
Nancy says she can't foresee
time when her passion for the
sport would evolve into any-
thing serious enough to give
her Olympic aspirations. “I'm
OK on the uneven bars, es-
pecially when I put my mind
to it. But I'm terribly incon-
sistent, and 1 freeze under pres-
sure. During one meet a while
ago, 1 was doing a required
routine on the rings. Suddenly
I caught the judge's eye and
got so scared that 1 forgot an
entire sequence. My mind went
blank, and by the time I came
out of it, I was just hanging
there improvising tricks I'd
never done before." When she's
not working out, Nancy divides
her hours about equally be-
tween modeling assignments
nd concert production work.
Frankly,” she says, “I'd rather
spend more of my time model-
ing, but I enjoy meeting the
groups and helping them.” All
the same, if she were asked to
trade her present life for the
one that would have awaited
her had she remained in Ar-
nold, we're absolutely certain
whichone Nancy would choose.
“But I've already made that
choice,” she says, “I'm here with
you now, aren't 12” And how.
“Of course, I'm flattered to have
been chosen to be PLAYBOY's first
double-gatefold Playmate. But poor
Dwight Hooker, the photographer,
must have lost ten pounds running
from one camero to the other.”
WI22 YMONEJ riso» чун ox іне wonin
"п spite of the fact that I've moved
away from my home town," says
Nancy, “I still don't consider my-
self а y person. | like the
restaurants, concerts and people of
the city, but I've found that I'm
happiest when I'm walking through
the woods or driving through the
countryside. 1 guess my ideal in life
is to combine the two worlds. But
I've lols of fime to work that out.”
1: took plenty of time and persuasion, but the horny
vice-president finally persuaded the new secretary to
drop her panties and bend over the back of his
leather couch.
“And just where have you been until this hour?”
demanded his wife when the wayward husband
arrived home.
“Down at the office, honey,” replied the fellow,
“working like a dog.”
The elderly couple was watching a TV faith healer.
"And now, my friends," he intoned, "you can be
made whole again! I invite those of you who are ill
to place one hand on my image on your television
screen and the other hand on that part of your body
that needs holy healing.” At this, the old woman
leaned forward and touched the screen and also her
stomach, while her husband divided his hands be-
tween the TV screen and his groin.
“That's going too far, George,” cackled the wife.
“The reverend spoke about healing the sick, not
raising the dead!”
Madam," said the irate conductor to an incompe-
tent lady cellist during rehearsal, “you have between
your legs an instrument that could give pleasure
to thousands—and all you seem able to do is
scratch it!"
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines football groupie
as a jock absorber.
Have you tried Head and Shoulders?” tactfully
whispered the girl in dose embrace,
“Huh . . . what?” whispered back her date.
A fairy named Wind said, “I could,
If healthy, give pleasure—and would!
But, rile disease
Cramps my yearning to please,
Since an ill Wind blows nobody good.”
Simultaneous orgasms,” explains a sex therapist,
“are mostly the result of a stroke of luck.”
The three Bedouin tribesmen had almost reached
the ozsis on their flect camels when a hillock of sand
suddenly loomed up in front of them. Ali swerved
around it to the left and Hassan did so to the right,
bur dauntless Abdul rode right up and over the
obstacle—and straight iso cr je eit HOE EEC
camels engaged in lovemaking. Ihe copulating
beasts became frightened and broke apart at their
climactic moment just as Abdul swept by, the male
of the pair showering him with the potential mak-
ings of millions of little camels.
“Poor Abdul,” muttered Hassan, as their bespat-
tered comrade came up to join them, “he doesn't
know enough to rein in out of the cum.”
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines loser as a guy
whose computer-dating service sends him the num-
ber of Dial-A-Prayer.
And then there was the French girl who came to the
U.S. but soon returned home—she missed her na-
tive tongue.
pital,” comments
What prevails in our nation’s
is the law of the
one Watergate-case observer,
Two veteran horseplayers decided to pool their re-
sources and try a new system in an effort to change
their luck. “In the first race, Max," suggested Lou,
“let's bet the horse with the same number as your
glove size.”
“That's eight,” said Max, so they bet on number
eight and he romped home a winner.
In the second race, they used Max's shoe size,
which was nine, and number nine won pul
away. And so it went all afternoon. "And now, in
the sixth,” proposed Lou excitedly, "let's put the
whole bundle on the length of your dick!”
and the bet was placed;
but number five won.
“Oh, Lord,” groaned Max, “why did I have to
be such a liar?"
Our Unabashed Dictionary defines nude coloratura
as a muff diva.
No, no, Virginia," said the ster to his in-
quisitive young daughter, e labia minora
are not something our Jewish friends light up for
ag Yoo
Zi V
A shipwrecked sailor who had spent many years on
a remote South Pacific island was finally rescued.
When he arrived in California, reporters asked him.
what he had done for sex. "Oh, there were plenty of
passable and willing native girls on the island,” he
replied, "but they all had either V. D. or T. B."
“That must have been frustrating," commented
one of the newsmen.
“Not at all," said the sailor. “If a girl coughed, 1
screwed her.”
Heard a funny one lately? Send it on a postcard,
please, 10 Party Jokes Editor, PLAYBOY, Playboy
ing, 919 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago,
Illinois 60611. £50 will be paid to the contributor
whose card is selected. Jokes cannot be returned.
“The captain’s having trouble controlling his hook.”
ND THEN THEY SAY, “Now, ladies and gentlemen, here's the star of our show,”
and we both come out and go for the microphone, and you grab it and start
right in, ‘Good evening, folks, it's so great to be here in Miami, and I say,
"Wait a minute, what are you doing out here? I'm supposed to be on first,
I'm supposed to open the show,’ and you say, ‘No, they told me I was sup-
posed to open the show,’ and we go back and forth like that until you say—no, I say—
"Look, didn't you sce the sign when you came up to the hotel? Didn't you see that name
up there with all the neon lights? Well, that's me.’ And then you look and take a beat
and say, ‘Oh, you must be Air Conditioning. "
Milton Berle stopped to light his cigar. "You have to be sure to take that beat, Jerry,”
he said. “Then you say, ‘Oh, you must be Air Conditioning.”
Jerry Lewis looked at Berle but said nothing. He stood in his narrow dressing room
backstage at the Deauville Hotel, dressed in a tuxedo, holding a plastic cup of white wine
in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He took a sip of the wine.
"So then I'll say, “Look, Jerry, why should you be on first?’ And you say, "Well, you
heard me last night,’ and I say, ‘Yeah, you were very funny,’ and you say, ‘Funny? Are
you kidding—you could hear them laughing across the street.’ 1 say, ‘Oh, really? What
was playing over there?” ”
Berle puffed on his cigar, then reached out and grabbed Lewis by the arm. “Listen,
Jerry, 1 have to tell you about the ending." Lewis dropped his eyes quickly to where
Berle held him, then raised them again.
“When 1 finally introduce you,” Berle said, “you start in telling some story, right?
And I back up a couple of steps and say, 'Listen to this, this is a terrific story, you'll love
it, and you turn around and say, ‘Would you mind? Could you just back off?” I say,
‘Sure, Jerry; and I go a couple of more steps, and as soon as you start again, 1
turn to the band and say, “This kills me, this story; wait'll you hear it And you say,
"Look, would you just back away, I’m trying to do a show here. Back off.’ Then 1 walk up
and say, ‘How far do you want me to go?’ And you say, ‘Have you got a car?” ”
Berle tightened his grip on Lewis’ arm and pulled himself toward him. “Now, you
can't jump on that line, Jerry. You got to give it some time. When I say, ‘How far do
you want me to go?” you have to look at me and take а beat before you answer. Then
you deliver the line. It's funnier that way. Last time," he said, "you rushed that line.”
“Pm not the best yet, but i soon will be,” said jerry. “maybe tuesday,” he added
Lewis still said nothing, but he gave his arm a slight twist and pulled loose from
Berle's hand.
“I think we got it all set, Jerry,” Berle said, heading toward the door.
member the pause. These people need time to think down here.”
Berle started out of the room, then turned and looked at Lewis. “ "Ноу far do you
want me to go?’ ” he said. Then he paused dramatically and counted three beats in the
air with his cigar. "And then you say, ‘Have you got a car?" " He put the cigar back in
his mouth and walked out the door.
Lewis stood and watched him leave. Then he walked over to his dressing table and
dumped the rest of his wine into the sink. He filled the plastic cup with water and used
it to put out his cigarette. The cigarette hissed and then floated on the water like a
dead fish.
Lewis shook his head and looked over at his wife, Patti, who was sitting in a cor-
ner of the dressing room, doing some needlepoint.
“He didn’t let you say a word, Daddy,” Mrs. Lewis said, looking up at her hus-
band. “I don't believe it. Milton came in here and did the whole opening routine and
he didn't even let you speak.”
“I don't have to speak," Lewis said. He sat down in a high-backed chair and shut 155
ust re-
his eyes. "Milton does all the parts. He
even does audience reaction."
Lewis opened his eyes and leaned for-
ward to look at himself in the lighted
mirror. He turned his head slightly to
one side and then to the other. Ünder a
layer of make-up, his skin was deeply
tanned; and although his face had be-
come fuller and more mature-looking
with time, it had also retained a good
deal of youthfulness. Jerry Lewis did not
look his age, today, on his 47th birthday.
“Rehea Lewis said, patting back
his hair. “That’s all Milton has on his
4. We've gone over that routine a
n times since yesterday. And it's
just an opening bit, for Crissake.”
don't see why Milton behaves that
way." Mrs. Levis said.
‘Well, Milton is the master of his
said Lewis. "Everybody learned
from him. He's a perfectionist and a con-
summate showman. And for that I love
him." Lewis dosed his eyes again and
rubbed them. "But he's driving me fuck-
ing bananas with all his rehearsing.”
“I think he goes a little too far,
"You could walk up to him and say,
"Good morning, Milton, and he'd give
you three other ways to read the line. On
tne way to his funeral, he's going to be
telling the guy how to drive the fuck-
ing hearse."
Lewis stood up and began to look
duvugl a pile of mail diat was sitting, on
his dressing table. He picked up a tele-
gram from Bill Harrah, the nightclub
Owner, wishing him a happy birthday,
and held it as if he were weighing it.
“We were wrong to come here,” Lewis
said. “The € place i is wrong. I don't belong
said Lewis suddenly,
rowing the telegram back on the table.
ilton’s coming in here and telling me
how to deliver my fucking lines. I wrote
the whole fucking routine, I should know
how to deliver the lines,
“Milton shouldn't act like that,”
Lewis said.
‘And he's explaining to me about tim-
ing. He's telling me about timing.” Lewis
looked in the mirror. “I'm forty-seven
years old today. 1 don't need lessons
in timing.”
"Of course you don't,” Mrs. Lewis said.
А tall man with a mustache, who was
the announcer for the show, stopped in
the doorway and stuck his head into the
room. “Are you just about ready, Mr.
Lewis?” he asked.
Lewis nodded without turning around.
He straightened his jacket and his tie.
Then he leaned over and kissed his
wife. "Good luck, Daddy,” she said to him.
“You know that Milton has always
been шу idol," Lewis said as he stepped
out of the room. “But I think he's turn-
ing into a prick.”
Mrs. Lewis watched her husband as he
left to go onstage; then she went back to
her needlepoint.
The day before his 47th birthday,
Jerry Lewis stood in the lobby of the
Deauville Hotel, looking out through an
enormous picture window at the swim-
ming-pool area. "Momma!" he said
"Come here and look at this! Look at this
ping-pong table!”
Mrs. Lewis, wearing a summery pants
suit and sunglasses, went over and stood
next to her husband. “Look at what
those people are playing on," he said.
Lewis pointed through the window.
Beyond it lay a huge swimming pool that
nobody was using. The pool was flanked
on two sides by narrow cabanas, most
of which were open, occupied by post-
middle-aged people sipping drinks and
avoiding the hot afternoon sun. A num-
ber of other people were sitting out in
the open, on deck chairs, some with silver
reflectors strapped around their necks,
and their heads thrown back like astro-
nauts' on take-off.
In an area directly beneath the picture
window, a man and his wife were playing
an energetic, if somewhat unpolished,
game of ping-pong. Both wore broad-
brimmed straw hats, and most of their ef-
forts were directed at retrieving the ball
after a missed return. The table they
were playing on, the only ping-pong
table in sight, was a warped piece of ply-
woud painted исси, mailed ошо two
sawhorses. The adhesive tape that had
been applied to mark off the playing sur-
faces was fluttering lightly at the edges.
"Can you believe that?" Lewis asked,
his eyes fixed on the table. “People here
are paying a hundred, a hundred and fifty
dollars a day for а room, and look at that
piece of shit they provide in the way of
recreational facilities. That is absolutely
unexcusable.” He turned away from the
window. "Welcome to Miam
Ic was about noon and Lewis had just
arrived at the Deauville to rehearse for
the opening of his show that night. He
had come from The Jockey Club, where
he was staying, а 25-minute ride by
chauffeurdriven limousine across the
bay from Miami Beach.
"Lets find out where we're supposed
to go and go there," Lewis said. He start-
ed off across the lobby, followed by his
wife and by his assistant, 2 man named
Bob Harvey.
“Look at the carpeting!” Lewis called
out as he walked along. "Holes in the
carpetingl" He stopped above one of the
holes and examined it. Two silver-haired
ladies sitting nearby looked on with
low, it would be one thing,” Lewis
, "if they said that the carpeting had
been torn in the last fifteen minutes and
they just hadn't gotten around to fixing
it yet. But those holes have been there
since Lindbergh landed in Paris.”
“This used to be such a groovy hotel,”
Harvey said, catching up to Lewis.
“This was the best,” said Lewis.
was class. Now take a look.”
“The Fifties was the best time for
Miami,” Harvey said. “The late Fifties.
“The town was alive then,” Lewis sa
“The people were alive. Now everyoi
in sight is on his way to fucking death.
He looked around at the silver-haired
ladies and lowered his voice. “It m:
you sad to see a town deteriorate like
Mrs. Lewis came up and joined them.
“Did you see the carpet, Momma?”
Lewis asked. Mrs. Lewis locked at the
carpet and shook her head.
Lewis led them toward the stage-door
entrance. Harvey asked him if he'd seen
the room in which he was performing.
Lewis shook his head. “It’s big, Jerry,
he said.
They went through the door and into
the room. “Holy Christ!" said Lewis,
looking around. "Is this where the Dol-
phins play their home games?”
ike a convention hall," said
hing. “They could hold
а convention in here, Daddy.”
“They must be out of their minds,”
Lewis said. “They're never going to fill
this place every night. There aren't that
many people in Florida.”
A number of people were moving un-
hurriedly around the room, setting up
the lighting and sound equipment. On-
stage, the band was being led through
the numbers in Lewis’ act by his accom-
panist and conductor, Lou Brown, a full-
faced and pleasant man who has been
with Lewis [or 23 years.
"Some room they got here, huh?”
Brown said as Lewis walked over to the.
edge of the stage.
“Nice,” said Lewis. “Especially if you
want to fly an airplane.”
"Maybe thats what the show needs,”
Brown said.
Lewis smiled and took some notes out
of a briefcase. He glanced through them,
then stood listening to the band. “When
do you need me, Louie?” he
“Not right away,” Brown said. “We'll
go through it all first. Then you can
come nd tell us how we did it all
Lewis and his wife came out of the
Deauville together and alone and walked
over to the car that was waiting for them.
The night air was misty and muggy. The
neon time-and-temperature board on the
delicatessen across the street said that it
was 72 degrees, a few minutes before
Lewis was wearing the tuxedo that he
had performed in, except for the jacket.
He had left the jacket backstage. He had
on a dark-blue nylon windbreaker zipped
up to the throat and a white bath towel
wrapped around his neck. His make-up
(continued on page 158)
if bob © carol © art & alice do it, why shouldn't you?
THERE 15 A LOT more tennis swapping going on in the United States than
anyone would like to admit. Almost every tennis and country club now per-
mits mixed doubles out in the open and people are starting to talk about it
for the first time.
While doing research for a book on what tennis was doing to destroy the
American family, I interviewed people who admitted they had been swapping
tennis partners and in many cases they said it had not only helped their game
but brought them closer together.
Bob P. told me how he got into tennis swapping. “I'd like to say first that
my wife, Carol, and I are very happy playing tennis together, but occasionally
we like to swap partners just for variety. We got into it in a funny way. We
were on a tennis weekend at Grossinger's and we met this couple named Ted
and Alice, The first day my wife and I played them and we won eight to six,
six to three and six to four.
“That night we had dinner with them and as a joke, Ted said it would
be kind of fun if he played with Carol and I played with Alice. My wife
blushed and I think J just brushed it off, though (continued on page 243)
was smeared and running from the per-
spiration that dripped from his hair and
his forehead, and both the collar of his
shirt and the bath towel were stained with
the tan-colored grease-
He slumped into the seat and put his
head back, his eyes shut. The driver
turned around and gave him a question-
ing look. Mrs. Lewis made a small mo-
tion with her hand and the car pulled
away from the hotel.
“There won't be any slecping to-
night," Lewis said in a tired voice. "I
havc to look for some answers. There
have to be some answers."
“What did Milton have to say?" Mrs.
Lewis said.
lon was very understanding,"
Lewis said. “He said to me, “What can we
do? He told me that he knows he went
way too long. I said, ‘Milton, that's only
a small part of it.’ The thing about chem-
istry is that there are particles, and
pieces, and small factions that build into
the totality of the end result. Time is just.
one thing,”
Lewis took the corner of the bath
towel and wiped some of the sweat off
the side of his face.
“You can't plan a concept,” he said,
“and then change it, and expect it to
work after you've made the change.
When we originally planned to do this, it
was going to be Milton and myself and
the Louis Prima outfit—and we were
going to work in concert and build a
kind of revue. Then Prima became un-
available. And then Lee Guber, who put
the show together, said that it would just
be Milton and myself, and that it would
work just as well that way, with each of
us doing about an hour. And I really had
some reservations about that. But 1 knew
how important it was to Milton, I knew
how much he was looking forward to us
working together, and so I really didn't
put up any resistance to the show's
changing from the original concept. Be-
cause I didn't want to make waves.
“But you know I talked to Milton,
months ago, and I kept trying to make
him understand that there had to be a
device to take the place of the original
concept. And then I just ran out of time.
1 left the country, and then my dad got
sick, so we never did get together. And
even if we had gotten together, it would
have been a very amateurish thing for us
to attempt to work in total concert. Here
you have two men who shouldn't really
be working together at all, trying to
weave their two styles and two acts to-
gether in some way. Anyhow, we never
did work anything like that out, because
there was just no time.”
“Daddy, can 1 interrupt a minute?”
Mrs. Lewis said.
“I don't think you ought to have this
(continued from page 156)
conditioning on. I think it’s too much.
for you, darling. It's so cold on
your neck."
Lewis asked the driver to turn off the
the back of the car.
` Mrs. Lewis said to
the driver. "He's still all wet and it gets
too cold for hi
They drove in silence for a while, and
then Lewis said, "Les really a strange
thing. ] was so confident tonight, for
some reason. I had heard how the audi-
ence reacted to Milton during that whole
first half, and I said, ‘Jesus Christ, they're
up, they're high. And when 1 walked
out, I walked out just like I did in Paris.
Very secure and very confident. And the
minute I began. I knew I was in trouble.
That it wasn't going to work. They're
different people. It's a different place
and a different audience, and I just—I’m
not right here."
Lewis shifted in the seat and rested one
foot on top of the seat in front of him.
“They just didn't understand some of
the things that you were doing,” Mrs,
Lewis said. “You were too subtle for
them. Too quick.”
‘Well, you can't do subtleties and artis-
tic pieces with this audience," Lewis said.
“They aren't used to that kind of comedy
ance, the way they a
even the way they are in Las Vega:
“You did pieces tonight that would get
a fiveminute laugh in Las Vegas,” Mrs.
Lewis said. "And here they didn't re-
spond at all."
“Well, this isn't Vegas," Lewis said.
his is Miami, and I haven't been in
Miami in a long time. They haven't seen
my style of performance in a long time.
In a sense, they didn't recognize me."
‘The car bumped slightly as it pulled
onto the causeway and headed across the
bay. Behind it, the carnival lights of
Miami Beach were dim and fuzzy in the
gray mist, as if the city had been wrapped
in wax paper.
"You looked so gorgeous up there,”
Mis. Lewis said. smiling at her hus-
band. "So polished and so—well—really
performing. Milton wasn't really per-
“Oh, yes, he was, Momma," Lewis said.
"Oh, not to me, it’s not a perform.
ance,” Mrs. Lewis said. "He just works
around the other people he has on with
him. Like that harmonica player, that
Stan Fisher. He plays beautifully and 1
really enjoy the music, but it was too
much and too loud. It's a drag. You come
to see Milton Berle and you see a har-
monica player.”
‘Well. I don't know how long that
went,” Lewis said.
“He had an awful lot of time, Daddy.
Much too much."
"Yeah, Stan might be on too long,”
Lewis said. "But you can't say Milton
wasn't performing, honey.”
"No," Mrs. Lewis said. "To mc, that's
not a performance. I'm sorry, it's some-
thing else. I don't know what you'd
You might call it prejudice," Lewis
“No, that's not it.”
“You know better than making it a
contest,” Lewis said.
"I'm not making it a contest, and I'm
not saying 1 didn't enjoy it. 1 enjoyed
Milton. But he was too loose. He wasn't
organized. He looked—he looked like he
was floundering all over the place. Com-
pared to what I sce you do.”
Mrs. Lewis reached over and began to
rub her husband's neck lightly.
“I knew what the outcome was going
to be,” Lewis said. “I had a feeling it was
going to happen this way. I told you that
last night.”
“Yes, you told me,” Mrs. Lewis said.
“I could just feel that the chemistry
was wrong,” Lewis said.
“Maybe it would be better if you
opened the show," Mrs. Lewis said.
“Well. I told Milton that I'd be pre-
pared to do anything at all to make it
work; and maybe that means me per-
forming first. But I don't even know if
that's right. 1 think the problem is much
more fundamental.”
The car turned onto Biscayne Boule-
vard and headed north. There were no
other cars and no other people, and the
small singlestory houses that were set
back on cither side of the wide street
were quiet and dark.
The limousine turned into the en-
trance of The Jockey Club and a uni-
formed guard stepped out of his booth.
“Mr. Lewis,” the driver said.
The guard bent over slightly and
looked in the back window at Lewis
and his wife. "OK," he said and waved
them on.
“Phil, what time is it?” Mrs. Lewis said
as they drove through the gate.
The driver looked at the clock on the
dashboard. "Almost twelve-thirty, Mrs.
she said. "It's your birth-
Mrs. Lewis put her arm around her
husband’s shoulders and gave him a
“Happy birthday,” she said.
“Happy birthday, Jerry,” Jan Murray
said. He poured some wine into the glass
Lewis held in his hand. “Here's hoping
for many more.”
Murray's wife, a beautiful woman
named Toni, held up her own glass in a
toasting gesture. “Happy birthday,
Jerry.” she said. "We all love you."
Mrs. Lewis laughed and applauded
lightly. “Hooray for the birthday boy,"
she said.
The four of them sat in Lewis’ small
backstage dressing trailer. Lewis, who
(continued on page 272)
ump SY
“Remember that couple we met in the pro shop at Pebble Beach
last summer who kept asking us if we wanted to play a round?”
HERE'S NO DENYING that when you design men's clothes, you project.
your images of the men who arc going to wear them. So if you
invite a number of designers, spanning several generations, coun-
tries and ethnic groups, to submit oneofa-kind creations to be
showcased at a gala fashion extravaganza, what you're going to have—in
addition to a host of smashing outfits sartorial symposium on human
Cowhide provides Jan Strotion
(U. 5.) with the medium for his
foshion messoge, above: a cow-
hide coot lined in спосо fur
worn over a zip-front cowhide
vest and motching flored slocks.
from playboy's exclusive
international collection:
creative menswear by
the world's top designers
A fantasy patchwork-print [вап
Jacket that’s anything but %
Mickey Mouse Is the offbeat 4
creation of Bill Bowers and Paul
Gearity for Caprice (U.S.A.).
nature. And that’s what almost 300 fashion celebrities and media people
were treated to, not long ago, at New York's Four Seasons restaurant when
PLAYBOY Fashion Director Robert L. Green again presided over our annual
ative Menswear International Designer Collection. While previous col-
lections had featured clothes more experimental than practical, this year’s
selections (totaling 67) were, with few exceptions, (concluded on page 268)
The collective creativity of New
York's Pinky & Dianne far Flo
Toronto hos conjured up the
above wrap satin smoking
jacket with goldfish print, shawl
collar and matching ponts.
England's Tommy Nutter
contributes a veddy British
black-silk evening jacket
combined with Oxford bags,
striped vest, silk scarf,
fabric camellia on the lapel
and—what else but?—a silver-
headed walking stick.
when Schultz entered no denials. His
defense took only three hours to pre-
sent. There was the startling admission
that the Government was, if anything,
nderstating his booeg income. But,
the defense contended, Schultz had not
filed tax returns because his lawyers
had told him he didn't have to. that
income from illegal sources could not be
declared for tax purposes. When this ad-
vice was proved wrong, Schultz claimed,
he had made his offer to come across with
$100,000. As he explained it outside
court (and the jury was not unaware of
the remarks), “I offered 5100.000 when
the Government was broke and people
were talking revolution and they turned
me down cold. .. . Everybody knows I am
being persecuted in this case. I wanted to
pay. They were taking it from everybody
else, but they wouldn't take it from me.
I tried to do my duty as a citizen—maybe
I'm not a citizen?"
The jury debated for two days before
coming back to court to inform the judge
that it was hopelessly deadlocked, seven
to five for conviction.
But the Government was not ready to
give up. A second trial was called for
July in the isolated Upstate town of Ma-
lone, near the Canadian border. Schultz
arrived in town a week before the trial,
At home, he was a miser. In Malone, he
became a gregarious and cxtrovertcd
spendthrift. He toured the bars and
taverns every night, standing all the cus-
tomers to free drinks. He made lavish
contributions to local chari and went
to major social events with the may.
other politicians and prominent bu
nessmen. An outraged local clergy, rant
ing about his corrupting influence,
managed to get his bail revoked and he
was lodged in the local jail, but he had
made a deep impression on Malone and,
according to rumors, had enriched a
number of its influential citizens.
So a climate had been established.
‘The trial was almost a replay of the one
in Syracuse, and Schultz's attorneys in-
formed the jury that he intended to “do
my duty as an American citizen” and pay
over the $100,000 he had offered, no
matter the outcome. Again, the jury de-
bated two days, returning to court to an-
nounce that it had reached a unanimous
verdict. Schultz was not guilty. Federal
Judge Frederick H. Bryant was hoi
“Your verdict,” he told the jury,
that it shakes the confidence of law-abid-
ing people in integrity and truth. It w
be apparent to all who followed the evi
dence in this case that you have reached
а verdict based not on the evidence but
on some other reason. You will go home
with the satisfaction, if it is a satisfaction,
that you have rendered a blow against
law enforcement and given aid and en-
164 couragement to the people who would
THE HEATS GW (continued from page 136)
Hout the law. In all probability, they will
commend you. I cannot.”
The Schultz case was one of few
ures that Government had or would have
in prosecuting racketeers for tax evasion.
Even the quiet man, Johnny Torrio, be-
hind the scenes, fell victim to the charge
in 1939 and wound up in Leavenworth.
But Schultz, as in so many ways, was
the exception.
News of the acquittal was received
with considerable shock back in New
York City, and not just by city officials.
Schultz's underworld associates were also
shaken. During the time since his sur-
render, they had been operating on the
assumption that Schultz was finished and
had begun cutting up his empire among
themselves, with help from inside the
Dutchman's kingdom. As Schultz's tax
troubles and future prospects worsened,
his senior lieutenant, Abraham “Bo”
Weinberg, the man who kept the books
and who knew intimately every business
secret, had become increasingly restive.
Schult was drawing off large sums from
his policy. protection and the other
rackets to pay for his defense, and this
did not make Weinberg happy. What
particularly worried him was his own
future once Schultz departed for good
and his empire became spoils for the rest.
of the underworld.
He took his problem to his ald and
good friend Zwillman. To Zwillman he
offered to open the books on all the oper-
ations and turn over the organization in-
tact, thereby avoiding a war that would
almost certainly shatter the empire he
had worked so hard to build. In return,
he wanted a percentage of the take and a
job as overseer of the business, doing
what he had done so long.
As a member of the national Syndicate
and as a friend and partner of most of
the other underworld leaders, Zwillman
could not very well take over by himself.
He took the Weinberg package to his
compatriots and they grabbed it eagerly
itting it up: Zwill-
man got all the New Jersey interests; Cos-
tello and Lansky took the restaurants
and protection; and Luciano, as de facto
chairman of the board, was cut in for a
piece of everything. As for Weinberg, he
worked for the whole Syndicate, coordi
nating the Schultz operations, with Zwill-
man his contact man for the group.
It was all fine as long as Schultz was
away and preoccu
of jail. But after
to New York, he w;
tive of the way his ii
tected by
there was little he could do in the way of.
reprisal. Some of what had been seized
was returned with the explanation that
his friends had merely been managing it
in his absence. Schultz had to buy
he was still under constant harassment by
ied with staying out
acquittal and return
less than apprecia-
La Cuardia and Valentine and could
hardly make a move without being
picked up for questioning. So he began
spending more and more time in New
Jersey. cultivating his interests there. In
New Jersey, he found himself potentially
embroiled with Zwillman, who had be-
come a major political and underworld
power in the state, and again Schultz bit
the bullet. The two had been longtime
friends and business partners and Schultz
still had hopes of moving into some new
ventures in partnership with Zwillman.
But Weinberg was another
Schultz knew that his operations could
not have been so quickly gobbled up and
so efficiently run without the help of
Weinberg. And Weinberg was not high
in underworld circles, was not protected
Опе warm September evening in 1935,
Weinberg left his office after a day's
work, possibly to meet Zwillman. In any
case, he was never seen again. The story
goes that Schultz himsel was waiting,
put a bullet in Weinberg's head, his feet
in concrete, his body in the Hudson
While the dispatch of Weinberg must
have been personally satisfying to
Schultz, it did not solve his problems.
Nor did it permi to reconstruct his
sundered empire. He was now the prey
of many and the traps were being set.
Former Federal prosecutor Dewey was
setting one of them, as part of the clean-
up drive that had been begun some ycars
earlier with the formation of the Seabury
commission. That panel's revelations had
driven Jimmy Walker to exile in Europe,
had created enough public disenchant
ment to propel La Guardia into the
mayor's chair. But though La Guardia
was mayor and his police commissioner,
Valentine, was telling the cops. “I'll
promote the men who kick these goril-
las around and bring them in. And IJI
demote any policemen who are friendly
with gangsters,” it took longer for the
spirit of reform to infest the district at-
torney's office. To avoid any such cor
gion, Jimmy Hines had put up 2
candidate for D.A. named William Cope-
land Dodge—"stupid, respectable and
my man,” Hines said of him—and Dodge
won narrowly. However, once in office,
Dodge proved himself equally respon-
sive to the demands of La Guardia, the
press and the reformers and empaneled
a special grand jury to investigate cor-
ruption, graft, policy and other evils.
Then, of course, he refused to do any-
thing about the evidence it uncovered.
The grand jury gave up, but it wired
Governor Herbert H. Lehman and de-
manded a special prosecutor, asserting
that it was hopeless to work with Dodge.
Lehman came up with a list of four
prominent Republicans. One after an
other, the four declined. A fifth Republi-
can lawyer, Tom Dewey, was suggested
and he accepted with alacrity.
(continued on page 230)
“Tue been asked
party that’s
toa New Year's Eve
come-as-you-are. ...”
THE VARGAS GIRL (continued)
©... And I certainly did.”
like a mirage, his
past life rose up from
the desert,
tantalizing and
fiction By JOHN UPDIKE roor curr. His wite, Sarah,
Wanted to marry her lover as soon as the divorce came through, she
couldn't wait a day, the honeymoon suite in Honolulu had been booked
six weeks in advance. So Culp, complaisant to a fault, agreed to pick the
girls up in Reno and drive them back to Denver. He arranged to be in San
Francisco on business and rented a car. Over the phone, Sarah mocked his
plan—why not fly? An expert in petroleum extraction, he hoped by driv-
ing to extract some scenic benefit from domestic ruin. Until they had
moved to Denver and their marriage exploded in the thinner atmosphere,
they had lived in New Jersey, and the girls had seen little of the West.
He arrived in Reno around five the afternoon, having detoured
south from Interstate 80. The city looked kinder than he had expected. He
found the address Sarah had given him, a barn-red boardinghouse behind
a motel distinguished by a giant flashing
domino. He dreaded, yet anticipated,
the pain of seeing Sarah again—
divorced, free of him, exultant,
about to take wing into a new mar-
riage. But she had taken wing be-
fore he arrived. His two daughters
were sitting on a tired cowhide
sofa, next to an empty desk, like
patients in a dentist's anteroom.
Polly, who was 11, leaped up to
greet him. Then the fears of
abandonment she had been
entertaining rebuked her joy.
“Mommy's left" she said.
“She thought you'd be here
hours ago.” 4
, rose with a
with her.
really mad when you
idn't show.
Culp apologized, “1
didn't know her sched-
ule was so tight.”
Laura perhaps
misheard him, an-
swering, “Yeah, she
was really uptight.”
“T took a little de-
tour to see Lake
“Oh, Dad,” Laura said
“You and your sight-seeing.”
“Were you worried?” he asked.
A little woman with a square jaw hopped from a side room behind the
empty desk. “They was good as good, Mr. Culp. Just sat there, wouldn't
even take a sandwich I offered to make for no charge, Laura here kept
telling the little one, "Don't be childish, Daddy wouldn't let us down’
I'm Retsy Morgan, we've heard of each other but never met officially."
Sarah had mentioned her in her letters: Morgan the pirate, the landlady.
And her residency witness. Fred glimpsed himself through Mrs. Morgan's
eyes. Cuckold. Defendant. Discardee, Though her eye was merry, the
hand she offered him was dry as a bird's foot.
He could only think to ask, “How did it go?”
‘The question seemed foolish to him, but not to Mrs. Morgan. “Eleven 167
minutes, smooth as silk. Some of these
judges, they give the girl a hard time
just to keep themselves from being
bored. But your Sary stood right up to
him. She has that way about her.”
“Yes, she did. Does. More and more.
s, got your bags?”
Would have kept their room one
night more, but then this lady from
Connecticut showed up yesterday could
take it for the six weeks.”
"That's fine. TI take them someplace
а, I tell you truly,"
the landlady said, and she bent down
and kissed the two girls. This had been a
family of sorts, there were real tears in
her eyes; but Polly couldn't wait for the
hug to pass before blurting to her father,
“We had pool privileges at the Domino,
and one time all these Mexicans came
and used it for a bathroom!”
They drove to a motel not the Domi-
no. Laura and he watched Polly swim.
“Laura, don't you want to put on 2
“Naa. Mom made us swim so much I
got diver's ear.”
Gulp pictured Sarah lying on a pool-
side chaise longue, in the bikini with
the orange and purple splashes. One
smooth wet arm was flung up to shield
her eyes. Other women noticeably had
legs or breasts; Sarah's beauty had been
must vivid in her arms, arms fit for a
Greek statue, rounded and fine and pale,
arms that never aged, that preserved the
grace of girlhood, without a trace of
wobble above the elbow, though at her
next birthday she would be 40. Indeed,
that was how Sarah had put the need for
divorce: She couldn't bear to turn 40
with him. As if then you began a return
journey that could not be broken.
Laura was continuing, "Also, Dad, if
you must know, it’s that time of the
With clumsy jubilance, Polly hurled
her body from the rattling board and sur-
faced grinning through the kelp of her
ovn hair. She climbed from the pool and
slap-footed to his side, shivering. “Want
to walk around and play the slots?”
Goose bumps had erected the white hairs
on her thighs into a ghostly halo. “Want
10? It's fun.
Laura intervened maternally. "Don't
make him, Polly. Daddy's tired and
“Who says? Lets go. I may never see
Reno again.” The city, as they walked,
reminded him of New Jersey. its skyline
low against the sky, whose desert clarity
ig had the even steel tint of in-
haze. Above drab shop fronts,
second story windows proclaimed rei
dence with curtains and a flowerpot.
168 There were churches, which he hadn't
expected. And a river, though not so
grand as the Passaic, flowed through.
Mecca to so many, the Reno courthouse
seemed too modest, it wore the dis-
heartened granite dignity of justice
the country over. Only the downtown,
garish as a carnival midway, was differ-
ent. Polly led him to doors she was for
bidden to enter and gave him nickels to
play for her inside. She loved the dot
machines, loved them for their fruity
colors and their sleepless glow and their
sudden gush of release, jingling, lighting,
as luck struck now here. now there,
across the dark casino. Feeling the silky
heave of their guts as he fed the slot and
pulled the handle, rewarded a few times
with the delicious 5 g of coins into
the troughs other hands had smoothed
to his touch, Culp came to love them,
too; he and Polly made a gleeful hopeful
pair, working their way from casino to
casino, her round face pressed to the
window so she could sce him play, and the
plums jerk into being, and the bells and
cherries do their waltz of chance, 1-2-3.
Опе place was wide open to the sidewalk.
A grotesquely large machine stood ready
for silver dollars.
Polly said, “Mommy won twenty dol-
lars on that one once.”
Culp asked Laura, who had trailed
after them in disdainful silence, “Was
Jim with you the whole time?”
“No, he only came the last week." She
searched her father’s face for what he
wanted to know. “He stayed at the
Polly drew close to listen. Culp asked
her, “Did you like Jim?”
Her eyes with difficulty shifted from
visions of mechanical delight. “He was
too serious. He said the slots were a
racket and they wouldn't get a penny of
Laura said, “I thought he was an utter
pill, Dad.”
"You don't have to think that to
please me.”
He was. I told her, too.
"You shouldn't have. Listen, it's her
life, not yours." On the hospital-bright
sidewalk, both his girls’ faces looked un-
well, stricken. Culp put a silver dollar
into the great machine, imagining that
something of Sarah had rubbed off here
and that through this electric ardor she
might speak to him. But the machine's
size was unnatural; the guts felt sluggish,
spinning. A plum, a bar, a star. No win.
Turning, he resented that Polly and
Laura, still staring, seemed stricken for
Laura said, “Better come eat, Dad.
We'll show you a place where they have
pastrami like back East.”
As Route 40 poured east, Nevada
opened into a strange no-color—a rusted
gray, or the lavender that haunts the
comers of oyerexposed color slides. The
Humboldt River, which had sustained the
pioneer caravans, shadowed the express-
way shyly, tinting its valley with a dull
green that fed decklings of cattle. But
for the cattle, and the cars that brushed
by him as if he were doing 30 and not
80 miles an hour, and an occasional gas
station and cabin café pron
there was little sign of life in Neva
This pleascd Culp; it enabled him to
run off in peace the home movies of
Sarah stored in his head. Sarah pushing
the lawn mower in the South Orange back
yard. Sarah pushing a blue baby car
riage, English, with little white wheels,
around the fountain in Washington
Square. Sarah, not yet his wile, waiting
for him in a brown-and-green peasant
skirt under the marquee of a movic-
house on 57th Street. Sarah, а cool sub-
urban hostess in chalk-pink sack dress,
casing through their jammed living
room with a platter of parsleyed egg
halves. Sarah after a party doing the
twist, drunk in a black-lace bra, at the
foot of their bed, Sarah in blue jeans cry-
ing out that it was nobody's fault, that
there was nothing he could do, just let her
alone; and hurling a quarter pound of
butter across the kitchen, so the calendar
fell off the wall. Sarah in miniskirt leav-
ing their house in Denver for a date, just
like a teenager, the sprinkler on their
flat front lawn spinning in the evening
cool, against the prairie drought. Sarah
trim and sardonic at the marriage coun-
selor's, under the pressed. paper paneling
where the man had hung not only his
diplomas but his Aspen skiing medals.
Sarah some Sunday long ago raising the
shades to wake him, light flooding her
translucent nightgown. Sarah lifting her
sudden eyes to him at some table, some
moment, somewhere, in conspiracy—he
hadn't known he had taken so many
reels, they just kept coming in his head.
Nevada beautifully, emptily poured by.
The map was full of ghost towns. Laura
sat beside him, reading the map. “Dad,
here's a town called Nixon.”
t's go feel sorry for it.”
“You passed it. It was off the road
after Sparks, The next real town is
“What's real about it?
“Should you be driving so fast?”
In the back seat, Polly struggled with
her needs. “Can we stop in the next real
town to eat?’
Culp said,
more breakfast.
“I hate hashbrowns.”
“But you like bacon.’
“The hashbrowns had touched i
Laura said, “Polly, stop bugging
(continued on page 240)
You should have eaten
sketches of a dark island: the greek surrealist, the ohio ladies, the graveside
guards, the lapsed radical—and the smell of poverty that coats your skin
article By BRUCE JAY FRIEDMAN Trey are tzApING a blind
Haitian onto the plane. H€ is the blindest man I've ever seen. The kind of blind in
which the eyes remain open and staring, two giant socketed holes with dead TV
screens in them. He might have been branded. Or he was struck blind, from seeing
something terrible. There is a tiny satchel of flesh below one socket that looks as if it
might contain his old sight, all folded up and tucked away. Now they are taking
him back to Haiti. Perhaps back to the thing that struck him blind. His blindness
is enormous. Is he going to stand opposite that terrifying thing and not see it with
that same enormity?
Port-au-Prince. . . . I have been away for 13 years. The only difference is that
the welcoming band is hooked up to electronic amps. I am almost through the air-
port security net when an inspector spots a small Y-shaped handgrip in my carry-
ing case. He doesn't like the looks of it. Suddenly, there are eight men with guns
around me. I tell them it's for strengthening your grip and I demonstrate by
knocking off a quick 75 with my right hand, 60 with my left, Not a smile in the
crowd. They just don't like the looks of it. What are they (continued on page 172)
Sinatra wowed the White House crowd.
They cheered him loud and long.
(He also wrote the lyrics for
The Maxine Cheshire Song.)
The housewives had a bone to pick
As swine grew dear as pearls.
And some swore, as their beef increased,
The Butz to roast was Earl's.
“Marlon go to Wounded Knee,”
Sayum Injun lass.
Brando brave a no-show there.
Headed off at pass?
The wedding for Britain's equestrian Anne,
x According to Buckingham sources,
Was planned by the princess to limit the guests
To only immediate horses.
Liza told the world about her
Love that never ceases.
Love for Desi, love for Peter,
Love for press releases.
The break-in try at Ellsberg's shrink
Did not come off too well.
They couldn't find Dan's file, ‘cause they
Were looking under “
When Kekich and Peterson traded their wives,
The Yankees were rocked with romance.
Not even Cosell could recall such a play
Since Tinker to Evers to Chance.
When William Е. Buckley debated Ms. Greer,
It clearly came off as her thing.
“Just think,” said Germaine, "of the damage I'd do.
If could get Bill in the ring.
We learned, via Spiro, such words as nabobs;
His language was rich in its splendor. He
Also invented effete used with snobs,
But who taught him nolo contendere?
“American Family's" Patty and Bill
Permitted the nation to learn
How not to stay married (in 12 TV steps)
By starring in “As the Louds Turn.”
| The Palace pipes were leaking and the Knights were sore appalled,
| “We've got to save the King!” and so a Plumbing Team was called.
| The Yellow Pages ad they chose said, "Hunt & Liddy, Inc.,
We Guarantee to Stop г Leak and Find a Commie Link.”
| They had the latest plumbing gear, the newest. model rigs,
| And some had got their training on the job at Bay of Pigs.
But, lo! They'd lost the King's address and, what a dreadful hassle,
| Had blundered to the Watergate (а Democratic Castle).
I Of course the bunch got busted there, like ordinary thugs,
Just when their foreman, Jim McCord, was checking water bugs.
| The Knights all said, “We're not involved; it’s just а third-rate crime,
We all were doing noble deeds At That Point in Time,"
The King was getting ready for a jousting for the crown,
And though this talk of leaks and pipes might get his Highness down,
The D.C. "Post" had scriveners who wouldn't let it go—
Re: Who Did What and When to Whom . . . and Did the Good King Know?
It might have flushed away, but Jim McCord was not cooperative. Was seconded by Howard B.—the G.0.P.'s new prince.
ive!” Sirs Inouye and Weicker were such diligent expungers
“What's that?” the Senate cried in shock. “The Palace pipes have flaws? Of evil-doing dastards, all villains feared their plungers.
We'll make us a committee and we'll change the Plumbing Laws!” They summoned lots of witnesses, some very clean-cut types,
Their Chairman, Sam of Simple Birth (albeit Harvard hints), And asked “em who did dirty to the nation's sacred pipes.
tongue-in-cheek remembrances of sundry newsmakers who —in word or deed —made the headlines in 73
4 т They were а torrid twosome till
Mr. Spitz swam up the aisle, ^
His Susan smiled and kissed ‘im, 2 пе рш тауа
акан: Niss Carroll burned for someone else
Mark believes in marriage, since
It's like the buddy system. \ ‘And David got the Frost.
John Connally went G.O.P. [ 37] y When Billie Jean played Bobby Riggs,
Despite the White House panic. ( He couldn't have done worse.
(He's also booking passage for т Riggs threatened to jump off а bridge.
A cruise on the Titanic.) Said King, “I'll hold your purse.”
The Burton bust-up stunned a world
That waited tense for news
Of who would get to keep the rocks
And who would get the booze.
The Justice Department had room at the top—
Good pay, but an irksome requirement:
Like Richardson, Ruckelshaus (and Mr. Cox),
One must expect early retirement.
They sing of Argentina's charms—
The country's fair, the climates good.
So Juan Perón just borrowed it
While he таз in the neighborhood.
Tom Hayden wed Ms. Fonda
And now they're two love-nesters,
Who, settled down to married bliss,
Are raising wee protesters.
Though Bradley won the L.A. race
That brought Sam Yorty down,
Sam hasn't heard about it yel,
"Cause he's still out of town.
Linda Lovelace, superstar,
Has acting skills of note.
The judges, though, were unimpressed
And made her clear her throat.
The Good King's men may need to stage Ye Goode Olde Break-and-Enter.
The King, to save the nation, may consent to this maneuver —”"
(At this, a ghostly moan was heard . . . the fate Sir Edgar Hoover!)
Soon Lord High Haldeman appeared to join the witness traipse, -
And everyone was jealous ‘cause he'd heard the Royal Tapes.
A Kalmbach, Sloan and Kleindienst came, they faced the Counsel Dash,
Sir Stans, who ruled the Counting House, was probed per Laundered Cash.
A steady stream of witnesses, ‘twas wondrous to behold,
With “dirty tricks” and “deep six” shticks and Mexicali gold.
On, on they came, and ever on, and some Knights of the C.R.E E.P.
Could tell a tale so piteous wouldst make a dragon weep.
And some expressed complicity, while some maintained their purity
(And some would steal your codpiece for the National Security!).
Indeed, it was a fearsome time, good people cried, “What hit us?
Whence came this wicked Watergate that verily undid us?”
Perhaps we'll never know it all, but one thing's as it seemed:
And some said, "Knave Magruder!” And some said, "Squire Dean!" When Plumbers doeth dirty work, the country getteth reamed!
And Lady Martha phoned and said, "1 know my John is clean!”
"Тіс | who told the King,” vowed Dean. “ ‘Your Majesty, | think.
There's Cancer on the Kingship—and some ickies in your sink.’ " If you abhor this simple verse now that you have read it,
Then Earl of Ehrlichman explained, “To catch a Red dissenter, Simply tear on dotted line and shred it, baby, shred it.
thinking—that I'm going to take over the
country with a handgrip? Go down to
the presidenr's palace, wave the grip at the
palace guard and say, “АП right, nobody
make a move"? They let me go, but they
are still not convinced. Not really.
Olofison’s. . . . Giant tropical salad of
a hotel with a little chocolate mousse on
the side. A very rich brew. House of
Flowers, Casablanca, House of Blue
Leaves, Serendipity and the Coney Island
Fun House. If it were a cake, you could
handle only a few bites a day. I once told
an actor who was annoying me that he
had too much charm. He told me it was
the cruelest thing anyone had ever said
to him. Olofison’s is just on the edge. Just.
a little more charm and it goes sinking
into the mud. I'll say this for it. There
is no place in the world quite like it. I
am put in the Mick Jagger Suite. It is
next to the Barry Goldwater Suite. I look
at the hotel brochure and find myself
wedged between Sir John Gielgud and
Lord Snowden as one of the many lumi-
naries who have been here. Since I have
never stayed at the hotel before, this
opens up a credibility gap as to Sir John
and Lord Snowden. Either that or it is
the voodoo at work, calling me from the
mainland. They must have known I
would be here someday, so they simply
included me in the literature.
A girl bounces into the hotel, full of
energy, heavy with metallic jewelry. She
is the entire Village Voice rolled into one.
Interests: folk art, shell collecting, aul-
tural bike rides, pottery. She has recently
enrolled in a course called Communica-
tions: An Impetus to Change, offered by
the Smithsonian Institution.
just come from a small Hai
where she has recorded the voices of chil-
dren in 2 Baptist church. She whips into
the lobby, plays some Bach on the piano
and switches briskly to selections from
Annie Get Your Cun. Comes back and
hurls some rock specimens onto a table,
also a little petrified wood. There is
something missing. She says she is study-
ing pre-Columbian art on the side. That's
what was missing. I don’t usually do this,
but I take it upon myself to suggest that
she pare herself down a bit, simplify her
life. She looks at me and says, “You're a
very auractive man."
I am joined at dinner by a sugar beet
C.P.A, an American accountant who
counts Haitian beets for a sugar com-
pany. We talk about Haiti. He says he
doesn't know if there has been progress.
When "Baby Doc" Duvalier visited Cap.
Haitien to dedicate a plaque, 50 locals
had to be put in jail for the duration of
the vi I reach for the butter and he
winces. He advises me not to touch the
172 dairy products, not unless I want "the
HAITI, COODBYE oninncd from page 169)
Haitian jollies.” I skip on to the main
course and I am about to dig in to the
squash when he shrugs and says
funeral." Vegetables are out, too. When
I reach for some cold mango, he says, "I
hope you've brought along twenty or
I was quite
thirty changes of underwear."
ill the last time I visited Hai
back, so even though my appetite is sav-
age, I wind up eating bread and drinking
wine. I am about to put a little salt on
the bread when he says, "Oops." Salt is
ош, too. І find out later that he is a fel-
low with a sensitive stomach who gets
sick all over the world. The next day I
dig in—salt, buter, squash, mango,
mountain goat, the works. Nothing hap-
pens. I feel fine.
"The last time I was in Haiti, I was with
my wife. Now I'm alone. І notice that
when you are alone and seem to be
enjoying your own company, it makes
people emit. Everyone wants
to help you and get you to join in. Less
than perfect couples want to get at your
secret. You can't fake this alone business.
You have to want to be alone for it to
work. On that last trip. people wore pi
tols on the hip and the hotel owner trav-
cled about in an armored car. I saw my
first serious roadblock, not the state-
trooper kind but one that said it was pos-
sible to get killed. Two people hanging
on a hook, as a warning for the villagers.
1 don't know if I saw that hook or read
I honestly don't
nd of place. Poverty
is a word that doesn't apply. Poverty is
civilized. This is beyond poverty, It has a
smell to it that coats your skin and lin-
gers for years.
A few Haitians have whatever money
there is. They are schooled in France and
send their children there. One of them
had whipped us through a village at 100
miles an hour. If someone happened to
get caught on the fenders . . . well. ...
‘There aren't a million stories out there.
‘There is just one—and a grim tale it is.
All that flesh. You have the feeling you
can order up a dozen ten-yearolds
through room service—six boys, six girls,
two with a limp—and they will be served
with a frozen daiqi and hors d'oeuvres.
I've been there. This time I'll stay at the
hotel and get some sun. That ferocious
tian sun. I'll stay at the pool and let
the island come to me. It does.
At the pool the most perfectly
matched couple I have ever seen, They
are slender, small-boned and French. Ev-
erything they do is in sync. They swim
an immaculate rhythm and put on
suntan lotion that way, too. He is the
male version of her and she is the female
version of him. When they look at cach
other, it must be like staring into a mir-
ror, one that adjusts for gender. Is it
about it or drcamed
possible they are brother and sister? 1
ink so, but I am not ruling that
they find each other alter a long,
ng search or did they luck into
this arrangement? I would like to have
the answer to that one. You don't want
to ask them questions, somehow. It might
throw them off the beat. They dry ofl,
after a swim, and sit on a chaise longue,
arranging themselves like book ends, This
is what the word couple must mean. 1
have an idea of what their lovemaking
must be like. 1 would like to see it, but I
am not sure I could take too much of it.
It must be pretty and also masturbatory
Tt would upset me a bit if I found out
that either one had a lover. But I would
not be surprised. There would have to be
a need to get an atonal note in the pic
ture, to break that perfect rhythm.
Three middle-aged ladies from Ohio.
‘They take up a great deal of room at the
pool, mostly because of their equipment.
Aspirin boules, containers of milk, head-
ache powders. It takes me longer than it
should to realize that this is drunk equip-
ment. The ladies are on a drunk tour.
They are not modestly and discreetly
tipsy but plastered, ossified, blasted out
of their skulls. In the broiling sun. That
is what they have come all the way down
to Haiti for. They are sad, but they are
also desperately unattractive. It gives you
a hangover just to look at them. Squint-
ing through swollen lids, а once-pretty
one announces that she would love to be
taken to a “bawdyhouse.” 1 don't pick up
on this. When I don't, she says I have
I still don't pick u -
stead, I concoct a story about practicing
abstinence. I think this works the wrong
way. It adds to my charisma.
A young sales executive tries to organ-
ire a bareass swimming party at mid-
night. The ladies dig down deep and
«ome up with some shyness. Hc hits thc.
bare-ass phrase very hard, The great leap
forward in sexual understanding has
passed him by. He is stuck in the Fifties.
With bare-ass. I wait for him to organize
a panty raid. Im sure that's next. Later,
1 find out he has taken the Ohio ladies to
Madam Evelyns, where the whores,
shaky in their geography, have serenaded
the foursome with Tennessee Waltz. On
reflection, it seems a very kind thing for
him to have done.
Late in the afternoon, a couple swims
toward me; the young man has cheerful
blue eyes and a gold ring in his ear. The
girl is compact, Arabic. I do a quick read-
and take them for a couple from a
New York suburb. He is in children's
wear but would like to be known asa fel-
low with freaky tastes. The gold earring.
lt is almost fun when I find out how
wrong I am. The fellow is a famed Sixties
radical whose voice once went booming
(continued on page 214)
we were searching for something
called america during the sixties,
but no one could ever find it
THE LIBERALS did not desert; they were
deserted—that is what made the whole
thing so painful, After the martyrdoms
{ Chaney and Goodman and Schwerner,
white kids were told to get out. It was
like a scene from Mad magazine. with
Indians pouring in on the Lone Ranger:
‘We're surrounded, Tonto.” “What's this
we, white man?" Liberals who wanted to
sway, holding hands, as they sang We
Shall Overcome, found the black hand
withdrawn and a sneer that said, "You
are what we'll overcome." SNCC rhetori-
cians took to saying the white men they
liked to deal with were Goldwater and
Wallace—you knew where you stood with
them. Anything you can wrest from
Wallace is no favor but concession to an
opposing power. Blick power early came
to prefer demanding to begging.
It is hard to remember, now, how the
mere term black sent shivers down liberal
spines, making the very N in SNCC ob-
solete, and the CP of NAACP—all the
good work disowned or undone, inte-
gration halted or reversed. “Black and
white to-geh-eth-ther-ur"—no more. “God
is on our si-ihe-ide-uh"—whose side? And.
which God? God is black, man. He's got
to pass a color test to get on the Black
man's side. White liberals flunked the test.
A horrible vision was called up, the
“two nations, separate amd unequal,” of
the Kerner report. The new blacks even
called themselves a nation, and “the
blood.” Racism had returned on the
other side of the barricades. And if there
were to be two nations, then why not
more? Not only black against white
but cracker against bleeding heart, Car-
michael against King. Our country had
never been united on what we had. But
now it was divided on what we wanted.
We did not lose unity (not having it to
lose) but the very ideal of being united.
And just as things were coming un-
stuck at home, they fell apart on the i
ternational scene. In the early Sixties,
a horde of new nations thronged
colorfully to the General Assembly, a
whole Third World in chat organization
balanced between the Free World of Ken-
nedy rhetoric and the Russians’ satel
system, Tribesmen were assembling to let
us know the Congo was no longer ours
for the disposing. (Foo bad they didn't
convince us that the same was true of
Vietnam —but the tribes invited did not
yet include the Chinese.) Strangers had
taken over the big powers’ forum: The
big powers took revenge by ignoring
the forum.
But though the UN faded in impor
tance, those first African arrivals stayed
vivid in the memory. They came with ex-
otic tides and costumes, registered at the
best hotels and were treated with all
diplomatic courtesy. Cabdrivers might
still think them jigs, but these were offi-
cial jigs—and they had to be treated
Шу. Harlem would never be the same.
Castro thought he could impress black
Americans by camping out on 116th
and scattering chicken bones
but some younger activists were
more interested. in those foreign digni
taries eating the Americana Hotel's pai
Soon Harlem kids were choosing African
ancestors and shopping around among
languages (Swahili was a favorite) for res-
onant new names. Little Leroy down the
street was now called Burning Spear, and
where would it all end?
Most of the worries were groundless.
Leroy had gone clangorously after proph-
ets who—when they got him out in the
wilderness (or in jail)—taught him the
Protestant work ethic. The Muslims
might speak in a mystical way, but they
174 were banking solid cash. And some of
the younger militants began equating
black power with green power. When
they said that, any Imamu or Amari was
talking good America
guage of the buck. Most Mu
bared teeth and flashing scimitars, were
fighting their way into the middle class,
using the African bush as a springboard
into the bourgeoisie. Africa was the
route, but America was the goal—a place
they could reach only by this detour.
For these people were not Americans,
not yet. They had not been let in. They
were withdrawing from us, therefore, to
come back at us fresh from А! „ land-
ing on our shore and wanting in; but
really in this time—in on terms, and they
would set the terms. They were so anx-
ious to tell us they had just come from
Africa that they tried to look like the
bush, with Afros and naturals like explo-
sions of black consciousness fuming out
of their heads. They had to have a whole
new language to show us they were not
just up from the plantation, their hand-
kerchiefed heads newly conked. On the
other hand, the things they had avoided
when they were asked to be off-white were
now being flaunted, such as soul food
and the preacher's style. It was a psychic
maneuver both startling and subtle. It al-
most gave us a reprieve from history, а
second chance. “Don't botch it this
time,” was the real edge on their threat.
Mainly, of course, man being what he
we botched it. At least part of the rea-
son is that white students, expelled trom
the blacks’ movement, misunderstood the
advice to go take care of their own,
James Baldwin said race is the white
man's problem, not the black's. But the
white students did not so much open
their society to racial pariahs as discover
they were pariahs themselves, in need of
a movement all their own. Mario Savio
came back from registering blacks in the
South and decided to liberate from its
bondage to official scorn the oppressed
word fuck. This seemed at first a satire
оп democracy—equal rights for all men;
equal rights for all words. But a different
logic was at work here, one entirely
sed by those who said the free-speech
ids lacked civility. They were not lack-
ing in civility but at war with it—with
the authorized charm of words that
strands them for ten years in politely
scheduled irrelevance. Sociologists call
ours an interstitial society: and students
fall into one of the greatest interstices,
drift there weightless, falling, for a dec-
айс or more of their lives. They mesh
with mo part of the world’s workings;
their gears do not mesh but spin wildly,
disengaged; no wonder, when the gears
were pushed against social reality, they
just chewed into the scenery. Outside
their parents’ homes, without families of
their own yet, transient, with young ener-
gies unrecruitable for serious enterprise,
the students move aimlessly home and
back, to school and out on vacation,
resentful, yet guilty at their resentment
The civil rights movement had given
some of these young people a purpose;
but now that was withdrawn from them.
And they felt. like the blacks, out of
place. They were not oppressed; they
simply did not belong to the society in
any immediate sense. They were comfort-
ably functionless. So they, too, came at us
in outlandish ways, from out of our land
entirely. From Africa, wearing white
Afros somehow teased high up over be-
spectacled white faces. From Asia, trailing
their swamis and clattering beads. From
European dreams of anarchic plots. From
outer space, weird and zapped, star-trek-
king in. But the farther out they came
from, the more urgently they wanted
in—into Sproul Plaza, or the administra-
tion building, or ће R. O. T. C. office.
"They "occupied" the places they had
merely camped in, nomads threatening
the ranchers, gypsies come to kidnap other
children, swelling their own ranks. They
took possession ol their own files, the
school records, deportation slips from
school to school, certifying “rights” for
these displaced persons of privilege.
They were gratuitously rude in the
same way blacks had been. The blacks
laid claim to African energy. The kids
liberating words expressed the sexual
drives and violence of adolescence. They
were barbarians landing, not children
asking for bigger allowances: “Accept us
or well sack your city.” Black hostility
had been mobilized to get compensatory
treatment for the underprivileged, while
avoiding the taint of condescension. The
kids’ crudity was meant to take posses
sion of favors without feeling guilty, апу.
more, that these privileges had not been
won. They were now being stolen. Mr.
Chips had to be stung into violent reac-
tion of his own—much as Rap Brown
wanted to deal with Wallace, not some
bleeding heart. So the kids arrived, un-
ruly strangers, with nonnegotiable de-
mands. As blacks emphasized their own
sh side—"I'm а baaad nigger"—so the
called themselves “motherfuckers”
and “the freaks.” The crazies, The kids.
It was harder for students, whose real
(and recent) past was spent in middle-
dass homes, to come up with a history
of themselves as foreign. Ghetto. blacks
could dream a ‘Tedhnicolored Africa.
The kids had to settle for dim scraps of
Marxist theory—themselves the proletar-
iat, employed by teachers, grades their
wages (slaverys chain) and lack of stu-
dent control on campus a sign of class
exploitation. Actually, as Robert Paul
Wolff points out, academic wage slaves
areall on the faculty. Students are a privi-
leged class for whom these employees
are hired by parents and the statc, acting
through a managerial class of adminis-
uators. The real history of academi
freedom was a process of liberating the
teacher from state-alumni censorship.
(continued on page 212)
opposing power. Black power early camt
to prefer demanding to begging.
It is hard to remember, now, how the
mere term black sent shivers down liberal
spines, making the very N in SNCC ob.
solete, and the CP of NAACP—all the
good work disowned or undone, inte.
gration halted or reversed. "Black and
white to-geh-eth-ther-ur"—no more. “God
is on our stie ide-uh"— whose side? And
which God? God is black, man. He's got
to pass a color test to get on the "Black
man’s side. White liberals flunked the test.
A horrible vision was called up, the
ns, separate and uncqual," of
the Kerner report. The new blacks even
called themselves a nation, and “the
blood.” Racism had returned on the
other side of the barricades. And if there
were to be two nations, then why not
more? Not only black against white
but cracker against bleeding heart, Саг.
michael against King. Our country had
never been united on what we had. But
now it was ided on what we wanted.
We did not lose unity (not having it to
lose) but the very ideal of being united.
And just as things were coming un.
stuck at home, they fell apart on the
ternational scene. In the early Sixties,
a horde of new nations thronged
colorfully to the General Assembly, a
whole Third World in that organization
balanced between the Free World of Ken-
nedy rhetoric and the Russians’ satellite
system, Tribesmen were assembling to let
us know the Congo was no longer ours
for the disposing. (Too bad they didn't
conyince us that the same was true of
Vietnam—but the tribes invited did not
yet include the Chinese.) Strangers had
taken over the big powers’ forum: The
big powers took revenge by ignoring
the forum.
But though the UN faded in impor-
tance, those first African arrivals stayed
vivid in the memory. They came with ex-
otic titles and costumes, registered at the
best hotels and were treated with all
diplomatic courtesy. Cabdrivers might
still think them jigs, but these were offi-
jigs—and they had to be treated
civilly. Harlem would never be the same.
Castro thought he could impress black
Americans by camping out on 116th
Street and scattering chicken bones
around: but some younger activists were
more interested in those foreign digni-
taries eating the Americana Hotel's påté.
Soon Harlem kids were choosing African
ancestors and shopping around among
languages (Swahili was a favorite) for res-
onant new names. Little Leroy down the
street was now called Burning Spear, and
where would it all end?
Most. of the worries were groundless,
Leroy had gone clangorously after proph-
ets who-- when they got him out in the,
wilderness (or in jail}—taught him the |
Protestant work ethic. The Muslims)
might speak in a mystical way, but they
YA were banking solid cash. And some of |
HE HAD NOW BEEN STALKING his beautiful Mlle. O'Mur-
phy, whose real name was Mrs. Meehawl O'Sullivan,
for some six weeks, and she had appeared to be so
amused at every stage of the hunt, so responsive,
séduisante, even entrainante, that he could already
foresee the kill over the next horizon. At their first
encounter, during the Saint Patrick's Day cocktail
party at the Dutch embassy, accompanied by a
husband who had not a word to throw to a cat
about anything except the scissors and shears that
he manufactured somewhere in the west of Ireland,
and who was obviously quite ill at ease and drank
too much lrish whisky, what had attracted him
to her was not only her splendid Courbet figure
(whence his sudden nickname for her, La Morphée),
or her copper-colored hair, her lime-green Irish
eyes and her seemingly poreless skin but her calm,
total and subdued elegance: the Balenciaga cos-
tume, the peacockskin gloves, the gleaming croco-
dile handbag, a glimpse of tiny, lace-edged lawn
handkerchief and her dry, delicate scent. He had
a grateful eye and nose for such things. It was,
after all, part of his job. Their second meeting, two
weeks later, at his own embassy had opened the
doors. She came alone.
Now, at last, inside a week, perhaps less, there
would be an end to all the probationary encoun-
ters that followed—mostly her inventions, at his
persistent appeals—those wide-eyed fancy-meet-
ing-you-heres at the zoo, at race meetings, after-
noon cinemas, in art galleries, at more diplomatic
parties (once he had said gaily to her, "The whole
diplomacy of Europe seems to circle around our
interest in each other"), those long drives over the
Dublin mountains in his sports Renault, those titil-
lating rural lunches, nose to nose, toe to toe (rural
because she quickly educated him to see Dublin
as a stock exchange for gossip, a casino of scan-
dal), an end, which was rather a pity, to those
charming unforeseen-foreseen, that is to say pro-
posed but in the end just snatched, afternoon
promenades champétres under the budding leaves
and closing skies of the Phoenix Park, with the first
lights of the city springing up below them to mark
the end of another boring day for him in Ailesbury
Road, at the embassy, for her another possibly
cozier but, he selfishly hoped, not much more ex-
citing day in her swank boutique on Saint Stephen's
Green. Little by little those intimate encounters,
those murmured confessions had lifted acquaint-
ance to friendship, self-mocking smiles over some
tiny incident during their last meeting to eager
anticipation of the next, an aimless tenderness
twanging to appetite like an arrow. Or, at least,
He had not seen, heard
nor smelled anything in those
five minutes of passion.
that was how he felt about it all. Any
day now, even any hour, the slow count
down, slower than the slow movement of
Mendelssohn's Concerto in E Minor, or
the most swoony sequence from the Sieg-
fried Idyl, or that floating spunsugar
balloon of Mahler's Song of the Earth, to
the music of which on his gramophone
he would imagine her smiling sidelong at
him as she sofily disrobed, and his ingen-
ious playing with her, his teasing and
warming of her moment by moment for
the roaring, blazing takeoff. To the
Only one apprehension remained
with him, not a real misgiving, some-
thing nearer to a recurring anxiety. It
was that at the last moments, when her
mind and her body ought to take leave
of each other, she might take to her
heels. It was a fear that flooded him
whenever, with smiles too diffident to
reassure him, she would once again
mention that she was a Roman Catho-
lic, or a Cat, a Papist or a Pape, a con-
vent girl, and once she laughed that
during her school days in the convent,
she had actually been made an enfant
de Marie. The words never ceased to
startle him, dragging him back misera-
bly to his first sexual frustration with
his very pretty but unexpectedly proper
cousin Berthe Ohnet during his lycée
years in Nancy; a similar icy snub a few
years later Quebec; repeated still
later by that smack on the face in Rio
that almost became a public scandal;
memories so painful that whenever an
attractive woman nowadays mentioned
religion, cven in so simple a contex
"Thank God I didn't buy that hat, or
frock, or stock, or mare,” a red flag at
once began to flutter in his belly.
Obsessed, every time she uttered one
of those ominous words, he rushed for
the reassurance of what he called The
Sherbec Test, which meant observing
the effet on her of some tentatively
sexy joke, like the remark of the young
princess on tasting her first sherbet:
“Oh, how absolutely delici
what a pity it isn't a To his relief,
she not only always laughed merrily at
his stories but always capped them, in-
deed, at times so startling him by her
coarseness that it only occurred to him
quite late in their day that this might
be her way of showing her distaste for
his diaphanous indelicacies. He had
once or twice observed that priests,
peasants and children will roar with
laughter at some scavenger joke and
growl at even a veiled reference to a
thigh. Was she a child of nature? Still,
again and again, back would come
those disturbing words. He could have
understood them from a prude, but
what on earth did she mean by them?
Were they so many herbs to season her
desire with pleasure in her naughti-
ness? Flicks of nasty puritan sensuality
178 to whip her body over some last ditch
of indecision? It was only when the
final came that he wondered if
this might not all along have been her
way of warning him that she was nei-
ther a light nor a lecherous woman, nei-
ther a flirt nor a flibbertigibbet, that in
matters of the heart she was une femme
trés sérieuse.
He might have guessed at something
like it much earlier. He knew almost
from the first day that she was bien
élevée, her father a judge of the Su-
preme Court, her uncle a monsignor at
the Vatican. a worldly, sport-loving,
learned, contriving priest who had per-
suaded her poppa to send her for a fin-
ishing year to Rome with the Sisters of
the Sacred Heart at the top of the
Spanish Steps: chiefly, it later appeared,
because ıt convent was near the centre
hippique ın the Borghese gardens and it
was his right reverend's opinion that no
Irish girl could possibly be said to have
completed her education until she had
learned enough about horses to ride to
hounds. She had told him a lot, and most
amusingly, about. this unde, who, when
she had duly returned from Rome to
Dublin, and whencver he came over for
the hunting. always rode beside her.
This attention had mightily flattered
her until she discovered that she was
being used as a cover for his uncontrol-
lable passion for Lady Kinvara and
Loughrea, then the master, some said the
mistress, of the Clare-Galway hounds.
“How old were you then?” Ferdy
asked, fascinated.
“L was at the university. Four blissful,
idling years. But Y got my degree. I was
quick. / she smiled, “good-looking.
Te helps, even with professors.”
ng to hounds as a student?”
“Why пог? In Ireland, everybody
docs. Children do. You could ride to
hounds on a plow horse if you had
nothing else. So long as you keep out of
the way of real hunters. I only stopped
after my marriage, when | had a mis-
carriage. And I swear that was only
because I was thrown."
A monsignor who was sportloving,
worldly and contriving. He understood,
and approved. It explained many
about her.
The only other ways in which her
dash, beauty and gaiety puzzled and be-
guiled him were trivial. Timid she was
not; she was game for any risk. But the
coolness of her weather eye often sur-
prised him.
“The Leopardstown Races? Oh,
what a good idea, Ferdy! Let's meet
there. . . . The Phoenix Park Races?
No, not there. Too many doctors show-
ing off their wives and their cars, trying
to be noticed. And taking notice. Re-
member, a lot of my college friends
married doctors. . . . No, not that cinc-
ma. It has become vogueish. . . . In fact,
cinema on the south side of the
river. What we want is a good old flea-
bitten picture house on the north side
where they show nothing but Westerns
and horrors and where the kids get in
on Saturday mornings for thruppence.
. Oh, and do, please, only ring the
boutique in an emergency. Girls gossip.”
Gould she be calculating? For а sec-
ond of jealous heat, he wondered if she
could possibly have another lover. Cool-
ing, he saw that if he had to keep a
wary сус in his master's direction, she
had to think of her bourgeois clientele.
Besides, he was a bachelor, and would
remain one. She had to manage her
inexpressibly dull, if highly success-
ful, old scissorsand-shears manufacturer,
well past 50 and probably as suspicious
as he was boring; so intensely, so cx-
haustingly boring that the only subject
about which she could herself nearly
become boring was her frequent com-
plaints about his boringness. Once she
was frightening, when she spat out that.
she had hated her husband ever since
the first night of their marriage. He
had taken her—it was odd how long,
and how intensely, this memory had
rankled—not, as he had promised, to
Paris for their honeymoon but to his
bloody scissors-and-shears factory in the
wet wilds of northern Donegal. ("Just
me, dear, ha-ha, to let 'em see, haha,
other half of me scissors.”)
Ferdy had, of course, never asked her
why she had married such a cretin; not
after sizing up her house, her furniture,
her pictures, her clothes, her boutique.
Anyway, only another cretin would dis-
courage any pretty woman from grum-
bling about her husband: (A) because
such grumblings give a man a chance to
show what a deeply sympathetic nature
he has and (B) because the irformation
incidentally supplied helps one arrange
one's assignations in places and at times
suitable to all concerned.
Adding it all up (he was a persistent
adder-upper), only one problem had so
far defeated him: that he was a for-
eigner and did not know what sort of
women Irishwomen arc. [t was not as if
he had not done his systematic best to
find out, beginning with a course of
reading through the novels of her coun-
uy. A vain exercise. With the exception
of the Molly Bloom of James Joyce, the
Irish Novel had not only failed to prc-
sent him with any fascinating woma
but it had presented him with, in his
sense of the word, no woman at all.
Irish fiction was a lot of 19th Century
connerie about half-savage Brueghelesque
peasants, or urban petits fonctionnaires
bly solved their (ал ыг
or undiluted whisky, or by taking flight
to England. Pastoral melodrama (Giono
at his worst). Or pastoral humbuggery
(Bazin at his most sentimental). Or, at its
best, pastoral lyricism (Daudet and rose
(continued on page 192)
Miss Septemben
Geri Gloss (right), after posing
for our September centerfold,
traveled around the country for
a while; then she returned to
LA. and was all set to resume
her studies at Col State when
she got a coll from a major
film director. In classic Holly-
wood style, he'd noticed the
gotefold and figured she might
be just right for a part he was
trying to cast. So ot presstime,
Geri was eagerly awaiting her
screen test; if it works out, she
just might have to put that next
semester indefinitely on "hold."
Misa June
Ruthy Ross (opposite), whose
Playmate appearance closely
followed o sojourn as Bunny of
the Year—1972, greeted key-
holders as Door Bunny at our
new Los Angeles Club. She's
done a few TV shows—a re-
cent segment of Adam's Rib, for
one—ond, like so топу of last
year's gatefold girls, she's done
some wandering; in her case, to
Las Vegas and Son Francisco.
Lately, though, she's been stay-
ing at home in Resedo—carpet-
ing rooms, installing appliances
and otherwise fixing up things.
Misa April
Julie Woodson (left), the country girl
who made good in New York, hesn't
gotten into any new bog since we
checked with her last July. But then, she
hasn't needed to. She's still in Manhat-
fon, where she's one of the busiest
ladies in the modeling business (chances
are that in the past week clone, you've
seen her in about a dozen TV commer-
cials or mogazine ads). She still studies
acting—ond karate—on the side. She
still keeps in touch with her mother back
in Kansas. And Julie—who walked off
the Super Fly set after a dispute over o
nude scene—continues to get movie
fers, which she keeps turning down:
Either the money's not right or the part
isn't right; | don't want jus! any role."
Miss duly
Martha Smith (above), like Julie, wants
to break into films—to direct them rath-
er than to act in them—but she, too,
hasn't made much progress in that di
rection lately. The reason is the same—
her modeling career has kept her too
busy—and it's parily our fault, We've
had Martha on a promotion-a-week
schedule that obliges her 10 leave town
every Wednesday or Thursday, to
grace the opening of a new shopping
center ar apartment complex some-
where; the rest of the time, she handles
her regular assignments in Detroit. But
Martha's planning to make movies,
and in the next year or so she may head
westword—and/or go back to school
in order to study the film moker's art.
Misa August
Phyllis Coleman (opposite)
hasn't worried too much lately
about her boss—and man—rac-
ing-car driver David Cormony.
But only because he hasn't hod
much opportunity to roce—and
that’s not good. It's been c little
Tough to come up with the kind
of financiol sponsorship that а
driver needs in order to com-
pete. Phyllis is confident, how-
ever, that things will get better.
1n the meantime, she's helping
other young people find jobs,
under the aegis of the Colifor-
nio Department of Employment.
Misa Octoben
Valerie Lone (left), who styles
hair for mole customers at
Mr. Ron's, in Newport Beach,
California, has noticed a real
upsurge in business lately; it
seems that a lot of guys noticed
Valerie's centerfold and de-
cided to lose their locks—spe-
cifically, ot Мг. Ron's. Some
showbiz people oppear to have
noticed, too: Yalerie’s gotten
several acting offers. Because
she’s a neophyte when it comes
to performing, however, she's
decided to consult an agent
before making any moves.
Misa November
Monica Tidwell (left) is the most enig-
matic of 1973's Playmates. Since her
gatefold appecrance, Monica's gone
underground. Though we see her
around now and then, she’s no longer
pushing a pedicab or selling ice cream
and records, Because she doesn't need
the money now? "Well, that's port of
the reason—but not all of it.” Mysteri-
ous pause. Monica was at home when
we cought her, ond she'd been spend-
ing а lot of time there, reading books
and pondering the future ("I guess you
could say I'm waiting to see what hop-
pens next"). In the post, though, Monica
has told us she wants to write a novel.
We wouldn't be surprised if she were
taking o crack at it—and not telling us.
Misa Januany
Miki Garcia (above) hasn't slowed
down a bit. Well, she's dropped one
job—she no longer works os on insur-
ance underwriter. But Miki's been travel-
ing everywhere from Florida ta Han-
lulu (resulting in “jet log," she claims);
she's designed a new line of swimwear
that she expects to be on the market in
a few months; she still lobbies for home-
less animals (“The state capital sees me
quite often”); and she went to a White
House dinner last spring as the date of
a former P.O.W. Miki's also been on
TV a lot, as a madel, ond as co-emcee
of several telethans—and there's a
good chance that by the time you read
this, she'll have her own TV talk show
{if she doesn't run out of breath first).
Miss May
Anulka Dziubirısku (right), who
is British born, despite the
name, began her post-Playmate
life by crossing the U.S. Then
she went back to Europe—with
а vengeance, hitting just about
every country there, plus the
Canary Islands, where she spent
almost four months ("They're
totally uncommercialized"]. An-
ulka herself, though, has been
making commercials for British
TV—and digging it. “I've only
buckled down to it in the last
two months,” she says, “but I'm
doing well." We believe her.
Misa Manch
Bonnie Large (opposite) no
longer hangs out with Ralph the
robot, nor lets a magician saw
her in half in front of conven-
tioneers—not since she quit the
production company she was
working for and moved to Pasa
dena, where she’s been model-
ing, taking temporary office
jobs, studying modern dance
‘and giving classes in skin care
for o company that makes “nat-
ural” cosmetics. Bonnie's on
kind of a natural kick, in fact:
“I gave up all processed foods,
and it does make o difference.”
Misa December
Christine Maddox (left) hadn't yet ap-
peared in PLAYBOY when we went to
press—so we're по! able to report too
many significant changes in her life.
When we last talked to Christine, how-
ever, she was thinking of a trip to Vir-
ginia to see relatives. She had already
modeled in several ads for PLAYBOY and
was expecting to do more of the same.
She was also planning to replace her
ten-speed bike, which was token from
the sidewalk in front of her Long Beach
apartment last fall. And she told us she
hoped her Playmate experience would
enable her to meet "a lot of inter-
esting people.” (No problem there,
Christine; just wait till those cards and
letters stort piling up in the mailbox.)
Misa Febnuany
Cyndi Wood (above) lets no grass grow
under her feet. First, her singing career
has been going great guns—she's been
doing a lot of studio work, night-club
gigs and TV shows (Sonny & Cher, for
one). She's continued her modeling os a
side line—and even picked up c new
activity: photography. Thot started as
a hobby, but Cyndi is fast becoming
professional at it. She's already had
а number of cammissions—for actors’
portfolios ond for magazine advertise-
ments ranging from matarcycles to cig-
огећеѕ. And her ambition knows no
bounds: She told us that she'd like to
shoot a centerfold herself someday. If
she does, she'll be the first Playmate to
make it on both sides of the camera.
water). As for Molly Bloom! He enjoyed
the smell of every kissable pore of her
voluptuous body without for one mo-
ment believing that she had ever existed.
James Joyce in drag.
" he had finally implored his
id in Ailesbury Road, Hai
Bey. the third secretary of the Turkish
embassy, whose amorous secrets he will-
ingly purchased with his own, "if it is
too much to expect Ireland to produce
a bevy of Manons, Mitsous, Gigis, Clau-
dines, Kareninas, Oteros, Leahs, Sanse-
verinas, what about those greacthighed,
vast-bottomed creatures dashing around
the country on horseback like Diana fol-
lowed by all her minions? Are they not
interested in love? And, if so, why aren't.
there novels about them?”
His friend laughed a gelatinous
laugh, "Turkish delight and replied
in English in his laziest Noel Coward
drawl, all the vowels frontal, as if he
were talking through bubble gum, all
his Rs either left out where they should
be, as in deah or cleah, or inserted
where they should not be, as in India-r
or Гоша.
“My deah Ferdy, did not your deah
fatheh or your deah momma-r eveh tell
you that all Irish hohsewomen are in
love with their hohses? And anyway, it
is well known that the favorite pinup
gihl of Abland is a gelding.”
“Naked?” Ferdinand asked coldly, and
refused to believe him, remembering that
his beloved had been a hohsewoman and
satisfied that he was not a gelding. In-
stead, he approached the Italian ambas-
sador at a cocktail party, given by the
Indonesian embassy, to whisper to him
about l'amore irlandese in his best stage-
French manner, eyebrows lifted above
fluttering eyelids, voice as hoarse as, he
guessed, his ехсеПепсуѕ mind would be
on its creaking way back to memories of
Gabin, Jouvet, Brasseur, Fernandel, Mon-
tand. It proved to be another futile exer-
cise. His ex groaned as operatically as
every Italian groans over sudh vital, and
lethal, matters as the Mafia, food, taxa-
tion and women, threw up his hands,
made a face like a more than usually
desiccated De Sica and sighed, “Les
femmes dirlande? Mon pauvre gars!
Elles sont d'une chastet'—he paused and
roared the adjective" FORMIDABLE!"
Ferdinand had heard this yarn about
feminine chastity in other countries
and (with those two or three excep-
tions already mentioned) found it true
only until one had established the pre-
cise local variation of the meaning of
chastity. But how was he to discover the
Irish variation? In the end, it was Celia
herself who, unwittingly, revealed it to
him and, in doing so, dispelled his last
192 doubts about her susceptibility. inflam-
(continued from page 178)
mability and volatility—despite the very
proper sisters of the Spanish Steps.
The revelation occurred one night in
early May—her Meehawl being away in
the west, presumably checking what she
contemptuously called his Gaclicsqueak-
ing scissors. Ferdy had driven her back to
his flat for a nightcap after witnessing the
prolonged death of Mi La Boheme.
She happened to quote to him Oscar
Wilde's remark about the death of Little
Nell that only a man with a heart of stone
could fail to laugh at it; and in this vein
they had continued for a while over the
rolling brandy, seated side by side on his
settee, his hand on her bare shoulder lead-
ing him to hope more and more fondly
that this might be his horizon night, until,
suddenly, she asked him a coldly prob:
ing question.
“Ferdy! Tell me exactly why we did
not believe in the reality of Mimi's
His palm oscillated gently between
her clavicle and her scapula.
“Because, my little cabbage, we were
not expected to. Singing away like a
lark? With her last breath? And no
lungs? | am a Frenchman. I understand
the nature of reality and can instruct
you about it. Art, my dear Cel
because it is not reality. It does not
copy or represent nature. It improves
upon it. It embellishes it. This is the
kernel of the classical French attitude
to life. And," he beamed at her, “to
love. We make of our wildest feelings of
passion the gentle art of love.”
He suddenly stopped fondling her
shoulder and suryeyed her with feelings
of chagrin and admiration. The sight of
her belied his words. Apart from dress-
ing with taste and, he felt certain, un-
dressing with even greater taste, she
used no art at all. She was as innocent
of makeup as a peasant girl of the
Vosges. Had he completely misread her?
"Was she that miracle, a fully ripe peach
brought into the center of the city some
20 years ago from a walled garden in
the heart of the country, still warm
from the sun, still glowing, downy, pris-
ie, innocent as the dew? He felt her
juice dribbling down the corner of his
mouth. Was this the
her jigsaw? An ensealed innocence? If
so, he had wasted six whole weeks. This
siege could last six years.
“No, Ferdy!” she said crossly. "You
have it all wrong. Im talking about
life, not about art. The first and last
thought of any real Catholic girl on her
deathbed would be to ask for a priest
She was facing her God."
Who at once pointed a finger at him
through the chandelier? Within seconds
they were discussing love among the
English, Irish, French, In Mos-
lems, Italians, naturally the Papacy,
Alexander the Sixth and incest, Savo-
narola and dirty pictures, Joan of Arc
and martyrdom, death, sin, hell-fire,
Cesare Borgia, who, she insisted, screamed
for a priest to pray for him at the end.
“A lie,” he snarled, "that some beastly
priest told you in a sermon when you
were a schoolgirl. Pray? | suppose," he
challenged furiously, "you pray even
against me.”
Abashed, she shook her autumn.gold
head at him, threw a kipper-eyed glance
up to the chandelier, gave him a ravish-
ingly penitential smile and sighed like
an unmasked sinner.
“Ah, Ferdy! Ferdy! If you only knew
the real truth about me! Ме pray
against you? 1 don't pray at all. You re-
member Mimi's song at the end of the
first act? ‘I do not always go to Mass,
but I pray quite a bit to the good Lord."
Now, 1 hedge my bets in a very differ-
ent way. I will not pray, because I re-
fuse to go on my knees to anybody. Yet,
there I go meekly trotting off to Mass
every Sunday and holyday. And why?
Because I am afraid not to, because it
would be a mortal sin not to.” She
gripped his tensed hand, trilling her Rs
over the threshold of her lower lip and
tenderly umlauting her vowels. Dürling.
Coward. Li-cr. "Amn't I thc weak cow:
ard, diirling? Amn't I the awful li-erz A
crook entirrrely?”
‘Only a thin glint of streetlight peep-
ing between his curtains witnessed the
wild embrace of a man illuminated by
an ayowal so patently bogus as to be the
transparent truth. К
“You а li Һе gasped, choking
with laughter. “You a shivering coward?
A double-faced hedger of bers? A de-
ceiying crook? A wicked sinner? For
the last five minutes you have been
every single ohe of them by pretending
to be them. What you really are is a
woman full of cool, hardheaded discre-
tion, which you would like to sell to me
as a charming weakness, Full of dreams
that you would like to disguise as
wicked lies. Of common sense that it
suits you to pass off as crookedness. Of
worldly wisdom still moist from your
mothers nipple that, if you thou;
you would get away with the deception,
you would stoop to call a sin. My dea
est Celia, your yashmak reveals by pre-
tending to conceal. Your wick is to be
perfection masquerading zs villainy. I
think it is enchanting.”
For the first time, he saw her in a
“But it is all true. I am a liar. I do go
to Mass every Sunday. I do not pray. I
am afraid of damnation. I——"
He silenced her with three fingers
laid momentarily on her lips.
"Of course you go to Mass every
Sunday. My father, a master tailor of
Nancy, used to go to Mass every Sunday,
(continued on page 218)
ivacy of their
id no one
is their business an
“Well, we feel that what three people do in the pr
own b iness 2
the ballad of luka the hose
There lived, a scanty kilometer
From Basil’s Dome in Moscow City
А merchant's lad
\ peach. but no
young and pretty,
ithout а... (pit?)
tle on the gray side,
But neither senile nor a runt—
Had dropped abruptly by the wayside,
Depleted by her wondrous. .. (cunning?).
(I cannot help it, gracious reader.
My song is full of holes like this;
m пога good conjecture breeder
Would you supply them, learned miss?
Most girls become more t
You will agree, as they grow h
But for inclusiveness and vigor,
This gifted lady stood alone.
His pestered pestle pined and pouted,
It temporized and took no stand,
She simply would not hear about it
And bade her mortar to be manr
His strength, alack, was bound to fail
From this eternal mortar-minding;
And he passed on to yonder vale,
Where they have harps, no organ-
The widow, though, felt little change
In fervor figure,
afield to trigger
Exploits of targetry and range
She sampled o z Jolly Rogers,
Delicious striplings, crisp old codgers;
She olfered succor, undemanding,
Го almost anyone upstanding.
me went on, her zest and whimsy
rew die muzileloading sport:
mrods seemed—the one too flimsy,
The other gnarled, the third too short
A fourth would be all wilt and flabbage,
A fifth might come with balls of lead,
Like small but solid heads of cabbage,
А real embarrassment in bed.
Each time, malfunctions to surprise one!
The widow called, in some chagrin,
Matrióna Márkovna, u wise one,
To lay some better ramrods in.
Beyond Mosk on River Meadow,
А snug thi ndowed hut is seen,
In which, а nd carefree widow,
Lived the Matriona whom I mean.
In circles of the merchant class,
No matter what the dan or locus,
Matriéna Markovna would pass
For quite the best of marriage brokers.
An Imitation of The Ballad of Luká Mudishchev, by Ivan Barkov, 1732-1768,
This vestal priestess, stout and steady,
Of confidential years, when ready
To cast the matrimonial lots,
Some merchant daugh
Who lived in discord with her spouse
She'd help by trysts outside the house
To prove her mettle, bı
ifc, the
sap and well in season—
found a substitute.
A wife will seek, when hubby sours,
A hobby for the winter hours:
She gets, no need to fret or wheedle,
V tool that beats the knitting needle.
And if some customer be nervous,
He might be fleeced or rolled outside—
Matrióna offers chamber service
And everyone is satisfied.
Then the widow in her anguish,
‘To summon help, wrote this dispatch:
“Matriona, how I languish
Lives there a man who'll fit my . .
The stout procuress made obeisance
Before the icon, bowed her head
In token of advance complaisane
And, sitting down beside her, said:
“I gather tricks are going bad
me maladjustment or shortcoming.
I will accommodate you gladly;
Trust me to see that things start
Is it the deadly itche de ditch
Perhaps in bed you labor vainly?
Well, I have many tricks to teach."
"The tricks Гу
The crouch, the bridge, the
Or swingi
tried don’t wor!
agle split,
£ from a chandeliei
possible to fit
“I need a lead-pipe cinch, a clincher,
t least а twenty-seven-incher;
For nothing shorter is it worth
My messing up the lower berth.”
“Dear lady, have a heart! Good hi
You don't want much! I beg of you,
They don't grow wild, those twenty-
1 might scrape up a twenty-two.
“But wait . . . I do have on con
A thing to suit you, I suppose;
It takes the proper
But looks more like a fire hose.
“Оп first full view, it struck me dumb. . ~
It’s not a thing you'll go to sleep with,
More apt to count a million sheep with
And club the Devil, should he come.
*Still—you are spo
Lhe, to match you, is the
What's more, discreet, and knows what's
Luka Mudishchev is his name.”
Already sensing, all elation,
‘That pyrotechnic instrument,
She hugged the friend whom heaven 1
With throbs of w
rm anticipation.
a, mother mine, no sl
Bring your Mudishchey to my arms:
‘Tell him to get his hydrants working
And be prepared for five a
Premonitory palpitations
With axle grease and oil of rose
Helped her prepare with middling
For the uncoil
g of the hose.
No tools held any terrors for her
That knew divine and human Laws;
But this portentous pumpkin corer,
This humdingdonger, gave her
Here rang the bell! Her courage
She calmed herself as best she could.
Belore her with Matrióna stood
The record holder! She was flustered.
He stood in reach, all scrubbed and
In getup something of a dandy,
Well groomed, closeshave
Not plastered, mind you
just well oiled.
Lest her vicinity might shock
‘The hosier and her pretty mourner,
Matrióna slipped into a corner
And set herself to knit a sock.
Alone with hi m—what сап arouse us
id who would mock
She slid her hand into the pocket
Of his still-lormant nankcen trousers.
Her touch, however, made them hectic:
The contents, instantly up tight,
Surged swollen, purple, apoplectic
Upon her wonderstricken sight.
St. Petersburg
Ribald Classic
“О most exalted land-and sea cock!”
She cried; and, shedding gown and lace,
She spread her fantail like a peacock
And drew him into her embrace.
As if a wagon shaft had goosed her
nd pa
The gleaming nozzle bruised and sluiced
pales, she yellows.
She jerks the inllammation's source;
Luka pants 1 icksmith’s bellows
And fights the fire with all his force. . .
Matrióna in her corner, reeling,
Dropped seven stitches and a shoe
“Mismatched, outclassed!
with feeling.
“He must have hosed the girl in two!
Still with her sock and knitting needles,
She scurried headlong to the site,
To cap the well, call in the beadles,
Or tender any help she might
Luka, triumphantly uncoiled,
guishing his victim;
The widow, up a tree and foiled,
Had never slowed the hose or nicked hi
ig needles rampant stabbed
yin the hose, now in the pouch.
‘ed: before she thought to
ck rack,
He drew on her with yards of lead.
And with that fearsome instant blackjack,
Belabored her about the head.
Matriona howled with lungs of leather,
But gamely clawed upon the couch,
Drew her remaining strength together
And forcibly deballed his pouch.
Mudishchev, with a dreadful ery,
Donged her to death just li
Then fell himself, a lifeless corse
Killed by bere
And thus that triple horror came to pass:
There lay, flat as a pancake, poor
The widow, all unstitched from bush to
iss E
Luká, a husk, at peace but not with.
And in his hose cleven spits of brass. . . -
—Retold by Walter Arndt У |
stupid, even for me. But now he thr
ens me in the night and I think I'd better
this gangster.”
“No pay!” shouted George. “Phe Can-
tabiles got thrown out of the rackets i
the Thirties, He's just a bigmouthed kid
i ro mustache. He's seen The
Godfather or something. Forget it!” And
so I had submitted to George's judgment.
Something had to be done about my
Mercedes. 1 fetched the doorman, Ro-
land. inny, clderly, unshaven
The slack clectricblue uni-
at he shared with the other doo
gs about him. We had y
had an agreeable kidding relationship.
Both of us believed in cheerful greetings.
He had already seen this disaster. He
hadn't rung my bell but had let me dis-
cover the ruined car for myself. Tenants
their way to work had seen it. 100.
They knew, of course, to whom it be-
longed. Roland said, “This is a real bitch,
Mist Citrine.” He wears thick glasses,
and when I approach him, he often gi
a snort of laughter. He thinks me an old
гоц, because women so often drive up,
buzz me on the house phone, make in
quiries leave notes for me. “Somebody
really has it in for you to mess up this
beautiful car. I didn't come on till seven
One or two people couldn't
done this," I said. "It must have been a
whole gang, with clubs, bats, hammer:
monkey wrenches, out and
clobbering. Like a speeded-up anvil cho-
rus. They could have done the job i
ninety scconds. A terrific racket, but short
enough so that people would ман up
from sleep and then turn over. They'd
just as lief not look, anyway. N.
wants trouble. If E hear shots at n.
always say it's backfire from а саг.
Roland's face was strongly puckered
bout the mouth. His glance hinted that
1 vengeful husband had done this to me.
“Flag those useless fellows in the squad
car when they pass, will you, Roland,
please? Have them take a look and ring
my bell. They'll probably give me a park-
ing ticket... ." I tipped Roland a dol-
lar. To bind his good will, after such
When 1 entered my apartme
phone was ringing. It was Can
“Have you seen your car, smartass?” he
sked. “What you finally forced me to
Senseless!” I said. “N ndalism!"
“You drove me to it.” He accused me
loudly, but his voice shook.
madc you hammer my саг?"
“Ten times you were warned. I
emotions, too. You wouldn't believe how
1 feel this minute,” I tried to speak, but
he shouted me down. “Last night was
step one. Now if you don't. next is
196 you know what.”
“No, no, let's stop all th
to settle."
"No settle. Pay. You
good. The full amount. And cash
not fucking around any Г c:
later. We'll make a date.”
“Never mind when. You stick by the
П you
phone till I call."
Next instant 1 heard
dial tone—that
ло. Desperate
fo tell someone, to consult, I dialed
George Swiebel. Sharon, his scerctary,
out on a job. He's in the con-
struction business.
Now. what was I to do to compose my
self? To regain calm, I did the one yoga
thing I know. I removed. my shoes and
took everything out of my pockets. Then
1 stood on my head.
My loveliest of machines had been de
stroyed in the street, its silver skin pitted,
its headlights crushed, its doors unopen-
able. The Mercedes shop steward would
tell me in his German accent that all
parts had to be imported from Europe.
And I, clutching my bald head in both
hands, fingers interlocked in a gesture of
r, legs in the air, tufts of side hair
out, the green Persian carpet
under me. 1 was heartinjured
that material possessions could mean so
I would never—repeat, never!
penny from the insurance com]
such a queer claim. They
small print and a thousand ways to wea-
sel out. American corporations were boss
before, but in the Nixon Administration
they were drunk with immunity. The
good old bourgeois decencies, even as
window dressing, were gone-
It was from George Swiebel that I
actly a ph
voted to th
him for health advice. George has his own
system and, as a rule, he cures himself.
So, when 1 told him about my arthritic
neck, he prescribed standing on my head.
Though I threw up my palms and
shrieked with laughter at this recommen-
dation (looking like one of Goya's frog
caricatures—a visión. burlesca—the. one
with the huge padlock on his parts), I
cticed against the wall, I learned the
trick and T was cured of my neck pains.
Next, when I had a swicture, E asked
3eorge what to do. He said, “It’s our age.
It’s the prostate gland. It’s happened to
me, too—you start, then you stop, then
you trickle again? And it burns a bit?
‘And you feel humiliated?
“All correct."
“The remedy is, as you stand on your
head, to tighten your buttocks. Just suck
in the buttocks, as if you were trying to
bring the cheeks together.”
Now standing on my head actually re-
lieved me. 1 breathed again. But J saw
І was upside down, two luge cir-
cles in front of me, very bright. These
occasionally appeared during this cxer-
cise. I figured they were produced by
pressure on the cornea. Such, at least,
my explanation. The weight on my skull
buckled the cornea and produced an
sion of big diaphanous rings, like seci
eternity. Which, believe me, I was entire-
ly ready for. I had a view of the bookcase
behind me, and when my head w
readjusted with more weight shifted to
my forearms, the beautiful rings swam
ay, ideas of mortality vanished with
them, and in reverse Î saw rows and rows
of my own books, some hack work, some
sincere, biographies in many language
а few copies of my big failure, The Sense
of Being in Americans, and many editions
of my play Von Trenck. The fortune I
was alleged by Humboldt to have made
was earned mainly by Trenck. I didn't
add the money up while it was coming in
I was more moved to do the addition
when it was ebbing. For me it had been
а gled the job,
despite my keen interest (which I had
bied to dissemble, concealing it even
from myself, wanting terribly to be high-
minded). Immediately, the dough came
between Humboldt and me. He claimed
that I owed him a large amount, and he
put through a check for 3000 bucks. The
bank paid and 1 didn’t contest the m
ter, although I owed him nothing. He
was very litigious, Humboldt was.
Moreover, I was crippled by guilt. T
sn't absolutely sure that I had done
right by Humboldt, and I had а feeling
that my gains were ill-gotten. The play
that brought me such wealth was not the
play 1 had written. I had only provided a
bolt of material from which the director
, shaped, basted and sewn his own
Trenck. Broadway, after all, does adj
the Garment District.
The cops leaned long and violently on
my bell. I let them in and they began to
write up their report. These heavy men
were amused by this unusual case—a
Mercedes crushed in the street. They en-
tered smelling rather stale. Sitting in a
squad cur seemed to give them an assy
sort of odor. Their hardware clinked and
their wide hips were bulky with blanks.
“Somebody re
huge black cop said. He was hinting
t underworld complications. Perhaps I
owed money to a juice man. Possibly I
wasn't going to name
“I don't know
lieve the police approved of my reserve.
never saw such а car massacre,” said
the first cop. "It's a
His buddy said, “Jesus, if I didn't have
a garage 1 wouldn't own but a piece of
(continued on page 250)
/ M Q
Asie ten
pu Gti f
e deal
If you liked Summer of ^42,
you'll love Summer of ’53.
It opens with nattily at- What might have been: The embryo publication came
tired Hugh Hefner banging within а hare's breadth of being named Stag Party.
away ata battered type- Illustration for the first issue had to be
changed from stag to rabbit at the last minute.
of his apartment on Chica-
go's South Side. He single-
handedly produced almost
all the copy for a then.
untitled new magazine
designed to attract “the
ated urban male.”
Unselfishly dedicated
to his duties,
We didn't know y PLAYBOY'S Art
it then, but the. Di rectors Arthur Paul,
lady who appeared makes sure Terry Ryan
у in our first puts her best foot
forward in a Playmate
shooting for the
December 1954 issue.
subscription ad
gave us a sneak
preview of the
Playboy Club
Bunny. -
You'll notice that the cover of our
first issue—December 1953—carrted
$ no date. We didn’t know if there
would be a second issue-
An editor's work is never done
—especially if he's the only
editor: Swigging one of
countless Pepsis con-
sumed in the course of
a night's work, pajama-
clad Hefner reads а
manuscript in the
i bedroom of the
FAHRENHEIT 45] _ —7 e 2 E office early
SML 401954.
to be serialized, in spring of 1954—
was Ray Bradbury's prophetic novel Fahrenheit 451.
“Help!” trumpeted the copy on the
first cover of Trump (midwifed by
Mad's Harvey Kurtzman), our 1957
entry into the humor-magazine
field. We needed it. Trump's sun
sank quickly—and permanently—
into the west after the second issue.
) Walter S. Tevis” The Hustler and
George Langelaan's The Fly were the first
$ PLAYBOY originals to hit the
screen. The Fly's artwork was
strikingly unorthodox: a blank page
E x with a tiny fly in the corner.
P Actress Vikki Dougan's gown, revealing
a new cleavage, was immortalized in.
| т\лүвоү via The Back, June 1957.
PLAYBOY'S most prolific writer, the late Ken W. Purdy, made the first of 75
contributions with The Compleat Sports Car Stable in our Apri
When Elizabeth Ann Roberts, Miss
January 1958, was found to be
underage, Heiner considered
pointing out publicly that
September Morn's model was а
nymphet, too. He didn't have to;
court action was dismissed.
Gahan Wilson's bizarre creations
have been haunting PLAYBOY pages ever
since this creepy character
swept into our hearts in March 1958.
After “The Back" came “The Bosom,” June
Wilkinson, seen here in one of the pictures
(taken in Hefner's office bedroom) that
we shot for a 1958 pictorial. For obvious reasons,
Ош nickname for the British beauty stuck—in
Hollywood and in later PLAYBOY features.
First of more than
150 such lovelies to
grace our pages: the
inimitable Vargas
Girl, September 1960.
If she'd been a Bunny,
she wouldn't have needed
a tray. June Wilkinson
clowned on the set of our
1959-1960 TV series,
Playboy's Penthouse.
Teevee Jeebics,
Shel Silversteii Á X
wacky brain child, s ; Charlie was still ostracized
debuted for Late in the U.S. when the late
Show fans in 1959. EFA L Charles Beaumont profiled him
" in Chaplin (March 1960), mem-
orably illustrated by Arthur Paul.
"Damn it, 1 said three by
five feet, not inches!”
Playboy Promotion Di:
rector Victor Lownes Ill
had problems with the
flags ordered for the
1959 Playboy Jazz Festi-
val, which wasa hit
We thought The Nude Look's The ubiquitous.
styles (July 1960) were a far-out . Janet Pilgrim
satire. History proved us wrong. strikes again—
in the PLAYBOY
bowling league.
+ RING, translates the Latin
doorplate on Chicago's
Playboy Mansion; Hefner
moved in in 1960.
Edited for TV: Fur trim modified the | Ac S.
prototype Bunny Costume of receptionist S і о сі
{later Assistant Cartoon Editor) s А "
Cynthia Maddox on Playboy's Penthouse. i oli iniia
Playboy's Pigskin Preview in 1961
featured Harvard's band ina
Rabbit-head formation.
Most memorable shot from
Playmate Holiday House Party,
December 1961: Christa.
Speck takes a flier.
Ingenious readers found
that covering the top half of
‘our June 1962 cover provided
a bit of titillation we
hadn't intended.
Requiescat in pace:
Show Business Illustrated,
born September 1961,
died April 1962.
The debut of Eldon Dedini's
salirical satyrs was a highlight.
of cur March 1961 issue.
"First of all, you must learn.
10 be preocctipied with sex!”
Itstarted in December 1962; we
thought it would appear in one,
maybe two issues. But before
Hugh Hefner ran out of
typewriter ribbon, The Playboy
Philosophy had run 25
install ments—and kicked off
an era of social consciousness
in the magazine.
October 1962 introduced
a popular new heroine;
Little Annie Fanny, created
by Mad's madcaps Harvey
Kurtzman and Will Elder.
How to Talk Dirty.
and Influence
People, autobiog-
raphy of the
Sixties! quin- 3
essential tragi- To herald James Bond's novelistic debut in
comic figure, ‘our pages—at the height of the 007 craze—
Lenny Bruce, wes Robert Weaver created this illustration, which
published first won a New York Art Directors Club awar What sort of man
in PLAYBOY. reads PLAYBOY? Its.
appeal, obviously, is.
universal, Check
this well-undressed
Australian aborigine.
For reasons that remain
abundantly unclear, shots
of Jayne Mansfield in
the film Promises, Promises | f
got Hefner busted in 1963 dd » \
рН ; | ” Artists have depicted
hung jury couldn't figure E i | Hefner in many
it out either; the case н 1 vays- notall
was eventually dismissed. y 3 complimentary—but
| E : Ў? | Jack Davis, from whom
he bought 15
cartoons, saw
skinny Santa.
Silverstein’s History of
Playboy, which began in
January 1964 and ran for
thee issues, offered this
predictably irreverent
view of our beginnings.
Tor thirty-five у
‘the public don't want another
sapazine If they want news.
they got Tibe and Nersreok 1. One of our most
wy want stories. they ]
got The Saturday Evening Post popular Playmates,
December 1963's
Donna Michelle,
got herself into
Tn. 4 Rabbit shape for
they want sophistication, Р Мау 19645 cover.
there's The Мет Yorker.
they want adventure,
(here's True and Argosy...
ч 1 geography.
there's ihe National Geo
Look al tne knockers
on that bip blonde
crossing the street rti"
Using 2 false name,
she applied for a job
at The Playboy Club.
Before her "exposé,"
А Bunny's Tale, was
serialized in Show,
few had ever heard.
of a Phi Beta Kappa
from Smith named.
Gloria Steinem.
This chaste kiss, magnified to screen 19630-1966
proportions in the nickelodeons of 1896,
scandalized Victorian audiences,
critics Arthur Knight and
Hollis Alpert reported in
the opening History
of Sex in Cinema,
April '65.
The Playboy Bed, which also appeared in April 1965,
was our readers’ first glimpse into our
editor-publisher's luxurious life style.
Woody Allen's first
personal appearance
in films—and in
PLAYBOY—in What's
New, Pussycat?—
was in 1965; Paula
Prentiss, he sai:
made him a “passion:
ridden, snarling maniac.”
She Is Ursula
Andress, а
photo feature
by her then
husband, John
Derek, seta
record as
the longest
pictorial ever
devoted to ANAT
‘one female. ۳ UML "rm e
It made her ¢ р 3 Among the satiric cartoon
a star. = strips drawn for PLAYBOY by the
gifted Jules Feiffer was his four-
part opus Hostileman, Jules also
mixed his media as author of
fiction (Harry the Rat with Women,
Just as it in PLAYBOY) and films (Little
has spawned Murders, Carnal Knowledge).
been parodied it used to be called the
more often Palmolive Building, and its
than any other beacon lit the way for
magazine in generations of navigators
the world. Two оп Lake Michigan. In 1966, when
of the best Playboy headquarters moved
from the Sixties: West in, the 37-story edifice
Point's Prayboy and, at 919 North Michigan Avenue.
from the Stanford in Chicago became the
Chaparral, Layboy. Playboy Building—and its
guiding light was tagged,
inevitably, The Bunny Beacon
Buck Brown's Granny, America's
favorite dirty old lady, got on
the right track in August 1966.
Writer Alex Haley, in arranging to interview
‘American Nazi Party head George
Lincoln Rockwell, assured the Fuhrer he
wasn't Jewish, He didn't mention being
black. Result: a chaperoned conversation.
Hefner, the “theologian” of The
Playboy Philosophy, earned a
clerical collar foran illustration
in a Look special issue on
the American male.
“Honest, lady, we didn't come
to rape or molest notiody—.
just to rob the damn train .
Time, in its March 3, 1967, issue, did
a PLAYBOY cover story that, a magazine
| spokesman told Hefner, drew more mail
than any such feature in its history.
FRI, ale
Our December 1964 5
gatefold girl—Jo Collins— Alter being named 1965's
inspired sculptor Larry Playmate of the Year, “СІ Jo”
Collins visited the front. So
popular was the magazine, wrote
correspondent Ward Justin the
April 27, 1967, Washington Post, that
“if World War Two was the war of
Stars and Stripes and Betty Grable,
the war in Vietnam is PLAYBOY's war
and the centerfold Playmate is every-
body's girlfriend, mistress or wif
Grunt with backpack obviously agreed.
Rivers to create this
Plexiglas dream girl for
The Playmate as Fine
Art (January 1967). The
work was selected
for PLAYBOY's world-
touring exhibit
Beyond Illustration,
A take-off on familiar
advertising clichés,
Mad Ave Unclad, which
brightened our pages
in November 1968,
typifies the irreverent
approach we've always
taken toward
the media—
including ourself
Somehow Ruth Buzzi doesn't
seem Hefner's type, but
the two of them made
beautiful comedy together on
31968 episode of Laugh-In.
Wanda Hickey's
Night of Golden
Memories (June
1969) won an
fourth PLAYBOY
Writing Award
for humorist
Jean Shepherd.
Back in August 1969, with Lawrence Schiller's exclusive pictorial of
actress Paula Kelly, we unobtrusively pioneered in the tasteful display
of what had hitherto been a major-magazine taboo: pubic hair.
The irony of itall: After Grin-
nell College students were ar-
rested for staging a strip-in Barbi Doll and friend.
protesting a talk by a Playboy Miss Benton hugs the foam-
representative (which made head- rubber replica of her boy-
lines throughout the world, viz., friend that was used as a
Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun above), playful prop on our second
the Playboy Foundation was asked television series, Playboy
for—and gave—defense funds. Alter Dark, where she met
Hefner in 1968.
statement, A Testament of
Hope (January 1969), Dr.
Martin Luther King predict-
ed ultimate victory for
"the poor and despised.”
Dr. King’s contribution,
illustrated by Shelly
Canton, won that year's
Best Essay Award,
Our leader is
pictured with a lot
on his mind in July
1970's Audience
She's “the perfect wife—inex-
pensive to dress," wrote Joe
Hyams of his wife, Elke Sommer,
apropos this exclusive photo.
You'd think he was slicing into
the real thing: As Barbi looks
on, Hefner cuts up with an edible
model of his multimillion-
dollar jet, The Big Bunny, on
an episode of his Playboy
After Dark TV series.
Dragging their tails behind them: not Bo-Peep's lost
sheep but Miami Beach Bunnies, waterlogged while
posing for photos of the Playboy Plaza in 1970.
The most popular feature we've ever run was,
surprisingly, about a $14,000 home, September
1970's Portable Playhouse. Letters are still
coming in; at last count, they totaled 7763.
Everybody into the pool: Civil libertarians
all, the Chicago cast of Hair buffed it in
the wee hours ata Playboy Mansion benefit
for the ACLU. in December 1969.
Shares in Playboy
Enterprises, Inc.,
went on sale in
November 1971.
Some investors
may have bought
certificates for
their visual
appeal alone.
2 #— |
1n 1971, Hefner moved into
the Playboy Mansion West—
and stocked the 52-acre
estate with friendly pets.
Describing his choice for Personal
Visions of the Erotic (December 1971),
Pete Turner admitted his compelling
photo of “a woman pulling another
woman's nipple affects some
We've received so many requests for reproductions
Of PLAYBOY artwork—such as Fred Berger's
laughing Jesus, which illustrated critic-
turned-contributor Harvey Cox's January 1970
essay, For Christ's Sake!—that we added
in 1971 to the hundreds of Playboy Products now
on the market a unique line of posters.
During the Playboy Writers’ Convocation
in 1971, Hefner and table companions
break up at the hilarious introduction by
Art Buchwald (oficamera) of speaker John
Kenneth Galbraith (second from left).
So what if Burt Reynolds bared (nearly) all in the April 1972
Cosmo? PLAYBOY beat him to the Punch. The British
humor magazine devoted an earlier issuetoa y
PLAYBOY parody with Hefner as the centerfold. g
viewers emotionally.”
Roman Polanski, director of Playboy's
first film, Macbeth, took this photo
of one of the movie's naked
witches and sent it to Hefner.
for consideration as a centerfold.
Line forms to the right for jobs in
the PLAYBOY photo studio: Here's how
the illustration for Dan Greenburg's
first-person saga My First Orgy.
(December 1972) was staged.
Porn queen Linda Lovelace, head artist
of Deep Throat, opened up verbally for
PLAYBOY, first in a pictorial profile,
then in a panel on sexual life styles.
Pad ЭЩ
for Playboy's second theatrical film, The Naked
Ape, artists created a series of lifelike
effigies representing Homo sapiens’ evolution
from the simian to contemporary man—embadied
here, though not onscreen, by a familiar figure.
Readers are saying oui to
‘our new offspring: the
overnight success OUI.
which sold out with its
first issue in October 1972,
and the foreign-language
editions of PLAYBOY, which
got going in Germany and
Italy in August and
November of 1972 and in
France in November of 1973.
Everybody who's anybody comes
to The Playboy Club. Well, nearly
everybody. The guy with the
Chicago Bumper-Poo! Bunny is
impersonator Richard M. Dixon.
The cover of this, our Twentieth |
Anniversary Issue, is devoted,
appropriately enough, to the
Playboy Rabbit—created. he says,
"їп half an hour" by Arthur Paul.
So closely identified with the
Playboy empire has it become
that mail bearing no written ad-
dress—merely a Rabbit design—
finds its way to our offices in
Chicago. After two decades, in
fact, it may be the world's
best-known corporate symbol
But now students turned these wage
carers into oppressors, berating their
‘own парреї employees. Economic analy-
sis was never the kids’ strong point. What
mattered was to have some kind of history
as outsiders that would give them a lever-
age for breaking inside—on terms, of
course, nonnegotiable terms. And, after
all, the professors dressed like factory
owners, in suits and ties, while students
wore drab prole dungarees. The Sixties
campus imposed factory clothes on young
men and women at their most peacock-
ing time of life. When the kids stumbled
across a real proletariat, they were quick
to pigify it, turning Chicago's cops into
members of a ruling class. Max Yasgur,
on the other hand. was symbolically
blessed at Woodstock, since he was a
farmer (Le., а large agricultural busine
man), glowing in the kids’ minds like
some new socialrealist poster of The
Man with a Hoe.
These maneuvers had а less compel-
ling quality than those of the blacks,
since the students’ experience of repres-
sion was more psychological than eco-
nomic, the unintended result of affluence,
not a deliberate imposition of poverty
But psychological affronts are real, and
can be crippling. What was interesting
was the sense of departure (“We are leav-
ing; you don't need us") and wandering
("We've all gone to look for America”)
and the invasion of what was found at
ast (“We'll soon shake your windows and
rattle your walls”).
The feminist movement also talked in
Marxist terms of liberation. И even
picked up the Thirties charge of male
chauvinism—i.e., treatment of a class as if
it were a nation; the confusion of tribal
symbols with economic reality. These
women needed а new language, reflect.
ing secret history; and they were uncivil
on principle. This last note of ferocity
stunned many sympathetic observers.
After all, civility was supposed to be an
invention for protecting women, favoring
he qualities that go beyond brute
strength. Indeed, women seemed to be on
their strongest ground when criticizing
the macho waits of competitive and
warring males, the cult of the tough guy.
Then why come on like so many tough
gals, using karate and weapons to license
insults and obscenity?
For the same reason blacks did not ask
favors or kids want their allowance
upped. The old rules can be exploited—
by ‘Tomming it, or teacherspeting.
or linlexomaning the husband. ‘That
would improve the game a bit, as played
by those old rules. But this just amelio-
ates the treatment of outsiders; it does
not bring them inside. Blacks had stayed
outside the system of dignifying symbols.
Students were still outside the familial
nd public worlds of responsibility.
212 Women were outside the world of the
COUNTRY THAT WASN'T THERE Eare from page 174)
They were not taken with full
seriousness as students or employees,
much less as professionals or employers. It
did not make sense to ask for the pale
recognitions of civility, exacting def-
erence to womanhood as such, By that
standard, academic and other work was
commended as good (for a woman), the
damning parentheses always half-voiced,
depriving women of a language that
would stamp their work as good tout
court, Thus, the feminist movement
was obliged to advance by denial of femi-
ninity—just as the kids had by affront-
ag academic decorum or the blacks by
never “knowing their place.” The women
had to get outside the structure entirely
to force their way back in. The very fact
that this confounded those well disposed
under the old rules showed that the tactic
was wor meant to shatter
their framework, disorienting them.
The sisters had to be wild outsiders ar-
riving, not “lite women” restive in the
home. They must be strangers before they
could again be lovers. They looked on the
native culture of America like discoverers
amazed at our odd language, full of gaps
where female pronouns should be. The
insistence on terminological nicety sor-
prised, provoked or struck men as urivial.
Who cares whether it is chairman or chair-
But we should not have been
1 had
surprised, Blacks
their own langu nsisted on it.
In some ways, it was harder for women
than for blacks or students to demand lib-
cration, since the ropes that bind them
seem made of silk and velvet. Women as
such are not minors in the way thar stu-
dents were; certainly not deprived in the
literal manner of blacks. But these very
advantages lead to irritation. ‘The most
educated woman is the one trammeled
subtlest disqualifying bonds—never qui
man's equal as a student, faculty member,
professional, colleague, editor or boss.
Education, which is supposed to be the
great equalizer in our society. points up.
the culture's inequalities. That is espe-
cially true for women, who have been
educated to а level of expectation, work
and independence not supplied by the
culture after they leave school—not, any-
way, for the normal run of women. (There
are exceptions, the house woman, like
the house black—e.g., Midge Decter.)
Where did the new women come fr
Not simply out of the kitche
needed a foreign h
true immigrants. Their "herstory," truly
formidable, came from the traces of
matriarchy, gynecocracy and. Amazon
hes in myth. This suggests th
ism, too, is essential to the feminist move-
ment, like the kids’ cheerful obscenities
or the blacks’ glowering savagery. All our
internal immigrants have had to make
some claim of self-sufficiency in order to
pose a credible threat. For the blacks, the
threat was to make cities uninhabitable.
For the students, to use their interlude
from real life as a sanctuary for raids upon
politics and the military. In both cases,
there was a separate base from which the
threat was issucd—the ghetto or th
campus. But woman has been both more
intimate with her oppressor and more de-
pendent upon him. Her only base for
separate action was the kitchen—and the
bedroom undermined that bastion within
the home. Women had to declare them-
selves more subily autonomous, psycho-
logically independent. Since the basis for
both dependence and power within the
old rules was sex, woman's independence
had to be asserted. sexually. Lesbianism
asa threat or possibility was therefore al-
ways implicit in their stand and was re
forced by their chosen prehistory.
Lesbianism was not a thing that could.
be lightly added to the feminists’ pro-
m, or lightly subtracted from it, as a
matter of day-to-day tactics. It was а nec-
essary part of their psychological pa
age. Unless women can be taken as a
e tribe, the whole 10;
tion fails.
larity of gay liberation to all
other “lib” movements is obvious. The
homosexuals have their selective reading
of history, all of which comes out a story
of pederastic genius, from Socrates to
André Gide. There is the same stress on
language. Some words are out: fag, homo,
dyke. Orhers are in: gay, homosexual,
bisexual (the innest word of all). But
words that are out can be used by people
who are in: Just as blacks can call them-
selves bad niggers, so dykes can call one
another butch. The gays also share with
other movements an urge to gratuitous
affront. They will not seule for a
civillibertarian permissiveness (to "do
their own thing" undisturbed as long as
they are inconspicuous). They must e
tablish a right to do openly what hetero-
sexuals do (c.g. kiss and hug in public).
hey will call attention to themselves.
This shows the difference between be-
ing gay and being a gay activist, part of
ll Negroes ai ) The
old liberals’ best bargain went like this:
€ won't bother you if we don't know
who you Kinkiness, like religion,
should be a private matter, outside the
public busin ists want to
be recognized in for
what they are and accepted into the pub-
ness (eg. by tax and property
righis within homosexual marriage). Civil
liberties are granted to the individual.
The пу powers come from be-
“Look how many of us
аге һе last thing straight so-
ciety wants to hear. How many canoes
have the savages got? If they keep coming
in, we natives will be forced to bargain.
There is no end to the movement of
internal immigrants, as we
see from
inued on page 265)
parody By G. BARRY GOLSON ихти. сехи, psychiatry was the only cure for patients troubled by de-
pression, efinui, feelings of worthlessness, paranoia, neurotic fears, alienation and, on rare occasions, scurvy. Today, of
course, the self-awareness industry has expanded considerably, as countless new forms of psychotherapy, encounter
and quasi-religious sects have sprung up everywhere. Some of these appear to hold promise, but the ity are
destined to be mere fads. What is worse, a good idea is often corrupted. Before proceeding to describe the Fm OK—
You're So-So of life, which has been proved 100 percent effective, let us examine a few of these corrupt self-help
programs that are currently in vogue (and often in Time and Newsweek as well) in order to point out their drawbacks:
* Transatlantic Meditation. The original version was popularized by an Indian mystic and self-made millionaire,
the Maharishi Hershic. (Observers of the youth scene will recall that this was the path of (continued оп page 284)
how to achieve
self-fulfillment through
mental discipline,
positive thinking and a
Jim belief in other
people's mediocrity
round the world, Some say that he, and
others like him, mobilized the nation’s
conscience and ultimately closed down
the war. 1 don't disagree. The girl is a
Gestalt psychologist. She introduces her-
self and says she is insecure in. Haiti. “My
usually precedes me." It's
t Wilbur Wood special, but I
don't swing. She is likable and I have
towering respect for the radical. The
beard is gone, but the eyes remain wild,
messianic. I don't like the way he swims.
He seems to be restless, shifting around
for a new and exciting position. He is a
bit like a rock s
have scattered, whose fame has slipped
away. He says he is going down to the
palace and knock on the gate and ask to
sec young Duvalicr. I respectfully suggest
that he not do that. "They don't know
about guerrilla theater here. They don't
know about put-ons."
We shift to Watergate. “The people
who hate Nixon are really having a ficld
day," he says. Is that the way he’s going
to po? He's going to start loving Nixon?
I pick that one right off, It won't work.
Tt won't send his voice booming round
the world a second time. He needs some-
thing else.
Enter the Greek. Chiseled face, mag-
nificent beard, eyes blazing with Fi
dom, Liberty, Conscience. He's a walking
coin. 1 find out quickly that much of this
Freedom to push his own welfare,
taking Liberties with other men's wives.
"The Greek says he is an artist. a citizen of
the world. He tells me he once had a lit-
tle trouble in Spain. At а bar. he was
overheard shouting that he would like to
shit in Franco's mouth. They threw him
out. T can see he's in the wrong cou
chuckles and says that in Haiti, the cur-
rent technique is to put you in jail and
nge your name and then forget about
vou. You have never existed. Г can sce
that the Greek is going to be a great
deal of trouble. I turn out to be right.
That night, the radical and the Gestalt
psychologist run into the hotel, excited
They report that а sea of Haitians has
just converged on a woman who beat up
her baby and now wants to eat it. Is the
crowd going to eat her before she eats the
by? No one is sure. I have dinner with
the radical and his girlfriend. I tell them
I'd like to read a piece telling what hap-
pened to the Sixties radicals. What hap-
pened to the movement. My new friend
says terrific, he'll write it. I tell him that's
not the one I want to read. It would have
10 be wriuen by an outsider. Someone
lı cold eyes. The m: pi-
geon. The radical feels there is some-
2M thing wrong with eating a bird like that.
HAITI, COODBYE (continued from page 172)
A peaceful bird like a pigeon. “It doesn’t
want to be eaten.” But while he is saying
that, he is eating the pigeon. I don't think
he ought to be doing that. What you
do, I think, if you don't want to eat the
pigcon is send it back and order a cheese-
burger. Or you eat the pigeon
quiet. You don't say the pigeon
want to be eaten while you're ca
come to an easy and cozy conclu:
I don't like myself for it, but Tam stuck
with it: That's what happened to the
movement. Some of the guys ate the
Later, the radical rips off a New York
Times {rom the casino and gives it to me.
и a lovely thing for him to do—the
paper is virtually impossible to find on
the island—and even though it isn't
much to him, he knows how important
the “print media” is to me. I'm even sor-
rier about the pigeon hypothesis, but I
believe it and 1 can't drop it.
I gamble for a while alongside some
Syrians, 1 have a naive belief thar people
gamble according to their national styles.
The Syrians are supercautious at the
blackjack table. A Syrian has a 19, sees
the dealer’s picture staring him in the
face, he doesn't draw. He holds on to
ас he's got, afraid of what may be up.
ahead. This style forces me to be a little
more reckless than I am normally. I pull
to 16s, start pulling to soft 17s. Under
his breath, one Syrian mumbles, each
time I draw, “Ouvert, ouvert.” The cock-
sucker is rooting for me to go bust. Th
makes me even more reckless. 1 feel like
g to 18s and 195. Maybe that’s the
yrian business style. Get you infuriated
so that you move away from your normal
pattern. You break your neck and the
Syrian is there to pick up the pieces.
back to the hotel, at four in
. D see thickets of people
ame under a sour light.
"The driver says they are “the ones who
never sleep.” T tell him they must sleep
sometime. Never, he says. Then the
must die young. No, he says, they never
sleep and they die in their 80s and 90s-
The owner of the hotel and his wile ar-
rive from Key West. I've always wondered
how an American could stay in this coun-
try for long periods of time. The owners
miss Chinese food and that is one reason
they travel to the mainland. I watch the
hotel owner in action. He has a gruff,
cigarsmoking Vegas style and his work
involves dealing with an endless proces-
sion of Haitian officials, high and low
who appear before him with their
hands out. Each time this happens, the
hotel owner looks startled, outraged,
and shouts, "Pourquoi" He fixes cach
solicitor with a long, menacing stare, but
no one gets stared down, No one goes
in extended. He
away and the hands rem:
reaches into a ci
menace, hands over a Haitian bill, as if
to say, "Don't try that again.” But they
do try it again. All he has done is slow
down the process a bit. The bills are
of meager denomination, but they must
add up. That's his work. Handouts all
day Jong and Lord Snowden in the eve-
ning. He can't possibly be in this for
the money.
I am told of a towering gangland fig-
ure who came through with two bod:
guards. It upset him that there was no
air conditioner in his room. The hotel
owner said he knew of a fine hotel down
the road where the visitors could have
three clean suites, each with its own
conditioner, spanking new. He started to
make а call and the racket leader said,
“We stay here.” For a week, through rec-
ord breaking heat, the bodyguards never
removed their jackets. After several days,
the head man said his men would pre-
pare a spaghetti dinner for the guests,
who were to assemble at the pool at si
o'clock, two hours before the regular di
ner hour. The owner had to roam the
island, hunting down spaghetti-s:
gredients. None of the guests assembled
at the appointed hour and the sauce did
not work out. Toward the end of his stay,
the gangster put an arm around the hotel
owner and said, "I have a plan to take
all the goat's milk in Haiti and ship it to
the States to make mozzarella cheese. We
will be partners." "The owner wondered.
about the starving Haitian children, who
need this milk. "You don’t understand
the racket man said. "I have a plan in
which we take all this goat's milk and
what we do is ship it to the States to
make mozzarella cheese. You and 1 will
be mers.’
ow 1 understand,
said the owner.
“Chauvinist dud
The world's most complicated fag
comes running down to the pool. He has
long flowing hair and a С
tache and goatee. He is а grap
Maoist-liberated-activist- d fag
who makes a living in show business. It’s
difficult to know where to start with him.
He has just had a big fight with his room-
mite. He feels they have no business liv-
ing in such luxury and. wants them to
stay in a thatched hut with underprivi-
Ieged Haitians. The roommate appears.
He isa media man who loves the sun. He
has dyed black hair, heavily barbered. No
way you're going to get this fellow into
thatched hut. The complicated fellow
is in a constant state of pique, but I
(continued on page 226)
“The magic has gone out of his carpet, too.”
Best Major Work
Best Essoy
announcing the prize-winning authors and their
contributions judged by our editors to be the past years most outstanding
born creator of the inimitable Harry Flash
man, captures first place with another of his
anthcros adventures in Flashman at the
Charge (April-June), later published in book
form by Alfred A. Knopf. Ex—Assistant U.S.
Attorney for Massachusetts George V. Hig-
gins is runner-up with The Diggers Game
(January-March), also published by Knopf.
Is a Four-Letter Word (January), arguing
that all sexual exploitation is actually а form
of rape, Author-critic Alfred Kazin’s The
Writer as Political Crazy (Jum
ion of the erratic political predilections of
writers such as Ezra Pound, is runner-up.
Best Short Story
Best Article
ANTHONY AUSTIN, who took part in the
in Shanghai during World
War Two, wins first prize for his fictional ac-
count of that event in When the Americans
Came (October). Gore Vidal's gripping Burr:
Portrait of « Dangerous Man (October),
which became part of his new historical
novel, Burr, published in November by Ran-
dom House, is 2 very close runner-up.
1964 and 1971, takes first prize aj
Gone in October (February), a somber recol-
lection of the funeral and last lonely years of
his friend Jack Kerouac. Second prize gocs
to The Day Bobby Blew It (july), Brad
Darrach's vivid account of the maddening
down-to-the-wire efforts to get the irascible
Bobby Fischer on that planc to Iceland.
E AGAIN, friends, for us here at PLAYBOY to retire to our hallowed chambers and choose this year's award
winners. Don't think it's a picnic. Since your basic magazine editor is at best a bit flaky, the task of coming up with
а list of nominces, let alone winn
s, is a yearly trauma. What one of us thinks is a classic collection of bons mots
usually doesn’t quite cut the mayonnaise for another. But that’s Ше, right? Being amiable fellows at heart, we've devised
a civilized method for deciding these matters—fisticuffs. So what you see on these two pages, after weeks of voting,
soul-searching and arm wrestling, is what we, by some miracle, have finally agiced upon as the best material to have
appeared in the magazine this past year. Winners in each category get a grand, runners-up a half, and both get hand-
some silver medallions like the one on the left. Losers get a hearty—but, regrettably, nonnegotiable—handshake.
Best New Contributor (Fiction)
NADINE CORDIMER, whose short stoi
The Conservationist. (Maid
ofa South African farmer's indifference upon
finding а corpse on his property, gets the blue
ribbon, Also new to our pages is Tom Griffin,
ex-copy writer / actor | playwright / theater-
company manager. His Flies, Snakes, Fat
Benny (August)—introducing Benny, a slob
with a wandering spousc—is runner-up.
Best Humor
“STROKER ACE” (who tur
Bob Опит and William Neely) zooms into
first place with a highspeed vernacular ac
count of а “sumbitch” of a stock-car race in /
Lost It in the Second Turn (October), which
Little, Brown published as part of a book
called Stand on ft. Our number-two sidesplit-
ter is Jean Shepherd's Lost at C (May). about
the comeuppance of a scholastic Fak
Best New Contributor (Nonfiction)
ROGER RAPOPORT makes an auspicious
debut with his imvestigative перон ort sume
of the questionable practices of the medical
profession in It’s Enough to Make You Sick
(September). It was. Second place goes to
Laurence Leamer, another new face in our
Playbill, for Twilight for а Baron (May), a
profile of Major William Purviance Tams,
Jast of the West Virginia coal barons.
RIS ace the satire field with a hypothesis
that takes Darwin’s evolution beyond the
World War Eleven stage im The Fallout
Follies (October). Paul Krassmers Thomas
Eagleton Scagull (September), to be included
in a book this winter, and Marshall Brick-
man’s The Celebrated Ponce-Kmitch Match
(April) tie for second place.
not once but three times, and always
as conspicuously as possible. Why? Be
cause he was a tailor. Just as you do be-
cause you run a boutique. You don't
pray? Sensible woman. Why should you
bother your Bon Dieu, if there is a Bon
Dieu, with your pretty ргаше about
things that He knew all about a thou-
sand million years before you were a
twinkle in your mother's eye? My dearest
and most perfect love, you haye told me
everything about Irishwomen that I need
to know. None of you says what you
think. Every one of you means what you
don't say. None of you thinks about what
she is going to do. But every one of you
Knows it to the last dot. You dream like
opium eaters and your eyes are as calm
as resting snow. You are all of you realists
to your bare backsides. Yes, yes, yes, уез,
yes, you will say this is true of all women,
but it is not. It is not even true of French-
women. They may be realists in lots of
things. But in love, they are just as stupi
as all the rest of us. But not Irishwomen!
Or not, I swear it, if they are all like you.
TH prove it to you with a single questioi
Would you. like Mimi, live for the sake
of love in a Paris garret?”
She gravely considered a proposi
that sounded delightfully like a proposal.
“How warm would the garret be?
Would 1 have to die of consumption?
You remember how the poor bohemian
poet had to burn his play to keep them
all from being famished with the cold.”
"Yes" Ferdy laughed. “And as the
fire died away, he said, ‘I always knew
that first act was too damned short.’
But you are dodging my question
I suppose, durling, amy woman's an-
swer to your question would depend on
how much she was in love with whoever
he was. Or wouldn't it2”
Between delight and fury he dragged
her into his arms.
You know perfectly well, you sweet
slut, that what I am asking you is, Do
you love me a lot or a little? A garretful
or a palaceful? Which is it?
ckling, she slid down low in the
settee and smiled up at him between
sleepy-cat eyelashes.
“And you, Ferdy, must know perfect-
ly well that it is pointless to ask any
woman silly questions like that. If some
man 1 loved very much were to ask me,
“Do you love me, Celia? I would na
rally answer, ‘Ni order to make
him love me more. And if it was some
man 1 did not like at all, 1 would natu-
Шу say, ‘Yes, I love you so much I
think we ought to get married,’ in order
to cool him off. Which, Ferdy, do you
want me to say to you?"
Say," he whispered adoringly. “that
you hate me beyond the ninth circle of
Dante's hell."
She made a grave face.
“I'm afraid, Ferdy, the fact is I don't.
(continued from page 192)
like you at all. Not at all! Not one least.
litle bit at all, at all.”
At which lying, laughing, enlacing
and unlacing moment they kissed pneu-
matically and he knew th
women were Celias, then the
mankind were mad ever to have ad-
mired women of any other race.
Their lovemaking was not as he bad.
forcdreamed it. She hurled her clothes
to the four corners of the room, crying
out, "And about time, too! Ferdy, what
the hell have you been foot! ‘ound
p the last six weeks?” Within
five minutes she smashed him into bits.
passion she was more like a lion
a lioness. There was nothing about
her either titillating or erotic, indolent
or indulgent, she was as wild, as animal,
as unrestrained as a forest fire. When,
panting beside her, he recovered
enough breath to speak, he expressed
his surprise that onc so cool, so ladylike
in public could be so different in pri-
vate. She grunted peacefully and
her muted brogue,
aid in
“Ah, shure, durling,
everything changes in the beddaroom
He woke at 3:25 in the morning with
that clear bang so familiar to everybody
who drinks too much after the chimes
at midnight. rose to drink a pint of cold
water, lightly opened his curtains to
survey the predawn May sky and, turn-
ing toward the bed, saw the pallid
street lamp's light fall across her sleep-
ing face, as calm, as soothed, as inno-
cently sated as a baby filled with its
mother's milk. He sat on the side of the
bed looking down at her for a long
time, overcome by the terrifying knowl-
edge that he had, for the first time in
his life, fallen in love
The eastern clouds were growing as
pink as petals while they drank the cof-
fee he had quictly prepared. Over it he
ly gasping whis-
next mecting the following
afternoon—"This afternoon!" he said
joyously—at 3:25 o'clock, henceforth his
Mystic Hour for Love, but only on the
strict proviso that he would not count on.
her unless she had set three red geraniums
n a row on the window sill of her bou-
tique before three o'clock and that she,
for her part, must divine a tragedy if the
ins of his flat were not looped high
20 o'clock. He
when she approached at 3:
could, she knew, have more easily checked
with her by telephone, but also knowing
how romantically, voluptuously, eroti-
cally minded he was, she accepted with
an indulgent amusement what he ob-
viously considered ingenious devices for
increasing the voltage of passion by the
trappings of conspiracy. To herself she
thought, “Poor boy! He's been reading
too many books.”
Between two р.м. and three рм. that
afternoon, she was entertained to sce
him pass her boutique three times in
dark glasses. She cruclly made him pass
a fourth time before, precisely at three
o'clock, she gave him the pleasure of
seeing two white hands with pink fin-
gernails—not, wickedly, her own: her
assistant’s—emerge from under the nct
curtains of her window to arrange three
small scarlet geraniums on the sill. He
must have hastened perfervidly to the
nearest florist to purchase the pink
roses whose petals, when she rang his
bell five cruel moments after his My
Hour, she found tessellating the silk
sheets of his bed. His gramophone,
muted by a bath towel, was murmuring
"Wagner. A joss stick in a brass bowl
stank cloyingly. He had cast а pink silk
head scarf over the bedside lamp. His
dressingtable mirror had been tilted so
that from where they lay they could sce
themselves. Within five minutes he did
not sce, hear nor smell anything, tum-
ig. falling, hurling headlong to con-
usness of her wild laughter at the
image of her bottom mottled all over by
g rose petals. It cost him a
brutal effort to laugh with her, at himself.
All that afternoon he talked only of
flight, divorce and remarriage. To cool
him, she encouraged him. He talked of
it again and again every time they met.
Loving him, she humored him, On the
Wednesday of their third weck as lovers,
they met briefly and chastely, because
her Meehawl was throwing a dinner at
their house that evening for а few of lı
business colleagues previous to flying
ош to. Manchester fof а two-day con-
vention of cutlers. Ferdy at once prom-
ed her to lay in a store of cham
viar, pülé de foie and brioches, so
that they need not stir from their bed
for the whole of those two days.
“Not even once?" she asked coarsely,
and he made a moue of disapproval.
You do not need to be all that reali
tic, Celia!"
Already by 3:15 that Thursday after-
noon, he was shuffling nervously from
window to window. By 3:25 he was
muttering, “I hope she's not poing to be
late." He kept fecling the champagne
to be sure it was not getting too cold. At
3:35 he moaned, “She is late!" At 3:40
he cried out in a jealous fury, glaring
up and down the street, “The slut is
betraying me!” At a quarter to four his
bell rang, he leaped to the door. She
faced him as coldly as a newly
ue of Carrara marble. She rep
his arms. She would not s
door mat. Her eyes were di
“It is Mechawll” she whispered.
“He has found us out?
“Ws the judgment of God on us
“A stroke."
She made a violent, downward swish
Only Christmas is Christmas.
Only VO isVO.
Seagram's WG) The First ous
I remembe: vie Loi EES)
aie ee aac
with the side of her open palm.
Unc attaque? De paralysie:
“He called at the boutique on his
way to the planc. He said goodbye to
me. He walked out to the taxi. I went
into my office to prepare my vanity case
and do peepee before I met you. The
tani dri an in, shouting that he had.
fallen in a fit on the pavement. We
drove him to etysix. That's Saint
Vincent's. The hospital near the comer
of the green. He is conscious. But he
cannot speak. One side of him is p
lyzed. He may not live.”
She turned and went galloping down
the stairs.
His immediate rebound was to roar
curses on all the gods that never wer
Why couldn't the old fool have his
ttack next week? His second thought
was glorious, "He will die, we will get
married." His third made him weep,
"Poor little cabl His fourth
thought was. “The brioches I throw
out, the rest into the fridge.” His fifth,
sixth and seventh were three Scotches
while he rationally considered all her
posible reactions to the brush of the
dark angels wing. Only time, he de-
cided, would tell.
Bur when liars become the slaves of
do but lie like
time, what can time
them? A vat, solidtooking enough for
old wine; it leaks at every stave. A ship.
rigged for the wildest seas; it is rust-
bound to its bollards on the quay. She
said firmly that nothing between uem
could change. He refuted her. Every-
thing had changed, for the better. He
rejoiced when the doctors said their
patient was doomed. After two more
weeks, she reported that the doctors
were impressed by her husband's re-
markable tenacity. He spoke of flight.
She spoke of time. One night as she lay
hot in his arms in his bed, he shouted
triumphantly to the chandelier that
when husbands arc imprisoned, lovers
are free. She demurred, saying that she
could never spend a nigh h him in
her own bed: not with a resident house-
keeper upstairs, He tossed it aside.
What matter where they slept? He
would be happy sleeping with her in
the Phoenix Park. She was furious. She
pointed out that it was raining. "Am I
а seal?” He proffered her champagne.
She confessed the awful truth. This
night was the last night they could be
“While he was dying, a few of his
ess pals used to call on him at the
nursing homc—the place all Dublin
knows as ninety-six. Now that the old
devil is refusing to dic, they refuse to
call on him anymore. 1 his only
faithful visitor. He so bores everybody.
And with his paralyzed mouth, they
don't know what the hell he is saying.
Do you realize, Ferdy, what this mean:
He is riding me like a nightmare. He
rang me four times the day before yes-
terday at the boutique. He rang again
while І was here with you having a
drink. He said whenever I go out |
must leave a number where he can call
me. The night before last, he rang me
at three o'clock in the morning. Thank
God 1 was back in my own bed and not
here with you. He said he was lonely.
Has terrible dreams. The nights are
long. He is frightened. That if he gets
another stroke, he will die. Diirling! I
cannot spend a whole night with you
Ferdy became Napoleon. He took
command of the campaign. He accom-
panied her on her next visit to 96. This,
he discovered, was a luxury (i, Victo-
an) nursing home in Lower Leeson
Lane, where only cardinals died, only
coal fires were in order, where every-
body was presented with a menu from
which to choose his lunch. and dinner.
The carpets were an inch thick. The
only internal sound heard was the Mass
bell tinkling along the corridors early
every morning as the priest went from
room to room with the Eucharist for
the dying faithful. The Irish, Ferdy de-
cided, know how to die. He, knowing
no better, bore with him copies of Le
Canard Enchainé and La Vie Pari
sienne. Celia deftly impounded them.
“Do you want him to die of high blood
pressure? Do you want the nuns to
think he's a queer? A fellow who pre
fers women to drink: ted at one
side of the bed, facing her seated at the
other, he watched her, with her deli-
cate lacetdged handkerchiel (зо disturb-
gly reminiscent of her lace-edged
panties). wiping the unshaven chin of
the dribbling hallidiot on the pillow.
In an unconsumed rage, he lifted his
eyebrows into his hair, surveyed the
moving mass of clouds above Georgian
Dublin, smoothened his already black-
boardsmooth hair, gently touched the
е carnation in his lapel, forced
self to listen calmly to the allbut-
unintelligible sounds dribbling from
the dribbling corner of the twisted
mouth, and agonizingly asked himself by
what unimaginably devious machinery,
and for what indivinable purpose, the
universe had been so arranged since the
beginning of time that this bronze-
capped. pasteleyed. rosy-breasted, round-
Duttocked, exquisite flower of paradise
sitting opposite him should, in the
frst place, have matched and mated
with this slob between them, and the
and then, or rather AND
THEN make it so happen that he, Fer-
dinand Louis Jean-Honoré Clichy, of 9
bis Rue des Dominicains, Nancy, in the
Department of Meurthe et Moselle,
population 123,428, altitude 212 meters,
should happen to discover her in remote
Dublin and fall so utterly into her power
that if he were required at that particular
or rather
second to choose berween becoming am-
bassador to the Court of Saint James for
life and one night alone in bed with her.
he would have at once replied, “Even for
one hour!”
He gathered that the object on the
pillow was addressing him.
"Oh, mosheer! Thacks be to the ever-
cliving and doving Gog I khav mosht
devote clittle wife in all Khlistendom.
2. Га be chlost without her, . . . Ah,
mosheer! If. you ever dehide to marry,
marry an Irikhwoman. . . . Mosht fafe
ful eatures in all exhisht
Would any Frenchwoman atte
pid ole шап «Шке me the way Chelia
Ferdy dosed his eyes. She was ten-
derly dabbing the spittled corners of
the distorted mouth, What happened
next was that a sister took Celia out to
the corridor for a few private words
and that Ferdy at once leaned forward
and whispered to the apparently im-
mortal O'Sullivan, “Monsieur O'Sulli
van, your wife does not look at all well.
1 fear she is wilting under the strain of
“Chistrain!” the idiot said in aston-
ishment. "What chlstrain? Е khlsee no
khlsignch of any chistrain!
Ferdy whispered with a gentle fierce-
ness that when one is gravely ill, one
may sometimes fail to observe the grave
illness of others.
“We have
that if your dittle wife were to collapse
under the chlstr . . . under the strain of
your illness, it would be very scrious,
for you
After that day, the only reason he
agreed to accompany his love on these
to remember, monsieur,
s ended
begging him to take his poor clitde,
cloving clittle, devote сіце pet of a
wife to a movic for a relaxation and а
rest, or for a drink in the Russell, or to
ng races in the park; where-
would both hasten, panting,
the even
idly and tively—swiltly be
cause their time was limited, wildly be-
cause her Irish storms had by now
become Oriental typhoons of rage, and
he had simultaneously become cured of
rose petals, Wagner, dim lights and
pink champagne, and vindictively in
т to declare and crush their humil-
ation at being subject to another m:
n another bed.
Inevitably, the afternoon came—it
was now July—when Ferdy's pride and
nerves cracked. He decided that enough.
was enough. They must escape to frec-
dom. At once.
"Celia! И we have to fly to the end of
the world! It won't really ruin my ca-
reer. My master is most sympathetic. In
fact, since 1 hinted to him that I am in
love with a belle mariée, he does noth-
ing but complain about his wife to me.
And he can't leave her, his career
depends on her, she is the daughter of
a secretary of state for foreign affairs -—
and rich. He tells me that at worst 1
would be moved off to some place like
Los Angeles or Reykjavik. Celia! My
beloved Hower! We could be as happy
as two puppies in a basket in Iceland.
She permitted a measure of Icelandic
silence to create itself and then asked
rellectively if it is ever warm in Iceland,
at which he pounced with a loud
do you mean? What are you asking?
What is really in your m
She said, “Nothing, dürling,” for how
could she dare say that whereas he
could carry his job with him wherever
he went, she, to be with him, would
have to give up her lovely old, friendly
old, silly old boutique on the green
where her friends came to chat over
morning coffee, where she met every
rich tourist who visited Dubiin, where
she made nice money of her own, where
she felt independent and free; just as she
could never hope to make him under-
stand why she simply could not just up
and out and desert her husband,
“But there's nothing to hold you
here! In his condition, you'd be sure to
get custody of the children. Apart from.
the holidays, they coud remain in
school here the year round.”
So he had been thinking it all out.
She stroked his hairy chest.
1 know.
“The man, even at his best, you've ac-
nowledged it yourself, over and over,
fool. He is a muzhik. He is a bore.”
I know!" she groaned. “Who should
better know what a crasher he is? He is
a child. He hasn't had a new idea in his
head for thirty years. There have been
times when I've hated the smell of him.
He reminds me of a hotel ashtray.
"Times when I've wished to God that a
thief would break into the house some
night and kil him. And," at which
point she began то weep on his tum
“I know now that there is only one
“OK, boys—Crawbuck and Moffet go in the back,
Hudson and Comier go up the fire escape, I cover the front
and Flynn, here, goes down the chimne:
thief who will come for him and he is so
busy clcwhere that it will be years be-
fore he catches up with him. And then
I think of the poor bastard in his hospi
tal bed. umab’e to stir, scarcely able to
talk, looking up at his ceiling, inconti-
nent, practically a wetanddlirty case,
with no scissors, no golf, no friends, no
nothing, except me. How can 1 desert
Ferdy clasped his hands behind his
head, stared up at heaven's pure cei ing
and heard her weeping like the sum-
mer rain licking his windowpane. He
created a long Irish silence. He herd
the city whispering. Far away. Farther
away. And then not at all.
And to think,” he said ar last, “th
1 once called you a realis
She considered this. She, too, mo
longer heard the muttering of the city’s
“This is how the world is made,
e meanwhile be
beloved Meehawl with me?
“I know that there's not one of
those bitches who wouldn't give her
left breast to be where I am at this
They got out of bed and began to
ing your
nd, also meanwhile, I presume you
do not know that they have a snotty
name for you?"
“What пате?"
е back for the knife.
[hey call you The Diplomatic Hack.”
For five minutes, neither of them
While he was stuffing bis shirt into
his trousers and she, dressed fully ex-
cept for her frock, was patting her
penny-brown hair into place before his
mirror, he said to her, “Furthermore, I
suppose you do realize that whether I
like it or not, I shall one day be shifted
to some other city in some other coun-
What would you do then? For once
in your life, tell me the plain truth!
Just to bring you to the crunch, What
would you do the
She turned, comb in hand, lcuncd
her behind against his dressing tb'e
and looked him straight in the fly, which
he was still zipping.
“Die,” she said flatly.
“That,” he said coldly, “is a manner
of speech. Even so, would you consider
it an adequate conclusion 10 a love that
we have so often said is forever?”
They were now side by side in the
mirror, she tending her brown hair, he
his black, like any long-married couple.
She smiled a little sadly.
“Forever? Durling, docs love know
that lovely word? You love me. I know
it. 1 love you. You know it. We will al-
ays know it. People die, but if you
1 she turned her
have ever loved them, they are never
gone. Apples fall from the tree, but the
tree never forgets its blossoms. Bur
marriage is different. You remember
the day he advised you that if you ever
marry, you should marry an Irishwoman.
Don't, Ferdy! If you do, she will stick to
you forever. And you wouldn't really
want that." She lifted her frock from the.
back of a chair and stepped into
me up, dürling, will you? Even my
husband. There must have been a time
when T thought him attractive. We used
to sail together. Play tennis together. He
was very good at it, Alter all, I gave him
two children. W They'll be
home for the holidays soon. АП I hive
left for him now is contempt and com-
he went to the window,
button! flowered waistc
remembered from his café d
dent a ruffle of aphorisms about love
and marii; Marri: begins only
when love ends. Love opens the door to
marriage and qui als away. I
faut toujours s'appuyer sur les prin-
сірех de lamour—ils finissent. par en
céder. What would she say to that? Lean
heavily on the principles of love—
they will always crumple in the end.
Marriage bestows on love the tender
ness due to a parting guest. Every af-
faire de coeur ends as a mariage de
ed to her,
his hat. She was peeking into her hand-
bag, checking her purse for her keys
and her lace hı
her gloves, giving a last. glance.
hat. One of the things he liked about
her was t
t she alwa
he said. quietly “Oh, 1 don't
pout loving me. I have no doubt
about you on that score. But when you
persuade yourself that you can't leave
him because you feel compassion for
him, that is just your selfexcuse for
continuing a marriage that has its evi
dent advantages."
She smiled lovingly at him.
"Will you ring me tomorrow, dür-
“OF course.”
nuil tomorrow, di
As usual, he let her go first.
That afternoon was some two years
ago. Nine months after it, he was tran:
ferred to Brussels. As often as he could
ngle special leave of absence, and she
could get a relative to stay for а week
with her bedridden husband, now back
in his own house, they would fly to
Paris or London to be together agai
He would always ask solicitously after
her husband's health, and she would
“May I remind you, son, that when
you attack religion, you set yourself
against morality. against honorable tradition, against
scholarship and against the only thing that
stops you from becoming a curry.”
always sigh and say his doctors had
assured her that “he will live forever.”
Once, in Paris, passing a church, he, for
some reason, asked her if she ever went
10 confession. Sle waved the question
with a laugh, but later that after-
noon he returned to it pertinaciously.
"Yes. Once a yi
“Do you tell your priest abos
“Lell him that my husband is bed-
nin love with another
n. That we make love. And that I
nor give you up. As T can't. dürling."
“And what docs he say to th;
"They all say the same. That it is an
impasse. Only one dear oll Jesuit give
n of hope. He said that if I
d pray to God that my hus-
band might die.”
“And have you so prayed?"
“Diirling, why should 12" she asked
gaily, as she stroked the curly hair be-
tween his two pink buttons. “As you
once pointed out to me yoursc'f, all this
was foreknown millions of ye n
He gazed at the ceiling. In her place,
unbeliever though he was. he would,
з ago
for loves sake, have prayed with pas
sion. Not that she had said directly that.
she had not. Maybe she had. Two ev:
sions in one sentence! It was all more
than flesh and blood could bear. It
the hish variation all over ag
Never let your left ass know what your
t ass is doing. He decided to give
her one more twirl. When he got home,
he wrote tenderly to her, “You are the
Iove of my lile!
He could hear her
“And me, 100, darling’
What she actually replied w
1 know i
months later, he had maneuvered
himself imo the consular service and
out of Europe. to Los Angeles. He
there consoled his broken heart with
a handsome creature named Rosie
ionate avowal,
O'Connor. Quized about his parti
the Irish, he could only flap h
ds and say, “I don't know. They
awful liars, There isn't a grain of
romance in them. And they are such
faithless creatures.
RALPH BAKSHI drawing power
“YoU CAN'T WALK AROUND unshaven in California," says onc of
its new residents, animated-film maker Ralph Bakshi. “In New
York, I used to put on a dirty shirt and visit the Bowery. It was
great, But here, everybody's so clean. It’s ridiculous." He's glad
to be in California anyway, because that's where people who
make movies live and the 32-year-old Bakshi has just finished
his second, Heavy Traffic, the semiautobiographical story of a
shy cartoonist in the New York slums, whose world is filled with
dog-faced drag queens, legless bar bouncers and violent visions
ing through space—the stuff of ghetto nightmares. “They
were my nightmares, And I held back, if you want to know the
truth. T was pretty conservative in deciding to show what I did.”
Before Traffic, Bakshi did Fritz the Cat, billed as the first X-
rated cartoon and a film that proved to be both a break and a
curse for him. "Fritz was a hit, but I went six months without a
picture afterward, because everybody wanted me to do another
Fritz. I could have spent the rest of my life drawing animals
fucking.” He leaned animation at CBS Terrytoons, his first
job after high school, then moved to head Paramount's cartoon
studio. After six months, he was so bored he quit. “Everyone
was limited in his thinking about animation, I wanted to show
that animation can compete with live action in fulllength
films.” He finally met someone who listened, producer Steve
Krantz, with whom he collaborated on Fritz and Troffic, and
the rest is recent history. Now Bakshi has his own company and
is immersed in his next project. “It’s called Coon Skin and it's
a white man looking at black people and saying, ‘Wow! Look
what the fuck we did to them." " After that, he hopes to work
with “a major writer to animate an original work, Something
really significant. "There's no reason why something as impor-
tant as War and Peace couldn't be done with animation.
Given his talent and the scope of his ambition, it looks as if
Bakshi will be spending a lot of time at his new drawing board.
монд. MAUNEY
KEEPING TRACK of racecar drivers is like watching rabbits—
every time you look, there's a new one. Yet once in a while, a
driver will varoom past all the rest with such consistency that
even the experts start bet
were on a young South
after a steady wave of
ag on him. This past season, the odds
African named Jody Scheckter. At 23,
mpressive Formula 5000 wins, he had
been dubbed fastest rookie on the road by people who know
what's fast—pcople like Enzo Ferrari, Jackie Stewart and Brian
Redman, Starting in his father's garage in East London, South
Africa, at the age of ten, Scheckter has raced everything from
gocarts to stock cars, He soon became the Junior Johnson
of his native country, where stock-car racing still has the
backwoodsy flavor of the early fairground-circuit days in
America. “I got my style—or rather my lack of it—from
stock-car racing," says Scheckter, “where it really ain't racin’ if
you don't crack into "em." Scheckter doesn't crack into them
anymore, but he does have a remarkable way of careening side-
ways around tricky turns without killing himself. “People say
it looks dangerous and way out of control,” he says, “but
actually, it's completely controlled and very natural. Other
wise, I'd lose time.” Until Scheckter's arrival, Formula 5000
racing was not exactly a spotlight event. Begun in 1967,
it features slightly slower versions of the Grand Prix cars.
Scheckter, who locked up the L&M Championship at Pocono
Raceway, Pennsylvania, in the eighth race of the season, scored
his most impressive victory at Watkins Glen, New York, where
he won in а car he wasn't used to driving, breaking Jackie
Stewart's Grand Prix track record in the process. was
nervous at first.” Scheckter admits, “but the new car was
really very good." In fact, Scheckter has managed to break
course records on most of the tracks he's raced. “It went well
this past season,” he says, “so we'll give a go at the Grand Prix
in 1974 and see what happens." Fasten your scat belts, world.
i :
DR. JOHN good for what ails you
HE WAKES UP after nine rast., rides over to the gig with his road
manager and walks slowly, anonymously up the back stairs to
the dressing room. While his sidemen don their surreal finery—
grass skirts, top hats, etc—he garbs himself in chamois, adds a
staggering number of amulets and charms (“People give me this
stuff that they think I like"), wraps a snakeskin around his
head, tops that off with a feather headdress and—while make-up
is applicd to his face by a San Francisco Cockette who's been
flown in for that purpose—talks to reporters in a remote but
kindly way: Yes, he's really into voodoo; no, he didn't “create”
the Dr. John character, it created him. Out front, the band
gets the packed house rocking with a classic New Orleans r&b
tune; when the doctor and his two girl singers appear, tossing
glitter into the crowd, the kids are ready for an orgiastic rock
show—and that's just what they get. Most of them don't know,
of course, that Dr. John—real name, Malcolm Rebennack, Jr.
was born 82 years ago in New Orleans, where his father ran an
appliance business and sold records: that he was an A&R n
for Ace Records by the time he was 17; nor that he wound up
in Hollywood playing on sessions for Sonny and Chér before
he decided, in 1968, to do his own thing and came out with the
first Dr. John LP, a midnight ramble through the folklore of
south Louisiana, with Creole thythms, dolorous voodoo chant
ing, trippy lyrics that were part put-on, and his own one-oLa-
kind voice (“I figured that if what Sonny and Chér did could
be considered singin’, then what I did could be considered
singin’, too”). He quickly acquired a small but devoted follow-
ing, yet he didn’t hit the top-ten jack pot until he went into
the studio to record Right Place, Wrong Time with pianist-
producer Allen Toussaint. Now Dr. John’s a genuine star. He'll
bc happier, though, if he can help bring back some of the
Crescent City rock giants who taught. him his stull—old-timers
like Professor Longhair and Fats Domino, We'd be happy, too.
a ‚т чы
HAITI, COODBYE „оп page 211)
notice that they stay at the hotel. To my
knowledge, they never make it to that
thatched hut.
The Greck has been losing his friends.
He seemed to have a great many at first,
but they are dropping away, He looks at
me with a certain longing. He holds his
upper abdomen a lot and I find out he
has an ulcer condition that’s in high
gear. He has fainted а few times and
there is а girl at the hospital who gives
im shots to keep the ulecr under con-
wol. It isn't really under control. He is
not supposed to do this, of course, but he
drinks brandy around the clock and
smokes six packs of cigarettes a day. He
says to me: "I have a story to tell you, bi
1 can't tell it while I'm in this country
1 tell him not to say he’s got a story but
that he can't tell it. That's no usc to any-
one. It's called jerking someone off. He
lets that go down. And 1 have a feeling
Till be hearing from him again.
Iam in Haiti for a rest, but I am not
much of a rester. As soon as 1 feel rested,
Im finished resting. I can't imagine
doing any resting for the future. I have
to get away from the hotel and look
around. I buy a Haitian primitive paint-
ing and I am delighted to learn that the
artist is 82. I look at some cameras. There
is a great to-do about a new Minolta that
can take pictures around corners. They
can't understand why I don't want. one.
You'll get a Watergate,” one says. I head
for a place called Kenscoff, in the moun-
tains, stop off for a bite and wind up hav-
ing the most magnificent meal of the
trip. Or any trip. It costs $20 just to get
to this restaurant and 1 appear to be the
only customer of the day. Possibly the
month. It is not an ideal location for a
gourmet restaurant and I deduce that the
host is a poor planner.
1 never get to Kenscoff. I do make it to
Duvzlicr's grave. I've heard that ten men
with submachine guns guard it night and
day. It is inlaid with hundreds of thou-
sands of dollars in gem stones. The crypt
is neat, handsomely marbled, smaller
than those of other dead Haitians. A lit-
tle vaciuon home. Of the ten guards, five
are military slick, the other five are
sleepy and sit on chairs, dozing, with
guns in their laps. I worry about these
sleepy ones. There is an eternal fire in
front of the crypt and I flirt with the no-
tion of lighting my cigar on it, but I don’t
proceed to do so. This is 2 good caper sit-
uation. Steve McQueen and a small band
ripping off Duvalier’s grave. On second
thought, it's not that good. On the way
back, each time we stop for a light, crip-
ples and blind people are presented to
me by their children or friends, as
though for comment. As h one is
shoved forward, the presenter steps to
“Atkins, I'd like you to resign for reasons of
ill health. You make me sick."
the side with a flourish, as if to sa
“What do you think of that?” We pass a
square where there is а giant picture of
the dead Duvalicr and a banner that
Says, L'IDOLE DES PEUPLES. I recall an argu-
ment at the hotel in which a Haitian i
sisted that the banner said, “Duvalier,
hero of the people." He was incorrect.
T've had enough. It is Thursday and I
plan to leave Friday. The Greek is up to
eight packs of cigarettes a day and is
drinking shots of rum along with hi
brandy and black collec. As I understand
it, this is poor ulcer therapy. Hc is living
under a very real cloud, but I notice that
he has managed to pick off the wife of a
vacationing Midwestern ecologist. He
has made a loud public announcement to
this effect at the pool, describing the se-
duction in detail. So he is not the world’s
most attractive fellow; but in spite of
this, 1 don't like to sce him in such cond
tion. He takes me aside and attempts to
tell me his story. Before he begins, he ges-
tures toward а man in an open-collared
sport shirt who is sitting ten steps away,
on a barstool. І realize that he goes with
the Greek. Whenever the Greck moves,
this fellow follows him, ten steps away.
No sunglasses, No apparent weapon in
his slacks. This is the new Haiti. єр
that he is always there.
‘The Greek whispers his story to me.
When he is finished. 1 wait to be envel-
oped by a sense of outrage. This does
not happen. Here is his story:
A group of wealthy Haitians hired him
to give “order, suructure and technique"
to Haitian art. His way of going about it
was to start a kind of commune, bringing
together ten of the country’s most prom-
ising artists and, in some cases, their
wives and girlfriends, "They lived with
the Greek, ate with him, slept at his
house and used his equipment. The ar
Yangement was that the art produced
would stay within the group, until five
yeas had passed, at which ti
thought would be given to its commercial
use. And there would be a division of the
profits. The Haitians turned up one day
with a lawyer (someone with a badge
that said Lawyer) and said they wanted
their work returned, they were backing
out. The Greek said, “Take it," and
stepped out onto the terrace, wondering
how they were going to take 40 percent
of cach canvas. The artists took 250
vases, slashed a painting of the Greck's
nd took the supplies he had brought to
the country. While they were doing this,
the Greek’s adopted ten-year-old Haitian
of the artists on the knee and
ted. later, the Greck dis-
covered that $5000 in cash, hidden in his
underwear, was gone, too. He called an
official in the government, who told him
to leave Haiti as quickly as possible. He
asked the owner of the hotel what to do
d received the same advice. When he
made arrangements to leave the country,
he found that his papers were “not
in order.”
So the story docs not outrage me. I
have seen the Greek in action. Its possi-
ble the deal he made with the Haitians
was highway robbery. Taking your wile
or girlfriend to live in the Greek’s house
is not intelligent. His predicament is
hardly a cause célóbre and the Creek is
not Central Casting in the here depart-
ment. Still, heroes are in short supply
these days, And T don't like the biting
episode, 1 don’t think they should have
taken the $5000. Once again. it's not the
Dreyfus case, but I don’t like the shadow
assigned to him. I don't think they
should advise him to leave the country
and then not let him out. The ulcer, the
terror in his face are unmistakable. Its
not pretty to watch. The Greek says he
will go to the airport with me the next
day, pretending that everything is all
right. T picture a scene in which I'm let
through the gate and the Greek is seized.
screaming for help. What do I do then?
I'm not looking forward to it
The Greek is amazing. In the middle
of this squeeze play, his eyes socketed
with borh ulcer pain and the fear of Hai-
tian prisons, he takes time out for a nude
swim with the ecologist's wife. Before he
jumps into the pool. he covers his geni
I call him on that. Gencrally. he is
having some trouble being sexy. He муз
he's been told not to go near the airport
on Friday. To stay where he is. In Haiti.
So T don't have to worry about t
port scene.
The Greek takes me to his villa and
shows me his paintings. They are being
put onto rolls, some of which will be
handed over to the "bare-ass" salesman,
for sale in the States. The Greek is
working very quickly. He is proud of
some giant surrealist canvases; they sccm
derivative to me. There is a group he dit
in Paris, in the early Sixties, that are mar-
velous, soulful, lonplegged girls with
great exploding thighs. ‘The Greek hi
repudiated these, T take a swim at the
hotel and when 1 am finished, 1 notice
that my contact lenses are missing. Tve
put them in their container, in the same
place, six nights in a row, and now they
are gone. Any other place in the world, 1
would dismiss the possibility that some.
one h п fucking around. But we're
in Haiti. The Greek is very hot. And I'm
who goes near him. So I get
nd 1 am impossible to deal
with ший I leave. That night, the Gree!
knocks on my door, puffing at a cigarette
as if it’s his life line, and asks me if ГА
like 10 take the Ohio ladies to the whore-
house. I tell him I don’t want to do that.
And that isn't all I tell hi
1 am happy to be leaving. I say good
bye to a few people at the pool and then
I come to the Greek. A good question to
ask is how come they are persecuting
him. He is not a. political type. What
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good is it going to do? The Greek an-
swers this for me. He says he has used his
last trump card, a friend in high H.
circles, who has promised to come to the
hotel and square things for him. But the
friend never shows up. And he can’t be
reached on the phone. “Maybe he got
lost in trathe,” I suggest.
The Greek says: " don't understand
the man. I know his wife. I know his mis-
tress. We all made love together. 1 made
beautiful love to his mistress.” So I guess
the answer lies in this area. The Greek
asks me to give him a book. I hand over
my copy of The Digger's Game, which I
liked a lot and wanted to keep. He gives
me a “soul” handshake, which I have
trouble dealing with, He asks for my
number in the States and says 1 should
I don't hear from
I'm not sure I
ta few days and
him-—blow tie whistle.
have а whistle to blow. I try to leave, but.
he won't let go of my hand. Thave a great
deal of trouble getting away from him,
1 go to the airport with the salesn
In the car, I wonder aloud if the Greek is
going to get out. He is a Greek citizen,
but 1 don’t imagine the colonels are
going to be cager to help. The salesman
taps me on the shoulder and gestures
ver. I get the idea and Tam
quiet. 1 am very happy when the wheels
of the plane leave the ground.
I wait until the weekend goes by. Then
Moni nd Tuesday. Late Tuesday, I
get a call from Paris. Collect. It’s the
Greek. He has gotten out, traveled
through Guadeloupe and then on to
ance. What he did was go to the airport.
as though everything were in order. A
lectured him there,
ye you'll conduct yourself
| the future; then ducking
over and whispe “Is two hundred
in cash to leave.” The Greek paid up. He
said it was marvelous once again to be
breathing the cl
would I please
air of freedom and
Ik up his su t can-
ses in art circles, so that he could sell
them for huge prices.
Long before the Greek calls, 1 decide
not to go back to Haiti. It is not exactly
a moral judgment. People from the land
of Watergate don't get to make those for
a while. Its just that I've been there
twice. 1 know what's there, And at the
moment, it's not for me.
“We could newer work ii out,
Howard. I'm a highly conscious, liberated person,
and anyhow, I hate your wee-wee!”
(continued from page 113)
or just plain ambiguous but never, never
ive. After all, there's no sense worry
bout things before they happer
ight? Wrong! We've been pampered and
coddled long enough. It’s time for our
astrologers to мор pussyfooting through
our futures and tell us the cold, cruel facts.
as they stand. We don't w
scopes to sound like
Peale baccalaureate address, do we? Of
course not. So here, for the first time
nywhere, PLAYBOY's team of crack
uologers presents the unsoftened, u
purgated truth about jour future.
March 21-Apri
With the entrance of Pluto into Can-
cer, you begin the happiest period of
your entire life. Get ready for it, y
lucky ram, because it's going to last only
three minutes—and if our stars are right.
you'll probably be asleep when it occurs.
Our advice to you: Stay awake all month.
April 21-May 21
As a Taurus, you are basically a trust-
ing fellow. You are also quite dense most
of the ume. Although it is of the utmost.
importance to you not to appear para-
noid, keep your antennae up this month.
Pcople may be plot
nce, why do your hisper
and giggle when they pass you on the
street? And how come your girlfriend
keeps trying to get you interested in sky
And have you ever stopped 10
мей those Claymore Mines
1 yos
ends wi
think who pl
Check on these things t, subtle
manner this montli
bodys feelin
don't be |
nays people.
Beware: A terrible, terrible fate awaits
you at the close of this month. Your
knowledge of this celestial fact will tor-
ment you, causing you to lose sleep, ap-
petite and friends. You will fall into a
deep depression, tics and twitches will
develop, your voice will crack and your
hands will shake. Since your demeanor is
portant to your occupation, you will
lose many clients, go into debt and send
your family on а long trip. At the end
of the month, anxiety, lone
and depression will become unbe:
and you will kill yourself. You rea
here first.
] Venus is the
d this month it will
As you'd better г
planet of memory,
he in perfect opposition to your full
moon. This means a sizable portion of
your memory will go on the fritz. Here
are some of the things you'll probably
forget this month: your native language,
your boss's last name and profession, this
forecast, the difference between an auto-
mobile and a laxative, how to use your
left foot, and the Alamo. If you're smart,
you'll lock yourself into a hospital room
for the duration. But since you're a Can-
cer, you're not smart.
July 23-August 23
This month, with Pluto in conjunction
with a hall-moon, the essence of your
true Leo personality will emerge. Let's
at cool facade lis a
boring, clumsy, stupid, hideous excuse
for a Besides that, you
have a miserable disposition, a demented
outlook on life and an oppressive odor.
But don't despair—life is only skin-decp.
Just because you're a total reject in every
conceivable way doesn't mean you
should be unhappy. It means you should
be suicidal But suicide is not in your
stars, so you'll just have to be content
with being unhappy.
August 24-September 23
Jupiter is in opposition to Saturn,
which means that this is your big month
for overcoming fantastic odds. Take
stock of this once: ime opportuni-
ty. If you bet on the horses or play the
lottery, you will undoubtedly clean up
this month, despite scemingly impossible
odds. This will make you very, very
happy. So happy, in fact, that you wil
forget the negative aspects of your good
fortune and as you are about to collect
your winnings, a great meteorite will fall
to Earth. Guess who it will hit.
September 24-October 23
Your sun is about to enter your fifth
house with your new moon in opposition
to Mercury and this indicates a slight.
change in your life style. As a result, you
will shed your buuondown shirts, your
conservative ties and Bass Weejuns and
give up your lucrative nine-to-five office
job in the city to become a cave dweller
and wandering sage ‚ New Jer-
sey, where you will achieve enlightenment
through a serics of lengthy philosophical
dialogs with an empty oyster shell. After
reaching a state of higher consciousness,
you will announce to the world that you
are the Messiah and contract infectious
November 22
"This month your sun will be entering
your 11th house, while the full moon is
in direct opposition to Mercury. Also, a
October 2
“Have you ever had a tune running through your head
and you just can't get rid of ii?”
parallax relationship will be set up be-
tween Saturn and Mars. This can mean
one of two things: Either absolutely
nothing will happen to you this month
or you will die.
November 23-December 21
You Sag ns are sensitive, romantic
souls constantly in search of true love.
The girl of your dreams is out there
somewhere and all you have to do is find
her. This month, skyrockets will go off,
bells will ring, waves will crash against
diffs! Unfortunately, these are everyday
occurrences and have nothing to do with
your love life, which will be the same as
December 22-January 20
As a Capricorn, you were born under
the sign of the goat. This explains your
lousy cating habits. Fried foods, greasy
foods, rich foods and fatty foods are your
idea of paradise, Unfortunately, they are
not your hearts idea of paradise and
pretty soon you're going to regret the dis-
gusting way you've been filling your face
with garbage. This month, your body
will begin to rebel. So be sensitive to sub-
tle changes in your bodily functions—
such as your heart stopping.
January 21-February 19
At this point in time, many cydes will
be completed. In other words, all the
honest, rotten, lousy things you
thought you got away with once will be
catching up with you. For instance, re-
member that tax form you filed in 8?
Your accountant kept saying it was a big,
big mistake and you'd regret it one day?
Well, this is the day, No sense in trying to
cover it up, either. The fact that you
bungled it is unimpeachable. Tough
break. Who knows, maybe you'll get to
like prison. Aquarians are able to adapt
to almost any change in atmosphere.
February 20-March 20
Guess what, sport? The powers of the
cosmos, in their inimitable wisdom and
inscrutable hindsight, are really going to
fix your wagon this month. Why? you
may wonder. Why not? Since your sun is
about to enter your seventh house, you
will lose the pow
munication, the little bit you had, any-
way. Your conversation will be composed
solely of mom sequiturs. For instance,
when your boss says, “Good morning,”
you will answer, “Ihe Kaiser
When your scerctary asks,
your reply will be, “Damn the potatoes.
Full speed ahead.” And so on. Eventually,
your family will put you in a home, But
don't feel too bad—being a Pisces, this
will fulfill your desire to be committed to
Reactivated prosecutor Dewey moved
into special quarters early in 1935. Work-
g slowly and carefully with a staff of
bright young attorneys and investigators,
he began accumulating evidence. Schulz
was of no special interest initially, be-
cause the Federal Goverment had him.
But once he was acquitted in Malone,
Dewey publicly announced that Schultz
was his prime target. The rumor spread
that Dewey was set to indict Schultz in
connection with the restaurant rackets
and that this case would be unbeatable.
But there was another rumor, as well.
Dewey, it was whispered. was gathering
evidence that would put Schultz in the
Sing Sing electric chair for the 1935 mur-
der of one Jules Modgilewsky. sometimes
called Jules Martin or Modgilewsky the
Commissar, one of Schulizs restaurant
jıforcers with whom he had had i
out. (A few years Inter, Schultz's some-
time lawyer, close advisor and confidant,
J * Davis. then on trial
for crimes growing out of the association,
told the full story of that snowy March
g near Albany, how Schultz, with
Davis watching, had pulled a gun in a
hotel room and killed Modgilewsky on
the spot.)
As the rumors spread, Schultz's under-
world friends worried considerably. И
Schultz were convicted and confronted
with а long stretch nitentiary,
ild he take some of his friends with
him in trade for a reduced sentenc
would he, if acq iin, declare total
to recover his empire? E
to everyone
To make things worse, Schultz also wi
ng the need to kill Dewey. pro-
claiming with nearsighted logic that Dew-
суз demise would solve his immediate
problems and the future problems of
others. Schultz even had a plan for the
assassination and he turned to Albert
Anastasia for help, asking Anastasia to
stake out Dewey's Fifth Avenue apart-
ment to see how easy it would be to get
to him. Anastasia obediently did just
that, but he did more. Concerned about
the reaction of his friends at the top of
the organization, he discussed the Schultz
proposal with such rising voung aides as
Carlo Gambino, who did not take kindly
to the idea of a hit on a prosecutor and
convinced Anastasia to carry word of the
Schulz plot to Luciano and the other
leaders of the Combination. Such news
was upsetting, indeed, coming so soon
alter the Syndicate had established firm
rules against the killing of public ollicials
and newspapermen, There was only one
recourse. Schultz had to go, and the con-
tract was given to the Lepke-Anastasia
enforcement arm of the Syndicate. One
of the top killers in the outht, Charlie
230 “The Bug” Workman, a longtime Gar-
THE WERT 9 ОМ ког» кет)
ment District enforcer, was given per-
sonal responsibility for the job.
On October 23, 1935, Schultz went to
a favorite hangout, the
House and Tavern, i
him in a back room were two bodyguards,
Abe Landau and Bernard “Lulu” Rosen-
krantz, and the wizard of the numbers,
Otto "Abbadabba" Berman. Late in the
evening, Schultz left the table to go to the
men’s room. As he closed the door behind
him, the front door of the Palace opened
nd Workman and another killer entered.
On their way to the back room, one of
them opened the men'sroom door and
shot the n
fired at the men
1 at the urinal while the other
п the back room. А
quick survey identified Landau, Rosen-
Krantz and Berman, but no Schulu. Then
the killers went back to the toilet. There
was the Dutchman—the first man they'd
shot. simply as a precaution against an
attack from behind.
Schultz lingered until the ne
received the last rites of the Catholic
Church and issued а long and deliri
ous soliloquy with such admonitions as.
"Mother is the best bet and don't let
Satan draw you too fast.” Then he was
gone. Six years later, Workman was
rested and tried for the murder. In the
middle of the trial, he suddenly pleaded
guilty and was sentenced to life in prison.
(In 1961, he was paroled and returned to
New York, a shy, quiet man. When last
heard of. he had become sales-
man in the Garment District he had tcr-
rorized so many years before.)
Upon the Dutchman's death, the de-
led records he had kept in his miserly
concern over every penny spent fell into
the hands of the authorities, Dewey would
use them and other evidence to prosecute
the underworkd's political allies, In the
next four years, he managed to snare
Davis, and then used him as a witness to
ad the biggest Tammany tiger of them
Il, Jimmy Hines, who ended up in Sing
Sing for four years.
Moving against Hines and the political
hacks of Tammany Hall was only one
facet of the Dewey campaign that would
put him in the district
the governor's mansion and, twice, on
the campaign trail for the White House.
Once Schultz was gone, the next target
of the special prosecutor was the chair-
man of the n ıl crime Syndicate,
Charlie Lucky. For years, Luciano had
followed the examples of Torrio, Lansky
and Costello and had lived quietly ac-
g to the principle out of sight, out
d. Most of his troubles with the
law had come carly in his career. Twice
he was deeply involved in narcotics, and
that stigma would remain with him the
rest of his life. In 1916, he had been ar-
rested as a runner and sent to a prison
farm. In 1993, he was arrested again by
Federal narcotics agents, who trapped
him with heroin in his pocket. He ma-
neuvered his way out of trouble that
time by directing the agents, in exchange
for dismissal of charges, to a large cache
of heroin in a trunk hidden in a bas
ment closet on Mulberry Street in Little
Italy. But from that time on. he remained
clean, or as clean as a rising underworld
'erlord could ever be, his record dotted
with arrests only for traffic violations, con-
cealed weapons and bootleg counts, all
of which were dismissed or nulled w
small fines.
Even alter the murders of С
fasseria and Salvatore М.
the most powerful underworld lead-
er in the nation, Luciano ren
lowy and slightly sinister figure
whom much was whispered and little was
known. He was seen with beautiful sho
girls, most often with the dancer Gay
Orlova, making the rounds of the best
town spcitk-casies. He enjoyed the
best seais at major sporting events. Un-
like most of his underworld associates. he
never married, opting instead for а no-
madic existence in the best hotels. from
the Barbizon Plaza to the Waldorf Tow-
ers. His reputation was that of a sports-
man, gambler. bootlegger, whose private
cliems inhabited society's upper strata
and who often invited him to their golf
clubs and panties.
Luciano had a growing reputation as
one of the major underworld powers,
but the true ез uence w:
zed until he was singled out
dia. As soon as he took ollice,
La Guardia denounced Luciano as the
city's leading hoodlum and ordercd his
rest. He was, in fact, picked up by
friendly cops but promptly released, be-
cause there were no charges on which he
could be held. If nothing else, the arrest
sed the kind of publicity La Guardia
craved and Luciano detested.
After La Guardia's attack, Luciano be-
came for New Yorkers something more
than just another mobster, and after the
murder of Schultz, he found himself in
the middle of the spotlight. Dewey pro-
moted him to the top of the list of those
he was determined 10 send away. But it
was no simple matter for the boy prose-
cutor to nail the underworld's be
chairman, Unlike Schulz, Luc
maverick, run
tion man, a model corpo
The Italian underworld, the U
Siciliana or the Mafia, for want of a bet-
ter name, had been restructured under
his command—for though theoret
he ruled but a single family, it
that all the families looked for guidance.
By the mid-Thirties, there were many
strata of managers between Luciano and
the actual commission of crimes. Maybe
Luciano gave the orders from his head-
quarters at the Waldorf Towers, in the
Claridge Hotel, in a small midtown office
on Broadway, in the back rooms of a
dozen inconspicuous restaurants
like the dictates of any corporate execu-
tive, they filtered down through the chai,
of command before they were executed
To tie Luciano directly to any racket or
crime seemed almost impossible.
The deeper Dewey's staff dug into the
various rackets, from protection to num-
bers and all the rest in which they knew
Luciano to be involved, the more hope
less the task seemed. Charlie Lucky had
covered himself well.
As ome promising investigation after
another collapsed. а sense of frustration
filled the special prosecutor's office. But
late in 1935. one area began to show
promi i t Attorney. Fu-
nice Carter had been given the thankless
job by District Attorney Dodge of prose-
cuting the endless parade of whores
picked up in the brothels and on the
streets of Manhattan. Though she won
few convictions—the magistrates’ courts,
where such trials were held. were per-
haps the most corrupt in the city—Mrs.
Carter observed some rather striking co-
incidences. On the witness stand. most
of the prostitutes told almost identi
stories, how they were poor working girls
from out of town who just happened to
be visiting а friend when arrested: they
were all represented by the sime law
firms; if they were fined, the same bonds-
men appeared with the money; and hov-
cring in the background was always the
same disbarred lawyer, Abe Karp, who
was known to have close contacts in the
underworld. Soon Mrs. Carter decided
she was dealing not with freelance pur-
veyors of joyless sex but with a huge and
tightly controlled organization. She took
her suspicions to Dodge, who ridiculed
them. But down the street at Dewey's of-
fice, she found a receptive audience.
Dewey hired her away from Dodge
put her to work with two of his bı
young attorneys, Sol Gelb and Murray
young y ў ау
п (now a United States District
Judge in New York), who soon confir
that the whores were, ii
Wherever they looked. the
kept reappearing: Ralph “The P
Liguori, a smalltime punk who controlled
scores of prostitutes and wielded more
power than his reputation indicted; Ben-
ny Spiller. a loan shark who supplied
money for defense and fines; Tommy
“The Bull" Pennochio, a man with a rep-
utation for at least some financial acu-
men, to whom much of the prostitution
money appeared to flow; and a middle
level organization hoodlum named David
“Liule Davie” Betillo. For Dewey, Be-
tillo was the key; he was known to be a
member of the Luciano organization,
though exactly how high up nobody
was certai
More and more Dewey staff members
were assigned to the investigation. There
scemed no doubt that а vast prostitution
ring had been uncovered—Dewey would
later estimate that it controlled 200
brothels throughout the city, employed
1000 prostitutes and grossed more than
$12,000,000 annually. What the investiga-
tors were determined to prove was that
the ring did not stop with Betillo but
reached to the very highest echelons of
organized crime and even to Luciano him-
self, As yet, there was no evidence of this
nd some doubt that it could be devel-
oped, for it seemed unlikely that anyone
of Luciano's stature would deal directly
with prostitutes, madams and pimps, any
more than he would deal directly with
underlings in any other racket
But by сапу 1936, enough evidence
had been developed to make an overt
move. On February first, in coordination
with Commissioner Valentine's special
squads of police, Dewey's staff raided
brothels all across the city, picking up
more than 100 prostitutes, pimps and
madams, and rounding up, too, Liguori,
Pennochio. Betillo and others
Once these low-level workers had been
an rountdthe-clock grillings. To
those under questioning. it soon became
apparent that they were of no concern to
Dewey; he was alter much bigger game—
namely, Luciano. As potential witnesses,
they were made some promises in ex-
nge for a little testimon
would talk about the ring and about
Charlie Lucky, all charges against them
woukl be dropped, immunity would be
granted and. once Luciano was locked
away, they would find that their lives
would take a sudden change for the
At first, Luciano himself displayed lit-
tle concern over the stories that Dewey
was out to get him or over the roundup
of men like Бей, Pennochio and
Liguori, who had worked for him in a
variety of enterprises. That they might be
nvolved in prostitution did not seem
likely. The combination of the Depression
and the end of Prohibition had sent
scores of middle- and low-level hoodlums
scrour for new sources of income.
Some had gone into narcotics, others into
rested, Dewey's investigators installed prostitution and a dozen other illegal ac-
them in rented offices and hotel suites tivities But Luciano was certain that
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ороду could link him with these morc-
orless-independent enterprises, for, he
strenuously maintained, no such link ex
isted—especially with prostitution.
So Luciano was less concerned over
what Dewey's investigators might uncover
concerning prostitution than with what
they might come up with in other arcas—
or manufacture for the purpose of prose-
cating him. Early in March 1936, these
suspicions were confirmed when.
егэ revealed to Luciano that some un-
specified charges were about to be lodged
against him. Luciano decided not to wait
around to find out what kind of charges
and, one step ahcad of the detectives, he
beat a hasty retreat to Hot Springs, Ar-
kansas, an underworld sanctuary where
he could relax, gamble and wait for things
to cool off. Owney Madden and his paid-
off politicians and police were supposed
to sce to Шаг,
On April second, Luciano learned сх
actly what Dewey had in mind for him.
A blue-ribbon grand jury in Manhattan
indicted 12 persons for running the pros-
titution racket. Betillo, Pennochio and
Spiller w mong them. So
was one Charles Lucania, as the indict-
ment incorrectly read, charged with 90
(later reduced to 62) counts of compul-
sory prostitution, Dewey immediately
nounced that Luciano was Public Enemy
Number One in New York and demanded
his arrest on sight.
But Luciano was nowhere to be found.
A Buna detective iu Hut Springs on
another case was strolling along the Bath
House Promenade when he came upon
Herbert Akers, the resort community
chief of detectives. Word was flashed back
to Dewey, who publicly demanded that
Hot Springs and the state of Arkansas
arrest Luciano and return him to New
York for trial. Luciano was, indeed, ar-
rested, but then released on 52000 bail
put up by two of Madden's better casinos,
the Southern and the Belvedere clubs. It
was obvious he enjoyed the protection
and the sanctuary of the city.
Dewey was incensed. "I ca
stand how any judge could release this
п on bail," he said. "Luciano is regard.
cd as the most important racketeer in
New York, if not in the country. And the
case involves one of the largest rackets,
nd one of the most loathsome types of
crimes." Embarrassed by the outcry, Ar-
sas governor J. Marion Futrell or-
gain, the
cketeer was lodged in the Hot Springs
il, but there he was given complete
freedom of movement, use of the tele-
phone and rooms for private conferences
with his corps of le; visors, headed
by a former Assistant United States Ацог-
ney named Moses Polakoff (who would
provide legal counsel for a host of other
top racketcers, including Lansky, in the
years ahead). They decided to fight ex-
no in friendly conversation with
n't under-
tradition and to counter Dewey's public
pronouncements with some of their own.
“Back of this action is politics,” declared
Luciano to reporters at a press confer-
ence. “I may not be the most moral and
upright man alive, but I have not, at any
time, stooped to aiding prostitution. I
have never been involved in anything
so messy.”
There wi
no rem:
stalemate. As long as Lu-
ned in Hot Springs, there was
little chance of extraditing him, and he
showed no inclination to leave. Dewey
continued to press the governor and state
attorney general Carl E. Bailey and Ar-
became the object of considerable
nal scorn. Eventually, Bailey or-
dered Luciano brought to Little Rock for
before Governor
Futrell. The Hot Springs sheriff refused
to honor the order. Finally, Bailey dis-
patched a troop of Arkansas Rangers
with orders to storm the jail if the sheriff
wouldn't hand over the racketeer. The
sheriff capitulated.
In Little Rock, Luciano tried another
ploy to block extradition. One of hi
underlings offered Bailey $50,000 to per-
mit Luciano to remain in Arkansas. It
was a bad move. At the hearing before
the governor, Bailey stormed, "Arkansas
cannot be made an asylum for criminals.
Officers of Hot Springs seem to have
issued an invitation to criminals to come
to that city, where they are told nor to.
worry, that they will be given protection
and that they will not be compelled to
return to answer for crimes committed
elsewhere. The money these criminals
pay for protection is blood money, from
their murdered victims and from women.
We are tying to make it impossible for
that class to spend its filthy money in
And so Luci handcuffed, was
shipped back to New York, where he
soon posted $350,000 bond and began
planning for the t y
yers included Polakoff, George Morton
Levy, one of the country’s most respected
lawyers, and Francis
who had succeeded Dewey as United
States Attorney in New York and who
two decades later would become New
York Citys police commissioner. The
trial, which lasted more than three weeks,
begun in New York Supreme Court in
Manhattin on May 13, 1936. In the jury
box were 12 substantial New Yorkers. On
the bench was a socially prominent jurist
and symbol of moral rectitude, Justice
Philip J. McCook. Dewey, ever eager to
enhance his own reputation, handled the
prosecution himself.
The line Dewey would follow was set
in his opening statement, “The vice in-
dustry,” he asserted, “since Luciano took
over, is highly organized and operates
with businesslike precision. It will be
proved tha 1o sat Way up at
the top, in his apartment at the Waldorf,
as the czar of organized crime in this
ity. Never did Lucky or any codefendant
actually sce or collect from the women,
зо, though, was always in touch
with the general details of the business.
We will show you his function as the man
whose word, whose suggestion, whose very
ement ‘Do this’ was sufficient: and all
the others in this case arc his servants.”
And how was Dewey to prove this? Dur
ing the three weeks devoted to the prose-
cution’s case, he paraded 68 witnesses
before the court. Forty were simple Ia-
borers in the vineyards of vice who had
never seen or heard directly from Lu
ano, though they could point to Liguori,
Pennochio. Betillo and most of the others
as directly involved in the business. But
they set а proper stage. They described
the scamy story of prostitution, of being
enticed into the ring, of being held al-
most captive in brothels, of being forced
to tum over so much of their money to
madams, pimps, nd
bondsmen, so that they considered them-
selves fortunate to keep $25 а week after
servicing scores of men every day. They
described how they were turned on to ad-
dictive drugs, which were then given or
withheld as inducement to make them
perform up to prescribed standards (and
all declared that thanks to Dewey and
his staff, they had received treatment
and were now free of addict
At first. nothing implicated Luciano:
and he sat relaxed at ilie defendant ta
ble and chatied easily with reporters out-
side the courtroom. But Dewey had been
ainstakingly creating a picture of such
sery and degradation that the jury was
only waiting for the first mention of Lu-
ciano to believe g said about him.
That word came, initially, from an іп.
corrigible thief named Joe Bendix,
brought down from Sing Sing. where he
was serving a mandatory life sentence
for a career of robbery and burglary. Lu-
iano, he dedared, had personally of
fered him a job as a collector for the
prostitution ring, had boasted of how he
controlled it
If Bendix gained yardage for Dewey,
Cokey Flo Brown scored at least one
toudidown. A prostitute, madam and
drug addict, she suddenly appeared in
court in a shabby, ill-fitting blue dress,
worn shoes, disheveled dark hair, looking
like a small, lost and defenseless waif who
had been ill used by society. She had met
Luciano, she declared, оп a number of
occasions, had been at one meeting with
him when he asserted, “I'm gonna organ-
ize the cat houses like the AXP,” had
tended another when he told the whore-
house managers to use strong-arm meth-
ods to bring the madams, bookers and
girls into line. “First you got to sit on
them," Cokey Flo quoted Luciano, “then
you got to step on them. Talking won't
do no good. You got to put the screws
on.” He had. she said, ordered the girls
threatened, beaten, forced to use narcot-
ics. The points Cokey Flo scored mounted
when she would not be shaken under
And more points were scored by ?
Presser, a faded belle who
the profession at 13, had risen to high
cd callgirl and mistress of Gordon,
Schultz, Adonis, Masseria and more, and
had at last fallen into the hands of Liguo-
ri who had lodged her as a common
laborer in a two-dollar Harlem cr
Luciano, she asserted, was an old and
close friend, and he had rescued her from
this low point in her life, calling her onc
day and summoning her to his Waldorf
Towers suite for the first of many visits.
“When Charlie called me over. he'd gi
me a hundred dollars, but we'd just talk.
That's all. We never went to bed." Dur-
ing her hours with Luciano in his bed-
conversations with Betillo and
others about the prostitution ring.
If all this sounded somewhat unlikely,
Dewey was prepared to demonstrate that
Nancy was telling the truth. He led her
through a detailed description of the Lu-
ciano quarters, including the furniture
and the arrangements. But during cross-
ion, Nancy's сус for finc detail
proved to be somewhat astigmatic and
her memory more t le muddled
Her description of the suite was at con-
lcrable bh йиз truc ar
rangement hes not an interior
decorator” was the way Dewey dismissed
that problem). And then there was her
testimony that she had entered and left
the Waldorf Towers late at night on all
her many visits without ever sceing any
employees, without ever being stopped
nyone; she had just
and questioned by
walked in, gotten on the elevator
ridden up to the 39th floor. TI
surprising, since the hotel manager test
fied to the Waldorf's tight security ar
rangements; there was always somebody
on duty inside the entrance and all
visitors were checked and announced be-
fore being permitted to enter. And then,
not only was Nancy unable to describe
the hotel or the location of the eleva-
tors, she wasn't even quite sure where die
Waldorf was, except somewhere on the
East Side near Park Avenue
Did this damage Dewey's case? Not at
all. The jury and the judge seemed more
concerned with the personal plight of
Miss Presser than with what was being
done to her story.
To some observers at the time, and to
many who examined the court records
ater, the case against Lucitno—if not
against Betillo and the other code-
fendants—was beginning to emit an of
fensive odor. That odor became even
ranker when Dewey led witness after wit-
ness into declaring that she had been
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threatened if she testified against Luci-
ano, and the court, over strenuous de-
fense objections, let those statements go
into the record and the jury's ears. And it
was ranker yet when Frank Brown, ап
assistant. nager of the Barbizon Plaza,
where Luciano had lived as Charles
Lane, was called as a prosecution witness.
He crossed up Dewcy, declaring that he
had been intensely interrogated by
Dewey staff members who demanded
that he identify photographs of the other.
defendants as frequent callers on Luci-
ano. Brown testified that when he could
not do so, one of the Dewey staffers
“warned me about jail if I didn't tell the
truth. There were three or four in the
room. They were very insistent about my
identifying the pictures. When I said I
couldn't do it honestly, they threatened
me. They hinted that Mr. Dewey was
very powerful and could do as he liked."
But the blue-ribbon jury preferred to
believe the testimony presented by the
prosecutor and not the holes poked in it
оп cross-examination or the complete de-
1 by Luciano. Indeed, Luciano turned
out to be his own worst witness, being
forced by Dewey to admit a life of crime
and association with almost every notori-
ous underworld figure in the country. If
the jury retained any doubts, they were
dispelled by both Dewey and Justice
McCook. In his seven-hour summation,
Dewey accused the defense of using every
trick and “all their evil means” to break
duwa the testimony of his witnesses be
cause “they dare not face the truth." Lu-
ciano, he dedared, had committed “a
shocking, disgusting display of sancti-
monious perjury—at the end of which I
am sure not one of you had a doubt that
before you stood not a gambler, not a
bookmaker, but the greatest gangster in
America.” McCook drove the final spike,
telling the jury that it did not need to
find that Luciano had ever dealt direct-
ly with the prostitutes, madams or any-
one else in order to find guilty—
only that he had in some manner received
some of the proceeds of prostitution. And
then, to show his own feelings, he œn-
cluded, "The crimes of which these men
arc accused are vicious and low and those
who would aid and abet such crimes are
not to be met in polite society.
Within six hours, the jury's verdict was
in: guilty on all counts. McCook sen-
tenced Luciano to 30 to 50 years in state
prison, the longest sentence ever handed
down for prostitution,
In what can only be considered an
arrogant confession, Dewey afterward
crowed, “This, of course, was not a vice
trial, Jt was a racket prosecution. The
control of all organized prostitution in
New York by the convicted defendants
was one of their lesser rackets. . . . The
prostitution racket was merely the vehicle
by which these men were convicted."
The question of whether Dewey
there was black humor in the
tommy gun’s corporate motto:
“on the side of law and order”
When the Thompson submachine gun
was introduced in 1921, military-weap-
ons experts acclaimed it as a triumph of
American ordnance technology. Police
officials marveled at its size and fire-
power and predicted that it would ei-
ther kill or cure the country's gunmen,
rioters and “motorized bandits.” Five
years later, a Collier's writer described it
less approvingly: “This Thompson sub-
machine gun is nothing les than а
diabolical engine of death . . . the para-
mount example of peacetime harbarism
. . the diabolical acme of human in-
genuity in man's effort to devise a
mechanical contrivance with which to
murder his neighbor.” Over the next
ten years, the “tommy gun" became
synonymous with crime and violence
and earned itself an enduring place
the national folklore as the gangster
equivalent of the cowboy's six-shooter.
‘This was hardly the future that Ge:
eral John Taliaferro Thompson had
envisioned for the invention that bore
his name. An aristocratic oldJine Army
officer, Thompson conceived the original
“submachine” gun during World War
One in the belief that a small, hand-
held, fully autom: on would en-
able Allicd infantrymen to break the
The submachine gun as originally conceived
in 1917 for storming German trenches.
Completed in 1918, the first Thompson gun
used ammunition belts instead of clips.
isplays the Model
buttstock removed.
General John Thompson
1921 tommy gun
stalemate on the Western Front. But
the first successful model of the gun was
not completed until the fall of 1918—
too late for the war but just in time to
play a bloody role in two of the coun-
шу' most lawless decades.
With a small fortune already invested
in arms development, Thompsons u
pany, the Auto-Ordnance Corporation
of New York, put its faith in the po-
lice and military markets and con-
tracted with the venerable Colt’s Patent
Fire Arms Manufacturing Company to
build 15,000 submachine guns, model
of 1921. The Thompson was, after all,
2 unique and revolutionary weapon: a
machine gun weighing only ten pounds
and firing 45-caliber pistol cartridges
at a rate of about 800 rounds per min-
ute. It used either a straight magazine
carrying 20 rounds or drum magazines
holding 50 or 100. It had the careful
workmanship, the blued finish and the
graceful walnut stocks of a sporting
firearm, which made it all the more
tion machine gun
and semi-automatic shoulder rifle
the form of a pistol"—an "anti-bandit
gun that could either cut a fleeing bank
robber's car to pieces with copper-
jacketed slugs or “humanely” disperse
labor rioters with special bird-shot car-
tridges. In short, anything a rifle, pistol
or shotgun could do, the Thompson
could do better.
Despite extrav:
motion, the submachine gun was a com-
mercial flop. The military decided it was
wonderfully conceived but tactically
useless, and police had sober second
thoughts on the wisdom of sweeping
nt claims and pro-
city streets with machine;
dits or no. At this point, the Thompson
might quietly have joined the ranks of
other inventions whose time had not
yet come. It was saved from obscurity
mainly by the outbreak of Chic
gangland "beer wars" in 1925-1926,
which called for a weapon combining
portability, concealability and fircpow-
hese happened to be the card
virtues of the tommy gun, which also
had the coincidental virtue of being
completely. leg the laws
that many cities had enacted to control
handguns did not apply to machine
guns which traditionally werc heavy,
cumbersome devices of interest only to
The Thompson Submachine Gun
‘The Mos Effective Portebla Fire Arm In Essence
the military. This meant that a Chi-
cagoan, for example, could not legally
buy or carry а pistol without a police
permit, but for $175 he could walk into
any well-stocked gunshop and walk out
with a submachine gun, no questions
If the “chopper” was discovered and
popularized by big-city bootleggers who
routinely riddled one another in am-
bushes and massacres, it acquired even
greater notoriety in the hands of John
Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, Machine
Gun Kelly, Pretty Boy Floyd and other
Depression desperadoes who terrorized
and titillated the country with sensa-
tional bank robberies and mainstreet
gu aules. This kind of violence was
more disturbing than gangland assassi-
ions and, by the late Thirties, strict.
state and Federal laws were gradually
taking the Thompson out of general
Despite widespread rumors that the
tommy-gun company was getting rich
and even supplying big-name gangsters
with free samples for promotional pur-
poses, by the late Thirties the Auto-
Ordnance Corporation was moribund,
and had been for several years. More
than a third of the original 15,000 guns
still languished in a Сој warehouse
and John Thompson, retired and in
failing health, was sorely regretting
that he'd ever conceived such a weapon.
He took little comfort in the
the country's police departme
the FBI had adopted the gun—th
done so mainly in self-defense. Nor was
he consoled that the Marines had bought
a few hundred for use in Nicaragua, that
the Navy was placing it on gunboats or
that the Army, at long last, had adopted
it аз a special-purpose weapon. Shortly
before he died in 1940, at the age of 79,
"Thompson wrote a melancholy letter to
‘Theodore Eickhoff, one of the three
young men who had built the first
working model of the gun in 1918:
1 have given my valedictory to
arms, as I want to pay more atten-
tion now to saving human life tha
destroying it. May the deadly
T.S. M.G. always “speak for" God
and Country. Jt has worried me
that the gun has been so stolen by
evil men and used for purposes out-
side our motto, “On the side of law
and order.”
A few months earlier, the Auto-
Ordnance Corporation had fallen into
the hands of Russell Maguire, a shady
Connecticut financier who had per-
suaded the estate of Thomas Fortune
Ryan, the deceased majority stock-
holder, to sell him the controlling in-
terest for $529,000—less than halt the
retail value of the unsold guns and
accessories. To Maguires credit, he
foresaw—as the 1075. British and
French armies had not—the value of
the submachine-type weapons that were
The 1920 prototype gun hed no buttstock
and fired at a rate of 1500 shots per minute.
already proving so effective in the hands
of German blitzkrieg troops. He con-
tracted with the Savage Arms Corpora-
ion to put the Thompson back into
production and began building his
own factory. By the end of 1910, every
Allied army was clamoring for subma-
chine guns and Maguire's long-obsolete
Thompson was the only one in town,
During World War Two, he sold al-
nost 2,000,000 guns for $130,000,000,
becoming a multimillionaire and a wa
time celebrity as America's fusighted
and patriotic “Tommy Gun Tycoon.
suborned perjury to convi
never been resolved. Luciano himself
maintained to the end of his life that
while he was involved in many kinds of
crime, prostitution was not one of them;
that he had been framed by a prosecutor
who could get him no other way. Luci
ano's statement may be self-serving, but
some persons close to Dewey in those days
have privately indicated that Luciano's
contention is very close to the truth.
Further, there are some pieces of circum.
stantial evidence supporting t
testified — damagingly
indeed, well re-
couple of the other
pense of the state, for
ons to Europe, retun
only with the outbreak of the war. All
would, a few years after the trial, declare
n depositions obtained by Lucia
lawyers, that they had lied on the stand
and that they had been prepared and re-
hearsed in those lies by Dewey's stall. Lhe
appeals courts, however, preferred to
credit th al testimony and not
their retractions.
Dewey could take pleasure in the way
the case enhanced his own reputation
providing him a springboard to higher
and higher office. And the city could
some satisfaction in the fact that the
underworld’s board. chairman scemed to
he out of commission, locked far away i
Clinton State Prison in Dannemora, New
York. Yet even from his cell, Luciano.
continued to rule, to give orders, to
maintain his power. He left behind an efi-
cient and. powerful organization and he
left it in the care of some very efficient
manapers—Adonis, who was the link with
the Italian underworld; Costello, who
J worlds; and Lansky, who was
the link between the national Syndicate.
and Adonis,
Vito Genovese might have been onc of
the heirs, but Don Vitone, as he was
often called, had too many troubles of
his own. As one of Luciano's chief lieu
tenants and already one of the biggest
narcotics dealers in the underworld, he
was next on Dewey's list for prosecution.
Ironically, what really spelled trouble
for Genovese was a smalltime badger
game. As Joe Valachi and others have de-
tailed, soon after his return from а hon-
cymoon trip to his native Italy—he had
fallen in love with Anna Petillo and
then murdered her husband so he could
marry her—Genovese had been brought
a supersucker by a smalliime pu
named Ferdinand “The Shadow" Bocci
The sucker, a Brooklyn merchant, was
lured into a card game with Genovese
and a fellow thug named Michele
"Mike" Miranda, who would later rise
high in the Genovese underworld family.
‘They took their victim for $60,000, then
offered him a chance to recoup: They
would sell him a machine for $100,000
that manufactured real ten-dollar bills.
The idiot bought it and Genovese was
ahead $160,000.
Then Boccia came around, looking for
the one-third cut he had been promised
for setting up the deal. Genovese, who
sometimes made the penny-pinching
Schultz look like a spendthrift, decided
on a different
Rupolo to
. Then he
5175 to kill Gallo. Rupolo.
unequal to the task, man:
wound Gallo in two wies. Understand-
ably put out, Gallo turned Rupolo in to
the cops and then gave testimony that sent
him away on a nine-ro-20.year sentence.
‘This was all quite upsetting to Geno-
хехе. Dewey was after him on a number
of grounds, Ru-
polo, in the solitude of his prison cell,
might consider revealing the whole Восс
murder plot. С + decided to take a
ion. He packed $750,000 and some
ging only to
dotes in a black satchel, kissed Anna
goodbye and boarded a ship for Italy.
с he hoped to find sanctuary with
the friends he had made on an earliei
vip. friends who were high in Mussolini's
novese envisioned only
„ but he reckoned without
world events that would extend his visit
to 1945 and deprive Dewey of this trophy-
But the fight of Genovese was merely
an annoyance; in 1937, the ambitious
prosecutor, on the strength of his Luciano
conviction, was elected Manhattan dis-
uia акопе ı die dink
nd Genovese in Dewey set his
sights on the next biggest gangster in New
York, Louis “Lepke” Buchalter. But what
would emerge from the Lepke investiga-
tion would surprise and shock not oni
y citizens but even the most
cuted law-enforcement officials.
And it would add а new name to the
American lexicon: Murder, Incorporated.
This is the sixth in a series of articles on
organized crime in the United States.
* Don't you have
any words of wisdom for PLAYBOY'S
Twentieth Anniversary Issue other than, Shake it,
but don’t break it. Wrap it wp and
I'll take it
(continued from page 130)
as we thought again, his death. Then
about three months later, my husband
and I went to dinner at the home of the
police commissioner. The meal began
with spaghetti soufflé.”
I asked her about problems confront.
ing white Kenyans these days and she
thought cattle rustling was as serious as
any. The whole farming economy is un-
dermined by the necessity of enclosing
the stock every evening. It means cows
can't be left out to pasture but have to be
driven into pounds. Their grazing is in-
terrupted and the milk yield and growth
rate are far lower than they should be.
When cattle are stolen, the farmer must
do everything possible to recover his
bea otherwise he will lose more of
them next time. The thieves have to be
acked, sometimes for weeks, and all
work on the farm comes to 3 stand-
nd when the cattle are found they
have to bc driven home and they lose
more weight in the process.
companion was one of the few
white Kenyans 1 met who didn’t seem af
fronted by the way things were goi
The others always prefaced their opin-
ions by confiding how long they had
lived in Kenya. They felt a peculiar sense
of injustice at the n; lism they were
now encountering. Whatever their ani-
tude had been before independence, they
no longer dapped their hands and shout
ed for Charley. When they spoke to their
. they almost wl
couching them
reasonable terms in which one might ad-
dress a difficult seven-year-old. "Don't
scream,” they seemed to be pl
“and don't stamp your foot, but just run.
along like a good boy and see
be fun, now
How much fun the Africans have these
js difficult. 10 assess. The women
1 lives of incredible austerity: cach
су must walk miles in search of
firewood and to fetch water from the
communal tap. They also must do the
housework amd till the fields and mind
the herds and contrive at the same time
to dress elegantly and to carry their
youngest on their back,
For men, life is easier. Unless, that is.
they elect to work in the hotels, where
they must watch the guests waste the
bath water and leave the food untouched
on their plates. What do they think of
the luxury in which we wallow, com-
pared with the deprivation and under-
own folk? I asked
the proprietor of Leisure Lodge, argu-
ably the most comfortable and certainly
the most beautiful hotel in Kenya. He
told me that the African wasn't under-
nourished, that most Europeans were far
from clean and only with the greatest
reluctance would he be willing to en-
tertain one in his home. This was p
ticularly true of hippies, whose physical
presence nauseated him,
According to the proprietor, his staff
had no need to work; they were all pos-
sessed of small holdings that brought
them adequate incomes. They worked
order to pay for more wives. The acqui:
tion of wives was a complicated and
lengthy game. "It is played," he ex-
plained, “rather like Monopoly.”
“But if you were an African awakened
in the night by your child crying for a
drink of water, how would you feel if you
knew the nearest tap was five miles aw
I asked. “Would you go yourself? Would
you send your wife?”
I would wake my wife,” he told me,
ind she would give the child a coconut
or a glass of goat’s milk, Very few Afr
cans drink water."
ure whether I believed. him
or not. I recalled the experience of one
settler who had taken his head cattle
man, a Masai tribesman, to the Royal
Show in London last summer. After two
days he was asked what had struck him
most forcibly. “Those taps,” he said, “all
those taps.”
"There is a man called Donovan Maule,
an actor like myself, who went to Nairobi
after the last war and decided to stay
and found a stock company. Curiously
enough, he made a fortune, retired and
built himself and his wife a bungalow on
a uech aca Mombasa, The cheater is
now run by his daughter. They still play
Rattigan and Coward and Priestley and
Maugham, but the heart and the profit
have gone out of the business. “A lot of
our patrons have had to pack up and go
home. They don't like it. you know; Fn;
land isn’t what it was, any more than thi
place. What they dread most is haying to
retire to somewhere like Canterbury.”
He poured me another gin and slapped
his wrist. “We don’t get mosquitoes here,
you know.”
"Nor in terbury," I told him, but he
seemed unconvinced.
was once called the White
hlands, beyond the Aberdare moui
gc, the British still farm the land,
but no longer with the confidence they
used to display when the Mau Mau was
round and each settler had a gun at the
ady. They have pur their guns away
but still greet the stranger on thi
with caution. They know that his
case hides no fearsome machete, but more
probably just a letter from the president,
himself, inquiring in the politest possible
manner whether perhaps the present
owner might care to sell his propert
After that, of course, it's only a matter
of time before Canterbury, or a bungalow.
near Mombasa, becomes a reality.
‘The mission pilot was on his honey-
moon and lived in Abyssinia. He was the
only man I saw in Africa actually eat
coconut and he did it with expert. ease,
even producing a bowl for the milk. He
had been married only three days, which
was perhaps why, in true African fashion,
he neglected to offer his wife any until
he had almost finished it, There was
plenty of coconut meat for both of them,
and as he munched, he explained why he
found it necessary to spend an hour on
his knees each week, specifically asking
the Almighty to put an end to the per-
missive society in West London.
“Are you praying for a holocaust?” I
asked him.
“If necessary.”
“Tell me, I urged, "about Addis
Ababa. Is it true the penalty for stealing
is to cut off a hand?"
“My goodness" I told him, "I
wouldn't like to see that sort of thing in
Britain. Think of the number of onc-
armed shoppers you'd meet. I think I
prefer the permissive socicty."
On my last night in Africa, I hired а
launch in order to inspect the carmine
bee eaters. raordinary birds, which
look like psychedelic starlings, who
choose to roost cach evening in one par-
ticular clump of mango trees thrce or
four miles upstream from the creek on
which stands the Mnarani Country Club.
The club is an elegant establishment,
much patronized by big-game fishermen
and, especially, the present Lady Dela-
mere. The murder case in which her hus-
band. Delves Broughton, was tried and.
acquitted of the killing of "Boy" Errol in
the Fifties still provokes raised eyebrows
and lowered voices wherever two or three
Kenyans are gathered together with а
stranger who will listen to the tale.
Upstream, we dawdled by the river-
bank. I was convinced the boatman was
uncertain which mango clump harbored
the birds. But no, it was too early and
they hadn't yet arrived, Meanwhile, he
showed me huge pelicans perched in ban-
yan trees and egrets fishing from the
bank and sea eagles circling above and,
rounding a bend of the river, a village
built on the mud flats with children call-
ng us to come closer and be inspected
for cigarettes. My boatman ignored them
and, turning the boat suddenly, brought
us back downstream, He's lost, I told
myself, we'll not find them now, it will
be too dark to эсс. Then suddenly the
carmine bee caters came swooping and
soaring, settling for a moment and then
flying away, and returning, and all the
time the beat of their wings and the
sound of their voices filled the air with
This is Africa, T told myself. This i
what I came to see, and wondered if it
was true that these were the only carmine
bee caters in the world and this the only
mango swamp they patronized. But wher
it was quiet again and darkness fell and
we journeyed back downstream to the
country club, I found myself considering
for the 100th time the riddle of Delves
The rip-roaring days are over for the
British. Now they walk abroad as deli-
cately as the Japanese. In Kenya, they
are remembered, but without gratitude.
"They n example of incormptibility
in the administration that has not been
followed. They planted sisal and grew
groundnuts and became croppers. They
left Kenya no richer than they found it,
but look, an African will tell you, look
what they got out of it for themselves.
"The movie is called Take Off and it shows a San Francisco stripper
doing her thing—except that after she’s peeled off her clothes,
she proceeds to remove her head, her legs, etc., until she's just a torso,
floating off into space. The idca of the film—made by a Bay Area
lady, Gunvor Nelson—is to show just how dehumanizing a striptease
can be. It's one of three flicks available on a rental basis ($100 for a single
showing) from Polymorph Films, 331 Newbury Street, Boston, Massa-
chusetts, under the encompassing title Films About Women. (The others
are Six Film-Makers in Search of a Wedding and How to Make a Woman.)
‘According to Alvin Fiering at Polymorph, Films About Women isa
feminist-consciousness-raising package, ideal for meetings of your friendly
neighborhood women’s libbers, and not for chauvinist-pig parties. Oink!
Remember how, way back in 1952, an eager young fellow who just
happened to be running for a high political office was viciously accused of
taking illegal campaign gifts? Remember how he went on TV and made
us all weep for him when he told us all about his daughters’ cute doggy,
Checkers? Remember how he made everything perfectly dear? Remember
how we all forgave him? Well, that was ages ago and things are much
different now, right? But in case you want to refresh your memory,
The Center (P. O. Box 157, East Elmhurst, New York) will send you a
printed copy of this landmark American soap opera for only a buck.
Chances are, you won't weep this time around.
people, places, objects and events of interest or amusement
Invest ten dollars for a three-year mem-
bership in Air and Marine Travel's Drop
of the Hat Freighter Club (501 Madison
Avenue, New York City) and what you'll
get is first crack at using certain ship-
‘owners’ suites—should management decide
not to make the next voyage. Or, if you'd
just like to do some reading on whither
various cargo ships wander, send two
bucks for the latest freighter guide.
Have they got a deal for you! Mrs. Greene
and Mrs. Brown make up the staff of
Renta Yenta (Р. O. Box 415, Tarzana), a
new California-based outfit that will
do almost any cockamamic thing you
want it to, as long as it's legal—
anything from deghosting a haunted
house to teaching your parakeet to
speak French to arranging blimp rides.
And you don't even have to be Jewish.
Tt would seem there's a
calendar for every subject from
male nudes to horticulture—
but would you believe one on
recycling? Yes, environmen-
talists everywhere, the next 12
are your months when you
hang up Eat January, a calen-
dar available from Resource
Planning Associatcs, 44 Drattle
Street, Cambridge, Massachu-
setts, for $5. Each month is
a crash course in various recy-
cling problems and most are
reusable, Pass the salt, please.
Now that bicycling has become
one of the popular ways
to get a little exercise, some-
body's come up with a device
that does away with almost
all the work: the Viking
Bicycle Sail Company (P. О.
Box 603, Oregon City,
Oregon). With the dlear-vinyl
sail attached to your handle
bars, you can cast your fate to
the wind practically without
moving a muscle. The sail
can also be adapted for use
with ice skates, skis, canoes,
kayaks and inner tubes, and
it's yours for $22 postpaid. But
will it power a wheelchair?
6 7 8 9 1011 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
There must be as many ways of getting high
as there are folks who want to. But there's
only one way to know just how high you
really are, and that’s by using an altimeter.
Until recently, such devices were too
bulky to tote about, but now the AGA
Corporation, 550 County Avenue,
Secaucus, New Jersey, has lightened your
Joad with its Swiss pocket model
that sells for $79. Head for the hills!
Art Herschberger of Solar Automotive in Princeton, Wisconsin,
knows a bad thing when he sees one. That's why his business is
converting nasty old Corvairs into fast, luxurious Cavaliers.
Sound crazy? Maybe, but Cavalier owners swear by their 300-hp
engines—and additional options range from water injection
to Rallye mirrors. Furthermore, you can take in your own
Corvair or pick one of Art's reconditioned babies. Prices range
from $4000 to $7000, depending on options. For a Corvair?
Just when you were getting into Fifties nostal-
gia, Kenneth Waissman and Maxine Fox, the
producers of Grease, are asking you to turn back
the hands of time one more decade. Beginning
February 27, the two living legendary Andrews
Sisters, Patty and Maxene, will open on
Broadway in an original Forties-era musical
called Over Here, which, we're told, is about
"two sisters who run a home-front U.S. O.
canteen for boys in uniform.” We're hep!
Daddy, you're making him nervous.”
Culp told her. “I am nol nervous."
Polly told her, “I can't keep holding
Baby. You just went less than ап
hour ago.”
"Fm nervou:
Culp laughed. Laura said, “You
funny. You're not а baby anymore.
Polly said, “Yeah and you're not a
wife, either.
iobody said I was."
la spun by. Sarah stepped out of
their old Corvair convertible,
g a one-piece bathing suit. Her
hair was stiff and sun-bleached and wild.
She was eating a hot dog loaded with
relish, Culp Jooked closer and there was
sand in her ear, as in a delicate discov-
cred shell.
Polly announced, “1
a place in three miles. ‘Soft Drinks,
Sandwiches, Beer, Ice and §
“slots, slots,” Laura spit, furious for a
reason that eluded her father. “Slots and
sluts, that's all there is in this dumb
Culp asked, "Didn't you enjoy Reno?"
“I hated it. What I hated especially
was Mom acting on the make all the
On the make, sluls—the language of
women living together, it occurred to
im, coarsens like that of men in the
Army. He mildly corrected, “I'm sure
she wasn't on the make, she was just
happy to be rid of me."
"Don't you kid yourself, Dad. She was
on the make, Even with Jim about to
show up she
"Yeah, well," Polly said, "you weren't
that pure yourself, showing off for that
Mexican boy.”
1 wasn't showing off for any bunch.
of spicks, I was practicing my diving and
I suggest you do the same, you toad. You
look like a sick frog, the way you go off
the board. A sick fat frog.
‘Yeah, well. Mommy said you weren't
so thin at my age yourself."
Culp intervened: “I's nice to be
plump at your age. Otherwise, you won't
have to shape up when you're
Laura’s age.
Polly giggled, scandalized. Laura said,
"Don't flirt, Dad," and crossed her
thighs; she was going to be one of those
women, Culp vaguely saw, who have
legs. She smoothed back the h
her brow in a gesture that tripped ће
home-movie camera again. Sarah before
the mirror, He could have driven for-
if he had known Nevada
was so easy, he could have planned to
240 reach the Utah line, or detoured north
NEVADA шыг irom pose
to some ghost towns. But they ha
reservations in Elko, and stopped. The
hotel was three stories high; on thc
ground floor a cavernous dark casino
glimmered with thc faces of the slots
and the shiny uniforms of the change
girls. Though it was only three in the
afternoon, Culp wanted to go in there,
to get a drink at the bar, where the
bottles glowed like a row of illumined
stalagn But his daughters, after in-
specting their rooms, dragged him out
into the sunshine. Elko was a flat town
full of space, as airy with emptiness as a
honeycomb. The broad street in front of
the hotel held гайг tracks in its cen-
ter. To Polly's amazed delight, a real
h in scale but docile in
terialized on these tracks,
halted, ruminated. and then ponder-
ously, thoughtfully dragged westward its
chuckling infinity of freight cars. They
walked down sun-struck sidewalks, past
a drunken Indian dressed in clothes
black as his shadow, to a museum of
mining. Polly coveted the glinting
nuggets. Laura yawned before a сазе of
old-fashioned barbed wire
her reflec the glass, Ci
upon an exhibit, between Indi
and pioneer hardware, incongruously
devoted to Thomas Alva Edison. He
and Sarah and the girls, driving home
from a Sunday on the beach at Red
Bank, would puss a service island on the
Jersey Turnpike named for Edison. They
would stop for supper at another one,
named for Joyce Kilmer. The tar on the
parking lot would sting their bare fect.
A peppery smell of carbon waste and
butane in the air. Sarah would go in for
her hot dog wearing her dashiki beach
wrapper—hip length, with slits for her
naked arms. Her arms would be burned
pink in the crooks. The sun would have
ignited a conflagration of douds beyond
the great Esso tanks, Here, in Elko, the
sun rested gently on the overexposed
purple of the ridges around them. On
ighest ridge a large letter E had
a somehow cut, or inset, in what
ned limestone. Polly asked why.
nswered, "I suppose for
ra amplified, “If they don't put
initials up, the pilots can't tell the towns
apart, they're all so boring.
“I like Elko,” Polly said. “I wish we
lived here.”
Yeah, what would Daddy do for a
This was hard. In real life, he was a
chemical engineer for a conglomerate
that was planning to exploit Colorado.
shale. Polly said, "He could fix slot ma-
chines and then at night come back in
г the future, that this peaceful
Nevada nowhere was all the future they
had. He took Pollys hand, crossing the
railroad tracks though the tracks were
arrow straight and по train was materi-
alizing between here and the horizon.
Laura flustered him by taking h
as they walked into the dining room,
which adjoined the dark grotto of slo
an expectant р]
the child, after he had ordered a drink
for himself. “No. She's only sixteen.
When the waitress had gone, Laura
told him, “Everybody says I look older
than sixteen Reno with Mom, I used
to wander around in the places and no-
body ever said anything. Except one old
fart who told me they'd put him in jail
I didn't go away."
Polly asked, "Daddy, when're you go-
ing to play the slots?”
“I thought I'd wait till after dinner.”
“That's too long.
y now. Just until the
He took a mouthful of h
drink, pushed up from the table and fed
ten quarters into a machine Polly could
there, amid the machines’ warm and
peruous colors, consoled him. Expo
menting, he pressed the button. marked
пі in a red uniform crin-
kling like embers came to his side in-
quisitively. Her (асс, though not old,
had the Western dryness—eyes smoth-
ered in charcoal, mouth tightened as if
about to say, J thought so. But some-
thing sturdy and hollow-backed in her
stance touched Culp, gave him an intui-
tion. Her uniform's devilish cut. bared
her white arms to the shoulder. He gave
her a fivedollar bill to change into qı
ters. The waitress was bringing th
Heavy in one pocket, he returned to the
“Poor Dad,” Laura volunteered. “That
prostitute really turned him on.’
, I'm not sure you know what
2 prostitute is."
“Mom said every woman is a prosti-
tute, one way or another.”
“You know your mother exaggerate:
“I know she's a bitch, you mean.
atch. Though he won nothing, being
Dad. Look what she’s done to
you. Now she'll do it to Jim.”
"You and I have different memories
of your mother. You don’t remember her
when you were lite
“1 don't want to live with her, either.
When we all get back to Denver, I want
e with you. If she and I live togeth-
er, itll always be competing, that’s how
“I believe your firm can use aman like me, sir. l'm young,
aggressive, and I won't take no for an answer!”
“Must have cost him a fortune!”
it was in Reno; who needs it? When 7
get to forty, I'm going to tell my Jover to
shoot mi
Polly cried out; an astonishing noise,
like the crash of a jackpot. "Stop it” she
told Laura. "Stop talking big. That's all
you do, is talk big." The child. salad
dressing gleaming on her chin, pushed
her voice toward her sister through
tears: "You want Monmy and Daddy to
fight all the time instead of love cach
other even though they are divorced."
With an amused smile, Laura tamed
her back on Polly's outburst and patted
Culp's arm. “Poor Dad," she said. “Poor
old Dad."
Iheir steaks came, у
dried. They walked out into Elko aj
and at the town’s one movie theater saw
a Western. Burt Lancaster, а down-
trodden Mexican, after many insults,
including crucifixion, turned implacable
242 avenger and killed nine hirelings of a
racist rancher. Polly seemed to be sleep-
ing through the bloodiest parts. They
walked back through the dry night to the
hotel, Their two adjoining rooms each
held twin beds. Laura’s suitcase had
appeared on the bed beside his.
Culp said, “You better sleep with your
“Why? We'll leave the door between
open, in cise she has nightmares.”
“I want to read.
So do 1."
fou go to sleep now. We're going to
make Salt Lake tomorrow.”
“Big thrill. Dad, she mumbles
kicks her covers all the time.”
“Do love. ГЇЇ stay here reading
you're asleep.”
And then what?
"I may go down and have
Her expresion reminded him of how,
movie, the villain had looked
ncaster showed that he,
in the
when Burt
too, had a gun. Culp lay on the bedspread
reading a pamphlet they had bought at
the museum about ghost towns. Cham
pagne and opera sets had been trans
ported up the valleys where now not a
mule survived. Train whistles at intervals
scooped long pockets from the world
beyond his room. The breathing from
the other room had fallen level. He tip-
toed in and saw them both asleep, his
daughters. Relaxed. Laura's face re-
vealed its freckles, its plumpness. the
sorrowing stretched smoothness of the
closed lids. Polly's face wore a film of
night sweat on her brow; his kiss came
away tasting salty. He did mot kiss
Laura. in case she was faking. He
witched off the light and stood consid-
ering what he must do. A train howled
on the other side of the wall. The beau-
tiful emptiness of Nevada, where he
might never be again, sucked at the
room like a whirlpool.
Downstairs, his intuition borne
out. The change girl had noticed him,
and said “I thought so."
er go off duty?”
ed at the bar, waiting for the
fill him; it couldn't,
room inside him kept expanding,
bourbon to the
. after two, sidling
up on the stool (a cowboy moved over)
n a taut cotton dress that hid the tops
of her arms the Миг on her face seemed
product of her inner chemistry, not
his. "You've a room?" As she asked that,
her jaw went square: it reminded him of
somehody. who? The landlady.
"E do.” he said, “but it's full of lide
when she joined 1
sipped and said
for his bourbon and
in 2 voice older than
her figure, “This place is lousy with
Gulp arrived back in his own room
after five. He must have been noisier
than he thought, for a person in a white
nightgown appeared in the connecting
doorway. He could not sec her features.
she was a good height. she reminded
him of nobody. Good. From the frozen
pose of her, she was scared—scared of
him. Good.
You OR?"
"Absolutely." Though already һе
could feel the moruing's sun grinding on
his temples. "You been awake, sweetie?
“I was worried about you.” But Laura
did not cross the threshold into his room.
"Very worried?"
Listen. It’s not your job to take ca
of me, It’s my job to take care of you.
TENNIS SWAPPING (continued from puge 157)
st admit the idea of having Alice
tner intrigued me.
“When we were alone in our room
later, I said to my w ‘You know,
might be sort of nice if we swapped part-
nem tomorrow. We'd get a better game
out of it."
arol became furious and said I was
a dirty old tennis player and she would
never consent to any such thing. But
about one o'clock in the morning she
admitted that Ted's forchand had fas-
cinated her and that she had wondered,
while we were playing, what it would
feel like t0 be standing next to all that
power. She finally consented to give it
а uy.
“The next day I told Ted that Carol
and I didn't know if he had been jol
or not. but if he hadn't been, we'd like
to swap partners for our morning game.
“He said Alice and he had also dis-
cussed it and nothing would please them.
more. Alice had been really turned on by
my serve and he said he had dreamed
about my wife's lob all night long.
“Ted told me he and Alice had been
swapping tennis partners lor two years.
He said they do it only when they're
away from home and nobody knows
them. He told me they had met some
wonderful couples that way and when-
ever he and Alice can find someone to
stay with the children, they go somewhere
for a mixed-doubles game.
“In every other respect, they are the all-
American couple. pillars of their church
and community. Far from breaki
is swapp
together but it's
improved their game tremendously
Bob continued: "After our game w
nd Alice, which we both found un-
vably stimulating, we became tennis
swappers ourselves. Sometimes we meet
couples through ads in the papers, other
times we go to а tennis club where we
know mixed doubles arc ecd. It's
changed our lives and we're sorry we
didn't do it ten years carlicr.""
John and Mary L. were childhood
sweethearts and had gotten married the
day after they both graduated from col-
lege. When they were first married, they
lived in the city and played tennis only
once or twice a week, which they felt was
enough. Then John was offered a job
with a computer firm in lise Valley.
He bought a $75,000 home in Paradise
Acres, where all the executives from the
computer firm lived.
A few weeks after they moved in, they
were invited to an evening tennis party
at the Paradise Valley Country Club.
Johu told me, “We were both very ex-
ited and we went out and bought new
tennis outfits, including Adidas sneakers.
When we showed up. all the courts were
full. I knew a few of the couples
was surprised to find they weren't pl g
with each other.
‘Then Beecham, who was my supcr-
visor, came up to Mary and s
and I are on next ag
wife, Suzanne’
y was shocked and looked at nc
wide-eyed. ‘I don't think I want to play;
‘Oh, come on, Mary,’ Suzanne said.
‘No one in Paradise Acres plays doubles
with her husband. Be a good sport
‘John has a great future with the
company, said Beecham coldly, ‘provided
he plays the game."
“1 whispered to Mary, "You have to do
it. My job depends on it."
With tears in her eyes, Mary went
onto the court with Beecham. At first she
could do nothing but double-fault. But
pretty soon she became angry and was
hitting drives across the net like I've
never seen her hit before. They beat us
in three straight se
at night Mary said to me, “All
right, you son of a bitch, you got me into
it and I want you to know I enjoyed it.
TIL play with
president of the goddamn company, but
don't ever ask me to play with you again,
because, buster, I am now a liberated
tennis woman.’
John said, “Well, the rest of the story
is that Mary is now known around Pa
dise Acres as someone who will play with
anyone who asks her. Whenever 1 come
home at night she's on the tennis court.
1 guess it was my fault for getting he
into it, but how the hell did I know she'd
nd Cynthia M. have their ома
tennis court and have been swapy
tennis partners for 15 years.
Cynthia wold me, "Our man
on the rocks. Rod and I lost interest i
playing with cach other and we were
drifting ap: sick
and Rod played doubles with our neigh-
hor, al redhead. He came home
and told me about it and I got so excited
insisted on going out onto the court and
playing him at that very moment. It was
the best tennis game we ever had. After
that we would play with other partners,
but the best part of it was telling each
other about it at night. 1 would excite
Rod discussing my partner's net game
"Say, how about moving in with
my wife and me? The kids are grown up and gone
and we've got lots of room,”
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and he could drive me wild describing
his partner's backhand. It brought a new
dimension to our lives.
‘We never get jealous, because I know
that Rod is still the best partner ГЇЇ ever
have, and he has assured me none of the
women he has played with can ever fit in
my tennis shoes.”
Noc all te Hise aa ends happily.
Lola Q.. a California housewife, told.
mc, "My d and I had what we
thought was a beautiful relationship.
One day for a lark we decided to swap
partners in a mixed-doubles tournament
on parents day at our son's boarding
"Terry played with rhe mother of my
son's roommate and 1 played with my
son's math teacher.
“Jerry's partner put a top spin on her
serve, which is something I could never
develop. I was hopelessly outmatched.
‘Since then it’s never been the same
between us. Jerry still plays with me, but
1 know he’s only going through the mo-
tions. Every time I serve he closes his
eyes and T
her top spi
"We've been going to a tennis clinic
for a year, hoping to get back what we
had together, but it’s over between us.
How can I compete against a woman with
a topspin serve?”
Dr. Riband Rogenthaler, a tennis psy-
“ашы who has worked with many
mixed doubles couples, considers tennis
swapping a healthy thing, provided both
are willing.
‘or years people have been repressed
about their but now they feel the
important thing is to let it all hang out.
"Tennis between two consenting
adults can be the most beautiful experi-
partners in xed-doubles match, The
important thing to think of it
game, and no matter who you play with,
always keep your eye on the ball.”
“Miss Del Santo is appearing as а friend of the court.”
continued from page 115)
bracing definition, Kriters Blanc de
Blancs Brut de Brut isn't bone-dry despite
the name. Their Blanc de Blancs Special
Brut has a couch more sugar, though it's
by no means sweet. Both bottlings are
Sparkling red burgundies go much bet-
ter at parties than at dinners. They're
made sweeter to neutralize the bitterness
of the tannin in the grape, which the
bubbles bring up. Chanson, B & С,
Bichot, Pi are all respect-
Interesting for their singularity are
blanquette de limoux—sweet, almost
white, like a mild asti—and the oddball
е Vin Fou, a humdrum white effer-
vescent from the Jura n that benefits
from clever merchand:
One expects all kinds of effervescents
from France; but Spain? Well, Cavas Co-
dornitt is the world’s largest producer of
sparkling wine by the méthode champe-
noise (secondary fermen in the
original bottle), Bowing to the current
fad, Codorni blanc de blanes
that is softer ic than cham-
pagne, but lacks the radiance of the proto-
type. Brut Godorni has more oomph.
A Non Plus Ultra Brut which rests five
years on its yeast, may be Codorniti's best.
Its quite dry, between the blanc de blancs
and the brut in body and bouquet, with
sse beyond either.
region comes a spar-
kler with the unlikely name of Royal
Carlton; available as Brut Natur and a
sweeter Extra Seco. It has more body
n Codori and as
legedly a tribute to Winston Churchill's
fondness for the brand.
The Astu 1 contributes some-
g different in the way of bubblies—
dra. It's a hard cider, redolent of apples,
n but less alcohol
with more carbonat
(under seven percent) than
apple wines. Around the holi
hombres toss а shot of brandy into a
glass of Zarracina or El Esca
to make a blood-warming Sp:
Per capita, Germans put av
the tingly stult than anybody. It’s consid-
ered a status symbol there
en apparently want their neighbors to
know they're participating in the coun-
^ ic boom. Sekt has come to
n di Ithough the
term for spark Е
The word Sekt is supposedly a corruption
of sack, which in Chaucer's time meant
wine from the south. In our time, Sekt
has taken on a quality connotation,
which is recognized by the new German
ine regulations. To warrant its use on a
label, the wine must contain at least ten
percent alcohol, have a low level of sul-
phur dioxide, he produced by way of a
second fermentation (not carbonation)
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and exhibit "flawless color, bouquet
and flavor." A Sekt containing at least
60 percent German wine may be sold
аз Pradikatsekt.
Deutsches Sekts run to the touch of
sweetness and Ricsling fragrance charac-
teristic of German still wines. The better
ones achieve a refreshing balance be-
tween sweet and acid, but even they
generally have a sweet edge. A lot of
cheap wine brought in by tanker goes
into the lesser lights.
Henkell and Sochnlcin are the largest
producers in Germany, but only Henkell
is known in the U.S. 5 a worthy
representative. In an attempt to get a
foothold in America, it pushed a Piccolo,
split size, at distress prices. Henkell and
Soehnlein both have bottlings labeled
trocken (dry, but they are not sehr
trocken (very di
The familiar Blue Nun is equally pal-
atable and considerably more festive as
Sekt Sparkling Blue Nun. The flavor of
the Sekt is consistent with still Blue Nun,
so if you like one, you'll probably like the
other. A ridged plastic cork is a helpful
innovation, affording some protection for
the novice cork popper.
Dienhard Lilac Sekt, Langenbach
Kupferberg Gold are well-made
from smaller houses and do not suffer
when compared with the biggies. For a
g change of taste, try Erdbeer Sekt,
п Sparkling Strawberry. It’s on the
sweet side, with a redecming tart edge
and strawberry scent.
If German regulations are
recise, the
that is
ble. Still wines often
id occasionally erupt
splendor. Practically every
table wine has a vivacious counterpart
asti spumante being the most notable.
It's a pa i i
with the u
cat grapes in its bouquet, Wines run from
fairly to frankly sweet, but the bubbles
keep them from being saccharine.
The spumante and panettone party is
a favorite form of holiday entertainment
in Italy. MR, Fontanafredda and
sano are exemplary astis, the latter not
quite as sweet or perfumy as the others.
Cora, about two dollars below M&R, is
good value. Don't look for méthode
champenoise on asti labels. It’s one spar
kling wine for which tank fermentation
is preferable.
Italy's drier whites can have а slightly
bitter aftertaste. You might investigate
Calissano Duca d'Alba, Carpene Мајо!
Brut or Cinzano Brut Riserva. The last is
known as the Elizabeth Taylor Special at
Metropolitan Wine and Liquor, Ne
York, because they've delivered it by the
case to her door. Lacrima Christi, which
can bc quite dry, is being phased out as
a sparkling wine, although there's still
some around,
Ttaly's foremost red foamer, Nebbiolo
Spumante, is sweet and velvety, with a
hint of violets in its bouquet. Barbera,
Brachetto and Lambrusco are also made
spumante. Be aware that the two-dollar
Lambruscos now flooding the country
are not sparkling, though most do have a
pin-point prickle.
What about American sparklers? We
have them in profusion—not to say con-
fusion, The whites, with a few excep-
ions, are labeled champagne. One such
exception is an extravagantly bouqueted
Sparkling Muscadelle du Bordelais out
of the Hanns Kornell Cellars. And Kor-
nell’s winy sparkling burgundy. made
with pinot noir grapes, is one of the best
reds. They're flirting with the idea of
calling it Champagne Rouge. Sparkling
Pinot Noir might be more apt.
le the cold-duck caper seems to be
“Dear Sir-
abating, that champagne-burgundy mix-
ture js sull in demand. Paul Masson
s one of the drier premiums and
André is hard to beat at the price. Le Do-
maine and Gold Seal, available in mag-
nums, are prospects for the punch bowl.
And if you've a hankering, there are
ebullient fruit wines, boisterous mosca-
tos, turbulent cabernets, crackling rosós
and an alluring S may Beaujo-
lais from Mi
So count on it. Where there's a still
wine, somebody's going to bring it out as
a bubbly. The gamut runs from terrible
to terrific, thus we suggest a preparty sam.
pling to determine whether your initial
choice is a hit or a miss. Happy holidays
and happy sipping!
your sheer self-indulgent pleasure
at attaining your 20th anniversary is the reason for
this, my 240th letter of complaint.”
sources of the greatest respect
at 268 billion dollars, а figure that
the First National City Bank thinks тоо
high but would cut only to 130 billion
dollars. The commission concluded that
“much of the funds which flow interna-
tionally during a crisis doubtlessly are of
multinational corporation origin." We
е not only speculation with conse-
quent uncertainty but speculation from
Given the risk and cost of doing busi-
ness with large and unpredictable fluc
Economist-in-Chicf Richard М.
Nixon: "In the past seven years
there's been an average of one mone-
every vear. Now, who t
from these crises? Not the working-
п, not the investor, not the real
producers of wealth. The gainers are
the international money speculators:
because they thrive on crises. they
help create them.”
You know—the gnomes of Zurich.
The Arab sheiks. The eastern Europe-
an central bankers. The un
types. True to form, Nixon ha
us an enemy to blame. Doi
him, blame the ational money
speculators. But Pogo long ago saw
the true enemy—"and he is us."
he брой, an old Wall Street
hand told me, was last July Fourth
(since we are making it a matter of
patriotism). "The banks here were
closed. and the dollar fared much bet-
ter than in the days just before and
after. The New York Times reported:
Although this Independence
Day in the United States, banks were
open in Europe and trading in fo
gn exchange was active. The holiday
е helped the dol ope
ans have been taking their lead from
banks in New York, which have been
heavy sellers in recent weeks. With the
New York banks closed, this addi-
tional pressure was not felt." In fact,
for the first half of 1973, Chase М
hauan, for one, reported а pre
forcign-exchange trading profit of
about $16,000,000, According to Dr.
Robert Alibe thor of The Interna-
tional Money Game, much of that
profit must have come from selling
Likewise, many of the huge Ameri-
can multinationals have profited as the
dollar sank in value over the past cou-
ple of years, if only because their
foreign profits and working capital
equal more dollars under the new е
change rates. In addition, the prudent
corporate treasurer who is expect-
ing payment at some future date
(continued from page 91)
tuations—i.e., without knowing what one
will receive, or taking a heavy discount
on exchange because the bank doesn't
know what it will get, or paying the cost
of hedging—the proponents of the float
fall back on an obvious remedy: That.
10 keep the fluctuations within narrow
limits. If the dollar is being driven down
or up in relation to the mark, central
banks or international authority must
step in to buy or sell dollars and arrest the
fall or gain.This eliminates uncertainty,
surance as to what his money will buy in
Germany and giving Volkswagen rcason-
able assurance as to what it will get for
its cars.
А moment's thought will tell the read-
er where this solution arrives—although
advocates of the float are not always so
percipient. It goes back to fixed exchange
rates. Rates are not absolutely fixed, but,
like a horse race, if rates are a little fixed,
they are fixed. And among the things
that will change them is further trade
disequilibrium deriv
ng from the
n a weak currency will go into the
foreign-exchange futures market now,
selling that weak currency short, in
order to lock in his dollar profit, just
farmer locks in the price of his
corn before it’s grown. Is that specu
tion? Is it speculation to decide not to
lock in the dollar profit on a transac-
tion that is to be paid off in a strong
currency, which might become more
valuable by the time the transaction is
settled? Is it speculation, if the dollar
looks weak and the mark looks strong,
for the American parent to send the
German subsidiary some dollars to be
used to prepay a loan denominated in
marks? These and other for
пре management techniques
generally considered entirely |
mate, But when the German Bundes-
bank is being flooded with dollars, it
doesn’t help much to know that most
of them are legitimate. (Many wou'd
rgue, it should be noted, that the
role of the speculators is also legiti-
mate, indeed
Monetary crises are not issues of pa-
triotism but of good sense. As long as
there is a system of fixed, or semi
fixed, exchange rates, there will be
cris. Because every so often, fixed
rates will have to be refixed to bring
currencies back into alignment with
each other. (They fall out of line a
different national economics develop
differently.) It is the job of Morgan
Guaranty, Citibank, Chase Manhat-
tan and the others to advise their cl
ents as to the weaknesses and strengths
of different currencies: and it is the
job of the dients not to lose their
holders’ money in devaluations.
The only reason there is ever а "cri-
sis" at all is that the central banks of
various countries come rushing in to
support the artificial fixed rate
When they do, they subsidize everyone
else, induding Mr. Nixon's intern
tional money speculators, at ta
payers’ expense. (You don't sce much
taxpayer protest over this, because the
whole subject is so tortuously compli-
cated and Богі
y the bill.)
Tt is true that intern
tors thrive es, but
their role in creating them is probably
greatly overblown. Walter Wriston,
who, aschairman of First М: ii
nk, is the generally ac
leader of the banking industry, and
who, unlike Professor Galbraith,
vors floating exchange rates, told C.
ws and World Report: “The money
that moves on the margin—the rou-
leue players from Las Vegas'—is so
small as a percentage of legit
transactions as to be unimportant.”
Just who these speculators are—and
they may change from crisis to crisis
is hard to say. Understandably, they
пу to keep a low profile, which is
rather easy for a gnome to do. About
the only speculators dumb enough, or
rogant enough, to boast about their
ions have been the Iraqis and
ns, according to an interna-
tional-banker friend of mine, who
calls them “downright perverse." But
the other Arabs—and they have most
of the money—do not seem to h
joined in. (Not yet, anyway.
t Morgan Guaranty and С y
the Saudis and the Kuwaitis actually
built up their dollar balances prior 10,
the last devaluation
“You can forever identify villains
when there's currency unrest," the
foreign-exchange manager of a large
multinational told me. “The players
are there; they've got a huge amount
i nd, whether
they be banks, ationals or
sheiks. And when you've got tensions
and imbalances and an artificial or
fragile system, any amount of money is
going to bust it. I think at one point
this year it was just $50,000,000 that
used the Bundesbank to say, ‘Oh,
the hell with it, that’s the ball game,
and they practically closed down.
That's nothing, $50,000,000. You can
blame it on whomever you want, The
problem very simply was that the sys-
tem was wrong.” —ANDREW P. TOMAS
tional specula-
of national economic prices and
€ leading to a new outbreak
of speculation. "The risks of currency ac-
cumulation will come to seem excessive
to the central banks—in recent times, the
Swiss government has absorbed the Jos
National Bank—and the
Й. A radical change in
exchange rates will then occur. In other
words, there will be a stable and orderly
float until the next currency crisis
‘There is another danger from the so-
called float. The ultimate solution for
international currency problems lies in
national policies, a point on which a [air
number of authorities—Arthur Burns of
the Federal Reserve, Robert Trifin and
Henry Wallich of Yale—agree. But if it is
supposed that anything so easy as а float
a remedy, it is certain that no more dif-
ficult solution will be sought or tried.
Rising wages, responding price
excess pri public demand, poor
use of capi g 10 a coun-
international competitive positio
c unpopular action. No govem-
ment, and certainly not one as given to
wish and prayer as opposed to policy as
the present U tration,
angle with unions
be remedied by a litle
sorcery with exchange rates. And by the
time it is discovered that sorcery is not
а solution—that it makes everything
worsc—the sorcerer is likely to be safely
back in his Texas law practice or at the
University of Chicago teaching his errors
to the young:
Also at some stage, deliberate down-
ward floating, more rightly called deva
uation, could become an international
game, something like chess. То put your
currency down is to achieve a competi-
ve advantage in other markets. That
advantage others сап ollset by making
their currency go down, too—by ollset-
ting the other country's downward float
by an aggressive purchase of that coun-
пуз currency and counterpart sale of its
own. This keeps that mation's products
cheap, its employment high, its competi-
tive position strong. In Ше years since
World War Two, in reaction to wartime
currency disorder and the competitive
devaluation that preceded it, the moral
aversion to such acti
It is now weakening. А new er
petitive international currency
support will
burden to a new
dimension to international tension. If it
happens, the prophets of floating rather
than fixed exchanges will bear a heavy
responsibility, and one can only hope
that, by some magic, they will be tagged
with the blame. International trade and
even international relations will be ad-
versely affected. International. monetary
disorder will no longer be a noneyent,
even in De
The proper course of action is now evi-
dent. There is no monetary solution.
Тһе search for such a solution is a form
“Why can’t you just nag, nag, nag like other wives?
of escapism unworthy of the adult mind.
In a closely knit world, there must be
some stability and predictability in ex-
change rates. That can be achieved in
only опе way—by much greater coor
nation among national economic policies.
One cannot have a stable international
system and grossly divergent national
policies. It is to the latter that attention
must be turned,
Th fist. glance, will seem
midable, even unrealistic proposal. How.
can we unite or coordinate the wagc-and-
price policics, or the fiscal policies, or
even the monetary and central bank poli-
cies of the United States, the Common.
Market counuies and Sweden, Sw
pd, Austria and the other countries
outside? In fact, coordination will not
be accomplished by Assistant Secretaries
and central bankers meeting to agree on
wagesnd-tax policies over which they
have no perceptible influence at home.
George Meany and the British Trade
Unions Council will not casily subor
nate their wage demands to international
need and convenience when they do not
fully accept the need to intervene for
domestic reasons. A Secretary or Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury who goes to
Paris to meet on such policies may not be
able to see the President before he leaves
or when he returns.
Yet there is no other answer and, oddly
enough, this is the way the problem has
been solved in the past. Anciently, the
gold standard provided fixed rates of e:
change between each of the relevant
currencies and gold, and thus betwee
all. And in its classical manifestation—
more precise in theory than in practice—
the gold standard compelled the coor-
dination of the participant countries,
Countries with a fiscal policy that was too
casy, monetary policy that was too lax,
found their prices rising. This manifes-
tation of uncoordinated national. policy
was then brought into line by the loss ol
gold, the resul
lending and the wai
and expenditure pol
This coordination did not disappe:
in the years following World War Two.
It no longer brought about the movement
of gold from one central bank to anoth-
er. Nor, needless to say, was it the w
of ollicials meeting agreeably and later
going out to dinner. It was, above all, the
id predicta-
ble economic policy in the United States,
to which other countries could accommo-
е. Prices in the United States in the
ilties and Sixties were relatively stable.
re were steady gains in productivity.
In the early Sixties, the guidepost policy
eliminated. the modest wage-push. infla-
tion of the Eisenhower years, and our
sanity had not become suspect from
misadventures in Vietnam. Wall Street
1 not yet got into the go-go binge and
seemed a good place to send dollar
nees. In those years, we were an easy
country with which to live. We did not
coordinate our policies with other
countries’, but our policies were predicta-
ble, and smaller and more manageable
countries could coordinate their policies
with ours.
This is the clue to the present need.
Nothing depends on monetary solutions.
Eventually, the anachronism of national
governments in an international econo-
my of transnational business firms will
have to be faced, but that will not be
soon. The immediate nced is for a pre-
dictable economic policy in the United
The esse
al features of a predictable
policy are without surprise. There must
be control—permanent control—in the
nized sector of the American econo-
my where union settlements act on prices
and prices pull up wages. In the recent
past (and even as this is written), there
was urgent need for higher taxes to soak
up the purchasing power that pulled up
prices in the market sector of the Ameri-
can economy. And in the future, there
must be willingness to use taxes wher
er such restraint on aggregate demand
required. The President of the U
States three years ago announced his con-
version to Keynes, a man many of the
President's followers once equated with
Marx. It was an incomplete conversion—
baptismal terms, a partial submersion.
A Keynesian will reduce taxes to expand
output. Mr. Nixon went that far. But the
complete Keynesian will also raise taxes
to curb an excess of aggregate demand.
‘This step Mr. Nixon declined to take.
dditionally, there is need for a strong
policy of public-service employment. This
is important, for it eliminates the need to
use crude economic policy measures to
carry the full cost of keeping unemploy-
ment at an acceptably low level. Jobs
be provided in the number and in the
places where they are needed. Even in
budget terms, it is a great bargain.
Finally, there will be need, on occa-
sion, for judicious monetary restraint.
But this must not be a central reliance.
Monetary policy is the most uncertain of
all policies in terms of the relation be-
tween a given action and the size and
timing of the result. And it works with
marked discr n against those
industries that, by their nature, must
borrow money. Quite a few foreigners
recognize that world monetary stability
requires, first of all, that the United
States get its own house in order. Un-
fortunately, they confine their further
recommendations to proposals for mak-
ing greater use of high interest rates.
There cannot be a predictable infla-
tion. Price stability is the only possible
thing to which other countries can an-
chor—with which they can coordinate
their policy. Given stability, other coun-
tries сап accommodate. Nor is this an
inferior role; it is the natural relationship:
between small countries and large.
On occasion, no doubt, this coordina-
tion сап be facilitated by nepoti
among the United States, the Common.
Market countries and Japan. A comm
ment to a common target respecting
сез and perhaps also productivity
might have a certain moral effect. And
n policy is in order, the
working out of cosmetic details—the de-
monetarization of gold, strengthening of
the Bretton Woods machinery, expand-
ing drawing rights, developing other in-
ternational monctary gadgetry—will give
useful employment to world monetary
experts. Restraints on the movement of
capital by the banks and multinational
corporations need also to be devised. As
an interim measure—until dollar bal-
ances are reduced and stabilized —this.
would be very uscful, as сусп conserva-
tive banking authorities agree. (Even
Switzerland. ii a substantial
measure ot control over such movements.)
But the major point must be empha-
sized. With proper American policy,
everything is possible. Withont it, noth-
ing is possible.
“If you're noi making these long-distance calls
to Australia, then who is?”
(continued from page 196)
junk, only.” He spoke on behalf of good
judgment, and it made him pious. Then
he saw the framed medal in green plush
on the wall and he said, “Is that from the
war? Were you in Korea?”
“No,” I said, “it's from the French gov-
ernment. The Legion of Honor. Chev.
lier. I'm a knight.”
“I di know an American was al-
lowed to be,” he said.
Von Humboldt Fleisher had sent me
an unsigned postcard on that occasion,
“Shoveleer! Your name is now lesion.”
The hand was shaky, but it was Hum-
boldt’s, no other. He had been on a
Finnegans Wake kick for 20 ycars. When-
ever I was similarly honored. he sent me
a message. "Now you are one of Pulitzcr's
pullets, Lucky Р. R. Always in a muddle.”
In the old days, we had had theoretical
discussions about the deformation of
language, a further extension of the
artificial derangement of the senses. All
of which came from the necessity to re-
daim consciousness from reccived idcas.
Tt was Blake and Vision against Locke
and the tabula rasa. Did you, beholding
the sun, see a pale blot in the sky, or did
you sce a heavenly host and hear it sing-
ing “Holy, holy, holy"? Art must redeem
us from the cartoon world of positivist
The state of mind Humboldt had
created for himself had little to do with
Art and Redemption. He became con-
vinced that the main ingredient of my
Success had been "stolen" fom him. He
didn't claim that he had written. Von
Trenck. What he said was that 1 couldn't
have done it without him. It followed
that he should have been an honored
first-nighter in a tuxedo escorting a star-
let and later, like a fair-haired bison, he
should have been one of the guests at Sar-
di's upstairs, waiting for the reviews.
Instead, he behaved like a lunatic out-
side the Belasco, picketing me, applaud-
ed by his own cheering section, his
cronies from the White Horse. The po-
lice offered to run him in, but I cried out
in a frenzy, "Don't you touch him!" It
was not one of my happiest evenings in
New York.
Soon after, he drew that check for
$3000 on my account. He had smashed
up his Buick I understand that he
bought himself an Oldsmobile with my
I had heard, too, that he was living
with a gorgeous black girl who studied
the French horn at Juilliard, but T knew
that this was not possible when I had my
last sight of him on 46th Strect. He
couldn't have been living with а pretty
girl, he was too destroyed for that. His
color was dead. His face was a sort of East
River gray and he was floundering in a
large gray suit. His head looked as if the
gypsy moth had gotten into it and spun
its tent. His eyes were red. He stood cat-
g pretzel sticks at the curb, his lunch.
Hiding behind the cars across the street,
I wore English shoes, custom-made by
Poulsen and Skone. My underpants were
combed Sea Island cotton, seven bucks a
pair. I was in this period of my lile
dressed like Sugar Ray Robinson. Not
that Y had the fighter's spirit. Oh, no, E
wasn't arrayed to fight but to be over-
come. Seeing Humboldt, 1 was overcome
by horror, compassion, ideas of Fate and
other humanistic lah-de-dah. And I beat
I went nd the corner on long
nbling legs, jaws and teeth shut 1
and my very mustache stinging me. I
to myself, “Humboldt, goodbye! ТЇЇ see
you in rhe next world.”
And a few weeks later, he dropped
dead at the TIscombe Hotel.
On thar same day, 1 went from break-
fast at the Plaza, the Edwardian Room,
to LaGuardia. On the 727. I opened
he Times and turned to the obituarics.
There I saw his handsome, ruined face in
black and gray. I went into the can and
wept, while lights flashed RETURN TO
In his youth, he had had it all. The
Goddess was with him. He was hand-
some, wise, angelic—he was a genius. Ніз
poems were musical, his ideas were d.
ing. he was an original conversationalist,
and women were mad for him. At a party
I once heard a lady say, "Do you know
what 1 think you're like, Humboldi? To
"re like a person irom a painting,
. he was destroyed. For a long time
after his death, what I felt was that there
were left in the world only cert
comical disheartening persons in custom-
made shoes or suits with psychedelic
ing. And that these, or people like them,
promoters, hard-nosed men, moral defec
tives, powerful dimwits—these owned
the stock portfolios, the corporations, the
reputations, these sailed the Aegean on
уаЧиз with gold faucets, These brutes
had power and governed the nations
I sat rubbing my mustache, staring at
the walls, waiting for that telephone call
And actually, this Rinaldo Gantabile
didn't make me wait too long. 1 didn't
know whether he was a real hoodlum or
only an aspirant, but he was as subject as
anyone else to the daily rhythms of the
metropolis. the click that starts the trafic
rushing ас sunrise, the five-o'clock buzz-
g that rumbles it back from industries
and offices. This great ш beast is
covered by a scale of minutes. Lunchtime
is lunchtime. Rinaldo phoned me at half
past H. He probably had another date to
keep. He said, "All sight, you dumb
prick. we're going to meet. Bring cash.
And that’s all you bring. Don't make any
“I wouldn't know what or how," I said.
"You come alone."
"What clse, it never суеп occurred
“Well, it better not occur. And bring
new bills. You go to the bank and get
new money. I don't want any grease or
snot on those dollars. Get nine bills of
fifty. New. And be glad if 1 don't make
you eat the fucking check that bounced.”
What a fascist! But maybe he was only
priming himself, keeping up the savagery
level. 1 had a hunch that it might be so.
I said, in appeasement and abasement,
“Any way you want it.” My sole object
now (through docility) was to put
end to our relations. “Where do you want
me?" I said.
"On Di
Bath,” he said.
“That old joint! For the love of God!"
"You be in front of it at one forty-five,
and wait. Alone,” he said.
on Surcet, the Russian
t he hadn't
waited for agreement. Again T heard the
dial tone. I identified this interminable
sound with the anxiety level of the disen-
ed soul.
I tried again to get hold of George
Swiebel to warn him away from the Bath
Apparently, X had mentioned during the
fatal poker game that it amused George
to join his fathcr now and again in the
old steam room on Division near what
used to be Robey Street, There could be
по other reason Cantabile had picked
that place for our rendezvous. The Rus-
sian Bath on Division Street is as old as
okl Mr. Swiebel. who is now in his 80s.
and perhaps older. In childhood 1 went
there with my own father and the place
was as dank and rotten then as it is now,
but always very agreeable as well. The
steam was comforting and golden. it rot-
ted the wooden posts until they resem-
bled beaver fur. it softened the plan
Old. Mr. Swiebel steamed himself there
daily. 1 told George's secretary, Sharon,
No Russian steam today. This is Charlie
Ciuine. H's important, Sharon, you
George had said of his receptionist,
"She digs emergencies.” This was under-
standable. Sharon, а low-built, pla
woman, had had her throat cut last ус:
Without warning, unprovoked. a fellow
off the street stepped into the office one
day with а razor and swept it over h
throat, He went out again and was never
seen. “The blood George, “fell like
curtain." With wonderful presence of
nd, he knotted a towel on her neck
and rushed her to the hospital. She now
behind a glass panel.
1 was afraid that Cani :
med up оп my Mercedes, would want
to go on to George. George Swiebel is
generous, a good soul, a bright man, in
his own way. George had organized that
poker game for my pleasure and instruc-
n. He said I was alone too much and
out of things. He wanted to show me
“real people,” the masses. But his guests
knew why they were invited and felt thar
they were on exhibit, The categories are
grasped nowadays by those who belong to
I answered, "Right" B
ile, having
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them. Thus, George’s poker pals, aware
that they were on display, enriched the
evening with their own irony. It was all
perfectly clear to them. They saw the
Cantabiles for what they were. Emil, a
smalltime hoodlum, was born to throw
rocks through windows and to twist arms.
His cousin Rinaldo, with his black mus-
tache and elegant clothing, talked big,
blufled madly, read books but pretended
to be a cast-iron lowbrow. About mc the
gucsts obviously knew that I was some
kind of mental fellow whose name they
could find in a reference book at the
public library, and that I was there to rel-
ish their peculiarities. I proved to be by
far the most peculiar.
I am a bad poker player. Besides, I was
distracted by the people George had
brought together: one undertaker, one
junior statistician from the branch of
the State University, one hilli
George's sales force, a fellow in the
tuxedo-rental business, and Rinaldo
and Emil, who had pushed their way in
uninvited. My legs jittering under the
I was smiling as the cards flipped
d me.
We sat with whiskey, poker chips and
cigars in this South Chicago kitchen,
amid the dark breathings of steel mills
and refineries, under webs of power
lines. Driving over the Skyway, I often
note odd natural survivals in this scene
y industry. Carp and catfish still
ve in the benzinesmelling ponds ni
by, Black women angle for them witli
dough bait. Woodchucks survive among
the dumps. Redwing blackbirds with
their shoulder tabs fly like uniformed
ushers. Daisies and violets persist
It's truc I dropped about 600 bucks al-
together, counting the check to Cantabi
le, but I am so used to having money
taken from me that 1 didn't really mind
Т had great pleasure that evening I
drank, I relaxed and I laughed a good
deal. I was told later, however, that I
alone failed to understand what was
going on. The others saw how the Cant
bile cousins were cheating, flashing cards.
and finagling with the deck.
Та the Capone era, the Cantabilcs had
been bad eggs. At that time, for one rea-
son and another, the whole world had
identified Chicago with blood, there
were the stockyards and there were the
rackets. In this myth of blood, the Canta-
biles had stood in the middle rank, They
were quite well known. They worked for
the Mob, they beat people and shot
them, they drove whiskey trucks. Un-
fortunately for the family, there was a
weakminded uncle who joined the po-
lice force. This police Cantabile, one eve-
ning when he was off duty, got drunk
a bar. Two playful punks took away his
pistols and had fun with him. At
gunpoint, they made him crawl on his
belly, eat sawdust, they kicked his ass
252 while he lay on the floor moaning with
humiliation and rage. When they had
nough, they ran away, full of glee,
throwing the guns down. This was th
mistake. He recovered his pistols, pur-
sued them and Killed them both in the
street. For this he got a life sentence. It
was a hard blow for the family. After 0
disgrace, the Cantabiles were dropped by
the underworld. They had always been
average minor racketcers. Now, because
of old Ralph "Moochy" Cantabile, no
one would take them seriously. There-
Tore, Rinaldo Cantabile could not afford
to be brushed off by a person like me
who lost to him at cards and then
stopped his check. Perhaps George was
right and Rinaldo, or Ronald, was of no
consequence as a hoodlum. But he had
done a terrible thing to my Mercedes.
Whether his rage was natural or coi
trived, no one could say. He was ар
ently one of those proud, sensitive
fellows who arc a causc of so much
trouble in human lile through being
ssionate about internal matters of
very slight interest to any other sensible
I got moving. I went out to my dented
car, which, in maintenance costs alone,
me $1500 per annum. Encountering
bad air, which often comes in garbage
gusts across the corner of the lake from
the greatest steel-and-oil complex in the
world—a brown air, more gas than air—
I put up the windows and turned on the
air conditioner and the stereo. It was be-
id the cultural FM stations
were performing sacred music—oratorios
by Monteverdi and Palestrina and Han-
del. Christ Lag im Todes Banden, ar-
ranged by Greenberg, with Gohen on the
viola da gamba. I drove off, barely able to
see through the windshield.
І hadn't yet decided in what order to
do things, Maybe it would be best to take
my car to the Clark Suect garage and
then takea taxi to the bank.
A little later, with the new $50 bills in
my wallet, I was riding westward in a
taxi. AIL I could see of the driver was а
steel-wool Afro and atop that a cap. The
back of the cab was dusty with cigarette
ash and smelled like a tavern,
This is my old neighborhood. a district
of small brick buildings painted by the
Polish owners, with their strong property
sense, mainly in Chiisunas red. The grass
plots are fenced with blackiron pipe
There must be Baltic towns that look
like this, Gdynia, for instance, But the Il-
linois prairie erupts in vacant lots and
occasionally the wind drives tumbleweed
down the streets.
In the old days, the days of coalmen
and icemen, broken hot-water boilers
were cut in half with acetylene torches,
and these long troughs were used as
planters on the grass plow of the brick
bungalows coated in blaring red. The
woughs were often painted silver in the
spring; they had double rows of
rivets and in their black soil geraniums
grew. Big Polish women in ribboned dust
caps beat the carpets, shook out mops
and hosed the flowers.
As there was still time for it, I told the
cabby to go farther, so that I could look
at old landmarks. T had to speak to him
through the perforations of the bullet-
proof screen. We went another mile west.
The old landmarks had been demol-
ished! I felt like a captive flamingo in
the back seat, trying to look through the
windows at the mangroves of his youth.
With the pulsatory agitation of a bird, 1
saw that Lovi's old restaurant had been
swept away, plus Ben's Pool Hall, and
the old carbarn and Gratdı's Funeral
Parlor, from which both my parents had
been buried. Eternity had allowed no
picturesque interval, The ruins of time
had been bulldozed and scr; ped away.
Steel beams were rising in the air. It was
the famous acceleration, the oblitera
of familiar and sentimental attachments
of which Americans are so bitterly proud.
Polish kielbasa no longer hung in butch-
crs’ windows. The sausages in the carni-
ceria were Caribbean, purple and
wrinkled. The old signs were gone. The
new ones said HOY, MUDANZAS. IGLESIA.
This was now a Puerto Rican neighbor-
hood, There was more rubble in the
street than formerly, a great deal of
crushed plaster and broken glass. But the
low limestone Russian Bath building (it
was alo a lodginghousc or proleta
hotel) still stood. The second floor used
to be for bachelors or widowers who
drove milk wagons or wor
line, aged working stiffs. lone Uk
Ah, yes, I knew the place from boy-
hood. My father used to bring me. He
had great faith in steam and in bein:
athered with oak leaves. These steam
bathers don't look at all like the lean, cld-
erly downtown people. They are cast in
an antique form. Here you see men with
nd fatty breasts as yel-
low as buttermilk, thick pillar legs with
a sort of creeping verdigtis or blue-cheese
mottling of the ankles. After steam
these old fellows eat enormous
and drink schnapps. You see hard, stout,
old-fashioned bellies. Things are very
elementary here. An atmosphere of con-
scious obsolescence, of a line of evolution
ndoned by nature, And down in the
superheated cellar, all of these Slavonic
cave men and wood demons with hang-
ing laps of fat and legs of stone and
lichen boil themselves and splash ice
water on their heads by the bucket. While
in the locker room upstairs little dudes.
па grinning broads leap up and down
on the television screen and make smart
talk. And Mickey, who keeps the food
concession, fries skirt steaks and potato
pancakes and, with enormous knives,
chops cabbages for cole slaw and quarters
grapefruits for the old men who mount
in bed sheets from the blasting heat. The
steam below rises from a pile of white-hot
boulders on which Franush, the attend
red salamander, Franush
creeps up with a stick to tip the latch of
the furnace, which is too hot to touch,
and then on all fours, with testicles
swinging on a long sinew and the clean
anus staring, he backs away, groping for
the bucket. Then he flings the water and
the boulders flash and sizzle. There may
be no v n the Carpathians where
Father Myron
h his own her-
Loyal to this place,
Swiebel came every day wi
ring, raw onions, buttered pump
and bourbon whiskey. Though he had no
driver's license, he drove his own Plym-
outh. On both сус he had cataracts. But
he could see well enough straight ahead.
Tt was the side vision that was poor
Owing to this, he did great damage to
other cars in the parking lot. But Г was
ious about George, 1 didn't want
Cantabile to run into him here.
1 asked Mickey, who was зе
steaks and frying onions. “Ha
come in today?”
А man of peace built like a bounce
with huge bare arms and an
very high under his muscles, Mickey hiss
a twisted lip. During the Depression, he
had to sleep in the parks and from the
cold ground he got a partial paralysis of
the cheek Ir r le him seem to scaff or
jeer. This was a misleading impression,
for he was gentle, earnest perso:
"The oll man is here; he said.
“George came on Sunday but not today."
1 hurried out past the cashier's cag
with its little steel boxes where patron
left their valuables. I passed the squirm-
ing barber pole, and when I got to the
sidewalk, which was as dense as the gal-
axy with stars of broken glass, a white
Thunderbird pulled up in front of the
Puerto Rican sausage shop across the
street and Ronald Cantabile got out. He
sprang out, 1 should say. 1 saw that he
was in a terrific state. Dressed in a brown
raglan coat with a matching hat and
wearing brown-kid boots, he was tall and
good-looking. His dark and dense mus-
tache was as fine as mink. But through
this crackling elegance of dress there was
a current, a desperate sweep, so that the
шап cime out, so to speak, raging from
the neck up. Clear across Division Street,
I coukl sce how red he was. He had
worked himsell up to intimidate me, I
thought. But also, he was making un
usual steps. His feet behaved strangely.
Cars came between us just then, so that
he could not cross over. Beneath them
1 could see his trotting movements. At
the first break im the traffic, bile
opened his raglan coat to let me see that
he iring a magnificent belt. But
wasn't a belt that he wanted to
display. Just beside the buckle, some-
thing was sticking out. He clapped his
ng fatty
s George
hand to it. He wanted me to see that he
was carrying a gun. More cars came and
Cantabile was jumping up and down.
Under the utmost strain, he called out to
me when the automobiles had passed,
“You alone?”
“Alone. I'malont
He drew himself up toward the shoul-
der with pecul
"You got anybody
“No. Just me. Nobod
He opened the Thund
brought up two baseball bats from the
floor. A bat in cach hand, he started
toward me. A van came between us. Now
1 could see nothing but his fect moving
rapidly in the high boots. 1 thought, he
sees I've come to pay. Why should he
dobber me? He's got to know that I
wouldn't pull anything. Should 1 run?
As the last of a string of cars passed,
Cantabile took a long stride with both
bats, as if to rush. upon me without a
pause, Bur 1 yelled, "For Chris
He paused and I held up open hands.
Then he flung one of the bats back into
the Thunderbird and started for me with
the other
“I brought the money.” I said
don't have 10 beat my brains out.”
“You got a gun.
got nothing.”
“You come here, " he said.
1 went willingly to the middle of the
He made me stop. “Stay right
" he said. I was in the center of
heavy traffic, cars honking and the pro-
voked drivers rolling down their win-
dows. He tossed the second bat back into
the T-bird. Then he strode up and took
hold of me roughly. He treated me as if I
bird and
deserved the extreme penalty. I held out
the money, I offered it to him on the
spot. But he refused to look at it. He
pushed me with what I though! n
sort of fury toward the stairs of the Bath
nd past the squirming barbershop cylin-
ders of red, white and blue. We hurried
in, past the cashier's cage and along the
dirty corridor.
"Go on. go oi
"Where do you w
“To the can. Where
“Don't you want the dough?"
“I said the can! The can!
1 then understood, his bowels were act-
ing up, he had been caught short, he had
to go 10 the toilet, and I was to go with
him He wouldn't allow me to wait in the
street. "OR," I said, "just take it casy and.
TIL lead. you." He followed me through
the locker room. The john entrance was
doorless. Only the individual stalls
doors. I motioned him forward and
about to seat myself on one of the Iocker-
room benches, but he gave me a hard
push on the shoulder and drove me for-
ward. These toilets are the Bath at its
worst. The radiators put up
dry heat. The tiles are never washed, nev-
cr disinfected. The hot dry urine smell
тизе» to your cyes like onion fumes.
Jesus!" said Cantabile. He kicked
open a stall, still keeping me in front of
him. He said. “You go in first.”
The both of us:
"Hurry up.
“There's space o
aid Cantabile.
t to до?”
ly for one.”
He tugged out his gun and shook the
butt at me. "You want this in your
teeth?" The black fur of his mustache
spread as the lip of his distorted face
stretched. His brows were joined above
the nose like the hilt of a large dagger.
In the comer, you!" He slammed the
door and, panting, took off his things.
He thrust the raglan and the matching
hat into my arms, although there was a
hook. There was even a picce of ha
ware 1 had never before noticed
ached to the door was a brass fitting
groove labeled cicar, a touch of old-fash-
ioned class. He was seated now with the
gun held in both palms, his hands be-
tween his knees, his eyes first closing,
then greatly dilating.
In a situation like this, I can always
switch out and think about the human
condition. OF course, he wanted to humil-
ме me. Because I was a chevalier of the
légion d'honneur? Not that he actually
knew of this. But he was aware th
s as they would say in Chicago, а
brain, a man of culture oi
this why I
nd slopping and smell his
antasies of savagery and
monsuosity. of beating my brains ош,
1 loosened his bowels. Hum
E Е (to distract my:
self) of all the volumes of ape be
ad read in my time, of Kohler
nd Zuckerman and Schaller on.
nd of the rich repertory of
tivities in the anthropoid branch. Te
ible that I was a more lim
п a fellow like Cantabile
ed person th:
spite of my concentration on
achievement. For it would never have oc-
curred to me to inflict anger on anyone
ng improving thoughts, I
waited with good poise while he
crouched there with his hardened dagger
brows. He was a handsome. slender man
whose hair had a natural curl. It was
cropped so close that you could see the
roots of his curls and the contraction of
his scalp in this moment of stress, He
wanted to inflict a punishment on me,
but the result was only to make us more
He stood and then wiped, and then
pulled his shirtails straight, belting his
pants with ue large oval buckle and
sticking back the gun (I hoped the safety
catch was on). when he pulled
his shirttails stra buckled his styl-
yg the
gun in, flushing the toilet with his point-
cd kid boot—too fastidious to touch the
lever with his hand—he said, st i1
catch the crabs here!" As if that would be
my fault, too. I saw that he was a violent,
reckless blamer. He said, "You don't
know how I hated to sit here. These old
guys must piss on the seats.” This, too. he
held against me and entered on the debi
side. Then he said, "Who owns this
Now, this fascinating question
never occurred to me. The Bath w
ish belt on the hip-+huggers, thrus
ancient, it was like the Pyramids of
Egypt, the gardens of Assurbanipal. T^
never heard of an owner,” 1 said. “For all
I know, it’s some old people out in Bri
ish Columbia.”
"You're too fucking smart. I only
asked for information. ГЇ find out.” He
washed his hands without soap, because
none was provided. and then refused the
roller towel. I admit that it had a kind of
repulsive originality in its cake of filth.
Full of the nastiness of the place, he
ked, “Is this what they call a Ba
We went together to the lunch counter
bile dried his hands with
per napkins, which he pulled angrily
from the dispenser, crumpled and
dropped on the floor. He asked Mickey,
"Why don't you have soap and towels in
your can? Why don't you wash the god-
damn place out? Theres no disinfectant
in there.”
о? Don't you put moth 1
alls in there
anymore, Joe? We got some Lysol left?"
1 silent, leaned on the
with its brass pedestals
d upsidedown bronze legs with feet.
Aged and wordless, he seemed to wish to
remind us all of some remote, grand со
siderarions—possibly Honor, maybe Rea-
son. perhaps Destiny
“You guys are gonna buy supplies
from me,” said Cantabile, “Disinfectant,
liquid soap. paper, everything. 1 got а
shop on Clybourn Avenue.” He took out
a long ostrichskin wallet and threw a bu
ness card onto the counter
Mickey took up the
d with del-
erence, His huge fingers were covered
with black knile marks. x the
boss, I just have the restaurant conces-
sion. But ГЇЇ pass the word on to manage-
ment downtown.”
Mickey, who owns the Bath?" I asked.
But he simply raised his eyebrows and
looked blank. It would be curious, 1
thought, if it should turn out to belong
to the Syndicate.
Is George Swiebel here?” Cantabile
asked. Mickey shook his head. “Well, he’s
a dumb shit. Tell him I said so.”
We went out into the street. The sky
had suddenly cleared. I couldn't decide if
gloomy weather wasn't more suitable to
these surround r was cold; the
light was neat and sharp, the shadows
thrown from blackened buildings made
patterns on the ground.
"Well, let me give you th
brought the clean bills. Tha
wrap up the whole thing, Mr. Cant
I said.
fou think it's
said Rinaldo.
"Well, I'm very sorry. It shouldn't have
ppened. I really regret it."
Do you take your friend George's
word for everything? Why, he
hole. Why didn't he catch Emil and me
in the aci? No, he has you stop the check,
and then you and he and that undertak-
er, the tuxedo man and all those other
that easy?”
dummies spread around the gossip that
Ronald Cantabile is a punk. M You
could never get away with that. Don't
you re:
"Yes, now I realize.
“I was watching you at the game, and
I didn't dig you. When are you going to
do something—and know what you're
doing?" These words he spaced, he ac-
cented, he vehemently uttered into my
face. He snatched away his coat, which T
was still holding, the rich brown raglan
with its large buttons—such buttons as
Circe might have had in her sewing box
Very beautiful, really, rather Oriental-
‘The last garment I had
treasure buttons.
about 12 years old. His limousine had
stopped in front of the Tribune Tower
(1 was there to obtain a free map of Chi-
goland, as the colonel had renamed ir).
Two gunmen of small stature came out
of the limousine first, cach with two pis-
tols, and crouched and circled on the
pavement, defending all approaches
"Then, in this four-gun setting, the colo-
nel stepped out in just such a tobacco-
colored coat as e's. and a pinch
hat with gleaming harsh fuzz which
would have given you nettle rash just to
look at
“You think I don't know
“No, you don't. You couldn't find your
ass with both hand
11е made me get into his showy auto. It
had red bucket seats and an im-
mense instrument. panel. He took off at
top speed from a standstill, like
adolescent drag racer, the tires wildly
In the car, I got a slightly different
pression of him. Seen in profile, his nose
ended in a sort of white bulb, which was
darkly lined. His eyes were bigger than
they should be, artificially dilated, per-
haps. His mouth was wide, with an cmo-
tional underlip that seemed to evidence
a childish struggle to appear full-grown.
The look in his dark eyes also hinted that
he aspired to be something he'd never at-
tained and that this was a violent grief
for him. 1 suspected that he didn't know
what was he tried for. Only the
what lm
We were speeding eastward
“Didn't I
hear that you fought in Vietn 1
“I was in Vietnam,” he said. "I got
out of that smelly Catholic college and
"Did you see some action?”
He laughed. “I started some action. 1
tole а complete tank truck of gasoline
and sold it to some black-anarket guys-
Then I got caught. But my folks made a
deal. Senator Dirksen helped. I was only
eight months in jail.
He wanted me to know that he was no
Uncle Moochy Ralph but a true Twenties
Cantabile. with a criminal pedigree. The
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(pcm RIE еа
nt business on Clybourn
was obviously one of his rackem. He
probably had a currency exchange or two
and maybe an exterminator business, But
he was obviously in the minor leagues.
No, this restless, striving. smoky-souled
Cantabile was on the outside trying
get in, He was the sort of small entrepre-
neur the sanitation department fishes
out of sewers after three months of de
composition. Certain persons of this type
were found in the trunks of automobiles
rked at O'Hare. The weight at the
ced by a cinder block laid
t the next corner, Rinal-
ight. He rode the humpe
ieee specially
upholstered in soft crimson blood.splash
leather. He wore gloves sold to horsemen
hy Abercrombie & Fitch. At the express-
way, he gunned up the slope, running
into merging trafic. The cars behind
braked noisily. His radio played rock
Tt w:
. Aud 1 recognized С
Rinaldo took me first to the Playboy
Club. The Bunny at the door knew him
and the checkroom Bunny was all smiles,
He threw his coat down on the counter;
1 handed mine over carefully.
We stepped into the semidarkness, the
opulence, onto the thick carpet of the
bar, where bottles shone and sensual fe-
male forms went back and forth in an
aber light
some people. When I gi
you pay me the money and apologize.” 1
realized that I was going to make amends
in public, at least in а small way. Had a
Cantabile family council ordered Rin
do to do this—to repair the damage to
thcir good bad
We were st
nding belore a table
like ıo
Mike, this is Rot
The rest was, “
it down, what'll you
Bill was unknown to me, but Mike w
Mike Sdmeiderman, the gosip colun
nist. He was large, heavy, strong, ta
sullen, stupid, fatigued, his I
cull buttons nearly of a size
with his sleepy eyes. His neck
clumsy flap of silk brocade.
1 his old fashioned and 1
with people in bars and restaurants. He
as clumsy by nature, smooth by prac
tice. At certain moments he looked blank
Hello, Cha Th
за famous person. He lives
in Chicago incognito."
1 was beginning ro appreciate wl
255 пао had done. He had gone to a lot of
trouble to set this up. Many strings had
had to be pulled. many phone calls
madc, onc could be sure of that. Т
Bill, a connection of his, perhaps owed
the Cantabiles a favor and had agreed to
produce Mike the columnist. I thought
bill Nostra look. Very
aven, his powerful vet vulnerable
nose curved deeply toward the nost
thought it the kind of nose that would
bleed easily. In a
would have guessed him to have si
out in life as a violinist. to have become
disgusted with the bow and strings and
10 have gone into the liquor business. He
had been well sunned
was sleepy and haughty. Bill, doing R
naldo a small favor, seemed contempt
ous. Too bad. In a way, my sympathy
this moment was with Rinaldo, who had
gone to great trouble to organize what
should have been a beautiful encounter
illiteracies. The names of the happy few
appeared in bold type. He was used, of
course, to people trying to crash his col-
umn. The Bunny took our drink order
Up to the neck, she was ravishing.
I was business anxiety. The wı
tween her eyes had more force than the
soft crease of her breasts could overcome.
Where the Club is, this lakeshore strip
of the city is stupendous—skyscrapers of
every form, and the shining road beside
the shining golden-white vacancy of Lake
Michigan, Man had overcome the empti-
ness of this land. But the emptiness had
ven him a few
Here we were
h and power with pretty maidens
nd booze and tailored suits, and the
men wearing jewels and using scent.
Mike Schneiderman the columnist w:
most skeptically, for
esting offering. I drank down my double
Scotch eagerly and, being a quick ex-
pander, started to laugh. No one joined
mc. Ugly Bill said, "What's funn
"Only that 1 learned to su
cet before all
iss went up.
these glamorous build
used to come on the streetcar. It went no
irther than Wells. E had a greasy bag of
dwiches My mother bought me а
girl's bathing suit at a sale and I way mor-
tified by the little skirt with its rainbow
Now I'm hei
Cantabile gave me
table with his whole foot, probably leav-
g a dusty print on my trousers. His
Trown spread upward into his scalp, rip-
pling under the close-cut curis, while his
nose became as white as candle w
1 said, “By the w
took out the bills. "I owe you money.”
“What money?
“The money 1 lost to you at that poker
game. [t was some time back. 1 guess you
forgot about it. Four hundred and fifty
don't know what
you're talking
about,” said Rinaldo Cantabile. “What
“It seems to have slipped your mind
at George Swiebel's
ince when do you book guys play
poker?” said Mike Schneiderman.
Why? We have our human side. Poker
has always been played at the White
House. Perfectly respectable. President
Harding played. Also during the New
Deal. Morgenthau, Roosevelt and so on.”
¥ ‘ou sound West Side Chicago
id Bill.
Tumboldt Parks" said.
"Well. put away vour dough, Charli
bile. “This is drink time. No
ness. Pay me later."
"Why not now, while I think of it and
as long аз I have the bills out? You know,
g slipped my mind. and
ht I woke up with a start, think-
ing, ‘I forgot to pay Rinaldo his dough."
ris, I could have blown my brains
le said violently, "OK, OK,
He snatched the money from
1 crammed it without counting
о the breast pocket of his jacket, He
Quod look of high irritation, а fam-
ig look. Nor could I imagine «мү What
had power to put you in the paper
you were in the paper, you
in vain. Death's hold over you was in
part canceled. You were not just a two-
legged o shane fr
brief hou
ys. Charli
Another play,
You know,” he said to
"Charlie's a real famous guy. They
k out of his Broad
whole lot of stull.”
said. Mike Schneiderman.
maybe? A movie:
made a terr
hit. He's written.
“Thad my moment of glory c
. "I could never rej
like a cat gli
ugh a said, “We've got to
I followed him and in the lobby he
What the fuck is the m
1 you wanted to blow your
ins out. You must know «
creep, that Mike Schne
brother blew his brains out two m
ago. You read about it in the paper, how.
rfeit bonds [ог col
4 got caught
that Schneiderman!
The fe
ates, the
end," said
You did it on purpose to
louse me up.”
1 didn’t,
“Blowing my b
expression. At
ian slip. Absolutely
You aly
s pretend you dou't know.
“I used to hate office parties until I learned
to relax around management.”
what you did. I suppose you'll try to tell
me that you didn’t know Bill Lakin, the
guy with the big nose. I suppose vou'll
Say its all news to you that he took the
forged bonds as security and got indicted
lerman's brother
should he be indict-
“Is that true? Wh
ed just because brother Schneiderman
put one over on hi
Bird brain. you don't understa
what you read in the news. He bou
Lekatride from Schneiderman for a b
а share when it was worth six
you d of Kemer. eithe
ics and trials? But
care about the things that other people
knock themselves out over. You have
tempt. You're arrogant, Citrine. You de-
spise us
“Who's us?"
“Us! People of the world . .." said €
tabile. He spoke wildly. Ir was no timc
for argument. ] was to respect and to fear
п. It would be provoking if he di
think I feared him. I didn't think that he
would shoot me, but a be: surely
possible, perhaps a broken leg. As we left
the Playboy Club. he thrust the money
to my hı
nest мор w
you don't
g wa
Building, somewhere on the 60th or 70th
in the Hancock
story. It looked © apartment,
nd yet it seemed also to be a place of
business. It was furnished in decorator
with plastic trick art objects hang-
un the walls, geometrical forms of the
type that intrigue business
we peculiarly vulnerable
eers. The gentleman who
in a brown-hop-
disciplined belly.
White hair was slicked back upon his na
row head. The liver stains on his hands
were quite Under the eves
about the nose, he did not look altogeth-
er well. As he sat on the low sofa 1
judging by the way it gave under |
was stuffed with down, his
s extended far
pet. The pressure of his belly brought
out the shape of his рі:
Long nose, gaping lip
s velvet, gold- шеме һор-
tin, and
wpe-l'oeil objects. From tlie conversa-
n, I gathered that his jewelry
nd that he dealt with the underworld.
Perhaps he was also a fe
I know? Rinaldo C:
had an anniversar
shopping for a bracelet. A
houscboy served drinks. I am not б
drinker, but today I understandably
wanted whisky and 1 took a double shot
of Black Label Scotch, From high up, E
could contemplate the air of Chicago on
this short December afternoon.
western sun spread orange light over the
dark shapes of the town, over the branches
of the river and ck trusses of
bridges. The lake, gilt, silver and ame-
bile and his wile
coming and he was
rol ice
ready for its winter cov
4G т
ngle call seemed local.
They were all Las Vegas, LA. Miami
and New York. "Send your boy over to
Tiffany and find out what they ask for
this item,” our host was saying. 1 then
heard him speak of estare jewels and of
n Indi,
whole lot of s
ing bids.
At one interval, while Cantabile was
fussing importantly ove ay of di
monds (nasty. that white stuff seemed to
nc). the old gentleman spoke to me. He
» Nizam who was trying to sell
uf in the U.S.A, and
“I know you from somewheres,
UYes E sid, "from th lpool at
the Downtown Health
out sports, taxes,
television programs, best sellers or chat-
bout Acapulco and the Cayman
ads. I didnt know but what this old
n had one of those infamous
near the swimming pool to which
chicks were invited for the siesta.
had been sandal and protest ov
What was done behind drawn drapes in
the cabinas was no one's business. of
course, bur some of the old. mon-
strative and exhibirionis
seen fondl Tittle do'ls
terrace, removing
public ro give the gi
self hud seen some of these spider-bellied
sun deck
I was excited, E admit, by this aps
ment and its сштеу of criminality. 1
could feel the need to utter rising,
mounting, always a sign that my weak-
ness for the sensational, my
зап (as well as persoi
for high stimuli, for incon;
tremes was
you could onder кагу
1 shop! done
by were compensated in
heroin by the fences. As for the police,
they were said to be paid off. They kept
the merchants from making too much
noise, Anyway, there nsurance.
Iso the well-known “shrink-
Ranta The
Revenue Ser
about corruption
Chicago. wa
fied a cer
one’s Chicago
ldu't. really
сер. It even s
It harmonized with
view of society. You
айога to be taken i
fine Ac-
lipped it on. His old
> was
cutron watch
watch he tossed to the Japanese, who
ght it I thought the moment had
come to recite my piece and I said, “Oh,
by the way, Ronald, 1 owe you some
dough from the other night.”
“Where from?” said Cantabile.
From the poker game at Georg
Swiebal’s, I guess it slipped your mind."
“Oh, 1 know that guy Swiebel with all
the muscles.” said the old gentleman
“But he’s terrific company. you
know. he cooks a s TH
Emil imo this g
was my fault, Anyhow, Ron
us. Ronald is one of the poke
uis. L ended up аһа
six hundred in
e my LOU.
the hole and he had
I've got the dough on me
I better give it to you while we both
“OK.” Again Gantibile. without look-
ing, crumpled the notes int ker
pocket, His performance was better than
mine, though T was doing my very best.
Bur then, he had the honor side of the
deal, the affront. To be angry was his
right and th all ad
When we were out of the
in. I said, "Wasn't that OK?
OK—yes! OK!" he said loud and bit
ter. Clearly, he wasn't ready to let me off
Not yet.
T figure that old pelicin will pass the
word around that I paid you. Wasn't that
the object?
joking his
I didn't like
у ng at me und
ight bodkin brows.
“Well, then, that does
He caught me by the sleeve.
2" he said. I did
to do. "Aren't you enjoving our
on?" said Cantabile, and grinned. At-
tempting to Тапа this off, L failed. The
globus hystericus interfered. My gullet
fel sticky. "Get in, Charlie.”
I sat in the crimson bucket seat,
supple fragrant leather again rem
me of blood. 1 fumbled for the seat belt—
you never can find those cursed Бис
"Don't fuck with the belt, we're not
really know what
Out of this informa
T 1 could. We were
nue, hy
trunk swooping up.
lights. Below the early darkness now clos
g with December speed over the glis-
ing west, the sun like a bristling fox
jumped down beneath the horizon.
Nothing but a scirlet edge rem
iw ir between the el pill
mendous russes of the ший
ion E drew what
higan Ave-
bubbles. The
would never be so
»t out, slamming
the car doors, and 1 followed Cantabile
over some plank bedding laid down Гог
the trucks. He seemed to know his way
Salem refreshes naturally.
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around. Maybe he had clients among the
hard-hats. If he was in the juice racket.
Anyway, Cantabile had brought his
own hard hats. We put them on. Every-
thing was prearranged. He said he was
related by blood to some of the super
sory personnel. He mentioned also he
lots of business hereabouts. He said
he had connections with the contractor
and the architect. He told me things
much faster than I could discount them.
However, we rose in one of the big open
elevators, up, up.
How should I describe my feelings?
Fear, thrill, appreciation, glee—yes, I ap-
preciated his ingenuity. But it seemed to
me that we were rising too high, going
too far. Which button had he pressed? By
daylight, I had often admired the mantis-
like group of cranes tipped with orange
paint. The tiny bulbs, which from a dis-
tance seemed so dense, were sparsely
strung through. I don't know how far we
actually went, but it was far enough. We
1 as much light about us as the time
of day had left to give, steely and freez-
ing, keen, with the wind ringing in the
empty squares of wound-colored rust and
beating the hanging canvases. On the
cast, violently rigid, was the water, icy,
scratched, like а plateau of solid stone,
and the other way was a tremendous effu-
sion of lowlying color, the last glow, the
contribution of industrial poisons to the
beauty of the Chicago evening. We got
out. About ten hard-hats who had been
waiting crowded into the elevator at
once and went down, leaving us no-
where. Cantabile scemed to know where
he was going, but I had no faith in him.
He was capable of faking anything. I fol-
lowed, I went slowly. He waited for me.
There were a few windbreaks up here on
the 50th or 60th floor, but the wind was
storming them. My eyes ran. I held on to
a pillar and he said, “Come on, Granny,
come on, check stopper.”
1 said, "I have leather heels.”
“You better not chicken out.”
“No, this is it," I said.
But actually, we had come sulficiently
far. “Now,” he said, "I want to show you
just how much your dough means to me.
You sec this?" He held up a $50 bill. He
rested his back on a steel upright and,
stripping olf his fancy equestrian gloves,
he began to fold the money. It was in-
comprehensible at first. Then 1 under-
stood. He was making a child's paper
glider of it. Hitching back his raglan
sleeve, he sent the glider off with two fin-
gers. I watched it specding through the
strung lights with the wind behind it out
into the steely atmosphere, darker and
darker below. On Michigan Avenue, they
had already put up the Clirisumas orna-
ments, winding tiny bubbles of glass
from tree to trce. They streamed down
there like cells under a microscope.
He sailed off more of the 50s and they
flew like finches, swallows, butterflies, all
ово bearing the image of Ulysses 5. Grant.
They brought ercpuscular fortunes to
people in the streets.
“The last two I'm going to keep,” said
Cantabile suddenly. “To blow them on
drinks and dinner for us. Let's go.”
Tf you didn't think of falling, the walk-
way was more than adequate. I crept
along, fighting paralysis of the calves and
the thighs. My face was sweating faster
than the wind could dry it as I took hold
of the final pillar. Gladly, I fell into the
seat of the Thunderbird when we got
down. Cantabile removed his hard hat
and mine, cocked the wheel and started
the motor.
“Look,” I said at the stoplight, my
head hanging back over the top of the
seat. “You've proved your point. You've
made me atone for a whole day. I sec the
money was not the issue. Let's stuff the
rest of it down a sewer, I want to go
“Shut up, Citrine.” But there was a
milder note in his voice and he drove in
a more civilized way.
We went to Gene & Georgetti's, on
lin, just off the spur of the elevated
train. Parking among the other sinister
luxury cars, we went into the drab old
building, A crash of Muzak met us. The
high and beautiful bar was crowded with
drinkers, the gorgcous mirror jammed
with bottles.
"A quiet table" Rinaldo told the
waiter, "and don't put us by the men’s
room, Giulio.”
“Upstairs, Mi. Cantabile?”
Why not?" I said.
antabile sta
asked you?” But he said, “
We passed a fresco pa
lcs of tomato sauce and went up.
ntabile ordered. “Two bottles of Piper-
dsieck," he said.
In the Capone days, hoodlums had
mock battles with champagne at 29nd
and Wabash, jigging the bottles up and
down and shooting cach other with corks
and foaming wine. Ail in black tie, and.
like a fun massacre.
“Now I want to tell you someth
d it's a new, different subject," s
aldo Cantabile. “I'm married, you
You bet 1 am and it would surprise
you. She's a marvelous, beautiful, intelli-
gent girl.
A housewife?"
Not my wife. You better know it,
buddy. 1 wouldn't marry that kind of
broad. My wife is working on her doctor-
ate at Raddiffe, Harvard.”
do you mean, no?" said Canta-
nd this is where you come
You know what her thesis
subject is? She's writing about that poct
who was your friend,
"You'rc kidding!"
"Von Humboldt Fleisher. You were
talking about him at the poker game,
and how much he meant to you.”
“Was 1? Somebody should have locked
me up that night."
For some magarine, you were going to
write your recollections, all about Von
Humboldt Ficisher. You were very emo-
tional about that.”
never, but never, speak of these
things at all,” I said. "My brain is soften-
ing. Chicago must bc giving me arctic
madness. I think Fd better gct out of
here. Was there more?”
“If you've got a secret left, I'd like to
know what it is. The taxes, the lawsuits,
the cunt you go with. But never mind all
that. Listen to me, I'm very proud of my
wife. She comes from a very good fan
She's terrific. I want her to get th
Ph.D., you understand? You're gonna
her information about this Fleisher
n. Have you written anything about
“I don't know what I've got. A mass
of stuff, 1 haven't looked at it, it’s cha-
otic. Give me a few minutes to th
Everything is much too strange.
“Your mistake, Citrine,” said Rinaldo
mtabile, “is that you think you're the
only person around with any brains
Now, read this.” He handed me а type-
written letter, signed by his wife, Lucy
Wilkins Cantabile. I read it. Jt was neat,
polite, detailed and efficient, the letter
of a model graduate student. She had
prepared for me a long list of questions
about Humboldt and his work.
What does she want" I said.
“Written answers?”
“1 said answers.
“1 won't do it," I said. “I'm not going
10 write a wor
|. I never do anything like
this. I always throw questionnaires away
nd I've practically stopped writing let-
ters at all. Anyway, it’s too much, I'm
d. My heart will break. I draw the
line. Go to hell. Bump me off. Lots of ab-
surdities I can take, like the ones you гап
me through today, but there arc things 1
don't do. Regardless of how the world is
swollen out of shape, Cantabile. Take
this letter back to your wife."
тте not going to answer
No, I'm not.”
Would you talk to Lucy?"
"I might. I might not."
“You'll talk to her.”
7I may agree to a short chat.”
With a tape recorder?”
No. 1 don't like the way my voice
comes out on tape.”
“You don't have to listen. All right,
don’t get yourself into an uproar. Drink
some champagne. Giulio, bring cham-
pagne glasses. Don’t bring me that heavy
junk. I want the lightweight with the
Mr. abile.” Deferential
jo knew how to let Rinaldo
look big-
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С. Need more information about
the horse.
- Have you wondered if the ast
Any other beast? If yes, indicate
D. Wolf.
E. Other.
. In this fantasy, who makes the first
A. Ido.
B. The animal acts in seductive
C. Introduced by mutual acquaint-
How often have you fantasized being
romantically involved with a vegeta-
ble, such as corn or Brussels sprouts?
A. Oncea month.
B. Once a weel
C. Never.
In these fantasies, is French dressing
involved, or some form of hollan-
A. Once a week.
R. Twice a week
С Never-
Do you ever think it would be nice to
be baked into a large pic for the
king's supper?
A. Once û wee!
B. Twice a week.
C. Thrice a week.
D. Nought.
Do you ever wish that someone would
dominate you and force you to caress
а veal chop?
A. Yes.
B. Never.
How many rubber raincoats do you
A. None.
В. On
C. Two.
D. Three.
E. Four or more.
ever abuse themselves while in space
just to trace the trajectory under
weightless conditions?
C. I just know they do.
You can make people do whatever
you want just by wishing it.
A. True.
B. False.
(This question does noe apply to
any political figures above Cah
While en route to a Danish hospital
for a delicate prostate operation, your
plane crashes and, as the only survi-
vor, you are stranded for six months
on a desert island off New Cuinea,
with no companionship and no nour-
ishment save fronds and roots. One
evening, your campfire attracts a
plump young cassowary bird (large,
(continued from page 120)
flightless). You immediately
A. Tie it up and take its tempera-
B. Kill it for food, but in an un-
usual w
C. Ignore it, what do you need
with a cassowary, you already
have enough problems.
40. The ancient legend of Oedipus, who
Шей his father and slept with his
mother, gives us the name for a classic
neurosis. To see if you suffer from
the Oedipus complex, answer the
А. Do you harbor any desire to
sleep with Oedipus’ mother?
B. All right, then—do you know
her sodally or have you ever
heard of her?
C. Then what were you doing
mooning around Agamemnon's
house last week, wearing a false-
nose-and-sandals set?
Dreams, as Freud said, are “the royal
Toad to the unconscious; if not, why am
I wasting my time?” Once we understand
the unconscious, it is only a short trip to
brooding, depression, despondency, sui-
cide and the discovery that the car has
been towed away. These questions will
give a profile of your dream activity.
41. Do you ever dream you are an insect?
А. Yos.
B. No.
19. A lower?
A. Yes
B. No.
15. An ral?
A. Yes.
B. No.
44. If yes to 43, ind
А. Lignite.
В. Stibnite.
C. Quartz
D. Other.
Do you ever dream you
named Esterházy:
А. Yes, but my name is Esterhi
B. Never.
C. Rarely.
46. Do you ever have a dream in which
you are specifically not a man named
Esterházy; that is, you walk around
explaining, “I am not Esterházy. Es-
terházy is shorter and has a mustache.
Repeat, I am not Esterházy."?
A. Always.
B. Sometimes.
C. Never.
Do you have dreams in which you can
ate which:
45. re a man
à Sometimes,
C. Never.
ms, are you equipped
radar and ground-control
equipment, as required by the FAA?
A. Yes.
B. No.
49. Are there drinks and a movie on
board or just magazines?
A. Drinksand а movie.
50. Have you ever had а
with another neuroti
having a flying dream?
A. Yes.
B. No.
Now that you have completed the
questionnaire, vou сап put down your
pencil and read on for a discussion of the
sections of the test and what they mean.
nid-air collision
who was also
This section deals with two important
formative features of childhood: the curi-
osity of the child as to its own origins and
the disgusting habit of certain children
who sniff and poke around their bodies,
when they might better be occupied
memorizing the Scriptures. There are no
“correct” or "incorrect" answers to any
of the 14 questions in this part, except
question 3: "As a child, did you have any
siblings?” The correct answer to this is
B—one sibling. If you answered A—no
siblings—go back and rethink your child-
hood. Weren't there some other short
people hanging around while you were
growing up? Those short people just
might have been brothers or sisters or,
rarely, midgets, if your mother kept a very
loose house. If you answered € or D—
two, three or more а
are you are embellishing in
1 off feelings of sibling
Questions 10 and 11 should
you to break out into a cold s
they deal with the enormous gi
are the legacy of all children
nto the world since the Refor-
ion (1517). Masturl
8. 13, 14) has been variously
“the Devil's handiwork,” “a shod
waste” and “the shepherd’s salvation.” In
contrast with these extreme views is the
enlightened attitude of sex educator Dr.
Fleming Twit, Erogenous Fellow at Ox-
ford, who describes masturbation as “on
the whole, more fun than getting it
caught in а cornhusker.”
Many sex problems find their origins
in the subject of this part of the question-
naire, especially questions 15, 16 and 17.
In order to fully understand the role of
п in intercourse, a radical
s devised by Drs. Wurst.
nid Besser, involving the design of arti-
ficial coital equipment. A plastic penis was
developed, incorporating coldlight illu-
mination with filmic/thermal /pH factor
observation and recording сар
and a variable rate of thrustand-depth
penetration, voluntarily controlled by
the female subject. The entire device
was electrically powered. Unfortunately,
before it could be properly integrated
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“How about a couple of humbugs for Christmas?”
nto the program, Dr. Besser took it home
and thercalter claimed that she “must
have lost iL" However, it was observed
that several times a week, eight before
midnight, the streedights outside her
house would dim for about 90 minutes.
Questions 15, 16 and 17 will reveal your
attitude toward that all-important fea-
unre of the male anatomy known as the
ou know what.” Anxiety about the size
of the male organ has existed for over
two millennia (before that, there were no
male or female organs and reproduction
was accomplished by ange of
postcards): primitive sculpture deals ex-
tensively with the genitalia, and phallus
worship is still a major feature of some
contemporary cultures, particularly those
of the New Hebrides Islands and 42nd
Suect between Broadway and Eighth
Avenue in New York City. Many intelli-
gent, well-educated males are morbidly
concerned with their organ size, despite
the fact that for years, sexologists have
emphasized that the size of the male
obviously circulated by Ph.Ds with
smaller-than-average organs. Let's face it:
The larger the better. Everyone secretly
enormous variety of other endeavors—
accep о the Friars’ Club, credi-
bility in business, the respect of world
lers—all depend upon having an or-
largest possible size. If you
arc depressed about this part of the test,
remember that a passable sexual encoun-
ter can be achieved with a penis of si
inches or two penes of three inches each.
If you are still depressed, measure you
organ and convert the result to cen
meters; seven and a half sounds a lot
ва better than three. "Sexual Savvy" (55)—
questions 18-26—is a phrase used by
Janos Barbarian, M.D., im his classic
manual, Fear Without Love, to describe
the degree of sophistication of a sexual
partner, If you didn't know the answers to.
these questions immediately, you lack SS
and, on the scale of subtlety and sophisti-
cation, fall somewhere between a wound-
ed water buffalo and Louis Prima's act.
Question 21 touches upon an often sensi-
tive area. If you tend to climax before
your mate (for instance, during dinner
or the movie), you are hypertense and
must learn control. Fortunately, there
has been some research into this problem
nd help is readily available,
through therapy or at your local drug-
gists. Sharp & Dohme, the pharmaceutical
house, manufactures a large hard-rubber
mallet of the type used at carnival
strength-testing machines, which, if ap-
plied to the olfending region directly be-
fore orgasm, produces startling results.
However, the best way to detain climax
as long as possible is to start having sex as
late as possible. That is, if you'd like to
climax at 11:30 г.м, it hardly makes sense
to start messing around during Sesame
Streel, docs it? Sometimes it pays to sit
down calmly and think things out. Ques-
tion 27 will determine any latent homo-
or heterosexuality in your personality. If
you giggled during this question, start
working out or taking more showers.
Question 98 deals with the differences in
style and approach between age and
social groups. If you answered True to
the first three in this set, the odds are you
haven't been out of your room since the
Harding Administration and have some
catching up to do.
Our daydreams can take many forms.
from musing over the lovely shape of the
office receptionist to believing we are
Frederick, fifth Duke of Saxony, and
wearing a funny hat. Questions 29-36
will reveal any lurking animal, food or
clothing fetishes. Questions 37-40 were
induded at the insistence of Dr. Wurst,
who wishes to compare a sample reaction
with his own experience and views. II
you answered positively to any of these
questions, you are imaginative, creative,
spontaneous and possess an enviable
stock portfolio containing a prudent
ixture of blue d nd municipals,
plus a few glamor issues that will soon
reap lucrative short-term gains. If you
tended to vely, you find the
world confusing and disappointin;
You are jumpy, introverted, suspicious,
your blade after each shave and
re defensive about Watergate. We do
not especially want you as a subscriber to
this magazine.
In examining the writings of Freud,
we must always bear in mind that al-
though he was one of the supreme gen-
iuses of Western thought, he did have
an unreasonable fear of crouching and
wore a dip-on beard. Perhaps dreams are
significant, perhaps not. As Jung е
pressed it: “Dreams, shmeams. What
about the fee?" Dreams of being some-
one or something other than what we are
(questions 41-46) indicate some dissatis-
faction with the rea if
you ever dream you are the mineral anti-
mony (questions 43. and 41), you might
e Esterházy syndrome (questions 45
and 46) was first observed by Adler, who
reported it to his colleagues in the Euro-
pean Journal of Orthopsychiatry (June
1939), and they all had a good laugh over
ying dreams (questions 47-50) reveal
a desire to return to the safety of the
womb or to the period of infantile om-
nipotence and pleasurable sexualit
ciated with the child-mother experience;
or they indicate а sincere desire of the
dreamer to be Captain. Marvel. Dreams
offer respite from the painful rea
the world and allow us an escape into a
world of our own design. If you have
dreams in which you are dissatisfied and
disappointed, just as in real life, well,
that is a у 1 break.
To compute your score: Look over the
entire test and your answers. Then throw
your answers away. Now. on a scale of
100, give yourself what you think you de-
serve. After all, 95 percent of all success-
ful sex is confidence. We hope you gave
yourself at least a 65. That would mean
you are a mass of contradictions, guilts
and neuroses. In other words, you are
perfectly normal.
chicano and American Indian activism.
These, too, purify the language of terms
that are degrading; resurrect a flattering
history; take on separatist truculence;
confront occupants of power with an
ultimatum, leading to truce and final ac-
ceptance on their terms. The acculu
tion of literal immigrant groups
city machines) involved the same kind of
confrontation leading to accommodation.
But now the process takes place in а so
metaphor acted out with surprising con
sistency by groups very different in kind
This sameness may itself throw doubt
on the authenticity of each group's
promptings. Aren't they just imitating
nother? More specifically, have not
alisms imitated the first and
sful (because most necessary)
movement of the blacks? No, there is
separate ethos at work in cach group,
making its own demands. The proof of
this is that one tactic cannot be moved
Out of its psychological package, to per-
form the same function in
group's set of reactions—as feminists
have discovered when they try to recruit
lack sisters. Sexual apartness does not
mesh with racial separatism. By stressing
the menace of African maleness, black
activists cultivate a certain macho against
white society's effort to dominate black
men. Women in such a snovement must
play a supportive role, dissociate them-
selves from the semimatriarchy whites
have fostered in the ghetto (hiring black
women over men, favoring the women in
wellare schemes, relying on her registra-
n as the ghetto voter). It was found
that black female dominance within the
thered white male do
over il » femi
by black women, in a vitiating context.
Each immigrant tribe has its own set of
priorities, though it may find ground:
Tor tactical alliance against the common
спешу, the “conti invading. In
ist cannot function without cer-
nges as part of an activism that
is primarily gay. In the former context,
she will often be opposed to the marriage
institution, while those in the latter camp
are claiming legal marriage ıites for the
gay. Each group re-enacts an immigration
on its own terms, by a dynamic intrinsic
to itself.
Another argument against mere exter-
nal imitativeness among the gı
the fact that some traces of intei
gration had shown up even before the
civil rights movement was filled with spe-
cifically black consciousness. On the cam-
pus, for instance, faculty members felt
left out of the American consensus dur-
ing the Filties, resenting their treatment
as “eggheads” rather than efficient. prag-
matists, So they declared an end to
ideology, struck a zealous anti-Commu-
nist stance and tried to outtough the
businessmen and hard-nosed politicians.
Professors did not achieve the tribal soli-
darity of blacks. They stuck more at the
stage of their own NAACP, the American
Association of University Professors. But
a sympathy for aliens and immigrants,
best symbolized in Harvard's fight for
Sacco and Vanzetti, is inherent in the
whole of ican education. Schooling
was intended as an induction into Ameri-
can consciousness. That is why public
funds could be forcibly exacted for the
process, and all children compelled to
undergo it. Schools were to impart not
only the skills (eg. literacy) demanded
for self-government but the attitudes
(pluralistic) and propositions (“АП men
€ created equal") that give vou
importance. Indeed, the equalizing proc-
ess was in time concentrated almost
entirely in the schools, where it would
teach cooperation between blacks and
whites, men and women, Protestants and
Catholics. If this process failed to take,
then the whole recruiting of citizens had
failed and should be repeated—the immi-
grant should be allowed to "arrive" once
more, this time successfully.
Such images were always latent in our
concept of American identity. But they
pushed up with great new force in the
xtics—not only among radical minori-
ties but even in the large mid-area of our
people. Herc is the supreme proof that i
ternal immigration was not mere fashion
among radicals. Even those who did not
lire blacks, and certainly would not
imitate them, were clamoring to be let in.
This last wave of internal immigrants
made up of those external immi
grants whose assimilation had been
boasted of for years. The new ethnic coi
sciousness was a protest voiced by old
ethnic groups, saying they had not been
admitted to this land of American prom-
ise. Enough of “Black is beautiful!” Now
it was “Polish is peachy!” Ethnic grou
found they had a history to refurbish
Green History for the curriculum, in-
stead of Black History. A nicety of |
guage had to be enforced, No more
Polack jokes. Italians made sure The
Godfather never breathed the forbidden
syllables of Mafia across the screen. Even
the uniform of working Americans took
on ideological cance; the hard hat
was a tribal helmet of war, presented to
ethnic heroes such as Nixon and Agnew.
It can be urged that this is nothing new
We always had ethnic neighborhoods and
an ethnic politics. Just look at Mayor
Daley's ruling structure. The real police-
man's day in New York is March 17. But
now the emphases were new. The ethnic
groups were not just asking to continue
their particular heritage, have soul food
at home and some singing by the
they did not need to ask for this.
What was preached as ethnic politics was
а demand for change in public standards,
for recognition of a group, for political
ved, if necessary, by in-
timidation (picketing, demonstrating, tak-
ng to the streets). The hard-hats first
became a symbol, after all, when they
broke up à Wall Street peace march with
their wrenches. Whites who once criti-
cized blacks for making politics in thc
street were demonstrating against busing.
tinst abortion, against The Godfather
by the end of the activist decade. The
same people who criticized TV for mak
ing instant heroes out of Kap Brown or
Stokely Carmichael were happy to see
their own self-appointed spokesmen (such
as Barbara Mikulski) gettin edia atten-
tion. They even accepted as their own
some heroes not on good terms with the
law, such as Albert Gallo and Joe Colo:
bo. As with the gays, this was not just
a question of civil rights but a public
demand for recognition as a force to
be reckoned with.
President Nixon was quick to respond.
to these signals from his constituency-
While he and Agnew piously deplored
the McGova ppeal to voters by
category or "quota," they ran the most
ethnically cross-referenced race in the his-
tory of national campaigns. Nixon, who
hid in the White House for most of the
1972 contest, picked an Italian fiesta for
one of his rare epiphanies. After re-clec-
ion, the President sponsored things like
his Italian night, with Frank Sinatra on
hand to serenade Premier Andreotti.
Some thought that Sinatra might be
disinvited alter boorish conduct at the
inaugural party. But Nixon ca
above censoriousness when he recalls
ta's ties with Иа 'antidelam
ion" groups. Middle America, shocked
by the morals of kids and blacks, has
never been too hard on Kiwanis Club in-
discretions. Bur mo one can
атту Davis [r^s getting called back to
White House if he shouted "Ci
a white newswoman in Washii
new ethnics will their own kind
of aggression and public incivility, just
like the other tribes now washed up on
the shores of our national awareness.
This raises the matter of in-
i эп above the level of odd
American or the Mexican-American who
nts to reverse the liberal condemna-
ing our citizens. People
now want to be known as Polish
s or (in a triple play, to head off
muck) as French-Canadian-Americans.
Perhaps, soon, as Lesby-Americans or
Gay Americans. Being simply
s simply not enough any
"consciousness raising." One must thin
black. or female. One must become radi-
calized. One must regain an ethnic herit-
age. People were asking for somet
more than recognition of what they were
They were tying to become what they
claimed to be. They must achieve an out-
landishness sufficient to break in on the
ion’s outlandishness with great foi
iscs the question, How can
jority, the vast median lump
is, be outside clamoring for
иней, they feel neglected and
entry? С
look around for oppressors—who seem
newsmen, c
oddly peripher
the “Eastern establishment.” If TV really
oppresses them, why not turn it off? In-
stead, they try to get on the tube them-
selves, replace with their own fiestas the
Indian raids and chicano strikes. They
voted the Eastern establishment out. The
campus i Wh
which has the President on
dle America claimed thar student den
str were fringe unrepres
types—yet that these few kooks could op-
press the mass of ordinary people in their
homes. Middle Americans outnumber
the blacks ten to one, and outrank them
in wealth and privilege—yet feel men-
асе and controlled by the «айу
wed few. It has been Nixon's gilt 10
cultivate these resentments and. embody
them, Even after a landslide victory, he
epresented himself as an underdog, al-
ways picked on. At the center of world
pow s against the establishment.
His followers tell us they are America,
the good people, the real electorate—yet
they somehow feel deprived of their own
and, locked out and looked down on.
Some e nalysts still fear а WASP
citadel unfalle
locked up in it. Then why doesn't Nixon
bomb it? Because it is not really there.
"Ihe only way to find a concerted direc
of WASPs at the helm of the nation
and think power is
is to spread and fuzz the definitions so
5 to make them meaningless. In fact, we
obably doomed to have WASP lib
and its first act will be to send the
word WASP to that limbo where Polack
and Canuck already I
Others recognize that WASP power is
led or mythical now—storm the citi-
tage thar outlives his actual political
d economic dominance—over the ye:
ined ethnics to think badly of
themselves, take on WASP traits and de-
e their own. He alienated ul
past. Michael Novak, for instance,
describes the _ psychologi
tion” of ethnics in term
F on. Mis
middle Americans have М
ethnic faces, Liberation demands a spasm
of recoil from WASP value u
ethnic authentic selves. But what is а
heritage, once it is lost? Besides, 1
Americans do not want to become Italians
E non's blacks wanted to be
simply black. That is why the col
metaphor will not fir the immigration
scenario. The ethnics want in—omo the
tube, close to the President. They want
to be Americans: the detour through
Italy is meant. to end inside what they
have been kept outside. But what is that?
If they break into the citadel, they will
just be more WASPlike. And if there is
borrowed fom
Middle European
no citadel to take, where will they get the
American component in their |
sense, the
America's р
already have it. Middle
. its views on crime,
оп war, on censorship are not handed
down from the Ivy League. Why not set-
tle for what they already have? What is
the thing they still must get inside? If they
г who is?
No one. The wibes have all assembled
on the shore. cying onc
looked for the huge native force to be i
vaded—but there is по опе there.
middle Americi has undertaken its i
tion, we must confess we are all imi
nts toward a nonexistent country.
What made us think there
thing else our there, that Amer
anything but us? Perhaps the insistent
calls telling us to “belon We should
participate, take our destiny in our hands,
work within the system (and so with all
the system's power) That was always
the summons from Kennedy’s inaugural.
from the Port Huron Statement, the
McCarthy and McGovern campaigns, the
Neo Populists. Even Nixon talked of
piece of the action.” The McGovern pla
form echoed Tom Hayden on the right
to “participate
proces.” Richard Goodwin put it this
: “The nature of our role in world a
irs must pervade every man’s sense ol
тей. That is really as much a
prescription for totalitarianism as a
cure for boredom (one of the few prom-
se total government can fulfill).
But short of dictatorship, the thing we
participate in is just us. Participation.
like liberal democracy itself, is just a vot-
ing procedure. Those who go to it seck-
substance instead of machinery must,
for the most part, be disappointed. The
electoral process tells you how to go
hour getting certain things (in moder-
ate degrees). It docs not tell you what to
t, or want, or be. Citizenship does not
e the m but vice versa. Yet men
went to politics in the Sixties, not for this
rogram or that but to receive a self
Power to the people!” was an attempt
not to scie power but to call up a people:
and the incantation did not work. The
Dusyness of public life will not fill up
te emptiness. It was the measure of
our desperation that we asked it to.
The ethnic felt neglected because he.
and Archie Bunker and Kelsey at the
bar, were not consulted on the six-o'clock.
news; only demonstrating chicanos and
the like. All right, put Mr. Middle Amer
ica on the tube. Has he been given, by
that act, a fullness he did not formerly
own? Not bloody likely. Perhaps he lost
what little remained of a self. Inside the
TV set, he may be powerless to get out
again. Emigrated off to unreality, he can-
not escape the goldfish-howl tube in his
own room, regain full possession of that
room. He has joined the system at last,
diminished himself outward toward а
public life. But why did he want to? The
sad thing is that when the public ma-
dhinery has failed to give meaning to
mte lives, those with some
ner richness are cager to drain
toward politics and the reality-dis-
g process. If ethnic life were still
tislying, why did it ache for the super-
imations of the ethnic po
We all went looking for America. But
since we were it, our wanderings just
scattered. what we traveled toward, Mon
umentum requiris? И you really want
to find America, stand still—which is why
so many people d.
‘The excitement was all one of departure,
not . And there is less to arrive at,
now, than when we Iel
“Equality is the Twentieth Century myth.”
(continued from page 162)
casily translatable to the real world. And
very real, too, was the Who's Who of
designers contributing to the event, with
fashions from Blass, Cardin, St. Laurent
and De 1а Renta waiting in the wings
next to the creations of a number of
talented newcomers—black designers
Scot Barric and Jay Jaxon, Yannis
Tseklenis of Greece, Kansai Yamamoto
of Japan and five student designers, three
from New York's Fashion Institute of
Technology and two from London's
Royal College of Art.
Many of the outfits, not s
focused on leisurewear. So
outdoor activity; a motorcycle sui
scrubbed blue denim from Ya
а quilted track suit from Tom
(England) and a nylon-taffeta boating
outfit by Robert Grahame (U.S.
More tranquil moments—the kind
e a touch of opulence or sen-
were conjured up by a gold-and-
Dlack-brocade dinner jacket with velvet
cape, from Guy Laroche (France), a
multipattern green-velvet ensemble from
Testa (Italy) and a satin smoking jacket
with matching lounger pants from Pinky
& Dianne of Flo Toronto (U. .).
Of a more practical nature, yet not
without a futuristic touch, was the carry-
all camel’shair suit—for the interna-
tional commuter, no less—from Berny
Schwartz of Eric Ross (U.S.).
Of course, there was no shortage of de-
ns for just swinging and/or relaxing,
such as a reversible coat of unplucked
nutria over a patchwork sweater, from
Egon von Furstenberg (U. S.) and the
rasjacket looks from Bill Blass,
Oscar de la Renta and DDDominick
(all U.S).
Remembrances of things past were pro-
vided by outfits suffused with nostalgia.
Among them were dinner
cket with wing-collar shirt and white
pants, by Ralph Lauren of Polo (U.S),
a Casablanca suit in ccru-pongee silk
from Dimitri of Jtaly (U. S.), a sati
sequin jacket—with Walt Disney ch:
ters—from Bill Bowers
of Caprice (U.S), a dinner ja
jockey-stripe satin vest from Tommy Nut
d a Cardin (France) suit
t jacket and Western dc-
recalled hoss-opry fashions.
from the irrepressible Rudi
h (U.S). ever the iconoclast,
little something for the couples of
g to Gern-
reich—people will lounge around naked
(or nearly sc) in the privacy of their
homes but seek anonymity and psychic
privacy by hiding behind uniforms while
in public. Gernreich provided the uni-
forms—his-and-her suits of armor, ster-
ling silver for the man, ivory for the lady.
The evenings thoughts of the future,
however, were neatly balanced by views
from the past—a slide show that recapped
t 20 years of PLAYBOY Fashions, and
very handsome they were but time, as
they say, marches on. Which, to go full-
round, is what the Creative Menswear
lection is all about.
came à
“This year’s award for selling the most girl-
scout cookies again goes to....”
(continued from page 116)
in glee. fighting off a couple of slaphap-
py young boors who were grabbing her
by the hips and trying to make her ac
company them.
“I'm willing, Pm willing!" she cried
out at last, and was rushed away.
Varicolored paper lanterns enlivened
the place. A sledgelike affair with wail
ing passengers hurtled down a serpentine
channel, disappeared in the angled ar
cades of medieval scenery and dived into
а new abyss with new howls. Inside a
shed, on four bicycle seats (there were no
whee the frames, pedals and han-
dle bars), sat four girls in jerseys and
shorts—a red one, a blue one. a green
one, a yellow onc—their bare legs work
ing at full tilt. Above them hung a dial
on which moved four pointers, red, blue,
green and yellow. At first the blue o
was first, then the green overtook it
man with a whistle stood by and collect-
ed the coins of the few simpletons who
wanted to place their bets. Erwin stared
at those magnificent legs, naked nearly
up to the groin and pedaling with pas
sionate power.
“They must be terrific d
thought. “I could use all four.
The pointers obediently gathered into
onc bunch and came to a stop.
“Dead heat!” shouted the man with
whistle. “A sensational finish!"
Erwin d Ik a glass of lemonade, con-
sulted his watch and made for the exit
Eleven o'clock and eleven women.
That will do, I suppose.”
He narrowed his eyes as he imagined
the pleasures awaiting him. He was glad
he had remembered to put on clean
"How slyly Frau Monde put it,” re-
flected Erwin with a smile. "Of course
she will spy on me, and why nor? It will
add some spice.
He walked, looking down, shaking his
head delightedly, and only rarely gl
ing up to check the street names. Hofi-
mann Street, he knew, was quite far, but
he still had an hour, so there was no need
to hurry. Again, as on the previous night,
the sky swarmed with stars and the
asphalt glistened like smooth water, ab-
sorbing and lengthening the magic lights
of the town. He passed a large cinema
whose radiance flooded the sidewalk, and
at the next corner a short peal of childish
Iaughter caused him 10 raise his eye:
He saw before him a tall elderly man
in evening dothes with a litle girl walk-
ing beside—a child of М or so in a low-
cut black party dress. The whole city
knew the elderly man from his port
He was a famous poet, a scnile swa
ing all alone in a distant suburb.
strode with a kind of ponderous grace;
his hair, the huc of soiled cotton wool
reached over his cars from bencath
fedora, A stud in the triangle of his
starched shirt caught the gleam of a
lamp and his long bony nose cast a
wedge of shadow on onc side of his
thindipped mouth. In the same tremu-
lous instant, Erwin's glance lit on the
face of the child mincing at the old poct's
side; there was something odd about that
face, odd was the flitting glance of her
much too shiny eyes, and if she were not
just a little girl—the old man’s grand-
daughter, no doubt—one might suspect
that her lips were touched up with rouge.
She walked swinging her hips very, very
slightly, her legs moved close together,
she was asking her companion some-
thing in a ringing voice—and although
Erwin gave no command mentally, he
knew that his swift secret wi
“Oh, of course, of course,
old man coaxingly, bending tow:
‘They passed. Erwin caught a whiff of
perfume. He looked back, then went on.
“Heigh, careful" he suddenly mut-
tered as it dawned upon him that this
made 12—an even number. “I must find
one more—within half an hour."
It vexed him a little to go on search-
$, but at the same time he was pleased
to be given yet another chance.
"IIl pick up опе on the way,” he said
self, ng à trace of panic. “I'm
sure to find one!
“Maybe she will be the nicest of all,” he
remarked aloud as he peered into the
glossy night.
And а few minutes later, he experi-
enced the familiar delicious contraction—
that chill in the solar plexus. A woman
in front of him was walking along with
rapid and light steps. He saw her only
from the back and could nor have ex-
plained why he yearned so poignantly to
overtake precisely her and have a look
her face. One might, naturally, find ran-
dom words to describe her bi the
movement of her shoulders, the silhou
eue of her hat—bur what is the usc?
Something beyond visible outlin:
kind of special atmosphere, an ethereal
excitement, lured Erwin on and on. He
ched fast and still could not catch up
һ her; the humid reflections of lights
ickered before him; she tripped along
id and her black shadow would
sweep up, as it entered a street lamp’s
glide across a wall, twist around its
саре and vanish.
“Goodness, I've got to see her face,"
Erwin muttered. “And time is flying.”
Presently, he forgot about time. Th
nge silent chase in the
ted him. He managed at last to over-
take her and went on, far ahead, but had.
not the courage to look back at her and
merely slowed down, whereupon she
passed him in her turn and so fast that he
did not have time to raise his eyes. Again
he was ng ten paces behind her and
by then he knew, without seeing her face,
that she was his main prize. Streets burst
into colored light, petered out, glowed
а sq space
of sleck blackness, and once more with
brief click of her heeled shoe, the
woman stepped onto a sidewalk, with
En behind, bewildered, disembodied,
dizzy from the misty lights, the damp
night, the chase.
What enticed him? Not her gait, not
her shape, but something else, bewitch-
ing and overwhelming, is if a tense shim-
mer surrounded her: mere fantasy,
maybe, the flutter, the rapture of fantasy,
or n
be it was that which changes a
atire life with one divine stroke—
knew nothing. he just sped alter
her over asphalt and stone, which seemed
alo dematerialized in iridescent
"Then trees, vernal lindi ed the
hunt: They advanced whispering on
cither side, overhead, all around him; the
little black hearts of their shadows inter-
mingled at the foot of each street Imp,
and their delicate sticky aroma encour-
aged him.
Once again Erwin came near. One
more step, and he would be abreast of
he stopped abruptly at an iron
and fished out her keys from her
ig Vrwin's momentum almost
made him bump into her. She turned her
face toward him and by the light a street
lamp cast through emerald leaves, he rec-
ognized the girl who had been playing
ing with a woolly black pup on
aveled path, mediately remem-
bered, immediately understood all her
charm, tender warmth, priceless radiance.
He stood staring at her with a
wretched smile.
“You ought to be ashamed of your
self,” she said quietly. “Leave me alone.
The little gate opened, and slammed.
Erwin remained standing under the
hushed lindens. He looked around, not
knowing which way to go. A few paces
he ing bubbles: a car
g by the sidewalk. He went up to.
it and touched the motionless, dummy
like chauffeur on the shoulder.
“Tell m at street is this? I'm lost.
“Hoffmann Street,” said the dummy
And then a familiar husky, soit voice
spoke out of the depths of the c:
“Hello. It's me.”
Erwin leaned a hand on the
and limply responded.
“I am bored to death," sai
the voice.
“Tm waiting here for my boyfriend. He
bringing the poison, He and I are dying
at dawn, How are yo
"Even number," said Erwin, runnin
his finger along the dusty doo
Yes, 1 know,” calmly rejoined Frau
Monde. “Number thirteen turned out to
be number one. You bungled the job
rather bad!
“A pity,” she echoed, and yawned
Erwin bowed, kissed her large black
glove, stuffed with five outspread fingers,
d with а little coul ed into the
darkness, He walked with a heavy step,
his legs ached, he was oppressed by the
thought that tomorrow was Monday and
it would be hard to get up.
“When you crawled under the covers,
1 assumed you had something in mind besides
‘This little piggy went to market’. .
\ E
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had just finished performing, had his
EE pulled out of his trousers and
unbuttoned down to the middle of his
chest. Jt was splotched with perspiration.
Onstage, Berle was beginning the sec-
ond half of the show.
“I heard these two ladies talking in the
lobby during the intermission,” Berle
said, peering out at the audience. “And
one lady says to the other, ‘Sex gives me
a pain in the neck” The other lady says,
"Well, maybe your husband is doing it
wrong’ ”
The audience roared and Murray
pointed in their direction with the bottle
of wine. “Good group,” he said.
Мо! bad," Lewis said. "Better than
last night.”
Nobody said anything for a moment,
d then Mrs, Murray said, “You look
velous, Jerry. You keep having birth-
but you don't look any older.
Fucking middle age,” Murray said,
taking a drink from his glass. “I never
thought I'd sec it. I tell you, Jerry, I
never thought of getting old.
"Oh, you're not old, Jan,” Mrs. Lewis
id. “If you're old, then we're all old
"T don’t mean old old,
“But you begin to get these reminders
that you aren’t as young as you used to
be. Par ly on this fucking condo-
minium route.” He took a drink. "But
the people are beautiful, Jerry. That I
gotta say. They're so warm and receptive,
"They just smother you with affection.
“You should have seen the reception
we got in South Africa,” Lewis said. He
took the boule of wine from Murray and
poured some into his glass, “Talk about
armth, Гуе never seen anything like
it in my Ше, Sce, they don't have any
TV in South Africa. None. So when
I arrived—when the people heard that
Jerry Lewis w.
cert—Jesus Christ,
Sinatra and the Pope showed up."
I hear their act is a little slow,
ray said, drinking.
"Tell Jan about the welcome," Mrs.
Lowis said.
We land at the airport,"
‘and we look out the windows of the
plane, and the airport is covered with
South Africans, with Zulus, and they're
ll chanting and yelling.
“And you thought they were out to
shrink your fucking head,” Murray said.
a ceremonial welcome, Jan,”
Lewis said. “They were of all ages. There
were kids in wheelchairs, Jesus Christ, I
never saw so many people. And they per-
Lewis said,
Tell him about the dri
city, ‚ Lewis said.
It’s cight miles from the airport to the
ty,” Lewis said. “And when we drove
in, there were Zulus lining both
the road for the entire eight miles, cheer-
272 ing and shouting. And they have a
whole series of bridges that you pass
under on the way. Every one of those
bridges had a huge placard hanging from
it, saying, ‘Welcome, Jerry Lewis
Lewis smiled and then shook his hea
“T have that welcome on tape,” he said.
“It was really something. Nothing like
that would happen here.
They were all quiet again, and then
Murray said, "Are you going back home
when you finish here, Jerry?
No," Lewi "m going to Ger-
“You're going to Germs
“The war is over,” Lewis said, smiling.
“I'm going to do а show for German TV
and I'm going to give а one-man concert.
I'm also being given a German film fes-
al award.” He pointed at Murray.
For our picture."
“For Which Way to the Front?” Mur-
ray said. “You're pulling my fucking
Lewis said, shaking his head.
d sixteen first-run
th lines down the
^" Muray said.
Lewis L "The Europeans
think differently about things. They ex-
plore and accept film as art. It’s a com-
pletely different attitude from the way
films are viewed her
wine uir was
the picture was named best picture of the
year, from anywhere, and Т was named
best director. Its my ninth foreign film
“That's wonderful, Jerry,” Mrs. Mur-
“1es fucking ionic" Murray said,
laughing. “That's what it is. Imagine
going from Miami Beach to Germany
“I'm counting the days,” Lewis said.
"Which reminds me
He took a felt-tip pen from the dress
ing table and began to write on the mi
ror. He wrote the names of ten days,
starting with Thursday, the De-
fore, and ending with the Saturday after
next, the night he was scheduled to dose.
He crossed off the first two days and put
the cap back on the pe
"Two down and eight to go," Lewis
said, stepping back from the mirror and
looking at what he'd written. Everybody
looked at the mirror expectantly, as if it
were going to speak
m Lewis said finally.
“The best thing you can do for it is to
pull the d
Then, brightening suddenly,
said, “Hey, this is supposed to be a birth-
day. Where's the fucking cake?"
Lewis stood in the mirrored lobby
waited for the elevator. A lady leaning
over the reception desk called to h
from adross the room.
"How's your father doing, Jerry?" she
said. “Is he feeling better?"
Lewis turned and looked at her brief
ly. "He's much better, thank you,” he
“We all wish him well,” the lady said
as Lewis stepped into the elevator.
The elevator gave a lurch and then
started up. Lewis looked sideways and
caught his reflect the smoked glass,
then looked away.
The corridor was narrow and dark. It
had a low ceiling spotted with dim-watt-
ge light bulbs. The apartment doors all
had brass-colored doorbell units planted
on them like corsages and circular peep-
holes that stared at one another across
the hallway.
Lewis walked all the way to the end of
the hall and rang one of the bells. A
short woman in a patterned blue house
dress and slippers opened the door and
put her arms around him. "Hello
Jery!” she said, kissing him on ihe
check. Lewis set down the briefcase he
was carrying to give his mother a hug.
“Jerry's here,” Mrs. Lewis said, taking
him into the apartment. He followed her
down a short entrance hall that led into
a combination dining area and living
ош from the wall, with а gold-flecked
mirror hanging above
ornamented with color s
in between the fram
The living room, which was not large,
was dominated by a heavy mctal hospi-
talstyle bed that was made up against
onc wall. This wall also had a thick fire
door leading out to an open balcony that
overlooked Collins Avenue, the main
street at this end of Miami Beach. Across
the boulevard, there was a coffee shop,
with a sign Hashing the words ОРЕХ 94
nouns in colored lights,
“Hello, Pop." Lewis said. He crossed
the room and kissed his father, who was
sitting in а wheelchair not far from the
metal bed. “How’ve you been doi
Danny Lewis held his son's hand and
smiled at him faintly. He was a painfully
weak-looking man, whose body and face
had becn shrunken by a series of violent
strokes. Behind him. on the wall. there
was a photograph taken 2 couple of years
before, showing him as a robust, fullfaced
man, with a broad and wi smile
and a full head of hair. Now his hair was
thin; his face was stretched. and gaunt;
and yet his eyes. just as the eyes thar
looked out brightly from the photograph.
on the wall, were keenly alive.
“Danny's been doing just fine,” said a
short. plump lady sitting on one of the
ng arca. "How have you
Christ, Aunt Jean, are you still
Lewis said, turning in her direc-
“Ma, I thought you toll me Aunt
1 y for sure
“Now, what kind of way is that for you
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to talk to your aunt
from her seat.
“He shows no respect, this boy." Mrs.
Lewis said with a laugh. She patted him
on the cheek. “Sit, Jerry. Sit down and be
She left the room and Lewis took а seat
on the sofa, on the opposite side of the
room from his father.
“Have you been behaving yourself,
Pop?” Lewis said. He turned his head
nd looked at his father's nurse, а young
nd pretty black girl, sitting at the other
nd of the couch, watching Mike Douglas
on television.
“Has he been doi
Lewis said to the girl.
‘The nurse smiled across the room at
Danny Lewis. "He's been. pretty good,”
she said. “He doesn't give too much
Mrs. Lewis came out of the kitchen
holding a glass jar. “Let me fix you some-
Aunt Jean said
ng what he's told
thing to eat, Jerry," she said. “Try some
of this.
“Wha here two seconds and
you're fecding me already,” Lewis said.
“I don't need anything to eat.
“I bet you haven't eaten anything
today,” Mrs. Lewis said. "You never eat
properly. Here,” she |
held the
2" he said.
g” his mother
a the jar,
1d looked at
sud. “Deli
of the
it right out jar
"No, dear, you eat it on a plate," his
mother said. I'll fix it up for you. ГШ
ng you some Ritz crackers with it
Lewis settled back on the couch as his
mother went into the kitchen.
So whi ye vou leaving,
п?” he said, looking at his w
You going back to California soon?”
Fresh boy," Aunt Jean said. polishing
glasses on the front of her d
How's your show going, fresh boy?”
how's OK," Lewis said. “Milton's re-
ising me every time I turn а
but other than that, OK."
“How is Milton?” Aunt Jea
lilon is Milton." Lewis said.
looked at his father and said, "He w
ed to be remembered to you. He said to
be sure to give you his best. J think we'll
come up someday and see you. Alter he
gets through restaging my whole act."
Mis. Lewis came in with а plate full of
food and set it down on the coffee table.
Lewis leaned forward, took a fe
gan to e
is this stuff. Im
"What cati
tidbits,” Aunt
“Delicious” Mrs Lew
“Jew food,”
mouth with
more of my pe
Lewis said,
apkin. “This stuff
wiping his
"No, etum likes that,” Aunt Jean
said. fans and everybody. In
ышып they make salads with herring
1 have the recipe
Sweden you pay ninetee
for a portion of smoked salmo:
“Oh, my God,
wants to eat that?
"When you taste it, you do,
“Are we goi
Aunt Jean said. "Who
eat lunch?" Lewis
father said. His voice wis hoarse and
“You had lunch, d you had brc
Aunt Jean said, her voice raised.
She looked at him over her glas
Danny Lewis stopped, a:
about what she said. "What did I hav
“You had fish,” Aunt Jean sa
ly. "You had that lovely fish 1h
sh and carrots,” the nurs
And mashed potatoes,"
1 emphar-
е said.
Aunt J
And I had that toda
Danny Lewis
You had that Jor lunch," Aunt J
said. "Why don't you walk a litle bir.
Danny? You aren't walking enough."
The nurse went over and helped h
out of the wheelchair, then held his arm
ind guided him alker. He
began to move a aros the room.
the telev
uh fuss over him.
h, Jerry?”
bout him?”
" Lewis said.
ke а nice boy,” Mrs. Lew
He's got a cure impish smile. 1
k he's impish-looking.”
th isn’t
“A dimple in the chin, the Devil with-
in,” Aunt Jean said.
Lewis got up
he had br
n. He took
ught with hi
ощ а cassette recorder and began 10 1e-
wind th
1 think he's goin,
tape.” Mrs. Lew
Oh, ГИ kill him if he does,” Aunt
TIL kill you if you do, Jerry.”
^t trust him when
Jean said.
fou know you
“1 don't know what he carries in hi
ses," Aunt Jean said, “Maybe he's са
rying extras in there. W
“Youre rambling, deat
So 1
Mrs. Lewis looked over
and said, ive me a note, swe
Danny Lewis sang a soft
Couple of note
Mis. Lewis said.
"Its good to use your voic
Lewis sat and composed him-
then he began to sin
. ask a baby not to
ast impossible. .
erlea pitch," Lewis said to his fa
alter he sang a few lines of the song
t key was th
“Very low," Mrs. Lewis said. “Ma
“Elin,” Danny Lewis said a small
EIE s began to
sing in a high shrieking comic voice.
“to see goyim in a synagogue, it’s just
impossible . .
“No it's not, not anymore it
Aunt Jean broke in
vis gave his Aunt Jean a look and
his mother he; laugh loudly. Lewis
punched the RECORD button on the cas-
sette machine
Mis. Lewis said to her hus-
‘give me a real nice note, now. Do
My Way.’
Danny Lewis did not
looking down at his h
folded in his lap.
“Give him the opening words,"
answer: he sat
ids, whith were
ow..." Mrs. Lewis be
Danny Lewis sat still for another mo-
ment, then began: “And now the
end is near... and so 1 face the final
cur b
As his fath
turned his eyes
to the floc
My friend ... Ul say ic dear
state my case, of which Em certain
When he came to the end of the song,
there was a pause in the room. Then
Lewis ха some pretty high
nores ther
Did he ever!" Mis.
he go up big!
Why don't you sing a song with him.
Jerry?” Aunt Jean said.
Ah, why don't you just butt out.
Lewis said. “Trying to run everythil
“I don't like you.” Au
“I never liked you," Le
stuck with you. They told me
“That's your
the couch, that’s your aunt.’ ] got т
the lamp. I got rid of the couch
Jesus Chiist, you're still around.
So the same thing happened w
when they told t my nephew
Aunt J re stuck. with
began the song, Lewis
away and lowered them
Lewis said.
h was l
е you wi
So wi
walked over 10 her
ad a Kiss on the cheek.
iell me" he said to his mother.
"Incest with an aunt ain't bad, is it?”
“Terrible,” his mother said,
him from the couch.
“The worst.
When Lewis walked out of the build
ing, the afternoon sunlight was begi
ning to fade and a bright stream of neon
^] think it's time I told you my litile secret, Miss Bigelow!”
lights had come on up and down the
He walked over to his car and got in
the back seat. He sat without doing any-
thing for ute, then he took out his
tape recorder and put it on his lap. He
punched the rry button and the sound
of his father's voice, singing the lyrics to
My Way, came from the speaker.
r. Lewi the dı
rvicw mirror.
did not answer; he just sat lis-
tening to the tape recorder.
You want to go over to the Deauville
the driver said, “It’s about five
er said,
Lewis said finally, pushing the
bution to stop the tape. п. take me
there. And then I want you to go some
place where they have fruit. Gift. pack-
ages of fruit, 1 want you to get a basket
filled with fruit, and some cheeses, may
be a bottle of booze, and I want you
to bring it back to my parents. Get the
biggest one they got. Spend fifty bucks or
He took a bill out of hi:
nded it
"1 know just the spot, Mr. Lewis,” the
driver said. met place. Very
Lewis nodded 1 back in the seat.
They should have something nice up
there in case company comes," he said,
rewinding the tape. “It doesn’t look good.
for people to come up and not see any-
thing there
wallet and
cross the front seat to the
The driver started the limousine and.
io the stream of пас.
Lewis was listening to the tape of his fa-
ther's voice once again as the car drove
off down the street.
nosed it out
ing cof-
g poundcake with a fork
"Used to be groovy,” he said with his
mouth full.
“Used to be, used to be,” Lewis said,
walking back into the bedroom. "Now.
it sucks.”
He switched on the television and
n to go through one of the dresser
‘The people here know from
Кыйы. Nothing do they know. They
know ‘shit’ and they know “fuck,” and
anything else is out of their leagu
He slammed the drawer shut and at-
tacked another. "If you don't open with
"fuck; you bomb. “Hickory dickery dock,
the mouse ran up the clock; fuck him,
let him stay there.’ Then youre a hit."
He slammed the second d shut
Do a
c that starts, "Two Jews fucked a
‚7 and then you're home free.
nd rcappeared in the doorway.
276 sheep.
He went back into the bedroom and
looked at the television. It was showing a
telethon that was being held in the
Miami arca to raise money for children's
diseases. It was being hosted by a local
personality. a fat emcee with a leathery
“And I want to make this plea from.
the bottom of my heart . . ." the fat emcee
маз saying.
Ihe bottom of you
„ you local picce of Мі ” Lewis
shouted at the television. "Fucking ama-
teurs. Don't. know anything about put-
on a fucking telethon. Might as well
stay in the fucking bed, for all the money
they'll raise."
He went into the living room and
walked over to the bar. "You know whi
pisses me off most about this fucking
heart is in your
ey did not answer,
his coffee,
105 not that fucking stadium we
ith all the empty chairs,
g himself some win
with all his fuck-
king com-
ions"—he drank the
just sipped
“and it’s not Milton
ing rehcarsing,
ints and sugge
bout Miami is the fucking people.
The fucking insensitivity of the people.”
"You shouldn't let it get to you," Н
vey said.
“They don't know any better
поша know better,” Lewis
voice rising. "They re adults. I’m
going to punch somebody in the mouth
pretty soon.
He poured another drink. “They come
ab you. They grab your
id you sce that guy in the
lobby today? Grabs my fucking arm and
says, ‘Hey, stay here, Jerry, you gotta sa
hello to my wile.’ I gotta say hello to his
ile? I told him to take his fucking
holes everywhere,” Har-
"What are you going to do;
"There's no excuse for bad
Lewis said. “There's no excuse for bad
taste. They treat you just like an object.
They act like you were the Statue of
fucking Liberty. Well, I'm not going
through that lobby that’s all. 101
't get on without going through the
fucking lobby, then 1 don't go ¢
Jewa-Rama down there. Wall-to-
Jews." He swallowed the rest of his
1E I stay here much longer, F'u
end up sending money to the Arabs."
om the television set in the bed-
room, the fat emcee said, "And the
phone calls were just not coming in like
they should while the Harrington Quar-
tet was performing so beautifully. . . .”
“They can’t call when they're. warch-
ing the talent, you fucking fruitcake,”
Lewis yelled back. “They call after the
Harrington fucking Quartet goes off.
Jesus Christ Almighty!”
He poured another glass of win
draining the оше. He looked at the emp-
ty wine bottle a moment, then slammed
it against the wall. “I christen this hotel
“Motherfucker!” he shouted. "Pull out
the pilings, you sons of bitches!”
He disappeared into the bedroom and
ack with a can of lighter fluid.
he called to Harvey. “Watch
He poured some of the lighter fluid
nto a glass ashtray, struck a match and
dropped it in. The ashtray went up
burst of flame. “The Great Super Jew
and Hi ng Ashtray!" Lewis sho
ed. “Spe e, O Burning Asht
Harvey went over to the bar and put
tray with a boule of Coca-Cola.
Lewis was in the bathroom pouring light-
fluid into the toilet. He tossed ii
match and the bowl ignited.
“Keep your eves on the fucking fire!”
Lewis shouted. “Anyone who grabs the
Super Jew's coat will have to contend
with my firepower!
10 the bathroom and
ng man
“And now for the greatest feat of all!”
Lewis yelled. He sprinkled the lighter
uid in а trail across the bathrooms tile
floor. He threw on a math and the
bathroom lit up with a roar.
hat" Lewis
flames. “That's it, burn! Burn, you moth-
erfucker! Burn down the fucking hotel!
Burn down the whole fucking tow
iching Ше
n countryside appeared
rough the clouds, like a rab-
bit pulled out of a hat; misty, gray-green
fields clamped with wee d steep-
ly under the wing of the 747 as it made
ch to Frankfurts Rhein-Main
The air on the ground was chilly and
damp and beads of moisture splattered
across the windows of the pl it rum-
bled in a great arc toward the concrete-
modern terminal building and came to a.
stop in the early-morning haze.
Lewis came off the plane wearing а
short green topcoat and sunglasses. He
was followed by the five members of his
staff, all looking tired and rumpled.
They were met by enthusiastic
young man from the airline, a blond-
haired German dressed in a navy blazer,
who informed Lewis that there was a pri-
vate jet wi m lo Cologne,
where Lewis was performing, but first he
would take them upstairs to a lounge,
where they could have some сойее.
They took an escalator to the upper
level. The young man ushered them into
the young man beamed.
haps take a scat in here, or,
if you would prefer, we can swing on
o the leather room.” With a gesture,
he indicated an adjoining room furnished
with leather couches and an enormous
bar. which, at 8:30 in the morning, was
The Lewis group looked at the voung
man with tired eyes. They swung on into
the leather room.
A pretty, dark-haired girl in а blue uni
form felt a small desk across the room.
and went over to take orders for coffee
and juice.
The young man from the airline ap-
proached Lewis and said that there was а
porter outside from one of the radio
stations wondering whether Lewis could
spare а few minutes for an interview
Lewis nodded wearily and removed his
dark glasses.
The young man brought in the report-
ег, a massive, dominating man with a
great beard. He shook hands formally
with Lewis and began to unpack a tape
The dark-haired girl appeared with a
tray. She served cups of coffee and glasses
of tomato juice to several members of
the group, then went for the rest of
the order,
No ass on that chick" Lou Brown
said, watching her walk away. "Nice legs,
nice tis" He sipped his tomato. juice.
“No ass,”
Harvey stirred his coflec and smiled
across the room at the girl. She smiled
back demurcly. “So she's shooting two for
three,” he said. "And she hasn't even
d up yet.
The bearded reporter had started his
machine and he squatted on his heels in
front of Lewis, holding a microphone.
Tell me, Mr. Lewis,” he said in per
fect English, “what I would first like to
К you is wheel ik of yourself
having a publi s in your films,
and another separate private face, whicit
the public perhaps docs not see.”
“Well,” Lewis began iu a tired voice.
“Well. I think that every performer, not
just myself, projects a certain special
when he is functioning publicly, as
or an actor. This image is
п extension of that person's total person.
ality, although the public often sees ou
a single face”
He stopped as the dark-haired girl low
ered а coffee cup in front of his face.
He looked up at her and then back at
the reporter
ЗА single facet,” he said, then stepped.
He rubbed his eyes and looked again.
the girl
"Cream id politely-
Lewis looked from the girl to the n
crouched in front of him, holding the n
Gophone in expectation. Then he cov-
ered his face with his hand
to laugh
The reporter smiled uncert
hind his thick beard, as if
share in something he did not quite un-
derstand. After few moments, with
Lewis still laughing, the smile collapsed
^ she s:
nd be;
ily be-
ıxious to
like a balloon losing air and the man
pushed the stor button on the recorder
"That was sen:
tional, Jerry!" the di-
rector said, walking toward the front ol
the stage. He came through the wooden
chairs and the music stands, and his image
bounced onto the half-dozen monitors
that were spotted around the subi
nean television studio. He w
handsomelooking German, with slightly
g hair
"Where are you, Jerry?” he called out
“That was magnificent!”
Lewis, dressed in janitors blue over-
ls. came through а door and walked over
to where the director was standing,
“Sensational, Jerry!" the director re.
peated. “And on the first taki
Yeah. I thought it went well," Lewis
stid calmly. “Let's look at it and see.”
The director called up to the control
booth and asked for the tape to be
played back. The members of the crew
began to form groups in front of the
itors, waiting for Lewis’ performance
as a janitor conducting an imaginary or
chestra in an empty concert hall.
The monitors buzzed, and then Lewis,
dressed in overalls and pushing а broom.
came onto the screen. The people stand-
g in the back of a group raised them-
selves up on their woes to get a beuer
The German television crew seemed to
find the sketch hysterically funny.
faughed loudly and appreciatively
through the video-tape playback. picking
up on every nuance of Lewis’ perform-
ance, and when it was over, they broke
into а vigorous round of applause:
the monitor with his arms folded and no
expression on his face, acknowledged the
applause with a smile. Then he turned
who had watched himself on
and looked at the director, who was
standing next to him.
“Your timing is brilliant,” the director
said admiringly. “Absolutely brilliant."
nodded, and then he said,
"What's next?”
The reporters gathered in front ol
Lewis in a large g
pencils and folded pieces of colored
paper. Lewis sat facing them in а metal
chair, with his cassette recorder resting on
his lap, his tuxedo tie pulled loose and
his shirt unbuttoned at the throat.
It was almost six o'clock in the суспі
oup. holding yellow
and the taping of Lewis’ show had just
ended. In the background, there was a
hum of German voices as the television
crew wrapped up after the day's shoot-
ng. A bank of the bright overhead lights
was switched off ‘and one section of the
studio went dark.
Mr: Lewis,” one of the reporters said,
“the European attic, especially the
French critics, seem to appreciate your
work more than the American critics do.
Why do you think that is so?
"Well, it’s not only the critics,”
1. He settled himself into the de
“Its all Europe, they've all been very
good to me. They've acknowledged my
work and they look upon it as they look
at all cinema. They look a little more
carefully than they do in Americi, thats
all. And Гуе been very fortunate that the
ropean audicnce has grown lor me
па gotten larger over time. as ihe
people here have viewed my films and ac
cepted them. The French audience was
there first; and now it’s happened in Bel-
in the Netherlands, in пау,
Spain has become the biggest
club of fanatics that I have, of late. And
the last film 1 made took more money
out of Germany than any three films of
mine did cumulatively in the past. See, 1
have ro come to Europe when my ego
gets way down, after the American critics
Start то pound me into the cement
Three days in Europe and I feel good
n, and then I go home.”
Lewis la
ghed loudly and the report
ers laughed with h
“The diflerence is not in the audi-
,” Lewis said. "I think the American
nce is just as good as the Furopean
audience. But the critics are something
else. 1 heard that a critic once said the
dirtiest words in America are Doris Day,
Jerry Lewis and John Wayne. Now, 1
really don't know what the hell that
jeans. I guess it’s because I won't photo-
graph nudity or make dirty films or what-
ever—I don't know, But I'm just going
to continue to do what I do, without
changing my game plam, and Im not
really worried that it doesn't appeal to
some people
“What about the American TV audi
ence?” one man said. “You had your own
show, but you stopped it.”
"Yeah. No. / didn't stop it”
“Really?” the man said. He sounded
surprised. “The ratings, you mean?”
Dh, sure, that's what stops all telev
ings. Some of
the finest
went off
they could no longer get
the man said
Well, it’s almost impossible to expl.
the ratings.” Lewis said. "The ratings go
to twelve hundred families, and that’s
supposed to represent sixty-four million
households.” He made a gesture of dis-
27g belief. "Well, 1 just can't equate that, you
sec. 1 can equate the success of a film by
the box-office receipts, but television has
no box office. And they need some sort of
a guide, so they use the ratings as
guide. But it's a grossly unfair measure
to have to work with, and very frustrating
хе person. So rather than fight
at particular system, 1 just choose to
y from television
cab ual you accept it?
n said with a smile.
Under a couple" Lewis looked at
the floor and thought а moment. “There
would be some conditior
Lewis looked ar the young man and he
stopped smi e what? he asked
“Like changing the A
structure and making it fair,” Lew
"What bothers me is that there's
tegory for comedy, nothing that
knowledges my craft or the people who
have gone before me, who were the very
reason we have à dustry. At
least acknowledge their existence. They
got categories in the Academy for the guy
who invented a new bulb for the men's
one young.
room. but they haven't got one for
“Just think that it took them forty
some years to honor Chaplin. Now, that
angered me; that was wrong. And when
Tsaw Mr. Chaplin walk out on that stage,
not even totally aware of what was going
on, all 1 could think of was, ‘Why'd they
so long?
Lewis paused for a moment and
watched as several men and women
wheeled a piece of scenery across the
room. “The Academy,” he said finally,
just very unfair.”
“What about. your
the Clown Cried?
t or is
w film, The Day
Is there any comic
straight drama
“Absolutely эша
“Could you give
Lewis said.
s some details of
the story
^I could, but I'd prefer not to.
“When will it be released?”
"Fm editing it now," Lewis said, “It’s
a little difficult to say when it will be re-
leased, because Im being so cns
bout how irs going to be handled.
don't want it handled just like the re-
lease of another film; it has to be special.
And if I can't get the releasing people
who can do what I know is right for the
picture, then I'll have to do it myself. It's
a funny thing about releasing a film. The
last picture I made, well.
Lewis shook his head and laughed.
“Hardly anyone in America saw it.” he
id. "My own children didn't even see it
theater; I had to тип it at home for
That was because Warner Bros.
the company 1 made the film for, had
another film out at the same time, called
Woodstock, and they were using all of
their energies and resources to push tha
film. And there was just nothing left
over, so my picture died without ever
ting a chance. It broke my heart, because
knew I had made a good movie that
body in my counuy was ever
Now. that's the problem of
distribution, The fate of your work rests
the hands of some distributor or some
studio, and if they have some porno-
graphic film they feel they can make
more moncy with, then you just have to
take the consequences. So I'm thinking
of doing it myself”
In 1960, when you started to direct
your own films, did that also mean, at
that point, that you were dissatisfied
with the directors vou. worked with or
with your work in gene
"No. І was very satished. 1 worked
with some of the finest directors in the
medium. I worked with Frank Tashlin
ıd Norman Taurog and George Mar-
shall—1 learned from these men, they
were my teachers. But I knew 1 couldn't
ways get the director I wanted when I
needed him, so 1 decided that I would
have tol nd do it myself. I certainly
wasn't going to sit still and not make
Ims because J couldn't get the best
decided I was going to be the best. Whi
Tam not, not yet. But 1 will be.”
Lewis stopped as the reporters all wrote
that down.
“Maybe Tuesda
he added.
The driver took the small red Mer-
cedes through the narrow streets of Co-
logne at top speed and never turned his
head to offer any commentary on the
The weather was cold and the city
looked dark and depressing under the
heavy, lead-colored sky as it slid past the
windows of the car.
The Mercedes hit a puddle and skid-
ded around a corner in a slight drift, shot
up a small cobbled streer with heavily
barred antiqueshop windows on either
side, took another corner without. brak-
ing and roared down a slightly wider
boulevard crowded with departmentstore
shoppers bundled against the weather
amd carrying wrapped. parcels.
"Hey, look, I wonder if those a
of the students they told us about,
vey He pointed out the window
toward the sidewalk. Mixed in with the
shoppers was a group of young people,
walking together in а tight bunch.
Where are their picket signs?” Harvey
said. “Whe their Molotov cock-
The day before, Lewis had gotten
word that his 90-minute one-man concert
had been canceled because the city of Co-
logne had experienced a week of student.
protests and demonstrations. The G
mam people had been vague as to the
exact nature of the student unrest, but
it was being described along the same
lines as the riots that had occurred in
Panis in the late Sixties, and there had ap
parently been several incidents that had
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pproached that state of intensity and
they think these kids were going
to toss a bomb onstage while you were
singing Rock-a-Bye Your Baby, or what?”
vey said.
They didn't know what was going to
happen,” Lewis said, looking out at the
side ut there were so many digni-
taries and political big shots coming to
the show that they just didn't feel they
could provide adequate security. And you
can believe they were plenty worried
to kiss away all that mon
“You still geuing paid?
“Oh, sure,” Lewis s
‘Come sight-secing in Cologne, folks!”
Harvey said. "And now, ladies and gen-
tlemen, if you look to the left of the bus,
you will see Cologne's famous student
rioters, coming after your ass! Just w;
till they put on their brown shirts, then
we'll really sec some
The blond-haired driver raised his eyes
to the rearview mirror for an instant,
then looked quickly ahead.
Ihe Mercedes looped around
em-locking skyscraper, a straight shaft of
concrete and dark glass, and burst upon
Cologne's famous cathedral.
The cathedral was covered with scaf-
folding for repairs and it resembled
the illustrations from Gullivers Travels
showing a giant from another world
bles and covered
h tiny figures scam-
d onto a small side street
and came to a jolting stop as a large truck
backed out of a warehouse into the mid-
dle of the road. The driver blew his horn.
in annoyance, but the truck just sat
blocking the way.
By the side of the road, there was anoth-
er group of young people, larger than the
one in the shopping district. They were
standing in front of a high brick wall on
which several words in German had been
written in giant letters with a can of
black spray paint. One of the words, not
in German, was NIXON.
"What does that say?” Lev
driver. He pointed to the wall.
The driver looked over at the letter-
ing, then back at the truck that was still
in the middle of the street. He seemed
both embarrassed and annoyed.
he said, half turning
1 of some kind.”
Yeah, but what does it say?
‘The driver turned his head away and.
honked his horn again, angrily. He
swered without turning back.
cans and their war. The words say they
are murderers.
The young people stood by the wall,
asked the
280 staring out silently at the street. They
huddled in front of the thick black letters
protectively, as if they were guarding
them from theft. They didn't say any-
thing to anybody, They didn’t talk or
laugh among themselves and they didn’t
call out to people passing by. They just
stood and looked.
The driver gave another impatient
blast on his horn, and finally the truck
started up again and lumbercd out of the
way with all the solemnity of a Rose
Bowl float. The Mercedes jumped for-
ward with a neck-snapping lurch.
Lewis swiveled in his scat and looked
out the back window at the group on the
sidewalk. As the Mercedes zoomed down
the narrow street, the silent students and
their guarded graffito fell back into the
gathering dusk.
“There she is" Lewis said. “There's
the lile cunt.
He braked the Movieola with his hand
and made а grease-pencil mark on the
film. It cut across the face of a beautiful
blonde teenage girl.
Same little cunt who tried to r
before,” Lewis sa
pe us
|. "Watch her eyes.”
The machi the Los Angeles
dio made a ratchery sound as Lewis
backed up the film. He stopped it, start-
ed it forward again and cupped
against the rim of the su
block out the glare from the overhead
The screen showed a trucking shot
down the length of
Crowded behind the fence wa
children dressed in ragged clothi
ahead with vacant eyes,
standing completely still. The children’s
faces were all Europ and they
d the same pathetic expressions as the
faces found on CARE posters.
The blonde girl stood toward the end
of the line. As the camera passed in front
of her, an almost imperceptible smile
showed up at the corners of her mouth
and her eyes drifted over to the side, fol-
lowing the lens of the camera as it moved
along. As soon as her eyes shifted toward
the right-ha
grease mark cut her face
Lewis braked the machine.
"There" he said. "See it? Following
the fucking camera.”
Lewis turned and looked at Rusty
Wiles, his cutter, who sat on a stool with
his arms folded, looking at the screen
over Lewis’ shoulder.
“Bet you didn't see that before,” Lewis
nd side of the screen, the
two and
“Oh. I saw it,” the cutter said, nod-
ding. “But that kid right before her had
such a good look on his face and he'd
have to go, too, if we cut. It's so close.
Lewis backed the film up and looked
y little bitch,” Lewis said,
shaking his head. “Vamping for the cam-
cra. She pulled that same thing in an-
other sequence. remember?"
The cutter nodded. Lewis looked at
the girl on the screen for a moment.
“I told her to keep her fucking eyes to.
the front,” Lewis said. “That it wasnt a
beauty pageant. On the big screen, those
eyes атс going to pop right over as big
Pretty face, though," the cutter said.
“Yeah,” Lewis said. "Everybody wants
to be a star. Cut her out.’
Lewis stepped away from the Movieola
nd the cutter wheeled himself over on
his stool, removed the film from the ma-
chine and took it over to a bench to recu
the scene.
Lewis went 10 а small refrigerator in
onc corner of the room and took out a
can of beer. He turned on a portable
color-television sct and sat down in front
of it with the beer to wait for the cutter
to finish.
“Hey, look, Rusty!” Lewis called out,
pointing to the set. “Sherlock Holmes is
on Ше tube.
The cutter looked over his shoulder. He
odded and turned back to the bench.
On the screen, Basil Rathbone and
Nigel Bruce stood above the body of
elderly man lying in a pool of blood in
a handsomely appointed English drawing
ne locked thoughtfully at
George had held something
nd at the time that he was murdered.
“A matchbook, 1 should think, by the
look of it," Rathbone said, puffing on
his pipe
“Jesus,” Lewis said, drinking from the
ows everythi
this fucking
1 Rathbone. He'll get the guy by the
next reel,”
The cutter si
scene and thr
that he had fixed the
to the Movicola.
nd stood next to him
and they watched the film.
"Much better,” Lewis said when it wa
over. “Hundred percent better. There's
no room for Shirley Temple in a concen-
n camp. What else have you got for
ned the can of beer and
tossed it into a meta asket.
I've got this sequence with the guard
that 1 shortened а lite. It'll take a
minutes to put together.” He whe
If back to his bench, Lew
down in front of the television.
You know the scene where the guy
gets shot?” the cutter said as he worked.
“Yeah,” Lewis said. “What about it?
“Well, when you showed the film last
weck, a couple of people asked me if I
didn't think that ran a little long."
“They didn't say anything to me;
Lewis said. getting up from his cha
“What do you mean, ‘lon
The cutter shrugged. "Just long, 1
guess. The guy is on the screen a long
“Be sure to lel me know when it's close to twelve o'clock, sweetheart,
so we can wish each other a Happy New Year."
time. He takes a long time to die.
“Well, Jesus Christ, Rusty," Lewis s
“that scene's going to be an opti
got faces of kids playing over that scene
that 1 have to put in. It's not even fin-
ished yet."
“I know.” the cutter said. “I told them
had something planned ther
“People don't even know how to look
t a rough cut of a fucking film.
said, his voice getting louder. "
ng worked on. I still have things to do
“Well,” the cutter said, “J toll”
What if I came up to а guy who was
building a house, and he just had the
frame up, and 1 stand there asking him
why there aren't any windows in it yet.
How fucking stupid can you get
Lewis began to pace angrily about the
“Everybody's an expert" he said.
here's a fucking genius at every sere’
ing. Where were they when the empty
pages were in the typewriter? Where were
they when we were freezing in fucking
Sweden, shooting the film? Too long?
Jesus Christ!”
“I just mentio
Thats a 1 dram;
know that
The cutter nodded and again began to
work on the film in front of him.
“Te was the same thing with the dance
sequence in The Patsy.” Lewis said.
‘And 1 told them then that they should
just wait till it was fucking finished
tic point, you
before they go telling me what's wrong
with it. Just wait till I'm ready
1 front
w who the
y" he
Lewis went back and sat down
n. “I don't kn
of the televis
fuck asked for their opinion, anys
said over his shoulder.
The Sherlock Holmes movie went off
and a car salesman came onto the screen
standing in front of a tired-looking con-
vertible. Lewis flipped the dial and
stopped at Jack Paar's program.
Paar was explaining that he was going
to show an exclusive film of the gymnas-
tic team from the People's Republic of
China. “It is quite honestly one of the
most remarkable exhibitions I think th
1 have ever witnessed,” Paar said.
“Oh, shut up and put on the China
men," Lewis said. He got up and went to
the refrigerator for another can of beer
е gymnasts beg:
h some metal rings, which were so
licately arranged that any body contact
all would knock them over. The me
passed through them with effordess
“Big fucking deal," Lewis said.
nd out of the rings. If they could just
work on getting the shirts done right,
that would be enough.
Wiles turned around to look at the set.
“I don't know,” he said, “That looks sort
of difficult to me.”
‘Oh, yeah?" Lewis said, opening the
beer can. “Let me tell you something. 1f
the rings don't show up, they got no act."
пе, stood.
Joseph Lewis. aged mi mo-
tionless in deep left field, wearing an
"He's on something!”
enormous glove on his hand and a grcen-
ad-white uniform.
I's а shame he doesn't have more to
Mrs. Lewis said. "But at least he’s
There's not much going on
outfield in this league," Lewis said.
you live to play out the season."
"He looks so small out there," Mis.
Lewis said. "And in that uniform
Lewis knelt on one of the ble
seats and squinted through а 6mm
era he had set up on an aluminum tripod
in front of him. He panned the camera
toward left field.
“1 don't know why vou brought such a
Lis. Lewis said.
"1 told you 1 was going to take some
pictures of the baseball player," Lewis
id, framing Joseph in the viewer.
1 thought you just meant regular pic
tures,” Mrs. Lewis said. "With a hand
1 the
u can carry this camera in your
hand,” Lewis said, still looking through
the lens. “Come on, Joby, do somethit
out there.
Several of the parents sitting nearby
stared at nd his movie сате
id sud
moved! Your kid moved!
"What did he do?” Mrs, Lewis said,
looking out at her son.
Something with his arm,” Lewis said,
ring the zoom lens. "I got it on fil
Alter three batters had come and gone,
the side was retired. Lewis took movies
of his son walking in from left field.
"I don't know what I’m going to do
when he gets up to but,” 1
don't think ГИ be able to watch.”
Joseph came to bat with two outs and
He stood at the plate as
erect and motionless as he had been in
the field, and he held the bat directly
in front of him, perpendicular to the
ground, like a pole vaulter during the
ging, of the al anh
The first pitch went well over his head
and Joseph did
- “He
said. “I
a runner on fii
ove à musc
ch yelled
Good eye, Joseph!” the coa
e lin
“Good eye?" Lewis said from behind
the camera. "He's scared stil. He doesn't
know what the hell he's doing. I can't
keep looking, Mom
Joseph took two more high pitches
without ever moving out of position
"One more.” Lewis said. "Come om,
you little bastard, throw one more lousy
But before the ү
from the
cher could go imo
his windup, the runner on first broke
away for second base. The umpire imme-
diately c grounds
base before a pitch is thrown.
Suddenly, the field was filled w
people. The other team, whooping loudly.
began to run in for its turn at bat. Jo-
seph's team was on its feet and circling
the umpire, protesting the call. The
couch argued vehemently that, according
to the rules, the runner had only to re-
turn to first and was not out. The other
coach rushed over, shaking his head.
Throughout all the commotion, Jo-
seph stood exactly as he had before, com-
pletely still, with the bat pointing straight
up in the air.
"You tell him, coach!”
shouted in encouragement.
pire docsn't know the rules!
“Jesus Christ!” Lewis said, following
the action with the camera, "My kid's in
the middle of a riot. And he still isn't
doing anything.”
Finally, it was decided that the runner
was not out. The opposing tcam would
return to the field and the runner would
return to fast base. Joseph was still at
bat and he watched without blinking as
he was thrown a fourth high pitch.
Joseph set the bat down neatly and
walked to first base.
“Thank God," Lewis said, panning
with him as he took the base. “Не got
Lewis shut off the camera and sat
down with a loud sigh. Mrs. Lewis ap-
plauded and waved across the field at
her son.
Mrs. Lewis
“That um-
“You did good today, Joby,” Lewis
said as they went into the house. “You
got on base and you didn’t get out.”
"What's so good about walking?" Jo-
seph asked. He set his glove and cap
down on the hall table. “I didn't get
a hit.”
"Well, that was the fault of the pitch-
er" Mrs. Lewis s "He didn't throw
you anything that you could hit. Beside:
it docsn't matter how you get on base, it's
getting there that counts. Right, Daddy?”
"Right" Lewis said. "And tomorrow
you and I will go out and practice stand-
ing with the bat. A little practice with
your old man and you'll be ready for
the majors
"In a year or two,"
with. ile.
Lewis told Joseph that he had a pres-
cnt for him and went upstairs. Hc came
back down with a giant assortment of
crayons in a flat metal box covered with
"I went to the stationery store to get
some pens," Lewis said, “and I saw thi
I thought you might like it.”
Joseph thanked his father for the gift
and sat down to open it. The box had a
decorated lid that had been removed
from its hinge and wrapped against the
bottom of the tray, so thar the crayons
could be displayed through the cello-
Mrs. Lewis said
phane. Joseph took both halves of the box
and began to put them together.
“Here, let me help you with that,”
Lewis said, taking the box in his hands.
“These are tricky sometimes.”
Lewis sat down next to his son and
tied to fit the lid onto the hinge. He
worked with it for a few minutes, but the
lid kept popping loose.
"Just one minute more," Lewis said
slowly, concentrating. “This litle wire
has to slide in there, Joby, see? See the
little space? But it keeps coming out."
The telephone rang and Mrs. Lewis
came into the room to tell her husband
that there was a longdistance phone call
for him from Germany.
"OK," Lewis said without looking up
from the box. “I'll be there in a second.
Just as soon as I get tliis put together.”
Mrs. Lewis watched him struggle un-
successfully for almost a minute, and
then she said, “Daddy, you better take
this call. They » ,
Lewis nodded and kept working. Mrs
Lewis left the room and came rushing
back a few seconds later.
"Daddy!" she sai
rect! Please come to the phone
“My son is waiting for me.
as thc lid went popping
again. "I have to finish this."
"You can do that later,"
Lewis did not answer, just kept work-
ing with the hinge.
"Lewis!" Mrs. Lewis
the call! Do that later.
"Can you wait a few minutes while
Daddy takes this call?" Lewis said to his
son. “Then I'll fix this for you, OK?"
"Tl wy,” Joseph said.
“You'll try and wait?” Lewis said, get-
ting up.
“TI wy to fix
Lewis said,
no his Jap
Mrs. Lewis
aid finally. “Take
,” Joseph said.
Lewis set the box down and went into
the next room. Joseph took the bos and
put it on his lap. He looked at it for a
while, then took the crayons out of it and
turned it over and looked at it some
more. Finally, he picked up the lid and.
began to work it onto the hinge. After a
few minutes, the lid dicked and fell into
place. Joseph raised and lowered it ex-
perimentally а couple of times and it
moved on the hinge smoothly. He was
putting the crayons back in as Lewis
Joseph smiled at his father and worked.
the lid for him.
"Oh," Lewis said.
together, Joby
“I put the wire through that bump,”
Joseph said. “Right there.” He held the
box out and indicated the spot.
"That's very good, sweetheart," Lewis
id. He picked up the crayon box and
studied the hinge. “I guess Daddy must
have been doing it wrong.”
“Did you get it put
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IM OKYOURE 50-50 (continued from page 213)
enlighten Farrow and
the Beatles vowed to devote the rest of
their lives for several weeks.) Currently,
devotees begin by assuming the lotus
position. They then pick up a Princess
phone, dial Paris information and go
“Ummm . . ." into the receiver. Within
hours, a sense of inner peace, tranquillity
and extra message units prevails. Draw-
back: Even true believers find this tech-
nique unbclicvably expensive.
* Tantric Yoghurt. Another corruption
of a fine idea. Practitioners start with
traditional deep breathing and proceed
with other exercises until they are com-
fortably standing on their head. At thi
point, a practitioner dips his hands
а large bowl of Dannon’s (plain) and
smears it about the face and shoulders of
another practitioner, thus achieving onc-
nesi—or, tops, twoness. Drawback: This
technique leaves people moldy.
= Primal Sneeze Therapy. Yet another
helpful idea gone awry. Devotees of this
system are urged to sneeze freely in hopes
of eliciting the one, final explosion that
will unleash all of their frustrations. In
its ultimate phase, the program requires
that a person take a pinch of ground
Mexican gens inh:
proved effective in the short run, re-
peated p on eventually means
the patient must withdraw from therapy,
s he has no nose.
‘These past failures must not blind us to
techniques that really do work, that can
effectively bring us into harmony with
ourselves and with others. Such a tech-
nique is the I'm OK—You're 50-50 life
position. First, let us examine what we
mean by “OK.” All right. Next, let us ex-
amine the five possible life positions held
with respect to ourselves and othe
1. гм Nor ox—vou'RE ок. This is the
universal position of early childhood,
being the infant’s logical conclusion that
he is inferior and helpless, while eve
one else is superior, self-confident and
the kind of man who reads Gallery. If his
life script does not change, this indi-
vidual will go through life curisying in
the presence of others, since it is too pain-
ful to stand around OK people.
2. гм Nor OK—YOU'RE NOT ок. This is
the condition of a person who started out
the I'm Not OKR—You're OK life posi-
tion, received no support or love and was
often put to the rack by his parents. He
concludes that he is worthless and that
everyone else is, too, and so develops an.
intense hostility to his fellow men. This
is the kind of individual who should not,
for example, be given a position in an
lerground missile silo.
3. ум ока оқ. This is
ıe condition that occi
n extremely
only when
individual who is about to de:
life position suddenly gets the
condition, limited to hotel doormen
When a guest says “Call me a taxi,
the doorm:
taxi! You're a
1 type
dividual does not keep his life posi-
tion for long.
5. IM Ok—YOU'RE 5050. This
is the
posit ies our hope for a
welladjusted life. It posits that while
we have a strong certainty of our own
we're not
so sure about the other guy. And in a
€ when we are confronted almost
daily with people who demand instant
relationships, total honesty and, fre-
quently, our money, it is this technique
that will give us peace of mind.
In order to make the I'm OK—You're
SoSo life p n work for us, we must
first realize that every human personality
is made up of three separate components
constantly batting for control: the
Child, the Adult and the Snot. For was
it not Dr. Eric Boise who stated in his
seminal thesis, Transactional Analysis in
Pseudopsychotherapy, that these three
components were mot “problematical
and ethereal concepts like superego, ego
nd id . . . but phenomenological rea
ties"? Was it not also the good Dr. Boise
who added, “I rarely comprehend a word
It is the Child
leads us into tr
we are not OK
ty that
g that
nd everyone else is. The
Child is a state into which we may be
transferred at almost any time; it is the
state in which we demand reassurance,
which we are provoked to childlike anger
nd selEassertion, in which we use our
Каа to write on the walls.
It is the Adult component that allows
us to enter transactions fecling that we
are OK and that the person or persons
we're dealing with are also OK, It is the
state in which we attain some measure of
wisdom and understanding, feel at peace
with ourselves, relate to others with a
minimum of friction and can buy booze
The optimum state to develop, the
component we need to bring into a con-
roll It is the
Snot that helps us realize that we are con-
stantly confronted with people who are
clearly inferior to us. Where the rational
Adult can see only the good and the bad
points in another person, the Snot per-
ceives a мам sea of mediocrity. Jt i
Snot that protects us from aging hippies
who “want to get into our head,” from
encounter groupies who want to "touch"
us, for God's sake, from girlfriends who
want us to be “completely open” with
them. The Snot in us cultivates disdain.
position, is the Snot.
It harbors suspicions avidly, snicke
often. It makes the a priori assumption
that other people will invariably turn.
out to be cretins.
To illustrate, let us take an everyday
example. You're a father, and two-year-
old Johnny has taken his yacht beyond
the three mile limit while you lie on the
beach. Raquel Welch, who is aboard the
yacht (she is married to Johnny), pushes
the little tot overboard. Johnny cannot
swim, being two years old. A stranger just
down the beach from you sees what has
happened and swims rapidly out to him.
swim back, the stranger
you still lie, He looms over you, panting,
Tittle Johnny in his arms, and stammers,
"The kid's OK. I got him in time.
1f the Child in you is in control of your
personality at that moment, you w
“My God! How will I ever thank you?
And believe me, that Johnny's going to
get the spanking of his life!
The figure above shows that in thi
transaction the stranger's Adult has spo-
ken to your Adult, but it is your Child
that has responded.
w, in а situation where your Adult
happens to be in control, your response
is likely to be
“My God! How can I ever thank you?
Here, let's warm him up."
bove shows that in this
ction the stranger's Adult has spo-
ken to your Adult, and your Adult has
But if, in that situation, your Snot were
umi iiie
in control, you would most likely say:
“First time out without an inner tube,
\ ex
‘The figure above shows that the stran-
gers Adult has spoken to your Adult,
but that your Snot has responded and
that Staubach fakes a hand-off and drops
hack into the pocket just in time to be
ampled by Butkus
In conclusion, we can see that inner
peace is, indeed, attainable, Adopting a
life position of alert, indifferent haughti-
ness can bring a person to the brink of
selfrealization. ‘Treating people in the
correct manner—as peasants and meni-
als—will complete the journcy to full
mental health. It means bringing one’s
Snot component up to its highest poren-
tial, tr ind to take note of
Who cut
and such unarguable logic
as “Git yo’ hands offa me, muhhfuhh!"
Most people to whom you address these
remarks will become nonplused and
thereafter will leave you alone. And there-
in lies the road to inner tranquillity.
For, as the great Freud himself put it, at
the very outset of his Interpretation of
All rights reserved, which includes
the right to reproduce this book or
portions thercof in any form what-
soever. Copyright 1900.
(lıalic are mine)
“I don’t usually cry at the movies, but when she whispers ‘Will I
be your first virgin?’ and he remembers that he left his
condoms in his dresser. ...”
(continued from page 61)
generation ago is about 20 percent; our
own, for today, is about 18 percent. Here,
too, however, we find a notable increase
in one part of the sample: A generation
ago, only eight percent of married and
divorced women under 26 had had any
extramarital coitus, while today, in our
1810-24 group, the figure is 24 percent,
But this threcfold increase does not sig-
nify a revolutionary change in basic
values: It merely brings the rate for
under-25 females close to that for under-
ely higher th
change is not a break with sexual fidelity
but with the double standard.
agined, but
ily and a hus
lying next
the dark, Id have
пу mouth to keep from
I had my house, my fa
band T loved. Sometim
10 my husband i
to put my fist in
Quantitatively, then, the change since
Kinsey's time has been limited; but what
about qualitatively? Is extramarital co-
itus casicr, less conflicted, more sensuous,
more gratifying? Not as far as we can see.
For one thing, nearly all of it is still se-
се, which implies conflict, difficulty
and guilt (only one fifth of our sample
say their mates have known about their
ЖИК iB E an ED
centage than was true of Kinsey's men,
according to Kinsey's women). For an-
other, extramarital experience has not
become more casual and easy, to judge by
the numbers of partners involved: Kinsey
published no data on the matter in his
male study, but he did in his female
study—and the figures are virtually iden-
tical with our own. E.g., both then and
now, two out of five women with extra-
1 experience had only one partner
ind another two out of бус had be
and five partners. Extramarital
no lighthearted frolic; it is seri-
business, fraught with emotional
1 with danger for marriage.
meaning a
Man, 38 (married):
overwhelming, but I was delighted |
са of what I was doing. I felt bw
with life and full of juice instead of
shriveled and withered. I knew that the
whole thing was foolish and could come
to no good, but, strangely enough, I felt
proud of myself for h done it.”
‘The sex wasn't
‘Advocates of marital swinging say that
nonsecret alternatives such as mate swap-
ping and group sex avoid emotional i
volvement and conflict with ma
But many observers report that swingers
are frequently plagued by jealousy, emo-
tional conflict, impotence and frigidity,
guilt feelings, fear of disease or disgrace
and, worst of all, fear of the loss of love.
All this is 100 much for most married
people: Within our sample of 691 mar-
ried men and 710 married women
(whites and blacks combined) only
about two percent of the men and a little
Jess than two percent of the women have
ated in mate swapping with
their spouses, and many of the males and
most of the females said they had done so
only once. (There are по comparable
a in Kinsey.) The figures are higher
for under-25 males (five percent) and
under25 females (about two percent),
but for most of these people there have
been only a few episodes.
onp sex is also quite rare among the
married. Eightcen percent of the me
and six percent of the women had partici-
pated in sex in the presence of others,
but for many it was premarital and
three quarters had done so only once.
The figures for under-25 married people
were higher (males, 38 percent: females,
22 percent). but here again, some of th
was premarital and most of it was one
time only. Very few people—about two
percent of the men and fewer than one
percent of the women—have ever had
sex with two or more partners at the
same time with spouse present
n, 30: “I'm marıicd to the most
guy, technically, r
n. He can always get it uj
cam keep screwing for hou
try anything at all. But E са
with him, because I hate hi
divorce and he won
me. But with the men I've been having
h, it's something еве have
orgasms right and left . . . but only with
men I have a fecling for.”
nd he'll
never come,
i —because
е some people in our survey re-
port ext ital experiences that are
more exci 1 gratifying than the
exceptions. In gen-
amarital sex is less free, less sen-
ait their cxtramarii
nd the following
white sample only.
ations are used
coitus than in
sex to pettini
figures pertain to o
* Most positional v.
less freely in extra
coitus. The дар is widest among
the young—the most liberated of our
e: they are at their most lib-
marriage, not outside it.
percent of women who have
asm all or
almost all she time in it, while 53 percent
of women do so in marital coitus: 35 per-
cent never or almost never have orgasm
n extramarital coitus. ainst only
scven percent in marital coitus.
But the ego boost, the excitement, the
feeling of recaptured youth, the rediscov-
ery of passion make extramarital sex in-
tensely gratifying for many. Others find
their experiences intensely rewarding but
flawed by fear and guile.
Ib we turn to
of the pleasure yielded by marital sex
compared with extramarital sex, we find
the latter distinctly the les rewarding.
Two thirds of the married males in our
total sample rated their marital coitus in
the past yeu L as "very pleas-
urable"; fewer th fof the men who
had extramarital coitus in the past year
or females, the com-
parable figures were a little more than
half for marital coitus, but only a little
more than third for extramarital coitus.
Four percent of married men and ten
percent of married women rate their
ure or
Шу unpleasant—but nine percent of
1 and 27 percent of women who had
xtramarital coitus rate it unl ly.
These findings hold true even among
our younger married people. They talk
about extramarital sex more openly and
marital coitus as lacking in pk
are more aware of their own desires and
of the alternatives than were the young
marrieds of a generation ago. But for
шапу emotional and social reasons, the:
are not engaging freely and easily in
sucl experiences and, by and large, those
who do are finding the experiences less
pleasurable than married people, in
general, find the ital coitus, Sexual
liberation has tered the ascetic
and antihedoni: tradition in our
society but has not altered our central
nd married love are
at their best when
conviction that sex
synergi id
they are conjoined.
This is the fourth in a series of articles
reporting the resulis of a comprehensive
Playboy Foundation-funded survey of
sex in America, Morton Hunt's full re-
port will be published ах a book, “Sexual
Behavior in the 1970s,” by Playboy Pre:
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW (continued from page 81)
1 think nationalism is a dangerously out-
moded idea, and we ought to start think-
ing of ourselves as one people living
on this lide planet together. Oui is а
copublishing v h Lui, the best
of the рілувоу imitations in Europe;
but Oui will be going its own way, u
fettered by old boundaries—not only
geographical but social and sexual as well.
In its first year of publication, Oui was
aimed primarily at the male audience we
were already familiar with and felt would
respond to the innovative appeal of such
a magazine. But the innovations have
ature w
only just begun and, increasingly, Oui
will be aimed at women as well—contem-
porary readers of both sexes who share
4 take real pleasure in
the liberation of our traditional roles and
lifestyles in society. We pr
umber of the first issue—750,000 copies—
and sold almost all of them in the first
two weeks o
grown to 1,300,000 copies per month in
the first year, so the future of this new
magazine seems very bright, indeed,
PLAYBOY: Oui certainly scems to have a
ing future, but that's only one
a joie de vivre
“King’s bishop takes knight's pawn—off
with your blouse.”
aspect of Playboy Enterprises. Do you
think the entire company is likely to be
as important in the next 20 years as it’s
been in the past 20?
HEFNER: As good as the first 20 years have
been, the next 20 are bound to be better.
People are going to haye morc leisure
time than ever before, so a company de-
voted to leisure-time activities—especially
опе with Playboy's strong identificatio
iat market—seemis се to be in-
ngly important. And just as dearly,
the magazine is going to have even more
influence in the future than it does today,
Circulation is at an alltime high—t
greater than any other men’s magazine
in history—and its impact on our ma
ners and. morals probably won't be fully
appreciated for some time to come.
PLaynoy will continue to play an im-
portant part in promoting social and
sexual freedom for the individual, be-
cause those who suggest that the sexual
revolution has already been won are
naive. Our society is more sexually schiz-
ophrenic than sexually liberated. We're
going through a painful and difficult
transitional period in which many people
have started to come to grips with their
own sexuality, but we still live in a coun-
try where most adult sexual activity
egal, and the voices of suppression are
still being heard—and heeded.
PLAYBOY: Are you thi
Supreme Court decisions on obscenity?
HEFNER: Of coursc—as well as the ap
d, in some instances, even
able reaction of a press that is otherwise
so sensitive to the suppr
dom. What can you sa
King of the recent
jon of our free-
bout a society
1 descrip-
h, yet at-
mages and
tions when what is involved are
acts of pleasure and love? I find it incredi-
ble, in 1973, that the Supreme Court of
the United States can justify surrendering
to what it calls “local commu the
right to decide what is pornographic and
therefore illegal. Already one state su-
Gcorgia—has. decided
Carnal Knowledge, writ-
ten by Jules Feiffer and directed by Mike
Nichols, artistically redeeming
enough to escape being banned as ob-
violence and dea
preme cour
that the movi
structionists” of the Constitution, has
ruled that the First Amendment's а
lute protection of free speech and press
doesn’t really mean what it says, that
certain kinds of speech and writing aren't
necessarily free at all—speech and writ-
ing that has to do with sex. The Court
has decreed that the ruling elite of every
local community has the power to deter-
mine what everyone else in town may
read or sce.
PLAYBOY: There were rumblings, soon
after the decisions, about "cracking
" on rLAYnoy and the other men's
deed, butso far they
плі come to much—primarily, I think,
because the Supreme Court decisions
weren't aimed at rraYmoy. They were
aimed at hard-core, which has nothing to
do with what we publish and never will.
Bur there's still harm in trying to sup-
press it. If there is an adult audience for
this kind of material—and I make the
distinction between adults and children—
then how dare we say, in a supposedly
free society, that adults can't go to a
theater and see whatever they want to
sce, or to a bookstore or magazine stand
and buy whatever they want to read?
"The primary ones hurt when you censor.
aren't the publishers or the cditors but
the people whose rights to that material
are suppressed.
I find it very disturbing that some in-
telligent and learned people don't under-
stand that. I read an editorial in The
Wall Street Journal about the decisions,
suggesting that maybe the Gourt was
right and talking about “the rights of the
majority in a democracy.” Well, totali
tarianism by the majority is not what
America is all about. The greatness of
America isn't that it grants majority rule
^s that it protects the freedom of the in-
dividual, the freedom of those who might
want to read or see something that isn't
popular with the community. Too many
magazines and newspapers take the atti-
tude that this small limitation on
someone else's liberties is a price worth
paying to get rid of the porno theater
down the street, which they don't patron-
ize anyway. Well theyre being very
shortsighted, and they remind me, quite
frankly, of the good citizens of Germany
who felt it didn't have anything tw do
with them if the Jews had their rights
taken away.
The issue here is not obscenity; the
issue is censorship. And what kind of bi-
zarre notion is it that the depiction of sex
is cither too sacred or too profane to be
protected by the First Amendment? Well,
I send this message to the boys at Time
and Newsweek and the country's newspa-
pers, who should have the intellectual ca-
pacity to recognize what this is all about,
but who, for whatever reasons, look the
other way and play into the hands of the
enemy. Because there is an enemy out
there. This country— indeed, the whole
world—consists of two opposing forces:
us, and those who would force their own
values and attitudes on us. Totalitarian-
ism has been the major evil in this world
since the beginning of civilization,
whether it came into power in the name
of religion or a supposedly better nonsec-
tarian society. The whole concept of this
country was based on opposition to that
kind of totalitarianism.
PLAYBOY: What actual effects do you think
the Supreme Court decisions will have on
sexual explicitness in the media?
HEFNER: That's hard to predict, But it’s
going to be difficult in the Seventies to
find 12 people on a jury who will unani-
mously agree on what constitutes pornog-
raphy; and that, whatever it is, it should
be suppressed by law. In Binghamton,
to agree; that type of thing
be happening a lot. The market for por-
nography isn’t going to disappear. We're
going to have some variation on what we
had with alcohol during Prohibition, and
all we're going to get from that is cven
more corruption in local politics. It's too
carly to say for sure how this is going to
work out, but whatever happens, my
reaction as а citizen is one of outrage.
PLAYBOY: Whats your reaction as an
editor-publisher? How will rtAvnov be
HEFNER: Except for those communities
where some prosecutor is foolish enough
to think that he can make a name for
himself by going after us, they shouldn't
lect PLAYBOY at all. And let me tell you
that anybody who does try to ban
м лувоу under these decisions is going to
look nothing but foolish, because he's
going to lose. You don't win these cases
against PLAYBOY. Nobody ever has. Our
reputation is too solidly cstablished. 1
can say without any sense of glee, as a
ter of fact, that rLAvnov is actually
going to benefit commercially from these
decisions, because if the more sexually ex-
plicit publications are suppressed, then
the sexually oriented portion of ргдүноү
is obyiously going to have even greater
appeal. Suddenly, we may find ourselves
right back in the sexual avantgarde, and
I don't welcome that, because I don't
welcome censorship. But I've been fight-
ing that kind of sexual oppression for 20.
years, and I'm not going to back out of
the fight now.
PLAYBOY: What, specifically, do you p
to do?
HEFNER: The main thrust of our reaction
will be in the courts. I don't welcome
such problems, but if they arise, we'll
use whatever legal resources arc neces-
sary, not only when cases directly in-
volve rtavnoy but by funding other
anti-censorship activities through the
Playboy Foundation.
PLAYBOY: Though you've been actively in-
volved for many ycars, as you point out,
in fighting censorship aud supporting
causes related to sexual freedom, it's
been widely reported that. your interest
in broader political issues dates from the
Democratic Convention in Chicago in
1968, when a cop gave you a whack on
the rump with his night stick.
HEFNER: Some people might like to think
going to
took a swat on the ass to make mc so-
ly conscious, but the fact is that I've
had a deep concern over social issues
most of my life. The magazine has re-
flected that clearly enough over the years.
PLAYBOY: Have you ever considered act-
ing on your political beliels by run
for office?
: I've been asked that before, but
ly don’t h personal political
ions. І don't think Id be emo-
nd. quite frankly, I think 1 can
‘obably do more en
through the m: e's editorial policies
and the Foundation’s philanthropy
PLAYBOY: In whe Philosophy, you wrote
thar America was undergoing a "moral
rebirth.” Would you sul say ıl
HEFNER: | wrote that during the Kennedy
years, when optimism seemed. appropr
ate. There have been a lot of times since
then when it was difficult to be optimis-
tic, but in the past year my mood 1
been a good deal more hopeful. 1
strongly that the whole Watergate aff
for s one of the best things.
thats happened to Ame recent.
years. H shows that even at the highest
level of power. it's impossible to keep
such total corruption under wraps. That's
а dramatic demonstration. of the great
strength of our system.
We've always had petty corruption at
the state and city levels. and occasional-
ly—thanks ло ‘Teapot Dome and Spiro
Aen the Federal level as well. All
these scandals have h th people
taking money that didn't belong to
them. But Watergate was corruption of
far more ominous k
precedented scale. 1t was a conspiracy to
subvert ic process. These
men felt they were justified in what they
were doing, regardless of the law, because
they thought they knew what was best
at th
d ro do w
ad and on
n un-
the democr:
for the country and tl
was just.
he same attitude that was shown
ad over again by Nixon's reactions
1 the v ‘ongressional and
sidential committees that spent. mil-
of doll. g such problems
as obscenity, drugs and civil disorder. In
ch case, Nixon heard the results, then
mptly rejected them because they
"t fit prejudices and his own
st. But I don't see why
10wal as
. Water-
ation of the
gate was simply the culm
man’s entire record in public office.
PLAYBOY: Who would excite you as a Presi-
dential candidate in 19767
HEFNER: How арон me?
PLAYBOY: You said you weren't interested.
HEFNER: Well, if there were an honest
draft and 1 felt the nation really needed
me. . . . Uh, I'm kidding.
290 PLAYBOY: Oh.
t obvious, you'd better
delete it from the interview.
PLAYBOY: We'll take care of it. But other
than you, can you think of any likely
HEFNER: There isn’t amy one particular
"didate who excites me at the moment.
But the solutions to our problems as a so-
ıren't going to come [rom finding
some hero to lead us to better times. The
whole nature of our political system, and
its separation of power, is predicated on
the notion that no one individual should
have too much power. Yet that's just
what was happening ro the Presidency
until we caught the emperor without any
clothes on.
PLAYBOY: Even if steps are taken to curb.
President ‚ whats to prevent
the same thing from happening again
when the lessons of this experience are
HEFNER: Nothing. That's why a [ree press
is so fundamental to a democracy. Ws
the free press of this nation—the news
papers, magazines, radio and television—
that refused to let go of the Watergate
scandal. that refused to be intimidated
by the Nixon Administration’s systematic
tempts at repression, that refused to
ссері as ıs the halfdozen men
originally on trial for the break-in, that
eventually led to the exposure of the
involvement of the highest men in our
vernment and established the armos
phere that made possible the Congression-
nd Justice Department investigat
that may finally bring the true vill
justice. The only sak
repetition of this sort of il
and diligent press that will sou
appropriate warning if such de
uery ever rears its ugly head again.
PLAYBOY: Do you think PLavaoy has made
any contributions to that end?
HEFNER: 1 certainly do. In a series of
icles, interviews and editorials. we at
tempted to alert the people to the danger
ous and truly toi men who had
come into power with the Nixon Admin-
istration. The last Presidential elec
was the first in which 1 became deeply
involved personally. because I could see
the ominous directions in which our coun
iry was headed under the leadership of
these men. ely. the people
didn't listen—not enough of them, ar
way. We lost the battle; but, with Water-
gate, we've won the w
That's why it's so important for all of
us to speak out against every form of
tyranny—as we've tried to do. personally
and edi
orally, over the years, from op-
a to the war i m to legal
support for victims of reaction
governing the private sexual behavior of
consenting adults. That's the only way
in which a free and democratic society
сап survive
will be even mor
said earlier that PLaynoy
n the ne
20 years than it has been in the past 20.
But what about your own plans? Are you.
going to be running the magazine and
the company until the 40th anniversary?
HEFNER: Somewhat longer than that, |
hope. Voluntary retirem difficult
for me to imagine. PLAYBOY magazine is
still the heart of all I do, and I don’t
want to let go of more than 1 have to. 1
mean, I love it almost like a person. If E
didn't care so much, it would be easy to
step back and ОК, you've done ї
Great. Now go do something else." But 1
t Working as hard as I do. 1 feel oc-
the demands it
n me. but that’s about the only
thing that ever brings me down. At the
end of a difficult day, 1 can still relax
with my friends, doing what 1 want 10 do
and feeling like a million dollars.
PLAYEOY: Or even 900.000.000.
HEFNER: Nobody feels that good.
PLAYBOY: In view of the fact that Playboy.
Enterprises n extension
pression of your own vision. do you think
it will continue to be as successful after
you're no longer running it?
HEFNER: After I'm no longer running it?
Thats a delicate way of puting it. You
mean afier I'm ^ What con I s
Obviously, there's a long-term: prepar:
tion going on to make the comp: ade-
pendent of the energy and expertise of
any one person. In any case, you have to
recognize that my vision is shared with a
Jot of talented people who work for me,
as well as with millions of people
society, or else we wouldn't be so success-
ful. There's n:
PLAYBOY is going to pass from the scene
when 1 do--unless, of course, 1
take it with me.
PLAYBOY: Time once called your concern
about your place in history as monumen-
tal as Lyndon Johnson's: How do you
think you'll be remembered?
HEFNER: | don't think I'm the best person
10 answer that. You should ask somebody
more objective—like my mother,
PLAYBOY: Come оп
HEFNER: Well, I think I've beer
important influence on cont
sexual attitudes. Beyond th:
PLAYBOY; That sounds overly modest
True. Actually, 1 think ГИ ra
l frustration abou
reason lo assume that
decide to
not very
PLAYBOY: Try once mor
HEFNER: Well, if we hadn't had the Wi
brothers. there would si
I there hadn't be an
would still be electric lights. And if there
hadn't been a Hefner, we'd still have se
But maybe we wouldn't be enjoyi
much. So the world would be a liide
poorer. Come to think of it, so would.
some of my relatives. Let's go play a little
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